UbuntuIRC / 2010 /05 /18 /#ubuntu-website.txt
Initial commit
=== txwikinger2 is now known as txwikinger
[14:40] <newz2000> hey cjohnston, I'm around if you still need me.
[14:40] * newz2000 has been offline for a few days while moving to a new home
[14:41] <cjohnston> cool
[14:41] <cjohnston> Is it possible for me to get access to a server thats set up the same as u.
[14:41] <cjohnston> u.c
[14:41] <cjohnston> I need to be able to test what I have
[14:44] <newz2000> Hmmm….
[14:45] <newz2000> cjohnston: do you mean the old u.c or the new one?
[14:45] <cjohnston> are the servers different? (not the site)
[14:45] <cjohnston> different setups i guess
[14:46] <cjohnston> i mean if i could get access to a test replica of ubuntu.com (new or old) on a similar server to what the current one is setup as, that would be great
[14:48] <newz2000> cjohnston: I have a branch with the theme and modules I can share with you I think
[14:48] <newz2000> it will be the old site
[14:49] <newz2000> Another option is just to use wget to mirror a few pages of the site as a static copy
[14:49] <newz2000> It might be easier than screwing around with drupal
[15:01] <cjohnston> k
[15:02] <cjohnston> any thoughts about somewhere to put it with a similar server setup?
[15:32] <newz2000> cjohnston: sorry for the delay, getting hit from all sides after a four day weekend.
[15:32] <newz2000> cjohnston: any common apache2 install on hardy will give you a very similar feel
[15:32] <newz2000> configuration I mean