# 💻 Updating user's data balance {% hint style="info" %} This guide will show you how to top up your user's data balance. {% endhint %} ​1. In the _**Users**_ tab, find your desired user. ![](<../.gitbook/assets/image (16).png>) 2.Click on the user. 3\. Next, you will get a pop up where you can select the data plan by clicking the Dropdown. ![](<../.gitbook/assets/image (1).png>) 4\. In the Data GB box, you can add the desired amount of data you want to add on top of the users existing balance. {% hint style="info" %} Enter Positive values to add data and negative values to remove data EG: 5 -> this will add the user 5 GB to their existing balance EG: -2 -> this will deduct the user 2 GB from their existing balance {% endhint %} ![](<../.gitbook/assets/image (15).png>)