UbuntuIRC / 2014 /07 /10 /#maas.txt
Initial commit
=== jfarschman is now known as MilesDenver
=== liam_ is now known as Guest5405
=== Solution-X is now known as Solution-X|AFK
[08:16] <gmb> rvba, allenap, jtv, bigjools: Can has review plz https://code.launchpad.net/~gmb/maas/fix-get-maas-facing-server-address/+merge/226253
[08:17] <allenap> gmb: Okeydoke.
[08:17] <rvba> allenap: btw, before I forget, it would be great if the twisted replacements for celery tasks would give the same level of detail that we have with celery: "Task <task> name started" / "Task <task> completed in 3s."
[08:17] <allenap> rvba: Okay, that’s a good point.
[08:17] <rvba> allenap: maybe the compatibility layer (that will use celery *or* twisted) can take care of that.
[08:28] <rvba> bigjools: rarg, I forgot this: https://code.launchpad.net/~rvb/maas/add-doc-1.6-2/+merge/226256
[08:31] <bigjools> allenap: need to talk to you about celery replacement work
[08:31] <allenap> bigjools: Okeydoke.
=== Eisbrecher_xnox is now known as xnox
[09:12] <xnox> hey people! I have a simple idea.
[09:12] <xnox> pxe-boot initramfs & kernel, that do NFS-root boot.
[09:12] <xnox> to have my nodes disk-less.
[09:13] <xnox> does maas-controller have nfs server, or should i provide that separately?
[09:14] <xnox> next, I'd want to try NFS-root boot ubuntu-desktop iso image and preseed hand-off desktop install.
[09:17] <xnox> i guess maas doesn't even need to know anything about nfsroot boot to install.
[09:18] <xnox> it's just another pxe-boot with different files.
[09:19] <bigjools> the maas ephemeral environment is already diskless, but it uses iscsi.
[09:19] <bigjools> only server images have that built in AFAIK
[09:24] <xnox> hm. i believe livecd desktop image should be capable of iscsi.
[09:24] <xnox> bigjools: where can i read up on the maas ephemeral environment, and what is it used for?
[09:26] <bigjools> well you don't want to use the ephemeral env for installed nodes, it's just that iscsi is availabe already if you poke the right images into tgt and set the kernel options on the booted node
[09:28] <xnox> gotcha
[09:29] <bigjools> I tried to use this to boot the xbmc image like that but it doesn't come with iscsi in the kernel
[09:30] <allenap> xnox: We have discussed running up diskless nodes before. One thought we had was using Ceph, possibly negotiated via Cinder, so that iSCSI is also supported (and whatever else Cinder supports).
[09:31] <allenap> xnox: With Ceph, at least, we could do copy-on-write to immediately provision a node.
[09:31] <xnox> "Cinder is a programming library, designed to give the C++ language advanced visualization abilities. " ?
[09:31] <xnox> i'm guessing you are talking about some other cinder.
[09:32] <rvba> https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Cinder
[09:32] <xnox> cool.
[09:33] <allenap> xnox: It /might/ even be possible to get a node up and running using a network disk, while simultaneously pushing stuff to the local disk. Immediate provisioning, but ultimately using local disks.
[09:33] <allenap> But I’ve not discussed that with anyone who might be able to say if it’s possible with current tech.
[09:33] <xnox> sounds fun.
[09:34] <xnox> for me, it's mostly about our kernel, graphics, desktop testing.
[09:34] <xnox> tag machines with "ati", "nvidia", etc. And then provision them with one of the desktop installs and verify that desktop install media is correct + execute various tests (boot-testing, power testing, etc.)
[09:35] <xnox> utah is currently used, and it does provision the machines / deploys tests / collects results.
[09:35] <xnox> but the provision step is not as reliable as maas, nor as flexible.
[09:36] <allenap> xnox: https://docs.google.com/a/canonical.com/document/d/1ux5-jSct0ZSCye3s4SHD739ABZV9Ycd8897mNgKbRX0/edit (sorry to other folk, it’s Canonical-only right now) is a doc we started over a year ago to talk about diskless provisioning with MAAS.
[09:38] <allenap> xnox: blake_r has been doing some work on diskless booting for fun, https://code.launchpad.net/~blake-rouse/maas/diskless-boot/+merge/223553. I’m not sure how close this is to production ready though.
[09:58] <xnox> hm, current desktop images do not have support to install onto iscsi target. shame.
[09:58] <xnox> I should probably add that.
=== jfarschman is now known as MilesDenver
=== roadmr is now known as roadmr_afk
=== roadmr_afk is now known as roadmr
=== kentb is now known as kentb-afk
=== jfarschman1 is now known as MilesDenver
[16:53] <jhobbs_> Is there a good way to edit boot source selections in 1.6?
=== jhobbs_ is now known as jhobbs
[16:53] <jhobbs> i used the admin shell to edit the selections objects by hand
[16:54] <roaksoax> jhobbs: you can point to a different config file
[16:54] <roaksoax> newell: ^^
[16:56] <newell> roaksoax, what did you want me to look at here?
[16:57] <roaksoax> newell: what's the import command you used to point at different boot resources?
[16:57] <roaksoax> i think that's what jhobbs is wanting to do
[16:58] <jhobbs> will that replace the "grab all precise and trusty images" defaults?
[16:59] <newell> let me paste my source.yaml
[16:59] <newell> one sec
[17:00] <roaksoax> jhobbs: yeah i think so
[17:00] <roaksoax> newell: what's the command you using? maas-import-pxe-files --sources??
[17:00] <jhobbs> yeah
[17:00] <jhobbs> ok i know how to do that
[17:01] <newell> --sources-file
[17:01] <newell> http://paste.ubuntu.com/7776192/
[17:01] <newell> jhobbs, ^^
[17:01] <newell> something like that
[17:01] <jhobbs> cool
[17:01] <jhobbs> thanks
[17:15] <allenap> blake_r: Got time for an easy review? https://code.launchpad.net/~allenap/maas/operating-system-get-release-title/+merge/226346
[17:16] <blake_r> allenap: looking at it now
[17:16] <allenap> blake_r: Ta. I’ll be back later; got to feed the kids now.
[17:48] <newell> allenap, easy review for you when you get back: https://code.launchpad.net/~newell-jensen/maas/apiclient-get-flatten-sequence/+merge/226351
=== kentb-afk is now known as kentb
[18:27] <newell> allenap, do I need another review or good to land it?
[18:29] * newell set it to approved
=== jfarschman is now known as MilesDenver
=== jfarschman is now known as MilesDenver
=== roadmr is now known as roadmr_afk
=== CyberJacob|Away is now known as CyberJacob
=== roadmr_afk is now known as roadmr
[21:37] <dpb1> Hi guys... anyone seen this before? (line 88) http://paste.ubuntu.com/7777233/
[21:37] <dpb1> 2014-07-10 21:32:30 ERROR juju.provider.common bootstrap.go:119 bootstrap failed: refreshing addresses: gomaasapi: got error back from server: 401 OK (Nonce already used: 70320620)
=== jfarschman is now known as MilesDenver
[22:11] <dogfoodhead> why does maas add to /etc/hosts on every reboot?
[22:15] <dogfoodhead> why not add the ip address allocated to the node. does not play nicely with cdh5
[22:24] <dogfoodhead> hello?
[22:36] <dogfoodhead> which repository can I get the 1.6 version of maas?
[22:43] <dogfoodhead> the documentation says to use "sudo add-apt-repository cloud-archive:tools" but this does not work on 14.04
=== CyberJacob is now known as CyberJacob|Away
=== CyberJacob|Away is now known as CyberJacob
=== CyberJacob is now known as CyberJacob|Away