UbuntuIRC / 2010 /05 /09 /#ubuntu-server.txt
Initial commit
[00:20] * penguin42 wonders if theres a way to get kvm/libvirt to reload its networking settings
[00:26] <uvirtbot> New bug: #516040 in ubuntu-release-notes "dovecot sieve plugin renamed from cmusieve to sieve" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/516040
[01:18] <dominicdinada> If i do iptables-save where does it save the file to ?
[01:32] <ziesemer_> dominicdinada: Per the man page, nowhere - but to stdout.
[01:33] <dominicdinada> is that a file that contains the firewall then to import elsewhere
[01:34] <ziesemer_> Try "man iptables-save". It mentions using IO redirection, as well as iptables-restore.
[01:36] <ziesemer_> So by default, it seems that every user account has a same-named group created, of which is the primary group for each user. Should I do the same if using LDAP? What would an advantage be over just using a generic "users" group?
[01:45] <dominicdinada> Hmm i still am not able to export it to bring it into firewall builder
[01:45] <ziesemer_> What is "firewall builder"?
[01:46] <ziesemer_> Maybe you just want "iptables -L >someFile" ?
[01:46] <dominicdinada> got it i think :P
[01:47] <dominicdinada> except it is a empty file :(
[01:48] <ziesemer_> sudo ?
[01:49] <dominicdinada> yes
[01:49] <dominicdinada> i take that back
[01:51] <dominicdinada> http://www.fwbuilder.org is the proggy btw
[02:34] <ziesemer_> I just setup LDAP for authentication, and ran "auth-client-config -t nss -p lac_ldap". Why is pam_groupdn not working in /etc/ldap.conf ?
=== zorzar_ is now known as zorzar
[03:07] <chewbranca> anyone have any thoughts on ubuntu server 10.04? I'm going to setup UEC tonight and I'm wondering if 10.04 is a good way to go, or if I should go with 9.10?
[03:08] <chewbranca> 10.04 on the desktop has not been very pleasant so far, for me and most everyone I know who has upgraded to it
[03:16] <owen1> does it make sense to use MinimalCD as a server? or should i just use the server and remove stuff i don't need? where can i see list of packages for each one?
[03:17] <KurtKraut> owen1, I don't think you'll find a list of packages installed by default. Only very small Linux distributions (like tinycore, puppy linux and damn small linux) bother to create such list
[03:19] <owen1> KurtKraut: but ubuntu has minimalCD as well. i am curious to know if it's used for servers?
[03:19] <KurtKraut> owen1, the minimal CD is minimal for Ubuntu but not a minimal Linux distribution.
[03:20] <KurtKraut> owen1, it is not like Damn Small Linux that provides you a full featured system in a 50mb ISO.
[03:20] <FrankLee> Hi. I'm looking to set up a solid home server base, that is also capable of running desktops/xserver on top. Basically want a server and desktop in one. Any one keen to share some ideas?
[03:21] <owen1> KurtKraut: ok. after i install minimalCD, i can't install ssh server and login to my new machine?
[03:21] <owen1> FrankLee: i am doing the same.
[03:21] <FrankLee> ahh that's handy
[03:21] <owen1> FrankLee: i am debating between ubuntu server+x or minimalCD+x
[03:22] <KurtKraut> owen1, if you install and configure openssh-server later, yes.
[03:22] <FrankLee> yes I was wondering the same. btw how do i direct a comment towards someone? not a big irc user.
[03:22] <owen1> FrankLee: what client do u use
[03:22] <owen1> try irssi. it's the best
[03:22] <FrankLee> quassel
[03:23] <owen1> i just start the nick of someone, and hit tab
[03:23] <owen1> and that the message
[03:23] <FrankLee> owen1: ah huh, very cool, cheers
[03:23] <KurtKraut> FrankLee, IRC clients tend to have autocompletion just like bash.
[03:23] <FrankLee> KurtKraut: thank-you
[03:23] <showmeurOface> ok
[03:24] <ziesemer_> What else could be caching authentication info? I had configured LDAP, and I shutdown the only LDAP server. A login for a user that exists only in LDAP is still working. I don't have nscd installed. Even rebooting the client host doesn't help - login still works.
[03:24] <KurtKraut> owen1, Have you seen the Ubuntu JeOS images? JeOS stands for 'just enough OS'. I think it is the minimium you can get with Ubuntu
[03:24] <owen1> KurtKraut: so if i really want lean machine (server or desktop) i should start with MinimalCD?
[03:24] <owen1> KurtKraut: let me google
[03:25] <KurtKraut> owen1, why are you so worried to get a minimum set up? Are you planing to install in a pendrive or in a small storage device?
[03:25] <owen1> http://www.ubuntu.com/products/whatisubuntu/serveredition/jeos
[03:26] <owen1> KurtKraut: no, but that's a good idea. i just don't need all kind of stuff, like apache. i want nginx for example.
[03:26] <KurtKraut> owen1, the regular Ubuntu Sever install doesn't install Apache by default.
[03:29] <owen1> KurtKraut: interesting. so maybe i can stick to server then
[03:30] <KurtKraut> owen1, yes.
[03:31] <showmeurOface> stupid question but whats a good windows front end to build iptables firewalls ?
[03:33] <KurtKraut> showmeurOface, I wouldn't rely in any.
[03:36] <showmeurOface> Hmmm I was under the understanding iptables was ez :/
[03:37] <showmeurOface> maybe I should rephrase the question because firewall builder is awesome... but you gotta pay for it...
[03:38] <FrankLee> KurtKraut: So if I set up a ubuntu-server, what is the best way to ensure that remains running whilst being able to change between xservers?
[03:39] <showmeurOface> !ufw
[03:39] <ubottu> Ubuntu, like any other Linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UFW), or 'iptables' (https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo). GUI frontends such as Firestarter/Gufw (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE) also exist.
[03:39] <KurtKraut> FrankLee, sorry, I don't understand your question.
[03:39] <FrankLee> KurtKraut: ie. If ubuntu freezes or something now. I end up needing to reboot the whole system to restore the xserver.
[03:40] <FrankLee> KurtKraut: So how to I kill x without killing the server side of things?
[03:40] <KurtKraut> FrankLee, press CTRL+F1 or access the server remotely by SSH and them run sudo gdm-restart
[03:42] <FrankLee> KurtKraut: ok, do you think running a solid server and a desktop on the same machine is visible?
[03:42] <KurtKraut> FrankLee, what kind of use you expect it as a server and what use as a desktop?
[03:43] <FrankLee> KurtKraut: At the moment I'm running freenas on an old box, that is pretty much flawless. But I feel that because my desktop is on 4-8hours a day anyway, why not combine the two.
[03:44] <KurtKraut> FrankLee, if it is for personal use, why do you describe it as 'solid', like something that you could not expect it to fail?
[03:46] <FrankLee> KurtKraut: Well I guess I just mean reliable. The main point is that shared folders, torrents etc don't go down because xserver has died etc.
[03:46] <KurtKraut> FrankLee, I think you won't find problems, but I suggest you to use a regular ubuntu desktop install for the job
[03:48] <FrankLee> KurtKraut: In that case, can I run nfs shared directories and torrents outside of ubuntu xserver/desktop?
[03:49] <KurtKraut> FrankLee, the easiest approach would be just using sshfs or mounting the folders via SSH in Gnome in the other LAN computers
[03:50] <FrankLee> Alright, I think what I'm getting is that a std ubuntu install will provide me with all I need because those needs are fairly basic. Yes?
[03:55] <KurtKraut> FrankLee, no. Because the desktop usage will require more packages that isn't bundled with the server install.
[03:55] <KurtKraut> FrankLee, I mean: it is easier to turn a regular desktop Ubuntu install into a server than the opposite direction
[03:56] <FrankLee> KurtKraut: Ah ok, I think that's what I meant but was not clear. My fault.
[03:56] <resno> is it possible to run a scsi server off sata or ide?
[04:00] <FrankLee> KurtKraut: Thanks for your time.
[04:21] <bogeyd6> FrankLee, wat
[04:23] <bogeyd6> xserver on my ubuntu servers?!?!?
[04:32] <Pirate_Hunter> can someone tell me where I can get info on the pam modules as I have just read the man for pam and pam.d and no reference is made of the actual modules?
[05:04] <bogeyd6> FrankLee, if you are trying to run xserver you should be in #ubuntu asking your questions
[05:04] <bogeyd6> resno, iscsi?
[05:07] <yaboo> installed ubuntu server 10.4 and the screen does not show or the sync is to high for my lcd
[05:08] <yaboo> during bootup, can i get top the grub screen
[05:08] <ziesemer_> yaboo: Hold down shift during boot?
[05:09] <yaboo> ziesemer_, thanks
[05:12] <yaboo> ziesemer_, thanks that works, what are the commands to make it just vga, and 60hz
[05:12] <yaboo> or do i use recovery mode
[05:12] <bogeyd6> resno, im leaving but you should look at openfiler if you are interested in running an iscsi server
[05:13] <ziesemer_> yaboo: You're loading a GUI, that you're having the video issues?
[05:14] <ziesemer_> If so, try just using Ctrl+Alt+F1 to go to a text console.
[05:14] <yaboo> ziesemer_, get to get, then boot and lose video synvc
[05:15] <yaboo> tried that no go, its just default from a fresh install
[05:16] <ziesemer_> Are you running server or desktop?
[05:17] <yaboo> server
[05:17] <yaboo> cannot even install ssh to remote in
[05:17] <yaboo> clean fresh install, when booting lcd loses sync
[05:19] <ziesemer_> Not sure why you would be loosing sync for a text only console...
[05:25] <dominicdinada> yaboo: Did you get it samba working correctly ?
[05:25] <dominicdinada> http://www,fwbuilder.org
[05:25] <dominicdinada> www.fwbuilder.org
[05:27] <yaboo> dominicdinada, no, does not work, seriously thinking going back to 9.1, that works
[05:27] <yaboo> ziesemer_, vbe mode is 101
[05:27] <dominicdinada> eh :(
[05:28] <yaboo> now that 10 does not give me console, cannot even log into the box
[05:28] <dominicdinada> sigh
[05:30] <dominicdinada> yaboo: stop breakin stuff :)
[05:30] <yaboo> dominicdinada, then ubuntu should work, not me it ubuntu, badly built
[05:31] <uvirtbot> New bug: #577681 in lm-sensors (universe) "sensor applet does not fully support 9300 nvidia igp (zotac 9300-itx)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/577681
[05:31] <yaboo> never had issues with debian, but spents weeks configuring debian
[05:33] <owen1> i cancel capslock with xmodmap command. i want it to apply on boot so i put it in .xinitrc it's not working on boot. what am i doing wrong?
[05:43] <yaboo> dominicdinada, ziesemer_ used another monitor it wored, but went to 1920x1600 res, does it auto detect console
[05:44] <yaboo> openssh-server is not on the cd, but need to get it off the net
[05:44] <dominicdinada> correct
[05:44] <dominicdinada> not sure about the monitor it should auto detect
[05:45] <yaboo> shows ubuntu is not ready for prime time
[05:47] <dominicdinada> heh
[05:47] <bogeyd6> LAWL
[05:47] <bogeyd6> yaboo, o rly?
[05:47] <dominicdinada> what did you set to wake the cron up at prime time :O
[05:48] <yaboo> bogeyd6, if it does to me, imagine how much of a idiot i would be at work
[05:48] <bogeyd6> ignorance is the only enemy of ubuntu
[05:49] <dominicdinada> there actual were commands before about waking up cron at tea time, Prime time.......
[05:49] <yaboo> bogeyd6, its not ignorance its that it just does not work
[05:50] <bogeyd6> yaboo, so you installed ubuntu server and the console would not load on the monitor?
[05:51] <yaboo> yes bogeyd6
[05:51] <bogeyd6> but all of the install worked just fine
[05:51] <bogeyd6> rebooted and all the sudden no monitor?
[05:51] <yaboo> bogeyd6, yes
[05:51] <uvirtbot> New bug: #577683 in tomcat6 (main) "tomcat6 directory structure broken" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/577683
[05:52] <bogeyd6> yaboo, are you absolutely sure you were not trying to run the desktop
[05:53] <yaboo> bogeyd6, yes, been running server for the last two months
[05:53] <ziesemer_> What are you seeing now with the new monitor when you login? Just a plain-text terminal?
[05:53] <bogeyd6> i didnt even know tha was possible
[05:54] <bogeyd6> all monitors accept default vga input
[05:54] <yaboo> bogeyd6, yes
[05:54] <grantbow> bogeyd6: I think I can find an exception in my closet
[05:55] <bogeyd6> i guess if the HW is old enough it might not work as expected
[05:55] <ziesemer_> yaboo: Can you confirm that you are now seeing only a plain-text terminal?
[05:56] <bogeyd6> i one time had a problem with a kvm network switch not showing the monitor, turned out to be a bad cable
[05:56] <uvirtbot> New bug: #577686 in backuppc (main) "package backuppc 3.1.0-9ubuntu1 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/577686
[05:56] <yaboo> ziesemer_, absolutely
[05:56] <bogeyd6> ziesemer_, :P
[05:56] <ziesemer_> I guess it may be too high of a mode?
[05:56] <yaboo> ziesemer_, one assumes so
[05:56] <bogeyd6> yaboo, you should be in #ubuntu asking for support
[05:56] <ziesemer_> Which I'm guessing can be manually specified on the grub command line - though I don't recall what it is exactly.
[05:56] <bogeyd6> we dont support xserver/gnome/kde/etc
[05:56] <yaboo> bogeyd6, thought it was a server issue
[05:57] <yaboo> bogeyd6, only use the commandline
[05:58] <grantbow> can you ssh after rebooting?
[05:58] <yaboo> grantbow yes once i configured ppoe and installed openssh-server
[06:03] <grantbow> you said above you couldn't log in, now you can?
[06:03] <yaboo> yes via ssh once i alsp changed the lcd monitor on the box
[06:04] <yaboo> ok server working, now to fix samba
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[06:34] <yaboo> anyone using samba under 10
[06:35] <jpds> yaboo: Children using Samba?
[06:36] <uvirtbot> New bug: #577693 in squid (main) "squid restart fails" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/577693
[06:37] <sporedi> which is simple mail server comes with ubuntu 10 server
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[07:34] <claudiouss> hello
[07:34] <claudiouss> can anybody help me??
[07:35] <claudiouss> i just installed Ubuntu Server 10.04, but i have a problem
[07:39] <blue-frog> if you don't say the problem you might wait forever the answer
[07:40] <ziesemer_> !ask
[07:40] <ubottu> Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)
[07:41] <quentusrex> Anyone know about the apport bug: Error connecting to Launchpad: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'makefile'
[07:41] <claudiouss> ok, i'm sorry
[07:41] <quentusrex> apport is unable to connect to launchpad, and I can't seem to get more debug output than that.
[07:47] <jpds> quentusrex: Try #launchpad.
[07:47] <claudiouss> i just installed ubuntu server 10.04, with a RAID 1 config, following this instructions: https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/advanced-installation.html - tthe installation completed successfully, but when the computer restarts, MOUNTING errors appear and it says "No init found. Try passing init=bootarg. BusyBox v1.13.3
[07:49] <blue-frog> wow first line I read about the raid description and horrified am I. "reducing ... data loss" almost saying backup is no use when you have raid.
[07:50] <jpds> blue-frog: Are you reading RAID0's description?
[07:51] <blue-frog> the link you gave us yes
[07:51] <claudiouss> RAID 1... mirror disk
[07:54] <blue-frog> claudiouss, don't know. need to install one with 10.04. might be a bug. might be something went wrong. try again once.
[07:55] <claudiouss> what if i try with a old version of Ubuntu Server... maybe 9.04, if it works, can i update after and get someting like 10.04??
[08:08] <yaboo> think 10.04 is buggy
[08:09] <claudiouss> yaboo, So what version do you recommend?
[08:10] <yaboo> 9.04, everything worked for me, upgradec to 10.04 and nothing works
[08:10] <yaboo> squid, samba
[08:11] <claudiouss> 64bits?
[08:11] <yaboo> 32bits
[08:11] <claudiouss> my computer is an Intel Core i3
[08:12] <claudiouss> should i use 64bits right?
[08:12] <yaboo> claudiouss: do not know
[08:13] <claudiouss> ok.. i'll try ubuntu server 9.04
[08:13] <yaboo> going to downgrade now
[08:13] <claudiouss> thanks yaboo
[08:15] <jpds> claudiouss: I would use 10.04 as it's an LTS release.
[08:15] * jpds reads scrollback.
[08:16] <blue-frog> claudiouss, do you really need raid?
[08:16] <claudiouss> that's what i installed
[08:17] <claudiouss> hmmm, there ir other method to auto backup de disk into another disk??
[08:17] <claudiouss> hmmm, there ir another method to auto backup the disk into another disk??
[08:17] <blue-frog> claudiouss, well raid is definitely not a backup solution
[08:18] <claudiouss> is not??
[08:18] <blue-frog> not
[08:18] <blue-frog> has nothing to do wiht backup
[08:18] <blue-frog> unfortunately the server guide page is misleading
[08:19] <claudiouss> but, RAID 1?
[08:20] <blue-frog> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RAID
[08:21] <claudiouss> "RAID 1 mirrors the contents of the disks" that's what i need
[08:21] <claudiouss> in case of failure of one
[08:25] <blue-frog> ah good one one that page. search for RAID is not data backup on that link
[08:47] <yaboo> claudiouss: go 9 10 is faulty
[09:00] <yaboo> does ufw block traffic outside the machine
[09:12] <yaboo> other than ufw how does one setup iptables in ubuntu
[09:18] <lingm> My computer is connected online via eth0. I want other devices to be able to connect to it via wireless and use it's connection to go online. How do I do this? (or is this the wrong channel to ask in?)
[09:20] <Ellement> upon installation of ubuntu server 10.04 is get the following "starting system log daemon: syslogd, klogd" it then hangs. any work arounds?
[09:22] <Tweeda_> media wiki depends on mysql server... context switch much?
[09:30] <yaboo> need to take back afew bad things i sad about server 10
[10:10] <dominicdinada> yaboo: what did you mess up and then fix
[10:20] <yaboo> dominicdinada: seem ufw is the culprit switch off ufw and samba works
[10:21] <dominicdinada> well i told you just add an exception last night for it
[10:21] <dominicdinada> lol
[10:21] <yaboo> tried that did zero
[10:21] <dominicdinada> hmmm its not accepting the changes?
[10:22] <dominicdinada> check out this program it might help
[10:22] <yaboo> went back to my custom iptables scrit it works
[10:22] <dominicdinada> http://www.fwbuilder.org
[10:22] <dominicdinada> can i check your script out ? trying to get a general idea for mine
[10:22] <yaboo> nope gui, avoid on the server
[10:22] <yaboo> yeah sure
[10:23] <dominicdinada> you can make then then import them i believe
[10:24] <yaboo> http://paste.ubuntu.com/430474/
[10:24] <dominicdinada> ok thanks
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
[11:09] <sporedi> can you please tell me which is simple mail server comes with ubuntu ,for soho office
[11:10] <Tweeda_> sporedi, I think postfix is the default these days. mail isn't simple tho
[11:11] <sporedi> ok
[11:18] <sporedi> Tweeda_: do u have any idea on postfix ,do u use it .....
[11:19] <Tweeda_> sporedi, I know enough to get myself into trouble.
[11:20] <sporedi> can i trouble u some more ,to help me
[11:23] <Tweeda_> sporedi, just ask. somebody may know
[11:23] <sporedi> ok
[12:06] <_Trullo> I have 3 fans, red/blue/black wire, the blue one is for the rpm.. can I attach only the blue on to the motherboard?
[12:19] <penguin42> where were you going to connect the red and black
[12:19] <_Trullo> directly to the psu
[12:20] <_Trullo> I don't think the motherboard can power the 120x120x38 highspeed fan
[12:20] <_Trullo> and I got more of them
[12:20] <penguin42> I think that should be OK
[12:21] <_Trullo> do you think I can connect 3 fans to the same motherboard pin?
[12:21] <penguin42> doubt it
[12:22] <_Trullo> yeah I have no idea really..
[12:23] <penguin42> you don't have to connect the rpm pin at all - but you won't be able to tell if it fails
[12:25] <_Trullo> the fan is really noisy now so i need to lower the rpm
[12:26] <_Trullo> and I thought I should connect 3 fans to the same motherboard pin
[12:26] <_Trullo> the power is all from the psu anyway..
[12:38] <penguin42> oh that won't work - get yourself a fan speed controller
[13:15] <_Trullo> yeah, I guess that's the only option
[15:36] <uvirtbot> New bug: #577852 in mysql-dfsg-5.1 (main) "package mysql-server-5.1 5.1.37-1ubuntu5.1 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/577852
[15:52] <slackster> hi, I get a message "Your CPU appears to be lacking expected security protections."
[15:53] <slackster> /usr/lib/update-notifier/check-bios-nx --verbose <- command not found
[15:53] <slackster> something I should worry about?
[15:56] <slackster> http://pastebin.com/mdX1cwUn cat /proc/cpuinfo
[16:12] <halvors> Somone know how to fix the dovecot musieve bug? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-release-notes/+bug/516040
[16:12] <uvirtbot> Launchpad bug 516040 in ubuntu-release-notes "dovecot sieve plugin renamed from cmusieve to sieve" [Undecided,Fix released]
[16:19] <halvors> ???
[16:20] <handheldCar> u triggered a helpful bot
[17:10] <jo-erlend> cjwatson, I just tried to install a kvm guest with lucid server and then desktop using alternate. I added some raid devices and even though the install seems fine, it's not able to boot it. I only get "error: no such disk." and then a grub resque prompt.
[17:11] <jo-erlend> cjwatson, I've been reading some bug reports on lp, which is why I'm telling you. I though these bugs were supposed to have been fixed? Is it just for virtio-disks, perhaps, that it still doesn't work?
[17:11] <cjwatson> jo-erlend: I tested with virtio not that long ago and it seemed ok
[17:11] <cjwatson> jo-erlend: I'd need you to extract /var/log/installer/syslog and /var/log/installer/partman from that installation and attach them to a bug, I guess
[17:11] <cjwatson> at least for starters
[17:12] <cjwatson> "reading some bug reports on lp" - probably best not to, it'll only be confusing :)
[17:12] <jo-erlend> indeed :)
[17:12] <jo-erlend> but I'll extract those files immediately.
[17:13] <cjwatson> so I did have to patch grub2 a bit to get raid-on-virtio to work
[17:13] <cjwatson> maybe that fell out by mistake due to a subsequent patch, or something
[17:13] <cjwatson> it's not impossible as that was all very delicate
[17:13] <Smaakage> Hi,
[17:14] <cjwatson> basically what I need is a clear reproduction recipe so that I can go and repeat your procedure
[17:14] <Smaakage> Can somebody help me with install mysql server.. Can't get it working after updating to 10.04
[17:15] <jo-erlend> cjwatson, if I were on something other than a 3g connection, I could've uploaded the entire vm or at least given you access to it. :)
[17:15] <jo-erlend> but if all you need are those files, then you'll have them shortly.
[17:15] <cjwatson> those files and a step-by-step description of what you did
[17:16] <cjwatson> since it's kvm I assume it's repeatable
[17:16] <cjwatson> the log files are basically just in case there's something obvious in them, and also so that I have a machine-readable description of your partitioning layout
[17:17] <Smaakage> no body there can help me with my buged mysql-server install?
[17:17] <Smaakage> I used apt-get install mysql-server
[17:17] <Smaakage> then it got stuck with:
[17:17] <Smaakage> Setting up mysql-server-5.1 (5.1.41-3ubuntu12) ...
[17:18] <Smaakage> Have ben stuck in 10 minuts now.
[17:18] <ikonia> what's up ?
[17:18] <Smaakage> And it frosend..
[17:19] <ikonia> have you killed it and attempted to re-install it ?
[17:20] <Smaakage> Yes, and i also tryed to apt-get -p remove mysql-server but when i type mysql then it says that it could't connect to the mysql..
[17:21] <Smaakage> Is there any way where i can delete all files mysql are using and then install it again?
[17:23] <Smaakage> it stops with:
[17:23] <Smaakage> Setting up mysql-server-core-5.1 (5.1.41-3ubuntu12) ...
[17:23] <Smaakage> Setting up mysql-server-5.1 (5.1.41-3ubuntu12) ...
[17:23] <Smaakage> and when i see the prosecc tree it stops with:
[17:23] <Smaakage> start mysql
[17:24] <Smaakage> then i killed it:
[17:24] <Smaakage> Setting up mysql-server (5.1.41-3ubuntu12) ...
[17:24] <Smaakage> Processing triggers for libc-bin ...
[17:24] <Smaakage> ldconfig deferred processing now taking place
[17:24] <jo-erlend> cjwatson, http://pastebin.com/wMFNcdk6
[17:25] <cjwatson> jo-erlend: please file a bug about it, I'll lose it if you just put it on IRC I'm afraid
[17:25] <cjwatson> jo-erlend: use the debian-installer source package in Ubuntu
[17:25] <Smaakage> start mysql
[17:25] <Smaakage> start: Job is already running: mysql
[17:26] <Smaakage> mysql
[17:26] <Smaakage> ERROR 2002 (HY000): Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' (2)
[17:26] <jo-erlend> cjwatson, oh, ok. :)
[17:27] <ikonia> Smaakage: look if that socket file is there and if mysql is actually running
[17:27] <Smaakage> there is no files in /var/run/mysqld/
[17:28] <Smaakage> And i can't see the mysql server online in webmin
[17:28] <JanC> ugh, webmin
[17:28] <jo-erlend> cjwatson, what package should I attach the bug to?
[17:29] <jo-erlend> heh, sorry... :)
[17:29] <jo-erlend> I just read your message above.
[17:29] <Smaakage> any?
[17:30] <AdamDV> Smaakage: Try sudo apt-get remove mysql-server mysql --purge && sudo apt-get install mysql mysql-server
[17:31] <uvirtbot> New bug: #491955 in libssh (main) "remote crash via ssh kills local machine" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/491955
[17:32] <Smaakage> deon.
[17:32] <Smaakage> done*
[17:32] <Smaakage> service mysql start
[17:32] <Smaakage> start: Job is already running: mysql
[17:32] <Smaakage> then i:
[17:33] <Smaakage> service mysql stop
[17:33] <Smaakage> and now it is stuck again.
[17:33] <ikonia> Smaakage: webmin ??? that won't work with ubuntu's current config style
[17:34] <ikonia> Smaakage: check if mysql is actually running with ps
[17:34] <ikonia> Smaakage: also look for a run file
[17:34] <Smaakage> ps?
[17:34] <AdamDV> ps -A
[17:34] <AdamDV> Try ps -A | grep mysql
[17:34] <AdamDV> Also,
[17:34] * AdamDV hisses at webmin
[17:35] <AdamDV> brb, reboot
[17:35] <Smaakage> 1288 ? 00:00:00 pure-ftpd-mysql
[17:35] <Smaakage> Only that one there is showed
[17:36] <ikonia> Smaakage: ok - so it's not running, so it must be a run file
[17:37] <Smaakage> ok, what can i do then?
[17:39] <ikonia> find the run file and remove the wrong pid from it
[17:39] <Smaakage> how?
[17:39] <ikonia> look in the init script for where it stores the pid file (/var/run I think) and remove it
[17:42] <halvors> Somone know how to fix the dovecot musieve bug? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-release-notes/+bug/516040
[17:42] <uvirtbot> Launchpad bug 516040 in ubuntu-release-notes "dovecot sieve plugin renamed from cmusieve to sieve" [Undecided,Fix released]
[17:42] <Smaakage> i can't find it ikonia
[17:42] <jo-erlend> cjwatson, it seems that my internet connection is too slow to file bugs on launchpad. I keep getting timeouts.
[17:42] <jo-erlend> cjwatson, can I send you an email instead?
[17:42] <cjwatson> jo-erlend: you can e-mail me, cjwatson@ubuntu.com
[17:43] <jo-erlend> great. Thanks.
[17:44] <Smaakage> PID=$
[17:45] <ikonia> Smaakage: where in the init script does it say the pid file is kept
[17:50] <JanC> /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock is the default, not sure if webmin does weird things with the config though ;)
[17:51] <JanC> Smaakage: normally you can find it in /etc/mysql/my.cnf but check out whether webmin doesn't use its own config file instead
[17:52] <znuff-mobile> Hi
[17:52] <znuff-mobile> I'm stuck installing ubuntu 10.4 on server
[17:53] <znuff-mobile> The partitioner doesn't want to mount and format ext4
[17:53] <znuff-mobile> I'm using hardware raid
[17:54] <znuff-mobile> Only thing that works is ext2, but that fails at the mount step: (
[17:55] <halvors> How can i fix the bug?
[17:55] <halvors> Somone know how to fix the dovecot musieve bug? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-release-notes/+bug/516040
[17:55] <uvirtbot> Launchpad bug 516040 in ubuntu-release-notes "dovecot sieve plugin renamed from cmusieve to sieve" [Undecided,Fix released]
[17:56] <jo-erlend> cjwatson, you have mail. Please let me know if there is anything more you need.
[17:57] <JanC> halvors: it's explained in the bug report how to fix that?
[17:57] <JanC> as well as in the release notes: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidLynx/ReleaseNotes#Dovecot%20cmusieve%20plugin%20renamed%20to%20sieve
[17:57] <halvors> but i can find the file
[17:58] <halvors> i have not the
[17:58] <halvors> mail_plugins = sieve
[17:58] <halvors> in my dovecot.conf
[17:58] <halvors> so with command should i run?
[17:59] <JanC> did you read https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-release-notes/+bug/516040/comments/6 ?
[17:59] <uvirtbot> Launchpad bug 516040 in ubuntu-release-notes "dovecot sieve plugin renamed from cmusieve to sieve" [Undecided,Fix released]
[18:08] <halvors> I got it, thanks ;)
[18:12] <Smaakage> there is no file in /etc/mysql/
[18:15] <Smaakage> any?
[18:17] <mcas> Smaakage: i have my.cnf and conf.d folder in there
[18:17] <mcas> hi txwikinger :-)
[18:18] <txwikinger> hi mcas
[18:22] <Smaakage> I do not..
[18:23] <Smaakage> how do i make a total reinstall of all files mysql are using?
[18:23] <mcas> have you tried to reinstall mysql-server?
[18:24] <Smaakage> i have done apt-get remove -purge mysql-server
[18:24] <Smaakage> many times..
[18:24] <Smaakage> Do not help.
[18:24] <mcas> have you make an apt-get update before reinstall?
[18:25] <Smaakage> yes
[18:25] <mcas> you could try to remove the mysql-server package from /var/cache/apt/archives
[18:26] <mcas> this should let you download the package from the server
[18:26] <Smaakage> It did. But diden't help.
[18:28] <mcas> Smaakage: which ubuntu version?
[18:28] <mrlemao> I would like to have ubuntu+all my development tool in a memory stick: plug that guy on any computer and use it as it were yours without touching the host HD/etc. Is there a Ubuntu distribution that can help me with that?
[18:29] <Smaakage> the news. 10.04
[18:29] <Smaakage> new*
[18:29] <mcas> mrlemao: you could use a vmware player on usb stick
[18:30] <Smaakage> I updated from: 8.10 to 9.04 to 9.10 and then 10.04
[18:30] <Smaakage> And mysql worked on 9.10
[18:30] <Smaakage> but when i updated to 10.04 it diden't work.
[18:33] <Smaakage> :s¨
[18:33] <Smaakage> nobody?
[18:34] <mcas> Smaakage: sorry i am running out of ideas
[18:35] <Smaakage> ok :/
[18:35] <ikonia> Smaakage: find the pid file, that's key
[18:35] <ikonia> Smaakage: stop using webmin - that's also the key
[18:36] <Smaakage> I have another servere where i updated from 9.10 to 10.04 and the mysql server works fine on that. There is also webmin on..
[18:37] <ikonia> webmin is not the problem (probably) however it will cause you problems as it's not supported by ubuntu, has a tone of security issues, and compatible with a lot of ubuntu's config files layouts
[18:38] <Smaakage> Ok, what if i uninstall it then?
[18:38] <ikonia> I don't think that will resolve your issue
[18:39] <ikonia> your current issue is that the init script thinks the pid file exists and has a valid pid in it, you need to remove that file or the contents of that file
[18:39] <Smaakage> How do i find the name of the pid file?
[18:40] <ikonia> Smaakage: it should be referenced in the init file, or in the my.cnf file
[18:40] <Smaakage> I deleted the my.cnf file :s
[18:40] <ikonia> in the init script sorry - or the my.cnf file
[18:40] <ikonia> Smaakage: why did you delete that ?
[18:40] <Smaakage> Don't know :s
[18:40] <ikonia> that's simpley stupid
[18:40] <ikonia> more so if it's for no reason
[18:41] <ikonia> search the file system for mysql.run (as I recall it's called that)
[18:41] <mcas> Smaakage: i think i have not read everything about your problem ;-)
[18:42] <Smaakage> conf.d debian.cnf
[18:42] <ikonia> errr no
[18:42] <Smaakage> That all the files in /etc/mysql# ls
[18:43] <Smaakage> whereis mysql.run
[18:43] <Smaakage> mysql: /usr/bin/mysql /etc/mysql /usr/lib/mysql /usr/share/mysql /usr/share/man/man1/mysql.1.gz
[18:43] <mcas> Smaakage: find / -name mysql.run
[18:46] <Smaakage> root@localhost:~# find / -name mysql.run
[18:46] <Smaakage> root@localhost:~#
[18:46] <Smaakage> No output
[18:47] <Smaakage> :s
[18:49] <pmatulis> Smaakage: please study this bug, you might be affected by it
[18:49] <pmatulis> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mysql-dfsg-5.1/+bug/566736
[18:49] <uvirtbot> Launchpad bug 566736 in mysql-dfsg-5.1 "mysqld does not start reliably..." [Low,Won't fix]
[18:56] <Smaakage> Do not help me :s
[18:56] <Smaakage> dos*
[18:58] <Smaakage> How can i backup the databases then?
[18:59] <Smaakage> ?
[18:59] <pmatulis> Smaakage: did you run the init script manually?
[19:00] <Smaakage> by /etc/init.d/mysql ?
[19:00] <pmatulis> Smaakage: or upstart, whatevery mysql uses in lucid
[19:00] <JanC> it uses upstart
[19:00] <Smaakage> upstart?
[19:01] <pmatulis> Smaakage: yeah
[19:01] <JanC> and I won't be surprised if webmin doesn't work well with it ;)
[19:01] <Smaakage> I have removed webmin
[19:02] <Smaakage> Removing mysql-server ...
[19:02] <Smaakage> Removing mysql-server-5.1 ...
[19:02] <Smaakage> stop: Unknown instance:
[19:02] <Smaakage> Removing mysql-server-core-5.1 ...
[19:02] <Smaakage> Processing triggers for man-db ...
[19:02] <Smaakage> Processing triggers for ureadahead ...
[19:03] <pmatulis> Smaakage: you're removing mysql now?
[19:03] <Smaakage> yes
[19:03] <Smaakage> And when i try to install again it get stuck at
[19:03] <Smaakage> Setting up mysql-server-5.1 (5.1.41-3ubuntu12) ...
[19:04] <JanC> oh, and your databases are in /var/lib/mysql/ in case you need them
[19:05] <Smaakage> Yes, but when i try to restore them on another server it, it says there are no tables in there.
[19:06] <pmatulis> Smaakage: do you have a backup of your data?
[19:08] <Smaakage> Yes i have a backup of alle the files in /var/lib/mysql/
[19:08] <Smaakage> all*
[19:10] <chewbranca> hey I'm getting: "ubuntu4_amd64.deb was corrupt" while installing UEC, any ideas?
[19:11] <chewbranca> this is on 10.04 btw
[19:13] <Smaakage> :s no ideers?
[19:13] <pmatulis> Smaakage: one option is to start fresh then
[19:13] <Smaakage> start: Job failed to start
[19:13] <Smaakage> Setting up mysql-server (5.1.41-3ubuntu12) ...
[19:13] <Smaakage> Processing triggers for libc-bin ...
[19:13] <Smaakage> ldconfig deferred processing now taking place
[19:13] <Smaakage> start fresh?
[19:15] <pmatulis> Smaakage: you said it hung on 'Setting up...', now you have different output
[19:16] <Smaakage> No..
[19:16] <chewbranca> lame
[19:16] <chewbranca> definitely corrupt
[19:16] <chewbranca> trying to download again
[19:16] <Smaakage> Setting up mysql-server-core-5.1 (5.1.41-3ubuntu12) ...
[19:17] <Smaakage> Setting up mysql-server-5.1 (5.1.41-3ubuntu12) ...
[19:17] <Smaakage> start: Job failed to start
[19:17] <Smaakage> Setting up mysql-server (5.1.41-3ubuntu12) ...
[19:17] <Smaakage> Processing triggers for libc-bin ...
[19:17] <Smaakage> ldconfig deferred processing now taking place
[19:17] <pmatulis> chewbranca: you need to clean out your package cache
[19:17] <Smaakage> I have tryed that ones?
[19:17] <chewbranca> pmatulis, package cache?
[19:17] <pmatulis> chewbranca: 'apt-get clean'
[19:17] <chewbranca> pmatulis, I was installing this fresh in a new virtual box vm
[19:18] <chewbranca> would my local package cache on the host os mess with that
[19:18] <pmatulis> chewbranca: but you have a corrupt package apparantly
[19:18] <chewbranca> pmatulis, this is just from the 10.04 iso, just running through the base install process, hit this during 'install base system'
[19:19] <pmatulis> chewbranca: ah
[19:19] <Smaakage> How do i restare the files from /var/lib/mysql/ on another ubuntu 10.04 server?
[19:19] <chewbranca> I just redownloaded the image, giving that a try, otherwise going back to 9.10 because that works on here
[19:19] <Smaakage> restore*
[19:21] <pmatulis> chewbranca: alright, make sure to verify the checksum
[19:22] <Smaakage> How do i restore the files from /var/lib/mysql/ on another ubuntu 10.04 server?
[19:22] <chewbranca> pmatulis, that would be a good idea, don't even see a checksum on http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/download-server
[19:23] <chewbranca> oh well, just did the test-integrity option on the new iso and it checks out
[19:23] <chewbranca> so should be good to go
[19:24] <chewbranca> there we go
[19:25] <chewbranca> base system is chugging along
[19:25] <Smaakage> #1017 - Can't find file: './wiihosting_gcp/billing.frm' (errno: 13)
[19:25] <Smaakage> but the file is there? :s
[19:26] <rapha> Hi all!
[19:26] <rapha> How do you upgrade Ubuntu Server 9.10 to 10.04?
[19:26] <RoyK> do-release-upgrade
[19:26] <rapha> thanks RoyK ! :)
[19:28] <RoyK> or you can do it the redhat way - purchace a CD and reinstall
[19:29] <rapha> well i only have remote access to them
[19:29] <rapha> the hoster doesnt install anything else but 9.10
[19:29] <RoyK> it was meant to be a joke :)
[19:29] <rapha> interesting ... started the upgrade on 3 identical servers at the same time, but they progress at different speeds
[19:29] <rapha> oh now i get it sry RoyK :)
[19:30] <Smaakage> How do i remove mysql-server total?
[19:30] <RoyK> wouldn't it be better to just upgrade one first to see if it works out?
[19:30] <RoyK> apt-get remove --purge?
[19:31] <rapha> RoyK: if it doesnt i'll just hit the "reinstall" button in the web interface *shrug*
[19:31] <rapha> it's a fresh minimal install though, so why wouldn't it work
[19:34] <RoyK> it probably will
[19:35] <Smaakage> start mysql
[19:35] <Smaakage> start: Job failed to start
[19:35] <RoyK> apt-get remove --purge
[19:35] <RoyK> also, check the logs
[19:37] <rapha> RoyK: it says /etc/sysctl.conf was modified ... keep, replace?
[19:38] <RoyK> if you haven't changed anything yourself, just replace
[19:38] <Smaakage> Diden't work at all RoyK
[19:38] <RoyK> same with all files
[19:38] <rapha> k thx
[19:38] <RoyK> Smaakage: pastebin errors
[19:41] <Smaakage> I have send the link in PM
[19:43] <Smaakage> Can you see it?
[19:44] <RoyK> no, you didn't. just give the pastebin link here
[19:44] <Smaakage> http://pastebin.com/YtqHY2F4
[19:45] <slackster> hi, I get a message "Your CPU appears to be lacking expected security protections."
[19:46] <slackster> I ran -> /usr/lib/update-notifier/check-bios-nx --verbose <- command not found
[19:46] <slackster> anyone have any ideas?
[19:46] <slackster> http://pastebin.com/mdX1cwUn cat /proc/cpuinfo
[19:46] <penguin42> slackster: I'm not sure where that was supposed to come from - it's not in the apt-file list for lucid
[19:47] <slackster> penguin42: I see..
[19:47] <penguin42> oh I lie, it's part of cpu-checker
[19:47] <rapha> hmmm i have 4 servers to run a rails app (will need about 5 x 10 thins) ... one of them is already fully set up, also with lighttpd and mysql. i wonder if it would make sense to have the three others run *only* the thins and be served the requests by proxying from the first one and access the mysql database of the first one as well
[19:48] <penguin42> rapha: I'd make sure you can cope with a failure of the one running mysql
[19:48] <Smaakage> Can you see it RoyK?
[19:49] <rapha> penguin42: it has a pretty redundant setup and is known to be very reliable, whereas the other three are brand new (i'll only have them during the World Championship 2010, for about 3 months from now on)
=== gabriel__ is now known as vluu
[19:50] <rapha> penguin42: they're all interconnected with 100 MBit - i could maybe get GBit networking between them but not sure about that
[19:50] <RoyK> Smaakage: why install mysql-server* ?
[19:50] <RoyK> you probably just need the base install
[19:50] <RoyK> not all the other crap
[19:50] <Smaakage> I can start the server manualy?
[19:50] <Smaakage> sudo -u mysql mysqld
[19:51] <Smaakage> But not with start mysql
[19:51] <penguin42> rapha: I don't know about setting up something of that size, sounds like a fun little project :-)
[19:51] <RoyK> /etc/init.d/mysql-server
[19:51] <RoyK> start
[19:54] <rapha> penguin42: yeah, every World or European Championship again ... 2006, 2008, and now for 2010 in South Africa
[20:17] <halvors> I have a problem, aliases does no0t work on my email server
[20:18] <halvors> when i send email to an emailadrss who should resend it to a other email i get the error
[20:18] <halvors> http://paste.ubuntu.com/430717/
[20:19] <halvors> ???
[20:22] <halvors> No ideas?
[20:22] <mcas> your server cannot relay mails for your domain
[20:24] <halvors> how can i fix it
[20:24] <halvors> should i remove relayhost=
[20:24] <halvors> paramenter in postfix main.cf
[20:24] <halvors> ??
[20:25] <rapha> cool
[20:25] <rapha> set all three of the new servers up and made cool Huey, Dewy and Louie ASCII art /etc/motd's
[20:25] <halvors> ?
[20:26] <rapha> :-)))
[20:28] <halvors> I mean about my problem
[20:29] <guntbert> halvors: is your mail server publicly reachable?
[20:30] <halvors> yes
[20:30] <halvors> i think so
[20:31] <halvors> who port need to be forwerded?
[20:31] <halvors> also all email ports
[20:31] <halvors> should it relayhost = or noting to send direcly?
[20:32] <halvors> ?
[20:33] <halvors> ?
[20:33] <guntbert> halvors: as I already suggested: please take it off the internet immediately -- play with it /read docu in a private environment until you know what you are doing -- only then connect it to the internet again
[20:33] <halvors> who docs should i read?
[20:34] <halvors> when i take it off internet, i cant test it
[20:34] <halvors> only ask: should it relayhost = or noting to send direcly?
[20:37] <guntbert> halvors: you do have an internal network, don't you? if not you probably don't need a mail server anyway, you can start reading https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/email-services.html -- smtp servers are problematic beasts to handle -- open mail relays can get you into a lot of trouble
[20:40] <halvors> should postfix have chroot?
[20:42] <rapha> what the heck?!?! where do the rubygems from the repository but the installed gems' binaries to?!
[20:53] <federico_> Hi, I've installed mysql server in a ubuntu server, but I can't access it from a pc of the LAN. I've changed the bind-address = in /etc/mysql/my.cnf, but still doesn't work.
[20:55] <federico_> Hi, I've installed mysql server in a ubuntu server, but I can't access it from a pc of the LAN. I've changed the bind-address = in /etc/mysql/my.cnf, but still doesn't work.
[21:08] <bc> federico_: `telnet localhost 3306` to see if it's listening.
[21:09] <bc> federico_: also `sudo iptables -L -n` and make sure you aren't dropping connections.
[21:10] <federico_> I'll try
[21:14] <federico_> <bc>: telnet works
[21:14] <federico_> <bc>and iptables says ACCEPT in everywhere
[21:14] <bc> federico_: try it targeting eth0 instead of lo
[21:16] <bc> federico_: try it from another machine also (telnet) and make sure you do not get 'x.x.x.x isn't allowed to access this mysql server'. if you do, then you need to grant access in the mysql database.
[21:21] <rapha> f***! wife kept stressing me, accidentally rm -rf'd /usr/bin/*
[21:23] <rapha> i got a backup ... anybody know of a good way of how to restore them without local access?
[21:23] <rapha> (still logged in via ssh)
[21:24] <federico_> bc: Trying
[21:24] <federico_> telnet: Unable to connect to remote host: Connection refused
[21:24] <federico_> that's my problem
[21:27] <bc> federico_: two computers on the same network? anything in between you and if you telnet to 3306 on from does it work?
[21:27] <lenios> federico_, does "netstat -nat | grep LISTEN" shows it's listening from any source address?
[21:28] <federico_> bc: the telnet doesn't work
[21:28] <federico_> I did
[21:28] <federico_> telnet 3306
[21:29] <federico_> and didn't work
[21:29] <bc> federico_: check the IP address in ifconfig eth0 | grep inet
[21:31] <federico_> <bc>: for what?
[21:32] <bc> federico_: well it should say If it doesn't then...
[21:33] <federico_> bc: the telnet works from to
[21:33] <dominicdinada> \
[21:33] <bc> federico_: and iptables is accepting all? what other devices are between and the other LAN clients?
[21:35] <federico_> UEC
[21:35] <bc> federico_: also make sure you've granted access to the remote IP. http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/connection-access.html
[21:37] <bc> federico_: although I don't think you should be seeing 'connection refused' if it's listening on
[21:41] <federico_> how can I turn down the firewall(iptables)?
[21:42] <bc> federico_: if `sudo iptables -L` says 'policy ACCEPT' for them all, and no reject or drop rules, then you have no active firewall.
[21:46] <federico_> check this output
[21:46] <federico_> http://paste.ubuntu.com/430744/
[21:46] <dominicdinada> bc: what is a good site with iptables for download like preconfigured so i can take a look ?
[21:47] <bc> federico_: just do this and then test the connection: sudo iptables -F
[21:47] <federico_> there is no output
[21:47] <dominicdinada> sudo iptables-save
[21:48] <dominicdinada> check that output
[21:48] <bc> federico_: right, now look at sudo iptables -L
[21:48] <bc> dominicdinada: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo
[21:48] <dominicdinada> save is printed so he can better read it
[21:48] <dominicdinada> bc yeah thats the howto but i am looking for real world working examples from networks
[21:49] <federico_> http://paste.ubuntu.com/430745/
[21:49] <federico_> it's empty now
[21:49] <bc> dominicdinada: I don't know of one. Maybe google for iptables gateway
[21:49] <dominicdinada> ok
[21:50] <bc> federico_: good, now test the telnet to 3306, and if it doesn't work, then iptables isn't the problem
[21:50] <federico_> from what pc?
[21:50] <bc> federico_: any pc on the same network
[21:50] <federico_> federico@ubuntuCloud:~$ telnet 3306
[21:50] <federico_> Trying
[21:50] <federico_> telnet: Unable to connect to remote host: Connection refused
[21:51] <rapha> woah
[21:51] <rapha> got it running again
[21:51] <rapha> all hail sftp
[21:51] <bc> federico_: did you restart mysql after changing bind address?
[21:51] <federico_> yes, but I'll do it again
[21:52] <bc> federico_: I'm at a loss then. if it's listening on all interfaces, and iptables isn't blocking the connection, then something else between you two are blocking the connection.
[21:53] <rapha> bye all!
[21:53] <federico_> I'm testing this on UEC, the mysql is running in an UEC instance
[21:53] <RoyK> does anyone use telnet login these days?
[21:53] <federico_> no
[21:54] <RoyK> we have some crappy solaris 8 machines with it
[21:54] <bc> federico_: are you able to acces any other services remotely? like port 80?
[21:54] <RoyK> too old to support decent openssh
[21:54] <bc> federico_: I'm assuming direct port 22 access is working from another local IP address
[21:55] <federico_> yes
[21:55] <federico_> I'm using ssh fien
[21:55] <federico_> fine
[21:56] <bc> federico_: I'm completely clueless about any cloud access problems though. on the lan here, if I bind to, flush iptables, and then telnet to the server from a local IP, I get a response from mysql.
[21:56] <federico_> u.u
[22:03] <bc> federico_: check the mysql log to see if there are any errors, like problems with writing somewhere
[22:03] <bc> federico_: outside of that, I'm out of ideas
[22:04] <federico_> bc: thanks for all, I think it's the UEC, because I did the same steps and it works in another pc
[22:05] <bc> federico_: I googled a bit, and some people seem to have had problems with other services. one problem was permissions on /tmp, and there was some other problems with eucalyptus, but, again, I have no idea what I'm talking about when it comes to UEC.
[22:07] <RoyK> mysql normally doesn't listen to anything but localhost iirc
[22:08] <bc> RoyK: he changed bind address
[22:08] <RoyK> check netstat -ln --tcp
[22:08] <RoyK> ok
[22:09] <RoyK> and removed skip-networking in the cf?