# ✅ Adding data center products {% hint style="info" %} This guide will walk you through step by step process of adding data center products to your stripe. {% endhint %} {% hint style="info" %} If you are going to update / edit products When the proxies are active , editing product may cause to delete the stock in the batches. Therefore please make sure to back up them before editing the products. This only affects manual and automatic mode whereas it doesn't affect on API mode. {% endhint %} {% content-ref url="../product-settings/product-metadata.md" %} [product-metadata.md](../product-settings/product-metadata.md) {% endcontent-ref %} {% hint style="success" %} Any product can have two types of prices: 1. One-time - Customer is billed once 2. Recurring - Customer is billed on a recurring basis (eg: Monthly) {% endhint %} 1\. Firstly, Log in to the Stripe Account. ![](<../.gitbook/assets/Untitled design (1) (3).png>) 2\. Click on the _**Products**_ tab found on the right navigation pane of the _Stripe Dashboar_d. ![](<../.gitbook/assets/Untitled design (2) (10).png>) 3\. Next _**Add Product**_ as data center plan. ![](<../.gitbook/assets/Untitled design (3) (10).png>) 4\. Then name your product. {% hint style="info" %} The name you enter here is what the dashboard will call the product. {% endhint %} ![](<../.gitbook/assets/1 (35) (1).png>) 5\. Also set the price for your product. {% hint style="info" %} This is the price that customers will be paying for your product {% endhint %} ![](<../.gitbook/assets/Untitled design (5) (6).png>) 6\. Click _**One Time**_ or _**Recurring**_ for the pricing section. More info regarding recurring pricing can be found below: {% content-ref url="../product-settings/creating-a-recurring-price-for-a-product.md" %} [creating-a-recurring-price-for-a-product.md](../product-settings/creating-a-recurring-price-for-a-product.md) {% endcontent-ref %} ![](<../.gitbook/assets/Untitled design (6) (2).png>) 7\. Please repeat this process to add another price for the same product. ![](<../.gitbook/assets/Untitled design (7) (2).png>) 8\. After adding all your prices, click _**Additional Options**_. ![](<../.gitbook/assets/1 (44).png>) 9\. Then add Metadata tags we have provided for the _**MetaData**_ section that can be found below. Then save the product. {% hint style="info" %} Copy and Paste from the below to omit any errors. {% endhint %} The first field should have `torchlabs_product` The next field is where we capture if you are making a daily/weekly/monthly product. Therefore, we use the following identifiers. (Each product can have only one Identifier, so if you want to make weekly and monthly DC plans, you will need to make two individual products) `torchlabs_datacenter_daily` `torchlabs_datacenter_weekly` `torchlabs_datacenter_monthly` & more products can be added by looking at our Meta Data section ![](../.gitbook/assets/image.png) 10\. Here you can view all the prices created, And click on a price. ![](<../.gitbook/assets/1 (45) (1).png>) 11\. Next, we add Meta data to each price. This helps us determine how many proxies are to be delivered at each price point. The first identifier that you need to enter is `amount` {% hint style="info" %} In this example, there will be 10 proxies being delivered to the customer {% endhint %} ![](<../.gitbook/assets/image (10).png>) 12\. Now go to products and we are done with our first product. ![](<../.gitbook/assets/1 (42) (1) (1).png>) 13\. Then go back to your dashboard and choose the product type we just set up and edit it. ![](<../.gitbook/assets/1 (75) (1).png>) 14\. Next, click Sync with Stripe. Once the sync is completed you should see your plans. ![](<../.gitbook/assets/1 (41) (1) (2) (1).png>) 15\. You can repeat this process to create the other Data Center and ISP products.