UbuntuIRC / 2012 /08 /17 /#ubuntu-arm.txt
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[09:24] <ikke-t> hi, is there even theoretical change to get xbmc working on pandaboard?
[09:25] <ikke-t> i just started it after apt-get install and it is extremely slow, gui updates takes forever
[09:27] <ogra_> i think linaro offers older xbmc images
[09:32] <LetoThe2nd> ikke-t: http://rsalveti.wordpress.com/2012/07/29/pre-built-images-for-xbmc-ubuntu-12-04-based-with-hw-acceleration-finally-available-at-linaro/
[09:36] <ikke-t> thanks, I'll give it a spin.
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[12:14] <ogra_> infinity, http://paste.ubuntu.com/1152481/ how about that for finiding the root UUID ?
[12:15] <ogra_> (for flash-kernel)
[12:28] <jimerickson> omap4+armhf Aug-17 image the install fails with a system error on pandaboard ES. also there is no desktop in the live image just the 2 icons.
[12:29] <ogra_> expected, there are no 3D drivers on the image and unity-2d was dropped
[12:29] <jimerickson> ok thanks
[12:30] <ogra_> thats unlikely to change in the short term
[12:30] <jimerickson> i will keep that in mind
[12:57] <ppisati> but the "system error" sounds scary
[13:02] <ogra_> ppisati, agreed
[13:14] <ppisati> ogra_: i'm planning the 3.5 upload today, what's the state of the image?
[13:14] <ogra_> server seems to be fine
[13:14] <ogra_> desktop is dead and will stay so until we have the 3D driver
[13:15] <ppisati> what?!?!
[13:16] <ogra_> ppisati, see above
[13:17] <ogra_> ubuntu doesnt ship any 2D capable desktop anymore since yesterday
[13:18] <ppisati> so, no matter what we do, next omap4 desktop image is going to be broken
[13:19] <ogra_> yes
[13:19] <ogra_> until we have a working PVR driver
[13:19] <ppisati> can't remember...
[13:19] <ppisati> but i think i tried unity on omap4 without pvr driver
[13:20] <ogra_> sure that wasnt unity-2d ?
[13:20] <ppisati> no
[13:20] <ppisati> but again
[13:20] <ppisati> i could be wrong
[13:20] <ppisati> i've my panda connected
[13:20] <ppisati> let me try
[13:20] <ogra_> ubiquity and the install should work (if there isnt a ubiquity bug indeed)
[13:20] <ogra_> they both dont use 3D
[13:21] <ogra_> but you wont be able to run a desktop session nor will you have a desktop after install
[13:25] <ppisati> flag@panda:~$ dpkg -l | grep pvr
[13:25] <ppisati> flag@panda:~$ uname -a
[13:25] <ppisati> Linux panda 3.5.0-207-omap4 #13 SMP PREEMPT Fri Aug 17 13:02:27 UTC 2012 armv7l armv7l armv7l GNU/Linux
[13:25] <ppisati> and i'm logged in a ubuntu session
[13:25] <ogra_> on todays image ?
[13:25] <ppisati> it's still P/omap4 userbase
[13:26] <ogra_> precise automatically falls back to unity-2d
[13:26] <ogra_> ps ax|grep unity-2d
[13:26] <ppisati> ogra_: uhm no
[13:26] <ogra_> qunatal dropped all fallback mechnaisms yesterday
[13:26] <ppisati> ogra_: yes
[13:26] <ppisati> ogra_: you are right
[13:26] <ppisati> ogra_: it's unity2d
[13:26] <ppisati> crap...
[13:26] <ogra_> i.e no desktop from todays image on
[13:27] <ogra_> dont tell me :)
[13:28] <ppisati> is skaet aware of this?
[13:31] <ogra_> ppisati, i would assume so ... will ask her in the release meeting today :)
[13:36] <ppisati> ogra_: i'm just following up in the "Unity Going Forward" thread right now
[13:37] <ogra_> fyi the plan is to get PVR on the image by default
[13:37] <ogra_> all other arm desktops will have to swithc to something else
[13:39] <ogra_> ppisati, also see the last paragraph here https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-release/2012-August/001754.html
[13:40] * ppisati is officialy sad...
[13:41] <ogra_> ppisati, same here ... especially after rickspencer3 announced arm desktop should be a first class citizen .... we will lose all non panda testers
[13:41] <lilstevie> ogra_, unless the tegra driver ever gets fixed I am going to have to switch :(
[13:42] <rickspencer3> grrrrrr
[13:42] <ogra_> (and even the ones using panda will pretty quickly uninstall unity and go with something that doesnt block their video playback)
[13:42] <ogra_> rickspencer3, why grr ? it is what it is
[13:42] <rickspencer3> ogra_, I guess we can keep Unity 2d alive ourselves for the panda board (assuming that's what you were discussing)
[13:42] <rickspencer3> ogra_, you are right
[13:43] <ogra_> rickspencer3, well, i dont really want to have to special case official images ...
[13:43] <rickspencer3> tbh, I don't blame them for dropping 2d under the circumstances
[13:43] <ogra_> i was assuming unity-2d stays around in universe anyway and planning to probably switch ac100 to it ...
[13:43] <ogra_> and beagle probably too
[13:44] <ogra_> as i understand the panda image it should not differ from normal desktop if possible
[13:44] <ogra_> so people will actually test 3D experience on arm
[13:44] <ogra_> the prob here is that the GPU is already fully loaded when using unity on that device
[13:45] <ogra_> if you want to play a full HD movie while compositing is enabled, the gPU goes to its knees
[13:45] <ogra_> oh, and indeed the gstreamer hacks from TI dont allow to play any non HD movies anymore :)
[13:46] <ogra_> so i fear people will rather have not such a positive experience even though we can demo the bling now
[13:50] <rickspencer3> ogra_, the good news is that they are setting up Unity 3d with a mode where there are limited effects so that it can run ok in KVM
[13:51] <rickspencer3> maybe this will work
[13:51] <ogra_> might, depends on how much composite that will need
[13:52] <rickspencer3> I wonder if we can hack it a bit to make it even lighter?
[14:17] <ogra_> heh
[14:17] * ogra_ just stumbled over lscpu
[14:17] <ogra_> what a pointless tool on arm
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[14:21] <ppisati> ogra_: going to pull 3.5 Q/omap4 about now...
[14:22] <ogra_> \o/
[15:10] <GrueMaster> I still think 3D only Unity is an overall bad idea. Has it been tested with remote desktop instances? (not VNC)
[15:12] * robclark wonders how well llvmpipe works on arm..
[15:12] <robclark> ie. how much is it going to suck if you don't have 3d drivers
[15:13] <ogra_> it doesnt work at all afaik
[15:13] <robclark> btw.. is there an easy way to disable apport? When I'm debugging x11 and gfx stuff and I know that things are crashing, it would be nice not to get flooded w/ "a problem has happend" dialogs
[15:14] <ogra_> yeah, /etc/default/apport
[15:14] <robclark> cool, thx
[15:14] <robclark> hmm, no llvmpipe.. I wonder how well unity-3d would work out of the box when you have no 3d?
[15:15] <GrueMaster> About as well as it does now. Not at all.
[15:15] <GrueMaster> Users will be greated with a nice pretty blank (albeit orange & purple) screen.
[15:15] <robclark> heh.. well, I do have unity 3d working here now (on 12.04.. but w/ an special kernel
[15:16] <robclark> basically I need to do something a bit more extreme and bypass most of omapdss to solve the special effects that you get otherwise
[15:17] <robclark> this omap ppa for precise plus this kernel works fine w/ unity3d: http://people.freedesktop.org/~robclark/try9
[15:50] <rsalveti> at least it seems that with the new compiz things are working way better than before
[15:50] <rsalveti> way faster
[15:50] <rsalveti> but would be indeed nice to check with llvmpipe
[15:51] <rsalveti> but don't know if people already tested for x86
[15:51] <ogra_> all i know about current llvmpipe status is that it simply dies on arm
[15:51] <ogra_> not talking from experience though
[15:55] <rsalveti> but I don't yet know if it's functional at x86 still
[15:56] <ogra_> it apparently is, but requires a ton of horesepower
[16:10] <balloons> ogra_, I wanted to ask you about the new kernel being pushed out for the arm images.. will it solve the not able to boot the desktop bug or no?
[16:11] <balloons> what are the plans for implementing a 3d driver or othewise getting support for unity3d on a pandaboard?
[16:12] <ogra_> we have a 3D driver that we plan to put onto the images once it works
[16:12] <balloons> ogra_, is that timelined to happen this cycle or no?
[16:13] <ogra_> its in TIs and linaros hands ... but i would asume so, yes
[16:13] <ogra_> until it is there (and until the compiz GLES bits are actually in the package which they arent either) we wont have a desktop
[16:14] <rsalveti> yes, hopefully in the next few days
[16:14] <rsalveti> goal is before feature freeze :-)
[16:14] <ogra_> right, but that doesnt give us compiz yet :)
[16:15] <rsalveti> when is compiz going to be pushed?
[16:15] <rsalveti> after feature freeze?
[16:15] <rsalveti> doesn't seems right :-)
[16:15] <ogra_> no idea, i would assume before ...
[16:15] <ogra_> but they know GLES is an essential bit this time
[16:15] <ogra_> so they might delay for it and make it an FFe
[16:27] <infinity> Ooo, a 3.5.0 omap4 kernel.
[16:27] <infinity> Does it work?
[16:27] <rsalveti> works better than the 3.4 one
[16:27] <rsalveti> at least on panda ES
[16:27] <infinity> Shiny.
[16:28] <ogra_> yeah
[16:28] <rsalveti> didn't have a freeze with 3.5, with 3.4 it was happening mostly on every boot
[16:28] <rsalveti> probably because of the powermanagement issues we had with it
[16:29] <rsalveti> ogra_: we're using the WIP compiz package at the linaro ppa, and it's working quite well already
[16:29] <ogra_> my panda test install is running without issues since wed.
[16:29] <rsalveti> so I think they are getting closer to the point of actually pushing the new package to ubuntu
[16:29] <ogra_> rsalveti, plain upstream ?
[16:29] <ogra_> well, yes, i was quite pushy the last weeks :)
[16:29] <rsalveti> I think there are still a few minor pieces that are part of another branch, but most already got merged
[16:30] <ogra_> but they were still drowning in gsettings issues until very recently
[16:30] <rsalveti> oh, ok
[16:30] <rsalveti> so probably blocked by some other generic issues then
[16:30] <ogra_> well, as long as we have *any* desktop by release day i'm happy :)
[16:30] <rsalveti> :-)
[16:30] * ogra_ starts to prepare an openbox fallback session ... just in case :P
[16:32] <ogra_> rsalveti, oh, btw ... bug 1035407
[16:32] <ubot2`> Launchpad bug 1035407 in pvr-omap4 "pvr-omap4 package doesn't declare a dependency on the corresponding X video ABI" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1035407
[16:33] <ogra_> do you want to fix that with your new upload or does it make any sese if i upload a fix with the current package from the archive
[16:33] <rsalveti> let's fix it with the new one
[16:33] * ogra_ thought so
[16:33] <ogra_> seems thats a new policy
[16:34] <rsalveti> I thought initially that the abi wouldn't be an issue because the driver is part of a hook at the -omap one
[16:34] <rsalveti> but it seems that both needs to match
[16:34] <ogra_> for dependencies in any case
[16:35] <rsalveti> yeah
[16:35] <ogra_> and isnt the driver also linked against the xlibs somewhere ?
[16:35] <ogra_> or does -omap completely shield that off
[16:35] <rsalveti> would need to check, but it's probably linked to xlibs and dri as well
[16:36] <ogra_> yeah, so thats bound to the abi then
[16:37] <infinity> Depending on the X ABI isn't even remotely a new policy, it's just that binary drivers got it wrong in the past.
[16:37] <infinity> And pvr-omap4's packaging was cargo-culted from nvidia or fglrx, so inherited the same wrongness. :P
[16:37] <ogra_> yep
[16:38] <ogra_> tegra has the issue as well ... but i'm waiting for nvidia for that one
[16:42] <ogra_> infinity, soo, for flash-kernel i was thinking about something like this:
[16:42] <ogra_> UUID=$(blkid -o value $(mount 2>/dev/null| grep "on /${1%/} " | tail -n1 | cut -d' ' -f1) 2>/dev/null|head -1)
[16:42] <ogra_> do you think relying on the mount output is enough or should i also check other places (fstab etc)
[16:42] <ppisati> rsalveti: 3.4 Q/omap4 was an exact photocopy of tilt/tilt-tracking back then, so you should have hit the same problem with both
[16:43] <rsalveti> probably
[16:43] <rsalveti> the latest 3.4 one behaves better as well
[16:47] <infinity> ogra_: fstab has no guarantee of being right.
[16:47] <ogra_> yeah, i thought so
[16:48] <ogra_> its just that it will complain (or find nothing) if /proc isnt mounted
[16:48] <infinity> ogra_: Well, especially in the case where, say, you've moved the filesystem and are re-running flash-kernel specifically to fix things.
[16:50] <infinity> ogra_: Relying on proc for bootloader functions seems perfectly reasonable for me. It should error out if [ ! -d /proc/1 ] or something.
[16:50] <ogra_> yep
[16:50] <ogra_> looking at that line above i should probably scatter a few more "2>/dev/null" over it :P
[16:51] * ogra_ is embarassed
[16:57] <jocarter> heh
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