UbuntuIRC / 2010 /09 /21 /#ubuntu-installer.txt
Initial commit
[00:47] <ibizatryx> hi all, i'm having issues with the software center. i can't install any files from it. can someone help please?
[00:52] <ibizatryx> mmmmmmm
[00:56] <cjwatson> we don't do software-center here, only initial OS installation
[00:56] <cjwatson> I don't know if they have a dedicated channel
[00:59] <ibizatryx> thanks anyways :(
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
[09:29] <CIA-28> ubiquity: evand * r4380 trunk/ (bin/ubiquity-dm debian/changelog):
[09:29] <CIA-28> ubiquity: Disable locking the screen and switching users in the installer
[09:29] <CIA-28> ubiquity: session (LP: #644016).
[09:49] <cjwatson> superm1: excellent changelog message
[09:49] <cjwatson> * Fix recovery from recovery of a recovery. (LP: #643889)
[09:50] <ev> haha
[10:03] <njm> Hey Guys, since I updated my Ubuntu 10.04 Remix on my netbook, my 3G USB Dongle doesn't work anymore... It says: waiting for usb device to settle in dmesg. Any ideas?
[10:05] <CIA-28> ubiquity: evand * r4381 trunk/ (139 files in 3 dirs): Update translations from Launchpad.
[10:06] <ev> njm: please ask in #ubuntu . This channel is for installer development.
[10:06] <njm> Will do, thanx
[10:06] <ev> sure thing
[10:06] <ev> good luck
[10:09] <CIA-28> ubiquity: evand * r4382 trunk/ (configure configure.ac debian/changelog): Release as 2.4.0
[10:22] <CIA-28> ubiquity: evand * r4383 trunk/debian/changelog: releasing version 2.4.0
[12:17] <ogra> hmm, yesterdays image had a busy cursor all the time while oem-config was running, was that dropped again ?
[14:18] <ev> woo, finally got fakechroot working with debootstrap.
[14:18] <persia> \o/
[14:21] <ev> (apparently the -s flag is magic)
[14:21] <ev> right, lunch
[15:40] <ara> ev, kubuntu ubiquity crasher, for your debugging pleasure
[15:40] <ara> bug 644407
[15:40] <ubot2> Launchpad bug 644407 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "Partman crashes in Kubuntu (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/644407
[15:41] <ev> thanks
[15:52] <CIA-28> ubiquity: evand * r4384 trunk/ (3 files in 3 dirs):
[15:52] <CIA-28> ubiquity: Fix the installer window growing and shrinking when typing in the
[15:52] <CIA-28> ubiquity: boxes on the user setup page.
[15:59] <ev> Anyone have an objection to me also tailing syslog in the installer details section? Quite a bit of installer-related detail ends up there.
[16:04] <superm1> sounds sensible to me
[16:04] <superm1> how are you going to tail both though in the single vte?
[16:05] <ev> superm1: tail -f /var/log/installer/debug -f /var/log/syslog -q
[16:05] <superm1> oh neat, i didn't know tail could do multiple files
[16:06] <superm1> you might consider changing that though for when running oem-config to be /var/log/oem-config.log and /var/log/syslog
[16:06] <ev> good call!
[16:07] <ev> and yeah, I only recently stumbled upon it myself
[17:03] <CIA-28> ubiquity: evand * r4385 trunk/ (3 files in 3 dirs):
[17:03] <CIA-28> ubiquity: Do not show the prepare page by means of hiding the language page
[17:03] <CIA-28> ubiquity: before the former is ready.
[17:58] <ev> interesting. You can't read syslog if you run python under sudo and then drop privileges.
[17:59] <CIA-28> ubiquity: evand * r4386 trunk/ (2 files in 2 dirs):
[17:59] <CIA-28> ubiquity: Fix a crash in the KDE partitioning page when no partitions are
[17:59] <CIA-28> ubiquity: available for resizing (LP: #644407).
[17:59] <cjwatson> iz 0640 root:adm iirc
[17:59] <ev> yes, but ubuntu is in adm
[17:59] <cjwatson> maybe we're not calling setgroups
[18:00] <cjwatson> doesn't look like we are
[18:00] <ev> ahhh, well spotted
[18:02] <cjwatson> really quite startlingly tedious to get the right list, unless I'm missing something
[18:06] <cjwatson> mind you the python for it is a hell of a lot shorter than the C ;-)
[18:17] <ev> http://paste.ubuntu.com/497857/ seems to work
[18:18] <ev> I'll extend that to cover all cases
[18:18] <ev> and indeed :)
[18:19] <cjwatson> oh, heh, I was doing it too but was interrupted by a phone call
[18:20] <ev> oh, sorry
[18:20] <cjwatson> no problem
[18:20] <cjwatson> I came up with http://paste.ubuntu.com/497859/ but haven't tested it
[18:20] <cjwatson> the guts seem equivalent
[18:20] <ev> yes, but you're right to do it in a list comprehension
[18:20] <cjwatson> IIRC it's important to do setgroups before setegid on the way down and setgroups after setegid on the way up
[18:21] <cjwatson> I forget the details, it's just embedded in the cookbook bit of my brain
[18:21] <ev> lol
[18:21] <ev> I presume you have an entire copy of Stevens in there
[18:23] <cjwatson> no, that's on my bookshelf ;)
[18:49] <ev> cjwatson: http://paste.ubuntu.com/497877/ - how does that looks? You were missing casts to int and you'd hit a permissions issue if a drop was called inside a drop.
[18:50] <ev> look*
[18:56] <cjwatson> looks ok. we could perhaps even stick a try around setgroups
[19:01] <CIA-28> ubiquity: evand * r4387 trunk/ (debian/changelog ubiquity/misc.py):
[19:01] <CIA-28> ubiquity: Call setgroups() when raising and dropping privileges. Thanks Colin
[19:01] <CIA-28> ubiquity: Watson!
[19:02] <CIA-28> ubiquity: evand * r4388 trunk/ (debian/changelog ubiquity/frontend/gtk_ui.py):
[19:02] <CIA-28> ubiquity: Also tail syslog in the installer details pane, since that's where
[19:02] <CIA-28> ubiquity: the action is.
[19:08] <ev> ugh, I wish pylint and pychecker weren't so incredibly silly
[19:08] <ev> I've nearly got pyflakes to a point where it's not outputting errors, but only by virtue of it not actually doing much
[21:10] <dlyneswork> I'm just wondering if there's a specific version of ubuntu that instead of doing a warm boot (reboot into bios bootup sequence), it shuts down all services and processes, reloads the kernel, and starts everything all back up again, without ever going to the bios?
[21:10] <dlyneswork> Our IT guy gave me a ubuntu burn that doesn't do a bios reboot when you issue a reboot command...that's why I'm asking
[22:22] <ev> dlyneswork: please ask in #ubuntu, this channel is for installer development
[22:23] <dlyneswork> Oh, ok...thought it was questions about the installer
[22:23] <dlyneswork> Thanks
[22:23] <ev> sure thing