--- language: - en license: cc-by-nc-nd-4.0 task_categories: - image-to-text - object-detection tags: - code - finance dataset_info: features: - name: id dtype: int32 - name: image dtype: image - name: bboxes dtype: string splits: - name: train num_bytes: 3152173 num_examples: 13 download_size: 3029413 dataset_size: 3152173 --- # OCR Trains Dataset The dataset consists of text data obtained through optical character recognition (OCR) technology, which extracts text from images, in this case, **the train number**. The dataset be used to train machine learning models for extracting and analyzing text from train-related documents or images, to develop algorithms or models for real-time updates, or building intelligent systems related to trains and transportation. ![](https://www.googleapis.com/download/storage/v1/b/kaggle-user-content/o/inbox%2F12421376%2F6f666e7539bfbca9f54f2226631bddda%2FMacBook%20Air%20-%201%20(1).png?generation=1691732664604021&alt=media) # Get the Dataset ### This is just an example of the data Contact us via **[sales@trainingdata.pro](mailto:sales@trainingdata.pro)** or leave a request on **[https://trainingdata.pro/data-market](https://trainingdata.pro/data-market?utm_source=huggingface)** to discuss your requirements, learn about the price and buy the dataset # Dataset structure - **images** - contains of original images of trains - **annotations.xml** - contains coordinates of the bounding boxes and indicated text, created for the original photo # Data Format Each image from `images` folder is accompanied by an XML-annotation in the `annotations.xml` file indicating the coordinates of the bounding boxes for text detection. For each point, the x and y coordinates are provided. # Example of XML file structure ![](https://www.googleapis.com/download/storage/v1/b/kaggle-user-content/o/inbox%2F12421376%2Fd2280c211ef5a497b7ebca335ac8bf14%2Fcarbon.png?generation=1691732266424062&alt=media) # Text Detection in Trains' images might be made in accordance with your requirements. ## **[TrainingData](https://trainingdata.pro/data-market?utm_source=huggingface)** provides high-quality data annotation tailored to your needs More datasets in TrainingData's Kaggle account: **https://www.kaggle.com/trainingdatapro/datasets** TrainingData's GitHub: **https://github.com/Trainingdata-datamarket/TrainingData_All_datasets**