# 📜 Changing Product Description {% hint style="info" %} In order to change or update the descriptions of your products, follow the below instructions. {% endhint %} 1. You can chage or update the below description. ![](<../.gitbook/assets/1 (90).png>) 2\. Go to Dashboard and Products ![](<../.gitbook/assets/1 (91).png>) 3\. Click the Edit icon here ![](<../.gitbook/assets/1 (92).png>) 4\. Click Dashboard Description ![](<../.gitbook/assets/1 (94) (1).png>) 5\. Update your description then you can see a preview of how it will be on the website and finally save it. {% hint style="info" %} Our dashboard description supports markdown syntax! read the quick [cheat sheet](https://www.markdownguide.org/cheat-sheet/) to take advantage of its powerful features. {% endhint %} ![](<../.gitbook/assets/1 (95).png>)