# 🤖 Creating an automatic release {% hint style="info" %} There are two types release auto and manual, In order to create auto releases please check this guide. {% endhint %} 1. Go to dashboard then datacenter and click the drop-down to choose the Automatic. ![](<../.gitbook/assets/1 (73) (5).png>) 2\. Next, click on new batch. ![](<../.gitbook/assets/1 (72) (2).png>) 3\. Add your proxies here click confirm and launch ![](<../.gitbook/assets/Screenshot (970).png>) You have the option of adding an expiration date on ISPs and please find the following guide. {% content-ref url="isp-expiration-date.md" %} [isp-expiration-date.md](isp-expiration-date.md) {% endcontent-ref %}