UbuntuIRC / 2013 /07 /12 /#bzr.txt
Initial commit
=== spiv_ is now known as spiv
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[09:48] <espressobuff> hi, i want to navigate our bazaar repo, similar to svn list
[09:49] <espressobuff> but when i try bzr ls <uri>, i get ERROR: Not a branch.... location is a repository.
[09:49] <espressobuff> how do you do it then?
[10:01] <mgz> espressobuff: as it says, it needs a branch, not just a repository
[10:02] <mgz> a repository is a store of data, a branch is the actual graph of history
[10:02] <mgz> so, eg, `bzr ls lp:bzr` works fine, because that references an actual remote branch
[10:07] <espressobuff> mgz: thanks. but i want to navigate the repo to search something that i might be interested in
[10:07] <espressobuff> what's the correct way to do that then?
[10:08] <mgz> without a branch which references the repo, you don't have anything to navigate
[10:09] <mgz> there are ways to inspect repo contents, but nearly all the time what you care about is branches
[10:09] <mgz> is there something specific you're trying to do?
[10:10] <espressobuff> can you give example of a repo vs branch? sorry i'm a total bzr newbie (from svn)
[10:12] <mgz> espressobuff: http://doc.bazaar.canonical.com/bzr.2.5/en/user-guide/core_concepts.html
[10:13] <mgz> but for example, I have ~/bzr which is a shared repo, and under that I have ~/bzr/2.5 which is a branch and a bunch of other branches
[10:18] <espressobuff> so repo is the root of branch(es)? as in svn, we usually have "trunk" and "branches" as branches of a project?
[10:19] <espressobuff> anyway, what i'm trying to do is that, say i can "bzr co bzr://bzr/data/bzr/dir1/dir2/dir3/dir4/trunk"
[10:19] <mgz> see also http://doc.bazaar.canonical.com/migration/en/survival/bzr-for-svn-users.html
[10:19] <espressobuff> and then do "bzr ls bzr://bzr/data/bzr/dir1/dir2/dir3/dir4/" just fine
[10:20] <mgz> espressobuff: no, you can't
[10:20] <mgz> that's a very svn thing to do
[10:20] <espressobuff> but i want to see the content of, say "bzr://bzr/data/bzr/"
[10:20] <mgz> well, you can, but not in the way you're thinking
[10:20] <mgz> really what you want is to just branch trunk locally, then use ls
[10:21] <espressobuff> can you give the actual command, in relation to my example? thanks
[10:22] <mgz> not without knowing what you've actualyl got, but generally, `bzr branch remote-location`
[10:22] <mgz> which gets you a local copy to work on.
[10:35] <espressobuff> ugh, sorry, maybe i just need to read up more to override my old svn concept
=== bsd1 is now known as bsd
=== iBasic is now known as BasicOSX
=== jordan__ is now known as jordan
[19:17] <eridu> is there any way to coerce bzr into accepting filenames with backslashes
[19:39] <jelmer> eridu: no, unfortunately not
[19:39] <jelmer> eridu: there is an old bug report about this
[19:39] <jelmer> eridu: http://pad.lv/81844
[19:39] <ubot5> Launchpad bug 81844 in Bazaar "backslash in filename causes InvalidEntryName etc" [Medium,Confirmed]
[19:39] <eridu> this breaks the git bridge for a project I want to hack on
[19:49] <jelmer> it's a fairly hard bug to fix, there are assumptions in a number of places in bzr that / and \ are path valid path separators
[19:50] <jelmer> well, perhaps not hard.. mostly just time-consuming I think :)
[19:54] <eridu> why not os.path.sep?
[19:54] <eridu> really I guess you'd want to forbid them in most cases but accept them if they appear
[19:56] <SamB> it's a ROYALLY STUPID idea to EVER have \ in a path component
[19:57] <jelmer> eridu: that means it becomes impossible to use some repositories on both Windows and POSIX/Mac
[19:57] <eridu> SamB: I wouldn't have put it in, but this project literally has a file named '\'
[19:57] <eridu> jelmer: I caught that just after sending it
[19:58] <jelmer> ideally bzr should just use one path separator internally ("/"), and accept "\" as a path separator too on windows
[19:58] <SamB> it is equally stupid to have / in a path component, of course, but since no major platform allows it ...
[19:58] <jelmer> translating it from \ to / and from \ to / where necessary
[19:58] <jelmer> but that means there are a fair number of code paths you have to update
[19:59] <jelmer> SamB: I'm sure you can find a unicode character that looks enough like a forward slash if you really want to :)
[20:03] <fullermd> That's what unicode is FOR, after all. The old 7-bit ways of making confusing filenames are SO last century.
[20:10] <jelmer> fullermd: ๐Ÿ˜œ