--- license: apache-2.0 task_categories: - text-retrieval language: - zh size_categories: - 1M
Table 1: The data statistics of datasets commonly used in passage ranking. FR(SR): First (Second)- stage of passage ranking, i.e., passage Retrieval (Re-ranking).
Compared with existing datasets, T2Ranking dataset has the following characteristics and advantages: * The proposed dataset focus on the Chinese search scenario, and has advantages in data scale compared with existing Chinese passage ranking datasets, which can better support the design of deep learning algorithms * The proposed dataset has a large number of fine-grained relevance annotations, which is helpful for mining fine-grained relationship between queries and passages and constructing more accurate ranking algorithms. * By retrieving passage results from multiple commercial search engines and providing complete annotation, we ease the false negative problem to some extent, which is beneficial to providing more accurate evaluation. * We design multiple strategies to ensure the high quality of our dataset, such as using a passage segment model and a passage clustering model to enhance the semantic integrity and diversity of passages and employing active learning for annotation method to improve the efficiency and quality of data annotation. ## Data Download The whole dataset is placed in [huggingface](https://huggingface.co/datasets/THUIR/T2Ranking), and the data formats are presented in the following table.
| Description| Filename|Num Records|Format| |-------------------------------------------------------|-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|----------:|-----------------------------------:| | Collection | collection.tsv | 2,303,643 | tsv: pid, passage | | Queries Train | queries.train.tsv | 258,042 | tsv: qid, query | | Queries Dev | queries.dev.tsv | 24,832 | tsv: qid, query | | Queries Test | queries.test.tsv | 24,832 | tsv: qid, query | | Qrels Train for re-ranking | qrels.train.tsv | 1,613,421 | TREC qrels format | | Qrels Dev for re-ranking | qrels.dev.tsv | 400,536 | TREC qrels format | | Qrels Retrieval Train | qrels.retrieval.train.tsv | 744,663 | tsv: qid, pid | | Qrels Retrieval Dev | qrels.retrieval.dev.tsv | 118,933 | tsv: qid, pid | | BM25 Negatives | train.bm25.tsv | 200,359,731 | tsv: qid, pid, index | | Hard Negatives | train.mined.tsv | 200,376,001 | tsv: qid, pid, index, score |
You can download the dataset by running the following command: ```bash git lfs install git clone https://huggingface.co/datasets/THUIR/T2Ranking ``` After downloading, you can find the following files in the folder: ``` ├── data │ ├── collection.tsv │ ├── qrels.dev.tsv │ ├── qrels.retrieval.dev.tsv │ ├── qrels.retrieval.train.tsv │ ├── qrels.train.tsv │ ├── queries.dev.tsv │ ├── queries.test.tsv │ ├── queries.train.tsv │ ├── train.bm25.tsv │ └── train.mined.tsv ├── script │ ├── train_cross_encoder.sh │ └── train_dual_encoder.sh └── src ├── convert2trec.py ├── dataset_factory.py ├── modeling.py ├── msmarco_eval.py ├── train_cross_encoder.py ├── train_dual_encoder.py └── utils.py ``` ## Training and Evaluation The dual-encoder can be trained by running the following command: ```bash sh script/train_dual_encoder.sh ``` After training the model, you can evaluate the model by running the following command: ```bash python src/msmarco_eval.py data/qrels.retrieval.dev.tsv output/res.top1000.step20 ``` The cross-encoder can be trained by running the following command: ```bash sh script/train_cross_encoder.sh ``` After training the model, you can evaluate the model by running the following command: ```bash python src/convert2trec.py output/res.step-20 && python src/msmarco_eval.py data/qrels.retrieval.dev.tsv output/res.step-20.trec && path_to/trec_eval -m ndcg_cut.5 data/qrels.dev.tsv res.step-20.trec ``` ## License The dataset is licensed under the [Apache License 2.0](https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.html). ## Citation If you use this dataset in your research, please cite our paper: ``` @misc{xie2023t2ranking, title={T2Ranking: A large-scale Chinese Benchmark for Passage Ranking}, author={Xiaohui Xie and Qian Dong and Bingning Wang and Feiyang Lv and Ting Yao and Weinan Gan and Zhijing Wu and Xiangsheng Li and Haitao Li and Yiqun Liu and Jin Ma}, year={2023}, eprint={2304.03679}, archivePrefix={arXiv}, primaryClass={cs.IR} } ```