UbuntuIRC / 2010 /04 /15 /#ubuntu-bugs.txt
Initial commit
[00:00] <kklimonda> BUGabundo: link to what? bug? https://launchpad.net/bugs/563425
[00:00] <ubot4`> Launchpad bug 563425 in linux (Ubuntu) "9.10 64bits shows only 3gb ram (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New]
[00:00] <BUGabundo> thanks
[02:22] <timClicks> I'm having trouble with the ubuntu wiki
[02:22] <timClicks> it's not allowing me to login via my launchpad openid
[02:23] <timClicks> which means hugday's not going to be easy to participate in
[02:26] <yofel> any specific error? I got a bunch of "HTTPError: HTTP Error 503: Service Temporarily Unavailable" a while ago
[02:34] <timClicks> I had that too, this one is MoinMoin complaining..
[02:34] <timClicks> 2 secs, I'll go replicated
[02:35] <timClicks> *replicate
[02:35] <timClicks> HTTPFetchingError
[02:35] <timClicks> (77, 'Problem with the SSL CA cert (path? access rights?)')
[02:59] <ryanakca> Hmmm. Should bug 537793 have it's importance upped to High? It has what I think is a severe impact on a small to moderate size of Ubuntu users (anybody who has an encrypted HD). The bug makes it extremely difficult to get a system to boot.
[02:59] <ubot4`> Launchpad bug 537793 in plymouth (Ubuntu) "missed passphrase keypress for encrypted HD (affects: 7) (heat: 38)" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/537793
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[08:38] <BUGabundo_remote> bRoas
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[10:35] <om26er> I have never been to bugdays before. If I ask something from the reporter does that mean it should be closed in hugday page?
[10:36] <micahg> om26er: if it's new, yes
[10:36] * micahg hasn't done a hugday in about 2 months...
[11:10] <om26er> If I change the affected package, should I leave that bug in the bugday page
[11:10] <micahg> om26er: no, you can close it
[11:10] <micahg> om26er: if it's no longer affecting that apckage
[11:11] <om26er> ok
[12:19] <om26er> how can I break my software cache so that software center shows the button 'update now' ?
[12:20] <om26er> I mean apt cache
[12:23] <om26er> what package can be related to this bug? dont think its software center bug http://launchpadlibrarian.net/39450885/Schermata-Modifiche%20applicate.png
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[13:57] <m_anish> Hi, There seems to be an issue affecting ubuntu-lucid users in India, I am not sure if this needs to be filed as a bug... details here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1454846
[13:57] <m_anish> can someone help decide?
[14:01] <zeroseven0183> Hi m_anish, someone in the forum suggested a solution. Have you tried that already?
[14:01] <m_anish> yes and it worked... the last post is by me only :)
[14:02] <m_anish> zeroseven0183, yes and it worked... the last post is by me only (as anishmangal2002)
[14:11] <m_anish> zeroseven0183, so should I file it?
[14:12] <zeroseven0183> I'm not sure, actually
[14:13] <zeroseven0183> That's about Ubuntu repositories
[14:14] <m_anish> zeroseven0183, hmm
[14:15] <m_anish> zeroseven0183, in that case I guess it should be filed. However, it is more a "workaround announcement" rather than a bug, filed for the sake of keeping record. WhatSayU?
[14:15] <zeroseven0183> Here in the Philippines, the correct address is http://ph.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/lucid/
[14:15] <m_anish> ok
[14:16] <zeroseven0183> compared to the http://in.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ubuntu/dists/lucid/ for India
[14:16] <zeroseven0183> noticed the /ubuntu/ubuntu
[14:16] <m_anish> It apparently didn't have the extra /ubuntu/ till yesterday
[14:18] <zeroseven0183> I think you should file it
[14:18] <Pici> m_anish: I'm talking with one of the people who manage the archives now.
[14:18] <m_anish> Pici, ok
[14:19] <zeroseven0183> then have the people, whom Pici is chatting with, know about it
[14:19] <Pici> zeroseven0183: I was talking to the person about that particular issue already
[14:20] <zeroseven0183> What did he say? Does m_anish need to file a bug report?
[14:21] <Pici> m_anish: Theres two issues. 1) http://in.archive.ubuntu.com/ should match http://gb.archive.ubuntu.com/, so there *will* be an additional /ubuntu/ at the end. 2) The people who manage the india mirror accidentally added an extra /ubuntu/ in there, so its doubly not working now.
[14:22] <m_anish> Pici, I agree.
[14:22] <jpds> m_anish: Yes, they've done something wrong and I've notified them.
[14:23] <m_anish> Pici, So will the fix be to remove the extra /ubuntu/. I have made the change in sources.list so will I need to change back?
[14:23] <Pici> m_anish: Yes.
[14:24] <zeroseven0183> m_anish, so I guess the issue can be considered as "solved" :-)
[14:24] <zeroseven0183> it's good to have these people around
[14:24] <m_anish> zeroseven0183, Pici, jpds, ok I guess I should update the thread "http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1454846" with an ETA estimate from you ppl.
[14:24] <m_anish> zeroseven0183, :)
[14:25] <jpds> m_anish: Mirror issues should go to mirrors--at--ubuntu.com where they will be on my radar.
[14:26] <m_anish> zeroseven0183, Pici, jpds, ... mentioning a *bug id* there, if you ppl say so?
[14:26] <m_anish> jpds, ok
[14:26] <jpds> m_anish: It's not a bug, more of a configuration error on the mirror managers' end.
[14:26] <m_anish> jpds, ok, agreed :)
[14:27] <zeroseven0183> If that's the case then there's no need to file a bug report.
[14:27] <zeroseven0183> Maybe just an information on the forum/thread
[14:27] <zeroseven0183> so people would know
[14:28] <m_anish> zeroseven0183, agreed, If anyone knows the ETA for the fix, pls update the thread accordingly
[14:29] <m_anish> zeroseven0183, jpds, Pici, Thanks for all the advice/info!
[14:29] <zeroseven0183> Sure. Happy Ubuntu-ing
[14:31] <jpds> m_anish: in.archive.ubuntu.com has been repointed at London for now.
[14:31] <jpds> [while they fix the mirror... again].
[14:32] <m_anish> jpds, can you update the thread as well?
[14:32] <m_anish> jpds, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1454846
[14:38] <m_anish> jpds, FYI, I have communicated this to the ubuntu-in mailing list
[14:38] <jpds> m_anish: You're lucky I like to go above and beyond. ;-) Replied.
[14:39] <m_anish> jpds, thanks a lot :)
[14:57] <etali> Hi all, I'm working through the bug day list, what are we supposed to do if the bug has been touched recently by someone else? (E.g. bug 560446 - someone marked it as a duplicate yesterday, does that mean it should be ticked off on the bugday list?)
[14:57] <ubot4`> Launchpad bug 560446 in software-center (Ubuntu) "Many images from software categories are missing (dup-of: 556335)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/560446
[14:57] <ubot4`> Launchpad bug 556335 in software-center (Ubuntu) "Icons not displayed when using certain icon themes (affects: 4) (dups: 1) (heat: 34)" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/556335
[15:02] <vish> etali: can be ticked off
[15:03] <etali> vish, cool, thanks!
[15:33] <alvin> I want to report a bug, but the summary sounds a bit silly: "grub2 doesn't find disk when booting mdadm RAID1 with snapshotted lvm volume". Should I test other configurations first?
[15:39] <simar> hi all
[15:40] <simar> i'm completely newbie with some programming exposure and used ubuntu for about 15 days plz help me ....
[15:40] <simar> I am really committed to serve the ubuntu community ....
[15:44] <hernejj> Simar, Ubuntu is always looking for people to help with bugs. For more info please see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HelpingWithBugs
[16:09] <vish> hmm , no pretty graph for software center :(
[16:09] <Damascene> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/netbook-launcher/+bug/563915
[16:09] <ubot4`> Launchpad bug 563915 in netbook-launcher (Ubuntu) "wrong icons alignment in RTL locale (affects: 1)" [Undecided,New]
[16:09] <Damascene> hi,
[16:11] <vish> Damascene: you mean the partition icons?
[16:12] * thekorn does not see any icons aligned to the left on http://launchpadlibrarian.net/44277838/netbook_launcher.png
[16:13] <thekorn> but maybe I'm just blind
[16:13] <Damascene> vish, yes
[16:13] <vish> thekorn: i think, he is referring to the partition icons , there is a space on the right
[16:13] <vish> ah , right he is ;)
[16:13] <baptistemm> thekorn, I guess the bottom icons should right-aligned
[16:14] <baptistemm> ie RTL language
[16:14] <vish> Damascene: mention that on the bug , it is a bit unclear ;) also try to get that confirmed by another RTL user
[16:14] <Damascene> thekorn, I admit the screen shot isn't the best but I used it for anther bug
[16:15] <Damascene> vish, I think the developer confirmed it on the mailing list
[16:15] <Damascene> and he asked me to report it
[16:15] <vish> Damascene: then add the link to the ML discussion
[16:15] <thekorn> ah, now I got it ;)
[16:15] <vish> Damascene: would be easier for others to follow as well :)
[16:16] <Damascene> ok
[16:16] <Damascene> https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel-discuss/2010-April/011201.html
[16:17] <om26er> what should we do about bugs in softwre center that was shipped with Karmic? those bugs seem fixed in Lucid
[16:18] <Damascene> Didier is netbook-launcher developer, right?
[16:20] <om26er> Damascene, actually that was njpatel who seem to be working on the new interface that sabdfl announced (my guess), but yes for Lucid
[16:22] <Damascene> I see
[16:34] <hernejj> om26er: Hi :) I trust you were able to get hugday's cookie autodetection to work?
[16:35] <om26er> hernejj, yes it worked fine and fine for the ppa
[16:35] <om26er> s/fine/thanks ;-)
[16:38] <om26er> hernejj, onething, if those tools are installed before installing chrome then I was not able to login wiki.ubuntu.org
[16:39] <hernejj> om26er: Are you saying that having the ubdated hugday installed somehow prevents you from loging in to wiki.ubuntu.org??
[16:39] <om26er> hernejj, exactly
[16:41] <hernejj> om26er: I'm not sure how that is possible. hugday does not interfere with the operation of any browser in any way. It simply passivley reads the cookie data.
[16:41] <om26er> hernejj, dont remember the exact error but it was related to moinmoin and advised to report a bug for moinmoin
[16:42] <om26er> hernejj, well no problems now though.
[16:42] <hernejj> om26er: If you can recreate the problem I'd be interested in hearing how.
[16:43] <micahg> I saw an issue with cookies + chrome + hugday at some point
[16:44] <om26er> hernejj, before installing those qa tools I just installed them from your ppa then after that install chrome-dev and at login got an error everytime I tried
[16:44] <om26er> sorry for the typo that was before installing chrome
[16:45] <hernejj> om26er: I'll try to reproduce this. Thanks for the info.
[16:45] <om26er> hernejj, they simply worked for chromium by editing Chrome to chromium in somefiles
[16:46] <hernejj> om26er: Just to clarify... Were you having trouble loogin in with the actual browser, or were you having trouble with huhday "loggin in" and automatically editing a page?
[16:47] <hggdh> pedro_: you deactivated about 20 bugsquadders, right?
[16:47] <om26er> hernejj, the problem was with the website login
[16:48] <hernejj> om26er: Ok, I'll investigate. Thanks. :)
[16:48] <pedro_> hggdh, 24 to be exact, yes
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[16:49] <hggdh> pedro_: cool, just curious ;-)
[16:49] <pedro_> hggdh, weird that some of them were added on January/February but they didn't fit the requirements...
[16:49] <pedro_> hggdh, will check from time to time to try to avoid that
[16:50] <hggdh> pedro_: I might have fat-handed some... sorry
[16:50] <pedro_> hggdh, probably i did the same :-P
[16:51] <pedro_> doesn't hurt checking once a month though ;-)
[16:53] <hggdh> heh. Indeed
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[17:56] <charlie-tca> Very good BugDay, today!
[17:58] <om26er> is there any empathy bug day coming?
[17:59] <charlie-tca> om26er: don't see it on the planning guide - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBugDay/Planning
[17:59] <pedro_> om26er, not according to the schedule, want to run one? :-)
[18:01] <om26er> pedro_, I think its in a fine form atm but thanks for the offer :-)
[18:03] <pedro_> om26er, no problem. for the future, if you want to have one just add it to the planning page ;-)
[18:03] <m_anish> !info bug 563783
[18:03] <ubot4`> Launchpad bug 563783 in apport (Ubuntu) "apport fails giving server error (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/563783
[18:03] <ubot4`> m_anish: '563783' is not a valid distribution: hardy, intrepid, jaunty, karmic, lucid
[18:03] <om26er> noted
[18:06] <om26er> there was a bug fix in gwibber a few hours ago and the changelog (I think) contained the wrong bug number as the bug had been fixed for almost 15days. though the changelog description suggest a very famous bug(but still its not closed)
[18:06] <m_anish> Hi, In karmic when you hover over the battery icon, a tooltip pops up containing info about battery status. This doesn't happen in lucid. One has to left-click the battery icon to get battery status. Is it something that is by design or is it a BUG?
[18:07] <om26er> m_anish, #ubuntu+1 is the channel. and its by design
[18:08] <m_anish> om26er, I am very sorry, I though I posted to that channel only :) dammit similar looking xchat tabs
[18:08] <om26er> m_anish, no need to sorry :)
[18:15] <vish> pedro_: hi.. i think you can close https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=613693 , i havent seen it since the gkd fix.. previously it used to occur atleast once a day
[18:15] <ubot4`> Gnome bug 613693 in Mailer "Evolution freezes often [evolution crashed with SIGSEGV in __kernel_vsyscall() ]" [Critical,Needinfo]
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[19:03] <pedro_> vish, closed, thanks!
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[19:45] <xteejx> Hey guys, where can I find the lp-improvements for firefox, had to reformat laptop and can't find it again
[19:46] <om26er> xteejx, https://launchpad.net/~gm-dev-launchpad/+archive/ppa
[19:47] <xteejx> thx omer
[19:47] <xteejx> :)
[20:02] <ia> hello. i've clashed with this bug - #331564 . Although in "Fading Windows" compiz plugin option "Fade windows" looks like "any & !(title=notify-osd)", notifications still flickering on fade in. Disabling "Fade windows" plugin "solve" this problem. Should I leave a comment with confirmation of bug there? And how to fix this issue (flickering pretty annoying, but when fade plugin is disabled, user lose a set of pretty useful features, such as freezing windows o
[20:02] <ia> n unresponsive state)?
[20:03] <xteejx> bug 331564
[20:03] <ubot4`> Launchpad bug 331564 in compiz (Ubuntu Jaunty) (and 1 other project) "OSD notifications sometimes flicker when fading in (affects: 2)" [High,Won't fix] https://launchpad.net/bugs/331564
[20:03] <xteejx> ia, that bug is fixed
[20:04] <ia> well, i 'see' it in ubuntu lucid beta 2 now.
[20:04] <xteejx> Are you fully updated?
[20:05] <ia> i guess so.
[20:06] <xteejx> I see what's happened with this, it's been set Fix Released, although it isn't really fixed, but rather appears to be something that won't be fixed because of compiz
[20:06] <xteejx> I don't really know what the situation would be here
[20:06] <xteejx> bdmurray: Any suggestions Brian?
[20:07] <xteejx> Ok, he's not here. ummm
[20:07] <xteejx> pedro_: ^ ?? Are you here?
[20:08] <pedro_> xteejx, yes, let me look at the bug
[20:08] <xteejx> I don't think it should be set Won't Fix either
[20:08] <xteejx> thanks pedro :)
[20:13] <pedro_> ia, so you're getting the issue even with the workaround applied ?
[20:15] <ia> pedro_: yep, looks like. I guess, somehow in my case fade plugin just can't fetch "fading windows" setting for "any & !(title=notify-osd)" rule.
[20:16] <ia> i mean, can't apply it as it's should :-)
[20:17] <pedro_> ia, ok, please open a new bug for that and make reference to the 331564
[20:17] <ia> pedro_: ok.
[20:17] <pedro_> ia, ubuntu-bug compiz ; should do the trick
[20:18] <pedro_> ia, thanks!
[20:20] <ia> pedro_: so, do you guess, that this is a bug of compiz, but not notify-osd?
[20:21] <pedro_> ia, well if the gconf key is not being read that might be a compiz issue, but let see with the report filed
[20:21] <pedro_> without the info is difficult to say where the issue actually is
[20:37] <ia> pedro_: here we go - #564137
[20:38] <pedro_> ia, awesome, thanks
[20:38] <malev> hi! can anyone take a look at this bug. I marked it as confirmed, but I don't know what to do next: 554319
[20:40] <hggdh> bug 554319
[20:40] <ubot4`> Launchpad bug 554319 in software-center (Ubuntu) "Software center silently removes installed packages if there are package conflicts (affects: 3) (heat: 10)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/554319
[20:41] <hggdh> malev: what is the version of software-centre
[20:41] <hggdh> ?
[20:41] <hggdh> center
[20:41] <seb128> hggdh, hey
[20:41] <hggdh> seb128: hi
[20:42] <seb128> hggdh, what was the wikipage url from yesterday?
[20:42] <hggdh> hold on
[20:42] <seb128> hggdh, it timeouted and then I had to go
[20:42] <hggdh> seb128: no prob https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingWithApportRetrace
[20:43] <hggdh> seb128: just noticed there are still some editing to be done
[20:43] <malev> hggdh, software-center 1.1.23 mine software-version
[20:43] <hggdh> malev: are you running Lucid?
[20:44] <malev> hggdh, lucid beta 2
[20:45] <hggdh> malev: current software-center is 2.0, can you try with it? There were some changes that may have resolved it
[20:45] <hggdh> malev: also, it is always a good option to add the version in the bug ;-)
[20:45] <malev> hggdh, oks! I'm going for it. thanks!!
[20:45] <hggdh> malev: welcome
[20:46] <seb128> hggdh, seems mostly good to me, maybe get valgrind to have a conditional depends and not confuse users about dbg, dbgsym conflict
[20:51] <hggdh> seb128: I tried, Loïc closed wontfix
[20:52] <hggdh> but I can take this piece out
[20:52] <malev> what are this? MOIN_ID or MOIN_SESSION (I'm reading tools for bugday)
[20:53] <hggdh> seb128: I took it out. I will, most probably, be adding more to it as time goes
[20:54] <micahg> malev: cookies
[20:56] <seb128> hggdh, ok thanks
[20:57] <malev> I can't close a bug using hugday close 554892 is it really important?
[20:58] <hggdh> malev: AFAICR hugday close xxxx does not close the bug itself, but updates the wiki to state it has been dealt with
[20:58] <malev> hggdh, I know. but it's giving me an error: http://pastie.org/private/592kw63bwiujtockbk9lq
[21:00] <xteejx> malev: You need to run hugday init again, have you cleared cookies in your browser or anything? This can cause that
[21:01] <malev> xteejx, I'm running hugday init --user marcosvanetta --wiki-id malev (with firefox close and it's not telling me anything)
[21:01] <malev> Oh and I am logged in launchpad and the wiki
[21:03] <yofel> malev: aren't you supposed to use cookies.sqlite with firefox?
[21:03] <malev> yofel, I don't undestand...
[21:04] <malev> should I run: hugday init --user marcosvanetta --wiki-id --cookie=/pathtothecookies? I've done that
[21:04] <yofel> malev: instead of --wiki-id (which is a pretty long hash afaik) use --cookie ~/.mozilla/firefox/<your_profile>/cookies.sqlite (close firefox first)
[21:05] <malev> yofel, oks!!
[21:07] <malev> it WORK!!! yofel, you rock!!! What do you think, should I change the wiki to add this as ... I don't know, frequently problems or something like that?
[21:07] <yofel> last time I read the page it said that already...
[21:07] <yofel> let me check
[21:08] <xteejx> yeah the path to cookies is relative to your system ;)
[21:08] <malev> yoasif, yes, it's there! I'm a fool :D
[21:09] <hggdh> malev: not a fool, only distracted :-)
[21:12] <xteejx> I do more stupid things than that, I wouldn't worry :P
[21:14] * yofel remembers trying to figure out how that works for half an hour before reading the page again and realizing you had to close firefox first :D
[21:21] <hggdh> when nothing else works, power it off, count to ten, power it on again
[21:30] <Bookman> I don't know if this is a bug or not....since upgrading to 10.04, everytime I change the paper size in OO.o, I have to manually match that setting in CUPS. I never had to do that before. Like changing from 8 1/2 x 11 to a custom Avery label sheet.
[21:34] <malev> hggdh, hey. I've updated all lucid and now I have software center 1.1.26, is it the latest?
[21:34] * micahg thinks 2.0 was pushed
[21:35] <xteejx> !info software-centre lucid
[21:35] <ubot4`> xteejx: Package software-centre does not exist in lucid
[21:35] <micahg> !info software-center lucid
[21:35] <ubot4`> micahg: software-center (source: software-center): Utility for browsing, installing, and removing applications. In component main, is optional. Version 1.1.26 (lucid), package size 270 kB, installed size 1656 kB
[21:35] <yofel> 2.0 was uploaded yes, but lets see what happened to the bulid
[21:35] <xteejx> That's the one :) I have 2.0
[21:36] <malev> yofel, and... how to install it? from the branch?
[21:36] <xteejx> 2.0 on AMD64 on the UK mirror
[21:36] <xteejx> no, just update
[21:36] <yofel> malev: might not be on all mirrors yet
[21:36] <hggdh> I got it at 2.0
[21:36] <xteejx> malev: It isn't a branch, just keep an eye on your updates it will be available within 24 hours
[21:36] * yofel has still 1.1.26, but last update check was ~6h ago
[21:37] <malev> oks!!! I'll wait then
[21:38] <yofel> yep, 2.0 is on my amd64 update queue (german mirror)
[21:38] <xteejx> It was published 20 hours ago it should be available by now
[21:39] <yofel> i386 is out on de.archive too
[21:39] <xteejx> Also appears it was only built on i386 or am I reading the wrong page?
[21:39] <xteejx> https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/software-center/2.0
[21:40] <yofel> if the package is for 'all' archs then that's ok
[21:40] <xteejx> Of course! Do'h! I knew that ;)
[21:40] <yofel> yep
[21:43] <kamusin> ddecator, what it's the main difference between a report confirmed and triaged for software-center? I ask you because I have seen a couple of reports for example that are wishlist ones but just are stayed such confirmed and not like triaged..
[21:43] <malev> now it is for update!!!!
[21:44] <persia> kamusin: In general "confirmed" means that we know it's really a bug, and "triaged" means that we know what needs doing (fairly precisely) to fix it.
[21:44] <persia> We may not know the actual code (although sometimes we do), but we do know enough to be able to pinpoint the issue, and so more debugging would be a waste of time.
[21:46] <kamusin> but for a wishlist one should I mark as confirmed or triaged (a function that is not implemented could be..?)
[21:47] <persia> Same rules as any other bug.
[21:47] <persia> So if the wishlist bug is "Please replace the icon with the one I attached", that's easy to get to "Triaged"
[21:49] <persia> If the wishlist bug is "CUPS should have built-in support for using 3-D assemblers to generate living breathing ponies on demand", I think it will be a few years before we get past "Confirmed", as it requires updates to molecular assembler technology, and we can't know the API for the drivers in advance.
[21:49] <persia> Most bugs fall somewhere between these extremes.
[21:49] <kamusin> persia right, maybe this report is a exception but please check at bug 524690
[21:49] <ubot4`> Launchpad bug 524690 in software-center (Ubuntu) ""In Progress" does not show download rate (affects: 1)" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/524690
[21:51] <persia> kamusin: I think that's a correct status, especially because the person who set the status assigned themselves to deal with the bug.
[21:51] <persia> I suspect there's some thought involved about how to present this information correctly.
[21:51] <persia> It's trivial for the CLI interfaces, but it's not always clear where to show that sort of thing in a GUI.
[21:52] <sandberg> I'm experiencing a bug with sudo under some network configurations. It is marked as confirmed in Debian, but is still marked as new in all the affected Ubuntu distributions. Is this normal? The bug has been around since September last year.
[21:54] <alvin> sandberg: Tell us what bug
[21:54] <sandberg> Bug #423252
[21:54] <ubot4`> Launchpad bug 423252 in sudo (Kairos Linux) (and 10 other projects) "NSS using LDAP on Karmic breaks 'su' and 'sudo' (affects: 25) (heat: 198)" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/423252
[21:54] <sandberg> Really bad for corporate users... :(
[21:55] <sandberg> I think it is really a bug in eglibc rather than nss-ldap or GnuTLS.
[21:55] <alvin> sandberg: I'm sure the server team is looking into that one
[21:56] <kamusin> persia, agree..:)
[21:56] <persia> I'm not. Nobody assigned themselves.
[21:56] <sandberg> Well, no one has been assigned to the bug yet.
[21:56] <persia> sandberg: Works the other way: people don't get assigned: people assign themselves.
[21:56] <sandberg> Aha, ok.
[21:57] <persia> Needs someone to track down the preise issue (which seems to be problematic based on the comment log), and then get the bug to triaged for one of the packages concerned.
[21:57] <persia> (or many of them)
[21:57] <sandberg> Yeah, was a bit surprised when GDB lost track of the process. :(
[21:58] <persia> Could be someone in bugsquad. Could be one of the server folk. Doesn't really matter, but until the issue is understood, it's unlikjely to be fixed :(
[21:58] <sandberg> Seems, to me at least, like there is an issue with some unfortunate pthreads interactions.
[21:59] <arand> Bug #508632 seems to have gained an [FFe] tag arbitrarily, that isn't correct right?
[21:59] <ubot4`> Launchpad bug 508632 in nautilus (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "[FFe] Toggle button for Nautilus location field gone (affects: 46) (dups: 5) (heat: 258)" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/508632
[21:59] <sandberg> I bet some part in this uses signal 31 for something that ptrace isn't expecting (sig 31 is used to notify pthreads of some UID changing thingy).
[22:01] <sandberg> persia: Do you know anyone from the server team that could help me in tracking this one down?
[22:01] <persia> sandberg: My recommendation is to ask in #ubuntu-server to find someone. I don't want to highlight someone that may not have time/be interested
[22:02] <sandberg> persia: Ok, I'll try that. Thanks!
[22:43] <seb128> bdmurray, hello there
[22:44] <seb128> bdmurray, did didrocks pinged you about http://qa.ubuntu.com/reports/bug-fixing/canonical-desktop-team-lucid-fixes-report.html?
[22:44] <bdmurray> seb128: no
[22:44] <seb128> bdmurray, how is the team member list built? Didier is not on it it seems
[22:45] <bdmurray> seb128: his e-mail address is hidden in launchpad
[22:46] <seb128> oh ok, so he needs to show it to be there?
[22:46] <seb128> I will tell him tomorrow, thanks
[22:47] <bdmurray> seb128: yes, that's the easiest way (other than some possible code changes) to fix it atm
[22:48] <seb128> I don't see any reason his ubuntu email should not be listed
[22:48] <seb128> I will tell him tomorrow that's because of that, we just didn't have a clue how the list was built
[22:48] <bdmurray> right only logged in users can see e-mail addresses anyway
=== janito_ is now known as joaopinto_