UbuntuIRC / 2010 /04 /24 /#ubuntu-artwork.txt
Initial commit
[18:18] <darkmatter> vish: rofl and lols. I need to clean shit up: http://img97.imageshack.us/img97/1812/nautilusredowip9pt.png :P
[18:50] <vish> darkmatter: eentersting!
[18:50] <vish> <evil burns laugh>
[18:50] <vish> what is "bookshelf"?
[18:51] <darkmatter> vish: sorting/naming cleanup needed a bit (perhaps?) but its getting there
[18:52] <darkmatter> vish: ahhh.. that's one of the library views. it's akin to an actual library, but snazzy and digital library (gallery modes etc for mo betta fun). bookshelf would have local ebooks and maybeez access to online public stuff (like ePub etc)
[18:52] <vish> darkmatter: confusing though, why there is Recent /and/ History.. BookMarks+Devices and the again System..
[18:52] <vish> then*
[18:53] <darkmatter> vish: like I said. needs a cleanup :P
[18:53] <vish> darkmatter: ebooks .. pfff! grab the book!
[18:54] <darkmatter> vish: I prefer real books. but I'm thinking of fun for all. doesn't mean it would be there by default. I'm just hinting at possible crap
[18:57] <vish> darkmatter: iPad spoils you all!
[18:57] <vish> darkmatter: Music and video , Maybe labeled as Entertainment/Media? or better as separate Music and Video .. folks would probably prefer them separate
[18:58] <darkmatter> vish: still a wip obviously, but getting there. _but_ the important part. a sorted sidebar with collapsible categories. not OMG! AMAZING!... just NO, D'UH! :P
[19:01] <darkmatter> vish: specific sublistings are irrelevant at this time. the point is you can pile your crap where you want it and avoid excessive clutter (thus the expanders)
[19:01] <darkmatter> vish: and yesh. Entertainment/Media would probably be better
[19:02] <vish> darkmatter: well , this has been mockuped before too ,nothing new ofcourse ;) except the "applications" but iirc , applications is a Finder thingy?
[19:03] <darkmatter> vish: I stuck it in there for fun ;D
[19:09] <darkmatter> vish: aside from the basics that still need polishing, I would really prefer to chance the pathbar icons, sidebar icons and such to symbolics. I find icons = technicolor vomit blobs at small sizes ;)
[19:10] <vish> darkmatter: yeah , i cant really stand the tango icons on the toolbars :/
[19:11] <vish> darkmatter: in the end you will end up with an elementary-nautilus mockup ;p
[19:15] <darkmatter> vish. a _nice_ tango icon is the as-history one jimmac did for banshee. now that look would be great for pseudo-symbolic (not necessarily the tango style). I mean. it's clean, monochromatic like symbolics but has a certain degree of dimension to it
[19:16] <vish> darkmatter: screenshot of the banshee icon?
[19:16] <darkmatter> http://jimmac.musichall.cz/wipicons/banshee/16x16/as-history.png
[19:17] <vish> ah..
[19:17] <darkmatter> vish: it's a nice style (I don't mean the tango part :P)
[19:18] <vish> darkmatter: the panel clock icons do they change if the clock icon is in the theme or do we have to replace the usr/share.. one?
[19:18] <darkmatter> vish: it's kinda like ms did in longhorn (when it had the pretty ui), but silvery instead of blue. but yeah, in general small sizes should be more glyph like
[19:19] <darkmatter> vish: not sure. I haven't tested, I just replaced the system ones
[19:19] <vish> righto..
[19:28] <darkmatter> vish: quick pathbar mod. it actually kinda signals that you can interact with it now. http://img689.imageshack.us/img689/5215/nautilusredowip9pt2.png
[19:38] <ejat> hi .. where can i get new ubuntu branding font?
[19:38] <vish> darkmatter: the dropdown is supposed to do what? change path to..?
[19:39] <vish> ejat: not yet available..
[19:39] <ejat> :(
[19:40] <darkmatter> vish: it's inspired by awesomebar with locationbar2 addon.
[19:40] <darkmatter> so it's basically recent/find as you type.. blah blah
[19:41] <vish> darkmatter: then an odd choice to display it as a button , if user can type there..
[19:41] <darkmatter> vish: in concept it could kill the sidebar, but I'd need to figure out the desired interaction
[19:42] <vish> darkmatter: then surely something we can expect for Gnome 30.0 ;p
[19:43] <darkmatter> vish: yeah, I know. it's not done yet. I still need to decide on an entry look that doesn't make it look like windows 7 :P
[19:43] <darkmatter> vish. I could stuff the search in and have just a single entry... hmmm...
[19:44] <darkmatter> but it needs to retain framing in any case. otherwise teh home button looks silly
[19:49] <darkmatter> vish: sojourn is nicer looking and easier than fixing nautilus. maybe I'll just jump back into the mockups for it. but I need to finish the theme first :(
[20:05] <darkmatter> vish: but the idea _was_ to have it basically be like a custom combo entry. and have the left change to editable when you click in an empty space
[20:10] <vish> ah crap! why cant i arrange banshee music by genre or albums :/
[20:41] <jenniepet> Hi! Just a quick question: What is the license for the ubuntu-mono icons?
[20:42] <vish> kwwii: ^^ ;)
[20:42] <vish> jenniepet: basically you cant copy or reuse them without asking Mark :)
[20:44] <jenniepet> :S So that is why they are separate from Humanity.
[20:46] <jenniepet> vish:Thanx though! By the way, is the Lucid icon theme finalized now? Or will there be any new updates?
[20:47] <vish> jenniepet: nope more updates ...
[20:47] <vish> err , nope, no*
[20:50] <jenniepet> vish:Thanx!
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