UbuntuIRC / 2013 /07 /12 /#ubuntu-doc.txt
Initial commit
[13:43] <mario_26> bonjour !
[16:36] <bkerensa> pleia2: So we are going to need some Wiki Admin Rights for myself and others working on the Doc Onboarding if possible.
[16:36] * bkerensa is not sure who has access to add people
[16:37] <pleia2> bkerensa: probably, I'd start a thread on the mailing list about that specifically
[16:37] <pleia2> bkerensa: I think historically we've sent "applications" to the mailing list to become wiki admins, then people comment on your qualifications
[16:38] <bkerensa> pleia2: yeah so there is already one open
[16:38] <bkerensa> but my understanding is the person who added them previously
[16:38] <pleia2> oh, I should catch up on my email
[16:38] <bkerensa> is no longer around
[16:39] <bkerensa> Phil used to have access
[16:39] <bkerensa> but is now saying something about not having it
[16:39] <bkerensa> :)
[16:39] <pleia2> he's an admin, but I think regular admins can't add people
[16:39] <pleia2> probably a ticket to Canonical IS is required
[16:40] <pleia2> the CC can add people to the launchpad team, but we have absolutely nothing to do with the wiki
[16:41] <pleia2> Canonical IS can look up who is admin on it, since you're an admin of the doc team in LP they should listen to your authorityness :) (can Cc: me on the ticket if you're worried)
[16:53] <bkerensa> pleia2: I just assign it to the Portland Canoni IS guy :p
[16:53] <pleia2> hah :)
[16:53] <pleia2> whatever works!