UbuntuIRC / 2010 /09 /03 /#kubuntu-devel.txt
Initial commit
=== JontheEchidna changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: KDE 4.5.1 packaging http://ツ.tv/4a | Maverick Beta released! | Todo: http://ツ.tv/4c | Milestoned bugs tagged Kubuntu http://tinyurl.com/33p7vu3
[01:41] <jcgs> Hi, I think I've found a problem in kopete, more specific than that it crashes all the time
[01:41] <jcgs> if you don't have kopete-gcall installed, it still allows you to create an xmpp account, but then complains about missing binaries and advises you to check your installation
[01:49] <jcgs> any thoughts?
[01:57] <ryanakca> Riddell: Pong
[02:02] * ryanakca reboots after upgrading to Maverick, hopefully I'll return :)
[02:19] <jcgs> no thoughts?
[02:21] <Kolia> jcgs: it's 3 am in western europe ;) lots of people sleeping here I guess
[02:22] <jcgs> only 2am in britain
[02:22] <Kolia> right, i'm in france ;)
[02:23] <jcgs> but that means it's 9pm in new york and 6pm in san fransisco
[02:23] <jjesse> most of the kubuntu developers are in europe ;)
[02:39] <jjesse-netbook_> who had the bug/question on kopete?
[02:39] <jjesse-netbook_> i can validate it
[02:39] <jcgs> moi
=== jjesse-netbook_ is now known as jjesse-netbook
[02:40] <jcgs> jjesse-netbook: i did, should i report it on kde?
[02:41] <jcgs> jjesse-netbook: or on launchpad?
[02:41] <jjesse-netbook> i think launchpad as it migth be a way choqok is packaged?
[02:41] <jjesse-netbook> sry meant kopete
[02:43] <jcgs> will do
[02:47] <txwikinger> It would be helpful if a download link would be added to http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kubuntu-maverick-meerkat-1010-beta-released
[02:48] <txwikinger> ryanakca: ^^
[02:50] <Riddell> jcgs: yes we need to fix that
[02:50] <Riddell> jcgs: do file a bug on launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdenetwork and let me know the number
[02:52] <jcgs> 629217 sorry, it's filed under kopete atm
[02:52] <ScottK> Riddell: As you probably saw in -release, I'm trying to dribble 4.5.1 into the archive in a semi-orderly manner.
[02:52] <Riddell> ScottK: so I see, thanks
[02:52] <ScottK> Wasn't it foresightful of me to get cjwatson to leave the queue under my control for the night ....
[02:53] <Riddell> don't let the power go to your head :)
[02:53] <ScottK> If only armel weren't omfg slow we could do this without retries.
[02:54] * ScottK needs apachelogger to go next door to Italy and counsel lex79 on using build-deps we actuallly have in the archive.
[02:55] <lex79> what's wrong?
[02:55] <ScottK> lex79: We don't have qt4-x11 rc1 in the archive yet.
[02:56] * ScottK had to reupload kdebindings.
[02:56] <ScottK> (not a huge problem)
[02:57] <Riddell> you can queue up qt4-x11 though
[02:57] * Riddell snoozes
[02:57] <lex79> ScottK: usually we upload qt4-x11 before all packages...well not a huge problem like you said
[02:57] <lex79> ;)
[02:58] <ScottK> lex79: Planning on doing it after kde, since the time between when at finishes building on i386 and when it finishes on other archs any kde package will ftbfs.
[02:58] <ScottK> Were is qt4-x11 to upload?
[02:58] <lex79> in bzr I think
[02:58] <lex79> and in ninja ppa
[02:59] <ScottK> Would you please check if there's any stuff in bzr that's not in the PPA?
[02:59] <lex79> yes
[02:59] <ScottK> Thanks.
[03:03] <jcgs> Riddell: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kopete/+bug/629217 is that ok?
[03:03] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 629217 in kopete (Ubuntu) "incomplete separation of kopete and kopete-gcall" [Undecided,New]
[03:05] * ScottK gentle taps shadeslayer on the arm and points ^^^
[03:08] <lex79> ScottK: in ninja ppa there is a new binary package libqt4-openvg, which is not present in bzr...I think it comes from the merge with debian
[03:09] <ScottK> lex79: I think we better leave it for Riddell or apachelogger to sort out in the morning. I haven't been following it.
[03:09] <ScottK> lex79: Thanks for checking.
[03:10] <lex79> no problem
[03:20] <lex79> I copied 4.5.1 for Lucid in backport ppa, if someone want make the announcement in kubuntu.org
[03:22] <claydoh> what is this veromix option in the systray's extra items section?
[03:23] <claydoh> nevermind found the info
[03:25] <ScottK> ryanakca: ^^^^
[03:25] <ScottK> (4.5.1 announcement)
[03:25] <ScottK> It's built enough on Maverick that announcing is fine with the usual "packages are still building" caveat.
[03:35] <lex79> ScottK: kdeedu and kdeartwork are in queue or we still have to upload them?
[03:35] <ScottK> lex79: In queue.
[03:35] <lex79> ok
[03:40] <ryanakca> Silly me, I chose to dist upgrade while only part of 4.5.1 was in Maverick
[03:40] <ryanakca> lex79: Will do
[03:40] <lex79> thanks
[03:51] <ScottK> Riddell: I'm off to bed. Assuming slangasek accepts kdeedu an hour from now like I asked on -release and it's built, published, etc, the way ought to be clear for you to accept the balance of KDE stuff.
[03:52] <ScottK> Riddell: I'd prefer it if we held off on Qt until we got done building KDE (or at least get the builds started)
[03:55] <ScottK> Good night all.
[04:13] <ryanakca> KDE 4.5.1 announcement up
[04:19] <ryanakca> txwikinger: A download link wasn't added directly to the announcement (rather on the instructions linked to from the announcement) to make people work a bit (read instructions) before doing something that could potentially break their system... but if it's an issue and nobody objects, I can do it in the morning
[04:22] <txwikinger> ah
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[09:17] <apachelogger> ScottK: I am not sure I computewhat there is to sort out ^^
[09:17] <apachelogger> good morning Kubuntu btw :)
[09:52] <apachelogger> Riddell: is it intentional that you did not set rekonq as default browser in the default apps kcm?
[10:11] <apachelogger> Mamarok: does kubuntu-users have a moderation queue?
[10:11] * apachelogger doesnt really wanna subscribe to post something
[10:11] <apachelogger> ulysses: pingypingypingy
[10:12] <jussi> hrrr
[10:12] <jussi> http://paste.ubuntu.com/487705/
[10:13] <apachelogger> doki doki time!
[10:13] <apachelogger> jussi: update your cache :P
[10:13] <apachelogger> and do not use silly mirrors :P
[10:13] * jussi changes the mirror........
[10:15] <jussi> apachelogger: yeah, was .fi mirror issue, works with main
[10:15] * jussi slaps mirrors
[10:16] <apachelogger> jussi: since it was a 403 I suppose the mirror locks while syncing with archive (random guess0
[10:17] <jussi> apachelogger: ahh, that would make sense. thanks!
[10:19] <Mamarok> apachelogger: a queue not, we actually do react daily
[10:19] <Mamarok> but I can of course moderate you :)
[10:20] <Mamarok> once I have managed to disable akonadi as it is running wild here, killing doesn't help
[10:20] <Mamarok> any hints how I can do that?
[10:20] <Mamarok> googling is not possible, the system is thrashing like mad
[10:21] <Mamarok> it takes 2 minutes from one desktop to another :(
[10:21] <apachelogger> Mamarok: depends on what task is running wild
[10:21] <apachelogger> killall -9 akonadifoo
[10:21] <apachelogger> foo replaced by the name ^^
[10:21] <Mamarok> well, I would like to stop akonadi and stop it to start itself uèp again permanently
[10:21] <apachelogger> or in ksysguard send terminate or some such to all akonadis
[10:21] <Mamarok> I aloready tried that, doesn't work
[10:21] <Mamarok> and the system settings are such a mess I can't find anything in there anymore
[10:21] <apachelogger> -9 should always work
[10:22] <apachelogger> well
[10:22] <Mamarok> well, it still starts again
[10:22] <apachelogger> there is a search ;)
[10:22] <apachelogger> yeah
[10:22] <apachelogger> I do think you cannot stop it from starting
[10:22] <apachelogger> Mamarok: you could try deleting /usr/share/dbus-1/services/org.freedesktop.Akonadi.Control.service
[10:23] <apachelogger> if that fixes it it will however reapppear whenever akonadi-server gets updated
[10:23] <Mamarok> OK, I restart my KDE, moment, that is getting out of control here
[10:30] <apachelogger> Xand3r: lol, my fan club now has a channel :O
[10:33] <Mamarok> apachelogger: hey :) where is it?
[10:33] <apachelogger> Mamarok: what?
[10:34] <Mamarok> the fanclub channel :)
[10:34] <apachelogger> oh
[10:34] <apachelogger> #we-love-harald
[10:34] <apachelogger> the launchpad page says at least
[10:34] <apachelogger> hm
[10:34] <apachelogger> plasma-mobile segfaults on me :(
[10:35] <Mamarok> apachelogger: and why are you not in there?
[10:35] <apachelogger> I am not a fan of self love :P
[10:35] <apachelogger> or do you want to worship me ;)
[10:36] <Mamarok> of course :)
[10:37] <Mamarok> btw, didn't you ask to have a mail moderated in kubuntu-users?
[10:37] <apachelogger> me kicks plasma-mobile and starts setting up kmail so he can spam again
[10:37] <apachelogger> Mamarok: yeah, not now though
[10:37] <apachelogger> was just a general question whether I need to register to spam ^^
[10:53] <apachelogger> Riddell, ulysses, ryanakca: I think we need to streamline how we refer to versions in publications
[10:54] <apachelogger> if I did not know that "10.10 == Maverick Meerkat" then I would be jolly confused over various things we write from day to day
[10:56] <apachelogger> ryanakca: please list the ninjas that have contributed to 4.5.1 (https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Ninjas/Packaging) instead of just refering to them as ninjas
[10:56] <apachelogger> ryanakca: also please add a picture to the news
[11:15] <Riddell> apachelogger: the general rule is we use codenames up to beta and numbers from beta onwards
[11:40] * apachelogger gets a headache from argument parsing
[11:40] <apachelogger> Riddell: I wonder if that makes sense from a readers POV
[11:56] <ryanakca> apachelogger: Well, if you use both in an announcement title, most should be able to induce... but I may be wrong
[11:56] <apachelogger> maybe, maybe not
[11:57] <apachelogger> it gets especially sick if you mix two series
[11:57] <apachelogger> like in the august team report
[11:57] <apachelogger> where one line goes on abut lucid and maverick and the other talks about 10.10
[11:59] <apachelogger> Nightrose: you know, I think the release-script redesign is a fail
[11:59] <apachelogger> I do not seem to see a sane approach on how to integrate option parsing
[12:06] <ryanakca> Hmmm... it would be nice if people also put their real name in Kubuntu/Ninjas/Packaging. It reminds me of the big debate when Canonical insisted that all LP beta testers use their full name, presumably because nobody wants to report to a client "Oh, yes, 133tkid_pwnsU2 reported/fixed that bug". Although I can associate most IRC nicks and real names, it's sometimes hard to remember if a name has two 's' or just one, etc.
[12:07] <apachelogger> true
[12:07] <apachelogger> personally I would like to have a macro for that :P
[12:07] <apachelogger> like @SIG@
[12:07] <apachelogger> @ME@
[12:18] <ulysses> apachelogger: pongypongypongy
[12:18] <apachelogger> ulysses: publish report?
[12:19] <ulysses> here? https://wiki.kubuntu.org/TeamReports/August2010#Kubuntu Team
[12:19] <apachelogger> to groups of interest :P
[12:20] <apachelogger> users, devs, whoever else
[12:20] <apachelogger> + microblog it
[12:20] <ulysses> flood it everywhere!
[12:20] <apachelogger> exactly ^^
[12:20] * apachelogger dented
[12:21] <apachelogger> ulysses: as long as you are ok with publishing I will send the mails too
[12:21] <apachelogger> do we want to send it to anyone but users and devs?
[12:21] <Riddell> send it to the ubuntu-news team for sure
[12:21] <apachelogger> okidoki
[12:21] <ulysses> apachelogger: we can publish it
[12:29] <ulysses> Rekonq is default again?
[12:30] <apachelogger> was it not?
[12:30] <ulysses> rekonq 0.5 crashed „sometimes”, I thought it was replaced with Konqueror
[12:32] <apachelogger> no one did it
[12:33] <ulysses> the new Ubiquity seems good
[12:35] <apachelogger> begin
[12:35] <apachelogger> eval(vcs).new()
[12:35] <apachelogger> rescue NameError
[12:35] <apachelogger> sick
[12:35] <Nightrose> apachelogger: :/
[12:36] <Riddell> ?
[12:36] <apachelogger> Nightrose: there is an uncanny difficulty in supporting arguments, on-the-fly-queries and config parsing
[12:37] <Nightrose> i see
[12:37] <apachelogger> though, arguments and config probably are the easiest since they can be cascaded
[12:38] <apachelogger> on-the-fly-queries however can, as the name suggests, be executed at any given point at runtime, meaning they could be before config/args or after them, before other foo is initialized or after...
[12:38] <apachelogger> Nightrose: do you think it woul be a great loss if we killed queries?
[12:39] <Nightrose> apachelogger: and instead only have a config file?
[12:39] <Nightrose> or?
[12:39] <apachelogger> config and args
[12:39] * apachelogger needs to twist his head to support the legacy create_tarball config ^^
[12:40] <Nightrose> well config and args is ok with me
[12:40] <apachelogger> maybe I can keep querying too
[12:41] <apachelogger> I just need to find a way to make it expectable at what point in a class execution cycle it tries to do stuff
[12:44] <smarter> heya
[12:44] <smarter> We don't ship digikam by default anymore?
[12:45] <apachelogger> nope
[12:45] <apachelogger> too fat
[12:45] <apachelogger> also it got horrible UX
[12:45] <apachelogger> also gwenview does most of the regular things anyway
[12:46] <smarter> yeah, it's not perfect, but gwenview does not seem to support USB cameras
[12:46] <apachelogger> dolphin should via kamera slave I think
[12:46] <smarter> there's the kamera KIO but it was horribly slow last time I tried it
[12:46] <apachelogger> well
[12:47] <smarter> not installed by default either too
[12:47] <apachelogger> gphoto is the lib that would be needed to access some of the prop transfer protocols I think
[12:47] <apachelogger> and gphoto as the g suggests is fat too :P
[12:47] <apachelogger> Description: gphoto2 digital camera library
[12:47] <apachelogger> The gphoto2 library can be used by applications to access various
[12:47] <apachelogger> digital camera models, via standard protocols such as USB Mass Storage
[12:47] <apachelogger> and PTP, or vendor-specific protocols.
[12:48] <smarter> kamera already depends on libgphoto2
[12:48] <smarter> I guess it's just using it in a really inefficient way
[12:49] <apachelogger> *shrug*
[12:49] * smarter is going to take a look at the code
[13:02] <apachelogger> argh
[13:02] * apachelogger kicks the release scritp
[13:06] <ScottK> apachelogger: The qt4x-11 in ninjas and in bzr diverge somewhat. Didn't know what to upload.
[13:10] <Riddell> isn't debfx the one to ask about that?
[13:11] <Riddell> I also have a patch from agateau to fix global menu in designer so hold off until I get that in
[13:13] <Riddell> our backports PPA is full, anyone object to me removing the karmic packages?
[13:14] <debfx> ScottK: are you sure? there shouldn't be a difference
[13:15] <ScottK> debfx: lex79 said there was when he looked. He might have been mistaken.
[13:15] <ScottK> Riddell: Are the karmic packages all in -backports now?
[13:16] <ScottK> Riddell: Nevermind. You said backports PPA.
[13:16] <ScottK> No objection.
[13:23] <Riddell> qt4 in ninjas and in bzr are the same except for the changelog, it's all good
[13:27] <ScottK> OK.
[13:28] <ScottK> KDE 4.5.1 is close enough to built (except armel, but that will take approximately forever), that there's no need to wait.
[13:29] <Riddell> let me add in agateau's patch
[13:31] <smarter> apachelogger: where are the files that control what shows up in the new peripheral plasmoid stored?
[13:32] <apachelogger> smarter: peripheral plasmoid?
[13:32] <smarter> the one that shows up when you plug a usb key/put a cdrom in the tray
[13:33] <apachelogger> smarter: I take it by show up you mean actions that are available?
[13:33] <apachelogger> the actual devices are discovered via solid and there via hal
[13:33] <smarter> yes, I'm looking for the files that control the available actions
[13:34] <apachelogger> /usr/share/kde4/apps/solid/actions
[13:34] <apachelogger> or .kde/share/apps/solid/actions/ for user's
[13:35] <Guest3799> kdepim beta 3 up up and away
[13:35] <Guest3799> gah
=== Guest3799 is now known as shadeslayer
[13:35] <smarter> apachelogger: thanks!
=== apachelogger changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: Maverick Beta released! | Todo: http://ツ.tv/4c | Milestoned bugs tagged Kubuntu http://tinyurl.com/33p7vu3
[13:36] <apachelogger> shadeslayer: is it usable?
[13:37] <shadeslayer> apachelogger: havent installed it, but was usable in beta 2, so id guess it should be now as well
[13:37] <shadeslayer> doesnt hurt to try, we have ppa-purge now :P
[13:37] <apachelogger> I am more concerned with my data :P
[13:38] <apachelogger> when I tried with b2 akonadi_imap was running wild because I have so many folders and mails
[13:38] <shadeslayer> save it first -> install new beta -> remove and restore if you dont like it :P
[13:38] <shadeslayer> i guess i only have one gmail account so it didnt affect me
[13:40] <zanoi> awesome new kubuntu website
[13:40] <apachelogger> shadeslayer: saving all my shit takes like forever :P
[13:40] <shadeslayer> hehe :P
[13:40] <apachelogger> shadeslayer: last time I went like OH DEAR DARTH VADER
[13:40] <apachelogger> then I went to bed
[13:40] <zanoi> but in the feature tour it says "exprienced" instead of "experienced" in one of the headings :)
[13:40] <apachelogger> and in the morning it was done ^^
[13:41] <apachelogger> ryanakca: ^ typosite
[13:41] <shadeslayer> or ofirk ^
[13:42] <shadeslayer> ok both kdepim and kdepim-runtime in experimental :)
[13:42] <smarter> apachelogger: Okay, there was a typo in the solid_camera.desktop that prevented it from working, I'll fix that as soon as I remember how bzr works and what branch to use :p
[13:42] <apachelogger> lol
[13:42] <apachelogger> good luck with that
[13:42] * apachelogger got lost in the branches the other day
[13:43] <smarter> we should use git :p
[13:43] <shadeslayer> apachelogger: i dont suppose bzr does : bzr branch : like : git branch : right?
[13:43] * apachelogger had all of the stuff branched on his old laptop, and now needs to find the branches again ^^
[13:43] <apachelogger> smarter: I do tend to agree
[13:43] <smarter> shadeslayer: no, you need separate directories
[13:43] <shadeslayer> seems i caught the lp builders at the right time
[13:43] <apachelogger> see
[13:43] <shadeslayer> smarter: that is so much fail :/
[13:43] <apachelogger> bzr is made so that bzr can be lazy :P
[13:43] <shadeslayer> true
[13:44] <apachelogger> you are supposed to have a meta directory in which you branch
[13:44] <smarter> yep, git is clever
[13:44] <apachelogger> and then you branch that branch within the meta dr
[13:44] <apachelogger> dir
[13:44] <ScottK> smarter: You don't need separate directories, bzr can do in place switched.
[13:44] <smarter> oh? cool!
[13:44] <apachelogger> which is not how apachelogger does it, because apachelogger does not stand that sort of pointless nesting :P
[13:44] * ScottK doesn't recall how, consult #bzr for details.
[13:44] <smarter> I'll have to look into that
[13:45] <smarter> apachelogger: by the way, I think we should extend the gwenview_importer solid actions so that it works for cameras too, it's rather nice to use and probably a lot less confusing for your average use than drag&dropping
[13:46] <smarter> s/use/user
[13:46] <Riddell> smarter: ping agateau about that maybe
[13:46] <apachelogger> agateau: ^
[13:46] * agateau has a highlight on "gwenview" :)
[13:46] <smarter> haha :)
[13:46] <Riddell> qt4 uploading
[13:47] <agateau> smarter: sounds like a good idea
[13:47] <agateau> smarter: I do not have a usb camera to test, but I'd welcome patches :)
[13:48] <smarter> okay, I'll do a patch, put it in our bzr branch and give you the link
[13:48] <agateau> smarter: great
[13:49] * ScottK pokes at Tm_T about powerpc testing.
[13:49] * smarter is going to have lunch first, though :p
[13:52] <shadeslayer> something happened with freenode right?
[13:53] <shadeslayer> as in.. loads of people quit at the same time.. could be a netsplit.. cant tell
[13:55] <shadeslayer> sheytan: rekonq is ins Feature freeze, and im planning to implement that feature sometime in the next release :P
[13:58] <Tm_T> ScottK: setting cd up, hopefully session running soonish
[13:58] <ScottK> Tm_T: Cool.
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[14:19] <shadeslayer> ...
[14:19] <shadeslayer> kdepim-runtime for 32 bit fails, but 64 bit builds
[14:20] <shadeslayer> help needed :P
[14:20] <mfraz74> Just upgraded from KDE 4.5 to 4.5.1 in 10.04 and for some reason kopete-gcall wasn't installed
[14:20] <shadeslayer> how do you fix something like this ....
[14:21] <shadeslayer> mfraz74: because it isnt supplied in lucid?
[14:21] <shadeslayer> or is it?
[14:21] <mfraz74> it is in the PPA
[14:21] <mfraz74> as I just installed it
[14:21] <shadeslayer> hmm
[14:23] <shadeslayer> everything just looks so much better in rekonq
[14:23] <mfraz74> only tried rekonq once
[14:24] <shadeslayer> mfraz74: which ppa? i dont see 4.5.1 packages in the backports ppa
[14:25] <shadeslayer> apachelogger: haha : look at the drop down list and the "Filter" Button : http://imgur.com/ZUnFi
[14:25] <mfraz74> showpkg says 4:4.5.1-0ubuntu1~lucid1~ppa2 (/var/lib/apt/lists/ppa.launchpad.net_kubuntu-ppa_backports_ubuntu_dists_lucid_main_binary-i386_Packages
[14:26] * shadeslayer opens all the ppa's at once
[14:26] <shadeslayer> :O ... i cant find it ...
[14:26] <apachelogger> whu
[14:27] <apachelogger> shadeslayer: looks alien, does i not
[14:27] <apachelogger> shadeslayer: does your kmail also have super large fonts?
[14:27] <shadeslayer> apachelogger: with beta 3?
[14:27] <shadeslayer> or just the 4.5.1 one?
[14:27] <apachelogger> http://aplg.kollide.net/images/avatar/snapshot10.png
[14:27] <apachelogger> beta3
[14:27] <apachelogger> though I also had that in b2
[14:28] <apachelogger> not sure where it comes from though
[14:28] <shadeslayer> beta3 is the ftbfs and not fully built
[14:28] <shadeslayer> apachelogger: https://launchpad.net/~kubuntu-ppa/+archive/experimental/+builds?build_state=building
[14:29] <shadeslayer> you dont have beta3 yet :P
[14:29] <mfraz74> could be part of the kde network package
[14:29] <apachelogger> oh
[14:29] <apachelogger> and I thought I saw green icons in the ppa
[14:29] <apachelogger> *shrug*
[14:29] <apachelogger> I am getting old
[14:29] <shadeslayer> apachelogger: till then advise on this : https://launchpad.net/~kubuntu-ppa/+archive/experimental/+build/1945327
[14:30] <shadeslayer> amd64 builds fine but i386 doesnt
[14:30] <apachelogger> so I do have b3?
[14:30] * apachelogger is confused
[14:30] <shadeslayer> no
[14:30] <apachelogger> <- amd64 :P
[14:30] <shadeslayer> apachelogger: you have kdepim-runtime beta3
[14:30] <shadeslayer> but not kdepim
[14:30] <apachelogger> ah
[14:30] <apachelogger> that would explain why akonadi_imap is not running wild
[14:31] <apachelogger> shadeslayer: so, pimruntime 386 fails?
[14:31] <smarter> apachelogger: any difference between astyle-kubuntu and kdescripts' astyle-kde?
[14:31] <apachelogger> and pim fails on both?
[14:31] <shadeslayer> yes
[14:31] <shadeslayer> no
[14:31] <shadeslayer> PIM is building
[14:31] <shadeslayer> pim-runtime fails on 386
[14:31] <apachelogger> smarter: our's obeys the code style spec
[14:31] <apachelogger> smarter: not much difference though
[14:32] <shadeslayer> pim seems to be almost built....
[14:32] <smarter> I read the spec and I can't see any difference
[14:32] <apachelogger> shadeslayer: that error seems very random
[14:32] <smarter> (which is good :))
[14:32] <apachelogger> smarter: look closer then :P
[14:33] <apachelogger> in any case the major difference that makes me use astyle-kubuntu is that it is in $PATH :P
[14:33] <shadeslayer> apachelogger: ill retry it after kdepim is built then ...
[14:33] <apachelogger> smarter: the spec builds up on kdelibs' code style
[14:33] <apachelogger> shadeslayer: I did not say there is no cause :P
[14:33] <shadeslayer> ...
[14:34] <shadeslayer> apachelogger: tell me the cause :P
[14:34] <apachelogger> well, I do not know yet
[14:34] <apachelogger> ah
[14:34] <apachelogger> uh
[14:34] <apachelogger> eh
[14:34] <apachelogger> the fuck
[14:34] <apachelogger> kmail made all KDE fonts big as a monster
[14:34] <apachelogger> holy cow
[14:34] <apachelogger> *fix*
[14:35] <apachelogger> shadeslayer: you know
[14:36] <apachelogger> shadeslayer: it would be good to testbuild?!
[14:36] <shadeslayer> i did!
[14:36] <shadeslayer> but for amd64
[14:36] <shadeslayer> and look! it built fine for amd64
[14:36] <apachelogger> lucid
[14:37] <shadeslayer> oh that ftbfs
[14:37] <shadeslayer> im working on that right now
[14:40] <smarter> apachelogger: okay, so you added add-brackets to put brackets around one line blocks(which is part of the kdelibs spec too afaik), namespace indentation(which I really don't care about :p) and made sure lines had unix ending character, that's fine :)
[14:41] <apachelogger> of course it is fine, do not question the hoff!
[14:41] <apachelogger> erm
[14:41] <apachelogger> the apachelogger!
[14:46] <shadeslayer> apachelogger: you retried the build? :P
[14:48] <shadeslayer> itll start in 1 hour ....
[14:49] <nonickname2> i've found some typos on maverick's german installer slides - shall i just fix them at https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu/maverick/+source/ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntu or is there something else/other to do in this case?
[14:51] <Riddell> hi nonickname2, thanks for checking
[14:51] <Riddell> I think you can just fix them
[14:51] <Riddell> you may need to be part of a translator team first though
[14:51] <Riddell> hmm, no dpm around to ask
[14:53] <ScottK> Riddell: We have a bit of a problem with kwin, plasma-netbook, and plasma-widget-networkmanagement. http://blog.martin-graesslin.com/blog/2010/09/driver-dilemma-in-kde-workspaces-4-5/ is background material if you didn't read it.
[14:54] <ScottK> Even with a fixed mesa we'll probably have for -release, the blur effect causes effects to get suspended if it is trying to blur a large area.
[14:54] <ScottK> The size of the p-w-nm wifi connect pop-up (which gets blurred) is ~ 1/4 of the screen on a netbook.
[14:54] <nonickname2> ok, i'll try to edit them later today - thanks
[14:55] <ScottK> It takes ~forever to render and then once it's rendered, effects get suspended because it was too slow.
[14:55] <ScottK> Plasma-netbook really depends on effects for window switching so it's not particularly optional.
[14:56] <ScottK> Ideally we'd lock mgraesslin, notmart, and sebas/wstephenson in a room until it all worked nicely, but that's unlikely to happen before release.
[14:56] <ScottK> agateau: ^^^ I'd be interested in your input too.
[14:57] * agateau reads
[14:57] <ScottK> I've filed Bug #628930 to track the issue.
[14:57] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 628930 in kdebase-workspace (Ubuntu Maverick) "Desktop effects not active by default" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/628930
[14:57] <agateau> ScottK: I approvs locking said people in a room
[14:58] <apachelogger> itnewstoday \o/
[14:58] <ScottK> Generally that's the ultimate solution to most problems.
[14:58] <apachelogger> that jeremy character writes so uneducated junk that one could go sue him
[14:58] <agateau> ScottK: I would suggest asking mgraesslin about what is needed to disable blurring
[14:58] <agateau> ScottK: afaik you can have desktop effects without blur if you want
[14:59] <ScottK> You can, but 4.5 doesn't look so great without it.
[14:59] <apachelogger> shadeslayer: yus, if it does not work hunt down tokoe or poke someone really hard in #kontact (or #akonadi for that matter)
[14:59] <ScottK> There's a fixed mesa coming that works much better, but still can't handle the huge pw-nm window.
[15:00] <apachelogger> shadeslayer: I do not even see where it gets that NIE namespace access from, my mocs do not have that
[15:00] <ScottK> agateau: I was thinking maybe we could see if the pw-nm people would be willing to support a smaller/simpler connect window.
[15:00] <shadeslayer> apachelogger: i say get rid of i386 :P
[15:00] <agateau> ScottK: oh. I would like this as well
[15:01] <agateau> ScottK: the current one is quite huge
[15:01] <agateau> ScottK: but it's too late for maverick isn't it?
[15:01] <ScottK> agateau: Depends on how fast I can find someone who knows how to write something.
[15:01] <ScottK> Oh. Say ....
[15:02] <Riddell> I would think turning off blur would be the easiest and most reliable way to go
[15:05] <smarter> apachelogger: do we have a wiki page which explain how to work with our branches, bzr builddeb and quilt? Or will I have to try to remember everything? :p
[15:06] <ScottK> Riddell: With blur off the pw-nm window renders reasonably quickly (with the new mesa).
[15:07] <ScottK> Riddell: Can we disable blur in kubuntu-netbook-default-settings to it's just disabled by default in netbook?
[15:07] <ScottK> This will affect pretty much all netbooks.
[15:08] <ScottK> to/so
[15:09] <Kolia> hi
[15:10] <Kolia> do you know if the fix of this bug went in KDE 4.5.1: https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=246689 ?
[15:10] <ubottu> KDE bug 246689 in general "nepomuk search in krunner, results in (Resource)" [Normal,Resolved: fixed]
[15:10] <Kolia> because i just upgraded to 4.5.1 and still experiencing the bug
[15:13] <apachelogger> smarter: what would you want to read there?
[15:13] <apachelogger> there is https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Ninjas/QuiltMagic on quilt foo
[15:14] <smarter> thanks, that's pretty much what I was looking for :)
[15:15] <smarter> well that and getting from the bzr branch to something where I can use quilt(so bzr bd without actually building anything)
[15:17] <apachelogger> bzr builddeb help?
[15:17] <apachelogger> :P
[15:17] <apachelogger> bzr builddeb -e is what you want
[15:17] <apachelogger> that will create ../build-area/nameofpackage-version
[15:18] <apachelogger> which is a merge of upstream source and the branch
[15:18] <apachelogger> (if the branch is a packaging-only branch AND the appropriate config was around, to indicate that it needs merging)
[15:18] <smarter> yes, and --dont-purge seems to be needed too
[15:18] <apachelogger> otherwise you would need something like bzr builddeb -e --merge
[15:18] <smarter> yes merge = True, I remember that :)
[15:18] <apachelogger> smarter: no
[15:19] <apachelogger> as long as bzr builddeb has the means to get the source you do not need dont-purge
[15:19] <smarter> okay
[15:19] <apachelogger> I would argue that dont-purge is evil unless you really need to not purge (which is like never ever the case)
[15:21] <smarter> so purge means debian/rules clean?
[15:22] <apachelogger> purge means that build-area/packagename-version will be removed
[15:22] <apachelogger> which is essential to maintain a clean package
[15:23] <apachelogger> so by default bzr builddeb will go and say ah, oh, there already is a source package in the build-area, ah it surely is crap , lets remove it
[15:23] <apachelogger> then it will do a new merge
[15:23] <smarter> okay, I see
[15:23] <apachelogger> if you pass --dont-purge it will basically cp -rf the branch content
[15:23] <apachelogger> so if you had a polluted source in the build-area it will still be polluted
[15:24] <apachelogger> sweet baby jesus
[15:24] <apachelogger> steveire: kjot's default toolbar is quite... ehm.. filled up...
[15:25] <apachelogger> oh noes, akonadi_imap_resource segfault
[15:26] <steveire> apachelogger: Erm, yeah I should handle that I guess
[15:27] <apachelogger> yeah ;)
[15:27] <smarter> apachelogger: the wiki page mentions quilt-edit-patch but I can't seem to find it anywhere
[15:28] <apachelogger> smarter: it is very legacy
[15:28] <smarter> so, I should just use quilt new/add ?
[15:28] <apachelogger> yep
[15:29] <apachelogger> quilt-edit-patch just copied your source tree to tmp and dropped you in a bash with pwd in that dir, so that you do not accidently mess up you source
[15:29] <apachelogger> which is now prevented by packaging-only branches anyway
[15:29] <smarter> I remember cdbs-edit-patch doing that, yes :)
[15:30] <apachelogger> well, for that beast it was essential because of its inferior way of patch handling :P
[15:31] <apachelogger> steveire: while I have your attention, do you happen to know why kmail has super sized fonts in mail headers?
[15:31] <apachelogger> http://aplg.kollide.net/images/avatar/snapshot11.png
[15:32] <steveire> Strange. 4.5 branch?
[15:33] <apachelogger> steveire: b3
[15:33] <apachelogger> that is if it really is b3 because the about dialog says b1 ^^
[15:33] <apachelogger> shadeslayer: ^
[15:33] <steveire> I think I have that built too. But I'm working on windows atn
[15:34] <steveire> atm.
[15:34] <shadeslayer> WHAT!
[15:34] <shadeslayer> :O
[15:34] <apachelogger> steveire: ok
[15:34] <apachelogger> shadeslayer: does yours say b3?
[15:34] <Riddell> anyone want to do a talk for this thing? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuAppDeveloperWeek
[15:34] <shadeslayer> i havent installed yet -.-
[15:34] <shadeslayer> was creating pbuilder for lucid
[15:34] <shadeslayer> and rekonq hacking .. getting build log support in
[15:35] <apachelogger> Riddell: yet another week?
[15:35] <apachelogger> Riddell: are you going to do qml?
[15:36] <shadeslayer> hm.... someone asked me to give a talk in october/september... i cant remember who ...
[15:36] * apachelogger could do plasmoids and/or general kde and/or akonadi resources and/or dbus lovelyeness in Qt and/or kcm lovelyness and/or json lovelyness in qt...
[15:36] <apachelogger> make your choice(s) ;)
[15:36] <steveire> Riddell: If there's someone going to talk about Django again I can do a Grantlee talk
[15:36] <apachelogger> or maybe something ruby
[15:37] <steveire> I think I was supposed to do one the last time but it sort of conflicted with Akademy
[15:37] <apachelogger> what do we have ... ruby scripting and/or rails love and/or rubykde
[15:37] <shadeslayer> apachelogger: upgrading to PIM beta3
[15:38] <Riddell> apachelogger: dunno, I did qml at whatever the last week was
[15:39] <Riddell> steveire: I don't know if anyone is doing a django talk but a grantlee talk would be great
[15:41] <apachelogger> oh
[15:41] <apachelogger> wordpress admin page is all amounts of broken in rekonq
[15:41] <apachelogger> rekonq++
[15:42] <Riddell> my wordpress admin page works fine, I think rekonq just doesn't like you
[15:42] <apachelogger> well no
[15:42] <apachelogger> I am now on a git snapshot
[15:43] <Riddell> only problem I have with rekonq currently is posting comments on launchpad bugs
[15:43] <apachelogger> because it was horribly broken before
[15:43] <apachelogger> now it is at least partially usable
[15:45] <shadeslayer> apachelogger: says beta 1 here as well .... :|
[15:45] <shadeslayer> but i did download the 4.9.93 tarballs
[15:46] * shadeslayer runks to #akonadi
[15:46] <apachelogger> wah
[15:46] <apachelogger> rekonq git is all broken with regards to wordpress
[15:46] <apachelogger> my oh my
[15:47] <apachelogger> so
[15:47] <apachelogger> what should I be talking about?
[15:47] <apachelogger> plasmoids again?
[15:47] <shadeslayer> apachelogger: what happened?
[15:47] <shadeslayer> bookmarks are definitely broken for now
[15:47] <steveire> Riddell: Added
[15:47] <apachelogger> shadeslayer: bug 629217
[15:47] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 629217 in kdenetwork (Ubuntu Maverick) "incomplete separation of kopete and kopete-gcall" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/629217
[15:47] <ScottK> Riddell: They probably don't want the presentation I would give.
[15:48] <shadeslayer> looking
[15:48] <apachelogger> ScottK: opportunistic development done right? :P
[15:48] <ScottK> apachelogger: Don't develop for Ubuntu, develop for the whole FOSS ecosystem.
[15:48] <apachelogger> hm
[15:49] <apachelogger> ScottK: may I sign you up for a slot? ^^
[15:49] <shadeslayer> apachelogger: i have to patch it with the install google talk via knh
[15:49] <ScottK> That said, you'd be a great person to give a talk on the wonderfulness of Qt as a development environment.
[15:49] <apachelogger> how so?
[15:50] <apachelogger> shadeslayer: no
[15:50] <apachelogger> shadeslayer: primarily you need to remove the errors
[15:50] <apachelogger> secondarily you need to integrate it in knh
[15:50] <shadeslayer> and i have HUGE fonts too
[15:50] <ScottK> apachelogger: You know how to do it, you're very enthusiastic, and have a good sense of humor. What else is needed.
[15:50] <shadeslayer> this is bad : http://imgur.com/4mMTw
[15:50] <apachelogger> because even if you have integrated it with knh the user will still get the error unless he obeys knh
[15:50] <apachelogger> ScottK: point taken
[15:50] <apachelogger> general Qt talk it is
[15:51] <shadeslayer> apachelogger: ill need your help, i have no idea what to do
[15:53] <apachelogger> "Unicorn sparkles with Qt/KDE development"
[15:53] <apachelogger> how do we like that title?
[15:54] <ScottK> apachelogger: I'd just do Qt for a short talk. Adding KDE will confuse.
[15:55] <shadeslayer> apachelogger: haha : #define KDEPIM_VERSION "4.5 beta1" << thats upstream's fault :D
[15:55] <ScottK> Then you also get to say "Write once, deploy everywhere".
[15:55] <apachelogger> ^^
[15:56] <apachelogger> shadeslayer: well, technically also ours because it obviously is there since beta1
[15:56] <apachelogger> and we did not notice
[15:56] <apachelogger> "Unicorn sparkles with Qt development"
[15:56] <shadeslayer> yeah.. we didnt inform them :P
[15:57] <shadeslayer> how do you get pbuilder-dist to save info ....
[16:00] <Tm_T> ScottK: all seems to work ok
[16:00] <ScottK> Tm_T: Thanks.
[16:05] <shadeslayer> apachelogger: i cant test build for lucid... pbuilder-dist wont let me add the ppa .....
[16:06] <apachelogger> pbuilder-dist?
[16:06] * apachelogger giggles
[16:08] <Tm_T> huh, where did libqt4-multimedia go?
[16:11] <ScottK> apachelogger: Any bugs you want me to point out to the U1 devs you need fixed.
[16:11] <apachelogger> Tm_T: outsourced
[16:12] <apachelogger> Tm_T: they decided compability was not worth keeping the brisbane crap around it seemss :P
[16:12] <apachelogger> ScottK: I do not need fixing no more
[16:12] * apachelogger officially stepped down from development
[16:12] <ScottK> OK.
[16:13] <Tm_T> apachelogger: hmmm, we're going to package it still or?
[16:13] <apachelogger> well, it is
[16:13] <apachelogger> qtmultimediakit or some such
[16:14] <Tm_T> I see
[16:14] <apachelogger> though IIRC it is also api-wise not compatible with the old thing
[16:14] <apachelogger> not naming wise anyway
[16:14] <Tm_T> apachelogger: hmm, k3b seems to be depending on it
[16:14] <apachelogger> whut? :O
[16:14] <apachelogger> Riddell: ^
[16:14] <apachelogger> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HaraldSitter
[16:15] <apachelogger> look at my fancy new page
[16:15] <Tm_T> apachelogger: atleast that's what prevents me from building it currently
[16:15] <apachelogger> I removed like 90% of the content \o/
[16:16] <shadeslayer> !info pbuilder-dist
[16:16] <ubottu> Package pbuilder-dist does not exist in lucid
[16:16] <shadeslayer> ...
[16:16] <shadeslayer> anyways...
[16:17] <shadeslayer> apachelogger: how do you create tarballs for 2 releases then?
[16:17] <apachelogger> I am sure I described my pattern somewhere
[16:17] <shadeslayer> ( pbuilder tarballs )
[16:17] <ScottK> Riddell: Are you planning on covering the release meeting?
[16:17] <shadeslayer> hmm
[16:18] <apachelogger> https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Ninjas/BuildEnvironment
[16:18] <apachelogger> see pbuilder
[16:18] <Tm_T> apachelogger: I fail to find this new qt multimedia package (;)
[16:18] <apachelogger> you are not listening
[16:18] <apachelogger> multimediakit
[16:18] <apachelogger> libqtmultimediakit1 - Qt Mobility MultimediaKit module
[16:19] <shadeslayer> apachelogger: oi! you free tonight?
[16:19] <apachelogger> shadeslayer: I am free every night, Nightrose is so far away
[16:19] <shadeslayer> need some help with the rekonq ...
[16:19] <shadeslayer> hehe :P
[16:19] <apachelogger> I am surely going to party tonight in her absense
[16:20] <Tm_T> apachelogger: yes, and I search "qt multimedia" and it doesn't return that, actually it isn't in any sources I'm using...
[16:20] <apachelogger> what is wrong with the rekonq is it still kurl comparing the cores out of the cpu?
[16:20] <ScottK> Tm_T: We're releasing the beta live image on powerpc now thanks to your testing.
[16:20] <Tm_T> ScottK: glad to be help
[16:20] <apachelogger> Tm_T: it is coming from the qtmobility source on maverick
[16:20] <apachelogger> where it resides in universe
[16:20] <shadeslayer> hmm
[16:21] <apachelogger> question
[16:21] <apachelogger> did my mail to kubuntu-devel actually get through?
[16:21] * apachelogger has delivery failures in his inbox sitting
[16:21] <Tm_T> apachelogger: hmmm, that isn't in lucid backports? hrr I wonder what I should do with k3b (:)
[16:22] <apachelogger> Tm_T: tell upstream to use flipping phonon :P
[16:22] <apachelogger> Tm_T: I suppose no one bothered to backport qtmobility
[16:22] <apachelogger> also as I said
[16:22] <apachelogger> it would not build anyway
[16:22] <apachelogger> because all sorts of names are fiddled around
[16:23] <Tm_T> apachelogger: that would be fixable though (:
[16:23] <apachelogger> I doubt the effort justifies it :P
[16:23] <Tm_T> me too
[16:23] <apachelogger> also I would not bet on it being all that fixable
[16:23] <Riddell> ScottK: the release meeting that got cancelled? then replaced with another meeting but now seems to be a release meeting again?
[16:23] <apachelogger> god knows what the did to their interfaces
[16:24] <ScottK> Riddell: Yes. That one. I can cover it.
[16:24] <apachelogger> Riddell: haha :D
[16:24] <shadeslayer> apachelogger: so if i create a base tarball of lucid named base_lucid and then invoke pbuilder on a lucid .dsc, pbuilder will automatically switch to lucid pbuilder?
[16:24] <apachelogger> no
[16:24] <apachelogger> shadeslayer: where did you get that idea from?
[16:24] <shadeslayer> im asking :P
[16:24] <apachelogger> though it would certainly be fancy
[16:24] <apachelogger> easily scriptable too I suppose
[16:25] <shadeslayer> would be a nice feature :D
[16:25] <shadeslayer> but anyways.. how do i tell it to use lucid then?
[16:25] <shadeslayer> --distribution lucid : during the build command?
[16:26] <apachelogger> that depends on how you try to use multiple tars
[16:26] <apachelogger> --distribution lucid will only switch the target distro, that will still overwrite your base.tgz
[16:26] <apachelogger> so you would at least need to specify distribution AND another tar name
[16:27] <apachelogger> did my mail to kubuntu-devel get through?
[16:27] <shadeslayer> nope
[16:27] <apachelogger> perfect
[16:27] <apachelogger> I wonder why
[16:28] * shadeslayer activates priority inbox in gmail..
[16:29] <apachelogger> what is that?
[16:29] <apachelogger> do I get my amazon ads faster that way?
[16:29] <shadeslayer> no .. :P
[16:30] <shadeslayer> all your important mail comes on top
[16:30] <shadeslayer> and then all the not so important stuff goes to the bottomg
[16:30] <shadeslayer> im not that impressed tho.. : http://imgur.com/nuXIk
[16:30] <apachelogger> and how does it know what is important?
[16:30] <apachelogger> do amazon coupons go to priority?
[16:31] <shadeslayer> you tell it whats important.. and it guesses the rest
[16:31] <apachelogger> shadeslayer: why does it think a bug report is unimportant?
[16:31] <apachelogger> silly craps
[16:31] <shadeslayer> apachelogger: where? :D
[16:31] <apachelogger> kmail shall be supreme
[16:31] <apachelogger> once nepomuk does useful
[16:32] <shadeslayer> apachelogger: it shows all the bug mail as important
[16:32] <apachelogger> shadeslayer: 5th mail in everything else
[16:32] <shadeslayer> mmm
[16:32] <apachelogger> did my mail get through yet?
[16:32] <shadeslayer> because thats not labeled under kubuntu-bugs label
[16:33] <apachelogger> that does not make no sense but oh well
[16:33] <apachelogger> shadeslayer: are we friends on opendesktop already?
[16:33] <shadeslayer> i dont think so :P
[16:33] <shadeslayer> apachelogger: http://imgur.com/sJBpD
[16:33] <shadeslayer> anyways its quite the fail like buzz
[16:34] <apachelogger> look into my buzz
[16:34] * apachelogger has quite the lewis black feelings recently
[16:34] <apachelogger> http://kde-look.org/poll/index.php?poll=256
[16:34] <apachelogger> haha
[16:34] <apachelogger> kubuntu still holds supremacy
[16:34] <apachelogger> muahhahaaha
[16:35] <shadeslayer> yeah :D
[16:35] <shadeslayer> apachelogger: mail got through
[16:35] <apachelogger> yaya
[16:35] <apachelogger> I can spam again
[16:35] <apachelogger> woohooo
[16:35] <apachelogger> Mamarok: ^ mail should be in moderation queue
[16:36] <shadeslayer> apachelogger: note the first 2 comments
[16:37] <shadeslayer> Where is Slackwhere -> Its where Sidux is ... hahhaa :D
=== dantti_work is now known as dantti_work_lunc
[16:37] * apachelogger always has a good laugh over sidux
[16:37] <apachelogger> :P
[16:37] <ScottK> Why is this?
[16:38] * apachelogger is more of a suse fanboi anyway
[16:38] <apachelogger> ScottK: bogus concept, like chakra
[16:38] <ScottK> OK.
[16:38] <shadeslayer> apachelogger: same here...
[16:38] <shadeslayer> suse is amazing in terms of KDE .....
[16:39] * shadeslayer keeps hitting "Check Mail" in kmail with no effect
[16:39] <apachelogger> ask wstephenson I used to rave about the beauty of suse when people where all hyping kubuntu
[16:39] <apachelogger> oh, wrong channel...
[16:40] <apachelogger> what I find odd about that poll is that *bsd only got 1%
[16:40] * apachelogger is not sure what to think of that
[16:55] <shadeslayer> apachelogger: kmail aint downloading my mail...
[17:04] <bulldog98> shadeslayer: kmail claims to be beta1 not 3 as the package claims
[17:05] <apachelogger> bulldog98: we already noticed that, upstreams fault
[17:05] <apachelogger> shadeslayer: does here, indication of it doing something seems a bit unreliable though
[17:05] <apachelogger> shadeslayer: time to report a bug I suppose... ;)
[17:05] <bulldog98> apachelogger: did you informed upstream?
[17:06] <apachelogger> shadeslayer is the packag0r
[17:09] <ScottK> Riddell: From #ubuntu-x earlier today - "<Sarvatt> KDE 4.6 is going to be even worse no doubt since it's going opengl 3 that no free drivers implement and backwards compatability isn't planned until 4.7? wow"
[17:10] <ScottK> Riddell: Could you have a chat with mgraesslin perhaps and find out what the story is for 4.6?
[17:10] <shadeslayer> bulldog98: yes, notified upstream about it
[17:10] <ScottK> Having a natty release that only works with proprietary drivers would not be good.
[17:10] <mgraesslin> ScottK: plain simple: that's bullshit
[17:10] <bulldog98> shadeslayer: so I hope they fixed it :P
[17:10] <ScottK> mgraesslin: Ah. You're here. You weren't earlier when I looked.
[17:11] <ScottK> mgraesslin: Glad to hear it.
[17:11] <mgraesslin> we won't remove the backward compatability
[17:11] <shadeslayer> bulldog98: they did
[17:11] <bulldog98> shadeslayer++
[17:12] <mgraesslin> and OpenGL 3 is planned for 4.7 not 4.6
[17:12] <ScottK> mgraesslin: For 4.5 + common netbook hardware, we are not in good shape at the moment.
[17:12] <ScottK> Do you have anything planned for 4.5.2 that might help?
[17:13] <mgraesslin> I plan to update the blacklist
[17:13] <ScottK> It looks like a mesa git snapshot + no blur is not too bad.
[17:13] <ScottK> This is on Intel 945gme.
[17:14] <mgraesslin> we have one performance issue with blur we cannot fix before 4.6 but that should not affect Netbooks if blur is not enabled
[17:14] <mgraesslin> what you can do is force indirect rendering
[17:14] <mgraesslin> but then you have to ensure that blur is disabled
[17:14] <apachelogger> rekonq crash
[17:14] <apachelogger> in the name of python
[17:14] <apachelogger> ...
[17:14] <apachelogger> -.-
[17:14] <ScottK> It seems to work OK with direct as long as blur is off.
[17:15] <ScottK> (and I have the mesa snapshot)
[17:15] <ScottK> The current mesa release with 4.5 is not fun at all.
[17:15] <apachelogger> shadeslayer: remember that weird facebook crashness? I now get it with ubuntu
[17:15] <mgraesslin> so just add the driver on the blacklist - just requires a kconf update script or can be done with your default kwinrc
[17:16] <shadeslayer> apachelogger: eh? which weird fb crashes? :P
[17:16] <apachelogger> shadeslayer: where I could not get to facebook because rekonq was goind down when I started typing
[17:16] <ScottK> mgraesslin: I see where to add it.
[17:16] <shadeslayer> ohh
[17:18] <ScottK> mgraesslin: How do I get the formulation to describe the video card in the blacklist?
[17:18] <mgraesslin> ScottK: http://blog.martin-graesslin.com/blog/2010/07/blacklisting-drivers-for-some-kwin-effects/
[17:19] <ScottK> mgraesslin: Thanks.
[17:19] <shadeslayer> apachelogger: no idea what crashes it, adjam is on #rekonq right noq
[17:19] <shadeslayer> *now
[17:19] <shadeslayer> well.. he just pinged out :P
[17:19] <apachelogger> I reported that anyway
[17:20] <apachelogger> the thing is, it is 100% random
[17:20] * apachelogger is waiting for the Qt update and if that does not fix it start whining again
[17:20] <apachelogger> so
[17:20] <apachelogger> what could we be hacking up at appdevweek?
[17:21] <apachelogger> a spaceship with integrated browser to post video previews to identica that were uploaded to some ftp server?
[17:21] <apachelogger> with spinning troll face of course
[17:22] <Riddell> agateau: - Show desktop menu when no window is selected what desktop menu is that?
[17:22] <bulldog98> apachelogger: you forgot the unicorn making everything working
[17:22] <agateau> Riddell: plasma desktop (the one you get when you right click the desktop)
[17:22] <Riddell> clever
[17:22] <apachelogger> next backend controller-type class I write will be UnicornOperator
[17:23] <Riddell> agateau: works with plasma netbook too?
[17:23] <agateau> Riddell: it should
[17:28] <Riddell> Riddell_: ping
[17:28] <Riddell> agateau: new icon looks good
[17:28] <Riddell> who did that?
[17:29] <agateau> Riddell: that would be me
[17:29] <agateau> I like drawing
[17:30] <Riddell> a man of many talents
[17:30] <agateau> thanks :)
[17:30] <Riddell> now if only amarok would follow the new icon style we'd have a consistent panel, /me looks at Nightrose
[17:31] <Riddell> well, printer applet too, /me looks at self
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[17:36] <apachelogger> so
[17:36] * apachelogger goes trying kdevelop4
[17:36] <apparle> guys is there going to be backport update for rekonq kubuntu 10.04 flash crashing issue?
[17:37] <apachelogger> shadeslayer: ^
[17:37] <shadeslayer> hmm
[17:37] <shadeslayer> apachelogger: ill put it in beta backports?
[17:37] <shadeslayer> or lucid-backports?
[17:38] <shadeslayer> cant go in lucid backports
[17:38] <apachelogger> hm
[17:38] * apachelogger did not notice that kdevelop was doing something
[17:38] <apparle> shadeslayer: no use of beta-backports (at least for me) else I would have have enabled the daily rekonq ppa
[17:38] <apachelogger> that progressbar in the lower right is not exactly ... suitable
[17:38] <apachelogger> not if one hand had anything open at least
[17:39] <shadeslayer> apparle: cant go into lucid-backports since it deps on kde 4.5
[17:39] <apachelogger> oh dear
[17:39] <apparle> shadeslayer: and what about beta-backports... they are also 4.5 right?
[17:40] <shadeslayer> apparle: yes, beta backports has 4.5.1
[17:40] <apparle> so isn't there anyway to use rekonq with latest flash on kde 4.4 :(
[17:40] <apachelogger> milian: I just broke my kdevelop :(
[17:40] <shadeslayer> not really...
[17:40] <shadeslayer> apachelogger: kdevelop is already broken
[17:40] <shadeslayer> something to do with kdelibs
[17:41] * apachelogger waits for milian to give shadeslayer a beating :P
[17:41] <apparle> shadeslayer: I don't find it broken... works fine for me
[17:41] <shadeslayer> apparle: your on lucid right?
[17:41] <apparle> yes
[17:41] * apachelogger xkills and tries to import kopete
[17:41] <shadeslayer> thats precisely why
[17:42] <apachelogger> also wasnt there some kdevelop release :P
[17:42] <apachelogger> there is so much stuff that needs packaging
[17:42] * apachelogger mehs
[17:42] <apparle> ahh... you all are on 10.10
[17:42] <shadeslayer> yep :)
[17:42] <smarter> agateau: ping
[17:42] <agateau> smarter: pong
[17:42] <apparle> I thought this time, wait till the final release, and see how much it impresses me :)
[17:43] <apachelogger> hm
[17:44] <apachelogger> either kdevelop is real slow at initial import or something is broken
[17:44] <apachelogger> ah
[17:44] <apachelogger> just real slow
[17:44] <apachelogger> like
[17:44] <apachelogger> REAL
[17:44] <smarter> agateau: I was wondering if we could add a (command line) option to recursively list the content of all folders in gwenview_importer, because when you import photos from your camera, the folder hierarchy(which is something like camera:/$cameraname/store_00010010/DCIM/CASIO101/) is completely irrelevant and just add confusion
[17:44] <apachelogger> now it started parsing :S
[17:44] <apachelogger> and that is also REAL slow
[17:44] <apparle> shadeslayer: so anyway to port the flash update back..? can't you do it in unsupported updates or prereleased etc.
[17:44] <smarter> agateau: digikam does that when you import photos with it
[17:45] <shadeslayer> apparle: not without moving the whole of KDE 4.5.1 into those
[17:45] <agateau> smarter: right now gwenview_importer tries to be smart but not too much
[17:45] <shadeslayer> +repos
[17:45] <agateau> smarter: it automatically opens folders as long as they are alone
[17:46] <apparle> shadeslayer: why so.. just fix the flash issue in rekonq. I think it is because GTK not being initialized. Isn't it?
[17:46] <agateau> smarter: if your camera store things in /dcim/model/ and there is nothing else in / and nothing else in /dcim, it will open /dcim/model automatically
[17:46] <smarter> ah, nice, but the camera:/ KIO contains some irrelevant files at the root (about.txt, summary.txt)
[17:47] <shadeslayer> apachelogger: i give up trying to make a pbuilder for lucid, im uploading to my ppa to testbuild ....
[17:47] <agateau> smarter: I am a bit reluctant to do a recursive scan because people can get the importer opened when they plug their 1TB usb hard drive
[17:47] <apachelogger> shadeslayer: did you not read the page I linked to :P
[17:47] <agateau> smarter: ah, maybe we can add an exceptions for well known folders or files
[17:47] <shadeslayer> i did
[17:47] <agateau> smarter: actually any .txt should be irrelevant
[17:47] <smarter> and any directory which doesn't (recursively) contains any picture
[17:48] <smarter> I see a DCIM/MISC on my camera for example
[17:48] <apparle> hey guys... GART size means the video memory size. Isn't it? Or is it any different.
[17:48] <smarter> actually, MISC is at the same level than DCIM, not inside
[17:48] <agateau> smarter: another idea would be to remember the last import folder for each device
[17:49] <smarter> agateau: that might work :)
[17:49] <shadeslayer> apparle: gah... lucid has 0.4 no?
[17:49] <shadeslayer> not even 0.5 ....
[17:49] <apparle> shadeslayer: yes.. ?
[17:50] <apachelogger> hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
[17:50] <shadeslayer> doesnt the flash issue just affect 0.5?
[17:50] <apachelogger> shadeslayer: you know, you should have created that knh stuff for kopete way back
[17:50] <apparle> shadeslayer: but there was a proposed patch, a month ago I suppose
[17:50] <shadeslayer> apparle: for 0.5
[17:50] <shadeslayer> apachelogger: EXAMS dude!!!
[17:50] <shadeslayer> im free for 3 days now
[17:50] <smarter> agateau: but people would still be left with stuff like 101CANON 102HPAIO 103CANON when they first plug in their camera
[17:50] <apachelogger> shadeslayer: you know, you should have created that knh stuff for kopete way back
[17:51] <shadeslayer> so a) mentor me, b) ask me for patch :P
[17:51] <apparle> shadeslayer: no, it is actually GTK not being initialized by Qtwebkit, so it is not version specific
[17:51] <apachelogger> QMessageBox error(QMessageBox::Critical, "Jabber Protocol", i18n("Cannot start process %1. Check your installation of Kopete", QString(callExe)));
[17:51] <agateau> smarter: indeed
[17:51] <apachelogger> like seriously
[17:51] <apachelogger> that message is as useless as it gets
[17:51] <agateau> smarter: but both approach can be combined
[17:51] <shadeslayer> ok one thing at a time
[17:51] <apparle> how can I check how much is my video memory.?
[17:52] <shadeslayer> apparle: ill look into it, 0.5 actually had the gtk init calls patched out in our package
[17:52] <shadeslayer> apachelogger: ill look into the kopete thingy today .. gimme a few hours :)
[17:53] <apachelogger> hm
[17:53] <apachelogger> shadeslayer: nvm
[17:53] <apparle> shadeslayer: you mean the 0.4? I think you fixed it in the dailyppa.
[17:53] <apachelogger> kdevelop is really heavy on the painting while building :S
[17:53] <smarter> agateau: discarding empty folders and remembering last folders? That doesn't help with multiple folders containing images when the memory card was used in several devices
[17:53] <shadeslayer> apparle: i mean 0.5 in maverick
[17:53] <smarter> or do you mean recursively listing folders which contain images?
[17:54] <apparle> shadeslayer: oh, try it if you get time, else mail/link me the patch, i'll compile it for myself...
[17:54] <agateau> smarter: several devices sharing a card is a bit of a corner case I think
[17:54] <ryanakca> Hmm. Anybody else experienced issues with pulse / sound after upgrading from Lucid?
[17:54] <shadeslayer> apparle: hold on one sec
[17:55] <apparle> shadeslayer: although many of my friends are facing that issue, so a update would be cool :D
[17:55] <shadeslayer> apparle: https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/rekonq/0.5.0-1ubuntu1
[17:55] <shadeslayer> apparle: http://launchpadlibrarian.net/51597939/rekonq_0.4.95-0ubuntu3_0.5.0-0ubuntu1.diff.gz << the diff which has the patch
[17:55] <smarter> agateau: maybe, so we can assume they're smart enough to open the right folder? :p
[17:56] <agateau> smarter: yes, I always expect my users to be smart, much easier this way :)
[17:56] <agateau> sometimes I am disappointed, unfortunately
[17:58] <smarter> agateau: well if we implement the two other ideas we'll already have made things much more userfriendly :)
[17:58] <shadeslayer> apachelogger: http://paste.ubuntu.com/487900/
[17:58] <agateau> smarter: indeed
[17:59] <apachelogger> The following packages have unmet dependencies:
[17:59] <apachelogger> pbuilder-satisfydepends-dummy: Depends: libgrantlee-dev which is a virtual package.
[17:59] <apachelogger> you are missing grantlee
[17:59] <apachelogger> tada \o/
[17:59] <shadeslayer> which means only one thing
[18:00] * apachelogger is eager to hear what that thing is
[18:00] <shadeslayer> i need to backport grantlee as well
[18:00] <shadeslayer> ...
[18:00] <apachelogger> tada \o/
[18:00] * apachelogger was expecting a unicorn :(
[18:00] * shadeslayer takes out unicorn out of har
[18:00] <shadeslayer> *hat
[18:00] <smarter> agateau: I'll look into it and let you know if I get something that works, do you know how to build gwenview without building the whole of kdegraphics?
[18:01] <agateau> smarter: great!
[18:01] <agateau> smarter: basically, checkout kdegraphics, run cmake for kdegraphics, then cd gwenview, and run make from there
[18:01] <smarter> okay :)
[18:01] <agateau> smarter: but kdegraphics is quite fast to build anyway
[18:01] <CIA-116> [kopete] sitter * 1171388 * trunk/KDE/kdenetwork/kopete/protocols/jabber/googletalk/googletalk.cpp sentences end with periods most of the time...
[18:02] * bulldog98 has an unicorn in his clock ^^
[18:02] * apachelogger read that other word with c and was shocked
[18:02] <apachelogger> :
[18:02] <agateau> smarter: feel free to ask if you have trouble finding your way inside gwenview code
[18:02] <apachelogger> S
[18:02] <apparle> is there any specific channel to discuss video issues in ubuntu
[18:02] <smarter> agateau: I will :p
[18:02] <apachelogger> apparle: ubuntu-x
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[18:20] <shadeslayer> apachelogger: wth.. we do have libgrantlee-dev ... why does it fail then?
[18:20] <apparle> shadeslayer: the patch contains only gtk fix or many other things as well because it is big. really big
[18:21] <apachelogger> shadeslayer: because your pbuilderrc is bogus?
[18:21] <shadeslayer> apachelogger: some other stuff as well, but if you look closely you can see the gtk patch, also the patch is in the rekonq ML somewhere
[18:21] <shadeslayer> apachelogger: cant be.. :P
[18:21] <lex79> debfx: you added libqt4-openvg binary in ninja which is not present in bzr
[18:21] <apachelogger> I bet the kopete patch you are supposed to do that it is bogus
[18:21] <shadeslayer> apachelogger: http://paste.ubuntu.com/487915/
[18:22] <apparle> shadeslayer: okay, thanks, when I isolate the patch, I'll mail it to you, can you put it in the kubuntu repos?
[18:22] <apparle> shadeslayer: or is there any procedure I should follow?
[18:22] <debfx> lex79: yes, but I removed it in ~ppa2
[18:23] <shadeslayer> one sec
[18:23] <apachelogger> wth
[18:23] <lex79> debfx: ok I downloaded the ppa1 then
[18:23] <apachelogger> shadeslayer: where did you specify the ppa?
[18:23] <shadeslayer> apachelogger: its in the sources.list ...
[18:24] <apachelogger> :O
[18:24] <shadeslayer> i logged in and added the backports ppa into sources
[18:24] <apachelogger> this is sparta
[18:24] <apachelogger> backports you say, eh?
[18:24] <shadeslayer> yeah
[18:24] <shadeslayer> apparle: http://mail.kde.org/pipermail/rekonq/2010-June/001495.html
[18:25] <apachelogger> I wonder what for
[18:25] <apparle> shadeslayer: ok thanks
[18:25] <shadeslayer> apparle: kde 4.5.1
[18:25] <shadeslayer> whoops
[18:25] <shadeslayer> apachelogger: ^
[18:25] <JontheEchidna> This is something to watch: http://kde-look.org/content/show.php/gtk-oxygen-engine?content=129715
[18:26] <apparle> shadeslayer: :( anyways.. will see later bye
[18:26] <apachelogger> ah
[18:26] <apachelogger> shadeslayer: what does your sources.list look like?
[18:27] <shadeslayer> one sec
[18:28] <shadeslayer> apachelogger: deb http://in.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu lucid main restricted universe multiverse
[18:28] <shadeslayer> #deb-src http://in.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu lucid main restricted universe multiverse
[18:28] <shadeslayer> deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/kubuntu-ppa/backports/ubuntu lucid main
[18:28] <apachelogger> it strikes me as odd
[18:29] <apachelogger> apt-cache policy libgrantlee-dev
[18:31] <shadeslayer> :O
[18:31] <apachelogger> JontheEchidna: pingly
[18:31] <shadeslayer> W: Unable to locate package libgrantlee-dev
[18:31] <JontheEchidna> pongly
[18:31] <apachelogger> JontheEchidna: can we haz gtalk stuffs in knh?
[18:31] <apachelogger> pretty plz
[18:31] <JontheEchidna> sure, which package?
[18:31] <apachelogger> I dunno
[18:31] <Riddell> kopete
[18:31] <shadeslayer> kdenetwork id guess
[18:31] <Riddell> it should also be added to kubuntu-restricted-addons
[18:31] <apachelogger> JontheEchidna: kopete-gcall
[18:32] <JontheEchidna> apachelogger: thanks
[18:32] <apachelogger> thank you
[18:32] <apachelogger> shadeslayer: maybe the indian mirror does not contain universe of lucid? *shrug*
[18:32] * shadeslayer is horrified at that thought
[18:33] <JontheEchidna> btw, it might be nice to for 11.04 make it so that you don't get all the extra k3b crap suggested when installing flash
[18:33] * JontheEchidna puts it on the todo list
[18:33] <apachelogger> JontheEchidna: IMHO we should put that stuff into desktop files anyway
[18:33] <apachelogger> then have categories like systemsettings
[18:34] <apachelogger> and apps can either request a particular app or a whole category
[18:34] <JontheEchidna> sounds good. I think I know how I'd code it, too
[18:34] <apachelogger> (if app is requested knh can of course still hint the user to install all the other foo of that category or all categories for that matter)
[18:34] <apachelogger> JontheEchidna: brilliant!
[18:35] <JontheEchidna> I'd use a KConfigGroup to load the .desktop file
[18:35] <apachelogger> kservice might be faster, not?
[18:35] <apachelogger> kservice custom query that is
[18:35] <apachelogger> since they are in the sycoca anyway (if installed in an appropriate dir)
[18:35] <JontheEchidna> dunno, haven't looked
[18:35] <shadeslayer> apachelogger: dude same thing with main mirror
[18:35] <apachelogger> ahhahaha
[18:36] <apachelogger> shadeslayer: grantlee is only in backports :P
[18:36] <shadeslayer> :O
[18:36] <apachelogger> I knew there was something fishy about this
[18:36] <shadeslayer> damn damn damn
[18:36] <apachelogger> but oh well
[18:36] <shadeslayer> ...
[18:36] <apachelogger> it wasnt your config I suppose
[18:36] <shadeslayer> yeah
[18:36] * apachelogger does that darn kopete patch
[18:36] <apachelogger> now that kdevelop is done parsing and importing and building ^^
[18:38] <shadeslayer> apachelogger: so should i put grantlee in experimental ppa as well?
[18:38] <shadeslayer> or leave as such
[18:38] <shadeslayer> and make ppa depend on backports
[18:38] <shadeslayer> ( it probably depends on it )
[18:38] <apachelogger> kubuntu_04_googletalk_no_errormsg_and_knh_support.patch
[18:38] <apachelogger> that name is awesome \o/
[18:38] <shadeslayer> hehe
[18:38] <apachelogger> shadeslayer: no depends
[18:39] <shadeslayer> eh?
[18:39] <apachelogger> copy grantlee to ppa
[18:39] <shadeslayer> as in its only a build depends?
[18:39] <shadeslayer> ok
[18:41] <CIA-116> [kubuntu-notification-helper] Jonathan Thomas <echidnaman@kubuntu.org> * echidnaman@kubuntu.org-20100903174104-vseld2riezskrgsk * src/daemon/installevent/ (installevent.cpp installgui.cpp) Style fixes
[18:45] <shadeslayer> apachelogger: erm.. copy grantlee from main archives to ppa?
[18:45] <shadeslayer> how does one do that
[18:46] <apachelogger> ask Riddell if he can do that and if not just dget and upload with ~ppa1 version suffix
[18:46] <CIA-116> [kubuntu-notification-helper] Jonathan Thomas <echidnaman@kubuntu.org> * echidnaman@kubuntu.org-20100903174644-9yyddrace8qkyavm * src/daemon/installevent/ (installevent.cpp installevent.h installgui.cpp) Add support for kopete-gcall, as it depends on nonfree components
[18:46] <lex79> JontheEchidna: can you upload kmess from my ppa? https://launchpad.net/~alessandro-ghersi/+archive/ppa/
[18:47] <shadeslayer> Riddell: ^
[18:47] <JontheEchidna> lex79: in a bit, yeah
[18:47] <JontheEchidna> apachelogger: ^
[18:47] <lex79> JontheEchidna: no hurry
[18:48] <apachelogger> JontheEchidna: are you going to upload that right away, regarding translations and such?
[18:49] <JontheEchidna> I
[18:49] <JontheEchidna> I'll do it today, definitely
[18:49] <apachelogger> perfect
[18:49] <apachelogger> JontheEchidna: thank you very much :)
[18:51] <shadeslayer> apachelogger: btw if your notification patch is done, we can kill a few bugs with that ...
[18:51] <apachelogger> a few?
[18:52] <apachelogger> :O
[18:52] * apachelogger only needs to do QA
[18:52] <shadeslayer> one sec
[18:55] <shadeslayer> mm.. im sure there were some bugs related to this
[18:56] <apachelogger> splendid
[18:56] <shadeslayer> bug 629217
[18:56] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 629217 in kdenetwork (Ubuntu Maverick) "incomplete separation of kopete and kopete-gcall" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/629217
[18:56] <apachelogger> I am awesum
[18:57] <apachelogger> http://aplg.kollide.net/images/avatar/snapshot13.png
[18:58] <shadeslayer> nice
[18:58] <JontheEchidna> it works~
[18:58] <JontheEchidna> *!
[18:58] <shadeslayer> apachelogger: pastebin the patch :P
[18:58] <apachelogger> nah :P
[18:59] * shadeslayer ssh's into apachelogger's pc and steals patch
[19:00] * apachelogger forgot to patch something away
[19:01] <CIA-116> [kubuntu-notification-helper] Jonathan Thomas <echidnaman@kubuntu.org> * echidnaman@kubuntu.org-20100903180137-rxrlaid17syvqbov * debian/changelog * Code style fixes * Add support for kopete-gcall to InstallEvent, since kopete-gcall depends on nonfree libs
[19:02] <apachelogger> perfect
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[19:03] <JontheEchidna> running final QA pbuild now
[19:03] <apachelogger> shadeslayer: so, which few bugs do I close?
[19:03] <shadeslayer> apachelogger: just posted it above
[19:04] <apachelogger> you said a few :P
[19:04] <shadeslayer> and one more one sec
[19:04] <apachelogger> that one I even triaged myself :P
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[19:04] <shadeslayer> bug 509772
[19:04] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 509772 in kdenetwork (Ubuntu) "Build Kopete with Google Talk voice call support" [Wishlist,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/509772
[19:04] <Riddell> shadeslayer: what's this about copying grantlee?
[19:04] <shadeslayer> hmm
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[19:05] <shadeslayer> apachelogger: thats it
[19:05] <shadeslayer> Riddell: please copy grantlee into experimental ppa
[19:05] <shadeslayer> need it for kdepim
[19:05] <Riddell> shadeslayer: from maverick to lucid?
[19:06] <lex79> apachelogger: they dropped German translation in the new version of kdevplatform :/
[19:06] <apachelogger> I know
[19:06] <shadeslayer> Riddell: nah, theres no version specified in control file, lucid one should work imo
[19:06] <lex79> apachelogger: so?
[19:06] <apachelogger> it did not match their completion requirement
[19:06] <shadeslayer> so lucid backports -> experimental ppa
[19:06] <apachelogger> silly germans do not care about dev stuff
[19:06] <apachelogger> I shall make de_AT :P
[19:07] <lex79> :)
[19:07] <lex79> apachelogger: shoul I upload without the translations?
[19:07] <lex79> *translation
[19:07] <ScottK> You couldn't properly cover Germany in less than four or five language codes anyway.
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[19:08] <bulldog98> apachelogger: contribute in de and it will become better :P
[19:08] <apachelogger> lex79: of course
[19:08] <apachelogger> I tried
[19:08] * apachelogger is not made for translations
[19:08] <apachelogger> shadeslayer: a lot of bugs those were :P
[19:08] <ScottK> apachelogger is confusing enough just in one language.
[19:08] <apachelogger> lol
[19:08] <shadeslayer> apachelogger: close bug 1 as well with it :P
[19:09] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1 in Ubuntu "Microsoft has a majority market share" [Critical,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1
[19:09] <CIA-116> [kdenetwork] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20100903180941-e4s1h1zigiqov2dy * debian/ (3 files in 2 dirs) (log message trimmed)
[19:09] <CIA-116> * Add kubuntu_04_googletalk_no_errormsg_and_knh_support.patch to: + Not throw
[19:09] <CIA-116> silly error messages when googletalk-gcall binary is not installed + Send dbus
[19:09] <apachelogger> whoops
[19:10] <apachelogger> I hit the wrong keys
[19:10] <apachelogger> shadeslayer: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~kubuntu-members/kdenetwork/ubuntu/annotate/head:/debian/changelog
[19:10] <apachelogger> :P
[19:10] <Riddell> shadeslayer: well if it's in lucid why does it need copied to the PPA?
[19:10] <apachelogger> http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~kubuntu-members/kdenetwork/ubuntu/annotate/head:/debian/patches/kubuntu_04_googletalk_no_errormsg_and_knh_support.patch
[19:11] <apachelogger> quick patch review please
[19:11] <shadeslayer> Riddell: apachelogger wont let me change the ppa build deps :D
[19:11] <apachelogger> inter-archive dependencies are full of socks
[19:11] * apachelogger reported this as bug and has yet to see a fix
[19:12] <apachelogger> and FTR... the opensuse build service does seem to have grown a fix for that already...
[19:12] <shadeslayer> apachelogger++
[19:12] <bulldog98> !karma apachelogger
[19:12] <ubottu> Sorry, I don't know anything about karma apachelogger
[19:12] <shadeslayer> we should switch to OBS
[19:12] <apachelogger> now may I please get some patch review?
[19:12] <bulldog98> ~karma apachelogger
[19:12] <shadeslayer> building ubuntu on suse .... not bad... :D
[19:13] <shadeslayer> bulldog98: no kubotu
[19:13] * shadeslayer cries and goes to apachelogger
[19:13] <yofel> bulldog98: jussi stole the bot
[19:13] <apachelogger> jussi: you made a minion cry, how dare you!!!!
[19:13] <shadeslayer> yofel: more like killed him
[19:13] <Riddell> shadeslayer: I don't understand
[19:13] <yofel> :P
[19:13] * shadeslayer starts crying even more
[19:13] <Riddell> what ppa build deps?
[19:13] <shadeslayer> apachelogger: ^ explain ....
[19:13] * bulldog98 is realy upset because he can‘t get a better karma
[19:14] <shadeslayer> s/him/her
[19:14] <apachelogger> Riddell: with PPAs you can configure that PPA foo depends on PPA bar in which case PPA foo will try to resolve build-deps also using packages from PPA bar
[19:14] <shadeslayer> Riddell: apachelogger wont let me change the deps of the experimental ppa to include lucid backports
[19:15] <apachelogger> ...it does however not copy or link or do anything to make the packages present in its own package list so that the user could install it, which essentially causes usage headache
[19:15] <Riddell> oh, it's in lucid-backports, that's the missing element
[19:16] <apachelogger> ^^
[19:16] <apachelogger> https://bugs.launchpad.net/soyuz/+bug/373197
[19:16] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 373197 in Soyuz "Virtual PPA" [Low,Triaged]
[19:16] <apachelogger> that is the bug report about that foo btw
[19:17] <apachelogger> ... I still need a review on http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~kubuntu-members/kdenetwork/ubuntu/annotate/head:/debian/patches/kubuntu_04_googletalk_no_errormsg_and_knh_support.patch :P
[19:17] <shadeslayer> apachelogger: haha Reported by Project Neon on 2009-05-07 <<
[19:17] <Riddell> shadeslayer: copied
[19:18] <shadeslayer> Riddell: thanks :D
[19:19] <lex79> Riddell: did you see my sync requests?
[19:20] <Riddell> lex79: nope, what do you have?
[19:20] <shadeslayer> afaik soprano right?
[19:21] <lex79> https://bugs.launchpad.net/~alessandro-ghersi?field.searchtext=&orderby=-datecreated&search=Search&field.status:list=NEW&field.status:list=INCOMPLETE_WITH_RESPONSE&field.status:list=INCOMPLETE_WITHOUT_RESPONSE&field.status:list=CONFIRMED&field.status:list=TRIAGED&field.status:list=INPROGRESS&field.status:list=FIXCOMMITTED&field.assignee=&field.bug_reporter=&field.omit_dupes=on&field.has_patch=&field.has_no_package=
[19:21] <lex79> the first four
[19:23] <shadeslayer> hehe
[19:23] <CIA-116> [kdenetwork] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20100903182317-6eabdadjsizb433m * debian/patches/kubuntu_04_googletalk_no_errormsg_and_knh_support.patch remove pointless comment
[19:25] <CIA-116> [kdenetwork] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20100903182503-tmqb5hiq2ab44i1n * debian/changelog Fix LP: #629217
[19:25] <apachelogger> fix deployed
[19:32] <ScottK> Who can tell me what's wrong with this picture: http://kitterman.com/kubuntu/bad_rekonq.png
[19:32] <ScottK> shadeslayer: ^^^
[19:32] * shadeslayer looks
[19:32] <shadeslayer> no idea :(
[19:33] <JontheEchidna> no favicons?
[19:33] <shadeslayer> favicons are fixed :P
[19:33] <ScottK> Nope
[19:33] <shadeslayer> ( in git btw )
[19:34] <lex79> a button minimize is missing
[19:34] <ScottK> This is on plasma-netbook. That top strip in the rekonq window shouldn't be there.
[19:34] <shadeslayer> lex79: that would be kwin
[19:34] <shadeslayer> ahh
[19:34] <shadeslayer> ScottK: doesnt kwin handle that?
[19:34] <ScottK> shadeslayer: Not if the app doesn't play nice.
[19:35] <shadeslayer> :P
[19:35] <JontheEchidna> rekonq was made with about 0 of the reusable K classes for mainwindow-ish things
[19:35] <JontheEchidna> ...and its config dialog is quite custom too
[19:36] <ScottK> shadeslayer: Needs to be fixed.
[19:36] <lex79> ScottK: qt4-x11 is in binary New
[19:36] <ScottK> lex79: I saw. I may get to it later today. Not sure.
[19:36] <lex79> k
[19:36] <shadeslayer> ScottK: how does one fix that? i have no idea
[19:36] <shadeslayer> im already grappling with the build log issue
[19:36] <ScottK> shadeslayer: No idea, but ~every other KDE app works fine.
[19:37] <shadeslayer> ScottK: can you post a screenshot of a app that works?
[19:37] <shadeslayer> i have no idea what its supposed to look like
[19:38] <ScottK> shadeslayer: lskat with appmenu: http://skitterman.files.wordpress.com/2010/07/appmenu1.jpeg
[19:38] <shadeslayer> err
[19:39] <shadeslayer> i dont think that appmenu will be easy to integrate
[19:39] <shadeslayer> apart from that i think the windeco can be fixed
[19:39] <ScottK> That's the main thing
[19:39] <shadeslayer> ScottK: write a mail to rekonq@kde.org id say
[19:39] <ScottK> shadeslayer: You're the packager. Please take care of it.
[19:40] <shadeslayer> alright :)
[19:40] * ScottK would solve it by going back to konqueror.
[19:50] <apachelogger> konqueror!
[19:51] <apachelogger> JontheEchidna: well, what do you expect, rekonq does not even obey the implicit KDE HIG... why would it use KDE classes that make it obey the HIG to a ceratain degree...
[19:51] <apachelogger> stupid rekonq
[19:51] * apachelogger mumbles and grumps away
[19:51] <JontheEchidna> even so, they could have use a KMainWindow. It's pretty customizable
[19:51] <JontheEchidna> or at least a standard config dialog
[19:51] <JontheEchidna> or at least a standard toolbar (Ok, they're doing that now)
[19:52] <JontheEchidna> a bunch of bugs due to rolling their own when shared code could have been used
[19:52] <apachelogger> I gather the main author does not like reading documentation, he is also using a wrong function for saveas :P
[19:53] <JontheEchidna> :P
[19:53] <JontheEchidna> std::list sucks compared to QList. No .at() function, no [ ] operator
[19:54] <JontheEchidna> prepend and append are push_front and push_back
[19:54] <JontheEchidna> just a bunch of not-as-nice-as-Qt-ness
[19:54] <apachelogger> well
[19:54] <JontheEchidna> plus Qt containers are just as efficient (more in some cases) than std ones
[19:55] <apachelogger> std::list is a sequence container
[19:55] <lex79> apachelogger: did you upload qtwebkit from ninja?
=== hunger_ is now known as hunger
[19:55] <apachelogger> if you need to use an at on a sequence container you chose the wrong class
[19:55] <apachelogger> IMHO
[19:55] <JontheEchidna> at(int)
[19:55] <apachelogger> lex79: I dunno, I left the Qt foo for ScottK
[19:55] <JontheEchidna> I suppose I could have used std::vector
[19:56] <ScottK> Riddell was uploading Qt.
[19:56] <Riddell> I didn't look at qtwebkit
[19:56] <Riddell> can do so now
[19:56] <apachelogger> JontheEchidna: vectors are also sequence containers :P
[19:56] <lex79> thanks
[19:56] <apachelogger> you should not at(anything) on sequence containers
[19:56] <lex79> Riddell: from ninja
[19:58] <apachelogger> JontheEchidna: why do you want to access an element while not itering?
[19:59] <JontheEchidna> I don't, I use at(i) while itering
[19:59] <JontheEchidna> well, I wanted to
[19:59] <apachelogger> well no, but why use at at all :P
[19:59] <JontheEchidna> but I used list<double>::const_iterator in theend
[20:00] <apachelogger> *nod*
[20:00] <JontheEchidna> I'll rethink my class usage, but it's not a big deal in this case.
[20:00] <JontheEchidna> but, anyways, g2g catch my ride home
[20:00] <apachelogger> JontheEchidna: judging from that recent blog post about qlist performance one probably should not use a qlist anyway, but a vecotr :)
[20:01] <JontheEchidna> will try to find it later, bbl
[20:02] <Quintasan> http://ツ.tv/4c who was bored so much? :D
[20:02] <ScottK> Riddell: sarvatt did up a proposed kwin blacklist in the format needed by kwinrc (as mgraesslin suggested). Would it be better to put this in KDS or patch kdebase-workspace directly? http://sarvatt.com/downloads/kdeblacklist.txt
[20:03] <mgraesslin> ScottK: that one is wrong
[20:03] <Riddell> ScottK: better to patch k-d-s, that's easier to do a SRU if needed, and I doubt many people use kwin without k-d-s
[20:03] <mgraesslin> you only have one Intel and you do not need to blacklist each driver
[20:03] <mgraesslin> and just upstream it and it will be in 4.5.2 :-)
[20:04] <ScottK> mgraesslin: Could you join #ubuntu-x so we can discuss what should be blacklisted. I know little about this part of the stack and so me passing messages back and forth probably isn't the best way to do it.
[20:05] <mgraesslin> joined, but I seriously need a shower :-)
[20:06] <apachelogger> Quintasan: what is wrong with the todo?
[20:07] <Quintasan> nothing
[20:07] <Quintasan> just nice url :D
[20:08] <shadeslayer> apachelogger: hah... seems kdepim builds now :P
[20:08] <apachelogger> there is a build in the box
[20:08] <apachelogger> shadeslayer: what about kdepim-runtime on mav?
[20:08] <shadeslayer> everything built
[20:09] <shadeslayer> no failiures
[20:10] <ScottK> mgraesslin: Thanks.
[20:10] <apachelogger> magick
[20:10] <shadeslayer> MagiK :P
[20:28] <ryanakca> Riddell: arts (for kdepim-enterprise) is building
[20:28] * apachelogger falls over
[20:28] <ScottK> Nooooooooooooo!
[20:28] <ScottK> ryanakca: That'll take a special version of kdelibs too then.
[20:29] <Riddell> mm, we don't want arts
[20:29] <ScottK> Maybe we can do without the beeps.
[20:29] <ryanakca> ScottK: Yes, and of dirmng, kdebase, etc.
[20:29] * apachelogger needs valium
[20:29] <Riddell> package should be built with --no-arts or whatever the flag is
[20:29] * ryanakca grumbles and scraps his package
[20:30] * apachelogger just had a nervous break down
[20:31] <ryanakca> apachelogger: Builds character :)
[20:31] <apachelogger> I blame it all on shadeslayer
[20:31] <ScottK> apachelogger: How is that different than any other Friday?
[20:32] <shadeslayer> whaaa
[20:32] <apachelogger> ScottK: that is not the point
[20:32] <lex79> apachelogger: can you upload this stuff? https://launchpad.net/~alessandro-ghersi/+archive/ppa/+packages
[20:32] <lex79> thanks :-*
[20:32] <apachelogger> I am on valium now
[20:33] <apachelogger> I should have gone out partying -.-
[20:33] * shadeslayer gives apachelogger vicodin
[20:33] <lex79> like Doctor House
[20:33] <apachelogger> lex79: you want both uploaded?
[20:33] <lex79> both
[20:33] <apachelogger> are you not moto or motu?
[20:33] <lex79> not motu yet :D
[20:34] <apachelogger> apply for moto then, it is easier to get ... even neversfelde became moto :P
[20:34] <lex79> too lazy, I'll do
[20:34] <shadeslayer> i still dont know the full form of moto
[20:34] <apachelogger> lex79: dude! it is not even the built...
[20:34] <apachelogger> lex79: pman does not require FFe?
[20:34] <lex79> apachelogger: doesn't matter it builds fine here, trust me :)
[20:35] <apachelogger> I am only trusting motos :P
[20:35] <apachelogger> you silly kubuntu devs always pull off some crazy stuff
[20:35] <lex79> http://kde-apps.org/content/show.php/KDE+Partition+Manager?content=89595
[20:35] <lex79> it's a bugfix relese
[20:36] <ryanakca> While I'm working on it, any reason why we aren't using KDEPIM Enterprise 4.5?
[20:36] <lex79> well, it seems, from the changelog
[20:36] <ryanakca> Incomplete?
[20:36] <apachelogger> ryanakca: becase we are not using kdepim 4.5
[20:36] <apachelogger> +u
[20:36] <apachelogger> u are my sunshine *shing*
[20:36] <apachelogger> -h
[20:36] <apachelogger> that valium does not have good influence on me
[20:36] <apachelogger> oh dear oh dear
[20:37] <apachelogger> anyone knows my gpg key id?
[20:37] <apachelogger> I keep forgetting it
[20:37] <Riddell> lex79: syncs done but not soprano, needs fake sync
[20:37] <Riddell> qtwebkit uploaded
[20:38] <lex79> ok Riddell
[20:38] <apachelogger> lex79: does funnytasks need a FFe?
[20:38] <lex79> nah
[20:39] * apachelogger is become kde on windows dev \\o/
[20:40] <apachelogger> lex79: windows has no dput, cannot upload :(
[20:41] <lex79> lol
[20:41] <Riddell> lex79: also ['[Nothing to update (Modified)] phonon_4:4.7.0really4.4.2-0ubuntu1 (vs 4:4.6.0really4.4.2-1)\n']
[20:42] <lex79> oh, ok :)
[20:42] <lex79> apachelogger: thanks :-*
[20:42] * apachelogger falls over
[20:42] <apachelogger> no blings while I am watching the movies
[20:42] <apachelogger> sounds is too loud
[20:42] <apachelogger> knotify4 might damage my hearing
[20:42] <apachelogger> stupid knotify4
[20:43] <lex79> apachelogger: thanks, I will not bling you again then
[20:43] <lex79> :D
[20:44] <apachelogger> ARHGHH
[20:44] * apachelogger needs more valium
[20:45] <lex79> Riddell: bug 629758
[20:45] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 629758 in plasma-widget-cwp (Ubuntu) "Please sync plasma-widget-cwp 1.2.1with Debian experimental" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/629758
[21:19] <ScottK> Riddell: 4.5.1 seems to be working well here on my netbook (modulo the compositing issues we've been discussing in the channel)
[21:36] <seele> is there a kde dev package?
[21:36] <seele> or sources package
[21:39] <ScottK> seele: There are many.
[21:40] <seele> ScottK: is there a tutorial somewhere?
[21:41] <ScottK> seele: What are you trying to do?
[21:41] <seele> ScottK: be able to compile kde stuff living in launchpad and gitorious
[21:42] <ScottK> The usual way to get a tutorial is ask apachelogger and he's verbose enough that by the time he runs out of steam, you have a tutorial.
[21:42] <ScottK> I don't know of one that's focused on KDE stuff on Ubuntu though.
[21:42] <ScottK> lex79: Still around?
[21:43] <ScottK> We seem to be low on people to help out at the moment (I'm just about to leave for a while)
[21:44] <seele> oh well, i can come back after the weekend and see if someone can help
[21:45] <seele> it's really becoming a problem that i have to get packages made in order to test software, i should be able to compile it myself
[21:55] <ScottK> Most of the likely candidates to help are in Europe and it's getting a little late there.
[22:04] <apparle> shadeslayer: ping
[22:25] <Quintasan> seele: sup, what do you want to compile?
[22:25] <apparle> hey guys, I am not used to cmake. I have downloaded rekonq source from repos and applied a patch. How to compile it?
[22:26] <Quintasan> apparle: mkdir build && cd build && cmake ..
[22:26] <Quintasan> then
[22:26] <Quintasan> make
[22:26] <Quintasan> wait
[22:26] <Quintasan> and sudo make install
[22:26] <Quintasan> or sudo checkinstall
[22:26] <Quintasan> depends on what you want to do
[22:26] <Quintasan> checkinstall generates a deb package from files you compiled
[22:26] <apparle> seele: I think you might be looking for the package kde-devel
[22:26] <Quintasan> apparle: remember the dots on the cmake ..
[22:27] <apparle> Quintasan: ahh, so its plain old way, I thought it was different. thanks
[22:27] <Quintasan> apparle: well, it will pull TONS of dev things, I'm not sure seele needs everything there
[22:27] <Quintasan> but it won't hurt if you are not short on space
[22:28] <apparle> Quintasan: I was trying to learn the basics of kde development, and everytime looking for package is irritating, install that once for all :)
[22:32] <Groo> hi/2 all
[22:32] <Groo> apachelogger: ping
[22:32] <Groo> any devs alive?
[22:32] <apparle> Quintasan: shoulld I do checkinstall or sudo checkinstall?
[22:32] <Groo> some missing packages in kubuntu lucid 4.5.1 release
[22:33] <Groo> hey Quintasan :)
[22:33] <Groo> kde-utils is missing, and qt4 is broken, is missing libqt4-multimedia (used for k3b for ex)
[22:34] <apparle> Quintasan: nevermind
[22:35] <Groo> is anyone checking qt? i have working builds from last week git, so i can adapt them to rc1 if needed
[23:17] <Groo> hi/2 all again
[23:18] <Groo> JontheEchidna: ping
=== Groo_ is now known as _Groo_
[23:22] <_Groo_> JontheEchidna: ping
[23:22] <_Groo_> neversfelde: ping
[23:22] <_Groo_> nixternal: ping
[23:22] <_Groo_> anyone alive?
[23:24] <yofel> devs taking a break I guess
[23:25] <lex79> _Groo_: what happens?
[23:27] <_Groo_> lex79: hey lex
[23:27] <_Groo_> lex79: the 4.5.1 backport is currently broken in several places
[23:27] <_Groo_> lex79: libqt4 is missing libqt4-multimedia
[23:27] <_Groo_> lex79: which brakes k3b
[23:27] <lex79> ok, I have to check
[23:28] <_Groo_> lex79: and kdeutils is not built, dont know is its MIA
[23:28] <lex79> MIA?
[23:28] <_Groo_> Missing in Action :D
[23:28] <Tm_T> _Groo_: problem is, qt-multimedia isn't part of Qt anymore, nor it is qt-multimedia either
[23:28] <_Groo_> Tm_T: well it was till last week, my last build from git
[23:29] <lex79> I'm going to upload kdeutils
[23:29] <_Groo_> Tm_T: so wheres qaudio.h and such that k3b needs to build, then?
[23:29] <_Groo_> lex79: tks lex :)
[23:30] <lex79> in qtmobility-dev
[23:30] <_Groo_> lex79: ahhh let me check..
[23:30] <lex79> it needs backport to lucid
[23:30] <_Groo_> lex79: ah that figures why i couldnt find it
[23:30] <Tm_T> lex79: there's no such package in lucid?
[23:30] <lex79> no yet
[23:30] <_Groo_> Tm_T: nope
[23:31] <Tm_T> (:)
[23:31] <_Groo_> lex79: are you gonna do that too lex?
[23:31] <lex79> can do
[23:31] <_Groo_> lex79: tks a bunch :)
[23:31] <lex79> no problem :)
[23:31] <Tm_T> _Groo_: I was actually making noise of the very same thing some hours ago (:)
[23:31] <_Groo_> lex79: unfortunatelly nepomuk (in other news) is still buggy as hell
[23:32] <_Groo_> Tm_T: really? well nice to know im not the only one
[23:32] <Tm_T> _Groo_: as I cannot build k3b either
[23:32] <lex79> what's the problem with nepomuk?
[23:32] <_Groo_> lex79: im compiling k3b with the latest patch to make k3b NOT crash when using settings menu, want me to backport it to lucid and try to make it to backports?
[23:33] <_Groo_> lex79: dolphin search is broken since 4.5 rc
[23:33] <lex79> do you have strigi enabled?
[23:33] <_Groo_> lex79: it doesnt find anything, it can only find items if i do a tag: without anything else, then it shows me all items, something changed the API that virtuoso understands
[23:34] <_Groo_> lex79: yeah yeah, its all fine, its an internal problem, not a config one
[23:34] <lex79> uhm
[23:34] <_Groo_> aparently they now use encoded when searching, dont know if can be it
[23:35] <lex79> I can try to backport virtuoso but dunno if can work
[23:35] <_Groo_> if i use the command line WITHOUT encoded it works, if i use dolphin with default search (aka i dont change the search string) it doesnt
[23:36] <_Groo_> lex79: it might be better to talk to trueg or anyone whos working with it to be sure its a virtuoso thing
[23:36] <_Groo_> lex79: since you are a "oficial" member sort to speak
[23:36] <lex79> well, in maverick works I think
[23:36] <_Groo_> lex79: but im pretty sure its broken
[23:36] <_Groo_> lex79: do you have nepomuk activated?
[23:36] <lex79> yes
[23:37] <_Groo_> lex79: another thing, in your system the nepomuk filesystemsearch kicks in in every login? cause its doing this behaviour in lucid too
[23:37] <_Groo_> lex79: my disk I/O goes over the roof in every login
[23:37] <_Groo_> lex79: again, might be API related
[23:38] <lex79> ok, let me do the other things now :)
[23:38] <_Groo_> lex79: aparently the searched the entire home instead of incrementing it
[23:38] <_Groo_> lex79: k :)
[23:38] <yofel> _Groo_: I think I saw that too here on maverick
[23:38] <_Groo_> lex79: just a quick test? if you search for anything in dolphin, does it work?
[23:39] <yofel> wondered what was using so much disk IO after login, turns out nepomuk did something
[23:39] <_Groo_> yofel: yeah, just run iotop
[23:39] <yofel> that's what I did ;)
[23:39] <_Groo_> yofel: youll see nepomukfielsearch (not to confuse with strigi service) eats the entire I/O...
[23:39] <_Groo_> yofel: it was suposed to increment not to remake search each login
[23:40] <yofel> works as you described, tag lists everything, searching for other things returns nothing
[23:40] <_Groo_> if this also happens in maverick it needs to be fixed before release.. since its only used in timeline:/ it can be disabled in nepomuk services in /usr/share/kde4
[23:41] <yofel> note: I don't have strigi on
[23:41] <_Groo_> yofel: yeah, do you see the encoded string just after nepomuk:/ ? it wasnt before rc1.
[23:41] <lex79> _Groo_: it works here on maverick
[23:41] <_Groo_> lex79: what virtuoso version?
[23:42] <lex79> 6.1.2+dfsg1-1ubuntu4
[23:42] <_Groo_> lex79: im using ii virtuoso-nepomuk 6.1.0-0ubuntu3.1
[23:42] <lex79> well, I will backport virtuoso then
[23:42] <_Groo_> lex79: from what i gather we dont need the all chebang, only this package correct?
[23:42] <lex79> I uploaded kdeutils to backport ppa
[23:42] <yofel> 6.1.2+dfsg1-1ubuntu4 - but I haven't rebooted for a while, will do so later
[23:43] <lex79> _Groo_: yes
[23:43] <_Groo_> lex79: tks lex, but dont forget the qaudio.h pls.. it breaks a couple packages for me, k3b being the most important
[23:43] <lex79> I'm doing ;)
[23:43] <_Groo_> yofel: are you on lucid?
[23:43] <yofel> nope, mav
[23:43] <_Groo_> yofel: wait you have same behaviour even in maverick?
[23:44] <_Groo_> yofel: you can restart the service without rebooting, or even reloging
[23:44] <_Groo_> yofel: let me get the dbus call, i always forget
[23:44] <yofel> like I said, I didn't reboot in a while, so I might have some stale libs loaded
[23:44] <_Groo_> yofel: qdbus org.kde.NepomukServer /nepomukserver org.kde.NepomukServer.quit
[23:44] <_Groo_> this should disable entire nepomuk
[23:44] <lex79> I uploaded qtmobility in backport ppa
[23:44] <_Groo_> yofel: then kill the nepomukstorage process
[23:44] <_Groo_> lex79: TKS lex
[23:45] <yofel> done
[23:45] <_Groo_> yofel: then just open systej settings, reclick nepomuk and apply, should restart all services , including the new virtuoso
[23:45] <_Groo_> check with ps xa|grep nepomuk
[23:45] <_Groo_> now, wait for strigi (if using), or just search if no new activity
[23:46] <_Groo_> should work now... if it doesnt.. well... more study needed
[23:48] <lex79> virtuoso in lucid backport
[23:48] <lex79> bbl ;)
[23:48] <_Groo__> did it work?
[23:48] <_Groo__> it dc here
[23:49] <yofel> now I don't even have a nepomukstorage service running and tagging something in gwenview does nothing... or rather creates an empty field o.O
[23:49] <_Groo__> yofel: did it work? :)
[23:50] <yofel> well, it gave me a nepomukfilewatch that consumes my I/O, but not much changed otherwise
[23:55] <_Groo__> yofel: :P
[23:55] <_Groo__> yofel: very strange behaviour indeed
[23:55] <_Groo__> yofel: bug trueg in the npomuk channel :D i need to get home now.. tks for the help
[23:56] <yofel> yw
[23:56] <_Groo__> lex79: and tks for the quick uploads, im gonna update when i get home if they are availanle :D
[23:56] <_Groo__> yofel: if you want to maintain nepomuk (not much point since its broken), but disable the filesearch, just remove the file from /usr/share/kde4/ something :D