# 🎰 Enabling TOS pop-up {% hint style="success" %} We have added a new TOS pop up option so customers are forced to accept your TOS before purchasing. This way you are protected against charge backs! {% endhint %} ![Example of the TOS pop up](<../.gitbook/assets/Screen Shot 2022-01-23 at 8.26.07 PM.png>) 1. To access this, go to the _**More Settings**_ on the admin dashboard. ![](<../.gitbook/assets/Screen Shot 2022-01-23 at 8.24.24 PM.png>) 2\. Next, you have to enable the option by clicking on the toggle. ![](<../.gitbook/assets/Screen Shot 2022-01-23 at 8.25.41 PM.png>) 3\. Once enabled you must enter a link to your TOS page and click _**Save.**_