# 1.unzip file # 2. change *srcdir* # 3. run this script # do training import numpy as np from pathlib import Path import os outdir = "datasets/data/" # setwhich one # srcdir = "corners" # srcdir = "keypoints" if srcdir=="keypoints": _KEYS = "start_kp center end_kp tip".split() DIM = 640 elif srcdir=="corners": _KEYS = "topLeft topRight bottomRight bottomLeft".split() DIM = 1280 F = os.listdir(srcdir) import random random.seed(4) random.shuffle(F) F[0] # 80% training n = int(0.8*len(F)) n train,val = F[:n], F[n:] import shutil for d in "images labels".split(): for dd in "train val test".split(): if not os.path.exists(f"{outdir}/{d}/{dd}"): os.makedirs(f"{outdir}/{d}/{dd}") for trgd,F in [(f"{outdir}/images/train", train), (f"{outdir}/images/val", val), (f"{outdir}/images/test", val[:100])]: for srcf in F: shutil.move(os.path.join(srcdir, srcf), os.path.join(trgd, srcf)) def filename2keypoints(fn:str): kp = {} i = 0 for sfn in fn.split("_"): if "-" in sfn: a,b = sfn.split("-") kp[_KEYS[i]] = (int(a),int(b)) i+=1 return kp # ... def formatLabel(cx,cy, w,h, kp): pxs ="" for k in _KEYS: x,y = kp[k] pxs += f"{x/DIM} {y/DIM} " return f"0 {cx/DIM} {cy/DIM} {w/DIM} {h/DIM} " +pxs.strip() if srcdir=="keypoints": def toCenterCoordinates(kp,dim = DIM): # trying to determine bounding box via cv isnt reliable so we assume, dial face will always appears nearly same dim. and determine box from center point w, h = 560,560 x,y = kp["center"] wh = w/2 hh = h/2 cx = x-wh cy = y - hh # left top corner cx,cy, x,y _w,_h = 0,0 # though this is not really correct, we will adjust dim. if bounding box is outside viewport if cx<0: _w = cx elif x+wh > dim: _w = (x+wh) - dim if cy < 0: _h = cy elif (y+hh)>dim: _h = (y+hh) - dim return x,y, w-_w,h-_h else: def toCenterCoordinates(kp,dim = DIM): # bounding corners c = np.array(list(kp.values())) margin = 10 topLeft,bottomRight = c.min(axis=0)-margin, c.max(axis=0)+margin topLeft,bottomRight = np.clip(topLeft, 0, dim),np.clip(bottomRight, 0, dim) cx,cy = 0.5*(bottomRight + topLeft) w,h = bottomRight-topLeft return cx,cy, w,h # make annotation file for d,F in [(f"{outdir}/images/train", train), (f"{outdir}/images/val", val), (f"{outdir}/images/test", val[:100])]: for f in F: _,ext = os.path.splitext(f) antfn = os.path.join(outdir, d.replace("images/", "labels/"), _+".txt") kp = filename2keypoints(f) cx,cy,w,h = toCenterCoordinates(kp) assert cx>0 assert cy>0 L = formatLabel(cx,cy,w,h, kp) with open(antfn, "w") as fn: fn.write(L+"\n")