UbuntuIRC / 2012 /12 /21 /#bzr.txt
Initial commit
=== \u03b5 is now known as Guest68174
=== ReekenX|AFK is now known as ReekenX
=== LoganCloud_ is now known as LoganCloud
=== LoganCloud is now known as Guest35627
=== Guest35627 is now known as LoganCloud
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
=== fredp` is now known as fredp
=== Guest68174 is now known as \u03b5
[13:36] <Wiz_KeeD> hey guys
[13:37] <Wiz_KeeD> can someone tell me if i made a bzr pull and i had two conflicts
[13:37] <Wiz_KeeD> how can i get the latest revision with overwrite
[13:37] <Wiz_KeeD> ?
[13:39] <jelmer> Wiz_KeeD: bzr revert && bzr pull --overwrite
[13:47] <LarstiQ> hoi jelmer
[13:48] <LarstiQ> jelmer: which parts of the world do you plan to see? :)
=== mthaddon is now known as frogman
[15:01] <lduros> hi, how can you tell the location of the "parent" of a branch
[15:02] <lduros> such as when you do "bzr push :parent"
[15:28] <LeoNerd> bzr info
[15:41] <gmarkall> ERROR: Not a branch
[15:41] <gmarkall> whoops, sorry
=== Logan_ is now known as Guest17481
=== Logan__ is now known as Logan_
[23:24] <jelmer> LarstiQ: For the moment, it looks like I'm just going to visit various bits of Europe
[23:24] * jelmer waves from Dresden :-)
[23:24] <jelmer> LarstiQ: how's life in .fi?