1.wav|Sometimes people fall asleep and that's okay, but this is really an atypical brain state of being deeply relaxed, yet in general awake and motionless. 2.wav|So if you listen to the episode that I did on psilocybin, we haven't done yet one on LSD. 3.wav|If you want to keep it in the same phase of day, great. 4.wav|So that, for instance, if I look at you, if you were standing right in front of me right now and I were to look at you, the image of your face, the light bouncing off your face, to be more precise, lands on one eye in a slightly different location than it does in the other eye. 5.wav|And that's a long lasting restraint protocol of 15 minutes or more. 6.wav|If you are going to consume foods, foods that are rich in things like tyrosine, which is a precursor for dopamine, you can look up which foods are high in tyrosine. 7.wav|And at all those places I discuss science and science related tools for mental health, physical health, and performance, some of which overlap with the science and tools that are discussed on the Huberman Lab podcast, but much of which is distinct from the information covered on the Huberman Lab podcast. 8.wav|However, there are at least as many studies that say that cannabis does not increase creativity, that cannabis increases consideration of multiple ideas, perhaps through elevation of dopamine and related systems, but that ultimately, the ideas that converge from that are not truly creative ideas. 9.wav|My intake wasn't particularly low, I didn't think, but I quickly found was that if I consumed enough salt, usually I would do this in the form of putting a little pinch of salt into some water, adding a little lemon juice or something like that, or salting my food a little bit more, that I lost any kind of shakiness in my hands, that my mental functioning was better, my sports performance was better, et cetera. 10.wav|And the idea would be to place that screen of your tablet or your laptop or other computer and try and get it elevated, at least to nose level, your nose level, or even higher. 11.wav|And if you decide to purchase it. 12.wav|Because while your body can drop in core temperature somewhat and still be safe, you can't really increase your body temperature that much before your brain starts to cook and other organs start to cook. 13.wav|If you're me, I generally have something I don't know within 2 hours or 90 minutes of going to sleep, but it's not a big meal. 14.wav|Now, this is important for a number of reasons, not the least of which is the known relationship between working memory and attention. 15.wav|They will express what's called in the clinical literature, tardive dyskinesia, kind of writhing of the face and the body from suppression of dopamine within the nigrostriatal pathway, which is associated with movement. 16.wav|It doesn't reveal anything fundamental, new or purposeful. 17.wav|That needs to be acknowledged. 18.wav|It's a long chain or cascade of events. 19.wav|One thing we have not touched on yet is how do you know if you're traumatized? 20.wav|And believe it or not, nowadays there is also an entire literature, meaning a scientific and medicinal literature, about type one, type two, and type three strains. 21.wav|There will also be other premium content available to premium subscribers, such as transcripts and short videos of new tools and unique tools for mental health, physical health, and performance. 22.wav|And again, the ratio of CBD to THC is going to be relevant there. 23.wav|For instance, dipping or chewing tobacco is known to cause a 50 fold, yes, 50 fold increase in mouth cancers, things like leukoplacia, and just generally is terrible for your health. 24.wav|And we're going to talk about that. 25.wav|In fact, it's so potent as an anti-inflammatory that some people have cautioned against taking high levels of curcumin prior to, for instance, resistance training workouts or even cardiovascular workouts because it so prevents inflammation that it also can prevent the adaptation response. 26.wav|One could, of course, use cold immersion of various kinds, and you're still going to get that exposure of the groin and the testicles to cold. 27.wav|It could be three or even four sessions, as long as it reaches that eleven minute threshold. 28.wav|So again, for 100 kilogram person, that'll be 150 milligrams or so, and then a so called booster of half that amount, about 90 minutes to two and a half hours into the session. 29.wav|And what we're talking about today are approaches to dealing with headache that yes, are typically over the counter compounds or are grounded in nutrition or in the case of acupuncture, behavioral practices, but that are not necessarily meant as replacements for things like non-steroid anti-inflammatory drugs or prescription drugs. 30.wav|It would be something in the next room, it will be something down the street, it will be something at some other location in space and time. 31.wav|And by doing that, we will start to identify some of the mechanisms that serve as entry points for the treatment of both anorexia and bulimia. 32.wav|It's a form of resistance training in mice. 33.wav|With EMDR, you're sort of short circuiting, you're kind of sneaking around the corner of that high amplitude response. 34.wav|You would not want to have overhead lights on unless you're really struggling to stay awake, in which case you want to get as many bright light on as possible. 35.wav|And when you look at things that are closer to you, when you move them up close, the pupils are going to shrink. 36.wav|It could be an interpersonal problem as well. 37.wav|In this study, they describe big increases in anaerobic meaning, strength training output, things like improvement in dips, improvement in bench press, improvement in pull ups, et cetera, in human subjects. 38.wav|Now, the numbers on migraine and just how common migraine is are extremely wide. 39.wav|Quote, while mainstream media has propagated the idea that cannabis expands the mind and enhances creativity, our results show the link between cannabis and creativity is largely a spurious correlation, meaning that it's not the case that cannabis increases creativity. 40.wav|So these would be the sorts of cold immersion protocols that are 1 minute or two minutes, three minutes, maybe five minutes, but that one couldn't stay in there longer because it feels stressful and one wants to get out may be more effective after high intensity exercise for removal of serum creatine kinase as well. 41.wav|Again, that's athleticgreens.com Huberman to get the five free travel packs and the year supply of vitamin D, three, k, two. 42.wav|I really encourage you to check it out when you have time, and of course has his own spectacular podcast, The Drive with Peter Attia. 43.wav|In other words, there are a huge number of terrible things happening. 44.wav|It is in a state of high levels of dopamine, a neuromodulator, and high levels of epinephrine, as well as hormones like cortisol and so forth. 45.wav|It's a bank account for energy. 46.wav|And as always, thank you for your interest in science. 47.wav|How many of the letters I just read can you remember? 48.wav|And those probiotics in Athletic Greens are optimal and vital for microbiota health. 49.wav|So not every bad event of our past is trauma, but events that change the way that we think, our emotional tone, or our behavior in ways going forward that are not adaptive for us. 50.wav|We do not share your email with anybody else. 51.wav|These melanops and ganglion cells are sometimes also called intrinsically photosensitive cells because they behave like photoreceptors. 52.wav|But let's face it, for a lot of us, goals and habits are about achieving some sort of destination. 53.wav|And what they found was that the group that focused on the goal line was able to achieve reaching that goal with 17% less effort. 54.wav|It suggests that, as the authors say, that active workstations, whether walking or cycling, are not only useful to improve caloric output and physical activity, circulation, and so on, but particularly when completing tasks like cognitive tasks or tasks that require focus that do not require verbal memory recall. 55.wav|But if you just need a reminder, if you haven't heard about it, there's a pattern of breathing that we all do in sleep when our carbon dioxide levels in our bloodstream get too high. 56.wav|Ideally you would even open the window because those windows actually filter out a lot of the blue light that you want during the daytime, a lot of the sunlight, it's actually 50 times less gets through. 57.wav|They can open plasticity, but whether or not they work, quote unquote, for different types of eating disorders or depression and trauma. 58.wav|It's a really beautiful system. 59.wav|Anyway, they go through a lot of gymnastics and writhing and seeking. 60.wav|These people that you never actually see eating, we all know people like this. 61.wav|And what we call a ligand, which is basically just a chemical that's released, parks in that receptor and causes a number of different biological effects. 62.wav|It's 5 minutes a day of stress, much like the study that I just described. 63.wav|In other words, the rat that was choosing to run got healthier, and the rat that was forced to run became unhealthy. 64.wav|Now with respect to omega-6 fatty acids, the most typical food sources of omega-6 fatty acids are seed oils. 65.wav|The symptoms of that sickness go from very mild to moderate or from mild to moderate to very severe when you are sleep deprived. 66.wav|Heavy cannabis use, meaning cannabis use more frequent than twice per week, has been associated with four times the risk of psychosis later in life, in particular, schizophrenia and bipolar like episodes. 67.wav|Okay, it sounds a little bit abstract and philosophical, but it's not. 68.wav|One way to avoid that is to cool the appropriate surfaces of your body. 69.wav|Thesis makes custom nootropics that are designed for your particular needs. 70.wav|The other, probably more likely mechanism relates to the dopamine increases caused by cold exposure that we talked about earlier. 71.wav|You didn't know that I was going to ask you for that first string of letters again after reading you the longer string of letters. 72.wav|Healthy pupils are going to dilate when you look at something far away from you. 73.wav|And here's a really key point. 74.wav|Well, in the brain of the anorexic, it turns out that the reward systems have been attached to the execution of habits in a way that is unhealthy for body weight. 75.wav|It's just like we just do it without thinking. 76.wav|Keep in mind that some of you are perhaps doing other things, you're attending to driving or other tasks within your home or your office. 77.wav|Okay, so in the winter months, as we're calling it, it involves at least two things, shorter days, which means what? 78.wav|Element comes in a variety of different flavors, all of which I find really tasty. 79.wav|I am not of the belief that all seed oils are bad, that they're all inflammatory, that they are killing us or making us sick, that they are the major cause of metabolic dysfunction, et cetera. 80.wav|And that's why we can look up into the side or down into the side, not just from side to side or up or down. 81.wav|We have a description of the different protocols for hot and for cold and their contrast at our Huberman Lab newsletter. 82.wav|It also points to times within the 24 hours cycle when you might want to avoid using deliberate cold exposure if your primary goal is to get to sleep. 83.wav|But during their rest periods, they're doing two minutes of Palmer cooling, which essentially allows heat to move out of the body, lowering core body temperature, in other words. 84.wav|And in addition to that, some of them can offset some other things that you really want. 85.wav|And yet despite having more energy, they don't feel irritated, they feel a lot of pleasure. 86.wav|And for those of you that are interested in supplementation and like to use those routes, things like alpha GPC or phenylethylamine or ltyrosine if that's in keeping with what you're able to do, of course, consult your doctor if you're going to rely on supplementation. 87.wav|Now on the face of it, the word creativity and creative acts might seem somewhat abstract to us. 88.wav|However, the changes in brown fat stores are perhaps what's most interesting about this study, and I'll tell you why. 89.wav|And it's absolutely clear from these data that the more often young people, meaning individuals between the age of 14 and 25, the more often they consume or smoke or vape cannabis, the faster and the more extreme that cortical thinning is. 90.wav|The experiment was kind of an interesting one. 91.wav|And again, if you're a young person, this is great because then you can actually build an extra strong visual system using all the tools that we're describing. 92.wav|Now, in the episode on depression, we talked about a very powerful aspect of major depression, which is this anti self confabulation that people who are depressed seem to genuinely believe and even confabulate about the fact that they are performing poorly in life and that they are no good or worthless, et cetera. 93.wav|So, contrary to popular belief, we don't store memories in the body or trauma in the body in a way that, for instance, working out a knot or a pain in one's lower back will relieve the trauma. 94.wav|And there were a number of other features that I mentioned that were related to those two general programs, phase one, phase two, phase three, and the 21 day program, and how those could be meshed together. 95.wav|So this language of memories as protective or memories as dangerous in the context of fear is not something that I said. 96.wav|Endothelial cells are the cells that make up blood vessels and other vascular type tissues within the brain and body. 97.wav|But what was interesting is that after a period of about three weeks of treatment, with anywhere from 150 milligrams of what are called active kava lactones, okay, so there are dosages that relate to that kava. 98.wav|And in addition to that, humans are exquisitely good at biasing our behavior toward particular goals over very long periods of time. 99.wav|Now, this is important. 100.wav|Now, that's a big leap to go from a compound that increases gaba and dopamine, and look at a circuit spelled out on paper in front of us and say, oh, well, there's gaba and dopamine in this circuit, and therefore this is a good compound to take. 101.wav|Let's just recall what some of those are. 102.wav|And I'll provide a link to these two papers in the show note captions, but I'll just briefly describe them by way of their title and their major conclusions. 103.wav|You're going to learn, for instance, that we can't just eliminate fears. 104.wav|It is sometimes called the fear area of the brain, although I want to caution people against assigning any one particular subjective experience to any one particular brain area. 105.wav|One of the challenges in breaking habits is that many habits occur very, very quickly, and so there isn't an opportunity to intervene until the habit has already been initiated and in some cases, completed. 106.wav|So the point here is that, yes, indeed, there are new neurons that can be added in the adult brain, maybe even in the adult human brain. 107.wav|And again, set all those positive physiological effects in motion for the entire week. 108.wav|That is, how to put ourselves into a heightened state of focus by virtue of things as simple as where we place our screen relative to our eyes at a given time of day. 109.wav|That brings about the question of how long one should rest between each repeat. 110.wav|And in these sorts of scenarios, individuals are listening to the binaural beats while they are doing the working memory task. 111.wav|People do differ in terms of their working memory capacity. 112.wav|Well, listen, the clinical literature and the scientific literature don't get that specific. 113.wav|So these are limbic circuits, these are hypothalamic circuits. 114.wav|And of course, there are desks that have MotorS and there are ones that have cranks. 115.wav|And if that's done in an environment in which there's very little temperature regulation, so people aren't, for instance, drinking enough fluids and electrolytes, it's very hot in the room, you can get neurotoxicity based on temperature effects, and that's because serotonin and dopamine also act on the so called medial preoptic area of the hypothalamus, which is involved in temperature regulation. 116.wav|Other people feel uncomfortable unless they're on carpet. 117.wav|Inside Tracker is a personalized nutrition platform that analyzes data from your blood and DNA to help you better understand your body and reach your health goals. 118.wav|It's making people feel motivated and good. 119.wav|So I mentioned these as kind of extremes. 120.wav|Let's start with the behavioral tools known to increase dopamine stores. 121.wav|The thesis understands this and it has designed different nootropics in order to bring your brain into specific states for specific types of work. 122.wav|So any divergent thinking task would involve exactly that. 123.wav|And so then it becomes a situation of compounding rewards. 124.wav|Now, whether or not that will move you from somebody who ordinarily would take 200 days to form a habit to one of those 18 days to habit people in that earlier study I mentioned, I don't know, but I am certain that it will have a significant shift on allowing you to engage in particular habits more easily and to consolidate those habits more quickly. 125.wav|I also talk a little bit about Modafinil, which is a entirely different category of drug known to improve cognitive performance, in some cases in ADHD, but in everybody. 126.wav|This is why it's so important to keep the mucosal lining of your nasal passages thriving and intact. 127.wav|First of all, the transdermal patches provide a fairly steady state dopamine release across the day, and oftentimes people are wearing them at night as well. 128.wav|This is not to say that mental training and visualization can't be used to acquire new skills. 129.wav|Now as a brief, but I think really relevant aside, one of the things that also makes mental training and visualization more effective is when we assign cognitive labels to what's going on when we visualize. 130.wav|To be honest, the concept of dopamine hits is not one that I favor because in general, whenever people talk about dopamine hits, typically they're talking about activities such as social media, which dopamine may be involved at some level, but often it's the case that the behavior associated with that thing, in this case, social media, is more of the compulsive nature rather than an active seeking of something with positive anticipation. 131.wav|Again, the sort of head high and indica varieties tend to do the opposite, more of a sedative relaxant, et cetera. 132.wav|Eight Sleep makes smart mattress covers with cooling, heating, and sleep tracking capacity. 133.wav|But if you go to the Hubertmanlab.com website and you go to the menu and you click on newsletter, you can scroll down and you'll see that we have a toolkit for sleep that's completely zero cost to access. 134.wav|There needs to be a diminishing of the old experience, meaning an extinction and then a relearning of a new narrative. 135.wav|But they don't tend to give people the sensation of altered perception, altered mood, et cetera. 136.wav|So that more or less covers how bright to keep your overall environment and how bright to keep your screen. 137.wav|However, what Cermahini and Hommel have also shown is that if people are already in a very good mood, elevating dopamine further is not conducive and in fact is detrimental to divergent thinking. 138.wav|The salience network is a network of brain regions that involves areas such as the insula, which actually has a complete map of your body surface, as well as some information mapped there about what's going on in the outside world and how those combine with what's going on in your internal landscape that is within your body. 139.wav|Exercise the accommodation mechanisms of your eyes. 140.wav|So because it blocks that sucking up process, there's more dopamine around in the synapse to hang out and then bind to receptors once some become available. 141.wav|Again, that's HubermanLab.com slash premium. 142.wav|It is possible to incorporate supplements and things of that sort that can increase dopamine as a way to getting into ongoing motivational states. 143.wav|Well, the literature on habit formation and habit reduction, breaking habits, has been analyzed. 144.wav|While supplements aren't necessary for everybody, many people derive tremendous benefit from them for things like enhancing sleep and focus and hormone optimization. 145.wav|If you think about it, people are going to be eating, and within the things that they eat, they're going to be consuming some omega-3s, hopefully, as well as some omega-6s. 146.wav|I move it to the right and back and forth. 147.wav|By the way, we have excellent tools that are grounded in excellent science, available to you at zero cost. 148.wav|There's a particular canyon near here that if I'm going to run, I happen to like running, or I don't hate running enough that I tend to do it, going through that, heading back, et cetera, et cetera. 149.wav|And that's very interesting because it also points to the fact that reducing core body temperature may somehow be involved in short circuiting the normal mechanisms of delayed onset muscle soreness. 150.wav|In fact, I encourage you to please do that. 151.wav|It's absolutely scary, because that CB one receptor is not just a minor player in neural development, it is absolutely central to every critical aspect of brain wiring and development. 152.wav|The first is value information, trying to understand whether or not something is really worth pursuing or not. 153.wav|And indeed, vision involves eyesight, our ability to see shapes and objects and faces and colors and so forth. 154.wav|And they use the very best forms of salt, potassium, and magnesium that are out there. 155.wav|And so when we think of positive experiences being associated with what was previously a negative experience, we're not talking about forgetting that the car accident was horrible or forgetting that the assault was absolutely dreadful. 156.wav|Nicotine exists in the outside world, in these plants, the tobacco plants. 157.wav|You cut off the blood supply to that tissue. 158.wav|Visual acuity is your ability to see things in fine detail following consumption of a buttermilk drink containing lutein enriched egg yolks. 159.wav|You can probably predict what it is based on everything I've said up until now. 160.wav|We will talk about things that you can do as well. 161.wav|Rather, you could imagine that people collected seeds and nuts and berries for about three minutes, and then probably stood up, looked around, and then kept going. 162.wav|The endogenous cannabinoids are released from neurons. 163.wav|They activate the serotonin two a receptor. 164.wav|And so for me, doing this long Sunday hike or jog really provides a foundation, a base for endurance that then the other endurance workouts that I'll describe later and that take place later in the week can build on. 165.wav|And it has another incredible property, which is that it doesn't just lead to huge increases in dopamine, it also leads to huge increases in serotonin. 166.wav|I typically drink element first thing in the morning when I wake up in order to hydrate my body and make sure I have enough electrolytes. 167.wav|So they can either have a complete absence of ability to generate mental imagery, or they have a poor or kind of rudimentary ability to generate visual imagery in their mind's eye. 168.wav|There are effects of cannabis on cortisol. 169.wav|But what I encourage you to do, if you are finding it to be a little bit vague, would be to pick the habit that you want to form, write down or think about very concretely, what is the sequence of steps involved in the execution of that habit. 170.wav|So if you're somebody that has challenges with working memory, focus, and attention, please see those episodes and please talk to your doctor about potentially using pharmacology to increase dopamine. 171.wav|And this is a paper from Emily Balsettis's lab, focuses mainly on physical activities, but it mentions some other things as well. 172.wav|And when you combine hormonal headaches, tension headaches, and migraine headaches, you account for more than 70% of the total types of headaches that are out there. 173.wav|And for these muscles to relieve themselves of this work, you may or may not have migraine headaches. 174.wav|We are also going to discuss very specific protocols that you can apply which leverage variables like temperature, how cold, how to deliver the cold, for instance, whether or not you use a cold shower, cold immersion, ice bath, circulating water or still water, whether or not you're going for walks outside in a t shirt when it's cold, or whether or not you're purposefully using things like cryo, if you have access to that or not. 175.wav|I think we've all experienced that when you're in a room and there's some ongoing background noise, and all of a sudden it stops, and you just feel this enormous relief. 176.wav|The converse is also true, and here, again, this is a principle that Pavel has put forth, I believe he calls it irradiation, meaning irradiating out or emanating out from a source, which is that while exhaling and relaxing the torso, the midsection, some people call it the core, although some people don't like that term, can facilitate relaxation and stretching through a larger range of motion, so too can contracting the core, the midsection, or gripping very tightly with the fist can facilitate muscular contraction because of the way that the nervous system heavily, we can even say over represents the fists in the brain, and so how would you apply this to your overall foundational fitness protocol? 177.wav|I've talked about it briefly with a guest on this podcast, Dr. 178.wav|For years, people have asked, why do people get visual hallucinations? 179.wav|But focusing on relaxing by doing long exhale breathing, perhaps doing a body scan or focusing your attention on particular body parts, but not keeping it focused on any one particular body part for that long, that general practice of deep relaxation while awake and being relatively motionless really favors the brain states associated with divergent thinking and actually represents an accessing of the various components that you would use during divergent thinking. 180.wav|What's interesting and important about the protocols I've been talking about, however, NSDR, yoga nidra, deliberate cold exposure, is not just that they increase dopamine, but the duration over which they increase dopamine. 181.wav|And there's a very little space between the brain, the meninges that surround it and the skull, it's called the subarachnoid space, very cool, right, arachnoid like spider. 182.wav|The cortex is the outer shell of the brain, and there are two subregions of the cortex that are involved in goal directed behavior. 183.wav|I got particularly sore from all that physical labor. 184.wav|Now you might think that's the same thing or just two sides of the same coin, but actually it's not. 185.wav|If you're not already following me on social media, I am Huberman Lab. 186.wav|If you're sleeping well, everything else is better. 187.wav|It allows neurons to fire for sake of thinking, for sake of athletic performance, and so on. 188.wav|SNAP-25 is involved in the fusion of those little spheres with the membrane of the neuron and releasing of the neurotransmitter. 189.wav|Well, let's think about it in the practical context. 190.wav|And fourth, that if you want that mental training and visualization to really improve your golf swing, you're going to have to name or apply an identity to the specific golf swing or aspect of the golf swing that you're practicing. 191.wav|And yet what we need to do in order to engage divergent thinking is suppress what is called autobiographical narratives. 192.wav|So now I'd like to shift gears towards talking about a few of the things that most people get badly wrong in setting and assessing and executing goals. 193.wav|And there, too, I've gotten reports back of people doing so called ibogaine treatments. 194.wav|Element is an electrolyte drink that has everything you need and nothing you don't. 195.wav|Having lights that are in front of you is fine, but overhead lights at that time are not going to be optimal for the sorts of neurochemical states that your brain wants to be in. 196.wav|We will also talk about genetic predisposition, again, sex differences, hormone effects. 197.wav|It's increased macular pigment optical density. 198.wav|What I've tried to do is give you a set of high potency tools that can improve your focus and cognition. 199.wav|The insula is calibrating how we feel internally versus what's going on externally. 200.wav|What these studies have done is they've said, okay, if people have the option of doing the real world training for 10 hours a week versus mental training for 10 hours a week, which group performs better? 201.wav|I do this once a day. 202.wav|In our episode about dopamine, it's at hubermanlab.com. 203.wav|Higher intensity because the chemical milieu of the brain is completely different. 204.wav|That's the best way to support this podcast. 205.wav|That's right, you heard the word methamphetamine in there. 206.wav|Obviously, people are doing this under consent. 207.wav|The experiment I just described was one in which dopamine is introduced, showing that dopamine is very likely the rate limiting or the capacity limiting. 208.wav|Now, a conclusion like that needs to have a caveat, and the caveat is that, as far as we know, the big increases in oxytocin that are produced by MDMA aren't doing anything for the sorts of effects that we've been talking about here, sociability, empathy, et cetera. 209.wav|And I think we're starting to see a shift out there now in the perception of what salt and the other electrolytes do, and really seeing magnesium, which is one of the electrolytes, potassium and especially salt, as not necessarily something to avoid, but in fact something to embrace, provided that they're used properly. 210.wav|You'll do that. 211.wav|One of Banksy's more famous paintings is a rather politically charged one, which is of a girl holding a bouquet of balloons, and this two-dimensional drawing was put onto the West wall, dividing territories in the Middle East, a very controversial issue. 212.wav|They find it much faster than do non anorexics, which is really interesting, right? 213.wav|Nonetheless, the study, as the title suggests, shows that supplementing with L-tyrosine can indeed increase working memory capacity, especially in a multitasking environment, which in many ways carries over to the sorts of requirements for working memory and attention capacity to get through life in a very focused, for lack of a better word, way, in a very regimented do this, do that, task switch, multiple things, interleave. 214.wav|So when we drink caffeine, that caffeine occupies the adenosine receptor and the adenosine cannot have its normal effect of making us sleepy. 215.wav|Now, of course, there are genetic factors and there are injury related factors that can compromise eyesight and our ability to see. 216.wav|That's not critical. 217.wav|So it's somewhat different. 218.wav|Now, first, we have to acknowledge that sexual desire and activity is a complex set of processes, meaning it's not just one event. 219.wav|With that said, the delivery mechanism for cocaine strongly parallels the delivery mechanisms for nicotine. 220.wav|It's important for personality too, but it's important for a number of different aspects of life that have to do with making plans, being able to focus very intensely on your work, et cetera, or on anything for that matter, all functions that become heavily disrupted in people who have traumatic brain injury and concussion. 221.wav|I say stable and upright because it's very clear that for reasons related to texting and staring down at computers and related to weak neck relative to the rest of the muscles that stabilize the spine, a lot of people, their default stance or their default posture is with chin forward, and that's not good. 222.wav|Now, earlier in the episode, I mentioned that I was going to touch on caffeine. 223.wav|And the key requirement for creativity is this aspect of utility. 224.wav|So Wednesday is torso and neck, and then comes Thursday, and that means another cardiovascular exercise session, although it's a brief one. 225.wav|They're holding in mind. 226.wav|The big increases in dopamine and serotonin, but in particular, the big increases in dopamine, tend to promote electrical activity of other neurons. 227.wav|I'm Andrew Huberman, and I'm a professor of neurobiology and ophthalmology at Stanford School of Medicine. 228.wav|There is no sunlight device, although some bright lights are very bright, there's no replacement for actual sunlight, there's no replacement for actual sleep, there's no replacement for actual nutrition. 229.wav|It can in principle, but it has been shown to be most effective for enhancing the speed and the accuracy of skills that one has already demonstrated some degree of proficiency at in the real world. 230.wav|You could call it mental training and visualization of golf swing 1A, and you could imagine in your mind's eye, the perfect golf swing over and over and over and over. 231.wav|Those protocols have been shown to be very beneficial for enhancing neuroplasticity. 232.wav|This is teaching your mind how to stay online. 233.wav|This is not sitting with eyes closed, focusing on your breath or focusing on a chime or some other feature in your sensory environment, or even in your body. 234.wav|You can however, learn to calibrate your mood, that is to assess your mood, whether or not you're in low, medium or high mood, no problem using that broad binning, right? 235.wav|So what I mean is that people are much better at manipulating faces and vases in their mind's eye, of course, only once they've drawn them out physically with their hand, as I mentioned before, then they are manipulating abstract objects like impossible figures, in part because by labeling them faces and vases, people are able to capture a lot of other neural machinery that's related to faces and vases. 236.wav|Now, here's another reason to do this, and I've never spoken about this before on any podcast, which is that there have been several studies now in thousands of subjects exploring what can be done to prevent myopia, nearsightedness and other visual defects. 237.wav|I'm going to do my best to just try and be as clear as possible here and explain that people who have aphantasia can have aphantasia to varying degrees. 238.wav|Perhaps it could be a sequence of you walking out onto stage toward the podium or out from the podium and facing the audience and looking in multiple directions up and down to see people in every corner of the room and just repeating that on loop in your mind's eye or watching yourself do that on video and making yourself calm in your internal state as you're doing that. 239.wav|But I did that deliberately to show you how your working memory works. 240.wav|Now they did those in the real world. 241.wav|Or at least give people the impression that it improved the transition time to sleep? 242.wav|I know a number of people take those compounds in order to increase dopamine and focus for sake of studying or other activities, staying up long hours, et cetera. 243.wav|Or put differently, there's no replacement for any of those things in the form of a pill, a powder, even a behavioral practice. 244.wav|People are aware of it. 245.wav|Some people define quality protein as a protein that has a high essential amino acid to caloric ratio. 246.wav|More than 1 billion people consume tobacco in the form of cigarettes every day. 247.wav|And the entire time, they're doing that with the same two therapists in the placebo group, people are doing talk therapy with two therapists, but they're not taking MDMA. 248.wav|I think in the old days, the lore was the seeds make you sterile, and I think that was related to what I just told you, this increase in conversion of testosterone to estrogen. 249.wav|If you were to look at a brain, you'd see two little lobes back there that are highly foliated. 250.wav|Except in some individuals, depending on dosage, but also depending on preexisting neural circuitry and propensity for anxiety. 251.wav|So today we're going to talk about making meaning forming and breaking meaning stopping various habits. 252.wav|It's that perhaps starting the new year or regardless of when you're listening to this, you set out to make that 21 day really the stimulus period in which the habits get wired in. 253.wav|They might move their eyes around a particular visual environment, searching somewhat for people that lack dopamine. 254.wav|But again, phase three is really about making sure that whatever limbic friction you've been able to override in phase one and trigger some new habit, right? 255.wav|And again, if you're a 15 year old or a twelve year old, this episode is especially for you because your nervous system is far more plastic than mine is. 256.wav|They'll sometimes have symptoms like fainting. 257.wav|Now, I just briefly want to touch on thermal regulation at the level of the body and the brain. 258.wav|Deliberate cold exposure. 259.wav|How come when people have a big neck, they refer to it as no neck? 260.wav|Okay, so there's a genetic predisposition there. 261.wav|It only occurs in a small fraction of the population, but nonetheless is a real concern for those members of the population. 262.wav|It's a form of kind of like visual obesity, right? 263.wav|That I find very exciting. 264.wav|Now, I realize that's a very invasive approach. 265.wav|That vision, eyesight is not looking at things directly, and that information getting directly into your brain, it is translated. 266.wav|Now, in the afternoon, starting at about nine and continuing until about 16 hours after waking, you want to start dimming the lights in that environment. 267.wav|So try and see at a distance because it's good for your eyesight. 268.wav|Now, there's a third form of neuroplasticity that's involved in the formation of short and long-term memories that's important for us to discuss just briefly, but I do want to emphasize that there are not just three forms of neuroplasticity. 269.wav|Put tobacco up their nose, certain amount of nicotine gets into the bloodstream. 270.wav|And keep in mind that testosterone in females is vital for libido and cognitive function, cellular repair, et cetera. 271.wav|And if you go to the Helix website, you can take a very brief two minute quiz. 272.wav|Okay, so nicotine has certain effects on the brain by virtue of the fact that nicotine binds these nicotine acetylcholine receptors. 273.wav|Their kids use it as well. 274.wav|We could do that every third day. 275.wav|So the trial design is solid. 276.wav|So, today, we've reviewed a large amount of information about the biology of pathways in the brain and body that underlie the fear response, and that give rise to chronic fear and in some cases, to trauma and PTSD. 277.wav|And there are many, many clinics around the US that are now doing it. 278.wav|I'm not ready to go to sleep or anything like that. 279.wav|But the whole thing starts with thinking about the end in mind. 280.wav|And Saturday, arms, calves, neck, and torso indirect work. 281.wav|They elevate it every once in a while. 282.wav|Habits, I think can all appreciate the value of having habits. 283.wav|Yes, yes, indeed, those things can increase dopamine. 284.wav|It's going to increase in the morning, and as you wake up and increase throughout the day and afternoon, and then start to drop in the evening and come down at night as you head to sleep. 285.wav|In the case of the anorexic, the problem seems to be that they have a genuine distortion of their self image, so much so that they don't actually see themselves accurately. 286.wav|Whether or not you're using edibles. 287.wav|And here I'm referring to success rate as a significant reduction in clinical symptoms for PTSD, and 67% of those people going into full remittance for PTSD by the end of the treatment is pretty spectacular. 288.wav|So for parents, for kids, and for adults, you really want to try to get to a place where you can sleep in a completely black or dark environment. 289.wav|And that's been discussed in the pop psychology literature and in the habit formation literature merely from the perspective of get it out of the way so you can feel good about having done it. 290.wav|And if you do have strong imbalances between the two eyes, which can be caused by cataract and lens issues, can be caused by neuromuscular issues, et cetera, to try and get those dealt with as early as possible by contacting a really good ophthalmologist, and ideally a neuro ophthalmologist. 291.wav|But they are central to it. 292.wav|I also have had Maui Nui venison in various recipes, including ground venison, some venison steaks, and I love the taste of the venison. 293.wav|It's the thing that's supposed to induce the stress because getting hit is stressful and the risk of getting hit is stressful for most people. 294.wav|Well, let's think about it. 295.wav|The name of the circuit, again, is less important than what it does, but the name of this circuit, for those that want to know, is the so-called nigrostriatal pathway, okay? 296.wav|But the point is that in your mind's eye, you are better able to manipulate specific objects or to see things more clearly and with more specificity when it has a label that you recognize from your real world experience, as opposed to abstract or fictional labels, okay? 297.wav|If you are going to start standing for half of your work time, you will notice that it takes a few days to adapt. 298.wav|Not interesting for today's discussion. 299.wav|This is a body to brain signaling mechanism that says, look, I've had enough. 300.wav|Our gut is very important. 301.wav|And it turns out, in a series of large clinical trials, the conclusion has emerged that getting 2 hours a day of outdoor time without sunglasses, blue light. 302.wav|And it's always been a little bit mysterious as to why that is. 303.wav|So that's good for you. 304.wav|You're going to come away with some very specific lists of takeaways that you can put down on paper if you like, and that you can use to set goals, assess goals, and execute goals more effectively. 305.wav|So we can look at those papers. 306.wav|Again, that's the EPA form in particular. 307.wav|What are type one, type two, and type three? 308.wav|So says this review and some of the other papers that I'm going to get to in a few moments. 309.wav|You can't sprint all out for 30 minutes unless you're Steve Prefontaine. 310.wav|And standing at one's desk can improve some of those health metrics and again, can improve productivity, probably because of those postural effects that I talked about earlier, that when we lie down, there tends to be less alertness in our brainstem, if you will. 311.wav|Welcome to the Huberman Lab Podcast, where we discuss science and science-based tools for everyday life. 312.wav|I should go for a run. 313.wav|What I'm trying to do is get to that point where I quote unquote, feel like I want to die. 314.wav|A very common approach for people to try and quit smoking or vaping is to use nicotine itself to try and prevent people from seeking nicotine through a cigarette or a vape pen. 315.wav|CBD is known to be used for things like pain management, anxiety management, and other medicinal purposes. 316.wav|It's the habit of doing a certain number of things per day. 317.wav|And all of these are essentially zero cost. 318.wav|There are various sources for that, and we'll link to one of them in the show. 319.wav|If you'd like to try a helix sleep mattress, you can go to helixsleep.com huberman take their two minute quiz and they'll match you to a customized mattress. 320.wav|Okay, so depending on how many letters you can remember, perhaps you have a low, moderate or high degree of working memory. 321.wav|There have been a number of systematic studies exploring what are called sit stand desks. 322.wav|Now this is a little bit counterintuitive because if you ever go outside on a really cold winter day, you'll realize that the cold weather outdoors is extremely dry. 323.wav|Now, you'll notice that wasn't a dramatic difference. 324.wav|Accommodation is an incredible process, but it is a demanding one. 325.wav|But all in all, what this study shows is that deliberate cold exposure can be very useful for recovery, likely through reductions in inflammation in muscle and connective tissue. 326.wav|And the reason I'm making kind of arc shapes with my hands for those of you that are just listening I'm making arc shapes with my hands is that aura is often described as kind of a halo or emanating out from one's body or from something that they're looking at. 327.wav|In other words, it takes a neuron that is very unlikely to fire and makes it more likely to fire. 328.wav|See all the supplements that I take? 329.wav|And now you're not going outside unless you're somebody who's particularly motivated to do that. 330.wav|There's even some evidence. 331.wav|Training your neck allows you to stand upright, sit upright. 332.wav|It's the other things in tobacco or associated with the nicotine delivery device that are causing cancer. 333.wav|For me, that really starts to impede my recovery. 334.wav|The balcetus lab therefore did an experiment where they looked at people's tendency to save money for later in life. 335.wav|Some of it is available free, some of it is behind a paywall. 336.wav|So first responders and so forth, most people freeze or retreat when they're afraid. 337.wav|In addition, I will talk about tools to improve working memory. 338.wav|Now, this doesn't mean putting yourself into dim light at 03:00 or 04:00 in the afternoon. 339.wav|Some people can't. 340.wav|And again, we'll provide a link to those videos. 341.wav|Now, perhaps the one caveat to that is that Harriet DeWitt's laboratory, which I referred to earlier, has looked at how variations in oxytocin receptor genes vary between people. 342.wav|The company was founded by two all american swimmers from Stanford, and everything about their eyeglasses and sunglasses were designed with performance in mind. 343.wav|But if we have big, lofty goals, we need to be careful not to contaminate our mental space and our visual space with too many goals. 344.wav|It should be inspirational. 345.wav|So I'm not saying that 100% of people that use cannabis regularly can't speak well or clearly. 346.wav|And then after taking MDMA and doing PTSD therapy, it was five out of ten or four out of ten. 347.wav|But I've also heard of people that have developed chronic seizure disorders from pursuing things like ibogaine for the treatment of eating disorders. 348.wav|I think they're a little less common now. 349.wav|Let me simplify a little bit of this, but I'm going to simplify it by giving you a little detail, because it's the Huberman Lab podcast, and I believe in mechanism. 350.wav|There's debate about this and depends on the quality of the experiment, et cetera. 351.wav|They might not actually remember. 352.wav|The reason I call it spacetime bridging is that the visual system is not just about analyzing space, it's actually how we batch time. 353.wav|And you can deploy or use particular features of reward prediction error if you would like to reinforce or accelerate the formation of certain habits. 354.wav|Open monitoring meditation is typically done for about 10 to 30 minutes, although it could be longer. 355.wav|Some people feel agitated. 356.wav|PTSD is post traumatic stress disorder. 357.wav|One of the things I like so much about roka eyeglasses and sunglasses is that they're extremely lightweight if you get sweaty. 358.wav|So for those of you that are interested in binaural beats, there are a number of free apps out there. 359.wav|But during today's discussion and in fact, in a lot of laboratory studies, we can actually bin people into these two groups. 360.wav|When we ingest nicotine, it gets into the bloodstream and eventually some of that will get into the brain and some of it gets into the body. 361.wav|They were effective in the immediate period when people started using these notifications, as were little sticky notes like don't go into the refrigerator between the hours of whatever and whatever, or just visual reminders. 362.wav|I was definitely one of those people in class. 363.wav|Phase one, which, as I mentioned, is about zero to 8 hours after waking phase two, nine to 16 hours after waking, and phase 317 to 24 hours after waking. 364.wav|We're not even aware of it, and we start experiencing that symptomology. 365.wav|And we will talk a little bit later about some of the chemicals involved in social support and why those help extinguish fears. 366.wav|So now let's talk about MDMA. 367.wav|Think about anticipating a great meal with friends. 368.wav|There are downstream effects on the signaling within those cells that all the data point to creating a much, much higher likelihood of developing major depression, severe anxiety or psychosis at later ages. 369.wav|Other types of exercises, like resistance training, are anabolic. 370.wav|Now, Costello's eyes droop. 371.wav|So we've got motor neurons, sensory neurons, and modulatory neurons, and you're probably thinking by now, why are we talking about this? 372.wav|Helix understands this, and they have a brief quiz that you can take. 373.wav|And of course, they have extremes of friendly and threatening. 374.wav|And in doing so, enhancing your ability to be more creative in a domain for which you already have some degree of skill or even mastery. 375.wav|And we are seeing some very impressive and significant effects on stress reduction, not just from respiration protocols that allow people to calm themselves, but also respiration protocols that bring people into a heightened state of autonomic sympathetic arousal, aka stress. 376.wav|Long-term depression is simply the inverse of LTP. 377.wav|It should be performed every day. 378.wav|Many people have wrongly assumed that the crash was due to, quote unquote, depletion of serotonin or depletion of dopamine, or maybe even death of serotonergic and dopaminergic neurons. 379.wav|Take their two minute sleep quiz and they'll match you to a customized mattress, and you'll get up to $200 off all mattress orders and you'll get two free pillows. 380.wav|They also trigger the activation of brain circuits that are associated with alertness. 381.wav|So this is a terrific way that they're going to amplify whatever funds come in through the premium channel to further support research for science and science related tools for mental health, physical health and performance. 382.wav|And I think that for those of you that are using or interested in using resistance training, I suggest getting your leg workout done early in the week. 383.wav|Well, the process of retelling the narrative to a clinician would allow an extinction of the fear response, right? 384.wav|And so then they feel like they have to lower the temperature even more and even more, and eventually they just bottom out. 385.wav|So from the back of the brain to front spreading depression like a wave of lowering levels of electrical excitability. 386.wav|How do we actually think differently? 387.wav|For instance, you want to take a muscle relaxer, or relaxant, or would you want to try and change the sensory input itself, maybe don't change the way the muscles are behaving, but shut off the sensory part of it, your ability to sense it, there are certainly ways you can do that, or would you want to adjust the modulatory neurons? 388.wav|Many people, I would say all people, make testosterone and estrogen to varying degrees. 389.wav|That's the actual sound, although admittedly a dreadful version of the great ACDS song back in black. 390.wav|Well, if you take a deep breath and you hold your breath, what you'll find is that you can hold your breath a lot longer than if you exhale all your air and you hold your breath with lungs empty. 391.wav|I'm very concerned about a practice of ingesting something that powerfully modulates the dopamine system with the sorts of kinetics that one sees from ingestion of crack cocaine in young people that has all these other negative health effects that in the short term is very powerfully rewarding, increased focus, well being, et cetera, but that over a very brief period of time, leads to a state in which the entire dopamine reward system is impaired and can become permanently impaired unless one intervenes in a very deliberate way. 392.wav|Okay, so that's the circadian rhythm in temperature. 393.wav|But we can measure blood lipids, we can measure blood pressure and all sorts of things. 394.wav|So if you normally wake up around 06:00 a.m. 395.wav|Definitely have to check with your doctor, make sure it's right for you. 396.wav|So plasticity of plasticity. 397.wav|I know people out there have different views on whether or not drugs like MDMA should be legal or not. 398.wav|And there are all sorts of variations, both in terms of the types and whether or not they have motors, as well as the cost to these things. 399.wav|But now I'd like to talk about what MDMA really does in the brain, both in the short term while someone is under the influence of the drug, and in the long term. 400.wav|You can play it every single time. 401.wav|There are a bunch of other studies, but I thought I'd mention binaural beats because I know a number of people are interested in them. 402.wav|At least I call it the Soberg principle. 403.wav|Now I have to acknowledge that of course there are other forms of neuroplasticity too. 404.wav|Are they more perceptive of colors in their environment? 405.wav|They tested once before taking a microdose, and while the effects were expected to be manifested, they say, interesting, they use the word manifested in a study of psychedelics. 406.wav|The insula seems to be involved in calibrating how big or how high amplitude a given physiological response is. 407.wav|Okay, with those two points in mind, we can start to think about directed deliberate cold exposure protocols. 408.wav|The cerebellum is involved in balance. 409.wav|It achieves peak levels of dopamine about 90 minutes and improves working memory in individuals that start off with a low working memory span. 410.wav|I don't know if it's gray market, but what I'm about to tell you will basically discourage you from wanting to take it, because what they found in this study was people given either zero point 75 or 1.5 milligrams per kilogram of body weight of MDMA experienced increases in oxytocin. 411.wav|In fact, in every Escher, there are unusual patterns, and those completely disappear to us. 412.wav|Today, we are discussing headaches. 413.wav|There are a lot of myths about the post MDMA crash, and there's a lot of lore out there on the Internet about how to offset the crash, and a lot of lore about how to prevent the potential neurotoxicity of MDMA. 414.wav|And indeed, those are topics that I've covered a lot on the Huberman Lab podcast. 415.wav|And in fact, there are things you can do to improve analytic thinking. 416.wav|And then in between sets, to put your hands, and ideally, you'd put the bottoms of your feet, but that's not always feasible in most gyms, where they won't let you take off your shoes and so forth, but to put the palms of your hands on that cool surface for a minute or two minutes between sets and then returning to your sets of work. 417.wav|Well, the first thing is that the research very clearly shows that in winter months, there's a greater prevalence of colds and flus. 418.wav|Because from a purely evolutionary standpoint, food was scarce, and seeking food was dangerous, whether or not it was from animal sources or not. 419.wav|We're going to leave out the discussion about the mesolimbic pathway for now, because it's not critical to divergent or convergent thinking, and it's not critical to the process of creativity, at least as far as we know. 420.wav|I've been sleeping on a dusk mattress and as I mentioned before, it's been the best experience for me. 421.wav|I had a friend come visit me in San Francisco some years ago, and their car got broken into. 422.wav|You want to relax your eyes and look out at the horizon. 423.wav|They are a way of shutting down the communication between neurons, regulating it, not to make it completely quiet, but to adjust the levels with a lot of nuance. 424.wav|But during phase one, again, within zero to about eight or 9 hours after waking, bright lights in your environment, in particular, overhead lights are going to facilitate focus. 425.wav|That generally a fear response involves a freezing or a retreating. 426.wav|I'm much better at the dartboard and still not very good if I close one eye, I'm much better at the pool table if I close one eye, and I still am terrible. 427.wav|Memories of the experience that are troubling. 428.wav|We also know that a lot of so called MDMA out there is mostly methamphetamine with only a little bit of MDMA. 429.wav|But even if you're doing work on your phone, or that involves your phone or the Internet, as many of us, including myself, do, expect there to be a ramp up time for you to focus. 430.wav|The prefrontal cortex is what allows you to take information from memory, combine it with information about what's happening in the present context, and then to direct your behavior, your speech, et cetera, toward particular outcomes. 431.wav|If you're interested in getting a theragun, they start at only $199. 432.wav|If you are somebody that's interested in developing a mental training and visualization protocol, so if you're a coach or teacher or simply a learner or you're trying to self-direct your own adaptive plasticity, I want to emphasize that the key components that we discussed today are essential to include, but I wouldn't obsess about whether or not a given epoch is 15 or 20 seconds or even 25 seconds. 433.wav|And that's the bottom value, the diastolic pressure. 434.wav|So I'm not passing judgment on any of these compounds or the people that are doing this sort of thing. 435.wav|So right now, let's take a working memory task. 436.wav|Well, one way is to make sure that you spend at least ten minutes a day total, at least viewing things off in the distance. 437.wav|While I don't eat a lot of meat, it's important that the meat that I eat be of very high quality and that I am certain that the animals were raised and treated humanely up until the point of slaughter. 438.wav|And, as I mentioned, ending those particular habits. 439.wav|But this study was really interesting because it really did show that we can utilize the proteins that are ingested early in the day better than we can utilize the proteins that are ingested later in the day. 440.wav|And that top number is called the systol or the systolic blood pressure because that's the pressure at the time when your heart contracts. 441.wav|And that therefore could be cold shower, it could be ice bath, it could be anything that induces an acute meaning, a sudden onset of adrenaline, and is self directed. 442.wav|So let's just briefly start with the history of MDMA. 443.wav|Why or why not, I should say? 444.wav|You could do it at any point during the day. 445.wav|So without those, you can't think, you can't function, and it actually can be quite dangerous. 446.wav|I think that's important to point out because we often hear mental training and visualization and this equivalence of perceptual and motor experiences in our mind's eye to the real world, and we think, oh, all we have to do is imagine doing something and we will get better at it. 447.wav|It is very normal, I should say. 448.wav|The eyes can dry out, but it also can make it such that when we blink the next time, there's a kind of a need to focus because there's some distortions in these oils and liquids across the corneal surface. 449.wav|It does seem that once you have what's called consolidated the motor performance or the cognitive performance of something, it can be further supported or reinforced that is consolidated in the neural circuits that are responsible for performing that mental or physical task. 450.wav|Let me state that a little bit differently. 451.wav|In fact, there's a much better way to maintain ongoing action toward a goal that also involves visualization. 452.wav|Whether or not it's for strength and hypertrophy or for endurance, I am a big believer in rest days. 453.wav|And as I describe this tool next, I think you'll see the ways in which it meshes nicely with the work that Emily Balsettis and colleagues have done. 454.wav|But a few hours of occluding one eye early in life can lead to permanent, unless something's done. 455.wav|Binaural beats have been generated in ways that create a particular pattern of intro oral time differences that then cascades up to the rest of the brain and puts the forebrain and other areas of the brain that are involved in cognition and action into a particular rhythm. 456.wav|So it really cuts a broad swath into multiple categories of endurance. 457.wav|The estimates range from 200 million to 500 million. 458.wav|Okay, let's talk about the use of cold for health and performance. 459.wav|And the name of that circuit, again, the name isn't as important as what it does, but the name of that circuit is the mesocortical pathway. 460.wav|Welcome to the Huberman Lab podcast, where we discuss science and science based tools for everyday life. 461.wav|That would be wonderful. 462.wav|Now, I want to be very clear. 463.wav|Now, many of you might think, duh, if I have to just imagine a triangle or a cube, that's going to be very easy and very fast, whereas if I have to rotate that triangle or cube in my mind's eye, that's going to take more time. 464.wav|So, just to give you an overview of what's happening with these trials and why there's so much excitement, and why we really are on the cusp of legalization of MDMA for the treatment of PTSD in the sorts of clinical context I described. 465.wav|Some of you who are familiar with eating disorders will immediately be asking, well, what about ibogaine? 466.wav|I start to actually lose ground, but by switching back and forth, I actually can make continuous progress at least across the year. 467.wav|Ah, well, the problem there is that many painkillers have other issues as well, in particular, they can be sedative, many of them can be habit forming or even addictive, and for many people, not all, but many people, they don't want to take drugs, whether or not they're over the counter or prescription drugs, or even more natural supplement based type treatments, and they would rather use, for instance, a behavioral approach in which they can modulate, they can deliberately turn off the communication between sensory neurons and motor neurons, and turns out those approaches exist as well. 468.wav|Whereas something like an incline press, there's more of a stretch provided it's done over a full range of motion at the beginning of the movement. 469.wav|If black pen and orangutan are not linked up in our brain and the observer's brain in any kind of meaningful way, it's only interesting to you because you are the only one that understands the rule that underlies the link between this pen and orangutan. 470.wav|The size or the amplitude of people's spontaneous movements. 471.wav|First of all, in terms of reward schedules, we can decide to use any reward schedule that we want for a given behavior. 472.wav|It is actually a schedule two drug in the United States, which means that it has a very, very limited, yet still present medical application, mainly as an anesthetic in certain laboratory and hospital conditions. 473.wav|And he said, every four or five years, you might have to update that, but you need to decide what you can do consistently, what you can do every day or at least six days a week or five days a week. 474.wav|And this is the only thing I don't like about this study, is rather than call it group b, they called them group non a, which just gets a little confusing. 475.wav|Take their two minute sleep quiz and they'll match you to a customized mattress, and you'll get up to $200 off any mattress order and two free pillows. 476.wav|You have a giant blind spot in the middle of your visual field. 477.wav|However, you should think about the functional units within this 20 way, one day period as two days. 478.wav|Element contains a science backed electrolyte ratio of 1000 milligrams. 479.wav|So if you want to develop some empathy for what these people are dealing with, consider this. 480.wav|Our first sponsor is athletic Greens, also called ag one. 481.wav|Let's say it's a failure of the agrp neurons to stimulate appetite and feeding. 482.wav|This is part of the normal, healthy maturational process, independent of cannabis use when kids, because these really are kids, use cannabis, and it doesn't matter the mode of cannabis delivery, whether or not it's vaping or smoking or edible, that gray matter thins at a much, much greater rate. 483.wav|We talked about this a little bit in the episode about depression. 484.wav|So we have one protocol about getting sunlight to set your circadian clocks, meaning wake you up, establish your sleep will occur about twelve to 16 hours later. 485.wav|So that's part one. 486.wav|The title of this paper is dietary alteration of what they call N3, but those are omega-3 and N6, omega-6, sorry for the shift in nomenclature, I didn't write the paper, dietary alteration of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids for headache reductions in adults with migraine. 487.wav|It doesn't even have to be pain, doesn't even have to be negative, but that's associated with the negative memory of some traumatic event or series of events. 488.wav|Well, basically, when I first heard about EMDR, from my stance as a vision scientist, I thought the whole thing was kind of crazy and half baked. 489.wav|They somehow are able to home in on details and find those details and fixate on those details. 490.wav|You see this a lot at meals where multiple people are there and no one's looking at their phone, and then all of a sudden someone takes out their phone, and you'll notice that other people just naturally take out their phone. 491.wav|Let's talk about fitness, and let's talk about how you can develop the optimal fitness protocols for you. 492.wav|The other thing about brupprone is that it has to be used with caution in patients that have liver disease or renal disease that can impact the amount that anyone can take. 493.wav|It makes sense, but I don't think I would have predicted it had they not done this very controlled study. 494.wav|And one of the most common questions I get when discussing the use of cold for sake of mental or physical performance, metabolism, et cetera, is how cold should it be? 495.wav|Anytime they're on MDMA, they have therapists there that they're talking to about their trauma. 496.wav|Today we're talking all about habits. 497.wav|Those two states are not compatible with one another. 498.wav|That's the so called altradian cycle for learning. 499.wav|Now, another reason for not necessarily performing all six is that some activities probably shouldn't be performed each day. 500.wav|And in doing so, you create a chain of neuronal activation that then is very easy to dismantle. 501.wav|You really want to just modulate across the 24 hours cycle where it's very bright, as bright as it safely can be, early in the day, so that you are alert. 502.wav|Are you always moving from place to place? 503.wav|They will also have some dopamine release associated with that. 504.wav|Which is not to say that it renders humans infertile. 505.wav|And yes, it is true that sometimes the virus will inflame the nerve and the inflammation will occur at the level of the eye. 506.wav|And the differences in those receptors dictate what sorts of effects the nicotine will have on those tissues. 507.wav|Gets across the blood brain barrier, oxytocin goes up, and levels of sociability do not increase. 508.wav|And this is one of the characteristic properties of methamphetamine and of MDMA, which is that it leads to enormous increases in the amount of dopamine released and the amount of dopamine that hangs around in the synapse. 509.wav|They're extremely lightweight. 510.wav|They're excited to eat. 511.wav|I'd like to take a brief break and thank our sponsor, InsideTracker. 512.wav|So, basically, narrative should not be undervalued as a tool to rewire our nervous system, but it has to be engaged in the correct sequence. 513.wav|However, at the same time, the very same THC and CBD that was brought into the system is binding the very same type of receptors, cb one receptors in other brain structures, such as the amygdala, and causing retrograde signaling back to the presynaptic neurons in the amygdala. 514.wav|People are probably more likely to do it. 515.wav|What you want to do, or my goal for you rather, is that you will have a short checklist of things that you can look to anytime you sit down to do work, and you can think about the underlying variables that impact your brain and your body, and allow your brain and body to get into the optimal state in order to learn, in order to be productive, and indeed to move through your work bouts in a very relaxed and pleasureful way while maintaining focus and while pursuing any of the number of things that you're doing. 516.wav|So, narrowed focus, elevated mood, more relaxed, and yet energetic. 517.wav|The first session, they're taking 80 milligrams of MDMA, and then a 40 milligram booster, about an hour and a half to 2 hours. 518.wav|In general, that doesn't happen unless people are using pharmacology supplements or prescription drugs or illicit drugs to increase dopamine. 519.wav|In fact, neurons nerve cells function because salt, sodium actually enters those cells quickly, and that's what causes them to fire action potentials, the common syllable or language of neurons, if you will. 520.wav|That is, there's no such thing as a drug that can make you smarter because there is no circuit in the brain for being smart. 521.wav|It doesn't necessarily lend itself to any improved ability. 522.wav|They were describing some of their depressive symptoms as well as the trauma and the narrative that they basically created or took away from this. 523.wav|But for sake of this discussion, executive function and the prefrontal cortex are mainly responsible for suppressing action. 524.wav|And here I'm not trying to come across as the antivaping crusader, but I must say, given the negative effects on one's health in the long term, but also given these exceedingly powerful reward properties of nicotine entering the bloodstream quickly, and dopamine being released very quickly from the mesolimbic reward pathway, what we're seeing out there makes total sense. 525.wav|So it's not really about the cigarette, it's about the nicotine. 526.wav|And maybe it's because they're there in order to view sunlight, which is overhead, which it is. 527.wav|The name doesn't really matter after all, the practice is what matters. 528.wav|You can sign up for the premium channel by going to hubermanlab.com slash Premium. 529.wav|Between the hours of about 05:00 a.m. 530.wav|And this is a vitally important concept to understand when you're setting goals and seeking goals. 531.wav|Now let's take a step back into the real world and evaluate or think about what happens when somebody smokes cannabis or ingests cannabis by way of edible or tincture or something of that sort. 532.wav|But raw egg yolks are not something that most people want to consume. 533.wav|So close your eyes, you would do breath one, breath two, and breath three, concentrating all your attention on your internal landscape. 534.wav|But in some cases it can make it far, far worse. 535.wav|If you're a young person, do your best to get really good binocular vision, not just at level of your phone or your tablet, but also at distance. 536.wav|And the protocols that I've designed should make it very straightforward for you to create a set of protocols that you could use with cold showers, with cold immersion, with or without ice, in combination with exercise, specifically for one goal or another, or to accomplish multiple goals simultaneously. 537.wav|There is no specific temperature. 538.wav|I think it's reasonable to say that. 539.wav|So it's an intriguing therapy. 540.wav|Now, I don't want to get into too much detail around all this, but what you need to know is that the cerebellum communicates with M1, primary motor cortex. 541.wav|And indeed, as you approach sleep, your body temperature will drop by anywhere from one to three degrees. 542.wav|For people that experienced elevated prolactin levels under cannabis intoxication, that's how they referred to it. 543.wav|He was really good at the first sprint part and then he would just lie down and watch. 544.wav|They will mate, they will eat, they will pursue something that is of pleasure. 545.wav|And the last compound I want to mention is a particularly interesting one, because it's neither an anxiliotic, nor is it something that increases overall levels of stress and alertness, but it has some kind of mDmaish like contour to it. 546.wav|In the Soberg study, they also explored the use of sauna and how to use sauna, meaning deliberate heat, in conjunction with cold. 547.wav|And this is the area that is associated more typically with addictive behaviors or compulsive behaviors. 548.wav|And hopefully by time they're 10 or 11 or 12, they're getting the food into their mouth and not all over their face. 549.wav|In science, it is appropriate to take a key piece of data and call it a principle if, in fact, it translates to something larger, which I believe it does. 550.wav|So not animal models, but on human beings, which I think we all agree is the species that we are most interested in. 551.wav|They also make connections within the retina. 552.wav|You could come up with that, but that actually is not something that happens or is that very typical at all. 553.wav|So that runs counter to this idea that people with ADHD simply can't focus. 554.wav|And the middle of the day, never leave anything. 555.wav|That is because you have neurons in your brain that, depending on your level of alertness, will make it easy or hard to keep your eyes open. 556.wav|So how do you take two neurons that underlie a habit out of synchrony? 557.wav|Rather, it's going to involve numerous brain areas being active in concert and to different degrees. 558.wav|But based on deliberate contractability of those muscles. 559.wav|Ultimately, as you set out to accomplish your goals, there are going to be a number of basic steps that everyone will have to follow. 560.wav|People just blink more. 561.wav|However, this general framework can also be modified, that is customized to your particular needs. 562.wav|And yet neither of us, I believe, would find it very creative or very interesting that a fish tank has wings on it. 563.wav|There's a lot of speculation here, but fortunately, it's been studied. 564.wav|And if you'd like to read more about the nasal versus mouth breathing components of colds or flus, I'll just mention one paper now, and again, I'll go into this in more depth in the future episode on colds and flus, but I want to mention that this is a bi-directional effect, meaning people who deliberately breathe through their nose tend to get fewer colds and flus. 565.wav|That's not good. 566.wav|I think you'd probably get badly hypothermic, or maybe you're getting into a cold water immersion for some period of time. 567.wav|I don't think there's any data whatsoever to support whether or not that's true or whether it's not true. 568.wav|I know this is a lot to think about and a lot to hear if you haven't heard about this. 569.wav|But if you look at the literature, the scientific literature, what the balcetus lab and other labs have shown is that there's a near doubling, near doubling in the probability of reaching one's goal. 570.wav|Now, non-judgment itself is a little bit of an abstract theme because of course, the moment you say don't judge, you and others start to judge. 571.wav|And I think that's a really key point to make, because up until now, we've really been talking about the neurochemistry of MDMA, the potential toxicity, or lack thereof, of MDMA. 572.wav|You can look for them on Amazon if you like. 573.wav|That's how they get you to continue playing, even though basically you're losing money and your dopamine is dropping. 574.wav|Remember, we evolved mostly under outdoor conditions, not indoor conditions. 575.wav|It's because there are serotonin receptors everywhere, or I should say many places, not just in the areas of the brain that are associated with mood, for instance. 576.wav|So it can move relatively freely through the brain and body and relatively freely from outside of cells, extracellular space to intracellular space, so it can get into cells. 577.wav|We've perhaps heard, or I've certainly heard, that, oh, it takes about 20 minutes for satiety to set in, so you should eat slowly. 578.wav|That's a different thing altogether. 579.wav|That is, I won't be able to consistently do the same workouts on the same days of each week. 580.wav|And again, that's eleven minutes total per week. 581.wav|That is you could make the long endurance work start on Tuesday and then just fill in the rest as described before. 582.wav|Whether or not it turns out to be the ultimate treatment for trauma and for fear isn't clear. 583.wav|So this is a reaction time test and not one that's particularly novel. 584.wav|And you're only doing that about once a week. 585.wav|But if you want to do the deep dive on anatomide versus two ag, please be my guest. 586.wav|But were we to examine how much of the information you just heard or that you're hearing now, you remember immediately after this podcast episode, as compared to say a week later, we know based on, gosh, probably millions of scientific papers and studies, that you are going to have more information in your short-term memory stores, shortly after being exposed to new information than you will later. 587.wav|Omega-3 fatty acids are known to have an anti-inflammatory effect. 588.wav|So I'm not focusing on this to try and diminish the potential impact of EMDR. 589.wav|Cold showers are different than submersion up to the neck in an ice bath or another cold body of water for a number of different reasons. 590.wav|Some people might think of this as kind of attention deficit, but it's not. 591.wav|A few of those include the fact that they looked at an enormous number of people. 592.wav|The fear response can reverberate through your system because the chemicals that are involved in this HPA axis have a fast component and a longer lasting component. 593.wav|During the course of the episode, I tried to lay down one by one the key components of an effective mental training and visualization practice, everything ranging from making sure that the practice involve brief epochs, repeats of specific sequences of motor and or cognitive behavior, that those be relatively simple so that you can imagine them even if you're somebody who is not good at doing mental training and visualization. 594.wav|And the other one is aphantasia, the science of visual imagery extremes. 595.wav|You can just stack some boxes, I've done this at times, or stack books. 596.wav|And you use them for navigating long, extended processes in life, trying to get a degree or raise children or get through a particularly challenging year, et cetera. 597.wav|Try and see a horizon. 598.wav|And this is extremely useful, I believe, because it will allow you to assess whether or not you can indeed make room, if you even have room, I should say, for more habits. 599.wav|You can also find YouTube scripts or channels that will deliver binaural beats. 600.wav|One associates different keys on the piano or musical notes with specific colors in a very, very one-to-one specific way. 601.wav|So again, it's Huberman Lab on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn. 602.wav|And I'd like to detail what happens when we deliberately expose ourselves to cold. 603.wav|Normally, that NMDA receptor is not easily activated. 604.wav|And in the context of divergent thinking, any answer goes, but as we'll soon learn, not every answer is interesting and relevant. 605.wav|There are a lot of different approaches out there that are in clinical use to try and alleviate fear and trauma, and indeed, PTSD, post traumatic stress disorder. 606.wav|Of course, if you're imagining something, that's the thing you're imagining. 607.wav|And then, of course, people will rely on stimulants like caffeine or even more aggressive stimulants. 608.wav|Again, without ever going anywhere near cannabis, we have these endogenous cannabinoids. 609.wav|Serotonin doesn't tend to place the brain and body into a mode of action quite as much as dopamine does, more or less. 610.wav|Except unlike Pavlov's dogs, you don't need many, many pairings of a bell with some unconditioned stimulus in order to get a response. 611.wav|And indeed, that is somewhat of a duh, except, and this is so very important, except that what Shepard and his colleagues found is that how long it takes somebody to generate and rotate a given visual image scales directly with the complexity of that image. 612.wav|It also causes things like protein synthesis, et cetera. 613.wav|And 90 minutes later, they took a working memory task. 614.wav|One way to do that is through double inhales through the nose and extended exhales through the mouth. 615.wav|But I think it's remarkable that anywhere from two to three sessions with MDMA and talk therapy have been shown to significantly reduce PTSD symptoms and in some cases, completely eliminate PTSD symptoms in such a wide range of patients and in patients that have experienced both PTSD and these other comorbid disorders. 616.wav|They have the green cones, but they can't do the contrast comparison that I described at the beginning of the episode. 617.wav|There is one exception to that, and it's an important exception, which is there are times when I've not slept well, or I've had some particularly stressful event the day before and haven't slept well, but I'm able to do so-called NSDR, non-sleep deep rest, the next day. 618.wav|And many people run into this problem. 619.wav|Okay, there I'm directly pulling from their conclusions. 620.wav|And for those of you that have heard the phrase, don't skip leg day, I will go a step further and say, don't skip leg day. 621.wav|Believe it or not, you always think of you step on something sharp, you pull your foot up, but you actually step on something sharp. 622.wav|We release episodes every Monday and hopefully soon more often than that, shorter episodes as well. 623.wav|And impossible figures and bistable images are capturing the fact that your visual cortex and some of the associated areas that compute visual scenes in your world are essentially trying to recreate whatever it is that's out in front of them. 624.wav|There are a bunch of different ways to get the cannabis into the body, but there is a clear distinction between sativa and indica that actually shows up first in the structure of the plant at their extremes. 625.wav|I don't use a heart rate monitor. 626.wav|David and Torrance Forever changed the face of visual neuroscience and forever changed the way we think about treatment of the young brain. 627.wav|But by training legs on Monday, I'm able to get what I consider the hardest strength and hypertrophy workout out of the way. 628.wav|But when people ingest nicotine acutely, and let's say they do that by nicarette patch or by toothpick dipped in nicotine, it will have some of these same effects. 629.wav|Or maybe they serve us well, who knows? 630.wav|And that will simply tell you that you are indeed improving your endurance. 631.wav|A diving bird, a bird that flies over the ocean. 632.wav|And maybe you've written them down or you've typed them into your phone, or you have some record of what you recall those six final words of those sentences are. 633.wav|It can be about the fullness of your gut, it can be about how happy or sad you are. 634.wav|And typically, for healthy people, that's going to be 60 to 80 mercury. 635.wav|And I realize a lot of people don't want a large neck and I totally understand for aesthetic reasons why they don't want that. 636.wav|And it turns out the best way to do that is by foreshadowing failure. 637.wav|Now, this is useful in the context of goal setting, goal assessment and goal pursuit, because with the exception of a very few isolated examples, almost all goals involve setting some goal that's off in the future and then carving up the time between now and the achievement of that goal into milestones that range in duration. 638.wav|Now, sadly, former colleague of mine, Dr. 639.wav|What's unique about Banksy, or I should say Banksy's, the actual art, is that he combines two-dimensional art with a three-dimensional landscape in a way that the concept pops out at you. 640.wav|So if we wanted to get a little bit technical here for sake of clarity, not for sake of confusion, we would say adult plasticity is really about self-directed adaptive plasticity. 641.wav|And serotonin more typically activated in response to situations or conditions in which we are very happy and content with what we have. 642.wav|Is it treating traumatic brain injury directly? 643.wav|So while there are many different claims out there about how to avoid colds and flus, as long as we're having a discussion about why there are more colds and flus in the winter months, because indeed there are, it's worth mentioning that if you suffer from colds and flus, and you're going to spend a lot of time in a particular indoor environment, you might be wise to find a air humidifier, something that brings more moisture into the air that you're breathing, especially at night while you're sleeping. 644.wav|Also very, very hard to find. 645.wav|Cholesterol is manufactured by the liver and in anorexics who consume very little food, they often have cosmically high levels of cholesterol, which is one of the kind of wrinkles in the so called dietary cholesterol hypothesis, that all of our cholesterol that we see on a blood panel is due to what we eat. 646.wav|Yes, you can get a cold or flu from somebody sneezing out of doors next to you just as well as you can if they sneeze next to you indoors. 647.wav|Hopefully it will also be useful to those of you that are teaching kids or other adults. 648.wav|Because for any of you that have habits, and that means all of you, the hallmark feature of a habit is that it's reflexive. 649.wav|The position of the elephant's trunk wasn't something that I told you, it wasn't dictated by me, it's in your mind's eye, maybe you don't even know and you have to go searching for it. 650.wav|So, as I mentioned before, this might seem counterintuitive. 651.wav|And so there's a whole internal support network now for people that live alone, this isn't available to them. 652.wav|They are undergoing long-term potentiation, the so-called quote-unquote fire together, wire together mantra that was popularized by the great neurobiologist, Dr. Carla Schatz, my colleague at Stanford. 653.wav|It's another to do deliberate cooling with your palms or the bottom of your feet or the upper portion of your face. 654.wav|And every clinician I spoke to in anticipation of this episode, which include clinical psychologists, psychiatrists, and people who actually work on the fear system at a biological level, said the exact same thing, which is that a detailed recounting of the traumatic and fearful events is absolutely essential in order to get the positive effects of prolonged exposure, cognitive processing, and cognitive behavioral therapy. 655.wav|And here, what's really most important is that I'm not asking you to spool out or to radiate out from these three things. 656.wav|We'll talk about how to deal with hormone-based headaches, in particular hormone-based headaches that occur because of low estrogen and progesterone in a moment. 657.wav|We talked about mechanisms of catecholamines and stress and pulsatile release of epinephrine metabolism, mental effects, performance, glaborous skin cooling, and on and on and on. 658.wav|And they also looked at some parameters of strength, like grip strength. 659.wav|Now, some of you might immediately say, well, duh, if you're in a good mood, you can kind of be more playful about the exploration, about what could happen with these notes of music or these foods, et cetera. 660.wav|Most people can do this pretty easily. 661.wav|So unless you're dealing with a traumatic brain injury or you know you have Parkinson's, we know that the data that you're gonna get back right now is very similar to the data that people get back when they do these sorts of studies in a laboratory. 662.wav|So how could it be, the authors are asking, that children are more imaginative and thus more creative than adults. 663.wav|So, marijuana growers and people who specialize in creating novel varieties of the cannabis plant. 664.wav|And it's a long book, but a very interesting one, both from the perspective of understanding the history of MDMA and what MDMA is and the effects that it produces. 665.wav|That might include some training of things like bench presses or incline presses, as well as shoulder presses or lateral raises, things for the shoulders, as well as for the back. 666.wav|A key point when thinking about the use of cold as a tool. 667.wav|Now yoga nidra and NSDR have been discussed many times before on this podcast. 668.wav|And the data are pretty good. 669.wav|It can even save your life. 670.wav|And this might seem like just a mechanistic but non actionable point, but what you'll see from the next study that I'm going to describe is that recalibrating the relationship between outside events and internal responses, which is the job of the insula, is actually something that's under our control. 671.wav|So in this study, what they did was they brought subjects into the laboratory. 672.wav|And indeed, some people can go into cold shock and can die as a consequence of getting to that extremely cold water very quickly. 673.wav|And it's not just about the distraction that occurs of, say, a minute or two minutes or five minutes when we were interrupted. 674.wav|I think for those of us that know anorexics or have observed anorexia, it's so hard to see somebody starve themselves to near death or to death. 675.wav|These red light bulbs can be purchased very inexpensively as party lights. 676.wav|However, they tend to do this in a kind of an inverted u shaped way. 677.wav|Now, earlier I mentioned the appetite suppressing and indeed, metabolism increasing effects of nicotine. 678.wav|And it turns out that the brain areas associated with habit formation and execution are the best point of intervention. 679.wav|I should say that leg workouts, like all resistance training workouts for me, consists of about, again, I'm not neurotically attached but about 10 minutes of warming up and then about 50, five zero to 60 minutes of real work. 680.wav|Okay, so now we have two sources of pain that is the ache in headache and there are two more that we need to think about in trying to better understand the different types of headaches that we'll discuss and in terms of trying to understand which are going to be the best treatments for the different types of headaches and those are neural and inflammatory responses. 681.wav|It's actually called a blastula, which means a ball of cells, and then those cells actually have to grow out connections and duplicate themselves. 682.wav|It looks a little bit like a coffee bean, but once you see it, you realize it's a face, not a coffee bean. 683.wav|There's no right or wrong way to do it. 684.wav|Put differently, we know that the brains of people that take methamphetamine degenerate to a small or to a large degree, depending on how often they take the drug, how potent the drug is, and whether or not they combine it with other drugs. 685.wav|Just like if you watch a movie enough times and you hear the same joke enough times, eventually it doesn't have the same impact. 686.wav|Dysregulated means that out of nowhere, we can have a higher propensity to have sympathetic activation, or we can feel really tired and wired. 687.wav|And the whole reason for placing particular types of behaviors at particular phases of the day is to set a framework for that task bracketing. 688.wav|You will also have a lot of tools in your arsenal that you can use and leverage toward improving mental health. 689.wav|So again, the idea is to stand but not be leaning on the desk. 690.wav|We'd do experiments all day, attend courses, would engage in discussions avidly with the rest of us, and then would take her phone out at the end of the day and leave. 691.wav|They just don't see themselves the same way that you see them. 692.wav|And the research data on this now extend beyond this one individual paper. 693.wav|That's why those drugs should only be taken with the close supervision of a very skilled psychiatrist or somebody else who's board certified who can really govern that. 694.wav|And they also can fatigue the eyes, because there's a process called accommodation, whereby the shape of your eye literally has to change so that the lens can move so that you can focus at that location. 695.wav|And of course, that triggers my mind to return to the anecdote about my Nobel Prize winning colleague who ingests nicotine by way of nicotine containing gum in order to increase levels of cognitive focus. 696.wav|It means, and here's the first protocol, and you've probably heard me say this before, but it is appropriate to this episode to say it again if you are not viewing the sun, sunlight, even through cloud cover, for two to ten minutes in the early part of the day, when the sun is still low in the sky and doing the same thing again in the evening, you are severely disrupting your sleep rhythms, your mood, your hormones, your metabolism, your pain threshold, and many other factors, including your ability to learn and remember information. 697.wav|But if you're trying to get better at something that you've never performed before, you really should know that. 698.wav|Helix Sleep makes mattresses and pillows that are of the absolute highest quality. 699.wav|Keeping in mind, of course, that football is this very salient example of traumatic brain injury and concussion as is boxing, as is even soccer with heading of the ball, believe it or not, repeated low level impact to the forehead and other parts of the head can give rise to over time traumatic brain injury without the need for any kind of full-blown concussion or being quote unquote knocked out. 700.wav|We know, for instance, that many circuits within the brain have what's called dedicated point-to-point wiring. 701.wav|For people following a low carb diet or doing intermittent fasting, what many people don't know is that carbohydrate holds water. 702.wav|So it's kind of like trauma. 703.wav|And I would encourage you to pay attention to when that next wall arrives and actually having an awareness that so called interoceptive awareness, as we call it, of when that next surge in adrenaline, epinephrine comes, or whether or not it reaches a certain threshold in your brain and body that you feel you want to get out, and you are able to stay in for even just 10 seconds longer. 704.wav|But given the tremendously negative impact of smoking, vaping, dipping, and snuffing, the hypnosis for smoking cessation that reverie has seems, at least to me, as a very powerful and worthwhile resource. 705.wav|But of course, this is going to be an averaging. 706.wav|And those circuits of the basal ganglia indicate that it's not just the neural circuits that are engaged by the task itself, but the neural circuits that are engaged before and after that task execution. 707.wav|So all you can really do is try and emphasize, first of all, quitting cannabis in any form and focusing on behaviors that emphasize endothelial cell blood flow health to the brain. 708.wav|It means that you can utilize the calories and the blood sugar that you happen to have. 709.wav|And what I can tell you now is that fortunately, there are several protocols, some of which are behavioral, some of which involve specific over-the-counter supplements, and some of which involve prescription pharmacology that can tap into each of these systems independently, as well as globally increased dopamine to improve focus and working memory at large. 710.wav|I know there's a lot of opinions out there. 711.wav|In fact, the early arrival of this study, or what now seems to be early arrival, I mean, it wasn't that long ago, is really exciting because the first line of this study really illustrates how important or how much of a landmark study this really is. 712.wav|A lot of people, in particular, about one in 80 males, lacks a red cone and therefore sees the world much the same way that Costello does, although he sees it from just much lower toward the ground. 713.wav|Epinephrine, that is, adrenaline, is released from the adrenal glands, which ride atop our kidneys. 714.wav|We're going to hear a lot about these chemical systems again today in the context of nicotine, and they are as follows. 715.wav|They aren't just aesthetically nice. 716.wav|I've spent a lifetime working on the biology, the visual system, and I can tell you that your visual system has to contend with an enormous number of different challenges in order for you to be able to see clearly. 717.wav|It's just that light gets converted into electrical information within the eye. 718.wav|That's just how the mind works, right? 719.wav|But with all that said, I like to take Tuesday as a no endurance, no resistance training day. 720.wav|I know that some people out there have started to experiment with a home version of this, which would be taking a package, for instance, of frozen blueberries or some other cold drink or cold metal object, and actually bringing it into the gym or out on a run. 721.wav|Again, that's drink element.com slash Huberman. 722.wav|What changed in a permanent or pervasive way? 723.wav|This is actually what creates the so called refractory period for males during which they cannot achieve erection again for some period of time. 724.wav|There are, again, remember concepts are few, methods are many. 725.wav|That is very good for the visual system, and it's very good for the mood systems and the neuromodulator systems of the brain and body that regulate mood. 726.wav|And while supplements are certainly not required or necessary for anything, really, you can always use behavioral tools. 727.wav|Sometimes leads to a little bit of soreness, particularly in my calves, or if I'm wearing the weight vest, sometimes my midsection will get sore because I'm trying to remain upright. 728.wav|The HPA axis includes a piece of the brain, the hypothalamus, the pituitary, and the adrenal. 729.wav|For low vision or blind people, it will follow mostly their hearing and to some extent, their touch. 730.wav|Much of that, if not all of that, in some cases, can be alleviated by this 45 to five rule for every 45 minutes of focused work, that you do get five minutes where you get outside, or, if you have to be indoors, where you can dilate your gaze. 731.wav|And in addition, we have a Patreon. 732.wav|If you need to kind of create an alertness signal, not always being chin down and texting or working into typewriters or reading below us is actually going to send a recurring wakefulness signal. 733.wav|We will actually have a guest in a few weeks who has learned to exploit these neurons and the fact that they control these different states of calm or alertness in order to generate hypnotic states to place people into very atypical states in which they are both very alert and very calm. 734.wav|So two pupils, and don't freak out. 735.wav|But I think that we can safely extrapolate from that wonderful study out of Scandinavia that showed that when human subjects do this yoga nidra protocol, that there's a significant increase in baseline dopamine levels within key neural structures that relate to working memory. 736.wav|I like the clarity formula prior to long bouts of cognitive work or the energy formula prior to physical workouts. 737.wav|And of course, I realize there's a fourth category of cold exposure out there. 738.wav|I don't pass any judgment one way or the other. 739.wav|I'm somebody who engages with the phone on a regular basis throughout the day for various reasons. 740.wav|It's a fascinating area. 741.wav|It's not exactly 2 hours before your wake up time. 742.wav|But I think that the advent of edible forms of cannabis and the combination of THC and CBD in certain products, and the fact that most people view CBD as safer because it does not include or does not have, I should say the psychoactive effects that THC does, has led to a situation where you have 15% of pregnant mothers using cannabis at some point during pregnancy, and maybe even frequently throughout pregnancy. 743.wav|They are circuits that are constantly evaluating one's own internal state, heart rate, et cetera, and what's happening externally. 744.wav|It's very useful to think not just about the procedural aspects of what you're going to do, but also think about the events that precede and follow that particular habit and the execution, or at least the effort to execute that habit. 745.wav|Find a way to quit, get treatment, get over that one way or another. 746.wav|But in any case, this is not about training chest or back or shoulders. 747.wav|Pikal is the title of the book which Schulgen wrote, which describes his discovery of MDMA. 748.wav|But I want to emphasize that diminishing the amplitude of the physiological response is the first step. 749.wav|You could do this, someone else could hold a wand and you could do that. 750.wav|So if you're trying to learn anything at all, I do encourage you to explore motor training and visualization because basically all the studies out there, in fact, I couldn't find one exception where some degree of improvement wasn't observed when people use motor training and visualization on a consistent basis, even just the three to five times per week, these simple repeats over and over. 751.wav|So I don't want to over-complicate or make it sound like mental training and visualization has to be performed in a very precise way or that it has to be done perfectly each and every time, quite to the contrary. 752.wav|I don't want to reward myself for the bad habit. 753.wav|You can access those without any need to shell out any money. 754.wav|Also, I know many of you are interested in summaries of podcasts and what we call toolkits, which describe ideal toolkits and protocols for sleep, or ideal toolkit and protocols for neuroplasticity, or for deliberate cold exposure, et cetera. 755.wav|Other forms of intermittent fasting involve not eating for extended periods of time for entire days, or some people will extend to two days or three days, typically. 756.wav|In some cases, in the longer days of summer, I might do it even later, five or 06:00 p.m. 757.wav|Although I'm not suggesting that you constantly be focusing on soleus pushups throughout your life, the point is that people who did these soleus pushups experienced dramatic improvements in blood sugar regulation and in metabolism, despite the fact that the soleus is just 1% of the total musculature. 758.wav|And I think that massive increase in oxytocin is part of the reason why people have these feelings of close resonance and association. 759.wav|And as a consequence of that, your endogenous cannabinoids are outcompeted. 760.wav|So for some people that's going to be 45 degrees, for some people be 40 degrees, depends on how cold adapted you are, depends on how rested you are. 761.wav|Remember, the brain follows the eye, it follows the movements of the eye. 762.wav|We've talked a lot about how harnessing your visual attention to a particular point is great and can help serve your ability to both set and achieve goals. 763.wav|So again, what's really important about creativity is that there has to be the basic building blocks already existing within us. 764.wav|Is there an important difference or not between deliberate cold exposure done by cold shower or deliberate cold exposure in a cold plunge or the ocean? 765.wav|But I want to be very clear that anytime we talk about mechanisms and brain areas, what's far more important than the names of those brain areas is an understanding of what they do. 766.wav|If you'd like to try Element, you can go to drink element, spelled element.com slash Huberman, to try a free sample pack. 767.wav|You could in theory do open monitoring meditation with eyes open, and that would be an interesting variant on it. 768.wav|Rather, if you were going to start with a hot shower or you're going to start with a sauna, that you would end with the cold and then you would reheat naturally. 769.wav|And in doing so, you create these kind of what are called the creative collisions. 770.wav|So if you're somebody who really wants to build more strength or bigger muscles, you can change the protocol and the overall program according to that, and I'll talk about very specific ways to do that. 771.wav|And again, it's completely zero cost. 772.wav|If you'd like to sign up for the humbling lab premium channel again, there's a cost of $10 per month, or you can pay $100 up front for the entire year. 773.wav|Now that itself should be interesting, right? 774.wav|The way that one would do this is, let's say, for instance, you have a habit of picking up your phone mid work session. 775.wav|But maybe you can help them at that point. 776.wav|As I mentioned at the beginning of today's episode, I find creativity to be one of the most fascinating aspects of brain function. 777.wav|It has to both view the horizon and it has to view schools of fish, and then it has to make a trajectory down into the water and grab one of those fish to eat. 778.wav|And the probiotics support a healthy gut microbiome, which is important for mood regulating inflammation, and so on. 779.wav|For sake of this episode, I'm just going to detail a couple of findings from his laboratory. 780.wav|Now, what does this mean? 781.wav|In addition, there are changes in verbal timing, that is, pronunciation of words and accenting particular syllables of words in people that consume cannabis or smoke cannabis. 782.wav|You're relying on your library of existing experiences and your memory of those in order to imagine new things. 783.wav|And yet, endogenous cannabinoids, the chemicals that you naturally release from these postsynaptic neurons that travel retrogradely back to the presynaptic neuron, actually can lead to strengthening of connections between the presynaptic neuron and the postsynaptic neuron through a process called long term potentiation, or LTP. 784.wav|So they work as kind of a pair to increase our level of agitation, our level of focus, and our desire and our ability to move. 785.wav|Some people, because they dread the cold so much, will actually experience norepinephrine and epinephrine increases even before they get into the cold water or under the cold shower. 786.wav|But it's not positive self talk. 787.wav|And that your vision is distinctly different from, say, the vision of a dog or from the vision of somebody who's a dichromat, meaning they don't have a red cone. 788.wav|This is why people who, for instance, have schizophrenia and take drugs to suppress auditory hallucinations, some of those drugs work because they block the so-called D2 receptor of the dopamine pathway. 789.wav|And I do have to point out that psilocybin use and possession and of course, sale is still illegal. 790.wav|So when you hear the words preclinical, that is if you hear there was a preclinical study on blank, that means almost always that the study was performed on animal models, mice, rats, primates, et cetera. 791.wav|I actually did this when I was an undergraduate. 792.wav|For that reason, I'd love for you to suggest any of your workspace optimization tools that you found useful. 793.wav|Add in a new quarter sequence that you're trying to learn. 794.wav|So this is pretty exciting if you think about it. 795.wav|Likewise, when your stomach is full, it sends signals to your brain that are purely based on this. 796.wav|And there are naturally occurring experiments in humans that mimic that result very accurately. 797.wav|Nicotine is one of the most commonly consumed substances on the entire planet. 798.wav|If you have questions for us or comments about the podcast or guests you'd like me to feature on the Huberman Lab Podcast, please put those in the comment section on YouTube. 799.wav|Although I should also mention that many people who are vaping are also smoking cigarettes. 800.wav|Some memories, even if they evoke a sense of fear in us, are protective. 801.wav|That's the best way to support the Huberman Lab podcast. 802.wav|It only knows how to create this sensation, this internal landscape that we think of as fear. 803.wav|So this is not an issue of self control that can easily be dealt with simply by telling the person, look, you have to stop eating or you're going to die or you're going to have your legs amputated. 804.wav|But of course, a lot of people don't have access to cold water immersion, so they have to use cold showers. 805.wav|And then it spreads forward in the brain. 806.wav|Well, it does seem that there's a relationship between core body temperature and susceptibility to cold and flu, and this is something I'm going to go deeply into in the episode on colds and flus. 807.wav|During today's podcast and in many previous episodes of the Huberman Lab podcast, I mentioned supplements. 808.wav|Halpern pointed out that you actually have an accelerator that increases your level of awareness and anxiety and sort of constricts your field of view and all your senses anytime you interact with food and is driving a primitive reflex to ingest as much food as you can, as quickly as you can, and then move on from there and presumably to do the same elsewhere. 809.wav|In fact, we have four episodes that you can go to hubermanlab.com or elsewhere and scroll down and you can find those episodes in order to get your sleep really dialed in, as they say, if you're sleeping regularly and for sufficient duration, all of the systems of your fear circuitry are going to function better, mainly because the autonomic nervous system becomes very dysregulated when we are not getting good sleep on a regular basis. 810.wav|What I mean by that is if you were to go to the beach and lie on your towel and look down at the sand, you would start to notice that the sand is a very, very repetitive pattern. 811.wav|It was longer than 60 minutes. 812.wav|It's a little off topic from today's episode, but let's say you have a certain amount of flexibility. 813.wav|So that includes what to do each day of the week and your fitness protocol across the week and indeed across the month and the year and even year to year. 814.wav|I'm going to explain how, for zero cost, you can arrange your workspace in ways that makes you maximally productive, maximally focus, and allows you to adapt your workspace to different environments, whether or not you're traveling, working with others, working alone, et cetera. 815.wav|What I think is more likely explanation is that anytime we are in ambulation, we recruit the release of neuromodulators like epinephrine, dopamine, and things of that sort that further increase overall levels of alertness. 816.wav|We all have multiple goals that we're trying to pursue. 817.wav|Maybe you're in school, you're pursuing some kind of learning outside of the school environment, and or you have business goals or financial goals. 818.wav|And I actually discussed this with one of my colleagues who was doing this, and I said, is this conscious? 819.wav|Permanent changes in the way that the brain perceives the outside world, such that when that eye is opened up again, the brain actually can't make sense of anything that's coming through it. 820.wav|So that's one of the things that makes vaping, in particular, so hard to quit. 821.wav|And when I say the real thing, it's not the obvious real thing. 822.wav|They'll give you five free travel packs plus a year supply of vitamin d three k two vitamin d three k two has been shown to be important for metabolic health, endocrine health, and k two in particular for heart health and regulating appropriate amounts of calcium in your bones. 823.wav|If it gets to 20%, that's probably okay. 824.wav|I also drink yerba mate because I love the taste. 825.wav|But by placing them in this broader window of zero to 8 hours after waking, what you're doing is you're creating task bracketing. 826.wav|So I'm personally in the habit of getting cardiovascular exercise three or four times per week, maybe 30 to 60 minutes per session. 827.wav|If you want to get really detailed and go and look specifically at those studies, I invite you to do that. 828.wav|Okay, so you can have a gene for depression or for schizophrenia, but it's not deterministic in the same way that there are genes that determine your eye color or your skin color or your hair color. 829.wav|Okay, so the two key themes, again are understand that baseline circadian rhythm in temperature, and understand that the best way to cool the body is going to be by making sure that something cold contacts the bottoms of your feet, the palms of your hands, and the upper half of the face. 830.wav|Now, the other aspect of working memory and attention is to eliminate distractions, to not pay attention to the irrelevant stuff in one's environment, or even the irrelevant stuff on your own body. 831.wav|This dopamine system is critical to re up to remind ourselves that we are on track, if indeed we are on track, because dopamine itself provides a state of motivation and readiness to continue in the regular pursuit of our goals. 832.wav|Other common effects are reddening of the eyes, dryness of the mouth. 833.wav|And in looking over this information, one comes to appreciate pretty quickly that acronyms are a big thing. 834.wav|So what that illustrates is that it's the combination of imagined and real-world experiences, real motor movements, real perceptual experiences combined with motor movements, combined with what you imagine in your mind's eye that really gives you the most depth and flexibility over your mental visualization. 835.wav|Now, within the mesolimbic reward circuitry, there's an interesting feature. 836.wav|And knowing how to gauge that accurately and then action steps goes and no goes, do more of this, do less of that, do this, don't do that, et cetera. 837.wav|So, not just thinking about how great I'm going to feel after, but also thinking about how hard it's going to be at the beginning and then trying to reward myself subjectively for the entire experience. 838.wav|Alpha four beta two receptor. 839.wav|Incredible right. 840.wav|I've been accused on various Instagram posts and even on this podcast of being a non blinker, let's call it, or a minimal blinker. 841.wav|Ideas about themselves and other people that are very constrained, in other words, not very divergent. 842.wav|Well, we have blood pressure, and you've probably had your blood pressure measured. 843.wav|If you're in an internal, excuse me, if you're in indoors, then that might be the ceiling, the walls and the floor of the environment you're in. 844.wav|But I would take that information to a qualified healthcare professional that could diagnose or rule out any of these possible disorders. 845.wav|People will trim them, et cetera, but those hairs in your nose actually serve as a barrier toward infection. 846.wav|Now, a great thing is that yoga nidra scripts or protocols, as well as NSDR scripts or protocols are available, totally zero cost. 847.wav|Well, that will depend on what they are and how they relate to those earlier. 848.wav|In fact, it's really about strengthening the muscles of the torso. 849.wav|I just want to mention those two nervous system-related tips because I suppose as a neuroscientist, they appeal to me because they are grounded in fundamental principles of how the nervous system innervates muscle, and I know that they will benefit you the first time you use them and every time. 850.wav|But pretty soon I realized that therapy is extremely valuable. 851.wav|Your eyesight is precious. 852.wav|Now, many of you are probably hearing this and wondering whether or not you fall into one category of individual or another. 853.wav|I'm still working at it. 854.wav|In other words, cold is a non negotiable stimulus for increasing epinephrine and norepinephrine. 855.wav|That doesn't necessarily mean you want to run out and start taking this stuff that I've described or even doing the protocols I've described. 856.wav|There are excellent prescription drugs out there that your physician can prescribe for you for the treatment of headache. 857.wav|So all we can say for sure is that many, many millions of people, maybe even billions of people, suffer from migraine headaches. 858.wav|Sometimes they can be localized to one area, such as the back of the head or the front of the head or one side of the head more than others. 859.wav|Rest 15 seconds, and then repeat. 860.wav|And as a consequence, the muscles undergo kind of flaccid tone. 861.wav|Maybe some of you do that later. 862.wav|And it was observed that there was a big, big statistically significant increase in epinephrine, norepinephrine, and dopamine that lasted several hours or more. 863.wav|Somehow, this kid just doesn't even want to bicycle anymore, and they actually don't even want to play sports, and they actually just don't want to go anywhere. 864.wav|Long term potentiation and long term depression simply refer to the probability that one neuron will be able to stimulate and activate another neuron. 865.wav|But in addition, people who take MDMA in the clinical therapeutic setting for the treatment of PTSD often report feeling more empathy and compassion for themselves during the session, but also for long periods of time, maybe even indefinitely after the session. 866.wav|You'll feel a relaxation point. 867.wav|So there are strong effects on blood sugar of THC and CBD that generally lead to increases in appetite. 868.wav|So it's a two way street. 869.wav|Reward prediction error is associated with the molecule dopamine, although I should say there are other neurochemicals in our brain and body that are also related to reward prediction error. 870.wav|We've heard multitasking is bad. 871.wav|Curcumin is known to have very potent anti-inflammatory properties. 872.wav|600 milligrams of that has a brief effect, lasting only about 30 to 45 minutes, but it is one that many people find beneficial for sake of studying or for creative thinking and so on and so forth. 873.wav|In fact, I want to get into a combination. 874.wav|So Tuesday is really about recovery and about getting some additional cardiovascular benefits from heat cold contrast. 875.wav|And there are studies that support the idea that cannabis can increase creativity. 876.wav|So you set out to perform six. 877.wav|That's essentially what long term potentiation is. 878.wav|Now this study was focused on how people who sit a lot of the day and don't have the opportunity for a lot of physical movement, or maybe who don't even exercise at all, can improve their metabolism and glucose utilization. 879.wav|It literally increases our attention for that, and not anything else is enhanced. 880.wav|Phase three of the 24 hours schedule runs from about 16 to 24 hours after waking. 881.wav|This study has been a little bit controversial. 882.wav|Your brain is guessing what's in that spot, which is absolutely incredible. 883.wav|And again, type one is THC dominant, type two kind of equal ratios, if you will, of THC and CBD. 884.wav|I thought, oh, my goodness, maybe this EMDR stuff works according to some mechanism, and maybe this is the mechanism, and indeed many laboratories, not mine, but many laboratories, are now pursuing that idea, and it's looking very likely. 885.wav|There are also a number of key observations within the study. 886.wav|And what's very clear is that anytime you add quality talk therapy to a drug treatment, you're going to improve the outcomes for that drug treatment. 887.wav|And indeed, that has been shown even in people well into their 80s and 90s. 888.wav|But at least to my knowledge, there isn't an active component to EMDR of relearning a new narrative and attaching reward. 889.wav|They might have a little bit of alcohol and then start to eat like crazy, whereas normally they're very restrictive. 890.wav|The church of Latter day Saints, as I understand, does not allow for taking of certain compounds, certain drugs, certainly most recreational drugs, alcohol, even caffeine. 891.wav|It could be focusing on an auditory tone. 892.wav|And that can help you remember that the indica varieties of cannabis do tend to be more sedative in their effects. 893.wav|There's no way for them to stop that kind of behavior. 894.wav|It also has pronounced effects on the vasodilation and vasoconstriction system. 895.wav|And that's an incredible thing, because what it does is it sets up the mesolimic reward pathway for an expectation that dopamine will be delivered on that schedule. 896.wav|They're not a faculty member at Stanford. 897.wav|So we will provide a link to it for those of you that really want to dive deep on this. 898.wav|So, for instance, you could take a person who's never ingested MDMA and put them into an fMRI machine, which is functional magnetic resonance imaging, put them into the fMRI machine and just have them sit there with their eyes closed, what we would call resting functional connectivity, or resting state functional connectivity, and simply look at how interconnected certain brain areas are. 899.wav|You're going to hit all the circuits of the brain that involves serotonin with microdosing psilocybin. 900.wav|I should mention that work from Desposito lab and other laboratories has shown that one of the hallmark features of traumatic brain injury, especially frontal lobe injury, as well as certain neurodegenerative conditions like Parkinson's, but other forms of dementia, as well as ADHD involve deficits in working memory and attention, which makes sense, given what we know about the symptoms of those conditions. 901.wav|Again, that's Insidetracker.com Huberman to get 20% off and use the code Huberman at checkout on many episodes of the Huberman Lab podcast, we talk about supplements. 902.wav|What that means to you? 903.wav|We don't have time to go into that now. 904.wav|And they actually had some very nice hypotheses as to why that likely would be. 905.wav|In any event, nicotine, it should now be clear, is an immensely powerful substance, one of the most commonly ingested substances on the face of the earth, and has been for a very long time. 906.wav|So maybe the person you're with only has time for an hour long hike, or maybe they just don't have the fitness to do a two hour or three hour hike. 907.wav|Apigenin is one of the core components of chamomile. 908.wav|It's just really, really smooth. 909.wav|And the so called orbital frontal cortex. 910.wav|This can only mean that there are alternate pathways to creativity, and indeed that is the case. 911.wav|It might be journaling. 912.wav|This can be exploited, and indeed, it's been researched in terms of how it can be used to optimize work environments, contrary to what most people do, which is to look down at their laptop, tablet, or phone, if you want to be alert and you want to maintain the maximum amount of focus for whatever it is that you're reading or doing, you want that screen or whatever it is that you're looking at, to at least be at eye level and ideally slightly above it. 913.wav|It's patreon.com slash Andrew Huberman. 914.wav|And the way this works is that the iris and the musculature and a structure called the ciliary body move the lens. 915.wav|That can also get you essential amino acids, but it requires more calories to access those essential amino acids. 916.wav|And I've had a long standing interest in neuroplasticity, the brain's ability to change in response to experience. 917.wav|Well, it turns out that dopamine creates a certain number of responses in the brain and body when it is active in one or the other of these circuits. 918.wav|So for those that write science fiction or think about science fiction, there's some obvious aspects to this. 919.wav|So things that happen to somebody that leads to trauma and then PTSD. 920.wav|Stress is a physiological response. 921.wav|Hopefully, once the anorexic is of a healthy weight, that they're maintaining that weight, but that they don't have to constantly be on this treadmill, no pun intended, of balancing whatever food intake they have with activity. 922.wav|You wouldn't expect yourself to walk into the gym and do a pr lift, or start running and do your best sprint, or just head out the door without warming up at all, a little walk jog at first, or a few warm up sets. 923.wav|Now, MDMA, because it has this methamphetamine component, prevents the reuptake of dopamine, and in doing so, creates net increases in dopamine. 924.wav|It all points in a direction whereby the levels of dopamine being released in the prefrontal cortex during working memory tasks correlates very strongly with capacity to perform working memory tasks. 925.wav|If your goal is to get that cardio maybe four times a week, every time you do it, you could check off a little box and you'd say, okay, I did it. 926.wav|We did not put them on MDMA, but there is a study that's been published in the journal Current Biology. 927.wav|And that's actually because this eye mechanism of relaxing the lens and relaxing some of the musculature around the eyes send signals deep into the brain stem that release some of the centers that are involved in alertness, aka stress. 928.wav|Today's episode is also brought to us by Theragun. 929.wav|And I inserted the but in this quote, but driven by differences in personality that are related to cannabis use. 930.wav|Of course, there's still the positive effects on inflammation and metabolism, et cetera, that we'll talk about in a little bit. 931.wav|That's interesting, but the even more interesting part of the study is that individuals that already had high working memory span, when they took bromocriptine at a low or a moderate dose, their working memory did not increase further. 932.wav|And then if that fails to induce shiver, then to turn on the cold water again, and then turn it off again. 933.wav|You may also be asking, can you do them on the same day? 934.wav|Okay, then for some period of time, you might actually feel comfortable in the ice bath, cold water, or cold shower, and you feel like you could stay there for some period of time, that you could stay there for a minute or two minutes. 935.wav|Today's episode is also brought to us by Element. 936.wav|Again, these are early findings. 937.wav|That is, the drug treatments carry side effects, whereas the natural treatments appear to not carry side effects. 938.wav|Well, there have been a lot of ideas about why this arises. 939.wav|In fact, when one looks at all of the data in this paper, what you find is that supplementing with L-tyrosine as they did in this study, did indeed lead to improvements in working memory under multitask conditions as the title suggests. 940.wav|So powerful, in fact, that I think we can really place nicotine right up there at the top, right next to caffeine as the molecule that has fundamentally changed human evolution, human consciousness and human experience. 941.wav|Good scientific studies have been done where people are told to imagine or even script out their long term vision and goal for themselves. 942.wav|MDMA, also sometimes called ecstasy or molly in its recreational form, is a powerful synthetic drug that, at least as far as we know, creates a state in the brain and body that is unlike any other chemical state in the brain and body that's normally experienced. 943.wav|And whenever I say nature and design, people always ask me, what are you really trying to say? 944.wav|So the idea that binaural beats are just great for us across the board, I think is wrong. 945.wav|You can get what's called one trial learning. 946.wav|Our mood is off, hormone systems go off, our ability to get into physical action, to engage in endurance and strength and all sorts of other things is diminished. 947.wav|Because whether or not we're talking about psilocybin or LSD or ayahuasca or ketamine or today's topic of MDMA, regardless of what drug and neurotransmitter and neuromodulator systems are involved, what we're really talking about are ways to access neuroplasticity, the nervous system's incredible ability to modify itself in response to experience, ideally to be modified in adaptive ways that make it function better. 948.wav|Autonomic arousal relates to this aspect of our nervous system that we call the autonomic nervous system. 949.wav|I got a lot of questions about what's called concurrent training, which is how to program endurance training. 950.wav|Then there's a relearning of a new narrative that includes some sort of sense of reward. 951.wav|And anytime there's a discussion about dopamine and motivation, we also seem to have a lot of questions about attention and focus and ADHD, or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in particular. 952.wav|They want to eat, and they will ingest food to the point where they override those mechanical and chemical signals in the body. 953.wav|More other receptors. 954.wav|Again, that's athleticgreens.com slash Huberman to get the five free travel packs and the year's supply of vitamin D3K2. 955.wav|It's also involved in timing and motor learning. 956.wav|Mix with everything you need and nothing you don't. 957.wav|Again, that's LiveMomentus.com slash Huberman. 958.wav|It's not on my screen any longer, but very easy to find. 959.wav|And therefore, can we replace that chemical, or can we reduce some chemical and essentially eliminate anorexia? 960.wav|The Huberman Lab podcast is now partnered with Momentus Supplements. 961.wav|And I know it sounds horrible, and it is horrible. 962.wav|Apigenin in high concentration can indeed augment sleep. 963.wav|Adrenaline represents the shaft of the arrow, and it's providing the energy for which to focus. 964.wav|So severe tension type headache or migraine. 965.wav|They were placed into a brain scanner. 966.wav|The effects are going to peak at about 30 to 60 minutes after bringing those compounds into the body in some way or another. 967.wav|Dopamine is a neuromodulator. 968.wav|But what does that really look like and what does that correspond to? 969.wav|And while I wasn't measuring my pace, the overall rate of communication is essentially the same. 970.wav|So there were some studies that looked at thyroid hormone levels, and they found elevated thyroid hormone levels. 971.wav|Nowadays, people refer to it mainly as pot, as other names, too, of course. 972.wav|However, we also know that combinations of physical training and mental training can bring about results that are greater than either one of those alone. 973.wav|They protect us from making bad mistakes that could get us injured or killed or put us into really horrible circumstances. 974.wav|I'm going to boil these down to some very explicit steps that anyone can use. 975.wav|So what this points to is a situation where MDMA is increasing dopamine to increase motivation and to reward something. 976.wav|And those receptors are found on some, but not all, neural circuits within the brain. 977.wav|So that's why I'm actually not going to share which exercises I use. 978.wav|I'm just going to admit over and over again on this pie, I love the smell of them. 979.wav|If you're able to do that, that means that it's truly achieved context independence. 980.wav|The idea being that for many people who are experiencing photophobia, they want to reduce that feeling of pain and pressure in their head experienced through photophobia. 981.wav|We can't really have a discussion about fear without discussing the famous amygdala. 982.wav|Hyperthermia, of course, is a very, very dangerous situation. 983.wav|For instance, in the visual arts, or in music, or within science, or engineering, or any number of different domains, ranging from the kitchen to sport to childhood interactions, that is, childhood games. 984.wav|Okay, so that's divergent thinking. 985.wav|And then for each of those two or three or five different things, as quickly as you can to come up with a single answer that binds all of those in a real world concept that obey the laws of nature or physics in some way. 986.wav|So we need to always be taking into account the different components of the circuitry. 987.wav|If you have suggestions about episodes feedback of any kind, please put it in the comments section on YouTube routinely throughout the week after the release of each episode. 988.wav|So now what we're talking about is transitioning from the consumption to what we're going to call the withdrawal phase. 989.wav|We'll save that for a future episode. 990.wav|And this is very different than saying I'm always going to run or I'm always going to study from ten to 12:00 a.m. 991.wav|If you need to lift a heavy object with your legs, you can do it. 992.wav|And long term potentiation involves a couple of cellular mechanisms that are going to be relevant to our discussion about treatments to undo fear. 993.wav|Or rather, I should say, this is you teaching your prefrontal cortex how to stay engaged while you have high levels of stress in your body. 994.wav|And it also points to how nicotine can actually be used in an antidepressant way, should you choose. 995.wav|Make sure that whatever it is that you're looking at, if you want to remain focused, it doesn't extend too far beyond where your eyes are, the size of your head, that is. 996.wav|So think about the hardest habits to form and the habits that you most want to form that are hardest for you to adopt and to maintain. 997.wav|But tension headaches are really the sort of headache that you feel around the top part of the head, not the very top, but sort of where you would put a headband, so above the eyes and around the head. 998.wav|What happens when we focus on a particular location? 999.wav|There is no unique chemical signature for different forms of stressors. 1000.wav|So a study of the sort that I'm about to describe, where it is essentially confirmed that people were taking pure MDMA and not taking any other drugs, is of immense value. 1001.wav|We have the default mode network, which is involved in imagination. 1002.wav|And so I'm going to do that now. 1003.wav|And I think it's quite reassuring that in the case of MDMA therapy, there were no increases in the number of suicide attempts or suicidality or obsession with suicide. 1004.wav|And what I'm referring to is this idea that if you are very specific about exactly when you're going to perform a particular habit, that you are more likely to perform that habit. 1005.wav|There are other things that you can do to improve your workspace optimization, such as standing for half the day, as I mentioned before. 1006.wav|And one of the symptoms in particular that they found that was reduced was the pain-related symptoms associated with headache. 1007.wav|Some people had elevated prolactin, some people did not. 1008.wav|Working memory, as far as we know, does not involve neuroplasticity, or at least if it does, it's not a particularly robust aspect of working memory. 1009.wav|In a very similar way, all of our brains and bodies from the time that we are conceived, believe it or not, very shortly after conception, if we want to be accurate, very early conception, when you were in the womb, and still now, if you're listening to this, you have what are called cannabinoid receptors, because you also have endogenous cannabinoids. 1010.wav|So if you'd like to try Maui Nui venison, go to MauinuiVenison.com slash Huberman to get 20% off your first order. 1011.wav|This is a completely zero-cost newsletter that you can sign up for by going to HubermanLab.com, go to the menu, scroll down to newsletter, and you sign up by providing your email. 1012.wav|To my knowledge, there are no human data yet exploring the use of p five p or other vitamin b six derivatives or cabergoline or things of that sort to reduce prolactin in a controlled, standardized, clinical trial kind of manner. 1013.wav|Whereas people who are just going for temperature and time eventually become cold adapted. 1014.wav|So again, it's Huberman Lab on all social media platforms. 1015.wav|If we just think, oh, well, how could talking actually change the way that we respond to something? 1016.wav|And as they point out, and again, I'm paraphrasing here, this is the first systematic review of the association of cannabis Potency. 1017.wav|This is a somewhat surprising one to me. 1018.wav|The reason I started drinking athletic greens, and the reason I still take athletic greens is that it really helps me cover all of my nutritional bases with respect to vitamins and minerals and probiotics. 1019.wav|There are other NSDR scripts that you can find now on Spotify and on YouTube, and if you fall asleep during those non-sleep deep rest scripts, that's great, and if you don't, you will also find that it will restore your ability to perform mental and physical work. 1020.wav|And the particular study I have in mind here showed that people who take MDMA at more or less the dosages that we talked about earlier report marked increases in positive mood as well as decreased blood flow to the amygdala and hippocampus. 1021.wav|So thank you for joining me today for our discussion about building your optimal toolkit for fitness. 1022.wav|If I had my way, that is if I had a magic wand, which obviously I don't, I would ensure that I and everyone else in the world get sufficient amounts of quality sleep every single night, but that's just not realistic. 1023.wav|It does all these terrible things, and yet most people who try and quit simply can't. 1024.wav|So there'll be some variation there. 1025.wav|And it's also the fact that if I'm doing that, I get to eat the foods that I like. 1026.wav|But sometimes if I need to get the workout in, what I'll do in a hotel, if I've arrived late, a particular day of travel is I will find the stairwell, the fire stairwell. 1027.wav|You say, don't think about an elephant. 1028.wav|But there are a few things that you can do without taking stimulants in order to stay up all night that can be beneficial, that maximize on your biology. 1029.wav|So if you really want to push the resilience aspect, or for instance, if you want to use a given temperature that you're comfortable in, but that you want to increase the stimulus and you want to get some more benefit for mental resilience training, well, then get into the cold water, move your body around continuously, but try and keep your mind still or even do some sort of cognitive task. 1030.wav|The thalamus is an egg-like structure that sits in the center of the brain. 1031.wav|The other pathway out of the amygdala is to a very interesting area that typically is associated with reward and even addiction. 1032.wav|The reason I started taking it and the reason I still take it every day is that it ensures that I meet all of my quotas for vitamins and minerals, and it ensures that I get enough prebiotic and probiotic to support gut health. 1033.wav|Again, that's Roca, R-O-K-A.com, and enter the code Huberman at checkout. 1034.wav|If you wear, let's say you have a Halloween costume and wear an eye patch, you're a pirate or something for Halloween, and you cover it up on one side, probably for the night of Halloween, it's okay. 1035.wav|Everything from zero, none at all, to constantly, every day, all day and everywhere in between. 1036.wav|If you're solely focused on your health, often other things will suffer. 1037.wav|That equates to nearly a fivefold increase in the amount of circulating oxytocin when people are under the influence of MDMA. 1038.wav|It's actually the area that houses these pmoc neurons and these other types of neurons that regulate hunger and satiety. 1039.wav|Now, there are not a lot of studies looking at the toxicity of MDMA in humans, but there are a few. 1040.wav|Okay, not exactly, but you essentially have the equivalent of what frogs have in their skin in your eye. 1041.wav|Now, of course, if you press the wrong key, so if the arrow goes left and you press the right key, then you would be told you got that one wrong. 1042.wav|Get to a window, get outside. 1043.wav|But we now know that you need to repair these imbalances, that even a few hours, I don't want to scare anybody, I'll talk about reversal. 1044.wav|I do think that in the years to come we are going to see more about Lutein, I think we are going to see more about some of these other compounds like aztecsaxin, and hopefully by then I'll be able to pronounce it. 1045.wav|They're also involved in waking up in the morning when you rise from sleep. 1046.wav|So the narrowing of focus to what you want to go eat, right, you really crave pizza. 1047.wav|Only focus on success. 1048.wav|What you store are activation of neural circuits that include brain and body. 1049.wav|And the key element here is that what's revealed by an Escher through these repetition patterns is an inversion of the way that our brain normally encodes visual images, and therefore the rule that repetition is suppressed in our visual system, and that unusual visual features are revealed to us, that rule is what pops out to us when we look at an Escher. 1050.wav|In other words, you have two pieces of your brain that deliberately got squeezed out of the skull during development and placed in these things we call eye sockets. 1051.wav|The NSDR and yoga nidra, deep relaxation, meditation, whatever it is you want to call it, sets a dopaminergic tone. 1052.wav|He's been on a number of other prominent podcasts. 1053.wav|That visualization is effective in getting the goal pursuit process started, but it actually is a pretty lousy and maybe even counterproductive way of maintaining pursuit of that goal, meaning continuing to engage the sort of actions that are going to get you to eventually achieve that goal. 1054.wav|They just kind of relax there underneath the skin. 1055.wav|And if you talk to an excellent physiologist like Dr. Kelly Starrett of The Ready State, has an excellent channel. 1056.wav|Sometimes Pica is caused by malnutrition, but not always. 1057.wav|That is, if someone experiences paranoia or anxiety from a given strain of the marijuana plant, or from ingesting an edible in a particular way or a particular kind of edible, that person is very likely to experience the same effect every time they ingest that strain or variety. 1058.wav|He was the one that said modifiable variables are the key thing to think about. 1059.wav|Or power, which is speed times strength. 1060.wav|And that's because there are other neurons that release serotonin, and they have serotonin transporters, which are sometimes called certs, S-E-R-T-S serotonin transporters. 1061.wav|This looks a lot like a laboratory animal that has these agrp neurons stimulated, these neurons that will eat until they almost burst or burst. 1062.wav|Part of the reason for that almost certainly has to do with increases in systolic blood pressure and increases in readiness in your system. 1063.wav|It's tough to make a recommendation on that based on any peer reviewed study, although there are a few in humans that point to a threshold of eleven minutes total per week. 1064.wav|What's going to happen is that my level of dopamine is actually going to drop below the baseline, meaning below the level of dopamine I had before I even started the habit execution. 1065.wav|But even setting aside the negative impact on endocrine, on hormone factors, it's very, very clear that smoking, vaping, dipping and snuffing are among the worst things that we can do for our health. 1066.wav|Unlike the endurance training on Sunday, the cardiovascular session on Thursday, and again, for me, it falls on Thursday, but for you, it could fall on a different day depending on when you started this protocol, is going to be about, again, about 35 minutes of, for me, running, although it could be rowing or it could be cycling, it could be something of that sort. 1067.wav|It kind of stokes the furnace of those particular cells and actually can change gene expression in those cells. 1068.wav|We can't close our eyes and suddenly be able to access all the melodies that we've never heard before or all our ideas and concepts and knowledge about music if we don't have musical understanding or visual understanding. 1069.wav|Whereas limbic friction involves specific neural circuits. 1070.wav|That sounds like a great thing. 1071.wav|Many people have perhaps heard of the book the body keeps the score, which is a very successful and popular book about the idea that trauma can be, quote, unquote, stored in the body. 1072.wav|Let me give you a slightly different example. 1073.wav|You're eliminating exteroception, and you're focusing all of your cognitive attention and your perceptual attention on what you're experiencing within the confines of your skin or at the level of the surface of your skin and inside your body. 1074.wav|A systematic review with metaanalysis and meta regression so this is a metaanalysis of 52 studies that looked at a tremendous number of variables and contexts, as you would expect in a metaanalysis of 52 studies. 1075.wav|And they'll give you a year's supply of vitamin D3K2. 1076.wav|This might partially explain the effect that occurs in about 35% of males, which is gynochomastio, which is a development of breast tissue in males, in particular, young males who have elevated levels of testosterone, or who are taking exogenous testosterone for testosterone replacement therapy, or if they're taking high doses, anabolic steroids, or in females that increase in breast size, which is due to additional estrogen from testosterone converted to estrogen. 1077.wav|All of these things fall under the umbrella of cognitive behavioral therapy. 1078.wav|And the reason for that is when the body is undernourished, the body fat stores send signals to the brain to inform that the body is undernourished, or they turn off the signals that say, look, there are enough body fat cells out here to support healthy metabolism, and therefore, let's shut down ovulation. 1079.wav|You stay awake for a certain amount of time, you want to sleep. 1080.wav|You might think, why would I want to reward the execution of a bad habit with a good habit? 1081.wav|In that analogy, we can imagine that seesaw has a hinge, and that hinge can neither be too tight nor too loose. 1082.wav|But the most commonly used drugs are alcohol. 1083.wav|The point here is that if we were to take a look at the landscape of zero cost behavioral tools, in fact, behavioral tools that could potentially save you money, meaning reduce your heating bill, that are known to increase the very neurochemicals, AKA dopamine that are involved in improving working memory, I think it's reasonable to assume that a cold shower about 30 to 60 minutes prior to doing any kind of working memory tasks or any kind of activity that would require increased focus could be, okay, we don't know. 1084.wav|There's a recent paper that was published in a great journal, Nature Communications. 1085.wav|People often get these mixed up and it can be a little confusing, but I'm just going to make it really simple for you. 1086.wav|I'm not going to summarize all of these, because there are eight studies that I'm aware of, but I'll just mention again, these are double blind studies. 1087.wav|And in fact, we can state very confidently that when dopamine levels are elevated, the blinking reflex is more active. 1088.wav|I hope I've done that at the level of biology, neurocircuitry mechanism, endocrinology, and some of the psychology. 1089.wav|Now, I don't have such an example in mind, but later I'll give you some examples of how you can actually march down the path of divergent thinking and use that executive network to suppress certain options, to cross off certain answers. 1090.wav|Basically, an individual or set of individuals has to identify a specific thing that they're going to attain. 1091.wav|However, if you're somebody that has challenges with working memory, challenges with attention, challenges with focus, well, then I think that the protocols I've been talking about up until now would be an excellent first foray into the sorts of things that you could do to increase dopamine, and of course those other catecholamines, as a way to see whether or not it augments your focus and attention and working memory capacity. 1092.wav|Some, most, or all days. 1093.wav|If your goal is to lower core body temperature quickly. 1094.wav|And then the increase in acetylcholine, especially from nucleus basalis, in the front of the brain, is the reason why it can increase our ability to focus on particular types of endeavors, particular mental work that we're doing, or maybe even particular physical work. 1095.wav|That's all part of this accommodation mechanism. 1096.wav|The way that they are able to cool the body and essentially pass cool into the body, although that's not really what they're doing, they're actually extracting heat from the body. 1097.wav|Again, that's livemomentous.com huberman let's talk about cannabis, and when we refer to cannabis, we are indeed referring to marijuana or the marijuana plant. 1098.wav|Okay, so I don't want you to get the impression that there's something wrong with my memory and that I forgot that this episode is not about short or long-term memory, but it's about working memory, and indeed I have not forgotten. 1099.wav|You can go to their website. 1100.wav|They can be in the medium term. 1101.wav|And that limbic friction could arrive again from one of two sources. 1102.wav|But the key point is that your mental state is shifted when you are exposed to certain forms of cold. 1103.wav|They become more impulsive. 1104.wav|Likewise, it has been seen over and over throughout history that individuals that have mild forms of schizophrenia or even full blown schizophrenia, many famous painters, for instance, or musicians, they are known to have elevated levels of dopamine, and they are quite creative. 1105.wav|And the third principle of mental training and visualization is that you need to combine mental training and visualization with real-world behaviors and experiences that are very, very similar. 1106.wav|So today we've almost exclusively been talking about behavioral tools. 1107.wav|Please also check out the sponsors mentioned at the beginning of today's episode. 1108.wav|There aren't a lot of studies about it. 1109.wav|However, and this is very important, many people who have challenges with focus, attention, and working memory and fall under the category of subclinical levels of ADHD, and even some individuals with ADHD, young and old, manage their symptoms, and in some cases, improve their focus through the use of behavioral tools, nutritional tools, supplement-based tools in ways that either allow them to reduce their total prescription drug dosages, and in some cases, come off them entirely. 1110.wav|So if you're one of those people that likes to look tough or really relaxed while you're in the ice bath or cold water immersion, just realize that you're actually cheating yourself out of part of the stimulus. 1111.wav|And if you'd like to read some of the scientific studies, or read a review of the scientific studies that have looked at how narrowing one's visual tension can really enhance the effectiveness of pursuing goals, I'll put a link to this study. 1112.wav|This is a problem. 1113.wav|Well, this is very simple. 1114.wav|And the basal ganglia are strongly involved in go versus no go type tasks and learning. 1115.wav|So this has kind of elements of obsessive compulsive disorder, but it's not really obsessive compulsive disorder per se. 1116.wav|And he said, listen, you don't want to do anything or engage in a routine in any way that you can't keep up consistently for at least five and ideally six days per week, I thought, oh, that's pretty good. 1117.wav|What is probably not going to be a good idea is to do the more standard thing of draping someone in cold towels on the surface of their body. 1118.wav|And then write down or think about what is the sequence of events that need to precede that habit, maybe the immediate ten or 15 minutes before, as well as the immediate sequence of events and or feelings that will occur after that habit, and then call the whole thing a habit. 1119.wav|I'll talk about some of the biology, but we are going to really drill into how dosage that is, the concentration of THC relative to CBD impacts whether or not cannabis is going to have one effect or another. 1120.wav|The soleus muscle is a more or less wide flat muscle that sits beneath what most people think of as their calf, although it's part of the calf muscle. 1121.wav|Well, in this study, they showed people in both groups erotic images, and they measured sexual arousal through a number of different measures. 1122.wav|Nobody knows what truly healthy eating is. 1123.wav|Now, another important aspect of deliberate cold exposure that I rarely, if ever here discussed, but is vitally important is whether or not you move around or not. 1124.wav|I wasn't able to find a reference, but I can imagine two reasonably plausible mechanisms by which deliberate cold exposure to the groin, in particular the testicles, would increase testosterone. 1125.wav|We call those wires axons, connections, where they can release chemicals and trigger the activation of different brain areas. 1126.wav|So some people will put it in 8oz of water. 1127.wav|So what happened to me was my eye was fine. 1128.wav|Peripersonal space is a key concept in neuroscience because you have particular neural circuits and particular chemicals that are geared toward what are called consumatory behaviors, meaning using things and consuming things and enjoying things that are in your immediate peripersonal space. 1129.wav|And if you're not sleeping well, everything else gets far worse. 1130.wav|It's only divergent in the context of color space. 1131.wav|Some people are more walleyed, like a flounder. 1132.wav|Because if you think about it, even with your eyes open, your brain is just creating an abstract representation of what it thinks is out there. 1133.wav|So I don't want to get bogged down too much in the nomenclature, but what I'm doing here is building up a sort of series of layers where stress and anxiety form the foundation of what we're calling fear and trauma. 1134.wav|And a few years later, I had the experience of feeling kind of shaky, and I thought I had blood sugar issues. 1135.wav|Now, methamphetamine is not known to be a prosocial drug. 1136.wav|And the burning of tobacco liberates nicotine and makes it accessible to the various cells and tissues of the body. 1137.wav|You tell a kid, hey, we're going to go to the amusement park, or we're going to go get ice cream. 1138.wav|I tend to eat pastas and vegetables and things of that sort. 1139.wav|So those rates of success with talk therapy and MDMA. 1140.wav|They found a very statistically significant decrease in the frequency of headache in people that were taking creatine. 1141.wav|So the first study I'd like to describe in reference to the role of omega-3 fatty acids in headache was published in 2018. 1142.wav|There are supplements you can take that can increase dopamine, for instance. 1143.wav|Now, unlike other compounds like nicotine or alcohol or neurotransmitter systems like dopamine, when we talk about the cannabinoid system, and I say effects, biological effects, psychoactive effects, I want you to keep in mind, always, please keep in mind that those effects can be varied and often opposite in direction. 1144.wav|Again, the endothelial cells are the cells that make up the vasculature which delivers blood and other nutrients to all the cells and organs and tissues of the body. 1145.wav|Provided you're hitting that eleven minute per week threshold, you ought to be stimulating both mechanisms. 1146.wav|In fact, I can feel it right now, even from that very brief cyclic hyperventilation bout I just did. 1147.wav|Now, this might seem excessively nerdy, but what is more important than your eyesight? 1148.wav|They release acetylcholine onto the muscle and that makes the muscle contract. 1149.wav|And for that reason, drugs like wellbutrin, bupryorone, which is an antidepressant, which mainly increases the amount of dopamine and norepinephrine and less so serotonin. 1150.wav|And again, the lower the ceiling or the lower your visual environment, the more that one tends to do, or I should say, performs detailed analytic work accurately, and the more that one's thinking is oriented towards detailed, sort of correct answer type work. 1151.wav|This feel good neuromodulator that's essential to not getting depressed, et cetera. 1152.wav|You could replace jogging with rowing on a rowing machine or maybe even rowing an actual boat if you have access to that or cycling or swimming, something that allows you continuous movement for 60 to 75 minutes at that zone two threshold we talked about earlier. 1153.wav|You're supposed to be in low light, and your brain is rewiring and those habits are getting consolidated, et cetera. 1154.wav|Building muscle might be important to some of you, but what they found was ingesting protein early in the day, and these amino acids early in the day led to more muscle hypertrophy than if the majority of amino acids and proteins were ingested late in the day. 1155.wav|The top down circuitry from the prefrontal cortex to this threat reflex circuit is not like the other connections in that circuit. 1156.wav|And the frequency is kept relatively low. 1157.wav|And so while I'd love to be able to tell you that all you should think about is rainbows and puppies and all the wonderful, rewarding things that are going to happen when you achieve your goals, the truth is, you should be thinking mainly about how bad it's really going to get if you don't do it, how disappointing yourself you're going to feel, how it will negatively impact you, if not in the immediate term, in the long term, if indeed your goal is to reach your goal. 1158.wav|Although the word suffer then also has become a little bit touchy. 1159.wav|It kind of swirls around. 1160.wav|Our first sponsor is Roca. 1161.wav|This is what gives nicotine its rewarding properties. 1162.wav|The young brain, up until about age seven, but maybe even extending out until about age twelve, is extremely vulnerable to differences in ocular input between the two eyes. 1163.wav|And it's hard to hide that vomiting behavior. 1164.wav|What was the study? 1165.wav|The brain is actually encased in a very thick, very durable sac or casing that's wrapped around it tight like saran wrap. 1166.wav|The other group was not told to visually focus on the goal line. 1167.wav|There are also some pedestals and things that you can purchase if that's your preFerence, in order to set your computer at a particular height. 1168.wav|Now there are of course muscles in the jaw that can also lead to headache and jaw ache and things of that sort and neck aches and headaches. 1169.wav|How do I know that? 1170.wav|You probably exercise at particular times a week. 1171.wav|You've probably seen these wave pools where some pressure is pushed into the pool, and then you get these waves going. 1172.wav|We don't have time to go into a long lecture about evolutionary neurobiology. 1173.wav|This is an important thing to do, not just to provide a baseline for understanding what the drug MDMA will subsequently do, but also because it addresses what's called the default mode network. 1174.wav|It's just two foot difference there. 1175.wav|Indeed, people with darker color eyes generally can tolerate more bright light than others. 1176.wav|But if you do have to be awake in the middle of the night, do understand that you want to dim those lights. 1177.wav|There is a wealth of knowledge now pointing to the fact that the so called gut brain access is important for our brain health, for our metabolic health, for our hormone health, for our immune system. 1178.wav|It could be that people that are more impulsive and that have less strategic self regulation are more likely to take ecstasy 450 times. 1179.wav|Nonetheless, if the data are robust, as it is in this case of this paper, I think it's worth paying attention to. 1180.wav|There could have been a result, for instance, that if people were asked to visualize a cube and rotate it from, flip it from top to bottom, okay? 1181.wav|So, built into this is a kind of permission to fail. 1182.wav|Again, that's takethesis.com huberman and use the code Huberminute checkout to get 10% off your first box. 1183.wav|In other words, plenty of energy, why they would be hungry, why they would eat at all. 1184.wav|It's the periaqueductal gray. 1185.wav|And then the go circuit would be the one that's responsible for instead eating something else. 1186.wav|Now, earlier we were talking about that prefrontal circuit being engaged through narrative, through self directed, deliberate narrative. 1187.wav|So, for instance, brushing your teeth first thing in the morning. 1188.wav|So you can imagine all sorts of variations on this. 1189.wav|So, for instance, when you feel happy, it's not because you have a brain area that's the happy brain area that is electrically active. 1190.wav|This is related to that point that Dr. 1191.wav|Some people are so called adrenaline junkies, and they get a mixture of dopamine and adrenaline from certain high intensity events. 1192.wav|And that was surprising to me. 1193.wav|So that's a little bit of mechanistic meat to explain at least part of the reason why. 1194.wav|They'll give you five free travel packs that make it very easy to mix up athletic greens while you're on the road. 1195.wav|Believe it or not, there's excellent research on this. 1196.wav|Look, it's no coincidence that the screening and the training for Navy Seals involves a lot of exposure to cold water. 1197.wav|And as some of you are probably aware, anorexia and bulimia can be comorbid. 1198.wav|What is the deal with this azax and what are its drawbacks? 1199.wav|Now, there were some effects showing poor here, I'm quoting from the findings, poor strategic self regulation, quote, possibly reflecting increased impulsivity. 1200.wav|50 rounds of that. 1201.wav|The treadmill, or the cycle, is stationary. 1202.wav|One is entitled, What is the relationship between aphantasia, synesthesia, and autism? 1203.wav|In fact, the systems for focus and motivation themselves have plasticity. 1204.wav|And that 35 minute run, again, could be swapped with a 35 minute ergo or sometimes if you only have access to a stationary bike, you could do that. 1205.wav|So again, I do not think that you need to be super strict about these guidelines. 1206.wav|And that leptin signal gets to the brain. 1207.wav|I've heard directly from people who have benefited from these sorts of things for treatment of eating disorders. 1208.wav|But we also need to think about photophobia, not photophobia just as a symptom of migraine, but that maybe by adjusting our sensitivity to light, we can actually short circuit some of the onset and subsequent pathology of the migraine. 1209.wav|And as a consequence, the brain just simply will not function as well. 1210.wav|What this means is that anticipate and think about failure as a mechanism of generating motivation and indeed fear and anxiety so that you lean into the correct behaviors and you lean away from the incorrect behaviors to reach your goal. 1211.wav|But it's not unique to the specific type of abuse that the parent experienced. 1212.wav|There are now hundreds of studies in both animal models and in humans showing that it is really during sleep and other states of deep relaxation, things like meditation and non-sleep deep rest, which I've talked about before on this podcast, but really during our main night of sleep, that the rewiring of neural connections, that is the actual neuroplasticity takes place. 1213.wav|Nonetheless, get your vision tested by somebody who really understands vision, like an ophthalmologist or a really good optometrist. 1214.wav|And the brain, the hypothalamus and pituitary, will send signals down to the ovaries, or they will turn off the signals heading to the ovaries to deploy eggs, maturation of eggs in the follicle, et cetera. 1215.wav|Rather than give these animals stress relief at the level of reducing their anxiety with benzodiazepines or giving them a nice little mouse vacation or enhanced or enriched environment, things that have been done in a lot of previous studies. 1216.wav|The body has to drop by about one to three degrees in order to get into sleep and to stay asleep. 1217.wav|Okay, they make them louder, so to speak. 1218.wav|The bell in the previous example is what we call the conditioned stimulus or the conditioning stimulus. 1219.wav|But ordinarily, that's not such a good thing, because what happens is there's then a crash in the dopamine levels, and then people feel depressed, they feel lethargic, they don't feel good at all. 1220.wav|And there are some interesting studies, not a lot, but some interesting studies, trying to encourage anorexics not to stop exercising, but rather to stop exercising in this neurotic, catabolic way of breaking oneself down, but rather getting them shifted toward breaking habits of only approaching low calorie, low fat foods, while also encouraging them to embark on resistance training and to start to learn and reward the relationship between exercise for sake of making one's body strong, including the bones, not just the muscles, but the bones, which is important, especially in anorexics. 1221.wav|They are considered classic psychedelics and are very introspective. 1222.wav|There are four major circuits in the brain that use dopamine, although I should mention, there are additional circuits as well. 1223.wav|I think of them sort of like the tide. 1224.wav|A lot of these little fibers that contract. 1225.wav|The two drug treatments I'd like to focus on are ketamine assisted psychotherapy and MDMA assisted psychotherapy. 1226.wav|Again, neurons communicate with one another by generating electrical impulses that travel down the length of their so-called axons which are like little wires. 1227.wav|Actually, technically, synapses are the gaps between those connections, but nonetheless, synapses are the point of communication between neurons, and those can be strengthened so that certain neurons can talk to other neurons more robustly than they happened to before. 1228.wav|In fact, the steroid hormones refers to estrogen, testosterone of the sort that we all make, that men and women make naturally. 1229.wav|But it does seem that if you have moderate to severe macular degeneration, talk to your physician. 1230.wav|Try and avoid reclining. 1231.wav|And that combination of big increases in dopamine and big increases in serotonin are what lead to these highly unusual, and yet what seem to be potentially clinically very beneficial effects of having people feel a lot of mood elevation and a lot of stimulation from the stimulant properties of the methamphetamine component. 1232.wav|However, if you look into the research on salt, and in fact, if you go to one of the highest level peer reviewed scientific publications, Science magazine, you can find a review article in Science some years ago that shows that most of what we think and understand about the science of salt is completely wrong. 1233.wav|So you certainly don't have to purchase a weight vest in order to get the benefits of bringing additional weight along with you on these long cardiovascular events. 1234.wav|But at present these things are more or less in the kind of experimental or self experimental phase. 1235.wav|What I've tended to do today and I'm going to do now is to highlight the most potent of these different treatments. 1236.wav|But in the case of this study, which is exploring the withholding of inappropriate behaviors, the combination of mental training and physical training outperformed either physical or mental training alone. 1237.wav|Now, obviously, psychological phenomena and trauma can have a profound impact on the way that the brain wires up and the way that people approach food and other types of behaviors. 1238.wav|So these could be 20 minutes naps, or just lying there quietly with your eyes closed, or yoga, NiDRa or NSDR. 1239.wav|And moreover, and here I'm quoting the title of a study published in 1999, which I realized is a few years back, but of course there's some excellent studies from a few years back or more, tyrosine improves working memory in a multitasking environment. 1240.wav|There, of course, was an improvement in recycling, but it was pretty modest. 1241.wav|I'll give you a few moments to do that. 1242.wav|And I'll just list those off. 1243.wav|It used to be thought that you wouldn't want to do a surgery on a young kid because of risk of anesthesia in young individuals. 1244.wav|That's the CDEF being the positive behavior that you're going to insert. 1245.wav|And in human system, sometimes I'm with foot shock, sometimes I'm, believe it or not, with mild burn. 1246.wav|Whether or not we're interested in something, whether or not we're excited about it or not, this is a very, very powerful system. 1247.wav|One is the so called sympathetic autonomic nervous system. 1248.wav|All of that has to, again, arise from previous experience. 1249.wav|So while the amygdala might look like an almond, it's actually part of a much bigger complex or collection of neurons called the amygdaloid complex. 1250.wav|One issue with the supplement industry that's very serious, however, is that many supplement companies simply do not use high quality ingredients, or the amounts of the ingredients they list on the packaging does not match what's actually contained in their product. 1251.wav|I don't tend to watch movies on the plane very often, sometimes, but not often. 1252.wav|It's available in various formats. 1253.wav|So this is a purely behavioral approach to engaging different elements within neural networks that normally would not communicate with one another when we are completely still. 1254.wav|Although in speaking with this first author of this study, Dr. 1255.wav|But deliberate cold exposure seems to cause a dramatic increase in dopamine. 1256.wav|Their communication is more robust. 1257.wav|But the point being that the addition of MDMA drug therapy to PTSD talk therapy does not seem to increase the quote unquote side effects that are sometimes associated with PTSD talk therapy, because indeed there can be side effects to exploring PTSD and trauma, as one would expect. 1258.wav|You can find it by going to YouTube, put my last name in and NSDR. 1259.wav|Please also subscribe on Apple and or Spotify and on Apple you have the opportunity to leave us up to a five star review. 1260.wav|They literally get trapped in the nasal passages and therefore can't enter deeper into your physiology. 1261.wav|The primary way in which deliberate cold exposure converts white fat cells into these more metabolically thermogenically active metabolism. 1262.wav|A neural circuit is simply a collection of brain areas that, when active in a particular sequence, give rise to a particular behavior or perception. 1263.wav|MDMA stands for methylene dioxymethamphetamine. 1264.wav|Okay, so the takeaway here that's key and everyone should be able to understand, even though you may or may not be following this whole cerebellum primary motor cortex thing, is that when we gain a new skill or we get more proficient at a skill, so faster and more accurate, there tends to be more net excitation of the cerebellum to motor cortex communication. 1265.wav|Well, the newsletter gets to this, but I'll just tell you right now as well. 1266.wav|While many of you have probably heard of THC, there are also compounds in cannabis, such as CBD. 1267.wav|In fact, we have our privacy policy laid out on the hubermanlab.com website, so you can find that there. 1268.wav|This is all subconscious. 1269.wav|They're just there if you are interested in that level of detail. 1270.wav|If you can find a cure for dry eye, let the companies know or start a company. 1271.wav|At least it was surprising to me. 1272.wav|If you'd like to support us, please check out our sponsors. 1273.wav|If you're driving, maybe don't do this. 1274.wav|The reason I started taking athletic greens, and the reason I still drink athletic greens twice a day is that it supplies total foundational coverage of my vitamin mineral needs and it supplies important nutrients that I need to support my gut microbiome. 1275.wav|There you'll see all the supplements that I take. 1276.wav|In our sense of having enough that there's food in our system. 1277.wav|Now, the way to engage self-directed adaptive plasticity, regardless of whether or not you're a 13-year-old, 14-year-old, or you're a 90-year-old, or anywhere in between is that it requires two things. 1278.wav|Whereas when we are outdoors, we feel a natural impulse to move further away from our body, our torso with our limbs. 1279.wav|That also means that it carries certain hazards if it's not done correctly. 1280.wav|And we're going to do that with a specific purpose in mind, which is for you to be able to determine what your working memory capacity is, and by extension, your baseline levels of dopamine, or at least the levels of dopamine that are likely being released into your prefrontal cortex while you do these working memory tasks. 1281.wav|And we know this because there are indeed people who have diminished working memory or even lack working memory entirely, although the latter is somewhat rare, it has happened. 1282.wav|There are so many different forms of trauma. 1283.wav|But if you do in fact have to use all nighters for any reason, you can maximize this bladder to brain approach and the bright light approach. 1284.wav|Well, I would say why not move the heat cold contrast to Wednesday and then push that torso workout to Thursday and maybe also try and do that 35 minute run on Thursday every once in a while, rather than lose the total control of the program and let everything shuffle forward. 1285.wav|Very small babies really can't shiver, so they have a lot of brown fat in order to keep them warm. 1286.wav|That's non negotiable because it's mediated by cold receptors on the surface of your body and your skin and the way that they trigger the release of norepinephrine and epinephrine, not just from the adrenals, from the adrenal glands above your kidneys, but also from regions of your brain like the locus ceruleus, which cause increases in attention and alertness, and from other locations in your body where epinephrine and norepinephrine are released. 1287.wav|And these increases in dopamine are very large and long lasting. 1288.wav|And of course, your biological age is the one that you can control and that's the one that's really important to your immediate and long term health. 1289.wav|Now, what if what you're trying to learn doesn't lend itself well to first person visualization? 1290.wav|So even before you put on your shoes, the fact that you are successfully placing the habit in, in this case, phase one of the day, and that afterwards I'm going to feel a particular set of positive benefits, elevated mood, et cetera. 1291.wav|And while craving is kind of a vague concept, it's actually a very specific biological mechanism. 1292.wav|Locus Ceruleus hoses the rest of your brain with norepinephrine in order to wake up those circuits for work and attention. 1293.wav|So sometimes I'll just meditate for three minutes or five minutes, or ideally I'm doing 220 minutes sessions per day, but I confess I don't always manage that. 1294.wav|So we have to ask ourselves, what can be done for the anorexic? 1295.wav|Up until now, I've been discussing the biological and psychological effects of cannabis. 1296.wav|Well, it's literally that their brain, as it relates to perceptions, visual perceptions, in particular, they're completely off. 1297.wav|There's always a temptation as one learns about the symptomology of a given disorder. 1298.wav|And we are going to talk about the key difference between recreational use and therapeutic use and the important components of the studies exploring MDMA in the clinical setting for the treatment of PTSD. 1299.wav|In keeping with that theme, I'd like to thank the sponsors of today's podcast. 1300.wav|I do not think that they should be explored without a properly trained medical doctor that the clinical trials are essential to complete before one explores those compounds in particular, because lately I get a lot of emails about these compounds, people telling me that they've had amazing experiences and relief from various things, not just eating disorders, but depression, et cetera. 1301.wav|In addition to that, if I tell you, for instance, if I ask you to imagine an elephant and a mouse next to one another, you presumably have some real world understanding about the relative sizes of elephants versus mice, elephants generally are bigger than mice, thank goodness, mice are smaller than elephants. 1302.wav|So, anticipating outcomes. 1303.wav|Okay, I haven't really talked about how the learning occurs, and so I just want to take a moment and describe that, because it leads right into our discussion about how to eliminate fears and, indeed, how to replace fears with more positive experiences. 1304.wav|But when thinking about the effects of dopamine and serotonin in the types of circuits that we've been talking about thus far, these circuits that are subcortical, as we refer to them. 1305.wav|The reward is set up in drawing them to food and in making food look like something that's incredibly appetizing and there's no impulse break. 1306.wav|Big increases in body temperature are not good. 1307.wav|The first is something called weak central coherence. 1308.wav|Nonetheless, curcumin has been explored in the context of treatment of migraine. 1309.wav|But that leads actually to a very important question, which is why would that be the case? 1310.wav|And there are other papers as well, another one from the wrestler lab. 1311.wav|And remember, these are randomly distributed across a page. 1312.wav|One of the key things to getting a great night's sleep is to make sure that your mattress matches your sleep requirements. 1313.wav|He's both a medical doctor and a PhD. 1314.wav|But then when you're in the real world, you're also going to have to call that either out loud or just to yourself, golf swing 1A, okay? 1315.wav|And again, it works both ways. 1316.wav|And we now know that a healthy gut microbiome is supported by probiotics. 1317.wav|We can talk about a fitness protocol that's really aimed mainly toward developing skill. 1318.wav|If you'd like to try inside tracker, you can go to insidetracker.com huberman to get 25% off any of inside tracker's plans. 1319.wav|And along those lines, there's a really interesting study. 1320.wav|And if you do it incorrectly, it can undermine the entire process. 1321.wav|Again, the low estrogen, low progesterone associated with certain phases of the menstrual cycle, as well as other phases of the menstrual cycle are often associated with headache. 1322.wav|I would have thought the loftier the goal, the bigger the goal, the more that it recruits the autonomic system and the more that people are likely to lean into the energy and effort to pursue and attain that goal. 1323.wav|But the visual attention to a particular point is going to be the most effective way to bring your system into a state of readiness and action for goal pursuit. 1324.wav|So it turns out that hallucinations are an underactivation of the visual system and then a compensatory, a compensation by which the visual system creates activity and hallucinations. 1325.wav|And I should have mentioned earlier on the Sunday long rock or weighted hike or jog, if I'm alone, I try and do pure nasal breathing. 1326.wav|For those of you that are saying, just tell me what to do, I have to say, as I always say, understanding a little bit or a lot of underlying mechanism will help solidify these concepts for you and will help ensure that the tools that I offer are going to make sense and that they're going to make sense in different contexts and for different types of habits that you're trying to learn. 1327.wav|It's going to be the consequence of accidents either at the workplace or in terms of a bicycle or other sorts of transportation based accident, like a car accident. 1328.wav|And really on the whole, what we established was that cognitive and or motor learning really is something that you should do in the real world as much as possible. 1329.wav|But many more people are talking about the positive effects of cannabis without a lot of discussion about the negative effects of cannabis. 1330.wav|And then of course, if you choose to, and I would hope you would choose to, if you go on and do the stop signal task, you will be told trial by trial, whether or not you are hitting the right keys, because if you are, you'll be allowed to progress to the next trial. 1331.wav|First of all, primary motor cortex, sometimes called M1, is a relatively small but vitally important strip of neurons in or near the front of your brain. 1332.wav|This is best illustrated by a classic set of studies that have been carried out in both animals and in humans. 1333.wav|Your eyes just don't seem to adjust with roka eyeglasses and sunglasses. 1334.wav|And in fact, they have data to support the fact that they can be reawakened in adults in meaningful ways that can lead to new product design, new workplace interactions, and on and on. 1335.wav|They're firing, they're releasing chemicals, but it is also actively suppressing the activity of other neurons. 1336.wav|So let's give it an example. 1337.wav|And so the sativa varieties tend to increase Cb one activation in the prefrontal cortex and in other circuitry that then leads to a kind of overall reduction in stress because of the way that prefrontal circuitry can reduce activation of the amygdala. 1338.wav|You need divergent thinking, you need convergent thinking. 1339.wav|Now, an important thing to understand about dopamine is that it's not always released on the same schedule. 1340.wav|Omega-6 fatty acids come in a bunch of different foods and they of course can be supplemented as well. 1341.wav|So this is a really nice study in that they actually measured how much THC was in the bloodstream in different individuals who reacted to these erotic stimuli in different ways. 1342.wav|The beauty of being a human being is that knowledge of knowledge can allow you to make better decisions. 1343.wav|If you'd like to try Roca eyeglasses and sunglasses, you can go to roca, that's Roka.com, and enter the code Huberman to save 20% off on your first order. 1344.wav|Just want to reiterate that anorexia nervosa is the most deadly psychiatric disorder by a huge margin. 1345.wav|It was a condition of being allowed to stay in school. 1346.wav|Please also check out the sponsors mentioned at the beginning of this podcast episode. 1347.wav|There's also evidence which I discussed on the episode about hearing, which is that in young children, white noise can cause some impairments in the development of the auditory system. 1348.wav|And as a consequence, you are reshaping the neural circuitry in your brain. 1349.wav|And I can just tell you briefly one way in which you can test this and observe this and even use this. 1350.wav|And you'll get up to $350 off any mattress order and two free pillows. 1351.wav|And if you'd like to do the deep dive into these mechanisms, things like UCP one, PpAR gamma, et cetera. 1352.wav|You're not accepting all of them as true and valid and interesting in combining them. 1353.wav|Banksy is an artist that many of you are probably familiar with and probably some of you are not familiar with. 1354.wav|You need some level of elevated dopamine in order to engage in divergent thinking, but not so high that it starts to inhibit that process. 1355.wav|If you're finding that you're screwing up something, not because you can't initiate that particular mode of behavior, but you're doing the wrong thing at the wrong time, you're not able to withhold a particular action, well, then in that case, mental training in combination with physical training becomes especially important. 1356.wav|So when botulinum neurotoxin is present at the nerve muscle interface, those nerves cannot communicate with the muscle. 1357.wav|And when you lie down, and indeed, anytime that you start to get your feet up above your waist or your head tilted back, those neurons fire less. 1358.wav|However, MDMA is being explored as a potential therapeutic for PTSD and other forms of trauma. 1359.wav|It actually is quite safe despite the fact that botulinum neurotoxin is quite dangerous. 1360.wav|I mean, if you think about it, if you're in the next room or down the hallway from or across the street from somebody with a cold or flu, you don't expect to contract that cold or flu from them. 1361.wav|So these are behavioral practices that allow you to direct your brain and body into a particular state. 1362.wav|If you'd like to try element, you can go to drink element. 1363.wav|Now, one of the key features to getting a good night's sleep is making sure that you get the temperature of the environment you sleep in right. 1364.wav|And you start thinking about how those different individuals, because of their different motivational states, would engage at the level of action, what they would do, what they would say, would they mate, would they fight, would they, et cetera, et cetera. 1365.wav|I should mention, however, that a significant portion of the funds raised through the premium channel are going to support not just the Huberman Lab podcast, which we will continue to release every Monday on schedule of zero cost to all consumers content on mental health, physical health and performance. 1366.wav|The sativa varieties tend to make people feel kind of invigorated, somewhat alert. 1367.wav|And that's completely false. 1368.wav|If you spend time with people that have never heard of intermittent fasting, intermittent fasting is going to seem very abnormal. 1369.wav|I do think that deliberate, self directed entry into these short bouts of stress is a very promising approach. 1370.wav|Today we are discussing cannabis, also referred to as marijuana. 1371.wav|Maybe this is even you. 1372.wav|Again, the number of words that you can recall, that is your working memory span, is going to vary from person to person. 1373.wav|And if you're interested in the various methods of eccentrics and concentrics and all the different ways of changing up cadence and so forth during sets, there's an enormous amount of quality information out there, far too much for us to get into detail now. 1374.wav|And then we can put behind that arrow a little propeller or a motor, if you like. 1375.wav|They had them either undergo this self-directed deep relaxation while they are motionless or mostly motionless, or they had them listen to an audio script while also just lying there with eyes closed. 1376.wav|Now, some of those drug treatments work, but oftentimes they don't. 1377.wav|And of course, the things I'm talking about today aren't going to solve all those issues, but they can have a tremendous positive impact if you're willing to do just a little bit of work. 1378.wav|The particular omega-6 fatty acid that's going to be relevant for today's discussion is linoleic acid. 1379.wav|If you want to know the names, that's fine. 1380.wav|Now, you don't want to make it dark because you don't want to get sleepy at 02:00 in the afternoon unless you're going to take a brief nap, which I do, and is perfectly fine as long as it doesn't interfere with your nighttime sleep. 1381.wav|Now, I realize that life is complicated. 1382.wav|Whereas it appears that the circuitry that's related to habit formation and decision making and the reward circuitry, that stuff, can be rewired. 1383.wav|It might be subtle, but it's happening. 1384.wav|And it's powerful stuff as it relates to the very neurochemicals and neural circuits that are involved in working memory. 1385.wav|Today we're going to talk about how you can actually use your visual system to increase your levels of alertness based on the neural circuits that link your brain stem with your eyelids. 1386.wav|They actually numb us against pain. 1387.wav|Right again, we're still talking about THC and CBD in varying ratios. 1388.wav|Ah, well, that segues into the next question that I'm going to answer for this AMA, which relates directly to cold exposure and so-called cyclic hyperventilation breathing, sometimes associated with so-called Wim Hof breathing, but other forms of deliberate breathing as well, and how specific forms of deliberate breathing and how deliberate cold exposure can indeed be used to offset or even prevent entirely infection due to bacterial or viruses. 1389.wav|And today we're actually just going to divide into two bins, short working memory span and high working memory span. 1390.wav|And again, it speaks to the dramatic effect of heat transfer that water has, which I mentioned earlier, as opposed to being out in the air at 68 degrees, it would certainly not cause that increase in metabolic rate. 1391.wav|Because there can be, at least if it's a controlled source, a defined number of milligrams of THC, a defined number of milligrams of CBD. 1392.wav|But I have to confess, I'm somebody who, I think I'm pretty good at managing resources, but I think if I were to see an image of myself at 70 or 75, there's so many things that are associated with visual images, like what our body must feel like, what our needs are probably going to be like in that state or in that age, what sorts of things we may or may not still be able to do at that age. 1393.wav|However, even though they were designed for sports performance, they now also include a lot of styles that are designed to be worn to work out to dinner, essentially recreationally, so that you could wear anywhere. 1394.wav|So, just to make sure this is absolutely clear, there's a first step, which involves retelling and reliving in order to extinguish the fear and the trauma to reduce the amplitude of the response. 1395.wav|But not a lot of people train for that on a regular basis. 1396.wav|And certainly the dip is a great exercise to hit multiple muscle groups, chest, shoulders, and triceps, maybe even some back to some extent, depending on how you do it. 1397.wav|But the prefrontal cortex is this amazing capacity of our brain real estate to create meaning, to attach meaning and purpose to things that otherwise are just reflexive. 1398.wav|And I guess his head was designed to prevent balls from entering the basket. 1399.wav|The work I'm about to describe was done by Dr. 1400.wav|However, there are areas of the brain that were active after that decision making process, and those are the brain areas that turn out to drive the habit of avoiding particular foods and approaching other foods. 1401.wav|Most of the world seems to want to lose fat or bodily fat. 1402.wav|So these are powerful compounds, and I think the future of MDMA assisted psychotherapy for trauma in particular, is holding great promise as of now. 1403.wav|But I caution people about relying on those too much. 1404.wav|And as you can imagine, they have a complete failure of ability to sequence activities and their lives are extremely difficult. 1405.wav|In addition, please subscribe to the podcast on Spotify and Apple. 1406.wav|He was, after all, a chemist, and then taking those drugs himself. 1407.wav|In my mind, a foundational fitness protocol is one that leaves you or has you in a state where if you need to walk really far and carry a bunch of weight, you can do it. 1408.wav|Now, that's not much help to anyone who's already started smoking or vaping. 1409.wav|And that actually triggers a number of different chemical and electrical processes in the brain that are often associated with agitation and frustration. 1410.wav|And that's because of the deployment of neurochemicals like dopamine and norepinephrine that bring about our levels of alertness. 1411.wav|So I don't want to, you know, throw cold water on the topic of neurogenesis. 1412.wav|But we will have a future episode all about brain development. 1413.wav|But nasal breathing, whenever possible, day and nighttime is extremely important for encouraging the overall health and resistance of your respiratory pathways to incoming cold and flu and other types of viruses. 1414.wav|This is becoming increasingly common. 1415.wav|And that is accomplished by reducing inhibition, so that's where it gets a little bit confusing to some, but in this paper, what they did is they explored people's ability to improve on a very specific but very simple motor sequence. 1416.wav|So again, omega-3s can be sourced from food, both animal-based and plant-based. 1417.wav|And they compared two types of cooling. 1418.wav|So what I mean here is, if somebody's ingesting sativa, and it routinely makes them feel more energized, elevates their mood, it gives them a heightened sense of creativity. 1419.wav|Again, it's Huberman Lab on all social media channels. 1420.wav|So it really doesn't seem to matter. 1421.wav|Now, whether or not that's due to some lower upper limit of physical training that they can do because of their age, or whether or not that's something specific to do with older versus younger neural circuits isn't clear, but what this review also makes clear is that for the vast majority of people out there, so teens, people in their 20s and their 40s and so on, physical training more effective than mental training, we said that before, combination of physical and mental training more effective than physical training alone, provided the mental training is on top of the maximum amount of physical training that one could do. 1422.wav|So there are both short term and long term effects of MDMA, all of which point in the direction of lowered levels of threat detection, heightened levels of positivity, prosocial components of the brain more active threat detection centers of the brain less active. 1423.wav|Or have a sign on the door that says bother only in the case of emergency, or fine to knock or don't knock at all. 1424.wav|What's special about overhead lights for setting alertness is that the neurons in our eyes, which are called melanopsin ganglion cells, that's the fancy name. 1425.wav|We have an episode on how to master Sleep. 1426.wav|First of all, as the day goes on, you should try, if you can, to start tapering the amount of light that you're viewing. 1427.wav|You don't just drop into a trench of creativity. 1428.wav|And what we'll get into a little bit later is that there has been a sort of race in the scientific community consisting of two groups. 1429.wav|But that's a category into itself. 1430.wav|And I'm not going to go into the entire literature around prolonged exposure, cognitive processing and cognitive behavioral therapy, but I will just illustrate the central theme that allows them to work. 1431.wav|And we will talk about why, literally, the underlying neural circuits that lead to the sativa variety causing more of an elevated mood and a head high, if you will, and the indica variety as being more full body relaxation. 1432.wav|The opsin that they contain is actually very similar to the melanopsin that is present in the skin of some amphibians, and that causes those amphibians to change their skin color in different light conditions. 1433.wav|And so while this might seem like the silliest and simple tool that I might ever describe on this podcast, if you are feeling tired, it actually can be beneficial to the wakefulness systems of the brain, including the locus ceruleus and these areas that release norepinephrine. 1434.wav|Okay, so I just want to highlight muscular issues as one particular source of the ache in headaches. 1435.wav|Periods have shut down sperm production, and testosterone is lowered bone density is down. 1436.wav|So again, I really like this paper. 1437.wav|Or it's a phrase that I absolutely hate, frankly, because it's not even clear what that means, and it's not even clear what the ethical form of that is. 1438.wav|The fact that you're going to wait until 730, that's not long enough for many people to run 5 miles. 1439.wav|I've been sleeping on a Dusk mattress for well over a year now, and it's the best sleep I've ever had. 1440.wav|Or for instance, I place you in a quiet room, so you close your eyes and ask you to imagine the opening to ACDS black in black, but ask you to pause it halfway through. 1441.wav|Working down from the top of the head to the bottom of the feet, we can say that smoking, vaping, dipping and snuffing negatively impact every organ and tissue system and cell of the body by virtue of the fact that they all damage the endothelial cells. 1442.wav|Maybe that individual is being always being told how beautiful they look or how wonderful or fit they look, what incredible meals they produce. 1443.wav|Ana Lemke, who's a physician and the chief of the Stanford School of Medicine, dual diagnosis addiction clinic world, expert in dopamine and addictive substances and addictions of all kinds. 1444.wav|And the reason for that is well substantiated from this study and from animal studies, whereby deliberate cold exposure converts one particular kind of fat cell, the white fat cell, which is a very low metabolic output cell. 1445.wav|One, for instance, is increases in things like CGRP. 1446.wav|I don't use cryo, these cryotherapy chambers. 1447.wav|I cover content in shorter format and in more depth on Instagram at hubermanlab. 1448.wav|What does the autonomic nervous system have to do with any of this? 1449.wav|And I will simply walk really fast up the stairwell as many flights of stairs as there are, or maybe even jog it, not quite sprint, but maybe run up those stairs over and over and over again in order to get that 35 minutes of 75 to 80% of max output cardiovascular work done. 1450.wav|We've seen this before, right? 1451.wav|These were most productive people I know, not always the kindest people, but some of them were very kind. 1452.wav|But divergent thinking is sort of anti-focus. 1453.wav|If you're enjoying this podcast and the information, if you're finding it beneficial, there are a couple of things that you can do that are totally zero cost that really help us and help you get this information going forward. 1454.wav|Jeffrey Goldberg, at Stanford University School of Medicine, as well as several other people, to really vet the information and make sure that the protocols that I'm describing are consistent with the clinical literature. 1455.wav|Now, what sorts of daily activities and life activities would require working memory? 1456.wav|It increases motivation. 1457.wav|Element is formulated to help anyone with their electrolyte needs and is perfectly suited to anyone following a ketogenic, low carbohydrate, or paleolithic diet, or a basic omnivore diet, which is the one that I follow. 1458.wav|What they saw was a large magnitude, for example, 52% less postprandial, that's after a meal, glucose excursion. 1459.wav|Within the retina, there are then a series of stages of processing, and that information eventually gets sent into the brain by a very specific class of neurons. 1460.wav|If you are one of these people who has so called cheat days. 1461.wav|I'm going to climb over these mental walls that represent adrenaline release in my brain and body, but also that your fat cells are receiving signals, norepinephrine signals, that are changing those fat cells and the way that they metabolize energy. 1462.wav|Some people, by the way, are much better at sensing whether or not their heart is beating at a particular rate, and others not so much. 1463.wav|It is currently legal. 1464.wav|Now, the neurons that control those muscles have a very interesting feature, which is that when we are looking down toward the ground or anywhere below, basically, the central region of our face, the neurons that control that eye movement are intimately related to areas of the brain stem that release certain types of neuromodulators and neurotransmitters, and they activate areas of the brain that are associated with calm and indeed, even with sleepiness. 1465.wav|That doesn't seem to be the case, at least not in terms of driving classic anorexia, of really extreme deprivation of oneself from food. 1466.wav|This is particularly true in certain countries. 1467.wav|And so you go and you spend five minutes doing a particular type of language learning, you literally exit whatever you are doing and perform that other new positive habit in the immediate period right after that, even for a short period of time. 1468.wav|You can't just sit all day in the ice bath. 1469.wav|If you'd like to join the newsletter, please go to HubermanLab.com, click on the menu and go to newsletter. 1470.wav|That series covers everything from strength, hypertrophy, endurance. 1471.wav|This paper, published in the journal Ophthalmology in 2018, described the fact that being outdoors for 2 hours a day could significantly reduce the probability that these children would develop near sightedness. 1472.wav|Again, something that maybe has taken a little bit of time to sink in, but once it does, you're going to be like, wow, the brain is really an incredible machine. 1473.wav|First of all, in the first part of your day, that zero to 9 hours after waking, you want bright lights, especially overhead lights, as bright as you can. 1474.wav|I've talked about it on the podcast before. 1475.wav|Now, of course, at the time when he did these experiments, there were no sophisticated brain imaging devices and machines like fMRI. 1476.wav|That's when I feel warmer. 1477.wav|Although some of you sickos really like the feeling of getting in and being in it, but not me. 1478.wav|Now, without listing off all the terrible things that happen with this binge purge cycle, there are a number of things that are really worth pointing out. 1479.wav|If you want to try athletic greens, you can go to athleticgreens.com huberman and if you do that, you can claim a special offer. 1480.wav|I've never tried this before, maybe after this episode, given what I've read in the peer reviewed research, and it's pretty compelling that treadmilling seems like an interesting way to increase alertness and cognitive performance. 1481.wav|That doesn't necessarily mean they're anorexic or they're suffering from some sort of disorder. 1482.wav|And here we're talking about background noise to avoid because it actually can cause pretty severe deficits in cognition. 1483.wav|There's no reason to think that omega-3s would not be beneficial for those types of headaches. 1484.wav|Well, remember, withdrawal sets in about 4 hours after the last ingestion of nicotine by cigarette or by inhalation from the vape pen. 1485.wav|The reason why vaping and crack cocaine are so similar is the speed of entry of nicotine into the bloodstream. 1486.wav|Again, all of these habits or these behaviors, these do's and don'ts around phase three themselves might be habits that you're trying to create for yourself. 1487.wav|You ask yourself, how many of those particular habits that I was deliberately trying to learn in the previous 21 days are automatically incorporated into my schedule. 1488.wav|People who are wearing ice vests. 1489.wav|Your photoreceptors are active all the time as you're looking around. 1490.wav|Some of you are probably familiar with these side effects, things like blunting of libido, blunting of appetite, or increases in appetite, in some cases, disruption of sleep, wake rhythms, motivation, et cetera. 1491.wav|And that second mechanism of binding to the surface of cells is one of the ways in which estrogen can control different aspects of headache. 1492.wav|But this ties back to the other protocol that I've described before in the mood and sleep episodes, which is that viewing light, even of very low intensity between the hours of 10:00 p.m. 1493.wav|And you can do that a couple of simple ways. 1494.wav|But even if not just put a reference to that, that would be great for sake of future episodes, et cetera. 1495.wav|Helix Sleep makes mattresses and pillows that are customized to your unique sleep needs. 1496.wav|There's a metaanalysis of the positive effects, meaning anxietic effects, anxiety reducing effects, that is, of things like saffron. 1497.wav|So basically, the activation of the amygdaloid complex could be from any number of different things, a memory of something fearful, an actual sensory experience of something that's fearful. 1498.wav|And there is essentially zero debate as to whether or not that occurs. 1499.wav|There's a logic there. 1500.wav|So while today's episode focuses on all aspects and types of headaches, it will have tremendous relevance for everybody. 1501.wav|For that reason, I think that daily, or ideally, weekly assessments are going to be best. 1502.wav|Also, sometimes I want to be social on Sundays. 1503.wav|Indeed, some people are getting migraines. 1504.wav|We already know, again, let's just march through them, that your mental training and visualization needs to be brief and simple. 1505.wav|So what they did is they had people ingest a certain amount of creatine, I'll tell you in a moment, in fluids, it could be taken in water or milk with or without food, doesn't really matter what time of day. 1506.wav|We will talk about distraction, but things like freedom, which is a free app that allows you to lock yourself out of the Internet, or turning off your phone, for instance. 1507.wav|One way to think about this by analogy would be that, you know, when I was a kid, you'd go to the library and nowadays you just go online, but the different pages of different books on different topics are kept distinct from one another, that is bound by different book covers and bookends, different shelves in the library. 1508.wav|So for those of you that find it a struggle to focus or to refocus in more traditional forms of meditation, or maybe even in your work, and even for those of you that may suffer from things like ADHD or similar, open monitoring meditation can be an extremely valuable tool for accessing your creative abilities because of the ways that it allows you to tap into specific circuits within the frontal networks of your brain, so these are networks of the brain that include the areas just behind your forehead, and that allow you to evaluate new and novel rule sets in a very unconstrained way. 1509.wav|Now, some people sometimes fall asleep, some people don't fall asleep, but the idea, and there are data to support, that yoga nidra puts people into kind of a shallow pattern of sleep, certainly not deep sleep and not rapid eye movement sleep, but it's a very interesting and unusual brain state for which we're starting to understand more and actually I have some plans in the not too distant future to collaborate with Matthew Walker, the author of the book, Why We Sleep and some other colleagues to try and figure out what exact patterns of neural activity are taking place in the brain and rest of nervous system during yoga nidra and this similar protocol, which I call non-sleep deep rest. 1510.wav|There are a lot of ways in which our visual system gets worse over time, but one is so called age related macular degeneration. 1511.wav|And on the flip side, we have binge eating disorder and bulimia, where a very unhealthy habit of gorging oneself with food, sometimes followed by purging, is not necessarily coupled to reward. 1512.wav|But in order to make sure that you can do the other things that follow in this program and pick back up on Monday with another leg workout, at least for me with my recovery abilities and my work schedule, I'm not going to do an entire other leg workout because it's going to set the whole thing out of whack. 1513.wav|I mean, by looking from side to side, just because of the way that binocular visual circuits are organized, it will do that. 1514.wav|It's literally a lie that they believe, and their statements and their feelings and their behaviors start to reflect that lie. 1515.wav|They'll think, oh, their arms are a little bit fat, or the contour of their face makes. 1516.wav|And indeed, that's the case. 1517.wav|So you can think of the parvocellar system as kind of a high pixel density. 1518.wav|The literature points to the fact that a feeling of trust, obviously, between the patient and the clinician or the person and the group, is essential. 1519.wav|There are many results out there, different papers, that parallel and essentially say the same thing as what is said in this paper. 1520.wav|And this is not depression of one's mood although it can be associated with that. 1521.wav|There's certainly no requirement to induce shiver. 1522.wav|Many people are trying to cram so many new behaviors into their nervous system that they don't stand a chance of learning all those behaviors. 1523.wav|You probably go to the refrigerator in a very habitual way. 1524.wav|Match to the mattress that's right for you. 1525.wav|It's not a movement of the sort that we typically think of when we think of movements, but nonetheless, it relies on dopamine levels in this pathway. 1526.wav|Why is that important to us? 1527.wav|That's just not the way the world works. 1528.wav|I could throw out some names of exercises just for purpose of understanding. 1529.wav|When we see food and think about food, they drive hunger, and they drive hunger in a way that's responsive to what the food looks like, what it smells like, but also our prior history of interactions with that food. 1530.wav|It's given in very low doses and given locally, so those are the only muscles affected. 1531.wav|Nonetheless, let me describe briefly how narrative can be used to train creativity and to become more creative. 1532.wav|In an earlier episode, both on bipolar and on other forms of depression, I talked about how rates of bipolar manic episodes and dopamine levels and creativity tend to be correlated. 1533.wav|And as we do this, I'd like you to keep in mind what are some things that you've either accomplished or that you'd like to accomplish going forward? 1534.wav|And we have lots of episodes now, or three really on mastering sleep, on perfecting your sleep, and guest episode with the great Matthew Walker, who wrote the book, Why We Sleep, incredibly important book. 1535.wav|They had one group imagine what it would be like to be 30 or 40 years older and then to invest a certain amount of money according to whatever it is they thought that they would need. 1536.wav|And again, if you're interested in psilocybin treatments and psilocybin itself, please check out the episode I did on psilocybin and the guest episode with Dr. 1537.wav|So this is vital. 1538.wav|It's a fairly high dose that's used, but believe it or not, the potency of this effect is on par with many of the prescription antidepressants. 1539.wav|In humans, the cerebellum is relatively small compared to the rest of the so-called neocortex, the outer shell, the human brain. 1540.wav|It's quite a different experience. 1541.wav|So operating under red light, or I should say living, working, et cetera, under red light would allow you to stay awake, not have to hide under the covers if you're experiencing photophobia. 1542.wav|The membrane that, remember I talked before about how steroid hormones can go through the different membranes of the cells, the outer membrane and the inner membrane. 1543.wav|So in the case of the zone two cardio thing, it would be okay, I'm going to put on my shoes, then I'm going to head out the door, then I'm going to drive up the road. 1544.wav|And the FKBP five polymorphism maps to a location in the genome that's associated with the so called glutocorticoid system with cortisol release. 1545.wav|That's how quickly and efficiently they can put them in and people don't detect any pain. 1546.wav|It's a dynamic lens and has little muscles that pull on it and squeeze it and make it thicker or thinner as you look at things close and far away. 1547.wav|Seeing a painting of that isn't interesting. 1548.wav|Even if you are the toughest person in the world and you love the cold, that increase in epinephrine and norepinephrine is going to happen. 1549.wav|Hopefully an understanding of how that homeostasis process works and the time course of nicotine, depending on the delivery device, hopefully understanding that will allow you to develop a protocol. 1550.wav|This study was performed in Scandinavia, in one of the hospitals in Denmark. 1551.wav|However, I did consult with Dr. 1552.wav|It's not deja vu, deja vu is different and very interesting in its own, right? 1553.wav|Or I'll sometimes take a box and turn it upside down and set it there. 1554.wav|Think of yourself outdoors on a very cold winter day, taking a brisk walk. 1555.wav|Neurons, or nerve cells, release chemicals at their sites of communication, which are called synapses. 1556.wav|We could do it every five minutes if we actually had the time to do that. 1557.wav|It's involved in vasodilation, the expansion of the blood vessels and capillaries. 1558.wav|It's the one that says, no, I'm not going to go for the second cookie or the third cookie. 1559.wav|One thing that really pertains to everybody who's working through fear and trauma of any kind is the importance of social connection as it relates to the chemical systems and the neural circuits associated with fear and trauma. 1560.wav|Again, that's takethesis.com slash Huberman and use the code Huberman at checkout for 10% off your first box. 1561.wav|What you first do is you would close your eyes. 1562.wav|But probably what everyone doesn't realize is that you have unique sleep needs. 1563.wav|So when you step on attack, you immediately pull up your foot and you extend the other leg. 1564.wav|Someone correct me if I'm wrong, that the salmonella is actually on the outside of the egg, not actually in the egg itself. 1565.wav|The striatum is part of what's called the basal ganglia. 1566.wav|Even night light exposure in the middle of the night, viewing any light of bright intensity between the hours of 10:00 p.m. 1567.wav|And within those scientific literatures, I think there are some real gems that, at least to my knowledge, we haven't paid too much attention to in the popular sphere. 1568.wav|I think that most of us exist on the other extreme, and that's why I mentioned it, which is that most of us like some social engagement and kind of welcome, or at least set our work environment in a way that welcomes interruption. 1569.wav|The title of the paper that I'm essentially summarizing is called open monitoring meditation reduces the involvement of brain regions related to memory function. 1570.wav|You just do it. 1571.wav|We also have an Instagram and a Twitter account. 1572.wav|I'll return to this in a few minutes, but the time being, let's just build up from first principles, what constitutes something creative and what does not constitute something creative. 1573.wav|And if people had elevated prolactin, they did not experience activation of nucleus accumulants, and they did not report feeling sexually aroused to those pictures, at least not to the same degree as the other group. 1574.wav|If menstruation occurs and day one of the menstrual cycle is considered the first day in which bleeding occurs, well, then what that means is that estrogen is already low, because remember, estrogen was low at the start of the follicular phase and went up, up, up, up, up, up, then it comes down right at the time of ovulation, and progesterone goes up, up, up, up, up during the luteal phase. 1575.wav|I'll just interrupt myself to tell a brief story that there's a famous Nobel laureate who won the Nobel Prize for something totally distant from appetite, but once turned to a friend of mine at a meeting and said, I discovered the biological mechanism for losing weight. 1576.wav|So this is important. 1577.wav|Once again, I want to remind everybody that we really need to separate out a discussion about nicotine from the discussion about the delivery device for nicotine. 1578.wav|And the most common treatment for this that most people rely on that is, is to take non-steroid anti-inflammatory. 1579.wav|And I just want to mention that there are clinical trials, meaning legal clinical trials being done at Johns Hopkins School of Medicine by Matthew Johnson and others exploring how drugs like MDMA, which increases dopamine and serotonin to very high levels, or psilocybin, so called magic mushrooms, which increases serotonin and other compounds to very high levels within the confines of a professionally supported therapeutic environment, can help people rewire their brain such that they can get relief from major depression and various forms of trauma. 1580.wav|So what I'd like to do is to take the scientific literature of how the nervous system learns and engages in neuroplasticity and apply that to habit formation, habit maintenance, and, if so desired, how to break particular habits. 1581.wav|Now, if somebody was already getting six of the final words of those six sentences, well then of course they couldn't improve their performance anymore. 1582.wav|In other words, the effect of increased protein synthesis early in the day was eliminated in the absence of the bmal gene. 1583.wav|I do want to touch on something that anyone who's heard about MDMA, or perhaps used MDMA, is familiar with, and that's the so called crash that people experience after MDMA. 1584.wav|And he said that indica is often referred to as indicouch, meaning laid back, indicouch. 1585.wav|No, most stressors arrive in the form of surprises. 1586.wav|Then turn off the water and stand there. 1587.wav|That running tends to be running in which I'm breathing hard so I'm not able to restrict myself to purely nasal breathing. 1588.wav|I mean, if you think about an increase from 5% to 20%, that's pretty dramatic. 1589.wav|Turns out that there is a role for multitasking, but the multitasking has to be placed at a particular time within your goal seeking behavior in order to be effective. 1590.wav|Whereas if you could only remember one or two, or maybe zero of the final words of those six sentences, then you're going to be in the low working memory span group. 1591.wav|It's not like development occurs and then stops. 1592.wav|Levels is a program that lets you see how different foods affect your health by giving you real time feedback on your diet using a continuous glucose monitor. 1593.wav|Muscle is very metabolically active. 1594.wav|There are a bunch of other things that you can do that are very valuable that we'll explore in the full length episode on colds and flus and how to avoid getting them. 1595.wav|I want to be very clear that at this point in time, June 2023, MDMA is still a schedule one drug that is, it is highly illegal to possess or sell in the United States. 1596.wav|Some of you like to use big monitors. 1597.wav|People still refer to the sativa, indica, and hybrid strains, but there's now also a description of so called type one, type two, and type three strains for any given sativa, indica, or hybrid strain. 1598.wav|For the last 20 minutes or so, we've been talking about the biology of nicotine, specifically, how it impacts the brain, how it impacts the body, why it feels so good, why it can enhance focus. 1599.wav|I actually know where his closet is, and it turns out he has several of them that he migrates from in order to avoid distractions. 1600.wav|However, we also see things that are novel, that are different, and that we don't really think of as creative. 1601.wav|Now, photophobia is a little bit different. 1602.wav|So if you hang out with people that intermittent fast all day, that will seem normal. 1603.wav|I cover all that in those episodes. 1604.wav|Extrapersonal space is everything beyond the confines of my reach. 1605.wav|But if you are going to explore these treadmills, or you're going to explore these cycling stations, you probably wouldn't want to do that for highly verbal work, maybe more for mathematical work, or for analytic work, or even creative work. 1606.wav|So that seems to be accomplished through this dissociation and maybe through the kind of anesthetic component. 1607.wav|It's not crossing my eyes so I can misalign my eyes, because I have to fight very hard to have the musculature for this eye, keep that eye aligned with the other eye. 1608.wav|Five H t just stands for serotonin, the five H t two a receptor, to create very mystical type experiences. 1609.wav|1.5 milligrams per kilogram of body weight would therefore be 150 milligrams in a single dose. 1610.wav|An herbivore will go out and forage for plants and will also have a need to reproduce at some point in its life. 1611.wav|Let's just call it a quitting method to work, because, as I've always said, the most powerful schedule of dopamine is going to be this random, intermittent reward. 1612.wav|Nature and nurture is something that can never really be teased apart exactly because of course, if someone has a natural proclivity for something based on their genes, you can't often separate that from their parents because we inherit our genes from our parents. 1613.wav|They are often encouraged to speak in complete sentences, to flesh out details about how they felt inside, to flesh out details about their memories going into this traumatic or fearful event, going through it, and after really digging into all the nuance and contours of these horrible experiences. 1614.wav|Livemomentous.com Huberman and I should just mention that the library of those supplements is constantly expanding. 1615.wav|But I want to return us to this model about homeostatic processes, reward processes, et cetera. 1616.wav|Some are 13, some are 17. 1617.wav|And there's a really wonderful correlate or measure of the amount of dopamine that's active in that pathway that can be addressed noninvasively in the laboratory. 1618.wav|For that reason, I and many others will take 600 milligrams of a garlic capsule, which can offset that tmao increase. 1619.wav|I'm a professor, so I profess many things. 1620.wav|Okay, so that interesting study on octopuses aside, I think what most of us are interested in is how MDMA impacts the brain. 1621.wav|When we had Dr. Andy Galpin on the podcast, he said something very important that we want to keep in mind today, which is concepts are few, methods are many. 1622.wav|And this gets into some nuance in the literature, but by my read of the literature, here's the takeaway. 1623.wav|Normally, the passage of blood goes from arteries to capillaries to veins. 1624.wav|Rates of heart attack, rates of stroke, rates of cognitive decline are all increased. 1625.wav|Again, things beyond the confines of my skin or your skin is dopamine. 1626.wav|Now, I want to acknowledge that some people might be starting a fitness program and so 60 to 75 minutes of jogging might be too long or a three hour weighted vested hike, or some people might even do what's called a ruck, like you wear a rucksack, that might be too much. 1627.wav|If you want to check out the premium channel, you can go to HubermanLab.com slash premium. 1628.wav|Again, the fear system is very generic. 1629.wav|But THC, as I'll refer to it, is just one of the psychoactive and biologically active compounds within cannabis plants. 1630.wav|Now, how can you focus your visual attention internally if your eyes are closed? 1631.wav|We will provide a link to the full study so you can explore it in more detail. 1632.wav|But of course clothing that is culturally appropriate and that would allow you to experience cold to the point where you would almost want to shiver or start shivering. 1633.wav|With athletic greens, I get my vitamins, my minerals and the probiotics I need to support a healthy gut microbiome and gut brain axis without having to worry about taking a bunch of other things. 1634.wav|L-tyrosine is not as potent in increasing dopamine as are the prescriptions drugs that I referred to before, tends to be milder. 1635.wav|There are a couple of methods that have been shown to help people quit. 1636.wav|The letters, of course, get smaller and smaller. 1637.wav|So when you're well hydrated and you have the appropriate amount of electrolytes in your system, your mental functioning and your physical functioning is improved. 1638.wav|Rather than saying, I'm going to view the world the way that someone else would view the world, by stating that we are going to be motivated by their set of motivations and not our own, it includes a lot more possibilities and yet not an infinite number of possibilities. 1639.wav|Now, there are other reasons for that, too. 1640.wav|To be honest with you, there are not enough studies to really point to the critical threshold for eliminating or reducing delayed onset muscle soreness or for getting maximal results from power and endurance training. 1641.wav|I confess, in previous aspects of my life, I've tended to like adrenaline. 1642.wav|So in other words, once you are performing that cognitive or motor task in a way that's satisfactory or perhaps just improved, perhaps you're not 100%, but it's improved in the real world, you don't need to continue to do mental training and visualization to maintain that real world performance. 1643.wav|And the reason I want you to do this is that all of the psychology of goal setting and goal pursuit is wonderful because it places things into the different categories. 1644.wav|But the ssris themselves are not plugging into some specific mechanism related to how fear comes about in the system. 1645.wav|So let's just take EAE and two ag, lump them together, and talk about the endogenous cannabinoids, just to make it simple. 1646.wav|So she purposely did not position her computer facing the door, which I think is a deadly, or I should say deadly, to focus way of positioning your workspace. 1647.wav|This is something that's not often discussed about cannabis, but it can, especially the sativa varieties, can increase people's level of focus to particular things. 1648.wav|Before we begin, I'd like to emphasize that this podcast is separate from my teaching and research roles at Stanford. 1649.wav|Sounds like a rocky movie where he would drink the raw egg yolks, a randomized, double blind, placebo controlled trial. 1650.wav|Again, it places your brain and body into a state of readiness, and then the idea is to move into the particular actions that bring you closer to your goal. 1651.wav|Put simply, omega-3s are not just something that comes from food or supplements, they are also being marketed as prescription drugs. 1652.wav|But it's not so obvious because it turns out that if your dopamine levels are very, very high, and this can be measured non-invasively through the frequency of blinks, or it can be measured more invasively through brain imaging, even through blood draws or other methods to measure dopamine if dopamine levels are very, very high, what you observe is that divergent thinking is actually very, very poor. 1653.wav|And one of those includes the ability to hang from a bar for a minute or longer. 1654.wav|If none of those names mean anything to you, don't worry about it. 1655.wav|In fact, your eye even contains neurons that release dopamine that control the sensitivity of your eye at different times of day, to light, et cetera. 1656.wav|The reverse is not always true. 1657.wav|The reason I started taking athletic greens, and the reason I still take athletic greens once or usually twice a day, is that it gets me the probiotics that I need for gut health. 1658.wav|And smoking, vaping, dipping and snuffing contain carcinogens which are cancer promoting. 1659.wav|First of all, physical proximity is a key variable in terms of transmission of cold and flu. 1660.wav|And I think it's almost certain that those experiences that people report relate to these increases in dopamine. 1661.wav|Well, that was covered by Dr. Andy Galpin as well. 1662.wav|In other words, performance on the working memory tasks that we are about to do is a decent indication of what the dopamine levels that are available for release in your prefrontal cortex perhaps might be. 1663.wav|In other words, it captures two fundamental features of the visual system, our ability to encode things in two dimensions and understand symbols, and our ability to understand things in three dimensions, and in particular, the wall as a three-dimensional object is really interesting because it's an actual physical barrier. 1664.wav|And oftentimes critics will say, well, the increase in metabolism isn't that significant, although I do want to point out again the 93% and 350% increases in metabolism from that previous study. 1665.wav|This gives you tremendous flexibility, and indeed it gives you much more latitude to be able to use the same temperatures in different ways or to reduce the temperature only a little bit and still get a lot of stimulus, meaning a lot of results out of a given protocol. 1666.wav|But then after orgasm, both in males and females, prolactin levels skyrocket. 1667.wav|Please do that. 1668.wav|It seems to help people behaviorally and psychologically, because they don't come to expect having a particular amount of dopamine in their brain and blood at any given time. 1669.wav|So more than 1 billion and probably closer to 2 billion people consume nicotine. 1670.wav|You can kind of slide underneath that screen and get typing. 1671.wav|So I hope that that principle, or I should say that protocol was communicated clearly. 1672.wav|Well, here we have to look at the dosages used in these studies. 1673.wav|So in any event, I think this is a very useful practice that many people could benefit from. 1674.wav|Go in and reinforce, tighten the bolts on that circuitry that are allowing you to not feel the impulse to smoke, not feel the impulse to vape. 1675.wav|You've been making them basically from the time that you were conceived, and you are going to make them until the time that you die. 1676.wav|I'm encouraging people to achieve their goals. 1677.wav|Or maybe now I'm hearing that people should take calls instead of doing zoom. 1678.wav|Nonetheless, there are these pepper eating contests out there that, while not very common, do exist, and people challenge each other to eat peppers of extreme spiciness. 1679.wav|What I'd like to discuss next, I find extremely exciting. 1680.wav|So in the initial trial, what would happen is that arrow would pop up on the screen and your job is to press the left key. 1681.wav|This is a naturally occurring experiment, not to say that it's natural, like people should do it, but it's an experiment that's happening in real time, in the real world, much faster than controlled studies within university laboratories and other laboratories can keep up. 1682.wav|So nine to 14 hours after waking, dopamine and norepinephrine and cortisol are starting to taper down just naturally, and a different neuromodulator, serotonin, is starting to rise. 1683.wav|Want to really emphasize that there is an increased seizure risk with bupryprone. 1684.wav|Actually, that's not what happens. 1685.wav|And conversely, in the summer months, days are very, very long in Tromsø, Norway. 1686.wav|There's a good chance there's brainstem damage. 1687.wav|So these are bikes that have the fan, which might seem like, oh, you know, it just cools you off, but actually there's a lot of resistance there. 1688.wav|And it is distinctly different from exterraception, which is your ability and tendency to focus on things beyond the confines of your skin. 1689.wav|And now you have some tools to try and reduce the duration and severity of those colds and flus should you get one. 1690.wav|And the neural circuits associated with task bracketing are basically the neural circuits that are going to allow you to learn any new type of habit or break any habit that you'd like to break. 1691.wav|But if you're having trouble doing that, also, just use the procedural memory exercise in order to shift your nervous system toward a higher likelihood that you will return to that habit, just the same way I described for trying to initiate a new habit. 1692.wav|Actually, if you think you have binge eating disorder, you can find the criteria for that and you could contact Dr. 1693.wav|Okay, so just to make it really simple, first-person better than third-person visualization, if you're going to go with third-person visualization, try and go with real third-person visualization where you're actually seeing and or hearing yourself on a screen. 1694.wav|You have an opportunity early in life to rescue that. 1695.wav|Okay, so that describes habits through the lens of neuroscience and biology. 1696.wav|Frankly, I like to train heavier, I enjoy training in the four to eight rep range. 1697.wav|Perhaps it would decrease performance, in which case there, you got your answer. 1698.wav|There are other convergent thinking modes that can take you to an answer that would be valid, but there are not many. 1699.wav|This should come as no surprise to us. 1700.wav|And then we have the salience network, which is the networks within the brain that decide or make choices about what's most interesting to pay attention to in a given moment. 1701.wav|First of all, let's talk about an accurate representation of a face. 1702.wav|And of course, as I mentioned before, that fundamental thing may or may not be consciously accessible to us. 1703.wav|Our eyelids close and our chin moves down. 1704.wav|I'll sprint at about 95% of what I can do because I find if I go all out sprint, I don't know what the reason is, but it might be an overextension of a limb or something like that. 1705.wav|Now move to the palm tree. 1706.wav|That practice is in stark contrast to multitasking, where by definition, your attention is moving from place to place to place. 1707.wav|Now, in terms of workspace optimization. 1708.wav|The Mobius strip is literally a strip or a line that is contiguous. 1709.wav|People can sometimes have trouble sleeping for days and days, and afterwards, we'll talk about sleep in a little bit. 1710.wav|When things are up, we tend to be alert. 1711.wav|I don't have to do much or motivate much to get it. 1712.wav|Ketone IQ is a ketone supplement that increases blood ketones. 1713.wav|So these are people who have taken MDMA anywhere from 660 to 450 times in their lifetime. 1714.wav|Nonetheless, if you look across the board at the studies of binaural beats, and you ask what sorts of binaural beats appear to be useful for people to enhance their brain function for particular kinds of tasks, we arrive at some very interesting answers. 1715.wav|You can't just say, I'm going to become a better recycler. 1716.wav|You're going to get those three workouts in somehow. 1717.wav|Now, a number of people have reached out about finding NSDR protocols. 1718.wav|And so what's so nice about the literature around working memory is that while I'm not covering all of that literature exhaustively, it all tends to jive. 1719.wav|As a consequence, when they look at a green lawn, it looks more brownish or orange to them. 1720.wav|And they said, yeah, if I just stay in one place and I just look from this one particular visual angle at the screen, I find after one or two talks, regardless of how interesting the talks are, that I start to kind of drift. 1721.wav|Anyway, I match to the dusk. 1722.wav|Well, now you understand what the origin of the hormonal headache is. 1723.wav|And you will see a vast variation in people's coordinated movements with utensils. 1724.wav|That's one of the reasons I like them. 1725.wav|Pcol stands for phenylethylamines. 1726.wav|So this is incredible. 1727.wav|Thesis understands this and therefore has designed custom nootropics that vary and are tailored to you so that, for instance, if you want to achieve focus and clarity for one particular type of work, there is a nootropic for that. 1728.wav|Now the stop signal task is something that I'll explain to you. 1729.wav|Some people are very sensitive to spicy, some people can tolerate very spicy food, and that one can build up a tolerance to spicy food by ingesting progressively spicier, excuse me, spicier and spicier foods over time. 1730.wav|Some people think of aura just as visual aura or the sense of kind of a haloing of light or the sense that there's something outside the body. 1731.wav|What is clear is that mental training and visualization is a very effective way to improve real world performance. 1732.wav|I just decided to knew more or less how to swim straightish. 1733.wav|So for every 45 minutes or so, try and get five minutes of relaxing your eyes. 1734.wav|I think it means continue despite any anxiety or fear that things won't work out. 1735.wav|And yet, there are still questions about its toxicity and its long term effects, both after acute use, meaning just one to three times, as well as chronic use, meaning people who have taken it many, many times. 1736.wav|There's a study published in 2010, 1st author Lally L-A-L-L-Y this study found that for the same habit to be formed, it can take anywhere from 18 days to as many as 254 days for different individuals to form that habit. 1737.wav|So the idea here is to give you information to your burning questions in depth and allow you the opportunity to support the kind of research that provides those kinds of answers in the first place. 1738.wav|So I've been hitting you with a lot of names of things, but for the moment, even if you're interested in all the neuroscience names and structures and so forth. 1739.wav|As I mentioned earlier, most of the detailed studies on the conversion of white fat to beige fat and brown fat through the use of cold have been done in animal models. 1740.wav|And that's because it's part of the circuitry that's keeping you from jumping off is the thought about what would happen if you did, okay? 1741.wav|And that's what's happening when you extinguish a fear, when you unlearn a fear. 1742.wav|Well certainly that's not a true statement. 1743.wav|And it's a collection of neurons. 1744.wav|But this behavior, or this practice rather, is teaching us to use our visual system and thereby our cognitive system, and thereby our reward systems, to orient to different locations in space and therefore at different locations in time. 1745.wav|Seeing a photograph of a dog raising its leg to pee on a fire hydrant is not interesting. 1746.wav|And this can be a little bit tough to dial in, meaning it can be tough to identify such an object. 1747.wav|Well, if there's even a slight bit of swelling in the brain or even distant brain tissue, so for instance, even if there's whiplash, so there's swelling of the tissue, muscular tissue and neural tissue in the neck area, that can constrict the flow of things like cerebral spinal fluid, blood flow, and indeed mucus and other things that are essential. 1748.wav|And therefore, when you take that drug, you're going to get all of that stuff. 1749.wav|And in general, when embarking on new protocols, in particular, if they involve strong stimuli like changing temperature or placing yourself into unusual temperatures, I would encourage you to progress gradually. 1750.wav|Although 57.2 degrees fahrenheit, 14 degrees celsius is not a, you know, it's not a warm environment, but it's not an ultra, ultra cold environment. 1751.wav|The fifth sentence is, kids nowadays look at screens more than 60% of their waking life. 1752.wav|This is one of the reasons why I like the behavioral protocols that we talked about earlier, because they're known to create big but long lasting and slowly tapering off increases in dopamine and other catecholamines. 1753.wav|And it takes into account social context whether or not we are going to get the whole pizza to ourselves or whether or not there are going to be others that we are going to have to compete with. 1754.wav|That's a terrific zero cost way to support us. 1755.wav|So if this isn't clear enough just from my statements, I'd like to point to a particular paper. 1756.wav|That is, what this study involved was having subjects walk on a treadmill at a pretty significant incline, anywhere from nine to 17%, wearing a substantial amount of clothing that was not well ventilated. 1757.wav|But I think the 15% rule, as we may call it, is a good metric to aim for, and it can serve both students and teachers. 1758.wav|But perhaps you're working on hydration. 1759.wav|But that early part of the day is a time of day in which, for sake of workspace optimization, being in a brightly lit environment can lend itself to optimal work throughout the day, not just during that early phase. 1760.wav|They have different underlying biologies. 1761.wav|But today I'm really going to dig into some of the finer points of the methodology in papers and some of the statistics that were used and the specific populations of people that were studied. 1762.wav|Without going into the biology of those things, they set your brain into a state of high alertness. 1763.wav|So volume and mechanical influences have a profound effect on how we think and what we consider doing or not doing. 1764.wav|And they do have those varieties. 1765.wav|But all the things that standardize and kind of promote health, adequate sleep, good social connection, regular cardiovascular and weight training, exercise, healthy nutrition, what that represents to you, healthy metabolic function and weight, et cetera, those are all going to facilitate some recovery of brain function, in particular prefrontal cortical function, by way of all the positive effects that those behaviors and choices have. 1766.wav|And leaning into the practice, your willpower will have to be higher, I suspect, late in the day as compared to early in the day. 1767.wav|But I don't think that there's anything particularly specific about cold for inducing testosterone and not other hormones. 1768.wav|And that's more typical. 1769.wav|So reward prediction error is beautiful not just because it's a sort of math of anticipation and reward or a math of anticipation and disappointment. 1770.wav|It has an unmatched 25 grams of protein per a hundred calories. 1771.wav|Let's say it's because of the way that food restriction was used for reward in the household. 1772.wav|Forgive my terrible beeping. 1773.wav|And indeed, I will point out what those thresholds ought to be. 1774.wav|Long term depression has nothing to do with depression as a psychological state or as an illness. 1775.wav|I cannot encourage you enough, or rather, I should say I cannot discourage enough, the use of cannabis and any related compounds in cannabis, edible or smoked, certainly not smoked, but even edible during pregnancy, and certainly in breastfeeding, lactating mothers. 1776.wav|So now I'm going to offer you a tool. 1777.wav|I don't want to be excessively vague there. 1778.wav|And in the references of this paper, it also points to other examples now of the cathedral effect, which I find very interesting, because as a vision scientist and someone who spends his life thinking about, and indeed talking about the nervous system, we know that our cognition follows our vision. 1779.wav|Indica tends to be more full body, then lead to more indicouch, as I referred to it before, pun intended, deep relaxation, reduced insomnia, et cetera. 1780.wav|I used to attend a lot of scientific meetings when a lot of scientific meetings were in person. 1781.wav|It actually allows more blood to flow through those arteries, vessels, and capillaries. 1782.wav|What I use in the weight vest is irrelevant, but it certainly changes the level of effort required when taking a hike or even a walk. 1783.wav|Well, the clinical trials in this country are not complete. 1784.wav|Inside Tracker is a personalized nutrition platform that analyzes data from your blood and DNA to help you better understand your body and help you reach your health goals. 1785.wav|One of the ways in which curcumin does that is to inhibit this thing that I talked about a few minutes ago, which is nitric oxide or NO, which causes vasodilation. 1786.wav|Okay, again, you don't need to know all those names. 1787.wav|Clearly, this is overriding all those homeostatic processes, all the signals that would say, eat, eat. 1788.wav|But that needn't be the case, right? 1789.wav|Is it the fact that people are spending more time indoors? 1790.wav|What happens if we just stand? 1791.wav|In any of the studies that you will find in terms of, that compare the overall prevalence of headache it's going to be higher, substantially higher in females than males, does not seem to be related to the ovulatory menstrual cycle. 1792.wav|So what does that mean? 1793.wav|Halpern pointed out, there are circuits in the brain to reward eating, often eating fast and cramming as much food into you as possible. 1794.wav|Without even signing up if you just want to access them straight off. 1795.wav|So I'll give a little bit of definition to some of the terms in the title that will make it easier for you to understand the paper. 1796.wav|So what are the two major shifts that cannabis causes on our patterns of speech. 1797.wav|You don't have to think about it too much. 1798.wav|If you put a snell in chart in your home, you can do that as part of your visual training. 1799.wav|But getting into optic flow is very important for destressing your system when you move through space, whether or not it's through walking, biking, even swimming, if it's self generated optic flow. 1800.wav|So it is thought that for every pack of cigarettes consumed per day, so you could average that out if you're a two a day cigarette smoker or a pack a day cigarette smoker or two pack a day, for every pack of cigarettes smoked per day, we can reliably estimate a 14 year reduction in lifespan. 1801.wav|Now, this has two major effects. 1802.wav|Most of us think of white noise as that on a screen, all the black and white pixels going all around, like they call it visual snow. 1803.wav|But in any event, there are exceptions. 1804.wav|So I do my very best to get a workout in on Sunday. 1805.wav|Ricarte was accused of, quote, rushing his results into print because of legislation designed to curb ecstasy use before us Congress. 1806.wav|Now, the effects of cold are many, it's not just vasoconstriction, but the effects of cold are also counterbalanced by some of the problems with deliberate cold exposure that maybe you've heard about on this podcast and a lot of other podcasts and seem to be a kind of a buzz theme on Twitter and elsewhere. 1807.wav|Happens very, very quickly. 1808.wav|You can find NSDR scripts on YouTube. 1809.wav|Now, I'm not suggesting you go out and eat raw egg yolks. 1810.wav|So not necessarily feeling states. 1811.wav|And it details a number of statistics. 1812.wav|A few years ago at one of these pepper eating contests, man ate a Carolina Reaper as part of the competition, and suddenly experienced what's called thunderclap headache. 1813.wav|So, for instance, if you go to hubermanlab.com, you can click on the menu, click to neural Network newsletter or simply newsletter, and you can sign up. 1814.wav|So we've taken the 24 hours cycle. 1815.wav|I've given my stance on this in a prior podcast, but I'll just repeat it for those of you that haven't heard it. 1816.wav|So now I want to focus on some of the work that's been done around the habits and behaviors of anorexics, because those turned out to be ideal places for intervention. 1817.wav|It turns out that there's excellent peer reviewed data on this. 1818.wav|If you were to search for apps or go online and try and find sounds that can improve thinking or change your emotions, you're generally going to find three types. 1819.wav|That is, he draws or stencils or graffitis in a very cryptic way, I should say. 1820.wav|Let's say for instance, the leg workout was particularly brutal, you don't sleep that well on Monday night or Tuesday night. 1821.wav|It does not say that you should avoid protein later in the day. 1822.wav|It's by no means a miracle cure. 1823.wav|Now, they didn't look at cognition specifically in this paper, but they did look at the other aspects, that is the bad stuff associated with TBI. 1824.wav|Let's talk about background noise to avoid. 1825.wav|Then there's a need to replace or attach positive experiences to the earlier, what would be traumatic response. 1826.wav|When I explained how to do that in earlier episodes, it got a little convoluted. 1827.wav|So it stamped down a very specific memory. 1828.wav|If we are to be good at goal seeking, if we are to be good at setting goals and assessing goals, if we are to achieve our goals, we have to be able to toggle back and forth between a clear understanding of our peripersonal space, what we have, and how we feel in the immediate present, and our ability to understand what's out there in the extrapersonal space, and our ability to move into that extrapersonal space. 1829.wav|What is all of this doing? 1830.wav|If you actually draw two circles on a sheet of paper and they look like two circles, but if you put little dots in the middle of them, they look like eyes. 1831.wav|I think that checking in at the end of a week, looking back on the previous week, and assessing how well you performed in pursuit of a given goal, how many times a week you ran, or how many times you studied, or how many times you did something that you wanted to do or avoided something that you didn't want to do. 1832.wav|It depends on the strength of the coffee, of course, but it's not an outrageous amount of caffeine that increases the density and or efficacy of these receptors, which would allow that dopamine to have its greatest effect. 1833.wav|And time will tell what problems, if any, arise from the short or long term use of MDMA in this context. 1834.wav|Does that mean that cigarette smoking is fairly easy to quit for most people? 1835.wav|There are far fewer studies of microdosing of psilocybin. 1836.wav|But now I ask you to close your eyes or we could keep them open and just imagine that, dun, dun, dun, okay? 1837.wav|I've long just used a stack of books. 1838.wav|Now, notice I said serotonergic tone. 1839.wav|If I'm outdoors at a cafe or something and the table has any kind of reflective properties and it's a sunny day, I can barely see the person across the table from me unless I'm wearing sunglasses. 1840.wav|That's absolutely clear. 1841.wav|And they looked at how social people felt, they looked at how insightful people felt. 1842.wav|However, neurogenesis, the literal formation of new neurons in the brain is a very exciting idea, and it does occur. 1843.wav|The great thing about Element is also tastes terrific. 1844.wav|The same circuits are involved. 1845.wav|Now, they do this by putting mice in arenas where they have the option of either spending time with other mice or not spending time with other mice and blocking the activation of certain brain areas, and again, using drug antagonists, et cetera. 1846.wav|But stronger tendency to inherit it from the father who experienced abuse is one in which the glucocorticoid system, the cortisol system, and that hpa axis that we talked about before, the hypothalamic pituitary adrenal axis is sensitized or reactive in a way that sets a lower threshold to become traumatized or very afraid of certain types of events. 1847.wav|It would be more accurate, but a mindset neural circuit set of doing things in a particular sequence which allows that limbic friction to come down and increases the likelihood that we're going to perform that thing. 1848.wav|They act as portals to the world and to ourselves. 1849.wav|Only 5% of people succeed in doing that. 1850.wav|So for any of you that are interested in how to develop better focus and attention, understanding what working memory is and some of the things that you can do to improve your working memory can be very beneficial. 1851.wav|We're not here to judge that. 1852.wav|And there are going to be a constellation of different accelerations and breaking of different neural systems in the brain and body, depending on whether or not people ingest sativa or indica or some hybrid strain. 1853.wav|Now, what quantities? 1854.wav|And then in step two, you would ask yourself, okay, rather than write about or think about or move from the perspective of myself, let's say you're feeling particularly happy that day. 1855.wav|The parasympathetic branch of the autonomic nervous system are the cells and neurons and chemicals and other aspects of your brain and body that are involved in the calming nervous system. 1856.wav|So her computer was facing the wall, the door was perpendicular to that. 1857.wav|Lowering anxiety, you might think, would lead to ingestion of more food, but that's not often what happens. 1858.wav|Perspective shifting and action generating. 1859.wav|So by my read of the literature, these seem to be healthy increases in our baseline levels of these chemicals in ways that can really support us. 1860.wav|When dopamine levels are lower or less active in this pathway, people tend to blink less. 1861.wav|Perhaps you don't know the answers to those questions. 1862.wav|So, again, you have an accelerator and a break, and it's like the accelerator is always pushed down. 1863.wav|But ultimately, there's a big payoff at the end, and it's all basically for that big payoff. 1864.wav|So very different than short and long-term memory, which we also discussed, and we talked about a few of the mechanisms as well. 1865.wav|Of only 5% of people who try to quit with no other support, pharmacologic or hypnosis or otherwise, just say, that's it, I'm not going to smoke again or I'm not going to vape again. 1866.wav|In fact, the field of psychiatry has never before seen the kind of success in treatment of PTSD with any other compound that they are seeing and achieving with the appropriate safe use of MDMA. 1867.wav|People will start saying, oh, you know, it's just too bright in here. 1868.wav|In the best surveys that one can find of if you could quit smoking, if you could quit vaping, would you, what you find is that, at least for cigarette smokers, 70%, 70 want to quit. 1869.wav|This paper was published in the journal Science, which is one of the three apex journals for publishing scientific research. 1870.wav|But I had friends that had a lot of siblings. 1871.wav|Working memory is a store of memory. 1872.wav|This is highly individual. 1873.wav|And the fact that habit slips missing of particular habits and not doing all six is kind of built into the system, I think makes it a very reasonable one. 1874.wav|However, the tissue surrounding the brain such as the dura, the meninges and the vasculature that then reaches up, believe it or not, into the skull, the vasculature doesn't actually stop right beneath the skull, it actually blood vessels get into the skull and there are actually portals by which blood can move within the skull itself. 1875.wav|Someone you put in the comments why that is. 1876.wav|That's thorne.com theletter Uberman, and there you can see the thorn products that I take and get 20% off any of those products. 1877.wav|It's not one of the drugs on the lookup table for ADHD or TBI, but certain well-informed neurologists and physicians do prescribe it for that reason. 1878.wav|So that's why it's so common. 1879.wav|So low light, low temperature environment, you can always pile on blankets. 1880.wav|Machines are quickly getting better, or at least as good as super recognizers, but the best super recognizers are still better than the best AI and machine algorithms out there. 1881.wav|In fact, among the more important themes that comes up again and again on this podcast, anytime that we're talking about neuroscience or actually biology in any case, is that rarely if ever is there one location in the brain where something happens. 1882.wav|I'll make my own dopamine reward. 1883.wav|But, and this is a very important point, as we progress along this discussion of working memory, the neural circuits, dopamine, et cetera, I want to make clear something that I said earlier, which is that it is not the case that increasing the amount of dopamine that's available always increases working memory span. 1884.wav|And it turns out that brain state, whether or not you call it yoga nidra, you call it NSCR, whether or not you call it meditation-induced shift in consciousness as they did in this study, although they do refer to yoga nidra, all refer to the same thing, which is being motionless and yet aware and relaxed, I should mention. 1885.wav|So a one minute sprint or less, or a one minute all out cycling on a stationary bike, this sort of thing. 1886.wav|And this pseudo-random element is extremely important. 1887.wav|And typically it's brought into the brain and body by smoking tobacco, dipping tobacco, snuffing tobacco, or vaping nicotine. 1888.wav|I personally prefer to do my cardiovascular work not having eaten anything in the previous three to 10 hours, and typically that's because I wake up and I'll do the cardiovascular training within about an hour of waking up, or sometimes later because my first meal generally falls, generally, not always, falls around 11 a.m. 1889.wav|However, the good news is they are typically very susceptible to elevations in mood through observing or hearing positive stories, listening to music that they like, any kind of so-called inspirational stimuli. 1890.wav|There's a much better approach to doing all this. 1891.wav|That's remarkable. 1892.wav|To find the supplements we discuss on the Huberman Lab podcast, you can go to Live Momentus, spelled O-U-S, livemomentus.com slash Huberman. 1893.wav|Now, one of the other key components of a successful mental training and visualization practice is how often you perform that mental training and visualization practice. 1894.wav|Because let's be honest, what's more exciting than the idea that your brain can add new brain cells later in life? 1895.wav|Now, I'd like to emphasize a topic that we touched on at the beginning of the episode, which are those glaborous skin surfaces, the hands, the upper face, and the bottoms of the feet, through which heat is especially good at leaving the body. 1896.wav|It works very well, I assure you. 1897.wav|Personally, I think that's the polite thing to try and do. 1898.wav|I'll give you a couple of suggestions about the ones I do use, but really exercise selection, as Dr. Andy Galpin pointed out, is a very important variable. 1899.wav|A long, reverbatory experience of fear, like trouble sleeping that night and the following night. 1900.wav|And therefore, I think on its own, at least in many cases, is unlikely to be a complete therapy for fear and trauma. 1901.wav|Sometimes people mix these up. 1902.wav|Let's say that you are trying to get into the habit, or you're in the early stages of forming a habit to meditate regularly. 1903.wav|Now, oxytocin is considered what's called a neurohormone because it acts as both a neurotransmitter or I guess if we were going to be really specific, we'd say a neuromodulator, because it tends to modulate the activity of a bunch of other circuits and a hormone. 1904.wav|Executive function involves the prefrontal cortex and some other neural structures. 1905.wav|Now, I do want to say, because it would be entirely inappropriate for me to not say this, that in most areas of the world, and in particular in the United States, psilocybin is still illegal. 1906.wav|This study explored how protein intake, which included what are called branch chain, amino acids and amino acids like leucine, which are important for muscle protein synthesis. 1907.wav|And indeed, that is true. 1908.wav|Neurons require sodium in order to fire what are called action potentials or electrical signaling between neurons, and they require potassium and magnesium, and those have to be present in the correct ratios in order for your brain and body to function optimally. 1909.wav|The first one is saffron of all things. 1910.wav|In general, that's true. 1911.wav|You might wonder, well, how can people do musical performance that are listening to binaural beats? 1912.wav|Previously I told you that it's great to foreshadow failure, that that's a great way to get your system into a state of activation. 1913.wav|Again, not chronic fatigue syndrome per se, but chronic fatigue, which was in this study defined as a general sense of bodily weakness and even mental weakness. 1914.wav|I've heard this before described as what does right look like? 1915.wav|So rather than think of creativity as a noun or somebody being creative as an adjective, think about the verb creativity, that is what are the steps required? 1916.wav|And in fact, at a subjective level, I can feel a meaningful increase in alertness and focus from 500 milligrams of L-tyrosine. 1917.wav|Plus a year supply of vitamin D. 1918.wav|And by the way, if you are interested in understanding the relationship between motor skill acquisition and retention and this first night phenomenon of sleep the first night after training versus sleep on the second night, et cetera, there's a really wonderful paper that was published by none other than the great Matthew Walker, when I believe he was a graduate student, maybe he was a postdoc when he did this in Robert Stickgold's lab at Harvard. 1919.wav|And the key component is that people stay awake and engage in very little movement. 1920.wav|Does it depend on the habit that one is trying to form, or does it depend on the person that's trying to form the habit? 1921.wav|And there tends to be, especially with certain strains of cannabis, increase in appetite, so called munchies. 1922.wav|Roca understands these kinds of adaptations, and the other one's required to see clearly, and those are built into the engineering of their sunglasses and eyeglasses. 1923.wav|So please take the protocol into consideration, but do not treat it as wholly, treat it as a starting point from which you can adapt it to your specific fitness needs. 1924.wav|I did consult with our chair of ophthalmology, Dr. 1925.wav|And here I'm not talking necessarily about eating disorders. 1926.wav|This is an interesting and important discussion, I believe, because creativity is one of the more sought after and more elusive states that humans can experience. 1927.wav|So here, using arguably a very reductionist view, we're looking at all of this thing of we're calling creativity through a very neurosciencey, reductionist lens, we can say this. 1928.wav|So that's going to require quite a high intake of omega-3s in whatever form or supplement you decide to take those into your body, but that can improve mood and so forth. 1929.wav|And this actually can be restored in some of these that took place in Parkinson's patients and other people who have dopamine depleted, that when dopamine is restored pharmacologically, their visual focus is reenhanced again. 1930.wav|And these are fine wires, they're not the major highways between different areas, if you will. 1931.wav|Okay, so we've already established two things. 1932.wav|When that caffeine wears off, the adenosine combined and we feel sleepy. 1933.wav|But that is not the same thing as thinking about ourselves as failing. 1934.wav|So while it doesn't complete all 180 to 200 minutes per week, it certainly gets you a good distance, pun intended, toward that goal. 1935.wav|And by placing particular habits at particular phases of the day, those neurochemical states start to be associated with the leaning in and the process of beginning. 1936.wav|I mean, there are certain ones like vitamin D3 and fish oils and things like that that are more common than L-tyrosine, but there are many physicians who are open to discussions about supplements such as L-tyrosine. 1937.wav|And that actually generates hypertrophy. 1938.wav|And that's also where we start to see that while trauma therapy in the form of talk therapy can be very effective, about half of people that undergo talk therapy and talk therapy alone for the treatment of PTSD achieve no long lasting relief of symptoms. 1939.wav|And all of a sudden, those neural circuits get a boost. 1940.wav|That's very, very fast. 1941.wav|So there are a lot of different drugs that can improve working memory. 1942.wav|Although typically you're going to see studies both clinical and more research explorative using anywhere from one to 1.5 milligrams of MDMA per kilogram of body weight. 1943.wav|So let's talk about what some of those effects are. 1944.wav|It is approved, provided it is prescribed by a board certified physician in the United States. 1945.wav|Some people, other members of my family, for instance, have dark brown eyes and could just sit there and have a conversation without the need for sunglasses at all. 1946.wav|For me, this long Sunday jog of 60 to 75 minutes or long Sunday hike or weighted walk or weighted hike really accomplishes that goal. 1947.wav|Tiny cluster of neurons that offers up, or I should say has, because they're always there from birth, has these little wires, these axons that extend many, many places in the brain, not every place, but virtually every place, and can sprinkler the brain with norepinephrine, essentially serve as a wake up signal, elevating levels of energy. 1948.wav|Certainly that's one possibility, but I have no evidence for that, or rather, whether or not certain people within the Lds community have allowed themselves, given themselves permission to use MDMA and they are not using other drugs. 1949.wav|A different way to put it would be imagine that the bad habit is like a chord on the piano that you play, or a chord of notes or a sequence of notes that you would play. 1950.wav|If you like your scrambled eggs dry or you like your eggs not easy over, or whatever, not runny, then you aren't going to get the benefits of the leucine. 1951.wav|So, understanding what we know about reward prediction error, we can make better choices about where to place the milestones, how far out in the future to place milestones. 1952.wav|If they experience deficits in memory, and that's almost always present, that's going to be because of reductions in electrical activity within this brain region we call the hippocampus. 1953.wav|In fact, if you're a young person, and you see perfectly, or you feel as if you see the world perfectly, you are in the best position to bolster, to reinforce that visual system so that you don't lose your vision as you age. 1954.wav|You certainly don't need to know these mechanisms to benefit from deliberate cold exposure protocols. 1955.wav|They are often co released from different sites in the brain and body with dopamine, a molecule that is commonly misunderstood as the molecule of pleasure, but is actually the molecule of motivation, reward and pursuit. 1956.wav|So that's timestamped in that episode. 1957.wav|The origins of that aren't exactly clear. 1958.wav|And this paper shows quite definitively that ingesting caffeine, in this case it was 300 milligram dose of caffeine, which is about the dose of caffeine in two or three cups of coffee. 1959.wav|It doesn't really matter. 1960.wav|No one really knows who Banksy is or when he does his art, he just reveals his art by putting it up, but he does this in the context of cities and on three-dimensional objects. 1961.wav|So, in other words, if you can hold ViSual Focus, you can hold Mental Focus, cognitive focus. 1962.wav|So what this sentence essentially says is this is the first study exploring how a chemical that's naturally released in our body relates to a particular quality of conscious experience. 1963.wav|Keep in mind that fevers that are the response to exposure to a cold or flu or being full-blown sick with a cold and flu are an attempt of your immune system to heat up that virus and destroy it. 1964.wav|But this five minute a day protocol of cyclic hyperventilation does lead to big increases in autonomic arousal. 1965.wav|We're not talking about treatment of Parkinson's today. 1966.wav|If you're going to sit down and work on a book, or you're going to sit down and try and figure out a hard math problem, or you're going to write a letter that's been really challenging for you to write, or maybe that you're really excited to write, but that you've been slow to get out the door for whatever reason. 1967.wav|And that produces big increases in dopamine and serotonin to create these highly motivated, prosocial, empathic states, meaning both empathy for others and for self, and that when applied in the context of psychiatric challenges like PTSD and addiction, is proving to create a lot of relief for a lot of people where other forms of drug therapy or combination drug and talk therapy had failed before, we talked about some of the potential neurotoxicity issues. 1968.wav|Robin Carthart Harris. 1969.wav|Again, it'll vary depending on life events, but your system sort of gets used to it, and your baseline will drop to compensate for those peaks so that the peaks aren't quite as high as they were when you first started using nicotine. 1970.wav|That's not going to work. 1971.wav|Open monitoring meditations are very distinct from other forms of meditation and involve learning how to sit back and simply observe your thoughts while intentionally varying where your thoughts go. 1972.wav|And as I already mentioned, it is completely zero cost. 1973.wav|And that is common in a lot of seed oils. 1974.wav|Sure, they're flying fish, although, you know, they just kind of jump far, they don't really fly. 1975.wav|And you say, I see somebody running. 1976.wav|We were competitive about certain things, but typically not competitive about food. 1977.wav|The soleus sits below that. 1978.wav|They have some of the styles that make you look like a cyborg, if that's your thing, but if you want to wear glasses or sunglasses out to dinner or around for social reasons, they have many different aesthetic styles to choose from. 1979.wav|Most of the time, when you make judgments about the world around you based on your visual impression of them, it allows you to move functionally through the world. 1980.wav|What Chufu's lab has published now in excellent journals like Nature, Science, and other journals is that the precise insertion sites of different needles lead to activation of sensory neurons and their downstream pathways in ways that can potently reduce inflammation and that can be used to potently reduce the activity of certain muscles, for instance, muscles in the forehead and temples. 1981.wav|And that there are these what I call linchpin habits, certain habits that make other habits easier to execute. 1982.wav|I don't want to skew the data as they say, rather, if you heard the first time I read the sentence and the second time I read the sentence, what's mainly different is the difference in the amount of enunciation and accenting of particular words and symbols within a sentence. 1983.wav|And even if it's bright out or there are shadows or it's really dim outside or it's getting dark, that your visual system can try and manage to resolve what's out there in the world so you can see things clearly. 1984.wav|It's really about raising levels of a particular neurochemical acting at particular receptors, in particular brain areas. 1985.wav|And the endurance type that I'm referring to is endurance of 30 minutes or more. 1986.wav|It's really kind of an unusual use of a pen. 1987.wav|I've been told this before, not many people touch my eyelids. 1988.wav|To be honest, I don't know the legality around it. 1989.wav|They don't have that very focused virgins point that we're talking about that kind of, I guess for lack of a better phrase, that kind of eye of the tiger focus on a goal. 1990.wav|It's not the behavior of smoking itself. 1991.wav|So you don't actually see the green apple. 1992.wav|And those probiotics and athletic greens are optimal and vital for microbiotic health. 1993.wav|We'll talk about sex differences in terms of women versus men and how they react differently to cannabis. 1994.wav|Now, how those things relate to one another in terms of their clinical relevance isn't clear, and of course it is entirely unclear as to what's the chicken and what's the egg there. 1995.wav|And overall, migraines are very common. 1996.wav|Now, when I say hardwired, that doesn't mean that it can't be treated or cured, and indeed it can. 1997.wav|You need to set the level of difficulty such that you're making errors about 15% of the time. 1998.wav|Well, then it stands to reason that MDMA could be a valid therapeutic for the treatment of PTSD. 1999.wav|Well then, NSDR and yoga nidra really are the first line tools if one wants to do that. 2000.wav|Well, if there's less of that liquid and other fluids and mucus being delivered to that space, well, then it can clog up, so sort of the plumbing is clogged up or that it's caught at the level of the site of hit or injury because there's some local swelling and inflammation there. 2001.wav|It's close by, but there are a bunch of other thin fibrous tissues, many of which are very thin and fragile and others of which such as the dura that are very, very strong because they're very fibrous, almost like if you've ever felt, for instance, the sail of a sailboat, you might think, oh, it's just this big flapping sheet in the wind. 2002.wav|And I spent the rest of the trip trying to get as much time with a theragun as I could, at least when I was on board the boat. 2003.wav|The Helix website has a brief two-minute quiz that if you go to it, will ask you questions such as do you sleep on your back, your side, or your stomach? 2004.wav|Now, that's a debate that has many exceptions and nuances. 2005.wav|So more on that later, and again, we'll provide a link if you want to read that study in more depth. 2006.wav|In fact, I would encourage you to find the minimum threshold of stimulus that will allow you to derive the maximum benefit from each protocol. 2007.wav|But the dopamine system is applied to everything, all sense of well being, all sense of motivation. 2008.wav|And that movement of the lens requires activation of muscles and the activation of muscles, as you know from the physical performance episodes if you saw them, and even if you don't, is dictated by neurons. 2009.wav|What if I were to ask you now about the simplest first string of letters, the one that consisted of only five letters? 2010.wav|Well, that wouldn't be good, because I believe, and I know many of you have heard me say many, many times before, regular, deep sleep, 80% or more of the nights that you go to sleep is going to be crucial to your cognitive and mental functioning and your ability to achieve your goals in the long term. 2011.wav|And in doing so, we find based on the scientific literature that there are basically three major networks within the brain, each of which is responsible for each of the three steps to arrive at something truly creative. 2012.wav|To learn more about the supplements discussed on the Huberman Lab Podcast, you can go to Live Momentus, spelled O-U-S, so that's livemomentus.com slash Huberman. 2013.wav|So I place that on the desk in front of me and I turn it on essentially throughout this phase. 2014.wav|However, what this tells us is that it is very, very important that your mental training and visualization accurately recapitulate the real world training that you're doing. 2015.wav|There is, for instance, maladaptive neuroplasticity that occurs if one gets a really hard head hit and concussion, there will be changes to the brain and nervous system, but those changes to the brain and nervous system do not allow it to perform better. 2016.wav|And in doing so, you are basically getting better at controlling your behavior when your brain and body are flooded with norepinephrine and epinephrine. 2017.wav|Don't combine breath work and deliberate cold exposure. 2018.wav|I should mention that I learned about this from an excellent review article that's available online. 2019.wav|It can be about how tired or alert you happen to feel. 2020.wav|And it does seem that getting above one gram per day of EPA omega-3 fatty acids, either through food or supplements or both, is going to be the critical threshold for reductions in the frequency and intensity of headaches that include botoxin headaches and migraine headaches. 2021.wav|And there's one particular form of pharmacology which can enhance activation of the serotonergic pathways associated with the so-called 5-HT, that's serotonin, 5-HT, that's the abbreviation, 5-HT-2A receptor, serotonin 2A receptor, in particular brain areas in ways that favor both divergent and convergent thinking. 2022.wav|And this, I think, is extremely important because in all of the habit literature that I could find, sure, there was a lot of psychological data, neuroscience data, behavioral science data around. 2023.wav|So I wouldn't want to do resistance training every day, but I might want to do it four days a week, for instance. 2024.wav|In fact, it's what we call a normal distribution. 2025.wav|How far is too far, really? 2026.wav|And that makes sense if you think about how deliberate cold exposure can increase metabolism by increasing thermogenesis, what that all means is that if you are doing your deliberate cold exposure early in the day, you are going to get yet a further increase in core body temperature that would be associated with wakefulness, your ability to be alert that morning or throughout the day, and so on. 2027.wav|There is a chemical reason for that. 2028.wav|I don't just say this to protect us. 2029.wav|The point is that a two-dimensional image combined with a three-dimensional structure allows the purpose of that three-dimensional structure and the controversy around that three-dimensional structure to pop out at us in a way that if, for instance, we had just seen a photograph of somebody next to that wall or with a ladder, or if we'd just seen a drawing of a girl holding a bouquet of balloons on a drawing of that wall to not emerge. 2030.wav|They can have side effects. 2031.wav|So if there's a big increase in all those things like blood pressure and mood, et cetera, typically your baseline will drop a little bit to compensate for that over time after a couple of days or even weeks of ingesting nicotine. 2032.wav|We only work with sponsors that we really love their products and that we really respect the people that we're working with there. 2033.wav|That's reasonably plausible. 2034.wav|That's for a different discussion, and it's very poorly defined as it is. 2035.wav|And that is the essence of goal directed behavior. 2036.wav|In other words, for most people, a mild shock would induce a mild increase in heart rate. 2037.wav|Incredible, but most people are not going to do that or are going to be carried away on a stretcher if they try. 2038.wav|I mean, admittedly, we've talked before on this podcast about things like apigenin. 2039.wav|This was published in 2008, where they had a way to label the amount of dopamine that is available for release in the frontal cortex in human subjects. 2040.wav|These tend to work on different systems in the brain and body, but they tend to be activated more or less in parallel. 2041.wav|One circuit is involved in getting us to do things like, I'm going to get up tomorrow, and I'm going to run 5 miles first thing in the morning. 2042.wav|But this is vital to understand, because I think that when we hear, oh, it's from a plant, it's natural, and then you also have a receptor for these things, endogenous cannabinoid receptors. 2043.wav|We can focus our perception on the external world, events going on around us, beyond the confines of our skin or within the confines of our skin. 2044.wav|So this is used in a bunch of different contexts to approach and enhance different forms of creativity. 2045.wav|Some people have a lot of no go type circuits that are very robust, and they have a lot of behavioral constraint, but they have a harder time getting into action. 2046.wav|So now's where we talk a little bit about the neural circuitry and the neurochemistry of working memory. 2047.wav|But the explanation for it is that under conditions where there's not sufficient cholesterol to synthesize the sex steroid hormones, things like testosterone and estrogen, which are required in both males and females, those are made from cholesterol, that the body, the liver, will start generating its own cholesterol and will often overshoot the mark to a dramatic degree. 2048.wav|And so the years lost, I can't really register that because it's hard to register what you don't have and what you've never had. 2049.wav|Now, perhaps they didn't know that nicotine has this one to two hour half life, but they could sense, no doubt the cognitive and the physical effects of nicotine, including this cognitive enhancement effect and highlighting of the neural circuits effect. 2050.wav|But when I'm in a state of essentially not directing my attention to any one thing in my external environment, this is extremely key for reasons that now should be obvious. 2051.wav|Okay, so, without going into a lot of detail, intraoral time differences are the ways in which, if you were to hear something off to your right, like, I just snapped my finger just to the right of my right ear, that a signal arrives in my right ear. 2052.wav|And so, as a consequence, it would trigger a mechanism to further increase the temperature in the room. 2053.wav|This study looked at how people who are largely sedentary or at least sitting can increase the utilization, the clearance of glucose from the bloodstream after eating. 2054.wav|But for most people, keeping the room dark and keeping the room temperature low is very beneficial for getting and staying in deep sleep. 2055.wav|Like, I see something green, a green apple, or I see red. 2056.wav|And what's really cool about her Instagram is she shows you her progression from not being able to skip rope at all to the absolutely incredible types of rope skipping that she's doing each morning while getting sunlight, which of course is a essential health protocol. 2057.wav|And as we learn in endocrinology, estrogen primes progesterone. 2058.wav|Unless you have some sort of corneal abrasion. 2059.wav|However, the important thing to understand is that humans in particular, can do this over different timescales. 2060.wav|Then thinking about triceps, it might be some sort of triceps isolation or peak contraction movement. 2061.wav|And they work very much in the same way that dopamine transporters do. 2062.wav|So let's talk about the neural type first, there is a type of headache that many people unfortunately suffer from, we'll get into this in a bunch more detail in a moment, those are called cluster headaches, cluster headaches are headaches that arise not from the surface, people don't experience them as kind of a tightening of the forehead and the neck and the jaw but rather it feels as if the headache is coming from deep within the head and in particular from behind the orbit of one or the other eyes and sometimes both eyes. 2063.wav|But the names again, don't matter. 2064.wav|Again, all very strongly supported by quality peer reviewed literature. 2065.wav|And really what this day is about is two things. 2066.wav|So this isn't looking up and closing your eyes, like on a nice sunny day, that's relaxing. 2067.wav|And for those of you that are thinking, well, this is just a psychological trick, this is sort of like lying to yourself, it's not because you're not actually contradicting the fact that some of this is unpleasant. 2068.wav|So everything I've talked about today relates to studies that were done and published in quality peer reviewed journals. 2069.wav|And that's the orbital frontal cortex. 2070.wav|We are also going to talk about how to assess progress towards goals, and we are going to talk about goal execution. 2071.wav|Today's episode is also brought to us by Helix Sleep. 2072.wav|So rather than just tell you what to do, I'm going to tell you how this particular tool works, and then in doing that, you should be able to apply it to any habit under any conditions. 2073.wav|And that is the following. 2074.wav|This is happening all the time now, when you have two eyes open, the way that your eyes are positioned in your head and the way they view the world is such that they fill in each other's blind spot. 2075.wav|But of course the other forms of endurance matter. 2076.wav|And there are a number of cognitive behavioral approaches to that. 2077.wav|All of this is through the visual system. 2078.wav|So let's think about this logically, let's say, and indeed, it's the case that sitting down in a chair, moving eyes side to side, deliberately for some period of time, reduces activation of the threat reflex. 2079.wav|I do want to point out, as the authors do, that preclinical studies have shown that increases in striatal dopamine induced by things like modafinil, which is used to treat adhd and treat narcolepsy, is necessary for their wake promoting actions. 2080.wav|So you have to be very, very careful with the use of heat. 2081.wav|So I promise that a little bit later we'll talk about the direct application of MDMA for the treatment of PTSD. 2082.wav|So at some level, the smoker, the vapor, is being rational when they say, yeah, but I enjoy this. 2083.wav|It's not that the abuse itself gets passed from one generation to the next. 2084.wav|We'll talk about why that is in just a moment, but here's my suggestion. 2085.wav|And that chemical reaction converts the light into electricity. 2086.wav|And if I'm really just restricted to my hotel room, I'll just do jumping jacks for 30, 35 minutes, sometimes while watching something on TV. 2087.wav|It's on the shell. 2088.wav|Now, that is not to say that ssris don't have side effects. 2089.wav|And it is at that time, at the very beginning of the menstrual cycle, so about the first week of the menstrual cycle, that many women are very prone to hormonal headaches. 2090.wav|Sensory modalities being things like touch or hearing. 2091.wav|That's Insidetracker.com huberman to get 25% off. 2092.wav|Again, this is not about the particular controversy. 2093.wav|The other thing that I really like about this study is that while they don't know the exact underlying mechanism for the effect, they did spend some time delineating what it is that the omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids are likely doing to either offset or exacerbate headache. 2094.wav|In fact, people who have diabetes, because they don't make insulin, people who have type 1 diabetes do not make insulin at all. 2095.wav|Now, this might seem like an almost trivial result. 2096.wav|Similarly, in the process of experiencing fear, you have a reflex for particular events in your brain and body. 2097.wav|Now, developmental plasticity, which is passive, also requires good sleep. 2098.wav|It's a little bit harder to do that with a laptop. 2099.wav|With that workout done on Sunday, and then with the leg workout done on Monday, you can feel really good about how you're heading into the week. 2100.wav|In fact, so much so that a lot of people who do deliberate cold exposure say that they don't require as much caffeine in order to maintain their alertness and energy, which shouldn't be surprising to us at all. 2101.wav|I have known and loved. 2102.wav|And perhaps there was one of them that you did sporadically and that there were three others that, frankly, you didn't manage to execute. 2103.wav|And very seldom do we see highly repetitive patterns at that scale. 2104.wav|And if they do know how to access creativity, they are only able to access creativity in a fairly limited number of domains of life. 2105.wav|So now I'd like to shift to thinking about a particular aspect of habits, and that's habit strength. 2106.wav|And there are a bunch of details there. 2107.wav|I will sprint for 20 or 30 seconds, then jog for 10 seconds, sprint for 20 or 30 seconds, and then jog for 10 seconds and just repeat. 2108.wav|That means zero sugar, and the appropriate ratios of the electrolytes, sodium, magnesium, and potassium. 2109.wav|They had people take creatine. 2110.wav|You answer those questions and it matches you to the mattress that's right for you. 2111.wav|But it's a very different constellation of neurochemicals and brain areas and approaches for bulimia the treatment of binge eating disorder has been explored from a new standpoint recently, and that's the work of this. 2112.wav|And I certainly know people who do these cheat days. 2113.wav|And so your brain is actually filling in all the face and other information, even emotional information, just based on this recognition of eyes. 2114.wav|The pronunciation of this is terrible, I'm sure, but that's not too far off. 2115.wav|There's another aspect of our vision that's absolutely critical for optimizing our workspace, and that has to do with this really interesting feature of our visual pathways. 2116.wav|And nowadays, with the advent of modern DNA tests, you can also get insights into your particular needs for your genetic type. 2117.wav|So what this means is that treatments like MDMA that are under investigation in these clinical trials are unlikely to be magic potions, if you will, that allow access to a particular process that would otherwise not be accessible. 2118.wav|I do want to acknowledge again the fact that I realize people are showing up to this challenge of workspace optimization with different budgets, with different constraints. 2119.wav|Well, once again, there is a mismatch between what the real data show and what we're most often told. 2120.wav|I do hope that there will be a systematic study on this in the not too distant future. 2121.wav|So that's really the crux of what talk therapy and drug therapies are about. 2122.wav|Shorter days and colder temperatures outside mean that people are spending more time indoors. 2123.wav|I think a few years ago, when vaping wasn't as prominent, there was this question and this idea that maybe vaping was going to be far healthier, or at least not as bad as smoking. 2124.wav|Ample sleep on a regular basis. 2125.wav|But the bank of options that becomes available when we are motionless and when we are limiting our visualization of the external world increases exponentially. 2126.wav|Next, I'd like to talk about an aspect of workspace optimization that can actually bias whether or not our brain and nervous system are better suited for detailed analytic work or more abstract work. 2127.wav|They have single ingredient formulations, which turns out to be most effective in building a supplement protocol. 2128.wav|Now, as I mentioned earlier, mental training and visualization relies on a process that we call neuroplasticity. 2129.wav|Again, these aren't specifics, but about nine to 14 or 15 hours after waking during this phase of the day, because of the circadian shifts in our biology, the amount of dopamine and norepinephrine that's circulating in our brain and bloodstream tends to start to come down, and levels of cortisol tend to start to come down. 2130.wav|So there are a couple of tricks to all nighters. 2131.wav|So that's a very depressing picture. 2132.wav|Habit strength is measured by two main criteria. 2133.wav|Currently, ketamine assisted psychotherapy is legal. 2134.wav|Okay, so nicotine increases heart rate, blood pressure, and contractability of the heart. 2135.wav|Because remember, the inflammation that occurs during exercise, both resistance and cardiovascular exercise is at least in part, the trigger for the adaptation that it's going to lead to enhanced endurance, enhanced strength, hypertrophy, et cetera. 2136.wav|There is amenaria, which is the lack of menstrual cycling. 2137.wav|For instance, let's say you get a poor to terrible night's sleep. 2138.wav|I've been taking Athletic Greens since 2012, so I'm delighted that they're sponsoring the podcast. 2139.wav|This is not simply to grow bigger calves or grow bigger quadriceps and hamstrings, although it can accomplish that as well, depending on how you train. 2140.wav|It's what ramps up your levels of alertness. 2141.wav|We're going to take what we know about sativa indica, type one, type two, type three, CBD, et cetera. 2142.wav|I don't think it's necessary to sleep in a room that's complete blackness. 2143.wav|Neuroplasticity, of course, just being the nervous system's ability to change in response to experience. 2144.wav|Serotonin is more about kind of pleasure and satisfaction with resources that we have in our immediate sphere. 2145.wav|So the blood lipid profiles in anorexics are often very unhealthy, despite the fact that they're eating very little food. 2146.wav|So we're going to talk about the biology of undereating and overeating and appropriate levels of eating. 2147.wav|And under those conditions, drinking coffee ought to lead to some vasodilation. 2148.wav|It's because when you are training very heavy or in the heavier range, lower repetitions, et cetera, you're tapping into different processes in those muscles. 2149.wav|Zone two cardio is basically any cardiovascular exercise that gets you moving and your heart pumping and breathing, but not so hard that you can't hold a conversation. 2150.wav|And we have to be sympathetic to the fact that many people just can't stop working or go on disability. 2151.wav|Even just by cooling one palm, the core body temperature drops radically. 2152.wav|And the increases in serotonin acting on the serotonin one b receptor seems to be what creates this desire to bond or create trust or to have a discussion of real things, both things that are positive, but also to explore things that are difficult. 2153.wav|So it's very important for cognition. 2154.wav|THC and CBD and other components of cannabis are highly what we call lipophilic. 2155.wav|I might still also take some walks that day. 2156.wav|So if you think about the thermostat in your home or apartment, if it's too warm in your home or apartment and you were to take a bag of ice and to put it on that thermostat, what would the thermostat do? 2157.wav|In fact, in individuals who are 16 to 24 years old, and in particular in students and people who are working, surprising more than in unemployed populations, being young, 16 to 24, at least to me, that's young. 2158.wav|And the child has a genetic predisposition, right. 2159.wav|This is about getting quality amino acids early in the day from whatever foods are in alignment with your particular values and your particular eating plan. 2160.wav|The only two pieces of brain outside the cranial vault. 2161.wav|I move it out another inch and everything's in nice focus. 2162.wav|It's not going to happen in any other lifetime, not unless it involves some elaborate technology that I'm not aware of, a jetpack or something like that. 2163.wav|Milk let down in lactating women, it's involved in setting the refractory period to sexual arousal and erection and ejaculation. 2164.wav|They would love to quit. 2165.wav|So by the end of today's discussion, you will have a thorough understanding of what MDMA is, what it isn't, what is known about what it does, what is known about what it doesn't do, as well as some of the still outstanding questions about MDMA that remain to be resolved. 2166.wav|You're not going to kill neurons, but even an increase of three or four degrees in body temperature can start to kill off neurons. 2167.wav|There is absolutely no evidence that blink frequency correlates with anything except alertness. 2168.wav|The key thing to know about the endogenous cannabinoids is that unlike most neurotransmitters, they are released from the postsynaptic side. 2169.wav|And a key example of this are the neurons, the nerve cells of your brain that allow you to think clearly, to exercise hard, et cetera. 2170.wav|Fear is gone, trauma is gone, but it doesn't work that way. 2171.wav|But that was a very short term goal. 2172.wav|And it's well known that ssris can be, in limited circumstances, effective for the treatment of PTSD. 2173.wav|Although the concentrations of nicotine in tomatoes, eggplants, and sweet peppers is vastly lower than it is in the tobacco plant, you actually can also find nicotine in potatoes. 2174.wav|I am somebody who works pretty hard to control my time and focus. 2175.wav|Well, it probably, and I want to emphasize, probably, has to do with the fact that these melanopsin ganglion cells, these intrinsically photosensitive ganglion cells, are not just responsible for sleep and talking to your circadian clock and that sort of thing. 2176.wav|And indeed that works quite well. 2177.wav|What Shepard did and what he found is that if people were told to visualize very simple objects, they did it pretty quickly. 2178.wav|They can't just relax and enjoy the meal because the meal for them is essentially like this where's Waldo? 2179.wav|Now, I want to talk about the other aspect of vision, which is the stuff that you don't perceive, the subconscious stuff. 2180.wav|But I don't want to make it seem as if all of that just pertains to the leg workout. 2181.wav|But leaving pharmacology aside, there's a very exciting non-pharmacological tool, a purely behavioral tool that the research literature has told us can selectively increase dopamine within the nigrostriatal pathway, the pathway that's involved in divergent thinking and can do so very dramatically, as much as 65% above baseline. 2182.wav|Those chemicals, such as acetylcholine, that bind the nicotinic receptor in your brain and body create an enhanced sense of focus, et cetera, et cetera. 2183.wav|But frankly, that would have been selecting an outlier example, and I don't want to do that. 2184.wav|And in that case, it wasn't the dorsilateral prefrontal cortex. 2185.wav|Well, just very briefly, lateralized eye movements of the sort that I'm describing, and I'm moving my hand like this, but I'll just do it with my eyes, even though it's a little embarrassing to do that, because I know it looks strange, I don't mind because I'm doing EMDR. 2186.wav|I'm not a big seafood fan, but, like, certain fish, like you'll see at the fish market, will have that red pink pigment. 2187.wav|And that genetic predisposition could exist such that if one is rewarded enough times for a particular behavior, that behavior can start to ratchet in to our neural circuitry, because behavior drives neural changes, so called neuroplasticity. 2188.wav|What happens the day that you quit that homeostatic mechanism in your brain and body that sets your level of mood and arousal, et cetera, does not know and hasn't adjusted to the fact that you're not bringing in nicotine, you're not having that cigarette, you're not having that inhalation on the vape pen. 2189.wav|It needs to be the same, or in fact, it will be, we can say the same as your real world golf swing. 2190.wav|We're going to talk about all of that, and we're going to do that in a way that you can optimize your workspace regardless of whether or not you are at home, whether or not you're on the road, et cetera. 2191.wav|Even if those fearful events, the events in the world that trigger the HPA axis can be very brief, like a car that almost hits you as you step off the curb or something, gunshot that goes off suddenly, and it's just a very quick, like, 500 millisecond or 1 second event. 2192.wav|I know a number of people who can walk and talk at the same time. 2193.wav|During today's episode and on many previous episodes of the Huberman Lab Podcast, we discuss supplements. 2194.wav|And some studies in humans have also shown that it can be beneficial for various health parameters. 2195.wav|It's a weak snap, but it was there. 2196.wav|That is all completely true. 2197.wav|There's a lot of discussion nowadays about the default mode network as it relates to consciousness and meditation, et cetera. 2198.wav|Now, every cell in your body, but especially neurons, have a double layer of fat on their outside. 2199.wav|We tend to also be attending somewhat to the screech of hawks off in the distance or to the rush of a river. 2200.wav|This won't come as a surprise to many people, but what perhaps will come as a surprise is the fact that many people actually use nicotine like substances or nicotine itself in order to relieve nicotine addiction. 2201.wav|I've said this before on the podcast, and people said, virgin eye movement. 2202.wav|I've talked about supplements that can support sleep in previous episodes of the podcast, things like magnesium threeonate or magnesium bisglycinate, things like theonine apigenin. 2203.wav|Now, if you recall principle number three, or what I'm calling principle number three of effective mental training and visualization, which was that you have to be able to perform the thing that you're trying to get better at through visualization and imagery in the real world. 2204.wav|And indeed, you see this with saving money for retirement. 2205.wav|And it also feeds out to our adrenals, those glands that you learned about a few minutes ago to create a sense of alertness and action. 2206.wav|It's also what comes up a lot during the discussion about football. 2207.wav|It's key to point out the word deliberate. 2208.wav|Being insulin insensitive is not good, and it's actually a form of diabetes. 2209.wav|So think your golf swing, your tennis serve, think serving a volleyball, think a child learning to crawl and then walk, think a child learning to eat with utensils, an example I gave before. 2210.wav|So I think it also builds up some muscular endurance, not just cardiovascular endurance, but again, throughout the entire time that I'm jogging or hiking, what I'm trying to get to is a place where I can feel that my pulse rate is definitely elevated, but it's not so elevated that I have to stop because I'm out of breath. 2211.wav|They are all about activating other neurons like a chain reaction. 2212.wav|Because if you think about it, creativity is really the ability to take existing elements from the physical world, or from the thought world, if you will, or from any domain of life, mood, thinking, and information, and to reorder those into novel combinations that are useful for something. 2213.wav|That's why smoking, or ingesting nicotine in any other way feels good and makes us feel motivated. 2214.wav|It's, I would say, indispensable for selecting the best treatment. 2215.wav|It doesn't have to occur immediately after your afternoon NSDR, but before your 04:00 meeting on zoom or something of that sort. 2216.wav|And while there are other carcinogens in the environment, so environmental hazards like solvents and even if you work in a laboratory, for instance, we use in the laboratory dna intercolating dyes. 2217.wav|Again, ammonia, tar, formaldehyde and carbon dioxide being the most potent of those carcinogens, now the fact that there are carcinogens in cigarettes sometimes leads cigarette smokers and particularly the cigarette smokers that have the hardest time quitting or that enjoy their cigarettes the most from saying, well listen, everything is a carcinogen or everything kills you. 2218.wav|And the good news is the answer to that question is no. 2219.wav|That would place the brain into some pattern we don't know. 2220.wav|So even though I follow an omnivore diet, that is, I'm not in a ketogenic state. 2221.wav|Going back to that prominent literature, the psychology and popular literature, again, we can hear some of these themes start to emerge. 2222.wav|In fact, neuroplasticity underlies all forms of learning, whether or not it's language learning or learning music or math or a physical skill. 2223.wav|These high intensity interval training for me, ideally would be on so-called assault bike or airdyne bike. 2224.wav|The gut microbiome, as many of you know, supports the immune system. 2225.wav|That said, it's also clear that some strains of the cold or flu can be more mild than other strains of the cold or flu. 2226.wav|The basic contour of your circadian rhythm in temperature is that approximately 2 hours before the time you wake up is your so called temperature minimum. 2227.wav|And as a consequence, drinking caffeine can also increase vasodilation. 2228.wav|I'll talk about that in a few minutes. 2229.wav|And in females, there's an increase in estrogen as a consequence of smoking marijuana and increasing prolactin and estrogen. 2230.wav|When everything's focused down, including our eyes, it tends to have a more suppressive or sedative type signaling to the deeper centers of the brain. 2231.wav|It can modulate the activity of other neurons. 2232.wav|And again, regardless of the ratio of THC to CBD, there is a general suppression of neural circuits within the so called basal ganglia and cerebellum. 2233.wav|You'll get up to $200 off all mattress orders and two free pillows. 2234.wav|Well, sometimes it is, but oftentimes people are using cannabis in order to achieve a particular state, and we could use a broad brush and say, well, they just like being high. 2235.wav|Freezing, activation of the adrenals, activation of locus ceruleus for arousal and alertness, activation of this endogenous pain system, or antipain system in the PHE, that's one pathway out of the amygdala. 2236.wav|For those of you that are interested in exploring Palmer cooling, first of all, I recommend taking a brief glance or even a deep dive into this study, which is entitled work volume and strength training. 2237.wav|Okay, so today we talked about working memory, this incredible capacity of our brain. 2238.wav|So the system works in both directions. 2239.wav|Your nervous system is constantly sensing those contact points, but normally they're not under your conscious awareness, unless you direct your interoceptive capacity to them, which is just fancy nerd speak for saying you normally don't notice what's going on from your skin inward unless you focus on it. 2240.wav|But if you've ever heard that nicotine kills the appetite, indeed it does. 2241.wav|Today's episode is also brought to us by BetterHelp. 2242.wav|So it's livemomentous.com slash Huberman. 2243.wav|That's sort of an obvious statement. 2244.wav|And there are about three to five studies in this area now that stand as large scale clinical trials that are showing what can only be described as remarkable results for the treatment of PTSD. 2245.wav|It's wired to include memories that are very acute, that happen within a moment, or that include many, many events and long periods of time that kind of funnel into a general sense of relationships are bad, or this particular city or location is bad. 2246.wav|Or simply by trying to control your breathing and reduce the pace of your breathing and increase the volume of your breathing. 2247.wav|Some people are probably saying, wait, doesn't playing video games increase dopamine? 2248.wav|I also may want to engage some hypertrophy, to grow certain muscle groups in order to create a sense of balance. 2249.wav|We have the same compounds, THC and or CBD, brought into the body and brain binding the same receptors, in this case, the cb one receptors. 2250.wav|You may have seen this on YouTube, where people will box around, legitimate boxing around. 2251.wav|The body is communicating two types of information to the brain on a regular basis, but in particular around feeding. 2252.wav|So I'm not trying to be vague here, I'm trying to be accurate rather by saying the whole description and categorization of autistic, non-autistic, et cetera is undergoing vast revision right now. 2253.wav|Think about it as the accelerator on your alertness and attention. 2254.wav|So for you coaches, for you students out there, keep that in mind. 2255.wav|Okay, so with what I would call a standard endurance workout done on Sunday, and I say standard because most people, when they hear endurance, they think of the ability to endure, to continue in a repeated movement or exercise over some period of time. 2256.wav|Or take one very specific isolated incident that happened very briefly and create one very large, general sense of fears. 2257.wav|People learn this to varying degrees. 2258.wav|And this is one of the main reasons why people continue to do deliberate cold exposure. 2259.wav|We had an episode all about addiction with Dr. 2260.wav|That is a meditation that starts with open monitoring for maybe five to 10 minutes and then transitions to focused attention for maybe five to 10 minutes. 2261.wav|And the basis of this workout again is several fold. 2262.wav|Now, I am definitely not saying that people should come off those drugs entirely. 2263.wav|So every two days you're resetting. 2264.wav|So, if you can conceptualize even just 5% of what I just told you, or even if you can just remember, nicotine increases dopamine. 2265.wav|So what do we know about smoking sensation using nicotine itself. 2266.wav|Well, the go no go circuitry is another aspect of our behavior, where we both have to select behaviors to perform and we have to select behaviors to suppress. 2267.wav|And that's why it's such a powerful thing just to put two circles and move the pupils around on paper. 2268.wav|I guess what the yogis would call soft gaze. 2269.wav|What I can assure you is that by the end of today's podcast, you will have a quite thorough understanding of cannabis, how it works, what it does, what its potential benefits can be, what its potential hazards are, and whether or not it's right for you and the people that you know. 2270.wav|So I'm not absolutely neurotic about always staying exactly in that heart rate zone. 2271.wav|Now, the caveat to that is I myself tend to do my deliberate cold exposure early in the day. 2272.wav|It's this kind of feeling of anticipation. 2273.wav|It's also for oneself and one's own experiences happening in the moment, as well as empathy for experiences from the past, which, as you can imagine, could be very beneficial for the treatment of PTSD. 2274.wav|What are the major eating disorders? 2275.wav|In other words, only a small percentage of what we perceive, what we see, what we hear, et cetera, gets passed into short-term memory. 2276.wav|That's actually not true. 2277.wav|And indeed, epinephrine, and norepinephrine and its surges can be thought of as sort of walls that we have to confront and go over. 2278.wav|The reason I started taking athletic greens, and the reason I still take athletic greens is that it covers all of my vitamin, mineral and probiotic needs. 2279.wav|I mean, it's increasing catecholamines, we know this. 2280.wav|He's the chief scientific officer at McLean Hospital. 2281.wav|What they found is that the number of people experiencing dizziness was significantly reduced in people supplementing with creatine as was the number of people experiencing fatigue, kind of acute fatigue and chronic fatigue. 2282.wav|Well, that's what we're going to describe next and again, this is not just going to be a list of different brain circuits with different names doing different things, that wouldn't be useful to you or to me, rather what you're about to learn is truly incredible, what it is is we're going to talk about one single molecule, dopamine, which is a molecule most typically associated with motivation and desire and drive and feelings of pleasure in some cases, but that actually resides within four different networks in the brain. 2283.wav|Now, there are many examples of what I just gave in the visual domain. 2284.wav|So we really have to be careful about long term exposure, extended exposure to white noise or kind of air conditioning noise that's really at a high level. 2285.wav|It also causes the release of things like PPaR gamma and cofactor PGC One. 2286.wav|And they offer a number of different ways, I think, many of which are useful. 2287.wav|It was very concrete statements, very concrete plans about action steps that would deliver one to one's goal, somewhat straightforward and intuitive, but nonetheless worthwhile. 2288.wav|The whole principle behind this is that human beings, like other animals, have to make evaluations about whether or not they are on the right track. 2289.wav|However, if you do it too late in the day, evening, or night, it can disrupt sleep by way of disrupting your core body temperature. 2290.wav|The mesolimbbic reward pathway, if you just want to call it the dopamine reward pathway, is, as the name suggests, a set of connections between a brain area called the ventral tegmental area. 2291.wav|But fortunately, there is this great gift, which is that knowledge of knowledge can allow you to do better without question. 2292.wav|What they did is they recreated headache in human subjects by using tightening cuffs of the head, they cut off blood supply to certain areas of the head, they basically induced headache, and then they measured things like the EMG, the muscle response at the level of electrophysiology in the muscle, and of course, subjective measures of how much people perceive to be in pain or not in pain. 2293.wav|Physical reminders or electronic reminders were effective in the immediate term, but in the long term did not predict whether or not people would effectively stick to habits they were trying to stick to or break habits that they were trying to break. 2294.wav|If I show you a picture of somebody running, I say, what do you see? 2295.wav|M1 is primary motor cortex. 2296.wav|Now, this study had a bunch of different conditions, not just MDMA, of different doses, not just placebo. 2297.wav|In other words, I get really, really warm and then I get really, really cold. 2298.wav|Let's talk about MDMA. 2299.wav|I do want to emphasize that those are clinical trials. 2300.wav|And in the case of MDMA, the fact that there's also dopamine increased in those very same brain areas. 2301.wav|If you'd like to try a Helix mattress, you can go to helixsleep.com slash Huberman, take that brief two-minute sleep quiz, and they'll match you to a customized mattress for your sleep needs. 2302.wav|It also tastes really good. 2303.wav|Do a task in the real world, do 50 trials of the imagined task, do the trial in the real world again, significant improvement in speed and accuracy through now what are becoming to be established neural circuit connections between cerebellum and primary motor cortex. 2304.wav|When you shine light of the eye, that pupil constricts to limit the amount of light that comes in so it doesn't damage the eye. 2305.wav|It's not as salient, it's not as tangible a goal, especially for something like a doughnut. 2306.wav|It should be avoided, and you should find a way to quit it if you are currently using. 2307.wav|In certain animals, the cerebellum is much larger than the rest of the brain. 2308.wav|Note captions entitled plasma oxytocin concentrations following MDMA or intranasal oxytocin in humans. 2309.wav|Again, nutrition is a somewhat controversial area. 2310.wav|It can help you retain water in a healthy way, not excess amounts. 2311.wav|For those of you that are listening, just imagine me looking silly with my hands cupped near my eyes. 2312.wav|However, there are aspects of your brain circuitry, yours and everybody else's, I should say, that are maintained into adulthood that include a lot of extra wiring. 2313.wav|The number of subjects is quite high, both men and women. 2314.wav|Others have made the distinction between identity versus immediate goal based habit formation. 2315.wav|I should also point out that some people, not all, but some people experience a bit of a crash after L-tyrosine supplementation, such that they feel more alert, more focused, better ability to perform working memory tasks, move about their day, but then three or four hours later experience kind of a drop. 2316.wav|So let's talk about open monitoring meditation and why it's so useful for enhancing divergent thinking, this critical element of the creative process. 2317.wav|So, for instance, we probably all have fitness goals, goals in relationships of different kinds, friendships and romantic partnerships, as well as maybe scholastic goals. 2318.wav|And as you may have heard me say before, I am not a fan of the word nootropics because it means smart drugs. 2319.wav|What seems to be the case in my review of the paper I just described, plus a review on how ketamine assisted trauma relief might work, is that it somehow allows the patient, the individual, to recount their trauma while feeling either none or a very different set of emotional experiences than they experienced in the actual trauma or fearful experience. 2320.wav|It was thought that people who have aphantasia are not capable of what's called synesthesia. 2321.wav|Now, one of the key features of PTSD seems to be that there is a heightened connectivity between the amygdala and a brain area called the insula. 2322.wav|How do I eliminate fear? 2323.wav|Normally, we think of seeing as a sensory system or hearing as a sensory system. 2324.wav|Because the prefrontal cortex is suppressing the activity of deeper limbic and hypothalamic circuitry and things of that sort. 2325.wav|So if you'd like more information on smoking versus vaping, please see the episode that I did on nicotine. 2326.wav|Anorexia nervosa, most commonly referred to as anorexia, is perhaps the most prevalent and the most dangerous of all eating disorders. 2327.wav|Now, some of you may be saying, well, that spits in the face of your 90 minutes rule. 2328.wav|So convergent thinking is basically the person in the room who's listening to all the ideas and taking them all in. 2329.wav|So I'm not telling people to get away from their phone and their computers. 2330.wav|Okay, so I'm going to repeat that, because this is pretty detailed neurobiological mechanism whereby if neuron a is active and neuron B is active but at a different time, or outside a particular, what we call temporal window, meaning outside a particular time window, then through long term depression, the connection between neuron A and neuron B will weaken. 2331.wav|They tend to get out of their car, of course, because they're on the driver's side or passenger side in the same place. 2332.wav|Because if you're outside checking your phone or you're taking a break and checking your phone, you're still in that virgin's eye movement. 2333.wav|Other people, they need sunglasses as well, or just simply need sunglasses because if it's too bright, it's very hard to see things. 2334.wav|If you're somebody that wants to take this to the next level, you can purchase a ring light, which is, I think those are mainly made for people doing selfie type videos for Instagram posts and things of that sort. 2335.wav|And we have to all be in touch with when we want more background noise or when we want less background noise. 2336.wav|So for those of you that want to know, I'm going to give you some names, some nomenclature. 2337.wav|You'll get an average of how quickly you respond. 2338.wav|Just put dopamine and circuits into the search function, and it will take you to those particular timestamps where I describe that. 2339.wav|And then, of course, habits can be more elaborate, too. 2340.wav|Some of you may know him. 2341.wav|Not necessarily so. 2342.wav|I mentioned that multitasking can be effective in getting your system into somewhat of an increased level of activation so that you can pursue a more focused goal. 2343.wav|There are great practitioners out there that can help you with that work. 2344.wav|The road's quite a distance away. 2345.wav|You can go from having a very high speed ethernet connection between neurons, so to speak, to a connection that's more like Morse code or is like a poor dial up connection, a really weak signal. 2346.wav|So what is hunger and what is satiety? 2347.wav|It only takes about two minutes and it will match your body type and sleep preferences to a particular mattress. 2348.wav|Without getting into the total science, here's a brief summary of how to structure that. 2349.wav|They got their belongings taken, and they decided they were never coming back to San Francisco. 2350.wav|And so I'm going to put them back in front of me. 2351.wav|The reason we partnered with Thorn is because one of the major issues in the supplement industry is that many of the supplements out there don't contain sufficient quantity or they contain too much of a given supplement and the quality of the ingredients can vary tremendously. 2352.wav|So we're going to talk about how to use cold for metabolism as well. 2353.wav|So I would like you to use this rule of thumb. 2354.wav|The present findings are in line with those of a recent study, which also found faster reaction times in participants that listen to binaural beats of 40. 2355.wav|For instance, what if you're trying to learn a specific cognitive skill that doesn't involve any overt motor behavior to be observed? 2356.wav|But in this review, they highlight the results I referred to before plus other results that show that menthol and peppermint oil can be quite effective in the treatment of tension type headache, and in this case, migraine headache as well. 2357.wav|Okay, so what we've got with MDMA is a really interesting compound, unlike methamphetamine or other amphetamines, such as Adderall, vivance, et cetera, that cause increases in dopamine by blocking reuptake and increasing release of dopamine. 2358.wav|One of the things that makes Roca eyeglasses and sunglasses so terrific is that they are extremely lightweight. 2359.wav|So you're going to do it for two days, then reset two days, then reset two days, and then in the next 21 days you're not trying to acquire any new habits. 2360.wav|You'll take a brief three minute quiz and thesis will send you four different formulas to try in your first month. 2361.wav|And I thought he meant like a sack lunch, like he was going to bring lunch. 2362.wav|Okay, so somewhat surprisingly, we're going to set aside cannabis. 2363.wav|No, they looked at fairly long hour plus yoga nidra sessions. 2364.wav|I think that most of us can relate to the fact that we have experiences, some of which are hard, some of which are great, and everything in between. 2365.wav|The neurons there are called upper motor neurons. 2366.wav|You've probably heard of wired and tired, but that's really once you've been very stressed for a long time, to the point where you're exhausted. 2367.wav|There were a number of things happening. 2368.wav|I personally don't use it very often, and I caution people about using it for longer than two week periods of time without taking some breaks. 2369.wav|They tend to be very expansive with their ideas. 2370.wav|And they don't necessarily know why, it's just different in a way that feels true. 2371.wav|This often you'll hear in hip hop, the way that sentences are constructed can be divided up, not as normal declarative sentences, the way that they're typically written, but the way that sentences are chopped up and fractured reveals to us new meaning and in fact enhanced meaning about particular words that we wouldn't see if it was written out as a paragraph and then sung as a script that would be the same as the one that we would read. 2372.wav|It's going to make it harder to breathe with vigor, take deep breaths, deliver oxygen to tissues, et cetera. 2373.wav|It's kind of a silly example, but I'm giving it as a template for what could be any number of other different examples. 2374.wav|There are other mechanisms as well, of course, and I realize that. 2375.wav|So I want to make sure that everyone understands this, because it becomes very important for understanding the biology of cannabis and predicting positive versus negative effects of cannabis. 2376.wav|For those of you listening, I'm making air quotes. 2377.wav|For that reason, there's been quite a lot of exploration of alternatives to non-steroid anti-inflammatory drugs for the treatment of headache and indeed pain generally. 2378.wav|I had a very, very demanding class schedule, and it was just the only way that I could get work done if I was getting up every few minutes to use the restroom. 2379.wav|And it's doing so in a completely different set of brain networks, as is LSD and psilocybin. 2380.wav|Now, with that said, I think there is general agreement among nutritionists and health professionals that we could all stand to get more omega-3 fatty acids, perhaps for cardiovascular health, although that's a little bit debated, but certainly for immune system function, for mood and for functioning of the brain, and for the potent anti-inflammatory effects of omega-3. 2381.wav|Believe it or not, the agitation and frustration is a reflection of the release of specific chemicals, in particular norepinephrine and epinephrine, also called noradrenaline and adrenaline in the brain and body, that creates this discomfort and this heightened level of alertness and attention that many of us don't like and tend to back away from, but it is exactly that chemical, or I should say neurochemical milieu, which signals to the neurons, the nerve cells in the brain and elsewhere in the body that something needs to change. 2382.wav|As somebody who's worked almost his entire career on visual perception and related things, the perceptual apparati of the brain are not very amenable to neuroplasticity, meaning they don't change that easily. 2383.wav|They don't serve us well, either because they are highly distracting, or because they create anxiety, or because they disrupt sleep or any number of different things that are maladaptive consequences. 2384.wav|Vitamin D three and k two have been shown to be important for blood lipid profiles for metabolism and a whole bunch of other metabolic and neural processes. 2385.wav|As my graduate advisor used to say, time machines are broken, at least for now. 2386.wav|Talk about those in a moment. 2387.wav|Again, don't get into water that's so cold that you go into shock. 2388.wav|But here I want to make a really clear distinction. 2389.wav|Now, fortunately, none of us were hurt. 2390.wav|5 minutes a day for two weeks is what was done in this particular mouse study. 2391.wav|Of course, some people suffer from headaches far more often than others. 2392.wav|They are fat soluble and they get into cells very readily and they cross the blood brain barrier. 2393.wav|It's a sympathomimetic. 2394.wav|You could imagine doing this while journaling or while recounting a particular experience. 2395.wav|There's also an opportunity to leave us a written review. 2396.wav|It's very important that you understand what it is. 2397.wav|Although for certain people who are very fit or certain ages, that's not going to apply. 2398.wav|But by doing that, you can be very effective in teaching the systems of your brain that are related to goal setting and reward to map to different timeframes. 2399.wav|In fact, one of the critical requirements for convergent thinking is also to access our memory banks and our understanding about the outside world, just as it were with divergent thinking, but it requires more focus and more persistence. 2400.wav|I am telling you that it's probably wise to at least consider doing at least two exercises per muscle group, probably three maximum, if you ask me, if you're doing your entire legs and calves in one day, but to think about doing one exercise where the muscle is brought into that shortened peak contraction position, like leg curls or leg extensions or seated calf raise, and then another exercise for each muscle group where there's more of an elongation and maybe even a stretch on the muscle group. 2401.wav|A progressive narrowing of the things that bring you pleasure. 2402.wav|But there's another aspect of vision that has been shown to be critically important for how alert we are going to be and how well we can maintain that alertness. 2403.wav|So while there's a wealth of information out there about goals and goal setting and goal achievement and so forth, there's comparatively little information that's been available to the public about the neuroscience of goal setting and goal achievement. 2404.wav|So that's really my goal here. 2405.wav|If you have the option to do real world training for a cognitive and or motor skill versus mental training, always go with real world training. 2406.wav|It's all through cognition. 2407.wav|So excellent book for those of you interested in trauma. 2408.wav|And so there's nothing novel revealed to us about the world except something we already knew. 2409.wav|And in fact, you would be very wise to try and get a good night's sleep, both on the days when you do physical training, also called real world training and mental training. 2410.wav|Again, so knowing what kind of headache you are experiencing is going to be essential here. 2411.wav|And the reason for this is that there are a series of studies, but in particular one study published in the journal Nature, excellent journal in the year 2018, showing that deliberate cold exposure that evokes shivering from the muscles causes the release of a molecule called succonate from the muscles. 2412.wav|Those neurons then can turn off, and you experience that as relaxation. 2413.wav|In other words, you can't break rules that you don't understand. 2414.wav|We have an interaction with a person or place that we really don't like. 2415.wav|But if you are somebody who's trying to maximize fertility or regulate or balance hormones, marijuana and cannabis reduces GnRH, that is, the ganatotropin release from the hypothalamus, and thereby reduces luteinizing hormone and follicle stimulating hormone, which are released from the pituitary and travel in the bloodstream to support normal ovarian function and health, and normal testicular function and health in females and males, respectively. 2416.wav|But the thing to keep in mind here is that this very nerve is the one that gets inflamed in these cluster type headaches. 2417.wav|So I just want to make sure that I highlight that. 2418.wav|Remember the example of the kid trying to eat and getting the spoon of food and bowl on their head, et cetera, and then over time, getting more accurate at bringing food to their mouth and eating in a clean way, things that most but not all people accomplish at some point in the course of their lifetime. 2419.wav|Oftentimes they won't blink at all. 2420.wav|You heard that right, and I believe that to be true based on now several quality peer reviewed studies. 2421.wav|And while the goal, of course, is to make sure that everyone arrives at specific, very clear, mechanistic and actionable protocols, I do realize that it is an immense amount of information. 2422.wav|So this could be abstract. 2423.wav|So this is neural real estate that resides just behind the forehead and the neurons in the brain stem. 2424.wav|So if you're doing it early in the day, that's probably terrific, given that most of us want to be alert during the day. 2425.wav|So when they did measure percent heart rates, et cetera. 2426.wav|You can't simply say, break the habit. 2427.wav|Puberty is also a time in which children and parents are in a tug of war over control. 2428.wav|Either seems to work, it depends on the study. 2429.wav|So again, I'll just use a sentence from the paper so that you can gain more knowledge from the paper cannabis. 2430.wav|That's interesting, and has allowed them to use a targeted deep brain stimulation approach to treat binge eating disorder. 2431.wav|They really get no opportunity to interact with those receptors. 2432.wav|And I'll do that in the domain of visual arts, but of course there are many examples that could come from music or from other domains, like sport, et cetera. 2433.wav|Be very cautious, probably don't do it. 2434.wav|So the temperature should be safe for you to stay in for that duration, but uncomfortable enough that there's some impulse to want to get out, that you have to work to stay in there, that you have to kind of overcome that adrenaline release and the impulse to get out. 2435.wav|There's an actual neurochemical basis for social isolation that has an amplifying effect on fear and trauma. 2436.wav|One problem with a lot of eyeglasses and sunglasses out there, however, is they don't take into account the nuanced biology of the visual system. 2437.wav|The other incredible thing about mental training and visualization is that you'll soon see, when you go into the literature, that is the scientific studies on mental training and visualization, you quickly realize that it does not take a lot of mental training and visualization in order to get better at anything. 2438.wav|As I mentioned, he's moving to University of Pennsylvania. 2439.wav|Well, limbic friction is a phrase that can be used to describe how much effort, how much activation energy you need in order to engage in a particular behavior. 2440.wav|We will also talk about different professions and how some people may have a little bit more leeway in terms of whether or not they decide to use cannabis or any of its various component chemical constituents, that is, CBD or THC, et cetera. 2441.wav|Now, here's what's very important. 2442.wav|You will be able to concentrate for longer. 2443.wav|I've never actually tried any of the compounds I just mentioned, kava, saffron or anisatol, so I can't report on them personally. 2444.wav|Well, they were doing it about 85% of the time. 2445.wav|And we are going to specifically fund research that is aimed toward developing further protocols for mental health, physical health and performance. 2446.wav|But one of the more effective ways to do that via supplement protocols is so called alpha GPC. 2447.wav|And then towards the afternoon, it's going to come sloping down, and then right before sleep, there'll be an increase again. 2448.wav|Sit back in a chair and think about how great you're going to feel. 2449.wav|If you'd like to try Eight Sleep, you can go to eightsleep.com slash Huberman and check out the PodPro cover and save $150 at checkout. 2450.wav|It's really about the drug having a particular effect that allows the motivations and the results of talk therapy to really be heightened. 2451.wav|And it's just very relaxing to be able suddenly to see at a distance. 2452.wav|However, other studies say that cannabis does not decrease testosterone, and it seems to depend on whether or not the cannabis is brought into the system by way of smoking or edible. 2453.wav|Blood lipids got worse, stress hormones went up, et cetera, et cetera. 2454.wav|And of course, there are an infinite number of ways to arrange one's cannabis use. 2455.wav|So what happens is they start to experience some aura, some onset of photophobia, and then the photophobia itself leads to this feeling of malaise that then converts into headache. 2456.wav|So the point is that the divergent thinking itself is not occurring during the NSDR or yoga nidra practice. 2457.wav|They'll even pick it up for you if you don't like it, although I think you will like it, I certainly love mine. 2458.wav|And I'm going to get into some of that detail now, but I'm going to wait until I describe the entire set of workouts for the week, before I go into even more detail, because there's a way of what's called periodizing, that is changing the sets and reps, et cetera, across the week and indeed from month to month, that's really optimal. 2459.wav|There's very little body fat. 2460.wav|Because of that, many people will say, well, I enjoy cigarettes or I enjoy vaping. 2461.wav|You provide your email to us. 2462.wav|And so we can rule out that optic flow. 2463.wav|I tend to do that in the winter months because of course you don't just need hydration on hot days and in the summer and spring months, but also in the winter when the temperatures are cold and the environment tends to be dry. 2464.wav|Lot of issues and problems associated with these compounds, and yet we're now seeing from these clinical trials, when used, let's say, properly, because really, when safety protocols are obeyed, when there's clinical support, it is very clear that when MDMA is combined with quality talk therapy, that the outcomes are looking tremendously positive. 2465.wav|Okay, so a lot of birds and monkeys and animals will judge depth by moving their head like this, or they'll move from side to side. 2466.wav|Well, okay, that's all fine and good, but let's get semi quantitative about this. 2467.wav|The insula is a brain area that is absolutely critical for interoception, so much so that it has a map of the complete body surface, including our internal organs. 2468.wav|Just to briefly recap, one program involves dividing the 24 hours day into three phases, phase one, phase two, phase three, and to try and tackle specific habits at particular phases of the 24 hours cycle. 2469.wav|If you want to try headspace, you can go to headspace.com slash special offer. 2470.wav|They actually looked at more than 4000 studies. 2471.wav|And this fits well with what Dr. Andy Galpin and Dr. Peter Attia referred to as the real need to get in some long endurance type work at some point or even multiple points throughout the week. 2472.wav|So we will discuss what those factors are. 2473.wav|You can refer to that episode for probably more detail than you ever wanted, but also a lot of tools as it relates to fertility in both males and females. 2474.wav|Now the meninges, in addition to being a fun word to say, are a bunch of tissues that line the outside of the brain and reside between the brain and the skull. 2475.wav|Marijuana is the most commonly used illicit drug in the world, with approximately 4% of adults aged 15 to 64 years reporting recent use. 2476.wav|Was I able to get in, get the items I need, and get home in time? 2477.wav|Most all of us learned at some point in our life to tie our own shoes. 2478.wav|You can do baths, you can do saunas, you can even take hot showers. 2479.wav|And there you can support this podcast at any level that you like. 2480.wav|And while those might not be very significant increases, or I should say they can be statistically significant, but they are not enormously large numbers of calories burned. 2481.wav|MDMA, methylene dioxymethamphetamine, has properties similar to methamphetamine in that it powerfully promotes the release of dopamine and it is a stimulant. 2482.wav|We're going to return to that in a little bit. 2483.wav|You definitely want to wear comfortable shoes. 2484.wav|I'm somewhere in between. 2485.wav|However, starting fairly early in adolescence and extending all the way out into one's 80s or 90s or hundreds, should one live that long, is the other form of neuroplasticity, which is adult neuroplasticity. 2486.wav|And that gets us back to the original definition of working memory, which is our ability to attend to specific small batches of information. 2487.wav|You could train first, you could train after, you could not train at all. 2488.wav|I think most people are familiar with the stereotyped example of PTSD. 2489.wav|Now, that's great, but you don't want to multitask throughout any kind of goal seeking or goal pursuit behavior, because what's also very clear, and we're going to talk about this in exquisite depth today, is that visual focus, and in particular, contracting your visual window, bringing the aperture of what you see to a very fine point, can absolutely increase your clarity of goal seeking and the likelihood that you will pursue your goals. 2490.wav|But how long to do this? 2491.wav|So if I were to give you three minutes to list off all the things you can think about related to this pen that I'm holding up, for those of you listening, I'm just holding up a pen in front of me, you just write them out or say them out over the next three minutes, that would be an example of divergent thinking. 2492.wav|For practical purposes in this discussion, we want to pay careful attention to whether or not the data tell us that those particular protocols, those particular approaches are globally increasing dopamine, that is increasing the activity of dopamine neurons projecting to the basal ganglia and the prefrontal cortex, or selectively to the basal ganglia, or selectively to the prefrontal cortex. 2493.wav|You can get the protocol there. 2494.wav|We did a long in-depth episode all about alcohol and its effects on health. 2495.wav|So food is the unconditioned stimulus. 2496.wav|Because these days we hear a lot, a lot, a lot about people struggling with focus and attention. 2497.wav|For those of you that want to look that up or that remember from the dopamine episodes, we have pathways in our brain that are associated with pursuit, motivation and reward. 2498.wav|And I realize that for shift workers or for people that are pulling all nighters or for students, oftentimes you need to be awake and studying in the middle of the night. 2499.wav|At the beginning of today's episode, I briefly mentioned aphantasia, which is this phenomenon where some people just simply can't or seem to have extreme challenge generating visual imagery. 2500.wav|So now I'd like to talk about therapies that are carried out in humans that allow fears to be undone, that allow traumas to be reversed, such that people no longer feel bad about a particular person, place, or thing, either real interactions with that person, place or thing, or imagined interactions with that person, place or thing. 2501.wav|I don't obsess over the alternation in any kind of strict way. 2502.wav|It can raise your blood volume. 2503.wav|We'll talk about one very dramatic example, perhaps, as we get toward the end. 2504.wav|One of the more characteristic, or I should say stereotype qualities of people that smoke a lot of marijuana or ingest cannabis through other means is their changed patterns of speech. 2505.wav|We'll talk about eye safety this episode in depth and the blue light and the contrast of that blue yellow. 2506.wav|What they did is they looked at deliberate cold exposure in this group of young men and they used that eleven minute threshold per week. 2507.wav|That's all increased in people that engage in these nicotine delivery device behaviors. 2508.wav|So it's really kind of a double whammy. 2509.wav|It changes the genes they express. 2510.wav|Some people will smoke cannabis sativa or ingest cannabis sativa orally, and will feel an entirely different array of effects. 2511.wav|The ideal temperature is the temperature that you can safely get into and stay in for a duration of 30 seconds to three minutes before getting out. 2512.wav|But this turns out to be extremely important. 2513.wav|You don't have to use glasses, or maybe you do, because you have lenses in your eyes and those lenses need to move. 2514.wav|There's a particular paper that focuses on this, and we will put a link to this as well. 2515.wav|And that's the reason that your eyes get tired when you focus on something for too long. 2516.wav|This is a disorder that is fairly common anywhere from six to 9% of people, both males and females. 2517.wav|Ideally, we're all getting 2 hours of outdoor time, even if there's cloud cover. 2518.wav|And it's no coincidence that buprone is also an antidepressant. 2519.wav|So when you do things at particular phases of the day, under particular conditions of neurochemistry, what you're doing is you're giving the brain a very predictable set of sequences that during sleep, it can start to put into your hard drive, if you will. 2520.wav|I'd like to take a quick break and acknowledge one of our sponsors, Athletic Greens. 2521.wav|The extinction has to go first. 2522.wav|And so they quickly gave up. 2523.wav|It can flatten out. 2524.wav|So that would be the first group. 2525.wav|The default mode network, which is basically the catalog or library of previous experiences that we have available to us that would act as sort of the paints on a pallet or the possible ingredients that could go into a recipe. 2526.wav|Again, those are completely zero cost for you to explore. 2527.wav|In particular toward muscle hypertrophy and growth or maintenance of muscle, which, for those of you that aren't interested in muscle hypertrophy, that aren't trying to grow your muscles. 2528.wav|You've seen that as the reds and oranges in the sunset and so on. 2529.wav|The human brain maintains such webs of possible passage, and it's only during activities such as walking, running, cycling, swimming, hiking, pacing, et cetera, that the activation of those pseudo-random pathways starts to ramp up. 2530.wav|They're literally reliving the trauma in full, rich detail, and they are encouraged to provide full, rich detail. 2531.wav|And I have a hard time with those binocular stereograms, those images that are kind of. 2532.wav|That is, for eliminating choices among the infinite number of choices that exist, for instance, of what colors to combine on a painting or what lines to draw or what notes to play or what movements to make in a sports endeavor, what numbers to include in a mathematics endeavor, or what words and letters and syllables and sentences to include in writing a creative passage. 2533.wav|When you haven't eaten for a long time, glucagon levels go up. 2534.wav|If you'd like to try Roca glasses, you can go to roca.com, that's Roka.com, and enter the code Huberman to save 20% off your first order. 2535.wav|But of course that's not creative. 2536.wav|And on Apple you have the opportunity to leave us up to a five star review and to give us feedback there as well. 2537.wav|Okay, now I'm using a trivial example here, but this could be translated to any kind of goal, school goal, physical goal, et cetera. 2538.wav|And of the 5% that succeed in quitting, a full 65% of them relapse within a year. 2539.wav|If you'd like to see our medical disclaimer, you can go to our show notes. 2540.wav|Because for the treatment of eating disorders, it doesn't matter what psychological or early trauma based effects led to the eating disorder. 2541.wav|Many metaanalyses have been done. 2542.wav|The balcetus lab and other labs have looked at whether or not people make progress toward goals of different types, whether or not they are thinking about the goal. 2543.wav|But what one finds and what you will find if you do deliberate cold exposure consistently is that you will then become more comfortable at cold temperatures away from the deliberate cold exposure. 2544.wav|Or as is often the case with cannabis, they simply can't remember what they were thinking about. 2545.wav|So we'll return to that later. 2546.wav|And here, I might as well just finally explain how this is done. 2547.wav|Today, I'll give you some simple formulas, gauges, or guides that you can use in order to navigate this extremely interesting and potent tool that we call deliberate cold exposure. 2548.wav|There are a number of clinical criteria. 2549.wav|But one of the key sets of studies in this area comes from what I consider very beautiful work of Harriet de Witt. 2550.wav|Some of you are meat eaters. 2551.wav|and my last bite of food is around 8 p.m., but I'm not super strict about that. 2552.wav|And it does take some time for these symptoms of anxiety to be improved. 2553.wav|You can go to YouTube, put NSDR and my name, again, completely zero cost. 2554.wav|Earlier we talked about some of the major points around offsetting neurotoxicity. 2555.wav|But nonetheless, these increases in norepinephrine are huge and long lasting. 2556.wav|And neurons in your brain that are involved in calming and indeed putting you to sleep start increasing their level of firing. 2557.wav|And then if they elect to, they can take a 60 milligram booster about an hour and a half to 2 hours into the session. 2558.wav|Point to the fact that adolescent cannabis use accelerates the thinning of the prefrontal cortex and the gray matter in particular. 2559.wav|If you'd like to learn more about the supplements discussed on the Huberman Lab Podcast, please go to Live Momentous, spelled O-U-S, .com slash Huberman. 2560.wav|Within Sidetracker, they have a personalized platform that makes interpreting your data and then acting on that data very straightforward and very directed toward specific protocols. 2561.wav|And indeed, MDMA, because of its similarity to methamphetamine, which is highly neurotoxic, MDMA can be neurotoxic. 2562.wav|Acronyms seem to dominate the area of goal setting, especially as it relates to things in the business sector, but also in the relationship sector. 2563.wav|I try not to eat them because I'm told they're not that good for me. 2564.wav|What it's doing is it's tapping on that mesolimbic reward pathway, increasing dopamine, or at least allowing dopamine levels to, say, substantially elevated enough that people don't experience some of the drop in dopamine that leads to the withdrawal symptoms, the lessening of mood, et cetera. 2565.wav|In fact, I would argue, if we all had operational definitions for more things in the world, that there would be fewer misunderstandings and arguments, and we'd all move a lot further as a species. 2566.wav|So that's phase two of the day, and that's how we want to think about light. 2567.wav|Again, we have these divergent effects, but I want to be very clear. 2568.wav|So we're going to discuss real world issues and how to work with the real world issues in order to get the most out of your fitness program. 2569.wav|Now, salt, aka sodium, has kind of a bad rap. 2570.wav|If you need to close your eyes in order to be comfortable, well, then chances are that light is too bright. 2571.wav|We had other designated meetings where we would be face to face. 2572.wav|And there has been no evidence thus far that one is better or worse, at least in terms of weight loss or overall health parameters. 2573.wav|So if any of the symptoms resonate with you by way of you thinking that you have this particular disorder or someone that you know has this disorder, I would take that seriously. 2574.wav|But we will also, of course, discuss tools, that is specific steps that you can take in order to be more creative. 2575.wav|If they don't do that, then what happens is not only are the receptors not stimulated to the same degree or with the same potency that they normally are, but the endogenous cannabinoids can no longer have their effect. 2576.wav|What we haven't discussed is first person versus third person and eyes open versus eyes closed. 2577.wav|So heavy in learning. 2578.wav|For the bulimic, this is the circuit that's going to essentially be underactive and is under conditions where they think, oh, I shouldn't eat anything, I shouldn't eat anything, and then they just tear the refrigerator open and plow through that, and then at that point, they're plowing through the cupboards, and then they're ordering food, and then they're feeling horrible about themselves. 2579.wav|I could do this with one eye or the other eye. 2580.wav|But that's another topic entirely. 2581.wav|And unfortunately, there are not many studies yet exploring how shorter, colder temperature environment exposure, say 1 minute or three minutes or six minutes at 55 degrees or at 50 degrees, whether or not that leads to similar greater or reduced levels of dopamine in the brain and body. 2582.wav|In addition, Roka eyeglasses and sunglasses have a terrific aesthetic. 2583.wav|I remember when I started graduate school feeling very excited, but a little bit overwhelmed by the amount of things that I had to do because I had to both do research, I was doing coursework at the time, graduate student stipends, and still now, unfortunately, were depressingly low. 2584.wav|And I know a number of people are going out of the US and into other countries where this stuff is being done more regularly. 2585.wav|And if I'm running or I'm doing some sort of movement where I'm unconstrained, really in terms of how far my stride is, I mean, I'm obviously constrained by the musculature, I'm really careful to not overextend or do something like that. 2586.wav|There's a beautiful review that was published recently in the journal Cell, which is one of the three apex journals nature science cell, and the title of that paper is adipose tissue plasticity in health and disease. 2587.wav|It basically has two branches to it. 2588.wav|Okay, so MDMA doesn't prevent the release of dopamine at the synapse, it does quite the opposite. 2589.wav|Nothing I don't and by taking it once or twice a day, I always feel better and I know that I'm covering all my bases. 2590.wav|And that's one of the reasons why I believe that the Internet, in particular social media, are so filled with contradictory opinions. 2591.wav|And when it is activated, it sets off a cascade, a series of signals within those neurons that change those neurons. 2592.wav|It's going to be anywhere from one to 2 hours. 2593.wav|But recall that cannabis and THC and CBD outcompete, meaning they park in the receptor for endogenous cannabinoids and prevent endogenous cannabinoids from having their normal level and pattern of action. 2594.wav|So dopamine itself is not neurotoxic. 2595.wav|I guess technically they have, because a UFO is an unidentified flying object, and if it's unidentified, at least to them, then it is indeed a UFO. 2596.wav|They also won't slip off your face if you get sweaty. 2597.wav|But if you do it one day a week and you're doing a lot of sessions within that day, as I've detailed here, you see these massive increases in growth hormone that are not observed if you're doing sauna more often for the other benefits of sauna. 2598.wav|The first of those studies I'd like to describe to you is one that has now become kind of a classic in the literature, I should say, at least for those that are interested in the atypical treatments for headache. 2599.wav|And it turns out that one of the major ways in which it was accomplished is that cannabis users, even if they are not under the influence of cannabis, are far more open to novel ideas, and they have a more explorative and sort of reduced anxiety, or I should say lower anxiety mode of thinking when they explore novel ideas, which is essential for divergent thinking. 2600.wav|So let's talk about vision. 2601.wav|And then as dopamine levels drop, there is the process of convergent thinking, which is taking options down off the wall, saying, no, that doesn't fit with that, doesn't fit with that, but that fits with that. 2602.wav|Now, you might say, why are you telling me about accommodation? 2603.wav|Let's say you find yourself, you're trying to do focused work. 2604.wav|Well, we have to ask ourselves, why would any of these plants, why would any of these compounds, THC, CBD, sativa indica, et cetera, why would any of that have any effect on us at all? 2605.wav|Thanks to some really terrific studies, both in animal models and in humans, we now understand a lot of what makes MDMA produce these incredibly unique effects. 2606.wav|The neural circuits that control very dedicated, coordinated movement are not there yet. 2607.wav|Put simply, when we imagine something in our mind's eye or mind's ear, we are imagining the real thing happening. 2608.wav|So that's the idea is that you want to explore and undergo a range of exploration of different ideas, whereas with convergent thinking, you're really trying to bind these things together and so the key element for convergent thinking is the aspect of persistence and focus and that's why convergent thinking in many ways feels harder than divergent thinking. 2609.wav|And this brings us right back to those top down mechanisms and the narrative around what we are experiencing internally. 2610.wav|Well, maybe I'm just hypersensitive to L-tyrosine, but I've taken 1000 or 1500 milligrams of L-tyrosine and I've definitely experienced an increase in alertness from taking 1.5 grams, not 15, but 1.5 grams of L-tyrosine. 2611.wav|It's also used in some circles as a way to teach people how to engage in cognitive performance when their body is simply filled with stress. 2612.wav|So we have them in our laboratory, but we take certain precautions to not have them negatively impact our health, safety protocols and so on. 2613.wav|They had a rat run on a running wheel. 2614.wav|However, lesser known is that there's a whole neuroscience of habit formation and habit breaking. 2615.wav|Really interesting review if you want to peruse that. 2616.wav|Now it's not the case that they couldn't move. 2617.wav|You have some prior knowledge that things further away are smaller. 2618.wav|And of course, dopamine comes up within the context of the ADHD episodes and other episodes as well. 2619.wav|Simple tool, but very powerful tool, according to the psychology literature, and actually the cellular molecular mechanisms that underlie that sort of procedural memory. 2620.wav|They are recruiting patients for these studies all the time. 2621.wav|Cover one eye with one hand. 2622.wav|I'm really curious what's going on in this particular website. 2623.wav|Today, we're mainly going to talk about anorexia, bulimia, binge eating disorder, and body dysmorphia. 2624.wav|But just very briefly, these surfaces, the upper half of the face, the palms of the hands, and the bottoms of the feet, are what we call glaborous skin surfaces. 2625.wav|The other pathway through the visual system is a so called magnocellular pathway. 2626.wav|Task switching, stop doing this, start doing that, start doing that, stop doing this, and sometimes to varying extents, right? 2627.wav|And if you've been making regular progress towards a goal that you reward yourself and the reward, indeed, is all cognitive, it's all mental. 2628.wav|I'm sure that there are EMDR practitioners out there that are thinking about the attaching of the new narrative and reward, but there I've heard less and I've seen fewer peer reviewed papers on that. 2629.wav|First of all, the quality of their ingredients is exceptional. 2630.wav|Contrast that with studies of the acute use of cannabis and THC, where people who are not regular users come into the laboratory and now, suddenly, with institutional guidelines and safety protocols, are under the influence of THC and cannabis. 2631.wav|Well, it turns out it's a neural circuit. 2632.wav|I always try and travel with a jump rope and skip rope, much to the dismay of the people who are housed below me in the hotel room. 2633.wav|They are in fact necessary, but not sufficient for having a plane that can land on water. 2634.wav|Regardless, behavioral interventions coupled with drug based interventions are always more effective than either one alone. 2635.wav|Remember, that's our general rule of thumb. 2636.wav|We can decide that the milestones for, let's say, a plan of getting in really terrific cardiovascular shape over the next year, we can decide to assess every day and ask ourselves how good was our progress? 2637.wav|With InsideTracker, changing those values becomes very straightforward because it has a personalized dashboard that you can use to address the nutrition-based, behavior-based, supplement-based approaches that you can use in order to move those values into the ranges that are optimal for you, your vitality, and your longevity. 2638.wav|I mean, you go, sure, final exam to final exam, et cetera. 2639.wav|No, occasionally I'll venture up into the 10 repetition range, but I really try and cluster the low repetition work for about a month, again, across all workouts and all exercises and the slightly higher, I would even say moderate repetition work across to the next month. 2640.wav|They are constrained in a logical way, which is one of the key elements of creativity. 2641.wav|Thesis makes custom nootropics. 2642.wav|So while it might seem nerdy to have a snelling chart in your home, or to do a smooth pursuit exercise a couple of times a week, or to get outside for a few hours a day and do your reading or your laptop work there, preserving your eyesight and preserving your vision is one of the most life enhancing or quality of life enhancing things that you can do. 2643.wav|And there you can support the podcast at any level that you like. 2644.wav|And I did an entire episode of the Huberman Lab podcast about those compounds, things like Adderall, things like Ritalin, which by the way, is quite different than Adderall in terms of how much dopamine relative to norepinephrine, it causes the increase of. 2645.wav|Is the sort of critical window for this increased protein synthesis. 2646.wav|Responses to resistive exercise improve with periodic heat extraction from the palm. 2647.wav|Now, we come clear in a few minutes why that emotional component is vital, but this is a circuit that originates in a brain structure called the lateral ventral tegmental area. 2648.wav|And that's because the mattress is tailored to my unique sleep needs. 2649.wav|It turns out that when nicotine gets into the bloodstream and then into the brain, some of that nicotine binds to nicotinic alpha four beta two containing nicotinic receptors. 2650.wav|Similarly, in the brain, we can say that a brain area might be necessary, but not sufficient to give us a particular experience or generate a particular behavior. 2651.wav|But the way I've been describing it has been in the context of circulating plasma levels of norepinephrine, meaning circulating within the blood. 2652.wav|In earlier podcasts, we talked about neuroplasticity, which is the brain's ability to change in response to experience. 2653.wav|What you learn is that, of course, being the upper portion of the spine, stabilizing your neck is very important. 2654.wav|So now you know approximately how long to train. 2655.wav|And I certainly don't want to give people the impression that cannabis increases flow states, because that's not always the case, and certainly most often is not going to be the case. 2656.wav|So you could go for time and you could try and reduce the temperature and increase the time over a period of days or weeks. 2657.wav|Now, another way to approach treatment of tension headache is something that many of you have probably heard about before, and that I've talked a little bit about on this podcast in previous episodes, and that's acupuncture. 2658.wav|We cannot underestimate the extent to which the dopamine system and our sense of whether or not we are on the right track is under our cognitive control. 2659.wav|If you'd like to see the supplements described on this and other episodes of the Huberman Lab Podcast, you can go to Live Momentous, spelled O-U-S, livemomentous.com slash Huberman. 2660.wav|So that's quite a dramatic effect. 2661.wav|And when we think of language and narrative as a tool to rewire our nervous system, in comparison to those kinds of ideas about pills and machines and potions, it starts to seem a little bit weak, right? 2662.wav|And I would wager that most people aren't consciously aware of the immediate steps involved. 2663.wav|I ate while I cooked, right? 2664.wav|And you can find those at HubermanLab.com. 2665.wav|I do recommend talking to a really good ophthalmologist if you have severe vision problems of any kind, or if you want to offset vision problems of any kind, an optometrist as well, but ideally, would be a neuro ophthalmologist. 2666.wav|They are often carcinogens as well. 2667.wav|Up until now, we've been talking about working memory. 2668.wav|It tends to prevent activation of the threat reflex. 2669.wav|The HPA axis stands for hypothalamic, pituitary, adrenal axis. 2670.wav|It turns out that, contrary to what I had believed, which was that salt is going to cause hypertension, or that salt is really bad for us, there's an innate need for salt in our system, and indeed, if you dive into the textbooks on salt balance, we have entire biological systems of our kidneys and fluid management et cetera, that are involved in making sure that we get enough salt. 2671.wav|So let's say that you're working on your golf swing, it seems to be there are a lot of people out there working on their golf swing, and you're going to do some mental training and visualization in order to improve your golf swing. 2672.wav|Please also check out the sponsors mentioned at the beginning and throughout today's episode. 2673.wav|I won't reveal who they are. 2674.wav|However, if we anticipate something positive is going to happen, and then that thing happens, we experience dopamine as part of the anticipation. 2675.wav|There's also a lot of information on the Internet about goal pursuit. 2676.wav|Now, the takeaway from this study for all of us, I think, is pretty straightforward. 2677.wav|But thyroid hormone can also be depleted at other phases of the binge purge cycle. 2678.wav|Everybody has unique sleep needs. 2679.wav|But you can increase the amount of alertness in your system and remain awake in the middle of the night by drinking a little bit more water than you normally would and then refraining from going to the restroom. 2680.wav|So if you have access to crowd chambers, I'm sure that the crowd chamber facility has told you about all these incredible benefits, and I don't doubt that some of those benefits truly exist, but most people just don't have the resources or the access to those. 2681.wav|The other thing MDMA does is it also gets into the presynaptic neuron to impact the packaging of serotonin into something called the vesicle monoamine transporter for serotonin. 2682.wav|So you can refer to those episodes if you're having challenges with sleep and want to improve on sleep. 2683.wav|Perhaps it's gamma waves or some other wave pattern that would engage heightened levels of focus and attention. 2684.wav|Then I'm going to talk about what happens in our brain and body when we do mental visualization in a dedicated way. 2685.wav|You can imagine how for the obsessive compulsive or for the anorexic, these are circuits that are overactive. 2686.wav|And beautiful studies in both animals and humans that record the electrical activity in the dorsilateral striatum find that the dorsilateral striatum is associated, meaning it becomes active at the beginning of a particular habit and at the very end and after a particular habit. 2687.wav|Now, four of them are located at the top, the bottom and the two sides of your eyeball, sort of at the 12:00, 06:00, 03:00 and 09:00 of your eyeball. 2688.wav|It doesn't drive terribly many people to seek out cannabis use, but cannabis use itself makes people four times likelier to develop a chronic major depression. 2689.wav|You go to put it on your shoes, and it can be pouring rain or even hailing or snowing outside. 2690.wav|Therapy based models, in short, are basically where the entire family is made aware of the individual's challenges with a particular eating disorder or other disorder, and in understanding some of the biology and psychology around it, they stop condemning the individual. 2691.wav|What's even more impressive, however, is that 67% of the people in the MDMA plus therapy treatment group no longer met the criteria for PTSD by the end of the treatment. 2692.wav|A systematic review. 2693.wav|There were certain rule ins and rule outs for that study, but certainly people that were taking any kind of prescription medication for ADHD were not included in the study or were eliminated from the study because those drugs can indeed increase dopamine as well as some other neuromodulators such as norepinephrine and epinephrine. 2694.wav|I mean, you could imagine that seeing yourself doing something and doing it perfectly because you've done it perfectly once before, hopefully, would allow you to build up that skill more quickly because you have that third person perspective where you can really see every aspect and every element of what you're trying to perform. 2695.wav|And of course, there is a long list of prescription drugs that are known to be dopamine agonists, several of which, many of which in fact have been shown to improve working memory. 2696.wav|But there are individuals that choose still to avoid food and seem to have some sort of reward mechanism that rewards them or makes them feel better if they don't eat, despite the fact that their body is severely depleted of nutrients. 2697.wav|But studies done in her laboratory point to the fact that a daily, very brief, in fact only 13 minutes meditation can vastly increase focus and focus ability, not just immediately after the meditation practice, but at all other times as well. 2698.wav|So this idea that cannabis use changes your ability to speak and enunciate clearly does appear to be true. 2699.wav|And there are other populations for which it can be downright dangerous, recreationally or medicinally. 2700.wav|I think the most important one, in fact, I will go on record saying what I believe to be the most important variable for any endurance or cardiovascular training is that because it's a repetitive movement, that you're able to complete the movement safely, meaning you're not putting your body into range of motion or into positions that can damage joints or put you in any kind of compromised state. 2701.wav|Like you're not sure where they stop and where they start, or where they end. 2702.wav|So, in this particular study, they examined brain activity in anorexics who are selecting different foods. 2703.wav|This could be done seated or standing, but you would close your eyes and you would focus as much of your attention, including your visual attention, on your inner landscape, on your interoception. 2704.wav|Now, one of the misconceptions about anorexia is that it stems from an overemphasis on perfectionism, or that because of all the images in social media and in advertising of extremely thin and fit or muscular people, that individuals are looking at themselves and comparing themselves to those images and thinking that they don't match up and developing anorexia. 2705.wav|One important point that I don't think I've heard mentioned anywhere else, but that I hope to have Dr. Kelly Starrett on the podcast to discuss, and that I've discussed with him one-on-one, which is be careful with all out sprints or all out anything cardiovascular exercise. 2706.wav|In fact, there have been human and animal studies showing that if you give somebody an SSRI prior to them taking MDMA, you actually block the prosocial and empathogenic effects of MDMA. 2707.wav|I actually saw that in the literature, which I couldn't quite believe because yes, indeed, some people can fall asleep after drinking caffeine, but we know very well, thanks to the beautiful work and science communications of people like Dr. Matthew Walker from University of California, Berkeley, and who's been a guest on this and many other podcasts, that even if you can fall asleep after drinking caffeine, ingesting caffeine within the 10 to 12 hours prior to bedtime is simply not a good idea because of the ways it disrupts the architecture of sleep. 2708.wav|First of all, some of the animal studies have used dosages of MDMA as high as two milligrams per kilogram of body weight, as high as three milligrams per kilogram of body weight, and even in upwards of that. 2709.wav|They reduce anxiety and even antipsychotic drugs or beta blockers, sometimes called adrenergic blockers, drugs that are designed to prevent the heart from beating too fast or to reduce blood pressure, to reduce some elements of that hypothalamic pituitary axis response that we talked about earlier. 2710.wav|Because you are zooming in in your mind's eye. 2711.wav|And it is not far from your nostrils to the rest of your respiratory pathway, of course. 2712.wav|Just by changing where a person looks, they change their perceived effort and their ability to do something more effectively, more quickly than a group that is not deliberately focusing their visual attention on one location. 2713.wav|It's just that many stories are from the perspective of what we already know and believe and think the world to be, and our own perspective, and the actions that we would take given that world and that perspective. 2714.wav|So whether or not you're into technology or you're into art or music, whether or not you're just somebody who wants to expand their understanding or their experience of life in some way, creativity is a fundamentally important state to try and access, and to try and access regularly, and to try and tap into in order to eventually produce something, in order to create something of meaning that exists not just in that creative state, but to yourself after that creative state has gone away. 2715.wav|Now, I want to be very clear because I'm going to come back to this a little bit later again and again. 2716.wav|So when thinking about the potential neurotoxicity of MDMA, the conditions, that is, the environmental conditions, the behavioral conditions under which somebody takes MDMA, are vitally important, at least important, I would argue, as any other compounds they might be ingesting with MDMA. 2717.wav|Now, unfortunately, there are no data looking at the brains of these individuals, looking at, for instance, which brain structures are active or less active, or perhaps even looking at levels of serotonin or dopamine all things that can be done with positron emission tomography, imaging, functional MRI, et cetera. 2718.wav|You don't have to do those protocols again, and you certainly wouldn't want to do them before anything that involves a lot of working memory and attention. 2719.wav|First of all, classic psychedelics like psilocybin and LSD, as I mentioned earlier, are known to create more lateral connectivity between different areas of the so called neocortex. 2720.wav|So what they found in this study, using a huge array of beautiful techniques, such as inactivation of specific brain areas, activation of specific brain areas, drug antagonists to prevent oxytocin function, or drug antagonists to prevent specific receptors involved in the serotonin pathway, lots and lots of tools in their toolkit. 2721.wav|Some people like those, but they also make versions of their eyeglasses and sunglasses with frames that you can wear out to dinner, to work, et cetera. 2722.wav|And these days, people talk a lot about needing to stimulate muscle growth or muscle strength at least every 48 hours. 2723.wav|And there's literally a math done by your nervous system that says this signal arrived before the other signal, and the difference between those signals is the intraoral time difference. 2724.wav|Dopamine is often thought of as the molecule of pleasure and reward, but actually it is the molecule of motivation. 2725.wav|It's more that the typical process of trauma and fear reduction that's carried out in things like prolonged exposure, cognitive processing, cognitive behavioral therapy, seems to be compacted into a much shorter session, and that session is performed at a much higher intensity. 2726.wav|And, of course, there are all the metabolic syndromes and the problems with having excess levels of body fat, things like insulin resistance, type two diabetes. 2727.wav|That would be an interesting experiment, but that's not what they did here. 2728.wav|Thursday, I would call it moderate intensity, cardiovascular exercise. 2729.wav|You have sensory neurons, which sense different things, light, sound, or touch, and you have modulatory neurons. 2730.wav|We expect that we are not surprised that we need that, and yet we sort of expect that our brain should be able to lock on and do work in a very focused way immediately. 2731.wav|So, as we talk about different drug based interventions or behavioral interventions or social interventions, I'd like you to think about whether or not those interventions are breaking into or tapping into this box of the thinking, the sort of pattern of thinking around food, whether or not it's the behavior, the actual ingestion or the restriction of food, or whether or not it's tapping into the homeostatic process, the balance of energy systems, and kind of getting enough but not too much, or it's tapping into the reward system. 2732.wav|It's just not going to happen. 2733.wav|They eat breakfast and dinner. 2734.wav|But if you're interested in this, or you feel like it suits you to treadmill, find a stationary treadmill that you can walk on. 2735.wav|Second of all, they ship internationally, and that was important to us because a number of you reside outside of the United States. 2736.wav|Most of those people would be unwilling to give up their practice of nicotine delivery for more than a few hours. 2737.wav|With athletic greens, I get all the vitamins and minerals that I need, plus the probiotics ensure a healthy gut microbiome. 2738.wav|Should you still train, et cetera, et cetera? 2739.wav|Some people, like me, have very thin eyelids. 2740.wav|When we think a reward is going to come, it starts to actually arrive earlier in the form of dopamine release. 2741.wav|That's 1 gram of sodium, 200 milligrams of potassium and 60 milligrams of magnesium. 2742.wav|Many people out there will simply get a headache and decide, oh, I'm going to pop a couple of aspirin. 2743.wav|Lutein enriched egg yolks. 2744.wav|The one that we work with and that we partnered with is Thorn. 2745.wav|Mostly because those windows filter out a lot of the wavelengths of blue light that are essential for stimulating the eyes and this wake up signal. 2746.wav|Remember, these are the most metabolically active cells in your entire body, the cells within your retina, because blood flow is required to get them the energy and nutrients they need. 2747.wav|The optometrist I went to gave me a prism which adjusted it so that I could see things normally, which just made the eye weaker and weaker. 2748.wav|The cathedral effect has been discussed well, really for many, many decades, maybe even hundreds of years, but formally has been discussed since the early two thousand s in which it seemed that people who were in high ceiling environments, hence the phrase cathedral. 2749.wav|I've at times put my phone on airplane mode. 2750.wav|The data that are emerging suggests that indeed overuse of those things can cause problems. 2751.wav|In fact, through a weird twist of the biology, and please look this up if you're really interested in this. 2752.wav|Now, eventually, most, if not all people find the face. 2753.wav|I know most people are familiar with, or at least have heard of, the so called ketogenic diet. 2754.wav|Now, some people will find, actually, that ingesting far more omega-3 fatty acids, generally through supplementation, but again, can be accomplished through foods as well, can also be beneficial for other things, such as mood. 2755.wav|Reward prediction error is the way in which people navigate four year degrees. 2756.wav|For people that have normal vision or with just a low degree of macular degeneration, these studies did not see a significant improvement of vision from supplementing with lutein. 2757.wav|I would say the ideal would be standing. 2758.wav|They're having all sorts of issues, neck pain. 2759.wav|The other symptom that's quite common in cluster type headache is a droopy eyelid, which should make sense because the trigeminal innervates the eye region. 2760.wav|For those of you that are already subscribers to the premium channel, please go to HubermanLab.com slash premium and download the premium subscription feed. 2761.wav|And that we know from brain imaging studies and we know from measurements of dopamine in particular brain circuits and we know from people who train with open monitoring meditation on a regular basis improves divergent thinking capability. 2762.wav|Some people will perspire. 2763.wav|I have to say, after now about ten years of working at a sit stand desk, I find I can't sit for too long before I want to stand. 2764.wav|With Maui Nui meats, you can accomplish that very easily and you can do that without ingesting an excess of calories, which is also critical for immediate and long-term health. 2765.wav|So you can imagine that there's a lot of biology, meaning cells and hormones and neural pathways, et cetera, that are going to support the development of those habits. 2766.wav|These are zero cost you can look up. 2767.wav|And I'll talk about exactly how to do that and in what ratios a little bit later. 2768.wav|We also have a lifetime subscription model that is a one-time payment. 2769.wav|You want it to be something that's positive and fairly easy to execute so that you're not struggling all the time to insert this on top of this bad behavior, whatever that bad behavior might happen to be. 2770.wav|And frankly, there is no neural circuit in the brain for being quote unquote smart. 2771.wav|It's hard for me to imagine that taking a brief cold shower after a strength or hypertrophy training session would completely reverse or short circuit the effects of that strength and hypertrophy training. 2772.wav|We don't detect infrared consciously, other species do like pit vipers can see in the infrared, they can even heat sense. 2773.wav|And despite my efforts, I couldn't find out whether or not the Lds community has officially sanctioned the use of MDMA. 2774.wav|Now, some of that effort is actually eye movements, because you have muscles that can move your eyes within their sockets. 2775.wav|So I'd be very surprised if any of you couldn't remember that string of letters after hearing them twice. 2776.wav|Feel free to put a link or just a description. 2777.wav|Is it effective to think about the big win at the end? 2778.wav|I want to emphasize, you don't want to shine really bright lights into your eyes. 2779.wav|Decision making is metabolically demanding. 2780.wav|So what ends up happening is that baseline, which has been adjusted down to offset the increases in mood and alertness, et cetera, when you smoke or vape is lower than it normally would be, so that 09:00 a.m. 2781.wav|Now everyone shows up to the table, meaning to protocols with a different background of health status, and there's simply no way that I can know what your health status is. 2782.wav|Now, there are forms of pharmacology that can shift brain neurotransmitters and neuromodulators in ways that favor creativity. 2783.wav|In other words, lower the ceiling. 2784.wav|There are however ways to increase dopamine more evenly across the board using non-prescription approaches. 2785.wav|But the idea is that in this so called phase two of the 24 hours cycle, from about nine to 16 hours after waking, you want to bring the level of lights down a bit. 2786.wav|This isn't the kind of thing that can be done reflexively. 2787.wav|Even if we can still extend our hands out as far as we want. 2788.wav|That is, these steroid hormones like estrogen in particular and testosterone in particular can also bind to the surface of cells and impact all sorts of things at the level of the cells that have nothing to do with changes in gene expression. 2789.wav|And so there isn't this expectation and craving, and then all of a sudden, when dopamine is released, it's extremely high. 2790.wav|I'll give you an example of one particularly nice study from the Belcettis lab. 2791.wav|Well, that state of being very alert. 2792.wav|It's certainly not something I encourage. 2793.wav|And that is entirely compatible with that phase one, phase two, phase three type program that I talked about earlier, but encompasses a bit of a longer timescale and really arrives at kind of a system, if you will, for how to build in habits and then to test whether or not those habits have really stuck and whether or not they're likely to stick going forward. 2794.wav|I also would have thought that if a goal is really easy to achieve, that it would engage the systems of action in the brain and body enough that people would sort of get into motion and pursue that goal. 2795.wav|We are also going to talk about trauma and post traumatic stress disorders. 2796.wav|People will say, that guy has no neck, or they have no neck when in fact they're referring to the fact that they have a very large neck. 2797.wav|I do not recommend that anyone take dosages of curcumin, AKA turmeric, that are that high. 2798.wav|In fact, most of what our visual system does is to eliminate repetitive patterns when we see them. 2799.wav|The title of the paper is Prevention of Traumatic Headache, Dizziness and Fatigue with Creatine Administration. 2800.wav|So in that case, I would also encourage you to think about something that was discussed on a previous episode, which is the particular effects of caffeine. 2801.wav|This is actually an issue for me. 2802.wav|That's something I've been doing for a very long time, but sometimes it just gets a little bit tedious and I want to do something different. 2803.wav|And today we're going to talk about a number of different ways to work with what could very well be called these interleaving goals by focusing on a common practice or common set of mechanisms that are present in all aspects of goal seeking. 2804.wav|I get really, really warm and I get really, really cold repeatedly. 2805.wav|And in other words, determine how you feel in one moment should dictate what sort of tool you should use in order to become more creative. 2806.wav|Other people might use edibles. 2807.wav|Now, the proximity of the dura and the meninges to the brain and the fact that everything is wrapped very tightly together and the fact that there's a lot of vasculature, so that would be arteries, blood vessels, and capillaries are all in that area on the top of the brain and throughout the brain. 2808.wav|So, this is a really interesting brain network that, I should mention exists in everybody, but that in people with PTSD, seems to have heightened connectivity. 2809.wav|What I mean, chronic cannabis use does not necessarily mean that people are smoking cannabis or ingesting cannabis every day, although certainly if they are, that qualifies as chronic use. 2810.wav|Here we're talking about a deliberate reactivation of the sensations in the body. 2811.wav|The dopamine increase will have to be achieved either through cognitive processing, that is, telling yourself you're doing a good job and moving forward because thoughts really do impact your levels of dopamine or some other sort of pro dopamine or dopamine increasing protocol, also discussed in the toolkit for focus and our episode on dopamine for motivation and drive. 2812.wav|And there is some evidence, I spoke to our chair of ophthalmology. 2813.wav|And of course, we will cover real life issues, such as should you train if you are sleep deprived? 2814.wav|They weren't doing curls and dips and squats and things of that sort. 2815.wav|They block the reuptake of serotonin and thereby lead to net increases in the amount of serotonin. 2816.wav|Someone stands to make a lot of money out there. 2817.wav|And yet, if we were trying to create more sense of alertness, if that's your goal, positioning computer screens up high, chin up, looking up. 2818.wav|We're talking about an at home version, or use a pack of frozen blueberries or broccoli sort of pack of those is what he described. 2819.wav|It's of course especially true if you live very far from the equator. 2820.wav|And I was remembering in that movie, you've got this math genius who is a janitor at MIT, et cetera and apparently just has access to all this knowledge. 2821.wav|But the men in movies tended to be, if they were muscular, they were far more svelte than they are now. 2822.wav|It's a little bit counterintuitive, but what this does is it creates a kind of a cognitive and a temporal mismatch between the initial bad behavior, which before is what we would call sort of a closed loop. 2823.wav|The purpose of the premium channel is severalfold. 2824.wav|There's actually an excellent study looking at the effects of nicotine not by smoking delivery, but by a different delivery mechanism in which they looked at performance of hitters in baseball. 2825.wav|What I mean by that is people using a nicotine patch or nicotine gum or other nicotine delivery device, that is not cigarettes and not vaping in order to maintain levels of nicotine in their bloodstream, which, of course, means maintain levels of nicotine in their brain and body to the same extent that they would if they were smoking or vaping, maybe even gradually taking down the total amount of nicotine in their brain and body by reducing the number or size of nicotine gum pieces that they ingest each day, or keeping the patch on for a shorter amount of time, or getting a lower dose patch that releases less nicotine total or over time. 2826.wav|Again, this is not a sexually transmitted herpes, although it can be of course transmitted through kissing and sexual contact, but that's not the only origin of it. 2827.wav|Some people, though, will configure a second screen. 2828.wav|They simply cannot help it. 2829.wav|And as we now move into discussion about anorexia and bulimia, specifically, what you'll see is that anorexia and bulimia are not a breaking of the mindset of what one should do or shouldn't do. 2830.wav|And the title of the paper is Long Chain Omega-3 Fatty Acids and Headache in the US Population. 2831.wav|And there's one in particular that's referred to as the Carolina Reaper. 2832.wav|I'm going to read off a series of letters, and your task is to remember as many of those letters as you can. 2833.wav|Well, these cells, retinal ganglion cells, communicate to areas of the brain when particular qualities of light are present in your environment and signal to the brain, therefore, that it's early day or late in the day. 2834.wav|Some people, their eyes are drying out because as we focus, if we're trying to do something, our eyelids stay open. 2835.wav|So that's one point that pick a milestone that you can maintain consistently throughout the pursuit of a goal. 2836.wav|And let's start off this discussion by comparing working memory to other forms of memory that most people are more familiar with. 2837.wav|Now, that's one part of the process of getting over a fear. 2838.wav|Mammalian target of rapamycin. 2839.wav|That is our brain encodes repetition as things not to be interested in. 2840.wav|I'm a Californian, so I can make that quote unquote joke, but nonetheless, there were no significant differences between that and a cycling station where people are sitting and pedaling as they type away or as they work or as they are on phone calls, et cetera. 2841.wav|Steinglass and colleagues did is they took anorexics, and they, of course, had control groups, and they put them in an fMRI scanner, which are these brain scanners that allow you to evaluate which brain areas are active during particular tasks. 2842.wav|And the stereotype that cannabis use tends to create more of a drawl, or kind of, if you will, a laziness in the laugh and some of the reflexive enunciations that people use does also appear to be true. 2843.wav|It's because when your lungs are full, a particular class of neurons called barrel receptors send information to the brain and say there's pressure in the lungs, and that means that there's probably oxygen in here. 2844.wav|Mechanisms underlying enhanced creativity in cannabis users. 2845.wav|What we're trying to identify here are the rules and mechanisms of what constitutes something creative and why it's creative. 2846.wav|Mechanism is the way that you get true understanding, and that you can then be very quick and give overviews of things, but you need the mechanism. 2847.wav|Insights that can allow you to better not just your emotional life and your relationship life, but of course also the relationship to yourself and to your professional life, to all sorts of career goals. 2848.wav|It's not getting a quantitative readout, but it's getting a qualitative readout. 2849.wav|But it turns out that your posture, literally the position of your body relative to gravity, also has important implications for how alert you are. 2850.wav|And here, if your healthcare provider approves it and you decide to try it, I would suggest starting with a very, very low dose, again, to find the minimal effective dose. 2851.wav|So we've covered Sunday through Friday and then Saturday rolls around. 2852.wav|In other words, again, I've never had this experience. 2853.wav|The same is also true. 2854.wav|However, I think it's fair to say that in the last ten years, the field of neuroscience has shed light on not just the neural circuits, meaning the areas of the brain that control the fear response and the ways that it does it, but some important ways to extinguish fears using behavioral therapies, drug therapies, and what we call brain machine interfaces. 2855.wav|Cigarette time or vape inhalation time no longer feels above baseline. 2856.wav|And without going into a lot of insect biology, the reason or the rationale behind this explanation is that nicotine is not only a substance in tobacco that people use, or in the various medications that people use, but it's also used as a pesticide because it can dramatically disrupt the nervous system of insects. 2857.wav|There were other things, too, of course. 2858.wav|There, increased macular pigment, optical density and visual acuity. 2859.wav|Basically, athletic greens has all the things I need. 2860.wav|I've actually never done much squatting or deadlifting. 2861.wav|And I for 01:00 a.m. 2862.wav|Working memory is also very closely related to attention. 2863.wav|They become more active. 2864.wav|So another key reason why there's more transmission of colds and flus in the winter months is because people are spending more time indoors. 2865.wav|And that contour is very important. 2866.wav|First of all, you have a muscle called the soleus. 2867.wav|They're constantly on the treadmill, they're constantly running. 2868.wav|If they had trained through deliberate cold exposure, which might not seem surprising at all. 2869.wav|And so it comes as no surprise that vaping is strongly associated with increased levels of depression, especially when vaping use drops off. 2870.wav|It's the second most consumed drug. 2871.wav|So cue up that working memory and attention. 2872.wav|If not, what ends up happening is that during the luteal phase, which is the second half of the menstrual cycle, there's been a buildup of the lining of the uterus because of an increase in progesterone. 2873.wav|Just like humans. 2874.wav|One is a cognitive mechanism of creating a preoccupation with food and anticipation of taste, as well as the experience of taste. 2875.wav|In particular, in ways that impact the energy production systems of cells that are related to ATP, adenosine triphosphate for those fissionados out there that want to look it up, you can simply look up calcium, ATP, and neurons, and you can learn about that cycle. 2876.wav|This will differ for different people depending on how far apart your eyes are, so called interpupillary distance. 2877.wav|I would recommend not using stimulants such as caffeine prior to divergent thinking, but rather use stimulants if you do want to use stimulants such as caffeine prior to convergent thinking. 2878.wav|But it's also an interesting book because it will teach you a lot about the history of the pharmaceutical industry, the war on drugs in the United States, and the interaction between illegal drug exploration and drugs for clinical treatment of psychiatric challenges. 2879.wav|How cold depends on your cold tolerance, your core metabolism, and a number of other features that there is simply no way I could know or have access to. 2880.wav|There are a few simple things you can do to support your vision. 2881.wav|A careful analysis through medical epidemiology has shown that you find anorexia even in cultures and societies where food is scarce. 2882.wav|And you've got these cells called retinal ganglion cells that send the information off to the rest of the brain. 2883.wav|Halpern and others, I think, is really exciting. 2884.wav|Is it always about reducing anxiety? 2885.wav|If your goal is, say, a fitness goal. 2886.wav|Setting and achieving goals is not a uniquely human endeavor. 2887.wav|To me, it sounds like a lot. 2888.wav|Well, balcetta's lab measured systolic blood pressure and found that when goals were too easy for people to attain, they didn't get that increase in systolic blood pressure and recruitment of the other neural and vascular systems, meaning the blood systems and the nervous system, that would place them into ongoing effort. 2889.wav|So I found this to be a very effective protocol. 2890.wav|And I had no trouble falling asleep after doing deliberate cold exposure and then taking a nice warm shower and then going to sleep. 2891.wav|Binaural beats, as the name suggests, are beats delivered to the two ears. 2892.wav|And the word process here is especially important. 2893.wav|You're welcome to go look at it. 2894.wav|But seven digit phone number or a sequence of numbers or an address and your inability to remember that. 2895.wav|They can go into the area where genes are made and turn on and off different genes. 2896.wav|That will give you access to all the AMAs. 2897.wav|Thank you again for joining me for today's discussion, all about MDMA. 2898.wav|So again, it brings us back to the same model of how people extinguish fears and traumas and replace them with new experiences when there is no drug treatment involved. 2899.wav|Well, the already elevated norepinephrine and dopamine, the sunlight, exercise, cold exposure, caffeine, tyrosine, et cetera, all of those place the brain and body into a state in which you are better able, or I would say more easily able, to engage in activities that have a high degree of limbic friction and where you need to override that limbic friction. 2900.wav|And on Wednesday, we get back to a resistance training workout. 2901.wav|You hear, sometimes you throw things against the wall and see what sticks. 2902.wav|But the simple way to think about is cb one receptors are mainly in the nervous system, and cb two receptors are mainly in the body and endogenous cannabinoids. 2903.wav|And those tools include behavioral tools as well as pharmacology. 2904.wav|However, the primate studies, or I should say the non human primate studies, which are the sorts of animal studies that most closely mimic what one expects to see in the human brain, because, after all, mice and the effects of these drugs and mice do translate to humans. 2905.wav|The second study is a more recent study, it was published in 2021, that used a, I would say a more or less similar type of overall design as the one I referred to earlier. 2906.wav|They can be utilized for energy, burned up for moving about and thinking, et cetera. 2907.wav|And this is true whether or not you indulge in caffeine or not. 2908.wav|Now, one thing I have not mentioned thus far are the dosages of MDMA used in this and in other studies. 2909.wav|And here I'm borrowing language from an excellent researcher who's done important work in this area at Harvard. 2910.wav|Other electrolytes that are in element are things like magnesium and potassium, which are also essential for neuronal function and indeed all organ function. 2911.wav|Now, that said, I do realize that some people might be hyper-focused on things like strength and hypertrophy and the aesthetics that come with it. 2912.wav|They're talking about the various ways that habits form in the nervous system, and they mention, with each repetition of a habit, small changes occur in the cognitive and neural mechanisms associated with procedural memory. 2913.wav|So over time, it actually is impairing blood's ability to get to the penis chronically, as well as to other organs of the body. 2914.wav|And what they found was miraculously, but also very convincingly, daily short bouts of intense stress actually undid, reversed the effects of chronic stress. 2915.wav|Okay, so we'll get into some of the brain networks and which ones are activated while under the influence of MDMA. 2916.wav|You can also move from different locations within your home. 2917.wav|That could be different combinations of music or colors or shapes or technology, et cetera, but it does so in a way that tells us something fundamental and different. 2918.wav|Clinical trials. 2919.wav|So how quickly I'm breathing, my heart rate, the feelings on the surface of my skin, et cetera. 2920.wav|But working memory actually involves two things or at least two things. 2921.wav|Some kids would just decide they don't want to cycle anymore down that particular street. 2922.wav|Another feature of Inside tracker is that it has what's called the inner age test. 2923.wav|What Sachin's lab and subsequently other labs showed was that restricting one's feeding window to anywhere from four to eight or even 12 hours during each 24 hours cycle was beneficial in mice. 2924.wav|You know, oftentimes you really want to spend time with the person and you don't want them to feel as if they're holding you up. 2925.wav|Despite it not involving a huge number of subjects, I think it is a key paper because it really points to such an important element of motor learning and training, which is this action withholding component, this no-go component that here is captured so nicely in the stop signal task. 2926.wav|And here's the really key thing. 2927.wav|The direction of the effect is not known. 2928.wav|Now, there are a lot of details to this study that don't map perfectly onto everything that I've talked about, but the point is this. 2929.wav|In addition to the benefits of getting 180 to 200 minutes of zone two cardio per week minimum, it's a really good idea to get up to that max or near max heart rate at least once a week. 2930.wav|I think there's a good reason to believe that you could attenuate to it, but if you are going to try it, you might try it both ways. 2931.wav|And when you are eliminating incorrect movements to arrive at only the correct movements in a very reflexive and repeated way. 2932.wav|So that's why there's still 10% that's focused on my internal landscape, because I want to pay attention to those three breaths. 2933.wav|So this has an evolutionary, or at least an adaptive component to it. 2934.wav|And they release different hormones and other types of chemicals into the body. 2935.wav|I also want to highlight the fact that nowadays all recreational drugs, but certainly MDMA included, are often, in fact very often contaminated with fentanyl. 2936.wav|Remember these faces vases or these impossible figures? 2937.wav|Here's how you break a habit. 2938.wav|And the endpoint in the study was to have people give subjective ratings of their feelings of connectedness to one another as well as rate. 2939.wav|And it doesn't mean that non creative people have low levels of dopamine. 2940.wav|Yes, because if I'm waiting for a piece of equipment, sometimes I have to just wait longer, so that happens, but I really try and keep the total duration of the workout shorter. 2941.wav|That's actually when I have the most energy. 2942.wav|But if you break it down into these elements, that the visual system can help you find and move towards those milestones. 2943.wav|There's a component of the fear system being able to batch many events in time and create one specific fear. 2944.wav|But when not smoking tobacco, when bringing nicotine into the bloodstream through other mechanisms, many, if not all, of the disruption of the endothelial cell function can be bypassed. 2945.wav|It does, however, seem to change resting state functional connectivity within these limbic structures like the amygdala and related structures that are associated with threat detection. 2946.wav|Well, most of us have a fixed ceiling level in our home, but you might have rooms in which the ceiling is higher and rooms in which the ceiling is lower. 2947.wav|But if you are going to spend time out of doors in cold days of winter, which by the way is a really good thing for other reasons, and I'll get into those reasons in a moment because they relate directly to why there's such a prevalence of colds and flus because in general, people are not doing what I'm about to tell you to do. 2948.wav|For instance, remember earlier I talked about how many people with PTSD also suffer from alcohol use disorder? 2949.wav|We have to go back to our understanding of the cb one receptor and the potency with which THC binds to that cb one receptor. 2950.wav|And this is a very interesting process by which neurons initially are situated far apart, and then they grow out connections and make contacts with one another. 2951.wav|Okay, so a failure to have a menstrual cycle, reduced insulin secretion. 2952.wav|You can find the cheapest red light available out there, and those will simply work. 2953.wav|So first principle is mental training and visualization needs to be simple and brief and repeated. 2954.wav|Typically in a laboratory, there would be some visual presentation of what I'm about to say, but here because of the format that most of you are consuming this information by, we're going to do this purely by audio. 2955.wav|We can't be in a mode of simply being focused on the finish line. 2956.wav|And that's not directly related to anything neural. 2957.wav|It turns out that every once in a while, scientists disagree. 2958.wav|So even if you're not trying to grow your neck, you definitely want to make sure that you use some lightweights to make sure that your neck is stable and upright. 2959.wav|Many people are familiar with dopamine and familiar with it in the context of motivation and drive. 2960.wav|They'll feel a very close understanding and association. 2961.wav|I would say five to ten minutes, three times a week will be great. 2962.wav|Now, Tromsø, Norway represents an extreme of day length variation according to time of year. 2963.wav|So these are dosages of psilocybin that do not induce hallucination and do not massively shift mood or internal states in any way that has people feeling like they are acting or feeling that much different, although some people do report a subjective shift, does seem to increase divergent thinking ability. 2964.wav|I want to emphasize that any discussion about cannabis has to be framed within the context that the legality of cannabis varies tremendously depending on where you are in the world. 2965.wav|And then I'm going to go into a bit of what happens in the brains of different types of people. 2966.wav|And again, when you place that mental training is not so critical, or at least it doesn't appear to be based on the literature. 2967.wav|I still pull an all nighter now and again because of deadlines and so forth. 2968.wav|It only takes one trial to one event, one time to reorient or rewire our neural circuitry so that we have a bias toward moving away from that thing in the future when things go well. 2969.wav|They're so droopy, but many people have thin eyelids, and those people are going to be even more prone to light coming in through the eyelid. 2970.wav|Now, I know, and I confess I'm sort of of the mind that if I personally had age related macular degeneration or a propensity for it in my family, which fortunately, I don't. 2971.wav|So again, musicians, composers, artists, et cetera, you tend to find more manic depression and manic depression, at least in the manic states, the hyperactive states are correlated with elevated levels of dopamine. 2972.wav|And certainly, please, for those of you that are 15 years old or younger, ingesting nicotine in any form, unless it's prescribed by your doctor for a very specific clinical reason, to me, seems just like a terrible idea, based on all the data that I've read. 2973.wav|I am not a fan of the word nootropics because nootropics literally means smart drugs or smart drug. 2974.wav|Now, I want to emphasize that if you're somebody who doesn't have any trouble seeing, hearing, tasting, smelling, and has an excellent sense of interoception, I do believe that these episodes will still be very relevant to you because they have everything to do with how you move through the world, how you make sense of information, and how you organize your thoughts and your emotions. 2975.wav|Again, it's Hubermanlab.com slash premium to subscribe. 2976.wav|And the third phase is 16 to 24 hours after waking up. 2977.wav|That's post traumatic fear. 2978.wav|But it does seem that the FDA and some of the related bodies that control these sorts of things are eyes open to this stuff. 2979.wav|So for instance, I could play for you a short motif of a song. 2980.wav|That is, it increases metabolism through its effects on some other areas of the brain and body. 2981.wav|Again, task bracketing. 2982.wav|And on the one hand, why that could be interesting, it's not particularly creative because it faithfully represents what's already there. 2983.wav|And a number of people might be saying, well, I've heard that alpha GPC can increase focus by way of increasing acetylcholine and norepinephrine or epinephrine, but it can also increase tmao, which is a kind of a negative marker of cardiac health and cardiovascular health. 2984.wav|And yes, it has been shown to improve some of those symptoms of Parkinson's patients. 2985.wav|You can do your focus, detailed work in that first phase. 2986.wav|This has been shown again and again through work from Emily Belcettis at NYU. 2987.wav|They just didn't get them down into papers that we could evaluate on PubMed and so forth. 2988.wav|Okay, so what this is, is this is a system that predicts whether or not rewards are going to come. 2989.wav|I once sat in this person's office, and he I will reveal that as a. 2990.wav|But I want to emphasize that those are transient increases in metabolism. 2991.wav|The photopigment that captures light in the back of your eye literally absorbs light pigment in your eye and converts that into electrical signals and allows you to see. 2992.wav|Meaning, in a pure strain of sativa, it tends to be a taller plant, a longer stalk, believe it or not, and actually, the length of the leaves is quite a bit longer, whereas the indica plant tends to be more short and stout. 2993.wav|The ingestion of other compounds, not just during the MDMA session, but also in the 24 hours before and after that MDMA session and behaviors will certainly impact temperature, which will impact whether or not MDMA is neurotoxic or not. 2994.wav|Should we reward ourselves just for effort? 2995.wav|There are multiple benefits to doing these kinds of endurance type workouts and zone two cardio, but by putting it at the start of my week, again, my week starts on Sunday, I'm sure that regardless of how the rest of the week goes, that I got my endurance training in. 2996.wav|I'm sorry to break it to you, but if you're dipping or you're using snuff or things of that sort, certainly I'm not going to tell people what to do. 2997.wav|Okay, so, again, even if you just could grasp the idea that you have a brain area, the amygdala, that's involved in threat detection, and it provides inputs to another brain area called the insula, which is involved in this thing called interoception, and that reductions in those connections between the amygdala and the insula scale with or correlate with reductions in PTSD symptoms as a consequence of people taking MDMA. 2998.wav|You should be asking yourself, what sort of narrative should I apply to eliminate fear? 2999.wav|Obviously if you're typing or you're writing, there'll be some leaning involved, but that's what the literature support. 3000.wav|We think of nicotine as something that we take, but actually we have receptors that is locations in the brain to which nicotine binds and can exert its effects. 3001.wav|They will do things like putting on a hoodie or wearing a hat, for instance, to restrict their visual window. 3002.wav|They always match the speed at which they do things in their mind's eye to the same speed that they do them in the real world. 3003.wav|In fact, most of the time, I don't even realize that they're on my face. 3004.wav|And here, if I'm wrong, I don't know. 3005.wav|And when you look at the literature on this, you find studies that very clearly point to a yes, it increases creativity. 3006.wav|First things first, there were no significant differences between cycling or treadmill workstations on any cognitive or typing outcomes. 3007.wav|And by real life, I mean when life presents stressful events. 3008.wav|Now, what do I mean by walls? 3009.wav|Again, be careful not to overheat. 3010.wav|And there have been a lot of fentanyl related deaths, both in kids and adults. 3011.wav|Drugs like bromocriptine, which we know are so-called dopamine agonists. 3012.wav|So it's really interesting to see that shift simply by increasing my salt intake, something that's really counterintuitive to a lot of what's out there. 3013.wav|Vaping is actually harder to quit than cigarette smoking for most people. 3014.wav|So divergent thinking is favored by having elevated levels of dopamine, but not too high. 3015.wav|It depends on the dosage and the individual, of course. 3016.wav|That's what happens when we blink. 3017.wav|In fact, anorexia is the most dangerous psychiatric disorder of all. 3018.wav|And it turns out that the visual system accomplishes this increase in alertness by communicating with your circulatory system and the system that delivers blood and nutrients and oxygen to the rest of the tissues in your body. 3019.wav|We need to be able to not pay attention to things that would otherwise distract us. 3020.wav|I had no idea that I was going to be receiving something in the mail, but I went to the mail, I looked in the mail, and I got something very positive, and I was really, really excited about this. 3021.wav|I think you're starting to get the picture. 3022.wav|Now, that's a mouthful, no pun intended. 3023.wav|Again, overall rate for clinically effective response to MDMA assisted therapy was 88%, compared to 60% for therapy and placebo. 3024.wav|Or is it a myth that we get more colds and flus in the winter months? 3025.wav|And it usually says stop on it as well. 3026.wav|If you're not already following me on social media, it's Huberman Lab on Twitter, on Facebook, and on Instagram. 3027.wav|Well, the first one is a change in what's called spectral tilt. 3028.wav|It's not quite clear whether or not it's existed in its same form for a long period of time, or whether or not there are new forms that are evolving or showing up. 3029.wav|But the calories in versus calories burned formula is the more or less holy foundation of all things about nutrition, eating and weight. 3030.wav|It's not always the case that adding prescription drug treatment to talk therapy improves outcomes for talk therapy, although that has been observed in a number of studies. 3031.wav|I know that that sounds like a ridiculous number, but you can look this up. 3032.wav|It flows into the lateral portion, and then there are multiple outputs from the amygdala. 3033.wav|There's a whole discussion of this in the episode I did on the immune system. 3034.wav|I like the citrus, I like the watermelon, I like the raspberry. 3035.wav|It depends on the individual. 3036.wav|Well, let's think about the very modern version of the kind of acronyms that I talked about a moment ago, dating back to the 1930s and extending into the 1990s. 3037.wav|Because oftentimes trauma can consist of many events, not just one event, and the thought patterns around that and the context around that and therein to be able to explore new possibilities, to essentially rewire their relationship to that trauma. 3038.wav|They communicate with one another by electricity and by sending chemical signals to one another that inspire the next neuron and the next neuron to either be electrically active or not. 3039.wav|So long ago, people were quantifying and trying to understand how is it that people come up with mental images and how they can apply that to learning things more quickly and more stably over time. 3040.wav|Another feature that inside tracker has is their inner age test. 3041.wav|And if you'd like to support research on stress, human performance, sleep, and so forth, you can go to hubermanlab stanford.edu. 3042.wav|And that actually he's really popularized this notion and it's absolutely true, which is that if you can contract a muscle very hard to the point where it almost feels like it's cramping, if you can do that, even when there's no weight in your hand or there's no resistance against it, so you're just using your mind muscle connection to contract that muscle hard and isolate it, chances are you will be able to generate hypertrophy and strength gains pretty easily in that muscle compared to muscles that you have a harder time activating. 3043.wav|You can get 20% off any of those supplements. 3044.wav|The other portion of the calf is called the gastrocnemius. 3045.wav|Anorexics are very good at identifying the face. 3046.wav|This is a brain area that my lab has worked on and other labs have worked on. 3047.wav|It's involved in a lot of different things. 3048.wav|And that could be, people will just like with tobacco, the way that they bring the psychoactive components into their bloodstream and into their brain and body is to essentially heat the dried leaves of the cannabis plant. 3049.wav|Making the cup of coffee to putting on one shoes and heading out the door, and in some cases, layering different contexts together, talking on the phone while tying one shoes and so on and so forth. 3050.wav|This will greatly facilitate your performance of those new habits. 3051.wav|Also, if a goal was too lofty, if it was too far from their current abilities, it didn't recruit enough systolic blood pressure. 3052.wav|So, top down processing is not just for getting into cold water, and it certainly isn't for overriding reflexes that can damage us, like stepping on the Tac example. 3053.wav|They know caloric numbers, but then they sort of pass that information into a memory system in their brain that allows their interactions with food to be very reflexive in a way that they are actively avoiding high fat content foods, calorie rich foods, and defaulting towards very low calorie foods if they have to eat. 3054.wav|You can either try to extend the duration of time that you are in the deliberate cold exposure. 3055.wav|If you're teaching, keep in mind that you want to keep the students reaching for higher and higher levels of proficiency in whatever that is that you're teaching, and that 15% of the time they should be failing. 3056.wav|Sunlight includes a huge range of wavelengths, including long wavelength light, of course. 3057.wav|If you're walking or hiking or biking, not looking at your phone the whole time that you're doing that, if you're at the bus stop or you're commuting, certainly not looking at your phone the entire time you're doing that. 3058.wav|They were statistically significant, but they were not enormous increases. 3059.wav|And then you might finish with two sets of chin ups. 3060.wav|There are some interesting facts related to that that I'll just touch on for a moment. 3061.wav|Like when you first wake up in the morning, if you're not in the presence of something that scared you, but you suddenly have what feels like a panic attack and you're in deep fear, well, that's post traumatic stress. 3062.wav|Our visual system drives our thinking, and that novel visual environments are going to lend themselves to heightened levels of alertness. 3063.wav|And I just want to mention, as I throw out all these names, you do not need to remember the names of these different structures. 3064.wav|And as we are soon going to learn, there are different types of headaches, and different types of headaches arise from changes in different types of tissues in the head area and indeed in the neck area as well. 3065.wav|But regardless of whether or not you're trying to improve focus and working memory in a child, in an adult, someone with TBI, someone with Parkinson's, I think it stands to reason that you would arrive to that conversation with some knowledge of not just the prescription drugs that are potentially available, but also some of the supplement-based tools, some of the behavioral tools. 3066.wav|Again, that's athleticgreens.com huberman to claim this special offer. 3067.wav|Rather, it's the state that your brain and body are in that's important to anchor yourself to. 3068.wav|It's a lower threshold, as we say, in order to get the habit to perform. 3069.wav|We sometimes see people and companies doing this at retreats. 3070.wav|Now, PTSD creates all the problems that it does, largely through changes in brain circuitry as well as neural communication between the brain and body. 3071.wav|I had them take it in applesauce for whatever reason, or placebo. 3072.wav|Yes, there are a subset of individuals for which that's true, but people who smoke cannabis do experience increases in prolactin, and that's especially pronounced in people that smoke cannabis more than twice a week. 3073.wav|What's happening in all of those cases is that yes, certain connections in the brain are being strengthened or what we call potentiated. 3074.wav|But if you were to push yourself any harder, that is move faster or go up a steeper incline at the same rate you happen to be at any one moment, you would lose that ability to speak. 3075.wav|So 100 milligrams of extract of kava is a kind of a reasonable, typical dose in these studies, but that spells out to a certain amount of kavalactone. 3076.wav|Then it's about assessing whether or not you're reaching those milestones. 3077.wav|For those of you that want to peruse the study in more detail, we will provide a link to this paper published in iScience in the show note caption. 3078.wav|It has a lot to do with our self referencing what we're thinking about ourselves. 3079.wav|A couple more things about divergent thinking. 3080.wav|And it has a certain elegance to it. 3081.wav|Some people consume nicotine via snuff, which is literally the shoving of tobacco leaves up the nostrils and allowing the tobacco to access the nervous system and other areas of the body by permeating into the mucosal membranes, as is the lining, the soft lining of the nasal passages. 3082.wav|And so anchoring your mind in cognitive activities as you get into the cold can be very, very helpful for maintaining clarity of mind. 3083.wav|But things like visualization, that visualization and visualization of this big goal is the best way to achieve your goals. 3084.wav|You'll also get up to $200 off any mattress order and two free pillows. 3085.wav|Now, there are a number of different important constraints that are going to dictate whether or not you use one form of cold exposure or the other. 3086.wav|And it's an important aspect of fear because much of the fear system is a memory system. 3087.wav|When they do eat, they eat low calorie, low fat foods. 3088.wav|I would encourage you, if you are aware of any therapy plus drug treatment that is effective at rates of greater than 88% for the treatment of a major psychiatric disorder, please do put that information in the comments on YouTube, and perhaps a reference to a study would be even better. 3089.wav|And if you can sense your nasal passages or your mouth drying out because of that hard breathing, and by the way, exercise during the winter months is still important, so I'm not discouraging people from exercising outdoors during the winter months as long as you can do it safely, but if you feel those air passages drying out, just be aware that when you take those dried out air passages indoors and you're around other people that might have colds and flus, you are going to be more susceptible. 3090.wav|And there are a lot of opinions out there about the use of deliberate cold, whether or not it should be done, for instance, before or after exercise, whether or not, if done, immediately after strength training or hypertrophy training, meaning training designed to grow muscles or make them stronger, whether or not it can inhibit that process, and so on and so forth, I think today in looking over the literature and trying to bring forward the simplest and most straightforward and yet scientifically grounded protocols, we can set up some general guidelines that will allow most, if not all of you to still extract the benefits of deliberate cold exposure on physical performance without getting too neurotic about the exact timing. 3091.wav|So it's a big filling of the lungs through two breaths, back to back inhales, even if you can only sneak in a little air on that second one. 3092.wav|And there's now reason to suspect that the exact same mechanisms are occurring in humans. 3093.wav|Focus is more conducive to conversion thinking. 3094.wav|Oftentimes we hear visualization exercise, you think about sitting in a lotus position, eyes closed, and trying really hard to visualize something. 3095.wav|And I should just relay some of the levels of oxytocin because they're really quite striking, gives a more vivid picture of why it is that MDMA would make people feel so associated in a positive way with the various things that are happening to them while they're under the influence of the drug. 3096.wav|It is Huberman Lab on all platforms. 3097.wav|Now, that's not a debate that I want to get into today. 3098.wav|Turns out that is not true, it is simply not true. 3099.wav|In fact, a deer or a lion can't just think about a goal. 3100.wav|I don't say that because I dislike pharmacology. 3101.wav|You eat too much, then you want to eat less. 3102.wav|You can sit there, eyes closed. 3103.wav|One that I particularly like is NSDR made for. 3104.wav|There are a lot of different chemicals in the brain and body, but there are a category of chemicals that are particularly important that if you've listened to this podcast before, even if you haven't, are going to come up again and again and again. 3105.wav|And some experience heightened levels of creativity and some do not. 3106.wav|The cannabinoid receptors are having very specific effects that are distinct from their effects later in life, and those effects can largely be explained in terms of neural development. 3107.wav|No, it does not include light coming through the windshield of your car. 3108.wav|Very important, if you get up in the middle of the night to use a minimum of light in order to navigate your surroundings just as much as you need in order to safely do so. 3109.wav|And I think this sort of system, while it could have been replaced with many other different systems, again, there's nothing holy about the system, but this particular system has a number of features. 3110.wav|It can create a hyper vigilance or an awareness. 3111.wav|Stepping through phenomenon are known. 3112.wav|You can simply go to hubermanlab.com, put dopamine into the search function, and you'll find at least two episodes on that topic. 3113.wav|Now, what's interesting about nicotine is that while it causes this global increase in readiness and alertness and attention and mood, et cetera, it also has the effect of somewhat relaxing skeletal muscle. 3114.wav|They mostly see in panorama, in magnocellular vision. 3115.wav|It is distinct from a very nearby area, just sitting right next door, the so-called mesolimbic area, which is involved in desire and feelings of reward. 3116.wav|In fact, there's a way that you can arrange your work environment, or I should say there's a way that you can place yourself into certain environments that will allow abstract thinking, creative thinking, and indeed expansive thinking to emerge. 3117.wav|But then if you look at it a little bit longer, that little piece that's facing up looks like it's in front. 3118.wav|But it's a reductionist way of explaining it that is very closely tied to the biology and to the psychology. 3119.wav|But in all seriousness, if you're in a hotel room or an apartment and you can't really jump high and you're very good at jumping rope, what you'll find is it's not going to get you into that higher elevated heart rate zone. 3120.wav|One group was focused on the goal line, visually focused on the goal line. 3121.wav|Of course, one needs to be exceedingly cautious when thinking about the use of any sympathy mimetic. 3122.wav|So they ask questions like, do you sleep on your side, your back, or your stomach? 3123.wav|What was also interesting about this study is they address the question of whether or not people who have aphantasia, that is a challenge or inability to generate mental or visual imagery, tend to have features associated with autism or residing somewhere on the autism spectrum. 3124.wav|So for me, that's really hot, but I've built up my heat conditioning. 3125.wav|We didn't discuss those today, but for those of you interested in those compounds, if you want to see the ones that I take, you can go to thorn. 3126.wav|And then I also want to talk about some of the foods and supplements that have been shown to support vision and offset visual loss and maybe even reverse some visual loss. 3127.wav|But for sake of the discussion of creativity, what this means is that we all need to develop some sort of intuitive sense as to whether or not our mood is, suppose we could bend this into three categories, is kind of yes, happy, excited, positive mood. 3128.wav|They have different versions of this. 3129.wav|This study was designed to induce hyperthermia, which, as I mentioned earlier, can be quite dangerous. 3130.wav|They communicate through a set of neural connections with what are called lower motor neurons. 3131.wav|Now, that doesn't necessarily mean that we will become traumatized or experience extreme fear just because our parents or grandparents experienced that. 3132.wav|And so in the same conditions, you can, except for the fact that the ceiling height is different, 8ft or 10ft, what one finds is that the kinds of language and the kinds of associations that people start to create are vastly different. 3133.wav|And at that point, I'm trying my very best to move 99, if not 100% of my attention to that external location. 3134.wav|And those changes in the brain do seem to be pervasive. 3135.wav|And in that way, I'm constantly being bombarded with photons that keep my levels of alertness up because the early part of the day is when I do the majority of that focused work. 3136.wav|However, there are ways to use MDMA therapeutically that avoid its toxicity. 3137.wav|And I say that not to protect me. 3138.wav|I'm a person who has great respect for yoga nidra and its traditions. 3139.wav|And I have to say this study is really important because by exploring cannabis users, not while under the influence of cannabis, they were able to tap into this very important what I believe to be fact, because if you think about a study in which you would have one group using cannabis and another group not using cannabis, and then you give them some task that taps into creativity, you will see effects, and very likely you'll see effects where cannabis might even increase divergent, convergent thinking and creativity. 3140.wav|All of that autobiographical scripting involves the forebrain being very, very active in specific regions of the forebrain in particular, and that all needs to be suppressed, which alcohol in very low doses can accomplish. 3141.wav|Rather, once this transitions into a set of habits, they are actually getting a sense of reward. 3142.wav|If movement of the weight is more important, you can either focus on moving the weight or challenging muscles, right? 3143.wav|And then not necessarily immediately, but within the five to 15 minutes following, then to go into a practice of divergent thinking and start doing creative exploration. 3144.wav|For those of you that are listening, just holding up my pen in front of me. 3145.wav|This is the basis of things like EMDR eye movement, desensitization, reprocessing. 3146.wav|There have been times in which I've been working at home, and I felt like, for whatever reason, I just could not engage in focus. 3147.wav|At least they don't meet the criteria for creative brainstorming and extraction of ideas that are truly novel. 3148.wav|That said, he also pointed out that the data on nicotine specifically are pointing to the fact that nicotine can be, can be protective against certain forms of cognitive impairment. 3149.wav|So it's going to cause more blood flow in theory, although it also tends to constrict blood vessels in many locations in the body. 3150.wav|Many billions of people regularly use alcohol or occasionally use alcohol. 3151.wav|If you can't access sunlight within the first 30 minutes of waking, physical exercise of some kind in this first phase of the day, zero to 8 hours of the day, ideally pretty early in that phase, but if it has to be at the seven to eight hour transition point, that's fine too. 3152.wav|So I'm of the mind, and I think more and more people out there, I like to think are of the mind, that behaviors, nutrition, supplement-based tools, and prescription drugs all can have their place to varying degrees, depending on the circumstances and the individual. 3153.wav|The other one is involved in planning and thinking across different timescales. 3154.wav|First of all, it really gets my heart rate up and it improves multiple aspects of endurance because as you recall earlier, the different bins of endurance that include muscular endurance, anaerobic, that three to 12 minute range, and then 30 minutes or longer, none of them really precisely match what's accomplished in this 35 minute or so cardiovascular session where I'm pushing hard but not all out. 3155.wav|It is known to be involved in the threat detection systems or networks of the brain. 3156.wav|They actually get in between the strands of DNA and separate them. 3157.wav|And what was observed was very interesting. 3158.wav|In this study, they had people take a dose of 0.4 grams of creatine monohydrate per kilogram of body weight. 3159.wav|They have a personalized platform where you get your numbers and it points to specific things that you can do in terms of behavioral protocols, meaning things you perhaps should do more of or less of, nutritional protocols, things that you perhaps should ingest more of or less of, and various things that you might consider for more elaborate directed approaches to adjusting the numbers in your blood and DNA profiles. 3160.wav|But then we tend to fall back on some of our other goals. 3161.wav|There are literally billions of people that ingest nicotine on a daily basis. 3162.wav|And what this is is this is a little docking site, like a little parking slot on a neuron. 3163.wav|There are, for instance, neural circuits and chemicals that increase your ability to focus or your ability to task switch. 3164.wav|They saw some very interesting dose response relationships for things like endurance training, meaning the longer the cold exposure post endurance training, the more improvement in endurance performance, reductions in circulating creatine kinases, and things that relate to muscle damage under certain conditions. 3165.wav|So there were some connotations, or rather, there were some strong suggestions that there was a political backing to trying to get the study done quickly and into print and so forth. 3166.wav|It could be, for instance, that you get exercise or you get it at a particular time of day, or even that you take a particular route to work. 3167.wav|So if you weigh 50 kilograms, rather than start right off with, you know, the equivalent dosage to this study, maybe you start with 250 milligrams of L-tyrosine. 3168.wav|They could be antagonistic, they could be arguments fighting, physical or verbal or otherwise. 3169.wav|Second after that is nicotine, and then cannabis nicotine, as some of you may know if you listened to the episode on nicotine, but even if you didn't, nicotine comes from the tobacco plant. 3170.wav|We don't generally like the feeling of adrenaline in our system. 3171.wav|Some of you may be asking, how often should one assess progress? 3172.wav|So I cannot give you a simple prescriptive there. 3173.wav|It was published in the journal Drug and Alcohol Dependence. 3174.wav|There are examples of 20 and 30 minute NSDR scripts and yoga nidra scripts, some that I particularly like. 3175.wav|If that sounds very mysterious and abstract to you now, I promise that by the end of today's episode, you will not only understand what that means, but you will also understand how to use open monitoring meditations, as well as other forms of tools in order to access your creative ability. 3176.wav|And indeed, there have been some tremendous discoveries, both in animal models, so in rodents like mice and rats, but also in humans. 3177.wav|There are ten or 15 foods in particular that I like very much. 3178.wav|They start to do this more or less reflexively. 3179.wav|And if you think about it, it's probably not surprising that they don't, because by taking a drug that just lowers your anxiety overall, you're creating a different sort of miscalibration of the system. 3180.wav|Cold showers can increase dopamine exercise, positive social interactions. 3181.wav|And by looking at sunlight through a window, it's 50 50 times less effective than if that window were to be open. 3182.wav|And that heat generates what's called a thermal layer that surrounds your entire body. 3183.wav|And this gets into a whole history of back and forth between different laboratories and governing bodies who are trying to keep MDMA illegal, as well as people such as the Sasha Schulgens of the world and people in the therapy community, that are excited about the potential for MDMA becoming legal for the treatment of PTSD. 3184.wav|For sake of this discussion, there's an increase in the neurotransmitter epinephrine, which is adrenaline. 3185.wav|In particular, it seems here in men that were previously infertile. 3186.wav|Now, any time a working memory test is done, the same pattern always emerges. 3187.wav|So the key thing here to understand is that the 13 minutes a day meditation is a very effective way to increase focus capacity. 3188.wav|So the painting that you paint in the creative state, hopefully, is a painting that still inspires and has impact after you exit that creative state, and that will inspire others. 3189.wav|And those linchpin habits always are things that we enjoy doing. 3190.wav|And this will be very surprising to many of you. 3191.wav|You go to an edge of a bridge or a cliff and you think about jumping off even though you don't, please don't, jump off. 3192.wav|In the past 60 minutes, you start getting increases in cortisol that really impede recovery. 3193.wav|And those neurons send it up to your spinal cord and brain and can register that somebody or you are touching the top of your hand, as I'm doing now with the eyes and the retina. 3194.wav|Now, some people will actually go to lengths to further restrict their visual focus. 3195.wav|So it's something that you can explore very safely and certainly not having to purchase anything. 3196.wav|If you start off with lower dopamine stores or dopamine availability for release in the prefrontal cortex, lower working memory performance, increased dopamine through ingestion of bromocriptine, which is this dopamine agonist, all of the circuit changes that we want and would expect to improve working memory occur, and indeed working memory improves. 3197.wav|If, however, you haven't slept well or it's late in the day and you've been up for a long time, drinking caffeine is likely to have more of a vasoconstriction effect. 3198.wav|And as we go through today's episode, I'm going to teach you a technique, or rather a neuroscience based tool, that will allow you to continually transition back and forth between the peripersonal space and the extrapersonal space in a way that will allow you to update and evaluate and better execute your goal seeking. 3199.wav|MDMA is, after all, a psychostimulant. 3200.wav|However, most people hopefully treat their HSV-1, but if they don't, the sort of frequency and the severity of infections tends to taper off with time. 3201.wav|Hence the phrase task bracketing. 3202.wav|If you'd like to try Matina, go to drinkmatina.com slash Huberman. 3203.wav|And I often find that because of the known, yes, peer reviewed, known immune system enhancing effects of exercise, sometimes that alone will allow me to avoid getting sick. 3204.wav|Actually, I managed to do this. 3205.wav|First of all, there's a challenge in studying anorexia, because in anorexia, what you're essentially studying is the absence of a behavior. 3206.wav|Which is why you're hearing so much these days about the potential transition of MDMA from a schedule one drug for which there are, quote, unquote, no clinical applications to potentially a legal, within the context of clinical use application of MDMA, which it does appear the legislature is at least considering for as early as 2024, maybe even later in 2023. 3207.wav|And that fear somehow gets embedded or activated in our nervous system such that it shows up at times when it's maladaptive, meaning that fear doesn't serve us well, and it gets reactivated at various times. 3208.wav|There's a lot of terrific literature with links to studies there. 3209.wav|You're welcome to check out that episode. 3210.wav|As soon as you close your eyes, you are shutting yourself off from the sensory world. 3211.wav|That your brain is coming up with a best guess about what's there. 3212.wav|And again, it's two exercises per muscle group. 3213.wav|Hypogonadism. 3214.wav|The answer to that is basically everything that you need to do, but that you don't want to remember. 3215.wav|So the way I'd like you to think about the amygdala is not as a fear center, but that it's a critical component of the threat reflex. 3216.wav|Let's focus on sativa and indica. 3217.wav|The sativa varieties tend to make people feel a little bit less susceptible to pain and noxious stimuli, which are basically stimuli that you don't like. 3218.wav|That's a terrific way to support the podcast. 3219.wav|That is the verb actions that those particular brain areas engage in order to arrive at a particular end point. 3220.wav|So the increase in dopamine that's created by MDMA seems to make people what I call forward center of mass. 3221.wav|Let's just take a moment to talk about the incredible molecule that is dopamine. 3222.wav|That's all in the sleep episode, but also to enhance your mood, to enhance your metabolism, to optimize your hormone levels, and to optimize learning and dopamine levels. 3223.wav|Now, you may have experienced this. 3224.wav|But if you want cold exposure to work for you for sake of building up resilience and mental toughness over time, you're going to want to vary this parameter space in some sort of way, and you don't have to be super systematic about it. 3225.wav|If not every time, certainly most of the time that we see that thing, it almost never seems to be the case that something truly creative dulls in its expression. 3226.wav|It has an incredible task. 3227.wav|Okay, so were something fearful to happen right now, your threat reflex could be activated. 3228.wav|They can also lead to decreases in synaptic transmission, that is, communication between neurons in ways that will make somebody's mood lower or will make them less hungry or more hungry. 3229.wav|In other words, every 21 days, you don't update and start adding new habits. 3230.wav|It's the red pink pigment found in various seafoods. 3231.wav|And that is both surprising, interesting and important, because what it means is that the quality of stress that deliberate cold exposure is creating in the body is likely to be one of what we call use stress. 3232.wav|There are interactions between alcohol and nicotine that we'll cover in future episodes. 3233.wav|And at the same time, I strongly feel that it's important to acknowledge the shocking, because there's really no other way to describe it, the shocking effects of cannabis use on the developing fetus and the fact that so many pregnant and lactating mothers are using cannabis. 3234.wav|I do hope to get Stu McMillan on here or Dan Faff. 3235.wav|I also did an episode with expert guest Dr. 3236.wav|There's certainly no obligation. 3237.wav|And that succonate plays a key role in activating brown fat thermogenesis, which you now have heard about and understand as critical to the increases in metabolism caused by deliberate cold exposure. 3238.wav|So it seems like weekly is a good starting place to address how well one performed in the previous week and then based on that performance, to update the action plan for the upcoming week. 3239.wav|So, as we march into this conversation, I'd like to share with you some interesting and what I believe are important findings in the realm of nutrition and human behavior. 3240.wav|The other approach, which I confess, colleagues of mine have used before, not necessarily at Stanford, but elsewhere, is to simply say no to everything that somebody requests or comes by. 3241.wav|It's not a term that I coined in order to try and wipe away or discard with yoga nidra. 3242.wav|The fact of the matter is that smoking has clear and severe negative health consequences, regardless of whether or not you're smoking tobacco or cannabis, THC and vaping has negative health consequences, whether or not you're using the vape to bring in nicotine or THC or some combination of THC and CBD, that's simply the way it is. 3243.wav|A lot of those actual membranes, the structural constituents of neurons and other cells are actually made up of or include certain fatty acid, long chain fatty acids. 3244.wav|I don't really want people pulling allnighters unless they have to. 3245.wav|And today we're going to talk about both categories of studies. 3246.wav|They're going to facilitate further release of things like dopamine and norepinephrine and healthy amounts of cortisol. 3247.wav|The cones are involved in bright daytime vision, and rods are involved in more dusk or nighttime vision. 3248.wav|Well, what various department stores and supermarkets have discovered is that the greater the number of things in our visual attention, the more that we can draw our attention and our goals off a line of pursuit. 3249.wav|But in a few moments, we'll talk about how one can use updating of goal lines. 3250.wav|It really is going to vary based on lifestyle and circumstances. 3251.wav|Now, Roca understands this, and everything about their eyeglasses were designed in order for you to see with optimal clarity regardless of activities. 3252.wav|And obviously, this is something that is done with a clinician present because it is very traumatic to the person. 3253.wav|It's really second to none. 3254.wav|And that's the use of a weight vest. 3255.wav|Oftentimes they're overriding those mechanical signals from the body that they're full. 3256.wav|So maybe even just 500 milligrams, not even going to the one gram dose, maybe even 250 milligrams, and really evaluating how much Mucuna purines can produce a meaningful impact on working memory and attention for you. 3257.wav|But for today's discussion, we just broadly want to think about long-term potentiation and long-term depression because it captures the two most important themes related to mental training and visualization, which is that when we perform a given cognitive or physical task in the real world, so we actually try the dance step or the tennis serve, or when we actually try a math problem or we try and learn some specific knowledge and write it down and remember it, that is engaging particular neurons, right? 3258.wav|That's insidetracker.com slash Huberman to get 20% off. 3259.wav|This is from Gouldolan's laboratory at Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, showing that if you give octopuses MDMA, they like to spend more time with other octopuses than they do if they are not on MDMA. 3260.wav|In the meantime, just know that yes, indeed, in the winter months, you are more susceptible to colds and flus because there's more of them going around. 3261.wav|And in humans, they looked at whether or not eating most of one's protein early in the day was better than if the protein intake and these branch chain amino acids were placed later in the day. 3262.wav|A Snellen chart is that list of letters. 3263.wav|I've talked about a practice whereby you can literally look@a.or a line placed on a wall or on your computer in front of you for 30 to 60 seconds, and then moving into some dedicated work where you need to focus. 3264.wav|But this habit intervention model is that as one starts to shift those things, it does appear that the perception of self seems to follow, that the perception of self seems to shift along with the change in habits. 3265.wav|So in order to understand what MDMA does to the human brain, we need to take a step back and really define the sorts of experiments that one could do. 3266.wav|That's well demonstrated in the literature. 3267.wav|I will turn off that led in the later afternoon again around four or 05:00 p.m. 3268.wav|What you would find again is that most people, somewhere between 90 and 95% of people would be able to do all the sorts of things I described, right, cube and rose, ACDS back in black. 3269.wav|Even though I just described this in fairly top contour, what I just described is actually the core elements of any story or any creative endeavor. 3270.wav|So they see the world much as a canine or a cat does, where they don't get the green red contrast. 3271.wav|In fact, if there's one thing I'd really like to impress on everybody is that when thinking about biology, it's almost always better to think about verbs as opposed to nouns. 3272.wav|That's also where we post links to various studies and downloadable protocols. 3273.wav|This is so important that I'm going to say it again. 3274.wav|That seems to be true for most all individuals that chronically use cannabis, whereas the effects on cortisol tend to be divergent. 3275.wav|Again, a bunch of words, you can remember it if you want, lateral ventral tegmental area, or you can not worry about the name. 3276.wav|Let's look under the hood. 3277.wav|It's frankly a term that I coined to encompass a number of different pieces of the psychology and neuroscience literature. 3278.wav|Well, with that understanding in mind, we therefore can ask what are the underlying principles and neural circuits that underlie the creative process? 3279.wav|So our loss is University of Pennsylvania's win. 3280.wav|How does it do that? 3281.wav|And I mentioned that, I kind of segment this out now because I think that anytime we're about to start discussing pointed treatments, that is things that you can take or do to reduce headache or things that you can take or do to improve anything within mental health, physical health, and performance, we have to remember that the foundation of mental health, physical health, and performance is only set at its highest level by tending to those other things and that nothing really surpasses any of those things. 3282.wav|You can put keywords into the search function. 3283.wav|I would just go back and forth, back and forth, back and forth, panting like a bulldog nonstop, barely able to recover before sprinting again. 3284.wav|Now, your body has, of course, arteries, veins and capillaries, and your heart pumps blood first to the arteries and then to the other components of your vascular system. 3285.wav|I don't know Anna, but I know she skips because she has this amazing Instagram channel called Anna Skips. 3286.wav|Kyle Gillette, who's been on this podcast before, but he verified that. 3287.wav|But the answer is yes because of the ways that it shapes openness to new ideas. 3288.wav|And some of you might think, well, that seems kind of silly, but if you've ever set the, for instance, the seat too high on a stationary bike and then done airdyne or assault bike type interval training sprints, if it's set too high and you're over striding, as it were, the next day you can really pay the price in terms of some back pain or sciatica. 3289.wav|This is why I will sometimes listen to podcasts or to audio books while I go on these runs, but for portions of these runs or hikes, I tend to turn those off and just focus on the movement and focus on not focusing on anything in particular. 3290.wav|Or you could do really fast, but full jumping jacks. 3291.wav|Those are all things to explore in concert with, or I should say, in working closely with a board certified physician or ideally psychiatrist expert in ADHD. 3292.wav|In any event, 270 minutes, four and a half hours of doing these soleus pushups is a lot, but by my read of the data and the rather significant, or I should say very significant effects that they observed on blood glucose regulation and metabolism, et cetera, seems to me that doing less would still be beneficial and that you don't necessarily have to do the full 270 minutes in order to get the benefits that they observed. 3293.wav|And that's what we're going to do today. 3294.wav|Other people are not, and those could be active rest days, hiking, relaxing, et cetera. 3295.wav|They are among the leading causes of preventable death and debilitating life conditions. 3296.wav|That is the best ways to support this podcast. 3297.wav|There are a bunch of different stations in the brain that do different things. 3298.wav|So my recommendation would be for those of you that are trying to enhance divergent thinking and creative ability, that you would do this practice at a minimum once per week. 3299.wav|I know a lot of people out there might think neck bridges. 3300.wav|And so I started this practice of moving from space to space, or I should say seat to seat within an auditorium. 3301.wav|Now, you can leverage this for habit formation. 3302.wav|I also sometimes will travel with a jump rope. 3303.wav|And then to see food as a way to nourish that process, to building a body that could be of the stable weight. 3304.wav|But all you need to know is that it's a generalized system that increases levels of alertness and physical readiness. 3305.wav|So the duration of the feeding window has not been broken down into the kind of nuanced type of information that one would really want, at least not in human studies saying, well, a six hour feeding window or an eight hour feeding window is ideal. 3306.wav|Right, the verb create, not just thinking about what you might create, which occurs during divergent thinking, but actually creating something. 3307.wav|And a pilot study means that the study was carried out on humans, but on a fairly small cohort, a fairly small group or limited number of subjects. 3308.wav|And that controls for all sorts of things like differences in sex, differences in age, differences in health background and any number of other variables as best as one can. 3309.wav|And I'll get in for about 20 minutes, sometimes 15, but usually 20 minutes. 3310.wav|However, the excitement about intermittent fasting seems to be related to the foundational truth about metabolism and weight loss and weight maintenance and weight gain, which is that regardless of whether or not you intermittent fast or whether or not you eat small meals all day long, or you eat one meal in the evening and snack up until then, it really doesn't matter in the sense that the calories that you ingest from whatever source are going to be filtered through the calories that you burn by way of exercise, basal metabolic rate, which is just the calories that you happen to burn just being alive and thinking and breathing and your heart beating, et cetera. 3311.wav|So you don't necessarily have to take omega-3 capsules or liquid form omega-3s if you want to use omega-3s to target different symptoms of headache, but that probably is going to be the most efficient way to do it, given that many foods do contain omega-3s, but it's hard to get above that one gram dosage. 3312.wav|The default mode network does many different things, but in the context of our discussion about creativity, the default mode network is really the network that starts being engaged when you close your eyes and start paying attention to what's going on in terms of your thinking as opposed to the sensory outside world. 3313.wav|Even if everything in your life is going wrong, chances are, unless you're very depressed, if you're going to leave to work or even if you're not, that you're going to still carry out the behavior of brushing your teeth in the morning. 3314.wav|If one pupil is a little bit smaller than the others, that doesn't necessarily mean brain damage. 3315.wav|And so this particular practice that I call space time bridging, but we could give it a different name. 3316.wav|And the reason we call it that as opposed to something else, we're simply adult plasticity, is that there are many different forms of neuroplasticity. 3317.wav|I mean the sensation of, no, I don't want to do this. 3318.wav|The cornea is the clear stuff on the outside of your eye. 3319.wav|Well, their working memory performance actually decreased such that now they had a short or a low working memory span. 3320.wav|Anyway, I was off to my left, and my eye kept going in and out of the water, and there was chlorine in the water, and it was making my eye uncomfortable, so I just closed my eye. 3321.wav|70% of people who smoke cigarettes report that they would like to quit if they thought they could. 3322.wav|Mine is just what we call anec data, so I've timed it for myself. 3323.wav|You don't want it to be something that's very hard to execute. 3324.wav|It's the best sleep I've ever had. 3325.wav|Not all forms of exercise, but I happen to like resistance training, and I happen to like running. 3326.wav|That's down because energy levels are down so much. 3327.wav|It can actually disrupt their motor function and their brain function, and the reasons that it has such different effects on insects. 3328.wav|And you can decide to get into the water and to stretch out your body, not to huddle, and you can fight those reflexes. 3329.wav|But the CB one receptor is a so called G protein coupled receptor. 3330.wav|So, 390 minutes sessions as prep, then three eight hour sessions with those two therapists, and then 390 minutes follow up sessions one week apart. 3331.wav|It allows us to parse our thinking and organize our thinking. 3332.wav|I'd like to take a quick break to acknowledge our sponsor, Element. 3333.wav|I'm trying to build up my capacity or maintain my capacity to go a long distance without fatiguing. 3334.wav|Anorexia in its classic sense requires that there be an endocrine meaning, a hormonal disruption, menstrual abnormalities, lack of sperm production, or low testosterone in males in order to meet the classification for anorexia. 3335.wav|You've heard of nocturnal? 3336.wav|There are a number of studies that have looked at increases in cortisol, and while minor, those increases do exist, decreases in growth hormone, and while minor, those decreases exist. 3337.wav|However, if they were to take a type one version of sativa, and it feels far too strong, like too much energy, or they felt like they were too much in their head. 3338.wav|The lower motor neurons sit in what's called the ventral horn of the spinal cord. 3339.wav|And that translates to real life in a much more realistic way, I believe. 3340.wav|We also have a Patreon. 3341.wav|So they smoke another cigarette. 3342.wav|Again, keeping in mind that everything's neural when it comes to pain, everything's neural when it comes to everything, frankly, because every organ and tissue system in our body is ultimately controlled by our nervous system. 3343.wav|This is so critical because sleep is the foundation of mental health, physical health and performance. 3344.wav|And those are getting activated and they're sending signals up to my visual cortex. 3345.wav|It might be surprising to learn that many of those treatments, such as ssris, the selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, things like Prozac and Zoloft and similar, and other antidepressants, or things like benzodiazepines, which are essentially like painkillers. 3346.wav|And indeed it is. 3347.wav|Thunderclap headache is a unique type of headache, very different from all the other types of headache. 3348.wav|Well, turns out that visualization of the big win, the end goal, so the Super bowl win, or eight gold medals in the Olympics, or graduation from the university of your choice, or making a certain amount of money, or finding the partner of your choice, et cetera. 3349.wav|Most everybody could go a fairly long period of time just ingesting water and electrolytes. 3350.wav|And for those of you that want to get really, really fancy, I suppose you could do this fasted. 3351.wav|And the beauty of understanding this is that if you can get through that first week, either by sheer grit or by finding other methods to increase dopamine, healthy methods, I would hope, and certainly cold showers, ice baths have been shown to do that. 3352.wav|And you can simply go to HubermanLab.com, put ADHD, Adderall, or ADHD, Ritalin, and I talk about other things as well. 3353.wav|You're bringing people into a novel environment. 3354.wav|In addition to that, there's a particular pathway that's associated with headache. 3355.wav|And that is why he continued to chew nicotine containing gum. 3356.wav|Okay, so how would this look? 3357.wav|We will talk about the paranoid effect and why that occurs and who might predict that would occur to them in it in a little bit. 3358.wav|So what we're going to do now is I'm actually going to give you a working memory test. 3359.wav|So, basically, what happens is, if your eyelids are open, light comes into the eye. 3360.wav|The idea is that you want to use the visual system regularly for what it was designed for. 3361.wav|I'm not neurotic about it, but in terms of training, I like to train fasted, and that includes the resistance training workouts, and those come early in the day for me, and typically if I'm going to train legs on Monday, for instance, which is when I train legs, I'll make sure that the night before I'm ingesting some starch, some carbohydrate, like rice or pasta or something of that sort to make sure that when I do that morning leg workout, I have enough glycogen in the muscles, et cetera. 3362.wav|One state is one of anxiousness, where you're really anxious, and therefore you can't calm down, you can't relax, and therefore you can't engage in some particular activity or thought pattern that you would like. 3363.wav|Now, what is your maximum heart rate? 3364.wav|And in doing so, you start to recruit other neural circuits, other neurons that can start to somewhat dismantle the sequence of firing associated with the bad behavior. 3365.wav|You're going to have to overcome more limbic friction. 3366.wav|We focus on the extremes of food related behaviors that really qualify as genuine disorders. 3367.wav|Is there an increase in blood pressure, increase in heart rate, increase in mood, increase in alertness, all the things we talked about earlier. 3368.wav|For those of you that are low vision or no vision, meaning you're blind or you have trouble seeing, my lab does a lot of work with people who are low vision, no vision. 3369.wav|Every animal, including humans, has a hardwired circuit that we were born with that pays attention to how much food is available, how much we are getting now, and how much we are likely to get in the future. 3370.wav|Again, there are enormous number of exercise for each and every one of these muscle groups. 3371.wav|And what was observed in these experiments, in all of them, actually, all five of those papers, was a dramatic reduction in the activation and actually an inhibition, a suppression of the fear or threat reflex circuitry, which was a jaw dropper for me. 3372.wav|The basal ganglia has sort of two circuits within it. 3373.wav|Not all molecules have that ability, but nicotine does. 3374.wav|And in the weight room, people understand that you can adjust, for instance, the speed of the movement, or you can start combining that movement with preexhaustion, et cetera. 3375.wav|So in telling you this, what I'm saying is that mental visualization at the neural level is identical to real world events. 3376.wav|I kind of sip on it through the morning or if I'm real thirsty, I'll drink it all at once. 3377.wav|I use that as an example of what goes on inside your own head when you are engaging in convergent thinking. 3378.wav|The Huberman Lab podcast is partnered with momentous supplements, spelled momentous O-U-S. 3379.wav|And then there are also neurotransmitter systems like epinephrine, as we will soon see, dopamine, that get recruited as well to place us into a continual mode of action. 3380.wav|In fact, they very closely resemble serotonin itself, and they activate what's called the five h t two a or serotonin. 3381.wav|And while I do any kind of physical training and after physical training as well, especially if I've been sweating a lot, and certainly I drink element in my water when I'm in the sauna and after going in the sauna, because that causes quite a lot of sweating. 3382.wav|And a simple way to conceive of all this is that we evaluate our progress in the peripersonal space. 3383.wav|You need to figure out what's right and safe for you giving your vision history. 3384.wav|If you are absolutely obsessed with the idea of microdosing psilocybin for enhancing creativity and you'd like to go straight to the study, I will tell you what that study is, and therefore you can access some of the specifics in terms of dosaging and protocols, et cetera. 3385.wav|It means that everyone can do essentially the same thing. 3386.wav|And now I'm also telling you to get that visual thing that you're attending to screen or otherwise up in front of you, or ideally above you, those things combine to generate maximum alertness. 3387.wav|If you can give us a five star review on Apple, if you feel that that's what we deserve. 3388.wav|That is, if you were really congested and you had a headache, you could still run. 3389.wav|They often will take that spoon to their cheek or to their eye or to their head. 3390.wav|They're actually the ones that send little wires that we call axons out to the muscles, release acetylcholine onto those muscles and allow those muscles to contract. 3391.wav|Now, it's a well known symptom of anorexia, especially young anorexics, that they have kind of an obsession with food. 3392.wav|And if you put them at different locations within those two dots, opposing locations, it'll look Google eyed. 3393.wav|Maybe it involves just understanding that the typical times in which you ingested nicotine through any of the different approaches of bringing it into your system are going to be particularly hard. 3394.wav|Executive functions are functions that you and I both have, which is our ability to govern our thinking and our behavior in very deliberate ways. 3395.wav|But most of the time, if you want to be effective, you should be focusing on avoiding failure, and you should be really clear about what those failures would look like and feel like. 3396.wav|And we will talk about those data as well. 3397.wav|So again, please see our medical disclaimer in our show notes. 3398.wav|So if I'm doing wordle here, I'm talking about, as if I've ever done it, doing a crossword puzzle or wordle. 3399.wav|L-DOPA is a key component in the biochemical cascade leading to the production of dopamine. 3400.wav|The take-home message about blood glucose is that you want your blood glucose levels to go up when you eat, but not too high, and you don't want them to stay elevated for too long. 3401.wav|If you're submerged up to the neck, sit there for about 1030 seconds and be very, very still of body. 3402.wav|These are just a subset of the effects. 3403.wav|And they had people actually perform this and they measured their speed and accuracy, and then they had them do a practice session that was either an intentional task, so one group just looked at an intentional cue and had to maintain focus on that intentional cue, and another group did mental practice. 3404.wav|Are these people better at piano? 3405.wav|The title of the paper is the influence of ceiling height, the effect of priming on the type of processing that people use. 3406.wav|So it's sensory information coming in from a bunch of different sources and those sources get routed into progressively narrower and narrower funnels to eventually arrive at the accurate place for their function. 3407.wav|And believe it or not, whether or not we have a tendency to want to move the jaw of our mouth in order to chew food. 3408.wav|And certainly it is not, I repeat, it is not diagnostic of Parkinson's or any kind of neurodegenerative condition. 3409.wav|So unless you're somebody who really has chronic hypertension, elevating your level of salt intake can often be beneficial. 3410.wav|Now, the other thing that the endogenous cannabinoids do is sort of a mindbender, because we're talking about cannabis. 3411.wav|Again, that's livemomentus.com slash Huberman. 3412.wav|And we'll get into this in more detail in a little bit, but it turns out that a lot of our ability to get better at some sort of motor skill involves this thing that we call long-term depression. 3413.wav|And that's what we're really going to set down as the base layer, the foundation of everything we talk about today. 3414.wav|At least I can't remember that they're on my face. 3415.wav|But what we do know is that if I tell you to look at a small object in your mind's eye versus a larger object, so for instance, the mouse versus the elephant, it takes longer for you to do that. 3416.wav|When you explode or burst or say the wrong thing or say the thing that you shouldn't say or do the thing you shouldn't do, that's lack of prefrontal control. 3417.wav|I'll preface this by saying cocaine is a terrible drug. 3418.wav|Unless you're in a profession in which the relationships between 3D objects and your ability to manipulate them is exceedingly important, you're not going to have a lot of neural real estate specifically devoted to that. 3419.wav|Again, that's insidetracker.com huberman to get 20% off. 3420.wav|Now, the caveat to that is if you are somebody who likes to do cold showers, I am not aware of any data that says that cold showers cannot be performed after a strength hypertrophy or endurance workout. 3421.wav|Habits are things that our nervous system learned, but not always consciously. 3422.wav|They set aside more money. 3423.wav|If you prefer a female voice, there are a lot of different, excellent female voices out there. 3424.wav|Now, in the digital realm, I already mentioned a few of the things that we can do as practical tools to limit interruptions. 3425.wav|And as you recall, that threat reflex has outputs that tap into the dopamine system. 3426.wav|The other group does not. 3427.wav|Again, activating the biceps muscles because arms day, but also activating strength and hypertrophy in the lats, or at least maintaining it so that because you're not training those torso muscles again until Wednesday, you're not allowing the hypertrophy and strength gains that you generated on Wednesday to atrophy, to disappear. 3428.wav|That's where the salmonella lives. 3429.wav|And for that, we can look to this really beautiful paper that was published by my colleagues, Carl Dysroth in Psychiatry, Robert Malanka, also in psychiatry, legion Lowe, also at Stanford. 3430.wav|Divergent thinking is really the process that underlies idea generation. 3431.wav|The men felt more comfortable in extreme cold. 3432.wav|And then emphasize that for a ten to twelve week cycle. 3433.wav|Hopefully you will remember that going forward. 3434.wav|But again, in most cases, nicotine is just simply not going to improve physical output if it's delivered through a smoked cigarette, through vaping, through dipping or through snuffing. 3435.wav|I am very, very sensitive to light. 3436.wav|I think it's very likely it increases a number of different hormones. 3437.wav|I offer a lot of tools, oftentimes that don't overlap with the content of the podcast. 3438.wav|But today we're talking about headache. 3439.wav|He is both a pioneer and luminary in the field of neuroplasticity, of how the brain wires and forms memories and can change itself over time in response to experience, as well as the study of drugs of abuse, as well as the study of drugs like MDMA, and now additional compounds that can provide therapeutic support in certain conditions. 3440.wav|It's from the JoUrnal of OphthalmoLoGy. 3441.wav|Or if you're a young child, you have to suppress the generation of just kind of random babbling sounds, turns out babbling isn't random at all. 3442.wav|And right off the bat, the word action should raise a flag for you. 3443.wav|50 trials, much in the same way as what I referenced as the ideal protocol earlier, okay? 3444.wav|Duration, path, and outcome is how we avoid impulsivity. 3445.wav|And to summarize them again at the end, I'd like to make a point now that I'm going to make several additional times during today's episode, and that is that temperature is a very potent stimulus for the brain and body. 3446.wav|Let's talk about creativity. 3447.wav|Even though we talked about it in the context of what I do, again, I really want to emphasize that this protocol and the description of this protocol and all its variables, it's really for you and for you to tailor to your specific needs. 3448.wav|Also, it's very clear that depression increases over time, and especially, this is surprising to me, but especially for individuals that were not depressed at the outset of their use. 3449.wav|Now, for you, intermittent fasters, this could be relevant. 3450.wav|And despite the fact that it's only a few studies, there have been some studies of whether or not people are able to engage in divergent thinking more effectively when they are doing things like pacing or walking, and this could be on a treadmill or back and forth across the room. 3451.wav|It actually creates a wakefulness signal for the brain. 3452.wav|So I don't want to strike fear in anybody about eating a jalapeno or even a very spicy meal from time to time, but if you're not somebody who's familiar with eating very spicy foods, you certainly don't want to enter one of these competitions and just realize that the pathways from menthol and cool or spicy and hot, those aren't just subjective pathways. 3453.wav|I do hope that most people aren't doing serious work on their phones because it's such a small visual window, and we can talk about why that's an issue later. 3454.wav|And I think this is important to understand, because when we hear the word psychedelic, a lot of people tend to lump together LSD, psilocybin, and MDMA. 3455.wav|And the fortunate news, the equalizer, I should say, is that regardless of whether or not you are naturally better at divergent or convergent thinking or you acquired it through activities, you need both in order to be creative. 3456.wav|I wear readers at night. 3457.wav|And the other major output is to areas involved in reward, motivation, and reinforcement. 3458.wav|We do not share your email with anybody. 3459.wav|As far as we know, it does not exist anywhere in nature. 3460.wav|Now, if you opt in that you've been on the app for an hour, would you like to leave? 3461.wav|Now, how is this done? 3462.wav|But the key thing here is to design protocols that are going to work for you over time and for you very, very hardy, very, very tough guys and gals out there that can get right into an ice bath or a very, very cold immersion, and you can just grind it out for six or ten minutes, or you can even do that by remaining peaceful. 3463.wav|Now, gut health is something that over the last 10 years we realized is not just important for the health of our gut, but also for our immune system and for the production of neurotransmitters and neuromodulators, things like dopamine and serotonin. 3464.wav|But we do get an increase in dopamine. 3465.wav|So some people I know will have a blue light or a bright led on their desk in front of them. 3466.wav|It remains to be seen. 3467.wav|And generally they do. 3468.wav|One is to try and calm yourself to remain as mentally still as possible. 3469.wav|This is what they do on the side of a football field or a boxing match, or if someone, unfortunately hits their head. 3470.wav|And in this circuit that involves the amygdala, the threat reflex, and all this other stuff that I was talking about earlier, the system is set up for learning. 3471.wav|We probably had a link to it in the show note captions if you want to get more details on that. 3472.wav|They close the door, they put their bag on their shoulder or across their chest, or however it is that they carry their briefcase or whatever it is, and they follow trajectories onto campus that are so stereotyped that you'd wonder if you just trace line after line after line, what you'd find is that every day is almost exactly the same and you do this, too. 3473.wav|But once you do, what you will find, and what everyone finds is that you can't unfind the face. 3474.wav|And two, I want people to understand this relationship between how they think the decisions they take about what they eat and how the body and the brain at subconscious levels are driving some of these behaviors, healthy or otherwise, because I do think that it can lead us to a better understanding of what healthy eating is for most of us and to increase compassion and hopefully even increased improvement in treatment of eating disorders for those that are suffering from them. 3475.wav|It's a really troubling thing to think about, but people are literally gorging themselves with food. 3476.wav|The NSDR and yoga nidra practice prepares you for divergent thinking that you do in the hour or hours that follows. 3477.wav|And all of the data point to a very clear conclusion, which is the more potent the THC concentration, the higher probability of developing psychosis, or a major depressive episode or a major anxiety disorder later in life. 3478.wav|And there's a lot more that we could say about long-term memory. 3479.wav|Now, an especially exciting feature of the premium channel is that the tiny foundation has generously offered to do a dollar for dollar match on all funds raised for research through the premium channel. 3480.wav|It was like food would hit the table, and it was just an absolute war for portions. 3481.wav|In fact, I was able to find an editorial that was published in the biomedical journal in 2003, which argued somehow that Dr. 3482.wav|So people who are not university students and so on. 3483.wav|So they'll say, you have to take risks or you have to suppress judgment, but how do you actually do that? 3484.wav|Do not despair, because it turns out that there are what are called second and third night effects also. 3485.wav|That's the extinction process. 3486.wav|Okay, so there's high pressure, low pressure, high pressure, low pressure. 3487.wav|We will talk about those things that are distinct from light, but right now we're just focusing on light. 3488.wav|We learn that the first time we go to a given parking lot and walk into a building. 3489.wav|And people are starting to realize that it perhaps is the increase in prolactin that occurs both during and for some period of time, probably hours or days after ingestion of MDMA that leads to at least some components of the so called crash, that feeling of lethargy and lack of motivation, maybe diminished mood, et cetera. 3490.wav|I definitely will receive a dopamine reward. 3491.wav|Well, most of the approaches that are out there involving drug treatments, typical drug treatments, would involve suppressing the level of internal arousal, just trying to bring that down. 3492.wav|I myself am somebody who for years would pull anywhere from five to ten allnighters per year. 3493.wav|In some cases, they use even non heating approaches to vaporize the nicotine and allow it to enter the bloodstream very quickly. 3494.wav|But keep in mind that what we are about to do is very similar, and in some cases identical, to laboratory studies where the researchers were trying to determine what people's levels of dopamine within these particular neural networks we've been discussing, the mesocortical pathway, are likely to be. 3495.wav|First of all, if you are somebody who ingests caffeine every day and you do not ingest caffeine, you will indeed get a headache and drinking caffeine will relieve that particular headache. 3496.wav|And most of those changes are driven by changes in circuitry within the hypothalamus. 3497.wav|What's going to work? 3498.wav|It has a number of different effects, but the most notable, for sake of this episode is the one on ocular blood flow. 3499.wav|If you're not already following us on social media, we are Huberman Lab on Twitter, Huberman Lab on Instagram, and Huberman Lab on Facebook. 3500.wav|You have a ton of pain receptors in the cornea. 3501.wav|I hope that was useful in thinking about these disorders and in thinking about other aspects of feeding and motivated behaviors. 3502.wav|If you were to amplify dopamine levels, for instance, by taking the amino acid precursor to dopamine L-tyrosine, something that I occasionally do to enhance dopamine levels for sake of work or energy, 500 milligrams or 1,000 milligrams, even a L-tyrosine, sometimes I'll combine that with other things like alpha-GPC, it's going to enhance dopamine transmission in the nigrostriatal pathway, the mesocortical pathway, but also in the mesolimbic pathway, and also for that matter, in the tuberoinframedibular pathway associated with the pituitary. 3503.wav|Or it can be immediate experiences, things that are happening in the now. 3504.wav|If they say, oh, that thing is a UFO as opposed to something else, they see, in other words, the face, not the vase. 3505.wav|Turns out that a combination of approaches is best. 3506.wav|So you have two nucleus accumbi, I guess they'd be called one, on each side of the brain. 3507.wav|About psilocybin MDMA, by contrast, does not seem to produce long lasting increases in lateral connectivity between those same brain networks, probably because it impacts different serotonin receptors. 3508.wav|But that's certainly not what I would start with. 3509.wav|What do I mean by that? 3510.wav|We'll touch on a few of those tools later today, but you can access that episode if you go to HubermanLab.com and just put memory into the search function and you'll find it there. 3511.wav|It included things like a loading dock for some boats. 3512.wav|And of course, there are many other ssris out there, satalopram, et cetera. 3513.wav|With that in mind, the statement I'm about to make is absolutely terrifying, at least to me, and, frankly, it should be terrifying to you as well. 3514.wav|The other type of headache that unfortunately is very common is migraine headaches. 3515.wav|Immediate goal based habits are going to be habits that are designed to bring you a specific outcome as you do them. 3516.wav|It's really up to you. 3517.wav|And as I mentioned earlier, it's very closely tied to attention because in order to know what to do now and then what to do subsequently and then subsequent to that, you need to be able to hold your attention to the things you need to do. 3518.wav|It wasn't that we were standing all day long. 3519.wav|In fact, it often impairs the brain and nervous system's ability to function and therefore is maladaptive. 3520.wav|Some of these were done by Roger Shepard and his graduate students and postdocs, some were done by Steve Costlin and by others. 3521.wav|But the key thing to know is something that we covered in the fertility episode. 3522.wav|I could have said something like, cannabis, marijuana is the most commonly used illicit drug. 3523.wav|But that isn't necessarily the case. 3524.wav|So again, mental training better than no training, physical training better than mental training, but when we say physical training better than mental training, what we're really talking about is when you allocate a certain amount of training hours for a given skill per week. 3525.wav|And that sounds really boring. 3526.wav|If you're learning from and or enjoying this podcast, please subscribe to our YouTube channel. 3527.wav|So everything from the neck up and on the body, the so called central nervous system and the periphery, although I want to point out that your spinal cord is part of the central nervous system. 3528.wav|My scientific great grandparents won the Nobel Prize for discovering so called critical periods, periods of time in which the brain is more plastic, more able to change. 3529.wav|They're going to feel too much limbic friction. 3530.wav|You might get some weird looks, but of course, you'll be the one doing significantly more volume, not experiencing delayed onset muscle soreness and achieving better endurance and strength gains were you to do this properly. 3531.wav|Top down processing is the way that your prefrontal cortex and other areas of the brain can control or suppress a reflex. 3532.wav|So let's talk for a second about what focusing our vision on a particular location does, because in this study from the balcetus lab, what they found was focusing on a goal line allows people to move more effectively toward that goal. 3533.wav|So that the sativa varieties that act as sort of a stimulant, making people feel happy, because in general, they do tend to elevate mood, at least at certain dosages. 3534.wav|Some of you out there might be craving a little bit more mechanism by which binaural beats can influence things like focus or reduced reaction time. 3535.wav|There's no reason why, for instance, you couldn't use binaural beats and try and get into a low ceiling environment to do detailed work a couple of times a week, but you could also employ all of these. 3536.wav|We just have pupils in the middle of our eyes. 3537.wav|Some people can actually count their heartbeats without having to take their pulse by placing pressure on their wrist or their neck. 3538.wav|And convergent thinking is, as the name suggests, just the opposite of divergent thinking. 3539.wav|And this is very important, it tends to be things that are useful. 3540.wav|And that we now know offers the capacity for these fear circuits and these circuits that underlie trauma to be mapped onto new experiences that are of positive association. 3541.wav|But I want to emphasize that the modern neuroscience really points to the fact that PTSD is caused by the exact sorts of brain network activations that we were discussing earlier, things like heightened levels of activation in the amygdala to insula pathway, which, of course, would exacerbate bodily sensations related to the trauma, or heightened activation of the hippocampus, this memory center in the brain to amygdala to insula circuitry. 3542.wav|And by cook, I mean the cells actually start to die. 3543.wav|In addition, please subscribe to the podcast on both Spotify and Apple, and on both Spotify and Apple. 3544.wav|Or something like NSDR. 3545.wav|Now, I realize that for some of you who are listening to this, you're probably saying, well, of course, right, serotonin is pro social and dopamine is motivation. 3546.wav|Let me explain the papers that focus on this for a little bit, and then we'll talk about what this means for each of us. 3547.wav|The key thing is that THC and CBD and the other components of cannabis bind to those receptors, those endogenous cannabinoid receptors, the ones that we naturally make with much greater affinity and exert a vastly greater potency and effect on mood and perception, et cetera, than do our endogenous cannabinoids. 3548.wav|And there's a whole discussion nowadays of what's called the inflammatome. 3549.wav|Today, we're mainly going to talk about cb one receptors because they are the ones that are responsible for most of the familiar effects of cannabis. 3550.wav|They feel like talking a lot. 3551.wav|If you understand even a small fraction of what I've just said, then it's going to allow you to understand not just today's discussion, but a lot of neuroscience with a lot more nuance and depth of understanding. 3552.wav|And we are going to pay particular attention to vaping today because vaping use is on the rise, in particular in young people and vaping use and the fact that most tobacco that's consumed through vaping includes quite amount of nicotine, has created a scenario where nicotine, because of its ability to change certain chemicals in the brain, can actually lead to addiction for a number of other substances related to vaping and vaping associated behaviors. 3553.wav|Although earlier I pointed out that these aren't reflexes in the traditional sense, the reason for that is that this brain area, the hippocampus, that many of you know is associated with learning and memory is not actually where memories are stored. 3554.wav|That's the typical arc of that. 3555.wav|So I always say behavioral tools first, then nutritional tools, then supplementation tools, and then if it's right for you and safe, maybe you advance into some of the other more sophisticated tools. 3556.wav|This is a muscle that's designed to contract over and over and over again. 3557.wav|So by doing your deliberate cold exposure on Tuesday, you're not going to get those effects that is the blocking of hypertrophy or the blocking of strength improvement or the blocking or prevention of improvements in endurance that would occur if you immediately got into the ice bath after a hypertrophy strength or endurance workout. 3558.wav|But it turns out that white noise, especially if it's loud, white noise, can cause some disruption in the auditory maps, the representation of different frequencies of sound in the brain that can lead to some deficits in auditory and even language processing. 3559.wav|They sometimes gain weight, they sometimes do not, depending on whether or not they offset that increase in appetite with increased physical exercise or with decreased food intake in other ways. 3560.wav|It is, however, part of my desire and effort to bring zero cost to consumer information about science and science related tools to the general public. 3561.wav|We also know from neuroimaging studies in which people are placed into a functional magnetic resonance imaging scanner, that during the sort of visualization you just did or that I described, that your visual cortex and associated areas quote unquote light up, they become very active in similar but not identical ways to how they would light up and be activated were you to actually look at a yellow cube and a red rose on a screen and perhaps fly above them, virtually of course, and land behind them, virtually of course, or if you were to actually look at a yellow cube and red rose in the real world, right in front of you on a table, then get up on your tippy toes and look down at them from the top and then walk around the table and look at them from the other side. 3562.wav|So now I'd like to take a step back from the biology of cannabis and THC and CBD and all the signaling and receptors, et cetera, and really just focus on cannabis use. 3563.wav|So I'll just finish up the pulling, I'll finish up the back work and then going to the push. 3564.wav|And I will give you specific protocols as to how you can do that. 3565.wav|But that doesn't mean that the person goes from being able to do 40 dips to being able to do 50 dips or 60 dips on that first set. 3566.wav|So it's bistable, meaning that you can't see the faces and vases at the same time. 3567.wav|Well, a lot of the excitement relates to work that was done by a former colleague of mine down at the Sulk Institute for Biological Studies in San Diego named Sachin Panda. 3568.wav|As mentioned at the beginning of today's podcast, we've partnered with Momentous Supplements because Momentous Supplements are the very highest quality. 3569.wav|People take cannabis, they measured prolactin. 3570.wav|Now, whether or not ingesting nicotine by way of nicotine containing gum or patch or toothpick or other method is dangerous for other reasons is a discussion that's important right now. 3571.wav|So the literature says there are a number of ways to break these sorts of habitual behaviors or reflexive behaviors. 3572.wav|Like your smooth pursuit is over millimeters or what. 3573.wav|Now we are going to talk about eating disorders that really fall into the category of clinically diagnosable eating disorders for which there's actually serious health hazards and even the serious risk of death. 3574.wav|It actually is one of the reasons why people feel not well and need to leave work or not go to school or leave school. 3575.wav|But even so, it's just not a good argument. 3576.wav|So in the context of the seed oil discussion, although keeping in mind that omega-6s can come from other sources as well, if omega-6s were just reduced on their own, there wasn't as great an effect in terms of reducing pain and inflammation as there was when omega-3 fatty acids were deliberately increased and omega-6 fatty acids were reduced. 3577.wav|Today's episode is also brought to us by Roca. 3578.wav|Sex increases dopamine. 3579.wav|And when the insula is inhibited, what ends up happening is that a mild shock can create a big increase in blood pressure and that can be maintained such that anything that's paired with that shock, like a bell or a tone, would lead to a big increase in blood pressure. 3580.wav|Each and every one of these requires different principles, different concepts in order to improve, say your muscular strength or your hypertrophy or both. 3581.wav|If you're not already following us on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and or LinkedIn, please do so. 3582.wav|Because in real life, you're not really engaging in stressors for a given amount of time, that you know how long it's going to last and you know the context. 3583.wav|And I think what you'll find is that as you maximize your workspace, the time, the latency, as we say, to get into that focus will start to shorten. 3584.wav|A full hour is a big commitment. 3585.wav|What I mean by that is you'll get information back about hormone levels and metabolic factors, lipids, et cetera. 3586.wav|Because I wanted a mattress that wasn't too firm nor too soft, and I've been sleeping on that mattress for over a year now. 3587.wav|There's a correct answer that you're trying to arrive at or generate, whereas writing music or writing poetry or generating new material of any kind involves taking existing elements. 3588.wav|However, if we think back to the model of how you extinguish and then replace a trauma or fear, remember, you have to diminish the old experience, the amplitude of that, that's the extinguish portion. 3589.wav|If I wake up really hungry, I might have something before 11 a.m. 3590.wav|Essentially, it gets wired in as a fear with one trial, which is quite different than the other forms of neuroplasticity. 3591.wav|And ideally, one would still be trying to access social connection outside of that specific work related to the trauma. 3592.wav|Practice a little bit of smooth pursuit. 3593.wav|The second program involved a 21 day process of engaging approximately six new habits per day, although the expectation, as I mentioned earlier, is that you're not going to perform all six of those, and an assessment in the following 21 days as to whether or not you have indeed formed those new habits or not. 3594.wav|So they were cooling inside the boots or inside of gloves and on the upper portion of the face. 3595.wav|Turns out the insula is important for establishing that match of intensity. 3596.wav|But generally I'm working a lot on Tuesday as I do on Monday, and I'm a little bit tired or maybe even a little bit sore from my leg workout the previous day Monday. 3597.wav|It requires a feeling of a victory, which is arousal. 3598.wav|And that's not magic. 3599.wav|Creative endeavors, personal endeavors. 3600.wav|And in fact, moving that particular habit around somewhat randomly can actually be beneficial to you, because actually moving it from one time a day to the other is that context independence that we really are seeking by being able to do the same thing that we want to do, regardless of time of day or circumstances? 3601.wav|And vasodilation, you need to be very clear on whether or not caffeine tends to remove your headache or exacerbate it. 3602.wav|Again, that's www.drinkag1.com slash Huberman. 3603.wav|And those receptors did not come about because of the existence of tobacco, or the existence of vaping pens, or because of the existence of anything in the outside world. 3604.wav|Just sip on it as I'm doing work and so forth. 3605.wav|So one of the key things about mental training and visualization that's really remarkable is that it can also be used and has been shown to improve, not just go aspects of motor performance and cognitive performance, but also no go aspects of motor performance and skill learning. 3606.wav|Please also understand that the most potent stimulus isn't always the one that you experience as the most intense in the moment. 3607.wav|Before we continue our discussion about many not commonly known and yet very potent treatments for different forms of headache, I want to touch on a topic we mentioned a little bit earlier and also provide a treatment that is a way to alleviate something and that's photophobia and aura. 3608.wav|These were done in males and females. 3609.wav|At the beginning of the episode, we talked about a form of neuroplasticity called long term potentiation involving the NMDA receptor. 3610.wav|There are a number of studies that have pointed to the fact that deliberate cold and cold generally can reduce inflammatory cytokines, such as Il six, interleukin six, it can increase antiinflammatory cytokines, such as interleukin ten, and so on. 3611.wav|If you'd like to try InsideTracker, you can visit insidetracker.com slash Huberman and get 20% off any of InsideTracker's plans. 3612.wav|And then they took bromocriptine and they either took a low, a moderate, or high dose of bromocriptine. 3613.wav|In which case, certainly start with less and go on flat ground and go at the rate that allows you to get into zone two, but that is not excessively difficult for you and then as you build up fitness, you can add time or you can add weight through a weight vest, or if you don't want to buy a weight vest or can't afford one, there's a simple solution to that. 3614.wav|So while some receptors in the brain and body are such that when something, a chemical binds to them, that receptor has a direct action, like it opens and allows stuff to rush into the cell, increases the excitability of the cell, so called fast effects. 3615.wav|And this is actually an opportunity to cue up something that I mentioned in our episode on meditation which goes deep into the different kinds of meditation involving focus inward and outward, et cetera. 3616.wav|And so all we need to know is what do estrogen and progesterone normally do in order to prevent headache? 3617.wav|So you have to determine the trade off between whether or not you want to shift your clock or whether or not you want to get the work done. 3618.wav|There are direct effects of nicotine on both appetite. 3619.wav|This blue light that everyone has demonized, getting that sunlight during the day for 2 hours, even if you're reading other things and doing other things outside, has a significant effect on reducing the probability that you will get myopia near sightedness. 3620.wav|The study that I'm referring to has a first author fraud Sham. 3621.wav|Now, MDMA ingestion is known to dramatically increase prolactin. 3622.wav|And we can bring ourselves back to our earlier example of pavlovian conditioning, because many studies have been done, both in animals and in humans, showing that, for instance, if you pair a tone, a bell or a buzzer with a foot shock, that an animal or a person will brace themselves for the foot shock. 3623.wav|I'm not going to eat that. 3624.wav|So Mucuna purines is kind of a bridge between over-the-counter supplements and prescription drugs. 3625.wav|By definition, you're dilating your gaze. 3626.wav|There is a specific criteria that allows us to predict whether or not it will improve or maintain or actually degrade working memory performance. 3627.wav|They found that strength, meaning the one repetition maximum, increased 22% over ten weeks in benchpress training. 3628.wav|There are activities that increase dopamine. 3629.wav|Well, if at first you're highly motivated, limbic friction might be pretty low. 3630.wav|I'm not a cyclops, but I'm heading there. 3631.wav|Having to pay out every time you engage in a particular behavior. 3632.wav|Anytime there's a discussion about dopamine, there seems to be a discussion about motivation, desire, and drive. 3633.wav|I know nowadays there's a lot of use of drugs that increase dopamine, such as Ritalin, Adderall, Modafinil, R-modafinil, often prescribed for things like attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. 3634.wav|These days you'll see players hit really hard and depending on whether or not they're laying there for five seconds, 30 seconds or three minutes, the crowd and the people watching on television and everywhere else are all speculating as to whether or not the person should be allowed to play and to be quite direct. 3635.wav|And that should inherently make sense. 3636.wav|And this is going to become especially relevant in considering whether or not pregnant mothers should or should not use cannabis or cbD. 3637.wav|And as I mentioned, you can search for different topics and it will bring you to the particular episodes that contain the information on those topics. 3638.wav|You have to identify what the milestones will be. 3639.wav|So that includes endurance, strength, flexibility, hypertrophy, aesthetic changes, et cetera. 3640.wav|Sometimes it's very long. 3641.wav|You put a lot of stuff in front of them, their attention drifts. 3642.wav|Saying that something is good because it's not as bad as something else is simply just not a good or valid argument, at least not biologically speaking. 3643.wav|And then as the afternoon progresses, they tend to be a bit more sleepy, a bit more relaxed, a bit more calm. 3644.wav|But of course, I'm also careful to get home, take a hot shower, not stress myself out if I can, avoid getting myself stressed out and focus on sleep, NSDR, other forms of recovery, good nutrition, et cetera. 3645.wav|Because ultimately, dopamine is not about feeling good, it's about feeling motivated. 3646.wav|This is an unescapable reality of all cells in your body, right from your hair cells to your brain cells, to your retinal cells to your toe on both feet. 3647.wav|We also discuss two programs, programs designed specifically for you on the basis of the neurobiology literature and the literature on the psychology of habit formation and habit breaking. 3648.wav|So the idea that there would be a single smart drug or nootropic is simply foolish. 3649.wav|So you get the further increase in norepinephrine. 3650.wav|So that's an exciting avenue for addressing migraine headaches. 3651.wav|Again, that's rocaroka.com, and enter the code Huberman at checkout. 3652.wav|So in the argument of probabilities, one would say, well, if there are all these other carcinogens in the environment, why would you compound their carcinogenic effect by smoking or vaping or dipping or snuffing? 3653.wav|Of course, there are other pharmacologic approaches to quitting smoking or vaping. 3654.wav|Roca makes eyeglasses and sunglasses that are of the absolute highest quality. 3655.wav|And then for the next month, it's going to be moderate repetitions, fewer sets, the same way I described earlier. 3656.wav|There are things associated with smoking and with vaping and other means of getting nicotine into our system that have their own effects, both negative and in some cases, positive. 3657.wav|Most of us would love to have a situation where we can spend a morning or a day or a week brainstorming just kind of brainstorming. 3658.wav|And they had those human subjects submerged in water up to their neck. 3659.wav|Their visual perceptions are off. 3660.wav|There's a whole field of people battling over this now for several decades. 3661.wav|He gets compliments about this all the time. 3662.wav|And can should say can, because not in everybody, but can, in some individuals, reduce anxiety. 3663.wav|However, there are really just a few basic concepts or principles of muscle physiology, of cardiovascular function, of connective tissue function, that provide or set the basis for the adaptations that we call fitness or that lead to fitness. 3664.wav|Now, humans are unique in our ability to orient our mind toward immediate goals, moderately termed goals, meaning things that might exist on the scale of a week or a month or even a year, and very long term goals, like a lifetime goal or a goal that lasts a decade or it takes a decade to achieve. 3665.wav|In addition, and I mentioned this at the beginning of the episode, but many people find photophobia to be a entry point or a trigger to headache. 3666.wav|And likewise with any drugs that inhibit or block or antagonize as it's called dopamine. 3667.wav|But for the time being, we've talked about tension headaches, we've now talked about migraine headaches. 3668.wav|But more specifically we know that it contains carcinogens. 3669.wav|In fact, dopamine is the way that we assess value of our pursuits. 3670.wav|There are a couple of different ways that dopamine is released, and when it is released, relative to your anticipation of a reward is key. 3671.wav|It has beautiful diagrams detailing all of the pathways from cold to norepinephrine through UCP one downstream of things like cyclic Amp. 3672.wav|We're going to do this purely through audio form because I realize some people are watching and listening to this on YouTube and others are just listening to this episode. 3673.wav|In some individuals, it greatly increases cortisol due to the anxiety and paranoia it can create, and in other individuals, it reduces cortisol. 3674.wav|But then if that thing doesn't happen, for instance, our friends don't show up for dinner. 3675.wav|This is a really concerning practice. 3676.wav|You can go to hubermanlab.com, click on the menu, go to newsletter it's a simple sign up. 3677.wav|Because this reflex is very generic. 3678.wav|But you are probably less likely to perform particular habits that are not what you deem as necessary. 3679.wav|There are body dysmorphias that are related to those types of things and that relate to things like plastic surgery, steroid abuse, diet, drug abuse, and so on. 3680.wav|Resistance training is known to increase protein synthesis, so it stands to reason that ingesting amino acids after that training would be beneficial. 3681.wav|As opposed to a putt, which might be 1B. 3682.wav|Now, the mental training more effective than no training is kind of a duh, except that there are people, for instance, people who are injured, who are trying to maintain or replenish some motor skill or ability to move in a particular way, or who have had a traumatic brain injury and are trying to recreate experiences in a way that's safe for them while in a somewhat restricted format. 3683.wav|It's pretty hard to say. 3684.wav|So, as I mentioned before, most of these therapies are done in conjunction with a skilled, often, one would hope, credentialed clinician. 3685.wav|Have there been brain imaging experiments done for each and all of these yoga nidra scripts to determine the amount, or if there's any dopamine increase within the brain? 3686.wav|And we talked about a number of ways to gauge that. 3687.wav|If you're interested in that process, both how to increase it and just generally how it works, you can see the episode on the science of fat loss. 3688.wav|This NSDR is different than yoga Nidra, in the sense that it doesn't have intentions. 3689.wav|I might eat as late as 9 p.m., and I might eat something at 10 a.m. 3690.wav|But please don't go around with your eyes covered for too long. 3691.wav|Well, diving birds have an arrangement of these retinal cells that communicate to the brain that's both a streak to view the horizon because they need to know where they are relative to the horizon. 3692.wav|What are you going to modify? 3693.wav|So your temperature minimum is a time within the 24 hours cycle when your body temperature is at its lowest. 3694.wav|We know time at a biological level based on where the sun is, which, of course, is where we are relative to the sun, because the earth is spinning around. 3695.wav|Whatever neurons in the brain respond to leptin are starved for leptin. 3696.wav|Other groups of people find that they are very hungry when they wake up in the morning. 3697.wav|We hear a lot about that. 3698.wav|So you can come up with a number that's reasonable for you to do consistently. 3699.wav|And one particular study that I'll highlight is entitled effects of MDMA on sociability and neural responses to social threat and social reward. 3700.wav|That's sort of obvious, but it's an important point to emphasize nonetheless. 3701.wav|Now, I am not aware of any specific well controlled studies that showed that this indeed works. 3702.wav|But if we were to just take a step back from all the data, the data in mice, in rats, in non human primates, the retraction of the study in non human primates, which showed that the primates that showed neurodegeneration were not given MDMA, as was thought by the researchers, but rather, as later was acknowledged, were actually given methamphetamine. 3703.wav|Habit strength is something that you will find in the psychological literature. 3704.wav|I think there's some asymmetry in the way I'm organized. 3705.wav|But with these habits, they work at such a subconscious level that what seems to work best is a combination of teaching the individual about their internal state and how to register their internal state, what we call interoception, this ability to perceive your internal state so that they can start to learn to associate the interactions with different types of food, with the sorts of cues that are occurring within their body, quickening of heart rate, hyperacuity of focus that we talked about earlier. 3706.wav|And here I really want to highlight that our discussion today is couched in a discussion about the application of pure MDMA to animals or humans in the context of laboratory or clinical studies. 3707.wav|And the propeller or motor, in the context of this neurochemistry model, is dopamine, which provides ongoing motivation. 3708.wav|It's almost ridiculously simple. 3709.wav|So at this point, I think it's appropriate to ask ourselves, why do people even use cannabis? 3710.wav|If you're really going to change the identity and function of a cell long-term, right, you're going to literally change the breast tissue or change the penile tissue or change the ovarian tissue in some sort of consistent way across the lifespan, you can bet that there are changes in gene expression. 3711.wav|Even though these were fairly skilled baseball players, what they had them do was hit a ball off a t. 3712.wav|So let's use that as an example, because even though I realize people are in pursuit of many things, not just fitness, fitness goals and physical goals are a very concrete thing that we can all get on the same page about because they're related to actions. 3713.wav|I think anyone that tries levels will find that you learn an immense amount about what you're doing and what you ought to be doing differently in order to optimize your immediate feelings of well being and your health trajectory. 3714.wav|If you set out those goals, then the specific days that you do each workout isn't as critical, but the specific spacing is. 3715.wav|There are other sources of leucine, non animal sources of leucine as well. 3716.wav|So delayed discounting simply says that the further out in time that a given goal is, the less effective that reward will be in motivating one's behavior. 3717.wav|It doesn't have to be experienced all the way around the head. 3718.wav|It doesn't seem to matter in terms of outcomes. 3719.wav|That's the big release of dopamine. 3720.wav|Take that three minute quiz and thesis will send you four different formulas to try in your first month, and then they'll work with you and iterate to find the best formulas for you to take ongoing. 3721.wav|So that's what craving is. 3722.wav|Let's say you're in an elevator. 3723.wav|So initially it creates anxiety relief, but over time, the affinity for the receptor doesn't change, meaning it can still park in that slot with a lot of affinity, a lot of strength, but there are fewer receptors available, and then the signaling that's downstream of those receptors becomes less and less robust. 3724.wav|Let's say I lean into a habit. 3725.wav|And this discussion that we're about to have very much resembles the discussion that we had on a previous episode about nicotine, because as many of you know, nicotine is a commonly used substance. 3726.wav|So right now, I can imagine that all the cannabis users are cheering, yes, cannabis increases creativity, makes people more creative than they would be otherwise. 3727.wav|The title of this study is brief aerobic exercise immediately enhances visual attentional control and perceptual speed, testing the mediating role of feelings of energy. 3728.wav|The body changes, the brain changes, perceptions change, one's own self perception changes. 3729.wav|I've been taking athletic greens every day since 2012, so I'm delighted that they're sponsoring the podcast. 3730.wav|However, it's very important to know that the total amount of neurogenesis that occurs in the adult human brain is infinitesimally small as a mechanism for neuroplasticity and learning as compared to the other forms of neuroplasticity that we discussed, such as long-term potentiation and long-term depression. 3731.wav|Now, whether by inhalation or whether or not by placing it in contact with the mucosal tissue of the mouth or other mucosal containing orifice of the body, the nicotine then gets into the bloodstream. 3732.wav|In fact, Koslin did some experiments, I think illustrate this even better. 3733.wav|CGRP is a molecule that's associated with a calcium signaling pathway. 3734.wav|I want to be very clear that the Huberman Lab Podcast will continue to be released every Monday at zero cost to consumer, and there will be no change in the format of these podcasts. 3735.wav|Photophobia, we now understand because of some beautiful work that was done at Cliff Saper's lab at Harvard Medical School and some other laboratories, showing that photophobia originates from a specific set of neurons in the eye. 3736.wav|Talked about this in the episode with Dr. Andy Galpin. 3737.wav|And these could be things as basic as brushing your teeth before breakfast or brushing your teeth after breakfast. 3738.wav|Thank you once again for joining me for today's discussion about working memory and ways to improve your working memory. 3739.wav|The only way they can do that is if those veins don't collapse, and veins will collapse if they are made very, very cold. 3740.wav|Now, I wear eyeglasses at night when I work or when I drive, and I wear sunglasses during the day. 3741.wav|That's a terrific way to support us. 3742.wav|I love the way it tastes I mix mine with some water and a little bit of lemon or lime juice. 3743.wav|What's far harder for everybody to do, and in fact, what most people simply cannot do is imagine long extended scenes and stories in their mind that go on for minutes and minutes that involve a lot of different sensory stimuli. 3744.wav|However, if you're in a gym, in a particular crowded gym, please don't be one of those people that colonizes multiple pieces of equipment and says, I'm working there, I'm working there. 3745.wav|Today's episode is also brought to us by Maui Nui, which I can confidently say is the most nutrient dense and delicious red meat available. 3746.wav|If you'd like to try athletic greens, you can go to athleticgreens.com huberman and they'll give you five free travel packs that make it really easy to mix up athletic greens while you're on the road, in the car, on the plane, et cetera. 3747.wav|I would hope that they would also do a study on women at some point in the future. 3748.wav|Of course they knew that. 3749.wav|And the title of the paper is association of FKB five polymorphisms and childhood abuse with risk of post traumatic stress disorder symptoms in adults. 3750.wav|They're not getting enough utilization of the nutrients in the tissue because the way that insulin is disrupted, insulin signaling, and they actually have to have certain portions of their limbs amputated, and yet they continue to overeat. 3751.wav|I also hope that it will help people lean into certain practices involving reexposure, provided that's done in a supportive environment. 3752.wav|We can have isolated incidents that wick out to broad decisions about entire places, or we can have many experiences that funnel into very specific, isolated fears about particular circumstances, places, and things. 3753.wav|So in some sense, the working memory task is a bit unusual in that it's a test of, yes, memory in the very, very short term, but also a test of your ability to forget to discard information. 3754.wav|But also because many, many, if not most of the effects of traumatic brain injury are going to occur not in the immediate minutes or even hours after the injury, but several hours, days, or even weeks after that injury. 3755.wav|And that's because your brain follows your vision in terms of focus. 3756.wav|Okay, so three elements of world building, perspective shifting and active generating are what make up this narrative approach to creativity. 3757.wav|It's approximately 2 hours before your wake up time. 3758.wav|Brain states are not, as we would say, a square wave function. 3759.wav|And I describe a little bit of the science and why specific components of the NSDR are included. 3760.wav|That's 100 milligrams. 3761.wav|Now, that is not to say that the images that we, in particular, young people are being bombarded with are healthy for their psychological state of mind. 3762.wav|And here's where we arrive. 3763.wav|He also has excellent programs on his athleanx.com site but certainly has a lot of excellent protocols on his YouTube and Instagram. 3764.wav|After high intensity exercise. 3765.wav|Hippocampus means seahorse. 3766.wav|Now, here's the key thing about, I guess today I'm saying there are a lot of key things, but here's another key thing about understanding cannabis and the way that it works. 3767.wav|And so they prefer to eat early in the day, but then they limit their feeding window such that they cut off their food intake or stop ingesting any calories of any kind somewhere around 05:00 p.m. 3768.wav|Most people will start to huddle their body. 3769.wav|And this has been done extensively and across the entire body of data. 3770.wav|And you actually can do that in a mouse using a restraint protocol. 3771.wav|With helix sleep, you go to their website, you take a very brief two minute quiz and you answer some questions, such as do you tend to sleep on your stomach or your side or your back? 3772.wav|So if you are feeling very resistant to getting into the ice bath or cold shower, and you manage to do that, that's going over what I would call one wall. 3773.wav|If you look at somebody's attempt to learn a particular dance step or at somebody's attempt to do a tennis serve the first time, it's all over the place. 3774.wav|So for those of you that are thinking about bad habit breaking in the context of addictive type behaviors, definitely check out that episode. 3775.wav|I know that's a little PE class, right? 3776.wav|Now, that leads us to this issue of vaping, because as many of you know and probably are thinking, as I've been delivering this information, people don't vape tobacco. 3777.wav|Dopamine levels strongly relate to the probability that you can engage in convergent and divergent thinking. 3778.wav|You should check with your doctor, but indeed it can often be beneficial. 3779.wav|So this would be like cable crossovers for the chest, the peak contraction is at the end. 3780.wav|Now, I can't always do this. 3781.wav|So, as you can tell, we're starting to layer in the various things that you can do. 3782.wav|This is not exact because we're not talking about the commercial cool MIT product here. 3783.wav|So just to put this clearly in your mind, you've got sativa varieties. 3784.wav|They also happen to look really good. 3785.wav|They're not looking at an avocado and thinking, okay, that's x number of grams of fat, rather, or looking at an apple and saying, okay, that has no fat. 3786.wav|There's lots of body fat. 3787.wav|So it turns out that some people have an allele, basically a version of the oxytocin receptor that is different from other people, that makes oxytocin work differently and actually less effectively in activating certain brain networks. 3788.wav|And when they came back from that injury, they did indeed manage to improve beyond the initial non-injured state they were in before the injury, which is pretty remarkable, but as this colleague pointed out to me, they were very careful to include a lot of mental training and visualization during that quote unquote layoff period. 3789.wav|But if you notice what's happened with phone use over time, most people, including myself, sometimes, I admit, find ourselves just looking at our phone or find ourselves in a particular app without actually having engaged in the conscious set of steps of oh, I'm really curious what's going on in this particular app. 3790.wav|It's almost impossible for you to intervene in yourself without a number of other features, like severe punishment, severe consequence type outcomes. 3791.wav|It leads to sexual dysfunction because of lack of blood flow to the genitals, can lead to other aspects of reproductive damage, including to the ovaries and testes. 3792.wav|For instance, I'm willing to bet that you put your shoes on to go running before you go running. 3793.wav|So the brain is doing these incredible things. 3794.wav|I shouldn't do this right now. 3795.wav|And indeed, when measured in the study, it did change levels of circulating oxytocin. 3796.wav|And just a very brief mention, there is a vast literature on the fact that when people have quit smoking or vaping or other form of consuming nicotine, that when they consume alcohol, there's a much higher probability of relapse. 3797.wav|It has to think about a goal and then has to feel some sort of activation energy, some willingness or desire to move forward in pursuit of that goal. 3798.wav|This actually has a somewhat anecdotal basis, in particular in Scandinavia. 3799.wav|We'll talk about that a little bit later, but now that you know what hormonal headache is, at least this one particular type of hormonal headache, which is very, very common, given the number of women that are menstruating and the fact that low estrogen, low progesterone is the cause of the hormonal headache. 3800.wav|I matched to the so called dusk d usk mattress because I wanted a mattress that wasn't too firm, not too soft. 3801.wav|Anorexia, if you look it up online or you talk to a qualified professional, is essentially a failure to eat enough to maintain a healthy weight. 3802.wav|Once they start to be able to notice that those things are happening, then they can start to intervene. 3803.wav|It's slightly different, or frankly, it's a lot different in terms of the underlying mechanisms than self-directed adaptive plasticity, but because today we're mainly talking about how to learn faster through mental training and visualization, and that really maps more closely onto self-directed adaptive plasticity, just really want to emphasize this two-step process. 3804.wav|But we do know that oxytocin can play a powerful role in pair bonding and in human, human animal bonding of various kinds from other experiments that have been done. 3805.wav|And then in the afternoon, as you move into more creative type works or abstract thinking or working with other people in kind of a brainstorming mode, that you would shift to dimmer lights, yellow lights, eliminate the blue lights as much as possible. 3806.wav|In addition to that, I was once in a car accident where I was parked, I just bought the car. 3807.wav|So that's a brief summary of what I've covered up until now. 3808.wav|So, again, a very close match here in terms of mechanism overall. 3809.wav|And again, that's increase in anxiety, not just when the drug is not being consumed, but also while under the influence of the drug. 3810.wav|In other words, if you put somebody into an fMRI machine. 3811.wav|And the appropriate surfaces in this case are the upper cheeks, or I would say the upper half of the face, the palms of your hands, and the bottoms of your feet. 3812.wav|So when one hears about these kinds of results, and when you hear about some of the patient reports, and I invite you to do that, you can go to the maps site, which, by the way, is recruiting subjects for these clinical trials. 3813.wav|So should you run out and ask your doctor for Bromacryptine? 3814.wav|That's incredible. 3815.wav|Forcing yourself to write, or forcing yourself to study, or forcing yourself to exercise during that high limbic friction state. 3816.wav|You can see why it's hard to pronounce zeaxanthin. 3817.wav|So it's zero cost and it involves no manipulation of brain neuromodulators or chemistry through pharmacology. 3818.wav|You do that, you think, oh, goodness, I did it again. 3819.wav|And as you know from our earlier discussion about pavlovian learning, conditioned stimuli and unconditioned stimuli, eventually the sound alone comes to evoke the fear response. 3820.wav|Trauma is, I believe, best defined by the words that a former guest on this podcast, who's a world expert in trauma, Paul Conti, explained as trauma is an event that fundamentally changes the way that our brain works for the worse. 3821.wav|So, of course, as you get to the checkout line in the grocery store, you're going to select the shortest line, for instance. 3822.wav|Even though there's ongoing developmental plasticity, I mean, let's be really direct. 3823.wav|We will also talk about the toxicity of MDMA. 3824.wav|Now we have to address eyes open versus eyes closed. 3825.wav|You can find all that at hubermanlab.com. 3826.wav|Typically on the Huberman Lab Podcast, I offer mechanism upfront or first, and then we talk about protocols that you can use that really lean on those science and science-based mechanisms. 3827.wav|There's an example of an NSDR script, completely zero cost. 3828.wav|What is clear and what is the topic of this discussion is that the eye can dynamically adjust where light lands by moving the lens and changing the shape of the lens in your eye through a process called accommodation. 3829.wav|I just want you to ponder this for a second. 3830.wav|And so, clearly, we know this. 3831.wav|And at least to my knowledge, and EMDR practitioners, please correct me. 3832.wav|But in that case, I would think that supplementing with lutein, provided it's safe, could perhaps be of benefit, and you might want to consider a low dose of that. 3833.wav|But I want to emphasize at the outset that none of those that I mention are any products or apps that we have a financial relationship to, and more importantly, you don't need them. 3834.wav|Dopaminergic tone, it raises the baseline of dopamine transmission in that circuitry that then positions you to engage in divergent thinking more effectively. 3835.wav|And inevitably, the outcome is that they can do more work, they can pedal further at a given speed, or they can run longer at a given speed than people who are not doing Palmer cooling or who are receiving cooling by way of cold compressed to the back of the neck or ice pack to the armpits, et cetera. 3836.wav|We can perform new tasks, we can think new thoughts, we can come up with novel solutions to preexisting problems that before really vexed us and that we couldn't overcome, all of that is considered neuroplasticity. 3837.wav|To find the supplements we discuss on the Huberman Lab podcast, you can go to live momentous, spelled O-U-S. 3838.wav|But the particular breathing protocol that we've been giving human subjects is for them to do what we call cyclic sighing. 3839.wav|And indeed in this study, they find something quite similar, which is that when you hold caloric intake constant, and when you look at omega-6s, whether or not you decrease omega-6 fatty acids or not, you find is that increasing omega-3 fatty acids in the diet, so either consumed through food sources or by supplementation, was associated with a lower prevalence of severe headache or migraine. 3840.wav|And when you press on those touch receptors, they convert pressure, physical pressure, into electrical information. 3841.wav|Remember, vitamin a is a lipid soluble vitamin, so it can be stored in our body for long periods of time. 3842.wav|Example I'll give is, let's say a kid is biking to play soccer, soccer practice, and they get into a bad car accident, okay, terrible thing to happen, but they survive, they recover, and somehow, and we really don't know why, certain fear memories get wired in more broadly or more narrowly. 3843.wav|It's going to stay in that fatty tissue and can be detected for at least as long as 80 days after ingestion. 3844.wav|But they are so still that believe it or not, they are not providing the most potent stimulus. 3845.wav|They are either spending time with their eyes closed, lying down, sometimes in an eye mask, and thinking about the trauma, thinking about their current state and experience, also thinking about what happened before. 3846.wav|This is a very important issue because many of you have perhaps heard that MDMA, quote unquote, puts holes in your brain or kills serotonin neurons or kills dopamine neurons. 3847.wav|But when your dopamine levels are elevated, these all seem like great ideas, and that maybe there are connections there, right? 3848.wav|At least to me, because there have been many studies looking at the effects of mindfulness meditation on the ability to focus. 3849.wav|There's actually a really nice literature showing that walks after a meal can speed glucose clearance from the bloodstream can be beneficial for not just weight loss, but cardiovascular health, et cetera. 3850.wav|Those stereotypes of the psychological framework of anorexics and bulimics doesn't hold up when you look at the data. 3851.wav|I must say, in a lot of ways, vaping resembles crack cocaine. 3852.wav|So keep those submerged, move your body, pedal, maybe move your knees up and down, pedal your feet, and trust me, it's going to feel a lot colder than were you to remain stone. 3853.wav|I'm going to catch the ball and hit me square in the lip. 3854.wav|So it's as if the spotlighter got more intense. 3855.wav|These kinds of things where lay in bed all day or dim the lights, not go outside. 3856.wav|But depending on where those receptors are located and which brain areas we're referring to, they are either causing heightened levels of alertness and activation of systems that are designed to make you talkative and alertness and mood et cetera, focus, or they are causing suppression of those circuitries. 3857.wav|Gray matter are the so called cell bodies where the DNA and all the stuff is manufactured. 3858.wav|Overall, the two that I want to focus on are two that I've never talked about on this podcast before, because I've done podcasts before on stress and managing stress in the kind of shorter term. 3859.wav|Now that should not concern you. 3860.wav|So depending on which country you're in and even which state you're in, or which area within a country, possessing and using and certainly selling cannabis can be either highly illegal or entirely legal or decriminalized or largely overlooked. 3861.wav|There are other factors that impact those things, but they are one of the, if not the most powerful determinant of those other things, like mood and pain threshold, sleepiness, wakefulness, et cetera. 3862.wav|So you need focused, dedicated attention to the thing that you're trying to learn. 3863.wav|Deliberate cold exposure has a very powerful effect on the release of dopamine in our brain and body. 3864.wav|Now, in a previous episode of the Huberman Lab podcast devoted all to habits, I talked about the importance of dividing your 24 hours day into three different phases. 3865.wav|And my legs might be sore. 3866.wav|So it's going to take more limbic friction in order to get into action, right? 3867.wav|So when you have a sound that's ongoing in the background, it shuts off. 3868.wav|But if you decide to employ binaural beats, I recommend this 40 hz as a great place to start. 3869.wav|Don't set goals that are so challenging and so lofty that they crash that blood pressure system in the other direction and make you or anyone feel unmotivated in hearing this. 3870.wav|And it seems to depend on whether or not the cannabis is used chronically by an individual or acutely. 3871.wav|So I'm going to list those off now. 3872.wav|So setting one or two or maybe three major goals for a given year is going to be more than enough for most people and is actually going to be challenging for most people. 3873.wav|So there are many different mechanisms that can underlie headache associated with head hits or traumatic brain injury. 3874.wav|Costello's in sleep right now. 3875.wav|That said, you will see protocols that people have put out on the Internet, such as, oh, after taking MDMA, you should take a bunch of five HTP or other precursors to serotonin or dopamine, which come in amino acid form. 3876.wav|The Carolina Reaper, which is known to have the most potent spice of any pepper. 3877.wav|You could also imagine that people are placed onto the autism spectrum as it's sometimes referred to, or are associated with particular features on the autism spectrum because in a causal way of the aphantasia, and of course it's extremely important to highlight that not all people that consider themselves or that people consider autistic or that are on the autism spectrum or Asperger's or any variation thereof necessarily have aphantasia. 3878.wav|What you can do is, and I'll provide a link to some that I think are pretty good, that are used in various clinics, ophthalmology and optometry clinics. 3879.wav|And what was interesting is that those increases in dopamine persisted for a very long period of time afterwards, even out to 2 hours. 3880.wav|But I really place those activities under the umbrella of what I call linchpin habits. 3881.wav|And the reason they find it to be exceedingly difficult is because of all the brain neurochemistry that we talked about before. 3882.wav|So this is very important to understand. 3883.wav|Many people like them. 3884.wav|However, when you see a conclusion like that, you should immediately be thinking chicken versus egg, right? 3885.wav|As long as I can with vitality, that is. 3886.wav|All the other kids were going, there's the whatever, the statue of liberty, there's the America. 3887.wav|So you'll get the last laugh. 3888.wav|Three golf swings within that 15 seconds, rest 15 seconds. 3889.wav|And it gets right to the point of some of the psychological phenomenon that we were talking about earlier. 3890.wav|Helix understands that, and if you go to their website, they have a brief two minute quiz that anyone can take that will match your body type and sleep preferences to the perfect mattress for you. 3891.wav|Contrast that with the group that received placebo, where there were a certain number of baseline and predicted obsessions with suicide. 3892.wav|Basically, it makes us feel good, and it continues to make us feel good even after we get out of the cold environment. 3893.wav|And we now know that even slight reductions in electrolyte concentrations or dehydration of the body can lead to deficits in cognitive and physical performance. 3894.wav|They help you stay lean. 3895.wav|In addition, if you're going to use sound as a stimulus for increasing focus and alertness, try and avoid exposure to white noise, pink noise, or brown noise for extended periods of time for more than an hour or so. 3896.wav|So I'm not going to tell you to supplement with lutein or not. 3897.wav|So today's episode is going to be all about vision and eyesight, a topic that's very near and dear to my heart because it's the one that I've been focusing on for well over 25 years of my career. 3898.wav|So now we're going to address what does the science say about visualizing big goals? 3899.wav|Many people are experiencing severe vision problems because they're not getting enough sunlight during the day. 3900.wav|But I should point out, depletion of a neuromodulator in the short term is not the same thing as depletion of that neuromodulator in the long term. 3901.wav|Everything about this paper looks solid to me at the difference in cognitive processing and abstract thinking, and detailed analytic work that people are able to perform in environments that have a ten foot ceiling versus an eight foot ceiling, which is not that much of a difference. 3902.wav|Now, salt, magnesium and potassium are critical to the function of all the cells in your body, in particular to the function of your nerve cells, also called neurons. 3903.wav|And it doesn't have to be direct physical contact, but just social connection, conversing with, sharing a meal with it could be physical touch, if that's appropriate. 3904.wav|I just mentioned that when people smoke or eat sativa, that it tends to lead to one specific set of, or generally leads to one specific set of effects, heightened focus, mood, et cetera. 3905.wav|But it's those M1, primary motor cortex neurons that are called upper motor neurons because they control lower motor neurons through directed action, okay? 3906.wav|I think for any dog lovers or dog owners, certainly includes me. 3907.wav|That is, children are not as good at divergent thinking as adults are. 3908.wav|And that's known, as I mentioned earlier, to exacerbate certain forms of headache, okay? 3909.wav|And if you're saying, of course, of course, of course, well then great, then we've really underscored the point, which is that when you imagine things, it is not exactly the same, but it is very, very much the same as actually doing or perceiving those things in the real world. 3910.wav|And even though the previous day, I may have taken a three hour weight vested hike, never are my legs so sore from that long, slow endurance work, because it is long and slow, then I'm unable to train legs. 3911.wav|Is nicotine gum best? 3912.wav|But I did consult with our chair of ophthalmology at Stanford School of Medicine, Jeff Goldberg, who's an MD and a PhD, a phenomenal scientist and a phenomenal clinician, and incidentally, a phenomenal chairman as well, about what sorts of things, tools are actually beneficial for pattern vision and sight, because there's just so much out there on the Internet, not all of which is accurate or good, frankly. 3913.wav|So if you're interested in upgrading your mattress, go to helixsleep.com huberman. 3914.wav|And the final word of the sixth sentence was country, because the sentence was football can mean different sports depending on the country. 3915.wav|Take a three minute quiz and thesis will send you four different formulas to try in your first month. 3916.wav|Let me give you a different example, also from the visual art world. 3917.wav|So pharmacology of MDMA counts, but so does polypharmacology. 3918.wav|It's probably bi directional. 3919.wav|So it will ask you questions such as do you sleep on your side, your back or your stomach? 3920.wav|That should raise the question of what is the ratio of real-world training versus mental training that's going to be most effective? 3921.wav|Presynaptic neurons basically contain little vesicles, little bubbles full of neurotransmitter, which are chemicals. 3922.wav|And if we step back and think about this, this makes perfect sense. 3923.wav|So probably not driving or motorcycling, but yes, bicycling or, I don't know, unicycling. 3924.wav|But basically this phase two of the day is one in which you're alert, you are present, you are working, you are engaging socially, you're cooking dinner, probably paying attention to a number of things, but you should really be trying to taper off your stress level. 3925.wav|And I'll do that sometimes simply to mix up the routine because sometimes jogging and jogging the same routes gets boring to me. 3926.wav|You know how difficult it is to fall asleep when you have to use the restroom, for instance. 3927.wav|You can get 20% off those supplements and if you navigate deeper into the thorn site through that portal, Thorn thorne.com theletter uberman. 3928.wav|Now, I raised this distinction between psilocybin and LSD, which are mystical in their effects. 3929.wav|One to 3 hz just means a particular frequency of electrical activity, in this case, in these layer five neurons of retrospenial cortex. 3930.wav|And there are very few other compounds that have been shown to have as significant an impact on headache over the longterm as has creatine monohydrate in these studies of people with TBI. 3931.wav|And 04:00 a.m. 3932.wav|They feel as if they're coming from the inside out and they tend to be on one side or the other. 3933.wav|Some of you may have with ketamine or through other means, but we might want to just take a moment and think about what ketamine actually does and what dissociation actually does at the level of neural circuits. 3934.wav|But if you were good at that, then you probably wouldn't have done it in the first place. 3935.wav|These are modified versions of testosterone that can bind to the testosterone receptor with much greater affinity, or I should say the androgen receptor with much greater affinity, and have supra physiological effects, effects that would essentially never be seen from testosterone that was endogenously released within the body. 3936.wav|And you can imagine why, for somebody who's dissociating from that very experience, who's quote unquote, checked out and can't really seem to access the emotional states and the memories because they're blocked off from them, or because they're unwilling to access those memories and really think about the full emotional capacity of those memories, that it would be particularly hard to bring them through any kind of treatment for PTSD. 3937.wav|It's not a sophisticated thing. 3938.wav|Now, that doesn't mean everybody who's creative has elevated levels of dopamine, although it's likely that their levels of dopamine are at least not diminished. 3939.wav|However, if you wanted, not that you would want to, but if you wanted, you could, for instance, place your foot onto attack and decide not to pull your foot away. 3940.wav|This is why people take it to dance at raves, et cetera. 3941.wav|Of course, if you don't want to be cold at night, you want to be warm enough, but you want your environment to be cold. 3942.wav|He consumed no fewer than three pieces of nicotine gum during that relatively short conversation of about 45 minutes. 3943.wav|Today's episode is also brought to us by Maui Nui Venison, which I can confidently say is the most nutrient dense and delicious red meat available. 3944.wav|Now, of course, of course, of course, it is not the case that on your 25th birthday, you close out passive developmental plasticity and start engaging in the other type of neuroplasticity, which is adult neuroplasticity. 3945.wav|And this was in experienced subjects. 3946.wav|50 repetitions of something and where you're trying to concentrate in your mind's eye on getting something accomplished over and over, over again in exactly the same way, might seem like a lot. 3947.wav|And these two protocols are as follows, data based on studies done in Wendy Suzuki's lab at New York University. 3948.wav|Again, I do this each morning. 3949.wav|If you'd like to see the supplements that I take and get 20% off any of those supplements, you can go to thornthorin.com letter Uberman and in addition to being able to get 20% off any of those supplements, if you navigate deeper into the thorn site through that web portal, thorn.com Uberman, you can also get 20% off any of the other supplements that thorn makes. 3950.wav|But that usually doesn't get people to quit smoking or doing those things because of the powerful reinforcing effects of nicotine itself. 3951.wav|So they were designed for things like cycling and running. 3952.wav|But the effects of kava in human studies are pretty interesting as it relates to anxiety, stress, ptsd, and fear. 3953.wav|Again, I'm using the words cannabis and marijuana more or less interchangeably here. 3954.wav|I've talked many times before on the Huberman Lab podcast about non sleep deep rest, aka NSDR. 3955.wav|Or perhaps not beneficial? 3956.wav|Maybe they're getting less rest as a consequence and stress. 3957.wav|But there are a number of things in AG1, including specific micronutrients that are hard to get from whole foods or at least in sufficient quantities. 3958.wav|And at least as far as these papers that again, include meta-analyses of many other papers and datasets, indicate that supplementing with omega-3 fatty acids to a point where you're getting above one gram per day of EPA is not just going to be beneficial for treating and reducing the frequency and intensity of one particular type of headache, but many types of headaches. 3959.wav|And I like to sleep kind of sort of on my stomach in kind of a crawling soldier position that seems to be always how I wake up in the morning anyway. 3960.wav|Now, fitness of course is vitally important for cardiovascular health, for strength, for endurance, for lifespan, for healthspan. 3961.wav|Understanding the ratio of THC to CBD can help explain a lot, or even predict a lot about how a given strain of cannabis will impact somebody. 3962.wav|But those people oftentimes will have problems with movement. 3963.wav|So for those of you listening, some of you might be thinking, I can't believe that it would take some people 254 days to get into that habit. 3964.wav|That's the part that contains the DNA and manufactures all the neurotransmitters, et cetera. 3965.wav|And indeed, people who have frontotemporal dementia due to aging or head injuries see this a lot in people who play sports. 3966.wav|I said three, but you could do one or ten. 3967.wav|Eventually you can just give the bell or tone, and the person will experience that same freezing up or the same fight or flight or freeze response. 3968.wav|Now, what's relieving, or I should say, what's encouraging about some of the therapies that we talked about before, the family based model, the cognitive behavioral treatments, yes, and the drug treatments as well. 3969.wav|You could wall mount a monitor. 3970.wav|And today we are going to talk about some of the paths to legality that's underway. 3971.wav|Supplements for sleep, supplements for focus, supplements for various other things related to mental and physical health and performance. 3972.wav|So we do this from time to time. 3973.wav|It can be kind of a self perpetuating system. 3974.wav|By the way, and I just have to mention this, a really terrific Instagram channel is Anna Skips. 3975.wav|I've been using thesis for more than a year now and I can confidently say that their nootropics have been a total game changer for me. 3976.wav|So these two aspects, context, dependence, whether or not you're likely to do the thing regardless of where you are on travel, at home, on vacation, with people around, not people around, et cetera. 3977.wav|You need a lot of this light and its contrast with yellow in order to trigger these melanopsin cells, which would then trigger your circadian clock, which sits above the roof of your mouth, which will signal every cell in your body, including temperature, rhythms, et cetera. 3978.wav|There are also studies looking at the toxicity of MDMA in animal models, including non human primate models. 3979.wav|And the important thing here is that how we perceive a goal, whether or not we think it's within reach or not, of course, will vary depending on whether or not we are rested, depending on whether or not other aspects of our life are going well. 3980.wav|And that might sound very depressing, but there's a reason, and there's an adaptive reason why there's this slow and fast phase of the HPA axis and the fear response. 3981.wav|And that adrenaline further readies your body for action. 3982.wav|And you can learn a lot about that if you're a real nerd for the stuff, like I am. 3983.wav|And through a very simple, very short protocol, we can actually recalibrate that system, so much so that we can potentially reduce the amount of fear and trauma that we experience in response to a memory or to a real event, and the entire process can occur very quickly. 3984.wav|If you want to do this, please be careful. 3985.wav|So it does not seem to matter whether or not people are treadmilling under the desk. 3986.wav|And even when your eyes are closed, they're active. 3987.wav|And later you will realize why that is very important and why you can leverage the dopamine system in order to wire in new memories to replace fearful ones. 3988.wav|But no, the point is on Wednesday, you train your torso, and that's going to involve some pushing. 3989.wav|Now, there's a lot of debate as to whether or not you can get all the essential amino acids from a purely plant based diet, or whether or not you need to ingest animal based foods or not. 3990.wav|And what actually has to happen is bringing conscious awareness to the period immediately afterward, which I think most people recognize. 3991.wav|Are you somebody who tends to run warm or cold during the night, et cetera? 3992.wav|And that's one of the reasons why, especially the sativa varieties of cannabis allow people to enter these states of focus. 3993.wav|Inside tracker makes that very easy. 3994.wav|And once again, I want to thank you for going on this journey of exploring the neuroscience and the psychology of habit formation and habit breaking. 3995.wav|So one of the things that I've done for my workspace is to make sure that when I wake up in the morning, I do go get my sunlight. 3996.wav|As counterintuitive as that might seem, that's what the data point to. 3997.wav|Now I'd like to acknowledge that there's a huge range of parameters in terms of how to actually perform during the set. 3998.wav|Normally I see the unusual stuff, et cetera, et cetera. 3999.wav|Try and avoid sitting. 4000.wav|Here they are. 4001.wav|And this is not simply for aesthetic reasons. 4002.wav|Very soon, if it's not happening already. 4003.wav|This paper explores a lot of different things about nasal versus mouth breathing, all of which by the way, point to the fact that nasal breathing whenever possible is better for us health-wise, aesthetically, dental health-wise than is mouth breathing. 4004.wav|Now, you might still form myopia if you have certain structural features or genetic basis for that. 4005.wav|B mal is a clock gene, and the expression of this clock gene varies across the 24 hours cycle. 4006.wav|Serotonin is definitely going to be highest in this second half of the day and tends to lends itself to a more relaxed state of being. 4007.wav|We don't tend to blink as often, and we tend to be chin up and kind of on vigilance and alertness. 4008.wav|And the amygdala is part of the threat reflex, so much so that we can really say that it's the final common pathway through which the threat reflex flows. 4009.wav|It's about thinking about what you want. 4010.wav|So we've been discussing workspace optimization with the understanding that you're not always going to work in the same place every day. 4011.wav|It can create addictive states. 4012.wav|If you're just indoors and you're not getting sunlight early in the day and for at least 2 hours per day. 4013.wav|This is regardless of any dopamine being infused into the brain, which is people and animals, for that matter, are very good at remembering short spans of numbers, letters or other types of information. 4014.wav|Okay, this is why we can reliably say physical real world training, and again, this could be in the cognitive domain, is always going to be more effective on an hour by hour basis compared to mental training. 4015.wav|There's no right or wrong to this, but the question we should ask ourselves is why were they all able to be so focused? 4016.wav|I know there are going to be people out there that nonetheless are going to want to experiment with some of this. 4017.wav|And I have to imagine that they are measuring their serum testosterone, that they're not just guessing that their testosterone went up. 4018.wav|All of those have been condensed into succinct form and can be found at the Huberman Lab Neural Network Newsletter this is a monthly or semi monthly newsletter that we release that includes takeaways from the podcast and protocols. 4019.wav|And if you wrote them down and you're rereading them, yes, that's cheating. 4020.wav|And those impinge on nucleus accumbens and increase dopamine levels further. 4021.wav|If you remember way back at the beginning of the episode, I feel like that was a long time ago now, when we talked about how you have these sorts of processes in the brain, but there are always homeostatic and reward systems influencing this kind of thing. 4022.wav|Now non-sleep deep rest is a acronym, a term that I coined. 4023.wav|I will say that I do not think it matters how one gets into that stressed state, provided it is self directed. 4024.wav|Okay, so already we've got some categorization here that hopefully isn't overwhelming to you. 4025.wav|I just want to touch on the behavioral ones first, because it turns out that there's a quite powerful method for quitting nicotine ingestion by way of cigarette smoking, which also carries over to vaping. 4026.wav|There is really the master controller, and everything is feeding back to the nervous system. 4027.wav|It does not produce, as far as we know, the same mental effects or physical effects as MDMA by any stretch. 4028.wav|And we know based on these studies of dopamine and neuroimaging that eliminating distractors is largely the consequence of dopamine neurons projecting to the prefrontal cortex. 4029.wav|So migraine headaches are very different than tension headaches, even in terms of how they come on or their onset. 4030.wav|And in particular autobiographical narratives, we need to discard with judgments about how certain combinations of things impacted us in the past. 4031.wav|Now I no longer bring electronics for work into the bedroom. 4032.wav|I'd like to discuss in a little bit of detail because it really hammers home a number of the principles that we've talked about. 4033.wav|I don't recommend going all out on any movement that you can't perform with perfect form, okay? 4034.wav|It's a terrific set of videos that describe how to train your neck properly and safely. 4035.wav|Now, a couple of other things to keep in mind as you're thinking about how to build up skills through a combination of physical and mental training. 4036.wav|There's a lot of information out there about habits. 4037.wav|They meet the clinical criteria for PTSD. 4038.wav|But in general, one of the hallmark features of bulimia and binge eating disorder is that people are unable to control their eating. 4039.wav|But when it comes to shifting your whole brain state toward optimizing work. 4040.wav|As I pointed out in the episode about a rational approach to supplementation, single ingredient formulations allow you to develop the most biologically effective and cost-effective approach to supplementation. 4041.wav|Because much in the same way that training legs all on one day can lead to these systemic effects because they're large muscle groups, working both the pushing muscles and the pulling muscles of the torso on one day, at least in the context of this program, is very time efficient. 4042.wav|And as I mentioned earlier, much earlier, at the beginning of the episode, the strength of a habit is dictated by how much limbic friction that was one, and how much context dependence there is. 4043.wav|The first is a study entitled, the effects of binaural and monaural beat stimulation on cognitive functioning in subjects with different levels of emotionality. 4044.wav|The rest of the support for the Huberman Lab Podcast premium channel will go to supporting the regular Huberman Lab Podcast. 4045.wav|And in concert with the increases in norepinephrine, also explain the other effect that's commonly reported, which is an enhancement in mental acuity and the ability to focus. 4046.wav|And indeed, if you were to look at an eyeball, we've looked at a lot of eyeballs in my lab teach neuroanatomy. 4047.wav|Now, of course, the other way to do it is to surprise a kid. 4048.wav|Unfortunately, despite the studies that we're going to talk about using a lot of different types of people, different ages, different sexes. 4049.wav|Again, that's drinkelement.com slash Huberman to claim a free sample pack. 4050.wav|Let's go back to the different strains of the cannabis plant, sativa, indica and rudoralis, and explore how each of those differentially impacts the brain and body, because therein, I think we can start to learn a lot about this incredible plant that is the cannabis plant, and whether or not you are a user of cannabis, or whether or not you are entirely opposed to cannabis use. 4051.wav|And I think this is a very important point. 4052.wav|Creativity is not an event. 4053.wav|They'll talk about goals needing to be significant. 4054.wav|So now let's talk about specificity of goals. 4055.wav|The company was founded by two all-American swimmers from Stanford, and everything about Roca eyeglasses and sunglasses were designed with performance in mind. 4056.wav|Now, it's not perhaps all over the place in that they're doing a jumping jack while trying to serve the tennis ball, but they're generally arcing the racket too widely on one trial and then they're arcing it too close to their body on the next trial. 4057.wav|And for that reason, some people have started to explore the use of things like p five p, which is essentially a metabolite of vitamin b six, which is known to suppress prolactin as a way to try and buffer some of that crash. 4058.wav|Rather, I'm asking you to combine them in some way that makes sense in the real world. 4059.wav|Everybody knows the importance of sleep for mental health, physical health and performance. 4060.wav|I've been taking thesis nootropics for quite a while now, and I've been extremely pleased with the results. 4061.wav|You can simply put that response, and Helix will match you to a mattress that's ideal for your sleep needs. 4062.wav|This is a serious problem. 4063.wav|I have a couple of friends who are LDs, happen to be very nice people. 4064.wav|These are figures or objects that when you look at them, they have these odd features. 4065.wav|Some of the other particularly exciting results from these clinical trials on MDMA plus talk therapy is that the dissociative form of PTSD has traditionally proved to be especially hard to treat. 4066.wav|And so on, you are going to increase your core body temperature. 4067.wav|In fact, it's not a coincidence. 4068.wav|I think a lot of people might have misinterpreted this study, and I don't want that to happen. 4069.wav|If you'd like to try InsideTracker, you can go to insidetracker.com slash Huberman to get 20% off any of InsideTracker's plans. 4070.wav|It's very clear that we can know that not just based on aesthetics, right? 4071.wav|So you have to determine for yourself whether or not headaches are relieved or exacerbated by drinking caffeine. 4072.wav|We're talking about a different way to access creativity. 4073.wav|But in part, you do that by actually limiting the impulse to chew. 4074.wav|So they did some experiments with anorexic, giving them a gallery of pictures of different foods and allowing those anorexic patients to arrange those foods according to preference about what they would select about food, nutrient content, about caloric content. 4075.wav|The other feature of migraine headaches that I think is important to note is that dilation of the vessels, remember the vasodilation. 4076.wav|You don't actually store memories in the body. 4077.wav|So, things like alcohol use disorder is very common in people with PTSD. 4078.wav|I often discuss yerba mate's benefits, such as regulating blood sugar, its high antioxidant content, the ways that it can improve digestion, and possible neuroprotective effects. 4079.wav|So they have real world relevance. 4080.wav|Well, this might be your sort of classic dumbbell curls for the bicep and maybe incline curl for the bicep because it has more of a stretch, so on an incline bench. 4081.wav|It's a stressful thing for them based on their personal history, or maybe just general anxiety around food. 4082.wav|It releases hormones into your bloodstream. 4083.wav|In addition, they say that dose response relationships, meaning the amount and the degree of cold that people were exposed to and how often they did that, in particular in lower temperature cold immersion. 4084.wav|And you'll have clear optics as to why smoking and vaping and other forms of nicotine delivery have the effects that they do on your biology and psychology. 4085.wav|Or brown noise while we're working. 4086.wav|If I did, I might reduce the total number or percentage of sets to failure from about 30% of sets to maybe closer to 10% of sets, something like that. 4087.wav|And I want to queue up an important framework for the rest of the conversation on healthy and disordered eating, which includes an understanding of thinking, decision making and what we call homeostatic processes, meaning regulation of things that are going on in our brain and body, and reward mechanisms. 4088.wav|Well, let's say you're working on a puzzle. 4089.wav|So we get better at being motivated and focused when we place our visual attention at a given location, using chemical assistance of a safe kind, of course, check with your doctor. 4090.wav|As far as we know, it does not exist in any plants or fungus or anything else in nature. 4091.wav|And I think has an important implications for whether or not there's stress relief and fear relief and trauma relief from bringing oneself into a state of increased autonomic arousal. 4092.wav|So these are not people with Parkinson's or TBI, but undergraduate students, which we do realize is not completely representative of the quote unquote normal population outside the university, but also people from the community. 4093.wav|Now, eyelids might seem like the most boring topic of all, but they are incredibly fascinating. 4094.wav|Now, the glasses were initially designed for athletic performance, meaning they were designed to be worn while cycling or running. 4095.wav|That's how you're going to achieve the optimal creativity bouts. 4096.wav|Well, in that case, it's very clear that closing your eyes ideally and trying to perform that specific cognitive task or the statement or the uttering of a particular sentence in another language or doing some sort of computation or problem solving of some sort in your head. 4097.wav|Second of all, and perhaps most important, the quality of their supplements is second to none, both in terms of purity and precision of the amounts of the ingredients. 4098.wav|Let me give you an example of the timed protocol, because that one is very straightforward, although I do not think it is as powerful for building mental resilience. 4099.wav|I'm going to return to that in a moment, but first I want to share with you these new findings that were just published in the journal Cell Reports, a cell press journal, excellent journal. 4100.wav|And insulin is involved in both regulating peaks and troughs in blood sugar, blood glucose. 4101.wav|So hopefully, the way I describe the biology of MDMA makes some sense. 4102.wav|And then we will explore the toxicity issue, and then we will explore the clinical studies of which I can promise you are extremely exciting. 4103.wav|Now, for those of you that are blind or low vision or no vision, that real estate in the brain will be taken over by neurons that control a sense of touch and a sense of hearing. 4104.wav|People always want to know how cold. 4105.wav|We'll talk about details of training. 4106.wav|And indeed, that's what's been observed in subsequent studies. 4107.wav|You may not want to generate hypertrophy there. 4108.wav|There are neurons in your gut that are primarily responding to, meaning they fire electrical signals. 4109.wav|So this is another feature that you can arrange into your physical workspace. 4110.wav|Sometimes the cue that you're following the little target is dilating and contracting. 4111.wav|There's another important point I want to make, which is that neither I nor anyone is going to be successful in doing the exact workout on the exact same days of every week because of travel, work, illness, other demands, et cetera. 4112.wav|Couple of things about that, they did not have subjects really contract the muscle hard. 4113.wav|It's designed to be used continuously over and over again for stabilizing your body when you're standing upright, for walking. 4114.wav|I don't wear sunglasses when I get my morning sunlight viewing, a practice that I'm absolutely religious about every single morning, but throughout the day, I'll wear sunglasses when I drive or if I'm headed into bright sunlight to protect my eyes. 4115.wav|Again, that's not going to be a common thing out there, but nonetheless, I encourage people to be very cautious about the Carolina Reaper. 4116.wav|This is well established. 4117.wav|This is, I think, is what people mean when they encourage the exploration of creativity by so-called boundary exploration. 4118.wav|And of course, there will be factors that can shift that, for instance, if you work out very hard with resistance training later in the day. 4119.wav|Now, there are other forms of neuroplasticity including LTD, long-term depression, which unfortunately the name often calls to mind ideas about depression as a psychiatric or a psychological symptom, but it has nothing to do with that. 4120.wav|And, yes, if you heard that combining caffeine with amphetamines can increase the neurotoxicity of amphetamines such as methamphetamine, that is true. 4121.wav|Before moving forward, I want to make absolutely clear how it is that you would use NSDR, AKA yoga nidra or similar. 4122.wav|In other words, gut health is critical for proper brain functioning. 4123.wav|And it doesn't happen gradually, so you can't notice it happening. 4124.wav|And that is the category of chemicals in the brain and body called the neuromodulators. 4125.wav|Now keep in mind, this is a pilot study. 4126.wav|They can, but it tends to be a focus that's selective for things that they are very excited about or interested in, as opposed to a general ability to focus. 4127.wav|I don't think that's debated at all. 4128.wav|Dopamine is the common currency by which we assess our progress toward particular things of particular value. 4129.wav|I have green eyes. 4130.wav|Now, I wear sunglasses for sake of sport and sake of when it's really bright out. 4131.wav|I mean, it's not as if bupryprone is increasing nicotine per se. 4132.wav|And there are receptors called androgen receptors. 4133.wav|Okay, let's talk about working memory. 4134.wav|In contrast, if you're interested in doing brainstorming creative work, you're writing new things, you're creating new things of any kind, artwork. 4135.wav|So I know that there are a lot of people out there that are interested in the use of cold exposure for increasing testosterone. 4136.wav|Addiction does employ some of these principles around habit making and habit breaking, as it were. 4137.wav|This particular arrow model, that is, your ability to increase your focus, can be enhanced, therefore, by increasing acetylcholine epinephrine and dopamine simultaneously. 4138.wav|Well, what changes are the connections between neurons? 4139.wav|As we start to practice using our visual system to harness our attention to particular locations, and in that way move toward particular goals, we get better and better at using those systems. 4140.wav|Simply by looking at the goal line does something to the psychology and physiology of these people that allows them to move forward with less perceived effort and to do it more quickly. 4141.wav|There are a bunch of neurochemicals and things that are associated with that. 4142.wav|As far as I know, they were not the people in this study, but this study really emphasized ecstasy users, they're called, who have not taken other drugs, who self identify as LDS. 4143.wav|But I could be wrong about that. 4144.wav|They say, okay, all the psychologists, all the popular stuff online says it has to be significant, has to be inspirational, and it has to be action oriented. 4145.wav|Again, that's pretty straightforward. 4146.wav|One involves the hypothalamus, which you heard about before, this collection of neurons that control a lot of our primitive drives for sex, for food, for thirst, and for warmth, et cetera. 4147.wav|And as a neuroscientist, I can tell you, there is no neural circuit in the brain for being smart. 4148.wav|Well, it has a number of different effects, a huge number, in fact, but it does seem to notably increase. 4149.wav|And then endurance that lasts 30 minutes or more, which is typically what people think about when they think about endurance. 4150.wav|If you want to understand more about the relationship between dopamine spikes, as they're called, and dopamine baseline, and why I'm emphasizing these tools that cause large, long-lasting increases in baseline dopamine, check out the episodes I did on optimizing dopamine. 4151.wav|I actually don't think that's necessarily a healthy advice. 4152.wav|Some people experience these in sleep. 4153.wav|Some people will really try and isolate it only during the peak contraction. 4154.wav|However, I should point out that in discussing EMDR with various colleagues of mine at Stanford and elsewhere, I was told that EMDR has been shown to be beneficial, in particular for single event type traumas or fearful experiences, not so much for relieving the trauma or feelings of fear associated, for instance, with an entire bad marriage or an entire childhood, but more for single, more acute events that can be described within a very kind of brief narrative. 4155.wav|Nonetheless, I hope that the information I was able to provide today will allow you to make subtle or maybe even drastic rearrangements in your workspace environment. 4156.wav|Every episode is timestamps you can navigate to topics of particular interest to you. 4157.wav|And the basic takeaway of this study is that by cooling the glaborous skin, the subjects were able to sustain this walking on these inclined treadmills for much longer than were the people who received traditional cooling. 4158.wav|What about food? 4159.wav|But it's quieting the activation of those neurons. 4160.wav|The first of which is that methamphetamine component, which, because it's a methamphetamine and acts like other amphetamines, what it does is it blocks the reuptake of dopamine from neurons after dopamine is released. 4161.wav|One thing that you will find is that many of those apps superimpose binaural beats onto raindrops or ocean sounds, or that rather they superimpose ocean sounds and raindrops onto the binaural beats. 4162.wav|They want to perform well. 4163.wav|But a G protein coupled receptor basically is like a bucket brigade. 4164.wav|Because in doing that, each of us, all of us, can think about what sorts of treatments and approaches make the most sense for them. 4165.wav|And the neural circuits within the brain have to cope with changes in smooth pursuit. 4166.wav|That is, it reduced the inhibition in a way that allowed motor cortex to generate these movements with more accuracy and more speed. 4167.wav|So the basic takeaway is that if you are interested in reducing headache, it may be beneficial, at least according to these two studies, and another one I'll talk about in a moment, to increase amounts of omega-3 fatty acids. 4168.wav|That was just me really trying to get as much work done as I could. 4169.wav|But nonetheless, I think that a dopamine impact on testosterone is very likely given the 250% increases in dopamine that have been observed with cold water immersion. 4170.wav|I would love for you to take away this model that was handed off to me that I think is so powerful for thinking about all sorts of things, not just eating, but all kinds of behaviors and perceptions, that you have one box for what you think, one box for what you do, and what is intervening between those. 4171.wav|They're trying to figure out roughly what your vision is. 4172.wav|It means, see, get that light in your eyes early in the day and anytime you want to be awake. 4173.wav|You can imagine similar examples for yourself. 4174.wav|Okay, so we can really think about neuroplasticity as both a building up process in which you increase connection, so-called long-term potentiation, and a sculpting down or a removal of connections process that we're going to call long-term depression. 4175.wav|That, for instance, I don't like initiating this cardiovascular exercise, but I do like the fact that I've done it after I've done it. 4176.wav|Treadmilling, or the cycling workstations improved attention and cognitive control scores as compared to people that were just seated and working. 4177.wav|Because it turns out that the answer, or at least one of the answers, of how to do that is not intuitive at all, at least to me, was very surprising. 4178.wav|So today we talked about headaches, and first we highlighted the different types of headache, making it clear that understanding which headache you might be experiencing can be very beneficial for understanding which sorts of treatments ought to be best and perhaps also best avoided in trying to alleviate those headaches or prevent them from happening at all. 4179.wav|Unless someone's monitoring them, then people don't tend to monitor themselves completely enough that they punish themselves completely enough that they break the behavior. 4180.wav|The states that I'm referring to are a shift from the dopamine and norepinephrine that's highest early in the day to increases in things like serotonin and other neuromodulators that put your brain into a state that's better for creative endeavors or for more abstract thinking. 4181.wav|And you could also place yourself into danger. 4182.wav|And it turns out it's extremely broad. 4183.wav|So, you've got two categories of neurons, one that acts as an accelerator, the AGRP neuron, saying, eat, eat, and gets you excited to eat. 4184.wav|Now, he was making a very nerdy joke. 4185.wav|Visual spatial working memory tasks are different than the working memory tasks that you performed earlier. 4186.wav|This is key. 4187.wav|And the interesting takeaway from the study was that for people, and it didn't matter if it was males or females, because they looked at both. 4188.wav|So put the top that's upward on a table, now down on the table and so forth, or to migrate around the island counterclockwise, going from the Northern coast all the way down to the Southern coast clockwise, and then back up to the Northern coast, that they could have just done it really quickly, like all in one second, but that's not what happens. 4189.wav|What these experiments really show is that mental training and visualization is capturing many, many of the exact same features of real world behavior and perceptions, not all of them, but many of them. 4190.wav|And so there aren't a lot of studies of cold showers. 4191.wav|You had your stallones and your schwarzeneggers and a few others. 4192.wav|Some people don't have access to because of finances or other limitations to therapy of that sort. 4193.wav|So there really does seem to be a flip in the switch in the anorexic brain that rewards them internally. 4194.wav|Weak central coherence is essentially an inability to see the forest through the trees. 4195.wav|Their eyeglasses and sunglasses were initially designed for sports performance, and as a consequence, they are very lightweight, which is great. 4196.wav|Sometimes they are sexually promiscuous. 4197.wav|And I realize that many of you are listening to this, not watching this, and there is no diagram to look at. 4198.wav|For example, openness to experience that are related to both cannabis use and augmented creativity. 4199.wav|A good example of this would be the step on the tack example that I gave before. 4200.wav|And I do, for reasons I described before, believe that you want to train your neck at least to keep it strong. 4201.wav|Now, I'm not talking about anorexics becoming bodybuilders. 4202.wav|But the literature indicates that people who do that, who are very rigid about when they do things, tend, because of context dependence, to not necessarily stick to those habits over time. 4203.wav|Now in that discussion, and again, now, we highlight the fact that creatine, while most often discussed online and in the media as a supplement for sports performance, for the reasons I just mentioned, actually has far more data behind it, that is laboratory studies, exploring the role of creatine in the clinical setting. 4204.wav|It just so happens that a number of things happen to us that are not lethal, that don't harm us, but that harm us from the that. 4205.wav|When we focus our visual system into a broader sphere of space, or into a space beyond the confines of our skin, we start carving up time. 4206.wav|I think it's really remarkable. 4207.wav|And perhaps equally importantly, when you come back from a layoff of any kind, whether or not because of illness or for whatever reason, I do believe that because your body is a bit untrained, it's not ideal to jump right back into maximal training and to take one, maybe two weeks of ramping up to the full duration and intensity of workouts that then I would continue on going for however many cycles I can complete before I hit another sickness or I hit another gap in my schedule due to family obligations or other obligations, et cetera. 4208.wav|They have a sleep script there that can hopefully help you get back to sleep. 4209.wav|Now, fortunately, there's some recent data pointing to some, what I would call non-obvious treatments for headache in traumatic brain injury, keeping in mind that anytime we're talking about injury or disease or health for that matter, mental health or physical health, we have to highlight a fact that's going to come up again and again in every single episode of this podcast. 4210.wav|Element has a lot of salt, some magnesium, and some potassium. 4211.wav|Now, you might think, oh, it interferes with the repackaging of dopamine into vesicles and therefore less will be released. 4212.wav|Now, keep in mind that earlier I referred to aura as this sense that something's about to happen. 4213.wav|You're going to severely shift your circadian clock, and it's effectively like traveling to another time zone. 4214.wav|Menthol and eucalyptus are actually known to activate certain channels in the sensory neurons that respond not just to touch, but also the sensation of cooling. 4215.wav|And it was a small group of friends who consisted of therapists and physicians. 4216.wav|So you say, as long as I can do it safely, I'm going to do three walls today. 4217.wav|Believe it or not, some people do that. 4218.wav|I mean, it's just rampant in the popular psychology literature and in the self help literature. 4219.wav|Is that a form of body dysmorphia? 4220.wav|And so we have to juggle both our goal setting and our goal pursuits. 4221.wav|But if you're on planet Earth, even if there's cloud cover, chances are you can do some or most or even all of these. 4222.wav|If there are people out there who've had terrific results with EMDR, please let us know in the comments section on YouTube would be the ideal place. 4223.wav|So this is of really serious concern. 4224.wav|Neuroplasticity is the nervous system's ability to change in response to experience. 4225.wav|But rather than strengthening the connections, the first thing that has to happen is there needs to be a weakening of connections that associate the person, place, or thing with that threat reflex. 4226.wav|But then again, pretty impressive results considering that these are over the counter supplement compounds. 4227.wav|We're going to touch on a little bit of the psychology and how the neuroscience relates to what's known in the psychology literature. 4228.wav|Many of you are probably familiar with Pavlov's dogs and the famous pavlovian conditioning experiments. 4229.wav|It does so in about 90 minutes. 4230.wav|Some pulling exercises. 4231.wav|However, the people who are taking MDMA in these trials have already done talk therapy without MDMA. 4232.wav|And it's a really nice study and points to some of the protocols that you might be able to adapt in your own setup. 4233.wav|How many of you can remember any of those five letters now? 4234.wav|Not today, but oftentimes on this podcast, we discuss various compounds and supplements that people could possibly take in order to help deal with anxiety, improve gut microbiome, improve their sleep, et cetera. 4235.wav|And the other thing is lacrimation, tearing, and then nasal discharge, all because of a neural inflammation problem. 4236.wav|Because as many of you probably know, or at least have heard about cannabis, can impact the way that we think, the types of memory systems we can access, and what's called convergent and divergent thinking, which is one way of conceptualizing what is commonly referred to as creativity. 4237.wav|In my mind, that's somebody is chasing me with a needle full of poison, and I am sprinting away at maximal speed. 4238.wav|But there's a limited amount of time in which you can do this. 4239.wav|In fact, there's a constant updating of the engineering of these vape pens so that they can be very low heat. 4240.wav|Episodic memory is a recall of a particular set of events that happened. 4241.wav|But the effects that they describe are very basic core physiological processes. 4242.wav|The reason I started taking ag one, and the reason I still take ag one once or twice a day, is that it covers my foundational vitamin, mineral, and probiotic needs. 4243.wav|Positioning your computer screen up at eye level, or sometimes having it actually above eye level, can actually create wakefulness and alertness for the work that you're going to do this is simply because of this connection between the brain stem circuits and the other neural circuits that control wakefulness and eyelids opening and looking up. 4244.wav|Okay, it can be great for zone two type training, but if you're really good at skipping rope, and I wouldn't say I'm really good at it, but I've done enough skipping rope that I can just kind of cruise and talk, and it's more zone two-ish, even feels like walking at times. 4245.wav|It feels kind of patchy, but as if it's coming from the inside out. 4246.wav|That's the fastest way that we are aware of to calm your nervous system down. 4247.wav|Likewise, people are familiar with the phrase or the word rather, anxiety. 4248.wav|So when nicotine gets into the bloodstream, it's making us more alert, it's preparing our body for readiness. 4249.wav|But the point is that just merely coming up with novel combinations of things like wings on a fish tank, that's not creative or it's not creative in any kind of meaningful way because it's simply not useful. 4250.wav|That turns out to not be the case. 4251.wav|And then if you smoke again in the afternoon, let's say you also get accustomed to a certain level of mood and alertness and well being for that time of day. 4252.wav|We tend to be aware of our sensory environment to varying degrees, but we don't tend to be very focused on visual imagery within our head. 4253.wav|We'll put a link to this study in the caption for this episode. 4254.wav|But one of the key components here, and this is why I bring it up in the context of this discussion is quote, oral breathing is related to a significantly higher prevalence of allergies and a significantly more likely getting sick and taking medication for being sick. 4255.wav|And there's been a lot of controversy about how much neurogenesis occurs or doesn't occur and whether or not it occurs after puberty or not. 4256.wav|And we are going to have a guest on in a future time to deal with concussion and some post concussion training. 4257.wav|This gentleman is getting up in the years and seems quite sharp nonetheless, but then again, was always exceedingly sharp. 4258.wav|Let's just take a moment and talk about what PTSD is. 4259.wav|So you could imagine, no pun intended for instance, that people that are on the autism spectrum might be less proficient at generating visual imagery because they are exceedingly proficient at other things. 4260.wav|And rest 15 seconds or so, and then repeat. 4261.wav|Well, now, you are familiar with the prefrontal cortex. 4262.wav|What's appropriate and when? 4263.wav|So that 35 minute moderate intensity cardiovascular exercise. 4264.wav|And your insular cortex is saying, wow, I'm really stressed out, my blood pressure is up. 4265.wav|That's the beauty of this kind of approach, because you're relying on the fact that those walls really represent times in which you are forcing your top down control, your prefrontal cortex, to clamp down on your reflex, and you're learning behavioral control in the context of your body having elevated levels of these catecholamines, norepinephrine, and epinephrine. 4266.wav|One of these fMRI devices, it looks like a tube that people are backed up into, and then they can view images in there, and their brain can be imaged without having to remove any skull or drill into the skull. 4267.wav|So the idea that certain herbal derivatives or herbs or oils could be very useful for improving symptoms of whatever, in this case, improving sleep with apigenin is not unheard of. 4268.wav|So in the boxing chess example, the replacement for the cold water is actually the boxing. 4269.wav|So my apologies to the non nerds at Caltech. 4270.wav|So it's a beautiful three part system that can use your brain to alert or wake up your body and prepare it for action. 4271.wav|But for those of you that want to quit, I want to assure you, despite the fact that 95% of people fail with the appropriate tools, and I like to think with an additional understanding of the underlying biology and psychology and what you can expect, and when to really dig your heels, and when to reinforce your system with more dopamine through any of the number of the different protocols and tools that we've offered here and that you can find elsewhere. 4272.wav|By the way, that's not a person, as far as I know. 4273.wav|Of course, know that highly elevated body temperatures, AKA fever, can be very dangerous to the brain and body. 4274.wav|So why would you want to ingest caffeine 60 to 120 minutes before deliberate cold exposure? 4275.wav|I think that's a reasonable and tractable schedule to assess once a week. 4276.wav|Whether or not you want to treat muscle tension from working out an injury or just deal with daily stress from everyday life, there's really no substitute for theragun. 4277.wav|And I should mention that if you do mental training and visualization repeatedly over time, you get better at mental training and visualization. 4278.wav|They have a ten year warranty, and if you want to try it out, you can do that for 100 nights, risk free. 4279.wav|So for many people, not all, but for many people, if you are going to do deliberate cold exposure, you are going to increase your core body temperature. 4280.wav|And this contains an immense amount of information. 4281.wav|I'm really just trying to get overall cardiovascular fitness, overall strength, overall hypertrophy where I need it, maintain muscle size, et cetera, in muscle groups where I'm just trying to maintain. 4282.wav|But you can imagine a hypothetical scenario where let's just say the mother of a particular individual is very vocal about her avoidance of food. 4283.wav|There are certain oils that are available over the counter that when looked at in many studies, meta-analyses, and I'll tell you about one particular study and a meta-analysis in a moment, they show that they can reduce the frequency and intensity of headache in a manner that far outpaces what you observe with non-steroid anti-inflammatory drugs with apparently none of the same issues associated with non-steroid anti-inflammatory drugs. 4284.wav|It's kind of in a push pull with dopamine. 4285.wav|So, ideally, you would be standing or seated. 4286.wav|18 grams of anostatol taken for a full month. 4287.wav|This is the Huberman Lab Neural Network newsletter. 4288.wav|But what I can tell you is that if you're going to hang from a bar and you want to hang from that bar as long as possible, which turns out to be a interesting and important metric of your health, then gripping the bar very tightly will actually help. 4289.wav|And what they found were significant effects whereby high ceilings activate concepts related to abstraction, whereas low ceilings prime confinement related concepts, but promote the kind of detailed thinking that lends itself well to sort of spreadsheet type work or accounting type work, whereas abstract creative work was supported by these higher ceilings. 4290.wav|And of course, people are using deliberate cold exposure to reduce inflammation, post exercise, to reduce inflammation generally. 4291.wav|So there's science, Nature and Cell. 4292.wav|But that will vary, of course, between individuals as well. 4293.wav|And when you have to urinate, it makes you very alert, as many of you have probably experienced. 4294.wav|So for those of you that don't have a background in neurobiology, let me just briefly explain. 4295.wav|Some days you get in and you feel like you could go ten minutes. 4296.wav|They will have low blood pressure. 4297.wav|They tend to lose a lot of muscle mass. 4298.wav|You could even log it in a book. 4299.wav|Skill, speed, power, strength, hypertrophy, endurance, et cetera, et cetera. 4300.wav|But classically defined, anorexia has existed at essentially the same prevalence for the last hundred, 200, 304 hundred years, which is incredible and really speaks to the likelihood that there is a strong biological contribution to what we call anorexia nervosa. 4301.wav|Again, a peak contraction or shortening of the muscle peak contraction exercise and a stretching exercise. 4302.wav|And of course, hypnosis. 4303.wav|Pretty soon, they start hallucinating. 4304.wav|Neurons, which are neuromuscular, so neuromuscular neurons that don't form synapses with, or connections with other neurons, they form synapses with muscle. 4305.wav|Because just as long term potentiation says, if neuron a triggers the firing of neuron B, and it does so very robustly over and over and over again, then neuron a will not have to fire as intensely or as frequently in order to activate neuron B in the future because they become potentiated, right. 4306.wav|If you'd like to read more about those, we actually have a newsletter that I'll just quickly refer you to. 4307.wav|And because when you're in one of those scanners, I've actually been in one of these things, you're biting down on a bite bar, and most of the time, in most all of these scanners, you're immobile, so you're looking at things on a tv screen. 4308.wav|Those are pretty effective ways to break habits. 4309.wav|However, if they were told to visualize more complex objects or, importantly, to rotate those objects in their mind's eye well, then it took longer for them to perform those mental visualizations. 4310.wav|Again, norepinephrine, dopamine, and all these neural systems will be greatly elevated in this zero to 8 hours after waking. 4311.wav|Now, accommodation is our ability to accommodate to things that are up close here or further away. 4312.wav|And last, but certainly not least, thank you for your interest in science. 4313.wav|These red lights are also, I should mention, very useful in limiting the amount of cortisol, a stress hormone that is very healthy for us to release at high levels early in the day. 4314.wav|Maybe it's because these melanopsin cells are in the bottom of our retina. 4315.wav|Is it the same as the eleven minute threshold described earlier? 4316.wav|And you have to work with a doctor, a psychiatrist, to determine whether or not they're right for you and the correct dosage, if they are right for you. 4317.wav|I think that's the more likely explanation, because it's hard to imagine how just a reduction in anxiety could lead to these improvements in cognition in a direct way, whereas the subjects in the study I just mentioned, on average, experienced an increase in cognitive performance merely by movement. 4318.wav|And that has to do with a topic that we'll get into when we talk about age-related cognitive decline and motor-related dementias. 4319.wav|They were excellent sprinting coaches at some point. 4320.wav|If you've heard that taking caffeine within the hours or same day as MDMA can increase the toxicity of MDMA, that does appear to be true based on animal studies. 4321.wav|What is this over the counter compound? 4322.wav|There are a lot of yoga nidra scripts. 4323.wav|Well, there I would encourage you to pick something that you are able to do perhaps very slowly, so to speak a particular sentence but with some challenge in getting the accent and the annunciation right, but you've completed it successfully before and you want to get more smooth or more fluid with it. 4324.wav|I think that's generally accepted nowadays. 4325.wav|In other words, social learning and social cognition is every bit as much a learned behavior and pattern of cognitive and motor patterns as is tapping fingers or withholding key presses in a go-no-go task. 4326.wav|So you recall from the beginning, it does not appear that sexual trauma is a prerequisite for bulimia, although sometimes it can occur. 4327.wav|And I'm guessing that most of you would think that the best way to cool yourself off would be to drape that towel over your head, maybe your neck over your torso, that it would feel really, really good, and they would cool you off. 4328.wav|Now, there are many categories of drugs that emphasize the serotonergic circuitry, meaning they cause the release of or the efficiency of serotonin in the brain and body. 4329.wav|And as I mentioned before, you have people that are engaging in multiple of these behaviors. 4330.wav|You don't want to have blood sugar that's too low. 4331.wav|Now, that, of course, does not explain why some people become very stressed and very paranoid when they smoke sativa varieties or other varieties of cannabis or ingest other varieties of cannabis. 4332.wav|In fact, they tap into different aspects of the nervous system entirely. 4333.wav|A particularly interesting point in light of that is Dr. 4334.wav|In order to understand the rest of our discussion, before we go any further, I do want to separate MDMA out from some other compounds which are referred to as psychedelics. 4335.wav|And lo and behold, no changes in sociability were observed in humans that take oxytocin by nasal spray. 4336.wav|And in fact, salt does a number of things that's extremely important. 4337.wav|And they're directing their attention to the surface of their body, they're doing long exhale breathing, sometimes some intentions, sometimes some visualization, but it's really self-directed relaxation. 4338.wav|And I get into a lot of details about how you can access heat. 4339.wav|So I'm going to describe this here again, paraphrasing. 4340.wav|Very important and very relevant area of the brain in this context and in any discussion about motivated behaviors of any kind, feeding, sex, drug related behavior, people who exercise compulsively. 4341.wav|They get to the amusement park or they get the ice cream. 4342.wav|Element is formulated to help anyone reach their electrolyte needs and is particularly well suited to people following a keto, low carb, or paleo diet. 4343.wav|In fact, I would argue that the visual system and harnessing your visual attention to a narrow point is going to be the most effective way to get your brain and body into a mode of action, to pursue whatever goal it is you're trying to pursue. 4344.wav|I've talked before about this, but anytime we are generating forward movement through our own actions, our own efforts, typically, if we are outside, we're not on a treadmill, or we're on a bicycle, or we're running, or even on a motorcycle or in a car, we have what's called optic flow. 4345.wav|You can find that episode at hubermanlab.com. 4346.wav|And if you can do that, terrific. 4347.wav|It is not always the case that increasing the amount of dopamine transmission in the frontal cortex leads to improvements in working memory. 4348.wav|Serotonin tends to make those circuits quiet down. 4349.wav|Perfectly respectful of the folks that just want to ingest plant based foods in order to get their high quality protein. 4350.wav|And yet, by getting close to the emotional load of those things and really being in many ways unafraid to get close to the emotional load of that and having support around that, that the emotional load seems diminished, and that they experience the emotional load of those experiences as diminished, both within the MDMA treatment session and afterwards for long periods of time. 4351.wav|But if you're getting up in the morning and you're fasted because you haven't eaten all night and you have a cup of coffee, and then 60 minutes later you take your cold shower, or 2 hours later you do your cold immersion or your cold shower, you would be layering together these different mechanisms of dopamine receptors, epinephrine and so forth in a way that, at least to me, doesn't seem incompatible with having some other life, like going to school and having relationships, et cetera. 4352.wav|But one thing I want to be clear about, just as the perfectionist mindset has been associated with anorexia, and it turns out that's not the case, it can be, but it's not always associated with anorexia. 4353.wav|But now's a second protocol, which is ideally, and this includes children, as long as they're not very small infants. 4354.wav|Well, they're right because when you reach out to grab a glass, most of the time, you grab the glass and you don't miss. 4355.wav|I'm going to refer you to a review if you want to learn more about these. 4356.wav|So since I can't help myself, I'll just very briefly summarize that microdosing psychedelic study. 4357.wav|Well, the terrible effects of smoking are indisputable, but the positive effects of nicotine on this circuitry are part of the reason why people would chain smoke in the first place, rather than get one big peak of concentration and focus and then just let it disappear after 45 minutes. 4358.wav|And it turns out this is a very commonly observed divergence of effects of cannabis. 4359.wav|Okay, so there are a bunch of different ways that omega-3 fatty acids can be useful. 4360.wav|The effects of chronic use of cannabis, as I just defined it, on speech, have been studied because of this characteristic drawing out of certain syllables, a slowing of speech, and in many cases, a total change or alteration in the way that people speak and use language, both when under the influence of cannabis and when not under the influence of cannabis, if they are chronic users. 4361.wav|And this is certainly a topic that we will go into in more depth in a future episode, but there's an exciting study that was performed just this last year, looking at the role of serotonin, another neuromodulator, in divergent and convergent thinking. 4362.wav|Both animals and humans that have elevated levels of these AGRP neurons are anxious. 4363.wav|I can imagine that a number of you are probably also wondering about the effects of alcohol and the effects of cannabis on creativity. 4364.wav|I'm not going to get into cryo chambers because they carry quite a high degree of cost. 4365.wav|And it's comparing electrical signals in order to come up with what we call these perceptions. 4366.wav|Okay, you can put a plus or -30 minutes on this for yourself. 4367.wav|Helix Sleep makes mattresses and pillows that I truly believe are the best out there. 4368.wav|The mental training and visualization is probably not the best augment to that real world training until you're able to perform it successfully in the real world at least some of the time. 4369.wav|And the threat reflex response can be linked up with the dopamine system and can be linked up with other systems that are involved in pain relief and anxiety and so forth. 4370.wav|And I should just mention that the library of those supplements is constantly expanding. 4371.wav|And the reason why cold sores develop on the mouth for people that have herpes 1 is because the virus actually lives on the trigeminal nerve. 4372.wav|They need a ton of assistance from other people, even more assistance than do people who have minimal or no long-term memory. 4373.wav|These are blood pressure sensors. 4374.wav|They want to do something. 4375.wav|If you have questions or comments or suggestions of topics you'd like us to cover or guests you'd like us to invite onto the Huberman Lab podcast, please put those in the comments section on YouTube. 4376.wav|And what happens is, because of the way that the auditory system converges in the brain stem and generates what are called intraoral time differences, I'll explain what that means in a moment. 4377.wav|But the third type of neuroplasticity that I'd like to mention now is neurogenesis. 4378.wav|A common origin is going to be actual swelling of the, not necessarily the brain tissue directly, but if you recall our discussion about the meninges, which include the dura and the other tissues that surround the brain, they're actually three layers that we call the meninges, the dura just being one of them. 4379.wav|In fact, a particular region of the hippocampus called the dentate gyrus of the hippocampus. 4380.wav|And the omega-3 fatty acids are important for the actual construction of those tissues, as well as having anti-inflammatory effects through things like limiting prostaglandins and other things that can cause inflammation. 4381.wav|There's a cost to doing that, and it is optimal in terms of optimizing productivity and sleep and so forth, but it's not feasible for a lot of people. 4382.wav|And pyruvate kinase can only function in a very narrow range of temperatures if that temperature gets too hot, meaning if the muscle heats up locally, whether not by running or cycling or swimming or weightlifting, the ability for that muscle to continue to contract is reduced and eventually is short circuited completely. 4383.wav|And when we say everything you need, the main one is salt. 4384.wav|Neuromodulators are different than neurotransmitters in the sense that neuromodulators modulate or change the activity of brain areas and neural circuits. 4385.wav|By extending your fast until 01:00 p.m. 4386.wav|Or if someone would say, can I bother you for a second? 4387.wav|Nonetheless, he liked to pee on fire hydrants. 4388.wav|And you're going to need to do something specific to offset that decrease in overall autonomic arousal and dopamine, et cetera. 4389.wav|And in addition, I described this practice that one can incorporate as a daily or semidaily practice of so called spacetime bridging of using the visual system and your ability to deliberately step your visual system from stations that are within your body, so called peripersonal or interoceptive space, out into the world further and further and then back again in sequence as a way to harness and cultivate and build up these systems that link vision, space time, reward systems, and so forth. 4390.wav|Creatine's ability to communicate with the calcium and the ATP system was the motivation behind this study. 4391.wav|I really just try and get the muscles of the torso trained. 4392.wav|So in this case, the stop signal task involved actually pressing those buttons. 4393.wav|Does it mean that you should not eat protein in the afternoon and evening? 4394.wav|You tell yourself, I want to do this, or I should do this, or even though I don't want to, I'm going to do it anyway. 4395.wav|Again, whether or not you're seated or you're standing throughout the day, try and get that screen elevated. 4396.wav|In fact, we can do a little experiment right now that is not unlike many of the classic experiments looking at what's happening in the brain and body during mental training and visualization, in which I just ask you to close your eyes and imagine a yellow cube, okay? 4397.wav|You never want to look at any light so bright that it's painful. 4398.wav|I wasn't force drinking or anything like that, but I actually wouldn't allow myself to get up and use the bathroom except on a timer. 4399.wav|Whereas if you come up with something different that somehow tells me and everybody else something interesting about pens or orangutans, now that's a truly creative idea. 4400.wav|It's not an all outrage. 4401.wav|So using cannabis once a month would not be considered chronic use, even if it's for many, many years. 4402.wav|A few others have come in a little bit lower at somewhere like 13% to 14%, and a few have come in a little bit higher. 4403.wav|So maintaining muscle is important. 4404.wav|Fortunately, at least to my knowledge, there was no actual suicide attempt or successful suicide, thankfully. 4405.wav|I want to dispel a few myths about stuff to take to improve vision, and then I want to just close by talking about how we perceive time using our vision, because that will nicely set the stage for what we're going to talk about next episode. 4406.wav|So open monitoring meditation is really just a form of perception where you're paying attention, you're perceiving your thoughts without laying judgment to those thoughts or trying not to lay judgment to those thoughts. 4407.wav|Like, maybe I can do it, maybe I can't. 4408.wav|Monoral beats would be repetitive, almost percussive, like beats delivered to just one ear, this kind of thing. 4409.wav|And in the case of vaping, there's a very rapid increase in blood concentrations of nicotine much faster than occur with cigarette smoking or other modes of nicotine delivery. 4410.wav|Maybe you can suggest some in the comments section on YouTube that are more accurate or more mapped to it better. 4411.wav|Maybe they had a breakup, maybe they were jealous, maybe somebody had wronged them in some way, maybe they're just generally angry at the world for whatever reason, and then operate from that motivational stance. 4412.wav|They selected the ones that were only the most rigorous in terms of study design and analysis and rigor of conclusions. 4413.wav|MDMA is known to powerfully increase oxytocin release. 4414.wav|It's populated by gut microbiota that communicate with the brain, the immune system, and basically all the biological systems of our body to strongly impact our immediate and long term health. 4415.wav|Well, what was happening? 4416.wav|Note captions the two that I think are most interesting are the study entitled MDMA assisted therapy for severe PTSD, a randomized, double blind, placebo controlled, phase three study, as well as the study entitled the effects of MDMA assisted therapy on alcohol and substance use in a phase three trial for the treatment of severe PTSD. 4417.wav|They talk about the so called smart method, smart being another acronym, that it be specific, that the goal be measurable, that the goal be attainable, that the goal be realistic, and that it be time bound, meaning that you set a certain period of time in which a given goal should be performed, and then people come along and modify these. 4418.wav|So billions of people on planet earth, anywhere from one 8th to a quarter of human beings. 4419.wav|It almost sounds like a sarcastic laugh, when, in fact, they may not be feeling sarcastic at all. 4420.wav|You can have dopamine released in your brain and also norepinephrine. 4421.wav|So think of it like a recipe, or a protocol, or if for sake of exercise, it's like sets and reps, or a particular course that you're going to run or cycle, or the number of laps you're going to swim and how you're going to perform it. 4422.wav|There are also naturally occurring differences in the strains of plants, and the cannabis plant is no exception. 4423.wav|Certainly not for going out and playing sport. 4424.wav|It's much more amenable to change. 4425.wav|But you will actually find that in some of the scientific journals. 4426.wav|That's talk therapy, for which the patient sometimes referred to as the client, but more traditionally referred to as the patient and the therapist. 4427.wav|It's actually the weakening or the removal of connections that we call synapses between neurons. 4428.wav|So there's often an exploration for the so called minimal effective dose that provides some symptom relief to PTSD, but that doesn't introduce unwanted side effects. 4429.wav|And therein, we will find some very interesting answers, because, once again, it will point to the fact that the effects of cannabis on different individuals can be highly divergent. 4430.wav|You don't want it to get stuck in that configuration of looking at things up close. 4431.wav|I'm not placing judgment. 4432.wav|They feel a lot of positive motivation. 4433.wav|This is an average 83.7 peak grams per milliliter, about 90 to 120 minutes into the MDMA session, compared to a typical level of 18.6. 4434.wav|So working memory and attention collaborate literally at a neural circuit level and at a neurochemical level in order to allow you to move through your day in an adaptive, functional way. 4435.wav|This is the kind of thing where the forebrain, the prefrontal cortex in particular, has to be heavily involved in order to suppress certain actions and then create other actions. 4436.wav|We have in our brain a set of neural circuits that fall under the umbrella term of the basal ganglia. 4437.wav|But if your visual behavior isn't right, and I do believe we should always start with behaviors and then think about nutrition, supplementation, et cetera. 4438.wav|If I were to sit you down or if you were to send me a photograph and then I were to paint or draw a picture of your face in a way that faithfully represented the position and shape of your nose relative to the eyes, maybe a curl of the lip, maybe a few hairs of your eyebrows in a particular way that really captured you accurately. 4439.wav|So what this means is that if you want to cool down, the last thing you want to do is to bring a cold surface of any kind, towel or splashing water, to the majority of your body surface. 4440.wav|And then I always make sure to drink a volume of water with an element packet in it somewhere around my exercise. 4441.wav|But in terms of sexual arousal and sexual behavior, it's really the dopamine pathway in this nucleus accumbens, which are especially vital. 4442.wav|And omega-3 fatty acids are commonly distinguished from the so-called omega-6 fatty acids. 4443.wav|But anyway, you pick your preference. 4444.wav|Well, you do that by imagining your inner landscape, okay? 4445.wav|As we say, there isn't a lot of room beyond which you start injuring or even killing people by using heat. 4446.wav|And if you recall, divergent thinking involves taking a concept as boring as a pen and thinking about other concepts that could link up with that pen in some sort of way, logical or illogical, right? 4447.wav|I've talked about this before in various episodes as encouraging people to embrace errors or pursue errors not as their own end goal, but errors as an entry point for making the brain more plastic. 4448.wav|The second thing is that the subjective effects that were described by that Sapolsky study, or that Sapolsky described, rather, are absolutely essential for all aspects of goal seeking behavior. 4449.wav|A different compound that's being used for the treatment of depression is ketamine. 4450.wav|That's the best deal offered by headspace right now. 4451.wav|But it appears do not have as much of a prolactin elevating effect, and therefore not as much of a dopamine suppressive effect, and therefore not as much of a testosterone suppressing effect. 4452.wav|Gordon Logan is at Vanderbilt University and has done a lot of really important work. 4453.wav|You can buy these online. 4454.wav|Now, with a long period of no cocaine use whatsoever and protecting the dopamine system in a number of different ways, people can often, not always, but often recover their dopamine system, if not completely, than near completely. 4455.wav|I want to discuss creativity in terms of what actually goes into being creative. 4456.wav|And that's why a cold sore develops there, an immune response there, signaling that there's inflammation due to the herpes virus which lives on that neuron for a very long time. 4457.wav|To more abstract and creative, lofty type thinking. 4458.wav|And you'll of course get answers to all the questions that other people ask as well. 4459.wav|One of our previous guests, Dr. 4460.wav|The point here is that if you wake up in the morning and you like caffeine before you go for a run, there are certain series of action steps that you need to carry out to hydrate, make that cup of coffee or tea, drink it, put on your shoes, head out the door. 4461.wav|Except in that particular experiment, they had another animal where every time rat number one ran, rat number two was forced to run. 4462.wav|Now, as a final topic related to the use of deliberate cold exposure for improving health and performance, I'd like to touch on this theme that exists online, on social media, on YouTube, and in various fitness communities, of using deliberate cold exposure to the groin, in particular to the testicles in order to try and increase testosterone. 4463.wav|Most people don't have 45 minutes to sit around in water up to their neck. 4464.wav|So these are prescription drugs that most often have been developed for the treatment of Parkinson's in order to increase dopamine levels, but for some other purposes as well. 4465.wav|The second test was the trail making test, part b, as I mentioned earlier. 4466.wav|However, verbal memory scores actually got worse during active sessions. 4467.wav|Think of them as either putting someone at the top of your text chain in your phone, which would be long term potentiation, or essentially blocking their number, which would essentially be long term depression. 4468.wav|So we have the three major strains of cannabis, sativa, indica, and rudoralis. 4469.wav|In fact, there's a simple way to think about this. 4470.wav|And I must say I found that I could still fall asleep very easily, even doing deliberate cold exposure very late at night. 4471.wav|And so, while this is, again, just a broad contour of what this narrative approach involves, I think it's a very important and very exciting one because it gives us a formula, right? 4472.wav|You just put brown noise. 4473.wav|And that was relayed to me was one in which the patient felt like they were in their own body, but they were also viewing their own body from the outside. 4474.wav|We were way out in the Pacific filming great white sharks for my laboratory, where we study fear, and everyone was diving all day, carrying what are called pelican cases which aren't actual pelicans with wings, but cases for these cameras, they're very heavy. 4475.wav|Okay, so again, it's remarkably simple, almost laughably simple, but it's grounded in some of the most hardwired meaning present from birth, aspects of our neural circuitry. 4476.wav|There's actually great neuroscience and psychology data on that now. 4477.wav|Okay, DPO, duration, path, outcome. 4478.wav|So while there may be 4000 or 4500 or 7000 toxins, depending on which cigarette, which papers they happen to be rolled in, whether or not they're filtered or non filtered, the type of tobacco, et cetera, et cetera, there are a tremendous number of toxins and there are some very potent carcinogens within that long list of toxins. 4479.wav|They basically control the sucking backup of serotonin that's been released into the synapse and that has not bound to serotonin receptors on the other neurons yet, and in doing so, allow more serotonin to hang out and have its effects as those receptors become available for serotonin to bind to them. 4480.wav|That is, when people have a lot of dopamine circulating in their system. 4481.wav|So essentially what happens is these people feel that what once burdened them, they can still remember, but it no longer burdens them. 4482.wav|One is it serves the purpose of triggering a certain type of endurance and getting my heart rate very, very high. 4483.wav|And the neural circuit that I'd like to orient us toward today, and we will return to it a few times, involves learning a couple of names. 4484.wav|He's a absolutely world class biologist, absolutely world class clinician. 4485.wav|There are many neuromodulators, but the ones that are important, for sake of today's discussion, are the classic ones, dopamine, acetylcholine, norepinephrine, and serotonin. 4486.wav|I don't feel like I need a nap. 4487.wav|So what we can very reliably say is that currently more than 1 billion billion. 4488.wav|So if you couldn't remember the anterior cingulate cortex or the fact that the prefrontal cortex is involved in executive function, et cetera, that's fine. 4489.wav|But basically these explorations involve looking at the histories of human individuals who had trauma or abuse of some kind in their childhood and then looking at the likelihood of fear and PTSD type symptomology in their offspring. 4490.wav|I, or the patient in this case, recites or repeats over and over the traumatic event or the fearful event. 4491.wav|So as we begin to dive further into the biology, I think you'll start to get a clearer picture of why cannabis is so effective in some contexts, but also why it can create such massive suffering in other contexts, because of the way that it outcompetes your own natural endogenous cannabinoid systems. 4492.wav|I just continue to make progress that way. 4493.wav|Okay, what does that mean? 4494.wav|Those are also posted there so you can access any of the previous newsletters. 4495.wav|If you can take a 15 minutes walk, even better. 4496.wav|Now, neurogenesis is robust in the developing nervous system. 4497.wav|I'm succeeding in executing the behaviors that I need to in order to perform this habit. 4498.wav|What they found is that if people are blinking fairly often and they measure their mood through subjective tests, and if they were to do brain imaging, which other studies have done, they find is that those people can engage in divergent thinking very easily. 4499.wav|Athletic greens is an all in one vitamin mineral probiotic drink. 4500.wav|Neuroplasticity involves triggering the neuroplasticity, setting it in motion. 4501.wav|And of course you are also paying attention to train your calves. 4502.wav|Procedural long-term memories, as the name suggests, are aspects of our memory that allow us to perform certain procedures. 4503.wav|That sort of feels like I actually can do the rub your tummy pat, top of your head kind of thing, but it still feels like a little bit of sort of a cognitive motor collision for me, for whatever reason. 4504.wav|Caloric contents, macronutrient ratios, meaning fat, protein, and carbohydrate ratios. 4505.wav|They get a lot of frontal damage. 4506.wav|I actually have a good anecdote about that. 4507.wav|Whereas indoors, we're heating that air. 4508.wav|So today we are going to discuss that. 4509.wav|Despite the fact that I was in a bad car accident, despite the fact that two months ago or two years ago, or maybe even ten years ago, I couldn't even leave my room or I didn't want to associate with anybody. 4510.wav|And I also just want to emphasize immediately, I think most people out there are interested in tools and protocols that work the first time and that work every time. 4511.wav|But a lot of the work, quote unquote, is neural work of the muscles having to move and contract such that the lens actually gets thicker in order to bring the light to the retina and not to a location in front of it or behind it, so called accommodation. 4512.wav|And oftentimes those can be helpful. 4513.wav|The dopamine system and the power of subjective top down control in regulating that dopamine system. 4514.wav|And what you find is that the depletion of dopamine does not inhibit an ability to experience pleasure necessarily. 4515.wav|And also just keep in mind what this foundational or optimal fitness protocol is really designed to do. 4516.wav|They cross the blood placental barrier. 4517.wav|And what it does is it prevents a certain step in the release of so-called neurotransmitter in the little packets that they live in, which are called vesicles, little spheres of neurotransmitter live at the end of neuron nerve terminals and are released onto the muscle, make the muscle contract. 4518.wav|Now, if you are heating up through other mechanisms, like you're wearing a stocking cap and you're in a very warm environment, this might not have as potent effect as if you were to do this cooling in a more moderate environment, wearing lighter clothing, et cetera. 4519.wav|They feel terrible when they do that. 4520.wav|So I just want to briefly describe this study because it's a very important one, and I don't think it's discussed often enough. 4521.wav|Now, other sets of neurons are going to be active during the actual execution of the habit, but what the literature on the dorsal lateral striatum tells us is that we have particular circuits in our brain that are devoted to framing the events that happen just before and as we initiate a habit and just after and as we terminate a habit. 4522.wav|I really love all of their products. 4523.wav|So they had two different groups, but they did not evaluate creativity of the cannabis users while they were under the influence of cannabis. 4524.wav|That is absolutely remarkable. 4525.wav|So I don't want to get into this in too much detail for sake of time, but this is something that has peer reviewed research to support it and was also discussed extensively with Jeff Cavaliere when he was a guest. 4526.wav|Every once in a while, some binds has an effect, but certainly not bound with incredible potency. 4527.wav|And so, therefore, we have to rely on just identification of unhealthy behaviors. 4528.wav|As you can imagine, it translates to an enormous number of everyday activities required for focus and attention and learning and performance. 4529.wav|And if you're really excited about the results, I would encourage you to explore some of the references within that paper as well. 4530.wav|And if you can't quote unquote feel the dryness of the air or imagine what that's like, just imagine this. 4531.wav|Their eyelids are closing and their chin is dropping, and then you'll see a bunch of heads bouncing back up. 4532.wav|Now I've discussed dopamine many times before in this podcast. 4533.wav|My hope is that you'll be able to incorporate these tools, if not all of them, perhaps just one of them or two of them, in pursuit of whatever particular goals you happen to be focused on at this point and in the future. 4534.wav|From the point where you, let's just say, have the ball on the tee, you bring the golf club up, you might reposition your feet just a little bit, you know, that kind of little wiggle that golfers do, and then the swing. 4535.wav|But after that, we tend to follow the exact same trajectory. 4536.wav|And what they did is they had a group of people exercise wearing 15 pound ankle weights, and they had to basically move a certain distance or run a certain distance to reach a goal line. 4537.wav|First of all, it's zero cost. 4538.wav|And again, there are tools with which to do that, and I will teach you those tools today. 4539.wav|Now, some of you are probably familiar with impossible figures. 4540.wav|So just as animals and humans have different genetic backgrounds, and they can be crossed to one another to yield further genetic variation in the offspring, plants can be hybridized to one another in various ways through grafting or through the use of different types of seed combinations, et cetera, in order to generate different strains. 4541.wav|That's exceedingly rare. 4542.wav|But the long and short of it is that many of the ideas that people come up with when under the influence of cannabis in particular high THC containing cannabis does lead to enhanced divergent thinking, but so enhanced it turns out that oftentimes those ideas can't be constrained by the convergent thinking process. 4543.wav|We talked about some of the neuroscience and psychology and popular understanding of goal seeking behavior, how to assess goals, etc. 4544.wav|This episode we didn't talk too much about supplements, but on many previous episodes of the Huberman Lab podcast we talk about supplementation. 4545.wav|Our hearing tends to extend long. 4546.wav|And then the prefrontal cortex largely acts as a brake on those systems, sort of like the reins pulling back on a steed of horses that would otherwise just kind of take off. 4547.wav|We'll have an entire discussion about viruses and herpes in particular in a future episode. 4548.wav|It is, however, part of my desire and effort to bring zero cost to consumer information about science and science related tool to the general public. 4549.wav|So anxiety is increasing, depression is increasing, and this turns out to be especially relevant, important to young people. 4550.wav|And perhaps I also ask you to float or fly up above the cube and the rose and look at them from the top, top down. 4551.wav|And one of the things to really understand about performance of motor sequences, both in the real world and in the imagined context is that it involves the doing, that's what we call a go action and not doing certain things. 4552.wav|So people that don't use cannabis. 4553.wav|And then a long exhale, which allows you to offload a lot of carbon dioxide in the exhale. 4554.wav|Slash the letter Uberman. 4555.wav|You start getting working memory lapses. 4556.wav|The problem is when people are not being monitored for habit use. 4557.wav|However, I will provide a link to the study that shows that microdosing of psilocybin for a series of weeks on a daily basis. 4558.wav|In fact, they experience suppression of sexual desire. 4559.wav|And the reason why many people prefer intermittent fasting to other forms of, let's just call it what it is, diet or nutritional framework, is that many people find it easier to not eat than to limit their portion size. 4560.wav|Smoking hits the bloodstream faster, vaping even faster, I should mention, for a variety of reasons, and placing tobacco directly in contact with the mucosal lining is going to be the slowest. 4561.wav|So this study focused on actually somewhat moderately cool temperatures, not what I think most people would consider very, very cold temperatures, but extended the duration for quite a while. 4562.wav|And while those data are not yet published, they are at the stage where I'm comfortable talking about them. 4563.wav|But for now, 21 days, six things per day. 4564.wav|So let's zoom out, and I'll explain how this works and what to do about it. 4565.wav|This is a very important point. 4566.wav|And if you don't have any of those issues, it's also immensely beneficial, just as a restorative, for leaning back into focus work of any kind. 4567.wav|So I just mention it briefly here because, for instance, there's a lot of ideas out there that people should be taking l tryptophan, they should be taking ltyrosine, they should be taking magnesium, other things, et cetera, after taking MDMA in order to recover from the post MDMA crash more quickly. 4568.wav|When should we withdraw reward? 4569.wav|Because first of all, almost all of the best ways to detect traumatic brain injury, except the most severe ones, tend to require a lot of very large equipment like MRI and functional MRI and CT scans, none of which are available on the side of the field or in the locker room. 4570.wav|Divergent thinking is about exploration. 4571.wav|But in addition to that long-term depression, the quieting or the silencing of specific synapses, that is connections between neurons, is absolutely critical for motor skill learning. 4572.wav|And so it is associated with a resetting of our visual window. 4573.wav|That said, across the entire week, it's designed to bring fitness and different forms of fitness to all aspects of your body. 4574.wav|In fact, that's the message that I'd like you to take away. 4575.wav|Casey Halpern, who's at University of Pennsylvania that I mentioned earlier, they are using deep brain stimulation in order to treat binge eating disorder. 4576.wav|And I've put it there as a free resource to you so that you can benefit from the research backed, peer reviewed studies that point to NSDR as a very useful practice. 4577.wav|Because the positioning of divergent thinking and then convergent thinking close together more closely resembles what the creative process really is and what it typically involves. 4578.wav|Now, anytime we're talking about the body, we could be talking about any number of things. 4579.wav|And then what they did was a very counterintuitive thing. 4580.wav|They stop working so hard in their life, in their mouse life, to gain food, to gain mates. 4581.wav|Or basically the idea is you don't want blood glucose to go too high. 4582.wav|We don't want people eliminating fears that can get them injured or killed. 4583.wav|You can leave us up to a five star review. 4584.wav|So for any of you interested in increasing your metabolism and or being comfortable in cold environments and or being comfortable in terms of being able to combat stress mentally, deliberate cold exposure, I do believe, is a powerful tool and there is simply no reason why you couldn't and shouldn't use the same protocols that I described earlier for building resilience to increase metabolism. 4585.wav|There are even some studies, as older studies, you couldn't do those now, nor would you want to. 4586.wav|And of course that makes sense given the roles of dopamine. 4587.wav|And the expectation is that you're not going to perform more than four to five if you miss a day, meaning you don't perform four to five things, there is no punishment. 4588.wav|How do you rewire the brain circuitry that's literally causing a reflex, and in this case, causing a reflex that is killing the individual, or at least leading to very bad health outcomes. 4589.wav|First of all, they looked at people who did not use cannabis as well as people who use cannabis. 4590.wav|And other studies have explored which particular brain networks it involves. 4591.wav|And that could be the cause of those. 4592.wav|And people with ADHD and people who have subclinical challenges and focus really have a hard time with this, right? 4593.wav|Now, because of the ways in which deliberate cold exposure can increase this category of chemicals called the catecholamines, that includes dopamine, norepinephrine and epinephrine. 4594.wav|And I believe that ideally will also trigger a bit of either strength and hypertrophy and speed, power, maintenance, or even give you a little bit of a stimulus so that by time you roll around to that leg workout again on Monday, you've got a little bit of an additional boost to your leg strength, hypertrophy, speed and power. 4595.wav|Now it's level four out of ten activation of dopamine, and then three, and then two, and eventually it drops below baseline. 4596.wav|I'm feeling really, really good. 4597.wav|The first one is you start to link in time, the execution of a bad behavior to this other good behavior. 4598.wav|First of all, is a neural circuit that uses dopamine, among other things, but certainly relies on dopamine in a critical way to engage movement, including eye movements, and we will return to eye movements and why they're so important for understanding creativity and maybe even for generating creativity a little bit later. 4599.wav|And if it was endurance work, I might throttle back by 10 or 20% and I will shorten the total duration of the workout. 4600.wav|And of course, this has been explored, and here we can really give a nod and large debt of gratitude to the so called Maps group. 4601.wav|So I'd like to highlight a paper from that literature now that will make very clear as to why creatine is interesting and in fact very effective for treating headache and particular headache caused by head hits or traumatic brain injury. 4602.wav|However, on Friday, I do a high intensity interval training session that serves two purposes. 4603.wav|For me, fasted is preferred, but if I have to train fed, better to train than to not train at all. 4604.wav|You just supply your email and you will receive the newsletter. 4605.wav|But I have a hard time imagining that it would be an hour, and I don't suggest that if it's very cold. 4606.wav|It has to be inspirational, has to be time bound. 4607.wav|But you can imagine how if somebody sees an object in their environment and decides, ah, that's a UFO, okay? 4608.wav|You met the goal. 4609.wav|However, diagnoses really need to be carried out by people who are trained in that particular field and that have deep expertise in recognizing the symptomology, including some of the more subtle symptomology of eating disorders. 4610.wav|It actually can be quite dangerous. 4611.wav|Feel free to go there and listen to those episodes. 4612.wav|That's kind of the typical contour of autonomic arousal, mood, et cetera, across the day, removing, of course, life events and things like psychiatric illness and depression and et cetera. 4613.wav|Whereas if I tell you to imagine things down on the floor, like you're taking a hike and you're looking for rattlesnakes, actually just recently I experienced because it's spring here in California, rattlesnake along a hiking trail, it's really quite beautiful, although I have to confess, I enjoyed keeping my distance, I don't like snakes very much I don't dislike snakes, but I prefer not to interact with them unless I have to. 4614.wav|And at least as far as I could tell from the literature, it's not easy to predict who those people are going to be, what is reassuring, however, is it does not seem to be the case that if you're somebody who experiences relief from headaches by drinking caffeine, that suddenly one day to the next, you're going to experience a worsening of your headache and vice versa is also true. 4615.wav|And I don't want to go into this in a lot of detail right now because it would take us too far down the rabbit hole of neural circuitry. 4616.wav|So if you have a headache that is associated with excessive vasodilation and pressure in the head, indeed drinking some caffeine can cause some vasoconstriction by preventing that adenosine pathway that would normally lead to vasoconstriction and you can get some relief from that headache. 4617.wav|It is generally not appropriate for people to name a principle after themselves, although there are a few scientists that have done that. 4618.wav|And so there's a whole set of things that link up with one another. 4619.wav|And we will better define what right means a little bit later, but you already sort of know right in this context is when you have some combination of elements or some idea or some written passage or some music or some physical action that you just know this is really novel and really cool, or people see it or hear it or taste it and say this is really novel and really cool. 4620.wav|So what I recommend doing, and what I personally do, is I will turn off overhead lights in the afternoon. 4621.wav|And then, as I mentioned earlier, slide that workout to the next day and rarely double that workout up with another workout, but then just slide the schedule forward by a day. 4622.wav|But the point of the matter is that whether or not you crave or desire or impulsively want to put things in your mouth and chew, it will actually dictate how many calories that you eat. 4623.wav|Today we are going to talk about all of those, and you are going to come away with both an understanding of the biology of fear and trauma, as well as many practical tools to confront fear and trauma. 4624.wav|Well, then should you do the torso workout on Wednesday? 4625.wav|This is a little bit counterintuitive, but what the scientific literature tells us is that whenever we're trying to learn something new, if we make an error, we know it feels frustrating. 4626.wav|When you look at a Rothko, you are seeing colors in a very different way than you would ever see colors in any other context. 4627.wav|We're focused on our breathing. 4628.wav|The company was founded by two all american swimmers from Stanford, and everything about roca eyeglasses and sunglasses were designed with performance in mind. 4629.wav|Convergent thinking is taking loose ideas and kind of braiding them together, finding a common thread, synthesizing and organizing those different ideas into some common or specific framework in order to get or create some specific outcome. 4630.wav|And so a number of those people are interested in figuring out ways to increase their amount of sexual desire. 4631.wav|But again, when I talk about cold exposure in this episode, I'm talking about deliberate cold exposure, meaning that you are placing yourself into a cold environment on purpose in order to extract a particular set of benefits. 4632.wav|So context dependence is if you go from one environment to the next, do you tend to do the same thing in the same way at the same time of day? 4633.wav|So I'd like to talk about what the different types of headache are now. 4634.wav|It turns out that cortisol and thyroid hormone concentrations vary according to when the binge purge happened. 4635.wav|It's logically sound, could be done after deliberate cold exposure. 4636.wav|It's how we think, okay, if this, then that, if that, then this. 4637.wav|Because the homeostatic processes, the signals from the body and brain that say you need food, those aren't registering in the same way that they are for other individuals. 4638.wav|I don't want to go too deeply into fasted states and fed states right now. 4639.wav|So I'm delighted that they're sponsoring the podcast. 4640.wav|Just one mental exercise of thinking through what are the sequence of steps required in order to perform this habit from start to finish, can shift the likelihood of being able to perform that habit from unlikely or to moderately likely to very likely over time. 4641.wav|So this would be so-called zone two cardio. 4642.wav|If you'd like to try inside tracker, you can visit Insidetracker.com Huberman to get 20% off any of inside Tracker's plans, just use the code Huberman at checkout. 4643.wav|I'm sure there are better names. 4644.wav|They work together to divide the whole process, as I mentioned before, into two general categories. 4645.wav|Now, there are a lot of data centered around this general topic, but I'm going to focus on three main papers. 4646.wav|And in fact, I don't wear a heart rate monitor when I do this exercise. 4647.wav|That's your prefrontal cortex. 4648.wav|I want to talk a little bit more about how our eyes adjust to things that are close to us or far away. 4649.wav|And again, I think it's excellent advice, get proper amounts of sleep, get exercise, but don't get another traumatic brain injury. 4650.wav|Well, in addition to it being a little bit more convenient because certainly some people don't have access to heat and cold, sauna and cold dunks, et cetera, every day. 4651.wav|We did an entire episode on ADHD and pharmacologic prescription supplement and behavioral nutritional tools for ADHD. 4652.wav|Well, if you want to treat tension headache, you can imagine that because all headache is neural, that you'd want to go after some sort of neural mechanism to treat them, but of course, we now know that there are three types of neurons, there are motor neurons, sensory neurons, and modulatory neurons, so we have choices, we can say, okay, do we want to turn off the muscles in the head, jaw, and neck that are hyper contracted? 4653.wav|From the time you wake up in the morning until about six or seven or eight, sometimes 9 hours later, your brain is in a unique state. 4654.wav|But I would warn any young people, meaning twelve or younger, against creating these imbalances if there isn't a clinical need to do that. 4655.wav|It's designed to either maintain or increase my endurance. 4656.wav|And that is known to decrease cognitive capacity over time, increase probability of strokes, severely impact lung function, and also lead to things like peripheral neuropathies. 4657.wav|It is however, part of my desire and effort to bring zero cost to consumer information about science and science-related tools to the general public. 4658.wav|There's even ones for focus, for sleep, for chronic pain. 4659.wav|There is no hard and fast rule. 4660.wav|Most people just click right past it and go back in. 4661.wav|There are also forms of headache that can be caused by vasoconstriction. 4662.wav|It is not from the surface in, so it's not tension headache. 4663.wav|And if you don't have access to both, of course, then going outside on a cold day can be of benefit. 4664.wav|I wear readers at night and sometimes when I drive. 4665.wav|Well, that itself of course is first person because it's inside your own body as opposed to, and I don't know that anyone would actually do this, but looking at yourself from a third person perspective in your mind's eye and seeing yourself perform that cognitive challenge, whatever that challenge may happen to be, okay? 4666.wav|We can modulate the timescale in a way that other animals don't. 4667.wav|It's like driving a car. 4668.wav|Basically, we need vitamin D three. 4669.wav|It's populated by gut microbiota that communicate with the brain, the immune system and basically all the biological systems of our body to strongly impact our immediate and long-term health. 4670.wav|But as we move through our world, typically we're not looking down at pebbles on the ground or little grains of sand, or the pattern of leaves in a particular clover or something of that sort. 4671.wav|And divergent thinking and convergent thinking are very straightforward to understand. 4672.wav|Now, fortunately, the NMDA receptor and long term potentiation can also run the whole system in reverse. 4673.wav|Imagine that and you'll get multiple scientists naming the same molecule different things. 4674.wav|So we're going to leave cryo chambers out of today's discussion. 4675.wav|We talked about tension headaches, migraine headaches, hormone-based headaches, cluster headaches, and traumatic brain injury-related headaches. 4676.wav|It's a little bit fuzzy, and I have to work harder in order to see the camera, for instance, than if I cover up my left eye. 4677.wav|You tend to get the basic advice coming back. 4678.wav|Well, depending on your interpupillary distance, the point at which things get blurry and cross eyed will vary. 4679.wav|And that is all through narrative. 4680.wav|So you could think about, like notes on a piano, playing a particular song, learning scales. 4681.wav|Well, in that case, there may be instances in which increasing acetylcholine, dopamine, et cetera, by way of nicotine ingestion might be a good idea, but certainly not by smoking, vaping, or by direct contact of tobacco to the mucosal lining tissue of the mouth or nose, so called dipping or snuffing. 4682.wav|So a bunch of different layers throughout the cortex that are not associated with visual perception, that is, they're not associated with understanding that there are shapes and contours in the environment, but rather to neurons that are involved in the detection of pressure, pain, and other forms of sensory information at the level of what? 4683.wav|Harriet de Witt runs the Human Behavioral Pharmacology Laboratory in the department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Neuroscience at the University of Chicago, and her laboratory has a long history of giving people certain drugs in very specific dosages and then measuring their effects on the brain using different types of imaging, including fmri. 4684.wav|In the episode on Focus, I cited a number of studies where this has actually been tested and deployed in various schools. 4685.wav|This is a real chicken egg argument. 4686.wav|Our brains and bodies evolved for these receptors to make use of chemicals that exist within us, called again endogenous chemicals. 4687.wav|But that increase in blood pressure quickly wanes, and over time, that visual of the long term goal becomes a poor thing to rely on in order to generate the actions that are required to reach that goal. 4688.wav|The human population was women, but it relates to a previous study that was also carried out in men. 4689.wav|But what we're going to see in the next few years, I believe, is an entire generation of young people for which a very large percentage of them are going to be seeking out a pattern or feeling, because to the person taking it, they're not looking at their dopamine levels rising in their blood. 4690.wav|So that's really nice to know because there's always been this conundrum of, okay, psilocybin and LSD are basically like serotonin. 4691.wav|If that were the case, I recommend, if you want to do creative work during phase two, the nine to 16 hours of your circadian cycle, nine to 16 hours after waking, that is, that you do that in the high ceiling room, or maybe even outdoors, out on a deck or on a patio, because the highest ceiling, of course, is the sky. 4692.wav|Some people tend to run warm, some people tend to run cold. 4693.wav|Those are the two major forms of neuroplasticity. 4694.wav|However, most of us, including myself, will go to begin a workout and we'll find that our mind doesn't quite engage at the level of depth and focus that we would like. 4695.wav|I do believe that any one of these workouts, whether it's for endurance or resistance training can be shifted either one day forward or one day back, right? 4696.wav|I don't speak swedish, nor I speak danish, nor do I speak norwegian, but I do have danish relatives, and they were able to help me decipher a common swedish saying, which essentially translates to the fact that in preparation for the summer, they say one should expose themselves to warm environments so that one is comfortable in warm environments in the summer. 4697.wav|Another analogy that one could take in order to understand this would be hormones like testosterone and estrogen. 4698.wav|Now, what's important to point out is that predisposition or bias is not necessarily to the same sorts of events. 4699.wav|This is extremely important to understand if you're going to use mental training and visualization. 4700.wav|Now, earlier, I talked about a study where people were focused on a finish line visually, and they were moving through space with these ankle weights on. 4701.wav|I wear sunglasses when I drive and whenever I need to throughout the day, and I wear readers at night. 4702.wav|So because these nicotine delivery approaches are so terrible for our health, and also because as many as 70% of people who smoke would like to quit, but either feel they can't because they've tried and failed repeatedly, often, or because it's just too scary, meaning the reinforcing properties are too strong and therefore they can't imagine living without them, or the withdrawal effects are too strong, and they can't imagine living with those. 4703.wav|And we talked about the meninges earlier. 4704.wav|One way to think about this is in the context of the normal sexual arousal arc, whereby dopamine is increased when people are sexually aroused. 4705.wav|You have to experiment for yourself. 4706.wav|These melanopsin cells and their activation by sunlight, completely, subconsciously unaware, you're unaware of this, promote the health of this system within the eye and allow you to offset the myopia, near sightedness. 4707.wav|It also allowed me to see how working out with weights or running how that impacted my blood glucose. 4708.wav|Meaning we have different levels of grit and resilience on different days, and depending on the landscape of our life at the time, even the time of day, that we're doing these protocols and start to be able to sense the release of epinephrine, excuse me, and norepinephrine in our brain and body, and see those as walls that we want to climb over in order to build resilience and to start counting the number of walls that we traverse and the distance between those walls as we do. 4709.wav|It doesn't allow us to think about or interact with the world or ourselves in novel ways. 4710.wav|There are many studies exploring this, but one of the ones I like the most looked at 693 students, and a subset of them were encouraged to spend 11 hours a week outdoors. 4711.wav|The relationship between mood and creativity is a fascinating one that is bridged by one main feature, which is the amount of dopamine present in this nigrostriatal pathway. 4712.wav|There have been studies, for instance, where people come into the laboratory who are suffering from cold and flu and are sneezing, having them sneeze at different proximity to other people. 4713.wav|I could be wrong about that. 4714.wav|Wednesday I extend that by 50%. 4715.wav|People will, inject it as so called mainlining, which is a very rapid entry into the bloodstream because it's direct application to the bloodstream by way of injection. 4716.wav|We will talk about that phase of the 24 hours day in a moment. 4717.wav|Once they become reflexive, they're just very, very hard to override. 4718.wav|And so it's called an impossible figure because you don't really know how to frame it in your mind to tell what's closer to you and what's further apart. 4719.wav|But of course, as a laboratory director, I have people coming by and who want to talk about things. 4720.wav|Well, it turns out that we have two branches of our visual system, so visual information all comes in through our eyes, but then it can head down two different pathways. 4721.wav|Their sunglasses and eyeglasses are really terrific because they can be used for anything. 4722.wav|I often will do a 10 minute NSDR. 4723.wav|There are other dopamine agonists that are relevant in this context. 4724.wav|Or you could conclude that people who have taken ecstasy 75 times or 25 times, et cetera, are degrading their levels of self control and thereby increasing impulsivity. 4725.wav|So they've put a ton of science and purpose into the design. 4726.wav|But that modulation of anxiety can indirectly reduce the likelihood that one will have a panic attack or experience of fear, or an intense experience of fear or reliving of a trauma. 4727.wav|That is what we would be doing in those 14 years and what we would be enjoying and the enrichment that we would get if we were to live into those 14 years. 4728.wav|They also might want to stay awake, get some work done and do things. 4729.wav|Talked about this before on the podcast, but if you haven't heard viewing the sun as it's at what we call low solar angle, so as it's headed toward the horizon, you don't necessarily have to watch the sunset, although that can be nice. 4730.wav|And the wonderful thing is that when you repeat a practice and a particular neural circuit is engaged over and over again deliberately, that neural circuit becomes easier to engage, so-called neuroplasticity. 4731.wav|So when people are using THC more than twice a week, what ends up happening is those G protein coupled receptors in the downstream signaling mechanisms start to adjust themselves, and it requires more and more drug. 4732.wav|It's not because you always have a cigarette in your mouth that you're not eating more food, although I suppose that might be a minor effect. 4733.wav|That is, the increase in dopamine that would normally be experienced from smoking, vaping, dipping or snuffing is now not happening. 4734.wav|They are present and active in the newborn. 4735.wav|The changes in the brain and body that encode or shift the neural circuits that allow for memory to change, that allow for learning to occur after a learning bout. 4736.wav|But it doesn't appear that the MDMA induced increases in oxytocin, which are enormous, have much to do with anything related to the value of MDMA as a treatment for PTSD or for its subjective effects on empathy, sociability, or any of those other factors either. 4737.wav|These increases in trust and pleasure and energy and emotional warmth to some of the brain circuits that are activated and modified by MDMA use. 4738.wav|Nicotine is not the carcinogen. 4739.wav|We got really sore. 4740.wav|You can also now leave reviews on Spotify, so we'd appreciate if you would do so. 4741.wav|I'm sure there are other answers. 4742.wav|It depends on context, depends on which neurons. 4743.wav|The sequence of electrical firing, much like a script for a movie or the notes on a sheet of paper for a particular musical piece, is transferred off to a different brain area. 4744.wav|So again, a very unusual chemical cocktail that would never be seen, at least not at this amplitude, under any normal conditions outside of an MDMA clinical psychotherapeutic session. 4745.wav|And what he really means by that statement is that there are important effects of what we call mindset. 4746.wav|It includes areas like the caudate and putanum. 4747.wav|So, literally, higher ceiling, loftier thinking, higher aspirations. 4748.wav|In fact, a study I just referred to, as well as some human studies, have explored how the application of methamphetamine, so not MDMA, but pure methamphetamine, impacts social interactions. 4749.wav|Like if you had it now, it would just be so good. 4750.wav|Actually, I was flying back from Texas recently and Goodwill Hunting was on somebody's screen. 4751.wav|But there've been very few compounds in particular, very few over-the-counter compounds that are known to be safe, that have shown efficacy in dealing with TBI. 4752.wav|This is my definition of hell, and yet is one of the most productive people on the planet. 4753.wav|This chemical reward in the brain is given for avoiding particular foods and only approaching these very low calorie, low fat foods. 4754.wav|But if we are to, for instance, look at a screen that's very, very big and we're too close to it, or even if we're standing back from it, it's going to be hard for us to attend to everything within that screen space. 4755.wav|The fluid is being pumped through the system. 4756.wav|They feel good when they avoid certain foods, and they approach others. 4757.wav|So what I just described hopefully doesn't come across as just a bunch of word soup. 4758.wav|It's a ten minute NSDR script read by me. 4759.wav|Maui Nui spent nearly a decade building a USDA certified wild harvesting system to help balance invasive deer populations on the island of Maui. 4760.wav|And I encourage you, if you're interested, to please check out the episode on focus. 4761.wav|Joanna Steinglass and colleagues at Columbia University in New York. 4762.wav|I've talked before on this podcast and we've had guests on this podcast that have emphasized the critical role of getting quality protein, not just for muscle repair and protein synthesis, but also for repair of all tissues, including brain tissue on a day-to-day basis. 4763.wav|Clinical hypnosis is where the person, the patient, actually directs their own brain changes toward a specific emotional or behavioral goal. 4764.wav|Aspirin's an anti-inflammatory. 4765.wav|I'm not going to recommend any in particular. 4766.wav|That's Huberman Lab on YouTube. 4767.wav|You were sensing it, we would say, but not perceiving it. 4768.wav|That's absolutely fine. 4769.wav|What I can assure you is that if you understand divergent thinking, which hopefully now you do, and you can understand what convergent thinking is and you can understand that dopamine is responsible for both divergent thinking and convergent thinking, but through separate pathways, well then if you can understand how those two separate pathways work and how to engage them differentially, therein lie the tools that you can use both to explore ideas, in other words, find what it is that could be creative and then systematically test each of those ideas for what is truly creative. 4770.wav|I mentioned some of them before, things like proprone, wellbutrin, some of the serotonergic drugs, and some of the drugs used to treat impulsivity. 4771.wav|They will eat to the point of bursting. 4772.wav|Although I should mention, anytime I'm pairing the words nicotine and physical work, it's obvious that because of the ways that smoking impairs lung function, those two things really run counter to one another. 4773.wav|Whereas if you have normal vision or a low amount of macular degeneration, it does not seem, at least from these studies, that lutein to have much of an effect. 4774.wav|And when I say diminish, I mean reduce the amplitude of the physiological response. 4775.wav|I don't want to go into too much detail, but version A essentially involves having a page of numbers that are distributed somewhat randomly. 4776.wav|You don't have to remember the names of these things, of course, but if you want to, that's fine, too. 4777.wav|And I'll also compare working memory to other forms of memory, like long-term memory and short-term memory, and through that understanding, I'm confident that you'll be able to develop better focus as well as be able to commit certain forms of information to your short and long-term memory stores. 4778.wav|And I would work through each of those stations maybe two or three times. 4779.wav|Today, we're not talking about taste in particular creative acts. 4780.wav|There are certain behaviors, like perhaps what you eat or perhaps how you dress, that are context independent, that you might perform one way in one context and another way in another context. 4781.wav|Noradrenaline and adrenaline are often co released in the brain and body. 4782.wav|And if that seems hard to wrap your head around, don't worry, because we will explain it in more depth going forward. 4783.wav|So that changed the way that I think about eating behavior and eating disorders. 4784.wav|So it's fairly precise targeting that's required in order to knock that ball off the other t. 4785.wav|If you look off in the distance, they look like they're moving very slowly, and there are differences between what's close to you and what's further away. 4786.wav|And it does look a little bit like a seahorse, but we actually have one on each side of your brain, so we say hippocampi, plural. 4787.wav|Now here it's key, dopamine release. 4788.wav|I know a lot of people are going to want to emphasize those body parts and they're going to think, oh, you have to train it twice a week. 4789.wav|It becomes very automatized. 4790.wav|And he's developed some really pioneering treatments for them. 4791.wav|Young people's brains are essentially getting wired to the expectation that dopamine is going to be increased dramatically and quickly under their control, except it's under their control only in a very narrow set of circumstances. 4792.wav|And in fact, curcumin, AKA turmeric, can alter the synthesis of something called dihydrotestosterone. 4793.wav|Which is not to say that it isn't without its side effects, which we will talk about. 4794.wav|Amygdala means almond. 4795.wav|They also had people take oxytocin by nasal spray, which we know can change levels of circulating oxytocin. 4796.wav|Does so and so that I know have that? 4797.wav|One way to conceive of dopamine is as a sort of dopamine wave pool. 4798.wav|There does seem to be some evidence for that, although it's still early days. 4799.wav|These were college age students, and they had two groups. 4800.wav|This review establishes a number of different important things. 4801.wav|So if it says three to five sets, you would start with three, maybe even just two, and then work your way up by adding sets each week. 4802.wav|Our first sponsor is athletic Greens. 4803.wav|That's adrenaline being released into your system. 4804.wav|It doesn't tend to be as much of a sedative as some of the other varieties. 4805.wav|But all of that is reflexive. 4806.wav|This gets a little tricky depending on what you're trying to do. 4807.wav|So if someone would knock on the door, they would just shout, no. 4808.wav|However, when it comes to learning and improving performance in the cognitive or physical domain, they are not equivalent. 4809.wav|And when neurons are stimulated electrically, and that could be from a thought, it could be from the desire to move, it could be because of a drug, it could be because you're hungry. 4810.wav|But right now, I'm just going to give you the top contour of how all that works. 4811.wav|In a previous podcast on Habits, I talked about the benefits of not necessarily setting specific times that one will do things, but setting time blocks that one will do things. 4812.wav|I'll make sure to spell out a very specific way that you can chart out a map towards forming particular habits and breaking particular habits later on. 4813.wav|The reason I started taking Athletic Greens and the reason I still take Athletic Greens once or usually twice a day is that it gets me the probiotics that I need for gut health. 4814.wav|It's an enormous number, and here's why it's of really serious concern. 4815.wav|First of all, all the groups were in the water of a given temperature for 1 hour, which is much longer than most of the deliberate cold exposure protocols that anyone is using at home. 4816.wav|Just go to that episode. 4817.wav|So it's a remapping of new onto old, new meaning, new feelings onto old feelings, while staying in the exact same narrative. 4818.wav|Visual spatial working memory tasks involve the cognitive generation that is within your head of the so-called visual spatial sketch pad. 4819.wav|However, there is some general agreement about what unhealthy and disordered eating is. 4820.wav|Halpern that I mentioned earlier. 4821.wav|In other words, being in a good mood facilitates divergent thinking. 4822.wav|And that leads to more interconnectedness between different brain areas, more consideration of new possibilities about events from the past, present, and future, and also the opening of so called neuroplasticity, of rewiring of neural connections that persist long after the psilocybin or LSD effects have worn off. 4823.wav|There are other things that increase dopamine. 4824.wav|And as I mentioned before, agents, whether or not they are recreational or illicit drugs or prescription drugs or supplements that increased dopamine will also be broadband and hit a number of different circuits in parallel. 4825.wav|And he swore by the focus enhancing and motivation enhancing effects of nicotine containing gum. 4826.wav|And one of the more important of those is what's called the stop signal task. 4827.wav|First of all, all the things about proximity still hold. 4828.wav|So by all means, warm up to do your exercise, lubricate your joints and get into a place where you're not going to injure yourself doing whatever form of exercise you do. 4829.wav|Again, let's put an asterisk next to this. 4830.wav|Nobody knows how to define these. 4831.wav|They don't like the pictures of themselves. 4832.wav|Helix has a quiz that takes about 2 minutes to complete and matches your body type and sleep preferences to the perfect mattress for you. 4833.wav|And now when anytime people hear the word fat, they tend to think about body fat, subcutaneous fat, or maybe they think about dietary fat. 4834.wav|A very, very, I would say even exceedingly rare thing to occur in the world. 4835.wav|It has so many important functions, and k two has been shown to be important for a variety of things, not the least of which is cardiovascular health. 4836.wav|And striatum is a subdivision of the basal ganglia, and it's very important for the establishment of behaviors that are associated with a habit, but not necessarily the habit itself. 4837.wav|Sometimes that's due to social factors, but they have an increase in overall levels of autonomic arousal. 4838.wav|Try and see the walls around you without moving your head. 4839.wav|That will give you access to all the amas. 4840.wav|I tell Costello this all the time because he's always falling asleep while he's trying to do his work. 4841.wav|I've been taking athletic greens since 2012, so I'm delighted that they're sponsoring the podcast. 4842.wav|This isn't an episode about cocaine, but I just want to very briefly touch on some of the delivery routes for cocaine, because they parallel a lot of the delivery routes for nicotine. 4843.wav|We talked about, you know, five to 15 second epochs with about 15 second breaks in between or rest between sets, if you will, repeated for 50 to 75 trials, done three to five times per week, some of the conditions of keeping it really simple, the importance of being able to actually perform those sequences in the real world and so on. 4844.wav|What this theory from Guilford essentially states is that there are different intellectual capacities that are not captured by standard IQ tests. 4845.wav|In other words, the punishment isn't bad enough in order to break the habit, which just speaks to how powerful these habits are. 4846.wav|And those endothelial cells are strongly and negatively impacted by all of the practices that I just described. 4847.wav|That is, there are an infinite number of different programs and exercises and set and rep schemes and different runs and burpees and pushups, et cetera, et cetera, that one can follow. 4848.wav|Well, you have two options, and there are probably other options as well. 4849.wav|Some kids will say we can fly and you can shoot lasers out of your eyes. 4850.wav|What they found was that reward based decision making, the drive to pursue a particular food or the drive to perform a particular task, which is a lot of what we do throughout our day, that was controlled by a brain area called the ventromedial prefrontal cortex. 4851.wav|Or if the ceiling is high, or we are in expansive space with a lot of distance above us, or space above us and out to the sides, maybe even out on a field, our thinking goes into these more broad, abstract and kind of loftier future thinking. 4852.wav|Try and see whether or not you can get things closer. 4853.wav|So shifting back to ways to reduce the intensity and frequency of different kinds of headaches. 4854.wav|If you have questions for us or comments or feedback of any kind, please put that in the comments section on YouTube. 4855.wav|And the source of that, they conclude, is, and here I'll just quote, cannabis users, higher levels of openness to experience are responsible for their enhanced self reported creativity and convergent thinking test performance. 4856.wav|We pursue food, excuse me, for a particular meal that we might be having with people tomorrow. 4857.wav|Now let's talk about pattern vision, actual seeing things like faces and colors, et cetera. 4858.wav|That says, I'm full, and therefore, don't be as hungry, don't motivate to find or ingest food. 4859.wav|They can do any number of different things. 4860.wav|And this is a key word, those are bounded. 4861.wav|Now you can imagine how if the stop signal shows up with a longer delay after the presentation of the arrow, there's a higher probability that you will have already generated the key pressing movement. 4862.wav|There are other examples of reflexes, like, for instance, getting into cold water. 4863.wav|Now, this is a fundamental feature of the way that our eyes and brain are wired together and how they relate to what we call autonomic arousal. 4864.wav|There's some programs on YouTube you can just look up smooth pursuit stimulus and I'll provide a link to a couple I like as well. 4865.wav|Again, there is a vast landscape for exploration of the cannabis plant and of hemp for what they include that could be beneficial to us or detrimental to us. 4866.wav|This is one that was brought up in the episode on dopamine motivation and drive. 4867.wav|Those two guys, David Hughle and Torrance and Weasel. 4868.wav|Because they're prescription drugs, you would need to talk to a physician anyway. 4869.wav|In fact, I like all of the flavors. 4870.wav|Working memory suffers long term memory. 4871.wav|Hopefully that information will be useful to any of you that are trying to learn something. 4872.wav|So that's the first study. 4873.wav|I'd like you to also internalize the idea that the threat reflex involves this activation of certain systems and suppression of all the systems for calming the parasympathetic system. 4874.wav|And those two elements that go into coming up with a creative idea and then implementing or developing that creative idea into something real that you and the rest of the world can experience are divergent thinking and convergent thinking. 4875.wav|Intermittent reward that's intermittent and random is the most effective reward schedule we know. 4876.wav|In fact, the centers of the brain involved in hand movements are part of the speech areas, and vice versa. 4877.wav|And our godonkin experiment is for me to say, okay, where are you going to place the towel? 4878.wav|In fact, you don't really want elevated cortisol late in the day. 4879.wav|So that would be cardiovascular exercise, adequate nutrition, not smoking, nicotine. 4880.wav|Just to refresh your memory a little bit, it basically says that if a set of neurons is very electrically active, it's likely that over time, those neurons will communicate with themselves more easily because of changes in things like NMDA receptor activity, the recruitment of additional receptors, et cetera. 4881.wav|If you're somebody who suffers from dry eye, I do hope they'll find a treatment or a cure for dry eye soon. 4882.wav|The study looked at giving mice or humans two meals and explored whether or not putting those meals early in the day or late in the day had an impact on muscle hypertrophy, muscle growth, and overall protein synthesis of muscle. 4883.wav|And how do we actually make that happen? 4884.wav|In other words, I don't see any reason, based on the literature to avoid deliberate cold exposure immediately after training again, unless your goal is hypertrophy and strength. 4885.wav|But certain forms of exercise are just catabolic, meaning they break down the amount of muscle, they reduce body weight overall. 4886.wav|Now, that might seem a little bit arbitrary, but let's say you were to get into a warm shower, and it would feel really, really nice, and you were to start turning down the warm and turning up the cold, there would be some threshold at which it would feel uncomfortable to you. 4887.wav|We have knowledge of what we should do in one box. 4888.wav|Now, the prefrontal cortex involves many different subregions. 4889.wav|I'm trying to simulate, like a horse with blinders on. 4890.wav|Back then, they opened them both up. 4891.wav|I'm not saying that if you can get pure MDMA that you should take it or that it won't be neurotoxic. 4892.wav|Try and cool the bottoms of the feet, the palms of their hands, and the upper portion of their face. 4893.wav|Well, there's a wonderful paper that talks about one way to do it. 4894.wav|And in this case, they're focused on the goal line. 4895.wav|And there's excellent research, for instance, on whether or not you should or should not listen to music, whether or not you should use things like binaural beats, and if so, what frequency of binaural beats. 4896.wav|And on both Spotify and Apple, you can leave us up to a five-star review. 4897.wav|I'm presuming that some of you out there are colorblind. 4898.wav|This element of thinking about verbs then allows us to say, okay, what are the various steps in coming up with a creative idea, in testing a creative idea, and then implementing that creative idea? 4899.wav|Seeing an actual dog urinating on a fire hydrant isn't interesting. 4900.wav|Heller has observed again and again that palmer cooling reduces delayed onset muscle soreness or can eliminate it entirely. 4901.wav|And then, of course, you could analyze how the default mode networks and other brain networks change in the days and weeks and even years after the drug has worn off. 4902.wav|Within those fibers, however, there are cells with nuclei. 4903.wav|When dopamine levels are high, divergent thinking is more likely. 4904.wav|They developed the smart ER approach, adding an ER to the acronym SMARt. 4905.wav|It's called Psychology of habit. 4906.wav|For that reason, we've established what's called the Neural Network Newsletter. 4907.wav|Even in low to no vision people, blind people, their brain is going to be making guesses about what's out there in the auditory world, what sounds are there, what touch sensations are there. 4908.wav|More often than not, what you find is that people who have extreme virtuosity in a given area put many, many years into developing the basic substrates, the basic building blocks of whatever it is their craft happens to be where they demonstrate virtuosity. 4909.wav|Remember, GabA is the inhibitory neurotransmitter that is used, that's employed by the very neurons in the prefrontal cortex that serve to inhibit the threat reflex. 4910.wav|You can see big increases in oxytocin. 4911.wav|If that didn't work, I've locked it in a safe. 4912.wav|And that's because I've been doing eye exercises since I was in my 20s, because I noticed when I would study a lot, this eye would start to drift in and I'd start to see double. 4913.wav|You've learned a lot of neuroscience today. 4914.wav|They don't blink, they look very peaceful. 4915.wav|If you have questions for me or comments about the podcast, or guests or topics that you'd like me to host on the Huberman Lab Podcast, please put those in the comment section on YouTube. 4916.wav|If you're not already subscribed to Huberman Lab on Instagram and Twitter, please do so there. 4917.wav|They also tend to lower body temperature. 4918.wav|They've partnered with all the major sports teams as well as the Mayo Clinic, so we have a very high degree of trust with Thorne products. 4919.wav|And here I have to say that this is a lot like teaching someone to drive on a gravel road. 4920.wav|They also have varieties of aesthetic choices that you would be very comfortable wearing to work or to school or just out and about. 4921.wav|There are other environments that you can put yourself in that will make your brain shift towards more analytic work, toward more detailed and precise types of work. 4922.wav|So it was financially stressful. 4923.wav|If you haven't already subscribed to the Huberman Lab Podcast, Neural Network Newsletter, this is a monthly newsletter that is completely zero cost that has summaries of particular podcast episodes, as well as toolkits for things like enhancing sleep, enhancing focus, dopamine, deliberate cold exposure, and many other topics important to the listeners of the Huberman Lab Podcast. 4924.wav|I want to head out on a hike with my partner, or I want to meet up with friends and hike with them. 4925.wav|In the case of cocaine, that would be cocaine, and the increase in dopamine in the brain and body, I should mention. 4926.wav|It's also about the additional time to get those brain circuits reengaged to a mode of focus. 4927.wav|So what we're really talking about here is watching a video of ourselves on loop or listening to a audio or audio video recording of ourselves on loop for whatever aspect that we're trying to build up or improve upon. 4928.wav|There is good you want pigment? 4929.wav|That's why we can think about the future, but also realize where we are in time and space today. 4930.wav|It has been shown that the amino acid leucine is vital for the cell growth process, including muscle growth, because of its relationship to the so called mTOR pathway. 4931.wav|However, before we get into this material, I want to emphasize that today's discussion will include what it is to have a healthy relationship with food. 4932.wav|Okay, so at this point, I promise you that I'm not going to give you any more of a biology lesson in terms of pain sensing and headaches as a more conceptual phenomenon, instead, what I'd like to do next is talk about the different types of headaches, and I think this is something that's very important and not often discussed, except for those people out there that unfortunately suffer repeatedly from certain kinds of headaches, like migraine or cluster or attention headache, but I think for most people out there who experience headache, and again, that is everybody at some point experiences headache, rather than just think of headache as one thing, understanding the major types of headache and how they differ from and are similar to one another will really help you identify what the best source of treatments for those are. 4933.wav|Now, whether or not that's also due to the fact that myopia can be caused by viewing things up close too much. 4934.wav|And there, I think it's an important point. 4935.wav|But then he had people imagine moving or walking from one location on the island to another. 4936.wav|They have a really nice aesthetic. 4937.wav|And when people ask me what's the one supplement I should take if they were to only take one supplement, I always recommend ag one for the simple reason that vitamins, the minerals and the probiotics support metabolic health. 4938.wav|Now, I'm sure there are a number of women out there who will say they have perfectly normal menstrual cycles despite using cannabis. 4939.wav|Those results have actually been published many times before. 4940.wav|And frankly, there's no evidence whatsoever that EMDR activates both sides of the brain in a way that's beneficial. 4941.wav|But pure reflexes are things like the eye blink reflex. 4942.wav|In other words, if you want to learn something, the ideal situation is to combine real training in the physical world with mental training. 4943.wav|The key variable in the study turned out to be energy. 4944.wav|And it turns out this is very subjective, but that there's a way to make it objective. 4945.wav|So the so called mesolimbic reward pathway, in particular brain structure called nucleus accumbens, which we'll talk about more in a moment, is vital to all motivated behaviors and to the seeking out of all particular types of pleasurable experiences. 4946.wav|I'm not a musician, but hopefully I won't get this too incorrectly, but let's say you have, like, e sharp, and maybe it's on. 4947.wav|And yet, almost everybody who does deliberate cold exposure will say, yeah, it was stressful, I didn't enjoy it, or I eventually grew to like it, but that I always feel better afterwards. 4948.wav|This is a real thing. 4949.wav|And that without question has reflected the removal or the quieting of particular synapses, connections between neurons in the brain and body, to allow that very narrow coordinated and directed movement. 4950.wav|If you haven't already subscribed to our monthly Neural Network Newsletter, the Neural Network Newsletter is a completely zero-cost newsletter that provides podcast summaries and protocols in the form of brief PDFs of one to three pages, in which I detail things like how to do deliberate cold exposure and some of the science behind it, how to regulate your dopamine levels, how to improve your sleep, and on and on, everything from focus, neuroplasticity, and all of which is available, again, completely zero cost, by going to HubermanLab.com, go to the Menu tab, scroll down to Newsletter, and simply sign up by providing your email. 4951.wav|So there are data pointing to the fact that repeated administration of MDMA at dosages that are very much within lines with what we're talking about today, 1.5 milligrams per kilogram of body weight, can lower total amounts of serotonin or other proteins in the serotonin synthesis pathway, or dopamine, or proteins that are in the dopamine synthesis pathway in specific areas of the brain related to reinforcement, related to mood, related to motivation, et cetera. 4952.wav|And oftentimes the way those indoor environments are being heated is drying out the nasal passages. 4953.wav|The title of the paper is plasma oxytocin concentrations following MDMA, or intranasal oxytocin in humans. 4954.wav|If you'd like to see the supplements that we partner with momentous on, you can go to livemomentus.com slash Huberman. 4955.wav|They support endocrine health. 4956.wav|So let's talk first about world building techniques. 4957.wav|In other words, they felt as if remaining still was natural. 4958.wav|This is what's used in the casinos in order to take your money. 4959.wav|And keep in mind that we are human primates, non human primates, being the closest model to human primates that we are aware of. 4960.wav|This is a complicated working memory task. 4961.wav|Virgin's eye movement. 4962.wav|When we multitask, when we jump back and forth between things, there is an increase in the level of the neurotransmitter, also sometimes called a neuromodulator, but basically same thing. 4963.wav|I've long been a believer in getting regular blood work done for the simple reason that many of the factors that impact your immediate and long term health can only be analyzed from a quality blood test. 4964.wav|Element is an electrolyte drink that has everything you need and none of the things you don't. 4965.wav|I'm pleased to announce that I'm hosting two live events this May. 4966.wav|We now know that menthol, peppermint, and other things that smell that way and taste that way actually have an impact on the sensory neurons at the level of the skin and can actually inhibit certain sensory neurons and can activate other sensory neurons. 4967.wav|The processing time required for you to do that is much longer than the processing time required if I say, tell me what the position of that elephant's trunk is. 4968.wav|That's the major consistent effect of cannabis use. 4969.wav|And I hope that in sharing this information about the fact that anytime we approach food, these neurons in the arcuid area of our hypothalamus actually increase our levels of anxiety. 4970.wav|And when people say, oh, well, the increases in metabolism aren't that great. 4971.wav|And again, divergent thinking and convergent thinking are the two processes that have to occur, usually first divergent, then convergent thinking, and then back and forth and back and forth in order to arrive at something creative. 4972.wav|And social connection, as we talked about earlier, creates a general sense of support for the ability to move through things, but also chemical support at the level of suppressing Tachykinan. 4973.wav|But the fact of the matter is that habits are a big part of who we are. 4974.wav|So basically what it does is it blocks these things called dopamine transporters. 4975.wav|Friday, high intensity interval training of sprinting or some variation thereof. 4976.wav|Again, neuroplasticity is the basis of habit formation, and neuroplasticity and the rewiring of neural circuits happens in these states of deep sleep. 4977.wav|But since we want to keep things fairly top contour at the level of neural circuitry here, just know that there are a bunch of neurons that manufacture dopamine back in the brain stem that send their axons, those little wires up to the prefrontal cortex, and that the amount of dopamine released per unit time. 4978.wav|And the answer is not really, sort of maybe no. 4979.wav|Athletic Greens, now called AG1, is a vitamin mineral probiotic drink that covers all of your foundational nutritional needs. 4980.wav|But I'll also give you some at home methods to do this, either in the gym or on runs or for sake of cognitive work. 4981.wav|Now, there's a fourth reason I'm very interested in it, which is that my lab works on stress, stress relief and tools for managing sleep and improving focus, et cetera. 4982.wav|If you know of a study exploring this directly, please let me know. 4983.wav|So it's not inconceivable that temperature and delayed onset muscle soreness are related. 4984.wav|I can just have one or two of each pair, and I'm good to go no matter where I go. 4985.wav|The basal ganglia. 4986.wav|Essentially, there is no other way to state it except that smoking and vaping have negative health consequences that are independent of the substances that people are trying to get into their bloodstream by smoking or vaping. 4987.wav|As mentioned at the beginning of today's episode, the Huberman Lab podcast has now launched a premium channel. 4988.wav|And I tend to wake up around 06:00 a.m. 4989.wav|That is, how much activation energy it will take in order for you to execute a new habit. 4990.wav|You say, let's just forget all the rules and let's just come up with new ideas about something, new uses of something, new strategies. 4991.wav|But the basic takeaway was that cold water immersion performed after high intensity exercise was beneficial from a number of different standpoints and indicated that shorter duration, cold exposure and lower temperatures can improve the efficacy of cold water exposure if used after high intensity exercise. 4992.wav|If the sun isn't out, I turn on as many bright artificial lights as I can manage or tolerate, and then I go get my sunlight exposure. 4993.wav|What is that process? 4994.wav|And for that reason, many of the treatments that you see for bulimia and binge eating disorder are the sorts of treatments that don't seem to work so well, or at least most of the time for anorexia. 4995.wav|You don't realize it, because if you're being videotaped in this kind of behavior, it's not being released to you. 4996.wav|Again, set goals that are difficult to achieve, but that are not so lofty that they collapse your system and that you feel overwhelmed. 4997.wav|This review also looked at age-related effects, and perhaps the only thing that really popped out from this literature review in terms of age-dependent differences that point to changes in protocols that you might make is that for individuals 65 or older, a combination of physical and mental training may actually allow them to gain and consolidate skills better than were they to do physical training alone. 4998.wav|You don't need to understand the science behind all that, but they do. 4999.wav|This does not mean that mindfulness meditation would not be of benefit to you. 5000.wav|But I do want to point out that sleep, sunlight, and I've talked about this almost ad nauseum on this podcast, but regular circadian cycles, getting sunlight in your eyes early in the day and in the evening as well and as much as possible throughout the day without burning your skin and limiting your exposure to artificial lights at night and on and on, all of which is covered in the Light for Health episode of the Huberman Lab podcast, the Master Your Sleep episode of the Huberman Lab podcast, and in the Perfect Your Sleep episode of the Huberman Lab podcast. 5001.wav|That is, as you get more and more fit, you'll have to move faster and or bring more weight in order to stay in zone two. 5002.wav|There's a nice table in the study. 5003.wav|The ventral striatum is part of this thing called the basal ganglia. 5004.wav|And of course, I eagerly await other studies exploring the role of this high dosage of creatine, or I should say relatively high dosage of creatine monohydrate for offsetting headache. 5005.wav|And I think the short takeaway that makes the most sense in terms of framing this, and we cover this on the episode on bipolar disorder, sometimes called bipolar depression, is that in professions where there's a lot of creativity required in order to succeed. 5006.wav|If you'd like to try BetterHelp, go to betterhelp.com slash Huberman to get 10% off your first month. 5007.wav|Dopamine tend to be elevated during that first zero to 8 hours after waking. 5008.wav|So the soleus pushup can be described very simply as if you're sitting down with your knee bent at an approximately right angle, like a square corner, and pushing up, or I should say lifting your heel while pushing down on your toe and contracting the calf muscle as it were, and then lowering the heel and then lifting that heel again, lowering the heel, lifting the heel again, each one of those is what they call a soleus pushup. 5009.wav|And by the way, there's about half a percent of people out there that are what are called super recognizers that can recognize faces in a large crowd, they can recognize specific faces even from just partial profiles. 5010.wav|Smoking marijuana chronically, meaning more than twice a week, does appear to reduce testosterone significantly and elevate so called aromatase enzymes, which are the enzymes that convert testosterone into estrogen. 5011.wav|Well, we have to really define what safely means, and we have to really acknowledge that there's a pretty loose set of controls over what one is bringing into their brain and body as they ingest THC and CBD. 5012.wav|How can I say that with any degree of confidence? 5013.wav|There's a value to understanding what a face is as opposed to a non-face, and there's a value to understanding what a particular face is. 5014.wav|InsideTracker is a personalized nutrition platform that analyzes data from your blood and DNA to help you better understand your body and help you reach your health goals. 5015.wav|Before we move into that, I want to just briefly touch on a couple of questions that I got from the last episode, which was related to the science of endurance training. 5016.wav|But at least from a purely neural circuit perspective, the reward is now given. 5017.wav|Helix sleep makes mattresses and pillows that are uniquely designed to your sleep needs. 5018.wav|Well, what that means is that since all of the tissues are very close by and very compact with respect to one another, any increase in the size of the portals that allow movement of blood there and the fact that there are what are called nociceptors, N-O-C-I, nociceptors, these are essentially pain receptors, because of the presence of pain receptors in the tissues around the brain, when there's an increase in the size of those vascular portals, the arteries, capillaries and vessels, we experienced that as intense pain and pressure and fortunately, there are excellent treatments for dealing with that intense pain and pressure but keep in mind that the intense pain and pressure that is the consequence of vasodilation, that is the widening of these different vascular portals is very different than the type of pain that arises from muscular tension as is the case with tension headache. 5019.wav|And the reason we know this is because of some really important and beautiful studies that were done in my colleague Jeremy Balenson's lab at Stanford. 5020.wav|Whereas with cold showers, people are different sized bodies. 5021.wav|Mark Louie, who understood the literature and made it clear that what I needed to do was to occlude the other eye, the eye that was working very well. 5022.wav|I do that on Tuesdays, again, as a way to accelerate recovery. 5023.wav|Now, right off the bat, that should cue you to something interesting. 5024.wav|And I'll say it the way that I would say it, since I'm not a cannabis user. 5025.wav|That could be jogging, a little bit of light calisthenics, might even be hopping on a stationary bike, although to be honest, I loathe the stationary bike, and then setting a timer and doing about 30, but ideally 35 minutes of what I call 75 to 80% of all out. 5026.wav|In the same way that the nicotinic receptors are not there because nicotine is good for us, they're there because there are compounds that exist within us that are good to bind to those receptors from time to time. 5027.wav|David Spiegel and others. 5028.wav|There's some social isolation. 5029.wav|Again, go to athleticgreens.com huberman to claim the special offer of the five free travel packs plus a year supply of vitamin D. 5030.wav|Now that's again a bit of a tangent, but it's a fun one. 5031.wav|It's an almond shaped structure on both sides of the brain. 5032.wav|Well, I've long used a standing desk, or some variation thereof. 5033.wav|There are certain conditions under which one might imagine using nicotine specifically for cognitive enhancement, where performance of complex motor skills would sort of outweigh the negative effects on the neuromuscular system, our ability to generate coordinated movements. 5034.wav|But you absolutely need to relax the system. 5035.wav|And by the way, it's very easy to find apps and other sources of 40 Hertz binaural beats at zero cost or nominal cost out there. 5036.wav|The cortex is like a layered sandwich, the cortex, of course, being the outside of the brain. 5037.wav|Someone brought a theragun along. 5038.wav|But basically, you have a brain area, and anorexics have a brain area that's involved in evaluating and decision making around food, and then another brain area that's involved in the reflexive consumption of particular foods and the reflexive avoidance of other foods. 5039.wav|I mean, if you've ever not slept well for a little bit and you're sick, you experience just how much worse that sickness feels. 5040.wav|Or sometimes there's a slow release formula. 5041.wav|That's certainly not the case, simply that you want to start tapering off the amount of really bright light that you're getting, unless it's sunlight. 5042.wav|And I do believe that these documented effects in humans explain much of the enhancement of attention and of feelings of well being and mood that people typically experience after doing deliberate cold exposure. 5043.wav|Okay, so, again, the biggest increases in dopamine are response to things that are positive and unexpected. 5044.wav|I will mention various products and apps that some of you might find useful for optimizing your workspace. 5045.wav|And you wake up at 06:00 a.m. 5046.wav|If you'd like to see the supplements that the Huberman Lab podcast has partnered with Momentous on, you can go to Live Momentous, spelled O-U-S, so livemomentous.com slash Huberman. 5047.wav|We have what are called endogenous ligands, those that just mean chemicals from within us that we make naturally, even if we never go near the cannabis plant or any other source of cannabis. 5048.wav|Okay, so we have go and no go circuits within the basal ganglia. 5049.wav|Hopefully, those studies will be done in the not too distant future. 5050.wav|And as a consequence, there is a reinforcement both from the behavior and from the dopamine released from the nicotine itself. 5051.wav|And it turns out that there are ways to do that. 5052.wav|And therefore must rely on memory of previous experiences. 5053.wav|I want to caution people against any sort of use of supplements to treat Parkinson's or other conditions without consulting your doctor. 5054.wav|It's a common antidepressant for people that experience negative side effects with the so called SSRIs, selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors that prevent them from taking those things like lessen libido or appetite, or in some cases, increased appetite or any number of other side effects that some people, not all, but some people, experience with SSRis, they'll be prescribed wellbutrin. 5055.wav|They feel like they're winning some sort of game. 5056.wav|And the things that stand out against that repetition as the things to be interested in, so-called signal to noise. 5057.wav|This special offer is the five free travel packs plus a year supply of vitamin D three, k two vitamin D three has been shown to be important for a tremendous number of biological functions. 5058.wav|Some of those things are somewhat intuitive and relate to what I call foundational practices, meaning things that set the overall tone in your body and brain, such that you would be less likely to engage in a particular habit or that would raise your level of awareness both of your situation and to how you feel inside. 5059.wav|Depression is a electrical, or I should say a chemo-electrical, chemo-electrical is the proper term, phenomenon in which the excitability of neurons is reduced. 5060.wav|And if you start to think of those as walls that you can tolerate and climb over while staying calm and clear of mind, then you can really imagine how the ice bath and other forms of cold exposure are really serving to train you up for real life stressors. 5061.wav|First of all, they are the largest muscle groups of the body and by training your legs on Monday, it sets in motion a large number of metabolic processes that carry you some distance, even through the whole week in terms of elevating metabolism, in terms of amplifying certain hormonal events in your body, et cetera, that are really beneficial. 5062.wav|So this really speaks to the polypharmacology, as it's called, of MDMA. 5063.wav|In fact, what we'll soon discuss is that by understanding which type of headache you have and a little bit about the underlying biology of each different type of headache, it becomes quite straightforward to select the best treatment options for you to, for instance, provide relief from frequent and recurring tension headaches, cluster headaches, even sinus headaches, the sorts of headaches that are associated with sinus infections and colds, where the sinuses get clogged up and you experience headache. 5064.wav|And the neurons there that respond to that have a very interesting pattern of connections. 5065.wav|It's signaled by the bladder being full to the brain stem. 5066.wav|But in general, there's a theme. 5067.wav|The studies are fairly invasive. 5068.wav|So for those of you that are interested in increasing creativity through pharmacology, I would say stay tuned for the data on psilocybin and microdosing psilocybin. 5069.wav|So what is nicotine and where is it found? 5070.wav|But there seems to be something about truly creative acts that capture the attention and sometimes the delight of many, many people is that they reveal a fundamental rule about how the brain or the world work. 5071.wav|So there's this asymmetry in how we're wired. 5072.wav|But reward prediction error also says that if you tell the kid or yourself, okay, we're headed to the amusement park, we're going to get some ice cream that really, really excite. 5073.wav|So when we see something green or we see something red or we see something blue, we're not actually seeing it directly. 5074.wav|Now, later, I'll give you a couple of specific examples, but if you want to use mental training and visualization, understand this is the key first principle. 5075.wav|And then later, I'll get back to some of the overarching principles that apply to all strength and hypertrophy workouts across the week, including the ones for the torso, the arms, et cetera. 5076.wav|It reduces the importance of producing more children and sexual activity in those moments and days and weeks, sometimes longer. 5077.wav|You're not trying to imagine new things. 5078.wav|And please also don't eat flamingos. 5079.wav|In fact, caffeine can be neuroprotective, it can enhance focus and so forth. 5080.wav|There's actually a reason for this. 5081.wav|Well, hormonal effects tend to be effects that act not just locally, but on many sites within the brain and body as well. 5082.wav|They will eat until the point that they burst. 5083.wav|Sometimes it's moving in in kind of an infinity symbol. 5084.wav|In our visual system, that light entering the eyes triggers the activation of those melanopsin cells, which triggers activation of the hypothalamus, a particular area of the hypothalamus, which generates alertness, generates the release even of cortisol, a stress hormone in the auditory system. 5085.wav|And when I say most effective, I mean most biologically effective and most cost effective. 5086.wav|Okay, so there are basically four areas, one involved in anxiety, one involved in emotion, one involved in planning, and another involved in this go no go action. 5087.wav|Now, if you are to take one of those rats and deplete its dopamine neurons, you can eliminate its dopamine neurons or block dopamine in the brain. 5088.wav|So, duration, path, outcome, and that entire process relies on your forebrain, this prefrontal cortex. 5089.wav|Those studies have been done as well. 5090.wav|It's really something that I lifted from Dr. 5091.wav|This was a study published in 2016, found generally something similar. 5092.wav|The goals need to be realistic and truly challenging. 5093.wav|Typically people like getting out of them and the feeling that they have after they do them. 5094.wav|Diurnal schedule. 5095.wav|But there does seem to be this direct effect of ingesting nicotine on metabolism, which I find is interesting, because if you look in the literature, one of the reasons why people are reluctant to quit ingesting nicotine, if, for instance, they want to quit using the delivery device to nicotine that's causing such problems for their health, like smoking or vaping, or whether or not they find themselves, quote unquote, addicted to or have the habit of ingesting nicotine. 5096.wav|And when acetylcholine is released, it tends to be released at particular locations in the brain that are associated with whatever activity we happen to be doing. 5097.wav|All of a sudden, you experience that peace, which is the turning off of those brainstem circuits that are associated with vigilance, the locus ceruleus, which we talked about earlier, which release epinephrine and norepinephrine and generate that heightened state of alertness in your brain and body. 5098.wav|It is the spot in which the connections, the wires from all those retinal ganglion cells exit the back of the eye and head off toward the brain. 5099.wav|Because, as I mentioned, the beginning of the episode, that thermostat in the hypothalamus the medial preoptic area will typically react to that by increasing core body temperature. 5100.wav|But motivation is a bit of a vague concept. 5101.wav|And when I say that, I mean the different types of headache, which includes the activation of this thing that we call CGRP. 5102.wav|How can you improve your vision? 5103.wav|Well, here we have somewhat of an exception where if the thing you're trying to learn involves withholding mistakes as opposed to trying to generate the right behaviors per se, well, then you are probably better off doing a combination of mental training and physical training. 5104.wav|If you've ever been sleep deprived, simply if you're sleep deprived and you go outside in the morning, the light is going to seem very, very bright, much brighter than were you to have had a really good night's sleep. 5105.wav|It's all stress for them, but afterwards they feel great. 5106.wav|It's just a genetic predisposition. 5107.wav|That helps us as well. 5108.wav|And I want to emphasize that so much of our mental focus, whether or not it's for cognitive endeavors or physical endeavors, is grounded in where we place our visual focus, what we look at, and our ability to hold our concentration there is critically determining how we think. 5109.wav|And I need sunglasses. 5110.wav|Three nk two. 5111.wav|The data within the peer reviewed literature are there to support these sorts of practices. 5112.wav|Projective or interrogate memories into the future. 5113.wav|So again, the goal for this Friday workout is to really get the heart rate high, do high intensity interval training. 5114.wav|And what they find is that they see enormous increases in the total number of dips that people can do. 5115.wav|Well, I wish I could tell you that if you did nine hours of physical training per week plus one hour of mental training, that your performance would be better than if you did 10 hours of physical training, and that's not the case. 5116.wav|It's like removing a wall between a conversation such that the conversation can take place more fluidly. 5117.wav|And by those criteria, they have something like binge eating disorder. 5118.wav|It means that bright blue light and green light, and of course, light from sunlight, will activate these neurons in the eye, these intrinsically photosensitive ganglion cells, which then activate the lateral posterior neurons, LP neurons, and those LP neurons communicate with areas of the brain that are specifically tuned to different sensory phenomenon, and in particular pain at the level of the meninges and intracranial pressure. 5119.wav|When we are focused on a particular point in visual space or a particular goal or horizon, all those systems, our blood pressure, epinephrine and indeed dopamine, get recruited to put us into a state of readiness and willingness to go pursue things in that extrapersonal space. 5120.wav|Now, should you have the unfortunate experience of getting woken up in the middle of the night following, trying to learn something, or should you simply not be able to sleep for whatever reason on the night following a bout of learning or an attempt to learn? 5121.wav|Or it's also going to depend on, for instance, how slowly you're breathing, because your breathing might be faster than mine, or vice versa. 5122.wav|The question is whether or not you can get them in concentrations that are sufficient. 5123.wav|And when I mean large swaths, I might do every other hour with the phone on airplane mode, or even a two or three hour bout where I just am simply not engaged with the phone at all. 5124.wav|Some people think burpees are downright dangerous. 5125.wav|I guess the question is whether or not, or the dispute, rather, is whether or not those UFOs are actually flown by aliens or controlled by aliens. 5126.wav|It's just going to allow the optics of your eye to be clear. 5127.wav|But this same approach also can help offset and treat headache in other conditions as well, meaning not just for headaches caused by traumatic brain injury, but also headaches caused by sudden onset tension headache or migraine headache, or even perhaps, again, perhaps cluster type headaches. 5128.wav|But a critical feature of this experiment is that they did a number of experiments where they didn't introduce dopamine, but instead they introduced other neuromodulators to the prefrontal cortex, such as norepinephrine or serotonin. 5129.wav|Forward movement generates these eye movements. 5130.wav|One of the day, even if I walk away from the desk, I tend to keep it on. 5131.wav|Okay, one version of this would be okay. 5132.wav|So to summarize this segment and also just to make a more general point, I think it's very useful for people to start to pay attention to what their tonic level, that is their baseline level of dopamine, ought to be in this nigrostriatal circuit and in other circuits. 5133.wav|And some people leverage this by using things like caffeine or taking things like ltyrosine to increase dopamine. 5134.wav|For those of you that are seeking relief from fear and traumatic events. 5135.wav|So if you're somebody who comes home from work and you're very anxious and you have a lot of work to do and you have to deal with a bunch of things, there's a lot of limbic friction to overcome in order to get into that calm state. 5136.wav|And that is the neuromodulator, dopamine. 5137.wav|So it's all very simple. 5138.wav|So, again, as it relates to hyperthermia, if someone is overheating, by all means try and get them out of that heat, get them to stop exercising. 5139.wav|There are circuits in the brain for focus. 5140.wav|So there's one 15-second epoch, as it's sometimes called, E-P-O-C-H, epoch. 5141.wav|They receive signals by way of nerve cells, neurons, and by way of hormones and other things released from the brain and elsewhere in the body. 5142.wav|The study that I mentioned earlier about keeping rooms dark, that was also published in an excellent journal. 5143.wav|First of all, MDMA is a synthetic compound. 5144.wav|So thinking, okay, I can do this for a day, and if I can do it for a day, I can probably do it for two days and then resetting. 5145.wav|We will do a full episode on OCD in the future. 5146.wav|Focusing our visual attention on one particular point is incredibly effective for all types of goal pursuit. 5147.wav|The fact that that happens for me and the fact that many people are pacers or runners or come up with their best ideas while in the shower or while engaging in activities that don't require a lot of sensory attention to one specific location, either visual or auditory, et cetera, that is because it engages these nigrostriatal pathways through movement, which then opens up this library of ideas and allows the intersection of different ideas that normally would be constrained to separate categories. 5148.wav|Focus on the big goal. 5149.wav|And in general, shorter days correlate with colder temperatures. 5150.wav|Initially, I didn't have a choice. 5151.wav|The paper received a lot of attention because, as you can imagine, based on the title, it suggested that even recreational doses of ecstasy, even if it's pure ecstasy and it doesn't have contamination from additional methamphetamine or other things in it, is neurotoxic to serotonergic and or dopaminergic neurons. 5152.wav|For instance, some families really want to eat dinner together every night. 5153.wav|And that alone should set a flag up for you. 5154.wav|MDMA seems to cause these increases in dopamine and all the accompanying effects I just described. 5155.wav|Now let's superimpose on whatever that contour is for you. 5156.wav|The stop signal task was really developed and popularized by Gordon Logan and William Cowen. 5157.wav|This is the sort of working memory test that you would take if you were to go into a psychology laboratory or a neuroscience laboratory and they were studying working memory in humans. 5158.wav|If you find one that you particularly like, maybe put it in the comments section so other people can find it. 5159.wav|Anna Lemke, who's a medical doctor at Stanford University School of Medicine, she's a close colleague of mine, described the use of dopamine in her book dopamine nation, an incredible book about addiction and dopamine, I should mention, and the use of dopamine elicited by cold water exposure by one of her patients. 5160.wav|But where they got permission for that, whether or not it was from someone else or from themselves, I do not know. 5161.wav|If we analyze it on a given time frame, well, then it's going to be good for us. 5162.wav|It does appear that performing these sessions anywhere from three to five times per week is going to be effective. 5163.wav|And here we're starting to get into the realm of the kind of herbal and oil-based treatments for headache. 5164.wav|So with the anorexic, you actually want to encourage them to not constantly be trying to burn off calories. 5165.wav|Because if you think about it, if you can do something perfectly, or if you try and do something and it doesn't cause any neurochemical change in your brain and body, well, then there's no reason for your brain and its connections with the body to change in any particular way, okay? 5166.wav|So that seemed to be pretty triggering for folks out there. 5167.wav|And the long term goal that they looked at was one related to saving money for later in life. 5168.wav|But if we have particular goals that are important to us, we have to be careful to not get distracted by other goals. 5169.wav|There are a number of reasons for this related to the fact that also cortisol is higher in our brain and bloodstream. 5170.wav|And so next we're going to talk about what the literature says about things like visualization, immediate and intermediate goals, long term goals, and how to best achieve those. 5171.wav|And this particular population of people that was explored in this study self identify as Lds and self identify as having taken MDMA anywhere from 22 to 450 times. 5172.wav|Now, these can be somewhat abstract. 5173.wav|And we talked about a number of different things as it relates to neural circuits and the formation of new connections in the brain and strengthening and weakening of connections in the brain. 5174.wav|This isn't something that should be taken lightly, because as we've mentioned before, the fear response can have a very long lasting contour to it. 5175.wav|Those little hair cells, as they're called in your inner ear, are fluttering. 5176.wav|Cocaine certainly falls into the category of addictive drugs, strongly addictive drugs. 5177.wav|Alas, there isn't a lot of science around this, but I think they are worth mentioning, and I think I can offer a little bit of advice in terms of how to navigate these in a way that would be beneficial to you. 5178.wav|Although by understanding the logic and the mechanisms by which these circuits are built, we can eventually get to that place. 5179.wav|It's making people feel focused, and it makes people feel alert when they would otherwise feel a little bit sleepy. 5180.wav|I listed off a number of those things. 5181.wav|It's the person deliberately retelling the story. 5182.wav|You'll see a lot of splitters on social media from time to time they'll say, wait, you didn't mention the alpha two beta six receptor subunit. 5183.wav|Now, those that were placed into the placebo condition do everything exactly the same as I just described. 5184.wav|Fortunately, there is a decent sized kit of drugs that can help with bulimia. 5185.wav|Again, go to athleticgreens.com huberman to get the five free travel packs and the year supply of vitamin D three, k two today's episode is also brought to us by Roca. 5186.wav|And it's very clear that people who have taken MDMA look at faces that ordinarily they would rate as fearful and rate them as less fearful. 5187.wav|I like mine in about 16oz of water and I'll drink that before and after exercise, and I usually have another one throughout the day. 5188.wav|I don't know who decides what's an epidemic or not. 5189.wav|That's the basis of the cathedral effects on analytic performance. 5190.wav|They would be considered what I would call necessary, but not sufficient. 5191.wav|You might try listening to binaural beats for about 30 minutes while doing something else, and then maybe eating lunch or something of that sort, or taking a walk and then going into the work bout. 5192.wav|The title of the paper has to do with psychophysiological responses to potentially annoying heating, ventilation, and air conditioning noise during mentally demanding work, which is a mouthful. 5193.wav|It could be journaling, it could be learning a language, mathematics. 5194.wav|And when it comes to mental training and visualization, and here's the really key point, with mental training and visualization, you are capturing both processes, both the potentiation, that is the building up and strengthening of connections, and the weakening of the connections that are inappropriate for the thing you're trying to learn. 5195.wav|Indeed, I did an entire episode of the Huberman Lab podcast about the formation and storage of long-term memories, including some tools to improve long-term memory. 5196.wav|Now, of course, I strive to consume healthy whole foods for the majority of my nutritional intake every single day. 5197.wav|Today, we'll review all the different types of headaches and what the underlying biology of each and every one of those types of headaches is, as well as, fortunately, the many excellent treatments that exist for the different types of headache. 5198.wav|So these are desks that can be set to a height that makes standing the best practice, and then they can be lowered to a height that makes sitting the best practice, or the easiest practice, I should say. 5199.wav|So that whole process of really leaning into something that's hard, then it becoming easier, and then eventually that thing becoming more or less reflexive involves a migration of the information in the brain, and once it's migrated out to a different location in the brain, at that point it's achieved context independence. 5200.wav|But I do think it's very important to segment out MDMA from the other so called classic psychedelics and also segment it out from ketamine. 5201.wav|So this is the sort of thing that you could imagine you or other people could do while seated, while doing zooms or while on calls, or maybe even while eating, doing that sort of thing. 5202.wav|Craig Heller, my colleague in the biology department at Stanford. 5203.wav|That's just like the photograph or the accurate portrait of somebody's face. 5204.wav|Now that doesn't necessarily mean that for something to be considered creative, it has to be useful in the practical sense, but it does seem that for something to be considered truly creative or especially creative in some cases, that it revealed to us something fundamental about the way that we or the world works. 5205.wav|I should say that Maui Nui meats are not only extremely high quality, but they are also delicious. 5206.wav|We could do it every week. 5207.wav|I don't know where that got started. 5208.wav|But the average of 15% is both striking and shocking. 5209.wav|Again, if you're interested, go to helixsleep.com huberman to get up to $200 off your mattress order and two free pillows. 5210.wav|However, if you pair the ringing of a bell with a presentation of food enough times, the dog will salivate in response to the food. 5211.wav|It also heavily depends on the cognitive labels and the decisions we make about the things that we see. 5212.wav|21 days of new habit, 21 days of testing those new habits as whether or not they're reflexive or not. 5213.wav|And my read of the literature is that the edible forms of marijuana, cannabis probably. 5214.wav|Again, if you happen to fall asleep, that's not necessarily a bad thing. 5215.wav|We will be talking about smoking and vaping and other routes of nicotine administration, both for sake of highlighting their detriments to health. 5216.wav|Let's say I want to get into the habit of making myself or someone else in my household a cup of espresso every morning. 5217.wav|The hippocampus is where memories are formed. 5218.wav|And it turns out that number is exceedingly low. 5219.wav|That leads us to a place where the short answer is no. 5220.wav|And indeed, there's a face embedded in there. 5221.wav|Now, the dorsilateral striatum is a structure that we should think about in a little bit more depth. 5222.wav|You can get a sample of what a 10 minute NSDR script looks like, that's through Virtusan, put that out there. 5223.wav|It can really program it into your nervous system so that within a short period of time, hopefully within 18 or maybe even six days, or who knows, maybe even fewer days, you'll find that executing those behaviors is very, very straightforward for you, and that you won't have to feel so much limbic friction or override so much limbic friction. 5224.wav|Although if you'd like to sign up for future newsletters, you can get those. 5225.wav|They've been shown to be important for regulating mood, for the microbiome, for restricting inflammation in the brain and elsewhere in the body. 5226.wav|So there have been times when I've only got three or four hours of sleep the night before, and I'm feeling really behind the ball the next morning, but I really want to get my workout in. 5227.wav|You might be somebody who can get away with training for an hour and a half, and that won't impede your recovery. 5228.wav|Again, that's takethesus.com slash Huberman and use the code Huberman at checkout for 10% off your first box. 5229.wav|You actually burn a lot of body fat and calories that way, provided you're in a caloric deficit. 5230.wav|It is by no means perfect. 5231.wav|But it turns out that the more firing of striatal dopamine neurons that's occurring, the more frequently we blink. 5232.wav|So people are waking up in nicotine withdrawal and then immediately going into the behavior of ingesting nicotine, or very soon after waking for most people. 5233.wav|You also don't want to be hypoglycemic. 5234.wav|And right now, we are on the cusp of MDMA becoming legal. 5235.wav|Without risking a heart attack. 5236.wav|Because as we do this, we can build toward a set of protocols that at the end, you'll be able to very quickly plug in your particular goals and a route to those particular goals that's grounded in the science and that I think are going to be very effective in allowing you to reach those goals more quickly and with indeed, less effort. 5237.wav|Then it's about setting milestones that are intermediate to that goal. 5238.wav|But this study has some unique takeaways that I think are really interesting. 5239.wav|Again, sunlight being so congruent with health you can imagine how photophobia can lead to all sorts of negative downstream consequences. 5240.wav|Remember, I want to try and get that 200 minutes of zone two cardio across the week. 5241.wav|I've talked about these previously on the podcast and elsewhere. 5242.wav|I hope it supports you in your goals. 5243.wav|So naming and giving an identity to a real world skill and applying the same name or identity to the mental version of that, the visualization of that, can enhance the mental training and visualization in significant ways. 5244.wav|So once a month, I'm going to host an Ask Me Anything, so-called AMA, where you can ask me anything about specific topics covered on the Huberman Lab Podcast, and I will answer those questions. 5245.wav|Let's talk about the safety and potential neurotoxicity of MDMA. 5246.wav|Again, that's hubermanlab.com premium. 5247.wav|So when we eat, the amino acids from various foods are broken down and synthesized into different types of tissues. 5248.wav|And there's also a literature on cannabis altering the pattern of inspiratory and expiratory laughs. 5249.wav|But of course, there are more and more approaches to increasing not just nicotine, but acetylcholine generally in order to achieve cognitive enhancement or physical enhancement, or I should say physical performance enhancement. 5250.wav|Exactly what the protocol should be is still something that needs to be cultivated. 5251.wav|You can count on that. 5252.wav|I say fascinating because it has an incredible set of subjective effects in terms of how it makes people feel, and it has a fascinating history. 5253.wav|So basically it's one month heavier, the next month slightly lighter, although I wouldn't say light, I would say moderate weight and moderate rep range. 5254.wav|The same thing is true for getting through deliberate cold exposure. 5255.wav|Shepard did these incredible experiments in which he had students mentally visualize simple objects, like a square, like a triangle, and he measured how long it took them to do that. 5256.wav|Again, there's essentially zero risk to doing yoga, nidra, NSDR, as I mentioned before. 5257.wav|And one of the hallmarks of the studies we've been doing lately is very brief, five minute a day interventions of the sort that was used in this particular study, although I should emphasize I had nothing to do with this particular study. 5258.wav|There's always two numbers, right? 5259.wav|Now, here we can extrapolate to the study that I discussed at the early part of the episode where I was talking about the use of short 15 minutes exercise, kind of moderate intensity exercise, and how that was shown to increase levels of energy and mental acuity in these working memory, visual attention tasks. 5260.wav|They realize that none of this changes overnight. 5261.wav|That one's a tricky one. 5262.wav|In addition, please subscribe to the podcast on both Spotify and Apple. 5263.wav|You're always talking about neuroplasticity and how it tapers off over time. 5264.wav|There are circuits in the brain related to creativity and so on and so forth. 5265.wav|They are in the psychiatric manuals, and they are diagnosable, and they are serious health concerns. 5266.wav|Rather, you want to do as many repeats as you can in about a 15-second epoch, and then rest for about 15 seconds, and then repeat for a total of 50 to 75 repetitions, which might not sound like a lot to some of you, might sound like an awful lot to others of you. 5267.wav|Again, I'm not demonizing anybody for using cannabis, but I want to make the point very simply and very directly. 5268.wav|In other words, there's a kind of a sweet spot of elevated dopamine for divergent thinking. 5269.wav|This is why drugs that increase dopamine are known to decrease prolactin, at least in the short term. 5270.wav|I got out of the pool, I opened my eye, but I couldn't see through that eye. 5271.wav|So again, if you think about deliberate cold exposure as a way of just systematically and reliably inducing epinephrine and norepinephrine release and delivering stress, well, then this idea of maintaining cognitive clarity and actually engaging in cognitive tasks while in the ice bath or cold shower can actually be very beneficial. 5272.wav|So MDMA is very different than the other psychedelics. 5273.wav|For those of you that can place your desk near a window, and even better, to open the window, that would be really fantastic. 5274.wav|And unfortunately, I think most of the people that are using ice packs to increase their core metabolism are not aware of the glabor skin cooling and how it can be a very, very potent stimulus. 5275.wav|It just happens suddenly. 5276.wav|After a common recreational dose regimen of MDMA, or ecstasy. 5277.wav|Now a discussion of long-term memory is not the focus today, but me being a neuroscientist, and I like to think you all generally being interested in the underlying biology, I'll just mention that there is a key structure within the brain that is part of a larger neural network that is a collection of structures, which is absolutely essential for the formation and storage of long-term memories. 5278.wav|But you weren't thinking about the air conditioner before, tells you that your auditory system had kind of attenuated to it, and yet it was still impacting your system. 5279.wav|Chufu's lab has shown that the specific needle insertion sites can activate the sensory pathways and can deactivate the sensory motor pathways. 5280.wav|They're trying to navigate through this because, remember, for them, the reward is in the avoidance of certain things and the acquiring of only the foods that their brain rewards them for, because those are the foods that have been preselected and are now habit. 5281.wav|That brings us back to the critical, and I should say defining feature of the dopamine reward pathway for motivation and well being, which is that initially a given substance will cause, let's say, an eight out of ten, again, arbitrary units, but eight out of ten increase in dopamine. 5282.wav|Some people experience a lot of sexual arousal from cannabis and THC in particular, and some people do not. 5283.wav|And it's often been said that five to 10 grams per day of creatine monohydrate, depending on how much you weigh, five to 10 grams per day of creatine monohydrate, can increase creatine phosphate stores in muscles, can bring more water into muscles, can make you stronger, increase power output, and that is all true. 5284.wav|You can also find some additional resources related to that. 5285.wav|And it's the refocusing of your attention to that location after it drifts that succeeds in increasing your focus ability again, not just during the meditation and afterward, but at other times as well. 5286.wav|Our first sponsor is Bel Campo. 5287.wav|All those kinds of shoulds and shouldn'ts that are circulating in your head, that's one box. 5288.wav|The reason I bring this up is that I always get asked, is it true that it takes 21 days to form a habit? 5289.wav|It brackets the habit. 5290.wav|Hard to believe that I'm that old, but I just recently turned 47 and I still use this basic protocol or template across the week and modify it according to what my particular goals are that year, that month, even that day, because I like you live in the real world. 5291.wav|We will also do an entire episode all about vaping in the future, but there's really no way to slice it and dice it or candy coat it. 5292.wav|So wellbutrin being the commercial name again, bupryprone is what they'll be prescribed instead, with the caveats of seizure risk, renal disease, liver disease, et cetera. 5293.wav|So during the toolkit for focus episode, we talked about a large number of behavioral, pharmacologic, and other interventions that you can use to increase your level of concentration and focus for whatever purpose, cognitive endeavors, learning languages, focusing in school, on work, et cetera, or physical pursuits. 5294.wav|We do read all the comments. 5295.wav|Well, different studies have used different ranges of let's call them repetitions in a given training session, but the number that seems to be most effective is somewhere between 50 and 75 repeats per session. 5296.wav|So it's a stimulant. 5297.wav|Here we're talking about the fatty membrane, the barrier around each tissue. 5298.wav|Bout the one thing you absolutely do not want to do is to go outside and check your phone. 5299.wav|These are the experiments, as you recall, where if people are told to look for clouds in their mental visualization, they tend to look up, or if they're looking for something on the floor, they tend to look down even behind closed eyelids. 5300.wav|The second live event will be hosted in Portland, Oregon on May 18. 5301.wav|It's incredibly delicious. 5302.wav|This podcast is separate from my teaching and research roles at Stanford. 5303.wav|And so you can start to see how PTSD sets up a whole cascade of things that make living life extremely problematic at the level of basic relationships, functioning in the workplace. 5304.wav|Can find many examples of this in the literature, where binaural beats of about 40, some cases, somehow brought the brain into a state that made it optimal for learning, for memory, and for certain types of recall, including verbal recall, math learning, et cetera. 5305.wav|It's a really nice article. 5306.wav|Before we wrap up, I do want to emphasize one tool. 5307.wav|Puberty, at a very broad level is the most significant and dramatic developmental step anyone goes through in their lifespan. 5308.wav|What this means is that when we have headache, or if we simply have photophobia on its own, that bright light is actually the trigger for pain sensing and even the creation of pain at the level of the meninges and intracranial pressure. 5309.wav|Serotonin is a neuromodulator that tends to increase the activity of certain neural circuits, including within the hypothalamus, but also within the body, that trigger a sense of satiety, of having enough. 5310.wav|And then for more of a stretching movement might be something like a chin up or a pull up. 5311.wav|But even better would be to broaden the time bin and start to positively anticipate the period headed into the habit. 5312.wav|Never ceases, but is slowing down or has slowed down to the point where we would say developmental plasticity is largely over, and you're now operating in the context of adult neuroplasticity. 5313.wav|So if it's a weight training workout by simply reducing the total number of sets, I probably wouldn't do any sets to failure. 5314.wav|If you're enjoying this podcast and learning from it, please subscribe to our YouTube channel. 5315.wav|So spending a few minutes, you might even just do this for two minutes of looking at something up close that's going to activate these accommodation mechanisms and then moving it at arm's length and focusing on it for 510 seconds, maybe more, maybe 15 or 20 seconds, then slowly moving it into a location and then out. 5316.wav|He is our associate chair of psychiatry. 5317.wav|Routinely throughout the podcast, we talk about supplements. 5318.wav|The specific trauma now that could be through narrative telling. 5319.wav|They also miraculously observed that despite this being, again, a small muscle, 1% of the total muscle mass, so very small oxidative use, they saw big improvements in systemic metabolic regulation. 5320.wav|We are going to talk about setting goals. 5321.wav|There can be a lot of different origins to that. 5322.wav|They examined the effects of psychedelic truffles where they knew what sorts of psychedelic compounds were contained there on two creativity-related problem-solving tasks, the picture concept task, which I don't expect you to recognize or know, but it assesses convergent thinking and the alternative uses task, which I also don't expect you to know, but is a standard task for assessing divergent thinking. 5323.wav|So something that I've really started utilizing more recently, and by more recently, I really mean within the last year or so, is I purchased one of these weight vests that can be anywhere from 10 to 50 pounds. 5324.wav|So this would be writing arithmetic, basically cognitive work of any kind. 5325.wav|Dopamine is intimately involved in that circuitry. 5326.wav|And if your vision is already poor, many of these things that I'm talking about today, perhaps all of them, will improve your vision to some degree. 5327.wav|Other forms of neuroplasticity, like learning a language, learning music, learning math, those take a while. 5328.wav|And that's a very concerning scenario. 5329.wav|So let's talk about eating disorders. 5330.wav|Looking at whatever it is that you're looking at. 5331.wav|I will post a link to this. 5332.wav|They always want to be moving and burning calories. 5333.wav|The fact that all of that is in very close proximity and wrapped really tight in this very durable sack is one of the reasons why when blood vessels or arteries or both become dilated, they open, there creates a pressure between the brain and those tissues and because there isn't much distance between the tissues like the dura and the meninges and the skull, there's also pressure that allows for the brain to literally sneak up or I should say, give the impression that your brain is expanding up against your skull. 5334.wav|You could imagine, for instance, that you get three repetitions of the swing within 14 seconds. 5335.wav|You never want to look at any light that's so bright that it's painful and you never want to force your eyelids to stay open. 5336.wav|And at some level, that's sort of a duh. 5337.wav|I mean, if you think about it, this is a set of neural circuits that engage the same algorithm over and over in different contexts, in order for us to be able to navigate new environments, familiar environments, to interleave different activities, different strategies, to task switch, to rule out distractors, it's oh so critical to every aspect of our waking life. 5338.wav|For me, that was the Dusk mattress, D-U-S-K. 5339.wav|Reflexes, on the other hand, don't involve the prefrontal cortex in the same way. 5340.wav|Maybe you go use the restroom. 5341.wav|I use hack squats because I don't do free bar squats for safety reasons, and I like the hack squat machine. 5342.wav|As we get tired, we tend to blink longer and longer until we take the long blink, that is sleep, I guess the long blink would be death, but the longish blink would be sleep. 5343.wav|So, as the title suggests, both clinical trials involve giving people talk therapy and MDMA, or talk therapy and placebo. 5344.wav|Which is really just a way of saying how hard should the given task be that you're trying to learn or perform? 5345.wav|In fact, there are even data suggesting that humans can have strong oxytocin responses to their pets. 5346.wav|It was really interesting to see how food was served up and how it was taken in those households. 5347.wav|So it's not just important in males. 5348.wav|Way back at the beginning of the episode, I promised you that I would deliver two programs that are geared towards habit formation. 5349.wav|There are what we call declarative long-term memories. 5350.wav|So it was a pleasure to share some of those with you today as well. 5351.wav|Now, there is a nominal cost to the premium channel, it's $10 per month, or you can pay $100 for the entire year. 5352.wav|In other words, some adults are able to access their creative spirit when engaging in childlike play with children, or for that matter, with adults. 5353.wav|And that's because of the dopamine circuits and in particular along the nigrosteroidal pathway becoming more active. 5354.wav|In the first form of cooling that they call traditional cooling, they had ice packs on their neck, in their armpits and in their groin. 5355.wav|How inspirational does it need to be? 5356.wav|And of course, there are the caveats of if you're training hard late in the day, if you're adjusting your hormone status through whatever mechanism, et cetera, protein synthesis can also be high later in the day. 5357.wav|I'll hydrate with it before and after if it's a really hot day. 5358.wav|There's a vast literature on the effects of cannabis on fertility. 5359.wav|So, the title of this study is, repeated exposure with short term behavioral stress resolves preexisting stress induced depressive like behavior in mice. 5360.wav|So we've got amygdala. 5361.wav|It's about the state that we are in and whether or not we had anything to do with placing ourselves into that state and whether or not we did that on purpose or not. 5362.wav|Not so much during today's episode, but on many previous episodes of the Huberman Lab podcast we discuss supplements. 5363.wav|And in many cases, reductions in the frequency and intensity of headaches that are at least as great as the results that are seen with non-steroid anti-inflammatory drugs. 5364.wav|The first live event will be hosted in Seattle, Washington on May 17. 5365.wav|So for instance, propasagnosia is a condition in which people are unable to recognize particular faces. 5366.wav|So we've got skill, speed, power, strength, hypertrophy, muscular endurance, anaerobic endurance, what I would call three to 12 minutes endurance, although it goes by other names as well. 5367.wav|In other words, how you can become more resilient through the use of deliberate cold exposure. 5368.wav|And in the past, these people were referred to as propasagnosics, okay? 5369.wav|And this increase in dopamine, particularly in the striatum, is not a trivial one. 5370.wav|So that's a lot of information. 5371.wav|The default mode network, or DMN, is the network that is active in our brains. 5372.wav|And that has to do with where our visual focus is in a given environment. 5373.wav|What Hughle and weasel discovered, and what's been affirmed many, many more times over in subsequent studies, is that it's competitive that the two eyes are competing for real estate up in the brain. 5374.wav|But in this case, it was a couple of different baseball related tasks. 5375.wav|So I do think they need to be considered as quite potent. 5376.wav|Thank you once again for joining me for today's discussion, all about the science and effective implementation of mental training and visualization. 5377.wav|Try and generate a fairly restricted visual window, as we call it. 5378.wav|If any of this is vague, now, I'm going to make it all very clear for you. 5379.wav|Removing distractors and getting your body and brain into a mode of activation. 5380.wav|But nonetheless, it provides a baseline to compare to the average levels of oxytocin in the bloodstream of people that were given 1.5 milligrams per kilogram of MDMA, which is 83.7 peakograms per milliliter. 5381.wav|Well, that sounds crazy. 5382.wav|It's at Hubermanlab.com. 5383.wav|Instead, what we're going to do is we're going to start with a program that essentially is designed for you to maximize all aspects of fitness to the extent that you can simultaneously maximize all aspects of fitness, but then to change or modify that protocol so that if you want to build up more, for instance, strength and you want to just hold on to the endurance you have, you don't want to build endurance, at least not in that week or that month, you can do that. 5384.wav|Now, a problem with a lot of blood tests and DNA tests out there is you get the numbers back, but you don't know what to do with those numbers. 5385.wav|And remember earlier when I said that MDMA is a purely synthetic compound? 5386.wav|So there's a bit of a mystery here, and the mystery is why is it that migraine headaches occur at such greater frequency in females, even independently of the menstrual cycle? 5387.wav|And the key thing to understand is that the cerebellum communicates with the primary motor cortex, and it can do so through what's called inhibition. 5388.wav|Enough food, enough warmth, enough social connection, enough of any motivated goal or drive, or any type of thing or behavior that one would want more of. 5389.wav|And by the way, I'm speaking in Fahrenheit here. 5390.wav|And again, there aren't many studies of them. 5391.wav|Now, this has some obvious implications. 5392.wav|Turns out that there is a circuit that goes from your bladder, literally neurons that go from your bladder to your brain stem. 5393.wav|Again, it could be music, could be exercise is an excellent way to elevate dopamine. 5394.wav|So maybe on one street in your neighborhood, you know the Joneses, on another street you know the chows, and another street, well, in your body you have the nicotinic acetylcholine receptors and then you have the so called muscarinic acetylcholine receptors. 5395.wav|Something about divergent thinking and open monitoring is related to suppressing memory. 5396.wav|What I mean are motor sequences, if you're trying to learn something in terms of physical movement, or visual sequences or auditory sequences, if you're trying to learn things in terms of music or dance, et cetera, that can be completed and repeated in 15 seconds or less. 5397.wav|And sometimes that pain can extend for quite a while. 5398.wav|Are people addicted to plastic surgery? 5399.wav|Why do I say that? 5400.wav|And what you get to do is you get to adjust this avatar of yourself to the point where you think it's as accurate as it could possibly be. 5401.wav|And that points to the idea that when we are in movement, we recruit neuromodulators associated with the so called reticular activating system, the striatal system, and so forth. 5402.wav|I wanted a mattress that wasn't too firm, not too soft. 5403.wav|Those improvements were significant, but they weren't enormous, okay? 5404.wav|Now, some of you are probably asking, hey, what if I was in the high or long working memory span group? 5405.wav|So what's unique about Banksy? 5406.wav|In order to properly leverage deliberate cold exposure for sake of mental health, physical health and performance, you have to understand how cold impacts the brain and body. 5407.wav|So this is a really powerful compound. 5408.wav|Not ideal, but better than not doing anything. 5409.wav|Now, does that mean that if you ingest superphysiological amounts of that stuff that it's going to make your vision that much better? 5410.wav|We have not yet done one on schizophrenia, but both bipolar disorder and schizophrenia have a very, very strong genetic component. 5411.wav|Yes, those compounds are different forms of amphetamine, but those compounds we know can increase neuroplasticity, the rewiring, LTP, LTD, et cetera, within the neural circuits that control focus, attention, and working memory. 5412.wav|It's called your blind spot. 5413.wav|They feel like they want to move a lot. 5414.wav|Now, those are some of the mental effects of deliberate cold exposure. 5415.wav|So again, if you're interested in trying Helix, go to helixsleep.com slash Huberman for up to $350 off and two free pillows. 5416.wav|The first line of the study is this is the first in vivo, not just meaning in the organism, in this case, this was a study on humans. 5417.wav|Now, of course, when we are anxious, when we are tired, when we are intoxicated, we have less access to that ability. 5418.wav|And it's important to point out here that both the physical training and the mental training groups experience significant improvements in their reaction time and accuracy at the stop signal task. 5419.wav|And then they were analyzed for perceptual speed, visual attentional control, something called working memory, which is your ability to keep certain batches of information online. 5420.wav|There are species of primates, this isn't very pleasant to think about that urinate on their hands and then wipe it all over their stomach, and then use that sunlight to reflect different signals to each other. 5421.wav|It's designed to embed a memory of certain previous experiences in us, such that the threat reflex is activated in the anticipation of what might happen. 5422.wav|I occasionally cave and I eat one or many, but in general, I try not to cave to the immediately rewarding properties of the smell and the taste of the donut. 5423.wav|Again, only do this if you can do it safely. 5424.wav|And then in order to not miss a day, I would do it at 11:00 at night. 5425.wav|More about this study includes the fact that the benefits they observed were very long lasting as long as two hours after a meal, they could still see this improved blood glucose utilization. 5426.wav|And this is something I'm going to touch back on a few times during today's episode. 5427.wav|And they do so in the following way. 5428.wav|And the example that Robert gave is a really phenomenal one. 5429.wav|Neuroplasticity, broadly defined as the nervous system's ability to change in response to experience, but at a cellular level, that occurs through a couple of different mechanisms. 5430.wav|As I mentioned, the nigrostriatal pathway is involved in movement and in eye blinking, which of course is a movement. 5431.wav|Well, there haven't been many, but there've been a few very interesting studies looking at how mental training and visualization can improve the no go aspect of motor learning. 5432.wav|And it involves a whole set of mindsets and emotional states that vary tremendously between individuals. 5433.wav|It's a very powerful result, in my opinion, because what it says, again, is that our visual perception of the future, or our visual perception of the present, is what allows us to anchor our goal directed systems and our motivation to take on things that, in the immediate term, might not seem that useful. 5434.wav|Well, sex differences have been explored and age-related differences have been explored in terms of people's ability to mentally visualize and train up specific skills. 5435.wav|And I certainly think the book, the body keeps the score, is a pioneering book. 5436.wav|And if that's your goal, terrific. 5437.wav|And in fact, the data continue to be released all the time that many of the things that we think of as herbal, et cetera can actually have quite potent effects. 5438.wav|It can negatively impact learning and immunity and even blood sugar, and make people type two diabetes prone by way of communication from these melanopsin cells to a structure in the brain called the habenula. 5439.wav|But what's interesting about kava is that kava functions by increasing GABA, this inhibitory neurotransmitter in the brain. 5440.wav|I don't know what that image would look like because I've never seen it. 5441.wav|That's kind of neurotransmission in a nutshell. 5442.wav|One thing that we know for sure is that females suffer from migraine headaches at a rate at least threefold higher than do males. 5443.wav|So that's the main way that MDMA, and by extension, methamphetamine, increase dopamine. 5444.wav|You can get injured doing those. 5445.wav|And the drop in temperature actually helps you access sleep. 5446.wav|Narrative should not be undervalued as a tool for relieving fear and trauma. 5447.wav|If your sodium levels are too low, your neurons simply won't work. 5448.wav|If you do train in phase two, I highly recommend, highly recommend that you start doing some sort of NSDR type activity after you train within an hour or two, because that will allow you to taper down and relax so that you can get into the next phase we're going to talk about, which is phase three. 5449.wav|And if you are able to finish all of that in 45 or 50 minutes, great. 5450.wav|If you'd like to try inside tracker, you can visit insidetracker.com huberman to get 25% off any of inside tracker's plans, just use the code HubermaN at checkout today's episode is also brought to us by Helix Sleep. 5451.wav|That probably would also help, and perhaps on their neck. 5452.wav|Same thing with the heat. 5453.wav|Turns out that when people set goals, whether or not they are nutritional goals, eat more of this or eat less of that, whether or not they're fitness goals, run more, lift more, or some other goal, swim less, swim more. 5454.wav|Blood pressure went up in a direction that wasn't effective and useful. 5455.wav|Unless you have a very large house with walls that are very far away from you. 5456.wav|I talked about on the Joe Rogan podcast. 5457.wav|However, the inverse is also true. 5458.wav|However, there are a couple of key hubs, that is locations within the brain, that are especially important for working memory. 5459.wav|So reducing pain can be good, of course, but not if you have to take more and more of a given drug that has side effects on the liver and can offset the effects of exercise and so forth. 5460.wav|There's a bony barrier there called the cripiform plate, and there's some other things as well, but it's not far from your nostrils to your brain. 5461.wav|And proteins that are downstream of this bmal gene influence protein synthesis. 5462.wav|What they found was that the dorsilateral prefrontal cortex, not surprisingly, is involved in the decision making and the evaluation of this food. 5463.wav|But it is a ramping up of energy. 5464.wav|And this particular paper focuses also on the metrics of productivity. 5465.wav|And you can do these sorts of perceptual experiments of telling people, look at the face, look at the vase, look at the front of the cube, and I'll make it at the back of the cube, and they can do this somewhat deliberately. 5466.wav|Zone two cardio is the kind of cardiovascular exercise in which you're pushing yourself to move such that you're breathing faster than normal. 5467.wav|And there does seem to be a very nice relationship between physical distance, between you, the uninfected person, and the sneezing, coughing, nose wiping, eye wiping, we'll get into why I mention all of those things in a moment, person that is suffering from the flu. 5468.wav|It actually feels below baseline because what you're seeing is the lower amplitude of arousal that was there to offset the increase you were getting from vaping or smoking. 5469.wav|That's a terrific, zero cost way to support us. 5470.wav|Hebian learning is when particular neurons are coactive, meaning when they fire together, they tend to strengthen their connections with one another. 5471.wav|But then that inflammation triggers an adaptation event or series of adaptation events that leads to greater strength, greater speed, more muscle, more endurance, whatever it is that you happen to be training for. 5472.wav|Now, I'd like to shift our attention to some of the negative health effects of cannabis and shine light on some of the individuals or groups out there that need to be especially wary of and probably avoid cannabis use entirely, including ingestion of cannabis by way of edible. 5473.wav|Unless I covered this eye, and then I could see perfectly fine. 5474.wav|Now, I know many people out there, having heard me talk about dopamine before, worry, well, can I release too much dopamine? 5475.wav|Receptor systems in the brain and body, especially receptor systems like the cannabinoid system, that are used to being kind of tickled, not punched, tickled by endogenous cannabinoids. 5476.wav|In some cases, yes, provided that those interventions are done early enough. 5477.wav|But for those of you that just want to be more habitual about certain things, be able to perform certain things more reflexively that you would like in your life, simply take the time, do it once, maybe twice, and just sit down, close your eyes, if you like, and just step through the procedure of what it's going to take in order to perform that habit. 5478.wav|And while supplementation isn't required or great for everybody, some people do derive tremendous benefit from supplements. 5479.wav|Well, the short answer is it probably can be rescued to some degree. 5480.wav|When dopamine systems go awry, that is, if their levels get too high, that can create manic states. 5481.wav|We'll talk about those studies in a moment. 5482.wav|Execution is a unique opportunity to insert a different type of what we would call adaptive behavior. 5483.wav|We do eventually read all the comments, and they do influence our future content. 5484.wav|Is it always about not feeling pain? 5485.wav|Well, it turns out that for something to be creative, it actually has to reveal to us something fundamental about the world or about how we work. 5486.wav|Okay, the next question that I always get is, what should my mental state be while I'm exposing myself to this uncomfortable yet safe condition of cold? 5487.wav|Our first sponsor is InsideTracker. 5488.wav|However, the expectation is that you'll only complete four to five of those each day. 5489.wav|It's now been shown in three studies, the antioxidant enzyme profile. 5490.wav|But only a certain percentage of that is passed into our long-term memory. 5491.wav|What this means is that if you are somebody who experiences anxiety or increased levels of focus from cannabis, regardless of the strain, here, I have to imagine people are exploring different strains, if they're exploring them at all, exploring different modes of delivery, smoking or ingestible, et cetera. 5492.wav|So one has to be very careful stress and deliberate entry into stress and self stressing are very potent tools. 5493.wav|Maybe not first thing in the morning, but mid morning, maybe as late as three or four in the afternoon. 5494.wav|That's all wonderful stuff to have in mind, literally, when you are exercising or competing in sport or something of that sort. 5495.wav|Or if you're somebody who really just wants to maintain strength, but you want to build endurance, we'll talk about that. 5496.wav|You want to try and keep the blinders on, or I should say the invisible blinders, so that whatever you're looking at falls within the region of visual space in front of you that is present. 5497.wav|And so I'd like to begin by talking about what exactly nicotine is and how it impacts your brain and body. 5498.wav|What they saw was an improvement in liver enzymes, an improvement in insulin sensitivity, which is something that is good. 5499.wav|But most people out there can see and see pretty well, and visual focus is the way to do that. 5500.wav|We're moving things all day. 5501.wav|So thank you once again for joining me for today's discussion, all about the science and tools for creativity. 5502.wav|So palms facing you, chin ups are three sets of chin ups, depending on whether or not you're in a heavier load month or a more moderate weight month. 5503.wav|We were all told, and continue to be told from many sources, that ingestion of dietary cholesterol is what drives high levels of bodily cholesterol. 5504.wav|It also relates to the biology of dopamine, and you can find all of that in the episode with Dr. 5505.wav|Minimal ventilation. 5506.wav|We partnered with Thorn because they have the highest levels of stringency with respect to the quality of ingredients, the precision of the amounts of those ingredients. 5507.wav|That is, how your brain and body regulates its temperature. 5508.wav|InsideTracker makes understanding all of that very easy and even better points to specific directives, that is, things you can do in terms of your lifestyle, your nutrition, supplementation, et cetera, in order to bring those numbers related to metabolic factors, lipids, hormones, et cetera, into the ranges that are optimal for you, your immediate and long-term health. 5509.wav|And the reason we have eyes is to communicate information about time of day to the rest of the brain and body. 5510.wav|This is why it's so important to understand that if you are somebody who really seeks to be creative, you really do need to be somebody who forages for information and structured information in particular if you are to be creative. 5511.wav|If I don't say otherwise, then throughout this episode, if I say cold exposure, I mean deliberate cold exposure. 5512.wav|However, if you are somebody who achieves heightened levels of relaxation and reduced levels of anxiety from cannabis, regardless of which strain we happen to be talking about, well, then, yes, it will position you to be in a heightened state of creativity, at least as defined by convergent and divergent thinking. 5513.wav|And the anorexic brain seems to reward suppression of one set of behaviors, ingestion of high calorie foods, and to reward focus, or even hyper focus and consumption of low fat, low calorie foods. 5514.wav|If you look at the prevalence or the rates of anorexia in the last ten years or 20 years, and you compare that to when anorexia was first identified, which was in the 16 hundreds and perhaps even earlier. 5515.wav|But for those of you that are thinking about using nicotine to enhance cognitive function as adults, and your brain development is slowing down, right. 5516.wav|Many of us, even if we do get sunlight, do not get enough vitamin D three. 5517.wav|So for me, I have been teased before, I have a very short interpupillary distance. 5518.wav|And really in between sets, you can use that to calm yourself down and conserve energy. 5519.wav|What they observed was a 65% increase in dopamine release. 5520.wav|So we certainly are going to cover some material about improving dopamine for sake of improving working memory now. 5521.wav|They used a wide variety of ages, time of day, people who tended to walk a lot or not walk a lot. 5522.wav|They also have something called the inner age test. 5523.wav|And we'll talk about that in terms of something that's called the cathedral effect in a few moments. 5524.wav|So when we focus on something, say, a line on the wall for 30 to 60 seconds, or at our computer for 30 to 60 seconds, and just look at it and then move into any kind of action, whether or not it's work action or physical action, we are, at its very core, we are engaging in this pursuit of extrapersonal space. 5525.wav|The negative health outcomes that are going to occur, the disappointment you're going to have in yourself. 5526.wav|And I want to point out that the main degree of effect is on volume or the ability to do more work. 5527.wav|You could, of course, just put it down and reengage in the work behavior. 5528.wav|And again, you don't need to move into a different home or build a slanted roof and work at one side of the room at one part of the day and the other side of the room at the other. 5529.wav|So once a week, I'll check in with myself. 5530.wav|Some people are going to put their head under, some people are going to are going to lean forward. 5531.wav|Now, spontaneous imagination is something that you can try at any moment if you were to close your eyes and to try and not pay attention to the sounds around you, but even if you do, to just pay attention to whatever thoughts or feelings emerge when your eyes are closed, okay? 5532.wav|So there's an array of different effects. 5533.wav|The work in my laboratory focuses on human subjects, but the similarities of the stress system, at least at the level that it was explored in this study, I think have great relevance, maybe even direct relevance to humans. 5534.wav|By the way, we don't just have episodes about sleep, master your sleep, perfect your sleep, et cetera. 5535.wav|So I do want to talk about a few other things that can perhaps improve vision. 5536.wav|There are books, there are articles, there are workshops and so forth. 5537.wav|Remember, they've established a strong rapport supportive relationship with these therapists prior to taking MDMA in the therapy session, and then they also undergo 390 minutes therapy sessions with the two therapists spaced one week apart after the final MDMA session. 5538.wav|On average, they take your money more than you take theirs, and they take more of it, not just more often, because they use this random, intermittent schedule. 5539.wav|And in addition to that, they can get peripheral neuropathies because of some of these metabolic issues. 5540.wav|And sometimes, not often, but sometimes I'll get in a few minutes or more of walking quickly that day. 5541.wav|Now, earlier we talked about MDMA as a drug that potently increases dopamine and even more potently increases serotonin, largely acting through this serotonin one b receptor. 5542.wav|But they also make a lot of other habits easier to execute. 5543.wav|Unfortunately, that doesn't often occur. 5544.wav|And I could go on and on. 5545.wav|And so whether or not someone gets incredible anxiety relief enhanced sense of mood and focus and well being, pain relief, et cetera, or whether or not they have full blown panic attacks, et cetera, is very hard to predict based on dosage information alone. 5546.wav|So today we discussed creativity, this absolutely fascinating aspect to human brain function that has allowed us as a species to develop everything from great works of art and music to technological innovations that allow us to fly and allow us to access people all over the world through little screen devices that we carry around in our pockets and on and on. 5547.wav|That means plenty of salt, sodium, magnesium, and potassium, the so called electrolytes, and no sugar. 5548.wav|So it doesn't seem that trying to tell someone, oh my gosh, you're so thin, you really need to eat, that doesn't seem to work. 5549.wav|We will provide a link to them in the caption if you'd like to go further. 5550.wav|Most people are familiar with stress, both as a concept and as an experience. 5551.wav|If you inhibit melatonin, the effects of light inhibiting melatonin are actually very potent. 5552.wav|The reason I know therapy is so valuable is that if you can find a therapist with whom you can develop a really good rapport, you not only get terrific support for some of the challenges in your life, but you also can derive tremendous insights from that therapy. 5553.wav|And that raises perhaps the most important point, which is the way that Palmer cooling can improve performance by way of reducing core body temperature is known. 5554.wav|They basically did 50 imagined trials, so just in their mind's eye of this one, two, one, three, one, two, one, four, one, five, on repeat, okay? 5555.wav|I'm not laughing at it, I'm just chuckling, because it seems like the acronyms get longer and longer and longer. 5556.wav|For other people, that might not be the case. 5557.wav|So again, no need for expensive red lights, but you can find red lights very easily online and simply have them on hand or replace the current lights that you have on your nightstand or in whatever room you happen to be in with these red lights. 5558.wav|And I recently did a podcast episode all about psilocybin and its therapeutic exploration and its chemical basis, et cetera. 5559.wav|For me, the ideal thing to do for me, again, you could do something completely different. 5560.wav|But we can have anxiety without having fear. 5561.wav|And the meninges provide an additional buffer between the brain and the dura and the skull. 5562.wav|I'm going to feature an expert guest or actually several expert guests in this area because it is a rapidly evolving and somewhat controversial field. 5563.wav|In particular, dogs. 5564.wav|But that obvious statement can be leveraged to systematically build up what we call resilience. 5565.wav|And it is a fact that norepinephrine and epinephrine release in the brain and body are the generic universal code for stressor. 5566.wav|It's patreon.com slash Andrewhuberman. 5567.wav|He was able to go out and run 12 laps, what seemed to be an all out sprint or close to it. 5568.wav|We also have these things called eyelids. 5569.wav|And then the way these studies were done is that the janitorial staff was swapped out temporarily for researchers that actually measured the number of recyclable items that showed up in the trash and not in the recycle as a function of the total amount of trash. 5570.wav|So before you head to the end of the podcast to try and figure out ways to increase dopamine to improve working memory, please keep that fact in mind. 5571.wav|That said, the general rules are smoking marijuana increases prolactin in men and women, which will reduce dopamine and testosterone. 5572.wav|So I'm not just thinking about habit execution as this isolated little set of events or this little time bin, but rather I'm drawing a larger envelope around it and starting to positively associate dopamine reward with that larger envelope. 5573.wav|The first one dealing with exercise induced hyperthermia. 5574.wav|What it suggests is that for all of us, if we have certain goals that we want to achieve, we need to be exquisitely detailed about what the action steps are that we are going to take and to constantly update those action steps so that we have a higher probability of meeting those action steps. 5575.wav|But we are also going to talk about the role of cannabis in anxiety, in depression, both positive and negative effects. 5576.wav|Well, have you ever seen kids heading in to get ice cream? 5577.wav|With that said, today's discussion really will include a full picture as to where cannabis and the various and even very specific compounds within cannabis can be extremely useful in the treatment of some ailments, and where certain compounds in cannabis can be extremely dangerous for certain individuals to use, in particular individuals that have preexisting genetic propensity for psychosis. 5578.wav|Now I don't want to die and please don't die, right? 5579.wav|And when I say that, I don't mean an increase in sympathy for others of the emotional sort. 5580.wav|As life goes on, we tend to lose beige and brown fat. 5581.wav|I should point out that while some of the material I'll cover will overlap with information covered here on the Huberman Lab podcast and on various social media posts, most of the information I will cover is going to be distinct from information covered on the podcast or elsewhere. 5582.wav|And my standing bouts can be anywhere from 30 minutes to 2 hours, although 2 hours would be a little bit long. 5583.wav|This can be translated to cold water exposure after training is beneficial and probably better than passive recovery from a number of standpoints. 5584.wav|And as a final point on that, many of you are probably asking, what about plastic surgery? 5585.wav|What they found was that the mental training and physical training groups, so mental and real-world training groups, performed significantly better in the stop signal reaction time, that is they were able to withhold action when they needed to withhold action, more frequently and with more accuracy than did either the physical training or mental training groups alone. 5586.wav|However, everything I'm about to describe has been later confirmed using things like fMRI. 5587.wav|However, in the study, it did not seem to matter when the resistance training fell. 5588.wav|Okay, there's a lot more to it, but if you've ever heard the phrase fire together, wire together, sometimes that is misattributed to Donald Hebb, who did talk about neuroplasticity. 5589.wav|And it's absolutely clear from these data that the more cannabis one uses, the more impaired those neural circuits are. 5590.wav|And of course they were being evaluated for whether or not they were taking any meds for ADHD, their caffeine consumption, et cetera. 5591.wav|But assuming you do it in a safe location, I would encourage you to try it for, really for 20 to 30 minutes when you first explore it. 5592.wav|Of course there are exceptions. 5593.wav|Now, what we do know is that there are people in the general population that have taken a lot of MDMA, anywhere from one to 200 or sometimes even in excess of 400 doses of MDMA. 5594.wav|Anytime we are directing our attention to a visual target or an auditory target, we are not as able to engage in divergent thinking. 5595.wav|I confess it does happen to be my voice. 5596.wav|In addition, we have a Patreon. 5597.wav|I have a dominant eye. 5598.wav|In fact, they leave the endogenous cannabinoid system essentially dysfunctional, which in some cases may be a good thing, but in most cases is going to lead to problems of various kinds, and we'll talk about what sorts of problems. 5599.wav|In fact, I have a colleague in the psychology department at Stanford who told me an anecdote, and admittedly it's just an anecdote, of a student who was recruited to Stanford, both for their academic prowess, but also for their abilities in tennis and was injured in their first year and at first thought this was devastating, but did a cognitive reframe around the idea that that, let's call it extended layoff from actual tennis was going to afford them the ability to do more mental training than they would otherwise, even though they were quite sad to not be able to do actual physical training for tennis. 5600.wav|When THC is brought into the system over and over again, meaning twice a week or more, the binding of THC, that cb one receptor eventually causes a sort of habituation or attenuation of the entire process of binding the receptor and creating the psychoactive effects. 5601.wav|You will also hear that 6% of males suffer from migraines. 5602.wav|In any event, nicotine does seem to be very good at enhancing cognitive function, at least in the short term. 5603.wav|Oftentimes people who experience migraine because it is a recurring phenomenon will know when a migraine is coming on, they'll say, my migraine is coming on, they kind of sense it coming. 5604.wav|It turns out that's not the case. 5605.wav|I just briefly want to mention a paper that was published by my good friend and phenomenal scientist and physicist for that matter, Chris Neal, who's up at the University of Oregon in Eugene. 5606.wav|Outside of the nervous system, things like your liver and your stomach, et cetera. 5607.wav|In addition, they tend to respond to happy faces, or even slightly happy faces as more kind or more generous or happier than they would when they are not on MDMA. 5608.wav|It decreases negative feelings of mood. 5609.wav|That means you've traversed yet another wall. 5610.wav|So deliberate cold exposure is a terrific way to increase your core metabolism. 5611.wav|But again, Andy Galpin beautifully supplied us with the information. 5612.wav|And the freeze response is controlled by a number of brain centers. 5613.wav|We have to ask, what changes? 5614.wav|They measured their metabolism, and they looked at serum levels of things like norepinephrine, epinephrine, dopamine and cortisol, serum meaning within the blood. 5615.wav|So it turns out that the key to generating long term depression in these pathways is actually to take the period immediately following the bad habit execution. 5616.wav|And there have been some follow up studies as well from the University of Pennsylvania and other universities. 5617.wav|But even though that body fat is secreting this hormone, leptin, and that signal should shut down the desire to eat, the receptors to leptin in the brain are totally screwed up. 5618.wav|At least that's how I view this literature. 5619.wav|I'm going to simplify this study. 5620.wav|You might think, well, that just seems endlessly boring and simple. 5621.wav|Although, even in cases where people are raised away from their parents through adoption, et cetera, it's very hard to separate nature and nurture because somebody with a natural proclivity for things might engage in those things more, et cetera, et cetera. 5622.wav|But I want to get to the point where I really feel like I could not pedal any faster or pull any faster on the assault bike, the Airdyne bike. 5623.wav|Now, of course, it does that only in the context of a caloric deficit, but it can actually help create that caloric deficit. 5624.wav|So things like reverie, meditation, things like heat and sauna, hot baths, hot showers, those are terrific things to do in the second half of the day. 5625.wav|Let's say what you're trying to do, like a golf swing takes you five seconds to imagine in your mind's eye. 5626.wav|I do want to talk a little bit more about vision and how it works internally. 5627.wav|The younger the person, the more uncoordinated their movement of utensils. 5628.wav|When dopamine is increased, our visual attention for particular things out in space increase. 5629.wav|That's just me. 5630.wav|You have cones in your eye that respond best to the wavelength of light that is reflected off, say, a green apple. 5631.wav|So it's got to be inspirational and exciting. 5632.wav|And that's important, because one of the hallmarks of fear and one of the hallmarks of trauma is that they involve fear responses that are long lasting. 5633.wav|Nicotine also triggers the release of certain neurochemicals from the ventral tegmental area itself. 5634.wav|It shifts the brain towards a mindset, if you will. 5635.wav|In fact, no one can do it until they do something else. 5636.wav|People with Parkinson's who actually have selective deficits of dopamine within the substantia nigra, nigrostriatal, remember substantia nigra, show deficits in what? 5637.wav|It's indirect, but it's essential, right? 5638.wav|But then encountering that and in behaving in a certain way and thinking in a certain way and pursuing our goals in an effective way, maybe checking in on that each week, we definitely need to reward ourselves cognitively for the correct and successful pursuit. 5639.wav|We have migraine headaches, tension headaches, cluster headaches. 5640.wav|And the fact that they increase focus, they are effective, although they do have their side effects, sometimes severe, sometimes habit forming, sometimes even addicting as well. 5641.wav|Now, this is very important to understand in the context of ADHD, but also for people who don't have ADHD and are struggling to maintain focus and attention and carry out working memory tasks throughout their normal everyday life, not in the laboratory, but just moving through life. 5642.wav|Today, we are discussing fitness. 5643.wav|InsideTracker is a personalized nutrition platform that analyzes data from your blood and DNA to help you better understand your body and help you meet your health goals. 5644.wav|Yoga nidra, for instance, is a practice that's been around for hundreds, if not thousands of years, in which people deliberately lie still. 5645.wav|First of all, limit your options. 5646.wav|Although I definitely want to underscore the fact that even people who do not have traumatic brain injury can experience headaches as the consequence of hitting their head. 5647.wav|But there's one other really important point that I think everyone should be aware of. 5648.wav|There are many different aspects to the autonomic nervous system. 5649.wav|And so on as part of a 30 day challenge of doing deliberate cold exposure every day for 30 days. 5650.wav|So for instance, if you've learned anything, and of course you have, if you can understand what I'm saying, you've learned English language. 5651.wav|It requires focus and it requires persistence. 5652.wav|And so I'm doing that to improve cardiovascular function, improve brain health. 5653.wav|But most stressors, and in particular things that evoke stress or our feelings of stress internally that we don't like, do not increase dopamine. 5654.wav|It's not going to prevent you from understanding today's discussion. 5655.wav|And the ways that they've increased dopamine in those individuals, had tended to rely on pharmacology. 5656.wav|So the reason they explored omega-3s is worth mentioning. 5657.wav|Tachykinanin is a very interesting molecule in our brain, and it turns out that tachykinanin is activated in neurons of what's called the central amygdala and some nearby structures. 5658.wav|And when people smoke or eat or ingest indica varieties, the psychoactive components of indica, and again, this is pure indica, so not hybridized with sativa at all, but just pure indica, tend to lead to more full bodied effects. 5659.wav|This is a teacher, a science teacher, or I believe it's a math, maths, as they say in the UK, because she's in the UK, math teacher. 5660.wav|It causes hair growth, changes, the voice, it can affect libido. 5661.wav|Are they trying to extract from others? 5662.wav|Book, dopamine Nation. 5663.wav|But you are dramatically increasing the probability of an oral cancer or of a mucosal lining cancer of some sort. 5664.wav|If the person isn't adjusting their feeding behavior in a way that is going to ameliorate the symptoms of that disorder, which is ultimately the goal. 5665.wav|The participants in this study were grouped according to whether or not they had experienced any aphrodisiac effects during the intoxication with cannabis. 5666.wav|The annual Reviews series is a very high quality series. 5667.wav|Now this is interesting, and it actually was highlighted very nicely in a study I'll provide a link to in our show note caption which actually has Dr. 5668.wav|That does not mean that it would be a bad idea to put cold water on the top of their head. 5669.wav|The behavior, whether or not you suppress the behavior, you turn off your phone and you go read a book or you go to sleep, or whether or not you stay up all night or you stay up for another hour, even five minutes. 5670.wav|Now, this is where things get really interesting and frankly, really exciting for everybody, especially the folks in the low working memory span group. 5671.wav|And here, no disrespect to the cat owners, but I'm just referring to the studies that have been done on humans and dogs. 5672.wav|Cover up the other eye. 5673.wav|That's rooted in the biology of habit formation, rooted in the psychology of habit formation. 5674.wav|We will provide a link to it for you if you'd like to peruse it in more detail. 5675.wav|They seem to want to be in the state of having a lot of energy. 5676.wav|These are fatty acids that come in the form of so-called EPA and DHA. 5677.wav|Essentially, what's happening nowadays is that through plant biology, plant genetics, I should say, growers are getting quite efficient at creating a variety of different strains of the marijuana plant that give rise to very nuanced and distinct effects on brain and body. 5678.wav|When we have a lot of things in our visual environment or a lot of things in our cognitive environment, it's the same thing. 5679.wav|Other people are really calm. 5680.wav|Now, what types of things would those be? 5681.wav|I'll also read through those, and perhaps in a future episode, I'll call about some of the ones that I've tried on the basis of your suggestions. 5682.wav|Several of these were double blind studies. 5683.wav|Now there's also a small, but nonetheless very exciting literature on the relationship between physical movement and divergent thinking. 5684.wav|And while it includes many different brain areas, that one circuit is the same circuit that's responsible for pursuing all goals, and it relates to some very basic neurochemical mechanisms that are understood. 5685.wav|And you'll notice that it actually is relaxing to look at a horizon. 5686.wav|So what I will typically do is a 20 to 30 second all out sprint using arms and legs and then 10 seconds rest and then repeat. 5687.wav|So there are two aspects of migraine that I think are particularly important to understand for sake of the treatment, and that's the dilation of vessels. 5688.wav|I don't do that to be too much of a lumper. 5689.wav|Because if you get light in your eyes that's any brighter than that, you're going to severely deplete your melatonin levels. 5690.wav|I've long been a believer in getting regular blood work done for the simple reason that many of the factors that impact your immediate and long-term health can only be analyzed from a quality blood test. 5691.wav|This was somewhat surprising, but it was very clear from the literature that I was able to find that using nicotine patches for some period of time and then switching to a gum and then perhaps switching to a nasal spray, that's going to be the most effective. 5692.wav|Some people believe that the cephalopods are extremely intelligent. 5693.wav|That's the Soberg principle. 5694.wav|After all, they gave these people nasal infusions of oxytocin. 5695.wav|Keep in mind that, well, for certain people there is a path to living. 5696.wav|There are ones that are 60 days to this or 21 days to that, or 18 days to this. 5697.wav|So, really the polar opposite of what you see in anorexia. 5698.wav|There are accelerators that essentially push out more dopamine, get more dopamine released, and there are breaks of the so called gabaergic variety. 5699.wav|Now there are a couple of solutions to this that don't involve a wall mount or stacking books or boxes. 5700.wav|These eye exercises of near far smooth pursuit and checking for dominant and nondominant eye can be very beneficial. 5701.wav|And the one that I'll highlight, because the results are now very clear and conclusive, is a study that was published back in 2002, which was entitled severe dopaminergic neurotoxicity in primates. 5702.wav|If you go to the dreaded department of Motor Vehicles. 5703.wav|But there are a lot of mistakes out there. 5704.wav|Well, there are these four pathways, one's involved in movement, but these other ones are involved in motivation and desire and reward. 5705.wav|So zone two cardio is a common form of describing that level of intensity that they call moderate intensity. 5706.wav|So I'd like to discuss now whether or not cannabis can impact patterns of speech, both acutely, meaning while under the influence of cannabis, and over time, in chronic cannabis users. 5707.wav|But neither is the case. 5708.wav|There are some exceptions to that, but most people follow that pattern because of the different neuromodulators and hormones and so forth that are released into the brain and body at those different phases. 5709.wav|Okay, so it's a very distinct compound. 5710.wav|A small selection of people decided that the ingestion of butter was a health concern. 5711.wav|Your heart is beating faster than normal. 5712.wav|I thought that nicotine increases the likelihood that we can maintain healthy neuronal function and cognitive capacity. 5713.wav|There's also a function in the reverie app for smoking cessation, which exactly parallels the sort of in laboratory and in clinic approaches that Dr. 5714.wav|They have a terrific aesthetic, so you can wear them to work, to dinner, et cetera. 5715.wav|You simply go to hubermanLab.com, go to the menu, scroll down to newsletter, and provide your email. 5716.wav|This is part of what's led to this enormous industry. 5717.wav|Let's say it's too much anxiety around food. 5718.wav|It's a hyper acuity on one particular feature, you miss the big picture. 5719.wav|Focus on particular visual points as a way to harness your attention and to remove distractors. 5720.wav|You're turning the terrible, really upsetting story into a terrible, boring story. 5721.wav|When you learn new information, as you are right now, the storage of that information in your short-term memory networks, which is then passed on to your long-term memory networks and that can be recalled, that allows you to state certain facts about, for instance, the existence of this thing called a hippocampus. 5722.wav|Now, perhaps surprisingly, mental training and visualization has been studied since the late 1800s. 5723.wav|Second, plan concretely, you need a concrete set of actions that you're going to follow in order to reach your goals. 5724.wav|Symptoms are how we diagnose. 5725.wav|I'll explain what these are in a moment. 5726.wav|The typical age of initiating cannabis use nowadays is about 19 years old, so 18.7. 5727.wav|Roca understands this and has designed their sunglasses and eyeglasses to be worn in any number of different conditions and for you to still be able to see with crystal clarity. 5728.wav|For instance, I do enjoy eating butter, not in huge amounts, but I do like butter. 5729.wav|That's actually quite tough. 5730.wav|And have no trouble sleeping. 5731.wav|How do you know depth? 5732.wav|There are bulimics who fit the psychological criteria of anorexia, and so there's a lot of overlap between those two categories. 5733.wav|That means that on the first to about the fourth or fifth day of the menstrual cycle, first being the first day of bleeding till about the fourth or fifth day of the menstrual cycle, both estrogen and progesterone are very, very low. 5734.wav|And I'm going to teach you how to measure your limbic friction and activation energy for how likely it is that you're going to be able to break a habit that you don't want to have. 5735.wav|Sometimes for weeks or months or even longer, people go in for periodic re-ups of Botox. 5736.wav|That's a mouthful. 5737.wav|When we talk about deliberate cold exposure, almost always that means getting uncomfortable. 5738.wav|Why can I say that? 5739.wav|So the way I use element is I usually will mix up one packet into about 16 to 30oz of water in the morning and drink that first thing in the morning when I wake up or around breakfast time. 5740.wav|And that is an increase in dopamine and a decrease in Gaba. 5741.wav|On a consistent basis, is going to suppress dopamine because of the way that that light activates these melanopsin cells and the habenula and the dopamine system. 5742.wav|So one of the major important differences between vaping and cigarette smoking is that the onset of dopamine release from vaping is faster. 5743.wav|These are increases in metabolism that are about 2%, up to about 5%. 5744.wav|Because light inhibits the hormone, melatonin can make it very hard to fall back asleep. 5745.wav|And it's very exciting in a way that has motivated lots of popular press outlets to talk about or to discuss papers that have discovered neurogenesis in the adult brain. 5746.wav|And this is something that in the past I talked about a little bit, and I've talked about something called spacetime bridging. 5747.wav|And that's what we call resilience or grit, our ability or mental toughness, our ability to lean into challenge or to tolerate challenge while keeping our head straight, so to speak. 5748.wav|You would never say that one key on the piano represents that song, but that key is necessary. 5749.wav|This carries through for all the resistance training workouts, regardless of the day of the week. 5750.wav|What if you haven't eaten and you're hungry? 5751.wav|It would register the environment as artificially cool, right? 5752.wav|You've told us before that we should focus for 90 minutes. 5753.wav|So you need to be mindful of that. 5754.wav|So I had to spend at least three years of ten minutes a day is what I recommend doing near far, covering up my good eye, doing near far with my bad eye. 5755.wav|If your behaviors around vision aren't right, you cannot expect to have good, healthy eyesight for a long time, meaning throughout your lifespan. 5756.wav|And I would hope that you would have other activities that you would engage in. 5757.wav|And then we'll transition directly into how you can use light and eyesight to control this other stuff, because it's very important. 5758.wav|I mean, how many people do you know that after you take a picture of them, they say, can I see the picture? 5759.wav|Ketamine is a dissociative anesthetic. 5760.wav|Now, that's not exactly what anorexia is, but these AGRP neurons are like an accelerator on wanting to eat. 5761.wav|So again, a lot more work to do today. 5762.wav|What you're doing is you're taking this entire series of events, what I'm calling this kind of time envelope, and you're associating it with a particular reward that comes later, which for me would be the feeling that I've completed this. 5763.wav|And the good news is anyone can get better at mental training and visualization in ways that can serve them well. 5764.wav|Then think about yourself taking that same brisk walk on a very humid summer day. 5765.wav|And that has everything to do with very, very high density of cb one receptors in the hypothalamus and in particular areas of the hypothalamus, like the arcuit nucleus of the hypothalamus. 5766.wav|Now, training the neck can be a little bit detailed and specific and even dangerous if you do it wrong. 5767.wav|So the nervous system, of course, is what controls muscles, and that operates in both directions. 5768.wav|And I'm aware that many people are working through those things through journaling, through talking to a friend, through any number of different sort of nontraditional approaches. 5769.wav|They come from the presence of glucose in the blood or the absence of glucose in the blood. 5770.wav|Well, that's because they increase dopamine in the case of methamphetamine, and dopamine and serotonin in the case of MDMA, and they do so to a very high degree. 5771.wav|Whereas once they, quote unquote, perfect the tennis serve, it's going to be line drawn directly over line, drawn directly over line, meaning the arc of that tennis serve is going to be very restricted. 5772.wav|Things like the physiological side, two inhales through the nose and a long exhale. 5773.wav|Now, I didn't say that omega-6 fatty acids exacerbate headache, but it does seem that people who ingest more linoleic acid and omega-6 are experiencing more inflammation. 5774.wav|So what I'm basically saying is that, no, I don't believe you should train if you're sick. 5775.wav|One are prior memories coming from brain, areas that are involved in storage of memories. 5776.wav|Lesser dopamine is released when we anticipate something good will happen. 5777.wav|Deliberate cold exposure causes increases in norepinephrine, which bind to receptors on the surfaces of white fat cells, which triggers the release of things like ucp one. 5778.wav|Every episode is also indexed and searchable in the search function on our website, hubermanlab.com. 5779.wav|One pathway is engaged when our vision is brought to a common point, what we call a virgin's eye movement. 5780.wav|They're doing all this while in a scanner. 5781.wav|The amygdala is most often associated with fear. 5782.wav|It actually has a name, which is dura, D-U-R-A. 5783.wav|So when you head out for that long Sunday hike, or as you'll soon hear, whereas on Friday you're going to do high-intensity interval training, what you'll notice is during certain months of weight training, when you're training more heavy, those workouts will feel, literally will feel different than they will during the months when you're doing moderate repetition work. 5784.wav|The other things that I'm describing about lighting and screen positioning and posture, those will also help maximize your focus and will limit that ramp up time into a focus state. 5785.wav|Not typical for a working memory task, but there are some working memory tasks where that happens. 5786.wav|And it really centers around one or two studies, both of which were published in very high profile journals. 5787.wav|It actually triggers some of the areas of the brain that are involved in wakefulness. 5788.wav|It's one that's really catching on. 5789.wav|Intervention in which people with the support of a clinician, we would hope, would deliberately induce a physiological state that's very stressful, not shying away from the stress response, but increasing their own stress response deliberately and maybe in conjunction with recounting the traumatic or fearful circumstance. 5790.wav|And if you shine light in one eye and that pupil constricts but the other one doesn't. 5791.wav|You're on the North shore of the island. 5792.wav|However, starting at about adolescence, we can all start to decide what it is that we want to learn and engage in self-directed adaptive plasticity. 5793.wav|I drink one packet of Element dissolved in about 16 to 32 ounces of water when I wake up in the morning, as well as while I exercise. 5794.wav|Or you don't weight train at all, or you weight train afterwards or before. 5795.wav|And so that brings us to which treatments are directly related to the fear circuitry and the circuitry related to trauma. 5796.wav|But it turns out that's not the case. 5797.wav|Okay, we know this from brain imaging studies. 5798.wav|Typically, buprone is taken in 300 milligram per day doses, divided into two dosages of 150 milligrams each. 5799.wav|But they've been quite generous in hosting a ten minute NSDR read by me. 5800.wav|So remember, your eye is an Optical Device. 5801.wav|You can find also apps that deliver so called binaural beats. 5802.wav|So they had them do it for as long as 270 minutes total throughout the day. 5803.wav|Vision is the dominant way that we evaluate the world around us. 5804.wav|In other words, mucuna prurines increases dopamine levels. 5805.wav|This is a discussion that we should hold off for a longer full episode on traumatic brain injury. 5806.wav|Again, however, both physical training and mental training groups alone saw significant improvements, but the combination of mental training and physical training was far greater than you saw with either one of those alone. 5807.wav|So again, if you go to athleticgreens.com huberman, you can claim their special offer, the five free travel packs plus the year supply of vitamin D three, k two. 5808.wav|Now, I confess when I first started researching this area of headache and treatment for headaches that is, I found myself approaching it with a bit of trepidation because when I started to hear about essential oils and about herbal medications and things of that sort, I thought, okay, well, there'll probably be some effects. 5809.wav|I've long been a believer in getting regular blood work done for the simple reason that many of the factors that impact your immediate and long term health can only be analyzed with a quality blood test. 5810.wav|They literally called it group a for aphrodisiac, and then the second group. 5811.wav|If you're not already following Huberman lab on Twitter and Instagram there, I do short neuroscience tutorials. 5812.wav|But it is surprising if you think about the fact that alcohol use disorder and some other addictive disorders oftentimes will stem from disruptions in neural circuitry that are the same disruptions in neural circuitry that occur in PTSD, but often are the consequence of entirely other brainwiring phenomenon. 5813.wav|Now, in reality, no system of the brain and body is divorced from the nervous system because the nervous system is controlling everything. 5814.wav|And yet, we need to acknowledge this and address this immediately. 5815.wav|They've done some really beautiful controlled studies. 5816.wav|We are also going to talk about the history of MDMA and why it became illegal. 5817.wav|What that means is that once we understand which brain areas are involved in the disorder and we understand what receptors those brain areas express, then there can start to be additional interventions by way of noninvasive treatments, things like drug treatments. 5818.wav|However, mental training and visualization can and has been shown to be effective for greatly enhancing the speed at which you learn and the stability of that learning over time. 5819.wav|And this is a very interesting and powerful step because what it really captures, at least as viewed by me, the neuroscientist, is it captures a whole set of neural circuits about what that motivational state means, because motivational states dictate a huge number of possible different outcomes, but they really constrain the number of different actions and outcomes that any of us would engage in. 5820.wav|And it turns out that people in that second group, simply by perceiving their own image in the future, invested far more money into later life. 5821.wav|So everyone in the experiment does that. 5822.wav|So this is the second principle of mental training and visualization. 5823.wav|How cold should the water be? 5824.wav|For other people around 23. 5825.wav|Thesus understands this and therefore has designed custom nootropics that are tailored to your specific needs and that allow you to enter the brain and bodily states that are optimal for things like focus, energy, creativity, and so on. 5826.wav|And they're not very well coordinated, not because they lack sufficient numbers of neural connection synapses between neurons, but rather because they have too many connections between too many different neurons. 5827.wav|And so what this paper really explores is other ways to access creativity. 5828.wav|And in addition to that, I know that there are going to be people out there who, for instance, might be injured, or you're traveling and you're stuck on a plane, or you're in the classroom and you're forced to study all day or take notes all day, you're just not getting enough opportunity to get those steps that you want to take, whether or not it's 10,000 or fewer or more, getting enough steps or movement. 5829.wav|But let's say, as you're trying to learn a new piece of music, you're just constantly inserting that at the inappropriate times. 5830.wav|Now, this is a topic we didn't get into in too much detail today, because I didn't want to include even more biological detail. 5831.wav|It involves deep relaxation, yet remaining wide awake and conscious. 5832.wav|Oftentimes that information and those tools overlap with themes on the podcast, but sometimes they are distinct from themes and topics covered on the podcast. 5833.wav|And so results in mice really do translate quite well to results in humans, at least insofar as the effects of MDMA and which neurochemicals are involved is concerned. 5834.wav|Narrative theory was actually birthed in 335 BCE in his writing called Poetics, which I think is incredible, at least to me, that people long before us were thinking about creativity and what goes into creativity. 5835.wav|But the idea here is that people who are suffering would be able to achieve relief from their PTSD, their depression, their addiction, and to be able to do so by hopefully persisting in their therapy over whatever period of time is required, but also to assume a circumstance in which somebody only has ten or 15, or maybe even just three opportunities to undergo treatment for PTSD, and nonetheless is able to achieve tremendous relief during the session and after the session. 5836.wav|Well then, do you do another one, or do you wait until the end of that 15 seconds? 5837.wav|I encourage you not to obsess too much about those sorts of points. 5838.wav|Make sure that you're not holding yourself close to your body, you're not hugging yourself to try and keep yourself warm, but rather your limbs are extended at your sides. 5839.wav|Analgesic means pain relieving effect of omega-3 fatty acids in what had been a randomized control trial. 5840.wav|That is the essence of setting a goal. 5841.wav|And again, that's not a strict cutoff, but roughly 25 years or older. 5842.wav|Rather, foreshadowing failure, visualizing failure, and all the terrible things that it's going to bring seems to be more effective, and that maps very well to what's known about the neural circuitry and the involvement of the amygdala. 5843.wav|When your lungs are empty, even if you have plenty of oxygen in your system, those barrel receptors send a different signal to the brain, which is there's no oxygen in here and you should breathe. 5844.wav|So it appears that deliberate cold exposure can create what we call, or what Han Solier called u stress. 5845.wav|I know for you addicted exercisers that you're going to loathe to do that, but that's one way to stay injury free, keep your joints and tissues healthy over time, and continue to make progress. 5846.wav|So there again, you have the negative health effects that younger people are smoking, that women are smoking more nowadays, and that even though you see less smoking, typically in the US and Canada and even in northern Europe, some places, there's still many, many people are smoking who would like to quit. 5847.wav|There is a way also that you can orient your nervous system toward this tax bracketing process so that your nervous system is shifted or oriented towards the execution of a given habit. 5848.wav|And this is completely aside from any so called positive effects or beneficial effects of cannabis that people might derive from occasional use as adults, meaning people older than 25. 5849.wav|So if I weigh 100 kilograms and it's 150 milligrams for every kilogram, that means that if I were a subject in the study that they would give me 15,000 milligrams, that is 15 grams of L-tyrosine prior to doing these cognitive tasks. 5850.wav|Whereas if you're going to do detailed analytic work, I would suggest doing that during phase one of the day. 5851.wav|Third, we've really emphasized supplements that are single ingredient supplements and that are supplied in dosages that allow you to build a supplementation protocol that's optimized for cost, that's optimized for effectiveness, and that you can add things and remove things from your protocol in a way that's really systematic and scientific. 5852.wav|And indeed, 15 Hertz binaural beats was able to produce a small but significant improvement in that sort of working memory tasks. 5853.wav|I can never pronounce these compounds. 5854.wav|So today we did a deep dive, which is often the case on this podcast, into mental training and visualization. 5855.wav|When we are low in sodium, our neurons don't work as well. 5856.wav|So in other words, they're trying to maintain a constant level of nicotine for whatever activities they needed to perform. 5857.wav|If the brain gets that signal, it doesn't actually know e, it doesn't recognize it until you were to play another key next to it. 5858.wav|We will talk about those products later in the episode, some of their potential advantages, some of their potential disadvantages. 5859.wav|Now, I believe there's a clear benefit to training all these muscle groups together on the same day. 5860.wav|Well, this is a very unusual circumstance of having big increases in dopamine and big increases in serotonin caused by the same compound. 5861.wav|So I'm very excited about these data, both the five minute intervention data from the animal study, the work that's ongoing in my laboratory and Dr. 5862.wav|That's going to keep the system intentionally off balance so that it never comes to expect one single pattern or amplitude of dopamine release. 5863.wav|In other words, you are blind for a huge spot of your central vision, the part of your vision that's highest acuity, highest detail, and yet you don't see that ever. 5864.wav|Not unlike blinders that we talked about before, that one would put on a horse or one would put on them themselves by restricting their visual angle of focus to directly in front of them, but not too far out beyond the sides of their head. 5865.wav|We always assume it's something cute and nice, but maybe they're insulting each other. 5866.wav|Well, most people deal with photophobia by deciding to turn off or dim all the lights and simply getting under the covers or wearing a very low brimmed hat and putting on sunglasses, and they want to lie down. 5867.wav|And then that goal seems very, very hard to attain. 5868.wav|And I want to emphasize about 15% of the time because there's no way to configure protocols for sport or language or math or anything else where you're going to have exactly 15% errors. 5869.wav|So there's a big future of research for cannabis and for THC and THC related psychoactive compounds, as well as for CBD and CBN. 5870.wav|Everything you see around you, you're not actually seeing those objects directly. 5871.wav|Entire relationships, entire childhoods, wartime experiences, combinations of different traumas, and on and on. 5872.wav|The threshold for coactivation has been reduced. 5873.wav|So this really isn't about animal based versus non animal based foods. 5874.wav|Later we will talk about how you can actually use nicotine to get over smoking addiction. 5875.wav|But I did think it was important to point out, even if briefly, that having ADHD is not a barrier to creativity, in fact, may actually be an enhanced portal to creativity, but that it doesn't allow people to access the convergent thinking that allows creative ideas to be implemented into specific strategies, pressure tested, and eventually delivered in the form of a final product of music, art, et cetera. 5876.wav|Satiety, of course, being sated or feeling like we've had enough food. 5877.wav|So I think the longest I ever went was three and a half hours. 5878.wav|Nonetheless, when people are under the influence of MDMA and you show them a face that is grimacing or would otherwise be rated as quite threatening, they tend to rate it as less threatening. 5879.wav|And come on into the laboratory, and we will image your brain and compare people who have, for instance, taken MDMA zero times to people who have taken MDMA one time or five times. 5880.wav|It actually has a lot to do with a perceptual shift to basically focusing on other things. 5881.wav|This seems like a terrific, very low investment way to do it, certainly zero cost. 5882.wav|Taking them away from all the images of thin people online, et cetera. 5883.wav|AG1 is a vitamin mineral probiotic drink that also contains adaptogens. 5884.wav|Contrast that with the so called extrapersonal space. 5885.wav|Similarly, humidifying the air that you breathe, especially at night, but perhaps also during the day in your office environment or home environment can also be very beneficial for warding off colds and flus. 5886.wav|I mean, you could live in an environment that's very cold and very rainy. 5887.wav|I'm going to talk about other approaches to eliminating fear and trauma as we go forward. 5888.wav|You hear about this a lot in kind of the self-help and psychology literature. 5889.wav|So maybe the backs of your legs against a chair, or your feet against the floor, or the bottoms of your shoes or sandals. 5890.wav|Thank you for joining me for today's discussion. 5891.wav|It's actually quite fun to do because at least to me, it feels a lot easier than the meditation associated with convergent thinking. 5892.wav|And then they're given a drug that depletes dopamine within the prefrontal cortex and their performance drops. 5893.wav|This is why I encourage people to view sunlight in the morning to set the system in motion to avoid bright light exposure at night from artificial sources in order to not send wake up signals from the eye to the brain and then onto the rest of the body. 5894.wav|And then on the screen, you'll be presented for instance with a left facing or a right facing arrow. 5895.wav|Anytime someone says something and you grit your teeth because you know you shouldn't say anything, gritting your teeth is top beyond control. 5896.wav|The other group, so called group a, that experienced elevated levels of sexual arousal when under the influence of cannabis and viewing erotic stimuli, that group did not show elevated levels of prolactin in response to cannabis. 5897.wav|This is the quitting reflex. 5898.wav|And they look at an enormous number of other types of herbal and essential oil type treatments, everything from coriander to citron to damask rose, chamomile, lavender, a bunch of things. 5899.wav|One particularly nice thing about this metaanalysis is that it included some studies that involve the use of cooling packs. 5900.wav|Now, the symptomology for PTSD is vast, and it's far too vast to go into, into a lot of detail right now. 5901.wav|Now, I mentioned prolonged exposure therapy, cognitive processing, and cognitive behavioral therapy. 5902.wav|It was stated by Carla Schatz, my colleague at Stanford, and she was referring to LTP but other forms of neuroplasticity that occur mainly in development when neurons fire very closely in time and thereby strengthen those connections, which can include LTP, okay? 5903.wav|They are sort of a break on the system. 5904.wav|So double inhale, exhale, double inhale, exhale, double inhale, exhale repeatedly for 5 minutes, which is actually a pretty long time to repeat that, but you can do it pretty slowly. 5905.wav|So what this means is that the endogenous cannabinoids are having these sorts of effects on neurons that I talked about, but they are also having effects on immune cells, on reproductive organs, on liver, on digestion, on hunger, et cetera, through mechanisms that are divorced from the function of the nervous system of neurons. 5906.wav|Or if you'd like to have more energy and have more focus, there's a different nootropic for that. 5907.wav|Wrestlers used to do this, put on some sweats and go running. 5908.wav|Just to remind you, those tend to be elevated mood, alertness, talkativeness. 5909.wav|It cleaves something called SNAP-25. 5910.wav|The point is that for those of you that are very, very good at divergent thinking or very, very good at convergent thinking, some of that might've been inherited, but more than likely some of that depended on the kinds of activities that you engaged in in your early years, in particular in the years between age five and 25. 5911.wav|And because we have receptors in our body that are there without the need to engineer them from some external source, right? 5912.wav|And the pharmacologic agent, in that case, turns out to be very low dose, or as some of you may have heard of it referred to as microdosing of psilocybin. 5913.wav|But it has, in some cases, been shown to rescue the menstrual cycling in some anorexics. 5914.wav|But because I think oftentimes when we're talking about something like omega-3 fatty acids, the fact that they are available over the counter in a supplement or by liquid or available in food for that matter, leads many people to conclude that, oh, this is supplementation, this is something that, it's going to have relatively weak or minor impact on things like headache or other health metrics. 5915.wav|Now, this is different than placebo effects. 5916.wav|There are two groups, and one group experiences sexual arousal when under the influence of cannabis, THC specifically. 5917.wav|Promise to update you on those findings. 5918.wav|The first one involves counting walls. 5919.wav|It is, however, part of my desire and effort to bring zero cost to consumer information about science and science-related tools to the general public. 5920.wav|Now, this is just but one approach. 5921.wav|Now, I'm sure that some people out there will say, well, their testosterone levels are exceedingly high, or they are fine, meaning the constellation of symptoms associated with low testosterone and elevated estrogen are not present in them. 5922.wav|And to be direct again, there is no such thing as a smart drug. 5923.wav|We are not going to change the format or anything about the standard Huberman Lab Podcast and to fund research in particular research done on human beings. 5924.wav|If you'd like to try your own personalized nootropic starter kit, go online to takethesis.com slash Huberman. 5925.wav|Now, a major issue with a lot of blood tests and DNA tests out there is you get the numbers back. 5926.wav|Physical education class-ish. 5927.wav|I would definitely go onto, examine, put in ide benone, and for things like Lieber's optical optic neuropathies, which is a degenerative condition of the eye. 5928.wav|Should we use punishment? 5929.wav|They looked at educational background. 5930.wav|And so I promise that I'm going to get into more tools, but to satisfy you and to make sure that you do indeed understand that there are tools that can emerge from the information that you already now have in mind. 5931.wav|The outcomes with wellbutrin for smoking cessation are pretty good. 5932.wav|Likewise, we can have an informed discussion about cannabis and its various components that can fully acknowledge the reality, which is that one of the major harms of cannabis in the past has been the legal ramifications of cannabis being illegal. 5933.wav|You talk to ten nutritionists or academics or trainers or individuals about what healthy eating is, and you are going to get vastly different answers. 5934.wav|At some point in the future, by the way, we will do an entire episode on creatine and creatine kinases, which are important not just for muscular function but also for brain function. 5935.wav|It has digestive enzymes for gut health, and it has a number of other things that support the immune system. 5936.wav|The closer you get to the equator, the less variation there is in day length and therefore night length across the year. 5937.wav|I ate while I cooked. 5938.wav|There's still more studies that need to be done. 5939.wav|Whereas when you don't eat during the middle of the day, you are getting a fasting period that's probably anywhere from four to 7 hours. 5940.wav|We have that learning involves neuroplasticity, and that neuroplasticity involves changes in the connections between neurons nerve cells. 5941.wav|That doesn't afford the long fast associated with sleep. 5942.wav|Men experience cluster type headaches that have a sudden onset during sleep at five times the frequency than do females. 5943.wav|Or believe it or not, there are some studies sitting right here in front of me on my desk of people who have taken MDMA more than 200 times and asked the same sorts of questions, which brain areas are more or less active? 5944.wav|For the calves, it would be a seated calf raise, or for the quadriceps, the leg extension is, if the machine is designed right and you're doing it correctly, the peak contraction is largely going to occur at the leg's extended position, but then another exercise for each muscle group that puts the muscle into more of a stretched or at least a larger range of motion or compound-type movement, but ideally where there's some stretch there. 5945.wav|Now, early in the day, we want to be as alert as possible. 5946.wav|If it's too tight, you can get locked into chronic activation of alertness or chronic fatigue. 5947.wav|But here we're talking about one molecule, nicotine, found in plants like tomatoes and potatoes and the tobacco plant. 5948.wav|What I haven't told you yet, of course, is what is the compound that I'm referring to? 5949.wav|And again, I just want to reemphasize the fentanyl contamination of MDMA that's sold on the street and that is being used recreational is of very serious, potentially lethal concern. 5950.wav|This is just positive self talk. 5951.wav|It seems to be high fat, high carbohydrate foods, but really crave pizza. 5952.wav|However, our eyes are responsible for much more than that, including our mood, our level of alertness, and all of that is included in what we call vision. 5953.wav|That should make sense, because if these drugs increase serotonin, if their general effect is to increase serotonin, it will be to lower anxiety. 5954.wav|And that's thought to stem from the fact that successful treatment of PTSD, whether or not it's by talk therapy or talk therapy combined with ssris, or talk therapy combined with any drug treatment or behavioral treatment, like EMDR, eye movement desensitization, reprogramming, or other forms of treatments that are designed to rewire neural circuitry, almost always involve the patient getting very close to, or at least reporting the traumatic experiences in a lot of detail. 5955.wav|Never, ever, please, for the love of God, please never, ever do any kind of hyperventilation breathing or breath holding while doing deliberate cold exposure because you can pass out, you can die. 5956.wav|And in both cases, if we just set aside the direct effects of tobacco and the direct effects of cannabis, we can confidently say that the process of smoking, of inhaling smoke into the lungs, and, yes, also vaping, bringing the chemicals that transport nicotine, or in this case, cannabis into the lungs by way of vaping, are both severely detrimental to endothelial cells. 5957.wav|And again, you can find that option at HubermanLab.com slash premium. 5958.wav|The title of the study is keeping the goal in sight, testing the influence of narrowed visual attention on physical activity. 5959.wav|We know, based on the learning literature, that your ability to successfully perform something in the real world will lend itself to better performance of that thing in the imagined world within your mind's eye. 5960.wav|And bear with me here, I'm not talking about your traditional jalapeno, and I'm acknowledging the fact that certain people can tolerate far more spicy tastes than do others. 5961.wav|So that sets a certain number of important constraints. 5962.wav|So it's stressful in air quotes, but to bring us back to my colleague David Spiegel's quote, it really was him that said it, not me. 5963.wav|But when dopamine levels go very, very high, then there's again a reduction in divergent thinking. 5964.wav|The actual data point to the fact that when people are sneezing and coughing, if it's due to a cold or flu, they are still contagious. 5965.wav|I think there's one or two of you and end for the nerdy ones of you at Caltech, you're welcome. 5966.wav|And again, sorry to litter the conversation with these names of structures, but some people seem to enjoy knowing these structures. 5967.wav|And of course, if you choose not to use those protocols, that's perfectly fine, too. 5968.wav|There are exceptions to that, and I should say that the same basically applies to endurance work. 5969.wav|It's actually involved in adaptation to light in the retina, something that most people don't know, but it's involved in movement, which is why people with Parkinson's who have a depletion of dopamine neurons actually have movement deficits, and so on. 5970.wav|And even a subtle increase in the rate at which dopamine increases in the mesolimbic reward pathway can make a given amount of nicotine much more habit forming and addictive. 5971.wav|And then I tell you to fly back around and land behind those and look at them from the perspective of behind that yellow cube and that red rose, okay? 5972.wav|However, I noticed that if I do that for more than four weeks in a row, and I don't switch over to training in the eight to 12, maybe in 15 repetition range for about a month, well, then I can't make continuous progress. 5973.wav|Anorexia nervosa is extremely common. 5974.wav|But that doesn't mean that I'm not doing anything for my overall health and fitness. 5975.wav|Why do I call this spacetime bridging? 5976.wav|Today we are going to discuss the use of deliberate cold exposure for health and performance. 5977.wav|You can either try and isolate muscles and make specific muscles do the work or simply moving the weight. 5978.wav|It's lean, but it doesn't taste overly lean or dry at all. 5979.wav|In other words, it will take you exactly the same amount of time to perform that golf swing in your mind's eye as it would in the real world. 5980.wav|And what it does to social interactions is very profound. 5981.wav|And in particular, there are neurons within our gut that signal to areas of our brain stem that are involved in satiety. 5982.wav|The first is phase one, which is zero to 8 hours after waking up, approximately. 5983.wav|So you want to get that bright light early in the day. 5984.wav|A number of people will certainly opt not to. 5985.wav|But again, you don't need to see that episode in order to digest this information. 5986.wav|Some people opt to go longer, but I think 30 seconds to three minutes is a good duration to work with for most people, especially if you're going to do it frequently. 5987.wav|What you find is that the combination of MDMA and talk therapy, in many ways, is not about the drug having a particular effect. 5988.wav|So, and they looked at the temporal muscles on the side, they looked at forehead muscles, things of that sort. 5989.wav|So for some of you, getting into a cold shower for three minutes total for the whole week will represent a tremendous achievement in terms of willpower and overcoming the resistance to doing that. 5990.wav|Again, the process is very simple. 5991.wav|It has to be a specific set of action steps that get right down to details about what success would look like. 5992.wav|I think it's a decent enough analogy for a bad habit because it involves some motor execution. 5993.wav|I think they actually had them sitting in lawn chairs on the bottom of a pool. 5994.wav|It's also filled with adaptogens for recovery. 5995.wav|If you don't have a tissue or something, we are told, and I subscribe to the idea that sneezing into your elbow or coughing into your elbow is probably the next best thing to not covering up at all as opposed to into your hand, which then you touch other things and yourself. 5996.wav|And just as a little teaser of where we're headed, what you'll find, based on the data, clinical data, experiments done very carefully and very well by excellent groups, what you'll find is that anorexics have a sort of switch that's been flipped such that their decision making is actually pretty darn good. 5997.wav|You don't actually have to measure your blood pressure with a cuff. 5998.wav|I find this really interesting. 5999.wav|And here I just want to zoom out and say that studies on cannabis or drugs of any kind in humans are really complicated. 6000.wav|And we are always in a balance, a push pull of interoception and exterraception. 6001.wav|And so what's so beautiful about this work from the Columbia group is that what it says is the place to intervene has to be the habit. 6002.wav|It's passed through all the reward systems. 6003.wav|And also the return to baseline temperature was much faster in the glaborous skin cooling group. 6004.wav|I think a key principle that everyone should pay attention to is one that was taught to me by an excellent strength coach years ago, and I still use this, and at least it works for me. 6005.wav|It's probably the better way to put it, the capacity limiting neuromodulator for improving working memory. 6006.wav|It's very intense in elevating focus and motivation and the desire to move. 6007.wav|And in that combination, new possibilities about ways that information could be combined and implemented start to arise. 6008.wav|Then, of course, some of you out there are going to ask me to split hairs and say, well, what if somebody uses it twice a month? 6009.wav|Remember, go and no go. 6010.wav|So what this means is that when you wake up in the morning, assuming you're following a standard schedule of being asleep at night and awake during the day, your muscle cells are primed to incorporate amino acids and synthesize muscle. 6011.wav|Well, then, is there hope for quitting smoking, vaping, snuffing, or dipping? 6012.wav|Working memory is the kind of memory of remembering a phone number. 6013.wav|So, since it appears to be a habit, a reflex that's perpetuating the anorexic phenotype, as we say in science, it's perpetuating anorexia in this individual, and telling them about all this terrible stuff that's happening in their body won't work. 6014.wav|So try and get as much sunlight in your eyes during the day as you safely can. 6015.wav|I'll do leg curls and glute ham raises for hamstrings, and I'll do standing calf raises and seated calf raises for the calves. 6016.wav|That's an entirely different discussion. 6017.wav|I take a clarity formula that's specifically designed for me prior to long bouts of cognitive work, and I take an energy formula prior to particularly challenging physical workouts. 6018.wav|It's telling yourself, yes, I'm on the right track. 6019.wav|Anywhere from one eighthe to a quarter of human beings are consuming tobacco in one form or another in order to get their nicotine one way or another, and as a consequence, are peeling ears off their life, dramatically increasing the probability of cancer, stroke, heart attack, peripheral neuropathies, brain dysfunction, meaning cognitive dysfunction, memory impairment, sexual dysfunction. 6020.wav|In neuroscience and in much of biology, we like to joke that there are lumpers and there are splitters. 6021.wav|Its main function is to create a state of dissociation. 6022.wav|I'd like to take a brief moment and thank one of our sponsors, and that's AG1. 6023.wav|And so that's why you use other lenses, like eyeglasses or contacts. 6024.wav|This is kind of a goofy name because the neural circuits that I'm about to describe do a bunch of other things as well, but they certainly control what are called executive functions. 6025.wav|And this is the somewhat surprising feature of this. 6026.wav|Dopamine most commonly associated with activating neural circuits related to motivation, craving, and reward. 6027.wav|And again, a number of different studies have looked at this through a number of different lenses, meaning anywhere from two to eight times per week. 6028.wav|So for those of you that can understand or into the importance of what Shepard and Cosland showed, great. 6029.wav|Now, for those who are curious about, and perhaps even want to try Mucuna purines, please absolutely talk to your doctor first. 6030.wav|There are some really interesting studies that show that shifting anorexics towards activities that, for instance, build muscle resistance training and allow them to eat a bit more food without necessarily losing weight, but rather to put more muscle on their body, can actually be beneficial. 6031.wav|Now, the neural circuits for short-term memory and the passage of short-term memories into long-term memory involve a lot of different brain structures. 6032.wav|The most recent survey of pregnant mothers in the United States show that 15%. 6033.wav|It's one of the things that makes us feel sleepy. 6034.wav|And we have specific cells in the eye called photoreceptors. 6035.wav|It unconditionally evokes a startle, or in the case of food, salivating. 6036.wav|Migraine headaches are defined generally as disorders of recurring attacks of headaches. 6037.wav|And in fact, there's a very nice review that was recently published on deliberate cold exposure and how it can impact physical performance, whether or not it's done before or after different types of training and so forth. 6038.wav|One could, of course, take a cold shower. 6039.wav|I've been going to therapy for well over 30 years. 6040.wav|I will say that a graduate student in my lab who was immensely productive and focused, had the habit of coming in each day. 6041.wav|In the meantime, if we want to understand working memory, we not only have to understand how it's different from long-term memory, but also how it's different from short-term memories. 6042.wav|It's balanced by a whole other system called the parasympathetic nervous system, which is basically the so called rest and digest system, which is a system of neurons and organs, et cetera, that put your body and your brain into a state of not being able to think clearly, to digest, and to fall asleep. 6043.wav|And not so incidentally, when you're getting a lot of sunlight and you're viewing a lot of sunlight, that system is ramped up. 6044.wav|But as we talked about earlier, some of you are going to be in the ice bath or cold immersion or cold shower for 1 minute. 6045.wav|Now, at the end of the neuron, what we call the axonal bhutan, okay? 6046.wav|Not surprising, they were pretty much motionless. 6047.wav|It seems as if doing one for about a week and then switching to another for about a week and then switching to another is one rationable and reasonable approach that many people have used successfully. 6048.wav|I, again, am not neurotically attached to training fasted or fed. 6049.wav|Now, the neurons themselves don't move from the hippocampus to the cortex. 6050.wav|There are some technologies that are now commercially available, for instance, the so called cool mitt, that will allow you to do that with maximum efficiency. 6051.wav|But most people, the majority of people, experience a sort of head centered, high alertness focus, and a sense that they're more creative. 6052.wav|Today we are going to talk all about healthy and disordered eating. 6053.wav|I personally do not squat and do not deadlift. 6054.wav|There's really no reason to suspect, however, that those particular patterns of noise are going to optimize particular mental functions. 6055.wav|This paper got some attention, and then it sort of got swept away. 6056.wav|They measured their heart rate, their systolic pressure, their diastolic blood pressure, et cetera. 6057.wav|For other people, it's less potent. 6058.wav|Yes, believe it or not, the neural circuitry associated with appetite and suppression of appetite actually dictates whether or not you prefer to, or I should say, are more biased or less biased to moving your mouth, that is, chewing, which makes perfect sense when you hear it, right? 6059.wav|We are as thinking, as scientists, if not already scientists, and there are basically two modes of thinking that are associated with creativity, and they don't completely explain creativity. 6060.wav|Those intrinsically photosensitive retinal ganglion cells in the eye respond best to bright green or blue light, and they send connections to a bunch of different places in the brain, including the so-called central circadian clock super charismatic nucleus that sets your day, night, sleep, wake rhythms. 6061.wav|So it's not just beating up the endothelial cells themselves, but the spaces between the cells. 6062.wav|We haven't talked so much about tension headaches specifically. 6063.wav|The trigeminal nerve is an easy one to remember and it will completely explain cluster headaches and what to do about cluster headaches in a moment if you remember that the herpes 1 virus and not herpes 2, not genital herpes, but herpes 1 virus is the one that gives cold sores on the mouth. 6064.wav|And then they either engaged in treadmill or cycling. 6065.wav|But the main underlying reason, that is the tissue system that mainly underlies tension headaches is the muscular system. 6066.wav|I mix mine with some water and some lemon juice, and in doing that, I'm certain to get all of my nutritional bases covered. 6067.wav|In addition, they tend to have elevated levels of things like vasopressin, which are hormones that regulate body temperature, and salt and blood volume. 6068.wav|But if you've been in a classroom and the lecture is kind of drawing on, or it's the afternoon, what you'll notice is that a number of students, their heads are kind of. 6069.wav|And that, I forget what other key is associated with a particular shade of red and so on and so forth. 6070.wav|Okay, so there's a three part process. 6071.wav|That's a typical task developed by Simon Baron Cohen, but also whether or not children and adults are capable of generating mental imagery in a really vivid way or whether or not they have minor or even extreme challenge in doing so. 6072.wav|Well, then it will appear very green, because the amount of wavelength of light for green is very high, and the amount for red is very low, and so it looks very green. 6073.wav|If all of that seems like a lot to get your arms and your mind around right here at the outset, don't worry, I'll walk you through this. 6074.wav|Regardless of whether or not you have a background in biology or not, I promise that you'll come through at the end of this episode with a deep understanding of how nicotine works in the brain and body, some of its benefits, some of its potential drawbacks. 6075.wav|Ramps up your levels of vigilance. 6076.wav|Now, how do you predict who will experience intense anxiety and paranoia, and who will experience intense relaxation focus and sense of creativity from ingesting or smoking a type one, type two, or type three sativa? 6077.wav|Are things going well or are things going poorly? 6078.wav|Maybe you have long eyelashes. 6079.wav|And there's a lot of kind of what I would call street lore or dorm room lore, or kind of not peer reviewed, but sort of peer discussed among friends and people and acquaintances lore out there that what one needs to do is simply smoke more. 6080.wav|Now, I haven't talked to this individual in a few years to see whether or not the nicotine is working to stave off any kind of Alzheimer's or neurodegenerative or cognitive impairment that would come with age. 6081.wav|The reason that the fear threat response and reflex exists at all is to help us from dying, to help us from making really bad decisions. 6082.wav|There's another really interesting way that you can leverage your visual system toward long term goals. 6083.wav|You do that for 21 days. 6084.wav|So, again, I'm not pushing any of this on anybody by any means, but you should know that under certain conditions of severe macular degeneration or moderate macular degeneration, it does seem like lutein can be beneficial. 6085.wav|But they do seem quite interesting. 6086.wav|So there's a sound and there's a footshock. 6087.wav|It's the amygdala. 6088.wav|I've talked many times before in this podcast about the fact that sleep is the foundation of mental health, physical health, and performance. 6089.wav|Those emails stay internal to us. 6090.wav|And it actually sets in motion a number of other things, including changes in gene expression and potentiation, meaning long term potentiation, activation of NMDA receptors, and so on, in the circuits that reinforce that fearful or traumatic experience. 6091.wav|Would shift their thinking and their ideas. 6092.wav|And there are a lot of excellent resources out there about that. 6093.wav|So up until now, I've been talking about deliberate cold exposure as a potent stimulus for the release of norepinephrine in the brain and body. 6094.wav|And that pathway involves a sort of relaxation, if you will, of the neural circuits that are associated with alertness and attention. 6095.wav|It should be aggressive, yet realistic. 6096.wav|That's the equivalent of already having loaded up the barbell with 600 pounds and done your ten reps. 6097.wav|The other one is to train accommodation. 6098.wav|Rather, what's used is statistical evaluation of how the different symptoms, like dissociation or anxiety or sleep disorders are explored. 6099.wav|The other group actually viewed photos of themselves. 6100.wav|People are very prone to orienting their attention to whatever's in front of them. 6101.wav|And by that, I mean literally hundreds of studies that have explored the relationship between particular neural circuits and neurochemicals. 6102.wav|And so when people have applied this kind of approach, it removes the need to have constant conscious awareness of one's own behavior prior to that behavior, which is very, very difficult to achieve. 6103.wav|And so they were mersed up to the neck in either three different, either of three different temperatures. 6104.wav|Many of us who get sunlight get enough vitamin D three. 6105.wav|But when you sit, they become a little less active. 6106.wav|We're just going to set that aside for a moment. 6107.wav|And that's because they are serious compounds. 6108.wav|If you talk to researchers in these areas, they will tell you that MDMA really isn't that much of a psychedelic. 6109.wav|And in particular, because we don't actually know what the upper limits of creativity are, and yet we understand that there are certain bounds, there are certain requirements. 6110.wav|First of all, it's to get the heart rate really high, up towards maximum heart rate at least once a week. 6111.wav|And just keep in mind that we are constantly expanding the library of supplements available through momentous on a regular basis. 6112.wav|And then we'll also talk about binge eating disorder, which has a lot of the same features as bulimia, but typically no purging. 6113.wav|I'm not going to get into the origins or the meaning of the mesocortical versus other dopamine projection systems. 6114.wav|That's actually for a future episode. 6115.wav|But they have a ton of different meditations on the headspace app that allow you to tailor your meditation practice to your particular schedule. 6116.wav|So I don't know if that has something to do with the blood flow to the eyes. 6117.wav|So if you actually cover both eyes, you actually extend the period of critical plasticity. 6118.wav|And the data look really promising. 6119.wav|So let's get started. 6120.wav|So, it appears that once anorexia is established, that habit breaking through self awareness of what the habits are is going to be a primary entry point. 6121.wav|However, they are largely responsible for reflexive movements or already learned movements, and they require some input from things like central pattern generators and some other circuits within the spinal cord and brainstem. 6122.wav|It affects all sorts of things in the brain and body, depending on which organ and tissue you're talking about. 6123.wav|As you increase that amount, working memory becomes greater. 6124.wav|It's an addition that can really help. 6125.wav|Really like this paper. 6126.wav|Whereas if you're very, very alert, there's less limbic friction because you're moving towards something that's action oriented. 6127.wav|To forget that pens are just for writing, for instance, and that pens can do other things like hold the door open. 6128.wav|Work from Desposito and colleagues and other laboratories as well have shown using the similar paradigm that I described before, giving people drugs to increase their baseline levels of dopamine above their initial starting point of short or long-term memory span capacity. 6129.wav|I'll also provide a link in the show note caption so you can try it. 6130.wav|So if you blunt the fever, you are actually letting a colder virus to proliferate more readily than it would if you allowed a slight fever to combat that. 6131.wav|And people are also using cold to enhance performance in the context of strength training, in the context of endurance training. 6132.wav|And some of those people in communities are indeed using cold exposure directly on the gonads, on the testes. 6133.wav|Before we move on to talking about bulimia and some related disorders, I want to talk about an aspect of anorexia that's very interesting, quite troubling, in fact, but that has received a lot of attention, and that's the distorted self image. 6134.wav|Something that we also will discuss more. 6135.wav|However, if one considers that divergent thinking is absolutely crucial to the creativity process and the range of things that one will explore will be enhanced by openness and by reduced levels of anxiety. 6136.wav|That especially when individuals are taught this early in adolescence, that there are positive outcomes over time. 6137.wav|And this is why you've been told that carrots help you see better, because they're high in vitamin A. 6138.wav|You can simply go online and look up the various food-based sources. 6139.wav|Although I promise, irrespective of whether or not you know any biology or you are an expert in biology, I'll make the conversation accessible to you. 6140.wav|I mean, don't do as you wish if it harms other people or yourself, but do as you wish, but know what you're doing. 6141.wav|For instance, you could imagine a situation where you say, I'm not going to pick up my phone for the 4 hours in the early part of the day so that I can get real dedicated, focus work done. 6142.wav|But if we do not acknowledge the negative health effects that are documented in the literature, then we are overlooking some very important data, especially as it relates to the development of psychosis in certain individuals. 6143.wav|In addition to that, I'm of the belief that the legs are the foundation of the body and provided you can train legs safely, that training legs is vitally important, not just for strength of the legs, but also for strength of your entire body. 6144.wav|For those of you that are watching on YouTube, I'm doing this now. 6145.wav|Right, because for me, that's usually a good feeling. 6146.wav|I always thought for some reason, I don't know why, but I presumed that mental training and visualization should always be done eyes closed. 6147.wav|They videotaped the behaviors of these faculty and students and staff, and what they found is that people follow trajectories from their car that are remarkably stereotyped. 6148.wav|The hypothalamus connects to the so called pItuitary. 6149.wav|So I mentioned all these acronyms, not as an attempt to disparage them. 6150.wav|I particularly like their jerky, so their venison jerky. 6151.wav|You may have experienced this if you ever put on a pair of sunglasses that aren't so great. 6152.wav|I particularly like the watermelon flavor, but frankly, I like all the flavors just mixed into again, about 16 to 32 ounces of water. 6153.wav|However, there is somewhat of an equivalence between a real experience and an imagined experience. 6154.wav|Lower dopamine, lower working memory span, as it's called. 6155.wav|And that number meaning that temperature will vary from day to day, it will vary across the 24 hours cycle because of that endogenous meaning, that internal rhythm in temperature that I talked about earlier, low early in the day, rises into the afternoon, drops at night. 6156.wav|And as a consequence, these palm c pomc neurons increase their electrical activity and appetite is suppressed. 6157.wav|I told you about the subjective effects of MDMA engaging the responses of people's faces, but I didn't tell you about the brain areas that are responsible, except for the reduction in amygdala activity. 6158.wav|In researching this episode, I found a tremendous number of different systems for habit formation. 6159.wav|The so called ABC method, that a goal should be achievable, it should be believable, and that the person be committed. 6160.wav|And of course we talked about the actual neural circuits and a bit about how the actual neuroplasticity occurs. 6161.wav|And then the neurons in that location are going to respond, that is, they're going to be activated by bright blue light, green light, or any kind of bright light originating from artificial sources or from sunlight. 6162.wav|So for instance, you're not going to want to do your high intensity interval training the day after you train your legs, because if you're doing that high intensity interval training correctly, you're going to be taxing your legs and eating into their recovery. 6163.wav|What they found was, if they said, we are going to try and recycle more, try not to put cans and bottles in the trash. 6164.wav|There has to be focused, dedicated attention, and then there needs to be sleep, and in particular, sleep on the first night following that training. 6165.wav|So these are starting to be viewed, not just as a spectrum or one continuum ranging from non-autistic to autistic, but a lot of variation and subtlety in between, and even crossing over with other aspects of personality, psychology, and neuroscience. 6166.wav|So we need to bound the change and yet create some alternate universe, if you will, in which the story takes place or the creation of any kind, doesn't have to be a story takes place. 6167.wav|Well, it turns out that the amygdala is not just an area for threat, it's an area for generating threat reflexes that integrates lots of different types of information. 6168.wav|I'm not a sprinter, I'm not a sprinting coach. 6169.wav|Seems like that just shouldn't happen. 6170.wav|You can also leave us suggestions about guests that you'd like us to include or topics that you'd like us to cover in the comments section on YouTube and on Apple, you can leave us up to a five star review. 6171.wav|If you are a coach or you're a student, or you're just going to self-direct this kind of learning in your self-directed adaptive plasticity, it's important that you mix in both GO and no-GO trials. 6172.wav|Not only is it aesthetically not good, but it also can create all sorts of issues related to back pain and headaches and things of that sort. 6173.wav|And you'll also find a number of different tools related to how one can better regulate their own patterns of dopamine release for sake of motivation, et cetera. 6174.wav|It's maximum humidity if you think about it. 6175.wav|So PTSD is a very serious issue. 6176.wav|The first variable we want to think about in terms of workspace optimization is vision and light. 6177.wav|The takeaway from this is quite straightforward. 6178.wav|And in some cases, a switch from anxiety relief to increase in anxiety. 6179.wav|And as you develop the ability to stay in cold temperatures, even progressively colder and colder temperatures, for longer and longer periods of time, you will become more resilient. 6180.wav|The logic isn't there, and the health detriments are certainly there. 6181.wav|The dopamine release comes earlier. 6182.wav|Frankly, I heard these theories that, oh, it recreates the eye movements in rapid eye movement sleep or REm sleep. 6183.wav|That's a common feature of bulimia. 6184.wav|How can you remember things in the future that haven't occurred yet? 6185.wav|It doesn't actually know what's there. 6186.wav|In a study entitled, "'Effect of Omega-3 Fatty Acids on Premenstrual Syndrome, A Systematic Review and again, Meta-analysis," what they found, and here I'm paraphrasing the conclusion, was that omega-3 fatty acids could, yes, effectively reduce the severity of PMS symptoms. 6187.wav|So not just stuff like your liver, et cetera, we have episodes on that, but really the neural components of hunger and appetite, I encourage you to check out our episode on hunger and appetite. 6188.wav|In order to sign up for the Huberman Lab Podcast Neural Network Newsletter, you simply go to HubermanLab.com, go to the menu, scroll down to newsletter, and you provide your email. 6189.wav|And I'll just throw out a couple of the names of some of those cellular elements right now. 6190.wav|Sometimes it's during the exercise. 6191.wav|However, if you can add to a maximum amount of real world training by doing some mental training and you follow the principles that we've been discussing here, which are gleaned from the scientific literature, well, then you are going to get significantly greater results in terms of speed, accuracy, and consistency of performance of those real world behaviors and cognitive abilities. 6192.wav|We have no, what's called extraocular light perception. 6193.wav|The metabolism of your frontal cortex goes down. 6194.wav|So it turns out that when goals were moderate, when they were just outside of one's immediate abilities, or that one felt that, yeah, that would take a lot of effort, but it's within range, or maybe in range. 6195.wav|And some people have a perfect balance of both, but I've never met one of those people. 6196.wav|Those are out there and they exist. 6197.wav|As mentioned earlier, the Huberman Lab podcast now has a premium channel. 6198.wav|If it brings light to a position in front of the retina, then you won't see clearly. 6199.wav|The break into their car caused the NMDA receptor to be activated. 6200.wav|Well, no, because they compared to placebo and they controlled for the odor, of course, of the oil that was applied so that everyone thought that they were getting essentially the same thing, pun intended, but in this case, what they found is that if they applied the essential oil to the forehead and temples, that people experience more or less a cooling sensation or they could feel as if something was happening in the underlying muscle. 6201.wav|We may not know what exactly it is that's novel to us, but it feels novel and it feels true. 6202.wav|Before we dive into today's content about fitness and fitness protocols, I want to tell you about a brand new study that is very exciting and frankly, very unusual. 6203.wav|But what I can tell you is that there have been some beautiful, what are called loss of function studies where particular brain areas are either depleted of dopamine or where dopamine in some cases, I guess what we would call gain of function studies, although not the kind of gain of function studies associated with virology, different gain of function studies where you enhance the level of dopamine in the brain. 6204.wav|It's sort of like a savings account for energy, because that's what body fat is. 6205.wav|Our first sponsor is Matina. 6206.wav|That's two inhales through the nose, back to back, and then long full exhale through the mouth. 6207.wav|Put into plain English, nicotinic receptors are also the ways in which your muscles can get activated. 6208.wav|I, for instance, was somebody who, for a very long time, skipped breakfast. 6209.wav|Then to this broader visual sphere, then back into my body. 6210.wav|There's no leptin. 6211.wav|And if you're wondering why it's so confusing, it's because caffeine hits both the vasodilation and the vasoconstriction pathways. 6212.wav|We'll get into this a little bit later in the episode, but I think the eleven minute threshold, meaning eleven minutes total of deliberate cold exposure per week, is a pretty good number to use if you need a number in order to keep you consistent. 6213.wav|And short-term memories are the sorts of memories that we maintain for somewhere between a few minutes and potentially a few hours, maybe a little bit longer. 6214.wav|So here we're talking about subjective effects. 6215.wav|We talk about deliberate cold exposure, deliberate heat exposure. 6216.wav|And as best you can, try and get to the point where you are shivering either when you are in the cold exposure or immediately afterwards. 6217.wav|Now, I realize that for some of you listening to this episode, we are probably at the point along the pathway of concept and definition and mechanism that leaves you in a place of real wanting a tool. 6218.wav|Inhale through the nose, exhale through the mouth, and then every 25 or 30 breaths or so, doing a full exhale and holding one's breath, lungs empty for about 25, maybe 30, maybe even 60 seconds, and then continuing until 5 minutes is up. 6219.wav|The goal of this workout is what's important. 6220.wav|It could be a all out swim. 6221.wav|You have to really gauge for yourself. 6222.wav|Within each of those genres, I think all of us are familiar with hearing something for the first time and maybe even every time. 6223.wav|We talked about that. 6224.wav|That is, women who suffer from recurring migraines before they get pregnant, when they get pregnant, and often after they give birth, they experience fewer migraine headaches. 6225.wav|However, after training legs on Monday, I experienced that doing cardiovascular workouts the next day is either inefficient or at least doesn't really allow me to completely recover from my leg workout. 6226.wav|And for those of you that are not Huberman Lab Podcast premium subscribers, you can still hear the first 20 minutes of today's episode and determine whether or not becoming a premium subscriber is for you. 6227.wav|What I mean by feeds out, by the way, is there are neurons that send wires. 6228.wav|In my case, animal protein, because that's in alignment with my values. 6229.wav|Curcumin is often also referred to as turmeric. 6230.wav|And in fact, if you were to look at the numbers, what you'll find is that more than 90% of traumatic brain injury, so people coming into the hospital or clinic or people claiming that they've got consistent headaches, they're not sleeping well, their mood is off, they're feeling more irritable after having hit their head even once, is not the consequence of sports. 6231.wav|The reason I like these sorts of interventions is that, a, they are very low cost or even zero cost, right. 6232.wav|What about all the steps that people are going through, excuse me, to preen themselves and change themselves? 6233.wav|This is the body and brain's attempt to lower energy output. 6234.wav|But it's only once you've achieved all those six habits as reflexive that you would move forward. 6235.wav|One of the key principles of neuroplasticity is this notion of making errors as a good thing toward neuroplasticity. 6236.wav|There is basically one neurotransmitter, or rather, neuromodulator system, that governs our goal setting, goal assessment, and goal pursuit. 6237.wav|Now, this is also true if you rely on illicit drugs to increase dopamine. 6238.wav|And keep in mind that one can have both dissociative and nondisociative symptoms of PTSD, such as anxiety and panic, are at a far greater risk of substance abuse. 6239.wav|This is another reason why what I'm about to say is relevant to photophobia. 6240.wav|So sort of like Google Maps has highways and streets and little passages and alleys, but it's as if there's a little web of additional possible pathways cast over that entire thing. 6241.wav|Now, when we experience a stressor in life, whether or not it's something bad happens in our relationship or something bad happens in the world, and we feel stress, that stress is the consequence of increases in norepinephrine and epinephrine in our brain and body. 6242.wav|I think you'll agree that working memory is one of the more incredible aspects to brain function. 6243.wav|Again, you can access that with timestamps in all formats at HubermanLab.com. 6244.wav|We are not partial just to Google. 6245.wav|They certainly looked at race and ethnicity. 6246.wav|The brain and body need to be coordinated. 6247.wav|Typically, it's not available to people until they're 21 or older. 6248.wav|So before diving into a few of the specifics about some of the pharmacology of using nicotine itself to quit smoking or nicotine itself to quit vaping, or the use of various things, even ssris, antidepressants, to quit smoking or vaping. 6249.wav|And the spatial relationship between imagined and real experiences is exactly the same as well. 6250.wav|And whether or not you are sensitive to light or not will depend on a lot of factors. 6251.wav|The point being that if you're somebody who cares about their fitness, this study is interesting because what it means is that, again, if you are forced to be immobile or sitting longer than you would like, I feel stuck in a meeting or zooms or class or on a plane, et cetera, or if you're simply trying to add a bit more fitness and metabolic health to your overall regimen, soleus pushups, at least to me, seem like a very low investment, simple zero cost tool to improve your metabolic health. 6252.wav|They had people lie down and listen to a yoga nidra script and to perform yoga nidra, and they evaluated the amount of dopamine available within the brain, both prior to and after performing this yoga nidra script. 6253.wav|So if you're going to embrace these active workstations, as they're called, just decide what you would prefer to use. 6254.wav|Inside Tracker is a personalized nutrition platform that analyzes data from your blood and DNA to help you better reach your health goals. 6255.wav|So in this case, it's an hour. 6256.wav|We will get into the details of that study and the protocol that emerges from that study a little later in the podcast, but it stands as a really important, somewhat counterintuitive example of how stress itself can be used to combat fear. 6257.wav|So they were immersing themselves into water up to about their neck, and the water was actually not that cold. 6258.wav|I'm pleased to announce that the Huberman Lab Podcast has now launched a premium channel. 6259.wav|So that's the basal ganglia. 6260.wav|And so you don't see that blind spot. 6261.wav|The bridge could be completely abstract and really fantastical with a bunch of different ideas in between, like a pen acting as a doorstop because of some situation where you need to run downstairs in a fire and get back upstairs quickly to rescue somebody very divergent or as divergent as black pen to red pen. 6262.wav|In addition, on YouTube you can leave us comments and feedback. 6263.wav|The problem with a lot of blood tests is that you get a lot of information back, but you don't always know what to do with that information. 6264.wav|And that's because ketones are a preferred use of fuel for the brain and body. 6265.wav|Use your imagination here, folks. 6266.wav|If you'd like to try inside tracker, you can visit insidetracker.com huberman to get 20% off any of inside Tracker's plans. 6267.wav|Things like being alert for work, things like making sure that I get good sleep the night before, things like hydration, things like making sure that I eat the foods that are better for me than maybe some of the other foods that I would more reflexively reach to if I weren't doing that training. 6268.wav|We tend to be in panoramic, magnocellar vision. 6269.wav|And then if he liked the effects of a particular drug, or rather if he thought that it had potential clinical utility, he would give it to his wife, then she would give him her notes about those drugs, and then they would share them with their friends. 6270.wav|And that anchors back to immediate goal directed behaviors, such as setting aside money for retirement, such as investing in one's health practices. 6271.wav|For the next newsletter, I will release a on paper version of these two systems and how they mesh together for habit formation and habit breaking. 6272.wav|Again, you can find links to that in the show. 6273.wav|It's a very calculated game of mental chess and physical chess that's quite high stakes. 6274.wav|Now, it's hard to unveil in societies where food is scarce because a lot of people are starving and hungry. 6275.wav|I went and got my blood sugar checked, and it was fine. 6276.wav|Now, what does that mean? 6277.wav|Insulin is this hormone that's released in order to help shuttle glucose into various tissues for energy utilization. 6278.wav|So now we are able to double the total amount of funding given to studies of mental health, physical health, and human performance. 6279.wav|I'm not sure that I would do the cycling method because I can't imagine just cycling and typing at the same time. 6280.wav|A lot of post concussion recovery and training centers around the visual system, not just because people are trying to recover their vision and their sense of balance, but because, as I mentioned earlier, the brain's ability to make sense of its environment and the brain's ability to parse time, not just on the day night schedule, but also shorter time intervals, follows the visual system. 6281.wav|There are a few other things involved in NSDR as well, which you'll learn if you decide to try them, and improve or increase the levels of dopamine availability in the brain significantly. 6282.wav|So there's a ton about the optics of the eye and the way that it communicates with the brain that allows us to see. 6283.wav|So open monitoring meditation involves dedicating a certain amount of time where you close your eyes and whatever thoughts arise, whatever emotions arise, whatever ideas arise, to watch those and take an inventory of them, to just merely watch them show up and pass or maybe become fixated on them for some period of time or maybe even just one for a long period of time. 6284.wav|Truth told, these epochs and these rest periods do not need to be exact. 6285.wav|In the example of the kid with the car accident, it becomes a little more relevant. 6286.wav|Likewise, many people are looking at their phone all day and their chin is down, and then they're sitting at a computer that's positioned below them, and they're having trouble staying awake or focusing. 6287.wav|The other connections in that circuit are what we call glutamatergic and excitatory. 6288.wav|And what they found was really interesting. 6289.wav|So let's now return to the question of whether or not cannabis and its different components increase creativity. 6290.wav|The toolkits are short lists in PDF form of things that you can do to improve, for instance, sleep or neuroplasticity or dopamine regulation, or deliberate cold exposure or fitness, and on and on again, all of that is available. 6291.wav|But regardless of when you're listening to this, the programs that I'll outline are grounded in the neuroscience and biology of habit formation, and they map very well to what the psychologists have described in terms of habit formation and breaking. 6292.wav|Neurons don't turn over in the lifespan so it can live on there for the extent of the person's life. 6293.wav|That is, dopamine levels in certain brain areas, in particular, brain areas involved in thinking and planning. 6294.wav|Those patients have deficits in dopamine neurons, not only production, but the number of dopamine neurons, it's one of the hallmark features of Parkinson's, but also in things like traumatic brain injury, et cetera. 6295.wav|And they concluded, in fact, they verified, based on some very detailed analysis, that what these monkeys were injected with was not actually MDMA, but rather was methamphetamine itself. 6296.wav|So it's a very simple tool, but a very potent tool for your overall fitness. 6297.wav|When I say anything, the ability to learn music, the ability to learn and perform mathematics, the ability to learn and perform motor skills in sport, in dance, across essentially all domains. 6298.wav|There, the data start to get kind of complicated in a way that suggests that MDMA might not be as neurotoxic as is thought based on the rodent studies. 6299.wav|We're dividing it in two. 6300.wav|Hopefully, an understanding of that will allow you to get through that first week. 6301.wav|For instance, leptin signaling is disrupted. 6302.wav|Again, that's drinkmatina.com slash Huberman to get the free bag of yerba mate loose leaf tea and free shipping. 6303.wav|But really try and avoid work in loud, fan filled or ventilation generating or heat generating environments, because it really can cause damage to the auditory system long term. 6304.wav|So for instance, many people suffer from what are called tension headaches. 6305.wav|Now, this probably explains the fact that many, many more people, in particular young people aged 25 and younger, are vaping at phenomenal rates. 6306.wav|And, of course, we will provide links to these incredible clinical trials that maps has spearheaded. 6307.wav|And it serves as a kind of a switchboard and like a sensory relay by which information coming from the eyes, from the ears, from the touch system, et cetera, are funneled into different compartments in the thalamus and then sent to different other areas of the brain. 6308.wav|I also touched on some of the emerging themes. 6309.wav|A honeybee attempts to collect honey and bring it back to the hive. 6310.wav|I realize that everyone has different goals, everyone has different time constraints. 6311.wav|But now we can see a huge number of negative health effects of vaping, some of which are distinct from the effects of smoking. 6312.wav|That's ridiculously low when you first hear it, but that probably reflects a basic state of brain function that hearkens back to a time when we were hunter gatherers. 6313.wav|That's the reflex that prevents you from injuring yourself and from falling over. 6314.wav|So migraines, fatigue, challenges, with your eyesight getting worse as you age, or even in young people, at least according to the articles they described as this epidemic of myopia can largely be dealt with by getting outside, going into panoramic vision, experiencing some distanced vision. 6315.wav|So you might ask, why is it that people who are overweight and have a lot of body fat, why they would continue to eat a lot well past a certain threshold of body fat? 6316.wav|I am in no way, shape or form declaring that I'm an expert on Latter day Saints. 6317.wav|And I don't think that behavior was not correlated with her immense productivity. 6318.wav|But then you look at it a little bit longer and you realize that you're looking at the side angle or the profile of two faces looking at one another. 6319.wav|But we're really talking about some very simple protocols that aren't just designed to improve your sleep, but are really designed to bolster and enhance your vision. 6320.wav|So this can be pretty nuanced and we'll go deeper into this in the episode that I do on cold and flu and how to avoid cold and flu. 6321.wav|You're thinking, well, so and so said this, and I think that, and you're kind of braiding them through and trying to get some common theme, some common vector to emerge from that. 6322.wav|So it's not a deprivation based model where they are flagellating themselves or masochistic or actively avoiding food in order to punish themselves, which is interesting because a lot of psychological theories support that idea. 6323.wav|They start seeing things even though there's nothing there. 6324.wav|You can find that by going to hubermanlab.com, go to the newsletter tab under the menu and you can sign up. 6325.wav|That's one form of dehydration. 6326.wav|Now, this is all changing quite a lot nowadays because of the commercialization of THC and CBD products and cannabis in a number of different areas, including in the United States. 6327.wav|But for sake of the discussion right now, let's just focus on the study that talks about these specific tools and the way that they were used in the study. 6328.wav|That said, most everybody, at least in the US, is not getting sufficient cardiovascular exercise or movement throughout the day. 6329.wav|So in terms of tools, practicing open monitoring meditation or what I would just call open monitoring thinking is going to be immensely useful. 6330.wav|It involves arousal. 6331.wav|Again, that's takethesis.com huberman and use the code Huberman at checkout to get 10% off your first box. 6332.wav|Thyroid levels are down, heart rates are down. 6333.wav|Well, in the case of the dog lifting its leg to urinate on the fire hydrant, that's a scene that most people, and in fact, most children are familiar with from cartoons or from our basic understanding of the stereotype of dogs, and I must tell you, having owned a male dog, a bulldog, Costello, for many years, hydrants were a particular target for Costello. 6334.wav|There's a beautiful metaanalysis, which involves looking at a number of different studies altogether, comparing the statistical strength of each of those studies, looking in different conditions, what sorts of habits were trying to be made or broken. 6335.wav|Inositol has been shown to create a very notable decrease in anxiety symptoms. 6336.wav|In fact, that's a signal that things are going right, meaning they're headed towards learning, but there's a second component that's really required for self-directed adaptive plasticity, and that's periods of deep rest, in particular, a good night's sleep in particular on the night that follows that focused attention to the thing you're trying to learn. 6337.wav|What I mean by that is everybody differs in terms of how bright they can tolerate their visual environment and their screen. 6338.wav|It's a wonderful concept. 6339.wav|It inhibits an ability to pursue or go through the series of action steps in order to achieve pleasure. 6340.wav|And unlike other forms of meditation where you sit and concentrate on your breathing and trying to redirect your thinking back to your breathing or to your posture or to a chant or a mantra, open monitoring meditation is simply a matter of having you sit there or lie down, close your eyes and to allow whatever surfaces in your mind to surface. 6341.wav|And while certainly that could be the case, it's very unlikely that would be the case in the immediate 24 or 48 hours after MDMA ingestion. 6342.wav|That's the lack of sperm production or healthy egg production. 6343.wav|And it's very pleasant for a reason. 6344.wav|That top number, your systole or your systolic blood pressure, is what's measured when the heart contracts. 6345.wav|It's about the state that you're in, plus how you got there and whether or not you directed entry into that state and that point that one directs their own entry into a state deliberately, is really key. 6346.wav|And actually, if you put the little dots close together, it'll look kind of wrong, like it's cross eyed. 6347.wav|It's kind of interesting actually, if you think about it, that people who have a large neck are often told they have no neck. 6348.wav|Tuesday, heat cold contrast. 6349.wav|Now, the basis for dopamine release in response to cold exposure is that the catecholamines, norepinephrine, epinephrine and dopamine tend to be co released by the same sorts of stimuli. 6350.wav|It is not legal. 6351.wav|And if you can remember fewer than three, even down to zero of the final words of those sentences, that's low working memory span. 6352.wav|When we aren't really attending to anything specific outside us and we're not trying to think about anything specific or accomplish anything specific, it actually relates to our sense of imagination and daydreaming. 6353.wav|We don't have time to do a deep dive on that right now. 6354.wav|Now, we've done an episode on bipolar disorder, so called bipolar depression. 6355.wav|When you wear a red shirt in front of your dog or cat, if you see a stop sign and they see a stop sign, they see orangeish brown and you see red, presuming that you are a trichromat, meaning you have three color vision. 6356.wav|In some areas, it has been decriminalized. 6357.wav|You want to try and achieve something that's really lofty, but you don't want to make the goal so lofty that you don't make any progress at all. 6358.wav|And they stopped the study after 120 minutes of getting out of the cold. 6359.wav|And what's really remarkable is the selectivity, or I think it's fair to say the immense selectivity that this particular behavioral intervention seems to exert on dopamine within this pathway associated with divergent thinking. 6360.wav|It's a healthy level of cortisol upon waking, body temperature is increased, et cetera. 6361.wav|But a lot of people have trouble falling back asleep. 6362.wav|That theme is going to come up again and again. 6363.wav|Anytime you eat, your blood sugar goes up to some extent. 6364.wav|The entire thing takes about 90 seconds to three minutes, depending on how many breaths you do. 6365.wav|Put simply, when you get tired, your eyelids close, and when you're alert, your eyelids are open. 6366.wav|Omega-3 fatty acids are going to be a very potent way to reduce pain and to reduce inflammation in ways that can reduce the frequency and the intensity of different kinds of headache. 6367.wav|Element is an electrolyte drink. 6368.wav|In fact, viewing sunlight will increase cortisol levels. 6369.wav|You see people getting ready to sit down and eat a big meal. 6370.wav|Now, of course, there are an enormous number of other things that you can do to improve work performance and productivity, and I've talked about those in previous episodes. 6371.wav|But of course, because the consequences of certain habits in addiction can be so severe, there's other sets of protocols, and there's a kind of a psychological backdrop to it that's very important. 6372.wav|Remember this neural circuit involving those four things earlier, the amygdala stritum over frontal cortex and the prefrontal cortex. 6373.wav|And people have to use visual search to circle those numbers in sequence. 6374.wav|That said, the data from both animal models and in humans really point to the fact that the increases in oxytocin that are produced by MDMA are not directly related to any of the short and long term effects of MDMA that we are most familiar with, namely, motivation, sociability, increased empathy, or the long standing changes in neural circuitry that underlie, for instance, reduced threat detection or reduced connectivity between threat detection centers of the brain and interoception. 6375.wav|Because as we know, and as a good friend of mine, who's an excellent physician, says, better living through chemistry still requires better living. 6376.wav|Very often young people will say, what should I do? 6377.wav|Again for the duration of three breaths. 6378.wav|Unless we intervene in our habits, they tend to carry out the same way that they always have once they've formed. 6379.wav|What I'm referring to is the fact that one of her patients helped themselves get and stay sober off drugs by using deliberate cold exposure to increase dopamine. 6380.wav|Any of the mucosal soft lining tissues of the body will allow certain substances, not all certain substances, to pass in. 6381.wav|That's what gets consolidated. 6382.wav|So a rare circumstance where a specific set of demands that involve both cognitive engagement and physical engagement showed a slight but significant improvement. 6383.wav|If you're going to visualize in a positive way, do that at the very beginning of some goal pursuit, maybe intermittently. 6384.wav|A lot of anorexics are really anxious around food. 6385.wav|And that is evident in a bunch of different conditions. 6386.wav|And this also really points to the fact that many of the things that people are doing out there to self medicate, overuse of alcohol or other substances, to try and calm themselves because they have fear, anxiety and PTSD, are actually driving that fear, anxiety, and PTSD deeper into their system, or at least is not allowing it to relieve itself through any attempts to recount or replay and using these top down narrative circuits or other approaches. 6387.wav|I actually have some friends, two friends that have different forms of synesthesia. 6388.wav|That involves constriction of the blood vessels. 6389.wav|An impossible goal would be, for instance, if I say I'm going to jump from my front driveway all the way up to the road. 6390.wav|But the groups that they created in the study were really interesting. 6391.wav|And I think it's not being overly redundant to do so, which is that regular sufficient amounts of deep sleep each night are going to be important for all aspects of mental health, physical health, and performance, and have been shown over and over again to reduce the frequency of headache and to reduce the time to repair after traumatic brain injury and can improve cognition and on and on and on. 6392.wav|An operational definition is just a definition that allows us to have a conversation because we both agree on, or mostly agree on, what the meaning of a given word is. 6393.wav|So it appears that MDMA in providing this pro social, empathic, again, empathic for others and empathic for self chemical and mental environment, as well as the presence of two trusted therapists, which one has a really good rapport, allows patients with PTSD to really get close to those experiences that were traumatic, to talk about them and to think about them, and in many ways, to reframe them in a context that often involves empathy for others and empathy for self. 6394.wav|And while this might sound a little bit medical or a little bit clinical to some people, believe it or not, this is the nomenclature that's now typically used. 6395.wav|But indica also tends to suppress activation of the amygdala and threat detection centers in the brain, again binding the same cb one receptors and those retrograde signaling mechanisms I talked about before. 6396.wav|The major effect of MDMA for the treatment of PTSD is not to cure PTSD, but rather to make the therapy, the talk therapy for PTSD, much more effective. 6397.wav|So estrogen goes up during the follicular phase, then it goes down, and then progesterone goes up, up, up, up, up, which is important for generating that thick lining of the uterus to allow the fertilized egg, if it's fertilized to implant, and if it's not fertilized, all of that gets released from the body in this bleeding process that we call menstruation. 6398.wav|Then they're doing talk therapy under the influence of MDMA, and then they are doing sessions of talk therapy, not under the influence of MDMA. 6399.wav|So the drugs that increase the neuromodulator, serotonin, for instance, fluoxetine, also called prozac, paxil, et cetera, those things oftentimes can be effective in bulimia. 6400.wav|This tool is rooted in what we call neural circuits, and I do think it is important to understand a little bit about how those neural circuits work. 6401.wav|So that's all DPO stuff. 6402.wav|Remember the go no go circuitry, the circuitry that makes you want to do things, and the circuitry that makes you want to withhold action. 6403.wav|So for instance, a bird image that's repeated over and over and over and over again, sometimes in partially overlapping manner and perhaps a building that's repeated over and over and over again, or stones repeated over and over again, or staircases over and over again. 6404.wav|It's not just exercise. 6405.wav|Please don't eat the feathers of flamingos. 6406.wav|This test allows you to see what your biological age and compare that to your chronological age. 6407.wav|And the two main ones that you need to know about today are adrenaline, also called epinephrine, and cortisol. 6408.wav|And this involved also circling numbers in sequence. 6409.wav|So there's no reason why you can't and shouldn't combine the sort of practical workspace optimization solutions that we talked about today with the kind of neural optimization solutions that we talked about in the episode on Focus and the episode on ADHD and the episode on motivation. 6410.wav|But if you want to keep cortisol levels low in the evening and at night, and indeed you do and improve the transition to sleep and indeed your sleep overall, reducing cortisol at evening time and at nighttime is extremely beneficial, and red lights will help you accomplish that. 6411.wav|Later, for instance, when we talk about the potential toxicity of MDMA, its ability, potentially, to kill neurons, and the neurons it has been hypothesized to kill are neurons of the serotonin and dopamine type. 6412.wav|And as I mentioned earlier, from the positive reinforcement that comes from increased focus. 6413.wav|And the natural consequence of doing the exercise I just described, of writing things out that proceed, are involved in the immediate execution of the habit, and follow the habit, will allow you to experience an increase in energy, and thereby an increase in likelihood that you're going to engage in that entire sequence of events. 6414.wav|In a later episode, we'll talk about designing a workspace that's optimized on the basis of this. 6415.wav|This is simply how to pursue goals. 6416.wav|You've probably seen somebody who loves to cook and prepare food, but then sits down and doesn't seem to eat. 6417.wav|But that people who stand are in a slightly better situation where many of those health metrics improve. 6418.wav|And that makes sense because a lot of the adaptive benefits of exercise actually come from experiencing a lot of inflammation acutely. 6419.wav|They make insulin, but the receptors to insulin are not sensitive to it. 6420.wav|It's actually an entire program by which you can insert particular habits and activities at particular phases of the day. 6421.wav|And if you'd like to access that, you can go to hubermanlab.com. 6422.wav|Today, we're talking all about goals and the science of goal setting and achieving your goals. 6423.wav|It can pass to everything, the brain, the body. 6424.wav|So when you've heard that when we imagine something, it's identical in terms of our brain's experience of it and our body's experience of it, as when we actually experience something, that is true at the neural level. 6425.wav|But to date, at least to my knowledge, there don't seem to be any data in either non human primates or in humans showing toxicity of MDMA at clinically relevant doses, provided it is pure MDMA. 6426.wav|So this is an uncoupling protein, one that acts on the mitochondrial metabolism of cells and increases the mitochondrial output of those cells and the mitochondrial density of those cells. 6427.wav|We hope that you will subscribe on both Apple and Spotify. 6428.wav|And again, I feel obligated to say this is not me saying don't ingest cannabis or THC or CBD. 6429.wav|And with each successive retelling in detail of these traumatic events, of these fearful events, the threat reflex is activated at a progressively lower and lower amplitude, such that eventually it just becomes a really bad, really boring story. 6430.wav|Most of the data is on cigarette smoking because vaping is a relatively new phenomenon, although quite troublingly, it's a very rapidly increasing behavior, especially in the young population. 6431.wav|And the way that we do that is by giving a new story or a new narrative to this experience that we call threat. 6432.wav|I don't think I mentioned this before, but the nucleus accumbens is part of that mesolimbic reward pathway that is essentially establishing a reward for whatever is happening at the moment. 6433.wav|Sometimes it's changing speed. 6434.wav|It doesn't cost anything or it's maybe a couple of minutes of your time. 6435.wav|So any use of deliberate cold exposure is going to be superimposed on that rhythm, that circadian rhythm, meaning that 24 hours rhythm. 6436.wav|Again, you can find that at Hubermanlab.com, everything timestamped. 6437.wav|Which may lead you to the question as to why in the world would people do this? 6438.wav|The protocol that I'm going to describe really works as a foundational template for that as well. 6439.wav|Well, it turns out it has a very specific underlying physiological reason, and that has to do with changes in our so called autonomic nervous system, the aspects of our nervous system that prepare us for readiness and action, or that prepare us for resting and relaxing. 6440.wav|So let's compare that to what happens when people do talk therapy in conjunction with MDMA, and I'll explain exactly what that means in a moment, but it essentially means taking MDMA while doing talk therapy. 6441.wav|The way that that happens varies a little bit from each one to the next. 6442.wav|And so perhaps you weren't able to pay full attention. 6443.wav|Admittedly, there are some excellent case uses for red light therapy, particularly for acne, wound healing, even for improving vision, especially in people beyond the age of 40, for some hormone augmentation. 6444.wav|It's also the case that it takes you longer to look at the details of a small object versus a large object because why? 6445.wav|That should be of particular concern, because we know, we are absolutely clear about the fact that with the advent of all these new strains of cannabis, and with the engineering and availability of cannabis at much higher potency, meaning THC potency, the risk of psychosis is going up and up, and is likely to continue going up unless something is done to reduce the frequency of cannabis use to zero, ideally, or to very low frequency, very low potency in adolescents and teens and people aged 25 or younger. 6446.wav|But it's really the increase in prolactin which speaks most directly to the subjective effects of the so called crash. 6447.wav|And actually the needles are very fine needles and skilled acupuncturist can insert them without any pain or actually the person receiving it doesn't even usually recognize that the needles are in. 6448.wav|Anorexics often will see themselves as overweight or imperfect in ways that are of an obsession for them. 6449.wav|In fact, we have to go back to our understanding. 6450.wav|You can find that episode@hubermanlab.com it's filled with information about how to get over different types of addictions, including cocaine addiction. 6451.wav|For instance, I described principle one of effective mental training and visualization, which is that the visualization be brief and it be simple and it be repeated. 6452.wav|If you're curious about temperature regulation, I covered a lot of that in the episodes of the Hebrew and lab podcast on deliberate cold exposure and deliberate heat exposure. 6453.wav|Do behavioral interventions work for bulimia? 6454.wav|It activates neural networks that are associated with feeling more socially connected. 6455.wav|And we can define stress very specifically as times when adrenaline, also called epinephrine, and or norepinephrine, also called noradrenaline, are elevated in your body. 6456.wav|This might seem a little kooky or crazy to you, but as you'll soon hear in the study, I'm about to describe the increases in endurance and in the volume of strength training that people can conduct if they appropriately cool their body through these glaborous skin portals is actually quite significant. 6457.wav|Acetylcholine released from nucleus basalus leads to a sort of spotlighting or highlighting of particular neural circuits in the brain. 6458.wav|Even though it might sound a little bit silly, you are really training up your ability to keep your brain working when the reflex is to shut down the parts of your brain that are involved in deliberate planning and thinking. 6459.wav|But for a few minutes, I'd like to discuss some of the drug treatments that are starting to emerge as potential therapeutics, in particular for PTSD. 6460.wav|You would set that down, and then you would engage in some other positive behavior that you've deemed positive. 6461.wav|I recall my bulldog, unfortunately, he passed away. 6462.wav|Well, LuTeiN is in the pathway that relates to vitamin A and the formation of the opsin. 6463.wav|I'm going to repeat that. 6464.wav|But what's amazing is that that same circuit is the one that's involved in physical movement, in generating and thinking about physical movement. 6465.wav|But in any case, those delta oscillations in the nucleus accumbens are associated with food reward in both mice and humans. 6466.wav|But there are other phases of the day, and those turn out to be useful for acquiring other types of habits. 6467.wav|One in particular that I like very much is Kelly Boyce, first name Kelly, last name B-O-Y-S. 6468.wav|And we know from neuroimaging, those are the individuals with lower baseline levels of dopamine. 6469.wav|You might blink, that's okay. 6470.wav|I'd like to take a brief break and thank our sponsor InsideTracker. 6471.wav|And just to illustrate some of the major effects that the Heller lab has seen and that are documented in this manuscript that I'll share with you in a moment, the typical protocol is to have people come in and do some endurance training. 6472.wav|And with respect to cannabis and THC, and perhaps even CBD, but certainly for THC and cannabis that's smoked or vaped or consumed in edible form, that is simply not the case. 6473.wav|Well, if you look at the data, and again, I think some of the strongest data are data to come out of the canadian system. 6474.wav|And while this might sound really kooky, indeed this practice exists. 6475.wav|I think most of us are going to have circumstances where we're rushing around trying to just eat before we head out or get to a meal, and then we sit down and we find ourselves eating. 6476.wav|So the predisposition that one might inherit from having a parent, father or mother. 6477.wav|I was a little bit masochistic in this way. 6478.wav|While it is true that the unit of the day that our cells use is a circadian one, a 24 hours clock. 6479.wav|And in that moment, capture the sequence of events, not that led to the bad habit execution, but actually to take advantage of the fact that the neurons that were responsible for generating that bad habit were active a moment ago and to actually engage in a replacement behavior immediately afterward. 6480.wav|Then you would open your eyes and you would focus your visual attention on some area on the surface of your body. 6481.wav|I'll give you the broad contour of the study because I want to make sure that it's the conclusions that come through most clearly, and we will provide a link to the study in our show note captions. 6482.wav|It's also very convenient for our discussion today. 6483.wav|So, if you're interested in exploring those, proceed with caution. 6484.wav|That signal, that dialogue is mixed up or messed up. 6485.wav|Somebody put it in the comments and tell me if I should play it or not. 6486.wav|But basically the nicotine binds to one of those parking spots, parks there. 6487.wav|The main one is a so called NMDA receptor, N methyl D aspartate receptor. 6488.wav|Phase two, better suited for most people for creative kind of abstract thinking, expansive thinking, brainstorming, et cetera. 6489.wav|It's very clear, because it's been measured, that if you look at the amount of anxiety, the pure physiological anxiety response of quickening of heart rate, flushing of the skin, sometimes quaking of the hands, the experience of fear over time, when people recount or retell their trauma, that the first time they do that, especially when it's recounted in a lot of detail, there's a tremendous anxiety response, sometimes even as great or greater than the actual exposure to the fearful event or trauma. 6490.wav|That's the total structure, but I want to emphasize again, you do not need to start this on Sunday. 6491.wav|It does not cause people to start eating again. 6492.wav|But still, many people are ingesting cannabis, THC, CBD, through sources where they don't really know how much they're bringing into their system. 6493.wav|And again, just to repeat, there was no difference between cycling and treadmill workstations. 6494.wav|And they match you to a mattress that's ideal for your particular sleep needs. 6495.wav|And the major effect of sativa varieties are to create a high, if you will, and I'm putting this in air quotes for those of you that are listening, but to also act as a stimulant. 6496.wav|Now, some of you might be saying, well, wait, this is all self talk. 6497.wav|If you want to see the thorn products that I take, you can go to thornthor.com theletter Uberman, and there you can see the supplements that I take. 6498.wav|The ones that I think most of you will be familiar with are the drugs that increase dopamine and norepinephrine for the treatment of ADHD. 6499.wav|And then it's also the case that using cannabis, especially during adolescence, in the teen years and up until age 25, create a four times greater risk of psychosis for those that have a predisposition to bipolar disorder and or schizophrenia. 6500.wav|You don't want things to be so novel and scary, or threatening or anxiety provoking or loud that they draw your attention away from your work. 6501.wav|Do you tend to run hot or cold, et cetera. 6502.wav|There are annual reviews of neuroscience, annual reviews of psychology, annual reviews of nutrition science, et cetera. 6503.wav|So taking an aspirin or something like it for migraine, in some cases, the worst possible choice. 6504.wav|It's filled with lipids and those lipids can be used if the body needs energy and if it goes into a caloric deficit. 6505.wav|If you have an infection of the eye, herpes infection of the eye, you should see an ophthalmologist. 6506.wav|Although supplementation with this particular compound can accomplish the same thing as well. 6507.wav|The arteries and blood vessels get bigger and wider, and so there's a pressure and a swelling within the cranium that people experience as a headache. 6508.wav|What's been shown over and over again in this literature is that performing mental training and visualization repeatedly and in a very restricted way that makes it easier to perform those trials over and over and over again and with a high degree of accuracy, almost always, really we can fairly say in essentially every study where it's been explored has led to improvements in real world performance of both cognitive and or physical tasks. 6509.wav|They're not making the decision to have a cheat day. 6510.wav|And in order to do that, I'd like to just briefly paraphrase or read from the first paragraph of this paper. 6511.wav|And in addition to that, by training a bunch of different muscle groups together, you have the opportunity to get the more systemic hormonal effects and metabolic effects that occur when you're not just training one muscle group and isolating that one muscle group, but rather training a bunch of muscle groups together. 6512.wav|So today, what I'm going to cover is a brief summary of what neuroplasticity is, that is how it occurs in the brain and body. 6513.wav|But blinking for five to 15 seconds, probably slowly, not as quickly as I'm doing here on video, but just maybe a blink every second or two for 15 seconds can lubricate the eyes. 6514.wav|And we have to be very, very careful about this. 6515.wav|First of all, they tend to park always in the same spot, if they can. 6516.wav|If you'd like to see the supplements that the Huberman Lab podcast has partnered with momentous on, you can go to live momentous, spelled O-U-S. 6517.wav|You want to diminish the intensity, the potency of the old original trauma experience or fear experience. 6518.wav|And oxytocin is known to do that as well as to work locally. 6519.wav|A lot of people are like that. 6520.wav|I'm overriding limbic friction. 6521.wav|That's why it's called withdrawal. 6522.wav|But then when the heart relaxes for a second before the next beat, then it drops to 80. 6523.wav|It could be through a window, or ideally outdoors without a window. 6524.wav|I've left it in the car, outside. 6525.wav|You want to get out onto a balcony. 6526.wav|And then, as you were to march that stimulation across the insula, you would find that they would now be paying attention to their legs or just to one leg or to their whole body or to the sensations in their face or their head. 6527.wav|There you can see the supplements that I take. 6528.wav|Accommodation is a wonderful feature of your visual system, but you don't want to push that too hard too often or for too long. 6529.wav|While supplements aren't necessary for everybody, many people derive tremendous benefit from them for things like improving sleep, for hormone support, and for focus. 6530.wav|And it can be synthesized in a laboratory and ingested through a patch or a gum or even a pill or a toothpick dipped in nicotine. 6531.wav|All of that is fine. 6532.wav|But it turns out that these elevations in norepinephrine and dopamine are very long lasting in ways that people report feeling vast improvements in mood and vast improvements in levels of cognitive attention and energy. 6533.wav|What I do understand to be the case is that people within the Lds community are discouraged from using drugs like caffeine or cocaine or alcohol. 6534.wav|You won't get charged, you'll get your money back, et cetera. 6535.wav|And that was very, very useful to me. 6536.wav|The authors are Wendy Wood and Dennis Runger. 6537.wav|And there's a whole relationship between blinking and time perception that we covered in the episode on time perception. 6538.wav|The second most common question I get about deliberate cold exposure is whether or not cold showers are as good, better, or worse than cold water immersion up to the neck, for instance. 6539.wav|Maui Nui spent nearly a decade building a USDA certified wild harvesting system to help balance deer populations on the island of Maui. 6540.wav|So the way this study was carried out is that subjects were taught or conditioned to a particular danger signal through repeated presentation of a sound with a footshock. 6541.wav|Individuals that initially had low baseline levels of dopamine and therefore shorter working memory span, so they only remembered zero to about three of the final words of that six sentence series, their performance significantly improved. 6542.wav|So imagine somebody living up in Tromsø, Norway, which is very close to the North Pole. 6543.wav|So, does cannabis increase creativity? 6544.wav|Habits organize our behavior into more or less reflexive actions so we don't have to think too much about performing the various behaviors that, for instance, allow us to brush our teeth or which side of bed we roll out of in the morning. 6545.wav|And if you navigate deeper into the thorn site through that portal, thorn.com uberman, you can also get 20% off any of the other supplements that Thorne makes. 6546.wav|In other words, the amygdala is essential for the threat response. 6547.wav|There are a couple of funnier ones, but that one's kind of considered on the funnier side. 6548.wav|Now, those nicotinic receptors were named after nicotine, the compound, but they existed in the brain and body not because of the existence of a tobacco plant, but because there are other chemicals in the body that naturally occur, namely acetylcholine, that bind the nicotine receptor. 6549.wav|You put fewer things in front of them, their attention is more narrow. 6550.wav|That is not to say that people with ADHD cannot accomplish that, but that it is going to require some additional steps and protocols in order to enhance convergent thinking. 6551.wav|Developed by Francine Shapiro in the 80s. 6552.wav|So the point here is that it's not as if there is zero utility to third-person mental training and visualization. 6553.wav|But the effects on penile girth, the effects on reducing blood flow to various tissues, is still present during the effects of nicotine, which, as I mentioned last, about one to 2 hours, the half life is about one to 2 hours, depending on a number of factors. 6554.wav|And with some effort, you're going to hold your visual attention for 30 to 60 seconds. 6555.wav|Although typically in a working memory task, it would just be said once, but I'm going to make this extra easy. 6556.wav|If the bird sees the fish right below it, it has to know, it has to adjust its diving trajectory just right, because it knows that that fish actually isn't where it sees it. 6557.wav|Other animals set and attempt to achieve goals. 6558.wav|I use the near far cues that I talked about before, motion parallax. 6559.wav|That I think is not a far cry from the change in spectral tilt that they observed here. 6560.wav|So imagining a goal has to be coupled to the physical pursuit of the goal. 6561.wav|Rather, we say the person has propasagnosia or suffers from propasagnosia. 6562.wav|If you don't already subscribe on Apple and Spotify, that's very beneficial. 6563.wav|So the way it works is reciprocal. 6564.wav|Make sure that whatever you're looking at is directly in front of you and doesn't extend too far out to the side. 6565.wav|And again, you'll be supporting research for mental health, physical health and performance. 6566.wav|The communication between cerebellum and primary motor cortex is inhibitory, although it can activate motor cortex too, and this gets into a little bit of technical detail, but there can be inhibition of inhibition. 6567.wav|With cold exposure, you don't have as much variable space to play with. 6568.wav|Knowing whether or not where one is at one given moment relates to some external thing. 6569.wav|And there you'll see a number of the supplements that we talk about regularly on the podcast. 6570.wav|The brain of a 14-year-old is very different than the brain of that same individual when that person is 21, because there's ongoing developmental plasticity. 6571.wav|This is a good opportunity for me to mention that the Huberman Lab podcast has something called the Neural network newsletter that is sent out approximately once a month. 6572.wav|And also, I just feel better when I drink it. 6573.wav|The first thing to do is to understand the difference between peripersonal space and extrapersonal space. 6574.wav|At the end of that quiz you match to a specific mattress. 6575.wav|And what I'm telling you is that it's a process that involves divergent thinking and consideration. 6576.wav|Other people say 2 hours. 6577.wav|Well, curcumin and turmeric not only are anti-inflammatory, but they also can impinge on other pathways, in particular hormonal pathways. 6578.wav|So on one ear you hear, and in the other ear, you've got. 6579.wav|There's an app for both Apple and Android. 6580.wav|Peter, Dr. Attia, I should say, often talks about certain movements or exercises that you should perform, not just to improve your fitness, but also to touch into or measure how fit you are and how well you are progressing toward a long lifespan and health span. 6581.wav|Okay, so there'll be other chemicals involved, too, but the main chemicals and neural circuits are those involved in dopamine. 6582.wav|It's published in 2020. 6583.wav|The hypothalamus contains lots of different kinds of neurons, including neurons that stimulate sexual activity and desire, regulate your body temperature, and control appetite, and ceasing of eating an appetite. 6584.wav|Translated to English, what that means is that during the MDMA session, people report feeling less threatened, more pro social towards others, more empathic towards others and themselves, and then after the session, they have less of a threat response to memories that before the session were more troubling. 6585.wav|And you'll have to experiment a bit. 6586.wav|And it fits well with this notion of habit slips, that if you happen to screw up and not be able to engage in whatever habits you're trying to learn for whatever reason, that the next day you just get right back on the horse, so to speak. 6587.wav|Per usual, I covered a lot of material today. 6588.wav|That is, they included 12,317 men and women. 6589.wav|And narrowing of focus so that you're not thinking about anything else, but also signaling from the hypothalamus to the gut, to neurons within the stomach itself that regulate blood sugar. 6590.wav|And many of you are probably shouting, what about caffeine? 6591.wav|And now we know, based on data from vaping, that the endothelial cell damage and the direct effects of damage to the lungs from tars, and even if people are vaping, which tends to have lower tars than do cigarettes, even for people that are vaping, greatly increased probability of stroke, of peripheral vascular disease. 6592.wav|So again, while headaches are very intrusive, irritating, and in some cases, debilitating, there is certainly light at the end of this tunnel. 6593.wav|But each of these studies alone and together point to the fact that kava does seem to produce a very potent angsoliotic and general kind of improvement in depressive symptoms and reduction in generalized anxiety across the board. 6594.wav|If we think back to the neural circuit associated with assessing value in our goal pursuits, this makes perfect sense. 6595.wav|The age ranges are anywhere from 18 to 64, which is a nice broad age range. 6596.wav|But every once in a while, you have to catch your breath, whereas if you were to push any harder by any mechanism going faster or on a steeper incline, et cetera, that you would have a hard time carrying out a conversation. 6597.wav|So sometimes it will be starting off with a set of shoulder presses and then doing all your sets of those and then moving to your chin ups and then moving perhaps back to shoulders and realizing, ah, oh, someone's on the machine that I wanted or using the equipment that I wanted. 6598.wav|So the sourcing of MDMA is extremely important and the safety issues simply cannot be overlooked. 6599.wav|That's lmmnt.com huberman to claim a free element sample pack with your purchase. 6600.wav|MDMA is a unique compound in that it leads to very large increases in the amount of both dopamine and serotonin in the brain and body simultaneously. 6601.wav|Okay, it can be passed by skin contact and mucosal contact. 6602.wav|For those of you that have ever experienced cluster headaches, they are extremely painful, even the more, or I should say the relatively more minor cluster headaches are extremely painful and the severe ones are exceedingly painful. 6603.wav|Again, menthol, peppermint oil being among the most potent. 6604.wav|What they discovered was that by going into these cold environments, in this case, cold water immersion up to the neck for eleven minutes total per week, that these men experienced increases in so called brown fat thermogenesis. 6605.wav|The other group did 15 minutes of relaxation concentration that is somewhat akin to mindfulness meditation. 6606.wav|Anxiety tends to be stress about some future event, although it can mean other things as well. 6607.wav|Please proceed with caution. 6608.wav|Those two major channels have names, although you don't have to remember the names. 6609.wav|I should do my homework. 6610.wav|If you can write, you've learned how to write, et cetera. 6611.wav|And we have so called blood pressure. 6612.wav|This is why indica varieties are often used for relaxation and for promoting sleep, regardless of whether or not sativa or indica variety. 6613.wav|And this is a very controversial literature, and here's why some studies say, yes, it suppresses testosterone in males and females. 6614.wav|While it is important to think about the sequence of events that would be required in order to engage in that behavior, that procedural memory visualization exercise we talked about before, that will help. 6615.wav|It's a gene, or it's a modification in a set of genes that gives a heightened level of responsibility to fearful type events, or even a heightened level of responsibility such that things that wouldn't be fear inducing or trauma inducing to certain individuals can trigger fear and trauma in these children that inherit this particular gene. 6616.wav|The animal study can be described the following way. 6617.wav|Today's episode is also brought to us by athletic Greens, now referred to as ag one. 6618.wav|Those episodes, like all other episodes of the Huberman Lab podcast, can be found@hubermanlab.com it's a fully searchable site. 6619.wav|Today, we are discussing mental training and visualization. 6620.wav|And what worked to generate more focus for me was to go to a cafe or to a library or someplace where there's actually more commotion, more people moving about, maybe even more noise, maybe even music in the room. 6621.wav|And as we do that, I want to emphasize again that nobody can really define what healthy eating is with a single protocol. 6622.wav|This is something that was really popular in the when ways of measuring brain activity noninvasively with electrodes on the outside enabled people to identify that indeed, alpha brainwaves are associated with alertness states, and some are other brainwaves that are kind of larger amplitude. 6623.wav|And even though it's highly invasive, I think is going to lead to not just some relief for the patients that do get that stimulation, but also the identification of what sorts of receptors are present in those brain areas that could help. 6624.wav|That's really cool and fantastic. 6625.wav|Both are part of a lecture series entitled the Brain Body Contract, during which I will discuss science and sciencebased tools for mental health, physical health, and performance. 6626.wav|Whereas the kinds of goals that work when you place them out into the longer term and can create a heightened sense of motivation tend to be things that are much more rewarding to us. 6627.wav|So the major takeaways today are we should all be asking the question, what is healthy eating for us? 6628.wav|Okay, so temperature rises with waking. 6629.wav|OK. And they also found the converse individuals that had a low working memory span and ability had less dopamine available for release. 6630.wav|It's more common in young girls and in women than it is in young boys and in men, but it is present in both sexes. 6631.wav|But we can take the normal distribution of those scores and sort of draw a line down the middle and say that if you could remember three to six of the final words of those sentences correctly, you're going to fall into the high working memory span group. 6632.wav|But today, I really wanted to emphasize the biology of cannabis. 6633.wav|Excuse me, Pavel, if I got that wrong, maybe it wasn't you that said that, but big admire of his work. 6634.wav|And I think it's vital to understand that cannabis use, through any delivery mechanism, smoking or vaping or edible or otherwise, is very, very concerning, in fact, dangerous to the developing brain, certainly for the fetal brain and for the baby brain, but also for the adolescent brain and for the teen and young adult brain, not just because of the effects that it can have in the immediate term, those slow, creeping increases in anxiety and depression brought on by cannabis use, but also the time release, if you will, on the development of psychosis and other types of major psychiatric disorders later in life. 6635.wav|All of mental training and visualization relies on what I consider really the holy grail of our brain and nervous system, and that's neuroplasticity. 6636.wav|And in addition to that, by doing them in this particular phase of the day, not necessarily at the same time. 6637.wav|Now, obesity causes all sorts of shifts in the dialogue between the brain and body, some of which you'll recognize from earlier in the discussion. 6638.wav|Your temperature minimum is probably about 05:00 a.m. 6639.wav|And one I already mentioned, which is L-tyrosine, taken typically in dosages of 500 to 1,000 milligrams. 6640.wav|So it's like we have our own endogenous release of these opioids, and that's occurring in the pag, the other area. 6641.wav|Those signals are being sent from the fat and from the gut up to the brain. 6642.wav|A few years ago, I got into a regular meditation practice because I started using Headspace's meditation app. 6643.wav|In fact, so important, I'm going to repeat it at least three times during today's episode. 6644.wav|And they'll give you a year supply of vitamin D three, k two there's now a lot of evidence that vitamin D three supports a huge number of metabolic factors, immune system factors, endocrine factors. 6645.wav|And levels of endogenous cannabinoids actually go down across development. 6646.wav|And there's actually an interesting probe test for anorexia that involves something akin to kind of a where's Waldo type puzzle where an image is put up. 6647.wav|There are a number of downstream negative effects. 6648.wav|So we're not talking about a different form of creativity here. 6649.wav|After listening to the NSDR script again. 6650.wav|And there, too, you're going to get some serious surprises. 6651.wav|The fact that there are memories attached to a generic threat reflex and response. 6652.wav|Well, turns out that even though they are the same plant, these two different genetic varieties, because of the way that they grow and the way they capture sunlight and the way, believe it or not, that the different plants within that strain interact with one another, because, believe it or not, plants are interacting with one another, they actually bring different elements of the psychoactive compound to different components within the leaves and the so called buds. 6653.wav|In addition, on YouTube you can leave us feedback in the comments section. 6654.wav|Nolan Williams, who's a triple board certified physician, psychiatrist, and neurologist at Stanford School of Medicine. 6655.wav|Now, I should emphasize that some people out there, either by training or by genetics or by both, will be naturally better at divergent or convergent thinking. 6656.wav|We also touched on a large variety of approaches to dealing with fear, trauma, and PTSD that currently exist in the clinical landscape out there. 6657.wav|And typically, if something unexpected but positive happens. 6658.wav|I now move my visual attention to outside my body to some location in the room, or if I'm outside in the external environment, something in the range of five to 15ft away, and I'm trying to move 90% of my attention to that external object. 6659.wav|Why that is, we don't know. 6660.wav|Some of the drugs that are used to treat attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in aDd, a topic that we're going to talk about in depth here on the podcast soon, some of those same drugs, like Adderall, vivance, and things of that sort, can also be used to treat bulimia and binge eating disorder. 6661.wav|But it's thought that non human primates provide a model that's far more similar to humans. 6662.wav|That's just a reflection of the existing technology. 6663.wav|A common question I get, however, is what should be the rate of errors? 6664.wav|Those basic elements have to be built up through some sort of formal or at least rigorous or regular training, in the same way that you're not going to take a walk and then suddenly be able to paint an incredible picture if you have no painting ability. 6665.wav|If it was post lunch in the afternoon, it's warm, the of the air conditioner or whatever it is, and I'm just out. 6666.wav|We talked about the biology of nicotine. 6667.wav|This is the way you move the limbs of your body. 6668.wav|Nowadays, there are strains of sativa that have been genetically engineered, and I don't mean by an engineer tinkering away with gene engineering in a kind of CRISPR, creating mutants, but literally, by hybridizing, crossing different plants to one another, creating in a natural context, the same way plants in the outside world would sometimes hybridize to one another, creating a variety that's perhaps type two, which is going to have less THC and more CBD, or a type three, which is going to be very high CBD and very little THC. 6669.wav|But I mention it because it is the third in the four dopaminergic circuits. 6670.wav|And then with some delay ranging from anywhere from 100 milliseconds to maybe 350 milliseconds, there will be a red circle or a red X also presented, which is a stop signal. 6671.wav|But in the case of neuroplasticity, long-term depression is simply a change in the connections between neurons and the excitability between neurons that in many ways can be excellent for learning things, in particular, motor skills. 6672.wav|It's not even the cluster type headache of the nerve activation of the trigeminal. 6673.wav|Not so much today, but in many previous episodes of the Huberman Lab podcast, we talk about supplements. 6674.wav|Then there's a third, what I call station. 6675.wav|So I don't want to diminish the incredible power that oxytocin has in our brains and bodies. 6676.wav|It is illegal to buy or possess alcohol, consume alcohol before age 21, and I think with good reason, because the brain is still developing. 6677.wav|Theragun is a handheld percussive device that releases deep muscle tension. 6678.wav|Or you should look up from your computer screen. 6679.wav|But if it's a giant wave, if you get a huge blast of dopamine, well, then a bunch of the water sloshes out of the wave pool, and then you basically have to take some time off, reset that dopamine level. 6680.wav|They're not always just playing outdoors, they might be reading books, et cetera. 6681.wav|And so you're maximizing that process, which is actually a neural process. 6682.wav|In particular, we're going to discuss the biology of habit formation and the biology of how we break. 6683.wav|And we have people doing that in real time anytime they experience stress. 6684.wav|But I just mention it in any case because it's a pretty simple fix. 6685.wav|Or if you're wearing a brimmed hat, or you're wearing a hoodie, maybe peel that back again. 6686.wav|Okay, so we've got the executive network, which is involved in suppressing particular thoughts or actions. 6687.wav|I did that in a couple of episodes about ADHD and attention and dopamine in particular. 6688.wav|The last type of headache that I'd like to discuss is headache associated with head hits, that is traumatic brain injury. 6689.wav|This is a paper last author Jonathan Cohen, and the paper is entitled the 85% rule for optimal learning. 6690.wav|So that's remarkable to me. 6691.wav|And yet an hour is a pretty long time to be in there. 6692.wav|Here's a general rule of thumb. 6693.wav|And the amounts of the supplements listed on the bottle are actually what are contained in the bottle. 6694.wav|You've probably done that and it did not get sore. 6695.wav|It's designed for drawing, and it says on it, 930 Lux. 6696.wav|People often poison themselves. 6697.wav|The exception being in the clinical studies that we'll talk about a little bit later. 6698.wav|And when I say really big, really highly statistically significant, what they observed is that in the placebo group, because of course they include a placebo group, the amount of circulating oxytocin was 18.6 peakograms per milliliter, which to you probably means nothing. 6699.wav|I'll make sure by the way that I can get back into the building because I've been locked in those stairwells before. 6700.wav|Ding, ding, ding, ding, ding. 6701.wav|They are not being as strongly driven by endogenous cannabinoids, but by ingestion of THC and or CBD. 6702.wav|For those of you that are listening, not watching, off to your sides with arms straight, and you reach a maximum positioning of flexibility. 6703.wav|And this is a much larger discussion that actually relates to things like parenting and self regulation. 6704.wav|Well, then I eat some starches after I train and I also ingest some protein in the form of a protein drink or a meal that includes some protein food, but I don't like to eat before I do resistance training or at least not within the hour or two before I do resistance training. 6705.wav|Trying to pursue too many goals at once can definitely be counterproductive. 6706.wav|So, same distance traveled with same workload because everyone's wearing these same 15 pound weights on their ankles. 6707.wav|So when we talk about the subjective effects or the brain networks that are activated when people take MDMA, in general, we're talking about dosages somewhere between zero point 75 milligrams per kilogram of body weight and 1.5 milligrams per kilogram of body weight. 6708.wav|But again, build up over time, you can add time, you can add weight, and that's also a really nice feature of adding weight, which is at some point your schedule might be such that you just don't really want to keep adding more and more and more time on this long endurance Sunday, in this case, workout. 6709.wav|It's a study that was done on mice, and I realize that a lot of people will hear that and think, what relevance does that have to humans? 6710.wav|Also, if you are sprinting and then jogging, or you're really pushing hard on an assault bike or an Airdyne bike, or using a, for instance, a skier or the skier machine, or any number of different cardiovascular training tools, you are going to get activation of the legs. 6711.wav|To give you a sense of where we are going, I'll just lay out the framework for today's podcast. 6712.wav|Certainly if it's being done in conjunction with a family member or a partner or with a therapist, they will feel extremely connected to that person. 6713.wav|What I've tried to do is give you a framework, and in doing that, I've tried to give you a framework of understanding that also applies to this question that's, I think, equally important and goes alongside the treatment of eating disorders is what in the world is healthy eating? 6714.wav|You get used to a certain level of mood and alertness and well being for that time of day. 6715.wav|But many people are deficient in vitamin D three even if they are getting what they think is sufficient sunlight. 6716.wav|And anytime we're talking about habits, that means our nervous system learns something. 6717.wav|So that's going to be heavier weights and longer rest as I described earlier, the rest intervals. 6718.wav|So assume that it will take about six minutes to engage in your work bout, and that those neurochemical systems will take some time to rev up and engage. 6719.wav|But for everybody, we should be doing this. 6720.wav|It's not completely dim, it's not completely dark, but I will start to reduce the amount of overhead light and just simply keep the light pad on and whatever other lamps I happen to be using. 6721.wav|Basically, NSDR is a wonderfully restorative tool. 6722.wav|Indeed, that means to heighten levels of focus, to increase levels of creativity, to improve your ability to task switch. 6723.wav|If you look at individuals who start using cannabis even younger, age 14, or even as young as twelve, the probability of psychosis later in life, in particular, schizophrenic or schizophrenic like episodes, more than doubles. 6724.wav|You will also hear that 43, 43% of females suffer from migraine, that is, recurring headaches that qualifies migraine headaches, and that 17% of men suffer from migraine headaches on a recurring basis, which is, again, the definition of a migraine headache, or one of the key definitions. 6725.wav|I think the bulk of the data really point to the fact that it's the serotonin increases combined with the dopamine increases caused by MDMA that lead to most of the understood effects, and that oxytocin, if it's playing a role, is going to play a more minor role. 6726.wav|In fact, if you place the item of pleasure, the mate, the food, et cetera, even just one rat's length away from that rat, the rat without dopamine will not even move one length of its own body in order to achieve that pleasure. 6727.wav|That's right, it's a dissociative anesthetic. 6728.wav|So what is special about focusing one's visual attention at a given location? 6729.wav|That's obvious, but you'd be surprised how many people go right back to work because they have to. 6730.wav|But basically what this paper identifies is a large data set in which workplace and environmental noise, mostly the humming of air conditioners that's very loud or the humming of heaters that's very loud and ongoing, just incessant, doesn't let up, can really increase mental fatigue and can vastly decrease cognitive performance. 6731.wav|And I think this is a much underexplored, or at least a much under discussed aspect of so called muscular failure, or the failure of one to continue to endure in running. 6732.wav|And it does appear that when those people take MDMA, they actually experience less of a prosocial effect of the drug now that spits in the face of everything I just said about oxytocin not being involved in the effects of MDMA on prosociability and empathy. 6733.wav|And it has a number of different underlying cellular molecular features that we don't have to go into in detail. 6734.wav|Okay, so that's just one example of convergent thinking. 6735.wav|And based on what you now know, that the threat reflex gets input and it has outputs and it's subject to these top down processing events, these narratives. 6736.wav|So go to athleticgreens.com huberman to get the athletic greens, the five free travel packs, and the year supply of d three and k two. 6737.wav|When the dorsilateral striatum is engaged, your body and your brain are primed to execute a habit, and then you get to consciously insert which habit you want to perform. 6738.wav|I like a nice warm shower or to get in the sauna afterwards. 6739.wav|They had some breaks in there. 6740.wav|Now, as we'll soon see, there are other things you can do to improve creative thinking and abstract thinking. 6741.wav|So it's acting as a break. 6742.wav|In fact, I've used it for over three decades. 6743.wav|So this is an area that really deserves some time for us to discuss, because, again, there is a distinct difference between the recreational and therapeutic use of MDMA. 6744.wav|And that's because the palm c neurons have outputs to various areas of the brain and body, controlling everything from how full we feel to whether or not our blood sugar goes up or down, which can impact our hunger. 6745.wav|And you also want to start reducing the amount of blue light that you're being exposed to. 6746.wav|Almost certainly, yes, that they're involved, although I don't think that that's going to be the major point of intervention, that we're going to talk about other types of interventions. 6747.wav|I can't think of anyone out there that wouldn't want to have healthy hormonal function, healthy cardiovascular function, to live a long time and to feel vital, that is to have a long healthspan as well as a long lifespan. 6748.wav|It's in the serotonin synthesis pathway. 6749.wav|Bulimia, which is defined as binge eating or overeating, let me explain what that is. 6750.wav|Well, a lot of our goal directed behavior is to avoid punishments, including things like embarrassment or financial ruin or things of that sort. 6751.wav|And just to contrast that with pharmacology, I am not aware of any specific dopamine-related pharmacology that would allow us to selectively increase dopamine in the very pathway associated with divergent thinking and creativity. 6752.wav|Now, by also following a consistent schedule of self reward, you set yourself up for any positive, unanticipated rewards that may happen. 6753.wav|In fact, they were originally designed for that purpose. 6754.wav|If you think about it, someone has to come into the laboratory, and let's say you want to study chronic cannabis use. 6755.wav|A child observes that kind of behavior. 6756.wav|Today, we're going to do something a little bit different than usual. 6757.wav|Now, the study I want to describe is actually published in 2016. 6758.wav|This was a study that was performed both in mice and it included a crossover study with a human population. 6759.wav|And the fact that, of course, there are women who are no longer menstruating, so they're either in perimenopause and menstruation is becoming more infrequent or they're in menopause and it has ceased entirely. 6760.wav|If you've ever dropped a coin to the bottom of a pool, if you go straight down looking at that location, if you were to look from the top of the pool and you dive straight down with your eyes closed, you will miss, because the water refracts, it shifts the visual image. 6761.wav|Reward prediction error also says that if we expect a reward and the reward doesn't come, that the pattern of dopamine release will follow a particular contour. 6762.wav|It also describes some of Dr. 6763.wav|And basically what they did is they stressed out mice, got them depressed. 6764.wav|Anatomists like to name things after what things look like, but hippocampus memory, memory is reduced, in particular, short term memory. 6765.wav|But then they also grade them, right? 6766.wav|Keep them without feeling uncomfortable, or certainly not without feeling any pain in your eyes or elsewhere in your body. 6767.wav|You see this with all sorts of long term investment. 6768.wav|The parking of that chemical in those neurotransmitter receptors will either cause that neuron on the postsynaptic side to itself, release neurotransmitter elsewhere, or it will quiet it down. 6769.wav|Now, multitasking has been shown to have a very interesting physiological signature. 6770.wav|But for most people, it's going to taper off due to this circadian b mal gene related mechanism. 6771.wav|One of the more important things is that the dosages are quite high. 6772.wav|And so these have a number of different names and acronyms. 6773.wav|It means less sunlight and either more artificial light or more darkness, depending on how much artificial light you rely on. 6774.wav|And no, this is not me telling you to have good posture. 6775.wav|So, as it turns out that if you are to cool the palms of the hands, the bombs of the feet, and upper half of the face, you can more efficiently reduce core body temperature for sake of offsetting hyperthermia and for improving athletic performance and maybe even cognitive performance. 6776.wav|Remember at the beginning of the episode, when I mentioned that many people are good at mental training and visualization, but some people are not. 6777.wav|And yes, they had the mice do resistance training. 6778.wav|What are the catecholamines? 6779.wav|Let's just recall that killing off of or death of dopamine neurons is the underlying basis for Parkinson's disease, which is a movement disorder where people have difficulty generating smooth movements, and in very severe form, they can't move at all. 6780.wav|Getting through this thing really requires a very sharp razor blade. 6781.wav|And vice versa. 6782.wav|And this was a randomized control trial. 6783.wav|They did this by the injection of a specific dye. 6784.wav|And in some cases, before they are doing the working memory task. 6785.wav|We will also talk about different ways to access creativity that include narrative and storytelling, as well as applying new rule sets or even entirely new worldviews. 6786.wav|If you're enjoying and or learning from this podcast, please subscribe to the podcast on YouTube, Apple, and Spotify. 6787.wav|So what is an eating disorder? 6788.wav|So for instance, the brain circuits that govern your breathing, the brain circuits that govern your heartbeat, the brain circuits that govern your specific movements once you are an adult and allow for smooth directed movement are very precise, very little slop, if any, in the wiring. 6789.wav|And for many people, that will be too cold. 6790.wav|We're talking about neurons that previously did not communicate well, communicating very well. 6791.wav|In fact, today I'm going to discuss a really beautiful peer reviewed study that involved having people do deliberate cold exposure. 6792.wav|InsideTracker's ultimate plan also now includes a measure of apolipoprotein B. 6793.wav|It's not like development starts and then ends. 6794.wav|So when you hear acupuncture can reduce pain, I think some people think, oh, well, if there's needles sticking out of your face, first of all, that must hurt. 6795.wav|Some people consume nicotine through dip, that is, placing tobacco on the inside of the lip or in the cheek. 6796.wav|Roca makes the cyborg versions. 6797.wav|But nonetheless, there are aspects of our brain and biology that, when disrupted, can lead to very bizarre types of eating behavior. 6798.wav|They feel good, presumably from the release of a different neuromodulator called dopamine, by approaching foods that are low fat, low calorie content. 6799.wav|You could do this with a pen if you wanted. 6800.wav|That is, we know when something seems creative, some of us know people who are creative or perhaps are creative, and yet the ability to be creative resides in everybody. 6801.wav|They're constantly monitoring how much people are observing them and trying to navigate this, what would otherwise be a really pleasant circumstance for most people. 6802.wav|I do read all the comments. 6803.wav|Really, even though I talked about the protocol that I follow, and again, that we will provide as a newsletter at HubermanLab.com if you want to look at it in more detail. 6804.wav|InsideTracker solves that problem and makes it very easy for you to understand what sorts of nutritional, behavioral, maybe even supplementation-based interventions you might want to take on in order to adjust the numbers of those metabolic factors, hormones, lipids, and other things that impact your immediate and long-term health to bring those numbers into the ranges that are appropriate and indeed optimal for you. 6805.wav|Now, some of you might be saying, well, duh. 6806.wav|And what she would do was if I came by and asked a question, or if anyone came by and asked a question, she would acknowledge their presence, but would not shift her body toward them. 6807.wav|So that's livemomentous.com slash Huberman. 6808.wav|Given the value of a particular goal in a given moment's time, I want to say that again, the other component of the circuit is involved in action, whether or not you should act or should not act based on your assessment of the value of a goal at a particular moment in time, and you're going to hear me say over and over again in this episode, the value information about a goal is so key. 6809.wav|It has been shown, for instance, that as many as 40, maybe as many as 60% of people that take ssris for the treatment of PTSD get some symptom relief. 6810.wav|If people are getting so much more dopamine so much more quickly from vaping, shouldn't they be feeling better? 6811.wav|And here it's very subjective, so it's hard for me to give an example that will necessarily make sense to everybody. 6812.wav|And in fact, in formulating the architecture of today's episode, which took me many hours across many different days, I confess, I actually decided to try this. 6813.wav|This is pretty fast learning if you think about it. 6814.wav|These AGRP neurons are what cause that. 6815.wav|Some of the often discussed effects, I guess one could call them positive effects, things like enhanced creativity and really point to the nuance and actually the divergence of people who take cannabis. 6816.wav|So now let's talk about anorexia, this failure to consume enough energy such that the individual is at risk of death, and if not death, then severe metabolic disorders, lack of bone density, et cetera. 6817.wav|And this does not include any optic flow, because it's stationary. 6818.wav|So the point being traumatic brain injury and headache related traumatic brain injury extends far beyond the realm of sports. 6819.wav|So what does this mean for photophobia? 6820.wav|Now, this is not simply to say that you can decide, okay, I want to learn how to play piano. 6821.wav|And that is happening a lot. 6822.wav|And that actually makes sense because leptin is also a way of shutting off the hunger signals, saying it's the body fat's way of saying, hey, there's a lot of body fat here, or there's sufficient body fat. 6823.wav|And if you're like me, you drink your water, your coffee, your Yerba Mate before you go running. 6824.wav|So these might be things that you could categorize in common terms as kind of mellower activities. 6825.wav|Let's just take all those physiological measures and the subjective measure of your mood, and let's measure it four times an hour, across the day, across the waking hours. 6826.wav|But what gets interesting is when they looked at performance on these various cognitive tasks. 6827.wav|And ideally, you might even throw in one more wall at the end if you're really feeling bold and brave, because that's going to build out further resilience. 6828.wav|If you'd like to try your own personalized nootropic starter kit, go online to takethesus.com slash Huberman, take their brief three minute quiz, and Thesus will send you four different formulas to try in your first month. 6829.wav|And that's all because of gene expression. 6830.wav|Shorter rest intervals and do that for about a month. 6831.wav|They can also cause what's called depression of communication between a presynaptic neuron and a postynaptic neuron. 6832.wav|Maybe some of you do that before breakfast. 6833.wav|You can think of that your body is very tired. 6834.wav|And that's really what dopamine is about, at least in the context of one of its major functions in the brain. 6835.wav|Now, here's the important thing to understand about MDMA and its history. 6836.wav|Measuring the amount of colded water exposure on the body is very hard to do. 6837.wav|Cold exposure in the form of cold showers or ice baths or outside with minimal clothing, appropriate yet minimal clothing. 6838.wav|And I thought, wow, it's really great that I have been training my neck. 6839.wav|And the settings I'm referring to are any settings in which blood pressure or body temperature have the propensity to be greatly increased. 6840.wav|Should we reward kids just for effort? 6841.wav|We hear about dopamine and we hear about serotonin, and we hear about caffeine. 6842.wav|So think of as kind of fear and anxiety and avoidance. 6843.wav|But there could be other effects of oxytocin that we're just not aware of. 6844.wav|They'll have kind of a blank stare and they have other issues as well. 6845.wav|There are neural circuits for today's topic, which is creativity. 6846.wav|So again, this is not a plug for microdosing psilocybin. 6847.wav|Second of all, it's very well grounded in our current understanding of the mechanisms of stress, trauma and PTSD and unlearning of stress, trauma and PTSD. 6848.wav|So today I'm going to use the to bed at 10:00 p.m. 6849.wav|The reward schedule, the dopamine system, is highly susceptible to these subjective effects, these so called top down effects of when we decide that something is going to be good for us. 6850.wav|The Huberman Lab podcast is now partnered with momentous supplements. 6851.wav|This has been demonstrated many times over now through quality, peer reviewed science. 6852.wav|That's simply not the case, but you're going to trigger strength and hypertrophy and other types of adaptations in those muscle groups. 6853.wav|Trying to get you to organize different types of habits into different bins, like value based and goal based, and trying to persuade you that structuring habits at the particular times of day or in a particular way are going to be beneficial. 6854.wav|But in particular, the brain is going to be through CB one receptors. 6855.wav|So you have gray matter and white matter. 6856.wav|But just want to give you a sense of how this is working, because as I mentioned before, THC and or CBD are going to bind that cb one receptor, let's say, in prefrontal cortex, and neurons of prefrontal cortex is going to bind there, and then there will be a retrograde signaling back to the presynaptic neuron. 6857.wav|Well, keep in mind again that for strength and hypertrophy, you're going for that once about every 48 to 72 hours, you want to stimulate that. 6858.wav|So I do want to make that clear. 6859.wav|As we'll soon discuss, there are many different kinds of headache. 6860.wav|What they found is that when people are on MDMA, their response to threatening faces or other threatening stimuli is reduced, and it's reduced in a very specific way, which is reductions in activity of the amygdala. 6861.wav|Element is an electrolyte drink that contains everything you need, that is sodium, magnesium, and potassium in the precise ratios that you need without sugar. 6862.wav|The other is a challenge in set shifting, that once you identify something that's of particular interest and that's driving some sort of reward for the anorexic. 6863.wav|That allows us to address the question, does cannabis increase, decrease, or have no effect on sexual desire and or the ability to have sex? 6864.wav|At least that's how it was referred to in the study. 6865.wav|That's another discussion, but what do we know? 6866.wav|The title of this paper is individual prolactin reactivity modulates response of nucleus accumbens to erotic stimuli during acute cannabis intoxication. 6867.wav|We haven't yet talked about how to set goals and how to assess progress. 6868.wav|So this review covers all of that and then steps beautifully through nicotine replacement therapy and various compounds, several of which I'm going to talk about now, which have been shown to increase that number that we talked about earlier. 6869.wav|So the eyes and the pupils are indicative of things that are happening deep in the brain. 6870.wav|And perhaps most excitingly, it's associated with this massive increase, 65% increase in dopamine release within the very pathway that underlies divergent thinking. 6871.wav|And there now are studies that have explored the neurotoxicity and perhaps even more importantly, the neurocognitive and behavioral effects of taking MDMA, either zero times, one time, five times, 40 times, 200 times, et cetera, et cetera. 6872.wav|And for me, athletic greens is the best way to get those probiotics. 6873.wav|And in pulling it up, there's another reflex that's activated that as you extend your other leg so that you don't fall over. 6874.wav|So somewhere around four or 05:00 p.m. 6875.wav|How cold should the environment be? 6876.wav|20 degrees celsius, which is 68 degrees fahrenheit, or 14 degrees celsius, which is 57.2 degrees fahrenheit. 6877.wav|And when I say enhanced creativity, I mean within the context of this divergent thinking thing that I talked about a moment ago. 6878.wav|Again, this study was in mice. 6879.wav|And so taking a long hike on Sunday is something that also could be quite social. 6880.wav|We can switch back and forth really quickly, just as we can switch back and forth really quickly when we're looking at the impossible figure and think, okay, that's the front of it, that's the back. 6881.wav|They look good to me. 6882.wav|Element is an electrolyte drink that has everything you need meaning sodium, magnesium, and potassium, but nothing that you don't, meaning no sugar. 6883.wav|So AG1 allows me to get the vitamins and minerals that I need, probiotics, prebiotics, the adaptogens and critical micronutrients. 6884.wav|We're talking seven, eight hour days, sometimes evening sessions, and sometimes these meetings would go on for four or five or even six days. 6885.wav|So the brain does all this very, very fast, and the brain uses about 40% to 50% of its total real estate for vision. 6886.wav|And I think it's very likely in the next few years, things like MDMA and certainly ketamine is already in widespread use within the psychiatric community, and I think we're going to be seeing a lot more of that. 6887.wav|So we'll answer that question next. 6888.wav|And look, if you're doing this every day, how your health is going to improve, how everything's going to, your blood markers of lipids, et cetera, are going to improve. 6889.wav|A car with four tires, for instance, a bicycle with two tires, not creative. 6890.wav|The current estimates are that as many as 8% of people in the United States have PTSD. 6891.wav|I genuinely feel like I have more energy and I just feel better. 6892.wav|Well, that speaks to the complexity of all this polypharmacology and the fact that it's really the activation of serotonin at particular receptors, in this case, the serotonin, one b receptor, in particular brain areas, in this case, the nucleus accumbens, a brain area associated with motivation and reward, that largely explains the effects of MDMA in making people and animals, and octopuses included, for that matter, more prosocial and more empathic towards themselves. 6893.wav|And now that you understand the contour or the underlying reasons for hormonal headache, you can start to ask, well, what happens when estrogen is low? 6894.wav|And what that particular very bizarre sport was doing was toggling back and forth between different states of mind. 6895.wav|And perhaps most importantly, even if you didn't understand anything that I've said about the biology of these different strains and the receptors, please do understand that there is no way to predict what the effect of a given strain will be on an individual. 6896.wav|Okay, so they're doing the same number of therapy sessions, but they're not taking MDMA. 6897.wav|I picked 21 days because that seems to be the average or most typical system for engaging neuroplasticity as it relates to the formation of new habits. 6898.wav|Interoception is one's perception of our feelings, both pure sensations, but also our emotional states and our feelings of well being, or lack of well being, for everything from our skin inward. 6899.wav|I'm not telling you what to do or what not to do, but there are no good predictors. 6900.wav|That is, it's typical for some people to have a short working memory span, some people to have a medium working memory span, and some people to have a high working memory span. 6901.wav|Now, as you recall, whether or not you have low or high, and here we are just binning into low and high, there's no medium. 6902.wav|I can, for instance, stop for a moment and assess how my stomach feels, how hungry I feel, how quick my heart is beating. 6903.wav|In any case, in this paper, they didn't study mechanism directly, but they're resting on this known analgesic, anti-pain, as well as known anti-inflammatory pathways related to increasing omega-3 intake, and simultaneously resting on the idea, or I think we now can say conclusion, that omega-6 fatty acids, in particular linoleic acid, can increase inflammation by way of increasing things like CGRP, vasodilation, and some other pathways related to the so-called inflammatory cytokine pathways. 6904.wav|And the fifth principle of effective mental training and visualization is this notion of equivalence of mental imagery versus real world perception and behavior. 6905.wav|I have a good friend who's in the movement and physical rehabilitation and physiology space. 6906.wav|This neuropeptide that's associated with pair bonding and with bonding generally, the oxytocin system and the serotonin system are closely linked to one another in the brain and body, and they tend to be co released, often at the same times and by the same sorts of events. 6907.wav|The bottom line on alcohol is that in excess of two drinks per week, you're starting to run into the cancer promoting and toxic effects of alcohol. 6908.wav|So nicotine does a lot of things in the brain and body. 6909.wav|In fact, just 1% of your musculature that when it's performed continuously while seated has, at least what they report, are very dramatic positive changes in terms of blood sugar utilization and metabolism. 6910.wav|Also, check out her absolutely phenomenal and indeed important book, Dopamine Nation, which touches on some of this as well. 6911.wav|Meanwhile, I think it's important to at least consider how mental training and visualization might relate to certain aspects of cognition and our ability to visualize things, not just in terms of other people's behavior, which is one of the common ways that people probe for autism and Asperger's versus non-autistic and non-Asperger's and so on, the so-called theory of mind task, in effect, asking whether or not children or adults can really get in the mind of others. 6912.wav|So that's interesting that menthol and peppermint oils can be used not just to treat tension type headaches, but migraine headaches as well. 6913.wav|We can essentially become fearful or traumatized by anything if the circuit gets activated and these particular children inherit a predisposition for more things and less intense things to traumatize them. 6914.wav|They're kind of isolating and not interacting with friends very much at all. 6915.wav|I found it hard to reengage in that work and maintain focus, which is what I just want to briefly mention now, I talked about this in the episode on focus, but one thing that is completely unreasonable and that you should never ask yourself to do is to sit down or stand up and immediately focus on something. 6916.wav|And hopefully they will drink water during those times, sometimes referred to as water fasting, which means that they are ingesting fluids, and hopefully they are ingesting electrolytes, such as salt, potassium, and magnesium as well. 6917.wav|It's denoted L, the letter N-P, with lateral posterior thalamus, or I should say, it's the lateral posterior nucleus of the thalamus for you UFSC nautos out there. 6918.wav|And I say all that, of course, with the caveat that many people out there will know individuals, or perhaps you yourselves, are individuals that may use cannabis, but that have incredible articulation, probably better than mine and better than other people out there who speak for a living. 6919.wav|Go to Hubermanlab.com, go to the menu tab, scroll down to newsletter and go to the cold exposure newsletter where it details all of that in short PDF form. 6920.wav|This was a model that I created in order to simplify the vast amounts of data on focus and concentration and how they are created by the various chemical systems within your brain. 6921.wav|In fact, as I mentioned before, there's a near doubling in the likelihood that people will reach goals of any kind when they're constantly thinking about how bad it's going to be if they fail. 6922.wav|All zero cost. 6923.wav|You could also start to have thoughts that you deliberately impose a full sentence structure on. 6924.wav|Why would they have people take creatine after traumatic brain injury? 6925.wav|Well, by the logic of what we spelled out today, you probably would not want to take it during a session or prior to a session where you are trying to amplify the intensity of an experience and the recounting of an experience in efforts to eventually extinguish that experience. 6926.wav|Just imagine someone telling you their phone number, and you have to remember that sequence of numbers in your head for some period of time. 6927.wav|In fact, they can collaborate in a very synergistic way to increase the amount of neuroplasticity in the relevant circuit. 6928.wav|Now, the reason I like this study is, first of all, it's a fairly large size sample group. 6929.wav|But now I'd like to shift off of the chemical changes that MDMA produces and some of the subjective changes. 6930.wav|Obviously you want to do that safely, meaning psychologically safely and physically safely. 6931.wav|But it turns out there are many natural treatments for headaches that when compared to those over-the-counter drugs, and even some prescription drugs, appear to be easily as effective, and in many cases, more effective than the typical drug treatments, many of which can carry side effects. 6932.wav|And on both Spotify and Apple. 6933.wav|So you might say, wow, how is that involved in goal directed behavior? 6934.wav|That's another form of endurance. 6935.wav|Now, that option is very objective, right? 6936.wav|And so today, we're going to focus on the most prevalent eating disorders, but we are going to build up toward that understanding by looking at what healthy metabolism and eating and satiety and hunger looks like. 6937.wav|And then layer by layer, layer by layer, you'll eventually get where you want to go. 6938.wav|And I really want to emphasize this. 6939.wav|To be clear, traumas can't actually be stored in the body. 6940.wav|The first author is Sramek. 6941.wav|And that means doing your legs hard at least once a week, your torso hard at least once a week, and your arms hard at least once a week. 6942.wav|Now I realize that some people are going to immediately scoff at that. 6943.wav|So anxiety is getting worse over time, and that's anxiety during the drug use and outside of the drug use. 6944.wav|And the takeaways from this study are very clear. 6945.wav|So it's a reduction in pain in the body, a dissociation, a kind of observing of the self that leads to the extinction of the trauma and the fear. 6946.wav|And because I know some people out there might be really neurotic about this sort of thing, if you have to stop because you're out of breath, that doesn't mean that you blew the workout that you know you aren't getting endurance. 6947.wav|I perhaps might've misspoke there, although I don't want to edit this out. 6948.wav|So that title is a little bit wordy, but now you know what the stop signal task is. 6949.wav|These are cancer promoting compounds. 6950.wav|My feeling is that, yes, they are probably over-prescribed. 6951.wav|I'm raising my hand. 6952.wav|The longer lasting effects of deliberate cold exposure on metabolism seem to take place by changes that occur in the types of fat that we store in our body and the way that that fat impacts our metabolism at other times throughout the 24 hours cycle. 6953.wav|It's a two and a half hour plus kind of deep dive into all things dopamine, focus, motivation, et cetera. 6954.wav|One thing that makes Helix mattresses really unique is that they are tailored to your unique sleep needs. 6955.wav|If you've got someone that can do that for you, practice accommodation for a few minutes, maybe every other day, just bringing something in close. 6956.wav|Bulimia, and rates of bulimia might be increasing. 6957.wav|Now, in the old days, which actually wasn't that long ago, before the advent of smartphones and before the Internet took off to the extent that it has now, this was done by having someone come into the clinic, and Dr. 6958.wav|I don't necessarily recommend doing that. 6959.wav|So in doing that, we know based on neuroimaging studies, that when we watch videos of ourselves doing things, we experience that more from a first person perspective than if we watch videos of other people doing things. 6960.wav|The AGRP neurons are the ones that stimulate feeding, and they create a sort of anxiety or excitement about food. 6961.wav|In neuroanatomy, when we name something, we say the origin of that thing and where it connects through. 6962.wav|And if you look statistically at the number of people with eating disorders and that die of eating disorders, it's not far off from the number of people that die from automobile accidents. 6963.wav|This is very important. 6964.wav|What we call retrogradely, to the presynaptic neuron, binds to receptors there and changes the probability that the presynaptic neuron will release neurotransmitter. 6965.wav|Again, all of which speaks to the equivalence of mental imagery with real world imagery and perception. 6966.wav|One would hope that their plane doesn't land on water unless it's a plane designed to land on water. 6967.wav|Now, we are at the point where we need to consider some of the negative health effects of cannabis that have been well documented in peer reviewed studies. 6968.wav|And a convergent thinking task would involve you being given a list of two or three or maybe even five different things. 6969.wav|So that's something really serious to consider. 6970.wav|Now, if you're somebody who did have an occlusion, what's needed is to cover up the other eye to create an imbalance so that the weak eye, the so called lazy eye, that is sometimes referred to as amblyopia that eye has to work harder. 6971.wav|And the literature is really robust. 6972.wav|And you're not going to do that for very long periods of time. 6973.wav|And people with bipolar disorder, issues with the dopaminergic pathway should not do this. 6974.wav|You could delay it by a day, or you could accelerate it by a day in order to make sure that you get everything done across the week. 6975.wav|So you can think about how you might work this into various aspects of your homework environment or office work environment. 6976.wav|Now, there are signals coming back from the body to inform the brain about presence of different levels of nutrients, and that generally comes from three sources. 6977.wav|There is a list of probably a dozen or more psychological and bodily ailments that can be aided by cannabis use, in particular, edible cannabis use of particular strains. 6978.wav|And those muscles can move your eye in the socket from side to side and up and down. 6979.wav|Now, I will take a hot shower afterwards, and in doing so, I'm short circuiting some of the further metabolic increases that I would achieve were I to just end with the cold. 6980.wav|But if you look back at the history of those individuals, there were typically signs of anorexia that stem back into their early teens or maybe even before that. 6981.wav|Keep in mind that anytime someone is sneezing or coughing, they are in fact contagious. 6982.wav|And that reflex involves things like quickening of your heart rate, hyper vigilance, your attentional systems pop on, increased ability to access energy stores for movement and thought, and so forth. 6983.wav|Chest, shoulders, back and neck. 6984.wav|Most people don't when they're under excessive stress. 6985.wav|It's just the way that the brain works. 6986.wav|And they feel good. 6987.wav|The gut is signaling to the brain. 6988.wav|So what this says is that it's not just those longer duration 30 45 minutes and 60 minutes protocols of cold water immersion that we discussed earlier, but also shorter duration 1 minute, three minute, five minute exposures to lower temperatures, temperatures that would make you psychologically want to get out as soon as you possibly can. 6989.wav|And I think, as I describe it, that elegance will begin to reveal itself. 6990.wav|Again, you can find that@reverie.com the clinical hypnosis approach has a success rate of 23%, so it's very closely aligned with, if not exceeding, the success rate with buprone. 6991.wav|If it's, remember it's, or more, it's three to five rounds of 20 minutes of sauna followed by about five minutes of cold or so. 6992.wav|Well, if we are going to talk about toxicity of MDMA, we absolutely have to talk about dosages, because like any drug, the toxicity of MDMA does scale with the dosage that's applied, not just the frequency of MDMA use. 6993.wav|This is the way that your brain and body are coordinating their actions together. 6994.wav|I don't do this anymore and I don't recommend it, but I used to do a lot of work from bed. 6995.wav|This is a paper published in 2003, still an incredibly important paper. 6996.wav|In fact, so much so that even small amounts of cannabis use are associated with rates of cortical thinning and degrees of cortical thinning that are really detrimental and concerning for normal cognitive processes. 6997.wav|So again, during the mental training and visualization, they're watching a movie of themselves. 6998.wav|Our first sponsor is element. 6999.wav|If you can do it safely, get onto a balcony and just let your eyes relax. 7000.wav|In these areas, elevated dopamine increases divergent thinking, and divergent thinking is associated with creativity. 7001.wav|If you don't manage to eat five meals a day and that's your obsession, well, then the same thing applies. 7002.wav|Unless I say otherwise, I'm mainly going to be focusing on cold water immersion and cold showers. 7003.wav|And you just kind of find yourself in air quotes. 7004.wav|So for those of you that lack flexibility, you can actually exploit your visual system for this. 7005.wav|And so while I prefer that people get out into the real world and experience smooth pursuit, tracking of visual objects, maybe it's a good reason to go to a hockey game and try and keep your eye on the puck, which I can never seem to do, move so fast. 7006.wav|So by having six things in that list, I could shuffle out that particular activity on particular days of the week and simply do four or five other activities. 7007.wav|Again, that's MauinuiVenison.com slash Huberman to get 20% off your first order. 7008.wav|Unfortunately, a frequent occurrence in San Francisco. 7009.wav|But if you're in a position to do so, that really does help us. 7010.wav|So a lot of information is mapped within the salience network about how we feel and how we feel in relation to things that are happening around us and within us. 7011.wav|I will highlight a few specific outcomes that I found particularly interesting, but here I am paraphrasing their conclusions that cold water immersion I want to emphasize immersion, not cold showers, but cold water immersion, they say was an effective recovery tool. 7012.wav|And I should mention that cognitive behavioral therapies are often done in conjunction with pharmacologic therapies. 7013.wav|But I started training my neck for sport and I continue to train my neck because I noticed when I don't train my neck, I start getting shoulder issues. 7014.wav|This tells us that there's some direct or maybe indirect relationship between movement of the body and divergent thinking. 7015.wav|And while, of course, I can't make clinical diagnoses, I can't have a one in one conversation with any of you in this format, nor am I a clinician. 7016.wav|Now, a naturally occurring truly pathological example of this would be something like manic bipolar disorder where somebody is in the manic phase or somebody who has taken methamphetamine or cocaine, what tends to happen is that they have lots and lots of ideas. 7017.wav|But if one wants to look up a great reference on this, the reference Kolzato Colzato at all 2017 describes, and here I'm quoting, so there's a direct quote. 7018.wav|But I think it's a particularly important set of findings, because, obviously, in looking at so many studies, it distills out the strongest findings that are out there and really pulls the consistent messages that are arriving from all these different studies. 7019.wav|And as I described in, those episodes are being explored extensively now for the treatment of major depression. 7020.wav|Supplementing with lutein could perhaps support vision and offset some visual loss. 7021.wav|So it turns out that nutrition can have a very strong impact on the frequency and intensity of headache. 7022.wav|That is known to improve your ability to engage convergent thinking, to quickly parse through or analyze a bunch of different choices and to persist in choice selection and therefore more rapidly arrive at the correct answer. 7023.wav|Then I would return immediately to my internal landscape. 7024.wav|Well, there is no way to predict that. 7025.wav|What happens is the signals. 7026.wav|Because what we do know only sort of kidding about mild electric shock, but what we do know from both human and animal studies is that things like electric shock, things like monetary penalties, right? 7027.wav|And to place that within a framework for particular kinds of work, let's just review some of the basic elements of what we've covered today. 7028.wav|You really cannot find a scenario in which smoking, vaping, dipping or snuffing are good for us. 7029.wav|First of all, set goals that are challenging but possible. 7030.wav|Look at during the daytime, try and go without sunglasses unless you need them. 7031.wav|It's a very conscious process. 7032.wav|Once they get going, all the homeostatic signals are being overridden. 7033.wav|Can talk about that more if you like, in a future episode. 7034.wav|So they'd say, okay, you're at the loading dock. 7035.wav|And the effects tend to last anywhere from three to 4 hours, although there's some variation on that, depending on individual metabolism, whether or not somebody is familiar with the compound, believe it or not, psychologically familiar, but also biologically familiar, or whether or not it's a first time use or occasional use and so on. 7036.wav|We could have asked it, but we wouldn't know. 7037.wav|Put simply, endogenous cannabinoids tend to decrease the probability that a neuron will release neurotransmitter. 7038.wav|Neuroplasticity is our nervous system, which of course includes the brain, the spinal cord, and all the connections between the brain and spinal cord and the organs and tissues of the body, and then all the neural connections back from the organs and tissues of the body to the brain and spinal cord, so the whole thing in both directions, has the ability to change in response to experience in ways that are adaptive, that allows us to do things that we could not do before, and by doing those things or by being able to perform those mental operations, we can do better in the world that we live in. 7039.wav|All of those approaches have been shown to be reasonably successful. 7040.wav|Typically, it's a network phenomenon, meaning it's the collaboration of a bunch of different brain areas passing information from one location to the next and storing it in a kind of distributed way. 7041.wav|You can even find eating disorders like Pica, where people actually ingest things like dirt or rocks or metal because they have a genuine appetite for those things. 7042.wav|Thesus makes custom nootropics. 7043.wav|Now, the go, no go thing is something I've discussed before on this podcast in reference to the so-called basal ganglia. 7044.wav|We have other areas of our brain that are involved in processing of 3D objects, but faces are of particular value. 7045.wav|On this podcast episode and in many previous podcast episodes, I describe supplements. 7046.wav|In fact, there's a really nice study on this done in humans. 7047.wav|And many people who have tried to quit nicotine, mainly through the form of smoking, will find that their mood can drop substantially. 7048.wav|Belcampo's meats are known to be high in omega three s, and given that the meat is grass fed and grass finished, that combines all the features of the nutrition and the animal well being that I want to see for any meat that I ingest. 7049.wav|So that's serious. 7050.wav|Quality sleep on a regular basis. 7051.wav|If those waves are consistent enough and they're of high enough amplitude, the waves can continue to go up and down and up and down. 7052.wav|If you're interested in how photoreceptors work, it's an absolutely incredible literature. 7053.wav|It's set up to create memories and to anticipate problems. 7054.wav|What it really showed is that when people do mental training, and here you could say, okay, 50 trials, that's a lot of trials, but it's not actually that many trials. 7055.wav|For those of you that intermittent fast, this also applies, right? 7056.wav|So what I'm not referring to is the kind of classic, super high intensity training once per week and then not actually training that muscle group again. 7057.wav|So this involves visual attention, it involves some motor skills, involves a number of things that certainly require energy and focus. 7058.wav|And the reason they use cold water exposure as the stressor is that it does offer considerable leeway in terms of duration and temperature, in terms of how you can use it as a stressor, whereas things like heat don't offer much variable space. 7059.wav|I'm sure some psychiatrists out there are going to jump on me about this, and please do. 7060.wav|People like bringing things to their lips, food, cigarettes, other lips in some cases, et cetera. 7061.wav|What's inappropriate and when? 7062.wav|It's found not everywhere, but almost everywhere in the brain and elsewhere in the nervous system. 7063.wav|So for now, think of LTP as any time that some small group of neurons, could be two neurons, could be 2,000 neurons, are very active closely together in time, and they have access to one another physically, and the consequence is often, not always, but is often LTP. 7064.wav|And they will talk about generating a sort of objective mindset for goal setting. 7065.wav|So in their conclusions, they have a really nice statement. 7066.wav|But if you can't due to injury or whatever conditions, using mental training is a reasonable substitute, but not a complete substitute. 7067.wav|If you'd like to try Athletic Greens, you can go to athleticgreens.com slash Huberman, and they'll give you five free travel packs that make it really easy to mix up Athletic Greens while you're on the road, in the car, on the plane, et cetera. 7068.wav|This is beautiful work that's been done by my colleague, in fact, close collaborator, although I was not involved in the research that I'm about to describe at Stanford. 7069.wav|This is something that I've talked about numerous times before. 7070.wav|I've been taking athletic greens since way back in 2012, so I'm delighted that they're sponsoring the podcast. 7071.wav|There isn't one at present. 7072.wav|Some might even say flow, although I don't want to go into what flow states really are. 7073.wav|And what you find is that rats will very readily approach the rewarding thing. 7074.wav|You'd say, I'm actually going to take the perspective of somebody who's angry, but rather than just act angry, I'm going to think about what their motivation for being angry is. 7075.wav|And almost always when we're talking about omega-3 fatty acids, we're talking about a combination of EPA and DHA, but really it is the quantity of EPA omega-3 fatty acids that seems to be the most impactful for the sorts of health metrics that we're going to talk about in a few minutes. 7076.wav|So if you treat it sort of like a tea, it works, or if you drink it cold, it's delicious. 7077.wav|Much of the psychiatric community focuses on how many other problems people might have, trouble sleeping, trouble eating, trouble maintaining quality work or schoolwork and so forth. 7078.wav|But at the point where eleven minutes total per week is very easy for you, or is no longer representing a significant mental challenge, meaning you're not experiencing many of these walls, you're excited to get into the cold shower immersion, you're going through it easily, you're cruising basically. 7079.wav|And then you have a category of neurons, the pMoc neurons, that are suppressing hunger. 7080.wav|And this study, the one I just referred to, which I should say was published in the journal Consciousness and Cognition, and again, we'll provide a link to it, did a wonderful job of teasing out this impact of cannabis on personality, which then impacts creativity. 7081.wav|Melanopsin ganglion cells are mainly enriched in the lower half of our retinas, in our eyes and view the upper visual field. 7082.wav|And in fact, it has the additionally pernicious feature that after using cocaine for some period of time, the amount of dopamine that's released becomes progressively lower and lower and lower so that people can never get back to a state in which dopamine release is ever as great as it was the first time they did cocaine, or prior to doing cocaine. 7083.wav|Something we'll turn to a little bit more at the end. 7084.wav|And this is where the literature gets pretty interesting. 7085.wav|You also have these things that we call eyelashes. 7086.wav|We always talk in terms of visual angle, but the amount of degrees of visual angle. 7087.wav|And that's actually the appropriate use of the word. 7088.wav|There are some retreats and stuff where people go into caves with absolutely no vision, creates hallucinations. 7089.wav|For instance, some people don't have access to cold water immersion. 7090.wav|The fact that every year, 700,000 or more people die because of smoking related diseases. 7091.wav|And again, those are side effects that are independent of smoking or vaping or other forms of ingesting nicotine. 7092.wav|The highlighter is more intense than it would be otherwise. 7093.wav|Somehow it bridged the gap between their immediate experience of life and the longer arc toward what it was going to be like in 30 or 40 years. 7094.wav|So let's talk about that literature. 7095.wav|And so it seems like kind of a mishmash of things that are really just designed for you to try and accomplish an answer rather than something real, such as a plane that lands on water. 7096.wav|So you can move seamlessly from one environment to the next, and you always see things with crystal clarity. 7097.wav|So I think that while this is a pilot study and we can consider it preliminary, I think it's important enough and the effects were dramatic enough that people with headache and in particular people with TBI ought to consider supplementing with creatine in order to deal with their headaches. 7098.wav|And so while on many episodes of this podcast, I've also emphasized the importance of getting morning sunlight in your eyes within 30 to 60 minutes of waking. 7099.wav|But the studies that have explored the relationship between physical proximity and transmission of cold and flu have actually analyzed things down to the range of, well, if you're standing one foot apart or you're standing three feet apart or six feet apart, what's the probability that you will contract that cold or flu? 7100.wav|What I'm trying to pinpoint is that there does seem to be a relationship between one's ability to generate visual imagery and certain constellations of cognitive and emotional perception and behavior, and vice versa, okay? 7101.wav|I'm certainly not going to dispute that. 7102.wav|What they did is they subjected them to 5 minutes a day of intense stress, but only 5 minutes a day. 7103.wav|And another way of putting that is that one can cool the body much more efficiently through the collaborative skin surfaces. 7104.wav|And indeed the heating of that air does have the property of drying the nasal and oral passages, but especially the nasal passages. 7105.wav|Should you be taking cold showers and doing cold plunges in the winter months when it's already cold and you're susceptible to colds and maybe you're coming down with a cold, should you do that? 7106.wav|Whereas if you stimulate these AGRP neurons or in humans that have, say, a small tumor near these AGRP neurons, they become hyperphagic. 7107.wav|That's an individual difference. 7108.wav|But the idea is you write down six things that you would like to do every day for 21 days. 7109.wav|So let's talk about what those things are that lead into a habit, because those turn out to be the exact points of entry for changing and eliminating and rewiring habits toward more healthy behaviors. 7110.wav|And that's to do three to five minutes of deliberately slow breathing. 7111.wav|She would take her phone, I don't know if she turned it on off or not, and she would just place it in a door, excuse me, in a drawer, and would then go start doing experiments. 7112.wav|The use of MDMA in the laboratory or in the clinical setting with pure MDMA has also been explored for the potential neurotoxicity of MDMA. 7113.wav|The key thing is to not be distracted by other things in your phone, not to start going onto social media or doing phone calls or looking at text messages, because that by definition is going to take you out of this, what the biologists call a pseudo-random walk. 7114.wav|It doesn't reveal anything new to us. 7115.wav|So next I'd like to talk about some really interesting and almost kind of eerie scientific findings, and that's the transgenerational passage of trauma or predisposition to fear and trauma. 7116.wav|We'll also talk about aura a little bit more in a few minutes. 7117.wav|If you're somebody who requires eyeglasses or contacts, chances are you don't do that correctly. 7118.wav|If I have you imagine that rattlesnake, depending on your relationship or thoughts about rattlesnakes, number of things will happen in your brain, of course, activation of limbic system or not, for instance. 7119.wav|This test shows you what your biological age is and compares that to your chronological age and what you can do to improve your biological age, which of course is the important number. 7120.wav|Having people either watch videos of themselves performing a given skill and imagining themselves in that role, and again, it's them. 7121.wav|There can be, but first-person mental training and visualization is going to be more effective, as I mentioned before. 7122.wav|And everything scales with it, right? 7123.wav|It has to deal with that. 7124.wav|And so while there are not a lot of clinical data on this just yet, an emerging idea in the realm of headache treatment is the idea that if you can offset some of the early signs, you can offset some of that photophobia and aura, perhaps to the use of dim red lights or red lights, as I've described a moment ago, then you might be able to reduce the probability that you're going to have a migraine or other type of headache entirely. 7125.wav|Clearly, he understood the work of hughle and weasel. 7126.wav|They'll give you five free travel packs that make it really easy to mix up athletic greens while you're on the road. 7127.wav|Meaning, yes, prescription drugs can have a positive impact on these aspects of brain function in a way that can really improve lives, but that behavioral tools also work. 7128.wav|Today's episode is also brought to us by Roka. 7129.wav|Dorsal means up, lateral means to the side. 7130.wav|But then you test yourself, a kind of a competition test with yourself, if you will, those features. 7131.wav|And so in that way, we can sort of view, or we can try and view ketamine assisted psychotherapy for the treatment of trauma as bringing together the three elements that we talked about before. 7132.wav|And the major takeaway of this study was that for moderate, meaning people who have taken ecstasy anywhere from 22 to 50 times in their lifetime, as well as heavy users of MDMA. 7133.wav|I want you to think about how dopamine could possibly be involved in these different processes. 7134.wav|These are portals of blood that go directly from arteries to veins, and in doing so, allow the body to dump heat more readily, more quickly. 7135.wav|Interruptions really are deadly to our ability to generate focus. 7136.wav|So all this is to say that once something has become reflexive, you should play with it a little bit about time of day. 7137.wav|They are actually the molecules that help generate that increase in systolic blood pressure that puts us into a state of readiness. 7138.wav|And you'll get up to $200 off all mattress orders and two free pillows. 7139.wav|To hear the full episode and to hear future episodes of these Ask Me Anything sessions, plus to receive transcripts of them and transcripts of the Huberman Lab Podcast standard channel and premium tools not released anywhere else, please go to HubermanLab.com slash premium. 7140.wav|Again, if you're interested, you go to helixsleep.com slash Huberman for up to $200 off and two free pillows. 7141.wav|Some of them even look tough or they make a very, even a emotional face. 7142.wav|And because the epidemiological studies are out there, we can actually arrive at some very clear numbers as to how much life one will lose from ingesting nicotine by way of those four delivery devices, or I should say any one of those four delivery devices. 7143.wav|What does all this mean? 7144.wav|And when I say enhanced, I mean significantly greater than in non users. 7145.wav|So for somebody that weighs 100 kilograms or 220 pounds, that would be 40 grams of creatine per day. 7146.wav|All this means is that if you are interested in maintaining or enhancing muscle tissue volume, that you might want to consider eating quality protein and amino acids early in the day. 7147.wav|Under those conditions, when you ingest caffeine, you are not going to experience the vasoconstriction effects of caffeine that would ordinarily be there by inhibiting adenosine. 7148.wav|And there are other nerves that control the eyelid, but they're in that general region and they can be impacted. 7149.wav|I cover many of the tools that are discussed on the Huberman lab podcast, but also a lot of science and science based tools not covered on the Huberman Lab podcast. 7150.wav|If you'd like to try roca eyeglasses or sunglasses, go to roca, that's Roka.com, and enter the code Huberman to save 20% off your order. 7151.wav|But as you'll learn about later in the episode, cooling the palms, the upper face and the bottoms of the feet is going to be far more efficient. 7152.wav|Many people are thinking about New Year's resolutions. 7153.wav|So the verb neuroplasticity, the rearrangement of connections between neurons really occurs during sleep, in particular on the first night following an attempt to learn something through this focused attention. 7154.wav|Well, again, I'm just trying to use very simple, concrete examples, but this could carry over to anything. 7155.wav|All of that is an enormously confusing batch of challenges if you think about it all at once. 7156.wav|It doesn't mean being in a room with nothing except just your desk and a computer. 7157.wav|So again, doesn't have anything to do with depression as a mood state per se, rather it is a reduced excitability of neurons. 7158.wav|It was published just a couple of years ago in 2020. 7159.wav|But again, if you're neurotically attached to getting every last bit of strength and hypertrophy out of your training sessions, then by all means err on the side of caution and wait 4 hours or more to do your cold shower, just as you would wait 4 hours or more to do your cold water immersion. 7160.wav|There are other benefits to hot and cold contrast. 7161.wav|Before we do that, I want to touch on two aspects of optimizing workspace that will come up at some point in your work or school life. 7162.wav|So I went to the doctor. 7163.wav|It involves inhale, exhale, inhale, exhale very deep. 7164.wav|And sometimes because migraine can be associated with nausea or even vomiting in severe instances rather. 7165.wav|And they've done a lot of different experiments like this. 7166.wav|And of course, there have been a bunch of other experiments that are worth mentioning briefly in this context, such as taking people that have a high working memory capacity and indeed have their brains imaged, and one sees that they have high levels of baseline dopamine, especially the dopamine projecting to the prefrontal cortex. 7167.wav|In fact, there may be reasons to increase your dopamine and other catecholamines by way of NSDR, yoga nidra, deliberate cold exposure, perhaps for working memory performance, maybe it could increase further. 7168.wav|Doesn't exercise increase dopamine? 7169.wav|So what that essentially speaks to is an increase in so called sympathetic tone. 7170.wav|Okay, this is just the state of the technology nowadays. 7171.wav|Prefrontal cortex is involved in so called executive function, things like planning, thinking about things under different timescales. 7172.wav|And in doing that, and if you adopt specific behaviors at any age of light viewing at particular times, in particular ways, then you can build an emotional system that's also reinforced by your visual system. 7173.wav|After a ten to twelve week cycle, then I also suggest taking anywhere from five to seven days completely off. 7174.wav|And again, if you can get through that first week, chances are quite a bit higher that you'll be able to maintain the cessation of smoking or vaping. 7175.wav|And perhaps the most direct way to explain why I included this aspect of the discussion of mental training and visualization as it relates to different cognitive phenotypes or neurocognitive phenotypes, such as autism, Asperger's, et cetera, is because if you think about motor skill execution or cognitive skill execution and the relationship between mental training and visualization and motor skills or cognitive skills, that's all pretty straightforward when you're talking about finger tapping and go-no-go tasks and learning piano and things of that sort. 7176.wav|If that person demonstrates an even greater reduction in the connections between the amygdala and the insula, well, then that gives even more confidence that this connection between the amygdala and the insula is actually perhaps causally related to the reduction in symptoms of PTSD, or even if it's just correlated with reduction in symptoms of PTSD, the fact that the degree of reduction of connection of this circuit scales with the reduction in clinically relevant symptoms, that's a very powerful finding, because it moves things away from pure correlation of, oh, this brain area is active or less active over time, and this person has more or fewer symptoms of PTSD to something that starts to look like a mechanistic and logical framework for understanding PTSD, as well as the effects of MDMA, and for understanding how changes in the brain underlie relief from PTSD. 7177.wav|We will not give out your email information to anybody. 7178.wav|The basic range that I was able to find in the meta-analyses, so meta-analyses are where a researcher will look at the results of a bunch of different studies focused on the same thing, look at the different strength of those studies, they'll do all sorts of cool statistical gymnastics, like remove the most potent study, the one that had the greatest effect, and see whether or not they're still in effect of some treatment, or for instance, they will swap in and out different studies and different combinations to see whether or not any one study is really leading to the conclusion that a given treatment does something. 7179.wav|So if you tell them one thing like the letter A and then you ask them, do you remember the letter? Almost everybody remembers that. 7180.wav|Now, longer blinks are associated with less alertness. 7181.wav|In the same way that the keys on a piano, together, played in the appropriate sequence, represent a particular song. 7182.wav|Hot enough that you're sweating and that you want to get out but not so hot that you're running the risk of injuring yourself or killing yourself. 7183.wav|In that case, for the following 21 days. 7184.wav|What in the world is a healthy relationship to food? 7185.wav|There's immense shame they can't control themselves. 7186.wav|This is a hormone that's released from the brain, from the hypothalamus, that then feeds onto, or I should say, signals to the pituitary gland, which is also near the roof of your mouth. 7187.wav|So, unlike psilocybin and LSD, which are granted breakthrough status for the study of depression but are not yet legal, they are still illegal. 7188.wav|As is the case with all episodes of the Huberman Lab Podcast, today we will discuss both scientific mechanisms and nomenclature, and I promise to make all of that clear to you, even if you don't have a background in biology or psychology. 7189.wav|It's like the eager beaver of your brain. 7190.wav|These cells make a gene called bmal. 7191.wav|So you may be one of these people, or you may have heard of people that, for instance, when they think of a number, they also just naturally, spontaneously think of a color and vice versa. 7192.wav|So let's apply this visual tool in a very simple way to any type of goal that you want to pursue. 7193.wav|It is important to correct that if you would like to have balanced vision between the two eyes and for the brain to respond equally to the two eyes and to have, I would say, high fidelity quality vision. 7194.wav|Let's say that I'm writing and I'm about 30 or 45 minutes in, and I'm thinking, oh, this is great. 7195.wav|So what is anorexia and how prevalent is it? 7196.wav|The sponsors that we discussed at the beginning of the podcast are a vital way to keep the information being distributed at zero cost to everybody. 7197.wav|What could be useful to them? 7198.wav|Now, before I talk about other ways to increase dopamine for sake of improving working memory, things like over-the-counter supplements like L-tyrosine, mucuna purine, things like that, I do briefly want to mention, and I promise briefly, I know sometimes I say briefly, and then I spend 20 minutes telling you about something, but very briefly, I just want to spend two minutes telling you about protocols that we do not yet know whether or not they increase dopamine levels, but we do know that they improve working memory, because after all, this episode is about working memory, not just about dopamine and working memory. 7199.wav|Now, 15 grams of tyrosine to me, seems like a very, very high dose. 7200.wav|And the reason I did not talk about cold showers is that there simply are not very many studies of deliberate cold exposure through cold showers for the reasons I talked about at the beginning of the episode. 7201.wav|Those studies have shown that using a specific form of hypnosis, people can achieve complete and total cessation of cigarette smoking. 7202.wav|We'll talk about short, medium, and long term consumption, occasional consumption going forward. 7203.wav|You'll notice a lot of shifting from side to side. 7204.wav|An individual needs to be informed about where that habit comes from and the fact that what currently seems like a rewarded habit should actually be a punished habit. 7205.wav|To get your own personalized nootropic starter kit, you can go online to takethesis.com huberman. 7206.wav|So we have, on the one hand, anorexia, which seems to be a disruption in habit and a coupling of unhealthy habits, in this case, food restriction to the reward pathway. 7207.wav|And we also need to look at the areas of the brain that drive habit formation and habit execution. 7208.wav|I think this is going to be surprising to people at first, but if we think back to our discussion about the physiology of the blood pressure system, it'll make sense. 7209.wav|And that's actually can be helpful for reinforcing behavior. 7210.wav|I'm not just biking to soccer practice, I'm actually biking to soccer practice, and I'm enjoying it. 7211.wav|It can cause all sorts of even ulceration of the esophagus and just really terrible stuff. 7212.wav|Do you need a heart rate monitor? 7213.wav|And so there are really nice studies. 7214.wav|What they're really talking about is changes in neural activity patterns within the brain that led to, or at least were correlated with, improvements on visual spatial working memory. 7215.wav|Although the bulk of data in humans and non human primates point to the fact that at reasonable doses, and we talked earlier about what those are, at reasonable doses, when not combined with other drugs, it does not appear that MDMA is exceedingly neurotoxic, and it may not be neurotoxic at all. 7216.wav|I was told to eat not too often, not too much, and to eat slowly and chew my food. 7217.wav|My mind isn't as engaged and indeed sometimes can fall asleep. 7218.wav|So many people have to go back to work. 7219.wav|But dopamine on its own doesn't do anything. 7220.wav|Now, we could say they are quote unquote cured, but typically for things like PTSD, that's not the language that's used. 7221.wav|Do you tend to run hot or cold during the middle of the night? 7222.wav|Again, some of that is through systemic hormonal effects, because if you're going to train the large muscle groups of your body under substantial loads, you will get systemic release of hormones, not just testosterone, although certainly testosterone, but also things like growth hormone, you get increases in all sorts of so-called anabolic hormones that even if you're somebody who's not trying to increase muscle size, because I realize a lot of people are not trying to do that, these are hormones that shift your metabolism and your overall tendon strength and ligament strength and overall musculature into what I would call a strong foundation. 7223.wav|Now, why is that? 7224.wav|Well, a simple visualization exercise, or it doesn't even have to be done eyes closed. 7225.wav|But I say this because it's very important to understand that the reason why relapse rates are so high within the first week, 75% of people relapse within one week and overall failure rates are 95%, is because people don't expect to feel even worse than they did prior to ever smoking or vaping. 7226.wav|So there seems to be heightened input from the threat detection centers of the brain to this area of the brain, the insula, that is responsible for our sense of interoception, which provides a logical explanation for why people with PTSD often will feel the memory or sense the discomfort or just feel agitation or even other types of bodily sensations, like back pain, or just perhaps just a sense within their body that's more generalized. 7227.wav|We'll talk a little bit more about what that means in a three-step process in just a little bit. 7228.wav|But it is the case that people who are regular cannabis users are impacting the neural circuits involved in movement. 7229.wav|So that's why we call a neurohormone. 7230.wav|Well, one of the main ways in which caffeine makes us more alert is that it occupies the receptors for something called adenosine. 7231.wav|I want to say again, it is not the case that nicotine renders humans infertile, but it can make certain insects infertile. 7232.wav|So, fortunately, all of those sorts of studies have been done in humans, and there are also a large number of studies in animal models exploring how the social activity of laboratory mice changes when they are under the effects of MDMA. 7233.wav|But once I set out to do some work that all the overhead lights in that room are on, as well as lights in front of me and that's again, to stimulate heightened levels of focus and further release of these neuromodul layers that I mentioned before, dopamine, norepinephrine, and epinephrine. 7234.wav|So you don't need to know much about retrospenial cortex or one to 3 hz rhythms. 7235.wav|NMDA receptors, all that nuts and bolt stuff, are really the guts of the mechanisms of how this works. 7236.wav|The first type of headache we're going to discuss is the tension type headache. 7237.wav|That is absolutely, categorically false. 7238.wav|This is an enormous literature, meaning there are tens of thousands, if not hundreds of thousands, of scientific papers about the topic of goal setting and goal pursuit. 7239.wav|So while schedules are important, it's not the specific time of day per se that's going to allow you to get into a habit and form that habit and consolidate that habit. 7240.wav|It's not just about the state that you're in. 7241.wav|A board certified psychiatrist or other physician is going to have to prescribe it for you if it's appropriate for you. 7242.wav|Not as often, but now and again. 7243.wav|Most often when we hear about how to focus or how to get the most out of our work sessions, we hear about the biology and the psychology of that. 7244.wav|There are even studies, believe it or not, on the effects of MDMA encephalopods. 7245.wav|First of all, and I'm certainly not saying this, but it was argued that the authors of the study were perhaps trying to prevent the legalization of MDMA for the treatment of PTSD. 7246.wav|The shaft of the arrow is set by a chemical called adrenaline, also called epinephrine. 7247.wav|I'm neither a lumper nor a splitter. 7248.wav|In this case, cannabis contains these substances. 7249.wav|That's eyesight. 7250.wav|I think, as a general rule, trying to avoid approaching a meal or sitting down to eat in an anxious state is probably a good idea. 7251.wav|Again, in all of these studies, because these are the ones in which they controlled things well, as we say, they are holding constant the caloric intake. 7252.wav|And then the procedural memory literally migrates off into a different set of neural circuits, which are the neural circuits of the neocortex, where we have maps of sensory experience, maps of all kinds of experiences, including motor maps of how to execute things. 7253.wav|Are they trying to give to others? 7254.wav|There are instances in which, for instance, 15 hz binaural beats increase response accuracy on a spatial verbal memory task. 7255.wav|Perhaps you do longer, although I personally have a hard time doing long yoga nidra scripts regularly. 7256.wav|So there's both a go component and action component and a withhold action component. 7257.wav|That is different than so called identity based habits, where there's a larger overarching theme to the habit, where you're trying to become, quote unquote, a fit person, or you're somebody who wants to be an athlete or something of that sort. 7258.wav|Now, there are different types of neuroplasticity. 7259.wav|And I was quite impressed and excited to learn when researching this episode that the treatments for headache range from, of course, prescription drug treatments and over-the-counter medications of the sort of type that most of us have heard about, ibuprofen, acetaminophen, and so forth, so-called anti-inflammatory drugs. 7260.wav|Should I not do deliberate cold exposure? 7261.wav|Although the word optimal is a tricky one. 7262.wav|In this study, they also took blood samples to look at the concentration of things like cannabinoids. 7263.wav|But the actual rewiring of the brain and the reconfiguration of neurons that will allow that learning to be reflexive, that actually occurs during states of deep rest, like NSDR and like deep sleep. 7264.wav|And so the activation of the NMDA receptor and LTP, and it involves some other things that you may have heard of, like brain derived nootropic factors and calcium entry, things that we can leave for a discussion for a future time. 7265.wav|And in doing so, we can really stamp down a third principle of mental training and visualization, which is that your mental training and visualization will be far more effective if you are performing the exact same or very similar mental and physical tasks in the real world, okay? 7266.wav|Fake it till you make it. 7267.wav|If we consider alcohol, for instance, alcohol is legal in most areas of the world, it's certainly legal in the US, and yet there's an age limit for its use. 7268.wav|Then you create this perspective shift where you take on the motivation of someone else, different than you, and then you force collaboration between that person who has this alternate motivation, different from you, and someone else who has an entirely different motivation. 7269.wav|Well, does breaking a habit mean that they should stop moving around and exercising? 7270.wav|I'm going to summarize these papers and their general contour and papers related to them, although feel free to look up the papers I just described. 7271.wav|You can imagine how this plays out. 7272.wav|So, this is the way in which you start to dismantle, or when I say dismantle, really weaken the likelihood that if neuron a fires, neuron B will fire. 7273.wav|Sleep resets that balance and resets that hinge to the appropriate tightness, if you will, so that all these circuits, and not just the circuits related to fear, but also the circuits related to cognition, clear thinking, to be able to spell out very clear, detailed narratives, to feel like you are in control, you are deliberately bringing yourself into these protocols, if that's what you intend to use. 7274.wav|When dopamine levels are high, as I mentioned before, there's a high level or probability of divergent thinking. 7275.wav|But again, their heads were above water so they could breathe. 7276.wav|So again, while the brain itself does not have a sensory system to detect pain, the tissues around it do, and the tissues around those tissues, that is the stuff around the meninges, themselves can respond to pain, and intracranial pressure is also relayed through the meninges to our conscious awareness that there's pain. 7277.wav|Okay, so you can see the nicotine episode, if you want to learn more about that. 7278.wav|I would close my eyes, and I would do three more breaths, focusing entirely on my interoception, on my internal landscape, or what we called before, my peripersonal space. 7279.wav|Turns out that most people, whether or not they're doing computer work, or whether or not they're doing writing or accounting work or anything of that sort, can hold their attention for about three minutes at a time before they shift their attention off. 7280.wav|And we look at the clinical studies where people who have never taken MDMA are given one or two or three defined doses of pure MDMA. 7281.wav|Or the nose region, they can experience pain in the mucosal tissue of the nose. 7282.wav|I will use them interchangeably. 7283.wav|What I'm referring to here are omega-3 fatty acids. 7284.wav|So a big, deep inhale through the nose and then sneak in a little bit more on a second inhale to maximally inflate the lungs and the avioli of the lungs, and then a full exhale of all your air via the mouth to empty your lungs. 7285.wav|In other words, divergent thinking involves taking one simple, what we would call in neuroscience or psychology, stimulus, one image or sound, et cetera, and trying to radiate out from that as many different divergent situations, properties, characteristics, events, things from that one specific element. 7286.wav|Today we're going to talk about the neuroscience of fear. 7287.wav|There are creative acts that led to the formation of vehicles and computers, et cetera. 7288.wav|First of all, it tells us that nicotine is going to be generally a bad idea for a pre workout tool or for enhancing physical performance. 7289.wav|I certainly wouldn't recommend doing it with a very full stomach in any case, and as I've mentioned before on this podcast, intermittent fasting is but one way, and certainly there are other ways to limit total caloric intake for sake of maintaining or losing weight, if that's your goal. 7290.wav|There are two types of neurons within a particular area of your hypothalamus that are relevant here. 7291.wav|We've known that MDMA, just like cocaine or methamphetamine or adderall, for that matter, or vivance for that matter, creates big increases in dopamine that tend to couple an experience with a sense of reward and lead to changes in the neural circuitry that make the animal or human more likely to seek out that same experience again. 7292.wav|All forms of learning involve the reorganization of connections in the nervous system, the brain, and spinal cord and body. 7293.wav|It's actually a fair percentage. 7294.wav|And please hear me on this, in this study and in the vast majority of other studies that have shown significant improvement in motor performance in the real world by use of mental training and visualization, there was an ability of each and every one in the study to perform the specific motor sequence in the real world that then they were able to enhance with mental training and visualization. 7295.wav|And this deep brain stimulation is appearing to be an effective treatment. 7296.wav|We are now going to move into a new topic unrelated to physical performance, starting with this episode. 7297.wav|So they put cameras up on the roof of Caltech. 7298.wav|There's testosterone circulating in your body. 7299.wav|So I use Element in my water. 7300.wav|What does this mean for you and me? 7301.wav|Well, first of all, creatine monohydrate is relatively inexpensive. 7302.wav|If I have a little tiny sniffle, I think I might be getting sick. 7303.wav|In fact, we have entire episodes devoted to optimizing and regulating dopamine. 7304.wav|In other words, the closer you are to somebody who's sneezing or coughing, the higher probability that you will contract that cold or flu. 7305.wav|Now, that's their commercial technology. 7306.wav|And believe it or not, that showed immediate recall memory was significantly decreased. 7307.wav|They studied LSD like compounds and discovered that hallucinations actually occur because portions of your brain become underactive. 7308.wav|Wrestler, one of his many impressive lectures. 7309.wav|If you don't expect something positive to happen, you're just going about your day and something positive happens, dopamine, and a lot of dopamine is released. 7310.wav|You use these DPO type processes in the short term to pick up groceries and pick a line at the grocery store and decide which trajectory to take home. 7311.wav|It involves quickening of the heart rate, typically, quickening of breathing, blood flow, getting shuttled to certain areas of the brain and body and not to others. 7312.wav|It is absolutely essential and wonderful for waking up the brain, for triggering all sorts of positive biological reactions. 7313.wav|Well, more points to you. 7314.wav|Now I've talked before on this podcast about the importance of using nasal breathing under any conditions where you don't have to breathe through your mouth. 7315.wav|Okay, the reason for laying all that out there is not to create a word soup to confuse us. 7316.wav|You can die from hyperthermia. 7317.wav|The experience of MDMA is one in which people have a very heightened sense of euphoria, a very heightened sense of connection. 7318.wav|Parental olfactory experience influences behavior and neural structure in subsequent generations. 7319.wav|They're just designed to get you to understand the underlying concept of divergent thinking. 7320.wav|Well, what gets rewarded is the serotonin activation of particular brain networks associated with sociability and the dramatic increases in oxytocin that are very, very real when people take MDMA do not appear to underlie any of the known short or long term subjective effects of MDMA. 7321.wav|They require the most activation energy. 7322.wav|So the current estimates are that people with PTSD, no matter what type of PTSD, dissociative symptoms or otherwise panic attacks, or both, are at a much greater risk of having addictions to either illicit drugs or prescription drugs, or both. 7323.wav|Basically, the entire job of the eyes is to collect light information and send it off to the rest of the brain in a form that the brain can understand. 7324.wav|The thing I really like about their meditation app is it has meditations of different durations. 7325.wav|Going forward, you can have physical trauma, you can have emotional trauma. 7326.wav|But it needs to be viewed early in the day. 7327.wav|It includes summaries of podcast episodes and includes toolkits for everything from improving your sleep to deliberate cold exposure and heat exposure for health and performance, focus, dopamine regulation, and much more. 7328.wav|Most of us don't have that flexibility, but it's very clear that the height of the ceiling of the visual environment that we're in has a profound effect on the types of cognitive processes that we are able to engage. 7329.wav|And of course, one can do studies where you give people different dosages of MDMA as well as giving people MDMA and then giving them specific stimuli, meaning not just asking them to sit there in the fMRI scanner, with eyes closed, looking at the resting state, functional connectivity, but also how the brain responds to the presentation of happy faces or sad faces, or images of oneself, or even images that recall memories of traumatic events and so on. 7330.wav|So for me, Monday is leg workout. 7331.wav|The fact that they don't have a frame typically and the fact that there's no white canvas allows the colors that you see to be novel hues of those colors that you will not see in any other context. 7332.wav|Norepinephrine is closely related to epinephrine. 7333.wav|I'm pleased to announce that the Huberman Lab podcast is now partnered with momentous supplements. 7334.wav|So this is interesting, and I think something that we should at least know about. 7335.wav|But again, if you're in an apartment and you're in a hotel, that's going to be harder to do. 7336.wav|It makes them feel very uncomfortable and out of control. 7337.wav|And what you'll find is that you and most people will be able to do this arrow to reaction time pressing of the left to right key, somewhere in the neighborhood between 300 milliseconds and maybe as long as 500 millisecond delay. 7338.wav|Why am I telling you all of this about dopamine? 7339.wav|Now, I personally take a cold shower a few times a week or do cold immersion, and because I'm not specifically focused on increasing metabolism, although I probably should be, that's not what I'm using it for. 7340.wav|And you're doing this in a very, in a free associative way. 7341.wav|Now, the most interesting data to me, at least in terms of mental effects of deliberate cold exposure, were that the plasma or serum levels of norepinephrine in the blood increased 530%. 7342.wav|When you look far away, maybe anywhere from, like 20ft away from you out to a horizon that's miles or kilometers away from you, the lens can just relax, it can flatten out. 7343.wav|We'll talk more about his work a little bit later in the episode, but we got to the discussion of why a body that has sufficient energy levels would desire to eat more at all. 7344.wav|In fact, the elevation in dopamine that occurred during this practice, this yoga nidra-like, non-sleep or NSDR-like practice, actually prepared them to be able to move in a much more dedicated and robust way afterwards. 7345.wav|And the way that it works is that of course, tension headache involves a tension of the muscles, kind of a, we'll call it clinching or synching up with the muscles, but we're really talking about is contraction of the muscles and that's controlled by neurons. 7346.wav|If you've ever felt that, you kind of run around a lot before sleep and then it goes down. 7347.wav|When trying to learn how to withhold particular action sequences, because they're not serving you well in the real world, using a combination of real world training and physical training is actually better for you on an hour per hour basis than is physical training alone. 7348.wav|That's belcampo.com Huberman for 20% off your first order. 7349.wav|What the visualization experiments that Shepard and Cosland and others did show is that the processing speed of imagined experiences is exactly the same as the processing speed of real experiences. 7350.wav|On the one hand, if you think something is very, very dangerous, you would expect that the probability that somebody would use it would be very, very low. 7351.wav|The story of MDMA and its potential neurotoxicity comes slam right up against this issue of legality. 7352.wav|What's going on in these circuits can basically be boiled down to two particular things. 7353.wav|There are estrogen receptors. 7354.wav|And dopamine facilitates that divergent thinking state in which you are perfectly happy and, in fact, experience a kind of a joy, a relation, a comfort, and a pleasure in organizing all these different ideas that, to anyone else, might seem not that related. 7355.wav|What this means is that if you're somebody who's not feeling very motivated to engage in divergent thinking, you're not feeling very creative, you're feeling a little low, the thing to do in that case is actually to take external stimuli, things that you know that you like and start interacting with those stimuli to get your mood elevated and then to engage in divergent thinking. 7356.wav|I don't necessarily just mean oral consumption or eating cannabis, sativa by edible, I also mean smoking it. 7357.wav|Now then I offer you a cold towel, maybe a really cold towel, and this towel is saturated with water, so you could actually squeeze the water out of that and cool your body off. 7358.wav|Even if you don't care about receptor subtypes, that's going to come up later when we discuss why nicotine suppresses appetite. 7359.wav|First of all, there is no supplement or drug that you or anyone else can take that will selectively elevate dopamine in only one of the four circuits that I described before. 7360.wav|We really can't have a discussion about learning anything, habits or otherwise, unless we talk about reward prediction error. 7361.wav|Everyone has different retinal sensitivities. 7362.wav|And right now is not the time to go into the whole anatomy and physiology of the nasal passages, but keep in mind, if you saw the episode that I did with Noam Sobel, or you listened to the episode that I did on olfaction, both of those episodes highlight the fact that your brain sits not far behind your nasal passages. 7363.wav|So we've covered a lot of tools and protocols and variables related to fitness, but we have by no means covered all the available tools and protocols and variables. 7364.wav|So there's a whole discussion to be had there because obviously you don't want people cooking their brains due to elevated fever and not treating that fever, but you also don't want to reduce your core body temperature too much, which raises the question of things like cold plunges. 7365.wav|The difference between yoga nidra and non-sleep deep rest is that non-sleep deep rest doesn't include any of the intentions and removes a lot of the kind of opaque or sometimes called mystical language from the protocol. 7366.wav|Now, there are only a few studies that have really looked at the learning and the improvement of no go components of motor learning, but these no go components are really, really important. 7367.wav|Okay, so that's interoception. 7368.wav|Now, I don't hear very much about this in the media. 7369.wav|Nonetheless, that's an effect of this molecule. 7370.wav|In fact, there's a terrific review that was mentioned on the podcast with Dr. Andy Galpin. 7371.wav|And it works quite well. 7372.wav|Well, quality protein is going to be a protein that includes most of the essential amino acids and in particular leucine. 7373.wav|It can also be used to elevate mood for long periods of time. 7374.wav|I love the taste of brewed loose leaf Matina yerba mate, and I particularly love the taste of Matina's new canned cold brew zero sugar yerba mate, which I personally help them develop. 7375.wav|And that's because the soleus has this unique property of needing to basically keep you going all day, walking all day or moving all day. 7376.wav|And so what we know is that if people have damage to their hippocampus of any kind, that people have trouble accessing or forming long-term memory, sometimes both. 7377.wav|In mice, we've not talked too much about the insula, also called the insular cortex. 7378.wav|And the nasal passages represent a primary site of defense for viral infections like colds and flus, but also bacterial infections and fungal infections for that matter. 7379.wav|I want to remind people of the basic mechanisms by which the brain and body communicate. 7380.wav|I think very few people say, oh my goodness, it's been an hour. 7381.wav|I'll just explain it so that you can conceptualize it in your mind. 7382.wav|So when you control for changes in hormones, that still appears to be the case. 7383.wav|We do not share it with anybody else, and you'll receive that monthly newsletter. 7384.wav|The other half of this traditional danish swedish saying is that in preparation for winter, in order to not feel too cold in cold environments, one should prepare for those in the fall by not wearing a jacket and exposing oneself to cold environments. 7385.wav|In summary form, many people find these very useful for distilling out the vast amount of information that we cover on the podcast. 7386.wav|So I don't want to make this the major focus for now, but very briefly, there's a laboratory at Harvard Medical School run by Chufu Ma. 7387.wav|And we will mention some of those, of course, and we've talked about some of those, creativity, for instance, et cetera. 7388.wav|But what we know is that if you smell a doughnut or you smell a wonderful piece of food in the immediate term, it brings your level of focus, your mental focus to the immediate phase, and it feels very rewarding. 7389.wav|One group is simply looking at the goal line, the other group is not told to look at the goal line. 7390.wav|But it's also that for many people, and here the data really points to the fact that a lot of the younger female smokers or younger female vapors, or when I say that, of course, I mean younger females that vape are doing that because they like the appetite suppressing effects, which, of course, opens up an entire conversation about the sociology of body imagery, et cetera. 7391.wav|Now, acronyms are wonderful. 7392.wav|You can move from house to cafe, if that works for you. 7393.wav|Well, we are diurnal. 7394.wav|And this is why I raised at the beginning that no one really knows how to define healthy eating. 7395.wav|So that's what's really interesting. 7396.wav|It's limited by which wavelengths, which colors, if you will, of light that you can see. 7397.wav|And in fact, areas of the brain that are associated with visual imagery, such as the visual or so-called occipital cortex and the parietal cortex, has been shown in other studies to ramp up when people are motionless. 7398.wav|Randomized control trials involve having people be in one condition where they do one thing, and then they get swapped randomly into another condition. 7399.wav|Most of you will be able to do that to some degree or another, regardless of your attention span, whether or not you have ADHD or not, most of you will be able to do that to some degree or another. 7400.wav|So for those of you that are not familiar with Banksy, Banksy is an artist that most often does two-dimensional artwork, so these would be stencils or paintings or drawings, like many artists, and does them in an urban landscape, an actual city or suburban landscape. 7401.wav|But actually, if we go back to our understanding of the neurobiology of the visual system. 7402.wav|It's a hyper acuity and focus on details within a given environment. 7403.wav|They're hard to find, they're expensive. 7404.wav|And oftentimes they can't take more and more because some of them are very hard on the liver. 7405.wav|Now, non-sleep deep rest or NSDR is actually a term that I coined because there is a practice that's been established for many hundreds of years called yoga nidra, which actually means yoga sleep, whereby individuals, potentially you, if you decide to do them, lie down, listen to a script, that is listen to an audio script, which generally instructs you to do long exhale breathing, to deliberately relax your musculature of your face and of your body. 7406.wav|He's an MD, medical doctor, psychiatrist. 7407.wav|There is now a plethora of data supporting the fact that when we have a healthy gut microbiome, that is, Little Microbes that live in our gut that are good for us, our gut signals to our brain and our brain signals back to our gut in ways that support our immune system, our digestion, even our mood. 7408.wav|So there's a long history of Schulgen designing drugs. 7409.wav|Neurons are nerve cells. 7410.wav|Of course, you're getting benefits from it. 7411.wav|And when I say chronic cannabis use, I want to be very specific. 7412.wav|And as it turns out, they're not so distinct in terms of the underlying brain mechanisms. 7413.wav|But the substance that I'm referring to, rather, is kava. 7414.wav|And in both instances, both anorexia and bulimia, there are clear biological underpinnings to what's driving the undereating or the overeating. 7415.wav|Anything with methamphetamine in it has a potential to be neurotoxic. 7416.wav|Why that makes sense. 7417.wav|You can leave us up to a five star review, and now Spotify has a feature by which you can also leave us review feedback. 7418.wav|But the fact that they increase focus should automatically tell you something, that those drugs in particular increase dopamine in the so-called mesocortical and mesolimbic pathways. 7419.wav|Some of that material overlaps with what you hear on the podcast. 7420.wav|So that's the first circuit, very important to understand, and I'll tell you right now, that is the brain circuit that is engaged when you undergo divergent thinking. 7421.wav|The title of the study is altered brown fat thermoregulation and enhanced cold induced thermogenesis in young, healthy winter swimming men. 7422.wav|Now, remember that the circuit for fear, the circuit for trauma involves this generic reflex. 7423.wav|Or a control diet in which they had people taking what's essentially the average intake of omega-3s and omega-6s. 7424.wav|Again, the point is that what is exciting and novel to you is just the way that you hear it, but it's exciting and novel to you because there are circuits within the brain that when we hear or see or feel or experience known elements in new ways that are truly creative, the way that those neural circuits function is changed. 7425.wav|Now they can merely be useful because they're entertaining or thrilling. 7426.wav|It maps very well to the behavioral change literature that I was able to glean that really shows that rather than just get reminders, rather than try and instill punishment, rather than setting up reward for breaking bad habits, that perhaps the simplest way to approach this is to tack on additional behaviors to the bad habits, make sure those behaviors are good behaviors or behaviors that are adaptive for you. 7427.wav|At some point, if you don't bound the change in the world, it just becomes pure chaos and even children don't do that. 7428.wav|Maybe it's tilted up a little bit to the side of increased sympathetic or alertness, rather than parasympathetic, because I feel wide awake. 7429.wav|That said, most people don't know how to access creativity. 7430.wav|Your temperature minimum is probably about 04:00 a.m. 7431.wav|You know what they're doing, that they're actually looking at the other eye. 7432.wav|We'll talk about the spacing between sessions of MDMA. 7433.wav|Now the soleus muscle is a unique muscle because it's largely slow twitch muscle fibers. 7434.wav|So for about a month, it's going to be more sets. 7435.wav|They start to support that individual through queuing them towards their own habits that they observe. 7436.wav|The company was founded by two all american swimmers from Stanford, and everything about Roca eyeglasses and sunglasses were designed with performance in mind. 7437.wav|But what I'm referring to is quite different. 7438.wav|Reward prediction error governs virtually all aspects of effort and all aspects of learning. 7439.wav|I also don't want people to get the impression that somehow performance on this working memory task is reflective of some larger dopamine issue in the brain. 7440.wav|That you would have to be able to identify your state of mind or the sequence of events leading into the bad habit, but rather the stage or the period immediately after the bad habit. 7441.wav|Whereas when we focus our visual attention outside our body, not only do we engage that exterceptive extrapersonal space system, and we start to engage the dopamine system, the goal directed system, but we also start batching time differently. 7442.wav|You'll be able to focus better on physical and mental work. 7443.wav|Now, in reality, neuroplasticity goes on throughout the lifetime. 7444.wav|And indeed, I read them twice. 7445.wav|When I took the quiz, I personally matched to their Dusk mattress, D-U-S-K, which has allowed me to significantly improve my sleep. 7446.wav|If you have a wonderful event early in life or a traumatic early life, those connections change, et cetera. 7447.wav|So, to be very clear, cannabis use between the ages of 16 to 24 in both males and females is increasing anxiety, increasing depression in the immediate years and within the one year's time or so, so much so that people are using cannabis ongoing in an attempt to reduce that anxiety and reduce that depression. 7448.wav|We can have this conversation about nicotine and appetite and metabolism in a very simple and straightforward way. 7449.wav|Now, there are nice data pointing to the fact that doing cold water immersion after a hard run, so endurance training or even sprint and interval training, or after a weight workout where your main focus is on performance of those movements, or after a skill training workout where your main focus on performance of those movements that there's no reason to think that that cold water immersion or ice bath or cold shower would inhibit the progress or the stimulus that would lead to progress that occurred during that training session. 7450.wav|What I'm about to tell you is a way in which you can use your physical environment to further shift your brain and nervous system into a mode that's either primed for analytic or abstract and creative thinking. 7451.wav|So that they can feel okay about interacting with food, or because they have the distorted body image. 7452.wav|When the tide is high enough, a boat can leave harbor. 7453.wav|So these are the things that we can declare, things like facts about ourselves or the world or others. 7454.wav|Some people will advance, but that's usually a trained advance in response to fear. 7455.wav|Fears can be in the short term. 7456.wav|And then I might give you a divergent thinking task. 7457.wav|Today's episode is also brought to us by Eight Sleep. 7458.wav|Not surprisingly, then, people with PTSD of either the dissociative type or other symptomology of PTSD. 7459.wav|But today I'm going to refer to the periphery and the body in more or less the same way. 7460.wav|Again, no peer reviewed data to support it. 7461.wav|Creativity is a rearrangement of existing elements into novel combinations that reveal something fundamental about how we or the world works. 7462.wav|That is true, meaning that is an accurate description of aura but oftentimes people also come to understand aura as the feeling that something surrounds a given object visually, or even that people have a sense that something's around them. 7463.wav|The posture of your visual system, if you will, is going to be unhealthy. 7464.wav|So I don't know how to make the message more clear. 7465.wav|I'll give you a lot of details about how to do that, how to do that without the use of any fancy or expensive technology. 7466.wav|If you want to see the supplements that I take, you can go to thornth.com theletter Uberman and you can see the supplements that I take and get 20% off any of those supplements. 7467.wav|There are also other pieces of the eye that are designed to keep the eye lubricated. 7468.wav|So if it's cocaine or methamphetamine, those will greatly increase dopamine, but non-selectively across all those different pathways. 7469.wav|What that means is that I'm striving to keep a steady pace, but in reality, I don't. 7470.wav|Neuroplasticity is simply the process by which our nervous system changes in response to experience. 7471.wav|Taps into different fuel systems, different aspects of muscle physiology, et cetera. 7472.wav|D2 receptors are present in all four of the dopaminergic pathways in the brain. 7473.wav|That's actually not the case for many, many studies, some of which are considered real hallmark studies within the field of mental training and visualization and the different neural circuits that it recruits. 7474.wav|Limbic friction is how much top down meaning from your forebrain to your limbic system, the part of your brain that generates autonomic responses, how much limbic friction, meaning conscious override of your state, is required in order to engage in that particular behavior. 7475.wav|We've got the basal ganglia, which are for initiating action and preventing action. 7476.wav|And that gut brain axis is vital for things like immune system, endocrine system meaning hormones, and for mood and overall brain function. 7477.wav|They are putting cold packs in their armpits. 7478.wav|Does cannabis, marijuana suppress testosterone? 7479.wav|In other words, just as with the map experiment, the distance between things on a map is conserved in your mind's eye as a linear relationship, takes longer to go far distances between things on a map in your mind than it does to go shorter distances. 7480.wav|However, those are off-label circumstances. 7481.wav|And when that happens, yes, we get some dopamine, and we also get some dopamine when the positive thing happens. 7482.wav|Well, what it means is that any kind of goal pursuit, any kind of goal setting, really has to involve a number of different states and neural circuits in the brain and body. 7483.wav|It's a very uncommon example, but it's called thunderclap headache. 7484.wav|I know some people out there are probably rolling their eyes or switching the channel at this point, but I can say that for me, I've been able to achieve the strength and hypertrophy goals that I've been seeking doing things like leg extensions and hack squats, or for hamstrings, doing things like leg curls and glute ham raises, or for calves doing standing and seated calf raises, and so on. 7485.wav|That's a good experiment. 7486.wav|Also, if I'm staying on task, that 60-minute limit really works well for me. 7487.wav|It means certain things are now possible, other things are not possible that are very different from the world that we live in. 7488.wav|By the way, if you're interested in learning more about thyroid hormone. 7489.wav|And it will take you to the specific timestamps of multiple episodes where those topics were discussed, as well as newsletters where some of that information has been condensed into short PDF form, et cetera. 7490.wav|In that case, probably also talk to your ophthalmologist, or consider the red light therapy that I talked about earlier. 7491.wav|Is that effective in generating the kinds of behaviors that will lead you to that? 7492.wav|Now, you might say cognitive decline. 7493.wav|There were instances in which people were listening to binaural beats during the task. 7494.wav|You could tell yourself, oh, I heard on a previous Huberman lab podcast or on an Instagram post that cold water exposure can be beneficial for metabolism and resilience, et cetera. 7495.wav|Your adrenal glands release norepinephrine and epinephrine. 7496.wav|And there's no reason to believe this doesn't also carry over to vaping through one single hypnosis session. 7497.wav|And just that little simple gedanken or thought experiment will remind you just how dry the cold air is out of doors during the winter months. 7498.wav|I just may refer to it as the one that I follow simply for ease of communication. 7499.wav|So, if I were to snap my fingers on both sides on my left and on my right side at the exact same time, and they arrive at the same time, the interorol time difference is zero. 7500.wav|That's because in order to fall asleep and stay deeply asleep throughout the night, your core body temperature needs to drop by about one to three degrees. 7501.wav|They call it yoga nidra, and the protocol they used was essentially a yoga nidra script. 7502.wav|And indeed, you can wear them while cycling or running. 7503.wav|Believe it or not, there are people who are using certain strains during the day and other strains at night. 7504.wav|That we can enjoy food, hopefully both socially and on our own, but that we are not neurotic and compulsive about it. 7505.wav|The clock genes vary such that protein synthesis is greater early in the day than it is later in the day, such that in both mice and in humans, ingestion of quality proteins early in the day will be more so incorporated into muscle than the proteins that are ingested late in the day. 7506.wav|Now, many people think that habits are just like reflexes. 7507.wav|But basically, in terms of behaviors, we both have dpo type behaviors, so decision making, reward based behaviors, and we have habits that we learn and we acquire, and then we just start to execute reflexively things like walking, things like yawning when we're tired, things like taking a particular route through the parking lot. 7508.wav|White matter are the axons of the wires through which all the key components are shipped out to the synapse, et cetera. 7509.wav|Well, you might say, well, the green apple is sitting on a brown table or a white surface. 7510.wav|In fact, even as I describe it, you might find it's still a little bit abstract. 7511.wav|That's simply not what I'm saying, and I don't want to communicate that idea at all. 7512.wav|It's a twist of biology, the way the system's arranged that when light comes on, they shut off their activity. 7513.wav|And for today's discussion, we're going to use them interchangeably. 7514.wav|And as a consequence of that rapport, there is the feeling of support that there is a safe place in which to explore the trauma and what's happening in one's current life in order to understand how that trauma is fitting into adaptive and maladaptive behaviors and emotional states. 7515.wav|But of course dosage matters, context matters. 7516.wav|I love this study. 7517.wav|So dissociative. 7518.wav|Again, that's insidetracker.com slash Huberman to get 20% off. 7519.wav|And if you're going to train with higher repetitions, you can do fewer sets. 7520.wav|Well, first, let's take a step back and just acknowledge the reality, which is that fear is in some cases an adaptive response. 7521.wav|Again, peaks in cortisol late in the afternoon and evening are associated with depression, anxiety, and so forth. 7522.wav|Those are the same thing in the brain. 7523.wav|It doesn't allow for focus. 7524.wav|So if you're not accustomed to doing endurance work, you would start with the minimum number that's listed on that protocol. 7525.wav|The term quality protein has no strict scientific definition. 7526.wav|So the body fat is signaling to the brain about how much reserve you have. 7527.wav|And I would say the ideal situation is to sleep at night and to do your work during the day and in the afternoon. 7528.wav|But for now, the protocol would be two to three, maybe five minutes. 7529.wav|Over time, your vision will get worse. 7530.wav|So as you list out or think about the various habits that you'd like to adopt in your life, take the habits for which you know there's the highest degree of limbic friction. 7531.wav|We covered this in the episode on deliberate cold exposure. 7532.wav|And again, this is happening in parallel with all the effects of neurochemistry that are happening with the brain that we talked about a few minutes ago. 7533.wav|So we've all been told that multitasking is terrible. 7534.wav|So whereas you might have previously been the person who was always cold in the room with air conditioning or always seeking a sweater, always wanting to bundle up, you will be more comfortable in those cold environments. 7535.wav|And as I've said before, the way that I define addiction is it's a progressive narrowing of the things that bring people pleasure. 7536.wav|Or endurance that occurs in the kind of three to 12 minute total duration range. 7537.wav|The basic takeaway that they're relying on marching into the study is that increasing omega-3s and reducing omega-6s seems to be beneficial for reducing pain. 7538.wav|Now, I share this anecdote because it nicely separates nicotine from the delivery device through which nicotine arrives. 7539.wav|And then what I typically will do is I will try and expand both my vision and my cognition to a much broader sphere. 7540.wav|Convergent thinking would be, for example, if I give you an image or I tell you the following things, I say wing, water, and engine. 7541.wav|So not immediately after, but take a couple of days, come back and do effectively the same protocol. 7542.wav|If somebody is exposed to a lot of narrative about their parents trauma in one form or another, it may be that they start to internalize some of that trauma. 7543.wav|It makes all that very easy. 7544.wav|Now, the good news is today we're going to talk about working memory, some of the neural circuits involved and some of the neurochemicals involved that can augment or improve working memory, and we're also going to talk about what one can do to directly increase the amount of neurotransmission of those particular chemicals within the circuits that control working memory, in other words, to improve your working memory. 7545.wav|And that's the hippocampus, which in Latin means seahorse. 7546.wav|Other people might smoke joints. 7547.wav|A growing number of people, more than half a billion people now are starting to vape. 7548.wav|Now, another key thing to understand about working memory and how it is different from short and long-term memory is that the formation of short- and long-term memories almost always involves neuroplasticity. 7549.wav|Brief not necessarily in time, but that the car accident, the bad interaction with another individual, the assault, God forbid, these sorts of things. 7550.wav|And that's a somewhat unusual compound. 7551.wav|So our visual system, in a beautiful way, brings together a focus, literally a visual focus, on a particular point outside us. 7552.wav|Just like when the screen of your phone gets dirty, like when Costello is texting on my phone and I pick it up and it's like covered with smudge to clean it off in order to see things clearly, the same thing is happening for these optical devices on the front of your brain. 7553.wav|Conversely, when our visual system is in a mode of looking at everything, when the aperture of our visual system is very broad, we know that there's also a reduction in our goal directed behavior and a reduction in the systolic blood pressure. 7554.wav|Biochemically, it comes from dopamine. 7555.wav|In fact, when people ask me what's the one supplement I should take that's going to make me feel better, I always say athletic greens because indeed it makes me feel better and it happens to taste terrific. 7556.wav|This is going to be immediately familiar to you when you hear it, but one of the key elements of creativity is to at the outset, come up with some idea that makes sense or is attractive to you about how the world is different inside of your creative endeavor. 7557.wav|And then, and only then, would you want to add more habits in so you could repeat this 21 day process. 7558.wav|How do we recalibrate the system? 7559.wav|No neurosurgery. 7560.wav|The aspect of the study looking at emotionality did not find a significant effect, so it doesn't seem that emotionality impacts things there, but nonetheless, that study plus the other one entitled, the effect of binaural beats on visual spatial working memory and cortical connectivity. 7561.wav|There are a couple of pharmacologic approaches. 7562.wav|So the important thing to understand is that your blood pressure will rise when your heart beats because there's more fluid moving through those pipes that are your arteries, your veins and your capillaries. 7563.wav|And if you do have multiple interleaving goals, and overlapping goals, and simultaneous goals, in a few minutes we're going to talk about a process that will allow you to use your visual system to align towards each of those goals sequentially in a way that makes it much more likely that you'll achieve them. 7564.wav|Neurogenesis is the formation of new neurons. 7565.wav|Scripts are available on YouTube and various other places free of cost of any kind. 7566.wav|And so I think this is not just important for understanding cannabis, which we'll get back to in a moment, but it's important for understanding creativity and brain states in general. 7567.wav|The second half of the day is a much better time to do that. 7568.wav|I train the neck for a couple of reasons. 7569.wav|You can simply put my name Huberman, put N-S-D-R and Virtusan, V-I-R-T-U-S-A-N, into YouTube, and you'll find that script. 7570.wav|In addition to that, there are molecules like oxytocin, which are involved in pair bonding, and they're going to be neural circuits specific to the oxytocin circuitry. 7571.wav|That's a little bit cryptic, forgive me, but I promise I'll return to it later and I will make it crystal clear. 7572.wav|So when we look up and our eyelids are up, it actually has a purpose. 7573.wav|And I'm in the habit of doing resistance training three or four times per week, typically also for about 45 to 60 minutes per session. 7574.wav|This isn't something that you do just once. 7575.wav|But the key takeaways are every cell in your muscles has a clock gene. 7576.wav|Talkative, tend to make people feel like they have ideas that are interesting, that they might want to share, tend to narrow their context. 7577.wav|I'm certainly not naive in thinking that it does. 7578.wav|Well, dopamine is actually the substrate by which epinephrine is made. 7579.wav|Eric actually pointed out that if you put your hands behind your back, provided you normally do have use of your hands, it actually will reduce your fluidity of speech. 7580.wav|And those CB one receptors can lead to either an acceleration or a break on particular biological mechanisms. 7581.wav|As I recall, with the eye moving down through the water, I've always had this problem that I can only do the freestyle stroke off to one side. 7582.wav|We've heard that the morning is kind of sacred. 7583.wav|Your photoreceptors are actually most active in the dark. 7584.wav|Now, this can be applied toward building an especially effective mental training and visualization protocol if you deliberately move your eyes in the direction of the thing or things that you are trying to recapitulate in your mind, in your visualization, that is. 7585.wav|You'll sense the effort. 7586.wav|In males, after ejaculation, it's involved in lots of different functions in the brain and body, including the laying down of body fat stores, and it's also associated with increases in lethargy. 7587.wav|And if you can make it past that first week, you stand a very good chance of never going back. 7588.wav|So is the big increase in oxytocin produced by MDMA completely irrelevant? 7589.wav|So, for instance, it might be that you want to develop a habit of getting 60 minutes of zone two cardio each day, or perhaps three, four times a week as we head into the new year. 7590.wav|This is true in animals, and this is true in humans. 7591.wav|So this is definitely not something to get renegade about. 7592.wav|And the way that our brains and bodies evolved in different environments, it actually makes a lot of sense. 7593.wav|So that first week is absolutely critical. 7594.wav|We've all heard that multitasking is bad. 7595.wav|My colleagues in psychiatry tell me that that's unlikely, although it does seem to be beneficial for a number of people, especially people that are experiencing trauma or have existing traumas and fear that are coupled with depressive symptoms, because the data on ketamine and depression seems to be quite strong. 7596.wav|But there's a simple method that I learned from my graduate advisor that works very, very well. 7597.wav|Everyone will find that different levels of brightness will cause them to be alert. 7598.wav|What do I mean by mechanical information? 7599.wav|Let's talk about mental training and visualization. 7600.wav|That's sort of an interesting finding. 7601.wav|ApoB is a key marker of cardiovascular health, and therefore, there's extreme value to knowing your ApoB levels. 7602.wav|Well, it turns out that the first person mental training and visualization is significantly more effective than that third person mental training and visualization. 7603.wav|But for now, here's the principle. 7604.wav|One good example would be the so-called Mobius strip. 7605.wav|But then, if you'd like to explore Palmer cooling, I know a number of people who've written to me saying they heard about Palmer cooling on the episode with Dr. 7606.wav|But for me, the goal is to head out on Sunday and get 60 to 75 minutes of jogging in zone two. 7607.wav|This really extends to everybody. 7608.wav|Now, that's not to scare you away from deliberate cold exposure. 7609.wav|If I reach that 150 to 200 minutes threshold, then I'll reward myself simply by checking off a box and saying, okay, I'm on track, I'm on track, I'm on track. 7610.wav|But I think getting sufficient amounts of quality sleep, 80% of the nights of your life is a reasonable goal and one that's worth striving toward. 7611.wav|And the name comes from the fact that they express certain peptides, and we won't get into that now, but the palm c neurons have a very profound impact on whether or not you feel hungry or whether or not you do not feel hungry, whether or not your appetite is suppressed. 7612.wav|So there's a systematic map of interoception in the insula, and there are direct connections between the amygdala and the insula. 7613.wav|Years ago, I had a friend who works in the neuroscience world, research neuroscientist, who was obsessed with this very bizarre sport that I don't necessarily recommend at all, which is the combination of boxing and chess. 7614.wav|The substantia nigra is a brain area that is very dark that projects to an area called the dorsal striatum, it contains a bunch of sub regions. 7615.wav|So for instance, the faces vases bistable image is perhaps the most famous of these, where you look at this image, it's very simple and it looks like two vases. 7616.wav|Now, therefore, it should come as no surprise that if MDMA can reduce the levels of activity in the hippocampal to amygdala, to insula circuitry, and can do so both while someone is under the effects of MDMA, but then lead to persistent, long lasting reductions in the activation of those brain networks. 7617.wav|And so this is a behavioral tool that is useful for a number of things, but that I find particularly interesting in leveraging towards the exploration and enhancement of creativity, because first of all, it's purely behavioral. 7618.wav|Do I occasionally train for 75 minutes? 7619.wav|Ketamine, which is dissociative in its effects with MDMA, which is an empathogen or sometimes called an enactogen. 7620.wav|So first of all, I'll just say what I always say when discussing any kind of compound or prescription drug, never add or remove any supplement from your supplement regimen, if you have one, without consulting with your health provider first to make sure that you are safe to take that particular supplement. 7621.wav|So if anyone out there has knowledge of any peer-reviewed studies stating that mental training should be done either before or after, or some hours away from real world training, please send that to me or put it in the, excuse me, put it in the comments on YouTube and I'll see it there, because I do read all the comments, but I'm not aware of any such data or analysis. 7622.wav|Oxytocin is thought to be involved in bonding between people and other creatures, as well as the breaking of those bonds. 7623.wav|The third neurochemical pathway that's strongly activated when nicotine is brought into the central nervous system, into the brain, is epinephrine, or in particular norepinephrine, which is related to epinephrine. 7624.wav|It can even kill people. 7625.wav|They found a very significant decrease in the frequency of headache in people that were supplementing with creatine as opposed to the controls. 7626.wav|In this study, they had individuals do effectively an NSDR protocol. 7627.wav|And while that can be very useful, it's admittedly very generic advice. 7628.wav|It looks kind of silly, but moving my eyes without moving my head off into the periphery, all the way to the right, then all the way to the left, all the way up, all the way down, but especially all the way to the left, almost looking over my shoulder without turning my head all the way to my right. 7629.wav|And thereby you'll know exactly how to offset, that is prevent or treat hormonal headache in that first week of the menstrual period. 7630.wav|So your eyes, yes, indeed are two pieces of brain. 7631.wav|Of course, talk to your ophthalmologist. 7632.wav|There's phase three, which is about 17 to 24 hours after waking. 7633.wav|And as I mentioned before, CB one receptors are present all over the nervous system, in the brain, the spinal cord. 7634.wav|I also want to emphasize that we're going to cover a lot of practical tools. 7635.wav|As far as I know, there's no direct evidence that statement is true. 7636.wav|So actually I'm going to do this now. 7637.wav|As far as I know, there aren't gene therapies currently aimed at these particular variants like FKBP five and so forth, that could reverse those particular genetic underpinnings of the trauma predisposition. 7638.wav|You can't simply say, oh, you know, the car accident was actually a good thing because I stayed home a lot that year and I got to study. 7639.wav|So you start getting short term memory lapses. 7640.wav|There are a lot of videos out there, I want to be clear, on the Internet, some of which are from clinicians, some of which are not, some of which are from scientists, some of which are from other sources, talking about things you can do to make your vision better, to improve your vision. 7641.wav|Now, in order to break synapses or to break apart neural connections that are serving a habit that you don't want to engage in, we need to engage the process called long term depression. 7642.wav|If none of that makes sense right now, it'll make total sense. 7643.wav|That relates directly to how long the prolactin increase lasts. 7644.wav|So there is some degree of what we call perceptual equivalence between real world experiences, digital experiences and imagined, meaning with our eyes closed, just in our mind's eye experiences. 7645.wav|Also, you will hear that people who blink a lot are sociopaths and are lying. 7646.wav|In fact, the identification and diagnosis of anorexia tends to be in the early 20s. 7647.wav|This is well-established. 7648.wav|There are some more or less unhealthy ways to smoke. 7649.wav|It's very adaptable to the real world, and I think it's one that, provided you obey the phase one, phase two, phase three type system that we talked about earlier, you collapse these two programs with one another, which hopefully will be easy based on the descriptions I've given. 7650.wav|I was not at the outset of researching this episode. 7651.wav|The problem with a lot of blood and DNA tests out there, however, is that you get data back about metabolic factors, lipids and hormones and so forth, but you don't know what to do with those data. 7652.wav|Sometimes it's the change in, for instance, in the way that words are accented or the way that sentences are constructed. 7653.wav|And one of those exercises is going to be something where there's, I realize this isn't physiologically accurate but a shortening of the muscle or where they, at the end of the movement, the muscle is under maximal contraction. 7654.wav|The effects of omega-3s on cluster headaches and some of the other types of headaches, at least to my knowledge, have not been evaluated. 7655.wav|I say it's a bridge because it is oh so similar to that prescription drug, L-DOPA. 7656.wav|And despite what people think, there is absolutely zero, zero evidence that alcohol increases creativity. 7657.wav|Now, I don't mean by actual punishment, but what I mean is, within the brain, there's been a switch, and the anorexic needs to learn that there's been a switch, such that what should be rewarding is now punished. 7658.wav|So the point here is that mental training and visualization relies on not just the physical contours and the exact spatial profiles and the speed of movement of particular things that we experience in the real world. 7659.wav|As I mentioned, it lowers libido, it disrupts hormones, it disrupts vascular function, brain function. 7660.wav|Well, if you do that, I think there's a very high probability that the habits that you try and form will achieve this context dependence and that it will take progressively less and less limbic friction to perform them. 7661.wav|I do hope to get her as a guest on the podcast, by the way. 7662.wav|Well, the amygdala is one of the four core components of our goal setting and goal pursuit circuitry, and there's no bypassing that. 7663.wav|That means you actually want inflammation during your resistance training workout or even your endurance workout. 7664.wav|Because if they don't ingest cannabis, and again, ingest could mean smoke, to bring THC in, or CBD in, or ingest orally, or even transdermal or tincture or one of the other varieties. 7665.wav|There's a lot of people out there who think that they've seen UFOs. 7666.wav|So, my favorite protocol for building mental toughness, aka grit, aka resilience, is to take into account that some days, just getting into the ice bath or cold shower represents a wall. 7667.wav|Smoking marijuana more than twice a week significantly increases prolactin. 7668.wav|Robin Cardhardt Harris as the first author, so not only has he done incredible work on psilocybin and LSD and DMT and ayahuasca in his laboratory, but also on MDMA. 7669.wav|So, dopamine, norepinephrine and noradrenaline tend to be released together under certain conditions. 7670.wav|If someone weighs half that much, they would take 20 grams of creatine per day. 7671.wav|So certainly making sure that any MDMA that one takes is in the legal, clinical setting, that it's therefore pure MDMA, right? 7672.wav|So legs come on Monday. 7673.wav|And the key thing to emphasize for that variable is that you need to be able to perform the movement safely. 7674.wav|And believe it or not, there's an entire literature on inspiratory inhaling versus expiratory laughs. 7675.wav|And the protocol that immediately leaps to mind is the use of certain non-sleep deep rest protocols. 7676.wav|It's a terrible term. 7677.wav|So indeed, it does seem to be the case. 7678.wav|Virgin's eye movements are incredibly powerful for creating heightened states of alertness and focus. 7679.wav|Or I should say, one shouldn't start to self diagnose simply on the basis of information without running that through the filter of a qualified professional. 7680.wav|Now, of course, this is just anecdotal cultural lore, but it actually has a physiological basis, which is by exposing oneself to cold environments on a repeated basis in anticipation of exposure to more extreme cold environments, one can feel more comfortable in those extreme cold environments. 7681.wav|But of course, muscles and muscle tension can be involved in the other types of headaches as well. 7682.wav|When we say 25, we're really just talking about the average age in which passive plasticity tapers off. 7683.wav|It's also the exact opposite of the optimal state for physical performance, which is one of. 7684.wav|Adult neuroplasticity is very different than developmental plasticity because it is the sort of plasticity that one can direct towards one's own specific desired learning. 7685.wav|That anti-inflammatory effect is mediated through a couple of different pathways. 7686.wav|Maybe you don't know. 7687.wav|It will also teach you how to regulate your nervous system up and down, that is to ramp up and focus, mind muscle link, et cetera, and then quickly calm down physiological size, three to five minute decompressed breathing at the end of training, et cetera. 7688.wav|Conversely, in order to wake up in the morning feeling refreshed and ready to go, your core body temperature needs to go up by about one to three degrees. 7689.wav|Another day during the week, you're going to make sure that you get a kind of moderate, faster endurance workout in and then one other day during the week, you're going to get an all out sprint, high intensity cardiovascular exercise workout. 7690.wav|I wouldn't obsess over whether or not you got 30 repetitions in and then your mind drifted or whether or not you could do the full 50 to 75 or whether or not even in your mind's eye, you made some errors. 7691.wav|And since that's not possible for the large number of people out there, if you or somebody else is trying to quit smoking, or vaping or dipping or snuffing for that matter, I strongly encourage you to check out the reverie app. 7692.wav|Or it could be that they are more low grade hills and I might just slow down a little bit, or I might even push myself a tiny bit that day, but really I'm just trying to build that long endurance. 7693.wav|However, each and every one of us has a particular taste in music. 7694.wav|It's not possible to just lie to yourself and learn better as a consequence of the lies you tell yourself. 7695.wav|There does seem to be something powerful about engaging in particular habits in a particular sequence for two days in a row and then resetting. 7696.wav|He's a MD, medical doctor, and neurosurgeon, and a PhD who studies binge eating disorder and other types of eating disorders and how they arise in the brain. 7697.wav|So it's context independent. 7698.wav|Again, this is a zero cost resource for you. 7699.wav|What is clear, however, is that MDMA can cause not just profound increases in dopamine, serotonin and oxytocin, but that anytime there's a big increase in dopamine, there is going to be a post dopaminergic increase in prolactin release. 7700.wav|Just understand that you never want to be in an environment where it's painful to maintain. 7701.wav|Because now that we acknowledge that there are many different phrases to describe this thing that we call fear and related phenomenon, we can start to just focus on two of these issues, fear and trauma, as it relates to specific biological processes, specific cognitive processes, and we can start to dissect how fears are formed, how fears are unformed, and how new memories can come to replace previously fearful experiences. 7702.wav|The goal, of course, is for somebody to receive treatment that allows them to no longer meet the criteria for having PTSD, not just in terms of a clinical evaluation, but that they themselves report feeling much better, not feeling overwhelmed with the symptomology of PTSD. 7703.wav|I'd show you pictures or play you sounds or words or notes or describe to you events in history and try and see how many things can radiate out from that into diverse, diverse, even distant types of concepts and pictures. 7704.wav|So while to some of you a difference between 60% success with talk therapy and placebo versus 88% success with talk therapy plus MDMA might not seem like that big of a difference, it is indeed quite an enormous difference. 7705.wav|In other words, if you are thinking about ingesting nicotine through smoking or vaping in order to improve physical performance, that's a terrible idea. 7706.wav|So it feeds out to other brain areas, such as the pag. 7707.wav|So once again, thank you for joining me for today's discussion all about cannabis. 7708.wav|For reasons we could discuss. 7709.wav|So a simple protocol that Dr. 7710.wav|I think it's fair to say that emotions include responses within our body, quickening of heart rate, changes in blood flow, things that we experience as a warming or a cooling of our skin, but that there's also a cognitive component. 7711.wav|Why am I throwing out all this verbiage? 7712.wav|And this, I realize, is going to be a little bit of a mind bend for people to understand. 7713.wav|You can also leave us suggestions for future guests that you'd like us to host on the Huberman Lab podcast. 7714.wav|Indeed, if you were to go onto Amazon, there are actually ice pack underwear that are being marketed for sake of increasing testosterone. 7715.wav|If you weigh a bit more like me, or 100 kilograms or 75 kilograms, maybe you take 500 milligrams of L-tyrosine and see whether or not you experience a significant effect on working memory, attention, and performance. 7716.wav|People feel really alert. 7717.wav|Again, omega-3 fatty acids. 7718.wav|Or those amino acids can be synthesized into skeletal muscle, the sorts of skeletal muscles that allow you to move your limbs. 7719.wav|So while earlier we said that if you have a certain amount of time in order to train something up, physical training is always going to be better than mental training. 7720.wav|But also the sorts of ideas that they would generate. 7721.wav|That point was covered in some detail in the review I mentioned earlier, best practice for motor imagery, a systematic literature review on motor imagery, and training elements in five different disciplines. 7722.wav|That is, the creation of illicit drug businesses, the creation of organized crime, the creation of a number of different features related to the illegality of cannabis. 7723.wav|And in doing so, you will soon find that the initiation of the bad habit takes on a whole new form or that you're not even inspired to do it at all. 7724.wav|If you'd like to try athletic greens, you can go to athleticgreens.com huberman to claim a special offer. 7725.wav|And that three to five minutes of deliberately slowed breathing has been shown in Andy's group and in related experiments, not exactly the same, but related experiments in our laboratory and in other laboratories to really so-called downshift the nervous system and really set you up for maximal recovery, rapid recovery, and allow you to lean into the next training session with full intensity when that training session eventually arrives. 7726.wav|But that process has to involve not just becoming comfortable with a particular fearful event or trauma, but also attaching a new positive experience to that previously fearful or traumatic event. 7727.wav|And of course we established that at least for withholding action in order to get better at a skill, a combination of physical training and mental training is going to be best, but that if you're trying to learn a new skill and you're having challenges with performing that skill because of an inability to do the skill in the first place or on a consistent basis, well then on an hour by hour basis, you're best off investing your time into the physical training, only incorporating mental training and visualization if you are able to do that on top of the maximum amount of real world training that you're capable of doing. 7728.wav|You can subscribe by going to Hubermanlab.com, go to the menu and click on newsletter. 7729.wav|So let's dig a little deeper into the neural circuits and biology of fear, because in doing that, we can start to reveal the logic of how to attack fear, if that's the goal. 7730.wav|In fact, when people rated or when the amount of readiness for action in their system, their body, was evaluated, what people found was that immediately after this practice, they felt very still. 7731.wav|In other words, it acts as a sort of marker for the habit execution, but not the execution of the habit per se. 7732.wav|And there's a lot of debate about this because a lot of people are hybrid smokers and vapors, meaning they do one or both depending on time of day and location, as I mentioned before. 7733.wav|And this is the work of David Anderson's group at Caltech, again, of Dr. 7734.wav|We know this more commonly as stroke. 7735.wav|So what I'll describe has been shown to have significant effects in reducing the intensity or frequency of tension type headaches, migraine type headaches, as well as hormone type headaches that are related to the menstrual cycles that I described earlier. 7736.wav|And k two is important for cardiovascular health. 7737.wav|Okay, so the authors themselves published a letter of retraction that, unfortunately, is not as well recognized as the paper that stimulated this idea that MDMA is neurotoxic in primates. 7738.wav|I mean, as disturbing as is to hear, there are many individuals, actually, I know some who are so obese that they start getting bodily sores. 7739.wav|But tension headaches are often associated with tension of the muscles that are on the skull, of the jaw, of the neck, and can be quite painful for many people and debilitating. 7740.wav|Today we are discussing MDMA, sometimes referred to as ecstasy or molly. 7741.wav|Plus, they'll give you a year supply of vitamin d three, k two many of us are deficient in vitamin D three, and even for those of us that are getting sufficient sunshine, many of us still need to supplement with vitamin D three. 7742.wav|But the last names of these authors are Cermahini and Hummel. 7743.wav|However, there's a general theme that sets beneath all adaptations leading to fitness. 7744.wav|This is really in response to what I know will be a number of different questions about what sorts of pharmacologic agents can be used to increase creativity. 7745.wav|Omega-3 fatty acids come in a bunch of different foods and can be supplemented as well. 7746.wav|Although some people who have an eye that drifts can function normally in life. 7747.wav|So things like limiting the total amount of light if you can, things like NSDR, non sleep deep rest another thing that I've talked about on this podcast, if you haven't heard about this before, non sleep deep rest is an umbrella term for things like meditation, for yoga. 7748.wav|Now, thus far, we've been talking mostly about performance of motor sequences. 7749.wav|There are cold protocols that have been tested in peer reviewed studies that are designed to improve mental performance. 7750.wav|We can use the acronym DLS again, dorsilateral striatum. 7751.wav|It can simply be, if you are deciding to adopt a new habit, to just think about the very specific sequence of steps that's required to execute that habit. 7752.wav|So today's episode is really designed to synthesize science-based tools that we've covered on the podcast, some with expert guests like Dr. Andy Galpin or Dr. Peter Attia, or world renowned movement specialist, Ido Portal, or physiotherapist and strength and conditioning coach, Jeff Cavaliere. 7753.wav|Mental weakness is a little bit hard to quantify, but they were very careful to distinguish between cognitive and mental fatigue versus physical and somatic fatigue. 7754.wav|They're world-class sprinting coaches, but I'm not a pro sprinter. 7755.wav|And the instruction always given at the beginning of yoga nidra is that you should try to not fall asleep. 7756.wav|So one simple protocol for increasing resilience is to pick a temperature that's uncomfortable, of shower or cold immersion, and then to get in for a certain duration of time, and then to get out. 7757.wav|And what you find is that acronyms abound in the psychology literature about goal setting and goal pursuit. 7758.wav|And so here's a tool that again is built out of science and I should say peer reviewed studies, some of which are being done in my lab, but other labs as well, which is that in between sets, what I really strive to do is to bring my heart rate down as much as possible, calm myself down as much as possible, and I'll do the so-called physiological sigh in order to do that. 7759.wav|Okay, most people can do that. 7760.wav|And that's often the case because of tension within muscles of the neck that tend to bias the ache towards one side of the head. 7761.wav|Those cigarettes are all carcinogens. 7762.wav|For better or for worse, we can't actually count the number of times that we blink unless we're actively paying attention to it. 7763.wav|Professional massage is wonderful, but a professional massage, of course, involves going to a masseuse. 7764.wav|However, this is a very important. 7765.wav|And the simplest way to think about dopamine reward prediction error is that dopamine is released in the greatest amount and places into a greater state of motivation when something happens that's positive and novel. 7766.wav|If you are to step on something sharp, you literally have a reflex within your spinal cord that causes you to lift up 1ft and extend the other one toward the ground. 7767.wav|They feel better than if they were eating in a healthy, weight supporting way. 7768.wav|For instance, I used to hear this. 7769.wav|I'm a particular fan of using behavioral tools, always prior to using supplementation or any kinds of other tools, because behavioral tools have a very unique feature that supplementation and other chemical tools don't, which is that behavioral tools used over time engage neuroplasticity. 7770.wav|And those protocols will be distributed through all channels, not just the premium channel, but through all channels, Huberman Lab Podcast and other media channels. 7771.wav|This study had people continuously do soleus pushups, and they looked at things like blood glucose utilization, they looked at metabolism and so on. 7772.wav|And if you'd like to see previous newsletters that we've released, you can also just go to Hubermanlab.com, click on newsletter in the menu, and you'll see various downloadable PDFs. 7773.wav|The hypothalamus is a collection of neurons. 7774.wav|And in fact, there's an extensive landscape of prescription and supplement-based pharmacology and indeed nutrition. 7775.wav|So bulimics have an issue with impulsivity, and therefore, drugs that can increase serotonin. 7776.wav|And believe me, if you're doing full jumping jacks, like really extending your legs, really getting arms overhead and really doing the full movement, by the time you hit five or six minutes, you are going to be sweating and your heart rate is really going to be up. 7777.wav|That should be intuitive. 7778.wav|When that happens, it does not tend to alleviate the anorexia. 7779.wav|That is the strengthening of those connections such that after that barrage of activity subsides, those neurons can speak to each other. 7780.wav|I even believe that it allows you to do things like public speaking or have conversations with people on the street in a way where you are front-facing as opposed to looking down. 7781.wav|And of course, vitamin D three k two are vital for all sorts of things like hormone health and metabolic health, and k two for cardiovascular health and calcium regulation. 7782.wav|The criteria that were described to me is that if somebody's doing this at least once a month over a period of anywhere from two to three months, then it likely would qualify. 7783.wav|This is why in the old days, and still to some extent in certain areas of the world, but less so in the United States and certainly in Europe as well, we don't see quite as many people smoking cigarettes, for reasons we can discuss later. 7784.wav|Once you sleep, you will learn those neuroplastic events, the reordering of connections that we call synapses, and the changes that occur in neural circuits that reflects what we call self-directed adaptive plasticity that still will occur, but ideally, you got a great night's sleep on the first night following, trying to learn, and the second night, and the third, and so on and so on. 7785.wav|But I have to say that, unfortunately, most studies of marijuana, of cannabis, while they have been very careful to detail the amount of THC, low dose, medium dose, or high dose, and actually getting very specific, right down to the number of milligrams or even how much circulating THC is present after somebody smokes a joint or ingests cannabis, most studies have not distinguished between sativa and indica strains. 7786.wav|Okay, so you see this as a reversal of the classical conditioning, and we call that reversal extinction. 7787.wav|And in that previous paper, what they found was that diets high in omega-3s and low in omega-6s, okay, so high three, low six. 7788.wav|That's one half of this traditional swedish and also danish saying. 7789.wav|But if you're somebody who wants to maximize your health, doing these soleus pushups fairly continuously while seated is going to be beneficial. 7790.wav|And there were always a few individuals that seemed to stay engaged throughout these very long meetings. 7791.wav|And all of those are certainly very valid criteria, necessary criteria for determining whether or not somebody meets clinical diagnosis or not. 7792.wav|Some are behavioral and some are pharmacologic. 7793.wav|That's why we held our episodes to about 90 minutes. 7794.wav|And I remember a neurologist, this was at UC Berkeley, this really fantastic scientist and person. 7795.wav|Well, that's because MDMA is activating the serotonin one b receptor, not the serotonin two a receptor. 7796.wav|What goes up, goes down, et cetera, and to some extent, to the same degree. 7797.wav|So, for instance, in the context of a discussion about cannabis and its medicinal uses and recreational uses, we need to distinguish between the sativa variety, the indica variety, a variety called rudoralis that's not often discussed, and hybrids of sativa, indica and rudoralis. 7798.wav|And the transporters are the things that suck back up the dopamine that's been released that has not bound to receptors. 7799.wav|I'd like to take a moment and talk about that now, because we are in the brain and we're talking about the effects of nicotine in the brain. 7800.wav|There's unicorns, a candy falling from the sky. 7801.wav|One of the major issues with blood tests or DNA tests, however, is that typically you'll get your data back and you won't know what to do with those data. 7802.wav|However, it was only the group that took 1.5 milligrams per kilogram of body weight of MDMA that experienced the really big, significant changes in oxytocin. 7803.wav|I don't offer you all those pathways to confuse you. 7804.wav|And if you have a predisposition to panic attack or anxiety attacks, please don't do this, because it is very stimulating and can trigger those sorts of attacks. 7805.wav|They're now starting to extend into the hour and 50 minutes and two hour mark. 7806.wav|There are a bunch of these different areas, the parabigeminal nucleus, there are a bunch of these things back there. 7807.wav|I often talk about how important omega three fatty acids are. 7808.wav|Also, if you listen to our episode of the Huberman Lab Podcast about deliberate heat exposure, or you listen to our episode of the Huberman Lab Podcast about deliberate cold exposure, I talk about some of the benefits of heat and cold. 7809.wav|Most of those people consume nicotine via smoking, and in particular, smoking tobacco. 7810.wav|But as it turns out, all of creativity stems from just a small subset of neural structures in the brain that need to be activated in a particular sequence or order. 7811.wav|Robert Malanka. 7812.wav|I know the foods I like. 7813.wav|Some of you might say, well, wait, I like to exercise in the second half of the day. 7814.wav|So it's a really kind of all around fitness program. 7815.wav|So I want to emphasize again, we don't know the relationship between binaural beats and dopamine, at least not from these studies, but I felt I'd be remiss if I didn't mention these two studies that show that 40 Hertz binaural beats, 15 Hertz binaural beats can indeed improve working memory performance. 7816.wav|You're all familiar with the iris because you'll see people's pupils get bigger or smaller. 7817.wav|I've tried this meditation. 7818.wav|But then thank goodness that information was discarded. 7819.wav|Some people say you absolutely should. 7820.wav|Just kind of let your eyes go soft. 7821.wav|It makes conversations much easier. 7822.wav|You see it in mice, you see it in humans, very similar types of pathways and effects. 7823.wav|The random, intermittent schedule is one in which you don't really know when the peaks in dopamine are going to arrive. 7824.wav|And in this analogy, the boat stranded onshore is your attempt, or anybody's attempt to try and work through something very hard to do when we're sleep deprived, very hard to do when we're not fed enough or fed the proper foods for you. 7825.wav|That relates back to this so called cathedral effect. 7826.wav|But there's an additional feature that's not often discussed that is vitally important, and in fact, maybe more important than having a specific time of day or a specific endpoint in mind. 7827.wav|It's also a good thing if you're going to get your vision tested for corrective lenses, or maybe you're going to do laser surgery or something of that sort, if you're thinking about any of that, to really get it measured by a professional, the ones that you get in those supermarkets or in many eyeglass stores, apologies to the eyeglass stores are often wrong by an order of magnitude. 7828.wav|Mucuna purines, again, is a very potent way to increase dopamine. 7829.wav|And there are ways in which you can use these same protocols that I will describe in order to preserve and even enhance your vision, your ability to see things and consciously perceive them. 7830.wav|Which foods are going to be best to eat in this context, which foods are going to be appropriate for at least that anorexic framework about what's okay to eat and what's not okay to eat and how much. 7831.wav|What's interesting is that for people that were in the MDMA plus talk therapy group in this and other studies, who also had patterns of alcohol use disorder and even some other substance use disorders, the MDMA plus talk therapy treatment in many cases resolved their addiction to alcohol or other symptoms as well. 7832.wav|And when I say appropriate, that means in conjunction with nine therapy sessions. 7833.wav|And if you can, try and place whatever it is you're focusing on at least at nose level or above. 7834.wav|Several studies have shown this on fertility in males. 7835.wav|Now, you might say, why in the world would that be? 7836.wav|It remains uncertain as to how much alpha GPC one needs to take before increasing tmao levels to a point where it's of concern that you would even need to take the garlic capsule. 7837.wav|I've long been a believer in getting regular blood work done for the simple reason that blood work is the only way that you can monitor the markers such as hormone markers, lipids, metabolic factors, et cetera, that impact your immediate and long-term health. 7838.wav|You go to give a piano recital as a kid, you sit down and you freeze up, and it's horribly embarrassing. 7839.wav|The success rate with this particular hypnosis, developed at Stanford School of Medicine by Dr. 7840.wav|And so the way to think about this is that for many people, one intense experience, one burn, one bad breakup, one bad experience public speaking, one bad experience with somebody's pet snake or whatever it happens to be can cause intense fear in the moment. 7841.wav|So again, the practices that I talked about earlier of being completely still to raise dopamine and enhance divergent thinking, those, I just want to reemphasize, are designed to position you, to ready you, to engage in the kinds of activities like walking and pacing, et cetera, that best facilitate divergent thinking. 7842.wav|Bring people into the lab, measure their working memory span, look at how much dopamine they make, higher dopamine, better working memory, lower dopamine, lower working memory. 7843.wav|That is a universal physiological response. 7844.wav|How things happen in the real world dictates how they happen in our mind's eye. 7845.wav|The numbers, that is the prevalence of migraine, is still pretty debated. 7846.wav|I just want to cue up right now that the word depression is a very loaded word, because the moment people hear the word depression, they think, oh no, that's bad. 7847.wav|Neuromodulators are chemicals that change the likelihood that certain neural circuits will be active, meaning they can make it very likely that certain circuits will be active and make it very unlikely that other neural circuits will be active. 7848.wav|Again, EAE anatomide and two ag, arachidinoil glycerol are impacting cb one and cb two receptors. 7849.wav|And when we are sleeping well consistently, everything in life goes that much better. 7850.wav|But nonetheless, after reading each of those strings of letters, you were asked to recall those letters in your mind. 7851.wav|Anorexia tends to show up around this time in a subset of individuals who, on the face of it, seem to find food aversive. 7852.wav|And so experiments that have been done by close colleagues and friends of mine have really emphasized the fact that acetylcholine, and in particular when acetylcholine, activates so called nicotinic receptors, something you'll learn more about in a little bit that can actually serve as a gateway or a trigger for directed rewiring of the brain. 7853.wav|I should mention that regular consumption of caffeine of one to three milligrams per kilogram of body weight per day also will increase dopamine receptor efficacy and density, which will make any existing dopamine more effective, whether or not that dopamine is triggered by things like L-tyrosine, or if you're not taking anything to elevate dopamine, the dopamine that you do make will be more effective in elevating your mood, motivation, and desire to move, and by extension, divergent thinking if you are consuming caffeine. 7854.wav|It's robust in the developing nervous system of animals and humans. 7855.wav|However, peer reviewed research also shows that it can diminish performance in other types of tasks so stay tuned. 7856.wav|And indeed, bulimia and binge eating disorder are closely associated with impulsivity and with impulsive behaviors of other kinds. 7857.wav|And with the sunglasses when you're outdoors, if there's cloud cover or if there's shadows, or if the day gets brighter or dimmer, you can still see your surroundings perfectly well. 7858.wav|Speaking of grip and nervous system and fitness and longevity, Dr. Peter Attia, who is a medical doctor, was a guest on the Huberman Lab Podcast and provided an enormous wealth of information on that podcast episode. 7859.wav|Whereas when the ceiling is higher or there's no ceiling, the more that the brain and the rest of the processing that we call cognitive processing is related to abstract reasoning, brainstorming, and indeed can pull from broader swaths of memory resources, because really what abstract reasoning is, is it's taking existing elements and maneuvering them or arranging them into novel ways. 7860.wav|Now, just to really clarify what I mean by developmental versus self-directed adaptive plasticity, I mentioned that self-directed adaptive plasticity actually can start in adolescence, right? 7861.wav|And again, this is another case where whenever I look at this stuff, even though I've been looking at it for years, learning about it for years, it still boggles my mind that we have these apparati built into our eyes. 7862.wav|I remember when these data were published. 7863.wav|I'm not even a amateur sprinter. 7864.wav|It means that you have officially formed that habit. 7865.wav|So when you look far away, okay, when you see things far away, your lens actually relaxes. 7866.wav|However, I think it is very clear, and I learned this from Dr. Lay Norton when he was a guest on this podcast and taught us all about nutrition in great depth. 7867.wav|But it's not failure, because it turns out that this approach to forming habits is based not so much on the specific habits that you're trying to form, but the habit of performing habits. 7868.wav|Well, leaving aside people who are suffering from a manic episode, what Cermahini and Hummel have discovered is that if people are in sort of a low mood, they're not feeling great, maybe they're depressed, but they're just not feeling that great, they feel on a scale of one to 10, around a two or a three, maybe a four, the probability that they will be able to engage effectively in divergent thinking is quite low. 7869.wav|Now, when we ingest nicotine, it goes from the bloodstream to all the tissues and organs of the body. 7870.wav|If you look across the literature for studies that involve complete silence, or white noise, or binaural beats, or music, or classical music, or rock and roll, you can find results to support any type of environment as being more beneficial. 7871.wav|But now you start to see how you can get to the number that billions of people are consuming tobacco. 7872.wav|And I've never taken ketamine personally, so I can't describe the experience of it. 7873.wav|If you don't, perhaps you should learn or wear Velcro or slippers, I don't know, but assuming you can tie your own shoes, that's something that you know how to do and you can do it as a procedural long-term memory. 7874.wav|There are a lot of recommendations out there right now, especially with all the lockdowns of the last twelve to 18 months, that people should look up from zoom every once in a while. 7875.wav|I don't think that ever really got resolved. 7876.wav|And in addition to that, the scientific community is starting to understand mechanistically how acupuncture works. 7877.wav|But I do believe that the information that we're going to discuss today is going to be relevant to everybody and will set the stage for the month on mental health and mental performance. 7878.wav|This doesn't mean that you have any global memory deficits or dopamine deficits, but it is important, especially if you plan to apply any of the protocols to improve working memory, that you faithfully, that is you accurately report your working memory performance, at least to yourself. 7879.wav|I'll also briefly touch on the fact that certain people, in particular people on the autism spectrum, as well as people with synesthesia, which is the combining of different perceptual experiences. 7880.wav|This has actually become sort of sport of sorts. 7881.wav|And 30 minutes or more endurance type exercise and adaptations. 7882.wav|Now, I find this very exciting for a number of reasons, but in particular because my laboratory, in collaboration with David Spiegel's laboratory, our associate chair of psychiatry at Stanford, been exploring how five minute a day respiration protocols can alleviate stress. 7883.wav|And I'm SOmebody who's pretty open to novel forms of supplementation. 7884.wav|For those of you that are interested, you can look at it in the study. 7885.wav|Now, I can talk about working memory and the mechanisms, et cetera, all day long, but as is often the case, sometimes it's better to not just learn about concepts but actually to experience them in real time. 7886.wav|This is just my experience, but this is somebody who had immense powers of focus, had a very, very demanding life, a long commute, two children, extensive laboratory, et cetera. 7887.wav|Common sources in supplement form are so-called fish oil, capsules or liquid fish oil. 7888.wav|Most traumatic brain injury and concussion and low level brain injury that can accumulate over time to become traumatic for sake of daily living, that is lowered cognition, disruption and mood, sleep, etc is actually the consequence of things other than sports. 7889.wav|Is it the temperature outside? 7890.wav|So with Element, you can make sure that you're staying on top of your hydration and that you're getting the proper ratios of electrolytes. 7891.wav|So I think they would appreciate that feedback, as would I. 7892.wav|It wasn't always the case that there was a stop signal generated. 7893.wav|Here's the deal. 7894.wav|So this small collection of neurons in the hypothalamus do a number of different things related to sex, behavior, aggression, mediating the temperature of your body, et cetera, but also appetite and suppressing appetite. 7895.wav|So you simply go to their website, you take this quiz, it asks you questions, such as, do you tend to run hot or cold during the night? 7896.wav|In other words, they have lots of ideas that make sense while under the influence of cannabis, but that later cannot be implemented into a coherent framework that leads to any actual creative endeavor or creative product. 7897.wav|I will also describe the biology of how fear is unlearned, or what we call extinguished. 7898.wav|They have many different effects on the brain and body, and we will talk about those. 7899.wav|Okay, so let's say you have a short working memory span or a moderate working memory span, and you want to experiment with increasing levels of dopamine for sake of improving working memory. 7900.wav|And yet that seems to be the case often, not always, but often, in these successful treatments of PTSD. 7901.wav|There's a wonderful app that was developed by Dr. 7902.wav|And then you can get into a cold shower. 7903.wav|But chances are most of you have forgotten the first series of letters, even though it was quite short and you could remember it early on. 7904.wav|So use magenta and they will be able to see things. 7905.wav|The first is somewhat direct, which is that anytime you cool a body surface that if it's cold enough, you're going to get vasoconstriction, and then subsequently you're going to get a rebound increase in vasodilation, meaning you're going to constrict the blood vessels in that area. 7906.wav|They are having ticks that they never had before. 7907.wav|In other words, you want to exercise these muscles. 7908.wav|It's one thing to just kind of hang out in the gym and play on your phone in between sets. 7909.wav|But deliberate cold exposure has also been studied in animal models and in humans in the context of increasing metabolism, even in converting certain fat cells that we call white fat cells, which are the ones where energy is stored, they're the ones that we typically think of as kind of blubbery fat to beige or brown fat, which is thermogenic fat, meaning that it can increase core body temperature and serves as kind of the furnace by which we increase our core metabolism. 7910.wav|And then the neuromodulator, in this case dopamine, will bind to receptors on the postsynaptic side, that means to another neuron. 7911.wav|And therefore, it should come as no surprise that diseases of the nervous system, excuse me, such as bipolar disorder, which we've done an episode all about bipolar disorder, or schizophrenia or mood disorders that impact the levels of dopamine either make it way, way too high or way, way too low, strongly impact whether or not people will be creative. 7912.wav|Genes bias, probabilities for behavior. 7913.wav|But think of chronic use as twice a week or more, think of occasional use as less than that, and realize that within the realm of chronic use, excuse me, that, or more can be anywhere from twice a week to every day to just in the evenings, et cetera. 7914.wav|And what we can know for sure is that at some point in human evolution, somebody or some group of people either, and here I'm completely guessing, it's a just so story. 7915.wav|And indeed, stress can cause tension headaches. 7916.wav|It was on a running wheel, and it was forced to run not because it wanted to, but because it was forced to. 7917.wav|If it brings light directly to the retina, then you will see clearly. 7918.wav|There are conditions under which that's entirely appropriate. 7919.wav|The more body fat we have, the more we secrete a hormone called leptin. 7920.wav|I thought, okay, you could close your eyes, you imagine this, you imagine that. 7921.wav|Now, if you're somebody who already has an idea in mind, you're very excited about a creative idea and you want to hone it, you want to shape it, you want to pressure test it. 7922.wav|That toolkit is a number of different things, both behavioral and supplement based and nutrition based, et cetera, that can allow you to get into sleep and to stay asleep more readily. 7923.wav|And that's a highly individual thing. 7924.wav|By the way, these people are extremely valuable to security agencies, and security agencies are very good at finding these people. 7925.wav|And that's very important, because what that means is that we need to look at what processes in the brain, what brain areas, what chemicals drive decision making and knowledge. 7926.wav|And there are a bunch of different ones back there in your brain stem, which is indeed in the back, that release acetylcholine that include the locus ceruleus as kind of a minor site. 7927.wav|I find that reassuring, because changing one's perception is actually very hard. 7928.wav|Now, of course, I do realize that some people are less of morning people and find that they really come alive and awake in the afternoon, but most people don't fall into that category. 7929.wav|So what this means is, while during normal development, the gray matter, the prefrontal cortex, and all the cells there are indeed intended, it's a normal process for it to thicken and then thin a little bit as connections are adjusted and people learn and mature and grow up. 7930.wav|I think behavioral tools would be a much better route, but it therefore shouldn't be surprising why some people have used low-dose alcohol in order to engage in the creative process, because it involves less inhibition or sense of self that could be detrimental to the divergent thinking process. 7931.wav|But things like ltyrosine or caffeine or those combined, yes, it will increase dopamine and will increase our ability to engage in visual focus somewhat. 7932.wav|Indeed, that's why they're prescribed so broadly. 7933.wav|So what would this look like? 7934.wav|Well, you do that by understanding that your mental frame and your attention are always either positioned to your peripersonal space, focused on your immediate possessions and state, or towards things outside you, but that you also have the ability to dynamically travel back and forth between those. 7935.wav|Sure, there are some debates and probably some good data out there that support the fact that human babies are innately, meaning it requires no learning, innately afraid of certain things, like heights or snakes or spiders. 7936.wav|It's my first new car purchase, parked in that car with my mother and my grandfather in the back seat at the red light and someone rammed into us at full speed. 7937.wav|These are also the same types of mechanisms that one would want to incorporate in order to rewire any habit of any kind. 7938.wav|We discussed this in the Huberman Lab Podcast with Dr. Andy Galpin when he was a guest on the Huberman Lab Podcast Standard Series. 7939.wav|If you want to try roca eyeglasses or sunglasses, you can go to roca.com, that's roka.com, and enter the code Huberman to save 20% off your first order. 7940.wav|If you're going to be doing work in that third phase of your circadian cycle, you really want to limit the amount of bright light that you're getting in your eyes to just the amount that allows you to do the work that you're doing. 7941.wav|There's a tendency to explore both an initial dose of 1.5 milligrams per kilogram of body weight. 7942.wav|In other words, it can serve both those teaching and those that are learning. 7943.wav|If you have questions for us or comments about the information we've covered or suggestions about future guests, please put those in the comment section on YouTube. 7944.wav|Okay, now I realize this spits in the face of all you heart rate monitor wearing super techie exercise types, but when I think of all out sprint, I think of 100%. 7945.wav|So your blood glucose as it's called, goes up to some extent. 7946.wav|Now, in a previous episode of the Human Lab podcast, I had a discussion with the great Robert Zapolsky, and we were talking about how the brain can subjectively change whether or not a given behavior or experience is positive or negative. 7947.wav|Well, yes, there are a bunch of studies showing that if you selectively activate the neurons that send dopamine into the basal ganglia, you improve task switching ability without an improved ability to rule out distractors. 7948.wav|And what is observed is that people who have PTSD tend to have greater or rather stronger connections between the amygdala and the insula than is normally observed in people who do not have PTSD. 7949.wav|David Spiegel in anticipation of this episode. 7950.wav|MDMA is three, four methylene dioxymethamphetamine. 7951.wav|And in fact, we now know in a kind of almost poetic kind of way that naturally occurring variations in genes, which underlie naturally occurring variations in the percentage of dopamine in one set of brain circuits versus another, do seem to relate to whether or not people are naturally good at divergent thinking or convergent thinking. 7952.wav|Botox, I think most people are familiar with as the thing that people get injected into their face around the eyes or around the lips or elsewhere in order to quote unquote, reduce wrinkles. 7953.wav|And in fact, point out that in earlier studies, omega-3 fatty acids have actually been considered as nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs in some cases. 7954.wav|In this article, I mentioned this beautiful review. 7955.wav|The first of those categories, this is a very important one. 7956.wav|I don't want to say that the cost of therapy should be reduced because, of course, therapists have to survive also. 7957.wav|And we'll get into the use of caffeine as a treatment for headache because indeed it can be a very potent treatment for headache, but you absolutely need to know what kind of headache you are experiencing because in some cases, drinking caffeine, whether it's in tea or coffee, can absolutely alleviate the pain of a headache, especially if you catch that onset of a migraine or a tension type headache early on. 7958.wav|That itself is not interesting. 7959.wav|What I'm talking about here would be simply having some red light bulbs on hand for any time that you need to remain awake, but you're starting to experience photophobia. 7960.wav|It's also important to highlight the fact that many, many people suffer from TBI, as I mentioned earlier. 7961.wav|However, caffeine is also a vasodilator. 7962.wav|If you haven't already signed up for the neural network newsletter, this is a monthly Huberman Lab podcast newsletter in which you get some brief show note summaries as well as a lot of actionable tools. 7963.wav|But it also tends to shut down the hippocampus, an area of the brain associated with memory, which is why indica varieties lead to pronounced, or I should say, profound defects in short term memory, and sometimes in long term memory as well, if it's consumed over long periods of time. 7964.wav|What Cosland found was absolutely incredible. 7965.wav|And that's a relief, at least. 7966.wav|And we are always completely unaware of the ways in which our brain is suppressing certain activity, okay? 7967.wav|These you would be happy to wear anywhere. 7968.wav|And in doing so, it will make it far more likely that you'll be able to regularly engage in these habits and activities over a long period of time. 7969.wav|Now, limbic friction is not a term that you're going to find in the formal neurobiological literature or even psychological literature. 7970.wav|However, and I just have to chuckle because I think these experiments are so clever, if I have you trace or draw with a pen on a piece of paper an impossible figure or the faces, vases bistable image, and then I ask you to imagine that bistable image or impossible figure and to switch back and forth, you are able to do it. 7971.wav|And then they have a hard time making it back to the original thing that they were trying to focus on. 7972.wav|But a really good cognitive behavioral therapist or somebody that understands the neuroscience of fear and trauma would understand that that's not sufficient, that what's really important is that this child, this hypothetical child, relearn a new narrative that they don't just manage to bike to soccer practice or manage to spend time with friends, but that they actually start wiring in new positive associations with biking, to practice, with playing soccer, with social events. 7973.wav|MDMA does that, but it also does the same thing for serotonin. 7974.wav|It's not to say that certain people don't use it before age 21, but it's not legal. 7975.wav|Now, this particular point about proximity and people being indoors more during the winter months, and that's why there's more cold and flu transmission, raises a whole bunch of interesting questions and in fact, protocols that I plan to cover in a Huberman Lab podcast episode solely devoted to colds and flus and how to avoid getting colds and flus. 7976.wav|And I'm just going to summarize the major results of this study. 7977.wav|So the building up of the positive associations are key, and the linking of those positive associations with the earlier traumatic event is key for the following reason. 7978.wav|And that sounds confusing, but it's actually really easy to understand. 7979.wav|So it's recent, it's exceptional paper in my opinion really gets to the heart of how all this works and some examples of where it's been implemented. 7980.wav|You can still enjoy life and do things. 7981.wav|So thank you once again for joining me in the discussion about the use of deliberate cold exposure for health and performance. 7982.wav|On the face of it, you think, okay, they don't like to eat. 7983.wav|There are multiple forms of communication between neurons that can strengthen those connections or weaken those connections. 7984.wav|It's called adrenergic. 7985.wav|Again, that's drinkelementlmnt.com Huberman now, one of the things that's been explored in both the animal literature and the human literature is that MDMA doesn't just increase dopamine and doesn't just increase serotonin, but it also profoundly increases levels of oxytocin release in the brain. 7986.wav|I mean, what are they trying to achieve? 7987.wav|Another thing that you'll hear out there in the literature is that it takes 21 days to form a habit. 7988.wav|It's just that it transmits into a domain that involves smiling versus frowning versus asking a question versus staying silent versus sitting still versus fidgeting. 7989.wav|Let's start with a simple one. 7990.wav|Those are the upper motor neurons that are going to control the lower motor neurons and are going to control physical behavior and execution of physical movements. 7991.wav|Normally when people hear about progressive overload, they think about adding more weight to a bar or picking up heavier dumbbells, but that could also be progressive overload in the context of running up a hill of steeper incline or running a little bit faster, a little bit further and so on and so forth. 7992.wav|But the NSDR is completely zero cost. 7993.wav|Now, as I mentioned before, nicotine gets into the bloodstream, and then, because nicotine can pass through the so called blood brain barrier, the BBB, which is basically a fence around the brain, because it can pass through the blood brain barrier, it's going to have very rapid effects on the brain in these four major categories of neurochemicals and neural circuits. 7994.wav|He's the chair of neurosurgery at UCSF, and his lab and him are expert in the study of neuroscience controlling language and speech. 7995.wav|Second best would be cold shower. 7996.wav|And I should just tell you that just losing bodily fat isn't going to eliminate it from your system, maybe partially in those fat cells, but certainly intravisceral fat and other fatty tissue that's in around the brain and body is going to harbor that THC molecule and the CBD molecule for quite a long while, at least 80 days. 7997.wav|This is suggesting that whether or not it involves divergent thinking or not, these authors seem to think this is distinct from divergent thinking, that capturing some of the elements of creativity that are present in childhood, but that then tend to disappear as we start to assume identity, build identity, and understand rules about the actual world we live in, all of those basic elements of early childhood creativity can be reawakened. 7998.wav|And I should point out that there is not always the inclusion of the so called booster, and in some cases, lower doses of MDMA, such as the zero point 75 milligrams per kilogram dosages are used. 7999.wav|And last but certainly not least, thank you for your interest in science. 8000.wav|So the only thing you need to know about the neuroscience of the eye at this point are that they're rods and cones. 8001.wav|And because there's some skill involved, sometimes you're stopping more often than you're continuing. 8002.wav|There are things you can do to offset getting less than ideal sleep, things that you can use like bright artificial lights during the day to try and partially offset lack of sunlight, but really there is no exercise pill. 8003.wav|And I always noticed the individuals that managed to stay engaged and awake for the entire meeting. 8004.wav|In the same way, acupuncture, which of course has existed for thousands of years, has been used very successfully to treat headache and other forms of pain, so much so that many insurance companies will now pay for acupuncture as an insured practice, not all, but many will. 8005.wav|In any case, what they found was an enhancement of creative, that is divergent and convergent thinking, not surprising, given the fact that the 5-HT2A receptor activity is increased by microdosing of psilocybin and 5-HT2A receptors are present, both on the neural circuits that underlie divergent and convergent thinking. 8006.wav|Mental training and visualization can be effective, however, at increasing the accuracy or the frequency at which you can do that real world behavior. 8007.wav|So I just want to take about three, maybe four minutes and talk about how the visual system works, how it's built, and how you are able to so called see things around you. 8008.wav|And the reason for that is that the neurons of your brain and body that control your movements, your thoughts, clarity of thinking in general, et cetera, is critically dependent on the presence of adequate levels of sodium, potassium, and magnesium, the electrolytes. 8009.wav|So they weren't the exact working memory tasks that you did earlier, but they have a working memory element to them. 8010.wav|And it's a tool that there's excellent research to support the effectiveness of, and that I do believe should come at the end of every training session. 8011.wav|The pedunculopontine nucleus. 8012.wav|Again, non-pharmacologic, zero cost because you can find tools for binaural beat generation, zero cost out there, approaches to improving working memory. 8013.wav|And at all three of those places, I cover topics and subject matter that are sometimes overlapping with the information covered on the Huberman Lab podcast, but that's often distinct from information on the Huberman Lab podcast. 8014.wav|These studies, again are double blind studies that all showed decreases in anxiety. 8015.wav|But also within the confines of my peripersonal space is this coffee mug that if you're listening to this, you can't see this, but I'm lifting up a coffee mug, I'm going to take a sip of coffee. 8016.wav|So it's not just about a readiness for things that might injure us or kill us in the immediate circumstance, but also protecting us for the future because of our important need and ability to anticipate. 8017.wav|That's lmnt.com Slash Huberman to claim a free element sample pack. 8018.wav|No, wait, that's the back, that's the front, and it's going back and forth, but we can't see them both at the same time. 8019.wav|Wrestler's group at Harvard Medical and elsewhere, of course. 8020.wav|You see the same thing in humans, okay? 8021.wav|And that threat reflex then sends a whole set of other functions into action. 8022.wav|And sadly, the prevalence of anorexia is very high. 8023.wav|And that's just a ridiculous assumption. 8024.wav|It's not perfectly matched from study to study, but it's pretty darn close, which makes interpreting results across studies a lot easier for me and therefore for you. 8025.wav|But they're fairly impressive effects when you really think about it, given that these are legal over the counter substances, again, check with a doctor. 8026.wav|So going from 1 minute to 75 seconds to two minutes and so on over a period of days, or one way to approach this and the way that I particularly favor, is to take the context of the day and the moment into account. 8027.wav|They were either people who had not used cannabis before or who had used cannabis before. 8028.wav|We talked about some of the reasons why they're going around and some of the things you can do to protect yourself against those colds and flus. 8029.wav|And the important thing, again, to remember is that they're mechanical and chemical signals that come from fullness or absence of fullness. 8030.wav|And I've been sleeping on a dusk mattress from Helix for the last six months and I've been sleeping better than I ever have before. 8031.wav|Today's episode is also brought to us by athletic Greens athletic Greens is an all in one vitamin mineral probiotic drink. 8032.wav|You'll feel the strain of your eyes doing that. 8033.wav|And while fentanyl has certain clinical uses, fentanyl is highly deadly. 8034.wav|Very straightforward. 8035.wav|Rats turns out, like to run on running wheels. 8036.wav|There are some good double blind, placebo controlled studies, like the egg yolk buttermilk study of all things, published in really good journals. 8037.wav|Of course, not to the same degree as you would with squats or deadlifts or leg extensions and leg curls. 8038.wav|Why would the brain change at all if it's performing everything perfectly? 8039.wav|There are a lot of muscles on the skull, believe it or not, of course, on the neck, and they allow you to move your neck and head. 8040.wav|It's not a rigid lens, like a glass lens. 8041.wav|And I really like to review aphantasia, the science of visual imagery extremes, for those of you that are interested in understanding aphantasia with more depth. 8042.wav|And I want to point this out because I think that many people, certainly in the exercise science community, but even in the general public, when they hear about some of these effects that are measured in the laboratory, they sort of look at those effects a bit of scance, and they think, well, that's not possible, right? 8043.wav|And they observed an increase in so-called theta activity. 8044.wav|I'll always say that, and I'll say it three times. 8045.wav|Somehow I kind of move toward drowning when I try and breathe on the right side. 8046.wav|What the brain is receiving is a series of signals, electrical signals. 8047.wav|This is, as we would say, an experiment that's ongoing. 8048.wav|Could be because people were breathing a little bit harder. 8049.wav|That's when you start getting into these so called metabolic disorders where blood glucose metabolism is disrupted, leptin signaling is disrupted, and there are all sorts of changes on both the brain side and the body end of things, such that they're hungry, despite the fact that the body has plenty of energy on reserve. 8050.wav|And they probably, again, this needs a little bit more work in order to really tamp down the mechanism. 8051.wav|This is actually a lot like the visual training that's done post concussion to try and repair, actually repair some of the balance and motor and visual and cognitive aspects of the brain. 8052.wav|So this review, psychology of habit by wood and Runger, is excellent. 8053.wav|So suicide rates are far greater in people with PTSD. 8054.wav|When you are walking down one of these long avenues and you turn and I think they have a name for this in New York, where the sunset is suddenly visible along a long avenue between some skyscrapers. 8055.wav|I wish I could tell you that wasn't the case, but there is a true asymmetry in the way we are built. 8056.wav|If you have ever been in a classroom, certainly not one of mine. 8057.wav|Because Thorn has the highest levels of stringency in terms of what they say is in their supplements, is actually in their supplements because it's independently tested and verified, as well as the amounts that they list on the bottles actually are matched by what's in the capsules and tablets. 8058.wav|I actually benefit from having two complete rest days each week. 8059.wav|Slow waves like delta waves are associated with kind of sleepiness or relaxation. 8060.wav|This is a research article published in plus one, and the title of the article is does type of active workstation matter? 8061.wav|So I want to emphasize that I'm not interested in encouraging people to flagellate themselves. 8062.wav|But the other structure is the locus ceruleus. 8063.wav|First of all, open monitoring meditation and focused attention meditation can be performed the exact same way physically. 8064.wav|And so the hypothalamus has this ability to trigger the release or prevent the release of particular hormones, like cortisol, or the hormones that go stimulate ovaries to produce estrogen, or testes to produce testosterone, or adrenals to produce adrenaline. 8065.wav|Looking at a horizon will automatically trigger this panoramic gaze, which is very relaxing to the eyes and will allow you to go back into a focused work. 8066.wav|If you want to learn more about that distinction, please see the episode with Ali Crumb. 8067.wav|And the science of mindset tells us that if we are doing something deliberately and we believe that it's going to be good for us, it actually can lead to a different set of physiological effects than if something is happening to us against our will or without our control. 8068.wav|And wherever possible, I will point to the specific strains that have been studied and the ratios of THC to CBD. 8069.wav|I know that hairs in the nose, especially if they are super numerous, are not considered aesthetically nice. 8070.wav|Again, that's hubermanlab.com slash Premium. 8071.wav|But I try to get 2 hours a day of working outside or being outside, even if there's cloud cover that's going to offset myopia. 8072.wav|Phase one, phase two, phase three. 8073.wav|You can find those supplements@livemomentous.com slash Huberman if you haven't already subscribed to the Huberman Lab podcast Neural network newsletter, it's a monthly newsletter. 8074.wav|But there are indeed legitimate changes in neural circuitry caused by clinical hypnosis that can at least partially explain why it is so effective in helping treat or allow people to stop smoking and vaping. 8075.wav|But just like that, step on the tac reflex example, all of the neural circuits that are associated with being calm, with being able to go to sleep, with being able to visualize the full picture of your environment, literally to see your entire environment, or to hear other things around you. 8076.wav|Thank you once again for joining me for today's discussion, all about the science and treatment of headaches. 8077.wav|However, it is not the case that more dopamine is always going to equate to improved working memory. 8078.wav|But you want to let your neural circuits develop to the point where, again, unless there's a clinical need for a prescribed drug from a licensed physician or psychiatrist, et cetera, that you're not relying on chemical enhancement of these circuits for people who are 25 years or older. 8079.wav|If we're talking about ways to increase dopamine for sake of improving working memory by way of supplementation, I think we should start with L-tyrosine because L-tyrosine, unlike mucuna prurines, is a bit further up, actually it's way further up the biochemical cascade leading to dopamine production. 8080.wav|Your nervous system isn't stupid. 8081.wav|Now, we're going to compare this to studies in which people come into the laboratory and actually use cannabis, and then they evaluate creativity under that context. 8082.wav|And it turns out, based on other studies, that adults who spend 2 hours a day outside, that would be reading outside, talking outside. 8083.wav|You should pick the exercises that work for you. 8084.wav|I mean, is this all placebo effect? 8085.wav|Actually, they won't necessarily stay that way, but your brain can start losing information and the ability to see binocular depth, something we'll talk about in a moment. 8086.wav|So that's the dopamine effect. 8087.wav|That is, people will snort cocaine, which is a lot like snuffing or dipping. 8088.wav|So, basically, there are anywhere from six to 9% of people out there who have very diminished sexual desire. 8089.wav|But someone or some group must have inhaled the smoke from the tobacco plant or put the dried leaves of the tobacco plant against some mucosal tissue, any of the different mucosal linings of their body by which substances can pass through. 8090.wav|Typically, it's referred to as epinephrine, and in the body, it's more commonly referred to as adrenaline, but those are the same neurochemical epinephrine. 8091.wav|That's divergent thinking. 8092.wav|We evaluate how we feel about some pursuit, even if we haven't initiated that pursuit yet. 8093.wav|Put in some water, you can make it as dense, meaning as high concentration as you like. 8094.wav|You can sign up for the premium channel by going to HubermanLab.com slash premium. 8095.wav|So it's very high density, high quality protein per calorie. 8096.wav|And some of the key concepts that emerge from that discussion are that we need to think about progressive overload. 8097.wav|In fact, one thing that I sometimes recommend is that people try and engage in some sort of cognitive exercise while in the cold, not as a form of distraction, but as a way to maintain clarity of thinking and to learn how to do that when the body is flooded with all these chemicals that make us stressed. 8098.wav|Well, it turns out that sunlight is going to be the best stimulus for waking up your brain and body through this melanops into hypothalamus system. 8099.wav|The rationale there is that you're trying to create a somatic, a very physical representation of something that makes it very real and harder to overlook. 8100.wav|And I would be entirely remiss if I didn't include a conversation about cannabis, meaning THC, CBD, hybrid strains, et cetera, in creativity and different modes of thinking. 8101.wav|And this could be for Seiko school or for work. 8102.wav|It's about viewing what's happening from a different perspective than what normally one would view that experience from. 8103.wav|And you can just practice, and you can see how you're doing sitting at a particular distance. 8104.wav|That's a fancy nerd speak way of saying more dopamine allows for better working memory. 8105.wav|But we will also want to think about how what's happening right now, including the description of these data on MDMA, may or may not impact the potential legal status of MDMA. 8106.wav|So again, if you're interested, go to headspace.com special offer. 8107.wav|Prolactin is also increased in new parents of all species, including humans, which at least partially explains some of the reported or typical reductions in sexual desire and activity in new parents. 8108.wav|Okay, so cannabis increases dopamine. 8109.wav|It's how we carve up time. 8110.wav|So this is all to say that every animal sees the world differently depending on whether or not they have one or two or three of these different cones, the red, blue, or green cones. 8111.wav|And then there was a comparison and the statistics were run. 8112.wav|Divergent thinking, on the other hand, is best described as brainstorming. 8113.wav|So 21 days, you list out four to five things. 8114.wav|And again, the rule that it's revealing is not splayed out for you. 8115.wav|And I will explain that and make it very clear if you want to learn the names. 8116.wav|It's called the medial prefrontal cortex, but other brain regions as well. 8117.wav|Thank you, Dr. 8118.wav|That's essentially what's happening to these neural circuits. 8119.wav|What I'll tell you, and we will get into this in more depth later, is that if you really want to cool down quickly and efficiently, you should leverage particular portals, meaning particular sites on your body where heat can leave your body more readily and where cooling can have a dramatic and fast impact on your core body temperature. 8120.wav|Now, unfortunately, rates of suicide are 20 to 30 times higher in people who have bipolar disorder as well. 8121.wav|You can certainly have artificial lights on, but you want to start dimming those lights and bringing them actually physically lower in the room. 8122.wav|So this is really exciting, because it's one thing to see a brain network get activated or inactivated, or you say, okay, in one person, a certain connection between threat centers and the interoceptive centers of the brain was, let's say, arbitrary units, let's say, was level eight out of ten for that person. 8123.wav|Recall that cannabis and THC and CBD are incredibly lipophilic. 8124.wav|Eating disorders, however, have particular criteria that allow us to define them and to think about different modes of treatment as it relates to the particular symptoms, in particular, the psychological and biological symptoms of those disorders. 8125.wav|Russler's work several times during this podcast, including important and super interesting work on transgenerational passage of trauma. 8126.wav|Let's just pick something that I think most people know. 8127.wav|Second of all, we have our privacy policy there. 8128.wav|So in this study, what they looked at was creatine administration. 8129.wav|If you've had bad experiences with EMDR or it didn't work for you, also let us know. 8130.wav|And for that reason, Dr. 8131.wav|This feeling, subjectively measured feeling, I should say, of having more energy, and thereby the ability to focus, especially in these high cognitive demand tasks. 8132.wav|And I used to observe this in the cafes in and around Stanford in the Bay Area, where you would see somebody who, despite the weather, would be in a hoodie, maybe with a baseball cap or other form of hat, or some sort of blinder above their eyebrows, which is actually another way of just lowering the ceiling height very, very low and restricting your visual field. 8133.wav|So it's not just that inflammation goes up radically during training, which it often can, but that it can occur even in the days and even weeks afterwards, depending on how intense and how long duration that training is. 8134.wav|In which case it would be very toxic. 8135.wav|That is what meets the criteria for something that is novel and truly useful and informs us about something that we've never seen, heard or felt before. 8136.wav|I did a very long, very detailed episode on fertility. 8137.wav|What you do have to remember, however, is that you're going to create the maximum amount of alertness in your system, the maximum amount of ability to focus when your system is in that parvocellular mode, when you're bringing your eyes to a common point, what we call a virgence eye movement. 8138.wav|They looked at the level of creativity in these cannabis users when they were not under the influence of cannabis and asked whether or not their ability to be creative was enhanced by cannabis. 8139.wav|But getting some sunlight in your eyes in the second half of the day can also be beneficial for a number of brain systems and psychological systems. 8140.wav|You can also, as you build up fitness, you can add speed to it, your zone two and what zone two is won't shift, but what work is required from you in order to get into zone two will shift. 8141.wav|Again, nothing spiritual about this in the context of the discussion about migraine and headache but rather many people experience photophobia sometimes with aura, sometimes no. 8142.wav|They see the world in black and white. 8143.wav|And then at the point where you wake up, your temperature starts to go up more sharply, and will continue to go up into the early and sometimes even into the late afternoon. 8144.wav|So I'm not trying to paint a dark picture here, but frankly, the picture is very dark. 8145.wav|So if you're getting the impression that the endogenous cannabinoids are working in a number of different ways, and it's not very straightforward, you're right. 8146.wav|Start with the minimum number of sets that's required to get the result that you want. 8147.wav|So what I'm referring to as phase one of each day is useful for acquiring certain habits. 8148.wav|And the short answer, fortunately, is yes. 8149.wav|So for those of you that experience headache every once in a while, or only when you're sick or have a sinus headache, or for those of you that suffer from debilitating migraines, today's conversation actually has a bit of optimism woven into it, meaning there are excellent treatments for each and every one of the different types of headaches. 8150.wav|Also on YouTube, you can put comments in the comments section, so give us feedback. 8151.wav|But this mechanism that I'm referring to points to the plasticity of white fat, meaning the ability for white fat to actually convert its identity into this metabolically thermogenically enhancing form of bayesian brown fat. 8152.wav|And that seems to create enough of a temporal mismatch so that then recognizing when you're heading toward the bad habit becomes more apparent to you. 8153.wav|You could do that. 8154.wav|One way to do it is what's called open monitoring meditation or even just open monitoring thinking. 8155.wav|For the people that had elevated levels of prolactin, they did not observe activation of brain areas associated with sexual arousal, in this case, the right nucleus accumben. 8156.wav|The ones that I'd like to focus on today involve the prefrontal cortex. 8157.wav|I've talked about some of these in episodes related to stress. 8158.wav|There are many people, however, that don't have access to that or who are working through stuff. 8159.wav|And I would then repeat that peripersonal space, 100% focused on my hand, 90%, 10% on my peripersonal space or my internal landscape, stepping out to another location where it's mostly exterioroception, maybe a little bit of recognition of my internal state, then to the horizon. 8160.wav|It's like a reflex for them, because the homeostatic processes and the reward processes associated with food are such that they can't intervene between the should do x, y or z, or shouldn't do x, y, or z, and what their actual behavior is. 8161.wav|Okay, if any of that was confusing, let me just say it one more time just to be ultra clear. 8162.wav|So how this translates to the real world is that if ever you are hypothermic or someone else is hyperthermic, one way to cool them down quickly is to cool these palmer glaborous soles of the feet, glaborous and upper portion of the face, glaborous portions of the body using cool rags, using ice packs, or using any number of different cold objects or temperatures. 8163.wav|Now, convergent thinking follows a very different pattern. 8164.wav|Homeostasis is this tendency for biological systems to try and reach equilibrium. 8165.wav|Now, in addition to rapport and support being critical, there's a third component of effective talk therapy for trauma, which is insight, or one's ability to come to an understanding of why one feels the way they do, and to link that to some larger context that brings about some degree of relief. 8166.wav|I think that could cause them to lose their potency just because of the way the auditory system attenuates. 8167.wav|Then there's what you actually do. 8168.wav|Why would that work? 8169.wav|So beautiful, in fact, that there are studies that show that as you adjust the angle of the body back, you actually get a sort of dose dependent increase in sleepiness and calmness and a dose dependent decrease in alertness. 8170.wav|And those mechanisms include deactivation of the pain pathways, activation of some of the parallel pathways that assist in shutting down pain or in relaxing the muscles that are causing tension type headache, as well as activation of neural pathways that impinge on organs that then cause or reduce the release of molecules into the body that give us the experience of pain. 8171.wav|But as you recall, endogenous cannabinoids are present in the adult brain and body, and endogenous cannabinoids, it turns out, are also present in the developing fetus. 8172.wav|And when I say create things, we again have to really underscore our definition of creativity. 8173.wav|Your visual system was not for seeing faces, motion, et cetera. 8174.wav|Huberman Lab Podcast has partnered with Momentous Supplements because Momentous Supplements are of the very highest quality and they include single ingredient formulations. 8175.wav|And nerve cells should be conceptualized like this. 8176.wav|It's involved in men and beard growth and in the regulation of a number of different tissues, both in the reproductive axis and outside the reproductive axis. 8177.wav|You tell them, listen, we're going to the class that you absolutely hate, and we're going to go see the person that you absolutely despise, and then you drive them to the amusement park. 8178.wav|I love this experiment. 8179.wav|So why would it be that ingesting protein early in the day would lead to more synthesis of muscle than ingesting protein later in the day? 8180.wav|MDMA was synthesized by the drug company Merck in the early 19 hundreds, but it actually was never applied to any particular clinical use, and it wasn't really explored much in any laboratories at all. 8181.wav|So just imagine an arrow, which has an arrow head and a shaft, and we'll add a third component to it in a moment. 8182.wav|A recent paper published in the journal Science, so absolutely spectacular journal Science, Nature and Cell being the apex journals of scientific publishing, gets at this issue of where in our mind and how do we assess whether or not what we are feeling internally is reasonable, given what's going on externally. 8183.wav|But one of the main aspects is an aspect that's going to come up again and Again and Again Today. 8184.wav|That ability to remember that string of letters when you first heard them. 8185.wav|By changing the number of features that are in that loop, it disrupts the closed nature of that loop. 8186.wav|Autonomic means automatic. 8187.wav|No signs of hepatotoxic signals, so, meaning liver toxicity, although, of course, check with your doctor. 8188.wav|And that will really set the stage for understanding just how effective and why nicotine is so effective at increasing focus, motivation, and even, as you'll soon hear, working memory and cognitive capacity. 8189.wav|And put those in this zero to 8 hours after waking. 8190.wav|Because again, any answer is valid, but not all valid answers are interesting or useful. 8191.wav|And then the final element within the circuits underlying creativity is the so-called salience network. 8192.wav|Therapist is taking notes, asking questions. 8193.wav|And some of those derivatives, for instance, in the bodybuilding community and the sports community, they will take things like dianabol. 8194.wav|It's very common for young children, babies, to have an eye with strabismus that either deviates out or that deviates in. 8195.wav|I'm not certain about other areas of the world. 8196.wav|Now, mice are nocturnal, so before you say, wait, mice are nocturnal, how did they look during the day? 8197.wav|In fact, if you want to know what white noise, pink noise, and brown noise are, they're just different constellations of auditory frequencies that are played together. 8198.wav|Yes, literally your torso. 8199.wav|One which is designated left, the other which is designated right. 8200.wav|You could scale it on one to 10 and then decide whether or not you're going to use some dopamine elevating stimulus from the outside. 8201.wav|So it does appear that marijuana and cannabis increase estrogen, reduce testosterone, increase prolactin, especially in chronic users. 8202.wav|And when we think of things like hot peppers, capsaicin, we think of anything that has a hot temperature, we tend to think of spicy. 8203.wav|The paper that I'd like to just briefly describe to you is entitled, Motor Imagery Combined with Physical Training Improves Response Inhibition in the Stop Signal Task. 8204.wav|I would have anticipated that imagining success is the way to go. 8205.wav|And so you can remember dura, durable, and having done some surgeries, many surgeries before on brains of different types, ranging from human, even though I'm not a neurosurgeon as a clinician, ranging from human to other types of species, what you find is that the dura is exceedingly durable. 8206.wav|Other people for the life of them, they can't get much hypertrophy in their neck, but keeping that neck strong, at least through some very light work to moderate weight work, very, very important for reasons I stated earlier. 8207.wav|So this is why we're not considered comedians. 8208.wav|It's used to control epilepsy. 8209.wav|So what I'd like to turn to next are particular patterns of sounds that indeed have been shown in peer reviewed studies to optimize certain types of mental processing, because you can incorporate these into your optimized workspace environment through headphones or through speakers, whatever mechanism that you want, in order to get more out of your work efforts. 8210.wav|And this is a circuit that involves an area of the brain called the prefrontal cortex and some of its subdivision, so literally in the front. 8211.wav|And when under the influence of MDMA, because of those parallel increases in dopamine and serotonin, people seem far more willing to both trust the therapist that they're talking about that trauma with, but also to trust their own ability to, quote unquote, go internal and think about the challenging thing or things. 8212.wav|Everyone also experiences a 30% to 80% decrease in cognitive function, in particular, of the frontal cortex. 8213.wav|For reasons that relate to how that egg got into the world. 8214.wav|And of course, PTSD need not be caused only by single event traumas, but by multiple event traumas. 8215.wav|And believe it or not, in certain cases. 8216.wav|Mixed frequencies in no particular arrangement. 8217.wav|I don't think that is a resolved issue just yet. 8218.wav|That can also be effective for certain types of binge eating disorder and is actually used to treat smoking, for promoting smoking cessation, and for depression, but also for certain forms of obesity related to binge eating disorder. 8219.wav|And if you do that, you'll get a free one month trial with Headspace's full library of meditations. 8220.wav|Nonetheless, treadmilling, cycling at a desk does improve cognition. 8221.wav|If you are low vision or no vision, as long as you have retinas, it's very likely you still have these cells, even though you can't see or you don't see. 8222.wav|This involves things like NMDA receptors and methyl de aspartate receptors. 8223.wav|They have a so called cell body. 8224.wav|For instance, how long should you be in that cold exposure? 8225.wav|Please do subscribe. 8226.wav|And so that it turns out involves suppression of certain brain areas. 8227.wav|Just Google. 8228.wav|Any discussion about goals and goal pursuit would be incomplete without a discussion about the molecule dopamine. 8229.wav|Well, we have several neuromodulator systems in our body. 8230.wav|Well, we can go to our everfavorexamine.com. 8231.wav|So this 13 minutes a day meditation is exceedingly simple and exceedingly effective. 8232.wav|If you're somebody who experiences anxiety, it's very likely that you won't have the increased openness to experience and divergent ideas that will facilitate creativity. 8233.wav|I'll put a link to one particular paper that I like a lot in the show note captions entitled, Association of Oral Breathing with Dental Malocclusions and General Health in Children. 8234.wav|And that's a wonderful way to approach creativity and to try and be creative. 8235.wav|There are supplements that are available out there. 8236.wav|Increasing serotonin by way of some drug regimen will tend to make one less hungry, because with heightened levels of serotonin in the blood and brain, there isn't the desire to go seek out the things that will raise serotonin on their own. 8237.wav|You might involve a close friend or a spouse, but it's not the sort of thing that people that don't live in a family context can really benefit from. 8238.wav|And it did this at the level of glucocorticoids, of hormones, of neurotransmitters, and a number of other different mechanisms. 8239.wav|We have neurons that place our eyes into an upward gaze above the sort of level of our nose and up above our forehead, literally looking up while keeping the head stationary. 8240.wav|You can look up online which foods contain high levels of L-tyrosine and which ones are compatible with your nutrition. 8241.wav|Because when we talk about fear as a physiological response and as a cognitive response, then we can get down to some very concrete mechanisms and some very concrete and practical tools that can be used to deal with fear when fear is not wanted. 8242.wav|We will talk about dosages. 8243.wav|We will also provide a link to some of those. 8244.wav|And in doing so, leads to a big buildup of serotonin in presynaptic terminals, and then massive increases in serotonin release. 8245.wav|I love this review. 8246.wav|When that happens, there's an increase in dopamine, just as there was before. 8247.wav|But you already know these or you've heard them. 8248.wav|And sometimes I've been traveling or I miss a workout. 8249.wav|So some people get them once a week, some people get them once a month, some people get them far more frequently, that they can be extremely debilitating. 8250.wav|It's as if different pages and elements from those books are now being combined in a pseudo random, not random, but in a pseudo random way. 8251.wav|That just means that the macula is an area of the eye for central vision, for high acuity vision, pigment density. 8252.wav|MDMA has this huge serotonergic component, tons of serotonin released when one takes MDMA, but very different effects in the short and long term. 8253.wav|In fact, you could walk all day on this muscle and most likely it would not get sore. 8254.wav|Set goals that are moderately hard to hard, but not so hard, nor so easy that they don't engage your brain and body properly. 8255.wav|So there seems to be this inverse relationship between movement and visual imagery, which makes sense. 8256.wav|People die from heat stroke all the time. 8257.wav|So again, the point is that the visual system, what we see, is principally important in defining what we do in the immediate term, even if what we see relates to something in the far off distance. 8258.wav|So for you fasters or your intermittent fasters out there, if you really want to get fancy, you can do your deliberate cold exposure when you are fasted. 8259.wav|I wouldn't want you to conclude that. 8260.wav|But if you're generally interested in the science and pharmacology of dopamine and protocols to modulate dopamine levels, all of that can be found at HubermanLab.com. 8261.wav|It doesn't have to involve a panel of people talking to you. 8262.wav|It's really wonderful if you have someone else there who's willing to use theragun on hard to reach places like your back, that's even better. 8263.wav|One of the ones that comes up a lot is so called EMDR eye movement desensitization reprocessing. 8264.wav|That's true if you're male or female. 8265.wav|We shouldn't say something, but we do anyway. 8266.wav|It wasn't that they all sat around and said how great we're all going to feel about ourselves and the world when we accomplish this goal. 8267.wav|Well, remember back to the beginning of the episode where we talked about neuroplasticity and the fact that self-directed adaptive plasticity, which is really what we're talking about here in this entire episode, things that you're trying to learn in a deliberate way, that is, as you recall, a two-part process requires focused attention, both when you're doing it in the real world and when you're doing mental training, and it requires rest and sleep. 8268.wav|That would be one repetition, even though you're doing it three times. 8269.wav|These are receptors that are on the neuron surface, and normally they don't contribute much to the activity of those neurons. 8270.wav|Many people mistakenly think, ah, these plant compounds are safer for us or better for us, or are somehow appropriate for us to ingest, but that's simply not true. 8271.wav|So when body fat stores are very low, the reason why periods shut off or sperm production is reduced or even shut off is because there's not enough leptin getting to the hypothalamus and to the pituitary, and they shut off the signals, the hormones, things like gonatotropin releasing hormone, luteinizing hormone, follicle stimulating hormone, all these hormones that you don't have to remember the names of if you don't want to, that travel to the ovary or to the testes and cause the ovary intestines to ovulate or to produce more sperm. 8272.wav|And then they had kind of a challenge, a cognitive challenge, whereby people had to link different concepts along different dimensions, so that you depart from the dimension of sport and you start thinking about sports that involve teams or sports that involve a ball, et cetera. 8273.wav|So we're going to go into other aspects of workspace optimization that are important for phase one. 8274.wav|So if you're going to use these sorts of things, you want to think about them logically. 8275.wav|It's this kind of observed observation induced reflex. 8276.wav|Almost everybody has a dominant eye. 8277.wav|So these are a collection of neurons in the front and base of your brain and from some brainstem areas. 8278.wav|Now, this is absolutely critical to understand for the following reason. 8279.wav|That's perhaps the best way to support this podcast. 8280.wav|During those three times, they are also receiving therapy sessions with the same therapists that they were working with before they took MDMA. 8281.wav|And that brings us back to the neural circuit components. 8282.wav|Maybe you get not so good news and your kind of autonomic arousal is all over the place, but on average, it's kind of a squiggly line where it increases in the morning because that's typically when body temperature and autonomic arousal increase. 8283.wav|I'd be remiss if I didn't say that, because blood flow is so critical for the neurons of the eye. 8284.wav|Panic attacks are the experience of extreme fear, but without any fear inducing stimulus. 8285.wav|The amount of dopamine reward that we get is actually much greater than in any other conditions. 8286.wav|So these are tasks of attention and things of that sort. 8287.wav|They tend to have low blood pressure. 8288.wav|And of course, during which the adaptations, the changes that make you more fit than you were going into the exercise occur. 8289.wav|So using this lally study as an example, some people would eat dinner and then say, oh, that's right, I'm trying to develop the habit of taking a walk after dinner, so let's get up and go. 8290.wav|But deliberate cold exposure, we know, is a very reliable way to increase the catecholamines, which includes dopamine. 8291.wav|And it turns out that many of the more natural treatments out there can address either the muscular pain issue or the vasodilation issue, or other issues and underlying mechanisms for headache. 8292.wav|Not times of day, but phases of the day, because it turns out that particular phases of the day are associated with particular biological underpinnings, chemicals and neural circuits and so forth. 8293.wav|This means that if you're somebody who wants to maintain or increase the amount of muscle mass that you have, ingesting a high protein meal early in the day ought to be beneficial for that. 8294.wav|Believe it or not, they are present very soon after conception. 8295.wav|The two-dimensional drawing of the girl with the balloons on the actual wall turns out to be quite interesting as an art piece, because what it reveals to us is the entire controversy around the presence of that wall and the desire for certain people to breach that wall and the desire for other people to insist that that wall not be breached for whatever reason. 8296.wav|If you have all these goals and things that you want to be doing on a regular basis, you'd love for them to be habitual because it takes less mental and physical effort, less limbic friction, in order to execute those. 8297.wav|That's a remarkable difference. 8298.wav|And this two minute quiz that you take to match you to one. 8299.wav|Aerobic exercise immediately enhances visual attention control and perceptual speed, testing the mediating role of feelings of energy. 8300.wav|If you take action a or you take action b, and instead, therefore, you take action c, you're supposed to think about how things could fail if you don't get up and run each morning. 8301.wav|There's a much higher probability that they will be activated together at low levels of intensity. 8302.wav|Chronic use is regular use over time, of anywhere from twice a week or more. 8303.wav|Belcampo is a regenerative farm in northern California that raises organic, grass fed, and finished, certified humane meats. 8304.wav|And then the last thing that I'd like you to know about divergent thinking is that divergent thinking involves a sort of exploration. 8305.wav|Because one of the key things about the brain is that it is the most metabolically demanding organ, which means it consumes a lot of glucose, or even if you're ketogenic, you need ketones, you need nutrients getting to the neurons and other cell types of the brain and nervous system in order for it to function properly. 8306.wav|Turns out that when dopamine levels are very low, there's a low probability of divergent thinking. 8307.wav|And as we described, it can impair cognitive performance and overall increase fatigue. 8308.wav|Again, I want to highlight that none of these approaches are necessarily designed to be done on their own or in replacement of prescription drugs from your physician. 8309.wav|And we, again, we'll provide links to those podcasts if you want to drill into those mechanisms. 8310.wav|Now, for people that, for instance, are trying to get better at dealing with public speaking and there isn't a particular skill or utterance of particular sentences or words that they're trying to accomplish, but rather they're trying to learn to be more relaxed or to articulate better in the public speaking scenario, there would be one of the few instances in which I'd suggest more general theme and not exact recapitulation of some specific words that you're going to say. 8311.wav|Whatever it is, their goal happens to be some learning goal, some relationship goal, some attempt to modify their behavior. 8312.wav|There are fewer studies exploring whether or not edible marijuana has the same effect, although the preliminary evidence suggests that it does not. 8313.wav|It's very clear that for anyone trying to adopt new habits, getting into the mindset of procedural memory is very useful for overcoming that barrier that we call limbic friction. 8314.wav|But of course, there are many habits that don't serve us well or that perhaps even undermine our immediate and long term health goals and psychological goals, and even some habits that can really undermine our overall life goals. 8315.wav|It's probably a few inches ahead or to the side of that because of the way that water diverts the image. 8316.wav|So let's talk about what those effects are, and let's do that by dividing the effects of nicotine into effects on the brain. 8317.wav|It's simply called long term depression. 8318.wav|And that correct sequence is first extinction, then relearning a new narrative with positive associations and attaching those positive associations to the formerly traumatic or fearful event. 8319.wav|It doesn't allow anything except for the brain to push up against that very durable tissue and that very durable tissue to push up against the skull and even though the brain itself doesn't have pain receptors, that's right, the brain itself doesn't have pain receptors, that is why a neurosurgeon can take off a piece of skull and can probe around in the brain with an electrode and the person is completely unaware and in order to get through the skull, of course, a little skin flap has to be removed from the skull and that requires a little bit of topical anesthetic but really you don't need any anesthetic to go into the brain itself because there aren't pain receptors on the brain itself. 8320.wav|That is not every answer helps solve something or reveal something fundamental and therefore not every divergent answer is truly creative. 8321.wav|In fact, if you decide to peruse this paper, you can go to table two and you can see, in some cases, a near doubling in the reduction in reaction time through a combination of mental and physical training compared to physical training alone or mental training alone. 8322.wav|We're going to talk about some of the neural circuits and pathways, some of the hormones involved. 8323.wav|So I promise that going forward, as the scientists and clinicians that are using MDMA for the treatment of PTSD and other conditions such as alcohol use disorder, et cetera, start to explore the use of post MDMA session p five p and other modes of suppressing prolactin for the hours and days after MDMA. 8324.wav|They are sometimes reading outdoors. 8325.wav|We have an email that you can find@hubermanlab.com. 8326.wav|You can subscribe to that by going to hubermanLab.com premium there for $10 a month or $100 for the entire year. 8327.wav|Everything they've done to design those glasses and lenses is with the science of the visual system in mind. 8328.wav|It looks like a kind of a mini brain stuffed in the back of the brain. 8329.wav|The subjects also experienced a 250% increase in dopamine concentrations, which while not 530%, as it was with norepinephrine, is still a very large increase in baseline levels of dopamine. 8330.wav|Why am I telling you all this? 8331.wav|Before diving into all of that, I'd like to highlight a new what I think is very useful and zero cost resource. 8332.wav|But the reason I'm making the distinction is that pretty soon in our discussion today, we are going to talk about dopamine, a molecule that's associated with motivation and reward that we make in our brain and how different schedules of dopamine release predict whether or not we will stick to a habit or not, and in particular, whether or not we will be able to form that habit quickly or not. 8333.wav|Now, myopia, or near sightedness, has to do with the way that the lens focuses light onto the retina. 8334.wav|So we'll review what those are now. 8335.wav|So what I just described to you are research tested tools for training for divergent thinking and convergent thinking. 8336.wav|So when I say primary motor cortex, I'm really talking about those upper motor neurons, M1. 8337.wav|If you have questions for us or comments about the podcast or suggestions about guests that you'd like us to interview on the Huberman Lab Podcast, please put those in the comment section on YouTube. 8338.wav|They can become electrically active. 8339.wav|But then if you decide to see the vases again, you can see the vases again, but the faces disappear. 8340.wav|Remember before I said there are photoreceptors and then these ganglion cells. 8341.wav|We are incredibly habitual organisms. 8342.wav|We are able to have multiple goals at once, and other animals do this, but humans are unique in the ability to juggle a lot of goals. 8343.wav|This, to me, is a remarkable feature of our physiology. 8344.wav|But basically, information from our memory systems, like the hippocampus, and from our sensory systems, our eyes, our ears, our nose, our mouth, et cetera. 8345.wav|That simply reflects my enthusiasm and excitement about these topics and my desire to give you as much information as I possibly can in each episode. 8346.wav|So rather than just having to circle off numbers in sequence, they actually had to connect one, then the letter a, then two, then the letter b, et cetera. 8347.wav|I'm not telling anybody what to do. 8348.wav|Doing smooth pursuit exercises, an accommodation near far exercises. 8349.wav|You were once a small child being told when to go to bed, sent to your room. 8350.wav|Now, if you want to understand all of the science behind this and all of the various applications, I invite you to please listen to the episode that I did with Dr. 8351.wav|This is one of the more impactful papers in this area in recent years. 8352.wav|So if you understand that during the follicular stage of the ovulatory slash menstrual cycle, okay, so menstrual cycle is about 28 days on average, not in everyone, but it's about 28 days on average, and the first half of that, estrogen starts creeping up, up, up, up, up, up, up, up, up. 8353.wav|Or life isn't organized in exactly the way that I need to in order to have everything go according to the protocol that's on paper. 8354.wav|Well, if you have a dog like I do, or a cat, they are not colorblind, but they lack the cones that respond to red, meaning long wavelength light. 8355.wav|When dopamine levels are high, convergent thinking is not very likely. 8356.wav|In addition, please subscribe to the podcast on Spotify and or Apple. 8357.wav|In the neuroscience of memory, we distinguish between what's called episodic memory and procedural memory. 8358.wav|What does this mean in terms of dealing with or treating photophobia? 8359.wav|Because as I mentioned earlier, the arteriovanus astomoses these portals of arteries directly to veins that exist only in these glabor skin surfaces. 8360.wav|Now, between beats, right? 8361.wav|And setting a designated number of walls before you start, the protocol is going to be very beneficial here. 8362.wav|And those words, with minimal exposure to other drugs, is really key in the context of this conversation, because, as I mentioned before, interactions between drugs, what's called polypharmacology, can create neurotoxicity. 8363.wav|Today, we will talk about what those neural structures are, what particular order they need to be activated in in order to come up with, for instance, new ideas that are creative, and then how to implement those creative strategies. 8364.wav|Much in the same way, the thalamus has a bunch of different entry points. 8365.wav|Nonetheless, people that quit smoking often find that their appetite goes up. 8366.wav|You're getting funneled progressively through a narrower and narrower channels until you arrive at your particular plane. 8367.wav|So you accomplish that this Friday. 8368.wav|While supplements aren't necessary for everybody, many people derive tremendous benefit from them for things like sleep and focus and other aspects of health and performance. 8369.wav|Because, of course, you also have your people that are dipping and your people that are snuffing. 8370.wav|One key thing if you're going to use glaborous skin cooling is that whatever you use to cool those surfaces cannot be so cold that it causes vasoconstriction. 8371.wav|Nonetheless, I think many people who are listeners of this podcast are interested in the things that they can do in order to inoculate themselves or at least reduce the likelihood of experiencing headache, especially for people who are experiencing chronic recurring headaches, such as migraine or the other forms of headache, which can be so debilitating. 8372.wav|Well, that of course creates a conundrum. 8373.wav|And then the cold contrast provides a sort of accelerator on that or an amplifier, I think is the better way to phrase it, on that process because in the cold you get vasoconstriction and then in the heat you get vasodilation. 8374.wav|This is very new agey, I realize, but this is what you find out there. 8375.wav|Well, they have new different or entirely novel concepts about how the world works, but those are bounded. 8376.wav|Or I should say, more accurately, the general public and the themes that are emerging and the practices that are emerging around cannabis, especially in states where it's decriminalized or legalized, are occurring at such a rapid rate that there's absolutely no way that the science could keep up. 8377.wav|The other thing that was really impressive about the study is that the changes occurred very quickly. 8378.wav|And the general rule of thumb for that is one gram of quality protein per pound of body weight per day. 8379.wav|Tobacco contains nicotine, and it contains a bunch of other things as well, which we will talk about. 8380.wav|And a physician made the recommendation that I actually up my salt intake. 8381.wav|For those of you that are watching on YouTube, I'm just drawing kind of a hump, obviously. 8382.wav|What you do one day is going to be determined by what you did the previous day. 8383.wav|And it is a dramatic shift for a young girl or boy that doesn't nourish themselves sufficiently during that period. 8384.wav|The operational definition of trauma is that some fear took place, which, of course, includes stress and anxiety. 8385.wav|You can find that like all episodes@hubermanlab.com. 8386.wav|The metabolic increases of deliberate cold exposure are both acute, meaning happening in the short term when you get into the cold, and immediately after one does experience an increase in core metabolism, you burn some calories, in other words. 8387.wav|The basal ganglia are involved in action execution, meaning doing certain things, and action suppression, not doing certain things. 8388.wav|One of the classic symptoms of anorexia is a loss of menstrual cycles, loss of periods. 8389.wav|Once you get out to, say, six or twelve or certainly 18 inches on either side of your eyes, you are dilating your gaze. 8390.wav|But in fact, there is no way to tell. 8391.wav|However, moving toward any goal involves orienting our thinking towards the extrapersonal space. 8392.wav|We of course need vitamins. 8393.wav|It's most important when embracing a protocol a, that you do it safely, but secondarily that you do it consistently. 8394.wav|It tends to give a not so subtle, but very transient increase in feelings of well being and alertness and motivation. 8395.wav|And that knowledge of knowledge allowing you to do better over time leads to this incredible phenomenon called neuroplasticity, which essentially is translated into doing better over time, even if difficult, eventually makes doing better reflexive. 8396.wav|Bright lights will make for the maximum state of alertness. 8397.wav|And again, we can define quality talk therapy as good rapport between patient and clinician, as well as feelings of support, as well as potential insight. 8398.wav|Don't despair too much, and you will see these positive effects. 8399.wav|I doubt that we were maintaining focus solidly for hours and hours and hours, unless we were under some particular threat or in some particular crisis. 8400.wav|Neuroplasticity is a term that many people have heard and it encompasses many different things. 8401.wav|So without further ado, let's get to answering your questions. 8402.wav|And for those of you that haven't heard that episode, I'm just going to briefly summarize what I described. 8403.wav|And calcium is important for that process. 8404.wav|Now, I'd like to turn our attention to whether or not cannabis can increase sexual activity, sexual desire, and or sexual function. 8405.wav|Light recording is on. 8406.wav|What it means is they are able to do 40 on the first set, then 40 on the second, then 38 on the third, and so on and so forth, so that the total duration of the workout is extended, and yet they're doing much more work, even though it takes more time. 8407.wav|By keeping the total amounts of dopamine variable around the clock and by changing the amount of dopamine that's released. 8408.wav|And that's associated with low dopamine. 8409.wav|Caffeine has the ability to impinge on the so-called NO pathway, the nitric oxide pathway, which is a nerve to blood pathway that involves a few different enzymes that we won't get into right now, but maybe in a future episode that causes dilation of the blood vessels. 8410.wav|Some of you may be familiar with cheat days. 8411.wav|Keep in mind, of course, anytime you're going to add or remove anything, supplements or otherwise from your treatment, your nutrition, et cetera, I do suggest that you consult with your physician, in particular, if you have chronic headaches. 8412.wav|So this homeostatic process that we learn about from high school onward that, oh, everything in your body is designed to keep everything in balance. 8413.wav|And then in the afternoon, if normally you have a kind of phase of your afternoon, you really enjoy, you go outside, you have a vape or a cigarette, you normally are feeling relaxed, or you go out at night and you like to vape, and you say, nope, I'm not going to do that anymore. 8414.wav|So rather than emphasize particular words within a sentence. 8415.wav|And as we'll also find out later, creativity has this incredible aspect to it, which is that when we see or create or experience something that is truly creative, it reveals to us something fundamental about the way that the natural world, and indeed, the way that our brains work. 8416.wav|There's not a whole lot more variable space with which to get benefits from that stimulus. 8417.wav|But of course, there are other sources of nicotine as well. 8418.wav|It's a study that's been done in rats and also in humans, where it took a rat. 8419.wav|So no moving your head around, no diverting your attention to other locations. 8420.wav|If you'd like to subscribe to the premium channel, you can simply go to Hubermanlab.com slash premium. 8421.wav|They refer in this study to an earlier study that looked at the so-called analgesic effect, the pain relieving effect. 8422.wav|I misspoke in the sense that, again, I said, for the thing that you're trying to learn, remember mental training and visualization is going to be most effective for building up the number of accurate trials or your ability to do something with a greater frequency of something that you're already capable of doing or have done at least once in the real world. 8423.wav|I think that actually can be done. 8424.wav|And so cold exposure at those times ought to have an even greater effect on metabolism and resilience and so on. 8425.wav|Our frame rate changes. 8426.wav|But there are very particular types of things to listen to under very particular types of conditions that allow one to do that. 8427.wav|And we're going to explore that first as a function of age. 8428.wav|It came out not that long ago, this was just a summer of 2022. 8429.wav|Okay, the point here is that divergent thinking is one aspect of our cognition of our thinking and convergent thinking is a very distinct aspect of our cognition. 8430.wav|But it can show up later in life as well. 8431.wav|Some of you are probably asking, okay, if I perform a particular habit during phase one, and then I do other habits during phase two, and I eventually get to the point where I'm engaging in those habits in a pretty effortless way, do I keep them in the same phase of the day? 8432.wav|It was technically not illegal when it started, because MDMA wasn't illegal when it started, but over the several decades that Schulgen and his wife and this group were doing this kind of exploration, MDMA did become illegal, and he fell under, well, let's just say, scrutiny by the DEA. 8433.wav|When your level of attention and alertness goes up, there's sort of a small but perceptible increase in your level of arousal. 8434.wav|And that correct ratio of electrolytes is extremely important because every cell in your body, but especially your nerve cells, your neurons, relies on electrolytes in order to function properly. 8435.wav|Big department stores have figured out that if they stock their shelves, chalk a block with many, many options of food or clothing items or objects or anything like that, people simply buy more stuff. 8436.wav|If they start failing about half the time, then probably what they're trying to learn is too difficult for them at that point. 8437.wav|And yes, the exhales should be done through the mouth, ideally. 8438.wav|And for that reason I've created a list of deliberate cold exposure protocols aimed at improving mental toughness and resilience, mood performance, metabolism, reducing inflammation, and so on and so forth. 8439.wav|And they only positioned him there because of his height. 8440.wav|Some people out there might be familiar with it. 8441.wav|What you will find is that if the stop signal is presented very shortly after, let's say 100 milliseconds, which is a very, very brief amount of time, after the presentation of the arrow, there's a good chance that you're going to be able to withhold the key pressing behavior. 8442.wav|No green light arrives in your brain. 8443.wav|So you could, for instance, fill two bottles with cold water, maybe put a few ice cubes in there, right? 8444.wav|Some people don't know which part of their body they sleep on. 8445.wav|A lot of stuff happening near the roof of your mouth, it turns out, biologically. 8446.wav|It's subconscious, as it's sometimes called. 8447.wav|In fact, we are going to discuss one very recently published study in which 5 minutes a day of deliberate exposure to stress was shown to alleviate long standing depressive and fear related symptoms. 8448.wav|So you're not going to reward yourself every minute or every step of every jog that you take unless you can do it every minute of every step of every jog that you take. 8449.wav|I started sleeping on an Eight Sleep mattress cover well over a year ago, and it's the best sleep that I've ever had. 8450.wav|That certainly will lend itself to alertness. 8451.wav|Working on a term paper or something of that sort, and you're getting bright light in your eyes. 8452.wav|If you happen to get all six, great. 8453.wav|How do we develop a relationship to food? 8454.wav|I don't know if I'm actually going to do that, but I'm just using that as an example. 8455.wav|Nerds speak for vocal effort and intensity. 8456.wav|The ventral tegmental area, or VTA, connects to another area called the nucleus accumbens. 8457.wav|And oftentimes interruptions bring incredible insights, and people are providing support and very useful things that are essential to my workday and presumably to your workday and school day as well. 8458.wav|Now, did that study evaluate lots of different durations of yoga nidra, aka NSDR? 8459.wav|But let's just take testosterone, for example. 8460.wav|And chamomile is known to make people feel a little bit sleepy and can enhance sleep well. 8461.wav|Because if you're feeling agitated in your body and you want to physically move your body, it's very hard to do cognitive work, at least the sorts of cognitive work that involve typing or writing or these sorts of things. 8462.wav|But with that said, if you are in the age bracket that I've been referring to, this 14 to 25 year old age bracket, and you are an occasional, even, or chronic cannabis user, you should be very, very careful and concerned about the long term effects that could potentially have. 8463.wav|And one of the, what I would consider landmark studies in this area is a study entitled residual neurocognitive features of long term ecstasy users with minimal exposure to other drugs. 8464.wav|I'll talk about another well-established one from the research literature that is known to elevate dopamine by 65% in the particular pathway that's relevant for divergent thinking and to do that without any pharmacology. 8465.wav|So I don't recommend that you pay attention to your blinking because that will take you off course from all the other important things of your life and how many times you're blinking is rarely an important thing for you to pay attention to. 8466.wav|A lot of people have a hard time investing money or saving money for later in life simply because as human beings, we vary in the extent to which we worry about what's going to happen later. 8467.wav|And in an open loop, you are better able to intervene. 8468.wav|And none of this is involving any cost, right? 8469.wav|So we call that weak central coherence. 8470.wav|We are training up resilience, and yet we are creating a neurochemical milieu that actually has many health benefits. 8471.wav|Now, again, with very short delays between the presentation of the arrow and the stop signal, you are going to be much better at inhibiting or preventing yourself from the behavior, at the no-go aspect of motor execution that is. 8472.wav|Really a beautiful study. 8473.wav|The tool is spend two to three minutes doing smooth pursuit. 8474.wav|So today we're going to talk about the biology of habit formation and habit breaking. 8475.wav|And oftentimes those muscles will undergo excessive amounts of constriction. 8476.wav|Horses, unlike humans, don't have the same shaped pupil. 8477.wav|Okay, it's positive arousal, not negative arousal, but it is arousal. 8478.wav|The first is assessing value. 8479.wav|The specific studies have not been done, but could be in theory, it makes sense mechanistically. 8480.wav|We can be in the habit of eating certain foods. 8481.wav|We hear that there are carcinogens in car exhaust and bus exhaust and in all sorts of things like pesticides, and that's all true. 8482.wav|Not incidentally, leptin signaling is disrupted in people that have bulimia and obesity and certain forms of binge eating disorder. 8483.wav|This was an isolated incident that forever colored their view of the city, which, frankly, understanding the fear system, I can understand. 8484.wav|Phase three is when all of that gets really locked into the nervous system through those heavy in mechanisms like NMDA receptors, et cetera, that I talked about before. 8485.wav|When we use our visual system in a particular way, bring it to a point of focus, it recruits chemical and neural systems in our brain and body that put us into a state of readiness and pursuit. 8486.wav|I will do an entire episode all about ketamine. 8487.wav|Susanna Soberg, I learned that it probably is not important that it be two sessions. 8488.wav|There's a lot of debris that accumulates there. 8489.wav|I mentioned some of the other symptoms earlier. 8490.wav|And in fact, the levels of dopamine are dropping below where they would have been even without performing that behavior. 8491.wav|I'm certain of that. 8492.wav|It sometimes can activate a memory of the trauma. 8493.wav|However, by way of reducing activation of the prefrontal cortex, there is some evidence that alcohol and other substances that reduce what's called autobiographical scripting, that is a narrative about ourselves, as our self-awareness, that it can enhance divergent thinking at very low doses. 8494.wav|Because one, I realize that not everyone out there has an eating disorder. 8495.wav|And then whatever things you've been doing in phase two, which are habits that hopefully have moved a little bit further along the continuum of newly formed versus all the way to reflexive, or things that take less limbic friction in order to do. 8496.wav|If you know someone that's anorexic, or if you look at an anorexic and you think, how is it that they are still critical of the small, even nonexistent amount of body fat on their triceps or something, how is that? 8497.wav|And that might sound like kind of a playful experiment just done in order to entertain oneself and the octopuses, perhaps. 8498.wav|Fear of something specific, fear of spiders, fear of heights, fear of flying, fear of dying, these kinds of things. 8499.wav|Perhaps the most interesting thing that I took from this review was the finding that notifications to either engage in habits or to not engage in habits actually were not very effective over time. 8500.wav|Convergent and divergent thinking, we can arrive at a principle, and the principle involves a molecule that many of you have heard about before, which is dopamine. 8501.wav|And I want to just highlight that the meditation used in this study isn't really a meditation at all, I don't know why they selected that for the title. 8502.wav|But I can tell you that I recover rather slowly and I benefit from working the same muscle group about twice per week with longer, or I should say more days of rest in between those workouts. 8503.wav|You've probably seen examples of this in the real world. 8504.wav|They have a terrific aesthetics. 8505.wav|So if somebody asks you, or if you're wondering, or if you feel like cannabis increases creativity in some sense, the answer is yes. 8506.wav|Well, it turns out it is. 8507.wav|Now, a similar issue comes up from time to time where people wonder whether or not they should train or not if they are sick. 8508.wav|So unlike similar compounds such as mescalin, because MDMA and mescalin are very similar in their chemical properties and to some extent, their subjective properties. 8509.wav|You're not going to use words that you don't have committed to your memory, or that you're not aware of and arranging in novel ways. 8510.wav|Again, all of those things themselves could be habits that you're trying to adopt, right? 8511.wav|And that combination of features, openness to experience, and what that openness to new experiences brings, enhances the convergent and divergent thinking that is characteristic of the creative process. 8512.wav|As I've talked about many times before in this podcast and elsewhere, every cell in your body requires hydration and electrolytes in order to function properly. 8513.wav|Again, it does not appear that the increases in oxytocin produced by taking MDMA are the source of the prosocial effects of MDMA. 8514.wav|And that is the pathway associated with dopamine and your pituitary gland and the release of hormones in particular that travel to the ovary, if you have ovaries or to your testes, if you have testes and trigger the release of things like estrogen and testosterone, et cetera. 8515.wav|I've talked about many of these on the podcast before that, in addition to those chemicals, further support an alert and focused state. 8516.wav|You can move from office to home. 8517.wav|This is a slip to avoid getting punched. 8518.wav|What I mean by not doing, well, for many tasks out there, even ones as simple as the one, two, one, three, one, four, one, five tasks that we talked about a moment ago, there is the need not just to tap those fingers in the correct sequence as quickly as possible, but also to be accurate about it, to not do one, three, one, four or one, three and four at the same time. 8519.wav|And then in addition to that, you will also do resistance training for every muscle group in your body. 8520.wav|You can have serotonin released in your brain, and also acetylcholine. 8521.wav|You'll hear that people will take ltyrosine, which is the amino acid precursor to dopamine, as a way to try and buffer or increase dopamine during the so called period of the crash. 8522.wav|Everything we know about the way that THC and CBD work is that they tend to potentiate, that is, increase the effects of these different systems at given synapses and in different areas of the brain and body. 8523.wav|It's just whatever geysers to the surface. 8524.wav|And the reason we're going to do that is related to a fact that I mentioned at the beginning of the episode, which is that the cb one and the cb two receptors, the two receptors for cannabis to which THC and CBD and CBN and all other psychoactive compounds of cannabis bind to, to have their actions are present throughout development. 8525.wav|And there's really no way to detect that susceptibility to neurotoxicity. 8526.wav|It was discovered some years ago when Botox treatments were being done for cosmetic reasons, that it could often be very effective for relieving headache if injected into the muscles. 8527.wav|So that's going to reduce omega-6s. 8528.wav|What this means is that we should probably spend about half of our work time standing, and about half of it sitting, but not all sitting, or not all standing. 8529.wav|But it's often used for learning, it's used for creating new associations in our nervous system. 8530.wav|You have a 30 day money back guarantee. 8531.wav|And then it was later rediscovered by a guy named Alexander Schulgen, who was a bit of a renegade drug chemist who was designing different drugs for the purpose of understanding their subjective effects on humans. 8532.wav|It's like putting a weak arm into a sling. 8533.wav|There were some other things that were analyzed as well. 8534.wav|I can't accommodate any longer. 8535.wav|Practice accommodation and then be sure to give your eyes some rest. 8536.wav|And then one has to transition into a state of convergent thinking, which is really homing in on the ideas that seem to have validity, or that could have validity and getting rid of everything else. 8537.wav|So if you think about the communication between neurons as a cross talk, as a conversation, well, the endogenous cannabinoids can dictate whether or not that conversation is likely to occur or not to occur. 8538.wav|So you can really build a very strong visual system. 8539.wav|Phase one, which again is zero to 8 hours after waking, has a particular neurochemical signature, regardless of what you do. 8540.wav|In addition, you can leverage your visual system for better mental and physical performance. 8541.wav|They of course can be neurotoxic. 8542.wav|And this is another key point, which is regardless of whether or not it's the winter months or the other months of the year, all day long, you're combating different types of infections. 8543.wav|And as we become upright, standing or sitting, but especially standing, then those brainstem circuits for alertness kick on, which are going to make it easier to remain focused. 8544.wav|And while that's a fairly niche component of what nicotine does, I mean, it's an important one, but it's not the major reason why most people consume nicotine. 8545.wav|So if you're not obeying this phase three, if you're not giving phase three the materials it needs, and you're not avoiding the certain things like caffeine and bright light and stress during phase three, you're simply not going to be able to build those habits that you've been working so hard to trigger in phase one and phase two of the day. 8546.wav|That background, or what we call baseline circadian rhythm in core body temperature, is important to remember because it helps us frame both the effects of deliberate cold exposure, and it helps us frame when you might want to use deliberate cold exposure in order to access specific states. 8547.wav|Now that's a complete duh, except that we don't often think about the relationship between alertness and where we are looking and our eyelids. 8548.wav|But one of the important aspects of his work is looking at motor performance and skill acquisition and the development of the stop signal task. 8549.wav|And it turns out that the reason they were able to be so focused is that they all captured one single and yet fundamental variable of workspace optimization, and we'll talk about what that variable is in fact, we're going to talk about what all the variables of optimizing a workspace are, things like vision, things like light, things like noise in the room, whether or not you listen to music or not, whether or not you use noise canceling headphones or not. 8550.wav|Now, within each of those sativa and indica, you have type one, type two, and type three. 8551.wav|There is one. 8552.wav|In science, we talk about lumpers and splitters. 8553.wav|In other words, the faster that we need to perform a given motor sequence, the more likely we are to perform incorrect components of the motor sequence as well. 8554.wav|That shouldn't mean anything to most of you, but it is a dissociative anesthetic, not unlike PCP, what used to be called angel dust on the street. 8555.wav|It doesn't recruit enough of the autonomic nervous system to make pursuit of that goal likely. 8556.wav|And I noticed that people that could maintain high levels of alertness in this one conference room had a habit of moving to a different seat after each session, sometimes even between talks. 8557.wav|So if you divide that, that's four and a half hours, you might say, well, four and a half hours of lifting the heel and putting the heel down, lifting the heel, putting the heel down, that's a lot, but they didn't always do it continuously. 8558.wav|Meanwhile, I think there are a number of people out there suffering from headache who might consider using creatine monohydrate in an exploratory fashion and seeing whether it helps offset their headaches. 8559.wav|I'm not running races or triathlons like some of my friends. 8560.wav|It also results in healthy, happy cows. 8561.wav|And so while there isn't a direct relationship between dopamine stimulating testosterone. 8562.wav|We are going to cover all of that, and by the end, you will have a checklist of things that you can do to optimize your workspace on any budget. 8563.wav|Then I would say either lower the temperature safely, of course, extend the duration safely of course, or increase the frequency so that you're doing this perhaps every day or maybe five days a week or three days a week. 8564.wav|And that cannabis, again, can arrive by smoking, by vaping, by edible. 8565.wav|The balcetta slab has also done some really interesting experiments looking at people's ability to set and stick to long term goals. 8566.wav|And what this paper essentially found was that if people did physical training, so the sort of experiment that I just described, versus mental training where they sat eyes open and imagine their responses to those arrows and stop signals, but they didn't actually generate any key presses versus a combination of the physical training, so the actual pressing of the buttons or withholding pressing of the buttons as the case may be, plus mental training, over the course of about five days, using the contour described of the key principles of mental training and performance that we've talked about, I'll get to the specifics in a moment, but it really obeyed most all of what we've talked about, if not all of it, so repetition, simple, repeated, over about five days and so on and so forth. 8567.wav|Let's do what's called a gadonkin experiment, which is a thought experiment. 8568.wav|But you don't have to worry so much about memorizing these. 8569.wav|Then as you'll find, if you wear a weight vest, it is additional work on say a shorter hike. 8570.wav|So that's very interesting and points again to some disruption in some biological mechanism. 8571.wav|You can access tickets by going to hubermanlab.com tour and I hope to see you there. 8572.wav|The brain of the anorexic is just performing habits, and they're being rewarded for it. 8573.wav|You have receptors which are like little parking spots that are present on cells in your brain and body. 8574.wav|I find it very hard to focus in cluttered environments. 8575.wav|Again, just go to hubermanlab.com and all that's timestamped for you. 8576.wav|It's, in fact, an important book. 8577.wav|Now, that's one component of social connection. 8578.wav|It's structurally similar to betacarotene, so it's very pro vitamin a, but it has some chemical differences which may make it safer than vitamin a. 8579.wav|There are a couple of really interesting papers. 8580.wav|But just understand, nicotine increases motivation. 8581.wav|One of the main ones that's received a lot of attention in recent years is brupriperone, sometimes referred to by its commercial name, wellbutrin. 8582.wav|And of course, there are going to be levels to that. 8583.wav|And yes, the inhales should be through the nose. 8584.wav|That's a statement that is no longer controversial, and this is not a discussion about legalization or non legalization. 8585.wav|But before we talk about what those neural circuits are, I want to emphasize that the increases in serotonin that MDMA produces seem to act on different receptors than the big increases in serotonin that LSD and psilocybin produce. 8586.wav|And the key thing here to understand is that levels of prolactin, heading into the study did not predict, did not predict whether or not people would respond to cannabis with elevated or non elevated or even reduced levels of sexual arousal. 8587.wav|They could take on any number of different forms depending on the motivations and the individuals that are involved. 8588.wav|And we're fortunate that they ship internationally because we know that many of you reside outside of the United States. 8589.wav|It doesn't really know what to be afraid of. 8590.wav|It's about visualizing failure. 8591.wav|Execution the whole thing an effort to engage in that particular habit. 8592.wav|So you can get some sunlight in your eyes. 8593.wav|And I mention all that psychology literature, not in an attempt to disparage it, but rather to just say that goal setting is the first step. 8594.wav|The title of the article is pharmacologic approach to smoking cessation, an updated review for daily clinical practice. 8595.wav|This is primitive biology that evolved over many tens, if not hundreds of thousands of years. 8596.wav|In fact, I haven't mentioned this quite yet, and I'll refer to some other references, but there's a wonderful systematic review of a large number of studies that have looked at mental training and visualization, what's effective, what's less effective across a bunch of different disciplines that include education, medicine, music, psychology, and sports. 8597.wav|And one of the things that it does is something called smooth pursuit. 8598.wav|And then the fourth circuit, certainly one I've never talked about before in this podcast, which is, doesn't mean anything, except that we haven't gotten to it yet, is the tuberoinfundibular pathway. 8599.wav|It's also creating depth, a sense of depth, even though what arrives from the retina is essentially a readout of a two dimensional flat image, so it can sense depth. 8600.wav|This is published in Annual Review of Psychology. 8601.wav|It does seem, yes, it does seem to alter sperm motility and sperm health and function when taken chronically, more than twice per week, in particular, high doses of high potent CTHC. 8602.wav|Okay, what about over-the-counter compounds that are known to increase circulating dopamine that can potentially improve working memory? 8603.wav|There are data, a lot of studies out there, showing that meditation practice can help people deal with eating related anxiety and disorders. 8604.wav|So if any of that is confusing now, we'll make it all very simple going forward so that if you decide to implement any of the protocols discussed in this episode, that you are aware of what you can expect and whether or not you were in the category of people that should or perhaps should not incorporate those protocols. 8605.wav|It's also why nicotine is so hard to quit, because there's a potent increase in dopamine from multiple neural circuit pathways within this mesolimbic reward circuitry. 8606.wav|And if you want more details on all of that, you can find that in the newsletter related to the optimal or foundational fitness protocol that you can access at Hubermanlab.com. 8607.wav|Or in their groin or elsewhere, in order to stimulate some of the effects of cold on mental and physical performance. 8608.wav|I've spent a lifetime working on the biology, the visual system, and I can tell you that your visual system has to contend with a number of important challenges in order for you to be able to see clearly. 8609.wav|And why is this useful for goal setting? 8610.wav|If you don't have access to any of that, you could even wrap your body from the neck down in garbage bag, plastic garbage bags, believe it or not. 8611.wav|But I've spoken to some of the clinicians that are using MDMA legally within the context of the treatment of PTSD, and this is an area that's starting to receive some additional attention. 8612.wav|It's important that you remember them correctly. 8613.wav|This is based on peer reviewed research, so I think it's very solid. 8614.wav|Well, there are a couple of tools that neuroscience and psychology tell us can be very beneficial. 8615.wav|So that system is disrupted. 8616.wav|And indeed there are prescription forms of omega-3 fatty acids. 8617.wav|Phe is very interesting for our discussion today. 8618.wav|But the problem is always how do we keep our cognition in line with the long term goal while also being focused on these more immediate goals? 8619.wav|So for instance, for creative work or to engage with more focus or to give you more energy for cognitive or physical work. 8620.wav|Now, of course, some of that is going to be rest between sets, but by real work, I mean really hard work, not necessarily to failure, we'll talk about failure in a little bit, but hard work where I'm struggling to complete the final repetitions, if not going to failure to continue to move the weight repetitions. 8621.wav|Now, the overall increases in core body metabolism that they experienced were not extremely large. 8622.wav|And then this third element, which is action generating techniques, is a really cool one that you will immediately notice implications for the workplace, which is forced collaboration. 8623.wav|Cluster headaches are the ones I mentioned earlier that arise from deep within the head. 8624.wav|You might even start with dips, which again, are going to activate those torso muscles and the triceps. 8625.wav|And so I'm going to tell myself that a particular chord I imagine in my mind's eye is identical to the real world chord just because I decided it is. 8626.wav|Again, this is going to vary depending on whether or not people are adjusting sativa varieties of cannabis. 8627.wav|Okay, so that's how aura originates. 8628.wav|I might stop it about 15 minutes earlier. 8629.wav|Now, this is a rough estimation, but I'm doing this now. 8630.wav|It's very hard to study the absence of a behavior as opposed to a behavior. 8631.wav|I say that to protect you. 8632.wav|It's part of a set of circuits that are involved in what are called go no go tasks. 8633.wav|But the important thing to understand is when you are looking down below the level of your nose, you are essentially decelerating your alertness. 8634.wav|They are simply available to you should you choose to try them. 8635.wav|So this is very, very important because virgin's eye movements increase focus and attention, and you can exploit that to increase focus and attention when you want to. 8636.wav|Before that sound signal, those sound waves arrive in my left ear. 8637.wav|They involve a FDA approved approach of literally placing a wire down into an area of the brain that then allows the individual to stimulate a particular brain area to offset some of these activity patterns that lead to a elevated sense of reward from food and binge eating. 8638.wav|That's what's really important to know, which is that shorter days generally correlate with colder temperatures, regardless of where you live on the planet earth. 8639.wav|Now, the sorts of linchpin habits that I'm referring to are always going to be things that you enjoy doing. 8640.wav|And I think you have to consult with a psychiatrist in order to get these prescribed because they are prescription drugs. 8641.wav|But in general, the range of MDMA that's been explored is zero, 75 to 1.5 milligrams per kilogram of body weight. 8642.wav|We're going to evaluate what's called habit strength. 8643.wav|You can use them while running or while cycling. 8644.wav|Think back to task bracketing, think back to limbic friction if you are considering adopting a new habit, or if you are trying to break a habit, something we haven't talked too much about, but we will in a moment. 8645.wav|It's actually a lot of fun to try this because it really gives you a sense of just how challenging some of these laboratory tasks are. 8646.wav|Obviously, nicotine is found in the tobacco plant. 8647.wav|But as I said, people are highly variable. 8648.wav|And the two tasks that they used were called the trail making tests. 8649.wav|So what the research clearly shows is that one of the reasons, not the only, but one of the reasons for the greater prevalence of colds and flus in the short days, AKA winter months of the year, is that people are spending more time indoors and therefore at closer proximity, which raises a whole bunch of really interesting questions that have been explored in the peer-reviewed research about proximity, cold and flu transmission. 8650.wav|One is, if you do own, or you're in an environment where you have overhead lights, turn on those overhead lights. 8651.wav|And of course, you can get these things from whole foods. 8652.wav|And yet, I also want to refer back to the incredible success of the clinical hypnosis approach. 8653.wav|When I say using, what they were doing is they were sponge applying the oil to the temples and forehead of people, and then what they did is they used these different approaches to measure the activation of muscles, to measure pain, and they then induced head pain, they induced headache. 8654.wav|This is a review that will provide a citation to, and a reference and a link to, which is the review by Murak and Bagley, which talks about whether or not there's interference between strength and endurance workouts. 8655.wav|So if I hold up this pen and you say orangutan, that's a perfectly valid divergent idea from this pen because you thought of it and it's distantly related. 8656.wav|If you haven't already subscribed to the Huberman Lab Podcast Neural Network Newsletter, it's a monthly newsletter that's completely zero cost. 8657.wav|In the second session, they are taking a higher dose of MDMA. 8658.wav|However, it's also important that you understand a few other things that MDMA does to the brain, as well as what it doesn't do to the brain. 8659.wav|The group that was immersed up to the neck in 32 degrees celsius, that is 89 degrees fahrenheit water, did not experience a shift in metabolism, nor a significant increase in dopamine, norepinephrine, or these other catecholamines. 8660.wav|We don't know. 8661.wav|You got lipids in there, and through lipolysis, they can be metabolized. 8662.wav|There's a really nice paper. 8663.wav|So they'll tell you that E flat on the piano is a particular tone in their mind of amber hue, okay? 8664.wav|So there are not going to be any visual cues or slides that I present, and that's perhaps what distinguishes what we're about to do most from what would happen in a laboratory. 8665.wav|And now eating disorders are also being explored in the context of MDMA and psilocybin. 8666.wav|And for those aficionados out there, I'm sure you know, a lot of the other specific features of sativa versus indica, but already what we're talking about is the same plant, cannabis, with two very different morphologies or shapes, you might say, well, why is this interesting or important to how it affects me or affects other people for medicinal recreational purposes? 8667.wav|Our first sponsor is Helix Sleep. 8668.wav|And indeed, there are planes that can land on water and wing, water, and engine combined within those things. 8669.wav|So, for instance, you could have a pure sativa, type one, or a type one pure sativa or a type one indica, those are going to have the greatest amount of THc relative to CBD. 8670.wav|In that case, showers would be the next best solution. 8671.wav|They talk about so called Hebian learning. 8672.wav|Even a somatosensory task, imagine what it's like to touch felt or to touch chinchilla hair or something like that, a chinchilla's hair, ideally a live chinchilla sitting still, those little critters move really, really fast, but they have very, very soft hair, high hair density, so soft. 8673.wav|You can imagine that every time I want a donut, I'd see a vision of myself, or an actual physical picture of myself as a consequence of having eaten many donuts every day for the next ten years. 8674.wav|So the first test of your working memory is very simple. 8675.wav|While supplements aren't necessary and perhaps aren't right for everybody, many people derive great benefit from supplements. 8676.wav|Both of those states feeling too alert and too calm, if you will, relate to the function of the so called autonomic nervous system, a set of neurons and hormones and chemicals in your brain and body that act as sort of a seesaw. 8677.wav|So we will return to the specific protocols for doing that later in the episode. 8678.wav|The goal should be significant, we are told. 8679.wav|Now, this seems kind of wild on the one hand. 8680.wav|In describing the improvements in no-go tasks, those stop signal tasks, a lot of what's observed during those tasks is improvement or rather an increase in long-term depression of specific neural connections. 8681.wav|We talked about supplements for focus, for sleep, for creativity, all sorts of things. 8682.wav|There's nothing wrong with breathing through your mouth if you're exercising hard and you need to breathe through your mouth in order to bring in enough oxygen. 8683.wav|And I'll get over that wall and then I'll get out. 8684.wav|And I should point out that while the study was only performed on male subjects, there's no reason to think that the effects that they discovered would only pertain to men. 8685.wav|In addition, Athletic Greens contains a number of adaptogens, vitamins and minerals that make sure that all of my foundational nutritional needs are met and it tastes great. 8686.wav|I generally pick two exercises per muscle group. 8687.wav|The premium channel is a response to the many questions we get about specific topics, and it will allow me to really drill deep into specific answers related to those topics. 8688.wav|And as a consequence, putting wings on a fish tank could be used as a metaphor for the fact that fish don't fly but you already knew and I already knew that fish don't fly. 8689.wav|Costello happens to have very long eyelashes. 8690.wav|So for instance, the dog raising its leg next to a fire hydrant, even if the dog is drawn in two dimensions and the fire hydrant is in three dimensions, allows the concept of dog and fire hydrant to emerge or pop out at us, which reveals to us something fundamental about how our brain works, which is that our brain encodes concepts and entire stories as symbols of interaction between different objects. 8691.wav|Because as we all know, there are many things that we will never forget, and there are also things that we almost always forget. 8692.wav|This is based on a study that I've talked about before entitled caffeine increases striatal dopamine D receptor availability in the human brain. 8693.wav|But most people go to sleep somewhere around 10:00 p.m. 8694.wav|YouTube would be the best place to do that. 8695.wav|But that's not the way our brains and bodies evolved. 8696.wav|There is, for instance, what we call long-term potentiation. 8697.wav|Higher dopamine, higher working memory span. 8698.wav|Now I'm going to tell you the actual final word of each of those sentences. 8699.wav|Now I've mentioned pharmacology a few times and I'd like to talk about that just a little bit more in the context of dopamine. 8700.wav|Let me just describe it for a moment. 8701.wav|And the primary one to begin with is the so called behavioral therapies. 8702.wav|Eye Widener for me. 8703.wav|He's been a guest on the Huberman Lab podcast, and he is a world expert, if not the world expert, in the clinical applications of hypnosis. 8704.wav|Now, they don't necessarily know that they're doing this. 8705.wav|And yet we need to eat on a fairly regular basis. 8706.wav|We discussed some of the neural circuits that underlie the different aspects of creativity, in particular, divergent and convergent thinking, as well as narrative building and some of the tools and steps that can allow us to better access divergent thinking and convergent thinking. 8707.wav|In fact, I would say the best way to think about this foundational fitness program is not from the details up but from the top down, from the big picture down to the details and say to yourself, once a week, you're going to get some long endurance in. 8708.wav|But again, caffeine should be taken prior to convergent thinking type tasks, probably more than it should be taken prior to divergent thinking tasks. 8709.wav|Well, nicotine is a plant alkaloid. 8710.wav|Now that doesn't necessarily mean that estrogen gives you headaches. 8711.wav|And that has led to a whole set of other categorizations of eating disorders, like binge eating disorder, where there tends to be a lot of overeating, but not the purging or categorizations of anorexia, in which people are underfeeding but they are not losing their periods. 8712.wav|So there's a two pronged effect of nicotine on reinforcement, reward, dopamine related pathways, the feel good motivation pathways. 8713.wav|These were long meetings, and the quality of talks varied tremendously. 8714.wav|So it really seems that the addition of this huge release of serotonin by MDMA on top of the release of dopamine sets in motion two parallel circuits, one for rewarding something, anything, that's the dopamine component. 8715.wav|In fact, seeing a painting in two dimensions of a dog raising its leg to, of course it can't actually urinate, but give you the impression that it would urinate on that fire hydrant isn't particularly interesting except for the fact that it reveals to us something fundamental, which is that we tend to pair visual relationships between different objects that share a common theme, and then the theme tends to pop out. 8716.wav|There's this idea that we can extinguish fears, we can rewire ourselves, we can eliminate our traumas, and indeed we can. 8717.wav|The ratio or the split of attention is about 90 ten. 8718.wav|There are a few other things that one can do in order to bias the likelihood that you will succeed in trying to achieve your goals. 8719.wav|That ought to translate to improvements in focus and mood. 8720.wav|These could be first person experiences. 8721.wav|So nigrostriatal pathway is involved in generating bodily movements, it's involved in eye movements, and it is actually a brain area that's engaged when you think about movement, even just have a story in your mind about walking or a story in your mind about running or a story in your mind about driving, this area is engaged. 8722.wav|And today I just wanted to pass along or redirect your attention to that episode on focus and highlight those two tools, the 13 minutes a day meditation and 300 milligram alpha GPC for increasing focus capacity and for acutely, that is, temporarily giving an additional boost for a bout of focus. 8723.wav|You can hold the pen for them. 8724.wav|Whereas when our gut is empty, even if we have plenty of nutrients or plenty of body fat stores, we tend to focus on food a bit more. 8725.wav|And the reason I like this paper is it really points specifically to some protocols that we can implement, because people always say, okay, you want to set a high goal. 8726.wav|What we're talking about is a weakening of connections. 8727.wav|However, if the delay is anywhere from 200 to 350 milliseconds after the presentation of the arrow, chances are that you're going to press the button even when you shouldn't have on at least some of those trials, okay? 8728.wav|I want to emphasize that both LTP and LTD are both critically involved in lots of different kinds of learning, and both of them tend to be involved in the formation of both short-term memories and long-term memories, and this is very important in the removal of short-term memories and long-term memories, literally forgetting of certain things. 8729.wav|If you recall, it's got these components of how external events can trigger an internal stress response and fear response and trauma response. 8730.wav|You're going to focus your visual attention on one point beyond your peripersal space. 8731.wav|They took people and they had them sit in chairs underwater, but their head was out. 8732.wav|That it's not cut with other things, which certainly can increase toxicity, controlling the temperature of one's environment, restricting caffeine intake, at least on the day of MDMA ingestion, but certainly the day before and the day after would be advantageous as well, simply because of the way that caffeine and activation of the adenosine receptor, as well as caffeine's effects on dopamine receptors can interact with the potential. 8733.wav|Muscular endurance is for instance, your ability to stay in a plank position or to do a wall sit, you know, to sit on an invisible chair against a wall. 8734.wav|Again, that's drinkelement drinklemmnt.com huberman to claim a free sample pack. 8735.wav|And the effects on the developing fetus are completely unknown. 8736.wav|I'm on Twitter and people are always posting their wordle thing, and I have no idea what it is, but I'm guessing it's some sort of puzzle. 8737.wav|So that includes quadriceps, hamstrings, and calves. 8738.wav|I don't generally have that much time. 8739.wav|I'm sure a number of you have questions. 8740.wav|And there's a whole industry as to how to accelerate the clearance. 8741.wav|And you can think of it in a more or less quantitative way. 8742.wav|I'm talking about the general population. 8743.wav|You set out these six things that you would like to learn or that you would like to acquire in your life. 8744.wav|Okay, so their symptoms can lessen, they can get some improvement, but that improvement is often slight or is transient. 8745.wav|And now it's been about 1012 years that I have pretty decent binocular vision. 8746.wav|I've mentioned that in the episode on ADHD, provided that they are interested in the thing that they are focusing on. 8747.wav|I'm very impressed by them. 8748.wav|They can be efficient in certain ways. 8749.wav|Why do I do that workout on Monday and what is that workout designed to do? 8750.wav|And there are several things that perhaps we should all be doing. 8751.wav|Most people won't want to get into the cold water. 8752.wav|One can no longer perform a repetition or set of repetitions, in part because of heating up of the muscle locally. 8753.wav|And again, it is completely zero cost. 8754.wav|It's exploring ideas and continuing to move into the variation and the vastness of ideas in hopes of eventually being able to converge on some novel idea or framework. 8755.wav|What I'm saying is if you evaluate the potency that is, in technical terms, it would be the affinity with which these compounds, THC and CBD and CBN, bind to these endogenous receptors. 8756.wav|But even under conditions in which it's very controlled, it's very hard to predict what those effects will be. 8757.wav|And it's been shown in some imaging studies that aura is associated with a back to front. 8758.wav|So the basic statement here is that endogenous cannabinoids and CV one receptor activation are critical for every aspect of brain wiring and development. 8759.wav|Or other forms of endurance like near pure anaerobic endurance. 8760.wav|The locus ceruleus creates a sense of arousal by releasing adrenaline, epinephrine, and norepinephrine, a related chemical, into the brain. 8761.wav|And a lot of those oils are seed oils. 8762.wav|However, because of the importance of sleep, and in particular deep sleep throughout the night for not just neuroplasticity, but recovery of muscle and other tissues that are taxed during physical exercise. 8763.wav|Then there was a near doubling of the systolic blood pressure, in the good sense it didn't go into the unhealthy range and a doubling or more of the likelihood that they would engage in the ongoing pursuit of that particular goal. 8764.wav|So if you are somebody who wants to enhance divergent thinking, I would encourage you to explore how different patterns of movement, in particular patterns of movement that don't require any conscious attention to any one specific thing, allow you to access new ideas and new ways of combining existing elements in whatever domain it is you want to be creative. 8765.wav|So cigarettes are literally peeling years off your life now because of the way that the brain works and the way that human beings anticipate the future and can be grounded both in the present and the future, or the present and the past. 8766.wav|What this means, and the reason it underscores this mental training is better than no training, is that should you find yourself in the unfortunate circumstance of being injured or unable to perform a given behavior, imagining the sequence of behavior that you'd like to maintain or even build up over time, provided you've done that motor sequence before in the real world, well, the mental training and visualization can really help keep that online or even help you improve over time. 8767.wav|So this is sort of like warming up your body to exercise. 8768.wav|So maybe you're somebody that wants to get more of zone two cardio, for instance. 8769.wav|And so no topic is more complicated and nuanced than food and nutrition, and in particular as it relates to eating disorders. 8770.wav|And indeed, when that rat exercised or when people exercise, they generally get healthier. 8771.wav|But then weekly or so, whatever you can maintain consistently, you absolutely want to reward yourself cognitively by telling yourself, I'm on the right track. 8772.wav|Conquer the hardest things first thing in the morning. 8773.wav|So, this particular study involves physical exercise, although, as I mentioned before, they've done similar studies looking at cognitive type work. 8774.wav|These things are normalized for a particular person. 8775.wav|But we need to think about the conditions under which MDMA is being taken. 8776.wav|That's what I suggest. 8777.wav|I teach neuroscience and neuroscience related tools that sometimes overlap with the content of the podcast, but oftentimes is unique from the content of the podcast. 8778.wav|Blood pressure is just how much the fluid volume is pressing on those arteries, veins and capillaries, right? 8779.wav|You need to go to a window. 8780.wav|A few things about that point. 8781.wav|Today, we will touch on each of those, but we are mainly going to focus on how we arrange our physical environment and indeed how we arrange ourselves in that physical environment in order to bring out the best in our neurobiology. 8782.wav|So there are a lot of forms of stressors out there, but cold is one that we can titrate, that we can adjust in ways that can allow us to continually build up and or maintain mental toughness. 8783.wav|So let's take a look at what those data say. 8784.wav|That's also one of these sort of does. 8785.wav|And here's where things get really interesting. 8786.wav|I haven't done that. 8787.wav|I've been sleeping on a helix mattress for about a year now and it's the best sleep I've ever had. 8788.wav|The circulating levels of norepinephrine, those are very large, but they're very transient and so on, that fails to understand that neurons that actually sense cold are in a position to communicate via other neurons directly to the fat cells and release norepinephrine into those fat cells, which, as I pointed out earlier, set off a huge set of immediate and long term cascades of even gene expression changes. 8789.wav|I realize if you want to increase your metabolism, perhaps it's better to not warm up afterwards. 8790.wav|And they also reported not having to spend that much mental effort in order to get into the mode of taking a walk after dinner. 8791.wav|There was even some kind of tests for whether or not a habit had really achieved context independence, whether or not it was a strongly formed habit. 8792.wav|And with Eight Sleep, it makes it very easy to program the temperature of that mattress and sleep environment, not just throughout the night, but for specific phases of the night. 8793.wav|And they did that over a period of six months. 8794.wav|If you need to run really fast for two minutes, you can do it. 8795.wav|The same can be said also of sexual activity, and this was beautifully illustrated in the context of sexual desire in the journal Psychopharmacology in a paper published in 2017. 8796.wav|You have a mosquito bite on your leg, you scratch it. 8797.wav|But endogenous opioids are chemicals released from neurons in the pag and from elsewhere in the body that give us a sense of numbing. 8798.wav|So if you're somebody who wants to explore creativity and wants to get better at creativity, you now know that you need to engage in divergent thinking and then afterwards convergent thinking. 8799.wav|Okay, this is a key element of where we are headed. 8800.wav|So these cathedral effects, I think, can be leveraged toward doing particular types of work best. 8801.wav|And what the data tell us is that first person mental training and visualization is generally more effective than third person mental training and visualization, which perhaps raises another chorus of does out there, but it needn't have been the case, right? 8802.wav|But there are also neurons within your skin that sense cold and other neurons that can directly release norepinephrine into the fat stores and cause those white fat cells to convert to beige and brown fat. 8803.wav|It also supports the so called gut brain axis, which is vital for mood, for energy levels, for regulating focus and many other features of our mental health and physical health that impact our daily performance and high performance in any endeavors we might be involved in. 8804.wav|It's what we call fear extinction. 8805.wav|I also hope to not be a subject in the cooling of the gonads experiment. 8806.wav|They create elevation in certain transmitters in the brain, like GABA, among others, they can have a pain relieving effect. 8807.wav|And this is healthy fatty tissue that allows electrical transmission to be fast. 8808.wav|Now, I should point out that people do report, at least anecdotally, increases in testosterone as a consequence of this practice. 8809.wav|And that's that we need to think about what are the modifiable variables? 8810.wav|But based on what we talked about earlier, whereby deliberate cold exposure evokes this discomfort and this experience of norepinephrine release, at least in the short term, then you would say, well, shouldn't that deliberate cold exposure also make them feel uncomfortable, like they really want to get out? 8811.wav|It is however, part of my desire and effort to bring zero cost to consumer information about science and science related tools to the general public. 8812.wav|And of course, there are other legal supplements that can elevate dopamine as well. 8813.wav|There's been fairly tight dosage control of MDMA in these studies. 8814.wav|I know it sounds pretty wild, but indeed, that eating disorder does exist and has a very interesting underlying mechanism. 8815.wav|And that indeed have been shown in peer-reviewed studies to improve working memory by way of increasing circulating, presumably brain levels of dopamine. 8816.wav|So when we drink caffeine, because it blocks the effects of adenosine, there is a vasoconstriction associated with drinking caffeine. 8817.wav|In fact, this is the way that most people start to do deliberate cold exposure. 8818.wav|Some of you eat chicken and fish and eggs. 8819.wav|In terms of the effects of cannabis, it's sufficient to say that cannabinoid receptors are present and active in the developing fetus. 8820.wav|The sets and repetitions are going to be dictated in the same way that I described earlier. 8821.wav|This still blows my mind. 8822.wav|I'm going to describe this study just briefly, but this is a second protocol. 8823.wav|And there's a whole psychological literature about habits. 8824.wav|Again, go to athleticgreens.com huberman to claim the special offer. 8825.wav|Although today we will really drill into what the high itself represents in terms of chemical systems in the brain and body. 8826.wav|If you'd like to see the thorn products that I take, you can go to Thorn. 8827.wav|This is something that's not often done, especially in today's homeschooling and where kids are going to school by zoom and adults are working by Zoom. 8828.wav|If you think about it, cannabis is a unique instance in which nowadays we are hearing, yes, it's becoming legal in a number of areas. 8829.wav|Now, of course, you don't want it so bright that it's glaring and you have to squint, et cetera, but you want as much light as as safely possible. 8830.wav|And what people find is that they very quickly, within a few days, get better at doing open monitoring meditation. 8831.wav|They are literally action steps that we take to, for instance, ride a bicycle or drive a car, which by the way, we might not be conscious of ourselves doing after we learn, that is after we pass information into our procedural long-term memory. 8832.wav|We don't just pursue food because we are hungry. 8833.wav|And I should say, if you were going to do it once per week, I'd recommend doing it for about 20 to 30 minutes. 8834.wav|It's an indirect support. 8835.wav|The brain doesn't work that way. 8836.wav|And he replied that for years he had been a chronic smoker, which, on the one hand, had greatly impaired his cardiovascular health and his fitness. 8837.wav|If you were somebody who smoked marijuana or consumed cannabis in any form or another during adolescence, does that mean that your prefrontal cortex can never be rescued, that it can't come back? 8838.wav|They don't actually tend to look very far into the horizon. 8839.wav|That is going to be more effective than closing your eyes and trying to imagine yourself from a third-person perspective in your mind's eye. 8840.wav|I am in no way, shape, or form trying to rob the incredible efforts of the laboratories and people that have worked very hard to study and establish the valid uses of cannabis for treating various ailments and that continue to study cannabis in order to try and ameliorate the symptoms of different ailments. 8841.wav|Norepinephrine and noradrenaline are the same thing. 8842.wav|My reasoning for doing that is, first of all, it's the end of 2021. 8843.wav|And it's also in the feathers of flamingos. 8844.wav|I offer you those pathways to clarify the extent to which something as simple as eating or the decision to not eat is complicated. 8845.wav|So what this study looked at is how MDMA impacts people's perceptions of others emotional expressions on their face. 8846.wav|I might stop and have a conversation for a moment if it's a longer hike, although I really try and keep moving and I try and push myself just a little bit further than where I'm exceedingly comfortable. 8847.wav|Roca makes eyeglasses and sunglasses that are the absolute highest quality. 8848.wav|Let's say I send you out into the desert heat for a jog or a run, and it's very hot outside, 102 degrees or 103 degrees, and you start to move, you start to sweat, and of course, your core body temperature goes up. 8849.wav|I haven't heard of people putting tobacco in other orifices of their body containing mucosal tissue, and I'm certainly not suggesting people do that, but you get the idea. 8850.wav|I heard the argument. 8851.wav|That's when you might also want to use something like the reverie app. 8852.wav|I wasn't consulted at the design phase, and neither were you. 8853.wav|So that's total throughout the week, divided into two or four sessions of two or three minutes or so. 8854.wav|It might be that you already are performing music, or I should say practicing music regularly, but that there's a particular type of music that is hard for you, or that you're working on a particular piece of music, or you're trying to learn a language, something that's a little bit challenging, but doesn't require a ton of energy in order to override that limbic friction. 8855.wav|That means the exact ratios of electrolytes are an element and those are sodium, magnesium and potassium, but it has no sugar. 8856.wav|And so if you're going to try and pursue a fitness goal, a relationship goal, an academic goal, and a long term life financial goal all at once, that's four things. 8857.wav|The cannabinoid receptor, cb two, is largely located on the tissues of the body, including the immune system, the liver, even the genitals, et cetera. 8858.wav|Now, we're not necessarily talking about pharmacology here. 8859.wav|There is some evidence that playing white noise in the background or on headphones or pink noise or brown noise can facilitate cognition, but it's mainly through an increase in this overall alertness as a consequence of areas like locus, ceruleus, and other brain stem areas that are associated with autonomic arousal from that noise. 8860.wav|And that's because the dopamine system is not very good at understanding opportunity costs. 8861.wav|I'll talk about those terrible effects, but I'm sure you've heard of them before. 8862.wav|Overeating can be ingesting more calories than one needs, but over an extended period of time, both can exist, of course, but bulimia is also very common. 8863.wav|I'll share that with you in a moment, but you need to decide for you in a given moment or in a given work attempt at creativity, what you need and apply accordingly because as Cheremini and Hummel have shown, whether or not you are in a low mood, medium mood or high mood really can determine whether or not you'll be able to access divergent thinking or not. 8864.wav|And people report, and the data point to the fact that it's very calming, people feel more relaxed afterwards, and that relaxation wicks out into other aspects of their life. 8865.wav|I get right into my emails and preparation for podcasts and running my laboratory, et cetera. 8866.wav|And of course, there's no obligation to purchase or to even check out those sponsors. 8867.wav|Our first sponsor is Thesus. 8868.wav|Well, fortunately, there's an entirely distinct set of literature that has taken all the other literature into consideration. 8869.wav|Now, deliberate cold exposure also has many effects on chemicals other than norepinephrine and epinephrine, most notably the neuromodulator dopamine, which is involved in elevating our mood, making us feel energized, and enhancing our ability to focus. 8870.wav|Another very common question is how often to do deliberate cold exposure. 8871.wav|If I were sleepy, the opposite would be true. 8872.wav|In other words, they create this serious mismatch between their perception of themselves and the reality. 8873.wav|And my hunch is that over the next few years, we will stop talking about MDMA as a psychedelic because it does not tend to produce visual hallucinations or auditory hallucinations of the sort that classic psychedelics do. 8874.wav|They are simply driven from the inside, without question by way of neural circuitry. 8875.wav|Now some anorexics do well or benefit from these serotonergic drugs, these drugs that increase the activity of these circuits that lead to satiety. 8876.wav|Unlike a lot of other performance eyeglasses out there, you can only find in designs that really make people look like a cyborg. 8877.wav|And again, it does not cause infertility in humans, although I will talk a little bit later about some double blind, peer reviewed studies conducted in humans that indicate that, for instance, nicotine can reduce penile girth, that is, the girth of the penis, and can lead to certain forms of sexual dysfunction. 8878.wav|It turns out that low estrogen and another hormone, low progesterone, combine to give rise to headache because of the ways that low estrogen and low progesterone impact vasodilation and vasoconstriction and the inflammatory response. 8879.wav|So by all means, if you have a problem with cocaine, quit. 8880.wav|Remember, we don't see blue. 8881.wav|The fourth sentence is, some reptiles eat only once a year. 8882.wav|What I do know is that within the acknowledgments of the paper, there is actually a thank you to the person that identified this quote, unique population for our study. 8883.wav|And in doing that, and in positively associating with the idea that you are going to complete that entire sequence, you will engage reward prediction error in the proper way that the dopamine surge can lend itself toward motivation. 8884.wav|They don't have a visual system that's organized in quite the same way. 8885.wav|And then fewer people, although still many of you, will only be able to remember one or two of the final words of those sentences. 8886.wav|Remember, these are brain. 8887.wav|So, regardless of whether or not people are using cannabis of the sativa or the indica variety, there are disruptions in motor circuitry. 8888.wav|If you'd like to try athletic greens, you can go to athleticgreens.com slash Huberman to claim a special offer. 8889.wav|Actually, they're all brown coffee beans. 8890.wav|And we intuitively think of eyes as having the pupils. 8891.wav|Those areas are connected. 8892.wav|So the simple rule of thumb is going to be place yourself into an environment that is uncomfortably cold, but that you can stay in safely, okay? 8893.wav|So for those of you out there that either hear or are saying yourselves, I just can't seem to quit smoking or vaping or dipping or snuffing. 8894.wav|The conditioned stimulus is paired with the thing that naturally creates a response and then eventually the conditioned stimulus creates the response itself. 8895.wav|When there's ongoing sound, your auditory system hears that even if you're not paying attention to it, if you're paying attention to something else, it still registers. 8896.wav|They can either increase the probability or decrease the probability that a given connection between neurons will function more or will function less. 8897.wav|These different types of people that I'm referring to are people who have more or less of a natural ability to imagine things and visualize them, because it turns out that we vary tremendously from one individual to the next in terms of our ability to mentally visualize and imagine things and our ability to get better at that over time. 8898.wav|This is just a perceptual blending. 8899.wav|That's the empathogen component. 8900.wav|So forgive me in advance. 8901.wav|And I also want to share with you a tool that has been shown from the scientific literature to enhance convergent thinking because both convergent and divergent thinking are critical for the creative process. 8902.wav|And you see the same thing in humans. 8903.wav|Third, we've worked with momentous very closely to develop single ingredient formulations. 8904.wav|For those of you listening and not watching this on YouTube, I've got three fingers as if I'm putting up three fingers in them. 8905.wav|Well, it's a way of controlling for differences in beverage consumption from one week to the next. 8906.wav|So broadly speaking, neuroplasticity includes developmental plasticity, which is the sort of plasticity that occurs between about birth and age 25. 8907.wav|So, first things first. 8908.wav|We talked about different types of treatments ranging from creatine to omega-3 fatty acid supplementation, some herbal and indeed some essential oil treatments as well as acupuncture, all of which have been shown to have significant impact in reducing the frequency and intensity of headaches. 8909.wav|Kava has been shown in eight studies to have a very potent effect on reducing anxiety. 8910.wav|And for the bulimic or the person that suffers from binge eating disorder, they don't necessarily want to eat that food. 8911.wav|We all hear mucus and we think illness, but mucus is a vital, vital substance within the body for a lot of important reasons in health as well as in sickness. 8912.wav|This is really important. 8913.wav|Now, what was enormous and the reason I got wide-eyed and still get wide-eyed is that the dosages of L-tyrosine used in the study are really big. 8914.wav|Let's say somebody sets a goal of running 5 miles four times a week minimum, and as many as seven, four times a week minimum, before 08:00 a.m. 8915.wav|And actually, one of the major challenges in pursuing goals is that goal pursuit often interacts, meaning if you can spend 100% of your time chasing one particular goal, that might be very effective for that goal. 8916.wav|Again, this is going to vary depending on your particular goals and the habits that you're trying to create, but no more than six. 8917.wav|Okay, so lots in this study, lots in related studies, but nonetheless, being a nasal breather, humidifying your air, paying attention to whether or not you're indoors with people who are coughing and sneezing because it's cold outside, all of those things are going to be relevant, perhaps keeping a little bit of distance, maybe a lot of distance from those people or encouraging them to wash their hands after they wipe their nose, maybe even sending them to a little bit of a, not necessarily isolation, although that might be necessary, but keeping them at a distance, right? 8918.wav|And while there hasn't been an extremely detailed study of the exact kinetics of how the nasal sprays versus the transdermal patches versus the gums, et cetera, work, there's a logical structure to it that will immediately make sense to you. 8919.wav|For instance, if somebody has one of these binges once a year, does that make them bulimic? 8920.wav|I've talked before on the podcast about the fact that the scientific literature and the health literature really points to the incredibly positive effects of getting 150 minutes to 180 minutes per week, minimum, of what's called zone two cardio. 8921.wav|So a walk after dinner seems pretty straightforward, right? 8922.wav|If people are taking high doses of MDMA or taking it very frequently, or certainly if they are taking it in conjunction with other drugs, or, I should say, and or taking MDMA in settings that can promote neurotoxicity. 8923.wav|Definitely placed in quotes, by the way, folks. 8924.wav|Certainly the more you do it, the better you're going to get at it. 8925.wav|So if you want a lot more detail, see that episode. 8926.wav|Obviously stress is a confounding issue for TBI, but sleep, exercise, sun, nutrition, all of those things, proper social connection are what people are encouraged to do when they have TBI. 8927.wav|And then I'll just mention, because I know there are people who are working in the middle of the night. 8928.wav|But in the meantime, we will provide a link to this paper. 8929.wav|But what do we point people to in terms of what healthy replacement behaviors would be? 8930.wav|None of it is a strict prescriptive just ask yourself, what are you going to emphasize? 8931.wav|And for those of you that choose not to access the paper, simply understanding these three aspects of narrative as an alternative to accessing creativity, that is a dedicated and well understood or established world shift that you choose, perspective shifting and taking on the motivation of others, and creating some sort of landscape of exploration for what sorts of interactions would occur between that individual or groups of individuals and other individuals that have other motivations and yet are still living in this alternate world. 8932.wav|Now, the most powerful of those compounds is THC. 8933.wav|There may even actually be some almost pressure effects on the pelvic floor and things of that sort, depending on the chairs that one uses. 8934.wav|But I'll just explain one. 8935.wav|You're not going to reflexively walk to the refrigerator at a particular time of day, but you find yourself doing it anyway. 8936.wav|And the key point is that you have a baseline level of temperature that is varying, changing across the 24 hours cycle. 8937.wav|It brings us right to that prefrontal cortical input to the threat system and that narrative. 8938.wav|And that's one reason to explore rational pharmacology, nutrition, supplementation, et cetera. 8939.wav|But it is interesting, and it does seem like red light can improve the function of the mitochondria. 8940.wav|Now go around the side of the island clockwise to arrive at the bay on the Southwest corner, this sort of thing. 8941.wav|But I don't just mean particularly hard, I mean particularly hard. 8942.wav|Again, that's LiveMomentous.com slash Huberman. 8943.wav|Neurochemical effects of nicotine after you ingest it. 8944.wav|And cold in particular, can be leveraged to improve mental health, physical health and performance, meaning for endurance exercise, for recovering from various forms of exercise, for actually improving strength and power, and for enhancing mental capacity. 8945.wav|But it is never as effective as these avoidant circuits. 8946.wav|And when a neuron gets activated very strongly, like from an intense event, in the example of my friend, the intense event almost certainly activated NMDA receptors related to their concept of protecting their property and their cars. 8947.wav|A topic for a future podcast. 8948.wav|And it depends very heavily on the so called prefrontal cortical networks, which are involved in planning an action. 8949.wav|So this is actually support for the idea of using a phone or a tablet or a laptop. 8950.wav|The really cool thing is is it was a massive reduction in headache. 8951.wav|First of all, it's to raise support for the standard Huberman Lab Podcast channel, which of course will still be continued to be released every Monday in full length. 8952.wav|And with the mesolimbic reward pathway, it's not just about the peak, meaning the maximal amount of dopamine that's released, but it's the time course, how steep the curve is, how quickly that dopamine increases. 8953.wav|And I like this paper BeCause many of the papers out there focus on the effects of Sit stand desks on health in trying to get people to burn more calories, improve their posture, relieve neck pain, slumped over, et cetera, but not on productivity. 8954.wav|Then try and get into an environment with a relatively low ceiling. 8955.wav|Whereas if we want to be creative, we want to think outside of our usual framework and yet using elements that exist within us, no one has to tell us the creative narrative, we're trying to come up with it on our own. 8956.wav|Because I think this is very interesting and it can even save lives if you understand the way this works. 8957.wav|The fact that things are closer to me are moving faster than things further away in order to judge depth. 8958.wav|But you would see these chain smokers who are trying to maintain constant levels of nicotine in their brain and bloodstream. 8959.wav|Keep that in mind if you're considering taking any kind of medication to lower your fever. 8960.wav|Why would that be? 8961.wav|So the work of Dr. 8962.wav|So now is where I tell you why I've been talking about short and long-term memory and the mechanisms of those, because I want them to provide a stark contrast for what we call working memory. 8963.wav|It's not a placebo effect, if you will. 8964.wav|Let's lump those together. 8965.wav|So for today's episode, as is the case with most episodes of the Huberman Lab podcast, I covered a lot of material. 8966.wav|But by holding on to a relatively cool object in one or both hands in between sets for two minutes or so, you can very efficiently reduce your core body temperature and in doing so, reduce the temperature of the muscles that are doing the work, increase the capacity for pyruvate kinase to continue to allow your muscles to contract and thereby allow you to do more volume of endurance and strength training. 8967.wav|Some of them include things like EDnos. 8968.wav|And they can't seem to set shift. 8969.wav|Oils and herbs in the treatment of headache, I finished out my research on this literature feeling quite, I should say surprised and as if I need to really check myself a bit, because what I found is that there are certain herbs and oils, for instance, that far outperform non-steroid and anti-inflammatory drugs for the treatment of headache. 8970.wav|If you're interested in learning more about levels and trying a CGM yourself, go to levels link slash Huberman that's levels link L-I-N-K Slash Huberman Today's episode is also brought to us by thesis. 8971.wav|Well, fear falls into a category of nervous system phenomenon that we can reliably call an emotion. 8972.wav|And they'll give you a year supply of vitamin D, three, k, two. 8973.wav|And of course, with curcumin or any other supplements, you should always talk to your doctor prior to including it or removing it from your supplement regimen. 8974.wav|Just to remind you why we launched the Huberman Lab Podcast premium channel, it's really twofold. 8975.wav|Now, what's interesting about Tachykinanin is also that it's been shown to lead to low to moderate levels of anxiety and even kind of aggression or irritability. 8976.wav|These drugs are still illegal to possess or sell outside of clinical trials. 8977.wav|Well, you should care about them because they regulate when you'll get sleepy, when you'll feel awake, how fast your metabolism is, excuse me, your blood sugar levels, your dopamine levels, and your pain threshold. 8978.wav|I actually used to have cuttlefish in my laboratory. 8979.wav|I'm much more alert and focused in the afternoon. 8980.wav|But it's not linked to the longer fasting period of not eating while you are asleep, because most all people, and I want to emphasize, most, do not eat while they are asleep. 8981.wav|But there wasn't a lot of information, at least by my search, of what to do once you've formed a habit and how to evaluate whether or not that habit is likely to persist long into the future. 8982.wav|We hear about frequency of use, but rarely do we hear about the specific dosages that are taken in any one particular session. 8983.wav|But that it can actually accelerate or at least maintain skill performance. 8984.wav|Here's the reason. 8985.wav|This sort of behavior or that pattern of thinking in that individual, it's tempting to diagnose them and or ourselves as either having or not having a particular disorder. 8986.wav|It also means that if you do your deliberate cold exposure very late in the evening or at night, so 06:00 p.m. 8987.wav|And in the show, note captions for the episode where Dr. 8988.wav|I started using levels about a year ago as a way to see how different foods and different lifestyle factors were impacting my blood glucose levels. 8989.wav|We will do an entire episode about adrenaline, and adrenaline junkies and adrenaline aversives in the future, but the threat reflex inevitably involves the release of adrenaline into the system. 8990.wav|What sorts of neuroplastic or rewiring changes does MDMA produce, and how can those be beneficial? 8991.wav|I think at Caltech, if you call someone a nerd, I think it's a compliment. 8992.wav|But you have to be very, very careful with when and how you implement that visualization, because if you do it correctly, it can really serve your goal seeking well. 8993.wav|Chronic stress in humans, lasting weeks or more, does the same exact thing. 8994.wav|But if you're just looking at smooth pursuit, in this little tiny box on your phone or on your computer screen, and you're not looking at objects in your environment, like swooping birds and things like that, which I'm guessing many of you are not spending your time doing. 8995.wav|Now, today we talked mainly about tension type and migraine type headaches because those are the most common forms of headache. 8996.wav|Now, with reference to posture, there are beautiful data illustrating that when we are standing up, those same neurons in our brainstem locus ceruleus neurons, which release, I should mention, things like norepinephrine and epinephrine, those neurons become active when we are standing. 8997.wav|And they are now experiencing chronic visual snow. 8998.wav|Right now, as far as I know, Bromacryptine is not prescribed specifically for those conditions at a kind of whole population level. 8999.wav|Although every cell has some mitochondria, it takes cells that have very few mitochondria and increases the engine size. 9000.wav|And 10:00 a.m. 9001.wav|You don't have to think about right foot, left foot, right foot, left foot. 9002.wav|So you wonder, is it these agrp neurons that are active? 9003.wav|They've done is they've had people focus their visual attention on a goal line of some sort, and then to engage in some sort of behavior that requires a lot of effort. 9004.wav|You can get what's called long term depression. 9005.wav|Because you can always identify when you've done the thing you don't want to do and then tack on to that something additional that's positive. 9006.wav|And the way I do that is by getting into a hot sauna. 9007.wav|Those are exogenous opioids. 9008.wav|Now, when you see something that excites you or stresses you out, your pupils also get big, your eyes get wide, but if you look at something far away, your pupils are going to dilate. 9009.wav|Again, it boils down to proximity. 9010.wav|If I'm with other people or I'm talking, obviously I'm not going to do pure nasal breathing because I'm talking, although I'm sure that sometimes they wish I was doing pure nasal breathing. 9011.wav|There are circuits in the brain for task switching. 9012.wav|Hyperinsulinemia is something associated with blood glucose that's too high, because insulin goes up to essentially match the level of blood glucose. 9013.wav|They were statistically significant, but they weren't extremely large. 9014.wav|If you go online and you ask about how to avoid interruptions, people will say, okay, well, if you have kids at home, or even if you don't, or at work, have a light, like a recording. 9015.wav|There are tools that you can use to increase your focus, for instance, focusing your visual attention on one location for 30 to 60 seconds prior to entering a focused work bout. 9016.wav|And for those that do achieve relief, it's often not complete remission of the PTSD itself. 9017.wav|So sleep is still vitally important, not just for ensuring neuroplasticity occurs following real world training, but also following mental training. 9018.wav|And there are actually two experiments in this study. 9019.wav|To be technical, they're extracting heat from the body. 9020.wav|Thus far, we've almost exclusively been discussing how to form habits. 9021.wav|There is this thing about density of sensory receptors in the lips. 9022.wav|There's an excellent study entitled adults with history of recreational cannabis use have altered speech production, and we will provide a link to that. 9023.wav|And conversely, that people that were in lower ceiling environments. 9024.wav|And so the way in which these binaural beats set a rhythm in the brain recruits dopamine release. 9025.wav|And in the other group there was the so called glaborous skin cooling. 9026.wav|I do hope that people are doing that, but adjusting the temperature of your mattress and your direct sleeping environment is also key. 9027.wav|Anna Lemke from Stanford Medical School. 9028.wav|Hypo means below and thalamus is right above it. 9029.wav|Although, hey, if that's the way you want to swing it, that's great. 9030.wav|All of those, as well as our toolkit for sleep, describe ways to improve your sleep. 9031.wav|But every cell in your body needs to know if it's night or day. 9032.wav|So if you take something that's a break and you inhibit that break, what you end up with is more excitation. 9033.wav|To use knowledge of knowledge to intervene, the anorexic will often do things that are in keeping with their habits, such as over exercising. 9034.wav|But most everyone, if not everyone, knows that smoking cigarettes, or smoking in general, really impairs lung health. 9035.wav|We actually have to replace fears with a new positive event. 9036.wav|So you're walking back to the kitchen sink and you can't remember what you were trying to remember just a short moment ago. 9037.wav|In fact, I often forget that they're even on my face. 9038.wav|Now, this is very important, because task bracketing is what underlies whether or not a habit will be context dependent or not, whether or not it will be strong and likely to occur. 9039.wav|In particular, this has actually been measured. 9040.wav|Rarely have I missed a day. 9041.wav|Many animals see into visual ranges that you and I can't see in. 9042.wav|Not telling you you can't drink more than two drinks per week, I'm just saying that if you're going to do that, you should really consider offsetting that with some other behavioral measures, all discussed in the episode on alcohol. 9043.wav|Again, knowing which type of headache you're experiencing and how the different treatments work is key. 9044.wav|You can just go to YouTube, put in NSDR non sleep deep rest. 9045.wav|There was little evidence of decreased cognitive performance in standard assays for cognitive performance. 9046.wav|And another form of therapy that seems to work well for anorexics that ideally is combined with this habit rewiring is a family based model. 9047.wav|He's a professor of psychiatry at Harvard Medical School, and he's done extensive and important work on fear. 9048.wav|The neural circuits haven't evolved much. 9049.wav|And this brings us to a broader theme, which is, does cannabis increase creativity? 9050.wav|So I would encourage any of you that want to explore the creative process for whatever reason or get better at the creative process, dedicate some amount of time, maybe even just five minutes every other day to doing this open monitoring meditation. 9051.wav|This 40 hz binaural beats pattern seems to have an effect on what's called striatal dopamine. 9052.wav|So anytime you are going to take on a new protocol that means a behavioral protocol or a nutritional protocol or a supplementation protocol, you should absolutely consult a board certified physician before initiating that protocol. 9053.wav|But when you put those two things together, what you basically have is a drug that causes huge increases in dopamine and even bigger increases in serotonin. 9054.wav|So humans are among the other animals, or we could say the animals are among us, in the need to set goals and to make efforts to achieve those goals. 9055.wav|Certainly a lot of people do. 9056.wav|And it accomplishes another goal, which is that I sometimes will take one or two days off of a leg workout because they can be very intense and they are large muscle groups. 9057.wav|And even when SSRIs are combined with that quality talk therapy, there's still a large number of people who simply do not achieve significant or long lasting relief from their PTSD, and an even fewer number who go into full remittance of their PTSD. 9058.wav|You can certainly relate to the incredible pain of that loss. 9059.wav|By the end of today's episode, you will have a better understanding of what creativity is and how to access it, and if you like, to bring others into your creative endeavors, which as you'll soon learn, can massively expand the extent to which you yourself can express your creative talents. 9060.wav|Today we're going to talk all about how to optimize your workspace for maximum productivity. 9061.wav|So, as amazing as eyesight is, it actually did not evolve for us to see shapes and colors and motion and form the most ancient cells in our eyes. 9062.wav|However, we're going to do all of this in the context of neuroscience, because it turns out that there are not hundreds or dozens or even several neural circuits in your brain that control goal setting and movement toward your goals. 9063.wav|Or I guess this is a good reason to watch live sports, if that's your thing, or to watch a tennis match, like a cat, like a kitten, watching the ball go back and forth, whatever, watching kids play, it doesn't really matter. 9064.wav|The group that was at 14 degrees celsius, meaning 57.2 degrees fahrenheit water for an hour, experienced a 350% increase in metabolism. 9065.wav|So those positive experiences are essentially primed to be written in and over the traumatic experience and because of the high levels of serotonin in the system, and probably oxytocin as well, there's a safety that's written into the situation that allows people to lean into perhaps narratives or components of narratives that they would otherwise be holding back from. 9066.wav|And the title of the paper is inspired by Mary Jane. 9067.wav|So that establishes a correlation, but it's not causal. 9068.wav|Let me give you a different example just to make sure that this hits home. 9069.wav|Some people will be better at it, some people will be worse, but when it comes to faces, unless you have a condition like propathysagnosia, which is an inability to recognize, say, famous faces and distinguish them from non-famous faces, or if you have some sort of face recognition deficit, which about anywhere from one, perhaps, to 3% of people out there have, they're just terrible at recognizing faces. 9070.wav|I'll put a link to this as well. 9071.wav|I think many people are working with laptops. 9072.wav|There's also a phenomenon of so called delayed discounting. 9073.wav|And your screen will be either directly in front of you or slightly above you. 9074.wav|So a willingness to explore different options, some of which might seem completely crazy, and cannabis increases the personality types and reduces the anxiety that create that sense of openness, well, then it makes perfect sense why cannabis would increase creativity in certain individuals, but not directly. 9075.wav|Does it need to be the kind of thing that is so inspiring to me that I can't sleep at all? 9076.wav|And if your vision is starting to go, then doing these behaviors is likely to really enhance the quality of the vision that you will build and maintain over time. 9077.wav|They're just eating like crazy. 9078.wav|I don't think I was at the extreme of thrill seeking, but I'm somebody that, for instance, I like roller coasters. 9079.wav|You're not supposed to wake up at all. 9080.wav|Except, and this is a really big, bold face, triple underlined, except. 9081.wav|Actually, I'm up for renewal soon, so I love the department of Motor Vehicles. 9082.wav|Again, that's drinkelementlmnt.com slash Huberman. 9083.wav|Now you need a prescription from a physician to get Bromacryptine, but Bromacryptine, we know based on that work from Desposito and colleagues that I talked about earlier, increases dopamine. 9084.wav|It's relaxing to look far away. 9085.wav|You're going to run 5 miles, and that's going to happen up to seven days a week. 9086.wav|This is why people who take these drugs get big pupils. 9087.wav|And depending on the type of heating that's used, but in general, due to all forms of heating, the heated air tends to be drier air. 9088.wav|They are the only part of your brain that sits outside the cranial vault. 9089.wav|Right here, I'm sort of in the voice of the body fat trying to talk to the brain. 9090.wav|They are generally, however, considered anxiliotics. 9091.wav|I don't recommend doing it for all of your work bouts. 9092.wav|There's just a lot of events in the world, as you well know. 9093.wav|The heart is pumping harder. 9094.wav|For any of you that have driven on a gravel road, you know that there is no optimal speed for all gravel roads. 9095.wav|If you get sweaty, they won't slip off your face. 9096.wav|David Spiegel, is 23% of people who do this hypnosis one time succeed in quitting smoking. 9097.wav|So that would be the basal ganglia, so called go no go circuitry, and the cerebellum, which is involved in balance, but also motor planning and motor sequencing. 9098.wav|A dog doesn't do much in response to a bell. 9099.wav|We've heard of fight or flight, and indeed, the pathway that I'm describing can create a sense of fight and cause people to want to lean in in an aggressive way to combat things that they're afraid of, or flight to run away, essentially, to avoid by mobilizing the thing that they feel they're threatened by. 9100.wav|Now, you don't want to get cross eyed. 9101.wav|You would feel a sort of a burn there. 9102.wav|Susanna Soberg, who discovered that and pointed out, quite appropriately, that to achieve the greatest increases in metabolism through deliberate cold exposure, you want to force yourself to reheat on your own after the deliberate cold exposure, meaning you wouldn't want to go from the cold shower to a hot shower or from the cold shower to a sauna. 9103.wav|I don't know, mild electric shock or something like that. 9104.wav|Again, I want to be very clear that I'm not trying to paint a picture of cannabis as all bad, or even partially bad. 9105.wav|In particular, in the episode on Focus and the episode on Motivation. 9106.wav|So for instance, if you go out and you just sprint across a field, all out 20 or 30 seconds, and then walk back and can do it again and again, don't be surprised if the next day you have some sciatica or even some pelvic floor pain. 9107.wav|You all have different habits. 9108.wav|And years later, when I got involved in, and I don't suggest this for most people, I got involved in boxing and martial arts when I was younger. 9109.wav|But the neuroscience literature, the literature of growth mindset, all the literature, basically, of mindset, speaks to the fact that when you lie to yourself, you know you're lying, and you actually set up the opposite of a reward system. 9110.wav|There's no reason why you couldn't do one or just two of these protocols. 9111.wav|We just know that if we are going to come up with novel combinations of things or novel uses of things or totally new ideas about how objects or notes of music or foods or tastes or whatever can be combined, we have to do that with preexisting knowledge. 9112.wav|It requires decision making, and it's reward based. 9113.wav|Now I want to emphasize that long-term memory really has two components. 9114.wav|They were moving their own body weight, but they skewed that distribution of body weight by restricting a limb and forcing them to use one limb that did indeed grow in response to that. 9115.wav|So there's fight and flight, but there's also the freeze response. 9116.wav|Subjects report and our data indicate that people feel a heightened level of autonomic arousal. 9117.wav|It also adheres to a principle that came up during the discussion, again, with Dr. Andy Galpin, that for hypertrophy, you really can use repetition ranges anywhere from five to 30, three zero reps, but he emphasized changing the repetition ranges in order to offset boredom. 9118.wav|It could be paying attention to events like birds flying by, whether or not your uber is showing up, these kinds of things. 9119.wav|And again, I don't recommend that you do that, but you could override that reflex. 9120.wav|And a lot of those oils that people are consuming more of nowadays, include a lot of the so-called omega-6 fatty acids. 9121.wav|But if you don't have access to that, then cold showers is likely going to be beneficial if done immediately after or in the minutes or hours after your training, especially high intensity training. 9122.wav|Today's episode is also brought to us by Hvmmn Ketoneiq. 9123.wav|Endogenous cannabinoids are mainly responsible for the actions of those cannabinoid receptors during that time. 9124.wav|That tends to work well for me. 9125.wav|So the idea then, is that you continually bring your focus back to that location, just about an inch behind your forehead, over and over again. 9126.wav|What I'm saying here is that just because addiction and PTSD are often comorbid with one another, it is not necessarily the case that treating and resolving PTSD would resolve the alcohol or substance abuse disorder. 9127.wav|I'll talk more about what that is in a moment, and increases in core body temperature that translate to increases in core body metabolism. 9128.wav|OK, so that now just a couple of minutes later, I'm asking you to remember that first string of five letters. 9129.wav|We provide summaries of different podcasts, and we provide summaries of specific tools that you can use to enhance sleep, for instance, or enhance dopamine. 9130.wav|Well, now you're dealing with a person who may not have experience with the elevated heart rate and blood pressure that's characteristic of cannabis, because it is a stimulant, at least when initially brought into the system, even if it might eventually lead to relaxation. 9131.wav|Now, I don't want to diminish the role of the body in the formation and the persistence of PTSD. 9132.wav|From body fat, leptin goes to the brain and suppresses appetite. 9133.wav|And of course your biological age is really what you want to know because it's a predictor of how long you're going to live and the quality of your life. 9134.wav|Now, that's a bit of a nerdier statement than a progressive narrowing of the things that bring you pleasure. 9135.wav|And it can really throw your sleep and your metabolism and a number of other things out of whack. 9136.wav|If you'd like to access those podcasts, you can find them in the menu of podcasts on YouTube, Apple, Spotify, et cetera. 9137.wav|It's about 50% of individuals will relapse at some point, often triggered by a stressful life circumstance. 9138.wav|The second is involved in action and inaction. 9139.wav|First of all, they used an equal number of male and female subjects. 9140.wav|Doesn't need to be anything like that. 9141.wav|Now, many of you perhaps heard that getting in a cold plunge or taking a cold shower, or provided you can do it safely, getting into a cold ocean or a cold lake can significantly, maybe even double or even triple your circulating dopamine levels. 9142.wav|We will talk about the developing brain and body in a little bit, but it is very clear that smoking cannabis increases prolactin levels. 9143.wav|Many people have heard perhaps that when you imagine something happening, that your brain doesn't know the difference between that imagination of the thing happening and the real thing happening. 9144.wav|Kerry Restler at Harvard. 9145.wav|It literally sees the heat coming off of you or of an animal that they want to eat. 9146.wav|It also has adaptogens and things like zinc for immune system function, but the probiotics are one of the key features in there. 9147.wav|As you recall, tension headaches are going to be muscular in origin. 9148.wav|So you don't want to embark on a mental training and visualization paradigm in which it involves a lot of elaborate stimuli and you have to think really hard and work really hard, even if you're in that category of people who can do mental visualization pretty naturally and easily. 9149.wav|But I also read you some other letters in the interim. 9150.wav|It also just feels good to get the leg workout out of the way early in the week. 9151.wav|Dopamine is the common currency by which we pursue goals. 9152.wav|I've heard of some basic things that people will do, like they'll even put like a rubber band on their wrist, and every time they complain or every time they do some behavior, like pick up their phone, they'll give themselves a snap on the wrist. 9153.wav|This was observed in terms of the language that they used. 9154.wav|Regardless of whether or not you had a parent or parents that were traumatized or not. 9155.wav|This is an app that was developed by colleagues of mine and researchers at Stanford School of Medicine. 9156.wav|But it turns out that's not how a lot of studies of mental training and visualization have been done. 9157.wav|Again, the faces that are being shown are not of people on MDMA. 9158.wav|They look great, and they're also designed for athletic performance. 9159.wav|Again, it's Huberman Lab on all platforms. 9160.wav|We don't have time to go into all the details, but the notion of reward prediction error is so powerful that it can predict most, if not all forms of learning, including habit formation. 9161.wav|One of the key components of the toolkit for sleep in addition to behavioral tools and things that are not supplement based is apigenin, which is this component from chamomile. 9162.wav|Now, I was able to reverse this issue, but my binocular vision has never been terrific. 9163.wav|So I was thinking lunch, he was thinking weighted backpack and a weighted backpack, or even just any kind of strong sack that you can put over your shoulders or even carrying your arms, it's going to work exceedingly well to build in some extra requirement for effort. 9164.wav|First of all, it acts as its own physical barrier and physical trap for incoming viruses, fungal infections, and bacterial infections. 9165.wav|The second principle of mental training and visualization is that while yes, mental training and visualization recaptures the same patterns of neural firing in the exact same ways as real world behavior and thinking, it is not as effective as real world behavior and thinking. 9166.wav|But then as you move into the weight training set, you really want to ratchet up your focus and attention to the muscles that you're going to be using. 9167.wav|As with any episode of this podcast, but especially in this month, where we're talking about mental health issues and mental health disorders, behavioral disorders, there's no way that I can exhaustively cover all the different forms of treatment. 9168.wav|But the threat reflex and the threat response is kind of a dumb response. 9169.wav|The behavioral protocol used in this study was more akin to what is normally called yoga nidra, or NSDR, non-sleep deep rest. 9170.wav|And the blood pressure of that animal, the health metrics for that animal, the lipid profiles, many, many things improved. 9171.wav|Otherwise their blood glucose can go so high that it can damage cells and damage organs. 9172.wav|And again, this isn't the topic of today's episode, but that should be acknowledged. 9173.wav|There are a number of different tools and protocols there to increase focus. 9174.wav|And this is very important to conceptualize fear as including a reflex, so much as you have reflexes that cause you to lift your foot up. 9175.wav|Now, in the context of the discussion about omega-3s, keep in mind that omega-3s can be obtained from supplementation or from nutrition. 9176.wav|It's as if our peripersonal space is sufficient. 9177.wav|The work that I'm about to describe is largely the work of two authors who have done wonderful work across several papers. 9178.wav|It shuts down that visual pathway somehow. 9179.wav|First of all, it is true that eating vegetables, the dark, leafy vegetables, and things like carrots that have vitamin A in abundance, and eating them in close to their raw form. 9180.wav|I'll get to the numbers in a few minutes, but reasonably successful in allowing people to quit smoking or vaping again. 9181.wav|Down at the bottom, it's weighted, and you're in a deep stretch provided you're doing the movement correctly, as well as another exercise where you're getting contraction in the shortened position of the muscle. 9182.wav|In contrast, a muscle like your bicep or your tricep, if I were to have you perform hundreds or thousands of repetitions, even with a very lightweight, you know, one pound weight or a two pound weight, eventually it would fatigue. 9183.wav|And they stayed in for quite a long while, 45 minutes or longer. 9184.wav|If you're going hypothermic, we're going to talk more about the specific protocols to reduce core body temperature for sake of performance and avoiding hyperthermia later in the episode. 9185.wav|But there's a biological component that I think we can all assess for ourselves, and that's one of interoceptive versus exterraceptive balance. 9186.wav|Many people experience some degree of relief from the symptoms of anxiety and fear and PTSD in taking these various compounds. 9187.wav|For instance, it has been estimated that cigarettes contain anywhere from 4000 to 7000 toxins. 9188.wav|And then in the short term, if you want to provide a boost now and again to focus, 300 milligrams of alpha GPC can be very effective. 9189.wav|A location triggers something. 9190.wav|So I'll repeat that. 9191.wav|So photophobia is pretty common, pretty debilitating. 9192.wav|I also want you to remember that if you are to cool the external portion of your body, in particular your torso, the net effect of that is going to be an increase in body temperature. 9193.wav|It goes back to this issue of three phases within the circadian 24 hours cycle. 9194.wav|And there are a number of different good ones out there floating around. 9195.wav|And those increases in dopamine can be used to increase our ability to be more creative. 9196.wav|May ask how many times that very brief five to 15 second exercise of going through some routine should be repeated. 9197.wav|Now, you might ask, what happens if you cover both eyes early in life? 9198.wav|One is if you don't already subscribe on YouTube, please do subscribe. 9199.wav|Exercise your eye muscles. 9200.wav|I've been meditating for a very long time, although I admit I meditate on and off, meaning I'll go a few weeks or months meditating regularly, and then I tend to stop. 9201.wav|Maybe you have an anxiety disorder. 9202.wav|And we can take this a step further and say that if you want to use deliberate cold exposure to increase metabolism, that you should make sure that you get to the point where you shiver. 9203.wav|And it basically creates a loop whereby the only thing that can really trigger dopamine release is cocaine. 9204.wav|There were not a huge number of subjects in the study, but nonetheless, it was a very thorough study in terms of the number of variables that they explored. 9205.wav|But again, this is rooted in the biology of long term depression. 9206.wav|Whereas procedural memory is holding in mind the specific sequence of things that need to happen in order for a particular outcome to occur. 9207.wav|Tells you pretty much everything you need to know, except there's some important nuance in here, because, as I mentioned earlier, people who smoke sativa varieties of cannabis oftentimes will become more talkative, much more talkative. 9208.wav|But really, what you're trying to do is you're trying to change the nature of the neural circuits that are firing so that you can rewrite the script for that bad habit. 9209.wav|And along the lines of that during the episode on fat loss and metabolism as well. 9210.wav|We don't generally get one trial learning to positive or neutral experiences. 9211.wav|They show elevated glucocorticoids. 9212.wav|You can also get 20% off any of the other supplements that Thorn makes. 9213.wav|And that's particularly true for children and people that have thin eyelids. 9214.wav|The mesocortical pathway is involved in motivation, and it has an emotional component too. 9215.wav|They are designed to improve things like resilience, or your grittiness, or your ability to move through challenge, or to regulate your mind and your internal state under conditions of stress. 9216.wav|However, if you just said black pen, red pen, white pen, green pen, et cetera, that's not very divergent thinking. 9217.wav|And I should highlight that this isn't just about rewiring habits for sake of the anorexic. 9218.wav|I would hope so, actually. 9219.wav|If I ask you to tell me about the details of that mouse's face, so for instance, can you see its whiskers? 9220.wav|So, again, foreshadow failure. 9221.wav|And type three tend to be high CBD. 9222.wav|If you'd like to get your own personalized nootropic starter kit, you can go online to takethesis.com huberman. 9223.wav|And what they discovered is that people who did this deep relaxation, that is self-directed deep relaxation, lying there, eyes closed, relatively motionless, although small movements of the body or movements of the head are absolutely fine. 9224.wav|Even if people could get very excited about something mentally, it simply didn't place their body into a state of readiness because it wasn't tangible that they could actually perhaps really achieve it. 9225.wav|Right off the bat, I've timed this, and other studies have timed this in a more rigorous way. 9226.wav|What happens when we get into cold is that we experience an increase in norepinephrine, in noradrenaline release, and in adrenaline release. 9227.wav|Turning off one's phone. 9228.wav|What I haven't mentioned, but is absolutely true, is that the fat cells themselves actually receive input from neurons. 9229.wav|Okay, do I have 45 minutes to get to the store? 9230.wav|And those three are prolonged exposure therapy, cognitive processing, or CPT, and cognitive behavioral therapy. 9231.wav|However, what I learned from my colleague at Stanford is that these circuits actually act in loops when we look up. 9232.wav|Not just tears, but thin sheet of oil. 9233.wav|Then they were able to image the brains of those people while those people were wide awake using something called positron emission tomography. 9234.wav|And as I say this, I understand that stretching and peak contraction aren't the exact terms that one would use if they were a physiotherapist or a strength and conditioning coach. 9235.wav|So the money that you make through work or your attentional ability, or the fact that you're alert and people feel you present, all of that funnels back into positive reinforcement, behavioral reinforcement, and then what we would call addiction. 9236.wav|That information is signaled to the brain via neuronal pathways and hormonal pathways. 9237.wav|And in the context of endurance exercise, almost always allow people to do more work, to go longer with less perceived effort, and to quit later, so to speak. 9238.wav|It's kind of a background level of anxiety and stress that is not going to serve you well. 9239.wav|Okay, so long endurance on Sunday, leg resistance training on Monday, and on Tuesday, heat cold contrast. 9240.wav|The fact that there are nicotinic receptors in our brain and body tells you that acetylcholine and nicotine themselves have very important roles in normal brain and body function. 9241.wav|That drop in dopamine is the chemical essence of what we call disappointment. 9242.wav|I mean, if you contrast that with something like alcohol or even nicotine, depending on how the nicotine is delivered, that is a very fast delivery of the psychoactive and biologically active compound, which in this case is THC and CBD, and probably some other things as well. 9243.wav|And here I'm referring to studies only on adults. 9244.wav|This is a study I'll provide a link to in the show. 9245.wav|Somebody lighter than 100 kg would obviously take less MDMA in one of these studies. 9246.wav|So it will need to find a mate and maybe even raise the young, depending on what species that is, predators will have to hunt and kill and eat their food, and they have to avoid getting injured in that process. 9247.wav|Certainly, many people out there would like to break habits that they feel don't serve them well. 9248.wav|If you'd like to try element, you can go to drinkelement. 9249.wav|I don't care if you're in a Lotus position, it doesn't really matter. 9250.wav|In fact, this is one of the cases where men experience a headache more than females. 9251.wav|If you're going to use deliberate cold exposure. 9252.wav|So by my read of the mechanisms of MDMA, the neurochemicals it releases, the neurohormones that it promotes the release of prolactin. 9253.wav|And in general, we can frame dopamine under the umbrella of dopamine tends to be involved in neural circuits in the brain that are involved in processes that are taking us beyond the confines of our skin, that is, that motivate us to go do something in terms of action in the world. 9254.wav|So get a little bolus, as we say, a little bit of nicotine from smoking a cigarette or from taking an inhalation on a vape pen. 9255.wav|So again, this can be a little bit vague but this idea that aura is a sense of something about to happen or that visually or in an auditory way and or maybe even in kind of a sense that something is about to happen in a certain environment. 9256.wav|But the threat detection and threat learning system, the fear learning system is in many ways a sensory system. 9257.wav|We're talking about workspace optimization. 9258.wav|And in doing so reveals to you what your brain does in order to understand and extract color. 9259.wav|Now, I've spent a lifetime working on the visual system, and I can tell you that your visual system has to contend with an enormous number of challenges in order for you to be able to see clearly. 9260.wav|And it becomes very hard to not notice the face after that. 9261.wav|And it's not really about the nicotine. 9262.wav|Things like Prozac, zoloft, Paxil, things of that variety. 9263.wav|That is, we know when we see something that we consider creative, and we know when we see something that is not creative, things that aren't creative are things that we see every day. 9264.wav|Bringing your eyes to a single point in space will create a narrower aperture of a visual window, meaning your visual world actually shrinks, at least perceptually, whereas when you relax your eyes and dilate your gaze, you can do this now by whatever environment you're in, trying to see without moving your head off to the side above, below you, as broadly as possible. 9265.wav|Hence the increase in divergent thinking, because what essentially is happening is the library of options, the library of possible interactions with whatever it is that you're thinking about. 9266.wav|They did the exact wrong thing. 9267.wav|Calcium becomes dysregulated after traumatic brain injury in a number of different ways. 9268.wav|And this can be done using spectral processing, which know fancy nerd speak for looking at how much inflection there is, or looking at how long people hold vowels or consonants, et cetera. 9269.wav|Getting light and avoiding light at the proper times of the 24-hour cycle is also going to favor all the pathways ranging from gut brain access to the inflammatory, anti-inflammatory pathways, neural pathways, et cetera, that of course, if you do that, you're going to improve and offset any kind of detriment caused by traumatic brain injury. 9270.wav|It's really amazing how much is out there. 9271.wav|I think you'll also find this review very interesting. 9272.wav|Then there's a drop in dopamine below our initial baseline. 9273.wav|So OSFeDs is other specified feeding or eating disorder. 9274.wav|This is looking up and actually looking up at the ceiling. 9275.wav|So if you want to use glaborous skin cooling to offset hyperthermia, or for the other forms of performance, which we will talk about in a moment, you need to use a cool object or surface that is not so cold that it causes vasoconstriction. 9276.wav|And it makes sense why motivation, desire and movement would be linked up through a common, in this case, neuromodulator or chemical like dopamine, because throughout evolution, if we were excited for or motivated to pursue something, we had to move in order to get it, to obtain it. 9277.wav|Now they're collisions because they're crossing one another and something new has to emerge from them. 9278.wav|And when I say appropriate, I don't mean in any kind of social context necessarily. 9279.wav|As I mentioned before, the key thing here, if you haven't understood anything I've said up until now, please understand this. 9280.wav|So this is something you would not want. 9281.wav|But as I mentioned earlier, there are now nuanced and new classifications of anorexia that even for individuals that still menstruate or that maintain sperm production, that anorexia can still be considered a clinically diagnosable disorder. 9282.wav|But that's not what we're talking about today. 9283.wav|But nonetheless, anxiety increases over time. 9284.wav|That process, as I just mentioned, also involves things like the NMDA receptor. 9285.wav|Now, you could imagine that some people might eat breakfast and dinner, and indeed, I have several, many colleagues, in fact, who just choose to skip lunch because they're busy during the day. 9286.wav|So we have different muscles that can move the eyes at different angles as well. 9287.wav|Now, in reality, it's a distribution. 9288.wav|Lancet psychiatry is one of the premier medical journals out there, and they evaluated a huge number of studies. 9289.wav|The visual system is desperate to make guesses about what's out in the world. 9290.wav|And so I'm going to spell out the three major ways in which MDMA changes the activation of the brain in the short and long term. 9291.wav|The title of the paper is, Sleep and Time Course of Motor Skill Learning. 9292.wav|And what they found is that for people that had a high working memory span, that is, could remember long strings of numbers or letters or other information, they tended to be the people that had more dopamine available for release in the frontal cortex, either because they had more of the dopamine neurons themselves or similar number of neurons, but those neurons had more dopamine to release. 9293.wav|Anytime you have excessive stress, you're going to have to make sure you're offsetting that by getting proper sleep. 9294.wav|So I don't obsess over that. 9295.wav|And I should also mention, because of the so called pharmacokinetics, the time course in which nicotine has its effects, which are pretty short lived. 9296.wav|So there's tremendous variation there. 9297.wav|So Friday is high intensity interval training. 9298.wav|And then there's a third session where they take, again, 120 milligrams of MDMA and have the option to take a 60 milligram booster about an hour and a half to 2 hours into the session. 9299.wav|They tend to create a hyper focus. 9300.wav|And it turns out that serotonin underlies a lot of the brain activity that's responsible for both divergent and for convergent thinking. 9301.wav|It doesn't consume that much energy. 9302.wav|But more importantly, when you sit down to start a work bout of any kind, any kind, expect that it would take about six minutes for you to engage these neural circuits. 9303.wav|And therefore it increases what we call dopaminergic tone or dopaminergic drive. 9304.wav|In some cases, it's absent entirely. 9305.wav|But spacetime bridging is simply a way of using one's visual system to focus on the peripersonal space and interoception, and then gradually, in a deliberate way, stepping one's focus into the extrapersonal space and then back to the peripersonal space in a way that gives you a lot of flexibility and control over that ability in your daily life. 9306.wav|It depends on the density of the gravel, et cetera, and the vehicle, et cetera. 9307.wav|The paper that I'm going to describe is from the laboratory of Dr. 9308.wav|Well, it's not quite that simple. 9309.wav|That lens and the relaxation of the lens is actually one of the best things you can do for the musculature of the inner eye. 9310.wav|Physiological responses that are troubling. 9311.wav|That's a very interesting state of mind and body. 9312.wav|And there there's a tab that you can click if you'd like to make a tax deductible donation to the laboratory to explore the sorts of things that relate to neural circuits, stress, sleep, and human performance. 9313.wav|You can balance that out by covering up the dominant eye a little bit each day. 9314.wav|But many neuroscientists know of this person, and many people in the outside world know of this person, and they are also well known for their love of nicotine. 9315.wav|And there are all these, what are called comorbidities with PTSD, including addiction, but also depression, anxiety. 9316.wav|Okay, so that's a negative effect of binaural beats on memory. 9317.wav|Now, that is not a call to arms for you to run out and start chewing or consuming nicotine containing products. 9318.wav|It's called the medial preoptic area of the hypothalamus. 9319.wav|And so at least while I'm here, I'm enjoying it. 9320.wav|Well, this is some of the gray area around cold and flu and viral transmission generally. 9321.wav|I've been taking Athletic Greens since 2012. 9322.wav|Now, oftentimes we all wish, I think from time to time, that there's some specific pill that we can take, or there's some machine or device that we can plug our finger into or that we can put on a headset, and all of a sudden we just rewire our nervous system. 9323.wav|Next, I'd like to talk about the role of movement in optimizing our workspace and whether or not standing, sitting, lying down, treadmilling, or even believe it or not, cycling can enhance our work output and performance. 9324.wav|I don't know any hotel rooms, at least I've never stayed in one that has two baths, although I'm sure they're out there. 9325.wav|So for instance, if I tell you to close your eyes and imagine a ceiling that has tiles that are black and white checkered tiles, one black tile, one white tile, for instance, we know based on experiments where we measure eye movements behind closed eyelids, that people tend to move their eyes up when they are imagining things above them, such as the ceiling. 9326.wav|That's what we're going to talk about now, because nicotine has profound effects on the organs of the body that are separate from, but that occur in parallel, at the same time as the effects of nicotine on the brain. 9327.wav|David Spiegel's laboratory, done in 1993, but that now has been repeated many, many times, has carried over into some more modern studies, and I will provide links to those studies in the show note caption so that you can access them. 9328.wav|And if you have trouble falling back asleep. 9329.wav|And so the trigger to breathe is actually suppressed. 9330.wav|With all of that said, I, of course, again want to acknowledge that there have been well demonstrated effects of cannabis for reducing pain, in particular in chemotherapy and in the context of reducing nausea in people suffering from cancer chemotherapy, there is a well known effect that one can generally point to as positive. 9331.wav|So please don't do this unless you've built up your ability to withstand heat. 9332.wav|So please follow us on Instagram and Twitter. 9333.wav|Nonetheless, this study and a few others like it really stand as our best evidence, believe it or not, as to how ecstasy taken many times. 9334.wav|Deliberate cold exposure, it turns out, is a very potent way to increase these catecholamines, this category of chemicals, and thereby to improve mood, mental acuity and levels of alertness. 9335.wav|So I'll give you a protocol for that. 9336.wav|I'm not going to list off all the clinical criteria that would allow someone to be diagnosed as bulimic or binge eating disorder, but the general features are that they ingest far more calories than they need, anywhere from ten to 30 times their daily caloric intake, oftentimes within a two hour period, which is just a staggering amount of food and nutrients in a short period of time. 9337.wav|And you don't want to lose progress that you made from that terrific Monday leg workout. 9338.wav|If you haven't already subscribed to our neural network newsletter, the neural network newsletter is a monthly newsletter. 9339.wav|A threat occurs, or something that we perceive as a threat, we're afraid of it. 9340.wav|They go from feeling anxious to feeling exhausted. 9341.wav|The medial preoptic area has connections with the rest of the brain, or areas within the brain, I should say, and with many areas within the body, it receives input from receptors in our skin and inside our body that register temperature, and it acts as a thermostat. 9342.wav|You can look up more about ashwagandha on examine. 9343.wav|And those protocols will be distributed through all channels, not just the premium channel, but through all channels, Huberman Lab podcast and other media channels. 9344.wav|So the paper related to this that I'd like to highlight is in the journal Psychoneuroendocrinology. 9345.wav|You're either alert or calm. 9346.wav|I know some of you say, oh, I really don't wake up until the afternoon. 9347.wav|In other words, it can create a condition in the brain and body in which we are stressing ourselves. 9348.wav|So if I say, for instance, 493-2931 and you have to remember that number, keeping it online is what we call your working memory, it's likely that you would forget that two or three days later you can get improvements in working memory with 15 hz binaural beats, whereas the other control conditions, 5 binaural beats, all decreased accuracy of working memory. 9349.wav|You have the modely approach, you've got all these different approaches to depression and to anorexia, et cetera. 9350.wav|You could try and recall specific bouts of information that are challenging. 9351.wav|When we ingest food, our so called blood sugar or blood glucose levels go up. 9352.wav|It's very generic. 9353.wav|You were born with lenses. 9354.wav|In addition, if you navigate deeper into the thorn site through that portal, Thorn Thorne.com letter Uberman, you can also get 20% off any of the other products that Thorn makes. 9355.wav|Now you can do double unders where you're really jumping and putting the rope under you twice each time or crossovers, et cetera, depending on your skill level. 9356.wav|Hallucinations are a property of the visual system. 9357.wav|So the idea here is to establish the minimal effective dose. 9358.wav|But certainly for people that are 25 years old or younger, ingesting nicotine as a way to enhance cognitive function is probably not the best idea. 9359.wav|Now, it's important to understand that people will experience different levels of norepinephrine and adrenaline release when getting into cold water. 9360.wav|If you do need to be online and navigating, you're doing research of any kind, that's not going to be possible. 9361.wav|So sympathetic is alerting, parasympathetic is calming, and it acts as sort of a seesaw to adjust your overall level of alertness. 9362.wav|It appears that it's not very relevant. 9363.wav|You can't just say, I want to be a champion athlete. 9364.wav|Now, some people will say, wait, but I want to know exactly how often I should do that. 9365.wav|It's very easy to sign up for, and it's completely zero cost. 9366.wav|The neural circuitry underlying working memory involves a lot of different brain locations, that is, a lot of different neural networks collaborating to create this thing we call working memory. 9367.wav|If, however, you are in the category of person that does not have elevated levels of prolactin in response to cannabis, well, then erotic stimuli can potentially and in fact, do increase sexual arousal in the majority of individuals. 9368.wav|Roca eyeglasses and sunglasses are terrific because they were designed for performance. 9369.wav|That Thursday workout accomplishes a number of things. 9370.wav|Why do I tell you with such detail about cluster headaches? 9371.wav|One of the main mechanisms is something called long term potentiation. 9372.wav|So the simple sequence here is get energetic and alert. 9373.wav|The second element is this perspective shifting techniques. 9374.wav|But that could be any behavior that's not in line with the bad behavior. 9375.wav|I encourage you to try it, and if you like it, or frankly, if you don't, you can just put that in the comments section there on YouTube. 9376.wav|In other words, a testing of whether or not there's some fundamental rule to emerge. 9377.wav|Now, earlier we were talking about this notion of peripersonal space versus extrapersonal space, and I'm just going to seed a little bit of the later conversation by saying that when we focus on an external point, we are in a process of extroception. 9378.wav|They can communicate through electrical activity and chemical activity much more easily. 9379.wav|And so much of what's out there, again, in the popular psychology literature, in books that you'll find on the bookstore shelf and on Amazon and in the airports, are about how to get from that mode of high degree of limbic friction to automaticity. 9380.wav|So, really kind of troubling thing to think about in either case. 9381.wav|When you walk down the street and you're not thinking about much, provided you're not looking at your phone, you're not focusing on one location, you're more or less in a relaxed state compared to when you're looking for a particular sign, you're looking for a bus or a train that's coming, or a particular person. 9382.wav|Now you could imagine why people would hypothesize that people who have aphantasia, especially its extreme form, would not be capable of or have synesthesia. 9383.wav|So basically what I'm saying here is that thanks to thousands of years of acupuncture and the maps of different insertion sites, we now know, or I should say people have long known and people in the West are starting to adopt the understanding that acupuncture, yes indeed, it really does work for relieving pain. 9384.wav|What I will tell you soon is that nicotine can be very powerful as a mood modulator. 9385.wav|In fact, brushing our teeth is a pretty good example, because for most people, even if you got a terrible night's sleep. 9386.wav|Ring lights can be pretty cost effective, and yet they're very bright. 9387.wav|That's an enormous number, at least by my read. 9388.wav|Oftentimes, I think we tend to undervalue the importance of rationalization and of story and of narrative. 9389.wav|Don't just commit it to your working memory, commit it to your short and long term memory, because that's very important if your goal is to improve your working memory. 9390.wav|And then sometime in the late afternoon and evening, your temperature will start to decline. 9391.wav|You want to go into what's called panoramic vision and let your vision expand. 9392.wav|So that makes it an interesting compound, has a number of other effects. 9393.wav|Again, I don't want to alarm anybody. 9394.wav|So for the hamstrings, that would be the leg curl. 9395.wav|That's the best way to support the Huberman Lab Podcast. 9396.wav|Remember back to where we talked about how the retelling works best if the first time it's done, there's a huge amplitude response, and then with each successive repeat that response, the threat response gets lower and lower. 9397.wav|In addition to that, we need to be able to switch from one context to the next, right? 9398.wav|It's an area of your brain real estate that's deep in the brain, at the base of the brain, that contains many, many different areas that control things like temperature and desire to have sex, desire to eat, thirst. 9399.wav|So for me, it was a fascinating experiment unto myself as to how my meal schedule, the specific foods I was eating, different combinations of food, as I mentioned before, and exercise were combining to regulate this thing that we call blood sugar and that's so vital to our health. 9400.wav|The visual portions of your brain are understimulated. 9401.wav|During today's episode, and on many previous episodes of the Huberman Lab Podcast, we discuss supplements. 9402.wav|There's really no traveling back in time. 9403.wav|Keep those limbs moving and of course limbs under the water. 9404.wav|So if you are not eating, if you're not speaking, or if you're not exercising hard, which by the way, oftentimes requires that you breathe through your mouth. 9405.wav|The fact that cold exposure, deliberate or no, increases norepinephrine and epinephrine in our brain and body means that it is a very reliable stimulus for increasing norepinephrine and epinephrine. 9406.wav|They're thinking about leaving some things behind from 2021 and previous and acquiring some new behaviors, taking on some new challenges, and trying to bring new things to their lives. 9407.wav|But what about breaking habits? 9408.wav|And you will find that you actually can extend your arms further back subsequent to that. 9409.wav|You have a threat reflex that can be activated at any time very easily. 9410.wav|And in fact, most of the studies that we talked about today involved getting two or even two and a half, or in some cases on this podcast with previous guests, such as Dr. Rhonda Patrick, she talked about the advantages of getting as high as three grams of omega-3s per day, which almost with certainty is going to require some external form of supplementation, even for those of you that are making a point to eat a fatty ocean fish with the skin on. 9411.wav|One, diminish the old experience through repetitive narrative, and almost inevitably, the initial repetition of that is going to be very high amplitude and quite troubling, but over time, it will reduce. 9412.wav|And we can have some degree of confidence that correlates with the amount of dopamine available for release in the frontal cortex. 9413.wav|That is not to say that people should be ingesting nicotine through any different methods simply to get a cognitive boost. 9414.wav|Now, the caveat to this is that if you are going to look at a narrow space, a narrow window, for any period of time, whether or not it's a book or a laptop or a tablet or a phone, those virgins. 9415.wav|What's also highly underappreciated is that people who have ADHD oftentimes are very effective at divergent thinking, but are less effective at convergent thinking. 9416.wav|What is the actual outcome that one would like to achieve in terms of action steps? 9417.wav|And I highlight that not because I think people need to run out and get the prescription form of omega-3 fatty acids, they're actually quite hard to obtain and quite expensive. 9418.wav|You're simply going to assess how well, how deeply you've rewired your nervous system to be able to perform those six habits of the previous 21 days. 9419.wav|What this really says is that just having elevated levels of dopamine from a drug or from an ice bath or what have you is not sufficient to get the effects of dopamine. 9420.wav|It takes a little bit of time. 9421.wav|Before moving to our discussion about what MDMA is doing and the effects that people are seeing in the clinical studies for the treatment of PTSD, which, by the way, are extremely exciting, I can't wait to share these data with you. 9422.wav|It is the case that when dopamine levels are lower, that is either there are fewer neurons that have the potential to release dopamine in the frontal cortex, or for whatever reason, less is being released in the frontal cortex, that working memory performance tends to be lower as compared to conditions where dopamine release or the availability of dopamine is higher. 9423.wav|And withdrawal is an increased sense of that craving, as well as a lot of negative stuff like stomach aches or nausea or irritability, and often collections of all of those. 9424.wav|So it's not an all or none kind of thing, but the degrees to which these things are activated tends to vary. 9425.wav|I wear the sunglasses when I drive. 9426.wav|However, you could also translate this to dance steps or to motor sequences for playing an instrument and so on. 9427.wav|In fact, it came as a surprise to me. 9428.wav|And what they discovered was that after performing a yoga nidra protocol, the baseline levels of dopamine, that is the amount of dopamine available in the basal ganglia and a few other structures of the human brain, of course, these are humans, was increased by as much as 60% as compared to individuals that did a different protocol, not yoga nidra, not NSDR. 9429.wav|So dopamine is more about pursuing and seeking. 9430.wav|That is, they will no longer qualify for PTSD after receiving a number of talk therapy sessions. 9431.wav|Those neurons have a lot of different functions that include things like the control of aggression, the control of sex behavior, the control of temperature regulation, and so on. 9432.wav|Now, there's a lot of excitement nowadays about supplementation to help support the health of the visual system. 9433.wav|In particular, we talked about vaping and smoking, dipping and snuffing, and the negative health consequences associated with those I want to reemphasize that nicotine is not what causes cancer, it is the delivery device that causes cancer and the other negative health effects. 9434.wav|Okay, so foreshadowing failure turns out to be the best way to motivate toward goal pursuit. 9435.wav|And then you can look to nutritional changes, supplementation changes, exercise protocol changes, and other lifestyle features that combine or work on their own to try and shift those numbers into the range that's appropriate for you. 9436.wav|But the idea is you eat clean for six days or five days a week or two weeks, and then you have a so called cheat day where you just kind of go wild and eat whatever you want in whatever volumes is that bulimia has some of the contour of bulimia if you're vomiting afterwards, or binge eating disorder if you're not. 9437.wav|Here's what I'm going to do. 9438.wav|So as high as 18, as low as 12 grams. 9439.wav|I'm a fitness sprinter. 9440.wav|And the population in mind here is a population of people living in Utah who self identify as members of the Church of Latter day Saints, sometimes referred to as Mormons, sometimes referred to as LDs, or of the Church of Latter day Saints. 9441.wav|Athletic Greens now called AG1 is a vitamin mineral probiotic drink that covers all of your foundational nutritional needs. 9442.wav|Let's say I were somebody who has a hard time getting in that 30 to 60 minutes of zone two cardiovascular exercise midmorning. 9443.wav|In addition, athletic greens contains a number of adaptogens, vitamins and minerals that make sure that all of my foundational nutritional needs are met. 9444.wav|So if you're indoors, we tend to be looking at things more closely, right? 9445.wav|We should say something, or we want to say something, but we don't. 9446.wav|And the position of these little things we call irises and pupils, et cetera, is really important for how we interpret the status of others. 9447.wav|Well, the body and the brain, your physiology seeks homeostasis. 9448.wav|And there's actually not many things ruder than someone who knows that they're sick showing up to something because they didn't want to miss that particular event and getting everybody else sick, frankly. 9449.wav|I'm also going to spell out two specific types of habit formation and habit breaking programs. 9450.wav|Brown noise has others. 9451.wav|So, for instance, 7 hz, which is theta binaural beats done for 30 minutes with an overlay of rain sound or rain sounds only that's been analyzed. 9452.wav|They have sleep issues. 9453.wav|This is the soldier that comes back from overseas, that has been in gunfights or in battles of different kinds, has likely seen casualties and severe injuries, and that, upon return to a safe environment, is still experiencing a lot of anxiety and sometimes panic attacks that occur seemingly at random, or that can be sparked by the classic stereotyped example is a car backfires, and then the person suddenly feels as if they're back in battle. 9454.wav|The dopaminergic tone goes way up. 9455.wav|And indeed, we are going to talk about clinical eating disorders such as anorexia, bulimia, and binge eating disorder, as well as some other related eating disorders. 9456.wav|So, for instance, you could do math problems, and not two plus two equals four, not three times three equals nine, but things that require a little bit more focus and attention, working memory, and so forth. 9457.wav|Just more important is to understand the logic of how it's put together. 9458.wav|They send connections up to the so-called sensory cortex. 9459.wav|Okay, so for those of you that are saying, wait, I can do it, I can do faces, vases in my mind's eye, I promise you that the neuroimaging disputes your belief, and supports the idea that we can see real-world bistable images, we can see real-world impossible figures, but when we try and imagine those in our mind's eye, we simply can't do it, we can't do the perceptual shift in our mind's eye, we can't switch back and forth between faces and vases. 9460.wav|Well, these mechanisms for smooth pursuit will get worse. 9461.wav|And as we transition today into the discussion about eating disorders, I'd like you to keep this in mind. 9462.wav|I'm going to refer back to Dr. 9463.wav|So things like acetaminophen, ibuprofen, sometimes aspirin and things of that sort. 9464.wav|But it all depends on how neurotically attached you are to getting every last bit of strength and hypertrophy. 9465.wav|Let's at least get biological about this. 9466.wav|Let's say that the behavior is reflexively picking up one's phone. 9467.wav|In fact, within 30 seconds, it's going to enter the brain and permeate throughout the brain and body. 9468.wav|If you live in a very dark environment, like a cave or outer space, it's going to be hard to do some of this stuff. 9469.wav|I'd like to just take a brief break and thank one of our sponsors, which is element. 9470.wav|The captions take a few days on YouTube. 9471.wav|And even though this is mainly focused on smoking cessation, it carries over quite nicely to vaping. 9472.wav|So when we hear that the nucleus accumbens is activated, that almost always means that dopamine has been released in that area and other areas of the brain and body, and we can consider dopamine central to the desire for pursuit of end act of sex. 9473.wav|And there are now a plethora of studies showing the benefits of a regular meditation practice. 9474.wav|Your blood pressure is going to drop to a lower value, right, because fluid isn't being pumped through the system at those moments. 9475.wav|Some of the best examples of long-term depression can actually be borrowed from developmental plasticity. 9476.wav|Do that prior to the learning bout, engage in the cognitive work or learning bout, and then mindfulness meditation, NSDR and so forth should follow. 9477.wav|So muscles have fibers. 9478.wav|For that reason, we partner with Thorn, T-H-O-R-N-E because Thorn has the highest levels of stringency with respect to the quality of their supplements. 9479.wav|I will also mention that it's important to light your daytime environment as brightly as you safely can. 9480.wav|However, there are a number of individuals that strongly benefit from them as well. 9481.wav|Or you were to record from the insula with electrodes, as has been done in humans many times now during the course of neurosurgery for other purposes. 9482.wav|If you want to understand how cannabis works and predict the effects of cannabis, I'd like to take a quick break and acknowledge one of our sponsors, athletic greens. 9483.wav|But nonetheless, deliberate cold exposure clearly induces a state shift of mind and body that most people, provided they do it correctly and they don't go into water that's far too cold for them for too long, they report as pleasant. 9484.wav|And one of the important areas of the brain they connect to as it relates to photophobia is an area of a structure called the thalamus. 9485.wav|I can mention the brand, but again, I have no financial affiliation to them. 9486.wav|That's true for ingestibles. 9487.wav|That feels right or sounds right or looks right. 9488.wav|And if you were to continue to make a little bit colder than that, you would really want to get out of the shower. 9489.wav|You need to do that at an interval that you can maintain consistently. 9490.wav|That means a small piece of steak or chicken, et cetera, and usually a salad. 9491.wav|That's actually a signature of depression and anxiety and a number of other unfortunate things. 9492.wav|Or ingesting nicotine in some other way is because, indeed, nicotine will increase metabolism and reduce hunger, in large part by binding to this alpha four beta two receptor in a particular area of the brain. 9493.wav|It of course does other things, but it is exceptionally good at that. 9494.wav|The reason I started taking athletic greens and the reason I still take athletic greens is that because of the ingredients it contains, I know that I'm covering all of my foundational needs for vitamins, minerals and probiotics. 9495.wav|Some people do this on a wooden floor. 9496.wav|Please check out Dr. Attia's podcast and his various social media sites to get more information on that. 9497.wav|Now, why am I telling you all this? 9498.wav|We tend to nod out this way. 9499.wav|And I'll describe how that works in a moment. 9500.wav|I thought, wow, she was a jaw dropper. 9501.wav|The mystery of why certain people can form certain habits more easily than others probably has something to do with how well people manage what's called limbic friction. 9502.wav|What I'm talking about here are ways to enhance your capacity for divergent thinking, such as NSDR, and ways to engage in divergent thinking, such as through certain forms of movement that don't require a lot of conscious attention to your surroundings or any one specific sensory target. 9503.wav|They measured changes in metabolism and blood glucose utilization in people that had done these soleus pushups while seated in the laboratory, and I must say they had them do these soleus pushups for quite a long while continuously. 9504.wav|Let's say it runs from zero to ten, again, arbitrary units. 9505.wav|We certainly don't have the time to go through all the details of the study. 9506.wav|Now, many of you aren't dealing with this or have these early childhood issues. 9507.wav|Chufu is well-known in the neuroscience community for doing excellent work in parsing the mechanisms of touch sensation and pain in particular. 9508.wav|They did that by emphasizing overload to one limb of the mouse. 9509.wav|More often than not, the most inflammation is occurring on the branch that innervates the lip or the region close to the lip. 9510.wav|The two main endogenous cannabinoids that we want to consider are anandamide, which we will refer to as EAE. 9511.wav|But keep in mind, in the back of your head, pun intended, you have your brain, your eyes, and the spinal cord. 9512.wav|It's really difficult to do these studies in the first place. 9513.wav|If you're very stressed about some sort of information or a deadline, or you're very, very excited about something, you'll find that you can focus instantly just within a moment. 9514.wav|And to me also sort of means nothing, because those units of oxytocin can't be directly related to any kind of direct experience of feeling bonded or not bonded. 9515.wav|The neuroscience of fear has a long history in biology and in the field of psychology. 9516.wav|You say, well, how could that possibly be it? 9517.wav|But if you think about it, brushing your teeth, exercise, eating particular foods, maybe engaging socially in particular ways, you are the one that places any kind of value assessment on which ones are essential and which ones are negotiable. 9518.wav|Divergent thinking involves remembering certain things that we can use as elements in the creative process, but suppressing narratives about what the use of those would mean. 9519.wav|It has to be action oriented. 9520.wav|Now I'd like to mesh this within the context of actual specific goal setting and goal pursuit, because what many of you are probably thinking is, okay, well, that's some physiology, there's some psychology, but how do you actually apply this towards setting and achieving goals? 9521.wav|But for sake of discussion, and because it's a prominent theme in many online communities, let's just start with the big one out there. 9522.wav|If the electrolytes are not present and if hydration is low, we simply can't think as well as we would otherwise. 9523.wav|It's covered in the episode on deliberate cold exposure. 9524.wav|So I'm not going to go through each and every one of these in a lot of detail. 9525.wav|Yes, there are certainly a ton of data to support that statement as well. 9526.wav|What I'm referring to is the acquisition of new behaviors and placing those consistently at the second half of the day in order to engage this task. 9527.wav|Although I realize, as I say, that, that the medical students and some biology students are probably going to have a minor seizure when I lump norepinephrine and epinephrine. 9528.wav|Why would that happen? 9529.wav|It has been shown that when people get into cold water, typically up to their neck, and that cold water, by the way, can range in temperature anywhere from low 40s to low 60s, depending on how long you stay in, that there is a significant increase in the so-called circulating catecholamines. 9530.wav|But I could imagine that because of the increases in core body temperature caused by deliberate cold exposure, that we're one to do that too late in the day, evening, or night, that it could indeed disrupt your sleep. 9531.wav|Things that are closer to you tend to look like they're moving faster. 9532.wav|I wouldn't worry if it's in the background and it's shutting off and turning on again as the thermostat kicks off and on. 9533.wav|For me, that can include some hills. 9534.wav|Acetylcholine is a neuromodulator that exists in you and me. 9535.wav|And yet people like the effects on the brain, and they feel quite addicted to them, even if they say they're not. 9536.wav|If you'd like to sign up for the Huberman Lab premium channel, again, there's a cost of $10 per month, or you can pay $100 upfront for the entire year. 9537.wav|One pattern of kind of percussive beat to one ear and a different pattern, or at least a pattern that's out of phase, that's not synchronized, delivered to the other ear. 9538.wav|And there are a number of different reasons to use deliberate cold exposure, and I want to separate those out for you. 9539.wav|So all of this can be translated to say that unless your main goal is hypertrophy and strength, that cold exposure, ideally cold immersion in cold water or ice bath. 9540.wav|And norepinephrine released from locus Ceruleus isn't just a mouthful. 9541.wav|But at comparable doses, big increases in oxytocin were observed. 9542.wav|But even once those things become reflexive, they are stored in our long-term memory. 9543.wav|I'm going to read off some of the key or highlight takeaways. 9544.wav|You can get 20% off any of those supplements, as well as 20% off any of the other supplements that Thorne happens to make. 9545.wav|All of those things are examples of long-term memory. 9546.wav|If you live in a city like New York and it's skyscrapers everywhere, you've probably experienced the incredible sense of relaxation, and it's aesthetically beautiful. 9547.wav|Now, this is not a call for people to go out and invest in expensive red light therapies. 9548.wav|Let's see whether or not you can continue to perform those very same six things every day for 21 days. 9549.wav|And it's an interesting study and a little bit controversial because it relied on a population of people who have taken MDMA anywhere from one to 200 times and who've not taken any other drugs, including caffeine. 9550.wav|Those sorts of connections actually serve to reduce the effectiveness or even the levels of tachykinan. 9551.wav|So what I suggest people do is pick a particular interval at which they are going to assess progress. 9552.wav|And you may be asking, how can you just put your hand into one glove and have this work? 9553.wav|And then a lot of people don't know this, some of the memories that we think of as long-term memories are actually distributed into the neocortex, which is the outer portion of the brain. 9554.wav|And what they find is that it really is the activation of the serotonin, one b receptor in the nucleus accumbens by MDMA that leads to this prosocial effect of MDMA. 9555.wav|And then there is trauma. 9556.wav|Studies done at Carnegie Mellon University in the Dabish lab evaluated how long people are able to focus in different environments, how long they are able to stay concentrated on their work. 9557.wav|So photophobia is something that's very, very common in migraine. 9558.wav|And if you do have time to go to it, I think it will give you a much deeper flavor for the sorts of experiments that we're talking about here and that you find that these stop signals are actually pretty hard to generate when you're trying to learn some new motor behavior. 9559.wav|Now, this particular study was carried out in an animal model in mice. 9560.wav|It's sometimes done in group type settings where people actually stand up or sit in front of a group, small or large, and recount in detail their traumatic experience. 9561.wav|So I'm not talking about overall brightness. 9562.wav|So do you want to be the person that's sitting there watching everybody eat because you're fasting from 05:00 p.m.? 9563.wav|Again, if you want to eat six meals a day, you want to eat round the clock, I'm not going to stop you. 9564.wav|And then as ideas surface, seemingly out of nowhere, which is how it happens, that you could either put them into your phone by voice dictation, or you could type them out if you like. 9565.wav|So shifting them toward activities like weight bearing activities or resistance training that promote this more anabolic type of relationship to activity, as opposed to catabolic, can be beneficial. 9566.wav|So picture images of themselves that were artificially digitally aged so that they could see themselves 30 or 40 years into the future. 9567.wav|That turns out to be vitally important for tapping into the creativity process. 9568.wav|So, again, I'm not passing judgment. 9569.wav|If you are a ground squirrel, you can see ultraviolet light. 9570.wav|This is vitally important, not just for this discussion, but for any discussion about how we think, how we behave, how we feel. 9571.wav|You cover one eye and you see perfectly fine. 9572.wav|But of course, there are people that take synthetic testosterone or derivatives of testosterone. 9573.wav|Things that are closer to you tend to be larger than things that are far away. 9574.wav|You might ask, why would you want a system that's low resolution? 9575.wav|Now, of course, other motor tasks, like ones where you involve your feet or cognitive tasks where you have to think really hard about specific information and search for that information and assemble it in particular ways, of course involve other neurons and neural circuits that we haven't discussed today. 9576.wav|However, I make sure that at some point on Monday, and for me, that some point is typically and ideally early in the morning, so 7 a.m. or so, I train my legs on Monday. 9577.wav|So if habits are largely learned consciously or unconsciously, we have to ask ourselves, what is learning? 9578.wav|So today's discussion is going to include a lot of information, but I promise to make it clear and accessible to all of you, regardless of whether or not you have a background in biology or not. 9579.wav|Some people have kids at home, there are a lot of interruptions, some people do not. 9580.wav|If I think that something's coming, that's going to be great. 9581.wav|Botulinum neurotoxin cleaves a particular protein in there for you aficionados who want to look this up, it's a really cool mechanism. 9582.wav|Well, if you're somebody who sits down to do work and starts to feel sleepy or simply unfocused, unable to attend to whatever it is that you're doing, I highly recommend that you take your laptop or tablet. 9583.wav|It's populated by gut microbiota that communicate with the brain, the immune system, and basically all the biological systems of our body to strongly impact our immediate and long-term health. 9584.wav|The group that was in 20 degrees celsius, meaning 68 degree fahrenheit water for an hour, experienced a 93% increase in metabolic rate, which is remarkable given that the water isn't that cold. 9585.wav|The heart beats, but then it relaxes. 9586.wav|There's a fairly limited upper range of temperatures that we can go into before we start damaging ourselves, but also keep in mind that fever is an adaptation designed to destroy viruses. 9587.wav|You can ask questions and get answers to your questions, and you'll of course get answers to all the questions that other people ask as well. 9588.wav|And last but not least, thank you for your interest in science. 9589.wav|If something comes toward your eye and you don't want it to get in your eye, you'll blink. 9590.wav|So if you're, for instance, taking supplemental fish oil, or you're getting your omega-3s from food, and you're getting what you determined to be 2,000 milligrams or two grams per day of omega-3s, keep in mind that's going to include EPA and DHA. 9591.wav|What this work shows us is that the ability to task switch and context switch, that is to shift around what it is that we're paying attention to and interleave different things that we're paying attention to, something that's so critical for moving through our daily lives, is largely dependent on the dopamine projections to a structure in the brain called the basal ganglia, which is a structure I've talked about before on this podcast, but if you didn't hear about it, we can just broadly define this structure as being involved in movement generation and stopping movement generation. 9592.wav|Or if you want to improve your endurance while maintaining your strength, you can do that and so on and so forth. 9593.wav|So our goal throughout this episode is for you to identify which habits are easy for you to perform which ones are hard for you to perform and which habits you want to break. 9594.wav|And then in humans, there was an exploration of grip strength and then with resistance training that was also carried out through a peripheral study. 9595.wav|What gets measured is what gets managed kind of mindset, where if every time you do something, you take away the judgment. 9596.wav|And, of course, as I mentioned earlier, MDMA has breakthrough status but is still illegal. 9597.wav|The MDMA, despite causing a big increase in serotonin, also causes huge increases in dopamine. 9598.wav|Perhaps we don't know, perhaps in part due to overuse of smartphones, social media, et cetera, although there's not yet a direct causal relationship that's been established. 9599.wav|I confess I love this topic because it takes me back to my undergraduate years when I worked in a laboratory studying cold physiology, its effects on the brain and its effects on the body. 9600.wav|And of course, there are different types or strains of cannabis, including sativa strains and indica strains and hybrid strains. 9601.wav|You may also be one of these people, one of these mutants that sets out to do six new things per day for 21 days and performs every single one of them. 9602.wav|That should be fine. 9603.wav|Well, it turns out that neither is true. 9604.wav|Anytime you feel like you want to say something really offensive and you don't, that's top down control. 9605.wav|I realized that within the literature, it is believed and I think generally accepted that when you stimulate muscle hypertrophy or strength increases, it impacts the nervous system. 9606.wav|Your body, and indeed, the way you sleep need to be matched the correct mattress in order to get the best possible sleep. 9607.wav|But the key takeaway at this point is to really understand that the major effects of your endogenous cannabinoids on these receptors in this particular cb one are very nuanced. 9608.wav|Sometimes bedwetting in very young kids is because the circuit hasn't developed yet. 9609.wav|So if you found during the working memory tasks that you took today, that you have a very good working memory, I don't think there's any reason to avoid yoga nidra, NSDR, and deliberate cold exposure. 9610.wav|That you won't realize that you're full until about 20 minutes. 9611.wav|And that gets to the issue of testosterone. 9612.wav|And we'll talk a little bit more about what the underlying reasons are. 9613.wav|Common forms of omega-3 fatty acids, or I should say common sources of omega-3 fatty acids in foods include fatty ocean fish, including salmon, salmon skins, sardines, anchovies, things of that sort. 9614.wav|Now the word toxins is a real buzword these days. 9615.wav|You really want to avoid that. 9616.wav|The New Yorkers probably treadmill quicker, the Californians probably treadmill a little slower. 9617.wav|We can get a sense of which brain areas are more or less active simply by putting somebody into an fMRI machine. 9618.wav|This is the feeling that we experience as positive anticipation. 9619.wav|Now, here we're not necessarily talking about forgiveness of perpetrators, although that's sometimes the case that people will forgive the person that inflicted the trauma on them. 9620.wav|It's just far too easy to just blow past those reminders. 9621.wav|You have to have reasonable, realistic, verifiable measures. 9622.wav|They're not just mentally troubling and concerning for the people suffering from them and the people around them, but they are genuine health concerns. 9623.wav|That brings us to Wednesday. 9624.wav|I am not a competitive athlete. 9625.wav|If you have questions for me or comments about the podcast or guests that you'd like me to interview on the Huberman Lab podcast, please put those in the comments section on YouTube. 9626.wav|So if you can do real world training, and perhaps we should be calling it real world as opposed to physical, but if you can do real world training compared to purely mental training, that's going to be the best use of your time. 9627.wav|So the top number, which normally, if you have a healthy blood pressure, is somewhere in the range of 90 to 120 mercury millimeters of mercury is just the way that pressure is measured. 9628.wav|So there are just tons of terrible symptoms of anorexia that really place the anorexic into a very risky state, which is why mortality from anorexia gone untreated is extremely high. 9629.wav|So maybe getting to do that one day is more accessible or feasible. 9630.wav|So the picture that I'd like you to have in your mind is that when you get into the cold, yes, of course, you experience that as an experience of, I don't want to do this, I'm going to overcome this. 9631.wav|And as we get into the chemical effects and the subjective effects of MDMA a little bit later in the episode, I think you'll understand why it is such a unique and to some extent, exciting compound from the perspective of clinical treatment. 9632.wav|And then finally, what I'll do is I'll recap mental training and visualization from the standpoint of how best to apply mental training and visualization according to specific challenges, things like challenges with public speaking or challenges with sports performance or challenges with test taking performance, challenges with essentially anything that will allow you to build specific mental training and visualization practices that are brief, that are supported by neuroscience studies and that are highly effective. 9633.wav|Craig Heller again in the biology department at Stanford. 9634.wav|And Friday I do deliberate cold exposure for twice as long as I did on Monday. 9635.wav|But again, you can use slight. 9636.wav|Forgive me, unless I've worked with them. 9637.wav|But it never made any sense to me why EMDR would work until several years ago when I saw, because I reviewed no fewer than five papers, some in animal models, others in humans, looking at lateral eye movements, meaning eye movements from side to side with eyes open, not eyes up or down. 9638.wav|To actually look up, to actually look up toward the ceiling. 9639.wav|But this is actually the way that our fear systems work. 9640.wav|In fact, I've talked about it before. 9641.wav|The ball is coming towards me. 9642.wav|I won't list them all, but a goal has to be significant. 9643.wav|So not animal models, but on human beings, which I think we all agree is a species that we are most interested in. 9644.wav|Now, buprone is a compound that increases the release of dopamine and to a lesser extent, epinephrine and some other neurochemicals as well. 9645.wav|It's a very easy, in fact, zero cost, very low time commitment tool. 9646.wav|So people experience heightened levels of anxiety, disrupted mood, disrupted brain state, and so on. 9647.wav|There's no negotiating what fear feels like. 9648.wav|Put differently, there's really no other compound that we know of in nature or in the pharmaceutical industry shelf or options of drugs that are prescription drugs that produce the kinds of effects that MDMA does. 9649.wav|So finding lasting relief to PTSD is extremely important and made even more important by the fact that many people with PTSD sadly end up committing suicide. 9650.wav|So this episode is starting to sound like alternative treatments to headache, including migraine, but I want to be very clear, this is not about alternative treatments. 9651.wav|We have an episode with an expert guest, Dr. 9652.wav|Remember it for just as long as we think we need to. 9653.wav|They're not just bed sores, but they have skin sores that are very disruptive to them. 9654.wav|You'll find this in the popular sphere. 9655.wav|And I would do that not by neglecting any body parts or anything of that sort. 9656.wav|And there are three and maybe a fourth that we'll talk about. 9657.wav|Actually, that reminds me of a story. 9658.wav|That's the best zero cost way to support us. 9659.wav|When I talked about it in that context, I talked about walking through mentally the series of steps that's required to perform a particular habit. 9660.wav|They are more like a bucket brigade, where they kick off a process through one molecule that then is handed off to another molecule, that this then is handed off to another molecule. 9661.wav|But when I travel, I tend to brush my teeth at more or less the same time of day relative to when I wake up as I do when I'm at home. 9662.wav|And in general, you can ask questions. 9663.wav|They acknowledged that both of those occur in TBI or post TBI, the headache is quite frequent. 9664.wav|I'll make this very simple. 9665.wav|They're in our genome program for it, and we're born with these things, and we keep these our entire life. 9666.wav|And we talked about some of them already mesolimbic, the palm c neurons, et cetera. 9667.wav|We could even call them testosterone receptors. 9668.wav|But of course, while people are asleep, they are not smoking or vaping. 9669.wav|So I think you'll notice that the point is really to optimize everything on the whole rather than any one specific aspect of training or adaptation. 9670.wav|You have a hypothalamic area called the arcuit nucleus. 9671.wav|Again, mental training and visualization cannot replace real world execution of cognitive tasks or of motor tasks if you want to learn. 9672.wav|One has to be careful and thoughtful in their choices about how to do that. 9673.wav|So by definition, you can no longer be bringing in novel experiences in that moment. 9674.wav|The first is that in order to carry out a working memory task and to attend to something, to really focus, we need the ability to rule out distractors. 9675.wav|So once a day for five days, again, back to this three to five times per week principle. 9676.wav|And while that is true in the short term, it is not true in the long term. 9677.wav|In fact, not press any key at all. 9678.wav|I don't want to set a critical threshold by which, for instance, we say once your environment is more than 1500 lux, then it's too bright or not bright enough, et cetera. 9679.wav|Whereas if one goes first on the right and then the left, I'm terrible at snapping on the left. 9680.wav|It does not have to be consumed through raw egg yolks, although that is the highest density source. 9681.wav|You have to constantly up the ante. 9682.wav|Today, we're going to talk about two of those networks and dopamine acting in one network directly underlies divergent thinking, whereas dopamine in another brain network underlies convergent thinking and if at this point in this episode, you're thinking, okay, when am I going to get the tools to understand creativity and how to be creative? 9683.wav|So what's not often acknowledged is the retraction of the paper on neurotoxicity. 9684.wav|Okay, so what is aura and what is photophobia? 9685.wav|Think about your most modern smartphone, the recent smartphone with the best, best camera, and think about the magnocellar system as being lower resolution, kind of an older smartphone, lower pixels, et cetera. 9686.wav|If someone gets hit hard on the side of the head, you'll notice that they shine a light in one eye. 9687.wav|But the point is that rather than think about the word meditation, which carries a bunch of ideas about what it is and what it isn't and how to do it, meditation is really just a perceptual exercise. 9688.wav|And so I offer that as a point of consideration. 9689.wav|Well, learning is neuroplasticity. 9690.wav|And then next thing you know, I was just covering the eye up. 9691.wav|In any event, in these studies, they took people that had not taken any drugs to increase dopamine, had their working memory measured, very similarly to the way that you measured your working memory a few minutes ago with the six sentence business that we did. 9692.wav|And I will also touch on what I think is the most important variable in determining whether or not cannabis is right or wrong for you, and that is your age at which you are considering starting or continuing use or ceasing use. 9693.wav|But the periaqueductal gray, the pag, is central for this freeze response. 9694.wav|Sativa has this kind of stimulant like effect, and tends to be more of a head high, if you will. 9695.wav|Because adenosine is not present at all. 9696.wav|This is something you can leverage in all aspects of all goal pursuits. 9697.wav|In fact, it's estimated that up to 70% of our waking behavior is made up of habitual behavior. 9698.wav|He basically smoked marijuana for 20 years before quitting about four or five years ago. 9699.wav|So I think it's really worth paying attention to. 9700.wav|But those compounds alone don't modify the circuitries in the way that we want. 9701.wav|That's how powerfully reinforcing the nicotine is. 9702.wav|Now, there's another advantage to us doing this in real time, right here as you're listening or as you're listening and watching, and that's because you're going to get data. 9703.wav|And when structuring everything according to the decisions I had already made, I purposefully ingested caffeine prior to that. 9704.wav|One is the lateral prefrontal cortex. 9705.wav|I am experimenting with. 9706.wav|And as I mentioned earlier, they have a hyperacuity or awareness of which foods contain more or less calories than other foods and what the fat content of particular foods is, in particular, et cetera. 9707.wav|This is also a way the muscles of your head contract and can give you tension type headaches. 9708.wav|And those two areas point to some very interesting aspects of habits that I think are worth mentioning. 9709.wav|So the protocols we will describe have a lot of carryover to both conscious eyesight and to these subconscious aspects of vision. 9710.wav|I do want to plant a flag around a particular type of tool or a logical framework around a particular set of tools, rather that we are going to build out through this episode. 9711.wav|What I mean by fat soluble in the context of nicotine being fat soluble is that the cells of your body have an outer layer, so called outer membrane, and it's made up of lipid, of fat, very particular types of lipids. 9712.wav|The neuromodulator is norepinephrine as well as epinephrine. 9713.wav|So when we think about goal seeking and the pursuit of goals of any kind in the brain, it doesn't matter what the goal is. 9714.wav|Sometimes those are good ideas, sometimes less good ideas. 9715.wav|The amygdala is actually a complex. 9716.wav|In fact, we could think about eating disorders like bulimia as an unmasking of that mechanism without the so called top down control, without the mechanisms that we use to regulate our behavior. 9717.wav|I will certainly highlight those. 9718.wav|Again, that's the neural network newsletter@hubermanlab.com. 9719.wav|Now, I promise you that I'm not going to open up an entire library of new information related to neural circuits and so forth, but I would be remiss if I didn't mention this parallel literature, because it speaks very specifically to some important practices that we can all use in order to enhance creativity and to do so the first time and every time. 9720.wav|What you can start to identify, however, is that people tend to fall into either one category or the other, people who prefer to skip eating in the morning or people that prefer to or manage to skip eating in the evening. 9721.wav|It's the same thing, it's just reproduced in different combinations over and over again. 9722.wav|Let's focus on serotonin. 9723.wav|The architect simply can't come up with incredible drawings or plans for buildings without understanding how buildings are put together and the various rules that govern buildings. 9724.wav|They look great, unlike a lot of high performance sunglasses out there that make people look like cyborgs. 9725.wav|Mary Jane being one of the kind of old school versions or ways of talking about cannabis or marijuana. 9726.wav|Now, there are other compounds that have been shown to perhaps be important for offsetting or helping different forms of vision loss. 9727.wav|And as I always say, I'm not a physician, so I don't prescribe anything. 9728.wav|But when one thinks about the valid clinical use of MDMA for the treatment of PTSD, and I should mention it, also had some success in dealing with not only alcohol use disorders and other use disorders associated with PTSD, but also relieving the depression associated with PTSD. 9729.wav|You can actually take a few minutes each day, or maybe if you don't do it each day, you could do every third day or so and actually just visually track a ball. 9730.wav|In this study, when dopamine was introduced to the frontal cortex, the number of things that individuals could remember simply increased. 9731.wav|We are carving up time according to our immediate physiological experience. 9732.wav|And that episode and the episode that we did on focus, and in particular tools to enhance focus, is very much directed at ways to enhance convergent thinking. 9733.wav|Nonetheless, for people that can take it safely, and again, this is a prescription drug. 9734.wav|We'll talk about why. 9735.wav|But during the practice, their readiness for action went way, way down. 9736.wav|So this is a different aspect of our prefrontal cortex, which is not based on executive function and our ability to reduce options, but rather areas of the prefrontal cortex that are available to generate multiple options and actually suppress context, right? 9737.wav|And there's an episode on supplementation where we go deep into the discussion about creatine. 9738.wav|For the shoulders, it's a little bit harder to do although there are ways to do that. 9739.wav|And as an important aside, there is no evidence whatsoever that people that don't blink very much are sociopaths or lie. 9740.wav|Those are all indirect supports of trauma relief and of getting over fear, but they are essential. 9741.wav|You can actually download those protocols very easily. 9742.wav|But until we understand the neural circuit phenomena, and of course, until we consider the neurotoxicity issues, I don't think those clinical findings can be appreciated in their full value. 9743.wav|And the simple way to state this is that when we focus our visual attention on a very narrow point that's close to our body and our immediate experience, we tend to slice up time very finely. 9744.wav|And we have to be sure that members of our species were focused on goal setting and goal pursuit long before this scientific literature emerged. 9745.wav|In fact, there's a kind of a lore in the clinical realm that you can predict or get some strong indication as to whether or not somebody is a cannabis user, a pot smoker, based on their voice and their particular tone of voice and their lack of inflection. 9746.wav|Whereas when you look straight ahead, or in particular when you look up, you are increasing your level of alertness. 9747.wav|It's not as high as it would be if something really novel and unexpected and positive happened. 9748.wav|And so we've had Tuesday off, Wednesday off, and Thursday off. 9749.wav|So, again, drawing from more or less paraphrasing from this beautiful review that I described earlier in annual review of Psychology by wood and runger, task bracketing involves a particular set of neural circuits within the basal ganglia. 9750.wav|The study, which I will provide a link to in the show note caption is entitled Distinct neural mechanisms for the prosocial and rewarding properties of MDMA. 9751.wav|One of the main deficits from being dehydrated is lack of sodium, not just lack of water. 9752.wav|And if you look at the other measures they took, keep in mind again, this is a pilot study, so a limited number of subjects, but again, the results are very impressive. 9753.wav|But that's exactly the reason to do it, which is that it taps into multiple fuel systems for the muscle and multiple aspects of the heart and capillaries and arteries and veins that are involved in generating that movement. 9754.wav|But again, that you can safely stay in done after training really have been shown to improve outcomes in terms of reducing soreness and improving training efficacy, meaning your ability to get back into training more quickly and thereby deliver more training stimuli to a given muscle or in your endurance training protocol, translate to English. 9755.wav|Now, cluster type headaches are associated with a bunch of very uncomfortable symptoms. 9756.wav|But at least as far as the data sets we talked about here are concerned, it is clear. 9757.wav|We're going to talk about ambulation, about movement, and about how that can maintain alertness throughout the day. 9758.wav|If you haven't already subscribed to our zero cost newsletter, we have what is called the neural network newsletter. 9759.wav|That complex has anywhere from twelve to 14 areas, depending on which neuroanatomist is naming things and carving it up. 9760.wav|And MDMA has properties similar to methamphetamine, but also properties that are very distinct from methamphetamine. 9761.wav|You will find, for instance, that 17% of women suffer from migraines. 9762.wav|I gave you some impression that it's running around your head like a headband in many cases versus cluster headache, which starts deep below the eye often, it feels as if it's emerging from deep in the brain versus migraine, which we'll get into in a moment, by understanding the different types of headaches, you should be able to quickly pinpoint what type of headache you have, what types of tissues are likely involved and therefore what types of treatments are going to most quickly and most completely relieve that type of headache. 9763.wav|And a commonly known feature of cannabis and marijuana consumption is disruptions in short term memory. 9764.wav|Now, it's important to ask why this would work, right? 9765.wav|Now, this turns out to be very important, because if you're going to take supplements, you want to know what's working for you and what isn't. 9766.wav|Now, before I tell you what the final word of each of those sentences actually is, I want to remind everybody that working memory capacity follows a normal distribution. 9767.wav|And the good news is, the literature says it doesn't matter. 9768.wav|So this study is one of several, but not a tremendous number of studies out there that are starting to really pinpoint the underlying neural circuits that allow mental training and visualization to really improve motor skill performance. 9769.wav|Now, I'm not going to go into a lengthy description of the different lines of evidence that the corresponding areas of the brain are active in each of these different kinds of meditation. 9770.wav|It was only about 60 degrees fahrenheit, which for most people is pretty tolerable. 9771.wav|I'm in an office or I'm in a building. 9772.wav|The authors are Joan Myers, Levy and Rui, and then parentheses, Juliet Zhu. 9773.wav|But if you think about it, if one of my pupils was up there and the other one was down there, one was really big and one was really small, that would actually be a sign of pretty severe damage. 9774.wav|The act of sex, et cetera. 9775.wav|And he agreed that a smooth pursuit stimulus, that kind of training, as well as, or exercise as well as near, far. 9776.wav|Those compounds are not yet legal, and in many cases, most cases, they are still illegal. 9777.wav|It takes you longer to perform complex motor sequences in your mind's eye than it does simple motor sequences, just as it would in the real world. 9778.wav|And which one of these is most effective isn't really clear. 9779.wav|It had a location for getting food on the island. 9780.wav|They're in the Netherlands. 9781.wav|I've certainly experienced this. 9782.wav|Those newsletters include summaries of podcast episodes, lists of tools from the Huberman Lab podcast. 9783.wav|Now, the opposite is also true. 9784.wav|But in many, many ways, our learning of social cognition, our learning of how to behave in certain circumstances, what's considered normal or atypical, neurotypical and neuroatypical, if you will, a lot of that is not just generated from the inside out, but it also involves observation and visualization of what are considered appropriate and inappropriate. 9785.wav|And so what that really speaks to is the fact that the prosocial effects of MDMA that are observed in mice and in humans and in octopuses all have a common basis, which is the activation of more serotonin release, in particular brain networks. 9786.wav|I also say this to protect you. 9787.wav|Some people, including nerdy vision scientists like me, have had Snellen charts in their office or in their home for many years now. 9788.wav|According to current research, young children are more imaginatively creative than adults. 9789.wav|So another 75 milligrams later. 9790.wav|And I have only one friend that texts up here, like on the street, holds his phone up here. 9791.wav|It's necessary, but it's not going to be sufficient. 9792.wav|Now, why is nicotine present in potatoes and tomatoes and in the tobacco plant at all? 9793.wav|And here we haven't even touched on some of the psychological components of focus, right. 9794.wav|This is probably why when people go into these cave retreats, something I've never done, I don't think I ever will do, where it's completely black. 9795.wav|These are the rewarding, or sometimes called reinforcing properties of dopamine that take place in the so called mesolimbic reward pathway. 9796.wav|We know there's emotional intelligence. 9797.wav|I say some because a lot of people perceive or believe that they experience more pain relief from cannabis than they actually do. 9798.wav|They have things in their past that are very uncomfortable to them. 9799.wav|When the right facing arrow is presented, you press the right key. 9800.wav|Our premium subscriber channel was started in order to provide support for the standard Huberman Lab Podcast, which comes out every Monday and is available at zero cost to everybody on all standard feeds, YouTube, Apple, Spotify, and elsewhere. 9801.wav|But once again, we can distill out a few basic principles, and I should emphasize these are by no means the only chemicals and neural circuits involved in the sexual arc, as we'll call it, desire. 9802.wav|MDMA, or ecstasy, is a fascinating compound, and I say fascinating from the perspective of its chemical structure, which is highly unusual. 9803.wav|There are even people who are now developing cooled bicycle handles for long rides. 9804.wav|Divergent thinking largely taps into the networks of the brain that are involved in mental flexibility. 9805.wav|And we'll talk about the mechanisms a little bit later. 9806.wav|They're thinking about that goal line and what they want to achieve that long term goal and all the wonderful things associated with it, or whether or not they are thinking about all the ways in which they could fail en route to that goal. 9807.wav|We'll talk about in a moment. 9808.wav|And I'll explain what I do on the off days, they're not pure off days, they actually include some recovery type training or even some all out training. 9809.wav|What this means is that taking a cold shower or getting into an ice bath or some other form of cold water immersion within the immediate minutes or even the immediate hours following your training has been shown to be beneficial. 9810.wav|The first question is about colds and flus. 9811.wav|A lot of different ideas that's correlated with high, but not too high dopamine. 9812.wav|But with repeated use, what ends up happening is that even at similar or higher levels of ingestion, so not just one inhalation a minute, but maybe two inhalations a minute, or an inhalation every 30 seconds. 9813.wav|But before we do that, I want to highlight one very brief point, which is that nicotine is not the cause of cancer. 9814.wav|So any big goal, of course, is broken up into a series of smaller goals. 9815.wav|But most of it, believe it or not, came in the form of the anticipation. 9816.wav|Many people need corrective lenses. 9817.wav|And most typically, that state is one of deep relaxation, but also one in which you can access your bodily and brain systems for teaching yourself how to relax in real time, and how to recover some of the sleep that you may not be getting at night. 9818.wav|Now that eleven minute cutoff is not a strict threshold and is actually geared more towards increases in metabolism. 9819.wav|Look, I want to be very frank with you. 9820.wav|We are going to talk about metabolism. 9821.wav|Is extremely detrimental to the dopamine and other mood producing systems of the brain. 9822.wav|So we tend to increase focus. 9823.wav|So that's the amount of pressure when there's a heartbeat and it's moving through your vasculature. 9824.wav|And there are a number of different clinical trials occurring now at Johns Hopkins, at Stanford, at University of California, San Francisco, and elsewhere exploring psilocybin for the treatment of depression, for trauma, for eating disorders. 9825.wav|Second best would be seated. 9826.wav|So not just touch at the level of skin, but pain and pain pathways. 9827.wav|Again, if you miss a day, you just hop right back on the next day. 9828.wav|But you were confident that you could stay in without risking your health, right? 9829.wav|I usually do that for breakfast or for lunch, and then in the evening I tend to follow a more or less vegetarian diet. 9830.wav|It turns out that imagining success and visualizing success can be useful at the outset of a goal, and maybe every once in a while in pursuit of that goal, but that it's not terrific for putting you in constant pursuit of that goal. 9831.wav|And what they describe is what's called narrative theory. 9832.wav|The particular light pad I use I bought on Amazon. 9833.wav|But this study does make a couple of key points, and here I will just paraphrase, for instance, that cold water immersion is more likely to positively influence muscular power performance, to reduce muscle soreness, to reduce serum creatine kinase, and to improve perceived recovery after high intensity exercise as compared with passive recovery. 9834.wav|So that's very exciting. 9835.wav|Ideally, you would do this in conjunction with support from a clinician, but I'm also aware that there are a lot of people out there that are dealing with trauma and dealing with post traumatic stress of various kinds, and that they're desperate for various self directed intervention approaches. 9836.wav|Now, this is going to depend on time of day and the amount of adenosine in your system, as I mentioned before, but also there seems to be a kind of bimodal distribution whereby some people, when they drink caffeine, it really improves their headache. 9837.wav|What I'm referring to is a particular phase of day that after rising, after waking up, that is for zero to 8 hours, right. 9838.wav|You, of course, are obligated to know what those local laws are for you, where you live and where you travel. 9839.wav|And second of all, as I mentioned earlier, the statistics tell us that the greatest number of people that are starting to use cannabis are in the age bracket of 16 to 24, many of them are functional in other areas of life. 9840.wav|Also a brain region called the ACC or, excuse me, anterior cingulate cortex and the amygdala. 9841.wav|That's all that meditation is. 9842.wav|But just like with nicotine, there are substances in the outside world. 9843.wav|We have this brain structure called the insula. 9844.wav|And these are long lasting changes that are thought to underlie both some of the relief from major depression, but also some of the enhanced creativity and some of the other things that have been observed with psilocybin treatment. 9845.wav|Spiegel would use were you to show up at his clinic or in his laboratory. 9846.wav|Turns out that if the goal is too easy, it's too within reach. 9847.wav|And so their whole brain circuitry is skewed toward avoiding particular things, and they actually are rewarded for that. 9848.wav|Well, we have to take a step back and confess to the fact that every society, every culture, every family, and every individual has a different relationship to food. 9849.wav|They don't feel well if they don't eat breakfast. 9850.wav|And indeed it was absent. 9851.wav|Now, I haven't seen many workspaces that take advantage of this very hardwired neurobiological fact. 9852.wav|So a broad array of effects are taking place regardless of what strain you take and whether or not you eat the cannabis or you smoke the cannabis. 9853.wav|In other words, it can kill them or prevent them from reproducing, and therefore explains why plants probably evolve to have this plant alkaloid, nicotine in humans because of the differences in receptors for nicotine, where they are located and the types of receptors, the effects of nicotine on humans is quite a bit different. 9854.wav|So the line between traumatic brain injury and lower level brain injury is one that still seeks definition. 9855.wav|So what's going on there? 9856.wav|So there are instances in which people have anorexia or have bulimia, but are still maintaining healthy menstrual cycles, or at least menstrual cycles. 9857.wav|Today's episode is also brought to us by athletic greens. 9858.wav|So what happens when an animal or a person takes MDMA is that social connection is strongly rewarded and reinforced, making social connection more likely after the drug wears off. 9859.wav|And I told you that these things can be habit forming and addicting in some cases, and they can greatly increase focus and focus is supported by enhanced levels of dopamine within this mesolimbic and mesocortical pathway. 9860.wav|The dosages will vary from person to person. 9861.wav|Now, one of the ways in which you might think about this and perhaps utilize this is that if you are well rested, or if it's early in the day and you've had some sleep the previous night, adenosine levels are very likely to be low, especially if you slept very well the night before. 9862.wav|If you'd like to try Belcampo first time customers can get 20% off by going to belcampo.com Huberman and using the code Huberman at checkout. 9863.wav|So this, I believe, resolves a long standing controversy in the field, which is, does cannabis increase sexual arousal? 9864.wav|Tension type headaches begin in a, more or less a headband pattern, but can really extend to other tissues as well. 9865.wav|Heat stroke is no joke. 9866.wav|And I'd like you to conceptualize them that way, because it allows us to build protocols that can be very objective and can allow us to monitor our progress in terms of building resilience. 9867.wav|I also ingest some fermented foods, but by ingesting athletic greens, I'm certain to get all the things I need. 9868.wav|And again, here I'm paraphrasing from the work of Emily Belcettis, I want to be very clear. 9869.wav|If that's the decision for you, and last but not least, I want to thank you for your time and attention and thank you for your interest in science. 9870.wav|Things like mindfulness meditation certainly can help. 9871.wav|You also have motor neurons that live in the spinal cord. 9872.wav|And you're going to have to come up with systems that allow you to isolate those goals in a very rigid way. 9873.wav|So endogenous cannabinoids are floating around in us, or I should say they are released in us in particular ways, bind to these receptors, and cause changes in mood, appetite, et cetera. 9874.wav|And we do this when we get claustrophobic, meaning we do it reflexively. 9875.wav|It doesn't have to be bracketed by your caffeine and your lunch. 9876.wav|It's a really interesting and powerful mechanism for how the rest of the brain wakes up. 9877.wav|Well, that's exactly the wrong approach if you want to cool off. 9878.wav|The article that I'm referring to is called effect of Workplace Sit Stand Desk Intervention on health and productivity. 9879.wav|So a terrible event is a terrible event, period. 9880.wav|So Cermahini and Hummel done a number of different papers or studies rather of the relationship between blinking mood and creativity, in particular, divergent thinking. 9881.wav|So if you're in a low mood or kind of meh mood, by all means, engage in something probably for about five to 30 minutes that elevates your mood before trying to engage in divergent thinking. 9882.wav|It feels good, so people want to do more of it. 9883.wav|That is, pure sativa varieties. 9884.wav|There's a process in our nervous system that we call neuroplasticity. 9885.wav|A lot of people that are interested in taking things to support their vision are taking lutein as a preventative measure. 9886.wav|If you already know what goal you want to pursue, maybe it's a workout, maybe it's cognitive work of some particular sort. 9887.wav|The fact that serotonin and dopamine are released together has distinctly different effects than if just dopamine or just serotonin is increased. 9888.wav|Some people work around that, or try to work around that by using varying strains of cannabis, or changing the pattern of delivery from smoking to vaping, or from vaping to edible and from edible to transdermal. 9889.wav|They're experiencing this as an increase in focus, an increase in alertness, an increase in mood and well being that is very rapid, very dramatic, and that simply cannot be recreated by any other substance. 9890.wav|He's in the department of communications. 9891.wav|I'm guessing some people walk more quickly. 9892.wav|The paper is entitled impact of cold water immersion compared with passive recovery following a single bout of strenuous exercise on athletic performance in physically active participants. 9893.wav|And of course, because it's this podcast, we will also talk about things that you can take to improve your vision. 9894.wav|The unconditioned stimulus is the thing that evokes a response unconditionally. 9895.wav|Halpern and others while at Stanford showed that there are particular patterns of brain activity in both the prefrontal cortex, but also in an area of the brain called the nucleus accumbens. 9896.wav|So for me, the way that I typically do this will be to focus on, say, the palm of my hand. 9897.wav|The cerebellum is an area in the back of your brain. 9898.wav|Many children in fact have these. 9899.wav|But what I do is I simply switch to using yellow lamps. 9900.wav|You come up behind someone, you say hello and they just turn around real slow, or they might just turn around at normal speed and say hello, whereas other people jump out of their seat. 9901.wav|You don't want to damage it. 9902.wav|But where I'd like to start is with mental performance. 9903.wav|That's for you to explore. 9904.wav|FMRI is just functional magnetic resonance imaging. 9905.wav|You don't feel it. 9906.wav|And again, that's because of that trigeminal nerve. 9907.wav|I mean, if you want to be very habitual and you want to do the exercise or the sunlight viewing always at the same time, or you want to drink your caffeine always at the exact same time, that's fine. 9908.wav|Later, we will talk about open monitoring meditations. 9909.wav|So a shift from eight out of ten to seven out of ten in another person, and to see less shift in brain connectivity in this same network, and then perhaps in the person that went from full blown PTSD to full remission of PTSD, something that, believe it or not, has been observed in single sessions with MDMA. 9910.wav|Talked about sympathomimetics and what that means in the episode on adderall and vivance and ADHD. 9911.wav|So if somebody says MDMA puts holes in your brain, you would be correct in being skeptical, or at least giving them some arguments for that statement. 9912.wav|We don't like text messages that deliver bad news, information about the outside world or real world, and online interactions that send our system into a state of increased norepinephrine and epinephrine. 9913.wav|He showed people a picture of a map, so a map drawn on a piece of paper. 9914.wav|It could be because they are too tired to do it, or it could be because they're too anxious and distracted in order to do it. 9915.wav|And the long and short of that literature is that people who have ADHD, regardless of age, do seem to have an ability to focus. 9916.wav|Well, let's say you set out to get, let's say, 45 minutes of zone two cardio exercise every day, five or maybe even seven days a week. 9917.wav|So maybe you go have a glass of water. 9918.wav|And anytime we talk about a particular event, the car, the snake, the public speaking, the trauma, the horrible experience wiring into the fear system. 9919.wav|But the effect does seem to be directly related to getting sunlight and not just to the distance that you're viewing. 9920.wav|And the resistance training workout that I emphasize on Wednesday is one in which you train your torso. 9921.wav|You will need corrective lenses. 9922.wav|It is the rare individual who has perfectly balanced musculature, right? 9923.wav|Whereas when we are in a very focused state, we are in a state often where we can focus visually. 9924.wav|Those neurons send little wires to an area of our hypothalamus right above the roof of our mouth that creates a state of alertness. 9925.wav|It dramatically reduces one's tendency to engage in social interaction. 9926.wav|Now, of course, this is going to be controlled by all sorts of external factors, like whether or not they slept well the night before, whether or not you slept well the night before, and you're being clear, and you're in instructions to them, et cetera. 9927.wav|And so they make more insulin than normally would be made and blood glucose isn't regulated properly, et cetera, et cetera. 9928.wav|And the probiotics and prebiotics in there in particular support the so called gut brain axis. 9929.wav|As the framework for this, but you could adopt it easily to your particular schedule. 9930.wav|So, for instance, it allowed me to see how different foods and particular macronutrients and combinations of macronutrients would either peak or trough my blood sugar or keep my blood sugar steady. 9931.wav|Well, maybe I will do this, but I can actually relax this eye. 9932.wav|And again, this protocol is not important because it's the one that I follow. 9933.wav|We have a system that can generate threat responses. 9934.wav|The second major effect that nicotine has in the brain is that it increases acetylcholine. 9935.wav|I do suggest that people get at least one complete rest day per week, although I know a lot of people don't like that. 9936.wav|You could attend to that and redirect to that. 9937.wav|For instance, we know that the tar in cigarettes, even low tar cigarettes, as well as the ammonia within cigarettes, as well as the formaldehyde contained within cigarettes as well as the carbon dioxide that's generated from smoking. 9938.wav|These are topics that, frankly, no one really wants to talk about unless they know someone who's suffering from them or they themselves suffer from them. 9939.wav|Now, everything I'm describing, or at least the way I'm going to describe it, is based on what I would call a typical schedule. 9940.wav|I myself do such a practice on a daily basis, anywhere from 10 minutes to 20 minutes, sometimes 30 minutes. 9941.wav|But dopamine, contrary to popular belief, is not a reward molecule as much as is a molecule of motivation and drive. 9942.wav|And it does so with this molecule that is methamphetamine. 9943.wav|These are all names for circuits that are highly conserved between mice and humans. 9944.wav|Look at things off in the horizon. 9945.wav|And who got what and how much and who got a slightly bigger piece of cake, et cetera. 9946.wav|So we have LTP, long-term potentiation, and LTD, long-term depression, is every bit as important as LTP, long-term potentiation, for getting better at some sort of motor skill and indeed at getting better at some sort of cognitive skill. 9947.wav|Well, equally disturbing is somebody who has an abundance of food and is gorging themselves and then feels terrible about it. 9948.wav|You go to the menu, you can sign up for the newsletter. 9949.wav|So if we want to treat migraine, we're going to have to think about things that can constrict blood vessels in the brain area. 9950.wav|And their dogs can have strong oxytocin patterns of release in response to their owners. 9951.wav|I mean, maybe you're taking 1 hour long cold showers, maybe you're getting into the ice bath for an hour, although I don't recommend that. 9952.wav|But actually, in that study, they identified the serotonin transporter in octopuses and showed that it has a lot of homology similarity to human serotonin transporter receptors. 9953.wav|And dopamine is known to be in the pathway that can stimulate testosterone. 9954.wav|So called neuroplasticity effects. 9955.wav|Your hypothalamus is an area of your forebrain, which tells you it's in the front, but it's at the base of your forebrain, sits more or less above the roof of your mouth. 9956.wav|So it's not just that smoking and vaping are bad for your health, these other forms of delivery for nicotine can be bad for your health as well. 9957.wav|Ana Lemke on addiction and dopamine, what you would find is that increases in dopamine of the sort evoked by deliberate cold exposure are actually very similar to the kinds of increases in dopamine that are elicited by things like nicotine or from other behaviors that are known to be addictive and bad for us because they lead to other effects on the brain and body that we simply don't want. 9958.wav|So what do I recommend? 9959.wav|I would just like to see more data, and it's very important that the safety aspects of safety be in place. 9960.wav|So what's discovered in the study is that MDMA has a bi directional effect on our perception of others emotions, making people more likely to rate something as positive, if it's initially positive, or even a little bit positive, and less likely to rate a threatening face as more threatening. 9961.wav|But more important than you follow any one particular yoga nidra, NSDR script is that you learn to take your body and brain into these states of limited motion, elevated dopamine within this particular pathway and fairly deep relaxation. 9962.wav|For those of you that don't want to learn more, all you need to know is that the downstream of all that are increases in mitochondria and metabolism, and actual genetic changes in the white fat cells that convert them into beige and brown fat cells. 9963.wav|So if you are a man or woman for that matter, and you're waking up in the middle of the night with a unilateral headache, and it seems like it's deep within your head or it's starting there and it's on one side and localized to the eye, and maybe these other regions the trigeminal is involved in, you may be suffering from cluster type headache and you should talk to your physician. 9964.wav|In fact, most people don't like the sensation of a lot of adrenaline in their system. 9965.wav|So this transgenerational passage of trauma, I think, is extremely interesting, in large part because it brings us back to this idea that the threat reflex is part of a larger sensory system. 9966.wav|It's involved very closely with whether or not we can engage in behavior and withhold behavior, the so called go and no go pathways in the brain. 9967.wav|I do every once in a while, see somebody who's texting in public with it at eye level. 9968.wav|And the short answer that I was able to arrive at on the basis of a review article that I'll talk about in a moment, and some other studies as well, is that if your main goal is hypertrophy and strength, it is probably best to avoid cold water immersion and ice bath immersion in the 4 hours immediately following that strength and or hypertrophy training. 9969.wav|And you have such a thermostat as well. 9970.wav|I think most people are aware of that, that your muscles are not just one big blob of tissue. 9971.wav|Okay, without going into an extensive deep dive into the different neurotransmitter systems of the brain and body, what we know for sure is that cb one receptors are present on an enormous number of different neurons and brain structures and neural circuits. 9972.wav|Okay, so the nicotinic receptors are of the acetylcholinergic variety. 9973.wav|So there's no reason to avoid them entirely, just perhaps avoid them within the context of trying to improve working memory. 9974.wav|Well, in the context of drugs and in particular addictive drugs, caffeine doesn't quite rise to the list. 9975.wav|Increases in sociability of those mice were observed just as they are in humans that take MDMA. 9976.wav|That doesn't rely on prefrontal cortex. 9977.wav|It has its own study and also references a number of important studies. 9978.wav|We'll talk about how that relates to mental imagery and visualization and the creative process and problem solving in general. 9979.wav|And what I'll try and do also is I'll try and dim the screen that I'm working on so that I can still manage to see everything that I need to see. 9980.wav|And this was, of course, during an approved therapeutic session, that they were doing this and they were in some sort of intense visualization about a traumatic experience. 9981.wav|You just find yourself doing it rather than trying to prevent yourself from doing it the next time you do it. 9982.wav|And I just want you to understand a little bit more about the science of seeing, of eyesight and vision, and then all the protocols will make perfect sense. 9983.wav|Now, there have been attempts to give leptin to anorexics because leptin has been sequenced and the peptide has been synthesized. 9984.wav|GABA is an inhibitory neurotransmitter you don't need to know too much about to just understand that nicotine both increases dopamine, but also decreases the activity of GABA. 9985.wav|Okay, so I have binocular vision, but I use other cues. 9986.wav|There was the idea that bulimia is associated with early trauma, in childhood, in particular sexual trauma, and while that can be the case, there's no direct correlation between the two. 9987.wav|For that reason, we partner with Thorn T-H-R-I-E because thorn supplements have the highest levels of stringency with respect to the ingredients they include and the precision of the amounts of the ingredients they include in their products. 9988.wav|Well, many people believe that because cannabis, marijuana is a plant, and plants grow out of the ground and they're naturally occurring. 9989.wav|They have a dashboard that's very easy to use. 9990.wav|Frankly, I can't pick just one. 9991.wav|One or the other isn't healthy or advantageous, necessarily. 9992.wav|So this could be visual attention, auditory attention. 9993.wav|Different levels of dimness, if you will, in the room, will cause them to feel sleepy. 9994.wav|And as you may have heard, if you listen to our episode with Rockefeller Professor, Dr. 9995.wav|I think the important thing to just take away from this is that there is now starting to be an understanding of how drugs like ketamine work to create this subjective experience that this patient and other patients describe as dissociation. 9996.wav|Now, of course, we have daily goals and monthly goals and yearly goals. 9997.wav|I don't have any financial or other relationship to them. 9998.wav|However, it's hard to surprise yourself about a behavior that you're deliberately engaging in. 9999.wav|You have presynaptic neurons and postsynaptic neurons. 10000.wav|It's clearly not being overrun by the homeostatic processes of the body. 10001.wav|Eyes down is a route into sleepiness, into reduced alertness. 10002.wav|It's just that in this case, they were added to the prefrontal cortex, had no effect on working memory. 10003.wav|You can look those up on the Internet. 10004.wav|But norepinephrine levels in the brain allow for more top down control, and that's also why they're used to treat ADHD and attention deficit disorder. 10005.wav|We call these the intrinsically photosensitive melanopsin ganglion cells, which is really just a mouthful of nerd speak for neurons in the eye that connect to the brain, these so-called ganglion cells, that respond most robustly to bright blue light or other short wavelength light. 10006.wav|It doesn't underscore everything that we're talking about because here's the really cool thing. 10007.wav|I think in movies especially, we have this idea in mind that of this limitless concept or that we have these hidden geniuses that somehow have access to all the math knowledge without ever having done any formal math. 10008.wav|And it turns out that just sitting is terrible for us. 10009.wav|There's a tremendous amount of information on the Internet and in books and so forth about about how to set goals and assess your progress towards goals and update your goals and so forth. 10010.wav|So what does this all mean in terms of protocols? 10011.wav|It actually brings water into the system, and you don't want your system to be low on water. 10012.wav|There is now a wealth of quality scientific published data showing that the microbiota, meaning the little microbes that live in our gut, are good for us and our gut, when it functions properly, communicates with our brain and our brain communicates with our gut through the so called gut brain axis. 10013.wav|But really this typically exists as a more subtle and challenging phenomenon for people where they either can't remember what they were doing or they're simply drawn down different trajectories, different thought trajectories or action trajectories. 10014.wav|Of course, everything was a particular target for Costello urinating outdoors. 10015.wav|This may come as no surprise, but if you're just sitting there on the bus or around the dinner table and you're not paying attention to what's going on, in large part your brain is in this default mode network and you're thinking about yourself. 10016.wav|And what you practice is the practice of non-judgment. 10017.wav|You get onto a grade, maybe a ten or 15 degree grade, and you're heading down, and you figure, well, you'll just pump the brakes a little bit, but there is no brake, right? 10018.wav|I have to think of something funny when people will say, that's a bit more of the way I might laugh, like, sort of the inspiratory laugh, which is expiratory laugh. 10019.wav|And I promised that I would give you ways in which you could gauge whether or not certain habits had moved from high effort, what I call high limbic friction, to reflexive. 10020.wav|Remember what your parents told you, or my parents told me, that if you cross your eyes when you're young that they can stay that way. 10021.wav|So again, legs on Monday, the workout is 50 to 60 minutes after a brief warmup. 10022.wav|We're going to really try and stay on target with what we already know and where there are certain exciting mysteries or intriguing mysteries about what we ought to explore more. 10023.wav|I'm a scientist, not a physician. 10024.wav|So if you're interested in upgrading your mattress, go to helixsleep.com Huberman take their two minute sleep quiz and they'll match you to a customized mattress, and you'll get up to $350 off all mattress orders and two free pillows. 10025.wav|Basal ganglia and cerebellum are areas of the brain that are involved in action, planning and withholding action. 10026.wav|So you can imagine that if we were to measure your heart rate, your blood pressure, and your overall levels of alertness and well being and mood, let's just give that some value. 10027.wav|It's a protocol that I've specifically developed for you, the listeners, in order to incorporate all the signs into a best practice that you can do anytime, any place, to really identify what it is specifically that you want to pursue and the best route to pursue and achieve that goal. 10028.wav|And sometimes you have to slow down. 10029.wav|So as this spreading wave of depression goes from back to front, people experience a number of these different semi-abstract sensory phenomena that we call aura. 10030.wav|And third, it points to an actionable protocol that, while certainly is not the only approach that I think people could or should take for fear, trauma and PTSD, is one that I think we are going to see implemented into the clinical setting. 10031.wav|So in this effort to establish a common language around fear and trauma, I want to point out autonomic arousal. 10032.wav|Are you trying to talk about creators? 10033.wav|So at very small scales, and in particular at molecular scales, when you get down to the level of atoms and so forth, everything is repetitive. 10034.wav|They're very sharp blades that it does appear, or it's likely can help alleviate trauma and fear. 10035.wav|Now, many physicians, MDs, are not familiar with most supplements, so you'll probably need to bring some literature to the phone call or to the visit. 10036.wav|They'll either be called vesicles or vesicles. 10037.wav|It just stands to reason that since the human brain hasn't evolved that much, we don't think in the last 10,000 years that people would be thinking about these things. 10038.wav|So certain habits act as linchpins, meaning that they shift a lot of other things they can control and bias the likelihood that in this case, you or me will perform other habits that are harder to access, that we have less of an affinity for. 10039.wav|However, most people, including myself, do not follow a ketogenic diet. 10040.wav|So whether or not you're trying to build a company that's a billion dollar company that's going to go public, or you're thinking about planning a crafts day at home with the kids or for yourself, or you're thinking about what movie to go see, goals, goal seeking, and assessing progress towards goals all involve the exact same neural circuits. 10041.wav|It neither improved nor degraded working memory when those neuromodulators were introduced. 10042.wav|We can change that statement to also say, a progressive narrowing and specific kinetics, that is, specific time course of the things that bring you pleasure. 10043.wav|And so what's observed over time in people that have been given MDMA and this is a very important. 10044.wav|If I'm running, I'll wait until afterwards. 10045.wav|There's absolutely no information in that context. 10046.wav|Okay, so let's talk about bulimia, which is overeating and then purging, typically by self induced vomiting or by ingestion of laxatives, sometimes also in concert with people taking stimulants and fat burners and over ingestion of stimulants to try and burn off more energy. 10047.wav|But the takeaway, again, is very simple. 10048.wav|This is something we will cover in far more detail on a future episode, all about fertility. 10049.wav|More than 1 billion people consume tobacco in order to get their nicotine. 10050.wav|I have done deliberate cold exposure very late at night, 10:00 p.m. 10051.wav|And again, the estimates around comorbidities range anywhere from 17 to 46, or as high as 65% of people with PTSD having comorbidities for other mental health issues and addiction in particular. 10052.wav|And the more specific you can get by writing down or thinking about or talking about how bad it will be if you don't achieve your goals, the more likely you are to achieve those goals. 10053.wav|I would still want you to take breaks within those 90 minutes. 10054.wav|So there are a lot of signals that this arcuit nucleus in your brain are paying attention to. 10055.wav|So you say before 08:00 a.m. 10056.wav|Okay, so with that Thursday cardiovascular, let's call it endurance, but cardiovascular training workout done, around rolls Friday. 10057.wav|Now, a really important point to make about this Sunday endurance workout is that allows you to check off a box and that box is 75 or so minutes of zone two cardio, because as you may have heard, either in this podcast or from others out there like Dr. Peter Attia, getting 180 to 200 minutes of zone two cardio per week has enormous positive effects on longevity and enormous positive effects on general health. 10058.wav|Halpern and his colleagues doing in order to try and treat things like binge eating disorder? 10059.wav|Again, stamping home the idea that what you experience in the real world really serves to support your mental imagery, and therefore the key importance of experiencing and doing things in the real world and supporting that with mental training and visualization, and not just relying on mental training and visualization. 10060.wav|That would be an immediate goal based habit. 10061.wav|Concerning, because that mesolimbic reward pathway is the only pathway, the only pathway by which you can achieve the rewarding properties of any kind of endeavor, not just vaping, of course. 10062.wav|Now, of course, anytime we have a discussion about natural treatments, there are likely to be some eye rolls out there and people thinking, oh, you know, this is going to be a bunch of woo science. 10063.wav|In addition, try and place whatever it is that you're focusing on directly in front of you, but not have it extend too far out to either side of your eyes. 10064.wav|So there's an intraoral between ears time difference, and there's a brainstem area in which signals from one ear and signals from the other ear converge. 10065.wav|So you have to maintain cognitive control, counting these walls, traversing these walls, but getting out at some point, of course. 10066.wav|And that's because what it's repeating to us over and over again is this fundamental rule that normally we can't see or hear or experience in the absence of this creative act. 10067.wav|So again, these threat detection centers of the brain and brain areas associated with memory, and those changes are seen both while under the influence of MDMA and afterwards when the brain is simply at rest. 10068.wav|Most often, creatine is discussed in the context of muscle performance, not just for people who weight lift, but for people who do endurance exercise. 10069.wav|Phenylethylamines is the category of drug for which MDMA belongs to. 10070.wav|Those neurons are firing together without you consciously being aware of it. 10071.wav|Roca makes eyeglasses and sunglasses that are of the absolute highest quality I've spent a lifetime working on the science of the visual system, and I can tell you that your visual system, everywhere from your eyes to your brain, includes a ton of different mechanisms. 10072.wav|And I think this is important to highlight because it really mirrors what's done in the real world as opposed to just the finger tapping type things, which are mostly go tasks. 10073.wav|Well, in order to learn those things and to commit them to long-term memory, the information required to do those things and to have that knowledge needed to be held in short-term memory. 10074.wav|But the important element to understand is that these authors were able to trace back the idea of narrative training as a way to enhance creativity long before Guilford in the 1950s all the way back to Aristotle. 10075.wav|But one very simple way to avoid activation of these retinal ganglion cells that would trigger photophobia is that if you are starting to feel like you have a migraine coming on or you have photophobia coming on, to shift to using patterns of light that are in the longer wavelength domain, that means practically is shifting to using very orange, ideally dim, but very orange and a red light. 10076.wav|A key point about strength, hypertrophy and weight training, and this is something that has been covered on multiple podcasts, certainly the one with Jeff Cavaliere and with Dr. Andy Galpin and the one that I did on building muscle strength and hypertrophy, the solo episode. 10077.wav|And for some reason, all the sports and in particular football tend to grab all the attention as it relates to concussion. 10078.wav|Now, cannabis plants come in different strains or different varieties, and those different strains are indeed different genetic strains. 10079.wav|So dopamine really sits at the heart of our motivational state to seek out goals and to seek pleasure. 10080.wav|You tend to take into account different criteria related to what's preventing you from accomplishing what you want to do and what's helping you or assisting you. 10081.wav|And they measured the amount that they had set aside and saved for later in life. 10082.wav|The experiments that I'm talking about involve the use of what are called bistable images or impossible figures. 10083.wav|And given that it's a purely behavioral intervention, I can see no reason as to why people wouldn't want to do that. 10084.wav|We could perhaps even say most effective because most of the, let's just call it the strongest data really point to repeating these 50 to 75 trials of the same thing, three to five times per week. 10085.wav|And the idea is that you're going to need to do this within approximately 500 milliseconds of the presentation of that arrow, or else it's going to tell you that you missed that trial. 10086.wav|Remember, these are, after all, neuromodulators. 10087.wav|If we were to look back at our species over tens or hundreds or thousands of years, we would find that indeed, we did sit down. 10088.wav|I know that can be hard to do, but it's very valuable. 10089.wav|In fact, the presence of cb one receptors in the spinal cord largely explains the fact that THC and CBD, to some extent, although it's not very well studied, can provide some pain relief. 10090.wav|So the title of this study is a potent physiological method to magnify and sustain soleus oxidative metabolism improves glucose and lipid regulation. 10091.wav|But it's also closely related to convergent thinking and divergent thinking and to the creative process. 10092.wav|That's what's emerging from these trials versus 60% for the placebo and therapy alone. 10093.wav|They're not at the amusement park, but they're excited. 10094.wav|You do it often enough. 10095.wav|This also happens when you walk outside and it's bright. 10096.wav|I highly recommend that episode if you're interested in nutrition, that people are consuming a lot more oil generally. 10097.wav|And as we'll next see, it not only has that effect, which can be very beneficial for many people in a bunch of different circumstances, but it also has the positive effects that many people seek in terms of metabolism, in lowering inflammation in the body, and other physiological effects as well. 10098.wav|I think you'll love it too, because it illustrates something so fundamentally important about how our brains work, not just for sake of mental training and visualization, but just how our brains work at all. 10099.wav|In some communities, they talk about knowing what right looks like, meaning being able to define a very specific goal. 10100.wav|And that's also what was found in the animal studies of MDMA, where in those studies, mice were given MDMA at comparable doses, the doses were a little bit higher than used in the human studies. 10101.wav|So male and female located in different parts of the world, even some with PTSD, some not with PTSD, et cetera. 10102.wav|Obviously very rainy is very humid. 10103.wav|It also means, as we mentioned, colder temperatures. 10104.wav|The same is true for learning anything in the cognitive domain, meaning if you are to learn a language, it is not of course the case that you know every word in that language and then you simply remove certain words and arrive at the correct sentence structure that you're trying to achieve, but rather you have to suppress your native language. 10105.wav|Physical health, reducing inflammation in the body, improving athletic performance, improving mental performance. 10106.wav|And I'm sure as I say this, a number of people out there who are obsessed with hypertrophy and muscle growth and filling out their shirts or whatever it may be, are thinking, oh no, this is just kind of all around fitness. 10107.wav|What you're doing is you're casting a kind of a spotlight around a bin of time or a set of events for which dopamine can be associated. 10108.wav|Everything else is considered the periphery. 10109.wav|And so you want to space them out by two or three days. 10110.wav|But right now, actually, if you just want to think about these concepts, you can always go back later. 10111.wav|And of course, we don't have access to the mindset or the thinking or the emotions of other animals. 10112.wav|But while that may be true in a lot of circumstances, and I have to believe it actually is true in a lot of circumstances, there are a lot of people who use cannabis in a very directed way, or they get quote unquote high in order to achieve states that to them are particularly attractive. 10113.wav|What they found is that anorexics, rather than being anxious in the presence of food, and that anxiety, driving and avoidance of food, what they found is that anorexics have a hyperacuity, a hyper awareness of the fat content of foods, almost to the point of being sort of fat content savants. 10114.wav|But it's quite a bit dimmer than it was early in the day. 10115.wav|And of course, if you are unable to do physical training for whatever reason, injury, travel, whatever the case may be, well, then doing mental training is still far significantly greater than doing no training at all. 10116.wav|Most of those studies focus on macro doses of psilocybin, not microdosing. 10117.wav|The final word of the third sentence was cars, because the sentence was there is a lot of interest in electric cars. 10118.wav|I've mentioned a few of them on the podcast before and was sort of amused, surprised, and perplexed as to why. 10119.wav|And indeed, there's tremendous variation among people as to whether or not they can remain focused, or whether or not they struggle to focus in physically cluttered environments. 10120.wav|At those axonal bhutans, which are the sites of release, the vesicles literally fuse with the edge of the neuron and vomit their neuromodulator out into the synapse. 10121.wav|And this is where it gets interesting. 10122.wav|This is only pointing out the fact that ingesting sufficient quality amino acids, including leucine, early in the day can be beneficial for maintenance and growth of muscle tissue. 10123.wav|Or in other experiments, they just had people imagine this island and the location of these different landmarks on the island. 10124.wav|I tend to be able to eat more, which I happen to really enjoy eating, so much so that I'd like it just as an activity. 10125.wav|It's very easy to find, but even if you don't sign up, you can go to the toolkit for sleep that's listed there. 10126.wav|And if they think something is safe, the probability would be high. 10127.wav|And indeed, they create heightened states of cognition, of thinking. 10128.wav|And I think that we should be aware that that kind of mental phenotype exists. 10129.wav|That is, subjects had to keep certain small batches of information in mind and then discard that information in order to be able to perform the task well. 10130.wav|Also, please check out the sponsors that we mentioned at the beginning of this episode. 10131.wav|And certainly car accidents or bicycle accidents are not voluntary events. 10132.wav|It's involved in libido. 10133.wav|In other words, whatever surfaces, surfaces. 10134.wav|So I'll try and simplify all this. 10135.wav|You may like Rothko's, you may not, but I'll tell you one thing. 10136.wav|But when you look at anorexia nervosa, this failure to maintain weight, even to healthy levels, and often drops in weight that are very dangerous or even deadly, that has existed for a very long time and seems to be somewhat hardwired into the biology of individuals that suffer from it. 10137.wav|We're working really hard. 10138.wav|Or if you are told to stop, that is you get the stop signal and you press the key anyway, you'll be told that you made an error because you did not stop. 10139.wav|My binocular vision isn't great as a consequence of this early event. 10140.wav|It's a very good system because it was designed to keep us safe. 10141.wav|It takes effort. 10142.wav|There are several studies that if one wanted to explore, they could explore this in more detail. 10143.wav|Just use the code Huberman at checkout. 10144.wav|So I guess I will tell you what exercise I do. 10145.wav|So there are a lot of bodily changes that also drive perceptual changes and perceptual changes that drive bodily changes. 10146.wav|We've got identity based versus goal based habits. 10147.wav|So sadly, that doesn't seem to work very well, and perhaps they just need to come up with more robust reminders. 10148.wav|And in fact, a lot of apps, social media apps, will start to give you warnings. 10149.wav|But actually, there are three forms of therapy that, purely through the use of language, have been shown to have very strong positive impact, meaning reduce fears and traumas. 10150.wav|Now, these can be explored in the laboratory, and they can be explored in the laboratories through sets of different types of questionnaires or even tasks that you can give human subjects. 10151.wav|Now, again, you don't have to remember the names. 10152.wav|And you might say, well, how would temperature be involved in delayed onset muscle soreness? 10153.wav|Some people sleep on their sides. 10154.wav|And that can be summarized very easily as passive plasticity. 10155.wav|Now, the second dopamine circuit associated with creativity is the one associated with convergent thinking, which again is the kind of thinking where there's a specific correct answer. 10156.wav|It gets to the neural retina. 10157.wav|Okay, so let's take a second and really think about what's happening in the brain and body when we do mental training or visualization. 10158.wav|However, on those particular days, I was particularly busy, and so I was particularly exhausted when I arrived at the deliberate cold exposure. 10159.wav|Here I'm talking about multiple what I call stations or horizons. 10160.wav|So I'll focus my visual attention on the palm of my hand and I then do three breaths, again focusing on my internal state. 10161.wav|I've talked before in the episode on building strength and hypertrophy, that maintaining muscle, regardless of one's athletic prowess, regardless of one's age, is extremely important because loss of skeletal muscle is one of the major causes of injury as we age. 10162.wav|And then of course, nutrition and exercise are also important. 10163.wav|There's a really nice study that was done looking at recycling. 10164.wav|And it turns out there are just two elements. 10165.wav|The catecholamines are dopamine, norepinephrine, and epinephrine. 10166.wav|And I think it's reasonable to assume that some of that is the consequence of these increases in catecholamines, which is why many people opt for a cold shower, which if you're me, cold shower followed by a warm or hot shower or a cold plunge in the morning or maybe even just once or twice a week. 10167.wav|Okay, so we talked about sets and reps. 10168.wav|This is a paper published in Lancet Psychiatry in 2022. 10169.wav|It's a really interesting compound. 10170.wav|Unless you are stressed about what you're looking at, or you're very, very excited by it. 10171.wav|It appears that provided the dosages are kept reasonable, we'll talk about what reasonable means a little later. 10172.wav|And the key word there is movement. 10173.wav|Now, there's an exception to this, which is if you really want to be awake, it can often be beneficial to flipping on all the lights in the room and keeping them really bright. 10174.wav|Those don't matter in the brain of the anorexic. 10175.wav|You can download the light meter app if you want to measure lux. 10176.wav|So if you're somebody who's interested in increasing dopamine through the use of legal safe pharmacology, as I would hope it would be the case, there are ways to do that reasonably safely for most people. 10177.wav|So l tryptophan, for instance, is the amino acid precursor to serotonin. 10178.wav|So before we go any further, I want to share with you a couple of incredible aspects of mental visualization that really can be harnessed and applied toward mental training and visualization. 10179.wav|And indeed, I think this protocol fits that bill. 10180.wav|If you do 10 hours per week of real world physical training, again, it could be running, could be music, could be math, could be whatever it is you're trying to learn, shooting basketballs, hitting golf balls, and you add one hour or even half an hour of mental training to that real world training, well, then the results are significantly greater than you would experience with physical training alone. 10181.wav|It activates neurons and is associated with neural networks related to pair bonding both between parent and child, both mother and child and father and child, or caretaker and child, not just biological parent, as well as bonding between friends, bonding between lovers, and it's thought to actually be involved in the process that is the painful process of breaking of bonds when people are no longer available to us as caretakers or as partners, either by way of breakup, death, departure, et cetera. 10182.wav|And then they'll eat between, say, 01:00 p.m. 10183.wav|Another example of an impossible figure would be, a little set of cubes that look like they're coming out toward you, maybe with a little bend in them, going up at a right angle perhaps. 10184.wav|A mild increase in blood pressure, whereas an intense shock to the skin would lead to a big increase in heart rate and a big increase in blood pressure. 10185.wav|For the quadriceps, it's going to be leg extensions and hack squats. 10186.wav|But the idea that that's the cause of or is amplifying anorexia, the data just don't seem to support that. 10187.wav|I don't want to get into it in too much depth, because I want to make sure that I also talk about a number of other important aspects of the visual system that are more related to sight. 10188.wav|So what Eschers do is they essentially reveal to us a fundamental feature about the way that our visual system works, which is that repetitive patterns tend to become noise in our visual system. 10189.wav|So beige fat and brown fat is very good at raising our metabolism and helps burn white fat. 10190.wav|A number of excellent labs in neuroscience to set the circadian clock and to respond best to the contrast between blue and yellow light of the sort that lands on these cells when you view the sun, when it's at so called low solar angle, when it's low in the sky, either in the morning or in the evening. 10191.wav|So you're chunking this 21 days into a series of two day bins in which you are trying to perform four to five new habits and then completing that 21 days. 10192.wav|So that's helixsleep.com Huberman for up to $200 off and two free pillows we are now beginning a new topic for the next four to five episodes of the Huberman Lab podcast. 10193.wav|Meaning the question of whether or not doing an ice bath or doing deliberate cold exposure, or taking a cold shower after strength hypertrophy training. 10194.wav|Now on the flip side of creativity is the implementation of specific combinations of things and testing those to see whether or not they are interesting, relevant, or delight us or other people, or scare us or other people, or thrill us or other people. 10195.wav|Well, let's say you train your typical Sunday workout of endurance, then you train legs on Monday, and then you don't manage to do your heat cold contrast on Tuesday for whatever reason. 10196.wav|I'd like to give you a particular tool that's gleaned from the research psychology literature. 10197.wav|Or your ability to perform any kind of motor movement that you learned now or way back in childhood, most of that is the consequence of the strengthening of particular connections and the weakening of other types of connections. 10198.wav|So that's important to highlight. 10199.wav|And then there's the so called magnocellular channel that's involved in looking at big swaths of visual space and at lower resolution. 10200.wav|As if their condition defined them, right? 10201.wav|For instance, you could just come up with some, answer that said, a bird that swallowed an engine and that happens to be a seabird. 10202.wav|In fact, there are so many programs out there that include so many different acronyms that it can be a little bit overwhelming. 10203.wav|Some people have a very complicated relationship to food. 10204.wav|So most people opt for 30 seconds to as much as three minutes deliberate cold exposure in a shower or cold plunge or other body of water. 10205.wav|You think of any story, the story of Star Wars, the Greek myths, you think of any story that has been created, which we consider great and novel works, and you start to find these three elements, world-building, perspective shifting, and action-generating techniques. 10206.wav|They were able to explore whether or not this early day feeding effect was present or absent in these mice that lack the gene bmal. 10207.wav|It's one of the major causes, believe it or not, of cognitive and metabolic deficits as we age. 10208.wav|Those systems are disrupted. 10209.wav|Now, I will be sure to provide more specificity to what I'm about to say, but very broadly speaking, THC is largely responsible for the psychoactive effects of cannabis, that is, the changes in mood, the changes in bodily state and sensation, et cetera, whereas CBD and to some extent CBN have profound effects on the brain and body. 10210.wav|And loss of serotonergic neurons is known to impact mood negatively, mood regulation negatively, et cetera. 10211.wav|So you have to build up slowly, be careful and build up empirically. 10212.wav|That's sort of a duh. 10213.wav|The final word of the first sentence was up, because as you may recall, the sentence was, real estate costs are going up. 10214.wav|Please email me the reference. 10215.wav|They give this very stoic look. 10216.wav|You can see the numbers from your blood and or DNA tests, and it will point to specific lifestyle factors, nutritional factors, as well as supplementation, maybe even prescription factors that would be right for you to bring the numbers into range that are ideal for your immediate and long term health goals. 10217.wav|And I should say that it's not something that comes naturally to most people. 10218.wav|There are neural circuits for task switching. 10219.wav|So people wake up in the morning, and because the half life of nicotine from smoking or vaping is very short, anywhere from one to 2 hours, they are essentially in a state of withdrawal at the point where they wake up in the morning. 10220.wav|Well, these people, that's obviously an analogy, but people are throwing lots of things against the wall and seeing what stick and then seeing how the things that stick fit together. 10221.wav|This is the work of Guilford. 10222.wav|And then insulin is a hormone that's used to essentially chaperone and sequester and use that blood glucose. 10223.wav|If you'd like to try Roca eyeglasses and sunglasses, go to roca.com, that's R-O-K-A.com, and enter the code Huberman to save 20% off your first order. 10224.wav|I could not believe it. 10225.wav|So perfusion of that region and the gonads, to be specific, with additional blood, you could imagine in some ways increasing testosterone. 10226.wav|We can all help the red green colorblind folks out there by not using red in slides and diagrams and on menus and things of that sort. 10227.wav|This is why drugs like cabergoline, for instance, that increase dopamine are used as ways to suppress prolactin. 10228.wav|But for many people, they have a more transactional relationship to the EMDR practitioner or to their therapist, or they're working through things on their own. 10229.wav|I think the rule to follow is figure out what optimizes your training for your particular training goals. 10230.wav|We call that a synaptic cleft, or the synapse. 10231.wav|However, they also can be worn anywhere, to work, to dinner, et cetera. 10232.wav|But I will point out that the heat transfer from your body into water is much higher, four times greater, if not even greater, depending on the temperature of the water in water as opposed to in air. 10233.wav|Today, I'm going to describe a specific protocol that serves as a general template that anyone, in fact, everyone can use in order to maximize all aspects of fitness. 10234.wav|Very similar, if not identical, to the kinds of increases that come from deliberate cold exposure. 10235.wav|So we talked about omega-3 fatty acids, we talked about essential oils, we talked about acupuncture. 10236.wav|First of all, I'm trying to accelerate recovery from the leg workout I did previously. 10237.wav|From a subjective standpoint, people under the influence of MDMA in therapeutic setting tend to report immense feelings of connection or resonance with people, or even things with music, with objects. 10238.wav|That's very analytic. 10239.wav|You simply want to be able to carry out that sequence and then discard that information about the sequence and focus your attention on, for instance, what trajectory you're going to run through the park or around your neighborhood. 10240.wav|And that's effectively what your visual system does. 10241.wav|And this neat has been described for several decades now, and it actually is a pretty terrific way to burn off more calories. 10242.wav|In fact, if we were to come up with a key rule for divergent thinking, it would be, you almost want to have just enough focus to remember what the initial object or thing that was mentioned was to keep that in mind so that your answers don't become completely random, but the more distant and everywhere in between that you can generate answers, that is the things that are very close to pens, black pen, red pen versus pen and doorstop, pen acting as a doorstop, those are, one is very close, red pen is very close to black pen, doorstop is pretty far from black pen. 10243.wav|You will build strong binocular visual machinery in the brain and at the level of the eyes and the eye musculature. 10244.wav|Well, it seems like it works for these single event or kind of constrained event type traumas that people can describe while moving their eyes from side to side, generally in the presence of a clinician. 10245.wav|I occasionally still sneak in a neck bridge here or there, although I don't recommend it because in discussions with Jeff, he will tell you, and it's true, that the discs eventually go and you can run into serious issues from doing bridges. 10246.wav|So what you are doing is you are applying reward prediction error to the entire sequence of things that's involved in getting into the habit execution, getting through the habit execution, and getting out of the habit execution. 10247.wav|So it seems to increase gaba, but it also increases dopamine. 10248.wav|You can't get distracted by a button that might be only partially buttoned or maybe a little something on your sleeve if you're trying to do something else at that moment, okay? 10249.wav|And then they used a number of chemical tricks, and I don't want to get too deep into those now because they can be a little bit distracting. 10250.wav|It also comes in chocolate and chocolate mint, which I find tastes best if they are put into water, dissolved, and then heated up. 10251.wav|But the crash that one experiences after MDMA is actually a phenomenon very common to the crash that one experiences after ingestion of any type of stimulant cocaine, amphetamine, et cetera. 10252.wav|This just feels like more appropriate behavior. 10253.wav|Now, one thing we haven't talked about is screen brightness. 10254.wav|My sleep is so improved. 10255.wav|We apologize for that, but in order to have them done correctly, it takes a few days after it's posted. 10256.wav|This isn't really a surprise. 10257.wav|And having gone into the data in this paper and of course, evaluated references therein and listened to some of the spectral analysis that they include as data, you can literally go into these papers online and hear recordings of people who are cannabis users or non cannabis users, and I'll try and give you a clear sense without picking an extreme example of how somebody who's a fairly consistent or even occasional cannabis user might read that very same sentence. 10258.wav|Nothing got committed to short term, much less long term memory. 10259.wav|If you'd like to learn more about the biology of metabolism and appetite and how those things are mediated by neural components. 10260.wav|Anyway, without getting into the mechanics of sneezing and coughing too deeply, if you're going to be outside in the cold winter months and you'd like to avoid getting colds and flus, when you run, when you exercise, when you walk, when you're in conversation, try to nasal breathe unless you have to mouth breathe. 10261.wav|And they all seem to center back into the insula, that structure that we talked about earlier, this structure in our brain that has a map of our body surface. 10262.wav|And in fact, that decrease in core body temperature is important, if not essential, for getting into and staying in deep sleep. 10263.wav|Put in the comments section on YouTube or even just email me. 10264.wav|There's also an adjustment of the neural tissue of the eyes, which as many of you have heard me say before, are actually two pieces of brain that have been extruded from the cranial vault. 10265.wav|And then that feeling lasts a very long period of time. 10266.wav|It requires things like the carotenoids, that metabolic cascade, that biochemical cascade is essential for vision. 10267.wav|Paul Conti did on this episode. 10268.wav|And when you focus your eyes on a particular location, that systolic blood pressure goes up. 10269.wav|DNA is transcribed into rna. 10270.wav|But the simple point is by doing your heat and cold contrast, or, hey, listen, if you're somebody who doesn't have access to sauna or you don't like hot baths and you just do some deliberate cold exposure on Tuesday, you are doing that separate from your strength and hypertrophy and endurance workouts such that it will not impede the benefits of those workouts. 10271.wav|Now, that might seem obvious. 10272.wav|What I'm referring to now is simply where you place your phone or your tablet or computer screen or book, whatever it is that you happen to be looking at. 10273.wav|We have an accelerator on eating, and we have a break. 10274.wav|Others of you will be in there for ten minutes, depending on how frequent and how high, if you will, those walls of adrenaline are coming. 10275.wav|Meaning, is there some disruption in one of the major chemical systems in the brain that makes anorexics anorexic? 10276.wav|Whereas when they ingest or smoke indica and its components. 10277.wav|They observed positive outcomes, meaning improvements in certain variables for muscular power, muscular soreness, meaning reduced muscular soreness, increased muscular power, perceived recovery after 24 hours of exercise. 10278.wav|Now, you might wonder why that is, because, of course, the developing fetus doesn't necessarily expect to see cannabis or to be exposed to cannabis and THC and CBD. 10279.wav|Cold showers after that and put yourself into a cold environment would be the third best thing. 10280.wav|And at all of those locations, I describe science and science related tools, some of which overlap with the content of the Huberman Lab podcast, much of which is distinct from the content covered on the Huberman Lab podcast. 10281.wav|Now, why verbal memory recall was negatively impacted, we don't know. 10282.wav|I know nowadays seed oils have become quite controversial. 10283.wav|It sounds so simple, three to five minutes of deliberately slowed breathing. 10284.wav|And today, we will discuss exactly how to do mental training and visualization in the specific ways that allow it to complement the actual performance of a motor or cognitive skill to allow you to learn more quickly and to consolidate, that is to keep that information in mind and body so that you can perform those cognitive tasks, music tasks, motor tasks, et cetera, for long periods of time without ever forgetting how to do them. 10285.wav|And by the way, if you're interested in the story of Alexander Schulgen and the drugs he synthesized and the group that he built up to take these drugs and try them, and actually had several members of this group using these drugs in therapy with their patients for a long period of time, both before and after MDMA became illegal. 10286.wav|So it makes you ready for action, makes you ready for thought. 10287.wav|It can either increase or decrease the activity of other neurons. 10288.wav|And as many of you know, I'm not a fan of the word nootropics because nootropics means smart drugs. 10289.wav|There's a 33 00:30 times greater likelihood that you'll have bipolar disorder if you have a first relative who has bipolar disorder. 10290.wav|However, in most locations on earth, days will be significantly shorter by about an hour or two at least for certain parts of the year. 10291.wav|Starvation is now rewarded. 10292.wav|So called excitation and inhibition. 10293.wav|Again, we will provide a link to the study, and the other key takeaways were that nobody knows, nobody can tell you what healthy feeding windows are, what the best feeding windows are. 10294.wav|Well, the neurons that were involved in trying to figure out the solution to that wordle or crossword puzzle are active, and then acetylcholine is released from the little wires, the little endings of these cells in nucleus basalis. 10295.wav|So as we march forward, what you're going to find is that this phrase or this term, limbic friction, is going to be a useful metric or way for you to touch in with yourself and address whether or not you are likely to be able to form a certain habit easily, or whether or not it's going to be very challenging. 10296.wav|I promise that we're going to get into the neuroscience. 10297.wav|Now, of course, men can be anorexic as well, but anorexia nervosa does seem to occur at ten times the rate in women and young girls than it does in men and young boys. 10298.wav|That just means that they're a human being that cares about how they appear in the world. 10299.wav|Now, a lot of people recommend putting a gap between your final bite of food and when you go to sleep at night. 10300.wav|Let's talk about binocular vision and lazy eye. 10301.wav|Other people will find it quite hard. 10302.wav|So I'll just tell you a little bit about them. 10303.wav|So anytime somebody asks me if they were to take just one supplement, what that supplement should be, I tell them AG1, because AG1 supports so many different systems within the body that are involved in mental health, physical health and performance. 10304.wav|So for instance, it's now known that non-steroid anti-inflammatory drugs can offset some of the benefits of exercise. 10305.wav|Whereas the only children perhaps were used to having more food presented to them without having to compete with other members of the species. 10306.wav|And as I mentioned earlier, it is getting a lot of attention and it's very unusual. 10307.wav|In general, increases in cortisol that are ongoing are not healthy for us, and so on. 10308.wav|Now, I enjoy those, and for reasons that I'll get into a little bit later, I place those activities, typically early in the day because of the neurochemistry and the various types of hormones, et cetera, that are associated with performing those activities. 10309.wav|Well, there, you're just going to have to experiment. 10310.wav|If it's too loose, you're bouncing all over the place, and you might feel tired and wired one moment and then really hyper alert. 10311.wav|You have a family of these acetylcholine receptors that are of the nicotinic variety. 10312.wav|And it is fair to say that we cannot have fear without having several, if not all, of the elements of the stress response. 10313.wav|This was, they referred to it as a robust reduction in headache in particular for the subjects that increased their omega-3s and reduced the amount of linoleic acid that they took. 10314.wav|And to do that by learning to assess one's mood and pay attention to what kind of mood they happen to be in and then to leverage tools, behavioral tools, maybe pharmacologic tools, provided they're safe and they're legal in order to either increase dopamine or to elect not to increase dopamine in order to access the creative process. 10315.wav|Turns out that, again, work in Belsutta's lab, but also other laboratories, has addressed whether or not the probability of achieving a goal goes up or down, depending on whether or not one visualizes or sets a goal that is easy, moderate, or impossible. 10316.wav|Pharmacology has its place, can be wonderful, provided it's safe and legal, et cetera, but it can cause a lot of so-called off-target effects. 10317.wav|If you've ever been in a train and you look to your side, the rungs on a fence or the train tracks going by, you look like they're going very fast. 10318.wav|So a healthier form of dopamine release than they were engaged in prior to getting sober. 10319.wav|So sleep is vital, and sleeping on the correct mattress is absolutely vital. 10320.wav|So the brain is actually sitting in a very fibrous-like sac that you simply could not open up with your fingertips under any conditions. 10321.wav|People vary in terms of how quickly their neck grows. 10322.wav|And working alongside the other electrolytes, magnesium and potassium, it ensures that cells in our body function properly. 10323.wav|We will do an entire episode all about acupuncture, but much in the same way that essential oils, I think for many people, not all, but for many people are considered kind of a woo biology or people think of it as very alternative medicine, keep in mind that as the underlying mechanisms of things like these peppermint oils are starting to be discovered or omega-3s are starting to be discovered, mechanistically, they hold up very well. 10324.wav|That's really my goal. 10325.wav|So while a lot of so called performance. 10326.wav|People will consume the sativa variety of cannabis, either by edible or by smoking cannabis, or they will consume the indica variety of cannabis, again by edible or by smoking cannabis, or sometimes they will take it in a transdermal form or a sublingual form. 10327.wav|I think that opinion is shared with many of you out there as well. 10328.wav|Most of the time we're looking out on landscapes or at people's faces, et cetera. 10329.wav|And your job is to not press the key that corresponds to the direction of arrow. 10330.wav|Now, there are a lot of different ways that one could imagine doing that. 10331.wav|So let's just give an example of that. 10332.wav|And yet it also powerfully controls the release of serotonin, and in doing so, makes MDMA a distinct category of compound from either classic psychedelics like psilocybin or LSD, which largely work on the serotonin system and tend to produce mystical experiences. 10333.wav|And the only way to do that is to not go all out. 10334.wav|So that could be tricep kickback or some overhead extension would be more of a stretch type movement than a kickback, but then also doing regular old dips. 10335.wav|And of course, I want to thank you for your interest in science. 10336.wav|Casey Halpern. 10337.wav|What if you wake up? 10338.wav|Fears can be in the long term. 10339.wav|I don't think any study is wholly. 10340.wav|I think that there's this idea out there that it's either or, when often it's both. 10341.wav|Most of us are looking down at our laptop while seated, or we are lying down, which is going to make us more sleepy, or we are positioning our computers in front of us, but we really aren't in an environment that's bright enough, and so on and so forth. 10342.wav|If you get in colder water, we know, for instance, if you get into say 45 degree water and you only get in for 30 seconds, you're going to get a big increase in the catecholamines, perhaps as big as the catecholamine increase that you would get from being in 60 degree water for 45 minutes. 10343.wav|You have to figure out what works for you, but it can take a little bit of time to adapt. 10344.wav|But again, in addition to having a brightly lit room to be able to focus and attend to whatever it is you're working on, you want to have that screen positioned high in your visual environment. 10345.wav|So I might occasionally do a neck bridge, but in general, I'll train neck by wrapping a plate in a towel so that I don't end up with an imprint of the weight value on my head or face, and then moving the neck from side to side or front or back. 10346.wav|I manage to override my limbic friction, and I'm doing my 45 minutes of writing in the morning with no phone and no Internet, and I'm getting toward the end, and I'm anticipating, I'm actually doing this. 10347.wav|But I really strive to get certain workouts done on certain days consistently, at least as best I can. 10348.wav|What I'm referring to today in this particular study is the use of moderate exercise in order to increase one's focus and attention in order to trigger that neuroplasticity. 10349.wav|Each one has a pattern of gene expression that is different at different times during the 24 hours cycle. 10350.wav|So in order to leverage the neural mechanisms of task bracketing, in order to increase the likelihood that you're going to perform a particular habit, I have to break it to you that one thing that you've probably heard over and over about habit formation is not true. 10351.wav|So this idea that the images that we're being bombarded with are causing anorexia doesn't seem to be true. 10352.wav|The third sentence is, there's a lot of interest now in electric cars. 10353.wav|So these intrinsically photosensitive ganglion cells send connections to a small but important area of the thalamus called LP. 10354.wav|And one such state is a state of creativity. 10355.wav|We never think about genes in terms of controlling behavior. 10356.wav|So the study that I'm about to describe is a study that dates back 20 years. 10357.wav|Just think of it as a very detailed camera of the visual world, and it tends to be very restricted. 10358.wav|But what I described the general principles of how to set your mind, if you will, during the set, you should be focused on the muscles that you're using and or moving the weight. 10359.wav|For me, that most often means training fasted, and then eating pretty soon after I train, and if it's a high intensity resistance training workout, and frankly, all of my resistance training workouts are pretty high intensity, I'm not going to failure on every set, but at least about 30% of those sets, I'm going to failure, and the other sets I'm working very hard nonetheless. 10360.wav|And of course, they would be greater than you could achieve with mental training alone because we already established that real world training is more powerful in learning skills and retaining skills than is mental training. 10361.wav|And of course, I understand that it's the journey, not the destination. 10362.wav|So cognitive behavioral therapies are often combined with this habit recognition and rewiring approach, which is starting to become more and more common. 10363.wav|I'm going to read you the conclusions of the study and I will provide a link. 10364.wav|Herpes 1 virus by the way, is exceedingly common up to 90% of people. 10365.wav|So it's a little bit too crude a measure, but it's a good starting place and you can look up other information or see that podcast episode. 10366.wav|The body, and in particular your brain, can tolerate decreases in body temperature that are pretty robust and you can still stay safe. 10367.wav|One key thing is it doesn't matter what the goal is. 10368.wav|On many previous episodes of the Huberman Lab podcast, we talk about supplements. 10369.wav|So what they did is they had people use one of four different preparations, say preparation one, which includes some peppermint oil and some eucalyptus oil, and all the details about the amount and the relative percentages are in the paper for you to peruse online through the link I mentioned before. 10370.wav|Well, turns out that's wrong. 10371.wav|The timed protocol would be, Monday I do 1 minute of deliberate cold exposure at a given temperature. 10372.wav|So, as is often the case on this podcast today, we went into a lot of detail about a subject. 10373.wav|So further back in the brain that manufacture dopamine and that send their little wires that we call axons up to the prefrontal cortex to release dopamine. 10374.wav|So the basal ganglia are involved in task switching and they're involved in task switching in part by sending certain commands to go do certain things and no go to not do other things, okay? 10375.wav|It's like putting a prosthetic on a limb that you didn't necessarily need, or a robot arm when you didn't need the use of the robot arm. 10376.wav|However, there's some other data that have explored yoga nidra, aka NSDR, in the context of cognitive performance and a few other circumstances, all of which point to the fact that cognitive performance, and in particular, cognitive performance tasks that have a working memory element to them. 10377.wav|And indeed it does. 10378.wav|Literally, signals sent from the fat and muscle to the brain. 10379.wav|Please put those in the comments section on YouTube. 10380.wav|Unfortunately, there's no way to know or predict based on some other measure. 10381.wav|Part of the confusion is that the effects of proper Palmer cooling, because it almost always is done by palmer cooling, and less often in these experiments, by cooling of the bottoms of the feet and the upper portion of the face. 10382.wav|And what is also inevitable is that when you get into the cold, you will experience a surge in epinephrine and norepinephrine. 10383.wav|So does that mean that we shouldn't listen to white noise or pink noise? 10384.wav|This is largely where MDMA got the reputation for, quote, unquote, putting holes in your brain. 10385.wav|I also want to mention here at the outset that I have a long standing interest in nicotine. 10386.wav|Now, earlier I said epinephrine is the same as adrenaline. 10387.wav|So the study on peppermint and eucalyptus oil preparations in reducing pain of headache and different aspects of pain due to headache, I think are really important because they don't just illustrate the fact that, yes, indeed, and I'll go on record saying it, because that's what the data say, and there are other papers to support this statement as well. 10388.wav|We can be in the habit of saying or not saying certain things. 10389.wav|And I frame things that way, because I think there is an increasingly large number of people out there that appreciate that smoking tobacco or smoking cannabis? 10390.wav|So, we have kind of a seesaw effect here, where the same compound is increasing mood and alertness and focus in the prefrontal cortex and is decreasing stress and threat detection in the amygdala. 10391.wav|A lot of people actually use baby aspirin or small amounts of aspirin as a way to offset cardiovascular disease. 10392.wav|Creativity is a topic that to many people is very abstract. 10393.wav|That for me is 100%. 10394.wav|Of course, many people I imagine are interested in not just drug-based treatments and not Botox type treatments for treating headache, but other types of treatments for headache that are of the more, sort of let's call them natural or non-drug treatments. 10395.wav|So you don't have to imagine your heart beating and so forth. 10396.wav|For those of you 25 and older, you can still enhance your ability to engage divergent and convergent thinking. 10397.wav|This is the autograph light pad. 10398.wav|So we are going to stamp down a fourth principle of effective mental training and visualization based on what we know from the scientific literature is that your mental training and visualization should assign labels to what you're doing that can be matched to real world training and experiences. 10399.wav|They want to bring balance to their physique, both for sake of aesthetics and for sake of health and for sake of general functioning, maybe even to eliminate pain. 10400.wav|So some people's prolactin levels go up when they ingest cannabis, and those people do not achieve elevated levels of sexual arousal when under the influence of cannabis, even if they're looking at erotic stimuli. 10401.wav|So you have to be brutally honest with yourself. 10402.wav|Let's talk about some real world practical variables. 10403.wav|I mean, it's by no means a marathon or an Ironman, but this long endurance training. 10404.wav|He's a colleague of mine at Stanford University School of Medicine, Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences. 10405.wav|Now, just a bit of mechanism to explain why this happens. 10406.wav|Now, the way that one could do that could be a very low cost way of having, for instance, a desk lamp and those overhead lights. 10407.wav|40 hz binaural beats can enhance our focus, reduce our reaction times, and improve, indeed, learning and memory. 10408.wav|You can actually go to their website, coolmit.com. 10409.wav|Now, if you're outside and running and you're breathing hard and your nasal passages are drying out, does that mean that you're more susceptible to colds and flus that are just out in that environment if no one else is around? 10410.wav|This has actually been done. 10411.wav|You can think of them as microphones that are held between particular sets of connections in the brain, that make those connections in the brain more likely to be active relative to others. 10412.wav|So it wasn't just about sports. 10413.wav|This is something that's not often mentioned, but your performance on the Snellen chart will vary depending on time of day, because your level of fatigue and your ability to control that accommodation and other mechanisms of the eye muscles will vary, so you can take it as an average. 10414.wav|They involve, for instance, viewing sunlight or bright artificial light. 10415.wav|I happen to like the raspberry or citrus flavors. 10416.wav|But when a neuron gets a very strong input, a strong stimulus, that NMDA receptor triggers a number of mechanisms that recruit to the surface of the neuron. 10417.wav|And indeed, there's a whole literature related to effects of ingesting one to three grams, again, three grams per day of EPA. 10418.wav|In fact, things that are outright wrong in the literature and in particular in the Internet, and in the kind of wellness and fitness and cognitive fitness space that send people down the wrong path. 10419.wav|The other approach that I've seen, and actually, this is an approach that was used by someone who has been a guest on the Huberman Lab podcast, someone who's immensely productive, was that he. 10420.wav|So it's not just about engaging neuroplasticity of particular circuits, it's also about getting better at engaging plasticity. 10421.wav|I wish I could tell you that if you are a person who is between five foot seven and 6ft tall, and you have blue eyes or brown eyes, that the sativa varieties are going to be right for you, or that the sativa varieties are going to give you panic attacks. 10422.wav|Everything was blurry, double vision. 10423.wav|If you'd like to try athletic greens, you can go to athleticgreens.com huberman and claim a special offer. 10424.wav|So they are prone to concussions and head injuries simply by virtue of their work without any millions of dollars contracts or the opportunity necessarily, in some cases they do, but necessarily to do other things. 10425.wav|And they always seem to, in air quotes, have eaten earlier. 10426.wav|You can do this first thing in the morning when you wake up, especially if you didn't get enough sleep that night and you're feeling a little bit fatigued, and you need to lean into the day with full vigor. 10427.wav|And I think not just all scientists, but all human beings should know that within their brain, they have what is called the mesolimbic reward pathway. 10428.wav|I mean, there are a number of different reasons, but this is part of what's led to this enormous industry of highly customized cannabis, where people will spend some time really seeking out the different strains of cannabis and hybrids of cannabis that work best for them and work best for them in particular contexts. 10429.wav|So that's cause for taking a hot shower, perhaps if you have access to a steam room or humidifier and rehydrating those nasal and oral passages. 10430.wav|So it's pairing the internal landscape with the external world. 10431.wav|And that's why it feels so good and makes you want more of it. 10432.wav|And yet, if you've ever had a corneal scratch, I've had this it's really rough. 10433.wav|Certainly, we can expect that because of the huge known variation in dopamine receptors, in serotonin receptors, and, of course, because of the known interactions between MDMA and other compounds, in particular caffeine, but also drugs such as cocaine or other stimulants, that some people might experience more toxicity to a given dose of MDMA compared to somebody else. 10434.wav|For some people, the idea of eating an animal based food is probably so repulsive that it actually can make them feel physically sick. 10435.wav|If you are using deliberate cold exposure, the environment that you place yourself into should place your mind into a state of whoa, I would really like to get out of this environment, but I can stay in safely. 10436.wav|And as a consequence, the eyeglasses perform extremely well under all conditions, whether or not that's indoors or outdoors. 10437.wav|So, for instance, right now I'm alert, but I feel pretty calm. 10438.wav|But there's this idea that it's worth entertaining the possibility, at least for moments. 10439.wav|That was covered in a lot of detail on the podcast with Dr. Andy Galpin. 10440.wav|So perhaps dopamine exercise or dopamine cold plunge, et cetera, into the search function. 10441.wav|I know a lot of people don't want to hear this message, because, first of all, it's alarming. 10442.wav|But there's a problem with that and we'll talk about this a little bit more in a moment. 10443.wav|Essentially, becoming a functional human being involves using your prefrontal cortex in a variety of different contexts and different sort of time domains. 10444.wav|Fundamental rule of thermodynamics. 10445.wav|This isn't really the format for us to get into all of that. 10446.wav|Now, you can probably appreciate better as to why there's so little nuanced data about sativa versus indica versus different ratios of CBD and THC. 10447.wav|If you don't need that if you're a young child, or for your child to do that, because indeed, you create imbalances in the brain machinery that compares information coming in through the two eyes, and it can shut down the neural information for the occluded, the closed eye. 10448.wav|However, I will also receive dopamine reward if unexpectedly, something positive happens. 10449.wav|It had some trees. 10450.wav|And when I say the adrenaline experience, I mean the threat reflex. 10451.wav|In fact, the more ideas that you have about one thing, the better your divergent thinking. 10452.wav|Now, I don't want to be abstract here. 10453.wav|And the activation of that brain area is strongly associated with dopamine and with arousal, and sexual arousal in particular in this study. 10454.wav|I'd never seen one of these things before or tried one. 10455.wav|And actually, that's the reason they put blinders on a horse, so that they're not looking off into the periphery. 10456.wav|Things like bupryprone can also assist in that buprome by way of increasing dopamine pharmacologically. 10457.wav|Okay, so then Monday rolls around and I like most everyone else out there, I work on Monday. 10458.wav|Emily Belcettis has done really nice work on this. 10459.wav|It's associated with a bunch of psychological and physiological symptoms that all lead back to trying to get to the same levels of dopamine release and the same patterns that were experienced when one initially started vaping. 10460.wav|But if you cover one eye, that's impossible, and yet you still see the world as complete. 10461.wav|So running on a treadmill and to have a condition where one group is actually doing Palmer cooling while they are on a bike or on a treadmill. 10462.wav|And they looked during the mice's active phase of their circadian cycle, which corresponds to our day. 10463.wav|And the important point to take away from this is that it's not some magical, mysterious and mystical thing that's being transplanted from parent to child. 10464.wav|As I recall growing up, and admittedly I didn't play much baseball, but you start off on t ball and then you would go, I think it was to pitching machine then they would use actual pitchers who throw the ball. 10465.wav|That's the knowledge, the kind of looping in your head. 10466.wav|And I really like this study for a couple of reasons. 10467.wav|Okay, so at the link that we provide in the show note caption, you can actually do these two tasks. 10468.wav|I will provide a link to it in the show note captions. 10469.wav|I talk about perceptual shifts, and how to move from thinking and planning to pure sensation. 10470.wav|Okay, so things in your peripersonal space and consuming those things is generally governed by a set of neurochemicals that center around the neuromodulator, serotonin, and there are a few others as well, things like oxytocin, but mainly serotonin. 10471.wav|So they have cardiovascular and cerebral vascular deficits that cause a lot of problems in their immediate and long term physical health. 10472.wav|Now, of course, development is your entire life. 10473.wav|Most people don't know this, but eyelashes are there to trigger the blink reflex if a piece of dust or something gets in front of your eye, it's a beautiful adaptation of nature. 10474.wav|It involves a glove that you put your hand into. 10475.wav|The relapse rate of anorexia is quite high. 10476.wav|Might have bounced off the lane lines a few times, but I just used the other eye to kind of steer for that mark on the wall, got out of the pool, took a shower, dried off, and then completely lost binocular vision for three days. 10477.wav|If you're mainly focusing on strength and hypertrophy, get three or four workouts for strength and hypertrophy and do two endurance workouts. 10478.wav|Now, earlier I said we need to predict and visualize failure. 10479.wav|It's really worth preserving your vision. 10480.wav|Now, that's very different than jumping into a very, very cold lake. 10481.wav|And so the weight vest is a terrific way to get some additional work. 10482.wav|It's a process. 10483.wav|Whether or not you smoke or vape, tobacco or cannabis, you are severely impairing the function of endothelial cells that make up the capillaries and blood vessels of your brain and body. 10484.wav|Even if they aren't completely restricted from extending their limbs all the way. 10485.wav|It's a company I'm associated with. 10486.wav|And if you try and game the system and wait a certain amount of time after the presentation of each arrow, there will also be times in which the stop signal does not appear and you fail to hit the button in the appropriate amount of time. 10487.wav|I had just one sibling. 10488.wav|Obviously, chain smoking, because of the terrible effects of smoking. 10489.wav|Now, the whole idea of exploring the use of MDMA for the treatment of PTSD stemmed from the fact that even in people who are getting quality talk therapy. 10490.wav|How much should we reward ourselves? 10491.wav|How often can we do that? 10492.wav|However, I get an equal number of emails from people saying that they worked with some self appointed guide. 10493.wav|If we are going to evaluate whether or not we made progress today or yesterday or not, that's an evaluation of how we feel in the immediate peripersonal space. 10494.wav|But that's not necessarily required. 10495.wav|They're sparring all out often, and then at the end of the round, instead of resting in the corner, they actually sit down and play chess, and then they go back to boxing and back to chess. 10496.wav|But given the varied effects of cannabis and THC that we talked about earlier through all that complex signaling stuff, you can imagine that there will also be other studies, and in fact, there are, where divergent and conversion thinking and creativity is not assisted by cannabis and might even be reduced by ingesting cannabis. 10497.wav|There's a whole body dysmorphia associated with bodybuilding. 10498.wav|How are you going to cool yourself off? 10499.wav|And that's the fact that eating certain very spicy peppers can induce headache, and in some cases, can induce brain damage. 10500.wav|Because the last thing I would ever want to do is to create a situation where you find the optimal workspace, and then you are a slave to that optimal workspace. 10501.wav|And those things we will talk about in a few minutes. 10502.wav|Now there's an additional benefit of the weight vest, which is that if you are going out for a hike or even for a walk for social reasons, and you're with somebody that's not quite at the same fitness level that you are, frankly, it's a little bit rude to just keep walking ahead of them and running back or running ahead and running back. 10503.wav|And for other professions, it might be entirely inappropriate because of the particular kinds of cognitive tasks those professions demand. 10504.wav|So we will talk about how to update goals under different contexts in a few minutes. 10505.wav|That's the best way to support the podcast. 10506.wav|Today's podcast is also brought to us by Headspace. 10507.wav|Is oxytocin a meaningless molecule? 10508.wav|Okay, so we have tension type headaches, migraine type headaches. 10509.wav|No, but you do need a threshold level of vitamin A in order to see. 10510.wav|It's just a sensory system that is very generic in its response. 10511.wav|I would be remiss if I didn't start with the obvious, which is, is there a chemical defect? 10512.wav|Now, of course, I like to jog, but that doesn't mean that you have to jog. 10513.wav|They will have a low heart rate. 10514.wav|Like, wow, just thinking about new ideas has something to do with movement, with physical movement. 10515.wav|If you're somebody who suffers from a clinical disorder of vision, you have trouble seeing, or if you need corrective lenses in order to see, this episode is definitely for you. 10516.wav|Well, that has to do with that fear reflex circuitry. 10517.wav|Okay, so these are similar and related, but typically, the creativity process involves, first, brainstorming and divergent thinking, and then in order to arrive at something, to actually create something. 10518.wav|So if normally you're only getting the correct swing or you're only hitting the golf ball correctly, say 10% of the time, mental training and visualization can really help bring that number up. 10519.wav|If you're not already following me on social media, I am Huberman Lab on all social media platforms. 10520.wav|Then you want to discard that information and you want to lean into the next portion of your day and so on and so on. 10521.wav|You or another research subject would sit in front of a screen. 10522.wav|Now, dopamine does a number of things that are very interesting. 10523.wav|In fact, make leg day your first day of strength and hypertrophy training, put it on Monday. 10524.wav|We have dopamine is a neuromodulator, of course, involved in many things, in motivation. 10525.wav|The time domain of an hour, the time domain of a day. 10526.wav|There were a wide range of body mass indices, okay? 10527.wav|In fact, the simplest way to put this is that the human brain is in many ways a face recognition and expression of faces recognition machine. 10528.wav|What Eschers do is they invert the relationship between signal and noise, and they make the repetitive patterns, the signal, and the unusual patterns, the noise. 10529.wav|I covered all that in the two ADHD episodes that I did, which again, you can find it at humanlylab.com, just go to the search function, put in ADHD. 10530.wav|But that 75% of people, at least according to this review. 10531.wav|Now, the striatum is a big area in the brain. 10532.wav|I have friends that actually have converted their entire homes from blue light early in the day to red light late in the day. 10533.wav|I've done several podcasts on the gut microbiome, which are these trillions of microbiota that live in our digestive tract and that are crucial for our immune system, brain function, and so on. 10534.wav|Those cells can increase their activity and release other chemicals. 10535.wav|So sort of a chain reaction, or else it will suppress its activity and the flow of communication from one neuron to the next will be stopped. 10536.wav|Now, I learned this from a colleague of mine in psychiatry who happens to work on hypnosis. 10537.wav|But if you are somebody who finds that just sitting in a chair and trying to be creative is very challenging, some of you might benefit from, for instance, if you are engaging in writing or you want to write, to talk into the voice recorder of your phone while walking or simply walking and not attending to any one specific thing visually or through headphones. 10538.wav|And what should be punished. 10539.wav|Some people say that gap should be 4 hours. 10540.wav|And they have a pupil, like we do, on the bottom of their eye so that they can make very accurate dive and attacks on these schools of fish and catch fish and eat those fish. 10541.wav|And what happens is the neurons spit out these little spherical balls, which we call vesicles or vesicles, depending on where in the world you live. 10542.wav|There do tend to be these cycles of binge and purge, followed by feelings of real shame, because they just can't control their behavior. 10543.wav|And there's adult self-directed adaptive plasticity in which one can direct specific changes in terms of learning things cognitively or learning things in terms of motor function, so sport, dance, et cetera, or a combination of the two. 10544.wav|And once again, I was very sore in my back and in my neck, but I think one of the reasons why I was able to essentially walk away from that, I didn't have any sustained damage, was because I trained my neck. 10545.wav|They feel very excited. 10546.wav|We talk about this in our sleep toolkit. 10547.wav|It's quite expensive, often, et cetera. 10548.wav|God forbid, if you eat 30 minutes before your eating window starts, what does that mean? 10549.wav|To ask the question, well, do I have that? 10550.wav|So while the vape pen involves a liquid that's sold, a cartridge that contains nicotine, and often other flavors as well, flavorings, I should say both crack cocaine and vaping cause very rapid increases in the relative substances that are psychoactive. 10551.wav|What you find is that rates of anorexia are not going up. 10552.wav|It does seem to suppress activation of this threat reflex and the amygdala in particular. 10553.wav|Where else would we get peer reviewed data on these types of questions? 10554.wav|Keep in mind that hormonal headaches are most likely to take place when estrogen and progesterone are lowest. 10555.wav|I've done many podcasts on each of these. 10556.wav|But holding visual focus is challenging. 10557.wav|No, not necessarily. 10558.wav|They essentially asked these anorexics to evaluate food, and in doing so, they were able to identify something that's very unique to anorexics at the level of their perception of food. 10559.wav|So how would methamphetamine and MDMA be neurotoxic? 10560.wav|It becomes very complicated to know what people have done and that they're reporting it accurately. 10561.wav|And indeed, hearing and touch are much better, higher acuity and faster in blind people. 10562.wav|A pot smoker or somebody who uses recreational cannabis fairly often would have reduced spectral tilt, aka vocal effort intensity, and might say spectral tilt is vocal effort and intensity, and it differed between groups and appeared to change in line with the duration of abstinence from cannabis use. 10563.wav|Been a number of studies exploring how aphantasics, as they're sometimes called, although nowadays it's not considered polite, if you will, to refer to people according to their condition. 10564.wav|So once again, it's Seattle on May 17, Portland on May 18. 10565.wav|In a future episode, I promise to cover synesthesia and autism and some of the related cognitive and motor aspects of autism and things like Asperger's. 10566.wav|First person versus third person. 10567.wav|So, incremental goal lines, starting with an intermediate goal and then extending the goal line further and further. 10568.wav|So you can think about dopamine as a self amplifying system, provided that you are leveraging the dopamine system on a consistent schedule. 10569.wav|So how do you break a habit? 10570.wav|I personally get tremendous benefit from doing deliberate cold exposure three times a week and using the walls method that I described earlier as my gauge for how long to stay in. 10571.wav|But there are twelve studies, believe it or not, that orally ingested saffron at 30 milligrams seems to be a reliable dose for reducing anxiety on the standard inventories, the Hamilton anxiety rating scale for those of you that want to know, and these are significant effects, and these were carried out in both male and female subjects here I'm only referring to human studies. 10572.wav|Assessment of whether or not one is making progress towards those goals is a second but necessary step. 10573.wav|So this is absolutely critical. 10574.wav|And when I say real workout, I'll describe what that means in a moment. 10575.wav|Whereas if it was in your chest and in your lungs, you couldn't run. 10576.wav|But there are also general rules, and the sativas tend to meet people sort of mood elevated, energetic. 10577.wav|So this lack of impulsivity implies a lack of prefrontal control, what we call top down control. 10578.wav|But interspersed between those numbers were letters. 10579.wav|It has a bunch of different parts, just like any country has different states, et cetera, and provinces. 10580.wav|Also, if you haven't already done so, please subscribe to the Huberman Lab Neural Network Newsletter the neural Network newsletter is a monthly zero cost newsletter where I very succinctly spell out or list out protocols for things like sleep, learning, neuroplasticity, and other topics as well. 10581.wav|Pavlov did these experiments and ring a bell. 10582.wav|I've been sleeping on a helix mattress for close to a year now, and it's the best sleep that I've ever had. 10583.wav|Some of it is unique and different from what's on the podcast. 10584.wav|I think the ability to untether ourselves from the phone is going to be the way in which many of us are either going to succeed or fail in our various pursuits. 10585.wav|And so this is, at least for sake of this example, a 21 day system. 10586.wav|So if your goal is to build resilience, either go for time as a function of temperature, or what I suggest is to start recognizing these walls as an experience of resistance in you and going over those walls, set a certain number of walls that you're going to go over on a given day and do that at a given temperature, and then to mix it up. 10587.wav|So if you're somebody that drinks caffeine and your headaches get worse, I don't think there's any reason to think that caffeine one day or from one day to the next rather is going to somehow alleviate your headache. 10588.wav|If you focus routinely on foreshadowing failure, you think about the ways in which things could fail. 10589.wav|So I would be remiss if I didn't state that. 10590.wav|So you might think, okay, between the brain and the skull, there's probably just a little bit of fluid and the brain is right up next to the skull, but it turns out that's not the case. 10591.wav|And so the signal to eat is there, but the signal to stop eating is not there. 10592.wav|If you fall into the category of person who has elevated levels of prolactin in response to cannabis, then no, actually, cannabis will suppress your sexual response and desire. 10593.wav|In fact, if you look at the controls and you see that they're basically getting headache at a frequency of 90% or more after TBI, the reduction in headache frequency is down to about 10 or 12% in the people taking creatine. 10594.wav|And of course, when people say, hear fat, they always think, oh, fat's bad, fat. 10595.wav|And somehow those circuits can't be coactive. 10596.wav|Eye movement desensitization reprocessing involves moving the eyes side to side while recounting a traumatic or fearful narrative, typically with a clinician present. 10597.wav|He was featured as a guest on this podcast. 10598.wav|And then I'll run out of motivation. 10599.wav|There really is no way to assess the extent of brain damage after the consequence of hitting one's head or having one's head hit. 10600.wav|But for right now, we're going to focus almost entirely on the dopamine projections from the brain stem to the prefrontal cortex, which is called the mesocortical circuitry. 10601.wav|So we have lenses in our eyes, and we have these things called the irises. 10602.wav|Heller passed to me is find a relatively cool object. 10603.wav|That's one trial learning. 10604.wav|That is if we can prevent photophobia, partially or completely, can actually offset a lot of the ache of the migraine that would otherwise occur. 10605.wav|And that they link that back to that early traumatic experience, that it's not just that they're replacing a bad experience and memory with a good experience and memory, but that they're actually holding in mind in these top down narrative circuits, if you will. 10606.wav|So if you'd like to try Maui Nui Venison, go to MauinuiVenison.com slash Huberman to get 20% off your first order. 10607.wav|So that's the first tool in protocol. 10608.wav|It has to bind to receptors. 10609.wav|I've got one pointed toward my eye, one pointed towards my nose region and one towards my upper lip. 10610.wav|They sort of become locked in to some extent, and it also has cognitive effects, so you don't want to lose dopamine neurons. 10611.wav|But there's less sort of lilting and falling of the voice and less accenting. 10612.wav|If you are doing the maximum amount of physical training that you can do according to your schedule, preventing injury and all those sorts of important constraints, and you're going to add mental training and imagery, it doesn't really matter when you do it. 10613.wav|That's just obvious. 10614.wav|But exceedingly rare to have people are smoking in their sleep. 10615.wav|Okay, so we don't actually see anything directly. 10616.wav|You're disappointing yourself for picking up your phone. 10617.wav|So that would be well over half a mile or more. 10618.wav|On Wednesday is when you train your torso, right? 10619.wav|Likewise for playing piano or guitar, again, you have to translate to the specific cognitive and or motor activity that you are seeking to improve at. 10620.wav|It usually doesn't relate to your dominant hand, although it can. 10621.wav|Now, the purely psychological theory of this is that they are fighting for autonomy. 10622.wav|The specific types of thoughts and feelings are not as interesting as the fact that when you close your eyes, you're essentially engaging this default mode network, which is essentially the network associated with imagination and imagination based on elements that exist only within your head, that is within your brain, okay? 10623.wav|So for instance, if you've damaged a limb or you're experiencing chronic pain and you need to take a layoff from some physical activity, there are now many studies looking at stroke patients, at patients that have been in accidents, TBI, also people who are suffering from more conventional limb and connective tissue injuries, that if they do mental training, it obviously is not going to put them at risk of doing those same movements as it would in the real world, right? 10624.wav|Nootropics therefore is not a great word to describe any sort of supplement or drug that can enhance brain function because it lacks specificity. 10625.wav|We'll go into all the details so that you can optimize your workspace for zero cost and get the most out of your efforts and endeavors. 10626.wav|But certainly for people before puberty, during puberty, and probably for the next 15 to 20 years after puberty, avoiding nicotine is probably a good idea. 10627.wav|And in that particular study, they had people get into, I wouldn't say super cold water, it was in the low 60 degrees. 10628.wav|Are you talking about intelligent design? 10629.wav|And it turns out there's an answer. 10630.wav|So I've tried to give you an array of behavioral tools, and we did touch upon some supplementation tools. 10631.wav|Rather, it is to simplify the issue. 10632.wav|And that can be quite a dance and it can be hard to orchestrate a workout like that. 10633.wav|As my colleague, Dr. 10634.wav|And I'm not at all disparaging of that literature, although rarely does it define exactly how and why to go about being more creative or in this case to be more divergent in our thinking. 10635.wav|You can get access to all of the monthly amas, and you'll be supporting peer reviewed research to develop further protocols for mental physical health and performance. 10636.wav|You're fine if you just understand what the structures do. 10637.wav|But nicotine from tobacco binds that same receptor but with much greater affinity, and therefore also creates a state of focus, but a much greater one than we can achieve without nicotine. 10638.wav|Then there has to be a perspective shift. 10639.wav|Theta activity is a pattern of brainwave activity that's commonly associated with creative states and divergent thinking in particular, so that's important. 10640.wav|We cannot see the faces and the vases at exactly the same time. 10641.wav|I've had enough signal, or there's enough body fat here such that you don't need to eat more. 10642.wav|So it might be zone two, cardio resistance training, sunlight viewing, writing. 10643.wav|Sometimes it's easier to calm yourself. 10644.wav|And it's always been competitive. 10645.wav|They had mountains of books, mountains of papers, mountains of all sorts of stuff, and yet all of them were extremely productive and could remain extremely focused in that incredibly cluttered environment. 10646.wav|And that's more commonly associated with the sativa varieties. 10647.wav|So if somebody's working and you walk in and you say hello, and they'll go and they're jumpy, they have a low threshold to a big anxiety or fear response. 10648.wav|And I do believe that we should wait until these clinical trials are done before people start approaching this stuff. 10649.wav|Neurogenesis, while it's very exciting and intriguing, is not the main mechanism by which the formation of short and long-term memories occurs. 10650.wav|But when one is doing that, what you're really doing is activating neural circuits that reside within the brain, within the insula, that correspond to sensations within the body. 10651.wav|But visual sparseness actually can help us orient our focus and our behavior. 10652.wav|Let's look at what's known about the neural circuitry and the sorts of perceptions and behaviors that that neural circuitry is driving in order to understand what they are truly suffering from at the level of cause, not just symptoms, it's clear what they're suffering from at the level of symptoms. 10653.wav|So what should you do with this information? 10654.wav|And the way that I suggest to do this is actually to take a walk, ideally outside. 10655.wav|And there is an enormous number of studies out there that have pointed the fact that people who sit for five or six or 7 hours a day doing work have all sorts of issues related to sleep, neck pain, cognition, suffers, their number of cardiovascular effects, even digestion. 10656.wav|Now, it's a little bit misleading because we call them cannabinoid receptors, as if they were there to bind cannabis, or just like we call the nicotine receptors, nicotinic receptors, it makes it seem as if they were there in order to bind nicotine from tobacco. 10657.wav|There is no one listening to this or watching this whose amygdala is not involved in their goal setting and goal pursuit behavior. 10658.wav|And then the following month and maybe even the following months or periods of 21 days are really the kind of thermometer or the test bed of how well you've embedded those particular habits. 10659.wav|And in closing, I want to thank you once again for joining me in this discussion about the biology science, and in particular the neuroscience of goal setting, goal assessment, and achieving goals. 10660.wav|How am I supposed to do that? 10661.wav|Now, for that reason, I favor a protocol in which you build mental resilience and mental toughness through two different types of protocols. 10662.wav|All of that relies on the fine tuning of this neural circuitry that we've been talking about up until now. 10663.wav|So that's what we're going to focus on today. 10664.wav|So, placing a value on a particular goal. 10665.wav|But for most people who are cited, as most people are cited, our cognition follows our visual environment. 10666.wav|If however, I have a real sniffle, a cold, I'm not feeling well, or I think I might be coming down with a flu, I absolutely do not train and I don't get back into training of any kind until I'm completely recovered. 10667.wav|We also have another condition where people do what's called cyclic hyperventilation, which is very different and creates a very different internal state and is somewhat stressful. 10668.wav|Carbon dioxide also has the negative effect of depleting the amount of oxygen that's delivered to any and all of our tissues by way of the impact of carbon dioxide binding hemoglobin and preventing hemoglobin from delivering oxygen to the tissues of the body. 10669.wav|So for instance, if you're trying to learn a particular aspect of the golf swing, okay? 10670.wav|And long term depression has nothing to do with a state of mental depression or a reduction in mood. 10671.wav|In the same way that some people take vitamins and minerals to bolster their health. 10672.wav|Now, as you go from your temperature minimum to the time in which you are going to awake, your temperature is rising slightly. 10673.wav|He's very impressive in all those domains, and he always says, we weren't designed to sit all day, but we also weren't designed to stand all day. 10674.wav|It has been shown that the use of binaural beats, okay, binaural beats being the presentation or the listening to sounds of different frequencies in the two ears, typically by headphones, I think that's been shown to work best, and there's a subtraction between the two frequencies such that the brain tends to entrain or start to follow a particular frequency within not the entire brain, but certain neural circuits. 10675.wav|No, but is not getting sufficient sleep, not getting sunlight at the right times of day and getting too much artificial light at night going to make any impact of traumatic brain injury, including headache, far worse? 10676.wav|And fortunately, by changing habits, you rewire those circuits as well. 10677.wav|In other words, it takes a cell that has a kind of a weak engine or no engine for generating energy. 10678.wav|Our first sponsor is Element. 10679.wav|So for those of you that heard the episode that I did on drugs to treat ADHD, I discussed the biology and mechanisms of drugs like Adderall and vivance, which basically are either combinations of amphetamines or single types of amphetamines that have either a quick release or a long release. 10680.wav|Now, this isn't just a biological, mechanistic explanation for what could have been summarized in two sentences. 10681.wav|And for reasons that we still don't understand, it seems to increase trust. 10682.wav|That is, when people snort cocaine, they're bringing cocaine into proximity or into contact, really with the mucosal lining of the nasal passages, which then allows the psychoactive substances to permeate into the bloodstream. 10683.wav|Well, that, of course, will depend on the given goal that you're trying to pursue. 10684.wav|Very few brain states involve us being mostly, if not completely motionless and yet awake. 10685.wav|Now, if you were to come into the laboratory, this could be measured by your frequency of blinking. 10686.wav|Really wonderful work that was done by Wolfram Schultz, who's one of the great pioneers in this area of dopamine and dopamine reward prediction error showed that for people that have normal levels of dopamine, their visual search, meaning how they scanned visual environments, tends to be pretty constrained. 10687.wav|Heller and some of his colleagues have developed a commercial product called the coolmit. 10688.wav|And some of us fall more into the category of we find it very easy to do certain things, but harder to not do other things. 10689.wav|There's less activation of those brainstem circuits involved in alertness. 10690.wav|It could be running, it could be a musical note, it could be jumping, it could be a particular color on a piece of paper and asking yourself, how many different things could that thing actually be? 10691.wav|But just beneath the glaborous skin, on the bottoms of the feet, the hands, and the upper half of the face, you have what are called arteriovanus astomoses. 10692.wav|So if you're feeling particularly tired and you don't want to get up out of bed and you don't want to go out and do your zone two cardio, then there's a high degree of limbic friction some people think of as motivation. 10693.wav|If you don't want to do that week off, don't do it. 10694.wav|Both of these have been shown. 10695.wav|That's 1 gram of sodium, 200 milligrams of potassium, and 60 milligrams of magnesium. 10696.wav|And there are also some sample PDFs of existing Huberman Lab Podcast protocols, again, ranging from neuroplasticity to sleep, and other topics that we've covered in brief one- to three-page summaries. 10697.wav|With inside tracker, they have a very easy to use personalized dashboard platform that informs you what sorts of lifestyle, nutrition, exercise changes you might want to make according to the levels of particular metabolic factors, hormone factors, et cetera, in your blood and DNA. 10698.wav|Now, you might be asking whether or not it's a good thing to raise chemicals like norepinephrine and dopamine to such a great degree, whether or not that's healthy for us, whether or not that can harm us. 10699.wav|And sure, that's a useful exercise, so-called brainstorming. 10700.wav|So I think that's one reason why there's so much excitement about intermittent fasting. 10701.wav|If those names do mean something to you, or you are interested in exploring the downstream effects of deliberate cold exposure, and something else that's really nice that's covered in this paper is how deliberate cold exposure interacts with fasted states and fed states. 10702.wav|First off, I want to say that people vary tremendously in the extent to which they can tolerate background noise for work. 10703.wav|But for sake of today's discussion, if you just want to think about what happens with long-term depression and the development of a motor skill, both as a baby, as an adolescent, and as an adult, when you're trying to learn a new motor skill, is that you are eliminating incorrect movements. 10704.wav|Here's the basic principle. 10705.wav|Meaning training designed to increase strength, I should say the size of muscles will somehow short circuit or diminish that process, whether or not it will reduce or eliminate those strength gains and hypertrophy gains. 10706.wav|But nicotine is also found in night shades, that is, tomatoes, eggplants, and sweet peppers. 10707.wav|It's all about control and autonomy. 10708.wav|I know there's only a 5% success rate, but I'm going to just go cold turkey, or somebody will say, no, I'm going to use the reverie app, or somebody says, no, I'm going to use buprone or another method or nicotine patch or something of that sort. 10709.wav|And so for me, if I cover up my right eye, I see much less. 10710.wav|Tends to wick out into a number of different dimensions of health that at least I'm interested in and I think a lot of other people are interested in. 10711.wav|Before we dive into our conversation about goals and goal setting and goal achievement, I'd like to highlight some recent scientific findings that I think are going to be interesting and actionable for many of you out there. 10712.wav|In a few minutes, we are going to discuss some of the behavioral treatments, including some really new, exciting protocols for dealing with fear and trauma. 10713.wav|Try and get your vision out to a location that's beyond the four walls of your house or apartment, or the doors of your car and the windshield of your car. 10714.wav|And then the fourth one is involved in emotionality, where we sit emotionally at present compared to where we think we will be emotionally when we reach some particular goal. 10715.wav|The exact origins of aura aren't exactly clear but it is generally thought that what aura represents is what's called spreading depression. 10716.wav|There are anorexics who will binge and then purge in order to maintain that unhealthily low weight. 10717.wav|So a good example would be, he will stencil next to a phone booth a police officer, or he will graffiti next to an actual fire hydrant, a dog lifting its leg to urinate on that fire hydrant. 10718.wav|Or if you wanted to get really fancy, you could create a situation where it was above you and slightly tilted toward you so that you actually had to maintain kind of proper neck posture. 10719.wav|They are students, they are employed, et cetera. 10720.wav|These melanops and ganglion cells have been shown by the knights group Neitz up at the University of Washington, and by Samar Hatar's lab and David Burson's lab and a number of other people's labs, such in Panda, Iggy, Provencio, et cetera. 10721.wav|So the dosage that was used for supplementing creatine in this study to address the potential impact of creatine on headache, dizziness, and fatigue was quite a bit higher than the dosages used simply for muscle performance. 10722.wav|Moving the weight is going to be more geared towards strength improvements, but focusing on the muscle, so-called my muscle link is going to shift that very same set more toward hypertrophy. 10723.wav|Some people, it tends to be more an accumulation of experiences. 10724.wav|So deliberate cold exposure is very powerful as an antiinflammatory tool. 10725.wav|So it's a moving target of sorts. 10726.wav|So now MDMA is being explored for treatment of not just PTSD, but also for depression, for alcohol use disorder, and for eating disorders as well. 10727.wav|My first meal of the day would be in the early afternoon, mostly protein and salad. 10728.wav|In other words, chronic recreational cannabis users. 10729.wav|But on YouTube, you can put in his name and any muscle group that you want to train. 10730.wav|And the molecule that's most associated with thinking about or orienting toward the extrapersonal space. 10731.wav|For that reason, we partner with Thorn T-H-O-R-N-E because thorn supplements are known to be of the very highest quality ingredients and the very highest degree of specificity in terms of the amounts of the ingredients that are listed on the packaging accurately match what's contained in their products. 10732.wav|But I want to talk about a molecule that's in a lot of supplements to support vision. 10733.wav|There's kind of a ramping up of the readiness and excitement for that goal. 10734.wav|But they're taught about things like neuroplasticity and the ability to change one's brain in response to experience. 10735.wav|So there's a lot of ways, depending on your budget and what you have access to. 10736.wav|But again, this is not a new phenomenon. 10737.wav|That seesaw that I described earlier of alertness and calmness, of sympathetic and parasympathetic. 10738.wav|Now again, I'm going to repeat this many, many times throughout this episode, and I'm not going to apologize for that because I think it's so important to understand that creativity is not just novel combinations, they're novel combinations of things that reveal something fundamental and that often pop out to us. 10739.wav|Goodness, I'm a terrible musician and even worse singer, but let's just take the opening to ACDS back in black, right? 10740.wav|Prefrontal cortex is involved in this analysis of duration, path, and outcome. 10741.wav|Fortunately, I went to an ophthalmologist who understood the literature. 10742.wav|But that people that do a combination of sitting and standing at the same desk throughout the day, or move from one desk to another if they don't have a combination stand desk, that that's going to be best. 10743.wav|Throughout today's episode, I've been referring to clinical studies, that is, clinical trials exploring the use of MDMA in order to augment treatment for PTSD. 10744.wav|All out sprint for 20 or 30 seconds, 10 seconds rest, repeat. 10745.wav|So I try and get that hot cold contrast. 10746.wav|It is an illicit drug, and it produces some of the greatest and fastest increases in the neuromodulator dopamine of any available drugs on the street or in the clinic. 10747.wav|If you're not already following Huberman Lab on social media, I am Huberman Lab on LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. 10748.wav|But when you couple that with the fact that the most frequent adopters of cannabis use are in this age bracket of 16 to 24, they're twice as likely to use as other individuals or to start using cannabis as our other individuals. 10749.wav|Having a healthy cardiovascular system right, doing endurance work, doing strength training work regularly, is going to support your eyes and your brain and your vision. 10750.wav|They are incredibly exciting. 10751.wav|It's a disruption of these homeostatic and reward processes such that decision making is completely disrupted and in many cases, is not available to the anorexic or bulimic. 10752.wav|That's unfortunate, because in the real world, people are distinguishing between sativa and indica strains in their patterns of use and what they prefer and what they don't prefer, even what they prefer to smoke during the day or ingest during the day versus night. 10753.wav|And this is a really important study because in this study, they were able to introduce small amounts of dopamine directly into the cortex and evaluate working memory capacity. 10754.wav|And if I were to continue that every week, Monday, Wednesday, Friday, I would continue to either increase the duration or I would lower the temperature and reduce the duration. 10755.wav|And he distinguished that from ustress, which was stress that we now understand is associated with increases in things like norepinephrine and dopamine, but no increases or minimal increases in cortisol, and that can lead to positive health outcomes. 10756.wav|So for that reason, I think we can look at peppermint oils and peppermint and eucalyptus containing oils, menthol containing oils, applied to the skin for the treatment of tension type headache as among the more potent treatments available out there. 10757.wav|So this translates to intermittent fasting, such that if you are interested in muscle hypertrophy, you might, and I want to emphasize, might consider making sure that you're getting sufficient protein intake early in the day. 10758.wav|There's an entire landscape of literature and exciting tools and things to understand there. 10759.wav|So placing people into a cold water immersion or an ice bath up to the neck and insisting that they keep their hands and feet under is very easy to control. 10760.wav|It's in some cases, very significant effects, whereas other people, when they drink caffeine, it really exacerbates their headache. 10761.wav|And then had people performed different types of working memory tasks that tap into two different aspects of attention and working memory. 10762.wav|How can we say it's a hormone or a modulator or a transmitter? 10763.wav|Some of you might be experiencing challenges with fatigued eyes or with differences in focus with the two eyes. 10764.wav|One is years ago I had an accident where I actually fell off a roof and I'd been training my neck at that time for a sport that I was involved in. 10765.wav|That's the creativity process. 10766.wav|I'm not aware that anyone's replicated this study yet. 10767.wav|You're going to get information about what your baseline working memory capacity is, and you're going to want to keep those data in your short-term memory stores, maybe even your long-term memory stores, but certainly your short-term memory stores because shortly later in this episode, I'm going to talk about different ways to improve your working memory depending on where your baseline working memory starts, which by the way, turns out to be a pretty good proxy for the levels of a neuromodulator called dopamine within the neural circuits that control working memory. 10768.wav|Dopamine plays a critical role in that and many other things as well, as you now know. 10769.wav|Again, that's athleticgreens.com huberman to get the five free travel packs and the year supply of vitamin D, three k, two. 10770.wav|We've all seen these very amusing photos of babies with bowls of food on their head or with food all over their face or just everywhere. 10771.wav|What more could be disturbing? 10772.wav|If you want to achieve anything, you want to accomplish anything, you should not multitask. 10773.wav|So again, 40 hz binaural beats many, many apps, many YouTube scripts out there. 10774.wav|But the combination of cognitive behavioral therapy that includes this family model, or at least habit reformation, seems to be fairly effective and at present might be the most effective treatment. 10775.wav|I'd like you to just conceptualize that you have a circuit in your brain, meaning a set of cells and connections that are arranged in the following way. 10776.wav|And sometimes these drugs that increase dopamine and adrenaline, also called epinephrine, will increase the tone, as we call it, the dopaminergic tone, or the norepine. 10777.wav|And these neurons in the arcuit nucleus start getting active. 10778.wav|So the total content that's delivered is exactly the same. 10779.wav|NSDR is sort of an umbrella term for a variety of different practices. 10780.wav|The brain is making a guess about how green or red or blue that thing is by comparing what's around it. 10781.wav|So Tuesday is really about recovery, but my recovery day isn't necessarily about just laying around and not doing anything. 10782.wav|One of the hallmark features of those basal ganglia circuits for go and no go is that they are associated with certain neurochemicals, dopamine and serotonin, acetylcholine and other neurochemicals. 10783.wav|Some other things that you could do in order to improve your workplace performance would be to consider the cathedral effect. 10784.wav|You can look up HIIT, hit workouts online, find the one that's best for you and really pick something that's safe that you can do consistently. 10785.wav|So the reason why anorexic stop having periods, why they stop cycling, is because there isn't sufficient leptin in the bloodstream. 10786.wav|And it's involved in what we call top down processing. 10787.wav|And if you're wondering why cycling or treadmilling would enhance various aspects of cognition, we can speculate. 10788.wav|So people will get the sense that they're kind of seeing something in their periphery of their vision, then they'll start feeling something around them. 10789.wav|First of all, they did, yes, see evidence for enhanced creativity. 10790.wav|There's actually a paper published in 1880 by Galton called the Statistics of Mental Imagery. 10791.wav|That could be sport or it could be other kind of work where they are then subject to perhaps getting more TBI. 10792.wav|For instance, Rothko's, which are just color on canvas, are a particularly interesting source of information about the way that the brain encodes color. 10793.wav|If you didn't get anything out of the description I provided, except the understanding that MDMA is unusual in that it causes big increases in dopamine and even bigger increases in serotonin, then you have more in your knowledge base now about MDMA than you need. 10794.wav|That certainly works for me. 10795.wav|So as I mentioned, migraines tend to be recurring. 10796.wav|I know this is counter to the so-called bro science of bro splits. 10797.wav|Other people will feel like, I just don't want to do it today. 10798.wav|It turns out that there are other ways to elevate dopamine that make us better at divergent and convergent thinking. 10799.wav|Short-term memory is a capacity that we all have that, as the name suggests, represents a short-term memory bank for information that may or may not get passed into long-term memory. 10800.wav|I know that this spits in the face of what a lot of people think, but so if you're going to do five sets of five, I would consider five repetitions low, low repetition range, heavier weight. 10801.wav|It's actually measuring reflectance of photons and so on. 10802.wav|And within your eyes, you have neurons and mechanisms that adjust the sort of sensitivity of your eyes to light and of your brain to light. 10803.wav|And if I've sweat a lot during that exercise, I often will drink a third Element packet dissolved in about 32 ounces of water after I exercise. 10804.wav|The insula is this brain area that's associated with determining whether or not one's internal sensations, gut, heart, lungs, et cetera, are reasonable or not. 10805.wav|Just relax your eyes, look off into the distance. 10806.wav|It's neither inspiratory nor expiratory laugh. 10807.wav|I want to be very clear. 10808.wav|And this mesocortical area is involved in motivation and emotion and is critical for focus and persistence. 10809.wav|And at all those places, I cover content, some of which overlaps with the content of the Huberman Lab Podcast, but much of which is distinct from content on the Huberman Lab Podcast. 10810.wav|Young children eventually develop the ability to shiver and maintain these brown fat stores mainly around the clavicles, the heart, the upper spine and in the upper back. 10811.wav|There used to be a graduate student at Stanford who was a really impressive unicycler. 10812.wav|Version A, version B. 10813.wav|Everything is timestamped. 10814.wav|Are they very altruistic, et cetera, et cetera? 10815.wav|We don't want to rule those out. 10816.wav|And I also dove into whether or not cannabis can be used to increase divergent and convergent thinking. 10817.wav|I say that not to protect us, but to protect you, because information is valuable. 10818.wav|So this is usually the point in the podcast where I think people start asking, okay, well, there's the biology, there's the mechanism, there's the logic. 10819.wav|And the citation comes from the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime 2019. 10820.wav|Those drugs have been used to some degree of success, although not much to treat things like anorexia nervosa. 10821.wav|And that's because of the increase in dopamine caused by nicotine directly within the nucleus accumbens. 10822.wav|The other feature that's common in migraine headaches is so-called photophobia. 10823.wav|And the success rates are incredibly high when one considers that normally it would be only a 5% success rate. 10824.wav|There will also be some premium content such as transcripts of the AMAs and various transcripts and protocols of Huberman Lab Podcast episodes not found elsewhere. 10825.wav|This is a study that really points to a behavioral tool that can be used to selectively elevate dopamine in the very pathway that one would want to if they wanted to engage divergent thinking for sake of creative exploration. 10826.wav|So 5% of the people that say, that's it, I'm not smoking again, despite cancer diagnosis, I'm not smoking again, despite the fear of the negative health effects, I'm not going to ever smoke again, despite the financial cost, the health cost. 10827.wav|Typically, PTSD is used to refer to emotional trauma caused by either single events. 10828.wav|And as with phase one, many of the things that I mentioned that support this, what I'm calling a serotonergic state or more relaxed state in phase two, things like seeing some light in the afternoon, but not a lot of bright light from artificial sources, things like NSDR, things like heat and sauna, hot baths, et cetera, ashwagandha. 10829.wav|I'm going to make this extra simple and do it again. 10830.wav|If I'm painting a very bleak picture here, it is indeed a bleak picture. 10831.wav|Now, of course, there are examples of people who are using a lot of cannabis, and it impacts brain centers involved in movement and speech, so much so that they really do have the really drawn out kind of, and oftentimes, this will be detected in the laugh. 10832.wav|Paul Conti's own experiences with trauma and his own treatment of trauma in his patient population, which is quite wide ranging. 10833.wav|And there you can also leave us comments and feedback and suggestions for future topics and future guests for the Huberman Lab podcast as well. 10834.wav|And they also looked at people's feelings of energy, and they measured that subjectively, how energetic people felt. 10835.wav|For other people like myself, things like butter and meat feel healthy. 10836.wav|In that case, do those if you'd like to explore them. 10837.wav|There's a very underappreciated and yet incredible aspect of our neurology that has to do with the relationship between where we look and our level of alertness. 10838.wav|Well, much more poorly. 10839.wav|Your brain recognizes those as eyes because one of the first things you see when you come into this world are eyes. 10840.wav|And the citation is from the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime 2019. 10841.wav|But if your primary goal is to induce increases in metabolism, both in the short term and in the long term following the cold exposure, well then you'll want to end on cold and you'll want to find a way to shiver, provided that the level of cold that you're exposing yourself to is still safe for you overall. 10842.wav|It's a cell press journal, excellent journal. 10843.wav|But what's very clear is that an ability to move from different visual stations and to do that in a deliberate way, in a focused and conscious way, clearly maps to an ability to conceive of different goals over different periods of time. 10844.wav|You have to decide what's right for you and your budget. 10845.wav|So this gets into kind of form and movement, which is an extensive, near infinite landscape of discussion, again, that we don't have time to go into. 10846.wav|So rather than just look at anorexics and say they're not eating enough and there's this huge array of terrible things that they're doing to their body, and they need to eat more, we need to rescue them from themselves. 10847.wav|So yes, those drugs increase dopamine across the board, but there does seem to be some weighting of dopamine toward the systems involved in motivation and reward, and sometimes even leading to habit formation and addiction. 10848.wav|Well, you will also, of course, talk about the results of these clinical trials using MDMA for the treatment of PTSD. 10849.wav|It increases mental imagery, that is it increases access to the bank or the library, if you will, of possible solutions or elements to engage in the divergent thinking process. 10850.wav|Or at least when most people hear the word memory, they typically are thinking about long-term memory, like one's ability to remember the capitals of states or countries, the different continents, directions from one location to another, even one's name. 10851.wav|But that has been shown to greatly reduce pain in particular headache-related pain and back-related pain and some other forms of pain. 10852.wav|But I really want people to understand this. 10853.wav|So again, this is a meditation practice done daily for just 13 minutes. 10854.wav|So what is accommodation. 10855.wav|Now, the treatment of trauma has been met with some degree of success through quality talk therapy. 10856.wav|For instance, if you have a good relationship with a clinician or therapist, to the point where there's real trust and you feel a social connection with them, wonderful. 10857.wav|So what we know is that in order to engage divergent thinking, we need access to our memory banks. 10858.wav|So there's a lot of convergent signal, a lot of pathways. 10859.wav|And you can imagine why biology would be organized this way. 10860.wav|This is far and away different than the kind of state of mind and body that would come about in a ketamine assisted trauma induced psychotherapy session, or a MDMA assisted trauma psychotherapy session, or in a purely narrative based psychotherapy session aimed at alleviating fear or trauma. 10861.wav|Now, the reason I mentioned caffeine is that there's a sort of lore out there that if you have a headache, drinking a cup of coffee can eliminate that headache. 10862.wav|Pro opioid melanocortin neurons that tend to act as more of a break on appetite by way of another hormone called melanocyte stimulating hormone. 10863.wav|The other thing that you'll sometimes hear is that drinking a cup of coffee or getting caffeine through tea is a great way to deal with headache. 10864.wav|People who prefer to not eat in the morning, either because they are not hungry in the morning or because they find it relatively straightforward to just drink things like coffee or water, et cetera, and push their feeding window out to noon or 02:00 p.m. 10865.wav|And of course, there's a third situation where people are taking ssris and doing talk therapy for PTSD. 10866.wav|I don't have access to that. 10867.wav|And of course, these will vary from one individual to the next. 10868.wav|The insula is a brain area that's very important for something that's called interoception. 10869.wav|And this needn't have been the case, okay? 10870.wav|Robin Carthart Harris, who's at University of California, San Francisco, who's pioneering a lot of the studies on the clinical application of psilocybin. 10871.wav|They have chronic insomnia. 10872.wav|So that's a little note about hallucinations. 10873.wav|And the broad array of effects can be explained by the fact that that retrograde signaling can lead to activation or suppression of activity in various neurons. 10874.wav|And for sake of today's conversation, we can pretty much cross off rudoralis. 10875.wav|Roca eyeglasses and sunglasses are superb for wearing while you run or cycle. 10876.wav|You have to deal with this as a neural issue. 10877.wav|If you're going to do analytic work for any part of the day, phase one or phase two, as I describe them, but really in any time of day, that detailed analytic work for which there is a correct answer, learning scales of music, learning mathematics, trying to figure out the solution to a problem where there is indeed a solution. 10878.wav|Basically, the takeaway from this study was that mice and humans can utilize amino acids that are ingested early in the day better than they can utilize amino acids ingested later in the day. 10879.wav|BetterHelp offers professional therapy with a licensed therapist carried out online. 10880.wav|So if you're interested in significantly improving your sleep, go to helixsleep.com slash Huberman. 10881.wav|But striatal dopamine is closely related to motivation and focus, and 40 hz binaural beats appears to increase striatal dopamine release. 10882.wav|I do use a mixed standing seated desk. 10883.wav|It's part of this so called reward pathway. 10884.wav|And I can just tell you that focused attention meditation, which you can think of, or I'd prefer that you think of just as a perceptual exercise, involves sitting or lying down, closing your eyes, focusing either on your breath or some element of your body, could be the tops of your knees or the clasp of your hands. 10885.wav|And please also subscribe to the podcast on Apple and or Spotify on Apple. 10886.wav|In addition, please check out the sponsors mentioned at the beginning and throughout today's episode. 10887.wav|And here we really want to distinguish between THC and CBD and just make it really simple and say that CBD is not responsible for most of the psychoactive effects of cannabis, whereas THC is. 10888.wav|In addition, Athletic Greens contains a number of adaptogens, vitamins, and minerals that make sure that all of my foundational nutritional needs are met and it tastes great. 10889.wav|So for those of you that are primarily interested in using deliberate cold exposure to increase dopamine levels in your brain and body, you can also do a combined protocol whereby you ingest caffeine 60 to 120 minutes before the deliberate cold exposure. 10890.wav|I know there are probably some aficionados listening to this who will be perhaps shouting back at whatever device my voice is coming out of. 10891.wav|If you ever had a meal with an anorexic, you might be familiar with this. 10892.wav|Now, the eyes have a lot of other goodies in them that are very important, and those are the goodies that we're going to focus on a lot today. 10893.wav|So you might say, why would being outside getting this blue light or this blue yellow contrast from sunlight actually offset myopia? 10894.wav|And yet there is still the risk of neurotoxicity. 10895.wav|Orbital frontal cortex has a large number of functions, but one of the key functions of the orbital frontal cortex, it's involved in meshing some emotionality with our current state of progress and comparing that emotionality to where it might be when we are closer to a goal. 10896.wav|I'll have that early in the day and sometimes a second time later in the day as well. 10897.wav|There's no mystical component. 10898.wav|So people are directly controlling the rate of dopamine and the frequency of dopamine release by the duration and frequency of inhalations off the vape pen. 10899.wav|Let me give you an example of this for myself, just to make it concrete. 10900.wav|Technically, no, but I certainly don't recommend people do this. 10901.wav|And the effects on metabolism aren't enormous. 10902.wav|You'll get a ten year warranty on that mattress, and you get to try it out for 100 nights risk free. 10903.wav|Today's podcast is also brought to us by inside tracker. 10904.wav|But try and bring your visual attention to that common point. 10905.wav|And of course, mental training more effective than no training at all. 10906.wav|They become even more active when we are ambulatory, when we are moving, and we will talk about treadmilling and cycling at your desk and so forth in a little bit. 10907.wav|I can imagine, based on what I know about the nervous system, testosterone and cold, et cetera, that there are a couple of mechanisms by which one might experience increases in testosterone as a consequence of deliberate cold exposure. 10908.wav|It is the way in which we can override any number of internal reflexes, including the threat reflex. 10909.wav|Now, why would that be so, okay? 10910.wav|And while initially there were some sex differences identified, really the bulk of the subsequent literature, that is the majority of quality peer-reviewed studies on this aspect of mental training and visualization pointed to the fact that there are no significant differences between males and females in terms of their ability to mentally visualize, nor their ability to use that mental visualization toward improving cognitive or motor skills. 10911.wav|When dopamine levels are high, prolactin levels tend to be low, and when prolactin levels are high, dopamine levels tend to be low. 10912.wav|But if you think about the major goal of treating an anorexic, it's to get them to have more hunger, more appetite. 10913.wav|It is so painful. 10914.wav|And then we are going to get right into some protocols, some specific things that each and all of you should do if you want to enhance your vision and maintain your vision as you get older. 10915.wav|So this is very exciting. 10916.wav|Later, I'll fill in exactly what that information is. 10917.wav|But one brief mention or telegraph of what I plan to cover in that episode is that if people are telling you that they are sneezing and coughing due to a cold or flu, but that they are quote unquote not contagious either because they are early in the cold or flu or late in the cold or flu, and they have these theories or claims that, oh, you know, I'm no longer contagious. 10918.wav|Now, what's interesting about Banksy's is not simply the fact that he puts two-dimensional art onto three-dimensional surfaces in the urban and suburban landscape, because if you think about it, that's been done many, many times before, all graffiti is that, all city art and murals is that. 10919.wav|So you have to be able to describe what the goal is. 10920.wav|I much prefer to do resistance exercise than cardiovascular exercise, although once I do it, I always feel much better that I have done it. 10921.wav|It might take some engineering or some ingenuity and creativity in order to figure out how to do that, but that's going to be most beneficial. 10922.wav|These are good journals. 10923.wav|I don't know what good beeping would sound like, but contrast isochronic tones with monoral beats. 10924.wav|That is interesting and indeed surprising. 10925.wav|You only cover the cost of shipping. 10926.wav|That's a very reductionist way to explain resilience, or grid or mental toughness. 10927.wav|When we say I can't focus, what we often are experiencing is an inability, excuse me, to not focus visually. 10928.wav|The key thing to understand here is that the period of motionlessness and deep relaxation while awake increases dopamine in the nigrostriatal pathway. 10929.wav|Now, I don't like to get too attached to particular brainwaves as excellent for particular kinds of thinking. 10930.wav|The engineers out there will know what I'm talking about. 10931.wav|First of all, there's a fundamental feature of how our brain releases and uses dopamine that's called reward prediction error. 10932.wav|So it's like a clearing away of the association between the person, place, or thing and that threat reflex. 10933.wav|They paired up, or teamed up, rather, to explore how systemic ketamine adjusts circuitries in the brain. 10934.wav|And they point to the particularly strong effects of using palmer cooling when people reach plateaus in endurance and strength training. 10935.wav|Then there's a delay, and the interolal time difference has a particular value. 10936.wav|You can almost quote unquote feel the dryness of the air. 10937.wav|There are a number of very important points in this very fine paper. 10938.wav|But even if you're going to do it during phase two of the day, for whatever reason, scheduling or other sorts of constraints, that you do that in the lower ceiling environment. 10939.wav|Or endurance, such as muscular endurance. 10940.wav|Okay, so be honest with yourself and tell yourself, and you don't have to tell anyone else if you don't want to, how many of the final words of those six sentences you could remember correctly. 10941.wav|So this procedural stepping through of the steps of the recipe or the series of action steps that are involved in sitting down to study and writing for an hour or generating exercise, whatever it is, the habit that you're trying to learn, when you're doing that exercise, it's not as if your nervous system thinks you're actually performing the behavior. 10942.wav|So it doesn't matter if it's a motor neuron, a sensory neuron, or a modulatory neuron, they all generate action potentials or something similar to it. 10943.wav|And just very briefly, earlier I mentioned that not only has omega-3 fatty acid supplementation been shown to be effective in reducing the frequency and intensity of headache, in tension type and migraine type headache, but it's also been shown to improve outcomes for premenstrual syndrome related headaches. 10944.wav|But as many of you are well aware, there are popular books about habits. 10945.wav|And the room was kept to 40 degrees celsius, which is 104 degrees fahrenheit. 10946.wav|One is an area associated with anxiety and fear. 10947.wav|And I suppose you could also exploit that all nighter trick that I talked about earlier. 10948.wav|Now, what's interesting, if you look at the scientific literature, is that people who decreased their sitting time by about half each day, so they took, let's say they were working for 7 hours a day, three and a half hours of that day, they decide to stand, and it's not even clear that it matters that they do all those 3 hours in one bout, or they divide that up into Shorter bouts of a half an hour and then sit for half an hour, et cetera, alternating back and forth showed incredibly significant effects on reduced neck and shoulder pain, increase in subjective health, vitality in work related environments, and perhaps most importantly, for sake of today's discussion, improvement in Cognitive Conditioning and the ability to embrace new tasks and cognitive performance. 10949.wav|I always thought that mental training and visualization was done with eyes closed. 10950.wav|And I especially want to make that clear as I transition to the next segment where I'm going to tell you about herbal treatments for migraine. 10951.wav|And those are mainly his favorite thing. 10952.wav|The reason is nobody, not the government, no nutritionists, no individual, no matter how knowledgeable they are about food and nutrition and food intake, can define the best plan for eating for any one individual. 10953.wav|Again, in terms of cardiovascular function, but also metabolic fuel utilization, also in terms of your musculature and your ability to use your body over long distances for long periods of time. 10954.wav|This is part of our premium subscriber channel. 10955.wav|The hallmark feature of bulimia that distinguishes it from anorexia, aside from the fact that it's overeating as opposed to undereating, is a lack of what they call inhibitory control, and that might come as no surprise. 10956.wav|I know there's a ton of excitement about this study in the popular press, and if the data turn out to hold up, which I like to imagine they will, I can understand why there's so much excitement. 10957.wav|In fact, it's often discussed as the neural circuitry that generates go, as in do commands, and no go, don't do commands. 10958.wav|It's the drop in dopamine that's starting to occur. 10959.wav|And this has actually been measured indirectly by what we call spontaneous blink rate. 10960.wav|The first one is interruptions. 10961.wav|You listen to two different frequencies of sound, like Hertz is just a measurement of sound frequency in each of the two ears, and then the difference between them is 40 Hertz or 15 Hertz. 10962.wav|But what activates that threat reflex can depend on two things. 10963.wav|Presumably you know how to tie your own shoes. 10964.wav|Well, first person mental training and visualization would be where you are imagining doing something and you are seeing yourself doing something from the inside out, as opposed from the outside in. 10965.wav|Yes, also alertness, yes, also motivation and elevated mood. 10966.wav|And that involves both the lens moving and getting kind of thicker and relaxing. 10967.wav|Of course, they're doing this type of work, but they did what I think are really some beautiful experiments and some beautiful explorations of potential treatments for anorexics that seem to have a quite high degree of effectiveness when they are applied correctly. 10968.wav|So nicotine is found in these plants. 10969.wav|Just as a side note, methamphetamine is a commonly used drug of abuse. 10970.wav|It's often accompanied by agitation, frustration, et cetera. 10971.wav|I'm not in a state of stress or panic. 10972.wav|And I personally am somebody that does not recover very well from high intensity exercise. 10973.wav|Then in the evening, I would eat pasta, vegetables, et cetera. 10974.wav|And people who have challenges with attention or focus or working memory, and sometimes it can be hard to dissociate which one they're having challenges with, really have a hard time moving through life as compared to people whose attention and working memory is more robust. 10975.wav|The reason I emphasize this commonality of process is that it turns out that there is one basic system by which all animals, including humans, set and attempt to achieve goals. 10976.wav|And then they dump neurotransmitter out of the so-called synapse and impact the electrical activity of other neurons. 10977.wav|And then the whole system will crash. 10978.wav|We've divided right at that line. 10979.wav|I, of course, am going to address each and every one of those in episodes where I'm talking, for instance, about eye disease or about chronic pain. 10980.wav|So which one is it? 10981.wav|So please check that out if you're somebody who's trying to quit ingesting nicotine by any of the four methods that I just described. 10982.wav|A couple of key details about this study should you decide to implement these protocols. 10983.wav|Remember, it's the nicotine in the cigarette that's powerfully reinforcing, but it's also the oral habit, the motor habit. 10984.wav|And those changes in gene expression occur because the steroid hormones have this incredible ability, sort of like the X-Men of hormones, to pass through the outer membrane of a cell, which we call the extracellular membrane, and into the so-called nuclear membrane. 10985.wav|And for me, that workout is that of a endurance workout. 10986.wav|So that's perfectly normal. 10987.wav|Delayed discounting is the fact that goals become less rewarding when they exist further out in the future. 10988.wav|What happens is your brain actually compares the amount of green reflection coming off that apple to the amount of red and blue around it. 10989.wav|And it's well known that even a single dose of methamphetamine can be neurotoxic, not just for dopamine neurons, but for other types of neurons as well, including serotonergic neurons. 10990.wav|You could do it immediately after your physical training, you could do it on a separate day, but you do want to place it at a time in which you can try and get good sleep that night. 10991.wav|So they're forcing themselves to be mostly motionless, small movements are fine. 10992.wav|Because when dopamine is released in the brain and body, the neural circuits of our brain and body change. 10993.wav|So it's absolutely true that caffeine can relieve the lack of caffeine induced headache. 10994.wav|Let's talk about the science, and in particular, the biology and neuroscience, of setting and achieving goals. 10995.wav|And again, divergent thinking is critical for the creativity process, because creativity, by definition, is taking a novel set of ideas and arranging them in a particular way, or taking existing ideas and arranging them in a novel way that then you eventually converge on some new product, new idea, new song, et cetera. 10996.wav|And when neural circuits change the way that they function simply by way of what comes into our eyes, our ears, and the way that we experience our feelings, there is the release of chemicals, including the release of the chemical dopamine and other neuromodulators as well that make us feel both surprised, delighted, and this is very key, excited in anticipation that we might see it again. 10997.wav|People that take ssris oftentimes will experience a reduction in anxiety. 10998.wav|Okay, so we've got three networks, executive network, which is there to suppress choices in terms of actions we could take, but decide not to, or things we could think about, but choose not to or try not to. 10999.wav|And it's not just because your eye is moving around really quickly. 11000.wav|There are a number of different forms of adaptation that occur to give you muscle strength and size changes. 11001.wav|Okay, so this is really highlighting just how important working memory is. 11002.wav|So let's talk about protocols for enhancing mental health and performance using deliberate cold exposure. 11003.wav|And so those blinders are designed to keep their visual focus straight ahead, so they physically restrict it. 11004.wav|And now I'm going to describe the way that information flows into and through this threat reflex. 11005.wav|Oxytocin went way up. 11006.wav|Are they over-prescribed? 11007.wav|And no, we are not going to have a blinking contest, because I would win and you would lose, and that wouldn't be fun for you. 11008.wav|And we want that to happen early in the day for a variety of reasons. 11009.wav|So this is promising and points to the fact that long chain omega-3 fatty acids are likely to have either a pain reducing, and there's evidence for that, and or an inflammation reducing effect that can significantly reduce the severity of headache in both tension type headache and in migraine. 11010.wav|There's a paper, first author, Jordan Love. 11011.wav|There's a lens to focus light precisely to the retina. 11012.wav|I highly recommend NSDR to anybody that has trouble falling asleep, or that wakes up in the middle of the night and needs to get better at falling back asleep, as well as to anyone out there that has issues with anxiety or sort of self regulation of any kind. 11013.wav|If you want to see the supplements that I take, you can go to thornthorne.com theletter uhuberman. 11014.wav|This is especially important for adults because babies and young children actually don't have the ability to shiver, or they have a less robust capacity to shiver. 11015.wav|And the crash that we're referring to is a drop in mood, increase in lethargy, feelings of lack of motivation. 11016.wav|But proceeds from the premium channel will also be used to fund research, in particular research done on human beings. 11017.wav|Activation of the serotonin one b receptor seems to be what gives MDMA its very strong impact on the neural circuits of the brain that relate to trust and to social engagement, not just the willingness to engage socially and to confide in a therapist or another person, but the intense desire to do so. 11018.wav|So what we're really pointing out here is that the muscles are a key player in the formation of different types of headache, tension headache in particular. 11019.wav|Headspace is a meditation app that's backed by 25 published studies and has over 600,005 star reviews. 11020.wav|In fact, you need to be mindful of any kind of pharmacology where you're increasing dopamine. 11021.wav|And this foundational template of fitness is something that I personally use. 11022.wav|So, again, vests that can hold, essentially ice packs, and indeed even cryotherapy chambers and so on. 11023.wav|It does appear that the higher frequency binaural beats as one moves up toward 40 hz are going to be the most beneficial. 11024.wav|It is far and away a different circumstance for the brain, for an individual to be 25 years or older and using cannabis in whatever form, occasionally or maybe even frequently, than it is for a young person aged 14 to 25 to be using cannabis, either by smoking or vaping or by edible or any other form on the brain and body. 11025.wav|That's actually caused by the same general mechanism, which is a reduction in the secretion of saliva and of sort of tears and lubrication of the eyes from the lacrimal glands of the eyes, because of the presence of largely cb two, but also cb one receptors in the mouth and on the eyes. 11026.wav|And yet I cross checked that number with a few other studies. 11027.wav|And yet they find that to be exceedingly difficult. 11028.wav|Opioid use disorder is very common, stimulant use disorder, and on and on. 11029.wav|Yes, it does happen. 11030.wav|And yoga nidra typically also involves doing certain intentions. 11031.wav|But if you can't be outside of non up close vision now, you might say, that's impossible. 11032.wav|But regardless of the source, there does seem to be more ADHD both in kids and in adults and subclinical challenges in focus and attention. 11033.wav|Right now Matina is offering a free one pound bag of loose leaf yerba mate tea and free shipping with the purchase of two cases of their cold brew yerba mate. 11034.wav|So when prolactin levels are up, dopamine levels are down. 11035.wav|Basically, the sativa variety is known to include a sort of head biased effect. 11036.wav|So not just what we want in the immediate term, but what we might want tomorrow or the next day, and how our actions currently are going to relate to the future. 11037.wav|If you're not already following Huberman lab on Instagram and or Twitter, please do so there. 11038.wav|It will take you to specific timestamps. 11039.wav|However, it has been shown in several studies that L-tyrosine supplementation can indeed increase dopamine. 11040.wav|That's theragun.com huberman let's talk about workspace optimization. 11041.wav|And they have the sort of bright blue light that is going to optimally stimulate those melanops and ganglion cells. 11042.wav|It's really important that if you're going to take supplements, that they be of the absolute highest quality. 11043.wav|What's happening here is people are being given MDMA, and then they are rating, in a subjective way, the friendliness or the level of threat that they detect in these facial expressions. 11044.wav|The sort of stereotype is, oh, look, a squirrel, that whole thing. 11045.wav|Light is the dominant way. 11046.wav|And that will vary from person to person. 11047.wav|So anywhere from three to five sets in the lower repetition range, so four to eight repetitions. 11048.wav|There are a lot of tools there, a lot of science mentioned there to support those tools. 11049.wav|If that's the case, please listen to the episode that we did on jet lag and shift work because it has a lot of tools specifically for that population. 11050.wav|Okay, so if a goal is within minutes or maybe even within an hour or is in with our immediate visual environment, maybe we can do that. 11051.wav|Without going into a deep dive about glucose utilization, because we've done the deep dive on this podcast, episodes such as metabolism, et cetera, you can look those up at Hubermullab.com. 11052.wav|Two rats, each in a separate cage. 11053.wav|But I want to point out that again, these are somewhat indirect in their support, and most of them focus on reducing anxiety. 11054.wav|And in doing so, you will come to understand why it is so exciting as a treatment for PTSD. 11055.wav|And the longer lasting component can actually change not just the connections of different areas of the brain and the way that our organs work, like our heart and the way that we breathe it actually can feed back to the brain and literally control gene expression, which can take many days and build out new circuits and new chemicals that can embed fear in our brain and body. 11056.wav|I promise to make it all clear and accessible, regardless of whether or not you have a scientific background or not. 11057.wav|And the reason is not because when your lungs are full, you have enough oxygen, and therefore you can hold your breath. 11058.wav|Will it lead to the outcome we want? 11059.wav|So I want to give you this picture of how the architecture of all this works, because I think it can help you navigate and indeed build better deliberate cold exposure protocols. 11060.wav|But basically, you don't have to use the parts of the brain that are involved in duration, path, and outcome type analyses. 11061.wav|Or if I don't have access to my sauna and my ice bath, what I can do if I'm traveling is I will take a hot bath and then alternate with cold shower, hot bath, cold shower. 11062.wav|Emblimics are kind of dysregulated and acting out against some early sexual trauma. 11063.wav|I know many people have achieved great relief from EMDR, but it doesn't tap into all the aspects of the extinction and relearning that we talked about previously. 11064.wav|Now, everything I've described about this 21 day program with six things that you're trying to do as new habits and only performing four to five and not compensating, et cetera. 11065.wav|They are not always in this halo pattern. 11066.wav|My hope is that today you've learned both the biological mechanisms and the practical tools by which you can start to establish habits that for you, you deem adaptive, healthy, and that are going to support you and your goals, and that you can start to dismantle some of the habits that you find to be unhealthy or maladaptive for you and for your goals. 11067.wav|Whatever elements, just throw them up on the whiteboard. 11068.wav|And the reason they did this study, I probably should have mentioned, is that myopia nearsightness is a global epidemic. 11069.wav|If you want to grab a pen and paper, you can do that. 11070.wav|Just to give you a brief overview of the kind of structure I'm going to put on today's episode, we will review, of course, cannabis and its various forms. 11071.wav|Okay, this is very important. 11072.wav|So for instance, believe it or not, studies have been done where people are doing mental training at times when they should be sleeping, that is going to offset some of the degradation and performance that you would normally see, but it's generally a bad idea. 11073.wav|It's the fastest reflex you own is your eye blink reflex. 11074.wav|Apolipoprotein B, sometimes also called ApoB, has emerged in recent years as among the most important measures to evaluate your overall levels of cardiovascular health and health overall. 11075.wav|They titrate them so that they also have mildly threatening and mildly happy faces, et cetera. 11076.wav|Now, what does this mean for a protocol? 11077.wav|I'd also like to acknowledge that what I covered today is most certainly not exhaustive for all the types of workspace optimization tools that one could create. 11078.wav|So, the calming protocol that we use involves these physiological size. 11079.wav|And I used to do neck bridges. 11080.wav|This isn't the kind of thing that you share with your coworkers. 11081.wav|As I've mentioned before on this podcast and in various interviews, I'm a big fan of salt. 11082.wav|And fortunately, the neuroscience well supports what the psychology says and vice versa. 11083.wav|So we're going to be talking about libido, about sexual desire, and about effects of cannabis on hormones. 11084.wav|It's unclear if MDMA is neurotoxic, but we know methamphetamine on its own is neurotoxic. 11085.wav|What this tells us is that people with ADHD can often have excellent novel and indeed creative ideas, but that the implementation of those creative ideas is sometimes challenged. 11086.wav|As you'll soon learn today, each and every one of the treatments for each and every one of the different kinds of headaches is grounded in a solid biological understanding of why that particular treatment ought to work and does work. 11087.wav|I'm very familiar with lazy eye because when I was a kid, I went swimming one day, one day, and I didn't have my goggles and so something must have been happening. 11088.wav|In fact, it's more than a thousand fold increase in progesterone, but if there's no fertilization of the egg, progesterone starts coming down, down, down, down, down. 11089.wav|Because, as it turns out, there are instances that we will discuss in which the use of cannabis can be immensely beneficial to one group, and yet can be entirely detrimental to another group, even at equivalent dosages and depending on a number of different factors. 11090.wav|I shouldn't be on social media. 11091.wav|And this is important because some of the treatments that you hear about that involve using caffeine to treat headache are as extreme as, okay, if you have a headache at night, you can drink a cup of coffee and then go to sleep. 11092.wav|You can tell yourself that, and that could also be true, but that won't necessarily and probably won't eliminate the fear or the traumatic association of the car accident. 11093.wav|But for the moment, I would just like to touch on ketamine and MDMA as they relate to the fear circuitry and trauma circuitry that we've described in the early part of the episode and throughout the episode, because I think that in viewing them through that lens, we can gain some additional insight into how they might be providing the sorts of relief that some of the early clinical studies are starting to point to. 11094.wav|Okay, so they compared seated to cycling to treadmilling. 11095.wav|Because of the way that that fear and trauma circuitry is organized. 11096.wav|And while it seems a little silly, some people actually benefit from doing some five or ten or 15 seconds of blinking and then doing their focused work. 11097.wav|So it's not the case that the cerebellum activation or inhibition changed the patterns of excitation going directly to the spinal cord because those pathways actually exist through a couple of intermediate stations. 11098.wav|Now point to the fact that doing a bit of multitasking prior to jumping into some focused, goal directed behavior, whether or not it's mental behavior or physical behavior, can actually be useful because it gets us into action. 11099.wav|The thing about the schedule that I like so much that I do believe that will benefit you as well is that you have some flexibility there. 11100.wav|Turns out those modalities do not include smoking cigarettes or vaping. 11101.wav|So I want to be clear that these are their words, not mine. 11102.wav|In fact, it was the recreational use of MDMA in the 1980s, but really that took off, even exploded in the 1990s with so called rave culture that created the massive attention on illegality of MDMA and put the drug enforcement agencies onto MDMA as a drug that they wanted to and indeed do restrict. 11103.wav|Both of these have been shown to offset some of the disruption in vision that occurs with aging. 11104.wav|Well, given what we know about the neurochemistry of learning and memory, given what we know about task formation and its reliance on certain forms of neuroplasticity, this second half of the day is a terrific time to take on habits and things that you're already doing that require very little override of limbic friction. 11105.wav|One major challenge with blood work, however, is that most of the time, it does not come back with any information about what to do in order to move the values for hormones, metabolic factors, lipids, et cetera, into the ranges that you want. 11106.wav|So that becomes a bit of a tricky one. 11107.wav|And I'm saying again now, that first phase of the day, that first seven or eight or 9 hours of the day, is really the time in which our neurochemistry is primed for getting the most amount of focused, kind of challenging work done, where a lot of precision and detail is required. 11108.wav|And they'll be sure to include only the ingredients that you want and not the ingredients that you don't. 11109.wav|And when people start pushing in a lot of drugs or other things into the system that increase dopamine too much. 11110.wav|Okay, so there's sativa, and there's indica, and then now there are hybrid strains. 11111.wav|Because that's really the reinforcing element within tobacco. 11112.wav|They always include a control group where people have to go through the same physical effort or mental effort, but they don't focus their attention just on one location. 11113.wav|Steinglass and colleagues showed that in the case of the anorexic, those habits are exactly the place where things start to go awry, and that drive this very dysfunctional, undereating behavior that, sadly, often leads to death or certainly bad medical outcomes. 11114.wav|Although now there's so much excitement about robots, I think people are going to be doing that anyway. 11115.wav|And so they can't generate the precise movements that are required in order to get that spoon to their mouth. 11116.wav|And I want to emphasize another protocol, though. 11117.wav|If you're looking at a narrow piece of visual world, meaning at a phone or a laptop or so forth, and again, the best way to do this would be to go outside. 11118.wav|But really trying to not extend that workout too long, making sure that you activate the arms directly, but also activating the torso muscles indirectly. 11119.wav|You'll see evidence of 50 milligrams, you'll see evidence of 300 milligrams. 11120.wav|So, for instance, if you want to get a particular grade on an exam, you want to learn something, you want to complete a workout, you want to go to the grocery store and pick some stuff up and then head home, you're going to think, duration, how long do I have? 11121.wav|And there's a number of different aspects to this narrative theory, but they agree that the standard definition of creativity is the same one that we were talking about before. 11122.wav|It's not that anything can happen, right? 11123.wav|And if you can't do real world training for whatever reason, injury or otherwise, that mental training is going to be better than no training at all. 11124.wav|So I like being hungry because I like eating. 11125.wav|That is, people need to smoke more of it or ingest more THC in order to achieve the same level of anxiety relief. 11126.wav|The theme is that virtually any stimulus that delivers more norepinephrine, epinephrine and dopamine to our system will sharpen our mental acuity and elevate our mood, and will do so for some period of time. 11127.wav|So they had four different groups, they had one group apply peppermint oil, but that peppermint oil also contained eucalyptus oil, they had another group use just peppermint oil, they had another group use just tiny traces of peppermint oil and smaller doses of eucalyptus oil, and then they had a fourth group, which was just using placebo. 11128.wav|In addition, please subscribe to the podcast on Apple and Spotify, and on both Apple and Spotify. 11129.wav|They can exist with one another. 11130.wav|All of that is what we call social cognition and has direct parallels to everything we've been talking about up until this point. 11131.wav|You've had Thursday to rest, Friday to rest. 11132.wav|It's much harder to gauge that from the smokable forms of cannabis, especially if those smokable forms of cannabis are obtained through sources where there isn't a lot of clear information about the total amount of THC in that product. 11133.wav|But again, just adhere to the same principles we talked about before, about 50, five, zero to 60 minutes of real work after a warmup with an asterisk next to that, that if someone's on the equipment or you can't find the dumbbells you need, et cetera, then maybe 75 minutes max. 11134.wav|But before he passed away, if you walked in the room and you said, hey, Costello, he might turn his eyes in your direction. 11135.wav|In fact, the ideal situation would be then to pick a different sequence or thing that you're trying to learn and do mental training and visualization for that. 11136.wav|Whatever we think about is fine, that's divergent thinking. 11137.wav|The rat was exercising, and it got healthier and presumably got happier. 11138.wav|That's why we call it a confabulation. 11139.wav|And of course, blood flow relates to organ health and tissue health generally. 11140.wav|The nucleus accumbens is in an ongoing dialogue with the prefrontal cortex, and the nucleus accumbens has no mind of its own, but it's associated with dopamine release. 11141.wav|A lot of people ask whether or not you should train fasted or fed, and this is a very controversial area. 11142.wav|There are many other forms, dozens if not more, things like spike timing-dependent plasticity, paired pulse facilitation, and on and on. 11143.wav|They're acting like a break. 11144.wav|So unlike focusing on your fingertips and the sensations there, if you focus on your brain, you can't actually sense anything in your brain except your thought. 11145.wav|Working memory is basically the taking in of information that's critical for you to sequence your actions over a short period of time and then forget that sequence. 11146.wav|They do seem to have something to do with the biological clock mechanisms, the so-called circadian mechanisms. 11147.wav|Separate those two things completely, okay? 11148.wav|First of all, chronic cannabis use, so more than twice per week, has consistently been associated with mental health disorders. 11149.wav|That these shorter duration cold water immersion approaches may be more effective after high intensity endurance performance as well. 11150.wav|If you're not already following us on social media, we are Hubermanlab on Instagram, on Twitter, on Facebook and on LinkedIn, and especially on Instagram and on Twitter. 11151.wav|I also get a lot of questions about whether or not cryo chambers are better than all the others, et cetera, et cetera. 11152.wav|But let's just think about cannabis and THC as one and the same for this portion of the discussion, realizing that, of course, they are not exactly the same thing. 11153.wav|So when we smoke or when we ingest nicotine in any other way, you activate these palm c neurons. 11154.wav|Most adults, fortunately, are not bedwetting. 11155.wav|I think we can reliably predict that. 11156.wav|Hypnosis through changes in neural circuitry that aren't completely understood, but seem to involve a remapping of some of the so called default networks and some of the networks that are involved in kind of understanding of your own internal state. 11157.wav|So, in short, cannabis increases creativity, but through changes in personality that tap into the creative process rather than directly impacting the neural circuits that, for instance, turn on creativity. 11158.wav|Now, impossible figures in bistable images can be seen, right, you could look them up right now on your phone or computer, or I could show you pictures of them on paper right in front of you. 11159.wav|A different study, which is also a classic, was carried out by Brzozki, Brown, Rosvold and Goldman. 11160.wav|And sorry to say, but the default of those systems is to detect danger, the sort of threat detection systems. 11161.wav|And I should mention that these authors and others are using such approach with companies, with groups, with individuals. 11162.wav|There are a number of different ways that you could do this. 11163.wav|It actually shifts like a prism, the impression or the perception of where that fish is, right? 11164.wav|I'll explain what a good cold stimulus could be for you and how to determine that. 11165.wav|So if you need those captions, please check back maybe 24 or 48 hours after the episodes are released. 11166.wav|So today, typical of, frankly, all episodes of the Huberman Lab podcast, we've covered a lot about the biology of a particular system. 11167.wav|And if you want to leverage caffeine or maybe even other forms of healthy legal stimulants, those are covered in the caffeine episode and I'll talk about a few more a little bit later. 11168.wav|The good news is it's very easy to convert a sit desk into a stand desk. 11169.wav|I will use those terms interchangeably. 11170.wav|And surprisingly, this does not seem to have any direct hormonal origin, because we're also going to talk about hormonal headaches, that is, headaches that relate to a dip in estrogen and progesterone in a particular phase of the menstrual cycle, that is the ovulatory cycle. 11171.wav|And this is the work as it relates to tachykinan. 11172.wav|They always tell you, don't fall asleep with a cigarette in your mouth, you burn the whole house down. 11173.wav|And you have a class of neurons called the AGRP neurons. 11174.wav|There are clear criteria in the psychiatric and psychological communities to define things like anorexia, bulimia, binge eating disorder, all of which we will talk about. 11175.wav|So what that means for me is warming up for about five to 10 minutes. 11176.wav|And no matter how long I stood there or what I asked, she would never orient toward me, which generally kept these conversations very, very short. 11177.wav|So that might be sprints or high intensity interval type training. 11178.wav|So 1234-5678 and so on, but distributed randomly across the page. 11179.wav|The short answer is, it depends. 11180.wav|For people who don't, this can also be effective. 11181.wav|And we don't know time as a real thing because of watches and clocks. 11182.wav|Now, the findings I just described compliment what I said before, which is the naturally occurring experiment. 11183.wav|The amygdala is a structure that some of you may be familiar with. 11184.wav|We see it, believe it or not, in flies, in fruit flies, a commonly used model system in mice, and indeed in humans as well. 11185.wav|And the reason for that is that the molecule epinephrine adrenaline, is actually manufactured from dopamine. 11186.wav|Again, that's Roca Roka.com, and enter the code Huberman at checkout let's talk about nicotine and how nicotine impacts our brains, our bodies, our mental performance, our mental health, our physical performance, and our physical health. 11187.wav|There's a what's called metaplasticity here. 11188.wav|I'm just saying appropriate and inappropriate for a given context behavior. 11189.wav|All right, that's very, very critical to point out. 11190.wav|I used to have a big field next to my laboratory, my old laboratory, and I used to bring my bulldog Costello out there. 11191.wav|Again, go to helixleep.com huberman. 11192.wav|That's how we know that we've achieved a real habit formation. 11193.wav|We could spend hours talking about this, but what I'd like to embed in your mind is that what you experience in the outside world is bottlenecked. 11194.wav|Huberman Lab Podcast is proud to have partnered with Momentous Supplements. 11195.wav|Cannabis includes many different compounds that have profound impact on the brain and body. 11196.wav|And many people, including myself, are trying to adopt new habits that don't fall into the category of just trying to set your overall state. 11197.wav|With a lot of blood tests and dna tests out there, however, an issue is you get information back about lipids and hormones, et cetera, but you don't know what to do with that information. 11198.wav|I drink it twice a day. 11199.wav|But if you had to choose between doing 15 minutes of mindfulness meditation and doing 15 minutes of moderate exercise prior to a cognitive work bout, I would say the 15 minutes of moderate exercise would be more valuable, at least based on the data in this paper. 11200.wav|And again, the entire work portion of that workout is about 50 to 60 minutes. 11201.wav|Most colorblind people colorblind in quotes are red green colorblind, meaning they lack red cone photopigment, meaning they can't see long wavelengths of light. 11202.wav|And that's because apolipoprotein B levels are predictive of cardiovascular function, disease, and things that cardiovascular function and disease can impinge on, including brain health and longevity. 11203.wav|Belcampo's animals graze on open pastures and seasonal grasses their entire lives, resulting in meat that's higher in nutrients and healthy fats. 11204.wav|So along the spinal cord, you have sensory inputs coming from skin and muscle and what's called proprioceptive feedback that tells you where your limbs are in relation to each other and to yourself and so on. 11205.wav|When our visual attention is very diffuse, all of that relaxes and we tend to be more comfortable staying in the place that we are in our peripersonal space. 11206.wav|When we hear that a goal needs to be inspirational, what do we mean? 11207.wav|It actually can increase one's sense of social connectedness and empathy, not just for other people, but for oneself. 11208.wav|The reason is that neurons, nerve cells, rely very heavily on the regulation of calcium in order to generate those action potentials to communicate with one another. 11209.wav|What's also interesting about this paper is that it showed that the improvement in performance of this task was not related to activation of the motor pathways themselves. 11210.wav|Some people it grows very, very fast. 11211.wav|So these would be stationary treadmills. 11212.wav|Meaning, in one set of individuals, cannabis will make them far less anxious, and in another set of individuals, the same strain of cannabis at the same dosage will make them extremely anxious. 11213.wav|It is important, however, that if you're going to use supplements, that they be of very high quality and that you can trust that the amounts of supplement listed on the supplement bottle are actually what's contained in the bottle. 11214.wav|For instance, you could be one of those people that likes to lie in bed or on the sofa and get your screen up above you by putting pillows on your knees. 11215.wav|Botulinum neurotoxin is a toxin that's found in canned goods, not all canned goods, of course. 11216.wav|And then calf work in the same way that you did on Monday and neck work, again, I am a believer in training neck multiple times per week. 11217.wav|There was either no change or a very modest change. 11218.wav|Well, if you went to sleep at 11:00 p.m. 11219.wav|This has actually been explored. 11220.wav|And indeed, I have one of these. 11221.wav|So again, the point of this for me Sunday, although it could fall on any day for you, workout is really to build up that long form endurance. 11222.wav|The dna of your cells, including these muscle cells, are under strong circadian regulation. 11223.wav|And on both Spotify and Apple, you can leave us up to a five star review. 11224.wav|It knows the difference between a thought and an action. 11225.wav|So if you've heard of say 15 Hertz binaural beats or 40 Hertz binaural beats, that doesn't mean that you listen to a 15 Hertz sound or a 40 Hertz sound. 11226.wav|When we hear the word vision, we most often think about eyesight, or our ability to perceive shapes and objects and faces and colors. 11227.wav|I'll explain what all of that is and how they work. 11228.wav|It's very likely that people will need to use other healthy methods to offset that reduction in dopamine if ever they stand to get through that first week. 11229.wav|His name is Kelly Starrett. 11230.wav|Again, keep in mind, knowing what kind of headache you have is essential. 11231.wav|It's sometimes done by people writing out the experience in detail. 11232.wav|Let's talk about habits. 11233.wav|But as I moved through this literature, I started to see some redundant themes. 11234.wav|There's a state change, our overall level of energy, but also the sorts of sensory events that we're paying attention to changes when there's a lot of dopamine in our system. 11235.wav|Well, these days we're spending a lot of time looking at things, mainly our phones, up close and computers up close and we are indoors. 11236.wav|Now, in this second phase of the day, since most of us are working indoors, but even if you're working outdoors, you want to try and get the amount of light reduced overall, but in particular that overhead light. 11237.wav|And when you disrupt the vasculature through this endothelial cell dysfunction, you get things like interstitial, which just means in the spaces between dysfunction. 11238.wav|People who have type 2 diabetes are so-called insulin insensitive. 11239.wav|In fact, if you look in the literature, it is not at all clear that people who have a heightened level of anxiety when they do not smoke cannabis will experience cannabis as less paranoia inducing or more relaxing. 11240.wav|There's an enzyme called pyruvate kinase, which is critical to muscle contractions. 11241.wav|But I think for the typical person who's trying to generate strength and hypertrophy in those muscles or maintain strength and hypertrophy in those muscles, this kind of nomenclature way of describing it at least should be clear and even efficient. 11242.wav|But one of the key things that quality MDMA therapy consists of is not just having a very good rapport and communication with the therapist that's guiding the PTSD treatment, but also rapport and a willingness to engage in conversations with oneself. 11243.wav|Alpha GPC, taken in 300 milligram form ten to 30 minutes before a bout of cognitive work or a bout of physical work will increase your focus by way of increasing acetylcholine and to some extent increasing epinephrine as well. 11244.wav|This is going to keep the muscles, I want to be clear, this is going to keep the extra ocular muscles conditioned and strong and allow you to have a healthy, smooth pursuit system. 11245.wav|You wouldn't be able to complete sentences. 11246.wav|You really need the receptors to be available, and you need those receptors to be available in the appropriate density and you need those receptors to be available in the appropriate density in the striatum in particular. 11247.wav|Here's how you would do this. 11248.wav|Founded by two all american swimmers from Stanford, Roca eyeglasses and sunglasses have really been designed with the utmost care and the utmost attention to the science of optics and the visual system. 11249.wav|I started taking ag one way back in 2012, so I'm delighted that they're sponsoring the podcast. 11250.wav|So a reduction in the heart rate, a reduction in the narrowing of focus, a reduction in all the things that we consider fear. 11251.wav|And there's a brainstem mechanism that generates alertness and a kind of vigilance. 11252.wav|Okay, so Saturday is this arm workout that I'll just give an example of a potential workout where you might do a few more exercises, maybe not just two, but maybe three, to make sure you get the torso indirect stimulation. 11253.wav|It's amazing that people do this science. 11254.wav|In fact, despite the fact that he is very, very tall, he often points to himself in an appropriately funny way, that despite being on the basketball team of his high school, he's probably the worst player that ever existed. 11255.wav|But it's not to say that people cannot quit, and in fact, they can. 11256.wav|It's a very small movement of a very small portion of your body. 11257.wav|One of the major outputs is to areas that are involved in the threat response, freezing, pain management, and alertness. 11258.wav|A sensory motor loop. 11259.wav|Mucuna purines is essentially the equivalent of L-DOPA. 11260.wav|And those steroid hormones can impact gene expression and they can, are of course what turns on the growth of the breast tissue, of the testicular tissue, of hair growth and on and on. 11261.wav|Moderate goals are best if you want to achieve your goals. 11262.wav|So you can do this exercise now. 11263.wav|And indeed that is true, by the way. 11264.wav|And even among those many end up relapsing later. 11265.wav|And what was remarkable is that the physiological effects of being forced to do something were in the complete opposite direction, as they were when those same behaviors were undertaken voluntarily. 11266.wav|There are certain things that we all can and should do during this phase two of each day that lend themselves to a state of mind and a state of body that is going to be beneficial for the generation and consolidation of certain types of habits. 11267.wav|Okay, now, why am I telling you all this neural circuitry stuff? 11268.wav|Many of you are probably familiar with omega-3 fatty acids. 11269.wav|Other areas as well, of course, that have tons of cb one receptors bind THC and CBD and activate the neurons that strongly stimulate appetite through two mechanisms. 11270.wav|With that said, now I'd like to focus our attention on the direct effects that cannabis has, either by way of THC action or by way of CBD action, in terms of positive or negative health effects on the brain and body. 11271.wav|And so it seems to me the appropriate time to talk about this. 11272.wav|Today we are discussing working memory. 11273.wav|But if you increase the amount of dopamine in the prefrontal cortex too much, working memory span actually drops significantly below the baseline that you started with. 11274.wav|That would allow performance to improve the other. 11275.wav|Nerves actually innervate the blood vessels and capillaries and even the arteries in order to allow that constriction and dilation process to occur. 11276.wav|Many of the studies that I looked at didn't have people listening to binaural beats while they were doing the tasks, the memory task or the music learning, et cetera, they would do it beforehand for 30 minutes. 11277.wav|That's not an experiment that I necessarily need to do, because I'm not that motivated to eat donuts. 11278.wav|Those are what we call hardwired reflexes. 11279.wav|And then I don't have to worry about also getting in my workout when heading out on a hike with my partner or going out to meet with friends or things of that sort. 11280.wav|These are spoiled children with so much food that they decide they're only going to focus on how slim they are, how they look in bathing suits, et cetera. 11281.wav|Okay, so what we have is a scenario where dopamine is going up in the mesolimbic pathway. 11282.wav|By the way, this was described in Dr. 11283.wav|I used to actually do a lot of my writing and work in the middle of the night. 11284.wav|The increases in serotonin that MDMA creates are at least three times and maybe as much as eight times greater than the amount of dopamine release that MDMA causes. 11285.wav|If you want to learn more about dopamine, you can learn a lot about dopamine. 11286.wav|That's going to determine how reinforcing, how habit forming, and indeed how addictive a particular substance is. 11287.wav|Well, that stamps it down as a memory in their visual system and related systems. 11288.wav|If you normally wake up at about 07:00 a.m. 11289.wav|So really frame that up in your mind or commit it to memory. 11290.wav|More dopamine introduced allowed longer letter number and information strings to be remembered. 11291.wav|But if you one day decide you're going to exercise in the afternoon, next day you decide you're going to exercise in the morning, and that's the habit that you're concerned with, that's terrific. 11292.wav|And it comes very easily. 11293.wav|So short wavelength light is going to be light that's bright blue, green, it's what's very common in fluorescent bulbs that are commonly used in household lighting and workplace lighting and other forms of artificial lighting. 11294.wav|Those were the three for which I found the most convincing evidence and the largest bulk of evidence. 11295.wav|If you have suggestions for future guests or topics that you would like us to cover or feedback generally for the Huberman Lab podcast, please put that in the comments section on YouTube. 11296.wav|These are what we referred to earlier as hormone-based headaches. 11297.wav|In fact, the brain and body can engage in what's called one trial learning when something bad happens, we eat a food that makes us sick. 11298.wav|You tell a story enough times that eventually it wears off. 11299.wav|But then even if you're going to get exercise or do other things, you want to get as much bright light in your eyes as you safely can. 11300.wav|These are common fears that people experience. 11301.wav|Intermittent fasting is, as the name implies, simply restricting one's feeding behavior, eating to a particular phase of the 24 hours or so called circadian cycle. 11302.wav|Now, when I say hypnosis, a lot of people think stage hypnosis, which is the hypnotist trying to get people to do certain things and say certain things, not necessarily against their will, because they actually have to agree, but the hypnotist is dictating what the person thinks, says, and does. 11303.wav|If you'd like to try Roca eyeglasses or sunglasses, go to roca.com, that's R-O-K-A.com, and enter the code Huberman to save 20% off your order. 11304.wav|There are of course the cluster type headaches that are of neural origin, talked about hormonal headaches and indeed some treatments such as omega-3s, which have been shown to be beneficial for offsetting the menstrual related headaches. 11305.wav|And that has everything to do with how much THC, which is the dominant psychoactive compound, versus CBD, which has other effects mainly on the body, but not so much on the brain, and modes of thinking and mood, et cetera, how much THC versus CBD is present. 11306.wav|Now, within the brain, nicotine binds to this alpha four beta two receptor in various locations in the brain. 11307.wav|And fortunately, thesis understands this and therefore has created custom nootropics that are designed to get you into the states of mind and body that are optimal for your goals. 11308.wav|However, whether or not people tend to rely on sativa cannabis use or indica cannabis use, there is a very consistent finding that people who are chronic users, again, twice a week or more, recreational use or medicinal use, undergo pretty profound changes in the way that they speak, but in a very specific set of ways. 11309.wav|And so I'll just read you the first line of the study, then I'll tell you the title, then I'll tell you what they discovered in fairly top contour, and we will provide a link to the study if you want to peruse it in more detail. 11310.wav|There's this sort of stereotypical stoner laugh, as it's sometimes called, rather than say, ha or that's a fake laugh. 11311.wav|It was a very straightforward result. 11312.wav|InsideTracker solves that problem and makes it very easy for you to understand what sorts of nutritional, behavioral, maybe even supplementation-based interventions you might want to take on in order to adjust the numbers of those metabolic factors, hormones, lipids and other things that impact your immediate and long-term health to bring those numbers into the ranges that are appropriate and indeed optimal for you. 11313.wav|There's an underlying understanding of not just why they should work, but in many cases, how they work. 11314.wav|One key issue anytime there's a discussion about supplements is you have to be sure that the supplements you are taking are of the very highest quality. 11315.wav|But here's the bottom line. 11316.wav|In other words, white fat doesn't burn many calories. 11317.wav|In fact, they can be downright trivial. 11318.wav|And in doing so, they shift the whole nervous system toward being able to predict that certain things are going to happen at particular times of day, that you are going to be leaning very hard against limbic friction early in the day in phase one, and that you're going to be doing things that require less conscious override of limbic friction in phase two. 11319.wav|It all stands to reason that will be the case again. 11320.wav|Well, one of the best ways to do that is to make sure that the air that you're breathing is sufficiently humidified. 11321.wav|Your car in San Francisco, they'll break in in the middle of the day. 11322.wav|And that study greatly increases people's ability to focus and in fact, their memory. 11323.wav|And fortunately, within just a few days, and certainly within about a week or more of practice, and it doesn't even have to be daily practice, although of course daily practice will accelerate the process further, people become significantly better at divergent thinking. 11324.wav|And they observed that across subjects, specifically in the nigrostriatal pathway, this pathway associated with divergent thinking. 11325.wav|In fact, there's a common circumstance whereby people with a relatively high degree of working memory capacity increase their dopamine levels even further using pharmacology or other methods that we'll discuss, and their performance actually can degrade, okay? 11326.wav|I should just mention that that catalog of supplements is constantly being updated. 11327.wav|And elevations in dopamine tend to increase divergent thinking. 11328.wav|And once it's in the bloodstream, it only exerts its effects because it binds to certain so called nicotinic receptors. 11329.wav|And if you are somebody who does not experience increases in sexual arousal or function, or even diminish sexual arousal and function when under the influence of cannabis, it's very likely the cannabis is increasing your levels of prolactin. 11330.wav|So of course you don't want to approach any exercise with so much caution that it's neurotic and preventative, and yet you don't want to approach any exercise in any way that's so cavalier, forgive the pun, Jeff, that you're also going to compromise the integrity of your joints and musculature and connective tissue. 11331.wav|Okay, pretty straightforward. 11332.wav|And in doing that, it will reveal how specific things, like a spider, like a snake, like a physical trauma, like a car accident, like a fear of public speaking, whatever happens to scare you or scare somebody, how that gets attached to this reflex. 11333.wav|That is shown in peer reviewed studies to increase dopamine stores within certain circuits of the brain that are relevant for working memory performance. 11334.wav|Decreases in dopamine. 11335.wav|I'm not here to tell you which exercises to do or not do. 11336.wav|In fact, so much so that there's now a new nomenclature, a new language emerging around cannabis, and the development of novel strains of cannabis for medicinal and or recreational purposes. 11337.wav|So, for instance, on some gravel roads, when you start to drive and the dust starts to kick up, your best option is to drive fast and put that dust cloud behind you. 11338.wav|Right now, it's still a mystery as to how to do that. 11339.wav|But at the end of the day, neuroplasticity is about forming new neural circuits, new pathways by which certain habits are likely to occur and other ones are less likely to occur. 11340.wav|Not so much on today's episode, but on many previous episodes of the Huberman Lab Podcast, we discuss supplements. 11341.wav|Another very interesting aspect of dopamine that I've not talked about at all on this podcast before is actually how the dopamine system interacts with the visual system. 11342.wav|But that's not what happens. 11343.wav|None of that is done under the influence of any drug. 11344.wav|But it's actually quite simple. 11345.wav|And should you want to, you could override that reflex through top down processing. 11346.wav|So bringing our visual focus to a particular location does a number of things to the brain and the whole system of the body to prepare it, to place it into a state of readiness that makes us more likely to lean into our goals, into action. 11347.wav|Can be positive anxiety, or it can be negative anxiety. 11348.wav|So that's sort of one basic paradigm for exploring the effects of drugs like MDMA on the brain. 11349.wav|So if you stay still, you are actually warmer than if you move around. 11350.wav|I'd like to take a quick break and acknowledge one of our sponsors, athletic greens. 11351.wav|At the end of the day, people are supposed to look at that and say, oh my goodness, I can't believe that I spent 3 hours doing something or I did it 46 times. 11352.wav|Now, one of the key things to understand is that if you want relief from a headache, you need to understand which tissue is mainly involved in creating that type of headache. 11353.wav|And I'm not trying to use ambiguous language here, but the whole set of language and nomenclature around autism and autism spectrum is also undergoing revision now, because we are now coming to understand that autism, and nowadays it's generally not considered correct to call people autistics in that sense, but autism is considered one set of positions along a spectrum that includes things like Asperger's, et cetera, but that may also include other aspects of cognition and even personality. 11354.wav|And so it looks like they're really tough. 11355.wav|And today, what I've really tried to focus on is this foundational protocol because it does allow you to check off most if not all the boxes related to strength, endurance, hypertrophy, speed, power, flexibility. 11356.wav|You can find it easily by going to reverie.com. 11357.wav|The most ancient cells in your eye, which are there right now as we speak, are there to inform your body and brain about time of day. 11358.wav|And then when you start putting corrective lenses on that are overcorrecting or undercorrecting, but more often are overcorrecting, then you're essentially weakening the system. 11359.wav|Okay, so let me repeat that again. 11360.wav|And if you need to run a little bit further, like maybe in 10 minutes, for whatever reason, you can do that. 11361.wav|And the basis of divergent thinking is that more than one idea is correct. 11362.wav|Humidity is of course the concentration of water in the ambient environment, the air, whereas the dryness is the lack of humidity. 11363.wav|And we make them scary, we make them traumatic. 11364.wav|And of course, you can adjust the temperature of the room that you sleep in. 11365.wav|Some people say 18, some people say 21, some people say 30 days, some people say 60 days. 11366.wav|And I have a very close friend and colleague who's a phenomenal neurosurgeon and neuroscientist by the name of Dr. 11367.wav|So again, there's three concepts that we need to include here. 11368.wav|In other words, we feel calmer or we feel less alert, less stressed when moving our eyes from side to side. 11369.wav|Plus the general perception out there, because of the way that cannabis is discussed in the media and by sports figures and by celebrities and by politicians, et cetera, that it's not as bad as alcohol and maybe not that bad and maybe even has health benefits, then you're essentially setting up a system where young people are far more likely to adopt and continue cannabis use without realizing these serious health consequences that await them later. 11370.wav|In the context of this discussion, we don't know. 11371.wav|But in terms of lying down on the couch, it is somewhat easier to get that screen up above you. 11372.wav|If you'd like to try athletic greens, you can go to athleticgreens.com Huberman and they'll give you five free travel packs that make it really easy to mix up athletic greens while you're on the road, in the car, on the plane, et cetera. 11373.wav|They turn and pivot their body at approximately the same rate every day. 11374.wav|And there's actually an excellent review on this topic. 11375.wav|Why would this state of mind and body be potentially useful for the treatment of trauma? 11376.wav|While supplements aren't necessary for everybody, many people derive tremendous benefit from them for things like improving sleep, for hormone augmentation, and for improving focus. 11377.wav|Then you get the dopamine increase from the cold exposure, the binding the dopamine. 11378.wav|This is a really interesting aspect that other people are starting to leverage now in terms of how to reopen plasticity later in life. 11379.wav|This is a vast literature. 11380.wav|So the way to think about norepinephrine and epinephrine in this context of building mental resilience is that you have two options. 11381.wav|But it's simply not the case. 11382.wav|You probably see better out of one or the other, and we'll talk about that. 11383.wav|So if you really want to know when you look at blue light or if blue light is getting in through your eyelids in the middle of the night, it is likely distorting this lens accommodation mechanism in the eye and leading to myopia in some cases. 11384.wav|So the palms, the soles of the feet, which were actually. 11385.wav|We get one trial learning to negative experiences. 11386.wav|There are also a number of people out there, I am certain, that are carrying certain traumas or certain fears that they would like to alleviate that are not in the extreme clinical realm. 11387.wav|And again, I won't repeat it this time again, but following the same weight and repetition and rest interval scheme that we talked about earlier, a bit heavier, lower reps, more sets and longer rest for about a month, and then alternating to more repetitions yet fewer sets, right? 11388.wav|If you're not already following us on social media, we are Huberman Lab on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn, and on both Instagram and Twitter. 11389.wav|Well, this is an interesting study because rather than look at the effectiveness of peppermint and eucalyptus oil and other oils on headache, what they did is because they want to look at the mechanisms underlying headache, which I confess I love the fact that they want to understand the neurophysiology and not just get subjective ratings of headache, although they did that too, but they really want to understand how these oils can impact things like muscular tension or perception of pain. 11390.wav|And here I'm just drawing directly from the paper of how much they like the feeling, how much they felt high. 11391.wav|Let's take a look at what puberty is. 11392.wav|And for many people, headaches can be incredibly debilitating, limiting their ability to work, to socialize, to sleep, to exercise, essentially to live life in any kind of normal way. 11393.wav|But an hour is a very long time to be in there. 11394.wav|Take their two minute sleep quiz and they'll match you to a customized mattress for you. 11395.wav|Again, none of these examples that I'm giving are particularly interesting. 11396.wav|Maybe some of you, like me, don't even eat breakfast. 11397.wav|However, MDMA is not just methamphetamine, it's methylene dioxymethamphetamine. 11398.wav|There's simply no other way to view these data. 11399.wav|The exact rates of increase in suicidality in people with PTSD are a little bit hard to arrive at in the statistics because of all the comorbidities, but suffice to say that suicide is far more likely in people with PTSD, along with all the other issues that PTSD brings about. 11400.wav|Remember, there've been studies of mental training dating back to the 1880s, but what this paper really does, it looks at the neural machinery and the changes in the neural machinery, and what they found using transcranial magnetic stimulation, both in the context of stimulating, but also recording activity and connectivity between cerebellum and primary motor cortex, is that mental training enhanced the net excitation of cerebellum to motor cortex communication. 11401.wav|In this case, we're talking particularly about neurons, and THC and CBD and the other components of cannabis are highly lipophilic, so they can get into essentially all cells just simply by flowing into them. 11402.wav|It's kind of all over the place. 11403.wav|So that speed of onset turns out to be a critical parameter, because the speed of onset of nicotine is going to also determine the speed of release of dopamine in the nucleus accumbens and ventral tegmental area, that mesolimbic reward pathway. 11404.wav|They get very, very good at doing three minutes or six minutes or even ten minutes at a given temperature. 11405.wav|And it also points to some very interesting biology in terms of how the brain develops and how the body develops. 11406.wav|But unlike alcohol, unlike nicotine, we can't really point to specificity of x amount of alcohol, grams of alcohol per week, which is safe, or x amount of alcohol, which is not safe. 11407.wav|And in fact, many of them have arrived at really impressive protocols, which are essentially the protocols that I've distilled out and I'm listing out during today's episode. 11408.wav|There's a lot of data out there pointing to the fact that a healthy gut microbiome, literally little microbes that live in our gut that are good for us, is important to support our immune system, our nervous system, our endocrine system, and various aspects of our immediate and long term health. 11409.wav|Maybe a nice text comes in that you really like. 11410.wav|And if all that sounds like a mouthful, it is, and it's very metabolically demanding. 11411.wav|There's a slightly higher probability that you'll get it from them if they're sneezing at that same distance, but you're indoors as opposed to outdoors. 11412.wav|Nowadays, you can access this hypnosis. 11413.wav|We have some dopamine churning, friends come over, then we have the meal, and we also get some dopamine from that, but not nearly as much as we would if it had all happened as a part of a big surprise. 11414.wav|When we're wide awake, we tend to be wide eyed. 11415.wav|So during the period in which one is abstaining from nicotine and vaping in particular, people do not feel good, they feel miserable. 11416.wav|If you are trained to do that and you have the right conditions, et cetera, that can be done reasonably safely. 11417.wav|We know that headache, that is the ache in headache, is neural. 11418.wav|Today's podcast is also brought to us by Inside tracker. 11419.wav|It's just time cost. 11420.wav|If you're somebody like myself who tends to have their best ideas, not saying that my ideas are always terrific, but among the ideas I have, some of the better ones arrive to me while on my long Sunday run, I tend to do a long run or hike on Sundays, sometimes with a light weight vest or something of that sort. 11421.wav|You're making it such that your nervous system will predict when you are going to lean in against limbic friction in order to perform particular types of habits. 11422.wav|You don't need to know all the details. 11423.wav|They need eyeglasses. 11424.wav|So it's going to be much more efficient to do cold water immersion than anything else. 11425.wav|This is something that a number of groups, businesses, households and individuals are trying to do more of. 11426.wav|It's right up there with movement and our ability to move, to generate, to get up out of chairs and to walk, and to run, and to take care of ourselves, eyesight and movement are the main ways that we are able to take care of ourselves and take care of others. 11427.wav|So taste information, vision, auditory information, touch, et cetera, flow into the so called lateral portion of the amygdala, or the amygdaloid complex. 11428.wav|So then the question becomes, how often or at what intervals should one assess progress? 11429.wav|And unfortunately, the neurotoxicity issue is often what's mentioned. 11430.wav|So I think there are a number of reasons why, if it's compatible with the other aspects of your health, because, of course, always you have to consider this on a background of cardiovascular health and blood pressure, et cetera. 11431.wav|I think that EMDR practitioners, like most practitioners in the psychiatric and psychological space, are eager to expand their practices in order to make them more effective, rather than clinging ardently to something that perhaps is incomplete or that doesn't work for certain individuals. 11432.wav|Not monoral beats, but 40 hz binaural beats done during a particular workout or for 30 minutes prior to that workout. 11433.wav|Which way am I going to navigate through the grocery store? 11434.wav|Now, in addition to limiting appetite by changing one's desire to ingest food and chew it, and actual craving of food by regulation of blood sugar, et cetera, there do seem to be some quite direct effects of nicotine on metabolism. 11435.wav|And so there's a whole dark side to the bipolar disorder that makes it a very, very dangerous and important disorder to treat. 11436.wav|And unfortunately, that's not the case. 11437.wav|In other words, when we're talking about nicotine, we are not necessarily talking about smoking, although we might be. 11438.wav|Now there's a really incredible set of experiments that illustrate why it is that mental training and visualization can be extremely effective, but that it's always going to be most effective when combined with real world training and experiences. 11439.wav|So it's not just that you're removing fat, eating less fat. 11440.wav|This is true not just of vision and what we call the visual domain, but also the auditory domain, okay? 11441.wav|Well, that is true at the beginning of a deliberate cold exposure protocol, meaning in the first week or in the second week or the third week. 11442.wav|That is, they have an affinity toward, and they can actually pass through fatty tissues. 11443.wav|Okay, just to make this really easy, I'm going to say it twice. 11444.wav|I always emphasize behavioral tools first, then focusing on nutritional tools, and on occasion using supplement based tools to encourage increased levels of focus. 11445.wav|But it's the way in which they are doing this subconsciously, that they learn this information, and then they pass it off to a reflexive habit. 11446.wav|Well, there've been several studies, but in particular one, and I do realize we're talking about only one study, but the results are really intriguing as it relates to what we're talking about today. 11447.wav|All of those ideas seem really exciting to them. 11448.wav|And again, I mentioned that because many people experience photophobia in headache but there are also a number of people that experience photophobia even if they don't have intense headache. 11449.wav|But it is important that you are able to successfully complete that motor task in the real world. 11450.wav|We also know that people often will combine MDMA and methamphetamine. 11451.wav|Some people sleep on their back. 11452.wav|No, if you'd like using that sort of thing, great. 11453.wav|The title of the article is, "'Mental Practice Modulates Functional Connectivity "'Between the Cerebellum and the Primary Motor Cortex.'" Going to tell you the essential features of this study. 11454.wav|L-DOPA is a prescription drug, as I mentioned before, and Mucuna purines potently increases dopamine. 11455.wav|In fact, we now know, based on really solid epidemiological evidence, that depression is not a strong predictor of seeking out cannabis. 11456.wav|But I think for sake of this discussion, just really focusing on what curcumin does alone or in conjunction with the omega-3 fatty acids is what turns out to be the most interesting. 11457.wav|So what we've been doing in human subjects is having them do either breathing protocols that calm them, and I'll explain what that is in a moment, or doing breathing protocols that increase their level of autonomic arousal and seeing how that impacts their response to stress overall, not just during that particular breathing protocol. 11458.wav|And if you understand this process of accommodation, you not only can enhance the Health of your eyes in the immediate and long term, but you also can work better. 11459.wav|It should be cold enough that you really want to get out, but not so cold that it's unsafe. 11460.wav|So I like to think that by now, you have a pretty good understanding of the circuits that underlie the threat reflex, the fear response, and how we have top down control, meaning we can attach a narrative to the fear response and that the fear response can be learned in association with particular events. 11461.wav|Typically, we are told, don't imagine failure, push failure out of your mind. 11462.wav|But as I describe this, many of you are probably thinking what I'm thinking, which is, gosh, most of what we do is in complete opposite direction to all of this neurobiologically grounded advice. 11463.wav|It's just to say that there's no simple prescriptive of how cold to make the environment in order to extract maximum benefit for mental or physical performance. 11464.wav|I think there's ample evidence to support that, and that your control over your visual system is indeed yours, that you can deliberately set it to different locations, and then you make a practice of stepping through these different stations on a regular basis. 11465.wav|And those surfaces are unique in that just below them, the vasculature is different than elsewhere in the body. 11466.wav|In fact, I consider doing regular therapy just as important as getting regular exercise, including cardiovascular exercise and resistance training, which of course I also do every week. 11467.wav|You understand that light has to arrive at the retina and get converted into electrical signals. 11468.wav|Well, in order to form that habit, it took some people 18 days and other people 254 days. 11469.wav|If you'd like to subscribe to the Huberman Lab Podcast premium channel, please go to HubermanLab.com slash premium. 11470.wav|Today, we are discussing nicotine. 11471.wav|So it's pretty convenient. 11472.wav|Okay, I did mention hallucinations, and they're fun to talk about and think about. 11473.wav|So whether or not the origins are hormonal or whether or not the origins are inflammation or gut microbiome or some other feature of the body-brain axis, at this point, all we know is that neural pain or the experience of pain at the neural level is the final common pathway and it's more prevalent in females. 11474.wav|And there you can also find pdfs of previous newsletters that you can immediately download without even having to sign up. 11475.wav|Although it has some selectivity for the 5-HT2A receptor, it can attach to other receptors as well and act there. 11476.wav|But I want to point out that the cannabis plant has over 770 70 different psychoactive compounds, many of which still have not been studied in isolation and in detail. 11477.wav|There are certain conditions in humans where there is a depletion of dopamine. 11478.wav|In other words, they didn't start using cannabis because they were depressed, but rather, the depression starts to emerge as a consequence of the cannabis and THC use. 11479.wav|So again, you don't want to think about the brain as just sitting right next to the skull. 11480.wav|People who take sativa varieties tend to talk a lot more than they would otherwise. 11481.wav|It was getting weaker and weaker, just like the atrophy of a muscle. 11482.wav|And no joke here, especially if marijuana is impacting the short term memory systems. 11483.wav|So this has been studied in the context of the work environment, where a business decides and lets everybody know that there is going to be a greater effort toward recycling cans or bottles or bottles and cans, et cetera. 11484.wav|But in addition to that, the cannabis use, and because of the signaling mechanisms involved, are predisposing those individuals to psychosis later in life. 11485.wav|There's a ton of science to support those statements. 11486.wav|Some people will accentuate the negative, their speed and cadence. 11487.wav|With thorn supplements there is immense stringency in terms of the quality of the ingredients and the precision of the amounts of those ingredients that they include in each product. 11488.wav|A lot of results, not all over the place, but they're scattered in a number of ways. 11489.wav|But that system of alertness is linked to the position of our eyes. 11490.wav|It is $10 a month to subscribe, or you can pay $100 all at once to get an entire 12 month subscription for a year. 11491.wav|So after a brief warmup, what I'm going to do is go out typically outside, although sometimes it has to be on a treadmill if I'm traveling, and move, run for about 30 to 35 minutes at about 75 or 80% of that all out. 11492.wav|Nicotine only binds to the nicotinic acetylcholine receptors and there are a bunch of different ones on a bunch of different tissues. 11493.wav|So I'm guessing some of you will probably have questions about those programs and how to apply them, but hopefully they were clear enough for you to get started. 11494.wav|We are going to do an entire episode about the use of heat for health and performance, so that is not the focus. 11495.wav|Well, the nasal passages contain a number of physical barriers, including the hairs within your nose. 11496.wav|And so anorexics, as they progress out of their anorexic state into one which they are intervening in their reflexes, gaining better habits around food, eating more accurately, assessing foods and environments that they're in related to food, as they change their behavior and they start to put on healthy weight, maybe they're also doing the sorts of exercises that allow them to put on healthy weight and avoiding kind of extreme exercises of catabolism and breaking themselves down, they also manage to somehow, just as a consequence of all that, rewire their perception of self. 11497.wav|I mean, we don't know, for instance, if you got a mild sniffle as opposed to a really bad cold or flu, whether or not it would have been a really bad cold or flu, had you slept less, had you not humidified your air better, et cetera, probably it would be. 11498.wav|And the CB one and CB two receptors actually play a critical role in the development of the fetus. 11499.wav|And that can be immensely useful when encountering stressors in other parts of life. 11500.wav|And emphasize that in terms of the total volume of workouts that you do and work up incrementally and then move into another cycle? 11501.wav|And in fact, if you were to use that approach, your body temperature would continue to increase even more, yes, even more than had you not placed that cold towel on your head or your torso. 11502.wav|So I know there's a huge debate out there and people love to argue about whether or not one can squat or deadlift for long periods of time or should or should not. 11503.wav|And this was one that was provided again by Dr. Andy Galpin when he was on the Huberman Lab Podcast. 11504.wav|It actually prevents the sucking up of the dopamine that's been released and that does not bind to the receptors. 11505.wav|And so this is like pushing on the accelerator for dopamine, but also removing the brake. 11506.wav|And we can learn a lot about drug pharmacinetics and dopamine if we look at the parallels between cocaine and nicotine. 11507.wav|Your job for the working memory task is now to recall as many of the final words of each of those sentences as you can. 11508.wav|And he had a very important, and, I think, clear and intuitive way of framing up all this stuff around eating and motivated behaviors and how they can go awry, not just in eating disorders, but in all of us. 11509.wav|A lot of, as you know, performance activewear eyeglasses look rather ridiculous, but the Roca glasses, I think, have a very nice aesthetic to them that you could wear anywhere. 11510.wav|So is it better to sit or is it better to stand when doing work, at least as it relates to focus and productivity? 11511.wav|If you're somebody who's interested in business or let's say you're focused on relationship, is thinking about the perfect relationship and what that would look like and the family that you would have and where you would live. 11512.wav|I know they've been developing this technology for some period of time. 11513.wav|And again, by the end of today's program, I can assure you, you will have a template protocol that you can build up from, build out, change and modify, and that will really serve your fitness goals according to the science and what peer reviewed studies and the experts that appeared on this podcast and other podcasts really tell us is best and optimal for our fitness. 11514.wav|And if people are working through them, either through clinical work or through individual work, it is important. 11515.wav|Okay, so that's convergent thinking. 11516.wav|Although I must say, even if they hadn't allowed me to do that, I would be drinking Matina is the cleanest tasting and best yerba mate you can find. 11517.wav|So try and keep the light slow. 11518.wav|But I neglected to point out one of the other very interesting aspects of the study showing deliberate cold exposure can increase norepinephrine and dopamine, which is that they observed no significant increases in the stress hormone cortisol. 11519.wav|In trying to imagine the different configurations and ways that this information can be organized, I deliberately abstained from caffeine during those bouts of work. 11520.wav|I didn't say serotonin neurons because of the way that MDMA works in encouraging or promoting big releases in dopamine, big releases in serotonin. 11521.wav|Then, of course, you could give somebody MDMA while they are in the fMRI machine and see how the activation of different brain networks changes. 11522.wav|So for those of you with seizure risk, whether you know it or not, that's going to be a valid concern in terms of potential side effects. 11523.wav|And this brings us to a beautiful, and indeed Nobel prize winning aspect of biology and physiology, which is pavlovian conditioning. 11524.wav|That's unexpected. 11525.wav|And so what turns out to be very effective is to go engage in some other positive habit. 11526.wav|It circulates water of a given temperature, and it does so, and does so at a temperature that is sure to not cause vasoconstriction of the palm. 11527.wav|So much so that it's worth taking a step back and talking about another class of drugs which dramatically increases serotonin, which are the ssris, the selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, ssris such as fluxetine, Prozac, as well as Zoloft. 11528.wav|They used eight different schools. 11529.wav|And when I say space, that's just a kind of nerd speak for one particular domain of thinking. 11530.wav|However, there's a really interesting feature from the neuroscience literature and from the psychology literature that says that chunking this 21 days into two day bins can be very, very useful. 11531.wav|There's what we call a double dissociation whereby if people are mouth breathers, they are far more susceptible to colds and flus and other types of respiratory illnesses. 11532.wav|What this means is that if you're somebody who cares about blood glucose regulation, you want to keep your metabolism running, please don't stop exercising the other ways that you exercise. 11533.wav|Now, I want to point out again, I'm not a psychiatrist, so I'm not telling you to take bupriperone, aka wellbutrin, but I'm going to give you a little bit of the contour of what's typically done in terms of bupryprone administration to help people get relief from some of the withdrawal symptoms of trying to quit smoking or vaping or other forms of nicotine ingestion. 11534.wav|The creative process involves going into a state where you're willing to consider a lot of options, many of which seem distantly or not even connected to one another. 11535.wav|What should I do? 11536.wav|They actually have very little movement of their eyes. 11537.wav|And the interesting finding is that the addition of norepinephrine or serotonin, which of course are other neuromodulators that can change the firing patterns of neurons in the prefrontal cortex, but elsewhere as well. 11538.wav|This is something that I've personally been doing for many years based on my understanding of the visual system and the understanding that indeed, we can move our cognition and our perception from a place of interoception and focusing on our peripersonal space, that space within us and immediately around us, and on the things that are immediately accessible to us, that we can shift from that mode to this mode of exteroception, of focusing on things outside the confines of our skin and that are beyond our reach, that are literally goal directed behaviors and goal directed thoughts. 11539.wav|And basically what happens is if you measure people's blood pressure or other metrics of physiology, you see an increase in that systolic blood pressure. 11540.wav|So, basically, subjects in this experiment came into the laboratory. 11541.wav|Now, this is also an opportunity to underscore something I said back at the beginning, which is you are not going to come up with great works of music if you don't understand chords and melodies and notes and music. 11542.wav|Dopamine, the molecule, is actually used to manufacture epinephrine and norepinephrine, which are other molecules in our brain and body which put us into that readiness and action state. 11543.wav|And basically what they found was there was a statistically significant improvement in attention and cognitive control scores during any kind of active session, as opposed to just a mere seated session. 11544.wav|Less resistance, as we might say. 11545.wav|And oftentimes I will stop and write down ideas that suddenly or seemingly suddenly appear to me or geyser to the surface, I'll have an idea. 11546.wav|So, alternating perhaps a minute to three minutes of cold exposure, followed by a minute to three minutes of drying out in air and going back into the cold exposure, et cetera. 11547.wav|If you don't understand it, no big deal. 11548.wav|How cold should the cold be? 11549.wav|And this is true for immediate goals that take place within a time frame of minutes, or a time frame of a day, or the time frame of a week, or the time frame of a lifetime. 11550.wav|You already learned about one of those before, which is Bromacryptine. 11551.wav|It's that tapping sequence that I talked about before where the thumb is digit one, index finger number two, middle finger number three, ring finger number four, and pinky finger number five, and it's a one, two, one, three, one, four, one, five, one, two, one, three, one, four, one, five. 11552.wav|And I realize that saying this is going to upset some people out there, because I know that there are a number of people who fought very hard for the legalization process, and I want to acknowledge that. 11553.wav|Well, in that case, it could be very neurotoxic. 11554.wav|It was whether or not people's prolactin levels went up or did not go up that predicted whether or not their levels of arousal would go up or not. 11555.wav|That's it is exceedingly low. 11556.wav|We are eventually going to arrive at a set of four practices that, when performed on a regular basis, will allow you to assess what is the value of this next particular action step? 11557.wav|We won't go into these in too much detail now, but the omega-3 fatty acids, keep in mind, actually make up various parts of cells in the brain and body. 11558.wav|I realize I'm painting with a broad brush here, but nonetheless, this is grounded in the way that the nervous system governs muscular contraction. 11559.wav|In fact, ideally, you wouldn't ingest any caffeine in phase two of the day so that you could get into this deeper state of rest in which habit formation and neuroplasticity can occur. 11560.wav|The Huberman Lab podcast has partnered with momentous supplements. 11561.wav|There's nowhere to get improvements out of the protocol, at least not in terms of mental resilience. 11562.wav|It's about the dopamine that the nicotine evokes. 11563.wav|I also want to acknowledge the many known positive effects of cannabis in adults with very occasional use, provided it is delivered safely and in the safe context and setting and with legality that is entirely distinct from the issue of whether or not cannabis is safe for the developing brain and body. 11564.wav|And one can make up a pretty reasonable story in the evolutionary context or ethological context, that forward movement and fear are generally incompatible with one another. 11565.wav|Those neurons don't just control the position of the eyes and cause them to move up. 11566.wav|To make a long story short, there are many things that we all can and should do to support our overall mental and physical health, and these are the foundational elements of quality nutrition. 11567.wav|Now, I'd like to shift our attention to the use of deliberate cold exposure for sake of physical performance. 11568.wav|I mentioned slight overconsumption of fluids in order to generate alertness. 11569.wav|What you find is that both divergent and convergent thinking are enhanced when levels of dopamine are elevated. 11570.wav|Do you tend to run hot or cold through the night? 11571.wav|Rather, if you're going to pursue particular types of sound frequencies, consider using 40 hz binaural beats. 11572.wav|You are probably headed towards sleep a few hours later. 11573.wav|You can go to theragun.com huberman right now to get your gen four theragun today. 11574.wav|So things like stress reduction, things like getting good sleep, things like quality nutrition, things like having positive routines arranged throughout your day, all of those, of course, will support you in trying to break particular habits. 11575.wav|And turmeric is a root and curcumin is one of the key components of that root. 11576.wav|And now, with the advent of modern DNA tests, you can also get information about how your specific genes are impacting your immediate and long term health. 11577.wav|You can find that again@hubermanlab.com. 11578.wav|And I think it works quite well because, again, of the relationship between our visual system driving the majority of our cognition, right? 11579.wav|So just think blinders on a horse. 11580.wav|In fact, just today, in anticipation of this episode, I put MDMA into the search function on Google and clicked news, and there were at least two reports of major MDMA seizures and busts. 11581.wav|While supplements aren't necessary for everybody, many people derive tremendous benefit from supplements. 11582.wav|However, there were certain forms of exercise that were not benefited by cold water immersion, such as eccentric exercise, exercise focusing only on the lowering component or the so called eccentric component of resistance exercise. 11583.wav|You might not know all of them at the outset, but you ought to have some idea about the intervals at which you are going to set those milestones and set your reward schedule for assessing progress en route to those milestones and your ultimate goal. 11584.wav|And what it points to is the fact that this very simple, completely non-pharmacologic behavioral practice of lying down motionless for some period of time, and I confess the amount of time that they use in this study was quite long. 11585.wav|And it's a really fascinating study, I'm just going to highlight a little bit of it for you, and then I'll touch on some of the relevant aspects and how that can be adopted into a practice to assess and reduce fear and anxiety. 11586.wav|And we talked earlier about why that's probably a good thing in most circumstances, but that we aren't just hearing that cannabis is safe, or it's not just being implied that cannabis is safer. 11587.wav|We have clusters of neurons in our brain stem, and those clusters of neurons control our eyelid muscles, and they control our eye movements up and down and to the sides. 11588.wav|But one doesn't want to. 11589.wav|The other branch of the autonomic nervous system is the so called parasympathetic branch of the autonomic nervous system. 11590.wav|I'm not going to hypnotize you right now. 11591.wav|And it follows a very direct relationship where the closer the proximity, the more likely that you're going to contract the cold or flu from that person. 11592.wav|Why motivation and focus? 11593.wav|Now, that is in complete agreement with everything we've said up until now. 11594.wav|The next day you might do five walls, the next day you might do three walls again, but you might lower the temperature. 11595.wav|Zone two cardio is something that you could measure the heart rate monitor or other device, but you don't need to. 11596.wav|And all of that points to the fact that cold water immersion very likely increases testosterone, but as a downstream consequence of the cold water immersion effects on dopamine and luteinizing hormone. 11597.wav|I think by law actually in the US, menus are required to be colorblind accessible. 11598.wav|How do children think? 11599.wav|I should just mention that the anastatol is also used for things like obsessive compulsive disorder. 11600.wav|Constraint type behaviors are the sorts of things like where the alcoholic will call a hotel ahead of time and say, listen, I want the minibar taken out of the room. 11601.wav|I would actually think through each of those steps, walk into the kitchen, turn on the espresso machine, draw the espresso, walking through each of those steps from start to finish, and turns out just that simple mental exercise done once can shift people toward a much higher likelihood of performing that habit regularly, not just the first time, but as they continue out into the days and weeks that follow. 11602.wav|Just kind of relax your eyelids. 11603.wav|Okay, so curcumin dosages come in enormous range, as I mentioned before, dosages that range anywhere from 80 milligrams taken 80 milligrams per day, that is, taken for eight weeks time, that's been examined. 11604.wav|I think the number twelve is a good number in terms of the number of different areas of the amygdala. 11605.wav|For sake of this discussion, 40 hz binaural beats appears to increase spontaneous blink rates because it increases dopamine transmission in the brain stem and in the striatum, in several locations, in fact. 11606.wav|I hope that is clear. 11607.wav|When you start having compromised eyesight or compromised movement, people need to take care of us, and we become much more challenged in moving through our daily life. 11608.wav|Now the so called family, and indeed they are a family. 11609.wav|I don't do any kind of formal intermittent fasting, but typically my meal schedule is somewhere between 11 a.m. 11610.wav|I just want to briefly mention a few of the things that some people find great benefit from in the supplementation realm as it relates to anxiety, stress, fear and PTSD. 11611.wav|Now, sleep is the fundamental layer that is the most important aspect of mental health, physical health, and performance. 11612.wav|Maybe it's that you're going to write for an hour a day on a book project that you've been thinking about, or you're going to work on mathematics, or you're going to do any sort of thing, that for you there's a lot of limbic friction. 11613.wav|And it's really the combination of big increases in dopamine and even bigger increases in serotonin that create a situation where people have more energy. 11614.wav|So for instance, if you've ever sat across from an infant who is trying to eat their meal, so imagine a one and a half year old or a two year old trying to eat some noodles or some soup or any kind of baby suitable food with a spoon, and they're holding the spoon or they're trying to hold the spoon, what you'll notice is that their motor movements are terribly uncoordinated. 11615.wav|What he found was that the amount of time that it takes people to move from one location on the map to another scaled linearly, directly, with the actual physical location between those objects on the map. 11616.wav|All of them generally circle back to increasing dopamine and or norepinephrine in order to offset some of the withdrawal symptoms of smoking sensation or vaping cessation. 11617.wav|This is relevant because if people are ingesting nicotine by way of smoking and vaping, hopefully they're not waking up in the middle of the night just to smoke or vapor. 11618.wav|Turned out to be a frequent happening in these meals and at these birthday parties. 11619.wav|If you'd like to check out Roca glasses, you can go to Roca, that's Roka.com, and enter the code Huberman at checkout, and you'll get 20% off your first order. 11620.wav|Limbic friction is a shorthand way that I use to describe the strain that's required in order to overcome one of two states within your body. 11621.wav|And just for sake of simplicity, so I don't have to keep saying nigrostriatal and mesocortical, here going forward, I'm going to talk about the dopamine circuit that's associated with divergent thinking or the dopamine circuit associated with convergent thinking. 11622.wav|Okay, so not using the nicotine patch, but, say, the hypnosis or bupryprone, which can increase dopamine, but it doesn't increase nicotine directly. 11623.wav|Now, the nature of that positive thing is important. 11624.wav|The reason I started taking athletic greens and the reason I still take athletic greens is that it covers all of my foundational vitamin mineral probiotic needs. 11625.wav|So you've got short wavelength light that is blue and greens or short wavelengths, and then long wavelength light, which is red, or it can even be out past where it will be infrared. 11626.wav|And today's discussion will also be quite nuanced. 11627.wav|There you'll see those supplements. 11628.wav|I generally follow a program where for about a month, so three to four weeks, I will do all my resistance training in the repetition range of about four to eight repetitions, so that's rather heavy, a few more sets, so it might be anywhere from three to four sets per exercise, again, still just two exercises, and longer rest between sets, anywhere from two minutes to maybe even four minutes if it's really heavy legwork. 11629.wav|Again, motionless being the key. 11630.wav|Or could I jump 2ft in front of me? 11631.wav|It's more of a neural circuit set. 11632.wav|So with that said, there are very strong data, and I will provide links to these resources pointing to the fact that for people who are chronic users of cannabis, that is using it twice a week or more, that over time, their levels of anxiety actually increase. 11633.wav|In, for instance, an experiment geared toward exploring fear that unconditioned stimulus is unconditional. 11634.wav|The Soberg principle, named after first author of this study I referred to earlier, Dr. 11635.wav|Try and use magenta instead. 11636.wav|Similarly for performance of cognitive tasks, so say, for instance, speaking a new language, you might ask, well, gosh, what in the landscape of speaking a new language can be restricted to five to 15 seconds where I could repeat it anywhere from one to three times in a given epoch and then rest and then keep repeating 50 to 75 times? 11637.wav|We've got a link to them in the show note captions. 11638.wav|In today's episode and in previous episodes of the Huberman Lab podcast, we talked about supplements. 11639.wav|Those two are L-tyrosine, which is an amino acid precursor to dopamine and mucuna prurines, which is a, believe it or not, it's the velvety bean or the outer component of this velvety bean that contains or is equivalent to 99% L-DOPA. 11640.wav|Okay, so let's talk about protocols to improve working memory, specifically by way of changing levels of dopamine in the brain. 11641.wav|Donald Heb was a psychologist in Canada and birthed this field that has now lasted, gosh, more than 50 years and is still very strong in neuroscience and psychology of hebian learning. 11642.wav|They're giving away five free travel packs plus a year supply of vitamin D three k two with every order. 11643.wav|If you don't like it, they'll come pick it up and take it away. 11644.wav|You would be out of breath or you'd have to pause mid-sentence. 11645.wav|Now that's an attractive way to approach things, but the problem is that you don't have an infinite amount of room with which to lower temperature, because eventually you will get into temperatures that are either so cold that they are dangerous, or you have to stay in cold temperatures for such long periods that it becomes impractical, because presumably you also have to take care of other aspects of your life. 11646.wav|Check out the podcast on stress if you're interested in how that might be relevant as well as other tools. 11647.wav|But the amygdaloid complex actually projects to areas of the dopamine system, the so called nucleus accumbens, the mesolimbic reward pathway. 11648.wav|And typically that means that I'm staying in for anywhere from two minutes to six minutes per session, and that averages out to about eleven to 15 minutes total per week. 11649.wav|I think the gestalt, the top contour, the overall view of those studies is that provided it is pure MDMA, and provided the individual is not consuming other drugs which have the potential to be neurotoxic, and provided that it's being done in a controlled clinical setting, the risk for toxicity seems quite a bit lower than the popular press has promoted. 11650.wav|And it works in a very logical way. 11651.wav|Okay, so those three networks work together to create things. 11652.wav|These G protein coupled receptors and cb one is a G protein coupled receptor. 11653.wav|In other words, the number of calories that you burn per day, and therefore the number of calories that you need to either maintain or to lose weight. 11654.wav|People report feeling more complete full body relaxation, more of a sedative effect. 11655.wav|But if I were to say the sentence vocal effort and intensity are important components of speech, that's the way I would say that sentence if I was striving to enunciate very carefully and to accent certain words and syllables. 11656.wav|So sleep is essential for all the normal things that encourage healthy activity of the different tissues that are involved in brain and body to occur. 11657.wav|Whether or not they have the impact and the biological functions that I'm about to describe will depend a lot on whether or not you are using your own endogenous cannabinoids to park in those receptors that you also have from birth until death, or whether or not you are tickling those receptors or strongly activating those receptors using some external source like cannabis, THC, et cetera. 11658.wav|So you can imagine a pipe with very little fluid moving through it. 11659.wav|But if you look at the data out of Canada, or you look at some of the data out of northern Europe and the US, what you find is that the probability that somebody will use cannabis and then go on to use it chronically correlates very strongly with age. 11660.wav|Now, a couple of important things about this study before I tell you what they discovered, which was frankly pretty miraculous, almost hard to believe, and yet I believe the data, the data looked to be collected quite well, and there are a lot of statistics, and the study looks to be quite thorough. 11661.wav|So we use one part of the brain to learn something, but then that information, in the form of the electrical activity of neurons, is passed off to a different brain area. 11662.wav|Most important, I believe, is to understand and really think about the logical structure of the circuits that underlie fear and PTSD. 11663.wav|Again, those are the movements that I use because I can perform them safely in the repetition ranges and with the weights that are required for me to either maintain or build leg strength and calf strength, but you might decide that for you, deadlifts are absolutely essential and terrific, or squats, free bar squats are absolutely terrific, or front squats. 11664.wav|We have that habits are learned. 11665.wav|And I do not think that's a coincidence. 11666.wav|If you are a young person, and even if you are 25 or older and you are spending a lot of time looking at things up close, and you are not allowing your vision to relax, in other words, you are not giving your lens the opportunity to flatten out. 11667.wav|Now, we can also do this with our auditory system or to touch, et cetera. 11668.wav|And over and over again, as they are when THC is coming into the system, well, those systems eventually, over time, they adjust themselves so that the body and those cells can achieve so called homeostasis. 11669.wav|And so I know a lot of people out there are wondering, how often can they smoke cannabis, or how often can they eat cannabis or THC or CBD in any number of its different forms and products safely. 11670.wav|So you start going faster and faster and faster, and your only choice is to use the accelerator or just to coast through it. 11671.wav|But among those that have, that have very thin eyelids, I notice I have very thin eyelids compared to, say, Costello. 11672.wav|But for me, as I get about, oh, gosh, I guess it's about six inches from my nose. 11673.wav|This is a scientific literature that's been debated many times over the last really 50 plus years, but in more recent studies have really proven that we as humans have the capacity to inherit a predisposition to trauma or fear. 11674.wav|Again, you can go to athleticgreens.com huberman to claim that special offer. 11675.wav|And there again, we have to assume somewhat because they weren't doing neurochemical measurements, but we can reasonably assume that those improvements in cognitive performance were due, at least in part, to the increase in catecholamines known to accompany moderate intensity zone to cardio. 11676.wav|We only know the measurements we can take, liver enzymes, blood lipid profiles, body weight, athletic performance, mental performance, whether or not you're cranky all day, whether or not you're feeling relaxed. 11677.wav|If you'd like to try inside tracker, you can visit insidetracker.com huberman and if you do that, you'll get 25% off any of inside tracker's plans. 11678.wav|That's simply not the case. 11679.wav|It's this feeling that something's about to happen. 11680.wav|For those of you that grew up in families with a lot of siblings, this may resonate with you. 11681.wav|And it's so incredible, in fact, you might say, well, how could that possibly be? 11682.wav|Well, what I'm about to describe is a compound, or I should say a set of compounds that are available over the counter that have been shown to be very effective in reducing the frequency and intensity of headaches. 11683.wav|Athletic greens, aka ag one, is an all in one vitamin mineral probiotic drink that also has adaptogens and digestive enzymes. 11684.wav|That's a serious issue with a lot of supplements out there. 11685.wav|Here I'm talking about my own habits of procrastination. 11686.wav|And to be quite direct, I do not like the word nootropics because it translates to smart drugs. 11687.wav|Famous because I think most people by now have heard of the amygdala. 11688.wav|So I know that a number of people, depending on whether or not they get tested for work or for sport or otherwise, for cannabis or CBD and THC, don't take this as a strict number. 11689.wav|Here's how you form a habit. 11690.wav|Or what kind of mood stance or goal stance are they taking? 11691.wav|And there you can support the Huberman Lab podcast at any level that you like. 11692.wav|Now that statement might seem distantly placed from a discussion about creativity, but as we'll learn a little bit later, one of the most useful tools for engaging creativity and becoming more creative is to think about action elements within a narrative, that is, things that we and others can do in order to discover new rules through actual movement. 11693.wav|In fact, endogenous cannabinoids are present at much greater levels in the developing fetus than they are after a child is born. 11694.wav|Oftentimes we're interleaving different tasks to varying degrees. 11695.wav|One thing I can promise you is that by the end of today's episode, you will know a lot about the biology of thermal regulation. 11696.wav|Typically I'll have one in the morning. 11697.wav|For me, that turned out to be the dusk mattress. 11698.wav|And it's not surprising, therefore, that cannabis can increase dopamine transmission. 11699.wav|And in fact, it's important that you don't actually try and do what in the literature is called a habit slip compensation, which is just fancy psychological language, for if you screw up and you don't get all four or five in one day, you don't do eight the next day in order to compensate. 11700.wav|Now, that might just seem totally wild and hard to wrap your head around, but think about it this way, because this is the way it actually works. 11701.wav|So find what you can do consistently and then vary the parameters that will allow you to continue to do deliberate cold exposure consistently, regardless of whether or not you have access to a shower or a cold immersion, et cetera. 11702.wav|But the point is this. 11703.wav|And especially important is to understand that they are so strong and they park in that receptor with such affinity, with such force and precision and stubbornness and refusal to leave that receptor, that they completely outcompete the endogenous cannabinoid system. 11704.wav|The study addressing the relationship between aphantasia, synesthesia, and autism found that aphantasia is indeed linked to weak visual imagery, but that aphantasia can also be synesthesia. 11705.wav|Now, tension headaches are a little bit of a misnomer because many people might think, oh, tension, I'm under a lot of tension and stress, and therefore I get tension headaches. 11706.wav|So let's say you wake up, you typically take an inhalation off your vape, or you have a cigarette around nine or 10:00 a.m. 11707.wav|So they serve as their own internal control. 11708.wav|It was kind of excruciating. 11709.wav|There are basically only three or four elements to goal setting and goal pursuit. 11710.wav|Or if you want to dictate some of that into your phone, you can. 11711.wav|Right now, within my current peripersonal space is my interoception, my understanding or perception of my internal body. 11712.wav|And there's something about the combination of the words and the music, or sometimes just the music or just the words that allows some feature of it to pop out at us as particularly exciting. 11713.wav|And they also looked at overall metabolism for people, get this, that we're using just that 1% of muscle, the soleus, by doing what they call a soleus pushup. 11714.wav|So, on the face of it, you might say, okay, wow, 88% of people who do talk therapy. 11715.wav|And the key takeaway from this study, for sake of our discussion here today, is that it does not. 11716.wav|Again, three golf swings within that 15 seconds, rest 15 seconds. 11717.wav|And of course, there are all the other additional effects of increased focus, such as increased ability to pay attention to work or to others that lead to other rewards. 11718.wav|Eventually, I got vision through that eye. 11719.wav|By all means, layer those together. 11720.wav|It's so weak in some cases that it actually can start to deviate. 11721.wav|But the working memory tasks that you're about to take when given to a general population or a group of undergraduates or so-called normals or typical control subjects, which all of you are, okay? 11722.wav|But of course, those protocols have other benefits as well. 11723.wav|Then you need to relearn a new narrative and attach reward to the old traumatic event. 11724.wav|This used to be kind of an obsession of mine when I was coming up in the field of visual neuroscience to understand how different animals see the world compared to us, I'll give one more example. 11725.wav|In fact, just to take a little bit of a moment of respite and talk about habits in general, there's a beautiful study that was done out of Caltech University looking at the parking lot of where people park in the morning without designated parking spots and the trajectories that they use to walk to their offices in the morning. 11726.wav|Or I've seen these images of people that will cut holes into frozen over lakes and they'll get into that cold water. 11727.wav|If you're enjoying and or learning from this podcast and you're not traumatized by the amount of information covered, please subscribe to our YouTube channel. 11728.wav|And beige fat and brown fat is generally the kind of fat that if you're going to have fat cells, and you certainly need fat cells that you want more of, they are thermogenic. 11729.wav|And then you want to light your work environment. 11730.wav|In other episodes of the Huberman Lab podcast, I have a high degree of confidence that you can quit smoking or vaping, dipping or snuffing. 11731.wav|One other thing that's built into the rationale for doing a lot of heat and cold on one day as opposed to doing it every day. 11732.wav|And this is true even for individuals that are using strains of cannabis that, while under the influence of cannabis, reduce anxiety over time, meaning over the course of twelve or more months. 11733.wav|And they'll give you a year's supply of vitamin D, three k, two. 11734.wav|They might not be tracking it that well. 11735.wav|So actually, whether or not you see something in front of you, like this pen or my face, is because the way your photoreceptors are turning off, not turning on, it's a really cool twist, and I don't want to go too far down that rabbit hole, but check it out. 11736.wav|This was a map of an island. 11737.wav|I think there are thresholds for that. 11738.wav|This is pretty interesting with respect to the cellar molecular biology, but at the behavioral level, it's especially interesting. 11739.wav|People probably have heard of zone two cardio, but if you haven't, that's okay. 11740.wav|Again, tension type headaches tend to start off, not always, but tend to start off as more or less a halo or a headband around the forehead in the area above the eyes, often also include the jaw, the neck muscles, and can extend even into the upper back. 11741.wav|Now, as I mentioned earlier, we will get back to the mechanisms that this taps into and why this is so useful. 11742.wav|MDMA can augment or boost the effects of talk therapy for PTSD, and it does that through the engagement of specific neural circuits. 11743.wav|How often should you do this? 11744.wav|In fact, to my knowledge, there is no other example of a treatment for a psychiatric disorder that is successful to the same magnitude. 11745.wav|You can probably hear him snoring, snoring so loud, he's probably having hallucinations about rabbits pizza. 11746.wav|And then only a fraction of that gets passed into long-term memory. 11747.wav|These are huge increases in norepinephrine. 11748.wav|An easy goal would be something like, can you jump? 11749.wav|Or if you wake up in the middle of the night. 11750.wav|If you'd like to try athletic greens, you can go to athleticgreens.com Huberman to claim their special offer. 11751.wav|Athletic greens is a vitamin mineral probiotic drink, and it's one that I've been drinking since 2012. 11752.wav|Those moderate goals, not super easy, not super difficult, but moderately challenging goals seem to be the most effective in moving people towards their goals over the short and long term. 11753.wav|When we get sleepy, our eyelids tend to close and we tend to nod down. 11754.wav|Now, what we can say for sure is that general categories of effects, such as increased focus and reduced anxiety, are largely due to activation of areas like the prefrontal cortex. 11755.wav|But what's remarkable is that in the second and the third and the fourth retelling of these traumatic or fearful events, that anxiety response and the amount of the physiological response, I should say that the amplitude of the physiological response becomes progressively diminished with each retelling. 11756.wav|It's a predisposition. 11757.wav|And prolactin is a hormone sometimes considered a neurohormone, but it's really a hormone that's involved in a lot of things. 11758.wav|And when it binds to receptors, that is little parking spots on cells, it changes the way those cells behave. 11759.wav|I like the fact that they included men and women in the study, age 20 or older, and that they broke down the population into categories that included age. 11760.wav|They've tried this and they see quite excellent results. 11761.wav|And that is because when one engages in exercise or muscular output of any kind, strength or endurance exercise, the range of temperatures under which a muscle can perform is actually very narrow. 11762.wav|If we constantly place ourself into a mode of thinking that we are failing, well, then indeed we are not going to churn out much dopamine. 11763.wav|That is, it reduces appetite and direct effects on metabolism. 11764.wav|The second network is the so-called default mode network. 11765.wav|The other is to lean into that challenge and so to grind it out. 11766.wav|That's just the way that we are wired. 11767.wav|I'm going to describe a few of them as they relate to goal seeking behavior. 11768.wav|But many of the people in the high working memory span group of course only remembered four, in some cases three, typically it would be four, five, or six of the final words of those sentences. 11769.wav|Athletic greens, now called ag one, is a vitamin mineral probiotic drink that covers all of your foundational nutritional needs. 11770.wav|Or so I'll turn those off. 11771.wav|And this is not magic. 11772.wav|And those two elements are now well understood from the perspective of psychology. 11773.wav|Now they need support, right? 11774.wav|Within the 24 hours schedule, the morning ingestion or early day ingestion of amino acids seemed to be beneficial. 11775.wav|The endogenous cannabinoids are sometimes increasing neuronal communication. 11776.wav|For some people, it can have a very amplified effect. 11777.wav|The body fat is doing something else really interesting that relates to anorexia, when there's sufficient levels of body fat and leptin circulating in the blood. 11778.wav|Then I move my visual attention to yet another station, which is further away, typically a horizon or something as far off in the distance as I can possibly see. 11779.wav|They had a bunch of these mice. 11780.wav|They'll sometimes even chew food, hold it in their mouth, and then go to the bathroom and discard it. 11781.wav|But eventually what happens is the tone. 11782.wav|Now, the last thing I'd like to talk about in terms of relief for headaches is something that I'm guessing about probably 25% of you are familiar with and 75% of you are not, which is curcumin. 11783.wav|Some people like a hard mattress. 11784.wav|Light is also just called photons, light energy onto the retina. 11785.wav|But every Monday we release an episode. 11786.wav|You'll find me routinely reading directly from specific research papers, something that, of course, we always do on this podcast. 11787.wav|But today, I just want to talk about fear as a response. 11788.wav|Bring it back in at the point where you actually have to go cross eyed. 11789.wav|When you imagine failure, the brain and body are much better at moving away from fearful things than towards things we want. 11790.wav|Could be done any time of day. 11791.wav|So a little house on the horizon, you don't look at and say, oh, that must be a tiny little house. 11792.wav|They modulate up or down the activity of other neurons, and dopamine tends to modulate the activity of other neurons up. 11793.wav|So again, for those of you that really geek out on this stuff, great, you can learn these names and retain them in your memory. 11794.wav|And as we'll talk about in a moment, there's a way that you can build up task bracketing so that regardless of what it is you're trying to learn, there's a much higher probability that you're going to do that thing. 11795.wav|So today, we really need to have a nuanced conversation about nicotine, one that includes some of the benefits, some of the drawbacks, in particular, for children, certainly for people that are pregnant, for people that have addictive tendencies, and for people that have depression and any other kind of mood disorders. 11796.wav|In other words, some people have very high interoceptive awareness, and other people less so. 11797.wav|Now, that's a very nature-based explanation for why some people are better at divergent thinking and other people are better at convergent thinking. 11798.wav|And the same is also true for the indica varieties. 11799.wav|In addition, Momentous ships internationally, which is important because I realized that many of you reside outside of the United States. 11800.wav|That premium channel will feature monthly AMAs or ask me anythings where I answer your questions in depth, as well as other premium resources. 11801.wav|One of the most important factors in your immediate and long term health is how well you're managing your blood glucose or blood sugar. 11802.wav|What I didn't tell you actually was what specific habit they were looking at in that lally study. 11803.wav|I cover science and science related tools that sometimes overlap with the content of the podcast, but oftentimes is distinct from the information covered on this podcast. 11804.wav|We talked about why certain habits are so hard to wire in, why certain habits are so hard to break down and eliminate, and how we can determine which habits are going to be easier for us to access, which habits are going to be harder for us to access and break. 11805.wav|There's a wonderful book called Pical that stands for P-I-K-H-A-L. 11806.wav|I don't know because I wasn't able to find it in the methods, whether or not they were doing the soleus pushups while they were consuming blood sugar in this study. 11807.wav|So I'm going to first describe the tool, and then I will explain more about the underlying science and the underlying mechanism. 11808.wav|By the way, Donald Hebb was a psychologist up in Canada who talked about neuroplasticity in the context of lots of different forms of learning, but that fire together, wire together phrase was not actually stated by Donald Hebb. 11809.wav|There are going to be times where that's simply not going to happen for whatever reason. 11810.wav|Again, we will link these in the show note captions. 11811.wav|But for those of you that want to know, I know some of you are hungry for a little bit more neuroscience. 11812.wav|I'm not going to address those in too much detail today. 11813.wav|I've long been a believer in getting regular blood work done for the simple reason that most of the factors that impact your immediate and long term health can only be analyzed from a quality blood test. 11814.wav|This NSDR is distinct from, although I should say, similar to Yoga Nidra, which some of you are familiar with. 11815.wav|Neurons are just nerve cells. 11816.wav|Now, it's used both to increase cognitive clarity for the fighter when they box, because staying calm and clear thinking is very important to winning boxing matches, believe it or not. 11817.wav|If you experience chronic stress or even short-term stress, we have a master stress episode of the Huberman Lab podcast. 11818.wav|And we know that when you take creatine over and over day to day, that there's a buildup of creatine stores both in the muscles and within the brain tissue. 11819.wav|So if you're in the dark long enough, you start to hallucinate and see things. 11820.wav|The way to think about the stress and limbic circuitry, such as the amygdala, which many people have heard about, is that they aren't really circuits for fear and stress. 11821.wav|And those brain networks can be revealed by putting people with PTSD into functional imaging machines, getting them to recall a traumatic event, or even looking at the resting state of connectivity between the amygdala and the insula. 11822.wav|Now, some days, meaning some Sundays, since I tend to do this almost always on Sunday, although there are exceptions, instead of doing the 60 to 75 minute jog, what I'll do is I will head out for a long hike that could be two and a half hours or three hours, or maybe even a four or five hour hike. 11823.wav|Today, we are going to separate our discussion of nicotine from a discussion of smoking and vaping and the other forms of delivery for nicotine. 11824.wav|One is that the vomiting itself, the use of laxatives that can cause severe disruption to the mucosal lining, the mucous lining of the digestive tract, can severely disrupt the gut microbiome. 11825.wav|Or if someone would say, I have something I want to tell you, they would just say no, and they would just continue doing this until the person went away. 11826.wav|It increases positive feelings of mood and motivation. 11827.wav|During that period of time, there are a few things that are going to support being in a state of mind, state of body that are going to allow neuroplasticity to occur, that are going to allow the Rewiring that you've triggered during the waking part of the day to actually take place. 11828.wav|Maybe get three endurance training workouts per week, maybe four, and two strength and hypertrophy workouts. 11829.wav|I've done various things where I'm familiar with, and I enjoy the sensation of adrenaline in my body, but I enjoy it because of the alertness that it brings and the hyperacuity that it brings. 11830.wav|In order to identify a specific protocol that one could apply in order to break habits, we have to look at the mirror image of the sort of neuroplasticity that we talked about at the beginning of the episode. 11831.wav|If your goal is to take a nap, get your feet elevated about ten to 15 degrees above your head, maybe put a pillow underneath it, lie down and take a nap. 11832.wav|Earlier I said 70%, but estimates are as high as 75% of people who try to quit smoking relapse within the first week. 11833.wav|But then what they did is they measured people's core body temperature throughout. 11834.wav|It's from the Journal of Occupation, participation and Health. 11835.wav|When I ran cross country, there was this adage that if the symptoms were from the neck up, you could still train. 11836.wav|So that would be your breathing, your heart rate, maybe even the surface of your skin, but really focusing internally. 11837.wav|And there are other things like yoga, Nidra, which you can find scripts for elsewhere. 11838.wav|There is no way to direct dopamine activation to just one of those pathways. 11839.wav|There will also be some premium content, such as transcripts of the amas and various transcripts and protocols of Huberman Lab podcast episodes not found elsewhere. 11840.wav|It goes up and it loops around and then it curves around and then it goes back and it just continues and continues. 11841.wav|They only increase norepinephrine and epinephrine. 11842.wav|So if you are going to be doing work in this early, what I call phase one portion of your day, you want to have as much light, and indeed as much overhead light shining on you as safely possible. 11843.wav|And I should mention the other negative impacts on our health, in particular by way of disrupted endothelial blood vessel function. 11844.wav|So this is an activity that involves not just motor output, but coordinated motor output, and not just coordinated motor output, but directed coordinated output that requires some, as we would say, top down processing. 11845.wav|But in addition to that, it's very clear that while there are benefits to doing sauna often, and we talked about this in the deliberate heat episode and the episode with Dr. Rhonda Patrick when she was a guest on this podcast, it's also clear that if you do sauna seldom, that is once a week, but you do a lot of it on one day. 11846.wav|The point is, nicotine is a substance that can both promote cognitive function and under some conditions, if taken to inappropriate, or I should say, to extreme dosages, can also impair cognitive function. 11847.wav|The final word of the second sentence was summer, because the sentence was, the Atlantic Ocean is warm and summer. 11848.wav|So now you should understand how classical conditioning, as it's called, occurs. 11849.wav|Contrast that with the indica varieties of cannabis. 11850.wav|The amygdala, that center of the brain that's involved in anxiety and fear and worry. 11851.wav|And then there are other phrases out there that we would be remiss if we didn't mention things like phobias and panic attacks. 11852.wav|My laptop is about 15 inches in diameter, I think is the one that I have. 11853.wav|And if you are going to use the third-person mental training and visualization, ideally you would be looking at yourself either on video or listening to yourself in audio and or video. 11854.wav|Two branches meaning two different systems. 11855.wav|Okay, so now that we're talking about resistance training, the question is going to come up about sets and reps and all of that business. 11856.wav|That's a pretty quiescent or calming activity. 11857.wav|And while this study did not look specifically at the mechanisms of reduced inflammation caused by deliberate cold exposure, those mechanisms are somewhat known. 11858.wav|What do these cells respond to and why should you care about them? 11859.wav|One of the symptoms that's a little more cryptic and that has actually interesting implications for sake of the cholesterol hypothesis, is that anorexics who ingest very little food often have cosmically high levels of cholesterol, including ldl, low density lipoprotein cholesterol. 11860.wav|I got another week where I accomplished whatever it is that I'm trying to accomplish. 11861.wav|This is why people who smoke marijuana, regardless of the strain, will tend to be less physically mobile. 11862.wav|Today's episode is also brought to us by Thesus. 11863.wav|It's just absolutely staggering. 11864.wav|All the signals from the body, the leptin, the insulin, the glucose, all that stuff is cosmically sky high. 11865.wav|Lux is just a measure of brightness. 11866.wav|Unfortunately for me, their names are difficult to pronounce, so I apologize to them and their relatives for what is sure to be incorrect pronunciation. 11867.wav|Heller shares in the episode that we did earlier and that you can find@hubermanlab.com, involves someone coming in and doing sets of dips, maybe 40 dips. 11868.wav|Not this, not eyes closed. 11869.wav|So they can go from very low cost, like placing boxes or books to create a standing desk, to very high cost in some cases. 11870.wav|That's open monitoring meditation. 11871.wav|Then other people can see them. 11872.wav|And so what I'm about to tell you is beautifully encapsulated in an article entitled "'A New Method for Training Creativity, Narrative as an Alternative to Divergent Thinking.'" Again, we've been talking about divergent thinking, that's one pathway into the creative process, but there are others as well. 11873.wav|They were able to remember four, and in some cases up to six of the final words of those sentences. 11874.wav|There's really no evidence that any of those things can be beneficial, and there is actually some reason to believe that it might be detrimental, because if anything, taking l tryptophan and taking ltyrosine would actually further deplete serotonin and dopamine. 11875.wav|Well, as I talked about earlier, dopamine can increase quite substantially in response to deliberate cold exposure. 11876.wav|And I would encourage people who are interested in being more creative to try and do these on a somewhat regular basis. 11877.wav|They could be synergistic. 11878.wav|Effects, for instance, that have been documented showing doubling or tripling of the number of dips that one can do in a relatively short amount of time, or doubling of the number of pull ups one can do, or 14% increases in strength, or even comparable degrees in increase in weight training output to people who are on performance enhancing drugs, et cetera, et cetera. 11879.wav|And in that episode, we talked a lot about how addicts for drugs, alcohol people have addictions to certain types of behaviors or avoidance behaviors, even that in the case of addiction, there has to be a tremendous kind of full scale campaign for them to be able to intervene in their behavior. 11880.wav|Other memories are dangerous because they create a sense in us of discomfort, and they tend to limit our behavior in ways that are maladaptive, that prevent us from having healthy relationships to others, healthy job relationships, healthy relationship to ourselves, frankly. 11881.wav|So they don't have them weight training. 11882.wav|I want to spell out a particular system that I think could be very useful to most, if not all people. 11883.wav|That's the visualization goal of visualizing the endpoint. 11884.wav|We know there's standard IQ, et cetera. 11885.wav|Now, this is especially true at visual scales. 11886.wav|We are going to talk about how eating frequency and what one eats influences things like appetite and satiety, as well as whether or not we have a healthy psychological relationship to food and our body weight and so called body composition, the ratio of muscle to fat to bone, et cetera. 11887.wav|And within the hypothalamus, there's a compact collection of these little neurons which are referred to as the palm c pomc neurons. 11888.wav|I've said that before on this podcast, and I'm going to be saying it over and over again. 11889.wav|So what's the protocol? 11890.wav|Sometimes we develop habits that we're not even aware of until they become a problem. 11891.wav|The final word of the fifth sentence was life, because the sentence was kids nowadays look at screens more than 60% of their waking life. 11892.wav|So during all resistance training, that mind muscle link is really important, so much so that some people will even try and emphasize contraction of the muscles in between sets, et cetera. 11893.wav|You just sort of find yourself doing it because the behavior of picking up your phone is sort of reflexive, or has become fully reflexive. 11894.wav|And then there are those top down elements coming from the forebrain. 11895.wav|It's actually not going to solve the problem just to look up from your computer screen. 11896.wav|Eight Sleep currently ships in the USA, Canada, UK, select countries in the EU and Australia. 11897.wav|So those foundational elements are absolutely key, but they are indirect. 11898.wav|So it turns out that there's an area of our basal ganglia called the dorsilateral striatum. 11899.wav|Nicotine triggers the release of dopamine from the nucleus accumbens. 11900.wav|I realize that can be complicated to do. 11901.wav|I think there is very little question that those types of disorders are clearly related to what we're observing in social media and in media, that this shift of, for instance, action heroes, if you look at action heroes in the 80s, there were very few men that were very large. 11902.wav|Then it recruits an increase in systolic blood pressure, which creates a systemic, a bodywide and brainwide increase in fuel utilization, in oxygen availability, in our willingness to move forward as a body, as a whole, coherent system. 11903.wav|And what Aristotle said, what Guilford then elaborated on, and what the authors of this paper further elaborate on and actually have developed training protocols for is the idea that there are three elements that we can use in order to enhance creativity. 11904.wav|An agonist is a drug that has the consequence of increasing the amount of a given neurochemical, in this case, dopamine. 11905.wav|So once again, I'd like to thank you for joining me today for a discussion about the biology and psychological effects of nicotine, this incredibly powerful substance. 11906.wav|We'll get into alkaloids a little bit later, but it is thought that these alkaloids evolved in plants as a way to prevent insects from eating them. 11907.wav|And that can be done again through the ingestions of foods. 11908.wav|And the answer is, as I mentioned before, it's highly variable. 11909.wav|But I did that to give it appropriate credit to Dr. 11910.wav|You could do that forever if you wanted. 11911.wav|Not always, but it's a general issue with satiety once they start eating, and with impulse control generally. 11912.wav|They are part of your brain. 11913.wav|Mechanical fullness has nothing to do with nutrients. 11914.wav|And of course, I want to acknowledge that breaking bad habits is really hard. 11915.wav|I don't say that to protect me, I say that of course to protect you. 11916.wav|And of course, I could have taken the liberty to pick an extreme example of the sort that they did occasionally observe in evaluating subjects for this paper. 11917.wav|When they took bromocriptine at low or moderate doses, their working memory did not improve significantly. 11918.wav|But if someone were to take synthetic estrogen or to ingest a plant compound that contains various estrogenic compounds, and those plants certainly exist out there, they can have supra physiological effects on those receptors. 11919.wav|But you can stay in safely, or I'm going to get into the ice bath for 1 minute. 11920.wav|It's like a little conveyor that people are walking on, sometimes very slowly. 11921.wav|What is this LuteIn stuff? 11922.wav|And you would do that for a duration of approximately three slow breaths. 11923.wav|And on both Spotify and Apple, you also have the opportunity to leave us up to a five-star review. 11924.wav|Well, whether or not they have an eating disorder or not, it's very clear that developing methods to calm oneself in the presence of any anxiety or fear inducing stimulus can be beneficial. 11925.wav|You would bring your arms in for a moment, you could put them on your knees if you like, or in front of you, and you can move your eyes very far it off into the periphery of your visual field. 11926.wav|Those three elements we now know can be combined into what you or I or anyone would consider important creative works. 11927.wav|And in the ideal circumstance, one is working through these traumas and fears very intensely in a very dedicated way, but then is also engaging in the sorts of social interactions that are going to diminish the amount of tachykinanin and going to suppress those very circuits that would otherwise be amplified. 11928.wav|I've experienced this myself. 11929.wav|Now, the relax into the stretch is something that's been talked about in martial arts circles, and Pavel Satsoulin has an excellent book on stretching, we can provide a link to that, talks about this, has a lot to do with relaxation of the nervous system and the way that the nerves innervate muscles and allow for stretch, if you will, also the way that the tendons and ligaments are innervated by nerves. 11930.wav|These could be bent over rows or chin ups or pull ups. 11931.wav|Well, if you are somebody that's experiencing the kind of pain that is consistent with cluster headache, taking a standard anti-inflammatory or doing something that is going to adjust the, excuse me, the dilation or constriction of blood vessels may have an indirect impact on cluster headache, but is unlikely to relieve cluster headache, either acutely, meaning right away, or in preventing cluster headaches. 11932.wav|So, unlike anorexia, where it seems to be a habit based mechanism with bulimia and binge eating disorder, something deep within the neural circuitry is causing food to be hyperattractive, and the brake is off. 11933.wav|Other people say, you really want to start with really small goals and make things very, very incremental, only set out to do things that you know you can accomplish, and that will feed back on your self esteem and all these positive feedback loops. 11934.wav|And there is a neurochemical basis for the relief from fear and trauma and isolation. 11935.wav|So the probiotics, vitamins and minerals really support that system, and many of the other things it contains generally support our health in terms of neural system, meaning the brain, the spinal cord, et cetera. 11936.wav|You should absolutely train and support your eyesight. 11937.wav|So what does this mean for workspace optimization? 11938.wav|In fact, it can evoke very strong feelings because I know we've got vegans and we've got omnivores and we've got carnivores and people who are keto. 11939.wav|They tend to push the brain into these drugs, tend to create a hyper focus and tend to push the brain and general mode of processing into one in which you think, if this, then that, if this, then that. 11940.wav|It's hard to do hot bath, ice bath, unless you have two baths. 11941.wav|Meaning at the time of the recording of this podcast. 11942.wav|And some of the rhythms or waves of brain activity are ones that you may have heard of, things like alpha waves or theta waves or gamma waves. 11943.wav|It really highlights some of the key aspects of when people sleep and how critical sleep is on the night following and the nights following that training in order to really consolidate certain types of learning and what phases of sleep relate to the consolidation of motor learning, et cetera. 11944.wav|Heat can help accelerate that or improve that. 11945.wav|If you can look up what a lux meter does if you like. 11946.wav|I follow it because it is important. 11947.wav|Whereas an antagonist is a drug that either blocks or prevents or somehow lowers the total available amount of a certain chemical, such as dopamine or serotonin, et cetera. 11948.wav|Using cannabis or ingesting cannabis in some way or form, twice a week would be considered chronic use. 11949.wav|Those are pretty rare, as long as it's self generated optic flow meaning you're generating motion of your body and the visual images around you are passing by on your eyes. 11950.wav|By closing your eyes and shutting yourself off to the outside sensory world, you start to engage much more of your brain machinery dedicated towards what's going on inside you, so-called interoception, but also what you're thinking about your thinking, whether or not your thoughts are complete or incomplete, whether or not they are fragmentary in a way that goes from one thought to another distantly in the past or present to future, et cetera. 11951.wav|Eye movements not only create alertness, but they also require energy. 11952.wav|So that's one reason to avoid blue light exposure and bright light exposure. 11953.wav|However, it does seem to be the case that many people are consuming far too many seed oils and in doing so are consuming far too many calories and perhaps are consuming too much of the omega-6 fatty acids relative to the omega-3 fatty acids. 11954.wav|So that seesaw, we could imagine is more or less level. 11955.wav|However, because today we're talking about creativity, if you are somebody who wants to get better at divergent thinking and convergent thinking, the two elements of creativity, that is, I would encourage you to do a dual meditation. 11956.wav|It's not surprising that if the animals that were given MDMA are subsequently sacrificed, say, later that day or the next day, or maybe even a week or two weeks later, and those brains are stained for proteins that are related to the synthesis or release of serotonin, it's not surprising that there would be reductions in those sorts of proteins, right? 11957.wav|So people would talk about soccer, football, baseball, golf, et cetera, and talk about some of the equipment and other things. 11958.wav|In fact, so much so that if you eliminate or kill these neurons, which has been done in experimental mouse models in the laboratory, but also there are humans that have lesions or neurotoxic effects on these AGRP neurons. 11959.wav|These photoreceptors have a light of mitochondria, the energy producing organelles within the cells, because they are some of the most metabolically active cells in your entire body. 11960.wav|They don't think of it as nourishment. 11961.wav|So the first substance that I'd like to highlight that has been shown to significantly reduce the intensity and or frequency of headaches is creatine. 11962.wav|And if you're a young person and you can build some of this into your framework of exercise or brain training, if you want to call it that, that can be immensely beneficial and will really set you up to have really good vision over a long period of time. 11963.wav|Everything about high ceilings, bright light, et cetera, and would work, still works, underneath a desk lamp in a completely dark closet. 11964.wav|This is a very useful and very powerful tool in order to form habits. 11965.wav|Remember, there's no extra ocular photoreception. 11966.wav|And I wear sunglasses when it's really bright outside. 11967.wav|I'm not suggesting that people do deliberate cold exposure for an hour a day. 11968.wav|And we can say with confidence that cb one is highly enriched in the nervous system and especially within the brain. 11969.wav|We did an entire episode on dopamine motivation and drive. 11970.wav|One can do this in a therapist's office, face to face. 11971.wav|The circadian regulation of this bmal gene turns out to be vitally important for this protein synthesis mechanism. 11972.wav|They connect to things like this is for the Aficionados, the ciliary body, the iris, the muscles, and the structures within the eye that actually move the lens and allow you to adjust your vision to things up close or far away. 11973.wav|And there's a vast amount of interest and literature devoted to trying to understand how many different emotions there are, how different people experience emotions. 11974.wav|And the tangent here that's a little bit of fun, and I don't think we've ever talked about before on this podcast, is that of UFOs, unidentified flying objects. 11975.wav|That's not something I necessarily recommend. 11976.wav|Colder temperatures, of course, doesn't necessarily mean that you are exposed to those colder temperatures, because what's the third thing? 11977.wav|The other thing is that no workout exists in isolation. 11978.wav|All our privacy policy is there again at zero cost, and the tools that are there very cleanly spell out a number of the protocols that you can hear about on the podcast. 11979.wav|So we can basically say, and this is very simple, but we can basically say that you don't want blood glucose to be elevated too much or for too long. 11980.wav|And it is actually quite prominently stored in the forebrain, the area where the real estate of your brain just behind the forehead, which is involved in planning and action and understanding context. 11981.wav|It's also been shown to have positive effects on things like skin elasticity, skin moisture, skin quality, et cetera, probably due to its effects on blood flow. 11982.wav|Say the data also increase effects on mood and other positive aspects of mental health and performance. 11983.wav|Does it constitute full blown bulimia or binge eating disorder? 11984.wav|So the way to conceptualize MDMA and its effects on the brain, both subjectively and mechanistically is that it's an empathogen for which empathy and social connection is very strongly reinforced while under the influence of the drug, and in a way so intense and powerful that those neural networks get stronger and persist in being more active for long periods of time after the drug has worn off. 11985.wav|It's a gradual tapering off of developmental plasticity that occurs between age zero and 25. 11986.wav|And over the years, I've always kept track of the literature in this area. 11987.wav|I've spoken many times before on this and other podcasts about the fact that sleep is the foundation of mental health, physical health, and performance. 11988.wav|And I should just mention, for those of you that can only exercise, or prefer to exercise in phase two of the day, right, nine to 14 hours or 15 hours after waking. 11989.wav|This is the way that psychology research is done. 11990.wav|If we were to draw a line over each one of those trials, we would see that there were lines everywhere over time. 11991.wav|These two pieces of brain is going to support your overall brain health and vision over time. 11992.wav|If you care about your vision, you can train your vision in this way. 11993.wav|How did they know when they formed the habit? 11994.wav|There's a very low bar to achieve it. 11995.wav|Well, it turns out this over the counter compound is not just available over the counter, it's also available in food. 11996.wav|I just did it partially there for sake of time again. 11997.wav|And when I say learn, meaning let's say you're trying to acquire a habit that for you is really challenging. 11998.wav|So for somebody like me, I weigh 220 pounds. 11999.wav|For today's discussion, we want to remember that there's a dopamine circuit called the nigrostriatal circuit, which is involved in movement and divergent thinking. 12000.wav|And so the impulse to breathe comes earlier. 12001.wav|How do you get them to fire asynchronously? 12002.wav|Conversely, children that sleep in very dark rooms, so either very dim nightlights or complete black, they have a much lower, statistically speaking, a significantly lower probability of developing myopia near sightedness. 12003.wav|Again, that's roca roka.com, and enter the code Huberman at checkout. 12004.wav|And the default mode network is especially important for what's called spontaneous imagination. 12005.wav|And then there is the so called cortex. 12006.wav|And indeed, we are able to go from big open prairies or mountaintops or large cathedrals or concert halls. 12007.wav|And this threat center is actually able to communicate with and activate the dopamine system. 12008.wav|It's where you start to attach some sort of larger picture about yourself or what it means for you to do that habit, where there's both the immediate goal, right, complete the exercise, complete the session, or whatever it is, check off that box, but that you're linking it to some sort of larger goal. 12009.wav|Not so often in the face, but really the head, and often will start to climb up toward the top of the head. 12010.wav|Turns out that mental training and visualization is not a replacement for real world cognitive or motor behavior. 12011.wav|I do know how to ride a bicycle. 12012.wav|Well, typically in studies of Parkinson's patients, but also studies exploring typical people who don't have Parkinson's in cognitive tasks or in sports performance have explored anywhere from one to five grams of Mucuna purines. 12013.wav|One is to use the program freedom. 12014.wav|I think these are phenomenal studies, and they get right down to an important issue that's been kicked around over and over in the literature and in the discussion about goal seeking, which is visualization we hear keep the big goal in mind. 12015.wav|Because if you put a drug or a compound of any kind, prescription drug or supplement or of any kind into your system, you are essentially short circuiting the extinguishing effect. 12016.wav|There are at least three studies that I am aware of of the use of mucuna prurines to increase dopamine for the treatment of Parkinson's. 12017.wav|Fearful events are hard in and of themselves. 12018.wav|There's a lot of shame associated with bulimia, oftentimes because people are vomiting. 12019.wav|And the rewards, even if we try and just make them every week, are going to come at some unexpected intervals. 12020.wav|And they did a number of different control conditions to make sure that whatever effects of L-tyrosine they observed were in fact due to L-tyrosine supplementation. 12021.wav|But that state of frustration actually cues up particular brain areas to be more alert, so that on subsequent attempts to learn that thing, we have a heightened level of focus and a higher probability of learning the new skill, regardless of what that skill is. 12022.wav|We'll get into photophobia and how to deal with that. 12023.wav|And this is a pathway that's involved in taking in global information about lots of things that are happening around us, movement of things to our right, movement of things to our left, things that are happening down on the ground and all around us. 12024.wav|We'll talk a little bit later on as to whether or not they actually are achieving heightened levels of focus and creativity, or whether or not they just perceive themselves to have heightened levels of focus and creativity. 12025.wav|And this is really because certain scientists out there have really gone through the trouble, I should even say the painstaking trouble, of really trying to dissect what the creative process is, both for individuals and in groups or even in pairs. 12026.wav|And in the example of an ice bath, it might be a little trivial. 12027.wav|The other thing is, again, to flip on as many bright lights in the environment as possible. 12028.wav|It appears that they're basically getting the food everywhere except where it's supposed to go, which is in their mouth. 12029.wav|I certainly do not recommend sampling any of those non food items as foods. 12030.wav|It's not really stress, necessarily, but arousal of alertness. 12031.wav|Try getting into a cold shower at 11:00 at night if you want, versus try doing it in the middle of the afternoon. 12032.wav|And nothing is too crazy, nothing's off limits. 12033.wav|And as a final point related to these clinical studies, I, of course, would be remiss if I didn't touch on some of the so called adverse effects, because anytime there's a drug or talk therapy for a mental health issue, adverse events have to be considered. 12034.wav|It's basically a storage site. 12035.wav|And in fact, this is one of the major goals of the clinical field as it relates to concussion. 12036.wav|And I do feel it's an important conversation to have as we head into the next segment, which is what can you take or do to reduce headache? 12037.wav|There are other options of NSDR. 12038.wav|Now, before we move on to the science and tools and protocols related to pattern vision, I want to mention another study that was done by the University of Pennsylvania. 12039.wav|But if somebody says MDMA is not toxic, well, then you would be equally valid in saying, ah, wait. 12040.wav|What you may find is that you kept up two of those things very consistently throughout the 21 days. 12041.wav|It'll especially start to shorten if you use tools to limit distraction. 12042.wav|Those travel packs make it really easy to mix up athletic greens while you're on the road, in the car, on the plane, et cetera. 12043.wav|And it can do that in the short term by triggering the release of hormones and chemicals that make you alert and ready to go right away, and by triggering the release of neurotransmitters and hormones and other chemicals that give that alertness a very long tail, a very long latency before it shuts off. 12044.wav|And basically the fundamental rule of weight loss, weight gain or weight maintenance. 12045.wav|MDMA seems to be a compound that produces the right kind of subjective and neurochemical milieu in the brain that allows therapy to be that much more potent within a limited number of sessions. 12046.wav|You're not going to do that for 30 minutes. 12047.wav|That's what makes us unique. 12048.wav|The parasympathetic side would be increased relative to the sympathetic side. 12049.wav|We've all heard that too much salt is bad for us. 12050.wav|Vitamin D three is involved in metabolism, immune system, brain function, hormones, et cetera. 12051.wav|And perhaps that shouldn't be surprising if we think about the addictions as stemming directly from their PTSD. 12052.wav|So lutein, acesaxin, astaxanthin, and for people who have concerns about Lieber's optic neuropathies, which is going to be a small percentage of people out there, but that is a pretty severe condition. 12053.wav|So the basic takeaway of the study is that nicotine delivered by way of nicotine gum, not by smoking, dipping, or snuffing, was able to increase cognitive performance and motor output. 12054.wav|But the important point I think from this paper is that indeed it was found that people who have aphantasia tend to exhibit more of the features that are associated with the autism spectrum. 12055.wav|Okay, so it's leftward to rightward motion for me and back and forth. 12056.wav|If not every day, then certainly a few times a week or more. 12057.wav|It essentially alienates anyone who's not a bro or considers themselves a bro. 12058.wav|That is, despite being diligent and hardworking in their talk therapy, despite therapist being very committed, despite the use of SSRIs in conjunction with that talk therapy, those people often still qualify as having PTSD. 12059.wav|I personally, because I'm not somebody who likes a mirror when I work out and I'm not somebody who wants to spend time in between sets flexing muscles and et cetera, for whatever reason, I want to actually rest between sets and I'm more concerned with performance during those sets and really putting my mind into the muscle during the set. 12060.wav|So the program I am about to describe, I formulated for you, based on the neuroscience literature and the psychology literature of learning and this concept of task bracketing it, involves dividing the 24 hours days into what I call three phases. 12061.wav|So this actually gets right down to the heart of these bigger questions, like consciousness. 12062.wav|This is definitely not something to do at home. 12063.wav|But then I'll just march through the results, because they are very straightforward and easy to understand and very interesting. 12064.wav|Now, typically, anorexia starts in adolescence, right around puberty. 12065.wav|This was published in the European Journal of Applied Physiology in the year 2000. 12066.wav|So people do unfortunately sometimes get herpes of the eye. 12067.wav|Okay, I can't hear you if you're shouting them out. 12068.wav|I mentioned this before, so that your pupils might get really, really small and they won't dilate. 12069.wav|So if I train legs on Monday, believe it or not, I'm only training legs on Monday. 12070.wav|But in that episode, we had a discussion, and it's one that I'll just briefly summarize now that you have a collection of neurons that sits right above the roof of your mouth, or so called the hypothalamus. 12071.wav|And then we also have some muscles that can actually pull the eyeballs at angles. 12072.wav|So it's a little bit like EmdR of suppressing the threat reflex, but it seems to bring in a replacement of previous emotional experiences and sensations in the body with new ones. 12073.wav|You simply look for 40 Hertz binaural beats and looked at performance on working memory tasks, as well as some other cognitive tasks and found in some cases, a small to moderate, but significant improvement in cognitive performance on working memory tasks. 12074.wav|Doing this sort of thing is punishable. 12075.wav|I can honestly say I've had some of the best training sessions, resistance training or endurance training sessions after a really poor night's sleep, but that's the rare event. 12076.wav|If you want to sign up for the newsletter, we just ask for your email. 12077.wav|So if the surface of your body is made cool, your medial preoptic area will send signals by way of hormones and by way of chemicals that will serve to heat your body up. 12078.wav|And so, as we were all told to sit up straight, or even better, to stand up straight. 12079.wav|I'm not calling it a pathology. 12080.wav|It's used for weight loss. 12081.wav|Sachin's lab identified some very important and impactful health benefits of restricting one's feeding window to particular times within the 24 hours cycle, or even to having extended fasts that go for a day or two days or maybe even three days. 12082.wav|And while I think most people are familiar with the number of different variables associated with the resistance training, sets, reps, rest intervals, cadence, et cetera, there are also a tremendous number of very important variables for endurance and any kind of cardiovascular training. 12083.wav|So for instance, if you listen to this podcast or you go to a course lecture, whether or not that lecture is about cognitive material or whether or not it's about learning a new physical skill, regardless of what you learn, you're only going to learn a certain amount of that information. 12084.wav|But interestingly, as the level of readiness for movement went down, down, down, down, down, their degree of visual imagery, that is their internal landscape and their ability to imagine new things increased. 12085.wav|Somehow this reverbatory activity creates a perception in the individual that food is hyper rewarding. 12086.wav|In particular, it might be hypertrophy for a particular muscle group or muscle groups. 12087.wav|And I do believe can be greatly beneficial in allowing one to set particular goals and then move through the milestones to those goals and to constantly update one's pursuit and reward in reaching those milestones and eventually the overall goal. 12088.wav|Now, I say perhaps might be because I don't want to cause any unnecessary alarm if, for instance, you fall into the low working memory span group. 12089.wav|You feel better than you felt a few minutes ago, your blood pressure is up, your heart rate is up, your preparedness for thinking is elevated as well, and yet your body is somewhat relaxed. 12090.wav|Now, that's very subjective, and indeed, they used subjective measures to analyze energy. 12091.wav|We talked about social connection. 12092.wav|For instance, it's not told to you, oh, this is the way you normally hear and now you're hearing things differently. 12093.wav|Because as I mentioned before, eventually you're going to bottom out. 12094.wav|They come in two different types, rods and cones. 12095.wav|So that's a subcategorization, or osfeds. 12096.wav|So just as a brief mention, there is a literature, although not terribly extensive, a small but strong literature on the relationship between ADHD and creativity. 12097.wav|The head of the arrow, meaning the direction of your focus, is largely set by acetylcholine, which is a chemical in the brain. 12098.wav|And then there's crack cocaine, which is essentially like a vaporizing of the cocaine from a so called cocaine rock that somewhat resembles vaping of nicotine. 12099.wav|For instance, you could do a meditation where you look at a single point on a wall for five minutes and redirect your focus to that single point on a wall over and over again every time your mind drifts as it no doubt would, or to atone in the room. 12100.wav|They actually serve as a reservoir for heating your body up if you're ever confronted with a cold challenge. 12101.wav|In the example I just gave, a foot shock or a loud bang would be the unconditioned stimulus. 12102.wav|So what I'd like you to take away from this component of the discussion is, first of all, the mechanism of action by which cannabis impacts the brain and body. 12103.wav|Again, potential neurotoxicity of MDMA. 12104.wav|They'll give you five free travel packs in addition to your athletic greens order. 12105.wav|During the ages of 16 to 24, the cannabinoid receptors are still available. 12106.wav|We talked all about that in the episode that I did on light and health. 12107.wav|You don't have to write this down if you don't want to, but you certainly are welcome. 12108.wav|They give them some autonomy. 12109.wav|It always looks a little od that they're doing that, but I always admire their posture at the same time, so we shouldn't give them a hard time. 12110.wav|So, just very briefly, I want to touch on some of the lifestyle and supplementation factors that can impact things like fear and trauma and getting over fear and trauma. 12111.wav|But, of course, resistance has a neural substrate, and the reason for doing those things in the second part of the day, the so called phase two, as I've called it, part of the day, is because your ability to override resistance is really diminished in this second phase of the day. 12112.wav|Now, there are a few other things that are critical to understand about self-directed adaptive plasticity that will become especially important when thinking about protocols for developing the ideal mental training and visualization process for you, and that is that there are different forms of plasticity that occur between neurons, although the two main forms are what are called long-term potentiation and long-term depression. 12113.wav|Wait, what about spike timing dependent plasticity? 12114.wav|But I'd be remiss if I didn't point out these data and just implore you, please, please, if you are pregnant or considering getting pregnant, you're a cannabis user. 12115.wav|Some of you don't eat red meat. 12116.wav|The big increases in serotonin create what we call a prosocial effect, and that, combined with the dopaminergic increase in mood and the stimulation effect, creates this thing that we call an empathogen, where, and this is very important, the empathy isn't just for other people. 12117.wav|And I'll use a trivial example, but this could be applied to anything. 12118.wav|And that's because during sleep, there are all sorts of reset mechanisms in the brain. 12119.wav|In fact, most of what our visual system does is try and make us blind to repetitive patterns in our visual environment and only allow us to see things that are unusual in that visual environment. 12120.wav|I spend a lot of time staring at a page, drawing, writing, texting, et cetera, just like you do. 12121.wav|And what we're effectively talking about is an addiction for nicotine directly, not necessarily the delivery device method like smoking or vaping, although it could pull that in as an addictive or habit forming behavior as well. 12122.wav|For instance, when you move from a shady area to a sunny area, there are all sorts of adaptations that have to occur in your eye and brain. 12123.wav|And as I mentioned before, there's no reason to think that there's any risk of doing NSDR yoga nidra, provide that you're lying down in a safe place as opposed to like in the middle of the road or something. 12124.wav|But just sit back for a second and think about that. 12125.wav|You can focus on a particular muscle and try and really isolate from the beginning of the movement. 12126.wav|So when it doesn't take much activation energy to get into the execution of that habit, and you can do it in any context, well, then you have formed a habit. 12127.wav|So it didn't really matter which. 12128.wav|Some people experience heightened levels of sexual arousal, and some people experience the exact opposite, and so on and so forth, rather than focus on all the potential positive and sort of emerging positive data about cannabis in different medical contexts. 12129.wav|So my hope is that in learning about those basic neural circuits and plasticity mechanisms and in learning about the critical importance of focus and attention during learning, both real world and imagined, as well as the importance of sleep and deep rest for really consolidating learning and the different tools, the various steps or principles of effective mental training and visualization, that you now have a fairly coherent or maybe even a very coherent picture of how to develop the best mental training and visualization protocols for you. 12130.wav|But there does seem to be some antinosceptive, meaning anti pain effects of cannabis, THC in particular, and that is exerted largely through effects on cb one receptors in neurons of the spinal cord. 12131.wav|But more often than not, it's about tying their feelings of trauma and their feelings of depression, anxiety, dissociation, et cetera, to some sort of larger context that allows them to see themselves in the role of agency, to be in the role of knowing that, yes, these things happened. 12132.wav|I happen to use Google, but use your web browser to look up photoreceptors hyperpolarization site. 12133.wav|I just know that a number of listeners of this podcast are interested in supplements and legal, over the counter approaches to their biology and psychology, and so that's why I mentioned them. 12134.wav|This is one of the first times in human evolution where we mostly eat out of a desire to consume food, not out of a need for food. 12135.wav|We will also talk about things that people do and that can be done to offset some of the potential toxicity of MDMA. 12136.wav|It pushes that arrow forward continually as you strive to focus on a particular thing. 12137.wav|So some of you will be able to remember the final word of perhaps five or even six of those sentences, although I must say that is exceedingly rare. 12138.wav|And that's because it pulls from this process that involves our hippocampus and our neocortex and other areas of our brain and nervous system that engage in procedural memory. 12139.wav|People who have PTSD from very intensely traumatic experiences that are checked out, they don't feel like they can engage, they have brain fog, they are distracted. 12140.wav|Again, they're very compact. 12141.wav|And to restore levels of dopamine in particular areas of the brain that are involved in motivation and cognitive and motor control. 12142.wav|Most planes don't land on water or not intended to land on water. 12143.wav|What that means is a small piece of chicken or steak or eggs, for instance, will have many essential amino acids with a low caloric content relative to, say, beans or plant based foods. 12144.wav|With theragun, you can get what is effectively a deep tissue massage to any area of your body, and you can just do that for minutes or hours for as long as you like. 12145.wav|Third best would be to go outside with a minimum amount of clothing. 12146.wav|Instead, too many neurons are connected to too many other neurons. 12147.wav|There is a well documented effect of the anxiety relief that cannabis and THC initially brought being less and less potent. 12148.wav|And in fact, that is absolutely the case. 12149.wav|And we know that because the neural circuits that underlie creativity have been somewhat defined, and the steps and processes within the brain and body that lead to creativity are well-known. 12150.wav|There are some records from the saints, from the 14 hundreds of people that refused to ingest food. 12151.wav|Convergent thinking is about testing things and coming up with things that are the right answer, that feel right. 12152.wav|It might attend to it, but it doesn't salivate typically in response to the bell. 12153.wav|That could be for aesthetic reasons, but also for balancing strength and for health and the integrity of the joints, et cetera. 12154.wav|So for people who have ADHD and focus issues and attentional issues, this can be effective. 12155.wav|We can't really have fear without seeing or observing or experiencing some of the elements of anxiety. 12156.wav|But if we were to zoom out and just think about the effects of nicotine, we now have a very clear picture. 12157.wav|It does take some discipline, right? 12158.wav|We already know that divergent thinking and convergent thinking are both elements to the creative process. 12159.wav|And that might seem like a lot, but this is the Way that your ViSual SysteM Works. 12160.wav|And often the photophobia is a prominent feature of the experience that a migraine is coming on. 12161.wav|If you have never tried getting into an ice bath or cold water immersion or cold shower for 1 minute, and then getting out and trying to stand there with your arms extended in cool or cold air for 1 minute, and then getting back into the cold shower or water immersion, you are in for an experience. 12162.wav|That's somewhat of a misnomer because there are aspects of your autonomic nervous system that you can control. 12163.wav|A couple of key points that you'll want to pay attention to in thinking about deliberate cold exposure and metabolism. 12164.wav|Now what happens is you say, that's it, I'm going cold turkey. 12165.wav|Let me give an example of a few truly creative, artistic acts. 12166.wav|If you don't already know this, I'll make it very clear, and I'll make it very brief. 12167.wav|You have to say, what sport, and you have to understand what the path to that is. 12168.wav|The final word of the fourth sentence was year, because the sentence was, some reptiles eat only once a year. 12169.wav|And when dopamine levels are low, convergent thinking is very likely. 12170.wav|Somewhat creative, sometimes sounds even better than the original, but not particularly creative. 12171.wav|That is not going to happen. 12172.wav|Nowadays, oxytocin is available by nasal inhaler. 12173.wav|You'll each have to determine that for you. 12174.wav|Now, the long term implications, or even the short term implications of this 15% of mothers self reporting the use of cannabis at some point during pregnancy are not yet known. 12175.wav|Some people report heightened sense of focus or heightened sense of creativity. 12176.wav|I will provide links to those in the show. 12177.wav|But your behaviors are so stereotyped to the point where if you were to see them laid out in front of you in kind of diagrammatic format of the lines and the trajectories that you follow throughout the day, the lifting of your mug and how frequently you drink each hour, you would be amazed and probably a little bit scared by how much of a robot we all are. 12178.wav|We are better at avoiding these distractions than others. 12179.wav|And so we'll talk about thunderclap headache a little bit later. 12180.wav|The hypothalamus is a small region of brain tissue about over the roof of your mouth and a little bit in front of that. 12181.wav|And what it does is it does the math, it does the subtraction, and it compares those two. 12182.wav|You can do that action. 12183.wav|And what he describes are memories as protective or memories as dangerous. 12184.wav|So huge increases in metabolism. 12185.wav|Now, I'd like to talk about three particular areas of scientific study that point to goal pursuit, goal assessment, and goal achievement. 12186.wav|But the real capacity of the fear system is that we can become afraid of anything, provided that this threat system is activated in conjunction with some external experience. 12187.wav|And you do that daily. 12188.wav|So one option is to simply say, okay, I'm going to force myself to get into the cold shower for 1 minute. 12189.wav|That's what the goal of using MDMA as a clinical tool is all about. 12190.wav|Getting that healthy increase in systolic blood pressure that puts you into forward motion towards your goals is absolutely key. 12191.wav|Let's say it's a cognitive puzzle. 12192.wav|Some people might say they are not the component of cannabis that quote unquote gets you high. 12193.wav|First of all, curcumin has been shown to be generally safe for most people at dosages as high as 8,000 milligrams per day or eight grams per day. 12194.wav|And assuming that you didn't write it down and you're not cheating, chances are you remember anywhere from two to zero of those letters in that first word, which is a perfect example of your working memory. 12195.wav|Now, it's important that we do this because in a few minutes, you're also going to learn that people generally fall into two broad bins of having a high or low baseline of a certain neurochemical in the brain that affords them either high or low working memory capacity. 12196.wav|And again, there's no reason to think that the increases in luteinizing hormone wouldn't also increase estrogen. 12197.wav|And those endogenous chemicals lead to certain effects. 12198.wav|If you'd like to see the supplements that I take, you can go to Thorn. 12199.wav|So if you're doing a lot of reading up close, you're not viewing horizons, you're not getting a lot of smooth pursuit type stimulation from your life, or you're just getting it within the confines of a little box on your phone. 12200.wav|And there was a particular rhythm, a one to 3 hz rhythm. 12201.wav|If you're working very, very hard, you're solely focused on business, often your health will suffer. 12202.wav|And in order to address this, we're going to start first with the headaches associated with head hits and traumatic brain injury, because it turns out there's a surprising and very useful approach to doing that. 12203.wav|But your autonomic nervous system controls things like digestion, urination, sexual behavior, stress, when you want to be awake, when you want to be asleep. 12204.wav|Understanding how cannabis works in the brain and body itself is absolutely fascinating and can teach you a lot about how your brain and body work at a basic level, and can tell you a lot about how your brain and body will react to different life events and how your mood is established and stabilized, and how your appetite is established and stabilized, and so on. 12205.wav|I just did it again. 12206.wav|And there's nothing you or I or anyone else can do about it. 12207.wav|Now that's pharmacology. 12208.wav|Maybe you're doing a word puzzle, or nowadays, I've heard of this wordle thing. 12209.wav|Essential oils applied to the skin can reduce the symptoms of tension headache in a significant way, and actually can lead to some offset of some of the cognitive defects seen with headaches. 12210.wav|When we're outdoors in a big, expansive space, our vision tends to go long. 12211.wav|It'll keep this lens nice and elastic and the muscles nice and strong that move the lens, and it has this relaxing component to it. 12212.wav|The title itself, adults with a history of recreational cannabis use have altered speech production. 12213.wav|Eric Jarvis, who works on speech and movement. 12214.wav|Getting sufficient sodium does a number of things that's very important. 12215.wav|If you look to the scientific literature, the epidemiological literature, there are wonderful data out of Carlton University and elsewhere in Canada showing that many of the negative effects of marijuana and THC are due to the criminal justice system itself. 12216.wav|But actually, what happens is, as a consequence of that, a bunch of dopamine builds up in the presynaptic neuron so that when an electrical impulse comes down that neuron and dopamine is released, a huge amount of dopamine is released. 12217.wav|I would strongly encourage you to look at that process as a very linear process in which there are right and wrong answers. 12218.wav|So again, nicotine is the reinforcing element by way of triggering that dopamine reinforcement pathway, the mesolimbic reward pathway. 12219.wav|You're supposed to look at them, and then the binocular depth image pops out. 12220.wav|And they looked at how early use of cannabis impacted later probability of development of psychosis and other psychiatric conditions. 12221.wav|It's essentially a cellular and molecular explanation for how something goes from unlearned to learned to reflexive. 12222.wav|If you'd like to try element, you can go to drinkelement.com huberman spelled drinklemnt.com Huberman to claim a free element sample pack. 12223.wav|It tends to continue to rise throughout the day, and in the late afternoon and evening, your temperature will start to go down. 12224.wav|And of course, ketamine and MDMA are also both being explored for chronic depression, eating disorders, and a number of other psychiatric disorders. 12225.wav|If you want to relax, try and use long exhales, maybe even physiological sighs, and really concentrate on mentally and physically relaxing, in particular your core and your fists, and if you want to generate force, and you want to move a heavy barbell or dumbbell, you want to do a chin up with the maximal force, that's when you can employ the opposite, which would be to grip the bar or dumbbell, et cetera, very tightly, and you want to contract your core or even fill your body with air as they say, plug all the leaks, et cetera. 12226.wav|And that's where things start to get a little bit abstract. 12227.wav|Sure, there are people who seem to have a natural talent for mathematics or for something else, but this idea that there are incredible geniuses among us that just spontaneously have so much knowledge, that's by far the exception rather than the rule, of course, and may not even actually exist. 12228.wav|But in thinking about headache and different treatments for headache, there are some recent studies exploring how supplementing with omega-3 fatty acids, and in one case, how supplementing with omega-3 fatty acids and deliberately reducing the amount of linoleic acid, the omega-6 fatty acids, how that can impact headache. 12229.wav|But again, that's not a plug for alcohol. 12230.wav|In fact, nicotine has this remarkable ability to move through that fatty tissue. 12231.wav|And when I say intense desire, that takes us back to the dopamine system. 12232.wav|And when that combines with the acetylcholine from nucleus basalus, which causes attentional spotlighting, increases in concentration and focus, and with the feel good properties of dopamine and the motivating properties of dopamine released from the mesolimbic reward pathway, now you can start to get a picture of why nicotine is such a powerful molecule. 12233.wav|It's not saying, I feel so great about doing something that I actually hate. 12234.wav|And then it's of course, about updating your goals if you need to update your goals. 12235.wav|Working memory is basically the way that you navigate any immediate environment. 12236.wav|They can even support healthy levels of dopamine, signaling, an important molecule for motivation and high levels of mood or positive mood. 12237.wav|Thyroid hormone is involved in metabolism and not just the burning of energy, but the use of energy in converting it to different tissues of the body, cartilage, bone, fat, and muscle, et cetera. 12238.wav|And even when mental health appears to be in check, oftentimes people are holding a lot in. 12239.wav|It will depend on how much cannabis you were using and how often and what strains of cannabis, et cetera. 12240.wav|It's kind of uncomfortable to be around, actually. 12241.wav|So anyway, this paper, the 85% rule for optimal learning, again, we will supply the link, but it really points the idea of making things pretty hard, but not so hard that you're failing every attempt, or even half of the attempts failing about 15% of the time seems optimal for learning. 12242.wav|So we can list out sleep, sun, proper nutrition, exercise, and I would put a proper social connection, whatever that means to you, healthy social connections, include romantic, friendship, familial, and relationship to self. 12243.wav|The basal ganglia is a neural circuit that can very simply be described as a neural circuit that helps us generate go, meaning the initiation of action and no go, the prevention of action type scenarios. 12244.wav|Maybe it's classical, maybe it's rock, maybe it's punk, maybe it's hip hop. 12245.wav|Well, setting aside the nicotine patch or the nicotine delivery device and only focusing on approaches for getting through withdrawal that have no direct effects on nicotine. 12246.wav|Keep in mind, very specific certain cases, the possible health benefits of delivering nicotine through specific modalities. 12247.wav|Sometimes if people are taking benzodiazepines for whatever reason or other sedatives, there are contraindications there. 12248.wav|Now, this particular study from Thomas et al has some interesting aspects and some aspects that made me go a little bit wide-eyed, but not necessarily wide-eyed because the results are so dramatic. 12249.wav|So today we have to keep in mind that where there is strengthening of connections, there is also weakening of connections. 12250.wav|I had this happen recently. 12251.wav|It's actually called the amygdaloid complex and has a lot of different sub areas, and it's involved in a lot of things besides fear and threat detection. 12252.wav|It's completely zero cost, where we provide podcast summaries as well as toolkits. 12253.wav|For those of you that are interested in supplementation, there's always ashwagandha, which reduces cortisol. 12254.wav|And you could imagine that that child could develop a full blown case of anorexia. 12255.wav|This study was published in Eye Science. 12256.wav|But I think it's also important that we be realistic about the kinds of things that traumatize people. 12257.wav|Some of you are vegans. 12258.wav|One of the brain areas is the so called amygdala. 12259.wav|The people I swim with are always laughing. 12260.wav|And they're taught to, or told to imagine it with a rich amount of detail, to think about how it's going to feel in their body and the big win. 12261.wav|And then depending on how much binds and depending on what else is going on in that local neighborhood of neuronal connections, the neuron will either increase its neural activity and itself release neuromodulator or neurotransmitter someplace else. 12262.wav|We also have examples of previous newsletters that you can download immediately without having to sign up for anything and decide whether or not you want to sign up. 12263.wav|There you can support us at any level that you like as well. 12264.wav|And I walked away from it with a sore neck, but not a broken neck. 12265.wav|And understanding that can lead to a very clear understanding of why, for instance, when people use cannabis to relieve anxiety, or they use cannabis to enter a certain brain state for creativity or to enter sleep, why a dependence on cannabis starts to emerge. 12266.wav|But those epochs lasting five to 15 seconds are really the cornerstone of an effective mental training and visualization practice and the repeated nature of it, 50 to 75 repetitions in a given session is also another cornerstone of an effective mental training and visualization practice. 12267.wav|Note captions and I think in general we should acknowledge that we are at a very interesting and important time in human history for the treatment of psychiatric disorders and for neuroscience generally. 12268.wav|But somehow signals about the heating up of muscular tissue are conveyed to the brain. 12269.wav|So what you're starting to see here is a theme. 12270.wav|I'm going to assume that they go by Juliet. 12271.wav|When we think of menthol and peppermint, we think of kind of cool scents and flavors, cool meaning cold. 12272.wav|If you are also interested in strength and hypertrophy training, or how to incorporate strength and hypertrophy training, which was in the previous episode with endurance training, this can all be made very simple. 12273.wav|Maybe you are trying to do breath work or something. 12274.wav|So now I'd like to discuss a second and what I think is perhaps the most powerful tool for being able to acquire and stick to new habits. 12275.wav|Automaticity is fancy language, for the neural circuits can perform it automatically, and that's the ultimate place to be. 12276.wav|The success rate of quitting smoking, when people try to go just cold turkey, just quit with no assistance whatsoever, they might tell their family and friends, hey, I'm quitting. 12277.wav|So people who get migraines often get them in a recurring fashion. 12278.wav|This is that magnocellar vision that we talked about before, where I'm not focusing on a particular location on the horizon, I'm trying to dilate the aperture of my field of view so I can see as much of the visual landscape as I'm in as possible. 12279.wav|This resource is what's called non sleep deep rest or NSDR protocol. 12280.wav|So in fairness to the reality, your brain and spinal cord are all central nervous system. 12281.wav|And the default mode network, I should mention, also involves a sub-region of the prefrontal cortex. 12282.wav|It's more than 20 meters away. 12283.wav|And it tastes great. 12284.wav|Another thing that's really unique about the human brain is that we are able to have multiple goals interacting at once. 12285.wav|For me, it's really training each muscle group twice per week, once directly, and then once indirectly, either during another weight training workout or during a cardiovascular, I should say, endurance training workout. 12286.wav|The first sentence is, real estate costs are going up. 12287.wav|I mix mine up with some water, a little bit of lemon juice. 12288.wav|I also expect that there will be a lot of interest in these clinical trials that maps is doing so. 12289.wav|I started taking athletic greens way back in 2012, so I'm delighted that they're sponsoring the podcast. 12290.wav|Is the patch best? 12291.wav|I'm going to spell this out. 12292.wav|However, you can extend that period of time, and I've talked about that in the episode on focus. 12293.wav|And Apple also gives you the opportunity to give us comments feedback about the episodes. 12294.wav|The lack of compensation for missed days. 12295.wav|They often can cause structural blockages. 12296.wav|How do you know if you have chronic fear or a debilitating fear? 12297.wav|You're going to hear a lot less about CBN containing products out there, CBN containing medicines, but it is relevant to today's discussion, so it will come up a bit. 12298.wav|And that sense of reward has to be tacked back onto the traumatic event, or what was previously a traumatic event. 12299.wav|Those neurons are perfectly capable of doing their thing without activation of this NMDA receptor. 12300.wav|The way that you do that is through a cognitive mechanism where you teach the individual what is leading up to the habit. 12301.wav|Again, if you're interested, please go to helixleep.com huberman for up to $200 off and two free pillows. 12302.wav|Reward pathways are turned on, attention is turned on, alertness is turned on. 12303.wav|They can see the contrast between magenta and green better than if there's red and green. 12304.wav|Roca understands those challenges and has designed their eyeglasses and sunglasses accordingly so that you always see with perfect clarity. 12305.wav|The way that vaping pens are designed is that it includes some liquid, it involves heat, and it does not involve the burning off of tobacco. 12306.wav|It's kind of just one thing. 12307.wav|The controversies of that issue are not what I want to get into, but I don't think anyone would doubt that it is a controversial issue. 12308.wav|If you know that you can supplement with L-tyrosine safely and you opt to do so, what dosages would you potentially take? 12309.wav|Although I did hear this. 12310.wav|And neurons there also create what are called endogenous opioids. 12311.wav|The cathedral effect is a way in which our thinking becomes more restricted and restrained in tighter, smaller, more confined visual environments. 12312.wav|Were you to remember something very scary that happened to you in the past, your threat reflex could be activated. 12313.wav|That's important, because if the goal of modern psychiatry and the goal of modern biology is to provide mechanistic understanding that leads to treatments, we need to think about what are the sorts of treatments that tap into the very fear circuits that we described before. 12314.wav|This is a study that was published out of the University of Houston examining what I would call a micro exercise or a micro movement. 12315.wav|It's a very unusual set of muscles to use repeatedly, but the soleus is an unusual muscle in that it really is designed to be used continuously. 12316.wav|In other words, start rewarding task bracketing in addition to rewarding the execution of the habit itself. 12317.wav|And what we will soon learn is that what we think of as being high actually includes a number of different changes in the brain and body, some of which can be best explained by CBD, not by THC, which runs counter to what most people out there know and believe. 12318.wav|Again, I'll just read from the paper, because they said it better than I ever could. 12319.wav|Today's episode is also brought to us by Inside Tracker. 12320.wav|Now, this is really, really important because a lot of times out there I will hear that there's passage or transgenerational passage of actual trauma. 12321.wav|So they won't slip off your face if they get sweaty. 12322.wav|And you can cross those off and arrive at the most interesting and truly creative answer. 12323.wav|So not relying on these things constantly, there may in fact be some benefit to ingesting nicotine from time to time, provided that you are not still developing your brain. 12324.wav|They looked at body mass, total energy intake, which is really important. 12325.wav|You hear about detoxes and toxins. 12326.wav|When acetylcholine is released from nucleus basalis, the neurons are there in the base of the brain, but they extend axons, which are like little wires elsewhere in the brain. 12327.wav|Now, why do I emphasize this commonality of process? 12328.wav|And I'm sure there's some variation on some of those themes depending on where people live and the certain communities that they happen to be in. 12329.wav|If you're really neurotic about this, then perhaps you'd want to move the cold water exposure to a different day entirely. 12330.wav|No, virgence eye movement, as in convergence. 12331.wav|But they had another thing in common, which always perplexed me, which is that their offices were a complete disaster. 12332.wav|Things very elaborate, very troubling types of things to hear about and to be around. 12333.wav|Now, even in the absence of some threat, somebody that has, say, fear of public speaking might hesitate or move away from a podium or hesitate or move away from raising their hand, if raising their hand meant that they might be called on and would be public speaking. 12334.wav|And then we're going to move specifically into the protocols that you can use. 12335.wav|One important point about curcumin to keep in mind is that curcumin is known to inhibit something called cytochrome P450. 12336.wav|This is one of the reasons why, if you've ever done deliberate cold exposure, as it's called, it often is uncomfortable when you get in, but then when you get out, you feel different. 12337.wav|Again, these are legal clinical trials where people are doing this and discovering this. 12338.wav|So, before moving into specifics of taking cannabis or not taking cannabis, who should, who shouldn't, what the medicinal purposes are, and what some of the newer, exciting data point to, I just briefly want to make a list, and I promise, very briefly, I know I'm not often concise, but I do try to be thorough, for your sake. 12339.wav|I don't think that was an intentional sweeping away. 12340.wav|I would not rely on binaural beats all the time, every day. 12341.wav|I think I can do that when it's like, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun, okay, got it. 12342.wav|So they observe both enhanced divergent and convergent creative type thinking in cannabis users. 12343.wav|But more likely, and certainly what these data about these polymorphisms point to, is that what gets passed on is a propensity for the threat reflex to get activated and attached to a wider variety or to less intense types of inputs and experiences. 12344.wav|And then they look at what sorts of brain areas are active after that task is done. 12345.wav|However, you are still able to sustain a conversation. 12346.wav|However, curcumin has been shown to be effective as an anti-inflammatory and has been shown to be very effective in treating different types of headache, in particular migraine headache. 12347.wav|And then after the cold is removed, there's going to be more blood flow to that area. 12348.wav|I'm sure there are people out there shouting, although I guess if you're the quiet people who don't talk too much, you're probably not shouting, or if you're not, you're not doing a sativa, Joe contended. 12349.wav|There's nowhere else to go. 12350.wav|So if we're focusing very intensely on a given point, regardless of how far away from us that point is, our visual system engages a certain set of neurons, neural circuits, that are involved in resolving fine detail, and that can evaluate small changes over small periods of time. 12351.wav|So for all you hypochondriacs out there, I'm arming you with a lot of useful knowledge that will justify staying away from people who perhaps have cold and flu. 12352.wav|Well, it turns out most of them don't want to. 12353.wav|The balcetis work has mainly focused on visual tools that are of a single horizon. 12354.wav|Now, what this says is that our subjective understanding of why we are doing something is fundamentally important for the effects that we will get from that behavior and indeed, the effects that that behavior will have on us. 12355.wav|And trust me, you do not want a thunderclap headache. 12356.wav|This stuff gets a little bit complicated, and we're going to return to this in an upcoming episode of the Hubern Lab podcast. 12357.wav|It was an area of the brain called the dorsilateral striatum. 12358.wav|Kerry Restler. 12359.wav|You can find him on all the social media and standard channels where you talk to anyone out there who really understands the strength of the torso in the upper body and even the back. 12360.wav|That statement is bolstered by another statistic, which is that unlike a lot of other drugs, the rate of cannabis use is strongly related to how dangerous people perceive cannabis to be. 12361.wav|So why are we talking about this, and in particular, why are we talking about this during an episode that includes a discussion about eating disorders? 12362.wav|But the point is that the retelling is important, and the idea here is to take what was a terrible and extremely troubling, meaning, physiologically troubling, psychologically troubling story, and turn it into what is essentially a boring, bad story. 12363.wav|That's not my role in life. 12364.wav|And I would come by and I say, I have a question, and she would say yes. 12365.wav|And believe it or not, our ability to perform that crossword puzzle, or at least focus on that word or crossword puzzle, gets enhanced. 12366.wav|So if you are somebody who, yes, does experience elevated levels of sexual arousal and function when under the influence of cannabis, well, that's very likely that cannabis does not increase your prolactin levels, at least not to a significant degree, while you're taking it. 12367.wav|But critics then will say, well, that doesn't really translate to that big of a caloric burn during the deliberate cold exposure, but to that you should say, ah, but that's only limiting your optics to just a portion of the effects of deliberate cold exposure, because deliberate cold exposure can also convert white fat to beige fat and brown fat and lead to these more lasting increases in metabolism. 12368.wav|Again, anytime you have a somewhat stressful stimulus, but in particular with cold exposure, it seems that the catecholamines, norepinephrine, epinephrine and dopamine all increase. 12369.wav|When we're moving, we can pay attention to things in the outside world. 12370.wav|It's a map of our internal bodily sensations, and it's a really interesting structure. 12371.wav|As you recall, there are outputs to areas of the brain that are associated with dopamine release and reinforcement. 12372.wav|Or if you tilt your head back and you look up, these neurons are still active. 12373.wav|Eyesight is so vital. 12374.wav|And then the serotonin increases, it is thought, are what lead to the feelings of safety and comfort. 12375.wav|Some people talk about the fawning response, which is kind of an appeasing response to traumatic events, but some people outright freeze in response to fear, right? 12376.wav|Now, the reason that we are talking about the senses is because if you understand how the senses are perceived, what they're about, what the underlying cells and connections are about, you will be in a terrific position to understand the month's topic that follows, which is all about mental health. 12377.wav|In addition to making you more alert, you also get away from the so called text neck. 12378.wav|What I've tried to do today is try and give you a window into what really underlies these things that we call eating disorders. 12379.wav|They make terrific pillows. 12380.wav|The most central and important aspect of our biology, and perhaps our psychology as well, is to anchor ourselves in time to know when we exist. 12381.wav|And that's certainly a topic that we will embrace in a future podcast episode. 12382.wav|It looks ridiculous. 12383.wav|Very different subjective effects, very different patterns of change of activity in the brain in the short and long term. 12384.wav|Probably other resources for binaural beats. 12385.wav|However, despite there being an enormous amount of information out there on the internet and in books and elsewhere, it can be a bit overwhelming. 12386.wav|You may have experienced this walking past a donut shop. 12387.wav|And of course we have phones and we have computers and people's opportunity to reach us. 12388.wav|But as we'll talk about in a moment, when you really restrict your visual window down to a very, very narrow portion of visual space, that actually changes the types of information that you are best at processing. 12389.wav|They will have sometimes even hair growth on the face, something called lenugo, which is essentially the body's attempt to insulate the body because of loss of body heat. 12390.wav|The other component of this neural circuit is associated with action, which actions to take and which actions not to take. 12391.wav|And again, these are people not under the influence of cannabis, but rather people who tend to be under the influence of cannabis when not participating in the study. 12392.wav|We would see that there are six muscles attached to your eyeball. 12393.wav|There's the washing out of metabolic debris and things in the brain, the so-called glymphotic washout that's essential. 12394.wav|And we are also going to talk about this critical sense that we call interoception or our sense of our internal real estate. 12395.wav|Sort of discovered this a few years ago when Science magazine, one of the preeminent magazines out there that publishes research on science, but also news articles about science, talked about the myth of salt research. 12396.wav|You take this test, it's very brief, 2 minutes, and after that test, Helix will match you to the mattress that's ideal for you. 12397.wav|If you'd like to try Element, you can go to Drink Element, that's lmnt.com slash Huberman, to claim a free Element sample pack with your purchase. 12398.wav|And if you're somebody who's very consistent doing maybe five minutes of open monitoring meditation and five minutes immediately after of focused attention meditation daily, you can expect that you will get very, very good at these processes very, very quickly. 12399.wav|And so we will do an episode on exercise related and plastic surgery related body dysmorphia. 12400.wav|I'm not aware of many compounds that simultaneously increase gaba and increase dopamine. 12401.wav|But when a lot of dopamine is released, it is neurotoxic. 12402.wav|In fact, if we were to look at what's involved at improvement in a golf swing or shooting free throws or getting better at piano or getting better at math or language speaking, I think it's fair to say that at least half and probably as much as 75% of motor learning is about restricting inappropriate movements or utterances or thoughts if what you're trying to learn is purely cognitive. 12403.wav|Nor is it the same as loss of the neurons that release dopamine and serotonin itself. 12404.wav|Okay, so epinephrine and adrenaline are the same thing. 12405.wav|So, for instance, if you're checking in with yourself weekly, telling yourself that you're doing well, if indeed you are, and then out of nowhere, for instance, you're out on a run or you're doing something, I'm using fitness as an example, but you're doing something and you find yourself performing particularly well. 12406.wav|I'm sure someone will put in the comments examples where this actually exists. 12407.wav|Please talk to your optometrist and or ophthalmologist. 12408.wav|We partnered with momentous for several important reasons. 12409.wav|So the important point here is that trauma is traumatic in and of itself. 12410.wav|This is an area I used to work on many years ago as a research scientist before moving on to other topics to research in my laboratory. 12411.wav|And this is where things get particularly interesting, because the outputs of the amygdala have a lot of different areas. 12412.wav|He didn't even do the jog part. 12413.wav|So with thesis, they'll design custom nootropics for you that will allow you more focus, better task switching, more creativity and so on. 12414.wav|So why all the excitement about intermittent fasting? 12415.wav|Again, not the topic of today's discussion. 12416.wav|They mutate dna. 12417.wav|Those things are very low to no light, meaning keeping your environment very dark or very, very dim. 12418.wav|This is more of mental autonomic training because what you're really trying to do is control your autonomic nervous system, the nervous system aspect that controls how alert or calm you are, as opposed to a specific skill. 12419.wav|Again, for every 45 minutes in which you've been in that focused mode, you want to get at least five minutes of panoramic vision. 12420.wav|And then we have what we actually do in another box. 12421.wav|And being a student or working doubles the likelihood that somebody is going to use cannabis on a regular basis twice or more per week. 12422.wav|Animals that will undulate sometimes are actually doing a depth measurement, because as you move from side to side, the brain is able to do the math of depth. 12423.wav|Today I'm going to talk about what working memory is, including some of the underlying biology. 12424.wav|And this is something that's rarely discussed both in the scientific literature, but certainly in the general discussion around fear and trauma. 12425.wav|Work from Martis Bizito and colleagues at UC Berkeley, as well as other laboratories, have explored the consequences of increasing dopamine levels in the brain of typical populations of individuals. 12426.wav|So I'll just give you a couple of teasers about the key principles of resistance training that I think are almost universally, if not universally, then generally accepted in the strength training and physiology community. 12427.wav|Anyway, the point is they were able to very carefully measure how much people are recycling before and after this call to action to recycle more. 12428.wav|I have to say that everyone experiences a shortening of breath when they get into uncomfortably cold water. 12429.wav|Even if you don't remember any of the names of the things I just told you, that you have a brain circuit that even if you just think about walking, it becomes more active, and the dopamine is involved in that brain activity. 12430.wav|And then the third most consumed drug is cannabis in one form or another. 12431.wav|And the reason I like this paper, published in Translational Psychiatry this year so much is that they link the amount of cannabis use, heavy, moderate, light, or no cannabis use, to the rate of prefrontal cortical thinning. 12432.wav|Constraint type behaviors, those are really ways of keeping oneself from the temptation. 12433.wav|That comes as no surprise anyone that's ever had to put down a dog or has lost a dog. 12434.wav|The psychology literature, as I mentioned, and also the neuroscience literature, strongly supports the fact that it is going to make it far easier for you to adopt and maintain that habit. 12435.wav|First off, let me say there is no reason why you would have to apply these ice packs in the way that I just described. 12436.wav|And they all have many different functions in the brain and body. 12437.wav|Beige fat and brown fat acts as sort of a furnace, or the sort of fat that you would find in a candle, a fuel that can increase core body temperature. 12438.wav|We will talk about the efficacy of CBD for those purposes as well as some of, believe it or not, some of the dangers of CBD depending on where it's sourced and the dosage, et cetera. 12439.wav|It's a good journal, and the title of this paper might catch your attention. 12440.wav|There were some issues of mislabeling, all of which were eventually acknowledged by the authors of the study. 12441.wav|How long does it take to get to the store? 12442.wav|Well, my operational definition of resilience is that you are able to resist escape from the stressor, the cold, by virtue of your willpower, which is really your prefrontal cortex, causing top down control on your reflexes and your limbic system, and your hypothalamus, which are basically telling you to get out of that cold water, get out of that cold environment. 12443.wav|That's how important vision is. 12444.wav|Or maybe you don't know to the dusk mattress dusk? 12445.wav|So the logic there is simply not very good. 12446.wav|Habits and reflexes. 12447.wav|That can be very challenging. 12448.wav|Synapses are little gaps between neurons. 12449.wav|So I'm not going to go into this in significant detail now. 12450.wav|As I mentioned earlier, nobody knows exactly how to eat for one's particular goals. 12451.wav|It might be very, very surprising to you, and you might say, wait, if I want to cool down, I should jump into a cold lake or something of that sort. 12452.wav|It's a predisposition, it's a bias. 12453.wav|Making plans and being able to execute plans is fundamental to being a healthy human being. 12454.wav|I'm sure that many of you are going to have a lot of detailed questions such as, how high did they lift the heel and did they contract the muscle very hard or not? 12455.wav|These are tones usually of a common frequency, so it might be a beep, and then a pause and then beep of the same frequency, and then beep. 12456.wav|Nowadays, it's not considered polite to do that. 12457.wav|And the reason for this is that our auditory system has a parallel to our visual system. 12458.wav|Intraoral time differences, the difference between the two patterns of beats that are heard by each of the two different ears leads to a third pattern that the brain entrains to and kind of maps onto and generates particular types of brain waves. 12459.wav|NMDA receptors are really important, I think, for everyone to understand. 12460.wav|An egg is released and will essentially be ready for fertilization if the egg is fertilized, a whole bunch of other things happen as it relates to pregnancy. 12461.wav|Now, with respect to cannabis, I went in depth into the biology and the various uses, misuses, dangers, and in some cases, benefits of cannabis use in certain, the keyword there is certain populations. 12462.wav|And therefore, your body has multiple signals of directing you toward eating more or eating less. 12463.wav|I'm excited to announce that the Huberman Lab podcast has now launched a premium channel. 12464.wav|And I alluded to this earlier, but this cardiovascular training session is also designed to tap into some of the ability of hard, I should say high-intensity interval training to tap into strength and hypertrophy increases for the legs. 12465.wav|And they had people supplement with creatine at a level that is much higher than the typical level that people supplement with creatine simply for sports performance. 12466.wav|The fighting of reflex is carried out through top down processing, largely through the prefrontal cortex, you provide a narrative. 12467.wav|And the cortical thinning is occurring in exactly the area of the brain that's involved in planning, in control over one's emotions, in reflexes, in organizing one's life in a number of different ways, anywhere from cleaning one's room, literally knowing what goes where, to making plans that extend out through the day, through the week, through a year. 12468.wav|Whereas if you said red pen, white pen, essay, pen in a door to hold the door open so that someone can return to a building and you started spooling off a story related to that and why that was important, well, there you go. 12469.wav|That's the major effects of the sativa varieties. 12470.wav|They will consume the food, they will mate, et cetera. 12471.wav|The mere fact that you can go into an environment where there's an air conditioner blowing, blowing, blowing, and then it stops and you feel that relaxation. 12472.wav|Now, let's talk about the categorization for a second, and why the categorization has led to now, a bunch of other eating disorders, as defined by the psychiatric community. 12473.wav|So that would be the way that I would typically read that sentence. 12474.wav|As I mentioned before, I should also point out that the cannabis plant has over 400 biologically active compounds. 12475.wav|In particular, this p five p suppression of prolactin is perhaps the one that's most intriguing and that really has any kind of mechanistic basis. 12476.wav|While it feels good to have light on our skin, while it feels good to be outside in the sunlight, for most people, the only way that light information can get to the cells of your body is through these two little goodies on the front of your face. 12477.wav|But if you actually extend that reward out to tomorrow or the next day, and you think, oh, today happens to be a Saturday that we're recording, but, oh, on Tuesday morning I'm going to get a donut, it doesn't have the same value because the reward system doesn't work as well for long term goals. 12478.wav|Now, of course, some of the things I listed out, sunlight viewing, exercise, cold exposure, caffeine fasting, those might be the actual habits themselves. 12479.wav|I gave the example, which is a trivial one on purpose, of a pen. 12480.wav|Like, once you know how to walk, you get up and you walk. 12481.wav|And the testosterone binds to those receptors and has effects on cells. 12482.wav|What that means is at the point where blood was being pumped through your arteries and veins, boom, that it's 120 mercury. 12483.wav|And of course, I'm going to want to and I will do endurance training other days during the week, but if something comes up or I happen to get sick or I'm really behind in terms of work and I can't get other workouts in, this Sunday long jog or hike really provides that fundamental, I can honestly say foundation for cardiovascular fitness and endurance that I can hang my hat on and say, okay, I've got that one in the bag and I can then look to other days of the week to focus on other aspects of fitness. 12484.wav|It has to do with the ways in which your cerebellum, which actually means mini brain, and your eyes, your visual system, are connected, and the way in which your cerebellum controls some of the spindles and other aspects of the neuromuscular architecture of your nervous system, because your nerves control your muscles and allow those muscles to move further out. 12485.wav|What sources of protein you use is going to be highly individual. 12486.wav|Basically, what he said was, from an evolutionary standpoint, it makes sense that we should eat as often as we can, as much as we can, and as fast as we can. 12487.wav|It might even be better than yours in terms of evaluating food nutritional content. 12488.wav|So it makes everything very simple, both in terms of where you're at health wise and what you should or could do in order to improve your health, something I do believe most everybody would like to do. 12489.wav|Now, again, you don't want to start playing games with this kind of stuff when you're a kid. 12490.wav|Should you train the next day or not? 12491.wav|So again, I want to make this very, very concrete. 12492.wav|In that case, add weight. 12493.wav|And as compared to diets that were just reduced omega-6s, they found a greater analgesic effect of increasing omega-3s while also reducing omega-6 fatty acids. 12494.wav|When people are given just talk therapy alone or talk therapy with ssris, they will often, as I mentioned earlier, experience reductions in their severity of PTSD symptoms, and rarely they will experience complete remittance of their PTSD. 12495.wav|And you'll also find reports of individuals who participated in these clinical trials. 12496.wav|This is a real event that happened just today. 12497.wav|It shuttles more parking spots to the surface of those cells so that the communication to those cells becomes easier, it becomes faster. 12498.wav|One of them that's a little less commonly known is you can drink 32oz of water and commit to not going to the bathroom for 90 minutes at least. 12499.wav|Well, because people have asked for more mechanisms. 12500.wav|You're going to have to do other things to support your eyesight as well. 12501.wav|Now, without getting into too many more details, before moving on to issues of toxicity around MDMA, I do want to touch on what I think is perhaps the finest of the animal model studies of MDMA that explored which brain networks and which chemical that is serotonin or dopamine is responsible for, say, the motivational components of MDMA versus the pro social effects of MDMA. 12502.wav|What phase of the day those things fall into? 12503.wav|We're not oriented toward any one thing in particular. 12504.wav|And this is also a very important .1 of the beauties of the fear system is that it's very generalizable. 12505.wav|I happen to like exercise. 12506.wav|That's really the key feature here. 12507.wav|I'll describe the stop signal task for you now in broad contour. 12508.wav|This time, the working memory task is going to be a little bit different than the one you did previously. 12509.wav|And indeed, I think they have helped a lot of people. 12510.wav|The other state is one in which you're feeling too tired or lazy or not motivated. 12511.wav|And in that sense, I find MDMA to be an incredibly interesting and important topic, and I hope you did as well. 12512.wav|But typically, if one ingests CBD or THC, smokes cannabis, ingests by orally, et cetera, doesn't matter. 12513.wav|And there are neurochemical benefits, and there are physical benefits, and there are certainly psychological benefits. 12514.wav|And that is largely accomplished through the use of the neural circuitry that sits right behind the forebrain, the so-called prefrontal cortex. 12515.wav|In fact, most of the time, I can't even remember that they're on my face. 12516.wav|But of course, there are many healthcare providers, including some MDs, that are open to supplementation, especially these days, as supplements have become, I would say, generally more accepted. 12517.wav|But the science is yet to catch up to that. 12518.wav|In other words, you start to create a kind of a double habit that starts with a bad habit and then ends with a good habit. 12519.wav|It feels like there's an answer and I want to get the answer right and I can't solve it, it's a puzzle and it's a puzzle that relies on very distinct brain circuits from divergent thinking, which brain circuits? 12520.wav|Or what are the different motifs that we should include in a piece of music? 12521.wav|And the question specifically is, why is it that we get more colds and flus in the winter months? 12522.wav|Now, as it relates to tension headache, one of the more advanced kind of modern treatments that you sometimes hear about is Botox, right? 12523.wav|Now you're a child that can talk back and say, I don't want to, or, I refuse to. 12524.wav|And, you know, the threat response? 12525.wav|These tests have different names, and you're welcome to look those up if you like, as well as flanker tasks. 12526.wav|This enhancement in cognitive performance and attention is going to be very transient, probably on the order of about 30, maybe 45 minutes. 12527.wav|Or what should we do in terms of rearchitecting a given physical space, taking in those different opinions, those different ideas from different people, and then synthesizing them and coming up with one or a small subset of coherent ideas that incorporate some or all of the ones that they heard. 12528.wav|But what's very clear from the palmer cooling work is that by simply holding onto a cool object, remember, not an object so cold that it constricts the vessels of the palms or constricts the vessels on the bottoms of the feet. 12529.wav|It's happening all the time. 12530.wav|Or if you happen to step on a sharp object or get too close to something that's too hot, you'll reflexively move away. 12531.wav|If it means something catastrophic, do you have an eating disorder? 12532.wav|So today we've covered a lot about the biology and psychology of habit formation and habit breaking. 12533.wav|And the ability to withhold action is strongly constrained by the time domain. 12534.wav|Regardless of the ratio between THC and CBD, people will experience intense anxiety and paranoia. 12535.wav|It's a term that I coined in order to encompass a number of practices that don't include any mystical type language or scientific language for that matter, and that doesn't involve intentions. 12536.wav|Ask yourself, what are you trying to emphasize? 12537.wav|And the increase in serotonin is pro social, et cetera. 12538.wav|And I will be careful to point out when discoveries were made in animal models and when they were made in humans. 12539.wav|How many times have you taken it? 12540.wav|So that's what I'd like you to understand about the way the eye communicates with the brain. 12541.wav|Some people are true monochromats. 12542.wav|Because the neurons in your eye that view the upper visual field, they actually trigger this alertness mechanism in the brain and body. 12543.wav|First of all, we need to define creativity. 12544.wav|Eventually you take away the food, you just ring the bell and the dog will salivate in response to the bell. 12545.wav|For sighted folks, it's going to be what's out there in terms of light. 12546.wav|People are getting eye fatigue, they're getting headaches. 12547.wav|It's patreon.com slash andrewhuberman. 12548.wav|Now, people are starting to vape in just about everywhere. 12549.wav|Again, the specific tool isn't necessarily important, but since some of you like to know. 12550.wav|We need to predict what the outcome would be if we failed. 12551.wav|What's amazing, and frankly, also important are these findings that once you teach anorexics what's happening to them, that they're doing this, they are able to intervene. 12552.wav|Inside Tracker has solved this problem by creating a personalized platform where when you get numbers back about your hormones, metabolic factors, et cetera, it will direct you to specific protocols in the realms of nutrition, exercise, supplementation, and that includes things to do, things to consider, and things not to do in order to bring those numbers into the ranges that are optimal for your immediate and long term goals. 12553.wav|Eschers capture elements from the outside world and faithfully represent them, but faithfully represent them over and over and over again, which is not typically seen in the natural world. 12554.wav|You think, well, something is really, really easy. 12555.wav|Salt isn't just important for the function of neurons, it's important for blood volume. 12556.wav|Maybe you can dilate your gaze so much so you can see yourself, your body, in that visual environment, and you'll notice that your resolution of vision isn't nearly as high as when you do that. 12557.wav|And that's because much of what is happening when we learn a new motor skill is that we are depressing or suppressing specific actions in order to generate a very specific coordinated action. 12558.wav|The lens focuses that light. 12559.wav|It's not designed for you to be afraid of any one thing. 12560.wav|Temperature is a powerful stimulus on our nervous system, and indeed on every organ and system of our body. 12561.wav|And the reason for that is it's going to create a scenario of nicotine dependence in order to achieve heightened levels of mood and alertness, et cetera. 12562.wav|Okay, so let's talk for a second about how certain memories get attached to this fear system. 12563.wav|And you're going to focus your visual attention there. 12564.wav|Police can be having coffee right there in front of them. 12565.wav|So for me, I really try and stay away from all out sprints. 12566.wav|So it really isn't two bins. 12567.wav|In addition, please subscribe to the Huberman Lab podcast on Spotify and Apple. 12568.wav|Again, this can be caused by some low level of infection, but more often than not, tension type headaches are going to come on because of some chronic psychological stress, usually combined with lack of sleep, usually combined with lifestyle issues, and of course, without getting into a long discussion about it, anytime you have lack of sleep, you're going to have excessive stress. 12569.wav|What dosages of Mucuna purines can increase dopamine? 12570.wav|So what you're starting to realize is that fear is built up from certain basic elements that include stress and anxiety. 12571.wav|And for those of you listening, just imagine a u, the shape of a letter u, and then just flip it upside down so it looks like a bump. 12572.wav|I do not have a second leg workout during the week. 12573.wav|People have different retinal sensitivities. 12574.wav|However, if at the 50 minutes mark, the phone rings and I pick up the phone, or I break my own protocol, I break my own self discipline, and I go on and check social media, or I do something that takes me out of that. 12575.wav|And of course the purity of drug matters. 12576.wav|There have been other studies where they've actually measured things like erections in males and vaginal lubrication in females, the sort of so called autonomic responses that people can't lie about, so to speak, and that tap into other aspects of the so called sexual arousal process. 12577.wav|They become masterful, actually, at trying to keep people's awareness away from what they're doing, which is to home in on these low fat, low calorie foods. 12578.wav|Even then I'm a little cautious in the sense that I'm not going to do my typical workout. 12579.wav|Which is that THC and CBD, when they're brought into the brain and body by smoking or edible, et cetera, they bind to those receptors, those endogenous cannabinoid receptors, and they tap into the same systems that your endogenous cannabinoids would tap into, the ones that affect mood and energy and creativity and relaxation, et cetera. 12580.wav|If someone tells you their seven digit phone number, typically nowadays, people just share their info. 12581.wav|However, it does raise an important point that we do need to address at this moment, which is if you are using sauna or if you are taking warm showers, or if you're simply using deliberate cold exposure of any kind, should you get into the heat afterward or before or not at all. 12582.wav|Remember, this is all internal. 12583.wav|Why is there an essential need to relearn a new narrative or create a new association? 12584.wav|And sex is no exception. 12585.wav|How many sets and reps and rest intervals? 12586.wav|Working memory is a special category of memory in which we are able to hold small amounts of information in our mind for short periods of time. 12587.wav|And you may like Eschers and you may not. 12588.wav|Now, I don't want parents to freak out, and if you're exposed to white noise as a sleep aid as a child, which I know many of you were, don't freak out. 12589.wav|So it suggests that this is a stressful stimulus, at least neurochemically speaking, stressful, despite the fact that it's not super, super cold. 12590.wav|The half life of nicotine, depending on how it's ingested and whether or not you have food in the gut and what else is in the bloodstream. 12591.wav|I described the four kinds of endurance training. 12592.wav|One way to enhance our gut microbiome to ensure that it's healthy is to make sure that we get the correct probiotics and athletic greens has the correct prebiotics and probiotics that ensure a healthy gut microbiome. 12593.wav|If any of you are interested in trauma and its treatment, I highly recommend the book trauma by Dr. 12594.wav|This is not just related to body image issues that are created through social media and media. 12595.wav|And as they get older, the more coordinated. 12596.wav|But what's not often seen, in fact, I'm not aware of any literature out there, scientific or literature, in the popular press or in popular books, is an understanding of how the underlying neurobiology can be layered on top of the psychology of goal setting to allow us to set and pursue our goals more effectively. 12597.wav|Then the heat liberates some of the psychoactive components that, when inhaled into the lungs, because the lungs include a lot of vasculature, a lot of basically blood vessels and capillaries, that the psychoactive components are actually directly absorbed from the lungs into the bloodstream, and then can cross into the bloodstream and permeate throughout the body and cross the so called blood brain barrier. 12598.wav|It's completely subconscious and it becomes very hard to maintain attention. 12599.wav|Nidra, a very powerful science supported tool for teaching you how to relax things like self hypnosis, which might sound a little kooky to some of you, but actually is a clinically based tool for which there's a lot of scientific literature. 12600.wav|What I want to do today is give you as much information I can as to how cannabis works, how its different component parts work, how the different types of cannabis work, and point to some of the valid medicinal uses and some of the recreational uses, and then lay out the landscape for you as to who is really most at risk in terms of psychoactive components, immune components, and so on and so forth, so that you can make the most informed choice for you. 12601.wav|But even for those that only smoke or only vape, or only dip or only snuff, the negative effects are dramatic and calculable. 12602.wav|But sports related concussion actually occupies just a tiny fraction of the majority of traumatic brain injury and concussion. 12603.wav|Having kids do a focus task where they look at a particular visual target for 30 to 60 seconds, then doing some mathematics and seeing pretty impressive improvement in focus and attention, even in people that have attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. 12604.wav|And dopamine has some qualities that make the actual ice cream and the actual amusement park experience more pleasureful than it would be had that dopamine release not happened. 12605.wav|It's really the idea of throwing out disparate ideas. 12606.wav|Now, creatine, as many of you know, is something that people supplement and take. 12607.wav|But many people just simply have to do this for sake of shift work or because of impending deadlines or procrastination or all of the above. 12608.wav|Note captions by no means am I saying that you need to take alpha GPC. 12609.wav|They had multiple sessions where they at first completed cognitive and typing tests. 12610.wav|And what is more embarrassing than not being able to control one's behavior as an adult or as a young adult. 12611.wav|At night it might be a little more challenging, but it goes the following way. 12612.wav|If you had to do all, one or the other standing is going to be better than sitting. 12613.wav|Also, people who tend to breathe through their mouth more tend to get more colds and flus. 12614.wav|Now, this is really interesting, and I think powerful, because I would have thought that you have to engage in a replacement behavior that truly replaces the bad habit behavior, right? 12615.wav|So nowhere near the kinds of extreme temperatures that one could use in other protocols. 12616.wav|So some people like to draw boundaries between every little distinct difference and say, oh, that's a separate area, and other people are lumpers, and they say, well, listen, why complicate things? 12617.wav|For instance, this short, five minute a day, deliberate, self directed stress of any kind through respiration or other approaches of increasing adrenaline. 12618.wav|Further, the effects of glabor skin cooling on physical performance are truly remarkable, provided the glabor skin cooling is done correctly. 12619.wav|And what they discovered was that it changes the rhythm of cortical activity in certain layers of the cortex. 12620.wav|But by also causing big increases in serotonin. 12621.wav|Why am I getting so into the details of dosages? 12622.wav|But what you're trying to do is eliminate perception of the outside world. 12623.wav|The other way that you can explore the effects of MDMA on the brain is to ask people in the general population, hey, who out there has taken MDMA? 12624.wav|We need to come up with possibilities and those possibilities can only come from what's contained within our memory systems of our brain, areas like the hippocampus, et cetera. 12625.wav|So again, I'm not going to tell you that seed oils are bad. 12626.wav|They're trying to lower carbon footprint or contribute to the world in some general way by throwing away fewer things that could potentially be recycled. 12627.wav|And fortunately, that gene expression and the long arc of the fear response, the way it kind of lives in our system, kind of like a phantom in some ways, can also be leveraged to undo the fear response, to extinguish the fear response and replace it with non fearful associations. 12628.wav|I was first introduced to theragun on a shark diving trip. 12629.wav|So we've talked about ashwagandha in a previous podcast. 12630.wav|And he has some terrific videos describing exercise choice and other features of exercise parameters. 12631.wav|Now, that robotic aspect of our neural circuitry is vital because it's what allows us to think about other things and do other things and drive other behaviors. 12632.wav|And by the way, if you want to know what those first five letters were, they were J K Z P I. 12633.wav|That, I think, is sufficient to explain the basics of hunger and satiety and a kind of a biological mechanism. 12634.wav|But you may find it interesting to note that none of those current treatments are based on the neurobiology of fear, at least not directly. 12635.wav|Plus or -2 hours and wake up sometime around 07:00 a.m. 12636.wav|Once again, thank you for joining me for this discussion discussion about the science and peer reviewed literature on workspace optimization. 12637.wav|So deliberate cold exposure is an opportunity to deliberately stress our body. 12638.wav|It's an unfair assumption, I should say. 12639.wav|Family based models are starting to surface a lot now in various therapy settings. 12640.wav|While supplements aren't necessary for everybody, many people derive tremendous benefit from them. 12641.wav|This explains the decrease in penile girth effect of nicotine, in particular, nicotine ingested by smoking or vaping. 12642.wav|But the mechanisms are very similar for psilocybin and LSD, whereby psilocybin and LSD very closely mimic the molecule serotonin itself, but seem to have a more selective activation of just the so called serotonin two a receptor, abbreviated five h t two a. 12643.wav|Some of you are going to be able to remember three to four of the final words of those sentences. 12644.wav|So I just want to talk for a second about what procedural memory is. 12645.wav|One of the hardest things to do is to stay up all night studying when you're in a dim environment. 12646.wav|And then I catch myself kind of leaning on the desk off to the side. 12647.wav|Synesthesia's are when people have perceptual blending, and this is not well under the influence of any kind of psychedelic or other kind of drug, perceptual blending of an atypical kind or rare kind. 12648.wav|Suffice to say that when we are fasted, meaning when we haven't eaten for some period of time, our baseline levels of norepinephrine and epinephrine are already elevated. 12649.wav|They describe the standard definition of creativity as quote, the ability to generate novel ideas that are useful, so the commonly accepted one. 12650.wav|Roka makes eyeglasses and sunglasses that are of the absolute highest quality. 12651.wav|Most of those are geared toward improving the extraocular eye muscles. 12652.wav|And right now, Element has two special flavors for the holidays, chocolate caramel and mint chocolate, which I should mention taste especially good if you actually heat it up. 12653.wav|You probably brush your teeth at a particular time of day. 12654.wav|But if you look in the research, the psychology research, and the neuroscience research, you'll hear about convergent thinking and divergent thinking. 12655.wav|And those two types of information are mechanical information and chemical information. 12656.wav|One thing that you'll notice, since we are talking about total fitness programming, is that during the month where you are doing moderate repetitions, you'll notice that your endurance work will actually be facilitated. 12657.wav|Although, as I mentioned before, the total number of physical exercise or physical sport promoting effects of nicotine is very, very small, if not zero. 12658.wav|And if you would like to access this paper and like to look more at the details in the paper, we'll be sure to put a link in the show notes the first author is La Grande, and again, the title of this paper is brief. 12659.wav|Okay, so we've been talking about mental effects and the use of deliberate cold exposure for sake of building resilience, which I do believe can be tremendously powerful. 12660.wav|Because dopamine is highly reinforcing and rewarding. 12661.wav|So in this foundational protocol for fitness, what you'll notice is that on any one given day, you're going to focus on one particular aspect of fitness. 12662.wav|Now, that might seem counterintuitive to those of you out there that already know what I'm about to tell the rest of you who didn't know it previously, that your muscles are able to contract because of the effects of acetylcholine released from neurons in your spinal cord that spit out acetylcholine onto the muscle and bind to what nicotinic acetylcholine receptors. 12663.wav|I've talked about this a little bit before on the podcast as a way of increasing focus for any kind of pursuit. 12664.wav|Many people are familiar with dopamine from the concept of quote unquote dopamine hits, which is popular language describing the feeling of pleasure that we get from pretty much anything that we like or that we continue to engage in repeatedly. 12665.wav|And so you can inject leptin into people. 12666.wav|I can feel it right now. 12667.wav|There has been extensive exploration as to whether or not people who are so called mellower or more anxious, or any number of different personality dimensions will respond in one way or the other. 12668.wav|Your accommodation mechanisms are going to start to suffer over time. 12669.wav|That fatty tissue, those portions of the cells are called white matter. 12670.wav|Actually scales down in smaller environments. 12671.wav|So therefore, why would it be that increasing nicotine would cause relaxation of the muscles? 12672.wav|And indeed many people report not just feeling a bit of mild euphoria or feeling good after deliberate cold exposure, but also an increased capacity to focus. 12673.wav|That is to start thinking about different ways to combine existing elements in whatever domain it is that you want to achieve creativity. 12674.wav|They have a terrific aesthetic, so you could wear them to the office or to work or to school. 12675.wav|Many animals judge depth by moving their head, not by using other mechanisms of accommodation. 12676.wav|And about 20% of people in that age bracket of 16 to 24 years old are using cannabis daily, either by vaping, by smoking, or by edible. 12677.wav|In that case, journaling in detail has been shown to be effective, although, again, I want to caution people about reactivating traumas without consideration for the kinds of social support they might need around that reactivation. 12678.wav|When you ingest nicotine by smoking nicotine containing tobacco, or if you place tobacco in contact with the mucosal lining of the nasal passages of the mouth, takes about two to 15 minutes for that nicotine to enter the bloodstream. 12679.wav|How much of life is really accessible to us? 12680.wav|Now, of course, constructing a podcast episode is not really the ultimate example of a creative act because of course it's taking existing information, it's arranging it in novel ways, but it doesn't necessarily allow key concepts to pop out in the way that for instance, Banksy or Arrozco or an Escher would pop out, okay? 12681.wav|And then you take that individual and you do that also for another individual or group of individuals. 12682.wav|So we can easily circle back to the negative effects of smoking, vaping, dipping and snuffing, and say the endothelial cells are disrupted. 12683.wav|In fact, that's not the case. 12684.wav|David Spiegel, he's an MD, psychiatrist and PhD, likes to say, when it comes to trauma, anxiety and PTSD and the treatment of trauma, anxiety and PTSD, it's not just the state that you are in or that you go into, it's how you got there and whether or not you had anything to do with it. 12685.wav|What I like about this study is that they were able to explore the effects of curcumin as explored in previous research studies and compare those across a large range of different dosages and a large range of combinations with other things like coenzyme Q10, which we've talked about on this podcast before. 12686.wav|And of course, we're doing that in part to try and establish whether or not you likely have low, medium, or high amounts of dopamine available for release in the prefrontal cortex. 12687.wav|So for me, they patched this other eye and made this eye. 12688.wav|Matina makes loose leaf and ready to drink yerba mate. 12689.wav|Although there are other tools, of course, that don't involve cannabis use that can accomplish that as well, so called intraocular pressure lowering drugs or drops. 12690.wav|Could be that there's something about walking and talking that seems incompatible in the nervous system, although I'm not aware of that. 12691.wav|People who did these soleus pushups, despite being a tiny muscle and using very little local energy, in fact, they measured muscle glycogen, the burn or essentially the utilization of fuel within the muscle, and there was very little utilization of fuel within the soleus itself. 12692.wav|Today, we are discussing creativity. 12693.wav|This is a little bit similar to the way that somebody who suffers from addiction starts to put in different constraint type behaviors. 12694.wav|And of course, there are medicinal purposes that are being explored, and we'll talk more about that. 12695.wav|Is it MDMA alone, or in conjunction with caffeine within that same 24 hours period? 12696.wav|And I've talked about before in the habits episode. 12697.wav|So that's lateral prefrontal cortex. 12698.wav|The first thing it requires is focused, dedicated attention to the thing that you're trying to learn. 12699.wav|And that's the reason why I touched on a number of things, including some self directed practices that might be useful and reasonable for them to explore. 12700.wav|So if you have ADHD or know somebody who does, and you're interested in the creative process, or focusing generally, please check out the episodes that I mentioned. 12701.wav|So there's a really nice study that explored creativity in cannabis users, and we will provide a link to this study. 12702.wav|And this will become very important as we build up toward our fourth principle of mental training and visualization, which is that our cognitive labels, that is what we decide is happening when we do mental training and visualization, turns out to be very important. 12703.wav|Then there's also the case in which we predict that something good will happen. 12704.wav|They'll still do it. 12705.wav|In fact, I see therapy as one of the key components for meshing together all aspects of one's life and being able to really direct one's focus and attention toward what really matters. 12706.wav|It does that because nicotine is fat soluble. 12707.wav|And we are going to establish several, in fact, four specific protocols that you can use for goal setting, goal assessment, and goal execution in an ongoing basis, regardless of what your personal goals happen to be. 12708.wav|They tend to use their auditory system, their hearing, as a way to anchor their attention to particular things. 12709.wav|In that it has two major channels. 12710.wav|Cancer depletion of just about every organ and body tissue to the point that it can actually be measured how many years of your life you're peeling off in terms of lifespan and health span, by smoking. 12711.wav|Here's what they observed. 12712.wav|They support brain health. 12713.wav|This is something that a lot of people struggle with. 12714.wav|Lemke was my guest. 12715.wav|You need to look out at a distance. 12716.wav|So cocaine is terrible. 12717.wav|It's very complicated to study marijuana and cannabis and its various derivatives in this way. 12718.wav|And then every three minutes or so, they might have looked up and taken a look at the sky or looked around to make sure that other people were there or not there, et cetera. 12719.wav|In that first phase, your whole system is action and focus oriented. 12720.wav|As you recall, the first principle of mental training and visualization was that in order to make it effective, it needs to be very brief and very simple and repeated over and over again. 12721.wav|Meaning sometimes people have to take a much lower dose if they have renal disease or liver disease, and sometimes they can't take it at all. 12722.wav|So everything from a grin to a smirk to a giant smile, everything from somebody looking a little bit of scance at somebody to really wide eyed and looking angry, like they're going to attack you and things of that sort. 12723.wav|I can't see you if you're raising your hand. 12724.wav|No talking if you're going to do it right. 12725.wav|And then there are procedural long-term memories. 12726.wav|It's very good at recreating visual images in your brain, in your mind's eye. 12727.wav|As an approach that might be viable, I should emphasize, might be viable for enhancing the speed or the potency of treatments to reduce fear or eliminate trauma. 12728.wav|Again, we don't have time for an entire lecture on this now, but during development, your body was a collection of a bunch of cells. 12729.wav|The reason I spent close to 20 minutes talking about dopamine in the mesolimbic pathway, acetylcholine and nucleus basalis and epinephrine, and the relaxation of muscles in the periphery and the increase in readiness in the body and brain is that all of those combine to make nicotine one of the most powerful and potent cognitive enhancers and to some extent, physical enhancer. 12730.wav|These are classic effects of drugs that promote the release of dopamine, including amphetamine, cocaine, et cetera. 12731.wav|While supplements aren't necessary for everybody, many people derive tremendous benefit from them for things like enhancing sleep, hormone function, focus, and so on. 12732.wav|But as we have that discussion, I want to emphasize that self diagnosis can be both a terrific, but also a very precarious thing. 12733.wav|And you compare the location at which information about light lands on the two eyes so your eyes are slightly offset from one another. 12734.wav|That was actually very effective. 12735.wav|Although based on the dosages that we'll talk about in a moment, increasing omega-3 fatty acids by taking liquid-form fish oil, which is perhaps the most cost-effective way to supplement omega-3s, or capsules, which is perhaps the most efficient way to supplement omega-3s, really to a level of one gram or more of EPA per day. 12736.wav|There's a connection deep in the brain stem, deep back here in the brain near my neck, that connects the pupil mechanism for the two eyes, and they're looking at the other eye. 12737.wav|As I breathe, I'm paying attention to those three breaths. 12738.wav|So these are biologically active compounds that may or may not have psychoactive properties, that may or may not be useful for pain relief, et cetera. 12739.wav|The other would be to simply turn off the wifi. 12740.wav|In addition, please subscribe to the podcast on Apple and Spotify, and on Apple you have the opportunity to leave us up to a five star review. 12741.wav|So it is my preference in that case to skip a day and really focus on recovery. 12742.wav|And there are a lot of different ways to do that. 12743.wav|Try and get balanced visual input through the two eyes. 12744.wav|We divided you into two groups. 12745.wav|In other words, the sorts of changes that happen in one's nervous system simply by engaging in the world and experiencing life as a child, as a young adult, as an adolescent, and as a 22, 23, 24-year-old, et cetera. 12746.wav|Get as much bright light as you can safely, right. 12747.wav|So early in the podcast, I talked about how the optimal window for learning is 90 minutes. 12748.wav|What I'm trying to say is I try and adhere to the same schedule, but if I get a poor night's sleep, I'll just simply skip the workout the next day, slide the workout forward. 12749.wav|That's not the point. 12750.wav|Very seldom do people eat it, although that does happen from time to time. 12751.wav|Why is it that you can know better and not do better well, it's because you also have to cope with these subconscious homeostatic processes and reward processes, and those oftentimes can be disrupted in ways that we find ourselves doing things that are not good for us or not good for other people. 12752.wav|Phase two, as I mentioned, is about. 12753.wav|The other aspect of habit strength is how much limbic friction is required to perform that habit on a regular basis. 12754.wav|So, those experiments have been done, and what's also been done is to give people 1.5 milligrams per kilogram of MDMA and to look at the connectivity between the amygdala and the insula and between the hippocampus, the amygdala, and the insula. 12755.wav|However, verbal memory scores got worse during the active sessions. 12756.wav|And the increases in trust turn out to be vital, because, as you will also learn later when we look at the clinical trials exploring MDMA for the treatment of PTSD. 12757.wav|So that's all nicely quantified for you in this paper. 12758.wav|This is the same reason why SSRI, selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors can indeed shift mood and appetite, but it can also shift libido and other things. 12759.wav|Think of the sympathetic nervous system as the alertness nervous system. 12760.wav|You can find beautiful talks online from people who have worked with some of the biggest companies and greatest high performers out there to achieve incredible things. 12761.wav|What I'm describing here is actually pretty typical behavior of a lot of people. 12762.wav|Now, I'd like to shift our attention to the effects of deliberate cold exposure on metabolism, and I'd like to start by detailing a study that was performed on humans and published just at the end of last year. 12763.wav|And the reason for that is that dopamine gives us energy. 12764.wav|So you have to kind of boil down to what is the appropriate dosage. 12765.wav|Okay, so we've established that cold outside means people tend to be indoors more, which increases physical proximity, which is one of the reasons why there's more cold and flu transmission. 12766.wav|In fact, that's a principle that you'll hear me talk about later when I talk about training other muscle groups for strength and hypertrophy. 12767.wav|So this is a massive increase in oxytocin. 12768.wav|So you could imagine doing this outside of that session as a way to kind of bring your system back to baseline, perhaps. 12769.wav|In other words, it makes that neuron more responsive to input in the future such that it doesn't require so much input. 12770.wav|And today we will cover mental training and visualization protocols that capture both the potentiation and the depression aspect of neuroplasticity, and in that way serve as an augment, that is a compliment to the actual real world cognitive and physical training that you're doing, because I'll just give this away right now. 12771.wav|And as I just told you, the endogenous cannabinoids can either turn up the dial or turn down the dial. 12772.wav|Very interesting brain area. 12773.wav|And we discussed this extensively in an upcoming episode from Dr. Andy Galpin in his special six-part guest series, where he is a guest on the Huberman Lab Podcast, but where really he's the one doing the majority of the teaching. 12774.wav|The takeaway is that when consumed, and when I say consumed, I want to be very clear. 12775.wav|It's involved in setting whether or not what we are feeling is appropriate, given what's happening. 12776.wav|The hypothalamus and the pituitary gland register that signal and in a completely subconscious way, trigger the deployment of eggs in females and the production of sperm in males. 12777.wav|Although I will say that deficits in working memory are common in patients with Parkinson's for obvious reasons. 12778.wav|And that of course can also include the use of essential oils in conjunction with things like non-steroid anti-inflammatory drugs or the use of red light to offset photophobia in conjunction with any number of different treatments, either prescription or otherwise. 12779.wav|Well, then probably moving the cold exposure 4 hours or more away from that training is going to be necessary for you. 12780.wav|So the effects of Palmer cooling are very clear and very robust. 12781.wav|Remember, dopamine, even though when increased in the brain can increase our mood, it is largely responsible for increasing our sense of motivation and desire for something and to do something. 12782.wav|It's been explored at 80 milligram dosages taken alongside two and a half grams of omega-3 fatty acids or omega-3 fatty acids alone and against placebo. 12783.wav|While supplements aren't necessary for everybody, many people derive tremendous benefit from them for things like improving sleep, hormone support, and focus. 12784.wav|With inside tracker, they make it very simple to figure out what to do to bring those numbers into the ranges that are right for you. 12785.wav|So for instance, if you wear them while running or walking or hiking, they don't slip off. 12786.wav|But if we were to look at caffeine and included in that list, caffeine would be above all of those. 12787.wav|And there are a number of different expectations that one can have of how long they should be able to hang from a bar, depending on their age and their fitness level, et cetera. 12788.wav|In contrast, a painting or a picture like an Escher and for those of you that aren't familiar with Eschers involves a lot of repeating patterns. 12789.wav|We're focused on our heartbeats, in fact, our breathing and our internal landscape and our heartbeats become the sort of seconds hand, if you will, on our experience. 12790.wav|Does that mean that I never get 10 repetitions on a week when I'm supposed to train in the four to eight repetition range? 12791.wav|And when one thinks about the cost of mental health care, how expensive it is to get therapy over and over and over again, which in ideal circumstances, people are able to do that either by way of insurance or by their own finances or. 12792.wav|Let's talk about headaches. 12793.wav|And in doing that can reduce the feeling that one has a lot of intracranial pressure. 12794.wav|So this is a key distinction. 12795.wav|And if you navigate further into the thorn site through thorn.com uberman, you can also get 20% off any of the other supplements that Thorne makes. 12796.wav|Whereas when we are in small spaces, everything, our vision, our hearing, and indeed, even our physical movements. 12797.wav|We've carved it up into three phases, phase one, phase two, and phase three. 12798.wav|It creates what we call an open loop. 12799.wav|And as I mentioned earlier, and as we'll see in a moment, this also extends into the motor domain. 12800.wav|The last thing any of us want is for someone to take a compound thinking it's one compound and it contains another compound and them getting hurt or even dying. 12801.wav|I could list off a huge number of things that it does that are negative. 12802.wav|We'll talk about what indica actually does for sleep in a little bit. 12803.wav|Blue light, we've been told, is so terrible for us. 12804.wav|And if we made progress, then we're going to reward ourselves. 12805.wav|So the second part of creativity where things are tested and where truly creative elements are discovered is in convergent thinking. 12806.wav|So that as you move through different environments, you can see things clearly. 12807.wav|Well, these melanopsin cells, as the name suggests, melanopsin, have their own photoreceptor built inside them. 12808.wav|It means that having a concrete plan is essential. 12809.wav|And by quite a different experience, I mean it requires quite a different degree of resilience. 12810.wav|Early in the episode, I mentioned long-term depression. 12811.wav|And that's because neurons can only be electrically active by way of movement of particular ions, which include things like sodium, potassium, and magnesium. 12812.wav|Let me make that even simpler. 12813.wav|That is the authors hypothesized on the basis of preclinical data in animals, that by increasing creatine stores within the brain, not just in the muscle, but in particular within the brain, that the availability of creatine would allow for better cognitive function in general. 12814.wav|And if you are doing particularly intense training, then you probably want to ratchet up the number of cold exposure sessions that you're doing, even if those have to be done on separate days from your training, because a lot of the inflammatory effects of training, endurance and strength training are actually occurring some hours away from the training stimulus. 12815.wav|That's a serious problem in the supplement industry, and Thorn deals with that problem by being very truthful and very accurate about what's in their supplements and how much of those things are in there. 12816.wav|About 5 to 15% of people are less able to do that and there's a small percentage of people in that 5 to 15% that simply cannot do it at all, that just cannot visualize well. 12817.wav|We don't need to get beyond our current state. 12818.wav|It's the focus on the extrapersonal space, not the peripersonal space. 12819.wav|This is why appetite is lower in the summer months than it is in the winter months. 12820.wav|Even if you're somebody who's never ingested nicotine, this absolutely has to be true because you have these nicotinic receptors, which is to say that acetylcholine, that's naturally released without any external trigger within your brain and body, or I should say without any trigger from nicotine in particular, is binding these nicotinic acetylcholine receptors and is creating these effects in your brain and body. 12821.wav|There are a bunch of different areas of the brain that those dopamine neurons in the brain stem project to. 12822.wav|Ethical and rewarding. 12823.wav|So again, 32 degrees celsius, 20 degrees celsius, or 14 degrees celsius. 12824.wav|And there are a lot of different kinds of colorblind she just mentioned. 12825.wav|So nigrostriatal tells you that there is a connection between the substantia nigra, because it came first, nigrostriatal, and then striatal is where it ends up. 12826.wav|By doing that all on one day, the peer reviewed research that's covered in the episode on deliberate heat, this is a study out of Finland, showed that you get massive, even 16 fold increases in growth hormone, which are extremely beneficial for metabolism and for recovery. 12827.wav|And it really does seem to be the case that, for reasons that you now understand, the activation of particular brain networks, the suppression of other brain networks, in particular this amygdala to insula pathway, that when people are under the influence of MDMA in these very safe and therapeutic, supportive settings, they are able to look at traumatic events and the ways that those traumatic events impact them in ways that really allow them to cognitively reframe those events and somatically reframe those events to really change the way that it lives in their body and mind, so that it's no longer invasive, and then they can go on and lead productive, adaptive lives. 12828.wav|Please remember, you don't have to listen to the whole episode all at once. 12829.wav|In other cases, the information can be fed through nerve pathways that goes to the vasculature and causes the vasculature to either dilate or constrict these very spicy peppers causing, as I just mentioned, extreme cerebro of the head, vasoconstriction and brain damage. 12830.wav|But what I know is that regardless of how you feel about snakes, most of you will move your eyes down when imagining a snake, okay? 12831.wav|That's what happens when you get long term potentiation. 12832.wav|So I love the venison steaks and the ground venison and their bone broth is fantastic. 12833.wav|The intica varieties, as I mentioned before, tend to lead to a suppression of activity in prefrontal cortex, believe it or not, and turn off thinking and planning. 12834.wav|So I'll talk about this right now in the context of nicotine use, withdrawal, and then the period in which people no longer crave nicotine. 12835.wav|Well, indeed, it is revealing itself to be useful for the treatment of trauma. 12836.wav|And that social isolation is oftentimes what can exacerbate preexisting traumas or fearful events, and in a kind of beautiful symmetry to that kind of dark and depressing story, social connection with people that we trust. 12837.wav|I said five to 10:00 p.m. 12838.wav|Now, if you are able to engage divergent thinking, you could say, running to the store, running away from a lion, running towards somebody I love, or maybe you have a more elaborate imagination and you could say, running in front of a bus to grab a kid so the kid doesn't get hit by the bus or running toward a concert because I'm so excited about the particular concert and then it starts to spool into a story. 12839.wav|So I'm going to give a kind of basic example. 12840.wav|It's a zero cost PDF. 12841.wav|You could do this indoors or outdoors, although ideally you would do it in a location where you could view a horizon. 12842.wav|This was a little bit frustrating for me in researching this episode. 12843.wav|So where I think this is all going, meaning where my laboratory and the Spiegel laboratory and other laboratories out there are taking this, is, you can imagine, a very brief 5 minutes a day, two weeks was the time that they did this, for 5 minutes a day for two weeks. 12844.wav|We can't just think about a goal. 12845.wav|There's a genetic program for the specific purpose of making sure that three little layers of neurons, nerve cells, got squeezed out and form what are called your neural retinas. 12846.wav|In other words, we're going to try and figure out whether or not you are of the low, medium, or high working memory capacity. 12847.wav|So again, something where there's a stretch and something where there's a peak contraction. 12848.wav|On all those social media platforms, I describe science and science-related tools, some of which overlap with the content of the Huberman Lab Podcast, but often which does not overlap with the content of the Huberman Lab Podcast. 12849.wav|In fact, if you look at the effects of withdrawal, and we are going to talk about what withdrawal of nicotine looks like, what you find is that as soon as 4 hours after the last ingestion of nicotine by way of cigarette or vaping or dipping or snuffing, what people start to experience is some agitation craving for nicotine, of course. 12850.wav|But a colleague of mine in psychiatry shared their experience with a patient's experience of it as making that patient feel as if, quote, they were getting out of the cockpit of a plane, but that they were observing themselves doing it. 12851.wav|And Jeff Cavaliere has excellent workouts available at zero cost on YouTube. 12852.wav|And it tends to shift the body and brain toward more inaction. 12853.wav|Or what about paired pulse facilitation? 12854.wav|For instance, if I were to take a fish tank and put wings on it, that's a novel combination of things, which is one of the key criteria for an act or an object or a piece of music that is creative. 12855.wav|You can make suggestions for future guests that you'd like us to host on the Huberman Lab podcast. 12856.wav|So nicotine patch is going to be very effective for a week or so. 12857.wav|However, and this is, I think, so very interesting to understanding how mental training and visualization does and does not support real-world learning, if you try to imagine a bistable image, you can't do it. 12858.wav|And again, you don't need to listen to binaural beats at the exact same time that you're doing the work, although that could also enhance your productivity. 12859.wav|Now, of course, we're not putting you into a positron emission tomography scanning device, we aren't able to do that for obvious reasons. 12860.wav|That actually represents the average or the mean as we call it. 12861.wav|First, brightness in the room. 12862.wav|If you're learning from and are enjoying the Huberman Lab podcast, please subscribe to our YouTube channel. 12863.wav|There is some evidence, through quality, peer reviewed studies, that supplementing with lutein can help offset some of the detrimental effects of age related macular degeneration. 12864.wav|Before we talk about deliberate cold exposure and its many powerful applications, I'd like to highlight a study that I find particularly interesting and that I think you will find particularly interesting and useful. 12865.wav|This is a YouTube channel that's hosted by Virtusan, which has a terrific app that includes NSDR and a number of other health and wellness protocols. 12866.wav|First author is Emily Lafrance, and the title of the paper, somewhat amusing in its own right, which is, it starts with a question inspired by Mary Jane, of course. 12867.wav|Now, the point here is less to fill your mind with different names of things and nomenclature, but rather to get you thinking about what's involved in creating short- and long-term memories and equally important, that even though the hippocampus is critically involved in the formation of short- and long-term memories, that the formation of short- and long-term memories is really a network phenomenon. 12868.wav|Well, this paper beautifully parses the fact that it is serotonin release within a structure called the nucleus accumbens, which is part of the reward pathway, which is rewarding the experience of social interaction. 12869.wav|And there is a little bit of a seesaw type phenomenon with dopamine and serotonin. 12870.wav|I would drink coffee and water at fairly high volume. 12871.wav|And so they do have their place for certain individuals. 12872.wav|There is evidence that it can be beneficial for Lieber's congenital eye disease. 12873.wav|Anyone can understand this. 12874.wav|And indeed, the answer is yes. 12875.wav|But what I've done is I've synthesized the information across those papers, and they really all point to the fact that real-world training is more effective than mental training, and mental training is more effective than no training. 12876.wav|And if you can't form one habit easily, it doesn't mean that you can't form other habits easily. 12877.wav|And indeed that circuits that involve a kind of a calming effect on the body get activated. 12878.wav|What they found is that MDMA causing the release of dopamine is what really establishes the rewarding effects of an experience. 12879.wav|And if you continue to stay in that cold environment, you will find that the next wall will come and the next wall will come. 12880.wav|These can also be third person events where someone observes something that is traumatic to them, maybe somebody being killed, dismembered, any number of different things that could be very traumatic in the immediate and long term. 12881.wav|I would like you to know the names of these neurons. 12882.wav|So let's talk about what those different subjective effects are. 12883.wav|Well, this is interesting. 12884.wav|Is it pure MDMA, or is it mostly methamphetamine? 12885.wav|I mix it with water and a little bit of lemon or lime juice, and then I'll typically have it again in the afternoon or late afternoon again mixed with water, some lemon or lime juice. 12886.wav|But aside from that, it's very clear that cocaine is one of the most debilitating drugs that humans can use because of the way that it impacts the dopamine system. 12887.wav|I say that because in many cases, behavioral tools are not only safer and easier to titrate, to adjust the duration, et cetera, than is pharmacology, but also because they can sometimes, as in the case of the study we just described, afford you more specificity, not less than pharmacology. 12888.wav|Your life is actually one long developmental arc. 12889.wav|So I don't want to get overly wordy with a number of different terms here, but I do think it's important to understand that we have developmental plasticity, again, in which the brain and nervous system changes simply in response to experiencing specific things for better or worse. 12890.wav|We don't know if that translates directly to the human study or not. 12891.wav|Because I think what we're starting to see now is a picture of fear and trauma and PTSD that has this sensory component, what's happening in the world around us, this internal, and, you know, how appropriate are the signals that are occurring in my body. 12892.wav|Nicotine increases acetylcholine and thereby focus and concentration and mental performance, not by changing the neural circuits that are activated per se, but rather by making more acetylcholine available at those release sites. 12893.wav|And not that I'm suggesting people do that, but let's face it, we largely eat nowadays because of a desire to eat, not a need to eat. 12894.wav|For those of you that are interested in exploring review articles that are grounded in hundreds of quality peer reviewed studies, the annual review series is really terrific, certainly among the best, if not the best, and they also tend to be quite long and quite comprehensive. 12895.wav|Earlier, we talked about whether or not to train if you're sleep deprived and how to recover from what I would say is moderate sleep deprivation by doing NSDR as opposed to total sleep deprivation, like being up all night or having a truly miserable night, in which case I think you should just skip training the next day and slide it forward. 12896.wav|And again, that will vary from person to person. 12897.wav|And if nothing else, you now have in mind the neurochemistry of acetylcholine, epinephrine, adrenaline, and dopamine. 12898.wav|And forgive me, I was almost ready to move on to effects of deliberate cold exposure on metabolism and inflammation and so forth. 12899.wav|So now you understand a lot about the biology of vision. 12900.wav|So right now, this is a very important issue because MDMA is currently granted breakthrough status, which means it's now something that scientists and clinicians can study if they have authorization to do that. 12901.wav|If you have a severe eye problem, you should be working with a really good ophthalmologist and or optometrist, but certainly an ophthalmologist who's a medical doctor. 12902.wav|On other gravel roads, if you try and do that, the dust actually kicks up around the vehicle and it makes it hard to see. 12903.wav|Is it MDMA while moving around a lot, or being outdoors or being in an environment, perhaps a rave or dance type environment, where temperature is going up? 12904.wav|Helix sleep makes mattresses and pillows that are ideally suited to your sleep needs. 12905.wav|What I'll do in a moment for 5 minutes, which is hyperventilating, which is, but not continuously for the 5 minutes, because many people would pass out or feel extremely uncomfortable. 12906.wav|I certainly don't encourage people to take alpha GPC every time they want to focus. 12907.wav|And the point is this, there are a number of quality studies showing that if you do deliberate cold exposure, in particular ice baths or getting into very cold water, immediately after an endurance training session or a strength and hypertrophy session, it can indeed, yes, it can disrupt or prevent some of the adaptations that you are seeking with strength and hypertrophy and endurance workouts. 12908.wav|If you are going to sit down to do some work that requires focus and working memory and cognitive attention, and especially if it's some visual spatial control, meaning you have to search for things on a page, you have to organize things on a page. 12909.wav|And just to remind you, as with the leg workout, the total duration of the torso workout is going to be 50 to 60 minutes after a brief warmup. 12910.wav|When we're wide awake, the opposite happens. 12911.wav|So much so that there's a drop in dopamine below baseline. 12912.wav|Garlic has other health benefits too, of course, and for most people, 300 milligrams of alpha GPC taken every once in a while. 12913.wav|It's also of course present in sunlight. 12914.wav|And then you get there and it's closed, or they're not letting any more people in, well, then the dopamine level drops way below what it was before you told them that you were headed there. 12915.wav|Now, the evidence for the catecholamine increase in response to cold water mainly stems from two studies, and in particular one. 12916.wav|Well, that's how powerful these glabor skin surfaces are. 12917.wav|That dye gets taken up specifically by the neurons in the brain that manufactured dopamine. 12918.wav|Well, that can also generate some postural issues in terms of stabilization and fatigue. 12919.wav|And I think we'll come away with an understanding of some basic elements that are common to all goals. 12920.wav|I would also encourage you to not look at gradual progression as the kind of weak version of a protocol. 12921.wav|Okay, so total layoffs, it turns out, are a bad thing if you want to get better at something and indeed, if you want to retain certain skills, both cognitive and motor. 12922.wav|So they're somewhat in the third person perspective. 12923.wav|Obviously, it's hard to make myself laugh if something's not actually funny. 12924.wav|And on all of those platforms, I discuss science and science-related tools, some of which overlaps with the content on the Huberman Lab Podcast, but much of which is distinct from the content on the Huberman Lab Podcast. 12925.wav|One of the most important papers in this area comes to us from someone I mentioned earlier, Dr. 12926.wav|MDMA is this incredible compound synthesized, as far as we know, first by humans, not by plants, not by aliens, but by humans. 12927.wav|That's actually associated with depression and insomnia and a number of things that we just don't want. 12928.wav|And it's one that if people are going to experiment, I just, again, want to caution people with anxiety or panic disorders. 12929.wav|For others of you, three minutes is nothing. 12930.wav|They are fundamental features. 12931.wav|Every once in a while, you imagine the big win of scoring perfect on an exam, or winning the championship, or the great relationship. 12932.wav|And here I'm pooling across a number of different studies. 12933.wav|So, if you have that under your mental belt, I promise you you understand far more about how MDMA impacts the brain in the short and long term than 99.9% of people out there. 12934.wav|One of the things that you can do to improve your vision, and it's also kind of fun, is to put a Snellen chart in your home. 12935.wav|So naturally occurring foods that contain a lot of vitamin A in their raw form can help support vision. 12936.wav|Low, kind of like, mm, or kind of meh, kind of in the middle. 12937.wav|We're saying, if you remember three to six, we're calling that high working memory span, at least for this discussion. 12938.wav|It's used for the treatment of depression and for smoking cessation. 12939.wav|And therefore, you're right, I absolutely shouldn't engage in this anymore. 12940.wav|I cover science and science-related tools, some of which overlap with the content of the Huberman Lab Podcast, but much of which is distinct from the content of the Huberman Lab Podcast. 12941.wav|And so what I've attempted to do is distill out the redundant themes that regardless of the person teaching or the scientific laboratory that happened to come up with these acronyms, that they boil down to some common features. 12942.wav|So that's kind of vision from eye to brain, in a nutshell. 12943.wav|When there are sufficient fatty acids coming from fats you ingest, amino acids coming from proteins you ingest, and sugars coming from carbohydrates and sugars, things like fructose, glucose, et cetera. 12944.wav|But unless you're a chemist, it's not going to mean much to you, nor should it. 12945.wav|And those are shipped out to the other parts of the neuron that include the axon, the wires between axons and those axons under the microscope, because they have a lot of fatty tissue around them. 12946.wav|And so that is all very interesting, but it's not the topic of this discussion. 12947.wav|And then, fortunately, because the increase in serotonin caused by MDMA increases empathy and sociability for and with others, but also for oneself, the motivation that's reinforced, that's wired into the brain seems to be a motivation to perceive others as more kind, but also to be kinder to oneself. 12948.wav|So that's noradrenaline and adrenaline as well as the neuromodulator. 12949.wav|The Huberman Lab podcast has partnered with Momentous Supplements. 12950.wav|Today we're mainly going to focus on THC and CBD. 12951.wav|Now the whole system can be recovered by abstinence from nicotine consumption. 12952.wav|Again, not a sport that I recommend, but the reason he was obsessed with this is because he studies the impact of stress on cognitive performance. 12953.wav|This is depression of neuronal activity. 12954.wav|So the takeaway from this is deliberate cold exposure, done properly, will increase your core body temperature and make you feel more alert. 12955.wav|So anandamide and another one, which is arachidinoil glycerol, arachidino glycerol, which we will abbreviate two ag. 12956.wav|Into small environments. 12957.wav|I started sleeping on a helix mattress over two years ago, and since starting to sleep on a helix mattress, I've had the best sleep of my life. 12958.wav|It is, as I mentioned earlier, still a schedule one drug, so it's illegal to possess unless you are one of these scientists who has been granted permission to study it in the clinical setting or the laboratory setting. 12959.wav|The Airdyne or assault bike or the rower is really a safer option for me. 12960.wav|Meaning, let's say you tell yourself you're not going to pick up your phone you're not going to bite your nails. 12961.wav|They'll give you five free travel packs plus a year supply of vitamin D three, k two. 12962.wav|So often when we hear about neuroplasticity in the popular sphere, people don't emphasize that there are different types of neuroplasticity, and it's worth paying a little bit of attention to what those different types are. 12963.wav|If that whole thing takes five seconds in your mind's eye and roughly five seconds in the real world, well then you'd be able to repeat it, of course, three times in 15 seconds. 12964.wav|But basically what this paper shows is that when trying to learn something new, you want to make the difficulty of what you're trying to learn such that you're getting things right about 85% of the time, that you're making errors about 15% of the time. 12965.wav|Now there are additional treatments starting to surface, and that takes us into the realm of chemical treatments for anorexia. 12966.wav|In fact, some people would say they don't feel good in the cold environment. 12967.wav|Many of you are probably familiar with photophobia. 12968.wav|In many previous podcasts, I've talked about the powerful effects of doing things like mindfulness meditation and other forms of NSDR non sleep deep rest. 12969.wav|And no artificial blue light will not replace this aspect of your visual system and offsetting myopia. 12970.wav|You only expect that you're going to perform four or five each day. 12971.wav|They either had elevated levels of testosterone to begin with, so their ceiling was higher, so bringing it down didn't have that much of effect, or that they have very low levels of aromatase in their system. 12972.wav|In order to do this, I'm not certain that that direct contact is necessary, and in some cases it might actually be quite dangerous, or you at least should be careful in terms of tissues there and avoiding damage. 12973.wav|If you were to play a key on the piano, let's say you play. 12974.wav|You can look up licensed clinicians that can carry out those, one or several of those types of therapies. 12975.wav|So with a very broad stroke, I can say that white fat is generally the kind of fat that people want less of. 12976.wav|There are certain circumstances where that might be appropriate for the occasional work bout, certainly not for physical exercise, given what we talked about earlier. 12977.wav|I don't have particularly long eyelashes, but the eyelashes are there so that if a piece of dust or something starts to head towards the cornea, the eye blinks very, very fast. 12978.wav|But divergent thinking itself does not occur during NSDR, AKA yoga nidra. 12979.wav|What's novel and what Logan and Cowan developed was that in the stop signal task, every once in a while, not every trial, but every once in a while, that arrow is presented. 12980.wav|Now, let's talk about goal setting. 12981.wav|So I can't in good conscience suggest that people replicate the exact dose protocols within the study. 12982.wav|It really increases my focus and my energy levels. 12983.wav|Please also check out the sponsors mentioned at the beginning of the podcast. 12984.wav|This would be outside the clinical trials I was referring to. 12985.wav|But I think this is part of the reason why turning on music, or moving to an office or a cafe, or an outdoor environment from an indoor environment, or vice versa, maybe even within a single day, can bring about more heightened levels of productivity. 12986.wav|So some people will talk about the dopamine hit that they get from somebody attractive that they like texting them back or the dopamine hit that they get from social media or the dopamine hit that they get from sugar or the dopamine hit that they get from this or from that. 12987.wav|If you are having a hard time grasping how it is that you could bring home a cold or flu and then ward it off, like, do you have it? 12988.wav|Our first sponsor is thesis. 12989.wav|And we know how that works, at least in animal models. 12990.wav|I'll certainly put a link to this. 12991.wav|What I mean is this paper finds that people who are more open to experience are more likely to use cannabis, and people who use cannabis are going to be more open to new experiences. 12992.wav|So here I'm going to read from the abstract about what they found. 12993.wav|I like being hungry, and typically after I exercise, I'm hungry. 12994.wav|They're getting genuine visual field deficits. 12995.wav|So this fitness protocol is really about you. 12996.wav|Again, that's betterhelp.com slash Huberman. 12997.wav|Although the idea is that you stay in a shallow plane of consciousness or sleep, hence the term non-sleep deep rest. 12998.wav|And what I'm trying to do on Friday is get my heart rate way, way up. 12999.wav|I can tell you this from experience, this is a pretty brutal protocol. 13000.wav|Forgive me for the noradrenaline, norepinephrine, adrenaline, epinephrine nomenclature. 13001.wav|What we're really talking about here is leveraging neural systems in order to help you make it more likely that you're going to be able to engage and maintain a particular habit. 13002.wav|It is the consequence of the fact that most of your cognition follows your visual perception. 13003.wav|We will get to that topic, but for the time being, I want to emphasize a new set of findings that I think many people will find interesting and at least will want to consider in light of their current nutritional plan or pattern of eating, whether or not you're intermittent fasting or not. 13004.wav|And indeed I don't think they are. 13005.wav|This is what makes the rewarding properties, or sometimes referred to as the reinforcing properties of nicotine, so powerful. 13006.wav|Dihydrotestosterone is involved in an enormous range of different bodily functions. 13007.wav|While we are on the topic of the effects of cannabis on sexual function and hormones like prolactin, it's probably worth mentioning that cannabis has been studied extensively for its impact on other hormones, and we can summarize those literature in the following way. 13008.wav|Chocolate increases dopamine. 13009.wav|And now, with the advent of modern DNA tests, we can also get insight into our specific DNA makeup and how that influences our lifestyle choices and our health status. 13010.wav|We are placing our focus outside our body, and therefore, we are placing the brain into goal pursuit mode work at NYU, in particular in the laboratory of a phenomenal researcher in their psychology department by the name of Emily Belcettis. 13011.wav|Now, creative acts on the other hand, of course involve novel combinations of existing rule sets. 13012.wav|Axon is the wire component of the neuron that can reach to another site in the brain and then release the neurotransmitter or neuromodulator there. 13013.wav|Second is that mental training and visualization is not a replacement for real-world motor training or cognitive training. 13014.wav|So the tool that emerges from this is very simple and it won't necessarily apply to everybody. 13015.wav|These are literally dyes that allow us to see the dna structure of cells and see the proteins they make and see the rnas they make, and it's very important to wear gloves when you work with those things because, as the name suggests, they intercolate. 13016.wav|Dopamine, the molecule, is actually converted into epinephrine, adrenaline, and they work together like close cousins, dopamine and epinephrine, in order to put us on a path of movement or if we are doing work of mental movement toward a goal. 13017.wav|How can you get better at seeing things? 13018.wav|They don't have access to ice baths or cold water tanks, cold ocean or cold lakes, et cetera. 13019.wav|So as you're starting to realize, there are a bunch of different variables that you can play with while maintaining the same temperature of water. 13020.wav|They didn't observe anything very interesting or significant in the context of sociability. 13021.wav|In particular, phenylethylamine is very effective in doing that. 13022.wav|They're willing to consider throwing up more things on the wall to see if they stick, so to speak. 13023.wav|If you were to cup your hands and put them right next to your eyes. 13024.wav|Working memory would come into play when, say, you wake up in the morning and you know that you need to head out for a jog, but you also need to make a cup of coffee first and you need to remember where the coffee is, where your shoes are, and perhaps you're making a phone call or you're having a conversation while you need to tie your shoes, and so on and so forth. 13025.wav|And when I say down, I literally mean down. 13026.wav|So before we round up our discussion about motor training and visualization, I want to just briefly touch on some of the studies that have explored why certain individuals are better or worse at motor training and visualization and what that might correlate with. 13027.wav|Overall, you would not want to use that led. 13028.wav|It is released from multiple sites in the brain, and the two major sites are the nucleus basalus. 13029.wav|You only cover the cost of shipping, otherwise it's completely free. 13030.wav|Now, as I promised earlier today, we are not going to drill into each and every one of the mechanisms that underlie the different adaptations that are going to develop speed and strength and endurance, et cetera, because that was covered in the podcast with Dr. Andy Galpin and the other podcast with experts that I mentioned earlier. 13031.wav|It's affiliative. 13032.wav|The next type of headache that is quite common are hormonal headaches. 13033.wav|What did get resolved, however, is that the very study in question was retracted. 13034.wav|And it's really important to understand that regular social connection, trusting social connection of any kind, is going to be very beneficial for that process. 13035.wav|We have chemicals that are created in us that park in those receptors and cause biological effects on mood, on perception, on the immune system, on hunger, et cetera. 13036.wav|I started taking ag one way back in 2012, and so I'm delighted that they're sponsoring the podcast. 13037.wav|That does not appear to be as effective as pure binaural beats. 13038.wav|Mindset was a topic discussed in the guest episode with Ali Crumb some weeks ago. 13039.wav|The other areas are the so called ventral striatum. 13040.wav|Typically, people aren't eating in the middle of the night, although one thing that can be useful is to make sure that you're at least well fed enough when you head into this third phase of every 24 hours day that you're not awake because you're hungry. 13041.wav|And those little vesicles contain neurotransmitter, or what's technically referred to as a neuromodulator. 13042.wav|And that's a unique circumstance that is just simply not seen under normal conditions. 13043.wav|Well, that really depends. 13044.wav|But the reason it has an effect on the body is that there are so called nicotinic receptors in the body. 13045.wav|That's what happens in addiction. 13046.wav|Is it true that your nervous system changes in six days when you're doing something repeatedly? 13047.wav|So while something like NSDR or yoga nidra might sound kind of mystical or kind of wishy-washy, or I guess as the kids say, weak sauce to some of you, it is anything but weak sauce. 13048.wav|So don't get carried away with the interpretation here. 13049.wav|Without going into all the details of this study, let me just briefly give you a little bit of the background. 13050.wav|The important point for today's discussion is that the CB one receptor in particular is expressed on every neuron in the developing brain and has been shown to be important for every aspect of neural development, from the proliferation of cells, meaning getting enough cells to create a brain, to the outgrowth of the so called axons, the little wires that connect up neurons with one another, to the steering the direction at which those axons go in development, which is essential, and even so far as to explain the connections that form between neurons, the so called synapses, and then how those synapses work. 13051.wav|So things like low light, low temperature, the supplements I mentioned, adjusting your eating schedule appropriately, obviously not drinking caffeine in the middle of the night or too close to bed. 13052.wav|I will say that there's a specific tool or a specific change that you can make to this Sunday long endurance, or at least what I consider long for me. 13053.wav|That's even more pressure. 13054.wav|So it doesn't increase creativity. 13055.wav|Has nothing to do with sympathy, has everything to do with increasing alertness. 13056.wav|I'm guessing, however, that for most people out there, you're still grasping it like, okay, interesting. 13057.wav|So spicy and hot go together, and peppermint and menthol and cool go together, much in the way that the gum commercials or the mint commercials would lead you to believe, and in fact, they're right. 13058.wav|Well, I can think of two specific categories of supplements that is over-the-counter compounds that at least at this point in time are legal in the United States that can increase dopamine levels. 13059.wav|That generic response, again, is good because it allows for flexibility, but it's bad because it reduces specificity. 13060.wav|And then when we actually experience the reward, we experience the positive thing. 13061.wav|So people smoke and vape tobacco, and people smoke and vape cannabis. 13062.wav|And for those of you listening, I'm just pointing to my eyes, as many of you have heard me say before on this and other podcasts, your eyes, in particular your neural retinas, are part of your central nervous system. 13063.wav|So if I were to take a step back and just say, okay, what are some zero cost, very low, if any risk, protocols that one could perform in order to improve dopamine levels without having to ingest anything, take anything, really do much of anything at all, except lie there, do this progressive muscle relaxation. 13064.wav|And I asked him why he was taking so much nicotine through nicotine gum. 13065.wav|And smooth pursuit is a great way to keep the visual and motion tracking systems of the brain and the eye and the extraocular muscles working in a really nice coordinate fashion. 13066.wav|And depending on the context, they can feel excited or anxious. 13067.wav|Whereas when we lie down or sit down and close our eyes and we are motionless, the degree of visual imagery really increases. 13068.wav|It's called delta oscillations. 13069.wav|But when you do that, it sets in motion the same neurons that are going to be required for the execution of that habit. 13070.wav|Do you tend to run hot or cold during the night? 13071.wav|And I think is really exciting because what it says is as the title and first line of the paper suggests is that we can increase dopamine using specific types of meditation induced consciousness. 13072.wav|It's used for mental health reasons. 13073.wav|So weekly seems like a good solid rule of thumb for setting particular action goals and assessing one's progress towards the immediate and longer term goals. 13074.wav|In general, the prefrontal cortex is going to be activated by the sativa varieties, which is going to increase thinking and narrowly constrain focus to some activity. 13075.wav|What's really interesting about these studies is they give us a window into the perceptual defect that anorexics have. 13076.wav|Before we wrap up, I can't help myself, but to talk about something that I heard about on the news several years ago, and it sounded too outrageous to be true, but then was confirmed as accurate by one of my neurologist colleagues. 13077.wav|Here's how it goes. 13078.wav|But typically, the effects of nicotine will come on in about two to 15 minutes, as I mentioned before, and then will last anywhere from about 30 to 45 minutes. 13079.wav|Most of those approaches involve establishing some sort of reward for not performing the activity or some sort of punishment for forming the activity. 13080.wav|If you have suggestions of guests you'd like us to host on the podcast, or you have topics that you'd like us to cover, please put that in the comments section on YouTube. 13081.wav|I think most people would say, okay, it's accurate. 13082.wav|We can be in the habit of exercising at a particular time of day. 13083.wav|Now, the dopamine increases are generally what lead to the feelings of euphoria inside of the MDMA session. 13084.wav|Their blood glucose is so high that they actually have to take insulin in order to regulate it. 13085.wav|The meninges are in that general area and also encasing the brain. 13086.wav|So I want to emphasize this. 13087.wav|It is the way in which people achieve satisfaction from reaching a relationship goal, or an athletic goal, or an educational goal, any kind of goal or sense of satisfaction. 13088.wav|Well, because the world is unkind to the red green colorblind individuals, and they have to learn the position of those lights in the street lights, and they have to learn the shapes of signs, which they can do readily. 13089.wav|Why should you care about this? 13090.wav|It does take a little bit of attention, so you have to divert your attention from other things you're doing to make sure that you're still doing these soleus pushups. 13091.wav|It's literally just noise. 13092.wav|So again, if you want to try Element, you can go to elementlmnt.com slash Huberman. 13093.wav|And a natural analgesic is released into our body because there's likely to be an interaction that's very uncomfortable, that's physically uncomfortable. 13094.wav|And that Bromacryptine has been prescribed off-label for the treatment of those conditions to some degree of success. 13095.wav|And there are a few other plants that include nicotine. 13096.wav|Now, a number of other important results have emerged from this and other clinical trials. 13097.wav|Again, these are things that I've talked about in previous episodes of the podcast and elsewhere, but really, this is about habit formation. 13098.wav|I ought to have high baseline levels of dopamine. 13099.wav|But if you were to exercise a little bit harder, run a little bit faster, et cetera, you wouldn't be able to talk while you did it. 13100.wav|So, believe it or not, when your pulse rate increases or you feel like you're stressed out, your atrial barrel receptors are sending a signal to your insular cortex. 13101.wav|Caffeine ingestion, fasting, for instance, not ingesting calories also will lend itself to increased norepinephrine, dopamine, et cetera. 13102.wav|But I want to be sure to include a tool that's been especially powerful for me, that's grounded in the neuroscience research and in the psychology research. 13103.wav|In parallel, whether or not that's detrimental isn't clear, although I point out that elevated estrogen and prolactin can be associated, again, can be associated, not necessarily and certainly not causative, but can be associated with elevated levels of or frequency of breast cancer detection. 13104.wav|We talked about those effects, and it can do that within the body. 13105.wav|Some of those we talked about earlier, such as Alpha GPC. 13106.wav|The visual system and the so called vestibular motor system are intimately linked. 13107.wav|Dopamine is really about motivation and desire and movement. 13108.wav|For whatever reason, it also has a notable effect. 13109.wav|We could say the same thing for estrogen. 13110.wav|I am not here to tell you what to do or what not to do, as I like to say, do as you wish, right? 13111.wav|And it's one of the compounds that was analyzed in extensive detail in this wonderful review that I mentioned a little bit earlier. 13112.wav|Now, some of you are probably shouting, shouting, shouting. 13113.wav|We want to essentially think in a childlike way. 13114.wav|Many billions of people also use nicotine. 13115.wav|So that's what I'd like to do now. 13116.wav|Feet and hands is going to be a more potent stimulus than hands and feet out for reasons that should be obvious based on what we talked about in terms of glabor skin cooling. 13117.wav|So it's a lot like the air conditioner effect, and I think done in a restricted way, meaning not for hours and hours, but maybe if your focus is waning and you're having a hard time engaging in work, you might put on some brown noise or white noise or pink noise and work that way for 45 minutes or so before you go to your panoramic vision walk and get some sunlight. 13118.wav|I'm a big believer in getting regular blood work done for the simple reason that many of the factors that impact our immediate and long term health can only be analyzed from a blood test. 13119.wav|And I showed up and he basically gave me a backpack that was loaded with a bunch of stuff and the backpack weighed about 40 pounds and then we took a hike. 13120.wav|But I should mention that you are also training your torso a second time and you're doing it indirectly or sometimes not indirectly. 13121.wav|And we do know when this has been done in large numbers of human subjects, and some, in some cases, all of those subjects have their brains imaged for the amount of dopamine available for release in their prefrontal cortex, that short working memory span correlates with lower amounts of dopamine, whereas higher working memory span or longer working memory span, whatever you want to call it, correlates with more dopamine available for release in the prefrontal cortex. 13122.wav|What's happening is I'm activating or I'm triggering the electrical activity of neurons, which we can think of kind of as pixels in my eye. 13123.wav|There's the kind of thing that the nerdy kids at Caltech do. 13124.wav|And he often tells me that he can predict with almost certainty whether or not somebody is a regular cannabis user, based not just on the patterns of speech that they use, but even just by recording specific neurons in their brain that underlie the laugh reflex and certain patterns of speech. 13125.wav|And for the next four to five episodes, we are going to talk all about the senses. 13126.wav|It actually pertains to all of the resistance training. 13127.wav|This actually brings me back to an example I had from graduate school. 13128.wav|Placebo effects are distinct from mindset effects. 13129.wav|So, for instance, when you run as compared to a bench press or something, you don't stop running because you can't actually contract the muscles further. 13130.wav|The only neural circuits that are going to engage instantly are going to be the ones that are of a sort of reflexive sort, like you step on a sharp object and you have to retract your limb, or you suddenly are stressed by a distressing text message, or you're suddenly delighted about a delightful text message. 13131.wav|This is a pretty brutal study, brutal for the subjects. 13132.wav|So as you can see, there are a number of different things that in addition to prescription drugs and over-the-counter pain medications, things like non-steroid anti-inflammatory drugs can really impact the different aspects of headache and different types of headache, in some cases, differentially. 13133.wav|But all the data that I'm aware of in terms of NSDR and yoga nidra, and there's a growing body of literature on these practices I should mention, show that even 10 minutes or even better would be 20 or 30 minutes of lying motionless with eyes closed and allowing the mind to drift wherever it happens to go. 13134.wav|I do want to talk about a new set of findings that are related to red light and offsetting age related macular degeneration. 13135.wav|But the point is that you have to suppress the enunciation of particular sounds and direct the pronunciation of other sounds in order to generate that new language or your ability to speak at all. 13136.wav|They have sleep problems because they're not viewing sunlight early in the day. 13137.wav|Because those particular habits are easy to execute, because I enjoy them. 13138.wav|So it's not that caffeine is bad. 13139.wav|And those three things make up your central nervous system, the peripheral nervous system and the periphery, which is the rest of your body that contain your organs and so forth. 13140.wav|Now, that might be surprising. 13141.wav|And your job is to identify where in that array of coffee beans there's a face. 13142.wav|In other words, dopamine, and perhaps only dopamine, seems to be the dominant neuromodulator for regulating the degree, that is whether or not you have small, medium, or large amounts of working memory capacity in the prefrontal cortex. 13143.wav|And for that reason, we've partnered with Thorn because Thorn has the very highest stringency with respect to the quality of the ingredients they include and the precision of the amounts of the ingredients that they include in their supplements. 13144.wav|Some people do, but many, many people don't. 13145.wav|The other tissue that can be prominently involved in generating the ache of a headache are the so-called meninges. 13146.wav|This was published in Translational Psychiatry just this year. 13147.wav|And it was always thought that hallucinations arise because of overactivation or activation of certain aspects of the visual system. 13148.wav|That means that when they see green, it's different than the green you see, not because that apple isn't visible to them, but because they aren't able to compare it to red, and you are. 13149.wav|Now, the modern science, or the modern psychological science of trying to understand goal setting and pursuit actually dates back to the 1930s. 13150.wav|Again, that's liventis.com slash Huberman before we go any further, I just want to highlight a key takeaway from a previous episode, which is our episode on focus and in fact was a toolkit for focus. 13151.wav|That's a good goal, and it may take some time to work up to that goal. 13152.wav|I contacted a number of different pediatricians and obgyns, and not a single one said they would ever suggest, and in fact would strongly discourage their patients from using cannabis during pregnancy. 13153.wav|Okay, so if someone smokes cannabis or they ingest cannabis, very rapidly gets into the bloodstream, and the components that are psychoactive get into the bloodstream and are immediately able to access neurons and other cells and start having these effects of parking at those endogenous cannabinoid receptors and impacting the signaling between neurons, which leads to the subjective effects of cannabis, including THC and CBD. 13154.wav|And the reason, it turns out, is related to the circadian clock mechanism that is present in all cells, including muscle cells. 13155.wav|There's just simply no question about it. 13156.wav|Now, in the context of music, for instance, you will sometimes hear a street musician play a song, maybe a Bob Dylan song or Led Zeppelin song or a Pink Floyd song, pretty closely, pretty accurately to the way that song is played. 13157.wav|A lot of people are using vaping in one context and cigarettes in another, dipping in one context, vaping in another. 13158.wav|But I really try and strive, that is, I really try to double up at least some workouts later in the week in that case, so that I can get back on schedule of starting the seven-day protocol again on the same day. 13159.wav|I think the outcome measure that is increased or not increase or even reduce sexual arousal is really the litmus test by which one can figure that out. 13160.wav|Or if I'm doing this workout in a place or at a time, or because I choose to not use a bike or a rower, because you could also use a rower, I will simply do sprint jog intervals. 13161.wav|I do not wear sunglasses when I get my morning sunlight, which I do every single morning, as you should be doing also, as is covered many times on this podcast. 13162.wav|In fact, when I learned about this from a college student, new college student, who's telling me that many college students are actually bringing vape pens into the classroom, I think this is also happening in high schools and even junior high schools. 13163.wav|But basically, a whole cascade of events happen within cells that then make just even the mere thought of something or somebody or some event that happened able to activate that threat reflex. 13164.wav|Now, as I mentioned earlier, when it's cold outside, the air tends to be drier, not always. 13165.wav|What I mean is that your brain at the level of neurons is behaving exactly the same way. 13166.wav|So now I'm really biasing my perception and my attention towards exteroception. 13167.wav|Now, this dopamine reward prediction error, as it's called, can be leveraged toward trying to reach our goals because it tells us where we should set our milestones. 13168.wav|This is an area that anyone who's treated anorexics or interacted with anorexics is well aware of, that they are constantly moving. 13169.wav|Now, that's not going to prevent the person in your environment who happens to have a cold or flu and is sneezing actively from transmitting that cold or flu, but it will keep your nasal passages and the rest of your respiratory pathways as healthy as they can be, and as resistant as they can be to any colds or flus that you might be fighting off. 13170.wav|You can actually do this experiment if you like. 13171.wav|We shouldn't wait for dinner. 13172.wav|There's no way for light information to get to all the cells of your body. 13173.wav|For instance, in my case, if I were to weight train or even run every day, I'm of the sort, or my biology is of the sort that I don't recover so well. 13174.wav|However, the mere act of engaging what are called our central pattern generators, the neurons in our brain stem and in our spinal cord that engage repetitive movements, also can reduce some of the areas of the brain that are associated with anxiety and vigilance. 13175.wav|I hope some if not all of the tools will be beneficial for you. 13176.wav|Rather, what they find is that they are able to engage in remapping of the neural circuits associated with bad habits in ways that are very, very straightforward. 13177.wav|It can render them infertile. 13178.wav|Athletic Greens is an all in one vitamin mineral probiotic drink. 13179.wav|So as I mentioned before, most people, if they supplement with creatine for sports performance, they take creatine monohydrate, typically five grams per day, sometimes 10 grams per day if they're about 100 kilograms or greater in body weight. 13180.wav|There are two keys on that keyboard or two keys among the other keys on that keyboard. 13181.wav|I just want to see the clinical data. 13182.wav|Because MDMA, by producing big increases in both dopamine and serotonin, acts as what's called an empathogen. 13183.wav|We will provide a link to this paper in the show note captions, but the title of the paper is Best Practice for Motor Imagery, a systematic literature review on motor imagery training elements in five different disciplines. 13184.wav|Maybe, most doctors won't prescribe Bromacryptine for that reason. 13185.wav|So right now, if you were to look online or you look into the psychiatric and psychological textbooks, what you would find is that there's a huge constellation of eating disorders. 13186.wav|Another common myth is that anorexia is only the sort of thing that you see in rich societies. 13187.wav|Today's episode is also brought to us by Helix sleep. 13188.wav|If I'm going to head out for a run, typically I don't want my belly full of food or any food at all, but there are times where I wake up hungry and I very much need to eat something or I have something scheduled socially like a breakfast and I'll have that breakfast, and then an hour or 90 minutes later, I'll do my workout because I want to make sure that I finish the workout. 13189.wav|Now, that can be beneficial for the folks that are overweight and have a healthy mindset about food, but are trying to lose weight. 13190.wav|These are actually neural pathways that, again, originate in our so-called, nerds call it the sensory epitheliums, so our skin, our hearing, our eyes, and that feed that information into the body to make use of that information, in some case, motor movements, so sensory motor. 13191.wav|Lumpers are people that like, to oversimplify a little bit, splitters are people that really like to detail. 13192.wav|So here we're talking about goal setting, and what we're saying is set goals that are realistic, but that aren't so realistic that they're easy. 13193.wav|We will provide a link in our show note captions to the book trauma. 13194.wav|And now that you understand the underlying biology and the way in which it changes your psychology and physiology, that should come as no surprise. 13195.wav|And I think there is now increasing excitement about EMDR in the psychiatric and psychological community for its utility for treating fear, trauma, and PTSD. 13196.wav|But now, indica cannabis, and say, well, why would it improve the transition time to sleep? 13197.wav|But we are going to talk about an eating disorder that does exist where people actually eat in their sleep. 13198.wav|Most people can be a bit quad dominant or hamstring dominant, or they have trouble activating their glutes, or somebody has a terrible time trying to activate their chest muscles, but they're very strong in the back, et cetera. 13199.wav|Again, I think the Maps group has done a remarkable job of keeping this within the realm of legal and trying to move things forward in terms of legislation to make sure that MDMA isn't simply made legal and then abused recreationally. 13200.wav|Okay, let's test your working memory again. 13201.wav|We'll talk later about these people, they have what's called aphantasia, an inability to mentally visualize, but most people are actually pretty good at visualizing things when they are told what to visualize and this is a really key point, and if what they are told to visualize is very simple and the whole visualization is quite brief, lasting on the order of about 15 seconds to generate the visualization in the auditory or in the visual aspect of one's mind's eye or ear, if you will, and if it's repeated over and over. 13202.wav|You could imagine that this high amplitude anxiety response, this high amplitude activation of the sympathetic nervous system in retelling, would actually create an even deeper routed fear response and trauma. 13203.wav|Some of you might be able to do it for as long as 60 minutes. 13204.wav|And I realize we're down in the weeds of topics that are unpleasant, so I have great sensitivity to that. 13205.wav|For instance, over six weeks of pull up training, palm cooling in between sets improved volume by 144%. 13206.wav|Maybe you are trying to enhance your language speaking skills. 13207.wav|That's why we call it red green colorblind. 13208.wav|It really depends on a number of things. 13209.wav|And that information is processed at a given speed. 13210.wav|And even if you just freeze up for a few seconds, the heart rate increase and the perspiring, the sweating, and the shame that you feel leads you to want to avoid playing instruments or public displays of performances for a long period of time unless you do something to overcome it. 13211.wav|I'll refer you to that episode. 13212.wav|Although I do want to point out that at some point, you start layering together enough protocols that you would be spending your entire day trying to get this dopamine pulse. 13213.wav|Nonetheless, increasing your blood ketones can improve the function of your brain and the function of your body. 13214.wav|One that got a particularly high amount of attention in the press was one that showed that flashing red light into the eyes early in the day, not late in the day, early in the day, can help offset some age related macular degeneration, presumably by enhancing the mitochondrial function in the photoreceptors. 13215.wav|And then there are these signals that are coming from body fat and from neurons in the gut. 13216.wav|The endothelial cells are involved in delivery of blood and other nutrients to every tissue of the body. 13217.wav|For instance, our neurons, which signal to one another through electricity and through chemical signaling, critically rely on having enough sodium in order to generate what we call action potentials or electrical firing of neurons. 13218.wav|If things go really, really well, it might orient our brain and body toward wanting more of that thing, and we'll have neural circuitry changes that will lead us to engage in that particular behavior or interaction again. 13219.wav|Then I will cover exactly which types of mental training and visualization work best across all domains, meaning for music learning, mathematics, solving puzzles, motor learning, sports performance, et cetera, et cetera, to really allow you a template in which you can plug in or designate what you're going to do each day for a brief period of time in order to accelerate your learning in whatever you choose. 13220.wav|Many people benefit from taking supplements of various kinds, and we do believe that getting supplements of the very highest quality is going to be important. 13221.wav|These are what are called mesolimbic circuits. 13222.wav|In fact, that's exactly what the literature shows is that caffeine, because its effects on epinephrine and related systems in the brain like adenosine, but mainly because of its effects on persistence and focus is very conducive to convergent thinking. 13223.wav|This is a really key point, in fact, as we start to home in on ideal mental training and visualization protocols, I'd like to establish this as the first principle of mental training and visualization, which is that if you are going to use mental training and visualization to its best effect in order to engage in neuroplasticity and learning, you need to keep those visualizations quite brief, really on the order of about 15 to 20 seconds or so and pretty darn sparse, meaning not including a lot of elaborate visualization, not including a lot of sequences of motor steps. 13224.wav|This paper we will make available by a link in the show note captions. 13225.wav|I'll get into caffeine a little bit later, but just very briefly, caffeine increases levels of dopamine receptors. 13226.wav|So if you want to explore deliberate cold exposure protocols, get into the nuance of temperature and duration, et cetera, you can find that completely zero cost. 13227.wav|The title of this paper, published just a few weeks ago in science, is fear balance is maintained by bodily feedback to the insular cortex. 13228.wav|The first one is the so called parvocellular channel, which is involved in looking at things at specific points in space and at high resolution or detail. 13229.wav|But the idea is that this isn't something that you're doing all year long. 13230.wav|If you're interested in that, there's a great free resource called reverie. 13231.wav|There is another way to do that. 13232.wav|And yet, deliberate cold exposure, provided it's done safely, can create similar, if not greater, increases in dopamine that are not just fleeting, that don't just occur during, say, the consumption of some deleterious drug or activity, but that are very long lasting and that can be leveraged toward activities other than deliberate cold exposure. 13233.wav|They allow us to organize our thinking into lists, and conceptually they can be very useful. 13234.wav|Our eyelids are open all the way, and our chin happens to be up. 13235.wav|It looks a lot like the photograph or the person. 13236.wav|Ice baths are very cold, inevitably. 13237.wav|All the flavors of Element I find delicious. 13238.wav|And as I've mentioned in previous episodes, they're getting a lot of artificial stimulation, artificial light, stimulation of the eye in the middle of the night. 13239.wav|So blink frequency is a common measure in studies of dopamine within this pathway that relate to creativity. 13240.wav|Let's define quality talk therapy in the way that Dr. 13241.wav|You want to view the horizon, you want to get outside, not just to lighten the load on your mind or to think about other things, but to maintain the health of your visual system. 13242.wav|If you have questions for me or comments about the podcast or guests that you'd like me to include on the Huberman Lab Podcast, please put all of that in the comment section on YouTube. 13243.wav|In fact, early in my scientific career, I did research on nicotine and its role in brain development. 13244.wav|I think that's an important point that brings us back to our initial learning when we come into this world, that developmental plasticity, which as you recall, we have a lot of interconnected aspects of our brain and nervous system early in life. 13245.wav|Cannabis is very fast to enter the bloodstream. 13246.wav|A specific painting, a specific song, a specific body of literature, a specific scientific project or experiment and so on, that usually involves convergent thinking. 13247.wav|And I'm going to teach you a way to measure your degree of limbic friction. 13248.wav|This whole business of fear and trauma relates to taking external experiences and funneling those experiences into this thing that I'm calling a threat reflex or the fear circuitry. 13249.wav|The lining of the nose, the mucosal lining of the nose, contains a lot of things. 13250.wav|Okay, now, this is true for all behaviors. 13251.wav|And EMDR reduces activation of the amygdala and related circuitries, which reduces anxiety and reduces the amplitude of the threat reflex, reduces sympathetic autonomic arousal. 13252.wav|This is why so many billions of people ingest nicotine in one form or another. 13253.wav|People are starting to look more like C's nowadays, the shape of the letter c, because we're constantly looking down. 13254.wav|And this could be true for any number of different things, not just painting. 13255.wav|All of that functions much better when you're sleeping well and eating well. 13256.wav|Now, of course, there are other methods that people have used to successfully quit smoking or vaping or other forms of nicotine delivery. 13257.wav|And if you think about it, really makes sense. 13258.wav|So you could imagine car accident, sexual assault. 13259.wav|It's because the wavelengths of light that matter for these melanopsin cells oftentimes can get through the eyelids. 13260.wav|So go to hubermanlab.com. 13261.wav|So this for me also represents the second leg workout of the week where I'm not touching any weights. 13262.wav|I get into this in a lot more detail in a future episode, all about hormones with Dr. 13263.wav|For instance, we don't want that cortisol peak to happen too late in the day. 13264.wav|After 21 days, you stop engaging in this 21 day, deliberate four to five things per day type schedule, and you simply go into autopilot. 13265.wav|And they measured hormones, namely cortisol, which is a stress hormone which tends to negatively correlate with sexual arousal, and prolactin. 13266.wav|This is incredibly dangerous. 13267.wav|Definitely important to think about and consider and definitely deserving of its own episode. 13268.wav|You feel a heating up. 13269.wav|And we will talk about what the various criteria are for choosing that. 13270.wav|With that in mind, any kind of head hit, certainly if it involves a concussion or traumatic brain injury, often leads to headaches, either infrequent but severe headaches or chronic low level headaches or a feeling that there's kind of a stuffiness or a fullness to the head. 13271.wav|Salt holds water as well, meaning it keeps the water in your system, which is beneficial for brain and body function. 13272.wav|Very few people can do that over long periods of time in a way that's effective. 13273.wav|Well, it turns out that, let's say you're doing a movement that involves one limb moving and then the other, let's say it's bicep curls, just for sake of example, turns out that you will actually be stronger in moving that dumbbell with the arm that happens to be moving if you grip the handle very tightly, but also grip the handle of the opposite dumbbell very tightly, and that said, in between sets, I encourage you to do the opposite, to try and completely relax in between sets, combine that with a physiological sigh, and then when the next set commences, employ that very strong grip, both again of the weight that's moving and the weight that at that moment might be stationary or in isometric position. 13274.wav|You're going to feel much, much worse than you would have had you never started smoking or vaping. 13275.wav|Layer on top of that, the fact that dosing THC and CBD can be fairly straightforward in the form of edibles, right? 13276.wav|In fact, narrative is one of the best and most potent ways that we can rewire our fear circuitry, and that, indeed, we can form completely new relationships to things over time. 13277.wav|Other days, you get in and you feel like you could only go a minute. 13278.wav|Whereas if you're in the same vehicle with them or you're sitting next to them on an airplane or you are on the same bus or in the same classroom as them and they are sneezing and coughing, well, then the probability that you would get that cold or flu from them is increased. 13279.wav|Now, there are a lot of different nicotine acetylcholine receptors, but for those of you that want to know uficianatos, or if you're ultra curious about this, the main effects of nicotine in the brain are mediated by nicotine binding to the so called alpha four beta two receptor. 13280.wav|Please don't laugh at them. 13281.wav|They are the hardest for you to engage in. 13282.wav|And we know that when you are action and focus oriented and because of the neurochemicals that are naturally released into your brain and body, that you will be more likely to overcome any limbic friction that stands in the way of performing particular habits. 13283.wav|But inevitably, the next wall will arrive. 13284.wav|So, for instance, type one strain. 13285.wav|It's Heather Fritz, and it's intervention to modify habits, a scoping review, and it is indeed a very broad scale review. 13286.wav|So it could be on your computer, it could be on the wall, it could be a horizon, it could be at a distance. 13287.wav|The first week they just go right back to it. 13288.wav|For instance, these are the last names of various researchers. 13289.wav|Okay, what does aspirin do? 13290.wav|So basically what you're trying to do is not restrict your thinking to just the habit that you're trying to form, but rather to grab ahold of the timing before and after that particular habit and start to positively associate reward mechanisms in your brain with that entire time bin. 13291.wav|And normally they'd be able to tolerate that level of sunlight or indoor lighting with no problem. 13292.wav|But there are two things to keep in mind if you're going to be out of doors. 13293.wav|But if you are taking non-steroid anti-inflammatory drugs simply to reduce your headache and your low in core body temperature, that can have all sorts of downstream issues related to sleep-wake cycles, to metabolism, to immune system function more generally, and on and on. 13294.wav|Now, I've long been a believer in getting regular blood work done for the simple reason that many of the factors that impact your immediate and long-term health can only be analyzed from a quality blood test. 13295.wav|You see this in restaurants, you see it on the street, indeed, you even see it in the classroom. 13296.wav|You can provide those rats with the opportunity to indulge in something that they like, like food or mating or heat if it's cold in the environment, or a cool spot in the cage if it's warm in the environment, and so forth. 13297.wav|Why am I going wide-eyed when I see this 150 milligrams per kilogram of tyrosine? 13298.wav|And people stop, they quit, right? 13299.wav|There's a lot of literature that points to that as a healthy practice. 13300.wav|So even before we get the reward, there's an increase in dopamine. 13301.wav|So why do I train the neck? 13302.wav|But if you, for instance, find yourself cleaning up your house and also checking your phone and doing a number of things right at the point where you should be sitting down to write or do some focused work, it probably reflects some adaptive mechanism where you use action and somewhat varied multitasking action in order to generate adrenaline in your system, because adrenaline just gets you into action. 13303.wav|And I got sloppy with my timing. 13304.wav|But as you recall, just a few moments ago, I said that in order to engage in divergent thinking, you need to kind of kill off the narratives of what has to be related to what and come up with new narratives. 13305.wav|And believe it or not, methamphetamine is prescribed as a prescription drug in some very limited clinical uses. 13306.wav|They are present and active in adolescence and across that time, from conception until adolescence. 13307.wav|But if you care about colorblind folks, which I do, then we could all do them a service. 13308.wav|Or if you selectively increase the amount of dopamine from neurons projecting the prefrontal cortex, that you're able to selectively improve the elimination of distractors without improving task switching ability. 13309.wav|So thank you for joining me for this discussion of what I'm calling a foundational, yes, we could even get bold and call it an optimal fitness protocol. 13310.wav|And oftentimes those drugs will in fact suppress psychotic symptoms, auditory hallucinations, et cetera because they reduce dopamine. 13311.wav|We now know that to not be healthy in this age of abundance, where calories are essentially everywhere, and yet a lot of people feel anxious in anticipation of a meal. 13312.wav|There's only negotiating whether or not you persist, whether or not you pause, or whether or not you retreat. 13313.wav|Wonderful data, and I do say wonderful because it's part of a large scale consortium, and we will provide a link to the paper. 13314.wav|So again, I want to highlight the fact that MDMA is still illegal to possess or sell, and certainly to traffic. 13315.wav|And they would notice, they would smoke a cigarette, and then for the next five to 45 minutes, have heightened focus, and then it would start to drop off. 13316.wav|In winter, days are very, very short in Tromsø. 13317.wav|Okay, so now I'm assuming that most of you have tried to call to memory the final word of as many of those six sentences as you can. 13318.wav|Aren't these drugs just increasing serotonin? 13319.wav|Now, as we hear this, this should be intuitive to all of us. 13320.wav|And these tasks are the same ones used in various experiments. 13321.wav|Most of us are asleep at night and awake during the day. 13322.wav|I also described the key importance of being able to actually execute specific movements and cognitive tasks in the real world if you want the mental training and visualization to be especially effective. 13323.wav|The MAPS group is a group that's operating mainly out of Santa Cruz, California, but they have a number of different satellite laboratories and clinical groups, both in the US, in Canada, and abroad, where they've worked with government organizations to get legal authorization to give MDMA to patients who have PTSD, to also give them talk therapy, and then to compare the effects of talk therapy with MDMA to talk therapy with placebo alone. 13324.wav|Now, that might seem incredibly abstract, but the way to think about this is very similar to, for instance, you have touch receptors on your skin. 13325.wav|And then they tell you that you have to throw it away. 13326.wav|There are clear data pointing to negative health effects of cannabis use and THC use, which, again, is not to say that there are not positive effects on mood, anxiety, pain relief, et cetera. 13327.wav|If that's what they experience and they're taking a type one version of that, that means that it's quite rich in THC and very little CBD. 13328.wav|My example of a fish tank with wings on it is novel, but frankly, it's not very creative and it's not very interesting. 13329.wav|Halpern made, which was that from an evolutionary standpoint, it is advantageous to ingest as much food as often as possible, as quickly as possible. 13330.wav|This is a topic that's intrigued me for a very long time, because my undergraduate advisor, my graduate advisor, and my postdoc advisor had many things in common, including being great scientists, being kind people, and terrific mentors. 13331.wav|Which for me is about 12 hours after I've been awake or 14 hours after I've been awake, I will turn off that light pad and start to transition the lights in my environment to more yellows and reds. 13332.wav|Whereas if I look at something up close to me, like this pen or my phone or a computer screen or this microphone, it takes effort. 13333.wav|There are studies where they've done that. 13334.wav|Plus it seems to be offering the opportunity to extinguish and rewrite in or write in a new narrative associated with that trauma very quickly as well. 13335.wav|Neural circuits again take time to engage. 13336.wav|And that's a double inhale through the nose followed by a long exhale. 13337.wav|Now, of course, we can create broad categories, and we are going to talk about studies that create broad categories of low dose, moderate dose, and high dose, frequent use, and infrequent use. 13338.wav|Most of those do so by increasing transmission of dopamine or availability of dopamine, somehow changing dopamine levels in the brain by increasing them. 13339.wav|It's also involved in eye movements. 13340.wav|And we will do this in a structured way that will allow anyone, whether or not you consider yourself creative or not, to be able to apply these tools in different domains of life work, family, play, and on and on. 13341.wav|And this is where we can point to the so called Soberg principle. 13342.wav|Today's episode is also brought to us by Inside tracker. 13343.wav|Now, I'm somebody who doesn't like clutter. 13344.wav|Again, we'll provide a link, the first author is Keher, I think I'm pronouncing it correctly, although probably not K-J-A-E-R, at all. 13345.wav|There are two kinds of endogenous cannabinoid receptors, referred to as cb one and cb two. 13346.wav|It's pretty clear that if you're going to do lower repetitions and heavier weights, that you're going to want to do a bit more volume. 13347.wav|Regardless of the method that you used to quit smoking or vaping, snuffing or dipping, there's good evidence that a routine, maybe once a month or even once a week hypnosis type approach to replenish or even enhance the neural circuits that are allowing you to stay away from nicotine is going to be a very good idea. 13348.wav|That sort of thing does happen, certainly, but there are a whole other category of symptoms of PTSD, which include dissociative symptoms of PTSD. 13349.wav|And this is based on what I consider a very comprehensive review of many randomized control studies. 13350.wav|Now, I just briefly want to mention something that was covered again on the habits episode that I did a few weeks ago. 13351.wav|This is why I'm a big fan of things like cold showers and cold water exposure, which has been shown to lead to long lasting 2.5 x increases in dopamine, or in some cases supplementation with things like ltyrosine, which are precursors to dopamine, or in some cases caffeine, which can increase the number of dopamine receptors that we have, so that whatever dopamine we have floating around can be more effective in activating these motivational states. 13352.wav|I've talked about this on the podcast before and in the guest episode with Dr. 13353.wav|So now you have what at least I would like to think is a fairly complete understanding of the different varieties of cannabis, at least at a broad sweep, and the different biological effects that they can have, at least in terms of the major receptors and in retrograde signaling, et cetera, et cetera. 13354.wav|The threat response is quickening of the heart rate, quickening of the breathing. 13355.wav|And the reason I say that is that if you were to go back to the episode that I did on dopamine, or you were to go back to the episode that I did with Dr. 13356.wav|Those long chains or cascades of events have a lot of opportunity for regulation, for adjustment. 13357.wav|Now, the classic work on mental visualization really hinges on a number of different researchers and their work, but in particular, Roger Shepard, who did this work at Stanford, and Stephen Kosslyn, who's now at Harvard. 13358.wav|Because after all, these people are taken anywhere from 22 to 450 doses of ecstasy in their lifetime, is producing severe detriments in cognitive performance, and that simply does not appear to be the case. 13359.wav|Now, you'll notice I did not talk about cold showers. 13360.wav|In the case of zone two cardio, for me, it's about trying to stay alive for as long as I can. 13361.wav|And in the example of things like people surviving genocide or attaching stories of great victory to what were previously thought of as stories of great loss of time, of people, of any number of things, that process of narrative is one of the major ways that the human brain rewires itself. 13362.wav|There's nothing neuroscientifically unique about it, except for the fact that it's not just 21 days broken up into two day chunks. 13363.wav|And I want to emphasize that we do not share your email with anybody. 13364.wav|Again, thinking about creativity as a verb and divergent thinking involves taking some starting point, in this case, a pen, and then radiating out from that in a fairly unconstrained what biologists call a random walk, just kind of wandering through your thought space and memory space about what could be related to this pen. 13365.wav|It could be all out row. 13366.wav|And this phase one of our circadian cycle is when we are best at doing analytic detail type work. 13367.wav|Today's podcast is also brought to us by Inside Tracker. 13368.wav|So if you're interested in those toolkits and the neural network newsletter, again, that's available@hubermanlab.com. 13369.wav|There's a sense that something's about to happen. 13370.wav|Meaning by the end of today's episode, each and every one of you will have an array of excellent treatment options that you can choose from in order to address and provide relief from any of the different types of headache. 13371.wav|You can look this stuff up on YouTube if you want. 13372.wav|So one of the more famous examples of this that Dr. 13373.wav|I'm alert, but I'm calm. 13374.wav|And I think this particular aspect of our physiology is often overlooked in studies. 13375.wav|I guess we could technically say they are in the third person perspective, but they're watching themselves. 13376.wav|Why am I telling you this? 13377.wav|Again, you don't need the light pad. 13378.wav|And then it's not really about the dopamine that the nicotine evokes directly per se, but also about all the positive effects that that increased dopamine results in. 13379.wav|So I think the cathedral effect can be leveraged. 13380.wav|Here's another surprise. 13381.wav|What this does then, is it changes the whole nature of the sequence of neurons that are firing from bad habit through to the end of this newly applied good habit. 13382.wav|And some people are very health, excuse me, and some people are very averse to taking vitamins and minerals because they feel like they can get all that from healthy whole foods. 13383.wav|So if all these behaviors are terrible for essentially every aspect of our health, frankly, I mean, when you look at the literature, it's terrible for pregnant women, it's terrible for kids, it's terrible for older people, it's terrible for younger people. 13384.wav|Long term potentiation involves the strengthening of particular connections between neurons, the connection sites between neurons we call synapses. 13385.wav|In the experimental realm, these are referred to as go, meaning do or no go, don't do certain things. 13386.wav|Many people will jump out. 13387.wav|There's this notion of aura and we'll talk about aura in a little bit. 13388.wav|And indeed, just looking at a narrow piece of the visual world, a small piece of the visual world for some period of time, and forcing yourself to hold that gaze on that location as best you can, can increase your level of cognitive attention and your ability to focus and stay focused. 13389.wav|So each and every time you do them. 13390.wav|Until 06:00 a.m. 13391.wav|Yet also according to current research, creativity's main neural engine is divergent thinking, which relies on memory and logical association, two tasks at which young children underperform adults. 13392.wav|They will also remain in those cells for a long time. 13393.wav|These are neurons that constrict muscles, or excuse me, that cause contraction of muscles. 13394.wav|You feel really good in most cases, provided if you're me, you take a warm shower afterwards. 13395.wav|So, it's an interesting compound. 13396.wav|This is going to sound kind of weird, but ground squirrels actually signal one another by standing up outside and shining sunlight off each other's stomachs to each other, signaling at a distance, just like you could signal somebody with a mirror and sunlight at distance. 13397.wav|It requires just enough focus to be able to come up with new ideas, but you actually don't want to be overly focused. 13398.wav|I do want to emphasize that there have been very few, if any, studies of cold showers, and you can imagine why this would be the case in a laboratory. 13399.wav|Even if we didn't get a good night's sleep the night before, even if we're feeling distracted, even if we are not feeling like doing something emotionally, or if we are completely overwhelmed by other events. 13400.wav|Today, it's really simple. 13401.wav|Well, I want to refer you back to the metaanalysis that we talked about earlier, where the short duration, very cold temperature exposure after training did indeed reduce delayed onset muscle soreness, in part through reduction, excuse me, in creatine kinase. 13402.wav|But that's interoception. 13403.wav|So the point here is that if you suffer from photophobia with or without aura, using red lights and not simply dimming ordinary artificial lights or feeling that you have to turn off all lights entirely is going to be one relatively inexpensive, or I should say very inexpensive in some cases because these red lights can be found very inexpensively online, way to be able to continue with your daily activities at least in an indoor environment if you are suffering from photophobia. 13404.wav|Again, pure indica, and then you have hybrid varieties. 13405.wav|But right now, we're just talking about the visual system. 13406.wav|And that brings us back to the very first thing that we discussed today, along the lines of deliberate cold exposure, which is that your baseline temperature is going to be lowest about 2 hours before you wake up. 13407.wav|This working memory task involves me reading six different sentences to you, and your job is to pay attention to these six sentences because you're going to be asked some information about these sentences in a few moments. 13408.wav|But these intrinsically photosensitive retinal ganglion cells are also known to connect with other areas of the brain, many other areas of the brain in fact. 13409.wav|For instance, the consumption of foods that are high in L-tyrosine, such as aged Parmesan cheese, for instance, of all things, very, very high in L-tyrosine, the precursor to dopamine, certain foods. 13410.wav|Bistable images are somewhat similar, although different in the sense that they typically are simple silhouettes. 13411.wav|It probably has something to do with something unrelated to the eyes. 13412.wav|I also told you that you want to set goals that are challenging but possible. 13413.wav|Some people get wide eyed. 13414.wav|If you can't see sunlight because it's the thick cloud cover of, say, you're in the UK and it's winter, then artificial lights, especially blue lights, would be very beneficial to you. 13415.wav|So, this fourth component of fear is really our ability to attach narrative, to attach meaning, and to attach purpose to what is, by all accounts and purposes, a generic response. 13416.wav|In other words, getting outside for 2 hours a day each day on average, even if there's cloud Cover without Sunglasses on, will allow you to offset the formation of myopia. 13417.wav|I've decided to put a zero cost NSDR script out there on the Internet for people to access, so you can find it by going to YouTube and simply put my last name, Huberman and NSDR into the search function. 13418.wav|On Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn. 13419.wav|I mean, we could take any real world scenario of tying one's shoes while talking on the phone and we could micro analyze it in the context of this, but I think if you think about it just a little bit, you understand that in order to perform daily tasks, we need to be able to task switch and that's not always a start one task end, start a new task end. 13420.wav|It's called Reverie. 13421.wav|Now, the question is, when would you take it? 13422.wav|Again, I use sauna and ice bath, and I will do anywhere from three to five rounds, which is a lot, anywhere from three to five rounds of heat for about 20 minutes and cold for about five minutes. 13423.wav|And this is an important point because it brings us to this notion of homeostasis. 13424.wav|And on Friday, I'm going to do another cardiovascular training session. 13425.wav|That has to do with some of the neural circuits that are upstream of the muscles, and it has to do with a little bit of how the autonomic nervous system is arranged in terms of which receptors go where a topic and kind of rabbit hole of conversation far too deep for right now, at least in the context of this already somewhat detailed discussion of the effects of nicotine. 13426.wav|And on Apple, you have the opportunity to leave us up to a five star review. 13427.wav|However, it's apt to be, and in fact is an excellent tool for enhancing cognitive ability. 13428.wav|When nicotine makes it into the bloodstream, again, within two to 15 minutes of ingesting it, depending on the delivery device, your heart rate will increase, blood pressure will increase, and the contractability of the heart tissue will actually increase. 13429.wav|That's a small space compared to outside on a field. 13430.wav|The simple translation of this is that getting into cold water for a total of eleven minutes, perhaps more, but at least eleven minutes per week, divided into two or four sessions, can increase your core metabolism, in part by increasing your beige and brown fat stores. 13431.wav|We will do an entire episode all about trying to reverse the effects of cannabis and other drug use during adolescence. 13432.wav|Now, in order to develop the best mental training and visualization protocols for you, let's go a little bit deeper into what the research says about mental visualization. 13433.wav|What this is is a roadmap of where interventions can really make a difference. 13434.wav|For instance, GLP one levels go up, and those will drive you to seek out food and want food. 13435.wav|Remember, no light actually gets in past those neural retinas. 13436.wav|Simply says that dopamine is important for working memory. 13437.wav|So inside of this thing that we're building here, this kind of story, you create a novel rule for the world that your story is going to exist in, or your music is going to exist in, or your sport will exist in. 13438.wav|So for instance, bicycle accidents, playground accidents, construction accidents, and this is often forgotten. 13439.wav|It used to be considered higher prevalence in females than in males, but now those numbers seem to be evening out. 13440.wav|It does seem to increase the amount of ocular blood flow, so the blood supply to the eyes. 13441.wav|One little exposure to light, no big deal. 13442.wav|I know it is very solid, and it runs counter to what many of us have been taught. 13443.wav|And that's exactly what they observed in this study by Soberg at all. 13444.wav|I'll talk about exactly how that was done in a moment, and then to look at relief of PTSD symptoms, but also relief of some of the addictive symptoms that are commonly associated with PTSD. 13445.wav|Not just our self generated motion, but the motion of things around us. 13446.wav|Okay, if you don't know what those are, I'll explain. 13447.wav|But anything that involves very precise or detailed verbal recall, sitting or standing, seems to be the better option. 13448.wav|It's more about logical implementation and consideration, as opposed to thinking about and considering everything. 13449.wav|And please understand that your brain does not have sensory receptors. 13450.wav|So if you're mostly interested in endurance, I would say use a three to two ratio. 13451.wav|But let's just say that the fact that it exists as a prescription drug in its highest potency form, at least in my opinion, points to the potency of omega-3 fatty acids in dealing with analgesic effects, that is reducing pain and anti-inflammation, as well as some of the known cardiovascular improvements that are associated with increasing omega-3 fatty acid intake. 13452.wav|So if you are somebody who wants to get better at focusing, that is the meditation for you. 13453.wav|So there are neurons that release norepinephrine in response to cold directly into the fat. 13454.wav|Creativity is a way of interacting with the world or combining or recombining things in the world in a way that appears novel to us and to other people. 13455.wav|Clinical hypnosis is vastly different from that. 13456.wav|And for those of you that are aged between five and 25, all I can say is please learn to engage both divergent and convergent thinking as much as possible because you will enhance your ability for both. 13457.wav|And again, this was somewhat of a surprise to me. 13458.wav|And it is certainly happening a lot for people that think that they're buying MDMA. 13459.wav|And I just want to touch on a couple of the mechanisms by which aura and photophobia occur and mention just briefly a pretty well-established way that people can start to offset photophobia. 13460.wav|Whereas if you do sauna more often, there are certainly benefits to that, but it's time consuming and you need access to sauna more often than one day a week, if you're doing it more than one day a week. 13461.wav|You'll have to clearly identify what the long arching ultimate goal is. 13462.wav|And I won't go into all the details of this paper, but what's really cool about this paper is they looked with very rigorous statistics and they have a fair number of subjects. 13463.wav|It's an empathogen with stimulant properties, and it also has the serotonergic component that makes it an empathogen or an enactogen. 13464.wav|However, the other things I mentioned, sunlight exposure, exercise, cold exposure, caffeine fasting, if that's for you, or if you're eating during that phase, eating things that contain some or elevated levels of tyrosine, maybe supplementing GPC or ltyrosine, et cetera, all of those things further facilitate the neurochemistry and therefore the state of mind that's going to be ideal for leaning into limbic friction and overriding that limbic friction so that you can regularly perform that habit. 13465.wav|Again, I'm borrowing directly from the episode with Dr. Andy Galpin. 13466.wav|That's the ideal circumstance. 13467.wav|Now, I want to make sure that I'm emphasizing that I'm not in favor of people, in particular, young children, adolescents and teenagers, being bombarded with unrealistic imagery about bodies. 13468.wav|And it's interesting, the specific behavior was a health related behavior. 13469.wav|But we have to remember that our nervous system has a number of features. 13470.wav|Talked about the beautiful work of Emily Balcedes at New York University and her work on the use of the visual system to better achieve goals and indeed, things like visualization, and why forecasting failure can be more effective than forecasting success. 13471.wav|The use of cannabis in young populations is very strongly predisposing people to psychotic episodes, and we know the mechanism by which this occurs. 13472.wav|More often than not, if I'm not sleeping well, I've had a terrible night's sleep, the next day I will just skip training that day. 13473.wav|And at night, if you're sleeping with a lot of lights in the room, and especially if there are kids that need a nightlight, you should try and wean them off that nightlight because it's going to be beneficial for their vision to wean them off that nightlight and put them into a darker environment. 13474.wav|And you can probably already guess what the general results of this study are going to be. 13475.wav|We also started the premium channel as a way to generate support for exciting research being done at Stanford and elsewhere, research on human beings that leads to important discoveries that assist mental health, physical health, and performance. 13476.wav|And here I'm not saying that cannabis is always a bad idea for people. 13477.wav|This stuff has already passed through all the learning. 13478.wav|There's no evidence, at least as far as I'm aware, that the treatments for trauma should be any different. 13479.wav|And in this study by Adam Vogel and colleagues, they explored a huge different variety of aspects of speech. 13480.wav|What are you going to change in order to increase one or some of the various things I listed off before? 13481.wav|And therefore, what are the cells and circuits and thoughts, et cetera, required in order to be creative? 13482.wav|Really what you want is you want a situation where your own positive feedback, your own understanding that you are reaching the milestones that you've set out for yourself, that you're achieving those, and that is what's causing these waves or these increases in dopamine that will further amplify your motivational states. 13483.wav|And if the tide is not high enough, then that boat is going to be stranded on shore. 13484.wav|And there could be, because we obviously can't rule it out, there could be some other signatures of prior specific traumas that get passed on to offspring. 13485.wav|Just to give you a little hint of where we are going, I will mention a zero cost app that will deliver binaural beats at a particular frequency that peer reviewed research has shown can enhance certain types of learning and memory. 13486.wav|It's one that you're already familiar with. 13487.wav|If today you sense that we've been talking about studies of tapping fingers and stopping button presses and that those examples are highly artificial and don't really translate to the real world, well, keep in mind that the tasks that are used in these studies really target the specific neural circuits, that is the same neural circuits that you would use for the performance of essentially any motor task. 13488.wav|Everybody needs something different in terms of what to sleep on. 13489.wav|People who use cannabis chronically will often do the right, which is sort of the back of the throat. 13490.wav|One thing I should note about the Wednesday torso workout is that I am a big believer in training the what I believe is the highly avoided or at least overlooked, but vitally important aspect of total body stability, strength, and safety, really safety, which is the neck. 13491.wav|And for me, my week begins on Sunday. 13492.wav|There are, of course, others in the field, but it's really the work of Shepard and Kosslyn that lay the foundation for our understanding of what happens in the brain when we mentally visualize something. 13493.wav|They added ethical and rewarding, which, fortunately, are good things, I believe. 13494.wav|CGRP again is involved in this calcium regulation pathway and leads to vasodilation of the vessels and arteries and capillaries in a way that can create pain and this feeling of pressure inside the head, which can be very uncomfortable, of course. 13495.wav|So thinking about leaning into the effort, going out and doing that zone two cardio session, and I should think about how I'm going to feel after. 13496.wav|And that happens a lot in various households, as I'm sure you're familiar with. 13497.wav|There is also a literature on whether or not physical movement under your desk, meaning treadmilling, or in fact, there are now bicycles that allow people to pedal. 13498.wav|Cones are mainly responsible for daytime vision, and the rods are mainly responsible for vision at night or under low light conditions, generally speaking. 13499.wav|And then it becomes a question of whether or not you remain still, move forward, or retreat from that adrenaline experience. 13500.wav|So buprone isn't a kind of one size fits all or magic bullet for quitting smoking. 13501.wav|It is anything but a sheet in the wind. 13502.wav|Okay, so in the context of so called pavlovian conditioning, these things have names like conditioned stimulus and unconditional stimulus and responses. 13503.wav|I started taking AG1 way back in 2012. 13504.wav|And just to make what could otherwise be a somewhat complex section here, very simple, what I'll also tell you is that if you want to enhance convergent thinking, you can do that a number of ways, but you can do that in particular by doing a different type of meditation or thought process, which is called focused attention meditation. 13505.wav|I don't eat a lot of meat, but I eat meat about once a day. 13506.wav|Indeed, the title of the paper is "'Herbal Treatments for Migraine, "'A Systematic Review of Randomized Controlled Studies.'" And this was published in 2020. 13507.wav|This is actually what wakes us up in the middle of the night when we have to use the bathroom, is this circuit for alertness that goes from full bladder. 13508.wav|All you have to do is go to a restaurant and watch how people eat. 13509.wav|Monday is leg resistance training. 13510.wav|So much so that I often like to point to an anecdote of a very well known, Nobel Prize winning neuroscientist. 13511.wav|Okay, there's a fourth component, and I promise this is the last component that we need to put into this picture of the neural circuits for fear. 13512.wav|But nature is smart and has arranged a set of hormones and circuits in the brain and body such that when tending to a newborn is the most important thing, it relegates. 13513.wav|One of the other reasons why being indoors more tends to increase cold and flu transmission is that in the cold months of winter, when people are indoors, they tend to be not under air conditioning, not at neutral temperatures, but rather they tend to be in heated rooms. 13514.wav|Doesn't really matter what the disorder is. 13515.wav|You can do these short 15 minutes self hypnosis scripts, as they're called, that can teach you how to relax yourself. 13516.wav|So this could be while you're in the shower or when you arrive at your car, you might sit in your car quietly and do that if you have time, or maybe even while you're driving back to or onto your next destination, just to really slow down your breathing, to really look at the recovery period that has to follow each training session. 13517.wav|Long-term potentiation or LTP, as the acronym goes, is the strengthening of connections between neurons as a consequence of their repeated firing very closely together in time. 13518.wav|Before we continue with today's discussion, like to just briefly acknowledge our sponsor, athletic greens, now called ag one. 13519.wav|So this has two major implications. 13520.wav|However, this study came under a lot of scrutiny for a couple of reasons. 13521.wav|There are two main features of thinking that go into the sorts of habits that anorexics execute. 13522.wav|Who's to say if they're essential or not. 13523.wav|What I am very excited about, as you can probably tell, and what I think a lot of people in the psychology and psychiatry community are very excited about, you say the mental health community at large, is that these compounds that for many years were only associated with their recreational uses and therefore were not well understood because they were often contaminated or taken in combination with other things, or by people that never should have been taking them in the first place, taken by young kids, which is a whole other matter. 13524.wav|However, cigarette smoking and vaping are now known to dramatically decrease cognitive function. 13525.wav|So that's an important point, and I think a point that perhaps wasn't as clear or as clearly made by me in the previous episodes that discussed this topic. 13526.wav|Again, talk to your physician about the best approach for this, but then switching to a nasal spray or switching to nicotine gum for about a week, which is going to change the kinetics of that nicotine absorption into the bloodstream and change the release of dopamine and other neurochemicals within the brain. 13527.wav|You can find them certainly on apps like Waking Up, but also on YouTube, for instance, if you put NSDR and my last name, there's a 10 minute NSDR script there. 13528.wav|We'll ask you questions such as, do you tend to sleep on your back, your side, or your stomach? 13529.wav|The metabolism, meaning the activity of brain areas associated with stress and panic, goes way up. 13530.wav|So we'll talk about that and what that looks like and offer various protocols for you later in the episode. 13531.wav|And the interesting thing is, despite that fairly modest cold temperature, by simply extending the duration of time that people were in that water, they experienced enormous increases in neurochemicals. 13532.wav|And that's because the designers at Roca really understand the way the visual system works, how it habituates, how it adapts. 13533.wav|There's a smaller increase in dopamine. 13534.wav|The movements of the mouth, the movements of the hands, those are intimately related in terms of our speech. 13535.wav|Well, it turns out that coffee can cause either vasoconstriction or vasodilation, depending on when you take it. 13536.wav|And by that, I mean a positive flag, because once again, we are back into the world and therefore the neural circuits of movement and motion. 13537.wav|It's going to help you get better sleep, it's going to support mood and metabolism, et cetera. 13538.wav|Some people get them very often, other people get them less often, but migraines are very debilitating. 13539.wav|Subsequent to that, we will see there needs to be a strengthening of some new experience that's positive. 13540.wav|Why would I say open the window? 13541.wav|So I just want to briefly highlight some of what they saw or what they observed in this study. 13542.wav|This is blue reflections coming off of sunlight. 13543.wav|You pick up your phone. 13544.wav|But here again, we can implicate the hippocampus because the actual passage of short-term memories into long-term memories occurs in part within the hippocampus. 13545.wav|How is it that human beings, who have plenty of fat on reserve and plenty of glycogen in their liver, et cetera. 13546.wav|The second tool in protocol relates to the general, what I called arrow model of focus. 13547.wav|The way I've cast phase three is that you're supposed to be in this deep slumber. 13548.wav|But this would be analogous to zone two cardio, which I've discussed on this podcast before. 13549.wav|Second, get that screen up and try and put yourself into a posture for work that lends itself or promotes alertness, if indeed you want to be alert for that work. 13550.wav|They'll give you five free travel packs that make it really easy to mix up athletic greens while you're in the car or traveling by plane, et cetera. 13551.wav|Now, our visual system is exquisitely tuned to motion. 13552.wav|We are very habitual, and we tend to do things more or less over and over in the same way, unless we intervene in ourselves. 13553.wav|I'm not a morning exerciser. 13554.wav|And that's exactly the point, which is that convergent thinking, as I mentioned before, requires persistence, focus, and access to specific memories. 13555.wav|It was largely subjective. 13556.wav|But doing just a couple of minutes a day, like two minutes a day of flashing this red light into one eye and then the other, as long as it was early in the day before noontime, and as long as it was in individuals that were 40 years or older, did seem to have a significant effect in offsetting some of the age related macular degeneration that would otherwise occur. 13557.wav|And, of course, there are people in the general population who may not have hypoactive sexual desire disorder who are interested in using cannabis recreationally in order to increase their desire for, or their experience of sexual activity. 13558.wav|And the idea here is that not only are we supposed to have the reader or the listener or the observer or us explore for creativity and develop a creative idea by thinking differently, right? 13559.wav|And my friend said, well, of course, it's ingest fewer calories than you burn. 13560.wav|One time I was heading out for a hike with a friend of mine, he was a former SEAL team operator, I'll never forget this, and he said, oh yeah, I'll bring you a sack. 13561.wav|So today you're going to learn a lot of science. 13562.wav|I want to emphasize experimenting with. 13563.wav|Some people have died from those sorts of things. 13564.wav|I talked about this neat and nonexercise induced thermogenesis, where people who tend to be thin tend to bounce around a lot, they're kind of fidgety, and that burns thousands of calories a day, anywhere from 800 to 2000 calories a day. 13565.wav|Rather than think about it as a meditation, it's really just a perceptual exercise. 13566.wav|So task bracketing sets a neural imprint, a kind of a fingerprint in your brain of this thing has to happen at this particular time of day, so much so that it's reflexive. 13567.wav|And now I'd like to talk about how, what mood you are in when you happen to start a creative process or try and do a sort of training such as open monitoring meditation or focused meditation, how your mood relates to your level of dopamine at baseline, what we call your sort of tonic as it's called, meaning consistent or ongoing level of dopamine, how that dictates whether or not you are going to be better at one particular aspect of the creative process or another and how you can enhance your creativity in the very short term very quickly using tools that are known to trigger additional release of dopamine, which in some cases is good, and in some cases is bad, I should mention. 13568.wav|So we've completed the total arc across the week, and we can summarize it as saying Sunday is, let's just say long endurance. 13569.wav|So that's the main way that you do that. 13570.wav|And so when you actually show up to perform that habit, it's as if the dominoes fall more easily. 13571.wav|Again, Jeff Cavaliere has a terrific set of videos on training the neck properly. 13572.wav|Again, if you're interested, you can go to helixsleep.com huberman for up to $350 off and two free pillows. 13573.wav|So this is interesting, right? 13574.wav|That's the first step. 13575.wav|The things that you've probably heard a bit more about, about what sorts of goals are good, and how to set goals, and how to categorize goals. 13576.wav|Ah, well, here, there's some really interesting data, not just in the review that I mentioned, but in a couple of the other papers that we're going to talk about in a few minutes. 13577.wav|And in doing so, they increase or improve the health of the little tiny muscles within the eye that move the lens. 13578.wav|And those three elements are what's called world building. 13579.wav|So we're really drawing up the library and that library tends to be rather disorganized. 13580.wav|She's a colleague of mine who runs the dual diagnosis addiction clinic at Stanford. 13581.wav|Foliated means that lots of folds and lots of bumps and grooves back there, and actually means mini brain. 13582.wav|Oh, well, listen, if it makes you paranoid, you simply need to use more. 13583.wav|This is an article published in Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin in 2020. 13584.wav|But what's far more powerful is to observe that in that patient or that person, and then to see a change that's perhaps less dramatic. 13585.wav|Just understand that those different elements are involved in the decision making processes that lead us toward particular goals and have us update our goal seeking, et cetera. 13586.wav|But it didn't necessarily have to be that way, right? 13587.wav|Things like enhancing sleep and the depth of sleep or for enhancing focus and cognitive ability, or for enhancing energy or adjusting hormone levels to optimal range for you. 13588.wav|And I always say, if you're not going to get sufficient amounts of quality sleep for whatever reason, try and make it for a fun reason or a good reason. 13589.wav|They also have to raise young, et cetera. 13590.wav|And the idea or the sensation in your brain and body that you actually want to leave that environment and go warm up. 13591.wav|Well, it turns out that there are neural circuits that link your visual system and focusing on a particular point with that top number, the systolic blood pressure. 13592.wav|MDMA has some very interesting properties. 13593.wav|But right now I'm just going to give you a course overview of that in about 60 to 120 seconds so that you'll understand when hormonal headaches are most likely to take place. 13594.wav|It involves a common set of neural circuits. 13595.wav|And the amygdala, despite getting this reputation as just being a fear center or a threat detection center, is actually part of a much larger set of networks that include inputs from the hippocampus, an area of the brain that's involved in memory formation and storage. 13596.wav|But under those conditions, you really also want to have a fast reaction time, a low latency for muscle activation, so that you can make coordinated muscle movements in the ways that you need to, which is, of course, what's required of physical endeavors. 13597.wav|And I'll do that for anywhere from eight to 12 rounds, which trust me, even if you start out a little bit less or I should say not all out intensity or effort, by time you hit the fifth or sixth one, you will be certainly headed into, if not near your maximum heart rate. 13598.wav|So dopamine is powerful, and you can access more dopamine around even habits that you haven't yet formed by taking this broader time envelope and task bracketing that specific task execution or habit execution. 13599.wav|But if you give the tone or the bell over and over, and there's no foot shock, there's no pain. 13600.wav|And the neuromodulator dopamine is largely responsible for that feeling of craving, pursuit and reward. 13601.wav|So this was a really underground kind of operation. 13602.wav|Those intervening forces are homeostatic processes called by some processes, same thing, homeostatic processes that regulate the balance of different systems in your body, hot and cold, awake or asleep, dopamine and the desire to pursue things, serotonin and the desire to just relax and chill. 13603.wav|But let me give you some examples of where this guessing is happening right now and is so incredible that to this day, this still blows my mind. 13604.wav|I'll just give you an example from my life. 13605.wav|It no longer feels like it's in their body and in their mind or on loop or on repeat, in a way that's invasive, in a way that interferes with other aspects of normal functioning. 13606.wav|And frankly, as a neuroscientist, I know and every other neuroscientist knows that there is no neural circuit or chemical in the brain for being smart. 13607.wav|You simply try and maintain the ones that you've built in that first 21 days. 13608.wav|And indeed, there's a study that has looked at how people will invest in exercise and healthy eating if they just think about the future and what they might be like in the future, versus seeing images of themselves in the future if they were to go down a healthy or unhealthy route. 13609.wav|And then it also raises a really important point, which I haven't mentioned yet in this episode, which is the role of oxytocin, something that many of you have perhaps heard of. 13610.wav|They're called retinal ganglion cells. 13611.wav|It tends to originate behind the eye and sometimes the nose region, sometimes in the mouth region as well. 13612.wav|Vaping tobacco, yes, vaping tobacco or vaping cannabis, each and all have negative health consequences on the lungs and on the so called endothelial cells of the body, the cells that make up the vasculature, the capillaries and blood vessels. 13613.wav|What I'm saying is that the person who starves themselves to the point where they might die, and in some cases, sadly, do die, they can know perfectly well that their behavior is leading to bad outcomes and possibly even death, and yet they are not able to intervene unless they get particular clinical help. 13614.wav|But I can tell you right now, we don't share your email with any vendors or any other sources. 13615.wav|This has been measured over and over again. 13616.wav|And yet, if you look at human evolution, you look at our progression in terms of technology development and culture and music and poetry, et cetera, we really can look to creativity as the state that fostered so much of that evolution. 13617.wav|Now, in keeping with the theme of how to enhance our creativity, there's a very exciting and yet parallel literature to the literature that I've been describing thus far. 13618.wav|Depending on time of day, how well rested you are, how stressed you are, how happy you are, the default mode network will take you through a journey of different types of thoughts, different types of feelings, et cetera. 13619.wav|You can't lie to yourself, or you're welcome to lie to yourself. 13620.wav|Some people suffer from poor eyesight simply because their eyes get dry. 13621.wav|Now, you wouldn't want it on the ceiling necessarily, although that would be pretty cool. 13622.wav|Or you may hear an acoustic version of what's normally an electric guitar song or electrical song or vice versa. 13623.wav|Again, that's Huberman Lab on all social media platforms. 13624.wav|This is extremely important because if you are in the process of building habits and consolidating those habits, then it's probably going to take more limbic friction to execute those habits. 13625.wav|And there are some really good data on, and that's lutein. 13626.wav|I mean, let's face it, if you almost get hit by a car and your heart rate is 140 beats per second, and that lasts for a little while and you're kind of stressed out and you don't get the best night's sleep, that's pretty normal, that means you have a healthy fear system. 13627.wav|You might think, well, if covering one eye leads to poor vision for that eye, after that eye is open, covering both eyes will probably make you blind, right? 13628.wav|And this is why smoking tobacco, or vaping tobacco, simply by heating it up, allows the nicotine to be liberated and go into the bloodstream simply by inhaling it into the lungs. 13629.wav|It's totally zero cost. 13630.wav|In other words, it's a protocol that's really gleaned from the scientific literature and the experts that is for you. 13631.wav|And there is some evidence that some of those new neurons are added to the hippocampus. 13632.wav|They can last anywhere from 30 minutes to three hours. 13633.wav|You probably know more about prefrontal cortex than you ever wanted to, just from this episode. 13634.wav|Nicotine replacement can be used in a similar way, but in a benevolent way, in order to help you get over smoking or vaping. 13635.wav|These are journals that are peer reviewed by experts. 13636.wav|We've been talking about the brain networks, et cetera. 13637.wav|Your insula is doing it for you. 13638.wav|But I want to make sure that I really nail home the importance of this for everybody. 13639.wav|We can get it from the sun. 13640.wav|What are we really talking about here? 13641.wav|I'd like to just briefly recap what I've covered up until now, and again emphasize that much of what I've covered has been based on the beautiful work of Emily Balcettis and colleagues. 13642.wav|So think of it kind of like an old fashioned switchboard or you could think of it sort of like in an airport, you go to a particular wing of the airport, then you go to a particular gate and so on. 13643.wav|If you want to check out the supplements mentioned in today's and in other episodes of the Huberman Lab Podcast, supplements that are aimed at enhancing sleep, enhancing focus, hormone support, et cetera, you can go to Live Momentous, spelled O-U-S. 13644.wav|Not a lot, but nonetheless vasodilation. 13645.wav|That's why people can put tobacco in their mouth, and a certain amount of nicotine makes it into the bloodstream. 13646.wav|Okay, I've given a number of different examples that hopefully make this clear. 13647.wav|They allow muscle to be put on. 13648.wav|So she would acknowledge my presence, but she wouldn't actually orient her body toward me, which told me that this conversation was not going to last very long. 13649.wav|In one case, in the other case, it's just a reduction in omega-6s, and you're using other food types and macronutrients to offset that reduction in calories caused by reducing omega-6s. 13650.wav|Again, if your main goal is to achieve hypertrophy or strength, or some combination of those, probably best to avoid cold water immersion up to the neck or ice bath immersion up to the neck immediately after strength and hypertrophy training, and extending out to about 4 hours after that training. 13651.wav|Likewise, chemical effects. 13652.wav|All of those get shut down when the so called threat reflex gets activated. 13653.wav|Someone has taken MDMA one time or four times or 200 times. 13654.wav|So the year supply of vitamin D three also has k two, which is important for cardiovascular function, for calcium regulation. 13655.wav|You might be surprised, but for every 30 minutes of focused work, you probably want to look up every once in a while and just try and relax your face and eye muscles, including your jaw muscles, because all these things are closely linked in the brain stem and allow your eyes to go into a so called panoramic vision, where you're just not really focusing on anything and then refocus on your work. 13656.wav|So we could do the world shift, that is the world structure shift from step one. 13657.wav|Now, if you're somebody who can't do mental visualization, in fact, if you're somebody who has full-blown aphantasia or the inability to mentally visualize, well, then it's especially important that you make those mental trainings and visualizations really brief and very, very simple. 13658.wav|And the way that nicotine accomplishes those increases in alertness and arousal and energy within the brain is by triggering the release of norepinephrine from a little cluster of neurons in the back of the brain called locus ceruleus. 13659.wav|They are quite beneficial for a number of reasons, not just related to execution of particular habits in phase two of the day, but also for improving quality of sleep and consolidating any learning that you might have triggered early in the day. 13660.wav|And I'll see you next time. 13661.wav|However, as we'll talk about in a moment, there are a few types of environments to really avoid and a few types of sounds that really can enhance the cognition and your ability to focus in your workspace environment across the board that really seem to work for all people. 13662.wav|Get outside, look at a horizon, or do nothing. 13663.wav|You can think about focus on any goal or any endeavor as an arrow. 13664.wav|And when you see those two faces looking at one another, you can't see the vases at the same time. 13665.wav|Creatine can be stored in muscles as we talked about before, but creatine, and in particular, the phosphorylated form of creatine, which is the readily available fuel source form of creatine can also be stored in brain tissue. 13666.wav|What the chemical milieu of MDMA seems to be doing is creating an opportunity for all that to happen very fast, without the need for many repetitions of the original trauma and reliving of the original trauma, probably because the reliving of it inside of one of these MDMA sessions is very acute, very intense. 13667.wav|Because even for those of you that are pretty shiver resistant, you will find that it is much, much harder to get out of that cold water and stand their arms extended and drying off by evaporation, which further draws heat from the body than it is to wrap yourself in a towel, get in a warm shower or a sauna. 13668.wav|This occurs by a thinning of the so called gray matter, and it's called gray matter because with neurons, nerve cells. 13669.wav|If you haven't seen the movies without limits or Prefontaine, you should absolutely see those. 13670.wav|I recommend that you get at least eleven minutes total per week. 13671.wav|Smooth pursuit is our ability to track individual objects moving, as the name suggests, smoothly through space in various trajectories. 13672.wav|Why and how would they do that? 13673.wav|Those aren't always the same thing, but in the case of cannabis, again here, I'm using cannabis as a kind of umbrella term for THC and CBD. 13674.wav|And so it's taking a somewhat different approach of trying to extinguish the bad feelings in body and mind associated with an experience by reducing the physiological response. 13675.wav|And so I find it remarkable and indeed important to know that these palm C neurons are actually inhibiting the opening and the movement of the mouth for chewing. 13676.wav|So Wednesday, I train torso and I do that in push-pull fashion just for kind of time efficiency. 13677.wav|And as a consequence, I do intend to do an entire episode at some point on narrative and storytelling and the role of narrative and storytelling, not just for sake of creativity, but also for accessing neuroplasticity and for enhancing memory and so on. 13678.wav|So reward prediction error, quite simply, is if you expect a reward and the reward comes a particular behavior that was associated with generating that reward is more likely to occur. 13679.wav|If you'd like to support us on Patreon, we have a Patreon account. 13680.wav|Nonetheless, divergent thinking is the critical element for initiating the creative process. 13681.wav|So I welcome you to take a look at the paper, and if any of you know more about if and how a particular subgroup within the lds community is allowed to take MDMA, perhaps you want to put those in the comment section on YouTube. 13682.wav|If you really want to get nerdy about this, there is a free app called light meter where you can start measuring how many lux, how many photons are in a given environment. 13683.wav|So you might hear about a normal blood pressure being about. 13684.wav|But if you miss a day, just go back to doing it. 13685.wav|I mean, we can think that we are hot on the heels of a lifetime goal and everything's going well, and then there'll be some crisis, interpersonal crisis, or there'll be a health crisis and you'll be shut down. 13686.wav|They're not focused so much on the extrapersonal space. 13687.wav|We talked about the insula a few minutes ago. 13688.wav|In this study, they had people either ingest a diet that had increased omega-3s, so increased EPA and DHA, or increased EPA and DHA and reduced amounts of linoleic acid, okay? 13689.wav|The low dose range was about 12 grams of anostatol. 13690.wav|Rather, your working memory was able to work with that information, hold it in mind for just as long as you thought you needed to know that information. 13691.wav|It turns out it's the ones that do the physical training for 10 hours per week. 13692.wav|Some people ingest or smoke sativa varieties, and regardless of whether or not it's a type one, type two, or type three variety. 13693.wav|One set of groups trying to establish the toxicity of MDMA so that it does not become legal again, and another group trying to establish the utility and the lack of toxicity in MDMA so that it does become legal again for the treatment of PTSD. 13694.wav|I benefit from that. 13695.wav|And fortunately, there are also zero cost and low cost behavioral, supplement-based, and prescription drug approaches to improving this incredible thing we call working memory. 13696.wav|And when you compare the magnitude of the effect, even though this wasn't an enormous number of subjects, you compare the magnitude of the effect in a paper like this or similar papers on these essential oils to the impact of non-steroid anti-inflammatory drugs, and they really hold their own, and in some cases exceed the positive impact of anti-inflammatory drugs. 13697.wav|It's not just an issue of raising the levels of one neurochemical. 13698.wav|What you would find is that if you stimulate neurons in one end of the insula, the person will say, oh, you know, I feel something going on in my gut and on my left side. 13699.wav|Now, of course, in people that are very old, they have challenges moving objects and their limbs in very smooth ways. 13700.wav|And in both of the brain and body there are these so called nicotinic acetylcholine receptors. 13701.wav|What we would find is a line that would kind of squiggle a bit. 13702.wav|In fact, if you fall into the low working memory span group, there are actually some terrific tools that you can use to improve dopamine transmission in those pathways and improve your working memory. 13703.wav|And again, if you have specific questions about dopamine or any other topic for that matter, if you go to HubermanLab.com, that website has been engineered so that you can put one word such as dopamine, but also multiple keywords. 13704.wav|So during today's discussion, we will talk about what MDMA really is, how it works at the level of neurons, which brain circuits it activates and deactivates. 13705.wav|What I mean is an increase in the sympathetic activity of the sympathetic arm of the autonomic nervous system, which is a real mouthful and mindful of ideas. 13706.wav|I do not recommend doing that recreationally. 13707.wav|Many of you have heard of the opioid crisis, which is a crisis of prescription medication given out too broadly for people that don't need it, who become addicted to opioids. 13708.wav|But under certain conditions, the postsynaptic neuron itself releases a chemical, and that chemical goes backward. 13709.wav|It's Huberman Lab, and there I teach neuroscience and neuroscience related tools. 13710.wav|I don't really have to think about having too many pairs of sunglasses or eyeglasses. 13711.wav|This is an absolutely brilliant consequence of our nature and our design. 13712.wav|I've actually done one of these experiments, I'm fortunate to not be anorexic, but I've done some work with the VR lab over there. 13713.wav|You want this lens mechanism to be very elastic. 13714.wav|We of course need minerals and we do need a healthy gut microbiome and probiotics support a healthy gut microbiome. 13715.wav|Now, first of all, the changes in speech shouldn't surprise us at all, because both sativa varieties of cannabis and indica varieties of cannabis impact those brain centers involved in movement. 13716.wav|And the body is informing the brain all the time about the status of the body and whether or not it needs more food or not. 13717.wav|Okay, now you in your own head can try and recite back those letters if you like. 13718.wav|In fact, we'll talk about data in a little bit where people have had their brains imaged while under the influence of MDMA. 13719.wav|You don't necessarily have to include this step, but mental training and visualization is going to be more effective if you do, because with consciously generated eye movements, again, even behind closed eyelids, you are bringing about more of the neural circuitry that one would experience if you were to perform that particular cognitive task or motor task in the real world, which, as I mentioned before in principle number three, you need to be doing anyway, separately from your mental training and visualization. 13720.wav|And if you enter the thorn site through that portal, you can get 20% off any of the supplements that Thorne makes. 13721.wav|In terms of strength training, they've looked at the capacity to perform sets of dips. 13722.wav|And if you're interested in looking at the cognitive performance data that authors are Banbury and Berry 2005, that paper is the one that supports the fact that cognitive performance is worse when there's just the of an air conditioner in the background, or the of a heater and otherwise complete silence. 13723.wav|They're agreeing to participate in these particular experiments. 13724.wav|Okay, now a third string of letters, this one's going to be a little bit longer. 13725.wav|And so if we kind of plug that general notion of dissociation and ketamine induced dissociation into the circuit that we talked about before, where we have this threat reflex involving the amygdala, these outputs for freezing or for reward and the accumbens, and we've got this prefrontal narrative coming down as top down processing. 13726.wav|So that's itself very impressive, I must say, surprising for me, kind of put me in my place as somebody who thought, oh, essential oils is going to be like, okay, but it actually seemed to really hold some merit. 13727.wav|And what they cite as the basis for narrative theory is this breakthrough finding in the 1950s. 13728.wav|Now, with that said, a little bit later, I'll explain what happens if you have to miss a workout and how you can combine days, et cetera. 13729.wav|And you might ask, do you have to continue to perform the mental training and visualization forever? 13730.wav|And not just one kind of headache, but multiple types of headaches. 13731.wav|A really wonderful paper and of course, but just one of Matthew and Robert Stickgold's incredible papers on sleep and learning. 13732.wav|And again, I'm using car accident as a general example or a generic example here. 13733.wav|And there are a number of other things that one can do. 13734.wav|But you're going to try and hold your visual attention there. 13735.wav|Well, in this particular study, because they had a mouse that lacked Bmal, the gene was knocked out. 13736.wav|And I'd say, how many different things can you think about based on this picture that you see of somebody running? 13737.wav|And the end point we're talking about today is creativity. 13738.wav|And it turns out that by literally fidgeting and bouncing around like, this is why I'm doing this, it looks ridiculous. 13739.wav|He's actually collaborated with Dr. 13740.wav|Well, you can put it on Wednesday, just make sure that if you're going to do the cold stimulus that you don't do it too close, not within four, ideally eight hours after the training of torso, but you could do it before, or you could do it just heat and skip the cold that particular week, right? 13741.wav|So what this means is if you want to increase your metabolism, end on cold. 13742.wav|Reexposure to a given traumatic event in an attempt to extinguish that. 13743.wav|But at some point there's the requirement to cross off things. 13744.wav|The other aspect of divergent thinking that's really important to understand is that the selection criteria are extremely vague and vast. 13745.wav|They go through a lot of elaborate procedures to kind of hide food. 13746.wav|And again, just cooling off the back of your neck or the top of your head or your torso with a towel is going to be the least efficient way to lower core body temperature and might even increase body temperature under certain conditions. 13747.wav|They'd have people hit the ball off a t, but they had to direct that hit toward a ball atop another t. 13748.wav|We will also talk about the frequency of use, daily use, multiple times per day use, weekly use, or monthly or occasional use. 13749.wav|The goal of any habit that we want to form is to get into what's called automaticity. 13750.wav|Okay, so most kids are in school five days a week or so, so they're spending 11 hours a week outdoors. 13751.wav|But there are two main pathways. 13752.wav|There's a weakening of connections between the amygdala and the insula, and that scales very directly with the relief of symptoms from PTSD. 13753.wav|So now we are going to shift back to the neuroscience, and we're going to talk about the practical applications of the information I just described, because I've given you a lot of kind of academic information. 13754.wav|And if indeed you want to continue to add new habits or you find that certain habits that you weren't able to embed in your nervous system and make reflexive, you want to then bring those in. 13755.wav|I use ketone IQ to increase my blood ketones prior to doing preparation for podcasts or writing grants or doing research, as well as prior to workouts, especially if I want to work out fasted, I'll take some ketone IQ to increase my blood ketones, which gives me a lot of energy during workouts or during bouts of cognitive work, even if I haven't eaten in the preceding hours. 13756.wav|The next type of headache is cluster headaches. 13757.wav|And I think the logical, the safe thing to do would be to start with the minimal effective dose. 13758.wav|You need to sequence things properly, but you don't want to commit your long-term or even your short-term memory stores to carrying out that sequence. 13759.wav|Fitness and fitness protocols are tremendously powerful for developing all of that. 13760.wav|The data are looking promising, but the clinical trials are still not done. 13761.wav|And this is an emerging literature in neuroscience that is really a beautiful one because it's a very conserved biology. 13762.wav|I suppose if you didn't have access to any equipment and running is not your thing, one thing that I have done, especially if I've been stuck in a hotel because I arrived late someplace and I really want to get this workout in, you could do the dreaded burpee. 13763.wav|Sometimes it's more of a sawtooth. 13764.wav|When we hear that something's too easy to recruit our action, what do we mean? 13765.wav|All of those show significant improvements in task performance. 13766.wav|In fact, you hardly ever remember that they're on your face. 13767.wav|And I do believe that knowledge of knowledge can be very valuable in navigating any topic and improving our thoughts and behaviors around that topic. 13768.wav|In fact, L-DOPA is often prescribed for Parkinson's patients as a means to increase their dopamine levels. 13769.wav|You have a pipe with a lot of very viscous meaning very kind of sticky, thick stuff moving through it. 13770.wav|Mental training and visualization is a fascinating process that has been shown over and over again in now hundreds of studies to improve our ability to learn anything. 13771.wav|I think that's a little bit overkill. 13772.wav|Try and stand for at least half of your workday. 13773.wav|So you want to brightly light your work environment during that first phase again, from the time you wake up, try and get sunlight. 13774.wav|We talked a lot about this notion of limbic friction, and we talked about context dependence. 13775.wav|But the principle is what's important here. 13776.wav|Well, vision starts with the eyes. 13777.wav|And the wake up time of 07:00 a.m. 13778.wav|This is true of pretty much every night of your life, right? 13779.wav|And for some people, it might occur somewhere around 26. 13780.wav|Sometimes they over ingest alcohol during these binges. 13781.wav|Again, you can find that at hubermanlab.com. 13782.wav|There's literally a hypertrophy of the imagery, and likewise, there's been hypertrophy of the female body shape as it's portrayed in the media. 13783.wav|Now, why am I making this distinction? 13784.wav|A randomized comparison of cognitive and typing performance between rest, cycling and treadmill active workstations. 13785.wav|Let me give you the example of Banksy. 13786.wav|It's actually a hyper constriction of the vasculature in the brain caused by the ingestion of the pepper, an inflammatory response. 13787.wav|Sometimes you can press buttons to select choices and so forth, but you can't really eat within those things. 13788.wav|Now, none of us, including myself, want to be harsh or cruel or shut off from the world. 13789.wav|The technical name for it is delta nine tetrahydrocannabinol. 13790.wav|So it's basically right behind your nose and over the roof of your mouth. 13791.wav|And I happen to really like the way it tastes. 13792.wav|And what you find is that they don't want to eat, they essentially become anorexic, meaning they don't want to ingest food. 13793.wav|Again, this has to be done with the appropriate support. 13794.wav|And the sixth and final sentence is, football can mean different sports depending on the country. 13795.wav|I consider that book to be the best book in terms of describing what trauma is and isn't and how it leads to PTSD. 13796.wav|But their habits are disrupted, so they're not even consciously aware of the fact that they're making terrible, and in some cases, very dangerous food choices. 13797.wav|The first wall is getting in, the second wall will arrive when it arrives, and the third wall will arrives when it arrives. 13798.wav|So when human subjects came into a laboratory, didn't take any drug, no bromocriptine yet. 13799.wav|When you make errors well, in the immediate seconds and minutes after those errors, you are in a better position to learn. 13800.wav|She has both yoga nidra and NSDR scripts of various durations of anywhere from eight minutes all the way out to, I believe, 45 minutes. 13801.wav|So one group did 15 minutes of jogging at moderate intensity, which I'm translating to roughly zone two cardio. 13802.wav|So everything is pointed toward creating more readiness to move, more readiness to think. 13803.wav|Now, this is a very complex literature. 13804.wav|Not everybody is going to be willing to have this wire inserted into the brain, but for people that suffer from binge eating disorder, this is a great and very exciting potential treatment, because what I didn't tell you is that many people who have binge eating disorder are obese to the point where their health is greatly at risk. 13805.wav|Again, that's eightsleep.com slash Huberman to save $150 at checkout. 13806.wav|But for those of you that don't, maybe you come up with a narrative, for instance, in the context of storytelling that in your world, we are the house cats and the cats are actually the ones that are the curators of the earth. 13807.wav|And this is the circuit that is disrupted in kids that have bedwetting issues. 13808.wav|They're probably also involved in bringing growth factors and blood supply to the muscles and to the neurons that are responsible for this focusing mechanism within the eye. 13809.wav|First author, Adam Vogel. 13810.wav|And again, that's all mediated through this mesolimbic reward pathway involving the ventral tegmental area and the nucleus accumbens. 13811.wav|If you'd like to see the supplements discussed on the Huberman Lab podcast, you can go to live momentous spelled O-U-S. 13812.wav|Deliberate cold exposure, there's always some risk getting into water, cold water. 13813.wav|We have to ask ourselves how that was accomplished. 13814.wav|And in the second half of the day, even if you're humming around and doing work at three and four or five or even 07:00 p.m. 13815.wav|This accomplishes a number of things. 13816.wav|That's an unexpected dopamine reward that will further amplify the system. 13817.wav|However, there is a strong genetic component for anorexia. 13818.wav|They tend to support this serotonergic or high serotonin like state and lend themselves to more calm and relaxation. 13819.wav|And the salience network has one main job, which is to pay attention to what's most interesting either in the world or inside us in terms of feelings or experiences. 13820.wav|And the general conclusion of these studies is that curcumin when taken at dosages of about 80 milligrams, although for those of you very sensitive to curcumin, probably as low as 25 or even 50 milligrams per day in conjunction with, although not necessarily at the same time, but taken daily alongside omega-3 fatty acids at two and a half grams per day, led to significant improvements in migraine and other forms of headache, meaning both the frequency and the intensity of the headaches that occurred was greatly reduced. 13821.wav|Doesn't have to be that sparse. 13822.wav|Another circuit within the basal ganglia is a no go circuit. 13823.wav|One of the ways to remember the distinction between the effects of cannabis sativa and cannabis indica was relayed to me by a friend who actually was a chronic meaning, every day, all day consumer of marijuana. 13824.wav|So you have one on the right side of your brain and one on the left side of your brain. 13825.wav|You're not going to throw in six more habits that you want to learn. 13826.wav|If you don't have access to a low ceiling environment, you might consider using a brimmed hat, or even a hoodie, or even just facing down, or even putting your hand above your eyes, as you will, at the level of your eyebrows. 13827.wav|Well, you can't keep them in the laboratory all the time, so you have to rely on their self report of how often they use cannabis and in what form, and you can't really control from one individual to the next of how much cannabis and THC they're bringing into their system. 13828.wav|So, for instance, a pit viper senses heat emissions. 13829.wav|Later we will talk about body dysmorphia and some of the images that are present in media and social media, and how those are impacting other forms of eating disorders. 13830.wav|It's an augment. 13831.wav|I have other things here, pens and computer, et cetera. 13832.wav|You didn't necessarily even think, oh, I'm going to scratch that. 13833.wav|I'd like to just take a brief moment and thank one of our podcast sponsors, which is InsideTracker. 13834.wav|And in doing so, set up this task bracketing system so that the individual habits that you're learning or that you're trying to learn have a much greater probability of being executed and consolidated, meaning that pretty soon they will just naturally become reflexive. 13835.wav|So you can see that in these so called maps studies, these clinical trials for PTSD, the conditions are very similar except for the inclusion of the drug MDMA. 13836.wav|I know many people are using and benefit from intermittent fasting, however, and so it certainly can be combined with deliberate cold exposures in order to get even greater increases in norepinephrine and epinephrine. 13837.wav|Well, this is more of a memory for future plans or ideas and planning for things that are to come. 13838.wav|For those of you that don't, you can tune out for this. 13839.wav|When I wake up, I like to hydrate right away. 13840.wav|If you'd like to try Element, you can go to drink element, that's lmnt.com slash Huberman and you'll get a free Element sample pack with your purchase. 13841.wav|Most people will find when you're doing a lot of small muscle groups, it actually takes longer because you have to go around to more exercises. 13842.wav|So I'll throw on the weight vest and I'll head out for a walk with them or a hike with them, or sometimes I'll go out on a long hike with the weight vest myself. 13843.wav|The effects on prolactin, meaning elevated prolactin, the effects on testosterone, meaning at least most studies point to reduced levels of testosterone and increased estrogen. 13844.wav|So how are hunger and feeding and satiety regulated by way of mechanical and chemical signaling? 13845.wav|I haven't completely tossed out my old protocol, but I'm experimenting with eating proteins early in the day and eating lunch and then dinner might be a light supper of some sort, but not so much protein later in the evening. 13846.wav|That might actually be damaging to the auditory system and at the very least is kind of stressful, even though you might not notice it. 13847.wav|Basically the takeaway of this study is that for people experiencing headache, dizziness, and fatigue due to TBI and perhaps, and I want to underline perhaps because it hasn't really been explored yet, but perhaps headache, dizziness, and fatigue due to other conditions, symptoms, or causes of headache creatine monohydrate supplementation might be, again, might be an excellent candidate for people to try. 13848.wav|And when I say unique, I mean unique from drugs like psilocybin and LSD and ketamine and from methamphetamine, for that matter. 13849.wav|Again, I'm not a clinician, so I don't want to give you protocols or enforce protocols on anybody. 13850.wav|But then there also seems to be an automatic or kind of built in relearning of a new narrative and new set of experiences, which is the next step that we described earlier. 13851.wav|You move from a really bright area into a dimly lit area, and you have to take the eyeglasses off. 13852.wav|Last author, Alexander Francis. 13853.wav|So that's how Botox is used to treat headaches and is a very effective treatment at that. 13854.wav|But most goals of the sort that most people are pursuing, fitness goals, academic goals, business goals, relationship goals, et cetera, involve some milestones. 13855.wav|And there the use of caffeine at appropriate dosages and dosages for caffeine that are safe and in fact performance enhancing were covered in the episode on caffeine. 13856.wav|And if you'd like to see what the sort of flavor of those newsletters is, the previous newsletters for instance, one on tools for sleep that I mentioned earlier, or tools for neuroplasticity in the classroom and outside the classroom as well for teachers and for students of various kinds. 13857.wav|That's associated with an enzymatic pathway and some other things that relate to blood coagulation. 13858.wav|The other thing that the methamphetamine component of MDMA does, just like methamphetamine, is that it actually gets into what we call the presynaptic neuron, the neuron that releases the dopamine, and it interferes with the repackaging of dopamine into those vesicles. 13859.wav|This kind of thing very much like sets and reps in the gym. 13860.wav|You're lying down, you're standing up. 13861.wav|So they controlled for total caloric intake in a way that I find particularly useful for looking at these kind of data. 13862.wav|I mean, that number, 15%, still has me dizzy with kind of disbelief. 13863.wav|And that's because their motor movements are not very well coordinated at that age. 13864.wav|And the just so story about this is that these are the sorts of eye movements that we do when we are ambulating, moving through space through some sort of self generated motion. 13865.wav|Now, we did not look at stress and trauma in that condition. 13866.wav|I'm pulling some phrases directly from the paper. 13867.wav|So these massive increases in growth hormone are seen when you are doing these sessions of sauna that are repeated on the same day. 13868.wav|The title of this paper is novel application of chemical cold packs for treatment of exercise induced hyperthermia, a randomized control trial. 13869.wav|And while this might sound like a discussion that's purely oriented towards recreational use of cannabis, that is, people using cannabis to heighten or increase their sense of arousal for sexual activity, it actually ventures into the clinical realm, too, meaning there have been excellent peer reviewed studies that I'll describe to you in a moment, exploring the use of cannabis, or THC, more specifically for something called hypoactive sexual desire disorder, which refers to a persistent or recurrent deficiency or absence of sexual fantasies and thoughts and or desire for, or receptivity to sexual activity. 13870.wav|Again, we don't have time to go into all the details, but they asked people to sort of generate word sets related to particular topics like sports. 13871.wav|Now, the convergent thinking meditation is the so-called focus attention meditation, and that's also described in the same study. 13872.wav|And things like non-sleep deep breaths, which can support your ability to sleep and your ability to learn. 13873.wav|This can lead to increases in mood or increases in the likelihood that someone will talk a certain way or behave a certain way or feel a certain way. 13874.wav|You get a lot of information back, but you don't know what to do with that information. 13875.wav|But when people take sympathy mimetics, whether or not it's MDMA or amphetamine or cocaine or even caffeine, there's an increase in blood pressure and heart rate, but also body temperature. 13876.wav|So what we're talking about here is thus far five principles of mental training and visualization that are well-established from the scientific research literature. 13877.wav|They see faces that are smiling, and they rate those smiling, happy faces as more positive than they would off the drug. 13878.wav|But rather than just say, take the perspective of somebody else in terms of what they would see or do or say or think, rather, we are supposed to think about their underlying motivation. 13879.wav|That is, there are no constraints on what you come up with. 13880.wav|So, overall, I would say it's very exciting times for the exploration of MDMA as an augment to talk therapy for the treatment of PTSD and these other conditions. 13881.wav|I really hope to invite some of the people who arranged and ran those studies as guests onto the Huberman Lab podcast. 13882.wav|And the reason I point that out is that, as my colleague David Spiegel in the department of psychiatry at Stanford says, it's not just about the state that we are in. 13883.wav|I acknowledge we've covered a lot of ground today, and yet there's still far more ground that we could have covered and that we will indeed cover in future episodes. 13884.wav|And in addition to that, because of the way I do that workout, it acts as a sort of supplement or a more moderate intensity workout for quadriceps, hamstrings, and calves, such that I at least never lose strength and in fact, generally build strength from one leg workout to the next provided I'm doing things correctly. 13885.wav|A clinical trial is something that's carried out on humans. 13886.wav|And remember that heat and spicy go together in these neural pathways, and a bunch of different heat-related and spice-related pathways get activated simultaneously when one ingests something of extreme spice, and the blood vessels, and indeed some of the smaller arteries feeding neural tissue shut down, and he experienced this thunderclap headache, which is a brutal headache, and sadly in his case, permanent brain damage, so loss of neuronal tissue, because neuronal tissue is very metabolically active. 13887.wav|And because this originates in the visual cortex which is in the back, so that's the part of your brain that is making sense of visual images coming in through the eyes and relayed through other stations in the brain, that people will start to see a kind of halo of light or that they'll start to feel that the light around them is literally surrounding their body or some other object or body that they're looking at. 13888.wav|What this means is we never really want to be looking at a square or rectangle or target area for our work that is too far beyond our ears. 13889.wav|But if you were to talk to them for any given moment, they would be very fixated on one particular tunnel of ideas and by being fixated on one particular tunnel of ideas, like the idea that they're going to run for president tomorrow, this is unfortunately typical of people who have bipolar, which is not to say that everybody who runs for president is bipolar, rather people who are bipolar often have these delusions of grandeur, that they're somehow going to be president simply because they decided to and that they were selected to do this, et cetera, et cetera. 13890.wav|I should just mention that catalog of supplements is constantly being updated. 13891.wav|So on your forehead, but just inside of that. 13892.wav|And so err on the side of caution and you can experiment, provided you experiment within the margins of safety. 13893.wav|Now, I'd like to shift our attention to the auditory environment, or the noise in the room, or the music in the room, or the music or noise in the headphones, because it turns out that there is a lot of quality scientific data out there that speaks to whether or not listening to particular sounds can enhance our cognition. 13894.wav|So what are the endogenous cannabinoids, these chemical substances that everybody makes? 13895.wav|A concrete example that I'm following now is this 150 to 200 minutes of zone two cardio per week, because that's shown to be very effective in improving mental and physical health metrics. 13896.wav|This was a microdosing event organized by the Dutch Psychedelic Society. 13897.wav|So we can get a sense of what the default mode network activation is. 13898.wav|I'm also pleased to inform you that for every dollar the Huberman Lab premium channel generates for research studies, the tiny foundation has agreed to match that amount. 13899.wav|They have a ten year warranty, and you get to try the mattress out for 100 nights, risk free. 13900.wav|There are certain populations and certain people for which it can be relatively safe recreationally. 13901.wav|And then you would rest for an approximately equivalent amount of time, 15 seconds or so, and then repeat. 13902.wav|Regardless of whether or not you weight train the night before at 08:00 p.m. 13903.wav|That's what really defines trauma. 13904.wav|You don't have to be neurotic about this, but if you do this often enough, meaning every other day, every third day or so, you can be the strange person on the plane or in the classroom doing this, people might chuckle or look at you funny or tease you, but that's okay because you'll be able to see when they are losing their vision. 13905.wav|Or specifically strength. 13906.wav|We've had all of them as guests on the podcast, and each and every one of them provided a wealth of knowledge in terms of the various things that you can do to optimize very specific or multiple aspects of fitness. 13907.wav|I do realize that a number of people have shift work or they have newborns or other reasons why they have to be up in the middle of the night and sleeping during the day. 13908.wav|So when we apply identities or names to these mental trainings and visualizations, and again, provide that they are brief and repeated and so on, we greatly enhance the amount of neural machinery in the brain and body that we are able to recruit when we go to perform those real world golf swings and golf putts, and here just replace golf swing and golf putt with anything that you're trying to learn, you're able to recruit a lot more neural machinery and greatly increase the probability of proper execution. 13909.wav|You just have to search for one that you happen to like. 13910.wav|This 21 day system actually is one that someone I know very well uses and has used for a long time, actually use them. 13911.wav|Cannabis increases cortisol in some individuals and decreases cortisol in others. 13912.wav|And the title of the study is increased dopamine tone during meditation-induced change of consciousness. 13913.wav|The pituitary lives close to the roof of your mouth. 13914.wav|I'm guessing it's like a crossword puzzle. 13915.wav|So what I mean by this is a mental training or visualization protocol, for instance, if you were at the piano or at a guitar where you're actually looking down at or sensing the feeling of your hands, but you're not actually moving your hands, okay, as opposed to seeing yourself from outside of your body, so looking at yourself, say, standing next to you or from across the room, you're looking at yourself playing the piano or playing a guitar or swinging a golf club or doing a tennis serve, okay? 13916.wav|So sleep deprivation, of course, is going to limit those. 13917.wav|So it's literally like a neurochemical attentional spotlight. 13918.wav|So I'll have an Element packet and about 16 to 32 ounces of water when I wake up, I tend to do the same while I exercise, which I typically do in the morning, sometimes in the afternoon, and I'll drink another one throughout the day. 13919.wav|The fact that it's a fairly high intensity program for 21 days. 13920.wav|So a psychologist or psychiatrist has good rapport. 13921.wav|Get that two to ten minutes, ideally without sunglasses. 13922.wav|And so this is not kind of just hand wavy, new agey stuff like, oh, you need social connection. 13923.wav|So two parallel mechanisms, one within the brain, one within the body, increasing appetite. 13924.wav|He's dreaming about sleep. 13925.wav|We'll do more on this, but keeping the air that you breathe, especially at night, sufficiently humidified is one great way to try and offset colds and flus that you might be combating because you brought that cold or flu home from work and your immune system needs to ward it off, okay? 13926.wav|And you could imagine a purely psychosocial set of events that could lead a child to be anorexic. 13927.wav|You've probably gathered that if you've been listening to this podcast for a while, you have to determine what's safe and economical and right for you, what YOur risk tolerance is, et cetera. 13928.wav|And a phobia tends to be extreme. 13929.wav|With that said, I do want to describe just a little bit of research showing the relationship between having a low working memory span, as it's called, the ability to only remember a few letters or numbers or short batches of information as compared to a high working memory span, meaning longer strings of letters, longer strings of numbers, which, of course, in the real world translates to being able to carry out shorter versus longer action sequences, as described earlier in the scenario where you're getting up in the morning and you're making coffee and you're heading out for a run, et cetera, et cetera. 13930.wav|Then I get out and then I will get into an ice bath or a cold water bath that's about 45 to 50 degrees Fahrenheit. 13931.wav|Now, one of the key takeaways is that there are really two key protocols that I believe everyone should understand and know about and why they work because they are so effective and also because they dovetail nicely with some of the information that we're going to talk about today, which will explain why nicotine is so effective in increasing focus. 13932.wav|But if you have modest recovery ability or low recovery ability, such as I do, and you're doing these other cardiovascular training sessions, et cetera, well then on Saturday is when you will train arms, calves and neck directly, but included in that, remember two exercises per muscle group, one with a peak contraction, one with somewhat of a stretch in there, included in that, I suggest doing some sort of dip movement which I think it was Pavel Satsoulin said the dip is synonymous with, or at least similar to an upper body squat. 13933.wav|So if you're somebody who's falling asleep at your work, this can be very beneficial. 13934.wav|Many people don't feel that way. 13935.wav|And just as a point of interest, the NMDA receptor is also involved in long term depression, although there are other molecular components involved as well. 13936.wav|So we've got habits. 13937.wav|So I want you to think about this. 13938.wav|In the afternoon, you get quite a long period of no ingesting any calories. 13939.wav|You can see all sorts of very troubling symptoms of somebody who's been anorexic for some period of time. 13940.wav|Why do I say as a function of the total amount of trash? 13941.wav|They'll give you five free travel packs that make it very easy to mix up athletic greens while you're on the road, in the car, on the plane, et cetera. 13942.wav|So now you've got someone who's anxious, or somebody who's not anxious, who's deeply relaxed, and you're trying to study these effects. 13943.wav|And this has actually been substantiated in a really beautiful study entitled human physiological responses to immersion into water of different temperatures. 13944.wav|And I must say that oftentimes the most creative and the most interesting and the most beloved creative acts reveal to us something fundamental about the world or the way that we work in a way that delights and thrills and surprises us, but that we aren't even aware what that fundamental rule is. 13945.wav|And the fact that aura is such a prominent feature of migraine headaches, or at least that people feel that the headache is coming on long before they feel the actual ache of the headache and the other debilitating symptoms, suggests that migraine has something of deep neural origin, that it arises from deep within the nervous system, spinal cord and brain, and that it's not something like a tension headache that is going from outside in, the constriction of the muscles in the jaw and head. 13946.wav|So again, I'm doing calves, I'm doing quadriceps, and I'm doing hamstrings. 13947.wav|There's actually a removal of certain fats and fatty acids and a replacement of those with omega-3 fatty acids. 13948.wav|They're very motivated to do something. 13949.wav|They cause contraction of muscles. 13950.wav|We're going to cover all of that again in the context of this, what I would call foundational template of fitness. 13951.wav|I think that if you're going to explore Palmer cooling, it's probably not the sort of thing that you're going to do in every run or in every bout of cycling or in every strength training session, but that it might be used to vastly increase your volume or vastly increase your endurance in a given session or a set of sessions in order to push through plateaus. 13952.wav|You can extend your arms off like wings, is what I'm doing. 13953.wav|It's compatible with intermittent fasting, it's compatible with vegan diets, with keto diets, and essentially every diet that you could possibly imagine out there. 13954.wav|So my recommendation would be, for most people, only do deliberate cold exposure if you are prepared to be fairly alert for the next one to four or maybe even 6 hours following that deliberate cold exposure. 13955.wav|I've used a different policy throughout the years. 13956.wav|And there are some other systems that are coordinated with it in your brain and body that start releasing adrenaline, low amounts of adrenaline in most cases. 13957.wav|And yet, because it's deliberate and because we can take certain steps, which I'll describe in a moment, we can learn to maintain mental clarity. 13958.wav|And in doing so, really keep you in the zone of what should and absolutely has to be safe for you without having to just continually drop the temperature from say 60 degrees to 55 to 40 to 33. 13959.wav|Now, one efficient way to do this is to, for instance, you could get into the cold shower for a minute or two minutes or three minutes, uncomfortably cold, but safe to stay in. 13960.wav|Sometimes we'll see fighters. 13961.wav|There has to be a big goal, that it has to be concrete. 13962.wav|It might be subtle, it might be fast, but statistically that result shows up as opposed to when I imagine or I ask you to imagine something above you, tend to move your eyes up. 13963.wav|So if you are going to explore the use of those compounds for sake of improving working memory, certainly if you're going to explore them for sake of improving working memory and focus on young kids, please, please, please talk to your physician. 13964.wav|Maybe it's endurance, maybe it's strength, maybe it's hypertrophy. 13965.wav|In fact, a specific set of brain circuits designed for us to absorb information, that is perceive it in our environment, use the relevant parts, and then chuck it, just get rid of it, forget it. 13966.wav|And if so, is it the THC, the CBD, what's the appropriate ratio or the best ratio for accessing creativity? 13967.wav|It also, because of the big increases in serotonin, produces a sense of emotional warmth towards others and towards oneself. 13968.wav|But if you suddenly have one pupil bigger than the other, you absolutely want to go see a neurologist right away. 13969.wav|And when we increase certain chemicals in our brain and body, like epinephrine, like dopamine, then we also allow our visual system to be in a state of looking out at particular locations in our visual world. 13970.wav|Using the neuroscience of the circuits I just described and an understanding of the neuromodulator dopamine, let's take a look at the psychology of goal setting and goal pursuit. 13971.wav|Now, eventually, of course, you will get very, very numb, depending on how cold it is. 13972.wav|And we take into account these moderate and heavy users of MDMA who, as far as we know, are being honest and haven't taken any other drugs. 13973.wav|Whether or not people should just be taking this stuff anyway is still an open question. 13974.wav|So, for instance, you hear about the work of lock and small. 13975.wav|Although if you're doing a lot of office work, chances are you're not getting a lot of long view vision. 13976.wav|Frankly, there haven't been a lot of studies comparing those, but I think it stands to reason that if you have access to a cold plunge or a cold body of water that you can safely get into up to your neck for 30 seconds to a minute, if it's 50 degrees or less, right? 13977.wav|About 90% of my attention is focused internally, but I'm also focusing some of my attention externally. 13978.wav|Then they're exiting the eye mask or talking to therapist. 13979.wav|And in fact, I want to take a really firm stand here, because I know this is a bit controversial, but I'm just going to tell you, having evaluated the whole literature several times over now, I do think, I personally believe, that there is a strong case for certain children and adults to take these compounds that increase dopamine and epinephrine. 13980.wav|Please also check out the sponsors mentioned at the beginning and at various times during today's episode. 13981.wav|Every single hormone, and in particular the so-called steroid hormones, steroids again, not just limited to things that people take for sports. 13982.wav|Now, there may be certain clinical indications by which your physician and your OBGYN and the pediatrician that will eventually be the pediatrician for your child will prescribe CBD, although it's hard to imagine what those are. 13983.wav|And why do I say visual goals? 13984.wav|If you happen to navigate into their website through that portal, thorn.com. 13985.wav|They haven't had the ice cream yet. 13986.wav|Basal ganglia are subcortical, so they're below that bumpy surface of the human brain that we're most accustomed to seeing when we look at it from the outside. 13987.wav|But you'll notice that they push food around their plate a lot. 13988.wav|The first author on this review is Fritz, F-R-I-T-Z. 13989.wav|Now, I'm not suggesting everyone run out and do this. 13990.wav|And we talked about the importance of setting concrete plans and really what that means, and what intervals at which to assess progress and what intervals at which to assess reward and how the dopamine system is involved. 13991.wav|And as the title suggests, this study was done on humans looking at the density and or efficacy of these dopamine receptors in an area of the brain called the striatum, which is involved in planning in action and also suppressing planning in action. 13992.wav|They go something like this. 13993.wav|That's true regardless of whether or not one is using sativa indica or some hybrid. 13994.wav|Now, what they found as a consequence of this creatine administration was really striking and I think quite exciting. 13995.wav|What we do habitually makes up much of what we do entirely. 13996.wav|And I think the data on it look really good. 13997.wav|Oftentimes that goes beyond words. 13998.wav|It's also generating motion parallax. 13999.wav|One particular tool that I'm excited to share with you involves a meditation, but this is a very unusual meditation. 14000.wav|Ketamine is actually a n methyldospartate receptor blocker, NMDA receptor blocker. 14001.wav|The other key concept for us to address that's really mainly found in the books and articles out there about habits is this notion of what I call linchpin habits. 14002.wav|It didn't have to be that way. 14003.wav|But reward prediction error is a very good system, or I should say, a lens through which to think about whether or not we should reward ourselves for performing a given habit. 14004.wav|And the neuromodulators and neurochemicals that are associated with any kind of thinking about anything in the extrapersonal space are distinct from the neurochemicals and neuromodulators that are involved in thinking about or making actions towards the peripersonal space. 14005.wav|They have to be very short visualizations that you can repeat over and over and over again with a high degree of accuracy. 14006.wav|When you blink, it's smooth. 14007.wav|So what's happening here is that the application of these oils is very likely activating channels in the sensory neurons, including the TRIP channels, but others as well, that are leading to the analgesic effect by shutting down the heat and pain pathways, because heat and pain, while they're not exactly the same in our nervous system, they are funneled through common pathways, whereas cooling and pain relief are funneled through alternate, what we call parallel pathways. 14008.wav|Linchpin habits are certain habits that make a lot of other habits easier to execute. 14009.wav|Then the question is how long to continue each of those and whether or not to overlap them. 14010.wav|The typical dosages of MDMA used in these neuroimaging studies and in the clinical studies of PTSD that we're going to talk about later range anywhere from zero point 75 milligrams per kilogram of body weight to 1.5 milligrams per kilogram of body weight. 14011.wav|Eyeglasses out there will make you look like a cyborg if you want to. 14012.wav|Now, you might say, didn't you just describe a study about a set of individuals whose prolactin didn't increase, and as a consequence, their level of sexual desire went up? 14013.wav|So be kind to the colorblind folks out there. 14014.wav|And it moves that number of 5% success rate to about what one sees with the clinical hypnosis, to about 20% of people will successfully overcome their nicotine, or I should say, their smoking or vaping addiction. 14015.wav|The first neural circuit involved in creativity is the so-called executive network. 14016.wav|So it's sort of a two-pronged effect. 14017.wav|And I'm hoping you all stay clear of colds and flus these winter months. 14018.wav|So check out Anna Skips on Instagram, really inspiring, and made me want to get better at skipping rope. 14019.wav|And when I say hills, they could be very steep hills, but I'll simply slow my pace down in order to stay in that roughly zone two range. 14020.wav|Exercise choice, again, should be governed by what you can do safely so you don't injure yourself and that you can perform effectively and that gets you or provides you the stimulus that you want. 14021.wav|Turns out that is far less effective and maybe even counterproductive compared to thinking about what's going to happen if you don't do this. 14022.wav|And trauma also requires a specific, what we will call operational definition. 14023.wav|And those combine to give us a sense of happiness, or give us a sense of focus or give us a sense of creativity. 14024.wav|It is still an illegal drug to possess or to sell, so I want to be very clear about that. 14025.wav|You can sign up for it by going to hubermanlab.com. 14026.wav|You actually can interocept now, even though you're always interocepting a little bit, you can intercept now to a great degree if you were to, for instance, close your eyes or simply focus on the contact points between your body and any surface that you happen to be contacting. 14027.wav|It's a very simple meditation practice, where one sits or lies down, closes your eyes, and directs your attention to a place just between your two eyes and right above it. 14028.wav|A really interesting study published in 2019, it was a relatively small number of subjects, only 24 participants, 16 males, eight males, between 19 and 31 years old, listen to these 40 Hertz binaural beats. 14029.wav|I talked about that in the episode on light and health. 14030.wav|It's sort of obvious once you hear, but the ABC method, then people came along and expanded on that. 14031.wav|So in other words, they had them get into cold water for approximately eleven minutes per week. 14032.wav|Skipping rope, I should mention, can be a very effective way of getting cardiovascular training while you're on the road. 14033.wav|So I really want to be clear that when I say depression in this context, it has nothing to do with psychological depression, it has nothing to do with mood. 14034.wav|But what we do know is that common neural circuits, meaning brain areas that are present in animal species and in humans, are responsible for orienting our thinking and our action toward particular goals. 14035.wav|Several episodes ago, I talked about how there are actually studies looking at developing this kind of training in students for ADHD, and the data on that are actually quite encouraging. 14036.wav|There are a couple of things to keep in mind however, the NSAIDs, non-steroid anti-inflammatory drugs, oftentimes will work very well at first, but people quickly develop a tolerance to them, meaning they're going to have to take more and more in order to get the same effect. 14037.wav|I think most people are aware of this because many of these same drugs are used in order to reduce fever. 14038.wav|But the sort of classic idea was that all anorexics are perfectionists. 14039.wav|It would think that the environment was actually much colder than it is. 14040.wav|Okay, so body fat is signaling to the brain. 14041.wav|I do encourage you, as always, to talk to your ophthalmologist and physician about them. 14042.wav|I took that quiz about six months ago and I matched to the dusk mattress. 14043.wav|I've talked about this app a few times on the podcast before because there are hypnosis scripts within the app for enhancing sleep, for improving ability to fall asleep if you wake up in the middle of the night, for focus and a number of other behavioral and emotional changes. 14044.wav|Some people sleep on their stomach. 14045.wav|So if you find yourself in a place where it's very hard to reduce those distractions, you may need to go to more elaborate lengths. 14046.wav|Hanselier, the great physiologist, won a Nobel Prize for distinguishing between distress, which is stress in the brain and body, that causes the release of things like cortisol, along with the other catecholamines, and that we experience as negative happening to us and can lead to negative health outcomes. 14047.wav|So this would be, for instance, the standing calf raise. 14048.wav|Because while one can survive for some period of time without ingesting calories, it is extremely important to continue to ingest plenty of fluids and electrolytes. 14049.wav|Your brain has sites within it, like the locus ceruleus, that release norepinephrine and epinephrine. 14050.wav|The circuitry is flipped somehow that way with bulimia, they feel horrible about the fact that they're binging. 14051.wav|First of all, I will be hosting regular amas ask me anythings where you can ask me anything, and I will provide answers in depth to your specific questions about science and science related tools for mental health, physical health, and performance. 14052.wav|When individuals who already had a high working memory span took the highest dose of bromocriptine, and by the way, studies verified that the amount of dopamine available indeed increased, so that was important to do and they did that. 14053.wav|And we've largely set aside smoking, vaping, dipping, tobacco and snuffing and the negative effects that those all have on mental and physical health. 14054.wav|So you do want to protect your eyes. 14055.wav|I want to be strong in not just my legs, but my upper body. 14056.wav|A lot of habit formation has to do with being in the right state of mind and being able to control your state of body and mind. 14057.wav|Bracketing mechanisms that I talked about before. 14058.wav|First, I'm going to teach you about the biology of fear and trauma, literally the cells and circuits and connections in the body and chemicals in the body that give rise to the so called fear response, and why sometimes, but not always, fear can turn into trauma. 14059.wav|The good news is, however, if you can do something once, even very slowly in the real world, and then you bring it to the mental imagery and visualization domain, you can get much faster at it in a way that really does translate back to the real world. 14060.wav|It has different frequencies that are included at higher amplitude, et cetera. 14061.wav|You could even do it eyes open and stare at a point on a wall or a flame of light, whatever it happens to be that allows you to redirect your focus to a particular location or idea or sound. 14062.wav|So the retelling of this traumatic or fearful narrative, excuse me, fearful narrative, is essentially an extinction process. 14063.wav|But the idea here is that this molecule comes into our brain and is shifting everything towards a state of focus, elevated mood, of heightened sense of importance about whatever it is that we happen to be doing. 14064.wav|It's actually a lot smarter than that. 14065.wav|Our neurons have mechanisms to do this. 14066.wav|But of course, we have to come back to the first principle of effective mental training and visualization, which is that whatever it is that we're trying to build up or consolidate as a skill needs to be brief and repeated. 14067.wav|So that's interesting, because a lot of studies of strength training and improvements in hypertrophy and strength are done in inexperienced, untrained athletes, which changes the picture somewhat compared to experienced athletes. 14068.wav|It's basically a storage site for energy in the body fat cells to a different type of fat cell, which is the beige fat cell called beige because it's actually beige or slightly brown under the microscope, or even two brown fat cells, which are very dark under the microscope and dark because they contain mitochondria and are very metabolically and thermogenically active. 14069.wav|However, we have to remember our earlier rule. 14070.wav|The other issue with non-steroid anti-inflammatory drugs is that many of them simply do not work for many people. 14071.wav|Recall the definition of addiction. 14072.wav|Staying indoors, just getting artificial light and looking at things up close, leads to visual defects, okay? 14073.wav|So let's talk about those endogenous cannabinoid systems, what they are and how they work, because that will give us a lens into what the higher potency or maximum impact of the various cannabis plant varieties and strains and THC and CBD and so forth, how and why those work. 14074.wav|It's worth doing. 14075.wav|So when they made it very concrete, exactly what the action steps were, there was a remarkable, I mean, close to 100 fold or more improvement in recycling behavior that lasted many months after this call to action was made. 14076.wav|I remember I went to him, and, you know, what is the process by which someone actually navigates graduate school successfully? 14077.wav|I promise to spell out all those protocols in detail as I go along. 14078.wav|Now, the development of the brain and nervous system and body is a fascinating and vast literature, certainly far too vast to cover in today's episode, especially at this late hour, as it were. 14079.wav|And when we feel that excitement and we feel that it's really novel, it's different than what we've heard before, I assure you what it's revealing to you is the way that your auditory system and often your auditory and your emotional system encodes information that you hear. 14080.wav|And I just will tell you now, and I'm going to say this again and again throughout the episode, because it will continue to be true throughout the episode and long after the episode is over. 14081.wav|The actual definition of aura is that it's the experience that something is about to happen. 14082.wav|In this study, they did approximately 30 trials of the thing that they were trying to get better at. 14083.wav|I do want to share with you one particular tool from the literature that has been demonstrated over and over again to support and build and enhance divergent thinking. 14084.wav|Indica cannabis is often prescribed and or used recreationally in order to achieve a state of sleep, or to help relieve anxiety, so less of a stimulant effect. 14085.wav|First of all is this notion of immediate goal based habits versus identity based habits. 14086.wav|But there's a way in which the retelling of that event starts to uncouple the threat reflex from the narrative. 14087.wav|And when you look at it, you can never really tell where it starts and where it stops because it doesn't have any of the features that allow you to see what's the front and what's the back in any kind of stable way. 14088.wav|But if you give them a string of 10 letters, they remember fewer of those 10 letters. 14089.wav|And we'll talk about some of the main causes of inflammation and activation of these cluster type headaches at the level of the trigeminal nerve in a little bit, because fortunately there are some excellent treatments. 14090.wav|So reduced inflammation and in many cases, increasing anti-inflammatory pathways. 14091.wav|You can learn more about that in the podcast episode, I did all about breathing and breath work, but for the most part, it's best to be a nasal breather except under the conditions I just mentioned. 14092.wav|Sometimes people mistakenly think it's only involved in pleasure, but dopamine is involved in motivation and drive. 14093.wav|And in that way, MDMA is commonly used as a recreational drug, but also is now being tested and is achieving incredible early results in clinical trials for its use as an impathogen for the treatment of PTSD in clinical therapeutic settings. 14094.wav|The first is how context dependent a given habit is. 14095.wav|Sometimes that means doing a pushing exercise and then a pulling exercise. 14096.wav|These photoreceptors, the rods and cones, have chemical reactions inside them that involve things like vitamin A. 14097.wav|Roca eyeglasses and sunglasses are also unique in that unlike a lot of so-called performance eyeglasses out there, they don't make you look like a cyborg. 14098.wav|15 minutes of moderate exercise done prior to that workout could be very beneficial for you. 14099.wav|That is the only one, although of course there are other chemicals involved as well. 14100.wav|To find the supplements we discuss on the Huberman Lab podcast, you can go to Live Momentus, spelled O-U-S, LiveMomentus.com slash Huberman. 14101.wav|Then ingesting a cup or two of coffee an hour before your ice bath, maybe fasted as well, could be quite beneficial for increasing dopamine over quite extended periods of time. 14102.wav|So thank you Virtusan for putting that out there at zero cost. 14103.wav|And so, as we take a moment and we shift our attention to the psychology of goal setting. 14104.wav|And then, of course, there are a various number of different prescription compounds that if you're working with a board certified physician, they could prescribe you if you need additional tools for focus, things like Ritalin, Adderall, modafinol, armodafinol, vivance, et cetera, for many people are going to be important and maybe even necessary for people with ADHD, et cetera. 14105.wav|The Huberman Lab podcast is proud to have partnered with momentous supplements. 14106.wav|And it involves basically doing this. 14107.wav|The concept that I happen to have in mind is that of a plane that can land on water, right? 14108.wav|It's a pretty broad response. 14109.wav|Today's conversation about goals is going to be quite a bit different. 14110.wav|Our first sponsor is levels. 14111.wav|Remember that we have this threshold of about 15 seconds for completion of the entire motor sequence. 14112.wav|If you'd like to try Element, you can go to drinkelementlmnt.com slash Huberman to claim a free Element sample pack with your purchase. 14113.wav|For most people, traumatic brain injury is going to occur in a car accident, construction work, or other types of work for which people generally don't have many options in terms of the type of work that they're doing. 14114.wav|That can take a variety of different forms. 14115.wav|If you haven't seen that episode, I highly recommend it. 14116.wav|If you want to learn about mesolimbic reward pathways and dopamine and how they control everything from your level of motivation to your tendency to procrastinate or overcome procrastination, I've done two episodes about dopamine. 14117.wav|I do enjoy running. 14118.wav|But now I'm splitting out a little bit of my attention from interoception to exteroception I'm focusing on something outside me. 14119.wav|Using cannabis for things like glaucoma, for lowering intraocular pressure and offsetting the loss of neurons that would lead to blindness. 14120.wav|Now, when you look at an Escher, what you probably see and what I see are just a bunch of birds repeated over and over again, or buildings or staircases repeated over and over again. 14121.wav|But basically, it's ramping up the activity of the sympathetic nervous system, which is your fight or flight system. 14122.wav|And the reason for that is that our nervous system tends to generate particular kinds of behaviors based not on time, but on our state, meaning what level of activation is taking place in our brain and body, how much focus we happen to have, how fatigued we are, how energized we are. 14123.wav|The tool that I'm referring to is something called task bracketing. 14124.wav|I also want to describe the ways in which your eyes and your visual system impact your mood and your level of alertness. 14125.wav|So there may be something hormonal, it may be something else. 14126.wav|Because remember, the moment that you start listening to these binaural beats, the brain doesn't immediately switch into a particular pattern of oscillation or brainwaves. 14127.wav|So in the car and on the plane, I should mention that athletic greens is delicious. 14128.wav|Then they got tested again on the motor task in the real world, and there were also recordings of the cerebellar to primary motor cortex communication. 14129.wav|What I'd like us to do at this point is to take that concept of limbic friction and for you to ask yourself what habits you perform on a daily basis. 14130.wav|That would be identifying the high fat foods or identifying the one food on the table that one could eat without anyone hopefully noticing that they're eating just the green beans and not touching any of the other food. 14131.wav|And the improvements were really significant in some cases. 14132.wav|We are going to talk about practical tools that you can and should use to help maintain the health of your visual system and your eyesight. 14133.wav|It just simply is not the case. 14134.wav|Which brain areas are active, which brain areas are less active at rest. 14135.wav|Whereas things, people, actions and ideas that are truly creative really changed the way that we are able to access the world. 14136.wav|In this paper, they focus on a number of different reviews and analysis of data focused on compounds for the treatment of migraine, ranging from and including things like menthol and peppermint oil. 14137.wav|How we feel about a particular goal is truly a feeling that we experience in the here and now, even though the goal is in the future. 14138.wav|It's where procedures, like I talked about before, procedural memory of how you're going to execute a particular sequence where that's maintained, sort of like if we use the recipe model, that's where the recipe is maintained, until you know how to cook that dish. 14139.wav|Good examples of neuromodulators are dopamine, serotonin, acetylcholine, norepinephrine. 14140.wav|None of it sounds terrific. 14141.wav|So there's certainly no requirement to end on cold. 14142.wav|But even for the animal studies that used a range of dosages from zero point 75 to 1.5 milligrams per kilogram of body weight, there is some evidence that in laboratory mice or rats, there can be some loss of serotonergic tone in the brains of animals that have been administered MDMA. 14143.wav|But here I realize, or rather I want to acknowledge, that many people, including myself, are doing some or all of these things already. 14144.wav|You have two glands that sit above your kidneys in your lower back. 14145.wav|You should do your real world training and your mental training whenever it is that you can, and then you should try and get as much quality sleep as you possibly can on the night following that physical and or mental training. 14146.wav|You're either asleep or stressed. 14147.wav|Well, estrogen has strong impact on the vasodilation, vasoconstriction system, as does progesterone. 14148.wav|You can also check out the episode that we did on ADHD. 14149.wav|So while there does seem to be more of a prevalence of anorexia in boys and young men these days, that's probably due to better diagnosis and detection than it is to some sort of societal shift related to imagery, et cetera. 14150.wav|I think that's where the dispute lies. 14151.wav|I use a light pad. 14152.wav|Okay, look, I get it, and I am all for having splitters in the room, but for sake of today's discussion and for ease of digestibility of some of this, just want to point out that norepinephrine, epinephrine and adrenaline, I'm going to treat as a common pool of similar, in fact, very similar, molecules that all have the same net effect, at least in the context of this discussion, and that's to increase levels of alertness, energy and arousal. 14153.wav|You're reducing your amount of alertness. 14154.wav|We're going to drill into bulimia and what it actually is and what it represents. 14155.wav|Whereas when there was a very concrete plan, and everyone knew what that concrete plan was, for instance, to place all bottles and cans into the recycle, not the trash, or to limit the amount of trash by 50%, or to eliminate all recyclable items from the trash. 14156.wav|Some people will find it very easy to do. 14157.wav|But then the fear response itself is taking part because of the threat reflex gets activated. 14158.wav|It doesn't point to any one specific protocol. 14159.wav|So showing it as the actual physical barrier that it is in real space in three dimensions turns out to allow the interaction between those two things, the concept, the controversy, to pop out at us and make us think about that particular controversy and perhaps where we each individually stand on that controversy. 14160.wav|These are questions that we can all ask ourselves today. 14161.wav|But I'm focusing as much of my attention outside of myself, maintaining just a little bit on my internal state, so I can measure the cadence of those three breaths. 14162.wav|During today's episode and on various previous episodes of the Huberman Lab podcast, we talk about supplements. 14163.wav|So that's Instagram, Twitter, now called X, Threads, Facebook, and LinkedIn. 14164.wav|It's almost like it's turned into a reflex. 14165.wav|You can ask questions and get answers to your questions. 14166.wav|This person actually could do 40 dips on their first set, then resting for a period of two to three minutes, and then doing 35, and then resting for a period of two or three minutes, and then doing progressively fewer and fewer and fewer to the point where over a period of time, they add up the total number of dips that they can do, and then they have them come back after a period of recovery. 14167.wav|What you're doing is you're making a best guess about what's there based on the pattern of electricity that arrives in your brain. 14168.wav|Men, women, young people, older people, and a variety of traumatic experiences. 14169.wav|He was pretty low anxiety. 14170.wav|And speaking of the adrenals, that a and the HPA are the adrenals. 14171.wav|And I covered all of this in a lot of detail in the episode on feeding and metabolism and hunger. 14172.wav|Obviously, you want to get them emotionally comfortable with that first. 14173.wav|These are so called melanopsin retinal ganglion cells, named after the opsin that they contain within them. 14174.wav|Now, over time, they get better at moving the utensil to their mouth such that hopefully by about age five or six, they are eating in a relatively cleaner way. 14175.wav|So to just get to the key numbers first, the overall rate for clinically effective response to MDMA assisted therapy is 88%. 14176.wav|Unlike mescaline, which can be found in the plant kingdom, or LSD, which comes from ergot or psilocybin, which, of course, can be found in magic mushrooms, MDMA is a unique chemical in that, again, as far as we know, only exists in its synthetic form. 14177.wav|So when I encountered this statistic, I had to kind of wipe my eyes a few times. 14178.wav|First of all, they ship internationally because we know that many of you are located outside of the United States. 14179.wav|They show depressive symptoms at a number of levels. 14180.wav|I'll list out some of them. 14181.wav|But the human data are starting to emerge. 14182.wav|There are incredible, believe it or not, lubricating mechanisms for the eye. 14183.wav|But they're not just for athletic performance. 14184.wav|That dopamine release leads to heightened levels of motivation and focus. 14185.wav|And so the way to think about the NMDA receptor is it's used sometimes for normal things that we do every day, making cups of coffee and things like that. 14186.wav|It's a wandering through of ideas that you already had in your library, in your memory banks about pens and what pens could be related to and what pens ought not to be related to. 14187.wav|What was interesting is that if they used longer daily bouts of stress, like 15 minutes a day, that actually exacerbated the trauma and exacerbated the fear. 14188.wav|They don't like having these sores. 14189.wav|Maybe you don't have time to get out and do your run, or maybe you're also running weightlifting and doing yoga classes and things of that sort, but you want to further improve your fitness, at least in terms of your metabolic health. 14190.wav|18 all the way up to 64 across the studies that I looked at. 14191.wav|And I frankly can't in good conscience recommend that. 14192.wav|You have a top number, which is the systolic blood pressure, and then there's the bottom number below the line, which is the diastolic pressure. 14193.wav|Things like long exhale breathing. 14194.wav|But that's just me, and I fall asleep and stay asleep. 14195.wav|You can find apps that can deliver monoral beats. 14196.wav|That would be terribly antagonistic to fitness and particular lifespan. 14197.wav|If they or you were to move around in that water, what would happen is you'd break up thermal layer and that you actually experience that as much colder. 14198.wav|We can learn to maintain calm while our body is in a state of stress. 14199.wav|The importance of this is that when we look at something in the real world, so if I look at the pen in front of me, I'm holding up my pen. 14200.wav|And that's when it tends to stretch over into other so-called sensory modalities. 14201.wav|They have a bad relationship that lasts an entire summer, an entire year, or, God forbid, a decade. 14202.wav|I get a lot of questions about other forms of therapy. 14203.wav|So I just wanted to be sure to mention acupuncture and a little bit of mechanistic understanding of why acupuncture works, because indeed acupuncture is shown to be quite effective for the treatment of tension type headache and to some extent, migraine headache as well. 14204.wav|One way to suppress appetite is to sew the jaw shut neurally, or at least make it less likely to open your mouth and put food in it. 14205.wav|Glenn Jeffrey at the University of College London, somebody I've known for decades because he's a scientist, he's done beautiful work on development and function of the visual system, has published a number of papers recently. 14206.wav|Well, I take us back to our procedural memory visualization exercise that we talked about earlier. 14207.wav|If you take a pill or even if you were to inject some substance, again, I hope this would be legal and safe, et cetera, whatever mode of delivery, there is no technology that exists at this time that would allow you to selectively amplify dopamine, for instance, just in the nigrostriatal pathway or just in the mesocortical pathway. 14208.wav|Contrast that with a say high intensity interval training workout, which comes later in the week. 14209.wav|It was performed in humans. 14210.wav|Okay, but the visual component is important. 14211.wav|Some people like a soft mattress mattress. 14212.wav|There are excellent ways to do that, and some of them are single event treatments, and we're going to talk about those shortly. 14213.wav|There's only negotiating what it means. 14214.wav|Those are the top, top journals, the most stringent journals to get scientific manuscripts into. 14215.wav|There doesn't even have to be a lot. 14216.wav|So this might come as a surprise to many of you. 14217.wav|They have no appetite for food whatsoever. 14218.wav|There are some anecdotal evidence that smoking particular parts of the marijuana plant, in particular the seeds, can increase aromatase in the conversion of testosterone to estrogen. 14219.wav|It's pretty relevant to our discussion here on the podcast, which was taking walks after dinner. 14220.wav|It had some other small landmarks drawn out, and people looked at this and memorized it. 14221.wav|That's what visual spatial working memory is. 14222.wav|Or find the face in the coffee bean task. 14223.wav|It's absolutely clear that the brain continues to develop, at least until age 25, and that a huge number of systems related to mood regulation, so called executive function, the ability to organize one's thoughts, plan and execute plans, essentially to become a functional human being, that's one portion of becoming a functional human being, but certainly an essential one. 14224.wav|And fortunately that allows for very particular types of treatment and ways of dealing with the pain specific to migraine headaches. 14225.wav|Well, the low resolution system is better at things like detecting motion and not so much at detail, and vice versa. 14226.wav|You may or may not have headaches. 14227.wav|You need to diminish the old experience. 14228.wav|So we already covered that, so I won't cover that again in detail. 14229.wav|It's involved in motivation, and it tends to direct our attention to things outside of us. 14230.wav|Some people are very jumpy in response to just even small changes in their environment. 14231.wav|So how do you leverage phase two of the day for habit formation? 14232.wav|They're not making the decision to overeat. 14233.wav|Spiegel himself or one of his colleagues would take somebody through the hypnosis. 14234.wav|And so the hairs of your nostrils, the mucus itself, and the microbiome, the trillions of little micro bacteria that thrive in the mucosal lining of your nasal passages actually serve to protect against many of the incoming infections. 14235.wav|Not only would you feel miserable, maybe even pass out, but lose vision, and certain brain areas will actually die off in the absence of a blood flow to those areas. 14236.wav|Just as it is that not all people that are on the autism spectrum completely lack what's called theory of mind, which is the ability to sort of empathize and ascribe feelings and motivations of others when viewing the actions and perceived feelings of others. 14237.wav|Turns out it's one to three milligrams per kilogram of body weight, by the way. 14238.wav|Now, if you are interested in controlling the height of your visual world, but you don't have control over the ceiling height of the environment that you're in. 14239.wav|Thank you for joining for the beginning of this Ask Me Anything episode. 14240.wav|Well, we'll talk about that in a moment. 14241.wav|So if what you're trying to learn lends itself well to this first person mental experiencing of self as you perform the cognitive and or motor skill, I suggest you do that as opposed to the third person version. 14242.wav|And last but not least, I want to thank you for your time and attention today, your willingness to learn about vision and the visual system, and the various things that you can do to help support the health and functioning of your visual system. 14243.wav|You go to HubermanLab.com, go to the menu, click on newsletter, provide us your email. 14244.wav|If it's trying to sound repetitive, it's because it is repetitive. 14245.wav|So I'm not trying to optimize any of these workouts for any one performance feature, but in a little bit, we'll talk about how you can change various aspects, that is variables of this protocols, in order to say, for instance, really emphasize hypertrophy or really emphasize endurance. 14246.wav|Other people love burpees. 14247.wav|Patients are selected because they have PTSD. 14248.wav|The department of Motor Vehicles will have you cover up an eye, read the letters on the chart. 14249.wav|And the title of this paper is effect of peppermint and eucalyptus oil preparations on neurophysiological and experimental algezmetric headache parameters. 14250.wav|So for the person who's older than 25, who eats an edible every once in a while, or who smokes cannabis every once in a while, and people love to make the argument it's not as bad as alcohol, which, frankly, is a terrible argument, because if you saw our episode on alcohol, alcohol is pretty bad. 14251.wav|And if you are somebody who used to perform a habit and you don't understand why you dropped it, and you're frustrated with yourself and you're trying to figure out how you can get back into that habit, well, by all means, lean right back into that habit. 14252.wav|I'll talk about some of the medicinal applications of different strains of cannabis and combinations of cannabis strains, as well as some of the potential health hazards of cannabis use. 14253.wav|Okay, so I've now described some of the psychology and some of the underlying physiology. 14254.wav|But it turns out it's not about visualizing success. 14255.wav|Rather, their eye movements are depleted, and they're not actually evaluating horizons off in their future. 14256.wav|That's just a bunch of different ways to describe increases in dopamine. 14257.wav|On the other hand, we can also point to the statistic that there is this 50 fold increase in mouth cancers from dipping, and there are nasal cancers as well, that are greatly increased by snuffing and from smoking. 14258.wav|Now, it doesn't necessarily have to be outside of that. 14259.wav|If you're not already following us on Instagram and Twitter, please feel free to do so there. 14260.wav|They realize, oh, I just did it again. 14261.wav|But we have what's called the consensual pupil reflex. 14262.wav|Now, again, for some people, that will be even before getting into the ice bath or cold shower. 14263.wav|So, for instance, some of the highest degree of cannabis use is among individuals 16 to 24 years old. 14264.wav|It's very exciting, and I look forward to seeing what the next round of data produce. 14265.wav|There are neural circuits for focus. 14266.wav|Some of these brain stimulation approaches seem to be able to bypass some of that. 14267.wav|I didn't choose for the answer to be that, but that's what the data tell us. 14268.wav|It also controls the desire to not mate, have sex, not eat, not drink more water or any other type of fluid. 14269.wav|So what essentially you've lost is the ability to see the whole picture, because there's some detail within that picture that you're obsessed by. 14270.wav|It's not going to happen this lifetime. 14271.wav|We've all heard that the more specific a goal is, and the more specific we are about when and how we are going to execute that goal, the higher probability that we will actually achieve that goal. 14272.wav|They had subjects take 150 milligrams per kilogram of L-crystalline tyrosine. 14273.wav|There's also changes in the size of the pupil as things are closer and further away from you. 14274.wav|So for people that are taking medications that are anti-coagulants to prevent clotting, you do need to be very cautious about using curcumin. 14275.wav|There are thoughts, there are memories, there's all sorts of stuff that goes on in our mind and in our body that together we call an emotion. 14276.wav|Nevertheless, if you are learning from and or enjoying this podcast, please subscribe to our YouTube channel. 14277.wav|Rarely have I done it twice a day. 14278.wav|It's an incredibly interesting and important topic, but all too often, they tend to eclipse the much more common mechanism for the formation of short and long-term memories, which are those other forms we just talked about, LTP, LTD, et cetera. 14279.wav|And that optic flow is known to quiet certain areas of the brain that are associated with vigilance and indeed, fear. 14280.wav|Okay, so right there, there is a conceptual shift that the world in which whatever creative idea is going to emerge is entirely different than the one that we actually live in. 14281.wav|So here's a principle extracted from the ophthalmology and neuroscience literature that you can adopt for every 45 minutes in which you are focusing on something like a phone or a tablet or a book page or your computer, you want to get into magnocellar panoramic vision for at least five minutes. 14282.wav|This is really important to point out, because I would be remiss if I didn't note that there is a lot of recreational use of MDMA. 14283.wav|Now, in addition to talk therapy for PTSD, there is, of course, prescription drug therapies, and most often these fall under the category of ssris, selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors. 14284.wav|That's not what this episode is about. 14285.wav|I don't know who originated that term. 14286.wav|Headaches are something that everybody will suffer at some point in their lifetime. 14287.wav|We've got the concept that different habits take different periods of time to adopt, depending on the person and the habit. 14288.wav|He had a very high threshold to respond. 14289.wav|I like to think that I have a healthy relationship to food. 14290.wav|And how nicotine gets from these plants, these dried leaves, into the bloodstream, burning tobacco leads to a heat induced change in the availability of nicotine. 14291.wav|There are a number of things that I really like about this study. 14292.wav|The relevant neurons will vomit out or will fuse, as we say, those little packets, those little bubbles of neurotransmitter into the gap between the pre and postynaptic neuron. 14293.wav|So there is no specific need to get any, I would say, red light that's designed specifically for photophobia or anything of that sort. 14294.wav|And the dopamine circuit that is the mesocortical pathway, which is the one that's associated with motivation and emotion, and that's the one required for persistence and focus for convergent thinking. 14295.wav|So that's another protocol that you could explore as well. 14296.wav|Path, which way am I going to drive there? 14297.wav|There's no real optimal fitness protocol. 14298.wav|Those of course will be recorded. 14299.wav|Cannabis contains compounds that also bind to those receptors. 14300.wav|The only way to determine it would be to actually experience ingesting those or smoking those, which is certainly also not what I'm suggesting. 14301.wav|In fact, they are very predictable. 14302.wav|It kind of puts you at the threshold of being just able to have a conversation that's a little bit strained. 14303.wav|And the water has what's called a refractory index. 14304.wav|Or that they were hunting animals or in some sort of pursuit, fishing, et cetera, and focused focus. 14305.wav|What I'm about to describe next is going to seem so silly on the face of it, but has deep mechanism to support it. 14306.wav|That is remarkable. 14307.wav|If something's painful to look at, it could be damaging to your eyes. 14308.wav|And then there's the business of goal execution. 14309.wav|The one that I saw was one in which there's a big array of coffee beans. 14310.wav|And the fact that it's zero cost and purely behavioral, I think adds additional benefit because it's certainly one that people could explore depending on what amount of time you're willing to commit. 14311.wav|So in other words, burning the plant liberates the smoke that contains the psychoactive compounds, and those are inhaled into the lungs, and then get into the brain and body, and act on the brain and body. 14312.wav|That would be like a howitzer gun, like a cannon going off as compared to endogenous cannabinoid, whether or not it's EAE or two ag, which is more like a cap gun level of activation, at least in this analogy. 14313.wav|Well, it all has to do with the different rates of absorption of nicotine into the bloodstream, and then the downstream consequences of that on the dopamine, acetylcholine, epinephrine and other systems of the brain and body. 14314.wav|So it really does appear that MDMA creates neuroplasticity that changes the overall level of activation of these threat detection networks and their connections to memory systems in a way that's pervasive over time, and that doesn't require any particular probe with a negative stimulus. 14315.wav|And we haven't talked too much about the time domain of the visual system today. 14316.wav|Halpern and colleagues discovered is that there are particular patterns of activity that ripple through the brain through these prefrontal networks and through this nucleus accumbence area. 14317.wav|It's going to depend on whether or not you're male, female, your age, whether or not you've gone through puberty, et cetera, et cetera. 14318.wav|Consider getting into a high ceiling or no ceiling environment. 14319.wav|But in general, the way that the brain works is that different brainwaves are generated in different structures at different times. 14320.wav|I might have some protein, some small piece of fish or chicken or something like that, but I didn't really emphasize that on the basis of these results. 14321.wav|I've talked about that before, but just briefly as a relevant aside. 14322.wav|The four major circuits in the brain that utilize dopamine, however, are used for four major purposes, and I'll describe what those are. 14323.wav|I'm going to make all of that very simple for you by saying cold water immersion up to the neck with your feet and hands submerged also is going to be the most effective. 14324.wav|Now, I promise you, the last topic was the last topic. 14325.wav|And reduced levels of ganatotropin releasing hormone caused by cannabis use, reduced levels of lh, luteinizing hormone, and FSH, which reduced levels of testosterone and sperm production in males, and egg health and ovulation and menstrual function in females. 14326.wav|They have a terrific group there that works on sleep that made an important discovery that I think everybody should know about, which is that children that sleep in rooms that have a nightlight or dim lights are much more likely to develop myopia near sightedness. 14327.wav|And I will say that there are a number of people that take lutein and some of these other things as a precautionary measure in order to bolster their health. 14328.wav|So there were a bunch of different results in this study I think are interesting, but the ones that are most important are that, quote, we found that mental practice enhanced both the speed and accuracy of this one, two, one, three, one, four, one, five performance in the real world when people did these 50 imagined trials. 14329.wav|There have been studies of people who have colds and flus sneezing in indoor environments versus outdoor environments and how much transmission there is. 14330.wav|This is actually a tool that we can all use of trying to take the perspective of others, but not just asking what they would feel or think or do, but ask what is their motivation in life generally? 14331.wav|Typically, that awareness is narrower, literally narrower in space, like a soda straw view of the world, than when we are relaxed. 14332.wav|I mean, first of all, I'm not the one to first make this distinction. 14333.wav|There is a reinforcement pathway related to that for sort of obvious adaptive reasons. 14334.wav|If we have sodium, magnesium and potassium present in the proper ratios, all of those cells function properly and all our bodily systems can be optimized. 14335.wav|Cephalopods include octopuses, as well as cuttlefish and other aquatic animals that are known for having complex behavior. 14336.wav|And there are timed release forms of this and non timed release forms. 14337.wav|We know that in migraine, there's a hyperdilation of the blood vessels, a hyperdilation of the very little portals that exist in the brain and around the brain and that are going to cause the pain, they're going to activate those sensory neurons, those nociceptors, that will then give us the experience of extreme headache and migraine. 14338.wav|Now, keep in mind that this is a pilot study, but the effects are very dramatic. 14339.wav|In fact, let's start with a tool now, because as we move through all this information, I want to make sure that people are coming away with some practical things that they can implement and indeed some things that you can even do during the course of listening to or watching this podcast. 14340.wav|And of course, includes the chest and the shoulders and the back. 14341.wav|And actually you've experienced that attenuation. 14342.wav|So the idea would be to do anywhere from 10 to 20, maybe 30 minutes, maybe even as much as an hour, depending on how much time you had to dedicate of such a meditation and SDR practice. 14343.wav|That's how we know that the habit has been moved into certain components of our neural circuitry that just allow us to do it what seems like reflexively. 14344.wav|And cannabis impacts cb one receptors in the cerebellum, which is involved in motor planning, execution, and balance. 14345.wav|We all have neurons in our hypothalamus that trigger eating and neurons that trigger cessation or stopping of eating. 14346.wav|And I'll give an example of the latter, just to kind of flesh this out a little bit. 14347.wav|And it's also distinct from pure stimulants such as methamphetamine. 14348.wav|Most people, I do believe, would like a combination of strength and endurance and flexibility and maybe even hypertrophy, particularly for certain muscle groups that maybe are not as well-developed as other muscle groups. 14349.wav|I know that's a mouthful. 14350.wav|They're absolutely excited. 14351.wav|But if you're already coming down with a bacterial or viral infection, why cyclic hyperventilation breathing or why deliberate cold exposure may actually be the worst thing if you are already contracting or have contracted, if you are contracting or have already contracted a cold or virus. 14352.wav|However, if you happen to be in a pretty positive mood, even if you're not 10 out of 10 on mood, then bringing in additional stimuli to increase your levels of dopamine will not help you and in fact can hurt the divergent thinking process. 14353.wav|Imagine, for instance, wearing a head cam, okay, or a body cam and doing something with your hands or being in virtual reality and having the sense that whatever you see in front of you and that's moving and that you're doing, that's you. 14354.wav|We will get back to smoking of various kinds later, but right now let's just keep our attention on how nicotine is pulled from these plants and into the human body. 14355.wav|Okay, so next we're going to do another working memory task, different than the one we did earlier. 14356.wav|Now, here's what's incredible. 14357.wav|There's the so called thyroid hormone hypothesis. 14358.wav|So all of this rests on the premise that we need to be alert in order to do our work, in particular, focused work. 14359.wav|It basically does the equivalent of geometry and trigonometry and essentially figures out how far away you are from me, which is just incredible. 14360.wav|You can use a ring light, or you can simply use any kind of other lights that you might happen to have, artificial lights. 14361.wav|Many people derive benefit from them, but the goal is always, I believe, or I should hope, for people to find ways that they can control their health outcomes and reduce things like headache using a minimum number of things that have other side effects. 14362.wav|I have a brief anecdote about this. 14363.wav|This is the first in vivo demonstration of an association between an endogenous neurotransmitter release, endogenous means within us, and conscious experience. 14364.wav|Ketamine is being used for the treatment of depression, and it does so, as its name suggests, a dissociative anesthetic by creating a sense of dissociation from emotions. 14365.wav|I don't want to do it, and I have to force myself to do it. 14366.wav|We partnered with momentous for a number of important reasons. 14367.wav|And if they're eating far more, then they're likely going to get far more of both of those things than they would ordinarily if they were eating smaller amounts. 14368.wav|And then to discard that information. 14369.wav|In order to understand this, we have to go back to what I said at the beginning of the episode, which is that you have motor neurons. 14370.wav|Look, to me, ingesting butter in small quantities is something that I'm comfortable with, and my blood lipid profiles feel good. 14371.wav|In fact, we have entire brain areas on both sides of the brain devoted to the processing of faces, they're called fusiform face area. 14372.wav|In fact, if we were to look at the three most commonly used drugs, alcohol would be at the top of the list. 14373.wav|It's kind of a unicycle like thing, although not a unicycle under the desk, can be beneficial for workplace performance. 14374.wav|What does this look like in the practical sense? 14375.wav|It's actually really easy for me to relax. 14376.wav|We're talking about attaching a new positive memory to the circuitry so that the previous fear response is far less likely to occur and that it remains extinguished. 14377.wav|The obsession with cephalopods is something that really intrigues me. 14378.wav|Peripersonal space is all the space, literally, that's within side your body, the surface of your skin, and in your immediate environment. 14379.wav|When dopamine levels are too low, you can get movement challenges such as in Parkinson's, which is a deficit or a literal destruction of the neurons that manufacture dopamine. 14380.wav|And because it's very clear that there are cardiovascular benefits, maybe even benefits for the brain related to the cardiovascular benefits, because of course the brain needs a lot of blood flow and needs a lot of nutrients and other things flowing into and out of there, debris out and nutrients and other things into the brain. 14381.wav|In fact, one of the major reasons why people don't want to quit smoking or they quit smoking or another form of ingesting nicotine, and then they relapse, they go back to smoking. 14382.wav|I know these days many people are excited about or curious about so called intermittent fasting. 14383.wav|Different types of viral, fungal, and bacterial infections are bombarding your system, and your immune system counters that both through physical and through neurochemical and hormonal and pure immune mechanisms, okay? 14384.wav|Did a whole episode on thyroid and growth hormone. 14385.wav|That's rocaroka.com, and enter the code Huberman at checkout for 20% off your order. 14386.wav|But one thing is very clear. 14387.wav|Again, this is an approximate 120 over 80. 14388.wav|Now it's near impossible, even with a heart rate monitor, to stay exactly in zone two unless you're very, very skilled at that. 14389.wav|You're going to try and nail four to five of these things for two days. 14390.wav|Again, helixsleep.com Huberman is where you'll find a helix mattress for you. 14391.wav|So, people with PTSD suffer at a number of different levels. 14392.wav|So it has accelerators and brakes in there as well. 14393.wav|I would also like you to understand that the brain itself is making these guesses and that those guesses are largely right. 14394.wav|But things that really increase dopamine and then cause it to crash can be problematic. 14395.wav|And now, of course, whatever we could happen to be doing could be writing a song, writing poetry, communicating with somebody. 14396.wav|Without getting into all those details, I think it's sufficient to say that if you are somebody who experiences a lot of delayed onset muscle soreness, taking a cold shower after your training or getting into a cold immersion after your training, even if it's a few hours later, ought to help. 14397.wav|Would be more oriented toward using language that was more restricted, literally more detailed, analytic about things in their immediate space. 14398.wav|And typically that's done later in the retreat or later in the meeting or later in the weekend. 14399.wav|So while it seems like a bit of an extreme treatment, people who suffer very badly from tension type headaches due to hyper contraction of the muscles of the forehead or around the temples or around the jaws or certain parts of the neck and the muscles of the neck that encroach on the back of the skull or that actually connect to the back of the skull can achieve tremendous long lasting relief from these Botox injections. 14400.wav|That's not a concept that I created. 14401.wav|Again, the nigrostriatal pathway associated with divergent thinking, the mesocortical pathway associated with cognitive persistence and convergent thinking. 14402.wav|So this violates everything that I've talked about before or prior to this. 14403.wav|And in a few minutes, we will talk about whether or not visualization of the end in mind is actually beneficial or detrimental to achieving goals. 14404.wav|One neuron activates the next activates the next. 14405.wav|So with the understanding in mind that true creativity involves the novel combination of some elements, could be notes of music, could be numbers, could be visual elements like lines or colors, could be physical movements, et cetera, but novel combinations of some things that reveal to us something fundamental about the way that our brain and or the world work. 14406.wav|So that's why I'm kind of lumping these two things together, because I think very soon we are going to need an all out campaign for how to counter vaping addiction. 14407.wav|If you don't care about names, don't worry about it, just discard the names, but areas of the brain, like the caudate and putatum and the dorsal striatum receive input from the substantia nigra. 14408.wav|That's how you're going to achieve the optimal focus bouts. 14409.wav|And then, of course, there are other effects on hormones, and I'll just briefly summarize those that THC in particular, not CBD, but THC in particular, is known to be strongly inhibitory for something called ganatotropin releasing hormone. 14410.wav|The goal of this workout is to tap into, remember that long list that we talked about earlier where you've got skill and speed and power and strength and hypertrophy, et cetera, different forms of endurance, is to get into that range of endurance where your heart rate is elevated quite a bit more than zone two, but that you're not really going all out sprint. 14411.wav|Okay, so legs fall on Monday. 14412.wav|I've spent a lifetime working on the biology of the visual system, and I can tell you that your visual system has to contend with an enormous number of challenges for you to be able to see clearly. 14413.wav|Again, there are exceptions to this. 14414.wav|They remove certain connections, depending on what kind of life events you're exposed to. 14415.wav|And so this HPA axis should be thought of in the following way. 14416.wav|So doing some dipping movement will indirectly stimulate strength, hypertrophy, et cetera, in the chest and shoulders and including some sort of pulling movement for the bicep, like a chin up or palms facing movement, pulling up to the bar, especially if it's a close grip type movement, but even if it's a wide grip type movement will of course trigger strength and hypertrophy maintenance or improvements in the biceps, but will also trigger strength hypertrophy in the lats, in the back. 14417.wav|So this wasn't just super fit people or people that were purely sedentary and not fit. 14418.wav|In between those two boxes are two intervening forces, and those intervening forces are critically important. 14419.wav|So a really nice and quite thorough study. 14420.wav|CBN is less often discussed. 14421.wav|In fact, working memory is involved in essentially every activity, both cognitive and motor, from the point you wake up in the morning until the time you go to sleep at night for every single day of your life. 14422.wav|Delta, just being a particular frequency of electrical activity for you aficionados, is one to 4 hz activity. 14423.wav|They don't enjoy it socially. 14424.wav|But the quite honest message is that smoking of any kind is going to disrupt lung endothelial function, lung function, blood vessels, and so forth. 14425.wav|But we're not just going to get into the mechanistic details about how light is converted into electrical potentials and things like that. 14426.wav|So imagine a U and then just flip it over, meaning if you have low dopamine availability in the prefrontal cortex, working memory span is short. 14427.wav|As well as some other questions that allow you to determine the optimal mattress for you. 14428.wav|So the point here is that while muscular tension can give rise to headache, the other thing that can give rise to headache is so-called vasodilation, the expansion or the widening of the arteries, blood vessels, and capillaries and one of the reasons why that gives rise to headache is because there's simply not a lot of space for that expansion to go. 14429.wav|Light information is transformed into electrical signals that your visual system exquisitely understands. 14430.wav|That might seem kind of trivial, you might say, well, couldn't you have just told us that in one sentence? 14431.wav|And essentially what they identified is that indeed, if you had a parent, and there does seem to be a kind of a bias toward an effect, where if the father had abuse, and it's severe abuse or moderate abuse, that abuse causes a change in his genetics, in his sperm that can be passed on to offspring, such that the offspring have a lower threshold to develop trauma or extreme fear to certain types of events. 14432.wav|A general loss of muscle mass, because they're ingesting fewer calories than they burn. 14433.wav|And that has a lot to do with how dopamine engages us in motivated states, tends to narrow our thinking and our behavior into a particular trench of goal directed behavior. 14434.wav|So this is peripheral pain, because, remember, blood is delivering not just blood, but other nutrients, and it's clearing things out from tissues. 14435.wav|Given the external circumstances, it can even measure or is associated with our understanding of what are called atrial barrel receptors. 14436.wav|And so while I myself was approaching the discussion about essential oils and, or I should say oils, right? 14437.wav|For each muscle group, try and find an exercise in which you get that muscle into a weighted stretch position. 14438.wav|When you get into cold water and you remain there for some period of time, your body is generating heat. 14439.wav|So what I'm about to read are the author's words, not mine. 14440.wav|And when you are sleep deprived or when you have a low level viral infection or a cold or a flu of any kind, you tend to experience light as brighter than it actually is when you're rested or you're in the healthy state. 14441.wav|In fact, individuals will vary tremendously from one day to the next, or even within the same day, the extent to which they can tolerate background noise. 14442.wav|So one pure speculation, but nonetheless grounded speculation, would be that treadmilling or cycling at a desk would reduce anxiety. 14443.wav|There are a lot of supplement companies and sources of supplements out there. 14444.wav|In fact, most of the time I can't even remember that they're on my face and they won't fall off if you get sweaty. 14445.wav|The reason for training legs on Monday is several fold. 14446.wav|How do you know how much dopamine you need and how to achieve those elevated levels of dopamine? 14447.wav|But having a healthy cardiovascular system because it's going to deliver blood and oxygen and nutrients to this incredible apparati on the front of your face. 14448.wav|And that third principle, that you still have to do golf swings in the real world, in addition to the mental training of golf swings. 14449.wav|Now the phrase hormonal headache should already cue you to the fact that it's far too general a term because there are so many different hormones, testosterone, estrogen, thyroid hormone, growth hormone, and on and on and on. 14450.wav|In fact, they might not even be recovered such that I'm able to do a real leg workout. 14451.wav|At least every 90 minutes of looking at things up close, or even if you're looking at a screen, a television screen, or you're watching a movie, or you're indoors, for every 90 minutes of that, you ideally would have at least 20, probably more like 30 minutes of being outside, ideally. 14452.wav|So there are times when I haven't gotten as much sleep as I would like, or I'm feeling a bit more stressed for whatever reason, and I'll do NSDR, and then I will go train, and that often works fabulously well for me, and then I don't have to skip a workout entirely just because I didn't get a good night's sleep. 14453.wav|And you can't really tell what's in front and what's in back. 14454.wav|You don't want your chin all the way back, but to look up and to raise your eyes toward the ceiling, and to look up and try and hold that for ten to 15 seconds. 14455.wav|How many of them am I naturally doing? 14456.wav|Now, within the context of intermittent fasting on a circadian timescale, once every 24 hours, you generally find two categories of people. 14457.wav|He can't even close his eyes all the way. 14458.wav|And how much limbic friction is required to execute that habit will tell you whether or not that habit is deeply or just shallowly embedded within your nervous system. 14459.wav|Like with anorexia, there's a distortion in the relationship to food, but the homeostatic and the reward aspects are disrupted. 14460.wav|You have a pipe with a lot of fluid moving through it. 14461.wav|If you search the literature and even on Pubmed, peer reviewed articles, that every time you engage in a behavior, you just measure the fact that you did that behavior, you just mark it down. 14462.wav|So does visualization work? 14463.wav|You are effectively flying 6 hours to a different time zone, or at least that's what your body registers it as. 14464.wav|So, as you're listening to this, I'm giving you a real time blow by blow of what led up to where we are now. 14465.wav|But I do want to put a big asterisk, a highlight and an underlying pen beneath the statement I'm about to make, which is that pharmacology of the serotonin system, just as pharmacology of the dopamine system is very broadband, it's a shotgun approach. 14466.wav|What you see is the light bouncing off that green apple, and it goes into your eye, and you see it and perceive it as round and green, but not because you see anything green. 14467.wav|So if you stay up from 03:00 a.m. 14468.wav|However, what we were all told when we were kids, which is if you go outside and you get a chill, it's a good idea when you come back inside to take a hot shower or a hot bath, or if you have access to it, a sauna to heat back up, that's also true. 14469.wav|How worthwhile is it to do behavior a versus behavior b in order to achieve a particular goal? 14470.wav|As mentioned many times now in this episode, the nigrostriatal pathway involved in divergent thinking and it involves dopamine is also responsible for eye blinks and for movements of the limbs of the body in very deliberate ways. 14471.wav|This is a binding of a chemical in the brain that then they can image with brain imaging, which is what they did in the study, to evaluate how much dopamine changed in the brain and where specifically in the brain dopamine changed its levels before, during, and after this particular behavioral practice in one or the other group. 14472.wav|And that doesn't have anything to do with the depression associated with low mood. 14473.wav|So what happens is neurotransmitter goes from presynaptic neuron to postsynaptic neuron. 14474.wav|In any case, in the meta-analyses of omega-3 fatty acids for the treatment of headache, and that includes all the different kinds of headache, they found in exploring a huge range of omega-3 supplementation, ranging from 200 milligrams all the way up to 2000 milligrams per day, it really was at the one gram or higher dosage per day, where the significant impact in reducing headache frequency and intensity was found. 14475.wav|So the widening of those pipes that we call arteries, vessels and capillaries is a very prominent feature of migraine. 14476.wav|What this means is that endogenous cannabinoids and activation of the CB one and CB two receptors are an integral part of neural development. 14477.wav|The reason I started taking ag one, and the reason I still take ag one once or twice a day, is that it helps me meet all of my foundational, vitamin, mineral and probiotic needs. 14478.wav|And there's a classic study done by Kools and Desposito and colleagues. 14479.wav|You burn body fat because body fat is not just a passive tissue, it actually receives input from neurons that release noradrenaline and adrenaline. 14480.wav|And in fact, there are really beautiful papers out there talking about how one can actually do a fair amount of cardiovascular exercise without interfering with their strength and speed and hypertrophy improvements and vice versa. 14481.wav|You don't eat for a while, then you want to eat to maintain weight, right? 14482.wav|The bell no longer evokes that response. 14483.wav|It's one of our most popular episodes. 14484.wav|So it's not necessarily that cannabis is increasing the capacity of the brain areas that are associated with creativity, but rather, cannabis appears to be increasing an openness, and probably doing that in part through lowering anxiety, in particular people, and that openness is leading to inclusion of more ideas during the divergent thinking process. 14485.wav|The age range is very broad, which is great. 14486.wav|So neurons that are controlling the production of the so called sex steroid hormones, things like testosterone, estrogen and related hormones, prolactin, et cetera, those are all changing at very rapid rates. 14487.wav|This is a test that shows you what your biological age and compares that of course to your chronological age. 14488.wav|If you're outdoors, it would be to expand your visual focus as broadly as you possibly can. 14489.wav|And we talked about the importance of naming things, we talked about the importance of creating not just one, but many parallels between real world training and mental training and visualization. 14490.wav|So when you come along and say, look, you should really eat this whole pie or this whole pizza, you'll feel better, that's actually aversive to them. 14491.wav|But I do try and have large swaths of the day in which it's either on airplane mode or it's completely physically separated from me. 14492.wav|You will have everything you need to know in mind in order to understand both why nicotine is so highly used and indeed abused, why it's so hard to quit, and that will point to avenues as to how to quit or reduce intake. 14493.wav|In movement, in the smoothness of movement. 14494.wav|That means lots of salt, some other electrolytes, and no sugar. 14495.wav|And we talked about narrative building as a way to reawaken, or I should say, re-access the childhood creativity that did indeed exist in all of us at some point in time. 14496.wav|There are a lot of muscles that lie parallel to the skull. 14497.wav|I really try and emphasize deep relaxation between sets. 14498.wav|And in that case, they would be better off, for example, not engaging in any activities or taking anything in the way of pharmacology that would further increase their dopamine and probably limiting the amount of external stimuli that are coming in through music and visual stimuli and really focusing on divergent thinking in the creative process immediately. 14499.wav|That is the best way to support this podcast. 14500.wav|They will sometimes have deficits in eye blinking. 14501.wav|And it connects to the prefrontal cortex, that area just behind the forehead. 14502.wav|I realize we covered a lot of information today. 14503.wav|In this case, they were using 15 Hertz binaural beats and here I'm paraphrasing, produced network activity characteristic of high information transfer with consistent connection strengths. 14504.wav|So estrogen will then peak and then start to fall low, low, low, low, low, low, low, low, low, pretty quickly, right about the time that the egg ovulates. 14505.wav|So mucosal, mucosal, so that would be kissing, mucosal lining or even skin to mucosal lining. 14506.wav|But you do want it above you. 14507.wav|It turns out that habits and the way that we build and break and rebuild new habits is one of the most effective treatments for anorexia. 14508.wav|Excuse me, 32 degrees celsius, which is 89 degrees fahrenheit. 14509.wav|You wonder why stop signs and stoplights and things aren't in magenta? 14510.wav|It's like going from an old school dial up connection, or even an old school telephone connection or Morse code connection of communication to high speed ethernet, to a 5g connection, it gets faster, it gets more robust, and it's very, very clear. 14511.wav|So this may sound as if you're training a bunch of small muscle groups, biceps, triceps, necks and calves, and that's true. 14512.wav|And now you're familiar with sensory neurons, motor neurons and modulatory neurons and can modulate the activity of the pain pathways by way of impacting the activity of all sorts of different organs, including organs that give rise to some of the inflammatory cytokines. 14513.wav|However, that mental training and visualization has to be performed in a very specific way. 14514.wav|You might say, well, running is running, but let's use divergent thinking as a way to illustrate what divergent thinking is. 14515.wav|So you could imagine a mild form of anorexia in a parent that is supported or exacerbated by praise so that the person feels good from the praise they're getting, that they want to be a low body weight for whatever reason, for aesthetic reasons or for whatever reasons that happen to appeal to them. 14516.wav|While supplements aren't necessary for everybody, many people derive tremendous benefit from them for things like sleep and focus and so forth. 14517.wav|A couple of things I learned from this article, and then I'll get into the specific tool for breaking habits. 14518.wav|Binge eating is consuming vast amounts of calories in a short period of time. 14519.wav|A focus and a perception on the external world is what's called exteroception, and a focus on what's happening inside us is interoception, and we have the capacity to build mental appraisal into that. 14520.wav|Again, for the duration of three breaths. 14521.wav|Big pupils of the eyes is why they feel agitated. 14522.wav|But the core components of these go and no-go task or the stop signal tasks really capture the core elements of most all of cognitive and or motor learning in some way that's fundamentally important. 14523.wav|So that's a bunch of detail, but if I wanted to make it really simple for everyone, I would say there are four areas. 14524.wav|And of course, there are nicotine patches, nicotine gum, there's nicotine in pill form, there are toothpicks dipped in nicotine, et cetera. 14525.wav|They divided that into two sessions. 14526.wav|And of course, anything like exchange of skin contact or exchange of saliva, because obviously in cases of romantic relationships where people will kiss or in familial relationships or friendships where people hug, any kind of contact also further increases the transmission of cold and flu, not just from stuff emitted from the nasal passages and from the mouth when people sneeze and cough, but also when people wipe their eyes, even when people wipe their skin, because oftentimes they have cold or flu virus on their skin, it doesn't always survive terribly long on the skin, but if they wipe their face or wipe their nose or are using tissues and then don't wash their hands thoroughly afterwards, indeed they can transmit cold and flu simply through handshake. 14527.wav|This is how we refer to groups of receptors of related design and genetic background. 14528.wav|But your body being relaxed is almost, if not the optimal state for getting mental work done. 14529.wav|I just want to point you to a review article that if you'd like to get a complete survey of all the options that are available, there's an excellent review on this. 14530.wav|And in recent years, his laboratory has started to do studies on how acupuncture works, because indeed acupuncture has been known to work to alleviate pain for a long time, but the underlying mechanisms haven't been clear. 14531.wav|Even if we're having a conversation with somebody. 14532.wav|Again, I want to reiterate that these are clinical trials that are being done legally. 14533.wav|Again, you can go to Drink Element, that's lmnt.com slash Huberman. 14534.wav|So in a certain amount of time strongly dictates the extent to which working memory capacity is going to be high, medium or low. 14535.wav|Ketamine is being used as a treatment for depression. 14536.wav|So I'll get back to that in that full length episode about colds and flus, but I felt it was too important not to mention right now that people's theories about when they are quote unquote contagious or not contagious are rarely substantiated by the actual data. 14537.wav|Before diving into the different strains of cannabis and how they impact the brain and body both similarly and differently, I want to emphasize that the cannabis plant contains a number of different psychoactive compounds. 14538.wav|And here's why you would not want to eat the Carolina Reaper. 14539.wav|I teach neuroscience and neuroscience related tools in short format. 14540.wav|They were moderately long, I confess. 14541.wav|InsideTracker now includes a measurement of apolipoprotein B, so-called ApoB, in their ultimate plan. 14542.wav|It might even increase cognitive capacity in a potent way in the short term. 14543.wav|You have to know the relationships between things in space, pay attention to what they are, keep those in mind again, cause it's working memory, just as long as it's necessary to perform a task. 14544.wav|Thermoregulation, meaning your brain and body's ability to regulate your internal core temperature is somewhat like a thermostat, and that thermostat resides in your brain. 14545.wav|But for most of you, who I presume are sighted, this is how it works. 14546.wav|But that's just my bias. 14547.wav|And that toolkit is not just supplements. 14548.wav|Okay, so long term potentiation is one of the main mechanisms by which we take formally innocuous or irrelevant events. 14549.wav|And it has the sodium, magnesium, potassium and the ideal ratios for hydrating and providing electrolytes to the cells and tissues of your body. 14550.wav|I confess it also describes the synthesis of MDMA, and for that reason was a book that for a long time was not available, but is now available again in audible form and in printed form. 14551.wav|But as an empathogen or an enactogen, it's creating more affiliation. 14552.wav|So either higher dosages or more frequent use, and a lot of the positive effects, the so called decrease in anxiety, increased focus, increased creativity, some of that starts to wane, it starts to dissipate, and people wonder why they have to use so much cannabis just to achieve a fraction of the effect that they used to be able to achieve with even a lower dose. 14553.wav|Now, why deep brain stimulation? 14554.wav|It is a very, very strong and durable material. 14555.wav|But it could also be something as trivial as watching cartoons or watching a movie, which is not trivial in its own right, but in terms of thinking about the creative aspects or the creativity, stimulating aspects of cannabis, not sort of productivity oriented. 14556.wav|Again, they tend to be unilateral, they tend to begin very deep, and they tend to be excruciatingly painful, excruciatingly painful. 14557.wav|I know that will shock a number of you out there, or perhaps you're already calling me names, week, et cetera, but I find that if I've slept really poorly or I've had a very stressful event the day before and I don't sleep well, training the next day sets me up for getting ill and getting ill sets me up for not being able to train for multiple days. 14558.wav|And that actually illustrates a bigger point here. 14559.wav|One are called isochronic tones. 14560.wav|And many people use deliberate cold exposure specifically to shift their body state as a way to train their mental state so that they can better cope with stress in real life. 14561.wav|So let's drill into that foundational protocol and I'll keep referring to it as the foundational protocol, not because it's the one that I use, although it is the one that I use and not because it's the one that we're talking about today, although it's the one we're talking about today, but because we need some general framework from which to build out the more specific protocols that we'll get into in a bit more detail later. 14562.wav|As the title suggests, it's mainly for motor imagery training, but it extends into music, which of course involves motor training and execution, but as well as education. 14563.wav|The reward is set up before the behavior. 14564.wav|And we'll talk about the difference between those and how that can be leveraged in order to get the most out of mental training and visualization. 14565.wav|In order to enhance dopamine in this nigrostriatal pathway and enhance divergent thinking. 14566.wav|Movement also controls speech, and therefore cannabis is impacting speech. 14567.wav|It's a little gap, a little space, and the neurotransmitter flows across that synapse, and some of it will park in little parking spots that we call receptors on the postsynaptic neuron side, depending on which neurotransmitter it is, and a bunch of other things not worth going into right now. 14568.wav|So the sativa varieties are often prescribed or are used in the recreational context for pain management and relief. 14569.wav|And if you'd like to start layering these protocols, by all means, please do that. 14570.wav|So rather than going to any one of those studies in immense detail, I'm going to summarize across those studies. 14571.wav|That are adapted to different environments. 14572.wav|And there are different aspects of mental training and visualization protocols that really harness the potentiation versus the depression aspect. 14573.wav|That's pretty impressive. 14574.wav|After all, a lot of dopamine and serotonin is released and it can be depleted. 14575.wav|The major takeaway from the study is that the group that did the 15 minutes of moderate exercise prior to these two tests showed significant decreases in the amount of time required to complete these tests accurately. 14576.wav|The current estimates are as much as 60%, maybe even 80%, of drugs that are sold on the gray market are being repackaged or reformulated with fentanyl. 14577.wav|And we've answered that with uncomfortably cold to the point where you want to get out, but you can safely stay in. 14578.wav|You can try this the next time you're doing your deliberate cold exposure. 14579.wav|A duration, path, outcome type process we can shorten with DPO. 14580.wav|I don't want a television in the room, et cetera. 14581.wav|And in the case of prefrontal cortex, what's happening is it's increasing transmission, increasing the release of neurotransmitter in prefrontal cortex. 14582.wav|It's sometimes increasing communication between neurons, sometimes decreasing it, and then along comes cannabis. 14583.wav|There's the risk of salmonella. 14584.wav|I don't want to get into a long description of this now, but basically the lens has to bring light to the retina, not in front of it, not behind it. 14585.wav|But that when it comes to assigning an identity to something like, oh, that's a face, or oh, that's a vase, that is constrained by different neural circuits, by different areas of the brain. 14586.wav|They're not seeing the other thing that it could possibly be, okay? 14587.wav|But again, it is not yet legal. 14588.wav|I should mention that the proceeds from the premium channel go to support the standard Huberman Lab podcast, which will continue to be released every Monday per usual, as well as supporting various research projects done on humans to create the sorts of tools for mental health, physical health, and performance that you hear about on the Huberman Lab podcast. 14589.wav|We don't have to go into all the names, but just understand that there are little pockets of neurons, nerve cells located in the front and the back and some extent in the middle of your brain, but really in the front and the back of your brain that can serve two major roles. 14590.wav|They are essentially photoreceptors. 14591.wav|For myself and because my general goal is to be training and fit over time, but also to include general health in the fitness equation, that is to not be sick or chronically sick and certainly not to get other people sick. 14592.wav|The other thing is something called meiosis, which is that you can't dilate the pupil. 14593.wav|Now, reward and attaching reward requires a somewhat high amplitude sympathetic arousal. 14594.wav|They're all timestamped and available there. 14595.wav|Now, I talked a little bit about this in the episodes on sleep, and this episode is not about sleep, but I want to emphasize that there is a particular category of retinal ganglion cell. 14596.wav|Basically, everyone's unique and helix understands that and that's built into the design of their mattresses. 14597.wav|But in closed loop, one behavior or one set of neural firings leads to another, leads to another, and then just kind of sets the same thing in motion. 14598.wav|If that persists and you're dealing with a lot of issues a week later, six weeks later, or two years later, then it's moved into the realm of trauma and PTSD. 14599.wav|Spiegel's laboratory, and the work that's being done on the insula. 14600.wav|And then they have what they feel is kind of a general sense of fear about closeness to others and attachment. 14601.wav|Again, these subunits of receptors. 14602.wav|However, when I look at the literature and I examined a number of different studies, what I always seemed to come back to was that 40 plus or -5 hz seemed to be optimal for generating improvements in cognition, in math performance, and even in various types of memory recall, and even in musical performance. 14603.wav|And it is hotly debated nowadays, and it's been hotly debated really for centuries, what an emotion is and what an emotion isn't. 14604.wav|So the most common question I get about deliberate cold exposure is how cold should the water be? 14605.wav|So that's chemical information. 14606.wav|It's considered safe at the dosages used in this study and certainly for sports performance as well. 14607.wav|So if you're somebody, for instance, who's trying to get better at a particular skill, this could be not just sport, but also public speaking, watching videos of yourself doing that can be very effective. 14608.wav|And there are several studies that show not enormous, okay, I want to be clear, small to moderate improvements in working memory performance, but in some cases, significant improvement. 14609.wav|And today you will learn how deliberate cold exposure can be used to cause increases in the release of several, if not all of these in ways that can improve your levels of attention and your mood. 14610.wav|But in the studies that I've been referring to here, the assessment of progress and the updating of concrete plans was done weekly. 14611.wav|This is not typically what we are encouraged to do. 14612.wav|Divergent thinking is essentially taking one element and coming up with many, many answers. 14613.wav|And at the same time, we need to acknowledge that when a compound, a drug, or whatever you want to call it, becomes legal, there is a tendency to assume that it's safe and safe for everybody. 14614.wav|What we're talking about is a change in synaptic strengths. 14615.wav|And so the amygdala and some sense of anxiety or fear is actually built into the circuits that generate goal seeking and our motivation to pursue goals. 14616.wav|So I'm really excited to tell you about this next study for a number of reasons. 14617.wav|Because remember, we train legs on Monday. 14618.wav|But we should probably all chew our food better and eat more slowly, be more mindful of what we're eating, et cetera. 14619.wav|Hormonal headaches, not because estrogen's high, that's a common misconception, rather because estrogen and progesterone are both low. 14620.wav|I've given you an array, a palette, a buffet, if you will, of things that you could do to try and enhance or support your vision, depending on how good your vision is, your family history of vision and vision loss, your occupational hazards, people that work with metal filings that are flying out of machines are going to have a higher degree of vision risk to their visual system than will people who just do office work. 14621.wav|But in the meantime, anastatol does seem to have some positive effects on anxiety, and therefore might provide a kind of supportive indirect effect for people that are trying to work through trauma and PTSD. 14622.wav|They did measure the angle of heel raise, and it was anywhere from 10 to 15 degrees, so they didn't have to go way, way up on their tippy toes or things of that sort. 14623.wav|For instance, in most areas of the world, unless you live directly near the equator, in the winter months means that days are going to be shorter and nights are longer than in the summer months. 14624.wav|You still need to understand possibilities, but you need to forget prior understanding of what those possibilities have to be and start thinking about what those possibilities could be. 14625.wav|So in other words, their PTSD went into remittance. 14626.wav|It has outputs that inhibit the activity of neurons in the motor cortex and elsewhere, and that has a profound influence on the execution of motor behavior and the learning of particular motor behaviors. 14627.wav|So instead, what I will do is a 10, but ideally in that case, a 30 or even 60 minutes non-sleep deep rest, and there's a 10 minute non-sleep deep rest protocol read by me, but it is a non-spiritual, non-mystical, science supported, non-sleep deep rest protocol available on YouTube. 14628.wav|These are purely correlations. 14629.wav|Sometimes it might even mean doing a set of pushing and then a set of pulling and going back and forth. 14630.wav|One issue with a lot of blood tests and DNA tests out there, however, is that you get information back about hormones, blood lipids, et cetera, but you don't know what to do with that information. 14631.wav|And of course, forgotten because that's what working memory involves, remembering and then discarding of information shortly thereafter. 14632.wav|You're also going to come away with some practical tools and I'm certain that regardless of your present state or goals, there'll be something of value to you. 14633.wav|And it's happening right now. 14634.wav|So this particular protocol begins on Sunday, although that's simply the day that I happen to begin the protocol. 14635.wav|Maybe it's a panel of how should we get a certain product out to market? 14636.wav|But there are studies that have looked at this, and the data point to the fact that even at our most heightened levels of focus, most people can only maintain focus before switching tasks for about three minutes, which is depressingly short period of time. 14637.wav|First of all, it's extremely recent. 14638.wav|To try AG1, go to www.drinkag1.com slash Huberman, and you'll get a year's supply of vitamin D3K2 and five free travel packs of AG1. 14639.wav|So it's a lot like the habit that we described for anorexia. 14640.wav|As you can imagine. 14641.wav|If you'd like to try ketone IQ, you can go to hvmn.com huberman to save 20% off again, that's hvmn.com Huberman to save 20%. 14642.wav|Is it sitting there trying to get into your system or do you have it a little bit? 14643.wav|That's perhaps the best way to support our podcast. 14644.wav|Adenosine is a molecule that builds up in the brain and body more and more the longer we've been awake. 14645.wav|Move it past that relaxation point where you will have to do what's called a virgin's Eye movement to maintain focus on that location as it moves out. 14646.wav|What I'm about to describe is called the cathedral effect. 14647.wav|Remember, the neurons that connect the retina to the brain that is involved in a special kind of vision that has nothing to do with conscious perception of what's around you. 14648.wav|Just that series of thoughts will start to generate a dopamine release within my brain and body. 14649.wav|And those changes are largely downstream of changes in blood flow and endothelial cell function. 14650.wav|Now, when I say pops out, I don't mean that you look at an Escher and go, oh, normally I don't see repetition. 14651.wav|So MDMA is increasing dopamine to increase reward to a particular experience. 14652.wav|While there are a lot of different choices of yerba mate drinks out there, I love Matina because, again, they have the no sugar variety, as well as the fact that both their loose leaf and their canned varieties are of the absolute best quality, so much so that I decided to become a partial owner in the company. 14653.wav|Do you tend to sleep on your back, your side of your stomach, or maybe you don't know? 14654.wav|And when we are not sleeping well consistently, everything suffers. 14655.wav|You can access those protocols zero cost by simply going to hubermanlab.com signing up for the neural network newsletter it's very easy to do. 14656.wav|Those five things, sleep, exercise, sun, nutrition, and social connection are all critical for maintaining baselines of health and raising your baselines of health. 14657.wav|And it's no coincidence that kids can often run around with a minimal of clothing and be comfortable in environments that adults would be cold in. 14658.wav|What's going to work is intervening in the neural circuitry that's related to the habit itself. 14659.wav|Of course, Wendy was a guest on this podcast, so you can check out that episode if you like. 14660.wav|They can also have a particular utility or use in the world like a piece of technology that is actually useful, like an app or a smartphone or a computer actually has utility or a vehicle. 14661.wav|If the neural circuits for task bracketing are deeply embedded in us, meaning they are very robust around a particular habit, well, then it's likely that we're going to go out for that zone two cardio no matter what, that we're going to brush our teeth no matter what. 14662.wav|If you're viewing the world around you, presumably you can see everything that's out there. 14663.wav|So for instance, you'll learn that some headache arises because of muscular pain, other headache arises because of excessive vasodilation. 14664.wav|If you'd like to try Athletic Greens, you can go to athleticgreens.com slash Huberman and they'll give you five free travel packs that make it really easy to mix up Athletic Greens while you're on the road, in the car, on the plane, et cetera. 14665.wav|Obviously, sneezers, coffers, sneeze and cough in the other direction, cover your mouth and nose. 14666.wav|So I have named it the Soberg principle. 14667.wav|So the Soberg principle is if you want to increase your metabolism, end with cold. 14668.wav|They tend to brainstorm a lot, they tend to be comfortable and even want to or reflexively throw out a lot of ideas that sometimes even seem a little disconnected. 14669.wav|And there's a whole field of psychology devoted to understanding habit formation and habit breaking. 14670.wav|So if you didn't register that as a joke, that's about as funny as neuroscience or biology jokes get. 14671.wav|And what the science tells us is that protein synthesis in a muscle group can be stimulated about every 42 to 72 hours. 14672.wav|15% of pregnant mothers report using cannabis in some form or another, either smoking it or more likely, ingestion of an edible, because they are aware of the negative effects of smoking on the developing fetus, ingestion of an edible to increase thc and or cbd during pregnancy, which to me, I have to say, as a developmental neurobiologist, is, frankly, it's scary. 14673.wav|And of course, you want to optimize the cost efficiency and the biological efficiency of those supplements. 14674.wav|So that really speaks to biological mechanism. 14675.wav|You can see the parallels here to kind of childhood imagination where essentially anything can happen in the child's mind because they are unconstrained. 14676.wav|Most people feel more alert early in the day, even anxious early in the day. 14677.wav|He said, if you take the number 220 and you subtract your age, that for most people, most is going to be your maximum heart rate. 14678.wav|So spinal cord and other aspects of the nervous system, cb two. 14679.wav|And here's where things get really interesting as it relates to the neural circuitry. 14680.wav|No one can see them both at the same time. 14681.wav|There's real estate deep up, further up in the brain that's responsible for analyzing and recognizing faces and the eyes. 14682.wav|And in fact, in the episode that I did with a wonderful guest, Dr. Wendy Suzuki from New York University, she talked about how a daily meditation of about 10 to 13 minutes performed for about eight weeks, that's what they explored. 14683.wav|So, in anticipation of this episode, I consulted extensively with a colleague of mine at Stanford, who, sadly for us, is going off to University of Pennsylvania. 14684.wav|But in those mice, they were also given a drug to block the oxytocin receptor. 14685.wav|Rather tacking on some additional sequences, like if neuron a fires, neuron b fires, and then you're saying, okay, well, if neuron b fires, I'm going to start inserting neuron CDEF to fire, right? 14686.wav|Everything is captioned in English and Spanish. 14687.wav|Lower motor neurons are the ones that actually generate movement. 14688.wav|That's what moving through one's day or at least workday or anything that requires cognition and focus entails. 14689.wav|Or again, they'll work the first time and the second time, but then they stop working. 14690.wav|Well, that workout is really designed to make sure that I'm either maintaining or building strength in my legs. 14691.wav|I just really try and keep the bedroom for sleeping or whatever else. 14692.wav|And I highly suggest placing those somewhere within this phase one of zero to 8 hours after waking. 14693.wav|So within 30 seconds, it reaches the brain and bodily tissues, and within 30 to 60 minutes, it's going to reach its peak concentrations and have its peak biological effects. 14694.wav|This will become important as we talk about anxiety and the anxiety symptoms of PTSD. 14695.wav|If you're not in good cardiovascular health, do not just jump right into this fitness protocol. 14696.wav|Take their brief two-minute quiz and they'll match you to a customized mattress. 14697.wav|However, we can have stress without having fear. 14698.wav|There's one other point related to that that I did not cover, and that I'd like to cover just briefly, which is that there's nothing to say that you have to always work in the same location all the time. 14699.wav|Every study in mice, in non human primates, and in humans in which MDMA is administered has observed significant increases in blood pressure and heart rate. 14700.wav|Now, what the data tell us is that most people will be able to do that. 14701.wav|It never really becomes a good story at this point in the treatment process that we're describing. 14702.wav|It's not often consumed, and components of rudoralis are not often consumed for medicinal or recreational purposes. 14703.wav|So this actually spits in the face of what we said earlier which is that physical training is always better than mental training, and mental training is always better than no training. 14704.wav|And so for the back, one might say, okay, I seated row or a bent over row or a dumbbell row where the elbow is brought behind the torso for a peak contraction movement. 14705.wav|Now, of course, the words in the winter months means many things. 14706.wav|Having more beige fat and brown fat can increase your overall core metabolism. 14707.wav|And therefore, the marriage of those two, the coming together of the chemical THC or CBD or both with these receptors, is somehow supposed to happen as if this was a purpose of having these receptors. 14708.wav|So Livemomentous.com slash Huberman. 14709.wav|The solution they built is extremely powerful because it turns the proliferation of an invasive species into a wide range of nutrient dense products from butcher cuts, so venison steaks and ground venison, et cetera, to organ meats, bone broth, and jerky. 14710.wav|The eardrum is beating in concert to that sound frequency. 14711.wav|The title of the study, which was published in 2018, is exploring the effect of microdosing psychedelics on creativity in an open-label natural setting. 14712.wav|It's not very structured unless we're actively trying to think about something. 14713.wav|Now, the major takeaways from this study that I'd like to emphasize are that the 15 minutes of jogging group experienced elevated levels of energy for some period of time after they ceased the exercise, whereas the group that did mindfulness meditation actually reported feeling more calm and having less overall energy. 14714.wav|Other people will just do a tick mark on a piece of paper. 14715.wav|So there's a key, what we call temporal component. 14716.wav|The amygdala is part of what we can call the threat reflex. 14717.wav|So cannabis and its effects on hormones are not without consequence. 14718.wav|What scientists and clinicians call unilateral. 14719.wav|That's a consummatory behavior. 14720.wav|And so there's a kind of a dropping off curve of performance as one progresses from fewer to greater number of items to be remembered. 14721.wav|And laboratories, both in the United States, which is Chufu's and elsewhere are starting to find the underlying mechanisms. 14722.wav|And if you recall, a decrease in core body temperature of one to three degrees is not just beneficial, but is necessary in order to get into deep sleep and remain in deep sleep. 14723.wav|That's going to occur by activation of cb one, receptors in the so called prefrontal cortex, which is just behind the forehead, and the prefrontal cortex acts as a strong modulator of so called limbic circuitry and other circuitry that is more stress oriented. 14724.wav|Those nuclei contain dna. 14725.wav|Believe it or not, there's an increase in a particular feature of our blood pressure. 14726.wav|That's easy to remember. 14727.wav|But to make a long story short, there were some issues of labeling of MDMA versus other drugs in the laboratory. 14728.wav|The general results were that there were reductions in headaches, okay? 14729.wav|Long term depression says that if neuron A is active and neuron B is not active within a particular time window, then the connection between neuron A and B will weaken over time, even if they started off very strongly connected. 14730.wav|Sure, wrinkles are relieved, but if Botox is injected into the muscles themselves, it can provide long lasting relief of certain types of headaches, in particular, tension type headaches. 14731.wav|It's kind of a staggering thing to contemplate, but we know it's extremely common, and we know that it's more prevalent in females. 14732.wav|Title is association of cannabis potency with mental ill health and addiction. 14733.wav|There has been an exploration of lower frequency binaural beats. 14734.wav|That tells us a few things. 14735.wav|There are cars, please don't run into traffic just to maintain that speed and that timing. 14736.wav|And before I do this, I want to return to a point that I made earlier, which is that nothing I am about to say relates directly to issues of legality. 14737.wav|Pregnancy, for whatever reason, seems to be protective against migraine headaches. 14738.wav|Your mind may drift cognitively, that's okay. 14739.wav|The anorexic feels great about restricting their food intake. 14740.wav|Or I'm going to do things that are better for the environment, or I'm going to become more physically fit. 14741.wav|In part, that's likely due to be the dopamine effects, right? 14742.wav|So I do want to caution that people who take high doses of curcumin and some people who are very sensitive to curcumin will even at low doses experience reductions in DHT that lead to things that they would not like, such as sufficient reductions in libido. 14743.wav|It's less important that you know the names of things than you understand the action steps that those things take. 14744.wav|There is an interesting pathway whereby dopamine increases, can trigger increases in things like luteinizing hormone, which can trigger increases in testosterone as well as estrogen for that matter. 14745.wav|And the effect works in the other direction too. 14746.wav|But let's look under the hood and try and identify where one could intervene, in theory, in order to try and rescue the anorexic or help the anorexic rescue themselves. 14747.wav|There's a $10 a month charge or $100 per year, and I should mention that a large portion of the proceeds from the Huberman Lab premium channel will go to support scientific research that develops the very sorts of tools that we talk about on the Huberman Lab Podcast. 14748.wav|So this is why I always say behavioral tools really should come first. 14749.wav|Zone two cardio is cardiovascular exercise that places you at a level where you can hold a conversation with a little bit of strain, meaning that you can get the words out. 14750.wav|We posted protocols of the specific four kinds of endurance training@hubermanlab.com. 14751.wav|Everything that I'm talking about here has a mechanistic basis. 14752.wav|Again, there's a little bit of a no go component there, but there are specific tasks that people have developed for the laboratory that really closely mimic action learning and cognitive learning in the real world. 14753.wav|And they will give you a year supply of vitamin D three, k two. 14754.wav|Something they're watching or something they're doing or music, allows them to narrow their sense of focus. 14755.wav|Now you decide to quit. 14756.wav|Okay, that's a reflexive habit, I think, that most people have experienced, and we often hear the idea that, oh, the phone is so filled with access to dopamine and incredible things that we're just drawn to it. 14757.wav|So there's an accumulation of, literally toxins and debris that cells generate all the time, which is healthy, but then normally is cleared away by the endothelial cells and by other cell types of the immune system. 14758.wav|We only can speculate some pattern. 14759.wav|Okay, so let's say you look out into the landscape of what's available to you, whether or not it's just in your mind or you look at a specific point, you say, I want to go to that particular restaurant to eat that particular food, and you orient towards it and you move towards it. 14760.wav|Well, if you're like me, you probably get up once in the middle of the night. 14761.wav|Now, that doesn't necessarily mean that they are fated to forever be traumatized or live in fear. 14762.wav|And it doesn't apply because it's in mice. 14763.wav|I think it's only fair, it's only safe, that we acknowledge that these dosages are really, really high. 14764.wav|That's how we adjust our goal, seeking to different timescales. 14765.wav|So I'm constraining who this might be by saying he actually, despite having the option to have a very large office, would place himself in a workspace that was literally a coat closet cleared out with a desk, small lamp, completely dark. 14766.wav|In fact, going back to our earlier discussion about focus and some tools for focus. 14767.wav|This is not just the case for binge eating disorder or for bulimia, but why that would be the case. 14768.wav|They are driven from the inside to ingest far more food than they need and in some cases, than they would want to eat. 14769.wav|Of course, those things can still be taken. 14770.wav|It makes your skin worse. 14771.wav|And there are other groups as well. 14772.wav|So bromocriptine is a drug that increases dopamine. 14773.wav|And he said, no, it's actually the gene that controls whether or not you open your mouth. 14774.wav|So you put the two together, and people become more motivated to be social and kinder to themselves. 14775.wav|So now you have some idea about the brain areas and networks involved in creativity. 14776.wav|So it's this idea that you see something and then you got to sketch it out in your mind. 14777.wav|Maybe it involves hypnosis. 14778.wav|Because as you're starting off in the mode of very reflexively performing a bad habit. 14779.wav|It all depends on one's levels of self discipline, which, as you probably know from your own experience, tends to kind of wax and wane sometimes. 14780.wav|What is quality protein? 14781.wav|So what this tells us is that the relationship between dopamine and working memory follows an inverted U-shape function. 14782.wav|I've talked many times before on this podcast about the key role of hydration and electrolytes for nerve cell function, neuron function, as well as the function of all the cells and all the tissues and organ systems of the body. 14783.wav|Journal of Ophthalmology, journal Investigative Ophthalmology and Vision Sciences. 14784.wav|It's beautiful because you can stretch out or make more narrow the time bins in which reward prediction error works. 14785.wav|And in particular for people that are suffering from headache, dizziness, fatigue, et cetera. 14786.wav|And here I'm more or less paraphrasing from them. 14787.wav|And in the case of trauma, PTSD, and extreme stress, chronic stress, that system gets ramped up so that it takes very little, maybe even just a memory or maybe even an association that we're not even aware of. 14788.wav|Now, keep in mind, there are studies in rodents showing neurotoxicity of MDMA, perhaps even at recreational doses. 14789.wav|EMDR activates both sides of the brain, which I guess, hypothetically, was thought to be important somehow. 14790.wav|Both of those are so called stress hormones, but they're not always involved in stress. 14791.wav|I don't think it's too much to ask somebody who's sick to not get you sick. 14792.wav|They do 390 minutes therapy sessions with two therapists talking about their PTSD symptoms, talking about, to the extent that they can, the incident or incidents, the life events that led to that PTSD. 14793.wav|And then for the next month, switch to repetition range that's closer to eight to 12, maybe even 15 repetitions per set, but do fewer sets overall, so maybe just two to three sets per exercise, again, just two exercises per muscle group typically, and shorten the rest between sets so that it's more in the 90 seconds, maybe even as short as 60 seconds rest between sets, but typically 90 seconds to about two minutes or two and a half minutes. 14794.wav|Rather, working memory is the reflection of a particular neural circuit running an algorithm over and over and over for different types of information, but the information isn't stored, it is actually intentionally discarded. 14795.wav|Sensory means just input coming in about sight, sounds, tastes, et cetera, and then the motor systems, the systems of the brain and body that generate action, taking that information and generating action. 14796.wav|As I mentioned earlier, anorexia and things that almost certainly were and are anorexia have been described as early as the 16 hundreds and maybe even earlier. 14797.wav|Well, I enjoy eating very much. 14798.wav|And the way they analyzed this was really interesting. 14799.wav|One could argue that it is deliberate because they elect to go to buds, but when they get into the cold water at buds is dictated by the instructors. 14800.wav|You want to control for as many variables as possible. 14801.wav|So what's the takeaway about caffeine and headache? 14802.wav|So again, if you go to athleticgreens.com huberman, you can claim a special offer. 14803.wav|The long and short of these studies is that when people have to focus their attention on one location, like a goal line, they are much more effective in reaching those goals, and they achieve them with the perception that they expended less effort. 14804.wav|They'll even pick the mattress up for you if you don't love it, but I'm pretty confident that you will.