UbuntuIRC / 2010 /05 /30 /#ubuntu-us-mn.txt
Initial commit
=== ripps_ is now known as ripps
[21:56] <Takyoji> Anyone think the Ubuntu Software Center should be optimized a little?
[22:03] <Alpha_Cluster> i hate it i liked the old system
[22:03] <Alpha_Cluster> :(
[22:06] <Obsidian1723> I prefer add/remove.
[22:07] <Alpha_Cluster> same
[22:12] <Takyoji> Ubuntu Software Centre considerably crawls on my laptop
[22:12] <Alpha_Cluster> just use the other package manager ;)
[22:37] <tonyyarusso> I actually think Software Center 2.0 is better than add/remove.
[22:38] <Alpha_Cluster> heracy!!!
[22:38] <Alpha_Cluster> wow i misspelt that bad
[22:42] <Takyoji> Layout a little, yes. Performance, no. xP
[22:42] <Alpha_Cluster> i liked add/removes layout
[22:42] <tonyyarusso> Many dislikes for add/remove not being able to do concurrent installations.