UbuntuIRC / 2012 /12 /24 /#ubuntu-devel.txt
Initial commit
[00:00] <blami> RAOF: at least that was what I saw on latest FUDcon
[00:00] <blami> RAOF: but it is very nice to hear that Ubuntu is on bleeding edge in this thing
[00:24] <PovAddict> where can I find compilation logs of packages in ubuntu?
[00:26] <directhex> PovAddict, which package specifically?
[00:26] <PovAddict> libpqxx-3.1
[00:27] <directhex> 3.1-1.1 ?
[00:27] <PovAddict> yes
[00:28] <directhex> right hand side of https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libpqxx3/3.1-1.1, under "Builds"
[00:28] <directhex> then click "buildlog" for the given architecture
[00:28] <directhex> e.g. https://launchpadlibrarian.net/106411712/buildlog_ubuntu-quantal-i386.libpqxx3_3.1-1.1_BUILDING.txt.gz
[00:32] <PovAddict> matches debian wrt the part I was wondering... so I still don't know what the heck is going on
[00:33] <PovAddict> http://paste.kde.org/630830/
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[07:19] <tjaalton> infinity: i did, and it woould make sense. not sure if i have it on or off
[07:23] <infinity> tjaalton: Hasn't hung since I disabled it earlier today, though that's not very scientific. Will probably have to give it a week.
[07:23] <infinity> tjaalton: But turning it on may at least help you reproduce, if you're interested.
[07:42] <tjaalton> infinity: yeah, quite likely
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=== cpg is now known as cpg|away
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
[14:01] <stgraber> tkamppeter_: hmm, can't you testbuild on your nexus7? 13 uploads of xbmc in a month seems a bit excessive :)
=== iulian is now known as Guest46178
=== Guest46178 is now known as iulian
=== tkamppeter_ is now known as tkamppeter
=== Quintasan_ is now known as Quintasan
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha
=== cpg|away is now known as cpg
=== cpg is now known as cpg|away
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[22:49] <blami> hi, i have question regarding the ppa and ubuntu packaging. I have git tree of project I am contributing to and I want to be able to create source package for my personal ppa directly from it. Do I understand correctly I will need to package current state of tree (a single checkout) to orig tar and then build a debian package from it?
[22:52] <blami> also is there best practice for maintaining ubuntu package directly from the git source tree? I can't push my debian/ directory upstream for obvious reasons s I have it uncommited in source tree, but would be nice if I could version my changes there in bzr branch, but reading through docs I'm definitely missing something as all guides I was able to find start from upstream .tar.gz
[23:06] <bkerensa> Happy Holidays!
[23:24] <dobey> blami: you can create an import branch on launchpad for the project in question, so that it will import the git tree into a bzr branch. if your git tree has ever had submodules though, this will likely break. then you can create a bzr branch with the contents of the debian/ dir you wish to use for packaging, and create a source package recipe which uses the imported bzr branch, and nests the external debian branch in the debia
[23:24] <dobey> blami: or you can create a tarball release, and do a normal package that way
[23:31] <blami> dobey: to use source recipe do I need the project itself in bzr branch?
[23:34] <blami> and when I import it to bzr does it mean lp will track git repo for me or do I need poke it everytime when I change something in "upstream" (my git tree)? It sounds a little bit 'overengineered' to me to have a chain of two vcs'es to just build package with local changes
[23:43] <dobey> blami: yes, the code has to be in a bzr branch to use the source recipe
[23:43] <dobey> and yes, lp will auto-import new revisions for imported branches
[23:45] <blami> dobey: thanks I will look into this. Is there any doc on source recipes? I'm fairly new to ubuntu and still getting familiar with all those amazing things around lp
[23:46] <dobey> there's documentation on launchpad