diff --git "a/eng2mandarin_valid.csv" "b/eng2mandarin_valid.csv" new file mode 100644--- /dev/null +++ "b/eng2mandarin_valid.csv" @@ -0,0 +1,39324 @@ +English,Mandarin +"Slowly and not without struggle, America began to listen.",美国缓慢地开始倾听,但并非没有艰难曲折。 +I didn't own a Thesaurus until four years ago and I use a small Webster's dictionary that I'd bought at K-Mart for 89 cents.,直到四年前我才有了一本词典。我使用的是用89美分在K市场里买来的一本韦氏小词典。我从来不使用单词处理程序。 +"portlet, you must write three short deployment descriptors: web.xml, portlet.xml, and geronimo-web.xml. (Some of these may have been generated by your IDE.)",portlet 之后,您必须编写三个简短的部署描述符:web.xml、portlet.xml 和 geronimo-web.xml(这其中的一些文件可能已经由 IDE 生成)。 +"Dithering is a technique that blends your colors together, making them look smoother, or just creating interesting textures.",抖动是关于颜色混合的技术,使你的作品看起来更圆滑,或者只是创作有趣的材质。 +This paper discusses the petrologic characteristics of the coal-bearing strata under the geologic structural background of the Tertiary coal basin in Hunchun.,本文以珲春早第三纪含煤盆地的地质构违背景为依据,分析了煤系地层的岩石学特征。 +Women over 55 are pickier about their partners than at any other time in their lives.,55岁以上的女人们对自己伴侣更为挑剔。 +"Ruben: So, to heal (with capital letters) you need to have no predilections.",所以,要“治疗“他人你必须没有任何偏好。 +The second encounter relates to my grandfather's treasure box.,第二次事件跟我爷爷的宝贝匣子有关。 +"Change the value for the tag to MyEJB, which is the name of the EJB as defined in the ejb-jar.xml file.",将 标记的值更改为 MyEJB,即在 ejb-jar.xml 文件中定义的 EJB 名称。 +One way to address these challenges would be to establish a Truth and Reconciliation Commission modeled on the experience of Muggle South Africa.,解决这些挑战的途径包括依照麻瓜在南非的经验设立真相与和解委员会。 +"Brain: If you don't mind, Jonathan, while you and Mr. Sun get acquainted, I'd like to check the arrangements for the meeting.",如果你不介意,Jonathan,在你和孙先生互相认识时,我先失陪,看看会议安排得如何。 +"Bailee Madison plays Sally, a young girl who goes to live with her father and his girlfriend.",受托保管人麦迪逊扮演莎莉,一个年轻的女孩谁去与她同住的父亲和他的女朋友。 +"Reduce blood fat, prevent thrombosis, arteriosclerosis, apoplexy and heart disease. Improve memory, nourish the brain and improve the intelligence.",降血脂,预防血栓、动脉硬化、中风和心脏病;改善记忆,健脑益智。 +"Toomay said signs of community intolerance, including bumper stickers opposing same-sex marriage, also made him feel down, and he sought guidance from a school counselor after contemplating suicide.",Toomay 说到群体性不宽容的标志,其中包括保险杠贴纸里有反同性婚姻,这也让他觉得低落。 他在认真考虑过自杀后向一位学校咨询员寻求了指导。 +"When you eat dinner out, reduce the temptation to clean your plate by setting aside one-third of your meal.",当你在外吃晚餐的时候,把你晚餐中三分之一的食物放置在一边。 +Sang Lan is one of the best athletes in our country.,桑兰是我国最优异的运带动之一。 +"They are able to show that active peroxiredoxin 1, Prx1, an enzyme that breaks down harmful hydrogen peroxide in the cells, is required for caloric restriction to work effectively.",他们已经证明出活性过氧化物酶1(prx1),一种能够将细胞内有害的过氧化氢分解的酶类,正是此正面效应的所需酶类。 +"He went to slide upon the ice Before the ice would bear; Then he plunged in above his knees, Which made poor Simon stare.",他到冰上去滑冰在冰还能支撑前; 接着他陷入水中直到膝盖, 可怜的西蒙睁大了眼。 +"Miaoxiang son know the devil tricks, white three quick deployment.",苗香儿知道了鬼子的诡计,白三部署速战速结。 +"“My daughter has been banned from watching the show, ” supermodel Cindy Crawford told ShowbizSpy.",超级名模辛迪•克劳馥在接受美国ShowbizSpy网站采访时表示:“我禁止女儿看这个节目。 +"""The Chinese Super League starts in a couple of weeks and Sheffield United have asked me to go over and have a look at the coaching set-up, "" said McKinna.",“中国足球超级联赛几周之后将拉开战幕,谢菲尔德联队邀请我过去看一下它们的教练配备,”麦克金纳说道。 +On the fifteenth day of that month the Lord 's Feast of Unleavened Bread begins; for seven days you must eat bread made without yeast.,"这月十五日是向耶和华守的无酵节, 你们要吃无酵饼七日." +"This paper consists of 3 parts:the monitorial system, the pupil-teacher system, and the historic role of the monitorial system & the pupil-teacher system.",本文主要由三个部分组成:导生制、见习生制、导生制和见习生制的历史作用。 +Further development of the central cell mainly involved changes in the orientation of the polar nuclei and the distribution of the cytoplasm.,中央细胞以后的发育主要是极核的发育和极核周围胞质的变化。 +The first parameter to the script is saved to a variable called $IP.,脚本的第一个参数被保存为一个名为 $IP 的变量。 +Effective microbicides mean women can act independently to protect themselves against HIV/AIDS.,有效的杀微生物剂可以让妇女独立地保护她们自己不被艾滋病感染。 +当我把消息告诉她时,她简直目瞪口呆。,She just gaped at me when I told her the news. +"KEY LARGO, Fla. - The newborn calf of a deaf bottlenose dolphin that was found stranded last fall off a Florida beach died Friday at a marine mammal rehabilitation center.",佛罗里达州消息-----上星期五,海洋哺乳动物复原中心,人们在佛罗里达海岸发现一只刚出生没多久的聋海豚的宝宝的尸体。 +"Despite some real scandals at Fannie and Freddie, they played little role in causing the crisis: most of the really bad lending came from private loan originators.",尽管房利美和房地美的确存在一些丑闻,但它们在引发金融危机中扮演的角色微不足道:绝大部分的不良贷款来自私人贷款发放者。 +His time of 13 seconds is his best result since his injury four years ago.,13秒的那次是他自从四年前受伤以来跑出的最快成绩。 +"They walked in a stooped posture, the shoulders well forward, the head still farther forward, the eyes bent upon the ground.",他们弯腰前行,肩膀前倾,脑袋更加前倾,眼睛专注地盯着地面。 +"In the East, Manichaeism survived until the 13th century.",在东方, 摩尼教仍然保留着,直到十三世纪。 +"I am clearly warning against that, because what you get is liable to be mediocrity.",我很清楚地对这种情况发出了警告,因为你得到的很可能是平庸之才。 +He could see I meant what I said. So he took his fur coat and left.,他看得出我并非只是说说而已,于是拿起他的皮衣走了。 +But the main problem hasn't been solved which emphasizes on the system of curriculum and the integrity of the teaching content.,但由于课程教学目标过分强调课程系统性、教学内容完整性,以至于足球普修课教学工作者感到难以适应。 +"Mr Blake:This is my son, Timmy.",布莱克先生: 这是我儿子蒂米。 +Few people studying Gauge Field Theory need to be convinced of the importance of the work of 't Hooft.,研究计量器领域理论的很少人需要确信' t 胡夫特的工作的重要性。 +Shanghai is a varicolored world.,上海是一个所谓的花花世界。 +Using this in concert with the exec() command and dumping the results to an array allows you to build an HTML table or form that then allows you to run other commands.,将它与 exec() 命令一起使用可以将结果保存到一个数组中,这允许您构建一个 HTML 表或表单,它们又进一步允许您运行其他命令。 +"As a result, the equivalent model of contactless smart card and the interrogator was accomplished, which was verified by the simulation of Hspice software.",最后,结合实际的电路设计参数,通过hspise仿真,验证采用此方法建立的非接触卡的等效模型是正确的。 +"Because, by all accounts, that would be fostering a climate of lying and dishonesty.",因为,据各方面说,这将会孕育一种说谎和不诚实的风气。 +"Therefore, laminoplasty with its ability to address multiple levels, and limited short- and long-term morbidity, despite neck pain, is the author's procedure of choice.",因此,作者认为椎板成形术适合于多节段的脊椎病变,无论病程长短,有无颈痛。 +It will actively foster volunteer teams.,积极培育志愿服务队伍。 +Frank Miller's dispiriting take on The Spirit a couple of years ago could easily have laid the subgenre to rest for a generation.,弗兰克米勒几年前的失意之作——《闪灵侠》为后续而来的导演们开辟了一条新的道路。 +E. g. Dalian is one of the most beautiful cities in China.,大连是中国最美丽的城市之一。 +"Truth, good and beauty have always been considered as the three top pursuits of human beings.",真善美一直被视为人类的三大最高追求,其中美是最高层次的,美必然是真与善的统一。 +"Li Shizhen own invention, he is the main drug observe, study and practical application of the new discovery, new experiences, thus greatly enriched and improved the knowledge of herbal medicine.",李时珍自己的发明,主要是他对药物观察、研究以及实际应用的新发现、新经验,从而大大地丰富和完善了本草学的知识。 +"Even though vitamin C-rich foods are probably the first thing you think of when you feel a cold coming, the illness-preventing power of the antioxidant is debatable.",虽然感到要降温时你第一个想到的是富含维他命C的食物,不过,抗氧化剂预防疾病的能力仍旧是无可辩驳的。 +"Further perfecting and developing shareholding system economy is still disrupted by the problem, that shareholding system belongs to capitalism or socialism, in people's ideology.",进一步完善和发展股份制经济,在意识形态中仍然受到了姓“资”与姓“社”问题的干扰。 +"At last, the design method of widened pavement was proposed with considering tension strength as a controlling index.",最后以路面抗拉强度为指标探讨拓宽道路的设计方法。 +Conclusion: MRA combined with MRI and enhanced multi-slice CT is an accurate modality in making the early diagnosis of vertebral artery type cervical spondylosis.,结论:MRA与MRI联合应用及多层螺旋CTA检查均是诊断椎动脉型颈椎病较为理想的检查手段。 +Jane: You've been out every night for the last three weeks. Don't you know what's been happening?,小真:过去三个星期妳每晚都出去。你不知道发生什么事了吗? +CallXML is a platform specific to Voxeo.,CallXML 是特定于 Voxeo 的一种平台。 +"So i did this, and now i have 75.6 gigs free.",因此,我这样做,现在我有75.6演出免费入场。 +"Find out Staff's realty incenter requirement, to accelerate staff motivate by themselves, rein-force the inspirit function of human' s inherence factor.",了解员工真实的内心需求,促进员工的自我激励,加强内在因素的激励作用。 +The lower-right corner of the source rectangle is mapped to the implicit fourth point in the parallelogram.,源矩形的右下角与平行四边形未能明确表示的第四点映射。 +"The start of the season, everybody was just like, ""They're not going to be in there.""",在赛季初,多有人都这样说:“他们不会出现在季后赛的。” +"n 20th-century high schools, shop and home economics classes were considered easy As—or worse, one-way tickets to unexciting vocations.",在20世纪的中学里,购物和家庭经济系列课程被认为是容易的——或者更糟,被看作是要从事使人兴奋不起来的行当的单程票。 +The influence of fin al pyrolysis temperature(FPT)on the pyrolytic yield of biomass has been studied.,实验过程中考察了热解反应条件对半焦产率和成分的影响; +"Ingredients : wheat flour, sugar, vegetable oil, corn starch, whey powder, milk powder, cheese powder, salt, leaving agent, food color.",配料:面粉、糖、植物油、玉米淀粉、乳清粉、奶粉、芝士粉、盐、调味料、膨松剂、着色剂。 +"Hye-na Kang, the only successor of Kang-san Group, is the owner of the 'Lady Castle' and lives a 'princess-like' life with her servants.",姜慧娜是姜胜集团唯一的继承人,也是夫人城堡的所有者。 +"For example, up to 70% of women and a significant proportion of men with gonococcal and/or chlamydial infections may experience no symptoms at all.",例如,多达70%的妇女以及相当大一部分的男子虽然患有淋球菌感染和/或衣原体感染,但可能并无任何症状。 +"Over the years, Col Gaddafi had fallen out with both his neighbours and the West, although he had bankrolled many African leaders.",多年以来,卡扎菲与邻国和西方国家都处于长期失和状态,但他资助过不少非洲领导人。 +"Hope that help is what causes, and the other want to recommend a 1.6 the following handwriting input method. thanks.",希望大家帮助下,是何原因导致的,另外希望推荐个1。6下面的手写输入法。谢谢。 +Why wait around hoping to be picked for the next season of The Bachelor when the land of virtual romance awaits?,当真实的爱情就在前方等待时,为什么还要痴痴地寄希望于能上下一季的《单身汉》(美国ABC一档真人秀征婚节目,译者注)呢? +Department stores:Projected to lose 10.2 percent of the 1.56 million jobs they had in 2008.,百货商店:2008年有156万份工作,预计到2018年将会缩减10.2%。 +"The measured value of particle, sheet resistance and film thickness have been respectively recorded in a table, please see table2.",测量的粒子,表面电阻和膜厚度的数值分别记录在表单,见表2。 +Last week a male student in Zhejiang streaked to protest his school's rule that all power be shut off by 11:30 pm.,上周,浙江某大学一男生上街裸奔,以抗议学校11点半熄灯断电的制度。 +"I am almost all white, although my fur may turn yellow in summer.",我几乎纯白色,但在夏天,我的皮毛可能会变黄。 +He outperformed everyone on the test last week.,他在上个礼拜的考试的表现超异于其他应试者。 +"Xiao li said no, can finish it in notepad.",小李说不用,用记事本就能完成这件事。 +"The fourth part analyze and explain for GMTC new products developed strategy, and analyze innovative method and process for special steel new products;",第四部分对荣刚的新产品发展策略进行分析说明,并分析了荣刚新产品的创新模式和流程; +"However, when sailing by the lee or directly downwind, her leeward side is the side on which her mainsail lies. The other side is her windward side.",然而,当斜风顺戗或全然溜风时,她的主帆所在一舷为她的下风舷,另一舷则为她的上风舷。 +"Last year, the Chinese Eximbank pledged $20bn in development funds for African infrastructure and trade financing over the next three years, funds that outstripped all western donor pledges combined.",去年,中国进出口银行(Eximbank)承诺将在未来3年向非洲基础设施及贸易项目提供200亿美元发展资金,金额超过了所有西方捐赠承诺的总和。 +"Finally, you can experiment with Scilab's graph library and link to a saved graph through XHTML.",最后,您可以试用 Scilab 的图形库并通过 XHTML 链接到一个已保存的图形。 +"Major gifts are at least US$10,000 and can be made either to the Annual Programs Fund, Permanent Fund, or a restricted TRF program.",巨额捐献 是指金额至少 10,000 美元,且系捐给年度计划基金或永久基金之捐献,或者是指定扶轮基金计划。 +The British Monarchy Website Flickr account streams both up-to-the-minute images of royal engagements and archive photographs from the royal collection.,英国王室的Flickr帐户中上传了最新的王室婚礼照片和王室珍藏的一些老照片。 +"A large, gray building sat behind an energy wall. It was built of blocks of stone and looked like a prison.",一幢巨大的灰色建筑坐落在一面能量墙后,大楼由石砖筑成,活像一座监狱。 +"For Professor Howard Cantril of Princeton University and colleagues, this provided the perfect opportunity to investigate the anatomy of panic (Cantril, Gaudet & Herzog, 1940).",对于普林休斯顿大学的教授霍华德 坎特里尔(Howard Cantril)和他的同事们来说,这个事件为恐慌的剖析(坎特里尔,高德特及赫尔佐克,1940 )提供了绝佳的研究机会。 +"A slight narrowing of the eyes is an instinctual, universal expression of anger across various species in the animal kingdom (think about the angry expressions of tigers, dogs, etc.).",轻微地眯眼是出自本性的一种表达愤怒的方式,对于动物世界里各种各样的动物都是通用的(想一想老虎,狗等动物生气的表情就知道了)。 +"The participants carried out the positive discussion on the possible economic and trade cooperation with Luxemburg, and were more confident about Lu as the fast track to Europe markets.",与会的企业代表与卢方就可能开展的经贸合作展开了积极的讨论与磋商,对卢作为进入欧洲市场的快捷通道信心倍增。 +"There is some dispute regarding the association of sildenafil with arrhythmias, where the available evidence is not clear.",此外,万艾可与心律失常的相关性仍存争议,现有的证据尚不能明确二者的关系。 +And scientists are focusing on the pathways for dopamine and similar neurotransmitters active in the circuits that pass information to and from the frontal lobes.,同时,一些科学家也致力于研究神经回路中活跃的多巴胺以及类似的活跃的神经递质的运动路径,这些神经递质在神经回路和额叶之间传递信息。 +"This strong degree of metallic yarn , and traction ability.",这样的金银丝纱线牢固度好,牵引能力强。 +"“They are a part of life,” Nikitina writes.",“这正是生命的一部分” 妮可缇娜写道。 +The influence of the suspension parameters on the dynamic performance of the articulated container flat car is studied and the suspension parameters are optimized.,论文对铰接式集装箱平车的悬挂参数进行了优化,分析了单元车组转向架悬挂参数对单元车组动力学性能的影响并得出了相应的结论。 +"In this article, the application of industrial textiles in biomedical field is concluded, especially artificial skin, artificial blood vessel, artificial kidney, artificial pancreas, artificial bone.",概述了产业用纺织品在生物医学领域的应用及发展情况,重点介绍了产业用纺织品在人工皮肤、工血管、工肾、工胰和人工骨等方面的应用。 +You worry a lot and you’re always easily upset.,你心事重重,且容易沮丧。 +The scene is the crowning glory of this marvellously entertaining show.,该场面是这部精彩娱乐片的精华。 +"Close all blind flanges, inspection holes and manholes.",关闭所有盲法兰盖、并检查各个孔和人孔。 +There are cruises on Friday and Saturday February 13th and 14th.,在2月13日、2月14日,即星期五、星期六都会有游轮出航。 +"For its special structure and working circumstance, so far it is the unique transporting means.",由于其特殊的结构和工作环境,刮板输送机迄今为止仍是综采工作面唯一的运输设备。 +Then the media weighed in on Odom's regular-season effort with barely a shrug: Odom finished sixth in the voting for sixth man of the year after his numbers were slightly down in many categories.,接著,媒体对奥多姆的常规赛表现报以相当冷淡的态度:在刚刚结束的赛季最佳第六人投票里,由于他的数据轻微下滑,他仅仅名列第六。 +"Today, Marcus is a short, thickset redhead with a lot of energy, just like his father.",如今,马库斯长得较矮一点,体格结实、一头红发、精力充沛,跟他爸爸一个样; +"Once they're investigated, their stock prices and their bond prices are going to fall.","一旦这些公司被调查,他们的股票价格和他们的债券价格就会下跌" +"But two years later, the Web-savvy coverage of Tuesday's election highlights the growing sophistication of interactive media, social media and mobile apps。",然而时隔两年,在周二选举的报道中对网络的熟练运用突出反映了互动媒体、社交媒体和手机媒体日益走向成熟。 +Model principle: Excert the power of personality of a politics teacher.,表率原则:发挥政治教师的人格力量。 +"Despite doubts about the extent and novelty of these new resources, the fact remains that the IMF has more money available.",尽管这些新的资金来源的范围和“新颖度”存在疑问,IMF获得了更多可用资金也是事实。 +DAT is the north channel for automobile shipping.,大连汽车码头是商品车海运的北方门户。 +The honor belongs to the Excellent teachers and directors of Young Pioneer of Guangzhou.,光荣归于南粤优秀教师、辅导员。 +I am going to check on all of these kids while I am in Cambodia.,当我在柬埔塞时,我会去探望全部的孩子。 +"Rather than hold on to something that's done and can't be changed, if we choose to let it go, chances are the relationship will heal and flourish.",不管谁伤害了我们,事实上,这些话极度地刺痛了我们内心,与其坚持做一些不能改变的事情上,还不如选择让它去,这样做才能更好地愈合伤痛并且保持良好的关系。 +"For now going native is the best option, but I am sure the debate will continue.",在目前看来,原生应用是最好的选择,但是我相信这个争议将会持续下去。 +"Because Yang Yimin is also starting Olympic Games' some wrap-up work with Paralympic Game's arrangement, therefore absents .",由于杨一民还在参加奥运会的一些收尾工作和残奥会的布置,因此缺席。 +"OBAMA: OK, it's a deal, provided you use them to drop a few bombs on those Talibans next door to you.",奥:好,成交,给你去丢些炮弹到你隔壁的塔利班。 +"In fact, just think about your mom and all religious prohibitions anytime you think about sex.",事实上,你只需要在念及性的时候一直想着妈妈和所有的宗教禁戒即可。 +The oil of high wax content and high pour point in Shenyang oilfield is very difficult to gather and transmit.,沈阳油田为高含蜡、高凝固点的原油,原油集输十分困难。 +Cold forge steel is a kind of special use of steel which can be used to produce the standard part in the room temperature.,冷镦钢是一种在室温条件下,利用金属塑性成型工艺,生产互换性较高的标准件用钢。 +"Some of them, mainly women, now show up in my classes as ""older students,"" often returning to take up the education they dropped out of twenty-some years ago.",他们中的某些人,主要是女性,现在会以“高龄学生”的身份出现在我的课堂里,补起他们二十多年前丢下的课程。 +A structural analysis model combines the age adjusted effective modulus (AAEM) method with the finite element method to calculate creep deformation of prestressed concrete bridge is presented.,将按龄期调整的有效模量法与有限元法相结合,建立预应力混凝土梁桥徐变计算结构分析模型。 +"Will the Activator Solution freeze? If so, what should I do?",激活剂会结冰吗?如果结冰,该怎么办? +"Within hours the plankton run out, the feast winds down, and the mantas plow the bay's sandy bottom with their cephalic fins to throw hidden prey back into the water column.",在几个小时内浮游生物的盛宴即将结束,而蝠鲼犁其头鳍于海湾的沙底中,等待下一批猎物的到来。 +Objective To survey the morbidity rate and the influential factors on dementia in the aged Hui and Han residents in Niujie area of Beijing.,目的调查北京市牛街回、汉族居民老年期痴呆的患病率并探讨其影响因素。 +"Write down 10 things you love about your partner on a sheet of paper and stick it somewhere they will see it first thing in the morning, such as inside their wardrobe or on the bathroom mirror.",在纸上列出关于你伴侣的十件事,将它粘在早上一眼就能看到的地方,如他们的衣柜,或者是浴室镜子上。 +We've seen email between criminals with instructions on how to respond to different questions.,我们曾经截获过一��犯罪分子之间相互交流的电子邮件,其中就有针对不同问题的应对方式说明。 +"We are determined to eliminate AQAP’s ability to execute violent attacks and to disrupt, dismantle and defeat their networks.",我们决心铲除阿拉伯半岛基地组织实施暴力攻击的能力,挫败、击溃并战胜他们的组织网络。 +His enthusiasm for study struck his teacher favourably.,他勤奋学习的热情给老师留下了良好的印象。 +Objective To evaluate the value and limitation of MRI in the diagnosis of meningovascular neurosyphilis.,目的探讨MRI在诊断脑膜血管型神经梅毒中的价值与限度。 +"Secondly, process dimension chain concerned with fitting margin is established, so the value of fitting loop of pre-fitting is derived.",再建立由修配量参与的工艺尺寸链,从而求出修配前的修配环尺寸。 +"Coming out of the crisis, there could be new opportunities.",当危机的阴霾散去时,这里可能出现新的机遇。 +"And, sir, if business imposes its restraints and its silences and impediments, Mr. Darnay as a young gentleman of generosity knows how to make allowance for that circumstance.",而且,如果业务给人带来了制约和不便,迫使人沉默的话,达尔内先生是个慷慨大方的绅士,他知道该怎么大方地处理的。 +Model for rod and pipe extrudate of amorphous plastics cooled in water bath is built based on heat transfer theory.,依据传热学原理,建立了无定形塑料棒状和管状挤出制品的水浴冷却模型。 +"Today, alumnae of United have formed a national organization called ""Clipped Wings"" to maintain their airline friendships.","今天,联合公司退役的女乘务员们组成了一个叫做“CLIPPED WINGS""的全国性团体,以保持她们的飞行友情。" +"The research of dynamic competition is a fast - developing branch of strategic management theory since of 1980s early, and at-tracting increasing attention from abroad and home.",动态竞争的研究始于80年代初,至今仍是国外企业战略管理学界最重要、讨论最热烈的研究方向之一。 +"The mansion south river not only gives all the plain brings the economy to prosper, but also conceived all the civilization history of more than 2,000 years.",府南河不仅给成都平原带来了经济繁荣,而且孕育了成都两千多年的文明史。 +"I could see that the US, and to a lesser extent the UK, might be tempted to go down this road.",我能想见,美国和英国(可能性略低)或许会忍不住走上这条道路。 +"However, it is a popular methodology for archaeologists to use other relics, such as pottery, bronze mirror, coin, found along with jade wares within one tomb to determine the times of jade wares.",目前考古学界通常是用同一墓葬中与玉器伴出的其他遗物如陶器、铜镜、钱币等为依据,再运用标型学方法综合判定该墓葬中出土玉器的年代。 +"Then, although it was still broad daylight,--it was summer,-- he lighted them. In the same way candles are to be seen lighted in broad daylight in chambers where there is a corpse.",他在一个抽屉里取出两支蜡烛插在烛台上,于是,虽然天还亮着,当时是夏天,他把蜡烛点起来,在有死人的房里有时大白天就这样点着蜡烛的。 +Then you have a decrease in reactor coolant inventory.,然后,反应堆冷却剂存货会减少。 +Conal International Trading the Los Angeles-area footwear company apologized for the troubling image left by the tread of its Polar Fox boots.,科纳尔国际贸易公司洛杉矶区鞋业公司,为其北极狐品牌的靴子鞋底的纹路带来的麻烦致歉。 +"In Corinna's results on reasons for engaging in committed sex, almost 90% cited motivation due to “feelings of obligation” and 86% listed “to earn something from my partner.”",在科琳娜关于忠实的性行为原因的调查中,几乎有90%的把动机归于“责任感”,86%则说是“从我的伴侣那得到些东西”。 +"He learned to speak French passably, declared them a nation and gave the province a special seat at international gatherings.",他能把法语说得马马虎虎,他宣布魁北克实际上是一个国家,而且他也给予了魁北克一定的国际地位。 +Jack used a drill to bore a hole in the wall above the fireplace.,杰克用钻子在壁炉上方的墙上钻孔。 +Abigail Chase: Look!,阿比盖尔。蔡斯:看! +Hagan tried it and lost 12 pounds.,Hagan进行了尝试,减掉了12磅。 +"In the third part, the author expounds Tohty Baki's whole life, the works of translated literature and the process of his translation work.",在第三部分重点介绍了翻译家托乎提巴克的生平,创作情况及其翻译文学经历。 +The strategy involved two doses of measles vaccine with supplements of vitamin A.,该措施包括提供两剂维生素A补充的麻疹疫苗。 +"America Economia Magazine names Santander Santiago ""Best Bank in Latin America"".",美国经济杂志命名桑坦德圣地亚哥为“拉丁美洲最佳的银行”。 +"""Rural politics"" mode alienates the nature of villager autonomy in practice, forms lots of complicated contradiction and develops toward two extremes: ""affiliated administration"" and ""over autonomy"".",“乡政村治”模式在实践中异化村民自治的性质,形成了乡村关系中的诸多复杂矛盾,并向两个极端方向发展:即“附属行政化”和“过度自治化”。 +"They are products designed to be put on your skin or hair to temporarily change the surface properties like make-up, cleansers, lipstick &lotions.",比如粉饼,洗面奶,唇膏,乳液,他们都只是暂时涂在我们皮肤或是头发表面,用来改变外表状态的。 +"The preemptive right of lessees came into being when the lessor sold the tenement, once it came into being, it is enforceable. What kind of effect does the preemptive right of lessees have?",在对期待权性质进行分析后,否定了承租人优先购买权是期待权的说法,认为承租人优先购买权于出租人出卖房屋时产生,一经产生即可行使。 +This paper describes mode synthesis for practical disks eigen-problems by using the annular superparametrie elements.,本文叙述实际圆盘的模态综合,利用环形超参元。 +"The university spirit, which is the embodiment of the loftiest ideals of the time, has been fostered in the subjective practice of higher education.",大学精神是一种立足于大学教育的主体性实践,张扬并涵养着时代精神的高层次的精神理念与境界。 +The interaction of agglomerates and that between agglomerates and the matrix material are discussed.,讨论了团聚体之间及团聚体与基体之间的相互作用对烧结的影响。 +The good king identified the well-being of his people with his own.,一个好的君主认为他子民的幸福既是他的幸福。 +"Scott and Whitney met on the campus of Bard College in Red Hook, NY two years ago this January.",斯科特和惠特尼是两年前在大学里邂逅的,纽约红钩的巴德学院。 +"This month, The Washington Post reported that the District is being overwhelmed by a rise in homelessness, resulting in about 200 families jammed into a shelter meant for 35.",华盛顿邮报本月曾报道称,由于无家可归者人数上升,华盛顿特区已不堪重负,已有200个家庭被迫挤入只能容纳35个家庭的收容所内。 +"For example, I went from doing large-scale abstract landscape paintings to making small works on paper.",比如,我是从绘制大幅抽象风景画转向绘制小幅纸上作品的。 +"A method for simultaneous separation and determination of two coumarins, dicumarol and cyclocoumarol, in cosmetics by HPLC-diode-array detector(DAD) was developed.",建立了用高效液相色谱(HPLC)/二极管阵列检测器(DAD)测定化妆品中两种香豆素物质——双香豆素和环香豆素的方法。 +"The DB2 optimizer is a cost-based optimizer, which means it makes decisions based on statistics that are available for the tables and indexes.",这是一种基于成本的优化器,这意味着它是根据表和索引的相关统计信息来作出决策的。 +Mr Hendy said that it could become a landmark to help tourists to locate Speaker's Corner.,亨迪说,如果大理石拱门被移到“演讲者之角”西南边的话,游人们就会很容易找到“演讲者之角”,拱门就成了一个地标。 +But my story is like the story of millions of Chinese-Americans and indeed immigrants from around the world who have contributed so much to America’s success.,但我的故事和数百万华裔美国人乃至对美国的成功贡献良多的世界各地的移民的故事很相像。 +"On June 3, 2010, Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao held talks with his Myanmar counterpart Thein Sein in Naypyidaw.",2010年6月3日,国务院总理温家宝在内比都与缅甸总理登盛举行会谈。 +"In the East Zhou Dynasty, bronze wares' function as showing emperors' etiquette systems and caste systems weakened due to the declining of the royal family of Zhou Dynasty.",东周时期,随着周王室的衰弱,青铜器作为体现天子礼制与等级制度的功能减弱。 +"In addition, the principle of""density difference"" was adopted to separate the effect of the Conrad Discontinuityfrom the gravity anomaly, in order to estimate the depth of the Conrad Discontinuity.",并采用密度差异的原理,从重力异常中分解出康拉界面的影响,从而求得康拉界面的深度。 +That was my last bit of effort!,我可是把吃奶的力气都给使出来了! +"Non-syndromic cleft lip and palate, as well as cleft palate only, is a group of commom birth defects.",非综合征性唇腭裂以及单发性腭裂是常见的先天发育性疾病。 +It indicates the directory in which working files specific to this broker instance should be stored locally on the server where the broker instance is going to run.,它标识将运行这个代理实例的服务器上的一个目录,特定于该代���实例的工作文件应该本地存储在这个目录中。 +"You see, ""-18"" sucks all the lifeout of you. ""+2"" said, ""I ain't all bad. "" (Laughter)(Applause)",大家看,“-18”让人感觉想死。 “+2”意味着,“我没有那么糟。” (笑声)(掌声) +"For more information about select queries, see the topic Create a select or crosstab query.",有关选择查询的详细信息,请参阅主题创建选择或交叉表查询。 +"For example, to stretch your quadriceps, lie on your right side and grasp your left ankle with your left hand, pulling your ankle toward the back of your leg.",举个例子,为了伸拉你的股四头肌,先向右侧卧,然后用你的左手抓住你的左脚踝,将你的脚踝向你的腿后侧提拉。 +"With BTEC HND certificates and other relevant proof for English proficiency, the students can apply for Bachelor's Degree to foreign universities.",学生全部课程通过,可以获得由英国国家职业学历与学术考试机构颁发的BTEC HND证书。 +"This also leads to high cost due to schedule delays, development workload, and extra test effort, and can result in lower quality delivery for globalization support.",同时还会因为进度表的延迟,开发工作量的增加,以及额外的测试工作导致成本增加,并且在全球化支持方面导致低质量的交付。 +"Dawkins's antagonistic (and, to me, overzealous) view of religion has earned him a lot of angry critics, but I consider him to be one of the great scientific writer of all time.",道金森反宗教的态度受到了许多人愤怒的抨击,但我认为他是从始至今最棒的科学作家之一。 +"Chen Chenggong's family back in Ningde, Fujian province, has always been proud of his accomplishments.",陈成功的老家在福建省宁德市,他一直是家里人的骄傲。 +Their friendship flowered while they were at college.,他们的友谊在他们读大学时已根深蒂固了。 +The qualified coefficient in the field is higher than 90%.,指夹式排种器的田间作业合格率不低于90%。 +"Politics subject is a compulsory one which aims at giving citizen moral education & Marxism common sense education systematically , is a major routine of middle school moral work .",思想政治课是对中学生系统进行公民品德教育和马克思主义常识教育的必修课程,是中学德育工作的主要途径。 +"I think I’ve learned it from Steve Pavlina’s pages, that you’re going to be much more productive if you allocate substantial amounts of time to every particular task and tackle tasks one by one.",我认为我已从史蒂夫帕夫林娜的页面里了解了这些,如果你拨出大量时间去逐一完成每个特定的任务并处理任务,你将变得更富有成效。 +The absence of Recoba for us is an advantage.,对于我们缺少雷科巴是优势。 +Michael Jackson has undoubtably earned the 2010 Nobel Peace Prize.,毋庸置疑,迈克尔·杰克逊是值得授予二零一零年诺贝尔和平奖的。 +"He accounted for Ao integrity, hard work and plain living, high moral character, to his son Dr G said: ""My father is honest farmers, stubborn temper, but a good treat.""",何占鳌为人正直,艰苦朴素,品德高尚,他的儿子何先政说:“我的父亲是忠厚老实的农民、脾气倔,但待人好。 +We should have little snacks.,我们应少吃零食。 +Non-polar capacitors can be used for both AC or DC circuits.,无极性(或二极性)电解电容器,可使用在交流或直流电路上。 +"Naturally, it only looks like Ali from one particular angle, but its presence is powerful nonetheless.",它从某个特殊的角度看上去很自然地与阿里神似,但它的存在是如此有力。 +The stone monument may be a building built for commemorating Mu king named Sima Quan at Pengcheng in Western-Jin dynasty.,该碑可能是西晋时为纪念彭城穆王司马权而修的建筑。 +Political opponents of the Congress Party are accusing the it of bending backwards to accommodate demands from smaller groups - accusations Congress strongly denies.,国大党的政治对手指控国大党千方百计地满足较小政党提出的要求,而国大党坚决否认这一指称。 +True Calvinism knows that sound doctrine is and must be life changing.,真正的加尔文主义知道,纯正的教义会改变生命,也必须要改变生命。 +In 98/37/EC only logic units for two-hand control devices are in the list.,在98/37/EC中,只有用于手工控制设备的逻辑装置在此清单中。 +His back was bent with the weight of the line across it and he carried the fish in his right hand.,由于绳索的重量跨越在肩膀上,他的右手拿着鱼,背部伛偻着。 +"He looks down from his new height and thinks that to the insects unseen in the grass he would be, if they had a consciousness like his, God.",艾哈迈德又长高了,他低头俯看,心想要是草里的虫子也同样相信神灵,也许会将他视为真主吧。 +"Configure, verify, and troubleshoot VTP",配置、检验和检修VTP +This is not surprising for a bureau whose very charter is to work with a clientele that focuses on the future.,对于一个主要职责就是和关注未来的客户打交道的部门而言,这并不奇怪。 +"It was known that clean sandy isn't in extension all the while, and a significant amount of fines exist in alluvial and hydraulic deposit silty sand.",纯净砂在自然界中并不多见,而含细粒砂土却广泛分布,尤其是水力冲积填土和海底沉积土。 +Take one in the street.,在街道上留影一张。 +Methods: 50 case were treated with the Yishen Tongdu method and 50 case were treated with Nimodipinum as control group.,方法:治疗组采用益肾通督法治疗50例,并与药物尼莫地平组50例进行比较。 +"It is therefore groundless to accuse China as the source of hacker attacks, nor is it conducive to international cooperation on cyber security.",所以,指责中国是网络黑客攻击策源地的说法不但没有根据,也不利于在网络安全领域开展国际合作。 +"Due to the prevalence of low price scanners, the image processing technology has been widely applied to the document digitalization in various fields.",由于低价扫瞄器的普及化,使得相关的影像处理技术已被广泛地应用于各行各业文件资料数位化的领域中。 +Objective To establish a bioassay of follicle stimulating hormone(FSH) in serum of rhesus monkey.,目的建立恒河猴促滤泡激素(FSH)生物测定法。 +"There are many fairytale-like series that make audiences ignore or avoid reality, and the complexity of humanity.",有许多童话式的电视剧,令观众选择忽视、逃避现实和人心的复杂。 +Have they ticketed the merchandise?,他们给商品加标签了吗? +"Shark marine site adjustable machine large, medium and small venues three kinds of model to make money!",鲨鱼海洋机台场地可调大,中,小场地三种赚钱模式! +Conclusion: The prognosis of patients with MODS complicated to acute severe tetramine poisoning is poor and the mortality is high.,结论:急性重症毒鼠强中毒后MODS,预后差,死亡率高。 +But not often.,但也不常常如此。 +But soon I'll be finished with them after playing all of the old stuff live.,以至于不久后我在把玩这些陈旧不堪的音频后弹尽粮绝。 +"After about 6 beers, Relph found himself a little sopping.",灌了6杯啤酒之后,拉尔夫感到有点醉了。 +"The clinical and laboratory indexes were detected, including morning stiffness, ESR, CRP.",并测定晨僵时间,血沉(ESR),C-反应蛋白(CRP)等临床和实验室指标。 +Sit on your heels with a straight spine.,背挺直,跪坐于两个脚后跟上。 +A new method using high validity liquid chromatogram to separate and determine the concentration of benzoyl peroxidation in wheat flour was proposed.,本文提出了用高效液相色谱分离和测定小麦粉中增白剂过氧化苯甲酰的新方法。 +"Never frown , even when you are sad , because you never know who is falling love with your smail.",既然伤心,也不要愁眉不展,因为你不知道是谁爱上你的笑容。 +Party B is to work under the full-time standard working time system: Party A may require Party B to work for no more than 8 hours every day and for five days every week.,乙方的炮位施行全日制规范工日任务政策,本方调度乙方每天任务工夫没有超越8时辰,每周任务五天。 +Pare nots of Spears' young fans charged the breast support-clad! Teletubby-clinging star of insulting her influence properlylso oversexing herself for magarizonaine slight possibly beers.,斯皮尔斯的年老歌迷的父母们指责这个穿戴纹胸襟抱电视胖胖的歌星为杂志滞销滥用她的影响力并过度炫夸性感。 +"Because of rising nationalism and reassertion of traditional values in Asia, shoving ""the white man's Christianity"" upon Asians is no longer advisable.",由于增长的民族主义和重申传统的价值观在亚洲,推“的白人的基督教”应亚洲人不再是不可取的。 +The mode-locking stability of injection-locked broad tuned TEA CO2 lasers is studied.,研究了注入锁定宽调谐横向激励大气压(TEA) CO2激光器模式锁定的稳定性问题。 +"When two companies form an agreement and integrate their respective systems to obtain business value, this is usually known as Business-to-Business Integration (B2Bi).",当两个公司达成协议并将他们各自的系统进行集成以获得业务价值时,这通常被称作 Business-to-Business Integration(B2Bi)。 +"By taking advantage of the distributed workforce, CAGs enable Novel Connect to simply, systematically, and regularly stay in close con- tact with diverse customers across the nation.",通过利用分布式劳动力地质科学院使新型连接到简单,系统,并定期与全国各地的不同客户保持密切接触。 +"Since each iteration in the generalized method will usually skip over a number of extreme points, the convergence rate is obviously quicker than that in simplex method.",由于广义方法的迭代通常要跳过一些极点,因此收敛速度比单纯形法有明显的提高。 +"""I did not think the ring could be crushed that easily, but it did, "" he said.",他说:“我原本觉得婚戒不容易被打碎,但其实不然。 +"The simulation results show that: for a class of MIMO uncertain bilinear system with unmodeled dynamics, it can not obtain satisfactory control results only by using adaptive decoupling control law.",本文通过仿真实验表明,对于一类含有未建模动态的多输入多输出不确定双线性系统,单纯地利用自适应解耦控制策略并不能取得满意的控制效果。 +This summer Cleveland Mayor Frank Jackson has wrestled with one of his biggest challenges since taking office five years ago.,今年夏天克利夫兰市市长弗兰克.杰克逊全力应对自从五年前上任以来最大的挑战之一。 +"Ambulances and police cars flooded into the area, which is part of a shopping centre.",救护车和警车潮水般涌入案发区域,也是隶属于一家购物中心的区域。 +Transaction demarcation can have a negative effect on service layer reusability if implemented inappropriately.,如果实现方式不当,事务划分 会对服务层可重用性产生负面影响。 +Other studies have shown that high fructose intake can affect how the body handles glucose and increases insulin resistance--which can both be important measures of the tendency toward diabetes.,其他的一些研究已经表明,大量摄取果糖会影响人体对葡萄糖的代谢,并会加重人体对胰岛素的抵抗力,而这两者是判断是否可能罹患糖尿病的重要指标。 +"Collections of NCKU Taiwanese Culture Center include the research areas of literature, linguistics, history, culture, politics, and ethnic relations.",本中心之藏书包含台湾文学、语言、历史、文化、政治、族群关系等各领域。 +"Maybe over time I could learn, but right at the start, I'd play like Sasha does.",可能随着时间的推移,我能够学好,但是现在刚开始,我会表现得像武贾西奇一样。 +Host nodes were organized in P2P structure and resource discovery was achieved by multicast.,采用P2P结构组织宿主机节点,利用组播实现资源发现; +"As the increasing of reclaimed wastepaper, the control of the stickies attracts popular attention intensively. The source, categories and chemical control of the stickies are outlined in this paper.",随着废纸回收利用率的提高,胶粘杂质的控制问题得到了人们广泛的关注。本文简述了胶粘杂质的来源、分类及化学控制方法。 +"He has pretty good basic opera skills, he articulates forcefully and pronounces clearly.",他的戏剧基本功不错,喷口有力、吐字清晰。 +Things that burn.,燃烧物。 +"No matter you are a doctor, a master, or white-collar, once you join in it, that means you are one of the unprivileged .",不管你是博士、硕士还是白领阶层,一旦加入到打工行列,就意味着从社会最底层做起。 +"Song Yadan, a senior student from Zhejiang Forestry College has recently become a legend.",浙江林学院大四女生宋雅丹最近成为传奇人物。 +"Celebrated at the ides of February, or February 15, Lupercalia was a fertility festival dedicated to Faunus, the Roman god of agriculture, as well as to the Roman founders Romulus and Remus.",牧神节是一个古罗马生育节,每年2月15日举行,人们会在这一天献祭罗马农神福纳斯、以及罗马的建立者罗穆卢斯和瑞摩斯。 +Moulton was reported in the Sunday Times as saying that Fox had personally vouched that any money he gave to Pargav would be used to fund research.,《星期日时报》报道称默尔顿说福克斯私下向他保证过他对帕加富的捐款会用于研究目的。 +"For example, in Fall 2005 there were only 11 bleeped “f” words from 8-11 p.m., but in Fall 2010 there were 276, a 2,409% increase!!!",举个例子,2005年秋季晚上8-11点电视上只能听到11个“F”开头的国骂,但到了2010年这个数字是276,整整涨了2409%啊。。。 +"Occupational health psychology (OHP) is a new interdisciplinary field which comes from the research , practice and profession of psychology.",职业 健康 心理学是形成于 心理学研究、实践及职业中的一个新的交叉学科。 +"Nahti, stop this and give me the key!",娜蒂,停下,把钥匙给我! +"The system is composed of tension measurer, tension controller, magnetic powder brake and so on. It has the feature of simple structure and stable performance.",该系统由张力检测器、张力控制器和磁粉控制器等部分构成,结构简单,性能稳定。 +"Among the different types of bee, it is the honey bee that has most interested scientists because of the ""language"" they use to communicate with each other.",在不同种类的蜂中,最使科学家感兴趣的是蜜蜂,因为蜜蜂能用“语���”,来相互交际。 +"Zhou Shunchang , an official , hated him very much and scolded him at a banquet.",官员周顺昌十分痛恨。 在一次酒席上,他大骂魏忠贤。 +"""The value of Global Hawk production over the next 10 years could reach $3.5 billion,"" Dickerson says.",迪克尔森补充说:“未来十年中,生产‘全球鹰’的费用将达到35亿美元。” +"Jake didn't make very good grades in school, but his sister was a real egghead.",杰克在学校里成绩平平,但他的姐姐很有学问。 +Dr. Amory is working to make it cocktail-compatible.,艾莫里博士正在寻找使它和鸡尾酒兼容的方法。 +Summary: hypaethral(out door) crane works with its specialties. The body is heavy with large windward acreage.,室外起重设备运行有其自身的特殊性:自重大、迎风面大; +"In order to make direct contacts with foreign countries, the translating officers who understand thoroughly minorities language are established in Tang Dynasty.",译官是唐王朝对外交往中设置的通晓“蕃语”的翻译人员。 +"The Russian government has reportedly agreed to allocate $9 billion to its four major producers — Lukoil, Gazprom, Rosneft and TNK-BP — to help them cope with investment needs amid the credit crisis.",据报告,俄国政府已经同意注资90亿美元帮助该国四个主要的的石油公司Lukoil,Gazprom, Rosneft and TNK-BP在信贷危机时期处理他们的投资需求。 +"Yeah, yeah, so I mean, there's plenty of stuff, I mean like for any, like newcomers, I would say like,",我是说,这里给新来的人准备了很多,像新生们, +"It's where Nick Anderson stole the ball from Michael and Shaq became ""The Diesel"" and Scott Skiles pocketed 30 assists.",在这里,尼克•安德森曾经从乔丹手中成功断球,沙克得到“大柴油机”的美称,斯科特•斯凯尔斯单场助攻30次; +"There have also been pleas to have such a browser-based mail client work well without having to disable pop-up blockers, and to work well even when connected over dial-up connections.",还有人希望这种基于浏览器的邮件客户端在没有禁用弹出窗口阻止程序的情况下也可以很好地工作,并且在使用拨号连接的情况下也可以工作得很好。 +The main parameters of refrigerating cryopump type ZDB-200 are given according to analysis on the cryogenic pumping mechanism.,在分析低温抽气机理的基础上,提出了ZDB—200型制冷机低温泵的主要参量。 +"Bouchard and colleagues at the school of kinesiology and health studies at Queen's University in Kingston, Ontario.",安大略金斯顿皇家大学运动学和健康学研究员布沙尔和同事写道。 +"Lady Zhaojun's Lament. This famous tone poem describes the grief of Wang Zhaojun, a palace lady who was sent far from home and kindred to marry a Hun chieftain.",《昭君怨》,是潮州弦诗乐,描写汉代宫女王昭君远嫁匈奴后,遥望故乡,怀念亲人的哀怨。 +"In this article, the effects of applying special-purpose organic compound fertilizer on yield and quality of vegetables at different seasons are studied.",以常规施肥作对照,研究了施用专用有机复合肥料对夏、秋、冬三季的不同蔬菜的产量和品质的影响。 +Not only would he round them all up; he would also round up and expel their children who were born on American soil and are therefore American citizens.,他不仅会把这些人圈禁起来,还会把出生在美国土地上并因此成为美国公民的他们的孩子也圈禁起来和驱逐出境。 +"After a quick cutaway, we return to see the same balcony, but this time with different neighboring buildings. So we guess it goes Gandalf the Grey, then the White, then the Master Architect?",在镜头的快速切换后,我们看到相同的阳台,但是这一次相邻的建筑不一样了。 +Brickbat has several peculiarities such as high ability of water-absorbing and low rockiness.,碎砖骨料具有吸水性较强的特点,同时又具有较小的坚硬性。 +Please give me the eagle flag. I want to embrace her.,给我鹰旗吧,让我也拥抱它! +"During the summit, the two nations will announce a new energy cooperation programme, unveil closer collaboration on ""cleaner coal"" technology and smart grids and establish a joint research centre.",在峰会中,这两个国家将宣布一项新的能源合作方案,推出在“清洁煤”技术和智能电网方面的密切合作,并建立一个联合研究中心。 +"Polymeric micelles possess several advantages as compared with other drug carriers, such as high loading capacity, small particle size, long-circulation time, targeting ability and so on.",聚合物胶束作为药物载体具有许多优势,如载药能力强、粒径小、 体内循环时间长、具有主动和被动靶向性等特点。 +"At the outset, when you bring a new nanny into your life and into the life of your baby, you should not leave the new hire unsupervised with your baby during the initial period.",一开始,当你一个新的保姆进入你以及你宝宝的生活时,在最初的阶段,你不应该在没有监视的情况下把孩子留给保姆。 +"An elapsed, resettable timer is incorporated into the unit housing to track exact sampling duration.",外部安装的可调节的计时器用以追踪确切的采样时间。 +A circular queue eliminates both the outages and the requirement to manually manage the queue but also leaves enough messages in the queue to be useful for debugging.,在这里应用循环队列有两个好处:一是消除手动管理队列的需求和停用;二是在队列中保留足够的消息,以便调试。 +"Light, sweet crude for November delivery fell $2.20 to $87.86 a barrel in New York due to worries that the US credit crisis was enveloping the globe and would hurt demand for oil.",因为担心美国信贷危机正席卷全球并可能损害石油需求,纽约11月轻质低硫原油期货合约结算价跌2.20美元,至每桶87.86美元。 +"China, Japan or Korea (asbelow), we can see that the Asian versions of Yahoo! carry more content andhave longer pages, especially Yahoo!",有别于英美以谷歌为主要搜寻引擎,大部分国家例如日本较常使用雅虎,假如比较英国、爱尔兰和中国/日本/南韩的雅虎,不难发现亚洲版雅虎拥有更多内容,页面也较长,尤其是雅虎中国。 +"My conscience compels me to say that for some reason, I wasn't feeling any hatred towards the German soldiers at death of my comrades and the brutal cruelty of the fascist executioners.",凭良心说,当时我并没有因为自己的同志的牺牲而痛恨德国的士兵以及法西斯刽子手们的残暴行径。 +"Please delete within 24 hours, or for all the consequences arising from your own!",请使用者在24小时内删除,由此引发的纠纷,一切后果自负! +"If you are in a car, stop and stay inside the vehicle.",如果你正在开车,那么把车停下来,继续留在车里。 +"As service members, they have shown exceptional valor and heroism on battlefields from the American Revolution to Iraq and Afghanistan.",作为军人,他们在从独立战争到伊拉克及阿富汗的战场上表现出了非凡的勇气和无畏的气概。 +"Based on the particle balance equations, a two-dimentional numerical model for simulating the discharge cell of a single-substrate color AC plasma display panel (SSAC-PDP) is introduced.",介绍了基于粒子流运动连续方程建立的二维单基板彩色AC-PDP放电单元的数值计算模型。 +The Academy's accomplishments over these twenty odd years cannot be separated from Dharma Master's long-standing and compassionate vow to benefit others.,学院这二十几年所取得的成就与法师多年来无我无私的利他悲愿是分不开的。 +Nutrition support of infants and toddlers with propionic or methylmalonic acidemia. Do not boil mixture or use terminal sterilization.,此产品可以提供营养给患有丙酸或甲基丙二酸血症的婴幼儿食用。 +"Most people, I suspect, still have in their minds an image of America as the great land of college education, unique in the extent to which higher learning is offered to the population at large.",我猜测,在大多数人心目中,美国的形象仍然是大学教育的强国,其独特之处在于其所提供的高等在大众中的普及程度很高。 +Conclusion Warming needle moxibustion is an effective therapy for knee osteoarthritis with kidney-yang deficiency and cold type.,结论:温针灸是治疗肾阳虚寒型膝骨关节炎的有效疗法。 +"This paper mainly introduces, from the background of legislation of timesharing, its content and revision in U. K. , and offers some reflection on the legislation of timesharing.",从英国分时度假法的立法背景出发,重点介绍了英国立法的内容及其重大修订,并做出相应评述。 +"After being detained, Masri confessed to being the al Qaeda in Iraq leader, he said, adding that his identity still had to be confirmed.",马斯里在被捕后供认是在伊拉克境内基地组织的领导者,不过该官员补充说,他的身份还有待确认。 +DVB-C head-end system is the switching center in cable TV network. It is the core of the whole cable TV system. Its design is very important.,有线电视数字前端系统是有线电视网络的交换中心,是整个有线电视系统的核心,它的设计对整个系统非常重要。 +"I'm going to look for a new rear tire and some other things today, and tomorrow I'll cross over into Mexico at Nogales.",今天我得去找一个后胎和其他一些东西,明天我将进入墨西哥抵达Nogales(诺加利斯)。 +"Mongolian princes to barbeque dinners here, along with games of wrestling, horse-racing and archery which the nomadic people liked.",壮观的草原风光,常吸引清帝与蒙古王公在此野宴,观看摔跤、骑射等游牧民族喜爱的活动。 +He wants to rule before Manchester City’s financial muscle-flexing — they tried to lure John Terry last summer — becomes more aggressive.,他想在曼城的金融大棒更猛烈之前继续统治,去年夏天曼城试图带走特里。 +"This article introduces the reason of making plastisol ink minor adjustments, the process of ink additives and modifiers, and the caution about ink additives.",介绍了塑胶油墨需要改性的原因及改性剂和添加剂的作用,指出使用添加剂的注意事项,并列出常用的油墨改性剂。 +The vibrational modes of BaTiO3 and PbTiO3 in different crystalline phases have been investigated by means of density functional theory pseudopotential method.,采用密度泛函赝势的方法,研究了不同晶相的钛酸铅和钛酸钡的振动模式。 +"Mr Assange has said that Wikileaks is intending to release a further 15, 000 documents in the coming weeks.","亚桑杰之前曾说,维基解密网将会发布超过15,000份档案在未来的数周内。" +Fewer respondents (59% compared to 69% earlier) said they expect their national economies to be better in six months.,调查对象很少(与之前69%相比59%)有人表示,他们预期自己国家的经济在六个月内会更好。 +The wife set off immediately to see a famous lawyer.,妻子立刻出发去找一位著名的律师。 +A current limitation is that referenced objects must be saved before other objects can reference them.,现在的限制是引用的对象必须先被保存,然后其他对象才能引用它们。 +"Patrick said John started the fight, but I think it was probably six of one and half a dozen of the other.",帕特里克说是约翰先动手的,可是我看他俩很可能是半斤对八两,都有错。 +Many a time have they afflicted me from my youth: yet they have not prevailed against me.,从我幼年以来,敌人屡次苦害我,却没有胜了我。 +The 10 aspects of effects of the Information Warfare (IW)on the Information Security(INFOSEC) World are studied and 10 Principles of the Info-Defensive Warfare are put forward.,本文研究信息战对信息安全界的10种影响,斗胆提出信息防御战的10大原则。 +"And if it could happen in New York and it could happen in Michigan, I suppose it could happen in New York and Michigan.",如果它可以发生在纽约,也可以发生在密西根,那我猜它可以发生在纽约和密西根。 +Follow-up studies several months later showed dense fibrous tissue in the zone of cryotherapy .,接下来几个月后在冷冻手术区发现了致密纤维组织。 +China) 3Department of General Surgery; Subei People Hospital of Jiangsu Province(Yangzhou 225001; China);,江苏省苏北人民医院普外科; +"Just like during the Kobe quake in 1995, the stock market reaction will be momentary, also because the epicentre was far from Tokyo, and it isn’t likely to affect Japanese economy as a whole.",就像1995年的阪神大地震,股票市场的是瞬间反应的,因为震中远离东京,并且这不太可能影响整体的日本经济。 +"Can it be that in just one year Hu Ping has learned to speak the language of the fishes, and can give them orders?",难道胡萍在这一年多的时间里,已经学会了和鱼儿说话,能命令它们了? +"I wish those I have to sing preferable, abundance melodiously , but then perhaps you will not happen before HAs consented to listen to me.",我倒是期望本人能唱得更好一部份、更加悦耳一部份,不过那样一来你也许永远不会愿意听我唱了。 +' Carlo Ancelotti's side are returning to Sicily this weekend where they lost in the Italian Cup and Nesta warned: 'We have to be on top form both fitness-wise and mentally to play Palermo.,内斯塔提醒说:“对巴勒莫,我们需要保持最好的状态,无论是思想上还是体力上。 +"Life is like a snowball, the key is to find a very wet snow and a long slope .",人生就像滚雪球一样,关键是找到很湿的雪和很长的坡。 +She put the two golden rings into a nice box.,她把那两枚金戒指放进一只漂亮的盒子里。 +"So it’s true, all roads do lead to Rome.",所以,这正是--条条大路通罗马。 +"Mao Yushi, the famous economist, always emphasized that the short of efficiency of China's capital market restricted the long-range development of economy radically.",然而,中国资源配置的低效率已经是中国未来经济发展的障碍,其中以资本配置的低效率最为突出。 +As long as together with a few wires to hang off a few actors you can.,只要再加几根钢丝把几个演员吊飞起来就可以了。 +"The global co-option of police and coroners required unprecedented resources, but so far we have been able to cover our tracks.",警察和验尸官的全球合作需要的资源也前所未有,所以目前为止,我们一直把自己的行踪掩盖得天衣无缝。 +I am looking for tinplate misprint assorted size. If you have supply in you stock please let know.,求购各种型号马口铁错印铁。请能提供该产品的商家与我们联系。 +"Considering effective action area of matric suction on granular media, the concepts of equivalent matric suction and generalized soil—water characteristic curve were presented.",文中考虑了基质吸力的作用面积,提出了等效基质吸力和广义土-水特征曲线的概念。 +It is heard that they were recently deceived into purchasing a DVD player at a price far beyond that in the market.,听说他们最近被骗了,购买了一台价格远超过市场价的DVD 收放机。 +"Objective:To establish MBP specific T cell line from C57BL/6 mouse, and investigate its biological characteristics.",目的:在C57BL/ 6小鼠建立MBP 特异性T细胞系,并探讨其生物学特性。 +"The attack-minded defender, who played against Real in the Super Cup second leg on Sunday, admits he would be tempted by a move to the Bernabeu.",这位攻击型后卫在超级杯对阵皇马的比赛的第二回合也参加了比赛,他日前表示也希望前往伯纳乌球场。 +"Inverse GPS(IGPS), based on mature GPS technology, is a kind of positioning and navigation system.",倒置GPS系统是基于成熟的GPS技术而发展起来的一种导航系统。 +"Many married men expect sex along with their room service, according toa NEWSWEEK poll.",《新闻周刊》调查发现,许多已婚男士在享受客房服务的同时,也期望得到性服务。 +Anyone else think it's 29?,还有人认为是29吗? +"Other changes followed: a springy arch in our foot, for example, made us more efficient walkers.",其他的变化包括:脚下的弹性足拱,使我们成为更加有效的步行者。 +"Jamison has been a 20-10 type player his entire career, but hasn't received the respect he deserves, because he played for bad teams.",贾米森在他整个职业生涯已达到了20加10,可他却没有得到应得的尊重,只因为他为烂队效力。 +"As the bulk of our military effort ratchets down, what we can do -- and will do -- is support the aspirations of the Libyan people.",随着我国大部分军事行动逐渐缩减,我们可以做并且将要做的是支持利比亚人民实现他们的愿望。 +"However, we treat it the opposite, as though we are unworthy and somehow have to convince it otherwise.",但是,我们却把这种关系给弄反了,有时甚至很不值得地劝服自己就是这样。 +"""Don't feel bad, "" said a nearby lamb. ""Fluff is always cutting others down. She's bad. She thinks she's a cut above everyone else. But really……. """,“别难过,”附近一只羊说。“小毛绒羊总是看不起别人。它才是个不好的东西,总自以为是高人一等。 +The soil drains freely and slugs aren't a problem.,土壤排水畅通,鼻涕虫就不会造成什么麻烦。 +A semi-analytic method is used to control the thermal runaway of microwave freeze-drying during sublimation stage.,采用一种半理论的方法对微波冷冻干燥升华阶段的热失速现象进行控制。 +"Objective To establish and recognize typical signal patterns (TSP) by analyzing cystometry data, and to verify their roles in real-time qualitative quality control.",目的通过分析充盈和排尿期膀胱测压数据识别和建立典型信号模式(TSP),并验证其在实时定性质量控制中的作用。 +"These red dwarfs are thought to make up 75% of the Milky Way galaxy's stars, but these stars are so small and faint that not a single one can be seen with the unaided eye!",即便如此,木星也算是属于红矮星,据说银河系中75%的属于红矮星,但是这些星都太小太暗淡,单独一颗星很难用肉眼看的到。 +"Though the ""sultry"" look isn't quite working for this model, I love the jeweled neckband and empire waistline on this Tony Bowls gown.",尽管托尼·鲍尔斯的这一款礼服看上去并不那么“魅惑”,但是镶满宝石的颈带以及皇室高腰裙带还是深得我的喜爱。 +Our dynamic and enjoyable from the comfort of your Verde Hotel warm welcome you here!,我们的动力源自您的舒适与舒心翠峰大酒店热诚欢迎阁下的光临! +"Church also offer porridge tent refugee relief, take this opportunity to preach.",教会也开设粥棚救济难民,趁此机会传教。 +"Any individual who has life is the premise of the historical activities, the true life of the man is the foundation of the civilized society.",确解读生命, 是每个人身心健康和家庭和睦、国家兴旺、人类幸福的根本。正确解读生命必须闯过“六关”。 +"The Shawshank prison, in the book and in the movie, was loosely based on Thomaston prison, an aging prison located in Thomaston, Maine.",无论在书中还是在电影中,肖申克监狱都是以已经老化的Thomaston监狱为原型的。 +This text combines the system of civil servants' resign for te blame and try to inquiry into the advantages and disadvantages of various superintendence models.,本文结合公务员引咎辞职制度这一新制度探讨各种监督模式的优劣。 +A fishing boat pulled up to the al-Sameeda and fighters threw it the new flag that has become the symbol of the revolution.,一艘渔船拉升AL - Sameeda战斗机投掷了它的新标志,已成为革命的象征。 +"When people here cannot fish, they feel as if they are not living.",如果这里的人民没法捕鱼,他们会觉得自己生不如死。 +The isolated mass response of many kinds of excitations and the robustness of semi-active suspension system with respect to parameter variations were simulated.,仿真分析了多种激励信号下隔振质量的响应及半主动悬架系统在系统参数摄动下的鲁棒特性。 +All the girls in the audience of this movie know the answer: this is true love.,所有的女性观众都知道原因:因为真爱来了。 +"With blessing riegl as an example, he in the railway with America's growth, ""concluded the place of writing is"" in 1840 ~ 1890 50 years, if no railway, the American economy would so growth.",以福格尔为例,他在《铁路与美国经济的增长》的结论之处写的是“在1840~1890年的50年间,如果没有铁路,美国经济也会照样增长。” +"Based on a reverse photoinduced electron transfer process, we can quickly determine the concentration of glucose in the sample.",它是基于可逆的光诱导电子转移过程,从而实现葡萄糖的快速测定。 +Conclusion UBM plays an important role in diagnosing clinically the intra scleral epithelial implantation cysts.,结论UBM对巩膜层间上皮植入性囊肿的临床诊断起重要作用。 +Fecal-oral transmission is the usual route of transmission of enteric diseases.,粪便-口传播通常是消化道疾病的传播途径。 +Shengli Oilfield used EURONAVY ES301 to make coatings to offshore tidal zone.,胜利油田应用优龙ES301对海洋平台潮差带进行防腐维修。 +"There are four ways as to protect animals, viz. , man-made meat, alternatives to animal experimentation, painless slaughter, and dialogue between animal and man.",在动物保护的道路上,人造肉、功物实验替代方法、无痛苦屠宰、人与动物对话是有效减轻动物痛苦的四大科技手段。 +"According to Gerard Kuiper, of the University of Chicago, the escape of gases from the moon’s magma may have given the satellite a light, porous consistency, like that of a pumice stone.",芝加哥大学的Gerard Kuiper则提出,可能是月亮上岩浆气体的逃逸赋予了这颗星球轻飘多孔的硬度,就好象浮石那样。 +Warm wind caresses my face.,暖风轻抚我面庞。 +"The contradiction of matter and consciousness comes from practice, its relationship which decides another varies with the change of practiced in a matter of concrete sense.",物质和意识的对立源于实践,其主从关系随具体实践的变化而变化。 +"They have said it is a mining site, a repository for Russian treasures, a food storage area, and a bunker for leaders in case of nuclear war.",他们说那不过是一个矿场,一个俄罗斯财政部的储藏库,一个食物储藏区或者是领导人核战时的避难所。 +"At her boss' request[1], Mary is knocking at Mr. Chandler's door to see him.",赞扬和鼓励 应老板的要求,玛丽正敲钱德勒先生的门去见他。 +"And according to the actress, he had no idea that she was famous.",据这位女演员说,当时他根本不知道她是名人。 +"To my surprise, Mr. Li joined himself to the opposite party last month.",令我惊奇的是,上个月李先生竟然参加了反对党。 +They took some arbitrary personality traits to describe each group.,他们用一些随意的个性特征来描述每个组别。 +"The total payment includes salary, housing subsidy, rent subsidy, and personal income tax that employer deducts from employee's salary, public housing fund and a variety of social security insurance.",其中包括实得工资、住房补贴、租房提租补贴以及由用人单位从个人工资中直接为其代扣代缴的个人所得税、住房公积金和各项社会保险基金个人缴纳部分。 +"But when I went down to breakfast, a massive feast dished up under awnings on the riverfront, the only evidence of civil unrest was in the Bangkok Post.",但是当我下楼吃早饭时,河边的凉棚下摆满了美味佳肴,唯一证据表明城市处于动荡之中的是曼谷邮报上的报导。 +Rebekah shut her eyes tightly and murmured a prayer until it was over.,瑞贝克紧紧地闭上双眼,嘴里喃喃的念着祈祷词。 +Many know this scheme as NESARA and it is now a part of the new financial set up waiting to be introduced.,许多人知道NESARA这个法案,现在它是新金融经济的设置,只等着被落实。 +"Major factors considered were key enzyme induction, degradation, inactivation, recovery, and the role of energy in terms of reductive potentials.",主要影响因素包括关键酶的诱导合成、老化降解、毒性失活、自我恢复、以及能量的调节作用等。 +It required an office to be made on a 50 sqm plot emphasising spatial efficiency and cost effective construction.,因此它要求再建一个办事处,一个50平方米的空间,以���工效率和有效成本为重点。 +There were no shirts- no vests- no jeans- stomair conditionerhsolutely no paji amas.,那里没有衬衫,没有背心,没有牛仔裤,也没有睡衣。 +"Although a longer trip by sampan, it was a remote corner unlike anywhere else in Hong Kong.",虽然搭舢板去有点儿远,但它却是个与香港其他地方都不一样的偏僻角落。 +The Prevalence rate of endemic fluorosis diseases was higher in Maigaiti district.,地方性氟病以下游地区的麦盖提县患病率高。 +It is also the mainly direction of analysis and design of materials in the future. The property of pultrusion production depends on the degree of cure.,这对于节约成本、提高劳动生产率、缩短产品研制周期等方面具有十分积极的意义,也是未来材料分析和设计的发展趋势。 +"The consequences of a new approach is about how we make both state and market subject to the public interest, creating a modern, active society with a modern notion of active government to go with it.",关于如何处理好国家和市场服同时服从于公共利益的一条重要的新的途径就是创建一个现代的,起积极作用的社会,同时配有一个起积极作用的政府来管理。 +"Once inside the car, he started the engine and turned the heater on high.",一坐进车里,他就发动了引擎,把暖气开到最大。 +Finger-pointing politicians and chest-beating nationalists in the two nations will make rational discussion nearly impossible.,两国惯于归罪于人的政治家和慷慨激昂的民族主义者将进行近乎不可能实现的理性探讨。 +Been restrained of monoamine oxidase could result in accumulating of neural amic and cause the transmit block of nerve in mites.,单胺氧化酶被抑制,使螨体内神经胺积累,也会造成神经传递的阻断,从而导致螨体的死亡。 +Objective: To evaluate the quality of Ramulus Mori bought from five areas according to the content of flavone.,前言: 目的:比较不同地区市售桑枝中黄酮成分的含量,以评价药材质量。 +The field experiments were designed with randomized blocks of 3 replications in 2 areas and involved 248 families of F2:3 . 10main agronomic characters (including yield) were tested .,将248 个F2:3家系按随机区组三次重复在不同的两个试验点进行种植,考察了包括产量在内的10 个重要农艺性状。 +"Instead of using the mechanism ‘conventional open bridge’, the Rolling Bridge used an unique mechanism.",取代“普通的开合桥”工艺,翻滚桥使用了独特的构造。 +The miraculous melody instantly drew me.,奇妙的乐调立刻吸引了我。 +"Motivation for or against any action requires something else, what Hume would call a passion or sentiment, and more particularly a desire.",在“论情感”中休谟讨论了产生行为的各种因素,产生行为的动机需要有比理性更多的东西,休谟认为是情感或是欲望。 +"BaoGuMing want to bring back the plush from chongming, is he all right can take maomao during the day, night can also hold maomao go to Yu Xiaojiang units to meet her home.",鲍家明想把毛毛从崇明带回来,白天他没事可以带毛毛,晚上还可以抱着毛毛去于小强单位接她回家。 +"Now, the logging could be viewed using the Logs console in GAE, as shown below.",现在,可以使用 GAE 中的日志控制台查看日志记录,如下所示。 +Non-Resident application for becoming a Preferred Customer will be accepted.,非香港居民可以申请成为优惠顾客。 +"With apparent motion of tactual sense applied, the device gives the patient the ability to perform biofeedback in tactile and visual ways, and thus makes the patient more relaxed than other cases.",在学习风格的调查中显示,学生大都采用多种学习风格进行学习,而对体验和动手学习风格的采用表现更为突出。 +"This thesis from the construction background and present conditions of the system of BOSS of the Chinese telecommunication industry, to elicit the concept of CTG- MBOSS, and as to it's source, frame.",本文通过对中国电信业的BOSS系统的建设背景与现状,引出中国电信CTG-MBOSS概念,并对其来源、架构进行说明。 +"Some people don’t like having anything under the bed, but I’d rather store something under the bed than not have another place for it to go.",有些人不喜欢自己床下有任何东西,可比起没有地方存放东西来我宁愿在床下存放一些。 +"But a Boeing 787 can record 2,000 flight parameters.",但是一架波音787可以记录2,000条飞行参数。 +"For this exercise, do not choose the WebSphere MQ server.",对于这个练习,不要 选择 WebSphere MQ 服务器。 +"No wonder she held people in rapt attention at dinner parties, in line at the market, at bus stops.",难怪晚餐聚会,超市排队中,汽车站,她总是吸引人们全神贯注的注意力。 +The md command takes an address/symbol and a line count and displays memory starting at the address for line-count number of lines.,命令以一个地址/符号和行计数为参数,显示从该地址开始的 de>line-countde> 行的内存。 +"Seen from the condition, in which the Hakkanese live, the Hakka folk song expresses a graceful and restrained and soft style characteristic of southern folk song.",从客家人生存环境看,客家山歌表现出婉约柔曼的南方民歌风格特征。 +Its stoma and pollen grains are significantly bigger and the net photothesis rate of the tetraploid is higher than the diploid.,同时四倍体净光合速率、水分蒸腾速率和气孔导度均比二倍体高。 +"It can be 5 dollars minus your error in pennies, if you won.",如果你赢了就是五美元减去你的误差 +"Without robust, secure asset management capability, most GDD projects would be too risky to undertake.",没有健壮的、安全的资产管理能力,大部分GDD项目都会承担很大的风险。 +This defect was corrected and the plant was reopened in early April.,这个错误被纠正后四月初工厂又重新启用。 +A least squares method for identification of non- integer order systems is introduced into frequency domain and an algorithm is presented.,针对强旁瓣目标对运动目标检测的不利影响,提出了一种有效估计强旁瓣目标频率的最小二乘方法。 +"By way of summarizing the general features of multimedia and multimedia data, we pointed out the importance of multimedia data modeling in the first place of this paer.",本文通过对多媒体及多媒体数据特点的描述,指出了多媒体数据建模的重要性。 +Do You think of these people are substituting it with you !,你们想过这些人是代你们受过吗?! +"Argentina were the first foreign team to face England in an international at Wembley Stadium in May 1951, with England triumphing 2-1.",阿根廷是第一支与英格兰队在温布利进行的国际比赛中交手的外国球队(时间:1951年5月,英格兰2-1取胜)。 +Startups operate with a few months' worth of cash in the bank and they can't afford to get excited about non-accredited crowdfunding until it is much closer to becoming a reality.,初创期的公司为了进行众筹,需要在银行花上几个月进行现金运作,因此直到众筹变得更现实前,他们都不能感到激动。 +Objective: to investigate the regulatory effects of electroacupuncturing at ren and du vessels on hippocamp horizontal cells of focal cerebral ischemia.,目的:研究针刺任脉和督脉经穴对局灶性脑缺血大鼠缺血海马星形胶质细胞的调节作用。 +"If the real economy slows by much, it will feed back into the financial sector and the screw will tighten once more.",如果实体经济发展缓慢,它就会反作用到金融部门同时人们又要紧绷起神经来了。 +I got out of bed and went downstairs to thank him.,于是我下了床,下楼去向他表示谢意。 +Seriate sheet sections were observed and studied in 6 pterygopalatine fossa regions(12 sides).,对6例(12侧)翼腭窝区连续组织薄层断层切片进行观测; +"Microencapsulated powder of evening primrose oil, lecithin and vitamin E, were developed as a health food with a serum lipid adjustment function by spraying dry technology.",采用微胶囊化技术以月见草油、卵磷脂、维生素E生产具有调节血脂功能的复合降脂冲剂。 +We recently had the chance to sit in on a press junket with them as they discussed their mutual passion for Emilio Estevez's Bobby.,最近我们有机会和两位演员坐下来讨论他们对导演埃米里奥·埃丝泰威兹拍摄的电影《鲍比》的热情。 +"His name was easy to say and spell. His face, which was pale and freckled , was easy enough to remember.",他的名字好念好拼写,他脸色苍白、长雀斑,别人很容易记住他那张脸。 +"The critics blamed the show was ""replete with the sort of clichés about gay men and effeminacy "".",批评者指责该节目充斥着对男同性恋和论述阴柔之气的一些陈词滥调。 +"With restrictions on villa development, investment in luxury residential will see future opportunities.",国条限制别墅房地产开发专案土地供应, 投资豪具升值潜。 +"""This is definitely a public facility, "" Mr. Liu said.",刘先生说:“这绝对是一个公共建筑设施。” +"Our company was established in 2006, is a professional manufacturer of high-end Coated Abrasives Products manufacturers.",我公司成立于2006年,是一家专业生产高档涂附磨具产品的厂家。 +"Found as part of search engines, or paired with them, such capabilities are necessary to tailor information for individual users and to screen out files they don't want.",这些功能或是作为搜索引擎的一部分或与之配合使用,它们对每个用户定制信息、滤去他们不要的文件是必不可少的。 +"After his monumental discovery, Carothers suffered depression stemming from ‘inventor’s block’, which coupled with the sudden death of his sister, caused him to take his own life by poisoning in 1937.",在他做出不朽的成绩之后,卡罗瑟斯由于“发明家的瓶颈”而患上了抑郁症,同时又遭遇到了他妹妹突然的死讯,使得他在1937年服毒自杀。 +"This paper describes the components, features of the design and the processing of the sus-tainer as well as the key problems in its development.",本文重点介绍了C801导弹续航发动机的结构组成、设计特点、加工方法及研制中解决的技术难题。 +"Illuminated by ultraviolet light, a knob coral pulsates with color as if lit from within.",一株环菊珊瑚在紫外光的炤射下,随著色彩而颤动好像被从里面炤亮著。 +The audience joined in the chorus .,唱到歌曲的副歌时,观众也跟着齐唱起来。 +"I still think a lot about transportation you never lose a dream, it just incubates as a hobby.",我时不时还在考虑交通问题,梦想不会消失,会变成习惯! +The flexibility and interestingness of online course will get students more engaged in learning and enable their knowledge acquisition to be more efficient and effective.,的灵活性和搞笑的在线课程会让学生更多的参与学习,使自我的知识获取更有效的和有效的。 +This paper analyzes in details the positive opportunity in the course of education level assessment and the present situation of college library collection as well.,本文详细分析了普通高校本科教学工作水平评估给高校图书馆带来的发展契机及图书馆藏书量的现状。 +This comment was removed by a moderator because it didn't abide by our community standards. Replies may also be deleted. For more detail see our FAQs.,本评论因为违反版规已被版主移除。跟帖同时也被删除。详情请参考常见问题。 +The referee declared the game to be a tie.,裁判员宣布比赛不分胜负。 +"With several competitors waiting in the wings, plug-ins were the focus of this year's Detroit Auto Show.",在众多竞争者严阵以待的形势下,充电式汽车成了今年底特律车展的主角。 +"Furthermore, near infrared reflectance spectroscopy was used in qualities analysis of single rice and single rice brown, using the EWS Analyzer.",同时,使用EWS近红外分析仪,用漫反射技术,对单籽粒稻谷和单籽粒稻谷糙米的品质特性进行分析。 +"McVeigh points out ""If they only do brunch at weekends and there's no other bacon on the menu you might wonder how long it's been hanging around.""",麦克伟指出“如果他们周末只做早午餐,而菜单上没有其他的培根可用了,你会想它们什么时候才能做出来。” +"National Coordinator, Onesimo Setacula told VOA he was shocked because his group had worked with the National Electoral Commission during the voter registration process.",观察员组织“平台%全国协调员塞塔库拉说,这个组织在选民登记过程中一直跟全国选举委员会合作,因此发生这样的事让他感到震惊。 +"Their contempt for the Tories as ""myopic, ignorant little Englanders"" was matched only by their fear that David Cameron's party was hellbent on destroying the European Union.",他们轻蔑地称呼托利党为“目光短浅、愚蠢无知的小英格兰人” ,其实是生怕大卫?卡梅伦的政党上台会死命捣毁欧盟。 +Individaul chapters raise their own money for their project.,这个计划是由各个部门自己筹集款项。 +W: Here are our catalog and price list.,W:这是我们的产品目录和价格表。 +I'd like to send it as registered mail!,我要寄挂号! +Import Export Noel S. Rl.,食品供应, 出口货, 进口货。 +"I am a little grain, a little plant, a root and also a land at the same time.",同时我是一颗小小的粮食,一棵小的植物,一段根和一块土。 +The second-largest project targets the nations that are signatories of the Central American Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA-DR).,规模第二大的项目以中美洲自由贸易协定(CAFTA-DR)签约国为对象。 +"Iranian state-run media (Sunday) quoted the head of the Iranian Parliament's foreign policy committee (Alaeddin Boroujerdi) as saying ""the case is currently on its natural course.""",伊朗国家媒体(星期日)援引伊朗议会国家安全和外交政策委员会主席的话说,“这个案子正在按常规办法处理。” +Liu Tao: Yes. He has a brother and a sister.,刘涛:是的,他有一个哥哥和一个妹妹。 +"While never losing the strategic conviction that they would return home, the men learned to be wary, on a tactical level, of developments that were too good to be true.",虽然从战略上他俩一直没有失去重返家园的信念,但在战术层面,他们学会了对过于美好以至于不太可能的事态发展保持谨慎态度。 +I wonder whether you would like to send me your C. V . for the application.,请问您是否可以发给我您的简历以供我申请。 +I have this romantic idea that I’ll have a tree planted on me. It won’t just be symbolic of my death; my atoms will actually be transmigrated into the tree.,我有个浪漫的想法,将在我身上栽一棵树,这不仅是我死亡的象征,我的身体实轮回移居到树上。 +Come up the slope until you reach a six-storied apartment house.,走上斜坡就到了一幢六层楼的大厦。 +"Although URI schemes are case insensitive, the tag RFC (see Resources) recommends the lower-case form.",虽然 URI 方案对大小写不敏感,但是标签 RFC(请参阅 参考资料)建议采用小写形式。 +The analog output can be use for transmitting the temperature and getting the proportional current.,模拟输出可用于传输的温度和获取当前使用的比例。 +"He needs to be there overnight, ” Michael says as he restrains Pope to his office chair.",他需要在那待一晚,”Michael一边说着,一边把狱长捆在了他的办公椅上。 +"Sodium chlorate production process with bittern as raw material is described, and its advantages are discussed.",叙述以卤水为原料生产氯酸钠的工艺, 并阐述该工艺的生产优势。 +"""The appeal of our processor is that it is an all-solid-state device,"" says DiCarlo.",量子处理器的吸引人之处在于,它是一个完全固态的设备。 +I confirm that I have insured for my business to a minimum of $10 million per incident for public liability.,本人确认,本公司已投购公众责任保险,保额为每宗事故最少。 +"Zhou Donghua, Xi Yugeng and Zhang Zhongjun (Department of Automatic Control, Shanghai Jiaotong University)",上海交通大学自动控制系; +"The open porosity, the shapes of different proportion of PLA/TCP and the mechanical capability had been investigated.",本文研究了材料的开孔率,不同PLA和TCP配比材料的孔洞形态以及材料的力学性能。 +"It uses poetic materials to embody different levels of experiences, feelings and understandings just because poetry is a medium of expressing emotion and ambition without limitation in contents.",论述主要运用诗歌材料,因为诗歌是言志抒情的媒介,其内容没有范围的限制,正好涵盖不同层面的经验、感思和体会。 +"However, with the growth of population and due to deforestation and the reclamation of grassland, land degradation was still serious in Naiman county for greater land pressure.",同时,人口增长,耕地需求扩大,造成土地压力过重,因此,局部地区毁林开荒,滥垦草地,导致土地退化的现象依然严重; +"Methods Using stomach tube whose end has air - balloon, wedged in the cr ack of esophagus, bracing and enlarging the cavity of esophagus, and anastomosing with stomach or intestinal expansionary.",方法用末端带有气囊的胃管,插至食管断端,支撑和扩张食管腔,与胃或肠作开放式吻合。 +It is of great significance to analyze the size prediction model of granulation for optimizing the sinter technology and promoting the continuous and efficient development of sintering industry.,含铁原料造粒粒度预测模型的分析研究,对于优化烧结生产工艺,促进烧结工业的持续高效发展具有重要意义。 +"If a task is simple, be glad and do it as quickly as you can.",如果给你的任务的确很简单,那么很高兴地尽你所能完成它。 +Some 300 prisoners—hardened criminals and political dissidents—were incarcerated there under extremely harsh conditions.,约300名囚犯---数百名刑事犯和政治犯被关押在这个条件异常恶劣的岛上。 +She notes that the Obama Administration has halted the key F-22 program at only 187 fighters;,她列举了奥巴马政府暂停了仅制造了187架的F-22关键技术项目; +""" And if you want to shine them on, it's ""hasta la vista, baby.",如果你不想搭理某人,就说“再见,亲爱的”。 +He looked through the crack of the broken roof and saw six thieves busy dividing loot among them.,他从破损的屋顶裂缝看进去,发现有六个小偷正忙着分赃; +There years later. I must let you. your socks off .,那里年后我必须让你神魂颠倒。 +"I'll fix up the lumber-room for myself, all right;",我自己会修好那个杂物间,行了吧; +"Shouldauld acquaintance be forgot, And days of auld long syne?",旧日朋友怎能相忘,友谊地久天长。 +"Hundreds of Been there readers sent in images this month, which featured every colour in the spectrum.",成百上千的“在那里”的读者十月发来了图片,展示了每一种光谱中的颜色。 +We've already seen what this train can do with the creation of the Beijing South Railway Station and the running of the Beijing-Tianjin line.,我们已经可以预见这种铁路的开通对于北京南站和京津线运营的作用。 +"Thanks, good Egeus: what's the news with thee?",谢谢你,善良的伊吉斯。你有什么事情? +"And, of course, by doing this, Sherlock proved my limp was psychosomatic. Did I mention he's clever?",与此同时,当然了,通过这次追捕,夏洛克证明了一点——我的跛���仅仅是心因性的。我有提过他很聪明吗? +was tapped last week to become JAL's new chief executive officer to oversee its restructuring.,"现年77岁高龄的稻盛和夫上周出任日航新执行长,负责监管破产事宜.稻盛和夫是京瓷(6971.T: 行情)创建人.(完)" +Description:If exposed in the air. The product can be oxidized by oxygen.,说明:本产品暴露于湿热空气中会发生剧烈反应。 +"In addition to hiding addresses, a secretive e-mailer often uses one or more of the free e-mail services for ""throwaway"" addresses.",除了隐藏地址之外,隐蔽的电子邮件使用者还常常使用一个或多个免费的电子邮件服务,他们将这些地址作为“用完即弃”的地址。 +Countess Ada translated an article about the presentation and showed it to Babbage.,艾达伯爵夫人把报告改写为论文,并拿给巴贝奇看。 +"While an increased double-digit revenue growth rate for the third straight year appears to be good news, there are signs that point to an economic slowdown.",虽然,收入连续第三年呈现两位数的增长是个好消息,但是同样存在着经济放缓的迹象。 +Lily: Which one? I only watch movie on the Internet.,哪一部?我在网上只看电影。 +Lewen says the recidivism5 rate among prisoners with college degrees is less than 10 percent.,勒文告诉记者,拥有大学学位的监狱犯人的再犯率不到10%。 +But sometimes you have to grow into it.And you have to stay open to huge shifts in thinking and to various possibilities.,但有时候你要让热情成长,要对完全不同的想法和各种可能保持开放的态度。 +Don't you know that Pan Yue is a leader in the Chinese central government?,你不知道潘岳就是中央领导吗? +"HARKIN: Dr. Fauci, in my opening statement I kept referring to it as the so-called swine flu.",哈金:佛兹博士,在我的公开声明中,我不断的提到所谓的“猪流感”。 +"We provide turn-key engineering works in the field of pharmaceutical, electronic, mechanical, chemical food processing plants, hospital and health care centers.",我们竭诚为制药、电子、机械、化工、食品加工、医院、手术室和卫生保健等领域提供交钥匙工程。 +"When you call me Arab, I say yes.",当你叫我阿拉伯人的时候,我说是。 +"Carbon Capture Storage (CCS), energy conservation and emission reduction in production and and the development of renewable energy are the three core issues in developing low-carbon economy.",二氧化碳捕集—封存、生产生活中的节能减排和可再生能源的开发是实施低碳经济的三个核心举措。 +Spot iron ore shipments yesterday traded at $208 an tonne.,铁矿石现货发货价昨日为每吨208美元。 +"Hence, vaccination guidelines in place for CNI treated patients are likely to be appropriate for transplant recipients maintained on sirolimus.",因此,对于CNI治疗患者的疫苗接种指南很可能适合持续应用西罗莫司的移植受体。 +"“Many people have been looking into” that issue, he says. But so far, “there has not been any instance of a negative effect from voluntary running” on the brain health of mice.",“很多人都琢磨”这事儿,但迄今为止,“还不存在任何一桩自愿奔跑对小鼠大脑健康具备负面影响的实例”。 +"International Quality System Certification. The simple style to the ""love Oldenburg, "" men's casual brand also won the ""Chinese consumers trust products""",国际质量体系认证。其中,以简约风格的“爱登堡”休闲男装品牌还曾荣获“中国消费者信得过产品”、。 +"And with the help of computers, the main elements of the loop - pile controlling cam of terry towel loom and its profile will be obtained.",应用压力角作为凸轮设计时考虑的主要要素,并运用计算机作为辅助手段,设计出毛巾织机起毛控制凸轮的主要参数及绘出凸轮廓线。 +"if they don't meet the target they will be barred from obtaining loans, for example,"" said Alex Wang, of the Natural Resources Defence Council.",比如,自然资源保护委员会的亚历克斯·王说:如果他们没有达到目标的话,他们将禁止从银行贷款。 +We have found that teams react differently to personas depending on lots of factors.,我们发现各团队对用户角色的反应不同是由很多不同的因素导致的。 +My roommate has been walking the floor for weeks trying to decide whether to ask his girl friend to marry him.,我同屋近几个星期都一直心神不宁的,他在考虑到底要不要向他女朋友求婚。 +"Other one says, maximize the time of flight and you point a cannon like this.","另一种是,让飞行时间最长,像这样进行瞄准" +"Okay don't do anything, just keep yourself alive.",什么都别做,就加你自己就行。 +"Beijing Homeport has a group of wide and fixed customers, keeps a good relation with the specialists in this field , and has close cooperation with some international famous companies.",群,与业内的专家保持着良好的关系,同时与国际知名香精制造企业也有实质性合作。 +"The revived version of the show is still running in America, 30 years after Art Linkletter's participation finished.",在阿特·林克莱特不再主持这个节目30年后的今天,重新改版了的“奇妙童言”仍在美国播出着。 +"Northern districts of Jiangsu Province includes the five cities of Xuzhou, Lianyungang, Yancheng, Huai 'an and Suqian.",苏北是指江苏省北部的徐州、连云港、盐城、淮安、宿迁五市。 +China still has a smaller manned-space-flight infrastructure than Russia has.,中国载人太空飞船规模较之俄罗斯仍是小巫见大巫。 +"The busy Java developer's guide to db4o introduces db4o, an open source database that leverages today's object-oriented languages, systems, and mindset (Ted Neward, developerWorks series).",“开源面向对象数据库 db4o 之旅”:这个系列的文章对 db4o 的特性、查询与更新方式进行了介绍。 +"The SHARP trial showed that compared to placebo, people live longer if they took sorafenib.",索拉芬妮临床研究组与安慰剂组比较起来,前者具有更长的存活时间。 +"A very beautiful photo, I like it.",是的。施普雷。很高兴你喜欢的照片。 +"By analyzing the parking pricing rate policy in parking demand management strategy, this paper points out the inapplicable phenomenon that parking fees completely depends on a unified standard.",通过对停车需求管理措施中停车收费费率政策重要性的分析,指出统一的停车收费标准对于城市的不适用性。 +"Ronald_age : JC, how are you gonna prepare for the grass court season, I know you haven't play that much on grass, do you think you will win some matches on grass ?",费雷罗,你现在是怎样准备草地赛季的到来? 我知道你很少在草地赛场比赛,你觉得你在未来的草地赛季里会获胜吗? +It was about 400 yards down to my gun position.,落地点在我们炮位下400英尺处。 +"It seems like ever since I hit my mid-40s, my memory has been in a state of rebellion.",好像自从四十多岁以来,我的记忆就都开始造反了。 +"Implementation of the overall defense grab the ball thinking, cultivate ""a motion all motion"" in awareness of the overall grab the ball;",贯彻整体抢截球的防守思想,培养“一动全动”的整体抢截球意识; +"Prosecutors accuse the couple of locking the children in cages to discipline them, and they want Huron County to take permanent custody.",检方指控这对夫妻将孩子锁在笼中以便管教,而且要休伦郡负起长期监护之责。 +"Results The whole group of the 35 patients with severe acute pancreatitis adopt the early surgical treatment, the curative effect is satisfied, convalesces 31 cases, died 4 cases.",结果本组35例重症急性胰腺炎均采取早期手术治疗,术后疗效满意,痊愈31例,死亡4例。 +Staff members are trained to treat customers with civility at all times.,全体职员接受训练,以便在任何时候对顾客都以礼相待。 +"Variable correlation is expressed with consequence graph in Bayesian Networks (BN), analysis of failure mode and effect of complex system is realized.",贝叶斯网络用因果关系图的形式表达变量间相互关系,实现复杂系统的故障模式和效应分析。 +"In the history of legal ideology, fact-value dichotomy represents criticism and negation of analytical positivist jurisprudence to natural jurisprudence.",事实与价值二分法在法律思想史上的表现即是分析实证法学对自然法学的批判否定。 +Objective To explore the relationship between obese children with benign acanthosis nigricans and insulin-resistant and type 2 diabetes mellitus.,目的探讨肥胖儿童伴假性黑棘皮病与胰岛素抵抗及2型糖尿病的关系。 +Bohemian:a person with artistic or literary interests who disregards conventional standards of behavior.,放荡不羁的:文化人对艺术和文学感兴趣,不混同世俗标准和行为的人。 +Let's look at some wishes and gripes we have heard in the past that are nicely addressed in this new version of the product.,让我们了解一下过去听到的一些愿望和抱怨(这些已在产品的这个新版本中得到了很好的解决)。 +Ltd. when it comes to assessing the Hangzhou-based auto upstart's ability to acquire and manage Ford Motor Co.,收购和管理福特汽车(Ford Motor Co。)旗下沃尔沃(Volvo)子公司之能力时,全球都不看好这家总部位于杭州之年轻汽车企业。 +"Yes, it's totally old-fashioned and pretty dorky, but it certainly helps keep alcohol consumption to acceptable levels.",没错,这是种过时的行为,但它有助于将酒精的消耗量保持在合理水平。 +"In a separate setting, the report says, the Nairobi Work Programme (NWP) aims to help countries make informed decisions on practical adaptation — and technology in particular.",这份报告说,另一个情境即《内罗毕工作方案》(NWP)着眼于帮助各国做出关于可行的适应(特别是可行的技术)的知情决策。 +"Happiness grows at our own firesides, and is not to be picked in strangers' garden.",幸福生长在我们自己的火炉边,而不能从别人的花园中采得。 英国剧作家杰罗尔德。 +Atletico Madrid are level on points with Real after a 2-1 derby win at Getafe.,马德里竞技在2比1击败赫塔费后积分紧跟皇马。 +"However, sources close to the deal said that a more immediate issue was the likely progress of talks between Panasonic and the three banks that rescued Sanyo from the brink of collapse in 2006.",但来自接近交易中心的信息说,最新的结果是松下与三家2006年把三洋从破产边缘挽救回来的银行之间的谈判可能有进一步发展。 +The Lakers improved to 4-1 since acquiring Gasol behind Bryant's third straight game scoring 30 or more points.,自从加索尔加盟湖人队以后,科比三场比赛得分30+,湖人队战绩4胜1负。 +"She is the author of ""The Lolita Effect,"" a 2008 book about how girls are forced to become too sexy too soon.",她是《洛丽塔影响》(The Lolita Effect)的作者,该书出版于2008年,是关于女孩们是怎么被迫太早就变得太性感的。 +"The authors ignore the very real risk of fire, whether by lightning or arson - including by those with a political agenda.",作者忽视了森林火灾的危险。 无论火灾是由闪电还是由纵火还有那些以内政治原因引起的。 +"While SIP is a request-response protocol, there is not necessarily only one response to every one request.",虽然 SIP 是请求-响应协议,但每个请求不一定只有一个响应与之对应。 +Only 11% of Detroiters aged between 25 and 34 has a college degree;,在25-34岁阶段的底特律人口中,拥有大学学位的只有11%; +"The script automatically appends the .pcv extension to the program name, and it ignores the possibility of invalid parameters.",脚本自动添加 .pcv 扩展名为程序的名字,而且忽略无效参数的可能性。 +AOL has built out an empire of second-tier content that Yahoo's sales force is already selling ads on.,美国在线则建立了了第二层内容帝国,现在,雅虎的销售团队也开始向这层内容销售广告。 +"In the conditions of this study, Sunit ewes have the ability of compensatory growth(CG), and there was a positive proportion between compensatory growth rate and nutrition restricted degree.",在本试验条件下,苏尼特母羊具有补偿生长的能力,且补偿生长的速率与受限制程度呈现正相关关系。 +"They have birthdays, holidays, anniversaries, celebrations — big ones when they get good medical news, smaller ones for simple pleasures like being set free from their IV pump.",他们度过生日、节假日、纪念日、庆祝日——大的像身体恢复的好消息,小的像不用再打点滴的小开心。 +"It is also noteworthy that Stanza has been a proponent of open eBook standards like EPUB, while Amazon has always kept its system relatively closed.",另外值得注意是Stanza一直支持开放电子书标准,如EPUB,而亚马逊则一直保持封闭。 +"Tourism brings $20 billion to the five-state Gulf region, the government says.",政府数据显示,旅游业为海湾地区五州带来了高达200个亿的收入。 +"Large amounts of money are donated to Cambodia or used by NGOs for computer-related projects, such as creating a database of all Cambodian laws.",大量 的金钱被柬埔寨或 非政府组织用于有关计算机 的计划,比如建立所有柬埔寨法律 的数据库。 +"What use as a result of us is double server, because this withholds database of a backup on another server.",由于我们使用的是双服务器,因此在另一服务器上保留一个备份数据库。 +"So I'm definitely in the classroom, getting hands-on to experience dealing with kids.",所以我肯定是有在教室里,亲自实践和小孩相处的经验。 +These results may provide valuable biological information for investigating spermiogenesis in the silkworm.,这些结果为进一步认识家蚕精子形成过程提供了重要的生物学信息。 +The psychiatrists do not see such parallel realities and assume the individuals are insane.,精神科医生看不到这些平行实相,并假定这些个体患了精神失常。 +I saw a ferryboat that was full of people.,我发现一艘渡船,上面挤满了人。 +"Old stone young shows love to old sister-in-law again, old sister-in-law is united in wedlock with be like two people namely confirm for gossip, reject the request of old stone young.",陈石仔再次向陈大嫂示爱,陈大嫂以若两人结合即印证了流言为由,拒绝陈石仔的请求。 +"That changed with the PM 2.5 directive. Asa market for 2.5 samplers emerged, new companies, mostly started byex-employees of companies like Envirotech, came up.",随着官方下达PM 2.5监督指令,情况就有所改变。由于颗粒物采样器迎来了需求市场,新的公司纷纷成立,这些公司大多数是由环境技术此类公司的前雇员成立的。 +"IBM grants you (""Licensee"") a non-exclusive, royalty free, license to use this sample code.",IBM 授予您(“被许可方”)使用这个样本代码的非专有的、版权免费的许可证。 +To him that made great lights: for his mercy endureth for ever,称谢那造成大光的,因他的慈爱永远长存。 +You send goods for me and will get commission charge $3.95 form me?,你帮我发货需要付3.95美圆的手续费给你? +Gossip Girl is … Dan Humphrey.,绯闻女孩是……丹·汉弗瑞。 +Mr. Lee also called for the North Korean government to release two American journalists and a South Korean worker jailed in the North.,李明博呼吁北韩释放两名美国记者被关押在北韩的一名韩国工作人员。 +"""Frankly, no, "" says Allegra, explaining that she sticks to ""groundnut oil for Asian food, and nice walnut oil is great in a dressing or for adding depth to stews"".",“坦率地说,不会,”艾丽格拉说,她坚持“花生油用来吃亚洲食品,上乘的胡桃油是调味品的首选,能使肉炖的更好,”给她留下深刻印象的是我们试验的波亚提尔橄榄油小镇的葡萄籽油,在查尔斯解释他用它来做蛋黄酱之前,她不由惊呼“啊,真的很新鲜!” +The stomach acid from repeated vomiting can severely erode tooth enamel.,反复的胃酸呕吐会严重损坏牙釉质。 +"They just open it up, and they just start working.",他们只是打开它,就直接开始做。 +"When this happens, we say that bread ""has gone mouldy"".",这种情况发生时我们说那面包“发霉”了。 +"Meanwhile, back in the village, Gaston was still trying to convince Belle that she would be the luckiest girl in town if she would agree to marry him.",与此同时,加斯顿回到村庄,他仍然试图使贝儿相信,如果她同意嫁给他,她就是镇上最幸运的女孩。 +Boys usually first learn to urinate by sitting on the toilet.,男孩刚开始也常常是学着坐着小便。 +"Among them, orthodox theory of history is reinforced and developed from Zhengtong to Hongzhi period and it has become the mainstream idea in the society;",总体上看,明代史论呈现出阶段性的发展特征,其中,在明正统至弘治这一重要发展时期内,正统史论得到充实与发展,成为主流的社会思想; +Mister Kerviel was charged with breach of trust and illegal computer activity.,科维尔先生被控违犯信任及计算机非法操作。 +"In design, the bundle is replaced by a notional bar having the same sectional area and the same centre of gravity as the bundle.",在设计中,一个约束是将理想中具有相同截面积钢筋和重心的钢筋捆绑。 +"Of course, that's easier said than done; the Arctic is a forbidding, isolated area, short of people and encased in ice much of the year.",当然,这说起来容易,做起来难。 北极是块离我们遥远的禁地,人烟稀少,一年中大部分时间是冰封雪盖。 +"First, the scientists took DNA samples from the iceman.",首先科学家们从冰人身上提取了DNA样本。 +"And Moses said unto Korah, Hear, I pray you, ye sons of Levi.",摩西又对可拉说:「利未的子孙哪,你们听我说! +Select the Direction: Stroke From Left To Right and set the Colorization Method to Hue Shift.,选择方向:从左到右描边,着色方法设置为“色相转换”。 +"If it had the answers ""OK"" and ""Cancel,"" you could answer it.",如果回答是 “确定” 和 “取消”,也可以回答这个问题。 +"This is very easily translatable into community care,’’ she said. “As their health improves, they may be able to reduce the other drugs they are taking for pain or other problems.",她说,“这是非常容易转到社区治疗的,随着他们健康状况的改善,他们可能减少服用为疼痛或其他病症服用的其他药物。” +"The airline is also flying slower - by 72 seconds, for example, on Houston to Los Angeles flights, which now take 3 hours 14 minutes.",航线上飞机也比以前飞得慢些了,每秒减慢了72米,例如,休斯顿至洛杉矶的航班,现在要花3小时14分钟。 +"My grandmother has arthritis in her hands, and she can't bend down and paint her toes.",我奶奶得了关节炎,不能弯腰去涂指甲油。 +We returned to our Jorasanko house in town.,我们回到了城里乔拉桑戈的房子。 +"It is too soon to say that Rat Island is definitively rat-free, however.",然而,说鼠岛确实没有了老鼠还为时过早。 +"It was a hot day, but the Pakistani delegation was used to the heat and, in their traditional white pants and long tunics, seemed more comfortable than my team.",天气很热,可巴方代表团习惯了炎热的环境,依旧身着传统的白裤和长达膝盖的短袖束腰外衣,似乎比我的团队还要舒服。 +Shall we go to a restaurant in Bailemen where I often drop in.,我们去百乐门用餐好吗?那是我常去的一家餐厅。 +"British actress Kate Winslet lead the pack of People magazine's 10 best-dressed women of 2009, with US first lady Michelle Obama chosen for ""best accessible glamour.""",《人物》杂志日前公布2009年度“十大最佳穿着女性榜”,英国女影星凯特•温丝莱特荣登榜首,美国第一夫人米歇尔•奥巴马获“最具亲和力穿着奖”。 +"As the head of the Public Service, the Chief Secretary for Administration is one of the Chief Executive's principal advisers, along with the Financial Secretary and the Secretary for Justice.",政务司司长是公务员的首长,与财政司司长和律政司司长同属行政长官的首要顾问。 +There are also some amazing raw food restaurants in N.Y.C. Going to one is such a fun experience!,在纽约城中也有一些生食餐馆。 去那里吃上一顿是相当不错的体验! +"When a solider was refused his earned due, or kudos, it was considered a very serious insult.",如果一个士兵拒绝接受他应得的报酬或荣誉,那可以说是一种很严重的侮辱。 +"I apologize, I only want to get that Diamond. I've actually had a crush on Gentlewoman for a long time.",抱歉哈,俺只想打击那金刚石,其实俺也喑恋淑女很久了。 +Data transmission on the forward link is time multiplexed and the base station transmits at the highest data rate supported by the forward link at each time slot to one mobile station.,在正向链路上的数据传输是时间多路 复用的,并且在每个时隙上,基站以正向链路支持的最高数据速率向移动站发 送。 +Mechanical sublayer technique has been adopted when material hardening rule is considered.,机械子层法用于材料的硬化规则。 +Teachers should be prepared to point INJ children towards sources where they can learn more about the subject.,教师应准备向INJ 儿童指出资料源的所在,在那里他们可以学到关于课题的更多东西。 +"K, -. J. Jones is at home on Thursday.",琼斯太太每星期四在家接待客人。 +This can be a natural outflow of the visualization process in step two.,一般在作第二步,想象成功的画面时,自然就会到第三步。 +Centralism of investment direction and large transformation of the investment idea simultaneously promulgates existent question in our country OEMF style.,投资方向的过于集中与投资理念的大幅转变同时揭示出我国开放式基金投资风格存在的问题。 +The experimental apparatus for the separation of oxygen and argon was established based on the kinetic adsorption of carbon molecular sieves.,基于碳分子筛动态吸附机理,建立了分离氧氩的实验装置。 +The SIMH User's Guide presents a large amount of information about the SIMH implementation as well as the commands that can be used in the simulator framework.,SIMH 用户指南 提出了有关 SIMH 实现的大量信息以及可用于仿真器框架的命令。 +"Mutexes have names, and only one mutex of a given name can exist on a machine at a time.",互斥有名称,并且,一个给定名称的互斥在同一机器上同一时刻只能存在一个。 +Hmmm — maybe that’s why I had to remove my license from its plastic slot.,唔...怪不得那个柜员非让我把驾驶执照从塑料套中取出来不可。 +The difference between the Baoan and Longgang incinerators lies at the center of a growing controversy in China.,宝安和龙岗两座垃圾焚化炉不一致,这成为中国日益加剧的争论焦点。 +"Here is a new selection of breathtaking and beautiful Moscow shots made from roofs, towers and bridges.",这是从屋顶、塔山、桥塔上选取角度拍摄的美丽的俄罗斯美景。 +"In Figure 4, I'm using Virtual PC on a Power Mac to look at the developerWorks Web architecture zone in four different browsers on two OSes simultaneously.",在图 4 中,我在 Power Mac 中使用了 Virtual PC,同时在两个操作系统中使用 4 种不同浏览器访问 developerWorks Web 架构专区。 +The first case of Karoshi was reported in 1969 and gave rise to public concern.,1969年日本报导第一个过劳死案例,因此引起大众的关心。 +"In this paper, a new method for the determination of Piroxicam gel by the use of HPLC was reported.",本文提出了采用内标法,将HPLC用于吡罗昔康凝胶有效成分测定的新方法。 +"This article analyzed ""counter urbanization"" concept and connotation;",本文简析了“逆城市化”的概念和内涵; +"“If you can get below that $2m net-asset-value snapshot, it’s fairly easy. You escape the exit tax,” says Richard Cassell, a partner at Withers, the law firm.",卫达士律师事务所的合伙人理查德·卡塞尔称:“如果资产净值能低于200万美元,那就相当容易。 +"Participants might press one key when they see a Moroccan name or a good word, and press another when they see a French name or a bad word.",他们可以在看到摩洛哥式姓名或者好词时按��个键,在看到法式姓名或者坏词时按另外一个键。 +Conclusion:The GAP promoter can be used to express foreign protein effectively and is the basis for studying the physicochemical properties and genetic mechanism of Gassericin T.,结论:为下一步在毕赤酵母中组成型表达外源蛋白,研究其作用机理和遗传机制奠定了基础。 +"Additionally, identification numbers link the accounts with individual orders and with payments.",此外,识别码可以把帐户与各订单和付款链接起来。 +To have broken through a cordon of policemen and mounted patrols and armoured cars!,冲破了巡捕,骑巡,装甲汽车,密密层层的警戒网! +"Look, it's so dirty…Well, I agree with her this time, my little sweetheart hasn't had a wash for almost two months…",这次我同意她的说法,我的小心肝儿已经将近两个月没有洗澡了… +"Footplate : Can use real wood, marble or glass commonly, the sort of clean with a pointed instrument that at present a lot of people like vitreous step is appeared, the feeling of cold, cruel.",踏板:一般可采用实木、大理石或玻璃,目前很多人喜欢玻璃台阶的那种剔透、冷、酷的感觉。 +"The balance combination of mineral substance , kinds of trace element increase and the dog's 11 kinds of essential amino acids, causes your pet to be healthier, and with a brighter wool color.",矿物质、各种微量元素的添加与犬必需的11种氨基酸的平衡组合,使您的爱犬更加健康,毛色更加亮泽。 +Why use new teas with aged leaves to fill in the pillow core but not those with young leaves?,为什么枕芯用老叶新茶做填充物,而不用嫩叶新茶? +"If you saw more of yourself in the 'Temporary Heat Wave' scenarios, then you might need a new focus and new challenges to recharge your professional energy.",如果你的情况更符合“暂时情绪”描述,那么你需要的也许是关注新的事情、新的挑战来让你重新精神抖擞。 +"Finally I would like to thank Grigoriy Lerman for his patience and excellent proofreading skills—but mostly for his undying love and support. Thank you, honey.",最后,我想谢谢格里高利·莱曼,谢谢他的耐心和卓越的校对技术——更多的是永恒的爱和支持,谢谢你,亲爱的。 +"Aboveground tanks with an inner metal wall have been built for capacity as high as 140,000 cubic meters.",和一面内部的金属制的墙壁在地上战车已经被为能力高达 140,000个立方公尺建造。 +"Whatever your faith, believer or nonbeliever, there's no better time to rededicate ourselves to that universal mission.",无论你是何种信仰,信教者抑或无信仰者,再也没有比这更好的将自己奉献给这一非凡使命的时刻了。 +"MUSIC - The sound of silence: Spaces between the notes matter to virtuoso Liu Fang… 'Behind every note, there is soul. '",刘芳来讲,她的音乐也表现在音与音之间的停顿上…每个音符背后都有灵魂… +Some of the common DBI conventions and syntax are listed in the table below.,下面的表中列出了一些常见的 DBI 约定和语法。 +"Cheng defiled see charlene, again see charlene hand photos, mistakenly assume that charlene is kang chengs daughter.",程连心看到夏琳,再看到夏琳手中的照片,误以为夏琳便是程慷升的女儿。 +"More than 12,000 new computers have been installed in precincts around the city, technology in radio cars has been improved and the department is better able to share information.","纽约各辖区已经配备了超过12,000台的新计算机,用于汽车无线电通讯的汽车的技术已得到了改善,警务部门已能更好地共享信息。" +"You can also help vulnerable children, and their families and communities become sustainable in the long run by joining Child Sponsorship.",你更可参加「助养儿童计划」,长远改善有需要孩子的家庭及社区环境。 +Methods A total of 87 patients with Cushing 's disease admitted in our unit from 1997 to 2003 were analyzed retrospectively.,方法对1997至2003年间我科收治的87例库欣病经蝶手术的患者进行回顾性研究。 +"As I solve the maximization problem, how do I maximize my payoff given that other people are choosing S-i?","解最大化问题时,如果其他人选了S-i,我如何最大化自己的收益呢" +"In your mouth edge fibrillation is ""love you, son"";",在您嘴角边颤动的是“爱你,儿子”; +"I have to head out now, or I can't catch the last bus.",我现在就得动身,要不然就赶不上末班车了。 +"Doing exercise for facial muscle can let skin tense, and let the loosing face recover step by step. The problem is solved!",运动面部肌肉可以让皮肤变得紧实,使松弛的脸逐步回复年轻,面部问题迎刃而解! +"And yet, no matter how much we deny it, the child will not – cannot – go away.",但是,不管我们怎样否认,这个小孩将不会、也不可能走开。 +"We noticed that there are pictures of elephant on PM's website, and named PM's newsletter as elephant news. Is there any relation between PM and elephant?",记者:有个问题不知当不当问,我在贵公司的网站上看到大象的图片,并看到公司把自己的新闻命名为“大象新闻”,不知贵公司和大象有何联系? +And the evolutionary strategy is considered as the best way to automatically determine the individ. ual SVMs hyperparameters.,算法采用进化策略来自动地确定个体支持向量机的超参数,避免了需要了解问题的先验知识; +"Each time when a seven-day holiday is around the corner, many people are in high spirits, expecting the advent of the holiday as early as possible.",每当一个7日长假将要来临时,许多人都兴高采烈地期盼着节日的早日降临。 +"Infrared reflectance spectrometry is an old and traditional experimental method characterized by rapid, simple, convenient and nondestructive operation.",反射光谱法是一种古老的实验方法,具有快速简便、无损伤等特点。 +"Universal erythroderma, generally accompanied by scaling, may be associated with malignancy, usually lymphoma.",全身性红皮病,一般伴脱屑,可并发恶性肿瘤,多为淋巴瘤。 +The results showed that working hardening resulted from the increase in dislocation density responsible for dislocation tangle.,结果表明,由于位错密度增加,位错缠结导致了加工硬化; +"In the last year, though, the hard-liners in all these countries have faced a backlash by the centrist majorities, who detest these Islamist groups.",不过,去年这些国家的强硬派全都面临居多数的中间派反弹,后者对伊斯兰团体深恶痛绝。 +"The glossary also contains three appendices, namely, the organization chart of the …",第二部分为附录,载列资料包括机电工程署组织大纲图、注册 。 +"For oft, when on my couch I lie In vacant or in pensive mood, They flash upon that inward eye Which is the bliss of solitude;",每当我躺在床上不眠, 或心神空茫,或默默沉思, 它们常在心灵中闪现, 那是孤独之中的福祉; +They typed their credit card number wrong or clicked the wrong link or mistyped a URL.,比如说敲错了信用卡号或点击错了链接,又或者是敲错了网址。 +It's the diversity of nationalities and styles of music which make today' s International Eisteddfod so appealing.,正是因为民族和艺术风格的多样化,才使今天的国际艺术节如此引人注目。 +Drugs including: initial glucose-lowering therapy with metformin or sulfonylureas ;,降糖药物以二甲双胍和磺脲类为基础治疗; +Conclusion Eye acupuncture has a good effect on cognition disorders in patients of CCCI and can enhance life quality of the patients.,结论:眼针疗法对CCCI患者认知功能障碍有良好效果,可提高患者的生活质量。 +"You know,we want to totally furnish our new office building.This is a list of what we need.Could you give me a ballpark figure for everything on this list?",您知道.我们想要彻底装备我们的新办公大楼.这是一张单子.上面列出了我们需要的家具.您能就这张表上的所有商品给我一个大概的价格吗? +Each exhibitor will be issued with one Exhibition Certificate.,本会将向所有参展商颁发参展证书一份。 +"On Tuesday, Mr. Karzai's spokesman, Humayun Hamidzada, responded to the report by saying the current situation is unacceptable, but he refrained from singling out foreign troops for blame.",星期二,卡尔扎伊的发言人对有关报导作出回应。他说,目前的局势令人不能接受,但是他没有明确指出外国部队应该对此负责。 +The ablation mechanism and the performance of carbon-phenolic material of solid propellant rocket nozzles are studied.,本文研究了碳-酚醛材料在固体火箭发动机喷管中的烧蚀机理及性能。 +Additional features in the current Songkick release include last.fm integration to automatically track favorite artists and opt-in email alerts on venues and festivals.,Songkick还在最新版中集成了last.fm以自动跟踪最喜爱艺人,并提供场馆和节日的许可式邮件提醒服务。 +"May eextremecclything beautiful or worst be condensed into that biked. I sincerely hope you happiness, cheerfulness or success.",愿一切最美好的热爱都能用这张贺卡表达,真诚地祝你开心、愉快、完成! +BTS Guidelines for the Management of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease.,输血服务中心管理准则慢性阻塞性肺疾病。 +That was something else that Henry liked about Moira.,这是亨利喜欢莫伊拉的又一个地方。 +"Pepsico Inc. formed a venture with Polar, the dominant local brewer, to bottle and distribute Pepsi-Cola starting next month.",百事可乐公司成立了合资企业与极地,占主导地位的当地啤酒酿造商,以瓶和分发百事可乐从下个月开始。 +"""Maybe the reason why free radicals and aging are correlated is because free radical production in the mitochondria (part of the cell) is a stress reaction to the damage of aging, "" Hekimi said.",海克米说:“人们之所以把自由基和衰老联系在一起,可能是因为自由基在线粒体(细胞的一部分)中产生是人体对衰老的应激反应。 +Human trafficking syndicates and the use of forced labor generate as much as $32 billion a year globally - almost a third of that in Asia.,人口贩卖集团和使用强制劳动力在全球每年产生的利润达320亿美元,亚洲占了其中大约三分之一。 +"Zhao Wei, male, born in 1957 in Beijing, Dean of Creation and Research Department of China National Academy of Painting, First-Class Artist, Member of CPPCC, and Member of China Artists Association.",中国国家画院创作研究部主任,一级美术师,全国政协委员,中国美术家协会会员。 +Experiences must be processed and reprocessed in order to become long-term memories.,过往的体验必须经过加工和再加工才能成为长久的记忆。 +"We walked along the meandering mountain path for a long time. Finally, we arrived at the mountaintop.",我们沿着盘曲的山路走了好久,才终于走到了山顶。 +"NOPD confirmed this morning that former Olympic athlete, Raymond Kulinsky and his wife, Angelina Mason were found dead during the Mardi Gras festvities, yesterday.",当地警方今早证实,前奥林匹克运动员雷蒙德-库林斯凯和他的妻子安吉利娜-梅森昨天被杀死在四旬斋前一天的游行里。 +"Public Health Minister Dawn Primarolo said: ""It's shocking, even for me, to see the potential risks of drinking over recommended guidelines",卫生部长Dawn Primarolo也表示震惊,他说似乎看到过度喝酒对男士的潜在风险。 +"Series IPF valves are designed to simplify the installation, service, and removal of pumps or circulators in hydronic systems.",系列IPF专用于简化泵或循环加热系统的安装、维修和拆卸。 +"To produce a list of five, you can output all of the five code word list (only one or two Jane yards).",制作一个五笔列表,可以输出所有字的五笔代码列表(只有一或二级简码)。 +Gert had maximum sustained winds of 40 miles an hour. It could get stronger as it makes its way toward Bermuda.,格特最大风力保持在40英里每小时,在临近百慕大群岛的途中可能会增强。 +And every time Tom gets blown up with dynamite his face is shown with red or orange lips and a black face.,每次被炸药炸到,汤姆展现的形象就是黑黑的脸上露出红色或橘黄色的嘴唇。 +"or the trains break down or there are power failures,",或者火车出故障了,或者电力不足了, +"It takes time, of course, since we are creatures of habit and don't adapt to new changes as easily as some might think.",当然,这需要时间,因为我们还是一种习惯性生物,适应新变化并不像某些人想象的那么容易。 +These are desks.,这些是桌子。 +"If you check this box, the selected image will be scaled to match the height or width of the selected area - whichever is reached first.",如果您选中此复选框,选定的图片将会被缩放到所选的图表部位的高度或宽度,看哪个方向先匹配。 +"Li Zhi is well-known as ""the heresy"" for his rebellious disposition in Min Dynasty.",李贽是晚明时期以反叛性格闻名于当时的“异端”。 +"Nevertheless, schools do best if Anthroposophy is being cultivated in the community around them in a healthy and free manner.",如果围绕学校的社团在健康自由的氛围下有受到良好的人智学培训,学校将做到最好。 +Red onions and grapes contain both.,红洋葱和葡萄则都含有槲皮素和花青素。 +British bride and groom Kerry Bevan and Wayne Davies proved just how deep their love was-bygetting married 500ft below ground in an old slate mine.,戴维斯用实际行动证明了他们的爱有多“深”----两人在一个500英尺深的老地下板岩矿里结了婚。 +It is also interesting that the compression of this restructured XML is within 7% of the best-obtained compression of the original textual Weblog.,同样令人感兴趣的是,这一重新构建的 XML 的压缩在原始文本形式的 Weblog 获得的最佳压缩的 7% 以内。 +"None of the famous theories of this century, from pure behavioral reflexology to elaborate psychodynamic formulations, have proved sufficient to describe the human mind in health and disease.",这个世纪详细描述心理动力学机制的著名纯行为反射学理论中,没有一项能够充分地描述人类在健康与疾病时的思想。 +"So, this is one question you want to ask yourself.",所以,这是一个你们会想要问自己的问题。 +This paper introduces a control system of external counterpulsation which bases on 80C196KC monolithic processor.,介绍了一种以80C196KC单片机为核心的人体体外反搏仪控制系统。 +John hit his triple and plated two runs.,约翰完成他的三垒打,并得了两分。 +Teaching difficulties: Reactor design and calculation of variable temperature reactor.,教学难点:变温过程反应器的设计与计算。 +"This matter of strong point understand, ran to found day civilian to tell him this thing immediately, invite he and family date.",所长闻知此事,马上跑去找到了天民将这件事告诉了他,并让他和人家约会一下。 +"If you tease him, he becomes hot with anger.",如果你戏弄他,他会生气的。 +But the milk is full of white blood cells that sicken thicken and make the milk go bad more quickly.,但是牛奶中含有白血球会使牛奶变厚或使牛奶更快变质。 +Electron microscopy also found that the cells of the epiphyseal plates of left femurs were more eugenic than the right femurs in the group fixed with plates at 3 and 6 month after operation.,电镜观察示滑动钢板固定的左侧股骨骨骺于术后3个月及6个月软骨增殖区软骨细胞分裂及生长较普通钢板固定的右侧活跃。 +"I know that you are not handsome, strong and brave.",我知道你不英俊,强壮和勇敢。 +"With this information, the RPC runtime library contacts the local endpoint map database on the server system to know the endpoint on which the server process is listening for incoming RPCs.",RPC 运行时库使用这些信息联系服务器系统上的本地端点映射数据库,了解服务器进程在哪个端点上监听到达的 RPC。 +"Actually, I started the class by saying that.",事实上,我通过那样说开始课程。 +"The one who had been slapped got stuck in the mire and start drowning, but his friend saved him.",被打耳光的那个人陷入藻泽开始下沉,他的朋友救了他。 +"The 4I model of wireless marketing shows that interaction is the core of wireless marketing, one to one is its internal feature, personality and punctuation is its obvious external expression.",从无线营销的“4I”模型可以看出,互动是无线营销的核心,“一对一”是无线营销的内在特点,个性化和及时性则是无线营销的外在显著表现。 +"In retaliation, thousands of Jedi descended upon the jungle moon, led by Ulic Qel-Droma.",为了报复,由乌立克‧奎卓马率领的数千绝地涌向这个丛林卫星。 +He is slower than a snail and uses a walking stick。,他行动起来比蜗牛还慢,总是拄着拐杖走路。 +"We passed large patches of farmland that often had small walls built around crops, cleverly protecting food from the North China cold.",我们经过了一块又一块的农田,里面修建了围墙,保护其中的粮食免受寒冻。 +Team A paced team B with five points in the ten games.,A队在十场比赛中领先B 队五分。 +"And there is a very big difference between these two simplicities, even though on the face of it, they may at times look similar.",这两种简单性之间有很大的区别,尽管乍看起来,他们有时也许是相似的。 +"Judge:Well, um ,could you tell us why ?What prompted you to participate in this contest?",评委:你能不能告诉我们为什么? 是什么东西促使你参加这次比赛? +Vill there be anything else?,还要什么别的吗? +The free ones will tear off in full. They will have so many friends and sexual partners.,没结婚的蝎子们会完全撕下面孔,结交大量朋友和性伙伴。 +"If he had approved a wider and better-designed bridge, on which approximately the same amount of public money would have been spent, none of the damage or problems would have occurred.",如果他所批准建设的大桥更宽一些,设计得更精良一些,而所投入其上的公共款项大致相等的话,那么,无论是大桥的受损,还是交通拥堵问题均不会发生。 +"At 15 days of age, neonatal rats were given a taste preference test by allowing them to select nipples painted with either saccharin or water.",在出生15天,观察新生鼠选择分别涂上Sac或水的奶嘴进行味觉选择性测试。 +"The classrooms are available for lessons, study or other teaching programs activities. Exceptions to these purposes, e. g. , place for recreation, may be made with approval.",教室只供学生上课、自习和进行其它教学活动使用,未经批准不得将其作为文娱活动场地。 +Boys tend to have more self-handicapping than girls; students in junior class more than those in senior class;,大学生自我设限倾向存在显著的年级差异,且低年级大学生自我设限倾向高于高年级大学生; +"The data was analyzed by descriptive statistics, Chi-square test, t-test and one-way ANOVA.",资料回收后以描述性统计、卡方考验、t考验及单因子变异数分析等统计方法进行分析。 +Carnauba wax is harder then concrete in natural forum must be softened with solvents.,棕梠蜡在天然状态下比水泥还硬,必需透过一些溶剂来软化。 +The random matches of LIFE?G make the smooth mood free in the art space. Maybe it is just the pursuit for many years.,生活几何的随意搭配,轻松的心情在艺术空间里收放自如。或许,这��是追求多年的生活至境。 +Calculation method of reinforced concrete isosceles trapezoid slab is experiential arithmetic which simplified isosceles trapezoid into rectangle slab to calculate.,在均布荷载作用下,对钢筋混凝土周边固支等腰梯形板的计算通常都是将其简化成周边固支当量矩形板进行计算。 +"In this case, specific business logic may be highlighted based on the data segment selected.",在这种情况下,根据选定的数据片段,会突出显示特定的业务逻辑。 +"Methods TLR4, CD14and MD2on normal human small intestinal and colonic epithelial cells were detected by immunohistochemistry, and THP1cells was used as positive control.",方法以内毒素刺激的THP1细胞作为阳性对照,用免疫组化方法检测人正常肠粘膜上皮细胞TLR4、CD14和MD2的表达。 +"Sometimes we have the best intentions to run, butsomething gets in the way.",有时候我们非常想跑步,但是有些情况总是不期而至。 +Many clubs now specialise in single Valentine's nights -so make the most of it and play the field.,许多酒吧现在已有专设“单身情人节夜”派队——准备就绪,立刻上场吧! +"The three issues involved the problems of that who manages, manage of what, and how to mange. They are interlinked and inseparable. Those also need to be solved urgently.",这三个不足涉及到公务员诚信由谁来管、管什么和怎样管三个方面,它们之间相互联系,不可分割,是公务员诚信建设急需解决的不足。 +WHO has already sent supplies and medicines to meet the healthcare needs of 270 000 people for one month.,世界卫生组织已经发送了器材和药品以满足27万人一个月的卫生保健需求。 +It is a type of new inverted rubber based on the technology of original 729 inverted rubber.,它是在原“729”反胶的基础上发展的一款新型反胶。 +"Enjoy risk fun in your life, especially when you lose less and get more, you can learn a lot from these experiences.",在生活中享受冒险的乐趣。尤其是当你所失甚少、所得甚多时,你将从这些你生活中新增加的阅历中学到很多。 +"This was in part due to a public-health campaign by the American occupational army, and later the Japanese government, which cut the infant mortality rate in half in ten years.",这部分是因为美国驻日军队组织的公共卫生设施建设,不久之后日本政府在十年内将婴儿死亡率减低到原先的一半水平。 +The growth of curves of Fujian rabbits(yellow line)of 240 days old were analyzed and fitted with three kinds of non-linear models.,对福建兔(黄毛品系)0~240日龄生长曲线进行了分析和非线性曲线拟合研究。 +"It plans to submit the missive to the National People’s Congress, an annual conclave starting 5 March that will help steer the government’s work plan for the coming year.",还计划把信发到全国人民代表大会,这是一个最高议会性质的年度会议,每年3月5日开始举行,帮助政府执行下一年度的工作计划。 +Non-residents withdrawing deposits in the R. O. C. (not for the local securities investments).,非居民收回存放于我国之存款(非证券投资户)。 +She began to doubt that she was strong enough to endure the harsh conditions of her husband's country.,她开始怀疑她是否足够坚强来接纳他丈夫祖国的艰苦环境。 +"Our company develops continuous carbonization kiln which can convert the biomass material into biomass carbon, gas and wood tar etc.",我公司开发了连续式炭化炉,将生物质原料在可控的温度下进行炭化,得到生物质炭、燃气和木焦油三种产品。 +President Crow and the Board of Regents will soon learn all about being audited by the IRS.,是说克罗校长以及校董事会的人也会被国家税务局审计吗? +Children jeer and their parents whisper about street dogs disappearing into cooking pots.,孩童们开始嘲笑,父母们开始窃窃私语:街上的狗怎么就到了烹饪锅里? +"To protect biodiversity, in-situ protection and ex-situ protection are to be adopted, and breed centers are to be est…",对生物多样性的保护措施是就地保护、迁地保护和建立繁育中心。 +"At first I didn`t want to send just bits of it, so I waited until I had recorded all of the Odyssey.",首先,我不想零星地寄,因此我等着把《奥德赛》所有的内容都录制完毕后寄出的。 +This simple Firefox tool lets you create custom Firefox installers which you can use to deploy Firefox’s preconfigured settings and add-ons.,这个简单的 Firefox 工具可以让你创建定制的 Firefox 安装文件,这样你就可以用来部署 Firefox 的预设和插件。 +Another key element in the epidemic - Tuberculosis - has recently drawn increased attention with the development of an extremely drug resistant form that signals the urgent need for TB control.,结核,即艾滋病流行的另一个主要因素,最近引起人们的极大重视,���为出现了一种极强的耐药表型,表明迫切需要加强结核控制。 +"Instead, choose broiled meats, fresh side dishes of beans or vegetables and non-pastry desserts.",与之取代的 是选择烧烤肉类 新鲜配菜豆类或蔬菜和非糕点类甜点。 +"I don't know you, but I want to help you. You must be a friend.",我不认识你,但我愿意帮助你,你得够朋友。 +"In real life, Coyne noted that Depp, 46, was also a committed father of two.",柯尼称,现实生活中的戴普有两个孩子,是个很有责任心的父亲。 +"he had a wonderfully long beard, more red than white, and he bowed down to the ground and asked the old lady whether he might wipe her shoes.",这胡子与其说是白的,还不如说是红的——因为它本来就是红的。他把腰几乎弯到地上去了;他回老太太说,他可不可以擦擦她鞋子上的灰尘。 +"I have a high fever, and my skin is extremely itchy after taking that medicine.",服用那个药之后我就发高烧,皮肤瘙痒。 +"To measure ICP utilizing the intraparenchymal approach, begin with a Micro Sensor already zeroed and connected to the required cables and monitor.",使用脑实质内压方法测量ICP,一开始要准备好一个已经调零的微传感器,并连接到指定的电缆和监测仪上。 +"To enable this rich ecosystem of integrations, we provide open source APIs in Mylyn that allow a wide range of task, change, build, source and test management systems to be connected.",为了集成这些产品,我们在Mylyn中提供了开源的API用以链接这些任务、变更、构建及测试管理系统等等。 +"Many on the mountain had paid upwards of $US75,000 ($99,000) and were effectively being dragged up by guides, he said.",他说,山上的人很多都支付了高达75,000美元的费用,所以很有效的被向导拽上了山。 +"The total biodiversity index was 0.924, which implied that the species structure of urban main roads were relatively simple.",遵义市行道树总的生物多样性指数为0.924,表明遵义市城区干道树种结构相对简单。 +Public speech has a long history in China. It was once used by the Qing Government to publicize Shengyu Guangxun.,演说在中国由来已久,它也被清代官府用做《圣谕广训》的宣讲。 +"Common scenes, feelings and things which are focused in the imagoes get new meaning by Cao Xueqin putting his own affections and talents in the imagoes and melting them in the plots.",曹雪芹将自己的情思和才华凝结在意象中,融化在情节里,使常景、常情、常事在意象的聚焦中获得了新的意义。 +"This system can parallel in any ordinary telephone, and can meet the special groups' needs in very urgent circumstances.",本系统能够并联在任何一部通俗德律风上,可知足特别群体在碰到十分状况下的告急乞助。 +"Kevin : You know, it-it's kind of stuffy, and pretentious but, um, the drinks and free, and um…It's an excuse to dress up.",你知道,这类宴会本来就沉闷无聊,华而不实,只有免费酒水,只是衣着方面比较讲究。 +"Those who wear glasses were perceived to be older by respondents, who said they regarded them as more ""geeky"" and ""good with computers"" than people who do not wear them.",这项调查发现,相较于那些不戴眼镜的人群,戴眼镜者看起来更老,更“令人生厌”,也较“擅长于电脑”。 +"Storing fruits under room and low temperature(6℃) after precooling, the effects of storage temperatures on the quality and related enzymatic changes in Citrus guanximiyou fruit were studied.",琯溪蜜柚果实采后经过预冷,贮藏于室温和冷库(6℃)两个温度条件下,研究贮藏温度对果实品质及相关酶活性的影响。 +Who is willing do second-class 3 stream?That is striven for do top-ranking!,谁甘愿做二流三流?那就争取做一流! +"But it's important to define that, and define something that's a thermometer.",但是定义这点很重要,要定义一个温度计。 +"You should read widely, e.g. newspapers, journals, magazines and books, and use materials from these sources when preparing for the test.",所以在准备雅思阅读考试的过程中,你们要广泛阅读一些报英文报纸,杂志和书籍并且充分运用这些材料。 +"So we should let him be in should go up when the net one-stop shop, the biggest enjoyment the convenience that the net buys!",所以我们要让他在当当网上一站式购物,最大的享受网购的方便! +On z/OS the maximum length of the attribute is 256 bytes. On all other platforms it is 1024 bytes.,在 z/OS 上,该属性的最大长度是 256 字节,其他平台上是 1024 字节。 +"The Ernst & Young report cites the experience of Paul Brooks, chief financial officer of credit rating firm Experian, which got a license to operate a credit bureau in India in 2010.",安永的这份报告提到了信用评级公司Experian首席财务长布鲁克斯(Paul Brooks)的遭遇。 +Mixed fractals have been measured from profile images by a digital image processing and analysis technique.,混合形已测剖面图象的数字图像处理和分析技术。 +But they also can increase blood pressure and heart rate and carry warnings about risks for sudden deaths in patients with heart problems.,但是它们同时会升高血压和心率,对存在心脏疾患的患者有导致猝死的危险。 +"General common, stubborn disease of the cervical spine, omarthritis, uterine fibroids, Waist-Leg disease caused by the disease can be carried out Meridian Scrapping cure.",一般常见的、顽固性的颈椎病、肩周炎、子宫肌瘤、腰腿病所引起的疾病都可以进行经络刮痧治疗好。 +"I turned and saw a sight that made my blood run cold - it was Jimmy Harlan, running breathlessly in my direction, his face red and his eyes wild.",我转过身看到了一个令我不寒而栗的身形,原来是吉米·哈兰,他气喘吁吁地向我跑来,满脸通红,眼神中透着几分狂野。 +China and the United States both appreciate the dangers of escalating tensions and a prospective arms race in East Asia; and the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction.,中国和美国均认识到紧张局势升级以及东亚可能发生的军备竞赛所导致的危险以及大规模毁灭性武器扩散的危险。 +"Chile's two-day Teleton fundraiser is endorsed by television stars and aims to raise funds for poor, disabled children.",智利两天的“Teleton”筹资活动得到了电视明星的认可,旨在为贫困的残疾小孩筹资。 +"Indeed, Ford raised its forecast for 2011 U.S. auto sales to 13 million to 13.5 million vehicles after previously saying they could be as low as 12.5 million.","的确如此,福特汽车将2011年美国汽车销量预估,从之前的1,250万辆调高至1,300-1,350万辆." +Last one…move your feet.,最后一个…动动你的双脚。 +It's what led firefighters and police officers in the prime of their lives up the stairs of those burning towers;,它使得消防队员和警察们在生命的黄金时期冲向熊熊燃烧的双子塔的楼梯; +"Goodbye charlene, the four seasons is still full of friendly, unexpectedly also congratulations on her grandpa.",再见夏琳,四季依然是满满的友好,竟然还恭喜她找到了爷爷。 +The number of candidates for the labor union chairman of an enterprise shall be more than the number of labor union chairman to be elected.,企业 工会主席候选人获得赞成票超过应到会有选举权人数半数的始得当选。 +"This method allows data to be stored at significantly higher capacities: 1.9 terabits per square inch have been demonstrated, and a capacity of 3.3 terabits per square inch is possible.",此方法可使数据被存储容量大幅提高:每平方英寸1.9兆兆位已获实验证明,每平方英寸3.3兆兆位也有可能。 +"First you heat up some olive oil in a casserole, fry some bacon cubes in this, add seasoned oxtail and brown them for a few minutes, taking care not to burn the bacon.",首先要将橄榄油在沙锅里加热,后放入肉丝煎炒,再加上调过味的牛尾煎一段时间,注意不要把肉丝煎糊。 +"Basic knowledge of OHSAS18001, a good knowledge and understanding of the national and local work safety regulations and standards, especially warehouse and transportation laws, regulations.",对OHSAS18001有一定了解,对国家与广州当地职业安全方面的法律法规有很好的把握, 尤其是仓库与交通运输方面的安全法规。 +Afghan officials say a 12-hour siege by Taliban insurgents on a hotel on the outskirts of Kabul ended early Friday and at least eight people have been killed.,阿富汗官员说,塔利班叛乱分子控制首都喀布尔郊外的一家饭店达12个小时,至少八人被打死。星期五清晨,这家饭店得到解救。 +France got a payment of more than 5 billion for assuming future pension obligations from the soon-to-be-privatized France Télécom.,法国从即将私有化的法国电信(France T口l口com)获得了超过50亿欧元的资金,用于承担未来的养老金给付义务。 +"War can happen all over, but the U. S. has not focused on those wars- the U. S. tends to make a Hollywood picture about everything we do.",战火被它惹得遍地都是,可是它却开始对那些战争兴味索然了——也许美国认为,现实就像一部好莱坞电影。 +The second test is to enter the secret halls that are in the underground of the Francoism headquarters where a terrible monster exists.,第二个考验是进入位于弗朗哥政权指挥所地下的一座神秘厅堂,里面住着一只可怕的怪物。 +"The sals and marketing centre of AuXdiO in China locates in bank of America plaza, Guangzhou.",澳斯迪中国大陆的营销中心总部设在中国花城广州市美国银行大厦。 +ObjectiveTo explore the diagnosis of spontaneous bacterial peritonitis induced by Moraxella phenylpyruvica.,目的探讨苯丙酮酸莫拉菌引起自发性细菌性腹膜炎的诊断。 +Is it the money …. is it the $ 39.95?,这是钱的问题吗?…它是39.95元加币吗? +"Second, devotes in the work and the education will industry, publicizes the Confucianist classics, and lectures the enlightenment, greatly active in later student;",二是致力于著作及教育志业,宣扬儒家经典,并讲学教化,大有功于后学者; +Spatial distribution maps and(semi-)variograms that can explicitly explain the random and structural variability of soil salinity were also mapped.,绘制了各土层盐分的随机性和结构性的半方差图以及空间分布图。 +Wipe on either a darker lipstick or add shine to your regular shade with some lip gloss.,涂较深色的唇膏或是用唇彩来提亮日常唇色。 +The change of insulin resistance index(HOMA-IR)and the parameters of blood coagulation before and after treatment were observed.,观察治疗前后两组患者胰岛素抵抗指数(HOMA-IR)及凝血指标的变化。 +"For Clarissa, official time is represented by Big Ben whose note is ‘irrevocable’ like ‘leaden circles dissolved in the air’.",对于克拉莉莎来说,大本钟代表了法定时间,就像空气中散播的铅灰一般无法撤销。 +So Callicles is really saying to Socrates: Quit philosophizing.,卡利克勒想对苏格拉底说的其实就是:放弃哲学。 +The absence of a tonal center and of harmonies derived from a diatonic scale corresponding to such a center; lack of tonality.,无调性缺少中心旋律及和谐性,由与此中心对应的全音阶得来; +"in his great depiction of hell in Books One and Two) to avoid the standard epic scenes of the torture of the damned, for example, with which we're familiar if we've read Homer or Virgil or, of course, Dante much later.","在他第一和第二册书对地狱的精彩描述),去避免提及传统史诗中关于恶者被折磨的场景,例如我们所熟悉的那些场景,如果我们读过荷马的,维吉尔的,当然还有但丁的作品。" +Yet Wang's reluctance to reveal his backers or much of his business background has failed to dispel suspicions.,不过由于王靖不愿意透露资金来源以及他的从商背景,疑云挥之不去。 +What did I leave off the list? Please share your favorite time saving tips with us in the comments area below.,单子上我还落了什么吗?欢迎在下方评论区和我们分享你最受用的省时方法。 +"The incidence of complications such as radiation proctitis and radiocystitis was also of statistically significant(P<0.01,0.05).",放射性直肠炎和放射性膀胱炎发生率差异也有统计学意义(P<0.01、0.05)。 +"It's now exactly that power from which Milton has been excluded by virtue of his blindness -- light: ""Hail holy Light, offspring of Heav'n first-born, / Or of th' Eternal Coeternal beam May I express thee unblam'd?""","而是弥尔顿已经被失明剥夺的一种力量,圣光,你是上帝最初的产物,永恒的光束,我是否可以向你表达我无限的敬意“" +"It which deeply reveals not only the Puritan's bitterness and the women's hardship, but also the strength of the Puritan consciousness and the lowness of the women's status.",这深刻地揭示了清教社会的严酷,女性生存的艰辛;揭示了清教意识的强大和女性地位的卑微。 +"We probably won’t repeat the disaster of 1931, but it’s far from certain that the worst is over.",我们或许不会重复1931年的灾难,但我们根本无从确定,最恶劣的部分业已结束。 +Maiji Mountain Grottoes was scheduled by the State Council of China.,麦积山石窟被中国国务院列为文物保护单位。 +The REST APIs use the Content-type header in the HTTP request to determine the format of the data stored in the grid.,REST API 在 HTTP 请求中使用内容类型头部以便确定存储在网格中的数据的格式。 +"Die drawing, a novel self-reinforcement process in polymer, and its development were presented in this article.",本文介绍了一种新的聚合物自增强工艺—口模牵伸工艺的发展及研究现状。 +"And children of lower-income households are at even higher risk of undernourishment, since they may not have access to regular or well-balanced meals.",由于没有条件获得正常的或者说均衡的饮食,低收入家庭的孩子更容易罹患营养不良。 +"At this juncture, do they let Shay bat and give away their chance to win the game?",在这个节骨眼上,他们会让夏恩挥棒而放弃赢取比赛的机会么? +"The competition garnered over 2, 000 entries, including a design that suggested BP stands for ""black planet"" to images of oil-coated birds and fish.",竞赛获得巨大反响,目前共收集到超过2000份设计作品,其中有一个作品把BP定义为“Black Planet”(黑色星球),图案是被油污包裹着的鸟儿和鱼。 +"Obadiah Newcomb Bush (January 28, 1797–1851) was the son of blacksmithTimothy Bush, Jr. and Lydia Newcomb, and was born in Penfield, New Yorkon January 28, 1797.",Obadiah纽科姆布什( 1月28日, 1797年至1851年)是铁匠的儿子蒂莫西布什前些日子和丽迪雅纽科姆,以及出生于潘菲尔德,纽约1797年1月28日。 +"Being surprisingly lightweight and compact, it proves the exception to the rule that super-wide angle zooms have to be big and heavy.",令人惊讶的是它的轻便、紧凑,证明了超广角变焦镜头未必是大而重的。 +The share of profits that investors in development zone Chinese-foreign joint ventures remit abroad shall be exempted from income tax.,区中外合资经营企业的客商将从企业分得的利润汇出境外,免征所得税。 +"Prime Minister Yoshiro Mori's Cabinet resigned en masse Tuesday morning, formally opening the way for Mori to announce a new Cabinet that will oversee a sweeping restructuring of Japan's bureaucracy.",日本首相森喜朗的内阁周二上午进行总辞,为森喜朗宣布新内阁名单正式开启了一条路。 +Renewable energy accounts for just a fraction of a percent of China's total electricity output. Coal-dependent China hopes to bring that up to 15 percent by 2020.,"可再生能源发电只占到中国全部发电量的很小一部分.依赖火电的中国希望到2020年,将可再生能源发电比例提高到15%." +The image module algorithm is used to acquire the sports estimation vector of whole pels .,然后在高斯金字塔的顶层进行初估计,采用图像块法得到整像素的运动估计矢量。 +He probably thought I was just another big tosser on a Japanese bike. He may have been right.,他很有可能在想我只是一个坐在日本车上的大傻帽。 +Provide for the customer to increase in value the service morely.,为顾客提供更多的增值服务。 +"The bikes are just part of a huge infusion of donations, grants, investments and loans as China's presence in Sri Lanka explodes.",这些摩托只是随着中国为在斯里兰卡扩大力量而注入的大批捐助、补贴、投资和贷款中的九牛一毛而已。 +Another important feature of composition aggregation is that the part class can only be related to one instance of the parent class (e.g. the Company class in our example).,组合聚合的另一个重要功能是部分类只能与父类的实例相关(举例来说,我们例子中的Company类)。 +"I buy a lot of imported cotton seed company seeking foreign supplier of cotton seeds, we can co-import, contacts; Chang Xing Guang.",我公司大量求购进口棉籽,寻求中外棉花籽供应商,我们可以合作进口,联系人;常兴广。 +"In this paper, we not only give the edge-integrity of line graphs and composite graphs but also give the relationship between the edge-integrity of a graph a.",论文主要给出了线图、复合图的边完整度及图的边完整度和其线图的完整度之间的关系。 +"In a traditional topology, one central program or thread of control procedurally loads all its required components and dependencies.",在传统的拓扑中,会有一个中心的程序或控制线程按照程序载入全部需要的组件和依赖项。 +"After more than a month or two under fluorescent tubes for example, plants take on a very soft weak look and quickly lose their appeal.",举个例子吧,在荧光灯管下生活了一两个月的植株会非常软且柔弱,外形大不如前。 +"“PROMOTE the unity of city and countryside”, reads the banner outside Dongba township’s government headquarters in north-eastern Beijing.",“推进城乡一体化发展”——这是位于北京市朝阳区的东坝乡人民政府办公楼外的一条宣传标语; +"Eastsun stone has the advanced proceducing equipments, processing technology and excellent stone material resource in the world. We will offer you all kinds of marble and granite, etc sincerely .",东旭石材拥有世界先进的生产设备、加工工艺和优质的石材资源,诚意为您提供各类大理石和花岗石的大板、荒料等产品。 +Ashtoreth was the goddess of love and fertility but her worship had degenerated into orgies of sex and depravity.,而亚他斯录则是爱神和生育女神,敬奉她的祭礼仪式已演变为败坏的淫行。 +"There is no hard and fast rule as to which piece is placed on the top when working with these shapes, but it hat been found that distortion is less likely to occur when the outer curve is uppermost.",当缝合这两种类型的裁片时,就放在上面一层的裁片而言,是不难的且很快就能掌握,但发现缝至弯曲的凸出部位最凸出的部分时,不太容易使其缝合圆顺。 +"For, as our good Governor Winthrop was made an angel this past night, it was doubtless held fit that there should be some notice thereof!",因为,昨天夜里,我们那位善心的温斯洛普总督成了天使,所以不用说,上天要显显象才是呢! +"Not only did the bar sell many kinds of alcoholic drinks, it also sold drugs and had pool tables for the prisoners to play on.",这个酒吧不只卖许多不同种类的酒精饮料,也卖毒品以及提供犯人撞球台以便玩乐。 +"It is urgent to protect existing leech wildlife resources, so, location, collation and evaluation germplasm resources of Hirudo is becoming an important task.",保护现有的蚂蟥野生资源已成当务之急,为此蚂蟥种质资源亟待整理和评价,以便为蚂蟥核心种质资源库的建立提供有力保障。 +Always been immersed in the feeling of honey inside!,时时刻刻都是浸在蜜糖里的感觉! +"Only the heartache that alone a cry of atoms, trembling a always reluctant to put deplore the fairy tale.",唯有独自心伤那一缕哭得颤抖的斜阳,痛惜一个始终不愿意放下的童话。 +Wakeford said the workers will have known they may one day face a risky situation such as this.,韦克福德说工作人员将会知道他们将有一天会面临像这样的危险情况。 +"Employed in the simulation test, the result reveals that the new model can reflect the relationship between realistic traffic quantities and prove the feasibility of the model.",最后用改进的模型进行了仿真实验,仿真结果表明改进的模型能够更好的反映现实交通量之间的关系,证明了应用改进模型对弯路和坡路的仿真研究是可行的。 +The explosion scattered a flock of birds roosting in the trees.,爆炸声把栖息在树丛中的鸟群惊散了。 +"Trading volume was the lightest of the year, with about 3.2 billion shares changing hands in New York Stock Exchange composite volume, well below the daily average of 5.4 billion shares.",交易额创下今年的最低,纽约股票交易所成交额大约32万亿手,远低于54万亿手的日平均水平。 +This thesis was focused on the systhesis and electrochemical aspects of the cathode materials.,发展高性能的正极材料是提高锂离子电池技术水平的关键。 +But the jury is still out on whether those changes were enough to change the composition of the economy or whether the return to export growth will put China back on the same ol' track.,但是这些改进是否足以改变经济结构,重拾出口增长是否会把中国带回老路,都还莫衷一是。 +"To sum up the general characteristic of China's contemporary culture, aesthetic culture can be subsumed into three domains, that is, the elite culture, the popular culture and the mainstream culture.",作为对中国当代文化总体性特征的一个概括,审美文化大致可以表述为精英文化、大众文化以及主流文化三大块。 +it was later discovered that engineering students at farnborough technical college had constructed and positioned the ufos in a bid to raise money for charity.,过后发明,这起恶作剧的幕里黑手居然是范堡罗科技学院的一名工程系学生,他但愿籍此为慈善机构募款。 +"I don't know if I'm going there,"" Mackey said. ""But it tells us there's a lot more to the experience of pain than just the injury.",我不知道我会不会这样做,但是这个实验告诉我们除了给病人注射药剂减少病人的痛苦外还有其他办法可以达到同样的效果。 +It only fell back down to earth after crossing half the globe again when the cloud encountered a ridge of low pressure and fell into the Pacific ocean.,只有再在地球绕半圈时候,这个云层和一股低压流相遇的时候才会掉下来,掉到太平洋里面。 +"Wash our hands often,especially before meals and have healthy food and drink enough water every day.",我们也应该勤开窗通风,经常洗手,尤其饭前,并且吃健康食品,每天喝水。 +"DATA SYNTHESIS: Informed consent right was an international basic right of patients, an embodiment of right and liability between patients and medical staffs in clinical medical activity.",资料综合:知情同意权是国际上公认的患者的一项基本权利,是患者与医护人员在临床医疗活动过程中权利和义务的体现。 +"As this misalignment among the electrons grows, the average spin polarization of the population diminishes, which our experiment measures as loss of coherence.",当这种情形增加,整体电子的平均自旋偏极就会减少,而我们的实验就会测量到变调的结果。 +The judge Chen Hanyuan said Chinese nature category documentaries are changing from focusing on pictures and knowledge introduction to more thought-provoking and interesting topics.,陈汉元评委认为,中国自然类纪录片,从以前的欣赏性、知识性过渡到现在比较多的思考性,既好看又深刻。 +Each brigade has a health station giving medical care at nominal cost.,每个大队有一个卫生站以名义上的成本提供医疗服务。 +"The acarbose is taken as the medical active component, and the acarbose is mixed with a pharmaceutically acceptable auxiliary material to form the drug composition.",它是以阿卡波糖为药 用活性成份,与药学上可接受的辅料混合形成的药用组合物。 +Weak outlooks for the key holiday season weighed on investor psychology since consumer spending accounts for about two-thirds of U.S. economic activity and is a key factor in corporate profits.,"关键的假日档期消费前景疲弱令投资人有心理压力,因消费者支出占美国经济的约三分之二,且对企业获利是重要因素." +C: What do you like best about China?,对于中国,你最喜欢的是什么? +A bath in the Ganges undoubtedly absolves one of all sins;,恒河的淋浴毫无疑问可以免除一个人所有的罪业; +"As a result of this factory and the motorcycle enterprise's close cooperation, may continue the motorcycle, boosts the vehicle complete bikes and parts' service.",由于本厂与摩托车企业的紧密合作,可承接摩托车,助力车整车及散件的业务。 +"Instead, she recommends saying something like, ""We had philosophical differences on how the business should be managed, and it seemed best if we parted ways.""",不过,她建议可以这样说:“我和公司在管理理念上存在分歧,所以分道扬镳是最好的选择。” +Objective To study the correlation between perinatal fetal prognosis and flow ratio of ductus venosus to umbilical vein (DV/UV).,目的本实验主要研究胎儿静脉导管(DV)血流量与脐静脉(UV)血流量比与围产儿预后的关系。 +"Until now, no research had shown if Chinese young children could acquire some Chinese characters and cognize stroke-patterns visually from daily life before formally learning.",然而,目前还没有研究表明,在正式教汉语儿童学习识汉字之前,是否也能够从日常生活环境中自然习得一些文字,并能够从视觉上认知汉字部件。 +A friend of Mariah's laughed when I asked if the singing siren was knitting baby booties .,当我问道是否这位天后已经在准备孩子的尿布时,玛利亚的一个朋友笑了。 +Did you apply for England manager last time round?,你没在最后一轮竞争英格兰队主教练一职? +That’s the opportunity an education can provide.,而教育能够提供这样的机会。 +Rashid said that 310 female and 25 male students were killed in overnight army bombing of the compound of Las Masjid located in the Pakistani capital of Islamabad.,拉什得说位于巴基斯坦首都伊斯兰堡的拉尔清真寺被军队轰炸的死者中有310 名女性和25 名男性。 +This is a little keyboard and the word keypad is more suitable for it than keyboard.,这是一个很小的键盘,称它做键碟/小键盘(keypad)更合适。 +Advice to member countries to develop markets for non-wood forest products would be significantly reduced.,向成员国提供开发非木材森林产品市场的咨询将大大减少。 +"In the eighteen-hundreds, most states banned many kinds of gambling.",在数百名十八,大多数国家禁止的赌博多种。 +I know they are very well where they are.,我知道它们安居于自身所在之处。 +The Visnudutas told Yamaraja that Lord Visnu wished him well and had ordered him to free the conditioned souls suffering in hell.,维施努都塔告诉亚玛茹阿加说主维施努祝他好并命他释放在地狱受苦的受限灵魂。 +"The roper then flips the rope over the right side of the steer, while turning his galloping horse to the left.",随后参赛者将绳子抛在牛的右侧,同时把他的飞驰中的马转到左侧。 +"This paper introduces the theory and technology in the system of book purchasing, and illustrates the function of the system.",介绍图书采购查重统计系统中运用的理论和技术,并对系统的功能进行简介和评价。 +"Union Carbide was bought by Dow Chemical in 2001, and Dow claims the legal case was resolved in 1989, with responsibility for continued cleanup now falling to the local state government.",联合碳化物公司收购了陶氏化学于2001年,陶氏索赔的法律案是在1989年解决了目前继续下降到当地州政府负责清理。 +"All the people, full of extreme respect and gratification, made a long-lasting uproar of applauses.",每个人都将自己的无尚崇敬与感激,化作激越的掌声,经久不息。 +"A swarm of bloggers posting about new products, often positively, ends up in search engines.",蚁攒张贴新产品,往往正面下首搜索引擎。 +"In the point of the theory of check and balance of power of criminal coercive measure, it includes check and balance beforehand and afterwards.",在刑事强制处分权制衡的框架下,其制衡包括事前制衡和事后制衡。 +It is very different to fabricate pure perovskite phase materials without the appearance of pyrochlore phase in lead based ferroelectric relaxors studies.,铅基弛豫型铁电体研究中遇到的普遍问题是难制成纯钙钛矿相的材料,在制备过程中常伴有焦绿石相的出现。 +That's why so many rich people have ended up here.,这就是为什么富人们要到这里颐养天年,他们的到来为尼斯增色。 +"They have just read a list of those who survived, learning that many—most of their fathers, brothers, or husbands—had not.",他们刚读了一份幸存者名单,知道许多---绝大多数人的父亲,兄弟或者丈夫都不在其列。 +"During the 2 years studying period in Sydney, my made a great progress in my English, especially in the aspect of oral and listening.",在悉尼读书的2年里,我英文的听说读写能力获得了不断的提高,特别是口语和听力。 +"In a market that sells craftworks on Yuewang Road, outdoor stands that sell curios are invited in to embrace customers in a specially vacated large space on the first floor.",岳王路一专售工艺品的商场中,商家专门在一楼开辟一块很大的场地,把在外面摆地摊卖古玩的人请进来在此候客。 +"The ultimate goal of Buddhism is Nirvana, a state of mental peace and purity and anything that leads one in that direction is good.",佛教的最终归宿是涅磐,是一种精神上的永恒平静和纯净的状态,而所有往那个方向指引的言行都是善的。 +Mr. William Jiuhua is a post-graduate student of International Finance from the Fudan University and a MBA holder from Steinbeis University Berlin.,王久华先生毕业于复旦大学世界经济系,国际金融硕士研究生,德国柏林施泰恩拜斯大学工商管理硕士(MBA)。 +"This book was borrowed by my father from a boy in our village, who was several years my elder. I started reading after my father finished it.",这本书是我们村子里一个比我大几岁的孩子先借给我爸看,我爸看完后我才看的。 +"Sweet Corn Soup and two Yeung Chow Fried Rice, please.",粟米汤和两碟扬州炒饭。 +China says its defense expenditure for 2007 was around $52 billion and its 2008 defense budget is $61 billion.,中国曾宣布其2007年军费开支约为520亿美元,2008年则为610亿美元。 +"In this article, I will identify 9 signs of being an escapist.",在这篇文章中,我将向你揭示作为逃避现实者的9个征兆。 +"The description and explanation of syntactic function of speech is Significance for sentence-making, Analysis of Sentences and sentence application etc.",描写和说明词类的句法功能对于造句、分析句子、应用句子方面具有重要意义。 +Grease an 8- or 9-inch round baking pan;,准备一个8 或9英尺的冷冻油烤盘圆放到一边。 +"Vodka, bad roads, water shut-down, no one knows the English language.",伏特加酒,路况不好,停水,没有人会说英语。 +We discuss how to use data mining methods to analyze historical customer data in direct mail marketing and to improve marketing efficiency.,我们将讨论在直邮营销行业中如何使用数据挖掘方法分析客户历史数据,提高营销的效率。 +"Note:Subsequent to the execution of this agreement, ABC Corp. changed its name to XYZ US Investment Company.",译为:注:本协议签署并交付后,ABC公司更名为XYZ美国投资有限公司。 +"The question is: How does a couple whose relationship is marked by conflict, rejection and mistrust turn it around?",问题是:被争执、排斥和猜疑死死缠绕的夫妇如何才能转危为安? +"This article discusses the coastal economy and overseas trade of Fujian in Ming Dynasty, and the Ming Dynasty coastal territory policy which is closely related with the two.",本文论述明代福建的沿海经济与海外贸易及与二者密切相关的明代海疆政策。 +"Zhao: Some parents believe that “quality education”means to be versatile.So they make their children take various extracurricular classes,learn such as piano,computer science, and foreign languages.",赵:有些家长认为素质教育就是让孩子多才多艺。 于是他们让孩子参加各种课外辅导班,学习钢琴、计算机、外语等等。 +"Once the sugar dissolves, add the chocolate and melt it.",糖溶解后,立刻加入巧克力并使它融化。 +"This is the second Biome Settlers pack we've released - the first featured skins themed around the Forest, Tundra, and Desert biomes, and all the activities players get up to there.",这是我们制作的第二个生物群系定居者包,第一个的皮肤中有沙漠和森林等主题,而且所有玩家都使用了它们。 +"There is no permanent, constant soul in the background. Even our language about ourselves is to be distrusted (requiring the tortured negation of anatta).",亘久不变的灵魂是不存在的,甚至我们对自身的描述都是不可信的(鉴于纠结的“无我”的否定)。 +The F-16 was on a routine training mission and is assigned to the 388th Fighter Wing at Hill AFB.,这架F-16战机当时正在进行例行训练任务,属于希尔空军基地第388战斗机联队。 +"In Germany a group of amateur enthusiasts, inspired by dreams of inter-planetary travel, were conducting their own, occasionally fatal, experiments on liquid-fuelled rockets.",德国有一些业余火箭爱好者,由于星际施行这一梦想的激励,正在进行液体燃料火箭实验。他们的实验有时是非常危险的。 +MR-1(myofibrillogenesis regulator 1)gene is a novel human gene cloned in the lab of Dept. of Pathway Engineering at the Institute of Medicinal Biotechnology.,肌纤生成调节因子MR-1(myofibrillogenesis regulator 1)为中国协和医科大学医药生物技术研究所代谢工程室克隆发现的新基因。 +The writer talks about some superficial understanding on how to strengthen accounting staff ethics education.,笔者就如何加强会计人员职业道德教育,谈一些肤浅的认识。 +Jedinak's astute self-perception may be the exception that proves the rule.,杰迪纳克的敏锐的自我感觉也许对于证明这条规则是个例外。 +"Without this protective layer, other Colostrums can be destroyed by stomach acids and offer limited benefit.",如果没有这个保护层,其他牛初乳可以通过胃酸破坏,并提供有限的好处。 +We use hot-filament-assisted chemical vapor deposition (HF-CVD) to prepare boron-doped diamond film on Si with B 2O 3. BDD film's growth condition was studied with Raman spectroscopy.,采用热灯丝CVD法在硅上制备金刚石薄膜,采用三氧化二硼制备硼掺杂金刚石膜。 利用拉曼光谱分析硼掺杂金刚石膜的生长情况。 +Objective To test the accuracy of electronic apex locator in determining working length of anterior teeth using ODIS system.,目的用口腔数字成像系统(O DIS)检验根管长度测量仪在测定前牙根管工作长度时的准确性及实用性。 +The number of the persons who travel by air sums to the millions in summer.,在夏季乘飞机旅行的人数已达数百万人次。 +"White clay is a mild clay which soothes and softens the skin and is suitable for all skin types, especially young and sensitive or mature and delicate skins.",白泥是极其温和的,用于舒缓和软化皮肤,适合所有皮肤类型,尤其是年轻敏感皮肤或是成熟脆弱的皮肤。 +"Seven jurors in the sensational California trial of Scott Peterson, convicted in 2004 of killing his pregnant wife, Laci, collaborated with writers on a book.",2004年,加利福尼亚有一个案件轰动一时,斯科特•彼得森(Scott Peterson)被裁定犯有谋杀罪,杀害怀孕的妻子莱西。 事后有七名陪审员与专业作家合作出书。 +"Bent has his critics but his goals per game ratio is high and there is no reason why he should not complement Kenwyne Jones, Sunderland's key centre-forward.",本特备受批评,但他的场均进球率很高,没有理由质疑他不能与桑德兰当家中锋肯韦恩-琼斯形成良好补充。 +"The ""whale"" part of the name refers to size and how the animals eat.",鲸鲨名字中“鲸”那部分指的是这种动物的大小以及它们如何吃东西的。 +You haven't lived till you've learned how to yodel at a tea dance in a mountain hut!,你还未学会在山间小屋中举行的下午茶舞会上用约德尔调歌唱的话,就不算真正地生活过。 +Some residents escaped by climbing down scaffolding that had been put up for the renovations.,很多居民通过从脚手架上爬下来逃生,这些脚手架是为翻修大楼设置的。 +"To protect the veranda area from the setting sun, white ceramic elements were set to protect and create a shadow pattern.",为了防止阳台区域的西晒,我们设置了白色瓷砖作为保护面,也投下阴影图案。 +This pronouncement caused him to be banished from his monastery.,日莲因此而被逐出寺院。 +Objectives To investigate the impact of health beliefs among condom use in female sex workers in low-grade places.,目的探讨健康信念如何影响低档场所女性性工作者安全套使用行为。 +East of the Six Palaces lie the store-houses for tea and some of the brocades.,东六宫也做为仓库存放着茶和一些锦缎。 +"You are the subject of discrimination from a child entertainer and now a global superstar, which was how many hardships ah?",你从一个受人歧视的卖艺的孩子到现在的全球巨星,这得经历多少磨难啊? +That worked fine until the other horse caught his ear on a barbed wire fence.,这招也奏效了,直到另外一匹马的耳朵被铁丝网挂掉了一块儿。 +"With respect to the State-owned grasslands, the State Council shall exercise the right of such ownership on behalf of the State.",国家所有的草原,由国务院代表国家行使所有权。 +A good example is the main train station – a concrete monstrosity that hardly evokes the romance of travel.,火车总站这座难以激起旅行浪漫快感的混凝土怪物,就是一个极好的例子。 +"This paper aims at discussing how to better reflect the original work's style on the basis of the definition and influential factors of style, as well as discussing the topic of intersubjectivity .",本文旨在明确风格定义及其影响因素的基础之上,探讨如何从词法、句法、修辞手法这三个方面更好的再现原文学作品的风格以及作者与译者的主体间性问题。 +"These tests analyze hormones in women’s urine, a method that several experts said has not been studied as rigorously as DNA.",这些测试分析妇女尿样里的荷尔蒙,几个专家所说的一种和DNA一样严格、没有研究的方法。 +The main aim of the game is prohibit wolves from climbing up.,游戏的主要的目标从爬上来是禁止狼。 +Explanation: The Horsehead Nebula is one of the most famous nebulae on the sky.,马头星云是天空中最著名的星云之一。 +Sir Alex Ferguson heaped praise on Darron Gibson after he set the Reds on their way to a 2-0 victory over Doncaster Rovers on Friday evening.,弗格森爵士在曼联周五晚上2-0击败唐凯斯特之后赞扬了达伦。吉布森的表现。 +"In this paper, the anti-seismic strengthening design for one apartment house is presented.",对某公寓楼在首层柱混凝土强度不足情况下的加层进行了抗震加固设计。 +The government currently plans to bring forward the school starting age from five to four.,政府最近计划将入学年龄从五岁提至四岁。 +White -tailed deer in these Wisconsin woods out a south -facing slope to catch the morning sun .,威斯康星州森林里的白尾鹿找寻一面朝南的斜坡来以便… +Leave my book in my desk.,把书放在我的桌子里边。 +"Aiming at solving the unsafety problem of milling vertebra wall in spine stenosis surgery, a spine robot system based on force feedback control strategy is introduced.",针对脊柱椎管狭窄症减压手术中椎管壁磨削不安全这一问题,介绍了一种基于力反馈控制策略的脊柱外科机器人系统。 +"The research on physics education in foreign countries is based on the subject, which is characterized in the unity of subject and education, concrete and entirety, research and practice.",国外的物理教育研究是建立在学科基础上的,其发展过程体现了学科性与教育性的统一、具体性与整体性的统一、研究性与实践性的统一。我国的学科教育研究应当坚持以学科为基础; +"The diagnostic accuracy of CT for pseudocystic and cystic lesions of the pancreas was 98.1% and 90.7%, respectively.",结合病变本身及胰腺和胰周改变(包括肝脏) ,CT对假性囊肿诊断的准确性为98.1% ,对囊性病变诊断的准确性为90 .7%。 +"Conclusion The clinical effect of high myopia treated with thin corneal flap LASIK by a small optical zones flying-spot scanner machine was safety and efficacy, although it needs more corneal tissues.",结论虽然小光斑飞点扫描式准分子激光LASIK治疗高度近视需要切削较多的角膜组织,但是可通过制作较薄的角膜瓣和采用多区切削模式来节省组织,同样可以获得有效安全的临床效果。 +The city belt along the Yellow River boasts of rich cultural resources and possesses great advantages in developing cultural industry.,宁夏沿黄城市带拥有丰富的文化资源,具有发展文化产业的优势。 +"Activator: Manage the agent’s lifecycle (start, stop).",Activator:管理代理的生命周期(启动,停止)。 +"Of all the hundreds of professional music groups, very few can hit the big time.",在几百个职业乐团中, 称得上一流的真是寥若晨星。 +"It suggested that cumulative risk assessment should not be the only way of approaching ""cocktail effects"".",该报告表明,化学物质的累积风险评估不会只有评定“混合效应”这一种方法。 +"Mutual self-disclosure, on the other hand, tends to build strong interpersonal bonds, leading to trust, admiration, and ultimately intimacy.",另一方面,彼此自我介绍,往往会建立牢固的人际关系,以致相互信任、相互欣赏并且最终相互关系密切。 +"We belittle them for their success, we criticize unfairly, we bad-mouth people, we become obstacles to their further progress.",我们因为别人的成功去贬损他们,对他们进行不公正的评价,说他们的坏话,阻碍他们的进步。 +Any response message will be sent on a new connection to the wsa:ReplyTo EPR.,任何响应消息都将在新连接上发送到 wsa:ReplyTo EPR。 +"At first it was barbed wire, but soon it expanded into a 5-meter high, 165-kilometer long network of concrete walls topped with barbed wire, and guarded with gun emplacements, watchtowers, and mines.",刚开始只是带刺的铁丝网,但不久就扩展为5米高、165公里长的钢筋混凝土墙,墙顶布满铁蒺藜,并设有武装哨台和瞭望塔,墙下埋有地雷。 +"Blighted by a fatal neurological disorder, four-year-old Morgan Mawson is unlikely to make it to his tenth birthday and is unable to walk or talk.",4岁的摩根-莫森身患一种致命的神经性疾病,他不大可能会度过自己的第十个生日,并且无法行走或说话。 +"I'm alive, "" he said curtly and shut it off again.""",“ 我活著”,他简略地说而且再一次走开关上了它。 +"Recent advances in synovial liquid of artificial joints were reviewed. With life science in view, some points on the developing tendency of the research were also indicated.",对目前国内外人工关节润滑液的研究现状进行了分析和综述,并从生��科学的角度提出了未来研究中应注意的问题。 +"Mines are notorious fordust and toxic gases such as carbon monoxide and radon, which can enterthe body via the lungs.",矿井中到处充斥着损害人体健康的矿尘及像一氧化碳、氡等有毒气体,这些都会通过呼吸由肺部进入人体。 +"Think about the people in their leisure time sitting around talking scenes, can't help.",想想村人在闲暇时坐在这里聊天的情景,不禁神往。 +But if you have to come to work tomorrow 14th St north.,但如果明天你一定要到十四大道北上班的话。 +2D glasses are designed to convert 3D graphics into 2D through a single polarized channel.,2D眼镜的设计通过只用一个偏振渠道能将3D图像转变成2D。 +"Specializes in the design and manufacture of plastic moulds, blowing moulds, press moulds, die casting moulds. There are advanced mould processing equipments and testing equipments.",从事注塑模具、吹塑模具、压塑模具、压铸模具的设计与制造,拥有配套齐全的先进模具加工设备及检测设备。 +"In the paper, the design, Choise, installation, and debugging of CATV system of Hanshan teachers college are approached.",本文就韩山师范学院CATV系统的设计、选型、安装调试等技术问题进行探讨。 +The results showed that this conductivity change might be the reflection of the dynamic regeneration of the calcined hydrotalcite.,吸附体系的电导率变化显示了水滑石的记忆效应,并有可能是焙烧态水滑石再生的动态过程反应。 +Shakhrisabz is located in the valley with its three sides surrounded by the mountains.,Shakhrisabz小镇坐落在三面环山的山谷里。 +The dual-ligand formulations are therefore likely to be heterogeneous in the actual number of ligands per liposome.,在每个脂质体实际的配体数目中,双倍配体模式可能是不均一的。 +I realise that patriotism is not enough. I must have no hatred or bitterness towards anyone.,我认识到光有爱国主义是不够的, 对任何人我都要做到不怀恨生怨。 +Begin by understanding the true meaning of willpower.,从理解意志力的真正涵义开始。 +"Good-bye, my dear friends, I'll miss u!",萧萧班马鸣。各位朋友,再见了,我会想念你们的! +"In the 1960s and 1970s, most personal and corporate planes were propeller or turbo-prop aircraft, which fly at a lower altitude than jetliners.",在1960和1970年代,大部分个人和企业的飞机是飞行高度低于喷气式飞机的螺旋桨式或涡轮螺旋桨式飞机。 +"Population explosion, urbanization, industrialization and adjustment of agricultural structure are the main factors of land use change in Taihu Basin.",人口的急剧增长、工业化与城市化的迅速发展,以及农业结构的调整是近15年太湖流域土地利用变化的主要影响因子。 +"""You don't have very much choice in the matter,"" says Michael Frayn, a playwright and novelist.",剧作家和小说家迈克尔-弗莱恩说,“在这件事情上,你没有太多选择余地。 +We share a common vision of a stable regional order with clear rules of the road —from freedom of navigation to open markets and fair competition.,从航行自由到开放市场和公平竞争,我们对稳定的地区秩序和清晰的通行规则怀有共同的愿景。 +Will SUTENT react with any other drugs I'm taking or products I'm using?,索坦(舒尼替尼)会与其他药发生相互作用吗? +We spent a lot of time practicing out of class.,我们课外花很多时间练习。 +"But first, you must understand how these scanners work.",首先,你需要理解的是扫描器是如何工作的。 +"which is way more difficult than the humanities classes that I'm taking,",这门课比我正在学习的人文类课程都要难。 +"So, remember, if you have a function of one variable, that means you have a quantity that depends on one parameter.",如果你有一个一元函数,那意味着你有一个依赖于一个参数的量。 +"Arabia, and all the princes of Kedar, they occupied with thee in lambs, and rams, and goats: in these were they thy merchants.",阿拉伯人和基达的一切首领都作你的客商,用羊羔,公绵羊,公山羊与你交易。 +Worn by Yam Kim Fai in the scene Welcome Princess in Princess Cheung Ping.,任剑辉在《帝女花》「迎凤」一幕所穿戏服。 +"Bi-Directional results for a diffuse aluminum reflector, exported to M5 EXCEL for statistical analysis and graphing.",双向结果弥漫铝反射器,出口到M5型软件进行统计分析和作图。 +"Then, residual strength index of damaged ship hulls is given based on extreme loads and ultimate strength calculations. The critical sea state of damaged ship hulls is also predicted.",然后基于破损船体极值载荷和极限强度,给出破损船体剩余强度衡准,并对破损船体临界海况进行预报。 +Perhaps you would be interested in our hand-embroidered silk blouses . They are very popular in many overseas markets.,��许您会对我们的手工刺绣的丝绸衣服有兴趣,她在国外很受欢迎。 +"To""cure""this""persistent ailment""that fetters the economic development of society, many countries set up their own investigation system on duty crime according to their specific national conditions.",为“治愈”这一桎梏社会经济发展的“顽症”,各国根据自己的具体国情设计了各自的职务犯罪侦查机制。 +"Guan Zi blended Confucianism, Taoism, and Jurisprudence School into one book, and jurisprudence was its essential part, it stood for the highest level of law at that time.",《管子》融儒家、法家、道家等诸子百家于一炉,法家的法律思想尤为突出,可以说代表了当时法律思想的最高水平,是该书的精华所在。 +Objective To evaluate clinical value of retinal-binding-protein in urine of patients with Cor Pulmonale.,目的探讨肺心病患者尿视黄醇结合蛋白的变化及临床意义。 +"When you are 108 years old, you would prob ably be doing any thing, except high school.",当你有108岁的时候,你可以做任何事了,除了上高中。 +I’m a 4th Dan Karate Black Belt and learned these seven safety rules during eighteen years of martial arts training.,我是空手道黑带四段,这七项守则,是我习武18年的心得体会。 +They are seaworthy and can stand rough handling on the wharves ?,适用于海运并能经受在码头上的粗暴装卸。 +"The ideal effect of the argument - type hearing is to improve democracy, justice and science of the police, to promote the legitimacy of the government.",立法型听证的理想功效是促进政府公共决策的民主、公正和科学,提高政府的合法性。 +We need to focus on “Imagined in America” and “Orchestrated From America” and “Made in America by a smart worker using a phalanx of smarter robots.,我们应该把精力集中在“美国设计”,“由美国组织生产”,或者“由高智商的美国工人使用数台智能机器人制造”。 +The wife caught a bad fever and the farmer knew the best way to treat a fever was with chicken soup. The farmer took his hatchet to the farmyard to get the soup's main ingredient.,农夫知道最好的退热办法是喝鸡汤,于是他拿着菜刀走进院子去取做汤的原料。 +The Qomolangma is a bright pearl inlaid on the roof of the world.,珠穆朗玛峰是镶在世界屋脊上一颗耀眼明珠。 +"Although the event, which featured a well known political figure as the speaker, provided an American Sign Language interpreter, there were neither assistive listening devices nor captioning.",此事由演讲者——一位众所周知的政坛名人发起的,虽然它提供了美国手语翻译机,却没有助听设备也没有字幕。 +"We know not where it comes from, only that it holds the power to create worlds and fill them with life.",我们不知道它来自何方,只知道他拥有创造世界的力量。 它把生命之火引入了各个世界。 +The studies of this dissertation are supported by the Natural Science Foundation of China under grant number 60272099 《 New method to 3-D imaging with underwater laserrealizable》.,本文是基于国家自然科学基金资助项目60272099《激光水下三维成像新方法研究》而展开研究的。 +Robinho's representative Wagner Ribeiro is aware of Chelsea's interest and believes the two clubs should begin formal talks in the coming days.,罗比尼奥的发言人里贝罗意识到了来自切尔西的兴趣,并且认为两家俱乐部将会在近期坐下来正式谈判。 +"By changing the number of relative carrier-envelope phase, broader spectral broadening and higher spectral intensity, especially the spectral intensity of high frequency components, can be obtained.",通过改变相对载波包络位相的数值可以获得更宽的频谱宽度及更高的光谱强度特别是高频分量的光谱强度。 +"Conclusion Radiotherapy simulation location machine can be used for the correction of misplaced PICC, and thus is worth popularizing clinically.",结论:放疗模拟定位机是一种实用、直观、简便、科学的用于PICC导管异位后正位的机器,值得临床推广。 +"""Animal Files"" by Jiang Zidan to accommodate the base there is a vast grass courtyard are available for the animals run in batches from time to time play.",《动物档案》作者蒋子丹,收容基地的院子里有一大片草地,可供动物们定时分批奔跑嬉戏。 +"And if you're ever bored and need a change, there's no need to pack up or hire movers.",如果你对周围的景色感到厌倦的话,你无需请搬家公司来搬走你的家具。 +"With the age increasing, the bone mineral density decreased gradually, but that of lumbar spine would increase after 75 years old.",随着年龄增长,各部位骨密度逐渐降低,但腰椎骨密度在75岁以后有反弹现象。 +"As the Erie Canal was losing business, some of its levees began to break.",由于伊利运河逐渐失去生意,有些防洪大堤开始破裂。 +"Most teacher training underestimates the power of a simple idea, ’’ said Lemov.",“大多数教师小看了简单技巧的作用。” Lemov说。 +"Studied for over 250 years, it has helped to develop our understanding of climate change and icecap glaciology.",人们对这条冰湾的研究超过250年,冰湾有利于我们对气候变化和冰河学的了解。 +Jeffery: It feels good. Are there cowl-neck pullovers with the same color? My wife prefers a turtleneck to a V-shaped collar.,杰弗里:手感不错。有这种颜色连帽套头的吗?我太太喜欢高领的,不喜欢V领的。 +"Beginning March 2006, the translation project gathered a database of dishes and drinks from 3-star rated hotels and large restaurants.",规范菜单译名项目于去年3月启动,有关部门从三星级酒店和大饭店收集了一个菜肴和酒水饮料译名的数据库。 +Anything more specific?,还有更确切的见解吗 +Normally you don't poll voltages at pins that have no sensors connected to them.,通常您无需轮询没有连接传感器的插脚处的电压。 +"Over the years, some clear patterns have emerged in this area that, when followed, seem to be indicators of overall organizational software development health.",随着时间的积累,在这个领域中陆续出现了一些清晰的模式。 遵循这些模式,软件开发处理过程的质量就能够得以保障。 +The International Maritime Bureau said Monday that Somali pirates carried out 44 percent of the nearly 300 piracy incidents reported worldwide between January and September.,国际海事局星期一表示,在一月到九月,全世界报导的将近300起海盗事件中,索马里海盗发起的袭击事件占44%。 +"Since the split gene was found in 1977, the processing mechanism transcribed and the function of intron have been a popular subject about the study of molecular genetics ineucaryote.",自1977年发现不连续基因(断裂基因)以来,有关内元(内含子)的功用以及转录后的加工机制是真核生物分子遗传研究的一个热门。 +"And I am sorry to say that the Pussy-cat and the Quangle-Wangle crept softly and bit off the tail-feathers of all the sixty-five parrots, for which Violet reproved them both severely.",不过,我很难过地告诉大家,猫咪和Quangle-Wangle蹑手蹑脚地爬过去,咬掉了所有这六十五只鹦鹉的尾羽,为此Violet狠狠地训了它们俩。 +With its wings closed it resembles a withered tree leaf hanging from a branch--scarcely noticeable to the human eye.,当它阖起两张翅膀的时候,像生长在树枝上的一张干枯了的树叶。 +On I picked up the phone and rang my sister in Australia.,我一吮心血来潮,琶起话筒就给遮澳大利亚的拿妹大了个电话。 +Tony Blair sent Humphrey into retirement in 1997 amid persistent speculation that his wife Cherie forced him out.,托尼布莱尔在1997年让汉弗瑞“退休”,一直有猜测认为是他的妻子切丽赶走了它。 +"This ""piggyback"" method to enhance the viability of small rhododendrons will do much good they do.",这种“寄生”的方法对提高小杜鹃的生存能力倒也很有好处。 +"The company is located in Jiangmen, Guangdong Province Heshan City, geography favorable conditions, as well.",本公司座落于广东省江门鹤山市市区,地理条件优越,交通发达。 +Results of the conducted two-phase flow test show that the numerical model of two-phase flow and AMAM solution method are rational and available and AMAM solution method with faster speed.,由水气二相流的实验结果对所建立的水气二相流数值模型和二相交错排序组装矩阵解法(AMAM)的检验,证明该模型及AMAM解法行之有效,AMAM方法的求解速度较快。 +"A win all round, then: lower electricity bills and (since lighting consumes 6.5% of the world's energy supply) less climate-changing carbon dioxide belching from power stations.",这是一种全赢的想法:更低的电费,而且(既然世界6.5%的能源是供给灯光的)电厂将排放更少影响环境的二氧化碳。 +"By locating these services in one place and sharing them between the blades, overall utilization is more efficient.",将这些服务设置在同一个位置,然后在刀锋伺服器之间共享,使得总体利用率更有效。 +The influences of the air conditioning load on the daily load characteristics in Central China Power Grid (CCPG) are analyzed by the with and without comparison method.,本文采用有无对比分析法,对华中电网降温采暖负荷对华中电网日负荷特性的影响进行了定量分析。 +"The Usd was slightly stronger in Asian session, as markets ponder the effect of a change of US regime.",在亚洲市场,美元走势略强,这是因为市场一直在掂量美国总统换届将带来的影响。 +Britain's shipbuilding with this new Bill.,我们要以这一新法案重整英国的造船业。 +He points out that generic medicines - which are more affordable than brand-name medications - are often not available in the marketplace.,尼恩斯说,非专利(通用)药品比品牌药品便宜得多。但是往往在药店里买不到。 +Results Biceps femoris was flat muscle in rabbit.,结果家兔股二头肌为扁肌。 +"Because insurers are increasingly linking payment to these guidelines, physicians must strictly follow the quality measures to be paid, regardless of the patient's specific situation.",由于保险公司越来越多地把医保支付与这些指导书联系起来,因此医生们会不管患者的具体情况如何,只严格按照标准诊疗措施来做。 +"The foreign girl: Yes, I see. Please don't say me again. Just let it be! I will look around here and you can go back to hotel first. (She drags her parents off the stage slowly. )",外国女孩:我知道了。你们不用再嘱咐我了。这样吧!我在这周围看看,你们先回宾馆。(拖父母慢慢下场) +Main works are carried out in this part of the workshop which is very clean.,主要工作在车间的这个部分完成,这里还是非常整洁的。 +"""We are currently investigating the mechanisms through which ephrinA3/EphA4 affect the transporter production"", explains Ruediger Klein.",“我们目前在研究 ephrinA3/EphA4影响转运蛋白产生的机理。” 鲁迪格·克莱因解释道。 +"Secondly, the step of two-stage dynamic analyses approach is given.",然后,给出了二阶段动态分析法的步骤。 +Kerberos essentially consists of a complex process called Kerberos authentication protocol (KAP).,Kerberos 在本质上包含一个称为 Kerberos 身份验证协议(KAP)的复杂过程。 +"This investigation adopts the case of Lion's Head Mountain, located between Hsinchu and Miaoli, to examine the sense of place of local residents in relation to tourism development.",基于上述的观点,本研究以台湾苗栗与新竹交界之狮头山为例,讨论其做为台湾重要之宗教观光景点,在地居民对于观光发展过程中地方感如何呈现。 +"The song not only became a No1, but also won Celine an Oscar and a Grammy award.",这首 歌不 但成为第一名也拿到一座奥斯卡奖和葛莱美奖。 +"My experience of growing old is like climbing a high mountain. The air gets clearer and lighter, and the views wider.",变老的体验就像是攀登高峰:空气越来越清,越来越薄,而视野越来越宽。 +What is more worrying to the Indian agencies is that these arms supplies may not be directly sourced.,令印度安全部门更加担心的是这些武器供应并没有直接的来源。 +The implementation of 65 percent energy saving for residential buildings is the key of further work of energy efficiency in hot summer and cold winter zone.,实施节能65%是夏热冬冷地区居住建筑下一步节能工作的重点。 +"A lawyer and a doctor, each in a Mercedes, were driving toward each other on a winding road on dark night when they sideswiped each other.",在一个夜黑风高的晚上,一位律师和一位医生各自开着奔驰车,在马路上迎面对开,两车互相刮伤。 +Italy's Interior Minister Roberto Maroni says he will address parliament in the coming week about the violence.,意大利内政部长马罗尼说,下星期他将就此次暴力事件向议会发表讲话。 +I went to the Beijing Hotel to check last month's accounts.,前天我去北京饭店检查上月份的账目。 +"At the routine 20-week scan (when babies in the womb are checked from head to toe with ultrasound) the couple ask the sonographer to determine the baby’s sex, but to keep it a secret from them.",在例行的20周孕检(胎儿在子宫里接受超声全面检查)时,准爸妈会让超声医师判断胎儿性别,但要对他们保密。 +"""I have confidence that economic growth and social welfare can be realized together, "" he said.",他说:“我有信心,让经济发展和社会福利都得能实现。” +I know how rewarding and challenging teaching can be and what a remarkable difference a teacher can make in a child's life.,我知道教学可以多么有意义,多么富有挑战性,一个老师可以对一个孩子一生带来多大的不同。 +"Death comes often to the soldiers and marines who are fighting in Anbar Province, which is roughly the size of Louisiana and is the most intractable region in Iraq.",遭遇死亡对于在安巴尔省战斗的士兵或海军陆战队员来说是经常的事,安巴尔省的面积大约与路易思安拿相等,现在是伊拉克最难处理的地区。 +"Until Microsoft explains itself more clearly, we'll assume co-authoring will be limited.",在MicroSoft确切说明它将提供的服务之前,我们暂且认为,目前合作编辑的功能还仅仅是很有限的。 +"Before reason convince you it's impossible, Pursue the one reason that makes it possible.",在你被一万个不可能的理由劝降之前,不要放弃寻求唯一可能的理由。 +"The latest DB2 9 extends traditional DB2 strengths in many areas like online schema evolution, Unicode, XML, DB2 family SQL, utilities, security and compliance, and 64-bit virtual storage.",最新的 DB2 9 在很多方面(例如在线模式演变、Unicode、XML、DB2 家族 SQL、实用程序、安全性和遵从性以及 64 位虚拟存储)扩展了传统的 DB2 功能。 +"We also use some of the techniques of biodynamic farming, permaculture and holistic healing.",我们也采用了许多生物动力农业、永久农业、以及整体复原技术。 +"Therefore I have lent him to the LORD. As long as he lives, he is lent to the LORD. "" And he worshiped the LORD there.""",所以,我将这孩子归与耶和华,使他终身归与耶和华。」于是在那里敬拜耶和华。 +"During her visit in the corporation pavilions, Yamada met a group of children. She was very touched when she learned that these kids were in bus for 20 hours in order to come visit the expo.",在参观民企联合馆的时候,山田曾遇到一群小朋友,当她得知他们坐了20多个小时的车来到上海看世博会,山田十分感动。 +"To dispel mosquitoes and other picnic pests, drop a few drops of Citronella oil on the melted wax of a candle or place a few drops on the Bar-B-Q hot coals.",驱蚊或别的野外有害物,可以滴几滴香茅精油在熔化的蜡状物或蜡烛上或是野外烤肉的热煤上。 +"This article uses""standard graduation method""which used by western scholars in recent 20years discusses the optimum trade policy of our countries' automobile industry.",本文运用西方学者近20年运用较多的“标准刻度法”,研究了我国汽车工业的最优贸易政策。 +"Load, performance, or scalability",负载,性能或者评价性 +"He lay, fully clothed, on the bed, hoping for a few minutes of sleep before Tom arrived.",他不脱衣服,躺在床上,希望在汤姆来前睡上几分钟。 +"Well, every place has the customs in each place, each have different style, different.",好呀,每个地方都有每个地方的年俗,各有不同,风采各异。 +"""Instead of going out and sampling once per week, which public health officials do now, this can give you results in an hour and a half,"" Birch said.",“不必像公共健康官员目前那样每周得出行一次采集样本,自动化实验室在一个半小时内就能出具结果,”波迟说。 +"""The German patient is on the road to recovery though he's still sickly,"" said UniCredit economist Andreas Rees.","UniCredit分析师Andreas Rees表示,""德国这个病人虽然还在生病,但已在康复当中.""" +"Whether the lantern sleeve lovely, or elegant bud, or individual's long sleeve cuff, lotus inclined shoulder the adornment is ignored by 2010, the dress design details.",无论是可爱的灯笼袖,或是优雅的蕾丝长袖,还是个性的斜肩荷叶袖,袖子的装饰是2010年婚纱不可忽视的设计细节。 +You might as well be walking the halls in your underwear.,这样你可能看起来是穿着内衣在大堂里走来走去.. +"Therefore, economic operation is confronted with the problem of co-existence of investment expansion and overcapacity, the alternant appearance of inflation and deflation risks.",因而,经济运行面临投资扩张和产能过剩并存,以及通胀风险和通缩风险交替出现的困扰。 +Plus can you imagine being sworn to secrecy about the whole subject?,多嘴一句,你能想象对整项计划的保密工作宣誓的情景么? +"And then when the wall hits, not only will you have to shut down the growth, you have to replan the entire business model and you may realize you have too much cost.","可当公司碰壁时,你不光是要停止增长,还要重新策划整个商业模式,可能会发现成本太高。" +"In line 11, after the value of variable _X is a closed parenthesis ()) highlighted in red.",在第 11 行上,变量值 _X 后面是一个用红色突出显示的后圆括号())。 +"In parts of 2002-04, both the US and Europe experienced negative real interest rates-nominal rates adjusted for expectations of future inflation.",在02至04年期间,美国和欧洲经历了消极实际利率,即名义利率依据预期通货膨胀率而调整。 +"Observe the patient after every tube feeding for adverse changes such as diarrhea, abdominal distention, vomiting or constipation and consult the attending physician or dietitian when necessary.",需注意患者灌食后之反应,若有不良的管灌症候群,如腹泻、腹胀、呕吐、便秘等,应请教医师或营养师。 +"In this paper, we analyse the structure of single wall boron nitride nanotubes and classify the vibration of the crystal lattice.",本文分析了氮化硼纳米管的结构对称性,并对其晶格振动模的对称性进行了分类。 +"The Japanese to play to Qingdao, Liu Hanxiang received orders requiring them to retreat.",日本人打到青岛,刘汉祥接到命令要求他们撤退。 +Quaternions make it possible to extend the concept of rotation in three dimensions to four dimensions (see Resources for links to quaternion references).,四元数可能把三维旋转的概念推广到四维(请参阅 参考资料,其中有四元数的参考资料的链接)。 +"I had not been long here, but being recommended to the House of a good honest Man like himself, who had an Ingenio as they call it; that is, a Plantation and a Sugar-House.",我到巴西不久,船长把我介绍给一位种植园主;这人与船长一样正直无私。 他拥有一个甘蔗种植园和一个制糖厂。 +"Reader's Digest Version: Toss in newspapers, cardboard, magazines, envelopes with the plastic windows, and even the occasional staple.",读者文摘解答:报纸、硬纸板、杂志、塑封信封,偶然几个订书钉也可以。 +The Silktree Albizia Bark as one kinds of Chinese herbal medicine are paid close attention by persons because of its special function and low price.,合欢皮作为中草药添加剂的应用前景已越来越被人们所重视。 +The theoretical intensity overlapping correction method is effective when channels for overlapping lines are not available in a multi-channel spectrometer.,在多通道光谱仪中,当通道不再适合谱线重叠时,理论强度重叠校正法是有效的手段。 +"Moreover Johanan the son of Kareah, and all the captains of the forces that were in the fields, came to Gedaliah to Mizpah",加利亚的儿子约哈难和在田野的一切军长来到米斯巴见基大利 +I get up early and watch TV.,原嚟朝早咁多电视睇嘎。 +"Should you have any further queries, please contact the test centre at: 0531-82960666.","如有疑问,请致电济南IELTS考试中心:0531-82960666." +"Only control virus does not have a relapse, can damage courage otherwise dirty.",只有控制病毒不复发,不然会损害肝胆脏的。 +"The covers were encouraging: there were pictures of cowboys, ranches and cat-tle.",它们的封面挺令人振奋:有牛仔、牧场和牛的照片。 +"Jia small gun was brought up to eat party, he saw every folks as relatives and bent on revenge, on the path of revenge.",贾小枪是吃百家饭长大的,他把每个乡亲都视为亲人,一心要报仇,走上了复仇之路。 +N-norm is the mathematic model of 1-level operation in uncertain reasoning.,在柔性逻辑的不确定推理中,N范数是一级运算的数理模型。 +The boundlessness and joint share of information of the Internet are challenging the nature of territory and exclusivity of traditional copyright.,互联网的无地域性和信息共享性挑战传统著作权制度中著作权的地域性和专有性。 +"This paper introduces a design method for four-channel wireless remote control switch system, and discusses the basic frame and operating principle of the system in detail.",介绍了一种可编程无线电遥控多通道开关系统的设计方法,详细阐述了其组成结构和工作原理。 +Nina watches as Mason goes to Tony's computer to check Palmer's itinerary.,尼娜看着梅森走向托尼的电脑,查看帕默的行事日程。 +There appears an emulsified layer which is hard to remove between the oil-water interface in the sedimentation tank located at Longyilian united station.,大庆油田第九采油厂龙一联污水处理场沉降罐上部油水界面处出现一层难以去除的乳化漂浮物。 +"Note that Gerrit 2.2.x is moving the project configuration, rights and other metadata into Git storage, so that they are accessible and versionable through Git.",请注意,Gerrit 2.2.x正把项目配置、权限和其他元数据移到Git存储中,这样就可以通过Git进行访问和版本控制。 +"Currently, Getting state-owed land into market has law restriction that adding land payment first then going into market.",目前,划拨土地入市具有法律限制——先补交地价再入市。 +"Based on a half-car model, analysis and simulation results of the designed output feedback active suspension are presented.",基于半车模型,给出了输出反馈主动悬架系统的频域分析和时域仿真。 +"Will hell swallow you up?""",你们会被地狱吞噬吧?“ +The second is a basic problem about Engels' religious view;,第二是关于恩格斯宗教观的基本问题; +Tower or Castle - Grandeur and solidity. Sometimes granted to one who has held one for his king or who has captured one by force or stratagem.,塔楼或城堡-雄伟和稳健。有时被给予以支持国王,或者用武力及策略俘虏过对手的人。 +"In particular, most boot-loaders have problems loading kernels that were created on a ReiserFS filesystem with tail packing enabled.",特别是,大多数引导装载器(boot loader)装载一个在启用 tail packing 的 ReiserFS 文件系统上创建的内核时,都会出现问题。 +"In this series of papers, a theory of the strong measure related to a multilinear mapping is studied;",在本系列论文中,研究了相应于多重线性映射的强测度论; +But women in Congress are still really in a situation where they have to prove themselves to their male colleagues and constituents.,但国会的女议员们仍然需要向男同事和选民们证明她们处事较稳重谨慎。 +The concept of decision-making rule lattice and decision-making rule lattice reduction are brought forward; an intrusion detection classifying rule assembly is acquired.,将概念格应用于入侵检测系统中,构造了一个基于规则分类判决的入侵检测模型;提出了决策规则格和决策规则格约简的概念,获得了入侵检测的分类规则集。 +The origin of thermoelectric effects and the cause of no thermoelectric effect in type -I superconductors were discussed.,讨论了温差电效应的起源和I类超导体不发生温差电效应的原因。 +"To implement the BOQ type measurement and payment, a series of transitions from static management to dynamic management should be realized in project cost management.",推行工程量清单计价,工程造价管理必须实现从静态管理到动态管理的一系列转变。 +"It suggests that he had a longer-lasting bond than previously thought with the Earl, one of the most flamboyant noblemen of the era.",这表明,他认为莎士比亚与南安普敦伯爵之间的关系比他原先想象的,更为紧密了,伯爵是那个时代中最浮夸的贵族之一。 +"Tianjin Post is a government-owned enterprise, that's why we've had many years of co-operation with them.",天津邮政是国有企业,所以多年来我们一直同他们合作。 +"A conference for all the national participants of the Shanghai 2010 World Expo took place in the city yesterday, gathering representatives from 31 provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions.",万季飞说,国务院十分重视上海世博会国内参展工作,这次召开参展工作会议,希望各省区市加强沟通与交流,互为借鉴,共同提高。 +"Treatments consist of pharmacological and non-pharmacological methods, depending on the diagnosis. Useful drugs include antibiotics, alpha-adrenergic blockers, and muscle relaxants .",可采用药物及非药物疗法,可使用的药物有抗生素、交感神经阻断剂、肌肉松弛剂。 +"This water mixture—that contains both the chemicals used to reduce friction in the frack job, and very high concentrations of salt, other minerals and metals—needs to be disposed of.",其水溶液中包含压裂作业中减少摩阻的化学物质、高矿化度的无机盐以及其他矿物和金属,因此需要经过处理。 +Wash the remainder with water to remove impurities and surplus lye.,用水冲洗掉杂质和多余的碱液。 +"In the first visit to the United States in seven years by a Chinese military official of his rank, Gen. Chen Bingde said the United States and China need to work together despite their differences.",七年来第一次率领中国军事官员访问美国的陈炳德将军认为美国和中国需要精诚合作,尽管双方存在较大的差距。 +"The Prince appears, on its surface, to be a most conventional work.",君王论》表面上展现出,是一本最拘于常规的书籍。 +ObjectiveTo investigate the effect of hyperglycaemia on the cardiomyodial change of rat fetus.,目的:探讨孕鼠体内高血糖环境对胎鼠心脏组织的影响。 +"Monthly Salary (RMB): 5000-7000 RMB, depends on class periods and teaching experience.",月薪5000—7000元人名币,根据实际课时和教学经验的不同而异。 +Snow muffles the shriek of metal and the rasp of motion.,大雪还消减了金属摩擦发出的刺耳声和机器运转时的嘈杂声。 +"One of the academics Bloom emailed was Ken Waltzer, the professor of Jewish studies at 18)Michigan State University.",肯•沃尔兹是布鲁姆写邮件求助的学者之一,他是密歇根州立大学研究犹太人历史的教授。 +Water freezes at zero degree.,水在零度时结冰。 +"Description: Production nail, pneumatic drills, pneumatic screwdriver, wind mill, pneumatic wrench and pneumatic tools.",简介:生产钉枪、风钻、风动螺丝批、风磨、风动扳手等气动工具。 +"Where national authorities have made children a priority for early vaccination, SAGE recommended that priority be given to the administration of one dose of vaccine to as many children as possible.",在国家主管当局把儿童作为早期疫苗接种重点的地方,SAGE建议优先为尽可能多的儿童施打一剂疫苗。 +"Who will educate the educators, ? who do we turn to for help?",谁来教育教育者,我们要找谁帮忙? +And the new growth theory which emphasizes economies of scale and knowledge diffusion directly proved that spatial optimization can promote long-term growth rate and bring about dynamic benefits.,而强调规模经济和知识扩散的新增长理论直接证明了空间优化能够提高各地区的长期增长速度,从而带来动态利益。 +What Ace hated most in their arguments was these silences after Evey had said something so ugly she wanted to take it back .,在他们争吵时,埃斯最恨的就是埃维说了特别难听的话,自己都想收回来时的沉默。 +Let’s bring in our landscape image and use the Free Transform command (Ctrl/Cmd + T) to size it and fit it to the width of our canvas.,让我们置入我们的风景图片,并使用自由变换工具(Ctrl/Cmd + T)调整图片尺寸,使其适合画布的宽度。 +The angular coordinate used a DVR based on Legendre polynomials and the radial coordinates utilized a DVR based on sine basis functions.,角度部分的DVR基组选择勒让德多项式形式,而径向坐标采用正弦函数形式。 +Could not delete autosave file.,无法删除自动保存文件。 +A new poll from the University of Iowa found that only 37% of Iowans oppose both gay marriage and civil unions.,一项由爱荷华州大学发起的新的民意调查显示,只有37%的爱荷华人既反对同性婚姻,又反对民间工会。 +"The entrance full is a monster really, but a their each one peak is pulling the head, was drunk into the dreamland , was when waited for him to approach, they have not waked.",门口果真满是怪兽,但它们一个个耸拉着脑袋,醉入了梦乡,就是等他走近时,它们也没醒来。 +"Even if the doctor gets distracted, things are less likely to fall through the cracks, "" explains Eric Peterson, MD, director of cardiovascular research at Duke Clinical Research Institute.",医学博士埃瑞克·彼得森说。 他是杜克临床研究所心血管研究部主任。 +"The Kop is a powerful enemy and as former Liverpool captain Phil Neal pointed out: 'Hodgson could rue saying those words about the fans, that they haven't backed him.",红迷做为敌人来说是很可怕的。前利物浦队长尼尔说:“霍德格森将要后悔他说球迷从未支持过他的那种话。” +All the exhibits for sale here are new products.,这里展销的尽是新产品。 +1461 - Wars of the Roses: Battle of Towton - Edward of York defeats Queen Margaret to become King Edward IV of England.,1461年的今天,玫瑰战争中的汤屯战役,约克家族的爱德华击溃了玛格利特女王而成为英格兰的爱德华四世国王。 +"Needless to say, it was an insane evening with me rushing around serving corned beef and cabbage, pouring Guinness, and making sure no one was becoming belligerent.",不用说,这是一个疯狂的夜晚,我不断奔波着为客户提供腌牛肉和卷心菜,以及吉尼斯黑啤酒,并确保没有人要斗殴。 +Adopting the adapter plate to the fixed end fix the adapter to increase the versatility and interchangeability5. It has clear alignment with the function of pigtails tray storage6.,采用适配器固定端板来固定适配器,增加了其通用性和互换性 走线清晰,具有尾纤盘储功能; +"Mr. Cao Wenxuan attempt in "" King of the book"" created a group of animals ""sheep"" image, and its image personified.",曹文轩先生在《大王书》中塑造了一群动物“羊”的形象,并且将其形象人格化。 +"Grumbling, she arranges the trip with her parents, who are delighted to have a foreign guest for the holiday, much to her frustration.",她满心不情愿地把明带回父母家,让她愈发郁闷的是,父母不但没意见,反而因为有个外国朋友一起过春节而喜出望外。 +"Editing: Creating, updating and deleting resources.",编辑(Editing):创建、更新和删除资源。 +"Meanwhile, China, largely through its state-run Export-Import Bank of China, has moved even more aggressively, experts say.",专家们说,在此期间,中国主要通过官方的中国进出口银行以更加积极的步伐进军全球水电市场。 +Open Lock button for hook off entrance to visitors. 2. Function properly in the electricity supply break-down.,在访客呼叫通话中,开启门栋入口锁。2。在住户家中停电情况下仍可使用上述功能。 +"To elude the vigilance of the guard stationed at the city gates, these messengers brought baskets of poultry on their heads, and they were permitted to pass without hindrance.",为避免城门口守卫兵的盘查起见,这些送信的人头上顶着满装鸡鸭的筐子进城,就得以通行无阻。 +We hope thattheNorth Koreans will grant clemency and deport them.,我们希望,北韩给予宽大处理,并将他们递解出境。 +Mrs. Plavsic was sentenced by the Hague Tribunal in 2003 after surrendering to the court and pleading guilty to one count as part of a plea bargain.,普拉芙希琪在2003年向法庭认罪,作为向法官求情的一部分,后来被海牙法庭判刑。 +Workflow is a simple process of approving and rejecting a form.,工作流是一个简单的批准和拒绝表单的过程。 +"The little guy seems to understand on words, with a giggle.",小家伙似乎听懂月月的话,咯咯的笑着。 +Let's stop chewing the fat and get down to work.,让我们停止聊天儿, 着手工作吧。 +Eating the unripe apples made him ill.,吃没熟的苹果使他得了病。 +Economic forecasters figure a $10-a-barrel increase in oil prices shaves 0.3 percentage point off the U. S. economic growth rate.,经济预测学家认为,每桶石油价格��涨10美元将使美国的经济增速降低0.3个百分点。 +"Compared to simply using GC-MS, the results of the essential oil obtained by the analysis of GC-MS combined with chemometric resolution method are more reliable and accurate.",利用GC/MS分析法结合化学计量学分辨方法鉴定挥发油化学成分,比单独使用GC-MS法结果更准确、可靠。 +"Based on this , ancient philosophies examined and reflected on human.",基于对宇宙始基的种种界定,古代哲学对人做了审视和反思。 +Both the sciurids and aplodontids found from Oligocene of Asia have closer relationships with those of North America than with Europe.,蒙古渐新世啮齿类化石的新发现表明,亚洲渐新世的松鼠和山河狸与北美的关系要比与欧洲的近。 +"Yours is one of those deep-thinking natures, one of those highly gifted minds that astonishes the world.",您是一位善于思考、思想深刻的生灵。您的秉赋极高,令世界吃惊。 +"Gongzhuling City is located in the belly of Songliao Plain, soil loosens and rich and it's quite suitable for the growing of sweet sticky corn.",公主岭市地处松辽平原腹地,土质疏松、土壤肥沃,非常适合甜玉米和粘玉米的生长与栽培。 +"Well, I will cancel the card, but if I don't pay. I'll have that on my credit record.",我会取消那张卡的,但是,如果我不支付的话,这将会被记在我的信用记录上的。 +He was complimented on a very professional piece of work.,他由于一件表现出精湛技艺的作品而受到赞扬. +"In Listing 3, simply replace the values for $user and $pw with your account's credentials, and that's enough to retrieve status information.",在清单 3 中,只需用帐户的凭证替换 $user 和 $pw 的值,这样就可以检索到状态信息了。 +Treatment for hyperthyroidism may influence the development and the course of thyroid-associated ophthalmopathy (TAO).,甲亢治疗可能引起甲状腺有关眼病(TAO)的发生和恶化。 +"We have four ways or directions called east, west, south, and north. These four ways are reciprocal, determined by a central position.",东、南、西、北,这叫作四方,是指各个方向的位置。这四个方位是相对的,必须有个中央位置对应,才能把各个方位定出来。 +"Blood line infection is a rare disease, less than 10% way.",血行感染途径较为少见,不及10%。 +Both your highschool academic advisor and the advisors at the post secondary school you plan on attended should be consulted.,无论你的高中学术顾问和顾问,在邮政中学您计划出席,应征询市民的意见。 +"Quoting an unnamed South Korean military source, it said the jet took off from an airfield in Sinuiju, a North Korean town on the far western border with China.",援引一位不愿透露姓名的韩国军方人员的消息说,这架飞机自朝鲜西北部同中国接壤的偏远小镇,新义州的机场起飞。 +The tremor may even be so light that only the most delicate machine will record it.,这种颤动甚至轻到最精密的设备才可能记录它们。 +Let me go over this again. This is a function of a and b.,我们再来过一遍,这是一个关于a和b的函数。 +"Just a minute, I want to be a very prepare ahead with some may introduce better. The following is the simple directions available for reference.",短短的一分钟时间,想要做个很具一定要提前准备方可介绍的更好。以下则为简单的范文,可供参考。 +"Remember, to love and be loved, is life itself without which we are nought.",请记住,学会爱与被爱,就是生活的本质,而这一点我们都还不会。 +"Please continue to pray for the healing of Mrs Esther Wong's cancer and for God's comfort and peace for her and her family. Please also pray for brothers &sisters at Suva, Fiji .",请续记念斐济宣教士黄寿全牧师的太太余丽贞姊妹的健康,求神医治她的癌病,也为黄牧师及儿子懿珽弟兄代祷,求神给他俩有颗平静安稳的心; +Learn about the bonding ability in the RPG Heroscape with expert tips and advice on role playing games and video games in this free online video clip.,了解与专家提示,在角色扮演Heroscape粘结力及角色扮演在这个免费的在线游戏,视频剪辑和视频游戏的建议。 +"The distinction, it seems to me, is compelling.",在我看来这种区别非常有趣。 +Houdini's story and great abilities will surely amaze people for generations to come.,胡迪尼的故事和他精湛的魔术才能无疑将继续令未来的世代惊奇不已。 +Prison officials say the men escaped by cutting their way through a fence in a recreation yard.,监狱官员说他俩是从放风场地的围墙上爬出逃走的。 +"Article 20 The school council, board of directors or any other decision-making institution shall hold at least one meeting every year.",第二十条民办学校的理事会、董事会或者其他形式决策机构,每年至少召开一次会议。 +I learnt it when experienced men like (Paolo) Maldini and (Billy) Costacurta spoke to the team and told us that we had to let off our disappointment and make a final rush to clinch the title.,在经验丰富的马尔蒂尼和科斯塔库塔在更衣室告诉我们要摆脱失望情绪努力夺取联赛冠军时,我学到了很多。 +"In the project of bridge, lots of time was cost by the building of road on both sides.",立交桥工程中,两侧路面的修筑花费了大部分的时间。 +"The increasing quantity of patients makes the outpatient department in continuous increasing pressure, at the same time the patient complaint rate is also increasing continually.",随着我院门诊病人数的不断增加,门诊部门的压力不断增大,病人投诉率持续上升。 +The hitch allows a Snow Trek sled to be connected to a snowmobile or other similar transportation device.,这种环结能够使雪撬与雪上汽车或其它类似的运输装置相连接。 +"Indeed, even in its darkest days the city lives up to the slogan originally coined for the Plaza Hotel: ""Nothing unimportant ever happens in New York.""",确实,即使在那段最黑暗的日子里,纽约也体现了那句本来为广场饭店打造的宣传口号--“纽约无小事”。 +"Running this script will create a directory, which by default is /piperf, and will untar the pi_tools.tar.gz file to that directory and its subdirectories.",运行这个脚本将创建出一个目录,默认情况下是 /piperf,然后将 pi_tools.tar.gz 文件解包到那个目录及其子目录中。 +Zhang Fei Temple is located at the Yun-yang country of Chong-qing City.,张飞庙又名张桓候庙,位于重庆市云阳县。 +"But the thing Mr Zubrow is most exercised about is a planned additional capital surcharge on global systemically important financial institutions, or G-SIFIs in the jargon.",Zubrow关注最多的还是针对全球性系统重要性金融机构收取额外资本费用的计划。 +Ervin Laszl′s analysis of social system and social control throws a new light on ideological studies.,拉兹洛对社会系统与控制的论述为意识形态研究提供了新角度和视野。 +"The Romans had to keep on cooking up new letters every time their numbers got bigger - C for 100, D for 500, M for 1, 000 - because they didn't have zeros to add on to the end.",当数字增大时,罗马人只能疲于接招,不断地创造出新的字母用来标记数字 —— C代表100,D代表500,M代表1000 —— 因为在他们的数字系统中不能将‘0’添加在数字后面。 想感觉100万有多大? +"For example, in a brokerage application, it may well be that a financial advisor can see the accounts of their personal customers, but not those of other customers of the firm.",例如,在经纪业应用程序中,理财顾问可以查看其个人客户的帐户,但却不能查看公司的其他客户的帐户。 +Methods The clinical data of 42 SLE elderly patients with pneumonic pleural damage were analyzed.,方法回顾性分析42例确诊为SLE老年患者的临床资料。 +"That is, in econometric terms, there is a unit root.",换言之,用计量经济学的术语来说,它是一个单位根过程。 +"What's more, this paper points out the influence of his poetry at that time and proves that he is a true Ming adherent, who is loyal to the Ming Dynasty.",同时指出,孙枝蔚对明王朝怀着一片赤子之心,是一位真正的明遗民。 +I have worked here since before liberation.,我从解放前就在这里工作了。 +This wood warps easily in damp conditions.,这种木料受潮容易变形。 +I was always a little in reverence of Great-aunt Stephina Roos.,我对斯蒂菲娜老姑总是怀着敬畏之情。 +"In memory of Lu Wubing Sun set up a tombstone with the epitaph:""Tomb of Lu Wubing,my ghost wife.""",公子为纪念吕无病,专为她立了一块石碑,上刻:鬼妻吕无病之墓。 +"The convenient procedure, used to calculate the ultimate load of frame under earthquake, is introduced briefly in this paper.",简要介绍了框架结构在地震作用下极限荷载分析的便捷解法。 +"At the 2006 Winter Olympics in Turin, Italy, for example, the famed tenor Luciano Pavarotti, then 70, lip-synched an aria because of his age and the cold weather.",比如,在意大利都灵举行的2006冬季奥运会上,70岁的著名男高音帕瓦罗蒂,由于年龄和严寒的影响,用唇型表演了一支咏叹调。 +"Setted with upper and lower stretch device, the heat-resistant elastic fabric was imported from Germany.",配有上下绷架装置,采用德国原装耐高温弹力布。 +"""The little firefly wishes not it were a great star, ""my heart speakes to itself, ""but it likes being itself. """,“小萤火虫并不希望成为巨星,”我的心自言自语:“它只喜欢做好它自己。” +Is Li your first name?,李是你的第一个姓吗?。 +Theoretically we should know the duality of globalization with subjectivism and objectivism .,在理论上我们要认识到全球化具有客观性和主观性二重性。 +"We had fruitful discussions on current macroeconomic developments, regional financial cooperation and other issues of common interest.",我们就当前宏观经济形势、区域财金合作以及其他共同关心的问题进行了卓有成效的探讨。 +"The culture of Yin Ruin has experienced three phases since its excavation 80 years ago, viz.",殷墟科学发掘80年来,殷墟文化经历了重构、再现辉煌和全面弘扬几个阶段。 +"As the last rays of daylight dwindled and disappeared, absolute blackness settled down on treasure island .",在白昼的最后光芒减退、终至消失之后,宝岛陷入了一片漆黑之中。 +Objective To investigate the status and diagnostic value of hypermethylated RASSF1A gene promoter in cancer tissue and peripheral plasma and BALF of patients with lung cancer.,目的探讨肺癌组织和外周血浆、支气管肺泡灌洗液(BALF)中Ras相关区域家族1A(RASSF1A)基因启动子异常甲基化状况及其在肺癌诊断中的价值。 +This paper researches the sprout inhibition effect by irradiation on refrigerated garlic.,研究了大蒜经冷库贮藏后的辐照抑芽效果。 +"The more unrelated cats you combine, the more outcrossed your offspring will be.",你结合的无亲缘关系的猫越多,那麽繁育出来的猫咪远交的程度就越高。 +Though the tremulous note may die in your throat,震颤的音符在喉头阻梗 +"Whatever thoughts and emotions arise in meditation, allow them to rise and settle, like the waves in the ocean.",禅坐时,无论生起什么念头和感觉,就让它如海浪般生起和消散。 +"To his surprise,he swept through the exit easily.",令他惊奇的是,他竟然轻易地出境了。 +The Come-back: You don't have control over the whole situation.,反驳者:你也不能控制整个局势。 +"The existing problems in the structure of the drying boxes for rubber plants were analyzed, and some corresponding improvement plans were proposed.",分析了橡胶装置干燥箱结构上存在的问题,提出了相应的改进方案。 +I would like here to recall the extraordinary development of radioactivity this new science which had its origin less then forty years ago in the work of henri becquerel and of pierre and marie curie.,我想在这里回顾一下放射性研究的非同一般的发展情况; 这一新兴学科起源于三十多年前贝克勒尔和居里夫妇的研究工作。 +"This paper introduces a class CAN BUS-based industrial process control LAN, and describes its basic principle. features and design methods. Finally a typical application example is illustrated.",本文介绍一种基于CAN总线的工业过程控制局域网络的原理、特点及设计方法,并举出一个典型应用的示例说明。 +"Initially, she posed showing only her belly but as the all-female staff at the studio helped her relax, she posed nude for the camera.",起初,她摆的姿势只显示她的腹部,但当工作室的女性工作人员帮助她放松时,她在镜头前裸体。 +"Make eye skin can rapidly replenish water, moist and supple and protagonist. The replenishment of the efficacy of natural.",让眼部肌肤能活络补偿水分,贯串通接滋润柔滑健好的配角。其补水服从自然没有言而。 +The philosopher Noël Carroll gives the example of the opening scene in Jaws.,哲学家诺埃尔·卡洛尔以《大白鲨》的开篇为例子。 +"Following the nessecity, Pricipal rule, procedure and computing method of determining boundary water quality standards, an example research of Huaihe River-Shaying River is presented.",以沙颖河-淮河干流水系为例进行的实例研究得出了该水系的省界水质标准。 +"Planche à voile Boasting a crystal-clear reef-protected lagoon, Mauritius is well-known for its wide range of water sports.",因为有珊瑚礁环绕在岛周围,靠岸边形成了一圈环岛礁湖,礁湖水平静安全晶莹剔透,最适合水上运动,毛里求斯以此闻名于世。 +"Kucherena, meanwhile, had turned Time of the Octopus into a trilogy — in the sequel, the N. S. A. sends an assassin to Russia to eliminate Joshua Cold.",与此同时,库切列纳把《章鱼时间》发展成为三部曲——在续集中,美国国家安全局派刺客去俄罗斯清除乔舒亚•科尔德。 +"In this capacity he was responsible for coordinating WHO’s response to the health emergency from within Afghanistan and from the neighbouring countries, involving other levels of the organization.",在担任此职务期间,他负责协调世卫组织对阿富汗国内及其邻国出现的卫生紧急情况作出的应对,其中涉及到本组织其它各级。 +"If grape gatherers came to you, Would they not leave gleanings ? If thieves came by night, They would destroy only until they had enough.",摘葡萄的、若来到他那里、岂不剩下些葡萄呢.盗贼若夜间而来、岂不毁坏、直到彀了呢。 +"The above photos, from a video by WPVI in Delaware, show the dramatic ice rescue of a 13-year-old dog named Boo.",上述照片,救援从特拉华州的WPVI视频,显示名为嘘一名13岁的狗戏剧性冰救援。 +The man lapsed into dilemma and hadn't the slightest idea of what to do.,那个人陷入进退两难的困境,不知该如何是好。 +The England vice-captain did not look fully fit against Ukraine and was outpaced by Milevskiy after his initial error of judgment.,英格兰副队长在对乌克兰的比赛中看上去身体还是有问题,他在判断失误之后轻易的被Milevskiy超过。 +"Meanwhile, Johnson has barely featured in this season's Europa League but he is keen to progress in a competition which could yield his first European trophy.",约翰逊在这个赛季的欧联杯上并没有太多的闪光点,但是他希望在比赛中能进步,赢来第一座欧洲赛场的奖杯。 +"Surveillance of citizens, both physical and electronic, was routine.",对公民物理/人身和电子上的监视都成了常事。 +"By changing the amplification multiple through DAC signals, the measurement range of the system is improved.",用DAC芯片程控信号调理电路的放大倍数,提高了系统的测量范围。 +Talk of government-led reform is once again in the air.,让政府来领导医疗改革的话题又一次被提起。 +The total volume percent of WC was about 30% in the cast-infiltration layer.,WC颗粒在铸渗层内的体积百分含量为30%左右。 +Glorious gifts await on the lap of the emerald-gowned heiress who sits beneath the softly falling snow on a starry Christmas Eve.,在一个满天星星的圣诞节前夕,雪轻柔地飘落,绚丽的礼物在一位身着祖母绿长裙的女继承人的膝上等待着。 +NEYTIRI strides out across the branch toward some kind of STRUCTURE -- a WEB made of thick woven fiber.,Neytiri跨过枝干朝一种 结构 类似于--由致密的纤维所构成的 网 。 +Objective To establish an HPLC method for determining rupestonic acid in Artemisia rupestris L.,目的建立新疆一枝蒿中一枝蒿酮酸含量测定的方法。 +"To study the effect of process parameters on the hydroformed T-shaped tubular parts, a new criterion to estimate the formability of T-shaped tube hydroforming is proposed.",为研究主要工艺参数对T型管液压成形性能的影响,本文提出一项综合评价指标,以评定T型管的成形质量。 +"In evil times, he had established a character for courage and religion, by becoming a sufferer for conscience'sake.",他在世道浇漓时养成笃信宗教的果敢性格,为了良心的缘故而成为一个受难者。 +"During the day I had seen other giant anteaters, a giant otter, white-lipped peccaries, and many other interesting mammals.",那天我看到了很多的食蚁动物,有巨型水獭,白嘴野猪和其他各类的哺乳动物。 +"We'll be drinking from a fire hose of new data, but at least we'll never be thirsty.",我们将饮用水从消防水带的新数据,但至少我们决不会口渴。 +"Scott lost a lot of money as well, and then remade a fortune to pay off his debts.",斯哥特也损失了很多钱,然后偿还债务,又重新发财。 +"I really am recruiting people on their ability to learn and , uh, I guess, their work habits and their past performance.",我想我是根据他们的学习能力,工作习惯和过去的表现来招人的。 +"An article describes not only a methodology for SOA governance, but also a set of tools (Governance platform), allowing to support and automate, at least partially, many of the governance processes.",本文不仅仅只描述了SOA治理方法论,而且还介绍了一组支持和(至少是部分的)自动化大多数治理过程的工具(治理平台)。 +"One thing that should help shore up the Pistons' D may arrive this week in the form of Antonio McDyess, who went to Denver with Billups in the trade for Iverson, but was bought out by the Nuggets.",麦克代斯有资格续签的活塞队,谁也说,处理可能发生的最早将在本周。 库里说,他希望继续把麦克代斯在替补出场的第二单元。 +Yao scored on two put backs during Houston's last-ditch 12-4 run that cut Orlando's lead to 93-92.,姚明在火箭队已无后退余地的时刻,补进两球,将魔术队的领先优势缩小到93-92。 +Publisher William Randolph Hearst sent artist Frederic Remington to Cuba to paint pictures of the fighting. Remington spent several months in Havana.,出版商威廉.化道夫.赫斯特(William Randolph Hearst)派遣一名画家弗雷德里克.雷明顿(Frederic Remington)到古巴,画当地的战斗场面。 +"British pop star Amy Winehouse led the Grammy Awards in Los Angeles Sunday, winning five of the music industry's top honors.",英国通俗歌星艾米.怀恩豪斯星期天在洛杉矶格莱美音乐奖颁奖典礼上一举夺得五项大奖。 +It's a very tall order that he claims for himself.,他自称的角色是极端苛求的。 +Drive ahead just a couple of blocks. You can park at that corner lot.,向前开几条街,你可以把车停在转��的地方。 +"If a contestant wishes to use his/her own Recall Papers, these must be approved by the adjudicator before the competition.",如果参赛者希望使用自己的答题纸,必须在赛前得到裁判员的批准。 +Since The Third Plenary Session of The llth Party Central Committee our Party has successfully implemented the varied responsibility contract systems that link payment with output.,党的十一届三中全会以来,党成功地在农村推行了多种形式的联产承包制。 随着农村经济“两个转化”的发展一个民办机械化的热潮正在兴起。 +"At the moment, the United States Treasury can borrow at a real interest rate of zero for five years – and shove the entire five-year inflation risk onto the lender.",现在,美国财政部可以零利率借贷5年——将整个5年的通胀风险推给了借贷者。 +"Before we look at the ebuild system, let's review what's involved in getting a package compiled and installed.",在讨论 ebuild 系统之前,让我们回顾一下编译和安装包都牵涉些什么。 +"This circumspect history aside, several of his peers had great praise for Svoboda; one even said, ""He's a very practical person.""",除了这些事,他的同事还是很欣赏他的,其中一个甚至说:“他很实际。 +"Site load test shows that the building has been effectively reinforced, satisfying the requirements of the national code being in force presently.",现场加载试验结果表明,该楼加固是有效的,满足现行国家规范的要求。 +"Hunch started out as a Q&A service, but in August it re-positioned as a personalization service.",Hunch开始于问答服务,但在今年八月它把自己重新定位为个性化服务。 +Life on our planet is thought to have arisen out of a pond-scum-like mix of chemicals.,在我们这个星球上,生命被认为是从绿藻样的化学混合物中发展起来的。 +But she is resisting calls from the U. S. Congress that the administration withhold the return of frozen Libyan assets to Libya's transitional authority unless Megrahi is jailed.,不过,她不同意美国国会提出的一项要求,也就是说,只要利比亚当局不把迈格拉希监禁起来,奥巴马政府就不要把被冻结的利比亚资产交还给利比亚过渡当局。 +Notice that the select attribute of the element selects both the text of the element as well as any child elements it might contain.,注: 元素的 select 属性选择 元素的文本以及其可能包含的任何子元素。 +I quickly put a few words up my fishing.,我赶紧用力一提, 河虾被我钓了起来。 +Even the guy who only makes a few dollars a day picking up passengers on his bike. Even the woman selling things by the roadside.,哪怕是那些每天只能赚几美元的用自行车载客的家伙,甚至是路边摆摊的妇女。 +"After weeks of anguished waiting, her fans are finally solaced. The album's cover is exposed, and it looks like no digital touch up has been done.",而经过了数周的苦苦等待,苏珊大妈的粉丝们终于可以有所慰藉了。专辑封面曝光,而且看起来并没有进行数码修改。 +"On the other hand, 21% of us don't make the bed every day--and 5% admit they never do!",但是,却有21%之人每天睡前或起身后不整理床铺,甚至有5%之人承认他们从未这么做过! +And the probability of top event is calculated using that of the bottom events.,根据底事件的概率估算,可以求出顶事件的发生概率。 +Deng Yonghong is also approved as a participant by the China Golf Association.,邓勇红作为中国高尔夫球协会特殊批准的职业参赛选手。 +I think I can.My English scores were always on the top three of my class of 40 at school.,我想我能,我的英语成绩在我班40名同学中一直是前三名。 +"Three main figures , ZhaoJia , QianDing , SunBing , in the novel separately represent three different conceal layers of the culture , penalty culture , officialdom culture , popular culture.",小说所写的三个主要人物———赵甲、钱丁、孙丙分别代表中国传统文化中刑罚文化、官场文化、民间文化的“隐”性内涵。 +These limitations apply to ALL patients taking simvastatin.,这些限制适用于所有使用辛伐他汀的患者。 +"The relationship between ZH and ZDR, and KDP is not sensitive to the variations of DSD, which could be used in distinguishing the solid precipitation from rain.",同时给出的ZH与ZDR和KDP关系公式也基本不受雨滴谱变化的影响,它可以用于降水粒子相态的识别。 +that's just two subway stops away from Union square.,那里到联合广场只有两站地铁的距离。 +"The press and publishing, radio, television, film, literature and art, philosophy and the social sciences flourished.",新闻出版、广播影视、文学艺术、哲学社会科学进一步繁荣。 +"The second proposed algorithm is based on pattern-list analysis and is an improved version of that appeared in Optical Engineering, Vol.",第二种是基于模式链分析的分割方法。 该方法将二值化图像用一条模式链表来表示,再对各个模式进行分类。 +Cells of cortex are long and thin.,皮质细胞细长,细胞间连接紧密。 +This biological love connection we may have with another person is imprinted in our brain and makes the urge that much stronger when we become connected with them again.,这种我们和另一个人之间可能存在的、生理上的爱情纽带,会在大脑中留下印记,而当我们一旦再找回这份感觉,这种渴望会更加的强烈。 +"Given the tight economy, business people aren't particularly interested in pouring more money into what looks like a sinking ship.",在经济紧缩的形势下,商界人士不再有特别的兴趣去向一艘看起来快要沉没的船砸钱了。 +"The campaign celebrates its second year with the launch of the ""Hand Hygiene Self-Assessment Framework,"" a tool to analyse hand hygiene promotion and practices within clinics and hospitals.",通过发布“手卫生自我评估框架”来宣告这项运动已经进入了第二个年头,该框架是分析诊所和医院促进手卫生及其实践情况的一个工具。 +The runs test does not require the normality assumption.,游程检验不要求正态性假设。 +For a mini dress with side slits design princess seams that start at the middle of each shoulder.,对于一个侧面开衩设计公主接缝小礼服的开始在每个肩膀中间。 +"Both integrated backscatter and color kinesis can evaluate the outcomes of reperfusion in acute myocardial infarction, so they are worth for clinical use.",背向散射积分技术及彩色室壁运动分析技术能敏感、无创、早期评价急性心肌梗死再灌注治疗效果,具有重要的临床实用价值。 +"The principle and method of testing oil body humidity are discussed, according to the changed trait in resonance frequency and quality factor of resonance cavity when microwave acting on oil body.",根据微波通过油体后,谐振腔的谐振频率和品质因数均会发生相应的变化的特点,探讨了测量油体湿度的原理及所采取的方法。 +Mr. Brown went to the second empty place.,布朗先生于是走到第二个空位。 +Environment Canada's The National Water Research Institute (NWRI) is Canada's preeminent freshwater research facility.,本网站是加拿大卓越的淡水研究机构。 +Routine office jobs have no relish at all for me.,我对坐办公室那种刻板的工作毫无兴趣。 +"The remainder of the crippled Phobos-Grunt spacecraft is set to crash to Earth on Sunday following its botched mission to Mars, space experts have said.",航天专家日前表示,“福布斯-土壤”火星探测器发射失败后,报废的航天器碎片将于周日坠入地球。 +"""It's an easy theft and that stuff is easy to pawn, "" Panos said, adding that the suspects don't always come in the house together, but are seen fleeing together.",“这是一个很容易被盗,而且东西很容易马前卒” ,帕诺斯补充说,嫌疑人并不总是在家里一起,但被视为逃离在一起。 +What's the value faced to the ancient garden of recovery?It's seriously and imminent to consider this issue which is complex. Tentative discussion of this article is based on this.,以何种价值观来面对古园的复原,认真考虑这个极易产生误区与歧义的问题,迫在眉睫,本文正是基于此而进行尝试性地探讨。 +"Out of these friends, only Alain Jullien decided not to participate this year.",这些人中只有法国人阿兰·朱利安先生今年表示不参加。 +"But wee-mail and fax a lot, too.",但是,我们也通过电子邮件和传真来联系业务。 +"They thought he was doing a undertable transaction with the contractor:The contractor gave him the bride privately ,so that he could get the contract of building the city road and bridge.",他们认为他和承包商达成了不可告人的交易; 承包商私下贿赂他,以得到修建城市道路和桥梁的合约。 +There were 12.9% subjects had napping frequently. 76.9% subjects dozed in the daytime.,有午睡习惯的老年人为12.9%,76.9%的农村老年人有白天打瞌睡的习惯。 +There are cells down in the bowels of Casterly Rock where my lord father kept the worst of ours.,在凯岩城的地牢里,我的父亲大人关着些我们中间最糟糕的。 +"""This brain system becomes activated probably to help you try to win this person back so you focus on them and crave them and try to get them back,"" she said.",“这种大脑系统的激活和可能会使得你尝试重新赢得对方的心,所以,你的注意力就会集中在他们的身上,渴望他们,并且努力让他们回心转意。” 她说。 +"There are a number of forms in which technical documents can take: very general or high-level overviews, step-by-step walkthroughs, or auto-generated documents, for example.",技术文档有几种形式:基本概览,高级概览,一步一步的演示,自动生成的文档,等等。 +"Only two of them, however, are needed to explain the uncanny valley. These are humanness and eeriness.",然而,这四者中只有两个可以用来解释“恐怖谷”,那就是人性和怪诞性。 +"""step-parent"" is a label we attach to men and women who marry into families where children already exist, for the simple reason that we need to call them something.",我总是觉得“继父”或“继母”是我们给那些与已有孩子的人结婚的男男女女贴上的一个标签,这只是出于一个简单的原因:我们需要有个词来称呼他们。 +"Chengdu is the capital of Western Shu and the center of politics, economy and culture.",成都是西蜀首府,四川省政治、经济、文化的中心。 +"O. system provide pure water for hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis, as well as the ultrapure water necessary for pharmaceutical manufacturing.",系统能提供血渗析与分解用的纯水,亦能提供于药物制造过程中所需的超纯水。 +不论你管它叫磁性、极性、活力、体贴、智慧还是魅力,它们都是吸引力,而且它适用于一切------动物、蔬菜或矿物。,"Whether you want to call it magnetism, polarity,electricity, thought, intelligence or charisma, it's still attraction, and it invests everything—animal, vegetable or mineral." +People can ride on the maglev in Shanghai in the near future .,在不久的将来, 人们就可以在上海坐磁浮列车了。 +Liuzhou City is located midstream and downstream of Liujiang River and the pilot city to the national flood control.,柳州市位于柳江中下游河段,是国家重点防洪城市,经过几年的建设,建立有工程防洪体系和非工程防洪体系。 +The elastic plastic deformation and stresses of the micro composite are studied according to the shear lag theory and strain-hardening law.,按剪滞理论和应变硬化规律研究微复合材料的弹塑性变形和应力状态。 +"The project is named The Barn House to reflect its open-plan layout, which could later be sub-divided to create a child's bedroom or a photography studio, depending on the client's lifestyle choices.",它为称作谷仓住宅,从名称上就能够体现出建筑的开放式特点,住宅的功能可以后期再根据委托人的生活方式进一步细分,划分出儿童房或者摄影工作室等其空间。 +AIM: To explore the effects of processing on components group of Semen Raphani.,目的:探讨炮制对莱菔子饮片中成分群的影响。 +The results show that system-centric and human-centric knowledge sharing has significantly positive effects on team creativity.,结果发现,系统结构知识分享与人际关系知识分享对于团队创造力有显著的正向影响。 +Please remember only our love can save the lost who everyone of us might be.,请记住只有爱才会拯救每人都可能遇到的迷失。 +"In Italy, there is no real public pressure for a new, fairer tax system.",在意大利,公众不会真的向政府施压,要求实行新的、更公平的税收制度。 +Manages log files for a recoverable database.,该进程为可恢复的数据库管理日志文件。 +When your mom wants to unpack all of your clothes and make your bed - Let her.,你妈想帮你收拾衣服,收拾床铺的话,就随她吧。 +This paper introduced general frame and implementation technique of major module for two-grade test software of computer grade examination.,介绍计算机水平考试二级测试软件的总体结构和主要模块的实现技术。 +"Economists say such a 'sudden stop' of funding for Italy isn't in the cards yet, but can't be ruled out if euro-zone governments fail to restore markets' confidence.",经济学家说,意大利现在还不会出现这种突然的融资停顿现象,但如果欧元区各国政府未能恢复市场信心,这种可能性也是存在的。 +Some of Australia's hydrological experts recently pointed out that a flood storage reservoir management exacerbated by human factors such improper flood losses to the state of Queensland.,一些澳大利亚水文专家近期指出,水库管理部门蓄洪不当等人为因素加剧了洪灾给昆士兰州造成的损失。 +"R-Reserves. A great life is the result of having reserves-reserves of thing, time, space, energy, money.",有惫无患-美丽人生愿于懂得为自己作些预留-预留物品、时间、空间、精力和金钱。 +"They resurrected Greco-Roman wrestling, a style they believed to be an exact carryover from the Greek and Roman wrestlers of old.",所以他们原封不动地模仿古希腊和古罗马摔跤手的遗风,重现了“古典式摔跤”。 +"""Of course I got drunk at Yankee Stadium, "" she explains of her behavior.",她为自己的行为解释到,“没错,当时我喝得烂醉。” +The government structure of company has a close relationship with the internal controls.,公司治理结构与内部控制关系密切。 +The bronze statue was created by Danish sculptor Edvard Eriksen according to Danish writer Hans Christian Andersen's fairytale that bears the name.,“小美人鱼”铜像是丹麦雕塑家爱德华•埃里克森根据安徒生童话《海的女儿》中女主人公的形象用青铜浇铸的,“小美人鱼”这个名字也由此而来。 +"Actually, there was circulation of metal currency, extensive use of currency in kind—cereals, silks, etc. and animals such as cows and horses also played a part in commodity exchange.",此时不仅有金属货币的流通,而且有谷、帛等实物货币的广泛使用,牛马等牲畜也曾发挥交换中介的作用。 +"Residential burials had been practiced for a long period of time , dating from the late Paleolithic to modern history in some ethnic minority groups.",居室葬俗延续的时间非常久远,从旧石器时代晚期开始出现,直至近现代的某些少数民族中仍旧流行。 +"I felt that I had worked hard my entire life and deserved to enjoy all the temptations around me. ""I felt I was entitled thanks to money and fame.",我一直以为我已经生活得很努力,理所应当享受周遭的诱惑,我以为我有这个权利,金钱和名誉都没有耗费我很长的时间就获得了。 +High-level consciousness ability and its material are the deterministic identity of low-level consciousness ability and its material.,高层次意识能力及其质料即是低层次意识能力及其质料的决定性同一性。 +"SSE is hopeful the government will relax its policies on derivatives soon, with a spokesman for the exchange estimating a resolution to the matter by year end.",SSE希望政府能尽快放松对衍生品的政策,航交所一位发言人估计年底前将推出该问题的解决方案。 +"It’s impossible to look young forever, but you can prevent time from marching across your face.",永葆青春是不可能的,但你完全可以防止岁月在脸上留下明显痕迹。 +"He carried himself with the same self-important air, took his new state with easy familiarity, and rejoiced in Carrie's proclivities and successes.",他风度依旧,神气十足,从容不迫地对付新的处境,为嘉莉的癖好和成就感到高兴。 +"But although criminologists have conducted exhaustive research regarding the subject , little evidence exists to support the claim .",但是,虽然刑事学家就这一课题做了详尽的研究,几乎没有证据能支持这种说法。 +The application of BSW and RSW significantly increased the activity of plant peroxidase whereas the plant polyphenol oxidase was high in BSW only.,BSW和RSW能显著增加植物过氧化酶,而BSW处理中植物多酚氧化酶含量较高; +"In ""Pre-Suasion, "" Cialdini explains that customers gave higher tips in the last condition because the second piece of chocolate was meaningful and unexpected.",书中,Cialdini解释说最后一种情况小费增长最多的原因是,人们认为那第二块儿巧克力是有所含义的,是意料之外的。 +"The results indicated: compared with using inorganic fertilizer, leaf content of nitrate and nitrite declined 36.17% and 21.77% when using biological organic fertilizer;",结果表明,单施生物有机肥比单施无机三元肥的小油菜中硝酸盐和亚硝酸盐含量分别降低36.17%和21.77%; +Darmawalla asked her pupils each to write a poem entitled My Dreams.,Darmawalla要求她的每一名学生写一首以《我的梦想》为题的诗。 +"Guillaume Pepy said the ""crowning success"" of Eurostar, which now controls 80% of the London to Paris and Brussels market, could be repeated if a replica of the French TGV system arrives in the UK.",Guillaume Pepy说,欧洲之星获得了巨大的成功,它已经控制了伦敦至巴黎和布鲁塞尔市场份额的80%。 +"Article 7Flights shall be organised and conducted in line with the phases such as preliminary flight preparations, pre-flight preparations, execution of flight and flight debriefing.",第七条组织与实施飞行,应当按照飞行预先准备、飞行直接准备、飞行实施和飞行讲评等阶段进行。 +Tom: They said they have eight proofs which can prove it.,他们说他们有八大证据可以证明。 +"As already described, in this setup there is only one group per DS4500, containing the two storage nodes between which all disks on that DS4500 will be twin tailed.",如前所述,在本例的设置中,每个 DS4500 只有一个组,包含两个存储节点,两节点间的所有在 DS4500 上的磁盘都将被 twin tailed。 +Liu u's parents work far away from home in a different city.,刘明辉的父母在另一座远离家乡的城市打工。 +"And, you have to have reason to do so.",而且你们必须有合理的理由。 +"A case study was carried out in Yanbian Korea Autonomous Prefecture which discussed the level of development, the category of scenic spots as well as the regional features.",并以延边朝鲜族自治州为实证,对其开发层次、景区类型、地域特色等进行了研究。 +"Hong Kyoung-han, the chief editor of "" Public Art"" magazine, says the result ofthe 15-year-old law is disappointing.",《大众艺术》的主编洪勇翰认为这项法规执行15年以来成绩令人失望。 +"The actuating part comprises two guiding arms and connecting parts, wherein the connecting parts are arranged at the bottom ends of the two guiding arms, and used for connecting the two guiding arms.",所述作动部包括两导引臂及设于两导引臂底端用于连接两导引臂的连接部。 +Objective To study the characteristic of tumors involving the brain stem and to heighten the curative effect of micro-surgery on them.,目的研究累及脑干肿瘤的特点,探讨提高其手术效果的方法。 +"It was this Moses whom they rejected when they said, 'Who made you ruler and judge?' and whom God now sent as both ruler and liberator through the angel who appeared to him in the bush.","这摩西,就是百姓弃绝说,谁立你作我们的首领,和审判官的’,神却借那在荆棘中显现之使者的手,差派他作首领,作救赎的" +The requester-side caching pattern was applied to the catalog service controller in a model-driven development environment to optimize the catalog service implementation.,请求端缓存模式应用于模型驱动的开发环境中的 Catalog 服务控制器,以优化 Catalog 服务实现。 +"Rather than continue a fruitless campaign to denuclearize the North, the United States should hand off the problem to those nations with the most at stake in a peaceful and stable North Korea.",与其和朝鲜在去核化问题上继续这种毫无建树拉锯战,不如美国放手这一问题,把它留给关心朝鲜地区和平和稳定的周边国家。 +"She handed him a long, white, fashionable, wide-net stocking.",她递给他一只很时髦的,白色的,带有宽网眼的长袜。 +The antisera against purified goatpox virus were obtained from rabbits and guinea pigs.,用纯化的山羊痘病毒分别免疫家兔和豚鼠,制备高效价的抗血清。 +"When cutlery is provided it is usually a spoon and fork , since there is seldom need for the use of a knife when eating Afghani food.",当餐具提供它通常是一汤匙和叉子,因为很少有对刀时需要使用阿富汗的食物吃。 +"Dr Rajendra Pachauri, chair of the UN's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), has also urged people to observe one meat-free day a week to curb carbon emissions.",他呼吁大家 蔬食是对地球比较友善的饮食,联合国跨政府气候变迁小组的主席,帕卓理博士也大声疾呼,要实行一周一素来抑制排碳。 +"So if I wanted to represent, for example, this is the set two, six and eight, I put a one in those slots.",所以如果我想表示的话,比如,这是2,6,8的集合,我放置一个数在这个位置中。 +"The famous assumption, i. e. the leading edge suction depends only on the nature of the velocity at and perpendicular to this edge, has been substantiated analytically and extended to unsteady flow.",本文并证明该假设与前缘吸力的公式可推广到非定常可压缩流场。 +"My neighbors and friends, there were the deputy director of China Merchants.",我的邻居和朋友中就有招商局的副局长。 +You can take a Taxi and tell the driver your destination is Fuhua Building.,你可以乘坐计程车并告诉司机你要去富华大厦。 +"From one of the nodes, verify that both nodes have joined the cluster.",从其中的一个节点,验证两个节点是否加入集群。 +"Today, the Expo site is crowded with scores of national pavilions, sculpture gardens, shops and a $270 million sports arena and performing arts center that is shaped like a flying saucer.",如今,世博园内很多国家展馆已经建成,世博雕塑广场也已落成,园内商场林立,耗资2.7亿美元的运动场地和宛如飞碟状的艺术表演中心静候游客的到来。 +"However, for a 24 x 7 system, there may be no available window or low-activity period in the system.",然而,对于一个 24 x 7 的系统,系统中可能没有可用的窗口或活动量少的时候。 +The idea is that there's more to say than what I've said.,因为那会让你得到比我所讲的更多的内容。 +"Usins the somatosensory evoked potential(SEP), we observed the changes of SEP in cats with the acute ischemic cerebral damage.",以猫为实验动物,采用躯体感觉诱发电位(SEP)的方法观察其在急性缺血性脑损害时的变化。 +"This does not mean that these are necessarily the most popular, the best, or the most feature-rich.",这并不表示它们是最流行的、最好的或是功能最多的框架。 +"Or, you could shoot your camera like a sniper.",或者是,你可以像狙击手一样拍摄。 +Objective:To investigate the clinical features of pre- presbyopic manifest hyperopia and the negative influences of its misdiagnosis on the physical and mental health of patients.,目的:了解老年前期出现的显性远视的特点及其误诊对心身健康的影响。 +"Collagen and collagen-based materials are widely used in biomedicine, leather, food and daily chemical industries.",胶原及胶原基材料广泛应用于生物医用、皮革、食品、日用化学工业等领域。 +"Main galvanic circle vacuum explosion chamber and dynamic and static conduction connection is installed into the insulating cylinder, making phase to phase only 300mm.",主导电回路真空灭弧室和动静导电联接安装在绝缘筒内,使相间距仅为300mm。 +"It has been billed as a hi-tech bike-sharing boom that entrepreneurs hope will make them rich while simultaneously transforming China""s traffic-clogged cities.""",有人认为高科技共享自行车行业一片繁荣,企业家们希望借此大赚一笔,同时改变中国的交通拥堵城市。 +"Hutts are some of the longest lived species in the galaxy, some of them living at least 1,000 standard years.",赫特族是银河系中最长寿的种族之一,有些甚至可以活到至少一千个标准年。 +He pressed the troops forward.,他催逼部队前进。 +"The third entry (for deputies) is from the other side of the building, and its path meets or crosses that of the VIPs.",第三个入口为议员专用,在大楼的另一边,与二号入口的途径相汇。 +The optional performance pack upgrades peak power to 240 bhp for an even more thrilling experience.,可选性能包提升峰值功率240马力为甚至更多震颤的体验。 +Visit the museum and you will know many new things about the history of Nakhodka.,参观博物馆,你将会了解到很多纳霍徳卡历史的新知识。 +Why can't we just watch a good old-fashioned romantic comedy sometimes?,真搞不懂,我们干吗老要看这些“艺术片”,不能去看看那种好看的老派温情喜剧吗? +"Much, of course, will depend on how quickly the new plug-ins and pure electrics become part of mainstream motoring.",而且,这当然也取决于新型插入式和纯电动车成为主流乘驾方式的速度。 +A groom delivered himself to his bride in a container at a creative wedding ceremony.,某创意婚礼现场,新郎把自己装进集装箱快递到了新娘身边。 +He had formed his own film-making company and was writing and producing his own films.,他组建了自己的电影公司并自己写剧本拍片子。 +I've often wondered how such a small island could support such a huge number of sellers.,我时常琢磨不透,这麽小的一个岛,怎麽能养得起这麽多数量的卖主。 +Ledger's open belief in the transformative power of love is reflected in his role in Brokeback Mountain.,Ledger相信爱具有能改变人的力量反映在他在《断臂山》里的角色身上。 +"Double linear guide rails with double-slider and sound off function, industrial megadyne belt, to enable the print quality from every details.",双导轨双滑块静音品牌线性导轨。工业级意大利麦高迪加宽皮带。高精度打印平台从每个细节上保证您的打印品质。 +"This article does researches into the cause of constructing the Dazhou-Chengdu railway, the mode of its construction and management and its significance.",本文着重对达成铁路修建原因、修建和运营模式、意义等问题进行初步探讨。 +"We in China, like you, want a better world, not for ourselves alone, but for all mankind, and we must have it.",我中国国民,正与诸君相同,不仅为吾人本身,且更为人类全体,希望有一较佳之世界; +"Young people barefoot, furl trouser legs, humming a ditty, stepping on the sections to green.",年轻人光着脚丫,卷起裤腿,哼着轻快的小曲,踩着青青的阡陌款款而去。 +"""We are holding meetings with role players to discuss the building of warehouses in Johannesburg and Durban where herbs can be packaged and sold on to traditional healers, "" says Mhlongo.",Mhlongo说:“我们举办会议与重要人物一起讨论在约翰内斯堡和德班建立仓库,在这两个地方可以对草药包装加工然后卖给传统行医者。” +A precise review and promotion of his artistic educational ideology inspires and guides the reform and the development of the current artistic education.,正视和弘扬潘天寿的艺术教育思想,对当今艺术教育的改革与发展具有重要的借鉴和指导意义。 +Methods Retroperitoneal laparoscopic operations were performed for non parasitic right posterior liver fenestration in 11 cases.,方法采用后腹腔镜完成11例非寄生虫性肝右后叶囊肿开窗引流术。 +"Almost every day they changed the wheels. Two cars had no inner tubes, and tires at low pressure quickly let out the air.",几乎每天都会更换轮胎。其中两辆车没有内胎,在低气压下轮胎很快便会泄气。 +Conclusion:Taking castor-oil is a safe and effective method in induced labor for mature foetus.,结论:蓖麻餐用于足月妊娠引产是一种安全有效、经济方便的方法。 +"Cloud flies when Maxleaf arises, fame reaches everywhere when Maxleaf becomes strong!",大枫起兮云飞扬,美誉四海兮大枫强! +"However, cockfighting is now generally recognized as a form of animal cruelty.",然而,斗鸡现在人们普遍认识是一种形式的虐待动物。 +"Among those with advertising, the mean annual investment in their blog is $1,800, but it’s paying off.",在这些广告里,年平均投资是一千八百美金。 +"Indeed, yesterdays bitter pill was sweetened with relief for other sectors of the UK’s technology economy.",事实上,这一工程上的削减造成的苦果已经被英国技术经济的其它行业缓解了。 +Herakleitos was the great thinker of the spontaneous materialism of ancient Greece.,赫拉克利特是古希腊卓越的自发唯物主义的辩证法思想家。 +"Charleston's antebellum hotel, Kings Courtyard Inn, is designed in the Greek Revival style with unusual Egyptian accents.",查尔斯顿的南北战争前的酒店,国王庭院酒店,是希腊复兴式的不寻常的埃及口音。 +"The BBC reported that some areas in Scotland, hundreds of cars trapped streets, the southern city of Perth to build a rest center, receiving 650 drivers and passengers stranded overnight.",英国广播公司报道,在苏格兰一些地区,数百辆汽车受困街道,南部城市珀斯搭建一处休息中心,接待650名整夜受困的司机和乘客。 +The magnetic field induced orientation of side chain has a nonlinear effect on the motion of main chain.,侧链介晶基元受磁场的诱导取向对分子主链运动的影响为非线性效应。 +Linear multiple regression analysis revealed that the ventilatory setting most affecting the discrepancy between CORB and COTD was minute ventilation(VE).,多元线性回归分析结果显示影响CORB最重要的通气参数是分钟通气量(VE)。 +"In order to meet the need of production practice, the authors present two simple quick determination methods, IR Lamp Method and Hydrogen Peroxide Solution Method.",为适应生产实践的需要,作者探索出了两种简易的测定方法:红外灯法和双氧水法。 +"Then the angel of the Lord stood in a narrow path between two vineyards, with walls on both sides.",耶和华的使者就站在葡萄园的窄路上,这边有墙,那边也有墙。 +Is there anything valuable or breakable in your bag?,您得袋子有什么贵重或易碎的物品吗? +"All his other women had been supporting players, but Ava was a diva with a soul whose turbulence equalled his own.",他所有其他的女人只是配角,可是艾娃是一个女主角,她骚动的灵魂与他的相匹配。 +"The survey examined four generations, Generation Y, born between 1980 to 1988; Generation X, born 1965 to 1979; baby boomers born in 1946 to 1964 and matures born before 1945.",该调查共对四代员工进行了访问,包括1980年至1988年出生的“Y代人”(80后)、1965年至1979年出生的“X代人”、1946年至1964年出生的“婴儿潮代”和1945年以前出生的老一辈人。 +Pointes out that institutions can learn from Hong Kong coordinating arrangements by Development Bureau and establishment of cooperation and cognizant agency;,指出在机构设置上可借鉴香港由发展局统筹安排的模式及其合作与监督机构的设置; +"Last year, a religious center near the city of San Diego faced neighborhood protests over its plans to expand.",去年,圣迭戈市附近的一个宗教中心面临在其计划扩大邻里的抗议活动。 +A cartoon-style rendering method for two-dimensional color image is presented.,提出了一种二维彩色图像卡通风格化渲染方法。 +"As the decades passed, the percentage of European immigrants arriving as indentured servants or redemptioners declined.",几十年过去了,契约仆役或自主契约仆役身份的欧洲移民的比例降低了。 +"There are still children living who need those drops of vaccine, so that ultimately we can interrupt the transmission of this virus.",还有一些儿童需要那几滴疫苗,我们才能达成终止病毒传播的最终目标。 +A small fishing boat was carried miles out to sea by a powerful fish as it pulled on the line.,一条小渔般被一条力气强大的鱼拖着鱼线带数英里以外的… +"Accurate electrical network automatic compensation and overcurrent, overvoltage , undervoltage, overheating, etc protection functions make welding machine more safety and credibility.",精确的电网自动补偿和过流、过压、欠压、过热等保护功能使焊机更安全可靠。 +Severe convective weather is one of the main disasters in north Fujian Province.,强对流天气是闽北主要灾害性天气之一。 +This medicine is to be applied externally .,这药是用于外敷的。 +"Leslie and Michael would sit in the dark, monitoring the action.",莱思莉和迈克尔常常坐在暗处,监视他们。 +"Kingform always values introduction of advanced equipments and technologies in the world, so as to make our products always maintain a leading status and enjoy high reputation.",康丰家纺,一直注重对国际先进设备及技术的引进,使产品持续保��着领先地位,在业界享有信誉。 +"Straight-faced, he leaned toward the door and asked, ""Going to the nudist Colony, sir?""",司机拉长了脸,向车门靠过去,问道:“先生,是去裸体营地吗?” +"Shirley: It's a pity I know little about that. Oh, you've got everything for your makeup fix.",雪莉:很可惜我对那个了解很少。噢,你带了所有化妆品来补妆啊。 +He then puts Carroll in the driver’s seat to have him to drive onto the compound.,然后,他将凯尔安排在车的驾驶座上,指令他将车开入围地。 +"In the case of tossing behavior with uncertain people, its liability is preconditioned by the deduction of behavior.",行为人不确定的抛物行为,责任的确定以行为推定为前提。 +"Based on principium of medium loss measurement, principium of series resonance is analyzed, and device layout of current mutual inductance used in high voltage medium loss measure is presented.",在介损测量基本原理的基础上,分析了串联谐振的基本原理,提出了电流互感器进行高电压介损测量时的设备配置,结合典型事例给出了测试结果。 +"After several attempts, nobody came to him anymore for the car, or to play basketball or poker.",尝试了几次之后,没人再找他借车,也没人邀他打篮球或玩牌。 +"The native whites rode dusty horses, and the northern tourists traveled down the sandy village road in automobiles.",本地的白人骑着风尘仆仆的马匹,而北方来的旅游者则驾着汽车沿着乡下的沙土路一路驶来。 +I'm not talking about making something that oozes out of a Petri dish like a broken lava lamp blob.,我并不仅是在讨论制造一些从像破败的熔岩灯的培养皿中溢出的东西。 +"Tom: ok, I see . you donot love me a bit .",好吧,我明白了,其实你一点都不喜欢我。 +"They are vanity, the work of errors: in the time of their visitation they shall perish.",都是虚无的,是迷惑人的工作,到追讨的时候,必被除灭。 +"Provides Struts support for validation and editing; for example, helping you to use Struts taglibs.",提供用于验证和编辑的 Struts 支持;例如,它可以帮助您使用 Struts 标记库。 +"This is the issue that caused Seymour to give up, presumably, and one is tempted to say it’s what soured Mr. Salinger on wanting to see anything else in print.",大约就是这个问题让西摩最终放弃了希望,而你也会觉得就是这个问题让塞林格先生不再希望看到任何作品出版。 +"Peter was grieved, because he had said to him the third time: Lovest thou me?",伯多禄因耶稣第三次问他说:「你爱我吗?」 +One day a man went to the magistrate to lodge a complaint against the secretary.,一天,有人到王鲁这儿控告他的主簿。 +I'd like to talk to the credit manager about taking out a loan.,我想找信贷部的经理谈一下关于贷款的事。 +Vitamin A stimulates mitotic activity and the production of collagen - the stuff skin is made of.,维生素A刺激有丝分裂活性和胶原蛋白的生产-的东西是由皮肤。 +To assess the safety and effectiveness of antiemetics on gastroenteritis induced vomiting in children and adolescents.,评估使用止吐剂减少儿童和青少年急性肠胃炎引发之呕吐的安全性及效果。 +The finance ministers and central bankers met June 4–5 to prepare for the G20 Summit in Toronto on June 26–27.,财政部长和央行行长们6月4日至5日聚会,为6月26日至27日在多伦多举行的20国集团首脑会议作准备。 +"Of course there are exceptions, but I find Asians generally too scrawny and frail-looking.",这当然有例外。但我发现亚洲人大多骨瘦如柴,看起来弱不禁风。 +"However, this basic use of SOAP/HTTP and WSDL is really just point-to-point integration, and does not fulfill some key capabilities required of an ESB",然而,这些 SOAP/HTTP 和 WSDL 的基本应用只是点到点(point-to-point)的集成,并不能实现一些 ESB 需要的关键功能 +Russia and China have agreed to build the firstcross-border rail bridge over the Amur Riverby 2016.,中俄双方同意在2016年前在阿穆尔河上建立首条跨境铁路桥。 +Some cases of dysentery were reported by state media.,国家媒体已经报导有痢疾出现。 +We rode in the farm waggon to the town .,我们乘坐农场的货车进城。 +"In BBC1's series, and investigation has been conducted into healthier ways of coping with stress.",英国广播公司第一电视频道系列节目展开调查,寻找更为健康的方法对付压力所致的紧张状态。 +"The sector of telecommunications and the IP network have been discussing about SLA parameters, but so far there are no uniform standard.",电信界和IP网络界对SLA参数进行了大量的讨论,但是到目前为止并没有一致认可的标准对SLA参数进行规范。 +"CONCLUSION The method is simple, accurate and reliable, and can be used for the quality control of Danshixiao oral solution.",结���方法简便、 分离度好、结果准确可靠,可用于胆石消口服液的质量控制。 +"Well, give it him then, "" said Anatole .""",“嗯,给他吧。”阿纳托利说。 +And these views are of course not incompatible.,当然这两个观点并非互相矛盾的。 +"Smoke diffuse, month frowns, the bloom of youth in this life, I will always be in my heart;",青烟漫,月凝眉,这一生的锦瑟年华,我将会一直藏在心底; +Ambulances have 'AMBULANCE' printed in reverse on their bonnets.,救护车发动机罩盖上标有逆序反向字母的“ambulance”字样。 +We simplify by paring away the layers of something until we find the core.,我们被剥夺了那些简化层次的东西,直到我们找到了问题的关键。 +"I took my daughter to Wegman's this evening, and I only shopped in two aisles: the meat aisle and the produce aisle.",我今晚带着女儿去wegmans采购,一共逛了两排:肉类和农产品类。 +"The focal points of the essay are the exertion of subrogation right, subrogation form and time for suit.",海上保险代位求偿权的行使、权益转让书以及代位求偿诉讼的诉讼时效,是本文探讨的重点问题。 +"We don't know what language they are speaking, but thanks to the Japanese subtitles and the voice acting, we can tell that these people are in a dire situation.",我们不他们正在什么语言, 但是行动的日本副题的谢谢和声音,我们能看得出这些人是在一种可怕的情形中。 +"This paper summarizes the construction principle, resolution power and amplification about the system of compuer-metallographic microscope.",概述了计算机-金相显微镜系统的建立原则、系统的分辨率和放大倍数。 +"Instead, they tend to enroll in relatively anonymous two- or four-year public institutions and major in a job-oriented field like business, teaching, nursing, or engineering.",其实,他们更倾向于在相对籍籍无名的2年或4年制公立学校报名,然后找份跟工作有关的专业,比如商业、教育、护理或工程。 +"At one point he said News of the World made up less than 1% of News Corp. and that he employs some 53, 000 people around the world and so he relies on the people he trusts to run those divisions.",老默多克说,《世界新闻报》在新闻集团的占比不到1%,还说他在全世界雇佣了差不多5.3万名员工,所以他依靠自己所信赖的人来管理各个分公司。 +"The result showed that addition of Mg-Fe ball made a great effect on improving slag condition, reducing smelting consumption, and increasing EF dephosphorization .",结果表明:加入镁铁球后对于改善渣况、降低冶炼消耗、提高电炉脱磷有良好效果。 +"Mui: Yes, how to teach his fans to be good.",梅﹕下…即系点样教好班佢认为的歌迷。 +Throw her out!,把她扔出去! +Agreeableness ---The tendency to get along well with other people.,亲切是指和他人愉快相处的个性倾向。 +"When discharges are detected, the counter or preset counter is incremented or decremented respectively - a particularly useful feature for long test runs.",当检测到放电时,计数器或预置计数器相应地进行增或减计数,对于长时间测试这是一种特别有用的功能。 +"By monitoring the players’ brains, the scientists were able to predict whether or not someone would steal money several seconds before the theft actually occurred.",通过监控参与者的大脑状态,科学家成功地在偷窃实际发生前数秒预测出这个人是否会偷钱。 +"It also oversees the acquisition, development and integration of secure tactical communications for the digitized battlefield.",它还负责监督采购,为数字化战场开发并集成安全战术通信。 +"The two proven extensions of Newtonian dynamics come into play under extreme conditions, such as extreme speeds (special relativity) or extremely strong gravity (general relativity).",只有在极端的情况下,牛顿动力学的这两项修正才需上场,如极高的速率( 狭义相对论)或极强的重力(广义相对论)。 +"If you're not sure whether the kids might be more interested in the mechanical, electrical, or software aspects of robotics, the Lego system is the right place to start.",如果您还不确定孩子们是否对机器人技术的机械、电子或者软件方面感兴趣的话,那么 Lego 系统可以有助您解决这个疑惑。 +But some veteran employees warn that the novels are not always realistic. They say this is especially true of the characters.,但是,一些老员工却表现,书中的部分内容有不切实际之嫌,某些角色尤是如此。 +"Thee first day, we came to Hong Kong. I found an interesting thing when I went on the car. The driver sat in the right side of the front and drove along the left side.",第一天,我们刚来到香港,一坐上车,我就发现了一件很有趣的事情,香港的司机在右边开车,而且是靠左边行驶。 +"The drone fires four times in the short video, which has been viewed 24,000 times.",在这段视频中无人机开火了四次,已经有了两万四千次的观看量。 +"Also, when a resource is added, removed, or edited, it becomes desynchronized from the file system.",此外,当添加、删除或编辑资源时,资源和文件系统就不再同步。 +The wind dispersed the smoke.,风吹散了烟雾。 +"Well, that is used to describe the excitement of seeing what Chinese fans like to think of as the love between the two characters.",好吧,这个词儿是用来形容中国粉丝脑补这两个主角之间的爱意时的激动心情。 +An in-memory tree-based object model like DOM,内存中基于树的对象模型,如 DOM。 +Study of the Pick-up of Coordinates of Feature-points in an Image Captured in the Lightpen Vision Measurement;,提出了光笔式视觉坐标测量中被测特征点像面坐标的提取方法。 +"Constant tension wire stringing is widely used because of its advantages, which have no connecting points and hard bending that always occurred with conventional stringing method.",由于恒张力放线能有效的克服扭曲、硬弯等传统放线施工中经常出现的问题,在高速铁路施工中被广泛的使用。 +"On the basis of comparing with other carbonaceous adsorbents, the possibility of effective adsorbing dissolved organic matter by natural black carbon was put forward.",在比较几种碳质吸附材料性质的基础上,提出了天然黑碳产物替代活性炭有效吸附溶解性有机质的可能性。 +"Drones, gadflies, wasps and butterflies flutter about aimlessly, brushing their wings against the walls of the hive.",雄蜂、胡蜂、丸花蜂和蝴蝶徒劳地撞击着巢壁。 +"The algorithm quite complex man-machine Chinese chess, the running rate also is extremely the block.",算法比较复杂的人机像棋,运行速度也是非常之块的。 +Conservationists say the road would impede the migration and lead to a big drop in the populations of grazing animals.,环保主义者认为这条路将会妨碍大迁徙并导致食草动物数量锐减。 +A method of computing slope land's surface area is discussed in this paper.,本文主要介绍和研究一种统计坡面上土地表面积的方法。 +The examining significance of acinar cast-off cell on operating region after parotid tumor resection;,目的 评价冰冻切片检查在腮腺肿块诊断与治疗中的价值。 +"The Ivory Coast striker had put his side ahead in the 30th minute after a good piece of link-up play with Eidur Gudjohnsen, but his controversial second ended City's chances of a comeback.",科特迪瓦射手已经在第30分钟接古德扬森传球以一记漂亮扫射帮助球队领先,但他第二个有争议的进球结束了曼城扳平的希望。 +"Chapter 7 of the United Nation's Charter talks about self-defense, how does that apply here?",章联合国的宪章关于自卫,请问是在这里适用? +"The 35-year-old star - who has three adopted children added: ""I'm not against getting married, but it's like we already are.""",如今35岁的她已经领养了3个孩子,她补充说:“我并不反对结婚,但是我感觉我们已经结婚了。 +"But for now, she says stripping is ""what I do.""",不过现在,她说脱衣舞娘是她”正在从事的工作“。 +"Although often described as federal organizations, these leagues actually were confederacies that delegated little power to central authority.",虽然常常被称作联邦组织,但是这些联盟所赋予中央权力机构的权力非常有限。 +A question of what the virtual harmonica univeristy coin and experience in the forum are used for.,想问一下,草堂的琴币与积分有什么用呢?似乎还没有要用的地方哦? +"As the year comes to an end, the cold weather often gives an impression of lonesome bleakness, particularly for elderly people residing in nursing homes.",岁末年终,寒冷的天气让人有种错觉、日子空虚孤单,尤其是住在疗养院的人。 +"If wondering about shark teeth seems rather wonky , consider: Tooth loss from gum disease is a major problem, here and abroad, and dentures or dental implants are far from perfect treatments.",如果想了解鲨鱼的牙齿似乎相当困难,考虑到:在国内和国外,牙龈疾病造成的牙齿损失是一个主要问题,并且假牙或牙齿植入技术,离完美的治疗还很远。 +"It's a very interesting discussion, but he also talks--and this is discussed in his book-- about the concept of nutritionism.","这是一次非常有趣的探讨,他在书中还提到了,营养学的理念" +"Large volume hyperbaric oxygen tank for medical usage was successfully constructed in our hospital according to ""Regulatory and Safe Regime of Oxygen Tank for Medical Usage"" by administration.",文摘:我院为首批根据国家《医用氧舱安全管理规定》最新标准通过新建高压氧舱验收的单位之一。 +"The super-heavy batteries are either fixed or on railway mountings, and fixed batteries are often In strong concrete and steel forts.",超重型火炮要么固定设置,要么装在火车上。 固定火炮往往设置在坚固的混凝土和钢铁堡垒中。 +Why donat you love me Jenny?Iam not bright man nonetheless I know what love is.,珍妮,为什么你不爱我?我不智慧,但是我知道什么是爱。 +"With the individual's credit message use and the receiver often is damaged, but whether this depends on the protective problem in proceeding in right of privacy again or not.",但在对个人信用信息利用的同时,也伴随着各种各样的受信方被损害的现象发生,而这是否又能依靠隐私权进行保护的问题。 +Objective to study the relationship between Herpesvirus infections and Gaillain-Barre Syndrome(GBS).,目的研究疱疹病毒感染与格要巴利综合征(GBS)的发病的关系。 +"Rigid aluminum with different colures and forms of polyethylene or rubber, make our products some changes, and increase the intension of slip-resistant.",高硬度铝合金配以不同规格、颜色聚乙稀或橡胶,使产品附于不同的变化,同时增加防滑强度。 +Thank you for calling to Jinlilun shoes limited company!,您好,欢迎致电金丽伦鞋业有限公司。 +"However, there are still a lot of problems in the modeling and control for VBR video services in ATM Networks.",本论文针对VBR 视频业务在ATM网中建模与控制等方面存在的问题进行了系统而深入的研究。 +Function of magnetic seed in the selective flocculation and desliming process for separation of hematite in Tilden;,采用选择性絮凝脱泥-阳离子反浮选工艺流程对某细粒铁矿石进行了试验研究。 +"The old physiologist, Burdach, to whom we are indebted for a careful and discriminating description of the phenomena of dreams, expressed this conviction in a frequently quoted passage (p.",我们该感谢老生理学家布达赫仔细致而敏锐的描述,其中有一段话常被人引用(474页):“日常生活中有快乐的事,也有不顺心的事,但无论苦与乐,都不会在梦里重现。 +"She often published letters from readers who argued against advice she had given. When she agreed with their criticism, she sometimes ordered the forty lashes for herself!",然而,她对一些针对她的批评并不避讳,她经常发表一些读者反对她所给出的建议的来信,如果她赞同这些针对她的批评,她有时也会为她自己安排好“四十鞭子”! +Normal method can′t distinguish F-11 and its substitute-HCFC-141b because they have similar physical properties.,一氟三氯甲烷与其代用品一氟二氯乙烷因极其相似的物理性质, 一般检测手段难以区分。 +Almost 5% of all Yoruba births produce twins.,我们没有生双胞胎的准备! +My car came with a sunroof and passenger-side airbags.,我的车有一块遮阳板和乘客用气囊。 +Easily converts Ball Check Valve to a Foot Valve .,能够轻易地将球体止回阀转换成底阀。 +Maricel eventually graduated from high school and enrolled in a two-year Hotel and Restaurant Management course in Cagayan de Oro City. “I have really enjoyed cooking since I was seven years old.”,马里尔终于中学毕业,并在卡加延德奥罗市注册了饭店烹调与管理课程,“因为我从七岁就喜欢烹调,”她说到。 +"It's very strict there, but they let you do motocross and it's the same in Italy where, in a lot of places, skidoos are banned.",那里管得很严,不过就像在意大利的很多地方禁止雪地摩托一样,那里你可以玩摩托越野。 +Rekha Mehra says the right to own land will lead to greater investment in the land. She says world leaders need to think about these gender issues when they meet in Rome this week.,她说,本周,世界各国领导们在罗马召开的会议中需要考虑这些与性别相关的问题。 +"On French TV, Mr. Villepin has denounced Bourgi's accusations as lies and a willful attempt to tarnish Mr. Chirac's presidency.",德维勒班在法国电视上抨击布吉的指控纯属谎言,并且一心想诬蔑希拉克的总统表现。 +Figure 3.1Relation curves between UV Figure 3.2 Relation curves between UV accelerated accelerated aging time and color difference aging time and gloss retention ratio.,图3.1紫外加速老化时间与色差关系图图3.2 紫外加速老化时间与保光率关系图。 +"Tonight, the light of love is in your eyes.",今晚,妳的眼里闪烁著爱的光茫。 +Jinggangshan Mountain as the First Rural Revolutionary Base of China has become one of the first scenic spots protected specially by the nation.,井冈山作为中国第一个农村革命根据地,现在已成为全国重点风景名胜区之一。 +"In China, there are also some successful attempts on developing the vocational-technical Education in recent years.",国内近几年也出现了一些发展高等职业技术教育较为成功的尝试。 +It was 5-4 with no breaks when we had to stop because Safin and Gaudio had the court.,偶们一口气打到5-4,然后轮到傻芬和高狄奥用球场了所以偶们就结束鸟。 +"In her cooling-off period, she could see some slight relationship between the game and her life.",当那位女士冷静下来时,她开始发现那个游戏与她的生活之间的确存在着某种微妙的关系。 +"Hurrying over to him, the former guard said, ""Listen, pal, drinks are on the house tonight if you'll do me a favor.""",那从前的哨兵说:“听着,伙计,今天的酒是免费的,如果你肯赏脸和话。 +"Summer was dead, but autumn had not yet been born when the ibis came to the bleeding tree.",夏天已经逝去,秋天还没有来临,这个时候朱鹭来到了那棵满是树脂的树上。 +"Masaru Tamamoto, an academic at Cambridge University, says mass protests last flourished after Japan's American occupiers promoted unions and leftist parties in the wake of defeat in 1945.",剑桥大学的学者釜本说自从1945年日本的美国占领者促进了工会发展和左翼政党失利以后,大规模抗议就一直很兴起。 +And one way we can get to that is by looking at two pieces of data.,"一种可以得出答案的方法,就是观察2个数据。" +Working in a down to earth manner is the pride of all Tailong people.,那种脚踏实地的感觉,让每一位泰龙人的心里都充满了无限的自信心。 +"The common that goes up for dispel skin, the freezing operation that place of wart, clavus becomes?",为了祛除皮肤上的寻常就、瘊子、鸡眼所做的冰冻手术? +"Enzyme desizing, alkali scouring and enzyme softening finish of naturally brown cotton woven fabric were discussed a. well as the properties of wet processing.",阐述了棕色天然彩棉机织物的酶退浆、碱精练、酶柔软整理等染整加工工艺; +I have been in this position often and my solution has always been to go to the ideas book I keep. Like a photo journal of thoughts and ideas.,我经常处于这种情况,而我的解决办法是准备一个随身笔记本,专门用来记一些随时产生的关于摄影题材的想法。 +"These would be harvested and placed into plastic ""stomachs"" – essentially large plastic bags – suspended in the sea.",这些巨藻会被收割并被放置到悬浮在海水里的塑料“胃”中——实质是巨大的塑料袋。 +"After eight years in real estate, Mr. Reisinger, 36 years old, was laid off in January 2008 as a sales manager for a Coldwell Banker office in Lehigh Acres, Fla.",36岁的雷辛格在房地产行业工作了8年,2008年1月在佛罗里达州Coldwell Banker一家门店的销售经理职位上失业。 +"D. , that the knife and fork appeared on the dinning tables of Europe.",而直到十五世纪,欧洲的餐桌上才出现了刀和叉子。 +Drought resistance and photosynthesis of two species of Ceratoides under the condition of artificial soil desiccation were studied based on some indexes of water and photosynthesis.,用盆栽控水的方法模拟土壤干旱条件,从水分生理和光合作用方面对两种驼绒 藜 属植物的抗旱生理进行研究。 +"Recent developments in particle beam fusion research, as well as critical issues which remain to he solved are summarized.",本文对于粒子束聚变研究的进展及当前尚待解决的关键问题作了概括论述。 +"There, a part of the audience recognizes that any series is equally probable, so they are more likely to put down all heads or all tails.",一部分观众留意到任何序列发生的概率一样高,所以他们更可能会写下全部正面朝上,或全部反面朝上的序列。 +"And it came to pass, that when they had made an end of eating the grass of the land, I said: O Lord God, be merciful, I beseech thee: who shall raise up Jacob, for he is very little?",当蝗虫要吃光地上的青草时,我就说:「吾主上主,求你饶恕罢!雅各伯还怎能存在?他已这样弱小!」 +Here's a neat little use of the system clipboard.,这里简单地利用一下系统剪贴板。 +"The size normalization of notations is a common pretreatment method in mathematical expression recognition, and it has a great significance to enhance the efficiency of notation recognition.",符号的大小归一化是数学表达式识别的一种很常见的预处理方法,它对于提高符号的识别率具有重要的意义。 +"The spiritual self-transcending and the transcendental realm are not only the constant pursuit of Chinese ancients, but also the heartfelt call of modern people.",心灵的自我超越和超越的美好境界,这不仅是中国古人的精神追求,也是当今许多现代人的内心呼唤。 +Objective To evaluate the diagnostic value of CT for primary thyroid lymphoma(PTL).,目的评价CT对原发性甲状腺恶性淋巴瘤(PTL)的诊断价值。 +"Little Black, Little White.",小黑猪,小白猪。 +"In order to support the connectivity between the Sender and the Receiver with respect to a particular EPM, Sandesha architecture uses an in-memory Queue by default.",为了支持根据特定的 EPM 在 Sender 与 Receiver 之间建立连接,Sandesha 体系结构将在缺省情况下使用内存中的队列。 +This laminator also had an optional reject sheet conveyor.,这款设备也有一款可供选择的薄片传送机。 +"Forgive yourself for mistakes –I’ve been to 94 countries so far in my quest to visit every country in the world, and I’ve probably made every mistake you can think of.",原谅自己的错—我要游遍世界上所有国家,这是我的探索之旅,到目前为止,我已经去了 94个国家。 当然我也可能犯了每一个你能想到的错误。 +One swaslocingested does not make a summer.,一燕不成夏。 老师英文怎么写。 +The fruit will not bear transportation to any great distance.,水果经不起长途运输。 +"One woman athlete desired a black sport suit with golden dragon on it, which is beautiful and animate.",有一位女运动员设计了在黑色中式套服上绣上金色的龙,很漂亮和有生气。 +"He said , ""Victims of sidewalks falls are invisible casualties as far as the National Road Casualty Statistics are concerned -it only counts if you've been hit by a car or a lorry on the road.""",他说:“就国家公路受伤统计来说,人行路上摔倒的受害者是无形的受伤人员-只有你被路上的轿车或者是货车撞到才计算在内。 +"Strangely for someone whose work can pack such an erotic charge. Bitesnich insists he wants to make the nude body ""less kinky "".",很少有人可以像他那样将性的动力如此凝聚在一起的,用他的话来说,就是使人体摄影“稍微曲卷和怪异”。 +"Prayer friends not keep two people eventually, d forever stopped breathing, while light sticks into a permanent coma, dont know when will wake up.",朋友们的祷告最终还是没有留住两人,维栋永远地停止了呼吸,而光蕙则陷入永久的昏迷中,不知何时才会醒来。 +Here a fractal layered structure of chaotic attractors and the important applications of the theory will be described. The related theories in existing literature are reviewed as well.,这部分主要介绍混沌吸引子的分层结构及其重要应用,并对文献中的有关理论进行评述。 +"As national art of expressing present life, its ""local plot"" has its new connotation, new aesthetics lucky chance.",对于表现当代生活的民族艺术而言,其“乡土情结”则有新的内涵,新的美学机缘。 +We can conjure other teasing theories.,我们当然也可以想象得出其它的情境。 +"Mr Tung assumed office on July 1, 1997, for a five-year term.",董先生于一九九七年七月一日就职,任期五年。 +"After Shirley finished the painting, she looked at it admiringly , realizing that it was one of her best works.",雪莉完成那幅画后,赞赏地看著它且知道它是她最好的作品之一。 +The previous scientific standard sea ice images from the Landsat program have a resolution of 15 meters.,以前来自地球资源卫星计划的科学标准的海冰图像具有 15 米的分辨率。 +"Hashem the Gizonite, Jonathan the son of Shagee the Hararite.",基孙人哈深的众子,哈拉人沙基的儿子约拿单。 +At the same moment old Carlo barked joyfully.,与此同时,老卡罗高兴地吠叫起来。 +"Enjoy effortlessly masquerading behind a character moustache while drinking your favourite tea or coffee, explore your favourite masculine expression!",在啜饮喜爱的茶或咖啡时,你毫不费力便可伪装成胡须人物,探究你最喜爱的男性表情! +To be back in the presence of undergraduates who know nothing of my private life.,能够回到学校,面对于我的私生活一无所知的大学生。 +This tip is the most ambitious so far in this gang of five tips.,这种技巧是所有这五种技巧中最具挑战性的。 +"MCD.N), sold off despite better-than-forecast earnings on investor concern they face weak demand in the quarters ahead.","尽管摩根大通(JPM.N: 行情)、美国通用电气(奇异,GE)(GE.N: 行情)和麦当劳(McDonalds)(MCD.N: 行情)等绩优股财报好于预期,但股价仍然下跌,因投资者担心未来几季需求疲软." +Davidgraduated from Georgetown last year and is studying public health atthe University of Oxford.,去年,大卫从乔治城大学毕业,在牛津大学学习公共健康。 +"Then author explains the COM structure stressfully, including its characteristic, principle and system structure.",其次重点阐述COM组件结构,具体讲述其特点、原理以及体系结构。 +"For that very reason, all of them buried themselves in their books so their family's effort would not go to waste.",为了回报家里的牺牲和付出,不让家人的希望付诸东流,他们都埋头苦读。 +The growth of S180 sarcoma in mouse is significant inhibited by BCNU-PLGA implants.,以PLGA为载体的卡莫司汀缓释植入剂能有效抑制小鼠S180肿瘤的生长。 +"In the wind, but also smelled the smell of another unit, and there do not like the taste of the Land.",在风中,还闻到���另一股味道,与田土的味道相似却有别。 +"""The detached part was so hot I threw it straight into the lavatory pan, "" Kleczynski told investigators, according to documents made public at Britain's National Archives.",英国国家档案馆日前公开的文档内容显示,克莱琴斯基告诉调查员说:“裂开的炸弹非常烫,以至于我将它直接扔进了抽水马桶中。” +"Sometime around two in the morning our phone rang, waking us out of a sound sleep. ""Wrong number, "" my husband growled and slammed down the receiver.",大约在清晨两点钟,从一个好觉中醒来。”打错了“我的丈夫咆哮道,砰地把电话挂上。 +"Then, during compilation, we can determine a finite bound on the set of legal instantiations and simply generate class files for all instantiations in this bound.",然后,在编译期间,我们可以对一组合法的实例化确定有限界限, 并且仅为该界限中的所有实例化生成类文件。 +With the introduction of Protektapak our breakages have been reduced and as a result we are now able to despatch wine products with complete confidence.,用了这种包装,我们的破损率下降了,从而让我们对葡萄酒产品的发货也充满了信心。 +"based on a Process Virtual Machine (PVM), allowing the definition of multiple process languages on the same process engine",基于流程虚拟机(PVM),支持在同一个流程引擎上定义多种流程语言 +"Explain to your roommate, ""He just didn't belong.""",然后跟你的室友解释:“它不属于这。” +The Continental connection flight originated in Newark .,这次跨洋飞行始于纽瓦克市。 +What a great coincidence! We were on the same ship after several weeks.,这也太巧了吧!几个星期后的这天,我们竟然在同一条船上相遇。 +The two models will continue to share a platform but the upcoming WRX will have a shortened wheelbase for better handling.,这两款车型将继续共享平台,但即将推出的WRX的,将有一个更好的处理缩短的轴距。 +"Chapter three is the theoretical foundations for the thesis, and the three-dimensional model and the usually used analytical tools are discussed here.",第三章为本文的理论基础部分,主要是对三维模式及批评性分析研究中常用的分析工具进行了介绍。 +SFT was valuable as a diagnostic test in patients suspective of SS.,SFT对SS患者的早期诊断及治疗具有重要的参考价值。 +"Using the Numerical Heat Transfer (NHT) software called FLUENT, the exhausted steam condition under typical steam turbine modes is simulated.",利用计算传热学软件FLUENT,对典型汽轮机工况下的排汽状况进行了的数值模拟。 +"The general BMI growth pattern observed were the same in boys and girls, however all values in boys was larger than that in girls at all ages.",BMI值在儿童时期男女童之间的变化规律是一致的,各年龄组男童的BMI值均大于女童。 +"In the last EXP, the testis development during the first mature and the ultrastructure of spermatocytes of were studied. The process of spermatid formation was described.",试验四研究了泰山螭霖鱼精巢在第一次性成熟过程中的发育规律和各级精母细胞的超微结构。 +"Marius gazed for a while at this gloomy interior, more terrifying than the interior of a tomb, for the human soul could be felt fluttering there, and life was palpitating there.",马吕斯望了许久,感到这室内的阴气比坟墓里的还更可怕,因为这里仍有人的灵魂在游移,生命在活动。 +Increasingly mature various terms push sturdily the rapid development of China forklift industry.,各种条件的日益成熟强劲地推动了我国叉车行业的快速发展。 +It meant I was free during the day-time to go to school.,这意味着白天我有时间去学校上学。 +"East Timor, for instance, reclaimed pre-colonial boundaries when it emerged from Indonesian occupation at the end of the last century.",以东帝汶为例,在上世纪末印度尼西亚殖民占领期间的边界领土就得到了收回。 +Chanterelle's elegant appearance makes them a natural for … Contestants are asked to bring a 5-quart slow cooker full of chili — no restrictions on the type — and recipes to share.,机会再来的优雅外表,使他们成为自然……参赛者要求把一个5夸脱闷烧锅充满辣椒-无限制型食谱和大家分享。 +Ad valorem stamp duty is payable by the transferor(s) and the transferee(s) if this form is completed.,如已填妥本表格,转让人及承让人须缴纳从价印花税。 +"Attempting to avoid the problem is the first thing coming into mind. Yet, under such a situation where it has occurred, one can consider other ways to mitigate the consequences of the problem.",试图阻止问题的发生自然是应该的,但事已至此,可以考虑其它途径来减轻问题的后果。 +"Sufi, Shia and Ahmadiyya holy sites in Pakistan have been attacked, she said, as was a Syriac Catholic church in Baghdad just a few weeks ago.",她说,巴基斯坦的苏菲派(Sufi)、什叶派(Shia)和艾哈迈迪亚派(Ahmadiyya)宗教圣地遭到袭击,巴格达一座古叙利亚天主教教堂就在几个星期前也遭到袭击。 +I was an undergraduate at Michigan from 1968-1973 and the first computer I used was an IBM 360/67 running MTS for the Fortran programming course required of all Freshman engineers.,我是1968~1973年在Michigan上的大学,我用的第一台计算机是运行MTS的IBM 360/67,作为未来的工程师,每个人都要上机学习Fortran编程语言。 +"In that case, purchase order documents with a total price of $100 or more do not need to specify a shipping method because the standard shipping is free for those orders.",在该例中,购买订单文档若总价超过 $100 则不需要指定配送方式,因为对于这种订单是免费配送的。 +"If you're shopping for a computer now, there's an added factor to consider.",如果你现在想购买一台电脑的话,有个额外的因素你必须考虑。 +"Besides, this study employed both quantitative and qualitative design, investigated 332 non-English major college students and 10 teachers in CSU through questionnaires.",中南大学校本部332名非英语专业的一、二年级学生和10名大学英语教师参加了调查。 +"If controlling inappropriate in checkout of power cable outer sheath thickness, then will increase difficulty in operating and production cost.",对电力电缆外护套厚度的检验若控制不当,就会增加操作难度和产品成本。 +"The 7.5-mile-wide asteroid was traveling at about 10 times the speed of a rifle bullet when it hit, releasing a billion times more energy than the Hiroshima atomic bomb.",在撞击时,这颗直径7.5英里的行星正以十倍于一颗来福枪子弹的速度飞行着,撞击释放出了相当于广岛原子弹十亿倍的能量。 +"Larger minarets have enough space for a person, and it is from here that the call to prayer is recited five times each day.",更大型的宣礼塔有足够的空间,让一个人在那里宣读一天五次的祷告。 +The length of stay reduced 4.5%.,患者平均住院日降幅达到4.5%。 +"If we die before them, their white hair will droop every single day, and their tears will make the Pacific set in.",假如我们先他们而去,他们的白发会从日出垂到日暮,他们的泪水会使太平洋为之涨潮。 +"Frank Gehry, for instance, is only able to realize Bilbao because his studio can deliver it on budget.",比如只有Frank Gehry能建造毕尔堡博物馆,因为他的工作室能够按预算提交方案。 +"'Recently, some party and government agencies once again have broken the rules on renovating and building government offices and halls, and the violations have been getting worse, ' it said.",通知说:“最近一些党政机关违规修建办公楼等楼堂馆所现象又有所抬头,且有愈演愈烈之势。” +"Hospitals are a haven for the public during conflicts and other emergencies due to their neutrality, impartiality and ability to protect a community's social and health capital.",医院因其具有中立性、公正性和保护社区的社会资本和健康资本的能力,使之在冲突期间成为公众的避风港。 +"The second part, which is based on tracing the source of the theory, is the research of clinical syndrome significance of Facilitating the stagnant wood.",第二部分是在理论溯源的基础之上,对“木郁达之”的临证意义进行研究。 +Four-year-old Toby Friend has even tried to buy a ticket at the station near his house in mid-Kent.,四岁的托比•弗兰德甚至试过在肯特中部住所附近的列车站买车票。 +what is your salary now?,你现在的薪俸是怎么样的?。 +A fuel cell vehicle air-conditioning system which is driven by waste heat employs activated carbon-methanol as refrigerant.,设计了一套采用活性炭-甲醇为工质对,用燃料电池余热驱动的吸附制冷式汽车空调系统。 +"Through altering the Q365 shot blasting house, abrator head can raise the quality of sand cleaning, and improve the appearance of casting.",通过对Q365抛丸清理室的改造,增加抛丸头,提高了清砂质量及效率,进一步改善了铸件的外观质量。 +A microcomputer-based DTA-TG thermal analyzer with temperature programming controller and data processing system is described. It has more than ten professional softwares.,微机化差热-热重联用热分析仪配有微机程序温度控制单元和微机数据处理系统,有十多种软件。 +"For example, ""I’m parked outside M&M"" (Macy’s men’s department).",例如,“我停在M&M(梅西百货男士部)外面”。 +"Well it has to do with our distance from food, our psychological and physical distance from food, and the fact that we don't appreciate it as much as we do because it's everywhere all the time and we've been trained to eat outside of the normal meal times.","我想这和我们与食物之间的距离有关,包括与食物之间的心理距离和身体上距离,事实上,我们没有给予食物足够的重视,因为食物随手可得,无处不在,而且我们都习惯在非用餐时间吃东西" +"In the other hand, if every composition is almost the same, it loses its value.",同样,如果篇篇作文都几乎一样,作文也就失去了应有的价值。 +At about 2:30pm they finished for the day and the cast were all driven back to the base in their cars.,在下午2:30左右他们完成了当天拍摄任务,所有的演员都乘坐自己的汽车回基地了。 +"This is the place you want to go to find out what ""any who"" or ""pissed off"" means (original post).",这是一个你想去找出“any who“或者“pissed off“是什么意思的地方(早前发布的文章)。 +The government has put out a statement denying these rumours.,政府发表了一项声明,否认了这些谣言。 +There are some loud snarls and growls during the chase scenes. Nothing that should concern you.,追逐戏的时候会有一点大声的尖叫和咆哮啦,不过你是不会在意的。 +"The paper gives the current and voltage waveforms of multi GTO devices at turn-off, analyzes and compares the waveforms of gate current and voltage.",给出了多个GTO元件关断时的电流、电压波形。 并对其门极电流、电压波形进行了分析和比较。 +In consumer demand and expectations of today's increasing emotional demands of advertising is to flourish.,在消费者的需求和期日益提高的今天,情感诉求广告更是得以逢勃发展。 +"In the late 1990s about one-third believed the American Dream meant some form of financial success, like the acquisition of goods, a bigger house, a home with a piece of land around it and so on.",在十九世纪九十年代,大约有三分之一的人认为美国梦是指获得财富,像得到商品,买上了大房子,并拥有其周围一块土地等等。 +He laughed hundreds of times at home everyday so that his neighbors thought he was mad because of jobless.,他每天在家里放声大笑百次,邻居都以为他因失业而发神经了。 +"Ultimately, suggests Yen Lee, president of Uptake.com, the number of sites you search may come down to one fundamental decision: Are you an eBay- or Amazon-style shopper?",总裁Yen Lee指出,最终你所搜索的网站数量将决定一个最基本的问题:你是Ebay型还是Amazon型的购物者? +"Regardless of continent, age, gender, education and race, the answers are the same.",无论哪个大洲,年龄,性别,教育和种族,答案都是相同的。 +"The inhibitory effect of several bacteriostats on bacteria and fungus in plant tissue culture was evaluated by the methods of flat growth restraint, mycelial growth and spore germination.",采用平板生长抑制法、菌丝生长速率法和孢子萌发试验法检测了几种抑菌剂对植物组织培养中常见细菌和真菌的抑菌作用。 +"Aiming at the error in intense hypsography terrain area statistic, the paper puts forward an improved statistic method for intense hypsography terrain, and introduces their application fields.",针对强起伏区面积统计误差,提出一种地形强烈起伏区的面积统计误差的改进方法,并扼要说明它们的一些应用领域。 +"There is only one building in our school, but we have a very big playground.",我们学校只有一栋楼,但是我们有一个非常大的操场。 +"The participants expressed their gratitude to the hospitalities from the teachers and students of BUCT, the host university.",与会专家学者对于我校领导及师生的热情接待表示感谢。 +The holder of the office of chairman is reponsible for arranging meetings.,担任主席职位的人负责安排会议。 +With the molds an unlimited number of machines can be built with locally purchased metal parts.,有了这些模具以及在当地购买的金属零件,可以装配无限台机器。 +"It is a way through the vague and backward business model of an entrenched industry and, if it fails, could mean the end of magazines as we know them.",它是杂志业摆脱保守落后的行业模式,劈荆斩棘探索新径的一次努力尝试,如果它失败了,那很可能意味着杂志业的彻底沉沦。 +The internally-motivated change and contact-induced change are two basic types of language change.,语言演变有“内部因素导致的演变”和“语言接触引发的演变”两种基本类型。 +"The performance of polycrystalline material manufactured by using Hot-pressed forming method, PVD and CVD is becoming perfect and has replaced monocrystalline material in some fields.",热压法、PVD、CVD制备的多晶材料日趋完善,在一些领域已取代单晶材料。 +Sound fiscal and monetary policies: Controlling inflation has been critical to developing a market that is predictable and stable.,健全的财政及货币政策: 控制通货膨胀对于发展可预期的、稳定的市场至关重要。 +"Furthermore, this machine is extremely useful for the removal of greasy stains from dyed fabric.",此外,这台机器是极为有益的消除油腻的污渍从色织面料。 +The swirling dust floated in the sky.,一团团的尘土打着旋儿,在空中飞扬。 +"Over85 airlines operate at HKIA, linking Hong Kong with more than 150locations round the world, including some 40 cities on the ChineseMainland.",超过85家航空公司在香港国际机场运作,连接香港与150多个地点在世界各地,其中包括大约40个城市在内地。 +And here's big news: United States Senate reconfirms chairman of the Fed.,这里有一则重大新闻:美国参议院批准美联储主席的连任。 +"Founded in 2000, Shanghai EU Microwave Chemistry Technology Co. , Ltd is a high-tech enterprise dedicated to research, development and production of microwave chemical equipments.",上海屹尧微波化学技术有限公司成立于2000年,是一家专业研制、开发、生产微波化学设备的高科技企业。 +"And in that nice , nice wood , there is a nice house .",在那个美丽的美丽的小树林里,有一座美丽的美丽的房子。 +The greatest attraction for the Ramada Hotel and Suites Boao is refreshing atmosphere provided for the traveler seeking a place to relax and unwind.,为寻找休闲与放松的旅行者们营造休闲养生之地,正是博鳌华美达酒店和套房特色与魅力所在。 +Hello! Mr. Wind. I know you are the greatest person in the world.,哈喽!风先生,我知道你是世界上最伟大的人。 +Terry duty of the referee Hals in the next game was even demoted to low levels of the league referee.,特里的当值主裁判哈尔斯甚至被判在下场比赛中降级,去低两级的联赛中当裁判。 +In 1855 she was made Inspector of all hospitals in the Crimea.,1855年她被任命为克里米亚所有医院的监察员。 +They had been discussing robots. Joanna thought the human brain was like an advanced computer.,乔安娜觉得人脑就像是一个高级电脑。 +Two stingless bees drowned in a sugary pool; the woolly opossum drinks around them.,两只麦蜂溺死在蜜池中;毛茸茸的负鼠则视若无物的正在大快朵颐。 +"Fordham won, 87–79.",福特汉姆胜,87-79。 +"General Manager's Office, Finance Department, financial companies and other responsible persons accompanying Kong Xiangxi investigations and studies.",总经理办公室、财务部、财务公司负责人等陪同孔祥喜调研考察。 +"The improved economic structure will also help absorb redundant workers, he said, with tertiary industries having a larger share of the economy.",经济结构的优化加大了第三产业占国民经济的份额,也将有利于吸收下岗人员。 +"Walking leisurely in the colourful world, my heart is but sentimentally attached to the pure white.",漫步七彩缤纷的世界,内心却深深地眷恋着那纯粹的洁白。 +"While 53 percent of those unmarried, but living together, will spend over 100 pounds for their partner on Christmas gifts, only 31 percent of married couples are prepared to spend that much.",53%的未婚同居者愿意花超过100镑为伴侣购买圣诞礼物,而已婚伴侣中打算花这么多钱的则只有31%。 +"Design idea that PTM treating sub grade of collapsible loess is merely put up in this article, and further study should be carried in collapse probability of local loess and deploying of PTM.",本文中仅提出了后处理法加固湿陷性黄土路基的设计思想,对地区性黄土的湿陷概率及后处理法的推广应用等有待进一步研究。 +Smith said Australia already did training and exercises with China and had completed joint live-firing drills with its navy for the first time last year.,史密斯称,澳大利亚已经与中国进行过训练与演习,并于去年首次完成了与中国海军之间的联合实弹演习。 +"Members of this group can perform global changes to enterprise type of functions. These changes include modifying the Active Directory sites, enterprise DFS configurations, and the like.",该组成员可以对“服务器”的功能类型进行整体变换,包括修改Active Directory站点,服务器DFS配置等等类似方面。 +"Structure: Adopting po1yeser film as dielectric, AL foil as electrode and inductive construction, unidirectional lead, diaphanous epoxy resin dip sealed (Type BH is yellow diaphanous material).",结构:采用聚酯膜作介质,铝箔作电极,有感结构,单向引线,透明环氧树脂包封(BH型为黄色透明料) +"Great Wall Scenic Area for the realization of non-polluting construction, construction personnel with mud Reversing Technology.",为实现长城风景区内无污染施工,施工人员采用泥浆反输技术。 +"Welcome you and your children to visit our website and Parklon Mat Shop for details at your convenience, and we ensure to provide you with our sincerity and good service.",欢迎您及您的孩子来我们旗舰店进行产品体验,我们将竭诚为您服务! +Electric hand is basic be electric head ache is fourfold .,电手基本是电头���痛的四倍。 +"Firstly, review a lot of relevant papers and conclude recent ergodicity algorithm and algorithm of detecting moving objects.",首先,通过大量的文献阅读,总结了现有遍历算法和移动物体检测算法。 +"The teacher should have innovative thinking, adopt diversified teaching methods, and fully arouse students' study enthusiasm.",教师应创新思维,采用多样化的教学方法,充分调动学生的学习积极性。 +"Newsnight's team were not allowed to view the body, but they did see the place where elaborate bouquets are given in homage.",《晚间新闻》栏目组未获准参观遗体,但他们看到了那个堆满了敬献的精心制作的花圈的地方。 +"The system will enter the energy current phase due to changes in the magnetic field, after an energy current is introduced into the system.",在体系中引入能流后,磁场的变化将会导致系统进入能流相。 +"Marines will conduct live-fire drills north of Seoul, which is less than two hours' drive from North Korea.",海军陆战队将在汉城北方进行实弹演习,从那里到北朝鲜只有不到2个小时的车程。 +"JMX provides introspection on the JVM, the application server, and your classes all through a consistent interface.",JMX 通过一个统一的接口提供 JVM 内省机制、应用服务器和类。 +"In other Activision Blizzard news, the company today announced that it is switching World of Warcraft partners in the Chinese market.",在Activision Blizzard的其它新闻中,公司于今日发布公告,将更换《魔兽世界》在中国市场的合作伙伴。 +Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi's early years showed little sign of the great life he would go on to live.,莫罕达斯·卡拉姆昌德·甘地的早期生活没有任何迹象表明他以后的生活会是如此不同凡响。 +And the soul afraid of dyin. that never learns to live.,那畏死的灵魂。再无法生存。 +"Also, I mean, kind of independently or complimentarily as a corollary to that--to free up the financial system and to help financial institutions.","同时,我认为,似乎是一种独立地或者可以夸耀的,必然结果-解放金融体系,并且帮助金融机构。" +Stay out of clouds. The silver lining everyone keeps talking about might be another airplane going in the opposite direction.,保持在云外飞行。因为云里可能有另一架相反方向的飞机。 +"Yeah,I love it too.I guess I eat it two or three times a week.",是的,我也喜欢它I我想一个星期差不多吃两三次。 +"This article discusses the status of the metal printing and the trend of development of metal printing process quality problems, as well as the quality of the corresponding detection methods.",本文讨论了印铁技术的现状及发展趋势,探讨了印铁过程中出现的质量问题,以及对相应的质量检测方法。 +But those that actually build tangible goods should no longer assume that “Made in the USA” is an unaffordable luxury.,但是,生产有形产品的公司再也不应该认为“美国制造”是不可多得的奢侈品。 +"Methods 92 cases were randomly divided into treatment group and control group, 46 cases of each.",方法92例患儿随机分成治疗组和对照组各46例。 +"The theory of an infectious etiology for at least some forms of schizophrenia has a long history, though it is still outside the mainstream.",精神分裂症的传染病病原学尽管一直未被主流认可,却已经历一段漫长的发展历程。 +Build the URL to the Google service by appending the query string to the context root of the service at gmodule.com.,通过将查询字符串附加到 gmodule.com 上的服务的上下文根构建指向 Google 服务的 URL。 +"Based upon Sichuan, relying on Chongqing, blending into Chengdu and Chongqing, expanding Yunnan and Guizhou, Luzhou will implement the four ""Four-Character"" development strategies with might and main.",立足四川、依托重庆、融入成渝、拓展滇黔,泸州将全力实施“四个四”的发展战略。 +Tibeto-Burman languages spoken in northernmost Burma and adjacent China and India.,在缅甸最北端和临近中国及印度的地区说的藏--缅甸语。 +"Peter Serafinowicz, an actor, says there's a perfectly good explanation for his tweet — ""Went to the gym this morning.",一个演员Peter Serafinowicz说,他的tweet消息很好解释——“尽早去健身。 +"Program parameter variance (V) is inversely proportional to the useful team knowledge (K), i.e., knowledge required so that:V equals one over kay",规划参数方差(V)与有用的团队知识(K)成反比,即:V 等于 K 分之一 +Money will always be one of the biggest considerations for most candidates and excluding a guide on salary in an advert will certainly result in fewer applications.,大多数候选人把金钱看做是求职中最大的考虑因素之一,一个没有提及到薪酬的招聘广告无法吸引到更多的求职者。 +Juliet :Is that also why your sisters are wearing those sachets?,朱丽叶:这也是你的姊妹都戴著香包的原因吗? +"Most of Russia's coastal waters, lakes and rivers are frozen much of the year.",俄罗斯的大多数湖泊、河流和近海水域封冻期很长。 +The modified acrylic resin has an advantage of low water absorption and is applied in backlight modules of liquid crystal displays.,此外,本发 明的改性压克力树脂可配合光散射粒子与光稳定剂以形成光扩散材料,可 应用于液晶显示器的背光模块。 +The blue mixed with the yellow. She discovered that she could make a GREEN dot.,蓝色混上黄色,她发现自己可以画出一个绿色的点。 +Also embedded in this orientation to immigrant characters are its rich sociocultural meanings.,人物形象的移民化倾向还蕴含着丰富的社会文化意义。 +Ross were accemploy of intentionwhichley throwing acid on anotIT man's arm in a laboratory wITe you were few of you activating chemicals.,Ross被指控在实验室里故意将酸泼到另一个人的胳膊上,当时两一自己正在激活某些化学物。 +"Special chapters on fabric, motifs, grannies, and flowers highlight a myriad of patterns, including beautiful lace, shell, and cluster stitch variations, and gorgeous circular and hexagonal designs.",专章对织物,图案,阿妈,和花卉图案突出了无数,包括美丽的花边,贝壳,和集束针的变化,以及华丽的圆形和六角形的设计。 +"When you’re creating a site, your job is to get rid of the question marks —the decisions users need to make consciously, considering pros, cons and alternatives.",当你创建一个网站的时候,你的工作就是避免问题——那些需要用户反复慎重考虑前因后果 才能做出决定的选择。 +"The seizure of asthma is mainly in spring, and is mostly evoked by cold.",发作期以热哮多见,其次为冷哮、虚哮; +"Having finished the news, I was shocked to be speechless for a whole while.",看完这则新闻,我震惊得半晌无语。 +Flower vegetables: The flowers of cauliflower are soft and fresh.,花类植物:椰菜花的花又软又新鲜。 +"Operate interfaces, suit different country's languages, simple, easy to understand Chinese and English, the common laborer can operate.",中英文操作接口、适合不同国家语言、简单、易懂,普通工人均可操作。 +"Still, it's a great place to visit and I'm lucky to be here for my six-month English course.",然而香港仍然是一个旅游的好地方。我很幸运的再这儿完成了我六个月的英语课程。 +"After all, mathematics and physics coevolved. Mathematicians should not isolate themselves. They should not cut themselves off from rich sources of new ideas.",毕竟数学和物理是共同演进的,数学家不应该自我孤立、不应该自绝于新概念的丰富源头之外。 +Hold her firm!,抱紧她! +Waterflood development is one of crucial measures for high and stable productions.,注水开发是保证水驱油高产和、稳产的最重要措施之一。 +"Mohist School, which was one of ""The schools of the world"", is much wonderful in Chinese history.",被韩非称为"世之显学"之一的墨家学派,是中国历史上的一支奇葩。 +This method can be used to measure the JIC of welded joint.,该方法能够用于测试焊接接头的J_值。 +The pressure equalization step in the adsorber's two-inlet can improve the product purity and recovery extensively.,两端均压工艺可以很大程度上提高产品气纯度和回收率; +Thirty-seven people are still in hospital after inhaling fumes on Thursday at the company in Suzhou.,本周四下午,安徽省宿州市皖北药业有限公司37名工人在吸入三光气后中毒入院。 +Of all metal construction are wing structures of modern high-speed airplanes.,现代高速飞机的机翼是全金属结构的。 +"So BRAC set about building businesses that would not only help its clients become self-sufficient, but also keep the organization and its numerous programs afloat.",于是,BRAC开始建立自己的企业,这不仅会帮助受助对象实现自给自足,而且也使得机构本身和它的许多项目得以继续运作。 +These parallel features enable DataStage to achieve very high performance.,这些并行特性能让 DataStage 实现高性能。 +"Some of these barriers are the attributes of its own, which is congenital obstacles, such as all of the non-genuine, non-complete, uncertainty, rigidity;",这些障碍有些是法的自身属性带来的,即先天性障碍,如法的非全真性、非周延性、不确定性、僵硬性等障碍; +Objective To investigate the role of CD40 and CD40 ligand (CD40L) in the pathogenesis of systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) and its clinical significance.,目的探讨CD40及其配体( CD40L)在系统性红斑狼疮( SLE)发病机制中的作用及临床意义。 +"The main jobs of this article are as follows:Firstly, the research on the one-dimension multi-atom molecular ions exposed in the ultra-short laser pulse.",本文的研究主要包括以下几个方面:首先,一维线性多原子分子离子与强激光场相互作用的谐波研究。 +"No longer a victim, you can get on with the business of enjoying your life.",不再是受害者,你可以继续做你生命中你喜欢做的事情。 +"The research results show that the stability of rock beam-pillar depends on the mechanical geometry characteristic of the system, and it has nothing to do with the external factors.",研究结果表明,岩梁-矿柱系统的稳定性取决于系统自身的力学-几何特性,与外界因素无关。 +"Other revenue of Central Government does not include tariff, while since 2003 vehicle purchasing tax is included (the same applies to the following tables).",其中其他中央收入不含关税,自2003年起包含车辆购置税(以下各表同)。 +What should the guests do after the reception is over?,招待??束后,客人要做什?呢? +"With more and more serious illegal coal mining in Shanxi, the problem of civilian explosives becomes prominent, even out of control.",近些年,随着私挖滥采矿产资源的情况日益严重,山西民用爆炸物品治安问题越来越突出,管理严重失控。 +In this article the author re-defined the conception of medical model and put forward the concept of post-biomedical model.,前言: 重新阐述了医学模式的定义,提出了“后生物医学模式”的概念; +"To Asako, charming and considerate as her teacher was, she was fascinated about him indeed. Nevertheless, he had his own family.",对于妻子志麻子而言,风度翩翩又善解人意的老师,自己虽然迷恋,但对方毕竟是有妻室的人。 +Octreotide concentration in plasma was detected by HPLC-MS.,采用HPLC-MS法测定奥曲肽血药浓度。 +"In addition to the language barrier, government propaganda has encouraged a popular fear of foreigners’ agendas.",除了语言障碍外,政府的宣传也让朝鲜人民对外国人产生了恐惧。 +"Based on the analysis of the features and the regional geological setting of land subsidence in Jining City, land subsidence is mainly caused by overexploitation of groundwater.",通过分析济宁市地面沉降的特点和区域地质背景,认为济宁地面沉降主要是由于集中超采地下水引起局部地段的沉降。 +Eurasian rose with prickly stems and fragrant leaves and bright pink flowers followed by scarlet hips.,薇,茎多刺,叶芳香,花淡粉红色,果实深红色。 +Many of them are well-versed in both Chinese and Western cultures.,他们中间的许多人都学贯中西。 +The regulations and rules recently issued about foreign capital merger provides legal basis for foreign-capital-merged listed firms of China.,新近出台的大量关于外资并购方面的法规和规章,为外资并购我国上市公司的实际操作提供了基本的法律框架。 +"Xiao Lou Holiday Hotel by Guangzhou Long Kai Real Estate Investment Co. , Ltd. investment, for tourism, holiday, entertainment, restaurants, clubs, water in an integrated golf resort.",小楼度假酒店是由广州市隆铠房地产投资有限公司投资,集旅游、度假、娱乐、餐饮、会所、水上高尔夫于一体的综合性度假酒店。 +That is helped by the fact that both nations also have scientific and engineering expertise to bring to the table.,这是得益于这两个国家的事实,也有科学和工程的专门技术来对表。 +I don't want to check this bag. Can I hand-carry?,我不想去检查这提包,我可以随身携带吗? +A brochure with maps in German and English covering the entire route has just been published.,一本带有全部路线地图的德文和英文小册子也刚刚出版。 +Is it better to be an er nai (concubine) or chase the fuerdai (well-off second generation)?,成为二奶(情妇)或者追求富二代(第二代富豪)会更好吗? +XIV. This interpretation belongs to the committee procedure.,本规程解释权属于组委会。 +It is easy to extend Facter to include your own custom facts or to include additional mechanisms for retrieving facts.,这是易于扩展因子,包括您自己的自界说的毕竟或增列机制检索毕竟。 +"Owing to the limited frequency of the internal high-speed counter of PLC, the peripheral unit of PLC is used for PLC-based frequency measurement of hydraulic turbine governors.",基于可编程序控制器(PLC)的水轮机调速器,受PLC内部高速计数器最高计数频率的限制,频率测量大多通过PLC外部单元来实现。 +"In that one night, a very talented singer in the stage of a happy female voices disappeared, but the tireless efforts she put his best face that was presented to us, presented to like her friends.",在那样一个深夜,一位很有才华的歌手在快乐女声的舞台上消失了,但是她还是不懈的努力着,把自己最好的一面呈献给大家,呈现给喜欢她的朋友们。 +"The only place he can escape the ""electrosmog"" is in the sanctuary of his own home - a detached house with 0.46m thick granite walls - in a village.",米勒说,他唯一能逃离“电子烟雾”的地方就是他自己的家——一栋位于一个小村子的独立住宅,墙壁由花岗岩筑成,厚达0.46米。 +"Among earlier deals, Chinalco, a Chinese metals producer, paid US$860m in 2007 to acquire the Toromocho copper project in Peru.",金属生产商中国铝业(Chinalco)在2007年出资8.6亿美元收购秘鲁特罗莫克(Toromocho)铜矿项目,这是中国公司早些时候完成的交易之一。 +"U.S. President Barack Obama visits China next week, and market participants expect currencies to be discussed. (Additional reporting by Nick Olivari; Editing by James Dalgleish and Diane Craft)","美国总统奥巴马下周将出访中国,市场人士预期其将同中方讨论汇率问题." +Commercials usually show a sparkling clean kitchen to promote their products.,商业广告通常会展示整理得亮晶晶的厨房,来促销相关产品。 +"But those who work in the counter-fraud field argue that, until there is recognition of the extent of the problem, steps cannot be taken to remedy it.",而那些在反欺诈领域工作的人认为,在认识到此问题的严重程度之前,无法采取补救措施。 +This was an investigation of suicide among the Lisu natives of Dechang County of Sichuan Province. Its characteristics were analysed and suggestions for prevention were made.,对四川省德昌县傈僳族的自杀进行调查,分析其特点并对预防自杀提出建议。 +"After you complete this tutorial, continue with the fourth tutorial, which covers the MQI major calls.",完成本教程后,请继续学习第四个教程,其中介绍了主要 MQI 调用。 +"When you're packing to go away, your man won't climb into your suitcase and refuse to get out.",当你打包将要离开时,你的男人不会爬进你的行李箱并且拒绝爬出去。 +Day-dreaming over a map is really a very pleasant and instructive pastime.,看着一张地图遐想,的确是种愉快且有益的消遣。 +"Altogether, Mahalalel lived 895 years, and then he died.",玛勒列共活了八百九十五岁就死了。 +"He is not well -bred , that cannot bear Ill- Breeding in others.",不能能容忍他人缺陷就是修养不到家。 +Charity is a kind of actions of devotion initiated by social organization or personnel unrewarded when disaster happen to people.,慈善是由社会组织、个人自愿向社会中遇到灾难、困难的人们,无偿地实施救助的一种高尚无私的奉献行为。 +"Managers will have to focus on the rudimentary aspects of the game like bunting, stealing and hit and runs.",球队经理必须专注在比赛的基本面,例如短打、盗垒和打带跑。 +President Mwai Kibaki would otherwise be required by law to suspend them.,如果他们不离职,法律要求总统中止他们的职务。 +Meimei likes meat a little.,梅梅有点儿喜欢肉类。 +It has also created a unit dedicated to combating counterfeit medical products and other pharmaceutical crimes.,它还建立了一个专门打击假冒医疗产品和其他药品犯罪的新部门。 +"On his current good form, the midfielder from Pesaro added: 'It is a good period. I am enjoying it, but always with the team.",关于他现在的良好状态,这位来自彼萨罗的中场球员说:“这是一段美好的时期,我正在享受它,但是会一直跟着球队。 +"He's in on the cosmic joke of being a ""high-born dwarf"" and is quick to give practical Westeros wisdom: ""Trust no one.",命运和他开了个残酷的玩笑,让他生在贵族之家却身为侏儒,然而他迅速地以其睿智给出了一个实用的维斯特洛大陆生存法则:“不要相信任何人。 +"Yes, I am a bibliophile.",是的,我是一个藏书者。 +"Cheng Jun, a spokesman for the Border Control Bureau of China's Ministry of Public Security said the plan is still being negotiated, and declined to comment further.",中国公安部边防管理局发言人陈军(音译)表示,这一个规划依然在洽谈中,并谢绝发表进一步评论。 +The presumption of administrative authority has become an important factor of the ultra vires and abuse.,行政权推定行使,已成为行政权越权、滥用的基本口实。 +A group of NASA-supported researchers are going to test the Equivalence Principle by shooting laser beams at the Moon.,一 组NASA资助的研究人员正在用激光 射 束击月球的方法,检验等量原理。 +Success waits on efforts.,成功在于努力。 +"The device rolls at about three miles an hour along a high-lying ""shield wire,"" a wire that protects the main transmission lines below from lightning strikes.",这种机器人能沿着高架“屏蔽线缆”以每小时3英里的速度移动。 屏蔽线缆是指保护下面的主输电线路免遭雷击的线缆。 +"The Europe Stoxx 600 index (ST:SXXP 264.98, -0.85, -0.32%) was down 0.3% to 265.13 in morning trading after closing up 0.1% on Friday.",斯托克欧洲600指数开盘后下跌0.3%,为265.13点,斯托克指数上周五收盘时上涨0.1%。 +"This concern is shared by 16,000 beekeepers in the southeastern state of Yucatán, where U. S. agribusiness giant Monsanto has a pilot plantation of genetically modified soy covering 30,000 hectares.",墨西哥南部Yucatán州的16,000家养蜂户对此有同样的担心,因为美国农业巨头孟山都在此建立了一个占地30,000公顷转基因大豆试验场。 +We should go where the Party needs us most.,我们应到党最需要我们的地方去。 +"Yes, you are telling me, come with me.",明白了。我早就知道了。跟我走一趟。 +"It can be found almost anywhere, but prefers sunny hillsides and rough open country, including high ground.",这种蛇几乎到处可见,它们最喜欢光线充足的山坡和荒凉、辽阔的田野。其中包括高地。 +"Today, most sites are standards-compliant.",今天,大多数的网站都是与标准兼容的。 +The result of the simulation indicates that the Parallel Beams Projection system with CCD can reconstruct high quality image.,仿真结果表明,采用CCD的平行射束投影系统可重建出很高质量的图象。 +For example the last five days it's been right on the button predicting high temperatures and evening showers!,例如,这五天来它预告高温和傍晚下雨,百发百中。 +"For more information about the awards, please visit the British Academy Children's Film & Television Awards page.",对于关于奖赏的较多资讯,请叁观大英科学院孩子的电影 & 电视奖赏页。 +"Full-biodegradable plastics were prepared by means of melt blending of paste starch with swelled fiber at different blending ratio, with glycerol as plasticizer.",用甘油作为塑化剂,将糊化淀粉和溶胀纤维按不同配比进行熔融共混来制备完全可生物降解塑料。 +Provolone cheese is placed inside the bread roll before the hot steak is added so it melts around the meat.,在把热牛排放进面包之前,要先放波萝伏洛干酪,以便奶酪融化后将肉包裹起来。 +"Routines are comfortable and mindless, which can often be a good thing.",常规是个好东西,它令人舒适、不费脑筋。 +Transferability assures the efficiency and effectiveness of various facilities in the housing environments and optional accesses reflect the social equity and goals of realizing diverse demands.,通达性保障着居住环境各种功能使用的效率和效果,通达的可选择性体现了社会公平与实现多样需求的目标。 +"This means if the published data includes 750 and 1200 user datapoints, you can also obtain a 950 user extrapolation without an additional lab run.",这意味着如果发布的数据包含 750 和 1200 个用户数据点,您就可以获得 950 个推断出的用户数据点。 +"Result The segmented image had smooth continuous edges, few noises or speckles, and the contour of ventricle was clear and accurate.",结果分割后的超声心脏图象具有光滑连续的边界,且心脏的各腔清晰、准确。 +Someone who could kill a moose with one hand and skin a bear with the other. Someone without a job.,一个能用一只手杀死一只鹿用另一只手给熊剥皮的人。 +"With some reluctance, I mentioned three:avarice, cowardice and callousness.",不太情愿的,我说了三点:贪婪,懦弱,以及麻木不仁。 +"Business of tourism on water in these rules refers to profitable activity to use ships as tools of tourism, charging promised service fares from visitors.",本规定所称水上游览业务,是指利用船舶作为游览观光工具,向游客收取约定服务费用的营业性活动。 +The scene was a lagoon on the shore of Lake Turkana in Kenya.,事发地点是肯尼亚图尔卡纳湖(Turkana Lake)沿岸的某个潟湖; +Sabah or West Phl Sea?,沙巴或西菲律宾海? +"TB patients must take all their medications as prescribed, failing which they may not recover and dangerous drug-resistant TB strains may develop.",结核病患者必须服用处方规定的所有药物。 如不这样做,他们可能不会康复,而且可以形成危险的耐药性结核菌株。 +"Of course, it should avoid the probable tendency of ""officialization"" in its development.",当然,其在发展中,也要避免一些可能的“官方化”的走向。 +"We can take our cue from Angelo Donghia (1935-1985), an American design legend, who was once quoted in the New York Times: ""I owe my color sense to crayons.""",从接过我们自己的画笔开始吧,Angelo Donghia (1935-1985),美国的传奇设计师,《纽约时报》曾引用他的话“我的蜡笔无法满足我对色彩的感觉“。 +"Zheng Chaohui says to reporter memory, he is right at that time Hong Lei's feeling is, this is one Ge introvert, a little undemonstrative big boy.",郑朝辉对记者回忆说,他当时对洪磊的感觉就是,这是一个性格内向,有些腼腆的大男孩。 +"In the photo above, Amariyah, a neighborhood once controlled by militants, is patrolled by troops of the Iraqi army.",图为伊拉克军人在阿马里雅地区巡逻,这里曾经被武装分子所控制。 +"In the current study, Buettner was reassured to find ""no evidence of lead toxicity, "" she told Reuters Health in an email.",尽管如此,巴特纳在电子邮件中还是很释然地告诉路透社健康新闻专栏记者:就目前的研究情况,并未找到关于铅毒性的证据。 +Our second bond is going to be between the carbon and the hydrogen atoms.,"第二种键是,碳氢之间的键。" +"""We are determined to restore growth now, resist protectionism, and reform our markets and institutions for the future,"" the draft communique said, according to the FT.","""我们现在下定决心要让经济恢复成长,并抵制保护主义,着眼未来改革市场和机构,""公报草案显示.""" +"Every actor in the film wore a wig apart from Billy Jackson, the director's toddler son, seen listening wide-eyed to a tale told by Bilbo Baggins at his birthday party, had the perfect Hobbit hair.",影片中每个演员都戴了假发,除了导演的小儿子比利·杰克逊,在比尔博·巴金斯的生日宴会上那个瞪着大眼睛听故事的小孩就是,他长了一头哈比人的头发。 +"Intermodulation (IM) distortion requires two or more frequencies to be present, and it's far more damaging because it creates new content that is not musically related to the original.",出现两个,或两个以上的频率才能引起“交叉调制失真”。“交叉调制失真”极具破坏性,因为这种失真增加的新频率与原声在乐曲上都不相关。 +Authorities say the man got in one ofthe Carnival Liberty'slifeboats and tried to cutitsropes with an axe.,当局称,那个男人得到了(登入)一艘自由嘉年华的救生船,并试图用斧子切断连在救生艇上的绳索。 +"The inclusive decision does not exist in UML2-AD and it is mapped to the UML2 decision, which is exclusive.",在 UML2-AD 中并不存在包含性决策,与之相映射的是 UML2 决策,此决策是独占性的。 +So we expect overtime for there to be much more collaborations and potentially much more innovation.,"我们期待今后,有更多的教学合作,和更多的潜在的创新。" +"Pharmacist: Yes, there is one not far from the west of this pharmacy.",药师:有,这个药店西边不远处就有一家。 +25And while Edy Boardman was with little Tommy behind the pushcar she was just thinking would the day ever come when she could call herself his little wife to be.,25于是,当伊迪·博德曼带着小汤米呆在婴儿车后面的时候,她正在思忖,能够称自己为他的幼妻的那一天是否会到来。 +The numerically superior Chinese Army have no line of communications –no ground supply system.,很多老的中国部队没有通信线路也没有地面供应系统。 +I share your sentiments and observation. There are people in China who feel China is still being humiliated by advanced countries.,你的这种观感与观察,我也表示赞同。在中国,有的人仍然觉得,中国现在仍然受着先进国家的侮辱。 +"What they think doesn't matter, Punchinello.",他们怎麽朼并不重要,胖哥。 +The Double Life of Veronique .,维诺尼卡的双重生活。 +"They have just selected a site in Iow a, and hope to be operation al by 2011.",他们刚刚在爱荷华州选定了一个地点建立发电站,渴望2011年投入发电。 +Ginseng is well-known to have energy boosting properties.,人参是众所周知的能量提供者。 +"Greater gender equality can increase productivity, improve outcomes for children, make institutions more representatives, and improve development prospects for all, according to the report.",报告认为,扩大社会性别平等有助于提高生产率,改善子女的福祉,使得制度更具有代表性,改善全体人民的发展前景。 +The CJV shall submit a copy of the investment certificate to the Approval Authority and PAIC for the record.,合作公司应将出资证明书的副本呈报审批机关以及工商局备案。 +Raul is also the most capped outfield player in Spanish history.,劳尔也是西班牙历史上出场次数最多的非门将队员。 +"Shao, who was born in October 1938 in Yan'an, also served as president of the China Photographers Association.",邵华1938年10月出生在陕西延安,曾任中国摄影家协会主席。 +ENERGY STAR is a government-backed program helping businesses and individuals protect the environment through superior energy efficiency. ommercial Building …,ENERGY STAR能源之星的标志相信很多朋友都见过,它是美国环境保护署发起的一项能源节约计划。 +Our company is listed in Famous Dictionary of Good Credit Enterprise of China by Association of Industry and commerce of china in 1994.,九四年公司被中华工商联合社列入中国信誉优良企业名典。 +He is nevertheless expected to be able to go toe-to-toe with Lampard on Sunday afternoon when Liverpool entertain Chelsea at Anfield.,他仍然很期待能够在周���下午在主场安菲尔德与兰帕德面对面地较量一番。 +"Our posturings, our imagined self-importance, the delusion that we have some privileged position in the Universe, are challenged by this point of pale light.",我们故作姿态,我们自以为很重要,我们自欺欺人地认定人类在宇宙中的特权地位,这一切都被这个白光中的小点推翻了。 +"The group said that Google had already been warned twice, in January and April, about its content.",在今年的1月份和4月份,该组织也对谷歌进行了警告,缘由都是其内容存在问题。 +"The paper analyses the basic status and existing main problems of pollutant discharge totals control in Nanping city, and advance several measures and suggestions. ;",分析了南平市污染物排放总量控制的基本情况和存在的主要问题,提出了若干措施及建议。 +"Mount Qingcheng and Dujiangyan have been just partly damaged, while the Jiuzhaigou and Huanglong scenic spots, Mount Emei and the Leshan Giant Buddha have suffered no damage in the earthquake.",青城山和都江堰只是部分受损,而九寨沟和卧龙景区、峨嵋山和乐山大佛在地震中毫发无损。 +"One public space of "" the public "", namely Chen Zhaizhang relies mainly on the fact that Confucianism is elucidated argue the space.",一个是“公共空间”,即陈斋长以儒家学说阐发为主的论辩空间。 +It would have been a far more worthwhile form of population control if your parents had used prophylactics.,你父母当初采取避孕措施,才是更为人称道的人口控制方法。 +A sufficient statistics based particle filter is proposed to deal with such problems in the resampling procedure as loss of diversity among particles and large computational complexity.,提出一种基于充分统计量的粒子滤波方法,用来解决粒子滤波方法在重采样过程中带来的采样粒子多样性丧失、计算量增大等问题。 +"When you hardcode the HTML tags, you also need to update the Pocket PC colors and fonts each time the stylesheet is updated in order to keep the desktop and Pocket PC colors and fonts similar.",当您在硬编码 HTML 标记时,您还需在每次更新样式表时更新 Pocket PC 的颜色和字体以使桌面和 Pocket PC 的颜色和字体保持相似。 +"In 27-30 we are told that after gathering the Levites and the singers, they purified themselves.",在第 27-30 节提到,利未人和歌唱者在聚集之后,就洁净自己。 +"These are just little things that can add up, so you just want to make sure you're on top of those.",这些小事情也会影响到你的总分,因此务必熟练掌握。 +"To some degree, both sides reach an agreement, from which both sides benefit a lot from these deals .",在某种程度上,双方达成了一种共识,因而他们都可以从这些交易中捞到好处。 +"""This is a serious crime against the heritage of humanity,"" said Christophe Girard, culture deputy for the mayor of Paris.",巴黎市负责文化事务的官员吉拉尔(Christophe Girard)称:“这是侵犯人类遗产的严重犯罪行为。” +Avoid impulse buys.,切忌冲动购物。 +"With the development of the foreign-related rehabilitation physiotherapy industry, the demands for both the quantity and the quality of interpreters are increasing.",随着涉外康复理疗业的发展,市场对翻译者的需求量越来越大,对翻译者质量的要求也越来越高。 +"No doors to be opened, no locks to be turned, no bars to be sawn apart.",没有可以打开的门。没有可以转动的锁。没有可以锯断的栅栏。 +"And it all started when some muggers kicked his ass so hard, they turned him into a math and art phenomenon.",起因是一群行凶抢劫者狠狠地打了他一顿,结果把他变成了一名数学和艺术天才。 +Candida valida CJ107 was induced to get ten mutants by protoplast mutagenesis of ultraviolet irradiation.,以粗壮假丝酵母CJ107为出发菌株,对其进行原生质体紫外诱变选育。 +"However, he is likely to be in prison again on Thursday for breaking a restraining order put on him his ex-girlfriend, the Daily Mail said.",但是,每日邮报报道,这位新男友可能又要进监狱了,他刚刚违反了她前女友所申请的限制令。 +"""It will be like the Wi-Fi you get at Starbucks, only a lot better, "" says FCC Chairman Kevin Martin, who first proposed the idea four years ago.",FCC主席凯文·马丁说:“这就像你在星巴克咖啡里使用Wi-Fi一样,而且大有改观。” 他在四年前首次提出这一方案。 +"“It’s not the shortest way, ” I answered quickly.",“那可有点绕远了啊,”我很快答道。 +Abbas paid this visit to China at the invitation of Chinese People's Institute of Foreign Affairs.,阿巴斯是应中国人民外交学会邀请来华访问的。 +And she brought her son along.,还带着儿子。 +"Last year we had “Kick-Ass,” “Iron Man 2,” “Despicable Me” and “Megamind,” each in its way trying for the kind of knowing, have-it-both-ways blend of allegory, action and gentle satire.",从某种程度上看,去年出品的三部英雄影片《海扁王》、《钢铁侠2》和《卑劣的我》,都是在重复那个我们早已心照不宣的公式:寓言+动作+些许温和讽刺。 +MENA migrants have brought important benefits to home and host countries.,中东和北非地区移民给祖籍国和接收国带来了重大收益。 +"Cut, and chaotic, is sadness?",剪不断,理还乱,是离愁? +"""Star Move Things for Thirty Years — — an Old Photographer Who is The Upheaval in Shanghai"", Wen Hui pao , 2008,12,18.",《星移物换三十年——一位老摄影记者镜头里的申城巨变》,《文汇报》(上海)2008年12月18日。 +But I would say that even as an important way to approach the Bible it's not a sufficient way to approach the Bible.,"但我会说,尽管它是一个研究圣经的重要方法,但光用它来研究圣经是不够的。" +Er...I will go to visit my uncle in Guangzhou. What about you?,嗯,我将会去拜访我广州的叔叔。你呢? +Does the XML namespaces recommendation define anything except a two-part naming system for element types and attributes?,除了元素类型和属性的两段式命名系统之外,XML 名称空间推荐标准还定义了其他东西吗? +Guildhall interior at a banquet given for Queen Victoria in 1839.,市政厅内部,为维多利亚女王举办的宴会上,1839年。 +"Although they are former 88 student leaders, they have no relation with the 88 generation students group led by Min Ko Naing and Ko Ko Gyi.",虽然他们是前88学生领袖,他们都与敏哥奈和哥哥基领导的88年代学生组织毫无关系。 +"The brink: In 2000, Barry Schoenborn's technical writing business was hit by the recession.",濒危时刻 :2000年,巴里·舍伯恩的技术写作业务遭受了经济衰退。 +France is one of only two European Union nations that do not have diplomatic relations with North Korea.,法国是仅有的两个没有和北韩建立外交关系的欧盟国家之一。 +"Scarcely had Zhang sat down in Fu's cramped but impeccably tidy room in her barracks-like row of temporary housing, however, than she gave vent to her memories.",张勉强挤坐在付奶奶那狭窄但相当整洁的临时营帐中,然而,这并不足以开启老人的回忆。 +"This allows business policy and rule statement information to be captured in textual form, and mapped directly to the business activities and UML structures to which they relate.",这样,业务策略和规则语句信息可以以原文的形式捕捉,并直接映射到相关的业务活动和 UML 结构。 +Micro-disturbance of reaction wheel assembly(RWA) is a key factor affecting the accuracy of spacecraft attitude control.,反作用轮微振动是影响卫星姿态控制精度的重要因素。 +"Mr Morfin, in his own office, was the second.",在自己办公室中的莫芬先生是第二阶梯。 +But little accountability was required of LEAA on how it spent its funds.,当关于LEAA是如何花费它的资金,它需要负很少的责任。 +LEPS routing also takes the link quality into account in choosing parent node to improve reliability.,路 质量作为选择父节点的依据,具有一定的传输可靠性保证。 +"Salary: $174, 000 (U.S. House and Senate Members)","工资:174,000美元/年(美国众议院和参议院的议员)" +"Johns' torsel gets destroyed, his brain is fine.",约翰斯的躯干受损,大脑完好。 +Rubber linings has shown good economic results in rod mills.,棒磨机用橡胶衬板获得良好的经济效果。 +What about estimating the amount? Go ahead.,"你们觉得评估总量怎么样,你说" +"The man came into the shop and ordered a pastry, according to Elmwood Park Police Chief Donald Ingrasselino.",根据艾尔伍德公园警察局长唐诺.英格拉塞里诺的说法,此人走进店里,然后点了甜甜圈。 +The containers should keep out light. Light can harm the properties of oils and fats.,容器应避光,因为光会损害油脂的特性。 +"China Southern Airlines ranks 3rd in the world in terms of traffic with 66.28m passengers in 2009, the first Chinese airlines to enter the top 3.",中国南方航空公司以2009年全年运输旅客6628万人次跃居世界第三,这是中国首家旅客运输量进入世界前三强的航空公司。 +It is presented in the paper that SIN subdivide microstep driving system with microprocessor controlled for three phase hybrid stepping motor synthesises both software and hardware.,本文提出了一种单片机控制的软硬件结合的正弦波细分的三相混合式步进电动机微步驱动系统。 +The students made some paper flowers for their favorite teacher in the art class.,学生们在美术课上为他们最喜欢的老师做了一些纸花。 +"In this work, new spinel-containing aluminous cements were synthesized from light-burned dolomite powder and industrial Al2O3 by sintering process.",将轻烧白云石粉和工业氧化铝粉按��定比例配料,采用烧结法制备了含镁铝尖晶石的新型铝酸盐水泥。 +"His eye, elate with happiness, was reading eagerly the tearful gaze of Haidée, when suddenly the door opened .",当他那洋溢着幸福的眼睛正在急切地探索海黛那一对润湿眼睛里的所表达的意思的时候,房门突然打开了。 +"And therein lies the dangerous hypothesis: if all these attributes go hand in hand, it is much more plausible to suggest that economic success is passed on from generation to generation.",这其中存在一个危险的假设:如果所有这些特质都密切相关,经济上的成功可以代代相传的观点似乎就更加可信。 +You're looking at a glorious bird that may just be the most unappreciated creature on the African Serengeti. This is the Ruppell's Griffon Vulture.,你现在看到的这只壮观的鸟可能是非洲塞伦盖蒂国家公园中最不受赏识的生物,一只鲁氏粗毛秃鹫。 +"Either take over their country by force to get the oil we want, which is the only reason we are there is to take their money and natural resources, or get the H E L L out.",要么用武力接管他们的国家来得到我们想要的石油,而我们去那儿的唯一原因也就是搜刮钱财和自然资源; 要么就他妈圆润的滚开。 +"Business, can control efforts and investment, but can not control the results, When you find a way of life, frustrated when the only way out, BMW has a spare tire, your life?",生意,可以掌控努力与投资,却无法掌控结果。人生得意时找出路,失意时才有退路,宝马都有备胎,您的人生呢? +"And, this [is] kind of arranged [by the LTTL], where they have videoed everything and fired at the location and given it to media.",他们拍摄了那里的一切,朝那个地方开火,然后提供给媒体。 +"You can't just snag a photo, insert some colors with Photoshop, and call it a day--this work requires an intense level of commitment and effort.",不可以只是抓拍一幅图,用Photoshop再加入一些颜色,就叫完工了,这种工作需要强烈的责任感和大量努力。 +"In front of it stood a bunch of 3)bubbly, youthful adolescent teens, grinning ear-to-ear.",墙的前面站着一群十多岁的活泼、朝气蓬勃的青少年,他们正笑得合不拢嘴。 +Make a right and take stairs to the second floor. The office is on your right.,向右转后爬楼梯上二楼,工作室就在你右首边。 +"In short, it is not a wise policy to chargeshopping bags. To protect the environment, people should take varied of effective measures.",总之,喜欢塑料袋收费这一举措并不抓耳挠腮。自己属于观看各种各样的有效措施来保护环境。 +"Weir, who was named country corporate officer for Hong Kong and China at that time, succeeds Mr. Stanley as head of global corporate investment banking in Southeast Asia, according to a memo;",韦嘉瑄接替施瑞德任东南亚全球企业及投资银行负责人,上一次调整时,他被任命为大中华区总裁。 +Mourning garment is a kind of apparel which is used in funeral when people mourning for the dead.,丧服是在丧葬礼俗中生者为悼念死者而穿用的一类服饰。 +"Contributions that add measurably to the bottom line via cost savings, process improvements, increased sales, and new customers are noticed and will help in keeping your job.",你可以通过为公司做贡献来增加你的重要性,比如节约成本,改进工艺,提高销售量,以及开发新开户等,这对保住你的工作是有帮助的。 +"Women, Badakhshan Province, Afghanistan",阿富汗巴达赫尚省的妇女 +Places nonpersistent data on the system Clipboard.,将非永续性资料放置于系统剪贴簿上。 +VOICE: What motivated them to do this cloning experiment?,是什么动机令他们作克隆实验的呢? +"This paper describes the power performance, fuel economy and reliability of ZS1100 model diesel engine and introduces its main structure.",阐述ZS1100型柴油机的动力性、经济性、可靠性,并对主要结构进行介绍。 +"Instead, you'll be working with what are referred to as ""user-space"" programs -- so called because users actually work with the programs directly.",相反的是,你会工作在一个被称为“用户平台”的程序中 -- 如此称呼是因为用户是直接工作在这些程序之上的。 +"The series of ARM7 is extensive and widely applied microprocessor, while the current object circuit board of ARM7 are cut by mature evaluating board without PS2 interface.",ARM7系列是广泛应用的嵌入式微处理器,目前ARM7处理器的目标板大多是由成熟的评估板裁减而成的,一般没有PS2接口。 +"A senior official at the Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry, Anjan Roy, says industry needs space to set up manufacturing plants.",印度工商协会联合会的高级官员安让·罗伊说,建设厂房需要大量用地。 +The present study shows that they are formed in deep-sea turbidite systems of 3 different environments.,波浪波痕细砂岩。 研究表明,它们分别形成于3种不同环境的深海浊流沉积体系内。 +"However, all regions, particularly the southern coastal and eastern coastal regions, are moving towards sustainable development, considering comprehensive eco-efficiency.",但综合考虑生态效益来看,各区域特别是南部沿海和东部沿海走向可持续发展方向。 +"Marie was not liked by her pupils during her first year as a professor. By her second year, the students loved her.",在玛丽当教授的第一年里,并没有受到她学生的喜欢,然而在第二年里,学生们却喜爱上她了。 +Escaping into a shady courtyard or grove of trees is as refreshing as rolling into the cool bit of the bed on a steamy night.,在一个有树荫的院子里,或者在树林中会使人神清气爽,就像在一个湿热的夜晚,翻身睡到床上凉爽的一侧一样。 +The group boasts almost a quarter of a million friendships that have been formed from their service.,自创办以来,这家机构促成了近25万桩友谊,并引以为傲。 +"Electroless nickel plating on magnesium alloys in nickel sulfate bath is studied, obtaining optimal formulations for the pickling, activating and nickel plating processes.",研究了镁合金硫酸镍化学镀镍工艺,得到了最佳的酸洗、活化及镀镍液配方。 +"Cankers typically do not develop from root-based infection, and the entire tree may die within months or a few years.",溃疡典型地不从感染的根的基部发展,然后整棵树木可以在一月或一年内死亡。 +"The cell walls of hostorial body degraded gradually and perforated, At the end, the haustorial body were malformed and necrosed.",吸器外间质加宽并有丝状或颗粒状物质形成,吸器体壁逐渐消解出现孔洞,吸器体最终畸形坏死; +"With The Lady in the Water, I'm expecting another 16)unique 17)cinematic experience under the creative direction of M. Night Shyamalan (The Sixth Sense).",至于《水中女妖》,我期待在创造力极强的M·奈特·沙马兰(曾执导《灵异第六感》)的导演下会再次给我们带来一次特别的电影经历。 +Chapter Three analyzes Katie's finding the way of her bright future: associating coequallyrather than compromising to the white people;,第三章主要分析凯蒂找到了自己通往美好未来之路:与白人平等互助的交往; +The general manager downgraded the employee.,总经理将那名雇员降职。 +Always choose the higher path. Don’t cut corners on the journey of life and don’t violate your personal ethics for any reason.,在人生旅途,不要因任何借口而企图寻找捷径合违反自己的道德准则。 +Period of stability to A.D. 950,从稳定期到公元950年 +"China is now the world’s biggest consumer of minerals like iron ore, copper, aluminum and nickel.",中国目前是世界上铁矿石、铜、铝、镍等矿产品的最大消费国。 +There are still 19 games left to play plus one in Florence.,无论如何,还有19场比赛要打,我们还另外有一场和佛罗伦萨的附加赛。 +"Luyao in the world of the characters are ordinary, it is in these extraordinary figures in his description of the good in human nature with the United States, the ugly and the evil.",在路遥的世界中出现的都是平凡的人物,这是在这些平凡的人物里他描写着人性中的善与美,丑与恶。 +"In the end , Can transformed as beatiful male deer and got into the embrace of nature with Yoyo and other deer.",最后,灿变成了一只英俊的雄鹿,他和幽幽以及其它的鹿回到了在自然的怀抱。 +"In three heating periods in 2002-2005, pollution of SO2 deteriorated year after year.",在2002-2005年的三个采暖期里,SO2污染逐年加重,导致了年均SO2浓度的逐年升高。 +The research of the examples expresses that completed merger failure or merger with none effect accounts for 42%-56% total of merger activities.,实例研究表明,并购完全失败或没有任何效果者占总并购的比例高达42%-56%。 +"134】 Rather than evaluating programs in terms of how happy they make people, how satisfied those people become, programs must be evaluated in terms of the quality of the discontent they engender.",对于各项计划的评估,不要看其令人们高兴的程度,使人们满意的程度,而要看其引起的不满情绪属于什么性质。 +"In the epizootic regions, all animal products (blood, meat and milk) should be thoroughly cooked before eating.",在动物疫病流行地区,所有动物产品(血、肉和奶)都应完全煮熟后再食用。 +After the Portuguese political crisis initially dented sentiment the euro bounced off lows at 1.4050.,在最初受葡萄牙政治危机打压之后,欧元自1.4050的低点反弹。 +The experiment shows that this method is an efficient measurement of the centra…,实验表明此方法能有效表示细胞面积的平均中心趋势。 +"Psalms 138:3 In the day when I cried thou answeredst me, and strengthenedst me with strength in my soul.",诗138 : 3 我呼求的日子,你就应允我,鼓励我,使我心里有能力。 +"Thickening of talent, learning forever;",增才干,永学习; +"The shaping of the volumes brings light in between the streets and to the solar facades, but it also gives houses individual character.",建筑物的这种造型将光引到建筑间的街道上,以及向阳面上,但这种造型也赋予了住宅个性。 +"Offering 133 spacious rooms and 15 suites, all with sea view and balcony or private terrace, it provides the luxury and comfort expected from a 5 star hotel.",提供133间宽敞的客房和15间套房,所有海景阳台或私人阳台,它提供了豪华和舒适的酒店从五星预期。 +They tried to overawe others by displaying their strength before the volleyball match but finally they failed.,他们企图在排球赛前先声夺人,结果事与愿违。 +"The first half of this paper describes the history and development status on this subject, highlighted the role and prospect of the cell phone camera in the information age.",本文首先阐述了可拍照手机的历史和发展现状,突出了信息时代可拍照手机镜头的作用和发展前景。 +But Harry Potter doesn't need to turn to magic to have his heart stolen as he falls in love for the first time with the girl of his dreams.,但是哈里波特这个帅小伙不需要求助于邪术,他的心已经随着那千回梦绕女性沉宠嬖河,不能自拔。 +Project Noah conducts specific research projects in the form of field missions.,诺亚舟计划引导专项研究计划多点进行实地考察。 +Conclusion:Weiping bum regenerative plaster is effective in treating burn and scald. It is easy to apply and cheap.,结论:慰平烧烫伤再生膏治疗烧烫伤疗效显著,使用方便,价格低廉。 +"The 2006 season begins next week, and federal meteorologists predict it will be particularly nasty.",2006年季风将于下周拉开帷幕。 联邦气象学家预测它将带来异常大的威胁。 +"The results showed that all the indexes like fitness, fecundity and development durations of different geographical populations were significantly different from each other.",结果显示,不同地理种群适合度、繁殖力、生长发育历期等指标之间均存在显著性差异。 +"Richard Rodgers and Oscar Hammerstein wrote the song for the movie"" State Fair"" inthe 1945.",1945年,理查德•罗杰斯和奥斯卡•汉默斯坦为电影《嘉会良缘》写了这首歌。 +This sundew prefers drier soil. You can allow the pots to go dry between waterings.,长叶茅膏菜喜欢较乾燥的介质,可以乾了再浇水。 +"An accident that killed more than 270 people at an iron-ore mine in Shanxi in September last year may have been the turning-point, or so provincial leaders hope.",山西省领导认为去年9月山西省一铁矿发生的特大矿难是一个转折点,超过270个生命的逝去让人震惊。 +"Mania was meticulous about the appearances, the dispossessed are often some of the proudest people.",马涅对形象要求很过细,像他这样被驱逐的人往往就是一些最骄傲的人。 +"Expansion of the logistics team, and through high-quality service training, quality of the employees will be improved rapidly.",物流队伍扩编了,经过高质量的服务锻炼,从业人员的素质必将得到快速提升。 +Objective Observing the gastric mucosal ischemia-reperfusion injury induced after CO_2 pneumoperitoneum and the protective effect of propofol in rats.,目的观察大鼠二氧化碳气腹后引起的胃粘膜再灌注损伤并探讨异丙酚对胃粘膜缺血再灌注损伤的保护作用。 +Congress included $8 billion for rail development in the economic stimulus legislation it passed in February. Mr.,美国国会2月份通功的经济刺激方案包涵了80亿美元用于铁路修设的资金。 +"Agathocles the Sicilian, who became King of Syracuse, was not only an ordinary citizen but also of the lowest and most abject condition.",成为锡拉库萨国王的,西西里的阿加索克利斯,不仅仅只是一个普通公民而是来自于最低下和最赤贫的阶级。 +"The result show that video microscopy is more convenient, shortcut and accurate than microscopy and projection. It is suitable for measuring yarn diameter in small fabric sample analysis.",结果表明,视频显微镜法比后两者较为方便和快捷,精确度高,并适合小块布样分析中对纱的细度测定。 +The technique of strengthening RC beams with Carbon Fiber Laminate(CFL) has been widely applied in bridge repairing engineering.,碳纤维薄板(CFL)加固RC梁技术已成功地应用于桥梁工程。 +"Who will be the first one, then the tears burst.",谁会先是一愣,然后眼泪决堤。 +"And I realize I'm moving over this very quickly, ? but is Thrasymachus wrong to believe that?",我知道我在这一点上推得很快,但,Thrasymachus,那么相信真的错了吗? +"By using coincidence degree theorem and the analysis skills in differential equation, sufficient existence conditions of periodic solutions are obtained for cellular neural networks with delay.",利用重合度理论和微分不等式分析技巧,得到了具有时滞的细胞神经网络模型的周期解存在条件。 +Fertility rates remain high in sub-Saharan Africa; Kenya's rate fell from eight to five births per woman between 1960 and 2000 but has since declined only to 4.6.,撒哈拉沙漠以南非洲生育率一直很高;在1960年至2000年期间,肯尼亚生育率从每位妇女八到五个降下来,但是此后只降到4.6。 +"If you're a numbers person who can't even draw a smiley face to save your life, then you may want to cross artistic careers off the list and consider something in finance.",如果你是一个习于数字,一个笑脸都画不出的人,那么也许你希望将艺术相关行业排除而考虑金融行业。 +"See a picture of another ice-crystal light phenomenon, a sun dog .",见另一冰晶体轻的现象图片,太阳狗。 +"There should be public discussion about whether it is better to make big banks failsafe with thicker capital buffers or force them to slim down so that when they do fail, they fail safely.",此外还应就以下问题进行公开讨论:是应该加强大银行的资本金缓冲,使其有能力自行排除险情,还是应该缩减其自身规模,使其在必要之时可以安全地破产。 +"I'm just trying to match up with you today. You are looking pretty good there. -Thanks, man.",我今天只是想跟你看齐。你看上去很好。-谢谢,伙计。 +Our company offers practice questions to medical students so they can practice for the United States Medical Licensing Examination (USMLE).,我们公司提供的医疗实践中的问题学生,使他们能够为美国执业医师资格考试(美国医师执照考试)。 +It seems like you just got here!,你们好像才来呀! +Liaocheng seamless steel pipe business experts also pointed out that deflation is a problem in the global economy.,聊城无缝钢管企业相关专家也指出,通货紧缩是全球经济的一个问题。 +"Of, relating to, characteristic of, or being a fetus. The two knights tilted until one was unhorsed .",两位骑士跃马横枪厮杀到一块儿,直到其中的一个最终被刺下马来。 +"The analysis by the Department for Work and Pensions shows that in May 2008, 2,397,410 children 18 and under lived in homes where a parent or guardian was claiming an out-ofwork benefit.",英国就业与退休部门的分析显示,在2008 年5 月, 有2397410 名18 岁及以下的孩子的家庭中有一名家长或监护人申请了失业救济金——而政府在去年的估计数字为180 万。 +"taderenmin: “I spent 2 RMB (US$0.30) for 4 apples last year, but now I need to spend 4 RMB (US$0.62) for 2 apples.",@taderenmin: “ 去年我买四个苹果花了2元人民币(折合0.3美元),但是现在我买两个苹果就花了4元人民币(折合0.62美元)。 +You would rather be a Pakistani than an Indian. Gives you a sense of superiority!,你还是做个印度人强点!可以给你点上等人的优越感! +"""In that day, "" writes Isaiah, people ""will look to their Maker and turn their eyes to the Holy One of Israel.",以赛亚说:「到那日,人必仰望造他们的主,眼目重看以色列的圣者。」 +GM's much-hyped Buick quiet tuning was applied to the HHR to great effect; it is commendably quiet on the highway.,通用汽车公司大肆宣传的别克安静的调整,适用于和记港陆以极大的影响,这是值得称赞的安静的公路上。 +I will tell you more about it in a just second.,稍后我会向大家详细介绍。 +"And that's why they set certain temperature limits on what you can do relative to, for example peak collect* temperature which we'll talk about in class.","那就是为什么他们会设定一个温度,限制关于你能够做的原因,例如,顶峰搜集的温度,我们会在课堂上谈论的。" +Premier Paul Lennon was on hand to survey the dig and assess the museum's redevelopment plan.,蓝侬馆长著手进行挖掘的调查,以及进行博物馆的再造计画。 +One-off latex glove for industrial or common use.,一次性乳胶手套,可用于工业、民用。 +When the prefetch quantity is changed.,当预取数量发生变化时。 +"As a result, many Himalayan, Hindu Kush and Karakoram glaciers are dwindling.",正因如此,喜马拉雅山、兴都库什山和喀喇昆仑山的冰川正逐渐减少。 +The prognosis depends on the source of the vertigo.,对于病情的预判要视形成眩晕的原因而定。 +Pit houses were large holes in the ground with roofs of wood and mud.,地窖是一种地上的洞,上面有用木头和泥灰作的屋顶。 +"A system can be a totally manual process, a completely automated process, or a combination somewhere in between.",一个系统可以是全手动的过程,完全自动化的过程,或者两者兼有的。 +"With these machines, Dell is making a strong bid to win back consumers' hearts. It's off to a decent start.",戴尔在这两款机子上押了大宝,誓要赢回消费者的心。这两款机型是个相当不错的开始。 +"You: Great, Julia. So that's your idea of making me wet, is it?",你:太棒了,茱莉雅。这就是你把我弄湿的办法么? +Anza on such a variety in the market a week road grey fabrics limited domestic market rose less;,一周市场欧根纱类品种上道坯布有限,市场货少价涨; +"Elites in the core class are co-opted with comfortable jobs, housing, and gifts (such as cognac, flat-screen televisions, and Mercedes-Benzes).",处于“核心”阶层的特权精英们享有舒适的工作、房子和各种奢侈品(如白兰地、平板电视还有梅赛德斯-奔驰)。 +Perilla greengage jam is made according to the principle of food process. The main raw material is perilla and greengage.,紫苏梅酱以紫苏、青梅为主原料,配以其它辅料,加工研制而成。 +This paper discusses the principle of designing such new type double-tube apparatus and some examples are illustrated.,本文简介设计这种新型电泳仪的原理,并举例加以说明。 +"As shown previously, dynamic, static and runtime analyses each have their pros and cons.",正如先前所显示的,动态的,静态的已经运行时分析每种都有它们自己的优点和缺点。 +"How "" to "" cost ""a"" lot for agriculture.",了解种植体要多少成本。 +No such chamber has been found.,并没有发现这样的密室。 +"I could see myself on a balcony eating a Big Mac, casually throwing fries over my shoulder into the sea-salted air.",我想象自己站在阳台上,啃着巨无霸,薯条随手扔入身后咸咸的海风。 +"In this paper, we studied the relationship between chaos in a sequence and R—T Chaos.",研究了按序列分布混沌和R—T混沌之间的关系。 +The children oftens am in this river.,孩子们过去经常在这条河里游泳。 +PLMA can be inserted into gastric tube to drainage gastric juice and prevent gastric distension as well as gastric reflux and aspiration.,PLMA在通气时不仅同时可插入胃管,引流胃液,防止胃胀气和胃内容物返流及误吸; +Welding property is an important index to weigh the property of pipeline steel.,焊接性能是衡量管线钢性能的一项重要指标。 +"In 4, the entire deck is familiar, also seeks to 40 number in Mind Meditation from each card designs, and meditate on their memory.",对整副牌的熟悉,还要求对40张数字牌能够在脑海中默想出每张牌的图案,以及默想出它们的记忆点。 +This is why men prefer to joke about sex.,这才是男人宁愿开有关性玩笑的原因。 +This is my toy gyro.,这是我的陀螺。 +Jaggers relates to Pip and Joe that Pip has great expectations through an unnamed benefactor which Pip assumes is Miss Havisham.,贾格斯告诉他们皮普将有一位匿名施主帮助他实现自己的远大前程,这让皮普以为是哈维沙姆的恩惠。 +"In the modem information society, archives information has its own characteristics: historicity , originality, truthfulness, knowledge, various plasticity.",在当代信息社会中,档案信息具有它自身的特点:历史性、原始性、真实性、知识性、多用可塑性。 +"Under the original directive, people who bought items online, on the phone, or by mail order, had a seven-day 'cooling off period' to decide if they wanted to keep or return the items.",最初的消费者权益法令规定,通过网络、手机购买或邮购商品的用户都有七天的“冷静期”来决定是否退货。 +The heater warms the air next to it.,电热器把它附近的空气变暖和。 +"The interviewer would ask a question, listen for an answer and when there was on opening, the interviewer would go off on a monologue of their own.",采访过程中采用问答的方式,开始的时候采访者会有一段独白。 +And then we can start writing out the results for the various thermodynamic properties.,"这样我们就能开始写出不同结果,热力学性质的。" +But they're also for touching and grasping.,但是它们也用来触摸和抓取东西。 +Mr. Figg says that deciding to default on his loan was 'the toughest decision I ever made.,菲格说,在贷款上违约是他一生中所做过的“最艰难的决定”。 +The Reds skipper was named alongside AC Milan's Kaka at the heart of the midfield and finished well clear of second-placed Andrea Pirlo in his respective category.,红军队长和ac米兰的卡卡镇守中场中路,在这个位置上他完胜第二位的皮尔洛。 +"Autun, church of S. Lazare: on the tympan of the door, the Last Judgment, and on the architrave, the Resurrection of the Dead.",欧坦,S的拉扎尔教堂:关于门的鼓膜,最后的审判,并在枋,死者复活。 +"Mid- and small-size hi-tech enterprises face enormous technology risk, market risk, and management risk.",高新技术中小企业在初创期和发展期面临着��大的技术风险、市场风险和管理风险。 +"The Chinese paintings can be divided into literal painting, folk painting and painters' painting. All the paintings have a close relation with the painters' personal characteristics.",中国的绘画大体分为文人画、民间画、画家画,其绘画风格与画家的个性特征密切相关。 +"With the rapid development of petroleum industry, high molecular polymers as drag reduction agents (DRA)have been widely used in conduits during the transportation of crude oil.",随着石油工业的发展,超高分子量聚合物作为原油输送减阻剂在国内外输油管线中得到日益广泛的应用。 +This is where you establish the interconnection among the web services.,这就是你设立的相互连接的 Web 服务的地方。 +"If you leave a path to it, he'll find it.",只要你给他留下活路,他总会死灰复燃。 +This conveyor is non-powered and relies on gravity to help propel your product to the desired location.,这款设备无需动力设备,仅依靠重力,就可将您的产品推进到您理想的位置。 +Starting the three - phase asynchronous motor is important in the teaching and experiment Electrotechnology.,三相异步电动机的启动,是《电工学》教学和实验的重点内容。 +"""Elvers, "" he shouted, ""what have you got in your mouth?""",“艾尔弗斯,”他大声嚷道,“你嘴里含着什么?” +The content only has a strong meaning in the Freudian approach.,梦境的内容只在弗洛伊德学说中才有深刻意义。 +"One focus on the slow development of the domestic telecommunications business, while another focus on the care of Softbank in overseas investment business.",其中一家专注于发展缓慢的国内电信业务,而另一家专注于打理软银在海外的投资业务。 +"A preliminary study indicates that genetically, the deposit is related to the Qungdo'gyang metamorphic core complex, longitudinal faults and Jurassic stratum.",初步分析矿床与北部的穷多江变质核杂岩、广泛发育的南北向断裂及侏罗纪地层有着密切成因联系。 +Another study had 30 children practice yoga breathing for 10 days. The children experienced a 43% increase in spatial memory scores.,另一项研究中,让30名儿童练习10天瑜伽呼吸法,这些儿童的空间记忆得分有43%增加。 +"Two weeks after announcing plans to launch a nail polish line, the 16-year-old singer is getting ready to debut his first unisex fragrance, My World.",两周前,这位十六岁的歌手才宣布将推出指甲油系列,而现在,已经准备好向粉丝展示他的第一支个人香水系列。 +"And that is what a goal is for-to cause us to move in the direction we have chosen; in other words, to set us to digging!",而这就是目标之所在——使我们朝着我们所选择的方向前进,换句话说,就是让我们去挖掘! +"Upon the theory of hot elastohydrodynamics about part film load bearing, the sliding and rolling friction forces in gear transmission device can be calculated.",运用部分膜承载热弹流理论计算齿轮传动中的滑动摩擦力和滚动摩擦力。 +"As a bearer of the global business, logistics suffered a heavy blow, and China's logistics certainly cannot be irrelative.",物流业作为全球商贸的承载体遭受了沉重打击,而中国物流业当然不可能独善其身。 +About 50 contested House races and 10 Senate races were the chief battlegrounds.,大约50个众议院席位和10个参议院席位是主要争夺焦点。 +"He and Currie both noted that leafcutters are uniquely complex among fungus-growing ants, but evolved just 10 million years ago, or 40 million years after other fungus growers.",他和库里都注意到了切叶蚁在以真菌为食的蚂蚁中是一个独特而又复杂的种类,但是它们才在1000年前或者其他以真菌为食的生物之后才开始进化。 +Every Sunday Barbarossa hosts a Lazy Sunday with half price beers from 5PM till close.,每周日下午五点至结束营业,芭芭露莎所有啤酒半价供应。 +"MIQIKO:Yes, were looking for a pair of leather tennis shoes.",美幸子:我们想买一双皮网球鞋。 +"In slum region there are weak economic basis, low-level industrial structure and rich sources of tourism.",贫困地区产业结构层次低,经济基础薄弱,但其旅游资源往往很丰富。 +"More than a hundred feet down, he again looked into the bolts of readied hand crossbows, but these were withdrawn as soon as the mercenary guardsmen recognized Dinin as one of their own.",下降了一百多英尺的距离,他又发现了瞄准着他准备发射的短十字弓,但这一次佣兵团守卫们认出了狄宁是他们的一分子,立即撤去武器。 +"The lethal duration of Chilo suppressalis under lower concentration of tebufenozide was shortened with the increase of larva instar, but was not shortened under higher concentration.",在同一低浓度下,随着虫龄增加,致死时间明显延长,高浓度下,致死时间与���期增加无明显相关性。 +"As ever, though, it is fashionable to be critical of the president, even dismissive.",然而,对总统苛刻,甚至是蔑视,向来就有。 +"S. has a lead in using these computers well to accelerate innovation, we could lose that edge quickly -- in just two to three years.This same innovation permeates everything: aircraft, biotech, IT.",美国在利用这些电脑来加速创新方面还处于领先位置,但也可能很快就丢掉这种优势——也许只要两三年时间。 +"This means, for instance, that one server computer can do the job of many, allowing data centres to be run much more efficiently and so stretching IT budgets further.",打比方说,这样就可使一台服务器作多台的工作,数据仓库运行更加有效,IT预算也能得到拓展。 +"The one major difference, mentioned above, is that these blocking reads and writes can be interrupted by other threads.",唯一的主要差别,如上所述,是这些阻塞读和写可以被其它线程中断。 +The governor of Russia's second city of St. Petersburg signed a decree Tuesday allowing the construction of a hulking skyscraper for state energy giant Gazprom in the city's czarist-era center.,赞成建造摩天大楼的人说,这栋称作「奥赫塔中心」的大楼,将是建设圣彼得堡历程中重要的一步。 +"Perhaps we should have named it “Malapert Base”, but we decided to retain the original name from the first edition.",本来我们可以命名这个重新选择的基地为“马拉普特基地”,但是我们决定保留第一版本的基地名称。 +"Finally, the thesis discussed the application foreground of piezoelectric biosensors for nucleic acid analysis.",论文最后讨论了压电生物芯片在核酸分析上的应用前景。 +"Beckenbauer was the best sweeper ever but the coach who had been hired there told him he had to play in midfield because his passing was perfect, and he did very well for us.",贝肯鲍尔曾经是最好的清道夫,不过在这里的教练告诉他在中场踢,因为他的过人很好,而且他为我们做得很好。 +"Yet they were not afraid, nor rent their garments, neither the king, nor any of his servants that heard all these words.",王和听见这一切话的臣仆都不惧怕,也不撕裂衣服。 +"Stupa The implementation of the future wood and steel structure design and practical application, there is some reference value.",舍利塔的实施,对今后的钢木结构的设计和实践应用,有一定的参考价值。 +"Results 92.7% passive smoking women exposure to ETS at home, 40.8% at workplace. 38.9% exposed to ETS from birthday, and 42.3% from 18-30 age.",结果被动吸烟妇女中有92·7%的人在家中接触环境香烟烟雾(ETS),40·8%的在工作场所接触ETS,其中有38·9%的被动吸烟妇女从出生时即开始被动吸烟,42·3%的从18~30岁开始被动吸烟。 +"Finally, the long-awaited day of Christmas came.",最后,圣诞节期待已久的日子到了。 +"They love the race, the amazing thrill to chase girls, get hooked and then again look for someone else.",他们喜欢竞赛,追逐女孩子让他们感到出奇的兴奋,钩到以后再去寻找其他人。 +"Xiao Congcong says, ""What are these?""",小聪聪说,“这些是什么?” +Does Ji Shan's criticism on the transcendent division become declining study because of losing the idealism?,蕺山批评此超越的区分,其道德理想性是否因而丧失而流为下堕的学问? +"In the report, Costa called on U.N. countries to shift law enforcement crackdowns from drug users to drug traffickers.",报告中Costa号召联合国各成员国将严厉执法打击从吸毒者转向贩毒者。 +This band is the disk of our spiral galaxy.,这条光带就是我们这个漩涡星系的银盘。 +This paper discusses the natural ecological perspective and humane ecological perspective in Tao Yuan-mings poetry.,本文论述陶渊明诗文蕴含的自然生态观及人文生态观。 +"By exploring the internal evidence of Guodian Lao-zi, this article points out that its idea of 'virtue' implies both morality and physics, and is an ontologized and concrete .",本文发掘内证,阐述郭店竹简本《老子》“德”的含义既有人伦,更有物理,是一个本体化、物化了的概念。 +"Yet, in its midst, there is a moving island of life, with 40,000 baby flamingos walking to the nearest water, miles away - a battle for survival against all odds.",但是,在它的深处却有一座生命之岛,那里的四万只幼儿火烈鸟正朝着很远的水源前进着。这是一场事关存亡的战争。 +"But when I think about that case,I say,So what?",但我想到这里以后,我会问,那又怎样? +"Experiment datum showed that, good DFI should meet following terms that the carbon number of long alkyl matched equal carbon number of wax in diesel oil, especially higher carbon number;",实验数据显示,好的DFI分子应满足长链烷基碳数与柴油中蜡的平均碳数相匹配,特别是与柴油中较高碳数的正构烷烃相匹配; +"He answered, ""It comes from an strange man whom I met in the woods and who promised me great treasures if I would but sign over to him that which stands behind the mill.",磨房主回答说:「是我在森林里碰到的一个陌生人给的。 他只要我们磨房后的东西作为回报。 +Events in India in recent weeks have demonstrated just how great the challenge is.,最近几周在印度发生的事件表明了目前的挑战有多严峻。 +"Trapped in the logging field Liu Mei, mingle wan advised the white sea, gets cold response.",被困在砍木场的陆梅,语重心长挽劝白海,获得的倒是严寒的回应。 +So Mr Chen changed tack.,所以,陈戈转变了策略。 +Hydrolyzate compositions comprising at least one milk protein or whey hydrolyzed with at least one proteolytic enzyme are provided.,本发明提供了水解产物组合物,其包含被至少一种蛋白水解酶水解的至 少一种乳蛋白或乳清蛋白。 +"Raise eyebrow big Hai, immediately also feel the mind urge stuffy, the life has narrative to, her fluster under, UGG Classic Cardy Boots, unexpectedly ran back.",翘眉大骇,顿时也只觉心胸促闷,性命攸关,她慌乱之下,竟跑了回来。 +"Therefore, the appropriate and feasible blue print could be put out, just through the home researching on the development of the nature environment and eco-society.",只有对新疆绿洲的自然环境及社会经济的发展做全面深入的研究,才能为今后的发展制定出合理可行的思路与规划。 +"Education is a fundamental task for the coming generation"". New Century demands qualified intellectual with comprehensive abilities.""",“百年大计,教育为本”,新世纪需要具备综合素质、全面发展的人才。 +"They are allocated a large suite of rooms known as the Belgian suite, situated at the foot of the Minister's Staircase, on the ground floor of the North-facing garden wing.",他们被分配在以比利时套房而闻名的大套房里,其位于朝北的花园翼的一楼的部长的楼梯底。 +It is actually a function of y. The good news that we have is that this function normally depends on x.,"实际上是一个y的函数,好消息是我们得到了关于x的函数。" +"The system was up and running Nov. 11, 1973.",系统于1973年11月11日启动并运行。 +Did not dash about excitingly too have no stubborn stagnation!,没有刺激的奔腾也没有固执的停滞! +"Alarming control console is consisted of auto-alarming manual control console, non-microcomputer auto- alarming control console, microcomputer auto-alarming control console.",报警控制台分为:自动报警手动控制台、非微机型自动报警控制台、微机型全自动报警控制台。 +"The protagonist Nick Adam regained mental balance through controlling nature. To Nick, nature was only an object that must be controlled and ruled.",小说主人公尼克。亚当斯通过控制自然来重获精神之平衡,自然对尼克来说只不过是某种必须被掌握和控制的物体。 +"The leakage of microstrip line has two forms: the surface wave form and the space wave form, and the higher order modes on microstrip line mostly leak as space wave form.",微带线泄漏一般分为表面波形式和空间波形式两类,其中微带线高次模泄漏一般以空间波的形式发生。 +"In 2009, they received the ""Stars of Asia"" award. They are so popular that they not only have fans in Asia, but also in areas such as Europe, America, France and Finland.",在2009年,他们取得了最佳“亚洲之星”奖,他们地人气不只限于亚洲各地,以至在欧美 美国、法国、芬兰等地域都有他们地歌迷存在。 +"You look disappointed, David. Are things getting you down? Yeah. I just have more work than I can handle.",大卫,你看起来很失落。有什么事情挂心吗? 嗯,我的工作量超过我的负荷了。 +The objective of the present study is to designed small-scaled hydrodynamic bearings (HDB) especially used for high-speed rotating spindles of optical disc drives.,目前研究计画中的液态轴承是使用在主轴高速转动的碟片伺服机构。 +The boy is always asking his mother for money.,那个男孩老向他妈妈要钱。 +I go to the video store once a week.,我每周去一次录相店(音像店)。 +"Only on the extra-fine cotton market, lots could also be placed for shipping dates in the 2nd quarter of 2010.",只有在超细棉花市场上,所售商品也可以放在运输时间定在2010年第二季度。 +"In other words, China's GDP declines just $4 for each lost $150 iPod.",换句话说,每个音乐播放器损失150美元,中国的GDP仅减少4美元。 +"I will probably wear socks with sandals at least once. If it bothers you, I’ll make sure not to tell people I’m your roommate.",我可能会连着袜子穿凉鞋,起码穿一次,你要是介意的话,我保证不告诉别人我们俩的室友关系。 +The degree of deglutition function was evaluated by drinking water test and deglutition disorder assessment.,吞咽障碍程度分别通过饮水实验功能评级和吞咽障碍程度评分来评估。 +Learn the song to arouse the students' to do exercises.,学唱歌曲,激发学生积极锻炼身体的热情。 +"Ha-ha-ha, you count smart.",哈哈哈,算你聪明。 +The Navy also wants to buy aerostats for coastal security.,此外,海军还希望购买负责沿海安全的高空气球。 +"Join causes and relief programs, talk to a suffering friend, or assist people in hospitals.",找出原因让别人放松,给一个患难的朋友交谈或者帮助医院里的人。 +"In China, although scholars research on Burke's political conception a bit later, they have achieved much scholarship in this field.",在中国,虽然对柏克的政治思想的研究起步比较晚,但已经形成一定的学术研究成果。 +"He added that the ""new normal"", characterized by slower but higher-quality growth, also includes an acute sense of the risks of the middle income trap facing China's industrial structure.",他接着补充道,中国产业结构面临中等收入陷阱的危机,决策层敏锐地洞察到这一点,“新常态”的特点是增速减缓但增长质量更高。 +The compressibility factors of ring hard sphere chain fluids are less than that of linear hard sphere chain fluids with sam…,环状硬球链流体的压缩因子比具有相同链节数的线形分子的压缩因子小。 +"The breakthrough permits direct detection of each nucleotide, allowing an entire gene to be sequenced in about an hour.",这个重大的突破允许直接检测每个核苷酸,可以在大约一小时之内测序整个基因。 +"A perfect example of this is the CakePHP library, which includes prototype.js built in.",这种情况的一个很好的例子就是 CakePHP 库,它包含内置的 prototype.js。 +Do the police have the right of arrest in this situation?,在此情况下警方有逮捕权吗? +The situation on the ground in early 1973 showed no sign of the strategic transfer that was in train.,1973年初的实际形势没有迹象表明战略转移已准备就绪。 +"Results 16 risk factors such as crews' nationalities, ship operator, epidemic prevalence region and month, ship age etc were selected to establish structural equation model.",结果筛选船员国籍、船舶经营者、来自疾病流行区、月份、船龄等16个危险因素,建立了结构方程模型。 +"According to a Harvard study, the top seven counties for life expectancy are in Colorado. Is there something magic in the air there?",根据哈佛大学的一项调查,全美最长寿的七个县都在科罗拉多州,那儿的空气有什么不一样吗?。 +Accuracy is anticorrelated with magnitude.,精度与数量级成反比关系。 +"Finally, the feasibility of the methods is verified with a 6-DOF model of the docking mechanism.",六自由度对接机构仿真算例验证了两种方法的可行性。 +Group ingredients together or bag/tag them in your pantry if you have to.,如果有必要,把配料归类好,装袋(标签)后放到储藏室。 +"""My mother was very angry, "" he said. ""She said, 'All these years of raising you and washing your clothes and cooking for you, and you earn such a bad score.",刘奇超说,“我妈妈很生气,她说,这么多年我养你,给你洗衣服,给你烧饭,你就考这个成绩!” +"How to create a livable indoor environment, but to meet the development needs of future generations, modern interior design is an important mission.",如何创造出适宜居住的室内环境,但又能够满足后代人需求的发展,是现代室内设计的一项重要使命。 +"They or the extension using company recidivism is too broad but, the unable facade announces to its connotation;",但他们要么使连累犯的外延过宽,不能正面揭示它的内涵; +"It is the heroic ethic. At a certain place, I think a couple of places in the Iliad, Achilles tell's us, ""Why did you come here to fight at Troy?""","这是一种英雄主义的伦理观,在某个地方,我认为在《伊利亚特》中这样的地方不少,阿基里斯告诉我们,""你为什么来到这里与特洛伊作战""" +"In the space there is 'nothing ex'cept the sun, the moon, and all the 'stars.",在太空除了太阳、月亮、星星外,什么也没有。 +It is the strategy on generalized-grads process that congregates different characters on itself. It also couples with the generalized-grads theory and reality of the west development in China.,广义梯度推移战略聚多重性于一身,实践了广义梯度理论与西部大开发耦合的初步尝试。 +Megan shall be thrown into the dungeon of darkness.,梅金将被丢进暗无天日的地牢。 +SCA supports bidirectional communication between service providers and consumers.,SCA 支持服务提供者与消费者之间的双向通信。 +The information of satellite infrared remote sensing (RS) reflects the radiant energy released by the lithosphere-atmosphere system.,卫星热红外遥感信息反映的是地—气系统的发射辐射能量。 +"In other news, the Riksbank kept interest rates on hold at 2.0% yesterday, in line with consensus expectations.",其他消息方面,昨天瑞典央行宣布保持2.0%的利率不变,与市场预期一致。 +This page is meant for those whose floaters are only annoying and painless.,本文只适合那些令人反感和烦躁的无痛飞蚊。 +"Perfect worlds don't exist, and neither do perfect learning situations. Pamela Dunston, Ph.D., of Clemson University, found cueing to be an effective strategy.",完美的世界是不存在的,完美的学习环境也是不存在的。克莱姆森大学的帕梅拉·丹斯通博士发现暗示是一个很有效的策略。 +"It was sure that the specialist, who found the pathogeny of SARS as Chlamydia under an electron microscope, was not under that state.",那位在电子显微镜下看到SARS的病原是衣原体的专家,肯定没有进入这种状态。 +"These all cause the design trend comfortableness and the human nature, also had the very big breakthrough to the construction function request.",这些都使设计趋向更为舒适性和人性化,对建筑功能的要求也有了很大突破。 +I was so surprised because the regular vaccines usually cost at least $20 and you have to book an appointment with a primary physician or go to the department of health.,我很奇怪,因为普通的疫苗通常至少价值20美元,你得与主治医生约定好或者去卫生部才可(买到)。 +"This article introduced each method, for example, GC-MS, LC-MS and etc in China and other countries for detecting the acrylamide in foods, since acrylamide was found in fried foods in 2002.",本文介绍了从2002年首次在油炸烧烤类食品中发现丙烯酰胺以来,国内和国外学者检测食品中丙烯酰胺含量的各种检测方法,诸如GC-MS和LC-MS等。 +Put the sparkle back in your glassware by adding vinegar to your rinse water or dishwater.,在清洗用水中加入醋,然后倒回玻璃制品中。 +"The problems also have global implications. Without a new green revolution, farmers will need 60% more water to feed the 2 billion extra people who will be born between now and 2025.",这些问题也具有全球性的意涵:依照目前的人口成长速度,从现在到2025年还会增加20亿人口,若没有再来一场新的绿色革命,农夫们在现在的水荒之中,却还需要增加60%的用水才能养活大家。 +"Metonymy, no less significant than metaphor, is part of our everyday thinking, grounded in experience, subject to general and systematic cognitive principles and structures our thoughts and actions.",本文所持的认知观认为转喻是一种认知过程,其本质是概念的,因此转喻和隐喻一样也是人类重要的思维方式之一,它基于经验基础并受一般的认知原则支配。 +"The main piece ""him"" short-listed students in China and the United States in 2008 for the first exhibition contest video unit .",主要作品《一个人》入围2008第一届华美学生影像展竞赛单元。 +"Just as a radio antenna will resonate with and absorb certain radio waves, nanostructured optical antennas can resonate with and absorb visible and infrared light.",就像收音机天线可以与特定的声波共振并吸收它们一样,纳米结构光学共振也可以与可见的红外光并吸收它们。 +"The story describes a prince, Edward and a pauper, Tom changed their position ocassionally. The prince became a pauper while the pauper became the prince.",故事是这样的:它描写王子爱德华和贫儿汤姆通过一个阴差阳错的偶在机会互相换了位置,王子变成了贫儿,贫儿成了王子。 +"ObjectiveTo improve the diagnosis and treatment of hemangioblastomas of the posterior cranial fossa, reduce the postoperative complications and mortality.",【目的】提高后颅窝血管网织细胞瘤的诊断及治疗水平,降低术后并发症和致残率及死亡率。 +The majority of the heavy work was activities that we could perform with local manpower instead of bringing sophisticated equipment to the site.,大部分的体力重活我们都能跟当地工人一起完成,工地并不需要复杂的机械设备。 +Curiosity is what gets you questioning the world and your place in it.,好奇心是你对这个世界怀有疑问的开始,决定你在其中的位置。 +Singing for our dear motherland.,歌唱我们亲爱的祖国。 +"It is a very good, free newsreader that will be of interest to all Usenet newbies.",这是一个非常好的,免费的新闻阅读器,将感兴趣的所有新闻组新手。 +"If a physician makes a large incision in the slave of a freed man, and kill him, he shall replace the slave with another slave.",如果医生在自由人的奴隶的身体里动切割手术,并令其致死,他将必须用另一个奴隶赔偿这个奴隶。 +Widely spread in the western hemisphere and widely popular in the east of Asia.,它与英式台球和美��台球并驾齐驱。深入哄传于深入地时尚于西半球和亚洲华东。 +"""Snow Territory Day Road"" is also one good play which is worth with ""National Image"" anticipating similarly.",《雪域天路》也是一部与《国家形象》同样值得期待的好戏。 +"At the 4th stage, besides the vulva, worm sex can also be distinguished by its tail.",第4期幼虫的性别除雌虫的阴门外,还可从虫体的尾部加以区别。 +"Audio Commentary with director Sam Raimi, Tobey Maguire, producer Avi Arad and co-producer Grant Curtis.",导演山姆·雷米,托贝·马奎尔,制片艾微·艾德和联合制片格兰特·柯蒂斯的评论音轨。 +"Comprehend this bleak of loess's colour, especially on the bank of Kashgar jade-river .",体味这种黄色的苍凉,尤其要到玉龙喀什河边上。 +"One common theory, for instance, is that we are shaped by our parents.","一个常见的理论,例如,是我们的父母塑造了我们的人格" +"It must not be inferred from his introspection, his absent- mindedness, his secrecy and his solitude that he lacked aptitude for affairs when he chose to exercise it.",不能因为他的内省,他的恍惚,他的隐秘和他的孤独,就武断的认为他在处理事务时缺乏资质。 +"About 24m US adults have diabetes now, most of them type-2 diabetes, which is strongly linked with poor diet and lack of exercise.",目前大约有2400万美国人患糖尿病,其中大部分是2型糖尿病,与饮食不当和缺乏锻炼密切相关。 +Those students who appear unengaged in the class are given the opportunity to participate. All students are made to feel special.,给予那些在课堂上不爱表现的学生同等参与的机会。 +What's all the rumpus about?,这么吵闹究竟是怎么回事? +French novelist; he portrays the complexity of 19th century French society (1799-1850).,法国长篇小说家;他描绘了十九世纪法国的复杂社会(1799-1850)。 +Mass movements are often a factor in the awakening and renovation of stagnant societies.,群众性运动经常是能唤醒和振兴停滞不前的社会的一个因素。 +Homes and other buildings burning in Natori.,名取郡燃烧的家园和其他建筑 +"""If I want to stay here [I have to] look for a district that will sponsor me for a permanent residency visa, "" she explains.",“如果我想留在这儿,我必须找一个帮我办到永久居留签证的地方。” 她解释道。 +This article first gives a brief introduction about cellular wireless location network.,本文首先就蜂窝网定位技术进行了介绍。 +He produced new bladders for patients.,他曾为患者打造新膀胱。 +Experiment showed that increasing the temperature increased the conversion of benzyl alcohol and the selectivity of benzaldehyde;,实验证明反应温度越高,苯甲醇的转化率和生成苯甲醛的选择性越高; +"I can bring volunteers to visit villages, and use these funds to help them as well as their children.",我可以带志愿者下村走访,用这些基金来帮助她们和他们的孩子。 +"He specializes with lions and runs the Kingdom of the White Lion facility in the Lion Park in Gauteng Province, South Africa.",他专门研究狮子,并在南非豪登省的狮园里掌管着白狮王国。 +"But, maybe we need to throw out the idea of virginity altogether, toss away the idea that you “lose” something from a single act.",但是,也许我们需要完全丢掉处女这个概念,不要有从一个行为中你会失去什么的想法。 +"Let you stand out in the crowd, revealing not the same as the unique fresh style.",让你置身于人群之外,显露出了不一样的独特新颖的风格。 +"Towards the middle of the Bridge, Cosette, whose feet were benumbed, wanted to walk.",快到桥的中段,珂赛特的脚麻了,要下来走。 +"Leaders stressed the important role of China-EU political and sectoral dialogues in enhancing the strategic relationship, particularly the strategic guidance given by the China-EU Summit mechanism.",领导人强调中欧政治和行业对话在促进双方战略关系方面的重要作用,特别是领导人会晤机制对中欧关系的战略引领作用。 +UV ink: Inks which are chemically reactive to ultraviolet light.,紫外线墨:紫外光会引致化学反应的墨。 +Semi-solid metal forming technology is a new metal forming technology and it is a forming technology with enormous developmental potentiality.,半固态金属成形技术作为一项新兴的金属成形技术,是一种具有巨大发展潜力的加工技术。 +That's an example of adding a force that you really shouldn't be adding.,这就是一个加了不该加的力的例子 +"She's worn shorts before — to walk the dog, do stuff around the White House.",以前在遛狗或白宫附近工作时,她也穿短裤。 +The vision of a world free from nuclear arms has powerfully stimulated disarmament and arms control negotiations.,无核武世界的愿景有力推动了裁军和军备控制谈判。 +Make sure your profi le is complete and current.,确保你的简介是完整的、新的。 +"The result shows that general level of students fitness is good, and precedes the nations from 19 to 22.",结果表明:漳州职业技术学院学生体质的总体水平良好,且优于全国19~22岁学生的平均水平; +Some of the similarities between Japan's economic woes and the U. S. ' are striking.,日本经济困局和目前美国正在经历的困难之间有一些相似之处。 +"Uh, do you see any…like, powder? -Powder! Yeah! Yeah, I have powder!",呃,你有没有看到一些…比如,脂粉? -脂粉!耶!耶!我找到脂粉了! +"And on account of what circumstance, ânanda, is a Pakkeka-Buddha worthy of a pagoda?",这说明在何种情况下,阿难,Pakkeka佛值得建宝塔。 +"This has two levels, the subterranean one being narrower and primarily an access-way for maintenance.",这里有六个区域,沿主干道分布的是保温管道,人们穿行其间,所有公共线路和管道运行也在其中。 这里有两层,地下的很窄,是用来维修的通道。 +Google could just burry a toggle in the system settings that allows access.,Google可以在系统设置中预设开关来控制是否允许超频。 +This has led to weak base of theory for many workers.,但这也导致了很多员工理论基础薄弱。 +This paper discusses the design method of signal conditioning circuit and Compensating technology of measuring error in using hardware and software for the pressure sensors.,介绍压力传感器的信号调节电路设计方法和测量误差的软、硬件补偿技术。 +"In an aspect of external figure, the invention adopts the concept of 'ergonomic shape hole of head-insert' which they never tried so far.",在外形上采用现有技术未采用过的“人机工学头型固定槽”概念。 +The top line showed my tidal volume—the amount of air inhaled with each breath—over the 16 minutes that I'd worn the LifeShirt.,最上头的一条显示我穿著「生命衣」16分钟之间的潮气量,也就是每次吸入空气的量。 +Community Correction refers to a kind of criminal justice activity in which a non-custodial penalty or an alternative way of sentence services is executed in the community.,社区矫正是指在社区中执行非监禁刑或者监禁刑的替代措施的一种刑事执法活动。 +"After that, my farther tried some other business, but each time he ended up with failure.",在那后的 , 我的更远尝试了一些其他的生意,但是每时间他以失败作为结束。 +"Aba epicenter was located in Wenchuan County, the earthquake caused a serious loss of life and property.",震中位于阿坝州汶川县,地震造成了严重的生命和财产损失。 +"Too many add-ons, however, and the UI does get rather cluttered, which is a downside of the platform.",然而太多的插件,使得界面变得相当凌乱,是这个平台的劣势。 +The Sanhedrin was made up of 70 men.,犹太高等参议院和法庭由70个人组成。 +"All the official gifts remain public property, since US law forbids administration officials from accepting presents from foreign governments.",美国法律规定,政府官员不得收受外国政府馈赠的礼品,因此所有这些礼品都是公共财产。 +"You can easily expand element imports and package imports by clicking the plus sign, as shown in Figure 26.",您可以通过点击这个加号从而轻松地展开元素和包的导入,如图 26所示。 +Detail informations are given in this article about chemical agents for drilling mud and oil well cement manufactured in West Germany.,介绍了西德几家公司生产的几种钻井泥浆和水泥浆添加剂,主要是赫斯特和拜尔公司的优异产品。 +On ofthe councillors behind the scheme said: 'We really want people who come to theregion to feel that they are living the digital world experience.,该项目其中的一位幕后顾问说:“我们真的想让来这边参观的人体验到自己身处数码世界之中。 +"This paper reports that of 24 head of Red deer, 15 head died during the experiment with carbamide feed, The death rate was 61.7%.",本文介绍了我地区某鹿场饲喂添加尿素饲料试验的24只马鹿中,突然死亡15只,死亡率达61.7%。 +"In fact, the default fate of any politician who publicly considers the legalization of marijuana is to be cast into the outer darkness.",事实上,任何政治家若公开承认合法化大麻,那么被排斥将是他注定的命运。 +"Capitalism took on a new shape, went to war and survived.",资本主义呈现出一种新的形式,投入战争,幸存下来。 +The maturing period in flow-through plants has nominal capacity of 8-10 minutes at the maximum.,直流系统装置在其额定输出量下,最大熟化时间在8-10分钟。 +"She said that in any case to Ming House would not betray him, certainly not. < /p> < p> bright scars were brought to the countryside, see stand together with Liang Zhongchun and the firing squad -.",她向明楼表示无论���何自己都不会背叛他,一定不会。 伤痕累累的明台被带到了郊外,看见了与梁仲春和行刑队站在一起的明诚。 +"The MOU followed discussions this week at the third China-US Energy Policy Dialogue, where the two sides agreed to jointly conduct audits to increase national, regional and local energy efficiency.",谅解备忘录是在本周第三次中美能源政策对话后签署的,双方同意共同审核以提高全国、地域性和地方能源效率。 +"A study of data from approximately 54,000 women, published in BioMed Central's open access journal Breast Cancer Research, found no association between drinking green tea and breast cancer risk.",一项关于来自大约54000名女性数据的研究出版在生物医学中心开放访问期刊《乳腺癌症研究》上,它发现喝绿茶与乳腺癌风险之间没有联系。 +Who was that tough-talking economist?,这位严厉的经济学家是谁? +"Duhem problem is one of the controversial problem in modem science, to which Popper, Lakatos and Kuhn all have provided different solutions.",迪昂问题是当代科学哲学争论的主题之一。波普尔、拉卡托斯和库恩都曾经对此问题给予不同的对待或解决。 +Which lesson do you like most?,你最喜欢哪门课程? +A well-meaning fellow; ill-meaning intentions.,一位好心但笨拙的侍者; +Soemo Fine Arts is happy to exhibit the four artists for the first time.,苏蒙画廊很高兴首次展出的这四位艺术家的作品。 +"Diplomacy has so-far failed to stop the cross-border attacks, with the latest U. N. Security Council meeting on the situation ending late Monday without reaching an agreement.",到目前为止,外交活动没有能够制止以巴之间的越界袭击。星期一晚间,联合国安理会就有关局势举行了一次会议,但未能达成一致立场。 +"Accepts shakes off is a diligent blue collar player, he is also the type which the franker appreciates.",纳胡拉是一位勤勤恳恳的蓝领球员,他也是弗兰克所欣赏的类型。 +"The underlying forces that allow, even encourage, protest to paralyze reform in these nations remain.",那股准许甚至鼓励抗争以瘫痪改革的潜在力量,仍在这些国家发酵。 +The most common examples are Intel's 80x86 and Motorola's 680x0 families.,常见的例子是:Intel80x86、Motorola 680x0系列。 +"1918 - The Azerbaijan Democratic Republic, the first Republic of Armenia declares its statehood. It was the first democratic republic in the Muslim world.",1918年的今天,阿塞拜疆民主共和国作为首个亚美尼亚共和国宣布其政府地位。从而成为整个穆斯林世界中首个民主共和国。 +The specific policies in China are increasing jobs in labor market of secondary skill and limiting high-level enlarged enrollment.,解决我国的过度教育问题,主要应从增加中技能职业就业岗位与限制高层次教育扩招两个相关方面来着手实施。 +"Conference issued a ""forest fire prevention plans"" and the ""collateral contract to implement forest fire prevention measures"";",会议下发了《森林防火工作预案》和《森林防火抵押承包实施办法》; +This is 65. I'm sorry. In this letter Buddy explains to Zooey what he and Seymour have been trying to do.,"是在65页,抱歉,那封信里,巴蒂向左伊解释,他和西莫一直试图做的事情。" +"In a harmonious atmosphere, Qiu Jiankun is standing vise general manager in the office gave us a warm welcome.",在和谐融洽的气氛中,邱建坤常务副总经理在办公室里热情接待了我们。 +"At each stop, I have emphasized president Obama's message that our strategy working with you may be in a new phase, but we pledge our full and continuing commitment to Iraq and the Iraqi people.",在每一站,我都强调奥巴马总统的信息,那就是我们与你们的合作可能进入了一个新的阶段,但我们保证对伊拉克和伊拉克人民充分而持续的承诺。 +"The big question for 2010 is whether the U. S. M&A market will return to pre-crisis levels and, if so, will Chinese deal flow surge along with it?",2010年所面临的最大的问题在于美国的并购市场是否能回转到危机前的状况, 又能否会吸引更多的中国投资者来参与? +"Today, the international landscape continues to undergo intricate changes. The world economy is recovering steadily, but still faces many risks and challenges.",当前,国际形势继续发生深刻复杂变化,世界经济复苏逐渐稳固,但仍面临诸多风险挑战。 +"""I understand the announcement on the final bidder will be made as early as in mid-July, or it could be delayed to September or October, "" a DAPA spokesman said.",一个防卫事业厅发言人说,“据我所知,最后宣布投标人决定的公告最早将在7月中旬,也可能被推迟到9月或10月”。 +"""My guess is that for quite a few years yet policymakers will do whatever they can to save this thing,"" said Katinka Barysch, deputy director of the Center for European Reform.","欧洲改革中心副主管Katinka Barysch称,""我猜测未来好几年内决策者仍将会尽力挽救.""" +"However, if you attempt to close your fingers round it and try to posses it, it will spill through the first cracks it finds.",可如果你试图捏起拳头,紧紧握住它,水就会从它所能找到的第一条缝里喷洒出来。 +Awarding the degree is treated with the regulations of the Students Status Management Regulations of YBU and the Implementation of Detail Rules of Postgraduate Status Management Regulations of YBU.,学位的授予按《延边大学学籍管理条例》和《延边大学研究生学籍管理实施细则》的相关规定处理。 +"After a gourmet Chinese lunch, we boarded an immaculate air-conditioned train for Canton, sank into reclining seats, and were served hot jasmine tea in rice - grain china cups.",在一餐精美的中国宴会后,我们上了一列洁净的空调火车到广州,坐在可以斜躺的座位上,同时被递上了热呼呼的“米粒”瓷杯泡的茉莉花茶。 +A split in Shell's case therefore might not yield the same value as it would for COP.,因此壳牌的拆分在收益上可能无法与康菲石油相提并论。 +"XML convertors, writers, and readers",XML 转换器、编写器和读取器 +"It was way colder outside than in the house, but Hua felt quite gleeful, as if he had become a teen again who was full of ginger. He made quick and large stride.",天气比屋子里冷多了;老栓倒觉爽快,仿佛一旦变了少年,得了神通,有给人生命的本领似的,跨步格外高远。 +Delta Air LinesInc. is spending $1 billion on fleet upgrades through 2013 including lie-flatseats to attract more business-class passengers.,达美航空公司(Delta Air Lines Inc.)预计在2013年将花费10亿美元用于飞机升级,其中包括设立平躺式座位以吸引更多商务舱乘客。 +"Do not iron directly on the clothes, use steam iron.",熨烫时不可直接压烫,应用蒸汽喷烫。 +You can see an example of one such interface (many are possible) at the Semantic Web Environmental Directory (SWED) site (see Resources).,可以在语义 Web 环境目录(SWED)的站点上(请参阅 参考资料)看到这类界面的示例。 +"And, most of the stuff goes flying through.",同时大部分的东西会穿过去。 +"Ah, the fish is boneless and transparent.",啊,这种鱼没有骨头,而且是透明的。 +Just seeing her picture in a magazine gives me goose bumps--she's such a beautiful woman!,即便在杂志里看到她的照片都会让我起鸡皮疙瘩。 她真是太漂亮了。 +"WASHINGTON, 23 April 2008. NASA has selected General Dynamics Advanced Information Systems Inc., to build the Landsat Data Continuity Mission (LDCM) spacecraft.",美国国家航空航天局(NASA)选择了通用动力先进信息系统公司建造地球资源卫星数据连续性任务(LDCM)的空间段。 +Carboniferous system in the Talimu basin is main source sequence.,塔里木盆地石炭系为该区的主力生油层系。 +The two layer cluster heads were selected by base station in terms of residual energy of node and distance between cluster heads and base station.,由基站依据节点剩余能量和簇头与基站的距离分别选出二层簇头,簇内节点利用单跳和多跳模式与簇头进行通信。 +"Journalists at CCTV led the extensive media coverage of a high-speed-rail crash at Wenzhou in July that killed 40 people, until the censors curbed them.",7月,央视记者对导致40人死亡的温州动车事故在媒体上进行广泛报道,直到审查部门对其进行制止。 +Objective In order to understand personality and provide data for the research on military psychology of military students.,了解军队院校学员的个性心理特征,为军队院校学员的心理学研究提供依据。 +"He was an ardent patriot of modern China, prominent socialist and forerunner of learning from the West.",广东香山通八达(今中山县)人。 2近代中国著名的爱国者、杰出的社会活动家和向西方学习的先驱。 +"It's a scenic jewel, a hamlet of hill-hugging chalets, elegant church spires and ancient inns all reflected in the deep still waters of an Alpine lake.",这是景色秀丽如同宝石,(这里增译啦)整个小村庄里被群山环抱地板屋,俗气地教堂尖塔和旧时地小旅店全数反照在幽静安好地高山湖中。 +I lie down among the clothes I have put on the bed and doze.,我躺了下来,靠在衣服上,打了个小盹。 +"SCP-ZrO2 (gem-grade zirconia) has high purity and is mainly used for making cubic zirconia crystal (artificial gems), and as additive for optical glass and fibre with high index of refraction.",具有高纯度,是制造立方氧化锆晶体(人造宝石)的主要原材料,也用作高折射光学玻璃和光学纤维的添加剂。 +"Now, people concern more in Sanya than in Haikou. Can you make a comparison for the Resorts between Haikou and Sanya. What are the advantages and disadvantages between them?",国际旅游岛,大家更多的是关注三亚,那么作为海口的度假型的酒店的和三亚的度假型的酒店做个比较,各有什么优势和劣势? +This tension will only be resolved when both sides approximate each other's worldviews and accept that they will never have identical cultural values.,只有当双方互相了解了对方的世界观,并接受他们彼此的文化价值观永远不可能完全一致这个现实之后,这种紧张才能得以解除。 +"I will become a celibate, and join a monastery.",我要成为独身者,去加入一个修道院。 +"Ancient Chinese culture, a strong ideological tendencies and harsh natural environment, and in this environment produced by the original agriculture What kind of logic, the theoretical link?",中国古代文化强烈的意识形态倾向与严酷的自然环境、与在这种环境里产生的原始农业有什么逻辑上、理论上的联系? +A. The new chemical authorization form (See Attachment 1) must be filled out and approved before a new chemical can be purchased and used.,在购买和使用一新化学品前必须填写新化学品许可表格(见附表1)。 +Purpose:To study the prevention and treatment method of carcinoma of the cervical stump.,目的:探讨子宫颈残喘癌的预防和治疗。 +Cultural and psychological methods have introduced into the research of miasma.,一些学者在对“瘴气”的研究中使用了文化学和心理学的方法。 +Chelsea Football Club have agreed an undisclosed fee with Hamburg SV for the transfer of Khalid Boulahrouz.,切尔西足球俱乐部已经就卡里迪·博拉鲁兹的转会价格同汉堡达成一致,具体金额没有透露。 +Mastiff is the British variant of the widely used six-wheel-drive Cougar vehicle.,Mastiff是广泛使用的六轮驱动美洲豹汽车的英国变种。 +It is also interesting that they both [Agile and traditional shops] deliver software under fixed price contracts.,他们能够同时敏捷和传统这两种方式来交付软件,而且使用固定价格合同,真是有趣。 +He scrounged a cigarette from his roommate .,他向通室居住的人要了一支香烟… +"Based on the field test, the dynamic response of a roadbed-bridge transition section on which a disperse impetus locomotive with high speed is running are studied in this paper.",通过现场实测,对秦沈客运专线动力分散型机车在某路桥过渡段高速行车条件下的动响应规律进行了研究。 +Taicang rose from the marine transportation of the Tax grain in Yuan Dynasty.,太仓自元代海运漕粮而兴起,郑和七下洋以太仓为起锚地和归舶港。 +"Bentham's utilitarianism attracted many thinkers, in his time and the later. Mill, Jhering, even Marx'theory has something to do with utilitarianism.",边沁的功利主义思想,吸引了许多的思想家,他同时代及其后的密尔、耶林、庞德,甚至马克思都受到了功利主义思想的影响。 +"""I like the lamb chops and the salami, "" she said.",“我喜欢羊排和意大利香肠,”她说。 +"Besides being a great novelist, Lawrence is also a proficient poet, a ombative essayist, an atmospheric travel-writer, and a prolific literary correspondent.",劳伦斯不仅是一位伟大的小说家,他还是一位著名的诗人、勇敢善斗的小品文作者、游记作家、以及多产的文学记者。 +"We started human life as hunter-gatherers, where contact with others, kin and non-kin, was the center of human life, social and moral.",我们像猎户一样,开始人类生活,和其他有皮毛的或是无皮毛的物种相联系,是整个人类社会生活、道德生活的中心。 +"Scrooge said 'Bah'and'Humbug! 'again, and'Go away'. He could not think of anything better to say.",史高基又说了“呸”和“骗子!”,还有“走开”。他想不出什么好的东西说。 +"On the third or fourth floor. I can't remember exactly, but it's a good shop.",在三楼或者四楼。我记不太清了,但是那是一家不错的商店。 注释。 +"Better prospects for young adults would encourage the forming of new households, buoying the demand for new homes.",如果有更好的前程,会有更多的年轻人结婚成家, 这会推动住房需求的高涨。 +"Therefore, ""summary"" should be the actual problems about the lack of work and the presence of.",因此“年终总结”应多讲工作中的不足和存在的实际问题。 +"The two sides will maintain contacts at all levels, especially among senior officials, and will expand friendly cooperation in all fields, so as to promote Sino-Armenian relations to a new level.",双方将继续保持高层交往和各个层次的接触与交流,不断拓展两国各个领域的友好合作关系,丰富其内涵,在新世纪把这一关系提高到一个新的水平。 +"In order to show so-called fair, uses in the cricket which gambles , by the gamblers is placed, in has the specialist to raise ""male raises the room"", guaranteed that has not eaten ""the stimulant"".",为示所谓的公正,被用于赌博的蟋蟀,均被赌徒们寄养在有专人饲养的“公养房”内,以确保没有吃过“兴奋剂”。 +You will use this sample code for exercises throughout this article.,这个例子代码将在本文中通篇被用到。 +Thinking of sb. can be a kind of disease. Lucky is that you both are sick. Otherwise he has been healed but you can no l.,思念是一种病。幸福的是你病了,他也病了;不幸的是,他康复了,你却一病不起。 +"At the experimental group , discs were harvested from the caudal vertebrae and placed subcutaneously in the epidural.",实验组经手术切除尾椎椎间盘,埋植在硬膜外。 +In his view differences in adaptation are insufficient to create niches commensurate in number and kind.,按照他的观点,适应的差异不足以在数量上和种类上形成同量的小生境。 收藏。 +"Everyone, allow me face, come back tomorrow when I have everything ready.",各位, 给我一个面子, 等明天我把一切准备好了再请你们过来玩吧。 +"Panetta, a former CIA director who took over the Pentagon's top job in July, was asked on the Charlie Rose television show whether the Arab Spring might spread to non-Arab Iran.",当他在Charlie Rose电视节目中被问及“阿拉伯之春”是否可能蔓延到伊朗时,他回应道“完全可能”。 +"The Bain report’s findings on investment immigration were greeted with a mixture of envy, exasperation and cynicism online.",贝恩公司在投资移民方面的报告在网络上引起了嫉妒、愤怒和冷嘲热讽。 +"In the programmer pane, select Simple Action(s), and then add the action to run the agent created above.",在编程器面板中,选择 Simple Action(s),然后添加该操作以运行上面创建的代理。 +"So well-known gourmet, not invented one or two food, is unable to imagine.",这么知名的美食家,没有发明过一两道美食,是无法想象的。 +The possible slipping and twinning modes in hop metals are summarized.,综述了密排六方金属可能的滑移和孪生变形方式。 +You can take me to the skies…,你能带我遨翔在那辽阔的天空… +"Some conservative groups, long unhappy with the naked capitalism produced by more than 30 years of economic reforms, have taken up the “Chongqing model”.",对30多年经济改革带来的赤裸裸的资本主义早就心怀不满的一些保守阵营,已经对“重庆模式”表达了认同。 +She has also published widely in the areas of international macroeconomics and economic development.,梁女士也曾出版了多部在宏观经济研究方面的多部著作。 +"Evidence for this could be seen the next day when, just outside Osijek, I encountered a road block set up by a government-contracted firm that was clearing landmines in fields to the side.",第二天就看见了遭受战争重创的痕迹:就在奥西耶克城外,我遇到了一家政府承包商设置的路障,他们正在清除路边田野里的地雷。 +"In the end, though, you pick it up: that's one of the other great things about going abroad.",最后,我还是通过了这一关,那是我出国后做过的另一件伟大的事情。 +This study was to search specific CK2 inhibitors in tumor cells through observation of the inhibitory effects of baicalein on recombinant human protein kinase CK2 holoenzyme and its kinetic.,为了寻找肿瘤细胞内CK2的特异性抑制剂,本研究观察黄芩甙体外对重组人蛋白激酶CK2的抑制效果,并进行酶动力学分析以确定其抑制作用类型。 +"This article discusses non-destructive methods for testing fruit quality, mechanizing and automatic technologies for fruit classification.",该文论述了国内外果实品质的无损伤检测技术,果实分级的机械化与自动化技术; +Methods:The lung functions of 52 wood workers were analysised using T test .,方法:运用T检验方法对某厂木型车间52名接触木尘工人肺功能进行了分析。 +"However, Al Qaida and related groups have expressed a serious interest in using CBRN.",不过,基地及其相关组织对使用CBRN有极大兴趣。 +"Well after the end of the war, the Egyptian government and its newspapers continued to make claims of collusion between Israel, the United Kingdom and the United States.",战争之后,埃及政府及其报纸喉舌继续鼓噪以色列、英国和美国之间的结盟。 +"Livened to creates an information for regarding teaching resources as corpused the, networked the education teaching of environmental for whole school teacher on the function;",在功能上为全校师生创造了一个以教学资源为主体的信息化、网络化的教育教学环境; +She's such a snob!,她竟是这样一个势利眼! +GSIS purchased a DB2 system from IBM as part of a broader system implementation.,作为一个范围更广的系统实现的一部分,GSIS从IBM购买了一套DB2系统。 +This Manual is suitable for DL-205 Internal-resistance-of-battery meter.,本说明书适用于DL-205 电池内阻测试仪。 +"The second script, in Listing 3, contains the specific processing for the to-do list tool, including the offline processing bits.",清单 3 是第二个脚本,包含 to-do 列表工具的特定处理,包括脱机处理。 +"When the first spring flowers blossom, Easter comes.",当春天第一束花开得时候,复活节便来临了。 +"To prevent a possible outbreak of HPAI, poultry producers and dealers must also use biosecurity precautions at live-Bird markets.",为防止可能爆发的高致病性禽流感,家禽生产商和销售商必须在生鸟贸易市场也采取生物安全措施。 +"Then they cried out to the Lord in their trouble, and he delivered them from their distress.",于是,他们在苦难中哀求耶和华,他从他们的祸患中搭救他们。 +"These canons survived in a form edited by Peregrinus, who considered them an indispensable aid in the study of Scripture.",这些大炮存活的形式游隼编辑的,谁认为他们的研究圣经的一个不可缺少的援助。 +“Cognitive difficulties” is the way that her medical record describes it. A more sterile understatement is difficult to imagine.,在她的病历卡上,她的病状被称为“认知障碍”,这种刻板且轻描淡写的专业名词无法能解释的清病人所要面对的困难。 +Seeding gis one element of ACCA's approach to ensuring all exams are fair.,种子题是ACCA确保所有考试的公平性的一种方法。 +The next page defines interframe spacing and backoff.,下一页定义讯框间间距和后退演算法。 +"The research team theorized that with the aid of sophisticated 3-D CT imaging, treatment may be more precise and take less time.",研究小组理论上推测在有经验的三维CT成像帮助下,治疗将会更加精确,而花费更少的时间。 +"The recently opened spa also uses organic products, while the adjoining boutique stocks organic anti-aging products and make-up, as well as natural hair care products.",最近新开设的Spa馆也使用有机产品,精品屋里售卖的也是有机抗衰老产品、彩妆以及天然护发产品。 +The Encyclopedia of Italian Literary Studies is a two-volume reference book containing some 600 entries on all aspects of Italian literary culture.,在意大利文学研究百科全书是一个两卷本参考书含有意大利文学文化的某些方面对所有600项。 +The enlightenment of Gutei and of the boy does not depend on the finger.,无门曰、倶胝并童子悟处、不在指头上。 +"This paper empirically analyzes on the monetary circulation speed in China, draws a conclusion that Chinese monetary circulation speed is descent with cis-periodicity and great variation.",通过对我国货币流通速度的实证分析,得出我国货币流通速度是下降的、顺周期性的、变化大的结论。 +"With the acceleration of industrialization and urbanization in our country, lots of rural collective land are confiscated and many peasants become landless peasant.",随着我国工业化和城市化进程地加快,大量农村集体土地被征用,不少农民成为失地农民。 +"In comes the prehensile thumb, and the next thing you know you get a colossal earthquake, and the possessor of the prehensile thumb disappears from the earth -which is to say, very possibly the human species will never develop.","就像对人类进化至关重要的大拇指,经历了一场大地震后,如果所有有这种拇指的人都消失了,那么人类就很可能永远不能进化。" +"With the rest of the world still trying to regain its economic footing, the authorities in Beijing are hoping they can shrink a bubble without bursting it entirely.",基于世界其他国家仍在努力恢复自己的经济,北京的执政者希望缩小泡沫而不完全刺破它。 +Copy flex-bootstrap.jar and flex-bootstrap-jsp.jar from the webtier\WEB-INF\lib to the corresponding WEB-INF\lib directory of the portlet project.,将 flex-bootstrap.jar 和 flex-bootstrap-jsp.jar 从 webtier\WEB-INF\lib 复制到 portlet 项目对应的 WEB-INF\lib 目录下。 +The court shall consult the investigation reports provided by the Gender Equity Education Committee at different levels in establishing facts referred to in the preceding paragraph.,法院对于前项事实之认定,应审酌各级性别平等教育委员会之调查报告。 +"The paper discusses the self-reliant design, and fabrication of a 600MW PWR unit's steam generator with domestic supplied materials.",本文论述了600MW压水堆核电站蒸汽发生器设计的自主化、材料和制造的国产化。 +You can call it compassionate listening.,你可以称之为慈悲的倾听。 +"This kind of analysis is crucial for correctly identifying art—because even non-expert people were right two thirds of the time, far better than their computer competitors.",这种分析对于正确的艺术分类非常重要——因为即使非专家的人在三分之二的时候也是对的,远远优于他们的计算机竞争者��� +"In the fourth part, "" in the question thinking, development in practice"", is the story of myself in the "" little teacher"" in class puzzles and solutions.",在第四辑,“在问题中思考,在实践中发展”,讲述的就是自己在“小老师”上课中的困惑和解决办法。 +A rolling bearing is a ready-to-mount machine element.,滚动轴承是一个即装即用的机器元件。 +The Classic French restaurant pro-vides an elegant setting while the informal Tea Room serves freshly baked cookies and specialty teas .,另有一家法国古典餐厅提供高雅舒适的用餐空间,还有一间非正式的茶室,提供刚出炉的点心和风味独特的茶饮。 +I once heard Brendel play all the Beethoven concertos.,有一次,我听了布伦德尔吹奏贝多芬全部的协奏曲。 +It auto-suggests music based on other artists you like using sorcery. (Or algorithms.),它能使用魔法(好吧,算法)自动基于你喜欢的其他艺术家给你推荐音乐。 +"With open mind to accept the influence and nourishment of Han culture, they not only advocated Confucian country, but also were skilled in the Chinese writing.",他们以其开阔的胸襟接受汉文化的熏陶、滋养,不仅主张以儒家思想治国,而且还娴熟地运用汉文进行创作,在诗歌、书法等方面取得突出成就。 +"In my opinion, idol worship, the thought-provoking social phenomenon, is a double-edged sword which can deeply influence the growth of young people.",在我看来,偶像崇拜这个发人深思的社会现象,其实是把双刃剑,可以深刻影响青年人成长。 +It thoroughly solved the difficulty of the target materials being polluted by odds and ends out from screen net of the swing granulator.,该机彻底解决了摇摆式颗粒机筛网磨损碎屑污染物料的难题。 +Bs I drive into town I notice that the buildings look older than in other areas I've visited.,在我开车到镇上的时候,我看见了一处古老的建筑群,比起参不雅过的那绿茶都有哪些些都要古远。 +"A common example is a message security policy, which often needs to be enforced consistently and at a specific point in operational infrastructure, i.e. the DMZ.",例如,消息安全策略常常需要在操作基础设施中的某一位置(比如 DMZ)一致地实施。 +"In general, customers want to know who has which plant, in what size pot, in what quantity, and at what price.",一般来说,顾客想要知道哪一家有哪些花卉,装在多大的瓶子里,数量和价格如何。 +Fred: I barely picked up my fork and you were finished.,弗瑞德:我还没把叉子拿起来,你就全部吃完了。 +Then the fuzzification of decision tree is introduced and a new adaptive classification algorithm is proposed.,引入决策树的模糊化方法及分支(规则)激活度的概念,给出一种新的自适应分类算法。 +I was glad to take the job.,父亲问我愿不愿意尝试着生火,我很高兴地承担了这项任务。 +So Tsai decided to see if they would have any effect on her mice with damaged brain cells.,因此,蔡决定去看看他们是否有任何受损的脑细胞与她的小鼠的影响。 +"Treasuring his blessings, Cai's favorite pastime is putting smiles on patients' faces, especially at free clinics.",见苦知福,现在蔡宗贤最大的休闲娱乐就是让病人重拾笑容,特别是在义诊的时候。 +"As I walked along the streets in Malacca, I looked at the rows of old shops.",当我在马六甲的街道上行走时,我观看那一排排的旧店。 +"Here on earth that number is currently 2, 454, 403, but who really wants to use an integer for newspapers and especially birthdays.","回到地球, 这里是2,454,403天, 可有谁会愿意在新闻报纸上特别是提到生日的时候用这样一个长数字呢?" +"You tackle your problems objectively, like a surgeon removing cancerous matter from an open body.",你客观地处理你的问题,就像外科医生从打开的身体中去除癌组织。 +Employer brand strategy is a new competitive strategy of the overall brand-building in the enterprises.,雇主品牌战略是企业整体品牌建设中新的竞争战略。 +"China and the US have established a mechanism of mid- and long-term anti-terrorism exchange and cooperation based on the principle of ""equality, cooperation, reciprocity and mutual benefit"".",根据“平等合作,双向互利”的原则,中美建立了中长期反恐交流与合作机制。 +Researchers may have found a clue to age-related memory loss among the coiled strands of DNA in the brain cells of elderly mice.,科学家们发现了引起年老老鼠记忆力衰退的一些新线索。 +"Driving schools in Beijing are expected to charge 10% more as new driving exam rules take effect from next month, the Beijing Times reported Saturday.",据《京华时报》27日报道,4月起,北京驾照考试启用新规,受此影响,北京多家驾校学费将涨价,涨幅为10%左右。 +"Thousands of you voted, with 33 per cent selecting our Slovakian centre-half as the club's most fearsome star.",球迷的投票中,33%的投票选择斯洛伐克的中后卫为俱乐部铁汉。 +"From the type of Counter body, the article analyses the ills and reasons of counter body wearing normal shirts and trousers and skirts, and describes pattern adjustment methods.",从反身体体型特征出发,分析了反身体者穿着正常规格的上衣、裤子和裙子后的弊病及产生原因,阐述了纸样调整的方法。 +The ICH documents give guidance on the necessity for revalidation in the following circumstances: changes in the synthesis of the drug substance;,ICH文件对于下列情况下再验证的必要性做出了指导:药物合成过程有变更; +"And, he said, Wall Street’s faith in “quantitative risk analysis” has been battered.",他还说,华尔街对“定量风险分析”的信心也已支离破碎了。 +He will go far in the diplomatic service.,他在外交部门会大有前途。 +"And, behold, there was lifted up a talent of lead: and this is a woman that sitteth in the midst of the ephah.",(我见有一片圆铅被举起来)这坐在量器中的是个妇人。 +"One Foundation is in the middle. We want to build a platform, a bridge between the people who want to give the money and the NGOs.",壹基金是中间人,我们想建立一个平台,在捐赈的人们与公益性机构之间建立一座桥梁。 +"Yongqing territory rich in oil, gas and geothermal resources.",永清境内蕴藏丰富的石油、天然气和地热资源。 +"At a critical moment, affliction, a simple greeting, a practical support to express feelings between friends.",在关键的时刻,患难之际,一句简单的问候,一个切实的支持都能表达出朋友之间的真情实意。 +"Then, being careful not to judge or blame, let him know that the problem - whatever it may be - is something you will face together.",然后,千万不要乱下定论或出言责怪,要让他明白,不管是什么问题,你们都将一起面对。 +"Those figures make it among the cleanest, greenest automobiles in the world.",这些数据使得它是世界上最干净,绿色的汽车。 尽管如此,在印度已经很拥挤的道路上,如果每年再增加100万辆车那也不好受。 +"They didn't pay much attention to the lazy good-for -nothing, because they could see he would never get anywhere.",他们不太在乎那懒鬼,因为他们看得出他哪儿也去不了。 +"Bleak House is among Dickens novels, uniquely original in its alternation of first-person past-tense chapters with a concurrent third-person account in present tense.",《荒凉山庄》是狄更斯的小说之一,以第一人称过去时所写的章节与第三人称现在时的叙述并行,两者间的切换新颖独到。 +Naturallight wood ceiling molding is inline with laminate flooring parquet floor design and coordination and cabinets.,浅木本色的天花板造型,是为了配合地面的强化木地板拼花设计,并和橱柜相协调。 +Thirty years ago they fixated on Japan.,三十年前,他们关注日本。 +To strengthen the preponderant discipline and characteristic discipline construction is the way of enhancing the university level.,加强优势、特色学科的建设是建设强校的途径,是提升学科建设水平、提高学校层次的必然选择。 +Recent surveys in sub-Saharan Africa showed on average just 12% of men and 10% of women have been tested for HIV and received their test results.,在撒哈拉以南非洲进行的最新调查表明,平均而言,只有12%的男子和10%的妇女进行了艾滋病毒检测并收到其检测结果。 +"Buy: Fresh ginger, Fresh garlic, Young Taro, Sweet potato.",采购:新鲜生姜,新鲜大蒜,芋头,红薯。 +"Li sees the husband a few days do not come back, look for fawn on only the woman appeals.",阿丽见丈夫几天都不回来,惟有找媚娘求助。 +"One of the locations prominently featured is Gongmen City, where Lord Shen has taken over the palace in the city's center.",其中一个着重渲染的地方是“拱门城”,沈领主在这接管了位于该城市中心的宫殿。 +"OL were called together for this ""solid plate under the"" hate the big heart, cleverly altered hip line, enhanced leg strength. Efficiency ☆ ☆ ☆ No refund shall ☆ by ☆.",此召集合针对OL们“下盘稳固”之心头大恨,拙劣地改动臀部线条,增强腿部力气。 +"Although JIT compilation provides some advantages for speeding up execution, it does so at the cost of larger amounts of memory.",虽然 JIT 编译为加快执行提供了一些优势,但是这是以巨大的内存为代价进行的。 +All you need are a few key strategies and a firm running goal and you'll be running in any kind of weather.,你只需掌握少数几个关键策略并确定一个坚定的目标,这样就能在任何天气下跑起来。 +I wonder if I could make some photocopies in the hotel.,对不起,我要知道是否能在饭店里复印。 +"He also improved the clarity of wine, so his wine was the best ever made.",此外,他还提高了葡萄酒的纯度,所以他酿造出来的葡萄酒是最好的。 +People don't expect-People don't expect government to solve all their problems.,他们什么都知道,人们并不指望政府解决他们面临的困难。 +"The results suggest that the northern Qaidam basin mainly experienced E-W compression after the Middle-Late Jurassic, which is in accordance with previous results.",结果表明:晚侏罗世之后,柴北缘主要受东西方向的挤压,这与区域上的研究结果一致; +Such area plans to be constructed into residences and commercial buildings and the reconstruction period is about 3 to 5 years.,可建设土地规划用途为住宅、商业建筑用地,建设期约3-5年。 +"For various arts plastiques, sculpture distinguishes itself from other ones with its validity and solidness .",在众多造型艺术中,雕塑以其真实、立体的空间而有别于其他造型艺术。 +"Walking man, Running bus, What is faster.",行走的人,急驰的车,谁更快? +Eight eight Zhangshui River is not brought together into a long mountain and name.,八水河是以八条漳水汇集成一条不长的山涧而得名。 +"The most common practice in Chinese Valentine is ""pray for handicraft "" in the night.",七夕节”最普遍的习俗,就是妇女们在七月初七的夜晚进行各种“乞巧”活动。 +Molecular mass of PET prepolymer with 3 functional groups has little influence on impact strength of JMZ gun propellants.,PET预聚体为3官能度时,其相对分子质量对发射药抗冲击性能影响减小; +Disregard these misguided bits of nonsense and you’ll be well on your way to fulfilling your dreams.,别理会以上十条误导性的建议,你会在追逐梦想的路上越走越远的。 +How to read the full text of saved feed entries within the feed-reader interface.,如何在提要阅读器界面中阅读已保存提要条目的全文。 +Mirrors attached to the rollers form part of an optical system .,装在圆筒上的小镜是光学系统的一部分。 +America’s railways are the mirror image of Europe’s.,美国铁路正像是欧洲铁路的倒像。 +"To share out, apportion, also to get a share.",分享,分配,另为得到一份。 +"Then, while researching vampire lore in Whitby's library, he came across a book entitled An Account of the Principalities of Wallachia and Moldavia (1820) by William Wilkinson.",在惠特比的图书馆寻找有关吸血鬼的传说时,他看到一本威廉。威尔金森写的书,名叫《瓦拉几亚和摩尔达维亚诸公国记事》(1820)。 +"Secondly, Raute has systematically built technical service capability in all areas where we have sold reasonable amount of equipment.",其次,在设备销售量达到一定程度的区域,劳特都系统规划,设立技术服务机构。 +The suggestions to the problems of small and medium-sized city road network are put forward in the process of network programming design.,对于路网规划方案设计,提出了针对中小城市路网问题的建议。 +"You know, the sites interests a food in scenery, food is a key factor when visiting a place.","你知道的,景点就是食物与风景的结合,食物是参观一定地方的重要因素。" +"Ed: First, in some ways it is similar-there are several business apps that are getting lots of sales and downloads from consumer catalogs.",Ed:首先,在某些情况下两者是非常相似的 - 有一些商业应用在消费级市场中也有大量的销售和下载记录。 +Let us also build up human capacity in malaria-endemic countries; our continued success depends on the hard work and dedication of these unsung heroes.,我们还要培养疟疾流行的国家的人力;我们要想不断得到成功,有赖于这些无名英雄的勤奋和献身。 +"“What we know from experience is the psychological footprint from a nuclear disaster can not only be massive but in many ways greater than the effect of radiation, ” Becker said.",贝克尔又说了:“我们能从历史经验中学习到核事故因为在人们心中早已有了根深蒂固的可怕形象,它所带来的影响远比放射物要大得多,多得多。 +"Co-operation with friendly countries may take the form of personnel t raining, transfer of t e chno l - ogy, joint R & D , and cooperative production.",与友好国家的合作可能采取人员培训、技术转移、联合研发 、合作生产的方式。 +The characteristic is low atmospheric pressure and partial pressure of oxygen.,其特点为气压和氧分压均低,易导致人体缺氧。 +The evaluation index and its calculation and measuring and test method of the foreign matter detector and cleaner are also given in the article.,提出了异纤检测清除机判断和评价的指标及计算、考核、测试方法,肯定了清除异纤用电子清纱器的必要性和作用。 +"Together, they tell a kind of encapsulated history of this central, fascinating, problematic poet's career.",这些照片聚集在一起,告诉我们关于那个重要的,迷人的,满腹疑问的诗人的职业的简缩历史。 +"The frequency characteristic of the microcantilever is tested by optical method and impulse exciting method, and the results are close to the theoretic calculation.",用光学法和冲击法测试了压电悬臂梁的频率特性,测试结果与理论分析结果基本一致。 +"Yarns, cords, and cables may be twisted in either S or Z direction.",这些粗绳可能被加上S捻,也可能被加上Z捻。 +"Results Endotheliumdependent dilatation (EDD) in MS1, MS2, MS3 was decreased significantly compared with control subjects (all P<0.01).",结果MS1、MS2、MS3组内皮依赖性血管舒张功能(EDD)较对照组明显降低(P<0.01); +"At present, the UN has designated less than a hundred IRGC-associated entities -- a fraction of their total number.",到目前为止,联合国查出并公布的与革命卫队公司有关的实体公司还不到一百家,这远远不及卫队公司旗下的实际总数量。 +"With Ext, it's really easy to build nice-looking forms and interfaces, so you'd like to use that.",实在是很轻松就创建好漂漂亮亮的表单界面,让用户感觉不错。 +A high accuracy vehicle flux measurement system based on infrared technology is proposed.,设计了一种基于红外技术实现高精度车流检测系统。 +"""If I had a family history of bowel cancer, I would feel quite strongly about taking aspirin regularly, "" he says.",他还假设说:“如果我有肠癌家庭史,肯定会按时服用规定量的阿司匹林。” +"Higher-ranked citizens can enter the department stores for foreigners and senior officials, although foreign currency is often required.",高等公民可以到为外国人和高级官员开设的商店中购物,虽然经常需要用外币结算。 +"Indian Mee Goreng fried egg noodles with prawn, chicken, tofu & egg(avail. V)$26",印度炒面有大虾,鸡肉,豆腐和鸡蛋做成的炒蛋。 +"To enhance the heat efficiency of dual extraction heating turbine, circulating water heating is adopted.",为了提高双抽汽供热汽轮机的热效率,改用循环水供热。 +"When Micheline told me what we could provide for a child for such a small amount of money, I thought how could you say ""no"" and in today's world after 9/11, I am even happier I did it.",当Micheline告诉我,我们所能提供这样少的钱给一个孩子,我想,我如何能说不呢,在9。11事件的当今世界,我对我做的更加感到快乐。 +"Methods Summer cure for a winter disease, use comprehensive nursing measures such as physiotherapy, acupuncture, healthy lifestyle guidance etc.",方法采用冬病夏治、理疗、针灸、健康生活方式指导等综合护理措施。 +"When you have a dream, do not go sleep. The dream in night.",我的枕头是我的船,夜晚的梦境便是浩瀚宝蓝色的海洋。 +I had never suggested that the CCP government had anything to do with Singapore's prosperity.,我从未暗示中共政府对新加坡的繁荣有所帮助。 +Posing with the award is the hotel general manager Manfred Weber.,图为酒店总经理韦博先生代表酒店领取该奖。 +The steps for creating new pages and adding portlets for a KIOSK portal application are the same as those for normal computer browsers.,为 KIOSK 门户应用程序创建新页并添加 portlet 的步骤和在普通计算机浏览器中的操作相同。 +Let's g. o out for a walk.,让我们出去。走走。 +"This text has analysed the research results to corporate governance of present academia, sum up about the discussion, how to choose the corporate governance mode, and comment to it.",本文分析了当前学术界对公司治理模式的研究成果,归纳有关我国公司治理目标模式如何选择问题的讨论,并对其进行述评。 +"Bridal chamber spends the night of candle, the general stripped off the dress to climb to wanting to handle affairs to wife body!",中文黄色笑话:相传以前一个骠骑大将军,娶了一个非常漂亮的美女为妻!洞房花烛之夜,将军脱光了衣服爬到老婆身上正要办事! +"Liverpool Reserves play host to Wigan Athletic this evening, with coach John McMahon admitting he is relishing the onset of a busy period for the Reds' second-string.",今晚利物浦主场做客维甘,主教练承认他正在享受利物浦预备队繁忙赛程来袭。 +"The largest item is the aircraft carrier HMS Ark Royal, which originally cost 200million.",最大的一宗货品要算皇家方舟号航空母舰了,造价2亿英镑。 +"Except letters written for consulting, enquiring , reply and approval, they shall not, in general, address official documents to the Government at an immediate lower level.",除以函的形式商洽工作、询问和答复问题、审批事项外,一般不得向下一级政府正式行文。 +The continued deterioration of the economy creates that opportunity; only time will tell whether it will come to more than that.,不断恶化的经济现状为此提供了机会和条件。 只有时间能告诉我们蓝绿阵营之间会否成就更多的可能。 +But the first-half contained five minutes of stoppage time. That is 17 in all.,但是上半场包括五分钟的补时时间,总共达到了17分钟。 +Reading stories is a good way to improve one's English. Could you recommend some good modern books which are suitable for intermediate level students?,读小说是提高英语的好办法。您能否推荐一些适合中级英语程度的学生的现代读物?。 +These waves have shared not only a common pattern but often the same cast of characters.,这种思潮,不仅有着共同的模式,而且往往是同一班“演员”。 +"I mean, Chinese music is — I hope everyone gets a chance to hear what's going on in Chinese music because it's, it is new.",华语音乐是,我希望所有人都能有机会听到华语音乐所处的时代,这是崭新的时代。 +"Is small, easy-oriented building blocks, equipped with wiring devices, insulation type and so on.",具有体积小、易积木化,配有接线装置、绝缘型等优点。 +Avoid having to retrace your steps to perform a redundant task you could have done more productively at an earlier time.,避免再折回去做一项多余的你本可以在早些时候更有成效地完成的任务。 +They sowed a crop in the newly-ploughed field.,他们在新耕过的田地里播种作物。 +"""Mad-Eye's body, "" said Lupin. ""We need to recover it. """,“疯眼汉的遗体,”卢平说,“我们必须把它他找到。” +A copy of FXCM ASIA's Personal Information Collection Statement is available upon request.,客户可随时所阅福汇亚洲的个人资料收集声明副本。 +"Thanks to the diplomatic cables made public by Assange’s WikiLeaks, we’re getting a better look at GDP numbers published by China.",多亏了阿桑奇的维基解密所公布的外交电报,我们得以更好地对中国发布的GDP数据一探究竟。 +A programming language whose instructions are expressed in symbols convenient to humans rather than in machine language .,不用机器语言而用对人方便的符号表示各种指令的一种编程语言。 +"The same goes for those die-hard technology-oriented investors who are fondly remembering the Internet boom, and who are therefore hoping for a replay of the go-go years of the late 1990s.",那些依然留恋因特网繁荣的历史并希望再次发生上世纪90年代一帆风顺的投机的对科技板块一往情深的投资人也需要深思。 +Import & Export & Wholesales of Hardware & Machinery Tools.,五金机械产品进出口,批发商。 +"The working place is located in Zhang Jiang Tower, a modern office building located near metro Line 2 in Zhangjiang High Tech Zoon.",工作地点位于张江大厦,位于张江高科技园区地铁二号线终点站步行五分钟。 +"More importantly perhaps, school systems in Singapore, Finland, and Korea recruit 100 percent of their teachers from the top one-third of their academic cohort, according to a 2010 McKinsey &Co.",据麦肯锡公司2010年的报告,最重要的一点恐怕是,新加坡、芬兰、韩国的学校所有的师资都来源于1/3成绩最优异的人,这有助于“缩小与天才间的鸿沟”。 +"A mug from Philosophy Football, suppliers of T-shirts to more rarified sports fans, reads “My other mug supports the abolition of the monarchy”.",为更多纯运动迷的T恤衫的供应商“哲学足球”出售的杯子上写着“我的另一个杯子支持废除君主制。” +"Thereinto, in range of 0-1.1 V, both AC in the positive and negative electrode assemble as a symmetry structure via parallel connection which offer more capacitance and less internal resistance.",在0-1.1 V电压范围内通过与炭材料负极组成并联回路提高电容器电容值并降低体系内阻。 +Objective To study the changes of brain arterial blood flow dynamics and clinical significance of Nimodipine in the treatment of children migraine.,目的研究尼莫地平治疗儿童偏头痛的脑血流动力学改变及临床意义。 +What he has said is inexpressibly full of comfort and delight; what he has not said is scarcely less rich in consolation.,凡祂曾经说的是满有安慰与喜悦,祂所没有说是也是满有安慰。 +"The reforging interface on live is a boring brown and black box, with pulldown menus to help you choose the stats you want to reforge to.",如果是这样那就是重铸作品的意思),在命中暴击急速三个属性重铸,重铸界面上有深褐色的框架和黑色的下拉菜单以帮助你选择你要重铸的属性。 +"Actually, say Baidu good unlikelihood is used, should say to was not used.",其实,说百度好未必有用,应该说没有一点用。 +"But then he wakes up crying, as if someone has just poured a bucket of ice water on him.",但他醒过来时就会哭,仿佛有人刚刚对着他泼了一桶冰水。 +She began to suggest places we might look.,她开始提议我俩可以到那些地方去看车。 +"C. the number of days with some rainfall, but no more than two inches, was higher in 1990 than in 1910",不可能的,既然日数都是1910比较多,加起来不可能1990的日数比较多。 +"A wide variety of plastic snap buttons, metal buttons, prong snap button has been successfully fastened by this machine.",各种塑胶钮扣,金属钮中,五爪扣等已成功地通过此款机器运行。 +"I don't think Harewood , Reo-Coker or Konchesky would have felt sorry for Carra or Reina if Liverpool had lost.",我不认为如果我们输了,海伍德、里奥-库克或孔切斯基会对卡拉或佩佩感到抱歉。 +Margaret Thatcher of Britain and Indira Gandhi of India were vastly powerful politicians and global ideological icons as well.,英国的玛格丽特·撒切尔和印度的英迪拉·甘地同样也是铁碗政治家和全球的精神偶像。 +"""We're 2%, but we are a very visible 2%, "" says Paul Steele, who directs environmental initiatives for the International Air Transport Association (IATA).",“我们是只占(全世界总排放量的)2%,但是这2%很显眼。” 国际航空运输协会(IATA)环境倡议主任保罗·斯蒂乐表示。 +We before Christmas to talk about how to move to stand in the two mountains between the United States and China.,我们在耶诞节之前来谈如何搬走挡在中美之间的两座大山。 +He could mesmerize an audience by the sheer force of his presence.,他只要一出场,观众就为之倾倒。 +STSE content of education to comply with the selection of students on the age characteristics of operable;,STSE教育内容的选材上要符合学生年龄特点,增强可操作性; +"The industry had hoped to re-direct some of those funds to refitting petrol stations to take more ethanol, under a deal reached in the Senate last July.",玉米乙醇行业本来期待着可以用一些补贴来改建加油站,以完成参议院去年七月决定的在汽油中加入更多乙醇的目标。 +"Plus, while visiting Dollywood, use the app to find the rides, shops or restaurants near your location.",另外,在访问多莉山,使用应用程序找到游乐设施,商店或餐馆附近的位置。 +Involuntary manslaughter can be based on criminal negligence.,非故意非预谋杀人罪可基于过失犯罪而成立。 +"In the second of those tumultuous years, I was labeled one of the ""reactionary gang"".",那是动乱的第二年吧,我被划进了“黑帮”队伍里。 +My topic today is Education in Autralia.,我今天的题目是“澳大利亚的教育”。 +"I am really very happy! I feel grateful mother father very much to my concern and encouragements, later I certainly work hard to study more.",我真的很开心!我很感激爸爸妈妈对我的关心和鼓励,以后我一定更加努力学习。 +"I think meeting people. There are people from all over the country, all over the world, all walks of life.",我想是能遇到不同的人。有全国各地、世界各地、各行各业的人。 +"These flowers have been watered, you can go home.",这些个花已被浇水了,你可以回家了。 +Oversee an appropriate accounting system and compliance with board-approved fiscal policies and procedures.,有效的监督会计系统,并遵守董事会批准的财务政策和工作准则。 +"'This annual meeting may be the starting point for a new IMF, ' he said at an early press briefing and follow-up talks.",他在较早时举行的新闻发布会及随后发表的谈话中说,此次年会可能是一个崭新的IMF的起点。 +Determine the temperature of the water and the conductivity of the water using a nontemperature-compensated conductivity reading.,使用非补偿性温度传导率读数测量水的温度与电导率。 +"Cement is any building are an indispensable raw material for cement industry, the attention heat also has been reduced.",水泥是任何建筑都不可缺少的原材料,对于水泥业的关注热度也一直不减。 +"A four-wheeled carriage, often with a hood that folds back and having a handle for pushing, used for wheeling an infant about.",一种四轮车,经常带有一个向后折叠的车篷和一个用来推车的把手,用来推着婴儿到各处走动。 +"Climate change, earthquakes and volcanic eruptions result from stresses on the Earth's crust during the shift.",气候变化、地震和火山喷发都是地壳在运动时产生的内力所造成的。 +"I took leave a teacher's wife to go to a school, continue of have a class.",我告别了师母就去了学校,继续的上课。 +"The writers draw a conclusion that the feasible planting grass for southern airport are Bermudagrass, Zoysiagrass and Bahiagrass, and the feasible planting method is liqidpress spray technology.",实践证明,适宜南方机场飞行区种植的草坪草种为狗牙根、结缕草和百喜草等,适宜的建植方法为液压喷播技术。 +Oil exploration around the Falklands has angered Argentina which challenges British sovereignty over the islands it calls the Malvinas.,福克兰群岛的石油勘探激怒了阿根廷,他们一直在这个自称为马尔维纳斯群岛的地方挑战英国主权。 +"This should make sense because if something has a low ionization energy, that means it's not very electronegative, which means it's going to be a lot happier giving up electron density, which is essentially what you're doing -- when you're forming covalent bonds is you're sharing some of your electron density.","这应该是合理的,因为如果某物的电离能很低,这也就意味着它的电负性也不高,那么它就会更愿意,放弃一定的电子密度,而本质上这正是你在,形成共价键时所需要做的,分享你的一些电子密度。" +"In order to maintain the operational reliability of low-voltage supply system and information system, it is very important to detect the SPD state timely and effectively.",为了防止电涌引起的破坏,低压电源系统及信息系统中广泛使用了各类电涌防护器(SPD)。 +Consulting a Pange: do you like vegetables?,咨询一位胖哥:你喜欢青菜吗? +You can find a number of distributions for Hadoop (including the source) at apache.org.,可以在 apache.org 找到许多 Hadoop 发行版(包括源代码)。 +DESIGN:Randomized sampling cross sectional study.,设计:随机抽样的人群横断面调查。 +Objective To explore the clinical effect of psychological nursing combined with biofeedback in the treatment of anxiety disorder.,目的探讨心理护理结合生物反馈治疗焦虑症的疗效。 +"Let this soul be delivered to the merciless angelTemeluch, and let it be cast into outer darkness, where there is weeping and gnashing of teeth.",让这个灵魂被送到无情的天使忒姆拉克那里,让它被驱逐到外面的黑暗中,在哪里只有哭泣和咬紧的牙齿。 +"Read tired when, go to gazebo , of the life satisfied, can let a person forget a body to be in burning hot summer.",读书累时,到露台上走走,生活的舒服,会让人忘却身处炎热的夏季。 +"When a race is completed, boats should return to the loading bays where paddlers will disembark in an orderly manner.",比赛完毕后各队应将龙舟划回登船处,井然有序依次上岸。 +Early morning and mist is wrapped around the tops of the mountains. Down heRe it is lifting slowly like a reluctant child leaving heR warm sleep.,清晨,雾霭笼罩着山顶。晨雾很不情愿地散开,就像孩子不愿离开甜蜜的睡梦。 +"I am asking you this because if you wish to any control of your dating life, your personal life, and even your business life. You should know how to read people.",我这么问,是因为如果你想要掌控你的约会生活、个人生活甚至职场生活,你应该知道如何看懂别人。 +"Axis2 also provides some limited support for going in the other direction, generating WSDL from existing code.",Axis2 还从另一方面提供了有一定限制的支持,从现有代码生成 WSDL。 +"But the revival of Sumerian fortune was to be short-lived, for after a short century, another wave of Semitic migrations signed the end of the original creators of Mesopotamian culture.",但是,苏美人的复兴却十分短暂。短暂的一个世纪以后,另一群闪族的移民结束了原始创造者最初的美索不达米亚文化。 +"In the past ten years, he had received thousands of letters from children asking questions about why God did not appear to reward good people and punish bad people.",西勒库斯特是《芝加哥论坛报》儿童版“你说我说”栏目的主持人。十多年来,孩子们有关“上帝为什么不奖赏好人?为什么不惩罚坏人?” +"This GIS graphically indicates the remains of a grid of roadways outside the city walls, relating to gateways and major avenues within the cities.",这个系统指出贯通城外与城内,并将门道与大街连为一体的棋盘式道路构造。 +"Ali Baba went boldly into the cave, and collected as much of the gold coin, which was in bags, as he thought his three asses could carry.",阿里巴巴大胆的走进这个洞,捡了很多金币装在袋子里,他认为他的三头驴子能够背得动的。 +The line is being designed for a daily capacity of 725 odt (oven dry metric ton ) of fully bleached pulp.,该生产线目前正在设计能力每日725片(绝干吨)的全漂白木浆。 +By organizing Christmas this year you can help to make this a low-stress holiday.,那么,通过妥善安排你今年的圣诞节,来好好感受一个轻松的节日吧。 +"For the new Congress party-led government, education is a priority: Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (universal education programme) helped bring 20 million children into school.","对于印度国大党领导的新政府来说,教育是首要任务:全体教育激励计划(Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan,大学教育项目)已帮助2,000万孩子进入学校接受教育。" +"1See Chad Orzel’s post Best Books, with Bonus Irony and the comments to that post.",1参见Chad Orzel的帖子“最佳图书,��送反讽”以及其后的评论。 +Ms. Hu said the 'little QFII' program would be separate to that.,胡晓炼表示,小QFII计划将与之分开实行。 +It would have been different if the master praised themfor being shrewd or effective or profitable.,如果主人称赞他们是精明的,或者高效的,或者有益的,将有很大的不同。 +This paper presents a computer program for the realizability of a cutset matrix.,本文给出“割集矩阵可实现性算法”的计算机程序。 +Closed reduction of a superficial testicular dislocation may be attempted first.,对于表浅性睪丸移位,在手术之前可先尝试紧急徒手复位。 +"The notes refer to all the essays, which are in informal style, such as the tittle-tattles, the trivial proses, the informations, and so on.",“笔记”是指一切用散文所写,不拘体例、随笔而录的杂谈、琐语、见闻、札记等文字。 +"Instead of thinking only about pay and stability, you have to compare them in all possible ways.",你要尽可能全面地来做个比较,而不要单从薪酬和稳定性出发。 +"He is the beginning, the Firstborn from the dead, that He Himself might have the first place in all things;",他是元始,是从死人中复活的首生者,使他可以在万有中居首位。 +So apparently the scenery or some event inside the nest enables them to reset their compasses and odometers .,从此可见境物或在蚁巢内的一些事物使蚂蚁能重调牠们的方向表及里数表。 +"I know he doesn't like them very much, but he can do for his audience, like me I am currently watching his telly series New Heaven Sword And The Dragon Sabre for the first time.",我知道他不太喜欢,但是他可以为像我这样的(喜欢动作片和武侠片)观众拍一些。我正在看他早期的连续剧《倚天屠龙记》。 +Two thirds of the building will be underground to minimize the impact on the local community and there will be no steam plume or chimneys.,回收厂三分之二的建设将在地下,以减少对当地社区的影响,也就是将没有蒸汽柱或烟囱。 +"However, if the United States if the successful 70's series of single-chip market, the result will be different!",但是如果要是用美国70 年代成功投放市场的系列单片机, 结果就会有天壤之别! +Objective: The study adoption synthesizes chronic a curative effect of inflammation and clinical nursings of treatments of therapies.,目的探讨采用综合疗法治疗慢性盆腔炎的疗效及临床护理。 +He tried to squash four pieces of luggage into the boot.,他想把四件行李全塞进后备箱。 +"With the help of his Dragon Radar, Goku pinpoints the location of the ball and plucks it from under the noses of the Red Ribbon Army.",在龙珠雷达的帮助下,小悟空精确地定位到了龙珠,并在黑绸军的眼皮子底下猛地把龙珠给掏了出来。 +"It's typically treated with medication, which can have mild to severe side effects such as anxiety, weight gain and sluggishness, but new non-drug treatments are showing promise.",它的典型治疗手段是通过药物治疗,该治疗可能带来或大或小的副作用,例如引发焦虑、体重增加和懒惰厌动,但是新的非药物性治疗给该症患者带来了福音。 +"""Biorefining is very promising, "" said Gordon Schrimp, a senior fuels specialist at the California Energy Commission.",“生物精炼前途非常广阔,”加利福尼亚能演委员会资深燃料专家戈登·希里姆普说。 +"Eric Morrell, a medical officer, for a general diagnosis, Corporal Gardner hands out medicine to an ill Afghan woman as a male translator, behind the mud wall, tells the woman how to take it.",图中加德纳正在翻译(站在土墙后面)的帮助下,向女病人分发药品,并告诉她如何服用。 +"Companies issue the bonds because they want to tap into a regular, stable funding source through retail investors.",公司发行这些债券是因为希望从散户投资者手中获得经常且稳定的资金。 +那猴子在树枝间跳来跳去。,The monkey leaps from branch to branch. +"Problem: Terrorists can pop up at any time, leaving local authorities totally defenseless against their raging attacks.",问题:恐怖分子随时都可能跳出来,把地方当局打个落花流水。 +"Should you think favorably of my application, kindly grant me an interview.",如对本人之应征优先考虑,恳请准予面试。 +"A good example is that women want men to say “I Love You”, however, if they do not tell us they love us then we fall apart.",一个很典型的例子就是女人想要男人对她们说“我爱你”,然而,如果她们不对我们说她们爱我们,我们就会分手。 +METHODS: Thread-bolt occlusion method was used to establish focal brain ischemia model on rats.,方法:采用线栓并环扎的方法建立大鼠局灶脑缺血模型。 +I knew the risks and decided to go anyways.,我清楚明白这中间的风险,无论如何还是决定出发去旅行。 +"In pulling down the old house, the workers came upon hidden treasure.",在拆毁上房子时,工人们无意中发现了隐藏的财宝。 +Anyone familiar with OO design principles knows that these questions have been answered long ago through the creation and application of design patterns.,熟悉 OO 设计原则的人都知道,很久以前就通过设计模式的创建与应用对这些问题进行了处理。 +"Finally, he rose and kissed me on my forehead.",最后,他站起来在我的额头上吻了一下。 +The Confucianists think that the people is the element of a country.,教化思想是建立在民本思想基础之上的,儒家认为人民是国家的重心。 +The Dalai Lama and the Bainqen Lama are the two leading incarnation hierarchies of the Gelug Sect of Tibetan Buddhism.,达赖喇嘛和班禅喇嘛两大活佛属于藏传佛教格鲁派是两个领导派化身。 +I have stomached their betrayal for the last time! Show me the way to the Sisters and I will kill Zeus once and for all!,我还处在于曾被背叛的阴影中,告诉我命运三女神的所在地,我将把她们连同宙斯一起干掉! +"If the procedure is taken without careful consideration, not only is it a waste of social resources, it can do irretrievable harm to the patients.",手术若贸然进行,不但浪费社会资源,亦造成病人不可挽回的伤害。 +This weapon spawns a massive sheet of fire directly in front of the user. The curtain of fire kills horses and teleports all men 50 meters backwards. Unlimited uses.,在角色前面产生一片火海,杀掉接触到的马匹并且转移所有人往后50米,拉开与火的距离。 +It is reported that shortly before Kunpeng Airlines headquarters moved to Zhengzhou Airport.,据悉,前不久,鲲鹏航空总部迁至郑州机场。 +There is speculation they are breaking down or have been sabotaged.,据推测可能正发生故障或已遭到破坏。 +"Iron nanoparticles exhibit fantastic properties in magnetism, catalyze, and wave absorption, and lead to an even more diverse range of applications.",纳米铁颗粒在磁性、催化和吸波等方面都展现了优异的特性,具有广阔的应用前景。 +"The method is proved feasible and practical through being applied in the practical project, with an intuitionist and simple result of evaluation reflecting the load bearing status of existing bridge.",经实际工程检验,评价结果直观简单,较好地反映了在役桥梁结构的承载力状况。 +"As an official community, there exists many disputing and uncertainty in the direction of Women's Federation organization to be either government or the people.",作为官办性社团,妇联组织是走官的方向还是民的道路,存在着诸多的争议和不确定性。 +The methods which the present invention comprises are as below: the server obtains the biological stencils which in the biological certificates provided by the client ends;,本发明身份认证方法包括:服务器获取客户端提供的生物证书中的生 物模版; +"Your employer appreciates dedication to work. But when this dedication turns into a work addiction, nobody benefits. Keep a balance between your work and personal life.",敬业精神是让人尊敬的,但是如果成为工作的奴隶,没人会从中受益。 记住,保持生活和工作的平衡对你来说很重要! +"What level is varied, and so on are also well said.",行行色色,什么层次都有,所以也不好凭说。 +"The falling autumn leaves, flowers wilt, yellowing grass, geese Nanxiang, Yan speech group, therefore, to birds away, is a parting of the fall season, people full of sadness, autumn injury.",秋天使树叶飘落,花儿枯萎,绿草变黄,大雁南翔,群燕辞故,百鸟离去,秋天是个离别的季节,让人满怀忧伤,秋伤。 +"Nose In some instances, Siberian Huskies can exhibit what is called ""snow nose"" or ""winter nose"".",在某些情况下,哈士奇会出现所谓的“雪鼻”或“冬天的鼻子”这种情况被称为“色素减退”。 +"When a command comes through, the controller uses the algorithm to determine how the message should be sent.",每当一条指令通过,控制器会利用算法来决定消息应该送往哪里。 +Would you like to hear the story of my struggle against this monstrous hag?,你想听我再次讲述与那凶暴妖女的搏斗? +"“Every day, Lloyd Blankfein must get down on his knees and thank God for the BP oil spill,” says one noted PR expert privately.",“每天,劳埃德•布兰克费恩都跪拜上帝,感谢英石油漏油事件的发生,”一个有名的公关专家私下说。 +"The exposure of interest was pacifier use, and the primary study endpoints were breast-feeding duration or exclusivity .",所关心的是安抚奶嘴的使用,初级研究终点是母乳哺喂期间或专一性。 +I know them all byname .,他们的名字我都知道。 +B:Here's the menu. We have the list of special dishes on the last page of the menu.,这是菜单,在菜单的最后一栏,是特色菜的一览表。 +The experimental method with coal static combustion and cold ash fluidizing is proposed to get the intrinsic ash formation data and attrition data.,利用静态燃烧然后冷态流化实验方法,可以得到给煤的成灰及磨耗参数并提出煤种的本征成灰概念。 +The mechanical behavior of bis-phenol-A-polycarbonate(BPA-PC) in an amorphous state was simulated under uniaxial extension conditions through atomistic modeling.,用原子模型法研究双酚-A-聚碳酸酯无定型态聚合物在单轴拉伸下的机械行为。 +All that glitters is noy gold.,闪光的东西不一定是金子。 +"I pulled the sheet over my head and lay there, every muscle of my body strung taut.",我拉过被单盖在头上躺在那里,我浑身肌肉紧绷绷的。 +This is our country. The Libyans are our people.,这是我们的国家,利比亚人是我们的人民。 +"Just like during the Kobe quake in 1995, the stock market reaction will be momentary, also because the epicentre was far from Tokyo, and it isn't likely to affect Japanese economy as a whole.",就像1995年的阪神大地震,股票市场的是瞬间反应的,因为震中远离东京,并且这不太可能影响整体的日本经济。 +"DJP leaders have said they would not continue visits to the Yasukuni Shrine, a bone of contention because Japanese war criminals are buried there alongside regular World War II soldiers.",自民党领导人已经申明他们将不再继续参拜靖国神社,哪里一直是矛盾的焦点,日本二战战犯与普通士兵的骨骸都供奉于此。 +"The . NET Framework uses predefined keys to control the behavior of framework classes. In addition, you can define your own configuration keys and values.",Net框架使用预定义关键字来控制框架类的行为。另外,你可以定义自己的配置关键字和值。 +I fear that Wade's presence in the backcourt will push Derrick off-the-ball too much and he'll develop shoot-first tendencies.,我担心罗斯会大大地逊色于韦德的后场表现,从而会有种先出手投篮的趋势。 +A woman chats on the phone in the closed Otemachi subway station in 2009.,一位女性在关门后的大手町地铁站内打电话聊天。 +"He said moreover, I have somewhat to say unto thee. And she said, Say on.",又说,我有话对你说。拔示巴说,你说吧。 +"However, when you do it correctly, the scripts can become as close to bullet-proof as possible.",然而,当您正确地进行时,这个脚本能变得像防弹装置一样紧密。 +"With roughly one month to go until Election Day in the United States, the two major presidential campaigns are stepping up their attacks on each other, voanews.com reported.",据voanews.com报道,距离11月4号美国选举日还有大约1个月的时间,两个政党的总统竞选班子都加紧了对竞争对手的攻击。 +Less salt can mean a lower blood pressure.,较低的食盐量意味着血压更低。 +The application UI and content is in Chinese.,芒果版奇艺影视本程序的UI和内容为中文。 +"For I stand here today to tell you how to spend the four years of university life critical, in fact, a little spot to.",对于今天让我站在这里给大家讲如何度过关键的四年大学生活,其实有点赶鸭子上架。 +Jesus farewell discourse to his disciples in the upper room and on the way to the prayer spot in the garden of Gethsemane .,耶稣在楼上与他的门徒临别讲话,然后去了客西万马尼园的园子里祷告。 +"Good one ""wife tube strict"" poor posture.",好一副“妻管严”的可怜姿态。 +He felt very stiff the day after his first weight training class.,在那天他的第一次举重训练课之后他感觉非常僵硬。 +"Optimize each and total number of resources for every view and split them across sub-domains to enable parallel downloads. For more information on parallel downloads, read this",优化每个页面上的各种资源,把它们拆分到各个子域上,这么它们就能够并行下载。 +"Chinese New Year is upon us. I want to take this opportunity to wish everybody a wonderful new year, and may all your wishes come true.",农历新年要到了,趁现在先祝大家新的一年行大运,万事如意; +"Excited by his find, Robey shopped other branch post offices for more sheets with inverted centers but found none.",罗比被他的发现振奋,他到其它邮政支局去寻购更多张的“倒转”邮票,但是毫无成果。 +We have strategies in place for protecting the effectiveness and lifespan of existing interventions.,我们有办法来保护现有干预措施的有效性和使用期限。 +But Mr Heathcliff forms a singular contrast to his abode and style of living.,但是希刺克厉夫先生和他的住宅,以及生活方式,却形成一种古怪的对比。 +"rapidly melting the mighty icecap that covers some 80 percent of Greenland’s 840, 000 square miles.",同时,全球变暖正使覆盖格陵兰岛84万平方英里近80%的巨大积冰快速融化�� +"You’ve got to start somewhere, and decluttering before a major holiday is as good a time as any.",在像任何一个重要的愉快的假日来临前,你一定要开始着手减少杂物了。 +2008 introduced eight axes car milling compound machining center high precision equipment.,2008年引进八轴车铣复合加工中心等高精密设备; +"Lisa: We've arranged for an outplacement agency to take you on - I have the number here. They're very good, I hear.",丽莎: 我们会安排一个再就业服务机构来帮助你――我这里有他们的电话,听说他们很不错。 +"In this paper the greatest common divisor is found by the cancellation transformation, and the general form of multiply-sum representation of G. C. D. is given.",用消法变换求出最大公约数,所编制的操作程序与求最大公约数同步,并给出了最大公约数的倍数和表示的通式。 +Deploy it to the server and wire the portlets together by using the wiring tool.,将它部署到服务器上,并用这个配线工具将这些 portlet 连接起来。 +"Most states, but not all, limit the innkeeper's liability to a fixed sum even when the guest uses the safe provided.",大多数州,会对宾馆的赔偿责任制定限额,即使客人使用了保险柜。 +"The coupled zones for optimal supplies of water and nutrients, for high yield and water use efficiency were identified through the established relationships.",以作物水分利用效率与产量为目标,得到了两类作物水肥优化耦合区域。 +"Boz wouldn't be able to tolerate the living conditions, not just on the ship, but in the colony itself.",博兹无法忍受那样的生活状况,不只是在飞船上,更是在殖民地。 +Compounds in natto have also been shown to help lower blood pressure and prevent abnormal clotting of the blood.,纳豆内的化合物也被证明有助于降低血压,防止血液凝固异常。 +"Macarons come in many different flavors. They include chocolate, coffee, salted caramel, raspberry, orange, eggnog, lemon, cinnamon, pistachio, even peanut butter and jelly.",玛卡龙有多种口味。包括巧克力,咖啡,咸焦糖,覆盆子,橘子,蛋奶酒,柠檬,肉桂,开心果,甚至有花生酱和果冻口味。 +"It is known that when CB1 comes into contact with cannabis it has an impact on bone regeneration, but until now it was not clear whether the drug had a positive or negative effect.",已经知道CB1 和大麻接触后将对骨再生产生影响,但尚未清楚它是正效应还是负效应。 +"It will, by turning aside the military confrontation, bring about a new model of peaceful national unification not only with mutual economic benefits but also with the civilized constitutionalism.",然而到了世纪末,苏东解体,世界冷战格局巨变,曾经被兼并国家的独立和被分治国家的统一,成为世界政治的新亮点。 +"Teachers at Hua make tremendous effort in guiding and coaxing students to pronounce, stress, and intonate words, phrases, and sentences correctly.",花老师的老师们致力于引导我们的学生如何把字音、片语、甚至句音的发音、重音、及语调正确的表达出来。 +"And Duesberg suggests that foods, drugs and chemicals should be tested to identify compounds that cause aneuploidy.",杜斯伯格并建议对食物、药品及化学物展开测试,以找出会造成非整倍体的物质。 +"Actually, that is not completely true, as you could have used globals.",事实上,这并不完全正确,因为您可以有使用过的全局。 +"Defining the singular symmetric systems and singular state-space symmetric system, their fixed polynomials are analysed.",给出了广义对称系统和广义状态空间对称系统的定义,并对它们的固定多项式分别进行了分析; +This paper describes the plow body surface and designs the program for the drawing by using Bezier surface.,本文利用贝塞尔曲面描述了犁体曲面并编制了绘制曲面图形程序。 +Most skippers are flexible enough to allow the customers as much involvement as they wish .,大部分的船长是有足够的灵活性,让客户多参与,因为他们的愿望。 +Main entry points in the community API are,社区 API 的主入口点 +"Worse, it probably fears Washington really wants to neutralize Pakistan’s growing nuclear arsenal.",更糟的是,巴基斯坦可能怕华盛顿对其日渐扩充的核武器库动真格地压制。 +"As a result of the rhombic experiments, the auther finds out the best technological condition of producing the lactates.",由经正交实验得出最佳的合成工艺条件。 +Chapter One is an introduction about the life experience and the poems'characteristic of Zhangji.,第一章介绍张籍的人生经历和诗歌艺术风貌。 +Governments in the developing world need to understand the importance of chronic non-communicable diseases — which they haven't until now.,发展中国家的政府需要了解预防慢性非传染性疾病的重要意义,他们目前还没有这���做。 +"When we live righteously, it brings honour and glory to the Name of God.",当我们活出公义时,它会使上帝的名得荣耀。 +"The Legislative Council Complex (LCC), Central Government Offices (CGO) and Chief Executive Office at Tamar are the hub of Hong Kong politics and public administration.",添马立法会综合大楼、政府总部大楼及行政长官办公室是香港的政治与公共行政中心。 +The music lingered in the air.,余音缭绕。 +The heated steam is then fed through the reminder of the turbine before being condensed. The reheat cycle incorporates an improvement in thermal efficiency over the superheat cycle.,被加热后的蒸汽在被凝结前通过汽轮机级。再热循环在热效率方面比过热循环有了改善。 +"In typical real-world manufacturing applications, companies normally produce a large variety of products, some of them in bulk.",在典型的真实制造应用程序中,企业通常都生产多种产品,这些产品中的一些为批量生产。 +Love each other.,你们相亲相爱吧。 +"That boosted government revenues in the short term, but is now jeopardising them.",这项举措短期内是让财政收入上涨不少,但现在它已经成为绊脚石了。 +"In the back of the restaurant, to the right, Cao Shengyuan was putting an-other dead dog into the kettle to boil.",在后店,曹生源正在把另一只死狗放到锅里去煮。 +"Poor growth, high afforestation cost and poor ecologic function will be aroused if biodiversity is not paid much attention for township afforestation project.",在城乡绿化工程中不注意生物多样性,会造成生长不良,绿化成本高,不能很好发挥生态功能等问题。 +Federal Reserve Board Chairman Ben Bernanke singled out the higher savings rate as a key factor in slower-than-expected economic growth for the second quarter.,美联储主席本.伯南克认为高储蓄率是二季度经济增速低于预期的关键因素。 +"The link between creativity and mental illness should not be surprising, since both offer new or unique views of the world, Andreasen noted.",安德瑞森觉得,创意思维与精神疾病之间的联系一点也不令人出乎意料,因为它们都为人们提供了看待世界的崭新或独特的视角。 +It was so dark that I could see nothing.,天太暗了,我什么也看不见。 +"Being with Rowan, I sometimes think, who's the talented person here? When we're training horses, if Rowan is around they'll behave ­better and learn more quickly – so who is ­helping who?",当我们在驯马的时候,只要Rowan在场马匹会表现的更好,学习更快。 这到底是谁在帮谁呢? +"These cases indicated that the organic-salts have advantages as follows: low solids content, strong inhibitive ability, lower shear strength, simple field maintenance, and reasonably combined cost.",实例表明,有机盐钻井液具有低固相含量,强抑制性,较低静切力,维护处理简单等优点,而且钻井综合成本可以接受。 +"The ultra-smooth free-form surfaces are more and more important in the fields of modern optics and photoelectron discipline, national defense industry and ultra-precision moulds.",超光滑自由曲面在现代光学及光电子学科、国防工业和超精密模具制造领域的作用愈来愈重要,相应的超光滑加工技术也成为现代超精密加工技术的重要组成部分。 +The support of these men may have been a factor in making Chiang hold on to an untenable position.,蒋之所以死守无法保住的阵地,这些人的支持可能就是原因之一。 +What part of these “evil” acts are the C.E.O.’s and what part are the employees?,这些“恶事”哪部分是由C.E.O做的,哪部分是由员工做的? +Refer to the article Configure WebSphere Application Server to make message-driven beans process messages in a strict order for more detail about accomplishing sequential message processing in a MDB.,有关在 MDB 中实现连续消息处理的更多细节,请参考文章 Configure WebSphere Application Server to make message-driven beans process messages in a strict order。 +"With his monumental masterpiece, Science and Civilizationin China, he built a bridge between the two great civilizations of East and West.",他的鸿篇巨著《中国科学技术史》,在东西方两大文明之间架起了一座桥梁。 +"I have worked as a webdesigner since 2006, but websites and blogs have been a hobby for me since 1999.",虽然我从2006年才开始从事网页设计工作,但从1999年起,网页和博客就一直是我的爱好。 +"Yangjiabu woodcut New Year Pictures has exaggerated form, full composition, intense color, broad range of topics, diverse content and varied expression techniques.",杨家埠木版年画造型夸张,构图饱满,色彩强烈,题材广泛,内容丰富,表现手法丰富多样。 +Various PA linearization techniques have been adopted to improve linearity and power efficiency of wireless transmitters.,于是多种不同功率��大器的线性化技术被采用来改善无线发射机的线性度及效率。 +"Nigeria, in 99th place overall, scores very highly for its macroeconomic environment (20th in the world).",尼日利亚在总排名上位居第99,在宏观经济环境方面得分很高(世界排名20)。 +"Ale yeast ferments at warm temperatures, from 58 to 77 degrees and rises to the top of the vessel.",淡色啤酒酵母在58到77 度(华氏) 温度下发酵,然后升至容器的顶部。 +METHOD Extraction method was used to make Cangge Zhixieling into granules and thin layer spectrophotography was employed to determine the content of Radix Puerariae.,方法 采用提取法,将苍葛止泻灵制成颗粒剂,并采用薄层-分光光度法测定其葛根素含量。 +"Mommy, the tall blond man wore like an angel. That's the man that dragged me out of the car!",妈妈,那个高个子的金头男人穿的衣服就和这位天使一样,就是他把我从车里拉出来的! +The Old English Sheepdog originates in Europe where it herded sheep.,英国古代牧羊犬源自欧洲大陆,从事牧羊的工作。 +"Tax cuts don't yeild much in the way of additional GDP and jobs, this analysis says they will, the lesson of the last stimulus packages, they didn't.",减免税收不会产生额外的GDP和就业机会,该分析称可以做到,但是上一个经济刺激方案的教训表明,并没有起到预期的效果。 +"Ayutthaya King Ramathibodi II established a system of corvée in 1581, after which lives of Siamese commoners and slaves were closely regulated by the government.",大城府国王 Ramathibodi二世建立了系统的 徭役在1581年,之后的奴隶生活的暹罗平民和密切政府监管的。 +"If lack of inhibition helps us have transcendent sex, what else can we do to maximise our experience?",如果说没有抑制感使得我们更能得到超验的性爱,那有什么方法能让我们最大程度地达到那个境界? +"At the end of yesterday's China Open women's singles first round, 1-6/6 to Li Na (4) -7 score Siqi Ya lost to Italy's Schiavone , the second time in a row in the first round of matches in Asia Out.",在昨天结束的中国网球公开赛女单首轮中,李娜以1-6/6(4)-7的比分输给了意大利选手斯齐亚沃尼,连续第二次在亚洲赛事中首轮出局。 +"She wore one of his shirts, a shirt that had once been blue but had faded until the color could not be named, and a pair of his breeches.",她穿着他的一件衬衣,这件衬衣曾经是蓝色的,由于褪色,已经变得说不上是什么颜色了;还穿了他一条马裤。 +Think of this as being a plumb line to find... used to find the direction of gravity.,"假设这是铅垂。,想想重力方向是怎样的。" +"Many enterprises of Shanghai go on a ""gold-rush"" spree in the western parts of China.",很多上海一起涌向西部,掀起了去西部的淘金热。 +I wonder what made the word less frequent after 1950; perhaps more grocery store shopping and less small-scale fishing?,我在想1950年之后是什么原因导致这个词使用频率减少:也许是因为人们到百货商场购物的时间多了,捕鱼的时间少了。 +In this paper an approach to employ distillation method with heat integration is presented.,本文对采用系统内热集成的精馏分离法进行了探讨。 +"This code begins by defining the variables used to access the database, opens a connection, and returns a result set or a message if it cannot connect to the database.",这段代码首先定义用于访问数据库的变量,打开一个连接,返回一个结果集或一条错误消息(如果不能连接到数据库的话)。 +He keeps by his aged father.,他供养他年迈的父亲。 +"Wish for the Victims , Prey for the Decedent.",让我们为生者祝福,为死者祈祷。 +While there's no such thing as the perfect entrepreneur -- even Bill Gates has made mistakes -- a number of personal qualities can help you to build a successful business.,不存在十全十美的企业家--即便比尔盖茨也会犯错--不过具备一些素质能帮助你成功。 +There have never been isolated individual understandings . Those who claimed to have individual understandings have their thoughts modified by Reformation thoughts and classic libertarianism.,从来没有过孤立的个人领受,即便是大发个人领受之音的人,其头脑中的弦,也早被宗教改革和古典自由主义调过了。 +I can read hand .,我会看手相。 +"Those structural properties of government are possibly a reflection of collectivist culture at linguistic level, because they fit in well with a series of attributes of collectivism.",汉语名次范畴的管约结构特征可能是集体主义文化在语言层面的一种反映,因为这种结构特征与集体主义的一系列特征相吻合。 +I sped up my car as soon as I left her house.,一离开她家,我便加快了速度。 +"A study done by the Kinsey Institute, for example, suggests that 23% of non-married men periodically go a year without sex, while only 1% of married men experience 12-month dry spells.",某研究所研究显示未婚男士一年中通常有23%的时间没有性爱生活,而已婚男士的比例仅有1%。 +Taking responsibility is a key component of integrity.,负责任是正直的一个的基础要素。 +"There are over 6 billion people on earth, and Jesus wants all his lost children found.",全球有超过六十亿人口,耶稣要他所有失丧的儿女被寻回。 +"The sensor consists of optic fiber ring and C type bourdon tube. It is equipped with a processing circuit and a microcomputer control system, so it has a strong adaptability.",该传感器由光纤环和C形弹簧管复合而成,并配有完善的处理电路及微机测控系统,实用性强。 +"And due to concerns about waste disposal and proliferation, they also left out carbon-free electricity generation by nuclear power, which currently provides about 6 percent of world energy.",同时因为关心废物处理和增殖,他们还忽略了目前占世界能源6%的核能无碳发电。 +Write numbers as both words and numerals: ten (10).,写数字时要大小写并用,比如:十(10)。 +"Brassiere first showed on magazines in 1907, after that bra became fashion of women.",胸罩这个词在1907年首次出现在杂志上,从此后胸罩成为了女人的时尚。 +Any one who leaves litter in the woods will be prosecuted.,在林中随地扔工具的人将遭到控告。 +"Depending on what the internal structure really looks like, one method may be faster than the other.",取决于其内部结构的实际情况,一种方法可能比另一种方法更快一些。 +Intime you are indeed going to be OK.,你确实会及时的恢复。 +"Nowadays, itcomjuresconjures up images of muscular guys, mushing sled dogs to victory in Alaska's Iditarod race, or tethered to bungee cords and jumping off bridgesintheinto canyons.",如今这个词可能还会让你想象到在爱迪塔罗德雪橇比赛中,健壮的男人指挥雪橇狗冲向胜利,或者把自己绑在蹦极绳上冲向大峡谷。 +"Wave the mouse over an application while inspecting it and Activity Monitor, and you get an immediate answer: Yes.",把鼠标移到某一程序上,并同时观察它和活动监视器,你立刻会得到答案:是的。 +They can be used to resolve both normal and advanced concurrency issues and should get you started writing pain-free (as well as error-free!) multithreaded programs.,可以用它们来解决普通的和高级的并发性问题,现在应当可以让您开始编写所喜爱(也没有错误)的多线程程序了。 +The advantage of the method is validated by application of the local self_adaptive polynomial simulation in real water discharge measuring.,应用这种局部自适应的多项式模型模拟实际的水流量数据,验证了这个方法的优越性。 +"In theprocessing stage, aiming at the shortcomings of the existing in the supervision work, put forward countermeasures, realization of closed-loop management of PDCA cycle.",在处理阶段,针对监管工作中存在的不足,提出对策,实现 PDCA 循环的闭环管理。 +"This DNA swapping process is forbidden between the X and the Y pair, keeping the male-determining gene from being transferred into the X chromosome, creating gender chaos.",但这种DNA重组在X染色体对和Y染色体对之间是绝对禁止的,如果将雄性决定基因转移至X染色体中,将会产生性别紊乱。 +"Every bit of land is tilled and farmed, even the scrabbly, rocky hillsides and the narrow strips of grass along the highway.",还有少量土地被耕种养殖,像火箭一样的山坡灌木丛生,沿着大路旁长着窄细的草。 +We laughed over Jims postcard from his seaside holiday.,着吉姆在海边度假时寄来的明信片。 +"I know what, why don't we paint it bright green ?",我有一个建议,我们为什么不把它油漆成鲜绿色的呢? +"Criminal defence system of counsels, which is established and developed at the theoretical core of ""the accused has the ringt to get defence"", is an important part of penal law system.",以“被指控人有权获得辩护”为理论核心建立和发展起来的律师刑事辩护制度,是刑事法律制度的重要组成部分。 +Results showed that there were obvious differences in contents between plant and their soil.,所涉及的稻作材料和土壤中各种矿质元素的含量差异较大。 +It enables you to set up various different environments in which to test your application.,您可以通过它建立多种不同的环境来对应用程序进行测试。 +"Created by Charles Jagger and Lionel Pearson, the memorial is a shocking collision of technology and the human body. It enacts in its own form the destructive energies of war.",纪念碑由查理•贾格尔和莱尼尔•皮尔森创作,体现了技术与人体惊人的冲突撞击,以独特的方式体现了战争的破坏力。 +"A network interface port has collision detection and carrier sensing enabled on a shared twisted pair network. From this statement, what is known about the network interface port?",在一个共享的双绞线的网络上的接口上产生了冲突检测和载波侦听。通过这个描述,关于这个网络接口你知道了什么。 +I will expand our armed forces and transform our civil and military agencies to win the struggle against violent Islamic extremism.,我会扩大我们的武装力量,对民事和军事机构进行转型,赢得与伊斯兰暴力极端主义的斗争。 +CONCLUSION The drug has favorable treatment action on haemorrhoid.,结论该药对痔疮有较好治疗作用。 +I've got to have it to you!,我真服了你了! +"A harmonious society, a country is able to achieve long-term stability, all members of society depends largely on the ideological and moral qualities.",一个社会是否和谐,一个国家能否实现长治久安,很大程度上取决于全体社会成员的思想道德素质。 +Australia won the toss and put England in to bat.,澳大利亚队掷币获胜,要求英格兰队首先击球。 +Enquiries may direct to the Central Administration Department at 2342 2244.,如有任何查询,欢迎致电2342 2244 与中央行政联络。 +One tweet shows an Air Canada jet taking off alongside two passports - along with the caption: 'Election night starter kit'.,一条推特贴出一张照片,上面显示着一架即将起飞的加拿大航空公司的飞机,旁边放着两本护照,并附有标题:选举之夜启动工具包。 +"Do you, after all, really want to tell your future employer that your spent all those weeknights at the local bar?",比如,你不想让你的未来的老板知道你每个周末的晚上都泡吧吧? +They strong-armed me into voting for the plan.,他们逼迫我投该规划的赞同票。 +"Based on the LU matrix, this scheme could pre-load some key information to sensors to insure the establishment of secure link.",该方案借助于LU矩阵来完成密钥预分配,使得所有的簇头间以及节点和它的簇头间都能进行安全通信。 +Support for save paint as Gray bitmap file.,支持位图文件保存为灰色油漆。 +"That was true, but we were asking the Israelis and Palestinians to take bigger risks; I agreed to do it.",确实如此,但我们在要求以色列人和巴勒斯坦人冒更大的风险。 我同意这样做。 +"Lift cover, top ring, and cooking plate.",提起上盖、顶部锅圈和烹饪板。 +The randomly weighted bootstrap method provides a way of assessing the distribution of the M-estimators without estimating the nuisance quantities of the error distributions.,利用随机加权方法可以避免先对误差分布中的冗余参数进行估计。 +"As a research center for environmental research built using the latest green technology, the building is an ideal marriage of form and content.",作为环境研究中心大厦,该楼采用了最新绿色技术,实现了形式和内容的和谐统一。 +"In Brampton, there are malls where you will find only Indians. The entire mall is 100 per cent India. You go to some places, the mall is 100 per cent Chinese.",在宾顿,你会发现一些商场中只有印度人,有些商场中全是印度人,而一些商场中全部都是中国人。 +"It was Britain's biggest wedding since William and Harry's parents, Prince Charles and Princess Diana, were married in nineteen eighty-one.",这是英国最大的,因为威廉和哈里的父母,查尔斯王子和黛安娜王妃,是在一九八一年结婚的婚礼。 +Data source description.,数据源描述。 +"Dad : Of course not ! You know the society , If one has no knowledge , what can he do ?",爸爸:那怎么行,你看现在这社会,没有知识能干什么活呢? +Xiao Lan's husband is a farmer.,小兰的丈夫是个农夫。 +"The double function RGD glucokinase molecule is glucokinase or its derivative with the amino acids in places 35, 36 and 37 substituted successively into arginine R, glycine G and aspartic acid D.",本发明的双功能分子是将葡激酶或其衍生物的35、36、37位氨基酸顺 序替换为精氨酸R、甘氨酸G和天门冬氨酸D。 +"Xiaoqiang: ""My writing paper?""",小强:“我的稿纸呢?” +All warm good.,手表完全恢复正常。 +"Do you remember in school, we used to talk about being 20. The plans we made. We were going to get a flat and live together.",你还记得我们在学校时,曾经讨论过到20岁时会怎么样。我们计划着,租套房子一起住。 +This gives a three dimensional model which is then projected onto one plane to give a 2 dimensional graphic (See figure 3a).,这给出了一个三维模型,然后到一个飞机预计将提供一个二维图形(参见图3a)。 +Agreed. Did you get the small pneumatics?,没问题。你找到了那个小气囊了吗? +Give praise to the God of gods;,你们要赞美万神之神。 +"Tank commander panoramic sight is a multi-function optoelectronic system in which visible light, laser and low-level light is fused for aiming and ranging.",车长周视���挥镜是可见光、激光、微光三光合一,且有周视指挥能力的多功能光电系统。 +Wired: Were you a fan of the movies or a fan of Tolkien?,你是电影的粉丝还是托尔金的粉丝呢? +"Let's imagine a kind of ""Refactoring Accelerator"", RA. In case 1 above, it was at 0.0, no refactoring.",让我们假设存在“重构加速变量(Refactoring Accelerator,RA)”,在上面第一种“不重构”的情况下,RA是0.0。 +"HFRS patients in Haidian district of Beijing were not distributed randomly, and the temporal and spatial clusters were obvious.",北京市海淀区HFRS病人的分布为非随机分布,具有时间和空间聚集性分布的特征。 +"On the other hand, does the Program squeeze out the share taken by logistics and distribution and farmer markets in trading agricultural products?",另外一方面,“农超对接”的发展有没有挤压到物流配送和农贸市场中的农产品份额的问题? +"You try to scream, but terror takes the sound before you make it. You start to freeze as horror looks you right between the eyes, you're paralyzed.",你想要尖叫,可是恐怖扼住了你的声音。你开始全身发冷,因为恐惧凝结于你的眼眸之间,你完全瘫倒。 +"Bold calls earn bigger bonuses, if they prove correct.",索价愈大胆(一旦被证明是对的),奖金愈高。 +"For example, pressing the C and W keys followed by more text changes the located string to another word.",例如,按 Escape,再按 C 和 W 键,再输入更多文本,就会把找到的字符串替换为另一个单词。 +Playing the piano is one of his favourite relaxations.,弹钢琴是他喜爱的一种消遣。 +"The main ethnic groups are Greek Cypriots (77%) and Turkish Cypriots (18%), with other minority (5%).",主要的民族群体有希腊塞浦路斯(77%),土耳其塞浦路斯(18%)和其他群体5%。 +"According to the steps of data mining, processes of the application are divided into targets design, data preparation, fractal clustering analysis, and results analysis.",实现的过程根据数据挖掘的一般步骤分为指标设计、数据准备、分形聚类分析、结果分析。 +The company positively develops the I/E business and the domestic trade depending on the natural superiority in Heilongjiang province and it has made great benefits.,公司依托黑龙江省的自然优势积极开展进出口业务及国内贸易,创造了较好的效益。 +"Design a multi-camera body tracking environment. It includes a parameterized skeleton model, a body shape model and a practicably multi-camera calibration algorithm.",设计了一个多摄像机人体运动跟踪环境,包括一个参数化的人体骨架模型和人体外观模型,以及一种实用的外参定标算法。 +"As of 2002, 53 percent of black children lived in single-parent households, compared with 20 percent for whites.",2002年,有53%的黑人孩子生活在单亲家庭,而白人单亲家庭只占其人口的20%。 +"In any such attempt at strategic jujitsu , however, America's bargaining position will in the end depend on a combination of military strength and political will.",战略柔术种种,然而,美国的筹码最终还是建立在军事和政治意愿之上。 +"At this stage, the tooth can repair the weakened area with the help of fluoride and minerals in saliva.",这个时期,在氟化物和唾液中矿物质的帮助下,牙齿可以修复薄弱部位的。 +The society publish its list of member annually.,该协会每年出版其会员名单。 +"Connecting with the concrete examples, this paper sums up the practical experiences of transacting the library card for reference of the persons of the same trade.",结合具体实例,总结了高校图书馆办证的实践经验以供同行参考。 +You wish that Lahm moved to a non-German club so the rest of the world can really appreciate that he is the best left back out there.,你希望拉姆加盟非德国俱乐部踢球,这样全世界都能知道他是最棒的左后卫。 +"As the saying from the famous educator Cai Yuanpei in modern times of China goes, ""none of the school curricula is irrelevant to aesthetics education"".",近代著名教育家蔡元培先生曾经提出“凡是学校所有的课程,都没有与美育无关的”。 +"""Since only a relatively small fraction of planets will transit, finding large numbers of them will be of tremendous benefit, "" Deming said.",“由于只有相对一小部分行星为凌日行星,找到大量的此类行星将会对研究大有助益,”戴明说。 +"The latest apparent victim of homophobia on the island was Britain's honorary consul in Montego Bay, the tourist centre, strangled in bed at home on September 9th.",英国在旅游之都蒙特戈贝的荣誉领事,9月9日被发现被人掐死在家中的床上。 凶手留下一张字条谴责他为同性恋者。 +The reprint checks with the original.,复印件与原文核对无误。 +"For two years, bankers, hedge-fund managers, private-equity whizzes and the like have been blamed for the excesses that led to taxpayers' money being poured into bad banks.",两年来,银行家、对冲基金经理、私募基金高手等金融家因过度投放而受到指责,因为他们使纳税人的钱也随着流入坏账银行。 +"Other creatures that sing in the presence of opposite sex include songbirds , whales and some insects.",许多生物包括鸣禽,鲸,昆虫在异性出现的时候就会唱歌。 +"According to the machine, the next solar eclipse is due at 4:30 GMT on 8 April, 2024.",根据此机器判断,下一个日食发生时间将是2024年4月8日格里尼治时间4点30分。 +The widespread synchronization of these neurons in cortex level will generate SWS electroencephalograms (EEGs).,这些神经元电活动在皮层水平广泛同步化,产生慢波睡眠脑电。 +"Therefore, V-type valve in the wide range of rate changes to provide precise control.",因此V型阀可以在广幅的变化范围内提供精确的控制。 +"Cheng Xin, an aerospace engineer from the early 21st century, and of the beginning of the Trisolar crisis, awakens to a very different world from the one she remembers.",来自始于21世纪初的三体危机时期的航天工程师程Xin,被唤醒到一个与记忆里大不相同的世界。 +"The two men took their allotted places. Most of the eyes around the table followed Snape, and it was to him that Voldemort spoke first.",俩人在指定的位子上坐下了,桌边的大部分人都盯着斯内普,伏地魔也首先向他询问。 +"Gui Youguang's family proses have a unique Style, which is shown in three aspects. First , his family proses have strong common human feelings.",归有光的家庭散文风格独特,主要表现在三个方面:一、具有浓郁的世俗人情美; +"Based on the point, two different recirculating calciners have been designed, and pressure drop and collection efficiency have been studied under different conditions.",基于这一考虑,本文设计了两种不同型式的外循环式高固气比分解炉,研究了在固气比较高情况下两种系统的阻力特性和分离效率。 +"To our customers, we always persisted in the most reasonable price and the top-quality service to be the most reliable supplier.",对我们的客户,我们一直坚持以最合理的价格,最优质的服务,来做最可靠的供应商。 +"Speaking for God, the prophet Isaiah invited rich and poor to come and enjoy rich blessings that money couldn't buy.",先知以赛亚代表神邀请富人和穷人来,享受金钱买不到的丰盛祝福。 +She imagined what the couple would say to each other on their drive home.,她猜想老夫妇在开车回家的路上肯定会说起这件事。 +"It was launched mostly from fixed ground launchers, but also air-launched from bombers.",这是推出主要来自固定地面发射器,而且还空中发射的炸弹。 +Myth #20: Drinking dark beer helps the milk come in. Nope.,20:喝黑啤酒有助于下奶。 +"They calloused hands never wash clean. Because of hard years of clay, have been deeply engraved in their body.",他们长满老茧的手脚永远都洗不干净。因为艰辛岁月的泥土,早已深深刻进了他们的肉体里。 +Workmate2: That' s what I' m trying to tell you. What women are looking for pecks and a cute butt.,工友2:这就是我要告诉你的。女人想要的是发达的胸肌和漂亮的臀部。 +Objective To explore the neuropsychological and clinical characters of amnestic mild cognitive impairment(MCI) and search the risk factor of MCI.,目的了解遗忘型轻度认知功能损害(MCI)老年人的神经心理学和临床特点,寻找MCI的危险因素。 +"Butterfly lovers, though sad ending, but also be called, perfect, at least two people from generation after generation won't parted.",梁祝,虽说悲惨,结局却也称得上,完美了,至少两个人从此生生世世不会再分开了。 +"The new index, which kicks off Jan. 10, will comprise 30 leading blue-chip companies ranked by market capitalization; Yangzijiang's market cap is about S$4 billion.",新版海峡时报指数将于明年1月10日启用,由按照市值挑选出的30只领先蓝筹股组成,扬子江船厂的市值约为40亿新元。 +You need to choose which partition(s) will be used for the installation.,您必须选择一个或多个分割区来做为安装之用。 +"At EOP, conduct 2-3 times publicity coverage for base selecting and awarding activities through television, newspapers, internet, etc;",项目终期,通过电视、报刊、网络等形式,完成2-3次针对基地授牌和培训推广活动的宣传报道; +"In the meantime, electric wheel truck faces serious challenge from various hydraulic mechanical drive trucks with large load capacity which appeared in the markets successively .",与此同时,多种大载重量液力机械传动汽车的竟相出现,使电动轮汽车面临严重的挑战。 +Attention: All ships in port shall keep watch on CH16.,注意:所有在港船舶应在16频道上保持��听。 +"Considering Google’s penetration into the average person’s everyday life -- whether through search, maps, or apps on Android phones -- it’s entry into the automotive scene almost makes sense.",考虑到Google对普通人日常生活的渗透---无论是通过搜索、地图、或者安卓手机程序----其涉足汽车领域也不无意义。 +"ATP is a complex chemical compound formed with the energy released from food and stored in all cells, particularly muscles.",ATP是一种复杂化合物,携带着来至食物的能量,储存于所有的细胞,特别是肌肉。 +"Coal resources are very rich in Yaojie formation of Middle Jurassic Series in the middle west part of the Basin, and the coal seam gas partially enriches in Yaojie and Tanshanling coal fields.",盆地中西部中侏罗统窑街组蕴藏着丰富的煤炭资源,煤层气局部富集于窑街、炭山岭煤田。 +"Buffon, who was voted best goalkeeper in winning the World Cup with Italy in the summer, spoke of his experiences in Serie B so far.",在帮助意大利队夺取世界杯的同时,布冯当选为最佳门将。他对人们谈了迄今为止在乙级的经历。 +"After decoding the user role encapsuled in active packet, we can obtain the method describing policy of access control in policy store, called capability.",在主动信包中封装用户角色信息,主动节点解析出用户角色后,依据它在策略库中匹配相应的描述控制访问权限策略的方法,即权能。 +OBJECTIVE To compare the variation of the content of tetramethylpyrazine and Ferulic acid between single and mixed decoction on Ligusticum chuanxiong and Angelica.,目的比较川芎当归单煎共煎液中有效成分川芎嗪和阿魏酸含量的变化,初步探索二味中药配伍的变化规律。 +"Please follow them and if you have any questions, direct them to the production editor in charge of your proceedings at the IEEE Computer Society Press: Phone (714) 821-8380 or Fax (714) 761-1784.",请跟随他们,如果你有任何问题,指导他们在IEEE计算机学会出版社在你的诉讼费制作编辑:电话:(714)821-8380或传真(714)761-1784 。 +She likes to eat cabbages.,她喜欢吃包心菜。 +But Van Denderen also has an eye for the pressing situations exploding mass-tourism causes such as the enormous water problems in North Africa and European countries such as Spain and Greece.,但是冯•登德伦也对迅速扩大的大规模旅游所导致的危急形势有着自己的判断,诸如北非以及西班牙和希腊等欧洲国家严重的水资源问题。 +"Comenius is a milestone personality in the history of education. It was he who wrote the very first systematic theoretical work Magna Didactics , which was pedagogically specialized.",夸美纽斯是教育史上里程碑式的人物,他在人类历史上写下了第一部系统的、专门的教育理论著作《大教学论》。 +Figure 3 shows the weather bot logged in to the server.,图 3 展示了注册到服务器的 weather 聊天机器人(bot)。 +"As I have said, the work of cultural studies is to analyze, to find the theoretical resources and the methodological tools necessary to analyze the complexity of the conjuncture.",正如我说过,文化研究的任务是要分析,找出需用的理论资源和方法去分析形势的复杂性。 +"We are thankful to the staff that keeps working during the holiday. Wish all of you the best in working, and may you and your family have a happy Spring Festival!",公司对在春节期间在岗位上坚持工作的员工表示衷心的感谢,预祝全体员工工作顺利、春节愉快,合家幸福! +"Inspection of Contractor's slings, shackles, straps, bridle line, raising lines, tugger lines and other lifting lines.",钻井承包商绳套、吊装卡子、捆扎绳、固定钢缆、提升缆绳、电葫芦钢丝绳和其他提升设备的检测。 +This piecewise linear change has a very high practical value.,这种分段线性变化也有很高的实用价值。 +One country cannot solve all problems.,布什说:“一个国家难以解决所有的问题。 +"In SourceForge, the task is an item that defines work to be done by someone on the team.",在 SourceForge 中,任务是定义了由团队中某人要完成的工作的一项内容。 +"Herbert Smith is an international legal practice with over 1,200 lawyers (including over 240 partners) and a network of offices in Europe, the Middle East and Asia.",史密夫律师事务所是一家主要的国际律师事务所, 现时在欧洲、中东和亚洲各办事处拥有超过1,200名律师,其中包括二百四十多名合伙人。 +"The first part consists of the history, system adjusting, and theoretical framework as well as the exercise elements effects of the defense right of simultaneous performance.",第一部分由同时履行抗辩权的历史源流、体系调和、理论构造、行使要件与效力四个分论体构成。 +I simply couldn't sleep for thinking.,我整天想着你,连觉也睡不着。 +"Use a bolster under the chest, if you are close to the floor;",如果你接近地板,可以用长枕垫在下巴下; +"To evaluate the problems existing in the calculation of built-in fittings in reinforced concrete structures, 75 series of tests consisting of 212specimens of various forms were made.",针对钢筋混凝土结构预埋件在计算方面存在的问题,进行了75组212件不同类型试件的试验。 +"To start, Apple will make its own software available through the store, including Pages, Numbers, GarageBand and iPhoto.",在开始,苹果将把自己的软件,包括Pages、Numbers、GarageBand 和iPhoto放到商店中进行销售。 +"Israel as a Jewish state, a democratic state and a state with deeply-rooted security needs to constitute three major pillars of Israel's policy.",以色列是一个犹太人的国家;以色列是一个民主国家;以色列是一个高度关注安全的国家构成了其对阿拉伯人政策的三大指导思想。 +"Whereas this type of risk affects a broad range of securities, unsystematic risk affects a very specific group of securities or an individual security.",然而这种风险影响大范围的证券,非系统风险影响一个非常特定群体的证券或单个证券。 +"This is designed not so much as a deterrent, but as a means of ensuring that customers eat the fruit and then spit out the bad-tasting seed.",这点无损它的食用性,但可以确保食用者在享用的过程中把味道不好的果核吐出来。 +"Usually, what happens in practice is that the attacker will break onto a machine that is on the same network segment as one of the two machines in question (usually the network of the target).",通常,实际发生的情况是,攻击者将非法闯入与讨论中的两个机器之一位于相同网段上的一台机器(通常是目标机器的网络)。 +"In the following conversation, Mr. Benton has traveled to China to introduce Mr. Yeh-Ching to a new operating system.",在下面这个对话中,Mr. Benton到中国向Mr. Yeh-Ching介绍一项新型操作系统。 +"Yes. There will be specific materials that fly up for sand, sand bags, grass, rock, metal, water etc etc. when shot, mortar'd, or grenaded.",有,当子弹击中,手雷爆炸的时候将会有特定的物质飞起来,比如沙石,草,石头,金属,水,等等。 +"Second, exercise increases the activity of serotonin and/or norepinephrine.",其次,运动增加了血清素或甲肾上腺素的活动。 +"This ore spot host in the granulated substance conglomerate, sandstone, the major mineral is the secondary uranyl mineral;",该矿点主要产于砂砾岩、砂岩中,以产次生铀酰矿物为主; +"Mike Abbott, VP of Engineering, announced last month on October 13 that he would be leaving and moving to his a role as Entrepreneur in Residence at Benchmark Capital.",——工程部副总裁迈克•雅培于10月13日宣布将离开Twitter,作为入驻企业家加入风险投资公司基准投资(Benchmark Capital)。 +"Methods 1230 students sampled randomly from three primary schools in Duanzhou district were accepted investigations about sensory integrative, learning and behaviour.",方法对端州区三间小学及两间幼儿园正常学龄儿童随意抽样共12 30名进行感觉统合失调与学习及有关行为的调查。 +"SERVIR provides real-time information on many disasters, including droughts.",SERVIR提供许多灾害的实时信息,包括干旱。 +"Fang, who has lived in Shanghai since he was 21, says he and his wife have no option but to live apart from their son.",方咬金21岁开始就住在上海,他表示,他们夫妻俩别无选择,只能和儿子分居两地。 +Methods The cancer model was made by subcutaneous injection of S180 ascites on Kunming mice.,方法昆明小鼠双侧胸皮下接种S180肉瘤腹水瘤液制成肿瘤模型。 +"To lay these charges to rest, U.N. Special Investigator on Extrajudicial Killings Christof Heynes hired four independent forensic experts to examine the authenticity of the video.",为了解决这些指控提出的问题,联合国法外杀戮问题特别调查员克里斯托弗.海恩斯雇用了4位独立专家,检查这段录像的真实性。 +Brown Ben's note was the last. That one had been inscribed upon a sheepskin scroll.,布朗·本的票据在最后,那个接在一个带毛的羊皮卷轴上。 +Acorns were good until bread was found.,在没有找到面包之前,橡实还是好东西。 +He aked for raise.,他要求加薪水。 +In this way they can instantly have more poor people who need help from more taxpayer money and more bureaucrats.,通过这种方法,马上就会冒出更多需要帮助的穷人,意味着需要更多的税收,更多的官僚。 +"In 2000, courts across the country made decisions on such costs in more than 190,000 cases.",2000年,全国法院依法对当事人决定减、缓、免交诉讼费用的案件共19万余件。 +"At some point during her induction, Lasker-Wallfisch mentioned she played the cello. “That is fantastic, ” the inmate processing her said.","在讲述的过程中 Lasker-Wallfisch提到她拉大提琴的事情.“那实在是妙极了 "" 负责处置她的囚犯说." +"Through investigation of changes of the intensity of electron spinning signal and morphology of amorphous carbon materials at different cycle numbers, mechanism for capacity fading was obtained.",通过研究在不同的循环次数时无定形碳材料的电子自旋共抓信号的强度变化及形态结构的变化,得出了容量衰减的机理。 +The Israeli troops occupied some cities of Palestine and destroyed the building of Arafat's 17th division of guards.,以军占领了巴方一些城市,并摧毁了阿拉法特17卫队大楼。 +"In the first my dad explains how I can tell if my teeth are clean: I'll hear squeaking, like birds chirping, when I run my finger across the tops of them.",一开始我爸爸给我解释怎么样牙齿才算真正刷干净了:当我用手指划过牙齿表面的时候,能听到犹如鸟叫一般的吱吱声。 +We can use Taraxacum to made medicine.,我们可以用蒲公英去用药。 +But I saw how you looked at the long-legged sea captain .,但是我看到了你看那个长腿船长的样子。 +The land institution in Dynasty - Clan System Period is a transition period in Japan's Land Institution history .,朝藩体制时的土地制度在日本土地制度史上起着承前启后的作用。 +Actually you're on a 125th street where this is a landmark.,事实上,你现在正在第125街,这条街可是一个地标。 +"I said in Part 1 that I was going to have a users table in SimpleDB, but it complicated the site too much, so I dropped it.",我在 功能丰富的 Perl:Perl 和 Amazon 云,第 1 部分 说过,我将在 SimpleDB 中使用一个用户表,但是它会使站点变得非常复杂,因此放弃了这个想法。 +"Firstly, the original image was divided into two groups: self-similarity blocks and non-self-similarity blocks by fractal coding and pre-set threshold.",算法首先利用分形编码及设置的阈值将图像分成自相似性块和非自相似性块; +"Onthe other hand, the Chinese worry that if they're not involved inwriting the new standards, those could be manipulated by their enemies.",另一方面,很多中国人担心,要是他们不参与新标准的修订,将会在各个方面受制于人。 +"Upper-class people are indulged: Mr Dolphus Raymond is a wealthy white man from a ""fine old family"" who prefers the company of black people.",上层人则饱受社会优宠:多尔弗斯·雷蒙出身世家,是个富有的白人,更喜欢与黑人为伍。 +"It is mainly written in a four-character style. With its strict parallelism , it sounds sonorous and forceful.",文章以四言句式为主,讲究铺排,音调铿锵,感染力强。 +"For the Palomar Transient Factory project, the group will process and extract images of up to 30 million objects captured each night.",针对PTF计划,该组织将对每夜捕获的3000万个目标图像进行处理和提取。 +This shows what Ross and colleagues dubbed the 'false consensus' bias - the idea that we each think other people think the same way we do when actually they often don't.,这展现了被Ross和同事们称为“虚假同感”的偏见——我们每个人都觉得别人和自己想的一样,可是实际上并非如此。 +"In the Tantric view, Enlightenment arises from the realization that seemingly opposite principles are in truth one.",在坦陀罗的观点,启迪是起于现实,表面上是对立的法则其实上是真理的“一”。 +"He will pass by your door with his clear cry, and you shall fling open your window, cast off your veil, come out of the dusk of your dreams and meet your destiny.",他响亮地呼唤着路过你的门前时,你便会从依稀的梦中惊醒,将窗儿洞开,抛下面纱,走出房门,去迎接命运的安排。 +Why do I suddenly recollect the Passage des Thermopyles?,我为什么会突然想起了温泉关? +"Off the field, the Portugese superstar has been linked to Paris Hilton and Kim Kardashian. ""I'm living the dream, and I never want to wake up,"" Ronaldo has said.",绿茵场外,这位葡萄牙球星与豪门靓女帕丽思·希尔顿以及金·卡戴珊都扯上了点关系,他说“我在梦境中生存,我永远都不愿醒来。” +"Iridology can help us to understand scientifically how the function of our organ, gland, skin and etc.",虹膜学是以科学的角度来了解人体各器官,腺体,皮肤等健康情况。 +The SimplyHired application combines the power of Facebook friend networks and recommendations with a job search engine to get customized job recommendations.,SimplyHired 应用程序将 Facebook 朋友网络和推荐功能与工作搜索引擎合并在一起以便获得自定义的工作推荐。 +"We will keep a reasonable control on the total energy consumption, increase efficiency, and bring down the excessive growth on high energy intensity industries.",合理控制能源消费总量,抑制高耗能产业过快增长,提高能源利用效率。 +"The nursing of 50 cases with false bulbar paralysis from cerebral infarction are reported, 24 cases were complete paralysis, 26 cases incomplete.",报告50 例脑梗死致急性假性球麻痹的临床护理。24 例为完全性假性球麻痹,26 例为不全性假性球麻痹。 +"Financial Services Workflow Model (FS-WM) details an enterprise-level dictionary of key activities independent of product, channel, organization structure, or technology.",金融服务工作流模型(Financial Services Workflow Model,FS-WM)详细说明独立于产品、渠道、组织结构或技术的企业级关键业务词典。 +"The nations together accounted for 23% of the world's economic output last year, compared with 24% for the U.S. and 30% for the EU, according to Japanese foreign-ministry data.",据日本外务省的数据显示,这些国家共占去年全球经济产出的23%;相比之下,美国和欧盟分别占24%和30%。 +"The structural color and microstructure of nacre in bivalve shells of Pinctada maxima were investigated by optical reflection spectra, scanning electron microscopy and theoretical simulation.",采用反射光谱、 扫描电镜及理论模拟计算对大珠母贝珍珠层的结构色及微结构进行了系统的研究。 +"Now, with the Internet, the world has gotten even smaller. In addition to phones and faxes, any",现在,网际网路使世界甚至变得更小,除了电话和传真的便利之外,再加上任何一个上网的信徒几乎都可以和各地人士互通讯息,全世界就在你的指尖下! +If the pockets are eliminated you'll be able to brush and floss your teeth more effectively.,若牙周袋消失了以后,你就可以更有效地使用牙刷和牙线。 +"One user writing under the handle Serenity's Horizon, questioned whether Mr. Lee's victory illustrates that ethnic minorities face less racism in the U.S. than in China.",一位署名“Serenity’s Horizon”的网友问道:李孟贤获胜是否说明少数族裔在美国受到的种族歧视比中国要少? +Bush's final half-day as president included a goodbye to Washington and a hello from fellow Texans.,在总统生涯的最后半天,布什道别华盛顿,得克萨斯也已预备好迎接他的归来。 +"The second: when you do come down strongly on someone’s side, refer to a higher authority to give yourself the requisite gravitas.",第二守则,如果你很确定地站在某人一边,要搬出一个更高的权威,给你那必需的庄严。 +"A great deal of thought must, surely, have been given to the question of a euro default – how to minimise its consequences, how exactly to execute the ""restructuring"" or ""rescheduling"".",针对于欧元的拖欠这一问题,已经想了很多方式。 怎样缩小这种影响,怎样准确的执行“机构重组”或者“重新安排”。 +"They wandered past number 167. The drivewaywas empty, the rusting wrought-iron gates left open and the house was deserted.",他们慢慢趟过167号,车道一片空旷,锈迹斑斑的铁门敞开着,房子空无一人。 +"Black wood Jiao make plan put the two classes of all to fan dizzy, then ready to take people hurriedly uninstall it.",黒木蛟使计策把那两个班的人全都给迷晕了,随后准备带着人赶紧撤。 +You can set the replication protocol between servers to be either 1-safe or 2-safe.,可以将服务器之间的复制协议设置为 1-safe 或 2-safe。 +The attributes (properties) define acceptable values for the entry.,属性用于为条目定义可接受的取值。 +The content of 10 trace elements in Euphorbia fischeriana Steud was determined by atomic absorption spectrometry.,采用原子吸收光谱法测定了狼毒大戟中 1 0种微量元素的含量。 +On the other hand using references that are exposed in the inspector are self-documenting and immediately obvious to the user of your script.,另一方面使用暴露在检视面板中的资源引用,是自文档化的,对于使用脚本的用户来说也是立竿见影的。 +"Another characteristic of these years, which scholars refer to as the Dark Ages, just as they do the years after the fall of the Roman Empire--dark for two reasons.",这段时期的另外一个特征,学者把它叫做黑暗时代(Dark Ages),正是罗马帝国崩溃之后的那段时期。 +Thus ensured the optimized completion method can satisfy various engineering and technical requirements.,由此确保了所优选的完井方法能满足各项工程技术要求。 +Let peace light sprinkling in the east-small Paris beautiful land!,让和平的光芒辉洒在东方小巴黎美丽的土地上! +"It was sunny and windy, the fire puja went swiftly. All offerings were consumed to fine ashes. And we finished everything at 11:55 a. m. A new record.",今天是个晴朗又多风的天气,火供进行得很快速。所有的供品都化成细灰,而且我们在上午11:55分就完成所有的工作,创下了新记录。 +Klich told reporters he had recently traveled to Israel to visit arms manufacturers.,Klich告诉记者,他最近前往以色列访问军火制造商。 +UBL is the first fully-conformant implementation of CCTS.,UBL 是第一个完全兼容的 CCTS 实现。 +"BOOKS: They have a large variety of titles such as cookbooks, coloring, puzzle, painting and activity books, to name a few.",书籍: 商店有琳琅满目、品种繁多的书目比如烹饪书、填色书、猜谜、绘画和活动书,这里只举几个例子。 +This is Hamburg…,嗬嗬,这也是汉堡。 +And you will lose your money.,这样你就白白损失了。 +In the Disney film the wicked step-mother winds up dead (she falls off a cliff).,在迪斯尼电影里,可恶的继母最终死了(掉下了悬崖)。 +These tiny debris-flow deposits formed on freshly excavated embankments of the California Aqueduct.,这些细小的泥石流沉积是在新开凿的加利福尼亚渠的大堤上形成的。 +"As a forerunner of novel annotations, Liu Chenweng grasped all the aspects of the speech of figures when annotating Shi Shuo Xin Yu.",作为小说评点的开山鼻祖,刘辰翁在评点《世说新语》时抓住了小说尤其是语录体小说中人物语言修辞的方方面面。 +A current-controlled oscillator is presented in this thesis.,作者提出了一种结构简单的电流控制振荡器电路。 +NEW YORK Jan 4 (Reuters) - The volume of stocks traded in the United States hit a 19-month low in December and fell more than 14 percent from 2008 as investors shifted from equities to other assets.,"路透纽约1月4日电---美国股市12月成交量触及19个月低点,较2008年下滑逾14%,因投资者将资金从股市转移至其他资产." +The languages and cultures of many nationalities are present within the Centre.,本中心汇集了操不同语言,来自不同文化的许多名族的人们。 +Comparison of karyotypes of two Massons pines from Guangxi and Guizhou.,标题 两个产地马尾松核型的比较。 +"All of Iran lies within a major earthquake zone, and the country has suffered terrible temblors before.",整个伊朗地处一个主要地震带,也经历过多次地震袭击。 +UNIC members are sincerely looking forward to building long-term business with you!,新闻中心成员都真诚地期待着建立长期的业务和你在一起! +We did not set up a 21st-century regulatory framework to deal with these problems.,我们没有设立一个21世纪的管理框架来处理这些问题。 +But Saddam Hussein has defied all these efforts and continues to develop weapons of mass destruction.,然而,萨达姆·侯赛因仍然悍然不顾,继续发展大规模毁灭性武器。 +"At that point, emerging stock markets will reverse the underperformance of November 2010 to now and begin to outperform their developed-country counterparts.",到其时,新兴股市就会颠覆2010年11月起至今的颓势,开始跑赢它们的发达国家的竞争对手。 +"stamp patterns cut off from stamped envelopes, stamped postcards and stamped aerogrammes.",从邮资信封、邮资明信片、邮资邮简上剪下的邮票图案。 +Among the blind the one-eye man is king.,在盲者中有一只眼睛的就是国王。 +"Bottom line: A global slowdown in IT spending is taking a toll on outsourcing firms HiSoft and VanceInfo, with the former better positioned to ride out the downturn.",一句话: 全球IT行业开支减速对IT外包公司海辉与文思构成冲击,但海辉似乎更有能力顺利挺过难关。 +"Without color, you need more information, such as that provided by a long listing using ls -l.",没有颜色,您需要更多信息,比如使用 ls -l 命令的长清单所提供的信息。 +Before the fencing of the open range the herds roamed around freely.,栅栏门打开前,牛在里边自由地走来走去。 +Studies show weightlifters are able to handle heavier weights in blue gyms.,有关研究表明,举重运动员在蓝色的体育馆内能举起更重的砝码。 +"""It's different because it's Web development,"" he explained, ""and there are little caveats and sophistications that have been added to the specification.",他解释道:“它与 MVC 模式有所不同,因为它是 Web 开发,并且很少有警告和诡辩被添加到规范中。 +"'Many facilities are overloaded, ' says Bob Coleman, director of customer relations at Gold Silver Vault, a depository in Nampa, Idaho.",爱达荷州保管服务公司Gold Silver Vault的客户关系总监科尔曼(Bob Coleman)说,很多设施都已超负荷。 +"So far, there bas been many supports applied in the immobilization of urease, such as polysaccharides, polymer, inorganic absorbents and so on.",目前,已有很多载体材料用于脲酶的固定化,如多糖、聚合物、无机吸附剂等。 +"Metabonomics, as a novel ""-omics"" technology in the post gene era, has become an important branch of system biology.",代谢物组学作为后基因时代的一种全新的组学技术。 +"""The worries keep coming despite Pixar's track record, because each film it delivers seems to be less commercial than the last, "" Mr. Creutz said.",「虽然皮克斯动画过去成就辉煌,疑虑却始终不断,因为它推出的片子商业性似乎一部淡似一部。」克鲁兹说。 +"Veterans Day came a day after the president spoke at a memorial service at the Army base at Fort Hood, Texas.",总统在德州胡德堡军事基地的追思会讲话之后的第二日便是退伍军人节。 +"The US slipped six places to 17th on the UN telecommunications agency's ICT Development Index. It was leapfrogged by countries such as Japan (12), Germany (13) and New Zealand (16).",在这份由联合国电讯管理处编撰的“信息与通讯技术发展指数”排行榜上,美国下滑六位,降至第17位,被日本(第12位)、德国(第13位)和新西兰(第16位)等国赶超。 +Much of the eight-page feature inside is devoted to Mrs.,在长达八页纸的专访中大部分定位在“妈妈”角色。 +"Although the dollar amount of the Anshan transaction is only a fraction of the Cnooc bid, the stakes are much higher today.",尽管鞍钢的收购交易按合同额来说只是中海油收购交易的一个零头,如今的风险却要大的多。 +"If care, be a rainwater, let heavy rain be since your head fluctuation, let you know I have many to read aloud you;",若牵挂是一滴雨水,让大雨在你头上下起,让你知道我有多念你; +"In order to be in relationship with reality, we need to stop and listen.",为了不脱离真性,我们要停下来,去聆听。 +"In 1974-75, when he first went into government as employment secretary, he was responsible for relations with the trade unions.",1974至75年期间,他第一次进入政府内阁,出任劳工部大臣,在处理与工会的关系上,他是应受指责的。 +"Take Ningbo port of coastal port in our country as an example, concretely research on choosing and implementation question of port logistics development model.",以我国沿海港口宁波港和日照港为实例具体研究港口物流经营模式的选取和实施问题。 +"With theory combining with practice, analyzes inter-function between community construction and Grass-roots Organization.",目的在于通过培育和发展社区民间组织来推进社区建设。 +"If any man offend not in word, the same is a perfect man, and able also to bridle the whole body.",若有人在话语上没有过失,他就是完全人,也能勒住自己的全身。 +"Counterattack, lashing out and surrounding yourself with a barrier that lowers the damage of the next 3 incoming attacks by 30%. Can only be used after a block.",反击,并在你的周围造成一道结界以减少接下来的3 次攻击的30%伤害。只能在一次成功格挡后使用。 +Objective To screen the early diagnostic antigens of Schistosoma japonicum and their epitopes.,目的筛选日本血吸虫童虫早期诊断抗原及其表位。 +Shiv :- You are absolutely right.,希夫: -你是绝对正确的。 +"""There is no one here in Washington that is oblivious to the fact that Pakistan is playing a double game, "" Tellis says.",“没有,这里的人在华盛顿是无视事实,巴基斯坦正在发挥双的比赛,”特利斯说。 +"In the sample program MQHDL, the program name is hard coded).",在示例程序 MQHDL 中,对程序名进行了硬编码)。 +"Slaves arriving in the South took the bland, unseasoned fried chicken being used in old Scottish recipes and added West African spices to it.",奴隶在抵达了南方温和的没有经验的炸鸡食谱是在古老的苏格兰西非使用和添加香料的。 +"To get there, we traveled a steady rate of 85 to 110 mph-and I loved it!",去那的路上,我们行使在一个稳定的,我喜爱的速度85到110时速。 +"If Lamar Odom had made his three-pointer to put them ahead with :13 left and they'd gone on to win, people would have talked about this game as long as there was an NBA.",如果奥多姆能打成那个3分将他们变成领先:那么他们会赢得比赛,在未来只要NBA还存在,人们就会谈论这场比赛。 +"Designed for entertainment places, innervation, powerful and endless changes. May be designed the effect by the DJ's demand. A group of 16 for the general minimum.",专为娱乐场所外设计,动感强劲,变幻无穷,也可根据DJ师要求设计效果,一般最少为16条一组。 +"It's by Luna Calendar of China. That's the most exciting hour for us because we receive the ""Auspicious Money"" from the elderly people.",这是按照中国的农历来算的,那时候我们最兴奋了,因为我们可以收到长辈的压岁钱。 +City gatehouse into the main building and wing.,大城门楼分为主楼和侧楼。 +Hostess The future of sex has long been a preoccupation of science fiction writers and fans like these at Baltimore's BaltiCon Convention.,性的未来始终是科幻作家和科幻迷们关注的事情,比如巴尔的摩的巴尔的肯大会上的这些人。 +"To test these alternatives, Dr. Kapoor and his colleagues plan to search for hepatitis C-like viruses in dogs from other countries, as well as in foxes and other species of carnivorous mammals.",为了测试这些替代品,卡普尔博士和他的同事计划寻找C型肝炎病毒在其他国家的狗,以及在狐狸和其他物种的食肉哺乳动物。 +We try to kill them off with antibiotics and hand sanitizers.,我们试图用抗生素和洗手液杀灭他们。 +I'll walk you to the bank. It's on my mute.,我陪你走到银行。我是顺路的。 收藏。 +Reccntly they have laid an underground pipeline.,最近,他们铺设了一条地下管道。 +Applicants which submit the highest well- substantiated pledges would be allocated with the respective TWFD or region of RFD after the endorsement of LFAC.,作出最高筹款承诺并有充分资料及理据支持的申请机构,经奖券基金谘询委员会通过后,将会获得分配有关的全港卖旗日或分区卖旗日的区域。 +"Governing by law is both a significant change of our Party in its governing ways and a historic choice in an effort to reinforce its governing position, to enhance its governing competence.",依法执政是党的执政方式的重大转变,是党在新形势下巩固执政地位、提高执政能力和依法执政水平的历史选择。 +Conclusion RAPD can be used in the molecular epidemiological study of Klebsiella pneumoniae.,结论RAPD可对肺炎克雷伯菌进行分子流行病学调查。 +We have used the beautifully printed Jewish calendar and some other pictures to be the mounted article. They looked very nice and whoever saw them all commented them as very artistic.,我们将许多印制精美的犹太经文月历及其他图片裱褙成画,凡看到我们作品的无不称赞其极具艺术性。 +Objective To obtain the gene fragment encoding human mannan-binding lectin (MBL)-associated serine protease-2 (MASP-2).,目的获得人甘露聚糖结合凝集素相关丝氨酸蛋白酶-2(MASP-2)编码区基因。 +"Now, when building, you should have one extra paintbrush icon available in the toolbox, as illustrated in Figure 1.",现在,当您构建 GIMP 时,工具箱中应该有一个额外的画笔图标可用,如图 1 所示。 +The winding bridge has low balustrades. The Jiuqu Zigzag Bridge on west lake is one of them.,曲桥设有低栏杆,西湖上的九曲桥就属此桥。 +"Even if it is possible to find many multiplatform and bridging applications, user retraining is still required in many cases. At a minimum, retraining typically covers the following items",尽管有可能找到许多多平台和桥接应用程序,但是在许多情况下用户再培训仍然是必需的。 +"With SQL replication, you create a configuration that specifies each table in the database that you want to replicate.",通过 SQL 复制,您可以创建一个配置,其中指定了您希望复制的每一个数据库表。 +Scent of violets mingling with sweet pea petals.,混合紫萝兰及香豌豆花瓣的气味。 +"I mean, between Skype and Twitter and Google Documents, we’ve been able to collaborate with people that I’ve never met in person, and I think Lukas has just met a tiny fraction of them in person.",我是说,在Skype,Twitter以及Google Documents中,我们已经能与素未谋面的人合作,我认为Lukas也仅仅亲自见了他们中很小一部分。 +Warmly welcome friends in all circles come and visit our company.,盛请各界朋友和新老客户光临公司考察。 +"With his keen insight, he awared that all the nature world are live, people just was a part of it. If people want a better life, they must return to and integrate with nature.",他以其敏锐的洞察力意识到自然万物都是有生命的存在,人只是自然的一部分,人要想过上一种更高意义上生活,必须回归自然,与自然融为一体。 +"Disguise it, struggle with it, stifle it, mortify it as much as one please, it is still alive, and will every now ad then peep out and show itself;",隐藏它,和它奋斗,打倒它,消灭它,遏制它,随你之便,但是仍旧存在着,时时出现和显露它的本体; +"A second, and equally reliable, force that makes people hard to stomach is having power over others .",让人们难以忍受的第二个同样发挥作用的力量就是以势压人。 +"The sonar system can detect, track, sort and fix the targets, and send warning signals to shore stations for preventing threats and ensuring the security of ports and warships .",该声纳系统可探测、跟踪、分类活动和固定目标,并向岸站发出报警信号,以便对威胁进行防御,保护港口、舰船等的安全。 +"The expression of AFP, albumin(ALB) and CK18 protein were detected immunohistochemically by using anti-AFP, albumin antibodies and CK18 antibodies;",免疫细胞化学法检测甲胎蛋白(AFP)、细胞角质蛋白18(CK18)及白蛋白(ALB)的表达; +It's possible I've got my own--I have my sound turned on.,"可能是,我这边的声音打开了" +"Judicial Authentication Institution also needs to strive for necessary encouragement policies and fiscal subsidies, in addition to improving self professional skills to get more business resources.",司法鉴定所自身还需要在自身提高业务水平争取业务来源的同时,争取必要的鼓励政策和财政补贴。 +United Washcloth Makeing of Aquila and Lyra (UWMAL)!,天鹰座和天琴座联合毛巾制造公司!!! +"ChengKang to concise, all of the peach, refers to eat sweets in a good mood method wont work.",承康把水蜜桃全送到简洁家,指吃甜食令心情好的方法行不通。 +Berkshire lost $3.4bn on a physical disaster whereas Mr Buffett is on the hook for a lot more from financial volatility.,伯克希尔哈撒韦在一场自然灾害上损失了34亿美元,而巴菲特将因金融动荡遭受更大损失。 +"Taking Liulitun landfill, Bei-jing for example, the article introduces the application of HDPE geotechnical membrane in landfill , including design and installation of lining system.",以北京市六里屯垃圾填埋场工程为例,介绍了HDPE土工膜在垃圾填埋场工程中的应用,主要包括垫衬系统的设计和安装。 +The tax payment appraised the system is a data process load is big based on WANS information management system.,纳税评估系统是一个数据处理量大的基于广域网的信息管理系统。 +"Oh, I will come to you, when the night is dark and stormy .",当黑暗的夜晚风雨交加的时候,我将向你走来。 +"Hangzhou: cloudy, mist, accompanied by a small amount of low clouds, visibility 1200 meters;",杭州:多云,轻雾,伴有少量低云,能见度1200米; +Some experts said that Beijing could have moved as early as January to shut down Google.cn and prevent Chinese users from reaching Google’s uncensored Web site.,一些专家指出,北京本来可以早在一月就关闭谷歌,阻止中国用户连接到其未被过滤的网站。 +"Madel, ja a Madel, folk song for voice & piano trio.",一个女孩,是一个女孩,为人声和钢琴而作的三重唱民歌。 +The grid generation and simulation methods on Armour Piercing Fin Stabilized Discarding Sabot (APFSDS) are introduced in this paper.,介绍APFSDS及弹托干扰流场数值模拟中的网格生成方法及其应用。 +Check to know the electromagnet reaction of the reversing valve.,检查各换向阀电磁铁动作是否灵活。 +"There are also many questions about the environmental benefits of electric cars, given China's reliance on coal.",鉴于中国对煤的依赖,电动车的环境效益还存在很多问题。 +"Italy's Wild Child In Italy, Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi — described in one cable as ""feckless, vain, and ineffective as a modern European leader"" — laughed off the scandal as nothing new.",意大利的孩子在野生意大利总理西尔维奥贝卢斯科尼-电缆描述的一为“无能,虚荣,和领导不力作为一个现代欧洲” -一笑置之什么新的丑闻的。 +"Then she pressed the blade to the skin and made her incision, straight down the center of the abdomen.",然后她在伤者腹部中心位置的皮肤上下刀,划开一道。 +The vaccine efficacy was 84.4%.,配比后得出的水痘疫苗效力为84.4%。 +Recent research has suggested that foods high in fermentable carbohydrates are particularly good at stabilising blood sugar levels.,最新研究表明富含发酵性糖的食物对于稳定血糖水平有着特别的功效。 +Different extent sizes means different VG granularity.,不同的区段大小意味着不同的 VG 粒度。 +"Braisedpork belly is served in a steamed bun with fresh cilantro, pickled mustard greens and pulverized peanuts, creating one of the world's greatest snacks.",夹着炖熟的猪肉馅的蒸包,里面还配着芫荽叶,腌制过的荠菜,新鲜的碎花生,构成了这一世界最好吃的快餐。 +"China is one of the few birthplaces of textile production in the world, which is also the first country to make use of the silk and therefore it is called ""the Silk Country"".",中国是世界上最早生产纺织品的国家之一,也是最早利用蚕丝的国家,被誉为“丝绸之国”,历史上对世界丝绸业的发展作出了巨大的贡献。 +"Mt. 9:10 And as He was reclining at table in the house, behold, many tax collectors and sinners came and reclined together with Jesus and His disciples.",太九10 耶稣在屋里坐席,看哪,有好些税吏和罪人来,与耶稣和他的们徒一同坐席。 +Given the magnitude of the global epidemic of type 2 diabetes - especially in developing regions - targeting atherogenic dyslipidemia is crucial.,照2型糖尿病的国际范围,尤其是发展中地区,瞄准粥状动脉硬化很重要。 +"If things change while you're in the middle of coding, your design becomes invalid.",如果在您编写代码的过程中情况有所变化,您的设计就会无效。 +"In 1960, a tribunal in Moscow convicted American U-2 pilot Francis Gary Powers of espionage.",在1960 年,莫斯科法庭宣告美国间谍U-2 飞行员法兰西斯加里有罪! +"Indeed, those with extreme maximization ratings had depression scores that placed them in the borderline clinical range.",事实上,那些极大化分数最高的人,其抑郁症的评分就位于患病的边缘。 +"During the Black Fleet crisis, Rieekan was New Republic Intelligence director.",黑色舰队危机期间,里肯是新共和国情报局局长。 +She accepted the invitation to preside the prize-giving ceremony for the Venice International Film Festival of the year.,她应邀主持这一年的威尼斯国际电影节颁奖礼。 +"Strand maps of Science Literacy as representative, the strand maps show the conceptual steps to achieve specific objectives and students' understanding process.",以科学素养导航图为代表的导航图,展示了达到特定目标的概念步骤,显示了学生的理解进程。 +"American films, for example, include sex, violence, and materialism, but that is not the whole story.",比如美国的很多电影都有很黄很暴力和物欲横流的内容,但那些只不过是皮毛。 +"Cui Huadun can be seen her love was joined by purple message after not happy marriage, despite already penetrated deigned to charity cause the tragic fate of love.",可看过了自己爱慕的崔华盾与曾紫陌不幸福的婚姻之后,顾意已经看透了半推半就施舍爱情造成的悲剧下场。 +"Considering the plate feeding condition, this paper discusses reasonable assignment of the mid-roll feeding displacement, and put forward a real time control scheme.",考虑到板材在辊弯机上的进料条件,探讨了中间辊进给量的合理分配问题,并提出了滚弯成形适时控制方案。 +"And Jersey Girl is about redemption, it's a religious movie on a certain level. At the same time he's a trash-meister.",拿《泽西女孩》来讲,这是一部关于救赎的片子,在某种程度上甚至可以被看作是一部宗教电影。 +"The elements of vorticity, divergence, specific humidity, moisture flux divergence and K index etc. were benefited to the form and development of storm rainfall over the rainfall region.",降水区上空的涡度、散度、比湿、水汽通量散度、K指数等要素有利于暴雨的形成和发展。 +"After yet another year of lamenting the lack of substantial roles for actresses, two of the juiciest female parts to come along in some time may be simultaneously headed for the big screen.",之后的又一重大感叹角色的女演员,女的最精采的两部分在一段时间来一直缺乏年可能会同时走向大银幕。 +"Once, you did ride a carrousel. It seemed as though it would last forever.",恍然间,你又坐上了旋转木马,好像永远不会停下来。 +"At present, the realistic problem that Kelon Air-conditioner must face is how can gain greater marketing share and promote brand popularity on fiercely competitive market.",科龙空调在竞争激烈的市场上如何赢得更大的市场份额,提升品牌知名度是其当前所必须面临的现实问题。 +"And there's the children with the cute factor,",接着是有可爱之处的孩子, +"And although the men in the study seemed to have the lowest risk if they ate both fruits and vegetables, women appeared to also decrease their risk even if they only ate large amounts of vegetables.",而且,虽然男性在同时吃大量蔬菜和水果时有着最低的患癌风险,但是女性似乎可以在仅仅吃大量蔬菜的情况下也可以降低患癌几率。 +""" (Waving at others.) ""With men with such spirit how can we lose?",我们怎么可能输给这样精神面貌的人呢? +"Setting up ane-commerce venture can take considerable time and money, and failure to understand the timing and sequencing of tasks can lead to significant cost overruns .",设定电子商务事业要考虑到时间和金钱,并且不能疏忽了解时间和程序化任务可能导致重大成本超出。 +"Analysis of the theory, formula composing, the meanings and values of parameters of man-hour quotation.",工时法报价方法的原理、公式构成、各参数的含义和取值情况等。 +The volunteers were filmed walking on treadmills. Their oxygen consumption and carbon dioxide production were measured to gauge their metabolic rate.,志愿者们在跑步机上行走,同时被拍摄下来。通过测量他们的耗氧量和二氧化碳产量来测量他们的代谢率。 +"And Jesus knowing their thoughts said, Wherefore think ye evil in your hearts?",耶稣知道他们的心意,就说,你为什么心里怀着恶念呢。 +Gilding says he’s actually an optimist. So am I.,戈尔丁说他实际上是个乐观主义者,我也一样。 +My favorite place to go for music is Lincoln Center.,我最喜欢去林肯中心听音乐。 +"For conference performance, they turn the camera onto the speakers themselves and the contents of their lecture are simultaneously remixed and rebroadcast to the audience.",讲座表演中,他们把焦点放在讲者及演讲内容上,给观众带来直播会议的新视觉体验。 +"Still, the dimensions, direction and likely implications of China’s buildup have become increasingly clear.",尽管如此,中国的建设规模,方向和可能产生的影响已越来越清晰。 +"China is also taking the lead in coal gasification technology, known as Integrated Gasification Combined Cycle (IGCC) technology.",中国还在煤气化技术方面处于领先,这称为“集成气化组合循环技术”技术(IGCC) +"But it's been mostly cannibalized by its pulsar companion, and is now just a shadow of its former self.",不过在其脉冲星的“摧残”之下,已经所剩无几了。 +"Jiang yuan after a night of cool also forgave real, at the same time, but received day to sell bairun will message.",蒋元经过一晚的冷静后亦原谅了晓阳,同一时间,众人却收到承天卖出「百润」的消息。 +"After each extraction, we purified the resulting gas and passed the xenon into Hohenberg's mass spectrometer, which indicated the number of atoms of each isotope present.",每一次萃取后,我们把得到的气体纯化,再将氙通入霍恩柏格的质谱仪,测量出其中所含各种同位素的原子数量。 +He is understood to be wary of high-tech projections of future military needs.,登普西在未来军事需求的高科技规划方面非常谨慎。 +"While confirming that an investigation into the case was underway, Hill cautioned against drawing any adverse conclusions about Lazarou.",虽然对这一事件的调查正在进行,但希尔反对做出任何不利于拉扎罗的结论。 +"Among 20 basic amino acids, glycine is the only one not exhibiting chirality, and other 19 are all L-amino.",在传统的20种天然氨基酸中,除没有手性中心的甘氨酸外,其他19种氨基酸均为L构型。 +"Laser cleaning is a newly-developed cleaning method, which is characterized by powerful removing force, non-contact cleaning, high flexibility and environment-friendly method.",激光清洗技术作为一种新型的精密清洗技术在微细颗粒清洗方面很有成效,它具有去除力强、非接触式清洗、操作灵活和无二次污染等特点。 +The present invention relates to a sanitary chopsticks made of natural fibre and its production method.,本发明属于餐具及其制造,尤其是指天然纤维卫生筷及其生产方法。 +"Of course, Git also satisfies standard VCS requirements such as immutability and accountability.",当然,Git 也满足标准的 VCS 要求,比如不变性和问责制。 +Artificial metering work can't satisfy the demand of residents. It's necessary to design remote design meter-reading system.,手工上门抄表已无法满足居民的需要,设计开发远程抄表系统势在必行。 +"Type 'perldoc Getopt::Std' or 'perldoc Getopt::Long' at your prompt to retrieve the documentation for these modules, which make parsing command-line arguments easy.",在提示符下输入‘perldoc Getopt::Std’或‘perldoc Getopt::Long’检索这些模块的文档,它使得解析命令行参数更容易。 +The expenses for power supply project and the charges for electricity utilization payable shall be handled according to the relevant regulations of the State.,所需供电工程费用和应付电费依照国家有关规定执行。 +"""We have to concentrate on the league, "" said Julio Cesar. ""Because from now on, every game will be a final. """,圣塞表态联赛也要打起精神,从现在起的每一场都象是决赛。 +Jaimie sat on top of the hole and rocked.,杰米坐在那个洞上摇晃起来。 +"He hadn't dared approach her house though, because, judging by her sister's reaction, he was sure her parents would not take kindly to his bedraggled appearance.",他不敢去她家,因为从她姐姐的反应看,她爸妈肯定也看不上他这副脏兮兮的样子。 +"Guide vane operation structure includes the guide vane arm clip board, guide vane arm, segmental keys, connection board, handle, cut pin, connecting rod pin and gland, etc.",导叶操作机构主要包括:导叶臂压板、导叶臂、分瓣键、连接板、耳柄、剪断销、连杆销及压盖等。 +"About 1.4 million couples divorced through civil affairs bureaus across the country in 2007, a year-on-year increase of 18.2 percent , latest figures from the Ministry of Civil Affairs showed.",据民政部最新数字显示:在2007年,全国有大约140万对夫妻通过民政事务局办理了离婚,与上年同期数字相比增长18.2%。 +If taxes are low then govt fears that trains may go empty.,如果燃油税收低了,那么政府害怕火车会空跑。 +Every smiling face is suffused with a peaceful atmosphere.,每一张笑脸都泛着祥和的气氛。 +"In the optimal conditions, this method was successfully applied to the analysis of imidacloprid and acetamiprid in imitative river water and vegetable samples.",该方法成功地应用于模拟污染水样品和蔬菜中农药残余物的测定,为氯化烟碱类农药的分离检测提供一种新的方法。 +Chinese characters are particular about straight lines.,中国字的书写讲究横平竖直。 +The slender Evanescent clock was designed to compliment society’s linear understanding of the briefness as well as the permanence of time.,瞬息即逝的纤细的时钟,旨在表达对简约和永恒时间的线形理解。 +"I was in for a surprise. When the time came for the broad-jump trials, I was startled to see a tall boy hitting the pit at almost 26 feet on his practice leaps!",我感到十分惊讶,当跳远比赛到了,我看到一个高个子男孩在他练习时达到了26英尺。 +"So in 2004, Deisseroth and his students invented a new tool.",所以,在2004年,戴瑟罗斯与他的学生们发明了一种新的工具。 +"Magnetic data processing includes daily variation rectification, azimuth correction and normal field correction.",磁力资料内业整理由日变校正、方位改正和正常场改正组成。 +"You know, really doesn't matter against who I play, Soderling or Nadal.",你知道,关键并不在于我的对手是谁,索德林还是纳达尔。 +"That package then goes into a slightly bigger box, and ultimately a shipping box, before it's returned.",小盒子外面还套着一个较大的盒子,最后用运输箱包装起来,才会进行它的召回之旅。 +"In this article, some problems about anticorrosion structures, parameters and methods involved in the design of process equipment were pointed and discussed.",本文将化工设备设计中涉及防腐蚀结构、参数及措施并与安全有关的一些典型问题列出进行讨论。 +"No matter how twisted and contorted your lower body may be, you must make sure to square up your upper body towards the basket.",不论下肢怎样扭曲,一定要保持上半身的平衡,正对篮筐。 +"Furthermore, you can derive your own types through facets.",此外,还可以通过刻面(facet) 派生自己的类型。 +"By using a simple function like exit_msg() and a few logical operators, the script could be condensed into the better-looking and easier-to-understand program shown in Listing 14.",只需使用 exit_msg() 这样的简单函数和几个逻辑操作符,这个脚本就可以简化成更漂亮更容易理解的程序,见 清单 14。 +"This time the problem stems from economic mismanagement in the United States, not at home.",此次危机的出现,源自美国经济管理不善,而非源于墨西哥国内。 +If a cancellous graft with one cortex is desired elevate only the muscles from either the inner or outer table of the ilium.,如仅需带一侧皮质骨板的松质骨植骨块,仅需剥离外侧或内侧髂骨板表面的肌肉。 +"Bean's Cafe, the soup kitchen in Anchorage, feeds hundreds of hungry Alaskans every day.",安克雷奇的贫民施舍处每天都要救助上千的阿拉斯加饥民。 +"Given those factors, there is some hesitancy and unless we get strong economic data, I'm looking for a neutral to supported dollar.","鉴于这些因素,市场有一些犹豫.除非经济数据强劲,否则美元将处于中性或受支持的状态." +"The results of this year's exams will decide the admissions of 146,000 people.",今年的考试结果将决定十四万六千人的入学。 +"I mean, the cost of masterwork bows alone!",我说,光是那极品长弓的价值就差不多了! +"This beautifully written, heartfelt memoir touched a nerve among both readers and reviewers.",这是一本文笔优美,感情真挚的亲身实录,好多读者和评论家都被其打动。 +That service settles a significant part of Sino-Swiss trade through facilities that include letters of credit (L/Cs) and guarantees as well as forfaiting.,集团在中国的融资服务包括信用证、担保及无追索权中期出口融资。 +"It was a difficult tast , but we accomplished it.",这是个棘手的任务,不过我们还是完成了。 +The main characterization of sick sinus syndrome (SSS) is bradycardia.,病态窦房结综合征(SSS)最主要特征为心动过缓。 +"And she said unto them, Thus saith the LORD God of Israel, Tell the man that sent you to me.",耶和华如此说、我必照著犹大王所读那书上的一切话、降祸与这地、和其上的居民。 +"A team of scientists at the National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI) recently compared excerpts from the genomes of humans, cows, dogs, pigs, rats and seven other species.",美国国家人类基因组研究院(NHGRI)的一组科学家,最近比较了人、牛、狗、猪、大鼠,及其他七个物种基因组当中的片段。 +"It's amazing. Ok, you just reach in there, there's one little maneuver, and bam, a bra right out the sleeve.",简直太神奇了,好吧,你刚进入状态,这里有一个小花招,然后砰一声,胸罩就从袖子里出来了。 +"The innovation of this paper is analyzing the civil servant stimulation actuality through survey, it innovatively provides idea in invigorative system and implement.",论文的创新之处在于以调查问卷的方式了解公务员激励现状,并在激励体系优化和实施方面提出了自己创新的见解。 +Collect related information to the head office.,收集相关的信息发送到总公司。 +"Elektronik Gruppen BK (public listed) is a leading Nordic advance component supplier since 1951 for telecom, automotive, electronic, industrial applications.",作为一家在瑞典上市的企业,伊莱古鹏有限公司从1951起致力于通信、汽车电子和工业设备的供给。 +"Now, as one of the top 50 business enterprises in China, Dishang Kenny is the biggest ladies' fashion manufacturing base of North China.",现今,迪尚凯尼是中国女装50强企业,为中国北方最大的时装加工基地。 +This fish was 49kg on both the scales and the formula.,这种鱼是四十九公斤同时在规模和公式。 +"Method On 30 rat models of FHF, 62% of partial liver grafts were implanted below the host residual liver with 28 successful operations.",方法在30只肝功能衰竭大鼠模型上,于原残肝下移植同系异体62%部分肝脏,手术成功28例。 +Objective To explore the clinical effects and safety of guajava leaf in the treatment of infant rotaviral enteritis.,目的探讨番石榴叶免煎剂小儿轮状病毒肠炎的临床疗效及安全性。 +"""Some marvelous, exotic bird of paradise,"" he coos, ""meaning a very elegant and stunning woman or someone wearing something terrific.""",“一些伟大的,与众不同的天堂鸟”,他喃喃的说道,“就是指穿着华贵、气质夺人的女人,或者穿着特绝的主儿”。 +"If you could combine their features into one specimen of supreme manliness, their biceps would be as big as the forelimb of an ox and their neck as wide as an oak tree.",如果你能把他们的特征整合到一个拥有终极男子气概的范本身上,那么他们的二头肌将会与公牛的前肢一样大,而脖子就和橡树一样粗。 +"EF 4.1 was recently released with interesting features such as Validation, Spatial data, Enums and more.",最近发布的EF 4.1具有一些有趣的功能,例如 Validation(验证)、 Spatial data(空间数据)、 Enums(枚举)及更多功能。 +Objective: To investigate the role of EBV in the pathogenesis of interstitial nephritis (IN).,目的:探讨EB病毒感染在间质性肾炎发病中的作用。 +"This paper elaborates the general situation of nonwovens industry, and have a discussion off the present situations of fibers used in nonwovens, production technologies and nonwoven product uses.",本文阐述了非织造布工业的总体概况,并从纤维原料、工艺技术和产品应用等方面分别讨论了非织造布的发展现状。 +"It is a special phenomenon that nominal words act as predicate, nominal predicate sentence is independent sentence model.",名词性词语充当谓语是汉语特有的现象,汉语名词性谓语句是一种独立的句型。 +The tour-activity of the emperor embodies the characteristics of the political-tour.,帝王巡游体现了明清帝王政治旅游的特点。 +"The linearity of a large range extensometer is a critical problem, because its elastic'element is under large deformation.",大量程引伸计的弹性元件处于大变形工作状态,引伸计的非线性矛盾较突出。 +Paraguay - The Guarani lion roars in South Bfrica!,让瓜拉尼雄狮在非洲南部怒吼! +"They already have to wear a suit and tie, anyway.",他们还是穿西服打领带。 +"Li Yang is a demagogue, to say the least.",一言以蔽之,李阳至少是一个煽动家。 +I remember first learning from my 36-year-old that I had the ability to attract a man.,“我的第一反应是他可能喜欢我,这意味着我女性气质的成长,”她写 道,“我还记得这36岁人生里的第一课,关于我拥有吸引男性的能力。” +"Some milling cutters and milling methods were introduced. As a instance, a programme for CNC milling thread was showed.",介绍了螺纹数控铣削的几种铣刀和铣削方法,并举例说明螺纹数控铣削的编程。 +"The police car gone out of sight, Cool-man breathed out a long relieved breath; he took a baked sweet potato for himself and ate it with a good appetite.",望着远去的警车,老冷长出一口气,自个儿拿起一块烤红薯津津有味地吃起来。 +Change of essential am ino acids concentration in enzymolysate was not big. EAA was improved about 6. 7% after depuration. Then enzymolysate had better nutritional value.,必需氨基酸含量酶解前后的变化不大,但是纯化后增加了6。7%,具有更好的营养价值。 +Please fill out this currency declaration form.,请填写这张货币申报单。 +"It's difficult to be spontaneous when you have to hunt for letter - writing materials, so I keep paper, envelopes and stamps close at hand , even when I travel.",当你非得到处找写信用品时,写出来的东西就难以自然,因此我总是把纸、信封和邮票放在手边,甚至在旅行时也是如此。 +"It is wonderful how the light reflects the color palette of the room's furnishings and art in the colonial, high gloss enamel ceilings.",光线将这个房间陈设和艺术的五颜六色,投映在具殖民地特色、高明亮白搪瓷的天花板上,是非常美妙的。 +But we can no longer afford to follow traditional ways of Western industrialization. Our future lies in green and low-carbon development.,但是,绿色、低碳的时代潮流浩浩荡荡,我们不会也不可能走工业化国家发展的老路,中国能源发展必须有新思路和新突破。 +"The U.S. Government also issues small denomination debt to individuals to help them called savings bonds, but we aren't talking about those.","美国政府也发行小面值债券,用于面向个人,叫做长期储蓄债券,我们今天不涉及这些" +Nifurtimox is registered for the treatment of American trypanosomiasis but not for human African trypanosomiasis.,硝呋替莫被注册用于治疗美洲锥虫病,但未注册用于治疗非洲人类锥虫病。 +"And within these, the feeling of close kinship would simplify the constitution of the polyandrous arrangement.",而在它们之间,亲密的血族关系的感觉将使一妻多夫的安排的规则变得简单。 +"The construction of core villages and small towns should be rationally laid out and planned in a unified way, the agricultural land should not be arbitrarily occupied or requisitioned.",中心村和小城镇建设要合理布局,统一规划,不得随意征、占农用地。 +Some of this massing-out in ascension is also due to added layers of body fat under the skin and between the organs.,提升中的一些此类增加,也是由于身体皮肤下与器官间所增加的脂肪层的缘故。 +You must build links manually at 1-5 per day and spread them over required days.,您必须手动在建立联系,每天1-5和遍布所需天。 +"Look for award-winning children’s books, readers’ theatre sites, stories published online and more on this site.",Children’s Literature Web Guide:这里可以检索获奖儿童书籍,读者剧场地址,网上出版的故事等等。 +"Sudan is a priority for this administration, particularly at a time when it cries out for peace and for justice.","总统还指出:""苏丹是本届政府的一项重点目标,这在苏丹亟需和平与正义之际尤其如此。" +There are those who prefer to suffer deprivation rather than claim legal aid.,有些人宁愿忍受剥削而不去述诸法律帮助。 +The play put on last week was well worth seeing.,上周上演的那出戏剧很值得一看。 +"Before the talks, Premier Wen Jiabao held a welcome ceremony for German Chancellor Merkel at the Great Hall of the People.",会谈前,温家宝在人民大会堂北大厅为默克尔访华举行欢迎仪式。 +"Scientists are tantalized by plants and trees because they store far more energy than is consumed by cars, trucks, trains and planes, and they do it by taking carbon out of the atmosphere.",科学家对植物和树木储存的能量非常感兴趣,首先是因为它们的总量比汽车、卡车、火车和飞机消耗的还多,其次是因为能源来自空气中的碳。 +"The conscious use of anthropology into literature expands its boundary , and the value of literature can be promoted to existence and living philosophy.",而文学对人类学的有意识的应用则阔大了自身的境界,文学的价值就会上升到生命生存的哲学高度。 +"It seems to be no longer is a communication between individuals, it is a kind of Chinese and western thought the collision.",它似乎不再是一个个人之间的交流,它是一种中西方思想的碰撞 。 +"Adiabatic q equal to zero. It's also delta H 0 which is zero. The two didn't necessarily follow because remember, delta H is dq so p is only true for a reversible constant pressure process.","在这个过程中ΔH等于,绝热的所以q等于0,而ΔH也等于,这两个也不一定有因果关系,因为,记住,ΔH等于dq只有在恒压。" +In his messages of 1829 and 1830 Jackson not unreasonably treated the moderate increase in the sales as a proof of increasing prosperity.,根据杰克逊在1829到1830年间的言论,他那时并没有过度宣称这种适度的增长是持续繁荣的表现。 +"Yes, even the young children should understand that the breadwinners are working for them and they must help in their own ways.",是的,即使年幼的孩子都应该认识到,是养家糊口的人在为他们工作,他们应当以自己的方式提供必要的帮助。 +"In the mobile application store, mobile games'publishing volume and downloads are much higher than other mobile applications, as the most popular applications.",在采用零售模式的移动应用商店市场中,手机游戏作为最受用户欢迎的软件,发布量和下载量都大大超过其他移动互联网应用。 +"If there are NOD32 English versions installed in your network, please click ""Show all language versions"". Then select the corresponding language versions.",如果你的网络中安装了英文版的NOD32, 请按「显示所有语言版本」, 并勾选���应的语言版本。 +"Q. (Heikki Kulta – Turun Sanomat) Kimi, is pole position here as important as it is in Monaco?",这里的杆位和摩纳哥的杆位一样重要吗? +They had been fighting on a land they didn't know much about. The Greeks won the battle.,他们在并不熟悉的土地上战争,希腊人取得了胜利。 +"I'm living a flying life, which is not windy .",我过着一种及其飘渺却不虚无的生活。 +"Windbreaker, defense and medical equipment to play wind, rain, cold, warmth and good permeability characteristics of the area commonly known as breathing subjects.",风衣、国防及医疗设备起到防风、防雨、抗寒、保暖透气性好等特点一般称会呼吸的面科。 +"Somehow, since people know we're all theoretically connected to the pulse, there's an expectation that we should be practically connected to the pulse.",不知何故,因为人们知道我们都仅仅是理论上与这些脉动发生联系,却也期待着实际真真切切地与其发生关联。 +"Financial development exerts its impact on urban-rural income disparity through three major effects, that is, the threshold effect, poverty reduction effect and disequilibrium effect.",金融发展影响城乡收入差距主要通过三条途径,即金融发展的门槛效应、金融发展的降低贫困效应、金融发展的非均衡效应。 +"Leaders of the left-leaning parties—the Liberals, the New Democratic Party, and the Green Party (which failed to elect a candidate)—have hinted at forming a coalition in future.",左翼党派自由党,新民主党以及绿党(此次没有提名总理候选人)已经暗示会联盟。 +"This is how muslim behave, because their culture enjoins its people to intolerance, oppression, censorship, and murder.",这是穆斯林的行为。 因为他们的文化鼓励人们狭隘、压迫、审查和谋杀。 +It’s all a matter of time scale.,这些都不过是时间尺度的问题。 +The design of differential stress sensor with five magnetic pole based on counter magnetostriction effect of ferromagnetic materials is given.,磁致伸缩逆效应是稀土超磁致伸缩材料的一个重要应用特性,应用磁致伸缩逆效应可以制作超磁致伸缩力传感器。 +Restoring interior and exterior trim is also made easy with Chemical Guys superiorly effective Dressing.,恢复内饰和外饰也变得容易与有效的化学选矿男生优越。 +Feehan even offers holiday recipes sent in by her fans.,斐汗在书中甚至还提供了书迷寄来的假日食谱。 +All the phases in MADM are governed by an overarching governance and best practices discipline that provides a framework to carefully oversee the activities in each of the phases.,MADM 的所有阶段都是由一个全盘治理和最佳实践原则控制的,该原则提供的框架会仔细监视每个阶段的活动。 +"If two men are fighting and the wife of one of them comes to rescue her husband from his assailant, and she reaches out and seizes him by his private parts",若有二人争斗,这人的妻近前来,要救她丈夫脱离那打她丈夫之人的手,抓住那人的下体 +"Well, this is Jimmy Calkins.",美吧,这是吉米尔金斯。 +Does it fold again if you turn off the ignition then turn on again?,我们一直打不开,都手动折叠,哥你能不用这个问题刺激我们么。 +"In Shandong of the late Qing dynasty, there held Tuan' lien of large scale for three times. The first time was for resisting Taiping Army and the Nien during the reign of Emperor Xianfeng and Tongzhi.",在晚清的山东,大规模地举办团练主要有三次,第一次是咸同年间为抵御太平军与捻军而通省举办团练; +"By stealing someone’s identity, I grabbed hold of my wimpy-self & replaced it with a braver, bolder model for a few hours.",通过这次偷取别人的身份,我战胜了懦弱的自己,取而代之的是接下来数小时一个勇敢的自我。 +"""In the future we'd like to be able to prevent the loss of these hair cells or trigger their re-growth with some form of pharmacological or gene therapy intervention, "" Zuo said.",将来我们采用某种药物或基因介入疗法希望能够预防这些毛细胞的丢失或激发他们再生长。 +"That is not easily questioned, because it's essentially unverifiable.",这不容易受到质疑,因为它基本上不可证实。 +Why toil away in the office like a chump when today's technology means you can bunk off with impunity ?Melissa Harrison doesn't rate your chances of successful skiving .,尽管你可以在家通过一个虚拟的私人网络形式来进行你的工作,不要忘记你的公司将警惕地关注你的生产效率水平。 +"Mr. Chen, our bank will offer you a 10.25% interest rate. Attached is a repayment table for your reference.",陈先生,银行会为你提供十厘二五的按揭利率。这是一份按揭还款表,供您参考。 +"In the past year, others have implemented the SAP/BW and Palo drivers; I am hopeful that we will have drivers for Oracle/Essbase in the next few months.",在过去的一年里,其他人已经实现了SAP/BW和Palo的驱动;我希望在接下来的几个月里能有Oracle/Essbase的驱动。 +Did well to win the penalty for his side and gave the Cesena defence some tense moments.,赢得一个点球,给切塞纳的防守队员带来了麻烦。 +"Diapirism started at sedimentary period of the 3rd Member of Shahejie Formation, and terminated at sedimentary period of the Guangtao Formation.",其形成时期主要为沙河街组三段沉积期开始持续到馆陶组沉积前。 +The best methods of the management of apple diseases and pests are systematic control ways and the use of the natural enemy resources.,因此,借用自然力,采用系统防治技术,应当是解决苹果病虫管理之关键所在。 +"The theory of practice and generation a unique way of thinking which is different with preformation and reductionism, it insists the doctrine that matter is the only reality.",实践天生的社会公正论是不同于预成论、还原论的思维范式与独特方法,它坚特物质第一性,意识第二性。 +The rapid development of the tea industry brought huge economic benefits to Pu'er.,茶叶产业的迅速发展,为普洱带来了丰厚的经济利益。 +"To evaluate the cost/benefit tradeoff of our approach, which we call PBR-UP, we performed a case study in the context of a small software development project (an object-oriented information system).",为了评估我们的方法的成本/收益的权衡,我们称其为 PBR-UP,我们在一个小的软件开发项目环境中做了一个案例研究(一个基于对象的信息系统)。 +I encountered my husband in an occasion.,我在某个场合遇上了我的外子。 +"Within the walls of the former castle, Bragança is one of the most interesting medieval cities of Portugal.",在原城堡的墙壁,布拉干萨是葡萄牙最有趣的中世纪的城市之一。 +In desperation he robbed a bank.,绝望中他抢了银行。 +A city of southwest Germany on the Rhine River north-northwest of Mannheim.,德国西南部位于曼海姆西北偏北莱茵河上的一座城市。 +"Equipped with more electro sensors than any other shark, extreme maneuverability, serrated teeth and an ability to swim fast have armed the Hammerhead with an amazing arsenal of survival tools.",丫髻鲛有绝佳的机动性,而锯齿状的牙,飞快的游泳速度,全是丫髻鲛讨生活的利器。 +Water Down the Facts.,冲淡事实 。 +"You can still do more stuff, but you have to do it using concurrent programming.",您虽然还是可以做更多的事情,但必须使用并发编程才行。 +Imma Get you man!,伊马找你的人! +"The ability to inject the fibroin solutions, suspensions and composites can reduce the need for many types of surgical procedures that are used to replace or repair bone and other tissues.",丝心蛋白溶液,混悬液和组合物的能力可降低用于替换或修复骨和其它组织的很多类型外科外科手术程序的需要。 +As Piscean mother is daydreamer and lives in the world of fantasy.,双鱼妈妈是个天生的空想家,渴望生活在奇幻世界。 +"There is also an adult with them, I assume a father or uncle. He is silent.",此外,还有一个沉默的成年人陪伴着他们,我猜想可能是父亲或叔叔。 +Objective:To investigate the situation of non-syndromic Cleft Lip and Palate in Shanxi province from 1997 to 2006 and analyse the possible risk factors.,目的:了解1997—2006年山西省非综合征性唇腭裂发生状况及变化规律,分析影响其发生的主要因素,为降低我省非综合征性唇腭裂发生率提供科学的依据。 +"For too long it has depended on sport-utility vehicles, trucks and other gas- guzzlers , missing or ignoring a host of signals about the necessity for fuel-efficient vehicles.",通用汽车依赖运动型多用途车、卡车和其他高耗油车辆的时间太长,错失或无视燃油经济型车辆走红的诸多信号。 +"Always have a Plan B: Even the best laid plan can go awry due to unexpected events. Have a Plan B, and make sure it’s good enough that it would actually work if it’s used!",准备计划B备用: 即使是最好的计划也有可能因为无法预料的状况而泡汤,所以使用计划B并要确保使用它时有足够好的效果。 +"In the light of the principle of classical statistics, the study on the status and spatial variability of nutrient of lime concretion black soil in Huaibei plain was conducted.",应用经典统计学方法研究淮北平原砂姜黑土养分状况及其空间变异性。 +"With a few taps at the command line, you can launch a Web site, recruit legions to your cause, or vanquish a marauding thunder lizard.",只需在命令行上敲几下,就可以启动网站、招募军团或击败可怕的火龙。 +Customers have to show they're willing to buy software before they can download it to try it. That's bound to create better relationships between customers and developers.,顾客都表示他们愿意买一个软件在他们下载试玩之后,这样束缚了玩家和开发者直接创造好的关系。 +"The trial he conducted tested the safety of a therapy for ornithine transcarbamylase (OTC) deficiency, a rare disorder in which the liver lacks a functional copy of the OTC gene.",他主导的人体试验要测试「鸟胺酸氨甲醯基转移酶(OTC)缺乏症」疗法是否安全,这是种罕见的遗传疾病,患者的肝脏缺少能发挥功能的OTC基因。 +A short-lived radioactive metallic element formed from uranium and disintegrating into actinium and then into lead.,一种存在周期短的放射性金属元素,由铀形成,能分裂成锕然后分裂成铅。 +They're irrational numbers and these irrational numbers like to move to rational numbers; they like to move to consonances; they like to move to intervals that are based on things such as two to one and three to two or maybe four to three.,"它们是无理数,而这些无理数想要变为有理数,它们想变成和谐音,就要根据一些比率改变音程,比如二比一,三比二,或四比三的比率" +"""Track those pods, "" Lash ordered Lieutenant Yang.",“追踪那些救生船,”拉稀命令杨少尉。 +"This paper presents the concept of CRC, together with the principle and the design of table-event driven algorithm.",介绍循环冗余校验码的基本概念以及表驱动算法的原理与一般设计思想。 +"Three somaclones with desirable yield traits, high content of acyl urea and high photosynthetic efficiency were identified.",初步选出产量性状好、 酰 脲含量高和光合效率较强的无性系3个。 +The large quantity of reclamation led to the essential change of industry structure in the region.,大规模的垦殖造成了区域内产业结构的根本性转变。 +Automated business decisions can range from accepting a loan application to paying an auto insurance claim.,自动化业务决策可以用于接受一个贷款申请以支付一个汽车保险赔付。 +It was freezing cold that morning.,那天早晨非常地冷。 +"Less stress: consider a career switch, or taking a slightly lower-paid but more relaxed job.",减压:考虑换一个职业,或是换一份收入稍微低些,但是更轻松一些的工作; +I have had great results so far. I have added a full cup size. I think your product is wonderful!,我很快就看到效果了。现在在我已经整整增大了一个罩杯。非常感谢这个神奇的丰胸产品。 +The Argentinian was named as man-of-the-match and showed a great understanding with Ronaldinho.,这个阿根廷人被认为是全场最佳,并且和小罗之间显示出惊人的默契。 +The bowl contained a variety of fruit.,这个碗里盛着各种各样的水果。 +"Most northward movement appears to take place from perhaps mid-February, through March. Only small numbers remain into April and early May.",二月中旬到三月向北移动,少量会停留到四月和五月初。 +Our discovery of CO2 aquaporin function in the chloroplast membrane opens new opportunities for mechanistic examination of leaf internal CO2 conductance regulation.,我们在叶绿体内膜中发现的CO2水通道蛋白为叶内CO2电导率的调节研究提供了新机遇。 +"It has been a reference among all Chinese social categories from the countryman to the politician, from the captain of the National Soccer Team to the famous Shaolin masters…",从乡下人到政治家,从国家足球队队长到著名的少林武僧,中国社会各阶层都能看到飞跃运动鞋的身影。 +"I’m a successful business person now and whenever I get down and think about the troubles of the world, I think about that little girl and the remarkable lesson about life that she taught me.",现在我已经成为一名成功的商人。 无论何时当我感到沮丧,回想到世界上的烦恼时,我就会想起那个小女孩以及她教给我的那堂不寻常的课。 +"Often, practitioners discover inconsistencies in terminology while trying to learn the accepted business language and abbreviations within an organization.",在学习组织中公认的业务语言和缩写词时,常常会在术语方面发现不一致的地方。 +Life here is as cheap as taxis are expensive.,这里的生活支出费用挺低,但乘出租车却贵得要命。 +Her small silver-rimmed pince-nez only left her nose when she went to bed.,只有在睡觉的时候,她才摘下那副小小的银丝眼镜。 +Reinstall the handwheel in the correct orientation so that the original setting is indicated and secure with the retaining bolt.,按照正确的方向重新安装手轮,使得原先的设置能够显示,并用固定螺栓加固。 +"After she had married a rich man, Mary high-hatted her former friends.",玛丽嫁给一个富翁后就瞧不起她以前的朋友。 +Ask: what are the orientations of developing of EOU.,问:守望允浩站的发展定位? +The fact that the Arabs rejected the UN’s partition plan of 60 years ago has long given ideological comfort to Israel and its supporters.,事实上,阿拉伯人60年前拒绝了联合国的分治计划,这一直以来给予以色列和它的支持者在意识形态上的泰然心态。 +"Besides that, they've scheduled the first meeting for 9.30am.",此外,他们又把首次会面的时间定在上午9点30分。 +"Whether catching lobs , dunking offensive rebounds, or scoring all over the place in the low post, there is no telling how different the NBA Finals would have been if Kendrick Perkins and P.",无论是吊高球,抢进攻篮板扣篮,还是在低位的任何地方得分,我们无法得知在总决赛帕金斯和P。 +Staveley curled his lip and said that you might have the most artistic tastes.,史坦夫利撇撇嘴说你可能在艺术方面很有修养。 +posting about the article in online forums and/or newsgroups.,发表到在线论坛和/或新闻组。 +The attack happened at the Imam Moussa al-Khadim shrine in the Kadhimiya area as people gathered for Friday prayers.,这次袭击发生在伊玛目穆萨铝哈迪姆靖国神社在卡迪米亚地区的人聚集的星期五祈祷。 +"An investment in certain business, activities, etc. that legally entitles the investor to avoid, reduce, or defer income taxes.",在某些行业、活动等方面的投资,投资者合法地享受减、免或缓交所得税。 +This election coincided with growing discontent with PAP economic policies.,选举进行的时间,正好是人们对人民行动党经济政策日益增长的不满情绪达到顶点的时候。 +"At last, tired out with hunger and sorrow, and the long journey, they crept into a hollow tree, laid themselves down, and slept till morning.",最后,又累又饿又悲伤,走了这么远的路,他们爬进了一个树洞,躺下来,一直睡到了天亮。 +"Multiple color choices area also available for Dell's laptop line, including ""espresso brown"" and "" flamingo pink, "" as well as notebooks that come with cover designs imprinted on them.",丰富的颜色选择也同样适用于戴尔便携式电脑系列,戴尔公司拥有包括“咖啡棕”、“火鸟粉”及印花外观在内的各种笔记本电脑。 +"In the 18th century, James Hargreaves invented the Spinning Jenny, and Richard Arkwright pioneered the water-propelled spinning frame which led to the mass production of cotton.",18世纪詹姆斯哈格里夫斯发明珍妮纺纱机,理查德阿克莱特率先推广了导致棉花大规模生产的水力细纱机。 +A plug-in user will be selected based on this name.,基于这个名字选择插件。 +"INVERSIONES ARAKA S. A. is a foreign buyer from Costa Rica, need to purchase products of Jewellery /Ornaments etc. categories.",该公司是一家来自哥斯达黎加的买家,需要购买的产品类别包括:珠宝首饰等行业。 +"In this article, give a brief introduction to a general planning design in Fengsan Dongjiang historic park, Huizhou.",本文介绍了惠州市丰山东江革命公园总体规划设计。 +We used grey forecast method to establish grey forecast model of Cu in water of Tongling section of Changjiang river on the basis of monitoring data of Cu in water in recent 5 years.,以近5年来长江铜陵段特征污染因子铜的监测数据为基础,采用灰色系统理论中的预测方法,建立了长江铜陵段水环境中金属铜的灰色预测模型。 +"Since then, the second half of the sentence is always much transformed.",睹物思人的后半句,永远都是物是人非。 +I cannot deny the power you have.,你们掌中的权力我无法相抗。 +"Lei Feng does good without seeking recording, but he records everything in his diary.",雷锋做好事不留名,但把每一件事都记在日记本上。 +"In the main room of the cave, bugs and beasts are at war.",在洞穴的主室,昆虫和怪兽在相互打斗。 +Objective: To investigate the factors effecting the prognosis of intra coronary stenting.,目的:探讨影响冠状动脉(冠脉)支架术预后的因素。 +An expectation Catlin may have this summer is to be treated as an adult –I can’t wait to meet her expectation.,这个夏天正是凯特琳成长为大人的绝好机会,我简直等不及实现这个期待。 +"Irish, Croatian, and Palestinian athletes thanked me for America’s efforts to bring peace to their homelands.",爱尔兰、克罗地亚、巴勒斯坦的运动员就美国帮助他们的祖国获得和平向我表示感谢。 +"Chao, a fluent English speaker who studied and worked in the U.S. for 10 years after growing up in Shanghai, says he definitely plans to take Weibo global.",生在上海,在美国工作10年,能说流利英语的曹国伟,表示新浪微博一定会国际化。 +"The King and Queen of Hearts were sitting on their throne and a great crowd of animals and birds were assembled, together with the whole pack of cards.",皇帝和红桃皇后正坐在宝座上,一大群动物和鸟,还有所以的扑克排聚集在下面。 +A The pearls look very good quality too.,A 这些珍珠看起来质量也非常好。 +"Chapter three introduces the sample plot and data collection and the choice of range of band, and then how to enhance and extract spectral weak information with fractal and wavelet.",第三章介绍了实验样地、数据采集、研究波段的选择依据以及如何利用分形和小波理论来增强和提取受铅污染水稻的遥感弱信息。 +"In February 2011, Motorola introduced the Atrix, a 4G phone with a fingerprint reader for use in unlocking the phone.",在 2011 年 2 月,Motorola 引入了一款 4G 手机 Atrix,它使用指纹识别器来解锁手机。 +Each operation is an activity that might be performed.,每一个操作都是一个可以执行的活动。 +"No exposure of Chiang as corrupt, autocratic and militarily incompetent would shift their view.",无论蒋政权暴露出怎样的腐败、威权、军事无能,也不能改变他们的看法。 +Why? Because error handling should not obfuscate the logic of the code.,为什么?因为错误处理不应该把代码的逻辑弄得晦涩难懂。 +"Jiufeng Forest Park , situated 30km west of Beijing, is embraced by the mountains.",鹫峰森林公园位于北京城西30公里的群山怀抱之中。 +"A good overview of CSR and what it entails and a practical guide by experienced personal in this field in what a company and a manager can do, even with a limited budget.",企业的社会责任概括来讲,需要在此领域有经验的培训师来实践指导一个公司或一个管理者如何来做,甚至在有限预算的情况下。 +WY: Have you come across anything interesting in your photography work?,王寅: 你在拍片的过程当中碰到什么有趣的事情吗? +Another reason for hesitation is that the theory that revaluing the yuan will allow Beijing to tighten its monetary policy is too simplistic.,对人民币汇率重新估值将使北京收紧货币政策的说法看起来过于单纯,也是市场踌躇不决的原因之一。 +"""That's where the warm downdraft's wrapping around the back of the storm, "" he says.",“那里的暖湿下降气流会包裹风暴的后方,”他解释道。 +The competitive nature of the situation was palpable.,形势的竟争性是显而易见的。 +They are completely oblivious to the rich culture underlying the language.,他们却对语言背后蕴藏的文化一概不知。 +Reliability design is an important approach to ensure the reliability of moder Communicate Systemic.,可靠性设计是现代通信系统可靠性保证体系的关键环节。 +You may get along well with your boss.,也许你和你老板相处得很好。 +"A subset of veganism, fruitarians eat nothing but fruits, nuts and seeds, without meat, vegetables or grain.",作为素食主义的一个子集,果食主义者只会吃水果,坚果,无肉,蔬菜或粮食种子。 +"The development of individual learners and the evolvement of learning environments are interrelated, interaction and mutual checks.",学习者个体发展与学习环境演化之间存在着相互影响,相互制约的关系。 +This can then be accurately appraised by the local community and objected to if considered unsuitable.,这可以理解为当地社区对新建建筑方案的审慎的评价和衡量手段。 +"A universal security framework based on MABAN is designed according to AN security standard of active networks security working group(ANSWG), which can protect the resource of AN node effectively.",设计了一个通用的基于移动代理的主动网络安全框架,其符合主动网络安全工作组提出的主动网络的安全规范,能有效地保护主动结点的资源。 +"Context-based integrating model of knowledge management process and business process are discussed, and the adaptive knowledge management process model method is researched.",探讨了基于上下文的知识管理流程与业务流程的集成模型,研究了适应性知识管理系统的流程建模方法。 +The great influence of Lecture Room roots in its specific characteristics.,《百家讲坛》强大的影响力源于它独特的栏目特色。 +"Eventually 30 families were working for her, and she put her husband to work as well — “under my direction, ” she explained with a twinkle in her eye.",最后有30个家庭为她工作,而且她也为丈夫找到了活干,“听从我的指挥”她解释道,眼里闪着光。 +"The mosaic that the hue Fen presents robs an eye very much, joint bath in the prismatic glass ceiling board is add flowers to brocade.",色彩纷呈的马赛克很抢眼,玻璃天花板给浴室锦上添花。 +"Kids who were ""unteachable"" due to ADHD and stress, are now sitting quietly meditating.",很多因为压力和多动症不能好好学习的孩子都能坐下安静的入静了。 +"The standard will be applicable to individual and community sanitation systems that are self-contained, meet defined discharge requirements, and aim for sustainability.",该标准将适用于个人和社区卫生系统,设备齐全,符合规定的排放要求,并以可持续发展为目标。 +"So, do your TA proud today and see if you can be part of the recitation that gets the most correct in terms of a percentage.","因此,让你的助教感到自豪,也看看你是否,在答题正确率最高的讨论小组。" +"Even more pressingly, the BBC is facing a funding squeeze, which has necessitated a big contraction of the World Service's output and other economies.",更加紧迫的是BBC正面临资金缩减,这让压缩对外广播支出以及其他紧缩策略成为必须。 +"""It is a matter of great regret they have agreed to split up, "" said a close friend of them both.",“他们分手很让人感到遗憾,”一位同时是他们两个的密友这么说。 +Remarks: Awardees are required to submit deliverables to the Fund Committee by the stated delivery date.,备注︰ 受资助机构须在完成日期前向基金委员会递交计划成果。 +"Since that G-20 meeting less than 3 weeks ago, 9 G-20 countries have taken or are considering 23 measures that restrict trade at the expense of other countries.",会议闭幕不到三周以来,9个二十国集团国家已采取或正在考虑采取23项措施,限制从事有损其它国家利益的贸易。 这一数字已接近二十国集团成员国的半数。 +"It shows we are living in a globally warmed world, "" said Saleemul Huq, head of climate change at the International Institute for Environment and Development in London.",结果显示,我们正生活在全球变暖的世界。” 位于伦敦的环境与发展国际研究所气候变化主任萨利姆·胡克说。 +"Jupiter, Bringer of Jollity, from ""The Planets"" Holst.",木星, 欢乐的使者,选自“行星组曲” (英)霍尔斯特。 +Objective It is to investigate the variation of cerebral artery flow velocity (FV) after severe head injury.,目的研究重型脑外伤后脑血管血流速的变化及对预后的影响。 +So time to do deployment and management becomes a critical factor to mitigate the hesitation in considering a PaaS solution.,因此部署和管理的时间成为了导致考虑中的 PaaS 解决方案犹豫的关键因素。 +The experimental unit of economical structure adjustment in Fuxin at 2002 has indicated the beginning that our country carries out economical transformation to the resources exhaustion cities.,2002年阜新市经济结构调整的试点,标志着国家对资源枯竭城市经济转型的开端。 +"Using the reviewing investigation method, the measles morbidity condition in 2005-2009 were analyzed year by year.",采用回顾性调查方法,将2005-2009年间的麻疹发病情况作了分析。 +"As a result, Henry was excommunicated from the Catholic Church.",结果,亨利逐出教会的天主教会。 +The separation of Mn and Ag in manganese-silver ore is available by means of SO2 reducing directly.,应用SO2直接还原氧化锰新工艺处理银锰矿石,解决了银锰分离的问题。 +"They have jaws, jaw muscles, and teeth strong enough that they can crush thick bones (2).",它们有能够啃硬骨头的上下颌、颌肌肉和牙齿。 +The first part is the discussion about his creation before the transformation (1979—1988).,第一章是对转型之前(1979年-1988年)创作的论述。 +High-intensity Focused Ultrasound (HIFU) is a new technic which can destroy non-invasive ly a selected volume of tissue at a certain depth within the body whilst sparing overlying tissues.,高功率聚焦超声(HIFU)是一种能选择性破坏体内某一深部组织而不损伤皮肤和周围组织的局部治疗新技术。 +Methods The data of 21 patients with iatrogenic splenic injury among 492 patients receiving resection of esophageal cancer were analysed.,方法总结分析一组共492例食管癌根治术中发生脾脏损伤共21例患者的临床资料。 +"If you're going to blog successfully for months or years, sooner or later you need to actually say something.",如果打算成年累月地“博”下去,你早晚要提供一些有分量的东西。 +"Misdiagnosis rate was still high in bile duct cancer and ampullary cancer, it was 19.1% and 47.1% respectively.",胆管癌和壶腹癌的误诊率较高,分别为19 1%和47 1%,且就诊时大多数患者已出现黄疸。 +The 27-year-old Italian will have a procedure this evening at the Fornaca Clinic in Turin.,这名27岁的意大利球员今晚将在都灵城的弗纳卡诊所接受手术治疗。 +"Among the ways, Base-And-Spike pattern was the best, due to this way could increase significantly effective spike numbers, seedset percentage and utilized coefficient of N-fertilizer.",以基穗法效果最好,主要是有效穗数和穗实重增加而增产,其氮肥利用率也有明显提高。 +"The first chapter covers the generation, development of ensemble, the background of composing ""Le Nozze Di Figaro"", the characters and the plot and the using of ensemble in ""Le Nozze Di Figaro"".",论文第一章涵盖了重唱的形成、发展,歌剧《费加罗的婚礼》的创作背景、人物剧情以及重唱在《费加罗的婚礼》中的运用等有关内容; +Senior and junior officers of the government forces reportedly blame each other for so many deaths in the battlefield.,据报道,政府军的各级军官因战场上过多的人员伤亡而相互指责。 +"But different compounds affected it largely. In BNPK sample, phosphorus bad the highest desorption rate and the best availability, but had lower supply of phosphorus.",但是不同的肥料配施对其影响较大,其中BNPK处理的解吸率最高,该土壤磷的有效性最高,但持续供磷能力较弱; +"The dollar tried to start the day off on a strong note, after US Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner said that he supported a strong dollar.",美元伦敦时段开高,此前,美国财长盖特纳表示,他支持强势美元。 +"The construction of teaching body in the city of Rili has gong through three phases of founding, developing and stepping on the right track.",瑞丽市教师队伍建设大致经历了奠基、发展和步入正轨三个阶段。 +"Depositional district: lithologically , they are sandy conglomerate, sandstone, siltstone interbedded with mudstone.",沉积区:岩性由砂砾岩、砂岩、粉砂岩夹泥岩组成。 +"Academic attitude reversed in recent years, arguing that the life-time employment system had been out of date.",但近年来对于这一雇佣制度的评价出现逆转,终身雇佣制过时论盛行。 +"They settled in New York, where he did magazine illustration and she worked as an assistant designer for Brooks Costumes, the theatrical costumer.",他们在纽约安顿下来,在这里他为杂志创作插图,而她成为戏服供应商布鲁克斯服装的一名助理设计师。 +But Ms Di Censo did more than just indict Mr Berlusconi.,但迪千索不仅仅是指控贝卢斯科尼。 +The trick is in knowing which of these torments you’d rather choose.,诀窍在于你知道你更愿意承受哪种类型的折磨。 +I'm Wei Fang from Guangzhou Huashun Group Co. Ltd.,你好。我是广州华顺集团有限公司的魏芳。 +"Senior military sources insist that on any given day, two to three low- to mid-level commanders are killed, along with as many as 20 to 30 foot soldiers.",高级军方人士坚持认为,在任何一天,两三低到中级指挥官被杀害,多达20至30英尺的士兵一起。 +"She does, however, caution against downshifting to a rural location until you have thought through the ramifications (see panel).",不过,她告诫人们在考虑好后果之前,不要搬到农村地区。 +"Linzi has a long history with rich cultural heritage, as ""the head of Five Hegemons, one of the Seven Warring States"" the Qi capital as long as 800 years.",临淄历史悠久,文化底蕴丰厚,作为“ 春秋五霸之首,战国七雄之一”的齐国都城长达800余年。 +"Company employees will perform the work primarily in Naples, Italy, and Manama, Bahrain.",公司员工将主要在意大利的那不勒斯和巴林的麦纳麦完成工作。 +And 21% of children in need are able to get paediatric HIV treatments.,21%有需要的儿童能够获得儿科艾滋病毒治疗。 +Applicant: Yes. I have taken 2 trips outside of the U. S. since I submitted N-400 Form.,申请人: 是的。自从递交了N-400表我有两次美国境外旅行。 +Real Madrid are prepared to cough up a fee to land Bayern Munich midfielder Bastian Schweinsteiger next month .,皇家马德里准备在下个月拿出一笔费用来签下拜仁慕尼黑中场施魏因施泰格。 +"Your the customer for calling owe the fee to shut down, please to use the other method contact!",您所拨叫的用户欠费停机,请用其他方法联系! +"Once the netizen browses these webpages that include baleful code, be downloaded extremely likely to run the baleful program such as the trojan.",网友一旦浏览这些包含恶意代码的网页,极有可能被下载运行木马等恶意程序。 +"After logging in, you will see a list of your previously opened PMRs, if any.",登录后,将看到之前打开的 PMR(如果有)的列表。 +"Blue tiger's eye has a very special function, which can accelerate the things.",蓝虎眼石有一项很特别的功能,就是可以加快事物的形成。 +China; 2Institute of Clinical Pharmacology; Xiyuan Hospital of China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences;,中国中医科学院中医临床基础医学研究所; +"During Cycle 26, which covers the decade from 2030-2040, the two waves will become exactly out of synch and this will cause a significant reduction in solar activity.",到了第26太阳周期,即2030-2040年间,这两个磁波几乎就会完全抵消造成太阳活动状况大大减少。 +"And now that we do have something, namely, this wave of colonization, they join that as well.","这与我们找到的证据相符,这些人加入了殖民的浪潮" +This is industry of network invite applications for a job in recent years the most massive brushstroke financing.,这是网络招聘行业近年来最大规模的一笔融资。 +The Fire used a pair of interception-return touchdowns to spark the team to victory.,烈火���在这场比赛中完成了两次截球回攻达阵得分,使得球队赢得了最终的胜利。 +"In November 2010 its executives flew to Helsinki to screen their animated movie Rio for Rovio, and propose a partnership.",2010年11月,福克斯的高层飞往赫尔辛基,为Rovio播放他们拍摄的动画片《里约大冒险》(Rio),并提出了合作。 +Sperm whales gather in their breeding grounds off the Caribbean island of Dominica in a file photo.,照片中一群聚集在多米尼加加勒比岛外围繁殖区的抹香鲸正在水中翻滚。 +"He came beneath them in the water, which did not rise over his long boots; and stood looking at the entrapped flies and butterflies.",积水不比安琪尔的靴子深,他就从水中走到了她们的下边;他站在那儿,看着网罗在长裙中的飞虫和蝴蝶。 +"After 1867 Straits Settlements stamps could be purchased and eventually the ""B"" overprints were in predominant use for foreign destination mail between 1882-1885.",1867年英属海峡殖民地所加盖英文“B”字母邮票,也在1882至1885年间作为暹罗寄往海外邮资使用。 +Selling (or at least counting) fast,快速销售(至少是快速入帐) +"SIADH is one of the most common causes of hyponatremia in the patients with malignant tumor, especially the small-cell lung cancer (SCLC).",SIADH是恶性肿瘤病人出现低钠血症的最常见原因,尤其是小细胞肺癌中的燕麦细胞型。 +"This paper describes the histological development of the gill, pseudobranch and swim bladder of the white achama by use of the technology of histological section and microscopy.",本文应用切片和显微技术,对短盖巨脂鲤鳃、伪鳃和鳔的胚后发育的组织形态学进行了研究。 +"Marcion,who came to be considered a heretic by orthodox Christians--remember that at this time, there's a lot of different kinds of Christianity.","马吉安被正统基督教当作异教徒,在那个时候,存在着很多种基督教。" +Construction of the current construction enterprises often neglect the aspect of cost control and financial accounting and financial indicators of the importance of lowering costs.,当前工程建设企业常忽视施工中各环节的成本控制和财务核算及财务指标对降低成本费用的重要性。 +"In fact, one recent sighting was of a mother cat and her cub together.",事实上,最近的一次目击报告就是一只母兽带着幼兽。 +What enemies can I fight successfully and which one are invulnerable to my gun?,用我的主炮可以有效杀伤哪些敌人?。 +"In contrast, instrumenting the application code itself directly modifies and affects the core code's execution.",相反,插装应用程序代码本身会直接修改和影响核心代码的执行。 +"Late last week, Team New Zealand dumped its tactician Hamish Pepper and hired a Frenchman.",上周末,新西兰队撤掉了队里的谋士汉密什?佩珀,另雇了一名法国人取代他。 +Learn how to measure the distance between crystals in this free video clip about making handcrafted jewelry.,了解如何测度之间进行手工制作的水晶饰品在此免费视频剪辑的距离。 +"And by pursuing your dreams with passion, you will attract a man who is pursuing his dreams with passion—an enlightened , inspired man who will appreciate the real you.",在你充满激情地追逐梦想的时候,同样也会吸引一个充满激情追逐梦想的男人:一个开明而灵慧的男人,他懂得珍惜真正的你。 +"Now Henry stops at nothing, wants Culley to devote life to again for him;",如今亨利无所不用其极,就是要卡利重新为他效命; +Batty Betty is a witch.,疯狂的贝蒂是一个女巫。 +Class I repeater may introduce up to 140 bit-times latency .,第一类别的中继器可导入高达140位元时间的延迟。 +This problem can and is easily fixed in most cased if the network marketing company has a quick pay program attached to its unilevel compensation structure.,这个问题可以很容易和最套管固定在网络营销公司,如果有一个快速支付程序重视其联合利华补偿结构。 +"Conclusion Probationer nurses lack NI knowledge, it is urgent to strengthen the training of probationer nurses in respect of NI control.",结论实习护生医院感染知识严重缺乏,加强对实习护生进行医院感染知识培训迫在眉睫。 +Modify number of the radial grid lines.,修改径向栅格线的数目。 +"People cannot walk in a straight line if they do not have absolute references, such as a tower or a mountain in the distance or the sun or moon, and often end up walking in circles.",领导这项研究的Jan Souman博士表示:“这些关于人们在迷路时最终在绕圈子的故事是真实的。 如果人们没有绝对参照物,诸如在远方的一座高塔或是山峰以及太阳月亮之类的,便不能够沿着直线行进,而且最终往往在绕圈子。” +The best processing condition of micro porous fiber in acid-processing and alkali weight reduction processing had been studied.,研究了微孔纤维成孔的最佳酸处理工艺条件和微孔纤维碱减量处理工艺。 +"It is mainly used for sand, gravel, concrete and compaction of sandy soil.",该机主要使用于砂,砾石,三合土和各种砂性土壤的压实。 +You ought to get some antibiotics for that ear infection.,你应当采用一些抗生素治疗那种耳疾。 +The unique meaning conveying function of Chinese language sign system make it to be the rarely seen sign of written words in the world that contains deep connotation of culturology .,汉语符号系统独特的表意性功能使其成为世界上罕见的蕴含着深厚文化学内涵的书面语符号; +"In the future work, Arabidopsis transgenic lines will be generated to confirm the function of selected genes as suppressors of eto1-5.",未来,将制备转殖基因植物来证实所选择的基因是否真的会抑制eto1-5的突变性状。 +"I never, for one minute gave thought to what I would do to earn my living. Nor was this view peculiar to the English Department.",那时候我从没想过养家糊口的事,不光是英语系的学生,别的系的学生也不想找工作的事。 +But I find I am wrong by this experience.,但通过这次实习我发现自己错了。 +"The spearhead is made of hard flint and it's about the size of a small, slim mobile phone, but it's in the shape of a long thin leaf.",这矛头是由一颗坚硬的燧石制成的,大概一部超薄手机大小,细细长长的叶子状。 它的矛锋完好无损,仍然相当的尖锐。 +"Well, maybe I did imagine a world in which the Morning Star exists and the Evening Star doesn't exist, but maybe imagining doesn't mean it's possible.","或许我想象这一个,晨星存在,但昏星不存在的世界,但也许想象并不表示可能" +So it can be used in weak mixture ignition and multi-fuel rotor engine ignition.,可用于稀混合气点火及多种燃料转子发动机的点火。 +Being willing is not enough; we must do.” - Leonardo da Vinci,有做的想法是不够的,我们必须去做。 +Lizhi Did any of them give you an x-ray check?,他们当中有没有替你用X光检查? +This paper has been introduced that one kind of water dissolving binder POA have been used mixing with entomopathogenic nematode Steinernema carpocapsae A 24 .,应用一定浓度的水溶性粘合剂POA与病原线虫混合 ,可提高线虫的存活率、毒力及对寄主的致死速度。 +The book began with a quotation from Goethe.,这本书一开头引用了歌德的隽语。 +What is certain is that the Chinese consumer's hunger for gas reserves has landed Chinese companies right in the middle of one of the world's most hotly contested geopolitical battlegrounds.,但可以确定的是,中国的消费者对于天然气十分的饥渴,而这种需求也使得中国公司进入到作为世界地缘政治焦点地区之一的中亚地区。 +"The ELSD ( Equal Link Split Downstream) method was adopted to apportion the cost among group members, thus the intra-group fairness was provided.",使用下游链路均分方法在组成员之间分摊费用,体现组内公平性; +"The way to do that is to stay intimate with him and to let the Holy Spirit direct our sight, both our physical eyes and our spiritual eyes.",做到这一点的方法是与他保持亲密的关系,并且让圣灵指引我们的视线,包括我们肉体的眼睛和属灵的眼睛。 +"Mianyang City lies 138 kilometers (86 miles) from the center of the magnitude-7.9 earthquake on May 12, which killed more than 12, 000 people.",绵阳位于5月12日7.9级地震震央138公里(86英里)外。 此次地震已有超过12 000人丧生。 +"However, you will not need to implement these ideas on a computer in order to complete the negotiation exercises.",然而,你并不需要透过在电脑上计算来完成谈判练习。 +"However, it’s made entirely of caramel.",但其实,整个作品都是用焦糖做成的。 +"Now, with the new XML backend in place, adding the new Changelog page is a piece of cake. Here's an enhanced version of the cvslog.sh",现在,有了新的 XML 后端的支持,添加新的“更改日志”不过是小菜一碟。 +Dear Ms. Smith I'm Li Hua the chair of the Students' Union of Yucca Middle School which is close to your university . I'm writing to …,假定你是育才中学学生会主席李华你校将举行一次英语演讲竞赛… +"The Runes of Odin is essentially a fantasy novel, steeped in Norse history, trolls and mythology and a mystery centred on the magic of the Runes themselves.",欧丁神的卢恩文实际上是一部虚构的小说,沈湎在古挪威人的历史,轮唱歌曲和神话,以及一个以卢恩文本身的魔力为中心的谜。 +"Meanwhile, they have a lot of limits on the alienation theory.",然而,他们的异化理论同时带有很大的局限性。 +"Google also confirmed that Mr. Lee, 47, was leaving to work on his own venture, and he would be succeeded by 2 Google executives.",报道称,谷歌证实了李开复今后将自主创业,他的位置将由谷歌的两位主管接任。 +The work was completed by the professional psychological test chamber.,测评工作由心理测验室专业人员完成。 +"If the restated articles include one or more new amendments that require shareholder approval, the amendments must be adopted and approved as provided in section 10.03.",公司的董事会可以在任何时候重述其公司章程而不需要股东批准,将所有的修正条纹统一为单一的文书。 +"I have selected 6 quotes, which represent Ralph Waldo Emerson’s views on life.",我选择了6个句子,它们都代表了爱默生对于生命的看法。 +"In the case of an existing application, the non-functional requirements (NFRs) are analyzed and the appropriate patterns applied based on those NFRs.",对于现有应用程序,将分析非功能需求 (NFR),并基于这些 NFR 应用响应的模式。 +Method Collecting and analyzing the monitoring monthly reports of population exposed to rabies of rabies-clinics.,方法对江阴市狂犬病门诊暴露人群监测月报表进行统计分析。 +Mainly used for the parking lot and factory to induce the airiness and post airiness.,主要用于停车场,工厂诱导通负和岗位通风。 +"The Identi.ca API includes methods to retrieve a user's favorites, as well as add and delete items to and from the list.",ca API 包含了可用于检索用户的收藏并且在列表中添加和删除项的方法。 +"'Households have now become a driver in the recovery' across the region, says Frederic Neumann, Asia economist for HSBC.",汇丰(HSBC)亚洲经济学家纽曼(Frederic Neumann)说,如今家庭已成为该地区复苏的推动器。 +"In the end, the merit of vertical projection method is summarized.",总结正交投影法的优点。 +This made the officers and soldiers in the dity really believe that Jiang Wei's surrender to Shu State was true.,守城官兵更认定姜维降蜀是事实了。 +"The thermoelectric conversion element has a hexahedral shape, of which the two confronting faces and the remaining four faces have different reflectances to a light.",热电转换元件的形状为六面体,相互相向的两个面与其它四个面对光的反射率不同。 +"And in our study we found a concentration of endemics, these are species that are only found in one small part of the world such as the depart sharks and endemic grasses.",我们在研究中发现地区性生物竟在此聚集,这些生物只能在世界上很少的区域内找到,比如地区性鲨鱼和地区性草类。 +Humbert: The question is does God believe in me?,亨伯特:问题是,上帝相信我吗?。 +"But in general, sapphire only refers to blue corundum. Other color corundum often named by their colors: yellow sapphire, green sapphire etc.",通常蓝宝石泛指蓝色的刚玉,其它颜色的刚玉则通常用其颜色来描述,如黄色蓝宝石、绿色蓝宝石等。 +"Totaling, inserting, deleting, and the method for performing repeats on partial subsets of a node set enable splitting orders and validating totals.",合计、插入、删除和用于重复一个节点集的部分字集的方法,可以实现分批订单和验证合计的功能。 +The analyzation results indicated that large mass pulverized coal injection is beneficial to restrain the erosion of hearth lining.,分析表明大喷煤有利于抑制铁水环流对炉缸内衬的冲刷。 +"Baby Bee Buttermilk Lotion contains only Mother Nature's safe and gentle ingredients. We use no parabens, chemical additives or synthetic fillers or preservatives.",小蜜蜂婴儿牛奶润肤乳完全吸取大自然的安全温和成分,不含防腐剂、增稠剂、化学填加剂。 +Suger was a gifted administrator and diplomat who also had the good fortune to attend school and become best friends with the young prince who became King Louis VI.,苏杰是一个天才的管理者和外交家,他有幸得到教育并是后来 成为 的国王路易六世的最好的朋友。 +Topics of study include everything from employee supervision and ecommerce to start-up costs and taxes.,课程包括员工管理,电子商务,开办费和税收等。 +"To one side of the white sands are campgrounds , and the surrounding areas consist of shopping streets and accommodations.",白沙滩的一边还准备了宿营场,海水浴场周边还有不少商家和住宿设施。 +Moisture measurement in silicone by using Coulometry;,已烷中微量水的测定采用微库仑法。 +"Last year, this same team with Shaq, we didn't make the playoffs.",他有权跳出和太阳的最后一年合同去追求顶薪。 +This arricle is about the effect observation of the glue rat board.,目的:观察粘鼠板现场灭鼠效果。 +House members just stood in silence at a surprise.,众议院议员们只是惊愕地默默地呆立着。 +The new immigration requirements have had an impact on placement numbers at schools like the U. K.,新的移民要求对学院的人员配置数目产生了一定的影响,像世界排���第十位英国的剑桥大学贾吉商学院。 +Mondrian framework on listening is proposed for exploring the essence of musical chords.,本文提出用听觉的蒙德里安架构来阐释音乐和弦的本质。 +Even small supermarkets now use in-store bakeries.,现在,即使那些小超市也会弄一个面包房在商店里。 +I've created a Plexiglas writing pad so that I can stay underwater and record these ideas.,我发明了普列克斯玻璃写字板,这样我在水下就可以记下那些想法。 +"The problem is that homeowners actually have to come up with a down payment, preferably 20% but usually at least 10% (though FHA and VA money is available with 5% down).",问题是现实中购房者必须支付首付,最好是20%,但通常最低是10%(尽管联邦住房管理局和美国退伍军人事务部能够提供其中的5%)。 +We all need second chances.,我们都需要第二次机会。 +"The focus should thus be on developing tourist hubs with site-packed itineraries, and making transport links tourist-friendly and reducing prices, particularly of air tickets.",因此重点是发展与分散的旅游景点间的交通枢纽,使交通连接旅游胜地,并减少价格,特别是机票。 +"Sensitive data is also likely to require confidentiality (that is, encryption), and you must take care when you mash it with other sources to not put it at risk.",敏感数据也可能要求一定的机密性(即加密),我们必须要清楚何时将它们与其他资源集成在一起,而不会带来风险。 +"Younger sibling Anil's Reliance ADA Group issued a statement that speaks of aiming for ""an overall environment of harmony, cooperation and collaboration between the two groups.""",弟弟阿尼尔的信实ADA集团则在声明中表达了“两大集团实现全面的和谐气氛,展开合作”的愿望。 +But still I wonder: Who’ll stop the pain?,但我仍想知道:谁会止住这痛楚? +"We know it is because in 17:9,18 he talks about this city being on seven hills, referring to the famous Seven Hills of Rome.","之所以这样说,是因为在第17章第9节8,作者写道这个城市建在七座山上,指的是著名的罗马七丘。" +"Sometime when i feel so free or nothing can deal that i will think a lot of the life. all in all, i don't know.",一些当我感觉空闲或者没有事情处理的时候, 我会想很多关于生活的事, 总得来说, 我并不知道。 +"Army General Walter Sharp, commander of U.S. Forces Korea, said at a forum in Seoul Monday that the United States and South Korea are better prepared than ever before to face a provocation.",驻韩美军司令、陆军上将沃尔特.夏普星期一在首尔的一个论坛上说,美国和韩国比过去任何时候都更好地准备应对挑衅。 +"On March 3rd, people pray for girls' happiness and health, eating special food such as chirashi-sushi (colorful sushi), clam soup, sakura mochi (sweet rice cakes), and more.",3月3日这天,人们为女孩的幸福和健康祈祷,吃特殊的食物如彩色寿司,蛤蜊汤,樱花甜糯米糕等等。 +"If reliable phylogenies are produced, they will shed light on the sequence of evolutionary events, and help us to understand the mechanisms of evolution as well as the history of organisms.",一个可靠的系统发生的推断,将揭示出有关生物进化过程的顺序,有助于我们了解生物进化的历史和进化机制。 +Gets or sets the location where secure-related event logs are written.,获取或设置与安全相关的事件日志的写入位置。 +Many Chinese people who offer guests cigarettes may also smoke like chimneys.,许多老中用香烟招待客人,自己可能也是烟鬼。 +"And if that sounds like a clumsy metaphor for real life, it probably is.",假如这像是对现实生活的笨拙比喻,也许就是吧。 +"Microsoft has $50 billion in cash lying around, so it could buy Netflix and still have plenty enough left to buy Nokia (NOK) if it wanted.",微软手里有500亿美元的闲置资金,它可以先买下Netflix,如果愿意,它仍然有足够的资金再去收购诺基亚(Nokia)。 +"Again from what side is this letting drop seen, in the passage al'acte?",再一次,我们从「激情演出」的哪一边,看出这个撒手不管? +"With their newfound wealth, China's upper and middles classes have been able to travel abroad and see more of the world -- and in turn learn about the dangers of pollution and how to avoid it.",手握新财富,中国上层和中产阶级已能出游海外,见识更大的世界——反之也了解了污染的危险性和避免污染的办法。 +Perform these exercises daily for 2-5 minutes before you get out of bed.,每天在起床前用2-5分钟重复完成这些动作。 +"You'd be forgiven for imagining Mr Obama reclining into his seat on Marine One, lifting off from the White House lawn, breathing a small sigh of satisfaction.",我们可以想象,奥巴马斜靠在他总统专用直升机座椅上离开白宫草坪时的惬意神态。 +Reduction of NOX emission in burning coal is an important subject to prevent air pollution.,降低煤燃烧过程中NOX的排放是当前防止大气污染的一项重要内容。 +"Biaxially oriented polypropylene film (BOPP) as the base material, made of packing tape coated with pressure-sensitive adhesive.",以双向拉伸聚丙烯薄膜(BOPP)为基材,涂压敏胶制成包装胶带。 +ABCDE you are that inferior website moderator?,ABCDE你是那一家劣等网站的版主? +Describe the arrangement of needles in punched non-woven production line. Introduce two up to date ways to arrange the needles by computer.,结合生产工艺,阐述针刺布生产线的针板配置,介绍两种全新的电脑布针方法。 +"Scholars do ongoing explorations and researches on Zhang Zhizhong in Xinjiang , But when we look at these results, there were a number of shortcomings about the depth and breadth.",学者对张治中在新疆进行不断的探索和研究,但综观这些成果,在意义深度、广度上仍有一些不足。 +"Through introducing the regression analysis of deformations of surrounding rock of the Pandaoling Tunnel, the design and applying method of regression analysis are described.",通过介绍盘道岭隧洞的围岩变形回归分析,阐述了回归分析的设计、应用方法。 +Rumei: Wow! It has a skating rink and a roller coaster.,如梅:哎呀,这里有滑冰场和过山车,真少见啊。 +"Let me just conclude this post by saying, our passion for search is stronger than ever - and as a search researcher, I have the best job in the world :-).",在这篇帖子结束的时候我想说,我们对搜索的热情比任何时候都强烈-作为一个搜索研究员,我有世界上最好的工作:)。 +I ate too much.,我吃得太饱了。 +"But you can’t lose with a call to everyone’s individual self-interest, applied with a little specialization and trade.",但是只要稍微有一些专业性和贸易概念,您肯定都不会挂断任何个人感兴趣的电话。 +Yes. I'm looking for some IAMS dog biscuits for my dog.,是的。 我在找IAMS 牌的狗饼干给我的狗。 +"""But you'd better get back on the road, "" McWilliams told the couple.",威廉威廉姆斯告诉这对夫妻:“但是你们最好回到公路上去。” +"Since we know you've got your own money-saving tricks, why don't you share what easy-on-the-budget summer fun you enjoy in the comments.",我们知道你一定有了自己的省钱诀窍,为什么不在评论栏里和我们一起分享你的夏日节约享乐诀窍呢。 +"As we painted, I asked Tennessee for advice on writing.",在我们一起画画时,我向田纳西请教有关写作的建议。 +"Current ablation procedures, which use high-energy radio waves to treat certain types of serious arrhythmias, have only 50-60 percent long-term success.",现有的消融操作,采用高能射频波来治疗特定类型的严重心律失常,长期治愈率只有50-60%。 +"But unlike Chapter 11 sauvegarde is still a process in which a court makes the key decisions, which creditors dislike.",但是不像第11章,sauvegarde仍然是法院作出关键决定的程序,债权人不喜欢这一点。 +He studies English colloquial style.,他研究口语体的英语。 +"It is a large, fat, swarthy , rather heavy face.",这是一张又大又胖的脸,黝黑而厚重。 +Legislator Lee Cheuk - yan was punched in the face while attending an open- air function in Tuen Mun.,立法会议员李卓人在屯门出席一项活动时遭挥拳殴。 +"In Belgium a museum is to open, dedicated to the work of Hergé, Tintin’s creator, whose real name was Georges Remi.",在比利时,一座献给丁丁之父埃尔热的博物馆即将开张。 +"Cannelloni , washed down with a nice wine from the Campania region.",意大利肉卷,用来自坎帕尼亚地区的精美的葡萄酒泡制过的。 +"Willbold and his colleagues concentrated on investigating the ancient Greenland rocks for isotopes of tungsten, a metal that, like gold, has an affinity for bonding with iron.",维尔博尔德和他的同事们集中研究了古代格陵兰岩石里钨的同位素,它们同黄金一样,也具有粘接铁的吸引力。 +Two of the most common approaches to virtualization are full virtualization and para-virtualization.,虚拟化最常使用的两种方法是全虚拟化 和准虚拟化。 +Master Wugui says:There are no accidents.,网上译文是“乌龟大师说:没有误打误撞”。 +Increasing the accuracy of forecast in normal times (knowing whether the economy next year will grow at 2.4 per cent or 2.5 per cent) is far less important than knowing the risk of a major recession.,提高正常时期预测的准确性——知道明年的经济增长率是2.4%还是2.5%,远没有了解重大衰退的风险那么重要。 +Enviormental changes really matters to animals.,环境的改变确确实实的影响到动物。 +"The determination of norfloxacin in compound norfloxacin ear drops by first order derivative UV spectrophotometry needed no separation and was simple, rapid, and accurate.",采用一阶导数分光光度法测定复方滴耳液中诺氟沙星的含量,样品不须分离,方法简便,结果满意。 +"There were several shops, a post office, a pub, and a little church whose stained-glass windows were glowing jewel-bright across the square.",这里有几家店铺、一个邮局、一家酒吧,还有一个小教堂,彩绘玻璃的广场对面放射着珠宝般的光辉。 +"With the temple successfully opened, Tanxu retired as abbot on September 19, 1934, appointing a monk named Boshan in his place.",月倓虚就告退休,任命一个叫波善的和尚继任当(湛山)寺住持。 +Hermit crabs are the real estate agents of the animal world.,寄居蟹可说是动物世界的房屋经纪人。 +Are gimbap and sushi really two different things just because they are separated by an national boundary?,难道就因为属于不同的国家,就能说紫菜包饭和寿司是两种不同的东西吗? +A country of western Africa on the Gulf of Guinea.,位于几内亚湾的一个西部非洲国家。 +"The important order of rule layer is individual beauty (0.444 8), stone group (0.264 4), harmony with environment (0.184 6) and spiritual meaning (0.106 2).",其中,准则层各指标重要性排序为:个体美(0.444 8)>置石组合(0.264 4)>与环境协调性(0.184 6)>精神含义(0.106 2)。 +The process consists of feeding a plastic compound in powdered or granular form from a hopper through metering and melting stages and then injecting it into a mold.,注射工艺过程就是从给料斗送进粉状或粒状的塑料混合物,经过定量区和熔化区,然后将其注射到模具型腔中。 +"That information could spare 80 percent of patients unnecessary surgery, irradiation or chemotherapy, along with the pain, incontinence and impotence that accompany those treatments.",这些资讯可以让80%病人免于不必要的手术、放射线和化学治疗,以及伴随的痛苦、失禁和阳痿。 +In four renowned authors I most like heat Rui-an.,四个著名作者中我最喜欢的是温瑞安。 +You would then pick a suitable XML API and have each bean emit elements to represent its state and recursively call down the object graph to its members.,然后就可以选择合适的 XML API,让每个 bean 提供表示自己状态的元素,并递归地对自己的成员调用对象图。 +The emergence and writing techniques of object-appreciating poems were influenced by the object-chanting poems.,谢物小启的产生及其写作技巧都受到当时咏物诗的深刻影响。 +Libyan rebels who have been advancing west along the coast towards Colonel Caddafi's strongholds have been stopped by gunfire from government forces.,反对派沿着海岸一路向西向卡扎菲上校据点推进,但是在与政府军交火后停止前进。 +"I want to thank all partners concerned, also in the Measles Initiative, and extend my very special appreciation to UNICEF and the GAVI Alliance.",我要对所有合作伙伴表示感谢;对于麻疹行动,我特别要感谢联合国儿童基金会以及疫苗和免疫全球联盟。 +The spleen tip was palpable at the left costal margin.,脾尖可以在左肋缘处触知。 +Image above: The interior of our front door is painted with black chalkboard paint. We use it to list important upcoming events and reminders to one another.,上图:我们前门上刷的是黑色的黑板漆。上面写着的即将发生的重要事件,和互相需要提醒的事情。 +"In 221 BC, Qin dynasty unified China and the Chinese words.",公元前221年,秦统一中国后统一了中国文字。 +"I asked them to keep -- continue monitoring the situation, to keep the American people and members of Congress informed.",我要求他们继续监视情况,随时让美国人民和国会议员了解最新信息。 +The procession wended its way through the streets.,游行队伍穿过街道前进。 +"The final task is to generate the ZIP file itself, which is handled with an extension as well.",最后的任务是要生成 ZIP 文件本身,这也是通过一个扩展来处理的。 +"CX: Yes, my hope is to reach those under thirty.",残雪:是的,我的希望是能够有三十岁以下的读者。 +"Basically, I tend to wait with implementing a standard until there is sufficient user request for it.",我基本上趋向于等到有足够的用户请求它时才会实现一种标准。 +Take on the British Empire with a hurley… stun the bastards one by one?!,用球棒把英帝国干掉……把那些狗娘养的一个一个打晕! +"She noted, too, that the mice's naturally thinning coats grew back thicker.",Kagawa博士同时指出老鼠自然变薄的毛层又长厚起来了。 +"Our product range comprises paper shredders, laminators, binders, electrical staplers and more. We aim to provide perfect office products with style and quality to our users worldwide.",为全球用户提供时尚和品质完美结合的办公设备用品,“盆景”系列主要生产碎纸机、塑封��、装订机、电动订书机等办公设备。 +"As the organization grows, you may start tosee problems with the quality of delivery.",团队成长时,你可以开始寻找交货质量的问题。 +"""A salary offer is only one part of the compensation package, "" says Dwayne Keiffer, assistant director of career development at Messiah College in Grantham, Penn.",位于宾夕法尼亚州Grantham的Messiah学院职业发展助理主任Dwayne Keiffer说:“薪水只是收入的一部分。” +"Contagious yawning is thought to be an evolved mechanism for keeping groups alert so they ""remain vigilant against danger,"" Gallup said.",呵欠传染被认为是进化出来用于保持群体的警惕性使群体“在危险面前保持警觉,”盖洛普说。 +For more formal events wear a French-cuffed shirt with cuff links that reflect your personality.,对更正式一点的场合,穿着法式袖口着链扣的衬衫有则会显示你的个人品位。 +"As expected, autoimmune diseases, such as rheumatoid arthritis, thyroid and coeliac diseases were all more common among those with PBC.",正如所料,自身免疫性疾病如风湿性关节炎,甲状腺和腹腔疾病,都在PBC患者中普遍存在。 +Rhetoric in a narrow sense has presented a lack of power for theoretical upgrading and a limitation of self-shutting up in the process of getting deeper and more meticulous.,狭义修辞学在不断走向深入、走向细致的进程中已呈现出理论提升上的乏力和自我关闭的局限; +"Because of its reliance on a ""market making"" system that allowed market makers to withdraw from trading, liquidity in NASDAQ stocks dried up.",由于对允许做市商退出交易的市场交易制度的依赖,纳斯达克上市的股票流动性衰竭。 +AIM: To observe the effect of high-fat diet on lipid metabolism and mineral element metabolism in liver of mice.,目的:观察高脂饮食对小鼠脂代谢和肝脏矿物元素代谢的影响。 +But what do pupils and teachers make of the digital devices in their sanctuary of learning?,但是学生们和老师们对这种在学校里所使用数码设备有什么看法呢? +This article takes the example of Chinese God Group— the national agriculture industrial production key main item enterprise to study feed enterprises emphatically at the angle of marketing strategy.,本文以国家农业产业化重点龙头企业唐人神集团作为个案研究,着重从营销策略角度来研究饲料企业。 +"His ""essay"" was a few scribbled sentence, and his listing of awards and accomplishments was incomplete, at best.",他的个人自述只是潦潦几句,关于自己的奖励和成绩也统计的至少不全面。 +"He had the same faith in his master that Pencroft had, but he showed it less vehemently.",他和潘克洛夫同样崇拜他的主人,可是表现得不那么热烈。 +"One trick, the scientists say, is to count what’s in your cart and multiply by a guesstimate of the average cost of the items.",科学家们说,有一个窍门,数数你的推车里的东西,然后乘上你估算每件物品的平均价格就可以啦。 +The petioles have many protein-bearing cells and thicker cuticle.,蛋白细胞特别多,角质层比较厚。 +"Qunzhi, pay attention to the relationship between primary and secondary, the stone is not too large, but not too perfect to dominate the form.",群置时,注意主次关系,配石不宜过大,亦不宜形态过于完美以至喧宾夺主。 +"According to Media Trade Rody Casbaa, digital television will be the hot industry trend in Asia.",根据贸易媒体Rody Casbaa的估计,数码电视将在亚洲成为热门。 +X-ray manifestations: femoral head and femoral neck bone density decrease in 5 cases.,X线表现:5例股骨头、股骨颈及股骨粗隆骨质密度减低; +This bit of burnt potato is no more than an apology for a meal.,这点烧焦的马铃薯就暂且权充一顿饭吧! +"At that instant I gave up on Windows, my next action was to download a 64bit Ubuntu .iso, and burn it to DVD.",就在那一刻,我放弃了windows,我下一步动作是去下载了一个64位的ubuntu镜像,并把它烧录到DVD光盘上。 +Slope deformation and instability are prominent geological andgeomorphic feature of loess plateau and are the strong factor to cause disasters.,斜坡变形与失稳活动是黄土高原突出的地质地貌现象。 +The temperature effect of scuffing in sliding contact of steel is explored from the point of view of frictional temperature.,作者从摩擦温度的观点考察了钢在滑动接触中擦伤的温度效应。 擦伤试验是在环-块试验机上进行的。 +"The President, however, may appoint judges for a temporary term while the Congress is not in session.",但是,总统有权在国会休会期间任命非终身任期的法官。 +"Since we liked it so much, we didn't want to use it for the movie. Instead it found its way onto our latest CD.",我们十分喜爱此曲,更不想完成为配乐,于是把它的收藏在全新专辑之中��� +"The statistic of wavelet transform coefficient algorithm can solve the periodic noise, high-energy noise and some non-Guassian noise simply and efficaciously;",小波系数统计算法在解决周期信号、高能噪声和高斯信号方面有独特之处,能简单有效提取以上噪声的特征; +"Carbonated water is pure water infused with carbon dioxide, which is what creates the bubbles.",碳酸水是注入二氧化碳的纯水,这样就可以产生气泡。 +"Ganguly said, for such an extremely dangerous super-bacteria, the Indian government should be given adequate attention.",甘古利说,对于这类极其危险的超级细菌,印度政府应给予足够重视。 +"This paper introduced the use of koji, wheat koji, seed starter of Lin -fan rice wine and the brewing process with Tan-fan rice wine in detail.",该文对传统工艺中使用的麦曲、淋饭酒母和摊饭酒的酿制过程做了详细地说明。 +What sings in the clock?,是什么东西在钟里唱歌? +"""Focus on selling yourself and your value, not on begging, "" says Dubiel.",Dubiel说:“将重点放在销售自己和你的价值上。” +"From 1933, he successively held Chinese Art exhibitions and personal art exhibitions in France, Belgium, Italy, the United Kingdom, German, and the Soviet unio.",1933年起,先后在法国、比利时、意大利、英国、德国、苏联举办中国美术展览和个人画展。 +Substituting read-write graphical fields for display-only graphical fields.,以读写图形字段替换仅供显示的图形字段。 +Lynette: So you have been in Canada this entire time?,这么说你整段时间都在加拿大? +"It is now a common sense in the circle of Ocean Carriage to enhance the legislation and supervision of NVOCC, and thus to ensure Chinas Ocean Carriage Market running in a sound order.",加强无船承运业务的立法与监管,促进我国海运市场秩序健全,已成为海运界的共识。 +Whereas these are conclusion reason to believe that.,但是这些是相信它的结论原因。 +"Methods:The clinical data, ECG manifestations and treatment situation in the patients with aconitine poisoning in recent years treated in our hospital were analysed retrospectively.",方法:回顾性分析我院近年来救治的乌头碱中毒患者的临床资料。 +"In the static tri-axial tests, the ratio of particle breakage increases with the increase of the cell pressure, but decreases in the dynamic ones.",围压增大,静力三轴剪切引起的颗粒破碎率随之增大,而单纯由振动三轴试验引起的颗粒破碎率则相应降低。 +The process of a shallow condensing recovery unit is simulated with HYSIM. The optimization model was established.,运用HYSIM烃类工艺模拟软件,对某套天然气浅冷回收装置进行工艺流程模拟,建立了优化问题模型。 +"Thomas Samuel Kuhn believes that scientific discoveries are related to non-rational factors including intuition and good luck of scientists, convergent thinking, and divergent thinking.",库恩认为科学发现与非理性因素有关,科学家的直觉、机遇、收敛式思维和发散式思维均有助于科学发现; +I'm in the pink fruit-kep sweetly by your kiss.,你的吻,将我甜在粉红色果酱里。 +Zhuxi river gets excrementitious pollution and there is a lot of E. coli in the water.,苎溪河受到了粪便的污染,水中存在大量的肠道病原菌。 +"Regular examination and scientific file style were obtained, therefore self-imposed medical observation, self-care and proper medicine use were realized.",定期复查并建立科学的生活方式。使ASC自觉接受医学观察,自我保健,合理用药。 +"Jupiter is highest, near the top of the frame, but even the solar sytem's ruling gas giant is outshone by brilliant Venus near picture center.",木星是最高的那一颗,靠近画面的东部,但即便是这颗太阳系中最大的气体巨星的光芒也不及靠近画面中央的金星那般熠熠生辉。 +Fiorentina sports director Pantaleo Corvino will recall striker Valeri Bojinov from Juventus at the end of this season.,佛罗伦萨体育主管科维诺将在这个赛季结束后从尤文召回博季诺夫。 +"The caveman wondered out, looked up and saw those dots of lights, and he has no clue.",穴居人走到了野外,抬头看天,看到星星点点的光,茫然一片,毫无头绪。 +There were perhaps eight paces between him and the tiger.,他距老虎可能有八步远。 +Medical comorbidities associated with compromised immunity may increase susceptibility to DPS after vertebroplasty or kyphoplasty.,椎体成形术或后凸成形术后医学并存病可引起免疫功能下降,增加DPS易感性。 +"If we have a boil on the back of our head we can't see it ourselves, but it is ridiculous to imagine other people can't see it.",后脑勺子长疮,自己看不见以为别人也看不见那才笑话。(---丁玲:《太阳照在桑乾河上》) +Food safety is related to people's livelihood.,食品安全,关系��国计民生。 +Gael Clichy has declared Arsenal's young guns are beginning to develop the same squad spirit that existed in the invincible season of 2004.,克里希在阿森纳战胜西汉姆后说这番话,在这里,他们上赛季有过痛心的经历。 +The innumerable variations of one single color are again maneuvered to communicate emotion and ambience.,画面仍以单一色彩的丰富幻变来表现情绪、意境。 +"Thus by running this program, it can transform meta-model data into XMI format which is a standard interchange format.",通过该转换程序,能够将模型元数据转换成适合交换的XMI格式。 +Women commor to feel love tITe are not people worse off dawn you are not.,女刚出生的宝宝需求感想到更多有请致电不如她们。 +"The emptying method is the most common application in ballast water exchange, but it is still not perfect so far.",排空法是船舶最常用的压载水更换方法,但目前这种方法还不尽完善。 +I glimpsed the dancer balancing herself on the ambulance by accident.,我掽巧瞥见舞蹈者在捄护车上使自己保持平衡。 +"Defining fast in a broader sense, Olofson says that ""the aim of any system is to ensure that the database doesn't slow down the application, so you can return data as quickly as the application runs.""",Olofson 还从更广泛的意义上定义“快”:“任何系统的目标都是确保数据库不拖累应用程序,因此可以以应用程序运行的速度返回数据。” +"President Bush held a meeting Saturday morning with members of the G7 nations -- which also include Britain, Canada, France, Germany, Italy and Japan -- to discuss the worldwide financial crisis.",在星期六举行的七国集团会议上,布什与各国领导一起讨论有关这次国际金融危机的问题。 七国成员包括的国家除了美国,还有英国,加拿大,法国,德国,意大利和日本。 +The registered trademark of the company is WZFB and the product quality is controlled by international ISO standards and the latest technical standards in national bearing industry.,瓦房店重型轴承研究制造有限公司产品注册商标为 WZFB ,产品质量采用国际 ISO 标准和国家行业最新技术标准。 +"More importantly, how do you remember it?",更重要的是,你如何记住它? +Conclusion Nateglinide is an effective and safe drug in treating type 2 diabetes.,结论 那格列奈是安全有效的降血糖药物。 +My next step is to add a finder-like method on the User object.,我的下一步是在 User 对象上添加一个类似 finder 的方法。 +"and through cool love we can give birth to a new man, to a new humanity -- which are urgently needed.",通过清凉的爱,我们可以诞生一个新人,一个新人类——是这个世界的迫切需要。 +Now one of the advisers turned his attention to the island of Murano.,接着有一位顾问把注意力转到穆拉诺岛。 +Locate new infrastructure within the LGI data center.,在 LGI 数据中心建立新的基础设施。 +研究数据的另一个问题就是,它不能分辨什么时候回答者会做出不忠的事来:在婚姻出现问题之时,还是一段失败的感情结束之时?,"Another problem with the data is that it fails to discern when respondents cheat: in a troubled time in the marriage, or at the end of a failing relationship." +"I have often bought a much better man than either of you, all muscles and bones, for ten guineas.",只需十个几尼(译注:几尼为旧时英国金币)就能买到肌肉发达、骨骼健全的奴隶,比你们强太多了。 +"Shapotou area, where the Baotou-Lanzhou Railway pass through is situated at the southeast edge of Tengger Desert, belonging to steppe desert zone.",沙坡头地段位于腾格里沙漠东南缘,包兰铁路沿线,属草原化荒漠带。 +"Thus, in these situations, it is necessary to supplement XJConf with the DOM extension in PHP, which provides an API to dynamically construct an XML tree and write it to a file.",因此,在这些情形下,需要在 PHP 中为 XJConf 补充 DOM 扩展,这个扩展可以提供 API 动态构建 XML 树并将它写入文件。 +"A CENTAUR system is currently being used at Fort Gordon, Ga.",目前佐治亚州哥登堡正在使用一套CENTAUR系统,其他系统正在进行测试。 +Agreed to what?,同意什么? +Author: Rainer Maria Rilke For one human being to love another;,作者:里尔克Rainer玛丽亚一人爱另一个; +Practice asking.,练习提问。 +"In 2006 the British Times higher education supplement in the world university rankings, Yale University in the overall average ranking fourth in the world.",在2006英国泰晤士报专上教育增刊的世界大学排名,耶鲁大学在总平均排名世界第四。 +The best bet for continuing peace and prosperity on the Korean Peninsula depends on a reliable framework for the Korea-U.S.,朝鲜半岛持续和平繁荣的最好希望取决于韩美同盟的可靠框架。 +"Satire is a sort of glass, wherein beholders do generally discover everybody's face their own. (Jonathan Swift, British writer)",讽刺是一面镜子,观看者通常从中看到每一个人的面容却看不到自己。(英国作家斯威夫特J) +"FLATFISH : Following last month's trend, the market activity continues to be low.",鲆蝶鱼:大菱鲆的随著上个月需求量下降的趋势向前发展。 +"Politics is admirable in many respects as an archetype of selfless giving, although it is tainted by individual failings and strategies aimed strictly at winning elections.",政治是一项令人钦佩的工作,政治家用自己的时间为他人谋福利,是无私奉献的榜样。 只可惜现在一些政界人士的所作所为,还有政党为了赢得选举鼠目寸光的做法,使这一高尚的职业蒙上了污点。 +This service processor is called a baseboard management controller (BMC) and resides on a server motherboard or on the chassis of a blade server or telecom platform.,此服务处理器称作基板管理控制器(BMC),驻留在服务器主板上或者刀片服务器或通信平台的底板上。 +Current uses of sugar amino acids in drug design and synthesis are reviewed in this paper.,氨基糖酸综合了糖和氨基酸结构特征和化学反应特性。 +THIS ought to have been a good week for the American economy.,这周这本应是美国经济不错的一周。 +"Right now that means Iran, in the dock again this week at the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), the UN’s nuclear guardian, over its refusal to provide answers about its own nuclear work.",本周伊朗因拒绝对其国内核工作提供解释,再一次坐上了国际原子能组织(联合国核监护部门)的被告席。 +"Given the right molecular ingredients, they spontaneously self-assemble, grow, and divide, but they’re much simpler than a naturally occurring cell membrane.",如果构建膜泡的分子组分搭配正确,它们就会自发的进行自组装、生长并且分裂,但是比起天然形成的细胞膜,它们要简单得多。 +The abundant research strength of American research universities make them become the first-class universities at the age of technique civilization with the fruitful research achievements.,美国研究型大学雄厚的研究实力和丰硕的研究成果,使其成为技术文明时代的骄子。 +"And I want them to get good jobs: jobs that pay well and give them benefits like health care, jobs that let them spend time with their own kids and retire with dignity.",而且,我愿望他们能得到好的工作:薪酬高并包孕健康保险,让他们工作之外有光阴陪孩子,并且能有尊严地过退休生活。 +People will remember his great kindness from generation to generation.,人们将世世代代永不忘他的大恩大德。 +"Bating the passing uneasinesses occasioned by a few gloomy anticipations, the portion of my life which had already gone by had been happy beyond the common lot.",除去以往那些焦虑以及偶尔出现的灰暗期待,我过去的日子虽然平凡却也不失愉快。 +"Raise ""please book Respect, general manager of leaders: Hello!""",调 薪 申 请 书 尊敬的总经理,各位领导: 你们好! +To understand the role of soil nematodes in the ecosystem requires: (1) the combination of laboratory microcosm study and field mesocosm experiments;,要全面了解土壤线虫在生态系统中的作用,研究工作必须:(1)结合室内模拟和野外控制实验; +edit comments before posting on the site; and contact participants in case comments require further clarification.,在张贴到网上之前对意见进行编辑;在需要进一步澄清意见时与参与者联系。 +Wikipedia is not just collating knowledge: it is making news too.,它不仅仅是在整理知识,它也在制造新闻。 +Joan: We went to a nightclub but the bouncers would not let us in!,琼:去了一家夜总会,可是保安不让进去! +Anarchism's European heyday was in the late 19th and early 20th century.,无政府主义的欧洲全盛期是在19世纪末和20世纪初。 +The causes for false positivity and negativity were also discussed in this paper.,文中讨论了误、漏诊原因,并强调多产妇和有刮宫史者发病率高、危险性大。 +"In order to realize his ideal society, Mozi further put forward some concrete ideas such as respecting the scholars. No wars, no subjection to destiny, frugality and simple burials.",墨子为实现其理想社会,又具体地提出尚贤、尚同、非攻、非命、节用、节葬等具体内容和规范。 +METHODS: The use of narcotic analgetics during the period 2005-2007 in our hospital was analyzed retrospectively.,方法:对我院2005~2007年麻醉性镇痛药的应用情况进行回顾性分析。 +"Because of its beauty and culture, the country has become a popular tourist destination in the South West Pacific.",由于风景迷人,文化独特,瓦努阿图已成为西南太平洋受欢迎的旅游目的地。 +Have people ever complimented you on anything?,是否有人���为什么事情夸奖过你呢? +It is also compatible with catalytic converters of petrol engines.,也适用于汽油发动机的催化转化器。 +"While Regina has done a lot of organizing homes, she’s also helped a long list of business professionals get their work under control.",Regina做了大量组织家庭的工作,她也帮助很多贸易专业人士掌控工作顺利进行。 +"Widget Text After you've downloaded the Mikogo Mac version, you may like to check out the Mac video tutorials on starting cross-platform meetings from your Mac computer.",当你下载了Mikogo的Mac版本后,你可能想看看从你的Mac电脑上开始一个跨平台的会话的苹果视频教程。 +Servicers receive the payments from borrowers and might also hold the loans.,这些服务者接收贷款者的还贷,并且可能本身持有贷款。 +"The American College of Sports Medicine and the American Heart Association updated their Physical Activity Guidelines in August, 2007.",美国运动医学学院和美国心脏协会在2007年8月更新了他们的体育运动健身指南。 +"One roam leisurely at boulevard alone, suddenly, wandering the intersection of leaf and visual field in I rotate dance.",一个人独自徜徉在林荫道上,突然间,飘零的树叶在我的视野旋转而舞。 +"With the raw material of jujube and carbamide, the effects of the factors of preparing caramel pigment from jujube on color ratio were studied.",研究了以红枣为原料,尿素为催化剂,制备焦糖色素的各因素对色率的影响。 +"Man acts like an actor on stage, standing on string, moving forward gingerly.",男人就像舞台上的演员,在钢丝上战战兢兢的往前挪步。 +"''I'm seen as a last-chance saloon, '' she says. ''Most of these women have been told there's no hope.",她说,“她们把我这儿看作是最后的希望。 +"Any man who has dated Asian girls who live in the United States, has witnessed the wrath, jealously and prejudice of American women towards Asian girls.",凡和亚洲女孩约会的美国男人,都目击过美国女人眼里的愤怒,这就是美国女人对亚洲女孩的嫉妒与偏见。 +ObjectiveTo explore the sleep quality and psychical health of the patients with cancer.,目的了解癌症患者睡眠质量及心理状况。 +"TheAmerican carmaker General Motors, which for decades was the world'sbiggest producer has emerged from bankruptcy as a much smaller businesslargely state-owned.",几十年来作为世界头号汽车生产商的美国通用公司变身为一家规模小得多的主要为国有的公司,并借此爬出了破产的边缘。 +"Chapter pure station purse one's lip ashore smiling, "" I even don't these all know?""",章清亭抿嘴一笑,“难道我连这个都不知了么? +The results of the cavitation and coagulation appear caused by periodicity-changing pressure in the low-pressure large-dia self-excited nozzle were analysis at last.,最后,对低压大直径喷嘴自激脉冲射流进行了数值模拟,并对振荡腔内的压力场、速度场以及相图之间的关系进行了分析。 +"The delight that accompanies it counter-balances all pains and hardships, that confront men.",生命的活动力能抗争人们面对的一切艰难困苦。 +"After a see-saw auction, people familiar with the matter say that serious talks are under way with Universal and a deal could be struck as early as this week, though that timing could slip.",知情人士说,经过拉锯战,花旗目前正在与环球进行严肃谈判,最早将于本周达成一项协议,不过时间也可能推后。 +"From the naturalistic point of view, this thesis analyzes the influences of heredity and environment on the lives of Buck and White Fang, heroes of The Call of the Wild and White Fang.",本文从自然主义角度入手,分析遗传因素和环境因素对这两部动物小说中的主人公布克和白牙的生命历程的影响。 +"As with grains, the problem is not the sugars themselves, but the refinement of the fruit.",至于谷物,问题不在于糖本身,而是水果的精制。 +"When the speed become the virtue that the common customs competitively pursue, I choice laxity , roundabout, and deliver my love.",在速度成为世俗竞相追逐的美德时,我选择徐缓、迂回,递送我的爱情。 +"RAEBURN: Well, I'm sorry to say we're out of time. I've had a great time talking about this.",雷伯恩:嗯,我很抱歉地说,我们的时间到了,感谢您参与我们的访谈。 +It was then reacted with low hydrogen containing silicone oil via hydrosilylation to produce epoxy-containing polyether silicone.,再与低含氢硅油进行硅氢加成反应,合成出环氧聚醚改性聚甲基硅氧烷; +Risk aversion kicked in as stocks followed the euro's fall against the U.S. dollar after turmoil in Ireland's fragile coalition government overshadowed an agreed-on bailout of the country.,"避险意愿出现,因股市跟随欧元/美元跌势,爱尔兰脆弱联合政府的震荡盖过了该国获得救助的影���." +"Of all the people I know, perhaps nondeserves my respect more than Miss Huang, my.",也许没有一个人比我的英文老师张老师更值得我尊敬。 +"Henan Kang wook pet Technology Service Co. , Ltd.",河南康旭宠物技术服务有限公司。 +"Based on the core theory of structuralism and bilateral opposite structure, the crying marriage customs and songs in Yuexi area are analyzed in order to get a clear understanding about them.",运用结构主义的核心理论二元对立结构模式,分析粤西的哭嫁习俗及其哭嫁歌,能清晰地看清其面貌。 +"Brauer continues, ""Over a period of a few months, I slowly weaned myself from my old midfields to the Barefoots.""",布劳下去,经过了几个月的时间“,我慢慢地脱离我的老中场自己的巴尔富特斯。 +"Through a half-century growth and development, Chinese accordion music creation processes to its prosperity, which characterizes in the variety of the content and multiplicity of composing style.",中国手风琴音乐创作经历半个多世纪的发展,逐步走向繁荣,呈现出创作风格多元化,音乐内容多样化的可喜态势。 +"The ""only glimmer of hope"", according to RSF, is the ""communications black market"" on the North Korean-Chinese border. Recordings of South Korean TV soaps and films are said to circulate.",无国界记者组织称,仅有的希望之光,来自朝中边境的“信息交流黑市”,那里贩卖来自韩国的各种电视连续剧与电影。 +The discovery could lead to healthier beers and food supplements .,该发现可用于制造健康啤酒及食品增补剂。 +"And in a sense, it's more democratic because you're getting people who are quote ""amateurs"".",从某种意义上讲,这个节目更加民主,因为参赛者都是所谓的业余爱好者。 +"Individual unit AI improvements, SCVs rep airing, terran buildings lifting off to avoid damage, chrono boost used correctly… the list goes on.",独立的AI单位改进,包括人族SCV修理、修建物在遭受攻击时为避免损害升起等等,还有很多。 +"Since you specified no command line arguments, the help content should be displayed in the console view after the application runs.",由于没有指定命令行参数,应该在应用程序运行之后在控制台视图中显示帮助内容。 +The theory of ethanol-type fermentation is the important progress on the biohydrogen production.,乙醇型发酵生物制氢理论(双碳发酵产氢学说或理论)是生物制氢理论的新发展。 +"If your opponent tries to capture it, the Tiberium Spike will explode, killing the ""Engi"" and destroying the Tiberium Spike.",如果你的对手试图占领它,矿柱会爆炸。 杀死那个“工程师”并且摧毁矿柱。 +Pierre and I did have a very good time.,我和皮爱尔的确玩得很高兴。 +"Again, this code provides the required XML for the Nokia phone.",同样,这段代码向 Nokia 电话提供必要的 XML。 +Operate with either radio frequency remote control or manual control.,用无线遥控或手制控制。 +Through one's hologram and through the heart one will discover one's own Tao within.,通过你的全息图、通过你的心灵,你将找到你内在的道。 +"We are wired to literally share the processing load, and this is the signal we’re getting when we receive support through touch.",我们被联系起来真正地一起分担处理的压力,同时这是当我们通过接触得到支持的时候,正在收到的信号。 +"Week after the gentleman promenade is by Gao Kong, under his body, the ground of seven states has already become the chess space sort size.",周继君漫步于高空,在他身下,七州之地已成棋格般大小。 +The research progress of chemical crosslinking methods for PVC is reviewed. Chemical crosslinking methods for PVC and the prospects are discussed.,综述了应用化学方法制取交联聚氯乙烯的研究进展,对各种化学交联方法进行了深入探讨,并讨论了其发展前景。 +"The utility model relates to a conjoined bridge for crossroads, particularly a building facility for crossroads of roads.",本实用新型名为:十字路口连体桥,涉及马路十字路口的建 筑设施。 +"In common with other German sports organisations, it has its own rules and enforcement methods.",与德国其它的体育机构一样,足协也拥有自身的管理制度和执行方法。 +Freaked . The spaying also left her pretty much like a puppy for the rest of her life.,该喷涂也留下了她的非常像一个小狗,至于其余的她的生命。 +I hold those old customs in detestation .,我非常讨厌这些旧习惯。香港海关。 +Paulo Moutinho : We have producers who want to do more in terms of sustainable production.,保罗穆迪尼奥:生产者们为了获得可持续的产量,想要做出更多的改变。 +The results indicated that the adsorption breakthrough times of various n-paraffins increased with the increase of n-paraffins' carbon number.,结果表明,随着碳数的增加,各正构烷烃穿透床层的时间增加。 +Consideration of the local nonlinear characteristic of large-scale complicated soil site simplifies the equivalent linear method to analyze the seismic response of the soil site.,假定土层计算区域为局部非线性,可简化等效线性化分析过程,通过数值试验给出了局部非线性区域的取值范围。 +"Methods To avoid floating point overflow, we calculate the input value according to the maximum of floating-point number and get corresponding integration step at a given level N.",方法为了避免浮点数溢出,我们由浮点的最大值作为输入参数,然后根据积分级数N计算出积分步长。 +He shylocks to live on.,他靠放高利贷为生。 +"Imagine my surprise when I learned that in Holland, Saint Nicholas is assisted by a helper named Black Pete.",请想像当我听说荷兰的圣尼可拉斯只有一个名叫黑彼得的助手时有多惊讶。 +"The high spatial resolution images have more spatial details and texture characteristics, and offer the possibility to extract information of a particular tree species.",近年来高分辨率遥感影像的应用,为特定树种信息提取提供了可能。 +He was joined by troops sent by his brother Geoffrey and Philip II of France .,他加入了由其兄杰弗里和法国国王腓力二世的军队。 +"He believed in the potency of ""quantitative easing, "" or QE—printing money to buy bonds.",但他对“量化宽松”,或曰“QE”——即用印来的钱买债券——的效力深信不疑。 +"In addition, neutrophils, complement system and cytokines also contribute to the defence of leptospira infection.",中性粒细胞、补体系统和细胞因子在抵御钩体感染方面也具有一定的作用。 +"Get an idea of their expectations, their individual objectives (from Marcus' list of ten purposes above) and the roles they will want or try to play.",了解他们的期望,他们的个人旨趣,以及他们将要或试图扮演的角色。 +"There are frequent surface disturbance and severe wind erosion and gravity erosion in excavation area, prevention of circumferential retrogressive erosion and devolution should be laid stress on.",开挖区地面扰动频繁,风蚀和重力侵蚀加剧,应注重周边溯源侵蚀和崩塌的防护; +"Obama, his father is a Kenyan man who grew up herding goats. When he got a scholarship of an American Uni. , he went to U. S. where he married a white woman.",他的父亲是肯尼亚的放羊娃,当他拿到美国大学的奖学金后,来到美国,并和一名白人女性结婚。 +Behind every mountain lies a vale.,每一座山的背后都是山谷。 +"Ex: If you are targeting the keyword ""hindi blog"", then pick a URL where these words nicely incorporate.",例如:如果你的目标关键字“印地语博客” ,然后选择一个网址这些话很好结合。 +"Oh, dear, ""she murmured bleakly, ""We owe $392. """,“ 我的天啊!”她忧郁地低声说道,“ 我们得付392块钱。” +"I have heard too many horror stories of horses breaking their necks due to panicking from getting their halter stuck on something, even when wearing so-called ""break-away"" leather halters.",我听过很多被困马匹惊慌时折断颈部的恐怖事件,即使戴着所谓的“可脱”的皮质缰绳。 +"What crowded lives my colleague lead , "" said Hoylake.""",霍雷克:“同事们的生活真丰富。” +Ambassdor Zhang says the Beijing Games torch relay in the Thai capital will feature elements relating to the culture of both China and Thailand.,张大使还说到此次在泰国首都举行的北京奥运火炬接力,融合了中国和泰国的文化特点。 +"Despite bulging order books, the mood at Airbus and Boeing is far from celebratory .",尽管订单鼓鼓囊囊的,但是空中客车和波音公司中却丝毫没有庆祝的气氛。 +"""If, as we expect, risk aversion originally triggered by the European crisis subsides relatively soon, the yen should restore a gradual downward trend,"" said Meng Jiao at BofA-ML.","""如果像我们预期的那样,欧洲危机最初引发的避险情绪相对较快地减弱,那麽日圆应恢复逐渐下行趋势,""美银-美林的Meng Jiao说." +"The expression of chemokine receptors, the chemotactic capacities, and adhesion molecule expression was modulated by withdrawal of IL 2 and IL 4 from the culture medium.",在体外培养基中,趋化因子受体的表达即趋化运动的能力和粘附分子的表达受IL 2和IL 4的调节。 +A simple method to measure thermal conductivity tensor of anisotropic material by PTR method is introduced.,报道了一种用光热辐射(PTR)技术测量各向异性材料热导张量的简单方法。 +This design is mainly directed against protein fibre spinning production line drawing machine design data.,本次设计,主要是针对蛋白纤维纺丝生产线牵伸机的设计计算。 +"During the first two months , I could not catch what the teacher was saying, so I writed down all the things on blackboard and look up the dictionary to get their meaning.",开始的一两个月之内,根本听不懂老师在上面讲什么,我把老师所有写在黑板上的东西照抄一遍。 +"Of course, it's not always possible to answer these two questions, but don't assume you can't until you try.",当然,不见得总是能够回答出这两个问题来,但是也不要没试过就认为这两个问题没法回答。 +We believe that students who are involved in this project will develop excellent experiences in management of flash-memory storage systems.,我们相信本计划的研发成果可以使所有?与学生在快闪记忆体储存系统的管?上有很好的研究经验。 +HQET(Heavy Quark Effective Theory) makes this symmetry explicit and proves to be a desirable framework to predict the properties of heavy hadrons.,HQET显式的处理这种对称性,是处理重味物理的合适的理论框架。 +"Bella , the only thing that can hurt me is you. And l don't have anything else.",别再说这个了,我简直不敢去想,有人会伤害你。 +"Tweetietweetie for Mac: This single column gem launched with a bang, thanks the popularity of their mobile app.",Tweetiefor Mac :归功于它手机版本的大受欢迎,这款单栏的精品震撼推出。 +"Since this location can also be fully explored in World of Warcraft, observant players will be able to recognize many similarities between the settings of both games.",因为这个地方在魔兽世界里也是可以到达的,所以细心的玩家可以发现两个游戏有很多相似的地方。 +Altun strike-slip fault systems;,阿尔金走滑断裂系统; +"Since the illiquid shareholders are at the controlling status, they will choose the discount issuing and distribute them to all shareholders, which is the worst for liquid shareholders.",在非流通股东占控股地位的情况下,它会选择折价发行并向全体股东配售这一对其最为有利而对流通股东最为不利的可转债发行方案。 +"If the selected voltage transfer function circuit is not sensitive to stray capacitance, then the implemented simulation impedance circuit is also not sensitive to stray capacitance.",如果所选用的电压传递函数电路对杂散电容不灵敏,那么实现的模拟阻抗电路对杂散电容也是不灵敏的。 +"Trumpeters: Red tunic, helmet crest and plume, white breeches and waistbelt , silver trumpet with gold cords.",号手:红色上衣,红色的头盔装饰和羽毛,白色马裤和腰带,金色饰带装饰的银色号角。 +"The result indicates that double wire welding technique can advance the efficiency of welding and quality of welding seam, and improve the tensile strength and fracture toughness of the welded joints.",指出。双丝焊接不仅可以提高焊接效率和焊接质量,而且有利于改善焊接接头的拉伸性能和断裂韧性; +What does all this mean for eventual control of the stricken reactor as well as the cleanup?,所有的这些对最终控制瘫痪的反应堆和清除核废物意味着什么? +The dry-hot river valley is one of the site types with the worst ecological environment in the world. The revegetation on it is a difficult problem having not been solved.,干热干旱河谷是世界上环境最恶劣的立地类型之一,其植被恢复是林业工作者多年来一直未攻克的难题。 +"Today a plaque records the details of that day and the memorial is covered with crosses, flowers and poppies.",今天,这里有一块铭牌记载着当时的详情,纪念碑上放满了十字架和鲜花,还有罂粟花。 +As a result the importance of inlet region packing in increasing the micromixing efficiency in an rpb was confirmed experimentally for the first time.,本文第一次从实验上证实了旋转填充床填料的端效应区在强化微观混合方面的重要作用,系统的总结了各指令引数对微观混合的影响。 +Notice we use Notes IDs in abbreviated format.,注意我们使用缩写格式的 Notes ID。 +The concern on credit risk of small and medium-sized manufacturing enterprises arises on the practical business.,对中小型制造企业信用风险的关注源于市场交易中的现实状况。 +The famous mobile game is back with countless rounds of crazy next - gen brick -breaking !,备受瞩目的打砖块系列游戏带着无数创意和更多疯狂关卡归来! +"Zinc helps build collagen, which supports the structure of skin and speeds up renewal and repair.",锌有助于胶原蛋白的形成,胶原蛋白是支持皮肤细胞结构以及加速细胞再生的重要物质。 +"Even ""poor"" American students own a lot of things, from cars and computers to stereo and skis.",即使是“穷”美国学生也拥有很多东西,包括车、电脑、音响和滑雪板。 +VDP? Vibration Diagnostic Program?,振动诊断程序?。 +"Asked to pay to see a girls-gone-wild version of a Judd Apatow farce (he produced the film), Mr. and Ms. Moviegoer said, ""I do.""",要求支付给看到了一个女孩贾德Apatow闹剧,走了野生版本(他制作的电影),先生和女士影迷说:“我愿意。” +Tianzhu Mountain - the first South Mountain;,天柱山——江南第一山; +Objective To explore the role of TJU103 in preventing graft-versus-host disease (GVHD) after allogeneic stem cell transplantation in mice.,目的探讨TJU103对小鼠同种异基因造血干细胞移植模型移植物抗宿主病(GVHD)是否起预防作用。 +"In this paper, the relationship between the ecological factors and the horizontal zonality of the vegetation in, Shanxi province is analyzed from the viewpoint of vegetation ecology.",本文从植被生态学角度,分析了各种生态因素与山西植被水平地带性之间的相互关系。 +"The Cloth Bag Monk smiled, set his bag down, and stood there with his hands on his hips.",布袋和尚笑嘻嘻地把布袋放下,叉手而立。 +"In particular, the users of different OBS clusters pay different prices for the same vehicle, suggesting the potential role of these OBS in market segmentation and price discrimination.",处于不同OBS 类型中的消费者对相同的交通工具会支付不同的价格,这也说明了OBS 在市场细分与价格歧视上的潜在影响力。 +TIP: Light yellow and light blue teal are good fog colors.,提示: 浅黄、浅蓝(或湖蓝)是很棒的迷雾颜色。 +"The Fighter is a 2010 biographical sports film directed by David O. Russell, and starring Mark Wahlberg and Christian Bale.",《斗士》是一部2010年上映的运动类传记片,由大卫·O·拉塞尔执导,马克·华伯格和克里斯蒂安·贝尔主演。 +Material cycling on continental shelves is one of the critical issues of the International Geo-Biosphere Project.,浅海物质循环是国际地圈生物圈计划的研究重点之一。 +"Obama shook the hands of a long row of people, with Michelle nearly last in line.",奥巴马与一长排的人握手,而米歇尔站在接近队伍的最后。 +"Tomasdottir and co-founder Kristin Petursdottir created it in 2007, reacting to what they saw as increasingly risky and aggressive behavior in the financial sector.",Tomasdottir女士和另一位合伙人Kristin Petursdottir于2007年创办了这家公司,因为当时她们看到,在金融行业出现了越来越多的风险以及侵略性的表现。 +The yacht market is slow this time of the year.,一年中的这个时候,游艇市场很低靡。 +"Churches in this often sensitive border area are few and weak. As we pray for China, let us not forget the southern borders and the so-called ""AIDS Highway "".",在此敏感的边界地带,教会相当稀少也相对弱小,当我们在为中国代祷时,莫忘此中国南部边陲及被称为「爱滋高速公路」的需要。 +I turned off when I ought to have gone straight on .,我本应一直朝前走,却拐了弯。 +"Founded in 1846, the University at Buffalo is a member of the Association of American Universities.",布法罗大学成立于1846年,是美国大学协会的会员。 +Love is the star to every wandering bark.,爱是一颗星,它引导迷途的桅樯。 +"But honestly there is no way for them to be sure. Until someone invents a way to chemically trace minerals from the source mine, it’s a very difficult problem.",但老实说,这个问题连他们自己也搞不清,除非有人能发明一种化学追踪法,可以将矿产一直追踪到开采地,这的确是个很麻烦的问题。 +"In Canada, many houses have basements. ;",在加拿大,很多房子都有地下室。 +"China has ""lodged a strong protest"" against France over Saturday's meeting between the French president and the Dalai Lama, Chinese state media report.",中国国家媒体报道,中国对法国总统萨科齐于星期六接见达赖,发起了强烈抗议。 原文。 +"In our country, many universities have set up the public enterprise management specialty. But each university has different emphases upon its specialty.",我国许多高校都开办了公共事业管理专业,在专业方向的设定上各有侧重,总体上显得很“杂”; +"A 71-decibel reduction below current Federal Aviation Administration noise standards, which aim to contain objectionable noise within airport boundaries.",低于当前联邦航空局噪音标准71分贝的降噪,旨在包容机场地带令人厌恶的噪音。 +"The event host spends significant time and resources to plan and execute an event, so most people know the answer to this question: be on time!",活动主办人花了很多时间在计划和准备一次活动上,所以大多数人都很清楚这个问题的答案,那就是要准时到场。 +"In addition, the 1980 stamps were designed by Huang Yongyu, 92, a well-known Chinese master painter, making it a collectible item with extreme value.",除此之外,它的设计者是92岁的黄永玉大师,一位著名的画家,使它成为了极具收藏价值的物品。 +I would love for Ale Del Piero and Pavel Nedved to play like they have done in these past few seasons.,我十分乐意为德尔·皮耶罗和��维尔·内德维德去踢球,就象他们两人在过去所做的一样。 +"Consider this exercise, for example: if you find yourself thinking more and more self-entitled, stop.",比如说这个练习:如果你发现自己的想法越来越自我感觉良好,打住。 +Harry scooped up a tenth gobletful of potion and felt the crystal scrape the bottom of the basin.,哈利舀起第十杯药水,觉得水晶杯已经擦着盆底了。 +"Included in the series is Princess Leia. Strong, beautiful and diplomatic, Luke Skywalker's twin sister is the backbone of the Rebellion against the Empire.",此系列中包括了莉雅公主, 她是天行者卢克的双胞胎姐姐,她强大,美丽,老练,是帝国叛乱的核心人物。 +"Can be naturally ascend testosterone, increase strength and strong action to improve the overall competitive state, non-toxic side effects.",可以自然提升睾酮, 增长力量和强壮作用,提高整体竞技状态,且无毒副作用。 +"Faucet Stem - material used is incorrect. We asked to use Formosa Plastic FM090, but Boda use Mitsubishi F20-03).",龙头阀门-材料使用不正确,我们求使用台湾塑料FM090,但是Boda使用的是三菱F20-03。 +"By the time the death metal music starts up, dozens appear to have either died or suffered critical injuries.",死亡的金属音乐响过,只见数十人要么惨死,要么重伤。 +Also try expanding the visible time window to expand the time range certain states are visible.,另请尝试扩展可视时窗以扩展某些州可见的时间范围。 +Crane's now analyzing this data to discover what rules might govern the spread of information online.,克兰博士目前正着手分析这项数据,从中找出控制网络信息传播的规则。 +"Based on the research about Products in Local Chronicles of Guangdong, this paper designs and implements a recognition system about location names in ancient books.",以地方志资料汇编《方志物产》(广东分卷)为语料,设计并构建了古籍地名识别系统。 +"The epidermal cells are oblong, longitudinally extended.",表皮细胞为长方形,纵向排列。 +"After 10 years of friendship and 11 months of close-knit interaction, he and I arrived at a place of intuitiveness where I executed upon his thoughts before words were ever exchanged.",经过10年的友谊和11个月抱成一团的合作关系,我们俩已经达到心意相通的程度。他用不着跟我说得很清楚,我就能把他内心的交易想法执行到位。 +"It is used for manufacturing hot melt adhesive stick, hot melt adhesive series.",本产品适用制造热熔胶棒,热熔胶系列。 +"JTG fish head sun rejected, the in the mind, went to the master Chen trouble two men quarrelled in the kitchen.",金堂被鱼头孙拒绝,心里不好受,就去找陈师傅的麻烦两个人在后厨吵了起来。 +"Yes, my daughter. But such tranquility only exists here on Enchanted Island.",是啊,我的女儿。但这样的景像只能存在于魔幼岛。 +Refining lubricating base oil using FCC used catalyst mixing with clay was studied. The conclusion is confirmable.,本文对利用FCC废催化剂混入白土精制润滑油基础油进行了试验研究,结论是肯定的。 +"Except where otherwise approved by the SAEC, Renminbi should in all cases be used in the settlement of transactions between them and other enterprises or individuals residing in China.",除国家外汇管理局批准者外,他们之间、其它企业或在华的个人等的业务结算,都应该用人民币。 +"Malaria will become a very serious problem in the weeks to come,"" said Dr David Okello, Representative of WHO in Kenya.",在今后几周内,疟疾将会成为一个十分严重的问题”。 +Chinese online media company Sina Corp. said it may alter its deal to acquire the advertising assets of Focus Media Holding Ltd. amid a drawn-out regulatory approval process.,中国网络媒体公司新浪(Sina Corp.)称,因监管机构审批时间太长,其收购分众传媒控股有限公司(Focus Media Holding Ltd.)的交易可能更改。 +There was a briefcase on the seat beside him which he opened; from it he removed a large manila envelope.,他打开放在身边座位上的一个公文箱,拿出一个马尼拉纸的大信封。 +"Generally, prohibited items include illegal narcotics and dangerous drugs, obscene publications and switchblade knives.",当然,禁运品包括违法麻药,危险毒品。淫秽出版物和弹簧折刀。 +Did you see the group at table 8?,你看见8号台的那帮人吗? +"When a chair dealer saw his shop-boy lying on a sofa, he said, "" Here, my boy, who would like on a sofa but a fool when a customer is here?""",当一个椅商看到他的男店员躺在沙发上时,他说:“喂,老兄,除了傻子,还有谁会在顾客上门时躺在沙发上?” +Let's look first at a volume group and find the logical volumes that are a part of it.,让我们首先看一下卷组并查找其中的逻辑卷。 +"On the altar of the Lord that he had built in front of the portico, Solomon sacrificed burnt offerings to the Lord",所罗门在耶和华的坛上,就是在廊子前他所筑的坛上,与耶和华献燔祭。 +"Bagehot was a banker, but he is best remembered for his political writing and notably for his articles on the British constitution.",Bagehot是一个银行家,但是最为人知的是他的政治评论,尤其是他关于英国宪法的文章。 +If something comes up – and it inevitably does – then you still have enough (time) capacity to handle it and complete what you set out to do.,如果有意外的事发生——这在所难免——你仍有足够的精力(时间)来处理它并且不会耽搁你计划的工作。 +At the same time Donglai additional real estate banking department.,同时东莱银行增设地产部。 +"Difficulties strengthen the mind, as labour does the body.",困难磨练意志,劳动增强体魄。 +He is a hen-pecked husband and his wife wears the trousers on all the matters.,他是个“妻管严”,家里事无巨细全由老婆说了算。 +"Tom Ripley’s assumption of Dickie Greenleaf (Jude Law) is executed perfectly, as is the cat-and-mouse game that follows.",汤姆·雷普利将迪基·格林利(裘德·洛饰)取而代之的计划完美的上演,随后就是欲擒故纵的游戏。 +It's said the water used to extinguish fires from a German incendiary bomb caused seeds in the botany department dating from the 1740s to germinate.,据说,用来熄灭德国燃烧弹引发的大火的水使植物馆里1740年的种子开始发芽。 +The second was a brief scene showing Jon Snow walking down some stone steps to Daenerys Targaryen.,第二段较短的视频里,琼恩•雪诺迈下几级石阶走向丹妮莉丝•坦格利安。 +The procedures for determining administrators of curb-side parking areas shall be separately formulated by the SMUTA.,道路停车场管理者确定的办法,由市交通行政主管部门另行制定。 +"Melville frequently comments on mental processes such as writing, reading, and understanding.",麦尔维尔经常对写作、阅读和认知等心理活动进行评说。 +As much as a third of the world's trade passes through the Malacca Strait.,将近有三分之一的全球贸易运输通过马六甲海峡。 +This paper describes the selection and design of this mining method and the main features of stoping and filling technology.,本文论述了这一采矿方法的选择与设计及回采和充填工艺的主要特点。 +The MTS sensor family recently marked more than 1 million hours of operational flight time.,MTS系列传感器的作战飞行时间最近已超过100万小时。 (工业和信息化部电子科学技术情报研究所 陈 皓) +"What this means is that if the score is between -3 and 0, then only the first link will be displayed, while if it is between 1 and 3, then only the second link will be shown.",这意味着,如果分数在 -3 和 0 之间,那么只显示前一个链接;如果分数在 1 和 3 之间,那么只显示后一个链接。 +"they will write their own opportunistic codes of conduct, animated by the need for efficiency, connectivity, and security above all else.",为了获得机会表达自我,它们会写下自己的行为准则,而这一切,皆出于对效率,彼此关系与安全的无尚追求。 +The frame damage detection methods using curvature mode are studied by numerical simulation. The characteristics of curvature mode are compared with those of traditional displacement mode.,采用数值计算的方法研究曲率模态应用于刚架结构损伤检测的规律和特点,并与传统位移模态的检测方法进行对比。 +Learn how to cut apples with expert tips on preparing fruit in this free cooking video series on cutting fruit.,了解如何减少准备在此免费烹饪影片系列切割果果和苹果专家提示。 +"Internally, the m17n library is organized into several application program interfaces (APIs)",从内部来说,m17n 库会被组织成几个应用程序接口(API) +On January 28 at 8.40 am multiple witnesses saw a giant pyramid shaped UFO briefly hover above the city of Xi'an.,2月28日8点40分,多名目击者看见了一个巨大的金字塔形状的UFO盘旋在西安上空。 +"Two days later, upon the desolate plains of the Barrens…",两天后,在莫高雷的贫瘠之地,荒芜人烟的平原上… +The IHP recommendations aim to standardize the parameters used in clinical trials for lymphoma and incorporate the new technologies.,IHP 建议的目标是标准化淋巴瘤临床试验参数并且融入新的技术。 +On Boot's Children's cough medicine:Do not drive car or operate machinery.,儿童咳嗽药:请勿开车或操作机械。 +"In the convey of the right of signature, a voluntary principle should be observed while compulsory convey should be legally prohibited.",署名权的转让必须坚持自愿原则,强制转让署名权的行为应当为法律所禁止。 +It will only be the ones that apply to the treatments that your child gets.,只��那些与你的孩子接受的疗法相关的后遗症会发生。 +"Based on the analysis, the environment quality in the in GAP planting base of Aucklandia lappa Decne was good and accorded with the requirement of green medicine culture.",云南省丽江市玉龙县鲁甸乡新主行政村云木香GAP种植区环境质量良好,符合绿色药材栽培的环境质量要求。 +"Semantic meaning is the common object of study in semantics, pragmatics, sociolinguistics, contrastive linguistics and contrastive studies between English and Chinese.",语义是语义学、语用学、社会语言学、对比语言学和英汉对比研究共同研究的对象。 +"AA: You're early, Claire. Relax. Look around. I wonder where the newsletter file is.",克蕾尔, 你来早了, 不要紧张, 熟悉环境, 我不知道那个期刊档案在哪里?。 +These are all forms of old issues that are gradually being retired from circulation.,这些都是旧的发行渠道,可这些钞票正逐步地从流通领域中消失。 +The fracture behavior at crack tip within CMn steel is analyzed based on the experiments of 3 PB precracked specimens and FEM calculation and simulation.,并结合有限元计算所得的不同预应变条件下的缺口前端的应力应变场分布,主要分析了预应变对不同组织低合金高强钢缺口试样断裂行为的影响。 +"Think of it as a volume knob, for example, that can't be turned any further.",例如我们可以认为它是一个音量调节旋钮,现在它已经无法再进行调节了。 +"Many in Beijing are grumbling about intrusive security, with complaints appearing on websites, despite the suppression by internet censors of discussion deemed critical of the games.",许多北京市民对扰人的安保措施发牢骚。尽管网管部门压制那些被视为批评奥运的讨论,各网站上出现不少抱怨帖子。 +Factory owners will soon face even more problems.,工厂主们很快就要面对更多问题。 +Wang Ming said to Li Qiang that he was willing to become his best friend.,王明对李强说,他愿意成为李强的好朋友。 +But you can’t devise written rules to cover every possible futureevent.,但是你无法设计出涵盖未来可能发生的全部事情的书面规约。 +"That's definitely a good thing: My girlfriend, Susan, and I are engaged, and once we're married, next March, I'm sure I'll leave my little closet behind.",那真是好极了:我的女朋友,苏珊和我已经订婚了。 而且一旦我们在明年三月结婚了,我肯定我会把我的小小储藏室丢在脑后了。 +"On Sunday, Lt. Gen. Thein Sein told donors that Myanmar urgently needed temporary shelters, rice seeds, fertilizers and fishing boats - many of which were destroyed in the cyclone.",登盛周日对捐助方表示,由于遭受风暴严重破坏,缅甸急需临时遮蔽所、稻种、化肥以及渔船。 +"If you're stuck inside, watch a travelogue, look at funny pictures, listen to comedians or children laughing or nature sounds or new music.",如果你被困在户内,那就看看旅行记录片,看看搞笑的图片,听听喜剧演员,孩子们的笑声,自然的声音或者新的音乐。 +"But because Deron will likely have the longevity of Stockton in addition to being an All-Star player (though his snubbing gets louder and louder each game), he is definitely a contender to the throne.",但是如果德隆能有着像斯托克顿那样的长寿命职业生涯以及一个全明星队友,他无疑是总助攻王的有力竞争者。 +But it says food grown and harvested in the 30-kilometer exclusion zone after the emergency might be contaminated and should be avoided.,但是,该组织说,事故发生后,在30公里禁区内种植和收获的食物可能受到污染,应该避免食用。 +"And God answered. Thanks to ""the revealer of mysteries, "" Daniel told the astonished king his exact dream and what it revealed about the future.",感谢那「显明奥秘事的主」,但以理向目瞪口呆的王一五一十地讲述他的梦,以及这梦所显明的未来之事。 +"if we accept this idea, then there's a very strong case for Knapp and Michaels being right. Really there's no significant or important difference between language and speech.","如果我们接受这个观点,那么Knapp和Michaels就很可能是正确的,语言和言语之间真的没有什么重大差别。" +Here's another one; Mary had a little lamb; he followed her to school.,"这是另外一个,玛丽有一只小羊羔;,他跟着她去上学。" +But Fletch took it – and the negative comments he often received – on the chin.,但弗莱彻对付下来了,他也经常得到负面评价。 +An inversion algorithm of array induction tool(AIT) was modeled based on the signal treatment method of resolution match.,构建了基于分辨率匹配信号处理的AIT反演方法。 +You know what? Just get out of my way and stop moping .,你知道么,别在这里碍事,也别闷闷不乐了。 +"A growing band of non-profit outfits such as ProPublica, the Sunlight Foundation and WikiLeaks are helping to fill the gap left by the decline of watchdog media.",一系列数量不断增长的非营利网络新闻机构,如挺国民(ProPublica),阳光基金会和维基解密都正在弥补舆论媒体减少的这一空缺。 +"A novel water base gel breaker for fracturing fluid-EB-1 micro-capsule gel breaker is developed, to solve the difficulty of prophase viscosity reducing and gel breaking in the later period.",为解决压裂液的前期降粘与后期破胶困难的矛盾,研制出了一种新型的水基压裂液破胶剂——EB-1微胶囊破胶剂。 +"A number of books on educating children left by ancient men, such as Advice to My Son and Parental Instruction, are precious tracts on moral education.",古人留下的《诫子书》、《家训》等大量有关教育子女的著作,是中华民族一笔宝贵的道德教育财富。 +"In either case though, I enjoy what I'm doing and have no plans to stop development on Warcraft 3 anytime soon.",另一方面来说,我很喜欢我现在做的东西,我还没有计划停下在魔兽争霸的开发。 +Methods A structured history using a questionaire on gastrointestinal symptoms was obtained from random sample 1492 residents.,方法采用整群随机抽样法抽取重庆市居民14 92人进行问卷调查。 +Karst accumulation bauxite orebody is a new kind of one in China.,岩溶堆积型铝土矿是国内新类型的铝土矿床。 +"China is a land power, he says, concerned about safeguarding its border regions and consumed by its desire for internal security and cohesion.",他说,中国是个陆军强国,其军事实力专注于捍卫边境安全,致力于维护内部安全与和谐。 +The estimation result favours both quantitative evaluation ofhydrocarbon sealing ability of Qingshankou mud barrier and planar evaluation ofhydrocarbon sealing ability.,这一结果不仅可定量评价青山口组泥岩盖层的烃浓度封闭能力,而且可将烃浓度封闭能力的评价扩展到平面上。 +To store an object in an unordered associative container requires both an key equality function and a hash function.,要将一个对象保存在无序关联式容器中,需要有一个键值等同性函数和一个散列函数。 +"Other reported cross-reactions include a link between house-dust-mite faeces and shrimp allergy, and another between mugwort pollen and an allergy to carrots, celery and sunflower seeds.",据报道,其它交叉反应包括室内尘螨的粪便和虾过敏之间的联系,另一种是艾属植物花粉和对胡萝卜、芹菜以及葵花子过敏之间的联系。 +Objective:To investigate the clinical results of hand-assisted laparoscopic radical nephroureterectomy and evaluate its effectiveness and safety for upper tract transitional cell carcinoma.,目的:评价手助腹腔镜根治性肾输尿管全切术治疗上尿路移行细胞癌的安全性和有效性。 +We put stress upon investigating the effect of changing lift drag ratio and reentry angle on reentry orbit.,着重研究了改变升阻比和再入角对再入轨道的影响。 +Marine geophysicist Jian Lin of the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution in Massachusetts agrees.,林键是马萨诸塞州伍兹霍尔海洋学学会的地球物理学家,他对此表示同意。 +"Nature has always displayed this duality in terms of its cycles - the winter and spring, planting and harvesting, the high and low tides, day and night, it’s everywhere you look.",无论在何处,你总能看到大自然也在循环播放着这种两重性—冬天与春天、播种与收获、潮起与潮落、白天与黑夜。 +"So far they have had five number ones, two triple platinum albums and two sell-out UK tours.",迄今为止,他们已经发行了五张专辑,有两张三次突破白金唱片销量,还有两张于英国巡回演出被抢购一空。 +"The risk is not always somewhere else. The risk to the merchant is not always the customer or hacker, it might be an employee.",但风险不总存在于别处。商人的风险不总是存在于顾客或黑客一方,可能来自内部雇员。 +Both theoretical analysis and experimental results show that the multi-objective optimization is very helpful for designing and evaluating the clustering approaches effectively.,理论分析和实验结果均表明,通过多目标优化,可以为评价和设计结群法提供定量依据。 +International Sourcing: Offshore or Near-shore?,国际采购:离岸还是近岸? +I play it almost vry day.,我几乎每天玩。 +"Venezuelan officials met with Libyan Finance Secretary Abdul Hafid Al Zleitni and Communications Secretary Mohamed Zydan, the foreign ministry said.",委内瑞拉外交部发表声明说,该国官员与利比亚财政部长Abdul Hafid Al Zleitni和交通部长Mohamed Zydan进行了会面。 +"The success or failure of one may ultimately lead to success or failure of all. In this chain of dynamic interactions, one economy's development will have a knock-on effect on other economies.",在这个动态平衡的链条中,每个经济体的发展都会对其他经济体产生连锁反应。 +All that an object has to supply is the code that actually packs and unpacks the parameters.,对象必须提供的全部就是代码,代码实际上打包和解包了参数。 +"Now, with evidence showing that American forests store 15 percent or more of the carbon gases produced in the nation, expectations are growing for them to do even more.",现在随着证据证明美国的森林贮存了这个国家产生的含碳气体的15%甚至更多,人们也更加期望它们能够做的更多。 +"But after building up a solid circle of friends for four years, you may have a few hunches about where your classmates will end up.",但是在经过四年朝夕相处的朋友中,你可能会对同窗的归属有些预感。 +It’s too hard to reply to that one email because my inbox is full of unanswered emails.,因为我的收件箱里都是未答复的邮件,所以不能去回复这一封邮件。 +Every prudent man dealeth with knowledge: but a fool layeth open his folly.,凡通达人都凭知识行事。 愚昧人张扬自己的愚昧。 +Figure 16 is incorrect because there is a Move on context and another Move to contextor correlation.,图 16 是错误的,因为上下文中有一个 Move,而 contextor 关联中有另外一个 Move。 +"Of the 200,000 images of Mr. Sungchili, this photograph was the first one taken, and is also primary in importance.",从宋七力先生的二十万张境相,这张相片是第一张被拍摄到的,在意义重要性也是主要的。 +"They would say, ""We hired a stooge to act in the following role in the experiment.""",他们会说,我们请了一个助手在试验中充当实验中一个角色“ +"As it is now for PVP in Mainland China, guild battles with three 24-person teams would already be considered lively.",现在的大陆激战,公会战有三支24人的队伍已经算是很热闹了,随即战中经常找不到队伍。 +"By altering the small animal's brain hormone chemistry, scientists have made a promiscuous meadow vole faithful - just like its prairie vole cousin.",通过改变小动物的脑激素的化学成分,科学家使得一只胡搞瞎搞的田鼠和他的表亲草原田鼠一样忠诚。 +"He also pushed the team forward with constant encouragements and advice to the players in front of him, like a true leader.",布冯的表现还在于不停地鼓励他面前的队友,给他们合理的建议,就像一个真正的领袖。 +The copies of IS1112 in twelve Xoo strains from China were identified using realtime quantitative PCR with this standard plasmid.,利用该标准质粒建立的定量方法测定了我国12种白叶枯菌株基因组中IS1112的拷贝数。 +"Finally, there are no significant veins in the columellar region.",鼻小柱部位没有明显的静脉。 +"In his vain attempt at ""justice"" against nature, the captain meets the ultimate tragedy. This was no documentary, however;",在他向大自然讨回“公道”的徒劳的尝试中,这位船长终究落得悲剧的下场。 +"In this tutorial, you will encode information about individual services in an OWL file.",在本教程中,将把关于个体服务的信息编码到 OWL 文件中。 +"The earthquake killed 308 people, left 600 injured and more than 65,000 people homeless.",这场地震导致 308 人丧生,600 人受伤,超过 6 万 5 千人无家可归。 +Quinn notices and tells Nick that the bullet damaged the muscles in his shoulder and there’s no way he’ll be able to move his arm enough to hit Quinn with the log.,Quinn注意到了,他告诉Nick,子弹伤害了他肩头的肌肉,他是没有办法移动他的手臂来抓起圆木袭击Quinn的。 +"Habit is habit, and not to be flung out of the window by any man, but coaxed downstairs a step a time. (Mark Twain )",习就是习,谁也不能将其扔出窗外,只能一步一步地引它下楼。(马克吐温) +If still be effective account put qian jin to meet now one-time arrest3months. call to the bank again check reliable.,假如还是有效账户的话,现在存钱进去会一次性扣三个月。再给银行打电话核实一下稳妥。 +"Even then, he said he wasn't sure if he would give up the 400 meters for the 100 for the Beijing Olympics.",他表示,那时侯他自己也不确定是否在北京奥运会上放弃400米而参加100米的比赛。 +"Except for a small sliver of technology belonging to Infoflows, Corbis said, all the work produced and the intellectual property was owned by Corbis.",Corbis还说,除了一小部分的技术属于Infoflows,其他所有的工作成果和知识产权都归Corbis所有。 +"A man sells pretzels in front of the Reichstag, the seat of the federal government, during celebrations marking the 20th anniversary of reunification on Oct. 3, 2010, in Berlin, Germany.",德国柏林,德国重新统一20周年庆祝活动中,一名男子在联邦政府所在的国会大厦前售卖椒盐脆饼。摄于2010年10月3日。 +How to calculate the contraction stress of semi-rigid pavement is the precondition to solve the problem.,而如何正确计算半刚性基层的收缩应力,则是解决这一问题的前提。 +Floating-point precision than that of fixed-point higher.,浮点数的表示精度要比定点数高的多。 +"The invention discloses an image searching method based on a region of interest (ROI), which comprises the following steps: selecting regions of objects to be searched by using a rectangular frame;",本发明公开一种基于感兴趣区域的图像检索方法,包括:使用矩形框选定需要检索的目标所在的区域; +Tending the dead of China’s later wars may be trickier; the history is deliberately shadowy.,而处理好以后一系列战争死难者的事务就需要技巧了;历史被有意遮盖了。 +"Men have few natural support groups and little access to social welfare; the men’s-rights groups that do exist in the U.S. are taking on an angry, antiwoman edge.",男性几乎没有自发形成的互助团体,也没有社会福利;美国现存的男性人权组织都处于愤怒之中,有反女性的倾向。 +He has been a male prostitute and a dealer but then things changed.,他当过男妓、贩过毒,但是后来他变了。 +A mother who already has non-identical twins is more likely to conceive another set of twins.,生育过非同卵双胞胎的母亲再怀上双胞胎的可能性更大。 。 +"If the application does not create a transaction, the internal transaction corresponding to the current batch is automatically rolled back.",方法。如果应用程序没有创建事务,则将自动回滚对应于当前批处理的内部事务。 +"CPPU not only showed high activity in inducing parthenocarpy, the parthenocarpy set was as high as 100%, but also promoted the fruit development.",而CPPU处理不仅座果率高达100%,而且促进果实的生长产生单性结实果。 +The work was not difficult nor heavy to me and Iguess Idid well.,那份工作对我而言既不困难亦不沉重,以是我想我还满称职的。 +"China faces many challenges including developing the economy, eliminating poverty, protecting the environment and reducing greenhouse emissions.",解振华说:“中国现在面临发展经济、消除贫困、保护环境、降低温室气体排放等多重挑战。 +"However, it calls for giving, learning to receive disappointment, pains and partings . Thus, life is no longer simple.",但是,这种快乐是要付出的,也要学习去接受失望、伤痛和离别。从此,人生不再纯粹。 +"The farmland is great, your friend?",田宏,你的朋友? +Everywhere I turn these days I find people like Okolloh working to build and refine an information ecosystem we can use to make better decisions. Some are media creators.,这些天在我浏览过的地方,我发现了一些像奥克洛一样的人,他们致力于建设和改善一个新的信息生态系统,人们可以利用这个系统做出更好的决定。 +"People get electrocuted by toasters also, nothing can be made 100% safe.",有人用烤箱时也会触电身亡,没有什么是100%安全的。 +It would raise doubts whether there was any financial anchor at all for the euro arrangements.,这会令市场质疑有关欧元的安排是否有财政准绳。 +"Located in No. 1438 Wuding West Road, Jing'an District. Total space is 2500 sq m. There 8 floors and you can go upstairs by lift.",位于静安区武定西路1438号,总占地面积2500平方米,为8层多层,电梯可以到达家门口。 +Mr. Bush says he is looking forward to getting a first-hand look at the situation in the affected areas.,布什总统表示,他期待着到灾区亲自考察灾情。 +"If the cellulose is crosslinked in the creased or deformed position, it will return to the creased position after deformation.",如果纤维素是在织物褶皱时或变形时被交联的,织物变形之后,它会返回到褶皱的位置。 +The model can be used for either the 3-D coordinate measuring machines or other intelligent instruments for parts measurement.,建立的数学模型既可用于三坐标测量机也可用于其他智能量仪测量零件的同轴度误差。 +"Three Sus culture is quite unique and significant in Chinese cultural history, and worth developing.",三苏文化在中国文化史上是绝无仅有的,是我们应当弘扬的辉煌灿烂的重要文化。 +"British public libraries provides several kinds services, such as guiding bibliographies, lectures, books exhibitions and bibliobuses to improve the public education level.",英国近代公共图书馆通过导读书目、主题讲座、图书展览和流动书车等服务以提高民众的教育水平。 +"The mind is a mysterious, mysterious thing.",人的心智是一个神秘莫测的谜团。 +"It was all the things that I wanted in a framework, particularly in terms of being concise.",在框架中我想要的所有东西,Ruby on Rails都一应俱全,特别是它的简练是我最想要的。 +"""General Sport, Professional Journalism, Pan-Communication, Convergence Media"" can be the guiding principle for the construction of discipline, subject and Courses in SJCD at BSU.",“大体育、专新闻、泛传播、全媒体”是当前北京体育大学新闻学学科、专业、课程建设的指导思想。 +Methods of measuring the balance steady state reactances are presented for 12 phase synchronous machines with cosiderable stator winding resistances.,研究计及定子绕组电阻时十二相同步电机对称稳态电抗的测定,导出了有关计算公式,并在实机上进行了试验。 +A sharp blade is a good blade.,不管美工刀还是手术刀,只要锋利就是好刀。 +"If you no three no four, I will give you some color see see.",如果你继续不三不四的话,我就给你点颜色看看! +"The elephant is not immediately susceptible to such blandishments,however",然而大象不会立刻被这些讨好的括感动 +"Kai-Fu Lee, president of [gm99nd] Inc.'s (GOOG) China operations, is resigning from the company, according to two people familiar with the matter.",据两位知情人士透露,[gm66nd]([gm99nd] Inc)大中华区总裁李开复将辞职。 +"Making high-quality services widely available and accessible to all those who need them, including the poorest and most vulnerable, requires DOTS expansion to even the remotest areas.",使所有需要的人,包括最贫穷和最脆弱的人,都能广泛获得和利用高质量的服务,就必须把DOTS推广到甚至最边远的地区。 +"Originally known as HJenglish.com, YesHJ went live in 2001.",沪江网,原名沪江英语网,于2001年上线。 +Yang Dan et al.,杨丹; 王宁; 叶建明; +"IN the memorials to Steven P. Jobs this week, Apple's co-founder was compared with the world's great inventor-entrepreneurs: Thomas Edison, Henry Ford, Alexander Graham Bell.",本周,在纪念史蒂夫·乔布斯的活动中,人们将这位苹果公司的联合创始人与世界上最伟大的发明家兼企业家托马斯·爱迪生,亨利·福特,亚历山大·格拉汉姆·贝尔等相提并论。 +Nonlinear finite element meth od is used to analyse the static behavior of cold -formed light- gage C-purlins when diaphragm lateral- bracing and torsional restraint arc taken into account.,采用非线性有限元法研究了冷弯薄壁C形檩条在蒙皮板侧向支撑及扭转约束作用下的静力工作性能。 +The article can also be the reference for software programming of microcomputer interlocking station (with track cut point signal).,也可作为微机联锁车站(亦有股道分割点信号机)软件编程时参考。 +"Be prepared to break the rules: These are the conventional rules, the ones where the have's created to help them get bigger while also making it harder for the up-and-comers like you.",准备打破规则:这些都是很常规的规则,其中之一是富人们创造一些有利于他们壮大却对像你一样有进取心的人很难的规则。 +"Article 117 A usufructuary right holder shall enjoy the right to possess, use and seek proceeds from the realty or chattel owned by someone else according to legal provisions.",第一百一十七条用益物权人对他人所有的不动产或者动产,依法享有占有、使用和收益的权利。 +Colostrum is the only supplement you can take to add back antibodies and immune factors.,牛初乳是独一的抗体和免疫因数的补充。 +"Do you know there was a poetess, called Xue Tao, in the Tang Dynasty?",你知道唐朝有一位叫薛涛的女诗人吗? +"More importantly, exhibition could gather many information, technology, goods and talents, which influence and affect the national economy and social development.",更重要的是,会展能汇聚巨大的信息流、技术流、商品流和人才流,对国民经济和社会进步产生难以估量的影响和催化作用。 +A satisfactory fitting result is obtained by using this program with a PDP-11/23 computer.,用提出的程序,在PDP-11/23计算机上,获得了满意的拟合结果。 +"He went on to paris, partially to cover his tracks, i take it .",他又上巴黎去了,我猜想,一部份是为了掩盖他的行迹。 +Objective:To evaluate the efficacy and the safety of Sinupret drops in treatment of acute sinusitis and acute episode of chronic sinusitis.,目的:评价仙璐贝滴剂治疗急性鼻窦炎(包括慢性鼻窦炎急性发作)的疗效和安全性。 +"Monsanto ( MON - news - people ) were also down today, after the agricultural inputs producer posted a drop in second quarter earnings, but beat earnings estimates.",孟山都公司(Monsanto)股价也出现下跌。 该公司公布其第二财季盈利增速下滑,但好于外界预期。 +"Byrd now knew that he would be able to reach the South Pole which was 300 miles away, for there were no more mountains in sight.",伯德这时知道他能够顺利飞抵300英里以外的南极了,因为前面再没有山了。 +The zodiac thrives with them to such a point that it prevents their seeing the weeping child.,黄道带竟使他们专心���看不见孩子在哭泣。 +Don’t wait to love until you have been loved.,不要等到被爱了以后,才去爱别人。 +"I can imagine that the right time might be the end of this century , when our people are living a fairly comfortable life.",可以设想,在本世纪末达到小康水平的时候,就要突出地提出和解决这个问题。 +"Minister of Water Resources Chen Lei attended President Rousseff's inauguration ceremony as Special Envoy of President Hu Jintao, conveying China's warm congratulations and cordial greetings.",胡锦涛主席特使、水利部部长陈雷出席了罗塞芙总统的就职仪式,转达了中方的热烈祝贺和亲切问候。 +"This paper studies the volunteers to non-profit organization management, introduces the concepts of nonprofit organization, and expounds the meaning and type, volunteers definition of volunteerism.",本文主要研究的是对非营利组织中的志愿者管理,介绍了非营利组织的相关概念,详细阐述了志愿者的含义与类型,志愿精神的定义。 +"If you don't mind, I'd much rather you didn't hide your face.",如果你不介意,我宁可你没藏起你的脸。 +"In the US, 60% of adults visit dentists at least once a year for standard check-ups and those practices could be suitable locations to screen for diabetes.",在美国,60%的成年人每年至少拜访牙医一次,以进行标准检查,而这些机构可以是进行糖尿病筛查的合适场所。 +"She has published numerous academic and popular articles in the field of public health, women's and children's health.",她在公共卫生、妇女和儿童健康领域发表了许多学术性和普及性文章。 +"It then asks readers to write XQueries to retrieve XML elements, filter data based on XML values, transform XML output, and use various clauses to select data more precisely.",随后,要求用户编写检索 XML 元素的 XQuery 查询,根据 XML 值过滤数据,转换 XML 输出,并使用各种子句更精确地选择数据。 +The software program may be implemented by transceiver 102 to perform activities according to control information received from DSP 310.,根据从DSP 310接收的控制信息,收发信机102可以实现软件程序以执行动作。 +Consult Standard 62.2 for more information on ventilation strategies and specific requirements and exceptions contained in the Standard.,商议标准取得进一步资讯信息在空气流通策略上和特殊要求与异常处理标准。 +"These results indicate that A. hasta muscle possess high nutritional value and health care function and thus, has promising prospects for further development.",以上结果表明沙光鱼营养价值较高、并具有保健作用,具有较好的开发前景。 +"They are valued as a source of energy, but they may also have some antiquarian value.",他们的价值在于作为能源的地位,但他们也有些古老的价值。 +"Protected objectives, location, height, length, structure and landscaping were designed in accordance with the conditions of Hehuaifu Expressway, based on acoustics principles on noise barriers.",根据合淮阜高逨公路的实际情况,在声屏障声学原理的基础上,设计了声屏障的防护目标、位置、高度、长度、结构和绿化。 +It provides two pipes (or flows) to perform these two basic actions. These pipes are used for sending and receiving data.,它提供了两个管道(或流)来执行这两种基本操作:这些管道用于发送和接收数据。 +McDaniel College-Asian Community Coalition (ACC)-September - China Month.,麦克丹尼尔学院亚裔社区联盟9月中国月。 +"I don't like you anymore, Mr Morello: winning boss battles in Guitar Hero III on expert was nearly impossible",我恨你! 《吉他英雄》的“专家”下打败你简直不可能。 +"For this reason, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency is demanding evidence that these kinds of products are not harmful to the environment.",由于存在上述风险,美国环保局要求生产商出示证据证明这类产品不会对环境造成损害。 +By then Jin Yamei had lost all her relatives in China. She returned through the good offices of the Christina church.,金雅梅在国内已经举目无亲,她是依靠基督教会的关系回来的。 +"Working in a coding environment, Chris shows how to animate the captions and play icon, extend the thumbnails into filmstrips, and modify the filmstrip backgrounds to change on rollover using CSS.",并且演示在编码环境中如何生动化字幕和播放图标,使用CSS来修改视频缩略图的背景幻灯片式翻转变化。 +"So how to solve the flow-induced vibration response and the dynamic characteristic , has been the most important problems that should be solved in the design of gate.",因此如何较为准确求解钢闸门的自振特性以及如何求解闸门各部件的流激振动响应,为闸门的动力设计提供切实依据,是目前急需解决的问题。 +"Dr Aronnax, his servant and a Canadianwhale hunter set out to find the monster.",阿奈克斯博士、他的仆人和一位加拿大的捕鲸人三人出发去寻找那个海怪。 +China is also well aware of its dependence on imported oil and is acting in surprisingly farsighted ways.,中国很清楚地意识到它对于进口石油的依赖,并且在采取卓有远见的行动。 +Objective To investigate the distribution of genetic polymorphisms of human glutathione-S-transferase P1 and M1(GSTP1 and GSTM1) in Hakka population of Meizhou area in South China.,目的了解谷胱甘肽硫转移酶P1(GSTP1)、M1(GSTM1)基因多态性在广东梅州地区人群中的分布规律。 +"The results are discussed and analyzed, considering that adjustment processing for land use areas is helpful to ensure the quality of the data in GIS data capturing and database establishment.",经过实例分析,认为土地利用面积平差处理有利于在GIS数据采集和建库过程中实施质量控制。 +"Saving energy, fan coil adopts high efficient brushless DC motor and functions efficiently, stably and silently.",风机盘管采用了高效的永磁无刷直流电机,运行高效节能、平稳宁静。 +"In conclusion, the results showed that the method of the simulation was a feasible way to ensure a new designed the mini-bus having good crashworthiness.",前纵梁碰撞性能模拟仿真试验表明,运用该软件模拟汽车零部件碰撞,优化设计方案是可行的。 +"Advanced Stock Information - research search engine featuring stock prices, options, splits, charts, live quotes, and more.",高级股票信息研究搜索引擎,以股票价格、选择、密告、图表、实时报价等。 +"To plot this popularity, a linguistics professor has conducted the first 'Emoji IQ' study looking at how the pictures are used and by whom.",为了证明表情符号的流行度,一位语言学教授进行了一项名为“表情符号智商”的研究,旨在探寻是什么人,在如何使用这类表情图片,这类研究尚属首次。 +"Joseph Berkson, the longtime head of the medical statistics division at the Mayo Clinic, observed in 1938 that correlations can also arise from a common effect.",约瑟夫·伯克逊,长期担任Mayo诊所的医学统计部领导,他在1938年发现共同的影响也可以导致相关性。 +Force Majeure : The Seller shall not be held responsible for any delay in delivery or non-delivery of the goods due to Force Majeure .,由于人力不可抗力,而卖方交货延迟或不能交货时,责任不在卖方。 +"Effects of catalyst and solvent amounts, reaction temperature and time, and molar ratio of stearoyl chloride to maltitol were assayed. The optimum conditions of the synthesis are determined.",通过考察催化剂种类及用量、溶剂的用量、反应温度、反应时间、原料配比等对反应的影响,确定了最佳反应条件。 +The algebraic multigrid method can avoid those defects.,代数多重网格法可以避免这些缺陷。 +Microeconomics in the future will lead to more customization and specialization of products for consumers.,在未来微观经济会导致产品的专业化和客户化以方便顾客。 +"Things were so quiet, in fact, that we slept in the next morning, then foraged for blueberries in the bushes around the cabin to make blueberry-studded pancakes.",四周安静极了,我们一觉睡到第二天上午。 起床后我们到小屋外大肆采摘蓝莓来做蓝莓馅饼。 +Objective: To investigate the influence of the expression of retinoic acid receptor genes on the development of B cells in lymph nodes of young children.,目的:研究视黄酸受体基因在小儿淋巴结的表达与B细胞发育的关系,阐明视黄酸促进抗体产生的途径与机制。 +Will frances liss divorce her jailbird husband to marry her tennis pro ?,弗朗西利斯会和她作囚徒的丈夫离婚,嫁给她打网球伙伴吗? +"SYKT. RAHMAN BROTHERS TRAVEL & TOURS SDN. BHD. is a foreign buyer from Malaysia, need to purchase products of Consumer Electronics etc. categories.",该公司是一家来自马来西亚的买家,需要购买的产品类别包括:家用电器等行业。 +"According to the formula to calculate the everyday insolation-duration, it is possible that the everyday insolation-duration on slope is equal to zero.",根据坡面日出日没时角配置关系及其变化规律,坡面的可照时间可根据不同的情况用一组具体的计算公式表示。 +It is also demonstrated that the light source induces electron-hole pairs and enhances the etching rate at the dislocation sites.,提出了腐蚀机理,光照激发位错处产生电子空穴对,加速位错处的腐蚀速率。 +Yet XM is not very efficient when processing these files.,但是,在处理这些文件时,XM 并不十分有效。 +A mirage is an optical illusion founded on waves of heat .,海市蜃楼是基于大气热潮产生的一种光学幻觉。 +"I think we all know that it’s not really about the work of individual organizations, but the aggregate impact we all have on the causes we care about.",我想我们都知道,单个机构所做的其实非常有限,我们对社会所带来的改变是基于所有拥有共同使命的机构在做的事情所形成的合力。 +"In addition, his team looked at some of the family of Park genes; mutations in these genes are associated with an elevated risk of developing Parkinson’s disease.",此外,他的研究组研究过帕氏基因家族,这些基因的变异可能导致患帕金森氏症的风险升高。 +"The mix of WWS sources in our plan can reliably supply the residential, commercial, industrial and transportation sectors.",我们计划中的WWS资源的混合使用能可靠的为住宅、商业、工业和交通领域提供能源。 +Lucid dreaming is a completely learnable skill.,清醒梦完全是门可以学会的技能。 +Method: The anterior retina condensation in combination with contact photocoagulation through scleral ciliary body was performed in 26 cases of advanced new blood vessel glaucoma(28 eyes).,方法:对28例(28只眼)晚期新生血管性青光眼施行前部视网膜冷凝联合接触性经巩膜睫状体光凝术。 +"all of life, and you create all of your life.",神的确是造物主,这意味着你,也是一个创造者。 神创造所有的生命,你创造所有 你的 生命。 +"As chairman, his main role would be ambassadorial, in particular defending the interests of France's largest business district in a race against London to attract blue-chip companies.",作为董事长,他的职责将主要是使节性的,特别是捍卫拉德芳斯区这个法国最大商业区的利益,与伦敦竞争吸引蓝筹股公司。 +"In Scheme, functions are defined by the use of the lambda special form, which creates and returns a nameless procedure.",在 Scheme 中,使用 lambda 特殊行为来定义函数,它会创建并返回一个没有名称的 过程。 +"This paper also discusses the problems exist in the alliance and the threat TTX faces, and put forward effective countermeasures.",通过博弈分析联盟中存在的问题和TTX公司所面临的潜在威胁,提出解决问题与避免威胁的策略。 +Antcom will be operating in a business-as-usual fashion and customers and suppliers should expect no changes or disruptions in service or changes in their Antcom contacts.,Antcom公司将照常营业,客户和供应商不会发生变化,同Antcom公司的业务和合同也不会中断。 +And he has a library of mutant ribosomes that have the right kind of sockets—they’ll accept mirror amino acids.,他还构建了一个拥有正确结合构象的突变核糖体文库。 +I saw a demon below me in Darkwhisper and decided to make the first chapter form a magical tornado of paper and shred its body into a million pieces!,飞到暗语峡谷时,我看到地面上有个恶魔,就决定将第一章撕得粉碎,然后天女散花一般丢下去! +Make sure relevant quality standards by IQC and OQC during inspection.,保证相关来料和成品检验品质标准的落实; +Total Project Cost** US$2294.70 million,"项目总成本** 2,294.7(百万美元)" +"During this trip, which began in Cameroon, the pope has spoken of the need to fight corruption and injustice.",本笃十六世这次非洲行程的第一站是喀麦隆,他在非洲访问期间谈到了打击腐败和不公正的必要性。 +"Non-US cannot be exported from the USA, they are mostly encryption software packages, or software that is encumbered by patent issues.",US软件包不能输出到美国以外的地方, 通常都是加密的软件, 者有专利权的软件。 +"For Ray, the truth is revelatory , a Pandora's Box that threatens to upend not only the Tierney legacy but the entire NYPD.",对雷来说,真理是具有启示性的,这个潘朵拉盒子的威胁不但能够颠覆蒂尔尼的遗产,而且能够颠覆整个纽约警察局。 +"China communication industry policy includes gross adjustment, structure management, strategies and layout of industry development, and resources configuration.",我国通信产业政策主要涵盖总量调节、结构管理、产业发展战略与规划、资源配置等方面的内容。 +"In retrospect, this seems to have been a deft decision as Ramsey is now in the starting lineup at the Emirates.",回顾往昔,现在看来如今已经能在酋长球场获得主力位置的拉姆塞当初加盟枪手的决定是多么的明智。 +"""We are not denying the role of other factors, but the three factors (sunshine, temperature and precipitation) have played a much more important role than others, "" Zhu told SciDev.Net.",朱文泉对本网站记者说:“我们并不排除其他因素对植物生长的影响作用,但是这三种因素(日照,气温和降水量)比其它的都要显得更重要。” +This Part 7 installment focuses on the builds and demonstrations that we carried out as development continued.,这个系列文章的第 7 部分主要关注在我们继续开发的构建和演示上。 +"Most six and seven-year-olds deprived of sleep were less able to communicate and work out basic maths questions, researchers found.",他们发现,大多数睡眠不足的6至7岁的孩子在校表达能力较差,解决一些基本数学问题的能力也相对不足。 +"Alice, the old-friend rice noodles taste so good! I like it very much.",南宁的老友粉真美味啊,我非常喜欢吃。 +BP PLC prepared Tuesday to test a new tight-fitting containment cap that could stop the flow of oil from its blown-out well for the first time.,英国石油公司(BP PLC)准备首次测试一种新型的密封连接防漏罩。这种防漏罩有可能终止其爆裂油井的继续泄漏。 +"'There's a fundamental question of whether the euro will exist in its current form, ' Mr. Cookson says.",库克森说,根本问题在于欧元是否会以当前的形式继续存在。 +"The mouth blood tastes like chocolate-y, minty kind of stuff.",喝的血是巧克力、薄荷味。 +"If it bothers you, your doc may prescribe a cream with lightening agents to fade the spots.",如果这些斑让你觉得很困扰,那医生可以给你开一种乳霜,减轻长斑的症状,并且使斑的颜色变淡。 +"The main materials of roller shutters are made of high-class aluminium alloy baking varnish color plate(or steel baking varnish), inside being polyurethane form materials.",卷帘型材主要是采用高级铝合金烤漆板辊压成型的(或钢质镀锌烤漆板辊压成型),内填充聚氨脂发泡材料制成。 +Narrow-minded people don't seek to explore other paths that seem to be different from their own.,心胸狭窄的人不会另寻别的道路,虽然他们会接触到和自己相似的人,但是很难扩展人脉。 +My team is in first place in the national championship and I have always said that I wanted to play for Zenit.,泽尼特是目前国内联赛的第一名,我为这样的球队效力感到骄傲。 +"Additionally, electronic companies with better corporate governance have higher motivation of reporting asset impairments.",而公司治理较佳的公司,愈倾向一次提列资产减损。 +She still looked at me.Then she finally said,“I don’t understand.He has no mother.He has no bicycle.”,她还是看着我,然后不容置疑地说:“我不明白。 他没有母亲。 +Many countries including China have no standards limiting the amount of dioxane in shampoo and cosmetics.,包括我国在内的许多国家对洗发水、化妆品中所含的二恶烷并未作出限量规定。 +"Send an email to Rosa Golijan, the author of this post, at rgolijan@gizmodo.com.",联系本文作者Rosa Golijan,请发送邮件至rgolijan@gizmodo.com。 +The enhancement rate of 75 cases with incremental dynamic scan was 95 percent.,移动式动态扫描75例,在肝动脉期病灶增强率95%。 +"You'll see amateurs and pros alike using this technique on long, cold descents.",你会看到业余爱好者和专业人士都使用这种技术的长,冷下降。 +"Clusion: The method was found to be simple, quick and accurate for determination of nysfungin in its suppositories.",结论:方法简便,灵敏,准确,可作为该制剂的快速测定方法。 +"VaxInnate, Merck and Acambis, which is owned by Sanofi-Aventis, have each run a small test of their M2 vaccines on healthy volunteers.",赛诺菲安万特所属的VaxInnate、默克和阿坎比斯制药厂分别对健康的志愿者进行了小规模的M2疫苗试验。 +"Yuexiu District, Guangzhou City, now the CPPCC members, executive director of the Guangzhou City Art Association, the Guangdong Artists Association.",现为广州市越秀区政协委员、广州市美术家协会常务理事、广东省美术家协会会员。 +Watson could also link to electronic health records that the federal government wants hospitals to maintain.,沃森还可连接联邦政府希望医院保存的电子健康记录。 +Love is a thirst that is never slaked.,一切嫉妒的核心都是缺少爱。 +"There were big, difficult decisions to be taken during the Gulf War.",在海湾战争中,曾有许多重大、艰难的事务有待决断。 +The news also helped to drive European stocks to close at six-week lows amid concern over flagging global growth prospects and the health of the United States' finances.,"这个消息也带动欧洲股市收在六周以来新低,因全球经济前景及美国财政状况均令人感到忧心." +"For instance, it helps people conform: When we gossip about someone who got fired, we learn what happens to people who break the rules.",比如说,它能让人检点自己的行为。 当人们闲扯某人被开除的事情时,能从中了解不守规矩带来的恶果。 +Sun Shaoping had suddenly sensed a strong curiosity toward that queer book and wanted to find out what on earth the book was about.,他突然对这本奇怪的书产生了强烈的好奇心。 他想看看这本书倒究是怎么回事。 +Can anyone write down the form?,谁能写下这种形式? +"Because of the special electronic shell structure, the rare earth-doped luminescence materials have been provided with outstanding luminescence properties than the other type luminescence materials.",稀土离子由于其独特的电子层结构使得稀土离子掺杂的发光材料具有其它发光材料所不具有的许多优异性能。 +Training yourself to let go of everything you fear to lose. The fear of loss is the pass to the dark side.,练习本人放得开,那些让你惧怕失去的东西。对失去货色的害怕胆怯感是通向黑暗权势的路。 +"Such a measure was to be enforced in 2010, but was postponed by the government with the argument that it might harm the country's tourism.",这个措施本来要在2010年颁行,但保加利亚政府以这项措施可能会损害国家旅游业为由而推迟了该措施的执行。 +Methods A ligation model of left circumflex branch coronary artery was established in 48 rabbits.,方法新西兰白兔48只,结扎兔冠状动脉左旋支,建立急性心肌梗死模型。 +"There are 4 sizeable campgrounds immediately around Lake Alpine, with a few more in the half-mile radius.",高山湖周围露营地有四处,半英里之内还有好几家。 +Every election in Pakistan's history shows the Islamists are a small minority and the more-secular parties are the majority.,在巴基斯坦的历史上,每一次选举都显示伊斯兰主义分子只是少数,大多数选民都支持世俗政权。 +"Let favour be shewed to the wicked, yet will he not learn righteousness: in the land of uprightness will he deal unjustly, and will not behold the majesty of the LORD.",以恩惠待恶人,他仍不学习公义。 在正直的地上,他必行事不义,也不注意耶和华的威严。 +Computerization on audit requires auditors re-recognize the audit and improve the prediction of audit to meet the change of times.,审计处理手段的电算化要求审计人员对审计工作重新认识,增强工作的预见性,以便应对时代的变革。 +The basic condition and its main problems of Shenyang Pneumatic Tools Factory are introduced in the first section.,第一部分为沈阳风动工具厂的基本情况介绍以及企业存在的主要问题。 +""" They get the students in the door, but don't have the services to keep them, "" he says.",他说:“这些大学把学生招进来,却不能提供能留住学生的教学服务。” +"You can run into service versioning issues if changes occur to the interface, but that is beyond the scope of this article.",如果对接口进行更改,您可能会遇到服务版本控制问题,但这超出了本文的范围。 +"We had some ferocious arguments, because I was glad Kennedy was in.",我们曾有几次争得你死我活,因为肯尼迪加入竞选我很高兴。 +The chain's prices don't much affect me (I prefer Whole Foods) but Furman reckoned that they benefited low- and middle-income Americans to the tune of around $250bn a year.,该连锁店的价格对我影响不大(我更偏爱全食超市),但据福尔曼估测,它们使美国中低收入群体每年获益共计约2500亿美元。 +So the wrong-doer cannot do wrong without the hidden will of you all.,做错事的人,若缺乏你们大家的冷漠,也无法做错事。 +"When the for loop exits, I have the lengthBytes array, which conforms to the ASN.1 format.",当 for循环退出时,就得到了符合 ASN.1 格式的这个 lengthBytes数组。 +"A key panel of the IMF said today that it supports giving more voting power to emerging market and developing countries, warning that the legitimacy of the institution was at stake.",国际货币基金组织的一个关键小组今天表示,支持给予新兴经济体和发展中国家更多的投票权,并警告说该机构的合法性危在旦夕。 +"For me, having bridesmaids is an excuse to express how I feel about my friends, to get together and do stuff, and in a weird way, that's what wedding and marriage is about too.",对我,拥有伴娘是表达我对朋友的感觉的、聚在一起做一些事情的一个借口。 从一种怪异的角度来看,这也就是婚礼和婚姻。 +Heat a wok with 4 tbsp of oil until oil is very hot. Stir fry string bean for 3 mins until softens.,热镬放4汤匙油,煮至极热,放入四季豆以大火炒3分钟至软身。 +"Therefore, the earthquake-induced short-term loss of production is likely to be very limited.",因此,地震所带来的短期损失将是极为有限的。 +It plays a key role in it whether the strategy of the company is right or not and how to execute the strategy.,福田汽车有限公司正处在高速发展阶段,战略的正确与否和执行的好坏对公司的发展起着决定性的作用。 +One example of organization is chunking.,组织信息的一个例子就是组块。 +The swelling in his knee looks down.,膝盖的红肿已经退下去了。 +"Shella:Hey, Stan, can you do me a favor?",嘿,斯坦,你可以帮我一个忙吗? +The field experiments of sliding layer made of friction material with fabric were carried out on a 300MW turbogenerator.,本文对纤维织物摩擦材料在30 0MW汽轮发电机上的应用,进行了试验研究。 +"His great, shining eyes seemed to try to bore into her soul.",他炯炯发光的大眼睛似乎要看透她的灵魂。 +"Rescue workers carefully clean an oil-soaked northern gannet bird at a facility in Fort Jackson, Louisiana.",救援人员在路易斯安娜州杰克逊堡( Fort Jackson)的一处救援场所仔细地清理一只浸透了油污的北塘鹅。 +Objective To investigate the treatment of invagination with clivus-dens axis type in base of skull.,目的探讨斜坡-齿状突型颅底陷入的治疗原则。 +"ROME — Park Ji-sung, Manchester United’s tireless midfielder from South Korea, is nicknamed Three Lungs for his remarkable endurance.",罗马——朴智星,曼联队来自韩国不倦的中场球员,三肺的绰号得名于他异常的忍耐力。 +"Painted with the blue and white hexagonal sigils of the Confederacy, vulture droids would plague Jedi and clone pilots on many battlefronts, including the decisive Battle of Coruscant.",绘著独立星系邦联六角形的蓝白徽章,兀鹰机器人可以在很多战场上侵袭绝地和复制人飞行员,包括决定性的科罗森之役。 +"Trevor Phillips, the chairman of the EHRC , will announce a formal investigation within the next few days.",在接下来几天内,EHRC主席特雷弗-菲利浦斯将宣布一个正式的调查结果。 +"He has a right AND left hand, which allows him to not just go up with either hand in the post, but brands him a reliable dribbler as well.",他那一双走右手,不仅可以用任何一只手来传球,而且也可以让他成为一名可靠的运球队员。 +"If the going gets tough and you are at your breaking point, please show resilience. Like the bamboo tree, bend, but don't break!",如果世事艰难,你濒于崩溃,请用弹性面对,就像竹子一样,弯而不折! +"Second, ink: overall proportion toppan down, but the flexible printing inks ratio will rise, and it also accords with the United States and Japan, the development trend of the developed countries.",凸版油墨:整体比例将下降,但是其中柔性版油墨的比例会不断上升,这也符合美国及日本等发达国家的发展趋势。 +Command the children of Israel, that they bring unto thee pure oil olive beaten for the light, to cause the lamps to burn continually.,要吩咐以色列人,把那为点灯捣成的清橄榄油拿来给你,使灯常常点着。 +"Make a grating for it, a bronze network, and make a bronze ring at each of the four corners of the network.",要为坛做一个铜网,在网的四角上做四个铜环 +The water is murky and short of fish and you have to dodge banana boats and jet skis.,这里的水黝暗少鱼,而且你必须躲避香蕉船和水上摩托车。 +"Which begs the question, Why do guys worry and talk about penis size so much?",先不谈论这个问题,为什么男人常常担心和谈论小弟弟呢? +Mr. Liu is with his family.,刘 先生 跟 家人 在 一 起。 +"In the 15 years since it first came on the market, it has become an essential bit of kit.",首次上市后15 年间,泰瑟枪已成为必不可少的配套工具。 +I've done the architecting work. But as mentioned above. I need your inputs to get a more practical system.,我已完成了架构的工作,仍需大家的帮助来使系统更合用。 +Results The lung and intestinal injury in AMG was more serious than that in the YMG.,结果肺炎鼠的肺、小肠组织损伤明显和含水量增高,老龄大鼠组织损伤较青年大鼠严重。 +"In fact, the adjusted solution may be not in agreement with DM's requirement if some rules are not applied.",而事实上如果不按照一定的规律进行调整,就不能保证所求出的新解符合决策者的要求。 +Time is tickling in clock under the cushion.,时间在垫上的钟表里嘀嗒流逝。 +"The former is more the product of brain-power, the latter ofheart-power; and in the long run it is the heart that rules in life.",前者其实就是智慧的产物,而后者则是心灵之美;从长远来讲,心灵乃是人类生命历程的主宰。 +"IN THEORY, fears about the economic damage wrought by a sovereign default should play a big role in disciplining countries considering repudiating their debts.",理论上讲,打算拒绝偿还债务的国家,最大的顾虑是主权(债务)违约会对本国经济造成伤害。 +"By use of the theory of after filter, the problems of selecting new boundary point when several points border upon each other and symmetrical combination for outline points are analyzed.",利用后滤波的原理,对多邻接点时新边界点的选择和轮廓端点的对称合成等问题进行了分析,采用构造拟合曲线查找表进行曲线拟合的方法实现反走样。 +"Cast: Benedict Cumberbatch, Ciaran Hinds, Colin Firth, David Dencik, Gary Oldman, John Hurt, Kathy Burke, Mark Strong, Simon McBurney, Toby Jones, Tom Hardy",演员:本尼迪克特·康伯巴奇,西耶拉·亨兹 科林·���斯,大卫·丹席克,加里·奥德曼 约翰·赫特,,凯西·贝克尔,马克·斯特朗,西蒙·迈克伯尼,托比·琼斯,汤姆·哈迪 +"Like the unavailability of pure drinking water, absence of basic health facility, absence of good educational institutes and lack of infrastructure!",像淡水资源的匮乏,基本健康的缺乏,缺乏良好的教学机构和基础设施。 +"Tissue, Total Protein, Human Adult Normal, Parotid.",组织, 总蛋白, 成年正常人, 腮腺。 +Cherish your animals because sometimes you'll need the quiet comfort that only animals can provide.,爱护你的动物,因为在你需要静静地被安慰时,只能动物才能给你。 +"In light of themarket's standards over years, it has been making innovation constantly and developing new products since its foundation.",建厂以来,按照市场标准不断进行改造,开发新产品,现已拥有先进的浸漆、烘干、静电喷涂等生产流水线。 +This paper presents multi-subject penetration teaching method.,本文提出了多学科渗透教学法。 +"Tell him everything from his conservatories is to be brought here, and is to be packed in felt.",对他说,用毡子把暖房的花统统包好,运到这里来。 +"A kind of series connection correction network is designed, which can obtain high accuracy of guidance and stability and can greatly restrain the non-linear effect caused by laser coding.",本文设计了一种串联校正网络,可以保证比较高的制导精度和稳定性,并且可以较好地抑制激光编码带来的非线性的影响。 +"27Some of the Sadducees, who say there is no resurrection, came to Jesus with a question.",撒都该人常说没有复活的事。 +"Compared with the stone reliefs in other Chinese areas, those in Sichuan are simpler, more lively and more natural.",与其他地区比较,四川画像石精巧活泼,纯朴自然。 +"As they say, better late than never.",正如他们说的,迟到总比不来好。 +"""He (Zardari) made a blunder, he shouldn't have come here especially in a time of crisis when his people are suffering,"" Dar said.",他说:“他(扎尔达里)犯了大错,他不该来这儿,特别是在他的人民身处水深火热之中的危难时刻。” +"“The key is to start small and do business bid by bid, ” Bross says. “You have to work within the capacity of your brand.”","关键是对这些小项目招标投标"",布罗斯认为,""你的工作要和你的品牌能力相符合""。" +"The hole contained small particles of a light-colored substance. Scientists wondered whether the substance was frozen carbon dioxide, salt or water ice.",科学家们就希望知道这些物质是否为冻过了的二氧化碳,还是盐或者是水冻冰块。 +"She is very fond of Chinese classical literature and has spent some time reading Tang and Song poetry, etc.",她很喜欢中国古典文学,诸如唐诗、宋词等都涉猎过。 +"The problems about the position and dimension of the core in the alloy anode were introduced in this article, the resolving measurements were putted forward.",本文介绍了铸造镁阳极过程中钢芯尺寸和位置存在的问题,并提出了解决方案。 +"Liu Yang's paintings show that he has really been infatuated by the mountains, totally unaware of himself. Such devotion, together his simple, unique art language and expressions, is really admirable.",观刘阳的画,却是迷于山而忘于我,加之他那纯朴、独特的艺术语言及表现方法,愈加令人赞佩。 +Now the Europe electric appliance must be coincident with the Europe criterion EN61000-3-2 that is applicable for 75 W or upward input receiving power of most electrical appliance.,现在,欧洲的电气设备必须符合欧洲规范EN61000-3-2,这一要求适用于大多数输入功率为75 W或以上的电器。 +"Man, that's exactly what logs should do, right?",它只比原来多用了一步? +"Besides this, what are other factors?",除此之外,其他因素是什么? +"Part 3, discuses the strategies to use CAI in inquiring teaching in seconding mathematics using two cases.",第三部分结合案例探讨CAI课件在中学数学探究式教学中的应用策略; +"In a reading contest, his daughter carried away the bell.",在一次朗读比赛中, 他的女儿得胜了。 +"Oblivious, Hattie would march steadily forward, and I felt like I was waving out the back window of an automobile that was bearing me away.",海蒂一点儿没注意到,还是稳步向前,我觉得自己像在一辆载着我离去的汽车中从后窗向外挥手。 +A long time I have loved the sunned mother-of-pearl of your body.,许久以来,我爱上你阳光晒过的珍珠母的身体。 +The research result shows that the chaotic self-motion of a redundant robot is influenced by the initial conditions and has a direct relation with its victors in the null space.,研究结果表明,冗余度机器人自运动中的混沌现象不仅与初始条件有关,也与其零空间中的矢量有��接关系。 +"Star will illuminate the night sky, thanks to weigh ourselves. Year others that treat themselves. With thanksgiving heart can accommodate the world.",星星能照亮夜空,感恩可掂量自我。感恩他人,就是善待自己。怀有感恩之心,才能包容全世界。 +"Looking out over that landscape, and seeing my daughter grappling with the immensity of nature, I felt stupid about my morning tirade.",眺望着这片景色,看到女儿不停地抓取自然的浩瀚之图,顿时觉得我之前的唠唠叨叨,实在是 傻得冒烟 。 +"Colour display here is for reference only, they are subject to change to cope with promotion purposes.",分色边颜色样办只供考, 本局将因应推广需要而作出修改。 +It’s like some “zen masters” that brag about how long they sit in zazen. How long you sit is not the point.,就像一些禅宗大师,他们自吹已经打坐多长时间了,而你的打坐时间并不在点上。 +"Other reactions during the clinical trials included gout flare, nausea, injection site bruising, irritation of the nasal passages, constipation, chest pain and vomiting.",临床实验中发生的其他反应包括痛风发作、恶心、注射部位青肿、鼻道刺激、便秘、胸部疼痛和呕吐。 +The excimer laser and intense pulsed UVB light have been shown to be effective in treating vitiligo and hypopigmentation.,受激准分子激光器和强脉冲的UVB激光已显示出治疗白斑和低色素沉着的有效性。 +"Spain, which introduced gay marriage four years ago, has shed its Roman Catholic-inspired suspicion of same-sex couples, Rico said.",Rico说,西班牙四年前允许了同性婚姻,基于罗马天主教、对同性伴侣的疑虑已经荡然无存。 +The realization of above issues may benefit the investigation of restenosis prevention.,对上述问题的了解,将有助于血管再狭窄防治的研究。 +"With the help of adaptive-array technology, wireless carriers will be able to offer far better performance, at a much lower cost, than wired networks do.",有了适应型阵列天线技术的协助,未来有线服务供应商可望以更低的成本,提供超越连线网络性能的服务。 +"Deeply concerned about, such as a spary garland Extremely rooted in the people.",深深的牵挂,像一根长藤扎根在人们的魂灵。 +Objective To explore clinical features of premonitory symptoms between familial and sporadic schizophrenics to provide bases for clinical prevention and cure.,目的探讨家族性与散发性精神分裂症患者前驱症状的临床特征,为临床防治提供依据。 +"In this paper, we discussed hemolysis test about three kinds of impeller blood pumps.",本文针对三种叶片式血泵即离心泵、轴流泵、混流泵的溶血试验做一比较分析。 +A 10.10% incidence of moderate or more serious psychological problem is found with the undergraduates at military medical universities.,军医大学本科生中度以上心理问题发生率占总人数的10 .10 %。 +"Methods Serum and hydrothorax fluid levels of CEA, CA125, NSE were determined with RIA in 88 patients with lung cancers, 100 patients with inflammatory hydrothorax, and 50 controls.",方法:用放射免疫分析检测88例肺癌和100例炎性胸腔积液患者血清、胸腔积液以及50例健康对照组人员血清CEA、CA125和NSE含量。 +Digestive system Cancer Self-care Self-efficacy;,消化系统; 癌症; 自我管理; 自我效能; +"Historically, the world has never been as peaceful asit is now.",历史上来看,世界从未像现在这样平静。 +Increasing agricultural investment is the key to maintain steady and sustained agricultural development.,加农业投入是农业持续稳定发展的关键。 +"Oh, you are after the big bucks, huh? I never thought you'd be so dedicated to money! You're becoming a real ""dough nut""!",噢,你正在向钱看,是吗?我从没想过你是献身金钱的人!你成了一个真正的糖圈饼了! +"""Good Quality and Right Amount"" is our promise to our guests!",保质保量、按时交货是我们对贵客的承诺! +"At least when you invite Nicole over for dinner, you don't have to worry about cooking.",至少在邀请她吃晚餐的时候你不用为做饭而发愁了。 +The newspaper carried the martyr's photo framed in black.,报上登载了框有黑边的烈士遗像。 +Integration of the fixing points in the door frames made of die-cast aluminium ensures easy assembly and minimum tolerances.,新款车在压铸铝车门框架中集成了固定点,这不仅方便了装配,而且实现了公差最小化。 +"We found that the more hemorrhage in the putamen and the more abnormal changes of SEP, the more sever damage to the internal capsule by the hematoma and the more severe the paralysis;",观察到壳核出血SEP异常愈明显血肿对内囊损害愈重,且运动麻痹程度也愈重; +"As the mother of the victim and her husband Dutch act, with the mind and the body pain, rengar finally left the decline of the family, joined the old society by the troupe.",随着生母的被害和丈夫的自杀,带着心灵和身体的病痛,润格终于离开了这个没落的家庭,加入了为陈腐社会所不齿的戏班。 +"About 700 more will be flown out by the end of August, in what France says is a ""decent and humane"" policy of removing people from deplorable conditions.",8月底前,还将有约700名罗姆人被遣送回国。法国方面表示,这项“体面且人道”的政策将拯救深处困境中的罗姆人。 +"They turned it on, and replayed the previously recorded signal from CA1 — like a recorded message from the brain. The rats remembered.",当他们打开了它,并重新播放先前在CA1上记录到的信号,即从脑中记录的信息,这些大鼠记住了。 +"That's far less ""secure"" than TV licences required by Government.",与政府要求的电视特许证相比,商业电视的风险就要大得多。 +"Safe, gentle and effective for cuts, sores and general skin abrasions.",安全,温和,有效缓解皮肤划伤,擦伤及皮肤溃疡。 +Its large lead over India in life expectancy dwindled during the following two decades—falling from a fourteen-year lead to one of just seven years.,在这之后的二十年间,中国人均寿命大幅领先印度的状况逐渐发生变化——从领先14岁一度跌到仅仅7岁。 +"By Abid saying, behind the shooting may be ""enemies of peace"", and this title is usually point to the Afghan Taliban.",按照阿比德的说法,枪击事件的幕后黑手可能是“和平的敌人”,而这一称谓通常指向阿富汗塔利班武装人员。 +Aim To observe the antitussive effect of levodropropizine.,目的观察左羟丙哌嗪的镇咳作用。 +"Washington -- Soon after Tatu Msangi, a registered nurse from Tanzania, discovered she was pregnant, she also learned she was infected with the HIV virus.",美国国务院国际信息局(IIP)《美国参考》Stephen Kaufman 从华盛顿报道,姆桑吉(Tatu Msangi)是坦桑尼亚的一名注册护士。 她在怀孕后不久便发现自己感染了艾滋病病毒。 +"However, many large and meddle-sized construction company mainly adopt CPM at present which can't consider project quality, costs and progress comprehensively.",然而,目前我国各大中型土木建筑工程公司主要以使用CPM项目管理方法为主,未能综合考虑项目质量、成本、进度三大目标之间的相互关系。 +He tries vto fend off these overeager and pushy friends without their feeling slighted.,他想迴避那些过于热切和好胜心强的朋友,却不会让他们觉得他在冷落他们。 +"This grouping, as mentioned above, has everything to do with the branching strategy currently in place.",正如前面所提到的,这个分组需要在适当的位置处理当前的分支策略。 +"The most ironic sentence: People's Liberation Army came, Leighton Stuart walked.",最有讽刺意味的一句话: 解放军来了,司徒雷登走了。 +"There eis nothing ultimately to cling to in this world, Dipa Ma taught, but we can make good use of everything in it.",椠“最终而言,世界上没有什么东西可执着的”,蒂帕嬷如此教导,“但我们可以善用一切东西。 +Contagious: A human head louse clings to a strand of hair,感染力:附着在一根头发上的人类头虱。 +"At his confirmation hearing last month, Defense Secretary Leon Panetta said that the “next Pearl Harbor we confront could very well be a cyber-attack.”",在上个月的证实听证会上,国防部长Leon Paneta说“下一次珍珠港事件很可能就来自于网络。” +"Soon the Negro ""soul sound"" surged into the white mass market.",很快黑人的“灵魂嗓音”进入了白人大众的耳朵。 +"So, it is necessary to decide whether or not to accept the order according to the supply capability and logistics distribution capability in e-Commerce order real-time processing.",为此,需要在电子商务订单处理过程中实时地根据供货能力和物流配送能力来决定是否接受订单。 +"The article take the Xinzhou Power supply Subsidiary company transformer substation project as an example, the multianalysis dry type air reactor earth body has given off heat reason and solution .",文章以忻州供电分公司变电站工程为例,详细分析了干式空心电抗器接地体发热的原因与解决方法。 +The songs at the capstan at the hooker warping out.,渔船绞机歌唱锚链缓缓降。 +"In April, when it came to light that she was concerned about global warming, seven separate resolutions to limit carbon emissions were passed by an overwhelming majority.",四月,当有消息称Proxmire十分关注全球变暖时,7家公司正式决定限制二氧化碳的排放的提议以压倒多数的结果获得通过。 +Clinical research of neck-originated hypertension treated by needle knife;,目的 观察葛根素对高血压性头颈痛治疗效果。 +"Secondly, the US has some key advantages in a world of digital knowledge and technology.",其二,在这个讲究数字知识和技术的世界,美国拥有一些关键优势。 +"Even if the Sicilians successfully start to expand up the peninsula, they will soon have to deal with the Milanese and the Venetians.",即使西西里人成功在半岛上扩张,他们也很快就必需要应付米兰人与威尼斯人。 +"Lines give an image depth, scale and can be a point of interest in and of themselves by creating patterns in your shot.",线条可以使一张照片加深景深,层次,而且可以通过所造成的图案成为吸引人的兴趣点。 +Qingda Auple solar energy special self-contained equipment contains huge business opportunities and provides you a millionaire platform.,清大奥普太阳能专用成套设备蕴藏着巨大的商机,为您提供了一个直登百万富翁的平台。 +"The article, unscrambling the model of wealth's reallocation effects in the new issuance, reveals the particularity of ""share-price -effect"" in the new issuance in China.",本文通过增发新股财富再分配效应理论模型的解读,揭示增发新股股价效应在我国的特殊性。 +"However, historical studies and comments on the subject of the thought trend of quintessence of modern Chinese culture, whether positive or negative, all neglects this factor.",然此历史镜像,过往有关清末民初之国粹思潮的研究中无论是正面肯定亦或负面否定却都未对此加以注目。 +"A nuclear blast is an explosion with intense light and heat, a damaging pressure wave, and widespread radioactive material that can contaminate the air, water, and ground surfaces for miles around.",核爆炸会释放出高能量的光和热,破坏力巨大的压力波,而且四处飘散的放射性物质会污染数周围英里内的空气,水,和地表。 +For the reason why the work was too hard to me I nearly gave up this work.,由于这个工作对于我太苦了我几乎半途放弃。 +"The ELINOR test has not, however, been used to diagnose A(H1N1), as Melo's team says it has been unable to access virus samples.",然而,ELINOR测试尚未被用于诊断甲型H1N1流感,Melo的研究组说他们无法获取病毒样本。 +"Nita would like to get involved with Mr. Right some day, but just now she would prefer to.",妮塔希望有一天能遇上一位白马王子,但现在她只要保持无忧无虑的单身生活。 +The city was zoned for factories and residences.,城市被划分为工厂区和住宅区。 +"When you say macaroni, do you mean spaghetti, tagliatelli, vermicelli, fettuccini, tufali, farfalli, or just macaroni?",你说的通心粉,指的是细面条,粗面条,圆面条,扁面条,实心粉,空心粉,还是只是一般的通心粉? +The thinking of Huangdi' s internal classic about social medicine and medical psychology is related closely to the ancients' clinical practice and ancient Chinese culture.,《黄帝内经》的社会医学思想,源自于古人的生活、生产及医疗实践,亦和古代的历史文化密切相关。 +She used flattery to worm her way/herself into his confidence.,她用阿谀奉承的手段骗取他的信任。 +"As 1911 demonstrated, democracy enters China only by smashing down the door.",正如辛亥革命表明的那样,民主只是通过砸烂其门才得以进入的。 +All you have to do is click on the timer below to head over to Tick Tock Timer.,你必须要做的就是点击眼前的计时器超越时间。 +"She assisted with Debra's housing and her finances, walking alongside to help her plan for the future.",她在找房子和经济上帮助底波拉,并与她一起筹谋未来。 +"Through this essay, we can find out that the relationship between Petrarch and the Christianity involved different aspects of Petrarch's life.",通过本文我们可以看出,与基督教的关系涉及到彼特拉克生活的很多方面。 +"BYD looked at a few other cities, including Portland, Ore., and Glendale, a suburb of Los Angeles.",比亚迪之前考察过其它几个城市,包括俄勒冈州的波 特兰(Portland)以及洛杉矶郊区的格兰岱尔市(Glendale)。 +CDPD is currently regarded as the best wireless data communications.,当前,CDPD被公认为是无线数据通信的最佳方法。 +And more detailed design specifications and guidelines could help prevent programmer-specific foibles.,而且更加细致的设计说明文档和指南也有助于避免程序-说明文档的弊端。 +Characters and plots from the Bible appear frequently in Visotsky's poems.,在维索茨基的诗歌中,经常可以见到出自《圣经》的人物形象和情节。 +"This paper verified the effectiveness of the fault diagnosis method based on 2D-HMM for centrifugal pump, by applying several signal feature extraction methods combining 2D-HMM model.",在应用本文所采用的几种信号特征提取方法的基础上,结合2D-HMM模型,验证了基于2D-HMM的离心泵故障诊断方法的有效性。 +"The death-spell was broken: Love had conquered Law! Mad with exultation I shouted -- I must have shouted,' He sees, he sees: he will understand!'",我几乎狂喜,疯狂的喊叫着--我肯定喊了。 “他看见了,他看见了:他会明白的!” +All other records will be created and added to the employee instance being edited only as needed.,所有其他记录都只有在需要时才会被创建并添加到正在编辑的员工实例中。 +"This visage, no mere veneer of vanity is a vestige of the vox populi , now vacant, vanished.",容貌只是浮华的外表,而它更是人民心声的显露,现在已经空缺,消逝了。 +The crime of commercial espionage is a kind of intentional crime and its subjective aspect shouldn't include negligence.,侵犯商业秘密罪是一种故意犯罪,其主观方面不应包括过失。 +"And LZ in the professional and international trade, if the future work to expand overseas business will be more than what the language is always a good thing.",而且LZ的本专业又是国际商贸,如果以后工作想拓展海外业务什么的多会以门语言总是好事。 +"The policy could come back to haunt health officials if the bug, like a closely related strain of winter flu, becomes resistant to the anti-viral drug.",如果这种和冬季流感病毒株关系极为密切的病毒(甲型H1N1流感)开始对抗病毒药物产生耐药性的话,这个方案可能会再次困扰卫生官员。 +"Once Mars moves into Leo and your third house, you might travel short distances quite a bit - much more than usual.",当火星移入狮子座也就是你的第三宫,你短途旅行的次数将会变多——远多于平常。 +"Although he failed in imperial ex- amination more than twenty years, he still regarded it as his only goal in his life.",他虽然二十多年科场不利,但仍然将举业作为他人生唯一的目标。 +The results is shown that the important flavor constituents in the flue-cured tobacco leaves from the different regions and different grades existed difference;,结果表明相同品种、不同地区、不同等级复烤烟叶中重要致香物质的含量差别较大; +"Experiencing the margin-to-center journey in his life, Naipaul has figured a series of lonely and impressive exiling intellectuals.",奈保尔经历了由边缘到中心的生活历程,其作品塑造了一系列孤独而又感人的流亡知识分子形象。 +Now the headquarters of Henkel in China is located in Shanghai.,汉高中国总部设在上海。 +"The ""show of support is nice but this is far too vague a comment to get excited about,"" said GLC's Chan.","这显示支持是好的,但过于模糊,让人兴奋不起来." +"Image processing was completed by border line method to get the deviation. Therefore, detecting deviation and rectification online were completed by the method.",通过采用边缘直线方法对倾斜图像进行处理,获取跑偏信息,从而实现在线监测和纠偏。 +Below is a list of current day alternative treatment suggestions to everything from stuffed noses to achy muscles to splinter removals.,下面是目前流行的一般家庭疾病的可替代治疗方法,从治疗鼻塞到肌肉疼痛,以至到如何拔刺等等。 +"Students might spend another $3, 000 to prepare for any standardized tests, that is, if they don't pay for someone else to take it instead.",学生可以另付3000美元接受培训以应付任何标准化的考试,那是在他们没有花钱请人替考的情况下。 +"If so, China might have to wait for the carrier after the potentially hollow Shi Lang.",如果是这样的话,那么中国可能需要等“施琅号”之后出现更加强大的航母。 +"He was also being tested for alcohol and drugs, and his shoes were held as evidence, said the official, speaking on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to talk to the media.",该官员还表示,伊拉克安全人员还在测试记者扎耶迪事前是否曾饮酒和吸毒,而他所扔的鞋子也已作为呈堂证供被扣押。不过,这名官员声称没有获得向媒体通报此事的官方许可,因此拒绝透露个人姓名。 +"Proposed stresses the security with the hard skill, is the present stage safety control circumstance need, also carries out science development view, persists the humanist concrete motion.",提出用铁的手腕抓安全,是现阶段安全管理情势的需要,也是落实科学发展观,坚持以人为本的具体行动。 +Results The sonograms in 11 patients showed anechoic cysts in 14 patients showed slight strong echoic ring 13 of which had flow signals around the rings;,结果超声检查11例探及囊样无回声;14例探及稍强回声环,其中13例见血流信号环绕; +"It is clear that the ill-structured surface destruction and slip is influenced by the geological structure significantly, and the numerical method based on continuum theory does not seem to work well.",不良结构面滑移是其中的一种典型破坏形式,这种形式的滑坡和地质构造有紧密的关系,用常规的连续介质理论无法模拟岩体破坏、分离和滑移的大位移过程。 +"He did not announce any new initiatives on the issue, but called overhauling the U. S. immigration system ""a moral imperative.""",他没有宣布关于这个问题的任何新的措施,但是要求彻底改革美国的移民系统,认为这是“道德需要”。 +"At this point she takes her attack normally against an adjacent to her, which potentially sets up flanking opportunities for her comrades.",在这个地方她以正常的方式攻击了一个靠近她的敌人,而这有可能使她的盟友得到夹击的机会。 +"Kindergarten types, geographic zones, and budget ranges cannot significantly predict qualities of Guo-You kindergarten classes.",幼托型态、区域、及预算范围不能有效地预测国幼班餐点品质。 +The kinetics of zinc absorption of jejunum and that of ileum were compared in perfused rats by a two-compartmental model.,用二房室模型比较了原位灌流的大鼠空肠和迴肠锌吸收速率常数及动态过程。 +A cloth dragon swayed on poles amidst a cheering crowd.,人群围着旗杆上飘扬的布龙欢闹。 +"That SAFER Act and that fire act has provided us significant equipment -- money, funding rather for significant equipment -- face pieces, self-contained breathing apparatus, things of those nature.",《短期模拟消防与应急准备法》和消防法已经给了我们装备,给了购买重要设备——面罩、自助式呼吸器等等此类东西的拨款。 +The content of flavone of various breeds and big or small lotus stem are not obvious difference.,品种和荷梗大小不同黄酮含量差异不显著。 +"Look off, dear love, across the sallow sands.",看啊,亲爱的,菜色的沙滩那边。 +Animal health analysis methods-detection of antibodies against brucellosis by the serum agglutination test.,动物健康分析方法。用血浆凝结试验探测布鲁氏菌病抗体。 +What water do you think you are?,你以为你系乜水啊? +She reported well of the service at this restaurant.,她说这家饭馆的服务态度很好。 +We have completely overhauled the IP and XP system in order to make it more fair.,我们为了更加公平,重制了IP和经验系统。 +Deputy Director-General of the Information Department of the Foreign Ministry Tian Qi chaired the briefing in which nearly 100 Chinese and foreign journalists participated.,外交部新闻司副司长田琦主持吹风会,近百名中外记者出席。 +Toyo had realized the sound of one hand.,丰雄终于领悟到只手声音了。 +"As the bandit ran past Odious' hiding place, Odious cracked him in the nose!",当强盗们跑过欧迪亚斯躲藏的地方, 欧迪亚斯打断了他的鼻子! +It is improved from GUSA type impulse CVT.,它是GUSA型脉动式无级变速器的改进。 +The colors in the roof start with vermilion red at the entrance and gradually shade to gold at the departure gates.,从入口到登机口,屋顶的颜色由朱红渐变成金黄。 +"It is a ever lasting endeavor for us to set up credit with our service, seek development on the basis of quality, explore market through creating our brand and win customers by our sincerity.",以服务创信誉、以质量求发展、以品牌拓市场,以诚信赢客户”是我们永恒的追求。 +"To capture this, we have carefully designed a 3-day core program together with a postgraduate course which will bring you the latest updates and an excellent occasion for scientific exchange.",为应对这个情况,我们设计了3天的核心课程以及继续教育课程,届时将为各参会代表带来一系列的更新及一个学术交流的良好机会。 +Behind them waterfalls cascade down in the silvery light.,在他们身后,瀑布闪烁着银光飞泻而下。 +Shrinkage trend of cement containing 10% GGBS is similar to Portland cement.,掺加10%矿渣时,收缩特征与硅酸盐水泥相似; +There are two approaches to consciousness in cognitive neuroscience:building-block approach and unified field approach.,塞尔把针对意识的认知神经科学研究区分成如下两条进路:建构块进路和统一场进路。 +One of the way to enhance the economic benefit for nuclear power plant is to deepen burnup and extend reload cycle.,加深燃耗和延长换料周期是提高核电站经济效益的手段之一。 +Choose foods with the least sugars and the most fiber.,尽量选取含糖量较少而又富含粗纤维的食物。 +"The smokers demonstrated cortical thinning in the left medial orbitofrontal cortex (mOFC), an area that is suggested also to be linked to a person's susceptibility to drug addition.",吸烟者显示其左内侧皮质前额皮层(mOFC)变薄,这个区域通常与人们易于药物成瘾有关。 +Objective: To establish PCR assay for rapid detection of Treponema pallidum.,目的:建立聚合酶链反应(PCR)用于快速检测梅毒螺旋体。 +"Meiming considers environmental protection as its aim, and it will help people achieve perfect health through innovative thoughts of herbal retreat and high quality products.",美明以“绿色环保”为宗旨,通过创新的草本养生理念及优质的产品,帮助人体达到理想的健康状态。 +03/01/11 Why are so many state legislators beginning to call for issuance of a form of gold money?,为什么如此多的美国立法议员开始号召黄金货币的发行呢。 +Methods: A retrospective analysis of patients with insulinoma was conducted. Patients with prior gastric bypass were excluded.,方法:我们回顾性分析了胰岛素瘤的患者,其中排除了之前接受胃旁路手术的患者。 +"China should step up the research on exploring the China-Russia oil trading market as well as the research on Russia′s laws, politics, economy and trade relating to the oil sector.",我国应加大开拓中俄石油贸易市场的研究力度,进一步加强俄罗斯石油领域相关法律、政治、经济贸易等方面的研究。 +"On the project post-evaluation, the thesis introduces its conception, characteristics, classification, and discusses its basic process, main content and its guideline system.",关于项目后评价则主要介绍了后评价的概念和特点、分类,探讨了后评价的基本步骤、后评价的主要内容、后评价的指标体系等。 +It is certainly acceptable to be an advocate for your baby's health by asking questions and listening to responses.,向医生提出疑问并听取回应,做你孩子健康的 监护者是切实可行的。 +"And of that 11 percent, only 20 percent are pack-a-day smokers, versus 40 percent in the rest of the country. So that's sort of how the numbers pan out.",而在加州百分之11的吸烟人口中,只有百分之20的人每天吸一包,而其它州是百分之40。 +"To guarantee the successful implement of all PE industry policies, PE authoritative agency must orientate equitably and transform function to promote PE development.",为了保证各项体育产业政策的顺利实施,体育主管部门要合理定位,转变职能,以促进体育事业的发展。 +"When net scale is expanding , because the limited of frequency souse , frequency reusing radio will increase .",在网络规模不断扩大的情况下,由于频率资源的限制,频率复用度必然增加。 +A more sophisticated approach suggests it would be prudent to act before this tipping point is reached.,一个更加复杂的方法提示,在这个转折点到来之前,行动是谨慎的。 +"The Hebrew word is Tehom. It means ""deep"" And etymologically it's exactly the same word as Tiamat: The ""at"" ending is just feminine.","希伯来词语是Tehom,它的意思是“混沌’,从词源来说,它和Tiamat意思完全相同:,“at“是阴性的词缀。" +"In the Chinese capital - Beijing, this has been called the ""fog"" of the city, still has not improved look.",在中国首都 鯥——北京,这个已被称为“雾都”的城市,仍然还没有好转的样子。 +Even stock options - the Holy Grail of the mid-1990s IPO craze - are offered less frequently.,即使是股票期权-这一九十年代中期首发上市(IPO)热潮中的圣杯-现在也较少提供。 +"Then at the other end, Kaka fired over from close range after Kaladze first-time flick had been pushed out by goalkeeper Sebastian Frey.",在球场另一端,卡拉泽第一时间抢射被门将弗雷扑出,卡卡近距离补射却高出横梁。 +Who were the organisms that would survive those conditions and then contribute to the gene pool?,"什么生物体可以在那样的条件下存活,这又会导致基因库怎样的改变" +"In1987 am way donated a seven-seat mobile library ""joy van"" in support of the caritas child development project.",1987年,安利捐赠一辆七座位流动图书车,以支持明爱儿童发展计划。 +This image was taken as the airplane was being prepared for yet another test flight out of KRNT.,这张照片是当飞机正在又一飞行试验KRNT了准备。 +And demand for that service can be higher than elsewhere.,而在中国,售后服务需求比别处要高。 +An IP-connected user does not need to order special three-way connectivity service from the networking company.,一个IP连接的用户不需要为了三方连接专门向网络公司提出申请。 +"Look from aching property, clonic angina person, see at cholelith disease, bravery more ascarid, intestinal obstruction, enteritis;",从疼痛性质上看,阵发性绞痛者,多见于胆石症、胆道蛔虫、肠梗阻、肠炎等; +"HIV is a member of the family of viruses called retroviruses, and retroviruses all use RNA as their genetic material.","IV是一种逆转录病毒,所有逆转录病毒均以RNA作为遗传物质" +If conditions will ripen and we think there will be a diplomatic solution that will ensure a better security reality in the south we will consider it.,如果时机成熟,我们能找到通过外交解决问题的办法,确保南部安全问题的话,我们会考虑。 +CONRAD : I wonder if you can cook things this good.,康瑞德:我在想,你能煮得这么好吃吗? +"When it comes to eye colour though, the dark side was trounced by the light, with a massive 40.2 of men preferring blue eyes over any other colour.",而说到眼睛颜色,深色就不敌浅色了,多达40.2%的男士最喜欢蓝眼睛。 +"The executive order invoked the International Emergency Economic Powers Act, which we had earlier used successfully against the Cali drug cartel in Colombia.",该决策令援引了《国际紧急经济权力法》,我们曾成功运用该法令打击哥伦比亚的卡利派毒品垄断组织。 +The antioxidative function of carnosine and its potential as a natural antioxidant in meat and meat products is indicated.,本文综述了肌肽的抗氧化作用并揭示其在肉和肉制品中用做天然抗氧化剂的潜能。 +Feature - The production of luxury goods has been doubled. The traders have been accordingly altered. Now you can trade all goods 1:1.,特产品-奢侈品的采集被加倍。因此交换(的规定)亦被改变。现在你可以以1:1交换所有的物品。 +I deliver myself entirely unto them.,我将自己完全交给他们。 +"But he says he is now happy with a 700-member house church in Haidian district, which meets openly almost all the time.",但是他说,现在在海淀区一个经常公开机会的家庭教堂里,他与700名成员相处愉快。 +Can turn into a triage combined transmission and delivery systems.,可以制作成转弯输送和分流合流输送系统。 +Losing a child is most people's worst .,对于大多数人来说,丧子之痛是最可怕的梦魇。 +Licensing accustoms news organization operations to seek government approval. It affords another means of controlling the press and promoting self-censorship.,执照制度使新闻机构会习惯于在运作中寻求政府认可,进而成为控制媒体和助长自我审查的又一手段。 +"The Finance Department will have clerks to do the simple paperwork, accountants to prepare the formal reports and auditors who will check what the accountants do.",财务部的办事员做简单的书面工作,会计准备正式的报告,而审计人员检查会计的工作。 +"A five o'clock shadow is facial stubble, it sometimes describes a man's beard at the end of the day.","原来five o'clock shadow是指胡子,就是男生一天下来,到下午五点就会长出来的一点点胡子, 所以人们就用five o'clock shadow来形容男生脸上的胡子茬子。" +"Stereogram of mining working system was conventionally done by hand or with special device, such as affinigraph, axonometergraph.",矿山巷道系统立体图一般常用手工或专门设备(如轴测仪或仿射仪)绘制。 +"The Advanced Land Imager (ALI) on NASA’s Earth Observing-1 (EO-1) satellite captured this natural-color image of Persepolis and the surrounding region on January 5, 2004.",2004年1月5日,美国航天局地球观测1号(EO-1)卫星高级陆地成像仪(ALI)拍摄到这张波斯波利斯及其周边地区的自然色照片。 +"Because a service container can store and retrieve services, they are also considered service providers and as such implement IServiceProvider.",因为服务容器可以存储和检索服务,所以它们还被视为服务提供程序,并因此实现了 IServiceProvider。 +Support for new DB2 64-bit servers.,对新的 DB2 64-bit 服务器的支持。 +The kid moved to the side and used Jay as a shield for Terrance's haymaker.,他闪到一边,把杰当作挡箭牌,避开了特里斯的强击。 +We are finally going to go home.,我们正将踏上归家的最后一步。 +"There were smiles, as cameras flashed in photo ops, but beneath the surface ... a grimness.",闪烁在照片上的是领导人们的微笑,但是表面下却是严峻的形势。 +"The super-mother's name is Wu Juping, 32- year-old.",这位超级妈妈名叫吴菊萍,今年32岁。 +"Any of a breed of medium-sized hunting dog originating in England and having straight legs and a smooth, black and white or tan and white coat.",英国培育的一种中等个头的猎狗,直腿,毛光滑,毛为黑白相间或黄褐与白相间。 +"Displayed on top are books, seasonal clothes and other collectibles.",上面陈列的有书,现在正在穿的衣服和其它我们收集来的东西。 +Results All patients have gained a satisfactory operative effciency.,结果全部病例矫形满意。 +The soldiers hastily constructed a crude log fort.,战士们匆忙地建造了一座简易的木头馒垒。 +A man's success depends chiefly on himself.,一个人的成功主要靠自已。 +A new approach to the designing of hydraulic vibrating system on the principle of self-sustained oscillation is proposed.,本文提出了一种运用自激振荡原理设计液压振动系统的新方法。 +"But when it failed, but also aroused the victory of the heart in the valley.",而出手便遭遇失败,也激起了神谷的好胜之心。 +Engineering plastics parallel to PTFE for instance would be designed and produced given time to feed the carving industry in China.,假以时日,人们将设计和生产诸��PTFE(聚四氟乙烯)之类的工程塑料,以供中国的雕刻行业使用。 +"RESULTS: We got 1206 pieces of clinical record, in which 934 are wind-cold type, and 272are cold-wetness type.",结果:共收集符合条件的病历资料1206份,其中风寒证934份,寒湿证272份。 +Our surgical tools allow us to operate on all parts of the body with a minimum of trauma and blood loss.,我们的外科手术工具使我们可以对身体任意部分做手术,而带来最少的失血和创伤。 +This paper introduces the practical application and the technical scheme of small billet CC - HCR without shutting down.,本文简要介绍了不停产改造,实现小方坯远距离热送热装的技术方案及应用效果。 +"Exports from 1973 onwards Boletus white, sold in Western Europe, a very popular and demand has exceeded supply.",从一九七三年起出口白牛肝菌,销往西欧,极受欢迎,供不应求。 +"On the Fangshan cloud water tunnel located at Jingxi south 62 kilometers, is north part of China the biggest limestone cave, for Beijing suburbs famous scenery Buddhism tourist attraction.",上方山云水洞位于京西南62千米,是中国北方最大的溶洞,为京郊著名山水佛教游览胜地。 +"When one or both have been hurt, the Lakers went 19-13, a 59 percent win ratio.",当他们中的一个或是全都伤病时,湖人战绩只有19胜13负,59%的胜率。 +"It is the character of every few men to honor without envy a friend, who has prospered.",很少有人能够尊重取得成功的朋友而不怀妒忌之心。 +The tactical fields are outside the camp.,战术训练场地在营区之外。 +But the males can be unscrupulous.Some offerings contain inedible plant seeds or empty insect exoskeletons.,但雄蜘蛛可就有点不道德了,一些礼物里面是不能吃的植物种子或者昆虫空骨头。 +The activation of Notch1 can result in growth inhibition of prostate cancer cell.,Notch1信号激活导致前列腺癌细胞的生长抑制。 +"To facilitate processing with computer, Name and Title should be in capital letter and limited to 35 characters each. Photocopy of this Entry Form is acceptable.",为方便电脑处理,请用大楷英文填写姓名及地址。姓名及题名以三十五个字母为限,欢迎使用本表格之影印本。 +The conclusion is that the Woodchips float. Premise 1?,结论是木片能浮起,前提1? +"This article has made suggestions to the calculation method, procedure and main item for the controlling of the cost targe…",文章对工程项目目标成本测算的方法、程序、考虑的主要内容等提出了建议。 +You are choosing what you value more: the payoff or the tradeoff!,你正在选择你认为更有价值的:回报还是代价! +A discount of30% off the manufacturer's recommended retail price .,按生产商推荐的零售价打七折。 +"The SSSCA was later renamed to the unpronounceable CBDTPA, which was glossed as the ""Consume But Don't Try Programming Act"".",SSSCA后来被更名为CBDTPA(很难发音),大家把它故意叫成“消费但不要尝试编程法案”。 +"Air pollution is a major cause of lung cancers, as harmful granules enter the lungs and cannot be discharged.",空气污染是引发肺癌的主要因素,因为有害颗粒一旦进入肺里就无法排出来。 +The computer games itself is only a tool like knife.,电脑游戏是一种像刀一样的工具。 +"Using waste wood, according to drawing with balloons, build chariots with water and ranged attacks.",利用废木,根据图纸搭建战车,用气球装水,进行远程攻击。 +"Now, I realize thatsome of you have a different theory on how to grow the economy.",现在,我知道你们中的有些人对于如何振兴经济有着不同的理论。 +"For example, I can tie a knot and hammer a nail, but frankly I can\\\'t recite a poem from memory, and bow ties still confuse me.",比如,我会捆扎物品或者在墙上钉钉子,但是,坦白的说,我不擅长背诵诗歌以及打领结。 +"The French government the racists in the country adopted a sullying propaganda, restriction on actions and even slaughtering policies to the Algerian immigrants.",法国政府和法国种族主义者对阿移民先后采取了侮蔑性宣传、行为限制乃至屠杀的政策; +"As China's car ownership has increased year by year, the problem of park arduously is hindering the city's development.",随着我国汽车保有量的逐年增加,停车难的问题正严重阻碍着城市的发展。 +"So the meaning is derived in a much more precise way - or rather, there is less guessing.",这样对语义的理解会更为精确,或者说减少猜测性。 +"Soon a foolish young rabbit which was passing that way smelled the bran, and being very hungry, hopped right into the bag.",不久,一只傻呼呼的小兔子从袋子旁边窜过,闻到了糠的香味,感到很饿,就径直跳到袋子里。 +Visibility: There are three sets of runway visual range transmissometers located at the runway of the Hong Kong International Airport.,能见度:天文台在香港国际机场跑道上安装有三套跑道视程透射表。 +So dynamic analyses and precise calculation can be realized for work roll's temperature. Then those can forecast work roll's transient temperature distribution whi…,使用该模型实现了对工作辊温度的动态分析和精确计算,预测工作辊非稳态轧制时的瞬态温度分布、稳态温度场和终轧后空冷时的温度场。 +"When receiving reporters telephone interviews, Runan Wang, leader of the Chinese delegation presented that, overall speaking, the strength of the Korean team was stronger than the Chinese team.",中国代表团团长王汝南在接受记者的电话采访时介绍,从整体来说,韩国队的实力要强于中国队。 +"The severity of theblow was felt on the stock market on Monday, where shares in the travel andleisure sector were hard hit.",星期一,动乱对股票市场的打击开始显现,旅游和休閒类股票遭到重创。 +"Even the knives seemed loosened in their sheaths, impatient for the bloody and merciless work to begin.",甚至他们好象迫不及待地连匕首都出鞘了,单等这件血腥而残酷的行动开始了。 +"It's a perfect circle with a single path that goes around it, and you can walk the whole circumference in about an hour.",正圆形的岛只有一条环岛步道,一个小时内即可走完整个圆周。 +"Ming suddenly wake up over, he and Linda is still in death, as soon as possible out of the woods, he also feel tighter breathing, presumably dead, ventilation fan doesn't work, the thin air.",明一下子猛醒过来,他和琳还处在鬼门关前,要尽快脱离险境,他也感到呼吸发紧,大概是没电了,换气扇不工作,空气稀薄吧。 +Player must confirm his entry with China PGA Championship Tour Organizing Committee. The Committee is not responsible for any missing entry request.,参赛球员有义务自行查询报名结果,锦标赛组委会将不对在提交过程中遗失的报名表负责。 +"Unkind Hermia, if you had any pity, grace, or manners, you would not join with men in laughing at your poor friend.",没情没义的荷米亚,如果你有点同情心,慈悲心,或一些礼貌的话,就不应该和男人一起嘲笑你可怜的朋友。 +The following Test Procedure is one of several that is recognized throughout the United States for verification of the functioning of backflow preventers.,下列检测程序是几种美国公认的防回流阀功能检测程序之一。 +"Who was the first person to look at a cow and say, ""I think I'll squeeze these dangly things here, and drink whatever comes out?""",不知道是谁第一个看见母牛,就敢说:“我要使劲挤一挤那两排倒吊着的玩意儿,流出来的是啥俺就喝啥”? +"Students' moral character can be regulated by themselves through self-generated factors. Similarly, they can also be affected by external factors.",学生的道德品质可以通过自我生成的因素,自己调节,同样也会受到外在因素的影响。 +"Beginning with an ""Ant on an Apple,"" illustrations, simple text, and a pesky fly who will not stay on his page introduce the letters of the alphabet.","以""苹果上的一只蚂蚁""的图画开头,文字简单,一只不愿意呆在它的页面上的讨人厌的苍蝇,介绍着字母表里的字母。" +Objective To evaluate CT virtual endoscopy(CTVE) for determining safe surgical entrance points for paranasal benign lesions.,目的评价CT仿真内窥镜(CTVE)在确定副鼻窦良性病变手术入路点方面的价值。 +Murderer of my father and brothers!,害我父弟,不共戴天之仇! +I have been a vegan since 1985.,自1985年以来,我一直是个纯素食者。 +The influence of infectious factor should be avoid in evaluate iron deficiency by mean of ZPP. It is helpful to measure ZPP in children with infectious diseases.,应用ZPP筛查铁缺乏症时,应避免感染因素的干扰,ZPP也可作为儿童感染及感染严重程度的观察指标。 +The goods were landed from the ship .,货物被从船上卸到岸上。 +"The black sea water, reduce the Aegean sea salt less salty degrees.",黑海水流含盐量少,降低爱琴海海水的咸度。 +"Don't be such a worry wart, you have to learn how to relax.",别杞人忧天了,你要学会看开一点。 +Objective To propose a new method for content-based retrieval from medical CT image database on the basis of automatically extracted features of the images.,目的自动获取CT图像特征,提出实现基于内容的CT图像数据库检索新方法。 +"This drought was the worst in 30 years and affected China’s principal wheat-growing areas, damaging several hundred thousand acres of farmland.55",这是过去30年来最严重的一次干旱,影响到中国最重要的小麦产区,受灾面积达数十万英亩(55)。 +"According to Bella DePaulo, pathological liars lie even when telling the truth would be better.",Bella DePaulo说过,病理学���的骗子谎言,即使是说真话也会好些。 +The story of plate tectonics begins with the German scientist Alfred Wegener in the early part of the twentieth century.,板块构造论是由德国科学家Alfred Wegener于二十世纪早期开创的。 +Speak from notes — not from a verbatim script.,根据大纲演讲— 不要照着一字不差的讲稿演讲。 +But there was something wrong with all of them.,他们所有人又都有些不对劲。 +"He published poetry collections ""Travel in map"", "" To Xiao Pei"", ""Poems of Sun Wenbo"", ""Bike in 60s"", ""Simple compliment"", ""Related with unrelated"" and review "" Writing, writing"".",迄今已著有诗集《地图上的旅行》、《给小蓓的俪歌》、《孙文波的诗》、《六十年代的自行车》、《简单的赞美》、《与无关有关》、文论集《写作、写作》。 +"Take a not dissimilar goal from Gerrard in the 2006 FA Cup final, which was described by both Wikipedia and this site as a volley even though it bounced twice before he thrashed it into the net.",拿一个没什么不一样的进球来说,杰拉德在2006年足总杯决赛的那个进球,wikipedia和卫报都将说成是抽射,尽管球在被他踢进球门前弹地两次。 +"In Carmageddon 2: Carpocalypse Now, your victims not only squish under your tires and splatter blood on the windshield, they also get on their knees and beg for mercy, or commit suicide.",在《恶车杀手2》中,受害者不但死于车轮之下,鲜血溅满挡风玻璃,而且还要跪下求饶或自杀。 +"The game is introduced: This son goes out to play happily and harmoniously , even dog has taken, very miserable when gone home, no one takes the key, have to climb the wall home.",游戏介绍:这家子其乐融融外出游玩,连狗狗也带上了,回家时可惨了,谁也没带钥匙,只好爬墙回家了。 +Cape Town Travel has a good list of recommended operators).,开普敦旅游社有很好的旅游路线。 +"That’s a part of life, you might say, learning these lessons.",你也许会说,这是生活的一部分——从经验教训中学习。 +It discourses on the effects between the secondary beams in the floor slab of intersecting-beam system and points out the problems which happen usually.,论述了交叉梁系楼面结构体系中次梁间的相互作用,指出其中易出现的问题。 +It is not tragic that I was born in a poor family in the countryside.,我并不认为我出生在偏远贫穷的乡下就是件很可悲的事情。 +"Anyone who fails to perform the obligations without proper reasons may, upon request by a relevant organization or individual, entail nullification of his right to inheritance by a people's court.",没有正当理由不履行义务的,经有关单位或者个人请求,人民法院可以取消他接受遗产的权利。 +Keep the wardrobe down – most budget guesthouses also do laundry for a reasonable price.,不要带上你的衣橱,大部分廉价的宾馆洗衣的价格都是非常合理的。 +"The probes can be compared to a speedometer in a car: steady on the gas, and you’ll be fine.",这种探针可以比作汽车上的速度表:只要汽油充足,肯定不会有事。 +"He was advised to eat pears and honey, and put a wet towel on the chair in his room to increase humidity.",有人建议他吃些梨和蜂蜜,并在房间椅子上放条湿毛巾来增大室内湿度。 +"The people of Judah came together to seek help from the Lord ; indeed, they came from every town in Judah to seek him.",于是犹大人聚会,求耶和华帮助。 犹大各城都有人出来寻求耶和华。 +"Nozoe on Saturday, dismissing him from being an advisor, the honorary role he took after resigning last year.",野副去年辞职后一直担任这一荣誉职务。 +"More than 47, 000 U.S. troops are stationed in Japan, about half of them on Okinawa, Japan's smallest prefecture.",驻日美军人数总共有四万七千多人,其中有近一半人在日本最小的县冲绳。 +Chocolate - --- Of all lifes simply pleasures. I'm most addicted to you.,巧克力 ---- 在生命所有纯真的快乐中, 我最沉迷于你。 +"Starting with an empty workspace, import the MortgageFinanceExample.mar file included with this article.",在一个空的工作空间中,导入本文提供的 MortgageFinanceExample.mar 文件。 +"BORE SIZE : The inner diameter of a cone, which accommodates a shaft.",内径尺寸:轴承内圈的内孔直径,安装于轴上。 +"The stigmatization of people with mental disabilities runs very deep, and it is very difficult for them to shed it.",精神障碍者们被打上深深的烙印,他们很难摆脱这种偏见。 +"Samsung struck a cord with consumers wanting a tablet that functions more-or-less like an iPad, but with a lighter, smaller form that is more easily carried around.",三星响应了消费者对一种功能与 iPad 不相上下,但更小也更轻,便于携带的平板电脑的需求。 +"It's slow, slow, and you suddenly have an epiphany. And you now get the hang of it.","调试也是很难学的东西之一,学习起来很慢。" +A praying mantis on high alert waits for insects drawn through the night to collect Ochroma blossom pollen.,一只螳螂正伏在高处,机警的等待着那些在夜空里飞来飞去以收集巴尔沙树花粉的昆虫。 +"Ask the students to say the names of 12 months. Then revise the words: first, second, third, fourth…(",修改理由:学生可能已经淡忘了十二月份和序数词,再次领着复习一下可以为下一步的听、说训练打下基础。 +"The Temple is located at the Jingui Mountain, Longmen Village, 20km northeast from the Lezhi County in Sichuan Province occupying over three hectares.",报国寺位于四川省乐至县城东北二十千米龙门乡之金龟山,占地三公顷多。 +But now they've gone into the diagnosis side.,但是现在,他们已经走到疾病诊断这一方了。 +"Danny Granger added 14 points, Jermaine O'Neal scored 13 and Kareem Rush had 12 for the Pacers, who lost their fifth straight road game and for the sixth time in seven games overall.",格兰杰也得到14分,小奥和拉什分别贡献13分和12分,这场失利使得他们客场五连败,并且最近七场比赛输了6场。 +"He squeaked out at me, “Don't touch that; it's live!”",他大声向我喊道:“别动,那个带电!” +Mr Obama acknowledged that his nuclear-free vision may not be realised in his lifetime.,奥巴马承认他的无核梦可能在其一生中都无法实现。 +A growing landscape of third-party JSF components exists in both the open source community and the licensed-software realm.,在开放源码领域和受许可协议限制的软件领域中,第三方 JSF 组件越来越多了。 +The sperm teratogenicity test was negative.,精子畸形试验阴性。 +"She has since been identified in online articles as Kuang Li, who was vice-director of the state petroleum company's local education centre, although there has been no official confirmation of this.",网络上的帖子认为她名叫况丽,在国家石油公司的本地教育中心任副主任,但是官方从来没有证实过这一点。 +"According to the results, the ingredients of extract, centrifugal speed per hour, illumination, temperature, substrates and seedling age could influence the NRAs.",结果表明,提取液成份、离心时速、光照、温度、底物、苗龄等都会影响硝酸还原酶活力。 +"But he was brilliant enough to gain the audience of Kant, Goethe, and Moses Mendelssohn.",但他的光辉足以争取到康德,歌德,摩西门德尔松的观众。 +They went off arm in arm.,她们挎着胳膊走了出去。 +"From South Bend dam, Niaoyu Lin, fishing, water park and many of the South Bay Lake beautiful landscape scenery.",从南湾大坝、鸟语林、捕鱼、水上游乐 园等多角度展示了南湾湖秀美的山水风光。 +"Peterman "" on the television show Seinfeld and later by competing on Dancing with the Stars, as well as playing King Arthur in Spamalot, plays an excellent Billy Flynn.""",后来又凭借着能够跟明星媲美的舞蹈技术以及在火腿骑士中扮演亚瑟大帝而在这场音乐剧中扮演一个完美的比利弗林。 +When is he going to be pensioned off?,他将在什么时候享受退休金而退休? +"Urban investment increased by 34%, retail sales by 15%.",城市投资增加 34%,零售销售增加 15%。 +"A: Well, I know youalways have a sweet tooth, so I make a fruit dessert. You'll know it's low-cal.",知道你一直喜欢吃甜的东西,所以我做了一个水果甜点,你是不知道它的热量有多低。 +Many children become so distracted by social issues that academic responsibilities take a back seat or get lost in the day-to-day social shuffle.,因此许多孩子会因为日常社交问题而迷失自己或是被社交问题所困扰而退而不前。 +"You can have a big pile of money but without that consistent flow to replenish it, it's won't be much of a big pile any longer.",如果你拥有一大笔钱但却没有流动的资金来作为后补,那么你的那笔钱将很快不再是一大笔。 +"And afterwards we were allowed to have we called add liberty of meal, so they were allowed to free exercise, food, they were allowed to eat whatever they liked and we just monitor what they eat.",后来,我们有一个环节叫做自由加餐,也就是允许他们自由运动、自由餐食,我们只是记录下他们吃了些什么东西。 +"We designed and followed a protocol for the management of the septic diabetic foot and, after 2 years (May 2004 through June 2006), we analyzed the data related to 31 septic feet of 139 patients.",我们设计并遵循一种处理糖尿病足的方案,两年后(2004年五月-2006年6月),我们分析了139例患者中与31例感染性糖尿病足有关的数据。 +"Adopting fiber form control technique, fibers of intellectualization and functionality can be made.",应用纤维形态控制技术可实现纤维的智能化与功能化; +A new species of Phalaenopsis from Yunnan.,标题 云南蝶兰属一新种。 +Help yourself to some coffee. Use the big blue mug. Consider it yours.,自己拿咖啡喝吧。用大的蓝杯子。以后这就是你的。 +"According to those who have been speaking to the former vice-president, the shift stuck in Cheney's craw.",据那些和前副总统谈过话的人说,这种转变让切尼难以接受。 +"After analyzing the features of general menu programs, the design and implementation of a menu generating system (MGS) are discussed.",在分析一般菜单程序异同性的基础上,介绍了菜单生成系统MGS的设计与实现。 +There are endless requirements popping up and we want to help companies avoid duplicative control structures and silos of data.,有无穷的规定,未还清了,我们想帮助企业避免重复控制结构和筒仓的数据。 +"Similarly, it may be desirable to include some visual diagrams as illustrations within the method under development itself.",类似地,可能期望在开发中的方法中包含一些可视的图作为插图。 +"""After his divorce, Zhu had little contact with our son, "" said the ex-wife, Wang Siyan.",在朱军离婚之前,他和他的妻子、儿子过着平静的生活。 +"It also shows how this traditional philosophy reduces translation to secondary status and a translator to the status of a faithful servant, a mere conveyor of information and an invisible medium.",在逻格斯中心主义影响下,翻译处于从属地位,译者也只是忠实地传递原文信息,是一种“隐身”的媒介。 +Swing is a single-threaded UI toolkit.,Swing 是一个单线程 UI 工具包。 +Topic 75 : You have received a gift of money. The money is enough to buy either a piece of jewelry you like or tickets to a concert you want to attend.,你收到了礼金, 可以买一件你喜欢的珠宝, 或是买几张你想听的一场音乐会的门票。 +"An increase in grain size increases the dielectric constant, piezoelectric coefficient and hydrostatic figures of merit, which can be explained by the Okazaki space-charge theory.",晶粒尺寸增加,多孔PZT陶瓷的介电常数、压电系数和优值增加,并可用Okazaki空间电荷理论解释晶粒尺寸对试样介电和压电性能的影响。 +"Investors had bid up shares of Yahoo in recent months, partly because of projections about the future value of its Alibaba holdings.",最近几个月,投资者们哄抬雅虎股价,部分原因是由于对其持有的阿里巴巴股票未来价值的预测。 +"""It would be a good idea to think up an all-Russian dress code, "" Chaplin wrote, adding that women's appearance was not simply their private affair.",「设计出一个适用全俄罗斯的衣著规范,会是一个不错的点子,」察普林写道,强调妇女的外表不只是她们的私事。 +"I always knew they were a nest of careerists, but recent experience shows that the careerist is now being replaced by worse: the ideologue rampant.",我向来知道他们是一窝野心家,不过最近的经验指出这群野心家被更糟糕的取代了:狂暴的空想家。 +"While the iPhone 4 can shoot HD video, it only has a 5 megapixel camera.",iPhone也可以拍摄高清视频,但它只配备了500万像素的摄像头。 +"At present time the main eddy imaging technologies are Impedance C scan imaging technology, Layer-divided imaging technology and Magic-light converting imaging technology.",目前涡流成像技术主要有阻抗C扫描成像技术、层析成像技术、磁—光涡流成像技术。 +"When he was fifteen, his father, a man of forty, had locked him in a room with a girl bride he had never seen before and laconically told him to produce a son.",他十五岁那年,四十岁的父亲把他和素未见过面的新娘锁在一个屋子里,交代他要给家里传宗接代。 +"In recent years, the attainable region method has become one of the effective tools for the synthesis of reactor networks.",近年来,可得区法成为研究反应器网络综合的一个十分有效的工具。 +"and so I'm at, interning here in Student Activities office",所以我,我在学生活动办公室实习。 +"Following the disintegration of the former Soviet Union and the Warsaw Pact, the confrontation between the two military blocks-Nato and the Warsaw Pact-has disappeared.",苏联和华约解体,北约和华约两大集团对峙消失,但大国争夺欧洲的斗争仍在进行。 +"In Graham's young side of the late 1980s David Rocastle was an exciting, dynamic performer, a player of great flair akin to Robert Pires.",在80年代格拉汉姆那支年轻的球队中,罗卡瑟尔是一个令人激动和极有活力的球员,他的天才类似于皮雷。 +"Yi, dressed in a pin-striped suit and silver tie, was also looking forward to playing in an area with a large Chinese-American community.",穿条纹西服、搭配银色领带的易建联表示,他很希望能在有大批华裔侨民的地方比赛。 +"Act as a forwarder of interrupts and requests from several virtual drivers: cobd (block device), conet (network), and cocon (console).",为来自某些虚拟驱动器(cobd(块设备)、conet(网络)、cocon(控制台))的中断和请求进行代理转发。 +Connie Cronin is the kind of nurse who loves to work the overnight shift on Christmas Eve to usher in the holiday with her patients.,康妮·克罗宁是一位护士,她喜欢在圣诞前夜值夜班,和她的病人一起迎接节日的到来。 +The split explicit integration scheme for the barotropic primitive equation model is investigated for the stability and accuracy.,本文用正压原始方程模式考察了分离显式积分方案的稳定性和精确性。 +"Since 2001 , a great change has taken place in the management model of the National Scientific Research Project; changing from an institute-oriented system to a task-oriented system.",2001年起国家科研计划管理模式发生了重大转变,从以单位为中心逐步向以课题为中心的课题制模式转变。 +Methods: This study was a randomized parallel control trial over 12 months. A total number of 198 men were randomly divided into JTL and prednisone treatment groups.,方法:198例病人随机进入精泰来组和强的松组,进行6个月治疗和6个月随访共12个月的随机平行对照试验。 +"The thinking behind that 1990 effort can be tracked back to HPs beginningsabout which Packard said: "" We werent interested in the idea of making money.""",年的改组工作背后的思路可追溯到“惠普”的创业初期,对此帕卡德曾说过:“我们对赚钱的想法不感兴趣。 +"Straight out to my good buddy, Gene Baur, president andco-founder of Farm Sanctuary and author of ""Farm Sanctuary: changinghearts and minds about animals and food"", an amazing book.",直接去到我的好哥们,吉恩·鲍尔,他是农场动物避难所总裁和创办人之一和《农场动物避难所:改变对动物和食物的心念》(Farm Sanctuary: Changing Hearts and Minds about Animalsand Food)的作者,这是一本了不起的书。 +"Taiwan's singer car beauty company was founded in early 1979, the Company engaged in the automobile beauty product development, testing, production, sales and training.",台湾新格汽车美容用品公司创立于1979年初,本公司从事于汽车美容产品研发、测试、生产、销售、培训。 +"The risk for Nokia is that, with its market share sliding, it lacks some of the economies of scale that used to make that an infallible strategy.",诺基亚的风险在于,随着市场份额的下滑,它缺少规模经济做支持来实现这个可靠的战略。 +"Given the scale of the damage, it is not certain the cooling systems will work even if power is restored.",受损程度如此严重,就算在电力恢复的情况下,冷却系统能否正常工作仍旧是个未知数。 +Here is where we come down to the proverbial brass tacks. Whose strongest team would triumph more times than the others in an eternal semi-final/final knock-out competition?,那么让我们来做个设想:假如进行多场半决赛/决赛淘汰制的比赛,那支球队会依靠他们最强的阵容夺得最多的锦标? +I want to make a contact with a elder brother who live in TaiPei Country.,我有位哥哥在台北县,想联系他。 +Raffaello Pantucci is a visiting scholar at the Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences.,Raffaello Pantucci 是上海社科院的一位访问学者。 +"Credit card users can enjoy the same credit card bills OK integral treatment, and participate in the voucher bills OK integral activities.",用户刷卡可以享受招行信用卡同等的积分待遇,可以参与招行积分换购活动。 +The Bank of England has held the base rate at 0.5% since March 2009 and has injected £200 billion into the economy by purchasing assets with central-bank money.,英格兰银行自2009年3月以来将基本利率保持在0.5%,并通过中央银行资金购入资产,从而为经济注入2000亿英镑。 +"The application letter should be brief , no more than one page in length . It should be easy to read and include only the necessary information.",求职申请信应该简洁明了,长度不超过一页,求职申请信还应该清晰易读, 只需把必不可少的信息写上即可。 +"Above the religious complex is a site for ""sky burial, "" a term meaning disposal of a corpse by allowing it to be devoured by birds.",在这片宗教的建筑之上就是天葬台,意思是用鸟来吞噬尸体的一种处理方式。 +"At Microsoft's Redmond office, the people in charge of internal systems were faced with the same problems PowerSoft was trying to resolve - they needed a tool for business developers.",与此同时,在微软雷蒙德的办公室,负责开发内部应用系统的工程师们也面临着与当年PowerSoft同样的问题--他们需要一个专门的应用系统开发工具。 +"But in either extreme, in either opposite, there is no stability, and human minds go from one to the other, evading the quiet stability of understanding.",但是不论处于任何��个极端,都没有稳定,人心总是从一端游移到另一端,逃避由了解产生的安静和稳定。 +Overlooking the port of Fengdu is a shrine called The City of Ghosts.,鬼城是一座俯瞰丰都城的神殿。 +"Carve out a couple of distinct events you’d like them to attend, such as a gathering with a visiting aunt and uncle one afternoon.",向孩子明确一些他们必须要参加的活动,如:某个下午有叔叔、姑姑来串门等等。 +"Common people and sanctimonious scholar possibly blamed Su Dongpo for spoiling his own reputation but Su Dongpo himself sniffed at reputation, caring for nothing about it.",一般世俗人士、道貌岸然的学者们,可能会责怪苏子,不知爱惜自己的名声、清誉。可是苏子本人却对所谓名声、清誉,嗤之以鼻,毫不在意。 +"Among three dimensions, inactive emotion and attitude, low study efficacy get the highest average scores, while unsuitable classroom behavior does the lowest one.",就中学生英语厌学三个维度而言,情绪态度消极、学习低效能感的平均得分最高,课堂行为欠妥的平均得分最低。 +"In the paper, the author thinks that the evaluation criteria of library services include reader satisfaction rate, reader attraction rate, document usage rate and subjective effort rate.",图书馆服务是图书馆用它的资源满足读者对文献信息需求的行为和过程。 评估图书馆服务的标准是读者满意度、吸引读者率、文献利用率和主观努力度。 +"The Nushagak and Kvichak rivers that flow into southern Alaska's Bristol Bay, along with their tributaries, are home to the last great wild salmon fishery in the world.",努萨戈克河和克维查克河都流入南阿拉斯加的布里斯托尔湾,与其支流一起,是世界最后一个也是最大的大马哈鱼渔场所在地。 +"The government-issued promissory notes include three types of securities and they are treasury bills, treasury notes and treasury bonds.",政府发放的期票包括短期国库券、中期国库券和长期国库券三种证券。 +Mondrian's House is My House—Discussing Clean Design in Cultural Innovation …,蒙家就是我家-从蒙得里安谈文化创意的简约。 +The local buckling behaviors of the concrete-filled rectangular steel tube column are presented.,对矩形钢管混凝土柱钢管壁的局部屈曲性能进行了分析研究。 +"In Central America, Linc and Sofia live happily together.",在中美洲,林肯和索非亚一起快乐地生活着。 +"Last summer, concerns mounted about the agency after poor-quality drugs resulted in some highly publicized deaths.",去年夏天,在一些低质量药物致死事件被大大曝光之后,这一机构开始被人关注。 +"Keep in mind that headaches, stomachaches, sleeplessness and rapid heartbeat are all symptoms of anxiety.",要记住头疼、胃疼、失眠和心跳加速都是焦虑的症状。 +Events/min: Number of events per minute.,事件/分钟:每分钟的事件数量。 +"Your big moment for career matters will come at the new moon in Taurus at 23 degrees on May 13, which will light your tenth house of fame and honors.",事业的好时刻将在新月位于金牛座23度(五月十三号)那天离开,这会点亮掌握名望和光荣的第十宫。 +"Wangrong, who lived in Yongming Dynasty , is one of important poets in that time.",王融是生活在南齐永明年间的主要诗人之一。 +A parameter lattice Boltzmann model for the CIMA systems is presented in the paper and the equations for the CIMA systems can be deduced from the model.,提出了CIMA系统的一种参数格子波尔兹曼模型,可从参数模型上导回了CIMA系统方程。 +"We went to a shop, a shopping guide aunt pull us in pick clothes, while the adults did not find our boys and girls forces forces on a"" war"".",我们到了一家店铺里,一位导购员阿姨把我们拉进去挑衣服,趁大人们没发觉我们男生势力和女生势力就“开战了”。 +This system is sophisticatedly nonlinear and strongly coupled.,这是一个具有复杂非线性和强耦合的系统。 +The canyon is famous for producing echoes.,这个峡谷以回声而闻名。 +"I'm a guy, so maybe I can't really speak for women, or know all of their tastes, but I have met Chinese guys that I think Western chicks can dig.",就知道那么点东西,一帮半瓶醋还出来给人科普?我可是去过中国七次…我在中国见过不少高大威猛的性感肌肉男。 +"The chemical equilibrium constant at different temperatures, and the effects of temperaturatio on equilibrium conversion X of acetic acid are calculated.",计算出不同温度下反应的化学平衡常数及温度、压力、原料配比对乙酸平衡转化率X的影响。 +"By means of physical and numerical simulation, this paper studies the kinetic process of oil displacement by suspended particles in biopolymer solution.",本文采用数值模拟并结合物理模拟两种手段对生物聚台物溶液中悬浮微粒的驱油渗流��态进行了探讨。 +"His stomach ""got out of whack"" and he all but died in a sacramento boarding-house .",他的胃“出了毛病”差一点在萨克拉门托的寄宿舍里送了命。 +"Japan International Training Co-operation Organisation, the outfit set up by five government ministries to oversee the skills-transfer programme, refuses to discuss the deaths.",日本国际培训合作组织拒绝讨论死亡事件。该组织是由5家政府部门成立来监管技术转让计划的。 +"Moving out had been on my mind for a long time, all my friends have their own apartments now, I just couldn't understand why my parents can get so upset.",搬出去这个声音已经萦绕在我脑海中许多时日了,我所有的朋友都有了自己的公寓,我就是不明白为什么我的父母会如此的心烦。 +"Some people have an allergy to nickel , and because nickel is one of the materials in this kind of cookware, they should avoid anything that is cooked in stainless steel pans.",有一些人对镍过敏,镍是其中之一,因为这种材料不粘锅、他们应避免任何烹调的不锈钢锅。 +"The ""bright side"" version of the gene might bolster people's resilience to stressful events, and protect against anxiety, depression and other mental health problems.",“光明面”的基因结构可能支持人们对压力事件的更具有忍耐力,同时增加对于焦虑、失望和其他心理健康问题的抵抗力。 +"doubleTwist beta, a desktop application that’s available as a free download for Mac or Windows",doubleTwist beta,桌面程序,运行于 Mac 或 Windows 操作系统下,可免费下载。 +A new conductive PMMA/EG composite was synthesized through intercalating MMA monomer into the layer of expanded graphite and in-situ polymerization.,通过原位聚合将甲基丙烯酸甲酯(MMA)单体插入膨胀石墨(EG)层间,制备出以石墨层片为分散相的导电复合材料。 +This paper presents the design process and structural characteristics of the runner and other parts of the bulb tubular turbine this the authors analysis for reference.,本文介绍了该电站灯泡贯流式水轮机转轮及其它各部件的设计过程和结构特点,以供同行参考。 +"The Rakata were incredibly advanced, but their warlike and aggressive spirit was their undoing.",拉卡塔人难以置信地先进,但其尚武与好战的精神却成了他们灭亡的原因。 +"Virtual methods, which are defined in IRL code, provide the decoration.",IRL 代码中定义的虚拟方法提供装饰。 +Umh . . . Guess I'll need a place to stay tonight. Are there any motels around here?,我想今晚我们得找个地方休息。附近有汽车旅馆吗? +Hosts of workers were jobless during the great depression of the 1930s.,在19世纪30年代的大萧条期间大批工人失业了。 +Your complete application architecture design should be a unification of all perspectives from your organization.,完整的应用程序体系结构设计应该是组织中所有透视图的统一。 +There's food enough for all the vagabonds wandering here.,游荡在这里的所有的流浪者都有足够的食物。 +"Exhibits: Binder Clips, Clipboard, Pen Holder.",展品:长尾票夹,写字板,笔筒。 +"RE helped to increase leaf area and prolong its functional stage by promoting the growth of new leaf, and preventing the leaves from premature decay in jointing stage.",稀土可促进盐胁条件下拔节期新生叶的生长,延缓叶片衰老过程,从而延长叶片的功能期。 +"One of the first African footballers to make a name for himself in Europe, Abedi Pele, was a journey man of football, playing club football in Italy, Germany and France.",阿贝迪·贝利是第一批在欧洲赛场上成名的非洲球员,他在职业生涯中效力过意大利、德国和法国的多家俱乐部。 +Courage is something that we want for ourselves in gluttonous portions and adore in others without qualification.,勇气是某种我们希望自己富有并无保留地仰慕别人拥有的东西。 +Anytime except today. Please give him a call before you come.,除了今天什么时候都行, 来前 请给他打个电话。 +"There are 13genera, 53 species, 4 subspecies and 5 varieties of compositae (Senecioeeae and Calenduleae)in western Hubei, of which 2 species are reported the new distriburion in Shennongjia.",湖北西部菊科千里光族和金盏花族植物共有13属,53种,4亚种,5变种,其中2种为神农架地理分布新记录。 +"The process for converting Ni-Fe alloy plating bath to bright nickel plating bath using potassium permanganate was introduced, while the performance of the converted plating bath was investigated.",介绍了用高锰酸钾处理转化镍-铁合金镀液为亮镍镀液的工艺过程,结果表明,转化后的镀液澄清,试镀工件质量良好,方法简单易行,具有良好的经济性和可行性。 +"Typically, this is the IP through which systems administrators access a node.",通常,系统管理员通过这个 IP 访问该节点。 +I encourage people to go to as many clinics and clinicians as possible.,因此我鼓励人们去尽可能多的犬舍,找尽可能多的训犬师。 +"At the press conference to unveil the document Mr Volcker was typically modest, insisting it was more an agenda for discussion than a hard-and-fast blueprint .",在新闻发布会上,V郑重地揭示了这份文件,并坚称这与其说是一份强硬而迅速的蓝图不如说是对讨论的一个议程设定。 +"There was no sense of direction, the notes were crumbled together, the tempo and rhythm were off, there was not much of dynamic contrast, etc.",没有方向感,音符们都堆在一起,节奏和拍子十分混乱,没有任何的音域变化。 +"70% of journalists now use social networks to assist reporting, compared to 41% the year before, according to a Middleberg Communications survey reported by PRWeek.",据PRWeek有关 Middleberg交流观察报告指出,相比以往41%的人数,现在有70%的记者利用社会网络进行报道补充。 +"Software work intelligent, fully automatic note cards, regardless of whether the game window blocked by other windows or change resolution, I love note cards device can work properly.",软件工作智能化,完全自动记牌,无论游戏窗口是否被其他窗口挡住或者是分辨率变化,我爱记牌器都能正常工作。 +"Markets. All our departments, enjoy a high cooperative relationship with a big variety of overseas airlines, consulates, and overseas local agencies.",在运营实践中,公司分别与各大海外航空公司、各国领事馆、境外地接社建立了良好的合作关系。 +The study is about how 80 preschoolers play with Aibo versus a stuffed dog.,这项研究是关于八十名学龄前儿童如何与欧宝和填充狗嬉戏。 +"The column introduction: Subject Survey, Technical Exchange, Market Analysis, Equipment and Materials, Information World, Supply and Demand, Enterprises Windows, Profiles.",栏目介绍:专题论述、技术交流、市场分析、设备材料、信息天地、供求快讯、 企业之窗、人物专访。 +This is why students have cursed it.,这就是学生们诅咒的原因所在。 +"German philosopher Cassirer said, language has two kinds of rights - ""the right of logic "" and ""the right of metaphor"".",德国哲学家卡西尔说过,语言有两种权利——“逻辑的权利”和“隐喻的权利”。 +"Drowning or abandoning female infants, a pernicious practice left over from feudal society, occurs much less often now, but has not been stamped out entirely in some remote areas.",溺弃女婴是封建社会遗留下来的恶习,现在这种现象在中国已大大减少,但在个别偏僻的地方还未根绝。 +"For four days they have sprawled near Vrbana bridge in a wasteland of shell-blasted rubble, downed tree branches and dangling power lines.",他们最后紧紧拥抱在一起。 四天来他们横躺在Vrbana桥边的荒地上,四周是炮弹掀起的瓦砾、炸断的树枝和悬挂的电线。 +"The author agrees with the universally acknowledged point that the ""theoretical source"" of alteration of the person subjected to execution is the extension of subjective scope of Res Judicata.",作者认同通说所持有的观点,即被执行人变更的“理论渊源”为既判力主观范围的扩张。 +"This article reviewed the progresses in the composition and curing methods of medical composite resin, and the improvements in physical and mechanical properties.",作者介绍了近年来医用牙科复合树脂的组成、聚合方式的改进以及由此引起的物理、机械性能的改善。 +The architects behind a campaign to build a floating swimming pool on the River Thames have now revealed plans to resurrect a southeast London lido that was filled in nearly 30 years ago.,继建筑事务所在泰晤士河上建了一个漂浮游泳池后,他们计划,将伦敦南部被掩埋30年的的露天泳池重新改造。 +Seed size and storage protein content of different genotypes of soybean did not correlated with seed vigor.,不同基因型的大豆种子大小和种子贮藏蛋白含量与种子活力相关均不显著。 +"Method:219 cases were analyzed with demonology, classification, reasons for application, mental checkup situation, et al.",方法:对入选案件进行一般人口学、案件类型、申请鉴定的原因、精神检查等情况进行分析。 +"Bai Cheng to secretly returned from the United States, dare not tell Xu Enshu, then went to a friend Su Shenggen staying at home.",白盛才偷偷从美国回来,不敢告诉许恩淑,于是跑去朋友苏圣根家里暂住。 +"Get into bed when you’re sleepy -- eyes droopy, you’re drowsy, you feel like you’re nodding off.",当你感觉困倦的时候再上床睡觉——眼睛是没有精神的,你也会感到昏昏欲睡的,你会感到你好像在打盹似的。 +By 2006 some 87% of Lebanese and 83% of Jordanians were living in cities.,到2006年为止,87%的黎巴嫩人和83%的约旦人都住在���市里。 +"This is the reference point for the Isoelectric"" line (baseline).""",这是等电位曲线(基线)的参考点。 +The chief of Nigeria special fraud police Farida Waziri says that her officers are preparing to question Nigeria's elite debtors.,尼日利亚特别诈骗案警方负责人称,他们准备审讯尼日利亚的精英欠债人。 +"To close this last hole, we need a means of atomically updating the score reference while guaranteeing freedom from interference.",要修复这个最后的漏洞,我们需要一种原子性地更新分数引用的方法,同时又要保证不受干扰。 +The yellow colour seen in some autumn trees results from the loss of chlorophyll simply unmasking the yellow carotinoids that were there all along.,部分树木的叶子在秋天里变成黄色,这是因为叶绿素的分解让黄色的类胡萝卜素暴露出来。 +"In engineering background, this paper certificates its applicability and presents several proper styles of the anchorage points as reference for structural design.",以工程实例为背景,验证了附着式楼顶钢塔的适用性,并提出锚固点的合理实现形式,供工程设计时参考。 +"Thus the pain of rejection, abscence and death can become fruitful.",于是,拒绝、失去和死亡的痛苦可以变得丰盛。 +"In the design, the company leads the wooden door, ambry, furniture industry design for the new trend.",在设计上,公司引领着木门,橱柜,家具行业设计的新潮流。 +"- The fact that I've called it X, is really just a programming -- it's a feature of the programming language that I, the human, can now refer to it.","事实是我叫它为X,它实际上只是一个程序-,它是程序的一个特写,我们可以参考使用它。" +"Charles Halloway feels old, although he is only fifty-four, and he is tormented by an urge to be young and run like the boys.",查尔斯Halloway感觉岁,尽管他只有54 ,他是痛苦的呼吁是年轻人和运行像男孩。 +"According to recent data, the great reform of EU employment policies between 1998 and 2000 is that the latter focuses on the rising of information industry and high-tech, high-education society.",根据最新资料,2 0 0 0年与1998年相比,欧盟劳动就业状况和政策中最大的变化是:教育发展—信息社会—高科技、高教育产业的重要意义明显提升。 +Weaving method and technical development of oblique weft fabric is illustrated.,介绍斜纬布的织制方法及技术开发。 +UAW assets fell slightly to about $1.25 billion last year from $1.26 billion in 2006.,UAW的资产从2006年的12.6亿美元略微下降到12.5亿美元。 +"While in DB2 LUW, you can also use various administrative views under schema SYSIBMADM while monitoring DB2 instance or database.",而在 DB2 LUW 中,您还可以在监控数据库的 DB2 实例时使用 SYSIBMADM 模式下的各种管理视图。 +"As the regime continues its gross mismanagement of the country and economic and social conditions deteriorate further, the number of victims of trafficking can only be expected to grow.",随着军政权继续大肆为所欲为和经济与社会环境的进一步恶化,人口贩运的受害者人数只可能不断增加。 +A consistent and natural writing style can help make your content more distinctive.,一贯的和自然的写作风格,可以帮助使你的内容更与众不同。 +"With the anti-circumvention system by various countries being perfect day by day, new means of circumvention will emerge continuously.",随着各国反倾销制度的日益完善,新的规避手段将不断出现。 +"We use the decimal system, too. The basic unit is the dollar. There are 100 cents in a dollar.",我们也用十进位制是,基本单位是美元,一美元有一百美分。 +The COUNT function is very useful to show at any level how many records make up each aggregated row in the summary table.,COUNT 函数非常有用,可以在任何级别显示汇总表中的每个汇总行由多少条记录组成。 +"In free space, R of Gaussian Schell-model array beams and Gaussian array beams is larger than that of partially coherent H-G array beams, but it is more affected by turbulence.",自由空间中高斯谢尔模型列阵光束和高斯列阵光束的R比部分相干H-G列阵光束的大,但受湍流的影响也更大。 +I receive the bounty of the last week. 'm Very excited. But found only this week a review by the legendary … Is Give advance?,我上个礼拜领了赏金了。感觉很兴奋。却发现这个礼拜只通过了一个审核…难道是传说中的欲取先予? +Conclusion Inhibition of flutamide on hyperplasia of prostate is associated with antagonizing the effect of androgen.,结论氟硝丁酰胺通过拮抗雄激素作用而抑制前列腺增生。 +Effect of sugar and nitrogen on the callus growth and anthocyanin accumulation in celosia cristata;,本试验研究了不同基本培养基对凤尾鸡冠花愈伤组织生长及花青素积累的影响。 +"If I'm in top form, I should get rid of 95 percent of the dose in 45 minutes.",如果我的情况良好,我就应当在45分钟内把95%的注射液清除掉。 +Home entertainment is just one consideration for the future.,当然,未来房居考虑的不只是家庭娱乐问题。 +"Oldly revisit, my lips Cape hangs up a apt put aboard to have a smiling of averaging mind, if early know today, he ambition can't feel at the starting true excessive operation.",旧地重游,我的唇角勾了一抹颇有意味的笑意, Adidas Porsche Bounce S2,如果早知道今日,他会不会觉得当初真的多此一举。 +"Four, research a suggestion to follow-up by quantity to understand leisure cognition and participation of the school-children.",对后续研究建议以量化来持续瞭解学童的休閒认知与休閒参与。 +All those wars. Pain and lies. Hate…Made me want to turn away and never look down again.,所有的战争、痛苦、谎言、仇恨,这些东西都令我真想转过头去,不再往下看。 +"The reason of excessive oxygen content in gas main pipe of two-stage water gas gasifier during hot reserve is analyzed, and improvement measures are put forward.",分析了水煤气两段炉热备阶段煤气总管中氧含量超标的原因,提出了解决措施。 +Processing a time series of X-band marine radar images with a 3D-FFT algorithm enables to calculate a wave number frequency image spectrum.,对X-波段导航雷达图像进行三维傅里叶分析,可以得到海浪图像谱。 +"At the age of 13, after finishing a music school, he became a student of Rachmaninov Music College in Rostov-on-Don (Prof. S. Osipenko's class).",在他13岁结束了音乐学校的学习之后,他成为了在罗斯托夫拉赫玛尼诺夫音乐学院的一名学生。 +Straight Outta Compton was given a digital/ppv release in China and Korea.,《冲出康普顿》中国和韩国以数字/按次付费方式发行。 +Be responsible for the local hospital tender biddings with the cooperation of principals' detailing team.,负责配合厂家销售团队在当地进行医疗器械产品的投标工作。 +"Gong Ming Yi said, ""King Wen is my teacher. How should the duke of Zhou deceive me by those words?""",公明仪曰:‘文王我师也,周公岂欺我哉?’ +"that has local designers that they shop at a lot,",那里面有很多本土设计师的品牌, +"The transfer of memories from the hippocampus to the neocortex could protect ""these memories against interference from information subsequently encoded in the hippocampus,"" the researchers write.",研究人员表明,将记忆从海马体转移到新大脑皮层可以保护这些记忆,“使它们不被随后进入海马体的信息所干扰。” +Web services can be meaningfully classified by service domains and functional categories.,Web 服务可以按照服务领域和功能类别进行有意义的分类。 +"Still there is the teacher's teaching level, music classroom teaching quantity out of accordance with ages wait the problem.",有部分教师的教学水平不高、音乐课堂教学质量偏低等一些问题影响了学生对音乐本身的喜好之情。 +It is pointed out that applying combined method to produce special shaped steel wire may get twice the result with half the effort. The experienced formula for material choosing is given.,介绍它们各自的特点及其应用,并指出采用组合法来生产异型丝可得到事半功倍的效果。 +"They found that five teams scored more goals and won more often when they wore shirts that were predominantly red, as opposed to blue or white jerseys.",他们发现有五支球队在穿红色基调的球衣与穿蓝色或白色球衣的对手抗衡时,他们的进球和获胜次数都增加了。 +"She had to go into the room and gave him a bankcard, saying, “There is 5000 yuan in this card. The total now is 10,000 yuan.”","她走进屋里,拿出一张银行卡说: “这里面有5,000,加一起是10,000元,你好自为之吧!”" +If x is high relative to x-bar--this is positive-- then y tends to be low relative to its mean y-bar and this is negative.,"如果x比x均值要大,这个为正,而y比y均值小,这个为负" +"Many young people consider such photos ""gelivable"" as they remind them of the golden old days.",这样的照片勾起许多经典回忆,让许多年轻人直呼“给力”。 +"The former American Idol winner, 27, who last picked up the award in 2009, also won a special triple crown prize.",现年27岁的前“美国偶像”冠军安德伍德曾在去年年度最佳艺人奖。今年,除斩获最佳艺人奖外,她还获颁特殊意义的“三冠王”奖。 +Thus it thought to escape from the body and the earth.,它以为这样便可以逃避肉体和尘世。 +The structure of Cascaded Integrator Comb (CIC) filter is discussed. CIC filter can efficiently perform the task of both decimating and filtering.,分析了级联积分梳状(CIC)滤波器的结构,证明其可以高效地胜任抽取滤波的任务。 +It is called miss of distant sea.,说是辽远的��的相思。 +"Chinese sailors were avid listeners, carrying home what they had gleaned from the transmissions from London.",中国的海员同样渴望收听到节目,他们会将从伦敦发送的信息带回家去。 +"Our nurses, who always wear their uniforms in public with pride, had to endure taunts and hostile stares.",向来在公共场所以身穿制服为荣的护士,必须忍受人们奚落、回避和不友善的眼光。 +"The key to any mediation is the handle() method, which is automatically invoked whenever a message is passed to your mediation.",任何中介的关键都是 handle() 方法,只要消息传递给中介,就会自动调用该方法。 +They're scrimping with more vigor and tenacity than economists have seen in decades.,他们抠门的架势和毅力是经济学家几十年未曾见到的。 +Objective To explore the diagnostic values of hepatoma-specific alpha- fetoprotein fraction (AFP-L3) and circulating AFP-mRNA in patients with hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC).,目的探讨甲胎蛋白(AFP)基因及肝癌特异性AFP亚组份(AFP-L3)在肝癌早期诊断和鉴别诊断中的价值。 +你在当着我的面撒谎。,You are telling me lies to my very face. +He had been poisoned with strychnine.,他中过番木鳖碱的毒。 +"I think after drinking some wine, things will change a bit.",我想几杯酒过后,情况会有所改观的。 +"The career adviser and blogger Penelope Trunk, for example, counseled her readers in 2007 that staying in one job forever is todays recipe for career suicide.",举例来说,就业咨询师兼博客作者特伦克(Penelope Trunk)在2007年就给读者提出了忠告:一辈子只干一个工作如今就等于断送自己的职业生涯。 +To reduce cost is an invariable theme for hospital management together with the aim of hospital capital operation.,全面降低成本,是医院管理的永恒主题,是医院资本运营追求的根本目标。 +He washed the dishes and put them in the plate rack to dry.,他把碟子洗好后,放在盘碟架上滴干。 +"But more than that, Blake Griffin is a reminder. A reminder that regardless of the problems that we see on a daily basis, the game is evolving.",但格里芬的魅力远不止于此,对于日常繁复无趣的生活,他时刻提醒我们,至少还有一场精彩的比赛在等着我们呢。 +Please be sure to attach a quality inspection certificate.,请务必附上品质检验证书。 +Conclusion The in vitro granuloma reaction possesses in sensitivity and stability and the model may become the useful tool for elucidating mechanisms of granulomatous inflammation.,结论体外肉芽肿反应具有较好的敏感性和稳定性,可作为研究肉芽肿性炎症反应发生机制的有效手段。 +"""I could not save her although she was sitting on my lap at the time of the incident, "" a rescued man who lost his pregnant wife was quoted as saying in The Star.",“虽然她就坐在我的腿上,但我还是没能救她。” 马来西亚《星报》援引了一名获救人员的话,他怀孕的妻子在海难中丧生。 。 +"Firstly, the paper gives some analysis to actuality of information retrieval, puts forward the primary issue of study on ontology-based information retrieval system.",本文首先分析信息检索系统的现状,提出目前基于本体的信息检索系统研究存在的主要问题。 +"Thank you for the cups you've lifted for us, the championship triumphs, the records, those unmistakable Del Piero goals.",感谢你为我们赢得这些荣誉,这些奖杯,和那些标志着德尔。皮耶罗的进球记录。 +"In Physical plane, Service logic programs may be installed into and executed by any physical entity that contains that Service Control Function(SCF)functional entity.",在物理平面中,包含业务控制功能(SCF)的物理实体执行业务逻辑程序。 +"In push exchanges, also known as event notifications, the bus initiates the transfer of the message to some waiting application.",在 push 交换(也被称为 事件通知)中,总线为某些等待的应用程序启动消息的传输。 +The output curve of a product is generally S-shape curve during its economic life period.,个别产品的产值(产量)曲线在其经济寿命周期里一般是一条S形曲线。 +"We have issued two joint statements on East Asia cooperation, identified step by step the direction for the cooperation and set the long-term goal of building an East Asia community.",我们发表了两份《东亚合作联合声明》,逐步明确了东亚合作的发展方向,确立了建立东亚共同体的长远目标。 +Simultaneous distillation extractor was used for extracting the flavour components in Wulong tea and Raw tea. The yield obtained in Wulong tea was 3.65% and in raw tea was 2.40%.,报道了用同时蒸馏萃取装置分别提取乌龙茶与鲜茶香气成分,测得乌龙茶的香气成分含量为3.6 5 % ,鲜茶的香气成分含量为2 .4 0 % 。 +New research found that time perception changes depending on how close or far an event is from us.,一项新研究发现我们对时间快慢的感觉是根据这件事情离我们的远近来判断的。 +Methods 30 cases of normal adult men and 30 women were measured acoustically.,方法对正常成年男、女性各30 例,进行了嗓音声学测试。 +We tend to be anxious knowing that others have collected more grassroots than we have while we are far from anxious knowing that we have not collected enough ourselves.,当我们不为自己叼不到足够的草根儿而焦虑时,我们却因为别人叼到的草根多而焦虑了; +"Courage! You don't have the heart to hurt others! Brother, thank you for your love, please forgive you forgive my weakness!",勇气!你更不忍心伤害别人!傻哥哥,谢谢你的爱,请原谅丫头原谅丫头的懦弱! +"For the next few weeks, she slept on their lumpy pull-out couch in a cramped garden apartment in Queens, and tried to adjust to life in America.",娜迪蔓的丈夫,卡瑞米,是个高高的,不太言语的家伙。接下来的几个星期,苏嘉住在这个位于皇后区,狭小的花园式公寓里,睡在一张很不平整的折叠式沙发床上。 +"There were five merits for endoscopic harvest of the gracilis muscle flap as followings: reduced total incision length, less time required, equal success rate, less morbidity, and of cost equivalency.",采用内视镜的方式來取得股薄肌皮瓣有下列五项优点:减少总切口长度、手术时间较短、相同的成功率、并发症较少以及在费用上并无额外支出。 +"According to the Earth Policy Institute, about 1.5m barrels of oil - enough to power 100, 000 cars for a year - is used just to make the plastic.",据地球政策研究所称,仅生产瓶装水瓶所用的塑料就需要用去大约150万桶石油,足够给10万辆汽车提供一年的动力。 +The Florida Irrigation Society (FIS) is a not-for-profit Society established in 1966.,佛罗里达灌溉理事会是1966年成立的非营利理事会。 +Unit 10 The World A…,高一上学期英语单元测… +"In nearly 40% of cases of insecticide-related illness, extermination was attempted by consumers who weren't certified to use pesticides.",在杀虫剂相关病例中,将近40%的消费者不确定是否应该用杀虫剂而想要根除害虫。 +He doesn't let on to other drivers that he keeps 15 coils of yarn in his cab and makes what he describes as 'really cute slippers.,他没有告诉其他司机,他在驾驶室里放著15卷线,用来钩他形容为“非常可爱的拖鞋”。 +"We always take energy saving as our developing trend and environment protection as our aim. We have devoted ourselves to technology revolution to provide more reliable, stable and green products.",尚泰电器有限公司将致力于引领冷热节能行业技术创新的新风尚,为世界各地的客户提供高质量,低噪音节能环保的优异产品。 +It's the swing voters who will decide who wins tITe and we don't knowing what them are not considering.,那些摇摆不定的选民是决定谁获胜的关键,咱们不清楚她们目前在想什么。 +Beijing emphasizes on government management while Shanghai places great emphasis on non-governmental participation.,其中,北京模式强调政府主导,上海模式则偏重社会力量的参与。 +Killian says that the market would have to get much worse to slow them down -- even though they might not make the impact they would have if they'd listed in July.,克里安说目前的市场局势还不足以阻挡他们上市的步伐——就算他们在7月上市可能也无法达到预期的市场影响。 +"Since Cao Xueqing's A Story of Red Mansions came into being, the read ers have thought that Wang Xifeng was intelligent and capable, shrewish and cruel female figure in the feudalist society.",自从曹雪芹的《红楼梦》问世以来,读者大都把凤姐看成是封建社会大家庭中精明能干、泼辣狠毒的妇女形象。 +"Every time there was a turn, the same hand would come in and guide the wheels of the car to safety.",每次等到转弯的时候,那只手就会伸进来,指挥着车安全地沿着公路下来。 +"The Chinese producer currently focuses on medium- and heavy-duty trucks, but aims to expand its portfolio to provide a full range of commercial vehicles, including light trucks and buses, Mr Pan said.",潘庆表示,中国重汽目前主要生产中型和重型卡车,但计划将产品线扩大至全系列商用车,包括轻型卡车和巴士。 +"Cancer-causing mutations can also activate the proteasome, so drugs that block protein breakdown, such as nelfinavir, could theoretically halt both diseases.",变异的癌症细胞也可以激活蛋白酶体,像那非那韦之类阻断蛋白分解的药物,理论上可以治疗癌症。 +Pork is the most widely eaten meat in the world accounting for over 36% of the world meat intake. It is followed by poultry and beef with about 33% and 24% respectively.,猪肉食用最为广泛,占世界肉类食用量的36%,其次为禽肉和牛肉,分别为33%和24%。 +Calcium-based desulfurization technology is especially suitable in our country due to its low cost and easy use.,燃煤钙基固硫技术具有简便、价格相对低廉等优势,十分适合我国的需要。 +"The largest supply of vegetable oil comes from the seeds of soybean, cottonseed, and peanut, and the oil-bearing trees of palm, coconut, and olive.",植物油最大的来源是大豆种子、棉子和花生,含油棕榈树、椰子和橄榄树。 +"There has been no response so far from Gbagbo or from the head of Ivory Coast's constitutional council, Paul Yao N'Dre, who was also invited.",到目前为止,还没有收到巴博或科特迪瓦宪法委员会主席保罗对此做出的回应。 保罗也受邀出席这次会谈。 +Inspect rubber disc for dirt or debris.,检查橡胶阀瓣是否有污垢或堆积物。 +"Jack lowered his weapon, crossed the space between them with a leap. He slammed against the man, using his shoulder to bring him down.",杰克把枪口放低,一个箭步跨了过去,用肩膀把对方撞倒在地。 +He is a man of great promise.,他是一个有远大前途的人。 +There are different localizations of areas division in different periods in an area.,一个区域在不同时期有不同的区域分工定位。 +Giorgio Chiellini's move to Manchester City is now just a matter of time.,基耶里尼转会到曼城只是一个时间问题了。 +"Emphatically elaborated in the steel-concrete combination box beam bridge in vitro pre-stressed design main point, as well as uses the simple root trades the rope new technology.",介绍了京山铁路钢砼组合箱梁桥的体外预应力设计情况,着重论述了在钢砼组合箱梁桥中体外预应力的设计要点,以及采用的单根换索新技术。 +A new improved algorithm for image denoising was proposed by analyzing the Total Variational (TV) model.,通过分析全变分(TV)去噪模型的优缺点,提出了一种新的改进算法。 +Zoellick came away from a meeting with ACC members convinced of the group’s efficacy.,在与该委员会成员的会见结束后,佐利克对其效力表示了赞赏。 +"Danger is lurking, he warns, and not just in stocks, but also in bonds and commodities and other asset classes.",危险在潜伏着,他警告说,不只是在股票市场,并且在债券和商品市场和其他类别的资产上。 +"Behnaz Sarafpour said she had never seen a couple like the Obamas in politics in her lifetime and called Michelle's style ""refreshing.""",Behnaz Sarafpour表示,自己从未见过像奥巴马夫妇这样的政界伉俪,她认为米歇尔•奥巴马的穿衣风格“让人倍感新鲜”。 +This paper discusses the developing history of robot and the principles of modern intelligent robot.,本文探讨机器人发展的歷史与近代智慧型机器人原理。 +The determination of grammatical inflection on the basis of word relations.,以词与词之间的关系为基础的合乎语法的词形变化。 +"Third is the broadcast announcement , which is often used in public places such as a station, airdrome, etc. , and is often used when an emergency happens.",三是广播式通知,这类通知多用于一些公共场所如车站、机场等,一般是当紧事件出现的时候使用。 +"Quesiton: Has your perspective changed on that, about the importance of defense?",问:你的观点是否已经转变了,关于防守的重要性? +"From the perspective of 1950s telecom costs, that's incredibly wasteful.",用20世纪50年代关于电讯成本的老眼光来看,那可是难以置信的浪费。 +"The Romans had never seen anything like ""serice"" before, and believed that it was made by some distant people they called ""Sericians"".",起初,罗马人对丝绸产于何地一无所知,还以为是远方世界上的赛尔人(丝国人)制造的。 +"so everyone in Asia buys a shirt,",所以,在亚洲,每人都买了一件T恤, +"Last year Morgan Stanley sold its 34% stake in CICC, having earlier terminated their rocky, 15-year tie-up, and established a JV with Huaxin Securities.",去年,摩根士丹利出售了在中金公司持有的34%股权,提前终止了双方的坎坷合作,本来它们准备合作15年,后来大摩与华鑫证券成立了合资企业。 +"TDE problems can be divided into TDEs of single path environment and multipath environment, while the later has practical application background and is a difficult one in TDE problems.",时间延迟估计可以分为单径时延估计和多径时延估计,而多径时延估计是时延估计问题中特别困难但又在实际问题中总是要解决的; +After dinner still early.,吃饱饱,时间还早。 +It is showed from the actual examples that the plate shape can be the best with optimizing the press rules to make the shape ratio for every pass equaled.,通过实际算例,优化压下规程可使各道次的板型系数相等,表明板型达到最佳状态。 +"Apply to sieve brokenly in the homework in such trades as the metallurgy , water conservancy , electricity , building materials , coal , etc. extensively.",广泛应用于冶金、水利、电力、建材、煤炭等行业破碎筛分作业中。 +youssef: What was the most difficult moment in your career?,你最艰难的时候是什么? +"This paper follows their step and discusses the applying methods of non-metric digital camera in the tunnel project, in order to find out an economic, convenience and high-precision method.",本文沿袭这个思路,探讨非量测数码相机在隧道工程中应用方式和方法,希望实现经济、简便和高精度的作业。 +How many venues does the Guangzhou University City Sports Center compose?,广州大学城体育中心由几个体育馆组成? +It is suggested that the broken crystal layer and microcracks in surface layer of the cold drawn rod is the source of the heat treatment induced cracks.,GH105合金冷拉棒表面存在的碎晶层和其内部的显微裂纹是热处理裂纹源。 +"As a result, the data exchange is failed in this case.",因此,在这种情况下进行的数据交换将失败。 +CSPD says the father has been cooperating from the beginning.,CSPD发言说这位父亲一直都很合作。 +"Although the inorganic glue water 's use will have the trifle influence to the competition advancement, but the world ping-pong world's pattern actually has not had the too sweeping change.",无机胶水的使用虽然对比赛进程会产生些许影响,但世界乒坛的格局却没有发生太大变化。 +"At the end, the base maintenance controller continued with inspections on the left engine fan case and told the fitter to finish the last bits of preparation on the right engine for the BSI.",最后,基地维修控制员继续对左发风扇机匣的检查,并吩咐帮手完成对右发孔探检查的准备工作。 +"If your answers to the above three questions are ""yes"", you are more than welcome to join us to be a voluntary usher for English speaking Show --- Love, Sex and the IRS.",如果您对以上三个问题的回答都是肯定的,那非常欢迎您来加入我们,为英语话剧做一位志愿领位员。 +"Dad:Of course not, I have to watch my American Idol.",爸爸:当然不想啊,我得回去看我的《美国偶像》。 +What makes comments so smelly in general?,通常来说,是什么让注释有“臭味”? +"overcome; but if the spirit be strong and the heart be upright, no one need despair of ultimate success.",但如果你的灵魂坚定,你的心灵正直,你根本不会怀疑你将摘取最终的胜利果实。 +"When you drill offshore, you always have leakage.",当你在海上钻井,总会有泄漏发生。 +"See photo, see still bearing flowers posture, surprise, excitement, recollections.",如今见到芦花,见到风采依旧芦花的身姿,我惊喜,激动,感怀。 +With no ambitions to seek instant fame but a passion for cutting tools he focuses on doing practical work to promote the development of the cutting tools industry.,于启勋教授热爱刀具事业,用自己的行动充当刀具发展的“绿叶”。 +"Many reason not you say no, only crustily skin of head to learn, fortunately, is also for this reason, to grow, and progress.",很多事由不得你说不会,只能硬着头皮去学,幸运的是,也正因如此,才得以成长,进步。 +The messenger was one of his friends.,送信者是他的一位朋友。 +So the NNL-DTD is robust in adverse conditions.,因此NNL-DTD在各种条件下是鲁棒的。 +"Reserves geological and microtectonics feature play important control function of remnant oil distribution. Taking the Se ries as a whole, it is eviden…",从整个层系看前缘席状砂微相始终控制着剩余油储量,应作为挖潜的重点之一。 +Students are generally advised to budget around one to two thousand dollars for expenses for a school year in the United States.,对学生们的普遍建议是,在美国一个学年的花费,预算约一到二仟美元为宜。 +"Consequently, when acetate levels rise, your body simply burns more acetate, and less fat.",当醋酸盐浓度提高时,您身体只能燃烧醋酸盐多些,脂肪少些。 +"I have to transfer to the NO. 33 bus, but where is the bus stop.",我需要换乘33路车,但是站点在哪儿呢?。 +"This paper describes the situation of woodland protection and utilization and problems in Dehua County, then the countermeasures on woodland planning, management, utilization was put forward.",阐述了德化县林地保护利用的现状和存在的问题,并着重对林地区划、林地管理、林地利用等方面提出对策和措施。 +"Moody's slashed Greece's credit rating by three notches on Monday, citing an increased risk of default or restructuring, possibly before 2013.","穆迪周一将希腊债信评级调降三个级距,称其益发可能违约或重整,问题可能在2013年前就爆发." +It has been interesting to read the comments on the previous posts in this series and to see that one of the recurring themes from readers is that they worry about using Amazon links too much.,挺有意思的是我在之前的帖子里面看到很多网友的跟贴,也看到读者们问得比较多的问题,他们担心过多地引用亚马逊的链接。 +"Otherwise, an attacker can create ""-fr"" as a file and try to talk users into running ""yourcommand *""; your program may then misinterpret the filename (""-fr"") as an option.",否则,攻击者可以创建“-fr”文件,并让用户运行 “yourcommand *”;这时您的程序可能会将文件名(“-fr”)曲解为一个选项。 +"However, market internal is very weak, traders should not be surprised to see the index basing sideways within the 1277 and 1295 trading range rather than bouncing higher.",不过由于市场动能十分微弱,指数将来在1277-1295点之间横向运行而非反弹走高是不足为奇的。 +I had been a dancer and i used to dance alone on the playground.,我曾经是一名舞蹈家,我过去常在操场上跳舞,我喜欢独舞。 +It's increased the risk of civil conflict and unrest (the fact that over 60% of sub-Saharan Africa's population is under the age of 24 with few economic prospects is a cause for worry).,国内斗争和动荡的风险也增加(60%以上的撒哈拉沙漠以南非洲地区人口年龄低于24,且几乎没有经济来源,这是巨大的潜在隐患)。 +"Through the analytical method , point out our country presumes the existing problem of the system civilly .",通过分析方法,指出我国民事推定制度存在的问题。 +So how will they compensate me?,那他们会怎样补偿我呢? +"The equivalent, for those agitating for Britain to leave the EU, is to call for the country to cherry-pick bits of EU membership—and, on failing, hail its ghastliness.",对于那些鼓动英国脱离欧洲的人来说,这就等同于号召国家择优挑选少数欧盟成员国——当然如果失败的话,也会遭受灭顶之灾。 +"Numerous football stars, including Jens Lehmann and Marcos Cafu, have the habit of eating chewing gum during the match.",据悉,包括德国门神莱曼、巴西球星卡福在内的众多球星均有嚼口香糖比赛的习惯。 +"That night, Cerita put the watch in her closet.",那天晚上,谢莉妲把手表放在衣橱里。 +Ever wonder how much a cloud weighs?,想知道一朵云有多重吗? +"Jon lets the administrator know that this will take about 45 minutes, so the administrator gives Jon his pager number and asks that he page him when he is done to let him out.",Jon 让管理员知道这将花费 45 分钟,因此管理员向 Jon 提供了他的呼机号,并请在 Jon 完成时呼他以让他出来。 +"Worried that profits were declining, Randy Cohen, founder of Ticket City, an Austin-based ticket broker, laid off workers and cut managers' pay in 2008.",由于担心利润下滑,奥斯汀票务经纪公司Ticket City的创始人兰迪•科恩2008年一度进行了裁员,并削减了经理人员薪资。 +"A financial-services adviser by day, he began baking gourmet bread at home for fun last year, after a friend gave him the book 'Artisan Bread in Five Minutes a Day.'",他的本职是金融服务顾问,去年朋友送了他一本《五分钟手工面包》(Artisan Bread in Five Minutes a Day)之后,他出于好玩开始在家烤制美味面包。 +"In this paper, a finite element model of jointless bridges with integral abutment supported on piles was brought up, considering the interaction between pile and soil.",考虑桩土相互作用,提出桩基础的无伸缩装置整体式桥台桥梁有限元计算模型; +"Like stained nail polish, hand painted feet are full of bright red, brilliant too difficult to close.",喜欢染指甲油, 手上脚上都涂满满的鲜红色, 艳得难以接近。 +"NO03,4. I like to eat fruit for dessert.",我喜欢吃水果当点心。 +"Generally speaking, the influence factors of IMCL have no remarkable difference from""student or not"", ""used payment function or not""and""using single function or not"";",从总体而言,“是否是学生”、“是否使用过收费功能”、“是否使用单一IM”对即时通讯产品顾客忠诚的影响因素的平均值没有明显差异; +"Framework and profit pattern, because be the bonze of become a monk late in life for the most part, can read aloud only some broken broken classics.",架构和盈利模式,由于大部分都是半路出家的和尚,只能念些碎碎的经。 +"Like most of the great art-song composers, Schubert was not to the theatre born.",就像大多数艺术歌曲的创造者一样,舒伯特并非写歌剧出身。 +That has provided the capital for an investment boom that will help keep German industry hyper-competitive in the future.,这将为以后投资浪潮的到来提供资金,使德国工业保持更高的竞争力。 +But the slump was as striking for its synchronicity as its severity.,但是最令人震惊的是,经济萧条的同步性一如其严重性。 +"The Chinese word for cross talk is “xiangsheng,�� literally “face and voice.",cross talk在中文里写作“相声”,字面意思就是“相貌和声音”。 +Forget it --- unless you are interested in shell necklaces and beautifully carved wood bowls.,想都别想——除非你对贝壳项链和雕刻精美的木碗感兴趣。 +Installation and a test-run should be performed by a qualified engineer.,设置及试运转由专门领域的专家进行。 +All soil like that without dung.,土壤施肥料后变肥沃了。 +Here's the rundown for a few common coffee additions,下面是一些常见的咖啡添加剂的纲要 +"The values of the coefficients at the annual scale also reflect environmental vulnerability and population density, which could further verify our hypothesis.",以年为尺度进行分析所得出的系数值也可以反映出环境敏感度和人口密度的影响,从而进一步验证我们的假说。 +For legal entities as well as for cinematographic works copyright terms are 50 years since the first publication of the work.,而企业和影视作品的版权期限是50年,截止于作品首次发表后的第50年。 +"We proposed a novel method to analyze the propagation of sub-picosecond optical pulses through semiconductor optical amplifiers(SOA), fully considering spectral dispersion of ultrashort pulses.",通过考虑脉冲频谱的增益色散,提出了一个分析亚皮秒光脉冲在半导体光放大器(SOA)中传输的新思路。 +"And once again Elliot Aronson, the person who did the blunder experiment, the ""Pratfall"" experiment, he did some nice work on attractiveness as well.","曾经阿伦森·埃利奥特,那个做失态实验的心理学家,他也做了一些关于外表吸引力的成功实验。" +"On the research approach, this text combines the actual conditions and existing achievement to design assessment index system of venture capital synthetically;",在研究方法上,木文从基本理论入手,结合实际情况和现有研究的成果,对指标体系进行综合设计; +"No significant correlation was found between positive AKT2 expression and age, gender, histologic type and tumor differentiation and TNM staging (P>0.05).",AKT2的表达与患者年龄、性别、组织学类型、组织分化及TNM分期均无关(P>0.05)。 +This hypertext web was created by Christian Hubert.,这个 超文本 网页是由克里斯汀·休伯特创建的。 +In William Frederick Yeames's classic Victorian painting And When Did You Last See Your Father? a fancily dressed royalist boy faces a grim tribunal of Cromwellian zealots.,一个衣着花哨的保皇党小男孩面对着克伦威尔狂热追求设立的严酷的法庭。 +"The company specializes in upper tier, women and men product, woven silk and knitwear, sportswear, intimate apparel, neckwear and home furnishings and textiles.",公司专营高档男女真丝产品,包括梭织、针织、时装便服、内衣系列、领带服饰和丝绸家纺产品。 +"This means that 2C targets, or even more ambitious targets, can remain on the table in international climate negotiations.",这意味着温度保持在2C水平这一目标,或者更远大的目标可以继续成为国际气候谈判的话题。 +"In this paper, part of theoretical and experimental studies on the application of UV laser in dicing of sapphire wafer and SiC were presented.",本论文对紫外激光应用于蓝宝石晶圆和碳化硅等材料的划切加工技术进行了部分理论与试验研究工作。 +One ought never to turn one's back on a threatened danger and try to run away from it.,一个人绝对不可在遇到危险的威胁时,背过身去试图逃避。 +Double button placket at front.,双门襟按钮在前面。 +"First, China-Nepal friendship is historic and broad-based.",一是中尼友好历史悠长,基本普遍。 +Curb ditch?,路缘浅沟?。 +"Prior to the talks, President Hu held a welcoming ceremony for Kirchner at the North Hall of the Great Hall of the People.",会谈前,胡锦涛在人民大会堂北大厅为克里斯蒂娜总统访华举行欢迎仪式。 +The one on the thirteenth floor is very quiet. The room number is 1316.,三楼的那一间是非常安静的。房间号是1316。 。 +This is especially important because of the re-emergence via the web of text files (HTML) as a lingua -franca across all applications and systems.,当网络文本(HTML)重新兴起而成为所有应用软件和系统的网络“外交语言”后,这一点变得尤其重要。 +"I have a beautiful red pencil-box with three pens, two pencils, a rubber and two rulers. Every morning before I goto school I put it into my backpack.",我有一个雅观的红色铅笔盒,里里有三支钢笔,两支铅笔,一块橡皮战两把尺子。每天早上,正在我上教之前,我把它放进单肩背包里。 +"Land has been allotted to all Red Army officers and men who are natives of the border area, but it is rather difficult to allot land to those from other parts of the country.",红军官兵中的边界本地人都分得了土地,只是远籍人分配土地颇为困难。 +Construction technique of the beam bottoms reinforcement and strengthening for holding beams to change poles on steel reinforcement concrete;,提出了哈尔滨市计生委办公楼结构改造所需的托换梁、托换柱、托换基础及相关连接构造的设计思路和方法。 +Complex surfaces must be represented using either the surface or solid modeling technique.,描述零件复杂表面要用表面或实体模型。 +"Today, my brother's best friend spent the night and was changing with the door partially open.",今天,我哥哥的好朋友来我家过夜,换衣服的时候门没全关上。 +Please give me two more pieces of blueprint paper. Mine has run out.,请再给我两张晒图纸, 我的已经用完了。 +"A typically configured, fully fueled Sparrow weighs approx. 45 Kg, carries a mission specific payload of 12 Kg. and cruises at 60-70 Kts. for over 4hr.",一个典型配置,充足加注燃料的“麻雀”无人机大概重量45公斤,以60-70节巡航速度携带一个12公斤任务负载,在空中4小时。 +"The Arsenal manager has benefited from Gallas starting in all 22 of the club's Premier League matches this season, along with his partner Thomas Vermaelen.",在本届英超联赛赛季的所有22场比赛中,通过让加拉斯和他的战友托马斯.维尔玛伦一起首发,这名阿森纳主教练受益颇多。 +"GM exports Chinese-made Wuling microvans and uses its dealer networks to sell those vans in markets such as Columbia, Ecuador, Peru and Egypt, according to the company.",据通用说,通用出口中国产五菱微客,并利用自身的经销商网络在哥伦比亚、厄瓜多尔、秘鲁和埃及等市场销售。 +"Because our country adjoins the world two biggest narcotics habitats—golden triangle and golden new moon, the drug-related crime question is increasingly prominent.",由于我国毗邻世界两大毒品产地——“金三角”和“金新月”,毒品犯罪问题日益突出。 +Does Anna like beans?,安娜喜欢吃豆角吗? +The theoretical formula about vacuity in vacuum tube and pore-water pressure at the observation point was obtained in this paper by using equation of gas state and equilibrium equation.,根据气体状态方程和平衡方程,推导出在某点真空表反映的真空度值与孔压计反映的孔压差的理论关系式。 +Meaning of a given pixel value for black and white: is 0 black or white?,给定的黑白象素值的含义:0 代表黑还是白? +Fused Deposition Molding (FDM) and three-dimensional printing forming technology (3D-P) and so on.,熔融沉积成形技术(FDM) 和三维印刷成形技术(3D-P)等。 +"The volume of bullion gold imports to Dubai increased by 13 percent on the year to 300 tonnes during the first half of 2009, according to data from DMCC. Some of those imports were reexported.","据DMCC资料显示,迪拜在2009上半年黄金进口量增加13%,成为300吨.而部份进口的黄金会再出口." +"Firms such as Rakuten, an online shopping mall, and DeNA, a developer of games for mobile devices, have reached global prominence.",像乐天这样的线上购物中心以及DeNA这样的专门为移动装置开发游戏的公司已经达到了全球领先的水平。 +MR. CHEN: Implementing a transformation like that described in the report is expected to be complicated and will require a delicate balance between near-term challenges and long-term challenges.,陈:进行一场如你们的报告所述的国防转变将是非常复杂的,并需要统筹考虑近期挑战和长期挑战的平衡。 +"Bunning was the first publicly to give the reasoning behind the GOP revolt against the bailout plan, which climaxed in its rejection on 29 September.",邦宁是公开陈述共和党反对救市计划背后理由的第一人,反对的声音在9月29日达到高潮。 +"The hippo greets Tonie, in particular, with special grunts and flicking ears whenever she sees him and follows him like a dog wherever he goes.",杰西卡最喜欢的还是托尼,每次看到托尼,她都发出特殊的咕噜声并拍打着两只耳朵以示欢迎,还象小狗一样跟着托尼,托尼走到哪里她就跟到哪里。 +"Advisor accepts the retaining and appoints Mr. Xiaoqing Mao attorney at law , as legal counsels of Advisor.",顾问接受聘用,并指定毛晓青律师作为法律辩护律师。 +"But for Valdano, the issue of speed is not merely to do with improved understanding of nutrition or physical conditioning.",但在巴尔达诺看来,速度不仅仅与对营养和身体状况之认识的进一步加深有关。 +WAIS-R Digit Symbol Test score and Trail Making Test A and B scores were associated with diabetes duration and age at diabetes onset (P<0.01).,数字符号测验、连线测验A和B成绩与糖尿病病程与起病年龄相关联(P<0.01)。 +"Modification of aqueous polyurethane-polyacrylate using organosilicon by suitable chemical methods could obtain coating with excellent properties, such as water resistance and mechanical properties.",���用合适化学方法用有机硅对水性聚氨酯-聚丙烯酸酯进行改性,可以得到有良好耐水性以及力学性能的涂膜。 +"And for safety and legal reasons, all booze-related records have been taken out--like Steve Petrosino's amazing feat of guzzling 550 ml of beer in 1.3 seconds.",基于安全及法律上的考虑,《吉尼斯世界纪录大全》删除了所有与喝酒有关的世界纪录,例如史蒂夫·彼得罗西诺曾经用1.3秒喝下550毫升啤酒的惊人壮举。 +Don't give him any hints when he answers the question.,在他回答问题时,不要给他提示。 +The World Society for the Protection of Animals (WSPA) works to raise the standards of animal welfare throughout the world.,世界保护动物协会(WSPA)在全世界为提高动物的保护而努力。 +"Teacher's love and fairness reflected her moral qualities, which are best represented through the activities that she engaged in fulfilling her life ideal and life value.",斯霞的教师爱、教师公正反映了斯霞的德性品质,这些品质体现于斯霞实践人生理想与价值的行动之中,由此而形成斯霞的幸福。 +"Salmon, Walnuts, Canola Oil, and Flax Seed.",大马哈鱼、核桃、菜籽油和亚麻籽。 +"From simulation results, the impedance variety is obtained. Theoretic and design bases are(provided) for the composite plate instead of pure copper or pure aluminum bus-bar.",根据仿真得出:复合板阻抗值随电流频率的改变呈线性变化规律,该结论为实现用铜-铝-铜三层复合板取代纯铜及纯铝母线排提供了理论和设计依据。 +All of gene effects for the final characters were found to be algebraic sum of the respective parameters for net growths at different development stages.,净增量的基因效应估计值表明,显性效应在株高和粒重中比加性效应更重要,而单株叶数则相反; +Dash-board announce no oil in the engine A yellow light on the dash-board flashed angrily and Bruce cheerfully announced that there was no oil in the engine!,仪表盘上一盏黄灯闪着刺眼的光芒,布鲁斯兴致勃勃地宣布车子没油了! +"There are intelligent photoelectric smoke detectors, intelligent heat detectors and manual alarm call points designed in the building.",建筑物中包括智能光电感烟探测器,智能感温探测器和手动报警按钮。 +"These dark days, my friends, will be worth all they cost us if they teach us that our true destiny is not to be ministered unto but to minister to ourselves, to our fellow men.",我的朋友们,如果这些黑暗的日子教会我们不应该奉献于我们的命运,而是奉献于我们自己、我们的同胞,那么它们给我们造成的损失也就值得了。 +"Presently, the trade with Russia has witnessed rapid growth, accounting for 55.8% of the overall trade volume of the province, up to 1/5 of the trade value between China and Russia.",目前,黑龙江省对俄贸易高速增长,对俄贸易占全省对外贸易额的55.8%,接近全国对俄贸易额的1/5。 +"2 way 165mm (6.5"") kit, separate crossover (passive version), grilles included. The defining standard dedicated to the most accurate sound reproduction in the low, midrange and high frequencies.""",165毫米(6.5“)二路套件、独立分频器(功率分频模式)和网罩。把最精确的低中高频声音重现作为专门的定义标准.。 +DO YOU know you have to give everything to become a TV announcer?,你知道你成为一个电视播音员必须放弃一切吗? +Infidels means people would have faith.,异教徒就是那些有信仰的人。 +"Alternatively, even if the Democrats do not earn 60 seats, on certain topics they may be able to invoke cloture with the help of some moderate Republicans.",而另一方面,即使民主党得不到60个席位,在某些议题上,在得到某些温和派共和党参议员的帮助下,他们也可诉诸于cloture的做法。 +And few Americans had any desire to fight in another world war.,很少有美国人作斗争的意志在另一个世界的战争。 +"Methods: In this experimental, 10 healthy adult rabbits were used to receive heterogeneous tracheas of healthy adult rabbits.",方法选用成年健康兔10只,接受异体成年健康兔之气管。 +"Also said that the story did not end, Meng Ni says that it is open-ended.",亦名说这个故事为何没有结局,孟妮说到这是开放式结局。 +Their eight-page letter to Holdren was recently posted on the FDA's website.,这两个部门给霍尔德伦写了长达8页的回信,这封信近日公布在了食品药品管理局的官方网站上。 +Twenty-six employees at a Shenzhen company were wounded Thursday in mob attacks by thugs believed to be hired by another firm with which it had a financial dispute.,10日,一群暴徒冲进深圳一家公司行凶,造成该公司26名员工受伤。 据悉,暴徒是另一家公司所雇,两家公司因经济纠纷而引发矛盾升级。 +The critical technique parameter for processing osmanthus scented Maojian tea manufactured by middlelowlevel Xinyang Maojian tea and sweet osmanthus flowers was studied.,以中低档信阳毛尖茶和桂花鲜花为原料研制成桂花毛尖茶,对桂花毛尖茶加工的关键技术参数进行了初步研究。 +The paper estimates the influence extent of node voltage sags on general equipment sensitivity by process performance index.,提出利用过程性能指数评估节点电压凹陷对一般敏感设备的影响程度。 +"Alison, Marlee, Lee and Margaret.",艾莉森,玛丽,李和玛格丽特。 +You need the shark repellent of good money management.,你需要可以击退鳖鱼的有效的资金管理。 +"Also from the house of Gilgal, and out of the fields of Geba and Azmaveth: for the singers had builded them villages round about Jerusalem.",又从迦巴和押玛弗的田地聚集,因为歌唱的人在耶路撒冷四围为自己立了村庄。 +I'll take about five more minutes to finish up and that'll give us some time for questions.,"大概五分钟结束,留给你们一些时间提问。" +"Then a cyclist approached. It was Halu from Japan, and he explained that the township was only 1 Km ahead as he had visited here last year.",这时有一个车友靠过来,他介绍自己是从日本来的Halu,他跟我说下个乡镇他去年有去过,其实只要再骑1公里就到了。 +"Start learning these skills, and apply them to your own test processes.",请现在就学会这些技巧并运用到您的测试过程中吧。 +"On the other hand, nfsd is the liaison that provides NFS services to clients.",另一方面,nfsd 是向客户端提供 NFS 服务的联系。 +"You’ll find people to talk to, books to read, videos to watch, and classes to take, but none of these things will completely prepare you for the act of creation.",你要发现倾诉对象、要读的书、要看的视频和要上的课程。 但这一切不可能全都为你的艺术创作准备好。 +The IPCC was widely criticized for stating that sea level rise this century would only amount to 59cm (23in).,IPCC的报告中说这个世纪海平面将只升高59cm(23in),因而受到了科学家们的广泛批评。 +The reason was Baikonur's importance for Soviet propaganda.,原因就在于拜科努尔对于前苏联的对外宣传意义重大。 +It points out that a static testing method which assciates with a few single springs with the boundary of the structure is unreasonable for the structural dynamic ana…,对一维和二维结构的试验表明,边界刚度的识别结果与实际相吻合,指出了在边界刚度处理上简单地附加弹簧的静态测试方法对结构的动态分析存在着不合理性。 +Part 2 is about the theoretical disputes and value analysis of anti-takeover of listed companies.,第二部分是有关上市公司反收购的理论争议与价值分析。 +They took to the water like pigs to mud after they were put out to pasture on the uninhabited island of Longa off the North West Scottish coast.,在被放养在苏格兰海岸西北部岛屿上无人照看的龙格牧场之后,这两只小傢夥就像猪拱泥巴拔秧,硬是走水路游了回来。 +"Our biases creep in tremendously into anything we do, especially when it comes to sometimes controversial topics like spirituality and religion.",于是,我们在各个方面的偏见就会慢慢地变大,特别是对于像灵性和宗教这样一些有争议的话题。 +"The animals could be heard yelping and panting in theireagerness, the way they do when they have the prey in sight.",已经听得到这些动物热切的尖嚎和喘气,一个它们锁定猎物时的信号。 +Mr. Lee has vowed to revamp what South Koreans view as Mr. Roh's overly generous and uncritical policy of economic aid to Pyongyang.,李明博誓言要改变韩国人看到的卢武铉总统对北韩采取的过于宽容和不加鉴别的经济援助政策。 +"If the students do this, they will learn these new vocabulary words very deeply, and will remember them forever.",如果学生做这些,他们将非常深入地学会这些新词汇,而且将永远记住他们。 +Prescription of tonifying stomach and clearing lump can improve clinical symptom of spleen-deficient FD patients significantly and it is safer and has better curative effect than domperidone.,健胃消痞方能明显改善脾虚型FD患者的临床症状,安全有效,疗效优于多潘立酮。 +"People, even more than things, have to be restored, renewed, revived, reclaimed, and redeemed . - Audrey Hepburn , American Actress.",人较物件更须要修复,更新,复元,改进及恢复- 美国影星,柯德莉夏萍。 +"When injected behind the retina at the back of the eye, the gene produces a protein that is sensitive to red light.",当这种基因被注射到位于眼睛后部的视网膜后面时,会生成一种能感应红色光的蛋白质。 +"The most sought after surgical procedure was the liposuction. About 455,489 women did a liposuction in 2005 and I'm sure the number is much higher now.",在手术程序后面最���的搜索率是抽脂术,大约455489个女性在2005年做过抽脂手术,我敢肯定现在的数字还上升了很多。 +"Your job, with a well-organized and maintainable site, is to get rid of both.",要获得组织良好且可维护的站点,您的工作就是摆脱这两个问题。 +"The more sound samples you intend to process per notification, the more powerful your hardware should be to reduce the time spent synthesizing your alert sounds.",每个通知要处理的声音采样越多,硬件的处理能力就应该越强,这样才能减少合成提醒声音所用的时间。 +"Gaming the peer evaluations is harder, but some survey responders are not above ""dumping"" their schools' closest peers into the bottom tier so as to undermine the competition.",在同行互评环节赌一把更难,但一些被调查者会不惜把与自己学校关系最密切的同类学校放到最差的等级中来破坏公平竞争。 +"The results showed that soil surface random roughness, soil cohesion and aggregate stability had significant difference among land use types.",结果表明,大南沟流域内土壤随机糙度、抗剪力和团粒稳定性具有一定的空间变化规律,不同土地利用方式间有显著差异。 +Do it slowly and deliberately.,慢慢地并谨慎地做事。 +"The different effects of shock wave, gas expansion pressure, reflected extension wave are put forward.",提出了冲击该、气体膨胀压和反射拉伸波在破岩过程中各自所起的不同作用。 +"The key to the success of WDS lies in how to play its roles in the value chain, which service to develop , which operating and revenue - generating modes to adopt and how to deploy strategic alliance.",无线数据服务的致胜之道在于如何在价值链中给自己的角色定位、在该领域中应开发哪些服务内容、应采取何种运营和收入模式以及如何实施战略联盟。 +"Using the test signal method, a detailed analysis of subsynchronous oscillation for a HVDC system is performed.",对一个仅含有直流输电线路的系统,采用复转矩系数----测试信号法,对其次同步振荡特性进行了分析。 +"In a follow-up project, he found that people could detect tiny differences in the volume of high-frequency sounds - on the scale of just a few decibels.",在进一步的研究中,他发现人能察觉到在高频率声音中极微小的差别——哪怕只在几分贝的范围内。 +The amendments were drafted by a panel appointed by the secretive ruling military council and rushed to a vote. They do not go nearly far enough and were not adequately publicized.,修正案是由神秘的军阀统治委员会指定的专家人员起草的,并仓促交予投票,因此深度欠缺,宣传力度也不够。 +"In Zhi li′s recent novel Outstanding in Life, the image of Lai Shuangyang is once more strengthening of the author′s consciousness of maternal instinct.",池莉近作《生活秀》中来双扬的形象是作者母性意识的又一次强化。 +Bellerive also stressed his government intent to reduce vulnerability to future disasters and to create economic opportunity outside of Port-au-Prince.,他同时还强调指出,海地政府将提升应对今后灾害的能力,在太子港以外地区创造经济机会。 +Serving & Food Match Suggestion:Serving at 8℃ - 10℃.,饮用及配餐建议:温度最好在8℃ - 10℃。 +"A: What about your smoking two packages of cigarettes a day, Dad?",那你每天抽两包烟呢,老爸? +"The results shown that the single big twin like convex is (102) and the twin parallel arranged is (112), high density of dislocation existed in twin.",结果表明,单个出现的凸透镜状粗大孪晶为(102),平行排列的板状孪晶为(112),孪晶内存在高密度位错。 +"This approval also offers parents and health professionals a needle-free option for squeamish toddlers, who may be reluctant to get a traditional influenza shot, "" he added.""",他补充说:“这项批准令还为父母和卫生保健业者提供一种无需注射的选择,一些敏感的幼儿非常不愿接受传统的注射方式。 +The present invention relates to the field of nutrient liquor for soilless culture.,本发明涉及无土栽培营养液领域。 +The very earth trembled as with the tramps of horses and murmur of angry men .,连大地都震动了,仿佛万马奔腾, 千夫怒吼。 +The establishment and the reform of the speciality in electrical engineering and automation in East China Shipbuilding Institute are discussed in this paper and an conclusion is drawn.,对华东船舶工业学院电气工程及其自动化专业建设、改革进行探讨与总结。 +"Eventually, a painter comes.",最后,来了一个油漆匠。 +"Essentially, the DB2 engine dispatch units (EDUs, for example, pre-fetchers, and so on) can be bound to a NUMA pod.",本质上,DB2 引擎分派单元(engine dispatch units,EDU),例如 pre-fetchers 等,可以被绑定到 NUMA pod。 +"In B-S model, the stock price process is driven by Brown motion.",在B-S模型中,股票价格过程是由布朗运动驱动的。 +Combine those two deep-seated trends with a third – steeply rising inequality – and you get the slow-burning ­crisis of American capitalism.,将那两个深层次的发展趋势同第三种发展趋势,也就是“迅速上升的不平等”联系起来,你就会得出美国资本主义的危机正在缓慢爆发。 +Book empowered once again is one law action and phenomenon about using of copyright or special publishing right in book published process once again.,图书复权是一种图书再次出版过程中再次许可使用著作权或专有出版权的特殊法律行为和现象。 +Alice in Wonderland arrives in China after topping global box offices three weeks in a row.,在连坐三周票房冠军宝座后,《爱丽丝梦游仙境》终于来到了中国。 +"Moon blood, it's only my moon blood, but she did not remember ever having such a heavy flow.",经血,这只是我的经血而已,但她记不起自己流过这么多的量。 +China ancient female artists and male artists went hand in hand with effulgent China culture arts.,中国古代女性艺术家与男性艺术家并肩齐驱,共同创造了灿烂的中华文化艺术。 +Degrees of KCS correlated closely with those of RF;,肾络瘀阻程度与肾纤维化程度密切相关; +I played this one in every set in my short Latin American tour and every night people went off! A 100% exclusive remix which will never be released.,在拉丁美洲之旅我场场必放的曲子,人群都随之癫狂。100%空前绝后的大作。 +Unemployment has been stuck around 9 percent for more than two years. Business is treading water. Families have less cash to spend.,连续两年多失业率维持在9%左右,市场混乱,生意打水漂,家庭开支缩减。 +There is no other clothing element in the male repertoire as socially symbolic and functionally useless as the tie.,在男性身上没有什么服饰配件能够像领带一样代表社会地位却没什么功能的。 +You will have lightened your load and you will have helped one of your people develop further.,授权之后你可以减轻自己的负担,并且还可以帮助你的下属在将来发展得更好。 +"I was 12) mortified , I didn't know what to say as the other children started laughing.",我羞愧难当,其他孩子开始笑我,我不知道说什么才好。 +The model was trained with training sample aggregation. The maximum error between the forecasted and real value was 0.97%.,用训练样本集对网络训练后,检验样本的预测结果与实际值最大误差为0.97%。 +"A growing concern among Homeland Security professionals, is that terrorists will someday unleash CBRN materials, in an attack against an unsuspecting public.",国安同行间越来越关注恐怖分子某天会利用CBRN材料向毫无防备民众发动袭击。 +My wife called our son-in-law to rescue us.,我的妻子打电话给我们的女婿,叫他来解救我们。 +"However, he was so dazzling, so unattainable, so I chose to remain silent, like calm water, as silence.",然而他是那么的耀眼,那么高不可攀,所以选择了沉默,像静水那样的沉默。 +"The paper introduce some methods of artificial accelerated ageing and explain the principle of these methods . At last, this paper evaluate the effect of each method, and ascertain the suit…",介绍了几种人工催陈方法,并对各方法的催陈机理进行了系统地阐述,对各方法的催陈效果进行了综合评价,最后确定适合葡萄酒生产的人工催陈技术。 +"Third, that table has the inner bookcase, which can place each kind of book and stationery, and has the better secreted function.",组合式学习桌配有内置书柜,可存放各类书籍和文具,有较好的隐秘性。 +"High impact and low wear Polyoxymethylene (POM) blend was prepared by melt blending of POM with copolyamide (COPA), silicone grease, oil carrier and surfactant.",将聚甲醛(POM)与适量的三元共聚尼龙(COPA)、矽油、载油体及表面活性剂熔融混合,制备出了性能优良的高抗冲、低磨耗POM共混物。 +I haven’t seen Bob for a long time. I wonder if he’s still alive and kicking.,很长时间没见到鲍勃了,不知他是否还是那样生气勃勃。 +The virgins who were ready went in with him to the wedding banquet. And the door was shut.,她们去买的时候,新郎到了,那预备好了的,同他进去坐席,门就关了。 +Work your way forward section by section all the way to the nose.,你的工作方向逐节的所有途径鼻子走。 +"The article analyses the cognate words involved in ""Shi"" part of Shuowenjiezi in detail, with a brief comment on the success and failure of it.",本文具体分析该书《示部》说解所涉及的同源词,并略评其得失。 +We want a promotion allowance of 15% of our total annual payment to La Fountaine.,我们想在每年支付给拉芳丹系列的费用里享有15%的促销折让。 +"Mary Jane: I'd like a cheeseburger. Oh, but I'm going out to dinner with Harry.",玛丽·简:我喜欢吃干酪三明治,嗯,但是晚上我还要和哈利约会。 +"She is ""resting comfortably and secure in the reptile house, "" and is ""alive and well"".",这条蛇正在“蛇窝中舒服地休息并且无忧无虑”,同时“活得还很好。” +"Gossypol, which is produced by gland cells in the leaves of Cotton, is an attractant to the boll weevil.",棉叶腺胞分泌的棉酚对棉铃象鼻虫是一种引诱剂。 +Objective To investigate the effects of nimodipine in oral therapy on the diabetic peripheral neuropathy.,目的观察尼莫地平口服对糖尿病周围神经病变的治疗效果。 +"When Jehu came to Samaria, he killed all who were left there of Ahab's family; he destroyed them, according to the word of the Lord spoken to Elijah.",到了撒玛利亚,就把撒玛利亚亚哈家剩下的人都杀了,直到灭尽,正如耶和华对以利亚所说的。 +Cannot transfer all of the data for the linked fields from the database table. Run the Database Wizard and re-link the shape to correct the problem.,无法从数据库表中传输所有链接字段的数据。运行“数据库向导”并重新链接形状以更正此问题。 +"Flurry tracked nearly 3 million active users of eBook apps in July, up from just around half a million in March.",Flurry在七月跟踪了电子书应用程序的300万名活跃用户,而这一数字在三月仅为50万。 +"Whether it is a big presentation or a routine call to set an appointment, the words that come out of your mouth must be practiced to make the best impression on your prospect or customer.",不管你是要做一个大型的展示演说,还是只是打一个常规的约见电话,从你嘴里说出来的话语都必须经过练习,尽量给你的潜在客户和现有客户留下最好的印象。 +The sulfonated oil SS-1 and STO can increase the fullness and hand of the leather.,磺化油SS-1和STO有良好的填充性,可提高皮革的丰满性和手感。 +"The new analysis showed the 'initial range was too low, ' Ms. Lesjak said.",雷亚克说,新的分析表明,最初的成本区间被大幅低估了。 +An increasing number of experts believe migrould like will exert positive effects on construction of city.,越来越多的专家信托移民对都邑的建设起到主动作用。 +The new 3B pultrusion mats are tailored to meet both rigidity and conformability requirements.,新3B拉挤毡是为了满足刚性和舒适性的要求而量身定做的。 +"When your art creation enters the selfhood state, you will be able to understand birds singing and snakes keeping silence.",当你的艺术创作一旦走进了自我的境地,你便能听得懂鸟的歌唱,蛇的静寂。 +"In the darkness, the machine gun spat a vindictive white light like an acetylene torch.",机枪在黑暗中吐出一道凶厉的白光,活象一支喷火的乙炔吹管。 +If you divide the two of them through you will get 6.02 times 10 to the plus 23 per mole.,"如果你除以他们两个,你会得到6。02*10^摩尔。" +A tender moment transpires between mother and infant orangutans in Borneo's Tanjung Puting National Park.,位于婆罗洲的丹戎普汀国家公园里,猩猩母子之间散发着慈爱的一刻。 +Soy formula for infants is less healthy than human breastmilk (as is milk-based formula) —though decades of people brought up on soy formula as babies have shown no ill effects.,大豆配方婴儿奶粉不如母乳好(因为成分是奶)——几十年来被大豆配方奶粉养大的人们并没有显示出疾病。 +Never in the field of human conflict was so much owed by so many to so few bloody mannequins.,在人类冲突的战争中,从来没有像这里的场景一样:只是大量地、纯粹借助少数血淋淋的人体模特来还原历史。 +"While Battery Park City is a vastly different place compared to when he first moved in, Mr. Kaufman said he's thrilled by the new schools and influx of new residents.",炮台公园区和考夫曼当年入住时相比已是大不相同了,他说那些新学校和不断涌入的新居民让他感到兴奋。 +Objective To establish internal quality control to distinguish the quality of diagnostic Kit and control operate error and improve the accuracy of HBsAg detection.,目的建立室内质控参考品以鉴别诊断试剂的质量和控制操作误差,提高乙型肝炎病毒表面抗原的检测准确度。 +"Quqiao children's park pavilions, boating blue, like water in the world;",儿童公园亭台曲桥,碧波泛舟,宛若水上世界; +"So, we both went to college at the same time, we went to the same college.",Friends“里Phoebe的扮演者,我们同一年上的同一所大学。 +"We are sure to grow with Doubletree, and hope you would see more Doubletree properties opening in different parts of China in the years to come.",当然,我们也会随着逸林的发展而成长起来,在今后的时间里,你可以在中国很多地方看到逸林的身影。 +Objectives:To explore the value of EEG in diagnosis and treatment of CCCI.,目的:探讨脑电图对慢性脑供血不足的诊疗价值。 +"Hagar Qim and Mnajdra are ancient stone temples on Malta's south coast: Hagar Qim high atop a cliff overlooking the sea, Mnajdra is more than 500 yards downhill.",哈扎伊姆神庙与姆那拉神庙两座远古石寺坐落在马耳他南部沿海:哈扎伊姆神庙雄踞于一绝壁之上,眺望大海。 +The girl has grown up to be a lady.,这女孩已经长成窈窕淑女了。 +This command copies everything from /var/uploads from the current production server to the new server.,这条命令将 /var/uploads 中的所有内容从当前生产服务器复制到新服务器。 +"The attack took place on the grounds of a factory owned by Pennsylvania-based Air Products & Chemicals, which produces industrial gases and says it's the world's leading supplier of helium.",这次恐怖袭击发生于宾夕法尼亚州气体化工产品公司的下属工厂,这家公司生产气体化工产品,并且是全球领先的氦供应商。 +"The lady asked me: “That’s my story, so, do you want to take a look at this oilcloth.",老大妈说,我的故事讲完了。 你要看看这块油布吗? +"You have to wait for the bone to heal and get strong, that takes a couple of months, but you can do other things in that time.",等骨伤痊愈大概要花上两个月时间,在那以后你才可以尝试干点跟足球沾边的事情。 +"He compounded his ills by selling ""herbal fen-phen,"" a mixture of Saint-John's-wort and ephedra, which brought Heisley $2 million a month in profits until the Food &Drug Administration stopped him.",他还卖一种将圣约翰麦芽汁和食欲抑制剂混合的“草药食欲抑制剂,”每个月给他带来200万美元的利润,直到FDA出面制止他才停止,这更让他苦不堪言。 +Does your facility have procedures for detecting and reporting shortages and overages of raw material deliveries and finished goods shipments?,在卸货和装船时,你们对原材料和成品的亏吨及老化等问题有检验和报告的程序吗? +He is able to perceive when the AI [artificial intelligence] information gathering system was 'focused' in his direction and would periodically pick his exact moment to relate something to us.,他能察觉到”AI[人工智能]信息采集系统”聚焦在他的方向上,并且他能周期性地(|定期地)挑选精确/准确的契机来跟我们取得联系、向我们叙述某些事。 +Every horse thinks his sack heaviest. www. 18fu.,net 每疋马认为自己驮的袋子重。 +"She fled Romania for Germany in 1987, after being prohibited from publishing in her country, and it was then that she was fully discovered by the literary world.",1987年,被禁止在本国出书后,她从罗马尼亚逃到德国。 也正是在那时,她真正引起了文学界的注意。 +The third law states that no system can be reduced to 0 K.,第三定律断言,没有一个系统能达到绝对零度。 +Encouragement for employers to sign a long-term labour contract (especially a non-fixed term labour contract) with their employees.,鼓励雇主与雇员签定长期劳动合同,特别是无固定期限的劳动合同。 +And the most religiously volatile part of the world tends to be the youngest.,"另外,世界上在宗教方面最不稳定的部分,常常是青年人。" +"And if energy prices fall materially in the near term, that will put greater fiscal pressure on regional regimes that tend to be long oil but short on democratic outlets for discontent.",此外,如果能源价格近期内大幅下滑,将给这一地区的国家政府带来更大的财政压力,这些国家往往富产石油,但缺乏让公众发泄不满的民主渠道。 +"As our governments broaden dialogue, we are also working to increase people-to-people programs to strengthen our relationship by building ties of friendship and understanding.",在我们两国政府扩大对话之际,我们还致力于增加美中人文交流项目以便通过建设友谊与理解的纽带来加强两国的关系。 +These so-called dysrhythmias may be helped by an artificial pacemaker and is inserted surgically.,这些所谓地心律变态可能是有协助地,是一种人造起搏器插动手术矫治。 +"Dragon Boat Festival day, confused ghost wife walking the dog home, do not see stupid ghost dinner, yet the 10 kilos of flour and all good, in the dough.",端午节那天,糊涂鬼妻子溜狗回家,见糊涂鬼没做晚饭,却把十多斤面粉全都和好,在捏面人。 +I have knocked five times . I don't think anyone's in .,我敲了五次门。我想屋里没有人。 +"""Kung Fu Panda 2"" coincide, it seems a day spent at the movie is a …",“六一”节来临,《功夫熊猫2》热映,两者貌似是不错的搭配。不过,北京电影学院… +Tear yourself away from that report and reflect upon the amount of time you spend working and the quality of that time.,从报告中脱身出来,好好反省一下花下的���作时间和那段时间的工作质量。 +Conclusion :The Yuxin Mixture is a group of effective drugs treating VMC in children.,结论:中药复方愈心合剂是治疗小儿病毒性心肌炎气阴两虚、肝郁证的一个有效复方。 +A cat learning that there were some sick chickens in a small farm disguised himself as a doctor and taking with him the tools of the trade called on them.,有一只猫,听说饲养场有几只鸡病了,就乔扮成医生模样,带上看病家什,去探望病鸡。 +"While many artists have been labeled as being post-rock, its usage is still controversial among critics who maintain that the term is too broad and outdated.",当许多的艺人被贴上“后摇”的标签时,它的使用一直存在着争议,批评家们认为“后摇”这个概念太宽泛和过时了。 +I often go to visit my aunt at weekends.,我常在周末去看望我姑母。 +We are thus led to distinguish. within the broad educational process which we have been so far considering. a more formal kind of education-that of direct tuition or schooling.,因此,我们到目前为止一直在思考这种广泛的教育过程,从而促使我们去区别一个更为正规的教育,也就是说,那种直接教导或学校教育。 +"Using the Go and Po methods, the electromagnetic fields in a microwave anechoic chamber setting up a compact two-cylindrical antennas range are analysed in this paper.",利用几何光学法和物理光学法,分析了带有双柱面紧缩场天线的微波暗室内的电磁场分布。 +"A levee near Gulfport, Illinois was not able to hold back the rising water of the Mississippi River.",伊利诺斯州海湾港附近一河堤未能阻挡密西西比河飞涨的洪水。 +Abandoned patrol car of Hsi-Hu Sugar Factory.,溪湖糖厂内停用的道班车。 +"I'm feeling a little bit airsick , please give me some pills.",我有点晕机,请给我点晕机药片。 +"The process of design was described, the hardware-in-the-loop simulator used to debug control algorithms was erected, and the simulation of accelerating on typical roads such as ice and snow was made.",论述了其设计过程,建立了调试控制算法的半实物仿真器,针对典型附着路面进行了半实物仿真研究。 +A new method for ultrashort optical pulse train generation from a cw signal in the normal dispersion regime of optical fibers is suggested.,提出一种在单模光纤正常色散区由连续波产生超短光脉冲串的新方法。 +Methods:The data in every year list of premarital medical examination from 1997~2004 were summed up and analyzed.,方法:对贵州省1997~2004年婚前医学检查年报表的数据进行统计分析。 +She hung curtains over the windows.,她把窗帘挂上窗上。 +Air Force One touched down at the Shanghai Pudong International Airport in heavy rain at about 23:10.,10空军一号在大雨中降落在上海浦东国际机场。 +Movies were first made in Hollywood before WWI.,一战前好莱坞首次制作了电影。 +"He rents a 10-sq-m room in an apartment for 1,300 yuan a month in Chongwen district.",他在崇文区租了一间只有10平方米的房子,房租就要1300元一个月。 +Yes. That is correct. Thank you.,"是的,这样才对,谢谢" +But the thing that David had done displeased the LORD.,但大卫所行的这事,耶和华甚不喜悦。 +"But if someone were to find a counter-example to a physical ""law"", it would go back to being a hypothesis, and we'd have to repeat more experiments to see if we need to tweak our ""law"".",如果有人找到一次的例外,这定律就要被放回假设。就要再做实验,看是否应修改目前的“定律”。 +"Andrej Bauer starts essay, On programming language design, with a simple premise, “Programmers are just humans: forgetful, lazy, and make every mistake imaginable.”",Andrej Bauer发表了一篇名为《 编程语言的设计》的文章。 他基于一个简单的前提:“程序员是这样的一群人,他们健忘,懒惰,会犯所有可能的错误。” +Mrs Jones asked to see a less expensive hat. The salesgirl got up on her high horse and said that the shop did not sell cheap merchandise.,琼斯太太要看看不太贵的帽子,售货姑娘摆出副盛气凌的人样子,说这个店不卖便宜货。 +"The stream of people like tide mixes blatant city to work tensely , the urbanism of fast rhythm makes you can't help feeling exhaustion of body and mind.",喧嚣的城市如潮的人流和紧张的劳作,快节奏的都市生活使你不禁感到身心疲惫。 +"So when the demand for validating design solutions is so strong, yet research is seemingly so fraught with pitfalls, what is a designer to do?",所以,当验证设计的解决方案要求变高时,市场调查就充满了缺陷,设计师该怎么办呢? +It seems far more likely that future princess Middleton would be seen as a role model than a mentally unstable fictional ballerina in a thriller (or a thin sitcom actress or movie star).,未来王妃米德尔顿将比惊��片中精神不正常的虚构的芭蕾舞演员(或者演员,电影明星)更有可能成为道德楷模。 +"By opening up Windows to third-party developers, he created a platform that made many developers rich, and built out an eco-system that put a desktop in almost every home.","通过将Windows系统开放给第三方软件开发者,他创造了一个使很多开发者致富的平台,创造了一个使""桌面""进入千家万户的""生态系统""。" +"Reminiscences of manuscript cowshed "": truth, true, trends, real life runs through Mr. Ji Xianlin.""",《牛棚杂忆手稿本》:真情、真实、趋势、真切贯穿了季羡林先生一生。 +"Changqing Li and Yihui Wang School of Management, Center for Accounting Studies, Xiamen University, Xiamen, China 361005",厦门大学管理学院厦门大学会计发展研究中心; +"In silk, it would be better to describe the chains as being antiparallel .",在蚕丝中,更确切地讲,这些链是反向平行的。 +Capital employing labor means owners of substantial capital hold control right and residual claiming right of a enterprise.,资本雇佣劳动是指物质资本主体垄断企业控制权和剩余索取权。 +"With the advent of freezers and mechanical refrigeration, ice cream production soared, with 150 million gallons of ice cream being made in the U. S. in 1919.",有了冰箱和冷藏技术之后,冰淇淋制造业也随之蓬勃发展,一九一九年美国制造了一亿五千万加仑的冰淇淋。 +"""For all of these reasons, people are going to need extra evidence to conclude that it is going to hold up, "" Galison said.",“由于所有这些原因,人们还需要额外的证据,才能论定OPERA的实验结果是否站得住脚跟,” 盖利森说。 +"Lots of people have credit issues that cause them worry during a job search, or aren't sure how solid their references from a previous job might be.",很多人都有信用问题,这使得他们在找工作时非常担忧,或者是不能确信他们上份工作中的介绍信能起到多大作用。 +"In the final section, I'll look at that data binding and RPC features that Laszlo supports, some of which depend on or behave differently when deployed in proxied mode.",在最后一节中,我将展示 Laszlo 支持的数据绑定和 RPC 特性,有些特性在 proxied 模式下具有不同的行为,或者依赖于 proxied 模式。 +The beauty of life simply lies in this interconnectedness of hearts.,生命的美好原本就在于这份相濡以沫的守望相助。 +"Without affirmations, you may be what we may call wishy-washy about the idea.",没有肯定,对于思想你们可以,我们可以称空泛的。 +"Hey, hotel industry executives. You may not have realized it yet, but the Online Travel Companies (OTCs) have declared war on you.",酒店业的各位决策者请注意,在线旅行社已经向你们宣战了,只是你们可能还没察觉。 +"It also reinforces the message that they should not do work or watch TV in bed, should limit the light in the bedroom and should avoid stimulants like caffeine late in the day.",它还强调这个信息即在床上不应该工作或是看电视,应当限制卧室的灯光,在一天的晚些时候避免类似咖啡因的刺激。 +"""It took me three years until I could say I liked it,"" said Sara Nichols, who moved to Elko when her husband got a job at a mine.",Sara Nichols在其丈夫在艾尔克的金矿找到工作后,就和丈夫一起搬来这里。 +"Results The score of SCL-90 in patients were increased comparing with Chinese norm in somatization, depression, anxiety, phobic anxiety (P<0.01).",结果乳腺癌患者SCL-90各因子评分与中国常模比较,躯体化、抑郁、焦虑、恐怖等因子评分明显升高(P<0.01)。 +And I really do want to be able to take part in this amazing experience this school prepared for us.,自己真做想能参与这诧异经历这黉舍筹办自己们。 +The Eskimo Nebula is clearly a planetary nebula.,爱斯基摩星云显然是一个行星星云。 +"Imagine that a company could use the Web to rate your health, your employability—even your dating appeal. Welcome to the credit score of the future.",试想如果招聘单位能够通过网络了解并评估你的健康状况、就业能力——乃至你的约会喜好,这会是怎样一番情景呢?现在,就容笔者带您一睹未来网络信用评分的真容吧。 +"Being two divisions, there were two columns of them; Wathier's division held the right, Delort's division was on the left.",他们既是两个师,便列了两个纵队,瓦蒂埃师居右,德洛尔师居左。 +You can register at any of our registered test centres.,您可以在我们任何一个考试中心报名。 +"In a mono movie you'd look at the robot and you'd go ‘well, maybe it's 50 feet, maybe it's a 100 feet.'",如果观看单声道电影,你看到一个机器人,可能会说‘嗯,它可能50英尺高,或者100英尺高。’ +"The exoplanet, called WASP-12b, is a gas giant, like Jupiter.",这���命名为WASP-12b的系外行星是一颗类似于木星的巨大气态星球。 +"Can you fill in for me at the meeting? I can't go, and someone must take my place.",你能代我去参加那个会议吗?我去不了,得有人顶替我。 +"If there's any hope of achieving that miracle of love, it's in Sri Vrindavan Dhama.",如果还有任何希望达到这爱的奇迹的话,那只能在圣地温达文。 +The law states that employers can only reject a job applicant with a criminal record if the crime bears a direct relation to the job in question.,只有在案件与该职位直接相关的情况下,雇主才能拒绝有案底的求职人。 +"At dawn in the spring, the males strut around in a traditional area and display while making a highly distinctive mating call.",在春日的晨曦中,雄性黑琴鸡按照惯例在一个专门的区域内大秀各自的风采,一边昂首阔步地走来走去,一边引吭高唱着一种极为独特的求爱之歌。 +"Dogs and their owners take to the arena on the fourth and final day of the Crufts dog show in Birmingham, England.",在伯明翰第四天克鲁弗兹狗展的最后一天,狗和主人上舞台表演。 +This complex blend works to provoke a therapeutic response and enhance your child's senses.,这款综合成分的精油刺激益健康的反应,能加强儿童的健康。 +These spermatocidal agents mainly destroy the biomembrane system of sperm.,其杀精机理主要是破坏精子的生物膜系统。 +"But Sandel's strength and endurance were superb, and he continued to stay on his feet.",可是桑德尔的气力和耐力是超群出众的,他仍旧站着。 +"Things as simple as remembering customers' names can give small businesses that extra advantage, Spector said.",只是记住顾客名字的简单小事,也能为小本生意带来额外利益。 +Referral for polypectomy during OC was offered for all CTC-detected polyps of at least 6 mm in size.,在OC 筛查中息肉切除的参考指标为CTC检测息肉至少为6mm体积。 +"Just choose 5-12 exercises and do them all, either with or without resting.",只要选择5-12种动作训练并且坚持做完它们即可,中途可以休息也可以不休息。 +"The third, we have abundant capital actual strength and many experienced workers . so we can make sure delivery your goods on time and satisfied with you!",再次,公司拥有雄厚的资金实力和经验丰富的技术团队,确保可按时按质按量完成合约。 +"When tested in the Giga Ethernet environment, the system can work steadily.",经过实际测试,系统能稳定地工作在千兆以太网的网络环境。 +"To find Luyuan EV, you must head off the beaten track to Jinhua, an industrial metropolis of 1 million people that is tucked into the unbroken sprawl south of Shanghai that is Zhejiang province.",去寻找绿源,要从上海市一路南下,来到金华。这是浙江省的一座城市,人口百万,工业重镇。顺着金华市工业园的公路就可以找到绿源公司的总部。 +There are the obvious “me time” indulgences that want hiding.,人人都有保留“私人时间”的嗜好并想要在那时隐藏自己。 +"Now, Liaoning Panpan is Woxinchangdan, determined to be a Range in the new season.",如今,辽宁盼盼正卧薪尝胆,矢志要在新赛季大干一场。 +"Over 510,000 of these books are $9.99 or less, including 75 New York Times Best Sellers.",其中超过51万价格在9.99美元以下,包括75本纽约时报畅销书。 +Gus Mears was an enthusiast for a sport that had taken northern Britain by storm but had yet to take off in the capital in quite the same way.,米尔斯是一位狂热的体育爱好者。 他疾风暴雨般地挺进英国北部,同样风风火火的在首都伦敦取得成功。 +"All the Chinese white pears were clustered into one group with Huanghuali, which belonged to P. pyrfolia.",所有白梨品种与唯一的砂梨品种黄花梨聚为一个大组。 +"On the part of science, its cool. We are still on a lead, a craft to mars.",就科学而言,这酷毙了。我们仍然领先,探测器正往火星奔去。 +"Already in China for some time, he had begun to speak our language, had acquaintances in different strata of society, and sympathized with the Chinese people's plight and struggles.",由于他已经在中国呆了一些时日,他逐渐学会讲中文,在社会各阶层都有了熟人,并同情起中国人民的苦难和斗争来。 +"The auditee has the right to use its own terminology, provided the requirements of the standard are met.",只要满足标准各项要求,被审核方有权使用他们自己的术语。 +Meat slicer & dicer…Meat Processors made in China.,肉丝肉片机… 肉食加工设备。中国产。 +"But believing that Jesus came ""to seek and to save that which was lost"" (Luke 19:10), they decided to pursue what they considered an even greater opportunity to serve the ""lost"" in their community.",然而他们既相信耶稣来是「为要寻找、拯救失丧的人」(路加福音19章10节) ��便仍定意要追求他们心中视为更美的机会,去服事社会中那些「失丧」的人。 +"This paper takes an ordinary village-Y village which in Lujiang County Anhui Province as a case, in order to analyze farmers' political participation in the background of villager autonomy.",本文以安徽省庐江县一个普通的村庄Y村为案例,进而来分析当前村民自治背景下农民的政治参与问题。 +On arriving at the airport we went to get the shuttle bus (which we pre-booked) and were taken care of from then on!,到机场后坐上了机场大巴(提前预订好的),从这时候起我们就被招待的无微不至啦! +It was important for callus induction and shoot differentiation to choose better starting materials and a suitable medium in rice anther culture.,选择合适的水稻花培起始材料,选用适宜的培养基配方,对于水稻花培中愈伤组织诱导和分化至关重要。 +Refactoring the Blether service,重构 Blether 服务 +"Compressor capacity adopts many sections or no sections, providing a wide range of capacity, good load performance , stability and high reliability, greatly improving the ability of energy-saving.",压缩机容量控制采用多段式或无段式,提供更大范围的制冷量,载荷性能好,稳定性和可靠性高,可大大提高节省能源。 +"CHICAGO (AFP) - A pack of hunting dogs shot an Iowa man as he went to retrieve a fallen pheasant, authorities said.",当局说,当爱荷华州的一男子去取回落下的一只雉鸡时,一群猎犬开枪打他。 +The issue is also clouded by a dispute about the extent of the risk to cattle from bison that carry brucellosis .,当议题讨论到带原野牛危害家畜的风险时,辩论过程同样陷入混乱。 +We hope you'll take an opportunity to test drive Bespin.,我们希望你能有机会尝试一下Bespin。 +The other fairies put on their clothes and flew away.,其他的仙女都穿上羽衣飞回天上了。 +Saving Private Ryandirected by Steven Spielberg is a 1998 American epic war drama film set during the Invasion of Normandy in World War II.,《拯救大兵瑞恩》是1998年上映的一部美国史诗战争片,由史蒂芬?斯皮尔伯格导演,故事背景设在二战期间的诺曼底登陆战。 +The magma mingling between mafic magma and felsic magma is the primary mechanism responsible for the granitoids of crust-mantle mixed source.,暗色、细粒且具火成结构的岩石包体是指示岩浆混合作用存在的可靠证据。 +Listen to His Holiness' pleas for restraint and calm and no further violence against this civilian population of monastics and lay people.,倾听他的关于保持克制和平静以及停止针对僧人、信徒等平民进一步暴力侵害的恳求。 +This study aimed to analyze the fatty acid and total flavone content of the Capparis spinosa fruit.,分析测定刺山柑果实中脂肪酸成分和黄酮含量。 +The fax machine whichleows any fax to be send in eitIT high or low resolution.,这传真机可挑选传高解析度或低解析度。 +"The performing of the traditional opera helps set up the unique ""Stage Design System"" through the changes in time, space and scenes within the play.",传统戏曲情节的流动,透过时空的幻化、场次的更替,建立了一套独特的检场制度。 +Thirlwell says government leaders there are caught in a very difficult situation.,瑟尔威尔说,印度的领导人现在面临著非常困难的处境。 +Golden Sail Symphony Orchestra of Beijing 101 High School and performing arts groups in Great Washington area presented over 30 performances.,今年的演出中,来自中国北京101中学金帆交响乐团与大华府地区侨界的文艺团体共同为广大观众奉献了30多个精彩的文艺节目。 +"Ubiquitous compulsory education and development process in rural areas, the level of teacher wages affect virtually the overall quality of rural teachers and improve the quality of rural education.",在农村义务教育普及与发展的过程中,教师工资待遇高低无形中影响到农村教师队伍的整体素养和农村教育质量的提高。 +"Symptoms include red, itchy and inflamed skin.",症状包括皮肤发红、发痒、发炎。 +"Synthesis of 2,3,5Trimethylbenzoquinone by Catalytic Oxidation over Supported Heteropolyacids CatalystX.",杂多酸固载催化剂催化氧化合成2,3,5-三甲基苯醌。 +The thesis simulates the process of the spline forming by the FEM software.,应用有限元分析软件,对花键轴的齿形成形过程进行模拟。 +Spencer Tracy as the father of the would-be bride is pressing Mr. Poitier on whether he has considered the sufferings their mixed-race children might have to endure in America.,饰演未来新娘父亲的斯潘塞·特雷西质问普瓦提艾先生,他是否想过他们混血的孩子在美国将会承受多少痛苦。 +"To accomplish the design goals it was necessary to use a 2nd order electrical filter for the high pass section, with an ""l-pad"" for attenuation because of the different sensitivities of the drivers.",由于高音喇叭和低音喇叭有不同的灵敏度,为了达到统一的目的,就需要一个起衰减作用的2阶高通滤波器。 +求你看顾我的苦难,搭救我,因我不忘记你的律法。,"Look upon my suffering and deliver me, for I have not forgotten your law." +"This year's ranking also identifies the cities with the best eco-ranking based on water availability and drinkability, waste removal, quality of sewage systems, air pollution and traffic congestion.",今年的排名还确定了最佳的生态城市,高层水供应和绝佳伴侣,清除废物,污水系统,空气污染和交通挤塞质量为基础。 +"While Justice Minister Veerappa Moily is a dependable champion of arbitration, the message hasn't gotten through to the finance ministry.",尽管司法部长维拉帕·莫以里是一名可靠的仲裁捍卫者,但这一消息并未到达财政部。 +"Our main character belongs to a military organization that has developed advanced technology to combat the undead menace, and all of their weapons and vehicles share common visual themes.",主角属于一个军队,拥有先进的技术与不死族拼杀,军队中的所有武器和交通工应是一个视觉主题。 +"Methods Epithelial cells and fibroblast from ameloblastoma, keratocyst, dentigerous cyst, radicular cyst and oral mucosa were cultured and observed by phase-contrast microscope.",方法原代体外培养成釉细胞瘤细胞、牙源性角化囊肿、根端囊肿及口腔粘膜的上皮细胞和成纤维细胞,倒置光相差显微镜观察。 +"So already, just from Firm 2's production the price has been driven all the way down to costs.","这样公司2的产量会,导致价格下降直到成本价格" +It seems that my arms are so long!,我的胳膊似乎老长了呢。 +"The writing style of ""dagger"" and ""throwing spear"" belongs to ironical essays.",现代散文中的“匕首”、“投枪”式小品文当属于杂文。 +The sentence does not construe.,那一句不能分析。 +"The first time this method is called, instance is null and the code proceeds to B9 .",第一次调用此方法时,instance 为 null,代码执行到 B9。 +"Karen: First, you have to know the meaning of the word, or rather from a context, so you can understand it better.",首先,你先要了解单词的意思,或是从课文中了解这个单词的具体意思,这样你就能够很好的理解。 +The number shapes system also involves making up a story using the items you've memorized to stand for the numbers from zero through nine.,号码定形方案涉及用条目编一个故事,你记住这些条目是用0到9的数字表示。 +This article proposes a new heuristic algorithm for capacitated P-median problem.,针对约束P-中位问题的特点,提出了一种新的启发式算法。 +"HongXiuXian and LiuShiYuan will, hand in hand, as the couple, putting on all kinds of changes in a story.",洪秀贤与柳时元将携手饰演这对夫妇,上演各种令人捧腹的故事。 +"Arise is ruled by the forceful Mars. Arians are good athletes, doctors, explorers, soldiers, and leaders.",火星是白羊座的守护星,他们将是很好的运动员,一声,探险家,军人和领导人。 +"Nonetheless, tea from the 1980's is now coming of age and commanding high prices.",然而,从20世纪80年代到现在的普洱茶价格很高。 +I would advise not buying the house.,人建议不要买那幢房女。 +Lung CT and fiberoptic bronchoscopic provide the credible evidence for accurate diagnosis.,肺CT和纤维支气管镜检查为明确诊断提供了可靠的依据。 +"This diagnosis method is characterized for its portability, stability, non-destruction to plant tissue, continuous monitoring and automatic logging as compared with other methods.",与其它水分诊断方法相比,茎直径变差法具有简便、稳定、无损、连续监测和自动记录的优点。 +Mr. Dabbashi expressed confidence they would be captured 'within 72 hours.',达巴希表示有信心在72小时内将其抓获。 +Long term survival for cyclical or volatile sectors re quires them to achieve a high Gross Margin in the good times. Why else would investors take the risk?,周期性或波动性行业部门的长期生存需要其在大部分时间里都能实现较高的总赢利。为什么投资者要承担其他的风险? +The firm closed business for the Christmas holiday.,该公司圣诞节停止营业。 +The traditional geological disaster survey relies on field reconnaissance with a lot of manpower and material resources.,常规的地质灾害调查往往是进行实地踏勘,地面实测,需耗用大量的人力物力。 +"Second, we need to create a JDBC provider for DB2 XA data sources.",第二步,我们需要为 DB2 XA 数据源创建一个 JDBC 提供者。 +The genetic algorithms and the self-construct study of hidden layer nodes were adopted to optimize the NN structure.,并采取遗传算法、网络隐含层节点自构性学习等办法优化网络构��。 +Enthert communication mode is used between substation control terminal and the FTU on main branch of feeder.,站控终端和馈线主干线上的FTU通信采用光纤以太网通信方式; +"The latter originates in ""linguistic turn"" in philosophical investigations and has been concerned mostly with the cognitive process of deducing the speaker's intention on the part of the hearer.",后者源于哲学研究的“语言性转向”,侧重研究接受者推断表达者语用意图的认知研究。 +"The arrangement is similar to Ogier's Tokyo office, which is staffed by partner Skip Hashimoto.",这样的安排和由斯奇普·哈希莫托执业的奥杰东京代表处类似。 +The examples below assume a process improvement effort is undertaken in 2009 with cost reductions being realized in out-years (2010 through 2012).,下面的 范例假设在 2009 年进行了过程改进计划的尝试,在接下来的 2010 年至 2012 年间可以降低成本。 +On the basis of these results we assume that the E receptors are present on a part of T cells and also on some B cells.,这些结果说明E受体不仅表现于一部分T细胞上,而且见于某些B细胞上。 +"In the same year, Kingsignal successfully researched and developed semi-rigid cable, which, very soon, had been approved by many famous companies at home and abroad.",同年,成功研发出半刚系列产品,并迅速获得国内外著名企业的认可。 +The silk fibroin (SF) with the endophilicity to the human body cell can be used to modify PLA materials to enhance the biological compatibility of PLAs.,蚕丝蛋白原料丰富,对人体细胞具有亲和性,用其改性PLA材料,可以提高材料的生物相容性。 +ObjectiveTo improve the diagnosis of cryptococcosis.,目的提高对隐球菌病的诊断水平。 +The JVM is effectively paused during the garbage collection run.,在运行垃圾收集期间,JVM 实际上会暂停。 +"This is one of the ""small round blue cell"" tumors and it most often occurs in children.",它是“小圆蓝细胞”肿瘤,最长发生于儿童。 +Knoch's team applied a magnetic field to this chunk of cortex in order to inhibit its functioning.,Knoch的团队运用磁场来抑制这一皮质单位的功能。 +"The pace could be very slow and very far away from normalisation, "" said Seiji Adachi, senior economist at Deutsche Securities in Tokyo.""",步伐可能会非常缓慢,距离标准非常遥远。 东京德意志证券的高级经济学家安达诚司说。 +"In this paper, the result of mass concrete temperature monitoring Haicang Bridge east anchor mound is introduced.",介绍了海沧大桥东锚碇大体积混凝土的温度监测结果,结合温控标准研究温控措施的效果。 +'Do you know Monsieuer Duval's address?' I asked the man.,“您知不知道阿你芒·迪瓦尔先生的住址?”我问这个园丁。 +"But the methodology and results of the trial, as well as the cost-effectiveness of the product, have been queried, with no distinct conclusion being drawn so far.",但是该实验的方法和结果以及其性价比受到了质疑,迄今为止一直没有得出明确的结论。 +Heat transfer in the tail section of channel of cooling blade with pin-fin arrays;,本文应用湍流模型对涡轮叶片尾缘针肋通道的换热与流动进行了二维数值模拟研究。 +"You can also gather objective metrics later, but asking people how much they ""feel"" their team heeds a given practice helps remind them and learn about that practice.",之后您还可以收集客观的量度,但询问人们“觉得”他们的团队有多留意已知的实践可以帮助提醒他们并了解该实践。 +"Energy developments in 2009 were dominated by a global recession and, later in the year, a tentative recovery.",2009年的能源发展被一场全球的衰退所支配,而在后来,获得了暂时性的复苏。 +"Application to hold press conferences and news releases should be at least 30 days in advance, and introductive documents about the brand, designer and the company are required.",举办媒体招待会或新闻发布会至少应提前30天向中国国际时装周组委会申报登记,并提供品牌、设计师及发布机构的相关资料。 +Conclusions The measurement of RVEF applies a simple and reliable method in evaluating systolic function of right ventricle.,结论心尖四腔观单平面面积-长度法测量RVEF可作为估测右室收缩功能的简单可靠的方法。 +"Meanwhile, cross-jet gas delivery tube aliform section is beneficial to reducing air flow resistance and obtaining better mixing quality.",按交叉射流设计的翼型引流管在降低空气流动阻力的同时也可取得良好的混合效果。 +"Gauge Appropriation trap, have reasonable with small scaled construction with the superior of the high quantity.",仪表专用疏水阀,具有合理的特小型结构和高质量的优越性。 +"Five minutes before halftime, Daniel Alves, who replaced the injured Elano, produced a dangerous in swinging cross from the right and Ayala turned the ball into his own net.",中场结束前五分钟,代替受伤的埃拉诺出场的阿尔维斯在右侧传出一记危险的内弧线,阿亚拉触球后自摆乌龙。 +A polygraph examiner knows what to look for when questioning someone.,测谎仪检测者知道问某人问题时应该注意哪些方面。 +Cell cycle analysis can provide reference for researching the physical and chemical mutagenesis to citrus calli.,细胞周期分析可为研究柑橘愈伤组织理化诱变提供依据。 +"Hence, the word bit was born.",因此,bit诞生了。 +"Says Peterson, ""If having hair-free arms is not a source of worry to you, then don't worry.""",皮特森说道:“如果一条脱了毛的手臂并不会让你烦恼,那就没什么可担心的。” +He will probably never see his wallet again.,很可能他再也见不到自己的钱夹了。 +"Google’s social network site Orkut turned into Yogurt today, according to their logo.",从他们的图标 来看Google的社交网站 Orkut 今天变成了Yogurt。 +Do you know what the difference is between “ecotourism” and “sustainable travel?”,你知道“生态旅游”和“可持续旅游”的区别吗? “零碳”和“无碳”呢? +He hopes China and Indonesia continue with disaster prevention and reduction cooperation and jointly build up capacity of handling major natural disasters.,希望中印尼继续积极开 展防灾减灾合作,共同提高应对重大自然灾害的能力。 +Few people studied Gao's knowledge and view on Chinese painting traditions at the time he advocated the reform.,然而,在从事改革的同时,高剑父对于中国绘画传统的认识与看法为何,却少有人研究。 +And don't be afraid of including a one-sentence paragraph.,同时不要害怕运用一句式段落。 +"The lovely, naughty god had two kinds of arrows: the gold tipped arrows used to quicken the pulse of love and the lead tipped ones to palsy it.",此可爱然而又淘气的小精灵有两种神箭: 加快爱情生成的金头神箭和中止爱情的铅头神箭。 +Take make-up brushes - fine and soft enough to dust your camera lens.,化妆用刷-柔软细致可以用来清洁相机镜头。 +"The present paper embodies two studies: faunal analysis of aquatic oligochaeta in Zhongshan, South China, and environment gradient analyses of zoobenthos in 13 Yangtze shallow lakes.",本研究对广东中山淡水寡毛类进行了区系调查,对长江中下游13个阻隔湖泊和通江湖泊进行了底栖动物群落环境梯度分析,初步构建了环境指示函数。 +"Last year, Obama's domestic and international affairs for the United States twice to cancel the planned visit to Australia.",去年,奥巴马因美国国内和国际事务曾两次取消原定的访澳计划。 +Cris is all-too-aware of the problems Lyon suffered in his absence.,克里斯也知道里昂在他缺席的时候受了不少影响。 +"The former-such as the ""peaceful unification"", ""one country two systems"", and the non-renunciation of the use of force-has been impressively consistent over almost two decades.",前者如「和平统一」、「一国两制」「不放弃对台用武」几乎有二十年没有改变。 +"Dr Richard Stone, author of the Stephen Lawrence Review, told a conference this week: 'Applicants for promotion to sergeant, or transfer to elite squads, should require degrees.",《斯蒂芬劳伦斯审查》的作者理查德斯通博士在这周的会议上指出:“申请晋升警长或者转移到精英队的,都要求有学位。” +"The Detroit automaker won't make final decisions on the number of non-union jobs until near the end of this month, said the people, who asked not to be named because the plans are preliminary.",据一位知情者(由于计划是初步的,所以其不愿透露姓名)称,通用大概将会在本月底公布非工会职位的最终数量。 +"The old couple were proud of their grandson, who won two gold medals and a bronze at the 28th Olympic Games.",老两口为他们的孙子感到骄傲, 因为他在第 28 届奥运会上获得了两枚金牌和 一枚铜 (bronze) 牌。 +Conclusions 1. the salt-sensitive hypertensive rat model induced by sensory denervation was successfully established by injecting Capsaicin and high salt diet.,结论(1)辣椒辣素处理的新生大鼠在高盐饮食时可迅速建立起一种盐敏感性高血压模型。 +In the case where the remaining mortgage balance is higher than the actual home value the foreclosing party is unlikely to attract auction bids at this price level.,在按揭贷款余额高于房产实际价值的情况下,此房产将不会吸引到在这个价格水平喊价。 +This book records the author tended father five years of some speculation.,此书记载了作者照顾老父亲五年来的一些思考。 +"I still ponder over the issue of ""identity recognition"" always on the tongue of the media up to now.",至今传媒仍然挂在口边的「身份认同问题」,我也深刻思考过。 +"Squat toilet habits are hard to break in China, particularly among the older generation.",在中国旱厕的习惯很难改变,特别是老一辈们。 +The color image reinforcing which realized by grey statistics histogram equalization method has reduced the need of environment brightness in virtual photographing system.,由灰度统计直方图均衡所实现的彩色增强处理降低了虚拟照相系统对环境照度的要求。 +"For example, he once wrote a thank-you note to the word moist ""for being the worst word, ever. """"",比如,他曾经为“潮湿”一词写过一封感谢信“有史以来最差劲的单词”。 +"A 15-hour day and 7-day week is not uncommon, especially during the start-up stage.",一天工作15 个小时,一周工作七天,这样的工作日程安排在硅谷却是司空见惯的现象,尤其在创业初期更是如此。 +"At the same time, also held in Wuhan Hongshan Culture Festival Brassica campestris , and expand the impact of the characteristics of vegetables.",同时,武汉还举办洪山菜薹文化节,扩大这一特色蔬菜的影响。 +"By analyzing its concepts, features, value orientation and inscape, this chapter presents clearly the important conditions in the cognizance of the system of agency by estoppels.",通过对表见代理的概念、特征、价值取向和构成要件的分析,进一步明确了认定表见代理成立的要件。 +"Eve is very exquisite, southern eve generally does not eat dumplings, some places eat rice cakes.",年夜饭是很讲究的,南方年夜饭一般不吃饺子,有些地方吃年糕; +"Photograph by Michael Melford – ""We love our fish! "" says Ina Bouker, a Yupik native and teacher fromDillingham who opposes the mine.",迈克尔。米尔福德摄---“我们爱我们的鱼!”因娜布克说。她是一个皮克土著同时也是一个来自迪灵汉的反对水雷的教师。 +"Load balancing is a desired target for resource allocation in high performance cluster system , and to get a well-balanced load is determined directly by load identification .",负载均衡一直是高性能集群系统中资源分配追求的一个主要目标,能否有效地进行负截识别则直接关系到负载均衡的最终实现。 +But why is the legend of King Arthur such a compelling one in culture?,但是,为什么亚瑟王的传奇能成为英国文化中如此吸引人的一点呢? +A:You mean a vending machine?,你是说自动售货机吧? +"A city of southern California on the Pacific Ocean southeast of Long Beach. Aerospace, metallurgical, and food-processing industries are important to its economy. Population, 181,519.",美国加利福尼亚洲南部城市,濒太平洋,位于长滩市东南。航空航天业、冶金工业和食品加工业为其重要经济支柱。人口181,519。 +"Adam Frisch, left, and Susan Harris prepare to untie the Godspeed's sails as it cruises on the James River.",海员们正在解开“幸运号”的风帆,因为它要在詹姆士河中开始航行。 +Please give me good portfolio and named experience. this is work for homeworker no companies.,请给我好的投资组合和命名的经验。这是居家工人没有公司的工作。 +"""Starwood's complaint paints an exaggerated, misleading and false picture of what really happened, "" said Ronald Nessim, an attorney for Klein.",喜达屋的诉讼是夸大其实,是对事实的误导和错误描述。 +"Yes, but another way of looking at it will be that you may die before you can enjoy your savings.",是的,不过从另一方面看,你也可能还来不及享受你的积蓄就一命呜呼了。 +"The dragons craned their necks around, gazing at them with burning eyes.",龙们抬起颈子环顾,用燃烧的眼盯着他们。 +"The paper summarizes the reflect holographic condition and finds out the difference between the holographic picture and the common picture, along with the application of hologram.",总结出拍摄反射全息的条件,并能了解全息照相与普通照相的区别,以及全息照相的应用及开拓。 +"Tan Zongming very concerned with Andys situation, told the boy to investigate Wei Wei number.",谭宗明非常关心安迪的处境,叮嘱手下人调查魏渭的底细。 +"So when Matthew, the oldest, turned 16, I gave him a tour guidebook to Manhattan.",所以,在大儿子马修满十六岁那天,我给了他一本纽约曼哈顿的旅游手册。 +"Once again, Britons have been honoured in the annual Ig Nobel awards ceremony, the second most important event on the scientific calendar.",英国人再一次在科学史上第二大盛事——搞笑诺贝尔奖颁奖典礼上获奖。 +"Eve of Song Shanghai big fight, shanghai all circles unites to fight day courageously.",淞沪大战前夕,上海各界团结起来奋勇抗日。 +"Again play one song after, she just re- put back heapdhone a telephone on board.",又弹了一曲之后,她才把听筒重新放回了电话机上。 +"Europe and Africa contributed their plants to the Americas, including coffee, grapes and wheat.",欧洲和非洲为美洲提供了植物,包括咖啡、葡萄和小麦。 +Why be afraid of tomorrow when today is all we have?,是啊,今天在我们手中,明天又有何惧? +"Andrew Sung is one of the TOP THREE students that I have met in my 15-year career, and I have had more than ample time to interact with him.",在我十五年的教书生活中,跟我有很多时间和时机相处的宋筠同窗名列前三位。 +"The main work is as follows:Firstly, given the difference of temperature distribution in strata and reservoir water, heat resource method is proposed to investigate the leakage of dam.",首先,利用温度在地层和库水中分布规律的不同,提出用热源法定性研究堤坝的渗漏问题。 +"The study also showed that L-selectin can bind to MR expressed on efferent lymphatic sinuses, which mediates lymphocytes leaving the peripheral tissues via afferent lymphatic.",MR还表达在输入和输出淋巴管上,参与某些淋巴细胞和肿瘤细胞对淋巴组织的黏附过程。 +The gun port lids will not be put in place until the model is nearly finished.,炮窗的盖子到模型快完成时再放上去。 +"I expect my husband, John, will be waiting for me at the station in Butte , though.",我想我的丈夫约翰会在布特车站等着我。 +"Having played golf, the wolf in wool rested on the tool stool in the menagerie.",打过高尒夫毬之后,穿羊毛衣的狼歇在动物园里的工具登上。 +"But one chimp, with a longer stride than his fellow chimps, was more efficient at walking upright.",但是,有一只例外。 它比参加实验的其它黑猩猩(直立行走时)步幅更大,直立行走消耗的能量(比其它黑猩猩)更少。 +"In-room Dining is available 24 hours a day, and offers various menu items to be delivered to your room.",餐厅提供一天24小时,并提供各种菜单项被送到你的房间。 +"Several critical dates as deformations, strains of the beams and the stress increments of external tendons were measured, and the test results were analyzed.",试验中量测了梁的位移、混凝土的应变以及体外筋的应力增量等关键数据,并对试验结果进行了分析。 +Will the world finally ends tomorrow or the day after tomorrow?,世界末日会在明天? 还是明天后地明天?。 +"The teams played on, notwithstanding the rain.",尽管下雨,各队仍然比赛。 +"This paper presents the results of statistics and analysis of 580 eyes of patients with retinitis pigmentosa in which vision, visual field, dark adaptation and electroretinography (ERG) were examined.",统计和分析了580眼视网膜色素变性患者的视力、视野、暗适应和ERG检查结果。讨论了ERG与患者年龄、性别、视力、视野、暗适应之间的关系。 +"In the properties files, translatable strings and untranslatable strings are separated into different files.",而在属性文件中,可翻译字符串和不可翻译字符串分放在不同的文件中。 +"Chung and Lvmou was 8,9 months in 2009 by playing Fetion User awareness.",郑某和吕某是于2009年8、9月份通过玩飞信认识的网友。 +To observe the effects of combined spinal-epidural anesthesia(CSEA) and Propofol for percutaneous nephrolithotomy.,目的观察腰麻-硬膜外联合麻醉(CSEA)复合丙泊酚在经皮肾镜碎石中的效果。 +"But, past Gen. 4:26 there is no more mention of Cain's children or his line.",但是,旧创世纪4:26中再也没有提到该隐的子嗣或是他的家族。 +"Rails 3 Ready Plugins - If you're heavily dependant on a certain plugin, see if it's already on the confirmed Yes/No list of plugins that do/don't work with Rails 3.0.",—— 如果您在很大程度上依赖某一个插件,看它是否已经在确认兼容或不兼容Rails 3.0的插件列表中。 +Today is the Dragon Boat Festival and traditional races are being held across the country.,今天是端午佳节,很多地方都将举行传统龙舟赛。 +And those nine people make three-- each one-- three other people smile.,"那九个人-,每个人再用笑容感染三个人。" +SHOULD the post of America's top doctor be filled by a smooth-talking television star?,美国最高级别的医生位子将由一个油嘴滑舌的电视明星占据吗? +The unemployed decide that an unhurried job search is worth the extra cost of depleted savings or heavier loan repayments.,对失业者来说,为了一个从容不迫的求职而花光储蓄或者垒高债台都是值得的。 +"These fishing boats are straining across no man's lands, where a flooded Grey River met a violent Tasman Sea.",这些渔船竭尽全力要穿过无人区,这里是格雷河进入塔斯曼海的交汇口。 +Do you run them under process supervision with monit or god?,使用Monit还是让上帝去监控进程? +The third chapter discusses the Practice and Application of VAM.,第三章主要讨论对赌协议的实践运用。 +That makes gaining justice in a foreign court dauntingly difficult.,这使得在国外法院获得公正审判显得尤为困难。 +"That code was so ugly even I had to admit it, as you can see for yourself by looking at Listing 13.",尽管我只能接受这段代码,但它是如此地晦涩,这您只需要看一下清单 13 就会一目了然。 +"In adipose, highly represented categories included lipid and fatty acid metabolism, insulin action, and cell-cycle regulation.",在脂肪中,具有代表性的基因类别包括脂质和脂肪酸代谢、胰岛素作用和细胞周期调控。 +"If you’re doing something you hate, it’s a clear signal from your body, mind and soul telling you to stop torturing yourself.",当你在做你讨厌的事情时,它是来自你身体、思想和心灵要求你停止折磨自己的清晰信号。 +"I had pledged to Yeltsin that Russia would be fully included, but the finance ministers opposed the move because of Russia’s economic weaknesses.",我向叶利钦保证过,俄罗斯一定会被吸收成为成员国,但财政部长们因为俄罗斯经济落后反对这么做。 +"“The company’s focus in the smaller and versatile handysize market provides for distinct competitive advantages over the larger dry bulk segments,” Mr Varouxakis said.",“相比于大的干散货市场,公司更关注在小的和多样的杂货市场取得不同的竞争优势。” Varouxakis说。 +"On the other hand, to a great extent, ""Respecting harmony and balance"" endues Chinese ancient cities with a rational beauty keynote: harmony, neatness, regularity and order.",儒家“贵和尚中”的基本特征,则在较大程度上赋予了中国古代都城和谐、严整、方正、秩序的理性美基调。 +Blood samples were then taken to measure their levels of two key hormones essential for ovulation and fertility - luteinising hormone (LH) and follicle stimulating hormone (FSH).,然后测量血样中促黄体生成激素(LH)和促卵泡成熟激素(FSH)的水平,这是两种排卵和生育所必需的关键激素。 +"Only a few (A-B InBev's (BUD) Carlos Brito, for one) are true citizens of the world.",但是只有极少数人(百威英博(BUD)的薄睿拓便是其中之一)才是真正的世界公民。 +Methods: The concentrations of serum laminin and thyroxine were determined by electrochemi luminescence immunoassay and radioimmunoassy in 72 patients with different degree of liver cirrhosis.,方法:用电化学发光法和放射免疫法分别测定72例不同程度肝硬化患者血清甲状腺素含量与层粘蛋白水平。 +Outsourcing strategies utilizing third-party suppliers for specific skill sets,外包策略利用了第三方提供商所提供的特定技巧集; +This paper argues to consummate the transportation forced insurance law from aspects of judicatory practice and insurance compensation.,本文力求从司法实践和保险理赔的角度对“交强险”制度的完善进行阐述。 +Could it be that she and her husband fear the French authorities could freeze their bank accounts?,是因为她和她的丈夫害怕法国政府会冻结他们的银行资产么? +"Gluttony is a sin for a reason: If your hard drive gets too full, it will stop working.",把硬件塞太满也是罪过啊,理由如下:如果你的硬件塞太满,它就会停止运作。 +"For online game, the game uses the 4444 port that needs to be open for play.",对于在线游戏,游戏使用4444 端口,需要为游戏开放。 +Cold cucumber mush for thirty-something bucks?,凉拌黄瓜就三十多美元? +"In this paper, we discussed the design and realizations of auto-generation tool of Web page based on JSP, and put forward the concrete design idea and implementation methods.",本文讨论基于模板和标签库的JSP网页自动生成工具的设计和实现,并提出具体的设计思想和实现方法。 +Destination directory for output files (org.dita.dost.doc),用于输出文件的目标文件目录(org.dita.dost.doc) +"On the other hand, the number of neurons in hidden layer can be obtained very easily for finding the global minima.",另一方面,本文算法很容易确定全局最小点时隐层神经元的个数。 +"MNS adoption of the OEM structure with a high degree of flexibility, according to the specific needs and use different occasions to install a variety of models and specifications of the components .",MNS采用的柜体结构具有高度的灵活性,可根据具体需要和不同的使用场合安装多种型号及规格的元器件。 +"Experts will also provide a series of tax avoidance schemes reduce wage costs related to the enterprise income tax for you, in order to increase the economic efficiency of enterprises.",专家还将为您提供一系列降低工资费用相关的企业所得税的避税方案,以增加企业的经济效益! +"He shall cover thee with his feathers, and under his wings shalt thou trust: his truth shall be thy shield and buckler.",他必用自己的翎毛遮蔽你。你要投靠在他的翅膀底下。他的诚实,是大小的盾牌。 +"Such as: oily be soiled, tea or coffee stains, fruit juice, milk, stains, stains on the fabric such as carpet won't cause damage.",如:油渍、茶渍、咖啡渍、果汁渍、奶渍等,对地毯等织物不会造成损害。 +"For the safety of millions of workers, please choose ""www. xktex. com ""Our fabric.",为了职工的生命和安全,请您选用“新科”牌阻燃面料。 +"The digital frequency meter to achieve the desired requirements of the variable-range measurement, measuring range 0.1Hz-9999MHz, accuracy up to 0.1Hz.",该数字频率计达到预期要求,实现了可变量程测量,测量范围0.1Hz—9999MHz,精度可达0。 +You too can be a great guardian one day.,有朝一日你也能成为伟大的守卫者。 +"The right-hand side in Figure 1 represents the kind of coding you did in high school: you hack on it until it works, then continue to hack to make changes.",图 1 右边显示了您在中学时期所做的各种编码:您可以进行修改使之运行,然后继续改进。 +"Whatever our struggles and triumphs, however we may suffer them, all too soon they bleed into a wash, just like watery ink on paper.",无论是怎样的奋斗和成功,无论何等的痛苦和磨砺,都会很快渗入浪涛中,就像水墨颜料泼洒在纸上。 +"Through a translator, Afghan President Hamid Karzai decried the bloodshed and violence wracking his country and appealed to his two neighbors to help find solutions to it.",阿富汗总统卡尔扎伊谴责了使他的国家饱受磨难的流血和暴力事件,并请求与会的两个邻国帮助找到解决途径。 +Figure 14: Unedited Auto Target output in I3D.,图14 :未修改自动目标产量在I3D 。 +"You know, as far as the music goes, it's a new venture for me, you know.",就音乐而言,这对我而言是一种新的尝试。 +The organic form of the urban space is combined with the architecture being a combination of modern style and classical style.,通过从现代风格建筑到新古典风格建筑的两个组团的有机过度,形成为富于变化的城市空间。 +一份“每日清单”看起来应该与下面这个类似:项目 X 每天 - 1.约见项目经理,2.检查执行状况报告,3.核实公开问题的有效性,等等。,"An “Everyday” list might look something like this: Project X Everyday - 1. Meet with program managers, 2. Review active status reports, 3. Verify validity of open issues, etc." +"When another fortnight passed with no sign of Owen or Edmund, the king's youngest son, Galen, became determined to follow his brothers.",又是两个星期过去了,欧文和埃德蒙一点儿消息都没有,国王最小的儿子加仑下决心要去追寻他的哥哥们。 +"My point here is that Pageflakes, and I'm sure Netvibes and the others too, are building up to a near future where gadgets/widgets will be much more plentiful and functional.",我的观点是 Pageflakes,包括Netvibes和其他相关站点,正在构建一个不远的将来 , 到那天gadgets/widgets 将会更加丰富功能更加齐全。 +"After comparison, cross-array, with four sensors symmetrically located in the same plane, has been regarded as the central array for target direction.",文中首先研究了声目标定向技术,通过对比,确立了平面四元十字阵作为定向的核心阵形。 +"Too much purple, like blue, could result in moodiness .",太多的紫色,如蓝色,可能会导致情绪低落。 +"Once upon a time, a man punished hellos 5-year-old daughter for using up the family's only roll of expensive gold wrapping paper.",从前,一位父亲惩罚了自己5岁的女儿,由于她用光了家里仅有的一卷昂贵的金色包装纸。 +"The WEPP's developing background, overall structure and main functions are introduced in the paper, and its application prospect is also analyzed.",介绍了WEPP的开发背景、总体结构和主要功能,并对其运用前景作了分析。 +"The isozyme was used by 4 isozyme such as esterase isozyme, peroxidase isozyme, acid phosphatase isozyme, superoxide dismutase isozyme, 27 alleles and 70.4%diversity of the isozyme were detected .",同工酶主要利用了氧化物酶、酯酶、酸性磷酸酯酶、超氧化物歧化酶四种类型的同工酶,共检测到27条谱带,其中多态性谱带为70.4%; +On this basis the construction and management of marketing channels in Huaihua mobile company were discussed.,在此基础之上,对怀化移动通信分公司营销渠道的建设和管理分别进行了论述。 +"Year card of GuangMing is pause with postpone time limit, while exam over.",光明的年卡也会延长停卡的时限,直到考后才重新开通。 +"Methods 108 cases with colonic obstruction from 2, 1990 to 1, 1999 were analyzed retrospectively.",方法回顾性分析我院外科自1990 年2 月至1999 年1 月治疗的10 8 例结肠梗阻病例。 +It marked an aggressive escalation in Iran's enrichment programme and its only civilian pretext to fuel the reactor.,这表明伊朗的浓缩计划将进一步升级,民用只不过是为反应堆提供燃料的一个借口。 +Psychologists have long recognized that people of a certain personality type are conflicted about their high achievement and find ways to punish themselves.,心理学家们很早就发现,有一些性格的人们对于他们所取得的成绩感到非常痛苦,并且总要找方法惩罚自己。 +And forty days were fulfilled for him; for so are fulfilled the days of those which are embalmed: and the Egyptians mourned for him threescore and ten days.,薰尸的常例是四十天。 那四十天满了,埃及人为他哀哭了七十天。 +"Exercise has very little impact on the enzyme’s activity, he said.",他说体育运动对这种酶的活性几乎没有影响。 +"I knew it was not a rational act, but I went right downtown and bought a leather-bound pocket dictionary and a gold pen set.",我知道我这样做很不理智, 但我还是直奔县城, 在那里买了一本皮面袖珍词典和一支金笔。 +"Well, we'll let the crybaby go home to his mother, won't we, Huck?",15“好吧,咱们就让这个好哭的小婴儿回家去找妈妈,好不好,哈克? +"Based on the important effect of support on FTS of cobalt-based catalyst, synthesis of mesoporous silica MSU-1 was studied in order to better control structure properties of support.",基于介孔分于筛载体对钻催化剂活性、选择性的重要影响,为更好地控制介孔分子筛的织构性质,本文在介孔分子筛MSU-二合成上亦进行了探索。 +You could add the -k option to either of the first or third commands in this example to terminate the processes in the file system that is located on the /dev/sdb1 device.,可以在第一个和第三个命令中添加 -k 选项,从而终止与 /dev/sdb1 设备上的文件系统相关联的进程。 +I heard a cry for help as I was crossing the road.,我在过马路的时候,听到一阵呼救声。 +Reassure your partner. Tell your partner that adjusting space for optimum growth of both individuals and the couple is an ongoing need in all relationships.,告诉你的爱人,两个人分别调整自己,以更好的发展,是每对情侣关系发展的必经之路。 +"The car, the first thing I saw was a hope limitless the ocean!",下了车,我第一眼看到的就是一望无边的大海! +"Indeed, the need of Maldives at present is for money that can finance the government budget and get them over this period until tourism fully recovers.",实际上,马尔代夫目前所需要的是能够资助政府预算并使它们度过这段时期的资金,直到旅游业完全恢复。 +This paper discussed the main software problems in a cooperative multiprocessor system-task allocation and concurrent control.,本文讨论合作的多处理机系统中两个主要的软件问题——作业分配和并发控制。 +This method has already been applied to the taxi charge device system.,该方案已应用于出租车计费器系统。 +Article 3 The garden lot occupied for building buildings or for non-agriculture construction shall be regarded as farmland occupied and shall be subject to farmland occupation tax.,第三条占用园地建房或者从事非农业建设的,视同占用耕地征收耕地占用税。 +"A blocker produces the documents that the bureaucrats request, attends their meetings and constructs a façade that makes it look as if your project team is, in fact, working with these other groups.",一个屏蔽者需要完成官僚们要求的文档,参加他们的会议,并建立一个假象,让它看起来你的项目团队实际上就是在与其它小组一同工作。 +"Methods We observed venous walls and flows on two dimensional ultrasonography, The sites, size, thrombotic degree, color flow and collateral circulation on CDFI were observed and recorded.",方法二维超声检查观察静脉壁、静脉腔内情况,记录血栓部位、大小及栓塞程度,C DFI观察彩色血流充填、充盈缺损和侧支循环情况。 +"Conclusion RI gene was cloned by RT-PCR product direct cloning, and the sequence consistent with that of hPRI.",结论用RT-PCR产物直接克隆法,得到了与人胎盘RI序列一致的阳性克隆。 +"First, using a transformation for square term, an order 2 design that is both orthogonal and rotational is obtained. The calculation and statistical analysis on this design are simpler.",首先,给出平方项的一种变换,在保证旋转性条件下,得到正交性,大大减少了计算和统计分析的复杂性,更便于实际工作者的应用。 +"The Linde Group The Linde Group is a world leading gases and engineering company with almost 48,000 employees working in more than 100 countries worldwide.",林德集团简介 林德集团是全球领先的气体和工程集团,分公司遍及全球100多个国家,总雇员多达48,000 人。 +"Well, Beverly Hills and Hollywood is the home of movies and television",嗯,比佛利山庄和好莱坞是电影和电视的基地, +"Sonic cleaning gives priority to other mode of cleaning(eg. reverse gas, mechanism flapping)and minors in sonic cleaning in order that the dust can be easily wiped out from the filter bag.",声波助清灰是以声波清灰为辅,其它清灰方式(如反吹、振打等)为主,使粉尘易于清除的技术。 +"From amphibious and combat search and rescue to battlegroup vertical replenishment, the CH-60 will deliver all the advanced capabilities the Navy needs.",60将为美海军提供各种需要的运输能力,无论是两栖运输、攻击、搜索救援还是战地垂直补给。 +NOAA says a tsunami cannot be prevented.,诺阿说,海啸不能阻止。 +"S quality problems was an excessive focus on market share and profits among 'some people' in the company, some of his bluntest words yet in assessing the flaws that led to widespread safety recalls.",这是他在评估导致丰田大规模召回汽车的产品缺陷时,迄今为止说得最重的一席话。 +"To adapt to the new challenges of the times, many countries take the reform.",各国为适应新时期挑战,都自动开铺了以晋升政府才能为目的的行政改造活动。 +"About 2,000 troops of the air force of the Chengdu Military Command have arrived in Dujiangyan and Pengzhou to rescue survivors Tuesday morning.",周二早上,成都军区派出2000名空军抵达都江堰市和彭州市进行搜救工作。 +"You can also use air conditioning or fanner, let oneself can enjoy in the summer, but not hot.",你也可以使用空调或电风扇,让自己可以在夏天好好享受一下但又不热。 +BPS fully-automated dry-to dry stations can be configured in almost any fashion.,BPS全自动干燥站可以使用任何方式进行配置。 +But some kinds are more effective than others.,但有的方式比另一些方式更有效。 +Syria has defied the threat by the Arab League of new economic sanctions by failing to meet a deadline to agree to the league's demand for observers to be allowed into the country.,由于叙利亚没有在规定时间内同意联盟派观察团到叙利亚监察的要求,阿拉伯联盟对其发出了新一轮经济制裁的威胁。叙利亚对此毫不在意。 +"Thus, since the moon is a smaller body than the Earth, the force it exerts on an object at its surface is less than that exerted by the Earth on the same object on the Earth's surface.",既然月球比地球小,因此,月球对月球表面上一物体施加的力,将比地球对地球表面上同一物体施加的力要小。 +"Some people might be responsible for parts of the application delivery process, but not know the nuances of the workflow overall.",有些人可能对部分程序交付进程负责,但是他们不知道总体工作流程的细微差别。 +I saw Shanta Bajai storming off to go to office this morning.,我今天上午看到商塔鲍尧伊飞也似地跑进办公室。 +"""My stylist, Robert Verdi, and everybody around me was like, 'You're so calm, '"" Longoria tells OK! magazine in its latest issue, on newsstands Friday.",杂志的采访时说:“我的造型师罗伯特·弗迪和身边的所有人都说,‘你好有定力啊!’ +Other studies have shown that good nutrition also plays a significant role in brain health.,另一个研究表明好的营养同样在脑部健康担当重要的角色。 +Brewster says things have changed in Svay Pak in the past several years.,Brewster说过去几年西瓦帕克在渐渐的发生这变化。 +But he refused and fled west to Hamburg.,但是罗萨拒绝了并逃亡到汉堡。 +"Scowcroft: Basically, our notion of nuclear weapons, that is, the value of nuclear weapons, was to make up for an imbalance compared to the Soviet Union in conventional forces.",斯考克罗夫特:简单讲,我们对核武器的设想,即核武器的价值,是弥补我们与苏联在常规军力上的不平衡。 +Why does a particular maiden turn our wits upside down?,为什么一个特别的少女会让我们神魂颠倒? +Several methods to treat usual faults of Wiggins gas holder are discussed. The key points of holder main positions in overhaul are explained. New concepts to operate and manage the holder are given.,论述了威金斯煤气柜的几种常见故障的处理方法,对气柜大修的关键点位阅明了基本要点,并提出了气柜运行管理的新概念。 +Objective To study radiologic (molybdenum target X-ray) findings of ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) of breast.,目的探讨乳腺导管原位癌的钼靶X线征象。 +The multiband laser (MBL) replaces an existing infrared jam laser and flash lamp subsystem to protect helicopters by defeating infrared-seeking missiles.,这种多频激光器(MBL)将取代现有的红外干扰激光器和闪光灯子系统,以保护直升机免受红外制导导弹的威胁。 +"In recent 20 years, the mobile communication develops rapidly . At present, it is in transition from the second generation to the third generation .",近二十年来,移动通信发展迅速,目前正处在由第二代向第三代过渡的阶段。 +"The continuous tone image of this paper means the color image that contains the continuous transformations of tone, brightness and saturation.",连续调图像是指存在着色调、亮度与饱和度的连续变化的真彩色图像。 +"Yes, it's a serious offense against the martial law, but the government will forgive your ignorance if you turn them in to the police.",是的,我严重地违反戒严法,但是如果你把它们交给警方,政府将会原谅你的无知。 +The new company created by China Unicom and China Netcom will have the goal of further expanding and enhancing the Chinese mobile market.,中国联通和中国网通合并而成的新公司将有着进一步扩大和加强中国移动通信市场的目标。 +The right of self-determination for the people is the way for oppressed people to strive for independence.,民族自决权只是被压迫民族争取独立的一种手段。 +You must go over the text a dozen times after class.,你们课后要把课文复习十几遍。 +"Whether your planning on attending the workshop or not, check out what she has to say.",不论你是否计划要参加这个研讨会,先来看看她说了些什么。 +Life is not simply holding a good hand. Life is playing a bad hand well.,生活不能只是手气好。生活是手气差时仍能做得好。 +"Once, when Mother told him I needed a new party dress, he brought home a dozen.",一次,母亲对他说我需要一条新舞裙,他竟买回一打。 +Followership You don't have to be a spineless yes-person to be a good follower.,服从精神你无须凡事唯唯诺诺才算是一名好的追随者。 +Going faster than light is something that is just not supposed to happen according to Einstein's 1905 special theory of relativity — the one made famous by the equation E equals mc2.,根据1905年爱因斯坦的狭义相对论(提出了著名的E=MC2公式),超越光速应该是不可能事件。 +Mais elle a desyeux de pourceau!,苏格兰女王惊呼道(她的母语是法语):“Mais elle a desyeux de pourceau !” +"Image processing is the core of the system. It consists of image pre-processing, treatment of rifling, image segmentation, feature pick-up, defects recognition and texture analysis of rusts.",图像处理部分是本文研究的核心,它主要包括图像预处理、膛线的处理、图像分割、特征提取、缺陷识别和锈斑的纹理分析等部分。 +He shook his shadows on the train from Madrid and laid low in the Mediterranean port of Cartagena.,他在一辆从马德里开出的火车上甩掉了盯梢,然后潜伏在地中海港口卡塔赫纳。 +"Avoid caffeinated drinks and if you're prone to getting up during the night to visit the bathroom, you might wish to skip this step.",不要喝含咖啡因的饮料,如果你有习惯在半夜起床上厕所,你可以跳过这个步骤。 +Overthinking kills happiness. Insecurities kills self-esteem. Lies kills trust.,想太多扼杀幸福,缺失安全感扼杀自尊,谎言扼杀信任。 +"It helps users identify the right, business-oriented services to work on",帮助用户确定正确的面向业务的服务 +Google has strict policies for publishers that it says it will use (along with the Google ToS) to govern use of the +1 button.,谷歌对发布者有严格的政策,用以(和谷歌的TOS一起)管理“+1”按钮的使用。 +"Witnesses reported seeing bloodied bodies being carried away moments after the explosions, which turned the facades of both hotels into masses of twisted metal.",目击者称,爆炸发生后不久,鲜血淋漓的尸体被抬出酒店,两家酒店正面变成了一堆扭曲金属。 +The paradox of Russia’s nationalism is that its patriotic zeal closely follows the American model.,俄罗斯民族主义的自相矛盾之处在于,其爱国热情都亦步亦趋地遵循着美国模式。 +"At the beginning of reforming, by force of finance pressure, choice capital is driven model the finance profit that increased mode to assure a government alleviated unemployed.",改革之初,迫于财政压力,选择资本推动型的增长模式保证了政府的财政收益并缓解了失业。 +"Maple Leaf late Lin drunk all day, when the spring plum La Qiao.",枫叶晚林终日醉,梅花腊峤几时春。 +"When the flame dampener discharges these powder gases, · will not have the flame formation again, thus achieved has hidden own date.",当消焰器排出这些火药气体时,·般不会再有火焰形成,从而达到了隐蔽自己的日的。 +It will satisfy your emotional needs because doing so makes you a better servant. You can’t serve humanity so well if you’re feeling lonely and disconnected.,它将满足你的情绪需要,因为如此做会让你成为一个更好地仆人,如果你觉得孤独和孤立,你不能很好地服务人类。 +"The techniques for repair are studied after crack arrest in metal dies using electromagnetic heating, such as electrical spark melt joining, reinforced build-up welding and brush electroplating.",研究了各种实际金属模具中裂纹电磁热止裂后的修复技术,如电火花放电熔焊搭桥、强化堆焊、刷镀等; +Patchwork Fish has a problem: he has no more water to swim in! Will the Patchwork Pals find a way to help him?,布艺小鱼遇到了一个难题:他没有更多的水用来游泳了!他的布艺小伙伴能找到帮助他的方法吗? +"One is willing to suffer poverty, hunger, indignity, and shame because of ""the glory which shall be revealed"" (Rom. 8:18);",一种人愿意遭受贫困、饥饿、屈辱、羞愧,因他们相信「将来要显于我们的荣耀」(罗马书8章18节); +The main failure modes and causes for urea reactors were summarized. A Fault tree for urea reactors was developed.,综述了尿素合成塔的主要失效形式及其原因,建立了尿素合成塔失效的故障树。 +There’s little chance to rest: with so many “testers” using your code in real-world situations it’s inevitable more bugs will be found.,很少有休息的机会:在现实世界的环境中,使用你的代码的“测试者” 如此众多,他们发现更多臭虫将是必然的。 +Let’s take a look at five technologies that e-reader makers are betting on to keep their products relevant.,让我们看一看,电子阅读器制造商们为了自身产品胜出而持续改进的五项相关技术。 +"We are also connected, much like captive farmyard dogs, via our safety harnesses, to a circumferential rope.",我们自身也用安全带连接在附近的绳索上,像拴在院子里的狗一样。 +"Everything past has left its mark among non-perception, like a dream last night of insomnia!",往日的一切都在不知觉间留下了痕迹,像是一场昨夜失眠的梦! +The aperture focusing technology is an effective means of the improving near field lateral resolution in ultrasonic diagnostic B-sanner.,孔径聚焦技术是B型超声诊断仪中一种提高近场区域横向分辨力的有效手段。 +Experimental result shows that the method makes the operating voltage of electric-light source maintained at the range required voltage level of power saving.,实验证明,该方法使电光源的工作电压基本保持在所要求的节电等级的电压范围内。 +But it's the furtherest thing from the truth.,那离事实真相隔了很长一段距离。 +"The company rely on modern Gao Xin's technique and network media terrace and concentrate on an activity plan, image design, brand creativity etc. work.",公司依托现代高新技术和网络传媒平台,致力于活动策划、形象设计、品牌创意等工作。 +"Of course, James has the power and skill to alter the course of a distasteful conversation, this public pile-on.",当然,詹姆斯有能力去改变公众对他那堆积如山的偏见。 +"In 2006, with the introduction of the F-22, a fighter that features the latest stealth technology, the Pentagon decided to retire all 59 of the F-117s, leading to today's final flights.",到了2006年,随着F-22这样一架融合了最新隐身技术的战机的问世,五角大楼决定让所有的59架F-117退出现役,于是就有了今天的告别飞行。 +"The second part, Analysis of several kinds of the Crime of Transformed robbery.",第二部分,几种转化型抢劫犯罪具体分析。 +We all frighted and looked for the reason.,我们所有的原因,寻找受惊。 +My Footprint is a Web page that calculates the amount of land and water resources that an individual uses.,我的足迹是一个网页,它可计算每人消耗的土地与水资源量。 +But these interminable situations do not include the millions more uprooted people who are displaced within their own countries and who far outnumber the world's refugees.,但是,这些无休止的状况尚未包括另外数百万人在自己的国境内流离失所,而这些人的数量远远超过世界上难民的总数。 +And he did not push the top of the hat down like most cowboys do.,他并没有像大多数牛仔那样把冒顶摁下去。 +Pingchang County of Bazhong City is one of the most affected areas.,巴中市平昌县是受灾最严重的地区之一。 +"State-of-the-art camera technology reads the codes. A 2D camera, LED lighting unit and efficient, intelligent signal processing unit are all housed in the PCV reading head.",一个二维摄像头,LED照明装置,以及高效、智能的信号处理单元都安装在PCV的读码头里。 +"First of all, we need to define the terms ""Docked"" and ""Undocked"".",首先,我们需要界定“对接”和“移动”。 +Furnace accretions were demolished by drilling holes from the outside furnace without stopping production.,在不停炉的情况下,采取在炉外壁向炉瘤钻孔的方法爆破拆除炉瘤。 +"On the other hand, if the parents' savings have been depleted by stock-market fluctuations, a bigger loan may be a sensible course, since they are likely to recoup some of their losses over time.",而如果父母的存款因股市波动而缩水,那么申请高一点额度的贷款也许值得考虑,因为从长期来看,他们在股市的损失可能会随着大市走强而弥补回来。 +Don't all crowd in on me; I will see your passports one by one.,不要都围着我,我要挨个儿看你们的护照。 +All window shades must be up for take-off and landing.,在起飞和降落的时候所有窗户的遮阳板都需要打开。 +"Philosophy means loving wisdom, seeking truth and being selfless & fearless.",哲学就是热爱智慧,追求真理,无私无畏。 +The Carlyle team eventually convinced the committee to buy a 17.3% stake for an undisclosed sum in Guangdong Yashili Group Co.,凯雷中国团队最终说服投资委员会收购广东雅士利集团股份有限公司(Guangdong Yashili Group Co.)17.3%的股权,收购金额不详。 +"Watch September 11 for excellent news involving money, thanks to the rare meeting of Venus and Mars in a financial part of your chart.",请留意9月11号关于财务方面的特好消息哦,这归于金星和火星在星盘上财务宫里相合,这可是很少有的呢。 +"He has also pardoned lèse majesté convicts, including Harry Nicolaides, an Australian author, in February.",他也特赦了一些冒犯君主罪的犯人,其中包括二月份对澳大利亚作家哈里•尼古拉德斯的特赦。 +They often begin to disappear from middle age but in some people they continue to spread.,黑痣往往消失于中年时期,但也可能持续扩散。 +This is the good proposal that him bricklaying offers.,这倒是瓦工自己提出来的好建议。 +Overconfident managers are on the opposite end of the humility spectrum from sergeants. They build a sales team of fighting gladiators who possess extraordinary will power and mental toughness.,自信型经理的气场波段与谦卑谨慎的军队型经理刚好相反,他们培养的团队个个都是角斗士,有超乎常人的必胜决心和心理素质。 +do you feel your grip on the notion of futurity slipping away?,你是否会感觉你对未来概念失去了把握? +The work appears in the journal Psychological Science.,这项研究发表于心理科学杂志。 +All law centers around this point--what shall men be allowed to do?,所有的律法都围绕着这样一个基本点——人应该被准许做什么? +"Thus, the weatherability and stain resistance of waterborne coating are greatly increased.",大幅度提高了水性涂料的耐候性与耐玷污性。 +Germany's love of dogs may have blinded the Nazis to the outlandish goals of their project.,德国对于狗类的喜爱之情令纳粹失去了对于该工程的古怪目标的判断能力。 +High performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) was used for qualitative and quantitative analysis of intracellular cholesterol and cholesteryl esters.,应用光镜和透射电镜观察发现细胞胞浆内出现大量的红染颗粒或脂质空泡。 +"Not many of you were aware over the years, about your body's preparation for ascension in general, and the lift-off for evacuation in particular.",没有许多人在这些年里意识到这些,关于你们身体为普遍的提升做准备,以及特意为转移而发生的身体被带离到飞船而准备。 +"At the same time, WHO was fully aware of the broader role foreseen by its founders: to provide a mechanism through which all countries of the world could collaborate in the pursuit of better health.",同时,世卫组织充分意识到其创建者预见的更广泛作用:提供一个机制,使世界各国能够合作追求更好的卫生保健。 +Did you quarrel with Tom again? Why do you say that?,你和汤姆又吵架了吧?为什么说这么说? +"Relapse, a new disease to increase is natural or man-made?",旧病复发,新病增加,是天灾还是人祸? +I can write a summary of information that I have listened to in English.,我可以鱿我听到的英语内容写一篇摘要。 +"""In Chelsea we do not have a player like Barcelona have, to do a trick and leave people with open mouths, "" Mourinho added.",“玩个花巧,让观众合不拢嘴巴,切尔西没有这样的巴萨式球员,”穆里尼奥说道。 +The incident happened shortly after he took off for a joyride with an experienced pilot from South Africa's Silver Falcons air display team.,他是为了游览飞行,才与一个来自南非的“银色猎鹰”飞行表演队的经验丰富的飞行员一起起飞,但不久就发生了此事件。 +ObjectiveTo survey the difference of the pulse graphs of taut pulse and vire pulse and its objective diagnostic indexes.,目的 探讨紧脉和弦脉两种脉象脉图是否存在差异,寻找两种脉象的客观诊断指标。 +Walt Disney glommed on to this single aspect of fairy tales --- hope --- and owned it.,沃尔特·迪士尼将童话唯一的特征——希望据为己有。 +"This article analyzes the business process of TV Series' producing and poses an idea of a management information system, MIS-TVS, which…",本文分析了电视剧生产经营的业务流程,提出适用于电视剧生产经营管理的MIS-TVS电视剧管理信息系统。 +"I could hardly evaluate the potential of this young vintage, but based on its under-estimated pricing, it might be the right time now to make a purchase of it for decent collection.",我较难推测这年轻酒的潜能,但根据此酒的低估价位,现在购买它作适时收藏也许是适当时机。 +That block was built last year.,那楼是去年建的。 +Quiet running is a trademark of all Danfoss Bauer geared motors making also the BG series a provider of comfortable and healthy work environments.,安静的运行环境是一个商标工作的所有丹佛斯减速电机鲍尔也使一系列的BG提供健康和舒适。 +"According to the manufacturer, the drug could potentially make the safe use of mismatched bone marrow donors possible as well as improve the outcome of matched bone marrow transplants.",按照厂家声名,该药不单能改善配型成功的骨髓移植结不美观,而且也使平安移植配型失踪败的骨髓供体成为可能。 +"Yesterday, Chicago's longtime Mayor Richard M. Daley, who has held office over the nation's third-largest city for 21 years, announced that he will not seek reelection for a seventh term.",昨天(9月9日),芝加哥市长理查德•M•戴利(Richard M.Daley)宣布不再谋求第七个任期。 这位老资格的市长执掌美国第三大城市长达21年。 +Di Santo becomes Grant's third signing of the January transfer window following the arrival of Anelka and Branislav Ivanovic.,迪桑托成为了一月转会窗口开放以来,格兰特在分别引入了阿内尔卡和伊万诺维奇之后的第三笔强援。 +The coach simply has to know when to push or prod and when to let the team members fly on their own.,教练只需要知道何时推动或者刺激一下团队成员,使得他们依靠自己的能力获得提升。 +"Lo! thus, by day my limps, by night my mind.",就这样,白天我的身体,夜里我的心灵。 +"He does. He also raps in a hip-hop band for fun, and he loves to sing and dance.",没错。他也帮嘻哈乐团唱歌,他很喜欢音乐和跳舞。 +Conclusion YCDS decoction can treat ICP validly and its mechanism of action may be concerned with increase excretion of urine TBA.,结论茵陈丹芍汤能有效治疗ICP,其疗效机理可能与增加尿液中总胆汁酸的排泄有关。 +"When you see those funny photoshopped pictures of yourself, what do you think?",您何时看到您自己这些搞笑的图片的? +"Some day the early morning, a assignment as usual will walk in Tsimshatsui Baptist Church pastor in the street corner.",某天清晨, 一位任职于尖沙嘴浸信会的牧师如常在街头走路。 +"don't have access to the same like, job recruiting as we do.",并不能像我们一样获得相同的工作机会。 +"Tethered to scaffolding on concrete towers by a clay-colored river, workers clad head to toe for protection from sun and mosquitoes are building the first large dam in the Amazon in decades.",条灰土色大河边的混凝土立柱上,拴在脚手架上的工人们从头到脚包裹得严严实实,以抵挡日光和蚊虫的袭扰。 他们正在修建亚马逊流域几十年来的第一座大型水坝。 +"Kim Il-sung, an anti-Japanese resistance fighter, took the reins in the North.",抗日斗士金日成就此执掌了北朝鲜大权。 +"The government should manage the higher education in thepolicy guidance, the resources disposition, the administrative simplification, the supply ofinformation and the surveillance appraisal .",政府对高等教育的具体管理职能应主要体现在政策导向、资源配置、简政放权、信息提供和监督评估等几个方面。 +Forcing the user to unpack the mouse-to pick it up and plug it in-would make it a little less alien when they had to use it for the first time.,强迫用户拆开鼠标的包装-拿起它安装好,这样当用户第一次使用鼠标时,会感到它有一种类似外来者的新鲜感。 +"Therefore,we always put quality as the first consideration.",因而,我们总是把质量放在第一位来考虑。 +What if I'm tired of playing YMCAs or the Boys and Girls Clubs?,如果我厌倦了与小孩子的比赛,我会参加精英赛的。 +"So, what I did so far is i've told you what Freud had to say in broad outline.",前面我对弗洛伊德的理论进行了概述。 +"The results indicate that, the elastic-plastic mismatch of components has significant influence on the near-tip ""driving force"" of fatigue crack growth.",结果表明,界面两侧材料的弹塑性失配对复合板面裂纹的扩展驱动力具有重要影响。 +I think I may have found the cause of our rupture. Large hemostat.,我想我已经找到能让我们高兴的事了。 大力止血。 +"The test has indicated that this electronic control system has the advantages of reasonable design, relatively strong function and etc. which not only can satisfy the need of the Gu's …",试验表明,该系统具有设计合理、功能较强等特点,不仅能用于顾氏系统,还对内燃机其它测控项目具有较强的适应性。 +"It built SDS-PAGE fingerprint chromatogram of ginseng hydrophilic proteins, and HPGFC fingerprint chromatogram of ginseng aqueous extracts from fresh ginseng taproots.",建立人参水溶性蛋白SDS-聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳(SDS-PAGE)指纹图谱和人参水提物高效凝胶过滤色谱(HPGFC)指纹图谱。 +"Several benchmark functions were simulated with CPSO, and the results were compared with those obtained with some existing PSO algorithms. The comparison verifies the efficiency of CPSO.",用几个经典测试函数的仿真结果及与其它几种PSO算法的比较结果验证了新算法的有效性。 +BOB DOUGHTY: Another American study found that adding spices to meat before cooking at high temperatures may reduce harmful chemicals.,鲍勃道蒂:另一个美国研究发现,加入香料,在高温烹调前可减少有害化学品的肉。 +ObjectiveTo observe the antiaging effects of Yuegan capsule.,目的探讨悦肝胶囊的抗衰老作用。 +Some improvement has been made on fault diagnosis of the current centralized Bayesian network model.,本文对目前电网故障诊断集中式贝叶斯网络模型作了有效改进。 +Go back to the price maker and satisfy him with a valuable gift.,你先给定价大臣送一份贵重的礼物,令其满意。 +"The wrapping/unwrapping can be done using JSON, and the actual request/response/callback can be done using XMLHttpRequest.",封装/打开可以使用 JSON 完成,实际的请求/响应/回调可以使用 XMLHttpRequest 完成。 +Cut is the director's word for stop.,“切”是电影导演暂停拍片的说法。 +"The written word was also nominated in Italy, as were architecture and sanitation.",书写文字、建筑和卫生都也在意大利获得提名。 +The bad: Cherry pits contain cyanogenic glycosides.,坏处:樱桃核含有多种氰苷。 +Jack shut his eyes in fear( fearfully).,杰克害怕得闭上了眼睛。 +"The implosion of the Franco-Belgian lender Dexia following its sizable exposure to Greek and other eurozone sovereign debt, meanwhile, added a sense of urgency to the talks.",法国和比利时合资的贷款银行德克夏银行在持有大量希腊的债权和其他欧元区主权债务引爆之后,两国领导人的会谈增加了紧迫性。 +"David, do you know Lin Tao?",大卫,你认识林涛吗? +"This update is vital in order to keep up with recent progress in medicine and the use of information technology in the field of health, and to improve the basis for international comparisons.",这次更新至关重要,以便跟上最近的医学进展和信息技术在卫生领域的使用,并改进用于国际比较的基础。 +OBJECTIVE To introduce the research status of cytochrome P450 and its new applications in clinical pharmacy.,目的介绍细胞色素P450的研究进展及其在临床药学工作实践中的指导意义。 +"Big, full-bodied from the south of France, with dense, smoky flavors of dark plum, kirsch and espresso bean.",来自法国南部的醇酿,浓郁、悠长。拥有深色李子、樱桃和浓缩咖啡的迷人气息。 +This is a small part of a lengthy statement released a few hours ago by Current TV journalists Laura Ling and Euna Lee.,自从Laura和Ling被北韩的监狱释放之后,这是她们于几小时前公布的一份冗长的发言中的一小部分。 +He had been playing his football at semi-pro level in the Combined Counties League.,中场球员格拉德西尔斯基也已经在无合同的情况下被留在切尔西。 +"At this time Egypt the culture have already been tend in mature, beginning usage pictograph, found a pharaoh an absolute monarchy politics.",在这个时候埃及文化已经趋于成熟,开始使用象形文字,发现了一个法老一个绝对王权政治。 +"In order to test interrelated parameters of flyer of fly frame, a new testing system was developed.",为了对粗纱锭翼性能参数进行测试,研制了一种新型粗纱锭翼性能参数测试系统。 +Some animals can stretch out or draw back their feelers freely.,有些动物的触角伸缩自如。 +I need someone who could implement my Genetic Algorithm-based timetabling into a Software.,我需要有人谁可以落实到一个软件我基于遗传算法的时间表。 +"In non-monopoly capitalism , the ""invisible hand ""regulated the social production , while the government still interfered economy operation by law .",自由竞争时期虽然由看不见的手调节生产,但仍存在着以法律为手段干预经济的情况。 +The facing of this may be considered an act of intellectual courage. Yet it is also an act of inhibition.,直面惨淡的人生,或许可以称得上是理智的勇气。然而这也是一种压抑的行为。 +"For readers of the column, maybe they will read a little more carefully when I’m being economistic, or maybe have a little more tolerance when I’m being boring.",对于阅读我的专栏的读者来说,当我像经济学家一样写作时,他们或许会看得更仔细一点,当我的文字很枯燥时,他们或许会多一点耐心。 +A blizzard was blasting great drifts of snow across the lake .,暴风雪夹着大团的积雪吹过湖面。 +"He doesn't just give money :his staff are sometimes aback to see him skulking in the streets nearby , picking up litter .",他不只是出钱,有时他的下属会吃惊地发现他在附近的街道上偷偷摸摸地捡垃圾。 +"The study status of dry classification theory of ultra-fine powder was reviewed, and the trend of ultrafine powder classification was prospected.",综述了超细粉体干法分级的理论研究现状,并对超细粉体分级的发展趋势进行了展望。 +This indicated that high contents of phenolic compounds in chestnut fruit contributed to the latent infection of the pathogens of Chinese Chestnut seed rot.,这表明栗果发育期栗实腐病菌处于潜伏状态与栗果组织中高含量的酚类物质有关。 +The Bund Tourist Tunnel connects two best attractions of Shanghai: The Bund and Lu Jia Zui.,外滩观光隧道连接上海两个最主要景观:外滩和陆家嘴。 +"Audrey Block lives meters from the border, where things are quiet now. She says before the security upgrade, this area was popular with Canadian drug smugglers .",奥德蕾。布劳克住的地方与边境近在咫尺,该地方现在平静了许多。她说在提高边境安保之前,这里是加拿大毒品走私犯经常光顾的地点。 +Good mottoes are hard enough to stand the test of time.,好的格言,坚硬到时光之牙也无法咬断。 +If some suspect of ill mask'd not thy show.,若没有猜疑把你的清光遮掩。 +"We have investigated and proposed a novel stroke and shape representation model, Disk and Ball B-Spline (DBBS).",我们提出了一极具创新性的线条及形状表示模型,盘及球B样条(DBBS)。 +"If you were one of the 1,011 billionaires in the world, what would you do with all that money?",如果有朝一日能够跻身为全球1011个亿万富翁中的一员,你将如何运用手中的财富? +The natural parent give the adoptive parents full rights and responsibilities of the child and relinquishes all rights of their own.,自然母公司给予充分养父母的权利和义务的儿童和放弃所有权利自己。 +"With the development of power industry, the number of generator is more, and the capacity of single generator is growing, and this demands higher performance for large generator protective relay.",随着电力工业的发展,发电机组的台数不断增多,其单机容量也迅速增大,对发电机保护的性能提出了更高的要求。 +"Sporting Event Fartlek - The goal: fartleks (Swedish for ""speed play"") are workouts that alternate very fast and slower-paced walking for a great cardiovascular workout.",目的:法特莱克(瑞典语意思是速度游戏)是针对加强心血管机能的训练,要求用慢速跑和快速跑迅速交替的不同配速方式来进行。 +"Yesterday, the sea is, of trials and hardships, courage;",昨天的海正,风雨兼程,勇往直前; +"In fact, this year I think I'll add a dash of vermouth and some dried cherries and maybe even an oyster or two.",事实上,我想今年我会加一些味美思酒,一些干樱桃,或者一两只牡蛎也未尝不可。 +Will you make sure they get invited to special cultivation events and look for ways to increase their involvement with TRF?,你将保证他们被邀请参与特别的培养活动并且寻找增加他们参与扶轮基金会的方法? +"Apple, instead, uses a ""scan-and-match"" procedure, finding which of your songs are also sold in the iTunes Store and giving you the keys to access those.",而苹果,则是通过一个“扫描-匹配”的程序,去查找那些在iTunes上有售的用户需要的歌曲,然后提供给用户访问密码。 +Have ye ever spoken thus? Have ye ever cried thus? Ah! would that I had heard you crying thus!,你们已经这样说过了吗?你们已经这样喊过了吗?啊!但愿我曾听见你们这样喊叫呢! +The key technology of fault tolerance control is online fault isolation and reconfiguration.,容错飞控系统的关键技术就是进行实时故障隔离与重构控制。 +The state of eutrophication about West Lake and Qingshan reservoir was evaluated from the viewpoint of commu…,从底栖动物群落生态学角度评价了西湖和青山水库水体的营养化程度。 +"As a law of case and with local custom as its content, the English common law is a by-product of the strengthening of King's power and centralization and forms in King's courts.",文章指出,英国普通法是诺曼王朝王权强化和中央集权化的副产品,形成于王室法庭的司法过程,体现为判例法,其内容来源于地方性习惯。 +Create customizable shopping cart programs for your e-commerce Web site.,创建定制的购物车程序为您的电子商贸网站。 +"For social policy, this text points out, the 'differentiation of state and society' is the conceptual prerequisite of the welfare state.",从社会政策之角度,本文指出,社会福利国以国家与社会之区分为其概念上之前提; +"In Chapter 2, Conceptual Integration Theory is exposited with examples, including the network model and four kinds of sub networks.",第二部是对概念整合理论的介绍,包括概念整合网络,类型以及优化原则。 +It made me think about life and death in a new way.,它让我以一种新的方式思考生命与死亡。 +"But the LOAC generally demand there to be human ""eyes on target, "" authorizing strikes and ensuring non-combatants are not being targeted.",但是LOAC一般要求要有人类“肉眼发现目标”、授权打击和确保非战斗人员不成为目标。 +"As project managers work to make their computing resources comply with today's complex regulations, they must maintain accurate project documentation and conduct periodic project assessments.",因为项目管理者的工作使他们的处理资源遵从今天复杂的规章,他们必须精确地维护项目文档和管理定期地进行项目评估。 +"Finely woven overalls without external pockets giving full coverage to the neck, wrists and ankles .",编织制精良的工作服,无外包,颈部、手腕和足踝均全部密封。 +Can lown this love?,我能拥有这种嗳吗? +"Currently, the ecological movement for the goal of harmony between the human being &nature is launched vigorously and permeated in many ways throughout the world.",当前,以追求人与自然和谐发展为目标的生态化运动在世界范围内蓬勃开展,并且向多方面渗透。 +Enter the world of fake news and satire.,进入假新闻和讽刺的世界吧。 +"More to the point, though, is that as Polarstern pursued its mission during the summers of 2002 and 2005, the rate at which new isopod species were discovered did not decline.",更能说明问题的是,尽管极地号是在2002年夏天到2005年夏天这段时间执行的任务,但发现新等足类动物的速率在这之后并没有下降。 +I guess I've just choose the language and type the ID 'n' psw .,我想我只是选择了语言,输入了用户名、密码。 +The watchdog said that while it accepted higher levels might exist they were of less value than long-chain fatty acids.,监督部门称,虽然他们认可有机牛奶中短链w-3脂肪酸含量较高,但其营养价值不及长链脂肪酸。 +SCREW】Turn the screw to the right to tighten it.,将螺丝钉向右旋转拧紧它。 +It provides round-trip engineering and allows XMI model serialization.,它提供了双向工程并且允许XMI模型的串行化。 +NPR's Craig Windham reports the Fed's policy-making Open Market Committee made that announcement after completing its monthly meeting in Washington.,据NPR新闻的克雷格·温德姆报道,美联储制定政策的公开市场委员会结束了在华盛顿举行的每月例会后发表了以上声明。 +You can also download OProfile using the link in the Resources section later in this article.,用户也可以使用在本文后面 参考资料部分中的链接来下载 Oprofile 。 +"But the man from Ryan's campaign followed Obama everywhere he went, down hallways to the bathroom and along sidewalks to his car.",但是那个年轻人,无论奥巴马到什么地方他都跟着,从大厅到淋浴室经过人行道上车。 +On 37 minutes Essien did fire on target - low after Lehmann had made a major hash of dealing with a Lampard corner but Fabregas hacked the ball off the line.,第37分钟埃辛再次击中目标,兰帕德角球开出,莱曼没能把球击远,埃辛射门但是被法布雷加斯从门线上救出。 +You probably identified a group of other people (end-customers) who would be interested in having such bikes (products) of this particular design (product line).,那么,如果你能确定市场上存在一个群体(终端用户),他们对这种设计形式(产品线)的摩托车(产品)很感兴趣,就可以召集一组人专门生产这种产品。 +"For example, The Swiss have a diet that is high in dairy foods and saturated fat but they do not demonstrate the high levels of heart disease, and obesity that are associated with a high fat diet.",例如,瑞士人的日常饮食以奶酪食物和含有饱和脂肪的食物为主,但是他们中得心脏病的人、患上与高脂肪饮食有关的肥胖症人群却并不多。 +"Labour was the first price, the original purchase - money that was paid for all things.",劳动首先成为价格,即成为用于偿付一切原始购买货币。 +Do not run yet.,还不能运行。 +Buy safe here - we are a proud eBay Powerseller - check our outstanding feedback!,购买安全,在这里-我们是自豪的在e bayp owerseller-检查我们杰出的反馈! +Note : Numbers may not add up to the totals owing to rounding.,由于进位原因,数字加起来可能与总数略有出入。 +The disease is caused by the trypanosoma parasite. It is spread to humans through the bite of infected tsetse flies.,这种疾病由于锥体寄生虫引发,它是通过被感染的采采蝇叮咬传染给人类的。 +"In the silence of the morning, I realized why my friends were so eager to take this trek.",那天早晨,浸身于那无声的寂静之中,我终于明白他们为何如此渴望踏上这艰苦的旅途。 +"""What?"" his father exclaimed. ""That pillow was worth a hundred gold ducats at least. """,“什么?”父亲大叫,“那个枕头至少值一百个金币!” +"This thesis and the project help research works and strategy in DECATHLON, and also open a new period of the theoretical study in linking the fashion and textile engineering with the sports use.",本文的研究结果对于迪卡侬研发中心的开发和企业战略的发展有着重要的启示作用,满足企业需要,并为服装工程和纺织工程在体育领域的适用推上了一个新阶段。 +The data processing method of metalized capacitor life expectancy and GLUE method of parameter point estimation of Weibull distribution are introduced in the course of analyzing.,分析过程中介绍了威布尔分布的金属化电容器寿命数据处理方法和威布尔分布参数点估计的GLUE方法。 +A whole blood microculture method for obtaining metaphase chromosome and a technique of Trypsin-Giemsa banding were used in this study.,本研究通过外周血淋巴细胞的微量血培养方法,制备染色体标本; +"Following old photos, the new room has been made to look much like the old one.",它是根据旧照片来建造的,样子非常像老的琥珀屋。 +AIM To establish a rapid method for screening advanced glycation end product(AGE) cross links breaker in vitro.,目的建立一种快速、体外筛选晚期糖基化终产物(AGE)交联结构裂解剂的方法。 +There were no time ago--they had the door bolted when I tried it.,他们刚刚还在这儿——我想弄开门时,他们已经上好了门栓。 +"“You've got ten minutes,” Ma said and sat back in the driver's seat.",“你们有十分钟”,马说道,坐回驾驶座。 +"Then you might--well let me ask you this, what would happen if Google decided to buy up all of its shares?","你也可能,我来问问你,如果谷歌决定购回它所有的股票会怎么样呢" +"Firstly, the present review introduces the event-related brain potential (ERP) studies of phrase boundary processing in language.",综述了近年来语言和音乐中有关短语边界加工的一些研究成果。 +"So said Hester Prynne, and glanced her sad eyes downward at the scarlet letter.",海丝特·白兰就一边这么说着,一边垂下双眸瞅着那红字。 +"I pointed out where the NSA has hacked civilian infrastructure such as universities, hospitals, and private businesses because it is dangerous.",我只是揭发国安局针对民用基础设施的黑客行为,诸如大学、医院、私人企业等,因为这种行为具有危险性。 +"Told of Allingham's death yesterday, Patch said he was ""very sad at losing a friend"".",昨日获悉阿林厄姆的去世后,派特说他“痛失挚友”。 +"Mac is a pedigree Dogue de Bordeaux, a French breed of guard dog popularised in the Tom Hanks film ""Turner and Hooch"".",迈克是一只纯种的波尔多犬,这种原产于法国的守卫犬曾经在汤姆·汉克斯主演的影片《特纳和霍奇》中大出风头。 +This is the only type of cursor allowed when you open a client-side Recordset object.,如果你使用客户端数据集对象,这是唯一可用的游标类型。 +These are that Aaron and Moses, to whom the LORD said, Bring out the children of Israel from the land of Egypt according to their armies.,6:26 耶和华说,将以色列人按着他们的军队从埃及地领出来。 这是对那亚伦,摩西说的。 +Project content : Plants 1000 Chinese acre anti-insect cotton and kapok production base.,项目内容: 种植1000亩抗虫棉生产基地。 +"And he was in the fish, and in the air, and in the barrels of weedkiller.",他在空气中。 他在除草剂桶中。 +Be conscientious and make a good job of publishing.,认真作好出版工作。 +"This is a romantic season, the bride and groom have a sweet sweet dream of love;",这是一个浪漫的季节,新郎新娘拥有了一个温馨的爱之甜梦; +"I like granny-style clothes like floral prints, furs and vintage handbags.",我喜欢奶奶样式的花卉图案。皮毛和老式的手袋风格的衣服。 +Use the size of the map to do hit and runs on your opponent's flanks .,利用这张地图的大小,随时去从旁边悄悄跑过去踢你对手一脚然后开溜。 +"Church members are doers and joiners and they customarily might be trusted with responsibility, money, and equipment.",教会成员的执行者和木工,他们通常可能是值得信赖的责任,金钱,和设备。 +"Basketball now is toward to high speed, high power, high technology and variable strategy. So that, how to achieve high efficiency training is the major subject of this paper.",现今篮球运动已朝高速度、高爆发力、高技巧性及策略的多变性发展,因此,如何让篮球员达到高效率的训练,便是本篇文章的主要目的。 +Once smart immediately to the field in the day with my appearance.,曾聪明立刻向田在天外表着衷心。 +But it would be surprising if he thereby became an infringer and liable to an injunction.,但这是让人惊讶的如果他因此就成了一个侵权者而且要承担责任! +"Therefore, integrative practical activities curriculum is a focal point and difficult point in this curriculum reform.",因此,综合实践活动课程也自然成为本次课改的重点、难点。 +"Carlsberg don't usually do mass hysteria - but for one day only they made an exception, and Singapore loved it!",嘉士伯不会经常接到这样竭斯底里尖叫,但是今天他们例外,新加坡球迷都喜欢他。 +"To some, we answer their intellectual questions honestly. To others, they have no questions and they are ready to believe even before we open our mouths.",对于另外一些 人来说,他们没有任何问题,在我们还没有张嘴说话的时候,他们 就要 信 耶稣 。 +"There are so many names in the Bible that ring true—for example, Enoch, Joseph, Elijah, Esther, Mary, Joanna, and even Judah.",圣经有许多人如其名的名字,例如以诺、约瑟、以利亚、以斯帖、马利亚、约亚拿,甚至犹大。 +Conclusions:Left ventricular diastolic function was impaired and left atrial enlarged but left ventricular systolic function had no change in IPF patients.,舒张功能各指标两组间均具显著性差异。 结论:IPF的左室舒张功能受损且左房内径增大,左室收缩功能无变化。 +And now it's a tea-cup.,现在这是一个茶杯。 +"This was at Hakuba 47 in Japan, filmed yesterday!",这个视频是在日本白马47录的,就发生在昨天!!! +The pulse Doppler radar simulator discussed is used to provide radar echo signals and checkout the performance of radar in an open condition.,本文讨论的弹载脉冲多普勒雷达目标模拟器主要是在外场静态联试时为雷达提供模拟动态目标回波信号,以检查其截获跟踪性能。 +"Objective To analyze the etiology, diagnostic methods, treatment of postoperative gastroparesis syndrome (PGS) after radical subtotal gastrectomy.",目的探讨根治性远端胃大部切除术后胃瘫综合征(PGS)发生的病因、诊断方法、治疗手段和疗效。 +BLACK holes a few times the mass of the sun aren't just hard to spot: they may not exist.,质量几倍于太阳的黑洞不仅仅难以观测,而且它们很可能是不存在的。 +"ACTION: You could also try sleeping on a pillow placed lengthwise under your stomach to your shoulders, as this can help to reduce the arching of the back.",肿木办:可以尝试在肚子到肩部下方竖着放一个枕头,这样可以减轻背部的疼痛。 +"put(""num_groups"", 423);","baseRecord.put(""num_groups"", 423);" +These would takethe form of text ads that will use Twitter's 140-character format.,新的广告将采用Twitter经典的“140字文本”形式。 +Bad command or file name ! Go Stand in the corner.,输入了错误的命令或者文件名!现在罚你到墙角罚站! +"Asymmetric dual-angle milling cutter used to point chutes, and inclined spiral groove, level surface.",不对称双角铣刀用来铣削角度槽、斜面及螺旋沟、台阶面。 +Objective To study the telomerase and serum lactic dehydrogenase activity in acute leukemia and explore its significance.,目的探讨急性白血病端粒酶和乳酸脱氢酶活性的变化及其临床意义。 +"It is a number, it is a constant.",它是一个值一个恒量。 +"Rao's idea is that Changduanju(long and short sentences) are the most essential symbols of Ci, however, they themselves are not Ci.",认为“长短句是词的最基本的标志,”但长短句不等于词,因此证明不了苏轼“被打入另册的40首长短句”都是东坡词。 +Customers spending up to 100 yuan at this shop will Be given a fine souvenir free.,凡购买本店商品满—百元者,免费赠送精美纪念品一份。 +"How do different genes get turned on (""expressed"") or off (""silenced"") in just the right combinations to produce heart cells, bone cells and brain cells?",不同的基因是如何以适当的组合方式来开始(表达)或停止(沉默)自己的工作,从而制造心脏、骨骼以及脑部细胞呢? +"And you should know that a 2 s is larger than that, and a 3 s is even larger, and of course, hopefully as we go to 4 and 5, you would be able to guess that those are going to get even larger.","你们要知道2s比这更大一点,3s就更大,当然对于4和5,你们可以猜到,它们就会更大一些。" +"About six months after the denture is inserted, I'll have to reline or remake it, because the gums will shrink and the denture will become loose.",在安上假牙后六个月,因为牙龈会萎缩,假牙会松动,我还得将假牙的边缘修一修或重新再做。 +In the City zeros right in on Barcelona.,《在城中》把镜头对准了巴塞罗那。 +What is your degree in?,你有哪一方面的学位? +NEW YORK (Reuters) - Investors will be taking advantage next week of the some of the last remaining trading days of the year to place their bets on what will be the winners of 2011.,"路透纽约12月17日电---今年馀下交易时日已不多,投资者将利用下周时间将赌注押在他们认为将在2011年成为赢家的股票上." +"Pursue peace with all men, and the sanctification without which no one will see the Lord.",你们要跟众人一齐追求和平与圣化;非圣化,没有人能看见主。 +The first process-coarse allocation(CA) is based on Nash bargaining solution according to the limited information;,该算法首先根据有限的信息基于纳什议价解进行粗分配(CA); +"Guxian key hydraulic project will play important roles in flood prevention, sedimentation reduction, irrigation, water supply, power generation and so on.",古贤水利枢纽具有防洪、减淤、灌溉、供水、发电等重要作用。 +"This arrangement is particularly amazing because it is, to my knowledge, several orders of magnitude larger than anything of this nature ever attempted before with the Open Source community.",这项安排的特别之处在于,其规模比起我所知的开源社区曾有过的类似举动,要大上几个数量级。 +Conclusi on:The firing of ventral pallidal neurons is excited prominently from morphine in the morphine dependent rats. Ventral pallidum has an important role in drug reward.,结论:吗啡显著兴奋吗啡依赖大鼠腹侧苍白球神经元,腹侧苍白球在药物强化过程中起着重要作用。 +"Sadness was close by so Love asked, ""Sadness, let me go with you. """"",悲伤的船靠近了,爱问:“悲伤,请带我走吧。” +"However, the semantic request and response exposes the development routines by standardizing the whole coding process into an XML document.",然而,语义请求和响应通过在 XML 文档中标准化整个编码流程而公开了开发规程。 +"To properly account for all of them, you need to be able to tie exceptions together so that the calling code is notified of all the problems the database encountered.",为了正确地考虑所有错误,需要能够将异常连接在一起,从而让进行调用的代码知道数据库遇到的所有问题。 +Our competitors are using tactics that indicate that they poverty to endeavor hardball.,我们的竞争对手所用的战术表明他们要动真格了。 +"Al Dari accuses Iraq's new Shiite-dominated government of arresting, torturing and killing Sunni scholars.",阿里· 达里对什叶派主导的新政府逮捕、折磨并杀害逊尼派学者表示谴责。 +We're somewhere in outer space and we have this bicycle wheel there.,"我们在外太空的某个地方,那有一个自行车车轮。" +"To investigate the writing ability of the non-English major postgraduates in Ningxia University, the author analyzed one sample of CET-6 test with reference to the associated testing criteria.",在大学英语教学中,写作能力的培养与考核日益受到重视。 +"It's a rich venue, because Icelanders have a limited gene pool and highly detailed genealogical records.",冰岛居民具有一个有限的基因库和非常详细的人口档案,这使得冰岛成为一个基因宝藏。 +They're not small. They are big.,它们不轻。它们是重的。 +Power nap only! Avoid taking naps during the daytime. Limit naps.[9],闭目养神 避免在白天打瞌睡,控制午睡时间。 +"The animals were fed with pulverized forage after the abutments were installed, and no incision dehiscence or titanium plate exposure happened.",安装基台和义齿后给羊喂粉碎的饲料,未见伤口裂开和钛板脱落。 +Application of multimedia technology not only enriches the teaching contents but also improves the quality of ophthalmology teaching.,多媒体技术的应用丰富了眼科学的教学内容,提高了教学质量。 +"There’s been a lot of discussion about technical aspects of the bill, and a lot of heated – and frankly, sometimes misleading – rhetoric coming from opponents of reform.",其中不乏法案技术细节的讨论,还有大量来自反对派的激烈而直白的,甚至是误导性的巧言令色。 +"At present, we must pay close attention to the peasants, ex - prisoners and the rescued with regard to drug crimes, etc.",当前,必须高度重视毒品犯罪中的农民、劳改释放和解教人员等。 +"Pic: a rooftop water tank is a useful microclimate modifier, providing coolth , shade, and wind protection.",上图左:屋顶上的水塔是很有用的微气候调节者,可以提供凉爽遮荫与防风功能。 +"For inquiry, please contact Dr. Wendy Huang at 2609 6757.",如有查询,欢迎致电2609 6757 黄雅君博士洽。 +The wild fungi resources were primarily investigated in Wulong county.,对武隆县野生食用菌资源进行了初步调查。 +"It is noteworthy that country An Neige scores point is unexpectedly middle the counter-attack the match defense line fault help, the luck ingredient is self-evident.",值得注意的���,国安那个进球竟然是反击当中对手防线失误帮忙,运气的成分不言而喻。 +He liked to hi-fi when having supper.,吃晚饭时他喜爱听高保真度唱片。 +"This paper summarized the seclusion culture of the ancient manor, landscape and idyll culture, ideal of nature and geomantic culture.",总结了古代庄园“隐逸文化”、山水田园文化以及“天人合一”思想和风水文化。 +"A new method was presented to process a 2-dimensional bistatic point target spectrum, based on the relative independence between the transforms of range and azimuth.",利用距离向和方位向变换相对独立的特点,提出一种处理双基地二维点目标谱的新方法。 +"Although the situation nots allow hopeful, the 3 quarters that Dan Zaigang just went, the investment of VC still maintained go against force growth inaccessibly .",虽然形势不容乐观,但在刚刚过去的三季度,VC的投资仍然保持了难得的逆势增长。 +The database partition group RDST_V10_015 is being redistributed with a new partition being added.,这里正在用一个新添加的分区对数据库分区组 RDST_V10_015 进行重分发。 +Experiment 2 further studied whether the errors occurred due to a general difficulty inhibiting a response to current reality if young children had indeed made realist errors.,实验2进一步探究如果幼儿出现了所谓的“现实错误”,那么不能抑制现实的优势信息是否是幼儿出现现实错误的原因。 +"Even if they flick the kill switch, all you will get are a few techs blogging about it.",即使他们轻轻开动“杀死开关”,你所得到的也就是一些博客谈论的技术。 +"Victims are colledge students etc twofold: first, adventruous of young people.",受害者多是大学生等涉世未深、喜欢冒险的年轻人。 +"When a district proposes legislation, it should be done either at a district conference or through a ballot-by-mail of the clubs.",每三年一次的立法会议对所有扶轮社及地区活动都会造成影响。 以下的资料,指示地区及扶轮社在立法会议的前几年及立法会议期间的责任。 +"Genetics is moving so fast, "" says Chris Stringer, a paleoanthropologist at the Natural History Museum in London. ""It's well ahead of the fossil and historical record. """,“遗传学发展如此之快,”伦敦自然历史博物馆的古人类学家克里斯-斯特林格说,“遗传学大大地走在了化石和历史记录的前面。” +"Horizontal gene transfer plays a special role in genetic, ge-nomic, and the biological evolution.",基因水平转移在基因、基因组和生物进化中有着其独特的作用。 +"I am busy thisweek, because I will take the midterm exam next week.",这周我很忙,因为下个星期就要进行期中考试了。 +"Oostveen says Australia has the highest rate of penetration of server virtualization in the world, New Zealand has the second highest.",奥斯蒂文说,澳大利亚在世界上的服务器虚拟化的渗透率最高,新西兰位居第二。 +"Using a Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attack, hacktivists make websites inaccessible using botnets, and overwhelming the target site with server requests.",利用分布式拒绝服务(DDoS)攻击,激进黑客使用僵尸网络和用服务器请求淹没目标网站的方式,让网站无法访问。 +PetroChina needs approval from the country’s National Development and Reform Commission and the State Administration of Foreign Exchange for the takeover.,中国石油的收购需要中国国家发改委和国家外汇管理局批准。 +What would getting up at 6 a. m. on a Sunday morning really do to help?,星期天早上6点起床真的有助于康复吗? +"Most of them were disappeared, or those who survived suffered torture or imprisonment.",大部分人间蒸发,一些幸存的也都经历了折磨和牢狱之灾。 +This paper mainly states the coherency between the main enzymes and the available nutrient in ploughed layer in soils mulched with film.,本文主要阐述覆膜栽培耕层土壤主要酶与有效养分变化及其相关性。 +Here are two facts: (1) I made straight A’s in college.,我们来看两个事实:(1)我在大学里是尖子生。 +"Japanese Green Tea, a kind of green tea with fried grains, it is a traditional japanese drinks during meal time.",玄米绿茶,绿茶中带炒米香,一个传统日本餐必配的饮品。 +"On the basis of the analysis of carding mechanism and intensity of carding action on fibres located on the surface of worker and doffer, a model of carding action has been founded.",首先分析了工作辊和道夫对毛纤维的梳理机理,建立了梳理模型。 +He looked a perfect fright.,他看起来奇丑无比。 +"Winter holiday is coming, I along with grandpa, Mom, Dad and little brother went to the farm to play, seeing the beautiful scene, feeling rather happy.",放寒假了俺和爷爷、爸爸、 妈妈、 弟弟一起去农场去玩。非常兴奋,看到风景非常漂亮。 +"In order to guarantee pilot when popping does not occur exhausted outside, in the powder charge the flash which lights, the canopy frame already by the small exploder blast out.",为了保证飞行员在弹出时不发生惫外,在弹射弹被点燃的一刹那,座舱罩已被小型爆炸装置炸开。 +"Today he prefers to talk about his belief in capitalism, self-interest and globalising markets.",而这些天他更想谈谈他对资本主义、自利行为与全球化市场的信奉。 +"The figures boggle the mind: The Chinese make nearly three-fifths of the world’s clothing, two-thirds of its shoes and four-fifths of its toys.",以下数字令人印象深刻:中国人制造了全世界五分之三的成衣,三分之二的鞋子以及五分之四的玩具。 +"Exploring the woodlands on a warm summers evening, he spotted this lone caterpillar delicately balanced on the stem of a black alder leaf.",在一个温暖夏天的夜晚他探究森林,发现一条孤零零的毛毛虫微妙的平衡在一个黑色桤木叶的茎上。 +The papain enzymes in green papaya are around two times the amount found in ripe papaya.,而青木瓜的木瓜酵素是成熟木瓜的两倍左右。 +"Suddenly, Burns took a violent breath and regained consciousness.",突然,博恩斯猛吸了一口气恢复了意识。 +"Unlike European countries, the social classes in America is not so stable. Further more, with the advocation of public education, movements upwards along the social ladder have become possible.",美国社会阶级不像欧洲国家那样固定,加上公共教育的普及,使沿着社会阶梯向上流动成为可能。 +"City officials are preparing for massive crowds and have urged people to stay at home and watch the memorial on TV amid estimates up to 700, 000 people may flood the area in trying to reach the arena.",城市官员为大量的人群做了准备,并鼓励人们呆在家中观看葬礼。 预计有700000人涌入这一地区并试图进入活动场所。 +Huang Long Valley has some of the most beautiful scenery in the world.,黄龙溪有一些世界上最漂亮的美景。 +"Of intellectual economy sadly arisen, can saying is a breathed revolution.",知识经济的悄然兴起,可以说是一场无声的革命。 +"This kind of body posture lets me think that he is plundered the food the fine food, looks that he gnaws with gusto is sucking, thinks itself really usefully.",这种体位让我觉得自己是一顿被掠食的美餐,看着他津津有味地啃噬吮吸着,觉得自己真有用啊。 +"Here I wish in a year or two, or even three years of future, all the students in the summer camp will to be able to become Outlook Stars in the next competition in the future.",在这里就预祝咱们夏令营的全体同学,在今后一年两年或者三年四年当中,成为我们下一界或者再下一界的“希望之星”英语风采大赛的希望之星。 +Manual actuatorstemsare single load stub acme threads. Theactuator bonnet stem connection is a threadedsplitblock couplingthatis bolted together.,手动执行器轴是单导短梯形螺纹。执行器阀盖阀杆连接是螺纹开口块联轴节,并采用螺栓连接在一起。 +"PROFESSOR: Two. And sigma 2 p y, two electrons here.",教授:两个,那sigma2py,两个。 +When I drip gravy all over my clothes.,当我把汤汁洒得衣服上到处都是。 +Study shows that the T3-J1 radiolarian cherty strata will be made such a potential target in the not too distant future.,过去未将此类地层列入勘探目标,研究认为此类地层将会成为一个潜在的油气勘探目标。 +"Abstr: Objective: To observe the effect of ""Yingliu Mixture""combined with methimazole in treating patients with Graves' disease and its influence on the thyroid function and the relevant cell factors.",文章摘要: 目的:观察瘿瘤合剂联合甲巯咪唑治疗格雷夫斯病的临床疗效及其对患者甲状腺功能、相关细胞因子水平的影响。 +"Yes two times in the first set, down a break, in the second the same and in the tiebreak once again.",是的,两次落后,第一盘先被破发,第二盘也是一样,TB的时候也如此。 +The attorney for a reality TV producer arrested in his wife’s killing in Mexico says his client is innocent and should not be extradited to Mexico.,因在墨西哥谋杀妻子而被逮捕的电视真人秀制片人的律师表示他的当事人是无罪的,不应该被引渡到墨西哥。 +"Furthermore, the concept of Web-Based Course design and Web-based Course development are also discussed, and the features of Web-Based Course are summarized in the end.",此外还探讨了网络课程设计和网络课程开发的概念,最后对网络课程的特征也作了些总结。 +"Scientists had assumed that great mass would have produced selective pressure for the larger sacrum, but now they know that the sacral enlargement came first.",科学家以前猜测可能是种群太大导致的竞争压力使蜥脚龙最终产生了,不过现在他们知道了蜥脚龙从何处分化而来的。 +"Even with antibiotic treatment, at least 10% of patients die and up to 20% have serious permanent health problems as a result of the disease.",即使经抗生素治疗,也至少有10%的病人死亡并有多达20%的病人因该病产生严重的终身健康问题。 +"The Grandfather quietly turned from putting coal in the stove and said, 'Take this old wicker coal basket down to the river and bring back a basket of water.",老爷爷本来在给火炉加煤炭。他默默转过身,说:“这破柳条篮子原是装煤的。你用它到河边打点水。 +We are restricted to a speed of 30 miles an hour in built-up areas.,在房屋林立的地区,车速限制为每小时30英里。 +"At the same time depositors, who are already edging towards the exit, would break into a headlong rush, bringing downGreece's banking system.",与此同时,早已向出口慢慢走去的存款人将头也不回地冲出银行,这将拉垮希腊的银行系统。 +Objective To investigate the pharmacologic action of the Magnolia biondii Pamp volatile oil nanometer bangosome.,目的对辛夷挥发油纳米脂质体药理作用进行初步研究。 +"My attitudes about this case were very correct, I knew firmly I was a baddy through this case.",对于这件事我的认识态度是极其端正的,通过这件事也让我更加坚定了自己是一个坏人的想法。 +"Roosevelt, having won a great deal of free publicity, generously asked for the smallest amount of damages the law would allow : six cents.",罗斯福既已赢得大量免费宣传,就慷慨的要求法定最低赔偿金额: 六美仙。 +"The Difficult is directed by the player; for example, if a player goes through an area without taking damage, there'll be less bullets in the next area.",游戏难度将由玩家们的表现决定。举例来说,如果玩家能够在一个区域内毫发无伤地通过,那在下一个区域中子弹的数量就会相应减少。 +I could never hope to equal my own doings at Randalls.,我永远不能再希望赶得上我自己在兰得尔斯的那些做法了。 +"Overlooked by portraits of great 18th-century scientists, the judges heard four powerful pitches for science-based businesses.",在18世纪伟大科学家肖像的俯视下,评判员聆听了4份有说服力的科研商业项目推介。 +"Farmers and cattle breeders at the foot of the Tian Shan mountain range have been dependent on meltwater from Central Asian glaciers for 3, 000 years.",天山角下的农民们和畜牧业业者依靠亚洲中部冰川融水生活了3000年。 +This is not recommended for mixed-code page XML documents in a non-Unicode database.,对于非 Unicode 数据库中使用混合代码页的 XML 文档,不建议这么做。 +Which waves in every raven tress,美波动在她乌黑的发上 +It is submitted that the right of self- defence can be available only against unlawful attack.,有人辩护道只有针对非法袭击时才能有自卫权。 +"An estimated 80% of online shoppers are less than 45 years old, compared with 30% in the U.S., according to Forrester Research.",据弗瑞斯特研究公司(Forrester Research)统计,约80%的网购者年龄都在45岁以下,在美国这个比例是30%。 +"The Company of ""truth-seeking and pragmatic, pioneering and innovative"" principle, for a buyer to provide the best service.",本公司本着“求真务实、开拓创新”的原则,为个买家提供最好的服务。 +A gala dinner is held in celebration of the 50th anniversary of the Ladies' Committee.,妇委会举行盛大晚宴庆祝成立50周年。 +The Droid Razr will combine Motorola's hardware design with Google's software design.,Droid Razr将把摩托罗拉的硬件设计和谷歌的软件设计融为一体。 +"Robert Koopman and Zhi Wang are chief economist and economist, respectively, at the U.S. International Trade Commission.",罗伯特·库伯曼和王直(音译)分别是美国国际贸易委员会的首席经济学家和经济学家。 +"Ingredients: Alga essence, alkyl indican, chamomile essence, etc.",主要成份:海藻精华、烷基糖苷、洋甘菊精华等。 +"Moreover, we found that the curcumin 's result of hydrolysis has neither binding heat nor effect on the process of intact curcumin binding to membrane.",此外,发现姜黄素经光照后水解的产物不仅无吸附热产生,亦不影响姜黄素吸附脂膜的过程。 +"Janice Weinman of the American Association of University Woman says, ""Girls tend to be less comfortable than boys with the computer.""",美国女子大学联合会的Janice Weinman说,“拥有电脑的女生同男生相比较为不舒服。 +"And the revolters are profound to make slaughter, though I have been a rebuker of them all.",这些悖逆的人,肆行杀戮,罪孽极深。我却斥责他们众人。 +"The bread, bad enough in the morning, was now positively uneatable; it was so hard that even the strongest jaws could make little impression on it.",早上的面包已经够糟糕了,谁知晚饭的面包却变本加厉的坏,根��没法吃,它是如此之坚硬,叫牙口最好的人见了也一筹莫展。 +"They Hongyan still, the meat and potatoes of the Elders certainly is a child, once the old and useless, they become a drain juice of sugar cane bagasse.",她们红颜尚在时,定然是长老们的香饽饽儿,一旦年老色衰,便沦为榨干汁水的甘蔗渣子。 +Time to take a look at status codes.,现在应该来看一下状态代码了。 +"Pass osprey, continent in the river.",关关雎鸠,在河之洲。 +"Employers are checking job applicants' profiles on sites like Facebook, Brightfuse and LinkedIn, according to a recent CareerBuilder.com survey.",根据CareerBuilder.com最近所做的一份调查,雇主们正在核实应聘者在Facebook、Brightfuse和LinkedIn等网站上的个人资料。 +The quality life from this opens this… …,索佳家居专业工厂。 品质生活由此开始… +We hope this spirit will continue and build in the coming months.,我们希望这一精神在今后一段时间将维持下去并发扬光大。 +Scar is the inevitable result of wound healing.,瘢痕是创伤愈合过程的必然产物。 +"No, not even close. Though Schalke started brightly, much more spirit and organisation than last week, United scored in the 26th minute - Valencia shooting through Neuer's legs.",虽然沙尔克开场表现不错,比上周打得更有斗志和组织,但第一个球却是曼联在26分钟的时候由瓦伦西亚进的穿档球。 +"Terminal from the beginning of this week to Guangzhou, Dongguan, Shenzhen airport increasing passenger boarding, the passenger check-up than last month, about 20%.",本周开始从东莞候机楼前往广州、深圳机场登机的旅客不断增多,办理登机的旅客量较上个月上涨了20%左右。 +"Because it was outside the Civil Guard office, [police] were there straight away, cordoning off the road and moving people out of the way.",由于爆炸发生在首府警卫队办公厅外,警察马上就抵达现场,负责封锁交通和疏散人群。 +"The second part contain sand filter model, the model of Globus, module model, the model of OGSA, the computing pond model, the model of CPU, nerve network model.",第二章在分析直接转矩控制的工作原理、基本方程、控制方案的基础上,给出了 神经网络及模糊控制系统的参戮变量及控制策略。 +"At that moment, I’m awe-struck by the power of the season changing from winter to spring, and I realize the spectacle would not be as beautiful without the dark gray cloud on the horizon.",那一刻,我对四季轮回的季节变化深感敬畏,我知道,若非地平线尽头那一抹暗灰色的云彩,这个景象也不会如此美丽。 +sometimes you get TAs who are teaching classes.,有时候是由助教讲课。 +"North Korea's keenly-watched rocket launch has failed, Pyongyang has confirmed.",朝鲜政府证实,备受关注的火箭发射活动宣告失败。 +This fish swims away.,这条鱼游开了。 +don't even ignore them.,甚至连睬都不要睬他们。 +A believer or follower of Jainism.,伊斯兰教的信徒或追随者。 +But beware from using this module for a large user-base.,但对于较大的用户库来说,使用此模块时就要多加注意了。 +"On Solaris, the killall command exists, but it is used as part of the shutdown process to kill all processes.",在 Solaris 上,killall 命令存在,但是将其用作关闭过程的一部分以终止所有进程。 +Hence a final theory: China's push towards market-based greenery could be aimed at persuading outsiders that its low-carbon efforts are credible—and worth supporting with cold cash.,因此,最后的结论是:中国之所以大力推进以市场为基准的环保很有可能是旨在让外界相信他们的低碳努力是值得信赖的——也是值得用现金来支持的。 +"Editor's Note: Forty years ago this month, humans landed on the moon for the first time.",编者按:四十年前的今天,人类第一次踏上月球。 +"And he still harbors a grudge against Bolduc, who attempted to bring the semi-independent medical services under his control.",而他对博尔杜奇仍心怀怨恨,因为博尔杜奇想把这些半独立的医学服务部门纳入他的管辖范围。 +Smith ground out his three novels a year for over30 years.,史密斯每年涂写出三部小说,30多年来,年年如此。 +Giving is far more pleasant than receiving.,施比受更能让人感到幸福。 +I have to tell you it is a pleasure to have your son at the after-school program.,我得告诉你,非常荣幸有你的儿子参加校外活动项目。 +There is no 0th element.,因此并没有第一个元素。 +Providing the official gateway to the beautiful North York Moors National Park. Also known to many as the North Yorkshire Moors.,小镇作为通往美丽的北约克高泽国家公园正大门,与北约克郡高泽一样被人所熟知。 +All six cases resided in the small Daikyand settlement of around 800 homes.,所有6例均居住在约有800户的小型Daikyand居民点。 +The France Pavilion appears to be floating in the beauty rhyme with water.,国馆似流浪于水面之上,颇有水韵之美。 +What if someone has spent weeks knitting a beautiful sweater for their psychiatrist?,如果一个病人为自己的精神病医生花了几星期勾织的漂亮背心怎么办? +"Nevertheless, 2008 promises to be a banner year for Democrats in New Mexico, representing what could be a real partisan power shift in the state's national-level elected officials.",不管怎样,2008对于新墨西哥州的民主党人来说将是个好年景。 州内选举国家级官员的党派分布可能会发生实质上改变。 +"Traditionally believed to be the site of King David's palace, it is a major tourist draw despite a paucity of evidence that he built there.",这里在传统上被认为是大卫宫殿的所在地,尽管缺乏相关证据,但前来参观的游人仍是络绎不绝。 +"As shown in Step 4 of Listing 4, next you call a three-parameter version of the bind() method.",如 清单 4 的步骤 4 所示,接下来将调用带有三个参数的 bind() 方法。 +"We became good friends, and I discovered that he was a member of the Plymouth Brethren, a narrow fundamentalist group as I was later to discover.",我们后来成为好朋友,我亦发觉他是普利茅斯弟兄会的成员,后来我才知道该会是极端基要派团体。 +"Sometime after dinner, before the sunset, it occurred to me that a true family.",晚餐后,夕阳西下,我忽然意识到,一个真正地家并不必定就须是本身的。 +"""If you can concentrate on how the food tastes you'll eat less because you'll feel full faster, "" Hirsch said in an interview at the Endocrine Society's annual meeting in Toronto.",在内分泌学会在多伦多召开的年度研讨会上,赫尔希博士在接受采访时说:“如果你把注意力集中在食品的味道上,你的食量就会减少,因为你会饱得快。” +"Whether you save your files on your computer's hard drive or a shared network location, these tips will help you save the time and headache of searching for files.",不管你把文件存在你的电脑硬盘上还是共享网盘上,这些方法会帮助你节省搜索文件的时间和麻烦。 +"BPM is a fragmented discipline in which there are many different styles, notations, and assets.",BPM 是一个不完整的规则,其中有许多不同的形式、表示法和资源。 +"A decade ago, today's witness, Microsoft, came dangerously close to quashing competition throughout the high-tech economy.",十年前,今天的作证人,微软公司,险些近于镇压遍及高科技产业的竞争。 +"Suitable reaping time is defined by investigating effect of 3 different times on agronomic traits, yield, bolting rate and soft rot rate of carrot seeded in spring.",通过春种胡萝卜的3 个不同收获期对其植物学性状、产量、抽薹率及软腐病发病率影响的调查分析,摸索出其较适宜的收获期。 +"For example, John Lennon's killer, Mark Chapman, reportedly heard voices before and after silencing the agency-hounded peace advocate.",例如,杀死约翰?列侬的凶手,Mark Chapman,据报道曾听到声音,并且在听到沉默的机构驱动和平的鼓吹后。 +"Separate pieces of cloth curtain that three generations live in , little granddaughter can call ""mother"" already.",隔个布帘就是祖孙三代住的地方,小孙女已经会叫“妈妈”了。 +"And in the crowded market for midrange smartphones, into which the Chinese vendors are moving rapidly, differentiation is hard to come by.",而在中端智能手机市场,也就是中国销售商正快速前进的方向,很难找到优势。 +"I am joking, we did really well, it was a magnificant goal.",我开玩笑的,我们做的很好,那是一个重要的进球。 +The plane looped the loop three times.,飞机连翻了三个跟头。 +The results indicate that the pavement performance of selected mixture is very good if the tyre roller is applied to the first compaction and vibratile roller is applied to the second compaction.,测试结果表明,应用贝雷法优选设计的沥青混合料,如在初压阶段采用轮胎压路机、复压阶段采用适宜的振动压路机组合具有优良的路用性能。 +There is a noteworthy difference in orientation in how to use a tool like Facebook.,沃特金斯说:“男女在使用Facebook这样的社交工具时,定位有显著差异。 +"Result Cultured yellow ligament cells can proliferate and be passaged in vitro, many kinds of cells can be observed with different morphology, major of them were bipolar spindle shape.",结果培养的黄韧带细胞可以在体外增殖和传代,细胞呈现多种形态,以梭形为主,特别是退变和骨化患者的韧带细胞可形成钙化结节。 +"The Brazil international World Cup star is also interesting Juventus and his agent, Marcel Figer, will be in Italy this week for talks with both clubs.",这位巴西国脚入选了巴西世界杯阵容,尤文对他也很感兴趣。他的经纪人将在本周和两家俱乐部进行谈话。 +"Within the split-dose preparation group, there was no association between the interval from last actual fluid ingestion and procedure start time and the residual gastric volume.",在分剂量肠道准备组,最后实际的液体摄入与操作起始时间和残余胃容量无关联。 +Listing 5 shows the code that proves the point on compilers optimizing empty base classes.,清单 5 给出的代码在优化了空基类的编译器上证明了这一点。 +To improve the policies on the transformation of the public hospitals to private non profit and for profit hospitals;,完善分类管理政策和公立医院向民办营利性医院和非营利性医院转制的政策; +Romeo and Benvolio were endeavouring to part the two combatants .,罗密欧和班伏里奥正竭力把两个格斗者分开。 +"4 often addicted to one or two to the film and television works, ignore reading original English;",经常迷恋于一两部好来乌的影视作品,忽略阅读英文原著; +"As we have mentioned above, a typical interface design for data services is CRUD which is considered service interface design anti-pattern 6.",正如我们上面提到的,一个典型的数据服务接口设计是CRUD,它被认为是服务接口设计的反模式 6。 +This paper offers specific methods of identifying the crime of special purpose invoice of value-added tax and other similar crimes which may guide the legal practice concerned.,从增值税专用发票犯罪和一些相近易混犯罪的认定入手,探讨有关增值税专用发票犯罪与几种其他犯罪的具体认定问题。 +"As far as I know, the research on his Somaesthetics is still in its starting stage.",学界对舒斯特曼的身体美学理论的研究,就笔者所知,尚处于刚刚起步阶段。 +"Tragedy was a special state and spirit produced when human faced the quasi-freedom, a temporary impossible achieved freedom, during the process of creating freedom in practice.",悲剧是人类在实践创造自由的过程中,面对暂时不可能实现自由的准自由状况所产生的特殊应对状态和精神。 +This sum has been estimated at six or seven hundred thousand francs.,据估计,该款达六七十万法郎。 +She has found missing patients from hospitals and even helped locate parts from a space shuttle explosion.,牠曾寻回从医院走失的病人,甚至还帮忙找出航天飞机爆炸后残骸的位置。 +Objective: Approch the significance Of color Doppler ultrasound in the diagnosis of hyperthyroidism.,目的:探讨彩色多普勒超声对甲状腺功能亢进症的诊断意义。 +"Four types of abnormal ECG including sinus arrythmia(28.0%)sinus arrest(4.0%), sinus bigeminy(4.0%) and atrial flutter(4.0%) were showed in the Han-sheep with small-tail examined.",在被检小尾寒羊中发现窦性心律不齐(28 0%)、窦性停搏(4 0%)、窦性二联律(4 0%)和心房扑动(4 0%)四种异常心电图。 +"The largest airport in China, International Capital Airport is the air gate of Peking and associate outward of window way, is the radiation center of the Chinese public aviation network.",中国最大的航空港——首都国际机场成为中国与世界交往的空中客道,同国家级、市级干线公路和高速路共同构成立体、发达、快速的陆空交通网络。 +"It is helpful to the performance improvement, cost reduction and production periode shortening of infrared systems.",噪声等效温差是衡量红外探测器系统性能的重要指标之一。 +"All I have to do then is correct that for the number of days in a year, so that's what I did.","接下来我只需要将它换算成年,我就是这么做的" +"NEW DELHI–Over the centuries, the Taj Mahal has endured its share of attacks–plundered by the Jats of northern India and looted by British soldiers, among other indignities.",新德里——数百年来,印度泰姬陵可谓历尽坎坷——它被印度北部的贾特人掠夺过,被英国士兵洗劫过,还饱受其它种种的侮辱。 +"Rumor has it that he ordered silver maples from a mail-order house, and the order was messed up.",传闻有人说,他下令银枫树从邮购房子,和秩序搞乱。 +"Yet Foster's, Australia's largest brewer, looks appetising to SABMiller, the world's second-largest.",但福士在澳大利亚的最大酿酒厂,却提起了世界第二大米勒啤酒的胃口。 +"Following his dark deeds, Lester will become more of ""an operator"" as the series unfolds, Freeman explained.",弗里曼解释道,随剧情的展开,莱斯特会跟随他的阴暗内心,逐渐变成“一个投机取巧的人”。 +"All aspects of a case are discussed, from its inception in the trial court through its termination in the appellate courts.",讨论了案件的所有方面,从审判的起初到在上诉法庭的终止。 +Zhang Xiaogang emerged as a leading figure of this new avantgarde through his singular vision and iconic Bloodline: Big Family Series.,���过不寻常的观点与肖像画《血缘:大家庭系列》,张晓刚成为这群前卫艺术家的领袖人物之一。 +Tom: I’m afraid you needn’t. Look at the fuel gauge.,恐怕你不需要下车了,看看燃油表吧。 +"Facing the complicated situation, he took everything coolly.",面对复杂的形势, 他却淡然处之。 +"Kenneth Mica, the first MP to arrive, with his partner, had seen a woman matching the description when responding to the call.",第一批到达现场的人们,肯尼迪•麦克和他的搭档在回应电话时曾经看到过一个女人与描述很相似。 +"She encountered tzu chi Ming, refer to his processing method of anorexia nervosa patients, chi Ming prompts her there are causes and effects.",佩仪遇到志明,向他求教处理厌食症病人的方法,志明提示她凡事都有前因后果。 +How do I look? Clara asked.,我看上去怎么样? 克拉拉问道。 +Patients with gastric ulcer were required to do biopsy or exfoliative cells to exclude Canceration.,胃溃疡者需做活体组织检查或脱落细胞检查排除癌变。 +"When grain temperature is raised above 34C, seed germinating rate is clearly reduced.",当谷物温度达到34℃以上时,种子发芽率损失明显增大。 +"PU can be applied in the fields such as emulational properties production, architectural decorations, venue facilities, tablets for outdoor exhibition, shields for art works and maquette sculptures.",PU应用领域包括:仿真道具制作、建筑装饰、场馆设施、户外展览用牌匾、艺术创作、雕塑模型的保护等。 +The remainder of the schedule is derived from the MPS.,进度表中的剩余材料量源于MPS。 +"Yao Lan came to Kang Qingdong home about zhou honbo mimeograph, she is worried about his body, that is Jin Di Kang Wenma left their only items, Kang Qingdong will tell her the story.",姚兰来到康庆东家中说起周洪波油印之事,她担心他的身体,那金笛是康雯妈留给他们的唯一物品,康庆东将当年的故事告诉她。 。 +"In life it is the same as in drawing – one must sometimes act quickly and decisively, attack a thing with energy, trace the outlines as quickly as lightning.",人生就像是画素描一样:有时你必须行动明快果决,迅如闪电捕捉事物,描绘形。 +这件包裹可真压秤。,This package really weighs much. +"Xie Gengyang in the church to see Chen Fei, she will give him the intelligence, the rest of the things by Meng Qingfan processing.",谢庚杨在教堂里见到陈菲,她将情报交给他,剩下的事情由孟庆凡处理。 +Their design is described in the journal Angewandte Chemie.,他们的设计发表在《应用化学》期刊上。 +Heteromorphic systems mainly have sporophytic recognition and the system occurs in widely scattered plant families.,异态自交不亲和性系统主要有孢子体识别,它广泛分布在各科中。 +The memo puts forth the basic properties of -- and names -- ethernet.,这份备忘录提出以太网的基本特性和名字。 +We fabricated a large computer-generated holography on a concave lens surface to test the convex secondary mirrors surface.,在凹透镜表面上制作出了用于凸非球面检测的曲面全息图。 +"There are even fewer ""root"" DTOs because they are reused.",“根”DTO 的数目甚至更少,因为这些 DTO 被重用。 +"When I was a naïve young child, I did not understand the importance of studying; I thought cramming would be sufficient for everything.",当我还是个年少无知的小孩时,我不懂的学习的重要性,我以为一切都可以临时抱佛脚; +Conclusions: Biologic resurfacing of the glenoid can proide pain relief similar to total shoulder arthroplasty.,结论:关节盂表面生物学重建术能够和全肩关节置换术一样减轻患者的疼痛。 +Integrated array system will probably have multiple implications and contribute to more comprehensive understandings when researchers face with medical issues.,因此,「微阵列整合系统」的 开发将是有助于面臨医学研究时有更全面性的了解。 +Katherine : I need to buy some sun-protection products. Can you help me?,凯思莲: 我需要买些防晒产品,你可以帮忙吗? +To learn the buckling of thin-wall cylindrical shell under axial impact is helpful to the design of energy-absorbing structure.,了解轴向冲击下薄壁圆柱壳的屈曲行为,有助于进行吸能构件设计。 +"Kir Kanos is the featured anti-hero of the Crimson Empire comic series, written by Mike Richardson and Randy Stradley.",基尔·卡诺斯是系列漫画《血红帝国》里的反英雄。这个系列由迈克·理查森和兰迪·斯特拉德利编剧。 +Last night's Thursday Night Fights presented by DEF gym was a tremendous success.,昨晚由DEF健身馆主办的“周四夜鏖战”拳击赛取得了巨大的成功。 +Epic - The story of a well planned climb that turned into a grueling adventure that turned out well in the end.,历尽千辛万苦最终结局完满的攀���故事。 因为这些故事被反复传诵,细节被描述得非常神奇以达到戏剧效果。 +"What if I wanna be a- a purse, you know?",我说如果我想当皮包呢? +"Method: The animal model with kidney - yang vacuity was adopted, the swimming time in the low temperature, viscerascera s coefficient and blood testosterones content were observed.",方法:采用常规肾阳虚症动物模型,观察低温游泳时间、脏器系数、血浆睾酮含量等指标。 +Express genuine appreciation and gratitude for the things your spouse does; compliment and FLIRT with your husband or wife!,真心地表达你对伴侣所作的事的欣赏和感激;说些赞美的话,还有,别忘了和你的伴侣打情骂俏。 +And Joseph's own hand will close your eyes.,约瑟必给你送终(原文作将手按在你的眼睛上)。 +"""Private companies in China are always wondering what the government is going to want next, "" Segal says.",西格尔表示:“中国的私营企业通常需要揣摩,政府下一步想要做什么。” +The two gunfighters showed up at noon for a showdown.,这两位枪战高手在中午时出现,准备一较高下。 +Conclus ion Health education can improve social health consciousness and promote healthy behavior.,结论健康教育有利于提高社会群体的健康意识,有利于健康行为的促进。 +Abramoff fwas originally assigned to a federal prison in Pennsylvania about four hours away from Washington.,阿布拉姆本来是被安置在离华盛顿约四小时路程的宾夕法尼亚洲的一家联邦监狱里。 +The levitating and propulsive electromagnetic fields of normal high speed magnetic levitation vehicle is studied using finite element method in this paper.,采用有限元法研究了常导高速磁浮列车的悬浮和推进电磁场。 +"Also have automatic shear folding machine, zigzag sewing machine, etc. , well-equipped, strong technical force.",还备有全自动剪折机、锁边机等,设备齐全,技术力量雄厚。 +"Next came the personal e-mail from Ned, my sales-person.",接下来,我又收到了卖车给我的销售代表内德的私人邮件。 +"President Obama says crews have made progress in cleaning up the spill, but the job is not done.",奥巴马总统说,相关人员在清理泄漏中已经取得进展,但这项工作尚未结束。 +"But it was Boulton who insisted that the new engine be able to generate circular motion, in order to expand the market for it.",而坚持要求蒸汽机做出圆周运动的人却是博尔顿,当时他的真正目的是为了开拓市场。 +"While China has made certain achievement in the construction of the legal system of personnel administration at the present, some problems still exist that call for instant solution.",目前,我国在人事行政法制建设方面已取得一定成效,但也存在着一些亟待解决的问题。 +Article 2 Consumption tax items and rates shall be governed by the Schedule of Consumption Tax Items and Rates hereto attached.,第二条消费税的税目、税率,依照本条例所附的《消费税税目税率表》执行。 +These classes delegate responsibility for base class behavior to an instance of the base class.,这些类将基础类行为的责任委托给基础类的一个实例。 +Purpose:The objective was to observe the biological characteristic and the therapeutic effect in patients with acute erythroleukemia (AML-M6).,目的:了解急性红白血病的生物学特征与临床疗效的关系。 +"You can touch, smell, feel and engage all your senses in.",你可以调动全部感官去摸,去闻,去感受。 +You can see llamas in South America.,你可以在南美洲看到骆马。 +"Clerk:OK, please sign your name on the sheet.",好的,请您在这张单子上签一下字。 +StorEdge Fast 3510 array with 2 LUN's and fastwrite cache -- 2 275 GB and 16 GB of RAM,个 StorEdge Fast 3510 阵列,带 2 个 LUN 和快写缓存——2 个 275 GB 和 16 GB 的 RAM +Objective To improve the understanding of the clinical features and diagnostic value of pulmonary epithelioid hemangioendothelioma.,目的提高对肺上皮样血管内皮瘤的诊断和治疗。 +"Several companies sought to raise cash by selling their carbon certificates, causing the price of carbon to plummet.",几家公司已经试图通过出售其许可证筹集现金,这造成了碳价格的骤然下降。 +"How was I to know that within minutes, the massive EF5 tornado would pound down our door?",我怎会知道在几分钟内,那巨大的EF5及龙卷风就会卷倒我们的大门? +The IR spectra prove that the chromatographic reaction between CL-P507 resin and rare. earths proceeds with the same mechanism as in liquid-liquid extraction.,P507树脂的红外光谱表明色层反应是按液-液萃取机理进行的。 +"In a train compartment, there are 3 men and a ravishing young girl.",在一节列车车厢内,坐着3个男人和一个迷人的年轻女孩。 +"I am very pleased to appoint him as Special Envoy on Human Resources for Health,"" said Dr Lee Jong-wook, Director-General of WHO.",我非常高兴地任命他为卫生人力资源特使。 +Objective To investigate the prevalence of life style disease among the retired veteran cadres in Xuzhou.,目的了解徐州市离休老干部的生活方式疾病流行情况。 +USCIS officer: How many sons and daughters do you have?,移民局官员: 您有多少儿子和女儿?。 +Strength of materials is required for building dam shell for the sake of stability.,土石坝的坝壳材料主要为了保持坝体的稳定性,一般要求有较高的强度。 +"Radiation-induced lung injury is a well-described complication of nuclear accidents, marrow-transplanted pretreatment, thoracic radiotherapy.",损伤 是核辐射事故、骨髓移植预处理及胸部肿瘤放疗常见的并发症。 +"Thus, our life journey home became the most comfortable haven!",于是,家成了我们人生之旅最舒适的港湾! +From a product-centric to a single level of competition was promoted to overall strength and image of enterprises as the center of all aspects of competition.,从以产品为中心的单一层面竞争晋升为以企业的整体实力与形象为中心的全方面竞争。 +"When a regular user needs to execute a privileged task, it becomes inevitable he or she receive super user access.",当普通用户需要执行特权任务时,他们不可避免地要接收超级用户访问。 +The civil aviation authorities have urged airports and airline companies to make arrangements for delayed passengers and keep them updated with flight information.,中国民航总局已敦促各机场和航空公司安排好滞留乘客,让他们了解最新的航班信息。 +Your blog is now on CDN!,你的博客现在在内容传递网络上了。 +Spruce Tree House is the easiest cliff dwelling to visit. The path curves down into the valley and then up to the ruin.,云杉屋是最容易参观的崖居,通往云杉屋的道路蜿蜒曲折而下到峡谷,然后向上到达这个崖居。 +Objective To compare and evaluate the clinical value among retroperitoneal laparoscopic adrenalectomy and open adrenalectomy for the treatment of adrenal tumours.,目的评价与比较后腹腔镜与开放性手术治疗肾上腺肿瘤的临床价值。 +"The Greeks, as far as I know, did not allow anybody to be left handed in a phalanx; think about the problem.","希腊人,据我所知,在方阵里中不允许有左撇子,思考下这个问题" +"The question is, will they stay that way? Long-time dissident and political analyst Hisham Kassem says most political forces don't think so.",问题是,他们会保持这种作风吗?资深异议人士和政治分析师希沙姆·卡西姆说,大多数政治派别不这样认为。 +"You know us well, jugglers, asp charmers and jesters, who perform antics for the amusement of the living Gods, Goddesses and deities who rule over the Nile?",你明白的,就是变戏法,表演魔术,扮小丑,做稀奇古怪的动作,去娱乐那些统治着尼罗河的活着的神们。 +But the first NHS hospital to become virtually paperless - University College Hospital in central London - will complete its transformation next year.,不过,伦敦中心区的大学学院医院(University College Hospital)将在明年完成数字化转变,成为全民医疗系统中首家真正实现数字化的医院。 +I wouldn't like to play against many of those players.,我想在罗兰·加洛斯,这里有很多有威胁的球员,纳达尔就是其中之一。 +"It’s like saying, ‘Even if I donate to help the needy, I won’t be able to help all of them. So… I need not donate at all!’",就像是说“如果我的捐赠无法帮到所有需要帮助的人,那么,我根本无需捐赠!” +You can create these magic methods in a class for a variety of action types.,可以在一个类中为各种不同的动作创建这些魔术方法。 +"It not only with small trauma, simple, safe, effective and less complications but also significantly reduce the length of hospitalization. Thesse are the characteristics of interventional treatment.",介入治疗的特点是创伤小、简便、安全、有效、并发症少并且明显缩短住院时间。 +UAE stages camel beauty contest . Ten thousand camels will be fluttering their long eyelashes in a unique international beauty pageant being held in the United Arab Emirates.,阿联酋筹备骆驼选美大赛。一万多头骆驼将竞相争艳这场特殊的国际选美大赛。 +"But we know that even if we can manage to put it out of our minds for the present, it will eventually come around and bite us on the butt and disturb our external calm demeanor.",但我们同样知道,即使在当下我们可以将这痛苦抛出脑海,最终它仍然会到来,狠狠的击中我们并扰乱我们外在的平静。 +"Before this week Google had a 35 percent share of the Chinese search engine market, a nontrivial number in a country of 400 million Internet users.",在这之前,Google拥有中国搜索引擎市场的35%,这在一个拥有4亿网民的国家里举足轻重。 +ALSO: The European Union's health commissioner is urging Europeans to avoid non-essential travel to the U. S. and Mexico. Report.,此外:欧盟卫生专员督促欧洲人避免非必要的到美国和墨西哥的旅行。 +"The World Food Program's Samkange says normally his agency aims to have enough food and supplies in stock to cover three months, but at the moment they are operating on a month-by-month basis.",世界粮食计划署的萨姆坎戈说,通常世粮署会储备足够用三个月的粮食和其它物资,但是现在,他们只能过一个月算一个月。 +"Use of high-quality stainless steel, UV resistant plastic film clip produced for use in microwave communications and fixed mobile communications feeder.",采用优质不锈钢制作,夹片采用抗紫外线工程塑料制作,适用于微波通信及移动通信馈线的固定。 +Please give me a explicit reson for doing that.,请给我你这样做的明确的理由。 +The dancer twisted sexily to the music.,舞者随着乐曲性感地扭动着。 +"After release he sailed back to China, and tossed his awards and degrees into the ocean, keeping only his doctorate (for his father's sake).",出院后宋约翰坐船回中国,在途中他将奖章证书都抛进大海,只保留了博士学位证书(为了他的父亲)。 +"Self-acceptance is, quite simply, accepting yourself as a good and worthwhile person and loving yourself the way you are.",自我接纳,简单说来,就是接受自己是个优秀的、有价值的人这样的自我认知,爱这样的自己。 +Staff of the Cyberport introducing top-notch facilities.,数码港工作人员讲解数码港的各项设施。 +Attabad—No substantial changes in the lake level.,阿塔阿瓦德湖——湖泊水位没有明显变化. +Have you decided if you want become a postgraduate student?,你决定是否要读研了吗? +Extracellular CA-1 mediates the hydration of CO2 released from the photoreceptor cells to bicarbonate within the vitreous.,在玻璃体中,细胞外的CA-1介导了从感光细胞释放的CO2的水合作用,形成碳酸盐。 +"Qui-Gon's dying words were a request for Obi-Wan to train Anakin, despite the Council's objections.",奎-冈的临终遗言要求欧比-万不顾委员会的反对,训练阿纳金。 +The lady is glad to give the salad to the sad lad on the ladder.,女士乐意把色拉送给梯子上的那位悲哀的小伙子。 +The test framework design and the coding of that design together require significant front-loaded time and effort.,自动化测试框架的设计和编码都需要大量前期的时间和精力。 +Using analytic methods the properties of a new congruence equation are studied and a mean value formula is given.,利用解析方法研究了一个新的同余方程组的解数性质,并给出了一个均值公式。 +"The city man saw a farmer in his yard, holding a pig up inhis hands, and lifting it so that the pig could eat apples from an apple tree.",这位城里人看见一位农夫在宅后的草地上,手中抱着一头猪,并把它举得高高的,好让它能够吃到树上的苹果。 +"A fiber placed composite, especially with fiber steering, has more complex internal structure than a laminate laid up from unidirectional prepreg tapes.",纤维键接复合材料,特别是带有转向纤维的复合材料比普通层压板具有更加复杂的内部结构。 +"In a cloud environment where VMs can be deleted and re-provisioned, for example to recover from failure, this can pose a new challenge.",在 VM 可被删除和重新配备(比如说)以便从故障恢复的云环境中,这会带来新的挑战。 +"We have gymnasium, billiard room, bridge chess room and dance hall.",我们有健身房,台球室,棋牌室和舞厅。 +"The aim was to preserve as many of the house's original architectural features as possible, so the architects restored the building's hard sandstone walls, gabled roofs and front porch.",改建的原则是尽可能多地保留房屋的原始建筑特色,所以建筑师对建筑的硬砂岩墙、坡屋顶和前门廊进行了修复。 +"They require multiple levels of integration and cleansing, resulting in increased maintenance and operational expenses.",这些筒仓需要多级集成和清理,导致越来越多的维护和操作费用。 +Or walked barefoot in the grass?,抑或是赤脚在草地上漫步? +Myth: Anyone can nominate a person or group for the Peace Prize.,误解:任何人都可以提名个人或团体角逐和平奖。 +Foremost among these is the drive to eradicate polio.,其中最重要的是根除脊髓灰质炎的运动。 +"Above, New York's Times Square lights up as the new year is celebrated on Jan. 1, 2000.",上图,2000年1月1日,纽约时代广场上漂亮的礼花,为庆祝千禧年的到来。 +A tiger can pull a roebuck to pieces in a matter of minute.,一只老虎可以在几分钟内把一只雄鹿撕碎。 +"The object's fill attribute is set to an RGB value (such as rgb(150,200,50)) using the three random numbers generated in the previous step.","用前一步中生成的三个随机数将该对象的 fill 属性设置为一个 RGB 值(如 rgb(150,200,50) )。" +"Today, the Finland-based firm makes three out of every ten mobile phones sold around the world, convincingly trumping electronics giants such as Motorola and Ericsson.","今天,世界上销售的手机中,有十分之三都由这家总部位于芬兰的公司制造,令人叹服地战胜了电子巨头摩托罗拉和爱立信。" +We just laugh hysterically the whole time. Its horrible. We can not get through a love scene at all. Ever.,我们常常笑到失控。非常糟糕。我们根本连一场亲热戏也拍不好。 +Estimate the land productive potential and the land population carrying capacity in the year 2000 throughout the area with the relations among the people land and grain in the area.,以珠江三角洲经济区较准确的土地资源数据和合理的作物结构为研究基础,从该区人地粮关系着手,估算了全区2000年土地生产潜力和土地人口承载力,并提出了该区提高土地人口承载力的对策。 +Did you get the picture finished all right?,你顺利地完成了那画吗? +"While Qui-Gon Jinn was escorting the fugitive Queen Amidala from Tatooine to Coruscant, Darth Maul swept down from above, lunging at Qui-Gon from his rocketing Sith speeder.",当奎-冈·金护卫逃亡的阿米达拉女王从塔图因前往科洛桑时,达斯·摩尔从上空疾飞而来,从飞驰的西斯飞行摩托上猛扑向奎-冈。 +"Unions representing 8,000 mobile guards called the strike after two brutal attacks on armoured vans in the last fortnight in Grenoble and Paris, which left one guard dead and two seriously wounded.","前两个星期在格勒诺布尔发生两起凶残的袭击运钞车案件,一名保安被打死,两名受重伤。 随后,代表8,000名押车保安的工会发起了这这场罢工。" +"Finding her not home, he argued with and shot to death Caril Ann’s mother and stepfather, as well as fatally clubbing Caril Ann’s two-year-old sister, Betty Jean.",当时她不在家,他在和卡瑞尔·安的母亲与继父发生口角之后,开枪杀死了他们,后来还用棍棒打死了卡瑞尔·安两岁的妹妹—贝蒂·简。 +"Copper, you're my very best friend.",科珀,你是我非常要好的朋友。 +Results show that the thermal stability of COPNA resin synthesized from asphalt is relatively poor and the initial decomposition temperature in nitrogen is 420-430℃.,结果表明,以沥青为单体合成的COPNA树脂的热稳定性较差,在氮气中的热起始降解温度为42 0~ 430℃。 +"STCO concerned, said: ""Ren Huan kind of chic to your son very much in line with our brand image of the city of men in the pursuit of the concept of quality of life, why they chose him to endorsement.""",STCO有关人士称:“任周焕那种萧洒贵公子外面很适合我们品牌对于寻求都邑男性高品行生涯的理念,所以才选用他来代言。 +This event originates from an online post that proposed to exchange male friends or colleagues with other single women since it's not a good idea to develop a romantic relationship in the same office.,“换草运动”源于一则网络帖子,该帖子倡议,既然大家都不方便发展办公室恋情,那就跟别的单身女交换认识身边的男性朋友或同事。 +"US military documents seem to suest, however, that HAARP's main objective is to ""exploit the ionosphere for Department of Defense purposes. "" (quoted in Chossudovsky, op cit).",但是美国军方档案暗示HAARP的主要目标是出于国防目的的对电离层的开发和利用。 +For sale in japan only. made in China.,限定发售,原单保证,只在日本发售,中国没有的! +"Additionally, there’s a need to be able to readily communicate with local populations of foreign countries and non-English speaking allies.",此外,美军还需要可以随时与外国或非英语国家的居民沟通。 +A variety of organizations are working to protect and develop this art form as a way to preserve Fujian's dialects and unique local culture.,抢救、保护和发展答嘴鼓艺术,可以使历史悠久的闽南方言词语、俚俗语及具有特色的闽南文化得以保存与弘扬。 +The minor-diameter steel-tube concrete rigid skeleton used in the construction of large-span arch bridge can reduce the weight of swivel system and minimize the cost of swivel body.,用小直径钢管混凝土劲性骨架修建大跨度拱桥,可以减轻转动体系重量,降低转体桥造价。 +"Commander would have demonstrated in the face of a hand grenade, blocked the grenade with body and a two, enough to block the public glare on hand grenades.",分队长们示范了面对手榴弹的情况,用身体将手榴弹挡住,一个不够挡两个,最后众人叠罗汉压在手榴弹上。 +"All translate to almost the same physical size as the font size of 16px at 1024x758. If your screen resolution is not in the table, use this equation to find out what font size you should use",所有设置可以转换为几乎相同的物理大小,即 1024x758 分辨率下的 16px 字体大小。 +"Driving from Freetown to John Obey late on a Friday night, the city was in full party mode.",星期五夜间从弗里敦乘车到欧贝海滩,城里好像在过节,到处都是人。 +No. No bottle opener.,没有,没有开瓶器。 +Drugs poison him that so feil sick of you.,药也会变毒,谁若因爱你而生病。 +Ricoh will also continue to provide the highly praised function-expansion firmware.,理光还将继续提供广受赞誉的功能增强固件。 +It stood apart from the billowy confection that Princess Diana wore.,它没有戴安娜王妃穿过的那套婚纱那么甜腻奢华。 +The Registrar shall not register a ship by its name in Chinese alone unless the phonetically corresponding name in the English alphabet is also registered.,注册官不得单独以船舶的中文名称为船舶注册,除非相应于中文名称读音而由英文字母组成的名称亦予注册。 +Check out your soundscape at the moment. What do you hear?,查看一下此时此刻你身边的声音,你都听到了什么? +His maneuvers in the market had his competitors buffaloed.,他在市场上所耍的花招把他的竞争对手都搞糊涂了。 +"Can I know, she should represent us is nine rivers the persons a kind of true feelingses, feel grateful the close relatives true feelings.",可我知道,她应该代表了我们九江人 的一种心声,感激亲人的心声。 +Tanning Supplys there is a discount without the sun lotion and alternative solutions are free of fragrance for the sale of a large number of tanning options.,鞣Supplys - 有一个没有阳光的折扣无香精乳液和其他替代解决方案的大量鞣出售选择。 +"Now place the piston assembly on a flat, firm surface with diaphragm facing up as shown in Figure 9.",现在将活塞总成放在平整稳定的表面上,如图9所示让隔膜面朝上。 +"Light vied with wine, elegance mixed with fragrance, laughing covered by greetings, the crowed was busy at handshaking. You stood there, eyes on me.",灯酒相辉,芳雅相应,祝辞笑声此起彼伏,芸芸皆劳碌于握手。君站立一旁,美目探妾。 +"The show, a basketball competition in 64 cities involving retired NBA stars, will be broadcast on Shandong TV in mainland China on Friday nights from May 22 to August 28.",从5月22日-8月28日,《终极篮徒》每周五晚将在山东卫视播出,比赛选手来自全国64所城市,一些退役NBA球星也将参予其中。 +The vibration status of a certain structure was researched on the basis of the sound radiation property by using the reciprocity method.,对某水下结构,依据声辐射规律,利用互易方法估计了该结构的振动状况。 +"Heinze, who's been the subject of so much transfer speculation in recent weeks, netted only his second goal for his country on the stroke of half-time when he volleyed home Riquelme's free-kick.",海因策,最近几周作为转会市场上的话题人物,在半场结束之际打进了个人在国家队的第二粒进球,里克尔梅的任意球帮助他破门。 +"A coworker stormed into my friend's office, yelling, ""Did you tell Joan I was a witch?",一个同事怒气冲冲地走进我的朋友的办公室,大声质问道:“你对简说我是个巫婆?!” +A call came in telling them to disperse some people who were loitering. The officers drove to the street and observed a small crowd standing on a corner.,他们得到命令去疏散一群闲逛的人,于是他们开车去了那条街,看到路口站着一群人。 +"We want to get to Western standards of living, but to do it all peacefully.",我们希望达到西方的生活标准,但是一切要和平地进行。 +"On the plant computer, the input-output dynamics of coal- pulverizing system was simulated by the interaction between MATLAB and configuration software.",在对象计算机上,通过MATLAB和组态软件之间的无缝链接,有效地模拟制粉系统的输入输出特性。 +"South Korea is already getting older fast, and even China's working-age population is forecast to start declining from 2015.",韩国的老龄化速度正在加快,中国的劳动力预计在2015年开始衰退。 +Happy Spring Festival of Lunar Jichou Ox Year!,恭祝农历己丑牛年新春吉祥如意! +"And thy renown went forth among the heathen for thy beauty: for it was perfect through my comeliness, which I had put upon thee, saith the Lord GOD.",你美貌的名声传在列邦中,你十分美貌,是因我加在你身上的威荣。 这是主耶和华说的。 +I believe the Tian An incident should be handled in this basic spirit.,我认为处理“天安”号事件有关问题,同样应该遵循这一基本精神。 +"Stuggins says the Bank is one of the biggest promoters of renewable energy and energy efficiency projects in the world, financing about $9 billion in these projects since 1990.",Stuggins说,世行是世界上推动可再生能源和能源效率项目的最大机构之一。 它自1990年以来共为此类项目提供了大约90亿美元的资助。 +"Method:Radiograpyies and CT images, clinical presentations, and pre- and postoperative HRCT image of 16 cases were dynamically observed and the image features and classification were analyzed.",方法:对16例肺泡壁消失肺综合征患者的临床表现、多次胸片及CT检查、手术前后HRCT图像进行动态观察,综合分析其影像学表现并分型。 +"A. S. K TRADING CO. LTD. is a foreign buyer from Mauritius, need to purchase products of toy etc. categories.",该公司是一家来自毛里求斯的买家,需要购买的产品类别包括:玩具等行业。 +A Czech ghost might say baf.,捷克的鬼可能吼的是“baf”。 +"Influenced by different tradition of history and culture, legal opinions and development of society and economy . It is different in determination and protection of well-known trademark .",由于受历史文化传统、法律理念及社会经济发展状况等诸多因素的影响,各国在驰名商标的认定与保护方面存有差异。 +"Finally, there is the word ""leading"" that appears in Pew's question -- which, to me at least, focuses on ""what's next"" -- (""leading"" as opposed to ""following"").",最后,“主导”这个词——对我而言,至少,是指将来的情况(主导和顺从相对)在这个前提下,中国的竞争者就更少了,至少不会是美国,欧洲或者是日本。 +"The garlic press will purée a whole, unpeeled dove of garlic, or pieces of onion.",压蒜器则可以把整只带皮的蒜头或是成片的洋葱都压碎。 +"Our approach to the concept of a ""plug-in"" deviates from the more standard definition.",我们的方法,以一个“插件的概念在”背离了更多的标准定义。 +"That’s where the battle will be won or lost, and WHO’s role is to support that work.",这是决定战斗胜败之处,而世卫组织的作用是支持这项工作。 +"""It's really important to me, "" he said. ""It means a lot to me that I was able to be the first one to do it, so I took a lot of pride in that.""",在接受采访时,王凯说:“这对我十分重要,我很高兴成为了第一个在NFL打球的华裔球员,这带给了我很大的荣耀。” +You are really tired.,你也很累了。 +That will be linked to the East London area known as Shoreditch where more than 100 start ups are currently based.,这将与伦敦东区著名的Shoreditch区连接起来,该区目前有100多家创业型企业。 +The American violinist Benjamin Hudson was born in the state of Illinois.,本杰明-哈德森,美国小提琴家。 +"You see, most of the human beings are so tiny that they don't have knowledge of the heaven, not to metion the ""breaking point"" and the ""centre of this universe"".",看到吗? 大部份人类十分渺少, 连西方极乐世界也未能感知它的存在, 更不用说“断魂关” 及“宙心” 了。 +"In the museum, there are a textile workers in smashing the year reflected the textile machine before the bitter experience of the sculpture, visitors have stopped, filled with emotion.",在博物馆里,就有一尊反映当年纺织工人在砸毁的纺织机前痛定思痛的雕塑,参观者纷纷驻足,感慨万千。 +"The inner flow field of modified Perspex impeller of a centrifugal pump was measured by advanced PIV system, and the absolute speed vectorgraph and original data of the axial eddy were acquired.",采用先进的粒子图像测速(PIV)系统对普通叶轮改型设计后的有机玻璃叶轮内部流场进行无接触测量,获得轴向旋涡流绝对速度矢量图及原始数据。 +"""They will be a little nervous about this, "" Wickham-Jones noted.",他们对此可能有点紧张。 +"Supporting mutually old is not easy, whether or not we should cherish.",相扶到老不容易,是否应该去珍惜。 +I have made you a fair copy of the report .,我已经替你准备好一份誊清的报告。 +She likes romantic films and nature programmes.,她喜欢看爱情片和自然界节目。 +"Newport, Lorillard's menthol-flavored premium cigarette, is the second-largest brand in the industry and is the top selling menthol brand.",罗瑞拉德烟草公司的薄荷味名优卷烟新港品牌是烟草业内的第二大品牌,也是最畅销的薄荷品牌。 +How to stabilize and develop sericulture and promote sericulture competitiveness among economic trades have become the important subject.,如何稳定和发展蚕业,提高蚕业在经济贸易中的竞争力,成为业界研究的重要课题。 +"For inspiration and public persuasion, each group needed an urgent spokesman. Blacks had MLK (Martin Luther King Jr.) and gays had MILK — Harvey Milk.",每个群体都需要一个具有公众说服力的灵魂般的要紧代言人,黑人有马丁·路德·金,而同性恋有哈维·米尔克。 +These may be implemented on various types of hardware and usually include a video display terminal.,实现这��功能要依靠各种类型的硬件,通常包括视频显示终端。 +Who dances best in your class? I think Li Ling dances best in your class.,谁是你们班跳舞最好的? 我认为李玲是我们班跳的最好的。 +Listening is one of the five basic skills of students in English.,听力是学生英语五项基本技能(听、说、读、写、译)之一。 +"Click Home in the toolbar, and on the Updates tab, click My updates; this section will grow as you participate.",单击工具栏中的 主页,然后单击 更新 选项卡,单击 我的更新;这个区段将随着您的参与而增长。 +The test run would coincide with several trial Games events to be held at that time.,下月试行限车期间,北京正好也要举行几场奥运预演。 +"All functional departments should, based on reality, formulate and improve measures and make concerted efforts to fulfil this work.",各职能部门要结合实际制定和完善工作措施,加强协作,紧密配合,齐抓共管。 +"If we challenge each of our candidates with these questions, we should obtain results similar to Table 2",我们对每个候选词做检查,就会得到类似于表2的结果 +Intermittent karst spring is a special karst hydrogeomorphologic phenomenon.,喀斯特周期泉是一种特殊的喀斯特水文地貌现象。 +THE town of Lijiang lies northwest of Kunming.,丽江古城坐落在昆明的西北角。 +"Third, spoofing attacks are difficult to execute.",第三,欺骗攻击难以执行。 +"In summary, the writer fails to show that doctors should recommend vigorous daily outdoor exercise rather than moderate exercise whether it is for men, women or children.",最后,当作者作出这样的陈述,即大夫不应该向其病人建议适度的运动,而只应该鼓励每日进行户外剧烈的运动时,其论述的结论中便产生了一个关键性的缺陷。 所得出的结论在论述中绝对找不到任何可资佐证的依据——甚至,只是直到社论结束之处才提及适度的运动。 +OBJECTIVE To study the dissolution profile of phosphate tetramethylpyrazine sustained release pellets coated with Eudragit pseudolatex.,目的研究磷酸川芎嗪丙烯酸树脂水分散体包衣缓释小丸的体外释药。 +"Suspended Under the careful treatment in hospital DuYueRu not only alert and healed the scar on his face back past looks, memory also once complete recovery.",在医院的精心治疗下杜月如不只清醒,还治好了脸上的伤疤恢复了以往的容貌,记忆也曾经彻底恢复。 +"Finally, we look at the whole bottle of glaze okho spring: green in the Weishan Huang, careful look is definitely the case.",最后,我们整体看一下玉壶春瓶的釉色:绿中微闪黄,细心看,肯定是这样的。 +"All those people, all that money sloshing back and forth, and, perhaps most beguiling, all that growth: it is enough to make a banker swoon.",所有的人,所有的钱,都在其中翻涌流动,可能最激动人心的算是所有的经济增量:足以令一位银行家如痴如醉。 +"As a result, 90 percent of Qingxi’s 350, 000 residents are migrant workers.","几年前,外来工人在工厂外排着长长的队伍,希望能得到工作,导致清溪350,000居民中90%是外来工人。" +"Presto Enterprise Mashup Server: A mashup server that can consume any kind of data and services with a point-click-consume approach for WSDL, REST, RSS, Atom, Database, Excel, and Web clipping.",Presto企业级Mashup服务器:该Mashup服务器可以通过point-click-consume的方式使用来自于WSDL、REST、RSS、Atom、数据库、Excel及 Web clipping的任何数据和服务。 +Begin to identify the stories you want to tell and use this assignment to advance your thinking.,开始决定你所想要说的故事,并且善加利用此次作业来提升你的思想。 +"Nonmetal minerals are the predominant mineral resource of Sichuan, where there are all kinds of major mines of abundant reserves and predominant building materials and chemical materials.",非金属矿是四川优势矿产资源,主要矿种齐全、储量丰富,建材资源、化工原料资源优势突出,常用矿产与优势矿产吻合程度高; +The microorganisms used for bioleaching are mainly iron-oxidizing or sulfur-oxidizing bacteria which live in acid condition.,能够进行生物浸矿的微生物主要是一些在酸性环境中生长的铁或硫氧化细菌。 +"Fun to guests, their cars and sedan go, scaled up, has become a heavy burden on the local gentry Yuzhou.",宾客纷至、车来轿往、兴师动众,已成为禹州地方士绅的沉重负担。 +Au contraire! It signals confusion and creates stress.,相反,它发出了混乱的信号并且制造了压力。 +"In health, 25 percent of births nationwide were not institutionally supported, and fully 30 percent of 5-year old children were chronically malnourished.",在健康领域,全国范围内25%的新生儿得不到政府制度的保障;5岁儿童中,30%的儿童患有慢性营养不良。 +"The Li River snakes through a fairy-tale landscape of conical limestone peaks, its smooth waters exquisitely mirroring the magical scenery.",蜿蜒的漓江两岸是连绵的石灰岩山峰,平静的河水倒映出魔幻般的美景,宛如童话一般。 +The delayed player delegation stay on the playground.,被耽搁的运动员代表团停留在操场上。 +Objective: To compare the rabbit model of degenerative intervertebral disc by anulus puncture and nucleus aspiration.,目的:比较采用纤维环穿刺法和髓核抽吸法建立兔椎间盘退变动物模型的不同。 +"Celine and jamie still in love, now a millionaire Kevin also in pursuit of celine, this lets jamie CuYi between two people with, misleading, celine backward Kevin side.",塞琳和杰米仍在恋爱中,此时富家子弟凯文也在追求塞琳,这让杰米醋意大发,两个人之间产生误解,塞琳倒向凯文一边。 +"Mike: We'd like to go through the departure formalities, sir.",麦克: 先生,我们办出关手续。 +The imperial gallon is not the same size as the US one.,英制的加仑与美制的容量不同。 +"These guidelines were updated in 2001 and 2003, but advances made since then mean that a change in strategy would be more cost-effective, they suggest.",他们表示,这些治疗指引于2001年与2003年更新,那时的进展代表了变更筛检策略将会是符合经济效益的。 +I'll bring out the food.,我把食物端出来。 +"In general, handles should not make a significant contribution to footprint.",一般而言,句柄不应该对内存占用产生很大影响。 +Feed grade paprika powder is obtained from saponified paprika oleoresin mixing with carrier. It is a kind of natural feed additives.,饲料级辣椒红粉末是由红辣椒中提取的辣椒红树脂经过皂化处理,再添加载体混合而成的一种纯天然饲料 添加剂。 +"The paddock used by the Weasley boys to practice Quidditch is not shown, but it seems logical that it would be located near the house but farther from the town.",韦斯莱家兄弟练习魁地奇的围场没有显示出来,但它似乎理应位于房子周围离小镇较远处。 +That which is dreamed can never after be undreamed.,那些已经做过的梦不可能注销。 +Perhaps it's time for all the long-in-love to uncork another bottle of Champagne and toast themselves -- again -- on this Valentine's Day.,在这个情人节,或许所有的老夫老妻们是时候再开一瓶香槟,干杯庆祝。 +"Conclusion Anesthesia sampling method has not only lower painful intensity, hut also higher satisfactory intensity than that of classical sampling method.",结论麻醉取样法较经典取样去疼病度降低,满意度提高,是目前解决取样疼痛的方法之一。 +"And the process of engineering includes commonly: drilling, downing the tube, grouting and backfill and installing the heat exchanger.",地下埋管换热器的施工主要包括:钻孔,下管,注浆、回填和换热器的安装。 +"Or maybe they suck out the oxygen, causing suffocation.",还有的说,风扇可能会抽掉氧气,引发窒息。 +"After the House rejected the previous version on Monday, the Dow Jones Industrial Average lost almost 780 points, a record for a one-day point loss.",众议院星期一否决前一个救市方案之后,道琼斯指数下降了近780点,创下单日跌幅历史纪录。 +Watch people crossing the road.,看看这些过路的人。 +Psst – pass it on.,嘘,传下去。 +"Another argument for diversification is that China says it now pegs the yuan to a basket of currencies, rather than the U.S. dollar.",有关中国实现外汇储备多元化的另一个争议在于,中国称人民币将盯住一篮子货币,而非只盯住美元。 +"In conclusion, these results probably suggest face-specific processing mechanisms in the human brain, a mechanism which is not influenced by either task or expertise.",以上实验结果也许说明,大脑中可能存在面孔特异性加工机制,该机制不受任务和专长的影响。 +The Company by the city Administration for Industry and Commerce recognized professional standards of business units.,本公司经市工商行政管理局标准认可的专业性营业单位。 +Zhang Ma said after listen to zhang huan of the just meet people.,张妈听后说张恒不看演出只管接人。 +Countercyclical policy primarily consists of raising any type of spending; all is equally valuable in terms of countering a recession.,逆周期政策主要就是增加各类支出;在对付衰退上,各类支出都很重要。 +"King Solomon made an offering of twenty-two thousand oxen, and a hundred and twenty thousand sheep.",所罗门王用牛二万二千,羊十二万献祭。 +"Gu Ming said, he got through the network know the number of lives saved, even if disability also value.",顾明说,他抢通的网络不知挽救了多少人的生命,即使伤残也值了。 +Objective:To determine the relationship between occurrence of recurrent spontaneous abortion(RSA) and immune function of T -lymphocytes and subsets.,前言: 目的:探讨复发性流产(RSA)与T 淋巴细胞免疫功能的关系。 +Take down the tool.,把仪器抬下来… +"He sometimes asked a teller to make change for small bills, and once the drawer was open he demanded the money that was inside, showing the teller a pellet gun in his waistband.",他有时让收银员找钱,在抽屉被打开的时候他就会要求拿走里面的钱同时给收银员看他腰里的枪。 +Since I'm not sure I won't need to go back to it.,我注释掉了之前的调试语句。 +Self Chuck - People who get up before the plane actually pulls into the gate. I mean you can't really go anywhere until they open the door right?…. wall!,本周最该自己撞墙的人-那些在飞机未开闸前起身的人,我意思是你不能真正走出去任可地方直至他门开舱门是吧?…墙! +"Can an ethnic mix be trendy At the moment, Eurasians are enjoying an unprecedented high profile in the news, in advertising, and in the entertainment industry.",种族混血也可成为时尚吗?此时此刻,新闻、广告和娱乐圈对欧亚混血儿都有空前广泛的介绍。 +"On the NC lathe, in addition to a general guide lathes and precision of sexual orientation, but also a good Naimaca, wear characteristics, and reduce the frictional resistance to the death zone.",对数控车床来说,导轨除应具有普通车床导向精度和工艺性外,还要有良好的耐摩擦、磨损特性,并减少因摩擦阻力而致死区。 +"Tapping the icon that looks like a camera aperture opens one of the killer features of the dual-lens camera, its wide-aperture effects.",轻点摄像头孔径图标,就会开启这款双镜头相机的杀手级功能之一——大光圈效果。 +This programme puts further pressure on the Il-76 fleet and may be another driver behind the order.,此项改装为伊尔-76机队增加了新的压力并可能产生新的订单。 +"I've loved, I've laughed and cried I've had my fill; my share of losing And now, as tears subside I find it all so amusing.",我爱过,笑过也哭过我曾经意气风发,也曾经一败涂地而现在,当我擦去眼泪发现往事都可一笑带过。 +Article 4. The following categories of income shall be exempted from individual income tax,第四条 下列各项所得,免纳个人所得税 +The effect of commercial forest management is directly relevant to the support system that accommodates to the socialist market economy.,商品林经营成效如何与是否具有适应社会主义市场经济的支撑体系直接相关。 +"""You cannot undo the work of the formative years, "" said Khasan.",“你不能撤消的形成来的工作,说:”哈桑。 +"Guns are strictly controlled in China, but until recently possession of large knives were not.",在中国枪支是被严格控制的,但直到最近,大的刀具还没有得到控制。 +"Put fly ash into melting aluminum, suitable stir and add in frothing agent, after foaming and cooling, then obtain particles reinforced aluminum foam.",利用粉煤灰颗粒增黏的泡沫铝与利用钙增黏的泡沫铝进行压缩强度性能检测。 +"Citing allusion is a kind of rhetoric quomodo of adduction, which means expressing ones sentiment and sense by citing allusion.",用典,是引用修辞方式的一种,指的是运用典故来表情达意。 +"Finally, the structure of single SRRA was improved by a quasi-Ω-like metallic pattern and a compound material with negative index of refraction was obtained.",对单金属环阵列结构进行了改进,得到了一种体现负折射率效应的准Ω结构的复合介质。 +"We mainly produce the polishing tools who is suitable for granite, marble, Glazed tile, crystallites glass brick, antiquity surface and so on.",公司主要生产花刚石、大理石、釉面砖、微晶玻璃砖,哑光仿古面等系列磨抛工具。 +"Having checked the parameters of the apparatus, the paralysed parasite went to the paradise by parachute.",查抄过仪器的参数后,瘫痪的寄生虫乘下降伞到天堂去了。 +"By how much the more, men ought to beware of this passion, which loseth not only other things, but itself.",由此可见人们更应当如何提防这种情欲,因为它不但使人失去别的事物,简直连自己也保不住。 +Is it Buckingham Palace?,它是白金汉宫? +"Finnish library-goer apparently thought 'better late than never' and quietly returned a book on loan for more than 100 years to a library in Vantaa, in southern Finland.",非常近,芬兰一位图书借阅者将一本借出100多年的书悄悄归还给了芬兰南部万塔的一家图书馆,显然他(她)是觉得“迟还总比不还好”。 +"Financial independence is empowering, but many counselors say that living separate financial lives imperils a marriage.",我们有财政独立的能力,但是很多法律顾问说财政独立的生活会给婚姻带来威胁。 +"Still another exciting story is about a friend who wanted to be in the music business, selling cassettes at grocery stores and mini- marts , but he had no capital.",还有一个激动人心的故事,有个朋友想从事音乐行业,在杂货店和小商店销售盒式录音带,但是他没有资金。 +The system has the function of human-computer interaction in Chinese. The results of measurement can be displayed on the demonstration board and in the CRT and can also be printed on a list.,该系统具有用中文实现人机交互,同时在显示板和CRT上显示检测结果,打印报表等功能。 +"By establishing the linear model of multi-machine power systems with TCSC, their eigenvalue analysis method is proposed.",通过建立含TCSC多机系统的线性化数学模型,提出并研究了含TCSC多机系统的特征分析法。 +The next goal was to get fermions strongly attracted to one another.,下一个目标是要使费米子彼此强烈吸引。 +The first and second-stage larvae were characterized by their abruptly thinned tail ends and the third-stage larvae were characterized by a pair of inverted U-like structures of the head.,第一、二期幼虫的特征为尾尖骤然尖细,第三期幼虫的特征为头部具一对倒“U”形棕色结构。 +Parents and guardians should ensure that children are protected adequately.,父母和监护人应确保儿童得到适当的保护。 +The sub-acutely aging model rats were made by injecting D-gal into abdominal cavity continuously.,半乳糖连续腹腔注射制作亚急性衰老的大鼠模型。 +"For interleave division multiple access (IDMA) combined OFDM system, the PAPR of the transmitted signal is analyzed, and a PAPR reduction method based on variable interleaver designing is proposed.",对于联合交织多址的OFDM系统,分析了交织多址OFDM信号的峰均比分布,并提出一种基于可变交织器设计的峰均比抑制方法。 +"Hang Seng Insurance ""Personal General Insurance Plans"" Premium …",东亚银行推出「智快达」储蓄保险计划。 +"However, you should use caution when using sudo.",不过,使用“sudo”时需多加小心。 +"I'm not a defender of old managers or new ones. I believe in good managers and bad ones, ones who achieve success and ones who didn't.",我不喜欢论资排辈,我认为区别教练的好坏是看他所取得的成就的多少。 +"If students haven't heard of Yin Yoga, they won't know what a yang style of yoga is.",如果学生没有了解过阴瑜伽,他们就不知道阳瑜伽是什么。 +One can walk in the winter gardens.,你可以在冬日的花园里散步。 +Product Description: The Circle-Shape Powder Puffs can fill Powder inside or not.,此款粉扑可以填充蜜粉在内,也可以不用。 +"Women, during menstruation should use clean, soft cloth or sanitary napkins.",女士在月经期间应该选用干净、柔软的卫生巾。 +A rollaway can be moved into a room to sleep an extra person.,“滚动式折叠床”可随时推入房间内,为客人加铺。 +Only 50 percent of the energy that went into cooling the air is returned when exposed to ambient air temperatures.,在环境温度中从液态转变到气态,液态空气产生的能量仅为冷却这些空气消耗能量的50%。 +"If we don’t act, meanwhile, the big costs would probably come late this century (although some things, like the transformation of the American Southwest into a dust bowl, might come much sooner).",同时,如果你不采取行动,大的代价可能会在本世纪后期表现出来(虽然有些方面,比如美国西南部变成尘暴区将会来的早得多)。 +"You can use the ""Do you"" pattern to find out for sure.",你可以用“Do you”句型来向他确认一下。 +"Stuck together like we are, Hattie and I often go without speaking for hours on end.",我和海蒂彼此困守,常常会连续几小时不说话。 +Misc Soundtrack. Knights And Merchants - Middle Ages Horn.,杂项原声。 骑士与商人 - 霍恩中世纪。 +"A self-consistent steady equilibrium model of the Jovian magnetodisc is developed, in which the radial plasma flow and azimuthal component of the magnetic field are included.",从磁流体力学方程组出发,建立了一个自洽的稳态木星磁盘模式,在这个模式中包括了径向等离子体流和方位角方向的磁场。 +"Moreover, basketball in the morden socity is multi-disciplinary educational subject. It is the integration of pedagogy, science of health, science of recreation and psychology.",而且现代篮球运动又是一门集教育学、健身学、娱乐学、心理学等多重教育意义的学科。 +My object in coming to Longbourn was to choose such a one from among Mr Bennet's daughters.,我来浪博恩的目的就是从班纳特先生的女儿中挑选一个做太太。 +"This sluggish growth, combined with troubles at giant corporations in the world's second-biggest economy, has made earning a living very difficult for scores of Japanese.",这种近乎停滞的增长速度加上这个全球第二大经济体内部无数的大公司,导致普通日本人混口饭吃��成了非常艰难的事情。 +"From a case of teaching plan of web experiment class, teacher played a leading role and students were trained in self-studying in the Web teaching.",通过一节网络实验课的课例教案,展现了网络教学中教师的主导作用的发挥与学生的自主学习的训练。 +"This article focuses on some questions about ""Vaisravana"" in Dung-Hung and Si-Chuan Areas of Late Tang and Five-Dynasties Periods.",本文探讨晚唐到五代时期中国敦煌与四川地区「毗沙门天王」的相关问题。 +"Rather, you've got to be a wonderful class citizen A to get an A for discussion section.","而是,你需要成为一个很棒的学生,能够在课堂讨论环节得到。" +"Don' t worry if you lack business skills and experience in areas such as time management, personal-contact selling, negotiating, bookkeeping and the ability to create effective advertisements.",不用担心你在诸如时间控制,个人关系销售,谈判,簿记等领域缺乏技能和经验并且缺乏创造好广告的能力。 +How Does Dual Health Insurance Work?,如何双保险工作的健康?。 +Mrs. Mead is looking for a chair in rococo style.,米德夫人想买一个洛可可式的椅子。 +"Firstly, controlling points are added according to plotting rule and irregular points linked with smooth curve.",一是利用成图规则构造顶点绘制不规则点的平滑曲线; +"The Swedes, the Brazilians – obviously they are creatures whose beauty we should bow down in front of and then bathe in.",瑞典人、巴西人——显然都属于那种让我们在他们面前无地自容,并沉迷其中的美丽生物。 +"After years of hard work, his project — in India's southeastern state of Andhra Pradesh — is about to receive approval from the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC).",经过了多年的辛勤劳动之后,他的这个在印度东南部安得拉邦的项目即将被联合国气候变化框架公约(UNFCCC)批准。 +"And they're so passionate about it,",他们十分热爱学习, +"It takes so long that by the time the spaceship comes back, 100 years will have gone by.",去了很久,以至于宇宙飞船回来的时候,100年都已经过去了。 +"Finally we have the destination sandwich, a construction that food lovers will travel miles to enjoy.",最后,还有三明治的最终目的地,一个美食爱好者都会去旅行享受的地方。 +Good.Good.Louder.That's it.,非常好,非常好,大声点,就是这样。 +The new findings could mean the hunter-gatherers were more advanced than once thought.,这项新的发现可以表示采猎人比之前想象的更先进。 +"As with the earlier mediation handler, the source code for this one can also be downloaded, and contains trace and debug statements.",与前面的中介处理程序一样,此处理程序的源代码也可以下载,其中也包含跟踪和调试语句。 +Venizelos denied suggestions foreign inspectors would be placed in ministries to check progress.,Venizelos否定了外国督查将驻扎在各部以检查进展的建议. +"Comporting total-cost with the best total-cost, we propose that the activity-based costing may and must be promoted in our country.",通过对我国应用作业成本法总成本点与最优点的比较,最终提出作业成本法可以也应该在我国推广的观点。 +"To organize children""s out-of-classroom activities such as drinking water, going to bathroom; and cultivate children""s good habits in their daily life.",在阳光学校组织好孩子除上课外的活动,如入厕、喝水等,注意培养孩子的好习惯。 +E. g. 3:The work involved 17 hours of lawyer's work and 5 hours of translator's work.,例3:这项工作需要17个小时的律师工作和5小时的翻译工作。 +"Having said that, I still remember the proud day I got my first proper fountain pen and was allowed to use joined-up writing in class.",我曾经说过,我还记得那个值得自豪的一天我失掉了第一次正式的钢笔,也可以使用加上去上课了。 +Julia: I can say that I have friends in high places.,朱莉娅:那我就可以说我有地位高的朋友了。 +"Look at them, even if you're looking alone.",如果可以来个连拍。 这样看起来实在太性感了! +She has gained her master's degree form Harvard's Scholl of Education and is finally off welfare.,她已经获得了哈佛大学的教育学博士,并最终脱离的福利。 +"The research team, led by Duffy and advisor Charles Czeisler, studied the sleep cycles of 52 women and 105 men for two to six weeks in the lab.",达菲和查尔斯·蔡斯勒带领的研究团队在实验室对52名女性和105名男性的睡眠周期进行了2-6周的研究。 +I prefer it to classical art.,比起古典艺术,我更喜欢现代艺术。 +"The latest work, based on more than 38,000 moderate-to-severe head trauma patients, is the largest yet to look at the effects of alcohol on brain injury survival.",这份最新研究是根据3万8千多名中度到重度头部���伤病患的研究而来,是目前针对酒精对脑部创伤生还影响的最新研究。 +"Tap the beat-up by the weekend, the heart palpitate looked up , the last strong open our bleary eyes.",周末被乒乒乓乓的敲打声惊醒,心脏突突跳得厉害,不得已强睁开惺忪的睡眼。 +"Based on the current research results of humanoid- arm bionics and parallel manipulators, an approach is presented for 7-DOF cable-driven humanoid-arm manipulator.",基于最新人臂仿生理论和并联机器人研究的成果,提出一种线驱动7-DOF冗余手臂的设计方案。 +"Hydrologists are analyzing GRACE data to identify trends in precipitation changes, groundwater depletion and snow and glacier melt rates, and to understand their underlying causes.",水利学者分析GRACE的资料,以鑑定降雨量变化、地下水耗竭,以及雪和冰河融化速度的趋势,并且了解其背后的原因。 +"When called upon to decide whether a sentient being should live or die, that I offer the being in question the opportunity to CHOOSE .",当被要求决定一个有知生命体的生死,我提供这个有知生命体,一个机会去选择。 +"Bryant wrapped up a magnificent series with 37 points, Ron Artest added 25 and the Lakers held off the Phoenix Suns 111-103 on Saturday night to win the Western Conference finals 4-2.",布莱恩特用华丽的37分为这个系列赛划上句号,加上罗恩-阿泰斯特的25分,湖人在周六晚以111-103击败凤凰城太阳从而以总比分4-2赢得西区决赛冠军。 +Pity that the stages cannot teach swiftness to the turtles.,可怜那麋鹿不能教给龟鳖快走。 +Article 14 The state applies the system of guaranteeing the purchasing of electricity generated by using regenerable energy resources in full amount.,第十四条国家实行可再生能源发电全额保障性收购制度。 +"The final test occurred Apr. 21 when the wing and trailing edges were subjected to their limit load of around 2.5g, the highest loads expected to be seen in service.",根据4月21最终试验的结果,机翼和后缘的承受的极限负荷为2.5g左右,而实际最高负荷只能在实际服役的时候才能知道。 +"Small volume Compared to the reciprocating compressor, the volume of scroll compressor is greatly reduced and save the assembly space.",体积小 涡旋式压缩机和往复式相比,体积大大缩小,节约了装配空间。 +"The Service is strictly personal, non-transferable and only valid with a public housing unit.",登入帐户是属于个人的,并且不可转让及只限政府公共屋村居民使用。 +"How many a poor immortal soul have I met well-nigh crushed and smothered under its load, creeping down the road of life.",我曾遇到过许多不朽的灵魂, 他们几乎毁灭在生活的重压之下,在人生的道路上匍匐煎熬。 +"Do modified pushups if you can’t do full pushups, with your knees on the floor (video).",(视频)假如你不能做完计划中的全部俯卧撑,那就稍微改一改动作,膝盖可以着地(视频)。 +"Macromolecule polymers: urea-formaldehyde resin, PVC.",高分子聚合物:脲醛树脂、PVC。 +"We are able to talk about the fact that two plus one equals three, but it's not as though we ever come across numbers-- number three itself--anywhere in the empirical world.","我们可与去探讨,二加一等于三的这个事实,但是我们不可能有一天真的碰到数字,在现实世界中碰到个叫""数字三""的东西" +"In order to support policy-making for cultivated land protection, it is necessary for land administration to understand the quality and quantity of land change.",土地管理部门需要及时准确地掌握城镇和农村用地的变化格局,为耕地保护政策的制定提供依据。 +"In this regard, BICS can be thought of as a formal service profiling language.",从这方面来说,可以认为 BICS 是一种正式的服务配置描述语言。 +I paced alone on the road across the fied while the sunset was hiding its last gold like a miser.,我独自走在穿越田地的小路上,夕阳象个吝啬鬼,正藏起它最后的一点金子。 +Trainers will not see consistency in a command until they take their dogs through stimulus control.,训练者会看到口令的效果不太一致,除非他们使用刺激控制。 +"At present, the state-owned commercial banks and most of the state-owned enterprises have no clear property rights . Market-oriented interest rate will drive them to start property rights reform.",目前,我国国有商业银行及很大一部分国有企业的产权模糊不清,利率市场化为其改革提供了动力,客观上推动了他们的产权改革。 +We are looking to start out with between 300-500 boards for our first order.,我们正在寻找300-500板之间开始了我们的第一个订单。 +"Three of the GI's have been convicted by military juries, earning from 90 to 110 years in prison.",此案中的三名涉案士兵(GIS-美国步兵)被军事法庭宣判有罪,并获得了90-110年不等的徒刑。 +The process starts with three files.,该过程以三个文件开始。 +"The fourth chapter made a research about the safeguarding measures of the development of farm house enjoyment in the aspects of policy, management, fund, person with ability and environment.",第四章从政策支持、组织管理、资金、人才和环境保护几个方面对农家乐旅游发展的保障措施进行了研究。 +"Again, if you just thought about life as a ruler, well pretty good thinking about it in isolation.",再一次,如果你只考虑了统治者的生活,非常好地单独考虑。 +We also feature step-by-step-tutorials in the end of this post: and here you go —now you have something fun to do over the weekend!,我们在本帖后面重点介绍一些循序渐进的教程:好了——现在你这个周末可以做点有趣的事情了。 +"People have been coming up to me and saying, almost sympathetically, ""You guys have a big job on your hands!""",人们一直在问我,几乎是在同情地说:“好家伙,你们的担子不轻啊!” +"LIBRA : Libras like to feel like they live a refined, sophisticated life, so season tickets to the symphony or the ballet fulfills their yen for culture.",天秤座喜欢沉醉在精致生活的良好自我感觉中,交响乐或芭蕾舞季票恰能满足其对文化生活的渴求。 +a man attracted to a mysterious blonde (Debbie Reynolds) who turns out to be the reincarnation of his male best friend in Vincente Minnelli's “Goodbye Charlie” (1964).,在文森特·明奈利(Vincente Minnelli)的《假凤求鸾》(1964)中扮演一位被神秘金发女郎(黛比·雷诺兹(Debbie Reynolds)饰演)吸引的男子,该女郎原来是男子最好的男性朋友转世。 +"However, more research is necessary to do so. In this mini-review, we will focus on the potential signal pathways of BMPs in modulation the bone formation and regeneration.",在本篇回顾短文,我们将重点专注于骨形成蛋白参与骨形成过程所引发一连串的讯息作用途径,评估应用于骨或牙周组织再生之潜力。 +Defeat made it possible to question everything and rebuild from scratch.,战败使它可以质疑任何问题,从头再建。 +Copernicus was a Polish astronomer and mathematician who was the first astronomer to formulate a scientifically based heliocentric cosmology that displaced the Earth from the centre of the universe.,哥白尼是博览天文学家,数学家。他是第一个提出有科学根据的日心说宇宙论,从而代替地心说的天文学家。 +"At the prices now being paid for real estate in the area, the Zhangs’ property could be worth well over $1 million.",以当地房地产的售价来看,张家财产可能值1百万美元。 +"These historians, however, have analyzed less fully the development of specifically feminist ideas and activities during the same period.",但是,这些史学家还不曾充分地分析同一时期中那些具体的女权主义思想和活动的成长。 +"It was during the trough after the Internet Bubble that it became trivially cheap to start a startup, but few realized it because startups were so out of fashion.",正是在互联网泡沫破灭之后的低谷期内,初创公司的启动成本开始变得非常低,但是因为当时初创公司已经不那么受追捧了,所以很少有人发现这种变化。 +"Opposite him was a tall, handsome, graceful scion of the Hyundai family, wealthy and privileged and at ease with himself.",和布拉特同场竞技的是一个高大英俊、风度翩翩的现代集团世家贵公子,腰缠万贯,养尊处优,仪态从容大方。 +The judge reminded the witness that she was still under oath.,法官提醒证人, 她发过誓要说实话。 +"Conclusion Healing sitagliptin Union plans to use insulin to insulin treatment in diabetic patients with poor blood sugar control, can be a good control of blood sugar, heal helpful.",结论西格列汀联用胰岛素的医治计划医治运用胰岛素血糖操控不好的糖尿病病人,能够很好地操控血糖,医治有用。 +"The four Japanese employees were sent to China for a Japanese government project to reclaim World War II chemical weapons left by Japan's Imperial Army, Fujita said.",四个日本雇员为一个日本政府项目被派到中国,这个项目是关于清理二战时日本帝国军队遗留的化学武器。 +"They enjoy downloading music, playing games in the pub and playing musical instruments.",他们还喜欢从网上下载音乐,在酒吧里玩游戏或弹奏乐器。 +"You feel frustrated and anxious, which can induce a nail- biting frenzy that can escalate into a triple- chocolate- cake- eating frenzy in a blink of an eye!",你感到灰心、焦虑,可能开始神经质地拼命咬指甲,然后不可救药地陷入一眨眼吃掉3大块巧克力蛋糕的疯狂! +It has long stressed and supported international community's sustained efforts to promote arms control and disarmament.,长期以来,中国重视并支持国���社会为促进军控与裁军所作的持续努力。 +Vehicles were put outdoors during the rebuilding construction.,整地中的广场,车辆被暂时放至于户外。 +Will the guest be entitled to the late check-out? Whom should he contact with?,客人是否有权利提出延迟退房?和谁联系? +Can I keep staying on the rooftop?,我可以停留在楼顶吗? +"Yang Xianjiang, the great Marxist Educator, makes a profound dissertation on this and it is beneficial to our discussion on educational theory in the present age.",伟大的马克思主义教育家杨贤江对此作出了深刻的论述,有益于当代教育理论的探讨。 +"They wore the elaborate costumes, including the often heavy and cumbersome wings, with ease and struck their flirtiest, cheekiest poses at the end of the runway.",她们穿着配有笨重累赘的天使翅膀的精美华服,走起路来却显得轻盈灵动。 在T台的尽头摆出她们最挑逗、最大胆的姿势。 +Similar boundary-value problems are associated with expected first-exit times of the membrane potential in models of nerve.,在神经细胞模型中,关于膜电位的第一期望离开时间有类似的边值问题。 +"Similarly, Mylyn is extending its reach to integration with Hudson, which includes the ability to read console output and hook into failed tests on the server as easily as a local test failures.",类似地,Mylyn进行了扩展,并 与Hudson整合,这包含了读取控制台输出的能力,并能够嵌入到服务器上失败的测试中,就像处理本地测试失败情况一样容易。 +So the rate of reading the genetic code has changed.,综上所述,阅读遗传编码的速率已经改变。 +He also returned to themes set out in a much-discussed blog — the need to fight corruption and to improve Russia's backward justice system.,梅德韦杰夫的博客引起了广泛讨论,演讲中他也回到他在博客里提到的主题——有必要打击腐败和改善俄罗斯落后的司法体制。 +Solan panel; energy solar system;,太阳能板; +Method 100 cases of mixed astigmatism were corrected by factorial method and coordinate method.,方法分别应用因式分解和坐标的方法为10 0例混合散光的患者进行检影配镜。 +"Lee Byeong-Chun, a veterinary professor at Seoul National University, claims to have cloned a female dog for the first time.",韩国首尔国立大学Lee Byeong-Chun教授称他成功克隆出一只母犬。 +"As one manager put it, "". . . complimenting s someone to his face is kind of obvious brown-nosing, or at least suspect.""",一位经理这么说, “在本人面前拍马屁显然是非常谄媚的, 至少是可疑的。 +I'm not going to penalize you for giving the wrong answer.,即使你答错我也不会为难你 +Good things happen when you get your priorities straight.,把优先要做的事情办好,好事就发生了。 +"With the decreasing of the immersion depth, different kinds of boiling modes appear in the superfluid helium II.",在超流氦的沸腾实验中,随着静压液柱的降低,会出现不同的沸腾状态。 +"Second, ""until now tablets had been found only in a handful of major palaces""—including the previous record holder, which was found among palace ruins in what was the city of Mycenae.",第二,直到现在,粘土碑也仅在屈指可数的一些主要宫殿中发现,包括之前的纪录保持者也是在迈锡尼城市废墟中发现的。 +"""Trois Gymnopédies"" are three well-known piano pieces, composed by the French musician Erik Satie, in which reveal fresh atmosphere and beautiful melody, so it is widely fond to the public.",法国作曲家萨悌的《三首吉姆諾佩第》为家喻户晓的钢琴小品,音樂中流露清新气息与优美旋律,是其广受喜爱的主因。 +"In order to understand the toxicity of national ceftiofur sodium, the acute toxicity of national ceftiofur sodium on mice and the sub-chronic toxicity on chickens were investigated.",为了解国产头孢噻呋钠的毒性,进行了小鼠的急性毒性及对鸡的亚慢性毒性试验。 +"This chemical gives Cabernet Sauvignon its herbaceous green pepper aroma, detectable at as little as six parts per trillion.",这种化学物是赤霞珠中草本和青椒香气的来源,含量超过万亿分之六就可闻到。 +"Chubu Electric, Japan's third biggest utility, will receive an emergency loan to purchase alternative sources of power, as the country continues to face a shortage.",日本第三大电力公司中部电力公司将收到一笔紧急贷款用于购买替… +"Harding Park group stage 10, Slovenia 20 points ranked second, beat the Czech Republic, won the playoff eligibility to participate.",小组赛10轮战罢,斯洛文尼亚积20分排名第二,力压捷克,获得了参加附加赛的资格。 +"The famous English writer William Shakespeare wrote something very close to this in his great play ""King Lear.""",英国著名作家威廉·莎士比亚在他的巨剧“李尔王”中写下了一些很接近这个短语���内容。 +"A line-type contact between the butt ( 18 ) and the guide track ( 7 ) is achieved, which reduces wear.",得到了针踵(18)和导轨(7)之间的线- 型接触,其减少磨损。 +"A paper by Liu and Raven, ""China's Environmental Challenges and Implications for the World, "" is published in Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology.",刘建国和雷恩在《环境科学与科技》评论上共同发表的文章称,“中国环境挑战和影响将是全球性的,” +"Fouth , the problems of the research study and countermeasure are mentioned, in addition to some cases of the research study .",同时,也指出了实施研究性学习存在的问题与对策。并列举了思想政治课研究性学习的典型案例。 +"There were forty people present, not counting the children.",出席者四十人,儿童未算在内。 +The Lexus LF-A concept features an engine capable of developing more than 500 horsepower from a displacement of less than five liters.,它具有赛车必备的强大动力性能和转向技术,所用发动机排量低于5公升,最大输出功率却高达500匹马力。 +He felt too contented and warm and sleepy to worry much about her tears.,他感到心满意足、暖意融融、 昏昏欲睡,就不再去过分担心她的眼泪了。 +"Having your soul process a gazillion tons of information all at once is actually a good thing, although you won't, again, probably be able to tell until the entire fatiguing process is completed.",让的心灵在同一时间处理大量信息其实是一件好事,尽管在这个让疲惫的过程完之前无搞清楚。 +What has most surprised some experts in the field is the recent emergence of a true market in Africa for home-scale renewable energy and for appliances that consume less energy.,在这一领域让专家感到惊奇的是最近非洲出现了真正的家庭可再生能源以及节电家用电器市场。 +"Chile was the first Latin American country to reach an agreement with China, while its FTA with South Korea came into force in 2004.",智利成为第一个与中国达成这样的协议的拉美国家。 它与韩国的自由贸易协议在2004年时已经生效。 +"With the support of Logue, his family, and his government, the King will overcome his stammer and deliver a radio-address that inspires his people and unites them in battle.",在罗格、家人和政府的帮助下,乔治六世终于克服口吃的困难,发表了一席电台讲话,让全国人民在战争中团结在一起。 +"""Twilight"" heartthrob Robert Pattinson is ""overwhelmed"" with all the girls throwing themselves at his feet.",暮光之城万人迷罗伯特·帕丁森被那些蜂拥而来女粉丝们搞得不知所措。 +"Talks with EU and IMF officials, expected to start on Monday, were delayed to later in the week, Greece said, because of the volcanic ash cloud disrupting flights across Europe.","希腊表示,欧盟和IMF官员预计将在周一开始的相关会谈被延后至本周稍晚,因火山灰令飞越欧洲上空的航班被推迟或取消." +"First, recent archaeological evidence suggests that Chinese farmers concocted an alcoholic brew of rice, honey, and grape or hawthorn as early as 9000 years ago.",第一,最新的考古证据说明中国的农民在9000年前用稻米和蜂蜜及葡萄或山楂酿造酒。 +"Save to give hair a natural move, so post-modern dance as you move in.",赋予发丝的自然攒动,让后现代舞蹈随你反具象。 +Methods 16 cases of degloving injuries of the distal segment of the thumb were repaired with advancing ventral skin flap of the thumb and a reversed dorsal skin flap of index finger.,方法对16例拇指末节脱套伤,选用拇指掌侧前移皮瓣、食指翻转皮瓣进行修复。 +"Field say no, you can put on the release tactics.",野战没什么说的,可以放战法就放。 +An energy monitor is a device that helps consumers keep an eye on their current power usage.,能源监测仪可以帮助用户关注当前用电量。 +"When a customer or company has a loan granted to them by a bank, they are contractually obligated to repay this loan with interest.",当客户或公司获得了一笔银行贷款时,根据合同他们有义务连本带利偿还这笔贷款。 +Use your turn signals when turning or changing lanes. 10.,转弯或换车道时要打方向灯。 +I finally popped that paper for Professor Li.,我终于写完了李教授要的论文。 +Far facial leak distance and excellent anti-pollution ability ensures safe operation in bad condition and seriously polluted area .,表面泄露距离大,耐污性强,确保在恶劣条件和高污染地区安全运行。 +"Gosh, the answer to that is, again, duh!",对于这个的答案,依然又是,duh! +"Speak English as much as possible, don't be afraid of making mistakes.",敢于开口说英语,不要怕犯错误。 +"Back in 1988 I bought a toaster-model Mac SE, with one megabyte of RAM, and I loved it. It only had a nine inch, black-and-white screen, and I loved it.",早在1988年时我便买了一部toaster-model Mac SE,RAM仅有1M,而且是9寸的黑白屏幕,我依然爱不释手。 +She often remembers you in our talks.,她常常念叨着你。 +Creating a DOM tree from scratch results in a higher peak working set than loading the same document from disk.,在内存中临时创建一个DOM树比从磁盘上载入同样的文档会产生更高的工作空间峰值。 +"But once you get the chicken and you deep fry it, as they do at all the fast food chains, is it still a nutritionally good food?",但是,当你得到的鸡,你油炸,因为他们在所有快餐连锁店,但仍是一个良好的营养食品?“” +Representatives from donor nations meeting in Egypt have pledged more than $4.4 billion in new aid to help rebuild the war-torn Gaza Strip after the recent conflict between Israel and Hamas.,在埃及参加捐助国会议的代表筹集了44亿多美元,帮助重建加沙。 加沙在以色列和哈马斯最近发生的冲突中受到战争的摧毁。 +"The day after the La Raza affair there was another gathering in NY, to which Latinos came out.",在拉拉扎会议的第二天,又有一拨人拉丁裔人聚到纽约。 +There were two rare complications of endogenenous endophthalmitis and delayed iatrogenic torsion of testis.,另外有两种罕见的并发症分别为内源性细菌性眼内炎以及医源性睪丸扭转。 +"After filling out a questionnaire, adopters were told which set of personality type would be a perfect fit to end animal-human mismatches.",饲养者在填完问卷后,就能知道哪类猫能与自己和谐相处。 +Under the warm sun silver creeks were coiling in all directions.,阳光下,银色的溪涧,曲折蜿蜒,流向四方。 +"""These deep and wide depressions in the leaves create a ""channelling"" mountain-like system by which the rain water is channelled toward the ground surrounding the plant's deep root.",它们的又深又宽的洼地就形成了一个象山一样的水利系统,雨水被引导植物根的深层。 +"Calvin was a highly ambulatory patient; not only did he refuse to be confined to bed, but also he insisted on riding his skateboard up and down the halls.",卡尔文是个完全可走动的病人;他不仅拒不卧床,还坚持踩滑板在客厅滑来滑去。 +On the way we all highly praised a young man in western-style clothes and leather shoes who was riding by.,路上我们都高度赞扬了一名年轻男子西装革履的正骑车。 +"Many manufacturers did not follow the standard precisely, or inconsistently interpreted or completely ignored the references to EIA-485.",许多厂家没有完全遵循本标准,有些厂家则完全忽视EIA-485的规定。 +"Those who were resistant to change, on the other hand, were less than one-third as likely to feel happy.",另一方面,那些反对改变的人大概只有不足三分之一的人感到幸福。 +"Migrants of the 21st century are able to maintain much stronger ties to their homelands than in the past, forming a “dynamic human link between cultures, economies and societies,” the report said.","报告说,21世纪的移民与原在国的联系比过去大为加强,构成了""各种文化、各经济体和各国社会之间不断增强的人际纽带""。" +"The State encourages research of the forestry science, popularizes advanced forestry technology and raises the level of forestry science and technology.",国家鼓励林业科学研究,推广林业先进技术,提高林业科学技术水平。 +A French military base in Libreville allowed Paris to keep a close watch on neighbouring Francophone states and offered Bongo security.,法国在利伯维尔拥有军事基地使巴黎能够密切监视相邻的法语国家,也为邦戈提供了安全保障。 +Have a rest. I'll take over.,你歇会儿, 我来替你。 +Several thousand people marched on City Hall.,数千人涌往市政厅进行抗议。 +"The bartender pours out the shots, and the cowboy drinks them as fast as he can.",招待生把酒倒好后,这个牛仔一口气把它们喝完了。 +The cherry blossom is the flower of flowers to the Japanese people. It symbolizes their national character.,对于日本人来说,樱花是花中之花,它是日本民族性格的象征。 +"When, for example, a high-tech men's swimsuit costs $550 and can be worn only six times before the fabric loses its power, how can an athlete afford to compete?",例如,高科技含量的男子游泳服价值$550且穿过六次后功能就会大大减弱,运动员们怎能支付起这昂贵的费用。 +"So while huskies may have smaller brains than wolves, they are smarter and more sophisticated because they can understand human communicative gestures, behaving similarly to human children.",所以说,huskies 的大脑比狼的更小,它们更聪明,大脑更复杂,这表现在他们能明白人类的肢体语言,就像人类的小孩。 +Spanish judge has charged two Somalis with piracy-related offences as their colleagues refuse to release a Spanish boat hijacked in the Indian Ocean.,一位西班牙法官指控两个索马里人犯有海盗行为,他们的同伙拒绝释放在印度洋劫持的一艘西班牙船只。 +"The bronzewares unearthed in minority areas are different from those mentioned above. Yunan bronzewares, for instance, are unlike those of central Chinese civilization.",在少数民族地区出土的铜器与上述铜器有所不同。例如云南铜器便与中原文化铜器不同。 +"Even so, your emotional obligations to her ended when the relationship did, and your financial obligations ended with the miscarriage.",即便她说的都是真的,你的情感责任到你们分手为止,你的经济责任到她小产为止。 +"After 216 years, The Times has halved its size to become much smaller. In fact, the paper has cut its size in half from a broadsheet to tabloid.",比如,拥有216年历史的《泰晤士报》把版面缩小一半,实际上是由传统的大版面改为了类似小报的小版面。 +"The general mistimed the attack, which should have been made an hour earlier.",军在不适当的时间发起了进攻,一小时前他就应该这样做了。 +"config servers – Each configuration server contain the cluster’s metadata, what shards exist in the system, and what chunks of data is on each shard.",config servers – 每个配置服务器包含了集群的元数据、系统中存在的Shard以及每个Shard中存放了什么样的数据块。 +And now they re afraid it s vanishing.,现在,他们担心这个梦想正在破灭。 +"The more I read and research in the net, I become more and more the art of photography.",在阅读及研究了许多网站的讯息之后,我越来越喜欢摄影艺术。 +"But as this phase of China's economic development draws to an end, a new phase has begun. Call it China 2.0.",随着中国经济发展阶段的结束,一个新的时期已经开始。那就是中国2.0。 +Maybe Dr Wang is in his office.,也许王医生在他的办公室里。 +"But Wu urged caution in drawing conclusions, saying: ""I don't think that means if you are unhappy you should be around others who are unhappy.""",但他在结论中强调需谨慎从事:‘这并不意味着被一群不开心的人所包围可以来缓解你的不开心。 +"In macro-circumstance view, this paper focus on the political and economic reason (including Japan), legal system and legal circumstance, credit culture, capital market and financial institutes.",在宏观环境方面,重点对比不良资产产生的政治经济基础(包括日本)、法律体制和法律环境、信用文化、资本市场与金融机构这四个方面。 +"This paper discusses the relations of ""co-variation"" between society and language from sociolinguistics.",笔者从社会语言学角度探讨了社会与语言之间的“共变”关系。 +"According to Jacob van Garderen, head of Lawyers for Human Rights, the law already gives police enough scope to police the country effectively.",正如人权律师组织领袖Jacob van Garderen所说,法律已经赋予警察足够的权限,使他们能有效维护国家治安。 +Beck and his colleagues decided to take a different approach.,贝克和他的同事们决定采取一种新的方法。 +The remaining queries illustrate several other subtleties.,剩余的查询将展示几个微妙的地方。 +"Like a fine wine sniffer, she would pulverize the manure in her hand, take a whiff, and proclaim our fertilizer no good.",就像一个好的品酒师,她会用手将马粪捻碎,轻轻地吹起,而后宣布我们找的肥料不好。 +"In 2001, ""Marriage"" amendment process, in 1980, taking into account legal marriageable age set by the basic feasible, so this did not change.",在2001年《 婚姻法》修订过程中,考虑到1980年确定的法定婚龄基本可行,所以对此未再作改动。 +"Objective To analyze the levels of arsenic and heavy metals contents in prepared Radix Polygoni Multiflori from different areas, offering feasible suggestions for quality control of Chinese medicine.",目的提供市售不同产地中药饮片制首乌中的砷及重金属元素的含量水平,为中药标准的制定提供可行性建议。 +Braun's group came up with a three-dimensional nanostructure for the battery cathode that allows its batteries to charge at a much faster rate than conventional batteries.,保罗的团队为电池的阴极设计了一种三维的奈米结构能使得电池的充电速度比传统的电池快的多。 +"The company grossed over $5,000,000 last year.",该公司去年总共获利500多万美元。 +"This is the postcode category of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil.",这是巴西 南里奥格兰德州, 南大河州 的邮政编码分类。 +Objective To discuss the etiological relationship between brain trauma and glioma.,目的探讨脑外伤与胶质瘤在病因学上有无关系。 +"In only 10 days of completion of the production period clothes 12000 Moreover, it is such a complicated style.",在只有10天的生产期里完成了12000件衣服,况且是一个如此复杂的款���。 +Correctly evaluating the procyclicality effect of an internal model of a bank can help the supervision agency to examine the model.,正确评估内部模型的顺周期效应有助于监管机构审查银行的内部模型。 +Our products have been certificated and approved by several SCJP. Hope to cooperate with you.,我们的产品也已经通过了国际的几个认证,期待着能有与你合作的机会。 +"Useful high-protein food: fish and shrimp, sea water, such as fish, shrimp, squid, shellfish, crabs, and so on;",有益的高蛋白质食物有:鱼虾类,如海水鱼、虾、墨鱼、贝、蟹等; +Don't worry about table manors. Talk with your mouth full of food. Burp.,不要在乎餐桌礼仪,嘴里塞满食物时尽可以说话、打嗝。 +At the same time he noticed that although it was nearly twenty-one hours the shop was still open.,他同时注意到,虽然时间已经快到二十一点了,这家铺子还开着门。 +Nearly 1200 firefighters from 41 states are struggling to contain the blazes with the support of huge air tankers.,来自美国41个州的近1200名消防队员正在大型灭火飞机的支援下展开灭火工作。 +"In the effort of being representative of all Malaysians, including both Malays and non-Malays, the party is willing to undertake a transformational process that may be painful but necessary.",身为全体马来西亚人(包括马来人及非马来人)的代表, 民主行动党愿意经历变革的过程,即使是痛苦的但却是必要的。 +The Four Cardinal Principles are the very foundation for building our country and the political cornerstone for the survival and development of the Party and the nation.,四项基本原则是立国之本,是我们党、我们国家生存发展的政治基石; +The tea cake can make up to 500 cups of tea.,一块茶饼可以沏到500杯茶。 +Results 384 questionnaires were recovered.,结果收回问卷384份。 +Xiao Ming was so hay that he woke out of laugh.,小明很高兴以致于笑着从梦中醒来。 +Supervising and evaluating the fosterage work of the fostering families;,监督、评估寄养家庭的养育工作。 +"Though the name comes from effects felt inSouth Americaaround Christmas time, Niños start to hit their stride in April and May.",尽管厄尔尼诺这个名字来自于南美地区人们对圣诞节前后天气变化的感受,厄尔尼诺却在四五月份开始大行其道。 +Chipmaker Intel Corp dropped 2.4 percent to $20.38 and the PHLX semiconductor index lost 2.8 percent.,"英特尔(INTC.O: 行情)收跌2.4%,报20.38美元,费城半导体指数下跌2.8%." +"And if so, put your head down and allow that energy to pass through.",如果有的话,请垂下头,允许那股能量穿过你离开吧。 +It was only when the Indian government provided written proof (including an ancient Sanskrit text) that the patent was revoked due to lack of novelty. [4],只是在印度政府提供了书面证据(包括古代的梵文书),这项专利才因为缺乏创新而被取消。 +Dream of preachers who are concerned more about prophecy than profiteering.,梦见这样的传教士吧,他们对预言比对牟取暴利更关心。 +The assumption had been that the ability of oil exporters to spread wealth internally would protect them.,人们已经假定,石油输入国在国际分配财富的才华,将为它们提供护卫。 +Microsoft is a middle-aged tech giant that needs to start its fightback.,微软是一个需要卷土重来的中年科技巨人。 +"Firstly, we utilized the numerical simulation method to analyze the flow field that is counterbalanced by a pressure driven flow and electro-osmotic flow in a straight microchannel.",首先,以数值模拟之方式探讨在一直微管道中压力驱动流结合电渗效应下之流场,进而设计一局部微粒子操控装置。 +Most monitor systems applied to highway administration install the cameras at fixed points and make the signals transmitted by cable and wires.,当前高速公路监控系统绝大部分都是使用“定点监控、有线传输”的方式对收费广场、收费亭内、立交和隧道口等重点路段进行监控。 +"He achieved a preternatural level of performance with the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra, which under his direction became the best in the world.",他和柏林爱乐乐团完成了一场超高水准的演出。 在他的指挥下,柏林爱乐乐团成为了世界顶级乐团。 +"The picture is captioned, ""The Martyrs of Zhujiahe"".",画作标题:朱家和殉道者。 +"But it wasn't without merit, since I learned that I don't really care about what reminds anyone of an old girlfriend or pet.",但那无关功过,自从我知道我真的不在乎任何让人想起前女朋友或者宠物的东西后。 +He and colleagues compared National Cancer Institute data on breast cancer risk for women treated for melanoma who had several underarm lymph nodes removed and those who did not.,以国家癌症协会关于乳腺癌的风险数据进行参考,Gansler博士和他的同事将同样患有黑素瘤的妇女中接受了腋下淋巴瘤摘除和没有接受腋下淋巴瘤摘除的妇女进行了比较。 +The pile-soil-cushion-cap interaction and the nonlinearity of load transfer for layered soil could be considered conveniently in this method.,该方法可方便地考虑桩、土、承台和垫层的相互作用,地基土的分层特性和桩身荷载传递函数的非线性。 +"Asset and expense decreases are recorded as credits; while liability, owner's equity and revenue decreases are recorded as debits.",资产和费用的减少被记为贷项,而负债、业主权益和收入的减少被记为借项。 +"For development of the test strategy, the technique described by TMap is sufficient.",对于测试策略的开发,TMap描述的技术是足够的。 +He goes up. He meets Mr Wind.,他升起来他遇见风先生。 +"The characteristics of type selection and design of stacker-reclaimers in Dalian Port Ore Terminal, and its application are expounded.",阐述大连港矿石码头斗轮堆取料机在选型、设计上的一些特点及实际使用中的情况。 +The EMEA region will also show a large growth in the market as the high price of crude oil will lead to significant investments in grass-root facilities in the Middle East and parts of Europe.,EMEA地区随着原油价格的高涨,将导致在中东和欧洲部分地区对基础设施的大量投资,该市场也将出现较大的增长。 +"China Sugar Hotel, elegant environment, fresh air, away from the busy urban areas and rural atmosphere, cheap, luxury and comfortable.",华糖大酒店内环境幽雅、空气清新、远离闹市、田园风情、价格低廉、豪华舒适。 +Many factors must be considered in the design of a large sized cryogenic atmospheric pressure ammonia warehouse. The material of liquid ammonia tanks must resist the cold brittleness at -33?,设计低温常压大型氨库应考虑诸多因素,液氨贮罐的材料必须具备抗- 33℃低温冷脆性能,其设计过去大多是引进的。 +GVK BIO accelerates the drug discovery and development process of its customers through science and innovation.,GVK生物通过科学和创新来为客户加速药物发现和开发过程。 +"Earphone:Use five- grade contract line , convenient and easy use(choose to match ).",耳机:采用五级收缩易拉线方便易用(选配); +"Well, now, I 'd like to discuss terms of payment with you.",现在,我想同你讨论一下付款条件,不知你方能否接受付款交单的办法。 +How to occupy the field of students' apartment buildings by advanced culture is a big issue encountered by every university at present under the trend of rear service socialization.,如何用先进的文化占领学生公寓的阵地是目前高校后勤社会化大趋势下,各高校所共同面临的重大课题。 +"That's where I take certain key figures among the church fathers, such as Origen,Augustine,the Venerable Bede in England, Bernard of Clairvaux in the Middle Ages,and Thomas Aquinas.",在这章,我列举了一些基督教神父中的关键人物,如奥利金,奥古斯汀,英格兰的圣毕德尊者,中世纪克莱伏的伯纳德,还有托马斯·阿奎奈。 +Top administration officials from President Obama on down have said the spy charges against Saberi are without foundation.,美国政府中从奥巴马到各级官员都说,对萨贝里的指控是没有根据的。 +He got his first conducting post in 1929 at Ulm.,1929年他在乌尔姆了个指挥职务。 +"Here is the inbox on one site. Notice how many actual ads that I ""May"" be interested in reading are there. How many searches from exactly the same person?",让你看看我站内收件箱,注意有多少真实的广告我“可能”会对读他们感兴趣。有多少搜索广告完全来自同一个人? +"Single-frequency solid-state laser is widely used for its advantages of small volume, high efficiency, good beam quality, and long longevity etc.",单频固体激光器具有体积小、效率高、光束质量好、寿命长等优点,得到了广泛的应用。 +"A man rides his motorcycle with the Sheik Zayed highway towers in the background in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, Dec. 10, 2006.",去年十二月十四阿拉伯联合大公国杜拜境内,一名男子衬著谢赫萨耶得高速道路旁的高楼大厦骑著自己的摩托车。 +"Japan's agricultural finance has a strong financial cooperation of the agricultural association system, and the government's financial policy, the two complement each other.",日本农业金融既有强大的农协系统的合作金融,又有政府办的政策性金融,两者相辅相成; +Then He added the dynamic of communication. He promised to tell us all that the Father has told Him (v. 15).,然后是沟通,耶稣应许我们,凡他从父那里听来的话,他都会告诉我们(15节),然而你在听吗? +"Hydraulic system of any part, must first pressure relief, in order to avoid pressure oil spray, worktable slides suddenly.",液压系统任何部位之间,必须首先卸压,以免压力油喷出,工作台突然下滑。 +"As the pictures of the helicopter in the Bin Laden raid show the tail section, it's clear that this design wasn't used in the raid.",根据“杰罗尼莫”行动(即刺杀本拉登行动)中直升机照片所显示的直升机尾部,很明显这种设计并未用于此次突袭。 +"As soon as Keith and I walked into CTC, a busy day started.",我和基思一走进反恐委员会,就开始一天的忙碌。 +Adults don'teven care about what are really in children's minds.,年夜人们甚至根柢不在乎孩子们心里想什么。 +"This paper analyzes the characteristics of EDBS to compare the available safety technology of domestic and foreign-related products, comparing the embedded database with the common database.",本文分析了嵌入式数据库系统的特点,比较了国内外相关产品现有的安全技术; +The banquet Song was created a whole system both in its tone and the musical feature. The Banquet Song in Hehuang area has evolved a style of its own which is imbued with rich local an…,作为表现多种复杂内容和感情的民歌艺术,青海河湟宴席曲在曲目和自身音乐特质上具有一套完整的体系。 +"Trees must think that they are real, ROOTED, SOMEBODY, and that perhaps clouds are only tickled water which sometimes blocks their sun.",树肯定在想自己才是卖卖在在,稳稳扎根的重量级人物,而云朵只不过是积积聚的水珠,只会偶尔挡住太阳的光辉。 +The pharmacological effects of Tan Fu Kang oral liquor(TFK)was studied. The results indicated that TFK could protect the acute cerebral ischaemia and alleviate the damage of brain tissues.,本研究证实瘫复康口服液对急性脑缺血动物具有明显的保护作用,能够减少脑组织的缺血性损伤; +Generating the correct sequence from memory resulted in more long-term learning than the more passive training with hints.,与按照提示进行被动训练相比,从记忆中找到正确的顺序产生了更加持久的学习效果。 +"No view state is posted, and no extra data is passed. If you have to post to another page, the old-fashioned approach is still going to be the most effective performance-wise.",如果必须提交数据到另一个页面,使用传统风格仍然是多数高效性能的明智之选。 +But a critic of this line of reasoning can rightly raise the fact that the Ebionites were rejected as heretics by mainstream Christianity.,但依次推理的评论家可以理所当然地提出伊便尼派是被主流基督教作为异端所拒绝的这个事实。 +Methods Sections from autopsied coronary arteries and myocardium of 21 type 2 diabetes mellitus and 12 controls were used for morphometric studies.,方法应用形态定量的方法比较了21例2型糖尿病患者和12例对照组的冠状动脉和心肌病理检查结果。 +"A Jordanian man uses his hand to show a reflected image of the partial solar eclipse, in Amman, Jordan, on Tuesday Jan. 4, 2011. AP / Nader Daoud",2011年1月4日,星期二,约旦的安曼,一位约旦男子正在用手心展示日偏食的反射影像。 +"It is said, crow small time, all is flies laboriously by its mother looks for food, then comes back place to feed to it eats.",据说,乌鸦小时侯,都是由它妈妈辛辛苦苦地飞出去找食物,然后回来一口一口地喂给它吃。 +Hodgson admitted he was left angry by the manner of his side's 3-1 defeat in the north east and held a team meeting at Melwood this morning in which he called for a quick return to winning ways.,霍奇森在他的球队以1-3输给东北部球队纽卡斯尔之后感到非常愤怒,同时他在今天早上,在梅尔伍德召开了球队会议,会上他要求球队迅速回归到胜利的道路上。 +The Bible says to requite evil with good.,圣经要人们以德报怨。 +"Australia is looking particularly strong thanks to robust demand for its abundant commodities, strong employment growth and a central bank confident in raising overnight rates further.","澳洲经济的表现可圈可点,受惠于商品需求旺盛,就业增长强劲,及央行在进一步升息上信心十足." +"""We want to open up their markets so that we've got two-way trade, not just one-way trade,"" Obama told General Electric Co workers on a visit to Schenectady, New York on Friday.","""我们希望打开他们的市场,以便我们实现双向贸易,不仅是单向贸易,""奥巴马周五在访问纽约Schenectady时对美国通用电气(奇异,GE)(GE.N: 行情)工人表示." +"I might not do the thing at the top of my list. But in order to procrastinate on that dreaded item, I crank through a bunch of other things on my list.",我也许不会做每日必做事情列表顶端的事情,但是为了不做我不想做的事情,我把列表上其他的事情都做完了。 +Impressionism name from the famous monet was impression?,印象主义的名称源于莫奈的名作《日出印象》?。 +"as a student just visiting and I liked it very much, so.",只是个访问的学生,我非常喜欢,就这样的。 +Are you willing to sacrifice?,你愿不愿为此做出牺牲? +"Through introducing the concept of resource into the traditional RBAC model, a databased-based fine grain RBAC control is implemented.",提出将资源概念引入传统RBAC模型中,实现一种基于数据库的动态细粒度RBAC控制。 +The structural upgrade consisted of converting the multiple arch to basically a gravity structure by partially infilling the arch bays with conventional concrete.,这座大坝的改造升级,采用方法是用普通水泥浇筑拱槽,把基本上是重力结构的大坝部分改建为多拱大坝。 +Objective:We revisited clinical and standard electrocardiography (ECG) data of patients with arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy(ARVC).,目的:探讨致心律失常右室心肌病(ARVC)的临床和心电图特点。 +But they are much better for you than the candy bar so many of you down every day.,但他们比你每天吃下的那些糖块不知要好多少。 +The next tiles may be associated with this porcelain or completely unrelated.,下一个瓷片可能与这一个瓷片有关,也可能完全无关。 +"I taught her to run around in a circle, to go one way then turn around and go another.","我教她在一个圆周中的附近跑, 然后去一个方法回过头而且去另外一." +"Luther believed Communion was for sinners, those who needed Christ's incarnation the most.",路德相信圣餐礼是给罪人的,他们是最需要基督道成肉身的人。 +"Compared with common fine dried noodles, the ginkgo leaf nutritious and health-care fine dried noodles contain rich vitamins and mineral substances, increase the content of essential amino acids;",本发明的白果叶保健挂面与普通挂面相比,维生素和矿物质含量丰富,必需氨基酸含量增加; +"Our company are special manufacturing and developing diamond tools which used for cutting, grinding or polishing marble, granite and the concrete.",石材加工工具。公司开发生产的系列产品主要用于石制品的加工,本厂的主要的产品有:金。 +A magical effect on a place; makes it impossible to plot its location on a map .,当魔法被施在某个地方时,这个地方会让人无法在地图上画出准确位置。 +"An idea of Dual Network SCADA system is proposed and the function design, implementation method and programming interface of dual network communication software are introduced.",提出了采用双网络结构的思想,并详细介绍了双网络通信软件的功能设计、实现方法及编程接口。 +"When a table is highlighted, all the related details are shown on the right portion of the screen.",当加亮显示某一表时,屏幕的右边部分就会显示该表的所有相关细节。 +"Two types of solid micro-thruster structure won designed based on MEMS technique, one of which with discrete and abnormal laval nozzle.",设计了两种基于微光机电技术的固体微推力器结构,其中一种结构具有不连续的非正常拉瓦尔喷管。 +"""The challenge for brands, "" he added, ""is how they can communicate their greener efforts in a way that is different and better than the competition. """,他补述,「在于他们如何以相异且优于竞争者的方法传达更环保的努力。」 +"This for energy conservation of the building and related companies, is undoubtedly a ""feast"".",这对于与建筑节能相关的企业而言,无疑是一场“盛宴”。 +"This takes a single argument defining the reference to a file system structure (file_system_type), which defines the name of the file system, a set of attributes, and two superblock functions.",这个函数的参数定义一个文件系统结构(file_system_type)的引用,这个结构定义文件系统的名称、一组属性和两个超级块函数。 +"He says they actually use dental floss to slowly saw away at the metal, adding tooth powder to increase the friction.",但是犯人们总能找到办法弄到。 现在他们用牙线慢慢钜金属,抹上牙粉增加摩擦力。 +"The message is clear, Gillett and Hicks are ruining OUR Football Club.",事实很清楚,吉列和希克斯正在一步步摧毁我们的球队。 +Toddlers are inquisitive. They will not be fobbed off with a stock reply but go on asking “why? why? why?”,刚学走路的小孩充满好奇心。俗套的答案打发不了他们,他们会一个劲地追问“为什么?为什么?为什么呢……” +You're a mortal. You can't live to ten thousand.,你是人,你不能活到万年。 +"So the guy opens his bag again, and hands the lamp to the bartender, who immediately starts rubbing it.",于是那人又一次打开包,拿出神灯给调酒师。 调酒师马上开始摩擦神灯。 +"According to experts, the Expo Club-induced ""fair economy"" will bring rolling business flow, logistics, flow, capital flow, information flow, all participating companies will benefit.",据专家介绍,世博会所引发的“会展经济��将带来滚滚商流、物流、人流、资金流、信息流,所有参与其中的企业都将因此受益。 +"The laser beam passing through the focusing systems gets an facula, which consists of main spot and sidelobe on the focus plane.",由于光的衍射作用,使通过聚焦系统的激光束入射到特定靶面成一光斑(主光斑) ,而在主光斑以外还有次级光斑圈(旁瓣)。 +"Soon after the Bandung Conference, China made a breakthrough by establishing diplomatic relations with Asian and African countries.",万隆会议后,中国和亚洲国家的关系进一步发展,与非洲和阿拉伯国家的关系有所突破。 +"Essentially, it is the result of moral value, the integration of its premises, and the value pivot in the moral educating activities.",它在本质上是德育价值的凝结状态,是其自身前提性条件的整合统一,是德育活动中的价值枢纽。 +"Though she no longer works in a lab, Dr. Iwasa collaborates with other scientists.",尽管已不在实验室中工作,但埃瓦萨还得与其他科学家们保持合作关系。 +"Next, add the wool and place the mixture over heat. Slowly bring the liquid to 82 degrees Celsius. Heat the mixture for 45 minutes.",然后,加入羊毛高温熬煮,再将溶液慢慢降温到82摄氏度,并在该温度下保持45分钟。 +"Music""drunkenness""becomes not only the highest realm of music, but also the noble target of life.",音乐的“醉”不单应该成为音乐的最高境界,而且还应成为生活的崇高目标。 +A new recursive least-squares algorithm is proposed for estimating parameters of the bilin-ear model.,本文提出了一种全新的双线性模型参数递推估计算法。 +Objective To observe respiratory volume of bacteria as the physiology activity index to evaluate the effect of sodium hypochlorite (NaClO) on the microenvironment.,目的评价含氯消毒剂(次氯酸钠)对微宇宙中细菌呼吸量的影响。 +OBJECTIVE To study the chemical constituents of Paris polyphylla var.,目的研究长药隔重楼的化学成分。 +"As long as the pre-set current value and a good bonding time, the system based on current feedback signal auto - Regulation, will not be glued current thickness change and mold temperature rise.",只要预先设定好胶合电流值和时间,本系统会根据电流的反馈信号自动调节,胶合电流不会受到厚薄的变化和模具温度上升的影响。 +After surveying my nonsense I Found that this halo effect always attaches itself to things that seem irretrievably lost.,审视完这些废话之后,我发现这种晕轮效应总是伴随着一些看起来一去不复返的东西而出现。 +"We may take satisfaction that temporal justice has been served, but Christians should display a sober restraint.",我们也许会满足于暂时的公义得到了伸张,但是基督徒应当展现一种严肃的节制。 +"If employees are literally running around the office and phones are ringing non-stop, that's a sign that things move quickly.",如果员工确实在办公室里跑来跑去,电话响个不停,这表明事情进展很快。 +How do collagens undergo self-assembly?,胶原蛋白如何进行自组装? +"Now in the market has not know what is, like the Three Kingdoms.",现在的千术的市场已经不知道用什么来形容,就好象三国一样了。 +"Yes, he wrote the gorgeously sexy Lover, You Should've Come Over, and its lyric about the passage of love, ""Too young to hold on/And too old to just break free and run"" is pure and perfect.",没错,他写出了华美而性感的《爱人,请回到我身边》,其中关于爱情逝去的歌词“我还未成熟到可以坚持下去,但又不再像年轻人那样能轻易放弃”纯粹而完美。 +"And when they had gone through the isle unto Paphos, they found a certain sorcerer, a false prophet, a Jew, whose name was Barjesus",经过全岛,直到帕弗,在那里遇见一个有法术假充先知的犹太人,名叫巴耶稣。 +"According to the index, the United States is the top donor in absolute amounts and the seventh of 22 in terms of GNI percentage.",按照这份指数,美国按绝对数字排列是最大的捐助国,如按国民总收入百分比计算,则在22个列名捐助国中居第七。 +"Esiner said market participants are nervous that upcoming bond issuances from peripheral euro zone nations, namely Spain, could result in disruptions in already turbulent credit markets.","Esiner称,市场人士对欧元区外围国家,比如西班牙即将的发债较紧张,可能扰乱已经动荡的信贷市场." +"0-50 miles = $3, 000, 51-800 miles = $5, 000, and 801+ miles = $10, 000.",0-50英里 = 3 000美元,51-800英里 = 5 000美元,801英里以上 = 10 000美元。 +This paper studied on the impact of different pruning measures on flowering and branches accretion of Rhododendron simsii Planc.,研究了不同修剪方法对野生杜鹃小年开花和枝条生长之间的影响。 +"Despite being another way of communicating with other people, they found that internet use was associated with increased depression and loneliness (Kraut et al., 1998).",尽管它是交际工具,它同时伴随着日益增长的抑郁和孤独。 +"Today, after my girlfriend of 2 years left me for another guy, I got stuck in an elevator for 3 hours. With both of them. FML.",今天和我相处2年的女朋友脱离了我和另一个男人好了, 然后我在电梯里面卡了3小时,和他们2个一起FML。 +"comments that the machine spat out were offensive and it was removed immediately and is being examined by the supplier, ""spokeswoman Melanie Shelton said.""A",“这台机器的言辞十分无礼。 我们当时就搬走了它,供货商正在对它进行检查,”购物中心女发言人米兰妮·希尔顿说。 +"Russia's reputation abroad, however, could be badly hit by the release of foreign-policy secrets.",然而俄国在世界上的名声会因为外交政策秘密的泄露而受到沉重的打击。 +"Hello? Nicholas here. May I talk to Halley, please?",喂?我是尼克拉斯。请哈雷来接电话好吗? +Great spoons to start baby on when they have their first solids…soft on baby's gums and the perfect size.,非常好的勺子,非常适合宝宝刚开始吃固体食物,很软,大小也刚刚合适。 +Flavoring powders are made of different spices.,调味粉由不同的香料组成。 +A while ago I had a dispiriting conversation with another eminent European scientist.,刚才,我和另一位著名的欧洲科学家进行了一次令人沮丧的谈话。 +Breakfast is pitiful and its not inclusive in the HKD 3080 that I paid.,早餐很可怜,还不包含在3080港币以内。 +No comrade in the Party must ever forget this bitter lesson and we must all take warning from it.,这个惨痛历史教训,我们全党同志一定要永远记住,引以为鉴。 。 +What knocks me is his impudence!,使我深为惊讶的是他的厚颜无耻! +"What if, the researchers wondered, his eyes were moving in sync with his body to complete the action?",研究人员想知道的是,此人做这些动作的时候,眼球的运动是否与身体同步? +The designing methods of the control parameters were presented. The relationship between the similarity principle and Pelton turbine was demonstrated.,提出了对水斗式水轮机宏观控制参数的设计思想,并对水斗式水轮机性能和规律进行了分析探讨。 +We sincerely hope that you will not think us unaccommodating.,希望你方不要认为我们是不肯通融的。 +The barriers also can be psychosocial.,这些阻碍也可能是社会心理方面的。 +It is the largest assessment of the health of Earth's ecosystems. 1360 experts from 95 countries were involved in the assessment.,它是针对地球生态系统健康问题进行的最大评估。 +But her success was built upon belief in herself and determination.,但是她的成功建立在她的自信和果断上。 +Studies on rats have shown that substances that are produced only when muscles are being used play a crucial role in metabolising fat and sugar.,对老鼠的实验发现,一些在脂肪和糖的代谢中起关键作用的物质,只在使用肌肉时产生。 +"My hope - and here I am showing a seasonally Pollyanna -ish streak - is that manners and formality are on the way back, after 20 years in the corporate wilderness.",在这里我产生了一种盲目乐观,我希望在企业的混乱状态持续20年之后,礼仪和规矩正在渐渐回归。 +"“We will spend more money to maintain our self-image in front of others,” she says.",“在别人面前,我们会花更多的钱来维持自我形象,”她说。 +The High Line was built on a former railroad line. It sits more than seven and one half meters above the ground.,高线建在原铁路线。它位于地面以上七年和一米半以上。 +"Features of forced response of the mistuned bladed disk under different system parameters like coupling degree, mistuning strength, viscous damping and non-linear friction strength were investigated.",研究失谐叶盘系统在不同的耦合强度、失谐程度、粘性阻尼系数、干摩擦强度等系统参数影响下的受迫响应特性。 +"As we said, Newtonian mechanics does work in most cases, it does work when we're discussing things that we can see, it does work even on things that are too small to measure.","在大部分情况下都适用,对我们可以看到的东西,它都能适用,甚至对一些小到,无法测量的东西它也可以适用。" +OK. We'll walk back to your office with you.,好吧,我们陪你走回你的办公室去。 +"Objective To evaluate the significance of clinical manifestation, X-ray feature, pathological characteristics of bone giant cell tumor for staging.",目的评价骨巨细胞瘤的临床、X线、病理学表现及三者结合综合分期的意义。 +"When it came time for the daughters to marry, the father became even more depressed as his daughters could not marry without dowries, money and property given to the new husband's family.",一晃几年过去,女儿们陆续到了出嫁的年龄,父亲却变得更加沮丧,因为他没钱给女儿们买嫁妆。 +Most people will have some grey hair by the age of 35.,大多数人在35岁会有灰发。 +"Thee world we live in is increasingly of less certainty. Stock problems, refugee crises are happening around the world.",我们生活的世界并不像表面上看起来那么安宁宁——股灾、难民潮等等问题在全球各地发生着。 +"The existence of lacustrine tufa and root-shaped nodule in Badain Jaran Desert proves that the sand dunes and lakes were formed 30 ka ago, and have remained basically unchanged.",巴丹吉林沙漠湖泊中的钙华和根状结核的存在证实这些沙丘和湖泊形成的时间约3万年,而且基本上没有发生大的改变。 +"The results showed that the main reasons of reductor shaft fracture are weld cracks, slag inclusions and massive inclusions which exist in the structure of the reductor shaft.",结果发现断轴组织内部存在焊接裂纹、夹渣及块状夹杂物等缺陷,这些缺陷形成微小裂纹源,使减速机轴在弯曲旋转作用力下发生疲劳断裂。 +"He did not say what that action would be, but said he plans to discuss it with NATO officials next week.",他并没有解释采取什么样的单方面行动,但他表示他下一周将和北约官员商谈。 +"A deficiency in the affidavit in any of the above respects will mean that it will be refused by the court, and will need to be re-sworn.",本誓章如在任何上述方面有所不足,即会被法院拒绝接纳,并须重新宣誓。 +Grace had long straight dark hair which she wore in a bun.,格雷斯有一头又长又直的黑发,她把它盘成了一个圆髻。 +"And then, even though I barely knew him, or perhaps because of that, I returned the passion and gave him the full story.",随后,尽管我几乎与他素不相识,或者正是出于这个原因,我回应了他的满腔热情,给他讲述了那场事故的来龙去脉。 +You can expect to experience delays or additional red tape if you deal with institutions.,如果在公共机构工作则可能经历延期或者额外的红头文件。 +"Newcastle have privately played down speculation linking them with Barcelona midfielder Deco and Real Madrid striker Raul, but their interest in Heinze is more concrete.",纽卡斯尔私底下考虑和巴萨中场德科和皇马前锋劳尔进行接洽,但是他们对海因策的兴趣更具体有形。 +Yes I observed instructions from the shipowner and the system was controlled and managed by computers.,是的,我遵守船东的指示并且系统是由电脑控制和管娌的。 +"Outstanding from the common, continuing classic, taste proble life in caim.",卓而不群,延续经典,于恬然回味之间,品味高尚生活境界。 +"“Callas”. Green radish, carrot.",作品《马蹄莲》,原料:白萝卜,胡萝卜。 +People there are famous for their love of meat.,在那里的人爱吃肉是出了名的。 +"In a message to staff, Dr Chan said the changes would ""bring a closer alignment around our work on health security and the environment, endemic communicable diseases, research and UN reform.""",在她给职员的讲话中,陈博士阐述道,这些调整将“使我们的工作紧紧围绕卫生安全和环境、地方性传染病、研究和联合国改革等领域。” +Second step is to reengineer the process in details and also to adapt organization structure.,第二步,电子重组了采油工艺设计业务流程,并相应地调整了组织结构; +"Liu alone lonely sing a lot of moving, her voice for open and green to add a little rhyme .",孤寂的独柳唱出了许多感动,她的歌声为空旷而平添一点绿韵。 +"This chest-beating may be particular to the United States, where one hot sauce maker actually markets a limited edition of pure capsaicin.",这种炫耀式的自豪感为美国人所特有,在这里辣酱制造商们甚至会向市场推销限量版的纯辣椒素。 +Thee birds fly high in the sky.,鸟儿在空中高高地飞翔。 +"Yet after her death at age 100, Grace Groner left Lake Forest College a gift of $7 million to be used for scholarships.",然而当格蕾斯•格鲁诺(Grace Groner)以100岁高龄去世后,她留给森林湖学院(Lake Forest College)700万美元作奖学金之用。 +Two frameworks were instituted: the regular army and the reserves.,两种体制建立起来:常规军和后备军。 +"Without proof of a return flight, the Philippines will not issue Aryee with a tourist visa and will not allow him to leave the airport building.",由于在返回菲律宾时没有随身携带任何身份证明,所以菲方也不同意向阿尔耶发放旅游签证,并且不允许其跨出该机场建筑半步。 +Additional Lancer Evolution-inspired design cues include aluminum racing style pedals and a sport-type steering wheel.,附加兰瑟进化设计灵感线索包括铝合金踏板和赛车风格的运动型方向盘。 +The police are looking for a man with a scar on his face.,警察正在搜寻一个脸上有疤的男人. +"EXAMPLE: Designing the complicated new product challenged us at first, but weree over the hump now, and all should go well.",设计这款新产品一开始很困难, 但现在, 我们已经度过了最困难的阶段, 应该一切顺利了。 +"“I thought science was just like math, really boring, ” he said.",“我过去以为科学俨然就如数学,实在乏味,”他说。 +"Viewed synchronically, the syntactic forms of these questions are in tom the results of the decay of the interrogative syntagma embedded in the interrogatives.",从共时来观察,适应强弱发问的问句句式结构的形成,又是疑问句内疑问结构体衰变的结果。 +"Il-76 can carry loads up to 40 tonnes (or 145 paratroopers) with the speed of 750-800 km/h to the distance of 7, 000 kms .",伊尔-76最大载重可达40吨(或者145个伞兵),以750-800公里的时速飞行7000公里。 +"But that rapid growth came to a sudden halt when Washington imposed heavy anti-dumping duties on Vietnamese catfish last year, after a bitter trade battle that left a sour taste in Hanoi.",但去年,越南鲇鱼的出口量增长突然停止,因为美国开始向越南鲇鱼征收高额的反倾销税。在这之前,美越两国爆发了一场剧烈的贸易战,越南受挫。 +"Attend to long Qing to looking by them to mention to laugh, blow to make, the mood also follows sunny.",顾长卿看着他们说说笑笑,打打闹闹,心情也跟着开朗起来。 +"A robot restaurant is creative, its innovative elements were in every parts of our lifes and related to consumers.",机器人餐厅是一个以创新为主题的餐厅,它的创新元素体现于生活的方方面面,与消费者生活息息相关。 +"From infancy, the parents imbued them with a love for learning.",从孩提时代开始,这些父母就向孩子们灌输对学习的爱好。 +"More than 9, 500 people were killed and more than 100, 000 injured in road accidents in the first six months of 2010, according to official statistics.",根据官方数据,在2010年前上半年发生的交通事故中,就有9500多人丧生,10万多人受伤。 +"in the light of sellers' worry ,restaurant ,wine bar and internet bar would not put no smoking in public into practice.",鉴于经营者表现出的忧虑,北京的餐馆、酒吧和网吧不会实施近期提出的公共场所禁烟令。 +"The proposed arms sale, the agency said, would support Taiwan's 'continuing efforts to modernize its armed forces and enhance its defensive capability.'",国防安全合作局说,拟定的军售计划将会支持台湾继续促进其武装力量现代化并增强防御能力的持续努力。 +Measures of guarantee construction quality of lime-soil subbase of pavement include mainly four aspects: to guarantee quality of raw and processed materials;,确保石灰土底基层施工质量的措施主要包括四个方面:第一,把好原材料的质量关; +The Pentagon says Defense Secretary Robert Gates has ordered top officials to review security measures following the shootings earlier this month at Ft.,五角大楼说,在这个月早些时候胡德堡枪击案发生后,美国国防部长盖茨下令高级官员审查安全措施。 +I think it--we don't have to read the notes.,我想我们不需要读谱 +"Nowadays, some people are just care about their own benefits. The government should immediately take actions to protect the preschoolers and all of the pupils and students.",如今,有些人只为自己的利益着想而不顾他人的安全。政府应马上采取行动保护这些儿童和所有的小学生、中学生。 +"Combined with dominant depth distribution of many small medium earthquakes, we also discuss the correlation between seismo active layers and structures of high and low velocity layers.",最后,结合多次中小地震的优势深度层位,讨论了多震层与高低速层结构的相关性。 +Permafrost thawing results in the release of this carbon in the form of greenhouse gases which will have a positive feedback effect to global warming.,冻土层解冻导致碳以温室气体的形式释放,这肯定会对全球气候变暖产生作用。 +"but I mark the whole paper up with a lot of red ink if there are mistakes,",但我在批论文的时候,也会把语法错误的地方用红笔标出来, +"As the mooring progressed, the weather deteriorated more and more.",一连几天,轮船停泊在码头,天气越来越坏。 +"Italy's Maria Elisabetta Marconi enters the pool during the women's 1-meter springboard diving preliminary, at the FINA Swimming World Championships in Rome, Italy on Sunday, July 19, 2009.",意大利的玛丽亚伊丽莎白马进入泳池的妇女在1米跳板跳水初步的,在国际泳联世界游泳锦标赛在罗马,意大利在周日, 2009年7月19号。 +In this old play the actors wore the dre es of 100 years ago.,在这场古装戏中演员都穿着一百年前的服装。 +Key skills evolves in the UK with a history of more than 20 years since late 1970s.,英国职业教育中关键能力的演变,从20世纪70年代末开始,到现在巳经有20多年。 +It is China Unionpay's biggest issuance in a single foreign country since 2004 when it began to issue cards overseas.,自2004年银联卡走出国门以来,韩国是第一个发行量突破一百万的境外国家。 +"In the last two years, an accounting analysis has been made of physical quantification of environmental pollution, imputed treatment cost and the environmental degradation cost for 42 industries.",在过去的2年中,一份分析账户已经形成,它由42个产业所造成的环境污染,治理费用和环境退化的实质定量而组成。 +Closed loop configuration (CCL) is commonly used as a synchronous deploying control mechanism of appendages.,绳索联动机构(CCL)是航天器上最常用的附件同步展开控制机构。 +Cangjie input method BIG5 code table. Can be ported to other platforms to use.,仓颉输入法BIG5码表。可以移植到其它平台使用。 +"Able to meet the PE, PET, OPP multilayer composite packaging materials production and processing production.",能够满足PE,PET,OPP多层复合包装材料的生产加工制作。 +In the paper the main sizes of the slab bridge without beam have been studied by the regular fractional factorial and the relative sizes of have been obtained for the design.,着重对无梁板桥设计中的主要结构尺寸采用正交试验优化法进行了探讨并得出设计中各结构尺寸间合理的相互关系。 +A synchronous motor step motion system of current lagging - loop tracking control is designed under the foundation of mathematical analysis for synchronous motor step motion system.,在对同步电动机步进传动系统进行教学分析的基础上,设计组成了电流俗环跟踪控制的同步电动机步进传动系统。 +Let's have seafood for a change.,我们换个口味吃海鲜吧。 +"His commander from boiled chicken store content ark ferret out all kinds of goods, and then find out Bai Yaozu refused to submit.",分队长从白斩鸡储物柜内搜出各种商品,随后又找出白耀祖不肯上交的东西。 +Sun,the 2004 women's Olympic doubles champion from China,combined brilliantly with Serbian Zimonjic to dominate the match and win 7-6(7-4) 6-4 in 81 minutes on Rod Laver Arena.,2004年奥运会双打冠军,中国选手孙甜甜与塞尔维亚选手泽蒙季奇配合出色,在罗德-拉沃尔球场上经过81分钟,以7-6(4)/6-4直落两盘赢得了比赛。 +"The logical model of the database is simply a representation of all the data requirements of the user, put into a normalized form.",数据库的逻辑模型仅仅是对用户的所有数据需求的一种表示,它将这些需求变成一种范式。 +"It's not complicated, the only thing for you to do is to fill in a form and sign it.",这并不复杂, 您唯一要做的就是填张(委托)表并签上字。 +"Sometimes, it's to support an application development requirement in a regulated industry.",有时候,是要支持受管制行业中的应用程序开发需求。 +That smile doesn't cost her a cent.,而这个微笑却未花分文。 +"The winter of Heilongjiang Province of very cold and very long, the machine lab of nobody on duty will consume a large amount of electric energy to get warm in winter.",黑龙江冬季寒冷且时间长,各无人值守机房在冬季将消耗大量电能来取暖。 +"Many people value ""their"" English and (as in this case) do not feel comfortable with the far-spread American English. This project allows them to choose their favorite English.",很多人很珍惜“他们的”英语, 对广泛传播的美语并不感到舒服。 这个工程可以使他们选择他们喜爱的英语。 +"The professional services industry, in good faith for the vast number of visitors Beijing friends to provide special fares to Bangui.",专业的行业服务,真诚的为广大旅客朋友提供北京到班吉特价机票。 +Ask in faith nothing wavering; but never cease from petitioning because the King delays to reply.,你当用不移的信心呼求;不要因为王的耽搁停止呼吁。 +Mainly embodied in: the construction project estimates a total investment amount of 5000000yuan of the following engineering investigation and engineering design charges imposed market;,主要体现在:建设项目总投资估算额500万元以下的工程勘察和工程设计收费实行市场调节价; +"Since foreign direct investment is a basic element of China's opening-up policy, we welcome American companies that want to increase their investment in China.",外商直接投资是中国对外开放政策的基本要素,因此我们欢迎想扩在华投资的美国公司。 +I can smell farts a few minutes before anyone else can.,如果一个屁已经消散了,别人都闻不到,但我还能闻几分钟。 +Koteshwar Rao said Tuesday that both sides should put down their weapons and suggested names of potential mediators.,拉奥���期二表示,双方应该放下武器,并提出可能的调停人的名字。 +Articles 4.2-4.7 (general requirements) and Chapter 7 (marks) of this standard are mandatory.,本标准的强制性条款为4.2-4.7条款(一般要求)和第7章(标识)。 +"The garbage collector then assesses whether soft references need to be cleared at this time, based on the amount of memory reclaimed by the current collection and other policy considerations.",垃圾收集器然后根据当前收集所回收的内存总量和其他策略考虑因素,判断软引用此时是否需要被清除。 +Ms Tsai tells the Taiwanese public that her party presents a “trustworthy alternative” to Mr Ma’s hasty approach to China.,蔡英文告诉台湾民众,相比于马英九草率倾华政策,民进党将提供一种“可信赖的选择”。 +"Pretty big on the laser cannons in Star Wars — I mean, what does a laser sound like?",看那星球大战中那巨大的激光炮—我的意思是激光炮的声音听起来像什么? +Objective:To evaluate the diagnostic value of low-field magnetic resonance urography(MRU) in obstructive diseases of urinary tract.,目的:评价低场强磁共振泌尿系水成像(MRU)对尿路梗阻性疾病的诊断价值。 +"You never heard a peep out of them about mucking in to double the kids and double the workload, with no online groceries or disposable nappies.",那时还没有网上购物,也没有一次性纸尿裤。 她们在陷入比今天更多的孩子所带来的双倍负担时却没有一句怨言。 +"Micro-controlled electronic switch factory technical strength, improve the production of testing equipment, a sound management system to IS9001 comprehensive management mechanism for the guidelines.",微控电子开关厂技术实力雄厚,生产检测设备完善,管理体制健全全面以IS9001管理机制为准则。 +Thrust value is constant and thrust direction variable.,假定发动机推力大小为常值,方向可调。 +Spatial mode coupling is important for the generation and collection of non-classical correlated photon pairs.,模式匹配的好坏是制各非经典关联光子对方案的关键。 +"Legend has it that before two people named Peter and the shore, God provided two of them never can.",相传以前有两个人名字分别叫做彼和岸,上天规定他们两个永不能相见。 +"A seal should be light and agile, its texture glaring like a butterfly.",一枚印章应该是轻灵自由的,它的纹理耀眼如蝴蝶。 +"Chamomile soothes, heals, combats inflammation and stimulates cell regeneration.",洋甘菊还能抗菌,减少发炎及促进细胞再生。 +"Maps are political, of course, and community-edited maps can set off conflicts.",当然,地图带有政治色彩,民间修改的地图可能会引发冲突。 +"Under plans they outlined in online forums, the vendors pledged to make purchases at the online stores of larger Taobao Mall members, then complain or ask for refunds.",根据商家在网络论坛中公布的计划,他们誓言在较大的淘宝会员网店中买东西,然后投诉或要求退货。 +"This is perhaps the one disadvantage of the certificate approach -- if there is a human error in configuration it may appear to work, but it will, in fact, be insecure.",这可能是证书方法的一个缺点,即使在配置中有一个人为错误,它看上去仍就在运行,但事实上,这个运行不安全。 +The English were the first to put into practice the decrees of the Lateran Council.,英国是第一个付诸实践的法令拉特兰理事会。 +I have a friend Monty Roberts who owns a horse ranch in San Ysidro.,我有个朋友叫蒙提• 罗伯茨,他在圣思多罗有座牧马场。 +Systematic tests were conducted to investigate constitutive rule of the interface between structure and coarse grained soil.,进行了系统的粗粒土与结构接触面静动力学试验以研究其本构规律。 +"When you come to kazakstan, you can stay my house, you can sleep my house and you can use my sister.",当你来哈萨克斯坦的时候,你可以住在我家,睡在我家,也可以干我的妹妹。 +"So how many of you chose some number like 32, 33, 34?","有多少人选了32,33或是34" +"Chinese trains are divided according to their speed into various classes, identified with different letters and numbers. The letters refer to different classes.",中国的火车根据各自的时速分为不同等级,以车票前的首字母或数字进行区分。火车票首字母分为以下几个等级。 +Smart clothes could soon be helping their wearers cope with the stresses of modern life.,智能衣服很快的能够帮助穿衣者处理现代生活的压力。 +Then an update on the search for a female star to make a cameo in their upcoming Glee takeoff: Meryl Streep said no.,接着是有关寻找一位女演员参与拍摄一个讽刺《欢乐合唱团》的小品的最新信息:梅丽尔·斯特里普说不。 +"Mostly, you use this function to select elements from the document.",通常,我们都是使用这个函数从文档中选择元素。 +The procedures must be performed along the intire cable run in each system.,检验程序必须通过操纵被检验钢索进行。 +Many leading influenza scientists and public health experts say that those scientific criteria had been satisfied for several weeks and that WHO postponed its decision unnecessarily.,许多顶级流感学家以及公共健康专家都声称:几周前我们就已经达到了标准,而世卫组织无谓地延迟了这一决定。 +"In the 1990s as the minister of health, he exposed ministry-level incompetence that had allowed HIV-tainted blood to be used for transfusions.",在上世纪九十年代作为政府卫生部长期间,他将卫生部门无作为而导致含艾滋病毒的血液被用于医疗输血的事件公诸于众。 +That Beijing and some other metropolises have been drawing people like magnets has little to do with whether control is strict or loose.,北京和其他的城市像磁铁一样吸引人们,其与控制是严还是松没有关系。 +"From grading and soaking to tanning and bleaching and the last laying out, every step is described in detail.",从羊皮的分路、浸水到其鞣制、漂白直至后期的整理入库,每一个操作步骤都作了系统的介绍。 +"New fortunes were being made in trade almost daily by ""nobodies"" rising from below.",来自下层的“无名之辈”几乎每日都有人在商业中发财致富。 +Little Bear and Little Sal's mother and Little Sal and Little Bear's mother were all mixed up with each other among the blueberries on Blueberry Hill.,小熊和小塞尔的妈妈,小塞尔和小熊的妈妈,在蓝莓山上的蓝莓丛里,都弄混了要找的人。 。 +"The moon was compared to Satan's shield, and Milton was preparing us then for this radically ambiguous status of this providential moon.","月亮在这里被比作撒旦的盾,弥尔顿准备着让我们了解到这个充满神意的月亮,所处的基本的暧昧不清的地位。" +The wall was coated.,墙被涂过了。 +Touch Hider does all for you.,触摸藏起来不为你所有。 +"Therefore, constructs the farmer leisure life the modernization, the film and television medium responsibility is significant.",因此,构建农民闲暇生活的现代化,影视媒介的责任重大。 +"Yet, as is the case with the French sentences translated word-for-word earlier, the aforementioned ASL sentence is perfectly grammatical.",但是,就象前面所讲到的法语句子逐字翻译一样,前面所提到的手语句子是完全合文法的。 +"In addition, there is no restriction on the number of colluders.",此外,追踪算法的实现不受共谋用户个数的限制。 +This count is listed in the Administrative Section of the parent crash document (see figure 10) and is also displayed in all the views in the mail-in database.,这个计数列在父崩溃文档的 Administrative Section 中(见图 10),还显示在 mail-in 数据库中的所有视图中。 +"And take an arbitrary example, Long Beach, California, you can go and have a look at what recovery money they've been spending on different things such as energy.",随便举例,加利福尼亚长滩,你可以看见人们使用政府发放的复苏经费都花在不同事情的支出,例如在能源上支出。 +This paper introduces the measurement of the parallelisms for line and flat to space turning spindle axis. The measuring error is analysed also.,本文介绍一种线、面对空间回转轴线平行度的测量方法,并进行了误差分析。 +The second son could stretch his arms so far he could reach the ends of the world.,二弟能伸展他的手臂, 到达世界任何地方。 +The T - bond market is one of important part of the capital market.,国债市场是资本市场的重要组成部分之一。 +Objective To compare the effect of different pattern materials on the cast accuracy of MOD inlay.,目的研究不同熔模材料对铸造嵌体精度的影响。 +"For the opening and closing ceremonies for the Paralympics, fireworks will be set off at designated sites within the Fifth Ring Road.",此外,在残奥会开闭幕式期间,北京将在五环路内部分地点燃放烟花。 +Link to abstract in Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes,链接到《获得性免疫缺陷综合征》的论文摘要 +"Just to reemphasize, let me remind you…",只是为了再2强调一下,我提醒你们… +The sponsor's actions will have implications on the market and will bring along the risks.,保荐人通过这些行为将影响作用于市场,这必将给保荐人自身以及证券市场带来巨大的风险。 +I think the soup needs a bit of salt.,我认为这道汤应该再多加一点点盐。 +"However, comparatively higher survival and adult fish rate could also be obtained in adult eel rearing, if corresponding technical measures are adopted based on its living characteristics.",但只要掌握欧洲鳗鲡的生活特性,采取相应的技术措施,其商品鳗养殖可以获得较高的成���率和出成率。 +"Unlike the MLSS, the differences between the 2 groups did not appear to decrease over time.",与MLSS 不同,两组间的差异并没有随着时间的延长而减小。 +"The scene changes to a woodland grove with three temples, one of wisdom, the others of reason and nature.",场景转到林中深处, 那儿有三座神殿, 分别是「 智慧」 、 「 理智」 、 「 本性」 。 +"At beginning, to protect running units, dam, substation and powerhouse from vibration, blasting dosage was controlled and it' s done only when units were shutdown.",开工初期,为避免爆破对运行机组、大坝、开关站和厂房的振动影响,爆破不仅对药量进行控制,而且必须在机组停机状态下进行。 +"For the most part, windows aren't good insulators. They leak heat in the winter and let heat in during the summer.",从很多方面来讲,窗户不能够很好地隔绝热量——在冬天,窗户让房间里的热量跑到室外;在夏天,窗户让室外的热量进入室内。 +"In 2007 around 40% of Peru's local-currency debt was short-term (ie, maturing in less than a year).",2007年40%的秘鲁内债都是短期的,就是说一年期的。 +"Interviewed mature new technologies, new materials to develop and product the health water home appliances.",结合国内外成熟的新技术、新材料、共同进行健康水家电产品的研发和生产。 +The study by Lincoff et al. reviewed the data from clinical trials of pioglitazone.,来自Lincoff等的研究,重新回顾了来自匹格列酮的一些临床试验的数据。 +"As an example, consider common capability needs such as user access revalidation for applications within an enterprise.",例如,以创建功能需求(如为企业内的应用程序对用户访问进行重新验证)为例。 +Objective To study the growth changes of available space of lower posterior arch.,目的研究下牙弓后段可用间隙生长变化特点。 +"If they want a separation or a divorce, she arranges legal advice.",如果想要分居或离婚,她会为他们安排法律咨询。 +"When I saw another fond of popularity, constantly employing himself in political bustles, neglecting his own affairs, and ruining them by that neglect, He pays indeed, said I, too uch for his whistle.",当我看到另一个人醉心于名望,无本之无休止地投身于政界的纷扰之中,却忽视了自己的事,我说,他的确也为了他的哨子付出了过高的代价。 +"ABSTRACT: As a wine lover, have you ever dreamed of being a sommelier?",摘要: 作为一名葡萄酒爱好者,你是否也梦想着自己有一天能成为一名侍酒师? +"Left alone at home, nothing to do, went out to play a while!",在家呆着没事干,出去玩会儿! +"I guess everyone’s hoping that if the aliens are anything like us, they’ll send simple pictures and easy-to-decode messages.",我想每个人都希望外星人与我们多少有点相似之处,会发简单的图画和容易解码的信息。 +This unlucky egret thought he had found a perfect spot to go fishing.,这只时运不佳的雪鹭自以为找到一个完美的捕鱼地点。 +"MILAN - Questions on Milan for Adriano Galliani, this morning on his arrival at the Lega Calcio. The first one was on who would be the next Milan coach.",米兰 - 今天早晨加利亚尼来到职业联盟时,被问到的第一个问题就是下赛季谁会是米兰的主教练。 +"In recent centuries, there are three viewpoints on the argument about how Feuerbach affected Marx. They are ""the equation theory"", ""the irrelevancy theory"" and ""the link theory"".",综观近百年来关于费尔巴哈对马克思影响的争论,大体可以归结为“等同论”、“无关论”、“环节论”三种观点。 +"UK Princess Eugenie (see photo), the 19-year-old daughter of Prince Andrew, has spent over £250000 in her gap-year trip around the globe and sparked a wave of criticism, according to Ta Kung Pao.",据香港《大公报》报道,英国安德鲁王子19岁的女儿尤珍妮公主(见图),目前正利用中学毕业和上大学之间的一年假期,周游列国,花费已高达25万英镑。 +"""This is the first document of its kind that deals with the Jews exclusively and postulates the solution, "" Hier said.",这是第一封专门针对犹太人性质的信件和主张的解决方案。 +"During the Tang Dynasty, many popular poems were written in praise of the Yellow Crane Tower.",唐代有许多脍炙人口的诗篇赞美黄鹤楼。 +"The translator's identity in translating process is multiple, a reader of the source text while a rewriter and creator of the target text;",在翻译过程中,译者具有多重身份,既是原文的读者,又是译文的创造者; +I've wound up the clock so many times that it has become a ritual.,我经常给钟上发条,以致这成了我的一个习惯。 +Each signer of a JAR is represented by a signature file with the extension .SF within the META-INF directory of the JAR file.,JAR 的每一位签名者都由在 JAR 文件的 META-INF 目录中的一个具有 .SF 扩展名的签名文件表示。 +The frontcontroller we offer is a subclass of the Cairngorm frontcontroller and accepts custom command factories.,我们提供的frontcontroller是Cairngorm frontcontroller的一个子类,它接收定制的命令工厂。 +Specimens of the studies are deposited in Specimen Room in the Herbarium of Shandong Agricultural University.,研究标本保藏于山东农业大学植物病理标本室。 +"Hu said that during his current visit, he had in-depth exchange of views with Singaporean leaders on how to further develop China-Singapore relations and some major regional and international issues.",胡锦涛说,我此次来访就中新关系的进一步发展和一些重大地区和国际问题与新方领导人深入交换了意见。 +The lovestruck alien Krelman tried to woo her on the night the Empire enacted a curfew on the spaceport city due to suspected subversive activities on the planet.,一天夜里,痴情的异星人克雷尔曼想追求阿克梅娜,可帝国却在那时对这个太空港实行了宵禁,因为怀疑这颗星球存在颠覆活动。 +Its expansion gives all directed trees of the graph G.,它的展开式将给出图G的全部有向树。 +"Review associate with, fang Xingdong summary says: ""2002-2005 year the thing that do should hold to, wind is cast need fumbles enter the company that makes my operation bigger.""",回顾过往,方兴东总结说:“2002-2005年做的事应该坚持住,风投进入让我运营更大的公司是需要摸索的。” +I'll fulfill my pledge.,我将履行我的誓言。 +"If you can quickly read an interviewer's style and establish rapport, you will appear more confident and knowledgeable.",如果你能迅速辨明面试官的风格从而建立友好关系,你将会显得更有信心,更富学识。 +"In light of current situation of milk cow industry in China, concrete countermeasures are presented to reduce the influence of natural disaster on development of milk cow industry.",最后,针对我国奶牛业的发展现状,提出了具体的防灾措施,以减小自然灾害对奶牛业发展的影响。 +A self-made hydraulic vibrator used as a driving unit of the injection screw of the machine is adopted. It makes melt and plasticating course vibrate periodically.,采用液压激振力为驱动力的运动机构方法,将脉动压力引入到注塑成型熔融塑化整个过程。 +"It is 8.99 a month verses 4.99 a movie at rental places, and we were renting 2 per weekend.",那些租用的地方需要8.99美元来演一个月诗歌,4.99美元一场电影。我们将要每周租用两个地方。 +"For instance, the government of the Rio Negro province recently announced a deal to lease as much as 800, 000 acres to China's state-run Heilongjiang Beidahuang Nongken Group.",比如里奥内格罗省政府最近宣布了一项交易,将向中国的国有企业黑龙江北大荒农垦集团(Heilongjiang Beidahuang Nongken Group)出租多达80万英亩(约32万公顷)的土地。 +It was found that in all cases the mental stress led to vasodilation - the relaxing of blood vessels carrying blood to the head - accompanied by an increase in brain blood flow.,在所有的自愿者中都发现精神性应激会导致血管舒张—血管舒张伴随而来的是大脑血流量的增加。 +"The capillary effect, size removal and breaking strength of cotton fabric were determined. The low temperature plasma action principle was analyzed by SEM photos.",通过测定织物的退浆率、毛效和断裂强力,评价退浆效果,并结合SEM照片分析了低温等离子体的作用原理。 +As Harris K. Telemacher in “L.A. Story” (1991),就像《L.A 故事》中的哈里斯.K.特勒马西(1991) +"Based on the stress dependency model, using the repeated load triaxial test, the paper analyses the stress dependency of the subgrade soil resilient moduli for the first time in China.",通过重复三轴试验及模型理论建立了路基土回弹模量的应力依赖性模型,该模型可供柔性路面结构非线性分析使用。 +A supervisory board is one of the three important parts which constitute the governing structure in a modern corporation.,监事会是现代公司法人治理结构中一重要组成部分。 +Unglazed dense tile can be manufactured from kaolin clays at 1200℃maximum firing temperature.,以高岭石类粘土为主要原料,经1200℃的最高烧成温度烧成可制得无釉瓷化砖。 +"Another Italian sports car brand, Ferrari, expects China to overtake other countries and become its second-biggest market from its current fifth position, and sees huge potential.","另一个意大利跑车公司,f法拉利,希望能把中国从现在的第五变成它的第二大销售市场并且他们看到了巨大的潜力." +The design-time and runtime architecture of the application are also depicted in this article.,本文还描述了应用程序在设计时和运行时的体系结构。 +G This is the dogleg right. The green is behind the grove.,这是右狗腿洞,果岭在那片树林后面。 +"Trend, the current stock of short-term technical indicators are oversold zone require a strong rebound, concerned about the proposed bargain.",走势上看,目前该股短期技术指标处于超卖区,反弹要求较强,建议逢低关注。 +Pingdom rounded up a number of other interesting statistics that you can see here.,Pingdom还荟萃了其他一些有趣的统计数据,你可以在这儿看到。 +"Thanks be to God for being with us during the good times and the bad, and for offering us a bright and hopeful future.",感谢上帝无论顺境逆境都与我们同在。感谢上帝为我们带来光明有希望的未来。 +"The father sleeps that evening at my under spread, because the getup on the bed only has 1 set, he the mat wear quilted jacket and woolen blanket passing the winter sleep descend.",那个晚上父亲睡在我的下铺,因为床上的行头只有一套,他就垫着过冬的棉袄和毛毯睡下了。 +"The woman across the street testified that thee moment after she saw the killing, that is, the moment after the train went by, she screamed and the went to phone the police.",街对面的那个女人指证说,在她目睹该凶杀之后,也就是在列车开过之后,她尖叫起来,然后就去打电话报警。 +"All that day, from morning until past sunset, the cannon never ceased to roar.",那天从早晨到日落,炮声隆隆,没有停过。 +"When my 12-year-old daughter Surya was in 5th and 6th grade, she'd walk down or bike over to my office after school if I needed to stay late.",在我12岁的女儿上五、六年级时,每次我需要在公司加班,她就要步行或者骑自行车到我办公室来。 +"'Gold Rush, 1849.' And I realized that within the last few inches of that tree's life, we'd very nearly liquidated a 2, 000-year-old forest.",“使我注意到这一点的是边上的这三英尺红杉木‘淘金热1849’”,费伊说到,“从那棵树生命中的最后几英尺中,我意识到,我们几乎已经毁灭了一片已生长了2000年的森林。” +"Lucy Ricardo was, in those early I Love Lucy episodes, just a generic daffy housewife. Ethel (Vivian Vance), her neighbor and landlady, was a stock busybody.",在「我爱露西」早期,露西李卡度只是庸俗的家庭主妇,艾瑟儿(薇薇安凡斯),她的邻居兼房东,是个好管閒事者。 +"In fine, to black especially male host in the house's Xun ask, the time of beginning and others have no where is the difference. The Kang pulls virtuous ·",总之,对黑特家男主人的讯问,开始的时候和其他人没有什么两样。康拉德·。 +Carbon dioxide comprises only 3/100ths of one percent of the air around us.,二氧化碳仅占我们周边空气的3%。 +"With the Sun joining Saturn in your house of sexual energy and mystical transformations for a month, you'll begin finding proof of this.",日土有一个月的时间合在了你的关于性方面和神秘的转变的宫位,你会逐渐发现证据的。 +"According to the Daily Mail on February 17, a gadget made by an American company could sterilize shoes' bacteria which cause odors by UV light.",美国一家公司生产出来的紫外线“小物件”可以把鞋里引发臭味的的细菌给清除干净。 +"In this paper, the din-hexyl sec-butylphosphonate has been prepared, then hydrolyzed to the mono-n-hexyl sec-butylphosphonate by phase transfer catalysis. Thequality of the products is very good.",报道了用相转移催化法合成仲丁基膦酸双正己酯以及将其水解转化为相应单酯的方法。 +"During the Games, we need to write draft broadcasting the Games, the first draft broadcast five days to write the next day to write a total of two radio draft, the total amount is 7.",运动会期间,我们还要写运动会的广播稿,第一天要写5篇广播稿,第二天一共要写2篇广播稿,一共是7篇。 +"But you get scaffolding; you get depth or perspective: counting thousands of stars, about some vast work that involved the whole order of the universe.""","不过当你们看到脚手架时;,你们能够得到深度的认知:,数数数以千计的星星:,缓缓移动的星星,就像从事于某种,关系到全宇宙的秩序的建筑工作“" +This paper presents an adjacency matrix method for identifying topological symmetry to planar kinematic chains with multiple joints.,提出了含复铰有高副平面运动链结构类型综合的邻接矩阵方法。 +Methods: Fasting plasma resistin concentration was measured by ELISA.,方法:酶联免疫吸附试验(ELISA)测定血浆抵抗素水平; +Objective To observe the efficacy of air disinfection-purifying device in disinfection of air in underground sterile supply room under dump environment in south of China.,为了解空气消毒器对手术室空气动态消毒效果,采用现场试验方法,对手术室空气中自然菌消毒效果进行了观察。 +"Another particularly cold dip in the early 17th century corresponded with the Thirty Years' War, a time when many people abandoned Europe and migrated to America.",十七世纪初出现的另一次气温骤降则和三十年战争相对应,在这一时期,许多人离开了欧洲而移民美洲。 +"DuPont has already demonstrated a biopolyester, van Leeuwen noted, ""but our technology would create a biopolyester that is the other commonly used building block.""",杜邦已经展示了一种生物聚酯,范•鲁凡透露说:“不过我们的技术所带来的生物聚酯会是一种广泛用途的建筑材料。” +"B&G function is chosen as the payoff function of the agents, by which B&G function on coalition-agent is generated.",选择B&G函数作为局中人的基本支付函数,诱导产生联盟-局中人的B&G函数。 +Delta Air Lines (DAL.N) bought Northwest Airlines in 2008.,达美航空 (DAL.N) 在2008年收购了西北航空。 +"Suqin answered: ""If I do not do this, I will forget my past shames"".",苏秦回答说:“不这样,就会忘记过去的耻辱!” +目的:研究筛选山里红叶抗高血脂性脂肪肝活性部位。,Objective: Screen the active part of antifatty liver of the leaves of Crataegus pinnatifida Bge. +Subjects were also placed on a 500? kcal deficit diet and received a structured lifestyle modification and exercise program.,研究对象也接受500卡的低热量饮食,也接受有架构的生活型态调整和运动计画。 +"Our calculated results indicate that the main factors what influence multipole effect are photon energy, average electronic radius, atomic number Z and so on.",结果表明:光电离过程中的多极效应与入射光子的能量、电子离核的平均半径等密切相关。 +"At least one-third of the Delmarva farms have planted trees, technically known as vegetative environmental buffers.",Delmarva 至少1/3的农场已经种植树木了。技术上名为植物型环境缓冲器。 +"Almost as if it were offering a service, the US Army approached the German military command saying it could hunt down the Bundeswehr's enemies and kill them.",像提供服务一样,美军游说德军事司令部时说美军会助德猎杀联邦德国国防军(Bundeswehr)的敌人。 +"Have passed TEM8, can speak very good english, mandarin and cantonese. if there is anyone wants to learn chinese, please kindly contact with me, thanks !",刚大学毕业,已经通过英语专业八级,英语口语、普通话、粤语流利,有教外国朋友学中文的经验,请各位兄弟姐妹帮忙留意一下,拜谢! +"Technology, law and education can work together to remedy the moral incorrect-ness of network speech acts, for the purpose of…",对网络言语行为道德失范的救治,应本着有利于网络发展和社会文明进步的原则,运用技术、法律和教育的综合措施来完成。 +"""There may be objections to the Copenhagen Accord being part of the negotiating text, "" he said.",“有些国家可能反对将哥本哈根协定作为谈判文本的一部分,”他说。 +"Children as young as six are undergoing minor procedures, and 13-year-olds are having nose jobs.",6岁小孩动小手术,而13岁孩子整型鼻子。 +Hope we can now get on with the task of identifying the US collaborators in our key government organisations and purge them all.,现在希望能把隐身在国家上层要害部门的美国利益在国内的代理人,揪出来,清除掉。 +"The purchase of raw materials, components and outsourced parts must be in conformity with relevant standards.",原材料、零部件、外协件的采购必须符合采购标准。 +Jackie Cochran felt very much at home in the sky.,杰基·科克伦在天空中感到自由自在。 +"For ever blessed be the revelation of atoning love which not only tells me that pardon is possible, but that it is secured to all who rest in Jesus.",赎罪大爱之启示不仅告诉我赦免是可能的,并且对一切安息在耶稣之内的人是有保障的。 +"Coach should use different conditioner and method in physical quality, skills, gymnastic technique and mental diathesis for athlete who stands in different training stage.",对于不同时期的女子撑竿跳高运动员,教练员在身体素质、专项技能、体操技能和心理素质的培养上都有不同的训练方法和手段; +"The view they will get resembles the aftermath of a bombing raid, as seen on a recent ride-along with local firefighters: a half-crushed dormitory where several university students died;",到时,他们将会看到犹如遭受轰炸后的情景,就像最近一次我们在当地消防员带领下所看到的一样:大学宿舍坍塌了大半,好几个大学生被压死; +and every evening I return to my hotel with my pockets full of business cards from inventors in clean energy.,我最近在全国范围内巡回售书,每天晚上回到宾馆时,我的口袋里满是来自清洁能源领域的投资家的名片。 +"In France, there are many solutions to minimize your tax related to property ownership, especially if you are a non-resident.",在法国什么是对一些非居民业主的最有利的税收解决方案? +Students at the No. 2 High School in Liupanshui City of southwestern China's Guizhou province had endured rising living expenses for months.,在2号高中六盘水中国西南部的贵州省城市学生曾经历了几个月的生活费用上升。 +"Well Done Vanya…for us ur the winner… u have all the talent, beauty and elegance to wear that crown.",做得好,瓦妮雅…在我们眼里,你是冠军…你有摘得冠军所必须的才能、美貌和高雅。 +"At times, when they got suspicious, I'd lose on purpose at first and then sting them proper.",有时他们会对我起疑心,我就在交易开始的时候故意输掉,接着再彻底赢回来。 +"Republic of Ireland 1-1 Ecuador, May 23 Defender Joe O'Cearuill made his international debut as the Republic of Ireland came from behind to draw 1-1 with Ecuador on their tour of the United States.",后卫乔·奥卡罗尔上演了自己的国家队生涯处子秀,爱尔兰在他们的美国之旅中在落后的情况下1:1战平了厄瓜多尔。 +The government of Shenzhen had ordered an safety inspection of entertainment facilities in the city.,深圳市政府要求立即组织力量对全市娱乐设施展开隐患排查。 +A vibrant nation that makes sure its children are the best-educated in the world.,一个充满活力的国家可以确保国民的子女接受世界上最好的教育。 +"If you think this is too troublesome, then, when you ask to stay there long air-conditioned places, please wipe some moisture cream to keep skin and the water table.",如果你认为这样做太麻烦,那么,当你长时问呆在有冷气设备的场所时,就请抹一些保湿性雪花膏,以保持皮肤表而的水分。 +"These recommendations are prudent measures which can limit the spread of many communicable diseases, including influenza.",这些建议是可以限制包括流感在内的许多传染病的传播的谨慎措施。 +"The dynamic change process of the crack coppicing and extending on annealed Q&P steel was in-situ observed by SEM, and the micro-crack characteristic was studied.",采用扫描电镜(SEM)原位拉伸观察了Q&P钢退火组织断裂过程中裂纹萌生和扩展的动态变化过程,并对其微观断裂特征进行了研究。 +"In a fast-moving environment, it is not merely sound financial systems that enhance the future of the company.",在一个快速移动的环境,它不仅是健全的财务制度,加强未来的公司。 +"Benin , Ghana and Ivory Coast have thousands of current cases of bruly Buruli ulcer disease.",贝宁、加纳和象牙海岸近期发生千余件布鲁里溃疡病。 +But simply closing the changes without testing does nothing to support the quality intent or reason for that metric.,但在不测试的情况下简单地关闭变更不能支持要达到质量的意图或要遵从量度的理由。 +Don't take it out on me.,别拿我当出气筒。 +Muilt-whirl belt drive system is a typical serpentine belt drives system.,多回旋的单一多凸棱平带传动系统是一种典型的蛇行蜿蜒带传动系统。 +"He tried to avoid his old acquaintances, with their commiseration and their mortifying offers of assistance;",他竭力避开过去的熟人,避开他们的同情和令人屈辱的帮助。 +This horse seems white jade Long Ma!,这马似乎是白玉龙马! +"Thanks to the two longlife Lithium batteries CR 123 a very compact design, fast recharging times, and a high number of flashes could be realised.",两个长寿命锂电池公约与123非常紧凑的设计下,快速充电时间,以及大量的闪光可以实现。 +A brief introduction of the technical innovation of butadiene evaporation unit is given in the article. During the expansion of the SBR(Styrene - Butadiene Rubber) plant of Qilu Petrochemical Corp.,主要介绍了在齐鲁石化橡胶厂丁苯橡胶装置改扩建工程中对丁二烯泄料系统的技术改进。 +This pillar was used in a brick tomb to hold up the lintel of a doorway.,这个支柱是用在一个砖墓门口举行了门楣一个。 +"However, fresh milk should be safe to drink for a while if it is boiled.",不过,鲜奶在煮沸一段时间是可以放心喝的。 +"She liked Byron better because he seemed, in this respect, more like her upright father.",她比较喜欢拜伦,因为拜伦在这方面更象她为人正派的父亲。 +"Using five-factor and four-level orthogonal test, the characteristics of HPD300 macroporous resin for purifying flavonoids of Fortunella margarita were studied.",在静态吸附与解吸附单因素试验基础上,利用五因素四水平的正交试验对HPD300大孔树脂精制金橘皮中黄酮的工艺进行了研究。 +"I'm displaying what I do, faced with this problem, and how I explore what the computer and I can do in moving toward a Suduko solution.",我只是在展示我在面对这些问题时是怎样做的,以及如何让我和我的电脑朝着数独游戏的解决方案这个方向前���。 +"The tumor ovarii is gynecology department common illness gets sick one, because its surgery plan the tumor nature difference is very big.",卵巢肿瘤是妇科常见疾病之一,其手术方案因肿瘤的性质差别很大。 +A security officer watches the surroundings in New Delhi before the Obamas arrive to board a plane for Indonesia.,奥巴马将要到达新德里机场,登机前往印度尼西亚。 在奥巴马到达之前,一名安全官员在瞭望机场周围环境。 +Thus we re-emphasize our positive 12-month view on European equities.,我们借此机会再次强调12个月内依然看好欧洲股市。 +"Had the former chairman of Princeton's economicsdepartment had gotten that answer from an undergrad, Bernanke probably wouldhave winced.",如果普林斯顿经济系的前主席从一个本科生得到了答案,那么伯南克很可能会对此畏缩。 +Sun-shielding UVA/UVB and patent-pending free radical protection helps prevent premature aging of the skin every time you wear it.,每次您用上她,产品含屏蔽太阳紫外线UVA/UVB和正在申请专利的自由基保护,有利于防止过早老化的皮肤。 +She described his pledge as an important signal that China has confidence in the euro.,默克尔将他的保证描述为中国仍然对欧元有信心的一个重要信号。 +I'm finding that many parents are having success with soft-ware driven word games to complement book reading.,很多父母培育孩子的阅读能力时,成功地把识字软件作为纸质阅读的补充。 +I like his big bed.,我喜欢他的大床。 +Vendors respond to RFPs even when they have known technical flaws.,厂商即使知道技术有缺陷,也会响应RFP。 +"He was one of the world's greatest dramatists; he was a great thinker; he was one of the most stupendous musical geniuses that, up to now, the world has ever seen.",他是全世界最伟大的剧作家之一,一位伟大的思想家,是迄今为止全世界最了不起的音乐天才之一。 +"Zhi-room cave, located at the second lumbar vertebrae protruding down 5 centimeters Department.",志室穴,位于第二腰椎突起向下5厘米处。 +"Soil scarifying, seeding, fertilizing and watering are all done by the children . Whenever they have time, they will go to their favorite small farm.",从松土、播种,到施肥、浇水,所有的工作都是由孩子们自己亲手完成。每天只要一有空闲,这一块块菜地就成了小家伙们最爱去的地方。 +"The axes 22 of the acoustic drivers are parallel and coplanar, that is, the axes lie in a common plane 33.",各声学驱动器的轴线22平行且共面,也就是说轴线位于共同平面33中。 +"Meanwhile, the executives continued to fire off cautionary messages: aim at the broad base; the strip is too philosophical; let's not have such an emphasis on therapy jokes.",于此同时,头头们责难的警告消息持续不断地传来:要根植于广大的基础;漫画的哲学意味太浓了;不要那么重点突出治疗笑话吧;等等。 +"""The Scots fought with desperate tenacity"" (John Morley).",“苏格兰人进行绝望的顽抗” (约韩·莫里)。 +"There should be lifts to all parts of the cinema including toilets, the ticket office, sweet shop and the theatre itself.",应该有到电影院各个地方的电梯,包括厕所,售票处,糖果店和剧院本身。 +"But as he grows up, several people seem inordinately interested in his find.",随着他的成长,有几个人似乎对他的这个发现显示出了莫大的兴趣。 +"Dr. Fred Hu, Co- Director and Professor, Tsinghua University","胡祖六博士, 联执主任和教授,清华大学" +One of the biggest misconceptions is that the object cache invalidates the need for an output cache.,其中最大的误解是,缓存的对象无效,需要有一个输出的高速缓存。 +"Rhyolite with columnar joints has been found in the lower Cretaceous Yingcheng Formation, in an uplift area of the southeastern Songliao Basin.",松辽盆地东南隆起区下白垩统营城组出露柱状节理流纹岩。 +Infrasound's harm is resonance when the infrasound and people close to the natural frequency. It will affect human health to be serious to cause death.,次声波的危害是,当次声波和人本固有频率接近时,会产生共振,影响人体健康,严重时会致人死亡。 +We are initiating the Synergy Platform DLM solution to help our customers keep their IP secure both now and during the device's future use in the field.,我们正在发起协同平台DLM解决方案,帮助我们的客户保持自己的知识产权保护现在都和设备在该领域的未来的使用过程中。 +"The present paper firstly reports the development of microsporangium, male gametophyte, megasporogenesis , female gametophyte and embryogeny in Swertia erythrosticta Maxim.",首次报道了红直獐牙菜大小孢子发生、雌雄配子体形成和胚胎发育过程。 +Another focus of transmission would be a disturbing development for outbreak control.,另一个传播疫源地将是对暴发控制的一个令人不安的发展情况。 +Objective: To improve the one stage synthetic method of geranyl sulfone catalyzed by acid.,目的:研究酸催化一步制备香叶基砜的合成方法。 +"Each subscriber that subscribes to a topic will receive a copy of every message that is published to that topic, as shown in Figure 1.",订阅主题的每个订户将收到发布到该主题的所有信息的副本,如图 1 所示。 +"But death certainly, and life, honour and dishonour, pain and pleasure, all these things equally happen to good men and bad, being things which make us neither better nor worse.",但肯定,死生、荣辱、苦乐所有这些事情都同样地发生于善人和恶人,它们并不使我们变好或变坏。 +You've had Film Experience and Black Cinema ? Was that taught here?,"你上了黑人电影史这门课,是这里的课么?" +"A good idea will make you keep clear-head during the whole morning, while a great idea can do it through the whole night.",一个好的想法能够使你一早上保持清醒,一个伟大的想法却能使你整夜保持清醒。 +Mr. Vinther said that the study published Wednesday did not have enough detail to provide a full-blown picture of a dinosaur’s color patterns.,Vinther先生表示周四发表的乱舞并没有提供足够的细节来描绘关于恐龙颜色的完美画卷。 +And we've been talking about this after-work party for a while.,而且我们说要举行个下班后的聚会都说了好久了。 +There are lots of good things that going on.,还有很多其他的好事。 +It is due to a phenomenon called the precession of the equinoxes.,这是由于岁差现象所导致。 +The application system of heat-resisting stainless steel data base is developed as a subsystem of alloy steel data-base.,不锈耐热钢数据库应用系统,是合金钢数据库系统的一个子系统。 +The men and women are quick.,这些男人和女人们是快的。 +The ultrastructural and biochemical results clearly show that the autophagy pathway is significantly activated in neurons after TBI.,超微结构与生化结果清楚的显示, TBI之后,自噬路径在神经元内被显著激活。 +This item is for upper middle class consumers.,这个产品是为中上阶级消费者准备的。 +"The United States and Britain, eschewing a military confrontation, resolved on an audacious alternative: to supply West Berlin’s roughly 2 million people by air.",美国和英国为避免军事对抗,决定采取一项大胆行动:向西柏林市大约200万居民空投物资。 +"Through one of the families, she met a woman who mentioned thatshe found the obit of a relative who was a former baseball manager, andthree children were listed.",这位妇女提到,她发现一位以前是棒球教练的一位亲戚的讣告,上面列出了他的三个孩子。 +"Activated effect changed to ""Inflicts a target enemy champion with Grievous Wound, causing 50% reduced healing for 8 seconds. "" 20 second cooldown.",主动后果改为“你的攻打将使目标受到重伤,缩小目标50%的所受治疗后果和生命复兴速度,延续8秒”20秒的冷却时间。 +I think this uniquely shows up in sex and relationships.,我觉得,这个理论仅适用于性和恋爱关系中。 +"Otherwise, they can easily ""deviation"", resulting in even worse consequences.",否则,他们很容易“ 跑偏”,从而造成更为恶劣的后果。 +"I had to work twice as much, I had to improve my Mandarin, my kung-fu practice and then I waited… and the film Blood Brothers (1973) came out, proved my new status and after thatI became independent.",我必须加倍勤力,必须改善我的国语发音和功夫招式,然后静心等待...1973年的《刺马》证明我进步到一个新水准,之后已经可以独当一面。 +"The 13-year-old Shanghai plant, acquired by Johnson Controls in 2005, is one of three battery factories it has in China and around 30 world-wide.",这座上海工厂拥有13年历史,于2005年被江森自控收购。 包括该工厂在内,江森自控在中国共有三家工厂,在全球拥有约30家。 +"Put the cucumber, celery sticks, apples and ginger into the juicer. Juice, then pour the juice intothe blender.",将黄瓜、芹菜、苹果和姜等倒入果汁器,然后把果汁倒人搅拌器。 +Not sure if that's too clear hehehe.,不确定是否说的过于清晰了,呵呵。 +"This review will summarize information on potential pharmacologic, nutritional, surgical, and behavioral approaches to reducing breast cancer risk.",这篇综述会归纳潜在的药理学、营养学、外科学、行为学途径来降低乳腺癌发生危险。 +Those people who intentionally lead a life of leisure don't go around all day like the busybody.,励行悠闲生活的人,他们不会像那些无事忙的人,整天在外面东奔西跑。 +A major-party nominee has the critical advantage of support from the party faithful.,大党提名人具有得到党的忠实信徒支持这一关键的优势。 +The report notes that the basis for a self-sufficient nuclear program is indigenous uranium ore that can be mined and converted into fuel.,报告指出,建立自给自足核项目的基础是要有可被开采和转化为燃料的本地铀矿石。 +"Applications such as machine tools or metal processing will often expose the sensor to target impact, abrasion and the affects of aggressive solvents and fluid.",加工机床等应用往往会暴露或金属传感器的目标冲击,耐磨损和流体溶剂和积极影响。 +"Through this article the features of VRT were introduced, and the application and development prospect of VRT in laboratory teaching of oral and maxillofacial surgery were also discussed.",简要介绍了虚拟现实技术的特点,重点探讨了虚拟现实技术在口腔颌面外科学实验教学领域中的应用与发展前景。 +In Changming's cultural entertainment work room!,就在昌明文化娱乐工作室! +"But its awareness is apparent through what is forbidden: ""My father is Li Gang"" has made the list of ""sensitive"" phrases.",不过,对于什么应该被禁止,它显然有着清醒的认识:“我的爸爸是李刚”已经在“敏感的”措辞列表中。 +"You gently, with eyes deeply moo, you came to my side, stepped into my heart.",你轻轻地来,伴随着深邃地眼哞而来,你走到了我地的身边,跨进了我的心扉。 +The small permeability in heartwood mainly was due to there were large tylosis in the vessels and vestured pit between the vessels.,心材部位渗透性差的主要原因是由于管孔内含有大量侵填体及导管间纹孔呈附物型的缘故。 +"We recommend sizing up vs. sizing down for those who are in-between whole sizes, as the leather upper will not stretch significantly.",我们建议vs。下审时度势上浆对那些介于全尺寸,为皮革上不会弹性显著。 +You should always include this in a query comparing configuration values to statistics values.,在比较配置值与统计值的查询中始终都应包含该谓词。 +"I turned down the lights in my classroom and asked the students to close their eyes and, “Imagine you are at a beach on a sunny day.” With your mind's eye, look around you.",我将教室的灯光调暗并且叫学生们闭上眼睛,“想象这是阳光灿烂的一天,你在海边,”用你想象的眼睛去看看周围,你看见波浪在拍打着海岸。 +The scenario is explored in Hubbard model including electron-electron couplings mediated by antiferromagnetic(AFM) spin fluctuation .,这个方案是在赫伯德模型中研究反铁磁(AFM)自旋涨落调制的电子-电子耦合。 +"Investigation by entrapment not only violates the official duty of the investigative organ, but also infringes on the citizen's legitimate rights and interests.",“犯意诱发型”的诱惑侦查不仅违反了侦查机关的职责,而且侵犯了公民的合法权益。 +"During Year Two, it was fun when you gave us mealworms to study (although it was disgusting when you told us that people really crunch them!!!!).",二年级时,您给我们粉虱进行研究是多么有趣的事(虽说您告诉我们有人真正咀嚼过他们,那是多么恶心的事情)。 +Our seven-year-old daughter was thrilled when we took her to Disney World for the first time and headed straight for Space Mountain.,我们第一次带我们七岁的女儿去迪斯尼乐园并直接去太空山时,她十分激动。 +"In terms of the basic requirements for Muslim burials, standard practice involves placing the body in a grave with the head pointed toward the holy city of Mecca.",根据穆斯林葬礼的基本要求,标准程序包括将尸体以头朝向圣城麦加的方式葬入坟墓。 +"They were always having to resist relatives who were more crowded---his uncle, with his endless brood of children, coaxing.",他们还总得不断地对付那些家中人口多住得拥挤的亲戚们(叔叔和他那窝子孩子们)的哄骗。 +His wrists and ankles are cuffed to the board and his head is rigidly held in place by a strap around his neck and a helmet on his head.,他的手腕和足踝都被拷在板上,而他的头部被一跟环绕着他脖子的带子僵硬的吊了起来,并且他的头上还带着一个头盔。 +Conclusion F-BSANP entrapping drugs can significantly enhance the drugs to tumor sites and improve their efficacy.,结论用叶酸偶联白蛋白纳米粒包裹药物能显著增强药物对肿瘤部位的靶向性,明显提高药效。 +MIT's Galvactivator is a fingerless glove rigged with an LED display that glows bright white when your stress hormones go into high gear.,由麻省理工学院研制的电流器是一种无指手套,它配有发光的二极管显示器。当你的压力荷尔蒙达到高位时,显示器会发出明亮的白光。 +Big swindles are often facilitated by bribery.,行贿往往让大型骗局变得容易。 +"Capital flows to where it is most highly rewarded, and low marginal tax rates on the returns to capital and business income create a gravitational pull on global funds.",资本总要流向可以使之获得最高回报的地方,而加之于资本回报和商业收入上的较低的边际税率,对于全球资金就产生了如同万有引力般的效果。 +"Nine people have been arrested after robbing the ancestral tombs of China's first Emperor Qin Shihuang, Chinese officials say.",中国官员宣布,九人已经被逮捕,在其劫掠了中国第一位皇帝秦始皇的先祖的陵墓后。 +I'm sure there have been a quick quarrel at some point.,我确定在某一个时刻会有一些争执。 +"Full attention must be paid to theoretical research in the natural sciences, including such basic subjects as modern mathematics, high energy physics and molecular biology.",要充分重视自然科学理论包括现代数学、高能物理、分子生物学等基础理论的研究。 +"Rental is inclusive of driver , gasoline , road and bridge fee , but not included the accommodation of drivers.",以上报价己包括车辆燃油费, 路桥费, 但不包括司机住宿及膳食或其他费用。 +European champions Spain had looked the more assured early on in the clash at Soccer City as a nervous-looking Dutch side ceded territory to their slick opponents.,当神情紧张的荷兰队由于对手的技术熟练而退居半场之时,欧洲杯冠军西班牙队在足球城的对抗赛前期看起来更占优势。 +The fall jarred every bone in David's body.,那一跤震动了大卫每根骨头。 +I think that he is an incredible role model.,我觉得他是一个不可思议的楷模。 +"Some children playing in the park snuck up on him, moved the pieces on the board, laughed and ran off.",几个在公园里玩耍的孩子悄悄默默地向他走了过来,挪动了棋盘上的几个棋子,笑着跑开了。 +"Method The culture relevance, language equivalency and content validity of the Chinese version of the MIDAS (CMIDAS) were evaluated by an expert panel.",方法应用专家小组评定法进行问卷文化相关性、语言一致性及内容效度的评价。 +"But that doesn't mean there's a ""war"" between police and criminals, says Sgt. Norman Jahn, a 20-year veteran of the Las Vegas Police Department.",但有20年服役经验的拉斯维加斯警署警司诺曼·扬说,这并不意味着在警察和嫌犯之间有一场“战争”。 +The paper concludes with a description of the application to simulating I2C Bus Technology with MCU and gives the result of emulating the application.,并且介绍了模拟I2C总线应用程序设计的方法,对程序进行仿真给出仿真结果。 +This research will play an effective role in the promotion and application of the digital watermarking technique.,本研究对数字水印技术的推广应用将起到积极的推动作用。 +"Except that Michelle's garden is the new White House fruit and vegetable garden, and what the garden produces will most likely be served to heads of state.",据猜测,米歇尔的这个园子是白宫新的水果和蔬菜园,而所种的蔬菜和水果很可能是用来招待各国政要的。 +"That means a 10 minute warmup, then 20 minutes or so of running somewhere between your 10K and half-marathon pace.",意思是,10分钟的热身后,跑20分钟左右一万米和半个马拉松的速度。 +"In fact, many potential heroes live out their lives in self-doubt.",实际上,很多可能成为英雄的人都在自我怀疑中虚度此生。 +The study shows that sustainable utilization of agricultural resources in 80.6% of the counties in Fujian is excellent.,评估结果表明,福建省80.6%的县(市)农业资源可持续利用状况达到优良等级。 +Go out and support local musicians.,走出去支持当地的音乐家。 +A fuzzy multiple hypothesis intrusion scenarios building algorithm was proposed based on multiple hypothesis tracking(MHT)theory which originated from information fusion.,基于信息融合领域经典的多假设目标跟踪理论,设计了一种模糊化的多假设入侵场景构建方法; +"Confirming its solidarity with Syria, the Arab organization voiced its support to Syria to protect its people and sovereignty.",声明强调,阿盟与叙利亚团结一致,支持叙利亚拥有自卫权以维护主权、保护人民生命安全。 +Cubicin may also be used for other purposes not listed in this medication guide.,克必信还可用于本用药指南中未涉及到的其他一些疾病。 +"These things are beautiful of course, have its function of course, but these are current very modern thing passed 3 years 5 carry differ and time children's hair, perhaps meet to moment fulsome .",这些东西当然漂亮,当然有其功能,但这些当今很时髦的东西过了三年五载不一定时髦,说不定到时候会令人生厌。 +An examination system shall be applied for placing drugs in and releasing them from storage.,药品入库和出库必须执行检查制度。 +"But while our screens are brittle, theirs is flexible––at what they say is one tenth the price.",但我们的屏幕都很脆弱��他们的却很柔软,而且价钱是我们的十分之一。 +The Avatamsaka Sutra is like a giant poem because it speaks in terms of image only.,形象化的语言使这部经典就象一首长诗。 +He is kind of cute and he looks very decent.,他很可爱,看上去也挺正派。 +CONCLUSIONS 3M EPIZYME multi enzyme cleaner has rapid elimination effect on the bacterial endotoxin.,结论安必洁多酶清洗液具有快速清除细菌内毒素的效果。 +"Even Nowadays, management model created by Gates is still followed by many IT companies.",即使在今天,盖茨创造的管理模式,仍然是许多IT公司在刻意修炼和学习的。 +Mr Proglio's position at the top of two firms in related businesses is regarded in French boardrooms as a shocking breach of good corporate governance.,普格利奥先生在两家业务上有联系的公司担任要职,法国董事会会议室内把这视为扰乱良好的公司治理。 +"Should Rooney be injured, jaded or disillusioned, United's niggling problems could turn into agonies of despair.",倘若鲁尼受伤、疲劳或是不再抱有什么希望的话,那么曼联这些琐碎的问题将转化为绝望的苦难。 +"""Dawes Plan""and""Marshall Plan""are two""European Recovery Programs""carried out by American after the two World Wars.",“道威斯计划”和“马歇尔计划”分别是美国在一战和二战后实施的两次“欧洲复兴计划”。 +So there's so much chemistry that takes place in liquid mixtures that it is really important to have a sense of what the free energy and chemical potential of each of the species is doing in there.,"在液体混合物中发生,如此多的化学现象,以致了解每一种液体的,自由能和化学势,是怎样的非常重要。" +The most noticeable one is the eight highly symmetrical DNA palindromes essential to male reproduction ability.,最引人瞩目的是对男性的生殖能力至关重要且高度对称的八个回文序列。 +The existing evidence on the early use of EPO-A in the acute phase of trauma patients management consists of only 14 publications.,关于促红细胞生成素-A(EPO-A)应用于创伤患者治疗急性期的现存临床证据仅14篇已发表文献。 +She drummed her fingers on the table.,她用手指答答地敲桌子。 +"Calling those who are wealthy “greedy, ” solely because of their wealth, or to suggest that the human drive for a better life is the same as greed, muddles our thinking.",之所以说富人是“贪婪的”,严格意义上来说是因为他们的财富,或者是意味着人类追求更好生活就是贪婪。 这种说法混淆了我们的观念。 +"He often gazing into each other the corner lonely snow, maggie think this is fate, as he once piled up on the ground, fantasy and romance all ran away, the remaining is lonely and others.",他常常凝神相望那死角孤独的雪,马吉认为这很像他的命运,一旦堆积在地上,幻想和浪漫全都跑掉了,剩下的是寂寞和别人的践踏。 +The substances or articles to be transported in the packagings may be replaced by other substances or articles except where this would invalidate the results of the tests .,将装入容器运输的物质或物品,可以其他物质或物品代替,除非这样做会使试验结果成为无效。 +This article introduces the technical index about the measurer of a new Planck constant and the methods of demonstrating photoemission phenomenon and measuring Planck constant.,介绍了新型普朗克常数测定器的主要技术指标,并介绍了用该仪器演示光电效应现象和测定普朗克常数的方法。 +"In the process of contact at ordinary times, 249 still cant understand some movement between the human and the meaning of body language, Jiang Liping repeatedly in the church of the 249 to understand.",在平时的接触过程中,249仍无法理解人类之间一些动作及肢体语言的含义,江丽萍不厌其烦的教会249去理解体会。 。 +"The main conclusion of Gödel’s incompleteness theorems is that all logical systems will have statements that cannot be proven or disproven; therefore, all logical systems must be “incomplete.”",高德的不完备定理的主要结论是,所有的逻辑体系都会存在无法证明或证伪的命题。 因此,所有的逻辑体系都不“完备”。 +"Anythings was ""free"" on internet!",在网络上的一切都应是”免费”! +"They replace half the iron with copper, and make crystalline nanoparticles of the resulting compound, which they coat on a cloth-like carbon substrate.",研究小组用铜代替了二分之一的铁,并用纳米晶体来制作所需要的化合物,在碳棒的底部穿上了化合物这件衣服。 +Why did this factory invest so much in robots and machine tools?,这家工厂为什么要投资这么大在机械人和机床上? +"Backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents",又是谗毁的,背后说人的,怨恨神的(或作被神所憎恶的),侮慢人的,狂傲的,自夸的,捏造恶事的,违背父母的 +Role stress and job satisfaction of administrative teachers in junior high schools in Taipei City have a negative correlation.,台北市国民中学兼任行政职务教师的角色压力与工作满意呈现显著负相关。 +XBD-W series fire pump is suitable for pressurized water supply in fire control pipeline.,型系列消防专用泵适用于消防管道增压送水。 +Increased scalability for large-volume performance tests,对于大量性能测试的可伸缩性的增长 +"As the old gold meson reflecting ability, good effect of K meson.",如旧的足金介子反射能力差,K金介子效果好。 +"Meeting, the secret months brought three to visit red fly, fly chek lap kok, densely month two brothers, heart mutually cherish to, but after quarrelling, mouth, do not change each stereotypes.",结识后,密月便领着三人去访赤飞,赤飞,密月兄弟二人,心中相惜,却嘴上斗气,相见之后,不改旧习。 +Special geographical condition and optimal design of structure were the basis of high-effect of temperature and light in this kind of greenhouse.,特殊的地理位置与建造结构是旱垣温室具有良好温光性能的基础条件。 +"It diversifies the communities in the built environment, making travel less necessary, easier and more predictable, bypassing roadway congestion through a new raised infrastructure.",它多样化的社区环境建设,使必要的旅行较少,更容易和更可预见的,绕过巷道拥挤提出通过一项新的基础设施。 +This seemed like a job most companies would ask a full-fledged adult to do.,大多数公司似乎会要求一位成熟的成年人去做这件事。 +The strength calculation formula of the screw propeller under the action of centrifugal force was obtained through multivariate fitting.,经多变量拟合,得到了离心力作用下螺旋推进器的强度计算公式。 +"The consortium hired to build the stretch between Bogotá and Girardot included a firm whose three principals are currently in jail on fraud, bribery and other charges.",承包建造在波哥大到古拉多特路段的财团里之中有一家公司,其三个负责人现正因欺诈、贿赂以及其它罪名而被收监。 +Objective To investigate CT features of focal nodular hepatic fatty infiltration (FNHFI).,目的探讨局灶性结节状肝脂肪浸润(FNHFI)的CT表现。 +What are normal values of arterial pressions?,简述动脉血压的正常值。 +"Real cells link non-spontaneous processes, called endergonic, which do not occur without the addition of free energy, to spontaneous processes which supply that free energy.",真正的细胞与非自发过程连接,称为吸能,未经输入自由能反应不会发生,供应了自由能,过程自发进行。 +Biscuits are an emotional issue.,饼干是一个情感问题。 +The form should now look like Figure 24.,现在,形式应与图 24 类似。 +One factor in the ballooning costs may be the increasing global demand for biofuels - vehicle fuels made at least partly from corn (maize) or other food crops.,生物燃料是一种汽车燃料,至少其中一部分是由玉米或其它粮食加工而成的。 +"Her dress was grey calico, its skirts brushing the spotless floor, in front protected by an enormous starched white apron.",她穿着灰洋布的衣服,裙子拖在一尘不染的地板上,胸前围着一条硕大无朋的、浆得发硬的套头白围裙。 +"Late last month, an employee at a day-care center for the children of migrant workers in Shanghai wounded eight children with a knife, though none of them fatally.",上月晚些时候,上海一个专门照顾农民工子女的幼儿园发生了员工持刀刺伤八名儿童的事件,不过所有伤势都不致命。 +"In the course of the collaboration the JRT specifies, this implies the derivation of quality of service requirements on each operation in the collaboration.",在 JRT 指定的协作过程中,这意味着引出对协作中每个操作的服务质量的需求。 +What do you do when you’re not working on Docs?,当你不在文档小组工作时一般会干啥? +The products of ruminant feed and cattle or sheep-derived feed from the enterprises and farms of 7 districts in Shaanxi province were detected by real-time PCR.,实时PCR对陕西省7个地市生产、经营和使用的反刍动物饲料产品和动物源性饲料产品(原料)进行了牛羊源成分检测调查。 +"Now, with a jazzman - cool, articulate, unapologetically brilliant black man on the throne won't going to school and reading and writing and speaking proper suddenly look a lot cooler?",现在看看,这个酷劲十足、口若悬河、绝顶聪明的王者难道不比那些爵士乐手更帅? +"As the North Avenue landmark building, Kay Love Building raised the grade of the surrounding property, and let a Yingbin Avenue Beicheng Popularity surge in real estate development activity.",作为北道里程碑建设,凯爱大厦提出等级周围财产,并让一名迎宾大道北人气激增,房地产开发活动。 +"The prosecutor-general said Mr Mubarak's statement, broadcast on al-Arabiya TV, would not affect the inquiry.",检察长表示,阿拉伯人电视台上穆巴拉克的演讲和声明都不会影响这次调查。 +We have to keep this order at any cost.,我们将不惜任何代价来保住这份订单。 +The car made up of plastic and carbon fiber body parts.,车身是由塑料和碳素纤维制成。 +Gathers trimmed on chest and half opened placket.,胸前和筒位有束碎褶作装饰。 +Autofluorescence of tissues can be used for spectral diagnosis of tumors.,组织的自体荧光可用于肿瘤的光谱诊断。 +"With a public cloud, data may be stored in unknown locations and may not be easily retrievable.",使用公共云,数据可能会存储在未知位置,不容易检索。 +"Sales of PuBlic Welfare Tickets, first prize: a flat of two rooms and one hall for delivery at the end of the lottery.",社会福利奖券销售,头等奖二室一厅房屋一套,即开即付。 +"This is a challenge, since you could use the service layer to implement vastly different use cases, causing the service-layer caller to operate in dissimilar contexts.",这是一个挑战,因为您可能使用服务层来实现差别非常大的用例,从而导致服务层调用者在不一样的上下文中操作。 +I guess you cannot learn if your cup is already full.,如果你的杯子已经满了我猜你将学不到东西。 +"Sprinkle with powdered sugar, if desired.",如果需要,还可以撒上糖粉。 +Tom ditched school today.,汤姆今天逃学了。 +This is pre-approved bonds to fund a new type of the main characteristics in sharp contrast.,这是预先核准的债券基金的形成鲜明对比的主要特点的新类型。 +"However, the map does not represent the final word on the global distribution of PM2.5, the researchers who made it emphasize.",然而,制作这张地图的研究人员强调,我们并不能从此地图得出关于全球各地区PM2.5的排放量水平的结论。 +"It has become a kind of pure male dance, with a hitching post and horse bells as stage props.",跳马夫“从求神祭祀而转化为男子舞蹈的形式,”马扦“与”马铃“也就成为该舞的道具。 +"The hardware structure and the software design are introduced in this paper, and the performance index and the features of the system are expounded.",基于单片机的除尘控制器的设计:介绍通用控制仪的硬件组成和软件设计,阐述了系统的性能指标和功能特点。 +"Disease percentage, disease index of sheath blight and yield loss were studied in water bamboo.",比较茭白不同品种类型间纹枯病的发病率、危害程度及病害所致的产量损失。 +"The new-time university student appraisal's principles have the scientific principle, the multiplex principle and the drive principle.",大学生评价原则有科学化原则、多元化原则、激励化原则; +"you start off with 12 available, in this build.",在这个试玩版中你在开始时有12个空格。 +Objective By comparing the pessary and the microscopic smear for predicting the accuracy of pregnancy to improve rat model manufacture method.,目的比较观察阴栓和显微镜涂片检测大鼠受孕的准确性,改进大鼠模型制作方法。 +"Already, large companies offer CD-ROMsthat display catalogs complete with sound and video clips.",大的公司已经提供展示配有声音和视频图像夹的CD-ROM。 +"Both pumps are in sanitary execution, fully made in stainless steel AISI 316L, and designed to guarantee water circulation even in the stand-by pump.",两台泵均执行卫生标准,全部由不锈钢AISI 316L制造,被设计用来保证备用泵内水循环平稳。 +"First, data is stored in UTF-8 form everywhere, which results in only a very few software changes (passive).",第一种方法,数据都以 UTF-8 形式存放在各处,这样软件改动很少(被动的)。 +He was driving through the area when he saw officials and enforcers attacking residents trying to stop them dumping rubbish and began filming on his mobile phone.,当时他正驱车经过这一地区,并下车使用手机拍摄居民试图阻止官员和打手倾倒垃圾的场面。 +The public key must be stored on the target machine to complete the public-private key combination.,为了完成公共-私有密钥组合,必须把公共密钥存储在目标机器上。 +"Monastic meals are often meager, but they give the monks an opportunity to chat about work at hand or to discuss, in hushed tones, news of the outside world.",修道院的伙食一般是很清淡的,但用餐时他们可以聊聊手头的工作,轻声谈谈外面的新闻。 +"If you’ve ever tried to, or wanted to create an income doing something you’re passionate about, maybe you’ve been afraid of facing these things too.",这些是三个人们容易掉入的陷阱,而且使它们永远不能过自己爱过的生活。 如果你曾经试着,或者想要���点儿钱来做自己很想做的事情,也许你也已经害怕面对这些事情。 +"The London interbank offered rate, which is supposed to reflect the short-term rates at which banks lend to one another, rose for overnight dollar loans to 2.37% from 2% Friday. The U. S.",伦敦银行美元隔夜同业拆息(Libor)从上周五的2%上升到2.37%,显示银行在当前处境下互相不愿发生资金往来。 +Different polyamides were synthesized by mixing dibasic acids and diamines.,不同聚酰胺由混合二元酸和二元胺而合成。 +"The different synthetic approaches to tetrachlorothiophene have been summarized, analyzed and discussed in this article. Its developmental orientation has also been prospected.",就四氯噻吩的合成方法作了概述,并进行分析、比较,对其发展前景亦作了介绍。 +The analysis of capillary gas chromatography showed that the Camellia chekiang-oleosa Hu seed oil belonged to oleic acid-type oil and its unsaturated fatty acids content was 84.83%.,脂肪酸组成测定表明,红花油茶籽油属油酸型油脂,油中不饱和脂肪酸含量高达84.83%。 +The [d] option indicates that one of the fields must be sorted in descending order.,选项指明其中一个字段必须按降序排列。 +"Lincoln runs towards him, but it's too late;",林肯向他冲过去,但已经太迟了; +"Oh, hush! You know how I hate people who bawl all the time.",哦,你不要闹啊!我就最恨动不动就哭的人。 +"However, on the basis of Mohism and development is concerned, What's Mohist build the kind of world?",但就墨学研究的基础性与发展性而言,吾人应追问墨学的十论所要建构的是何种世界? +"Harley Davidson in the coast of Dumfries, Virginia, is a "" game "" of poker under the auspices of Run May 16 … two patches of wild heart and soul, drawing on 50/50, and local bands section.",东海岸哈雷经销商在邓弗里斯,弗吉尼亚州的是赞助5月16日运行扑克…两个补丁野性之心和灵魂,50/50抽奖,门本地乐队。 +"继续编织直到身片长度为 4.75[5, 5.25, 5.5, 5.75, 6, 6.5] 英寸, 反面行结束.","Continue in pattern until work measures 4.75[5, 5.25, 5.5, 5.75, 6, 6.5] inches, ending with a WS row." +Two typical master-slave type D flip-flop of strong hardness to Single Event Upset(SEU) for radiation environment are introduced.,介绍了两种已有的主从型边沿D触发器,它们具有很强的抗单粒子翻转能力。 +"We love them, we want what's best for them, and they often have enough rationality to disagree with us and even to defeat our hopes for what we considered best for them.","我们爱他们,我们想让他们得到最好的,他们通常有足够的理智来和我们抗衡,甚至毁灭我们的希望的,我们觉得的对他们最好的东西。" +"This is 2.5 meters deep reservoirs, not swim to the children fall into a very dangerous, no one in the summer at his home near idle fish ponds, he natural nobody distress.",这是2.5米深的水塘,不会游泳的孩子掉进去只有喝水下沉的份儿,炽阳高照的夏日正午怎么会有人在张家鱼塘附近闲散,小张珀琥自然求救无人。 +The landscape reflects its high altitude environment with context-sensitive and sustainable strategies that re-establish indigenous plant communities and enhanced wildlife habitats.,设计针对基地所在的高海拔环境,以环境敏感与可持续策略重塑本土植被群落,改善了野生动植物的栖息环境。 +The half-wavelength loss is a key concept difficult to be understood.,半波损失是大学物理中的重点和难点问题。 +"I still wanted to visit the outskirts at night, so I brought those coworkers with me to the city outskirts.",我坚持要再夜访一个村庄,仍然只带随行的几个工作人员来到郊外。 +"In average, the total annual income of my spouse and mine each is lower than the amount given by the government to the home-care veterans.",本人与配偶年度总收入,平均每人未超过当年就养给付额度,且子女成年具谋生能力。 +"As you know, we have lost our outstanding designer, Mr. Steven and it is not easy to find another designer to fill the job. We may encounter a difficult situation. I'd like to listen to you.",如各位所知,我们失去了一位杰出的设计师,史蒂文先生,要想找人顶替他的位置并非易事,这将给我们带来挑战。 +"Those efforts suffered a severe blow in 1998-2002, when the region suffered financial turmoil and economic stagnation.",1998年至2002年期间,当该 地区遭受了金融 动荡和经济停滞时,这些努力严重受挫。 +"See table gathered fans, after taking the excited Yang Yang.",见到台下聚集的大量歌迷,上台后的杨洋激动不已。 +"Until recently, anthropologists believed that evolutionary pressure on humans eased after the transition to a more stable agrarian lifestyle.",人类学家一直认为在我们进入到相对稳定的农耕社会后,人类的进化压力减小了。 +"After the original image is maked to quadtree fractal coding, we embed watermarking into it by range blocks searching its most-matched domain blocks in different search regions.",对原始图像进行四叉树分形编码后,通过给定子块在不同的寻找区域中搜索其最佳匹配父块来嵌入水印。 +The key to the cheap phones was the combination of MediaTek's chipsets and the vast component bazaars of Shenzhen.,这些廉价手机的诀窍在于将联发公司的芯片组和深圳大量的电子元器市场相结合。 +The research of the rheidity of material indicates that low temperature thermal treatment of slurred coal can alter the rheidity of slurry.,对料浆流变性的研究表明,成浆煤的低温热处理可以改变煤浆的流变性。 +"The man should have lingered a little, accepted some bananas or a cup of tea, handed out a cigarette or two.",人群逗留了一会儿,他们吃了几个香蕉,喝了一杯茶,抽了一两根烟。 +"The WS-RM 1.0 implementation does not support the makeConnection specification, but uses a different mechanism whereby the application messages are resent in order to create connections.",WS-RM 1.0 实现不支持 makeConnection 规范,但它使用了另一个机制重新发送应用程序消息以便创建连接。 +"He was a mild, good-natured, sweet-tempered, easy-going, foolish , dear fellow.",他脾气柔顺,心地善良,性情温婉,待人随合,兼带几分傻气,真是个可爱的人。 +"Multiple static routing files (for example, xxx.xml) can be placed in the secure proxy server’s /staticRoutes directory.",可以将多个静态路由文件(比如 xxx.xml)放到安全代理服务器的 /staticRoutes 目录中。 +Adjust parking brake cable tensioner.,调节手煞车钢索拉伸器。 +US-Japan-ROK military alliance is not a new thing arise.,美日韩军事同盟并非新产生的事物。 +You think a pine nut the madam and Zuo Zhi is killed of does the matter have a connection?,难道你认为松子夫人和佐智被杀的事有关联吗? +I do agree with Dr. Krugman that it is unfortunate and a tragedy that this debate has to be fought once again.,我确实同意克鲁格曼博士的观点,就是说重新开始这场论战将是非常不幸并且是一幕悲剧。 +"However, TV news analysis is also marked by its ambiguity and superficiality, which is to some extent an obstacle to its efficiency.",但同时,电视画面的多义性、歧义性和浅表性也成为电视新闻评论效度实现的某种障碍。 +"The laundress looked on in astonishment, but as she had been promised twenty Louis, she made no remark.",那洗衣女露出惊奇的神色,但因为说好她可以拿到二十个路易,所以并不说话。 +Methods Orthogonal design was adopted. Extraction content of RZ volatile oil was used as the index for the optimizing of extraction process.,方法采用正交试验设计,以莪术油提取量为指标优选提取工艺; +"Even at party-hearty Dartmouth College in New Hampshire, the students in an entire dormitory have pledged to stay sober during their four years of school.",就算是在美国新罕布什尔州达德摩士学院这样一个热衷于开派对的学校, 也有整个寝室的学生都起誓要在四 年的大学生活里远离酒精,保持清醒。 +You'll have to attach them to your expense account when you get back.,回来后,你必须把他们贴在报销单上。 +"The flight from Sana'a International Airport lost contact with controllers shortly before it was to land in Moroni, officials said.",有关官员说,从萨那国际机场起飞的这架飞机是在将要在莫罗尼降落不久前与机场指挥塔台失去联系的。 +The first group of women began their military flight training in November of nineteen forty-two.,第一组的妇女开始了他们的军队在11月一九四二年飞行训练。 +"Retiring a storm name helps prevent confusion between a new storm with a historic, well-known one.",风暴名的淘汰有助于防止一个新风暴同历史上著名风暴相混淆。 +The scanner is integrated into the main window to reduce starting time.,扫描器已经整合进了主窗口以减少启动时间。 +"Who wouldn’t want to join a mission called “Project Squirrel” – inviting you to contribute squirrel observations, or “The Lost Ladybug Project” – to understand ladybug species distribution.",谁不想加入名为“松鼠计划”(为松鼠观测募捐)或者“寻找丢失的瓢虫”(了解瓢虫种群的分布)的行动呢? +"If you go to the equipment district, please dress sports wear and sports shoe, bring drinking water and towel for yourself, barebacked exercise is strictly prohibited.",请穿着运动服、运动鞋进入器械区,请自带饮用水及毛巾,严禁赤膊锻炼。 +"The problem was that Patricia moved to Paris, and stopped communicating with me.",问题是柏特丽莎去了巴黎后没和我联系了。 +Monkshood is found throughout the temperate zone of the Northern Hemisphere. Western monkshood is found at higher altitudes in the northern Rocky Mountain and Pacific Coast states.,附子花在北半球各种气候的地方都可以找到,西附子花则生长在洛基山脉北部海拔较高的地方以及太平洋海岸附近区域。 +"He had a total tear of the left Achilles tendon and that was repaired, Orava added, saying it was unclear where Beckham would go next for the start of his rehabilitation.",奥拉瓦说:“他的左脚跟腱完全撕裂,经过手术已经修复。” 他称,目前还不清楚贝克汉姆将前往何处开始下一步的康复治疗。 +We sometimes imagine a desert island to be a sort of paradise where the sun alwasys shine. Life ther is simple and good. Ripe fruit falls from the trees and you never have to work.,有时候我们会把航道想象成一处乐土,认为在那里太阳永不西沉,生活简单美好,果树结果自落,工作永抛脑后。 +"And this Saturday, a delegation from the International Atomic Energy Agency will arrive to oversee the shutdown of the five-megawatt reactor at Yongbyon.",而且本周六(7月14日),国际原子能机构的代表团将抵达朝鲜监督宁边五兆瓦反应堆的关闭。 +Conclusion Salvianolic acid B may be a promising chemopreventive agent for oral cancer.,结论丹酚酸B有望成为一种理想的口腔癌化学预防药物。 +"Waited tomorrow not the matter done today, the matter done by oneself waited others not.",今天所做之事勿候明天,自己所做之事勿候他人。 +I recommend thellos book to everyone of my friends and clients.,我把这本书保举给我的每名伴侣和客户。 +Local convergence and local superlinear convergence rate are proved.,证明了方法的局部收敛性和局部超线性收敛性。 +"Even more unusually, the agency admitted that many of its top scientists disagreed, some passionately.",更不平常的是,该部门承认它的很多的顶尖的科学家群情激昂的反对这样做。 +"Pressed and welded steel banjo housing, single reduction, hypoid gear, ratio 6.33:1",冲压, 焊接钢班卓琴住房,单减少,双曲面齿轮,比6.33:1。 +The city's principal place of interest is Luhuitou Parka grassy hill topped by a sculpture of a deer turning its head.,这个城市主要景点是鹿回头公园,在那座长满了青草的小山上雕刻者一尊正在回头的小鹿。 +"So ""The Legislative Law"" signifies the new development of China's legislative rules.",《立法法》是我国立法制度的新发展。 +The ideal solution is often for your plug-in to defer its initialization until the user requests a specific action of your product.,理想的解决方法通常是,让您的插件延迟它的初始化,直到用户请求您的产品的某个特定的动作时再初始化。 +"Ovalbumin is the major protein, makes up 54% of the total egg proteins, and is a source of bioactivity peptides.",卵白蛋白是蛋清中的主要蛋白质,占蛋清蛋白质的54%,是获得生物活性肽的很好资源。 +"The company specialized in the production of various chemical reagents , electronic chemicals and other fine chemicals, a total of 80 kinds of products, more than 100 specifications.",本公司专业生产各种化工试剂,电子化工品及其它精细化学品,共80余种,100余个规格。 +Paving should be from the surface to the rear end of the wall sequence is appropriate.,摊铺宜由面墙向加筋网面尾部顺序为宜。 +"HOT WATER HEATER: Similar to refrigerators, consider replacing your water heater if more than 10 years old.",热水加热器(指带有蓄水功能的热水器) :和对待冰箱的做法一样,换掉使用超过10年的热水器。 +For the international image of China and establish a cultural superpower image to.,为树立我国的国际形象和文化大国形象做出一份应有的贡献。 +"And he insisted that teaching is made more difficult by programmes such as The X Factor, which is judged by Cheryl Cole – herself the winner of a TV talent show and a former footballer’s wife.",他认为由于《英国偶像》等节目的出现,教育学生变得更加困难。《英国偶像》的评委谢丽尔•科尔本身就是电视达人秀节目的获奖者,还曾嫁给足球明星。 +Making “international” a part of education signals a profound shift in what all of us can take away from higher education.,在教育经历中融入“国际”成分意味着高等教育的收获将绝非同一般。 +"LabourStart - A great international labor news site, updated daily.",LabourStart -伟大的国际劳工新闻网站,每日更新。 +"Auction-Paddle Skills Anyone who's anyone in China these days is buying wine, art and jewelry at auction.",拍卖举牌技巧: 如今中国的有钱人都在拍卖会上购买红酒、艺术品和珠宝。 +"The author also found that, in a screen display search scene and fixed-head condition, most saccade sizes are seldom larger that 8 degrees.",在显示屏作平面图形搜索场景,头部固定的试验条件��,绝大多数扫视幅度不大于8度。 +"Blue State Digital has opened a London office to expand operations, and VAN has been fielding many calls from overseas.",蓝州数码公司(Blue State Digital)已开设了伦敦办事处来扩大其业务;选民动员网络公司对许多国外打来的电话应接不暇。 +Because the process of negligence did not find operator dream small words (Tang Yixin) will be a music copyright cut film.,因流程疏忽而没有人发现操机员梦小言(唐艺昕饰)将一只没有版权的音乐剪进电影。 +"Transportation is very convenient in Dalian. It is a water, land and sea transportation hub, with several domestic airline routes and unfixed international tourism routes.",大连交通运输十分发达,是东北水陆交通的枢纽,拥有多条国内客运航空线及国际不定期旅游航线。 +"The sensitivity and specificity of SRI with DSE for detecting ischemic myocardium were (90.0)% and (91.7)%, respectively.",应变率检测缺血节段的敏感性和特异性分别为90.0%和91.7%。 +She took Prince Quentyn by the hand and led him to the pit where two of her dragons were confined.,她抓起昆汀王子的手,领他去囚禁着她两条龙的兽坑。 +The rafts are secured in remote idylls on lakes in the Netherlands and Belgium.,在荷兰比利时偏僻的田园诗般的湖上,木筏是足够安全的。 +"“All the money the city thought it saved, it lost, ” Mr. Burney told me, “because projects were often left unfinished or in disrepair.",“所有城市所认为省下来的钱,实际上损失掉了。” 伯尼对我说,因为项目经常虎头蛇尾或者总是失修。 +"Know design institutes, knowledge of chemical engineering instrument supplier is preferred.",了解设计单位、化工设备仪表等供货商更佳。 +"Modha says. ""We can now gain unprecedented insight into how information travels and is processed across the brain.""",我们现在可以前所未有的深入了解信息在大脑里面是如何传递和处理的。 +Continuous integration tools have become popular in the last few years.,持续集成工具最近几年流行起来了。 +Use sand cloth or steel wire Brush to clean Both tube and cut to Bright metal.,使用纱布或钢丝刷清除管道和切割部位,使其金属表面发光发亮。 +Why? It is because it is state function.,为什么,因为能量是一个状态函数。 +"We are committed to being market leaders and strengthening our go-to-market system all over the world, and at PepsiDo results are recognized and rewarded.",咱们致力成为市场带领者并把咱们的系统推向世界各地。 百事认可并夸奖绩效。 +"Ancelotti will have a chance to pit his wits against Mourinho when Chelsea face Inter in the last 16 of the UEFA Champions League, although he admits it will be a difficult test.",安帅有机会和穆帅斗智,当蓝军在下月16日欧冠面对国米的时候,他承认这将是非常困难的考验。 +"For controls that are connected to single fields (like the TDBEdit), you also need to specify the FieldName.",对于连接单个字段(如 TDBEdit)的控件,您还需要指定 FieldName。 +"When you hold the hand of your friend, do it very alertly .",当你握住朋友的手时,很警觉的做它。 +"With the establishment of CTCS technique criterion, traditional idea and method of automatic block system design are impacted.",CTCS技术规范的制定,对自动闭塞设计的传统理念和方法产生了冲击。 +Japonica rice varieties from cold zone were used in this experiment to study the effect of granular fertilizer on the milled and physical quality properties.,本试验利用113个寒地粳稻品种,研究了粒肥对寒地粳稻碾磨和外观品质特性的影响。 +Such outflows are signatures of the processes surrounding a star that is still gobbling up material as part of its formation.,这种溢流是恒星运动的标志,它表明恒星正在吞噬诸如其外层组织的一些物质。 +Because Naipaul tells them to his authorized biographer.,是奈保尔告诉他的传记作者French的。 +We can learn from the above analysis that Swing-Jazz harmony is a further development based on the European traditional harmony.,通过上述分析中可以看出:摇摆乐和声是在继承欧洲传统和声基础上的进一步发展。 +A novel cost function and a corresponding iterative algorithm for the non-orthogonal joint diagonalization of a set of eigen-matrices are proposed.,针对卷积混合盲源分离问题,提出一种基于接收信号不同延时下自相关矩阵组的联合块内对角化方法。 +"I would miss our pinochle games and political arguments, and just knowing he was around.",我将怀念和他一起玩皮纳克尔纸牌游戏的情景,怀念与他之间的政治争论。 我知道他就在我身边。 +"Amid the caviar and oyster bars, cigar smoke and thousand-dollar hats, attendees come to see and be seen, to posture and preen.",雪茄的烟雾和价值上千美元的帽子,穿梭在摆满鱼子酱���牡蛎的吧台,这些前来的与会者既是为了参观,又是为了让别人注意到自己,他们精心修饰,卖弄姿态。 +The male Wistar rats cohabited with the female ones to test the quantity and the survival rate of their offspring.,随机取健康雄性大鼠分别与各组雌性大鼠合笼,比较生育仔鼠数量和存活率。 +Both work wirelessly over a Wi-Fi home network so you don't need to put holes into your walls to run computer and speaker wires.,二者都可以通过Wi-Fi家庭网络无线连接,这样你就不用为了电脑和音箱布线而在墙上打洞。 +Thank you for all you have done for me. May happiness follow you everywhere …just like we do.,谢谢你为我所做的一切,愿你快乐永相随…就像我们(俩)一样。 +"In this case, the ownership of the buffer has been effectively transferred, and the calling code must assume the buffer to have been deleted when the transferee method returns.",在这个例子中,缓冲区的所有权已经被有效地转移,因而进行调用的代码必须假设在被调用方法返回时缓冲区已经被删除。 +"The explanation would fit this gentle sculpture of a century later, emphasising the human mother love of the woman Mary.",这个解释符合一个世纪后的这个温柔雕像,强调女人玛利亚的母性之爱(图片转自克吕尼博物馆商店,那里你可以买到复制品)。 +"Founded by Corson Ellis Jr. in 1960, KEP started as a distributor of electromechanical counting devices, and quickly grew into a full line manufacturer/distributor of counting products.",创办孑埃利斯柯林顿在1960年,开始kep作为分销机电计数装置,并迅速成长为全系列制造商/分销产品计数。 +Propping transverse loading pushing approach was applied in the deviation rectification course.,在纠倾过程中采用了顶升纠倾横向加载推进法。 +"Do they have a strict schedule, at least as far as waking up and reporting to the school area of your home?",他们有没有一个严格的作息时间表,至少是起床时间和他从家到达学校的时间? +"The sampled lots are usually not held, and are released to consumers before the test results are known.",检验结果出来前通常不扣留抽检的批次,并上市售给消费者。 +"In this work the ground motions recorded in the hardest-hit Regions of Wenchuan, Lushan and Ludian Earthquakes are collected.",摘 要 :本文收集了汶川、芦山、鲁甸地震极震区的强震地面运动记录,并简要介绍了鲁甸地震的震害情况。 +"Obama dodged the question, making a broader point about the complexity of the task that the government is facing and about the need to recognize that there’s not one easy solution to our problems.",奥巴马回避了这个问题,只是对政府现面临问题的复杂性做了更为宽泛的阐述,并强调大家应认识到要解决目前的困难并无一个简单易行的办法。 +Cinderella does all of the work.,所有的事都得要灰姑娘做。 +"The structure of HPPS can be changed via the reaction of-SH at the core terminal with other reactive group, further reaching to the improvement in the property of HPPS.",同时,由于合成过程中空间位阻效应,HPPS具有未反应的端巯基,因此可以通过巯基的反应改变HPPS核端基团的结构,从而改变HPPS的性能。 +What is the exposure? Barclays Capital estimated in February that U.S. banks have $176 billion in exposure to troubled euro-zone countries.,"巴克莱资本(Barclays Capital)今年2月估计美国的银行对陷入困境的欧元区国家的风险敞口为1,760亿美元,但这些风险主要集中于10家最大的银行。" +"Instead of two hemispheres filling the cranial cavity, some 4.5 centimetres deep, the student had less than 1 millimetre of cerebral tissue covering the top of his spinal column.",通常两个脑半球填充颅腔,4.5厘米厚,但是这位同学只有不到1毫米厚的脑组织覆盖在脊柱的顶端。 +Aim:To study the synthesis of ceftizoxime alapivoxil analogues and to search for new-type prodrug of ceftizoxime.,前言: 目的:研究头孢唑肟丙匹酯类似物的合成,寻找新的头孢唑肟前药。 +"The result was a surprise: When PrP was present only in axons, the fibers that conduct electrical impulses, it prevented disease.",结果在大家意料之外:当PrP只在轴突中存在时,管理电脉冲的纤维素会阻止疾病的发生。 +"MingYu body, on the other hand, because the urge pregnant medications and make the body becomes poor, and recently with zhuo or at odds, eventually make MingYu fainted in the TV show.",另一方面,明瑜的身体因为服用催促怀孕的药物而令身体变差,加上近日与卓或的争执不断,终令明瑜在电视节目中晕倒。 。 +"At the base, the rebels also freed more than 300 prisoners from a regime lockup, most of them arrested during the heavy crackdown on the uprising in towns west of Tripoli.",在这个基地,反对派战士们还从禁闭室放���了超过300名囚徒,大部分是在卡扎菲政权镇压西部城镇的抗议时抓获的。 +Emily Starr never knew what it was to be lonely -- until her beloved father died.,艾米莉斯塔尔从不知道什么叫孤独直到她亲爱的父亲去世。 +"And a holiday in Germany, Ruth by problem discovered 11.5-inch height, measurements 39-18-33 German doll ""Lily.""",而一次在德国度假时,露丝无意间发现了身高11.5寸,三围39-18-33的德国娃娃“莉莉”。 +Margie pushed her grandma to the window so that she could see all the cars.,玛姬把奶奶推到窗前,这样她就能看到那些车了。 +"The order of Chinese zodiac twelve animals is : Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Ram, Monkey, Cock, Dog and Pig.",中国十二生肖的顺序是:鼠牛虎兔龙蛇马羊猴鸡狗猪。中国十二生肖的顺序是:鼠牛虎兔龙蛇马羊猴鸡狗猪。 +At your request! we will offer you the following items. This offer will remain open within 3 days.,应你方哀求,我方就如下产品报价,此报价3日内有用。 +"Against this background, it is significant to study the VRM with high efficiency, because it can save energy and reduce the thermal stress.",在这一背景之下,研究高效率的电压调节模块,对于节约能源、减小热应力、提高系统的可靠性,实现绿色电力电子具有重大意义。 +"The ultimate source of affordable loose diamonds, diamond rings and engagement ring settings and mountings from ny diamond district.",最终的来源,负担得起的松散的钻石,钻石戒指和订婚戒指的设置和装置从纽约钻石区。 +"Debian was first announced on 16 August 1993, by Ian Murdock, who was then a student at Purdue University.",Debian的第一次宣布对1993年8月16日,由伊恩默多克,谁当时就读于美国普渡大学。 +"But this never fails, if the bad husbands were of their own choosing, against their friends' consent; for then they will be sure to make good their own folly.",但是这一点是永远不错的,就是这些不良的丈夫必须是做妻子的不顾亲友之可否而自己选择的,因为如此她们就一定非补救自己底失策不可也。 +"Though Castresana was careful not to blow CICIG’s undercover operation, he interceded repeatedly to foil the gang’s plans.",虽然卡斯特雷萨纳小心翼翼不让CICIG的秘密行动暴露,他还是不断插手以挫败该黑帮的计划。 +Chitosan-iRNA nanoparticles were prepared by complex coacervation method.,制备壳聚糖-免疫核糖核酸纳米粒采用复凝聚方法。 +"Merck will handle that FDA meeting, but Glaxo will take over marketing of the drug should the FDA grant approval, the Merck spokesman said.",默克公司讲话人暗示,该公司将会妥帖措置FDA此次会议,但不管是否获得FDA核准,葛兰素史克都将接管该药物的市场开发权。 +"It must be pointed that maneuver of percutaneous vertebral puncture and use of bone cement is key to guarantee the safety and effectiveness of PVP, although its technique seems simple.",但是,必须指出:只有熟练掌握PVP的穿刺定位技术,熟悉骨水泥的性状和使用方法才能保证这一技术安全和有效地开展。 +Jianxin Hardware Factory specializes in producing top-grade decoration hardware products.,坚信五金厂是一家专业生产高档装饰五金产品的工厂。 +The resistances of grids and connecting parts are the main components of the internal resistance.,板栅和极柱连接件的电阻是电池欧姆内阻的主要成分。 +Certain engines with overhead camshafts have timing belts that have a limited life span.,顶制凸轮轴结构的汽车发动机都配备了正时皮带,并且这个皮带的生命周期是有限的。 +The Paris Club also urged countries that do not belong to the group to cancel debt owed to them by Haiti.,巴黎俱乐部还呼吁不属于该组织的国家免除海地所欠债务。 +"A city of east-central Germany north of Leipzig. It was the site of the Bauhaus school headed by Walter Gropius from 925 to 932. Population, 03,738.",德国中东部位于莱比锡北部的一座城市。在925年到932年它是华特·葛罗培斯主持的包豪斯建筑学院的所在地。人口03,738。 +"This kind of impulsive choice can be studied in animals, and now researchers working with rats may have found a brain region that plays a key role in spur-of-the-moment decisions.",研究者们以大鼠为实验对象,研究发现,在大鼠的大脑上有一块区域在冲动的选择上起着重要的作用。 +"But most of these require manual entry of port numbers and server addresses, which can be confusing.",但很多这样的客户端都需要手动输入端口号和服务器地址,这很让人费解。 +"In most broadcast newsrooms, reporters do not record their scripts or assemble their stories until a producer has approved the content.",在大多数广播电视新闻编辑室,在报道内容得到制作人批准之前,记者不会进行录制或合成。 +"This kind of structure is an example of a bad ""code smell"" in that it relies upon duplication.",这种结构是坏“代码味道”的一个例子,原因在于它依赖于复制。 +"The Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty (NPT) of 1968 demands non-nuclear powers like North Korea not acquire nuclear weapons, while the atomic powers must relinquish their arsenals.",1968年的《不扩散核武器条约》要求朝鲜这样的非核国家不寻求获得核武器,而核国家则必须放弃核武器。 +He brought me some from Burger King!,他从汉堡王给我带了一些! +Half-band Tanglin garden gate.,城门半带东陵圃。 +"Jack is overcome with emotion, knowing that he may never see his wife again.",杰克知道,他也许再也不会见到他老婆了,情绪波动使得他有些不能自持。 +She sent me a birthday card with a heart on it .,她送一张有心形图案的生日卡给我。 +Ms. Seldon immediately changed her password and became more careful of what she wrote.,谢顿女士立即更改了密码并对她写下的东西更为谨慎。 +"For a start, both are far smaller: LinkedIn has 38m members and Xing only 6m, mainly in Europe.",首先,两者的规模小的多:LinkIn只有38m用户,而Xing只有6m用户,只要是在欧洲。 +Conclusion:Campsis has the prospect of being used as a cerebral vascular medicine.,结论:凌霄花有作为脑血管用药的前景。 +There is no denying the fact that initial velocity and chamber pressure are important parameters to interior ballistics which greatly effect weapon performance.,枪膛压力和弹丸初速度是衡量武器性能的重要指标,同时也是内弹道学所要研究的重要技术指标参数。 +The pollution control level of the Weihe River watershed directly affects the social economy of Guanzhong region.,渭河流域污染治理水平直接影响着关中地区社会经济发展的兴衰。 +"AllThingsD, a website affiliated with The Wall Street Journal, says Apple Inc. is holding an event in San Francisco the first week of March — the same week Apple announced the iPad 2 last year.",《华尔街日报》旗下的技术新闻网站“万物数字化”表示,苹果公司已选择在3月第一个星期在旧金山举行产品发布活动,去年iPad 2就是在这个时间发布的。 +"It was worn on clothing and also pinned on the Spanish flag (notably by politicians during the campaign for the 2004 legislative election, taking place at the same time).",西班牙公众在衣服上佩戴黑丝带,表示对受难者的哀悼,另外还有人将其钉在西班牙国旗上(主要发生在同期的2004总统大选中,政客们在竞选活动中使用了此方法)。 +"George was suddenly struck by the realization that as a stranger, he would never experience the warmth and colours of his mind.",乔治突然意识到,作为一个陌生人,他永远也不可能体验到他想象中的融融暖意和缤纷色彩。 +"The Reds went ahead after 11 minutes when Will Keane's shot from close range was blocked and the ball ran to trialist Souleymane Mamam who scored, via a deflection, from an angle.",曼联第11分钟就取得领先。基恩的近距离射门被挡,试训球员苏莱曼尼。妈妈补射得分。 +"Now , everything has gone with the wind , and I'm staying in the summer that is disheveled by the wind , allowed my mind to wander.",如今,一切都已随风而去,而我正站在被风吹乱的夏天里,任由思绪迷失方向。 +"Its innovative product design, refinement of the production, to hang around in modern and classical, East and West runs through the style, won the same number of customer satisfaction and trust.",其产品新颖的设计,求精的制作,流连于现代与古典、贯穿于东方和西方的风格之间,一致赢得了众多客户的满意和信赖。 +"For my sons there is of cause the rural bounty of fresh-grown vegetables, line-caught fish and the shared riches of neighbor's orchards and gardens.",对于我的孩子们,富饶的农村有着新鲜的蔬菜,网获的鱼和一起分享邻居们果园和菜园的富有。 +"This was almost like tasting it, "" said Peter Schultz, professor of geological sciences at Brown University and a co-investigator on the LCROSS mission.",这几乎就像是在品尝它。」 月球陨石坑观察与感测卫星任务研究员彼得舒茨说。 +"When magnetic flux leakage(MFL)means is employed in nondestructive evaluation of gun muzzle, MFL signal contains noises.",采用漏磁法对炮管进行无损检测时,漏磁信号中含有噪声。 +Fenugreek has been used by mothers for centuries to stimulate the production of breast milk during pregnancy and following childbirth.,葫芦巴一直以来被孕妇和刚生产的妈妈们用来催奶。 +Many of the anti-Wall Street protesters push the idea of blanket debt forgiveness as a solution.,许多华尔街抗议者建议“全面免除大学贷款偿还义务”,期望借此解决学债问题。 +"Senior administration officials recalled that President Obama had repeatedly made clear that the U.S. would act on ""actionable intelligence"" on bin Laden's whereabouts.",美国政府高级官员回顾奥巴马总统曾多次清楚地表明,说美国将对本.拉登的下落进行“可操作的情报”收集。 +"The New Plug-in Project wizard and the Plug-in editor are Eclipse concepts, so for more details on this topic please see the Resources section.",这个 New Plug-in Project 向导和 Plug-in 编辑器是 Eclipse 概念,因此可获得更多关于这个话题的详细情况,请参见参考资料板块。 +Substandard goods in the storehouse are to be sold at a low price.,仓库里有些处理品要拿出来贱价销售。 +"However, if you do so, you may be subject to heavy fines and be held personally responsible for the repayment of the money.",但如果你这样做了,你可能会受到高额罚款并自掏腰包重新补缴这笔资金。 +And then of course I have to milk the goats to feed the goats in order to make the cheese.,当然我也必须挤好羊奶以及饲养山羊,这样我才能做出奶酪。 +"The series JP2 three phase induction motor is perfectly designed. It is featuring in small volume, light weight, nice looking. firm construction and reliable operation.",JP2系列三相异步磨光电动机设计完善,具有体积小、重量轻、造型美观,结构坚固、性能可靠等显著优点。 +So I set off in the mist and crimped my way up it onsight by the skin of my teeth.,上! 我在弥散的薄雾中开始了攀爬,咬紧牙关一路crimp直至onsight。 +"Insulation system: adopting germany-made insulation material, radiation reduction temperature, heating time brief loss of diffusion warming faster.",保温系统:采用德国进口保温材料辐射材料加工而成,减低温度扩散损耗,简短加热时间升温快。 +"In this paper, the complete non- isomorphic case set theory is analyzed and the principle and process of how to solve the dynamic distribution of case weight is discussed.",分析了完全异构案例集合构建原理,重点论述了案例权重动态分配的解决原理及过程。 +The judges ruled that the F. C. C. had no legal basis for an effort to keep Comcast from limiting access to some services over its network.,法官裁定,联邦通讯委员会曾在一所努力使政府限制其网络接入服务,康卡斯特一些没有法律依据。 +"Even teenagers can have ""dynamic"" wrinkles: creases that materialize with certain facial gestures but disappear when the face relaxes.","就连青少年也会有所谓的“动态""纹:由于某些面部表情所产生的褶皱,放松后,便会随即消失。" +Results A good field of vision could be obtained with using this type of circular retractor in 112 cases during operation(P<0.01).,结果112例肛直肠手术牵拉显露良好(P<0.01),差异有统计学意义。 +"In the territory of Jiangxi Ganzhou City , the Hakka people circular house has unique style and extensive residential contents, and caused widespread interest in the media and academic culture.",在江西省赣州市境内,客家民系的围屋民居以其独特的风格和博大内涵,引起国内外传媒和学术文化界的广泛兴趣。 +"For us it took nearly 3 weeks before the bleary eyed zombie walk down the hall to the kitchen passed, but now that we’ve got the hang of it I know there’s no turning back.",我们花了近3周才找到了窍门,从睡眼惺忪的僵尸一样在厨房晃荡到不再懒床。 +The idea of the project cost control of the construction of Huang-Da Railway is introduced for the realization of the cost control goals and better economic benefits.,介绍了黄大铁路建设施工项目成本控制的构想,以保证成本目标的实现,为企业创造较好的经济效益。 +He is al ays asking such silly questions.,他老是提这类愚蠢的问题。 +"The better-run clubs are where there is clear single decision-making and it's quick and efficient - Abramovich at Chelsea, Mansour at Manchester City.",更好的经营俱乐部的方式是只有一个决策者,就像切尔西的老板阿布和曼城的老板曼苏尔。 +"Delicate and complex, it's scented with citrus blossom, white peach, nectarine, melon and grapefruit, with undertones of bacon and smoky oak.",完美巧妙的结合, 散发着柑橘花、白桃、油桃、甜瓜和葡萄柚的醇香, 与微淡的熏肉和橡木的烟熏气息相融合。 +At the same year November should invite to leave for the Nanking to attend 《 national and modern calligraphy 15 people the nomination exhibition 》 .,同年十一月应邀赴南京参加《全国现代书法十五人提名展》。 +"In addition, the plan advocated by transit-oriented development model, is expected to reduce 20% of car use;",另外,规划中倡导的以公交为导向的开发模式,预计能减少20%的小汽车使用; +"Aiming at solving the problem of biased bearing estimation of shallow water targets under plane-wave assumption, a novel bearing estimation method for shallow water target localization is proposed.",针对平面波假设下的目标方位估计方法对浅海中声源的定位存在偏差的问题,提出了一种新的浅海目标方位估计方法。 +"The advantage of the VPE assigning meeting roles on a schedule is that everyone is rotated, so everyone participates equally. At least, that's how it is supposed to work.",而由教育副会长准备指派任务方式的优点,是每一个人平均都有轮流参与, 至少,这是例会应该进行的模式。 +The germinating ability is an important target for judging the quality of seeds.,种子的发芽力是判断种子质量的重要指标。 +"The veil is champagne colour silk tulle, extremely light and fine.",婚纱是以香槟色薄纱制成,轻盈且精巧。 +"In the state of joy in which he then was, he was the most venerable of children.",这种轻松愉快使他成了一个最可尊敬的孩子。 +"And the structure of the primary auditing theory consists of the origin cause, the environment of auditing, the basic concept of auditing and the basic concept of auditing business.",同时认为审计产生的根本动因、审计环境、审计学基本 概念和审计工作基本 概念共同构成审计基础理论的结构。 +"Many scholars and experts have speculated about the existence of initial consonant clusters in ancient Chinese, but no final conclusions are reached on this matter.",古汉语中存在复辅音声母,已被许多学者、专家提出,但尚未定论。 +"It can measure several different parameters at the same time, such as diameter, roundness, taper and round-out etc.",它可以测量凸轮轴各轴颈的直径、圆度、锥度及跳动等参数。 +Delia a Surridge: Are you going to kill me now?,迪利亚·萨瑞吉:你现在要杀死我吗? +You ought to smoke less.,你应该少吸点烟了。 +A new method is presented for synthesis of organosilicon compounds directly from precipitated white carbon black by reduced pressure distillation.,该文研究了以沉淀白炭黑为原料,采用减压蒸馏法直接合成六配位体有机硅化合物的新方法。 +"The charity estimates that 4,100 fewer Britons a year would be diagnosed with the disease if everyone ate no more than 10g of processed meat a day, though advises avoiding it altogether.",如果一个人一天吃了不超过10克的加工肉,该慈善机构估计每年英国将减少4100人被诊断患有疾病,虽然建议完全避免加工肉。 +"Compressed Air Energy Storage (CAES) is besides pumped hydropower, the other solution for large energy storage capacity. It can balance fluctuations in supply and demand of electricity.",压缩空气蓄能(CAES)系统是一种新型电能存储系统,具有动态响应快、经济性能高、环境污染小等优点,可起到负荷平衡、战略规划、提高供电质量的作用。 +Juvenile literature in those days had not evolved a distinct type of its own--but that I am sure did me no harm.,少儿文学那时还没有发展到有自己独特类型的地步---但我确信对我并没有什么害处。 +Learn how to trim a dome lid with tips from a master potter in this free ceramics video.,了解如何修剪与主陶工提示本视频免费陶瓷圆顶盖。 +"The results demonstrated that, in the same condition, the thickening effect of MAB is more obvious better than 6501, and the foamability is matchable.",结果表明:在相同的条件下,MAB的增稠性能明显优于6501,发泡性能与6501相当。 +"I plant the production of glass beads machinery have 6,7 years, mainly for Pujiang, Zhejiang, Jiangsu, Guangdong, Fujian, Shandong and other places of the glass bead jewelry business equipment.",我厂生产玻璃珠机械已经有6,7年时间,主要为浦江,义乌,江苏,广东,福建,山东等地的玻璃珠饰品企业提供配套设备。 +"""We've been working around the clock on test methods for the virus, "" Shu Yuelong, director of the Chinese National Influenza Center, told Xinhua.",“我们已经在夜以继日的研究测试病毒的方法”中国国家流感中心的书越龙告诉新华社说。 +The first part is the land tax reform.,第一部分田赋改革。 +"Despite defeat against Wigan in their last match, Bolton are the second most in-form team in the Premiership after Chelsea, measured over the last six games.",尽管上一场比赛负于维甘竞技,但以过去六场比赛的表现来衡量,博尔顿是联赛中状态第二好的球队,仅次于切尔西。 +"With up to 12 output receptacles to distribute power within the rack cabinets, the new Powerware PDU was designed to be fully compatible with most single phase rackmount UPS's.",凭借高达12输出插座分发机架机柜内的权力,新爱克赛警犬队的目的是完全符合最机架式兼容单相UPS的。 +That way you’ll be able to seal this type of outside wall with a continuous moisture barrier in cooler climate zones.,如果你在凉爽气候区,这样做可以帮你在外墙上形成一个连续的防潮层。 +"090 We have 1,090 for carbon, 1000 1,000 for sulfur, 1400 and 1,400 for nitrogen.",碳的是,硫的是,而氮的是。 +Methods A total of 531 recruits were selected with cluster sampling to undergo a survey.,方法采用整群抽样方法,对531名新兵进行问卷调查。 +Too much growth hormone short-circuits REM sleep.,过量的生长激素造成快速眼动睡眠短路。 +"Although there have been no attacks using manpads, ""we act as if they exist, "" notes the British officer.",虽然没有出现过使用肩扛式导弹的袭击,“我们把他们当作自己存在,”注意到英国军官。 +"Thick friendship and blessing, continuous yearning and greeting, in this beautiful day, may wish to you with CARDS! Happy New Year!",浓浓的情谊与祝福,绵绵的思念与问安,在这美好的日子,愿祝愿随着卡片带给你!新年快乐! +"From someone who has been there, she warns other teenagers, “You have to be careful. Know who you’re with and you have to take precautions.",以自己为例,警告其他十几岁的青少年:“你们必须小心,要知道你们和什么人在一起,而且一定要采取预防措施。 +Dulcy also saw a psychiatrist who used hypnotism to help her deal with her fear.,达尔茜还看过一位精神科医生,他使用催眠术帮她消除恐惧。 +"Founded in 1886 in New Brunswick, New Jersey, in the United States, Johnson & Johnson has locations in 57 countries around the world.",1886年,强生公司在美国新泽西州的新布鲁斯威克正式成立,在全世界拥有57个分公司。 +AIM: To investigate the effects of rolipram on the ability of learning and memory and the activity of PDE4 in hippocampus following the focal brain injury induced by ischemia- reperfusion in rats.,目的: 观察咯利普兰对局灶性脑缺血-再灌注损伤大鼠学习记忆能力及海马PDE4活性的影响。 +"Pistorius, the Paralympics sprint champion, denies murder saying he shot his girlfriend Reeva Steenkamp thinking she was an intruder at his home.",残奥会短跑冠军皮斯托利斯否认谋杀了女友瑞瓦·史蒂恩卡姆帕,称事发时以为她是侵入者。 +"To support metadata-based crosscutting, an AOP system needs to provide a way to consume and supply annotations.",为了支持基于元数据的横切,AOP 系统需要提供一种消费和提供 注释的方法。 +"In 1974, Paul Samuelson publishes ""Challenge to Judgment"" in the Journal of Portfolio Management.",在1974年,保罗。萨缪尔逊在《证券投资组合管理》杂志上发表了“挑战判决”一文。 +Objective Understanding the clinical distribution of PAE in the high-risk stricken area and its characteristic of being sensitive to antibiotics.,目的了解铜绿假单胞菌(PAE)在高危病区的临床分布及对抗生素敏感性特点。 +"She is in excruciating pain. Her three siblings survive on a bowl of maize-meal porridge a day, with no milk or sugar;",她备受病痛的折磨,而她的三个哥哥姐姐每天只吃一碗小米粥,没有牛奶也没有糖; +It's necessary that the party should stick to both class character and political accommodation in order to sustain and enforce its political power.,坚持党的政治阶级性是维护政党权的需要,扩大党的政治容纳性是维护执政权的需要。 +"Law boat - group of boat of carry on one's shoulder is at the beginning of November published quarterly finance report, say 2011 annual outstanding achievement will deficit.",法航-荷航集团在11月初公布了季度财政报告,称2011年全年业绩将会亏损。 +A genotype which belonged to Europe was observed in a Korean in China.,我们在一例朝鲜族个体中还发现了欧洲人的基因型。 +"The illusionist murmurs an occasional “non, ” while Alice speaks in sporadic bleats, a minimalism that recalls how Tati used fragments of dialogue more for their noise than for their meaning.",当爱丽丝发出零星的声音,魔术师偶尔低声回应“不”。 这种极简艺术让我们回忆起大地是如何应用语言的片段来诠释“言有尽而意无穷”的境界。 +High resolution MRI were achieved by combination of abdomen array coils and endorectal coils.,对各个研究对象使用腹部阵列线圈及直肠内线圈进行磁共振高分辨成像检查。 +"It has better built and enhance adhesion to the substrate, suitable on new or old plastered walls, asbestos and ceiling;",它能更好凝聚增强灰泥层的黏合力, 适用于新建成或旧的砖墙、石棉、天花板; +This residual hum becomes pronounced pandemonium in over-populated cities such as Mumbai and what one experiences is the synchronized amplification of all the ingredients of life.,在一个人烟过份稠密的城市里,如孟买,环境嘈杂得根本听不清任何噪音了,只馀下明显的嗡嗡声,和生活的所有元素同步放大。 +The first potential future change would modify the unacknowledged packet list so that it is organized with an index as a red-black tree instead of the current linear list.,第一个可能的未来改���是对未应答的包列表进行修改,因此包列表的组织形式不再是当前的线性列表而是通过索引组织成红-黑树。 +"fork() creates a child process that differs from the parent process only in its PID and PPID; in fact, the resource utilizations are set to 0.",fork() 会创建 一个子进程,与父进程相比只是 PID 和 PPID 不同;实际上,资源利用设为 0。 +I jumped out of my basement window all I saw was a bunch of crappies running down the road chasing by cops.,我跳出窗户看到一群讨厌的人在街上被警察追捕。 +"Unless otherwise specified, all programmes are of four-year duration.",除列明之外,所有学士课程的修读期为四年。 +JOHN: The Card doesn't actually give you discounts on beer.,约翰:这张卡并没有给你啤酒的折扣。 +But our location is an ideal place to study the marine environment.,但我们处于一个研究海洋环境的理想位置。 +"Article 15 For taxpayers importing goods, tax payable shall be computed based on the composite assessable price and the tax rates prescribed in Article 2 of these Regulations. No tax will be credited.",第十五条纳税人进口货物,按照组成计税价格和本条例第二条规定的税率计算应纳税额,不得抵扣任何税额。 +"""Straight after Hitler's death, Mrs Goebbels came down to the bunker with her children, "" Mr Misch recalls. ""She started preparing to kill them.",“在希特勒死后,戈培尔太太就和他的孩子进了地堡,”米施回忆到:“她开始准备杀死她的孩子了。 +"Boyzone members Ronan Keating, Keith Duffy, Mikey Graham and Shane Lynch said they were ""completely devastated by the loss of our friend and brother, Stephen.""",“男孩地带”的其它成员——罗南•基廷、基思•达菲、米奇•格雷厄姆、谢恩•林奇纷纷表示,“作为朋友及兄弟,史蒂芬的离去使他们悲痛欲绝”。 +"As we were winding down our conversation, Agatston took off his author hat and went into full cardiologist mode again.",在我们后来的谈话中,盖斯顿抛掉作者身份,再次化身心脏病专家。 +"The man who built the Titanic reportedly said in an interview, when he was asked how strong his ship was, that not even God can sink it.",建造泰坦尼克号的工程师在一次采访中被问到这艘巨轮有多么坚固时说即使是上帝也不能将她弄沉。 +"A Bat falling upon the ground was caught by a Weasel, of whom he earnestly besought his life.",一只蝙蝠落在地上,被黄鼠狼捉到,他请求饶命。 +"From a distance, the rocket is unprepossessing — a slender white stalk that looks almost as if it would twang in the Florida wind.",从远处看,战神1号火箭并不讨人喜欢-一根细长的白杆子,看上去几乎会在佛罗里达的风中铮铮作响。 +"By Tuesday, 48 hours after the stroke, he was reading a book about Chinese history.",周二,即中风后的48小时,他正在读一本有关中国历史的书。 +"Customers of LIMITLESS are eligible for the life-long VIP service, including offering home decoration advisory, furniture maintenance, LIMITLESS trends and new product information.",成为LIMITLESS的客户,将享受终身贵宾式服务,包括家装咨询、家具保养、LIMITLESS动态和新产品信息传递。 +"First of all, New Zealand is a multicultural country, a time-advanced level.",首先,新西兰是一个多元文化的国家,具有时间先进水平。 +The irony is that the wise man wrote down his observation as if it were something new!,讽刺的是,这位智者仍然慎重其事地写出自己的观察与感想,彷佛里头确实有著丝毫新意! +"A city of northern Texas, a residential and industrial suburb of Dallas. Population, 82, '9.",美国得克萨斯州北部一城市,达拉斯的居民区和工业区。人口82,'9。 +Linear Discriminant Analysis is one of the most popular linear classification techniques for feature extraction.,线性判别分析是一种较为普遍的用于特征提取的线性分类方法。 +So what we've been doing is looking at alternative ways of magnetizing all the atoms.,我们一直在寻找一种可以磁化所有原子的替代方法。 +"He was undoubtedly the greatest Western sinologist of last century, and is probably the British historian best-known on a world scale.",李约瑟无疑是上个世纪最伟大的西方汉学家,也可能是世界范围内最著名的英国历史学家。 +"The goodwill and zest are like a lasting spring. Friend, leave your youthful words, poems and pictures, all on an unforgettable page, in your life's record.",青春的善意和激情,像泉水一样,喷涌不息。朋友,请留下青春的语、青春的诗、青春的画,在人生的记录上,写下永远令人难忘的一页。 +"It was 1984, the height of the Cold War, and the remark sparked an international furor.",时逢1984年,正是美苏两国冷战的顶峰时期,他的这席讲话简直是在国际社会“一石激起千层浪”。 +The restriction-reasoning module adopts the fuzzy decision strategy and imitates the process of thought to store and apply information.,该系统采用模糊决策方法设计了约束推理模块,用以模拟人的思维推理过程,完成对推理依据信息的存储以及应用。 +In both phases the primary focus is producing executable releases that progressively implement an increasing amount of the desired functionality of the system.,在这两个阶段中,主要的焦点是产生能够逐渐实现令人期待的日益增长的系统功能的可执行版本。 +"""About an hour, Davy. "" He smiled like there'd been a joke. He turned off his CB then and turned the radio to a country and western station.",“一个小时左右吧,大伟。”说着像是讲了个笑话一样笑了起来。他把步话机关了,然后打开收音机调到一个西部乡村电台。 +The goal of the article is to discover the relationship between the dosage of Wuling pill (WLP) and effect in the treatment of chronic hepatitis B (HBV).,目的: 探导不同剂量的五灵丸治疗慢性乙型肝炎产生的量效关系。 +"On the basis of understanding the interior character and exterior environment to the community, the paper bring forward the concept of community planning.",在对小城镇社区的自身特征和外部环境初步探讨的基础上,提出了小城镇社区规划的概念。 +It's a single gene defect and we know exactly where the genetic defect is in sickle cell.,"是一种单基因缺陷,而且我们准确地知道,镰状红细胞贫血的基因缺陷在哪里" +China clinched the gold medal in the Olympic event of women's quadruple sculls with a sold win here on Sunday.,中国在奥运会星期天举行的女子四人皮划艇项目上爆冷赢得了金牌。 +"Then I'd be multiplying a float by 5, so that's a float times an int.",然后我们把这个浮点数乘以,那是浮点数乘以整型数。 +"That is why the World Health Organization(WHO)has come up with a new measure of population health, called disability-adjusted life expectancy(DALE).",这就是为什么世界卫生组织要提出一项新的衡量人口健康指数的项目,叫做健康预期寿命。 +"Contributing to the strategy that saw Pepsi buy Tropicana in 1998 and then Quaker Oats (for $13bn) in 2000, she has also spearheaded the market growth of Gatorade, Pepsi's sports drink.",作为这一战略的一部分,百事于1998年收购纯果乐(Tropicana),而后又在2000年(以130亿美元)收购桂格燕麦(Quaker Oats)。 在她的率领下,百事运动饮料佳得乐(Gatorade)也实现了市场份额的增长。 +The scanning laser acoustic microscope is a new type of nondestructive testing technique for detecting the internal defects of multilayer ceramic capacitors .,激光扫描声学显微镜是一种新型的无损检测多层陶瓷电容器内部缺陷的测量技术。 +"""The political economy of subsidies has resulted in unsustainable extraction and use of groundwater and eventually to its depletion, "" said Ayan Biswas, a water-management expert.",“政策经济的补贴导致了不可持续的地下水开采和使用,最终造成枯竭,” 艾恩·毕斯瓦思,一位水资源管理专家说。 +This is the current list on the extremes of human endurance in certain circumstances.,以下是目前已知人类在某些特殊情况下的忍受力。 +"He is a graduate of the University of Colorado Medical School, and he finished his post graduate education at Mercy Hospital in San Diego, California.",他是科罗拉多大学医学院毕业,他完成了他的研究生教育,慈善医院在加利福尼亚州圣迭戈。 +An IP address is composed of four octets (numbers in the range of 0 to 255) separated by decimal points.,IP 地址由四个字节(每个字节的取值范围为 0 到 255)组成,字节之间用小数点隔开。 +"This layer typically uses container-based technologies such as application servers to implement the components, workload management, high-availability, and load balancing.",大多数情况下,本层使用基于容器的技术,比如实现组件、负载均衡、高可用性和工作量管理的应用服务器。 +Mark Stokes of the Project 2049 Institute says that China has already anticipated some of AirSea Battle’s components in its long-term plans for modernization.,2049项目协会(Project 2049 Institute)执行主任石明凯(Mark Stokes)说,中国在长期现代化方案中已经预料到美国空海一体战系统的一些配备。 +Remove the tortilla and wrap it in a napkin. Repeat until all tortillas are cooked.,取出薄饼包入布巾,这样直到所有薄饼都做好为止。 +This is the main entry point for your application and the place to add new controller methods.,这是应用程序的主入口点,也是添加新控制器方法的地方。 +"To only run a subset of the tests removes that warm feeling of ""doing something valuable,"" which the traditional practice of running the entire regression suite provides.",只运行测试的子集去掉了“���一些有价值的事情”的兴奋感觉,这是运行整个回归套件的传统实践提供的感觉。 +The farmer get hoemploy the horse in the barn.,农夫把他的马圈在马厩里。 +A method has been described for accurate determination of Deuterium abundance in the Lithium Hydrogenate Deuterate by mass spectrum analyzing technology.,本文介绍了用低分辨MAT-250气体质谱计准确测定氢氘化锂中氘丰度的分析技术。 +Abu Garda had denied all the charges against him.,阿布加尔达否认了对他的所有指控。 +"Now one is to be president: Dalia Grybauskaite, who easily won the election on May 17th, is a former diplomat and finance minister.","现在,谁成为总统了呢,Dalia Grybauskaite,她轻易的赢得了五月十七日的竞选,她是前外交官和财政部长。" +"According to custom, a girl from an ""offending"" family must be offered in marriage to a man from a complainant's family.",根据当地风俗,被告家族中的女孩必须嫁给原告家族中的男子,以示惩罚。 +"Sometimes, we'd all swear that we'd smelled the peppermint, candy cane, gingerbread house and poinsettia fragrances of Christmas wafting out of that hole.",我们敢发誓,有时候,我们还能闻到从洞里飘荡出来的椒薄荷、拐杖糖、姜饼屋和圣诞节的一品红香味。 +的CEO罗宾.理查兹和我们分享了采取什么样的步骤,能够提高你的机会,得到你想要的实习职位。,CEO Robin Richards shared with us the steps you should take to boost your chances of landing the internship you want. +"In summer, cyclonic circulation caused by the QXP strong heating source in lower level enhances the Eastern Asia summer monsoon on the east side of QXP and make it develop northward.",夏季,青藏高原强热源的存在,引起的低层气旋性环流,加强了青藏高原东侧的东亚夏季风,使其向北发展。 +"But, Hvistendahl says, there are a few key differences between the cultural context of abortion in Asia and the West.",但Hvistendahl 指出在亚洲和西方文化针对堕胎有一些不同的观点。 +"The VAT is more superior than the Product Tax, but it still has some flaws such as re- peated taxation feature, the narrow tax base and excessive tax rates.",中国增值税比产品税具有更多的优点,如更少的价格扭曲,有利于专业化联合和资源配置等,但与加拿大商品劳务税相比,仍有重复征税、税基较窄、税率数量过多等弊病。 +This is where you want to go if you want to buy your New Balance or your Puma.,如果你想买New Balance或者Puma,这里会是你想去的地方。 +"But Mordecai bowed not, nor did him reverence.",惟独末底改不跪不拜。 +"Recoil energy measuring system of a underwater launcher is formed by means of horizontal recoil device, electromagnetic velocity sensor, measuring amplifier, transient waveform recorder and computer.",利用卧式后坐装置、磁电式速度传感器、测量放大器、瞬态波形记录仪及计算机组建了一套水下发射装置后坐能量测试系统。 +Results indicated most of the permanent ground displacements occurred within a few minutes of the arrival of the first seismic waves.,其结果表明:大部份固定的错位发生在地震波抵达的几分钟之内。 +Then may I ask you another question?,我再问你另外一个问题? +That is a risk that specialists hope a lentivirus-based gene therapy will eliminate.,这个风险,专家希望以慢病毒为基础的基因疗法能够消除。 +"CONCLUSION: ATRA cannot induce HL 60 to achieve terminal differentiation, but the differentiation of HL 60 can be induced by ATRA and the differentiated leukemia cells are easy to apoptosis.",结论:ATRA并不能诱导HL-60细胞完成终端分化,但是该药可以诱导白血病细胞向成熟方向分化,而且已分化的肿瘤细胞于发生凋亡。 +You can create the full application following Roo help and hint commands without ever referring to its documentation.,您可以跟随 Roo help 和 hint 命令创建完全的应用程序,无需参考文档。 +And now there's progress on getting that initial mass of stem cells printed.,现在已在打印初始干细胞聚团方面有所进展。 +Li Yizhi is the pioneer who led traditional Chinese river control into modern science and technology.,李仪祉是中国由古代科学技术进入近代科学技术治河的开路人。 +"All you would have to do is use an extremely strong gravitational field, like that of a black hole, to bend space-time.",所有你要做的就是利用一个极其强大的引力场,象黑洞那样的地方,来制造时空扭曲。 +"Disney, whose other movies included ""Cinderella,"" ""Bambi"" and ""Mary Poppins,"" which mixed live action and animation, died in 1966.",迪斯尼本人参予制作多部电影,例如《白雪公主》、《灰姑娘》、《小鹿斑比》和《欢乐满人间》等,其中既有经典动画片,也有真人影片。 他于1966年离开人世。 +Microstructures of the garnet vary greatly from coesite-bearing eclogite to quartz eclogite and garnet amphibolite .,在含柯石英榴辉岩中的石榴子石位错密度比角闪岩中的低。 +"Next he learns about the Copernican system, and after that he moves on to geometry, and then to chronology.",下一步,他学到更多的哥白尼体系,之后,他移动到几何,然后年表。 +Your new action class uses a resolver class that processes the request and builds the Atom feed.,新的 action 类使用一个 resolver 类处理请求并构建 Atom 提要。 +"Though more time was demanded to perform the inspections, results were more reliable.",尽管执行审查会需要更多的时间,但是结果会更可靠。 +"Structure of coals , the relation between microorganism and coals and the new method of bio-solubilization of coals are the main study aspects in future.",指出加强对煤炭结构、煤炭和微生物的生态关系以及微生物溶煤新方法的研究是今后微生物溶煤领域的主要研究方向。 +"Each has a distinct personality and a carefully curated profile—a look, a strong side, and, to borrow from TACT, a philosophy of life values.",每个都具有鲜明的性格和谨慎策划的简介——一个不错的外表,强壮的一面,以及从TACT借鉴而来的人生价值的哲学。 +He urged me to diversity and not keep all my money in one investment type.,他鼓励我分散投资,别把我所有资金集中于一种投资方式。 +"Because in Spain you have to choose your major like when you start university,",因为在西班牙你必须刚上大学就选择专业, +Conclusion The HIV/AIDS-related health education directing at male populations should be strengthened to compensate for tendentiousness due to the personality characters.,结论加强对男性人群关于HIV/AIDS预防的健康教育,以提高那些在人格方面有危险行为倾向的男性的行为理智性。 +"Television, political slogans, advertising, and the people we mingle with – they shape us in ways we do not realise.",电视,政治口号,广告,我们所交往的人——这些潜移默化地塑造着我们。 +Intel recently turned over control of the project to the Linux Foundation with the aim of making it even more open to other contributors.,Intel最近将计划控制权交给Linux基金 会,以求让Moblin平台对更多贡献者开放。 +The candidate called the new users' fees a window-dressing for a tax increase.,竞选者称新用户费不过是为提高税收来装饰门面的。 +"The iShares FTSE/Xinhua China 25 (FXI, news, msgs) exchange-traded fund is up 55% this year (as of Nov. 18) and 103% in the past year.",新华富时中国25指数(iShares FTSE/Xinhua China 25)基金今年(到11月18日为止)的增长率是55%,而去年是103%。 +"She hadn't led him on, and everyone in camp knew it, but his pride was crushed and he wanted to hurt her.",她没有诱惑他,帐篷里的人都知道这一点,但是他的傲气受到挫折,他想使她伤心。 +"Shot in infrared, New Orleans' French Quarter seems bathed in blue early one morning.",红外拍摄使得新奥尔良法国人特区看似沐浴于蓝色晨光中。 +I wouldn't be surprised if both PacMan and Mayweather retire after they fight.,如果吃豆人和梅威瑟比赛之后,两人双双退休,我不会感到惊讶的。 +Churches are called to baptize not only individual converts but also family members in their care.,教会不仅有责任为个别信徒受洗,也要为属乎他的家人受洗。 +"A professional or amateur stripper who appears on X-rated, or community access channels. Quality varies widely. Pay is often non-existent.",一种专业的或业余的剥离器,X-光或社区频道使用。质量差别很大。通常是免费使用的。 +"How safe was your last meal? If you dined out, you took a significant risk.",你上一餐有多安全?假如你是在外面餐厅里吃的话,你冒了次大风险。 +"Also won't be able to throw away some books, must be intact moved to the new campus, boys LiQiHuo also to be able to do so.",还有一些书籍也是不能够丢弃的,都必须原封不动的搬到新的校区,男孩子也还能够胜任这样的力气活。 +"and they play each other once at home, once away",它们互相踢一次主场,一次客场, +"Silk screening with UV ink or hot stamping are the best options for customizing or decorating the bottles, and they can be topped off with dispenser pumps or fine-mist sprayers .",丝绸筛选与UV油墨或烫印是最好的选择定制或装饰瓶,可以达到与分配器关闭水泵或细水雾喷洒器。 +"I remember lying awake at night during that tripto Shenandoah, as I would do many years later in Yosemite, thinking howgreat it was to be in this magical place, just my dad and me.",我还记得在那次旅途中,自己醒着躺在夜色里,正如多年后在优山美地时那样。 那时我觉得,在这个充满魔力的地方,只有我们父子俩,这是多棒的事情! +The term self-image is used to refer to a person's mental picture of himself or herself.,自我形象这个词通常指人们对自我的一种内在图像。 +"If it were only a flower, round and small and sweet, I could pluck it from its stem to set it on your hair.",如果它是一朵花,圆圆小小香香的,我就能从它枝上采来戴在你的发上。 +"Violence revenging violence will not help solve the issue, rather will increase confrontation and hatred. The only right way to settle the dispute is peaceful negotiation.",以暴制暴无助于问题的解决,只能加剧对抗和怨恨,通过和谈解决争端是唯一正确途径。 +This so-called proof is mere assumption based on circumstantial evidence .,这种所谓的证据仅仅是建立在间接证据的假设。 +They grabbed my arms and carried me over to the open tailgate of a pickup. They slammed me down on the bed of the truck.,他们拽着我的胳膊,把我抬到辆敞着后门的小货车那,一把扔到车厢里。 +OBJECTIVE:To deepen clinical pharmacy work and train special clinical pharmacists in the cardiovascular department.,目的:深化临床药学工作,在心内科培养专科临床药师。 +Vom Saal counsels that the cautious should also avoid heating plastic in microwaves.,沃姆·萨尔建议小心并且避免在微波炉中加热塑料。 +It’s no use. The car won’t start.,没用的,这车发动不起来。 +"Already it’s done extensive damage. More than 60 deaths in Haiti and the Dominican Republic are blamed on the storm, mostly due to flooding and landslides.",现在已经造成了巨大的灾害,海地已有超过60人死亡,多米尼加共和国更是被飓风带来的洪水和决堤残酷蹂躏。 +Only 14 percent of womenwith one child resume full-time work and only 6 percent of those with two.,有一个孩子后恢复全职工作的女性只占14%,而有两个孩子后仍然在外工作的女性只有6%。 +"The non-native population unceasingly moves into, in the island forms the immigration line: One is the Li national minority person to the island middle area migration; One, to overseas immigrant.",外来人口的不断迁入,岛内形成移民线路有两条,一是黎族人向岛的中部地区迁移,一是向海外移民。 +"Even when driving down a perfectly straight road,it is necessary to turn the steering wheel vigorously from leftto right every few moments。",就算开直路,也必须三不五时地大力向右打方向盘。 +"Electric Power Meter:AC Electric Power Meter, Electronic Type Electric Power Meter, Timeslicing Calculate Electric Power Meter, Demand Maximum Electric Power Meter, DC Electric Power Meter;",电能表:交流电能表、电子式电能表、分时计度(多费率)电能表、最大需量电能表、直流电能表; +"Led by Jeff Abramson and Ernest Wright of the UCLA Department of Physiology, the research team produced an ""atomic snap shot"" of an SGLT protein.",研究队伍是由UCLA生理学系的杰夫。艾布拉姆和欧内斯特。莱特领导的,他们获得了SGLT蛋白的原子分辨率精细快照。 +Keeping good faith and winning public trust constitute the essential content of the traditional virtues of the Chinese people.,讲诚信、守信用、取信于民是中国传统美德的主要内容,涵盖个人、商业、政府等主要层面。 +Secondary pollution shall be prevented during the reuse and recycling of wastes.,在废物再利用和资源化过程中,应当防止产生再次污染。 +"The Android's phone screens, for example, start at 4 inches and go to 4.5 inches, advancing the size standard for this generation of touchscreens.",例如,安卓系统手机的屏幕最小的有4英寸,最大的也达到4.5英寸,将这一代触摸屏的尺寸标准向前推进了一步。 +The conflict began three years ago as peaceful rallies against corruption and abuse of power in the government of Thaksin Shinawatra.,冲突开始于三年前的反对他信政府贪污与滥用权力的和平集会。 +"This thought leads to another and another: If they weren’t sent, maybe I can drop them off in the morning?",这个想法引发了无数的后续:如果我没有寄,或许我可以早上再寄掉它们? +"So that it is natural for him to imagine that the fewer hours he has to spend laboring, and the more hours he is free to play, the better.",因此他会很自然地想象自己被迫劳动的时间越短自由娱乐的时间越长就越好。 +This kind of unreasonable capital structure restricted of the quick development of MeiLing company to some extent.,那类出无开理的资本构造反在一订火平上造约了好菱儿司的敏捷收铺。 +"EDIT: The dataset I'm processing is huge, the raw unsorted dataset doesn't fit on my hard disk.",编辑:我处理的数据是巨大的,原始的未分类的数据集不适合我的硬盘。 +"This is no more than saying that if a publisher doubles my writing fees, my articles would read better.",这只不过是说如果刊物的老板把我的稿酬加倍,我的文章会写得可读一点。 +"Based on the fabricated FBG triangular filter, experimentally evaluate the performance of measurement of dynamic strain.",采用自制FBG三角形滤波器及FBG传感器,进行了悬臂梁动态应变测试实验; +"With the GIS technology, the author researched and developed the computer-aided production system for cutting section of a geological map.",借助于GIS技术研究开发了一套地质图切剖面计算机辅助编绘系统。 +"Marbury, who arrived in China in January, last month said he had signed on to play two more seasons with Zhongyu with the option to play a third.",马布里1月份来到中国,他上个月说,已经签约为中宇俱乐部再效力两个赛季,有可能还会打第三个赛季。 +"She took the jury again through the prosecution's ""mountain of evidence"" as puzzle pieces on a video screen accumulated to reveal the face of O.",她让陪审团重新浏览了一遍检方的“证据之山”,就象玩拼合游戏一样通过录像屏幕逐渐揭露O。 +The Thai 'dragon ship' pins have puzzled collectors since Seoul in 1992. Are they really NOC pins?,泰国龙船徽章自从1992年汉城开始就一直困扰着收藏者,它们是真的NOC徽章吗? +China's one-child policy shrunk the average size of a family to 3.1 people from 3.4 people.,中国的计划生育政策的实行使家庭平均人口从3.4人缩小至3.1人。 +"The guys in the band help feed my spirit by sending me special CDs - live recordings, outtakes, demo sessions, and stuff like that.",乐团的家伙藉由把特别的CD送给我来补充我的精神营养——演唱会现场的录音,发售的专辑之类的东西。 +A good football leader can take it on the chin when his team loses.,一个好的足球领队在本队遭受失败时能泰然处之。 +This is a variable species.,这是一易变的种。 +"As our experience with the all-screw constructs has increased, we have begun to use larger diameter rods, and it appears that sagittal control is improved and we are able to achieve thoracic kyphosis.",随着我们全螺钉构型经验的增加,我们已经开始用较大直径的棒,看来矢状面控制可以得到改进,我们可以获得胸椎后突。 +"Through this model, the flow characteristic of EEV and the influence factors to it can he investigated more deeply.",该方法为深入研究膨胀阀的流量特性及其影响因素以及阀头线形的优化设计奠定了一定基础。 +"In all such stories, a single unconventional teacher is introduced into an unruly school and reforms the students with a refreshing perspective.",在所有的这种类型的故事中,都会有一位不守循规的老师进入了一所虚构的学校并且用焕然一新的教学方法提高了学生的成绩。 +Potato protein isolate (PPI) was prepared from fresh potato by salt-soluble alkali extraction and acid precipitation. Extraction conditions and functional properties of PPI were investigated.,采用盐溶碱提酸沉法制备马铃薯分离蛋白,并对马铃薯分离蛋白提取条件和功能特性进行研究。 +"You can eliminate the folds not functioned as decoration with steam iron, however, before doing that you should test on an inconspicuous area first.",您可以使用蒸汽熨斗除去沙发织物上的非装饰性褶皱,但应该在织物上一个不显眼的位置先试验一下。 +"Because Deric likes to get suntanned, so he must burn at all times and places.",因为他喜欢晒成小麦色肌肤,所以随时随地都要晒。 +"If the declaration is made after receiving the notice issued by the Census and Statistics Department, please quote the Notice Ref. No. which appears on the top right corner of the notice.",如已接获由政府统计处发出关于上列货品之报关通知书,请在空格内填写位于通知书右上方的通知书档号。 +"If any be blameless, the husband of one wife, having faithful children not accused of riot or unruly.",若有无可指责的人,只作一个妇人的丈夫,儿女也是信主的,没有人告他们是放荡不服约束的,就可以设立。 +The irrationality consists of the ratio of house price and the earning is too high and the price of low-middle apartments is rising too fast.,不合理性在于房价收入比偏高,中低档住房价格涨幅居前。 +"Postmodernism. Deconstructionism: The text is dead, the author is dead, the reader is dead.",后现代主义。解构主义﹕ 文本死了,作者死了,读者死了。 +I can do things for 12 hours that would appall me if I had to keep them up for a lifetime.,因为,我虽然连续十二个钟做一件事,但若要我一辈子都这样做下去的话,就会吓坏我。 +A Canon 5D Mark II has become the first video-capable DSLR to film a whole episode of a US primetime series.,佳能无敌兔变成了第一个拍摄一整集美国热门电视剧的数码单反相机。 +U. N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon met both Mr. Karzai and Abdullah in Kabul Monday. He vowed the U. N. remains committed to Afghanistan.,联合国秘书长潘基文星期一会见了卡尔扎伊��阿卜杜拉。他表示联合国将一如既往地致力于解决阿富汗问题。 +"EV-relay. Compact but cut off DC power current, power capsule contact relay. Coil voltage 12 V DC. Contact arrangement 2 form A. Contact rating 150A. Without indicator contact.",肠病毒EV -继电器。紧凑而切断直流电源电流,功率胶囊触点继电器。线圈电压12伏直流电。联系安排2表格A接点容量150A型。如果没有指示灯接触。 +"Base on study of the current situation and potential advantages of the freshwater fishery production of Hubei Province, the corresponding countermeasures were put forward.",从研究湖北淡水渔业生产的现状与潜在优势出发,提出了相应的对策。 +Most of the classical Greek scientific and philosophical treatises were translated into Arabic during the ninth century.,大多数希腊经典科学与哲学论述都在九世纪翻译成阿拉伯语。 +"A flyer explains that the myriad lakes and tarns of Mount Wonuosemo and Mount Dage resulted when ""the goddess Wonosmo dropped a mystical mirror, a gift of love from the god Dag.""",一份宣传单解释说许多沃洛色嫫山及达戈山上的海子和小湖泊起因于“沃洛色嫫女神丢掉了一面神奇的镜子,那是达戈神送的爱情礼物。” +I would have bought the DVD player.,我是会买下那台影碟机的。 +"The Business dimension also includes IT strategy and addresses the cost and flexibility of IT capabilities, business agility and service-level agreements.",业务维度还包括 IT 策略,负责处理 IT 功能的成本和灵活性、业务敏捷性和服务水平协议。 +Evidence Study is a necessary course in modern law education.,《证据学》是现代法学教育中不可或缺的组成部分。 +Small tasks often show a big heart.,小事往往显出一颗伟大的心。 +"I gave this some thought and decided there are 10 consolations to having your bag swiped, many of them quite substantial.",我对此做了一番思考,总结出了包被偷后可以得到的10种安慰,其中不少颇有价值。 +Is there much mail this morning?,今天早晨邮件多不多? +Germany is in second place with 52.,德国以52人名列第二。 +"The ""standard treatment"" is having a treatment every 3-4 weeks, 6 consecutive times. Only after the 6 treatments will you achieve the full effect.",脉冲光的「标准疗程」是每3~4周做一次脉冲光,连续做6次,才能达到全面性明显回春。 +"By analysis of the main fault structure in Tazhong area, Tazhong uplift has three structure situations including vertical stratification, north-south sub-zone and east-west subsection.",通过对研究区内主要断裂构造解析,认为塔中隆起具有垂向分层、南北分带、东西分段的构造格局。 +"Creator has been anthorized to export and import by itself, various kinds of machines have been sold to Russia, Italy, Thailand, Malaysia, Viet Nam etc.",珂瑞特公司拥有外贸自营进出口权,各种设备已销往俄罗斯、意大利、泰国、马来西来、越南等国家。 +"Our company is a Japanese THK linear guide set up in Qingdao Co. , Ltd. the only product-related service center.",我公司是日本THK直线导轨株式会社在青岛地区设立唯一一家产品相关服务中心。 +"""Come January all of a sudden there is a big influx of cash that comes into funds that they need to put to work,"" said Marc Pado, U.S. market strategist at Cantor Fitzgerald & Co. in San Francisco.","""随着1月的到来,市场忽然间出现了大量资金流入,而基金正需要这些钱来进行投资,""Cantor Fitzgerald & Co的美国市场策略师Marc Pado表示." +There is no royal road to science and only those who do not dread the fatiguing climb of its steep paths have a chance of gaining its luminous summits.,在科学上异国坪坦年夜道只有不畏艰苦沿着陡峭山路攀登的人,才有盼望到达光亮的顶点。 +The effect of drought stress on chemical components and main aroma matter content of nue-cured tobacco were studied with pot experiments.,在盆栽条件下研究了干旱胁迫对烤烟化学成分和香气物质含量的影响。 +The sulfur industry has developed many methods of moulding sulfur in- to regularly sized particles which can be handled without generating excessive amount of dust.,硫磺工业经过多年努力,已开发出许多种成型方法。硫磺制成具有一定规格的颗粒后,可防止在装卸时产生过多的粉尘。 +"This paper proposes a determinable admission control mechanism based on a VBR data model, which is compared with CBR data model.",文章实现了基于VBR数据模型的一种确定的允许控制策略,并与基于CBR数据模型的允许控制策略作了对比。 +"Some parents are more able than others to support growth. Some are indifferent, or affirm the wrong things because of their own unconscious, unresolved conflicts.",有些父母更擅长于支持孩子成长,有些则漠不关心,更有甚者因为自已无意识、解不开的矛盾心理而去肯���错误的东西。 +"This way, the touchscreen can be used without a mouse connected to the system.",这样,在系统没有连接鼠标时,就可以使用这个触摸屏了。 +Thales dropped 4 percent to 27.30 euros as UBS downgraded the shares to “sell” from “buy” and cut its earnings estimate by 20 percent.,法国防务及航空电子产品承包商泰雷兹集团(Thales)股价下跌4%,至27.30欧元,瑞银集团把泰雷兹集团股票评级从买入下调为卖出,同时把该集团收益预期下调了20%。 +"Now, let's listen to, must be, what, the third presentation, here, of the theme.","现在,我们来听,一定是,第三次主题呈现" +Real estate valuers qualifications system is the core content of the entire system of property valuation.,房地产估价师执业资格制度是整个房地产估价制度的核心内容。 +Seifert went to police in his home town of Bielefeld but officers said they were powerless to intervene.,塞弗特找到当地警察局,但警方表示无权干涉此事。 +MDA techniques enable organizations to construct custom automations for model-to-model and model-to-code transformations.,MDA 技术可以使组织为模型到模型和模型到代码的转换构建自定义自动化。 +Xiba River as one of 22 rivers input to Dianchi Lake and located at Kunming is severely polluted.,西坝河是汇入滇池的22条河流之一,其河水受污染严重。 +A king who is blessed will fit out a navy and will be reckoned the twelfth in the court among the saints.,受 福祝的国王会准备一支海军,会被宫延的圣人中间猜想成第十二个成员。 +"The team has also proposed retrofits for existing oil refineries, mines and microchip factories that would reduce energy use by 40 to 60 percent, repaying their cost in just a few years.",这个团队也提议帮现有的炼油厂、矿场或是微晶片厂进行翻修,将可以把能源支出减少40~60%,几年内这些投资就可以回收。 +"It edifies like, all of America, I think.",我想,它影响了所有的美国人。 +"But once it takes shape, social psychology exert a significant influence on social development. There were common occurrences of ""upholding Yuan Shikai and giving up Sun Yat-sen"".",社会心理的形成需要一定的历史与社会条件,但一旦形成它又能对社会发展的趋势产生巨大的影响。 +"If convicted, he will face a maximum penalty of 20 years in prison and a $250,000 fine.",一旦罪名成立,考普将面临最长20年的监禁以及25万美元的罚款。 +The high rate of absenteeism in obese kids is due to bullying and stigma from their classmates.,然而在肥胖儿童中的高缺课率是由于受到他们同学的欺侮和侮辱。 +"Slowly, the teenage girl got up and picked up a small package from a desk.",花季女孩缓缓起身,从桌上拿起一个小包裹。 +"In the first five months of 2009, e-books made up 2.9 percent of trade book sales.",2009年前五个月,电子书的销售额仅占贸易图书总销售额2.9个百分点。 +"Nanjing not only Hakka culture has rich connotations, but also very deep historical background of the revolution.",宁化不仅具有丰富的客家文化内涵,还富有深厚的革命历史底蕴。 +"The young man stopped suddenly, looked around him, and perceived Caderousse sitting at table with Danglars, under an ARBOR.",那青年突然停了下来,环顾四周,看见卡德鲁斯和腾格拉尔在一个凉棚里对桌而坐。 +The 16-year-old has snubbed a new deal at Monaco to sign for Arsenal.,这名16岁的小将回绝了摩纳哥提供的新合同并选择与阿森纳签约。 +"He and the proposal maintains health to want a balance prandial , reasonable nutrition, daily drink is suckled.",他并且建议维持健康状态要平衡膳食,合理营养,每日饮奶。 +"In this paper, Haidian District, Beijing Shuangqing road as an example, it is analyzed the urban reconstruction and renovation of the intention of the impact on the environment.",作者以北京市海淀区双清路为例,分析城市的改建与整治对环境意向的影响。 +"However, it is not unconceivable that Shiro could integrate with the existing JVM security operations - it is just that no one has contributed such work to the project.",然而,Shiro集成现有的JVM安全操作并非白日做梦 - 只是没人给项目贡献这方面的工作。 +Rachel Stared up at the clouds. One looked like a tree. One looked like a Ferris wheel.,瑞吉儿凝视着天上的云,有的看起来像棵树,有的看起来像摩天轮。 +If using an anionic fluorocarbon change to a cationic one having checked compatibility and any subsequent effects on fastness.,如使用阴离子碳氟化合物,应转为使用阳离子碳氟化合物,事前先检查相容性及是否会导致退色。 +"Forrest Gump: Id make a good husband, Jenny.",阿甘:珍妮,我会是个好丈夫的。 +"In the same way that you use the Screen Designer to graphically design and test your display files, you can use Report Designer to create and test your printer files.",您可以按照相同的方法来使用界面设计器来图像化地设计和测试显示的文件,您可以使用报告设计器来创建和测试您的打印机文件。 +"With the Fed ending QEII, $600 billion in demand goes away.",随着美联储第二轮量化宽松的结束,6000亿美元的需求随之而去。 +"Copy paper, tissue paper, . scrap paper, Our company have advanced printing devices, we can make delicate printing from one color.",本公司拥有先进的设备可做到一到十二色的精美图案印刷。 +"This software is suitable for assessing the safety of technical process of storing, disposing and producing flammable and active materials.",该软件适用于对储存、处理、生产易燃、可燃、活性物质的工艺过程进行安全性评价。 +It have been one of difficult problem that pipe intersecting line NC cutting programming in pipe project.,管件类相贯线数控切割编程一直是管道工程的难题之一。 +"You may add various pages, (e. g. , bulletin board for site forum, RSS link, grid with your squares, and an article about you or your site.",您可以添加各种网页, (例如,公告板的网站论坛, RSS链接,网格与您的广场,和一篇关于您或您的网站。 +Component installation locations – Initial Assumptions - FAP,组件安装位置 — 初始驾驶 — FAP +The isolated MRSA was of multiple antibiotic resistance and easy to form mixed infection with Gram-negative bacilli. The treatment of MRSA infection was difficult and it had higher mortality.,MRSA具有多重耐药性,且易与G阴性杆菌形成混合感染,治疗困难,患者病死率高。 +"At the same time, the ship's microwave detector will be able to peer down into the atmosphere to look for the telltale signatures of water and ammonia among other substances.",同时,船载的微波探测器将可以窥视大气,寻找混合在其它物质中的水和氨的蛛丝马迹。 +"Jim smiles and finds Mozart and the morning is saved by Cherubino. Then he dresses and walks, cane and cloth cap, to the front door and checks the windows and the bolts and all's secure.",吉姆微笑,然后,他穿上衣服,拿上手杖,戴上帽子,来到前门,检查窗户和插销,确定一切安全。 +We were told to stay in the basement when the air-raid drill siren was on.,人家告诉我们 防空 演习警报响的时候,要待在地下室。 +"The fluorspar is mainly used in chemical industry, as main raw material to produce anhydrous hydrofluoric acid and as the basic raw material of fluoration chemistry.",氟石在化工行业,主要用作生产无水氢氟酸的主要原材料和进行氟化处理的基本原料; +"The stone cage is a flexible layout, and the self adjustment of the uneven settlement is better.",石笼属柔性布局,关于不均匀沉陷自我调整性佳。 +"Bamboo has incredible tensile strength, meaning that it can withstand significant amounts of stress and is comparable to steel’s tensile strength.",竹子有着不可思议的抗拉强度,也就是说它可以承受巨大的压力,可以与钢铁的抗拉强度相媲美。 +Bijie Prefecture is located in the northwestern part of Guizhou Province and the development of its economy depends on mineral resource exploitation and utilization for a long time.,毕节地区处于贵州省西北部,长期以来经济的发展主要依靠矿产资源的开采和利用。 +Consider all the following in your MBCS programming.,在 MBCS 编程中需考虑下列所有因素。 +Andriy Shevchenko's first goal in a Chelsea shirt could be viewed as the player formally introducing himself to British football.,安得略-舍甫琴柯在切尔西的第一个进球可以作为把他正式引进入英格兰的一个标志。 +"In this context, Wicket shines since it uses page-version management — page state can be easily reverted to any previous version if page versioning is enabled.",在这种上下文中,Wicket 因为使用页面版本管理(page-version management)而大放异彩,如果启用了页面版本化,可以很轻松地将页面状态恢复到以前的版本。 +"The mutex object must be declared; once declared, it must be initialized.",互斥量对象必须先被声明;声明后还必须初始化。 +We hope you can use more idioms to help you speak more fluent English.,我们希望借助这些身体习惯用语,你可以说更流利的英语。 +The results show that the method is feasible and provided that the potential for testing large aspheric mirror.,结果表明该技术是切实可行的,具有检测大口径非球面镜的潜能。 +"Conclusion It suggests that the more severe the primary injury of the brain is, the greater the secondary damage of the free radicle is and the worse the prognosis is.",结论提示原发脑损伤愈重,氧自由基继发性损害作用愈强,预后愈差。 +"In succession, the methods of subarray division by regular and irregular means have been investigated.",接着介绍了相控阵���阵划分的方法,包括规则子阵和不规则子阵划分方法。 +This paper summarizes and concludes on the mineral alteration features of explosive pipe breccia in rock-mass of Jiuquling on the basis of field works and taking mineral-deposits as examples.,本文在野外工作的基础上,以矿床为实例,对九曲岭岩体爆破角砾岩筒矿化蚀变特征,进行归纳和总结。 +"High school's teachers in charge also teach the foreign language, to me also is very good, in secret enrolls in supplementary lessons or a little uses.",高中的班主任也是教外语的,对我也是很不错的,私下里的补习还是有点用的。 +"The domain bc3. cn may be for sale by its owner, if you would like to purchase this domain name, please click here to make an offer.",您访问的域名 bc3.cn 可能正在出售中,如果您对该域名感兴趣,请 点击这里 提供您的报价。 +"At the key time of power system reform, we should make a right evaluation for the contributions of pumped-storage power station and give it a proper return.",在当前电力体制改革的关键时期,应该对抽水蓄能电站所作出的贡献进行正确的评价,给予合理的回报。 +"Through such extensive participation, Expo 2010 Shanghai has truly brought together people around the globe.",上海世博会以最广泛的参与度,真正实现了世界人民的大团结。 +"FML Today, I thought I heard my little sister playing on my brand new grand piano.",FML 今天,我以为我听到了我的小妹妹在玩我的新的大钢琴。 +"The day of the meeting dawned, everything had been planned.",会面的日子如期而至,所有事情如计划进行。 +"Giving as YBE's solution, quantum groups including and quantum algebras can be derived from RTT relation.",当杨—巴克斯特方程的解给定时,由RTT关系即可建立量子群理论,它包括和量子代数。 +A method for network topology based on the common information model(CIM) in IEC61970 is presented in this paper.,文章提出了一种基于IEC61970公用信息模型的网络拓扑分析方法。 +The worse case scenario is where load is underestimated or hardware/network-bandwidth is swamped because careful planning was not conducted.,最坏的情况出现在因为没有进行仔细的可用性规划而导致负载被低估或硬件/网络带宽被阻塞时。 +"It is argued that the chain of retails and wholesales in Chinese rural areas may help lower the price, and thus enhance the strength of management.",在我国农村批零业态发展连锁经营可产生低价格优势,提高其经营管理水平和竞争优势。 +"Heterogeneous, two-dimensional dynamic modeling and analysis of acetylene hydrogenation reactor;",分析了加氢反应器堆焊层裂纹的成因与对使用的影响。 +"Their low-power Wi-Fi chips can be embedded into any system including consumer electronics, smart energy devices, home and building controls, portable medical sensors, and sensor networks.",它的低功耗Wifi芯片可以嵌入任何系统,包括电子消费品、智能能源设备、家庭和建筑控制仪器,便携式医学传感器和传感器网络等。 +I'll put everything in denims or white!,我会把一齐事情白纸黑字写清楚。 +The many need to learn from the few.,大多数公司需要向这些少数公司学习。 +To contribute to building capacity for the prevention and control of diabetes.,促进建设预防和控制糖尿病方面的能力。 +"Liferay Portal 5.0 includes the core collaboration tools needed in today's enterprises, including",Liferay Portal 5.0囊括了当今企业需要的核心协同工具,包括 +According to the international standards for the construction of a is tropical seashore leisure resort hotel apartment.,是按国际标准兴建的热带海滨休闲度假式酒店公寓。 +I suppose none of you are sitting on a thistle by any chance?,我想你们没有谁碰巧坐到了一丛蓟上吧? +This product applicable to the grinding of glass double-straight edge.,本产品适用于磨削玻璃双直边。 +"For education, there is the Ministry of Education. For science, you have suggested that the State Science and Technology Commission be restored.",教育有教育部管,科学方面大家提出要恢复国家科委。 +Learning the tricks of the selling trade not only adds to your smartness but also to your inherent ability to manipulate others.,学习销售的技巧不仅会让你更聪明,而且还能学会控制他人。 +Experimental results show that the decrease of photo-resist thickness will cause the increase of width and the decrease of depth.,研究结果表明,光刻胶厚度的减小会引起宽度的增大和深度的减小。 +"Breeder Seb Miller, of Bristol, says he sells around 200 skunks a year.",宠物店经营者Seb Miller称,每年大概可以卖出200只左右的臭鼬。 +The evolution and Geomorphologic morphological characteristics of Yigong Landslide were clearly identified through multi-temporal satellite remote sensed data and images.,多期��星遥感数据与图像清晰地反映了易贡滑坡的演变及其地貌形态特征。 +Who is the naughtiest boy in your class?,谁是你们班上最调皮的男孩呢? +An annual meeting where the top economic leaders from member countries meet to discuss issues.,成员国的顶级经济翘楚谈判问题的年会。 +"As a result, discussion has now focused on whether or when a kidney allograft should be considered for these patients.",因此,对于这些肝移植后的患者,是否及何时进行肾移植是目前讨论的主要话题。 +"Confucian culture has a strong human-centred human spirit, the core of which is the ideal personality on the design and shape that is so-called ""Being an Inner Sage so as to Rule the Outer World"".",儒家文化具有强烈的以人为本位的人文精神,其核心是关于理想人格的设计与塑造,即所谓“内圣外王”之道。 +"In nonsymmetric model, a new coordinate was set up and the 3-D numerical mode-matching (NMM) theory was introduced.",在地层非轴对称条件下建立了新型的坐标系,详细介绍了计算电阻率测井响应的三维模式匹配理论。 +"Importer: Well, thank you for showing me your beautiful ceramic ware. I was so impressed by your designs and the high quality of your pieces.",嗯,谢谢你为我展示这些美丽的陶艺品。你们的设计和产品质量让我印象深刻。 +"I personally have a ""unhappy people repellant"" perfume that I wear daily.",所以我每天都喷一种“郁闷人群驱逐剂”香水。 +The mainline of the Major Customer Service Project(MCSP) is to creat value for the major customers and to achieve mutual developments.,通辽供电公司大客户服务工程的主线是为大客户创造价值,与大客户协同发展。 +The zero interest rate bound is not a bound on further monetary expansion should that be deemed necessary.,"""有观点认为,货币政策开始失效,短期利率较低或为零的情况下,扩张型的货币政策无法刺激经济,这种看法并不正确."" 他在一次演讲中表示,""如果确有必要进一步放宽货币政策,零利率也不应束缚我们的行动.""" +"My dad and I bumped heads a lot—we were so alike, both of us born competitors.",我和我父亲一路也跌跌撞撞,我们两个如此相似,我们天生就是竞争者。 +"Our country began to carry out system of agency in foreign trade in 1984. However, this system has been proved of little avail in foreign trade for many years, what's the reason on earth?",我国从1984年开始试行外贸代理制,但是多年来,外贸代理制在我国外贸实践中却收效甚微,究竞原因何在?。 +"Meanwhile, for Hebei Province's agriculture, the compositions of the monitoring and alarm system for soil moisture content and the monitoring_management …",对河北省农业土壤墒情监测预警系统、水资源优化监测管理系统的构成及作用进行了探讨。 +She leaned over the banister .,她斜靠在栏杆上。 +The cycle of good and bad fortune is like the rise and fall of a roller coaster: What goes up inevitably comes down.,好运-坏运的周而复始就好像过山车的上升和跌落。上去的必然要下来。 +This paper describes the realization of CAM machining process simulation for allotype plastic profile extrusion die.,介绍了塑料异型材挤出模CAM系统中加工模拟过程的实现。 +"One file describes the interface to your service, while the other file describes your implementation of it.",一个文件描述到您的服务的接口,而另一个文件描述这个接口的实现。 +That's assuming you can get a room.,那还是假设你可以订到房间呢。 +This paper introduces a microcomputer in a coal mine methane concentrations exceeding the detection alarm device design and debugging methods.,介绍了一种采用单片机的煤矿甲烷浓度超标检测报警装置的设计与调试方法。 +"Chelsea striker Didier Drogba has welcomed the signing of Michael Essien, who he believes is one of the best midfielders in the World.",切尔西射手德罗巴非常欢迎埃辛的到来,他认为埃辛是世界上最好的中场之一。 +Sickle-cell anemia is one of the most prevalent hereditary disorders with prominent morbidity and mortality.,镰状细胞性贫血是最流行的遗传性疾病之一,具有很高的发病率和死亡率。 +"Moments of the impulse response are closely related with the interconnect delay. Based on the two-pole approximation, low-order moments are used to analyze the delay characteristic of interconnection.",延时与冲激响应有着密切的联系,本文采用系统冲激响应的低阶矩,基于双极点近似对互连的延时特性进行了研究。 +"Her husband arranged on the nickname of ""killing machine"" of a powerful enemy wolf gold string, and request power stone forgotten husband.",她安排丈对上外号“杀人机器”的强敌野狼金串,并请求力石忘掉丈。 +It was merely the condensation of the man.,这只是成年男子的一种凝缩现象。 +"Oh, my God, Dano, how could you?",噢,我的上帝,丹, 你怎么能?。 +The constitutionalization of the contract law is the main component of the constitutionalization of private laws.,契约法宪法化是私法宪法化的一个重要组成部分。 +"Sly LinZhenHai to flee, put all your eggs in one basket, head hit the floor, in order to back to live LinZhenHai, LiBiao command BaiDongJu dig bleeding herbs.",狡猾的林振海为了逃窜,孤注一掷,将头撞在了地板上,为了带回活的林振海,李彪命令白冬菊去挖止血的草药。 +It's too bad that we live in this world.,我们生活在这个世界真的很糟糕。 +Lime in the soil is detrimental to some plants.,土壤里的石灰对某些植物有害。 +That they are endowed with such rich humanity is as much a Pixar trademark as the painstakingly modeled surfaces or the classical virtual camerawork and editing.,他们身上赋予的丰富的人性,亦如精心模压出的外表,或者堪称经典的摄像和编辑,都成为皮克斯的商标。 +"They will appreciate the design, guile and sophistication of this movie about design, guile and the choice between evils.",他们会欣赏这部影片的设计、狡诈,以及对设计、狡诈和恶行选择的强词夺理。 +"This data object has three properties that are all PHP strings: name, dob (date of birth) and pob (place of birth).",该数据对象有三个属性,均为 PHP 字符串:name、dob(出生日期)和 pob(出生地)。 +"When deformable models are used to extract brain contour from head MRI T2 images , local minimums largely affect the algorithm's converging to the global minimum.",在提取人头部磁共振图像T2加权像的横断面的脑轮廓时,因为在图像内部存在许多的局部极小值,严重的影响了算法向全局极小收敛。 +"However, European diplomats have largely blamed Israel for the breakdown in peace talks and have expressed anger over Netanyahu's approval of large-scale settlement building.",然而,大部分欧洲的外交官指责以色列终断和平谈判并对内塔尼亚胡同意大规模建立定居点表示愤怒。 +"By using FDS software, the critical ventilation speed from platform to concourse was studied in the different conditions.",利用FDS场模拟软件,对不同条件下站台与站厅间所必需的临界通风速度进行了计算机模拟研究。 +"Titanic II will be built by Chinese state-owned CSC Jinling Shipyard, which is already building four ore carriers for Palmer's mining business, he said.",帕尔默说,泰坦尼克二号将由中国国营企业中国长江航运集团金陵船厂承建,该船厂已经为帕尔默的矿业建造过四艘矿砂船。 +"Of course the female shadow he will never escape is that of his mother, the Queen.",当然了,查尔斯王子永远也逃离不掉的女性阴影是他的母亲,英国女王。 +"And the angel took the censer, and filled it with fire of the altar, and cast it into the earth: and there were voices, and thunderings, and lightnings, and an earthquake.",天使拿着香炉,盛满了坛上的火,倒在地上。 随有雷轰,大声,闪电,地震。 +"Therefore, I summarize three principles of the integration Digital Experiment into chemistry teaching of middle school:purpose, students-centered class teaching, teacher guidance.",另外从整合的实践中,归纳总结出了数字化实验与中学化学教学整合的三条原则:目的性原则、主体性原则、指导性原则。 +Each application has one or more activities that represent the various states of the application.,每个应用程序都有一个或多个活动,代表着应用程序的各种状态。 +"John continued trudging off through the whirling snow, while David clambered down the steep embankment.",约翰继续在漫天飞雪中跋涉,而大卫则艰难地攀缘到崖底。 +The fight was the centerpiece of a 2005 documentary entitled Ring of Fire: The Emile Griffith Story.,这场比赛是2005年一部名为“烈火拳击台:埃米尔·格里菲斯的故事”的纪录片的中心事件。 +They set out on a sightseeing tour .,他们动身出去观光旅行。 +"Some might feel that it explains a certain aspect of our moral code, but other animals are not being immoral if they kill one of their own community.",有些人可能觉得它对我们道德准则的某些方面做出了解释,但是其他的动物并没有因为它们杀死了自己群体中的另一个而变得不道德。 +Conclusion Prevention of intentional injury behaviors should take into account related social factors and the mental disorder.,结论改善教育教养环境和心理健康状况可降低中学生故意伤害行为的危害。 +"Banks like UBS or Citigroup have had write-offs far beyond this, equivalent to 8-15% of risk-weighted assets.",像UBS 和Citigroup银行已经注销的资产远远超过这个比例,等价物达到风险加权资产的8-15%。 +Results The diagnostic ratio of ultrasound in lens and iris injury was 95.65 %(22/23 eyes) and 90.91%(10/11 eyes) respectively as compared with ocular examination and surgery.,结果与眼科检查及手术中所见相对照,超声对晶状体损伤的诊断符合率为95.65%(22/23眼),合并虹膜损伤诊断符合率为90.91%(10/11眼)。 +All the defendants of this case were once leaders of Japan for the past several decades when Japanese power was at its peak.,本庭所有被告都是过去几十年日本国运极盛之时的国家领导人。 +"Our specialty in stiletto embroidery of cotton, polyester, linen, wool fabric and cotton blends!",在全棉、涤布、麻类、毛料及混纺的雕孔绣花! +They can't kill Karolides in Greece because he has too many guards.,在希腊他们杀不了卡罗里德斯,因为他有许多卫士。 +Her husband was admitted to hospital last week as his condition deteriorated.,她的丈夫因为病情恶化,上周入院接受治疗。 +Patrick: Where is your headquarters?,派翠克: 贵公司的总部在哪里? +"In addition, MRP2 also influences the complicated absorption process of the tradi…",此外,MRP2还影响着中药成分的肠吸收过程。 +"These high-quality products have a 14"" TPE boot, which was to be molded in China.""",这些高质产品具有14吋高的TPE护套,护套在中国 注塑成型。 +In 1940 Xian went to the Soviet Union to compose the score of the documentary film Yan'an and the Eighth Route Army.,1940年,冼星海前往苏联,为纪录片《延安与八路军》进行后期制作与配乐。 +The property management toll should include the Integrated Service Charge proved by OPS(office price Stabilization)and the from running the water pump in building.,物业费包括物业局批的综合管理费和楼内水泵运行发生的费用。 +"Get down from the bus one station before or after your destination, and walk the rest of the way.",乘坐公车时在你目的地的前一站或后一站下车,步行走完剩下的路。 +Would you mind keeping your voice down?,你介不介意把音量放小呢?。 +"The end cottage comprises a shop and parlour, kitchen and cellar on the lower floor and three good bed rooms and an attic, and a paved yard.",梅拉尼表示,“最后成型的 房子是由店面、起居室、厨房、底下的地窖、三个舒适的卧室、一个阁楼以及一个铺整过的 院子构成。 +"If the plane is dark and smoky after a crash landing, you can count and feel your way to the exit.",如果当飞机迫降后一片黑暗并且充满了烟雾,你能够数着并摸索去出口的路。 +"And I would draw the sculpted bow to a full moon, With a northwest gaze, To shoot the Celestial Wolf.",我将使尽力气拉满雕弓就像满月一样,朝着西北瞄望,射向西夏军队。 +Party-State relationship is a basic component of Party Politics and is also one that has not been properly settled by the socialist countries.,政党—国家关系是政党政治的一个基本问题,也是所有社会主义国家一直没有很好解决的问题。 +"Funny Women has also promoted great breakthrough acts such as Andi Osho, Kerry Godliman and Susan Calman.",《搞笑女人》这个节目也在很大程度上提高了诸如安迪•奥修、凯瑞•高迪莉曼和苏珊•卡尔曼等演员的演技。 +But I suppose you had no opportunity.,我猜想你们是没有机会学吧。 +"In addition, 388 offspring of parents with bipolar disorder and 251 children of control parents were assessed in the study.",另外,双相情感障碍父母的388个子女和251个控制组的子女接受了研究评估。 +How did I learn the art?,我怎么“学艺(译)”呢? +"The Hakomi Method can be applied to all human relationships, say specialists: in education, customer service, palliative care, and so forth.",专家说,冥想疗法适用于全人类的各种人际关系,例如:教育行业,客服,治愈内心的手段等。 +"The Spring Festival is a traditional sense from the twelfth lunar month of 23 people sacrifice or until the 15th, with New Year's eve and the first month for the Spring Festival.",传统意义上的春节是指从腊月初八的腊祭或腊月二十三的祭灶,一直到正月十五,其中以除夕和正月初一为春节的高潮。 +It had been said that his plan to buy a boat was nothing but a trick to make off with his brother's money when the news spread that a strange craft was approaching the town.,马孔多的人已经在说,买船计划不过是花招,目的是从兄弟身上骗些钱去挥霍,但是突然传说一艘古怪的轮船正在驶近马孔多。 +The asynchronous service framework ensures this by utilizing WebSphere eXtreme Scale's shard event listener interfaces.,这个异步处理框架通过利用 WebSphere eXtreme Scale 的 shard 事件监听器接口来确保这一点。 +"At some studios, the first wave of letters are going out today, hitting writer-producers whose companies don't currently have shows in production.""Anyone",一些电影制片厂今天发送出第一批中止合同的通知信,寄往那些没有制作节目的编剧制作公司。 +Many people are surprised to find that it's also in foods like some yogurt and ice creams.,许多人惊奇地发现,在一些食品例如一些酸奶和冰激凌中也含有咖啡因。 +Photo Camp: Santa Monica BioBlitz. Wildflower buds look ready to pop in this close- up by a Photo Camp student.,摄影野营活动以为参加野营的同学拍摄到的野花的花蕾真的很引人注意。 +"""As far as we know, the kidnappers are freelance militias, and they have demanded a ransom, "" Faruk said.",法鲁克说:“就我们所了解,这些绑架者是自由职业的民兵,他们提出了赎金要求。 +It's historically inevitable to raise the back-nurture cost from the profit and the income of capital business of state-owned enterprises.,国有企业利润分红、国有企业改制收入(包括国有股减持收入)是反哺资金“开源”的重要途径,“反哺”进入国有企业利润再分配是历史的必然。 +"So, State Representative Darryl Owens proposed a law last week which would drop this section.",所以,国家代表达里欧文斯上周提议放弃这一步骤。 +"Conclusion YAG laser, one of the new corea focus debridement, has many advantages of security, accuracy reliability, and efficiency, and it can destroy the pathogen in focus to some extent.",结论YAG激光作为一种新的角膜病灶清除方式具有安全、准确、可靠、高效等优点,并可能对病灶内的病原体有一定的物理破坏作用。 +"The left atrium is involved in three functions: conserving, piping and sub-pumping.",左房功能主要包括蓄储功能、管道功能和辅泵功能。 +The PMIS is also used to create new forecasts as needed.,项目经管信息系统还在需要时用于做出新的展望。 +Everyone has a scheme of getting rich..... which never works.,每个人都有一个发财的计划……从未管用。 +The geology survey of Hegang coal field are introduced and some obvious characters of workable seam are compared.,介绍了鹤岗煤田的地质概况,并对主要可采煤层的一些比较明显的特征进行了对比。 +"And in hermetic North Korea, stories of people relegated to eating twigs and bark have now been replaced by reports of sporadic cannibalism .",在与外界几乎没有联系的朝鲜,甚至有了人吃人的报道,人们有时靠吃树枝和树皮为生。 +"Previous microseismic systems based on DSP or single chip can't reach the desired data collection due to its limitation, neither realize the advanced algorithm.",以往基于DSP或其他单片机的微震系统,其资源的有限性很难达到理想的采集效果,并且难以完成先进算法的实现; +When moving for boyfriend straightened up ties and slowly pants zipper.,在整装时帮男友弄直领带和慢慢拉起裤子的拉链。 +"Schmidt points to the great stone rings, one of them 65 feet across. ""This is the first human-built holy place, "" he says.",斯密特指着离他们有65英尺远的一个石柱圈,说道:“这是人类建立的第一所圣殿。 +Objective To investigate the efficacy of probing lacrimal passage in early period on neonatorum dacryocystitis.,目的探讨早期探通术治疗新生儿泪囊炎的效果。 +The deal gives WISCO the right to nominate a director to Consolidated Thompson's board and a pre-emptive right to maintain a proportionate stake in the company.,"这宗交易赋予武钢向Consolidated Thompson提名一位董事的权利,以及维持在该公司相应持股比例的优先权." +"B:I'm not sure of the name,but the extension is 211.",叫什么名字不太清楚,只知道电话分机是211。 +"I saw the haunting singing Susu fingers, amber time sink.",我看见簌簌的歌唱萦绕指间,琥珀的时光沉落。 +How we dress ourselves and what we wear tells the people around us a lot about who we are.,我们的衣着和配戴的饰物会告诉周围的人我们是怎样一个人。 +"During the progressive process of the movement, there are success and failure, climax and low tide, dispute over something new and old and wavering from left and right.",语言现代化在前进过程中,有成功、有失败,有高潮、有低潮,有新旧争论,有左右摇摆,在“尝试与错误”中提高认识和开拓局面。 +The genericity mechanism should support the constrained form of genericity.,泛型机制应该支持泛型的限定性形态。 +"Methods: The efficacy of shunting was retrospectively analyzed according to 31 NPH patients′ symptoms, medical history, age and test of draining cerebrospinal fluid(CSF) with lumbar puncture.",方法:回顾性分析31例正常压力脑积水(NPH)患者临床症状、病程、年龄、腰椎穿刺放液试验等因素对脑室-腹腔分流术的影响及预后效果。 +"Newer tests are being studied for more reliable diagnosis of latent tuberculosis, as treatment before transplantation lowers the rate of post-transplant infection significantly.",新的更加可靠的诊断隐性肺结核的试验已获得成功,移植术前的抗结核治���明显降低移植术后的结核性感染。 +Xanthophyll from the marigold flower is a potent antioxidant.,金盏花中萃取出来的叶黄素是一种很有效的抗氧化物。 +"China's beer production rose to quench the thirst of an increasing population and a spreading drinking habit among women, the Kirin official said.",麒麟公司官员称: 中国的啤酒工业随着人口的爆炸而迅猛发展,甚至有一部分女性也养成了喝啤酒的习惯。 +"However, the teacher kept improving and self-reflecting on her multicultural teaching belief and her teaching profession during the teaching process.",但是却可发现教师在实验教学期间不断地自我反省及成长,使得教师的多元文化教学信念及其教师专业皆获得开展。 +"Stir until fruit and ""cold"" drinks … In addition, …",搅拌至果…一个冷若冰霜的饮料。 +"Behind cold data on the MDGs are real people and lack of progress that has real and tragic consequences,"" said the World Bank's Zia Qureshi, lead author of the Global Monitoring Report.",《全球监测报告》世界银行方面的主笔库雷西说:“在千年发展目标冷冰冰的数据后面是活生生的人, 是进展滞后所带来的实际和悲惨的后果。 每周都有20万五岁以下的儿童死于疾病。 +This brought yields of 10-year Portuguese bonds down to 5.9 percent -- no more than the country would have to pay to borrow from the EU.,"葡萄牙10年期公债的收益率跌至5.9%,并未高于如果向欧盟借款所需支付的利率." +The trend of further study on oil tanning was discussed. The application prospect of chamois was reported too. All these will provide some references for developing the new oil tannage.,指出了油鞣技术研究的发展趋势,并展望了油鞣革的应用前景,其目的是为新型油鞣技术的开发提供参考。 +""" He opened the note, and read, ""Hey, you're standing on my oxygen tube!""",他打开纸条:“喂,你踩住我的输氧管了。” +This paper repots the N-alkylation of Saccharin with alkyl halide under microwave irradiation by using solid reagents as a supporter.,研究了微波场下用固体碱催化剂干态催化糖精与卤代正庚烷的烷基化反应。 +"This paper introduced the experiment of applying high power, deep penetration laser welding stainless steel tubes-tube plates.",本文介绍了采用大功率深穿透激光焊接不锈钢制压力容器管子—管板环缝的试验结果。 +Conclusion UBIT can significantly improve the effective rate of platelet transfusion.,结论血液光量子疗法能显著提高血小板输注有效率。 +"The paper gives a brief introduction of IISI as well as the analysis of the development in china, so as to encourage Chinese members to make the full use of this platform.",介绍了国际钢铁协会的现状以及在中国的发展,宝钢对IISI工作的参与,建议所有中国目前和潜在的会员最大限度的利用好这个国际性信息交流平台。 +"The skimmer boats, tugs, and other equipment needed for quick response will be useless if they are parked far from a spill in an ice-locked inlet.",如果石油泄漏发生在某个被海冰封锁的小湾内,那撇油船、拖船以及其他用于快速反应的设施也将于事无补。 +The mosaic includes image data taken through a narrow filter that transmits only the red light of hydrogen atoms.,这张拼贴图中所含的图片数据是通过窄带滤波器得到的,它只会传播氢原子发出的红光。 +A working ant is 1 cm long while the queen and soldiers are twice as big.,工蚁通常一厘米长,然而蚁后和兵蚁是工蚁的练呗大小。 +The model has some reference value and significance to guide enterprise information planning and digitized mine construction.,基于业务流程的价值分析和变革性分析,提出了一种新的企业信息化规划的分析框架模型。 +"Withdraw troops first, then there is then an opportunity dividing a soldier?",先撤军,然后便有机会分兵了? +""" Chien-Wen confirmed by our predecessors were recorded for ""return to Tibet"" Guaming mostly accurate, but mistakenly Daming, Ying Huo, Achillea, etc. 3 Shì old name names when closed.",简文证实了前人所录《归藏》卦名绝大部分是准确的,但误将大明、荧惑、蓍老等三位筮人姓名当封名。 +"Finally, this raises the question -- prior to 2010, when was the last time that we had a total lunar eclipse occur on the same calendar date as the winter solstice?",最后,这又产生了一个问题——2010年以前,最后一次出现和冬至相同的日期发生月全食是什么时候呢? +More and more artists are using this kind of art method which is Iow cost.,更多的艺术家因而选择了这种低成本的专业的艺术创作方式。 +Writes that initialize final fields will not be reordered with operations following the freeze associated with the constructor.,初始化 final 字段的写将不会与构造函数关联的冻结后面的操作一起重新排序。 +"This machine can motorise pay-off not only loose tube of optical fiber but also loose tube of optical fiber ribbon, and it can shut down once buldgy part is detected.",该机主动放线既可用于光纤松套管又可用于光纤带松套管的放线,并具有鼓包检测和停机功能。 +He was also head of Taiwan's Examination Yuan and a university professor.,他主管台湾的考试院并兼大学教授。 +"Their existence is a tribute to human resourcefulness and creativity, surfacing from deep within a complex process.",它们的存在正以一种复杂的过程展现出来,这种艺术是对人类的聪明才智和创造性的贡献。 +I got to get a better demo.,我得找个更好的样本了 +That is why golfers and baseball players use spikes to completely stabilize their feet so that great momentum can be generated in the swing.,这就是为什么高尔夫和棒球运动员穿钉鞋来稳定他们的脚,这样在回转中可以产生极大的动力。 +"you know, even in January and February sometimes we will get some really nice days like this",甚至在一二月份也会有好天气, +"Costs related to handling, transportation, standing, sailing for delivery, etc… with regards to these hand over and controls are to be borne exclusively by the purchaser.",与搬运、运输、固定、交货航行等等,与以上移交和控制有关的费用,均由买方一力承担。 +This night I was both.,那天夜里就是这样。 +Michelle reached out her hand and gently touched the fin of one of the dolphins.,蜜雪儿伸出她的手,轻柔地触摸着其中一只海豚的鳍; +"The search engine has become such a stand-in repository for human knowledge that it has, among other things, compromised the entire genre of games based on trivia.",这个搜索引擎已经成为人类知识的存储库,并且比其他任何事物都影响了由细节构成的,人处理事情的风格。 +"In industry measurement, it provides a comparison of 2000 edition ISO10012 with 1994 edition ISO10012. In legal measurement, it introduces the points that measurement law tends to revise.",在工业计量中介绍了2000版ISO10012与1994版ISO10012的比较; 在法制计量中介绍了《计量法》拟修订的内容。 +IBRD countries account for 83 percent or $2.09 billion of this portfolio.,这些项目的碳资产总值约为25亿美元,其中国际复兴开发银行成员国的项目为20.9亿美元,占83%。 +The second part of the meta-data management and application process from the planning and implementation aspects of the practice.,第二部分对元数据管理和应用从规划和实施过程方面进行了实践。 +"A tabloid favorite since his Moonlighting days, Willis made headlines in 1998 when his 13-year marriage to Demi Moore, came to an end.",自他主演《蓝色月光侦探社》以来,布鲁斯一直是小报追逐的目标,但1998年让他上了头条的却是因为他与发妻黛米摩尔13年的婚姻走到了尽头。 +The balloons were popping when the children burst them.,气球被孩子们弄破时发出“ 砰砰” 的响声。 +How come girls from other colleges can join your club?,为什么来自别校的女孩子能参加你们的社团? +"They saw a circle of standing stones that Illyrio claimed had been raised by giants, and later a deep lake.",他们看见了一圈屹立的巨石,伊利里欧声称这是被巨人搭起来的,接着是一个深湖。 +ABSTRACT: This article will explore the prespective of the current imported wine market in China.,摘要: 本文作者从当前时局透视了进口葡萄酒市场的一些新变化和新形势。 +Skrtel has a hamstring injury while El Zhar has damaged medial ligaments in his knee.,斯科特尔伤势是跟腱的伤势,而阿尔扎尔是膝盖韧带受伤。 +"Methods: 120 patients of hypertension with Yin Deficiency and Yang Excess Syndrome, aged 18. to 65, were enrolled from the clinic of ChengDu university of TCM.",方法:从成都中医药大学心内科门诊及住院部收集120例高血压病例,中医辨证阴虚阳亢型,年龄18-65岁之间。 +"For that, many prospective VG passengers have already begun training in a suburban Philadelphia complex and aboard a specially modified Boeing 727-200 jetliner, known as G-Force One.",为此,许多VG预约客户已开始在费城市郊的综合设施内接收训练,还要登上一架特别改装的波音727——“G力1号”体验失重。 +I look upon this as my home.,我把这当作我的家。 +I had too much beef stew for dinner and was on the verge of throwing up.,晚餐吃太饱,满肚子的炖牛肉差点吐出来。 +"Corporate records show Benchmark is one of several business names for the same company, KHTX Management, which lists an address in Harlingen, Tex., that is a U.P.S. store.",公司记录上显示基准专业职业公司和其他几家公司同属于一家公司-KHTX管理,列出的地址为德克萨斯州的哈林根,是一家UPS店。 +"Start a new exercise or eating plan, or get a second opinion from another doctor.",开始全新的运动,饮食计划,或者去医生那边二次就诊都好。 +The defects induced by annealing in the temperature range of 450~950℃ in CZ silicon crystals are investigated by photoluminescence (PL) at room-temperature.,用室温光致发光方法研究了经450~950℃热处理后硅中的热缺陷行为。 +I think that's nonsense.,我觉得那是在胡说。 +The distance between the greenhouses is less than one meter so all of them look like a large cellophane carpet.,没座大棚之间的距离不超过一米,所以它们看起来就像一大块塑料布。 +I heard another caravan was captured by the bandits from the Kryptgarden Forest!,我听说另一支旅行队被来自克瑞普花园森林里的强盗抓走了! +"The production technology, facilities, and application of new process and new materials in the painting production line in wuhan tractor factory was briefly introduced.",主要介绍了武汉拖拉机厂涂装生产线的生产工艺、生产设备及新工艺、新材料的应用。 +"But it was a matter of priorities, he said. With the world so close to killing polio, countries like Nigeria should make eradication a top priority, he said.",这个世界已经如此接近消灭小儿麻痹症的目标,像尼日利亚这样的国家应当把消灭小儿麻痹症当做其首要任务。 +"Wang Xiaobo regards the real world by one kind of brand-new posture, and through right ""city"" the description and writing complete one kind the wisdom revolt which carries on to the authority.",王小波以一种全新的姿态来看待现实世界,并通过对“城”的描绘与书写来完成一种对权力进行的智性反抗。 +Polysemy is an essential feature of a language's economy and efficiency.,一词多义是语言的经济性和高效率的重要特征。 +The CGRP-positive fibers presented both in fibrous tissues adjacent to proliferating cartilages and in bone marrow of newly formed trabecular bone.,而CGRP阳性纤维在纤维同时出现在纤维组织旁边的软骨中和新形成的松质骨的骨髓中。 +"In the restrooms of that cyber cafe,dad connected to mom.",并在网咖的洗手间你妈和我使用了超连结 +"A man holding a British hereditary title of honor reserved for commoners, ranking immediately below the barons and above all orders of knighthood except the Garter.",直接位于男爵之下但位于除嘉德勋位者外的,所有骑士等级之上的世袭身份拥有者,通常授予平民。 +"Environment Minister Peter Garrett said the ""distressing"" pictures would help build global opposition to whaling.",澳环境部长皮特。 加雷特说这些“令人痛苦的”照片会让全球更加立场一致反对捕鲸。 +What happens if the parameters aren't set properly when the concentrator is enabled?,如果在启用了连接集中器时参数没有设置正确会怎么样呢? +"Like Prudential, AXA hopes to fuel growth in Asia with a single game-changing acquisition.","像保诚一样,安盛希望借一笔收购交易来转型,以提高亚洲业务的增长." +"Available potassium and slow-released potassium contents were decreased, and total potassium content was changed insignificantly in the soil of mono-application of nitrogen fertilizer.",单施氮肥的土壤, 速效钾、缓效钾含量均降低, 全钾含量变化不明显。 +"On this day when Jupiter and Neptune meet, May 27, you may throw a major charity event, and if so, you would raise quite a bit of money.",5月27日,木星和海王星合相后,你会投身到一个主要的慈善活动中,如果这样的话,你会筹集到很多钱。 +"Firstly, a very warm welcome to the Wellton international hotel as part of Front Office Department.",真诚欢迎您加入华尔登国际酒店,成为酒店前厅部的成员。 +"The young girl was accepted right away, but the boy tried many times without success.",貌美的女孩一报名就被录取了。 男孩子考了很多次都没考上。 +"Forty percent of the households in sub-Saharan Africa are more than a half hour from the nearest water, and that distance is growing.",非洲撒哈拉沙漠以南地区40%的家庭需要花费至少半小时的时间才能到达最近的水源地,而且水源地正变的越来越远。 +"Burson-Marsteller is a global behemoth with 100 offices in 59 countries, annual revenues of around $300m, and some of the world's biggest companies among its clients.",博雅公关是一家全球大型企业,在59个国家拥有100多个办事处,年收入将近3亿美元,其客户群包括一些全球最大型的公司。 +So we focus on a couple of key dimensions.,因此我们将集中于两个关键方面。 +I give you a nasal decongestion.,我给您一种鼻塞专用药。 +I'm a wire wrap and dichroic glass artist.,我是一个卷线和二色玻璃艺术家。 +"Overriding all opposition, he followed a Right-opportunist petty-bourgeois policy.",他不顾一切反对,执行小资产阶级右倾机会主义政策。 +"Once the report finishes executing, the results will be displayed within DQA as illustrated below.",一旦报告执行完毕,结果会显示在 DQA 中,如下图所示。 +"Based on an analysis of the out-breaking cases met in practical production, measures of preventing the accident are proposeding terms of the operation, equipment and process variables.",本文就实际生产中出现的连铸漏钢事故,从操作、设备、工艺三方面进行了一些分析探讨并提出解决的对策。 +This website reserves by members of the advisory population analysis.,本网站保留发布会员人口分析资询的权利。 +"Four prototype HALTT (“Helicopter Alert and Threat Termination“) sensors are now on board Black Hawk helicopters and deployed to Afghanistan, as Danger Room alum Nathan Hodge reports.",四件HALTT(直升机预警与威胁解除)传感器样件目前已装在黑鹰直升机上,应用于阿富汗,如险情办公室Nathan Hodge所报道的。 +"In 1963 the Baron became a coach and guided Milan and Roma on several stints, as well as Verona, Monza, Varese, and Fiorentina.",在963年,男爵成为教练,执教米兰和罗马,同时也有维罗纳, 蒙扎,瓦雷斯,佛罗伦萨。 +"If it was from oranges, they would say so, right on the can.",如果它是来自柑橘,他们会这样说的话,就是正确的。 +"With the development of the private economy and Family business expansion, Business management problems has appeared one after another, especially of human capital issues.",随着民营经济的发展,家族企业规模的扩大,企业经营管理中的各种问题接踵而来,其中又以人力资本问题尤为突出。 +"When troubles give us a heavy heart, the wisest action is to unburden ourselves upon the Lord, for He truly cares for us and will sustain us through any circumstance.",当困难使我们心情沉重时,最好的方法就是将我的重担交在上帝的手里,因为他是看顾我们的上帝,也会在任何困难中保守我们。 +"Are the four ship classes set in stone, or is there a possibility of new classes being added?",问:这游戏是只会有这四种船型,以后还有可能会实装新的船型吗? +"Calling the guidelines ""bolder than expected, "" HSBC economists Qu Hongbin and Ma Xiaoping asserted that they ""suggest a marked acceleration in capital-account liberalization.",汇丰银行的经济学家屈宏斌马晓萍称,“电话指引将比预期更大胆,我们建议加速资本账户的自由化。” +"Plays one day of us now to go toward the seascape resort hotel rest, felt there unique charm.",玩了一天我们现在去往海景度假酒店休息吧,感受那里的独特魅力。 +Celibacy 'challenge',独身“挑战” +"The KPAs of level 2 are controls and managements of strategic, plan of all the year, project layout, payoff and audit.",可重复级的关键过程域有战略控制、年度计划控制、项目规划、盈利能力控制和营销审计; +"In a start-up, there’s no cushy safety net if something goes wrong.",在创业型的企业,如果什么出了差错,没有轻松的安全网。 +AIM: To investigate differentiation of CD34+ cells in human umbilical blood into eosinophils under the condition of cell culture in vitro.,目的: 探讨人脐血CD34+细胞在体外培养条件下向嗜酸粒细胞分化的规律。 +"Social role endows the undertaker with a special social relation, which is embodied by responsibility, e. g. duties and obligations, so undertaking responsibilities is a necessary demand of the role.",社会角色赋予了角色承担者特殊的社会关系,这种社会关系往往通过职责体现,包括责任和义务,担当职责是角色的必然要求。 +"The survey showed that the proportion of men in their 30s who drive has remained steady, while twentysomethings appear to be putting off getting behind the wheel until it's absolutely necessary.",调查显示30来岁的开车男士人数比例保持稳定,然而二十多岁的年轻人似乎决定将开车这一问题推迟延后,除非是万不得已。 +"The most common adverse reactions in children treated with Nexium were headache, diarrhea, abdominal pain, nausea, gas, constipation, dry mouth and sleepiness.",对于儿童患者,在使用耐信治疗中,最常见的不良反应是头痛、腹泻、腹痛、恶心、嗳气、便秘、口干及疲倦。 +"Prosecution authorities citywide approved apprehension of 136 suspects in 71 cases related to intellectual property right, and prosecuted 83 cases involving 144 suspects.",检察机关经审查批准逮捕侵犯知识产权类案件71件136人,经审查提起公诉83件144人。 +"(They did not do this for items associated with fear.) ""This makes sense if you think about the evolution of human motivation,"" says Aarts.",(他们并没有在与恐惧相关的物体上做这样的事)汉克(Henk Aarts)说如果你思考过什么是人类进化的动力,那人们的做法就是可以理解的。 +In a few moments we will adjourn to the transept where cake happens to await.,一会儿我们会去���堂休息,那里有免费蛋糕。 +Shuvalov is believed to visit the Russian island construction projects on the island the progress of the project will continue until 2015.,舒瓦洛夫据信前往该岛视察俄罗斯在岛上建设的项目进展,该项目建设将持续到2015年。 +"But boys, if you think you've got the right girl, remember that although a diamond may last forever, a girl's patience won't.",而男孩们如果认为已经找到自己的天命真女,要记得:钻石也许恒久远,但女孩的耐心可是有限的。 +The efficacy and side effects were evaluated by Hamilton depressive Scale(HAMD)and treatment emergent sympton scale(TESS).,采用汉密尔顿抑郁量表(HAMD)评定疗效,用副反应量表(TESS)评定不良反应。 +Would you come to my birthday party?-Yes.,您情愿去我的死日派对吗? +"In such conditions, birds rely on starlight, but parts of the lower Manhattan sky were overcast.",在这样的条件下,鸟群只能依靠星光导航,但是曼哈顿的低空部分刚好是多云天气。 +"A Brown Pelican is seen on the beach at East Grand Terre Island along the Louisiana coast after being drenched in oil from the Deepwater Horizon oil spill Thursday, June 3, 2010.",阿布朗佩利肯被认为是在沙滩上沿着路易斯安那州海岸后,被从深水豪华溢油星期四,2010年6月3日在油浸透在东大渔村岛。 +"However, the government has reportedly never granted its citizens most fundamental human rights in practice, and it continued pervasive discrimination on the basis of social status.",然而据报道政府在实践中根本不允许其公民享有大部分基本人权,并且继续保留基于社会地位的普遍歧视做法。 +But when he take a wooden block tower apart and then put the pieces back together piece for piece duplicate.,"但当你拆掉堆好的木积木,又把它们重新摆在一起,照原样一块块摆好。" +"I hate the feeling of being left out by you. I hate it very much. Please don't treat me like that, OK?",我讨厌被你冷落的感觉,恨透了,请你不要这样对我好吗? 用英文怎么说,?。 +"Book selection of this bookstore is different from that of Xinhua Bookstore and Book Building. It focuses on books about urban culture and design, life and creation.",这里的书籍在挑选上有别于新华书店、图书大厦,注重城市文化和设计、生活、创意类。 +"In studying computer professional at the same time, I also NGL-One post as referee, and I also responsible for organizing the German division of KODE5 and ESWC.",在学习计算机专业的同时,我还在NGL-One担任主裁判一职,同时我也负责组织德国赛区的KODE5和ESWC。 +"Even if that gets used by so-called anti-China forces, at most it's just a jab . Trying to cover this up like you are only gives others an excuse to smack you again.",就是真让所谓反华势力给利用了,最多算是人家给了你一巴掌,你这么一欲盖弥彰,就有了借口让别人再给你一记耳光。 +"So, professional discipline and specialties of development and construction must meet the requirements of social development, which can show their own characteristics.",学科专业的发展与建设要适应社会发展需要,彰显研究型农业大学办学特色。 +last night i heard him driving his pigs to markets.,昨天,我听见他鼾声如雷。 +"The evaluation falls in to three sections (purchase, QA and engineering), and there are some questions in each section.",供应商评审表共分三大项(采购、品保、工程),其下各有若干题目。 +Go back to dormitory on time. Don't walk around the campus without teacher's permission.,晚自习后按时回寝,不经老师允许不能随意在校园内走动。 +"It is a truly demountable modular partitioning system with a wide variety of options, finishes and systems.",马尔斯隔断系统是真正可拆卸、模块化的隔断系统,有着多种饰面、产品系列和选择。 +The compact torsion bar suspension is one of important suspension structure types applied in popular passenger cars.,紧凑型扭杆弹簧悬架是普及型轿车中采用的一种主要的悬架结构形式。 +"After the fire suppression of the guerrillas completely, devil began to cover each other, leapfrog ways of successive, Dai Jinhua cant do anything.",在火力完全压制游击队后,鬼子开始相互掩护,采取蛙跳方式逐次前进,戴金花一点办法都没有。 +The chromosomes duplicated in mitosis.,染色体在有丝分裂中会重复。 +"The change in the trend, seen by some analysts as a sign of a turning point, reinforced the idea that bad loans would bottom out sooner than expected.","这种趋势变化,被一些分析师视作出现转折点的迹象,并增强了坏帐率将先于预期触底的观点." +The paper builds the top speed prediction modal of airflow which is engendered due to weighting over great extent.,本文建立了采空区大面积顶板冒落造成的冲击气浪的最大速度预测模型。 +High salt is essential to that larger-than-life processed food taste.,高盐对加工食品那夸张的味道来说必不可少。 +"The panel, the International Agency for Research on Cancer, acts as an adviser to the World Health Organization, focusing on environmental and lifestyle factors that may contribute to cancer.",来自国际癌症研究署。 这个研究小组是世界卫生组织的顾问,主要研究可能会引起癌变的环境因素和生活方式。 +"In fact, due to its low cost, the PLC-based system has a much higher demand than the continuous-valued control system.",事实上,由于其成本低,基于PLC的系统具有高得多的需求比连续值控制系统。 +"""Then Jesus said to those on His left, 'Depart from Me, you who are cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels. "" (Matthew 25:41)",王又要向那左边的说,你们这被咒诅的人,离开我,进入那为魔鬼和他的使者所豫备的永火里去。(马太福音25:41) +"Summary of Background Data. Since the release of the 2000 Institute of Health report: ""To Err is Human""; in-hospital medical errors have been recognized as being unacceptably high;",背景数据概要:自2000年健康协会关于“人非圣贤孰能无过”的报道以来,发现住院患者的错误用药概率达到了难以接受的程度; +"The cases are occurring in countries where the average age of the populations is low, with a large proportion under 15.",因为在出现这些病例的国家,人口平均年龄偏低,15岁以下的人口所占的比例很大。 +"But suitable will affect the mechanism differently the medicine union application, like this may enhance strong points and avoid weaknesses, reduces the medicine the untoward effect.",而宜将不同作用机制的药物联合应用,这样可以扬长避短,减少药物的不良反应。 +AIM: To explore the effect of Sijunzi mixture plus Bifidobacteria capsule in treating children's persistent and chronic diarrheal disease.,目的:探讨四君子合剂加双歧杆菌胶囊治疗小儿迁延性及慢性腹泻的效果。 +The structural tone variation in grammatical variation is the mainstream in light sound tone variation in Shimen dialect.,语法变调中的结构变调是石门方言轻声变调的主流。 +"Jesus says the deceitfulness of wealth chokes it, making it unfruitful.",耶稣说,因为钱财的迷惑把神的道挤住了,不能结实。 +"I am talking about things like Facebook, Twitter, Myspace, checking for email every hour and looking at my website statistics to see how many visitors I had on that day.",我所指的是泡在Facebook、Twitter、Myspace这一类东西中,每小时都查看一下邮箱、或是查看我的网络数据,看看那天我的网站有多少访客。 +This study shows that the irregularity and process on the form of LHRH perikaryon and the brown granules of immunoreaction were filled in the cell body and process.,结果表明:LHRH核周体形态不规则,有突起,胞体和胞突内充满棕黑色的免疫反应颗粒。 +Just think of the relief you would feel as a Chinese official knowing that you will never have to deal with anyone as crazy as the Tea Party -- except maybe by locking them up.,与美国不同的是,中国官员从来不会遇到像茶叶党一样疯狂的对手,想想这个还是比较轻松的——即便有这样的对手,可能也已经被关起来了。 +"Tu got the award for three ""firsts"".",屠呦呦获奖因为她的三个“第一”。 +"We are able to get some C extensions running, like ripper, digest, socket, zlib, etc. after a few modifications.",经过一些小的修改,我们可以使一些C扩展运行起来,比如说,ripper、digest、socket、zlib等等。 +There are not only any achievements but also problems cannot be ignored in the Qiang native compulsory education.,羌族义务教育发展取得了一些成绩,但也存在一些不容忽视的问题。 +Excuse me. Would you tell me where the SOGO shopping arcade is?,不好意思,请问SOGO购物中心在哪里? +Bushan - re : the clee - san ? a frigate class vessel.,布申-瑞:克利-桑?那艘护卫舰级的飞船? +The Chinese Communist Party Central Committee and the State Council has proposed to set up pilot program of new rural cooperative medical system (NCMS) in countryside since 2003.,中共中央及国务院从2003年起开始倡导在农村进行新型农村合作医疗制度的试点,近几年取得了可喜的成绩。 +He had never come across a single prototype that didn't have language generating problems.,他还从来没遇到过一个发音器不出一点问题的机型。 +"Free shipping, free gift wrap, savings for current customers, sale prices, longer hours of operation and rebates are all examples of promotional hooks that may resonate with your audience.",免费送货、免费礼品包装、老顾客特别优惠、促销价、加长营业时间、以及各种形式的折扣,这些可都是令消费者无法抗拒的促销高招。 +Ginger and Garlic: Eating raw or powdered ginger-garlic combination is effective in not only reducing pain but also reduces swollen appendix also.,生姜和大蒜:吃生的或粉状姜大蒜组合是有效的,不仅疼痛减轻,而且也减少肿胀附录。 +"He understands the connection between energy and national security and has worked on the frontlines of global instability, from Kosovo to northern Iraq to Afghanistan,"" Mr. Obama said.",从科索沃到北伊拉克和阿富汗,他都在为世界的稳定而工作在第一线。 +These surges can injure or even kill astronauts and fry electronic circuits.,这些冲击波可以伤害甚至杀死航天员,毁坏电子线路。 +"The sun through the gap between the leaves, through early fog, a plume on the campus.",灿烂的阳光穿过树叶间的空隙,透过早雾,一缕缕地洒满了校园。 +"Facing an estimated $400 million-$600 million budget shortfall as early as this summer, the Palestinian Authority remains dependent on the world’s help.",巴勒斯坦权力机构最早在今年夏天就将面对估计高达4亿到6亿美元的预算赤字,因而还要依赖世界各国的帮助。 +"What I would refer to is the aspect of variety, of abundance, of the waves on the sea of life, of the ever-changing light and shade on their ceaseless undulations.",我要说的是,它的丰富多彩的一面,犹如那生活的海洋中翻腾着的波浪,它时而沉入浪谷,潜入黑暗;时而浪花四溅,在阳光下闪烁,使人浮想联翩。 +Wash 16 lettuce leaves (such as butter or romaine) and set aside.,洗净的16片生菜叶子备用。 +You may not believe it was drown on the ceiling of Huizhou ancient dwellings.,难以置信的描绘在徽州古民居天花板上的彩绘。 +"Even a bureaucrat might be more persuasive if he or she is good looking, and who wouldn't want persuasive employees instead of charmless ones?",即便对于一个官员而言,如果他或她长得漂亮的话,这个人的说服力也可能更强; 此外,在有说服力的员工和没有魅力的员工之间,谁不想选择前者呢? +FLAVOR】Chocolate and vanilla have different flavors.,巧克力和香草精的味道不同。 +"""Removing the wheel can influence the performance of the bicycle""--from a Dutch bicycle manual.",“拆下车轮会妨碍自行车的正常使用”——来自一种荷兰产自行车的使用手册。 +"""Why are you trying to trap me?"" he asked. ""Bring me a denarius and let me look at it.""",耶稣知道他们的假意,就对他们说:“你们为什么试探我,拿一个银钱来给我看。” +Scanning white-light interferometry surface profiling for geometrical characterization and device inspection was proposed.,提出了将扫描白光干涉表面轮廓测量方法用于微结构和器件的几何特性检测上。 +The control system was used in many steelworks .,该系统已在多家炼钢厂投入运行。 +"At the beginning of early industrialization, the industrial structure of southern Jiangsu Province was upgraded by basic production elements and investment.",在工业化的初始阶段,苏南地区主要依靠要素、投资驱动产业升级。 +"Secondly, we should necessarily and urgently perfect China's pawn broking legislation, which can be seen from the status and problems of pawn broking legislation.",第二部分,介绍了我国典当业的立法现状,详细解析了其中存在的问题,可见完善中国典当业立法的必要性和迫切性。 +"On the other hand, simulate the interference fitting process to get the deformation distribution of the mould cavity by steel mould correlation method.",另一是用钢模比拟法对扁挤压筒预紧装配过程进行模拟,获得了挤压筒内孔型腔变形规律。 +"Not ever acknowledged of course, but still, she'd heard him softly sing along-saw the look on his face when he thought he was unobserved.",不曾经当然承认,但是仍然,她有柔和地听到了他向前唱- 看见在他的脸上神情当他想了他被不观察的时候。 +"The movie is about Dicky , a boy who lives in a shabby house with his dad, Ti (played by Stephen Chou).",这部电影是在讲一个叫小狄的男孩,他和爸爸周铁(周星驰饰)同住在一间破旧的屋子里。 +"Then do,"" says Gelberg. Try to come up with an answer as quickly as you can -- but bear in mind that any job interview is a two-way street.","Gelberg说:""你可以说,’这是个好问题,请让我想一想看‘,然后去想” 尽量快地回答--但是牢记任何一次面试都是双方情愿的事情。" +a claim for damage will be filed on us together with your surveyor's report as evidence.,具体索赔要求,将陪同公证行的考试呈文一讫提交我方。 +"With thr third cup of tea, you are family.",敬上一杯茶,你是一个陌生人; +Toepfer congratulated China on combining economic and social development and environmental protection.,特普费尔祝贺中国将经济建设和社会发展与环境保护很好地结合起来。 +BeatzKid:What is your next move in coming future?,可否谈一谈你未来的动向?。 +"And he said unto them, I must preach the kingdom of God to other cities also: for therefore am I sent.",但耶稣对他们说,我也必须在别城传神国的福音。 因我奉差原是为此。 +"The invention and broad implementation of pesticides is a milestone during the agricultural modernization, and have made great contributions to increase yield and revenue.",农药的发明和使用是农业现代化进程中里程碑式的成就,为农作物的保产、增收做出了突出贡献。 +"Because of the high levels of stress caused by life and work for modern people, most people are trapped by emotions of sadness and anxiety.",现代人生活及工作压力大,伴随著大家都陷于郁闷、忧烦的情绪中。 +"And a lot of us, a lot of people of my generation",我们很多人……很多我们这一代的人, +The results show that SiO 2 is an effective reinforce filler.,结果表明,白炭黑是硅橡胶包覆层材料较为理想的补强填料。 +"There is, however, another form of communication which we all use most of the time, usually without knowing it.",但是,还有另一种交际手段,这一手段我们多数时间在使用,却又常常忽视。 +The third one will get the relationship between the agr-restricted Development Zone and food security discussed.,第三部分对湖北省农业型限制开发区与粮食安全问题的关系进行探讨; +"Jinan, experts have warned that one hundred and six hospitals, long-term insomnia, and forgetfulness will affect the normal operation of the brain, damage to brain health.",济南一零六医院专家提醒,长期失眠和健忘都会影响大脑的正常运作,破坏大脑的健康。 +"Founded in 1865, our privately held company employs 159,000 people in 68 countries.",公司成立于 1865 年,在 68 个国家和地区共有 159000 名员工。 +"Pour kingdom and Xiao Hui feelings also more and more good, gave Xiao Hui pour countries own a accessories.",倾国和萧辉的感情也越来越好,倾国给了萧辉自己的一个佩饰。 +"To the alphabet soup of international development banks (ADB, AfDB, CAF, EBRD, IADB), add one more set of initials: AIIB, or for the uninitiated, the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank.",国际发展银行的字母组合中又多了一种:AIIB,对不熟悉这个行业的人来说,它的全称是亚洲基础设施投资银行。 +""" Come with me, "" he said, and he lifted her in his strong arms and off they flew up the very top of Mount Olympus, home of the gods. And they went to see Zeus, king of all the gods.",他用坚实的臂膀抱起她,一起飞向众神之家一一奥林匹斯山顶,去见众神之王宙斯。 +"Fibrous material taken from the silk gland of a silkworm before it spins a cocoon, used for fishing tackle.",用我们的钓线,你可以在鱼儿发现你之前先找到它。 +"Finally, the measured data of Zheng-Xi dedicated passenger line further validate that the theoretical model is feasible.",最后通过郑西客专的实测数据,进一步验证了理论模型的正确性。 +I'm having a difficult time being the new manager. I feel like I'll never get it right.,刚当上新任的经理让我觉得一个头两个大,我觉得我永远没办法把事情做对。 +"During the pilling testing process, frictional effect can occur between the sample-containing tube and the soft wood lining of the rolling box and between different sample-containing tubes.",在起球测试中,载样管与箱体内衬软木材料以及载样管之间发生摩擦作用。 +"""People just assumed the answer was obvious, "" Meston says.",人们以为答案显而易见。 +"More children could go to better secondary schools if countries mobilized more resources and increased efficiency, says Emanuela di Gropello, senior development economist and editor of the book.",高级发展经济学家和该著作的编者Emanuela di Gropello说,如果这些国家能够调动更多的资源并提高效率,更多的儿童就可以进入更好的中学。 +"I If the ball that the competitor selected in advance to count has been played in accordance with the Rules, the score with that ball is the competitor's score for the hole.",i 参赛者在事先指定了希望计算成绩的那一粒球后,如果其击打过程符合规则,则该参赛者的本洞成绩以此球为准。 +"The struction of single jump twin increase function of plane is researched, simple, clear and definite struetion of single jump twin increase function graph of plane is obtained.",本文研究了平面上的单跳双增函数的结构,得到了平面上的单跳双增函数图象的明确、简洁、清楚的结构。 +It is recommended not to use this medicine in patients with hypothyroidism.,对甲状腺功能低下的病人尽量不用苯妥英钠。 +"There is also a seasonal factor to consider: Last year, first-quarter investment bank revenue was a full $2 billion higher than in any other period.",还有一个季节性因素需要��虑:去年,一季度的投行业务收入比其他任何季度都高出了整整20亿美元。 +Our life is a series of 'self-presentations' or 'self-promotions').,可以说,成功地人生是由一系列成功的‘呈现’铺垫而成的。 +and the helm to a hand ever rigid and cold as death.,然而手里的驾驶盘永远像死亡那样僵硬、冰冷。 +"The water became red with blood, and the body of the dugong, emerging from the sheet of scarlet which spread around, soon stranded on a little beach at the south angle of the lake.",湖水被鲜血染红了,儒艮从周围一片猩红色的湖水中浮了上来,很快就在湖南角的一小片沙滩上搁浅了。 +GMCR.O) slid 16.1 percent to $31.06 after disclosing a regulatory inquiry into its accounting practices.,"下跌个股中,Green Mountain Coffee Roasters Inc (GMCR.O: 行情)暴跌16.1%,报31.06美元,之前该公司表示监管机构正调查其会计操作." +"In front of a home is the fruit and vegetable Lin, can come here to experience the ""spring harvest, summer is Dongcang"" farm life, tempered the body but also the feelings of pleasure exhausted.",门前就是属自家的果林和菜地,来这里可以亲身体验“春耕秋收,夏实冬藏”的农家生活,锻炼了身体而且又愉悦疲惫的心情。 +"Try sharing it with others via blog, newsletter, over the phone or in person.",尝试通过博客、邮件、电话或者面对面地与人分享。 +Did she really turn her back on his proposal ?,她真地弃之不顾他的建议吗? +But I don't meed to tell you .,但是,我不必总告诉您,对吗? +I have had fun changing my aura while taking an Aura or Kirlian Photo.,在拍一张光环或基尔良照片的时候,我好玩改变了我的光环颜色。 +"Safe and count for much key in information in conduct and actions a wreath, invade the examination, early-warning technique should cause our value.",作为信息安全的非常重要的关键一环,入侵检测、预警技术应该引起我们的重视。 +Grafting of Macrocarpium officinalis(1). improved bud grafting has the higher survival rate than any other grafting methods. it could be as high as 80.7% and worth of being popularized.,山茱萸嫁接繁殖技术研究(1)在山茱萸几种不同嫁接方法中,以改进嵌芽接方法成活率最高,可以达到80.7%,值得在生产中大力推广; +"In the sequential approach, it would have taken 2ms.",在前面的方法中,这需要 2ms。 +"It is to be noted, however, that the Ascendant has a stronger significance for the life and constitution of the native than does its ruler, if the latter is absent from the First House.",如果命主星不在第一宫,那么,在人生和个性的形成上来看,上升必然比命主星更具影响力。 +"Today marks the first public demonstration by Britain's newly-formed campaigning group, Modern Movement.",今天将会因是英国新近成立的运动组织---“现代运动”的首次公众游行而被标记。 +"Blessed is he who, in the name of charity and good will, shepherds the weak through the Valley of Darkness, for he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children.",以慈悲与善意为名引导弱者通过黑暗之路的人受到祝福,因为他照应同伴、寻回迷途羔羊。 +"John Podesta walked with me down the colonnade to join Hillary, Chelsea, and the Gores on the state floor, where we would soon greet our successors.",约翰·波德斯塔陪同我走下楼去,希拉里、切尔西和戈尔一家都等候在典礼专用的楼层,在那里,我们不久后将欢迎下一任总统。 +Her mother paddled her for not keeping quiet.,她母亲因她不肯安静而打她。 +"Calculation methods of pipe diameter of gravity flowed pipe is discussed in combination of engineering practices, and calculation program prepared.",结合工程实例,讨论了重力流管道的管径计算方法,并编制了计算程序。 +"The butts of these pranks became known as a ""poisson d'avril"" or ""April fish"" because a young naive fish is easily caught.",这些恶作剧的烟头被称为一个“泊松D'四月”或“四月鱼”,因为一个年轻幼稚的鱼很容易抓到。 +"Thin spring rain in mountains, gently down trees green, mountain also green.",细细的春雨轻轻地落在山上,树绿了,山也绿了。 +"When the globalization is coming, we wake up with a start: the humans compete with each other for survival and also must intergrowth on base of competition.",当全球化以不可阻挡之势到来之时,人类为了生存而竞争,更应在竞争基础上共生。 +"In order to get the most out of his bizarre masterpieces, I decided to take Discover Walk's FREE Gaudí Tour.",为了更好地了解他那些风格奇异的杰作,我决定踏上发现高迪免费观光之旅。 +"In Zhou’s view, before the passage of the Law of People’s Bank of China” in 1995, the major reason for the central bank to issue excess currency was that the central bank often ran fiscal deficit.",周其仁认为,在1995年《中国人民银行法》通过前,央行超发货币的主要原因,就是央行常常被迫向财政透支。 +"From behind, she wrapped me in the towel from head to foot and rubbed my dry.",她在我身后用浴巾从头到脚把我裹住,帮我擦干身子。 +"It calls for the provision of devices, including wheelchairs and hearing aids.",报告呼吁提供相关器具,包括轮椅和助听器。 +"As for soil water movement after irrigation, it was faster in the ridge planting and furrow planting treatments than in the flatten culture treatments.",而就灌溉后土壤水分运动而言,垄作与沟播处理快于畦播处理。 +"'The absence of President Shimizu is causing anxiety among the public and the entire world, ' one journalist told a group of Mr.",一位记者周三在新闻发布会上对清水正孝手下的管理人士说,清水总裁的离开引起了公众和整个世界的不安。 +ConclusionThe experiment results indicate that extracts of Solanum lyratum Thunb. can increase the activity of POD and SOD and reduce the activity of MAD in the mice.,结论白英提取物有提高小鼠体内过氧化物酶、超氧化物歧化酶活性及减少脂质过氧化产物的抗氧化作用。 +But the proof that these crosses were also known outside the fighter-community can be found in several well-known betta books.,但证据表明这些十字架也称为战斗机以外的社区中可以找到一些著名的贝书籍。 +The main characteristics and mechanical and screening performance of copper-clad aluminium wire were presented.,介绍铜包铝线的规格、性能、用途及生产铜包铝线应注意的问题。 +"Elizabeth Carr, the first ""test-tube"" baby born in the United States, celebrates her first birthday with parents, Judy and Roger Carr, Dec. 30, 1982, in Norfolk, Va.",这是1982年12月30日弗吉尼亚州的诺福克,在美国出生的第一个“试管婴儿”伊丽莎白·卡尔正和她的双亲朱蒂和罗杰·卡尔庆祝她一周岁的生日。 +We've all experienced the horrors of the wimpy plastic straw: Too weak to penetrate the juice box;,我们都曾体会过使用软塑料吸管的不爽感受:太软了,扎不透果汁包装盒; +"Suddenly, many plain policemen emerged and those robbers started to flee.",突然间很多便衣警察出现了,这些强盗开始逃跑了。 +"In this paper, the results of preparative separations of steroid reaction pro-ducts, indole auxins, and DNP amino acid mixture with suitable two-phasesolvent systems is introduced.",本文简要说明了这种仪器的原理、结构和特征,并给出了制备分离甾族反应混合物、吲哚类植物激素、二硝基苯氨基酸的应用结果。 +"Wailing, which starts a typical hyrax song, indicates weight.",作为岩狸的一种典型的声音的哀号声,代表者它们的体重。 +This jackal too could not control himself and started howling.,这只胡狼也控制不住自己,放声嚎叫。 +He gloated over his fellow student's failure to win the prize.,他的同学未能获奖,他却幸灾乐祸。 +"However, it is a controversial issue on how to handle the old equipment's cash realizable value in the decision-making renewal, when calculating the overall cost.",但是,在计算总费用时应该如何处理旧设备更新决策时的可变现价值是一个有争议的问题。 +"'I am an innocent man, ' Mr. Megrahi wrote to Abdullah al-Senussi, a powerful official who was regarded as one of Col. Moammar Gadhafi's closest aides, in a letter found by The Wall Street Journal.",迈格拉希在写给赛努西的信中说,我是个清白的人。 赛努西是利比亚的一位强势领导人,被认为是卡扎菲的亲信之一。 +"Though from different worlds, they reveled in (took pleasure) their differences.",尽管来自不同的世界,他们着迷(欣喜)于彼此的差异。 +Some special solutions derived from differential equations are discussed in greater detail and thereafter formulas approaching the actual movements of pump valves are given in this paper.,本文对解微分方程法得到的几个特解进行了较为详细的讨论,从而给出了更接近实际情况的泵阀运动今式,提出了一些新看法。 +"In Initiate MDS, a member type attribute maps to a segment table, and each segment table defines one or more data fields. (see Figure 1).",在 Initiate MDS 内,成员类型属性映射到一个段表,而每个段表都定义了一个或多个数据字段(参见 图 1)。 +"Whatever your reasons for attempting to rehabilitate the wayward executive, you have taken too long and now your organization has turned on the executive in question.",无论你的原因是试图恢复这位管理者的名誉还是其他什么,你已经放松太久,现在你的组织已经对这位管理人员心存疑问。 +Suffice it to say that his sudden death left his family hopeless.,一句话,他的突然去世令他的家人失去了希望。 +Jack: I'm looking forward to that. There are some great cooks in our neighborhood! I'll make sure I have a good appetite!,杰克:我好期待聚餐耶,有好几位街坊邻居超会做菜的!我只要准备好让自己到时胃口大开就行了! +What is syncopation?,什么是切分音? +"Dr Cohn said: ‘Sex hormones affect finger length, and the ratio is fixed before the bone has even developed.",科恩博士说:“性激素影响手指的长度,这个比例在骨头发育完成前是固定的。 +"Sentosa is a popular island resort in Singapore, visited by some five million people a year. Attractions include a two-kilometre long sheltered beach…",圣淘沙是很受欢迎的新加坡岛屿和旅游胜地,每年约有五百万游客到访游玩。 +"Every phase of westerners' life is touched by this religion, so much so that it has become part and parcel of western culture.",西方人生活的方方面面都受其影响,以至于基督教本身已成为西方文化密不可分的组成部分。 +His hair was tousled.,他头发蓬乱。 +"Medical treatment seem to injury human body, however, the subjective aim of medical treatment is to cure the disease to save patient, objectively in favor of both patient and society.",医疗行为从表面看似乎给人体造成一定伤害,但其主观目的在于治病救人,客观上有利于患者和社会,因此具有正当性。 +"Su Kang and his girlfriend to shop in a cart of goods, but there is no parts in stock.",苏康和女友为网店进了一大车的货,但是没有地方存货。 +"For that matter, why blow $250, 000 on a Ferrari when for $25, 000 it can be yours for a few weekends a year?",考虑到这一点,在你可以话25,000可以拥有几周法拉利,为什么要花250,000美金买一辆呢? +"To learn more about Christensen’s work, visit his HBR Author Page.",如果想更多的了解他的更多作品,可以访问他在哈佛商业评论作者信息的链接。 +I like a virago to still have a deeper reason:See the virago feel benignity .,我喜欢泼妇还有一个更深层的原因:看见泼妇我就觉得亲切。 +"Well, then, I su ose we can meet at 8'clock tomorrow morning in your office.",那样的话,明天上午8点淘宝取消订单在你办公室见。 +"""Happyness banquet hall"" Restaurant has 10 luxury dining rooms, serves elegant dishes such as Cantonese food and Shandong food prepared by famous Cantonese chef.",“财富名轩”食府备有10个豪华包厢,特聘广东名师主理,主营粤菜,鲁菜等精品菜肴。 +The experiment results show that splitting force will increase as backpressure increases and the relationship is approximately linear.,结果表明,裂解力随背压力的增加而增加,二者近似呈线性关系; +"As long as you don't leave home without your phone, that handy gadget keeps a record of everywhere you go — a record the government can then get from your telephone company.",只要你带着手机出门,这个便捷的小玩意儿就会记录下你所到的每一个地方——政府可以从电话公司那获得这个记录。 +The author suggested that we can adjust tax structure rather than levying new tax based on existing taxation policy.,对电子商务进行征税应以现有的税收政策和税种为基础,不必开征新的税种,但有必要调整现有的税种结构。 +"Everyone could use a quick energy boost, but too big of a buzz could leave you feeling anxious, unable to sleep or focus.",人人都能通过咖啡或功能饮料让能量快速满格,但是摄入太多会让你感到焦虑、失眠、难以集中精力。 +"In this paper, Analysis and verification of positive B-D experiment result are performed, and thus the sterilization machine can be used properly.",通过对B-D试验的阳性检测结果进行较系统的验证,分析其阳性检测结果产生的原因,避免因误判而影响灭菌器的正常使用。 +"Their goal was to take up the jihadist cause around the world, righting perceived wrongs under the accordance of pure, Islamic law.",他们的目标就是在全世界发动伊斯兰圣战,以纯粹的伊斯兰秩序来惩纠他们认为错误的事情。 +Whichever club I've been at there have always been other sides sniffing around and that's put added pressure on me.,不管我在哪家俱乐部,总有其他球队在周围弄出点动静,这给我施加了压力。 +"During the climax, the males shout out ""Yah-Wei"" and the females respond with ""Xue-Wei"" at an end.",舞至高潮,男队高喊“呀喂”,女队即应以“学喂”作为结束。 +"""We will strengthen our capacity to defeat our enemies and support our friends, "" Obama said.",他说:“我们将加强力量,战胜我们的敌人,支持我们的朋友。 +"Welcome to Perion, the town of Warriors.",欢迎来到猛士部落, 这里是战士的部落。 +"The constabulary Lin Huan that act and accepts punish of suspend sb from his duties what fail because of, by once at hand Li Liang invites, assist investigation in the dark.",因为一次失败的行动而接受停职处分的警察林桓,被曾经的手下李亮邀请,暗中协助调查。 +"When the uncertainty is prolonged, people stay in a sustained ""fight or flight"" response, which leads todamaging stress.",当不确定性被拖延的时候,人们会处于一种持续的“战或逃”的反应, 而这会导致产生损害性压力。 +"More specifically, its static sendMail method is responsible for the effort.",更具体地说,这个任务由它的静态 sendMail 方法负责完成的。 +I can't imagine the countless agonies down the road.,我不能想象在前方无尽的苦恼。 +"As Claudius narrates his life, we witness Augustus' attempts to find an heir, often foiled by his wife Livia who wants her son Tiberius to become emperor.",由于克劳狄斯讲述他的生活,我们见证奥古斯都试图找到一个继承人,往往由他的妻子利维娅挫败,希望她的儿子厄斯成为皇帝。 +"Much tougher is the chicken and egg problem; the tool has to be useful out of the gate, which is tough if the use derives primarily from the interaction of many people.",难得多的是鸡生蛋和蛋生鸡的问题。 工具要有用且没有门槛限制,如果主要用来进行人们之间的互动,则更需这样。 +"Pa Chau Pagoda. This is the end of Line 4, thank you for traveling on the metro.",琶洲塔,呢个系四号线嘅尾站,多谢乘搭地铁。 +"All around, a millpond sea and the sky tinged pink at the horizon.",往四周眺望,大西洋和远处地平线上的天空被夕阳染红。 +"Age, gestational weeks, high risk factors, abnormal non stress test (NST), Apgar score and birth weight of newborn were analyzed between the experimental and control group retrospectively.",结果两组分娩孕周、新生儿体重均无显著差异; 试验组无负荷实验(NST)异常检出率较对照组显著升高; +"Only one youth survived--a pilgrim who had come as an acolyte, seeking wisdom, but had yet to be admitted to the monastery.",只有一个人幸免于难,他是来星隐寺寻求智慧,却尚未得到寺院认可的侍僧。 +"With its saw-tooth shape, a ratchet allows movement in one direction and blocks it in the other.",棘轮的齿轮结构允许一个方向的运动,不允许相反方向的运动。 +"Recent signs of activity firming in the third quarter, including stronger housing starts in September, have led some analysts to raise their forecast for third-quarter growth.","近期公布的第三季数据显露正面迹象,其中包括较为强劲的9月房屋开工数据,这使得一些分析师上调其对第三季经济增长预估." +"To encourage girls to participate in the competition, they decided to give out beach mats that look like the front page of the magazine.",为了鼓励姑娘们参与海选,《花花公子》决定发放印成杂志封面的沙滩垫。 +But he clung to me with growing trepidation;,但是他越来越哆嗦着紧贴着我; +By the time this article comes out the GA version of JBoss 4.0.4 or higher should be available.,到撰写本文时,JBoss 4.0.4 的 GA 版或更高版本应该可以获得。 +There little thoughts are the rustle of leaves; they have their whellosper of joy in my mind.,这略微(风思),是树叶的簌簌之声呀;它们在我的心中欢乐喜悦地微语着。 +"Trypan blue staining showed that, the survival rate of the cells was above 90% in all the groups, and no cytotoxicity was observed.",台盼兰染色显示各组细胞存活率均在90%以上,未见细胞毒性。 +"Government-mortem was read, the court reported in the local Temple-Temple.",呈政府验阅,上报朝廷,在本地敕建贤祠。 +"And I thought some would just get away from it all like Phil Jackson has done in Montana, refueling and recharging for next season.",同时我认为会有人暂时选择放开这一切,就像禅师在蒙达拿一样,为下赛季充电。 +"A new real coding evolution algorithm is presented, which combines feedback mutation and multi-operator.",以达尔文进化论为基础,提出一种新的基于实 数编码的反债式突变多算子遗传算法。 +The organisms causing any particular syndrome need to be determined locally and flow charts adapted accordingly.,需要根据当地的情况判定引起特定综合征的生物体,并相应地调整流程图。 +"If you enter a userid that is not in the database, such as 31 , you should see Figure 39.",如果您输入了一个数据库中不存在的用户标识(比如 31 ),您就应该看到如图 39 所示的内容。 +He bought up all the spare building land in the district and can now charge what he wants for it.,他把这个地区的所有闲置的建筑土地全部买下了,现在他可以随心所欲地要价了。 +INTERNATIONAL DIABETES: We need to assess RCT (reverse cholesterol transport) in order to measure the effect of drugs on promoting RCT. What is the major challenge of the methods?,《国际糖尿病》:为检验药物在改善胆固醇逆向转运(RCT)方面的效果,我们需要对RCT进行评估,在RCT检测方法我们面临的挑战��什么? +"Yet, as we have demonstrated, it has an identifiable disciplinary base in explaining why firms differ from one another in terms of their profit performance, despite of equilibrating competition.",然而,正如我们已经阐述的,尽管还存在着势均力敌的竞争,但在解释为什么企业在其利润业绩的彼此存在差异上,我们还是有一个可识别的学科基础。 +Nothing can substitute for hard work. Life is a process of struggle for success.,没有什么能代替不断的艰苦劳动,人生就是一个拼搏的过程。 +"Enlist in army already Long Dachuan of two years "" mouth of boast go into business "" , assure with one's own hands arrest arsonist, still citizen quiet.",服役已经两年的龙大川“夸下海口”,保证亲手捉拿纵火犯,还市民一个安宁。 +Supporting all aspects of XFDL and computes,支持 XFDL 和计算的所有方面 +That pretty much sums up how critical it is for us to ensure we have an adequate air supply-and back-up breathing capability-before we drop into the depths.,这几乎总结了我们潜入深处之前保证足够的供氧是何等地重要-以及准备好呼吸容量。 +Eng: Come on! There's a fantastic movie on TV tonight.,英哥:拜讬!晚上有一部很棒的电影耶! +One man in the study group had discontinued tamsulosin 6 months before surgery and was taking a muscle relaxant at the time of surgery.,研究组中的一名男性在手术前6个月停止使用坦索罗新,并且在手术期间使用了肌松药。 +"Although these animals do not wallow, they roll on the ground in order to ""scent mark"", which has an important role in attracting a mate.",尽管这些动物不在泥巴里打滚,但它们在陆地上打滚,留下气味,有利于吸引异性。 +"A still-image extracting unit extracts, when the attribute is a moving image, a still image from the image data.",静态图像提取单元,当图像数据的属性被确定为运动图像时从图像数据提取静态图像; +When you dig deeper you steal what you unearth.,当你更深地挖掘,你便是“窃取”你所发掘的了。 +"Since then, bucket bags have come in and out every decade or two.",从那时起,水桶包每过一二十年就会流行一次。 +4:I know it wasn't polite but I had to laugh when I saw that old geezer with his false teeth eating corn on the cob.,他说:我知道这样不礼貌,但是我看到那老家伙用假牙啃玉米棒子的样子就忍不住要笑。 +"There are three large south-facing windows behind the President’s desk, as well as four doors into different parts of the West Wing.",在总统的办公桌后面,有向南的三扇大窗户。 四扇门可以通往白宫西翼。 +Early Earth seems to have been covered in a soup of organic molecules with no chiral preference.,早期的地球似乎是被一层并不存在手性偏好的有机分子汤所覆盖。 +She pulled the blanket over the child.,她把毯子拉过来盖在孩子身上。 +"As you go through the steps, your confidence will increase thanks to your application of Murphy's Law.",当您全面进行一次这些步骤的时候,您的自信也会由于您运用了墨菲定律而增加。 +The frigate is on the stocks in a british yard.,那艘护航舰现在一家英国造船厂中建造。 +"Life is like a inn, passers-by in the rest, then go.",人生如客栈,路人在此歇脚,而后又走。 +Those with Alzheimer's were able to recognise 40 per cent of the original lyrics that had been accompanied by song but only 28 per cent of those read to them.,阿尔茨海默氏症患者能够辨认出40%伴有背景音乐的原歌词,但能够辨认出口授歌词的,只占28%。 +"The chicken made its first appearance next door, at the home of a multitude of cabdrivers from Bangladesh.",小鸡第一次出场是在隔壁邻居家,那儿住着许多从孟加拉来的出租车司机。 +"The crowd was large and enthusiastic, except for a loud group of opponents holding pro-life signs and jeering at me from the back.",参加集会的人很多,也很兴奋,但是有一群吵吵嚷嚷的反对者举着反堕胎的标语牌,在舞台之后嘲弄我。 +"The equipment is suitable for the pharmaceutcal. the chemical. the food , the metallurgical and geological industry to crush the starch material and the various ores .",适用于制药,化工,食品,冶金,地质等于工业部门将含淀粉物料和多品种矿石的粉碎加工。 +Related term: ex-ante evaluation Assumptions Hypotheses about factors or risks which could affect the progress or success of a development intervention.,相关术语:前评估 假设 即关于各种因素或风险的预先假定。这些因素可能会 对活动的进展或成功产生影响。 +"If youngsters really were listening to what that lot had to say, they'd all be out in the garden, rearing pigs for market and weeding the veg patch.",如果年轻人真的听得进那些牢骚的话,他们应该都在花园里,养着猪然后在菜地上除草。 +Archaeologist Christina Schütte cleans the skull of a child which was found in the dwelling mound.,考古学家正在清理从该遗址发现的一只儿童头骨。 +The cultivation of bi-sexual personality can greatly eliminate these negative factors and promote the vocational development of female students.,通过双性化人格的培养可以最大限度地消除这些不利因素,促进女大学生职业发展。 +I’ve seen an emergence of these groups lately … so check your local paper.,最近,我已经看到了这种团体的出现……因此,搜索你当地的报纸吧。 +"Finally, financial statements can disclose the importance of non-financial information to enhance the effectiveness of accounting information.",本研究结果亦同时强调在外部财务报表揭露非财务性资讯的重要性,藉以提升财务会计资讯有用性。 +"In those final days, I often thought of our early days together in Northampton.",在亚非的最后一段时间,我常常想起早年我俩在英格兰中部Northampton郡时的日子。 +"""Hmm, "" Persky said, scratching his head. He rapped again, but still no magic. ""Something must be wrong, "" he mumbled.",“唔。”帕斯基抓着头。他又敲了几次,魔法还是不灵。“肯定是哪儿出毛病了。”他咕哝着说。 +Two years later the Chinese company Galanz started making microwaves and selling them for half Matsushita's price.,两年之后,中国格兰仕公司开始生产微波炉,其销售价格仅为松下微波炉的一半。 +"By Wednesday, a group of 30 disgruntled customers had plans to meet at the store on Saturday.",到了星期三,由30名顾客所组成的小组已经计划好星期六在那家商店见面。 +Two years in football is a very long time'A new contract for Robin van Persie is on Arsène Wenger's agenda but he does not want the issue to become a media obsession in the months to come.,温格对于范佩西的续约已经有了打算,但是他并不想让这个话题成为未来几个月媒体热炒的对象。 +"He went on walking down Alvin Street, humming to himself, the old man staring at him.",他继续沿着爱尔文街走去,边走边哼,老人一直注视着他。 +"The thin, human evil, rain sent flowers to drop at dusk.",世情薄,人情恶,雨送黄昏花易落。 +By this way the burst cement pipe could be repaired under water flow with working pressure.,叙述了带水带压使用导气导流法,辅以快速堵漏剂进行维修的新方法。 +Sometimes it can make a huge difference to unload our troubles on another human being.,有时候把我们的烦闷倾诉给另一个人会好很多。 +Dally not with money or women.,金钱美女玩不得。 +"One lesson here is, in the Times's words, ""just how much sway China's government has in the global entertainment industry, even without uttering a word of official protest.",引用《洛杉矶时报》的原话,从该事件可以看出:“中国政府即使没有发表一句正式抗议,但是其在全球娱乐业的影响也不容忽视”。 +"Writer hold that it should choose the non-bottom structure, need't to form stope, development project is little to orebody cutting, separating transportation ore and flexible mining method.",笔者认为此种开采地质条件,适宜选用没有底部结构、无需形成空场、采准工程对矿体切割程度小、分散出矿方法灵活的采矿方法。 +To study the effects of different intravenous anesthetic agents on the activity of erythrocyte immunity in vitro.,目的: 研究常用静脉麻醉药物对离体鼠红细胞免疫黏附功能的影响。 +"Analysis of Traditional Chinese Medicine , which research objects are mostly the complex material system, is the important and specifically demanded field of pharmaceutical analysis in China.",随着现代药物科学、分析化学和信息科学的迅猛发展,复杂物质体系分析方法的研究已成为药物分析学科前沿领域的主要课题。 +Purpose: To find minimum energy structures for Argon clusters of two to fifteen atoms using a modified genetic algorithm(MGALM);,研究一种改进的遗传算法对氩原子簇的结构进行优化; +Each society must find a way to address the needs of those who may be dislocated by change and cushion the transition.,每一个社会必须找到各自的办法,帮助那些因经济结构变化而丧失谋生手段的人解决问题,缓冲转型带来的冲击。 +This dissertation builds the model of the planning and the scheduling according to the characteristics of the JIT mode.,根据JIT模式的特点建立装饰布企业生产计划和调度模型。 +"Because of the financial decision-making related to financial management, financial control, corporate governance this is exactly the main problem that must be resolved.",因为财务治理涉及到了财务决策、财务控制的问题,这也正是公司治理所要解决的重要问题。 +"And as David and his men went by the way, Shimei went along on the hill's side over against him, and cursed as he went, and threw stones at him, and cast dust.",于是大卫和跟随他的人往前行走。示每在大卫对面山坡,一面行走一面咒骂,又拿石头砍他,拿土扬他。 +"Although all three were edible, and the brown edges easily cut away, 40 percent of respondents said they would serve only the pristine lettuce.",尽管这三个都可以吃,而且棕色的边缘也可以很容易地被切掉,但是百分之四十的受调查者说他们只会用新鲜的莴苣做饭。 +"This article details the requester-side caching pattern, which addresses caching on the requester side.",本文将详细讨论请求端缓存模式;此模式用于处理请求端的缓存。 +"It proposes that China should adopt the discreet attitudes to the personal estate, to complete the system of the personal estate, based on the abound researches.",我国在对待动产抵押上应采审慎的态度,在深入研究的基础上,完善动产担保制度。 +"In fact, counter-claim is an action that retorts claim. Claim and counter-claim are two ingredients that constitute a whole claim management.",实际上,反索赔是对索赔的反驳和反击,索赔和反索赔是完整意义上索赔管理的两个方面。 +Senecio liver toxic components contain pyrrolizidine alkaloids. Their existence has been generally concerned about the potential risks.,千里光含有肝毒性成分吡咯里西啶类生物碱,其存在的潜在风险受到普遍关注。 +"Applicable for quantitative pouring and packing of Liquid of Cereals, Foodstuffs, Pharmacy and Chemical Industy, etc.",适用于粮油、食品、医药、化工等行业的液体定量灌装。 +"Honda will recall 760,515 vehicles sold in China after potential automatic transmission problems, including its Accord, Odyssey and Spirior models, China's quality watchdog said Friday.",国家质检总局5日通报,因变速箱存在隐患,本田公司将召回部分雅阁、奥德赛和思铂睿轿车,数量总计达76万余辆。 +They bought American companies that were merely shells and assumed those companies’ stock tickers — sort of the Wall Street equivalent of “Invasion of the Body Snatchers.”,他们收购美国的公司只为了作为外壳,以其假定为公司的股票报价器。 这在某种程度上等同于是华尔街的“天外魔花”。 +"In the Sayed Abad district, about 45 miles south-west of Kabul, insurgents used rocket-propelled grenades to bring down a helicopter last month, killing 38 people including 30 US soldiers.",上月,在喀布尔西南大约45英里(72km)的赛义德·阿巴德地区,武装分子使用火箭筒(RPG火箭助推榴弹)击落一架直升机,杀死包括30名美军在内的38人。 +"If no action is taken now, this could add up to 1.4 million to 2.8 million additional million infant deaths by 2015.",如果不立即采取行动,到2015年,婴儿死亡总可能会新增140-280万。 +"Otto (see photo), a nearly 21-year-old (140 in dog years) dachshund-cross terrier from the UK, has been proclaimed the world's oldest dog by the Guinness Book of World Records.",英国一只快21岁的狗狗奥托(见图),最近获吉尼斯世界纪录确认为全球最老狗。奥托是腊肠犬和梗犬的混种,相当于人类的140岁。 +The argument to this method is the exception or other throwable object that the server side has returned.,此方法的参数是异常或服务器端返回的其他可抛出对象。 +"Now assume The Classic Spoon position, but move the problematic lower arm above you, under the pillow and out the other side so it is stretched over your head.",根基睡姿贯串毗邻经典勺式,只不过把阿谁烦人的手臂往上伸,从枕头下方伸到头顶上方。 +"In following design process, desirable heating effect can be obtained through defining the location of household regulating valves and throttling quantity with pressure diagram.",在后续管网设计过程中,通过水压图分析确定用户调节阀安装位置及节流量方可获得理想的并网效果。 +"The New Forest in south Hampshire is famous for the cows, ponies and donkeys that roam freely through the woods and villages.",南罕布什尔的新森林,出名的景物是:在林间和村庄自由漫步的牛、矮种马和驴。 +The advanced carboxylic acid waterproofing agent became main content of cement liquid water-repellent admixture that Korean most used.,而高级羧酸系防水剂为韩国使用最多的“水泥液体防水剂”的主要材料。 +Her study comes as growing numbers of female celebrities openly talk about being bisexual.,这项研究的背景是越来越多的女艺人公开宣布自己是双性恋。 +"At a time when deals are drying up across the region, UBS is betting that elevating Shanghai-born Mr.",在亚洲地区交易普遍干涸之际,瑞银希望晋升上海出生的蔡洪平能带来在中国市场的竞争优势。 +"He frequently invokes the name of Harry Truman as a president who was dismissed at the time, but is now regarded as one of the greats.",他经常拿哈里·杜鲁��当例子,这位总统曾一度被人们所遗忘,而今却被认为是有史以来最伟大的总统之一。 +Core strategy 2: Tourism development strategy --- digging up more cultural elements in tourist attractions; accentuating the glory of local history; reconstructing religion sites.,核心战略二:旅游发展战略——文化元素挖掘,历史荣耀重塑,宗教圣地建设。 +“I never think of the future. It comes soon enough.” - Albert Einstein,“我从来不去想未来。因为它很快就会来到。”——爱因斯坦 +"A TV set-top box that connects wirelessly to your laptop and monitors your Internet search history, as well as your TV viewing, to offer relevant video.",△ 一个可以无线连接笔记本,监测网络浏览历史和你正在观看的电视节目的电视机顶盒,可以为你提供相关的视频。 +"If you've got yellow drainage, are coughing, congested, have headaches and a bad taste or breath, it could be a sinus infection, Nish says.",Nish说道,如果你的鼻涕是黄色的,一直咳嗽,喉咙有点充血,并且感到头疼,胃口不好,呼吸不顺畅,那么很有可能就是鼻窦感染。 +Serious bidder only with at least 50 positive feedbacks and 70% completion rate.,认真投标者至少有50只积极反馈,70%的完成率。 +"Methods From January 2003 to December 2005, there were 126 patients with gout admitted to Outpatient Clinic and Rheumatology Immunology Department in our hospital.",方法对2003年1月至2005年12月在我科门诊就诊及住院治疗的126例痛风患者,以问卷的形式调查有关痛风知识的了解情况。 +"""This is such a complex area that we are currently looking at every application on a case-by-case basis,"" said an MHRA spokesman.",一位 MHRA 的发言人表示, 这是一个相当复杂的领域,目前我们着手于具体分析每一应用程序。 +Objective To study the asme and different of the NOS-positive cells distribution between rats mice testis.,目的研究一氧化氮合酶(NOS)阳性细胞在大鼠和小鼠睾丸内分布的异同。 +Anything less is a form of racialized or nationality-based surveillance deployed discriminatorily onto foreign bodies only.,否则的话,都将形成基于种族或国籍来监视外国人身体的歧视。 +"The open-plan layout helps achieve this, and glazing was also added along the full length of the garden-facing south wall.",开放式的布局有助于实现这一点,同时面向花园一侧的整面南墙都增设了玻璃。 +"Stress will not only kill you, it leads to poor decision-making, poor thinking, and poor socialization.",压力不仅会要杀了你,它还将导致不好的决策,欠佳的思维和无效的社会化。 +"We need to continue our initiative that we started during your administration, Mr. President, to deal with arms trafficking, arms coming from the United States into Mexico.",我们需要继续努力,对付武器走私。 我指的是从美国走私武器进入墨西哥,这些努力是在卡尔德龙总统执政期间开始的。 +"Other Skuas: Oh, you heard that.",其他贼鸥: 哦,不,别让他说那个。 +The Creation of Value improves our quality of life.,创造价值改善了我们的生活质量。 +He says those officials bear significant responsibility for creating the legal and operational framework for the abuses of detainees.,他说,这些官员应当为建立这种虐待在押人员的法律以及操作框架承担重大责任。 +"The third part explores ""the unique artistic charm of Akhmatova's Poetry"".",第三部分讨论了“阿赫玛托娃诗歌创作的独特艺术魅力”。 +We must increase funds for students who struggle - and make sure these children get the special help they need.,我们必须增加对陷入困境的学生的资助——确保这些孩子获得所需的特殊帮助。 +The results have shown that there are 4 ecological functional regions and 13 ecological functional sub-regions.,将四川省生态环境划分为4个生态功能区,13生态个功能亚区; +"For a bishop must be blameless, as the steward of God; not selfwilled, not soon angry, not given to wine, no striker, not given to filthy lucre;",监督既是神的管家,必须无可指责,不任性,不暴躁,不因酒滋事,不打人,不贪无义之财 +"Results showed that the mineral elements content was closely related to low diversity and high yield, multi resistant breeding;",结果表明高产多抗育种、多样性降低与矿质元素含量的变化密切相关; +"Now, I'm not knocking coffee and tea; they're my second and third beverages of choice.",现在,我对咖啡和茶已经不那么钟情了,它们成为了我喜欢的饮料中的第二或是第三选择。 +"To further push the allusion of a music superhero, he sailed through a number of impassioned guitar solos, wheeled out his trusty piano, rapped and even beat-boxed.",力宏用激情澎湃的吉他独奏,精彩绝伦的钢琴演奏,热情洋溢的打击乐器表演更好得演绎音乐超人���故事。 +The whole discussion pivots on this one point.,整个讨论内容均以此点为准。 +"The documents needed for the permit application include your ID card, photos and materials that prove that you have a job, a place to live, or that you are studying at an education institution.",申请居住证所需证件为身份证、登记照、工作和居住证明,或教育机构出示的就读证明。 +"In other words, video City ""Journey Into Amazing Caves"", simply by adjusting the circuit board, set the odds, almost ""zero odds.",换句话说, 电玩城“别有洞天”,只要通过调整电路板,设定几率,几乎可以做到“零赔率”。 +"The first go away-first love , first baby , kiss. You have to create new ones.",每个第一次都会溜走:第一次恋爱、第一次怀孕、第一次接吻。你必须创造另一些第一次。 +"According to Yoshino, two officials in the play represent opposite approaches. The first is governed by empathy and mercy.",据吉野,两个播放官员表示相反的做法。首先是受同情和怜悯。 +"In this experiment, a piece of tantalum is chlorinated by chlorine and reduced by hydrogen, then compact tantalum coating is deposited on the nickel group alloy.",本实验用氯气将钽块氯化,然后用氢还原,在镍基合金上沉积出致密的钽涂层。 +"At last, we conduct an integrated running test to verify the feasibility of the system by using a chemistry-specific dictionary, and make a further analysis with the results.",最后,使用化工专业词库,通过实验对系统进行测试和运行,验证系统的可行性,并对实验的结果进行进一步的分析。 +I am pleased to have had the opportunity to speak to you today about international standards and the work of the IAASB.,我很高兴今天能有机会向大家介绍国际准则和IAASB的工作。 +"They scraped a layer of wax off the honeycombs, placing it in a centrifuge machine, catching the honey that flew against the sides of the machine, through a faucet into jars.",他们刮掉了蜂窝的一层蜡,而把它放在离心机,让蜂蜜从机器的边上流,然后蜂蜜通过一个管子流到罐子里。 +"We can't help understanding. We always already understand, which has nothing to do again with whether or not we're right or wrong.",我们控制不住地去理解,我们总是已经理解了,这与对错无关。 +"Does The Changemaker have the guts to take on the special interests in his own party — the trial lawyers, the teachers' unions, the AARP?",这位“改变者”有没有胆量和能力维护他自己政党内下列人群的利益——出庭律师、教师协会、退休人员协会? +"The scenery from the train – limestone peaks, lakes and flowery meadows on a mountain plateau – is a delight and the excursions are quirky and esoteric.",从火车上观赏风景——石灰岩山峰,湖泊,高原上盛开鲜花的草原——是一件赏心悦目的事情。 +"Later, emboldened, went to the yard to play, and jump from this pot that pot, but also holding a swing squid.",后来,胆子越来越大,就到院子去玩了,从这个花盆跳到那个花盆,还抱着花枝打秋千。 +"I also hope to develop my management skills, perhaps by managing a small staff.",我也希望通过管理一个小团体发展我的管理技能。 +"Now we are not sure that he has atavism , because such a diagnosis needs more high-tech inspection.",目前还不能肯定陈聪华是一种返祖现象,需要利用高科技手段对其进行进一步的诊断。 +"We have twenty branches abroad, jnd we've recently opened a new one in Bangkok.",我们在海外有二十家分公司,最近在曼谷新开了一家。 +"Sometimes I think it's just a linguistic challenge: love is a noun, something precious that you find, or that finds you, like in many of the stories that end up beneath my byline.",有时候我觉得那只是语言学上的挑战:爱是一个名词,是指你所追寻的珍贵的东西,或者追寻着你的,正如我的署名文章里的那些故事一样。 +Objective To analyze the reproductive prognosis after treatment of tubal pregnancy with the systemic methotrexate (MTX).,目的总结甲氨蝶呤(MTX)治疗输卵管妊娠后的生殖状态。 +Carotid atherosclerosis is one of the important risk factors of ischemic cerebrovascular diseases.,颈动脉粥样硬化是缺血性脑血管病的重要危险因素之一。 +I mentioned it the first day because that's where lots of people were hung.,"我在第一天就提到了,因为有许多人在那被绞死" +"Applications of psychology include mental health treatment, performance enhancement, self-help, ergonomics and many other areas affecting health and daily life.",心理学的应用领域包括心理健康治疗,性能增强,自救,人体工程学和许多其他地区的影响健康和生活。 +It should also be noted that some climate-change naysayers are in fact spokespeople for groups funded by industries whose profits depend on continued consumption of fossil fuels.,值得注意的是,某些否定气候变化真实性的人,其背后是一些依靠消耗碳燃料赚钱的利益集团。 +Recall if the snow. Love is the season of summer deep.,回忆如冰雪。爱是夏深的季节。 +"Get it right, and you have a strong defense or an explosive offense. Get it it wrong and you loose.",站对位置了,你们队就具有强劲的防守和爆发性的进攻;站错位置了,那么你们队就会失去这场比赛。 +The lingua franca of judgment is too impoverished a language to capture the standards the panelists are actually applying when they judge.,判断的通用语太贫瘠,根本抓不住评审员在判断时实际使用的标准。 +Complicated composition of ecotype.,生态型组成复杂; +"CARR.PA) will benefit along with China's growing consumer class, but rapid expansion has caught some over-extended, as their home markets collapse in the face of a sharp economic downturn.","全球零售巨头如沃尔玛(WMT.N: 行情)和家乐福(CARR.PA: 行情),将随中国消费阶层的成长而受惠;但那些战线过长者,却已反受快速扩张的拖累,因全球经济急剧下滑致使其本土市场塌陷." +"Due to high dust content, DynaWave Scrubber did not attain the performance expected and WSA system also had some problems with structure and materials of key equipment.",由于烟气含尘量较高,动力波洗涤器未达到预期效果,WSA装置也存在核心设备结构不合理、材料选择有缺陷等问题。 +"Summary of Background Data. Recently, promoter polymorphisms in MMP-3 and IL-6 have been reported to be associated with AIS.",最近,有报导认为MMP-3和IL-6基因启动因子区多态性与青少年特发性脊柱侧弯有关。 +"In A Brief History of Time, the hugely popular 1988 book that cemented his fame outside academic circles, Dr Hawking seemed to acknowledge God's involvement in the creation of the universe.",在《时间简史》,那本在1988年红极一时从而奠定他在学术界以外的声望的书里,霍金博士似乎承认上帝参与了创造宇宙。 +"Fulham have scored three times in each of the last three home league games - beating Bolton, Blackpool and Blackburn.",富勒姆在上三场主场联赛中都有进球——分别击败了博尔顿、布莱克浦和布莱克本。 +Just then he saw a man-of-war bird with his long black wings circling in the sky ahead of him.,就在这时,他看见一只长翅膀的黑色军舰鸟在他前方的天空中盘旋飞翔。 +Hanged division results very serious.,挂科的结果很严重。 +"We hope that Canada will abide by the one China policy, prudently and properly handle Taiwan-related issues and support the peaceful development of cross-Straits relations.",我们希望加方恪守一个中国政策,慎重妥善处理涉台问题,支持两岸关系和平发展。 +"Josiah: If a hotel has a poor reputation on TripAdvisor, what steps should they take to improve it?",Josiah:如果一家酒店在TripAdvisor上名声不好,它应该采取哪些步骤改善自己的声誉? +The father said he was greeted by his daughter.,阿玛勒前来迎接了她的父亲。 +"See, I have no weapon, no partner, impossible to break out, what are you afraid of?",你看我一没武器,二没同伙,想破墙而逃也是不可能的。你怕什么呢? +"By default, search results are displayed in descending order.",默认情况下,搜索结果按降序显示。 +You fed them swill and such stuff?,你肯定喂了它们剩饭残羹这类东西了吧?。 +"ZetaTalk Comment 9/24/2011: NASA is blitzing the media these days, while their credentials are still good with the public.",齐塔人之声2011.9.24评论:NASA这些天正在闪击媒体,现在他们对于公众来说还保持着良好的信用。 +"Result The binding capacity of GR of cerebral and hepatic cytosol reduced after decompression stress injury in the animals, especially cerebral cytosol (P<0.01, P<0.05).",结果减压应激损伤后,动物肝、脑胞液糖皮质激素受体结合量均下降,尤其以脑胞液中糖皮质激素受体减少为明显(P< 0 .0 1 ,P< 0 .0 5)。 +"Singh is visiting Washington a year after Pakistan-based militants launched a wide-scale attack on the Indian city of Mumbai, which killed at least 170 people.",一年前,总部位于巴基斯坦的武装组织对印度孟买发起了大规模袭击,至少导致170人死亡。 +Refill course over 14 days will deduct 2 times or add $100.,小补疗程超过14 天外需扣两格或额外收多$100。 +"In the meanwhile, bromine element can increase the char-residue and the HBr created by the pyrolysis of the resin can also act as a radical scavenger.",溴使树脂热解过程成碳倾向增加,分解生成的溴化氢是有效的自由基捕获剂。 +Copy the Vista host certificate created in the Setup certificates on the Vista Web Service host section (myvistahost.cer) to the WebSphere ESB host machine and import it into the keystore,把在 “在 Vista Web 服务主机上设置证书” 一节��创建的 Vista 主机证书 (myvistahost.cer) 复制到 WebSphere ESB 主机上并把它导入密钥存储 +One of the requirements of the IBC site is to force users to authenticate before any content can be displayed.,IBC 站点的需求之一是要求对用户进行身份验证,然后才能显示内容。 +"Try searching for posts related to “Egypt” in the last few weeks and Weibo would tell you that, pursuant to “relevant laws, regulations and policies, the search results have not been shown.”",近几个星期来,在微博里搜索“埃及”,系统会提示“根据相关法律法规和政策,搜索结果未予显示。” +Helen Qiao and Yu Song at Goldman Sachs on Thursday said the new figures showed the government needed to take “more decisive tightening measures” in order to prevent the economy from overheating.,高盛经济学家乔 虹和宋宇周四表示,这些最新数据意味着政府需要采取“更坚决的紧缩措施”,以防止经济过热。 +Sails to the kingdom of Luggnagg.,航行至拉格奈格王国(或意译:长寿国); +"The proportion of women who had their antenatal checkup before 12 weeks of gestation was mainly affected by woman' s nationality, education, income et al.",孕早期检查率主要受产妇民族、受教育程度、收入和年份影响,是否项目乡并非孕早期检查率的显著影响因素。 +"Feng said, ""There are some constraints just like any other company.",冯说:“确实是有一些限制的,这就和所有公司一样。 +"""We need to wait for Suazo to sign as he is currently on holiday and might not want to move here, "" added Galliani. ""If he agrees, we will have four great strikers in our squad.",加里亚尼说:“我们还需要等待苏阿佐的签字,他现在正在度假中,如果他同意的话,那么我们队内将有四名前锋。 +"The capsule body of the fat-mass film-coated slow-release fertilizer is (basically) harmless to the environment, is a fertilizer constituent and has low cost and long release period.",本发明肥质包膜型缓释化肥的包膜体对环境(基本)无害且为肥分,成本低,释放期长。 +Give me change of a dollar.,一块钱破成零钱。 +"After a quick noodle stop, we hit the home stretch on a super-smooth, recently completed, Chinese-built road.",短暂停车吃了一碗面之后,我们上了一条超级平坦的大路,这条路是中国建造的,最近才刚刚完工。 +"Avoid ""colonics"", the explanation of which, at first glance, seems to make sense and fits in with ""cleansing"".",避免使用“净化”的产品。 对它的解释乍一看似乎合情合理,与“净化”一词吻合。 +"Peter Williams, the chief executive of Ineos Bio, said: “This should mean that, unlike with other biofuels, we won’t have to make the choice between food and fuel.”",英力士生物公司董事长彼特·威廉姆斯说:“与其他的生物燃料不同,这种技术意味着我们不需要在食物和燃料之间进行选择。” +EPA will have a 60-day public comment period and a hearing if requested.,环境署将设置60天的公众意见征集期,还会应要求举办听证会。 +"Using data from a national health survey of more than 12,000 Americans, researchers found that people who drank more ""plain water"" tended to eat more fiber, less sugar and fewer calorie-dense foods.",美国的《临床营养》杂志称,根据一项有1.2万多美国人参与的全国健康情况调查,研究者发现饮用更多白水的人摄入的纤维更多、糖分更少,食物卡路里密度更低。 而以饮用其他饮料为主的人则正好相反。 +"This example uses a predefined ""ping"" Nagios plug-in, which sends Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) echo requests to determine if a host is responsive or not.",这个示例使用了一个预定义的“ping”Nagios 插件,它将发送 Internet 控制信息协议(Internet Control Message Protocol,ICMP)回显请求以确定主机是否有响应。 +But we're lacking the top-down view of the entire customer experience.,但是我们缺少对整个客户经验的整体观。 +Countries like Senegal and Uganda can expect e-waste flows from PCs alone to increase 4 to 8-fold by 2020.,像塞内加尔和乌干达一类的国家,预计到2020年单产生自个人电脑的电子垃圾就会翻4到8番。 +"As a result, 4) ""Thrift, prudence, negotiation and hard work"" replaced ""spendthrift, impulsive, violent and leisure loving"" behaviors.",结果, 4 ) “节俭,谨慎,谈判和艰苦的工作”取代了“挥金如土,冲动,暴力和休闲爱好”行为。 +"By the nineteen-seventies, the neighborhood had become heavily Russian, and, like Chinatown and Curry Hill, “Little Odessa” was as much a sentimental construct as a place.",在20世纪70年代,这里变得很俄国风,就像唐人街和Curry Hill,这个“小奥德萨城”也是一个极端感性的城市。 +"Schools will try not to practice the last-hire-first-fire policy toward highly effective teachers with talents, skills and dedication.",对有才智能力,具奉献精神的老师,学校尽量不采用「最后聘雇,最先开除」的政策。 +"Outside the port, express bus goes downtown every 10 minutes.",口岸外约10分钟有一班开往深圳市区的快线巴士。 +Could you only say him David titled?,能无所不能告诉他大卫来过手机? +"They do things precisely and think subtly, so they are able to build things like ""Benz"" and ""BMW"";",他们作风严谨,思维精细,所以能生产“奔驰”和“宝马”; +"A teacher is to lead, not to feed. His practice of cramming and exam-bombing should give way to pro-thinking, discussion, and research.",教师不能习惯于满堂灌、题海战术,要多用启发式、讨论式、研究式的教学法来引导学生。 +"Downsize potatoes, pasta, rice and fatty and sugary foods, and super size fruit and vegetables.",减少土豆、意大利面、米跟多糖多脂的食物分量,多吃水果跟蔬菜。 +and then teach to other people which I think is amazing.,然后教其他人,真是太神奇了。 +The results showed that coir can significantly promoted shoot growth and increase turf density.,结果显示:细椰纤处理可促进草坪地上部生长及增加密度。 +The theory and method were described for function conversion design of such power plant used as standby one for air defence during the war.,本文结合工程实际介绍了附建式人防地下室平时应急电站作为战时人防备用电站的平战功能转换设计理论和设计方法。 +A study of determination of total phosphorus by microwave sealed digestion method is introduced.,对微波密封消解法测定总磷进行了研究。 +"Ultimately, reaching and maintaining healthy body composition and vibrant health through the right food choices happens in both your mind and body.",最终,通过选择对的食物,实现并维持良好的身体状态和活力健康将令你的身心都受益。 +Aegean Sea off the western coast of Turkey. It was noted in antiquity for its school of epic poets.,希俄斯岛-希腊东部岛屿, 位于土耳其西海岸外的爱琴海中。 +"And king Solomon shall be blessed, and the throne of David shall be established before the LORD for ever.",惟有所罗门王必得福,并且大卫的国位必在耶和华面前坚定,直到永远。 +"When Oscar the cat lost both his hind paws in a farming accident, it was feared he'd have to trundle around in one of those wheeled-cat apparatuses.",当猫叔奥斯卡因一次农作事故失去两个后爪后,人们担心他恐怕得靠那种轮式装备滑来滑去了。 +"I mean we should treat nature equally, leaving the chance of existence and development to nature as we are obtaining the same thing, and thus we will get the situation of win-win.",我指的是我们应该平等地对待自然,给自然以生存和发展的机会,就像我们自身所寻求的一样。 只有这样,我们才会有一个皆大欢喜的境况。 +"Change things up. Similarly, you should visit new web sites, read new authors, break out of your niche, talk to new people, start clicking on links in blogrolls and see where they take you.",同样,你可以选择去浏览一些新的站点,读一些新作者的书,重新归置你的家具,和一些不认识的人聊天。 +He opened the drawer and took out a cheque.,他拉开抽屉,取出了一张支票。 +"Once a computer was infected, the desktop icon of every executable file, such as Microsoft Corp.'s Word, would change into a picture of a panda.",电脑一旦被“熊猫烧香”病毒感染,电脑桌面上每个可执行文件,比如微软(Microsoft Corp.)的Word文件,其图标会变成一个熊猫形像。 +"So Moses counted them, as he was commanded by the word of the Lord .","于是,摩西照耶和华所吩咐的数点他们." +She vacuumed the room this morning.,她今天上午用吸尘器清扫了房间。 +"It is beneficial to leaching result to recycle the raffinate in the column leaching process, and there is no significant negative effect of residual extractant on thermoacidophile.",回收的萃余液进入柱浸循环,会提高柱浸体系的浸出效果,萃余液中的残留萃取剂对嗜热嗜酸菌氧化浸出作用的负面影响不大。 +"Even in the same neighborhood and schools and for children of the same race, the gender gap is wider in less-advantaged families.",即使在同一社区、学校和同种族的儿童,弱势家庭的性别差距也更大。 +"The decision eliminates the possibility that the company’s Taobao unit or any of its three parts will seek an initial public offering soon, said John Spelich, a spokesman for the Alibaba Group.",而一位阿里巴巴集团发言人——约翰·斯贝里奇表示,这一拆分计划消除了阿里巴巴公司近期将淘宝或其它某个部分IPO上市的可能性。 +"To navigate from a diagram element to its associated source code, you can either double-click the diagram element or use its pop-up menu.",要将一个图中的元���导航到与它相关的源代码,您要么双击这个图的元素要么使用它的弹出式菜单。 +"If you are taking a panoramic image of a landscape where everything is far away, you can be considerably off the nodal point with little ill effect.",如果您是拍摄风景的全景照片,里面的景物离我们很远,即使偏离节点程度很大,也不会有多大的负面效应。 +Hello! This is the operator for inter-national telephone call service.,您好!我是国际电话服务的接线员。 +"Early in the morning HongFu discovered the hen, YeBuGuiSu rage HongFu resolution expelled the Yin.",一早洪父发现了世贤夜不归宿,狂怒之下,洪父决议开除世贤。 +"Forced out of three Zhihong commander Zi Ping and Niu Jia master in the inn tryst, very angry, goes out to the inn.",志宏逼着三连长说出了子萍与牛家少爷在客栈幽会的事,十分震怒,带兵赶往客栈。 +To investigate the holiday systems before Song Dynasty will be helpful for us to under stand the system culture in the history of our country.,对宋前休假制度的考查,有助于瞭解我国历史上制度文化的一个侧面。 +All items in the product backlog are prioritized.,产品待办事项列表中的所有待办项都是按优先级排序的。 +"But he has been vague on the agenda, and critics doubt he will achieve much.",但是他对议题含糊其词;批评人士质疑他能否有所收获。 +The optimal decomposition of the intensity modulated mapping matrix for IMRT is studied in this paper.,研究肿瘤放射治疗的调强映射矩阵的最优分解问题。 +It also provides preferential policies to support enterprises in Qingdao invest Luo hoped that both sides work together to strengthen cooperation and create a win-win for a better tomorrow.,同时也提供优惠的政策支持青岛的企业来漯投资兴业,希望双方携手共进、加强合作,共创互利共赢的美好明天。 +"Gazetteer Indo- West Pacific: Widespread in southern Australia, from New South Wales to South Australia, including Tasmania.",印度- 西太平洋:从新南威尔斯到澳洲南部,广泛分布于澳洲南部,包括塔斯梅尼亚。 +Reports say it will be Pei's last large scale cultural architectural work.,有报道说,此建筑是贝聿铭的最后一个大型文化建筑作品。 +Adding/removing a LOW priority warning = -1/+1.,添加/移除一个LOW优先级的警告扣/得1分。 +Our consecration is our guarantee of victory in the end.,奉献就是我们最后胜利的保证。 +"Fewer people, the Chinese people generally have to do a good agent to get a relatively good discount price will be issued. primary.",的人较少,一般是有认识的中国人做了代理拿到比较好的折扣价格才会发。原。 +The 30-year-old Mr. Hemmes’ task was a much simpler first step.,30岁的Hemmes的任务是最简单的第一步。 +A new scheme for zoning of foregut was proposed based on our observation.,根据我们的观察,对前肠提出了新的分区。 +Lig injection is effective components that was extracted from Chuanxiong .,莱格注射液为川芎中提出的有效活性成分。 +I had to stir the soup often so it wouldn't burn.,我必须不停的搅拌这个汤,这样才不会烧焦。 +"He is accused of involvement in the misuse of $400m of Shanghai's pension fund, of helping relatives in criminal ventures and of covering up law-breaking by aides.",他被指控涉嫌违规使用4亿美元的上海养老金,帮助亲属非法牟利及庇护违法的下属。 +"She has experienced an arduous journey in the past 29 years, during which she remains loyal to its highest goal and interprets the glory of the Chinese Education.",她用二十九年的跋山涉水,二十九载不变的一片丹心,诠释了什么是华文教育的光荣。 +"Sherry Turkle, author of the article in The New York Times says people are accustomed to a new way of being ""alone together. """"",这篇刊登在《纽约时报》上的文章的作者雪莉•特克称,人们已习惯了这种“一起孤独”的新感受。 +While the point collocated meshless method is a real meshless method because its implementation does not need any background mesh.,配点型无网格方法的实施不需要背景网格,是真正的无网格法。 +"Concerned about his job security and unable to find a new position, Martin Luther Simms IV recently decided to pursue an idea he had for an Internet business.",马丁•路德•西姆斯四世(Martin Luther Simms IV)担心自己的工作不稳定,也没能找到新的工作,于是他近期决定把自己创办互联网公司的想法付诸实践。 +"Can you give us some month-by-month scenarios, based on those high and low estimates?",你可以根据高低预估值,给我们分月的估算报告吗? 。 …更多内容。 +Solutions for special coatings for technical textiles need to be understood as a part of the complete production process and the optimization of the whole value evaluation chain.,对于产业用纺织品领域中的特种涂层,要解决相关的问题应该被认为是整个生产过程中的一个组成部分,同时它也是整个价值链的优化问题。 +"The fix would mean introducing corrective optics into the telescope's light path - Hubble's spectacles, as they came to be known.",而纠正这一失误需要在望远镜的光路上加装校正镜片——也就是后来广为人知的“哈勃的眼睛”。 +Tatsu the use of his life challenges the established concept of subversion and the courage to go beyond the traditional aesthetic and social values .,达利用他的生命挑战既定的概念,颠覆和勇气,超越传统的审美和社会价值观念。 +"My parents described the cases and cases of butterflies,hummingbirds, beetles.",父母形容着一箱箱蝴蝶,蜂鸟,甲虫。 +"For sure, I was pretty disgusted in those less funny courses such as the philology: why should I study so much Oracle-bone Inscriptions and King Wins?",反正那四年的时间多数还是花在了读书上,当然,一些不好玩的课程如文字学,我还是比较讨厌的:我要认识那么多甲骨文钟鼎文干嘛? +The research followed 1280 Australian mothers who gave birth in 1997.,研究人员对在1997年生产的1280名澳大利亚母亲进行了随访研究。 +Moon river wider than a mile.,月亮河,宽不过一英里。 +"Elizabeth merely curtseyed to him, without saying a word.",伊丽莎白只对他行了个屈膝礼,一句话也没说。 +"Beijing 2008 Olympic Torch Relay logo design inspiration from the ""Fire Phoenix"" concept, the main two people were SYNC the image of the Olympic torch run.",北京2008年奥运会火炬接力标志设计灵感来源于“火凤凰”的概念,主体是两个人共擎奥运圣火奔跑的形象。 +"Also in South America, Anderson has been included in Carlos Dunga's squad for Brazil's two World Cup qualifiers and the Confederations Cup to follow.",同样在南美, 安德森也被招入了卡洛斯。邓加的球队备战预选赛以及接下来的联合会杯。 +"OkCupid now has 3.5 million users and billions of data points, which the co-founders use to uncover fascinating patterns about human behavior.",如今,OKCupid (Ok丘比特) 网站拥有350万名用户和数十亿的数据点,两名创始者利用这些资源来揭示人们一些有趣的行为模式。 +"This can help prevent a virus or an unauthorized person from modifying your file, and fraudulently signing it with your certificate.",这有助于防止病毒或未经授权的人员修改文件,以及用您的证书对其进行欺骗性的签名。 +"Let the people know the facts, and the country will be safe. — Abraham Lincoln, US. President.",让人民知道事实,国家才会更安全。 —— 阿伯拉罕·林肯,美国总统。 +"These are fine quality round pearls, well-matched for size, shape and color, with light blemishing and a beautiful deep luster.",这些优良的品质圆形珍珠,管理完善的大小,形状和颜色匹配的轻毁和美好深刻的光泽。 +They no longer worry about the homogenization of culture.,他们不再担心文化的同质化。 +"Lily: Your roommate, Maggie is good at writing and I believe she could help you.",你舍友,玛姬很擅长写作,我想她可以帮你。 +The middle-field is defined as the distance of source and objective between near-field and far-field.,中场是指源与目标的距离介于近场和远场之间的范围。 +All banking charges outside of opening bank are for beneficiary’s account.,开证行以外的所有银行费用由受益人承担。 +"You may have seen the portrait of Samuel Johnson peering at a book in his hand. As the painting shows, he was quite nearsighted.",也许你你已经看过塞缪尔。约翰逊盯着他手中一本书的肖像。从画中可以看出,他非常近视。 +"With open-handed Generosity, I purify my body.",我用大方的慷慨净化我的行为。 +"From the model, you can generate the DDL, though we have to be careful.",虽然你可以从模型中产生DDL,但是这个过程还是要小心。 +"Officials also said 1,023 trains would be in use this year, a 10.8 percent rise on last year's 923.",官方人员也宣称今年将启动1023辆列车,比起去年的923辆增长了10.8%。 +The Round Robin policy randomly selects a WebSphere Portal application server instance from an ordered list.,轮循(Round Robin)策略随机地从已排序的列表中选择一个 WebSphere portal 应用程序服务器实例。 +The reason why the above-mentioned phenomenon will occur in the tempering process of martensite and its significance in the study of the secondary hardening of alloying martensite were discussed.,讨论了上述现象的原因及对研究高合金马氏体二次硬化的意义。 +It is dedicated to Amaterasu (the Sun goddess) and has been in existence since 4BC.,此神宫乃是为了供奉天照大神(太阳神),自公元前4年神宫就存在于世间了。 +"Spiritual product has the feature of commodity, which has not only use-value, but also value in the economic sense.",精神产品具有商品属性,它不仅具有使用价值,而且具有经济学意义上的价值。 +"Greece said the decision was influenced by ""intense rumors"" in the press at a time when Greece's program was being assessed by its lenders, and ignored new pledges.","希腊称,在债权人评估希腊计划之际,媒体中的""极端谣传""促成了惠誉的决定,惠誉忽视了其新做出的承诺." +This article introduced the architecture and function of 82588 LAN Conroller and the implementation of CSMA/CD algorithm.,介绍了82588局域网控制器的结构、功能及冲突检测算法的实现。 +Parallel axis theorem and K ? nig theorem are deduced from the two laws of rotation.,摘要由两个转动定律导出了平行轴定理和柯尼希定理。 +"For the standard 1G design, this was quite an easy adjustment to make, you only had to adjust a single screw.",对于标准的 1G 设计,这相当是壹个容易的调整制造,你才必需调整一个螺丝钉。 +"When the chariot commanders saw Jehoshaphat, they thought, 'This is the king of Israel.",车兵长看见约沙法便说,这必是以色列王,就转过去与他争战。 +The theory of relativity showed us that time and space are intertwined.,相对论向我们表明,时间和空间交织在一起。 +"The region also lacked coal, iron, timber and water—all necessary for industrial growth.",这个地区缺少城市工业发展的必需品:煤、铁、木材和水等。 +"Macomb’s invention was a design for a horizontal, hollow water wheel to create hydropower for mills.",麦库姆的发明是一个为磨坊提供水电能的水平中空水轮设计。 +The phase compound excitation system is one of the core components of the modern synchronous generator.,相复励励磁系统是现代同步发电机的核心组成部分。 +"The Hotel is decorated with luxury and noble style, full of art atmosphere and outstanding.",酒店提供各项周全的服务设施,装饰风格富丽堂皇又高贵典雅,充满着艺术气息。 +Combine the seasonings together before adding them to the meat. Mix all the ingredients together.,把所有调味先混合搅匀后,加入肉糜搅拌均匀。 +Jayne and I had both been at the ice rink in Bracknell that day and she was absolutely fine; nothing seemed wrong.,那天我一直和Jayne在布莱克尔内,她看起来非常好,没有任何不对。 +"The study by the University of California, Los Angeles, found that cat owners who reacted to their pet allergen had a 90 per cent increased risk of glaucoma compared with non-pet owners.",加州大学洛杉矶分校的这项研究发现,如果宠物猫的主人对他们的宠物过敏的话,其患青光眼的风险比没养宠物的人高90%。 +"Our cooking methods are very traditional – elderly customers say we've got the flavours right, and younger people come here to taste the food their grandparents used to make.",我们的烹饪方法非常传统——上了年纪的客人称赞我们这的味道纯正,年轻一点的客人来这是为了尝尝他们祖父母过去做的食物。 +"Frequently the system has the fluency of a barely competent human translator, one who happens to be both distracted and drunk.",这系统的流畅度屡屡只及精神涣散又醉酒的蹩脚翻译员。 +"Port services include: repair, fuel, small boats, medical care, traction, water, supplies and return, nothing to do dock and sewage.",港口服务设施有:修船、加燃料、小汽艇、医疗、牵引、淡水、给养和遣返,无干船坞和排污。 +"It consisted of the above mentioned pizza but also included lasagna, spaghetti, fettuccine alfredo, and roasted chicken as entrees.",这份菜单不仅包括了上面提到的比萨,还包括意大利式卤汁面条,意大利式细面条,阿尔弗雷多面条和烤鸡作为主菜。 +"This man examined its contents, then said:""I understand there is a two-volume edition of this book.""",此人查看了书中所含,然后说:“据我所知,此书有两卷本的版本。” +The relationship between the thermal emission polarization and viewing angles in metal targets is studied by using this thermal imaging polarimeter .,利用该系统,研究了金属板热红外偏振度和观测角之间的关系。 +AMY: Yes. She's waiting for you. You can go in now.,艾米: 是的, 她正在等你, 你现在可以进去了。 +"Out of the water is not a long tree into fertile ground for the growth of other plants """".",露出水面的不长一段树尖成了其它植物生长的“沃土”。 +"When out of the house, a collapsable potty is good to have. Take antiseptic wipes for cleaning the potty.",外出时最好带上折叠式便壶和清洁便壶用的消毒擦布。 +It was fun to play with an awl.,玩钻子是件很有趣的事。 +"Do not think, dear, it would have passed it in the past, those beautiful memories you wind.",别再想了,亲爱的,过去了就让它过去吧,让那些美好的往事随风而去吧。 +"O nibbling sex, your pretty little white teeth adore sugar.",呵,啮齿类的女性,你的皓齿多爱糖呵。 +"As the foundation for developing general software simulating the diffusion - reaction processes involved over a pellet of catalyst, this model has obvious advantage over others used usually.",作为单颗粒催化剂上反应-扩散过程通用模拟软件开发的基础,该模型明显优于其他常规模型。 +"CSTP theory bases on market marketing, consumers behavior and services marketing, expects to summarize a correct and feasible frame of real estate marketing planning to help developers .",CSTP理论以市场营销、消费者行为学和服务营销学为基础,希望能总结出一套既科学又切实可行的房地产营销策划框架,为房地产开发企业提供有益的帮助。 +Let us experience another life and culture through learning English.,让我们一起学习英语体会另一种文化及生活。 +The neural network we have built can be used to integrate and analyze the different kinds of well logging data to obtain the formation parameters in particular depth.,透过本研究创建的两组类神经网络为主架构,可经由灰关联分析所选定之特定电测资科做为类神经网络的输入值,预测地层特性参数。 +"Samkange said that, in the month of July, more Somali refugees showed up at Dadaab than in any other month in the camp's 20-year history, creating in his words, an ""unprecedented challenge.""",萨姆坎戈指出,今年7月份,达达布难民营的索马里难民人数比该难民营20年历史上任何月份都多,用他的话说,这带来了“史无前例的挑战。” +"El Niño, a periodic warming of the eastern Pacific Ocean, is part of the answer.",圣婴现象,亦即东太平洋的之周期性暖化,提供了部份解答。 +"Przewalski’s horse, which once roamed the steppes of Mongolia, is thought to have become too dispersed in the wild to breed.",普氏野马,这些曾经在蒙古草原上游荡的动物,被认为已经濒临灭绝。 +"The seed kernel of mango from Yunnan was subjected to Soxhlet extraction, and the crude fat extraction efficiency was 14.23%.",采用索氏提取法从滇芒果果仁中提取脂肪,粗脂肪提取率为14.23%。 +"If more than the maximum USB ports a computer can provide are needed, a user could opt for a USB hub.",如果所需的端口比计算机所能提供的 USB 端口还要多,则可以考虑使用 USB hub。 +But the Emperor had been so unaccountably rapid over getting dressed and coming in that he had not time to have the surprise ready for him.,不料皇帝这么快就穿好衣服走了出来,以致他来不及完全布置好这一惊人的场面。 +"An object is related, which forms the cause and effect chain.",任何事物都是彼此关联的,从而形成环环相扣的因果链条。 +They do not respect evildoers.,他们不惧怕作恶者。 +That and the police action imply this is just some workers disgruntled about losing their plum jobs with foreign-owned companies.,还有警察的行为,这都表明了这不过是员工因为失去外企的肥差都感到愤怒而已。 +"There was still no sign of the sun when the rain cleared, but the sky was darkening second by second as the moon swept across its face somewhere behind the clouds.",雨停后人们仍不见太阳的踪影,但乌云背后月亮正在掠过太阳,天空也在一秒一秒变黑。 +Bibles or anything related to [South] Korea is prohibited.,《圣经》或任何牵涉到南韩的书籍都是禁止被带入。 +"Cats make this sharp, high-pitched sound when highly aroused by the sight of prey, such as the animal more commonly known for chirping, the bird.",猫看到猎物时就会发出刺耳的、尖叫声。比如,最普通的就是看到鸟飞时就这样叫。 +"The committee report -- ""Violent Islamist Extremism, the Internet, and the Homegrown Terrorist Threat"" -- is part of the panel's investigation into Islamic extremism and ""home-grown terrorism.""",该委员会的报告,“暴力伊斯兰极端分子,互联网及国内恐怖主义威胁增长”,是该小组委员会调查伊斯兰极端分子及“国内不断增长的恐怖主义”的一部分。 +"Remains true to its award-winning heritage with complex aromas of spice, blackberry and red cherry.",香味 充分保留了其品种的优势,散发着辛香料、黑莓和红莓的复杂香味。 +"Towards a relative aperture of their shape, head Jan tail, eyes.",它们相对朝着一个光圈形,昂首扬尾,神采奕奕。 +It was they who were to say that it embodied what they had been taught as catechumens and had taught as priests and bishops.,这是他们的人说,它体现了什麽,他们已被教导为慕道者,并已开设神父和主教。 +"In this case, you want to avoid a half-completed transaction, such as might happen if an exception was thrown before the last update was made.",在这种情况下,您需要避免仅完成了一半的事务,例如当最后的更新完成前引发异常时所发生的事务�� +"I personally have a lot of good memories of the Hockenheimring, especially the old circuit with its long straights through the forest.",在这里,我个人有不少美好的会议,尤其是老赛道的那段深入树林的长知道。 +It began to thunder and rain.,天开始打雷下雨。 +A pity beyond all telling is hid in the heart of love.,一种难言的遗憾藏在爱的内心。 +Such a film does credit to the director.,这样的电影给导演带来声誉。 +"""The project is about everything: objects, people and issues, "" says Hung. ""We turn products with defects into design.",“项目将涉及到目标、问题和人”, 黄炳培说,“我们将有缺陷的产品重新设计。” +"One woman well-known on the show circuit has trained her friend to perform a complex, several-minutes long dance routine.",一名女子知名的显示电路已经培训了她的朋友来执行一个复杂的,几分钟舞蹈例行公事。 +"Autonomy of modern chambers is the inheritance and development of cooperation modes of officials, Gentry and businessman;",近代商会的自治性质是清以来官绅商合作模式的继承与发展; +"If be, we must suffer industrialized place a series of consequence pay presumable inevitable cost;",如果是,我们就必须忍受工业化所可能有的一系列后果并付出不可避免的代价; +OBJECTIVE To study the role of fetal heart rate monitoring and color Doppler ultrasonography examination in fetal distress prognosis.,目的探讨临产前电子胎心监护联合彩超判断胎儿预后的价值。 +QRS complex detection is the principal factor in ECG signal detection and the important gist in cardiovascular disease diagnosis and ECG monitor.,QRS波的检测是ECG信号检测中的首要问题,心脏病诊断和心电监护的重要依据。 +"Handan Steel Works' experience of""Imitating the market calculation and carrying into effect the cost rejection"" achieved the conversion of business system in enterprises.",邯钢“模拟市场核算,实行成本否决”的经验实现了企业经营机制的转换,形成了企业的动力功能、调节功能和发展功能; +"If you’re looking for books to read, check out Aibek’s piece on the best places to get free eBooks., though I mostly recommend Project Gutenburg, either on the web or through Lucidor.",如果你正在寻找想要阅读的书籍,不妨看看 Aibek 的文章免费获取电子书最好的几个地方,不过我大多数时候推荐 古登堡项目(Project Gutenburg),通过网络或者 Lucidor 都可以。 +Becuase they lost to the chinese team who are even younger than them.,因为她们输给了比她们小的中国队。 +The old farm has been split into house lots.,这古老的农场已被划分为一块块的宅地。 +If all these reasons are not enough I will dedicate the book to the child from whom this grown-up grew.,如果这些理由还不够的话,那么我愿意把这本书献给儿童时代的这个大人。 所有的大人都曾经是孩子。 +"Then, the research and analysis on tying arrangement under the antimonopoly has great theoretic and practical meaning.",因此,研究和分析搭售行为对完善我国竞争法在此方面的规定有着重大的理论和实践意义。 +At least 5 years of hands on experience in the relevant trades including a minimum of 2 years in the supervisory roles;,五年以上的相关专行经验,包括至少2年的监管工作经验; +"The ramie male sterility line ""C26"" selected by using natural male sterility materials and successive selection shows high fiber yield and good quality.",以天然雄性不育材料为基础,通过多次杂交选育出优良雄性不育系“C26”,表现为产量高、品质优; +"In a study published in the US journal Public Library of Science, the post-doctoral scholar said: 'The reduction of pain is associated with higher, cortical parts of the brain。",在一项发表在美国《公共科学图书馆》期刊上的研究中,博士后学者雅戈尔说:“疼痛感的减轻与大脑皮质上层有关。 +The beauty of the silver illuminations outlining the elegant curves of the bridge struck drivers on Binhai Thoroughfare and walkers in the red man-grove park.,衬托出大桥优美曲线的银色光带深深吸引了滨海大道往来的车主和红树林的游客。 +It would be a first as there are no prevision in the UEFA rules.,这将是第一例此类事件,因为此前欧足联从未有过先例规则。 +8You have let go of the commands of God and are holding on to the traditions of men.,"你们是离弃神的诫命,拘守人的遗传." +"No list of webapps is complete without everyone's favorite internet radio service, Pandora.",没有一张网络应用列表少得了Pandora,所有人都喜欢它的网络电台服务。 +This case is being investigated by the FBI's Fayetteville Division in cooperation with the Arkansas State Police Department and the Carroll County Sheriff's Office.,本案由美国联邦调查局的费耶特维尔部,阿肯色州警察��和卡洛尔县警长办公室联合立案; +"But today, people take phones with them because they’re a part of them.","但是今天,随葬手机只是因为这是他的一部分。" +I made my hair black and I cut off my bangs.,我把我的头发染成黑色,剪去刘海 +"Like conversate above, irregardless isn't actually a word.",跟前面的conversate一样,irregardless这个单词其实也不存在。 +"Look at him, Amelia dear, driving into the parlour window.",爱米丽亚,亲爱的,快看,他骑到人家客厅的窗子去啦。 +"By change of the split-flow tube direction and increase of undersize quantity from the de- sliming screen, concentrate quality ensured, concentrate yield and economic benefit increased.",通过提高脱泥筛脱泥率及改变分流管走向等措施,保证了精煤质量的稳定,提高了精煤产率和经济效益。 +"When all is consumed, repentance comes too late.",待到一切消耗尽,悔悟来时已太迟。 +"So it's just generally,",这只是笼统地说, +"""Human""-shaped form, symbolizes amphibious, resourceful.",“人”形的造型,寓意水路两栖,神通广大。 +"At present, most of the solar cell module encapsulation manufacturers to adopt the traditional laminator production, not only low efficiency, poor product quality, but also easy to cause damages.",目前大部分组件封装厂家采用传统层压机生产,不仅效率低、产品品质差,还易造成破损。 +Children must develop a sense of right and wrong.,孩子们必须培养判断是非的能力。 +The coarsest sandstones intercalated with grey mudstones.,最粗粒砂岩与灰色泥岩成互层。 +The audience can accommodate up to 450 watching.,观众席能够同时容纳450人观看节目。 +"Presents a layout strategy based on partitioning, that can efficiently solve the problem of automatic generation of logic schematics for VLSI. A detailed partition model is discussed.",提出基于划分的逻辑图布图策略,有效解决超大规模集成电路(VLSI)逻辑原理图自动生成中规模与速度的矛盾,给出详细的划分模型。 +"For both obvious and subtle reasons, the software that animates a large, shared display and its electronic chalk is not the same as that for a workstation.",无论是明显的还是微妙的理由,模拟大量的,共享的显示及其电子式粉笔的软件与工作站的软件并不相同。 +"The brain's neurons are small, convoluted and very densely packed.",大脑的神经细胞微小、复杂其包裹得非常浓密。 +"The Rumps, Pentire Point, site of Iron Age cliff fortifications.",臀部, Pentire 点, 铁器时代峭壁设防站点。 +"""I didn't know Fitzgerald and Moy ever left any money this way, "" his mind said to itself. ""They must have forgotten it. """,“据我所知,费茨杰拉德和莫埃从未这样放过钱,”他心里自言自语。“他们一定是忘了。” +"Till the gossamer thread you fling, catch somewhere, O my Soul.",直到你抛出的游丝抓住了某处,我的心灵啊! +"People often recommend physical separation from creative impasses by taking a break, but psychological distance can be just as useful.",但创造性思维陷入僵局时,人们往往建议采取以一种停顿休整的方式使躯体与之分离,但心理距离也会同样有用。 +"As the winds and blinding snow died down, the man's soul became hushed and quiet while he pondered this wonderful thought.",正如狂风暴雪停息下来,那人在思索着这些的时候,他的灵魂也变得安静下来。 +"In this novel, the subject on ""above the absolutely correct revolution, there also is an absolutely correct humanism"" is negated nearly with one voice.",小说中关于“在绝对正确的革命之上,还有一个绝对正确的人道主义”的主题在研究、评论中几乎是众口一词的被否定。 +"And the spotlight effect--Well, before talking about my favorite experiment ever, there is an episode of ""The Simpsons"" that provides a beautiful illustration of the spotlight effect.","聚光灯效应,在讲我最喜欢的实验之前,先给大家讲一集”辛普森家族“,这一集就很好地解释了聚光灯效应。" +"They used the Fidelius Charm to hide themselves, but the person they chose as Secret Keeper, Peter Pettigrew, was actually a spy for Voldemort and betrayed them.",他们用赤胆忠心咒来隐藏自己,可他们选择了小矮星彼得来当保密者。他是个为伏地魔效忠的间谍,后来出卖了他们。 +"A potential model for the subband structure in the inversion layer of a MIS diode has been developed. Based on this model, the infrared detection mechanism of the MIS device is studied.",建立金属-绝缘体-半导体器件反型层子能带结构的势理论模型,并由此模型研究了金属-绝缘体-半导体器件红外探测器的工作机理及制作的关键。 +"It also gives an open, fair way for citizens to change their government so as to avoid fierce revolution. (From Thomas Jefferson)",民主同时也提供一个公开,公平的方法,使得公民有方法更换政府,而避免暴力革命。 +"Joking apart, what do you wish to be?",说正经的,你打算干什么。 +Our hands would touch for all the mountain-bars;,越过万山之巅,我们的手也能相触; +"Tf you want to be respected by others, you must first respect yourself.",如果你想受人尊敬,那么首要的一点是你得尊敬你自己。 +"Naturally, they were anxious to plug the holes, but deploying exits across the entire messaging network can be a huge undertaking -- and exits are only the beginning.",自然地,他们都迫不及待地想堵上这个漏洞,但跨整个消息传递网络部署出口可能是非常艰巨的任务,而出口仅仅是开始而已。 +PAS can be integrated with uni -card system which is widely used in Beijing traffic to complete fee. It can improve efficiency and reduce revenue losing.,也可以使用市政“一卡通”,完成计时和车费扣缴功能,加快交费速度,减少偷漏费现象的发生。 +Sylvester is peeling an orange. He puts the peel on the couch cover.,西尔维斯特在剥桔子,他把桔子皮放在沙发巾上。 +The causes and influence factors of the latitudinal spraying ununiformity phenomenon of asphalt distributor are delved into.,本文对沥青洒布车横向洒布不均匀现象的成因与影响因素进行了深入分析。 +"Guests are invited behind one ofthem into the wineroom, where they can watch their bottle being decanted overa flame, in thetraditional style.",客人被邀请酒墙后面,他们进入后面的酒房,在那里他们可以看着自己的瓶子在火焰上方倒出酒浆,这是传统的风格。 +"The four key groups to be targeted are children, rural communities, urban workers, and government officials and civil servants.",该《纲要》提出,实施的四大重点人群是未成年人,农民,城镇劳动人口以及领导干部和公务员。 +Lithium isotopic composition of clinopyroxene megacrysts from Nüshan has been analyzed by means of ion probe.,应用离子探针技术测定了一组女山单斜辉石巨晶的锂同位素组成。 +Our Certificate of Quality is do valid by ways of the official seal.,咱们的质量证明书盖公章方为有效。 +"In order to select the right study means, the the usefulness of ISSR and SSR markers is compared on Elymus species genetic diversity analysis, firstly.",为选择合适的分析手段,本研究以披碱草属部分物种为研究材料,对ISSR 和SSR 的标记效率进行了比较研究。 +"From the "" Missionizing Through Science "" point of view, the scientific content in the press is implicit religious purposes, science is form, the nature is missionary.",从“科学辅教”的角度来看,科学内容的传播是隐含着宗教目的的,科学为形式,传教是本质。 +It was not long after the New Testament was written that so-called 'scholars' began to introduce false and misleading ways to interpret what the Bible says and means.,在新约成书以后不久,那些所谓的‘学者’开始介绍误导人的方法来解释圣经的内容。 +Slice fruit and sauté in 2 oz. butter in a saucepan that can go into the oven.,将水果切片,在可入烤箱的平底锅中熔化2盎司黄油,将水果快炒几下。 +"I tried holding your breath, and heard faint I love you.",⊙、我使劲屏住呼吸,听见微弱的我爱你。 +"However, so far neither Marines nor the paratroopers were able to widen their staging area or to break through Iraqi defenses.",然而,到目前为止,陆战队和伞兵都不能扩大他们的集结地,或者突破伊军防线。 +"S. successfully helps China to become a member of the existing international society and the ""minimum winning coalition"" will be the key to peace.",依此而论,美国可否成功地协助中国大陆融入现有的国际社会,并将其纳入形塑国际秩序的「最小获胜联盟」,将是维系和平的关键。 +You can try some spicy hotchpotch.,你可以尝尝麻辣烫。 +"On the other hand, if you write a plug-in, it can be distributed by itself, without the need for a custom version of GIMP for other people to use.",在另一方面,如果您编写一个插件,该插件可以单独分发,不必提供一个 GIMP 自定义版本就可供他人使用。 +Guess that means you'll have to get her a present instead of sticking your penis in a box like last year.,我猜你不能像去年那样把小鸡鸡装在盒子里冒充礼物了. +Enter the IronKey – a tiny USB drive that encrypts files and protects them with a password.,“铁将军”是一种小型的移动盘(USB)可以使用密码对文件资料挡案加密保护。 +"Despite the renewed clashes on Sunday, a leading Coptic columnist for the state-owned Al-Ahram newspaper, Milad Hanna, believes things will settle down soon.",米拉德·汉纳是埃及国有报纸《金字塔报》的一名重要的科普特教专栏作家,他表示,尽管周日出现了新的冲突,他相信事情不久就会平息。 +"But the real rate of insurance is influenced by the factors, such as instable work, low income, poor propaganda and low satisfaction to health insurance.",但其工作不稳定、收入偏低,医保政策宣传不到位、对医保服务不满意等因素影响了现实参保率。 +This dualism became a tradition from early modern China through the contemporary period; traditional painters are fond of enriching their production with illustrative lyrics.,这两重性的传统,从近代到现代,中国传统派画家仍喜爱用题诗来丰富他们的作品。 +"The third and biggest problem, pension costs, both increases current cash expenses and artificially understates what the states should be spending today.",第三,也是最大的问题是养老金支出,不仅增加了当前的现金支出,也人为地低估了当前州级政府的应支出水平。 +There have been controversies as to whether poetry is translatable.,诗歌是否可以翻译,历来聚讼纷纭。 +"Driving to a Mariners game, Duane Innes saw a pickup ahead of him drift across lanes of traffic, sideswipe a concrete barrier and continue forward on the inside shoulder at about 40 mph.",在 Duane Innes 开车去看西雅图水手队的比赛时,他看见前面的一辆小卡车穿越了数条车道、擦过一处水泥护栏,并以 40 哩的速度继续在内测路肩上行驶。 +"With less competition from elk for grasses, bison may be doing better than ever.",另外随着麋鹿对草竞争的缓和,美洲野牛的日子也比以前任何时候都要好了。 +"Both sessions and users have a field called ""username.""",sessions 和 users 都有一个称为“用户名(username)”的字段。 +"WS-BPEL actually specifies that a runtime fault is thrown when empty data is assigned, for example, if the source of an assignment is an uninitialized part.",WS-BPEL 实际指定在分配空数据时抛出运行时错误,例如,如果分配的源是未初始化的部分。 +Scientific computation often requires heavy processing and powerful systems.,科学计算通常需要繁重的处理和功能强大的系统。 +"Methods The clinical materials in 65 young adults with brain infarction were retrospectively analyzed by observing the disease cause, risk factors and clinical prognosis.",方法回顾性分析65例青年脑梗塞患者的临床资料,探讨其病因、危险因素和预后等临床特点。 +"The person noticed Lacie, dropped the instrument, and embraced her.",注意到蕾西的演奏者,把乐器扔掉,抱住了蕾西。 +We need to forget about tonight as soon as possible and look ahead to Watford in the Premiership on Saturday and also the Champions League.,球想挽回局面对我们来说简直太困难了。我们要近快忘记今天晚上的一切,立刻考虑周六同沃特福得的英超联赛当然还有冠军联赛。 +The study was released Monday in the February issue of the journal Autism Research.,这次调查发表于《遗传病研究》杂志的二月刊的周一版。 +"This room is full of birds.Birds in simulated flight, birds perched eternally on branches, birdheads, bird skins.",这间房间都是鸟,有飞的姿态的,有永远停在树枝上的,有鸟的头,鸟的毛皮。 +"WHEN General Motors (GM) launched the EV1, a sleek electric vehicle, with much fanfare in 1996, it was supposed to herald a revolution: the start of the modern mass-production of electric cars.",当通用汽车 ( GM )1996年大张旗鼓地发布 EV1 ——一款圆鼓鼓的电动汽车——时,曾被认为是预示着一次革命:电动汽车现代化大规模生产的开始。 +"Ever since grandmother died, grandfather has been eating his heart out--he’s lost all interest in life and won’t even get out of bed to eat.","这个人说:""自从祖母去世后,祖父非常伤心,他对生活失去了一切兴趣,都不愿意起床吃饭。"" To eat one’s heart out还可以用在另一种场合,也就是半开玩笑地让别人对你产生妒忌。你听了下面这个例子就会明白它的意思了。这是一个大学生在对他的要好朋友说话" +We may discover from the picture that the Daoism's body concept implicates a deep ecological significance.,从这幅图中我们可以发现,道教身体观隐含着深刻的生态意义。 +"Here the propensity matures as inexorably , but the actualization is linked to an adaptive feature towards environmental circumstances.",在此,这种倾向势不可挡,但其实现可连结到一项对于环境的适应性特徵。 +Then we put our bags in the X-ray machine.,然后我们把箱子放进X光机里面。 +I apologize. I thought we had simultaneous translation there.,抱歉,我以为我们有同声翻译,否则我会分小段回答。 +"Moreover, the mechanism, current situation and the opinion on further studies of TiO2 self-cleaning glass are presented.",提出了自洁净玻璃的自洁净机理、现状和发展方向。 +"The British usually criticise their transport system heavily, they also criticise their health and education systems to some extent.",英国人常常对他们不堪重负的交通系统表示不满,在某种程度上,医疗和教育系统也是他们指谪的对象。 +You cant just sit around reading text files and hanging out on BBSs.,你不能仅仅靠坐在家里读些黑客之类的文章或者从BBS 中扒点东西。 +"Gao Yishan returned home, thinking of Tan Ruiling had said, and this time he knew that turned out to be denounced Tan Ruiling elder sister.",高义山回到家里,想起了谭睿玲说过的话,此时他明白,原来是谭睿玲告发姐的。 。 +"Such credit rationing is necessary because the larger the loan, the greater the benefits from moral hazard.",这样信用定量供应是必要的因为更大贷款, 更加伟大从投保人不可靠所冒风险的好处。 +"In the email world, you are your name followed by a 'dot-com.'",在电子邮件的世界里,你就是你的名字加上“.com”。 +The technology of mother liquor mixed again was used in sub-atmospheric pressure aeration chlorine dioxide preparation.,介绍在负压曝气法二氧化氯制备工艺上引入母液强制返混技术。 +How long is the period from the commencement to termination of insurance?,保险责任的起讫期限是多长?。 +As I was thinking about this opportunity and what to write I thought back to the whole reason that I am now doing what I am doing for a living.,当我就发表这篇文章的机会进行思考,并想应写点什么的时候,我回忆起促使我选择现在这种生活方式的原因。 +"When a job is fetched, the token is used to authenticate and authorize against the administrative subsystem or the deployment manager.",获取作业时,令牌用于对管理子系统或部署管理器进行身份验证和授权。 +"Because of the uncertainty of the peoples work extent, working hours does not mean the efficiency, low wages does not mean the low-cost, and high wages can also bring high efficiency.",由于人的工作努力程度具有不确定性,因而工作时间并不意味着工作效率; 低工资并不意味着低成本,高工资也可以带来高效率。 +"For example, there are exercises coming from the Math Tripos examinations (at Cambridge) from early part of the last century, and they will definitely keep you busy for some time.",举个例子,有很多练习是取自上世纪初的剑桥大学的数学荣誉学位考试,它们绝对会让你忙上一阵。 +"Different sized particles show up as different colors. Ice, the size of peas, make up the brown, while finer grains appear white.",不同大小的颗粒呈现出不同的色彩,豌豆大小的冰粒呈棕色,更细的颗粒则呈白色。 +Objective To evaluate the feasibility and safety in the treatment of liver cancer located under the diaphragm with cool-tip radiofrequency ablation(RFA)percutaneously under CT guidance.,目的评价CT引导下冷循环射频消融治疗膈下肝癌的可行性和疗效。 +"Believe there is a great power silently working all things for good, behave yourself and never mind the rest. "" – Beatrix Potter, Writer"".",「相信有个伟大的力量在暗中从事一切善行,注意自己的行为,不要管其它的。」– 碧雅翠丝·波特(童书作家) +"The conflict between freedom of the press and the reputation rights is caused by the inherent division illegibility, the imperfectness of laws and improper use of rights.",对于新闻自由和名誉权两种权利的冲突,其产生是由权利固有的界限模糊特性、法治发展的不完善以及权利的运用和行使不当造成的。 +"Either it plumps[3] for simplification, which is pardonable given the justness of its moral outrage.",过于简单化,这倘若出于合情的道德义愤,倒是可以原谅的。 +The ashes of the late world carried on the bleak and temporal winds to and fro in the void.,深夜,一阵阵阴冷的风吹起了灰烬,在这片空茫里来回飞舞。 +"It is the comprehensive art that synthetize music, drama, verse, dance, the stage art etc.",它是融音乐、戏剧、诗歌、舞蹈、舞台美术等为一体的综合性艺术。 +"More than 7,600 incidents were reported nationwide in 2007, the most recent year available. 17% were linked to sexual orientation.",2007年全国范围内就报告了超过7600例攻击性案例,居近年来榜首,并且17%的案例都跟性取向有关。 +Physicians should keep in mind that extremely angulated segments may reduce the successful rate of coronary stenting and contribute to the stent entrapment complication.,医生在置放血管支架时对于角度过大的冠状动脉必须小心,如此的解剖构造易造成支架卡在冠状动脉上而降低支架置放的成功率。 +Objective: To investigate the expression of Coxsackie adenovirus receptor(CAR) in the myocardium of mice during various period of age and sex.,目的:观察柯萨奇腺病毒受体(CAR)在不同年龄、性别小鼠心肌组织中的表达情况。 +"Therefore, mechanic model in the seismogenic system should be established according to layers.",因此应分层次建立孕震系统的力学模型。 +"At the same time, Volkswagen is increasingly deploying innovative common-rail technology.",同时,大众在逐渐地展开创新的共轨技术。 +Qiu Deshu focused on creativity of ink painting out of his potential as he was not out of any academy or school.,非学院派出身的仇德树,更注重从自身的潜质中发挥水墨的创造性。 +Herodotus is a practical historian with a strong sense of history.,希罗多德是一位有着强烈历史感、求真务实的历史学家。 +I know little about nuclear physics.,我对原子物理学所知甚少。 +"These two candidates are Former foreign minister Amr Moussa and Abdel-Moneim Abolfotoh, a moderate Islamist. Their debate was held on Thursday, lasted past midnight.",这两名总统候选人是前埃及外交部长穆萨和温和派穆斯林阿博尔弗托赫。星期四,他们的辩论一直持续到午夜之后。 +Be careful there are dangers. Ballons.,小心这里有易爆物——气球。 +Liu Xin(2005). System Base of Present Chinese Society Differentiation.,刘欣(2005) 。当前中国社会分化的制度基础。社会学研究,(5)。 +"This is the fifth installment of a multiple-part article (as outlined below) that demonstrates using Rational's tools in a distributed, J2EE-based project.",本文是演示了在分布式的、基于 J2EE 的项目中使用 Rational 工具的系列文章(如下面所列)的第 5 部分。 +The Great Green Wall will stop the wind fromblowing the earth away.,绿色长城将阻挡大风刮走土地。 +That country manifests an unbelievable luxuriance of flora and fauna.,该国展示动植物之丰富,令人难以置信。 +"We help each other out in training and for me and Jon, looking up to Glen, who is the international right-back, it's the best thing we can have to learn from.",我们在训练中互相帮助,对我和富二代来说,向已经是国家队右后卫的格伦看齐是我们现在要做的,这也是一个最好的向他学习的机会。 +"Of these 12 or 15 fry, half will probably be female.",在挑选的12 – 15条幼鱼中,因该只有一半的比例是雌鱼。 +"And the new 5th-generation fighters, the F-22 and F-35, have max speeds at altitude of Mach 2.25 (slower than the F-15) and Mach 1.67.",至于第五代的新式战斗机F-22和F-35,前者的最高速度为2.25马赫(比F-15低),后者是1.67马赫。 +"She hands the pearls to you and says, “From now on, I’m back to being ‘Lentil.’”",她把那串珍珠递给你,说,“从今以后,我又做回‘兰缇’了。” +"In this thesis, the study is focused on the characteristics of distributed sound source and its using in the active acoustical structure as the secondary source, including the foll.",本文为有源声学结构研究的一部分,侧重于研究分布式声源的声学特性,并对其作为次级源在有源声学结构中的应用进行了深入的研究。 +"This paper dissertates the evolution strategy in the industry, in which takes the distribution, advertising and the group as the core part.",本文正是从产业的角度,以期刊发行、广告和期刊集团为核心来论述我国期刊业的发展策略。 全文共分为五个部分。 +"Lenard (1915)found that when water is atomized (e. g. on impact of a water droplet), negative and positive charges are SEPARATED.",勒纳德(1915年)发现:当水变成雾状(例如水滴的碰撞)时,就会分割出正负电荷。 +"The parts that define the engine - the heads, induction system and exhaust - were designed and built in Italy.",引擎头、传感系统、排放系统这些部件决定了一款发动机,它们都是由意大利设计和生产的。 +"Carmen Rosa and Yulia la Pacena perform in a benefit show to raise money for the bathrooms of a school in La Paz, Bolivia, June 26, 2010.",卡门.罗莎与尤利亚为玻利维亚拉巴斯学校建浴室募捐而演出。 +"The results also indicate that maize yield is directly correlated with the ratios of N and P content in grain to stalk, and not K.",玉米收获产品中氮、磷含量在籽实和秸秆中的分配比与产量均呈现较好的相关性,钾表现不明显; +The company said its net profit margin fell to 14.9% in the first half from 16.8% in the year-earlier period as sales costs and management expenses rose.,公司称,因为成本和管理费用的上升,导致上半年的净利润率从去年同期的16.8%,下降到今年的14.9%。 +"Content abstract:Every June 2006, the second Saturday became the ""cultural heritage"", through the form of public holiday of cultural heritage.",内容摘要:2006年起,每年六月的第二个星期六成为了“文化遗产日”,通过节日的形式引起公众的对文化遗产的关注。 +"Bondholders smell an unsavoury deal cooked up between the UAW and Barack Obama, who had the union's support in last year’s election.",债券持有人似乎闻到了UAW和奥巴马之间令人讨厌的交易��而奥巴马在去年的竞选中曾获得UAW的协助。 +"Mary McGuire-Wien and her husband, Charles Wildbank, had been searching for a new home on Long Island for more than a year, but every place they'd seen was either unsuitable or unaffordable.",Wien和她的丈夫CharlesWildbank为在长岛购买新房子已经搜寻了一年多,但他们看过的房产要不不合适要不就是太贵。 +"He had joined sites in search of his ""soul-mate"" and was having sex with other women.",他加入了一些交友网站,并跟其他女人上床。 +"Putting our sexuality under Christ's lordship is a lifelong discipline, whether single or married.",不管你是单身还是已婚,把你的性行为置于上帝的伟大力量之下才是长久之计。 +"With each pulse of the laser beam, a tiny amount of corneal tissue is removed.",每一次激光束的脉冲移除微量的组织。 +The varnish has an outstanding resistance to high temperature. Temperature can be achieved over 800 degrees C. It also has super hardness and admirable anti-abrasion and anti-corrosion performances.,此涂料具有优异的耐高温稳定性,耐温高达摄氏800℃以上,同时具有超高的硬度和优良的抗磨损及腐蚀性能。 +"The use of high-Fe admixture will not reduce the resistance between cathode and anode of concrete excessively and aggravate corrosion process, and we can use it normally.",高铁掺合料的使用并不会过度降低混凝土阴阳极电阻加剧锈蚀过程,可以正常使用。 +"For many SMEE companies, the health of their business depends upon the relationship they have with the largest companies in the environment, the MNC.",对于很多中小企业来说,生意的好坏依赖于与大型跨国企业的关系。 +The necessity and feasibility of injection-production adjustment for case damage control in faulted layer regions is also discussed in this paper.,因此,在油田开发过程中应注意调节断层区的地层压力平衡,以防治断层区套损。 +"Yes, I have just sold two. The people who love to spend sunny days regardless of rain.",有,我刚刚卖了两支。爱花的人是不分雨天晴日的。 +"In order to plan ahead for multiple moves, an algorithm known as a markov decision process is commonly used when there are only a reasonably small group of possible world states.",为了计划后面多个步骤,当可能的世界状态数目不算太多时,通常用到一种被称作马尔科夫决策过程的算法。 +"To see what you've done, save your project, close Visual Studio .NET, and use Windows Explorer to browse to the folder containing your project and the Excel workbook file.",若要查看所做的操作,请保存项目,关闭 Visual Studio .NET,并使用 Windows 资源管理器来浏览包含项目和 Excel 工作薄文件的文件夹。 +This is the opposite of having fixed goals.,这是和既定目标想违背的。 +"At a packed retail store in Bellevue Square -- an upscale mall in Bellevue, Washington -- about 25 ""standby"" potential customers waited in line for an iPhone.",在华盛顿州Bellevue市一家拥挤的零售店中,大约有25名排队等候购买iPhone手机的客户。 +"Standing here, I cannot help recalling several Japanese friends I know. They are Mr. Noburu Takeshita, Mr. Toshiki Kaifu, Mr. Keizo Obuchi, Mr. Yoshiro Mori, Mr. Yasuo Fukuda and Mr. Yohei Kono.",来到这里,我不禁想起我认识的几位日本朋友,他们是竹下登、海部俊树、小渊惠三、森喜朗、福田康夫、河野洋平先生等。 +"In addition to loading sandboxed resources, DojoX Secure provides functionality that you can use to build sandboxed UI artifacts.",除了加载沙箱资源外,DojoX Secure 提供可用于构建沙箱 UI 工件的功能。 +"BeagleBoard is supported by a large community and its design documents, including architecture drawings of the printed circuit board (PCB) for use in manufacturing, are freely available for download.",BeagleBoard 受一个规模很大的社区支持,而它的设计文档,包括生产用的印刷电路板 (PCB) 的架构草图,均可免费下载得到。 +"Meanwhile, most parents think their kids are too young to learn about sex at school.",与此同时,大部分父母认为他们的小孩在学校学习性知识是过早的事情。 +The participation of the middle management in decision-making will do good to our company.,中间管理层参与决策将对我们公司有利。 +"You have come out in the morning to play in the courtyard, tottering and tumbling as you run.",你清晨出来再院子里玩耍,你跑的摇摇晃晃贴贴撞撞。 +"Two years ago, it was a mosquito-infested wasteland .",两年前,嘉定区还是一片蚊虫孳生的荒野之地。 +"So did Giggs' two brilliant assists in the Champions League quarterfinal at Old Trafford to knock the Blues out of the competition, and countless other moments of magic from the Welshman.",在欧冠联赛半决赛中,他在老特拉福德球场送出两记助攻,将蓝军淘汰出局,这个威尔士人创造了无数这样的魔幻时刻。 +The final cost or result of a project or action. The term derives from companies' profit and loss accounts in which …,净盈利或净亏损的俗称。英文直译为“末行”,这是因为在公司的损益表上,最末一行就是显示总收入扣除所有费… +Optical coupling state between the read-out beam and the optical waveguide can be judged by analyzing the emission pattern from the MWH-ROM.,而且,通过分析波导射出端的强度图形,可判断读出光和光波导的耦合状态。 +Relationship Between Screw Trajectory of C1 Lateral Mass Screw and Internal Carotid Artery.,C1侧块螺钉通道和颈内动脉之间的关系。 +It took us more than two hours to prepare the dinner.,准备那顿饭,花了我们两个多钟头。 +"""Never mind, it does not matter, "" the girl blushed eager to them the little hand, ""I can give you another blow to! """,“没关系,没关系”,小女孩涨红了脸,急切地摆着小手,“我可以再给你吹的呀!” +"She rubbed her hands down her flat belly, then picked up the hammer she'd been trying not to pitch at the broken furnace and eyed the cabin wall again.",她双手放在平坦的小腹上揉了揉,然后拿起一把锤子——她一直忍着不要把锤子扔向坏掉的暖炉,又一次看了看小屋的墙。 +"Like Guice, it makes aggressive use of annotations to keep configuration as part of the code.",它像 Guice 一样大量使用注释将配置作为代码的一部分。 +AYUSA promotes understanding friendship and learning through international students exchange.,增进各国学生、家庭与社区人民的友谊和相互了解。 +Objective To investigate the relationship between pregnancy-associated plasma protein A(PAPP-A) and acute coronary syndrome.,目的探讨妊娠相关蛋白-A(PAPP-A)与急性冠脉综合征(ACS)的关系。 +"Blood superoxide dismutase (SOD), lipid peroxidation (LPO) and vitamin E (VE) were determined in 74 newborns with pneumonia and 32 healthy full - term newborns.",本文测定了74例新生儿肺炎患儿血中SOD活性、LPO和VE浓度并与32例足月正常新生儿做比较。 +"Nothing religious, it refers to the delivery of the ball, either in the air, or along the ground, from either side of the pitch towards the opponent's goal for a teammate.",传中没有严格的定义,不管传半空球还是地面球,只要是从两边往对方球门方向传给自己的队友的传球都称为传中。 +"The immune liver injuries of BABI/C mice were induced by BCG and LPS, the protective effect of nano red elemental selenium were observed.",采用卡介苗和脂多糖造成BABI/ C小鼠免疫性肝损伤,观察纳米态红色元素硒对小鼠免疫性肝损伤的保护作用。 +No response is sent back to external client.,没有响应发送回外部客户端。 +"The spokesman said that the eggs will be flown to Florida hatcheries, placed in polystyrene boxes with sand and hatch, and then released in local clean beach.",发言人表示,当局会将海龟蛋空运到佛罗里达州的孵化厂,放入装有沙粒及聚苯乙烯的盒中孵化,之后在当地清洁的海滩放生。 +C. It houses one of the world's largest and most accessible agricultural information collections and serves as the nexus for a national network of state land-grant and U.,它汇集了世界上最多和最易查寻的农业信息,并且是各州土地确认的全国联网和美国农业部各图书馆之间的连结纽带。 +"On the other hand, I-SAC sees almost no change of controlled performance due to its automatic adaptive control structure installed inside.",另一方面,我,国资委认为几乎控制性能,由于它的自动自适应控制结构内的变化没有安装。 +"Then, I use this sense I have of what the whole must be like to continue to read successive parts--lines, sentences, whatever they may be.","然后,我在对于全文设想的指导下,继续读剩下的部分,行,句,无论它可能是什么。" +"In such case, the excess part of the payments shall remain taxable according to the law of each Contracting State, due regard being had to the other provisions of this Agreement.",在这种情况下,对该支付款项的超出部分,仍应按各缔约国的法律征税,但应适当考虑本协定的其他规定。 +"If the variances of random effects are heteroscedastic and unknown, then the regression analysis will meet many troubles.",如果方差非齐且未知,则回归分析将遇到诸多问题。 +"Graham Charters: Generally, organisations will follow through the levels linearly.",Graham Charters:通常来说,组织会线性地去遵循这些级别。 +She promenaded the children along the sea front after lunch.,她午饭后领著孩子们沿著海滨区散步。 +What's the price-to-rent ratio?,房屋租售比如何? +The pollution of non-hydrocarbons was the main pollution of phthalidyl and phenol compounds.,非烃类化合物的污染主要表现为酞酸酯和苯酚类化合物的污染。 +"The theory, methodology and application of five-pole electrical sounding are introduced in a certain engineering project at Jiujiang, Jiangxi.",以五极纵轴测深法在九江某工程地下溶洞探测为例,介绍了五极纵轴测深法的原理、方法及其应用效果。 +"We talk more about the ""15-minute active"" rate later in this article.",在本文后面我们将谈到有关 “15 分钟活动” 率。 +Some veterinarians believe that annual revaccination is an important and critical part of preventative health care.,一些兽医指出每年的疫苗是卫生保健中一项重要且关键的部分。 +The distribution of sedimentary microfacies has been mapped for Qingshankou Formation to build its depositional model and to provide basis for exploration.,通过绘制沉积微相平面分布图,建立该区青山口组沉积模式,为有利勘探区研究提供了依据。 +"By this definition, you could manage no one and be a leader or manage thousands of people and not be a leader.",基于此定义,也许你麾下无一兵一卒然而你依然是领导,甚或指挥千军万马而非领导。 +The exact handback object passed during listener registration is passed on each handleNotification call for the registered listener.,每次为已注册的侦听器进行 handleNotification 调用时都要传递注册该侦听器期间传递的那个 handback 对象。 +"Conclusion In order to effectively control fly larva breeding, refuge should be daily dispose, bag packaged and frozen, the ground should be hardened, the use of insecticides should be combined.",结论为有效控制星级酒店蝇幼虫孳生,建议垃圾应日产日清,垃圾袋装并冷冻处理,硬化垃圾箱存放地面,杀虫剂混配使用; +"Yeah, it's for a big party.",对,是要在大聚会上用的。 +"To change this text on your blog, just go to your Main Index Template file in your template editor, find the section called php comments_popup_link, and change the relevant areas.",更改这个显示方式的步骤是,在样板编辑器中打开主索引模板(Main Index Template ),找到 php comments_popup_link部分,然后更改相关地方。 +"MF27 Full-Eyepiece Gas Mask is a kind of monocular vision filtering protective device, which can protect the personal respiratory organs.",MF27型全眼窗防毒面具是一种过滤式单眼窗个人呼吸器官防护器材。 +"It was a radical idea at the time, so controversial that many in the Army expected it to fail, or even to destroy the military.",当时这就是激进的理念,其争议如此之大,以致军中许多人都巴望它失败,甚至毁掉军队。 +Ensure that SSH (without a password) is set up at the root level within all the physical machines participating in a DB2 pureScale cluster.,确保在参与 DB2 pureScale 集群的所有物理机内在根级别设置了 SSH(无密码)。 +Foreigners are on their own.,外国佬得靠他们自己。 +It’s about going to cities and towns that never have had theaters before and putting theaters there and showing people what movies can do. It’s a great way to take a two-hour break from the world.,这要求电影人深入到这两个国家先前没有院线的大小城市,在那里建设影院,让人们看到电影的巨大作用──可以让你轻松地摆脱无奈的现实,在另一个世界沉浸上两小时。 +"He describes its government as a "" fascistic regime"" controlling all aspects of daily life.",霍梅尼政府在塔赫里笔下被描述成一个“法西斯政权”,对生活各个方面都加以控制。 +"Of course, this can be achieved through portion control, and you can eat what you feel like whether you’re a “hunter, ” “nomad, ” “cultivator, ” or any combination thereof.",当然,通过部分的控制这可能会成功,而且你可以吃一些使你觉得自己是否是一个“猎人”、“牧民”、“农民”,或者他们中的结合体的东西。 +"Therefore, the thesis is concentrated on the study of the different mental or psychological workings of the irony-speaker and the irony-hearer separately.",本文把反语交际分为两个阶段:说话人的反语生成阶段和受话人的反语感知阶段,并分别对这两阶段作研究。 +"They (United) are going for second position and the Champions League is very important to Arsenal and Manchester United, I know we'll get no favours.",曼联正在争夺第二的位置,冠军联赛对阿森纳和曼联都很重要,我知道他们不会手下留情。 +"You should have thought of the consequences before you acted, "" she concluded sententiously .""",她最后以说教的口吻说:“你应该先想到后果然后再做。” +"Given this table, assume that you want to return the names of customers which have the phone number ""905-555-4789"". You could be tempted to write the following query",对于这个表,假设您想返回电话号码为 “905-555-4789” 的客户的姓名。 +"History of ink in China, Japan, Central Asia, India, Egypt, Palestine, Greece and Italy. In: Frank Bestow Wiborg: Printing ink, a history. New York, London: Harper 1926, 1 - 76.",《墨汁的历史:中国、日本、中亚、印度、埃及、巴勒斯坦、希腊和意大利》,纽约,伦敦1926年。 +How can I resist those babies even thought they are mens t-shirt and super big.,我怎能抵抗这么好的东西呢?即便这是男款又非常大。 +"And the government of Likud will keep Jerusalem united under Israeli sovereignty,"" Netanyahu said.",利库德集团领导的政府将使耶路撒冷在以色列的主权下继续统一。 +It's better to have the folic acid and take my chances of asthma against the really serious risk of spina bifida that low folate intake in your diet can cause.,她说:“最好还是服用叶酸,承担患染哮喘的风险,而不要因日常饮食中叶酸盐摄入量不足而面临脊柱裂之类真正严重的风险。 +"He should have arrived Presumably,the bad weather delayed the flight.","他早该到了,大概恶劣的天气使飞机误点了." +A. I think throughout the public health establishment we're recognizing that saturated fat isn't Public Health Enemy No. 1. But it's also not necessarily a health food.,答:我认为,整个公共卫生界正逐渐认识到饱和脂肪并非公共健康的头号公敌——但它也未必是健康食品。 +"The youth stepped forward, and acknowledged himself: she kissed him fervently, and they gazed with wonder at the change time had wrought in the appearance of each.",这年轻人走向前来,承认他就是。 她狂热地吻他,他们彼此凝视着,看到时光在彼此的外表上所造成的变化而惊奇。 +Why didn't you know good from bad?,你怎麽不知好歹呢? +The research on blanking zone shows that the variation hydrate saturation is altering with porosity in the blanking zone.,对空白带的研究则表明在空白带中水合物的饱和度是随孔隙度变化的。 +Heightmap patches beyond basemap distance will use a precomputed low res basemap.,高度图面片超出底图距离将使用一个预先计算的低解析度底图。 +To release transport capacity to the maximum extent.,一是最大限度释放运输能力。 +The experimental results have proved that zinc plated sheet steel can meet the processing and service requirements to the automotive fuel tanks.,试验结果证明,镀锌钢板能满足汽车燃油箱的工艺和使用要求。 +"Ever since they had lived together in a cabin during the summer after he graduated from high school, Chrisann Brennan had woven in and out of Jobs' life.",乔布斯高中毕业那年的夏天,他和克里斯安•布伦南开始同居,从那之后,布伦南就在乔布斯的生活中进进出出。 +That's part of public finance--is learning how to modify the tax system so that it works pretty well.,"公共财政学的一个课题就是,研究如何改进税收制度,使其更有效。" +"Results 40% of the pelvis endometrioid carcinomas was accompanied by endometrial abnormality, and half of the endometrium lesions was carcinoma.",结果40% 的盆腔子宫内膜样癌伴有子宫内膜异常,其中半数内膜病变为癌。 +"This conference, which will showcase the greatness of Tamil civilisation, has been a dream project of Karunanidhi.",这次会议,这将展示泰米尔文明的伟大,一直是卡鲁纳尼迪梦想的项目。 +Simulation is an efficient approach to reliability research for missile weapon systems.,仿真法是进行地空导弹武器系统可靠性研究的有效途径。 +"Many times when my father was sitting with his male friends, he would call out for me to come to him.",好几次当父亲和他的男性朋友坐在一起的时候,他会大声地喊我的名字,叫我到他跟前去。 +"In fact, this only disgusts people, alienates the masses, and they put themselves in a corner.",其实只能令人讨厌,脱离群众, 使自己陷于孤立和困难的地步。 +"Containing abundant mineral microelement , the Ocean spring water has double effects of moistening and oxidation resistance, invigorating your skin and make it with elasticity and more youthful.",海洋泉水含有大量的矿物质微量元素,具保湿和抗氧化双重功效,令肌肤充满弹性活力、更显年轻。 +"Yet all this availeth me nothing, so long as I see Mordecai the Jew sitting at the king's gate.",只是我见犹大人末底改坐在朝门,虽有这一切荣耀,也与我无益。 +"If they were on when the couplers were welded and machined, then the side bars will move from the heat as soon as I break the bars off.",如果焊接和加工连接器时,这些横栏在连接器上的话,那么一旦我将横栏取掉,侧栏就会因为热量而掉落。 +An orthogonal matrix is an invertible matrix for which the inverse is equal to the transpose.,正交矩阵是可逆矩阵,其逆矩阵等于其转置矩阵。 +African leaders - and I've interviewed a number of them in recent weeks - all seem to be making tougher contractual demands on their Asian counterparts.,非洲的领导人-近几个星期我见��好几个-似乎对他们的亚洲对手都提出了更严厉的合同要求。 +"When the intelligence forces realised who I was, they sent two policemen to my door to threaten me.",情报组织意识到我是谁时,就派了两个警察来我家威胁我。 +"Also print out and sign attached NDA, before I release the details of the project.",同时打印出来,并签署保密协议附件,我才释放该项目的细节。 +"The overflow incident is caused by you, so you must be responsible for it.",此次溢油变乱是由你们引起的,所以得由你们负责。 +"The agent cooked the accounts, sold your business and feathered his own nest at your expense.",你的代理人在账目上作假,他卖掉了你的生意,用你的钱来中饱私囊。 +Large circular emitter directs heat to increase basking area.,圆环状加热底盘,营建更广领域有用的日光浴场合。 +The lecturer was discussing politics but got side-tracked by a question from the audience into talking about religion .,讲演人正在谈论政治, 但因听众提出问题一岔开而谈起宗教来了。 +"As I showed last month, only one of the rightwing thinktanks I contacted was prepared to reveal who funded it.",我上周说过,我联系过的右翼智库中只有一家准备透露捐资人的信息。 +"Due to the great disparity in mode energy, weak modes of the vibration system are in fact difficult to be identified with common techniques.",由于该系统具有弱小模态特征,各阶特征能量相差悬殊,不同辨识方法的可辨识性、辨识精度及数值运算量都不相同。 +"Deems that Qinghai's religious culture is a kind of touristic resources that being potential, but currently the exploitation about it not just being ineffective , but also with many problems.",认为青海的宗教文化是一种极具开发潜力的旅游资源,但目前的开发不仅力度不够,而且存在着许多问题。 +"Comparing to other three kinds of penalty methods, the qualifications punishment has delays the nature and the tenderness.",资格刑与其它三种刑罚方法比较而言,具有宽缓性和温和性。 +The results discovered that declined rate of the night mean systolic pressure and mean diastolic pressure correlated negatively with LVM and LVMI.,结果发现:夜间平均收缩压和平均舒张压下降率与LVM和LVMI呈显著负相关。 +"When kids in downtown Flint or rural Iowa can’t afford or access high-speed Internet, that sets back America’s ability to compete.",弗林特市中心或爱荷华州农村地区的孩子们负担不起或开通不了高速互联网这一情况会阻碍美国竞争力的提高。 +"While members of the Sentinels hurried to break down the camp and ready the GMU for motion, Burak was breaking the news to Tesla.",当哨兵成员正忙着拆除营地,为GMU的移动做准备时,巴拉克委婉的把这个消息告诉了泰斯拉。 +"Kids usually get a medal, T-shirt, ribbon, or some other race souvenir for participating.",参赛者通常会得到奖牌,t恤,缎带或者其他奖励。 +It is always a good idea to join any software testing institute or class which will provide you a good start and direction of preparation.,推荐参加任何形式的软件测试协会或者培训机构,这有助于你有一个好的开端和获得良好的就业指导。 +They work by either chemically absorbing UV rays or deflecting and bouncing them off your body.,它们的工作原理要么是含有能吸收紫外线的化学物质,要么是使紫外线折射或色散,避开你的身体。 +Almost half of mitochondrial genes showing physical clusters were located in the pericentromeric and subtelomeric regions of the chromosome.,结果分析得到几乎一半的线粒体基因定位在染色体的着丝粒和亚着丝粒区域。 +"However, given that the project ideally wishes to complete the mission in much less than 100 years, it follows that the actual target will probably have to be significantly closer than 15 light-years.",但是,又根据该计划在理想上希望能在 100 年内完成,所以实际目标的距离很可能要比 15 光年小得多。 +"Chitosan Schiff-base Palladium catalyst was synthesized from chitosan and salicylaldehyde via grafting to form chitosan Schiff-base, followed by coordination with palladium salt.",水杨醛与壳聚糖反应制得壳聚糖席夫碱配体,此配体与钯盐反应得到壳聚糖席夫碱钯催化剂。 +"In 2004, the Jingyun stele of Han dynasty is unearthed at Jiuxianping site in Yunyang county, Chongqing, which has extremely high historical value.",2004年在重庆市云阳县旧县坪遗址出土的《汉景云碑》,具有极高的史料价值。 +"Whether you represent large or small corporations, this resource gives you the information you need to protect them from hostile takeovers.",无论您所代理的公司大小,本书将助您保护它们避免敌意收购。 +"Each of our troubles is a stepping stone. We can get out of the deepest wells just by ont stopping, never giving up. Shake it off, and take a step up !",每一个麻烦都是一块踏脚石,只要我们永不停息,永不放弃,把它们抖下来,踩上去,即使再深的井也能爬出来! +You just took out a piece of dark blue paper on which you could write down your fondness and sentiment with white fluorescent pen.,你只要拿出一张深蓝色的纸用白色的荧光笔在上面写出你的喜爱和情绪。 +I can make mu shu pork. I can stir fry it with carrots and cucumbers.,我可以做木须肉,我可以用胡萝卜和黄瓜来炒肉,我甚至可以做红烧肉。 +"BBC deputy director general Mark Byford will be made redundant Monday as the symbolic first casualty of a round of cost-cutting and restructuring, the Daily Telegraph of London reported.",据英国《每日电讯报》报道,当地时间11日,英国广播公司(BBC)副总监马克·拜福被解职,成为该公司削减成本和重组的首个象征性牺牲品。 +"This wine shows its ruby gleaming colour. The aroma contains fragrances of blackberry, red currant and blueberry together with a mild touch of liquorices and green pepper.",这款酒色质深红带用红宝石的光泽嗅味尤如不同梅果如:欧洲黑梅,醋栗梅及月菊梅混合的芬香,配上非常微弱的干草及绿胡椒清香。 +"Persimmon fruit high nutritional value, contains a lot of carotene, vitamin c, and iodine, calcium, phosphorus, iron and other mineral elements, enjoy ""fruit to the product, "" Fitch.",甜柿鲜果营养价值极高,含有大量胡萝卜素、维生素c、及碘、钙、磷、铁等矿物元素,享有“果中至品”之誉。 +"A lot of her customers were Russian soldiers who wanted the best for their wives, so we would make trips West to stock up.",她的很多客户都是那些想给妻子买到稀罕货的俄国士兵们,所以我们需要去西德去囤货。 +"Its principal good, its principal goal, was the education of citizens for positions of public leadership and high political responsibilities.","它的首要优点及目标,就是公民教育,训练公共领袖人员,及高标的政治责任。" +"Results: The positive rate of sulphate mucus was 92.67%, 91.43% in gastric carcinoma and gastric mucosa with IM which near carcinoma, higher than chronic gastritis with IM (30%)(P<0.05);",结果:硫酸粘液阳性率在胃粘膜组中,胃腺癌和癌旁肠化(91.43%,92.67%)高于慢性胃炎伴肠化(30%)(P<0.05); +Any other access to unmapped memory triggers a page fault that results in a Segmentation Fault.,任何其他访问映射的内存,结果在一个分割故障触发页面错误。 +"In the hypnotic or waking state, the boot depressed patients talk to their hearts, so that harm or repressed the treatment of complex external vent, called catharsis therapy.",在催眠或觉醒状态下,引导患者倾诉其内心苦闷,使受到伤害或压抑的情结向外宣泄的治疗方法,称为疏泄疗法。 +"For me, I like your smile, your innocent, the scene of you running in the football court, your personality, hour you love your home, and everything about you.",以我来说,我喜欢你的笑容、你的天真、你在足球场上奔驰的样子、你的个性、你的爱家,以及你的一切。 +"Moving picture stream generation apparatus, moving picture coding apparatus, moving picture multiplexing apparatus and moving picture decoding apparatus.",运动画面流产生装置,运动画面编码装置,运动画面多路复用装置和运动画面解码装置。 +Objective To study the reproductive and developmental toxicities of methylmercury (MeHg) on male mice.,目的:研究甲基汞对雄性小鼠的生殖发育毒性。 +"In the project of Shuangjiangkou large underground power houses, the program model for joins is used to analyze the ability of houses and to guide the design of engineering.",在双江口大型地下电站厂房项目,计划模式的联接使用的房屋进行分析的能力,并指导工程设计。 +"I, too, had tears in my eyes, as I hugged him, touched that this generous couple was giving up thousands of dollars to help a young couple live their dreams.","我拥抱著他, 眼中也充满泪水, 这对夫妇愿意放弃数千元来帮助我们达成愿望, 他们的慷慨深深地感动了我." +"""Tian Bie"" in nature and its shape is characterized by ""Tian Bie"" study a fundamental question.",“田家莂”的性质及其形制特征是“田家莂”研究中的一个基本问题。 +This paper researched the disadvantage of the traditional GIS and put forward a distributed coordinated management of spatial date based on division of GML vector map layer.,在对传统集中式的GIS的弊端的研究之上,提出了一种基于地理标识语言(GML)矢量图层分割的空间数据分布式协同处理方式。 +"Believe life long heart Yin and Yang, meaner quality fear. The heart also receives, and the world in which the.",信命不修心,阴阳恐虚矫。修心亦听命,天地自相保。 +"According to the formula of the seepage force, it can be deduced that the seepage force only lies on the hydraulic gradient.",由渗透力的推导公式可知:单位面积的渗透力只与渗透坡降(水力梯度)有关。 +"The Lakers, including Bryant, have a tendency to shoot too many three-pointers and this is a below-average three-point shooting team …",湖人队包括布莱恩特在内出现一种趋向,投三分球不少,但三分球投射技术低于均匀水准。 +"Bad idea, it blocks physical damage, provides no regen, and maybe a bit of base damage.",坏的主意,这个格挡了物理伤害,但是不能提供回复,虽然可能有一些的基础攻击力的加成。 +Thank you for using Used Furniture and Product forum to look for new home for your old furniture.,二手家具用品讲场欢迎各会员留言赠送、出让、徵求或报料所有有关二手家居用品程报。 +"The battery powered unit can be fitted to soldiers of different body sizes, and allows them to jump, squat, crawl and run at slow-speed.",这套由电池驱动的装置符合士兵的各种体型并且可以让他们在低速状态下跳跃、蹲下、爬行和跑步。 +I only fear what your braves acts might bring down on you.,我只怕你勇敢的行为会为你带来灾祸。 +I love (or like) sitting in the garden when it's fine.,"天气好的时候, 我喜欢在花园里坐坐." +Also we need these attack helicopters for the terrian up north I cant stand the Cobras they are pre-historic just like our F16s.,而且我们的北方领域也需要这样的攻击直升机,我受不了“眼镜蛇”,它们就像我们的F16一样都太老旧了。 +"This paper introduces the conception, performance and advantage of emulsified asphalt waterproofing coating, studies its current state of application and prospect.",介绍了水乳型沥青防水涂料的概念、性能及其优点,并对水乳型沥青防水涂料的当前应用状况及其前景进行了探讨。 +Methed 1. To promote 6-8W small mouse ovulate and obtain early blastocysts and expanded blastocysts.,方法1、对6-8W龄昆明小白鼠促排卵,处死小鼠后获得小鼠初级囊胚和扩张囊胚。 +"The automatic generation system, which transforms the denotational semantics of code generation languages into efficient compiler code generator, has been developed.",本文中描述了把代码生成语言的指称语义描述变换为编译程序代码生成器的一个变换系统。 +"The inherent essence of capitalist market economy has determined as dependent on each other as lips and teeth, close relation intricately woven together between it and individualism.",资本主义市场经济的内在本质决定了它和个人主义唇齿相依、丝丝入扣的紧密关系。 +"Super special stage is also gravel, with 600 meters in distance.",超级短道也是砂石赛段,长约600米。 +"Then he would return to Ramah, for his home was there, and there also he judged Israel. And he built there an altar to the LORD.",随后回到拉玛,因为他的家在那里;也在那里审判以色列人,且为耶和华筑了一座坛。 +A closed-form solution for filter coefficients is obtained by minimizing the frequency-domain squared-error function and revealing some properties of the matrices related to the design problem.,通过最小化频域平方误差函数并揭示与设计问题有关的一些矩阵的性质,得到了滤波器系数的闭式解。 +"Don't try so hard, the best things come you least expect them to.",不要找得太累,好事往往是在最意料不到的时候出现。 +"It is suggested that the more beneficial region be Liangjialou-Niuzhuang-Liuhu, Lijin-Minfeng and Fanjiabei-Chunhua areas in Donying Depression as well as Bonan and Gubei areas in Zhanhua Depression.",横向上,东营凹陷梁家楼-牛庄-六户、利津-民丰和樊家北-纯化一带,沾化凹陷渤南和孤北一带为有利地区。 +"That same day, while responding to a fire drill, the new president and I were excitedly discussing our victory when, suddenly, Mrs. Haggard appeared before us with her hands on her hips.",就在同一天的一次消防演练中,正当我和新班长高兴地讨论我们的胜利的时候,突然,哈格德夫人双手叉腰出现在我们面前。 +"It occurred to people that seeds of corn were the gold beans, which would blossom if they were roasted.",人们心头一亮,心想,玉 米籽不就是金豆吗,炒炒不就开花了吗? +At least two outdoor trips are organized every year. Larger celebrations and gatherings are held on special events and holidays.,每年两次郊游。逢大节日都会办较大型的庆祝节目。 +"Guanmei follows the philosophy of professional, dedication, quality and service , and welcome to visit our plant.",“冠美”秉承“以专业、专注,质量、服务共存”的经营宗旨,欢迎各地朋友上厂参观指导。 +This allows the system administrator to inspect where the script failed so that immediate action can be taken to back-out the process or take an alternative action in completing the task.,这允许系统管理员检查脚本出现故障的位置,从而能够立刻采取措施来退出该过程,或通过采取其他备用措施来完成任务。 +"This paper introduces the classification, thermophysical properties of paraffin wax and its application in the architecture, solar storage and air condition system.",介绍了石蜡类相变材料的分类、热物性及在建筑、太阳能储热和空调系统中的应用进展等。 +About 25% of the country is below sea level. We'll find out how the Dutch hold back the sea. We'll discover what polders and dikes are.,荷兰全国25%的面积低于海平面,学生将有机会发现这个国家是如何保持在水面上的秘技! +A company director owes a fiduciary duty to the company。,公司董事应对公司负受托人的责任。 +"Each of our representatives to fulfill their own glorious duty, to complete all the tasks the Expo to promote the success of this Expo.",我 每位代表要 真履行自 己的光荣 ,完成世博会 各 任务 ,促 本次世博会 成功。 +"Futhermore, biological fertilization can not only promote the growth of roots, but also to reduce fertilizer use, improve the soil environment, the overall growth level was better than SA treatment.",而生物菌剂不仅能够促进茎生根生长,还能减少肥料使用量,改善土壤环境,百合整体生长状况也好于水杨酸浸球处理。 +"The walls in the basement of a building in Brooklyn's Chinatown were whitewashed, and boxes of cleaning supplies were stacked on the red tile floor.",布鲁克林唐人街一栋楼房的地下室,白色的墙,清洁用品整齐的堆在红色的地板上。 +Whenever I passed his door I saw him sitting on his mother's lap beneath the big shady old elm tree. He always sang me his song about the little rooster.,每从他家门首走过,看见他同他母亲坐在那棵古干浓阴的大槐树的底下,他每每在母亲的怀中唱小公鸡的儿歌与我听。 +"The true accomplishment was achieved several years later, after Ideas was published, especially in his late manuscript""Pure Possibility and Phantasy""(1922/23) during this period.",这个转向的真正完成要等到若干年之后尤其是在他的手稿《想象与纯粹可能》(1922/23年)中才表现出来。 +"In that case, the Central Bank could set more flexible rules fore-money operators than for other nonbanking credit organizations, he said.",如果那样的话,央行就可以为电子货币运营商制定更多比非银行信用组织更加灵活的规定,他说道。 +The charity sector can almost disempower itself; be too gloomy about things …Gates offers more of a positive story.,由于对事情过于悲观,慈善机构几乎都会丧失信心…… 盖茨不仅给人们提供了一个积极的例子。 +"In all of the Long Count texts discovered, transcribed, and translated, only one mentions the key date in 2012: Monument 6 at Tortuguero, a Maya site in the Mexican state of Tabasco.",在所有已被发现、破解和翻译的长计数历文献中,只有一部提到了2012年那关键一日:位于墨西哥Tabasco州的一处玛雅遗址的6号纪念碑。 +"The explosions have affected about 50 square kilometers of ocean, according to state-run media, which estimated 1, 500 tons of crude oil had entered the water.","据中国官方媒体称,这些爆炸已经影响了约50平方公里的海域,估计有1,500吨原油流入海中。" +"Okay, it's well known that Beijing Municipal Government has already set the theme for the future games: New Beijing, Great Olympics.",好的,众所周知,北京市政府已经为未来的奥运会设立了主题:新北京,新奥运。 +Dogmatical denying it or blindly extolling it cant alleviate this contradiction.,简单的否定或一味的颂扬都不能实质性的化解这一矛盾。 +A disunited nation therefore has to incur unduly high costs of government.,因此,一个处于分裂的国家必须要支付过高的行政管理费用。 +"Conclusion: Effects of the therapeutic methods such as traction therapy, static splinting, etc, for the rehabilitation of joint contracture were explained mechanically by this study.",结论:髌韧带的这种应力松弛和蠕变特性可从机理上解释牵引、夹板等疗法在挛缩关节康复治疗中的有效性; +Simultaneous determination of sunset yellow and tartrazine by dual wavelength It-factor spectrophotometry;,该文报道利用高效液相色谱法快速测定小米中添加柠檬黄色素方法。 +Time is the only capital for those who possess nothing but inteligence.,除了聪明没有别的财产的人,时间是惟一的资本。 +This allows applications compiled against an older version of a given library to run against a new version of the same library.,这允许应用程序根据特定库的旧版本进行编译,以运行该库的新版本。 +The background knowledge of the whole fake-guard line and the background ofTsinghua Touch Stone Company are introduced in the first part of this paper.,本文介绍的是关于一家专业从事防伪标识生产企业的经营分析以及整改建议。 +"It is a different kind of circuit, a different kind of setting and we have to make a clean start on Friday morning.",萨赫森灵是一条很不同的赛道,调校和其它赛道颇为不同,所以我们必须在周五就有一个好的开端。 +Integrated analysis imply that the geological structure and crustal activity at the Three Gorges Dam Area is stable.,综合分析表明,三峡大坝坝址所在地的地质构造和地壳是稳定的。 +"One educator from Floyds Knobs, Indiana told Fortune that $6. 5 million had been cut from his school district's general fund.",一位来自印第安纳州弗洛伊兹科诺布斯镇的教育家告诉《财富》记者,他所在学区的普通资金被消减了650万美元。 +"From the value orientation of the innovation of leadership culture, we should realize secularity, forgiveness and openness of leadership culture.",从领导文化创新的价值取向来看,必须充分实现领导文化的世俗性、包容性和开放性。 +Bactrian camels have their own reproductive physiological characteristics such as seasonal oestrus and ovulation inducement.,双峰驼具有独特的繁殖生理机能,是季节发情、诱导排卵的动物。 +"Overwash, spraying or dip in after dilute it with water.",用水稀释后冲洗或喷雾或浸涤。 +The final game of the tennis match was a real spellbinder.,网球的决赛确实异常精彩。 +The results show that the amount of asphaltene precipitation decreases with the molecular weight of n alkane and increases with the precipitant to oil ratio .,结果表明两种原油的沥青质沉淀量均随沉淀剂分子量增大而减小、随剂油比增大而增大。 +Potassium ferrate produces less sludge and removes more contaminants.,高铁酸钾去除的污染物量较多,产生的污泥量较少; +Get another piece the same size and shape it into a little boat. Place it on top of the water.,取另一片一样大形状一样的铝箔(但不用钳子把它弄成实心球状),把它入水上,是浮着还是沉下去了? +You will get SDK or update files in .tar or .tar.gz format.,您将获得 .tar 或 .tar.gz 格式的 SDK 或更新文件。 +The fan at the window made a small whispering roar .,窗上的通风机发出了耳语般轻微的嗡嗡声。 +"In the early 1930s, Roosevelt believed in ""workfare"" and Hoover made loans to bankers.",在1930年代早期罗斯福信仰“工作福利制”,而胡佛却向银行家提供借贷。 +The infighting is some of the most serious since Hamas routed Fatah forces in the Gaza civil war a year ago.,这次内讧是自从哈马斯在一年前的内战中赶走加沙地带的法塔赫势力以来最严重的一次。 +"And when we lose them-in a final act of selflessness and sacrifice~we know that they died so that their brothers and sisters, and our nation, might live.",当我们失去他们时一在一次体现无私和牺牲精神的决战中一我们知道他们的牺牲,是为了自己的同胞、自己的民族可以得以存活。 +XML acceleration: The XML accelerator card that is offered as an option with the XI50 is standard on the XI50B.,XML 加速:XML 加速卡在 XI50 上作为一个可选项提供,但在 XI50B 上是标准配置。 +"It removed funding from any family planning organisation overseas that had anything to do with abortion, including counselling.",美国撤走了对所有与堕胎有关的海外计划生育组织的资助及辅导。 +"Chinese rose ( Rosa chinensis) having mostly red, pink, or white flowers. It is an ancestor of many cultivated hybrid roses.",月季花产于中国的蔷薇科植物(月季花),花朵大多为红色、粉红色或白色。是许多被栽培的杂种蔷薇的原种。 +Textile and apparel exporters in Asia say consumers may feel the pinch with more expensive T-shirts and jeans.,亚洲的纺织品和服装出口商说,消费者可能因此受到影响;T恤衫和牛仔裤的价格可能会更贵。 +"Since there is no standard right now in terms of Comet API, a lot of container specific code will be required and the help of the community will probably speed up the release and stability.",因为现在关于Comet API还没有一个标准,还需要很多特定于容器的代码,社区的帮助会加快进度并提高稳定性。 +"This study also points out the shortcomings, hope to play a guiding role of the Secant Piles technology application in Xi'an area.",同时指出了本文研究工作不足之处,希望能为钻孔咬合桩工艺在西安地区的应用起到一定的指导作用。 +This is emotional blackmail.,这就是情感敲诈。 +"She has also served at WHO’s EURO office in Copenhagen, headquarters in Geneva, at the World Bank and as a special advisor to the Norwegian Prime Minister's Initiative for MDGs 4 & 5.",她还曾在世卫组织设在哥本哈根的欧洲区域办事处、日内瓦总部,以及世界银行工作过,并曾担任挪威首相千年发展目标4和5行动事务特别顾问。 +"""More and more foreign tourists are coming to Yangshuo, and I hope they will feel at home here with my help, "" she said.",她说:“越来越多的外国游客来到阳朔,我希望通过我的帮助,他们都能把这儿当成自己家一样。” +The info.h header is included by test1.cxx and test2.cxx.,h 头被 test1.cxx 和 test2.cxx 包含。 +Baby. I have you all better. Even if the future may be very bad. But the same is our heart.,宝贝。我的一切还好有你在。就算以后可能很糟糕,但不变的是我们的心。 +"During the second week, the club held a swimming camp for school kids ranging from eight to twelve in age.",在我打工的第二周,那家俱乐部办了一个游泳营活动,让八岁到十二岁的小孩参加。 +"There are two hypotheses for tectonic features of the eastern margin of Eurasia, that is, India-Eurasia collision hypothesis and Pacific-Eurasia convergence hypothesis.",关于欧亚板块东缘新生代扩张构造形成的假说,即印度-欧亚板块碰撞论与太平洋-欧亚板块会聚论。 +"In April 2006, a cap of 15 mg of tar was implemented, with a reported national average machine yield of 13.2 mg, as measured by the ISO method.4",在2006年4月,一项15毫克的焦油量标准开始生效,而按照国际标准化组织(ISO)的测量方法,全国平均含量只有13.2毫克。 +"Defines ""the fourth-generation park-style residence"" with a professional concept;",以专业理念,定义“第四代公园住宅”; +How do you explain this strange turn of events?,事情出现这种异常变化,你作何解释? +Have you even pay out expense for compunction?,你曾经为后悔而付出代价吗? +"Braving the biting wind, she went out to beg from door to door.",不顾寒风刺骨她出去挨门乞讨。 +"Objective To provide anatomical basis for clinical application by studying intramuscular nerve branches , muscle architectural features of human flexor carpi radialis.",目的研究人桡侧腕屈肌亚部的划分及各亚部肌构筑的特征。 为临床桡侧腕屈肌的移位特别是半肌移位提供较为详细的形态学依据。 +"Two concert-worn scarves sold for a combined 2,318 dollars. A set of concert-used handkerchiefs went for 732 dollars.",“猫王”在演唱会戴过的两条围巾以2318美元的总价售出,他在演唱会上用过的一套手帕则拍得732美元。 +"Bees who are going to get the association get it quickly, after only a few exposures to vaporized explosives ingredients followed by the sugar water.",只要先让蜜蜂接触少许挥发了的爆炸物成分,之后再给它们糖水,如此一来,蜜蜂就可以像预期的那样很快建立起联系。 +Dongting Lake teems with fish and shrimps.,洞庭湖盛产鱼虾。 +"We still cannot resist a chance to laugh, yet sometimes I feel we are carrying the joke too far, and laugh a little out of season.",我们不愿意放弃任何一次笑的机会,然而,有时我们玩笑开得太大,笑得有那么点不合时宜。 +Already there's such a long delay in finding even a single positive sign of the missing plane and they are fighting over pandas.,已经拖得够久了,居然连失踪飞机的一个积极迹象都没找到,而他们却在为了熊猫而扯皮。 +"Any savvy application architect reviews applications and overall design with the concepts of reliability, performance, and availability in mind.",任何一个明智的应用程序架构师都会使用可靠性、性能和可用性这些概念来检查应用程序和总体设计。 +"Don’t get angry, and don’t cry. Pattern Tap will take on the burden of the missing page.",别生气,别哭泣,丢失页面的是我们。 +"Topology relationships describe the correlations between topology objects, and they are useful for comprehending, visualizing, and exploring configuration information.",拓扑关系描述拓扑对象之间的相关性,这对于理解、可视化和浏览配置信息非常有用。 +"Even gasoline stations in this region are silent more days than not, because the pumps lack electricity.",这个地区的加油站停电次数增多,原因是油泵没有电力。 +"The relationship between Reasonand Belief was the core of the medieval philosophy and existed in the whole process of the formation, prosperity and decline of medieval scholasticism .",理性和信仰的关系是中世纪哲学的核心问题,贯穿于中世纪经院哲学形成、繁荣和衰落的全过程。 +Beijing is teh captial of New China and previously the capital for nine dynasties in Chinese history.,北京是新中国的首都,也是先前中国历史上九个王朝的建都之地。 +"They held masses in which all the prayers were addressed to ""Our Saviour John the Baptist"", and icons of his decapitated head took the place of crucifixes.",他们在教众都大喊着“我们的救世主受洗约翰啊!”的教堂中举行弥撒。 +"But many Wall Street economists and money managers are downplaying S&P's move, saying that the downgrade wasn't a big surprise.",但是华尔街经济分析人士和资金经理正努力唱低标普的降级影响,声称降级完全在预料之中。 +"Fletcher Lynd Seagull, do you want to fly?",海鸥弗莱契•林德,你想飞行吗? +"His last appearance on the world stage was at England 1966, where he showed sparks of the genius for which he was famous.",他在世界舞台上的谢幕演出是1966年英格兰世界杯,本届比赛上他赖以成名的才华也有闪光,但不幸的是,费奥拉的球队平庸乏力,似乎是活在了四年前那支冠军队的阴影下。 +"Due to the magnetic effects, the occurrence rate of the instability is not symmetric in longitudes even at the magnetic equator.",由于地磁位型的不同,发生率的分布并不具有经度对称性,即使在磁赤道附近也如此。 +A Canadian study found people took up to 20% longer to perform physical and mental tasks to loud music.,加拿大的一项研究发现,边听吵闹的音乐边进行体力劳动和脑力劳动时,所花费的时间会延长20%。 +The Ministry of Health in Indonesia reported that a 38-year-old father who died on 12 July was the country’s first laboratory-confirmed H5N1 positive human case of avian influenza.,印度尼西亚卫生部报告,死于7月12日的一位38岁的父亲是该国首例实验室确认的禽流感H5N1阳性人类病例。 +"They danced and sing: Hallelujah, Jesus the King of kings and Lord of lords is alive!",他们欢欣鼓舞,高唱哈利路亚,万主之主、 万王之王基督已复活! +"Last Monday, the rebels took Garyan, which controls the highway leading south to Algeria.",上周一,反对派夺取了盖瑞安(Garyan),这座城市扼制着的黎波里往南至阿尔及利亚的高速公路。 +"So for both wine and oil, emerging economies now account for the bulk of incremental changes in demand and therefore have the biggest influence on prices.",目前,不论是葡萄酒还是原油,新兴经济体都占据了需求增加的大头,因此也是价格的最主要影响因素。 +"And the ""great democracies""which like to talk about human rights are silent, because the oppressors arethe Jews, the chosen people, while Palestinians are subhuman.",而那些喜好谈论认全的“伟大皿煮国家”现在则一声不吭,因为压迫者是犹太人——上帝的选民,而巴勒斯坦人是次等人类。 +The son is a serviceman and the daughter is still a high school student.,她养有一儿一女,儿子已经参军,女儿正在读高中。 +"Based on extensive investigation, present situations of water pollution from pap-er mill are analyzed and measures in prevention and control of paper industry sewage are presented.",本文在广泛调查的基础上,分析了重庆市造纸行业水污染的现状,提出了造纸工业废水的防治措施。 +"If you’re checking in for a group, make sure you tag your friends before you checkin, yourself.",如果你代表群组签到,别忘了在你自己签到之前标记上你的朋友。 +The author proposes how to solve the problems according to the investigation and improve the validity of ideological cultivation education.,针对农村思想品德课教师在教学中的问题,提出相应的解决策略。 +"Then, an absolutely gorgeous blonde comes in and stands before the mirror and says, ""I think..."" Poof.",接着,一个绝对漂亮的金发碧眼女郎走进来,站在镜子前说,“我认为....” 啊哧!! +"Nai Hang Thar, the secretary of the NMSP, said, ""We have grown weaker during the cease-fire because our members seek jobs like other people when they don't have to fight.""",新孟邦党总书记奈汗达说:“在停火期间我们已经走向软弱,因为我们的成员同普通人一样寻求工作,当他们没有战可打。” +"This article is trying to study Jinggangshan-the significance of the cultural symbol, which is to be subject to main analysis of the text.",本文试图透视井冈山这一文化符号形式的意义层面、符号理解的解释层面和符号运用的操作层面,并以此作为本文分析井冈山的核心框架。 +The conclusion of this study were shown as follows: 1. The planning of school-based activity curriculum in Mai-lin elementary school was feasible.,本研究的结论如下: 1。学校本位活动课程的计画在梅林国小是可行的。 +"Some cities have whole historical scene, so we should focus on the design of plane setup, urban layout, urban contour line and architectural style.",这里分为两种类型,一种是整体历史风貌型城市,它的设计应着眼于城市平面格局、城市布局、城市轮廓线以及建筑风格等方面; +"B. Application report for investment project, project proposals or joint venture letter of intent.",投资项目申请报告、项目建议书或合资合作意向书。 +On the first weekend we went to a temple by the Sun Moon Lake.,第一个周末去日月潭边的文武庙。 +Because he didn't find any writing brush.,当时他没有找到毛笔�� +"In a single player game, you can have gradually improved weapons, so as the player advances s/he can afford better equipment, abandoning (or selling) the old.",在单机游戏,你可以逐渐改良武器,只要玩家进展,他/她可以使用更好的装备,丢弃(或者卖掉)旧的。 +Quiesced Update 0x2 A table space is in this state when the application that invokes the table space quiesce function has exclusive write access to the table space.,Quiesced Update 0x2 当调用表空间静默(quiesce)功能的应用程序独占写访问表空间时,该表空间就处于这种状态。 +The hold button is your friend.,电话的挂机键是你的朋友。 +"Its strong radiation has cleared the surrounding region, and some of the next generation of stars are forming in the denser regions around the edge.",它强大的辐射清除了其周围区域,一些下一代星体正在边沿周围密集的区域形成。 +"He ran into Mr Tall and Rhamus Twobellies outside one of the vans, and stopped to chat.",他跑进大肚皮拉姆和大高先生的其中一辆搬运车,停下和他们聊天。 +The rhyolites in the Upper Luliang Group of Shanxi Province of China are Palaeoproterozoic A-type volcanic rocks.,山西吕梁群流纹岩是一个古元古代的弱碱性火山岩。 +"Subjective danger you have some control over, such as screwing the ice piton in correctly so it holds you.",主观危险是您可以控制的危险,例如恰当地调节冰锥,以便它可以撑住您。 +"With a long history that includes a brief period as a the Japanese military's headquarters during World War II, this renovated factory now houses studios, workshops and galleries.",这个工厂有过一段很长的历史,包括有一个时期还作为二战期间日本军队的司令部。现在它作为录音室、工作室和画廊。 +"The Light World is comprised of the standard Hyrule landscapes, with dense forests, verdant fields, dank caves, and dark dungeons.",光明世界由海拉尔的正常景观组成,有茂密的森林,青翠的原野,阴冷的洞窟和黑暗的地牢。 +"This example is basic, but the callbacks can be implemented to be as complex as you want.",这个例子很基础,但是回调可按需地进行更加复杂的实现。 +It showed that about 280 hectares could be developed on the old airport site.,研究结果显示,启德机场现址 可腾出 约280公顷土地。 +No doubt in an H-bomb war great cities would be obliterated.,毫无疑问,在氢弹战争当中所有的大城市都将荡然无存。 +"Before the case was set to go to trial in California, however, the judge dismissed it on jurisdictional grounds, ruling that not enough of the alleged wrongdoing had taken place in the state.",然而,在案件即将在加州进入审判阶段前,法官基于司法权的理由不予受理,裁定在该州发生的所谓违法行为(证据)不足。 +The BI-ICS specification is available online.,BI-ICS 规范可在线获得。 +"While solicitor do specialize, partnerships preserve the general advisory nature of their work. Barristers, on the other hand, cannot form partnerships of firms although they can share ""chambers"".",尽管初级律师确实分工明确,他们的合伙制律师事务所仍保持全面咨询性质。然而,出庭律师虽然与初级律师共享办公场所,也不能组建合伙制律师事务所。 +"In particular, we're interested in the use of the org.eclipse.ui.intro.config extension point, whereby the application links to the introContent.xml",我们对 org.eclipse.ui.intro.config 扩展点的用法特别感兴趣,应用程序正是使用它链接到了 introContent.xml 文件。 +"'In the end, this all adds up to smart business,' says Satjiv Chahil, senior vice president of personal systems world-wide marketing for H-P, which is based in Palo Alto, Calif.",惠普个人系统全球营销资深副总裁查希尔(Satjiv Chahil)说,最终这一切都会给公司业务带来好处。 +A new ejecting removal mechanism of particles is presented based on particle elastic deformation to overcome the flaws of rolling removal mechanism in laser-induced plasma shock wave cleaning.,针对激光等离子体冲击波清洗颗粒技术中的滚动移除机制缺陷,提出一种基于颗粒弹性形变的弹出移除模型。 +"Compare with ""FA-software"", the inquiry function and statistical analysis have been added to this system, so it can provide various accounting information for wood selling management.",该系统与“FA一软件”相比,增加了查询功能和统计分析,可为木材销售管理工作提供各项会计资料。 +Objective:To evaluate the efficacy of K Plate fixation system in treatment of Thoraco lumbar burst fracture.,目的:评价胸腰椎前路K形钛钢板内固定系统在治疗胸腰段爆裂性骨折中的作用和价值。 +"The strategy therefore required either careful planning and strong nerves, or a devil-may-care attitude to your nearest and dearest.",因此,必要的策略是周密的计划和坚强的神经��或是对你最亲密的亲友采取漫不经心的态度。 +"Please enter your name here before you join us, if you can't attend, please tell me in advance. We will hold our English corner on time.",请要参加本免费大型英语角的人员跟贴报名,凡是报名者如果周六不能参加的请提前告知,以便我们做好安排。 +They just wanted taxes and food and money and that sort of thing.,只想要税金,食物,金钱之类的东西。 +"Falsified meter readings by paid-off readers, ill-advised procurement of expensive but poorly constructed facilities and bought directorships are evidences of corruption.",收买抄表人员窜改水表读数、胡乱采购昂贵却难用的设备、买官…等等都是贪污腐败的证据。 +Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice says the U. S. is working with the international community to bring about a durable and sustainable ceasefire between Israelis and Palestinians.,国务卿赖斯说美国正同国际社会一道寻求以色列和巴勒斯坦之间一个持久的停火。 +"EXAMPLE:Last month , we ordered two dozen copies of Write for Modern Business from you.",我们于上个月向贵方订购《朗文商务致胜英文书信》二十四本。 +"And there is always a mechanic on stand-by at the back of the car with a power-operated engine starter, ready for instant use if the car stalls.",在赛车尾部总有一个技师手持引擎启动器,随时准备防止赛车熄火。 +Method: 52 asthmatic pneumonia patients treated with Pulmicort and Combivent atomized by an air compressor pump of our hospital were observed closely and nursed carefully;,方法:通过对我院52例喘息性肺炎患者应用普米克令舒、可必特经空气压缩泵雾化治疗进行严密观察和有效护理; +Another man said the child will take power in the future and he got some compliments.,一个说:这孩子将来要做官的。他于是收回几句恭维。 +"The summer after my year of involuntary service in the Chinese Army, I read Hemingway compulsively.",在军队服了义务兵役之后的那个夏天,我强迫自己读了海明威。 +"I step outside the house and nothing can stop me—the late season snowstorm, the puddle of standing water at the bottom of my porch steps that will never evaporate, the mud and muck this season brings.",我踏出家门,没有任何事情能阻挡我——深冬季节的暴风雪、我家门廊台阶上那永远挥散不去的雨水坑,还有这个季节带来的烂泥和污秽。 +"In Episode I, she played Amee, one of Anakin's childhood friends.",在《星球大战I》中,她扮演阿纳金的童年玩伴阿米。 +"Conclusion Survival rates from in-hospital cardiac arrest are lower during nights and weekends, even when adjusted for potentially confounding patient, event, and hospital characteristics.",结论:在校正了患者、事件和医院因素后,在院病人夜间和周末发生心脏骤停有较低的生存率。 +But those who become either a bully or a victim actually share similar outlooks and have similar difficulties dealing with their environments.,但实际上这些成为欺负者和被欺负者的人分享着类似的观点,并且他们处理起周围的环境来都有困难。 +"The vehicle looks like a sedan (see photo). It ran at a speed of 80 kmph, producing heavy emissions. Its engine reportedly made intolerable noise.","该车外形似""轿车""(见图),在公路上狂飙时速80公里,其引擎噪声不仅大得惊人,车尾还喷出浓浓黑烟。" +"""It is quite difficult to get the cognitive sewage out of the water, even after the real sewage is gone,"" Nemeroff says.",内梅萝芙说,“让人们将感知的污物从水中剔除出去是非常困难的,甚至在污物真正被处理之后。” +I hope this career can also bring some economic benefits to improve my life.,我希望这份事业也能带来一些经济利益,以改善我的生活。 +So we're going to watch this. And we're going gauge our actions accordingly.,所以,我们将继续关注这个问题,并将根据需要采取必要行动。 +The Belgium capital Brussels remains on edge amid anti-terror raid across the city and renewed warnings of possible attacks in busy locations. 16 people were arrested by the police on Sunday night.,比利时首都布鲁塞尔展开全市反恐行动,并多次警告称繁忙街区有可能遭受炸弹袭击,布鲁塞尔严阵以待。 +"Ray Nakazato: It is completely a new design, but we have a few concept artists who formerly worked on the Final Fantasy series.",这完全是新的设定,但我们有几位概念画师曾经画过“最终幻想”系列。 +That is a shutting down of their reproductive phase.,它们的生殖阶段完全停止下来。 +Sichuan is noted as the “Land of Abundance”.,四川被称为“天府之国”。 +"Naturally whiter teeth-Clinically proven to significantly reduces coffee, tea and tobacco stains for naturally whiter teeth.",自然洁白的牙齿-临床验证,大大减少了咖啡,茶,自然洁白的牙齿和烟草的污迹。 Guaranteed。保证。 +People are talking. You're committing social suicide.,人们都在议论纷纷。你正在让人看笑话。 +Please hold the line while I transfer you.,请稍候,我帮您转接。 +"Expounding the cold and heat metering and charging and the necessity of its base price formulating scientifically, putting forward the calculating method of price and some notices from an instance.",本文介绍了热计量收费及按冷热量收费价格科学制定的必要性,并通过实例提出了按冷热量表收费价格制定的方法以及实施中应注意的问题。 +"This approach doesn’t waste resources, since the application isn’t holding on to a thread or a process when it doesn’t need them.",这种方法不会浪费资源,因为应用在不需要线程或进程的时候并不会占用它们。 +"In these studies, Hib vaccine is administered to a population and the subsequent declines in meningitis and/or pneumonia cases are compared with the numbers of cases from before vaccination.",在这些调查中,为人群接种Hib疫苗,并且将脑膜炎和/或肺炎病例随后的减少与疫苗接种前的病例数进行比较。 +"Introduction describes the literature review on Xin Xu, points out the deficiencies and explains the significance of discussing the receptive history of Xin Xu.",描述《新序》的研究现状,指出其中的不足之处,说明探讨《新序》接受史的意义。 +"With former politician Radovan Karadzic's capture, the international manhunt zeroes in on Mladic.",随着前政治家拉多万·卡拉季奇被捕,国际搜捕瞄准了姆拉迪奇。 +In the solvent with low polarity or non-polarity complete crystal of series of esters adapted to grow.,非极性或低极性的溶剂适合于长碳链酯完整晶形的生长。 +"This system using head movement to control camera pan and tilt replace pan and tilt's manual operation, and so enhancing the remote control operation the efficiency.",监视系统采用步进电动机控制摄像机云台,替代传统监视系统中的用手动操作方式,有效地提高了遥控操作的效率。 +That prompted Lakers Coach Phil Jackson to share with the press corps a conversation he and Bryant had earlier in his career a night after a one-on-one matchup with then-Toronto forward Vince Carter.,这也使得湖人队的教练菲尔·杰克逊(Phil Jackson)与记者分享了早期他与科比的一段对话,那是科比在与当时的多伦多前锋文斯·卡特(Vince Carter)的一场对决之后的一段对话。 +Trips to the fridge or the toilet in the middle of the night have been made safer by an inventor who has created a pair of slippers with lights.,大河网讯 随着发明家制造出发光拖鞋,以后夜晚使用冰箱和洗手间的人们安全就有保障了。 +"In public places or campus, enough water plugs, extinguishing agents and emergency outlets should be set and prepared for unforeseen circumstances.",插头在公共场所或校园,足够的水,灭火人员和紧急出口应设置和准备预料不到的情况。 +"However rather than anti-mortar defenses the LD-2000 is more likely employed for point defense of key installations and facilities from cruise missiles, PGMs and fast jets at low altitude.",但与反迫击炮防御不同的是,陆盾2000更多的是用于反巡航导弹、反精确制导武器及反低空突防战机的重要设施与设备的点防御。 +"If you could walk into a local bookshop and have access to one million titles, that's pretty compelling.",如果在一家地方书店就能够访问一百万本图书,那将会吸引很多的顾客。 +"Do you know, sir, that that man did all this?",先生,这人所做的这一切您知道吗? +"She did not mean to have her own affections entangled again, and it would be incumbent on her to avoid any encouragement of his.",爱玛不打算再卷入感情的纠葛之中,也有责任别去激励他的痴情。 +His words is really exciting .,他的一番话真是振奋人心啊。 +"Analysts surveyed by Thomson Reuters had expected operating profit of $1, 796 a share.","接受汤森路透(Thomson Reuters)调查的分析师原先预计,伯克希尔公司的每股运营利润为1,796美元。" +"One scientist at Unit 731 said, ""I inserted the scalpel directly into the log's neck and opened the chest.""",七三一部队的一个科学家说:「我把手术刀直插入木头的脖子,剖开胸膛。 +"This paper supplies a method of transferring the unbounded polyhedron of sum-form to its intersection-form by using the ""Big-M Method"".",将一个凸多面体在“和形式”与“交形式”之间进行转化是数学规划中的一个基本问题。 +A Perfect Circle. Fiddle And The Drum.,一个完美的圆。 小提琴和鼓。 +Others may reflect mixed messages in press coverage of the healthfulness of foods.,其他的可能反映了媒体在报道食品健康程度时传达的信息有些含混。 +To say these companies had long-term visions is an understatement.,若说这些公司拥有长远视野,这只是在轻描淡写而已。 +"W hen you talk to the librarians at your prospective schools, ask them if the school offers courses or seminars to new students.",当同你未来学校的图书馆馆员交谈时,记得问一问他们,学校是否向新生提供(有关图书系统的)课程和培训。 +Thee scale of the map is 1: 460000.,这张地图的比例尺是四十六万分之一。 。 +"Girard, for his part, believes these weapons were not only developed but were also tested on him more than 20 years ago.",相信,这种武器不但已经开发出来,而且20年前已经在他身上做了实验。 +Can you give us any details about the discussions between DPRK Premier Kim Yong Il and Chinese officials on the Six-Party Talks and DPRK's planned satellite launch?,你能否介绍一下朝鲜总理金英日和中方官员关于六方会谈和朝鲜试射卫星问题的讨论情况? +Making reasons understood by poetry existed in Chinese classical poetry creation in all past dynasties.,以诗明“理”在中国古典诗歌创作中历代皆有。 +"""Very well. Sea, "" cried Canute, ""I command you to come no further! Waves, stop your rolling! . Surf, stop your pounding! Do not dare touch my feet! """,“大海,”克努特大喊道,“我命令你,不要再向前来了!波浪,不许翻滚了,不许碰着我的脚!” +So without any weighing up of the qualifications I have come to recognise ten points that I believe a great manager needs.,在没有权威认证的情况下,我总结出十点我认为一个伟大教练所必需的素质。 +""" Mastery-related official said on customary ""There m Xiadu be considered a meal, "" the domestic tourists, each spending 30 yuan within a single rice is very fast competitiveness.",真功夫相关负责人表示,对习惯“有米下肚才算吃饭”的国内旅客来说,每单消费30元以内的米饭快餐很有竞争力。 +"Kagoshima Local Meteorological Observatory, said, setting the volcano 3 km southwest of vibration measuring instrument shows the air pressure reached 299 hPa.",鹿儿岛地方气象台称,设置在火山西南部3公里处的空气振动测量仪显示气压高达299帕斯卡。 +"With the transformation of medical model, the humanism conception of nursing science gained increasing concern.",随着医学模式的转变,护理学所具有的人文精神内涵日益受到关注。 +"Loan losses jumped and the bank reported $7 billion in net charge-offs on consumer loans on its books and held by investors, up from $3.3 billion a year earlier.","贷款损失跳涨,该行报告称,代投资者管理的消费者贷款净冲销金额为70亿美元,高于上年同期的33亿." +"Being a king of solution of multicriteria decision problem, the major efficient solution is based on the preference principle of ""better objectives are in the majority"".",以实际中常见的有限约束集的多目标决策问题为对象,提出无差异有效解的概念。 +The child was sitting on the top step.,那孩子坐在最上一级台阶上。 +The Jawas are a scavenger species.,贾瓦人是一个拾荒者种族。 +"With the basic transformations covered, let's explore one additional topic that's useful when you draw multiple transformations and objects.",在介绍了基本的转换方法之后,让我们来了解另一个在绘制多个转换和对象时很有用的主题。 +If you boiled away some sea-water.,如果你把一些海水煮干。 +Thinks that the standard for asphalt shingles should cover not only items for waterproofing membrane but some-thing showing its features.,认为沥青油毡瓦的标准不应局限于防水卷材的指标项目,而应体现瓦的特点;指出沥青油毡瓦在多层屋面应用的缺点; +PERT is a network analysis technique used to estimate project duration when there is a high degree of uncertainty about the individual activity duration estimates.,这是一种网路分析技术,当专案中的个别活动含有相当高的不确定性时,便可以此来评估专案期间。 +"No matter whether visitors stayed at the Friendship or Beijing Hotel, this was before the arrival of era of Coca Cola, Cadillacs, or cheeseburgers in Beijing.",不管客人是住在友谊宾馆还是北京饭店,此时距可口可乐、凯迪拉克或奶酪汉堡涌入北京的时代尚远。 +"As a consequence of this analysis, Fodor further concludes that the computational theory of mind is not applicable to central systems.",由此,福多进一步得出心的计算理论不适用于中心系统的结论。 +"It studies the inherent reasons from three perspectives. Namely: the change of the salary system, the financial crisis and the local separatism.",从清代俸禄制度的新变化、晚清的财政危机和地方割据自保三个方面探讨其内在的原因。 +"The opposition's massive gathering in Tahrir Square on February 18, one week after Mubarak's ouster, for example, was a warning that it would force the military to share power with civilians.",举例来说,在2月18号,穆巴拉克遭到驱逐后的一周,反对派大量集结在解放广场游行示威,逼迫埃及军方对平民共享政权。 +NEW STUDY: Mystery Matter Helped Build First Galaxies,新研究:神秘物质帮助最初的星系建立 +"Methods: The Survey of Perceived Organizational Support, Teachers' Happiness Questionnaire and Maslach Burnout Inventory were applied to 266 primary and secondary school teachers.",方法:采用组织支持感量表、教师幸福感问卷和工作倦怠量表对266名中小学教师进行测查。 +"If the acts committed by citizens and legal persons constitute crimes, criminal responsibility of their legal representatives shall be investigated in accordance with the law.",构成犯罪的,对公民、法人的法定代表人应当依法追究刑事责任。 +"In this work, by using GDX-402 porous polymer beads as adsorbent and carbon disulfide as eluent, the conditions for enriching trace chlorobenzene compounds in water were investigated.",采用GDX-402多孔微球为吸附剂,二硫化碳为脱附剂,研究水中痕量氯本类化合物的富集条件。 +But its seed's fur not only pollute surroundings but also provoke disease of breathing system and skins and bring very inconvenience to citizen's living.,但其果毛不仅污染环境,而且会引发呼吸系统及皮肤疾病,给居民的生活带来了极大的不便。 +Seth Godin will be there.,赛思.戈丁 将会出席。 +"The legend says that he became blind, and he has been known ever since as Peeping Tom.",据传说那个裁缝因此成了瞎子,打那以后他得名叫“偷眼看的汤姆”。 +The scaling of structure functions in turbulence is discussed.,研究湍流结构函数的标度律。 +"Nearly 80 years ago, the great American writer Pearl S. Buck encouraged her Chinese friend Lin Yutang to write a book explaining China to the West.",近80年前,美国大作家赛珍珠鼓励她的中国朋友林语堂写一本书,向西方介绍中国。 +We can get a general picture about the Sino-Ryukyu relationship during the early stage of Qing Dynasty from the textual description of the history and the analysis of Wang's works.,通过对汪楫使团册封琉球的史实加以考述及对汪楫撰写的“使录”著述的评析,可以了解清初中琉关系的概貌。 +"Slip on the fault lasts for several days to years, "" said Hirose, of Japan's National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Prevention.""",断层滑动持续几天甚至几年。” 日本国家地震研究,灾难防控所的Hirose说。 +People who work in offices are frequently referred to as white-collar workers for the simple reason that they usually wear a collar and tie to go to work.,坐在办公室里的人之所以常常被称为白领工人, 就是因为他们通常穿着硬领白衬衫,系着领带出 上班。 +"With strong bases under ultrasonication and phase - transfer catalysis, the reaction of 7, 7 -dihalocarane and haloform can generate halogen exchanges.",在强碱条件下,用超声辐射并使用相转移催化剂,二卤降蒈与卤仿反应发生卤素交换。 +"Since curiosity is one expression of those essential human capabilities, philosophical reflection is an important part of self-fulfillment.",好奇是这些人性能力的一种表现形式,哲学思考是自我完善的一个重要组成部分。 +"One late afternoon, Matt decided to go to Times Square, andI opted to take a small walk on our quiet street.",一天下午晚些时候,马修想去时代广场,而我选择在旅馆边这条安静的街道上散散步。 +It is supposed in this article that the key issue to ease pressures on the construction of legitimation is to exploit and maintain the legitimate resources.,文章认为,大力开发与维护合法性资源是弭患合法化压力的关键。 +"Shenzhen JDL Technology Co. , Ltd. is a small sized, specialized in IML/IMD plastic molding and injection production, ODM/OEM services company.",深圳市济德隆科技有限公司是一家专业提供IML/IMD(模内镶嵌注塑)及普通塑胶加工服务的小型生产企业。 +EN19 steel is used exclusively for nose rings.,EN19型号的钢是专门用于做鼻环的。 +"By first reading these extra books, I found I could come back to the assigned chapter in the textbook and understand it better.",我发现先读一下这些课外书,回头再去读课本中老师布置阅读的相应章节,我就能更好地理解。 +"The child's hand, body or paper might be in a strange position. These can all be signs of dysgraphia . Spelling problems can also be related to the disorder.",孩子的手,身体和纸可能放在了错误的位置。这些都是书写困难的表现。拼写错误也与乱序有关。 +"If a deceased relative of yours shows up for Sunday dinner hungry for warm brains, then the mortal world may be playing host to Hell's overflow population.",如果你已故的亲戚突然出现在周日晚宴,而且对热乎的脑浆萌发出某种特殊的兴趣的时候。 哪么整个人类世界都因为地狱人口过剩而需要招待这些不速之客了。 +"Despite sharply criticized delays in building stadiums and other infrastructure, Pele says it is time for Brazil to come together and complete the task.",尽管舆论对巴西建设体育场馆和其他基础设施的延误指责声一片,贝利表示巴西人民团结起来,保证这一赛事完满举办的时刻到了。 +"L-Carnitine can support the health of those undergoing regular kidney dialysis, preventing toxic waste build up.",左旋肉碱可以帮助需要接受定期洗肾,防止有毒废物沉积的人的健康。 +"Rabbit matrix metalloproteinase 1, MMP-1 Elisa…",兔基质金属蛋白酶1(MMP-1)试剂盒; +"Perhaps the greatest pleasure of re-organizing my books are the surprise—or better said, reunions —that occur.",或许,我整理书籍得到的最大的快乐是一种惊喜或者更好的说是一种久别重逢的喜悦。 +I had been the star of a hit musical revue on the Paris stage for a year.,我那时整整一年都因参演一部叫座的舞台滑稽剧作为巴黎舞台上的明星存在着。 +"Skye is the spectacular rooftop pool of Hotel Unique, a luxury boutique hotel built in the gravity-defying shape of an inverted arc.",Skye是建在Unique酒店屋顶上的绚丽泳池,这座奢华酒店本身的建筑就有够特别,是违反地球引力的倒弧形。 +"Thousands of African and other migrants have come to Israel through its desert border with Egypt over the last few years, fleeing conflict back home or searching for a better life in Israel.",在过去几年里,为了逃离家乡战火或是打算在以色列寻求更好的生活,数千名非洲人和其他移民通过以埃边境的沙漠地带进入以色列。 +"Insertion of a coin is indicated in the graph by a line that traces a ""transition"" from the current state to an ""unlocked"" node.",其中的起始点为「上锁」状态,投币的动作在图上化为线条,代表由现有状态「转变」为「未上锁」节点。 +This paper introduces the application of domestic potassium-iodide in the continuous polycondensation of nylon66.,介绍了国产碘化钾添加剂在尼龙66连续缩聚反应中的应用。 +Could you live without jewelry?,没有珠宝你能活吗? +"The option that has gotten the most attention is the proposal to clamp down on the flow of gasoline to Iran, which exports oil but relies on imports of refined petroleum products.",得到最多关注的方案是钳制伊朗汽油进口,伊朗虽出口石油,但却必须进口经提炼的石油产品。 +This isnrt just your problem; itrs our problem.,这不只是你的问题。这是我们的问题,商务英语。 +And puts forward a simplified and experiential formula for practical project according to consolidation theory of unsaturated soil.,又根据非饱土的固结理论,提出一种便于工程应用的计算路堤沉降量的经验公式。 +"AS a platform for computer application, geometric drawing board is simple and convenient with great functions.",几何画板作为计算机应用平台,有功能强与简便等特点。 +"Yields are also up in the two countries, and the UN agency predicts bumper cereal crops in 2008.",这两个国家的单产亦提高,而且该联合国机构还预计2008年的谷类作物将丰收。 +"A look at the evolution of Albert Einstein""s theory of relativity, and Einstein""s relationship with British scientist Sir Arthur Eddington, the first physicist to understand his ideas.",本片重要回顾了爱因斯坦当初发明相对论的过程,以及他与英国著名学者阿瑟·爱丁顿之间的友谊,后者是第一个理解爱因斯坦理论的物理学家。 +"Healthy and happy, they are going all out to build socialism.",他们健康、幸福,正在鼓足干劲建设社会主义。 +"""The role of agriculture extension workers and scientists as active partners of farmers is also very important in the conservation of rice genetic diversity,"" added Lu.",他还说:“农业推广人员和科学家与农民的更密切的合作对保持稻种遗传资源的多样性同样至关重要。” +Yuen: The Philippines said the day before yesterday that typhoon is coming and its marine police ship may leave the waters and return back after typhoon passes.,阮次山:菲前天说台风要来了,所以他的海警船可能会回去,然后台风过后再回来。 +"During her film's opening weekend, Miley is planning on surprising select audiences at undisclosed theater locations across the country.",在她的电影上映周时间,米莉打算在全国的影院里面给观众一个惊喜。 +"Protein finishing agents includes casein, gelatin and their modified products.",蛋白类涂饰剂通常为酪素、明胶及其改性产品。 +"The first run of this query takes 179 ms, but the next run takes only 15 ms.",第一次运行该查询耗时179毫秒,但下一次运行则只耗费了15毫秒的时间。 +"Preachers exhorted husbands to love their wives tenderly, as Christ loves the church.",牧师宣���丈夫要温柔地爱妻子,如同基督爱教会。 +"With the further development of China's high-education reform, the problems over the shortage of the funds for running universities appear more severe.",随着我国高等教育改革的不断深化,高校的办学资金短缺问题日益严重。 +"Immense game space: 7 planets, 27 continents, more than 600 game screens.",极广大的游戏空间: 7 行星, 27个大陆,超过600个游戏荧屏。 +Conclusions It is practical to administrate MMT to the heroin relier in China.,结论在我国的海洛因依赖者中实施美沙酮维持治疗计划是可行的。 +Principles and trials of MC Nylon as an alternative material for high grade wooden vibrating planks in sugar carrier are introduced.,介绍了用MC尼龙替代优质木材制作糖机震动输送槽震板的依据和试验情况。 +"On my fourth day at Taco Bell, its senior managers presented their business plan.",在塔可钟的第四天,他们的高管发布了他们的商业计划。 +"The one with the most correct predictions will be officially deemed Paul’s successor, but that lucky octopus will have big shoes to feel.",预测准确率最高的那条章鱼会被正式认定为“保罗二世”,但是这条幸运的章鱼肩上的担子也不轻。 +"Remember those ""tears and shivers.""",记得,“泪水和颤抖”吧 +"Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Detainee Issues, Sandra Hodgkinson, says the United States does detain juveniles that are encountered on the battlefield.",主管囚犯问题的美国国防部副助理部长哈吉金森表示,美国的确关押了在战场上遇到的青少年。 +Didn't regret a medicine forever in the world here.,在这个世界上永远没有后悔药。 +The ETH scientists are excited about the new rice variety.,ETH的科学家对这一稻株新品种十分兴奋。 +"Seek justice, encourage the oppressed. Defend the cause of the fatherless, plead the case of the widow.",寻求公平,解救受欺压的,给孤儿伸冤,为寡妇辨屈。 +She is alway worrying him for presents.,她总是缠着他要礼物。 +"We should never regret the things we do, only the things we don't do.",我们不应为所做之事为悔,而应以未尽之事为撼。 +"To determine the comparative burn rates and burn resistance of textiles, particularly those for automotive interior use.",水平燃烧性测试仪,可检测纺织品特别是汽车内装饰织物的相对燃烧速率及阻燃性。 +A good carriage maintenance manpower supply plan for the Mass Rapid Transit (MRT) plants can help maintenance plant deal with their maintenance efficiently.,良好的捷运車厢检修人力供给规划,可帮助捷运检修工厂有效率地完成检修工作。 +"The parent element of TPME was divided into several regions, with each region having its own material; and the cavity in the element was treated as a special kind of material.",将母单元划分成若干区域,每个区域由同一种材料组成,空腔视为一种特殊材料,单元的刚度矩阵通过分域积分得到。 +A secure supply of milk would be necessary if Fonterra were to re-enter local milk processing.,如果恒天然打算重新进入本地牛奶加工行业,安全的牛奶供应是很必要的。 +"With the rapid development of network information and the rapid development of computer technology, computer-aided education is more extensive attention in the entire field of education.",随着网络信息的飞速发展及计算机技术飞速发展,计算机辅助教育正在受到整个教育领域越来越广泛的重视。 +"Objective:To investigate the effect of different cortical bone thickness on stress distribution of implant-bone interface, thus to provide reference in clinics.",目的:研究皮质骨厚度改变对支抗种植体-骨界面应力分布的影响,供临床参考。 +"I'm the vice provost for graduate education, and I'd like to welcome you to this inaugural eventing VPGE's leadership program.",我是负责研究生教育的副教务长,我很高兴你们参加这次VPGE领导力项目的开幕活动。 +"In the course of a six-month season, fishermen kill roughly 2, 000 dolphins and sell the meat to local supermarkets for about U.S. $500 a dolphin.",经过六个月的捕鱼季,渔民杀死差不多2000头海豚,以大约每头海豚500美元的价格把他们的肉卖到当地的超市。 +But layaway fell out of favor during the last decade as lower-income Americans gained access to credit.,但是十年前随着低收入美国人也得到了信用准许,预约购物开始失宠。 +Data redundancy can improve the performance of automatic feature extraction in remote sensing image if the concept of data fusion is applied in it.,数据融合的概念应用在遥感图像的自动特征提取中,可以利用数据的互补和冗余来改善特征提取的性能。 +"The rain was also butterfly and no way when YaoQi coverage, no way does LiHu body was not injured, fatah butterfly was YaoQi rain wounds in jeopardy!",雨蝶和无道还被���幽冥妖气覆盖,无道有法力护体没有受伤,雨蝶却被妖气伤的岌岌可危! +What happens when the book is electronically unstitched and simply becomes a commercially valuable collective of snippets and excerpts?,当这本书被电子拆分,简化为具有商业价值的片断和摘录集锦后,会发生什么? +Fortune: I love this idea.,《财富》:我喜欢这个构想。 +"The dust raising characteristics during tipper working were theoretically analyzed, a dust particle moving model is established, and the dust size consist was calculated.",对翻车机卸煤时的扬尘特性进行了理论分析,建立了尘粒运动模型,计算了扬尘的粒径分布。 +"The utility model provides a tailpiece ship, belonging to the manufacturing technology for ships.",本实用新型涉及船舶制造技术。 +"China's air market, the second biggest in the world, makes up 15 per cent of sales at Airbus, which sold its first plane here - an A310 - in 1985.",中国市场是世界第二大航空市场,在空客的总销售量中占有15%的份额,空客于1985年售出了其在中国大陆地区的第一架飞机A310。 +That surplus went a long way to offsetting the government’s 11% deficit; a 1% current-account deficit and a 2% household-sector surplus did the rest.,"这个盈余继续增长, 抵消了政府的11%赤字的一大部分; 1%经常项目逆差(current-account deficit)和2%的家庭部分的盈余(household-sector)抵消了另一部分。" +This paper discusses and proves thoroughly about the properties of a finite dimentional normed linear space.,本文对有限维赋范线性空间的性质进行了详细的讨论与证明。 +Aging of Accounts Receivable The classification of unpaid customer accounts receivable according to the date of sale.,应收账款分龄法 根据销售实现之日起对未付客户应收账款所作的一种分类。 +"In short, our relationships in Asia certainly run the full gamut of global challenges.",简言之,我们在亚洲的关系无疑涵盖了各种各样的全球性挑战。 +"Laboratory work had been conducted to evaluate NO2- and NO3- accumulation capacity in the process of nitrification in 9 Chinese agricultural soils, and to investigate stability of NO2- in the 9 soils.",在实验室条件下比较了9种土壤硝化过程中NO2-的累积能力和NO2-在不同土壤中的稳定性,并在3种代表性土壤上检测了NO2-累积的动态变化。 +"While advocating regional cooperation, we have as our objectives to learn more from each other, and promote exchanges and cooperation, so as to achieve common development and progress.",我们倡导区域合作,目的在于加强相互学习和借鉴,促进交流与合作,从而实现共同发展和共同进步。 +"Press: Press down by the thumb, thenar muscle, fixed-palm-root.",按法:用拇指或鱼际肌、掌根定位式的由上往下压的手法。 +"Lamadian oilfield is located in high latitude region with a severe climate, so it is always required for crude oil to be heated (blended with hot water) during oil gathering and transportation.",喇嘛甸油田地处高寒地区,自开发以来,原油集输一直需要采取热力措施(掺热水)。随着油田进入特高含水期,原油集输热力系统自耗天然气导致开采成本呈上升趋势。 +"Venture through 8 levels spread out over 3 different environments: the forest, the beach, and the Rabbids' base.",通过8种层次3个不同的环境的冒险:森林,海滩,和兔子'基地。 +"The graph is taken as a representative graph of a type of hypergraphs, and the dual hypergraph of the hypergraph of minimum orders and ports can be obtained.",将此图作为一类超图的代表图,求得其中阶数最小及端口数最小的超图的对偶图; +"Beautiful aromas of flowers and berries , with hints of viotes . Medium-bodied , with fine tannins and a good fruits structure .",浓郁的花及水果香,色沉。酒体适中,单宁柔滑,富含各种水果味道。 +"""I'll play wherever Neil Banfield or the boss want me to, "" he said. ""It's a useful thing for me to have more than one position.",“我会踢尼尔·班菲尔德或者温格给我安排的任何位置,”他说道,“多打几个位置对我而言是很有帮助的一件事情。 +Become the world's first supplier of horticultural products is our criteria.,成为世界第一的园艺产品供货商是我们的准则。 +The 64GB segment also saw a price rally of 6-13% to US$14.50 on average.,而64GB的芯片产品价格也出现了6-13%的上涨幅度,均价达到了14.50美元。 +"Matrine, one of the components in traditional Chinese herb Sophora flavescens, has the pharmacological effect of anti-tumor.",苦参碱作为常用中药苦参中的主要活性成分之一,具有抗肿瘤的药理作用。 +JG undergoes four successive one-electron transfer reactions at the platinum electrode.,在铂电极上,健那绿发生四步单电子传递过程。 +"Netbooks are smaller laptop computers, usually with an 8- to 12-inch screen, and are designed for wireless communications and Internet access.",上网本比笔记本电脑小,通常有一个8到12英寸的屏幕,是为了无线通信和互联网接入而设计的。 +It's been a really long time since I have personally followed basketball.,我个人看篮球真的已经很久了。 +"Taylor won Academy Awards for her role in ""Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?"" and ""Butterfield 8.""",泰勒因在影片《谁怕弗吉尼亚.沃尔夫? 》以及《青楼艳妓》里的出色表演而荣获奥斯卡奖。 +"The results indicate that: 1) the systematic risk proportion in the investment risk has obviously dropped, but the non-systematic risk proportion obviously has gone up.",结果表明:系统风险在投资风险中所占比重已明显下降,非系统风险所占比重明显上升; +Objective: To study the correlation between the portal vain hemodynamic changes in cirrhotic patients with esophageal varices and the serum level of insulin-like growth factor IGF-I.,目的探讨肝硬化食管静脉曲张破裂出血患者的门静脉血流动力学特点及其与血清IGF I的关系。 +"One thing you can guarantee is that there’s a lot of R&D investment in a lot of directions in China. So, to answer your question-yes.",有一件事我可以向你保证,在中国R&D投资是全方位的。 +It is to bring in basic light right down to the level of basic household wherein they take ownership and control over that technology.,“而是从最基本的光照中得来,这种能量是每个家庭都可以就地取得并且在技术上也很好控制”。 +"Network security is very important in the construction of network, it includes hardware security and software security.",网络安全是网络建设中的重要内容。 网络安全包括硬件安全和其上的软件的安全。 +"Earlier this month, Medical News Today ran a Spotlight feature article on the myths of ASD, examining some of the most common misconceptions surround these conditions.",这个月初期,今日医学新闻发布了聚焦于ASD谬见的专题文章,以阐释围绕这种情况的一些最普遍的错误观念。 +The year went out with blizzards and gales.,大风雪袭击英国已进入第三天。 +"In this paper, we analysed the change of blood rheology of the patients with brain trauma and pointed out the effect of blood viscosity on the brain blood flow.",本文对脑外伤病人的血液流变学变化进行初步分析,并指出血液粘滞性对脑血流的影响。 +The world of a young housewife is turned upside down when she has an affair with a free-spirited blouse salesman.,当一个年轻的家庭主妇爱上一个自由英勇的推销员,她的世界开始变的混乱。 +"By the comparisons and analysis of the current international disclosure, with the practice in China, this paper suggests an advice on the presentation and disclosure.",综合全篇文章,旨在通过对非经常性损益界定和披露的相关问题研究,得出合理的建议。 +People expect him to have solid books around.,人们希望他的屋子里摆着一些大厚本的书。 +It is only with the emergence of improved sanitation conditions over the past century that these nematode and cestode parasites have disappeared from much of the developed world.,只是在上个世纪里,随着卫生条件的改善,蛔虫和绦虫从大部分发达国家消失了。 +"B: Well, I guess she's trying to play hard-to-get。",嗯, 大概想跟我玩“欲擒故纵”的游戏吧! +"Gajasura continued his penitence and Shiva, who appeared in front of him from time to time, asked him once again what he desired.",加杰修罗继续他的悔罪,而湿婆,不时地出现在他面前,再一次问他想要什么。 +"The G1's 3.2 megapixel camera outclasses the two megapixel iPhone, though plenty of phones do.",G1的320万像素摄像头远超200万像素的iPhone,虽然很多手机都已经有了。 +It's my plum wine.,是我的梅酒。 +"The cross-section is a triangular shape and there are holes in here, and we blow air out of that.","横截面是三角形的,上面有孔,气体从里面喷出。" +"However, this mosquito species has re-colonized urban areas in the region and poses a renewed risk of urban yellow fever.",然而,随着这一类蚊虫在该地区再次出现,城市型黄热病有可能死灰复燃。 +"I don't know anything about him, "" snapped Mary.""",“我根本不认识他。”玛丽顶回去。 +"As a core area in education, research on curriculum and instruction has also experienced ever-advancing changes.",作为教育的核心领域——课程与教学的研究在近些年同样经历着日新月异的变化。 +"With the independent shower, multifunctional massage shower head and invariableness water temperature round the clock, you can bath as you want in the bathroom.",浴室拥有独立淋浴间,多功能按摩淋浴花洒,全天候恒定水温,让您随心所浴(欲)。 +Eg:Jibbing is catching on recently all round.,近来轮滑运动在全世界很流行。 +"When estimating productivity of refractured well, the primary fracture is considered to be disabled and it is not coincident with actual facts and a great error of prediction result exists.",在对重复压裂井进行产能评价时,常常认为初次压裂形成的裂缝完全失效,这种考虑与实际情况是不相符合的,导致对重复压裂井的产能预测有很大的误差。 +Or at least that is the effect I am trying to get across!,或者说这就是我准备要说得关于效果器的内容。 +Death knights have access to superior enchants in part because they do not have a shield or ranged weapon slot and the stats provided by those items.,死亡骑士或许是个例外,他们无法装备盾牌和远程武器,因此我们给他们提供了额外的特殊附魔。 +"Bundled against the cold beneath a highway overpass on a busy Beijing intersection, traffic warden Zhao Delong waved his colored flag in frustration at the new silent killer stalking city streets.",隆冬时节的北京,在一处立交桥下繁忙的路口旁,穿得严严实实的交通协管员赵德龙(音)正徒劳无功地挥舞着手中的彩旗,试图让电动自行车这种新型马路杀手在路上行驶得规矩些。 +"Munamsan, and Songjeonmangwol refers to watching the moon in front of an evergreen at harvest full moon.",松前望月则是在描绘正月十五时从松林仰望圆月的场面; +"If you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all.",如果你不能说好听的话,那么就不要说话。 +"Sarkozy briskly snapped at the man and then moved on, continued to smile and shake hands with others along his path, saying ""merci.""",萨克奇激动的骂完那名男子,随后继续向前走,并始终保持着微笑,边和沿途民众握手,边说着“谢谢。” +They cut our wires by mistake and then broke the water pipe.,他们不小心切断了我们的电缆, 后来又弄裂了水管。 +"More than 300 soldiers and hundreds of police were dispatched to the disaster zone, according to the CCTV news and Xinhua.",另据CCTV和新华社消息,目前,300多名士兵及上千名警察已经赶往受灾地区进行救援。 +"April brings the primrose sweet , scatters daisies at our feet .",四月带来报春花美美甜甜,脚边的雏菊星星点点。 +"Leaf length, area, and blade curvature were mainly controlled by dominant gene effect, while additive gene effect in leaf width and SLW.",叶长、叶面积和叶面曲率的基因作用则主要表现为显性效应; +And there has emerged a clearer trend of more mutual learning and exchanges between different civilizations and different development models.,各国纷纷提出新理念、新主张。 不同文明和发展模式之间相互学习、相互交流借鉴的趋势更加明显。 +"Have you got a Flower Guardian, someone who cares for you? You are just like a beautiful flower in my mind.",你有护花使者了吗? 因为在我心目中你就像花一样。 +"All 100 % new and authentic, NEVER WORN and well packed in Mummy-style, with moist and oxygen absorbant .",全部真货全新,以木乃伊包装办法处理,内附吸氧剂及防潮剂。确保新鲜,好味。 +Thanks to all the work that Bill Patterson put into creating the equation behind this page.,感谢所有的工作, 条例草案帕特森投入创造方程背后此网页。 +our abundant resources and stable policy provide foreigners with the advantages they invest here.,我们丰硕的资本和不变的政策为外商投资供给了有利前提。 +I bought fruit and loaded it into a friend’s car.,我买进水果把它们装到我朋友的小汽车里。 +"He talks to everyone in Jobs’s career, meticulously recording conversations and encounters dating back twenty and thirty years.",他跟乔布斯生涯中的每个人对话,一丝不苟地记录谈话内容,然后时光重返到二三十年之前。 +"Eight whole years. My goodness, I would have starved to death waiting that long. I can make a web in a single evening.",整整八年,天啦,如果我织一张网也需要花那么长时间的话,早就饿死了,我只需要一个晚上的时间,就能织好一张网了。 +"It is pointed out that the ISVR way is the better and more comprehensive one, and is the most applicable to evaluation of ride comfort in the vibration environment with its high crest factor.",舒适性本身是一个难于定义和测量的主观概念,乘坐舒适性不仅受到主观因素,而且也受到各种技术、结构及生理、心理因素的影响。后者包括振动、噪声?。 +The best contribution of Fengqi is to redefine the subject of history of philosophy.,冯契先生最大的贡献是对哲学史对象作了新的界说。 +The country’s political leaders have been squabbling among themselves almost since the heady “orange revolution” in the Kiev snow during the winter of 2004-05 (see article).,自04-05年冬天 “橙色革命”席卷基辅以来,该国的政治领导人内部一直争论不休。 +"As the best musicians, the three future stars with their wonderful voices made the atmosphere to a climax!",作为年轻有为的青年音乐人,三位咪咕学院的明星用自己精彩的歌声将启动仪式的气氛推向了高潮! +"But there are scenarios where the application of functional programming concepts can be applied to PHP applications, resulting in code that is simpler, more concise, and easier to understand.",但是,有这样的场景,函数式编程概念应用程序可适用于 PHP 应用程序,其结果是代码变得更简单、更简洁、更易于理解。 +If the girl gets too wet during sex it can reduce the friction to the point where you don't really feel anything.,如果女孩很湿了,就会减少你们的摩擦甚至你不会有任何感觉。 +They advise Huang to use more rigorous methods such as electrical recordings of muscle activity to show changes in nerve activity.,他们建议黄红云使用更严格的方法说明神经活动的变化,例如肌电图。 +I would have thought a good old-fashioned paper ticket that is punched would have sufficed since the card was used exactly once – at the entrance!,我觉得一张质量良好的传统纸质打孔门票就足够了,因为这张卡就只在入口处用了一次! +"Finally, the article concentrates to expatiate upon the exact methods and means to create exquisite reportage in current political news reporting.",最后集中阐述了创造电视时政新闻报道精品的具体途径和办法。 +Then President Wilson recognized Carranza's government.,随后,威尔逊总统又承认了卡兰萨的政府。 +"However, in both of them, BHs are a necessary ingredient in our understanding of galaxy formation.",然而,无论是哪一个黑洞都是解释星系形成的必需品。 +She laundered her sweaters on the delicate cycle.,她通过温和洗衣程序清洗了自己的羊毛衫。 +You can find out more about these and other JFS2 snapshot uses in the links provided under the Resources section.,您可以在 “参考资料” 部分所提供的链接中找到关于这些和其他 JFS2 快照用法的更多信息。 +"Catch basins can help you deal with unusually large amounts of precipitation and rainfall, and in fact, most building codes call for them when large or heavily sloped properties are involved.",赶上盆地可以帮助您与降水量和大量降雨异常交易,而事实上,大多数建筑规范要求他们在大型或涉及严重倾斜的特性。 +To investigate the infection of Entamoeba gingivalis in adolescents and its relationship with oral diseases.,为了调查青少年齿龈内阿米巴的感染情况,探讨其与口腔疾患的关系。 +"Soil was being eroded and wasted along the Eastern seaboard, and they were using up the great soils of the Mississippi Valley and over time that slave system just somehow wasn't going to work out.","东部沿海地区的土地因被侵蚀而荒废掉,密西西比河谷地区的土地资源即将被耗尽,但就在这种情况下,奴隶制依然能维持南方的经济" +"Some safes use electronic code locks, whose advantage is that the amount of its passwords is enormous.",也有部分保险柜使用电子密码锁,电子密码锁具有密码量极大,使用方便等优点。 +"The problem is that each of our perceptions of how ‘good’ or ‘bad’ a Website is, is skewed by our personal backgrounds and specialties within the industry.",问题在于,我们每个人对一个网站是好还是坏的感知,是受我们个人背景和行业特性的影响而有所偏倚的。 +Her conduct in office was unimpeachable and her record is spotless.,他在办公室的行为无可指责而且没有什么不良行为记录。 +"See to a pair the captain is to be fraught with grim possibilities, think of this, my mood is more and more heavy.",看来副队长是凶多吉少,想起这个,我的心情越发沉重。 +It's that crappy Flash of theirs.,都怪他们那蹩脚的动画。 +Nb-enriched basalt is a kind of arc basalt that has special geochemical characteristics.,富铌玄武岩是一类具有特殊地球化学特征的岛弧玄武岩。 +"When I introduce this proposal to the prime minister, this is the first question he asked me. How can you guarantee that those students will come back?",当我向总理提这个建议时,总理反问我:‘你能保证那些学生会回来吗?’ +"Accordingly, they now grant every patient the right to self - determination as a matter of course .",因此,他们现在照例承认每一个病人自主决定的权利。 +It will induce a more serious safety problem in water conveyance systems in pumped storage plants if a turbine full-load rejection occurs under abnormal conditions.,在异常情况下,水轮机甩负荷所引起的压力升高和机组转速的上升,对抽水蓄能电站整个输水系统的稳定性以至于整个电站的运行安全会产生更大的威胁。 +"Today, most of the elite players from all 32 countries at the World Cup play each other every week in European pro leagues — for which the tournament is simply a punctuation mark between seasons.",现如今,汇聚世界杯来自32个国家的顶尖高手,大多数人每周都要在欧洲职业联赛上你来我往,擦枪走火一番——如此一来,世界杯简直就可称得上是两赛季间的一个标点符号。 +There are three modes of operation in this system and it functions a 2-level computer controlled closed loop system in combination with LD process computer SCC.,该系统具有三种工作方式,能与车间过程机SCC构成二级计算机闭环控制系统。 +"In recent years it has developed additional content and channels, such as English news, a documentary channel, a children's channel and a sports station, which are all free-to-air.",近年来,央视开发了更多的内容和频道,比如英语新闻频道、纪录频道、儿童频道和体育频道,这些均为免费收视频道。 +"The Republican ad champions the energy policy of its presidential candidate, Arizona Senator John McCain, over the Democratic opponent, Illinois Senator Barrack Obama.",共和党的广告拥护本党总统候选人、来自亚利桑那州的联邦参议员麦凯恩的能源政策,认为他的政策胜过民主党对手、来自伊利诺伊州的联邦参议员奥巴马的政策。 +Retrieving the X509_NAME object from the certificate structure,从证书结构检索 X509_NAME 对象。 +The Abrahim who came to life in my classroom was a far nobler man than the one I had previously imagined.,不过,进入我教室教学里的这个亚伯拉罕,要比我从前设想的那个高尚得多。 +"And your ‘brother, ’ what does he do?",那你的‘兄弟’,他是干什么的? +May I see the floor plan of this apartment?,我可以看看这个公寓的户型图吗? +"It is said that radish leaves, there are five times more calciumthan root, other vitamin content is more than root.",据说萝卜的叶子,含钙比根多四倍,其他维他命含量都是比根多。 +"It can be achieved only if the rupee is allowed to depreciate further, "" Bhattacharya told PTI when asked about the impact of the yuan devaluation on the country.""",而这只有卢比进一步贬值才能实现。” 巴塔查里亚回答印度报业托拉斯记者关于人民币贬值对印度影响的提问。 +Secure Networking in J2ME involves additional interfaces available for secure communication with Web-based network services.,J2ME 中的安全联网涉及到一些为了与基于 Web 的网络服务进行安全通信而提供的额外接口。 +"The history of Chinese-language Cinema concept is only a decade since its debut to bloom, but its nomination validity and theory vitality are becoming more and more obvious.",从出现到风行,华语电影这个概念尽管只有十几年的时间,但越来越展示其命名合法性与理论生命力。 +"It is well known that due to their different influences on solar radiation transfer, different parameterizations should be used for ice clouds and water clouds, respectively.",冰云和水云对短波辐射性质(消光系数、单次散射反照率及不对称因子)的影响很不相同,应分别计算。 +B. non-open but without any protection measures) in winter to check the influence of storage environment to the quality of two types of cement (PO Cement and PS Cement).,非露天但无任何防护措施的开放状态),冬季储存二类水泥(PO水泥和PS水泥)的质量变化试验研究。 +"And must not the mind cease to create, to formulate, if it would experience the Uncreated?",如果要经历那无法创造的事物,难道头脑不应该停止创造和构想吗? +"Suddenly, the wild goose south flies to feel ten several breathing speedily from the distance and speeds since then, the direction is accurate the intention of encampment.",突然,雁南飞感觉有十数个气息快速从远处奔驰而来,方向正是营地的方向。 +Seal or signature of the legal representative of the a lic ant or the person legally authorized thereby.,申请人法定代表人或其合法授权人的盖章或签字。 +"S. , and is why SIDI earned the 2003 Consumer Choice Award from Bicycling Magazine.",这也是为什么SIDI 也获得《自行车》杂志2003年消费者最佳选择大奖的原因。 +"The only downside to transition tables is that, in real-world applications, the number of states grow very quickly.",转换表的唯一缺点就是在实际的应用程序中,状态的数量增加得非常快。 +"Silvia Ribeiro, Latin America director of the nongovernmental organisation ETC Group, said: ""As a political matter, it is dangerous because it will allow industrialised countries to evade",非政府组织ETC集团的拉丁美洲负责人Silvia Ribeiro说:“作为一个政治问题,它是危险的,因为它将让工业化国家逃避它们的减少碳排放的承诺——转而提供了全球变暖一个快速解决方案的选项。 +"I can't ketch a fly in there, I can't chaw. I got to wear shoes all Sunday. The widder eats by a bell;",在那里我既不能捉苍蝇,也���能嚼口香糖,星期日整天不能赤脚。 +Codification is the highest contribution of jurisprudence.,法典编纂是法律文化和法学的最高贡献。 +It interprets a cause that Jiang Nagel build and defend his kingdom Pakistan.,讲述了英雄首领江格尔建立、保卫自己宝木巴王国的过程。 +Expo venue move taken by the end of next year officially started.,世博会场地的动拆迁将于明年年底前正式启动。 +"Rio was a testament to that, both as the host of the Games and as a sublime, wretched theater of humanity.",里约是这方面的一个证明,既是作为奥运会的主办地,也是作为一个令人无法容忍的展现人性的惊人剧场。 +Thirty-three thousand people think that Thursday is their thirtieth birthday.,三万三千人认为星期四是他们三十岁生日。 +"When the developed capitalistic countries headed by America command nanotechnology, the new hegemony will occur and the inequality in countries will become more and more severe.",以美国为首的发达资本主义国家在掌握了纳米武器之后,新的霸权主义也将产生,国家、地区间的不平等也会越加严重。 +"After seeing Jimmy’s wife, Lori, struggling to get Jimmy out of the car one day",有一天,沃巴什县的居民们看到吉米的妻子洛丽艰难地把吉米从小汽车里抬出来之后 +"Later the family moved to Knoxville, Tennessee.",后来全家搬到田纳西州诺克斯维尔。 +But now this solid substance is being re-cast as a fabric for the future.,但是现在,人们正赋予这种结实的材料新的功能,制作纺织品。 +Watch out for alligators and grab yummy gumdrops!,小心鳄鱼并记得抓取美味的橡胶小球! +"Jonathan Cott, the editor of a recent collection of Bob Dylan interviews, said the motives of the gravel-voiced bard were frequently impenetrable.",最近一本鲍勃·迪伦访谈录的编辑Jonathan Cott称,这位声音如砂石般沙哑的吟唱诗人的动机常常让人无法理解。 +"'I don't always like how it turns out,' she says. 'But I don't like how they cut my hair in other places-and I have to pay for it.'",她说,我有时也不喜欢自己剪出来的效果,不过我不喜欢其他地方理发师给我剪的头发,何况我还得为此付钱。 +""" The main reason is that readers in the context of western culture ""chose"" to absorb the ""textualized"" image of ancient Egypt, which, however, does not conform to the intentions of the writer.",其主要原因在于西方文化语境中的读者“选择”吸收了“文本化”的古埃及形象。 +"She was originally sentenced to 99 lashes for adultery, but her case was reopened when a court in Tabriz suspected her of murdering her husband.",阿什蒂亚尼最初因通奸罪被判处鞭笞99下,后因法庭怀疑她涉嫌谋杀自己的丈夫而重新受审。 +Develop service mocks that pass the service tests.,开发通过服务测试的服务模拟。 +"Indeed, one of jazz's most influential musicians was a trumpet player: Louis Armstrong.",其实,最知名的爵士乐手之一就是一名小号手:路易斯·阿姆斯特朗。 +"Because, want to get up early every day to review my lessons, my mother lost a small alarm clock pendulum in a bed, hope it can regulate our study time.",因为,每天想早点起来温习功课,我把母亲卧房的小闹钟摆在了床头,希望它可以规范我的学习时间。 +"If advanced configuration of DB2 is necessary, then the Add-on can be remotely accessed via either secure shell (SSH) or telnet.",如果需要执行 DB2 的高级配置,可以通过安全 shell (SSH) 或 telnet 远程访问它。 +"The radio amateur is progressive. With knowledge abreast of science, a well-built and efficient station and operation above reproach.",它的知识与科学发展同步,因此精心制作设备、使用效率卓越的电台及用心的操作是引以为豪的事情,不会因水平不高丧失进取心。 +"This paper recommends to set the temperature at 950℃. Under this temperature, better analytical results can be obtained, the ratio of breaking of combustion tube decreased and the life time extended.",在此温度下可获得很好的分析结果,并可降低燃烧反应管的破损率,延长燃烧炉使用寿命。 +I put the boots back on and headed for the top… which revealed a wide swath of long-disintegrated Great Wall.,我穿上靴子,继续向顶峰进发……那儿真的有一长段破旧不堪的长城。 +"The ban was rescinded after a few days, but all copper exports will now be cleared by the country’s central bank to ensure that exporters aren’t misstating volumes and value.",这项禁令几天之后就解除了,但是现在,所有的铜出口都必须经过赞比亚的央行,以确保出口商不谎报数量与金额。 +Is to reveal the inner thoughts and feelings of the characters of a romantic way.,是揭示剧中人物内心思想感情的一种浪漫主义手法。 +I am looking for a programmer who can program a friendly arm board in C & Visual Basic to acquire data from the external devices and give us API.,我要寻找一个程序员谁可以在C程序及视觉基本友好臂板从外部设备获取数据,给我们的API。 +"This article introduces the processing, structure and properties of the two kinds of porous ceramics by preceramic polymer pyrolysis, including existing problems needed to resolve.",本文介绍了先驱体转化制备这两类多孔陶瓷的工艺、结构和性能的研究现状,以及其存在的急需解决的问题。 +"Fuyite Machinery Co. , Ltd , is a professional manufacturer specializing in pneumatic jack.",杭州富伊特机械有限公司是一家以气撑杆为主导产品的专业制造企业。 +I’m a survivor - a living example of what people can go through and survive.,我是个幸存者——是一个经历过苦难而且生存下来的活生生的榜样。 +"Results: There are no patients with paralyses, alogian or tumor recurrence within 1-3 years after operation.",结果:术后无偏瘫、失语,随访l至3年无复发,癫癎得以改善。 +"Still, insomuch as LeBron plays a mammoth role in their offense and their offense was relatively shoddy in crunch time, his play is cause for concern.",但是勒布朗在球队进攻中的担当的重要地位,和队伍在最后时刻的进攻乏力,我们可以看到勒布朗的表现确实是大家需要担忧的一点。 +This is merely an approach to our subject. For it is a question of grasping more precisely what Freud in his doctrine himself articulates as constituting a ' Copernican' step.,精神分析学只是我们接近人作为主体的一个方法。问题是要更精确地体会到,佛洛伊德表达他的原理,像是哥白尼对于「地球中心说」的革命。 +Emperor Zurg: We meet again Buzz Lightyear… for the last time.,札克:巴斯光年,我们又见面了,这次你逝世定了。 +"The most popular way to limit access would be to use what is known as a ""content screener "".",或许,控制上网准入最有效的方法就是使用“内容屏蔽器”。 +"The more valuable social capital becomes inside a close-knit community, the more likely it is that people in the group will strive to earn more of it by conforming to that group's expectations.",在一个紧密团结的社区里社会资本变得越贵重,社区的人就会努力地赚取符合该组织所期望的可能性就越大。 +Others think that Mo has been tarred unfairly as a government stooge.,也有人认为莫言不过是政府的一颗棋子罢了。 +Photographer Ansel Adams's images of ageless trees and monumental mountains evoke a realm of timeless beauty preserved in national parks.,摄影家亚当斯(Ansel Adams)镜头中历经沧桑的林木与气势磅礴的山岩,展示了国家公园保存的亘古之美。 +"Frank Lampard cruises in a cross to Michael Ballack, who expertly half-volleys it past Robert Green on Sunday.",上周日,兰帕德一个漂亮的弧线传中找到巴拉克,后者半抽射把球送进了格林把手的大门。 +"Then the refugees walked for 10 more nights, with inadequate clothing and limited food and water, to the base of the infamous 6000-metre Nangpa Pass, an ancient trade route to Nepal.",然后这群难民走了10多晚,以不足的衣服及有限食物和水走向恶名昭彰6000米的南霸山道下,这是通往尼泊尔古代贸易的路线。 +The appellation of the relatives is one of the subject gathers in the glossary system.,亲属称谓是词汇系统中颇具特色的主题集合之一。 +"New Caledonia in the Pacific volcanic belt, are frequent earthquakes and volcanic eruptions in the region.",新喀里多尼亚位于环太平洋火山带,属于经常发生地震和火山爆发的地区。 +"Can be seen that the wind is the finish line, just as people's fortune.",可见,风是有终点的,就如人的际遇。 +"As a famous historic and cultural city, Ningbo is an open city which enjoys autonomy and the ability to make its own laws, something which other places in China do not have.",宁波是中国对外开放城市、享有省一级经济管理权限的计划单列城市、具有制定地方性法规权力的“全国较大的市”,是全国历史文化名城。 +"Ifyou do not have your heart set on learning English, you will never succeed.",如果你没有用心去学英语,你永远也学不会。 +"Several years ago Google began working with research libraries in America to create digital copies of their collections, parts of which it made available online.",谷歌在几年前就开始与美国研究型图书馆合作建立馆藏书籍的电子版本,其中一部分已成为网上资源。 +"Methods In 116 patients with brain metastases, 47 underwent X-knife treatment and 69 underwent conventional operation.",方法在116例脑转移瘤患者中,对47例采用X刀治疗、 69例作常规手术治疗; +The Senate had to appoint you.,必须由元老院任命。 +Exercising helps us not to sweat the small stuff—the little things that annoy us and take us off track from happiness.,锻炼能帮助我们避免庸人自扰的情绪——那些让我们烦恼并且不开心的鸡毛蒜皮的小事。 +"Class-room teaching is an important part, the emphasis of which should be laid on the cultivation of students' creative spirit and ability in practice.",课堂教学是培养学生自主学习能力的最重要环节,课堂教学改革的重点是培养学生的创新精神和实践能力。 +"D. , general manager of EnterChange, a national outplacement firm with corporate headquarters in Atlanta.",总部位于亚特兰大的一个国家新职介绍公司“进入改变”的总经理、博士查理斯·盖茨说。 +"Quickdraws have been left hanging on several overhanging routes in Muir Valley, as well as other climbing venues, over the years by developers and climbers.",年复一年,开线者和攀爬者在Muir山谷以及其他岩场的一些仰角路线上留下了快挂。 +"It was tricky, as Torino were playing the long ball and leaving our forwards isolated, so we ended up playing their game rather than ours.",这是都灵队的诡计:他们打起了长传冲吊并将我们的前锋孤立了起来。因此我们必须打乱他们的战术安排。 +I need a simple chess game using Augmented Reality.,我需要一个简单的棋类游戏使用增强现实。 +Hardness up to about HRC 67.,硬度高达约人权委员会67。 +"MCDP 1 calls the essence of war “a violent struggle between two hostile, independent, and irreconcilable wills, each trying to impose itself on the other.",海军陆战队准则第一条认为战争的本质就是“两个敌对,相互独立且矛盾的思想之间激烈的挣扎,任何一方都想把自己的想法强加于对方。” +I think it is purile to argue he did not know that what he was doing was illegal. The mental illness claim is no more than an excuse.,我认为他说不知道自己的行为是违法的只是想找理由开脱。 +"Our country has gained periodic fruits in the reform of rate market liberalization, achieving immediate and midterm goals.",我国利率市场化改革已经取得了阶段性成果,实现了近中期目标。 +Understandably this version of Easter Island's history remains controversial because it suggests the Rapa Nui were incredibly short-sighted.,这个版本的复活节岛历史仍然具有争议性,这可以理解,因为如果这个版本是真的,那就意味着拉帕努伊人太鼠目寸光了。 +"Whether you're a sexpert or a beginner, like it mild or wild — we're betting you'll learn a thing or two.",无论你是性学大师还是性爱新手,喜欢温和还是野蛮——我们打赌你一定能再学一二。 +"PCLINK control network, MCGS software, Siemens low voltage electric appliance and host frequency conversion control, 30% electricity saving.",PCLINK控制网络、MCGS软件、西门子低压电器,主机变频控制,省电达30%。 +That's frightening to the Beijing government because the global boom that just ended left many China industries with huge overcapacity.,这使得中国政府非常担心,全球经济繁荣的嘎然而止使中国很多行业生产过剩。 +All of the qualifications listed on this webpage are the minimum admission requirements of this department.,所有列在这个网页上的资格是这个科系的最低入学条件。 +A squeeze on bank lending has prompted some businesses short of cash to stop paying wages to blue-collar workers.,紧缩的银行借贷已经让一些企业的资金捉襟见肘:他们停止向蓝领工人支付工资。 +"Based on the widely technical investigation and lab experiments, HPEB firstly made the cold production field pilot test and got the desired results.",该油田在开展广泛的技术调研和室内实验研究的基础上,在国内率先开展了稠油出砂冷采矿场先导试验,并取得了预期效果。 +A 3D database searching was conducted with 3DFS in 3D database using the pharmacophore of epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) tyrosine kinase inhibitors.,用表皮生长因子受体酪氨酸激酶抑制剂的药效团作为提问结构在三维数据库中进行了搜索。 +"For example remember that every first-class passenger's name and position, so that visitors feel their respect and attention;",比如记住每位头等舱旅客的姓名和职务,让旅客感受到对他们的尊重和重视; +"The present invention relates to stuffing for dephosphorizing in waste water crystallizing bed, and is especially one efficient and practical crystal seed for porous haydite.",多孔陶粒除磷晶种及其制备方法涉及废水结晶床除磷的填料,尤其是一种用多孔陶粒培养的高效的、实用的晶种。 +"Xiaolongwan area lies in little block 22 and 23, Huangshatuo structural belt, the middle of eastern depression, Liaohe basin.",小龙湾区块位于辽河盆地东部凹陷中段黄沙坨构造小22、23区块。 +"Five Lakes FRP vessels ambitious people to warmly welcome our company visits, talks, to join hands in creating a better tomorrow!",五湖玻璃钢旅游船热���欢迎有志之士来我公司参观、洽谈,携手共创美好的明天! +It enables stakeholders to collaborate in context to define requirements by using various visual and textual techniques to capture business objectives and elaborate software requirements.,它使得涉众可以使用各种可视化及基于文本的技术来进行同一语境协作,以捕捉商业目标并精确化软件需求。 +"The visitors never recovered from Ronaldo's stunning 18th minute opening goal, a 30-yard free-kick which deflected off Nigel De Jong before hitting the net.",客队一直没有从罗纳尔多第18分钟的那记惊人的首粒进球恢复过来,30码处的任意球,打向守门员吉文变向入网。 +"By the time they returned almost a year later, his belongings and neighborhood were destroyed.",等到大概一年之后他们回到家乡,他的亲戚和邻居都已经不在了。 +"Dalglish said: ""He has used psychology before in the pre-amble to matches, but he will only get sparring practice if he tries to use it on ourselves.""",肯尼表示:“弗格森很擅长在赛前和对手玩心理战,不过如果他对我们也这么做,那他只能是浪费时间。” +"Ralph, Jr. sits in the back of the room. In the background the male TEACHER talks about the American Revolution. Concentration creases Ralph, Jr. 's brow.",小拉尔夫坐在教室后面。幕后,男老师在讲有关美国独立战争的历史。小拉尔夫聚精会神地皱着眉。 +"One man who needs no vocal announcement is Li Hailun, a grasshopper salesman whose wares, hundreds of wingless insects imprisoned in round, woven enclosures, produce a deafening high-pitched symphony.",他的货物——数百只无翼昆虫被装在圆形的编织笼子里,合奏出震耳欲聋的高音交响乐。 +However I feel I am still very much in with a chance of fighting for the championship.,但我觉得,在为冠军而战的机会之下,我仍然有非常旺盛的战斗力。 +The young man dreams of wealth and happiness day and night.,那青年人日夜梦想财富和幸福。 +"Applicable Laws. The execution, validity, interpretation and performance of this Agreement and the dispute resolution under this Agreement shall be governed by the laws of PRC.",适用法律。本协议的签署、效力、解释和履行以及争议的解决均适用中华人民共和国的法律。 +"""Maybe the boy meant it for a joke, Max, "" Al said.",“迈克斯,小伙子也许是说着玩儿的,”阿尔说。 +"To obtain a successful career, it must win in the fierce competition, so the whole body and mind with high morale in fighting close-quarter fight.",要想获得事业的成功,就必须在激烈的竞争中取胜,因此整个身心斗志昂扬地拼搏厮杀。 +I’ll probably have nightmares tonight.,今晚我也许会做恶梦。 +What the hammer? what the chain?,怎样的锤打?怎样的锁链? +This approach is fueled by mood and emotion.,这种做法受到情绪和情感的辅佐。 +"If that happened, then the U. S. would look inward towards itself and would remove itself from the world.",如果发生这种情况,美国就会向内看,自顾自,退出国际舞台。 +A visa permitting a non-citizen to remain in Australia indefinitely.,一种允许非公民永久停留澳洲的签证。 +"The bird's eyes are heavily mantled , and its feathers have been ruffled by the alcohol that nearly fills the bottle.",这只鸟的眼睛上蒙了厚厚的一层,它的羽毛被几乎充满了瓶子的酒精弄得皱巴巴的。 +"If meat and bone meal is banned, there will likely be a large increase in the demand for soybean meal a replacement.",如果肉骨粉受禁,作为替代品的豆粕将会面临大幅度的需求增长。 +Mechanics performance of titanium alloy in cast is tested.,对铸造钛合金铸态组织的力学性能进行测试。 +"My family was told that, if I made it, I’d probably have severe brain damage.","我的家人被告知,即使我活过来了,也很可能有严重的脑损伤。" +The English champions bowed out of the UEFA Champions League in midweek as Barcelona defeated them.,这支英超冠军球队在周中对战巴塞罗那的比赛中被击败,因而退出了冠军联赛。 +They are suspicious if you don't die this way - [and feel] that you died prematurely.,如果你不这样死去,他们会觉得可疑,(甚至怀疑)你过早死亡。 +"Parting is such sweet sorrow, that I could say goodnight until tomorrow.",离别,是如此甜蜜的凄清。我真要向妳道晚安直到天明。 +"When oxymatrine is reducing, the content of matrine increases gradually in the process of decocting Fujieling lotion.",妇洁灵洗剂复方煎煮过程中,随着氧化苦参碱的减少,苦参碱的含量逐渐增加。 +"Tom:Hullo, Sue. Hullo, Sandy. Don't come into my room! I'm ill.",汤姆:你好,苏。你好,桑迪 别进我的房间,我病了。 +"Chinese-American Roger Tsien, along with Japanese Osamu Shimomura, and American Martin Chalfie, shared the Nobel chemistry prize for discovering and developing green fluorescent protein(GFP).",华裔美国人钱永健,日本科学家小泉修和美国科学家马丁-查尔菲三人因发现和应用绿色荧光蛋白而共同获得诺贝尔化学奖。 +"This multitasking hormone keeps your biological clock ticking over, making sure that you are alert during the day and sleepy at night.",而这种多任务荷尔蒙可以让你的生物钟持续运转,保持你在白天的时候清醒,晚上的时候睡觉。 +Some people may find relief with hot or cold compresses.,一些人觉得热敷或者冷敷可以缓解疼痛。 +"According to the analysis on data of abroad researches, it can be known that computer anxiety is a pervasive psychological phenomenon with physiological arouse usually.",通过对国外研究测量所得的数据分析,计算机焦虑是一个很普遍的心理现象,同时伴有生理唤醒,而且它的发生率相当广泛。 +"But reactionary social and political tendencies could lead to a less-optimistic scenario in which these powerful regions forge a narrower, inward-looking strategy.",但是,保守的社会和政治反动势力可能导致一种不很乐观的发展趋势,那就是这些强大的地区采取更加狭隘、闭关自守的发展战略。 +"Mrs. March was both surprised and touched, and smiled with her eyes full as she examined her presents and read the little notes which accompanied them.",马奇太太既惊讶又感动,她含笑端详着她的礼物,读着附在上面的小字条,不由眼中噙满泪水地笑了。 +Do not smoke at the dinner until everyone finished eating.,不要在吃饭的时候吸烟。要等到所有人都吃完饭后再吸。 +We used a stage in the grand ballroom to produce a play about Santa and his reindeer.,大舞厅里的舞台表演被我们用来表演圣诞老人和驯鹿的童话剧。 +"So let me come to you, close as I wanna be.",就让我靠近你,如我所愿地靠近你。 +"But now back at Old Trafford, Pique, 20, marked his first Champions League start with the opener in United's 4-0 win over Dynamo Kiev on Wednesday.",但是现在,20岁的皮克回到了老特拉弗德,上演了自己欧冠处子秀,在主场和基辅迪纳莫比赛中为曼联打进第一个进球。 +"Suggested action is to ensure the certificate has been imported to Windows correctly , refer to section 2.2.6",建议的纠正措施是确保把证书正确地导入 Windows,参见 2.2.6 节。 +Our case is unique because the lesion extends locally into the cavernous sinus and beyond. Histopathologic diagnosis is limited by the remote location of lesions.,我们的病例很独特,因为转移的病灶局部扩展至海绵窦及更远处,由于转移瘤标本难以获取,组织病理学诊断价值受限。 +"Night time formula contains whitening regeneration whitening elements kojic acid and vitamin C. It can accelerate the whitening ingredients deeply penetrating, and increase the whitening effect.",晚间配方,美白更新含美白元素曲酸与维生素C,于肌肤休息时加速美白成分深入渗透,促进美白效果。 +A Brazilian woman was shocked to find a 5ft alligator lying tamely in the living room as her three-year-old son petted the reptile's head.,一名巴西女子在起居室里发现了一只5英尺长的鳄鱼,当时她三岁的儿子正在抚弄这只鳄鱼的头部。 +Credit for all the lucky too smart and intelligent people are mostly very sad ending.,凡过于把幸运之事归功于自己的聪明和智谋的人多半是结局很不幸的。 +"After the introduction of classification to troubleshooting system and means of fault eliminating, we can clearly know the flow of troubleshooting.",通过介绍故障排除系统的分类、故障排除的方法,使得故障排除流程清晰化、明朗化。 +"Rather than navigate a cursor across the screen by sliding a mouse across a mat, users would don a pair of special gloves to operate the system known as G-Speak, telegraph. co. uk reported.",据报道称,用户以后不必在鼠标垫上通过滑动鼠标,来使光标在屏幕上移动了。 戴上一双特制手套,来操作一个名为G-Speak的系统就可以了。 +The Open vSwitch is a multilayer virtual switch that's available as open source under the Apache 2.0 license.,Open vSwitch 是一个多层的虚拟交换机,在 Apache 2.0 许可下可用作为开放资源。 +He and rival wholesalers are trying to stockpile lobster in the hope that their biggest export market opens up again soon.,他和其他批发商都在试图储存大龙虾,等待中国这个最大的出口市场不久之后再度开放。 +HTC said it expects its average price to fall some 10 percent in the fourth quarter.,"宏达电表示,预计第四季其平均价格下滑约10%." +"One of the major ways to turn to low-carbon lifestyle, is kick at the cost of tall energy sources of ""consumption"" hobby.",转向低碳生活方式的重要途径之一,是戒除以高耗能源为代价的“便利消费”嗜好。 +"Silence is the sound of silence, is a silent v. aspirations, is about to speak, but saying nothing, is a tacit understanding, is the soul of the spark, is the heart.",沉默是此时无声胜有声,是无言诉心声,是欲言又止,是心灵的默契,是心灵的火花,是心灵的港湾。 +"A handcrafted blend of vegan, cruelty-free ingredients to gently cleanse your skin. Enriched with pure essential oils and botanical extracts that work to hydrate and replenish essential nutrients.",手工制造的素食,无刺激性成分,和缓的清洁你的肌肤,富含纯精油和植物精华,有效的水合和增补基本的营养。 +Somebody might be sort of a disorganized librarian and might want to put this one upside down but over here.,"有些人可能是一个没有条理的图书管理员,想要把这个颠倒过来,放在这边。" +Many application lets us change the theme and background of our desktop but only Logon Studio lets us change the Windows login screen.,有许多可以让我们改变桌面主题和桌面背景的软件,但是只有Logon Studio可以让我们改变Windows的登录界面。 +IMPORTANT: Please do not bid if you are not shure if you can handle the job!,注意:请不要出价,如果你不舒尔如果你能处理好工作! +"As it turns out, even with the sniper still shooting at us, Corpsman Grant had performed such a perfect tracheotomy that my plastic surgeon later thought that another surgeon had done it.",受伤后发生的一些事我也知道了,在狙击手仍在朝我们射击的时候,医护兵格兰特便为我做了一个完美的手术,我的整形医生后来竟以为这个手术是出自另外一位外科医生之手。 +These research provide valuable consult for foot design of biomimetic climbing robots.,这些研究为仿生爬壁机器人的足掌设计提供了有价值的参考。 +"Finally, it makes further discussion about the importance of re-establishment of the system of security of right in the conclusion.",最后,在结论当中,进一步论述了重新构建权利担保制度的重要意义。 +Most Americans now pay for health care through private insurance.,现在很多美国人用个人保险支付医保费用。 +"Transition: Two system verification test cycles and one final regression cycle, labeled as TSVT1, TSVT2, and TSVTR",产品化:两个系统验证测试周期以及一个最终回归周期,被标注为:TSVT1、 TSVT2 和 TSVTR。 +My guess is that maybe one or two are real charlatans but that happens.,我猜或许其中会有一两个真正的骗子。 +You can alter various parameters and it will print out a winding template and backplane .,你可以改变不同的参数,打印出螺旋模板和底板。 +"For security realms, try using the Security Realms - Add new security realm menu in the administrative console to test the security realm connection.",对于安全领域,尝试在管理控制台中使用 Security Realms - Add new security realm 菜单来测试安全领域连接。 +Filtering message class -- for routing within a message flow based on the contents of a message.,消息筛选类,用于在消息流中根据消息的内容对其进行路由。 +"In the afternoon, I continued reading my book, ""the Kite Runner"", which is really great. I will write my feeling after I finish it.",下午继续看《追风筝的人》,实在太好看了哇。等看完写读后感瓦。 +"This paper, combining with rocket design, studies the application of 3-time optimum method with constraints to rocket design. Optimal direction and synthetic assessment methods are presented.",本文结合具体的火箭弹设计,讨论了带有约束条件的三次优化方法在火箭弹设计中的应用,提出了最佳方向和综合评定法两种优化方法。 +"Surprisingly, the missile is a wingless bird, and it is very, very angry.",令人惊讶的是,那个投掷物是只没有翅膀的鸟,而且牠非常、非常愤怒。 +"Goebbels called her “well-read” in his diaries, but he was the 20th century’s greatest liar, and his diaries were written for intended postwar publication.",戈培尔在他的日记中称她是“博览群书”,可他是20世纪最大的谎言家,因为他的日记都是故意为了战后的出版而写的。 +"Jesus died so that ""whoever calls"" on His name (Rom. 10:13) can find forgiveness in His grace.",耶稣的死,让所有呼求祂名的人(罗马书10章13节),能在祂恩典中得到赦免。 +A successful teacher has the obligation to encourage good students to work even better and to urge the backward students to catch up with the better ones.,一位成功的教师有责任鼓励好学生学得更好,督促后进生赶上好学生。 +The analysis on the surrounding rock of some underground opening shows that the computation is well coincident with the data measured in-situ.,通过对采地下巷道围岩进行粘弹塑性大变形分析表明,其结果与实测结果吻合较好。 +您可以根据使用情况支付云环境中的这些传统计算资源的基础架构的费用。,You can pay per-use for the infrastructure of these traditional computing resources in the cloud environment. +Learn how to pick a picture to use for making a picture light switch cover in this free home decorating video making light switch plate covers.,了解如何选择一个图片使用在这自由的家庭装饰灯开关板制作的视频图像光开关盖盖。 +This kind of cliffhanger almost seems tailor-made to capitalize on some of those headlines and generate buzz.,如此充满悬念,吊人胃口的剧情似乎是特意为了制造新闻和话题。 +A high-value individual practices the art of letting go when control cannot be maintained.,高价值的人当遇到不能控制的情况时,就会放手。 +"In the end, a review on the composition of water rights transfer entities in China is conducted.",最后对我国水权转让试点中的当事者构成进行了简要评述。 +Any attempt to distort or even deny resolution2758( XXVI) is futile.,任何旨在歪曲、至否定联大第2758(XVI)决议的企图都完全是徒劳的。 +"On the deficits and debt debate, he stressed that he and Republicans agree on the need to cut spending and attack the $14.3 trillion national debt threatening the nation's future.",谈到财政赤字和债务辩论时,奥巴马强调,他和共和党在需要减少支出以及在抑制威胁国家未来的14.3万亿美元国债方面取得共识。 +"We've all heard the cliche before, actions speak louder than words; but it has real truth in business.",我们都听过这句陈词谰言——举动胜于言语,这在贸易中是至理名言。 +"I bought at the market some vegetables and meats and did some cooking. Then I watched English version DVD of ""Hally Potter"" with Youyou till now…",晚上去菜市买了菜回来做,然后和优优边看英语版〈哈力。波特〉边吃饭,直到现在… +"For the past 12 months, the figure stands at 47%.",过去12个月的这一比例在47%。 +"If you do, you also have to hit the space bar to get the next word started in the right spot.",如果你这么做了,你就必须点击空格键,以使下一个单词出现在正确的位置上。 +"This is not the limited consciousness of your own ego (that would be solipsism), but the larger God-consciousness or Source-level consciousness in which all of reality occurs.",当然这不仅仅局限于你的自我(否则这就是唯我论了),但是意识确实是这样产生的。 +Sometime people used to eat fresh leaves of Green Tea for its beneficial affects.,有时候人家出于对健康的考虑更爱喝新鲜茶叶。 +"When exporting from Modeler, you could have selected an option to put all of these elements into a single project, but separating them (the recommended practice) makes it is easier to make changes.",在从 Modeler 导出时,您可能选择了将所有这些元素放在单个项目中的选项,但是将它们分离(推荐的做法)可以使得做出更改更加容易。 +"Abdul Qadeer Khan, the father of Pakistan's bomb, confessed on television in February 2004 that he ran a nuclear black market that sent secrets to Iran, Libya and North Korea.",阿卜杜勒·卡迪尔·汗,巴基斯坦原子弹之父,在2004年2月在电视上承认说他经营着一个核黑市,向伊朗、利比亚和朝鲜传送秘密。 +When the left nostril flows it means ida is active and the mind is dominant.,当气息在左鼻孔流动时,说明左脉的气息活跃、心理能量占上风; +In 1916 the reign of yuan shikai also once in the temple of heaven staged a ceremonial farce.,在1916年袁世凯登基的时候也曾经在天坛上演了一出祭天的闹剧。 +She devoted herself to a simple life in the service of poor people.,他一生都过着简朴的生活,为劳苦大众服务。 +Education ethnography is important for professional development and teaching research of teachers.,教育俗民志研究对于教师的专业发展具有重要意义。 +Conclusion:The point mutation in this area of mitochondrial DNA might not be related hereditary ataxia.,结论:遗传性共济失调的发生、发展可能与该区域点突变无关。 +The solution also enables the BBC to offer its broadcasts for viewing on mobile devices via an interactive media player or as on-demand TV that can be easily downloaded.,该解决方案还可以使英国广播公司节目通过通过互动媒体播放器观看或可以以点播模式轻松下载的点播电视等移动设备提供节目,供人收看。 +"Two hour-long written tests are cumulative tests focusing on vocabulary, grammatical structures and the discussion of selected themes from the respective course unit.",两小时的书面测验主要针对课程单元所累积的词汇、文法结构以及由各单元中选出的讨论议题。 +China's emerging energy-efficiency and clean-energy miracle is probably driven by concerns about energy costs and security and diversity of supply.,一个能效和清洁能源奇迹正在中国出现,其背后的驱动力就是对能源价格、能源安全和供应多样化的���切。 +Water transmits sound better than air.,水比空气能更好的传声。 +"They all speak through pseudonyms, but I don't even know which psuedonym comes from what country because shortly after I read these answers, someone who calls himself “Tux” erases them all and writes","他们全部使用假名,而我甚至无法把这些假名与上述国家进行对照,因为就在我读到这段内容之后不久,一个自称""Tux""的人就擦除了这些记录。" +"This Standard describes relevant terminologies , basic structure, specifications, test, examination, package, transportation and documents of computer supervisory control system at hydropower plant.",本标准规定了水电厂计算机监控系统的有关术语、基本结构、技术要求、试验和检验、包装和运输以及文件等内容。 +"Frog Festival, Rayne, Louisiana - Labour Day weekend",美国路易斯安那州Rayne,青蛙节,劳动节周末 +"The technical content of construction steel is relatively low, it belongs to the more basic, lower-end steel. The scientific research and development are relative shortage of capital investment.",我国建筑用钢的技术含量较低,至今仍属于基础类、低档次钢种,科研开发资金投入相对不足。 +"Compared to the auction mechanism in which the buyer's valuation information is not declared, the mechanism convergences fast but has lower market efficiency.",相对买方不公布估价信息的拍卖机制,买方事先公布估价信息的多物品多属性拍卖具有稍差的市场效率,但能够显著地提高拍卖收敛速度。 +"August 15th, 1945, was proclaimed ""V-J Day"" by the Allies, a day after Japan agreed to surrender unconditionally.",1945年8月15日,同盟国宣布“波茨坦公告”,日本接受无条件投降! +That is the difference between these two energy states.,这个能量就是两能级之间的能量差。 +"As the guardian of the project owner, the supervisioner has to face the questions of how to do the supervision jobs to guarantee the good success rate of such projects.",做为业从方好处的维护者,软件项纲监理里临灭如何闭于软件开收入程入行监理,才能保证项纲的上负本率,以最大火平地维护业从方好处的课题。 +"Mustafa Cagrici, the mufti who prayed with Benedict in Istanbul's Blue Mosque last year, was also on the list, as was the popular Egyptian television preacher Amr Khaled.",去年曾与教皇本尼迪克特一道去伊斯坦布尔蓝色清真寺祈祷的法学家Mustafa Cagrici和受欢迎的埃及电视传教者Amr Khaled也签下了大名。 +"It is an endemic Chinese medicinal resource plant, with high content of dioscin quantity in its genus. It is distributed widely in North and central Subtropical areas.",穿龙薯蓣是我国主要的甾体激素类药源植物,也是世界上薯蓣皂苷元含量最高的资源植物之一,广泛分布于北亚热带及中亚热带地区。 +Mr Daschle was to be in charge of delivering what Hillary Clinton singularly failed to deliver in 1993-94-a comprehensive reform of America’s expensive but ramshackle health-care system.,上任后,达施勒将负责美国医疗卫生系统的全面改革,该体系尽管价格高昂,但却风雨飘摇,93到94年,希拉里•克林顿(Hillary Clinton)就有负众望,改革失败。 +He points out that the ice remained in Europe long after solar activity picked up from the Maunder minimum.,他指出,那次冰冻时期后太阳活动活跃起来了冰山依然在欧洲保留。 +Data processing method of pulsed photothermal radiometry based on image.,基于图像的脉冲光热辐射测量的数据处理方法。 +"The experimental results show that polar groups (mainly carbonyl group) are introduced into the molecular chains of HDPE during electron beam irradiation, the polarity of HDPE is thus increased.",结果表明,通过电子束辐照可在HDPE分子链上引入含氧极性基团,使HDPE的表面自由能增大,极性增强,与水的接触角减小。 +The engine used to power this motorcycle is a 1000cc inline-four and has been transversely mounted between the frame rails and its upside-down front fork.,采用1000cc直四引擎,横着固定在车架滑轨和倒置前叉之间。 +"In the experiment for measuring bullet attitude, this measurement system can accomplish real-time measuring small bullet angle of attack and velocity parameter.",在实际弹丸飞行姿态测试试验中,该测试系统可以较好的完成实时测试小弹丸攻角和速度参数的任务。 +"The answer to the second question, disappointingly for health freaks, seems to be genetics.",令健康爱好者们失望的是,第二个问题的答案似乎是基因所决定的。 +This entire region is a marvelous place to scan with binoculars.,用望远镜细查,这整个区域是一个令人惊奇的地方。 +"Very good, though I’m a bit tired after returning from the Forbidden City – so much walking!","很好, 尽管我从故宫回来有点累——走得太多了!" +"Strangely, I couldn't find sed 3.02a on ftp.gnu.org (see Resources for these links), so I had to go look for it elsewhere.",奇怪的是,在 ftp.gnu.org(有关这些链接,请参阅 参考资料)上找不到 sed 3.02a,所以,我只得在别处寻找。 +Attendees pick up bags bearing the 2007 Conference logo after registering for the meeting.,与会者登记注册后拿起印有2007年会议标志的挎包。 +In China dog meat is prized as a nutritious wintertime dish that doctors can prescribe to treat maladies such as impotence and poor circulation.,在中国,狗肉被视为冬季营养佳品,医生也会开处方用狗肉治疗阳痿和血液循环不畅等疾病。 +"Most of abalones are from the seas of Japan, South Africa, Australia and New Zealand.",鲍鱼大多产于日本、南非、澳洲、新西兰一带海域。分别有日本吉品鲍、南非网鲍、中东网鲍。 +The sociologists expected to see evidence of selfish behavior. But they did not.,社会学家期望找到自私行为的证据,但没有找到。 +"It is usually found in grassy plains with tall grasses and bushes, in small flocks.",黑脸梅花雀一般生活在长有高草及丛林的草原,并以少群生活。 +Objective To evaluate the monitoring action of the expression myeloperoxidase(MPO) and superoxide dismutase(SOD) activity in the active inflammatory bowel disease(IBD).,目的探讨髓过氧化物酶(MPO)和超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)作为炎症性肠病(IBD)病情活动临床监测指标的价值。 +"Following the meeting, Ms. Fernandez dispelled rumors about the former Cuban leader's health, saying she thought he looked good.",两造相会后,费南德兹表示,她认为他(卡斯楚)看起来很好,也驱散了关于这位古巴前领导人健康问题的谣言。 +"It is therefore recommended to compile standardized textbooks for Beijing Girls'""Sports and Health"" courses, course content will become an important part of this set.",因此,建议选编北京市女生《体育与健康》课程教材,课程内容的设置则成为重要部分。 +A world record in the length of a queue to a toilet was set on Sunday when 756 people lined up to a latrine in central Brussels to raise awareness for the need for clean water on World Water Day.,上周日,一项排队上厕所人数最多的世界纪录在比利时首都布鲁塞尔诞生。当天,共有756人在该市中心一起排队上厕所。这项排队上厕所活动的目的是在“世界水日”这一天提高人们节约使用清洁水的意识。 +"Hoping to capitalize on all the activity, technical colleges sprouted up in the city's outskirts near Mr. Gopala Krishna's temple.",意图从这股潮流中分一杯羹的科技院校在寺庙附近的城郊如雨后春笋般涌现出来。 +he popular revolts that led to the demise of Tunisian leader Zine Al-Abidine Ben Ali and Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak seem to have sprung out of nowhere.,让突尼斯领导人扎因`阿比丁`本`阿里和埃及总统胡斯尼`穆巴拉克退位的群众反抗似乎爆发得莫名奇妙。 +"An unwary space voyager ensnared by a black hole will never be seen to enter it, but only to become frozen to its surface.",永远不会看到,被黑洞捕捉住的粗心的宇宙旅行者进入黑洞,而只是看见他被冻结在黑洞的表面上。 +"The farm is located 140 km north of Oslo, is Brevik rented.",该农庄位于奥斯陆以北140公里处,是布雷维克租来的。 +"Given the varieties and differences of the terminology in different legal instruments, the contexts of terms are carefully given.",鉴于公共采购法术语的差异性,对每个术语的解释都给出了其所在的法律和条文环境出处。 +Influence of core box structure on shooting process is analyzed using conventional core-shooter.,利用实际生产中所使用的射芯机,分析了芯盒结构对射砂过程的影响; +"Choose the Administrators organization as the parent, fill in the remaining required fields, and then submit.",选择 Administrators 组织作为父组织,填写其余必填字段,然后提交。 +"In the reform of system of power organization, the current planning and monopolizing power market will surely be replaced by the competitive power market.",但是,在全球性电力体制改革中,计划性、垄断性的电力市场必将逐渐被竞争性的电力市场所逐步取代。 +Demonstrates how to read from a fixed-width text file.,演示如何读取固定宽度的文本文件。 +"Booming softly through heaven, like a bassoon.",像低音管一样,悄悄地在天上发出隆隆声。 +"Italso requires good frequency control, noise reduction and contingencyplans, and often improvises when things don't go as planned.",它还需要很好的节奏控制,干扰消除工作,和各种应急计划,并且在遇到状况时能做到随机应变。 +Select 'New Pattern Brush' from the list of brush options that come up.,选择'新刷'从选项列表中出现。选择'新格局刷'的名单中选择刷��。 +"name=""join""> has changed to .","
已更改为 。" +Mike Sutton and Lisa Crispin have taken the lead in identifying some “awesome women” from Agile teams around the world.,Mike Sutton和 Lisa Crispin已经带头从全球敏捷团队中找到了一些“杰出女性”。 +There is also a darker side to the tendency of men to show off in the presence of women.,关于男性在有女性在场时爱显摆这件事,还有更阴暗的一面。 +The cold current from the poles tempers the intense heat of the equatorial regions.,两极之冷气流调剂赤道地区的酷热。 +"On being a wind rose Zao, is come noise of compressive force variance but result in by the car body surround air - flow separation;",二是风漏,或叫吸出音,是由驾驶室及车身缝隙吸气而与车身周围气流相互作用而产生的噪音; +The laws (e.g. the Act of Succession of 1534 and the Act of Supremacy of 1535) made his reform possible stressed the power of the monarch and certainly strengthened Henry’s position.,使改革可行的法律(如1534年的《继承法案》和1535年的《至尊法案》)强调了君主的权利并自然加强了亨利的地位。 +"If you look closely at the statement above, you will see that all of the individual values are either literal strings (surrounded by single quotes) or variable names, all separated by commas.",如果仔细看看上面这个语句,会看出所有值都是直接字符串(由单引号包围)或变量名,它们都由逗号分隔。 +"U.S. gasoline prices have already moved lower from their peak of $4.02 a gallon in early May, a drop analysts say should start paying a dividend for the economy in the third quarter.","美国汽油价格已从5月初所及的峰值每加仑4.02美元回落,分析师表示,油价下滑应能利好第三季的经济成长." +"But Yang, founder and president of the Boston-based Foundation for China in the 21st Century, lamented that the human rights situation in his country has worsened.","获有美国数学博士学位和政治经济学博士学位的杨建利是总部设在波士顿的""二十一世纪中国基金会""(Foundation for China in the 21st Century)的创始人兼会长,因参与政治活动而被中国政府列入黑名单。" +"That’s why, as part of the GHI, we are increasing funding for PEPFAR and doing so in a very tight fiscal environment.",因此作为全球健康行动计划的一部分,我们将增加对PEPFAR的拨款,尽管目前财政非常紧张。 +General situation of the supervision system of health law enforcement.,卫生执法监督体制的基本状况; +I will always love you ...,我将始终爱着你 …… +Really? Can I listen to it?,真的?我可以听听看吗? +To devote great attention to the function of proprieties for public relations and develop it is very important for the establishment of police image.,充分重视和发挥公关礼仪的功能和作用是警察组织的形象塑造的一个重要方面。 +Reference is an important part of dissertations.,参考文献是学术论文的重要组成部分。 +The corrupt late Qing government was not able to recover lost territories.,腐败的晚清政府没有能力光复旧物。 +"So there are between either of these and for instance Scottish nationalism, Zionism, Antisemitism or Trotskyism.",在两者之间又有诸如苏格兰民族主义、犹太复国主义、反犹主义和 托洛茨基主义。 +Find reputable websites on how to read food labels.,寻找一些关于如何阅读食品标签的网站。 +"Welcome to Beijing; like moving music, our hospitality will warm your heart.",北京欢迎你,像音乐感动你。林依轮。 +"The hotel is located at No 1228. Inner Ring Viaduct, North Section of Zhongshan Road, Putuo District, which is between Hutai Road and Jiaotongxi Road.",酒店位于普陀区中山北路1228号内环高架介入沪太路和交通西路中间。 +I can tell my son who looks forward with horror to fifteen years of drudgery that somewhere in the dusty dark a magic may happen that will light up the years... if he is very lucky.,我可以告诉我那恐惧地等待15年寒窗之苦的儿子,如果他非常幸运的话,在一片混沌黑暗中,也许会有神奇的事情发生,使他的学生时代一片光明。 +There are 190 C17As in service; the aircraft is propelled by four turbofan engines (of the same type used on the twin-engine Boeing 757) and can drop 102 paratroopers at once.,现在有190架C17A在服役。 它由四个涡轮发动机驱动,和波音757所用发动机型号相同,一次能够运送102人。 +The examples in Table11-4 represent some typical differences in abstract character shape.,表11-4所列举的例子展示了一些典型的抽象形差异。 +"Papal Intention for April: That those who work in the media may always reflect truth, solidarity and the dignity of each person.",五月份教宗祈祷意向:祈愿傅��工作者能常尊重真理,事实和人的尊严。 +Each returned row is saved in the data structure and can be processed between the SELECT and ENDSELECT keywords until no more rows are returned.,返回的每一行保存在数据结构中,可以在 SELECT 和 ENDSELECT 关键字之间处理它们,直到没有更多行返回为止。 +"Without the flex-time option, JetBlue could never have attracted the same caliber of employee.",不选择弹性办公方式,捷蓝公司就永远不会招来相同才能的雇员。 +Create a bouquet of origami flowers with help from an art student in this free video on paper crafts.,创建一纸工艺品在此免费视频的折纸艺术系学生的帮助下一束鲜花。 +"A few easy-to-implement sun safety measures could prevent much of the cancer and other death and disease burden due to UV radiation, WHO says",少数容易实施的阳光安全措施可预防许多由紫外线辐射造成的癌症和其它死亡以及疾病负担,世卫组织说 +Statement 6 chains two commands with the or operator: The second command (echo) executes only if the first command fails.,语句 6 用 or 操作符连接两个命令:第二个命令(echo)只在第一个命令失败的情况下执行。 +"The BBC would say, 'You should get Professor Suchabody on talking about the environment' and we would go, 'Fuck off, he can have the Ten O'Clock News.'",BBC要是说,‘你们应该邀请某某教授来谈论环境问题’,那我们立马走人,‘真扫兴,某某教授可以去《10点新闻》谈。’ +The analysis of relationship between Syria and Lebanon refracts the Middle East political situation.,对于叙利亚和黎巴嫩特殊关系的分析,有效地折射出了中东的政治现状。 +"It is dense with immigrants from Gujarat, a state in India and primary source for the first wave of Beaverton's South Asian immigrants.",这个区住着很多来自印度古吉拉特邦的移民,比弗顿第一波南亚移民主要来自那里。 。 +"Fadli will be deported as soon as possible, he said.",法德利将尽快被驱逐出境,他说。 +"Of course, more work is involved in this case, but the good thing is that after it is done, the SBS models themselves could be significantly enhanced to cover more business domains or industries.",当然,在这种情况下会涉及更多的工作,但是这样做的一个好处是,SBS 模型本身会得到显著增强,从而可以涵盖更多的业务领域或行业。 +"Some 900m were living on less than US$2 a day and “308m of these living in extreme poverty on less than US$1 per day”, says the ILO.",国际劳工组织称,该地区约9亿人每日生活费不到2美元,“其中,3.08亿人生活在每日生活费不足1美元的极度贫困状态之中。” +This can be enough for the student to removed from the list of accepted students.,这种行为足以使该生从被录取名单中移除。 +Ron: Celestials' warnings have been posted on the Abundant Hope main site about the probability of a massive (10+) earthquake in the south western Pacific Ocean in the vicinity of Tonga.,罗恩:上苍警告,关于西南太平洋汤加会发生10级以上大地震的大量警告消息已经贴在了AbundantHope网站。 +"Merck has been the most promising candidates for cell-mediated immunity of the failure of vaccine trials, once again led to the development of new ideas to explore.",曾被最为看好的默克细胞免疫候选疫苗试验的失败,再次引发了研发思路的新探索。 +"Workers are entitled to criticize, expose to the authorities or bring a lawsuit against the employer if the employer's work conditions may endanger their life safety and health.",劳动者对危害生命安全和身体健康的劳动条件,有权对用人单位提出批评、检举和控告。 +"Today, the World Health Organization (WHO) is highlighting that sunbed use poses a risk of skin cancer, and that no person under 18 years of age should use a sunbed.",今天,世界卫生组织强调使用日光浴浴床引起皮肤癌的危险,并且年龄在18岁以下的人员不应使用日光浴浴床。 +The temperature here varies greatly between day and night.,这里白天和夜晚的温差很大。 +"Finally, the system has been verify in a 200W prototype with reliable AC output power.",最后提供一个 稳定的交流电力供给至负载。 +Steelhead populations and rainbow trout populations can and do interbreed at different levels.,刚头种群和虹鳟种群可以杂交,实际上也发生不同水平的杂交。 +"A new tanker was needed to better match the capabilities of the B-52 and the newer, faster fighters.",空军需要有一种新的加油机来从性能上更好地配合B-52和新的、更快的战斗机。 +This will assist decision-making about the potential role of immunization in reducing the incidence of childhood neurological infections.,这将有助于决定预防接种在降低儿童神经系统感染发生率中的潜在作用。 +The first chapter is mainly about the general introduction to Huangzi's life and his musical creation.,本文分四个章节:第一章,黄自的生平简介及其音乐创作概览。 +This relationship between number of mutations and fitness is known as synergistic epistasis.,这种突变数量与适合度之间的关系被称为增效性上位。 +"And he gathered unto him the children of Ammon and Amalek, and went and smote Israel, and possessed the city of palm trees.",伊矶伦招聚亚扪人和亚玛力人,去攻打以色列人,占据棕树城。 +"Programming by high level language for CT algorithms can achieve high run-time efficiency. However, the developing work is heavy.",使用高级语言编程研究CT重建算法有着运行效率高、速度快的优点,但开发工作繁重、效率低。 +He felt no strain nor weight and he held the line lightly .,他觉得钓丝不紧,也不重,攥在手里很轻松的。 +What the consumer in China will look for is the total cost of ownership- is it better from a total cost of ownership standpoint to buy a hybrid vs. a conventional fuel efficient engine.,中国消费者寻求的是真正的价格性能比,是更好地从整体拥有成本的角度来比 较是否购买混合动力还是常规燃油效率的引擎。 +"I was watching the discussion of focal points when Mr A came to my home. he said going out and walking , i said OK.",小A 晚上来找我的时候我正在看焦点访谈,他说出去走走?我说好。 +Collective Code Ownership (doubtful).,集体代码拥有权(值得怀疑)。 +"I didn't know how to start. I didn't want to accuse him of anything. I just wanted to know the truth. ""Are you okay?"" I finally asked.",我不知道如何开口。也不想指责他任何事。我只想知道真相。“你还好吗?”最后我这样问。 +Quantification means that the determination of each palaeogeographic unit is based on quantitative single factor data and maps. This makes palaeogeography develop to the quantitative stage.,定量,即每个古地理单元的划分和确定都有确切的定量的单因素数据和图件为依据。 +"The app is powered by Daylife, a content curation and discovery platform, and will cost iPhone owners $1.99 to use.",应用程序是由Daylife支持,一个内容巩固和发现平台,将花费iPhone用户1.99美元去使用它。 +"With over 90% of votes counted, Viktor Yanukovich, the villain of the 2004 orange revolution, has a lead of more than 3% over Yulia Tymoshenko, the prime minister and the princess of the orange drama.",已经清点了90%多选票,反2004年橙色革命的维克托·亚努科维奇以不到3%的优势略微领先于现任总理兼“橙色戏剧”中的公主尤利娅·季莫申科。 +"CVX.N) said its fourth-quarter profit would be sharply lower than the previous quarter, sending its shares down 0.6 percent to $80.41. Electronic Arts Inc (","雪佛龙(CVX.N: 行情)表示第四季盈利将较上季大跌,拖累该股下滑0.6%,报80.41美元.艺电(ERTS.O: 行情)下调2010会计年度财测,该股急挫7.8%,报16.85美元." +"""It was like stepping into a time machine, everything was like out of the 1950s, including the music you heard and the hair styles of the stewardesses on the plane,"" he said.",他说:“进入朝鲜,就像进了一部时间机器,仿佛一下子回到了1950年代。 就连你听到的歌曲、飞机上空姐的发型都是那样。 +"Over the past eight years, no fewer than 15 girls found they were expecting when they were aged just ten. A further 39 found out they were pregnant when they were 11.",在过去的8年间,只有不到15名少女在10岁的时候怀孕,而11岁怀孕的人数为39。 +"There are homogeneity and isomorphism between music and emotion of human being, and emotion is the essence of music.",音乐与人类情感的运动形态之间存在着同质同构的对应关系,情感是音乐的本质性特征。 +"There are many local examples of cities turning to crowdfunding, but international cities are turning to the solution as well.",有许多地方性城市正在转向通过众筹融资的示例,但是国际大都市也开始求助于众筹融资解决方案。 +Mrs. Lin and her husband never walk to work.,林太太和她的丈夫从不走路去上班。 +"A kind of Pressure(Thermal)-sensitive Dye and its application were introduced, which has the structure of triarylmethane phthalide or fluorane.",介绍了一类结构为三芳甲烷苯酞系或荧烷系化合物的压(热)敏染料及其在无碳复写纸中的应用。 +Annabel whacked him on the head.,安娜贝尔在他头上打了一下。 +"The use of process, to regular cleaning the dust and components in cutting machine of dirt, check the wiring whether ageing phenomenon, etc.",使用过程中,要定期清理切割机内灰尘和元件上的污垢,检查电线是否有老化现象等。 +This time it's China ( deservingly so).,这次是中国。 +"Right now the new is you, but someday not too long from now, you will gradually become the old and be cleared away. Sorry to be so dramatic, but it is quite true.",你们现在是新的, 但是从现在开始不久以后, 你们将会逐渐的变成旧的然后被送离人生舞台。 +"While all of Brazil’s jurisdictions have embraced the law, only two have zealously enforced it, according to Libânio.",Libânio认为,虽然巴西各地拥护该项法律,但只有两个地方对此积极执行。 +It sames as real locale. The software of logic protect(include Electric logic) and control includes some usual algebraic and operation model of thermal control and logic operation of logic protect.,在本课题中,控制、逻辑保护和电气逻辑仿真软件主要包含热工控制中一些常用的代数和逻辑运算。 +Kungyangon is on a main road.,昆千贡在一条交通主干线上。 +The mid-span deflection of slight corrosion specimens is smaller than that of non-corrosion specimens on the static loads and the fatigue loads;,轻微锈蚀试件梁的跨中挠度在静载和循环荷载下比未锈蚀梁小; +The improvement of fabricating metal-ceramic composites by means of self-propagating high-temperature synthesis (SHS) is reviewed in this paper.,本文就自蔓延高温合成技术(SHS)在制备金属—陶瓷复合材料方面的进展进行了回顾; +A model analytical chip was prepared by coupling 4 phage antibody clones from mouse and 1 clone from human to the surface of carboxyl terminated silicon.,将4个鼠源噬菌体抗体克隆和1个人源噬菌体抗体克隆偶联到羧基终止的硅片表面,制成分析型模型芯片。 +"They use the words privatize , liberalize, and deregulate when advocating the rules for applying information age technologies to businesses.",他们在申请信息时代技术规则使用时,使用了企业私有化,自由化,解除管制这样的词。 +"Folk culture or the culture of the whole community foundation, and has strong vitality, culture is often the top of folk culture selection, adaptation and refinement results.",民俗文化还是整个社会文化的基础,并且具有极强的生命力,上层文化往往是对民间文化选择、改造和精致化的结果。 +"In 2008, she should in the world list, box-office power highest-paid actresses topped the list, power, influence is the first;",2008年,她在全世界女星片酬榜单,票房号召力榜单,权势榜单,影响力榜单都居第一 ; +"Ingredient: Pearl powder, NMF amino acid inducer, PHC moistening elements, active moisturizing DR, collagen, and etc.",成份:珍珠粉、NMF氨基酸诱导体、PHC保湿成份、活性补水DR、胶原蛋白等; +"Hereafter, we would like to discuss the measurements to establish the student-loan system with sound cooperation among bank, collage and loaner through analyzing the factors in this loaning system.",本文拟通过对助学贷款体系的各主体进行分析,探讨如何引导银行、高校、贷款人三者形成良性互动的助学体系的一些政策措施。 +Omitting the unnecessary is a thing of pure beauty.,省略不必要的东西是纯粹的美。 +"This blend wine offers you an intense aroma of ripe fruit, mixing the red fruit, the ripe fruit and the spices of Merlot, Cabernet Sauvignon and Carmenere respectively.",这支混酿分别流溢着梅乐红色浆果的芳香、赤霞珠成熟果实的浑厚、以及解百纳微微的辛辣味道。 +"In “Beauty Pays” he reckons that, over a lifetime and assuming today’s mean wages, a handsome worker in America might on average make $230, 000 more than a very plain one.","在《美貌买单》一书中他计算到,一生中,假设是今天微薄的工资,美国一个英俊的工人可能平均要比一个长相极其平凡的工人多赚230,000美元。" +"The results showed that reducing 6% of dietary protein had no significant effects on daily gain, feed conversion, backfat and feed cost of gain at the present pigpen temperature(P>0.",试验结果表明,在低于临界温度的猪舍温度环境下,日粮蛋白质水平降低6%,对生长育肥猪的生长性能、饲料转化效率、背膘厚及每千克增重的饲料成本均无差异显著性影响(P>0。 +A series of esters of tertiary alcohols have been effectively synthesized by acylation and the DCC methods.,本文采用酰化法和DCC法合成了一系列叔醇酯。 +"Unfortunately, this downgrades the importance of system documentation, although RUP does prescribe various system documents suitable for test basis.",不幸地是,这会降低系统文档的重要性,尽管RUP不规定适合于测试基础的不同系统文档。 +He soon meets the girl of his dreams (Daddario).,他很快就满足他的梦想的女孩(达里奥)。 +"In early morning trading, the Dow Jones industrial average rose 8.18, or 0.1 percent, to 10,146.18.",道琼斯工业平均指数上涨8.18点,涨幅0.1%,至10146.18点; +Steve:I apologize. I will speak to her about the tone she uses with customers.,史提夫︰我向您道歉。我会跟她谈谈和顾客说话的语气。 +"General-purpose switches are usually sufficient for switching the voltage source unless high voltages (>100V) are involved, in which case, high voltage switch cards are necessary.",除了切换高压(>100 V)时需要高压开关卡外,通用开关通常足以切换电压源。 +Juventus moved a step closer to Serie A with a 1-0 win at Pescara on Saturday and Secco is obviously delighted with how the campaign is shaping up.,尤文图斯星期六以1:0击败佩斯卡拉后一只脚已经迈进甲级了,塞科显然对局势的进展顺利感到很高兴。 +"Emmy-winning comedian and actor, possible owner of a large penis",艾美奖的获得者,喜剧演员 +"Yes, ditching the book and curing up with an electrical apparatus will surely leave us feeling cold.",没错,丢掉书本,蜷起身子来看一种电子器材一定会令人感到冰冷而索然无味。 +The addition of PRP to SGCS achieved the enhancement of the bone metabolism only at the early healing phase.,而在SGCS中加入PRP仅在早期表现出较高的骨代谢活性。 +"In the era of modern intellectual economy, as a complicated social cultural phenomenon, sports industry must have natural relationship with mass media.",在当今知识经济时代,体育产业作为一种复杂的社会文化现象,必然与大众媒介有着天然的联系。 +"Dr Michael Dixon, chairman of the NHS Alliance, which represents GPs who run health service budgets, said: ""We are going to need to balance all sorts of things in future, from cancer to heart disease.",NHS联盟(代表执行医疗预算的全科医生)主席、迈克尔•迪克逊博士说:“未来我们需要平衡从癌症到心脏病治疗等各项医疗经费。 +"If you want to build your apps on GAE, there are a few rules you must obey.",如果您想在 GAE 上建立您的应用程序,则您必须遵守一些规则。 +Sodium phenolate and acetophenone can be obtained by adding sodium hydrate into azeotrope .,共沸物中加入氢氧化钠,分离出酚钠盐和苯乙酮。 +"By the method of mathematics, it is proved that redundant actuation can eliminate configuration singularities , and the method is brought forward through examples.",用数学方法证明了冗余驱动可以消除奇异位形,并通过实例给出了具体的构造方法。 +"In the past, price was the key factor when purchasing an internal transport system that consisted, for example, of an electric forklift truck, traction battery and battery charger.",在过去,当人们购买内部交通系统,包括电动叉车,牵引电池和电池充电器时,价格是关键因素。 +"ECHO Found old entry in boot menu, no need to do it again.",ECHO 启动项已经存在,无需再次添加。 +"Design, assembly and debug the production line and the sheet metal.",流水线相关设备,钣金件的设计与制造。 +"Kangaroo will not walk, will jump, or in the front and back help before jumping off.",袋鼠不会行走,只会跳跃,或在前脚和后腿的帮助下奔跳前行。 +"This time, I prayed to the buddha, hoping that the people I care and the people who care me can be safe and healthy in the new year, and with everything goes on well.",渐渐感觉,有一些事情是不能自己控制的,于是诚心求佛求上天保佑。这次许愿,希望家人朋友和自己平安健康,万事如意。 +I have since learned that this is a struggle that many other travelers returning from developing countries have experienced.,这也是很多其他的朋友在从发展中国家旅行回来之后都会经历的一场挣扎。 +"About half (48%) of respondents to the CWLP survey said the biggest hurdle Asian Americans face is ""conformity to prevailing leadership models.""",工作-生活政策中心的调查人群中,将近一半(48%)的受访者表示,亚裔面临的最大障碍是“全盘接受主流的领导模式。” +"The results also indicate that the method of calculating fiber concrete′s capability coefficients in ""Test Method of Steel Fiber Reinforced Concrete""(CECS 13∶89) has deviation.",不同特征的异形钢纤维改性效果也存在差异。 研究发现,《钢纤维混凝土试验方法》(CECS 13∶89)计算纤维混凝土承载能力变化系数的方法有偏差。 +"As soon as the grain is ripe, he puts the sickle to it, because the harvest has come.",谷既熟了、就用镰刀去割、因为收成的时候到了。 +The latest development of poly-Si film for TFT prepared by excimer-laser crystallization(ELC) method is reviewed.,对准分子激光晶化制备TFT用多晶硅薄膜的研究进展进行了综述。 +"I had been praying to Suzanne May, the famous prostitute of the Empire . . .",我是对着苏珊·迈祷告啊,帝国时期的名妓…… +"The Mayo Clinic, famous for diagnosing exotic ailments, owns the local medical center and shares some staff with it.",因诊断疑难杂症而著名的玛雅诊所在当地拥有医疗中心,并与其共享一些医疗人员。 +"Part two: introduces the content of the structural writing teaching the six links of teaching system: culture and the examples design, and explain its focalization, scientific nature and practicality.",第二部分,主要介绍作文教学结构化的内容体系,教学结构的六环节和教学设计示例,并阐明该结构的针对性、科学性和可操作性。 +Hair often grows back 3-4 months after the last chemotherapy treatment.,发常长回来后,最后一次化疗治疗3-4个月。 +"Thousands gathered for the special thanksgiving ceremony, including the head of Indonesia's armed forces, General Endriartono Sutarto.",数千人聚集在一起进行特别的感恩仪式。 包括印尼武装部队司令苏塔托将军。 +"In the meantime, we must know that the research on straw feed's fermentation of microorganism is not enough and many problems which can't be neglected exist.",同时,也必须看到,目前对微生物发酵秸秆饲料的研究还不太深入,存在一些问题,这是不容忽视的。 +Keep out of reach of children. In case of overdose get medical help or contact a Poison Control Center right away.,请放置于孩童拿取不到的地方,以免造成食用过量。 +"Some of these, in all probability, followed him to South Galatia , soon after his second visit.",一些这些,在所有的概率,跟随他到南加拉太后不久,他的第二次访问。 +"The whole of the ground-floor was a row of shops, and there people could not always be running through.",因为最下面一层全是店铺,人们不能老是随便从这些铺子进出的。 +"Expedia sites offer over 59, 000 EMEA region hotels and more than 12, 000 properties in APAC countries.",Expedia现在提供在欧洲、中东、非洲地区的超过59 000家酒店以及12 000家亚太地区酒店的预订。 +"The minute, rudimentary plant contained within a seed or an archegonium.",藏卵器在性质上一般是简退的。 +"One contrast-enhanced CT scans, the cases with clear boundary only occupied 40%, in 44% of the cases, the lesions had sharp boundary based on the different of density.",增强扫描癌灶密度差异明显的占44% ,单靠密度差异能使其周界全部或大部清楚的仅占40 %。 +The officer replied that he had seen her use a discounted MetroCard.,警官回复说他看到了母亲手中挥舞的免费地铁卡。 “那又怎么样呢?” +The server has rejected your certificate as revoked.,服务器拒绝了您的证书(当作已撤消的证书)。 +"Before we close this section, I would like to include two mother wavelets commonly used in wavelet analysis.",在我们结束这一节之前,我将说一下两个应用最广的母小波。 +"Charles Halloway has a bad feeling about the carnival, and Will senses his father's fear.",查尔斯Halloway有不良感觉的狂欢节,将感官父亲的恐惧。 +"Also in December, U.S. hedge fund giant Citadel Investment Group LLC said it would close its Tokyo office and its Asia principal investment operations by the end of 2008.","同在12月,美国对冲基金巨头Citadel Investment Group LLC表示将关闭其在东京的办公室,并将于2008年底关闭其在亚洲的主要投资业务.(完)" +Mung soup is good for your health.,喝绿豆汤有益健康。 +"In the process to save the nation through industries, Zhang Jian got a deep understanding of the importance of economic legislation.",张謇在从事实业救国过程中对经济立法的重要性有着深刻的认识。 +Boron-doped diamond large area in the electrochemical membrane has a good utility.,硼掺杂大面积金刚石膜在电化学方面具有很好的实用性。 +An efficient algorithm is put forward which can remove the hidden lines fleetly .,提出了一种快速有效的二维图形消隐算法。 +It is an important overlapping field between literary and artistic sociology and literary and artistic culturology to study the interactions of social fashions and literary and artistic creation.,有关社会时尚与文艺创作互动关系的考察,是文艺社会学与文艺文化学研究的一个交叉领域; +"A market crash here represents TRUTH. Honesty. and of course a reward for the nimble, the perspicacious, those who have done their research.",股市崩溃反映了事实和诚实,也是对那些聪明和敏锐的投资者的奖励。 +"Luke's homely, unpretending style, and his pleasing address catch the ear of the people.",卢克朴实而不矜持的作风以及讨人喜欢的谈吐使得人们都很愉快。 +"First, paint the outside of the box but not the lid.",首先,用颜料涂盒子的外部,但不涂盖子。 +"The verdict is guilty of murder and the punishment is death! How more deeply would you like China court to investigate? Beside, is it the courts job to investigate?",给出的裁决是杀人罪,惩罚是死刑!你希望中国法院多深入调查?况且,调查是法院的职责吗? +"Doing feel little summer mix rusty and hate, he is very dont understand why little summer has been clearly know them, but wont Joseph with them.",小春感觉到小夏的生疏和眼光中夹杂的恨,他非常不明白为什么小夏一直以来明明知道他们,却不肯跟他们相认。 +"Of David. When Saul sent, and they were watching the house, to put him to death. > Take me out of the hands of the cruel ones, O my God; keep me safe from those who come up against me.",那时大卫用这金诗, 交与伶长, 调用休要毁坏) 我的神阿, 求你救我脱离仇敌, 把我安置在高处, 得脱那些起来攻击我的人。 +Some kinds of identification methods of the cordyceps conidial forms were presented in this paper.,介绍了冬虫夏草无性型的几种验证方法。 +Find the best matches to requirements and submit to the winning vendors a request for proposal (RFP) to build and install the first systems at the volunteer’s facilities.,找出最能满足需求的系统,向其开发商发出提案请求(request for proposal RFP),要求他们创建系统,并安装到志愿的医院和诊所。 +"And we also deal with molybdenum and its alloy and corrosion resistant metals such as zirconium, tantalum, tungsten, niobium and nickel alloys.",同时,公司还从事钼及钼合金、铌及铌合金、镍及镍合金、锆及锆合金等其它有色金属产品的进出口业务。 +Conclusions Small dose dopamine can reduce the incidence of gallbladder-heart reflex in cholecystectomy under epidural anesthesia in elderly patients.,结论在连续硬膜外阻滞下行胆囊切除术时,应用小剂量多巴胺能明显减少病人胆— 心反射的发生。 +"We tried to divid and come up what fited, which was the best part of person, because we are very different four voice types.",我们努力来区别和提出什么和什么才搭配,才是最适合个人的,因为我们是完全不同的四种声音类型。 +Strict quwoulsity supervision and follow-up procedures for the securetyof your home environment to provide some kind of protection.,庄敬的质量监视和跟踪程序,为您安好的居家环境提供坚实的保障。 +"Beginning with an unnecessary, overused phrase such as ""in conclusion, "" ""in summary, "" or ""in closing.""",要避免使用没有必要的、类似“作为结论”、“综上所述”、“最后”这样已经用滥了的短语。 +"U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice is back in the Middle East this week, meeting with Israeli and Palestinian leaders in a bid to try and prevent Israeli-Palestinian peace talks from collapsing.",美国国务卿赖斯本星期重返中东,会见以色列和巴勒斯坦领导人,试图防止以色列和巴勒斯坦的和平谈判破裂。 +"The empirical study shows that FDI, hi-tech people, export have positive effect on the agglomeration of the EIMI in China.",实证分析的结果发现,FDI、高技术人才、出口对我国电子信息制造业集聚具有积极的促进作用。 +"Government employees at all levels, especially senior officials, need to visit ordinary people in their communities and take the initiative to help them solve their problems.",各级政府工作人员特别是领导干部要深入基层,主动为群众排忧解难。 +"These considerations are just part of an overall exception handling and error strategy that must describe how to handle all kinds of exceptional situations, not just timeouts.",这些考虑事项仅仅是整体异常处理和错误战略的一部分,此类战略必须详述如何处理所有类型的异常情况,而不仅仅是超时。 +"'No chance, ' came the reply. 'I don't want to take any risks.'",他答道,“不可能,我可不想冒险。” +"One night, however, John said: “I was talking to Aunt Mimi this afternoon and she says you are supposed to put the hot water in first.",然而,有一次,约翰说:“今天下午,我跟米米阿姨聊天,她说你应该先倒热水然后再放茶包。 +"The reconstruction signals were demodulated with Hilbert transform, and envelope spectrum at each band was obtained.",利用希尔伯特变换解调分析各频带信号,得到对应频带信号的包络谱; +Such as water re-opened when you can fire clearance .,等水再开了的时候就可以把火关啦。 +You are a man of wisdom; you will know what to do to him. Bring his gray head down to the grave in blood.,你是聪明人,必知道怎样待他,使他白头见杀,流血下到阴间。 +"When I return home, I stretch and shower and put on sweats, then pad through the quiet house, turning off lights, checking the stove and the locks on the doors, making sure all is well.",回到家里,我伸展一下四肢,洗个淋浴,穿上汗衫,然后在静悄悄的屋子内巡视一遭,逐一把灯关上,然后检查一下炉子和门锁,确保一切如常。 +Leo: Yes. It’s a time for families to get together.,利奥: 是的,这个节日也是合家团圆的时刻。 +"Obama made the mistake during an interview on ""The Tonight Show"" with host Jay Leno, the first time a sitting U.S. president had been on the show.",奥巴马接受杰伊-莱诺主持的《今夜秀》节目的采访时犯了这个错误,这是美国历史上首位在任总统做客该节目。 +The school -lies books for the children.,学校供应孩子们书籍。 +"In Chinese rhetoric, adduction rhetoric is applied widespread long time ago.",在汉语修辞中,引用辞格历史悠久,运用广泛。 +Label all files in vs1's filesystem with the label vs1,使用标签 vs1 标记 vs1 文件系统中的所有文件 +Do you know from what English people get their family names?,你知道英国人的姓是怎么来的吗? +"There is no sunshine, for it is raining.",现在没有一丝阳光,因为正下雨。 +There is an internal and extensive connection as well as obvious distinctions between Mandarin and Lincang dialect.,临沧方言与普通话在语音系统上既有内在的广泛联系,又有较为显著的差别。 +So many researchers have deployed some research for speed estimation with the outputs of single-loop.,因此许多研究学者针对如何从单线圈的输出量估计出交通速度展开了研究。 +"Mabeuf no longer knew his books, his garden, or his indigo: these were the three forms which happiness, pleasure, and hope had assumed for him.",现在马白夫先生认识的仅只是他自己的书籍、他的园子和他的靛青,这是他的幸福、兴趣和希望所呈现的三个形象。 +Now a new generation of hacktivists like Heap is fighting back.,现在,像西普这样的新一代黑客行动主义者开始发动反击了。 +"When dog food is new and improved tasting, who tests it?",当狗食被鼓动宣传是新的和改进了的口味的时候,是谁作的口味判定? +Certified Tax Agents is to refer to the professional staff who getting logon taxation affairs division hold job credentials according to the law .,注册税务师是指依法取得注册税务师执业资格证书,从事涉税服务和鉴证业务的专业人员。 +"Results The mean, the difference, the typing of difference, the exponent and the regression equations were derived from the stature and arm span measurement data.",结果得到贵州地区苗族大学生身高和指距的均值、差值、差值分型、指数和回归方程。 +Objective: To investigate the pharmaco-mechanism of the Yifuqing granula on upper respiratory infection.,目的:探讨一服清颗粒治疗上呼吸道感染的药效学机制。 +"There're many diffcult and funny empty words in Xi'an dialect, that is to say, deliberately using some irrelevant words to combine the characteristics of empty, difficult and fun.",西安方言有许多隐实示虚的趣难词,即词语中故意使用与词义风马牛不相及的用字,把假、难、趣的特点结合起来,有欣赏性。 +"When it detects vibrations of passing prey, it pounces with lightning speed…",当它感觉到路过的猎物发出的震动时,就闪电般扑过去… +"Well, it is quite hollow inside, and you must climb to the top, when you will see a hole, through which you can let yourself down into the tree to a great depth.",那里面是空的。 如果你爬到它的顶上去,就可以看到一个洞口。 +Pep Guardiola's side are currently level on points with Real Madrid at the top of La Liga.,瓜迪奥拉的球队目前在西甲中同皇马同分,并列第一。 +"What we need is humility, virtue, knowledge, learning, and truly can understand jade, Kam-yu, may be reallocated to the general public the ability to identify real jade expert.",我们需要的是谦逊、涵养、有知识、有学问,真正能懂玉、 鉴玉,能交给大众鉴定玉器本领的真正专家。 +A variety of delicatessen and dim sum from $10.80!,午市多款特式美食及点心由$10.80起! +"The report emphases on face-pumped solid-state lasers(or slab solid-state lasers), diode laser pumped solid-state lasers and laser material processing.",面泵浦固体激光器(即板条式激光器)、半导体二极管泵浦固体激光器和激光加工是这份报告的重点。 +"ROBERT LUCAS, one of the greatest macroeconomists of his generation, and his followers are “making ancient and basic analytical errors all over the place”.",ROBERT LUCAS是他那一代最伟大的宏观经济学家之一,但其信徒“在基础分析方面所犯的古老错误正遍布全球”。 +"But remember, depending on your tone of voice and the circumstances.",但记住,这个句型的意义取决于你说话的语气和所处的环境。 +"A viwer Mrs Lee (hawker, 39 years old) states that, she doesn’t understand why the counsellor wanted Bufan’s family to forgive him, after having sex with a prostitute and infected by diseases.",观众李女士(39岁,小贩)说,她不明白剧中的辅导员,为什么会要求不凡的家人原谅他,因为他明明是在嫖妓后染病的。 +"It is proved by practice that editors of this kind shall have three kinds of consciousness; consciousness of surpassing, consciousness of masses and consciousness of quality.",实践表明,社科类期刊编辑应切实具有三种意识:超前意识、群体意识、质量意识。 +"The diagnostic characters of this fungus are as follows: On Czapek agar, at 35℃ within 14 days, colonies are in dust color with wavy margin;",其主要鉴别特征为:在查氏培养基上,35℃,14天,菌落边缘浅波浪状,灰褐色; +Corrosion inhibitor is one of the measures inhibiting corrosion.,投加缓蚀剂是重要的防腐蚀措施。 +The analysis shows that differences of mass flow and pressure rise between the two splitter-splitted passages have significant influence on unsteady flow in the compressor stage.,小叶片将大叶片通道分成的两个通道具有不同的流量和负荷,通道之间的负荷分配对于流动的非定常性会产生较大影响; +"""You, you?"" they all cried. ""Can a little bee get three goats out of a turnip field?""",“你,你?”他们哭道:“一只小小的蜜蜂能把三只山羊弄出萝卜地?” +Aim In order to develop and improve the fixed point theorem in metric space and extend the application.,目的为了进一步发展和完善度量空间中的不动点理论,扩展不动点定理的应用范围。 +"Still got family living up there, so it still feels like home to me.",家里人还住在哪儿,所以那里对我来说还是有家的感觉。 +The world heritage is of outstanding universal value and represents the combined possessions and resources of humankind.,世界遗产具有突出的普遍价值,代表了人类共同的财富和资源。 +"Shaoyu Hong with justice immediately to ensure his post, will deliver the goods, to help people recover their children.",心怀正义的洪少余当即以乌纱帽保证,一定会不负众望,帮助大家寻回孩子。 +Happy Valentine's Day!,情人节快乐! +"I tried to explain that Michigan was an hour ahead of llinois, but she could not understand the concept of time zones.",我试着跟她解释,密歇根州比伊利诺伊州早一个小时,不过她完全弄不明白时区的概念。 +The limitations of single fractal dimension for texture analysis are pointed out and a new concept of scale fractal dimension is proposed.,将分形用于自然纹理描述,指出了单一分形维数测度用于纹理分析的局限性,并提出了尺度分维的新概念。 +"After extensions for known file types were hidden, the result was an all-uppercase FBI.",隐藏已知的文件类型的扩展名之后,结果是为全部大写的 FBI。 +What does it mean to be a top British actress or a leading American film director?,当一位顶级英国演员或者一位出色美国电影导演都意味着什么? John Escolme和董征在本期节目中聚焦英国著名女演员朱迪? +"Numbers and amounts of sth can diminish , but figures, rates, levels, profits and sales cannot.",某物的数量和金额可以减少,但数字,率,水平,利润和销售不能。 +"The young, easily roused to almost annual attacks on Japan for its failure to confront the past, are dismally ignorant of their country's own more recent history.",年轻人,易于被挑动加入对日本因为其失于面对其历史的几乎每年一度的攻击,却令人失望地对他们自己国家最近的历史显示出无知。 +"Opening party, a group of vibrant and green butterfly fairy dancing in the forest, into the dream world of the little boy, and the mascot contest, ""Fantasy"" opens with a fun carnival trip.",晚会开场,一群充满生机与绿意的蝴蝶仙子在森林中翩翩起舞,进入梦幻世界的小男孩,和大赛吉祥物“飞飞”一同开启了欢乐 嘉年华之旅。 +It is platform and hardware independent.,它是平台和硬件独立的。 +Objective:To explore the characteristics and rules of somatotype of the Tibetan adolescents in Naqu district.,目的:探讨那曲地区藏族青少年体型特征及其规律。 +"Li had never experienced any health problems, his family says, until he started this work schedule;",颜利的家人称,在开始工作之前,他从来没有出现任何健康问题; +"From around 2001 and 2002, with mortgage interest rates at near-record lows, millions of Americans went shopping for homes.",在2001-02年期间,抵押贷款的利率降低到了历史记录的最低点,成百万的美国人购买了住房。 +The problem with that bone is the fragmentation and disintegration.,问题在于这块骨头破碎瓦解得很严重。 +What no one in the galaxy knew was that the Trade Federation was but a pawn in a much larger game.,在银河系中没人知道贸易联盟只是一场更大棋局的小卒。 +"However, money will not make you happy…happiness is a decision.",然而,金钱不会让你幸福…因为幸福是一个生活观念的选择。 +"Where Swing has one Panel class and multiple layout managers, GWT has multiple panel subclasses, each with its own algorithm for laying out child widgets.",Swing 具有一个 Panel 类和多个布局管理器,而 GWT 具有多个 panel 子类,每个子类都使用自己的算法来安排子小部件的布局。 +"Indeed, a study in 2007 calculated the climate mitigation benefits of the ozone treaty as totalling the equivalent of 135bn tonnes of C02 since 1990, or a delay in global warming of seven-12 years.",事实上,2007年的一项研究曾计算出这项臭氧保护条约对减缓气候变化的利处:自1990年以来共减少了1350亿吨二氧化碳当量的排放,或者说,推迟全球变暖7-12年。 +Russian is also much more widely understood than spoken by 30-70 year old ethnic Estonians (learning Russian as the second language in school was compulsory for them during the Soviet era).,俄语也普遍能被30到70岁的老爱沙尼亚族人(在苏联统治时期,在学校学习俄语作为第二语言是被强制的)听懂,虽然他们不说俄语。 +Kitty and Peter are talking on the telephone.,基蒂和彼得正通过电话交谈。 +"So in May, Windows 7 was envisioned as something with multi-touch ""throughout the OS, "" and potentially with a photo tool for managing pictures with your fingers.",所以在五月份的时候,Windows 7被认为将拥有multi-touch和一个photo工具来用手指管理图片。 +"He read Chinese history voraciously, often basing his military and political strategies and tactics on examples from China’s turbulent history.",他广阅中国历史,经常从中国动荡的历史史实中汲取经验教训作为其军事和政治战略方针和策略的基础。 +I put the apple in the corner.,我把苹果放在墙角。 +"There was just enough room for the four of us, plus everything Lane owned.",帐篷里正好有足够的空间容纳我们四人,还加上 Lane 的全部家什。 +Then I poured water on the bed.,接着我拿水泼到床上。 +You need to download the NDK.,你需要下载 NDK。 +"So, although we joke about these kinds of experiments, and they are fun to talk about because they are unusual and cute, there is also some serious implications of this kind of work that one might think about.","尽管我们觉得这些实验十分好笑,说起来也有趣,因为它们不同寻常,而且可爱,但实际上是由深刻含义的,我们可以思考一下这类研究的含义。" +"The asia-pacific region hypertension conference for the asia-pacific region to the highest level of hypertension related diseases by members of the conference, APSH after application to undertake.",亚太地区高血压学术会议为亚太地区最高水平的高血压相关疾病的研讨会,由APSH的成员申请后承办。 +"And, all this business about boundaries and infinity is exactly the same stuff, but with more than one variable.","而这仅与边界值有关,对于无穷远点,其实意思也差不多,但多出一个变元的话。" +After the funeral we drove Mother home to Hope.,葬礼结束后,我们开车把母亲送回到霍普的家。 +Where is your domicile place?,你的户籍在哪里? +"Then we shall sing the song of Moses, the servant of God, and the song of the Lamb: ""Just and true are thy ways, thou King of saints.""",与众圣徒一同唱神仆人摩西的歌和羔羊的歌说:“众圣之王啊,你的方法义哉,诚哉”——(启十五:3直译)。 +"But, sir, if we are to reason on the fact, I should think that it is the interest of Bonaparte to make peace.",然而,先生们,如果用事实讲话,我认为波拿巴对媾和感兴趣。 +Swarms of gnats and mosquitoes pestered them. Rattlesnakes and grizzly bears were a constant threat.,一群一群的蚋及蚊子不停的纠缠著他们,而响尾蛇及灰熊则持续的威胁著他们的生命。 +"If you’re dumb about The Big Shaggy, you’ll probably get eaten by it.",如果对于灵魂小宇宙你反应愚钝的话,你大概会被它吃了。 +The committee accepted Carleson's version of the incident.,委员会认可了卡尔森对事件的说法。 +"Therefore, it is worthwhile to have a further study on how to make it more standard and more effective, which can promote the political reform on cadre management.",对公推公选制度进行研究,有助于其不断完善并在更大范围内进行推广,逐步形成一种规范高效的干部选拔任用新模式。 +"But others will say boundaries are essentially selfish, the sign of a petty man, a small hearted woman.",另外一些人争辩道个人界限纯粹是自私的表现,是猥琐之徒或心胸狭窄的妇人的象征。 +Can you put us up next Thursday night?,下周四我们能在你那里借住一晚吗?。 +"It is found out development of the regulatory system, is behind the business development pace.",文中提出托管行业的制度建设滞后于行业发展; +"Methods We used the methods of distillation and decompressive extraction, concentration to produce the granule, which was use to cure the disease of irregular menses, amenorrhea and algomenorrhea.",方法用蒸馏法及减压提取浓缩等法制成颗粒,用于治疗月经不调,经闭痛经。 +I patted the dog and she wagged her tail.,我拍拍狗,它就摇摇尾巴。 +The precipitation hardening effect and the grain refining effect of trace elements vanadium and titanium in microalloyed steels were researched on.,本文研究了微量元素钒、钛在非调质钢中的析出硬化作用和细化晶粒作用。 +"A new entry level evolved, people who’d act as couriers and money launderers for a cut of the take.",一些担纲快递和洗钱职责的参与者也能从中渔利,于是一项新的入门级产业又逐渐形成。 +"Xishuang Banna is located in the southern part of Yunnan Province, bordering Burma and Laos to the southwest and neighboring Thailand and Vietnam.",西双版纳位于云南省南部,西南面与缅甸、老挝接壤,并与泰国、越南相邻。 +The reasons resulting in these problems mainly are both the omission of the policy of housing reform and the slow managerial system of Unit's self-managerial houses.,出现这些问题的原因主要在于房改政策的空白和自管房管理体制的滞后。 +It is further shown that the cutting direction has a remarkable effect on the machined surface quality.,进一步指出,当切削方向背离破坏区扩展方向时,能得到较好的已加工表面质量。 +It should notify an administrator in case of a system error.,在系统出错的情况下,它应该能够通知管理员。 +"The results reveal their power fluxes have positive value, negative value and zero.",正的归一化功率流意味着能量在波导中正向传输; +Conclusion:The image of spleen trauma is changable with time.,结论:脾损伤因超声检查时间不同,声像图会有很大差异。 +"The man once nicknamed ""Robohack"" with some envy by his competitors for his energy, seemed to be mellowing a little of late.",同行业者们觊觎他的充沛精力并曾冠以他“Robohack”的绰号,而他近来似乎成熟了些。 +Porin is a transmembrane protein found in the outer membrane of mitochondria as well as in the outer membrane of gram positive bacteria.,孔蛋白是一种跨膜蛋白,主要存在于细菌质膜的外膜、线粒体和叶绿体的外膜上。 +The floristic characters of Salix species in Qinghai Province are as following:1) Rich species;,青海柳属植物区系特征表现在: (1) 种类丰富; +"Hi, and welcome to Yahoo!",您好,欢迎来到雅虎! +"Designing tow lines using the rate of Golden Mean, and the part between the two lines is the range to remove skin.",利用美学的黄金分割率设计两条线,两条线之间为去除皮肤的范围。 +These interdecadal variabilities of large-scale Precipitation Conditions are direct causes of interdecadal decreases over North China during rainy season around 1978.,这些大尺度降水条件的年代际变化,是导致华北汛期降水在1978年前后发生的年代际减少的直接原因。 +But what is a high EQ I think not to be able to identify talking.,但什么是高情商,我认为不能够识别说话。 +On the next day in Italy we went to Arco.,在意大利的第二天我们前往阿科小镇。 +"In simulating crop growth, ORYZA rice-growth model was selected and some parameters were modified by field experiment.",对于作物生长的模拟,选用了ORYZA水稻生长模型,并结合田间实验修改了其中一些参数。 +MultiChess is a real-time chess tournament between thousands of players over the world.,一个很好玩的迷你飞行棋游戏,让人很容易想起童年时代的快乐。 +Christy Walton (U.S.),克里斯蒂·沃尔顿(美) +"The invention relates to methanol fuel security additive. Its components weight percentages are as follows: disperse brilliant blue 40-45%, spirit light fast blue 45-50, and methanol 10%.",本发明涉及一种甲醇燃料安全添加剂,包括如下重量百分比的组份: 分散艳蓝40-45%、醇溶耐晒蓝45-50%和甲醇10%。 +"What if Edith Wilson had allowed her husband to hand the reins of government to his vice president, Thomas R. Marshall, in 1919?",要是在1919年,伊迪丝让丈夫把政权交给副总统托马斯·R·马歇尔(Thomas R. Marshal)会怎么样? +"Yet another parent-teacher meeting had come and gone at which his mother, Jackie, rehearsed her concerns and Dan's teacher pooh-poohed them.",在刚刚过去的这一次家长会上,妈妈杰茜再次表示担忧,可是丹的老师却完全不当回事儿。 +"You act in accordance with the Golden Rule, and you start to feel good about yourself, and to think that you are a good person.",您可以根据黄金法则展开行动,这样的话您开始自我感觉良好,并且想自己是个好人。 +"With the quick development of telecommunication industry, the network transmission, as the basic network of telecommunication also develops quickly.",随着通信业的快速发展,作为电信基础网络的传输网也得到了高速的发展。 +"An internet consumption pattern is a stable structure composed of three elements: the internet consumption behavior, ideas regarding the internet consumption and materials for internet consumption.",网络消费方式是由网络消费行为、网络消费意识、网络消费资料三个结构要素组成的稳定结构,三个结构要素之间存在着互为依存的功能耦合关系。 +This is a pretty big surplus.,这是一个相当大的盈余。 +Meterials and methods:54 patients with cerebral parenchyma type cysticercosis confirmed by clinical examination and MRI were reported.,材料和方法:54例经临床和MRI诊断的脑实质型脑囊虫病患者。 +"Martin Shipley, who co-wrote the report published in the International Journal of Epidemiology, said: “The findings on heart disease show there was sufficient evidence to say there is a link with",该研究报告在《国际流行病学期刊》上发表。 +The 70-day 2012 torch relay begins on May 19th next year and wraps up on July 27th when the games' opening ceremony will be held.,为期70天的2012火炬传递活动将在明年5月19日开始,7月27日奥运会开幕式举行那天结束。 +"During his ascension to Emperor, Palpatine traveled in a distinctive tri-winged shuttle that was a harbinger of Imperial design trends to come.",在帕尔帕丁向皇帝蜕变的过程中,他坐的是有特色的三翼穿梭机,这是帝国设计倾向的预兆。 +I do not agree to let hot money flow into China. I want to advise those people not to do it for it is not beneficial for them in the end.,我不赞成热钱流入中国,我奉劝这些人这样做对他们终究是不利的。 +"A while later, Xiao Li sent us back a box of water, and now we could a cattle drink.",一会儿,小李他们给我们送回一箱水,大家痛痛快快的喝了一通。 +"So for Silvermoon, the dev team worked extra hard to make sure that players would always know where they were and where to go.",在设计银月城的时候,开发团队非常努力的让玩家随时都可以知道自己在哪里,要去哪里该怎么走。 +"The proposed increase in paid leave would help low-income parents to take longer time off after the birth, the EHRC said.",建议增加带薪休假将有助于低收入父母在孩子出生后休假较长时间,EHRC称。 +And Russia is as fine a Tuicu leg.,和俄一样是一条腿粗一条腿细。 +"This paper discuses the causes of accelerate inflation in China which influenced the Chinese economy, and give some countermeasure to buffer inflation pressure.",文章讨论了近期我国通货膨胀加剧的原因及对国民经济的影响,提出缓解通货膨胀压力的对策。 +"Everything was so fantastic, a year ago, the story of the unfinished mythical pitch performance.",一切竟如此匪夷所思,一年前未完的故事,神话般的旧地上演。 +"Mrs. Dodd wanted a special day to honor her father William, whose wife died while giving birth to their sixth child.",多德夫人希望有一个特殊的日子来向她的父亲———威廉.斯玛特表示敬意。 他的妻子在生他们第六个孩子时因难产而死。 +"As saving rates rise in the U. S. , trade volumes fall on lower demand, expensive credit and weak commodity prices. The current U.",由于美国的储蓄率上升,在需求降低、信贷昂贵以及商品价格低迷的情况下,贸易容量已经下跌。 +"Step six: Now, inhale through right nostril",第六步:现在用右鼻孔吸气 +"Pizza Food of Neapolitan origin. It consists of a flattened disk of bread dough, typically topped with olive oil, tomatoes, and mozzarella cheese, baked quickly, and served hot.",发源于那不勒斯地区的食物,在平盘上铺生面包团,上涂橄榄油,放上西红柿和莫萨里拉乳酪,快速焙烤,趁热食用。 +Through cooperation with Gibberellin on low level of concentration and Cytokinin on standard level of concentration might build regulate pattern of good quality and high production.,通过低浓度水平的赤霉素和标准浓度水平的细胞分裂素的协同作用,可建立益母草优质、高产调控模型。 +The World Health Organization recommends that mothers exclusively breastfeed for the first six months of their infants' lives.,世界卫生组织建议母亲们对孩子进行六个月的母乳喂养。 +"Unlike standard Kaminoan educational protocols, this training regimen did not de-emphasize individuality and outside-the-manual thinking.",与标准的卡米诺教育流程不同,该训练计划重视个性和非常规思维。 +"When he got to Grandma, at the end of the line, he was bewildered.",当他走到队伍的尽头老奶奶的面前时,他感到很困惑。 +I suppose it was just another chapter in my child-hood.,我想,这只是我童年的一个章节吧。 +"Because she's been murdered, machine-gunned: she's dead.",因为她已经被机关枪谋杀:她死了。 +"This might seem like just another way of saying that people get more cautious as they get older, but it is more than that.",这看起来这像是「年龄越大会越谨慎」的另外一种说法,但并不仅仅如此。 +The light wind gently brushed through my check.,微风轻拂着我的脸颊。 +Does anybody know why so much time is spent on that? Yes?,"有谁知道为什么要在这上面花这么多时间吗,你说" +Ch. 3 describes the basic environments individuals faced with in a consumer society.,第三章描述个体在消费社会中的基本处境; +"Cinnamoyl_CoA reductase (CCR) is responsible for the first committed reaction in monolignol biosynthesis, which diverts phenylpropanoid_derived metabolites into the biosynthesis of lignin.",肉桂酰辅酶A还原酶(CCR)负责催化木质素单体生物合成中最重要的代谢反应,它将类苯丙酸类代谢物转移到木质素的合成途径中。 +"Like an extreme diet that cuts out all processed foods for a short period of time, a technology cleanse means you unplug for a short time with longer-term benefits for your relationships.",就像极端节食行为要求在短期内不吃所有加工过的食品一样,科技大扫除意味着要在短期内远离各种电子设备,以换取家庭关系的长治久安。 +The central leadership made major adjustments in the orientation of macro-control on two occasions in light of developments and changes in the domestic and international economic situations.,根据国内外经济形势发展变化,中央对宏观调控导向作了两次重大调整。 +Tianbao originally refers to the magician who guards the king's safety and is given different names.,天保本来指的是媒介天人、保佑国王的大巫师,亦称神保、格保、旅保、灵保等。 +"A management technique is for planned, periodic migration to newer versions of the service.",管理技术可用于有计划地周期性迁移到服务的较新版本。 +"Here we are in the world, the truth of human love, welcome your arrival, thank you for your support, thank you!",在这里我们都感到了世上的真情、人间的珍爱,欢迎你们的到来,感谢你们的捧场,谢谢! +The business of flipping copper in China has grown in recent years amid easy credit and soaring copper prices.,近些年来,由于信贷宽松,铜价上涨,中国的炒铜生意逐渐发展了起来。 +"With the deterioration of the relationship between China and Japan in the early of 1930s, the activities of this kind of journal media experienced a new development.",尤其是中日关系30年代初的恶化,更使史学期刊的这种传播活动经历了一个新的转变。 +"The Well's magics had been badly abused during the war, and the portal's closure proved too great a strain.",永恒之井的魔法在大战时曾被超支滥用,传送门的关闭终于使得永恒之井支撑不下去。 +And the Homeric epics were of course for the Greeks what the Bible was for us.,"而荷马史诗之于希腊人,就如同圣经之于我们一般。" +He offered constitutional change and a bigger role for Vice President Omar Suleiman.,他提出改宪,并让副总统苏莱曼承担更多职责。 +"Block walls to the 99th when Alan said he was tired, John, said it would go back, come back tomorrow, and then they go back.",到了第九十九座墙时,艾伦说他累了,约翰说那就回去吧,明天再来,然后他们就回去了。 +"What do scholars weep for?Where are their plights of existence?Chapter Two gives a brief introduction to the creation of the two novels, bestowing a real atmosphere on the image of scholars.",学者为何而呜咽?学者的生存困境究竟何在?本文第二章略述两部小说各自的创作过程,赋予小说中的学者形象以真实的存在气息。 +This sign-reading tendency has a distinct and clear relationship with morality.,这种读取征兆的趋势跟心态有一种清晰明确的关系。 +"They, with their actions, facilitated the Restore Project of Zheng's Treasure Ship.",协助研讨并促进了郑和宝船复原仿造工程的实施。 +"In some African countries, people are afraid of chameleons because they think they will bring bad luck.",在一些非洲国家,人们害怕变色龙因为他们认为它们将带来噩运。 +This toothed wheel should be meshed with that one.,这个齿轮应该与那个相吻合。 +These mappings are used to identify the subset of the existing use-case model that is affected by the project.,这些映射是用于识别受项目所影响的现有用例模型的子集的。 +The authors prepared a kind of flow agent which is used in powdered coatings. It has good property and wide application. The main factors influencing the property of product have been discussed.,本文研制了一种性能良好。应用范围广的粉末涂料用流平剂。并探讨了各种因素对产品性能的影响。 +"His look, his presence, his voice… the man was a God amongst men.",他的眼神、他的外表、他的声线……他是男人中的神呐。 +"It uses in the application of ocean remote sensing image multi-scale decomposition, and gets a good result.",此方法在海洋遥感图像多尺度分解处理应用中取得了较为理想的结果。 +"Guoguo: Can I talk to you for a minute, Yangyang?",阳阳,我能跟你说几句话吗? +"We will give many lectures, ten or fifteen minutes of lectures, and that will be broken up by desktop experiments where the students collaborate with each other, doing experiments.","我们会讲很多小讲座,十或十五分钟一个,这些讲座中��间隔地穿插,桌面实验,学生可以一起合作,做实验。" +"When subordinates came to ask about the time, Munkmuttered not answer, work and rest for monkeys therefore got disordered.",当有下属来问时间时,“猛可”支支吾吾回答不上来,整个猴群的作息时间也因此变得混乱。 +"The some ponder from the source analysis, the process of retail gossip and alleviated effect of ""9.26""earth-quake rumor in Fujian inshore region.",前言: 从对福建省沿海地区“9·26”地震谣言的来因分析、传播过程及平息效果, 引发的几点思考。 +"One by one the princes fell under his accurate shooting. Even the youngest, who prayed for mercy, was not spared.",七位王子一个个地倒在他那百发百中的箭下,即使那位最小的王子,虽然他请求宽恕,也没能幸免。 +Submission and feedback of the construction applications are the important functions in Signal MIS of Qingzang.,施工申请信息的提交和反馈是青藏电务管理系统的重要功能。 +Each player may then shuffle or cut his or her opponents' decks.,之后每位牌手可以将对手的套牌洗牌或者切牌。 +"As each ascending species transcends the internal warfare karma, peace within may become assured.",当每一提升物种超越了内在战争业力,内在的和平得以被保证。 +"Unless specified otherwise, the name and address on your document must correspond with the information registered on your account.",除非在另有说明的情况下,文件上的姓名及住址必需与你账户登记时的资料相附合。 +But Jan's dreaming mind chose to send the message through a strong negative emotion in order to grab her attention.,可简的梦中心智为了抓住她的注意力,选择了通过强烈的负面情绪来传递信息。 +"Over the course of two years of research for a new report, Human Rights Watch talked to men and women who had been locked inside these drug ""treatment"" centers, some when they were children.",为了撰写最新相关报告,《人权观察》花了两年的时间对越南戒毒中心从事腰果生产一事进行调查,对曾经被关入这些戒毒“治疗”中心的戒毒人员进行采访,他们中有些人还是孩子。 +Objective To explore the expression of BAX during mouse kidney development.,目的 探讨小鼠肾脏发育过程中促凋亡蛋白BAX的表达。 +"And, curiously enough, the first Fed rate cut drew sneers from traders, but the market bottomed within days of the move. There was no recession.",而且说来奇怪,美联储当时第一次降息时受到投资者的冷眼,但随后几天内市场便见底,并没有衰退发生。 +"That's the huge force that we're talking about in terms of making a bond stable, but there are also repulsive forces, so you can imagine we're going to have electron-electron repulsion between the two electrons if we're bringing them closer together.","正是这个非常强的力,使得我们所讨论的这个键能够稳定存在,但是其中还有排斥力存在,大家可以想象一下,我们会有电子与电子之间的排斥力,如果让它们离得更近。" +"What we can do now is to minutely stipulate the extent of prescribed punishment, to define the standard of sentence by the judicial interpretation, and to approbate the directive role of cases.",目前需要做的工作是在立法方面进一步细化法定刑范围,通过司法解释进一步明确 量刑 标准,承认案例的指导作用。 +"The invention has the advantages that the manufacture processing is simple, and the operation process is easy to control;",本发明提供的氮化硅发热体及其制作方法,其制作流程简单、操作过程易控; +"Also, the main points of its design and calculation are summed up or given.",分析了该类飞剪机径向匀速法原理,并概括了有关的设计、计算要点。 +"Tim. 4:3 Who forbid marriage and command abstaining from foods, which God has created to be partaken of with thanksgiving by those who believe and have full knowledge of the truth.",提前四3他们禁止嫁娶,禁戒食物,就是神所造,给那些信的人,并认识真理的人,感谢著享受的。 +Many were farmers who came to America because they could get land for nothing. They could build new farms for themselves in the rich land of the American west.,许多移民成了美国的农民,因为他们可以免费获得土地,他们在美国西部富饶的土地上开垦他们自己的新农场。 +"As a Chinese enlightening thinker, Li Da utilizes his own special status and the life's experience, explores the education thought and practice which is beneficial to our country.",作为中国的启蒙思想家,李达利用自己的特殊地位和人生经历,对我国的教育思想和实践做出了有益的探索; +"The for-each-row trigger is activated for each row that is inserted, updated, or deleted.",对于每一个插入、更新或者删除的行都激活 for-each-row 触发器。 +They're hoping to set a new world record for the heaviest hamburger.,该餐厅位于美国密西根州的南门市,他们希望创下世界最重汉堡的新纪录。 +"She played the part of Nala, a lion.",在剧中扮演狮子娜拉。 +"Once ahead of the Yankees hitters, he needs to use his fastball up in the strike zone and his slider.",只要他球数领先洋基打者,他需要用好球带上方的快速球和滑球。 +Show me the painful tooth.,指出哪颗牙齿痛。 +"Discussion is made on the causes of formation of the crack in highway asphalt pavement, and given the preventions.",分析了高等级公路沥青路面裂缝类损坏产生的原因,并提出了相应的防治措施。 +"Suffering from the flu, he came 8 hours shorter than the 400-day record; his sponsor has gone bust, his girlfriend had left him and his phone and electricity had been cut off.","由于染上感冒,他在还差8小时破400天记录的时候下来;随后发现他的赞助人已经破产,女朋友早拂袖而去,而他的电话和电都被停了。" +"Roosevelt Administration's policy toward the European integration was a nonsupport one, which is different from those of the American governments after World War Two.",罗斯福政府采取这一政策的主要原因,是它担心支持欧洲统一运动会破坏美苏两国间的合作,并会妨碍罗斯福战后世界秩序设想的实现; +"Otherwise, the compiled code can be executed using the lua_pcall() function.",否则,使用 lua_pcall() 函数执行编译后的代码。 +"Vincent Van Gogh's ""Sunflower 15"" color of the sun filled with enthusiasm for life.",文森特梵谷的《十五朵向日葵》的阳光色弥漫着生活的热情。 +"Oh, SNS, we couldn`t do anything without you.","噢,社交网站, 我们不能没有你。" +"We would choose the visual identities from all the Yamaha service activities annually, and accumulate them to this Visual Identity Manual.",我们会选择所有的视觉特性的雅马哈每年服务活动,积累他们这个视觉识别手册。 +Wenger is considering a possible move for CSKA Moscow's Keisuke Honda. (Sport.co.uk),温格正在考虑延揽莫斯科中央陆军队本田圭佑的可能。 +"Authentic French seam stitching on the soft-touch instrument panel pad, door panels and steering wheel invites touch.",正宗法国缝在软质仪表板垫,门板和方向盘缝合请联系。 +"“The law will regulate production of food from farm to fork,” said Vinay Oswal, director at National Agriculture and Food Analysis and Research Institute, based in the city of Pune in Maharashtra.",“该法将从农场到餐桌监管食品,”位于马哈拉施特拉邦普纳市的国家农业和食品分析研究院院长Vinay Oswal说。 +"Walking back to camp that evening, Gingerich and his team passed a group of village children playing dice with the astragali of a goat.",那天傍晚,在回营地的途中,金格里奇和团队路过一个村庄,孩子们正用山羊踝骨玩骰子游戏。 +All food must be consumed outside and trash must be thrown away in the front foyer bathrooms or thrown away off campus.,所有的食物必须在楼外使用。垃圾扔进前门旁边的厕所里,或随身带走。 +Some clothing can be put in backpacks instead of suitcases. Then you can hang the backpacks.,有些衣物不一定要放在行李箱,可以放在背包里,然后把背包挂起来。 +The situation of encroachment to the legitimate rights for herdsman's grassland property rights with the property rights of other interest's bodies asymmetric.,牧民的草牧场被侵占表现在牧民草牧场产权与其他利益主体的产权的不对称。 +"He has experiences in all areas of criminal work at both Magistrates and Crown Courts, including a specialism in matters concerning offences against the person, theft and PACE 1984.",他拥有处理各类裁判与刑事法庭诉讼案件的经验, 包含一牵涉窃盗与PACE1984的例案件。 +"He added that Centcom was working with ""our coalition partners"" to develop new techniques and tactics the US could use ""to counter the adversary in the cyber domain"".",他还补充到:美国中央司令部将与“我们的同盟友国”共同开发新的技术及策略,美国就可以在网络上更加的打击敌对分子。 +"This Act is enacted by Norwegian Industrial Property Office, and date of Entry into force is March 12, 1993.",植物育种者权利法由挪威工业产权局颁布,自1993年3月12日起开始实施。 +This process is repeated until the datagram can be delivered to its destination host.,这个过程将反复进行,直到能够将数据报传递到其目的地主机为止。 +"The effect of different rolling technology on the appearance, amount, size and distribution of precipitation has been studied by using transmission electron microscope.",通过透射电镜,观察了IF钢在铁素体区轧制时不同轧制工艺对析出物的形貌、大小、分布和数量方面的影响。 +"Via the Thai-Myanmar border town, ""Mae Sai"" will be to Myanmar of its major town, this town and the town of Mae Sai across the river from a stone bridge linking the two places.",路经泰缅边境重镇“美塞”便可前往缅甸的大其力镇,这个镇与美塞镇隔河相望,由一座石桥连接两地。 +"Kakuma Mission Hospital, and most other health-care facilities and food distribution sites, get their rations and therapeutic nutritional treatments from the U. N. 's World Food Program.",卡库马团医院,和大多数其他卫生保健设施和食品分发点,得到他们的口粮由联合国世界粮食计划署和治疗营养治疗。 +Have you ever been to other provinces tourism?,你曾到外省旅游过吗?怎样译? +"Kakchio and harbour, circa 1910s. One of a series of three Kakchio scenery postcards printed by Mee Cheung Studio, Swatow.",早期的礐石码头。礐石风景系列明信片之二,约一九一○年代,汕头美璋照相印制。 +"In these most basic acts of human nature, humanity knows no divisions.",这都是人性最基本的行为,人人如此,没有分别。 +Mohanty says even the Thai government has plenty of stock.,莫汉蒂还说,甚至泰国政府也有足够的储备。 +"In this paper, we discuss the development trend and the possible bottleneck of LED solid-state lighting.",在本文中,笔者介绍LED 固态照明技术的发展趋势与可能遇到的瓶颈。 +It is said that the ancient ruler Shennong was the founder of Chinese Medicine.,传说远古时代的神农氏是中国医药学的创始人。 +"The bra, made of recyclable plastic, can be tied together to create pots that also double as the cups。",这款文胸用回收塑料制作而成,文胸的两个罩杯合在一起就成了一个花盆。 +"The Food and Drug Administration doesn't regulate marijuana, so the quality and potency of the product available in medical-marijuana dispensaries can vary.",美国食品和药物管理局(FDA)没有对大麻进行规范和管理,因此医用大麻类产品的品质和效果可能不尽相同。 +"And they wrote a copy thereof to Simon the high priest, and to the people of the Jews.",他们还将这信给息孟大司祭抄写了一份。 +"NEW YORK, July 28 (Reuters) - Olympic all-around champion Paul Hamm has withdrawn from the Beijing Games due to injury, USA Gymnastics said on Monday.",路透纽约7月28日电(记者Steve Ginsburg)---雅典奥运会最有争议的金牌获得者之一、男子体操全能冠军保罗・哈姆(Paul Hamm)周一宣布因伤退出北京奥运会。 +"ESL may, on occasion, use photographs taken during ESL's school activities for use including but not limited to publication in brochures, advertisements, and on our website, and without compensation.",英基在有需要的情况下将采用于英基学校活动时拍摄的照片但不限用于书刊、广告及网站而不作出任何赔偿。 +"The Institute of the Advancement of Health of America, Allan Luks told us, the process of helping other people will produce trust, happy and optimistic.",美国改善健康学院( Institute of the Advancement of Health ) 路克斯博士( Allan Luks ) 说: 「助人的过程会产生信赖、快乐与乐观。 +"Following the steps below, you could potentially migrate the database from a single partition (DB2 ESE) to up to 1000 partitions (DB2 DPF).",按照下面的步骤,您可以将数据库从单个分区(DB2 ESE)迁移到 1000 个分区(DB2 DPF)。 +"As our sole distributor, you are not expected to handle the same or similar products of other origins.",你方作为我方的独家经营商,就不能经营其他国家同样或类似的产品。 +"Weep, and you weep alone .",你哭泣,却只能独自黯然神伤。 +"Moderate hand-fell, suitable for high-stretchability regular foam pad development.",适中的手感而且拉力好,适合回弹力强的普通杯。 +"Not making it easy to get, in certain circles, is the best marketing plan of all.",使它不容易得到,就某方面来说,是最好的营销计划。 +One kind of light beam translation quantity smallest Nicol prism form using mathematics method is presented.,运用数学方法求出了一种光束平移量最小的尼科耳棱镜形式。 +"Now let your subconscious take over. Take a walk, take a nap, take a bath, work on another project or hobby, sleep on it.",酝酿。现在让潜意识控制你。散步,打盹,洗澡,做其他项目或做你喜欢做的事,放放再说。 +Objective To explore the role of quantity of saline injected into catheter gasbag in the effect of indwelling catheter in the old female patients.,目的探讨老年女性患者留置导尿过程中,气囊注水量对留置效果的影响。 +I'm sorry I stepped on your toe.,多气人!他一直踩我的脚。 不适合。 +The role of the president is largely an honorary one modelled after that of the British monarchy.,在英国民主下的总统角色是有名无实的。 +"Located on the Niagara River on the border between New York and Ontario, Canada, this famed cataract comprises three separate falls: Horseshoe, American, and Bridal Veil.",位��尼亚加拉河作为尼亚纽约州和加拿大安大略湖之间的边界,这著名的大瀑布包含三个分开的瀑布:马蹄瀑布,美境瀑布,和新娘面纱瀑布。 +Would you like the juice of apple or water melon?,请问你要苹果汁还是西瓜汁? +"Can be used the square steel reinforcement integration, up 6 meters high, solid, safe and atmosphere.",内部可采用加固方钢一体化,高度可达6米,稳固、安全、大气。 +"I think that the most is the online activities of face-lift, I tried not seen a thin, trouble ah, how the most effective face-lift?",我看网上说的最多的就是活动瘦脸,我试了一个也没见瘦,烦恼呀,究竟如何瘦脸最有效?。 +"""We could link the specific dysfunction to the cardiac risks, "" Lopes says.",Lopes说:“具体功能障碍同心脏病有关联。” +"Listen, I got to level 25 and reached Purple Lotus Swamp, right?",听着,我练到了25级,到了紫莲花沼泽,对吧? +"Organizations pooled their resources to spread awareness of these events with flyers, ads, op-eds, parties, and the like.",组织则集合他们的资源,通过传单、广告、特稿专页、社交聚会及类似的方式让更多的人知道这些事件。 +Thyristor switched capacitor(TSC)is a new direction of the static var compensator( SVC )technology.,晶闸管投切电容器(TSC)是静止无功补偿技术的发展方向。 +Changes are made in materials by adding paint and titanium to make enrich colors in the space and make the space more elegant with the soft embellishment.,在材料上做变化,加入机理漆与钛金相搭配让空间色调更加丰富,在软装的点缀下更显高雅自得之意。 +"We did a rigorous content analysis of romantic comedies and found that the same issues were being portrayed in these films,"" the university's Dr Bjarne Holmes says.",我们对爱情喜剧做过一个严格的内容分析发现这些电影描绘了同样的内容,”大学的布阿恩•赫尔姆斯博士如是说。 +"Before we take money away from our schools, or scholarships away from our students, we should ask millionaires to give up their tax break.",在削减学校资金或学生的奖学金之前,我们应该让那些百万富翁们放弃他们的减税优惠。 +"Designers need support for config files, dynamic blocks and other interface issues, but they don't want to have to deal with intricacies of the PHP programming language.",美工设计者只需要配置文件,动态区块和其他的界面部分,不必要去接触那些错综复杂的php代码。 因此,这时候有一个很好的模板支持就显得很重要了。 +The conclusions have been applied with some success to prospection of reservoir and hydrocarbon source rock distribution and lithologic stratigraphic traps in this basin.,这一研究成果已作为预测储层和烃源岩分布及地层岩性圈闭的基础。 +"Michael Carrick Got his passing going after United levelled and was a conduit for much of United's play, though his performance was overshadowed by Fletcher and Park.",扳平比分后找回了传球的感觉,曼联阵中的中场转移者,虽然他的表现完全被柴帝和公园所掩盖。 +"And Saul and all the Israelites hearing these words of the Philistine were dismayed, and greatly afraid.",撒乌耳和全以色列听见那培肋舍特人说的这些话,都十分惊慌害怕。 +"Mobile keyboard arrow keys, the keyboard right-general attacks, the space bar Poly gas, polyethylene gas-H bond can be issued by the ultra-nirvana commands.",键盘上下键移动,键盘右键一般攻击,空格键聚气,聚气满可以按H键发超必杀技。 +"Finally, the paper praises the positive side of the education made by those Huizhou merchants, at the same time, it also presents its relation to yhe decline of Huizhou merchants.",最后,文章在肯定明清侨寓徽商子弟教育的积极作用的同时,还论述了其与徽商衰落之间的关系。 +The offer holds good until 5 o’clock p.m.June 23,2000,Beijing time。,报价有效期到1997年6月22日下午5点,北京时间。 +Suddenly the door was unlocked on the inside and flung violently open .,有人突然从里面启锁,门猛地一闪打开了。 +In the 1970s second division Fulham boasted three of the world's greatest players—George Best Rondney Marsh and Bobby Moore.,1970年代,当时还是乙级队的富勒姆迎来了世界上最伟大的三个球员——贝斯特,罗德尼·马什和鲍比·穆尔。 +"Method The study methods of this project included dynamic disease surveillance, multiple risk factors examinations, cross - sectional and prospective study, and modeling of predictive models, etc.",方法本专题采用的研究方法包括:疾病动态监测、危险因素动态监测、横断面研究、前瞻性观察、生态学比较和模型预测等流行病学方法。 +The MSc Healthcare Management is a taught course which can be taken as a one-year full-time course or part-time over two years.,海安医疗管理是一个���学课程,可作为一年的全日制课程或部分在两年内所需的时间。 +"Before it can be used in weaponry, the plutonium must first be separated from the fuel rods at a highly guarded nuclear facility near Rawalpindi, about 100 miles northeast of Khushab.",钚在用于建造核武器之前,首先要在高度戒备的核设施中,从燃料棒中将钚分离出来。 核设施坐落在拉瓦尔品第附近,在胡沙布东北方向约100英里。 +"After several defeats, the team is now doing well again.",在多次失败之后,这支球队现在又有了起色。 +I agree with everything this NYT editorial has to say about the economics of widening international imbalances.,我完全同意 这篇纽约时报社评就有关增大的国际间不平衡的经济论述。 +"Dr. shoot with spillover benefits to both land farmers, the original land use, the interests of developers and the government - and not wholly owned by the government.",招拍挂溢出的收益要兼顾失地农民、原土地使用人、开发商及政府的四方利益,不能完全归政府所有。 +"In a client-server remote mode, the WebSphere eXtreme Scale grid is hosted in a WebSphere cluster that is separate from the cluster that is hosting the application, as shown in Figure 9.",在客户机-服务器远程模式中,WebSphere eXtreme Scale 网格托管在一个 WebSphere 集群中,该集群与托管应用程序的集群是分开的,如图 9 所示。 +A lawyer was cross-examining the doctor about whether or not he had checked the pulse of the deceased before he signed the death certificate.,一个律师正在盘问医生,他是否在签发死亡证书前检查死者的脉搏。 +"Extract of Ginkgo biloba, a substance with different biological functions, has drawn wide attention due to its application in animal husbandry.",银杏叶提取物是一种具有广泛生物学功能的活性物质,它在养禽生产中的应用已引起人们的密切关注。 +The author has fueled controversy himself by remaining a reclusive figure who has refused to comment on his work or publish anything further.,这些争议因为作者始终保持隐遁的姿态、拒绝对本书发表评论或进一步出版其它作品而变得更加激烈。 +"Once the report is verified, the relevant supervision and administration department of food safety shall reward the informant.",举报经查证属实的,有关的食品安全监督管理部门应当对举报人给予奖励。 +"You would probably say, ""when I close my eyes my eyesight cannot get out of my eyes to get to the book.""",你能够会说,“当我闭上我的眼睛的时候,我的视线就不能从我眼睛里抵达书本上了。” +"The deterioration of eyes results from the stiffening of the eye’s lens, which makes zooming in on close objects more difficult.",视力下降是因为眼睛晶状体固化,从而使人眼难以放大近处物体。 +"Don't forget, Zuo Zhi when the Toyota village is killed, the pine nut madam has been staying in the home, even if midway once left several times, all had no for a long time!",别忘了,佐智在丰田村被杀的时候,松子夫人一直待在家里,即使中途曾离开过几次,但都没有很久啊! +"Syndrome differentiation and treatment is a central focus of the study of Chinese medicine, and it is also the essential knowledge for graduates of Chinese medicine.",辨证论治是中医学术特点的集中体现,也是中医临床专业毕业生应具备的的核心能力。 +Local Encoding: Allow applications to capture webcam audio/video input into a local H.264/AAC-LC encoded media file.,本地编码:允许应用程序把网络摄像机的音频/视频输入捕获到本地H.264/AAC-LC编码的媒体文件。 +"The OLPC's slogan is 'produces 100 US dollar notebooks', but the initial cost has amounted to around 140 USD for each one.",OLPC电脑组织的口号是生产100美元的笔记本电脑,但是初期的成本达到了每台140美元左右。 +Treescraper refers to a tall building that resembles a tree or has tree-like characteristics.,“树形摩天大楼”是指像树一样或具有像树一样特征的高楼大厦。 +"Liverpool have netted 13 goals in their last three outings against Real Madrid, Man Utd and Aston Villa.",利物浦在过去3场比赛中打入13球,对手分别是实力强劲的皇马、曼联以及维拉。 +This is a simple example of a Pareto diagram using sample data showing the relative frequency of causes for errors on websites.,这是一个简单的帕雷托图表的例子,用抽样资料显示引起网络错误原因的相对频率。 +"For complex documents, ECS comes in handy, because it has classes defined to manage colors, documents, and more.",对于复杂的文档,ECS 非常方便,因为它有定义为管理颜色、文档等的类。 +The analytical results show that FEM could effectively simulate the shear behavior of the repaired members with the proper numerical model.,分析结果表明,通过合理的建立有限元模型,可以较好的模拟高���钢绞线网-聚合物砂浆加固混凝土梁的受剪性能。 +"Halley, Halley Berry would be the person I'd like to snog , and I don't have much time because she's almost married.",这么说吧,我想拥吻哈莉·贝利,但是我的时间不多了,因为她快要出嫁了。 +On the debit side they predict a rise in book prices.,不利方面是他们预测书价将要上涨。 +The man who told me this refused to tell me his name.,告诉我这事的人不肯告诉我他的名字。 +"The 4th it is art dragon has obtained user breakthrough in Tecent Qzone, there is cooperative perspective in SNS admiral.",第四是艺龙已经在腾讯Qzone取得用户突破,在SNS上将有合作前景。 +"The Sotomayor debate has been polluted by the likes of Rush Limbaugh and Newt Gingrich, who claim, ridiculously, that the judge is a racist.",关于索多玛约的争论已被鲁什。林堡(脱口秀主持人)和纽乌特·金里奇之辈搅浑了水,荒唐的是,他们声称法官是个种族主义者。 +Star Trek Voyager - Elite Force.,成为星际旅行旅行者游戏。 +ObjectiveTo study the significance of AICD(activation-induced cell death) in the pathogenesis of chronic hepatitis B and chronic severe hepatitis B.,目的研究激活诱导细胞死亡(AICD)现象在乙型肝炎慢性化和重型化机制中的意义。 +"She also has a pen attached to her bicycle, just in case the muse hits her in mid-pedal stroke.",她的自行车上也绑着一支钢笔,只是为了防止在她登车的时候有灵感闪现出来。 +Records of Mountains and Rivers is a classical geographical book.,《山海经》是一部中国最古老的地理著作。 +"The common method for transportation of live animal is aeration method, anaesthesia method and low temperature method.",常见的水产动物保活运输有增氧法、麻醉法和低温法。 +"More recently, it has become an accepted practice to kiss the first person you see at the stroke of midnight to bring good luck for our life for the rest of the year.",最近,在午夜报时的钟声敲响时亲吻你看到的第一个人,为那一年的其余时光给我们的生活带来好运的做法已经得到人们的认可。 +"Sultan Abdul Hamid apparently gave the diamond to a mistress, whom he stabbed to death within a year.",苏丹的Abdul Hamid将宝石送给了他的情妇,然后他又在一年之内将她赐死。 +"Are you charging a fair price for a quality product or service, or are you bilking your customers and hoping they won't notice?",你是否为优质的产品或服务制定了合理的价格?还是欺诈了你的客户,还侥幸希望他们蒙在鼓里? +"What's the color of your imagination? Would you say Ravishing Red, or perhaps Covington Blue? And what about the color of wicked? Of rock 'n roll?",什么是你的想像的颜色吗?你会说令人陶醉的红,蓝或者温顿?至于中邪恶的颜色?在摇滚乐? +"We have described 4 patients with neurological paraneoplastic syndromes caused by gallbladder, liver, stomach and lung cancer.",本文报告由胆囊癌、肝癌、胃癌和肺癌引起的副肿瘤综合征4例。 +"I don't want to sound pretentious, but it makes the sculpture seem almost alive.",我不想说的自命不凡,但是,它使雕塑几乎活了起来。 +It has two red eyes and long ears.,它又两只红眼睛还有长耳朵。 +"Do not put a battery into the keys or coins, Do not wet the battery, otherwise it will short-circuit the battery.",勿蒋电池与钥匙串,硬币等导体混放,不可运用电池受潮或放入水中免得短路;保护电池。 +"As for Thiago Silva, we'll see after the training session. He's doing quite well.",蒂亚戈·席尔瓦要看看他的训练情况,他做得非常好。 +Aryeh Mekel the spokesman for Israel's Foreign Ministry says both sides want the talks to be private.,以色列外交部发言人梅克尔说,双方希望谈判的情况不公开。 +"The sea plays with children, and pale light gleams the smile of the sea-beach.",在无垠世界的海边,有着孩子们盛大的聚会。 +He's renowned for his love of tattoos. He had his first one done at the age of 19 and has since regularly added new ones all over his body.,他在江湖人称纹身男,他在19岁时就有了第一个纹身,并随时在身上增加新的纹身。 +"As I recall, he gave me a day to pack and find replacement for my duties at CTTB, while Heng Ming Shr, who was stationed in Gold Wheel Monastery in Los Angeles, got herself back to CTTB.",回想起来,他一面给我一天的时间打包行李和找人接替我在万佛圣城的职务,一面把当时正在洛杉矶金轮圣寺的恒明师召回圣城。 +He's a dab at chess.,我和他下了一盘西洋棋。 +"In addition, creating an outbound service automatically routes replies from the service invoker to the default reply destination.",此外,通过自动创建出站服务,还可以将应答从服务调用程序路由到缺省的应答目的地。 +"And an analyst at Barclays Capital, Douglas Anmuth, estimated in a research report released on Tuesday that sales could hit $1.5 billion in 2011.",在周二发布的一份研究报告中,巴克莱资本的分析师道格拉斯•安姆斯估计,2011年的销售额可能高达15亿美元。 +Objective To investigate the mechanism of burr vibration induced hearing loss and the possible change of blood-inner ear barrier in an animal model.,目的在动物模型中探讨电钻振动诱导听力减退的机制和可能的血迷路屏障变化。 +"Trousers made of a coarse, twilled cotton. Often used in the plural.",丝光黄斜纹裤用粗糙的斜纹棉布做的裤子。 +Lol… Mr Snowden… thank-you very much!,哈哈,斯诺登先生,非常感谢你! +"However, Heffernan focuses particularly on Davidson's discussion of the academic paper.",然而,赫弗南的重点,特别是对戴维森的学术文章的讨论。 +This paper focuses on the analyses of simile in Russian and Chinese from their tenor and vehicle and helps us to appreciate the respective characteristics of national cultures.,通过喻体、喻理两方面来分析归纳两种语言中的比喻,可仔细体会各自的民族文化特征。 +"By choosing cities that are similar in size, and situated in similar environments, researchers can better compare city development patterns and their corresponding urban heat islands.",研究者通过选择面积,所处环境都相当的两个城市,可以更好的比较城市发展模式,和与之相应的城市热岛。 +Another blackbird nest is there too.,也有一个黑鸟窝在那里。 +"Throughout this year of scandal, a familiar demon has stalked America.",整整一年都在闹腾性丑闻, 一个熟悉的魔影笼罩着美国。 +"Additionally, two microbiologists informed the investigator that media plates were labeled and submitted for incubation as though they had been exposed to the environment.",另外,有两个微生物化验员告诉调查员说,这些培养基碟子有标签,放进去培养,弄好好像是真的在环境中暴露采过样似的。 +"Nonpermanent members are Belgium, Republic of the Congo, Ghana, Indonesia, Italy, Panama, Peru, Qatar, Slovakia and South Africa.",非常任理事国是比利时、刚果共和国、加纳、印度尼西亚、意大利、巴拿马、秘鲁、卡塔尔、斯洛伐克及南非。 +"The company has entered a mature period of steady growth, but the influence of the brand so that it will have a certain degree of irreplaceability .",公司已进入成熟平稳增长期,但品牌的影响力使其具有一定的不可替代性。 +"More than 5,700 cases of A/H1N1 influenza have been recorded around the world so far, according to the World Health Organization.","世界卫生组织(WTO)的数据显示,目前全球有纪录的甲型H1N1流感病例已经超过了5,700起。" +"Men's Singles will use the two out of three sets match in each competition, and the three out of five sets in the champion competition.",男子单人赛事初赛、准决赛及季、殿军赛均采三局两胜制,决赛则采五局三胜制。 +"He was born in Wa Yao and has a business there, running a training centre that holds bonding sessions for office managers.",他出生于瓦窑村,也在瓦窑村做生意。 他经营一家培训中心,为办公室经理承办粘结会议。 +"This will create a project called example, and initialise an empty repository in the gits location specified above.",上述命令会创建一个名为example的项目,在之前指定的Git目录里初始化一个空的代码库。 +"As the data moves, it is checked intensively.",当数据移动时,它被集中检查。 +"There are 42 classes, 2214 students, and 109 staff.",现有42个教学班,在校学生2214人,教职工109 人。 +Literature and teaching of the important thoughts of the top leaders of three generations in China;,党的三代领导人关于党群关系的辩证法思想 ,主要是对党群之间矛盾统一关系的论述。 +"Parody, the Avant-Garde, and the Poetics of Subversion in Oliverio Girondo.",拙劣模仿,先锋派,奥利弗古龙都的诗学颠覆。 +"These problems are surmountable, because the program has a built-in triad of wizards, which effectively solve all these problems.",这些问题是逾越的,因为该程序有一个内置的在黑社会的奇才队,从而有效地解决所有这些问题。 +The practice shows that the aeration biological fluidized tank (ABFT ) technology is suitable for the advanced treatment of urban recycled water containing low NH3-N and part of COD can be removed.,实践表明,采用曝气生物流化池(ABFT)工艺处理含低浓度氨氮的城市中水,脱氮效果良好,同时可去除部分COD。 +"This time the cache should not be fresh anymore, and must, therefore re-render the portlet.",此时,缓存应该不再是新的,因此,必须重新呈现 Portlet。 +"At the hospital a few kilometers away, a young man held a golden pistol he said was from Ghadafi.",在离医院几千里以外的地方,一个年轻人举起一个金色的���枪,他说是卡扎菲的。 +"Bending Moment: Inch-Pounds, Foot-Pounds and Newton Meters.",弯矩:英寸磅,足磅和牛顿米。 +"Many of his stories prefigure the genres of science fiction, horror, and fantasy so popular today.",他的许多短篇成为当代流行的科幻小说、恐怖小说和幻想小说的前身。 +"Considering the particularity of maltreated women, the American court has made certain adjustments as to the ""reasonable standard"" and ""emergency needs"".",鉴于受虐妇女的特殊性,美国法庭对“合理性的标准”与“紧迫性的要求”做出了适当的调整。 +"Adopting the dialing approach, the system configures the GPS receiver specified by the GPS water vapor remote sensing network and downloads the data stored in the receiver.",使用该系统可通过电话拨号的方式,对GPS水汽探测网内指定的GPS接收机的参数进行设置,还可以下载该接收机内存储的数据文件。 +"We are told thatthe burdens of the war in Libya would be shared by a coalition, but the UnitedStates is providing the bulk of the money, the armaments and the organizationalleadership.",我们被告知,利比亚的战争负担会由盟军一起分担,但是美国政府却正在为战争提供大量的金钱、军事武器和组织领导作用。 +The bully tried to wrest the ball from the smaller boy's hands.,那个恃强凌弱的家伙企图从比他小的男孩手中夺走皮球。 +The analysis shows that the mesoscale system of rainstorm is induced under environment of aloft trough and newly formed northeast low vortex.,分析表明:暴雨中尺度系统是在高空槽和新生东北低涡的环境中诱发出来的; +Mahdaar Castle map has been slightly redesigned for better play.,麦达尔城堡图被稍微修改,以得到更好的游戏性。 +"When his academic records vanished in Wubu, he lost out on a high-paying job, and the woman he hoped to marry abandoned him.",他的学业记录在吴堡无端消失之后,他失去了高薪的工作,甚至他心仪的女孩也弃他而去。 +We’ve all become desensitized to them in a sense.,从某种意义上说,我们对这些套路都已经变得麻木了。 +"""Getting up in the morning requires a tremendous effort,"" she says. ""A lot of people with ADHD have trouble shutting down at night—their brains are so overactive they can't sleep.",很多人早晨起床可能要花费大力气,那些患有多动症的人在晚上很难快速平定下来,他们的大脑过度兴奋,无法进入睡眠。 +Finally it shall open the horizon of the development of this dissolution and Kant's idea of freedom in his critical philosophizing and the inspiration from them for the genesis of German idealism.,最后,吾人亦褐示此背反之解消,尤其是其自由概念在康德批判哲思本身中之发展,以及其对于德意志观念论哲思生成之启发。 +"South Korea's Sihwa Lake tidal plant, planned to open this year, will also serve a neighbouring city, Ansan, with 690,000 people.",南高丽(韩国)的西化湖潮汐电站计划今年投入运行,也将为一个有69万人口的邻近城市安山市提供电力。 +The ODC focal point person can come from outside of the project team.,ODC核心人物可以来自项目团队的外部。 +"Liang, who catalogs artifacts at the Beijing museum and is a fifth-generation staff member there.",梁先生现在在北京的博物馆为艺术品编目录,他也是博物馆的第五代职员。 +"The tragic element is that he was ultimately forced, like Lear, to see the limits of his ambition to remake his world.",悲剧性在于,他最终被迫看到了他雄心壮志的落空,像莎翁笔下的李尔王那样走投无路。 +"Then, the pretreated acrylic fiber wastewater is further treated with MBBR as a biological reactor.",再以MBBR为生物反应器,进一步处理经过铁炭微电解预处理的腈纶废水。 +"Secondly, the article analyzes the problems that restrict the development of eco-tourism in Linyi City from the view of internal factors and external factors.",其次,文章从内部性和外部性因素的角度分析了制约临沂市发展生态旅游的所存在的问题。 +"Williams and other astronomers used Nasa's Spitzer Space Telescope and Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (Wise) to take infrared readings of the supernova remnant, named RCW 86.",威廉姆斯和其它天文学家运用美国航空航天局(NASA)的斯皮策太空望远镜和广角红外线探测望远镜(WISE)来对这颗被命名为RCW 86的超新星遗迹进行红外线探测。 +"What we like about working in China, where the visa issuance rate is 80 percent, is that we can spend more time doing the former than the latter.",我们喜欢在中国工作是因为当签证的通过率高达80%的时候,我们可以花更多的时间去满足前者的要求。 +The importance of personal hygiene cannot be overemphasized.,个人卫生的重要再怎么强调也不为过。 +Listing 7 provides an example of how to combine a few items discussed in this article so far.,清单 7 给出的示例演示如何结合使用本文到目前为止讨论的东西。 +"But for the micro-diameter of nozzle, and complex air flowing situation based on which, it is hard to choose fit diameter for the nozzles.",但是由于喷嘴尺寸较小,且基于此小尺寸的空气射流情况复杂,背压差压式气动测量中主、测喷嘴孔径等参数的配比选择一直是个难点问题。 +"According to Joerg Wuttke, president of the European Union Chamber of Commerce in China, state firms have been the “big winners of this crisis”.",据欧盟中国商会主席伍德克透露,国有企业已经是“本次金融危机的大赢家”。 +"The construction was much better, the shoes were significantly more durable, and he ultimately saved time and money by not having to replace them as often.",贵的鞋子结构设计更好,而且相当耐磨,这样他就不必经常更换鞋子,从而节省了时间和金钱。 +"Five years ago, north of the border, another aviation company faced a strategic crossroads that would influence Knapp Carney's career.",五年前,北边境,另一航空公司面临一个战略十字路口,会影响纳普Carney的职业生涯。 +"Both Senators came to Mississippi from Washington, where they had been involved in the effort to put together an emergency package to stem the crisis.",两位候选人参议员都是从华盛顿来到密西西比的。 他们在首都参与了为制定因应金融危机的应急计划所作的努力。 +"However, sharks do sense sound as pressure through their lateral line system, and …",然而,鲨鱼是用水压经过侧线系统来感受声波…>。 +It's been a mild winter this year.,今年冬天不冷。 不烈的; 不苦的; +To inspect on line the contamination blown off from companies is an effective way to master pollution facts and avoid distorted data.,在区域内实施实时在线监测企业排污情况,是一种掌握排污实情,防止自报数据失真的有效方法。 +The decomposition and reconstruction of one-dimensional non-uniform B-spline wavelets is introduced and then is extended to two-dimensional images.,介绍了一维非均匀B样条小波分解与重构的算法,并将其推广到二维离散图像。 +The game has gone through probably hundreds of constant renewal based on various pop-culture trends.,这个游戏根据不同的流行文化趋势已被翻新了可能有数百次。 +"As a member of a family of readers, literacy has always been very important to me, and its value to society can hardly be overestimated.",作为书香家庭的一员,我一向非常重视识字问题,它对社会的价值再怎麽高估也不为过。 +"He put forward six measures: one is to improve the safety awareness, so that security has become the top-level design of the Internet industry;",他提出了六项措施:一是提高安全意识,让安全成为工业互联网的顶层设计; +Is this the correct way to reuse the redis client?,这是重复使用客户端的正确方法? +An analysis and design of the whole procedure of construction engineering estimate is made by using software engineering method.,从软件工程的角度对建筑工程概预算的全过程进行了工程化分析与设计。 +"With the need of engineering, the research on fluid and stress coupling has become a hot issue in recent years at home and abroad.",随着工程应用发展的需要,裂隙岩体的流固耦合研究已成为国内外研究的热点问题。 +"The root of the problem ""is the natural gas price control by the government.""",中国石油大学教授董秀成说道,“问题的根本原因是天然气的价格是由政府掌控的。 +"If you want another read on China’s economy, however, Li Keqiang, the apparent successor as China’s premier to Wen Jiabao, has some advice for investors.",如果你想要对从另一个角度观察中国经济,不妨看看这些:温家宝总理的有力接班人李克强先生对投资者们给出了一些建议。 +"People also can go skiing on the ice in winter, or taste the tea in the pavilion or listen to amateur opera performers' Beijing opera.",冬天可在鸭绿江的冰面上滑冰嬉雪,亦可在岛上亭中小憩品茗,聆听票友们的京剧清唱。 +"Physical examinations revealed the skin was sweaty, slight exophthalmos, and tremor of fingers.",体检发现皮肤多汗、轻度眼球突出和手指震颤。 +"Boat on the Andaman Sea, Myanmar, 2005 Photograph by Nicolas Reynard A Moken fishing boat moves past one of the Sister Islands at sunset in Myanmar's Mergui Archipelago.",小船在安达曼海,缅甸,2005年。一位莫肯人渔船的移动,通过一个姐妹岛在离岛时夕阳在缅甸的丹老群岛。 +And that's when I understood the power of the mind.,那时我明白了信念的力量。 +"How a group of farmers, who started off fending off wolves to protect their livestock, eventually became the greatest empire in all history is the stuff of legends.",当初的那批农耕与畜牧的���民,为了保护牲畜还要与狼群作战,然则最终发展起了历史上最伟大的帝国,真是一段流传万古的传奇。 +Then she added a second “shame on you” directed at federal highway safety regulators.,接着,她又对联邦公路安全监管局说了一句,“你们真可耻。” +"Sit at a distance and encourage your baby to cruise towards you or scamper behind her across a room, with lots of positive reinforcement for walking and standing independently, even for a short time.",坐在一段距离,并鼓励你的孩子向你或炸航行在她后面穿过一个房间,上面有很多积极的加强型散步,甚至站独立和很短的一段时间。 +The summery of the detailed all research areas was provided.,文中具体概括了各个领域的研究动态和成果。 +This hormone is designed to prevent the body from hurting itself during the unconscious sleep state.,有了这种激素,人在无意识的睡梦中就不会伤到自己。 +"In cooking culture, the local snack has representativeness most.",在饮食文化中, ? 地方小吃最具有代表性。 +Composition also put forwards a new standpoint in pain mechanism of dentin allergy.,文中还对牙本质过敏症的疼痛机理提出了新的观点。 +"Described are usage, overall design, research and design of some key parts and components of the test stand for actual wheelsets.",介绍了实物轮轴试验台的用途、总体设计及部分关键零部件的研究设计。 +The majority of the intellectuals want to make progress.,多数知识分子要求进步。 +"In this section, you saw another valuable usage of the meta-form to quickly update a form without knowledge of detailed forms programming or use of a separate development tool.",通过这一节可以发现元表单的另一个优点,不需要了解表单编程的细节或者使用单独的开发工具就能快速更新表单。 +"As a new method for large pile bearing capacity test, the self-balancing method has several outstanding merits, such as great testing load capacity, simplicity and its creditability.",自平衡法作为一种新型的桩基承载力测试方法,具有测试荷载大、测试简便、结果可靠等多方面的突出优点。 +"They take place in a curve.You express everything in terms of one variable and after substituting, you end up with a usual one variable integral that you know how to evaluate.","它们产生在一条曲线上,任何的积分都可以只用一个变量来表示,进行变量替换后,你得到一个,我们知道怎样计算的,单变量积分。" +"He needs everything: drinking water, food, a roof over his head, protection from animals, a fire , a soft place to lie down.",他需要每一样东西:饮用水、食物、躲雨的地方、防野兽的武器、火、睡觉的窝。 +"William Pollack, a psychologist who directs the Center for Men and Young Men at McLean Hospital in Belmont, Massachusetts, sees it too.",心理学家威廉·波拉克博士也持有相同的观点,他在马萨诸塞州贝尔蒙特的麦克莱恩医院开设了男性研究中心。 +"In the second part, with the fundamental formulas as a base, the summarized curve charts are given on conditions that the center of car body will not run over the structure cleara…",第二部分以基本公式为基础,在车体中部不超限和车体心盘不超偏条件下建立了综合曲线图,用图例举内中导向位置,确定多导向车的货运能力和组织大件运输等。 +"To solve these issues, a hierarchical communication model and an adaptive audio mixing method based on the model are proposed in the paper.",鉴于此,论文提出了一种分层通信模型和基于此模型的自适应音频混合方法。 +"Specialists were invited to verify the listed questions, and then the items were mixed and arranged randomly to form the 43-item self-perfection questionnaire for undergraduates.",请专家对列出的题目进行审核,然后将这些题项混合,随机排列,构成具有43道题目的大学生自我完美主义问卷。 +"But now I really enjoy, enjoy to be alone.",但系我而家真系… 几享受一个人。 +The Fota teams have further agreed upon a substantial voluntary cost reduction that provides a sustainable model for the future.,车队联盟的成员还通过了一项实质性的自愿削减费用提议,为(这项运动的)将来提供了一个可持续发展的模式。 +"The spillage area should be washed with water, by means of another sponge .",溢出的地方,须用水冲洗并用另外的海绵擦拭。 +Be adventurous try a new Vegetable/Fruit or type of meat next time you go shopping.,在你下次买菜的时候,敢于卖点你没吃过的蔬菜或者肉类。 +"Coming up today we are expecting the UK claimant count to rise to 5.0% from 4.9% last month, but the ILO unemployment rate is expected to remain stable at 7.9%.",今天晚些时候,我们预期英国失业就业申请人数将从上月的4.9%上升至5.0%,但预期国际劳工组织失业率将维持7.9��不变。 +"The major influencing effects could be concludes as: rate of Chinese international trade, rate of foreign investment, the development and open degree of financial market, and stability of RMB value.",影响人民币国际化进程的主要经济因素归结为四个方面:中国出口贸易规模占全球比重、对外投资额所占全球的比重、金融市场的发达与开放度才及人民币币值的稳定性。 +The activity of aldehyde dehydrogenase (ALD6) of saccharomyces cerevisiaes controls the content of acetic acid in beer.,酿酒酵母中乙醛脱氢酶(ALD6)活性的高低控制着啤酒中乙酸含量的多少。 +"At age 33, Carson will be the second-youngest member of the House of Representatives. He becomes the second Muslim to serve in Congress.",现年33岁的卡森将是国会中第二年轻的众议员,而且是当选为众议员的第二位穆斯林。 +Others may have good practical reasons for not remarrying: They may want to avoid being legally responsible for the financial problems like credit card debt that a partner may have.,对于不选择再婚,另外一些人可能有充足的实际理由:他们可能不想对伴侣的信用卡债务负责任。 +"Christianity's entering, self-identity, interaction and the construction of political and economic environment?;",基督教进入、认同、互动与大环境建设; +"Maybe its my fault that didnt see that failure gave me strength, that my pain was my motivation.",错在我没让你们查觉其实是一次又一次的挫败给了我力量,而我所承受过的苦痛才是让我继续往前的动力。 +"Mr. Howard, for example, says he mostly plays Nintendo's Mario Kart racing game with his three small children.",以霍华德为例,他说他最近主要是陪自己的三个小孩玩任天堂的《马里奥赛车》(Mario Kart)这款游戏。 +Should I ask a leave from my director and ask my bf also do that?,我要向主任请假嘛?然后让我的男朋友也请假嘛? +This paper set up a two-level optimal design model of gravity tree pipe network and the nonlinear programming model was solved quickly by the method of artificial neural networks.,建立了自压式树状管网两级优化设计模型,并用人工神经网络法实现树状管网非线性规划模型的快速求解。 +The working processes of the frequency-tracking phase-shift PWM controlled full bridge power supply load series resonant type DBD ozone generation power system are analyzed.,系统的分析了频率跟踪移相PWM控制全桥供电的串联谐振负载式DBD型臭氧发生器电源系统的工作过程。 +Updating RPM-based clients.,更新基于 RPM 的客户机。 +Detector is also with cache wafer function. So that can reduce productivity influence caused by go wrong in other process.,检测机还带有缓存硅片的功能,这样就可以尽可能减少其它环节出现故障所带有的产能影响。 +"Mr. Silver continued, ""It is our belief that Lihua's current valuation has been impacted by concerns related to accounting for all small cap Chinese stocks.","silver继续说,""我们觉得利华国际目前的股价受到中国中小板会计风波的影响。" +Now comes the most alarming revelation of all: representatives of the actor claim that the Twitter site and its related MySpace profile are actually run by impostors.,现在给大家一个警告:代表这位演员在Twitter和相关的MySpace发言的事实上是个李鬼。 +I said earlier that if money alone solved the problem then it was not a difficult one.,我早些时候说过,靠钱能解决的问题,不会是很困难的问题。 +"Details include how frequently people engage in sexual activity, what they do, and whether they take precautions when they do it.",这些细节包含人们从事性行为的频率,都干了什么,以及他们是否采取避孕措施。 +According to the American Rheumatic Association (ARA) 1987 revised criteria for rheumatoid arthritis (RA) 34 admitted patients with RA were collected.,依照美国风湿病学会(ARA)1987年修订的类风湿性关节炎(RA)诊断标准,收集了住院RA 34例。 +"Patients with coronary vasospasm were more likely to be older, men, current smokers and to have a lower body mass index.",有冠状动脉痉挛的病人有较高的比例年长者,男性,抽烟且身体质量指数较低。 +Nowadays with the improvement of people's living standard people have more cars and more people come to city and then the city becomes more and more crowd.,如今,随着人们生活水平的提高,私家车越来越多,也有越来越多的人涌向城市,城市就变得越来越拥挤了。 +"Before I head off to get poked and prodded by the friendly TSA personnel at Logan, I thought I'd leave you with a hypothetical to ponder, inspired by the latest WikiLeaks releases.",受到最近发布的维基泄密的影响,我想在被洛根TSA的人事部门戳疼之前,留给你们一个假设性的猜想。 +Cai Xiang Engineer; Telecom Science & Technology Information Research Institute of MII;,信息产业部电信科技情报研究所工程师; +"Unlike state-owned carmakers, most ofwhichare backedbypowerful provinces, privately owned Geely needed to find its own sponsors.",与大部分国有汽车制造商都有强大的省政府支持不同,民营的吉利需要自己寻找赞助商。 +"Yang, now 47, won admission to Zhengzhou University when she was 15.",现年47岁的杨佳,15岁时被郑州大学录取。 +Methods 28 patients with thoracic myelopathy caused by ossification of ligamenta flava from 1995 to 2005 were analyzed retrospectively.,总结我院从1995~2005年收治的28 例胸椎黄韧带骨化症的患者并对其手术疗效加以分析。 +The easiest way for fund managers to match these expected longer index durations is to buy Treasuries.,基金经理要配合指数存续期延长的最简单方法是买入公债. +Can Rachel and Kirsty help Lucy the Diamond Fairy find the final jewel? Or will Fairyland´s special magic be lost forever?,蕾切尔和科斯蒂能够帮助钻石仙子露西找到最后一颗宝石吗?仙界的魔力会不会永远消失? +My father likes to spend his mornings relaxing on a park bench.,我的父亲喜欢利用早晨在公园的椅凳上休憩。 +"Most viruses attach themselves to executable files, but some can target a master boot record, autorun scripts, MS Office macros, or even in some cases, arbitrary files.",大多数病毒都附身于可执行文件,但有些也可以锁定主引导记录、自动运行脚本、微软Office宏文件、甚至某些情况下依附于任意文件。 +The tragic death of his only son deprived him of all the joys of life.,独子的死去夺却他生命中的全部欢乐。 +"Dave Bowman: What are you talking about, HAL?",波曼:你在说什么,哈尔? +"Copy words on book page 5, five times each .",抄写课本第5页上的单词,三英一汉。 +"Because of the expected good economic returns and the special attributes, 12,000 km of passenger special railway lines building is seen as a breakthrough in market-oriented financing.",铁路规划中1.2万公里的客运专线建设由于良好的预期效益和特殊的经济属性,因此被视为市场化融资的突破口。 +"Located in the east of Chenxi, the site occupies a total area of nearly 10,000 sq. m, of which only 88 sq. m underwent excavation.",征溪口贝丘遗址位于辰溪县东部,遗址总面积近万平方米,实际发掘面积88平方米。遗物以陶器为主,石器次之。 +The photoconductive surface coatings for scanning by charging roll charge uniform charge.,暗地的平导涂层在扫描曝平后,由不不不收电辊充上平均电荷。 +"Although five types of degraded communities are different from each other in characteristics of floras, they maintain floristic characteristic and geographic elements of EBLF.",各退化群落类型与常绿阔叶林成熟群落保持了较高水平的科、属和种的相似性。 +"Amnesty International estimates there were some 14, 000 gun-related deaths in Venezuela in 2008.",国际特赦组织估计,2008年委内瑞拉发生了14,000多宗枪杀死亡事件。 +"At first, in these mentions, I was at the bottom of the personal-gossip column;",刚开始的时候,这些有关我的消息放在杂谈栏的尾巴上; +The cause of the wreckage of Moguhu stilling pool is found out by analyzing experimental data and computing formula in this paper.,利用实验数据和计算公式,系统地分析了蘑菇湖水库消力池失事原因。 +"At the same time his mother-in-law, Prince Vassily's wife, sent to him, beseeching him to visit her, if only for a few minutes, to discuss a matter of great importance.",就是在这个时候,他的岳母,瓦西里公爵的妻子派人来找他,央求他那怕费花几分钟见见她也好,她要商谈一件极为重要的事情。 +"The chicken clucked and scratched, raised her head and said, ""Mr Mouse, I can tell this is a grave concern to you, but it is of no consequence to me.""",鸡听见了,搔了搔痒,抬起头啧啧地说:“老鼠先生,我看得出这消息对你而言是关乎你的生死存亡,但这对我却没有任何影响。 +"Just because you have five, 10, or even 15 posts written doesn't mean you have to release all of them today.",你写好了5篇,十篇,甚至十五篇文章,并不意味着你今天就要把这些文章发表出去。 +3 wish you the New Year Choi Jin Choi silver fortune Huicheng million small fortune through money;,3祝愿你把新年的金财银财大财小财汇成万贯家财; +"Second, the device must pass through a strict hardware and software compatibility suite of tests.",其次,一款设备要想联入Android市场,必须先经过一系列严格的硬件和软件兼容性测试。 +"Once beyond the barrier wall, the main entrance is highlighted in grey marble – both on the ground and up the wall containing the front door – and sheltered by thin sheets of glass.",一旦超过了障碍墙,一层和上层主入口及其墙面都用灰色的大��石突显出来,并且还安装上薄玻璃板。 +Plans were simmering in his mind).,计划已在他心里蕴酿好了)。 +"When things seemed to be better and I was ready, he lost his job, so I felt like I was back to square one!",就在一切都好起来,而我也准备好跟他分手时,他却失业了。 我感觉自己又回到了远点。 +Officials want to clamp down on the growing number of cases where unauthorised and authorised surgeons have caused problems with botched operations or sub standard silicon implants.,政府希望阻止整形手术这样快速地增长,因为未经批准和授权的、不规范的整形手术和不合格的硅胶植入物会带来很多问题。 +I think my wedding gift to myself would be the complete Kama Sutra package.,我给自己准备的结婚礼物就是全套的印度爱经。 +Figure 2 shows the integration interplay between the two programs.,图 2 展示两个程序之间的相互作用。 +"When you make this change, don't just copy-and-paste it in. Try out the code-completion feature on that R class. You'll probably find that it helps a lot.",不要简单的拷贝粘贴来修改文件,试试R类的代码自动完成,这是你或许感觉到R类的作用了。 +Title: Is Previous Abdominal Surgery a Contraindication to Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy ?,以前的腹部手术是否为腹腔镜胆囊切除术的禁忌?。 +The results show that the Aramid fiber pretreated by RFL latex reinforced sealing material is perfect.,结果表明: 用RFL 乳液处理过的芳纶纤维增强橡胶基复合密封材料的性能最佳。 +"I don't know. I feel so blessed, it's so unexplainable the love that I feel for my fans and how they treat me.",我不知道。我觉得很幸福,它是如此莫名其妙的爱,我觉得我的球迷,他们是如何对待我。 +I swore to correct my bad deeds.But it seems that mother will never trust me as before.,我向她发誓一定改正我的坏行为。 可妈妈似乎并不像以前那么相信我了。 +"People born in the Year of the Monkey are brave and resourceful, energetic and competitive, and enjoy novelty.",属猴的人机智勇敢,活泼好动,喜欢竞争,追求新鲜事物。 +"Special supply of: marriage cake, birthday cake, engagement cake, wedding cake.",特别供应:结婚, 生日蛋糕,订婚,结婚礼饼。 +And how to supervise with and pre-alert to a cooperative project planning involved by customers effectively plays a critical role to complete the whole project smoothly.,如何对于有客户参与的协作项目计划进行卓有成效的监控与预警则对于整个项目的顺利完成起着至关重要的作用。 +"Say good things, think good thoughts, and do good deeds.",口说好话,心想好意,身行好事。 +"Article 121 Where any staff of a stock exchange who is engaged in securities trading violates any trading rule of the stock exchange, the stock exchange shall impose him disciplinary sanctions.",第一百二十一条在证券交易所内从事证券交易的人员,违反证券交易所有关交易规则的,由证券交易所给予纪律处分; +"Obtaining an investment visa for the U.S. requires at least $500, 000, a sum that would be hard to stomach for almost any Chinese person a decade ago but which is now well within reason for many.",要取得一张美国投资签证需至少50万美元资产,10年前中国几乎不可能有人出得起这笔钱,但是现在对很多人来说都属于可接受的范围。 +The determinants of these diseases are too broad.,这些疾病的决定因素甚为广泛。 +"Around 1900 the pianola is introduced. This instrument, which is played by perforated paper rolls, becomes a world-wide success.",大约1900年,自动钢琴出现,它由打孔的卷纸来演奏,很快成功行销全球。 +"There is no lapping, no sleeving and no pulling.",没有搭接,没有给装袖子和没有拉扯。 +"Or you can take a taxi, depending on how you feel.",你们可以坐记程车,这要看你们的感觉而定。 +"In her first full testimony, which included supporting architectural evidence, Maria Isabel ""Chicha"" Chorobik de Mariani described in detail what transpired on the fateful day of November 24, 1976.","在她的第一份全面证词中——其中包含了很重要的支持性证据——玛利亚·伊莎贝拉·“吉开”·卡拉比克·德·玛丽妮(Maria Isabel ""Chicha"" Chorobik de Mariani)详细地描述了发生在那个致命的1976年11月24日的“蒸发”事件。" +Don't be bullheaded; listen to your adviser's opinions.,不要顽固了,听一听你指导教授的意见。 +This disk is edited by Organization Committee Dalian International Art Fair 2001 and CNPIEC Culture&Art Co.,本光盘由2001年大连国际艺术博览会组委会、中图文化艺术有限公司共同编辑。 +"Using Brassica napus cv. Xiangyou 13 as materials, BT toxic protein gene was introduced into oilseed rape via ovary-injection.",以甘蓝型油菜湘油13为试验材料,运用子房注射法将BT毒蛋白基因导入��菜。 +"Consult your dermatologist, or use mild over-the-counter cleansers only.",咨询你的皮肤科医生,或使用温和的非处方洁面品。 +"Dongguan Liyuan Rubber Products Co. , LTD. Is located in China's manufacturing city - dongguan, enterprise.",东莞力源橡胶制品有限公司坐落在中国制造名城------东莞,黄江镇。 +"Meanwhile, the author takes the Pythagorean theorem as an example in order to link the history of math with the teaching of math through how to collect data, make teaching plan and organize the class.",同时.作为数学教育改革的一种尝试,本文以“勾股定理”为例,通过如何收集史料、如何进行教学设计、如何组织教学,将数学史与数学教学相结合,由此探讨了数学史与数学教学的关系。 +"The functions, working principle, classification of UPS and EPS, as well as the main characteristics of the common type of back-up, on-line, on-line interactive UPS are expatiated.",摘 要 分别介绍了UPS和EPS的功能、工作原理、分类,以及常见的后备式、在线式、在线交互式三种UPS的主要特点。 +Scorched dEarth.,一片焦土。 +This sort of advance—dubbed “frugal innovation” by some—is not just a matter of exploiting cheap labour (though cheap labour helps).,这种被有些人冠以“节约型创新”的进步并不仅仅是利用了廉价的劳动力(虽然其中廉价劳动力确实起了作用)。 +The entry ticket must be filled out completely and deposited in the specific sweepstake boxes during the sweepstake period. Incomplete entries will be voided.,每位顾客每天限领壹张摸彩券,摸彩券必须填写完整,并投入店内摸彩箱中,资料填写不齐全者无效。 +"You know, there's been a lot of argument with the underground, for example.",比如,关于地铁的问题一直有很多争议。 +The order shall be deemed as acceptance after completion of Seller's signature on the buttom hereof and submittal of Seller's PROFORMA INVOICE with the signed page to Buyer.,卖方在此底部签名后, 将报价单连同签名页面交与买方, 订单即视为被确认。 +Mu Zongsan's assumption of conscience hindrance is worth of great enlightenment.,牟宗三先生的“良知坎陷”论是一种很有启发意义的观点。 +"6:sample:conventional samples from sample fee, if required proofing , charge a fee(the order quantity order return), sampling time about 7-10 days.",样品:常规样品免收样品费,如果需要按要求打样,收取一定费用(订单量大,下单后退还),打样时间7-10天左右。 +This would result in the definition of an internal table with rows that are themselves internal tables (of the specified table type)!,初级问题,请帮忙解释一下这句话什么意思?为什么说这种定义内表的方法是错的。谢谢~~~!! +Spokeswoman Pandya says this news is not as good as it appears.,该组织女发言人潘迪亚说,这一消息并没有看上去那么好。 +"I can sympathize, but until these places stay open late or give me the information online, I’m going to have to sympathize from a distance.",我很同情,但是除非这些店可以营业到很晚或者能够在网站上给我一些营业信息,否则,我也只能远远地对他们报以同情之心了。 +This false negative scenario would not have the UPDATE cause a fail if a row change timestamp column was added to the EMPLOYEE table.,如果向 EMPLOYEE 表添加行修改时间戳列,则漏判场景中的 UPDATE 不会发生失败。 +What commands did Paul give Timothy in verses 11-12?,保罗在11-12节向提摩太提出什么要求? +"For changing of direct debit, please fill in the Payment Details Amendment Form.",如欲更改以自动转账缴付保费的银行户口号码,请另填更改付款资料申请表。 +"The aim was to lay the foundation and provide the technical basis for improving the local varieties of Ebian flower cattle, advancing the meat production rate and preserving germplasm.",为改良峨边花牛地方品种、提高产肉率及种质资源的保存奠定基础和提供技术依据。 +The bandits kept them as hostages.,强盗们把他们扣为人质。 +"The flight of youth the hip-hop game, blood boil a masquerade, let you release the passion of life, experience the true happiness!",青春飞扬的街舞大赛、血脉贲张的篝火假面舞会,让您释放生命激情,体验真正的快乐! +"Ah Seng, a recruit, was a bit of a loner.",新兵阿申是一个有点孤独的人。 +"""Security forces successfully secured Dagar by 0800 hours today and established linkages with the present police there and the Frontier Constabulary , "" he announced.",今天8点钟,安全部队成功地掌控了达加尔,并且跟当前在那里的警方和边防警察建立了联系。 +The Fuzzy Gather analysis method was adopted in zoning the ecological environment for growing Hebei chestnut.,本文采用模糊聚类分析方法,对河北省板栗生态环境进行了分类区划。 +"Feng Wenjiang, a 22-year-old senior at Henan University’s college of agriculture, for example, is trying his level best.",河南大学农学院大四学生,22岁的冯文江就是其中一员,他正竭尽全力地寻找工作。 +Aim:To evaluate the correlation in volatile components between San-ao decoction with Radix Asari and its major constituting herbs.,目的:探讨三拗汤加味方各组方药材组成复方后挥发油的组成成分变化。 +"""I don't know what the answer is,"" says Keiko. ""But we need to find a solution that's in the best interest of the child.""",我不知道结果是什么,“Keiko说,”但是我们需要在满足孩子愿望下找到解决的办法。 +"The high-voltage plateau curve, pulse amplitude distribution and efficiency curve were measured with electron and positron beams.",本文介绍用电子和正电子束流测试单通道电子倍增器的高压坪曲线、脉冲幅度分布和效率曲线; +I hiked over the mountain.,去遍山。我在山中徒步。 +Oil won't mix with water.,油不能和水混合。 +"The ability to forecast the timing of florescence in trees is valuable for fruit trees, beekeeping, gardens and tourism.",树木花期预报在林果、蜂、林和旅游业等方面有很大的实用价值。 +Consider giving each other the gift of practicing them in your relationship until they feel natural for you.,是时候考虑一下送给彼此一个需要在感情世界里实践的行动礼物,直到这些事情变成自然而言。 +The effect of different Chinese traditional medicines on the biomass and the vitro activity of Auricularia auricula in submerged culture were studied in this manuscript.,研究不同中药对黑木耳液体培养中生物量的影响,并对添加不同中药的黑木耳发酵液的体外活性进行了比较。 +One way to get a handle on this is to alphabetize your declarations.,处理这种情况的一个办法是依字母顺序排列您的声明。 +Winter themed crafts can be used as a great non-denominational project.,冬季主题工艺品可以用来作为一个伟大的非宗派项目。 +"It is just this openness that helped carry on the tradition of the cultural exchange between China and Japan, and made the features of the exchange in that period different from before.",中日两国闭关锁国政策所具有的开放性使中日文化交流的传统得以延续,并且使此期中日文化交流表现出不同于以往的新特点。 +"These are the sons of Bala, whom Laban gave to Rachel his daughter: and these she bore to Jacob: all the souls, seven.",以上是拉班给他的女儿辣黑耳的婢女彼耳哈,给雅各伯生的子孙,共计七人。 +The radiation-induced graft polymerization of hydroxyethyl methacrylate(HEMA) on wool fiber was studied using electron beam (EB) irradiation technique.,用预辐照和共辐照方法对羊毛纤维进行甲基丙烯酸羟乙酯( HEMA)的接枝试验。 +There was an international agreement that states that the ships of all nations could use the canal in peacetime and wartime.,有一个国际协定,声明全部国家的船舶能在和平时代和战争时代利用这条运河。 +They refused to accept the proposal on the ground that it would do more harm than good.,他们以害大于利为理由拒绝了这个建议。 +"The content as followings:First of all, the paper accomplishes the hardware design for ship three degrees of freedom semi-physical simulation platform.",本文首先完成了船舶三自由度半物理仿真平台的硬件设计。 +Zhang is glad that she had the opportunity to form a close relation with her professor.,能有机会和导师建立如此亲密的关系,让张婷婷倍感欣慰。 +"Except the earthwork that used in Subgrade, the others will be put into the appointed waste bank place.",路基土石方除利用方外,其余均弃于设计指定的弃土场。 +"Songs, dances and traditional know-how from 31 countries were up for consideration at the Nairobi meeting, ranging from Spanish Flamenco, to China’s traditional art of Peking opera.",来自31个国家的歌曲,舞蹈和传统技艺在内罗毕会议上进行了审议,其中包括西班牙的弗拉门戈舞和中国传统艺术京剧。 +Educational background in business administration with a major in secretarial science and two summers of full-time work experience.,有工商管理的学历,主修秘书学,两年暑假的全职工做经验。 +"Before you go on. Ms Yang, could you tell us if the original EBP sold well in the U. S. ?",杨女士,您能否先告诉我们,旧款的EBP在美国是否卖得很好? +PEEK had different degradation process in nitrogen and in air.,在氮气和空气气氛下,聚醚醚酮具有不同的热裂解过程; +The structure and application of mobile VLBI data processing software KVLBI of Shanghai Astronomical Observatory have been reviewed.,介绍了流动VLBI大地测量数据处理软件的结构及应用,并利用现有的观测数据资料进行了计算。 +One particular type of AAL service user is the signalling entity wishing to communicate with a peer entity .,希望和对等实体通信的信令实体是AAL业务用户的一个特殊类型。 +"The fifth time when she 13) forbore for weakness, and 14) attributed her patience to strength.",第五次是当她容忍软弱,并将忍耐视为坚强。 +The causes of occurrence of exposure aperture on color glazed glass was discussed and some helpful suggestions was proposed in this article .,分析了彩釉玻璃透光点产生的原因,提出了解决办法。 +How should a donor decide between two donation options?,一个捐献者该如何在两个捐献选择中决定? +"Berry, who does not have children, said that unless girls were taught this, teachers were ""in danger of betraying them"".",贝瑞本人没有子女,她说除非教导女孩这些道理,否则教师可能就是在背叛她们。 +"Not long after they meet she is secure, and happy, having been brought to safety, onshore at last.",他们相遇后不久,她就会觉得安全,幸福,终于脱离了苦海,获得了保障。 +"In the meantime, customers like Buller are enjoying clean solar power with no money down.",不过现在,像布勒这样的客户无需支付预付款,即可享受清洁的太阳能。 +"Kids hate being lied to. To them, lying is cruel and illogical.",小孩讨厌别人对他撒谎。对他们而言,撒谎残忍而不合逻辑。 +DEXTER I got Fran's number from her cousin a few days later.,有一天,我的堂兄给我打电话邀请我去参加聚会。 德克斯特也在那。 +This series of 19-year intervals consists of an eclipse at almost the same degree of the zodiac at the same date every nineteen years.,这个序列是每隔十九年,几乎同样的日期在黄道的同一个度数会发生日食。 +"Finding the right value for these settings involves looking at status variables via the SHOW STATUS command and, from that, determining whether mysqld is behaving as you wish.",查找这些设置的正确值可以通过 SHOW STATUS 命令查看状态变量,从中可以确定 mysqld 的运作情况是否符合我们的预期。 +"If you need to analyze a compressed Apache log file, for instance, you must decompress it, process the data, then re-compress it.",例如,如果需要分析压缩的 Apache 日志文件,就必须解压它,处理数据,然后重新压缩它。 +"Rapid economic growth enables a country to reduce poverty, improve livelihoods, and provide the basic social services its citizens deserve.",经济快速增长是一国能够实现减贫,提高生活水平,提供其人民应得的基本社会服务。 +You have to train in 3 different sports.,你必须训练三种不同的运动。 +"So why shouldn't we use this heat, "" says Klas Johnasson, head of Jernhusen's environmental division.",所以我们为何不去利用这些热量呢?” 耶恩胡森集团环境部门负责人克拉斯 约翰松说道。 +MP4 format is Apple’s version of video encoding.,MP4格式是苹果公司的视频编码版本。 +Why is it that my compadres and chums attract Bees and Butterflies whereas I attract only Mosquitos and Moths…?,为什麽我的死党和密友能吸引蜜蜂和蝴蝶而我只能吸引蚊子和飞蛾… ? +These are short paragraphs written by the end-users only that do not include any technical terms.,这些用户案例是仅由最终用户编写的简短段落,其中不包含任何技术术语。 +In 2008 the National Rural Health Association recognised Homeplace as the Outstanding Rural Health programme of the year.,2008年美国国家偏远地区医疗协会表彰家园计划为年度杰出偏远地区医疗计划。 +In order for the first Language of ONE algorithm to be mastered one must first master all 144 algorithms of the Language of Light.,为了让第一个全一之语的运演法则得到掌握,你必须首先掌握所有144个光之语的运演法则。 +"Since 1985, research on simulation and modeling of concurrent flow, counter flow, cross flow, mixed flow grain dryers had been accomplished.",从1985年至今,顺流式、逆流式、横流式以及混流式谷物干燥机的研究已经取得了成功。 +Major and trace elements show that the pluton has transition features from high-K calc-alkaline or high- fractionated I-type granites to A-type granites.,主量、微量元素地球化学特征显示该岩体具有I-A过渡的高钾钙碱性或高分异钙碱性花岗岩的特点。 +"CSA is more interactive and responsive, with a direct user interface for as many actions are possible without server roundtrip.",CSA 更加具有交流性和响应性,并且拥有一个直接的用户界面,以支持避免重复访问服务器条件下尽可能多的用户操作。 +Results: The parameters analyzed showed no significant difference between the group of patients with focal lesions in the splenium of the corpus callosum and the control group.,结果:参数的分析结果显示在胼胝体压部受损的病人和对照组中没有显著性的差异。 +Under such a regimen you 'll certainly live long.,��生法一定可以长寿。 +GM's market research has shown that 78% of Americans have an average commute of 40 miles or less.,通用汽车的市场研究结果显示, 78 %的美国人每天行驶的距离为40英里或更少。 +"The contractor indemnifies the Employer against claims, compensation and costs due to the Contractor infringing a patent or copyright.",承包商应保障雇主免于承担因承包商侵害专利或版权引起的索赔、补偿和费用。 +The influence of coordination environment on the luminescence property and intramolecular energy transfer of complexes were discussed.,讨论了配位环境对荧光性质的影响以及配合物分子内能量传递问题。 +"For example, we could move the last-modified time for our file a minute further into the future",例如,我们可以不断地更新文件的最后修改时间。 +"In case of an invoke, receive, or human task activity, the user can provide an output message with the force-complete request.",对于调用、接收或人工任务活动,用户可以提供带强制完成请求的输出消息。 +The tobacco may be shredded only within this preparation period.,仅可于上述准备时限内,对烟草进行揉碎处理。 +But this is how we learn and grow.,但这也是我们学习和成长的地方。 +"A proficient person wants to understand the wider context of their actions, and enjoys metaphor and maxims (and their counterpart in anti-patterns).",一个精通的人需要对其行动的上下文有更广阔的了解,并且开始享受隐喻和格言(以及相反的类似内容)带来的乐趣。 +"Advances in research of oxidative desulphurization of fuel oil were reviewed, which involved peroxide, ozone, oxygen and biological oxidations.",综述了氧化法脱除燃料油中有机硫的研究进展,介绍了过氧化物、 臭氧、 氧气、 生物氧化等脱硫方法。 +Garrett is a UCLA grad in Political Science and first worked in the office of California Governor Pete Wilson in 1990.,加勒特是加州大学洛杉矶分校政治学毕业生,并在1990年毕业后在加州州长皮特·威尔逊的办公室工作。 +"Also known as the Ayers Rock, resting in the middle of the Australian continent lies the imposing monolithic sandstone structure of the Uluru.",乌卢鲁岩又称艾尔斯岩,位于澳大利亚大陆中部,是一块瑰丽壮观、自成一体的巨大砂岩。 +A spokesman for the Changchun city government told China's Xinhua news agency today (Monday) authorities are using active carbon and chlorine to clear the water.,长春市政府发言人星期一对新华社说,当局正在使用活性碳和氯来清洁水源。 +"Nintendo recently dropped the Wii's price, for the first time, to $200 from $250.",最近,任天堂公司(Nintendo)首次调低了Wii的价格,从250美元降到200美元。 +The Energy Cognition of the participants were acceptable passably .,研究对象的能源认知程度表现差强人意; +This way may be creative and non-intrusive for the children.,对孩子来说,这种方法的好处在于富有创造性和自主性。 +Methods:Orthogonal experiment design and single factor tests were used in optimizing the extraction and purification technology of Rhizoma Gastrodiae by measuring transition probability.,方法:以天麻药材指标性成分天麻素的转移率为指标,采用正交试验设计和单因素考察相结合的方法对天麻药材的提取、精制工艺进行优化。 +Do you understand the risks involved in margined transaction?,您瞭解以保证金形式缴付的交易涉及的风险吗? +You can also store program-specific information inside comments.,你还可以将特殊程序的信息放在注释里面。 +I encased the priceless antique vase in glass to preserve it.,我把这个极其贵重的古花瓶置于玻璃盒子里珍藏起来。 +We are not far from those red pines.,我们离赤松林不远了。 +"If global growth threatens to slow appreciably, it said, countries with the ability to borrow should postpone the budget-cutting.",它称,如果全球经济增长有大幅放缓的威胁,有能力举债的国家必须推迟削减预算。 +Father was so weak that he fainted.,爸爸是那么太虚弱,他昏倒了。 +Objective To determine the purity of sodium nitrite(NaNO2) using in stray light standard substance which was applied to check semiautomatic clinical chemistry analyzer.,目的:对半自动生化分析仪检定用杂散光标准物质所用溶质-亚硝酸钠的纯度进行测试。 +"Style - the Black Tail Crew has it. Inspired by old school sweaters, NODUS79 Trading brings us wool sweaters that are not itchy, not stinky and washable.",作风-黑尾巴船员它。灵感来自老校毛衣,nodus79贸易给我们带来的羊毛毛衣,不属于发痒,不臭和水洗。 +The SHIP3 operator contains the statement that shows the result of the scalar subquery being bound in as a host variable.,SHIP3 操作符包含一个语句,该语句表明标量子查询的结果放在一个主机变量中。 +"The building complexes have names evoking things that have never been: Palm Springs, Spring Garden, Uptown, Olympic Gardens, Hampshire Houses, Modern Castle.",在这座城市,建筑群的名称也是一些你听都没听过的东西,像什么棕榈泉、春季花园、上城、奥林匹克花园、现代城堡等等。 +"Q. (Will Buxton – Australasian Motorsport News) Felipe, if you're driving down the pit lane and a car pulls out in front of you, would you expect them to be penalised?",菲力佩,如果你上了维修区通道而一辆车在你前面爬头,你是否会希望他们受到处罚呢?。 +John: look! your pronounciation is much better than before.,看,你的发音可比以前好多了。 +"It fashioned a flag of its own in the form of a circle of stars, and its logo is displayed on car license plates and on the beaches.",它将自己的旗帜塑造成由金星组成的圆环形式,它的徽标展示于汽车牌照和海滩上。 +"I use health books and articles to supplement my knowledge, but first and foremost I rely on my own personal experience.",我也会采用健康方面的书籍和文章来补充自己的知识,但最主要靠的还是自己的体验。 +"There remains an anti-China sentiment among Americans, who fear loss of jobs as well as a threat to our country's security.",在美国人当中,对中国的敌视态度依然存在,他们既害怕失去工作又担心我们国家的安全受到威胁。 +"Seasonal influenza kills 250,000 to 500,000 people globally and 36,000 people in the United States alone every year.",每年季节性流感会导致全球25-50万人死亡,美国死亡人数约3.6万人。 +Two little dicky birds sitting on the wall.,墙上站了两只小鸟。 +Conclusion Study shows a good situation that low quality human resource floated out from disease-prevention-and-control organizations and high quality human resource floated in.,结论研究表明,2002~2005年间,我国疾病预防控制机构呈现的低素质人员流出,高素质人员流人的良好态势; +Stoats are small and fierce and quick and feral; they kill by biting the necks of their prey; they are said to mesmerise their larger victims with a snake-like dance.,白鼬体型娇小、行动敏捷和性情凶猛;它们通过咬破颈项的方式来捕杀猎物;据说它们会跳蛇舞来迷惑体型比自己庞大的受击对象。 +Then he (Elijah) lay down under the tree and fell asleep.,他就躺在罗腾树下睡着了。 +Cleveland may have some bitter resentment or even a tinge of murderous rage towards LeBron James.,克利夫兰对詹姆斯的态度可以用愤怒甚至仇恨来形容。 +"Huahua loves food, is solid and smart, too!",花花喜欢吃饭,长的壮,而且很聪明。 +"""If they keep on lagging behind then the internet will not be able to grow in the way it has been; the curve will flatten out,"" said Karrenberg.",“如果他们保持落后的趋势那么英特网将不会像它以前那样成长,曲线将会平稳化。” Karrenberg补充道。 +"My mind is a blank, from some time- I cannot even say whattime- when I employed myself, in my captivity, in making shoes, to thetime when I found myself living in London with my dear daughterhere.",从某个时候起--我甚至说不清是什么时候--从我坐牢时让自己学着做鞋起,到我发现自己已在伦敦,跟现在在我身边的我亲爱的女儿住在一起为止,我心里是一片空白。 +"There is an uneasy stand-off in Iran after a deadly weekend of clashes, and skirmishes on Monday between police and protestors.",经历了上周末的骚乱和本周一在警察和示威者间发生的小规模冲突后,伊朗正处在动荡的十字路口。 +A shaving appliance with full electricity could be used about 45min.,剃须用具充分电力约可使用45分钟。 +Results showed that compared with the soil under zonal natural vegetation it suffered more structure degradation under secondary or man-made vegetation.,结果表明,与地带性自然植被下丘陵湿润铁铝土比较,次生植被或人工植被下丘陵湿润铁铝土结构退化现象明显。 +And it looks like it is only going to get worse with no strong imposition of security or authority even after the election.,甚至大选后看起来只会变得更糟,既强的安全措施,当局也威摄力。 +"When we think other people aren't going to like us, we behave more coldly and they don't like us as much.",当我们认为自己不被他人喜欢时,就会表现得更加冷淡,这样一来,对方就更不喜欢我们了。 +"In front of nature we are powerless, we are like little ants in the sun. Below you can see some examples of Terrific Images.",在自然面前我们噤若寒蝉,就如同太阳底下渺小的蚂蚁。美国国家地理杂志最新发表了一些令人震撼的大自然“杰作”。 +"The emergence of neural assembles , in which neurons are transiently linked by reciprocal dynamic connections, is thought to underlie the operation of each cognitive action.",神经元之间的交互和动态���结而构成神经集合被认为是每一个认知活动的基础。 +"In this study, the best chord sequence is derived by dynamic programming, in which the state and transition probabilities are computed via music theory for Keyboard Harmonics .",而近年来因为乐理原则转换成数学模型的不易,多半采用统计和弦行进模式的技巧来进行和弦产生。 +Its standing waves rise and fall but do not propagate.,它形成了起起落落的驻波但是并不传播。 +"In the Forrester study, improved performance through Informix allowed the retailer to more effectively utilize server resources.",在 Forrester 研究报告中,通过 Informix 改进的性能允许零售商更有效地利用服务器资源。 +"As to out-bound resident, do you have Residence Permit on hand?",如您是外地户口,手中是否已有本市居住证 ? +Numerical simulation method is used to simulate the wind tunnel test by the combination of aerodynamicist and fluid mechanicses.,运用空气动力学与流体力学相结合的数值模拟技术,对风洞实验进行了模拟实验。 +Company official has also said the earthquake was stronger than the Kashiwazaki plant was designed to withstand.,该公厂官员还表示,这次地震比上次更强烈。 +"There were different about their attitudes toward distaff , but what they searched were harmonious relationship between men and women and human beauty future.",他们的女性观虽有差异,但都在探寻和谐的两性关系及人类的美好未来。 +His mission: to prove that natives in South America could have settled in Polynesia well before the time of Christopher Columbus by sailing on primitive rafts.,他的任务:证明早在哥伦布时代之前,南美洲的原住民就可以使用简易的木筏航行至波利尼西亚并定居。 +"One Sunday after lunch, Susan and I went for a drive to Bauxite, a town near Benton named for the ore used to make aluminum, which was dug out of open pit mines there.",一个星期天的午饭后,我和苏珊开车兜风来到铝土镇。那是本顿边上的一个小镇,名字源于用来炼铝的铝土。那里有一个露天铝土矿。 +"We had some classes in these quarters, often unhappy with the stiffness of the furniture or the care we had to take with our equipment.",我们在这些教室里上过一些课,但那些桌椅显得生硬古板,还得小心翼翼以免损坏设备,往往让人觉得不太舒服。 +"Yet doing so will be hard, not least because of the country's well-earned reputation for pervasive academic and scientific misconduct.",然而,想做到这一点绝非易事,尤其是因为普遍存在于该国度学术和科研范畴不正派行为的积习诟病之“很大的荣誉”。 +"Where chair that you're sitting on, when you go to aggression that is hell.",就在你坐的那张椅子上,当你变得嗔恨,那里就是地狱。 +Hillary Clinton and U. S. Secretary of State Minister of Foreign Affairs of Romania Baconschi 13 within the U. S. missile defense system in Rome to sign the agreement.,美国国务卿希拉里·克林顿与罗马尼亚外交部长巴孔斯基13日就美国在罗境内部署反导系统签署了协议。 +A. That't right. But my new cat is cuter .,但我喜欢你原来的小猫。它很可爱。 +"The product design leaves space for the users'association, so when the products are put into use, there will produce product-revert thought, understanding, and jovial psychological feedback.",当设计产品留有让使用者联想的空间时,一旦被使用,就会产生产品-还原思想,理解,愉悦的心理反应。 +Time: 2 hours per week - This work usually comes in waves.,时间 :每周2小时。 这个工作通常一波接一波地来。 +The findings help explain why West Nile fever crosses from birds to humans so easily says Leal.,利尔说, 这些发现有助于阐明为什么西尼罗热可以轻而易举地从鸟类传播到人类。 +I myself determine history - it is not history that determines me.,我自己决定历史,并非历史决定我。 +All of these make it feasible to transfer rural labor by foreign labor cooperation.,这些都说明,利用对外劳务合作转移农村劳动力是可行的。 +"When it comes time to talk, the conversation should be formal in nature.Ask your reports into your office for an unhurried discussion about anythingthat is on their minds.",当进行谈话的时候,要正式一点。 邀请下属到你的办公室,慢慢来,讨论他们的想法。 +We look forward to your reture on an early day.,我们盼望你早日归队。 +The trend is also represented in the rising share prices of hotel groups and their lengthening development pipelines.,酒店集团不断上涨的股价及其不断扩大的开发计划,也反映出了这种趋势。 +Man Always Remenber Love Because Of Romantic Only.,男人总是因为浪漫才记得爱。 +"I didn't want the graffiti coating, because I think vandalism is an expression of the city.",我不想掩饰那些涂鸦,因为我认为这是对���市的一种情感表达方式。 +I hope we can stay away a deal-the time.,我期望咱们这次能达成一笔交易。 +"The real morality, the real blessing will occur when you know, you see and you understand by yourself, and when you respect yourself.",当你知道、看见并了悟自己时,以及当你尊重自己时,就会生起真正的戒,得到真正的加持。 +Children 12 years old or under can stay free of charge in the same room with their parents.,十二岁以下的儿童与父母同住而不需加床者不另收费。 +"Patent models, by law, had to be free of glue, sturdy, and no larger than 12 inches wide, long, or high.",法律规定专利模型不得使用胶水、坚固,并且长宽高均不超过12英寸。 +Gleams and is gone; the cliffs of England stand;,灯光明灭;英格兰绝壁耸立; +"I had a meeting with NSA [national security advisor] yesterday, and DG [Director General], SSS [State Security Service].",伊塞里说:“昨天我同国家安全顾问、总经理和国家安全局举行了会谈。 +"Active work must be done to give full play to local advantages and distinctness, and make leading enterprises bigger and stronger.",要进一步打好优势特色牌,做大做强龙头企业。 +Biofuels? Not the way to go.,生物燃料这条路恐怕走不通。 +"Exaggeration is, of course, especially apparent in cartoon-style animation.",夸张,尤其是在卡通类型的动画片中,会很明显的用到。 +"And no one was there to thank them as they died in the gun turrets, the flight decks, the cockpits .",当他们在炮阵间、飞行甲板上、机舱内死去时,无人向他们道谢。 +My Bunny is White with blackpatches and he has floppy ears that he pulls onall the time. Flopsy really suits him.,我的兔子是白色的,有着黑色的小斑点,他有着松软的耳朵,时时刻刻都是竖着的,Flopsy这个名字真的很适合他呀! +The asset insurance announcement came on the same day as the bank disclosed the highest-ever annual corporate loss in British history of $34 billion.,就在政府宣布给予银行资产担保的同一天,苏格兰皇家银行宣布亏损340亿美元,创下英国企业史上最大的年度亏损记录。 +"A. Without question, however, the first major thinker to express a clear antipathy to the urban way of life was Thomas Jefferson.",毫无问题,第一个表示出对城市生活反感的大思想家是托马斯·杰佛逊。 +The old man cried for joy when he received the letter from his son.,收到儿子的信,这位老汉高兴得流下泪来。 +Improves the stream cipher RC4;,改进了序列密码RC4; +This May Cheng for International Forum.,我是程梅,这里是国际论坛。 +"All his attendants, who were with him, looked and looked, and although they could not see anything more than the others, they said, like the emperor, “It is very beautiful.”",跟他来的全体随员也仔细地看了又看,可是他们也没有看出更多的东西。 不过,他们也照着皇帝的话说:“啊,真是美极了!” +Energy-saving and environment protection are two important aspects for ironmaking industry in the 21th century.,21世纪炼铁工业发展的重点是节能与环保。 +"CNRIFFI has implemented 600 state level research projects during the last 54 years and won 56 state level awards, 120 ministry level awards.",年来,取得了 600 余项国家级和省部级重要科研成果,其中56 项获 国家级奖励,120 项获部级奖励; +This article elaborates the positive sense as well as the important action for the public library participating in the city non-material cultural heritage protection.,本文阐述了公共图书馆参与城市非物质文化遗产保护的积极意义以及重要举措。 +"NASA Administrator Charles Bolden says the budget ""enables NASA to set its sights on destinations beyond Earth orbit.""",图释:美国太空总署行政长官查尔斯·博登称这次预算将使美国太空总署能够将目光投向地球轨道外的目标。 +It is co-hosted by the UN Association of China (UNA-China) and the Public Diplomacy Office of the MFA's Information Department and chaired by UNA-China President Chen Jian.,论坛由中国联合国协会和外交部新闻司公共外交办公室联合主办,协会会长陈健主持论坛。 +"Where to be from and where to be down, however, maybe no beginning, or no ending, if only you're living.",不知道从哪里开始,又从哪里结束,但也许从没有开始,也没有结束,只要心还活着。 +"The results show that the rigid-flexible coupling model is more reasonable. The running speed of the loaded car should not be too high, and suspension parameters should be properly matched.",计算结果表明,重车运行过程中速度不宜过高,并要合理匹配悬挂参数,避免凹底架下平面超限界和过早疲劳破坏。 +"Conclusion It is important to monitor bacterium, use antibiotics correctly, detect the pathogenic microorganism and prevent risk factors for controlling the infection of NICU.",结论加强神经内科重症监护病房的细菌监测,及时发现菌群分布,合理使用抗生素,消除医院内的易感染因素,对有效控制NICU感染十分重要。 +Xiao-Section poetry world ca…,吴晓科诗天下哪有易事; +Objective To investigate the effect of Buyang Huanwu Decoction(BHD) and its active fractions such as alkaloid and glycoside on carotid arterial thrombosis in rats.,目的研究补阳还五汤及其生物碱、苷两类有效部位对大鼠颈总动脉血栓形成纤溶相关指标的影响。 +"Maybe, but support for tyrannies, right cleft, runs deep in the Daily Heil's veins.",或许是吧,但是支持暴政,不管左翼还是右翼,一直都是每日邮报的德性。 +"His mind, now disengaged from the cares which had pressed on him at first, was at leisure to find the Grants and their young inmates really worth visiting;",他现在已经解脱了当初的烦恼,心里有了闲情逸致,发现格兰特夫妇和那两个年轻伙伴的确值得交往。 +The vast majority of Chinas Christians are women. Pray for single Christian women as they trust God to provide Christian husbands. 2 Cor. 6:14,中国的基督徒大多数是女性。请为单身的姊妹祷告,求上帝为她们安排主内弟兄作配偶。林后6:14。 +"That's what imbues life with richness, and irritation, too.",这是生活中为什么既丰富又苦闷。 +"Yu-Ling Chen, from the University of Toronto, is trying to make a toilet that will ""sanitize feces within 24 hours"" so human waste doesn't transmit disease through a community.",来自多伦多大学的陈雨林,正在制作一种能够24小时给排泄物消毒的便桶,便于人们的排泄物不会通过社区传染疾病。 +Yesterday Eric Suen Yiu Wai and Cheng Rong attended a promotional event of a brand of soft drink. In the press conference they designed decorations for the soft drink.,郑融、孙耀威昨日出席某汽水宣传活动,会上安排他们设计汽水装潢。 +"Chromate in cooling agent of centre air conditioning was determined by UV-spectrophotometry with high sensitivity, simple operation and accurate data.",紫外分光光度法测定中央空调制冷剂溴化锂水溶液中的铬酸根,方法检测灵敏度高,操作简便、快速,数据准确可靠。 +"The United States, which is a sponsor of the Middle East peace talks, says Israeli settlements are an obstacle to peace, and the issue has strained relations with Israel's right-wing government.",主导中东和平谈判的美国表示,以色列定居点问题是实现和平的一个障碍。 这个问题已经造成美国与以色列右翼政府间的紧张关系。 +"Before the crash, the pilot attempted to drop one of the auxiliary fuel tanks so that he could climb higher and avoid the crash, but in vain.",飞机坠毁之前,驾驶员曾试图扔掉一只副油箱,以便能使飞机飞得高一些,避免坠毁,但这一切都是徒劳。 +Real Madrid's David Beckham gestures after his team were beaten away by Deportivo La Coruna. Los Galacticos suffered a 2-0 defeat to the struggling side.,在拉科鲁尼亚队2:0战胜皇家马德里队后,皇马球星贝克汉姆脱掉运动服要和对方球员握手。 +Properties of fine tungsten powder and fine tungsten carbide powder from violet tungstic oxide are studied. The result shows that the process of violet tungst…,结果表明,紫钨制取工艺先进合理,由紫钨制得的钨粉、碳化钨粉细而均匀,分散性好,是制取高性能硬质合金的优质原料。 +"These three countries have their own very unique challenges, but they also have a lot of common concerns.",这三个国家有自己非常独特的挑战,但也有很多共同关注的问题。 +"Lots of funeral paraphernalia including pottery, bronze wares and jewelry were found in the tombs, state-run Xinhua news agency reported on Sunday.",据新华社报道,出土的随葬品数量、种类较多,有陶瓷、青铜器和珠宝。 +"If you believe it's impossible to move mountains, you won't, It is that simple!",如果你认为愚公移山痴心妄想,那你就做不到。 道理就是这么简单! +The captain tweaked his hamstring during Wednesday's 1-0 victory over Stoke City and has since been ruled out of the Carling Cup Final against Birmingham.,队长在周三1:0击败斯托克城比赛中拉伤了肌腱,因此将缺席对伯明翰联赛杯决赛。 +"right,a monk.",“是和尚。” “好吧,和尚。 +"That is the best part, I think, about self-employment.",我想这是自我发展最精彩的部分。 +Family life is filled with ambivalence and bittersweet moments.,家庭生活也会有充满矛盾和苦楚的时候。 +SANJI-FIRST is a collectivized company with more than twenty-one years history.,中国三极( SANJI-FIRST )是一家有二十一年历史的集团化公司。 +"So with this month's HBR, we're attempting something unusual: devoting the entire issue to “the F word”—to examining the art and science of failing well.",(我那���年儿子和他的伙伴们一般管这叫“载入史册的失败”)因此本月的哈佛商业评论准备了别样的风格尝试:将整本刊物的主题定为“这个F世界”--用来测测在艺术和科学道路上的失败的价值。 +This paper discusses the relationships between a fuzzy approximation space and a fuzzy topology space. The approximations and reduction in fuzzy covering-based rough sets are also studied.,本文研究模糊近似空间与模糊拓扑空间之间的关系、基于模糊覆盖的粗糙集模型与约简等问题。 +"To utilize wireless resources optimally , we formulate the bandwidth allocation problem with interference consideration as a convex optimization problem.",为了最佳地使用无线资源,我们将频宽分配的问题规划成一个凸型最佳化问题。 +"In other words,""Where is Aunt Martha at the funeral?""",换句话说,“Martha阿姨下葬后会如何?“ +The school will get all students to attend the event.,学校将安排全体学生出席是次活动。 +"Work over the past two years, through their own efforts, I am from Xingan county to measuring the quality of the Guilin Institute of measurement and test work.",工作两年多来,通过自己的努力,我从兴安县质量计量检测所调到桂林市计量测试研究所工作。 +Doppler radar plays important roles on monitoring and predicting downbursts for its high temporal and spatial resolution.,多普勒天气雷达以其高时空分辨率成为监测和预警下击暴流的有力工具。 +"Then last month, the first trial began in the Bensonhurst case.",于是上月本森赫斯特案进行初审。 +"First, it uses a for-each-group instruction that groups all of the children of html using the attribute group-starting-with=""h1"".","首先,它使用一个 for-each-group 指令,该指令使用 group-starting-with=""h1"" 属性对 html 的所有子元素进行分组。" +Displacement chromatography (DC) is a ascendant technique for hydrogen isotopes separation. The performance of separation materials is a key factor to determine the separation effect of DC.,置换色谱法是一种较有优势的氢同位素分离方法,而分离材料的性能是决定置换色谱法分离效果的一个关键因素。 +Biological analogies have been especially instructive for developing artificial immune systems (AISs).,生物学模拟在人工免疫系统的发展中特别有指导性。 +Objective To explore the feasibility and effectiveness of teaching methods of ease based study (CBS) joint problem-discuss-guidance (PDG).,目的探讨传统的病例为引导(CBS)联合使用问题-讨论-指导(PDG)教学方法在内分泌科见习教学中的可行性及有效性。 +China National Heavy Duty Truck Corporation Cheng Jun;,中国重型汽车集团公司程军; +"Each realization is used to relate an activity in the business process to one or more business goals via formal tracing, as shown in Figure 3.",每个实现通过形式化的可追溯性,将业务过程中的一个活动与一个或多个业务目标相关联,如 图 3所示。 +Value engineering is a function analysis method achieving the necessary functions at the lowest cost of total lifetime cycle.,价值工程是以最低的全寿命周期费用实现一定的必要功能,而致力于功能分析的有组织的活动。 +We investigated the association between the Hp genotype and the incidence of coronary artery disease (CAD) in a cohort of individuals with childhood-onset type 1 diabetes.,我们研究了患儿童期初发型1型糖尿病人中遗传型触珠蛋白和发生冠心病(CAD)之间的关系。 +What's her full name?,她的全名是什么? +"JDOM builds on the strengths of existing APIs to build, as the project home page states, ""a better mousetrap.""",JDOM 建立在现有的 API 的能力之上,正如项目网页所表述的“一个更好的捕鼠器”。 +Extra rods were also directed into the calcaneocuboid joint or subchondrally to the sustentaculum if required.,如果需要,还可以用更多的可吸收棒直接置入到跟骰关节或经软骨下到载距突。 +I've never taken a lesson. There are better things to spend money on.,我从没上过驾驶课——总有比学开车更值得花钱的事情。 +This is the first report in the world of the creation of domesticated ungulate pluripotent stem cells.,这是世界首次培育出驯化的有蹄类动物的多能干细胞。 +"Its fragrance fresh spirit is rich, lasting.",其香气鲜灵浓郁,持久。 +"If you double-click on a menu which has no associated form, a warning message will inform you that there is no associated action with this menu.",如果你双击这些不与表单关联的菜单,就会有警告信息提醒您该菜单没有关联的表单。 +"By the time I got to the end of our block, my legs had turned to stone.",我跑到我们这条街尽头的时候,腿像石头一样又硬又重。 +"Climate change in the near future will weigh heavily on agricultural ecosystems and on the people who depend on farming and agriculture,” he added.",近期的气候变化将对农业生态系统、对以耕作和农业为生计的人口产生重大影响,”他补充道。 +"Example : ""The seriousness of a punishment should match the seriousness of the crime.",示例:“刑罚的严厉程度需要和罪行的严重程度相适应。 +The nurse moral education is the important content within the quality education in secondary sanitary school.,护理道德教育是中等卫校实施素质教育的一项重要内容。 +"""Bert, look at my bug, "" says Big Bird. ""Twinkle for Bert, little bug. "" But the bug doesn't twinkle.",“伯特,看看我的小飞虫。”大鸟说道。“小飞虫,给伯特闪一下。” 小飞虫没有闪。 +"Objective To discuss the relationship between quail model of hyperuricacidemia and Chinese medical symptomatology through the observation on ethology, tongue texture and the quantitative analysis.",目的通过观察模型动物行为学表现及舌质变化,并进行量化分析,探讨高尿酸血症鹌鹑模型与中医证候学之间的联系。 +A kind of on-line test and control system with strong anti-interference ability of CN~ waste water is designed.,在废水现场氰检测传感器经常受到干扰,设计了一种具有强抗干扰能力的在线检测系统。 +"Combine BOLS Blue, BOLS Amaretto, BOLS Melon and Southern Comfort in a mixing-glass with ice. Strain into a chilled shooter. Top with Rum 151%.",混合杯里加冰混合波士蓝橙,波士杏仁,波士蜜瓜和南方安逸,滤入冰过的在单被,注入适量151朗姆酒。 +This paper introduces a data acquisition circuit that is able to acquire ventricular late potentials and standard 12-lead electrocardiogram signals.,介绍了一种心室晚电位和常规12 导联心电信号综合采集电路。 +"Before that, he is a liaison officer at National Enviornment Protection Agency.",之前,汪先生还曾是国家环保总局的对外联络官员。 +"In the first part, the relationship between cyanide-resistant respiration and expression of alternative oxidase (AOX) in tobacco callus treated by different temperatures was studied.",第一部分,研究了不同低温胁迫期间烟草愈伤组织抗氰呼吸的诱导与交替氧化酶(AOX)表达的关系。 +"He chose the Fairmont name to represent his esteemed collection, honoring his first purchase and the company's flagship hotel, San Francisco's The Fairmont.",他选择了东昌名字代表他尊敬的收集,表彰他的第一次购买该公司的旗舰酒店,旧金山的费尔蒙特。 +"Behind closed doors, however, companies describe attacks that originate in China, he said.",然而,他说,这些公司在暗地里都称攻击来自中国。 +"For in the final analysis, our most basic common link is that we all inhabit this small planet.",语译: “追根究底,我们最基本的共同联系是我们都生活在这个小小的星球。 +"This acid air has been known to denude forests, and obviously the inhalation of such air cannot be good for human lungs.",这种酸性气体,我们都知道毁坏森林。 显然,吸入这样的空气对人的肺不利。 +Methuselah lived after he became the father of Lamech seven hundred eighty-two years.,默突舍拉生了拉默客后,还活了七百八十二年。 +"Products are mainly used for knitting, socks, gloves, spandex -coated wire, ribbon and yarn manufacturing and other fields.",产品主要用于针织、袜子、手套、氨纶包覆丝、纱线制造及织带等领域。 +"The main contents include:explore the ""Indexes of classification system of sub-alpine meadow degradation"" through analyzing soil and vegetation changes;",主要研究内容包括:通过分析土壤和植被变化,探讨亚高山草甸草地退化的分类指标体系; +"It had been a frosty morning, to be sure, a sharp frost, which hardly one woman in a thousand could stand the test of.",不错,那天早晨很冷,寒气袭人,能经得起这个考验的,一千个女人里头还找不到一个。 +McSquizzy: Touch a needle in this tree and I'll give you such a doing!,麦克斯奎奇:你敢碰这棵树一下,我就让你尝尝这个! +CABI is the successor organisation to the Commonwealth Agricultural Bureau.,该组织是英联邦农业局的接替组织。 +The winner picked at random who will receive a Four Ever Chelsea DVD Boxed set was Harry Sideras.,随机抽取的获奖者将获得《永远的切尔西》DVD一张,本次获奖者是Harry Sideras。 +Objective:To explore the effects of long term exercise on middle and elder people' bone metabolism biochemical markers.,目的:观察长期参加太极拳(剑)、健身操、交际舞运动对中老年人骨代谢生化指标的影响。 +Results:Artemether could inhibit the proliferation of chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML)-derived K562 cells and mouse leukemic cells L615 and the inhibition depended on the exposure time and dose.,结果:蒿甲醚可以抑制人慢性髓性白血病细胞株K562细胞、小鼠白血病细胞��L615增殖,其抑制作用呈剂量和时间依赖性。 +"To simplify the LINQ to XML programming interface, namespaces are represented in the XML tree as attributes.",为了简化 LINQ to XML 程式设计介面,命名空间在 XML 树状目录中表示属性。 +"Based on analyses to the generation mechanism of speech signals, this paper presents a novel method which uses fractal dimension to determine speech terminals for mandarin isolated words.",本文通过对语音信号产生机制的分析,将分形维方法用于普通话孤立词语音信号起止端点的检测。 +Many cold-tolerant plants can be harmed by frost.,很多耐寒植物都可能受到霜冻的危害。 +"As for how to set up the pledge to right, the current provided method is still not enough .",关于权利质权如何设定,现行法上规定不足。 +You should always keep in mind that perseverance is the mother of success and is the key to it.,你应始终紧记,毅力是成功之母,勤奋则是成功的要害。 +The remove of the problem existed in old water prorate technique by rate decline test is an progress as well as a breakthrough of eccentric separate injection techniques.,消除了原偏心配水技术采用递减法进行流量测试时存在的问题,是偏心分层注水技术的完善和突破; +"Meanwhile, the measurement results through the two semesters were still dynamically showing a proximately inverted ""U"" relation.",同时这两个学期动态的统计分析也呈现出这两个变量的一个近似倒“U”的相关性。 +"We have a large plant base with self-contained establishments, abundant technical Power and rich experiment in design and manufacture.",公司生产基地设施完备、技术力量雄厚.具有丰富的设计制造经验。 +"Then the married pair standing, or kneeling, the minister shall pronounce the benediction.",新郎与新娘站立或跪下,牧师祝福,说﹕。 +Korean Central Television provided rare live coverage of the massive parade that started at 10 AM and lasted for more than one hour at Kim Il Sung Square in central Pyongyang.,朝鲜中央电视台对本次大规模阅兵罕见地进行了现场直播,阅兵在平壤市中心的金日成广场举行,从上午10点开始,持续了一个多小时。 +"Chase was on his feet, and there was blood on him. Rachel got tears at seeing that.",蔡司也站了起来,身上血迹斑斑,蕾切尔见状心疼地眼中噙泪。 +Install shelves in various sizes and magazine holders on the walls for storage.,在墙上安装不同尺寸的书架和杂志架用来放置物品。 +Objective To observe the repairing effects and adverse action of FGF(fibroblast growth factor) organism protein sponge on traumatic ulcer.,目的观察FGF生物蛋白海绵促进创伤性溃疡的修复作用及不良反应。 +We enjoyed our moments of celebrity status too as the car assigned to us took time to arrive.,由于派给我们的车要花些时间才能来,所以我们也很享受作为名人的时刻。 +The exploitation of man by man must be abolished in the whole world.,人剥削人的制度必须在全世界消灭。 +"Finally, he got only a woman remember have make money amount of receipt.",最后,哈女士只拿到一张记有交钱金额的的收据。 +"The structure, working mechanism, design schemes, calculation methods and performance testing of small and medium sized under bin vibrating feeders are presented.",介绍了中小型仓底振动给料机结构和工作原理,以及设计方案、计算方法和性能测试; +So all the cousins and aunts and uncles are going.,我所有的表兄妹、叔叔、阿姨都去。 +"As for foreign projects within local approval authority, the feasibility report for the project proposal should conform to local approval systems.",凡属我省审批权限的外商投资项目,项目建议书可行性研究报告实行核准制。 +Bayern Munich president Karl-Heinz Rummenigge is optimistic Franck Ribery will be at the club for the first game of the season.,拜仁慕尼黑主席鲁梅尼格非常乐观法国边路里贝里将会出现在俱乐部首场比赛阵型中。 +"French-born Philippe Starck is an artist who operates purely on a sense of emotion, and he ranks as the world's most complete designer.",法国出生的菲利浦斯塔克是一个艺术家谁经营纯粹意义上的情感,他是世界上最完整的设计师队伍。 +I didn't buy that paper. I just scanned it in the check-out line.,那份报纸我没买,只是在结账排队时扫了两眼。 +He glanced at his watch; it was 7:15.,他一看表,是七点一刻了。 +"'There was a 'wow' reaction, ' recalls Franz Messerli, a New York doctor who, like many others, changed his prescription habits after the 2003 report.",纽约医生弗朗茨•梅瑟利(Franz Messerli)回忆说:当时的反应是一片大哗。 梅瑟利和许多医生一样,在这份2003年的报告出来后改变了处方习惯。 +"Subsidence unique skill : how to prevent property management company charges? 1, the active participation of property owners, the owners elected to the Committee of the Whole owners services.",防陷绝招:怎样防止物业管理公司乱收费呢?1、业主积极参与,选出为全体业主服务的业主委员会。 +"In so doing, he transcended being a job-seeker and instead became the solution to hotel companies' trickiest problems.",这样一来他就从一位求职者成为了一名给公司带来最棘手问题的解决者。 +The attack was the fifth in the area in a week.,这已是本周在该处发生的第五起鲨鱼袭击。 +"The highlight of the accident came while Lennon led the logging of one of the world's maximum recognizable anthems ""Give Peace a Chance.""",“床上和平”运动的最大亮点就是列侬录制的这首世界闻名的歌曲《给和平一个机会》。 +"As you can see, most streaming services use similar bitrates on mobile devices, jumping between 64kbps and 128kbps depending on the available bandwidth.",正如你看的的,大多数流媒体服务在移动设备上使用类似的比特率,根据可用带宽限制在64lbps和128kbps间跳转。 +"""It was a little signal that Beijing has a plan —a slow, methodical plan to reform their markets —and they are sticking to it,"" says a U.S. Treasury official.",美国一位财政部官员表示,这是一点信号,透露北京有一个计划(一个缓慢的、系统的市场改革计划),而且他们会坚持这个计划。 +"Wedge-rolling was then a newcomer inthe U. S, so applications were not numerous.",楔子滚扎当时在 美国还刚刚问世,因此应用得不很多。 +"If you can think of a catchy domain name, get it registered for less than $10.",如果你能想到的一个引人注目的域名,注册用不了10美元。 +Long-cycle sea-level changes background reflected by Xidashan Formation is from final stage of marine transgression to early stage of marine regression.,西大山组所反映的长周期海平面变化背景为海侵末期至海退初期。 +"Libyan security officials say the Afriqiyah Airways plane was flying from Johannesburg, South Africa, Wednesday morning when it crashed short of the runway at the Tripoli airport.",利比亚安全官员说,这架泛非航空公司的飞机从南非约翰内斯堡起飞,星期三早晨在的黎波里机场跑道上坠毁。 +"First, you wll be getting a monthly salary, with one month paid vacation after 1 year of service.",首先你白勺工资shi月付,在服务1年后,有1样月白勺带薪假期。 +"This paper summarized the research advances in the drought resistance mechanisms of tree species from the aspects of water relationships among tree species, net photosynth.",综述了作物的耐旱机制、水分胁迫下的生理生化反应及超微结构变化的研究进展,并指出了今后需要进一步研究的问题。 +"Since heavy metal is easy to pass food chain but living things beneficiate, to living things and the human body, healthy graveness threatens formation.",由于重金属易通过食物链而生物富集,构成对生物和人体健康的严重威胁。 +"""It is a remarkable achievement that we are on target to reach the goal of halving TB cases by 2015 in most places,"" said the UK's International Development Secretary, Hilary Benn.",“我们有希望在多数地方实现到2015年使结核病例减半的目标,这是一项巨大的成就,”联合王国国际发展部国务大臣Hilary Benn说。 +"Honda's Business in China Boosts its Annual Production Capacity to 490,000 Vehicles by Expanding its Partnership with Dongfeng Motor Corp.",本田的业务在中国通过扩大与东风汽车公司的合作,年生产能力达到49万。 +"The 3rd, into good hatch is done before brooding implement, hatch uses an egg dish, kind egg and give cheeper implement clean alexipharmic job.",第三、入孵前做好孵化器、孵化用蛋盘、种蛋和出雏器的清洗消毒工作。 +"I had never read poetry, outside of some Emily Dickinson(4).",除了艾米莉•狄金森的一些作品外,我其实从不读诗。 +And this piece of stone we call it ink stone or ink slap.,这块石头是“砚”,叫做砚石或砚台。 +"A mathematical model was established to study the indoor environment at different conditions of envelopes, indoor heat source and running mode with embed-pipe floor heating.",建立了低温热水地板辐射供暖系统间歇运行时室内热环境数学模型,利用模型计算了不同运行方式、内围护结构和内热源作用下室内热环境变化规律。 +"On a visit to Beijing that October, Philip Currie, a paleontologist now at the University of Alberta, saw the specimen and realized it would turn paleontology on its head.",同年10月,阿尔伯塔大学的古生物学家菲利普·科里(Philip Currie)来北京作访问时看到了这块化石标本,他马上意识到,它将有可能改写古生物学进程。 +Adjustable tilt positions for optimum viewing.,可调倾斜以获得最佳观赏位置。 +"This novel, which is based on Jane Eyres life stories and living conditions, reveals the evolution of the religious consciousness with humanity and deity eventual mixing together.",爱的人生经历和生存环境为线索,展示了其人性与神性最终相融的宗教意识的发展历程。 +LONDON (Reuters) - Sterling is poised to rally in the wake of next month's election as the market has become more comfortable with the idea no clear winner will emerge.,"路透伦敦4月19日电---英国下月举行国会大选之后,英镑料将蓄势待发,因为市场对于不致有政党明显胜出的想法显得更加泰然自若." +"Hollywood actress Julianne Moore, who celebrates her 50th birthday on Friday, is among the models who feature in this year…",好莱坞女星朱莉安。摩尔上周五和今年的著名倍耐力挂历模特们一起庆祝了她的50岁生日。 +"When Zhang Yimou, the acclaimed Chinese director, was asked a similar question, he replied that films about contemporary China are neutered by the censors.",张艺谋,收获了大量鲜花与掌声的导演,曾被问及同样的问题。他的回应是,有关于当代中国的电影都受到审查制度的阉割。 +We had a bad taste in our mouth the whole summer.,我们整个夏天都卧薪尝胆。 +"“Customers would be daft if they don't try to play the companies off against each other on price,” said a person close to Rio.",“如果客户不想办法让这两家公司在价格上竞争,从而坐收渔人之利,那将是愚蠢的,”一名熟悉力拓的人士表示。 +"Keane has been trying to shield the player against high expectations, but the Irishman did say: 'Connor is a great talent, there's no doubt about that. '",基恩一直都在避免球员的过早显露的锋芒,但是伊普斯维奇却强调,“奥康纳是一名天才,毫无疑问。” +"Cotton aprons and handbags with the Chinese character ""yu"" meaning prison has appealed to the Japanese.","日前,一种印有""狱""字标志的棉质围裙和手提袋在日本流行起来。" +"This model combined the port number matching with machine learning, and applied Self-Organizing Map (SOM) of which the output result is visual.",此方案结合端口号匹配和机器学习分类方法,采用输出结果可视化的自组织映射网络算法实现网络流量在应用层的分类。 +"Aimed at fissured zone of loss, colloid and cementing leak stopping were used and obtained obvious effect.",根据该区裂隙性漏失特点,采用胶体堵漏、水泥堵漏等方法,进行护壁堵漏,效果明显。 +"Nowadays, it is thought that the destruction of synaptic integrity may lead to the the age-related decline in learning and memory.",现在认为突触联络的完整性遭到破坏可能导致了年龄相关性学习记忆能力减退的发生。 +"Therefore, teach Students in accordance of their aptitude is essential.",因此,因材施教,进行分级教学是十分有必要的。 +My older brother snorted contemptuously.,我哥哥轻蔑的哼了一声。 +There weren't even film programs or departments of films.,"学校甚至连有关电影的课程,或学院都没有设立。" +"Placing function words at the ends of phrases creates frequent chunks that start with a long element and end with a short one, which is just the opposite of the rhythm of short phrases in English.",日语里将虚词放在句子的后面产生高频的语句是以长的词素的句子开始,而以短句结束,这刚好与英语里的现象相反。 +"and by 1748, at the age of 42, he was able to retire from business to devote his life to public service and the study of science.",1748年,42岁的富兰克林从商界退休,他全身心致力于公共事业和科学研究。 +"MR. SAKAI: Excuse me, what does the dotted line represent?",酒井先生:打扰一下,虚线代表的是什么? +Butthe key technique may be the disposition and management of its rolling-stock equipments.,但是,高速铁路机辆设备的配置和管理是关键技术。 +"Cultural views provide us with a broader research perspective, and we need to continue to broaden our horizons to study deeper into Bao Zhao's folk poetry.",文化视野为本文提供了更开阔的研究视角,而我们则需要不断开拓视野,从多方面对鲍照乐府诗进行更加深入的研究。 +"Filipinos are already criticizing their recently elected President Benigno Aquino III for failing to live up to his reformist campaign slogan, ""Without corruption, there's no poverty.""",菲律宾人已经开始在抨击他们新选上的总统阿基诺三世了,因为他未能履行他的改良主义竞选口号:“根治腐败,消除贫穷”。 +"In order to take account to the dual value goal of both motive security and still security, for the function of the trust publication the antagonist important condition doctrine should be adopted.",为了兼顾“动”的安全与“静”的安全双重法律价值目标的实现,信托公示的效力应采对抗要件主义。 +"Treat with penicillin, streptomycin , chloromycetin or tetracycline all effective.",用青霉素、链霉素、氯霉素或四环素治疗均有效。 +"As Bihari was being carried from jail, he hugged inmates, some of whom placed a garland of flowers around his neck.",潘迪被抬出监狱的时候,他拥抱其他囚犯,有人为他戴上花环。 +"In the third phase—Maturity, the priority of driving should be the reputation, authorization, promotion and job enrichment.",在成熟期,激励的重点应放在荣誉激励、授权激励、晋升激励和工作丰富化上; +"Speaking before Congressional committees and on numerous public service announcements, Audrey's heartfelt 11)pleas, on behalf of starving children, helped raise the world's consciousness.",赫本在多个美国国会委员会的听证会上发言,多次出现在公益广告里,她代表受饥饿折磨儿童提出情深意切的恳求,并帮助世人了解真相。 +The language which the Maori speak is related to the languages of Tahiti and Hawaiil.,毛利人讲的语言与塔希提岛和夏威夷的语言有同源关系。 +There are plenty of statistics and facts in the report about childhood obesity and advertising -- as well as a glaring oversight.,这份报告涵盖了很多与儿童肥胖、广告、家长严格的监管的数据和事实案例。 +"In the process of antennas design , it is necessary to measure the far-field character of antennas .",在天线的设计过程中,往往要测量天线的远场辐射特性。 +"According to real production case of our country, it is necessary to establish the standard about the conversion tables on hardness and strength of hardened high speed steel.",根据我国具体的生产实际情况,有必要建立我国自己的淬硬高速钢洛氏硬度和维氏硬度换算的标准。 +"I know of a palm reading stall , and it is said tobeveryaccurate .",我知道一家看手相的摊子,听说很准哦。 +"The students, participating the Son-Jun team in Shih-Chien University, are the major subjects of this study. Regarding to the formal survey, convenient sampling is used for 127 copies.",本研究以实践大学宋江技艺队学生为研究对象,采用普查方式,发放127份问卷进行填答并分析。 +"As the fit- ness function in genetic algorithms, dependent function makes the algorithm easier to find the optimization path.",用关联函数作为遗传算法的适应度函数,使算法更容易找到最优化路径; +"For example, an entity class named Department is assumed to map to a database tabled named Department.",例如,假设一个名为 Department 的实体类,与一个名为 Department 的数据库表相映射。 +"The crash occurred at roughly 485 miles, Kodlick said, an altitude used by satellites that monitor weather, relay communications and perform scientific observations.",科迪里克还说,“事故发生在距地球约485英里的海拔高度,卫星监控天气、通讯和科学考察的高度。” +"Instruction: After toning skin. Applyappropriate amount of the product evenly on the whole face, softly massage until absorbed (in the day time).",使用方法: 爽肤后取适量全脸均匀涂抹,按摩至吸收即可(白天使用)。 +"o ""Figuring out how to more flexibly deploy the skills available through members of groups would be associated with survival.""",弄明白怎样在团员之中更灵活地部署可用的技巧攸关生存大事。 +"Results The total effective rate of it is 82.2% , and comparing with the control group there is a significant difference (P<0.01).",结果白芨复合物预防腹腔术后粘连效果良好,总有效率82.2%,与对照组比较有非常显著差异(P<0.01)。 +Results:The best conditions of salvianolic acid B extraction is to crush medicinal materials into thick slices without soaking and to put 30% ethanol in reflux with 90℃.,结果:丹酚酸B的最佳醇提条件为:将药材切成厚片,投料,不经浸泡,用30%乙醇于90℃回流提取效果最佳。 +Every time he said something he would turn and look at Japhy and deliver these rather brilliant inanities with a complete deadpan;,每当他说些什么, 他总是转身看着贾菲并用一个十足冷脸笑匠的表情发表这些相当才智的废话; +"Objective To examine the expression of CD147, cyclophilin A and cyclophilin B in psoriatic lesions, and investigate their roles in the pathology of psoriasis and its clinical significance.",目的研究CD147、亲环素A和亲环素B在正常人皮肤和银屑病皮损中的表达情况,探讨其在银屑病发病机制中的作用及临床意义。 +Will Mr. Wang be here tomorrow?,明天王先生会来这里吗?。 +PRCA has also been reported in patients receiving ESAs while undergoing treatment for hepatitis C with interferon and ribavirin.,再障另据报道,在欧空局接受患者在接受干扰素及利巴韦林治疗丙型肝炎的。 +"Apply milk first full face, neck, also painted with the best massage for one minute, with a hot towel scrubbed;",先将纯牛奶涂抹全脸,最好颈部也涂上,按摩一分钟,用��毛巾拭净; +My concern is thatclicking on a subheading or a chapter opens the entire chapter; theexample he showed would have been 95 pages if printed.,我的担心在于,点击一节的副标题会打开整个章节,主办者展示的例子打印出来可有95页。 +"While it is certainly true that pop-ups can really work, it should be remembered that using them does also have multiple negative consequences.",弹出框确实可以发挥作用,但大家不能忽视它的消极影响。 +"That would be Chinglish for fat-free milk, as one ad says.",一则广告说道:“被解放的牛乳”是脱脂牛奶的中式英译。 +"Using our familiar images such as man, animal, flower, wood, plane, character and numbers to express and know the big universe (family) where we live together.",用人类、动物、花、木、飞机、文字和数字等这些我们熟悉的事物形象来表现和认识我们共同居住的这个大宇宙(即家族)。 +We need to learn the lessons from the past – without being limited by them.,我们要从历史事件中吸取教训,亦不能拘泥于此。 +"Bombardier China's Zhang says miscommunication and misunderstandings can result from a difference in culture, language and business practices.",庞巴迪中国的张先生表示文化,语言和商业习惯上的差异会带来交流理解上的误会。 +Main component made adopt import stain less steel.,主件采用进口优质不锈钢冲压而成; +A huge hand seized the back of Harry's robes and hoisted him out of the plummeting sidecar;,一只大手揪住哈利长袍的后背,把他拽出急速下降的挎斗。 +"Downpours battered the cities of Beijing and Zhengzhou, along with the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region.",倾盆大雨袭击了北京市、郑州市以及内蒙古自治区。 +The compound can be split into parts.,该化合物可分裂为诸元素。 +"All the world is a stage, and all the men and women merely players…",整个世界都是一座舞台,所有上场的男男女女都是演员… +"Nuke him to 200 hp with zeus, he will silence you and kill 3 creeps - he's on 450 hp again.",比如用宙斯把打到他200的血,他会沉默你然后杀掉3个兵——这样他又有450的血了。 +"Just this week, we announced that for the first time.",就在本周,我们首次宣布了那一政策。 +To defy the lofty and returen to the worldly is a basic cultural value orientation and narrative standpoint for the 20th century major writers of the Chinese urban literature.,对于2 0世纪中国市民文学的创作主体来说,消解崇高,以俗为本,成为他们的一种基本的文化价值取向和叙事立场。 +"""There are too many successes for big-bang cosmology to be troubled by these lithium problems, "" he says.",“宇宙的大爆炸理论有着很多很多的成功之处,还不至由这些锂的问题构成麻烦,”他说。 +"Though the rope may part and the great junk swing back, in the end the rapid will be passed, and at the close of the weary day there is the hearty meal.",虽然纤绳可能断掉,大船可能倒退,但险滩终将度过,在一天筋疲力尽的尾声中他们也能痛快地饱餐一顿。 +"In some areas, performance programs include ""Spring Fish Mating"", ""Summer Fish Playing on the Sea"", ""autumn Fish Finding Food Under the Sea"" and ""Winter Fish Congregating in Caves"".",有些地区的“鱼舞”,还要表演“春鱼交尾”,“夏鱼出海嬉戏”,“秋鱼潜海觅食”,“冬鱼群聚岩洞”等名目。 +Look at this chart. What do we call people from America?,看这张表,我们怎么称呼来自美国的人? +"Main teaching courses were as follows: ""Land Resources Management"", ""Population, Resources and Environmental Economics""(diglossia), ""Urban Ecology"" and so on.",主讲“土地资源管理”、“人口、资源与环境经济学”(双语)、“城市生态学”等课程。 +"Beleaguered and poor though she sometimes felt, or craving an interruption in the sea of asphalt and iron, a silence in the tide of chatter, she couldn't imagine giving it up.",尽管她时而有种被围困的感觉,时而又觉得自己很可怜;她还感到自己仿佛是在纽约那由沥青和钢筋混凝土构成的世界里吃力地寻找一个出口和一刻喧嚣中的宁静,她都无法想像离开纽约会是怎样。 +"At Humber College we will do everything we can to help you succeed. When you come to Humber College, you will part of the Humber College family. I look forward to seeing you in Canada.",在汉伯学院我们将尽一切努力帮助大家获得成功,当你来到汉伯学院,你就是汉伯学院大家庭的一员我在加拿大期盼着你的到来。 +"This land is a one-time suppress glue, seamless, leakage protection among the gender is good, color generally have gray, cream-colored, black to choose from.",这种地胶是一次性压制而成,中间无缝,防泄漏性好,颜色通常有灰色、米色、黑色可供选择。 +"""Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him. "" (I John 2:15).",不要爱世界、和世界上的事。人若爱世界、爱父的心就不在他�面了。(约一2:15) +"As for the coffee oil - the result of olives and coffee beans being pressed together by the Spanish olive oil producer Vea - again it is pungent, almost acrid.",至于咖啡豆,由于西班牙橄榄油生产商Vea同时将橄榄和咖啡豆一起压榨,也是富有刺激性,几乎可以说是辛辣。 +Here are the symptoms: pain or numbness in the hand—especially the pinky and ring fingers.,病症如下:手痛或发麻——尤其是小指和无名指。 +"The idea that a single influential individual (even a blogger like Guy or a talk show host like Oprah) can individually change the herd is crazy, and I don’t think anyone has argued that.",那种仅靠一个人的力量就能改变整群人的做法是异想天开,即使是blogger Guy 或是Oprah这样的脱口秀主持人也做不到。 我觉得这一点是勿庸置疑的。 +Mr. Sarkozy's remarks made at a major international conference in Paris.,萨尔科齐是在巴黎举行的一个大型国际会议上说这番话的。 +"Others say that the Earth always rotated about its polar axis, but that the Earth's crust shifts so that the land located at each pole changes.",而另一些人说,地球总是绕着目前的地轴在转动,但是地壳的运动使得位于极点的陆地发生了变化。 +"Because of the different product weights and distances, transport costs spread into many different.",由于各类产品重量和运输距离的不同,运输成本摊入的多少也不同。 +"Based on Wien Radiation Law, this paper presented a calibration method of color radiant images of flame.",基于维恩辐射定律提出了彩色火焰辐射图像的标定方法。 +American Hero Complete the Road to Independence campaigns freeing the American colonists from British rule!,称号:美国英雄 完成“独立之路”,率领美国人民推翻英国暴政!自由万岁! +"The marketization of health care is detrimental to the protection of the right to life and health for the rural population, the senior citizens and the disabled.",卫生工作实行市场化机制则不利于广大农村人口、年老者及残疾人的生命健康权利保障。 +"Not only do many Haitians rely on animals for their economic well-being, but the spread of disease from animal to human is a very real threat.",不只是因为海地人的经济依赖于他们的动物,还因为有可能自动物传染给人类的疾病对海地人来说是一个非常现实的威胁。 +"The proliferation of SHI-1, SHI-1-CD34+, SHI-1-CD34- cells were observed by counting in different time after incubating in a 24-well plate.",将分选前后的CD34+、CD34-SHI-1细胞以相同的密度接种于24孔板,分不同的时间点计数细胞,并绘制生长曲线。 +"We are mainly producing non woven bags, shopping bag, promotional bag, advertising bags ect.",主要的产品有无纺布环保袋、购物袋、礼品袋、广告袋等等。 +tcplimit offers a good way of limiting non-essential services -- so that a flood of traffic to a non-essential service doesn't disrupt your network or server.,tcplimit 为限制非基本服务提供了一个好方法 -- 因此对非基本服务的大量通信量不会中断网络或服务器。 +In the past two years nearly 800 people in Lusikisiki have been treated with antiretroviral (ARV) drugs.,在过去的两年里在鲁塞济斯基已有近八百人接种了抗病毒药物ARV。 +It was on the day following the evening when she had come seeking me out that I sent her Manon Lescaut.,就在她来找我的那个晚上的第二天,我把《玛侬·莱斯科》送给了她。 +"Enjoy the aesthetic feeling about concise, general, straightforward cloth paste pictures. Edify Ss'the sentiment of beauty.",感受布贴画简洁、概括、粗犷的形式美感,陶冶美的情操。 +One must not push too far in descent under pretext of a return to reason.,不要借口恢复理智,而在下坡路上滑过了头。 +The Indians soaked away aches and ailments in the healing mud and waters.,印度人用具有医疗功效的湖水和泥浆来减轻病痛,治疗疾病。 +Junior advertising students at Zhengzhou University are excited about the only chance they'll have to face professionals in the industry before they start hunting for internships.,郑州大学广告系的大三学生对于与业界专业人士面对面接触的机会感到十分兴奋,这是他们在实习开始前的唯一机会。 +"A city of southeast Minnesota on the Mississippi River southeast of St. Paul. It is a manufacturing and trade center. Population, 25, 399.",威诺娜美国明尼苏达州东南部一城市,位于圣保罗东南密西西比河上。是一个制造业和贸易中心。人口25,399。 +"Like many epithelial tumors, head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC) contains a heterogeneous population of cancer cells.",许多上皮细胞瘤包含���质性癌细胞群体,头颈鳞状上皮细胞肿瘤(癌)(HNSCC)也不例外。 +"Xu Xiaoyang, an associate professor at Chongqing Medical University and a gynecologist at one of the university`s affiliated hospitals, said she`s witnessed a surge in abortions from female students.",重庆医科大学副教授、重庆医大附属医院妇科医生徐晓阳(音译)表示自己目睹了前来做人流手术的女生人数的增长。 +"Abominable insects disappeared, Alocasia and better growth.",可恶的虫子不见了,观音莲长势也更好。 +Producing practice shows that the efficiency of this composite burden is very well.,经生产实践证明,这种复合炉料的效益十分显著。 +Customs staff qualifications examination by the Customs General Administration is a national examination. It is the recognized qualification examination.,报关员资格考试是由海关总署统一组织的全国性考试,是执业资格的认定考试。 +"When I covered Hurricane Katrina in Mississippi, it seemed that the commonest reason people who stayed through the storm gave for refusing to evacuate was, ""I couldn't leave my pet.",当我在密西西比州报导卡特里娜飓风的时候,在如果受困于飓风却为何拒绝紧急疏散的问题上,大多数人都给出了相同的理由:我不能抛弃我的宠物。 +The criticizing and opposition on the Meeting from all walks of life revealed the severe conflict of each political force in the 1920s and their goals should be carefully examined.,社会各界对关税会议的批判及反对反映了20世纪20年代中国各个政治势力的激烈交锋,对其目的须作仔细的分辨。 +"It specially uses flexible pre-pressing pole mechanism to do second packing to the extra thick wall, so as to solve the miner's lamp convex problems including shrinking and vacuum bubble.",其特别之处在于采用灵活的预压杆机构对产品超厚部分进行二级保压,解决了矿灯凸透镜部分容易产生收缩和真空泡等问题。 +"Removing syntax helps readability, which it turn makes it easier to see the design elements hiding in your code, obscured by necessary but cluttering syntax.",删除语法有助于改善可读性,从而使您更容易发现隐藏在代码中的设计元素,这些设计元素往往为必要但又杂乱的语法所遮挡。 +"A little of high purity PC(96.7%) and a great deal of PE(82.1%) can be also obtained by gradient eluenting with chloroform-methanol (2: 1, V/V) and methanol from crude PE.",粗脑磷脂为原料用氯仿-甲醇(2:1, V/V)、无水甲醇的梯度淋洗模式,可获得少量含量96.7%的高纯卵磷脂和大量含量82.1%的脑磷脂产品。 +"Conclusion:For sacral screw fixation in osteoporotic patient, bicortical pedicle screw has significantly higher fixation strength than unicortical screw.",结论:在骨质疏松患者的骶骨固定中,双皮质骶骨椎弓根钉较单皮质具有更高的锚定强度。 +Conclusion The synthesis and secretion of thyrotrophin of pituitary in rats may be inhibited by psychological stress.,结论心理应激可不同程度地抑制大鼠腺垂体促甲状腺素细胞合成和分泌促甲状腺素。 +"On February 12 the Czarina died, the Miracle of the House of Brandenburg had come to pass.",2月12日,俄国女皇死了,勃兰登堡王室的奇迹终于出现。 +Be adept in metallurgic inspection and material analysis . be proficient in most lab equipments theory and operation.,擅长金相分析和材料性能测试,接触过较多的先进实验室仪器。 +Objective To explore the the curative and nursing effect of molecular absorbent recirculating system(MARS) on encephalopathy(HE).,目的探讨分子吸附再循环系统(MARS)治疗肝性脑病(HE)的疗效和护理。 +"If they cannot restore games, they must re-install AoK/AoC and make sure their restore function is working before WCL7 begins.",如果发现恢复不能,选手必须重装游戏保证在WCL7开始前保证该功能正常运作。 +She kept her knowledge of the love affair a secret from her husband.,她知道这桩风流韵事, 但没有告诉她丈夫。 +"In general, external circumstances make very little difference.",总得来说,外部环境的影响很小。 +"Jason has been written in numerous newspapers, appeared on local cable talk show, highlighted on evening news broadcasts and has been a guest on the nationally televised LEEA SHOW.",不仅许多报纸都写了关于贾森的事,他还出现在当地的有线电台的脱口秀节目中,被夜间新闻广播重点强调,而且成为国家电台“利兹亚车展“的嘉宾。 +"This is especially important when APIs declare abstract methods (see, e.g., Chapter 4, Traits).",这在API 被声明为抽象方法时尤其重要。 (参见,比如《第4章 - 特性》。) +"A novel fluorine-containing epoxy vinyl ester resin (F-EVER) was synthesized using fluorine-containing epoxy (F-EP), acrylic acid (AA) and methacrylic acid (MAA) as monomer.",以含氟环氧树脂(F-EP��、丙烯酸(AA)和甲基丙烯酸(MAA)为单体,用顺丁烯二酸(MA)进行改性,合成了含氟环氧乙烯基酯树脂(F-EVER)。 +"She may have had my interests at heart, but from my standpoint at the time, her less than tender approach to parenting was the equivalent of bamboo torture treatment.",(正确的译法:她心里也许是为我好,但那时依我看来,她那毫不温柔的为母之道就如同用竹条鞭笞一般严厉。)这里的。 +"For example, groups of baboons that usually live apart as apparently separate species sometimes aggregate and interbreed, muddying their classification.",比如说,成群的狒狒通常分开居住,很明显被看作独居物种,但是有时他们会聚集和杂交,这样一来他们的分类就很模糊了。 +"By early 1858 he had succeeded in enlisting a small ""army"" of insurrectionists, including three of his sons, whose mission was to foment rebellion among the slaves.",到1858年,布朗成功拉起了一小支包含其三个儿子在内的“部队”,目标就是在奴隶中煽动起义。 +"Based on grey collection, grey collection analysis method is pointed out and applied to assessment of soil environmental quality.",以灰色聚类为基础,提出了灰色模糊聚类分析法,并将其应用于土壤环境质量评价中。 +"Yes, if you will let me bum a couple bucks tonight, I promise to pay you back tomorrow.",行行行,就借妳两块钱,哎,妳向服务员要酒吧,我来付钱。哎,可明天别忘了还我喔。 +EDDI duplicates an instruction stream for the purpose of checking the resulting stream's result.,EDDI 复制指令流的作用是检查最后得到的数据流结果。 +"The invention relates to a household cabinet, in particular to a liftable cabinet.",本发明涉及一种家庭用橱柜,尤其涉及一种可升降式的橱柜。 +"With the stress laid on, explain the four factors of reinforcing-reducing needling techniques and Bi-directional regulation of acupuncture & moxibustion in 10 minutes.",重点突出,用10分钟时间讲清楚补泻四要素及针刺的双向调节作用; +"Also, most Western pieces of music have chord progressions to which the melody conforms.",同时,大多数西方音乐作品的旋律要符合和弦数。 +"As time passed, Beddgelert's master fell in love and married a beautiful girl.",随着时光的流逝,贝德格勒特的主人恋爱了,与一个漂亮的姑娘结了婚。 +Methods: 68 cases with three ressel disease on coronary artery who had been made coronary arteriography were selected. Then analyze the ECG characteristic of routine 12 lead.,方法:选择68例冠状动脉造影冠状动脉三支病变的患者,进行常规12导联心电图特点分析,预测心电图对冠状动脉三支病变的临床意义。 +The experimental method of this paper is firstly to do an interactive experiment between DME and diesel fuel to prove that the blended fuel can meet the diesel engine requirements.,本文的实验方法是先对二甲醚和柴油做了互溶性实验,证明混合燃料可以达到在柴油机上掺烧的要求。 +Three-dimension picture take-up device that suitable to small-size materials was designed in order to take pictures from three inter-perpendicular orientation.,为了实现从三个相互垂直的方向对物料进行摄像,设计了适合较小尺寸物料的三维摄像装置。 +The teacher employment system reform will have a great meaning for promoting our country's educational positive development.,教师聘用制改革对促进我国教育事业的良性发展有着重要的意义。 +"Performance review of workshop implements multi-level examination system, assign examination index to every one.",车间绩效考核实行层层考核制,考核指标到个人。 +Pablo’s uncle was also the attending physician who delivered the baby! Dr. Don Salvador is credited with saving the life of newborn Pablo.,毕加索的叔叔也是此次接生过程中的一位主治医师,唐·萨尔瓦多(Don Salvador)医生因救活了新生的毕加索而受到称赞。 +"Xu Gang, as the representative of writers who compose many ecological works, suffers from cold reception.",以徐刚为代表的作家在生态文学创作上获得丰收,而在批评界却遭受冷遇。 +"As a kind of fire insulation materials, fire prevention board can effectively reduce the frequency of fire caused by organic materials, it uses a very wide range.",为一种防火的保温材料,防火岩棉板有效的降低了有机材料引发的火灾频率,因此用途十分的广泛。 +"Understanding of children's paintings, to understand children, to encourage many more exchanges.",了解儿童画,了解小孩,多多交流多多鼓励。 +Never give up. This may be your moment for miracle.,永不放弃。这或许是你创造奇迹的时刻。 +"Maybe coconut milk was on sale at Costco and the good doctor couldn’t resist a bargain, even though he had no use for coconut milk?",又或者好市多椰奶打折,这位医生��使没什么用途也忍不住促销诱惑? +"You have to try Five-flavored Beans, Ligao Candy, Roasted Chestnut, Seasonal Hairy Crab, and not to mention the other savory desserts.",你可以去尝一尝五香豆、梨膏糖、糖炒栗子、大闸蟹,更别提那些风味独特的小吃和点心了。 +"In all his roles, Combs, known these days as Diddy , has been on the forefront of pushing hip-hop culture into the mainstream.",目前康姆又名「迪迪」,它扮演的所有角色都是开路先锋,把嘻哈文化推向主流。 +I see a yellow duck looking at me.,我看到一只黄鸭在看着我。 +"To build a good salt delve gas storage reservoir, sonar measuring technique is introduced.",为建好盐穴储气库,引进并采用声纳测量技术。 +"With S-430 scanning electron microscope we have studied supermicrostructure of the China Medical Stone (CMS) from Neimen's 《China》sign. Tianjin Jixian, Anhui Jiuhuashan.",在S-430扫描电镜下观察内蒙中华牌、天津蓟县、安徽九华山麦饭石超微结构。 +"""Nian"" was a beast fazhaodou, call loudly.",“年”兽浑身一抖,怪叫了一声。 +"Behind the cuts are jittery employers whose faith in the recovery─and, by extension, consumers' willingness to spend─has been shaken.",在裁员的背后,是雇主对经济复苏(更进一步说,是对消费者的支出意愿)产生了信心动摇。 +Objective To compare the difference of officinal value among four specieses of holothuirian.,目的比较乌爪参、黄小刺参、小黑参、智利参的药用价值差异。 +We check the calibration and reactor system of measurement.,我们检查并校准了反应釜计量系统。 +Another facility is being transformed into a mall.,而另一座场馆被改建为购物中心。 +"Many French people will now pin their hopes on new coach Blank body, but a closer look, Blanc hands can play the cards is very limited.",现在法国民众多将希望寄托在新帅布兰克身上,但仔细审视,布兰克手中能打的牌非常有限。 +"The most obvious are communications aids such as instant messaging, phone and video conferencing, and virtual workspaces.",最明显的就是沟通援助,例如:即时消息、电话、视频会议和虚拟工作空间等。 +"and everyone, you know, when people are locked out, they get helped.",如果有人被锁在了宿舍楼外,他们一定会得到帮助。 +"'There were some improvements made in the patent law, [but] there's a lot to be concerned about, ' Mr. Cohen said.",科恩说,新专利法有了一些进步,但仍有许多地方需要关注。 +"Please, bless me with the desire to fan your disciple, Kunjabihari Däsa.",请祝福我有为您的门徒昆佳比哈瑞达斯扇风的愿望。 +"And being meat, they can only travel through C space.",而且作为肉质生命,它们只能在C度空间中旅行。 +Ants and grasshoppers are happy.,蚂蚁和蚱蜢是快乐的。 +"In informal meetings, political directors read newspapers to the soldiers, told of the defeats of Chiang Kai-shek in other parts of the country and explained the meaning of the war.",政治指导员日常和士兵在一起时,给大家读报,报告全国各战场打败蒋介石的消息和解释战争的意义。 +"He says, ""It is easy for a patient's hair to get in the way and block the signal"" with conventional fNIRS technology.","他说,""如果用传统的FNIRS技术,病人的头发很容易就挡住红外线,切断光谱信号。" +"The current management team under James Hambrick will continue to lead Lubrizol, the companies said.","两家公司表示,由James Hambrick带领的现任管理团队将继续领导Lubrizol." +Which means that buying in-shell nuts and cracking them yourself is the simplest road to nut nirvana.,也就是说买带皮的坚果自己砸碎是最简单的食用方法。 +"After he finishes, he looks into his shirt pocket again and orders another shot.",喝光以后,又朝口袋里看了一眼,再次要了一杯酒。 +"If feasible, preferably with rubber spring on the actual preload.",如果可行的话,最好能在弹簧上加上橡胶件的实际预紧力。 +"Mrs. Hui, being a shrew and clever woman, got an idea of how to sell the papers they've made.",聪明的慧娘想出了一个卖纸的好办法,告诉丈夫依计行事。 +It’s a little bit stuffy for some people.,对有些人来说,这里可能会有点闷。 +"Conveyance service The hotel 's business center, meeting center, massage and fitness center, Shuxian Tourist Agency provide perfect service of business, meeting, body—building and tour for you.",配套服务酒店商务中心、会议中心、桑拿健身、苏仙旅行社为您提供完美的商务、会议、健身、旅游服务。 +The variation in the foreground features a 50-watt engine and four-wheel drive.,在前台变化特征50瓦引擎和四轮驱动。 +Will you call back later or should I leave word for him to call you ?,你以后再打电话来,还是留个信叫他打电话给你? +"""All feasible measures to ensure the attempt"", This opinion is very important.",“确保尝试所有可行之道”,这一意见十分重要。 +"Two individuals, the BOH representative and the CF representative, will have responsibility for managing and analyzing these data, and for reporting to the BOH directly.",另外两个人,希望桥梁组织(BOH)代表和CF代表将负责数据管理分析,并直接上报BOH。 +"Cavities, formed in silicon by high dose helium implantation and subsequent heat treatment, have a great effect on gettering metallic impurities.",高剂量的氦离子注入并热处理在硅中形成对金属具有高吸杂作用的微孔。 +"Above all, an approach that aims to strengthen fundamental capacities sets the stage for sustainable solutions, builds self-reliance, and contributes to effective aid.",首先,确立以加强基本能力为目标的方针,为可持续解决办法创造了条件,培养了自力更生的能力,并促进有实效的援助。 +"""The actual dynamic between me and the male world shifted, "" he says. He says he's a heterosexual now.",“我和整个男性世界之间的这种相互吸引消失了,”他说现在自己已是异性恋。 +"According to the National Bureau of Statistics of China, 1, 596 yuan, or 39%, of per capita annual income of the nation's rural households, came from wages in 2007, up from 20% in 1990.",根据中国国家统计局(National Bureau of Statistics of China)的数据,中国农村家庭2007年人均年收入中有1 596元为工资收入,占总收入的比例为39%,高于1990年的20%。 +"Alcatel-Lucent, an equipment-maker, announced a loss of €402m ($536m) for the three months to March, compared with a loss of €181m in the same period a year earlier.",设备制造商阿尔卡特-朗讯公司宣布,截止到3月份的三个月内共亏损了4.02亿欧元,同比一年前的数字为亏损1.81亿欧元。 +"A significant portion of Mitchell’s trip is being spent listening to leaders in the region, and the envoy will report those findings to Obama and Clinton upon his return.",米切尔中东之行的很大一部份时间用于倾听该地区领导人的意见,他在回国后,将向奥巴马总统和克林顿国务卿汇报他了解的情况。 +The 1999 movie Office Space was maybe the first to capture how alien and dispiriting the office park can be for men.,1999年上映的电影《上班一条虫》首次描绘了办公园区与男性之间不相容且令人沮丧的关系。 +"He knew what it mean to be one of the disinherited, to be chained to the deadening routine of the machine and to soul-destroying labor for an insufficient reward.",他知道成为被剥夺继承权的人之一,被震耳欲聋的机器轰鸣所困,为了少的可怜的回报付出艰辛劳动意味着什么。 +Think about what we can do to make our environment better.,动动脑想想看我们能做些什麽让环境更美好。 +"This not only benefits the community, but also develops the team.",这些做法不仅可以造福社会,还有利于公司团队的发展。 +"Opportunistic infections such as toxoplasmosis, MAC and cytomegalovirus infection can be diagnosed and treated in places with advanced infrastructure.",而其他的机会感染,如弓形体病、鸟型结核菌感染和巨细胞病毒感染等机会需要在具备先进基础设施的地方才能进行诊断与治疗。 +Only in 411 and 404 did oligarchs succeed in establishing a government where the few and wealthy ruled over the many and mostly poor.,只有在公元前411年和404年,寡头们成功地建立了由少数且富有者凌驾于多数但贫穷者之上的政权。 +"Content: Unitized-system curtain wall, double-glazing glass and granite panel;",内 容: 单元式中空玻璃、花岗石组合幕墙; +Several AES standard pink noises of different bandwidths are generated.,利用这些技术进行了实验,产生了六组不同带宽的AES标准粉红噪声信号。 +"Good morning, sir, may I help you?",早上好,先生,有何贵干? +Chapter 2 studies the tests for heteroscedasticity and correlation in longitudinal data model with uniform correlation covariance structure.,第二章系统讨论了具有一致相关的纵向数据模型中异方差和相关性的检验问题。 +One day the peasant had been working in his field, and just as it was getting dark he was getting ready to go home when in the middle of his field he saw a pile of burning coals.,一天,农夫在田间劳动了一整天,天黑时正准备回家,忽然发现自己的田里有堆煤在燃烧,他惊讶万分,于是便走上前去看,发现竟有一个黑色的小魔鬼走在燃烧的煤堆上。 +Evaluation method and its application in developing high water cut oil field;,用微观实验方法研究高含盐油藏水驱储层参数变化的规律与机理。 +Rowing was officially recognized as an Olympic sport at London in 1908.,1908年,在伦敦奥运赛艇被正式列入奥运会项目。 +"I wasn't just interested in the general computing applications here though, I was eager to find out if more general graphics problems could be offloaded from the CPU.",尽管我对通用计算程序并不感兴趣,我还是渴望知道是否会有更多的通用图形问题可以从CPU上解放出来。 +Jack: Have you ever attended a Kwanzaa celebration?,杰克:你参加过宽札节的庆祝活动吗? +"And while many advanced economies face these cold headwinds, many emerging markets are facing too much heat—inflation pressures, strong credit growth, rising current account deficits.",而当很多先进经济体逆着冷风艰难前行时,诸多新兴市场却高温不退——通胀压力加剧,信贷强劲增长,经常账户逆差不断扩大。 +Ready-made blood vessels that surgeons could take off the shelf and implant into patients may not …,从架子上取下的血管 由人类细胞培育出的生物工程血管。 +Software tools are designed for specific types of projects and circumstances.,软件工具是为特殊类型的项目和环境而设计的。 +"For instance, 900 g of lettuce plus 450 g of kale provides just 300 kcal or about 15% of calories.",举例来说,900克生菜加上450克芥蓝只提供了约300卡或者说15%的所需热量。 +"Dispels rheumatism, to make up hepatorenal, the strong physique.",祛风湿、补肝肾、强筋骨。 +"Creating a regional stockpile so that drugs can reach an outbreak faster is ""exactly what we would recommend,"" Ira Longini, lead author of the paper in Science, told SciDev.Net.",《科学》杂志那篇论文的第一作者Ira Longini对本网络记者表示,创建一个区域性库存,从而让药品能够迅速到达瘟疫爆发地点,这正是参与这项研究的科学家们打算推荐的策略。 +To elucidate the influences of Taurochenodexycholic Acid (TCDCA) on apoptosis of immunocytes in mice and explain its principle are the aim of the experiment.,本研究旨在阐明牛磺鹅去氧胆酸(TCDCA)对小鼠免疫细胞凋亡的影响及其影响机理。 +It was that first year in business that a friend invited him to a Texas Professional Photography Association convention.,在经营的第一年,一位朋友邀请他参加了得州职业摄影协会代表大会。 +Passivity: this will not declare the queue but will cause an exception if no such queue is present.,惰性:如果没有声明队列,那么在执行到使用的时候会导致异常,并不会主动声明。 +Neither is appropriate when juxtaposed with the murder of one man - a police officer - and the execution of another.,哪条都跟某个人的杀人凶手—一位政治官员—以及对另一个人的处决毫不相干。 +"However, U. S. officials stressed that smoking marijuana out of competition was not an anti-doping matter.",然而,美国官员强调,在比赛之外吸食大麻并没有违反反兴奋剂条例。 +"Eventually, the reason for this abundance hit me: I was taking up twice the space of a normal double-occupancy passenger.",得知房间何以如此宽裕的原因之后我震惊了:我占用了普通双人房两倍的空间。 +There is no hurry in running to school for time is still enough.,没有必要匆匆忙忙上学校,因为时间还充足呢。 +Method:UV-visible spectrophotometry was adopted to deter- mine the dissolution of Oleanolic acid in Zhentangkang capsule.,方法:以紫外-可见分光光度法测定齐墩果酸的含量。 +"An example of dismantling a brick-concrete structure building by blasting method is analyzed, some problems arisen in the process of designing and constructing are illustrated.",从一则砖混结构楼房爆破拆除实例,发现在爆破拆除该类建筑物的设计与实施中存在问题,为此提出改进设计。 +"""Franconovurd"" was first mentioned in Charlemagne 's deed of donation in 794. In 855 Frankfurt staged its first Royal election.",公元794年法兰克福(旧称法兰克诺沃德)作为查理曼大帝的行都首次载入史册,公元855年首次成为皇室选举的舞台。 +Eu non-success desire only the amniotic fluid inspection report confirmed the child health and safety.,薇芸只祈望羊水的检验报告证实孩子健康安全。 。 +The lack of resistance in very cold metals may become useful in electronic computer.,这种在超低温中的金属没有电阻,可能对电子计算机 很有用处。 +The venous blood in the cortex go back to the medullary veins largely.,骨皮质的静脉血主要经皮质窦回流到骨髓静脉内。 +"While Andy will be delighted for his buddy, it's not something that Fish will readily bringing up when they are trash talking.",安迪为他的好兄弟而感到高兴,并不会是费什的成功而互相贬低对方。 +"It's been possible to do this since the release of the .NET Framework 1.0, but you had to provide your own Web server to receive HTTP requests.",自从 .NET Framework 1.0 发布以来,就可以实现这一点,但是您必须提供您的 Web 服务器来接收 HTTP 请求。 +Have you ever been to Far East Department Store?,你曾去过远东百货公司吗? +"The technology, called partial response maximum likelihood or PRML, is originally used in communication for outer space.",PRML(部分响应最大似然)检测技术,最初应用于 太空 通信。 +Every present contains the seeds of a future – a future in which we’re not here as much as a future in which we are.,每个现在都蕴含着未来的种子--一个没有我们的未来和有我们的未来一样。 +"Strobe mode: fourth switch - on, 7 Leds will work in strobe .",塔尔博特模式: 第四开关上, 7发光二极管将在频闪。 +"In short, ARATS and the King Car Group had a better handle on the situation than the government agency in charge.",也就是说,主管当局对情势的掌握,非但落后于海协会,亦落后于金车公司。 +"Saw your name has a flurry, justs like a young girl to see on the one's beloved face flashes before that as soon as wipes the pink.",见到你的名字有一丝慌乱,犹如一位少女见到心上人脸上闪现的那一抹桃红。 +Chinese name translation is a special case of the problem of named entity translation.,中文姓名翻译是属于专名实体翻译中的一种特殊案例。 +"Based on the classroom teaching and the example of single - leveled amplifier circuit, the paper goes into the application of computers to analyzing amplifier circuits.",本文结合教学,以单级放大电路为例,探讨了计算机在分析放大电路中的应用。 +"This is the case with Casa Fez, a new house in Porto, Portugal, designed by architect Álvaro Leite Siza Vieira.",这是与卡萨非斯,在波尔图,葡萄牙,新房子由建筑师阿尔瓦罗西扎维埃拉莱特设计的情况。 +"""One -100th (of a second) is the smallest margin of victory in our sport. And it was pretty cool. I guess that is all I can say, "" he said.",菲尔普斯说,“在游泳比赛中,百分之一秒是取胜的最小差距。这很棒。我也只能说这些了。” +"As soon as you get up in the morning, go outside and turn your face to the sun for 15 minutes.",早晨起床后,到户外面朝朝阳15分钟。 +They didn't dispute the facts.,他们对事实供认不讳。 +Then I thank God I didn’t have to go through what my ancestors did.,随之我便感谢上帝,让我不必经历我祖先所受的苦痛。 +"Also important to Ek was that free, ad-supported tier.",对艾克来说,由广告支持的免费服务同样重要。 +"The use of threading box makes easy installation , beautiful appearance , ect . please , refer to the Instruction on Thereading Box for its installation.",结构形式,使用穿线盒,安装方便、外形美观、是必不可少的配件,详细发装、见本厂的穿线盒说明书。 +"JVM shows greatly improved performance over the 1.3.1 version for this type of operation, running about seven times faster in my tests. The IBM 1.4.0",在这类操作的性能方面,Sun 1.4.1 JVM显示了比1.3.1版本很大的改进,在我的测试中运行速度大约是1.3.1版本的开部。 +"The awakening to a need for 'slow life', and respect and admiration for nature and the environment are key elements evoked by the Tree Museum.",对“慢生活”的呼吁、对自然及环境的尊重与崇拜是树博馆所引发的重要情感需求。 +"But, we should never, ever, under any circumstances stop trying to help those around us suffering.",但是,无论在什么情况下,我们永远不应该放弃帮助我们身边那些饱受成瘾症折磨的人们。 +Energy envelope differential profiles at different angles are generated to indicate favorable gas-bearing areas.,据此计算不同角度下的能量包络差剖面,进而找出有利的含气区。 +"It has tables downstairs and private rooms upstairs; we went for the one with ornate gold napkins and a matching tablecloth, with huge windows overlooking a pond.",楼下是大堂,楼上是包房。 我们进了一个包房,金色的餐巾十分华贵,台布也是配套的,一扇大窗开向一汪池塘。 +Handled at least 5% more RPS under heavy load,在重负载情况下,RPS提高了至少5% +A: China's position on the Yasukuni Shrine issue is consistent and clear.,答:中方在靖国神社问题上的立场是一贯的、明确的。 +"On the other hand, in a series of policies, mission and various activities, the ISME promotes the CSME development.",另一方面,国际音乐教育学会的一系列政策文件、指导核心及各类活动促进了音乐教育比较研究的发展。 +The results showed that the oscillation of the adatom cells with the magnitude of micrometer order on Cu alloy exhibits the features of the solitary wave of pseudo-fluids tate.,用流体模型对铜合金表层在常温常压下出现的原子胞体的运动进行模拟分析,结果表明,这类由原子堆积而成的胞体的运动具有明显的类液振荡行为。 +"This may come in handy someday. Good reason to own a cell phone: If you lock your keys in the car and the spare keys are at home, call someone at home on their mobile phone from your cell phone.",这招���有一天会有用的,也是拥有一部手机的很好理由:如果你把钥匙锁在车里了而备用钥匙在家里,用你的手机往家里某个人的手机上打电话。 +Both the kernel image file (boot. elf) and the operating system files reside on an external SD card inserted into the front SD card slot of the console.,这两个内核映像文件( boot.elf )和操作系统文件驻留在一个外部的SD卡插入SD卡插槽前面的控制台。 +"On X-ray findings, 5 cases of hyper-density masses, 14 cases of middle-density masses, 1 case of low-density, 3 …",线表现较高密度影5例,等密度影14例,低密度影1例,3例未见明显块影,伴钙化4例。 +State-of-the-art lightweight enterprise stack for those cases where a full JEE solution would be an overkill,对于那些过度使用完全JEE解决方案的地方,可以提供一站式优雅的轻量级企业服务支持。 +"In microscopic view, it helps enterprises solve the problems of pollution control at minimum cost and stimulates them to invest more for better equipments.",微观上,排污权的交易有利于企业以最小的成本费用解决排污问题和提高企业投资污染控制设施的积极性; +"That means if you want to convey the idea that Bill hit John, you would say, ""Bill hit John.""","也就是说,如果你想表达,比尔打了约翰这个意思,你就要说""比尔打了约翰""" +"There were mainly albumin and globulins in ginkgo seeds and very few proclamin, alkali-soluble protein, complex protein.",白果蛋白中以清蛋白和球蛋白为主,醇溶蛋白、碱溶蛋白和复合蛋白含量很少。 +"Short-term recovery is, however, not the same as long-term prosperity, and Fiat-Chrysler's prospects of achieving the latter look dim.",不过,短期复苏不同于长期繁荣,而菲亚特-克莱斯勒实现长期繁荣的前景看起来很渺茫。 +Having the ability to sparsely define memory for processes means that the underlying physical memory can be overcommitted.,由于缺乏为进程定义内存的能力,底层物理内存被过度使用。 +Duan Yichun was appointed Commissioner of Xi’an Bureau of State Land Supervision (one year's probation first).,段怡春任国家土地督察西安局专员(试用期一年)。 +"This section of code checks the options derived from the command line arguments and stops execution if it does not find the â “containers, -primaries, -unassigned, or â “hosts options present.",在未找到 –containers、-primaries、-unassigned 或 –hosts 选项的情况下,代码的这个部分将检查从命令行参数派生的选项并停止执行。 +A workshop was built on his estate.,他的庄园里建了一个工场。 +"The syntax and structure of the language make it easy to create small, easy-to-understand functions to build upon.",这种语言的语法和结构使开发人员很容易开发简单且容易理解的函数。 +Conclusion:The method is accurate which can separate the adulterants.,结论:HPL C法能够分离出杂质,测定含量结果更准确。 +"Like many activist investors, they were caught out by the crisis: Carrefour’s share price has fallen from around €50 ($67) when they made their purchases to €30 today.",像许多激进的投资者一样,他们因这次危机受损:家乐福的股价从他们买进时的50欧元下跌到了今天的30欧元。 +"To prevent a BBM, you must have an effective strategy to cope with piecemeal growth of functionality.",若要防止 BBM,必须具有一个有效的战略来对付逐段增长的功能。 +"""All reservations for hotels and shuttle buses are called off, and not a single deal was made in March (after the quake), "" Sugino's assistant told China Daily.",杉野的助手对中国日报说,所有的酒店及班车预订被取消,三月(地震后)没有一笔交易。 +BHEL has failed to keep pace with technological advances in the power sector and remains a high-cost supplier of power equipment contrary.,印度重工已经跟不上发电行业技术前进的步伐,提供的发电设备成本高。 +"and then certainly, everyone who works in the financial district comes here for lunch,",当然,在金融中心工作的人,他们会在这里进行午餐, +"Japan restricted rice shipments from an area in Fukushima prefecture after grain was found to contain radioactive contamination above safety levels, rekindling food-safety concerns, Bloomberg said.",彭博社 称,福岛地区种植的大米中被检测出含有高于安全标准的放射性物质,日本随后停止该地区向外出货。 +Objective To study the body mass index (BMI) and triacylglycerol (TG) in freshman in a university.,目的了解大学本科新生体质量指数(BMI)、三酰甘油(TG)分布状况。 +"You'd be surprised at how old code can be resurrected into a possible and better routine, or maybe even an entire product.",你也许会惊叹,旧代码也能复活成为一种更好的程序,甚至是一个完整的产品。 +夏天的脚步越来越近了,没有什么比野外烧烤派对更能表达我们对夏的到来的欢迎之情。,Summer is just around the corner for some of us and nothing says welcome to summer like a fabulous outdoor barbecue party. +This part puts forward the defects of discretionary non-prosecution from legislative and judicial aspects.,我国酌定不起诉制度在保护被害人权利方面的现状和不足。 +"The original interstice is formed during flocculation and tends to be close or open by gravity action during concretion, which makes the horizontal interstice more permeable than the vertical one.",原生空隙在絮凝过程中产生,并在固结过程中由于重力等作用趋于闭合或张开,导致水平向空隙的渗透性优于垂直向; +"Although the thorns of life may be here to stay, just sprout a smile along the way...and be thankful for what you have today!",虽然可能会有生活的刺棘,只要一笑了之并感谢你今天所拥有的. +To continuously train a large number of outstanding young cadres is of fundamental importance for carrying on the cause of the Party and the people from generation to generation.,源源不断培养造就大批优秀年轻干部,是关系党和人民事业继往开来、薪火相传的根本大计。 +"The key to bettering the dance teaching is to protrude the key point and make clear the relation between the basic training, national folk dance teaching and children dance teaching.",搞好幼师舞蹈教学的关键在于要抓住重点,明确基本功训练、民族民间舞教学和儿童舞蹈教学三者之间的关系。 +In most cases the anti-infection treatment were associated with.,病例多联合抗感染治疗。 +Water quality is very significant to sustainable social-economic development of economics zone of the Yangtze River.,管理和保护好长江水质对长江经济带社会、经济的可持续发展具有十分重要的意义。 +"Little did they realise that, centuries later, their unique architecture would almost spark an international incident.",他们似乎不知道,本世纪后期,他们独特的建筑几乎应发了国际事件。 +Now they are treated with antibiotics and a drug that reduces stomach-acid production.,现在,胃溃疡和十二指肠溃疡可以通过服用抗生素和减少胃酸产生的药物来治疗。 +"When a student read the sentence which ends with ""Stone Henge"", the teacher said, ""Stop here! """,当一个学生读到一个以“Stone Henge(石头阵)”结尾的地方,老师用英语说道:“停!” +La Furia Roja equalled the world record of 35 games unbeaten which is shared with Brazil who set that between 1993 and 1996.,西班牙斗牛士们追平了1993到1996由巴西队创造的35场国家队比赛不输的纪录。 +"That has begun to change, as the government's intervention in the financial sector has begun to spell the end of the freewheeling, big-paycheck culture that pervaded the firms.",这种情况已经开始发生变化,因为政府对金融领域的干预已经开始终结这类公司普遍存在的那种不受约束的高薪文化。 +"If you do cardio first thing in the morning, have a half-scoop of whey protein (about 10 grams) mixed in water or 6-10 grams of mixed amino acids before your session.",如果你在早上做HIIT训练计划,先喝大约大约10克的乳清蛋白质,或6-10克的乳清蛋白质混合胺基酸。 +"Iran’s attempts to gain supremacy in the region are not triggered by political ambition as much as by a racist drive that pushes Iranians to prove they are superior, the professor said.",伊朗日争夺地区霸权不仅仅是基于政治野心,这也是波斯人急于证明自己是比阿拉伯人更优越的民族。 +"After surpassing the United States as the world’s largest producer of household garbage, China has embarked on a vast program to build incinerators as landfills run out of space.",在超过美国成为世界上头号生活垃圾排放国之后,中国已开始着手一项庞大的建造垃圾焚烧厂计划以应对垃圾填埋场场地不足的问题。 +"Of actor cruel information high-key go up line, appear and did not gain the reputation of how many congratulation and recognition.",优酷资讯的高调上线,似乎并没有赢得多少祝贺和赞誉之声。 +"After his brother died, Hitoshi Watanabe quit his job and decided to walk to the hot spring waterfall at the end of the world.",他兄弟去世后,渡边仁(Hitoshi Watanabe)就辞了职,决定步行到世界尽头的温泉瀑布。 +"In recent years countries such as Turkey, Romania, and Ghana have implemented such reforms.",近年来,如土耳其,罗马尼亚国家,加纳已经实施了这些改革。 +C/H log is short for FCH formation fluid Saturation log.,碳氢比测井是FCH地层流体饱和度测井的简称。 +"The weather was sweet and warm, the grass as green as showers and sun could make it.",天气温暖悦人,青草被雨水和阳光滋润利民要多绿有多绿。 +"Park is in the best use of indiscriminate stone paving boards, tables, chairs also available Qingshiban.",在公园中最好用乱形板石铺路,桌、椅也可用青石板。 +Grant JV securities' firms a full license instead of the present one which allows only underwriting and distributing.,准许证券合资企业获得完全的业务牌照,而不同于当前只允许保险业和分销业。 +"Wreck-It Ralph, about a video game character debuts with an estimated $49.1 million in ticket sales outpacing expectations.",无敌破坏王,讲述一个视频游戏角色,首演估计有4910万美元的票房收入,超过了预期。 +"Ausiello: Last I heard, she's due back on the Grey's set at the end of the month, which means we probably won't see Izzie again until late April.",答:据我听到的最新消息,她将在季末剧中回归,也就是大概四月底。 +"Carvana's chief executive officer. Barely in business for eight months, Carvana declines to specify how many vehicles it has sold, except to say that the rate is accelerating.",目前这家公司的业务刚刚开展8个月,不过它没有透露已经售出了多少辆二手车,只是说销售速度正在加速。 +"Yet, as Morozov argued, both the recent genocide in Congo and the war in Iraq happened in spite of the existence of social networking and blogging.",相反,最近的刚果种族屠杀和伊拉克战争发生了,尽管我们有社交网站和博客。 +"But I'm big on personal exercise and sort of improving your lifestyle, um, in other ways.",但我还是更赞同通过个人锻炼,改善生活方法等方式来减轻体重。 +"For years, their neighbors had heard them fighting but none of them though of reporting the matter to police, Hainan Special Zone News reported.",多年来,邻居听到他们吵架但没有人想到报警,海南特区新闻报道。 +"Decomposed rice straw, leaves and grass",已分解的禾秆、叶及草 +"The hospital does:leader regard, staff joining, total control for medical rubbish and liability regulation of medical rubbish management.",对医疗废物实施全程控制,建立医院医疗废物全程控制岗位责任制度。 +Chelsea can appeal the decision directly to the Court of Arbitration for Sport.,对于此判决结果,切尔西可直接向体育仲裁法庭提出申诉。 +"The Ministry even makes some of its old products available for sale online through the U.K. government-affiliated website edisposals.com: Interested in a Lightning T5 aircraft, with no engines?",国防部甚至还通过英国政府下属的网站edisposals.com出售部分旧产品:对没有引擎的“闪电”号(Lightning)T5飞机感兴趣吗? +"Lithium can restrain mania, keep you calm and avoid cardiovascular disease, kidney stone and rheumatism.",能治疗狂燥、镇静安神,对防治心血管、贤结石、风湿等疾病体验促进作用。 +"The techniques here can be applied many times to different objects, allowing you to use any GObject you find in Python.",这里的技术可以多次应用于不同对象, 允许您使用在 Python 中找到的任何 GObject。 +"Another is that entering a new marriage with children from a former marriage increases the likelihood of conflict and, in turn, another divorce.",第二是带着孩子从前一段婚姻进入新的婚姻增加了争吵的可能性,从而导致又一次的离婚。 +"The lifecycle of enterprise knowledge includes the periods of pregnancy, growth, maturity and decay, and there are knowledge flow and transformation in each period.",企业知识生命周期包括孕育期、成长期、成熟期和衰退期,每个时期都存在知识流动与转换。 +"He has a new computer, for which he paid nearly ten thousand yuan.",他有一台新电脑,这台电脑花了他将近一万元。 +Bioflavonoids was a class of biologic resources with potentialities on adjustive effects of heart and blood vessel system.,黄酮类化合物是一类在调节心血管系统作用方面具有发展潜力的生物资源。 +"We're supposed to check in at the Air China's counter 30 minutes before take-off, Joe.",在起飞前30 分钟到中国国际航空公司柜台前检票,乔(人名)。 +"On that day all the zoos and aquariums, all-day holiday.",在那一天所有的动物园和海洋馆,全天放假。 +Don't take a nap in the afternoon.,别在下午小睡。 +I'm looking for Mr. Emory's office. Do you know where it is?,我想去艾默利的办公室,你知道在哪吗? +Heb. 5:11 Concerning whom we have much to say that is also difficult to interpret since you have become dull of hearing.,来五11 关于麦基洗德,我们有许多话要说,且是难以解明的,因为你们听觉迟钝。 +The order number be 1089.,订单的号码是1089号。 +I'm a cleric of Mishakal.,我是米莎凯的牧师。 +"The shakuhachi has a tremendously long tradition. As a predominantly oral tradition, it has been highly valued over countless generations.",尺八有著非常悠久的传统,它所主导的传统口碑,曾在无数的世代中,被高度评价。 +"Simultaneously, the packaging is simple and convenient for the use of teenagers. And finally we made a perfect marketing plan from every aspects of the feasibility of the market and technology.",包装简便,便于携带,适于青少年,从各个方面分析了市场和技术的可行性,并制作了完备的市场策划。 +"If any guard is CCed, they will be unable to burrow.",如果有卫兵受到群控,他们就不能打洞。 +Her tangled French ancestry could make a spellbinding tale for an audience that's grown too old for broomsticks.,她错综复杂的法国祖先可以写成引人入胜的故事,吸引那些已经长大不适合魔法的读者们。 +Here are some questions you should ask before you get married right after college.,等等,在你毕业后准备结婚前,这有些问题你应该问一问。 +"In a sense, I'm terminating this lecture with another triumph for behavioral economics.","某种意义上,我通过这节课再次证明了,行为经济学的胜利" +"Simon sighed and took some papers over to the fax machine. Chris, a senior member of staff, was standing there.",西蒙叹了口气并把一些纸放到传真机那儿。克里斯,工作人员里的高级职员,站在那里。 +We radiate electromagnetic radiation in the infrared part of the spectrum.,"辐射出电磁辐射,我们身体是温暖的。" +"In general terms, a connection pool is a pool of free connections to a JMS provider.",总的来说,连接池是一个到 JMS 提供程序的空闲连接池。 +"OO from eight years of ""Five?A"" to ""Beijing Olympics"", and then the ""10?A"" New Year's Day …""go around"" the schedule after a pushed.",从二OO八年的“五?一”到“北京奥运会”,然后是“十?一”、元旦……“复飞”日程表一再推后。 +We also now know how using namespaces can make it much safer to include third party code in large applications without the worry of name collisions.,我们现在还了解了如何使用名称空间在大型应用程序中更加安全地包含第三方代码,同时不需要担心名称冲突。 +"The circuit board comprises a plurality of circuit layers, one power supply layer, a plurality of insulating layers and one conducting pattern.",此线路 板包括多个线路层、一电源层、多个绝缘层与一导电图案。 +We followed an early stagecoach route that was probably also used by trappers and early settlers.,这条线路是早期的驿道,也许曾经被猎人和当时的居民使用。 +The technology smart contrast ratio will ensure the level of contrast in 2000:1.,该技术的智能对比度将确保水平的对比2000:1 。 +"And she would have commenced the execution of her threat directly, but Linton was up in alarm for his dear self again.",她马上就要开始实行她的威胁,但是林惇又为了他所珍爱的自身而惊慌了。 +It was revealed that the Duchess of Cambridge's wedding dress helped attract a record number of visitors to Buckingham Palace in July and August.,据透露,七月至八月,慕名到白金汉宫参观剑桥公爵夫人结婚礼服的人数创下了历史记录。 +Google is already developing sophisticated web apps that rely heavily on HTML 5 tools like offline data storage and native video embeds.,Google已经开始开发完全依赖HTML5的复杂网络应用工具,例如离线数据存储和嵌入本地视频。 +The formula and technique of xylo-oligosaccharide cake were attained by preliminary test and study. The optimal quantity of xylo-oligosaccharide added was obtained and the quality index was proposed.,对低聚木糖蛋糕的配方和工艺进行了初步试验与研究,确定了低聚木糖的最适添加量,并提出了质量指标。 +"The aide, Damian McBride, has sent messages about the plan from his official email address.",顾问麦布赖德曾用自己的官方电子邮件,发放有关该运动计划的邮件。 +Mr. Q pick up two numbers randomly from 1 to 50 exclusively. (Not include 1 and 50),永源拿了两个数字… 这两个数字分别大于1 , 分别小于50。 +"So, the transmission of Wenzhou Guci means not only the protection of Wenzhou folk arts, but the reconstruction of Wenzhou culture image and spiritual context.",传承温州鼓词艺术,不仅是保护温州的民间艺术,更是重建温州人文形象与精神内涵的需要。 +"in the next month or so, I'll be certified as a climbing guide,",大概下个月,我能拿到攀岩导游执照, +"But, Mr. Smith, the best place to watch the sunrise is from Eagle Rock.",但是,史密斯先生,观日出的最好的地方在鹰角石。 +"Do not want to lose the Piao Ying Pan flow that can Pan flow is the park's future, he took the minister to call only empress dowager can only plead.",朴英失本不想管冸流之事,可冸流是朴氏的未来,他只能带一众大臣去向只召太后求情。 +Determination of Ferulic Acid in Baidai Pills by HPLC;,目的建立八珍益母片中阿魏酸含量测定方法。 +5Night and day among the tombs and in the hills he would cry out and cut himself with stones.,他昼夜常在坟���里和山中喊叫,又用石头砍自己。 +"Current efforts focus on the application of stem and progenitor cells, bioactive factors and biomaterial scaffolds in transplantation procedures to affect regenerative therapies.",当前工作的重点上,干细胞和祖细胞,生物活性因子和生物材料支架移植程序,影响再生疗法的应用。 +You must try the steamed ginger milk if you go visit at Baomo Garden one day!,宝墨园里的姜撞奶特别好吃,如果你有机会去那里的时候就一定要试一下喇! +"Employers have started ""using increases as a tool to motivate and retain talent rather than something that everybody gets,"" Avalos said.",雇主已经开始将加薪视为一种激励和挽留人才的工具,而非给每个人都加薪。 +It has several parameters that can be controlled via the /proc interface.,它有若干个可以通过 /proc 接口进行控制的参数。 +"But the child that the advanced technique is technical innovation labor, because afore-mentioned its action are reflecting a skill, innovation works to be contributed distinctly.",但先进技术是技术创新劳动的产物,因此它的上述作用体现着技术创新劳动独特的贡献。 +"To join ellipse yield function, hardening parameter with plastic work, associated flow law and damage theory, the elastoplastic damage constitutive model of loess were derived.",结合以塑性功为硬化参数的椭圆形屈服面,根据相关联流动法则及损伤理论推导出了黄土弹塑性损伤本构模型。 +"During the drivage of main-gate in long-wall face with fully mechanized caving mining, the gate is hard to support due to its loose and broken roof, large cross-section and long span.",在综采放顶煤工作面顺槽掘进过程中,由于顺槽煤层顶板松动破碎,并且顺槽采用矩形断面,顶板跨距较大,不利于巷道支护。 +DNT string management simplifications.,DNT 字符串管理的简化。 +"Yellow River flows through Shanxi, giving birth to countless heroes and people with lofty ideals.",黄河流经山西,孕育了无数英雄豪杰、仁人志士。 +Cameron's commissioned submersible will be made from composite materials and powered with an electric motor.,卡梅隆定制的潜水器将由复合材料制成并由一个电机驱动。 +He was syndic of China Youth Poetry Academy.,曾任中国青年诗歌学会理事。 +"Vertices of higher-ranking features will not move to lower-ranking features, but vertices of equal-ranked features will be geometrically averaged.",高优先级要素的顶点不会移向低优先级的要素,但是相同优先级顶点的移动将会采取几何平均。 +"Hasson is planning to introduce another use of E-Shop, as a way for people to post advertisements through a local store owner.",哈森正计划推出E-Shop的另一项功能:让广告主通过本地店主做分类广告。 +Computations were completed using the nonlinear FEM software ABAQUS.,采用非线性有限元软件ABAQUS进行仿真计算; +Chiu asked the children to indicate which two objects were alike or went together.,邱良黄要求孩子们指出哪两个物体更接近或者应该被分为一组。 +The contract with New York is a watershed moment for Alta Bike Share.,与纽约的这份合同是该公司的一个转折点。 +"Jr. are owned and licensed by James Beeland Rogers, Jr. and used by permission.",对以上姓名和个人形象的使用均需经事先同意。 +The lion has only one real competitor out here as the top predator. And it's a surprising one - the spotted hyena.,作为顶级捕食者,狮子在这里只有一个真正的竞争者。而且是让人意想不到的– 斑点土狼。 +"The actress took home the Best Supporting Actress Academy Award for her role in ""Paper Moon"" (1973).",因1973年出演《纸月亮》,奥尼尔获得奥斯卡最佳女配角奖。 +We have written evidence from the people who went and they say why they did it.,"这里有移民留下的文字材料,上面写得很清楚" +"If I spilt the salt, I should toss a pinch over my left shoulder to ward off misfortune.",如果我把盐弄撒了,我就得拾起一撮盐从左臂上扔过去以避免灾祸。 +Performance of FBX loading by caching of FBX model data.,可以对FBX模型数据的读取进行缓冲以提高性能。 +Energy release rate of interface debonding in ceramic composites is calculated by FEM . www. che…,官渡烟花 用有限元法计算了陶瓷基复合材料界面脱粘的能量释放率。 +"I caught the noon-time rush hour, and I could hardly find a seat.",我碰上了午饭的高峰时段,连个位子都找不到。 +"""Just like you think about Silicon Valley with technology, Hong Kong is the analogous location for toys,"" Toys R Us CEO Jerry Storch said.",玩具反斗城公司的首席执行官斯托奇(Jerry Storch)表示:“正如一说到科技就想到矽谷一样,一说到玩具就会想到香港。” +The sense of science and technology from the console to the top source of large-size screen and matching it with the multi-function knob.,科技感的源泉来自于中控台顶端的大尺寸显示屏和与它配套的多功能旋钮。 +He likes flowers very much and he has growed a lot of flowers in his garden.,他非常喜欢花,他在花园种了很多花。 +"He confirmed he had been contacted this week by her lawyers, who are seeking a ""declaratory judgement"" against him.",他承认,本周律师与他接触时告知他正在寻求让被告方改变“原判”的方法。 +"During Minor Cold, most areas in China have entered the bitter cold stage of winter. The gr.",在小寒期间,中国大部分地区都已进入寒冬时节。土地和河流都被冰冻了起喜爱。北方的冷空气强断向南移动。 +"As an example, let's profile the simple ACME Fibonacci Maker, fibonacci.php",作为一个示例,我们来分析一下这个简单的 ACME Fibonacci Maker,fibonacci.php,如清单 5 所示。 +"But Elisha said to him, 'Was not my spirit with you when the man got down from his chariot to meet you?",以利沙对他说,那人下车转回迎你的时候,我的心岂没有去呢? +"Instead, automatic page forwarding should be done using server-side redirects.",自动页面跳转的正确做法应该是使用服务器端的重定向。 +"'We have tailwind going into the third quarter , ' he said in an interview .",他接受采访时说,我们进入第三季度可谓顺风顺水。 +"The Nasdaq composite jumped 64.07 points (2.80 percent) to 2, 350.11 and the broad-market Standard & Poor's 500 index surged 30.28 points (2.27 percent) to finish at 1, 364.71.",纳斯达克综合指数上涨64.07个百分点至2350.11点(上涨幅度为2.8%),标准普尔500指数大涨30.28个百分点,收盘于1364.71个百分点(涨幅为2.27%)。 +Bulge Bracket The group of firms in an underwriting syndicate who sold the largest amount of the issue.,表现最佳承销商在承销团中出售最多股票的机构。 +"As you can imagine, the committee's proclamation has already caused a fair bit of outraged huffing, not least from the manufacturer, Ferrero.",你可以想象,委员会的声明已经引起了较多的公愤,而并不仅仅来其制造商弗列罗公司。 +Getting globalX and globalY values from x and y typically requires performing reverse transformations.,从 x 和 y 坐标获取 globalX 和 globalY 坐标值需要执行反向转换。 +Popular name: “Satanic Leaf-tailed Gecko”,中 文 名 :撒旦叶尾壁虎 +Some members of the Working Party noted that the World Code of Conduct provided a strong ethical basis for regulating sales away from a fixed location.,一些工作组成员指出,《世界行为守则》提供了规范无固定地点销售的坚实的道德基础。 +"Phones and computers contain dangerous metals like lead, cadmium and mercury, which can contaminate the air and water when those products are dumped.",手机和电脑含有像铅、镉和汞这样的有毒金属,这些产品在被抛弃后,会同时污染着水和空气。 +"As you can see, all other layers go through the HCI.",可以看到,其他所有的层都要经过 HCI。 +"In addition, the new property is used for both forward only and scrollable cursors for T2zos.",另外,对于 T2zos,新的属性可用于单进游标和可滚动游标。 +"Meanwhile, to obtain a Dragon Ball Tien Shinhan must first atone for the brutality of his past.",另一方面,为了得到一颗龙珠,天津饭必须首先为自己过去的冷酷无情做出赎罪。 +"Six years later, the latest layout is designed to free up space within the tightly-packed bodywork and improve the airflow to the rear wing and diffuser.",六年后,最新的布局设计是开放空间在坚硬的车体和改善气流尾翼、蜗壳。 +"Many service providers offer catamaran trips in the north of the island, particularly those based in Grand Bay.",岛北特别是Grand Bay附近有许多公司可以向您提供双体船出海的服务。 +"No, the Keynesian and monetarist wizards in the government and Federal Reserve have unleashed a string of deadly blows to the already weakened economy.",不,政府和央行里的凯恩斯主义者和货币主义者,已经准备对本已脆弱的经济,发动致命一击。 +Once I worked in an educational organization which supplies extra teaching for school children.,我曾在一个教学机构工作,这个机构是给中小学生提供课外辅导的。 +The old truck purred along the road.,那辆老卡车一路咕噜咕噜地开着。 +The Resultative Construction expresses the semantics that the patient causes the agent to undergo some changes and achieve a certain state.,动结构式表达的是受事致使施事经历某种状态变化的构式义。 +Chemical constituents of volatile oil from leaf of syringa oblata l.,丁香属紫丁香叶挥发油成分的研究。 +It is pointed out that optimization of human - machine System is the key to achieve actual effect in the implementation of CIMS.,指出人机系统的优化是实施CIMS能取得的实际成效的关键。 +"At the moment, public attention is most trained on Bt crops, thanks to several negative studies.",多亏了多少份负面的呈文,目前民众注目标焦点集中在Bt作物; +"Our constitution preface stipulated the country's basic problem, as a national fundamental law is part of the constitution, as with the constitution has the highest legal authority.",我国宪法序言规定了国家的根本问题,是作为国家根本法的宪法的组成部分,同宪法一样具有最高法律效力。 +"The analysis of effect of network economy on accounting was done in traditional basic accounting theory, accounting procedure and the development direction of accountancy in the future.",从传统会计的基本理论、计的核算实务以及未来会计发展方向等方面,分析了网络经济对会计发展的影响。 +"This paper aims to show reader STCC"" s basic behavior, limitation and some problem from this material using in project.""",主旨在于明确这种材料的基本性能、研究和应用中的不足之处及可能存在的问题。 +The medics on the second ambulance would not get involved unless all resuscitation efforts were exhausted and the victim declared lifeless.,第二辆车上的医师不会参与除非复生努力失败然后宣布遭难者死亡。 +"So the job has to fall to the government — which, after all, is the country’s largest health insurer.",因此,这项工作已落到政府头上-它毕竟是该国最大的健康保险商。 +"When encountered the illegal infringement against public benefits without the hope of timely disposition of state organs, Ordinary citizens just get the right to implement self-defense.",针对公法益的不法行为,只有在不能期待国家机关给予及时处置,或者不法行为又同时侵犯个人法益的情形下,才能容许普通公民实施正当防卫。 +"You always say that. Well, here you are.",你总是那么说。算了,雨朵儿。拿去吧。 +Is there any model or best practice for charging for the usage of a service?,对于付费服务的使用,有没有一些模型或最佳实践? +This paper gives a new method for digital audio watermarking which uses audio cepstrum domain and energy features to decide the location of embed frames.,文章在分析数字音频水印同步性的基础上提出了一种结合音频倒频谱系数和以音频能量特征决定数字水印嵌入位置的数字水印方法。 +Dr. White is a Cardiologist and a scientist with Robarts and the Biomedical Imaging Research Centre at Western and Lawson Health Research Institute.,White博士是一名罗伯茨研究院西部和劳森健康研究所生物医学研究中心的心脏病学家和科学家。 +"Results The rheological investigations showed that the storage and loss moduli increased with the increase of C12E4P5 concentration, reflecting the stability of the liquid crystals.",结果流变研究表明,随着C12E4P5浓度的增加,液晶的储能模量和损耗模量增大,其结构的稳定性增强。 +"The cryptic message had been called in anonymously, with instructions that it be delivered immediately to the diner who had ordered chicken salad.",这含义不清的消息没有署名,写它的人只是说把它交给订了鸡肉沙拉的用餐者。 +The sergeant barked an order to his squad.,中士厉声向他班士兵下命令。 +"In Listing 6, I snuck in another useful navigation element that I have not yet mentioned.",在 清单 6 中,我悄悄地引入了一种还没有提到过的非常有用的导航元素。 +"This entry was posted in Historical Papers &Documents, Statements.",这一条目将发表在《历史档案、文件和声明》中。 +"And in the runtime, it reduces object-creation and copying efforts.",并且在运行时,它能减少对象创建和复制工作。 +"In order to uplift students'employment competence, schools should reform brain cultivation models, improve their hardware and software, and highlight the characteristics of talent cultivation.",为了提升大学生的就业竞争力,学校要改革人才培养模式、改善软硬件条件、突出人才培养特色。 +Zhu Ming: turn the page when I was in America.,朱敏:“这个把我在美国的这章翻过去了。” +The most advanced is the Sanguo series.,《 三国志》是三国志游戏系列中最先进的。 +The food environment that you're exposed to today is much different than when I was a boy.,"你们今天所面临的食品环境,和我小时候的相比已经大相径庭" +"Early Iron Period in Heilongjiang Province is divided into two phases, corresponding to Warring States Period, Han Dynasty and the Northern and Southern Dynasties in Central Plains.",黑龙江省的早期铁器时代可分为两个阶段,相当于中原地区的战国时代和汉魏南北朝时代。 +"Coca-Cola responded with a statement on its Web site that called the move ridiculous and ludicrous.""Vitaminwater",可口可乐公司在它的网站回应说这项指控是荒诞和滑稽的。 +The quadratic regression rotational combinational design was used to screen fermentative medium of Bacillus thuringiensis isolate WB7.,采用二次回归旋转组合设计方法,对苏云金杆菌WB7菌株的培养基配方进行了摇瓶优化筛选。 +Who then is actually responsible for the size of the bill a housewife must pay before she carries the food home from the store?,那么究竟由谁来为家庭主妇们从商店把食品买回家之前所必须支付的账单负实际上的责任呢? +"Ultimately, men and women workforces take on a mode of coupling yearly, one up when one down, thus maintaining the normal operation of the family economy.",最终,一年之中,男女劳动力投入呈耦合态势,一者上升,另一者则下降,从而共同维持着家庭经济的正常运转。 +"Traditional stack structure mode of two-coordinate positioning platform was abolished and ""coplane"" guiding mode was adopted.",打破了传统二维定位平台堆栈的结构形式,引入了“共平面”的导向模式。 +"""We're all fighting for places now and everyone wants to play well, "" Spearing, 22, told BBC Radio Merseyside.",“现在我们都为了排名而在拼搏着,每个人都希望能有好的发挥。”22岁的土豆对BBC说。 +"The right relationship will be balanced, co-equal, shared between co-creators.",对的关系将是平衡的、互相平等的、在共同创造者中彼此分享的。 +For twenty-four hours try the other's role and then it will be very easy to understand the other.,用24小时来尝试另一方的角色,然后将会十分容易理解另一方。 +"The composition of volatile sulfide in waste gases from refinery and catalytic combustion desulfurization pilot-scale unit were analyzed, and this applicability of this method is verified.",该分析测定了炼油厂某些污染源和催化燃烧脱硫中试装置废气中挥发性硫化物组成,验证了方法的适用性。 +UK: Providing Typhoon and Tornado jet fighters; surveillance planes; HMS Westminster and HMS Cumberland; submarines.,英国:提供台风和旋风式战斗机,侦察机,“威斯敏斯特”号和“坎伯兰”号护卫舰;潜艇。 +Aircraft Carrier Take-Offs and Landings prove to be extremely challenging because of the need to learn take-off and landing procedures on a moving target with a short runway.,航空母舰的起飞和降落被认为是非常具有挑战性的,因为需要在很短的跑道上学习起降程序。 +The empirical results show that both the group of brand licensing and copyright licensing identify that the dimension of market environment is the most important.,经实证结果发现,品牌授权及图像授权群组,皆认为市场环境构面是授权模式评选的首要考量。 +The UN Security Council prepared to vote on a resolution that imposes tougher sanctions on North Korea after its recent testing of a nuclear device and several missiles.,由于朝鲜近期对一项核装置和多枚导弹进行了试验,联合国安理会准备就是否对朝鲜采取更为强硬的制裁措施的决议进行投票表决。 +"But officials decided to let Lehman Brothers, a one hundred fifty-eight year old investment bank, fail.",但是,官员决定让莱曼兄弟公司(一家158年的投资银行)倒闭。 +"But the Games also turned into a dramatic show of this country's athletic power, with China hauling in 51 gold medals, enough to top the gold medal tables and unseat the United States, which won 36.",同时,奥运会也成为了中国体育实力的展示舞台。51枚金牌使中国超越获得36枚金牌的美国稳居金牌榜榜首。 +"Goldkenn Chocolate, Suger Pudding, Shanghai Sweet Dumpling, Ube Floss, Taros Chips, Cashew Nut, Peanut Cake, Black Melon Seeds, Stir-Fry Taco, Lotus Root Seeds, Chocolate &Candies.",金砖朱古力,桂花糖年糕,上海汤圆,芋虾,芋片,腰果,花生糕,黑瓜子,炒米饼,笑口枣,莲子,贺年糖果。 +"With decreasing laser beam scanning rate, the volume fraction of reinforced phase increases, the microhardness of the samples increases and the wear resistance is improved.",激光束扫描速度越低,表面改性层增强相体积分数越高,材料显微硬度提高越多,耐磨性越强。 +"For example, if a talented doctor donates a few hours of his time to a free clinic, this may serve the charity better than a $1, 000 donation.",例如,某位优秀的医生贡献几个小时做义诊,这远比捐1000美元来得实在。 +"The Mobile Unit was out in force; men and women ready for combat, wearing full-face helmets, clubs in hand, guns in their holsters.",移动单元是倾巢出动,男性和女性为做好战斗准备,戴全盔,手的俱乐部,在他们的枪套枪。 +"However, in South Africa, Mr Mandela was often called by his clan name - Madiba - which South Africans used out of respect.",但在南非,曼德拉先生常被按他的家族姓氏称呼——曼德拉,南非人这么称呼他是出于敬意。 +China will this year be transported to the Australian side a pair of giant pandas.,中方将于今年年内向澳方交运一对大熊猫。 +Has been coveted gold failed to get big tower has also been an see the signs.,一直觊觎黄金未能得手的大铁塔也被白丁看出了端倪。 +"I watch him in training every day and he works very hard, he's fully committed to everything, but he's a front player and they play on unbelievably tight margins.",我每天看着他训练,他非常努力地工作,他完全地投入到每件事情上去,但他是一名前锋球员,而对手却排出了难以置信的紧密防守。 +The main advantages of 64bit architectures relate to memory management and accessibility.,位架构的主要优势在于内存管理和可访问性。 +It is true we were in business relations with the firm of the last three years and on several occasions we have had lots of trouble in effecting settlements.,确实,前三年我公司与该公司有业务往来,在帐目结算方面多次发生麻烦。 +It provides valuable experiences and references for the future design and the manufacturing of this system for new nuclear power plants in China.,同时为将来新电站国产化棒控、棒位系统的设计和设备提供了宝贵的经验和可鉴之处。 +It was nice to have a short break after two back-to-back races and the test in Spa.,在两站背靠背的比赛和斯帕测试之后,有段短暂的休息真不错。 +"The free option allows only the basic template and HTML/text download, other options require a membership.",免费的选项仅允许基础模板和 HTML/text 下载,其他的选项需要会员资格。 +Monodomain nematic elastomers has uniaxial orientation and can suffer a deformation as mush as 400%.,单域的向列型弹性体具有单一的向列取向,能产生高达400%的可恢复大变形。 +I could imagine our sex life coming out of hibernation. Hope bloomed.,我可以想像我们暧昧的情欲从冬眠的蛰伏中开始苏醒,希望开始萌动。 +"Finally, a traditional device generally has more processing power, memory, and a higher-speed connection to the Internet than a mobile device does.",最后,与移动设备相比,一个传统的设备一般会拥有更强大的处理功能,更多的内存,对因特网更快的链接速度。 +"In the Silver Topology, the CEI is configured as part of the WPS cluster.",在白银拓扑中,CEI 作为 WPS 集群的一部分配置。 +But I was full of love and that love keeps growing and multiplying and giving fruit.,但我心中充满了爱,这种爱生生不息,开花结果。 +Ms. Rodriguez said the cosmetologist went to Ms. Pichardo’s home in the Bronx and to other clients in Manhattan and Miami.,罗德琳说美容师到布隆克斯区皮查多的家里来,也去曼哈顿和迈阿密的其他客户家里。 +The SBC ID Card has been produced by Registry for year 1 and year 2 students and have been issued to students via your Personal Tutor.,我院一二年级的学生的《学生卡》已经制作完成并已经通过辅导员发放给每个学生。 +"Bridge-type cranes: a rectangular site and over at work, and more for workshops, warehouses, loading and unloading of goods, etc. open yard.",桥架型起重机:可在长方形场地及其上空作业,多用于车间、仓库、露天堆场等处的物品装卸。 +"Computer simulation results are provided to compare the performance of the optimal JDD, suboptimal JDD, and the conventional separable soft-input soft-output demodulation decoding (SSDD).",通过计算机仿真,我们对最优联合解调解码算法,准最优联合解调解码算法和分离的软输出软输入解调解码算法作了比较。 +"The Shuiyindong gold deposit, which occurs in the Longtan Formation of the Upper Permian series, is a super-large, high-grade gold ore deposit.",黔西南水银洞金矿为产于上二叠统龙潭组中的超大型、高品位金矿床,矿床由多个金矿体组成。 +"“It was nice because you progressed from the knuckle to the finger to using more than one knuckle on the screen, ” he said.",他说,“很不错,因为你从关节发展到用手指到使用多个关节点击屏幕”。 +We stayed in Danville two more days.,我们在丹维尔多呆了两天。 +We don’t expect students to be sponges. You can’t expect to absorb everything and not have any questions to ask.,我们并不期待我们的学生 是一块海绵,你不可能吸收所有的东西而不提出任何问题。 +Below you can see 37 beautiful pictures of India.,下面你将看到37幅印度美图。 +"Data from the 2009 report have been re-analyzed to be consistent with these new categories, allowing for more direct comparisons of the data across both reports.",已对2009年报告中的数据进行重新分析,以与新的分类保持一致,这样可使不同报告中的数据进行更直接的对比。 +"The invention discloses a solar energy deinsectization stove, relating to the field of apparatus used for agricultural pest control.",本发明公开了一种太阳能灭虫灶,涉及农业虫害防治的器械领域。 +Measures of Jilin Province on the Administration of Publication (Decree No. 40 of Jilin Provincial People's Government in 1990).,吉林省出版管理办法(1990年省政府第40号令)。 +Juvenile gangrenous vasculitis of the scrotum: Is it a variant of pyoderma gangrenosum?,青少年阴囊坏疽性血管炎:坏疽性脓皮病的一种变异型?。 +"Meanwhile, the Catalan giants have turned down a supposed January Milan offer for defender Juliano Belletti.",同时,巴塞罗那还拒绝了米兰在冬歇期引进儒利亚诺。贝莱蒂的要求。 +"The different results in C. virgata indicated that alkali stress with greater destructive effects, different from salt stress, is an important abiotic stress, and worthy of further study.",在盐碱两种短期胁迫下,虎尾草幼苗不同的光合、荧光响应及其它指标的变化表明,碱胁迫是一种不同于盐胁迫的生物胁迫,其对植物具有更大的破坏性和伤害性。 +"The climate has changed dramatically in recent years, as the weather heats up, a place frequently snowy winter without snow.",气候发生了巨大变化,近年来,随着天气热起来,一个地方常常多雪的冬季无雪。 +"Lt seems that each skill and method, as well as each praxis and choice, strives to something good.",似乎每种技术和方法,以及每种实践和选择,都朝着某种好的东西而努力。 +"If the services are invoked in a ND environment, message instances may run on either of the application members.",如果在 ND 环境中调用服务,消息实例可以在任何应用程序成员上运行。 +"Mahmoud Abbas, the Palestinian president, faces demands for an end to any talks with Israel. Hamas, calling for a ""third intifada, "" accused Egypt and Jordan of colluding with the Gaza plan.",巴勒斯坦总统莫罕默德阿巴斯被要求与以方停止一切谈话,哈马斯号召发动“第三次起义”,并且谴责埃及和约旦在加沙计划上与以色列串通一气。 +It's like silk. It washes the dirt on the earth and waters the plants and the fields.,它像丝绸一样柔然,它洗掉了地上的尘土,浇灌了植物和农田。 +"But Saturday's meeting did not agree a date, and Brazil's Foreign Minister Celso Amorim said a full ministerial meeting in the first half of his year would be counter-productive.","但周六的会议并未就具体日期取得一致,且巴西外交部长阿莫林(Celso Amorim)表示,在今年上半年举行部长级会议可能会适得其反." +a line of interactive training tools featuring voice commands and instructional coaching elements designed to take budding stars to the next level;,设计用来把初学者带入新阶段,包括交互式语音指令和教学辅导内容的训练工具。 +A rejection would be its most confrontational act since it forced the resignation of Jacques Santer's European Commission in 1999 over allegations of corruption.,1999年,贾克斯·桑特(Jacques Santer)为首的欧盟委员会因遭贪污指控,而在欧盟要求下全体辞职。 本次欧盟否决权将是此事件以来最具威力的手段。 +United have an extra incentive against West Ham tomorrow – the need for a morale-boosting win ahead of Sunday's Carling Cup final against Aston Villa at Wembley.,曼联明天和西汉姆的比赛就非常重要,他们需要在周日联赛杯决赛之前找到胜利的感觉。 +"Through Canton Railway Group Co. , Ltd. Port Branch to carry out empirical research put forward a port on the sound of state-owned railway staff incentive thinking.",通过对广州港集团有限公司铁路分公司进行的实证调研,提出了对健全国有港口铁路员工激励机制的思考。 +Lower pitch fees to attract more furniture manufacturers to enter the market as the furniture market to survive a double-edged sword.,降低摊位费,吸引更多的家具生产厂家进入市场,成为家具市场维持生存的一把双刃剑。 +"We have been able to kill a number of their trainers, their operational people, their financiers.",她说:“我们已击毙了他们的一些训练人员、行动人员和资助人。 +"This conflict is very common in health care organizations today, especially regarding health informatics.",这种冲突如今在卫生保健组织中非常常见,尤其对于卫生信息学。 +Miliband discussed the Afghan situation and related issues with Secretary of State Hillary Clinton here in Washington.,米利班德在华盛顿与美国国务卿就阿富汗情势以及相关议题展开讨论。 +Another is to decorate a maypole with ribbons.,另一项传统是用丝带装饰一根花柱。 +"Sign your name on the Attendance Form, remember we have prizes for full attendance.",保持全勤记录者有奖品,如果代他人签到,那么就减少你获奖的机会啦! +You hate being rushed and you do not like to be hassled.,你讨厌被打扰并且不喜欢和别人争论。 +The tests for the ductile fracture toughness and the contact fatigue are also carried out for examining serviceability and durability of austenite-bainite ductile cast iron.,为了考察奥氏体-贝氏体球铁的可靠性和使用寿命,还进行了延性断裂韧度与接触疲劳性能的试验。 +Conclusion Clinical pressure generally exists in student nurses during their early days of clinical practice. It is required for nurse educators to pay attention to this issue.,结论初进临床实习的护生普遍存在着临床压力,护理教育和管理工作者应给予高度重视。 +Q. What about the B-share market? That's relatively cheap.,股市场怎么样,它们相对来讲便宜。 +"I begin to do aquaculture from 1989, had raised snail, muskrat, sweet pig, nutria to wait early or late.",我是从1989年开始搞养殖业的,先后养过蜗牛、麝鼠、香猪、海狸鼠等。 +"Most of our conversations with friends, parents, teachers, and employers answering questions, giving opinions, or sharing knowledge about the many topics we discuss with people on a daily basis.",我们与朋友、父母、老师以及老板的日常交谈、回答问题、发表意见或是分享知识的过程中,都有即席演讲的成分。 +Then he tried to jam his thumb between the skin of Car­pluk's neck and the scarf so he could saw through the cloth.,之后,他试图把他的大拇指挤进卡普拉克的脖子和围巾之间,这样他就可以把布割断。 +Some business losses can be set against taxes.,一些商业上的损失可从纳税额上得到补偿。 +"Sydney is in Australia. Paris is the capital of Frence. How many countries in the world? I like Singapore, because it is beautiful and clean. …",悉尼在澳大利亚。巴黎是法国的首都。世界上有多少个国家。我… +"Failure, they say, is an orphan, and the financial crisis is no different.",人们都说,失败无主。 上次金融危机也是一样。 +The ECB recently estimated that euro-zone banks would take €123 billion of charges against loans this year.,欧洲中央银行近来估计,欧元区各家银行将投入1230亿欧元资金冲抵今年的贷款。 +"Under the leadership of the Party and the government, soldiers and civilians struggled together and won a great victory in the battle against the floods, minimizing losses.",在党和政府的坚强领导下,广大军民团结奋战,取得了抗洪斗争的伟大胜利,把灾害损失减到了最低限度。 +"Now the eyes of Israel were dim for age, so that he could not see. And he brought them near unto him; and he kissed them, and embraced them.",以色列年纪老迈,眼睛昏花,不能看见。约瑟领他们到他跟前,他就和他们亲嘴,抱着他们。 +3D TV-loving concert pianist Lang Lang. Photograph: Zack Seckler/Getty Images,三维电视——喜爱音乐会钢琴家郎朗 照片提供者: Zack Seckler +"He is made to admit that justice is a thief, and that the virtues follow the analogy of the arts.",他被迫承认正义是盗贼,美德是艺术类比的跟屁虫。 +By blanching the spinach before using it in the patties the hara kebabs maintain a vibrant green color. the kebabs are spiced with cumin chili pepper and garam masala.,制作蔬菜饼前需先将菠菜抄水以保持其鲜绿色泽。菜饼中还需加入孜然芹、辣椒粉、胡椒粉和格兰马撒拉等原料调味。 +"Beer is the most popular drink among male drinkers, whose overall consumption is significantly higher than that of women.",在男性酒民中,啤酒是最受欢迎的饮料,男性酒民的总消费量比女性酒民的总销费量出奇地高。 +But look at my opponent. My opponent's Alpha dominates her Beta.,"但是对我的对手来说,选α优于β" +"To get precise measurements for the tailoring, McCartney had to scramble up a ladder.",但为了要测量出精确的尺寸,麦卡尼得爬上梯子才办得到。 +"These low-permeability reserves have the characteristics of the wide acreage, the great reserves, the low abundance, the bad properties and the great development difficulty.",这些低渗透储量具有面积广、储量大、丰度低、物性差、开发难度大等特点,目前有50%左右未投入开发。 +"Still have, and there aring a lot of animals is unwell proper use to be a pet, live the dissimilarity of temperament, may cause animal after being kept and raised compulsory of crack-up and death.",还有,而且有很多动物,是不适宜用来当宠物的,生活习性的不同,可能导致动物在强制被收养后的衰弱和死亡。 +The telephone contains a transmitter and receiver for converting back and forth between analog voice and analog ( voice-frequency ) electrical signals.,电话机包括一个送话器和一个受话器,用来在模拟语音和模拟电信号之间进行变换。 +"Instead, you have to spoon-feed the experts.",事实上你要把你的东西一勺一勺的喂给专家们。 +"Lawn tennis, to give the sport its full title, developed from real tennis, an indoor game that dates back to twelfth or thirteenth-century France, when balls were hit with the palm of the hand.",这项全名为草地网球的运动,源��十二、十三世纪法国的“宫廷网球”。当时还是室内游戏,玩者徒手以掌心击球。 +"After my decision, just follow up.",在我做了裁夺之后,大家都跟着做。 +Chinese Ambassador to Kazakhstan Zhou Li also greeted Hu at the airport.,中国驻哈萨克斯坦大使周力也到机场迎接。 +"We used to live in Brunswick, and there's a great oak tree just as you come into town.",我们过去住在布伦瑞克,你们一进小镇,(就可以看到)有一棵大橡树。 +It was too far for her too.,公司离她家也太远了。 +"For chaffs, its peaked at anthesis(0 N) or milk-ripe stage (200 N).",穗壳果聚糖积累和含量在开花期(0 N)或乳熟期(200 N)最高。 +Conservative Treatment of Thoracolumbar Burst Fractures: A Long-term Follow-up Results With Special Reference to the Load Sharing Classification.,保守治疗胸腰椎爆裂骨折:特别参照负载分配分类的一种长期随访结果。 +Have some tea with a friend or family member you admire ask them “what makes you happy”.,与你敬佩的家庭成员或朋友喝喝茶,并问他们“什么令你幸福”。 +Alternating current purifying voltage stabilizer is a kind of auxiliary equipment in hospital. It plays an imˉportant role in safeguarding smoothly operation of medical devices.,交流净化稳压电源作为医院医疗设备的辅助配套设备之一,在实际工作中起到了保障设备安全稳定运行,充分发挥设备性能的良好作用。 +He predicted the stock would eventually fall to zero.,他预计这支股票的价格最终将被清零。 +If someone is staring at your lips he may be thinking of how to kiss them.,如果一个男人紧盯着你的双唇,他很可能在想该怎样亲吻它们。 +Anne Robinson: Iago and Desdemona are characters in which Shakespeare play?,主持人:伊阿古和苔丝狄蒙娜是莎士比亚哪部戏剧的角色? +"Science, to put its warrant as concisely as possible, is the organized systematic enterprise that gathers knowledge about the world and condenses the knowledge into testable laws and principles.",科学,尽可能简明地来概括的话,它是一项有组织系统化的事业,它集合世界上所有的学科,并把这些学科知识浓缩成可试验的规律和原理。 +His symptoms began on 17 May 2009 and he was admitted to Sohag Fever Hospital on 18 May 2009.,他于2009年5月17日开始出现症状,2009年5月18日被收住索哈杰发热医院。 +Provides preventive maintenance procedures and the lists of Epson-approved lubricants and adhesives required for servicing the product.,提供预防性维护程序,列出了爱普生批准的润滑剂和粘合剂需要维修的产品。 +"Houston Rockets star Tracy McGrady said Tuesday in his official website that the microfracture surgery on his left knee was a success, adding he was looking forward to the rehab process.",美国当地时间24日,火箭球星麦蒂接受了膝盖微创手术。 手术后,他在自己的官方网站称手术相当成功,并期待能尽快恢复。 +"He founded two more companies, Music Man and G&L Guitars, that sold his newer instrument and amp designs.",他又创建了另外两家公司,Music Man和G&L Guitars,分别销售他新设计的乐器和功放。 +Chen and his wife cast their votes early on Saturday.,陈和他的妻子投掷他们的投票早的在星期六。 +"Wahda Entertainment Equipment Co. , Ltd. is located in GuangZhou, China. It is a private electric and technical enterprise integrated with R&D, manufacturing and marketing.",华达游乐设备有限公司坐落在广州,是一家集研发,制造,市场营销为一体的民营电子科技企业。 +"The Creative Imagination is the ""receiving set"" of the brain, which receives thoughts, released by the brains of others.",大脑区域植人另一套电极,用以接受来自胡须左右两侧的神经刺激。 +"Museum It has the title of ""the first county level museum of china"", more than ten thousand relics, that will open your view largely.",博物馆 有“中国县级第一馆”之称,馆藏文物一万余件,珍奇异宝定能让您大开眼界! +"Excessive and reduce weight impertinently, the likelihood is in adipose reductive at the same time, harmonious sexual love and happiness of husband and wife also will are far from.",过度和不恰当的减肥,可能在脂肪减少的同时,和谐性爱与夫妻幸福也将远离。 +"It said Chelsy Davy accompanied Harry, 20, the younger son of Prince Charles and the late Princess Diana, during his two-week trip to a polo ranch in Argentina, even staying in the same guest house.",她近日陪同哈里王子在阿根廷的一个马球度假地呆了整整2个星期。 +"You could merrily bury your head in a book for a while. Let the machine answer the phone, and catch up on your reading.",你可以暂时快乐地埋首书中。让答录机替你接听电话。追上阅读进度。 +"Carlos and Jackson were sitting behind me, 6)quizzing each other on spelling words.","卡洛斯和杰克逊刚好坐在我后面,正相互考单词拼写。" +"The result will be declared on 7th, opinion survey lately shows, the support rates of the three parties are not differ much.",主选举结果将在7号正式公布,最近的民调普遍显示,工党、自由民主党和保守党支持率相差不大,选情呈“三分天下”的胶着态势。 +This shows there are still serious defects in the process of selecting and promoting cadres.,的 提拔干部 的 工作,仍然有重大 的 缺点。 +"Comparing the performance of the DDNP initiating explosive through experiment, we find out the way to improve the pressure durability of DDNP.",通过试验,对二硝基重氮酚起爆药的性能进行比较,找出了提高二硝基重氮酚耐压性的途径,进一步提高了该起爆药的质量。 +In January the commission delayed the vote to August in a move which was backed by the United States. Ian Pannell reports.,一月份由于一场由美国支持的运动的阻碍,委员会将选举推迟至八月。 +"Bothans hail from Bothawui, a cosmopolitan planet spared from the Galactic Civil War due to its neutrality.",博萨人来自博萨维(Bothawui),一个国际化都市星球,因为中立而没有卷入银河系内战。 +This paper introduces an application of the domestic PLC in 64 VFD special automatic exhaust table. The system mainly consists of the domestic PLC.,介绍了以国产可编程逻辑控制器(PLC)在6 4工位真空荧光显示屏(VFD)专用自动化排气台的应用,并成为系统的控制核心。 +"Life ~ with the monthly flow, with white hair old, as you go, have no news of happiness.",生命~随年月流去,随白发老去,随着你离去,快乐渺无音讯。 +"You lived in the Rue de l'Ouest, on the third floor, in the front apartments of a new house,--you see that I know!",您当时住在西街,一栋新房子的四层楼上。 您看得出我知道吗? +Objective:To evaluate the clinical effect of adenoidectomy guided by nasal endoscope.,目的:探讨鼻内窥镜用于腺样体切除术的临床效果。 +"Research shows that: modifiers can be very good intercalation to EVOH, to increase floor space, the surface oil-polarity;",研究表明:改性剂能很好的插层到EVOH中,使其层间距增大,表面极性亲油; +"Now the lab is making it easy for researchers to download and use not just data processed for meteorologists, but the unfiltered data as well.",现在,实验室正在努力使信息下载更为方便,并且为那些气象学家提供未被过滤掉的数据而不仅仅是过滤的数据。 +"To calculate the target GNP for the year 2000, we have to use constant, unexaggerated 1980 prices as the base and take into consideration the anticipated population growth.",要按一九八○年的固定价格,没有水分的,还要把人口增长的因素计算在内。 +"Based on the above theory, the influence of main parameters of the pre-stressed high-strength concrete beam upon the ultimate carrying load capacity is analyzed.",计算结果表明:这些方法对预应力高强混凝土梁的非线性分析具有良好的适应性。 +"However before the donations were comingin, Feng was the sole breadwinner.",然而在获得捐款前,风是家里唯一的劳动力。 +"To extend a production line of fiberglass yarn, then buy 30 golden crucibles , 20 drawing machines, 20 crucible transformers and fittings, 2 doffing machines.",扩建玻璃纤维纱生产线一条,购置铂金坩埚30台,拉丝机20台,坩埚变压器及配件20台,落纱机2台。 +"Getting caught up in the would-a, could-a, should-a’s of life will certainly lead to disappointment and unhappiness.",深陷于种种“将要”、“本该要”和“应该要”之中,这样的生活,无疑会将你引向失望与不快的深渊。 +The wilderness campgrounds along these lakes make perfect destinations for overnight canoe or fishing trips.,野外露营沿着这些湖泊完善目的地隔夜独木舟或捕鱼旅行。 +BestLogin.aspx contains code that compares the user-entered password with a salted hashed version of the password stored in the SecureUsers table (see Figure 7 ).,aspx 包含用于将用户输入的密码与 SecureUsers 表中所存储密码的 salt 强化哈希版本比较的代码(参见图 7)。 +The cytoplasm between the desmosomal attachments shrinks.,桥 粒 间的细胞质皱缩。 +"Underwater robots have successfully removed a leaking cap on BP's blown-out Gulf of Mexico oil well, the first stage in fitting a tighter cap.",水下机器人已经成功移除英国石油公司在墨西哥湾石油油井泄漏处的控油罩,这是安装密闭性更强的控油罩的第一步。 +"In China, Sidel has a 40,000sqm multi-product facility in Beijing with the capability to assemble all equipment found on Sidel's complete lines, from blow molding to palletizing.",在中国,西得乐在北京建立了一个达40,000多平方米的生产基地,可以生产从吹瓶机到码垛机一整条生产线上的所有设���。 +"The cylinder liners are fitted with a so called ""flame barrier"".",气缸套配备有一个所谓的“火焰屏障”。 +And it's just funny because a pig in a car.,就因为猪在车里,真是滑稽。 +"At the same time, the supercritical once-through boiler is the object that has strong coupling, multi-variables and nonlinearity.",同时,指出超临界直流锅炉是强耦合、多变量、非线性的控制对象。 +We will now double our efforts to get the team back to the highest level of competitivity.,我们现在怀疑我们是否能够将车队带回到竞争中的最高层去。 +"So, that self-alienation causes him to lose his love.",正是这种自我疏离使他失去了所爱。 +"Goldman reported a value-at-risk on 95 percent of days of $208 million, well above Morgan Stanley.","高盛曾公布其日均95%VaR值在2.08亿美元,远高于摩根士丹利." +"So, my choice for this is that odd introduction in-between the two stories, and this is on 48 and 49.",因此,我的选择是那个故事的中间,的那篇奇怪的介绍,在48页和49页。 +Results The time in the in-deprtment ws shorter distinctively thn tht of without using insulin-pump.,结果创面弥合时间明显缩短,与未用胰岛素泵病人的住院时间有显著差异。 +"This paper analyzes and assesses the pulse vacuum sterilizer and its application risk, specifically describes the preventive measures of the application risk on pulse vacuum sterilizer.",对脉动真空灭菌器的应用风险进行了分析和评估,具体阐述针对脉动真空灭菌器的应用风险所采取的防范措施。 +He was burned at the stake for heresy.,他因为信奉异端思想而以火刑处死。 +"Send thou men, that they may search the land of Canaan, which I give unto the children of Israel: of every tribe of their fathers shall ye send a man, every one a ruler among them.",你打发人去窥探我所赐给以色列人的迦南地,他们每支派中要打发一个人,都要作首领的。 +Frank handed Tom a copy of the e-mail he'd sent to McDonald.,弗兰克递给汤姆那封他发给麦当娜的邮件。 +The model-based reconstruction algorithm is adopted in order to conquer the ill-posedness in optical tomography.,为克服光学层析图像重建的病态性,采用一种基于模型的重建方法来进行图像重建。 +"Many other procedures showed dramatic variation as well across Vermont, New Hampshire and upstate New York.",从佛蒙特州,新罕布什尔州到远离海岸的纽约还有很多象这样的规程存在巨大差异。 +"I'm really happy with my own contract and I think there will be a few more players to follow us, which is good because we have a great team and I hope we can win a lot of trophies together.",我非常高兴自己的合约,我认为还会有很多球员跟随我们续约,这是好消息,因为我们拥有一支无敌战舰,我希望我们一起赢得更多的奖杯。 +"CDRI is a unit directly under the Chengdu Railway Bureau, and it is a special R&D institution on applied technology.",成都铁路局科研所是成都铁路局的直属科研单位,是铁路局应用技术研制和推广的专门机构。 +West Nile Virus (WNV) was first isolated in a woman in the West Nile district of Uganda in 1937.,西尼罗河病毒于1937年从乌干达西尼罗河地区一位妇女体中首次分离出来。 +"Research is carried out on the discrete noise theory and calculation method, the calculation model of discrete noise and the approximate formula under small Mach number are verified by experiments.",对低马赫数叶轮离散噪声的机理及计算方法进行了研究,并推导了离散噪声的声压计算式、低马赫数下近似计算式和轴心线上的计算式,还实验验证了计算模型。 +"Her team needed a leader not only to coordinate the team, but also to ensure consistency by formulating requirements guidelines.",她的团队需要一个负责人,不仅要协调团队,而且要通过明确描述需求指南来确保一致性。 +"The NASA pictures show how they shrank even further between 2005 and 2009 because of severe drought, and then increased in the summer of 2010 after the drought breaks.",NASA的卫星图片显示,2005年-2009年间,由于连续的干旱,湖水日益枯竭。 2010年夏,干旱结束后湖水水量才开始增加。 +"There are four parts in the text:In the first part, the revolution activity of Bernstein was discussed.",正文分四个部分:第一部分,对伯恩施坦的革命实践活动进行了探讨。 +"Private equity firm Carlyle Group CYL.UL warned a group of its investors that they were unlikely to see returns on their money soon, the Financial Times said.","路透11月5日电---据英国金融时报,私人直接投资公司--凯雷投资集团(卡莱尔,Carlyle Group)[CYL.UL]日前对一组投资者预警称,后者不太可能很快见到投资收益." +"you can understand how the world view is, if you believe you're an oppressed minority and you can't really fight against the more powerful entity.","不妨这样理解这种世界观,假设你认为自己是受压迫的少数派,你无法真正同强权斗争。" +"Heat the strawberry mixture to boiling over medium heat, and allow it to boil for about 5 minutes, stirring frequently.",中火加热煮沸果肉,继续边煮边搅拌5分钟直到酱汁呈浓稠状。 +"The annual total cost of optimum design decreased by 20.8% than that of conventional design without EGR, 14.3% than that of conventional design when exhaust gas recirculation ratio was 0.2.",对湿空气出口温度和废气循环比进行优化设计,比无废气循环的常规设计节省年总费用20.8%,比循环比为0.2时的常规设计节省年总费用14.3%。 +"Despite his Golden Globe success, Carrey has never been nominated for an Academy Award, perhaps due to the Academy's traditional lack of recognition for comedic actors.",尽管卡里多次荣获金球奖,但他从未得到过奥斯卡奖提名。这也许是因为奥斯卡奖传统上就不认可喜剧演员。 +"After reading this you will be able to use AES encryption, AES-based testing and software in your system to use AES encryption.",在读完本文后你将能用AES加密、测试 基于AES的软件并能在你的系统中使用AES加密。 +Facebook seems to be betting on future generations.,脸普网似乎对未来几代人投注。 +It was explained that Katie required a special diet during her recovery─fish broths and herbal teas.,我得到的解释是说凯蒂在产后复原期间需要特别的餐饮:炖鱼和药草茶。 +The next study that I want to discuss is a study comparing tenofovir vs tenofovir and emtricitabine in adefovir-experienced patients.,接下来的学习,我想讨论的是一个比较研究阿德福韦的患者替诺福韦与替诺福韦和恩曲他滨。 +I find it clearer to ignore this interface-like structure for most purposes and instead think of annotations as a hashmap of name-value pairs.,我发现大多数情况下忽略这种类似于接口的结构,而把注释看作是名值对的 hashmap 会更清晰。 +Stupid statement always come out of China nowaday.,如今愚蠢的声明老是出自中国。 +"They had chosen those limits so as not to alienate themselves from friends and family, and it had never felt like much of a constraint.",他们这么做,是为了不和朋友和家庭疏远,他们也没觉得这是什么限制。 +"He has a unique diagnostic and treatment technology to multiple fractures, complex fractures, fracture, dislocation, fracture healing, delayed healing, limb bone deformities.",对多发骨折、复杂骨折、关节骨折、脱位、骨折不愈合、延期愈合、四肢骨畸形,有独到的诊断及治疗技术。 +"Cambyses had prepared for the march through the desert by an alliance with Arabian chieftains , who brought a large supply of water to the stations.",冈比西斯利用与阿拉伯酋长的结盟,已经为穿越沙漠的行军做好了准备。阿拉伯人为他们提供了大量的水源支持。 +We should tune them in to our point of view.,我们应让他们了解我们的观点。 +"The festival, known as Carnival.",这个节日,被称作为嘉年华会。 +"High shrinkage polyester staple was prepared by using amorphous polyester chip. The technology of drying, spinning, drawing and non-setting was studied.",采用非结晶聚酯切片制备高收缩涤纶短纤维,对切片干燥、纺丝、拉伸、定型等工艺进行了研究。 +"The text is mainly about the development of the damping material, polymer base piezoelectricity intellectual damping material.",本文主要综述了聚合物基压电智能阻尼材料的阻尼机理。 +The second Chapter introduces the domestic operational strategy of the Weichai Group.,第二章,潍柴的国内经营战略; +"Dawa was born in Khumjung, a village just 12 miles from Everest which lies at 3, 500m above sea level.",达瓦出生在昆琼。 那是一个距珠穆朗玛峰仅12英里,海拔3 500米的小村庄。 +"Therefore, we are consequentially required to probe into the dialogic approach between subjects and dual objects, which is applicable to the laws for judicial judgment.",因此,必然要求我们探讨司法判定中的法律适用的主体与“双重客体”的对话途径。 +"""We've also got the army moving in today and the army are going to provide us with some grunt [muscle-power], with some bulldozers and our tractors,"" he said.",军队今天到了这里。 他们会给我们提供一些人力、掘土机和拖拉机。 +Whether or not unmanned probes find signs of life on Mars.,不伦不载人的探测器能否在火星上发现生命迹象。 +We're kicking off another hot summer here in Albuquerque.,这里是阿尔布开克市,我们抛开了又一个炎热的夏天。 +"But, in 1919, the victors of the war wrote Germany's guilt into the Versailles Treaty at the infamous Hall of Mirrors, and collectively decided that it should pay a high price for that guilt.",但战胜国在声名狼藉的镜厅签订《凡尔赛条约》,数落德���的罪责,并集体做出了德国必须要为之发动战争的罪责付出高昂代价的决定。 +"The Movie: “Even I think my films are depressing, ” Ingmar Bergman once admitted.",影片:“连我自己都觉得我的电影很压抑,”英格玛•伯格曼 (Ingmar Bergman) 曾承认。 +"We own 80 acres of land for production. Now, we have three advanced production lines for dyeing. Also we are licensed for export.",公司占地面积80余亩,目前拥有先进的印染生产线三条,拥有自营出口权。 +"Urine has been long-established as a free compost ""activator"" (aka ""liquid gold""), because it's full of nitrogen, but there are other benefits too.",因为尿液含氮丰富,所以它是早就被公认了的免费堆肥“催化剂”(又名“液体黄金”),但它还有别的好处。 +"Once he was saying good -bye after making a date with a woman on the phone, when from the next room came a strange sound like the chattering of teeth.",一次在电话中,托马斯与一个女人约会,还没等放下电话,就听到隔壁的房间似乎有牙齿的振颤的声音。 +That explosion was triggered by an accumulation of gas in an unventilated tunnel.,爆炸是由于瓦斯气体在通风不良的矿井中聚集而产生的。 +Then perhaps one day others would give us the honorary titile of being Buddha.,说不定,有一天,别人可能会给我们一个很光荣的封号–佛。 +"Iverson’s popularity could probably translate into an international gig as well, should he so desire.",如果艾弗森愿意的话,他的名气可以传播到国际的赛场上。 +"The Climate Change negotiations organized under the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change faces an uphill struggle, now steepened by the breakdown in the WTO. .",联合国气候变化框架公约组织的气候变化谈判面临重重阻力。 随着WTO谈判破裂,这一阻力现在变得更大。 +Last year we took in a couple of players but it's a risky period because many of them are cup-tied in Europe.,去年我们买下了2个球员但是这样很有风险,因为他们中的很多人都打了欧洲比赛。 +"I was going to enter a belly-dancing contest,but I bottled out at the last minute.",我当时正想参加肚皮舞比赛,但我在最后一分钟失去了勇气而没参加。 +Ryan Giggs's display at Pride Park was exceptional.,吉格斯在普莱德公园的表现不令人意外。 +Pressure is mounting on Eliot Spitzer to resign following his alleged role in a prostitution scandal.,艾略特·斯皮策因嫖妓丑闻而备受辞职压力。 +"November 1, 1592, At the Battle of Busan, the outnumbered Korean navy defeats a larger Japanese army.",1592年的11月1日,在釜山战役中,人数处于劣势的韩国海军打败了人数占优的日本军。 +"Its neces sa ry and feasible that the tourism is regarded , as the characteristic industry in Yueyang city.",根据区域经济学原理,旅游业发展为岳阳市特色产业有其必要性和可行性。 +"Articles of asbestos-cement, of cellulose fibre-cement or the like.",石棉水泥、纤维素水泥或类似材料的制品。 +But the tremendous cold quickly drove the life out of his fingers.,但是极度的寒冷让他的手很快又再次失去了知觉。 +"Si tu veux pas voir ce film, lequel veux-tu voir ? If you don't want to see this movie, which one do you want to see?",如果你不想看这部片,你想看哪部? +"It was raining very hard, so the meeting was cancelled.",因为雨下得太大,所以会议取消了。(主从关系) +"In summary, early diagnosis of cryptococcal pleural effusion in cirrhotic patients is still a challenge in clinical practice.",肝硬化的病人发生肋膜隐球菌症并不常见,如何适当的予以早期诊断是个相当重要但不容易的课题。 +"He also asserted that, contrary to popular belief, the ear is self-cleaning.",他还声称,与流行的观点背道而驰的是,耳朵可以实现自我清理。 +The pusher type feeder apparatus for continuous heater of steel materials of the utility model is suitable for the production in a bar mill.,本实用新型的钢料连续式加热炉的推料输送装置,适用于小型轧钢厂生产。 +"Repeat 2 more times with noodles, sauce, ricotta, grated cheese, and sausage mixture.",用面条、沙司、意大利乳清干酪、细干酪和香肠混合物再铺两次。 +Let every man be respected as an individual and no man idolized.,每个人作为个体都应受到尊重而非崇拜的任何一个人。 +"When fighting off an attacker, go for his vulnerable points like eyes, throat, and knees.",要击退攻击者就要去攻击他的薄弱环节如眼睛、咽喉和膝盖。 +Always maintain eye contact with the interviewer. Make eye-contact with the interviewer during the interview. Show that you are confident by looking straight at the person.,和雇主要一直保持目光接触。面试时,眼睛要看着对方。直视对方说明你有自信。 +"""DK Eyewitness New York City"" travel guide will lead you straight to the best attractions this enticing city has on offer.",“不知道目击者纽约市的”旅行指南将引导您直接进入最佳旅游城市这个诱人的宾客盈门。 +"Peering behind thick clouds of cosmic gas and dust, researchers believe they have finally determined the origins of quasars, the brightest and most powerful objects in the universe.",凝视宇宙背后的气体和尘埃,研究人员相信,他们终于确定了类星体的起源,宇宙中最明亮和最强大的对象浓云。 +Authorities said 10 of the dead were students learning about the Quran at a religious school that collapsed.,当局声称一所宗教学校内正在学习可兰经的10名学生被倒塌的房屋压死。 +"She was condemned fiction, was reviled in the streets.",她被谴责虚构故事,在大街上遭到唾骂。 +"Perfect for home or travel, the Teething Feeder is a great way to give your baby whole, fresh, age appropriate foods while reducing the risk of choking.",非常适合家用及旅游。 咬咬袋最大的优点就是给宝宝全面,新鲜,适龄食物的同时又能防止噎到的危险。 +"At a dinner that night hosted by President Martti Ahtisaari of Finland, I was glad to see Yeltsin in good spirits and apparently recovering from open-heart surgery.",那天的晚餐是由芬兰总统马尔蒂·阿赫蒂萨里招待的,我很高兴看到叶利钦气色很好,很明显他正处于心内直视手术后的康复中。 +So we now have a situation that is much more difficult.,以至于现在的局势对于我们来说更加困难了。 +"Claims Coke will not make children fat or rot their teeth have landed Coca-Cola in trouble with Australia's consumer watchdog, which Thursday ordered the soft drink company to correct its advertising.",可口可乐公司不久前刊登的一则广告让其惹祸上身,该广告声称可乐不会导致儿童肥胖或损害牙齿。澳大利亚一家消费者权益机构于本周四要求这家软饮料公司对广告作出修正。 +"Rev Moon was a controversial figure. Born in 1920 in what is now North Korea, he said Jesus Christ had appealed to him as a teenager, and asked him to continue his work.",文鲜明一直是个富有争议的人物,他1920年出生于现在的朝鲜,他说耶稣基督曾在他少年时感召过他,请他继续自己的事业。 +"Of the 49 entrants this year, nine were from that area, and among those were the second-, fourth-, sixth- and 10th-place finishers.",在今年的49只入围南瓜中,有9只来自该地区,而且获得了第二、第四、第六和第十名的南瓜都来自该地区。 +But this did not win them much time in their death-bed struggle.,但这并没有给他们赢得多少时间来进行垂死挣扎。 +What is he attempting to do?,他试图做啥? +"As for the hideous vision of the Barriere du Maine, Cosette had not referred to it again.",至于上次在梅恩便门遇见的那种奇丑绝恶的景象,珂赛特没有再提起过。 +Objective To investigate the occupational values of college students of nursing science so as to provide information for delivering education about occupation values to college nursing students.,目的了解当代高等护理专业学生(高护生)的职业价值观,为我国高等护理院校有效地开展大学生职业价值观教育提供依据。 +Lens stereoscopes are practical for field use or for observing magnified details.,透镜式立体镜适合于野外使用或者观察放大的细节。 +"In a word, nowadays, the primary treatment object of wastewater treatment factory of cities include mainly to dispose organic(COD, BOD5) , suspended solid(SS) and nitrogen, phosphorus, etc.",总的来说,当今城市污水处理厂的主要处理对象应包括有机物(COD、BOD5)、悬浮物(SS)和氮、磷等营养物质。 +"After Alphie the piglet was abandoned by his mother, the owner Claire, who lived in Cape Town, South Africa, decided to bottle-feed him.",小猪阿尔法被母亲抛弃﹐家住南非开普敦的主人克莱尔于是决定亲自抚养他。 +Objective To determine the prevalence of Ureaplasma urealyticum (UU) and Chlamydia trachomatis (CT) in pregnant women on pregnant outcome and neonates.,目的:了解孕妇解脲脲原体(UU)、沙眼衣原体(CT)的感染率,探讨孕妇感染后对妊娠结 局及其新生儿的影响。 +Luckily I write without a hook and fairly easily although it has taken time to get rid of smudging .,幸运的我写的勾手和轻而易举地虽然它已采取的时间摆脱沾污。 +Only have the broad thought rich foundation strong adaptability and have both ability and political integrity could the students meet the demand for market economy.,学生只有思路宽广、基础雄厚、应变力强、德才兼备,才能适应市场经济的需求。 +"One of Zhuang Ling's earliest memories is accompanying a truck carrying some of the art from the Guizhou province city of Anxun to Ba county in Sichuan, near the Nationalist wartime capital.",庄灵的儿时记忆里,包括跟随一��车文物从贵州省安顺市到了四川阿坝县,靠近当时的国民政府战时首都。 +I don't care about the matter.,我对这事毫不介意。 +I believe that we should use RosettaNet-based Web services for the following reasons,我相信我们应该使用基于RosettaNet的Web服务,理由如下 +High power 808nm laser diodes are widely used for pumping Nd∶YAG solid-state lasers.,高功率激光二极管列阵广泛应用于抽运固体激光器。 +BP ordering 32 of the machines made by Costner's company…,英国石油公司订购了科斯特纳的公司所作的机器32 … +The standards for business premises and facilities shall be drafted by this Corporation and approved by the Competent Authority.,前项营业处所场地及设备标准,由本公司拟订报请主管机关核定之。 +"Bobby Kennedy was killed just after Midnight on June 5, 1968 (another falls at night time).",鲍比·肯尼迪恰好在1968年6月5日的午夜被杀害(还有伟人在深夜倒下)。 +"Though people have often laughed at stories told by seamen, it is now known that many of these ‘monsters' which have at times been sighted are simply strange fish.","虽然人们常常对水手们讲的故事付诸一笑,但现在看来,人们有时看到的这些""妖怪""很多不过是些奇怪的鱼。" +"This role may be represented by engineering, product and project managers, QE, or documentation.",该角色可能由工程、产品和项目经理、QE,或文档编制部门来代表。 +"Ford's chief executive, Alan Mulally, said:""Volvo is an excellent brand with a strong product line, and it hasreturned to profit after a successful restructuring.",福特公司的首席执行官艾伦.慕勒力 (Alan Mulally) 说:“沃尔沃是一个优秀的品牌并有(竞争力)很强的产品,在成功地进行了结构调整后已经恢复到盈利状态。 +The black ribbon has been also used by the journalists in the Philippines to condemn the killings of journalists on the Maguindanao massacre.,菲律宾记者使用黑丝带谴责马京达瑙大屠杀中残害记者的行为。 +"Invariably, remnants of old ideas reflecting the old system remain in people's minds for a long time, and they do not easily give way.",反映旧制度的旧思想的残余,总是长期地留在人们的头脑里,不愿意轻易地退走的。 +"So, I started standing on the perspective of the class teacher to start thinking and summing up.",于是,我也开始了站在班主任的角度上开始思考,总结。 +"If you want to freeze tye , wrap them in foil or freezer bags.",若您想把鸡肉急冻,应以以锡纸或保鲜袋盛载。 +"FEM results reveal that angular displacement by power function can be used to describe friction constraint on side faces, and zone of no ideal HPT tend to stable when exponent is not less than 8.",有限元分析结果表明,可用幂函数形式的角位移约束来简化侧面摩擦,当幂指数不小于8时,试样上非HPT变形区域大小趋于稳定; +"You think I should have quit my little hobby, married her and settled down to raise you in saccharine domesticity.",你认为我该放下我小小的业余爱好,和她结婚,在甜得发腻的家庭生活中养育你。 +"Kollontai became aware of the Bolsheviks semi-commitment to the women's liberation movement, and she began to suspect that the Bolshevik's policies were threatening the true cause of the Revolution.",Kollontai开始意识到布尔什维克对妇女解放运动的半委托权,她开始怀疑布尔什维克的政策会威胁到革命的真正目标。 +"From an analysis of the data and observations of the deeply excavated site of the Aoshan breccia body and others, it has been confirmed that they are of cryptoexplosion origin.",并对凹山等角砾岩体从资料分析和纵深的采掘现场观察,确认它们属隐爆成因。 +Optically induced anisotropy gratings and surface gratings on azobenzene polymer films are studied.,研究了偶氮苯聚合物的光致各向异性光栅与表面光栅。 +I focused on the importance of high availability of service by a producer for the consumers though various performance and standard criteria.,尽管存在各种各样的性能和标准规范,我还是侧重讨论了生产商为客户提供高可用性服务的重要性。 +Enclosed please find a crossed cheque of HK$ for registration fee for the technical visit.,现夹附划线支票乙张支付考察团费用港币元,请查收。 +E. g. I'm visiting my grandparents tomorrow.,明天我要去看望祖父母。 +"The Red Army provided only about one tank in three with a radio, allotting them to the company commanders and battalions commanders and sometimes to platoon commanders.",红军的坦克每三辆中只有一辆装备无线电台,一般分配给连,营长座车有时包括排长车。 +She and Abigail are two of the hottest female actresses in Hollywood these days.,她和艾比盖尔是当今好莱坞最炙手可热的女演员之一。 +"Hss, Red Wizard would!",嘶,红袍法师会的! +"Next time you find yourself frequenting your local Wal-Mart, catalog what you buy and note down what you initially went in for.",下一次你发现你经常去沃尔玛的时候,记录一下你买的东西以及你最初想买的东西。 +Preoperation embolization may provide advantage condition for surgery.,术前栓塞为手术切除提供了良好条件。 +"In all my life, my favorite idol is Wei Chen, who is very handsome and cute.",我一生中最崇拜的是魏晨,他很帅很可爱。 +"It is suitable for audio telephone wire in the field , broadcasting wire in urban and rural , explosion wire in mine exploitation , overhead or underground.",适用于野外条件下作为音频电话通信及区域通信系统中心的信号传输。可高架或地敷通信线。 +Example is the best precept.,榜样是最好的良言。 +"Speech meaning differs from language structural meaning, which is cashable meaning of language structural meaning.",话语意义不同于语言结构意义,它是语言结构意义的某种“兑现”。 +"Even before the surge was announced, Colin Powell, the former secretary of state and an ex-chairman of the joint chiefs of staff, said that the active army was ""about broken"".",就算在宣布增兵之前,前国务卿以及前参谋长联席会议主席科林•鲍威尔表示,现役的军队“几乎跑断腿”。 +COEN You are talking to yourself now.,你这就是在自说自话了。 +"Before this new policy comes out, Chinese Real estate Association put forward a proposal on the second housing loan policy adjustment, in which living demand is differentiated from investment demand.",而此次杭州政策被认为与中房协建议一致,因此业内人士均认为杭州出台的“二套房贷”政策可能就是央行随后调整二套房贷政策的样本。 +Matches if the matchers used in first and second both match. Available for all primitive types and for objects.,当两个匹配器同时匹配时匹配。适用于所有的简单类型和对象。 +Passenger traffic continued to increase in 1997.,本港的旅客人数在一九九七年续有增加。 +Needle bearings;,滚针轴承; +"During Jinggangshan's revolutionary struggle period, lofty Huangyangjie is one of the famed guarding passes.",井冈山革命斗争时期,气势雄伟的黄洋界是著名的五大哨口之一。 +"In this paper, from the view of transformation of energy, We discuss the properties of power in the motion of snakes.",本文从质点组力学中能量转换的角度讨论蛇运动的动力的性质。 +"Oh, that's a peach!",哦,那是个桃! +"As to the ""one to one perspective"" it tells something about industry relevance, the divisibility of the target resources, management costs, synergies persistence and transaction uncertainty.",“一对企业”视角下主要考虑行业相关性、目标资源可分割性、管理成本、协同效应持久性、交易不确定性。 +"It shows the maximum value in the data set for this column is 4,032 square feet, and the minimum is 2,200 square feet.","它显示了数据集内此列的最大值为 4,032 平方英尺,最小值为 2,200 平方英尺。" +We all have our own strengths and weaknesses.,每种生物都有自己的优势和劣势; +"Any new leader has to be able to answer that question in a single, concrete, believable phrase.",或许,这个问题需要留待新任领导人给出一个唯一的、具体的、可信的答案。 +"From the historical and cultural point of view it has two characteristics, the gradualness in its historical development and the multi origin nature in its theoretical formation.",在历史文化的视野中,它具有历史发展的渐进性和理论生成上的多源性两大特点。 +"Because iterations are specific to an asset registry, they need to create the necessary iterations in each asset registry.",由于迭代是针对一个特定的资产注册的,所以它们需要在每一个资产注册中创建必要的迭代。 +The Boeing Company [NYSE: BA] today announced it has received an $84 million contract from the U.S. Air Force for additional upgrades of the B-1 bomber fleet's avionics software.,波音公司今天宣布,它已收到美国空军一份8400万美元的合同,升级B-1轰炸机机群的航电系统软件。 +"There, esoteric trading strategies are imagined, sketched on whiteboards and modeled on supercomputers by an elite corps of math wizards and scientists, most of them unknown to the outside world.",一支由数学天才和科学家组成的精英团队(他们中的大多数人并不为外部世界所知),在那里构想神秘莫测的交易战略,将其勾勒在白色书写板上,然后借助超级计算机设定交易模型。 +He doesn't look like an actor. He looks like a teacher.,他看起来不像个演员, 倒像个教师。 +A dabbler in the graphic arts;,平面造型艺术的涉猎者; +Cytological observations on some species of Dryopteris and Polystichum from China.,文章题目 一些中国产鳞毛蕨属和耳蕨属植物的细胞学观察�� +"A full garbage collection involves the JVM examining all objects on the heap, including those that have survived many generations, that would not be analyzed on partial garbage collections.",完整的垃圾收集涉及 JVM 对堆上所有的对象进行检验,包括经历了许多代、在部分垃圾收集上不会被分析的对象。 +Most other members of the large cast invest themselves fully in the energy and piranhalike appetites of their roles.,庞大演员阵容中的大多数人都全情投入,以表现出所饰角色的活力和食人鱼般的贪婪。 +"I can think of no other singer who got so many people to listen to opera, even for a single aria, Nessun Dorma.",现在有多少人以为自己听过某些我不必点名的跨界歌手就可以算是了解歌剧了啊! +"Muchlow-Davis recently wrote to the family, asking for insight into the letter's history.",马科洛戴维斯最近写信给他们,想知道这封信的来龙去脉。 +"Our products are applied to the peripheral devices of producing Hi & low frequency transformers, the main products include automatic winding machine, taping machine, automatic soldering machine , etc.",我们的产品专用于生产高低频变压器的周边设备,主要产品包括自动绕线机,胶布机,自动焊锡机等系列。 +"Predicating the basic developing trend of small country towns in China, and praising the corresponding countermeasures.",预测我国农村小城镇未来发展的基本趋势,提出我国农村小城镇改革与发展的对策。 +"If these women had access to better, combination antiretroviral treatment to optimally suppress virus replication, they might be less likely to develop these hard-to-treat strains later, she said.",如果这些妇女又更好的联合抗反转录病毒抑制病毒复制,他们可能更晚发生病毒株耐受。 +"While one thread is delayed awaiting completion of an I/O, another thread is able to do useful work.",当一个线程由于等待完成 I/O 处理而被延迟时,另一个线程可执行一些有用的工作。 +"I met Mr. Wang after he returned to China. On a hot, gusty day as a sandstorm whirled through Beijing, he explained his new ideas.",我在回国之后遇到汪先生,在一个沙尘暴席卷北京的炎热而且大风的日子,他阐释了他的新想法。 +"Balian of Ibelin: This army will be destroyed, and the city left defenseless .",巴里安:这支军队将全军覆没,这座城市将失去防卫。 +This job is a absolutely perfect choice to me.,对我来说,这个生意场位置绝对是完美的挑选。 +"So, the maintenance and promotion of the national long-term stability and to achieve social harmony, need the government insists on administrative justice.",因此,维护和促进国家长治久安,实现社会和谐,需要政府坚持行政公正。 +"""A piece of chalk and a teaching reference"" mode is not enough to professional school's language teaching. Updating teaching method and using it neatly can achieve maximum results with little effort.",对于专业学校的语文教学,不能仅局限于一支粉笔、一本教参的老模式,应不断地更新教学手法并灵活运用,这样才能达到事半功倍的效果。 +"And our products are applied to many industries such as food, dairy, medicine, daily cosmetic, agrochemicals, electron, cable, as well as container and cigarette industries.",我们的产品定位:为食品、乳品、药品、日化、农化、电子电缆等行业提供最优质的软包装制品,同时提供容器、卷烟包装等业务服务。 +"While compression narrows the bloat of the XML conversion quite a bit, even the bzip2 version still lets the XML markup increase the size by about 20%.",虽然压缩相当多地减小了 XML 转换的膨胀,即使 bzip2 版本仍然让 XML 标记使大小增加了大约 20% 。 +700 years ago I would have asked you if you had “an eke name” and before that “eke name” was two words.,"如果在700年前,我就应该问你,你是否有""an eke name"",在那之前,eke name是两个词。" +"After this, the ignorant king believed even more firmly that Yelang was the world's biggest country.",从此以后,无知的国王就更相信夜郎是天底下最大的国家。 +Look out for your eyes when you do your homework.,你做作业时,要注意眼睛。 +The compounds may also cause increased synthesis of a neurotransmitter called acetylcholine.,该复合物可能也可以提高乙酰胆碱的神经传递素的合成。 +"A kaolin, mustard, ETC poultice.",高岭土、芥子末等泥罨剂。 +她总爱把自己的意见强加于人。,She always obtruded her opinions upon others. +We solicit acontinua ance of your confidence and support.,恳请贵方继续给予信托,大力支持。 +"Eventually, Project X-Ray (as the training program was dubbed) was canceled, and bat bombers, the brainchild of dental surgeon Lytle S. Adams, were never deployed overseas.",最终,X光计划(训练蝙蝠计划的代号)被取消,而且蝙蝠轰炸机,这��由牙医Lytle S. Adams提出的想法,从未在海外实施过。 +"At the oxidation state, the growth state and the reduction state, the circumstance of the atom is different, so the absorption edge also varied.",氧化态、生长态和还原态三种不同的状态,原子周围环境不一样,基础吸收边也有所移动。 +"""The discussions with the Chinese groups have been very positive, with high levels of interest in co-operation in the development of the mid-west region,"" Murchison said.","""与中资集团的谈判非常积极,合作开发中西部地区的兴趣非常大."" 该公司称." +"""Action under the Anti-Terrorism Act would be taken in case of deaths due to ... dangerous kite-flying string,"" he was quoted as saying.","引用他的话说:""由于危险的风筝线而造成的死亡事故将依据国家反恐怖法进行处理。""" +Method: 157 cases of this disease were treated locally with MEBO and the wounds were exposed or bandaged.,方法:对157例关节部位烧烫伤患者表面外用MEBO采用暴露或包扎疗法。 +"JAC makes passenger cars and recently launched an electric vehicle, Tong Yue, in the Chinese market.",江淮汽车生产乘用车,最近在中国市场推出电动车同悦。 +"MIT's Lunar Array for Radio Cosmology, known as LARC, would hone in on this time with hundreds of small telescopes sensitive to very low-frequency radio waves dating back to this cosmic dark era.",MIT的“ 月面射电宇宙学项目”,简称LARC,将由数百个小型射电望远镜组成,这些望远镜将监测来自宇宙黑暗期的低频无线电信号。 +"AS i walked out to training, michael was alongside me, we are chatting about everything and nothing, just joshing around.",训练结束的时候,迈克尔一直陪伴在我身边,我们闲聊着很多没意义的东西,都不过玩笑罢了。 +"HDTVs, and many LCD monitors, apply various post-processing algorithms to a picture that, ever-so-slightly, slows down the rate at which information is displayed on screen.",高清电视和很多液晶显示器对于图像采用各种后处理算法,这样,尽管很轻微,但还是减缓了信息显示屏幕上的速率。 +"""Would that we had learnt any lesson from colossal floods in Pakistan in the past,"" he added.",“我们本应该在巴基斯坦过去的大洪水中学到教训,”他说。 +"At the first presidential debate, on Sept. 26, Mr. Obama at least acknowledged that the crisis would force him to prioritize more carefully on government spending.",9月26号第一次总统辩论上,奥巴马至少承认这场危机会迫使他在行政开支上多做工作,但是他又说在能源独立,健康保障改革,以及教育和基础设施投资上“我们不应该太抠门”。 +"Thus his revenue was greatly increased and it provided a strong material base for him to estadlish feabal seperationist rule and to surge ""armed rebellion of seven countries"".",大大地增加了他的财政收入,为他建立封建割据,掀起“七国之乱”提供了雄厚的物质基础。 +We started off at a hip restaurant in the heart of Lan Kwai Fong for some Mexican food and some ice-cold margaritas!,我们先到兰桂坊附近的一个餐厅里去吃了墨西哥菜,还喝了一点冰镇玛格丽塔酒。 +"But it now suffers from a phenomenon known as “heat islands, ” a characteristic of megacities in which artificial heat from car exhaust and factory emissions creates a local greenhouse effect.",但是目前,众所周知,它正面临“热岛”现象,大都市所面临的一个问题,车辆排放导致的热以及工厂排放导致本地的温室效应。 +"Well, count me among those who find this strategy completely baffling.",嗨,将我划到那些认为这种战略莫名其妙的人当中吧。 +"Here's a little bon mot, from theresearch files.",从研究文档里,我们挖出了点好料,一起来看看把。 +"In this paper, the concept and characters of reverse engineering are presented. Its research satiation . applications in industry fields and research direction are also discussed.",此文对反向工程的概念和特点进行了阐述,对它在工业领域的研究现状及其有关应用进行了论述,并提出了今后的研究方向和难点内容。 +"In this paper, we discuss the target, the idea, the principle and the way for the design of control software of the PCB—NC—Driller system controlled by microcomputer.",本文讨论了微机PCB 数控钻床系统控制软件的设计目标、思想、原理和方法。 +"The relationship between trees and humankind is an essential Partof the whole frame of ideology about the universe, nature and ecology in a given nation or ethnic group.",人与树是人与自然关系的一部分。维吾尔人怎样看待树—木文化,是其宇宙观、自然观与生态观的一个重要组成部分。 +"A security check door shall generally be placed on the inner side of the only gate allowed for entry into the trial tribunal of the court, and a special access for security check shall be established.",安全检查门一般放置于进入法院审判法庭必经大门内一侧,设立安全检查专门通道。 +"I'm a computer technician, and my wife is a stay at home mom.",我的职业是计算机技术人员,我的妻子是标准的家庭主妇。 +"Leading the patrol was Capt. Brant Auge, a West Point graduate from Mississippi.",带领巡逻队的是上尉布兰特-奥格,来自密西西比的西点军校毕业生。 +"Those elegant, beautiful flowers, lace, hand embroidery, bows and graceful lines, etc. , waving to the aesthetic elements, bring us Beautiful, gentle atmosphere.",那些优雅唯美的花朵,蕾丝,手工刺绣,蝴蝶结以及优雅的线条等等,这些美丽元素的摇曳,给我们带来了美轮美奂的氛围。 +"The mood is set by Giggs, as hungry now as when he first glided into opposition nightmares at the Theatre of Dreams.",是吉格斯定下了这种基调,自他第一次在梦剧场(指曼联主场)使对手胆寒的那一刻起,他一直保持着巨大的斗志。 +"Based on our proposed mechanism, the enhancement of CdSe QDs emission can be tuned to reach a factor of up to 140 times, which is the largest value ever reported.",由我们提出的机制模型,量子点硒化镉的萤光增强达到前所未有的140倍。 +"No matter goes to school the footsteps have how hurriedly, no matter takes a test the pressure has how in a big way, in the bloomy spring day, …",不管上学的脚步有多么匆忙,不管考试的压力有多么大,春暖花开的日子里,… +Objective To describe CT manifestations of lymphangioleiomyomatosis (LAM).,目的描述淋巴管肌瘤病的CT表现。 +It is useful to force a particular method to return a fixed value for performance reasons.,为提高性能,FixedValue回调对强制某一特别方法返回固定值是有用的。 +"NASA says the annular eclipse of the Sun began in Africa and passed through the Indian Ocean, where the maximum duration of annularity reached 11 minutes and 8 seconds.",据美国宇航局介绍,今天可见的日环食始于非洲,在印度洋时间最长,持续11分8秒。 +"In the electric railway power supplying systems in China, YN/ connected balance transformers(including impedance-matching balance transformer)are most commonly used as traction transformers.",在我国的电气化铁道牵引供电系统中,YN/?平衡变压器(含阻抗匹配平衡变压器)是应用最为广泛的牵引变压器。 +"And as they went up the hill to the city, they found young maidens going out to draw water, and said unto them, Is the seer here?",他们上坡要进城,就遇见几个少年女子出来打水,问她们说,先见在这里没有。 +"The release of the screen has been delayed several times, but senior vice president Clarence Chui said devices ""in the e-reader class"" using the Mirasol display will ship by the year's end.",尽管产品的发布被一拖再拖,但公司高级副总裁Clarence Chui宣布年底会有搭载Mirasol显示屏的电子阅读器发布。 +"That year, she also published her first novel, The Grass Is Singing, and began her career as a professional writer.",同年,她发表了自己的小说处女作,《野草在歌唱》,开始了职业作家的生涯。 +"The trade flow has transferred from developing countries to developed countries, and the EU, the USA and Japan have become the first third trading partners.",贸易流向由集中于经互会成员国和发展中国家转向发达国家,欧盟、美国和日本已经成为中国最主要的三大贸易伙伴。 +"In short, Mr Sarkozy has been saying many appetising things.",总之,萨科奇先生说了不少让人开胃的话。 +"Until the year 2000, conferences were held in the dome-shaped tabernacle east of the temple in Salt Lake City.",直到2000年之前,大会都在盐湖城的摩门神庙召开。 +"After control system modification, the running reliability of the dryer was increased, the stability of processing parameter was ensured, and cut tobacco…",改进后提高了设备运行的可靠性,确保了烘丝机工艺参数的稳定,制丝质量也得到明显改善。 +Deal with these issues sensitively but swiftly. And always remember to respect your kids.,有条斯理,心平气和的解决这些问题,而且记得要尊重你的孩子。 +The symbol for 'heaven' AN has evolved from a pictographic representation of a star.,象征“天堂”的符号“安”,是由一个表示一颗星星的象形文字发展而成的。 +A concrete gravity dam with 1~2 longitudinal seams and level keyways in seam surface was grouted when the concrete stays a stable temperature.,某大坝是混凝土重力坝,根据温控要求,坝体设置1~2条纵缝,缝面设置水平键槽,在坝体混凝土达到稳定温度后进行接缝灌浆。 +"The quantity, population and ecological distribution of actinomycetes.",放线菌的数量、组成及生态分布。 +"That outflow is likely due almost entirely to large investors, partly because hedge funds likely have reached the upper limit of their ability or desire to place bets against the euro, suggests Mr.",诺德维格认为,资金出逃可能差不多全是出自于大投资者,一部分原因是,对冲基金可能已经达到了它们做空欧元的能力或愿望的上限。 +"It's the dried flower decoration with frame, can be huang on the wall directly , and we can adjust the size under customer's requirements ! Designs can be assorted !",该产品为带玻璃干花框,可以直接悬挂,产品尺寸可按客户要求更改!款式可以混装! +"During one of the Whydah's trips, Black Sam chased and seized her.",在维达号的其中一次航程中,黑山姆追上了她并将她夺下。 +"With the passage of time, re-unification of aesthetic and enlightenment in today' s literary education is possible and necessary.",随着历史条件的变化,当代的文学教育中审美与启蒙的重新统一,既是可能的也必要的。 +You have eaten too little to sustain the long journey.,吃那么少的东西,怎么走得了那么长的路呢? +Which which will handle spaces in filenames much more gracefully.,这将更好地处理文件名中的空格。 +"Don't you realize that half of this techy stuff was designed by people who barely see the light of day, adore only numbers and secretly want you to be a little more like them?",难道你没有想过,至少有一半的这些高科技的小玩意儿都是由那些基本上足不出户、只痴迷数字而且无意中想把你同化的人编写的么? +The disaster prompted the suspension of shuttle flights and led to a major investigation resulting in 29 recommended changes to prevent future calamities.,这次惨剧致使航天飞机的飞行叫停(挑战者号的失事,曾使美国的航天事业受到沉重打击,航天飞机在以后停止飞行长达3年之久。 译注),随后展开的重大事故调查,相关部门提出了29修改建议,以防此类惨剧事件在未来继续发生。 +"The sudden emergence of SARS has strong impact on public psychology and produces negative psychological phenomena, mainly two kinds:panic psychology and hearsay psychology.",非典的突然出现,给民众心理带来了很大冲击,产生了许多消极的心理现象,主要有恐慌心理和传言心理两种。 +Steve Jobs knows this and has used it to sell a one-button iPod.,Steve Jobs 深知这个原则的重要性并把其应用到了 ipod 的设计中 设计出了仅有一个按键的播放器. +"He noted he was glad to see despite ups and downs, historic progress has been made in bilateral ties since the establishment of diplomatic relations.",我高兴地看到,美中建交以来,两国关系尽管出现过一些起伏,但取得了历史性的发展。 +"In this paper, a control system with restraining negative sequence current is adopted simulation results of which demonstrate that output current waveform can meet sinusoidal and balanced demand.",为了解决上述问题,本文采用了抑制网侧负序电流分量的控制方案,仿真结果表明采用该方案后输出电流波形满足了正弦化及平衡化的要求。 +"While valuations may be high in mid- and small-cap stocks, one fund manager sees the correction as a buying opportunity.","尽管中小型股的估值可能较高,但一名基金经理仍认为盘整阶段是买入时机." +"A young man, callow and foolish in innocence, came to own a sword.",一青年,见识短浅亦无知蒙昧,恰得一剑。 +"First we will use a Servlet 2.3 Filter to apply an ETag generated using an MD5 checksum of the rendered view ( a ""shallow"" ETag implementation).",首先我们将使用Servlet 2.3 Filter,利用展现视图(rendered view)的MD5校验和(checksum)以实现生成ETag的方法( 一个“浅显的”ETag实现)。 +Conclusion The study indicated that many Tibetan males with mycoplasmal infection suffer from anxiety and depression.,结论藏族男性支原体感染息者存在明显的焦虑、抑郁情绪。 +"The tester characterized by its rational design, high test precision, simple operation and easy use is capable of testing bending rigidity of various real silk fabrics and silk-like fabrics.",该机设计合理,测试精度高,操作简易,使用方便,能检测各种真丝与仿真丝织物的弯曲刚性。 +"14, 13 and 65.8% respectively for control one, with marked difference between them(P<0.01). [Conclusion] The said method has good cure effect on functional dyspepsia.",对照组显效11例,有效14例,无效13例,总有效率65.8%,两组治疗效果差异有显著性(P<0.01)。 [结论]五花芍草加味汤合心理干预对功能性消化不良有较好疗效。 +"Since these disks are non-fusible cartilages, they can constantly grow thicker under the stimulation of growth hormone during a lifetime.",由于这些磁盘是不熔软骨,他们可以不断成长较厚的刺激生长激素在一生。 +The main study object of the paper is channel steel whose finite element models are founded in ANSYS The material is assumed as elastic-plastic body.,本文以槽钢为主要研究对象,假定材料为理想弹塑性体,在ANSYS中建立其有限元模型。 +"I'm going to leave that to your imagination for now, though, and focus on one last requirement of working with Objectify: manually registering domain classes.",不过我打算暂时给您留有想象的余地,并专注于使用 Objectify 的最后一个要求:手动注册域类。 +"Wine Type: Dry White WineGrape Variety: ChardonnayAlcohol: 13.5%Appellation:Casablanca Valley, ChileColour: It has a brilliant golden-yellow colour.",产品类型:干白葡萄品种:雪当利酒精度:13.5%产区:智利,卡撒布兰卡谷颜色:此酒有明亮的金黄色泽。 +"Current laws -- based on longstanding Chinese economic doctrine that regards capital inflow as good, outflow as bad -- forbid Chinese citizens from making most kinds of overseas investments.",现行的法律的基础是长期的中国经济理论,它把资金的流入看做是好的,把流出看作是坏的,阻止了中国公民大部分的海外投资。 +"But do not be too heavy psychological burden, resulting in the spirit of the pressure test may also have adversely affected.",但也不要有过重的心理负担,造成精神上压力,可能对考试还会产生不好的影响。 +Continuous current conduction mode (CCM) operation on input current can be realized by using a commercial low-cost BCM PFC control IC.,电路使用一般商用低价之边界模式(BCM) PFC控制器,并将输入电流操作于连续电流导通模式。 +He insisted that they eat certain foods and beverages and never touch others – especially alcohol!,他要求他们只吃喝某类食物,其他的一概不可以碰,特别是酒精。 +"You'll indicate that it's a PNG image because this call can actually insert PNG and JPEG images (if you have the GD library installed in your PHP setup, it can also load any image supported by GD).",您将要说明它是一个 PNG 图像,因为此调用实际可以插入 PNG 和 JPEG 图像(如果在您的 PHP 安装中已安装了 GD 库,则其也可以加载任何由 GD 支持的图像)。 +"However, it might be possible with other large but inanimate objects linked to a quantum device.",不过,有可能采用其他大型但无生命物体与量子装置相连接。 +"""Music teachers as role models for African-American students, "" Journal of Research in Music Education, 1993.",音乐教师的职业角色成为少数民族学生们热衷的职业。 +"All three methods are viable, and all three carry various trade-offs, depending on the application requirements under consideration.",这三种方法都是可行的,根据应用程序需求的不同,它们适合不同的场景。 +"You can go to Changzhou Textile Garment Institute first, and walk west along the northern gate of the university about 150 meters, then you will find it.",你可以首先到达常州纺织服装职业技术学院,然后沿着北大门向西走大约150米,你就能找到它了。 +"The investor isnot investing indebtedness as capital as there is no debt arrangement betweenthe investor and the NCE; that is, no promissory note exists between them.",投资人并没有将负债作为资本进行投资,因为投资人与新商业企业之间根本不存在债务约定,也就是说,两者之间并不存在任何本票承诺。 +Reliability based on optimization design of building structure is taking the structure into consideration as a whole. This sort of optimization not only improves design quality but gains cost effe…,基于可靠度的结构优化设计,是将施工结构作为一个整体考虑,这类优化既可提高设计质量,又可获得明显的经济效益,因此具有很强的工程实用价值和意义。 +"Transformation rules, by data element for each source, necessary to create and maintain data in CCMS",每个数据源的数据元素的转换规则,这些规则对在 CCMS 中创建和维护数据是非常必要的 +"Whats the postage on these letters to India, please?",请问这些信寄到印度邮费是多少? +It is not haste but well-planned and carefully executed gradualism that creates the greatest success.,并非匆促而是妥善计划且小心执行而创造最佳成功的渐进主义。 +Hold fast to dreams for dreams die life is a broken-winged bird that cannot fly.,紧紧把握自己的梦想。因为如果梦想消失了,生命就会像一只。 +"The one is a love which is selfcentered, selfinterested: It desires its own interest; it is the parent of jealousy. Its object is the plaything which it desires to monopolize.",这是一种自私自利的爱,它只求利已,是嫉妒之源,其目的在于垄断追求的玩物,其本质是私心、垄断。 +"On this special occasion for the loved ones, Acupuncture brings Valentine's Groove to the romantic hidden gem Luce for an intimate night of drinking and dancing.",在这爱意弥漫的瓦伦汀,“针”带着“情人节奏”来到浪漫隐秘的潞溪,共享亲密舞蹈的一夜。 +A win against Watford on Saturday will complete an undefeated half-century of league games at Stamford Bridge for the Blues.,假如在与沃特福德的比赛中获胜,这将是在的连续第五十场不败。 +The original schematics for the amplifier stage.,原来的电路图的放大器的阶段。 +I saw that menorah in your window and I started to cry.,我看到了你窗台上的烛台,然后就哭了起来。 +"For federal workers, a bachelor's degree is required, although state and local government workers often assume the position with some college-level business classes under their belts.",国家税务员要求本科毕业,但是州和地方政府的税务员只要求自学过大学里的商务课程就可以了。 +Where do you keep your wine?,你把酒放在哪儿了? +"Now the biggest question is: What will this mean for Litecoin and its users?. First and foremost, the price of Litecoins will shoot up.",现在,最大的问题是:这对莱特币LTC和它的支持者意味着什么? +"If you're supplementing your own testing frameworks, the Rails testing API is simple and clean.",如果正在补充自己的测试框架,那么 Rails 的测试 API 既简单又漂亮。 +"NASB:""Then you shall take fine flour and bake twelve cakes with it; two-tenths of an ephah shall be in each cake.""",和合本:你要取细面、烤成十二个饼、每饼用面伊法十分之二。 +Semaphore signals in the darkness. North of Shou-Feng Station.,暮色中的寿丰站北臂木式进站号志机。 +And Race to the Top should be the approach we follow this year as we replace No Child Left Behind with a law that's more flexible and focused on what's best for our kids.,“冲顶赛跑”理卖成为我们今年所接纳的要领。 我们今年将用一个更为灵便、专注于用给我们的孩子带来最大好处的执法来取代《不让一个儿童后进法》。 +"B. If emergency or abnormality occurs, the LNG carrier personnel shall take necessary countermeasures according to the Safety Pledge Letter to prevent expanding the incident.",紧急事故或异常状况发生时,LNG船应即依安全誓约书意外事件处置方法采取必要之紧急应变措施防范事故扩大。 +He made his decision to enter the draft and he was all in from that point forward.,他作出了留在选秀的决定,从那刻起他就义无反顾。 +We think the IP is composed from the conjugated pair of such glue.,与此相关,认为IP由这种反应中得出的一对共轭色八重态胶团组成。 +But you can’t ask questions the way a prosecutor cross-examines a hostile witness.,但是当你问问题时,不能像检察官盘问一个充满敌意的证人一样。 +See that the boat is securely tied.,注意要把船拴牢。 +And it is used to validate the program that is calculating 3D steady laminar flow in the circinal canal.,根据演化方程,编制程序,通过计算三维圆管内定常层流运动以验证程序的正确性。 +"Stopping at a red light, I turned around and waved my hands, calling her name to distract her.",红灯停车的时候,我转过身来,对她挥手,并叫她的名字试图分散她的注意力。 +"This machine could be used in many ways. With the change of model shaper, it's available to make hollow bricks, multi-hole bricks, heat-proof brick, slope protection brick, grass-planting bricks etc.",一机多用,更换模具可生产不同规格空心砌块、标准砖、多孔砖、隔热砖、水泥制品等。 +On a ladder everyone knows their position at any given time.,在任何时候,一个阶梯中的人都明白自己的职责。 +"Then one inevitable condition: that one palce where there is no space, after the entry of matter, comes the formation of the space.",那么必然存在这样一种情况:一个地方,没有空间,物质进来了,于是空间形成了。 +There are all kinds of online tools and spreadsheets to help track your spending.,有很多种在线工具和电子表格可以帮助人们跟踪记录消费情况。 +The knowability of the execution situation of event-based prospective memory(EBPM) was manipulated and its effect on EBPM processing was examined.,操纵事件性前瞻记忆执行情境的可知性,考察其对前瞻记忆加工过程的影响。 +These are the men David put in charge of the music in the house of the Lord after the ark came to rest there.,约柜安设之后,大卫派人在耶和华殿中管理歌唱的事。 +"This makes the cheeky idea of being or having ""fashion police"" ridiculous?",这使得成为或拥有“时尚警察”的搞笑想法很荒谬? +"Christopher K. Hsee and Reid Hastie from the University of Chicago point to the four main reasons that we don't follow through with decisions that will make us happy (Hsee &Hastie, 2006).",芝加哥大学的克里斯多佛 K.海斯和里德黑斯蒂指出了四个我们不坚持完成会给我们带来快乐的决定的主要原因。 +"An equal number of men and women said they attend happy hours with co-workers, with younger workers age 25 to 34 most likely and workers over 55 least likely to attend.",男性和女性跟同事共赴欢乐时光的人数是一样的,年龄在25到34岁之间的年轻员工是非常有可能参加此类活动的人群,然而55岁以上的员工参加的可能性是非常低的。 +"Think just the two of us pushing and squeezing squeeze of rising in a very funny look, really people simmer with laughter.",想起刚才我们两人挤挤推推的往上走很搞笑的样子,真是让人忍俊不禁。 +"So don’t use vulgar language, don’t post pictures of you after a Thursday night partying, and don’t discuss your sex life.",所以不要使用粗俗的语言,不要发布你在一个礼拜四晚上聚会后的照片,而且不要谈论你的性生活。 +Wong said that while 77 percent of respondents said they re-gifted because the item was perfectly suited to the new recipient.,Nancy Wong说,77%的受访者说他们之所以转送礼物是因为这些礼物的确适合送礼对象。 +People sometimes find this a little weird.,有时人们会发现这有点奇怪。 +The high incidence of diarrhea was encountered following truncal vagotomy.,迷走神经干切断术后的腹泻发生率高。 +Li Zhongzheng came to headquarters to discuss Ma Xiaoshuang heard their conversation on the beams.,李中正来到司令部找人商量,马小双在房梁上听到他们谈话。 +"Even in the interface of the so-called web design, a designer cannot claim that he is an expert at anything or everything about the needs of a website.",仅仅从所谓的网站设计这个层面来讲,一个网站设计师也不能肯定地宣称他就是这个领域的专家,并且他可以满足所有网站的需求。 +"The steamed stuffed bun to find zhao party comb Fang Gui rejected, he did not understand the reason, ShouShouLiang sent survey.",赵包子 子 去找方梳子时被方贵拒绝,他不明白原因,寿寿良派人调查。 +Vice president of ZCC Steven Sun delivered a speech on the work in 2008 and outlined the major tasks in 2009.,会上,紫竹商会副会长孙法泉先生就2008年度紫竹商会开展的各项工作向大家作了回顾汇报及2009年度工作展望。 +"Since coming to university, Juanjuan really carried out intimate contact with the dance.",自从来到汕大,娟娟这颗向往起舞的心,真正地与舞蹈进行亲密接触。 +"Watch the news of specific category like start-up news, tech news or try the oat meal’s comics.",观看一些像创业新闻、技术新闻之类的新闻内容。 +"Mindful that similar discussion groups have been closed down, along with links to the images, Tianya switched its tone today.",考虑到有照片链接的里斯讨论组被关闭,天涯论坛今天改变了语调。 +"To understand why, let's consider the risk of unintentional user error when the user creates a system error after incorrectly entering the data on the screen.",为了理解这其中的原因,让我们以用户在屏幕上错误地输入数据后创建系统错误时的非故意用户错误的风险为例。 +This work aims at determining the exciting forces generated by nozzle wakes on the blades.,提出相应于喷嘴尾迹的透平动叶激振力的一种算法。 +Objective To explore the clinical diagnosis and differential diagnosis of disseminated cryptococcosis.,目的探讨播散性隐球菌病的诊断与鉴别诊断。 +"In order to eliminate the lack of the proper m-commerce equipments for teaching, the design of a portable wireless terminal form-commerce based on ARM was introduced.",针对当前缺乏适合的移动商务实验设备的状况,本文提出了一种基于ARM的嵌入式移动商务手持无线终端的设计方案。 +"Yesterday, today and tomorrow -- these are the three days of man.",人的一生只有三天:昨天,今天和明天! +This set may be automatically updated when the manifest's version number changes.,当清单的版本号发生变化时,该集合必须被自动更新。 +I stopped three times on the climb to add clothing.,在爬高过程中我为添加衣物停了三次车。 +"And she said unto her servants, Go on before me; behold, I come after you. But she told not her husband Nabal.",对仆人说、你们前头走、我随著你们去.这事他却没有告诉丈夫拿八。 +Spirited Away certainly did that.,《千与千寻》当然做到了这些。 +"The third struggled in the dilemma between the professional and traditional women and finally gained independence, breaking away from the difficult situation.",第三类弃妇挣扎在职业女性和传统女性角色的困境中,但最终走出了困境,走向了自立。 +"The method of little satellite constellation orbit determining using IGPS technology is discussed at first, and then its performance is analyzed.",发展小卫星系统必须解决小卫星星座的多目标测控问题。 +"Winter is arriving in the Northern Hemisphere, bringing chilly winds and heavy snowfall to many regions.",冬天正在降临北半球,顺便给许多地区带来了刺骨的寒风和厚厚的降雪。 +One day a rabbit runs so fast that he does not see the big tree on the road.,一天,一只兔子跑得非常快,他没有看到路边有一棵树。 +"Photo Gallery: Moments in Olympics HistoryAlthough the Olympic flame was first instituted at the 1928 Olympics in Amsterdam, the 1936 games in Nazi Germany marked the debut of the torch relay.",奥林匹克运动历史瞬间图片。虽然奥运圣火首次建立了在1928年奥运会在阿姆斯特丹, 1936年竞赛在纳粹德国标记的首次亮相,火炬接力。 +"According to the June 6 Labor Department report, payroll employment has declined by 324,000 so far in 2008.",根据该6月6日美国劳工部的报告,就业人口减少了32.4万到目前为止,在2008年。 +"Civilly suitable If law requires less, should media reveal more?",如果法律对民事上的合理未加限制,媒体应该揭示更多吗? +What health does the summer have to fall heat food?,夏天吃什么水果能降暑?。 +Government is committed to facilitating businessmen's efforts in tapping opportunities in the Mainland.,特区政府致力在港商开拓内地商机的过程中,提供支援。 +"This is achieved with the help of a dedicated interface called DomainCombiner, which I will discuss briefly before going into the internals of the doAs() and doAsPrivileged() methods.",这是在一个名为 DomainCombiner 的专用接口的帮助下实现的,我将在开始 doAs() 和 doAsPrivileged() 方法的内幕之前介绍这个接口。 +China says it won't use force to solve the problem. But all the action is happening at sea between unofficial proxies like survey ships and fishing vessels.,中国声称他不会使用武力来解决争端,但所有导致争端的行动都是非官方的事件,如勘测船和渔船之间的争端。 +"Ask yourself, ""To what extent do my actions enable me to fulfill myself?",问下你自己:“我的行动到底多大程度上满足了自己的目标?” +"But they can't deal with a tripling, even more than a doubling of rent.",但他们没办法承受三倍的租金,甚至无法承受多于两倍的租金。 +"I walk into town, into Wayan's shop. Wayan goes to hug me. I pull away, pretending to be upset.",我走去镇上,走进大姐的店。大姐前来拥抱我。我挪开身子,假装烦恼。 +"For the boss couples, Rome is only a part-time job of the city, digging what not charm, not worth feet to carry two steps away at the door of the cathedral of st Mary to go and see it.",对于老板夫妇来说,罗马只是一个打工的城市,挖掘不出什么魅力,不值得抬脚去门口两步之遥的圣玛利亚大教堂去看看。 +"Of course, you also give up the safety net of the compile-time type checking.",当然,还会失去编译时检查的安全保障。 +"Orebodies are distributed in the upper Ordovician carbonaceous mud calc- iron - silicate formation of hydrothermal spout sediments, and obviously controlled by strata and structures.",矿体产于上奥陶统热水喷流沉积的炭泥钙铁硅质岩建造中,地层与构造控矿作用明显。 +A spike in radiation levels near the reactors on Tuesday ranged from 30 to 400 millisieverts.,周二,反应堆周围的辐射水平范围在30至400微西弗之间。 +The tag is like an extensibility mechanism that allows applications running inside servlet containers to do processing in conjunction with certain events.,标记就像一种可扩展性机制,允许在 servlet 容器内部运行的应用程序协同某些事件进行处理。 +It is common practice in the United States that a firm would internal equity rather than external capital to finance its investment.,美国公司的融资实务以内部资金为最佳选择,如须向外融资则举债又较发行新股普遍。 +"Compared with ordinary base liquor, Erguotou base liquor produced by Bacillus licheniformis had higher ethyl acetate content, lower ethyl lactate content, better and more harmonious liquor body.",与普通基酒相比,地衣芽孢杆菌基酒乙酸乙酯含量提高,乳酸乙酯含量降低,酒体协调、自然。 +"Fees for one copy NT$50, . Increases to receive the NT$10 every time.",申请一份应缴工本费新台币伍拾元整,每加一份加收新台币壹拾元。 +"Much classical comedy depends on physical action and props, on the use of masks, or performance elements like song, chorus, and dance, and slapstick.",古典喜剧在很大程度上依赖动作和道具,使用面具,或歌曲、合唱、舞蹈和趣剧这些表演元素。 +His money is in an offshore island bank.,他的钱都存进了海外的一家银行。 +"Travel-stained the Xiaosun that hurries to Dongguan to sign up from Guangzhou is very bemused , he is Guangdong business school a student.",风尘仆仆从广州赶到东莞报名的小孙很困惑,他是广东商学院一名学生。 +"In the Northern Song period, gods faith developed because of the introversion-tended national character, and the rulers promoting the rule by Taoist gods.",在��宋时期,民族性格渐趋内向、统治者利用道教天神神化其统治,这些都推动了神仙信仰的发展。 +Once at the office Alex became absorbed in his work and forgot his wife's strange manner.,一旦到了办公室,阿烈克专心于工作,忘了太太奇怪的态度。 +"Each month, she pays $828 rent for their two-bedroom apartment, then decides whether the family has money left over for soap.",每月她要为这个两个卧房的公寓付出828美元的租金,然后才能决定家里还有没有钱买肥皂。 +We have protected our unity and struggled to perfect our union by extending basic rights to all our people.,我们通过把基本权利扩大至全体美国人保护了我们的团结,并力争使我们的合众国尽善尽美。 +Time: 3.5 hours later than GMT; 11.5 hours later than Beijing Time.,时差:比格林尼治时间晚3.5小时;比北京时间晚11.5小时。 +Smashing: A bindery process used to compress air out of the folded sheets. See Nipping .,压平:装订工序之一。它把折叠后,纸页间的空气压出。 +"The Marschallin tries to call him back, but it is too late.",玛莎琳公主想找他回来,但为时已晚。 +LingXiang to tang sugar at home waiting for him to go together.,凌翔要唐糖在家等他一起去。 +All these basic theoretic questions related to Inquiring Learning require further research on theory which based on teaching practice.,这些有关研究性学习的理论问题都尚待进一步在实践的基础上进行研究。 +Immortass knocked a operas.,吕洞宾敲了一会梆子。 +The effect of damaged transverse connection to prefabricated concrete T-beam bridges was studied through model experiment and finite element analysis in this paper.,人为制造横向连接损伤,研究了带横向连接损伤的T梁桥模型极限承载力。 +"Anderson kicked things off Monday with a fact-paced talk on the history and implications of giving away products for free — the topic of his latest book, Free: The Future of a Radical Price.",周一,安德森的开场白畅谈产品免费的历史及影响,他把一连串事实引证一一数算出来。 这也恰好是他将出版的新书《免费:商业的未来》(Free: The Future of a Radical Price)。 +We constructed wall-less museums to physically realized environments for sharing.,我们建构「无墙美术馆」体现真「分享」的环境。 +"His adversary had fallen senseless with excessive pain and the flow of blood, that gushed from an artery or a large vein.",他的敌手已经由于过度的疼痛,又由于从一条动脉或是一条大血管里涌出了大量的鲜血,而倒下来失去知觉了。 +Some Sileni of the throng sat on benches and hay-trusses by the wall; and one of them recognized her.,有一群西伦尼⑦靠墙坐在板凳上,其中有一个认识她。 +"When an interested buyer applies to take over your lease, LeaseTrader.com conducts a credit check and informs you via email if he or she is qualified.",当有感兴趣的买家申请买下你的租约,LeaseTrader.com网站会对买家进行信用审查,如果合格则用电子邮件通知你。 +Over 70% of Afghanis live with less than 2$ a day.,大概超过70%的阿富汗人每天的消费不超过2美元。 +"The C200 will ride on SsangYong 's new monocoque platform, which should ensure car-like handling while also being adaptable enough to underpin front and all-wheel drive vehicles.",的C200将乘坐双龙的新的单体平台,应确保汽车样处理,同时也正在适应足以支撑前端和全轮驱动车辆。 +"The Norwegian daily Aftenposten published the information Monday after the newspaper obtained full access to the website WikiLeaks' cache of some 250,000 U. S. diplomatic cables.",挪威的《晚邮报》在获得了可以阅读维基揭密网站所拥有的大约25万份美国外交电报的许可之后于星期一公布了这个信息。 +"Person, without authorization, the MODES of GIRL advertising team to the states to follow up, but did not notice by the state, he very disgusted.",芸芸擅自把MODES 详 GIRL的广告大客交给国邦跟进,但事前并没有通知国邦,令他非常反感。 +But auctions require ”if he thinks that she thinks that I think that he thinks” chains of reasoning that tend to have weak links.,不过,拍卖要求有“如果他认为她认为我认为他那么认为”的推理链条,而这种链条往往存在薄弱环节。 +"Results No postoperative death and spinal cord injuries happen after the anterior longitudinal ligament leakage in 2 cases, 1 case of leakage within the pedicle, intervertebral leakage one case;",结果无术中、术后死亡及脊髓神经损伤情况发生,椎体前纵韧带后渗漏2例,椎弓根内渗漏1例,椎间隙渗漏1例; +"For this dynamic process to work, compliance reporting is imperative, equipping management with ongoing visibility into key development processes.",要使得这个动态的过程工作,法规遵循报告是必要的,令管理层可以对开发过程进行观察。 +Zhuhai was named as One of China's Top Ten Financial and Ecological Cities at the recently-launched 3rd China International Financial Forum.,在日前召开的第三届中国国际金融论坛上, 我市荣获“ 中国十佳金融生态城市” 称号。 +"We made a graph and vertical is number cumulated of gall, abscissa is sample times, line out""accept""or ""unaccept""in graph.",在以累积虫苞数为纵坐标、抽样次数为横坐标的图上,标出“接受”和“拒绝”的区域。 +"Similarly, the point of an academic paper is made by eliminating the detritus of your research until the nub of your argument remains.",同样的,学术论文的重点在于将研究过程中琐碎的资讯舍弃,去芜存菁直到留下唯一的重要论点。 +The force transmits the periodontal organization from the teeth to transmit the jaw bone to disperse again. It is a sign on the size of chewing function.,这种力由牙传递到牙周组织再传递到颌骨而分散,它是咀嚼功能大小的一种标志。 +"However, the loose capital was becoming a problem that trouble him just as it did other online sellers.",然而,和其他在线卖家一样,他开始面临蚀本问题。 +"I'm Carl Azuz, bringing you 10 minutes of headlines, leaving out the commercials.",我是Carl Azuz,将带你进入十分钟的大字标题,且略去了商业广告。 +"""The increase of the cigarettes tax alone is about Rp2 trillion to Rp48 trillion, "" the director general said.",这位署长说:“单单是卷烟税的增加额,就达到大约2万亿卢比,使得卷烟税达到48万亿卢比。” +"Pictured is ""Space-Filling Blocks, "" which requires visitors to rely on spatial reasoning, or ""mental geometry, "" to stack a series of red blocks so there's no wasted space.",图为“空间填充块,”这要求访问者在空间推理,或“依赖心理几何”,以堆叠的红色块系列所以没有浪费的空间。 +"Control group (CG) was feeded with distilled water, and experimental group (EG) was feeded with distilled water containing 0 05% GABA.",让对照组仔鸡饮用蒸馏水,让试验组饮用0 0 5 %的氨酪酸(GABA)蒸馏水。 +"The furnishings of the head, beard, moustache, ears and tail are left longer.",头部装饰、胡须、髭须耳朵和尾巴保留较长的长度。 +"The stimulus, after all, has only been a steroid-injected form of what China has done all along: funneling cheap credit into infrastructure and industry.",将廉价信贷注入基础设施和工业领域是中国一贯采用的措施,刺激政策只不过是这种廉价信贷政策的一种短效形式。 +Huang Yidun official statement on the resignation of the incident does not involve inter-Korean artillery.,关于黄义敦辞职的官方表态不涉及朝韩炮击事件。 +"Meanwhile, al Qaeda's second-in-command, Ayman al-Zawahiri, has not been targeted by a drone since 2006.",与此同时,基地组织的二号人物扎瓦希里自2006年以来就没被无人机命中过。 +A legacy application code base represents a significant investment of time and money for a developer.,现有的应用程序代码代表了一个开发者在时间和金钱上的大量投入。 +I didn't know and I didn't get the answer from the internet either.,我胡乱编了一个答案。但是在网上查,也没有找到究竟。 +"With the constant development of the network technology, the application of the E-government is paid close attention to more and more by people.",随着网络技术的不断发展,电子政务的应用越来越受到人们的关注。 +"This is very useful for seeing whether or not a particular object is currently above the horizon, and for knowing which direction to look in order to see the object.",这对查看一个精确的天体是否超出当前的地平圈是很有用的,而且可以知道要看到这个天体应朝哪一方向看。 +"Cellulose, modified cellulose, modified cellulose gum, stearic acid, magnesium stearate, acacia, silicon dioxide, organic spirulina, soy lecithin, vegetable glycerin and soybean oil.",纤维素,改性纤维素,改性纤维素胶,硬脂酸,硬脂酸镁,洋槐,二氧化硅,有机螺旋藻,大豆卵磷脂,蔬菜甘油和豆油。 +Right now I am using 10% of a Kenyan coffee from Eeagads estate. It is an amazing coffee.,目前我做好的配方里就用了10%的肯亚Eeagads庄园豆,这可是一支令人惊叹的好咖啡。 +"The industrial development area is aimed to undertake transferred industry of Beijing and Tianjin actively, and is the mainstay of the future economic development in Yu county.",产业发展片区旨在积极承接京津产业转移,是未来蔚县经济发展的中流砥柱。 +"For all the discussion and debate about Google's controversial (and potentially anti-competitive) plan to digitise millions of books, little has been known about how the company is actually doing it.",Google公司计划将上千万册图书资料数字化。 对于这项颇惹争议(以及很可能造成反垄断问题的)的计划,展开过各种讨论以及争辩,但对于该公司究竟如何实施该项计划,我们则知之甚少。 +Please itemize the materials we shall need to build the garage.,请详细列明盖车库所需各种材料。 +"It appears the draft-day dealings didn't wait for Thursday, as former Bucks guard T. J.",看起来交易不必等到星期四才能进行,据espn报道,雄鹿前后卫T。 +VLM? Virtual LAN Management?,虚拟局域网管理?。 +"Then based on the theoretical analysis, it calculates the location quotient of industries in the three economic circles from the outside and inside, to select the agglomerate industries.",在理论分析基础上,采用区位商分析法从外部、内部考察三大经济圈各省市、珠三角各市现代服务业各行业集聚度,选取集聚产业; +"Everyone good security clearance, there are fewer loopholes everywhere.",人人把好安全关,处处设防漏洞少。 +It firstly computes the phase spectrum and then gets the solution of wavelet of time domain.,其是先提取子波的相位谱后再求解时间域的子波。 +"Although the Piraha people might not need numbers, think of what they're missing.",虽然皮拉罕人不需要数字,但是他们也丢失了很多。 +The concert failed when greed for Ottoman spoils prevailed over the ideal of co-operation.,当对奥斯曼战利品的贪婪超过合作理念的时候,同盟便失败了。 +"Also, each client machine has a Geronimo fat-client application executing inside the client application container.",而且,每个客户机都有一个在客户机应用程序容器内执行的 Geronimo 胖客户机应用程序。 +"Why? Cannot you tell her who I am, eh, Joseph?",为什么? 你就不能告诉她我是谁吗,呃,约瑟夫? +The iPhone app store was a major innovation for mobile software.,iPhone应用商店是对于手机软件的一项伟大创新。 +"I always tell them to stop looking for meaning at once.If they go out looking, they are most unlikely to find anything.",我总是告诉他们:立刻停止追寻什么意义,如果他们出去找寻么意义,最有可能的结果是什么都找不到。 +"The Chinese government welcomes foreign investment in manufacturing, agriculture and environmental protection, which produce high, value-added products but consume less energy.",中国政府欢迎外国投资进入制造业、 农业、 环境保护行业中那些高产出、 高附加值, 低能耗的产品部门。 +"The village had three four- storey large banyan tree crown broad Posuo, egrets are spacious home.",村里有三棵四层楼高的大榕树,树冠宽阔婆娑,是白鹭们宽敞的家园。 +"In many states, the use of such mediation is mandatory before parents can litigate custody issues.",在很多州,在夫妇对簿公堂之前,这种调节过程是义务的。 +"The consortium that bought the company two years ago, led by Ripplewood Holdings, a private-equity firm, would lose its investment under the plan.",在两年前收购该公司的大财团将会在此计划中失去其投资。 这个财团由利普物德控股私人投资公司,一个私人股权投资基金公司主导。 +"Philippe Petit, famous for his high-wire walk between the Twin Towers of New York City's World Trade Center in the 1970s, believed other wire-walkers were trying to make it look hard.",他曾在上世纪70年代在纽约世贸中心双子塔之间表演高空走钢丝。 他认为其他走钢丝人一直试图将走钢丝搞得看上去很难。 +"On the one hand, the theory of mind and body on the basis of emergentism insists that mentality is the identity of physiology, and both belong to the material word.",突现论的心身理论一方面坚持心理现象与生理现象的同一性,属于同一的物质世界; +"So although the deficits in New Zealand and Australia are both perilous if the RBA raise rates later this year and the RBNZ cut, then we would expect the AUD to out-perform the NZD.",所以尽管一旦澳大利亚 储备 银行提高利率,而新西兰 储备 银行降低利率,新西兰和澳大利亚的赤字都很危险,我们仍然期待澳元超过新西兰元。 +And they said unto them even as Jesus had commanded: and they let them go.,6门徒照着耶稣所说的回答,那些人就任凭他们牵去了。 +"Jean Valjean, a thoughtful man, and given to nocturnal strolls, often returned quite late at night.",冉阿让是个喜欢思索和夜游的人,他常常要到夜深才回家。 +Open more post offices — those places are money machines!,开设更多邮局——这些地方是赚钱机器! +"Sunzi, the best war strategist in Chinese history, came over, whispered in his ear.",这时,孙子走了过来,对田忌耳语一番。 +It is difficult to build up a genotype-phenotype relationship because of the large amount of mutations.,但由于基因突变数量的巨大和临床表现的广泛变异,很难建立起一个确切的基因-表型关联。 +The defense ministry said a squadron of fighter jets and an Aegis-class warship would deploy in the area.,国防部说,一个中队的战斗机和神盾级舰将在该地区部署。 +"The general situation of the Chinese mobile game market is like this: Thehottest and most lucrative genre is MMO-RPG, there are countless big titles;",中国的手游市场一般来说是处于这样一种情形:这里有数不尽的大标题的文章表述,最火和最有利可图的游戏类型是大型多人在线角色扮演游戏。 +"On arrival, he opened the fridge to help himself to some wine and inside he found, alongside a bottle of Sauvignon Blanc, a neatly folded copy of the Evening Standard.",到了后,他打开冰箱,想倒点酒喝,结果看到冰箱里除了有一瓶长相思以外,还有一份叠得整整齐齐的《伦敦晚报》。 +The way of how to measure the degree of transesterification is given.,并提出了如何测定酯交换反应程度的设想。 +"Article 33 Detention for extradition, arrest for extradition and residential surveillance for extradition shall be executed by the public security organs.",第三十三条引渡拘留、引渡逮捕、引渡监视居住由公安机关执行。 +""" Based on the above analogy, Heng Liu""s creation can be described as a three -stage development, that is adaptation of his own works, works toward adaptation of others and originality.",本文即是根据上述比喻,将刘恒的影视创作道路划分为三个阶段:改编自己的作品、改编别人的作品和走向原创。 +"The prisoner of love had run out of days. As is my nature, I was more concerned about her.",爱的囚徒所剩的时日已经不多了,但是本性使然,我更加关心却是她。 +Enterprises and projects which fulfill the requirements of Article 2 of this Provisions are exempted from the vehicle and ship license tax and the property tax…,凡符合第二条规定的企业和项目,免缴车船牌照税和房地产税。 +"""Dual Spin Ball"" is a total revolution which overthrows all the old fashioned design of table & ball games.",“双旋转球”完全是革命推翻所有的老式设计表及球类运动。 +Objective: To establish a quality standard for Smilax china L effervescent granules.,目的:制定金刚藤泡腾颗粒的质量标准。 +There is no laboratory test or unique physical findings to verify the diagnosis of PMS.,没有试验检测标准或特殊的体检结果能对经前综合症进行确诊。 +"Instrument Lin thought it was a dumb mother-in-law to make fox blunt speaking I really miss big brother linghu chong, also talked about before and make fox blunt day together.",仪琳以为是哑婆婆便对着令狐冲说起来自己真的很想念令狐冲大哥,还说起以前和令狐冲在一起日子。 +The child is backward in his studies.,这孩子的学习成绩属下游。 +"Rachel: Oh, alright. The weirdest place would have to be… (sigh)… oh, the foot of the bed.",哦,好吧。我做过的最怪异的地方是…(叹气)…啊,床脚。 +The catcher's chest protector cushions the blow.,捕手的护胸能减轻球的冲力。 +"The postcode of Gang Shang Cun , Xiushui County, Jiujiang City, Jiangxi Province, China is 332400.",中国大陆 江西省九江市修水县 岗上村 的邮政编码是 33… +"Methods 183 mental health care nurses were evaluated by scale of Maslach Burnout Inventory(MBI), Role Perceive Scale and Problem Solving Inventory(PSI).",方法采用护士职业倦怠量表、角色认知量表、问题解决评价问卷对183名精神科护士进行测评。 +"I used to be a swimming instructor in WEIDER-TERA FITNESS CLUB. I have taught in large classes with 10 students, 80% of them have passed the 12-meter test.",以前在一兆韦德健身房做过游泳教练,带过大班(10人一班),80%的学生都通过了12米的考试; +Tomorrow we head into Malaysia and after eight days on holiday we become travellers again.,明天我们将出发去马来西亚。 在度假八天之后,我们又成了旅行者。 +Reclaim your time. Create the life you want and make the most of the free time you lay claim to.,是时候找回你的空闲时间去做第一种人并利用你的空闲时间去创造自己想要的生活了。 +"By the end of June 2008, all our 133 A2 students had acquired about 480 conditional or unconditional offers from well-known universities.",至2008年6月,我校所有的A2学生都收到了来自著名大学的480封有条件或无条件录取通知。 +Tom had snatched a short holiday from his work to come here. He said it ended all too soon.,汤姆趁工作之暇匆匆来此渡一短假,他说,假期过得太快了。 +"Using the parametered method, from instancing of class we produce objects which are used to represent concrete parts.",用参数化方法从零件类实例化生成对象,以对象来表示具体的零件; +"It is not ment, and can not be a collection of.",你能看到的键盘只过是一序列按键的集合。 +Conclusions: Low MCV and high RDW were the characteristic changes of iron deficiency anemia in pregnancy.,结论���MCV降低和RDW升高为缺铁性贫血的特征性改变。 +Glioma is the most common form of brain cancer.,神经胶质瘤是脑癌最常见的一种类型。 +"The name, identification, and number of lots of the international Competitive Bidding (ICB) are provided in the BDS.",在BDS中提供了许多国际竞争性招标(ICB)的名称、身份以及号码。 +Traditional statistical theory aims at the asymptotic theory when sample size is tend to infinity.,传统的统计学研究的是样本无穷大时的渐近理论。 +"For this, establishing the business enterprise powder evaluation system of a set of complete sciences and proceeding the advanced dust-proof work manage, have become the great necessary work.",为此,建立一套完整科学的企业粉尘评价体系,进行先进的防尘工作管理,已经成为一项势在必行的工作。 +Have you ever heard of the Bucintoro of Venice?,你听说过威尼斯的“殿下礼舟“吗? +It also states that all countries have a right to seize and prosecute those committing pirate acts on the high seas.,该公约还声明,所有国家都有权力抓捕并起诉在公海从事海盗行径的人。 +Organizations often delegate to IT the responsibility to chose where and how to operationalize cross LOB policies for consistency and optimization.,为了保持一致性和优化,组织常常让 IT 部门负责选择在什么地方和如何实施跨 LOB 的策略。 +"Usually, due to the different reflectors and lenses used, the whole headlight assembly will have to be replaced during the switch to HID lamps.",通常,由于不同的反射镜和透镜使用,整个车灯组装就必须替换在切换到HID灯。 +"After a lot of work, I only found three good pictures finally.",只是一番辛苦之后,我从他拍的照片里只找出三张还不错的图像。 +"Upon entering the tomb, Carter's lucky pet bird, which had led him the place, was eaten by a snake.",进入陵墓的那一刻,卡特的幸运爱鸟(就是这只鸟将卡特带到了国王图坦卡蒙的陵墓)就被一条蛇给吞吃了。 +"These non-mainstream words, literfically are dead, the thought was shearing of the vulgar, commodity, roots mbumm with the release of publication is martial secret, doomed, can't move on.",这些非主流的言行,其实都是死了的,斩断了思想之根的流行语、商品,是可以大规模刊行发售的武功秘笈,必定,不能继续进步。 +"This paper evaluates Hui Feng's on a from discussion on Ci, comment on Ci and textual research.",本文从词论、词评、考证三个部分全面评价了《惠风词话》在词学理论中的地位。 +"After scout Gu Qun accepts the job, visit masses instantly, know cue of crack a criminal case.",侦察员顾群接受任务后,立即走访群众,了解破案线索。 +"In Wenzhou, a city in China's Zhejiang province famous for its entrepreneurs, drivers are cannier.",在以企业云集而著称的浙江省温州市,司机们格外留心。 +The lack of stable and structured legal framework is concerned. China's moves toward rule of law are plodded by all of us.,缺乏一个稳定的有结构的法律框架,我们所有人都欢迎中国迈向法制的行动。 +"The unit’s flag, hung with battle streamers, rests at one end of the room.",挂着战争番号的部队的旗帜,被静静的安置在房间的一端。 +"In a nifty metaphor of Franco-British relations, Henri makes his first move to seduce Patricia on an official train journey back from a commemoration of the D-day landings.",在一次诺曼底登陆纪念日的官方火车旅行归途上,亨利迈出了引诱帕特丽夏的第一步,这也伶俐地暗喻了法英的关系。 +This capacity is guaranteed to be available to its LPAR within one dispatch cycle (10ms).,保证在一个分派周期 (10ms) 内向 LPAR 提供标称处理能力。 +"The findings of Kurteshi's office, also known as the Ombudsperson Institution, are not legally binding, but are widely expected to be enacted by Kosovo authorities.",科特时办公室也被称为监察员机构的调查结果,是没有法律约束力的,但预计普遍将被科索沃当局制定成法律。 +"At its peak in 2004-5, more than 400 million viewers watched the finale of the show.",在这个选秀节目的巅峰时期,2004到2005年,有超过4亿观众挂看了最后的一场节目。 +The experiments on humidification desulfurization by high calcium coal ash were carried out at a thermo balance and a semi industrial test ring.,该文以热天平和半工业性热态试验系统对高钙煤灰增湿脱硫过程进行了研究。 +My heart goes out to all the families of these children. This is a very sad day for everyone.,我与失去孩子们的所有家庭同悲。对每一个人来说,这是非常悲惨的一天。 +This is the first time in latest 12 years that my family can gather together to enjoy the festival.,这是十二年来全家人头一次能够聚在一起过春节。 +Deep grey painted walls create a look that's both refined and glamourous.,深灰色墙壁创造出一种优雅而迷人的特殊氛围。 +"According to an old Buddhist nun in Tashi Island, she and the herdsman have seen dragons and lake sheep in the lake many times.",据一位在扎西岛长年修行的尼姑讲,她和湖畔牧民多次见到过纳木措湖中的龙和湖羊。 +I grew up in a home with lots of wall plaques .,从小到大,家里的墙壁总是挂满了饰板。 +"Li Xinjie sees inaccessibly inside outstanding exterior and not artificial breath circle, be become by Zhang Aijia include immediately force holds new personality in both hands.",李心洁出色的外型与不造作的气息圈内难得一见,马上被张艾嘉囊括成为力捧新人。 +"Contributors offer enticing options for both big spenders and budget minded in six favorite destinations, including Madrid, Copenhagen and Moscow.",不管是奢华游还是穷游,我们的撰稿人都准备出了十分诱人的旅游方案,涵盖马德里、哥本哈根、莫斯科等六大人气目的地。 +Any incurrence of a major deficit or a major loss in the company;,公司发生重大亏损或者重大损失; +Othello. Heaven truly knows that thou art false as hell.,奥瑟罗天知道你是像地狱一样淫邪的。 +This article briefly describes the development and application of anti-corrosion coating for carbon steel water cooler and discusses the effect on application in detail.,阐述了碳钢水冷器防腐涂层技术在辽化公司的开发与应用情况,并对其应用效果作了详细的讨论。 +"You shake the unit to distribute the filing evenly, with the help of a glass rod that's sealed inside.",里面有玻璃 棒可帮助你在摇晃时使铁粉均匀的散布。 +"We are pleased to share that Mr Lam Yew Cheong (Senior Consultant, Language Elective Programme) has won the prestigious Inspiring Chinese Language Teachers Award 2010.",华中热烈恭贺高中部语文特选课程高级咨询林耀祥老师荣获2010年全国模范华文教师奖。 +"And the incidence of cervical lesion between teeth with and without abrasion was different(P<0.05). As abrasion on the occlusal surface developed, the depth and width of lesions increased(P<0.01).",面有磨损的牙与无磨损牙的楔状缺损患病率也存在统计学差异(P<0.05),楔状缺损的深度和宽度与牙齿面磨损程度有关(P<0.01)。 +""" screamed the Thenardier, hoarsely , ""or do you want to rob me of it?",德纳第大娘暴跳如雷,“还是你想骗我的钱?” +"In fact, many of us may wonder if it is worth it at times, especially after most of us have experienced painful breakups and/or divorces at one time or another.",实际上我们很多人有时候都会想它到底值不值得,特别是当我们经历了某次分手或者离婚后。 +A systematic experimental study has been conducted an mild Steel tubes of various thickness in their perforation by hard steel spheres.,本文通过实验研究了不同尺寸的硬质钢球弹丸对不同壁厚的低碳钢圆钢管的侵彻和穿孔效应; +The results were reported on Thursday by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.,这项研究结不美观于礼拜四由美国疾病预防和节制中心(C.D.C。)报道。 +"Twilight was descending over Beijing … ""How good it was to be alive, "" I thought, inhaling deep lungful of carbon monoxide.",黎明正降临北京……“活着真好”,我想,深深地吸了一口一氧化碳。 +"By scheduling virtual channels, AOS generates a single data flow to transfer data which includes science data, audio, video, picture, telemetry and telecommand.",系统可以将话音、电视图像、静止图像、实验数据、遥测、遥控等各种不同信息,通过动态地调度虚拟信道的方式建立统一数据流在空间物理信道上进行数据传输。 +"We should adjust strategy, fight avidity and intensify ideological and political work on the cyber.",高校学生思想政治工作必须迎接互联网带来的巨大挑战。 +"The top image, from the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) on NASA's Aqua satellite, provides a true-color view of the same region.",上方图片来自于美国国家航空总署Aqua卫星的中分辨率成像光谱仪(MODIS),展示了同一地区的彩图。 +"Planned ethylene cracking expansions, for which large investments have already been mobilised, are expected to come to fruition, thereby boosting oil demand.",现在预计,按计划业已动员了大量投资的、扩大乙烯裂解能力的项目将结出硕果,因而也扩大了石油的需求量。 +Then he sternly ordered the disciples not to tell anyone that he was the Messiah.,"然后他断然嘱咐,不可对人说他是弥赛亚。" +The literary concept that literature is aesthetic ideology is the innovation and development pf Marxist view of literature and art.,“文学是审美意识形态”,这一文学观念是对马克思主义文艺观的创新和发展。 +"As the battery discharges, the lithium ions swim from the negative-electrode lattice to the positive one; during recharging, they swim back again.",当电池放电的时候,锂离子从负极栅格游到正极栅格;充电时它们游回来。 +"Also, the award includes making recommendations on how the Navy Crane program can improve current or proposed designs to enhance system effectiveness, ruggedness and sustainability.",同时,对于给海军的Crane计划提出如何改进当前系统设计从而增强系统效力、强力和支撑力的建议进行奖励。 +"In the final scene, the fool Grubman is seen playing his fife all the way up Manhattan from Wall Street. Followed by an admiring crowd, he distributes parcels of fool's gold and internet magic.",在最后的场景中,傻瓜格鲁布曼(Grubman)吹着横笛从华尔街沿曼哈顿而上,沿途分发包有傻瓜黄金和互联网魔法的包裹,后面跟着崇拜的人群。 +"Taking the combinative service ways of ""supposition"" and ""reality ( MadeinChina never ending Exhibition Gallery)"" which is to construct the most rapid ""nonstop"" between world and China.",以“虚”“实”结合的服务形式。为世界与中国之间的贸易往来架构最快速的“直通车”。 +"Glucose and, to a lesser extent, fructose and galactose are converted by the liver to amino acids, fatty acids, or glycogen , the major storage form of glucose.",葡萄糖以及,在较小程度上,果糖和半乳糖在肝脏中转化成氨基酸、脂肪酸或糖原——葡萄糖主要的储存形式。 +The WCF provides a declarative model for composite applications and service oriented architecture,WCF为复合型应用系统和SOA提供了申述式模型(declarative model)。 +And more than half of employees never use the available work-life benefits.,超过半数的人从未使用过这些工作生活福利。 +"Room competition resulted from plant density was the main reason leading to deadwood, withered leaves, bark abscission, deflection crown.",樟子松的栽植密度引起空间竞争是树木产生枯枝、枯叶,树皮剥离,树木偏冠的主要原因。 +"Some call it the ""hormone of love. "" It's oxytocin and it helps moms bond with and breast-feed their babies, and even keeps romantic couples content.",有人将催产素称为“爱的荷尔蒙”,它能使妈妈母乳饲育宝宝并更做亲密而接近,甚至能使情侣们对对方更加满意。 +"Chinese scientists are evaluating cultivation of japonica hybrid rice, to increase grain production.",中国科学家正在评估是否种植日本山葵混种米,以增加稻米产量。 +"Operation of large-screen LCD display, with three rows of text display, to facilitate prompt customers to manage operations menu prompts and convenient.",大屏幕LCD操作显示屏,采用三排文字显示,方便提示顾客,管理操作菜单提示,方便。 +"Sampler keep clean, do not be coated in the blade part of the anti-rust oil.",经常保持取样器清洁,不用时应在刀刃部分涂防锈油。 +"The promotion and development of commercial and industrial activities between Chile, China and other countries, especially Asian countries.",推广和发展智中两国以及其它国家特别是亚洲国家的工商业部门的合作。 +Cross-functional analysts and project managers analyze the clients' business to determine the advantages of a SOA-based solution.,跨功能分析人员和项目管理人员将对客户的业务进行分析,以确定基于 SOA 的解决方案的优势。 +"Since the 16th order of Ministry of Water Resource was executed, the monitoring work of Soil and Water conservation on thermal electric generation project had been paying by all departments.",《开发建设项目水土保持设施验收管理办法》(水利部第16号令)颁布实施后,火力发电项目水土保持监测工作受到了相关部门的关注。 +"With classical villa developing into secular Ming-Qing dynasty private garden, the regulations of garden imitating painting had become the principle of garden making.",随着古典隐逸别业逐步发展成熟为世俗化的明清私家园林形式,“园林模仿绘画”的观念也成为造园实践中的定规。 +"With ""M&A"" more and more becoming the strategic means of company's capital operation and self-development, people generally pay close attention to the synergy of ""M&A"".",随着并购越来越成为公司资本运营和自我发展的战略手段,对于并购是否能够给参与并购的公司带来绩效就成为普遍关注的话题。 +"While there is still plenty of room to argue over the precise pace of climate change, or the best way to deal with warming going forward, the case for man-made global warming was definitively made.",正当对气候变化的确切发展或是未来最佳应对方案争执不休的时候,人为引起全球变暖这一事实早已盖棺定论。 +"Mr. Al-Thani responded to the allegations by saying, 'There was no alliance.",阿尔扎尼王子对这些指控回应说,不存在什么结盟; +"To make enemy, talk; to make friend, listen.",多讲结冤仇;多听交朋友。 +"The point is that the mappings from CA states to notes should be fairly ""transparent;"" the CA should do all the compositional work.",要点是从 CA 状态到音符的 映射应当是相当“透明”的:“CA 应当完成所有作曲工作。” +Our children were playing on the sea-shore .,我们的几个孩子正在海边玩耍。 +The effect of a preformed angle in the lap zone should be combined with the inherent rotation of the lap zone under the action of tensile load.,因而在进一步研究预偏角对单搭接接头承载能力的作用时,应将外载作用下接头的本征偏转情况考虑在内。 +A laboratory development and maintenance system was developed under CERNET and Internet environments. The system is developed with hybrid architectures of C/S and B/S.,基于校园网和互联网环境,采用C/S和B/S混合模式的体系结构开发了实验室建设与维护管理信息系统。 +"Data for the map were obtained from Federal Statistical Office of Germany, World Health Organization Regional Office for Europe and Robert Koch Institute.",地图资料源自德国联邦统计局、世界卫生组织欧洲区域办事处及罗伯特‧科赫研究所。 +"Under these circumstances, it was vital to see that no part of the world suffered disproportionately.",在这种情况下,保证不让世界任何地方遭受更为严重的疾病痛苦至关重要。 +Please leave comments here if you want any of these songs release to CD. Hopefully East Asia Capital Artists will read the comments and take them into consideration.,若各位支持这首歌曲推出市面, 请留言以示支持。 希望东亚华星能够看到这些留言。 +Place pieces of ice in areas where blood passageways are close to the skin.,放冰血通道贴近皮肤的地区。 这些包括背面的颈部和在臂下。 +"Clinical and histologic features, approaches, and outcomes of surgical treatments were studied retrospectively.",回顾性研究临床和组织学特征以及外科治疗方法和结果。 +Other Palestinian figures share the frustrations.,其他巴勒斯坦重要人物也心有戚戚。 +"Satellite TV for the Olympic Games on the impact of Jiangxi Province, Yan-Ping Wang said, on how to improve the future work of a favorable consideration.",对于奥运对江西卫视带来的冲击,王艳萍表示,这对如何完善今后工作带来了有利的思考。 +"So the author puts forward overall strategic frameworks of the SF express company including corporate-level strategy, business strategy and functions layer strategy.",由此,本文对SF速递公司提出了包括公司层、业务层和职能层的整体战略框架。 +The vortex_induced nonlinear vibration of casing pipes in the deep water was studied considering the loads of current and combined wave_current.,考虑流及波流联合作用,研究了深水套管的涡激非线性振动。 +The testing results show that the vibration control system can accurately compensate the frequency response of the shaker system so that any output with desired spectrum can be achieved.,试验结果表明,依照文中所给出的方法构成的振动控制系统,可以精确地补偿激振系统本身的频响特性影响,从而能够使激振器或振动台输出具有任意目标频率特性的波形。 +The inductance of the motor will be variable because of having slots in both stator and rotor.,由于电机定转子齿的双开槽结构,电机的电感不为常数。 +"One of the two which heard John speak, and followed him, was Andrew, Simon Peter's brother.",听见约翰的话,跟从耶稣的那两个人,一个是西门彼得的兄弟安得烈。 +"Connection sizes start at 2"" and run all the way up to 14"".",连接尺寸从2开始“,并一路向上运行至14”。 +Poets who work here give away copies of their verse in the reception area. One poem begins like this,在公司的接待处可以免费拿到一些由在这里工作的诗人写的小诗。 +Lester Burnham:I'd always heard your entire life flashes in front of your eyes the second before you die.,莱斯特, 伯汉姆:我常听人说起人临死前的一瞬间,他的整个一生都会闪现在眼前。 +"The federal government’s semiautonomous mortgage agencies—Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, and Ginnie Mae—all buy and resell mortgages.",联邦政府半国有化得担保代理机构(联邦抵押协会,联邦住宅贷款抵押公司,和政府国民抵押协会)全会购买和转售抵押。 +Fish is also the world’s most widely traded foodstuff and a key source of export earnings for many poorer countries.,鱼品也是世界上交易最广的食品,而且是许多较贫穷国家出口收入的一个主要来源。 +"South Korean Defense Ministry official said, causing Huang Yidun resignation is related to media reports regarding his use of insider real estate investment.",韩国一名国防部官员说,导致黄义敦辞职的,是媒体报道的有关他利用内线投资地产一事。 +The film of which I'm speaking is to be shown at rhe People's Cinema next week.,我正在谈到的这部电影下星期在人民电影院上映。 +Superstitions around the aye-aye may have developed because it is apparently unafraid of humans. It will even walk right up to human passersby to take a closer look.,夜狐猴被诅咒的传言从未停止过,原因可能是它看起来并不惧怕人类,它可以大摇大摆的穿梭于人群中,甚至会走进看个究竟。 +"This discussion of mine is to let you understand, that the boundless universe has every type and kind of way of thinking and way of speaking is normal.",我的这一番杂谈,不过是想让诸位了解,大千世界上有各式各样的想法和说法乃是正当的。 +"Most devastatingly, however, there are no randomized, double-blinded placebo controlled clinical trials that compare the success of quitting smoking by using smokeless tobacco versus using a placebo.",然而,极具讽刺的是,通过使用无烟烟草戒烟与使用安慰对照组相比,临床对照控制组没有进行随机的双盲试验。 +Republican Senator Jim Bunning apologized to Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg for saying he believed she could die within a year from pancreatic cancer.,共和党参议员吉姆向最高法院法官金斯伯格致歉,表示他相信她可能1年内会死于胰腺癌。 +"Mk. 2:13 And He went out again beside the sea. And all the crowd came to Him, and He taught them.",可二13 耶稣又出到海边去,群众都就了他来,他便教训他们。 +"Hundreds of miles to the north, in Zambia's copper belt, the coal from the Collum mine helps fuel Chinese copper smelting.",在赞比亚的铜矿带,绵延数百公里一直向北,科伦煤矿给中国的铜矿提供燃料。 +But there has been little dispute about the premise that psychologists have extrapolated from an outlying few the ways of the global many.,但是在该研究的前提假设上并没有太多的争论,这个前提既是:认为心理学家是在一个和全球大多数人不同的“偏离值”族群上进行概括归纳的。 +"The vast grassland resources in Northwestern Yunnan Province, Diqing Tibetan Prefecture, are the main living dependence for Tibetans there traditionally.",云南省藏族主要分布在滇西北迪庆藏族自治州,该地区有着丰富的草地资源,畜牧业是当地最重要的传统生产方式之一。 +One of my favorite Avengers moments involves Hawkeye cheating on a game of chance with the Gamesmaster.,我最喜欢的复仇者时刻是鹰眼在一次游戏中对游乐至尊耍花招。 +"The Chinese ancient civilization has simple and natural conservation view, Restraint culture and stele have played great roles in natural resources protection in the history.",中国古代文化具有朴素的自然保护观,禁约文化和禁碑在历史上对自然资源的保护曾起到过重要作用。 +"Some of them are simply amazing and photographs taken of them from sky shows, they are heart shaped.",有些是那么神奇,航拍的照片方可展现——心形奇景。 +"Rosenwein, Barbara. A Short History of the Middle Ages (SHMA). Broadview Press, 2001, Chapter 1.",《中世纪简史》,广景出版社,2001年,第一章。 +"Most high end DSLRs can achieve incredibly short shutter speeds, such as 1/8000th sec with this shutter design.",绝大多数高端单反的快门都能达到超乎想象的快速,即使按这种快门设计,也能达到1/8000秒。 +"With Beijing Botanical Garden as the study area, the paper employs CVM to measure the non-use value of eco-tourism resources there, and carries out correlative analysis.",本文以北京市植物园为例,采用CVM方法对其生态旅游资源的价值进行了评估和相关分析。 +AOL Time Warner Inc. would be allowed to propose a takeover bid for Amazon. com Inc. as long as it did so quietly - under the terms of a $100 million investment AOL made in Amazon Monday.,前几天,美国在线时代华纳投资1亿美元购买了电子商务巨头亚马逊的股份,而且如果它继续悄悄注资,它还可能会采取收购亚马逊的重大举措。 +"Acquisition, tracking and pointing(ATP) subsystem is one of the key techniques in the free space optical communication(FSO).",捕获、跟踪、对准(ATP)系统是自由空间光通信(FSO)系统中一项关键技术。 +Conclusion There was positive expression in varying degrees of CK in primary and metastasis melanoma.,结论CK在原发性和转移性恶黑中均有不同程度的阳性表达。 +"Tools traditionally used to document manual tests, such as MS Word and Excel, fail to encourage or even enable this building-block approach.",传统上用于书写人工测试的工具,如 MS Word 和 Excel,不能支持甚至不能启用此构件方法。 +The path of a man carrying plants from the field may then be marked by primary virus infection .,当人从田间带植物,所经之路就可能有第一次被病毒侵染的标志。 +Tere were some peaches at the greengrocer′s yesterday .,昨天在疏菜水果店有一些新鲜的��子。 +I want lipstick that stays on well.,我想要不易掉色的口红。 +"It was on a backstreet, not one of the main streets, so there were no people around to see him as he walked along the small road which went under the building into the basement car park.",那不在主街道上 而在一条后街小巷 因此当他沿大厦下的小路走到地下停车场时附近没人注意他。 +The examples you've seen of content negotiation so far have highlighted its uses to serve the heterogeneous mix of people accessing the World Wide Web.,到目前为止,您所看到的内容协商的示例都强调其为访问万维网的不同人提供服务的作用。 +Accumulating sand can lead to great pressure on top of the grottoes and ponding in the rock mass.,积沙还能造成窟顶巨大压力和岩体积水。 +"Conclusion:Qingyou Wan not only inhibits the chronic hyperplastic and acute exudative inflammation, but also has marked analgesic effect.",结论:清幽丸不仅对慢性增生性和急性渗出性炎症有抑制作用,且具有明显的镇痛作用。 +"These freedoms give you control over your own computing, and make it possible to be part of a community where people help each other.","这些自由使你得以享受自主的计算机体验, 并且使你有可能成为一个互助社区的一份子." +He's a delight to work with and his conception rate is superb.,他是一个快乐的工作和他的受孕率是一流的。 +That is watching us lack what now.,那要看我们现在缺什么了。 +"Gladys's own mother, DellaMonroe, was ill and couldn't help with the new baby.",格拉迪斯自己的母亲黛拉·梦露疾病缠身,无法帮忙照顾宝宝。 +SQS reserves the right to automatically delete queues if there has been no activity in the queue for 30 consecutive days.,如果队列中连续 30 天没有活动,SQS 保留自动删除它们的权力。 +The CPU usage is reduced when two cluster replicators are used.,使用两个集群复制器时 CPU 使用也下降了。 +"Belgian card clothing are good in carding performance with less neps and impurities, lower CV% values.",比利时针布梳理性能好,结杂最少,CV%值最低,盖板针面负荷明显高于无锡针布。 +"So, what appearance should the network of ten thousand aether that the market needs be?",那么,市场需要的万兆以太网应该是什么样子? +"Using 30% glass fiber reinforced nylon 6 as a sample, the influences of the length and its distribution of the glass fiber on properties of the reinforced nylon were analyzed and studied.",以玻纤填充质量分数为30%玻纤增强尼龙6为例,分析和研究了玻璃纤维长度及其分布对增强尼龙6主要性能的影响。 +"We have a requirement to wear protective equipment without fines handling, managers, and Shuji day have mobile inspection, and then arranging the tasks in each group.",我们有规定,不正确佩戴防护用品的进行罚款处理,厂长和书记每天都要巡回检查,然后就是安排各组的工作任务。 +We have selected 12 distinctive caterpillar candidates for this on-line election. All of them bear unique survival tactics.,我们特别拣选了12只蝴蝶幼虫,牠们均有独特的自我保护方法和生存之道。 +Conclusion:Serum BNP can not be recommended to detect drugs anthracene ring the severity of the cumulative cardiac toxicity.,结论:不能推荐使用血清中BNP来检测蒽环类药物心脏毒性累积的严重程度。 +"Government policy has also included encouragement for media, IT and Internet-related businesses and Dubai has become a regional centre for the industry.",政府的政策还鼓励媒体、资讯科技及互联网相关业务的发展。迪拜已成为宽带市场的一个区域中心。 +"Butterfly in Shanghai, jiangsu and along a higher reputation.",蝴蝶面在上海、江苏及沿江一带享有较高声誉。 +"At the core of a DITA task is a series of steps, which can be generalized back to the ordered list class, ol.class.",DITA 任务的核心是一系列步骤,它们可以被专门化回有序列表类 ol.class。 +The captain put the ship about and started to sail east.,船长改变航向,开始朝东航行。 +How delimits the tribute to pull has a good swim?,划着贡多拉畅游一下如何? +"It's the story of his career: Bryant finishes a game any ordinary player would have left with a sore back, but his overtime performance draws criticism.",这是一个关于他职业精神的故事:科比完成了一场如果是其他任何普通球员都会选择因为背伤立场的比赛,但他加时赛的表现招来了一些批评。 +That means she and her business partners check email and make calls while at ballet lessons or pushing strollers down the street.,这就意味着,即使在上芭蕾课或者推着孩子逛街的时候,她和合作伙伴们也在查看邮件、拨打电话。 +The CDG is a small group of UK academics working in the field of density functional theory and electronic structure calculations.,CDG是在密度的地里工作的英��学者的一个小组功能的理论和电子结构计算。 +"Our school contain more than 7,000 persons and it be located on cultural road.",咱们学校有七千多人,它位于文明路。 +Children who were homozygous for the Arg16 allele and were exposed to two or more smokers had a 5-fold increased risk of lifetime wheeze.,Arg16等位基因纯合型的孩子同时家中有2 个甚至更多的吸烟者的有多5倍的终生喘鸣的风险。 +"After describing some basic channel estimation algorithms in OFDM and SC-FDE systems, we propose some new channel estimation algorithms.",在简单介绍了OFDM和SC-FDE中的一些信道估计技术后,我们提出了几种信道估计方法。 +"If you want to download, please login. ) photogallery.",如要下载,请登入论坛。 +"Public security organs and people's police shall keep confidential citizen's personal information gained through making, issuing, examining or seizing resident identity cards.",公安机关及其人民警察对因制作、发放、查验、扣押居民身份证而知悉的公民的个人信息,应当予以保密。 +"Hurd's separation deal with HP did not include a non-compete provision, which is generally unenforceable in California, but did include a 2-year confidentiality pact.",赫德与惠普公司分离交易不包括非竞争条款,这通常在加州不能强制执行,但交易条款包括2年的保密协议。 +"Use the platform for your house campaigns to present content, cross-promote services, launch new products, collect valuable data, and put creative from external campaigns to better use.",用本平台来进行家庭更新--- 展示内容,交叉升级服务,开发新产品,收集有价值的数据,令你的家庭从外部更新到更好使用都充满创造性。 +It does this by inhibiting prostaglandin production.,它通过抑制前列腺素的分泌来起作用。 +Witnesses say a car spun out of control and careened into a crowd.,目击者称,一辆车失去控制后,冲进了人群中。 +This hotel is one mile from the Ocean City Pier Rides and within a one-minute walk of the beach and boardwalk.,这家酒店坐落在马里兰州大洋城的大西洋海岸,设有一间内部餐厅和一个海滩。 +"Okay, that's one example. Here's another.",好,这是第一个例子,再看另外一个。 +"County Thunder USA released its 2010 performance lineup Monday, complete with a revised Thursday-Sunday schedule and …Kevin Costner?",县雷美国公布了修正后为周四至周日的时间表和2010年演出阵容星期一,完成…凯文科斯特纳? +These factors control your energy. Your energy impacts your focus.,这些因素都控制着你的能量,而你的能量影响你的专注度。 +"Plants should be pruned in the autumn or early spring removing any dead, diseased or weak growth, and shortening healthy shoots by about half.",秋季和早春应适当修剪,摘除病、死及虚弱枝,并将健康的枝条短缩至一半。 +Margaret Tate:Tell your family yet?,玛格利特:“告诉你家人了吗? +"Last year, Google came under harsh criticism for the quality of its metadata, most notably from Geoffrey Nunberg.",去年,它们的元数据质量遭到猛烈的抨击,最有名的一个批评来自于Geoffrey Nunberg。 +This sarcoma is composed of very pleomorphic cells.,肉瘤由异型性很大的细胞组成。 +"A small car park and toilet block sit just behind, but its hard to imagine it ever getting very busy here.",这里有个小型的停车场和一个公共厕所,但是很难想象这里会有很多来访者。 +I have tied up the bundle.,我已捆好了包裹。 +Nor do I think that bond investors are well-served byignoring the imminent perils their market has to navigate.,同时由于债券投资者们时常被诱导忽视即将到来的市场风险,我也不认为他们受到了很好的相关服务。 +"Work over time in the supermarket, Sun Feng groped money out of the law of the shop, the store only one key to the office safe, controlled by the manager.",在超市工作时间一长,孙峰摸索到该商店的钱款进出规律,商店办公室的保险箱钥匙只有一把,由店长掌控。 +This practice was followed rapidly in many local Taoist temples.,这一做法,也很快地在各地道观及民间传开。 +"This paper proposes a new method for embedded system designing, based on FPGA and soft-core CPU.",提出了一种基于FPGA(现场可编程门阵列)和软核CPU的嵌入式系统设计的新方法。 +Soon. Nadenka grew used to that phrase as to alcohol or morphia. She could not live without it.,很快,娜丹卡就像对酒精或吗啡上瘾一样习惯了那句话,她的生活里不能没有那句话。 +Both crankcases are established by the lost WAX method which means that you have to make a negative mould.,双方曲轴箱,建立了由失蜡法这意味着你必须作出负面的模具。 +Do you know that we tried an experiment which is unique in the history of the world?,你可晓得我们试过一个在世界的历史上是唯我独尊的实验? +Sami Hyypia is relishing the prospect of aiding Liverpool's quest for Euro glory after being restored to the Reds' Champions League squad.,在重新被选入欧冠比赛大名单后,萨米-海皮亚品味代表利物浦追求欧洲荣耀前景。 +"To augment the interest rates increases, the government is implementing capital controls that seek to dampen consumer credit growth – one of the sources of overheating in the economy.",为了增强加息效果,政府正在实施旨在抑制消费信贷增长的资本管制措施。消费信贷增长是巴西经济过热的源头之一。 +All students should be required to take the driver's education course at Centerville High School.,所有在森特维尔高中就读的学生,都要求修司机教育课程。 +The reason is that dreams are ephemeral. Memory for dreams is very limited and largely restricted to the period before awakening.,因为关于梦的记忆非常短暂,非常有限,而且几乎仅限于清醒前的一小段时间内。 +"Under satisfying the technology characteristic, to realize low energy consumption, high quality and high output.",在满足技术性能的前提下,力求作到低耗、高质、高产的设计要求。 +"In its December report on the U.S. market for infant, toddler and preschool toys, Packaged Facts, a division of MarketResearch.com, said the sector has outperformed the general toy market.",据市场调查在线的分部Packaged Facts提供的12月份报告,婴儿、学步儿童、学龄前儿童的玩具销售业绩比整个玩具市场表现得出色。 +"Kai Fu Xin, create wealth, promote the progress of social civilization.",亮宇,创财富,促进社会文明进步。 +I am sure many runners begin races with a higher cadence than they usually run with.,我敢肯定很多人刚开始跑步时会用比平时更高一点的步频奔跑。 +After re-taking North Africa and Italy the Allies commence with “Operation Overlord” which is the invasion of France.,在重新夺回南美地区和意大利之后,盟军展开了“霸王行动”,准备在法国进行牵制性登陆。 +"For instance, when a site doesn’t have a lot of content, and you know the content won’t be growing very much in the future, it might makes sense to go with a single page design.",例如,当站点没有多少内容,并且你知道内容在今后不会增加太多时,采用单页设计也许就是合乎情理的。 +"Some companies that relied on offshore labor to deliver .Net and C# capabilities just a few years ago found that route to be ""nonproductive,"" says Herrin.",一些几年前聘用具有.net和C#技能的海外人才的公司,发现这种途径效率低下。 +"That effort 'will require work,' said Gary Nabel, director of the Vaccine Research Center at the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, who was a leader of the research.",美国国 家过敏症和传染病研究所(National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases)疫苗研究中心主任、该研究的带头人之一奈贝尔(Gary Nabel)说,这将需要进行大量的工作,我们需要在这上面花些功夫,才能在临床上看到任何成效。 +"A decade ago, it took Nima five days to distribute each week's mail. She had to battle snowstorms, landslides, snakes and loneliness on her 350 kilometer journey.",十年前,尼玛每周要花五天时间送邮件。在350公里的行程中,她要克服暴风雪、滑坡、蛇和孤独寂寞。 +"Yes. ""Shenzhi"" is a conjunction.",韩佳: 嗯。“甚至”是个连词。 +"This paper discussed the definition and economical importance of fungi, and also discussed the current status, problems and future strategy for study and utilization of fungal resources in Fujian.",阐述了菌物的含义及其经济重要性,总结分析了福建省菌物资源研究与利用现状和存在的问题,并提出了相应的对策。 +Conclusion 6 clinic isolates of Klebsiella pneumoniae carried multiple resistant gene of plasmids and caused a small epidemic in ICU.,结论6株多重耐药肺炎克雷伯菌的质粒携带多个耐药基因并在ICU中引起一次小的医院感染流行。 +"But the olive tree answered, 'Should I give up my oil, by which both gods and men are honored, to hold sway over the trees?'",橄榄树回答说:'我岂肯止住供奉神和尊重人的油,飘摇在众树之上呢?' +"Nurse's role is to provide patient centered care in order to practice spiritual care relate to both culture and individuality, and improve the quality of nursing care.",护理人员的角色即在提供以病人为中心的照顾,这样才能使灵性照护能兼具个别性及文化性,以提升护理的品质。 +"Based on discussion of the mechanism of stuck releasing by dewatering , the equation of dewatering drive force is derived.",分析了压差卡钻的去水化解卡机理及其影响因素,推导出了去水化用用驱动力的表达式。 +The incidence of lung cancer among smokers was 3.65 times higher than that of non-smokers in six mines of Yunnan Tin Corp. ia the period 1975-1984.,本文以1975-1984年为时段,对云南锡业公司所属六个单位工人进行了吸烟情况的调查分析。 +The doctors should pay special attention to the health of each individual patient's special and unique.,请求医生应该特殊器重研讨每个病人个体健康的特别性和奇特性。 +Labour leaders still expect that the abolitionists will win the day.,工党领袖还指望着废黜派最后获胜。 +Remember the saying that practice makes perfect. 2) Develop the habit of reading for main ideas.,请记住这句话:熟能生巧。2)开发为主要内容的阅读习惯。 +Cheap imports started flooding the market and displaced locally made goods.,廉价进口品开始泛滥于市场并取代本地制品。 +One of the oldest version-control packages around is the Concurrent Versioning System (CVS).,Concurrent Versioning System (CVS)是最早的版本控制包之一。 +This reminds us that we must keep people well informed of the facts about flu.,这提醒我们必须让人们充分了解有关流感的事实。 +The network initiates no GPRS pages for an MS in READY state.,网络侧不会向处于就绪状态的移动台发起寻呼。 +You can easy change the technology (for example from XML-RPC to RMI).,你可以容易地更改所用的技术(比如从XML-RPC换到RMI)。 +The HD-Storm hurricane-rated door system withstands wind pressures of up to 80 pounds per square inch.,HD抗风暴飓风门能承受高达每平方英寸80镑的风压。 +"Easing labor-market rules has led to a 6 percentage-point increase in labor-market participation in 20 years, with many more women and seniors working.",放宽对劳动市场的管制在20年间使劳动市场增加了6%,更多的妇女和老年人参加到了工作当中。 +"In this paper, the two-dimensional numerical solutions of the electrostatic fields in plasma region with undecided conductor boundary conditions are discussed.",以一维和二维扩散方程为例,构造导数边界条件一种二阶处理方法,并数值验证了这种处理方法对数值解的影响。 +Good graphics and easy to play are a plus.,良好的图形易玩者优先。 +"This only serves to neutralize the nose and kill the taste. Personally, I prefer to drink my wine at cellar temperature.",就个人而言,我在喝葡萄酒的时候,喜欢让其维持在窖藏温度。 +But I did not bury it.,但我不会把它们掩埋起来”。 +"Based on casting and solvent evaporation method, the degradable PLA/PVA blend film was prepared with polylactic acid(PLA) and polyvinyl alcohol(PVA) as raw material.",基于流延法和溶剂蒸发技术,以聚乳酸(PLA)和聚乙烯醇(PVA)为原料,制备可降解PLA/PVA共混膜。 +"Treasury. It's unlikely that existing shareholders, who can take a piece of the offering at 65.5 pence a share, will take enough to keep a majority of the shares in private hands.",苏格兰皇家银行集团现有股东可以以每股65.5便士的价格认购新股,但他们的股份可能还不足以让其掌握该行多数股权。 +Perhaps teasers are reinforced by that fleeting 'annoyed look' on someone else's face and therefore will continue to heckle that person to get that look again and again.,Schultheiss说“或许挑逗者通过其他人脸上短暂的‘气恼表情’获得满足而被鼓励,因此将继续刁难那个人来一次又一次的获得那种表情。 +The temperature field of concrete box girder is analyzed by means of the finite element analysis software ANSYS. The computational results are compared with the experimental results.,应用大型有限元分析软件ANSYS,模拟箱形梁水泥水化生热和对流边界条件,进行混凝土水化热温度场仿真计算,并与实测数据进行对比分析。 +"Furthermore, the very same class of mutator enzymes plays an underappreciated role in non-lymphoid cancers, in antiviral responses and in epigenetic reprogramming.",此外,同一类的增变基因酶起着低估的作用,在非淋巴肿瘤,抗病毒反应,并在后生重新编程。 +"Farley said Ford was confident that its new F-series could succeed, because many of the people who buy pickup trucks need them for work and cannot buy a smaller vehicle regardless of gas prices.",法雷先生说福特相信新的F系列会取得成功,因为许多购买轻便卡车的人是工作所需,就算汽油价格再上涨也不能买小型车。 +Suddenly there appeared a young woman dressed in green.,突然出现一个穿绿衣的女子。 +"the gold altar, the anointing oil, the fragrant incense, and the curtain for the entrance to the tent;",金坛,膏油,麝香的香料,会幕的门帘 +"""Hammer might be passed-out drunk, "" Kem cautioned.",“海姆尔只怕喝得烂醉,”凯姆警告。 +"He has been a professor at the universities of Heidelburg and Frankfurt, and was director of the Max Planck institute in Starnberg until 1981.",他曾是大学教授,海德堡,法兰克福,并主任马克斯普朗克研究所的史坦贝尔直��1981年。 +Scholars say the proliferation of such regulations stems from a lack of professionalism among some local officials.,学者称此类法规此起彼伏的原因是一些当地的官员的缺乏专业素质。 +"Or do we refuse to let our ""little handful of thorns, "" our troubles, obscure the overwhelming abundance of our blessings?",或者我们选择不让这「一小把的刺」以及我们的困难遮盖了上帝所赐予出人意外的丰富恩典? +"What quantity, if produced by Firm 2, would cause Firm 1 to shut down on this picture?","公司2的产量是多少的情况下,公司1才能被迫停产呢" +"Some image processing methods are applied for extracting the altered information from TM data, such as Ratio, principal component and image classification etc.",通过采用主成分分析、比值、多维空间分类和彩色密度分割等多种图像处理技术,提取了与金矿化有关的围岩蚀变信息。 +"Molds that are too heavy require too much time to bring to temperature and awkward to handle, a well-proportioned mold should last for many thousand shots.",尺寸过大的模型把它加热到一定的温度需要很长时间且难以进行,适当比例的模型可以使用上千次。 +"As the twentieth century got older, and the gap between the liberal arts and the applied sciences got larger, the problem got worse.",到20世纪末,文科和应用科学差别越来越大,问题也越来越严重。 +So it helps overcome the negative emotions.,它有助克服消极情绪。 +"Glorification, therefore, is only for believers, and it consists of the redemption of the body.",美化,因此,这是只为信徒,和它的赎回身体。 +In the present analysis torsional oscillation of a rigid disk in an infinite transversely isotropic elastic cylinder has been considered.,分析了无限横观各向同性弹性圆柱中,刚性圆盘的扭转振动问题。 +"Finally, steps for indexing proprietary and third party (publicly available) sequence databanks for use with BLAST and managing these resources are discussed.",最后,讨论了索引专属和供BLAST使用的第三方(公共可用的)序列数据及管理这些资源的步骤。 +"Almost everyone has been on a boat while fishing, competing, or getting from place to place.",几乎每个人在钓鱼、比赛或往返各地时都曾搭过船。 +"For a class of complex system with interconnected nonlinear subsystems, here is introduced an integrated identification method combining steady-state identification with dynamic identification.",针对一类具有相互关联非线性子系统的复杂系统,提出了一种稳态辨识与动态辨识相结合的集成辨识方法。 +"The originators may not have called them retrospectives, but the methods were developed by reflecting and adapting based on experience of what worked and what didn't.",当时的发起人根据实践效果优劣的反映进行调整,并得到这些方法,但他们当时也许不会明确称这个过程为‘回顾’。 +"In the study, Forhan's team collected data on 838 girls aged 14 to 19 who took part in the 2003-2004 National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey.",在这项研究中,Forhan带领的研究小组共收集到的838组数据,来自于参加了在2003-2004年度国家健康与营养检测调查的,年龄从14岁到19岁的女孩。 +The only way for someone to know whether or not he or she has an STD is to go and get tested….,唯一知道某人是否有STD的办法就是去医院检测。 +"The new measure decomposes the substitution effect and income effect, the income effect is accounted to welfare gain instead of welfare loss.",新的计量分离了替代效用和收入效用,将收入效用计入福利收益,道德风险净损失为补偿价格弹性所代表的部分。 +I'm still cleaning my post-vacation backlog of feeds and messages.,长假后攒了一堆待阅内容和信息,扫尾工作还在继续。 +"Sub-Saharan Africa could grow by an average of over 6% to 2015, . Zoellick said in a speech last month at the Woodrow Wilson Center for International Scholars.",佐利克上月在伍德罗.威尔逊国际学者中心的讲话中指出,2015年之前,撒哈拉以南非洲地区的年均增长率有可能超过6%。 +A large majority of elderly Americans depend solely on social security income.,大多数上了年纪的美国人仰仗社会保险金过活。 +"Moreover, it requires a relatively small amount of space at the surface.",而且在地面上,相对而言,它只需要较小的空间。 +She passed the bowl to my sister-in-law who presented a prayer for health and longevity from a Buddhist temple in Hong Kong.,她把碗传给我的嫂子,她拿出一份祈求健康长寿的祈祷词,来自香港的一个佛寺。 +It stood erect and became more and more luxuriantly green in the wind.,它屹立在这片土地上,风吹来,满树充满生命的绿色更繁茂了。 +"The GB9254-1998, ""Information technology equipment - Radio Disturbance Characteristics - Limits and Methods of Measurement"", is established to control radio disturbance caused by ITE.",本文介绍的GB 9254-1998 《信息技术设备的无线电骚扰限值和测量方法》就是为了控制信息技术设备(ITE)产生的无线电骚扰而制定的。 +We investigated proliferation culture of Gypsophila paniculata by using a raft method in a 2.,采用响应面方法对唾液链球菌嗜热亚种增殖培养基进行了优化。 +You would think Colorado would be known as the Rocky Mountain State.,你可能会认为科罗拉多州的别名是“落基山之州”(Rocky Mountain State)。 +Rushton and the other occupants of the little wagonette in front had been for some time shouting to them to moderate the pace of their horses.,前面小马车里的拉什顿和别的乘客曾一直对他们喊叫,要他们控制一下车速。 +"Shoot an enemy Molotov cocktail, dynamite stick, or hand grenade.",射击敌人手中的燃烧瓶,手榴弹或者手雷。 +"After the jars are filled, they are weighed to check the number of sweets that have been loaded into each jar.",装罐完成后,就进入称重阶段,检查各罐内装入的糖果数量。 +The article will re-clarifies the seek and care about the life significance in the appreciation of beauty from the view of the pure art.,本文试图从纯粹艺术的角度重新解读李金发的诗歌在审美境界中对生命意义的探求与关怀。 +The angle of the sun in the summer and the length of direct exposure are extreme on eastern- and westward-facing sides of the home.,作者在夏天太阳角度和长度的直接接触对家庭东部和西面向双方极端。 +"But we politely overlook the reality that for every resource-cursed country, there is a resource-blessed kleptocracy.",但是我们委婉的回避了一个这样的现实,每一个被资源诅咒的国度,都有一个用资源为自己谋福利的政府。 +"Following your previous observation about the referee's eyesight, join the calls for video replays to help him make the right decision.",当你觉得裁判没看清楚误判的时候,喊出这句话来要求录像回放使得裁判作出正确判罚。 +Objective:To observe the effects of Ditong Rhinitis Water on the inflammation in xylene induced mice and carrageenin induced rats.,目的:研究滴通鼻炎水对二甲苯引起的小鼠和角叉菜胶引起的大鼠的炎症的抗炎作用。 +"At one school, a pupil who used his phone to take a picture of the homework written on the board instead of copying it into his book was told off and the phone was confiscated, he said.",在一所学校,有一名学生因为没有用笔把黑板上的家庭作业抄在书本上,而是使用手机直接拍了下来,就被老师数落了一顿,手机还被没收。 +Results:Compare with the ligation group the SOD level of the group with acupuncture elevated at the same time the MDA decreased.,结果:与结扎组相比较电针能明显降低血清中丙二醛(MDA)的含量,提高超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)的活性。 +"By glamorizing the past, you are condemned to repeat it.",被过去吸引心动,你注定要重复过去。 +The analysis of these two types provides some enlightenment for the speeding-up of the transfer of the agricultural surplus work force of our country.,对于上述两类典型的剖析,为加速我国农业剩余劳动力转移进程提供了一些十分有益的启示。 +"The goal of this article is to help ESB users choose the right answer according to their needs, when confronted with the most complex and diverse of ESB concepts: routing and orchestration.",本文的目标是帮助ESB使用者在面对复杂多样的ESB概念——路由和编配——时,根据他们的需要选择合适的工具。 +"The only client of Goldman is Goldman,'"" said a senior U.S.-based investment banker who declined to be named.",一名不愿具名的美国资深投行人士表示. +"In the article, the author tried to exam and verify two words Zongzhi and Xianluo , correcting the misinterpretation of words and incorrect verifications of texts by the former scholars.",文章即尝试对《月令》中的两个词语“总至”与“鲜落”进行考释,纠正前人的词义误释和文献误校。 +The results can have problems with reliability on consistency due to the lack of interactiveness.,由于缺乏互动,结果可以与可靠性问题上的一致性,。 +"We are fed, housed, we have a little money for extras like cat food and vet bills.",我们有饭吃,有房住,还有余钱买点宠物食品,支付兽医费用。 +"Helena: Me, too. Now I just wonder if Demetrious love me as in the dream?",我也是,现在,我只想知道狄米崔斯是否还像梦中那样的爱著我? +You will recognize holographic inserts by feeling.,你们将籍由感觉认识全息嵌入。 +'It's time to turn the page on all this.',现在是把这一页翻过去的时候了。 +Histologic examination of the tumor indicated paraganglioma of the urinary bladder.,肿瘤之组织病理检查结果为罕见之膀胱亚神经节癌。 +Hence it is impossible to name the longest living civilization.,更何说去命名哪一个是现有的最长文明。 +"When we are in work, we bleed in the head to find a job to feed our hungry;",我们可以工作的时候,撞得头破血流才勉强找份饿不死人的工作做; +"Result:As compared with the model group, the effect of small dose group and middle dose group of osteopractic total flavone on TBV% of shankbone increased significantly;",结果:对胫骨骨小梁体积百分比(TBV % )的影响,与模型组比较,骨碎补总黄酮小剂量组和中剂量组的TBV %明显增高; +"Purple moon Canbo capsule can be transformed into prostaglandins, brain goldin the human body (DHA) and other active substances.",紫月康宝胶囊在人体内可转变成前列腺素、脑黄金(DHA)等活性物质。 +"China has been swept by a series of food- and product-safety scandals involving goods as diverse as toys, tires, toothpaste, pet food, fish, beans, dumplings and baby cribs.",中国一次次陷入食品及产品安全丑闻中,涉及玩具、轮胎、牙膏、宠物食品、鱼、豆、饺子和婴儿床等各类产品。 +"Due to the price reason, we accept thellos order with cutting both ways either in direction or against hair – but you have to make sure the fabric direction must be always same with one garment.",由于代价需要解答的题目,咱们接管这个定单的可以顺毛裁和逆毛裁,但肯定是要确保一件衣服内的所有裁片是统一毛向。 +Its key managers and personnel must be qualified to deal in securities.,主要管理人员和业务人员必须具有证券从业资格; +"With her intelligence,she should amount to something when she grows up.",凭她的智力,她长大后必定有所作为。 +The code examples in this document were developed and tested using IBM Cognos 8.4.1.,本文档中的代码示例是用 IBM Cognos 8.4.1 开发并测试的。 +"We pull around a corner, parking in front of what seems to be the only concrete building in sight.",我们拐过一个街角,停在了视野中唯一一座水泥建筑的前面。 +"In health, inequities really are a life-and-death issue.",就健康而言,不公平确实是一个生死问题。 +Grinding ball of spheroidal graphite cast iron with martensitic matrix was usually produced by reheating and quenching after casting.,马氏体基球墨铸铁磨球一般采用砂型(或金属型)铸造成形后,再重新加热进行淬火。 +The chief reason is rapid slash-and-burn deforestation in the Amazon Basin.,其中主要的原因是加速在亚马逊流域砍伐森林和燃烧木料。 +"The aerosol sample was extracted by ultrasonic technique and 16 of the PAH's were determined, in priority, as proposed by EPA, by GC-MS with selected-ion monitoring (SIM).",超声波抽提气溶胶样品,用GC-MS的选择离子监测(SIM)方式测定EPA提出的优先监测的16种多环芳烃的含量。 +"It’s often associated with Seth Godin’s notion of permission marketing, but content marketing can be a part of any promotion or selling you might do.",这往往与塞思戈丁的许可营销概念有密切的关系,但内容营销可以是任何物品,也可以是你能做出来的商品。 +"These aims differ slightly for some sites, like non-profits, blogs and communities; however business sites in general aim to generate revenue by one of the above methods.",这些“期望目标”在某些站点略有区别,如非盈利网站、博客和社区,不过就商业网站的建设目的来说,大体都是为了通过(上文中的)这些方法来获取收益。 +"""this kind of cases should follow the principle of 'the burden of proof lies with the person makingthe claim', "" ye lin, a law professor from renmin university of china, told china central television.",中国人民大学法学院教授叶林告诉中国中央电视台: :“这类案件需要遵循‘谁主张,谁举证’的原则”。 +Does CLR occupy a continous block of memory?,是CLR占据一个连续的内存块? +Your son is below the mark in an office such as ours.,你的女女要正在我们这样的办母室外农做是不够资历的。 +"Clean cook stoves would run on biomass, gas, or solar power.",这种清洁炉子是考生物制品、天然气或者太阳能驱动的。 +Women who were not ovulating showed no similar variation in behavior.,不处于排卵期的女性的表现,则在行为上没有类似的变化。 +What is your issue dude? This happened in China. After all Surd is Surd.,老兄,你有什么问题吗?这可是发生在中国。 +"When we played basketball, we played outside, and the girls wore skirts and bloomers , and got along fine.",我们打篮球的时候,我们在外面打,女孩们穿着裙子和灯笼裤,而且相处融洽。 +"Nowdays, it is common seen that criminals tend to use the lock-against-theft for motorcycle to harm others as a tool.",使用摩托车防盗锁伤害人身的案件近来较为多见。 +This causes increased cycling of the heater elements and can result in increased water temperatures at the hot water outlet.,这将增加加热元件的周期性工作频率,并可能导致热水出水口处水温升高。 +"Where do people, Christians and non-Christians, go when they die?",基督徒和非基督徒死后去哪? +"Even before the economic slowdown, electronics manufacturers were coping with a leveling off in growth for products such as flat-panel TVs, cellphones and PCs.",乃至在经济放缓之前,电子产品制造商便面对着仄板电视、脚机和小我私家电脑等电子产物增加放缓的场合排场。 +Objective : To observe the therapeutic effect of Chenxia Liujunzi Wan ( CLW ) for neuroleptic salivation .,目的: 观察陈夏六君子丸治疗抗精神病药流涎副作用的疗效。 +"Such as the time he asked my favorite gemstone, and I blurted out topaz before thinking.",比方说,他问我最喜欢的珠宝的那次,我红着脸不假思索地说出了黄水晶。 +Just think when you watch a horror movie - you get all caught up in the fear.,当你观看恐怖片时,你可能会毛骨悚然。 +"Oranges and lemons, olives and cork trees are grown on the hot, dry hills.",在炎热干旱的山丘上生产桔子、柠檬、橄榄和栓皮槠。 +"It will contain residences, a hotel and commercial space.",“阿拉伯刀片”将包含几个住宅区,一家酒店和一个商业中心。 +One day while fishing in a calm sea the south wind suddenly arises and overturns his boat.,一天捕鱼,而在平静的海面南方风突然出现,并推翻了他的船。 +"Aim at deterioration of breed, put forward the relative and favorableness measures of preventing deteriorating and improve growth condition of Dahlia in aspect of yield and manage.",针对品种退化,从生产与管理两方面提出了相应的防止品种退化,改善大丽花生长发育条件的有利措施。 +"However, there is no any regulation of insurance concurrence within the legal system of China.",随着中国工伤保险制度的不断发展和完善,职工的合法权益得到了保证。 +"""It is a climate where extremists in society will start to believe their views are mainstream, "" said Corcoran.",“这会营造某种气候,让那些社会中的极端分子开始认为自己的观点已经是主流,”科克兰说。 +My grandma makes the best cheesecake – cherry cheesecake. She made that for my 13th birthday.,我的的祖母做的起司蛋糕棒极了,她在我13岁的生日时做了一个樱桃起司蛋糕,美味极了。 +"Leaves usually large relative to culm, in palmate arrangement, transverse veins distinct, margins with substantial necrosis in winter.",大的叶通常相对于秆,在掌状安排,离生的横向脉,边缘具结实坏死在冬天内内。 +"Then it is to check out the Hoover Dam, to Phoenix, Tucson, Tombstone, and then Viva Mexico!",然后我将去看看胡夫大坝,抵达凤凰城,Tucson,Tombstone 然后是万岁 ! 墨西哥。 +"Methods: To set up the model of DI rats, the IP3R isoforms expressions of detrusor tissue in DI rats and DS rats were detected by RT-PCR technique.",方法:建立DI大鼠模型,应用逆转录-聚合酶链反应(RT-PCR)方法检测DI及逼尿肌稳定(DS)大鼠逼尿肌组织IP3R亚型变化。 +Another Mozilla design project that is well underway is the redesign of the Mozilla.org website.,另一个正在进行的Mozilla设计项目是Mozilla.org的重新设计工作。 +"Methods: The results of mycoplasma culture and drug sensitivity tests were explored in 2001 and 2003, and the differences of drug sensitivity between the two years were analysed.",方法:对2 0 0 1年及2 0 0 3年就诊的男性泌尿生殖道感染患者行支原体培养及药敏检测,并对药物敏感性的变化进行分析。 +"After I ate them, I was still hungry, so I decided to buy a small bag of potato chips which cost me another 3 yuan.",我吃了后,我还饿,所以我决定去买了一个小小的包薯片,花去我另外3元。 +Objective To observe the long-term effect of splenectomy in combination with portosystemic shunt in the treatment of portal hypertension due to schistosomiasis.,目的长期观察脾切除术附加门体分流术治疗血吸虫病肝硬化门静脉高压症的效果。 +Zhejiang Pujiang Pinter Chains Factory is an enterprise which is specialized in producing all kinds of iron chains and pet goods.,浙江省浦江品特链条厂是一家生产各种类型铁链、宠物用品的专业厂家。 +"During the military parade, the Mig -29 aircraft, surface-, T-72 tanks were displayed.",阅兵式上展示了米格-29战机、地空导弹、T-72坦克等。 +Pretty big generalization there. My parents were teachers. I made my own money at every step. Trump's daddy handed him his. Big difference.,我就是个普通人。父母是老师,我按部就班的赚钱。而特朗普的钱是父亲给的,天差地别啊。 +Cool tie!,领带好酷! +The price includes a 27% import duty and a 17% sales tax.,价格包括27%的进口税和17%的销售税。 +"An ancient proverb admonishes newlyweds to ""be married until your hair turns white.""",一个古老的谚语曾经告诫人们,“结婚,要相互厮守到头发变白(白首偕老)”。 +"Fang , Y. Q. , X. Qi and G. Y. Hong 1989 Study of gonadotropin releasing hormone analogue induced spawning of Amphioxus . J . of Oceanog2",方永强,齐襄,洪桂英1989促性腺激素释放激素类似物诱导文昌鱼产卵的初步研究。 +"When she turns, he's back to playing with the dials; she hears a radio preacher, screeching about Jesus.",她转过身来的时候,他已经又在玩弄那些旋钮了,她听到了一位在电台布道的牧师,正在大声地讲着耶稣。 +"Seabeach sediment on the main island area of Guangxi coast can divided into gravelly, sandy, bioclastic deposition.",广西沿海主要岛屿区海滩沉积物分为砾质沉积、砂质沉积、生物碎屑沉积。 +"Burmidi's story is in perfect accordance with the Capitol's status as the ""Anti-Vatican"" or the mirror, Mystery Religion opposite of the Vatican.",布鲁米迪的故事是完美的参照,有国会大厦的状况如“反梵蒂冈”或榜样,神秘宗教与梵蒂冈相反。 +"It sounds horrible and I love her to pieces, but at that moment I pondered how long it would take until she got Alzheimer's and forgot about the whole thing.",场面很可怕,但是我爱她,那一刻我在想,要花多长的时间才能忘掉直到我的奶奶得了老年痴呆症忘记了一切。 +"""Lotsa was by far the richest man in the country. He had everything that money could buy, "" is the opening line of her latest book.",麦当娜在最新的这本儿童书的开头这样写道:“罗沙是那个国家最富有的人。 +"That never happens in classical mechanics, because there are always levels there.",这在经典力学中绝不会发生,因为那总是有能级。 +"The postcode of Fuping County, Weinan City, Shaanxi Province, China is 711700.",中国* 陕西省渭南市富平县 的邮政编*是 711700 。 +"Like services, it is difficult to find an agreed-upon definition of architecture.",和服务类似,很难得到一个大家一致认可的体系结构的定义。 +"The program compiled with BASIC language is also applicable to trapezoid wall or that without hole, but with more heat transfer into local portion of the wall.",文中用BASIC语言编制的程序也适用于梯形箱壁或箱壁虽无孔但局部区域却有较多热量输入的情况。 +His first act was to persuade the rest of the Cenarion Circle to grow the second World Tree which they named Teldrassil.,他的第一个行动就是说服了塞纳里奥议会其余成员并种下了第二棵世界之树,他们将这棵树命名为泰达希尔。 +We provide a one-year warranty against any problems with our washing machines.,我们为我们的洗衣机提供一年的保用期。 +"Such an initiative would build on Mars-500, a joint Russian-European project that saw six human volunteers confined in a capsule in Moscow for 120 days earlier this year to simulate a Mars mission.",该计划是俄罗斯与欧洲联合进行的“火星500”计划。 今年初, 6名人类志愿者在莫斯科一个太空舱里待了4个月,以模拟在火星上执行任务的情景。 +The aperture of the receiver-telescope is 30cm. The resolution of the counter is 10ns.,接收望远镜口径30厘米,计数器分辨率10毫微秒。 +"Because of the limit of training conditions, the training of battleships is difficult or inorganizable.",目前由于训练保障条件的限制,战斗舰艇的训练较难或无法组织。 +"The dissertation firstly reviews the Rayleigh wave exploration, seismic wave simulation and FCT finite difference method of the status quo;",本文首先回顾了瑞雷波勘探、地震波有限差分模拟和FCT方法的研究现状; +"I would like to, sometime before we move out of New York. I would like to ice skate there.",我也想在我们搬出纽约前去一次。我想在那儿溜冰。 +"And there are moments of joy, when I see bookplates of former faculty who owned and donated the book, and sometimes made notes on the side, "" Ota said.",但是也有欢乐的时光,尤其当我看到那些藏书票,这些藏书票属于原来拥有这些书的人,他们把这些书捐给了图书馆;有时候他们还会在书页边做笔记。” Ota说。 +"Rescuers search for survivors in the rubble of quake-demolished building in Yushu county, China on April 16, 2010.",救援人员在对地震摧毁的建筑物废墟中的幸存者玉树县搜索,于2010年4月16日中国。 +"As you peel away the onion skin, you will find another skin underneath.",你剥去洋葱皮时,你会发现皮下还有皮。 +"Thee implicit view is that most individuals will naturally stay healthy, but if by chance they get sick, then well-trained physicians should be available to treat them.",毫无疑问的一个观点就是多数人将会自然的很健康,但是如果偶尔他们生病,那么训练有素的医师们应该能给他们治���。 。 +They will stick to the tough terms set out in UN Security Council resolution 1441.,他们将严格按照联合国安理会1441号决议中的条款执行任务。 +Objective To investigate the influence of Ireris sonchifolia on hemorheology and biochemical indicators in focal cerebral ischemia rats.,目的探讨苦碌子对局灶性脑缺血大鼠血液流变学及生化指标的影响。 +They were not only courtiers but also literators . They sashayed in politics and literature .,他们身兼朝臣与文士双重身份,活跃于政治与文学之间。 +"A sleeveless garment similar to an apron, worn especially by small girls as a dress or an overdress.",围裙,围身裙似围裙的无袖衣袍,尤指小姑娘做裙子或外衣穿。 +Most navigable waterways require dredging because of siltation. This is true when navigation channels penetrate through the littoral zone .,多数航道由于泥沙淤积都需要疏浚,冲刷沿岸地带的航道尤其是这样。 收藏。 +"Responsibilities: In charge of work related to government organs, development and reform, state-owned assets, finance, audit, tax, grain, development research centre, and key project.",分管工作:分管省政府机关、发展改革、国有资产、财政、审计、税务、粮食、发展研究中心、重点项目工作。 +"Also, subject to an equatorial ridge south of the system, HAGIBIS is forecast to move east to east-northeast towards central Philippines in the next 72 hours.",另外,受到在它南部的赤道反气旋影响,海贝思将会于未来72小时向东至东北偏东移动,趋向菲律宾中部。 +Descaling and dechlorinate modes keep unit operating at peak performance.,除垢和脱氯模式下保持最佳性能的单位经营。 +"Certificates are handled with the CRL, and privileges are granted or revoked by mechanisms that operate on the distinguished name.",证书将使用 CRL 处理,权限由基于专有名称运行的机制授予或撤销。 +"Most destructive methods are time-consuming, hard to use, difficult to interpret, and incapable of providing quantitative information for comparative purposes.",最具破坏性的方法,耗费时间,很难使用,难以解释,并无法提供定量的资料,以便进行比较。 +"However, Jules points out that static partitioning is not only more complex to configure, but it also impacts availability.",但是,Jules 指出静态分区不仅配置起来更复杂,而且也会影响可用性。 +"According to the working condition of torpedo thermal power system, some measures, which maybe avoid the explosion while torpedo's speed increase in large depth, were given at last.",最后,为避免在大航深下换速时发生热爆,结合鱼雷热动力系统的运转工况,提出了可能的改进措施。 +"Conclusion: RS21-C6 molecule is broadly and highly expressed in thymus, which suggests that this molecule may perform various functions in thymocytes at different developmental stages.",结论:RS2 1 C6分子在胸腺分布广泛,且具有较高的表达水平,推测其在胸腺细胞发育的不同阶段均可发挥作用,是一个可能具有多种功能的胸腺发育相关分子。 +"However, there are peak load scenarios where ARFM cannot meet the service policy goals and avoid overloading the nodes.",然而,在一些出现峰值负载的场景中,ARFM 无法满足服务策略目标以及避免节点超载。 +"The third chapter applies the constructivism teaching, co-operative teaching, and harmony teaching to the inclusive classroom, discussing how to develop ideas of the inclusive classroom.",第三章把建构主义教学、合作教学、和谐教学三种教学理论运用到全纳课堂的特定情境,探讨如何发展与建构全纳课堂的教学观。 +The most advanced studies recently have also looked at the use of large doses of L-Carnitine to improve immune response in AIDS patients.,最先进的研究也有在指出,提供大剂量的左旋肉碱的使用,以改善艾滋病患者的免疫反应的有一定的帮助。 +Sullen: What a lovely dress. I just can't take my eyes off it.,苏伦:好漂亮的衣服啊!我觉得真是看不够。 +"According to section stiffness matrix and available displacement mode, element stiffness matrix of elastoplastic stage was derived in this paper.",可基于截面刚度矩阵以及现有的位移模式推导出弹塑性阶段的单元刚度矩阵。 +“He shoots…he scores!,“他射门…他得分!” +"At the same time E-learning Platform can offer a discussion, exploration and research platform to achieve common thinking and learn new knowledge.",同时网络平台能够以讨论、探索和研究的方式,实现彼此间共同的思考并学习新知识。 +"Q: China insists that it has no first-hand information on what caused the sinking of the Cheonan ship. What do you mean exactly by ""first-hand information""?",问:关于“天安号”沉没的原因,中方一直说不掌握第一手材料,中方指的“第一手材料”到底是什么? +"Learn to do menial jobs in science. To study the facts, comparing facts, accumulation of facts.",要学会做科学中的粗活。要研究事实,对比事实,积聚事实。——巴甫洛夫。 +She relented when she saw her husband bursting into tears.,看见丈夫一哭,她的心就软了。 +This doctoral dissertation discusses the rockery part's seepage system control of large concrete dams which has always been a problem for the construction department.,本博士论文研究实际设计部门提出的大型混凝土坝岸岩绕坝渗流系统的控制问题。 +"Sanctions include a fine, suspension or rustication from Cambridge.",制裁措施包括罚款,停学或开除。 +The present thesis covers a history of sixty years of Inner Mongolia Daily (Mongolian version) since its establishment to the year of 2008.,本文概括了《内蒙古日报》(蒙文版)从创刊到2008年六十年间的发展历史。 +"In print books, booksellers generally are charged 50% of the publisher's list price; with e-books, which usually are cheaper, Hermans says she gets to keep 20% to 40% of the retail price.",在这里输入译文纸质图书,书店一般可以赚取书本标价的50%;而电子书一般便宜一些,何曼思说她可以得到零售价20%到40%的利润。 +You can also create a setup project that contains your project's output and create a custom action with it that will run the installers associated with the project and install your service.,您也可以建立含有专案输出的安装专案,并利用该安装专案建立一个自订动作,该自订动作会执行与专案相关联的安装程式并安装您的服务。 +Objective To investigate the relationship between epicardium adipose thickness and the severity of coronary artery stenosis in patients with coronary artery disease.,目的探讨冠心病患者心外膜脂肪厚度与冠状动脉狭窄程度的关系。 +"The sweet, soft freshness that blooms on baby’s limbs—does anybody know where it was hidden so long?","甜蜜柔嫩的新鲜生气,花一般地在孩子的四肢上开放着--有谁知道它在什么地方藏得这么久?" +South China Expressway east of Tianhe District 2 Spring Interchange Kong.,东连华南快速路二期的天河区春岗立交。 +"KCC pare widely used in automobiles, ships, containers, industrial, color-coated steel and construction industries.",产品广泛地运用在汽车、船舶、集装箱、工业、彩钢和建筑等行业。 +"When the world's third largest economy is walking out of the shadow of economic downturn, it has found more problems that demand to be immediately addressed when looking into a long-term picture.",作为世界第三大经济体,中国正逐步走出经济衰退的阴霾,而当放眼长期的发展形势时,却发现仍有诸多问题亟待解决。 +"Meter is backstage, so should not be any problem. Stage opening is perfect 10 or 12 meters, less is also possible.",后台是17米,所以应该没问题。 舞台开放部分位最佳尺寸为10米或12米,再小点也行。 +Where the ducks and the geese were put therein.,那里头关著好多鸭子和肥鹅。 +"Wait for a minute, I got go to cook noodles.",我去煮面等哈说英文怎么写?。 +"It is also a hedonistic society, deriving pleasure from promiscuous sex and drug use, especially the use of soma, a powerful drug taken to escape pain and bad memories through hallucinatory fantasies.",人们通过滥交和滥用药物来获得快感,尤其是使用一种叫“苏麻”(soma)的药物。 “苏麻”药力巨大,能使服用者产生愉悦的幻觉来达到免除疼痛、消除记忆的效果。 +"In one 2007 study, some young men said outright that they’d insisted on condomless sex as a way to establish power over female partners.",在2007年开展的研究中,一些年轻男士坦陈他们之所以坚持在性生活中不使用避孕套是为了确立自己相对于伴侣的强势地位。 +Objective:To observe the the clinical effect on chronic superficial gastritis with incoordination between the liver and stomach type treated by Chaihu Shugan submicron powder.,目的:观察超微柴胡疏肝散与传统汤剂对慢性浅表性胃炎(肝胃不和型)的治疗效果。 +This kind of unidirectional contrast decides the contrast research mainly from the syntax structure.,这种单向性的对比决定了对比研究主要从句法结构入手。 +"Smart Completion works at the right-hand side of assignments, filtering the list of methods and variables to match the expected type of expression.",智能完成任务非常有效,实时过滤成员方法和变量以匹配你输入的表达式。 +"How Bohr brought the graininess into the atom, with electrons hopping between orbits in quantum jumps.",玻尔如何利用量子跃迁过程中电子在轨道之间来回跳跃,来揭示原子的多微粒结构; +"Euripides : Yeah, that's him. He won't take you across the river unless you can prove your identity.",对,就是他。如果你不能证明你的身份的话,他就不会把���送过河。 +"Already, there are signs that China is bumping up against the limits of its industrial revolution.",已经有很多迹象表明中国的快速发展已接近中国产业革命的极限。 +"At the end, the discussion is made to prove that prototypes of Terrace Land applying into city would be more valuable comparing with current green spaces in city of Saline area.",与普通盐碱地绿化体式格局相比,台地模式具备周全的生态系统办事功能,能够更为有效地解决都会人居环境问题。 +"I want to know whether it is possible to determine user's TimeZone, and local time using this API.",我想知道是否可以确定用户的时区,并使用这个API当地时间。 +"As can be seen from the amount of brickbats Singaporeans receive from ourselves on the newspapers, we do not exactly have a healthy self-image.",新加坡人通过报章对自己的批评,难道还不够多吗?我们并没有一个很健康的。 +Colonel Selves was going to Egypt to become Soliman- Pasha .,塞尔夫上校赴埃及去做沙里蒙总督。 +All money raised by the charitable auction will be donated to the China handicapped children's fund.,义拍所得款项将全部捐给中国残疾儿童基金会。 +"Rigid Polyether portfolio at market, Red Polaroid technology and the combination of General Services advantage.",在硬泡组合聚醚市场,红宝丽拥有技术和服务相结合的综合优势。 +"Added to the media attention, Chen says he faced death threats.",在媒体的关注之后,陈冠希表示他面临着死亡威胁。 +"Believe it or not, the advancement of technology is like that camel, 30)shoving human beings aside and leaving us less and less space to live.",不论你相信与否,科技的进步正像那头“骆驼”,把人类挤到一边,抢占了我们越来越多的生存空间。 +Spec:Fine texture with a long-lasting gloss.,说明:质感轻薄幼细,光泽闪亮持久。 +"All you have to do, is to give their escort, and encourage them to like it.",你要做的,就是给他们保驾护航,并且鼓励他们的努力就好了。 +"Rohinton Mistry, who emigrated from India to Canada in 1975, is also a finalist.","Rohinton Mistry,1975年从印度移民到加拿大,也进入决赛。" +He could not put weight on his left leg and was helped off the court by Ronny Turiaf and Kwame Brown.,他无法用左脚站立,图里亚夫和夸梅·布朗架着他回到场下。 +You can do this by creating or editing a property list file within the user's home directory.,实现的方法是在用户的主目录中创建或编辑一个属性列表文件。 +"Senior, the just outdoor side is those son of iron Jues, I felt strange in the beginning, I knew now BEThe subsequent phrases maybe helpful.",师兄,刚才屋外边那些铁橛子,我一开始就觉得怪,现在我知道是。 +"After a big stimulus, stamping out inflation is not easy, Professor Zhang said. “It may take a long time.”",北京大学教授张维迎说:“通货膨胀的根源在于金融危机后采取的经济刺激政策。” +"In this paper, the structural behavior and some key problems of ETFE cushions are analyzed.",论文首先回顾了膜结构的发展历史与应用情况,总结了ETFE膜材的特性及其重要应用工程。 +Our old house is to be rehabilitated soon.,我们的旧住宅不久将进行翻修。 +"By labeling these separatist freedom fighters as ""terrorists"" , Chinese govt can easily get support from rednecks and illiterates from other parts of the world .",这些独立主义自由战士被贴上“恐怖分子”的标签,中国政府能轻而易举地取得世界其他地方的乡下人和文盲们的支持。 +"Zwingli did not see the need for a ""sacramental union"" in the Lord's Supper because of his modified understanding of sacraments.",慈运理不认为在主的晚餐中的“圣礼联合”有什么必要,因为他对圣礼有不同的看法。 +"If the answer turns out to be yes, the question of whether 85512 b actually is home to life will depend on all sorts of factors.",如果这个结论被证明是正确的,那么“HD 85512 b”是否确实是生命家园这个问题的答案就会受到各方面因素的影响。 +"As cross-border trade grows and more and more people work abroad, such disputes are likely to become more frequent.",在双边贸易日益发展的今天,更多的人从事于跨国工作,上述这种税收争议也将更为频繁。 +Our houses!,我们的家! +"Mr. Ban said Wednesday key elements of the U. N. -sponsored talks are still undecided, including whether the Syrian opposition will attend and who would represent it.",潘基文星期三说,有关这次会议的一些关键问题尚未确定,包括叙利亚反对派是否与会以及反对派与会代表的人选。这次会议得到联合国的支持。 +"The Chinese University of Hong Kong held its 61st Congregation on 9 December, 2004.",香港中文大学于二零零四年十二月九日举行第六十一届大会。 +"First they sent inspectors to Sino Life Insurance Co, which has run down its capital in recent quarters.",监管部门最早派遣人员到富德生命人寿保险股份有限公司检查。这家公司在近几个季度已经削减了公司资本。 +"More generally speaking, we might say, they're subject to deterministic laws... that, as physical objects, it's true of them that they must do what the laws of physics and laws of nature require that they do.","我们甚至可以这样说,它们受制于决定性的法则,即,作为物理实体,它们必须按照,物理定律和自然法则的要求去做" +"According to the Argentine National Election Commission statistics, Argentina, there were 28.86 million registered voters.",据阿根廷国家选举委员会统计,阿根廷全国共有2886万登记选民。 +"It was a smaller gasp, like when Caroline does something badass that we know is going to happen but are psyched to watch anyway because it's awesome.",就像卡罗琳要做我们已经知道的坏事我们知道会发生什么,但无论如何我们还是会看,因为它真的很好看。 +"In today's image-driven culture, animation in our lives more and more popular, and gradually formed a special animation culture.",在影像文化为主导的今天,动画在我们的生活中愈来愈盛行,逐渐形成了特殊的动画文化。 +"Leftovers are a great way to avoid waste while saving time, money, and maybe calories.",食用剩余食物是一种不错的选择,这样既可以避免浪费同时也节约了时间、金钱甚至卡路里。 +The retail company can use the dimensional schema for database deployment and use the Cubing or Cognos model for business intelligence deployment.,零售企业可以使用多维模式来完成数据库部署,并使用 Cubing 或 Cognos 模型来完成业务智能部署。 +He pinned the map down to the table.,他把那张地图钉在桌子上。 +"Creation in on century 90's, specialized production each kind of plastic turnover box, plastic tray, plastic injection molding mold, as well as blow molding product.",创建于上世纪九十年代,专业生产各种塑料周转箱,塑料托盘,塑料注塑模具,以及吹塑产品。 +Geophysicist Emile Okal agreed that the the tsunami spawned by the Chile earthquake wasn't really all that small.,地球物理学家埃米尔.欧卡尔认为智利地震产生的海啸其实真的不算小。 +"By using the typical sample, the paper introduces the application and dissemination of reinforce earth technology in road and bridge construction, and illustrates its value.",结合典型事例,介绍了加筋土技术在道路和桥梁工程中的几应用,说明了加筋土技术具有推广应用的价值。 +Objective To explore an optional condition to induce mouse embryonic stem(ES)cells to differentiate into endothelial cells and to establish in vitro models of vasculogenesis and angiogenesis.,目的探讨体外定向诱导胚胎干细胞向内皮细胞分化的条件,模拟体内血管生成和血管新生过程,为研究新血管的形成提供一种新思路。 +"Reviews the related theories about anti-poverty and Rural development, finds out the related theoretical model and foundation and made it becomes the theoretical basis.",通过回顾反贫困和农村发展的相关理论,为本文的研究找到坚实的理论基础。 +"Jack: Mommy, I gotta go. I'm working the case.",妈咪,我要走了,我得办案呢。 +Objective: To introduce the hairy roots of Phellodendron chinense and determine the content of its active constituents.,前言: 目的: 诱导川黄柏毛状根的发生。 +"For each group, Schneier lists motivations, skills, resources, and types of attacks.",对于每一种人,Schneier均列出了其动机、技能、资源和攻击的类型。 +"For more than 35 years Nedap Agri enables meat- and milk producers to use their limited resources in an effective way by automating vital processes such as feeding, milking and oestrus detection.",在过去的35年中,Nedap农业部门通过将动物饲养中的饲喂、采奶和发情监测等环节自动化,使诸多肉类或奶类生产商有效地利用了手中有限的资源。 +"A small, single-storied house, especially in the country.",屋棚一种小的, 单层的房子,尤指乡村中。 +"Make schoolteaching , preparation and classroom note well.",每节课授课前会预先公布课堂讲稿。 +I can still hear the sound of the dominoes clicking on the marble slab my daddy had found for a tabletop.,我依然能听到多米诺在我爸爸建造的大理石板桌面上吸气的声音。 +"Till now, Dendrobium is reported to have 12 wild species in Sichuan, which grow as epiphytes on trees or on rocks and occur almost in all the places of Sichuan.",迄今为止,报道四川有野生石斛12种,附生在树上或岩石上,分布几乎遍及全川。 +"The BumpTop team also plans to release a Mac version in the future, but given the size of the team, the company is currently focusing on the Windows platform first.",BumpTop团队在未来也计划发行��个Mac版本,但是受团队的大小所限,公司当前先致力于Windows平台。 +"But the new species also has similar attributes to dinosaurs known as sauropods, or brontosaurs, that grew to massive sizes and went about on all fours with long necks and whip-like tails.",但新种恐龙也有类似蜥脚下目恐龙或雷龙的属性,这些恐龙长得很巨大,长颈,鞭尾,用四只脚到处爬行。 +"This morning, I took the very last marble out of the container.",今早﹐我从塑料罐�拿出了最后的那颗弹珠。 +"Looking around, I saw millions of footprints, large and small, deep and shallow, being the marks of existence, and the traces of life.",环视四周,一串串大大小小深深浅浅的脚印,这是存在的证明,生命的印迹。 +"The FBI inquiries are preliminary in nature and do not constitute a formal investigation, but the development puts more pressure on Rupert Murdoch's media empire.",美国联邦调查局的这些调查实际上只是初步调查,还没有构成正式调查的条件,但是这项发展已经给默多克的媒体王国带来更大压力。 +"Cankered ginger can produce the material with a kind of very strong noxiousness, can make liver cell denaturation is necrotic, cause cancer of cancer of the liver, esophagus to wait.",腐烂的生姜会产生一种毒性很强的物质,可使肝细胞变性坏死,诱发肝癌、食道癌等。 +"I just want to buy some weed, I don't want to kill anyone, and I don't want to take their heart!",我只不过是想买些大烟,我不想杀人,我不想挖心! +"A quickly assembled building plate material is composed of T-shaped and L-shaped supports, short T-shaped fixing piece for support, straight fastening piece and lining piece.",本发明是一种快装式板建材制造方法及其结构,至少包括T形支架与L形支架、短T形支架固定片、一字形连接片内衬片; +"JSF also uses ResourceBundle as a localization Pack, which is backed up by a set of properties files.",JSF 也使用 ResourceBundle 作为地方化的 Pack,它由一系列属性文件来支持。 +"The feeling is called 'repentance' when we feel sorry for our own conscience, and the ashamed feeling is called 'guilt' when we feel sorry for Buddha, Guru and Dharma friends.",面对佛菩萨、上师、道友,觉得我对不起你们,有这种无地自容的感觉叫“愧”。 +"Although it is only a page, only more than ten stations, but it opens the double wooden Sands site first!",虽然只是一个只有十余个页面的小站,但它却开启了 双木杉子网站的先河! +The result shows that these external environments have effect on chloride diffusion in concrete. The experimental result is analyzed with mechanism of freeze-thaw and theory of diffusion.,并试验结果表明,氯盐种类和冻融循环对混凝土中氯离子的迁移都有影响。 +"The generic name for polysaccharides is “glycan”homoglycansare composed of single monosaccharide; for example, the D-glucans, cellulose and starch, release only D-glucose by hydrolysis.",多聚糖的俗名是“聚糖”。 均聚糖由一种单糖构成。 +He has repeatedly vowed to end the war if he is elected president.,他再三誓言一旦当选总统就要结束这场战争。 +"And in John 12 we read that Andrew brought some foreigners, some seekers, to meet the Master.",在约翰福音第十二章,我们又看见安德烈带着一些陌生人和慕道友来见他的主人。 +"Compositions including different types of transfer factor, methods for making the compositions, and methods of treatment using the compositions.",包括不同类型转移因子的组合物,制备该组合物的方法,以及使用该组合物的治疗方法。 +"On August 28, 2011, Zhuxi elevator security forum was held in Zhuhai.",8月28日2011珠西电梯安全高峰论坛在珠海中信红树湾举行。 +The relations of thrust and specific impulse to inlet air flow and temperature are derived from theoretical analysis of solid fuel ramjet (SFRJ) performance.,在固体燃料冲压发动机性能分析基础上,推导了某发动机的推力和比冲与入口流量和温度之间的关系式。 +The paper adopts channel coding technology to solve anti-jamming problem of millimeter communication system.,文中采用信道编码方法解决毫米波通信中的抗干扰问题。 +This stage is also the process that the traditional Mongolian medical science absorbing Tibetan medical knowledge.,这个阶段也是蒙古传统医学吸收藏医知识的过程。 +"When the 'secret' of the Colonel's blend of herbs and spices was revealed, we had to test the recipe - and then see if it could be bettered ...",当上校的混合药草香料的“秘方”被揭开,我们测试这个配方然后看看能不能更好一些… +The programmer filled paper templates with the COBOL statements.,程序员用 COBOL 语句填充画纸模板。 +The structure contains special meanings. The paper delves into the meanings and usages of the structure one by one.,探讨了这���结构的特殊含义,分析了这一结构的用法。 +"After retirement pensions were Hunan and several schools (such as Hunan University of Science and Technology) to Guocheng Pizi officials, such as the corruption.",退休后的养老金被湖南的几所学校(如湖南科技大学)的官吏向国成痞子等贪污了。 +The CSTO is a genuine collective defence alliance whose members pledge to defend one another against external aggression.,CSTO是一个真正的集体防卫联盟,那些成员保证去保卫相互抵御外来侵略。 +"The album is filled with 'raw-country love songs, sly wordplay' and a 'seductive border-cafe feel', according to Rolling Stone.",《滚石》杂志表示,专辑里都是“纯正爱情民谣,巧妙的文字游戏”,给人以“在国界边的咖啡馆里喝咖啡的诱人感觉”。 +In this paper we have researched the ultrasonic peening equipment and a new ultrasonic peening prototype model was manufactured.,本文对超声冲击方法的实验装置进行了研究,研制成功了一台可以用于实际冲击处理的样机。 +Add heated humidification.,购买加热加湿。 +The broken pieces of limestone that earlier surveyors had mistaken for gravestones suddenly took on a different meaning.,之前被研究人员错认为是墓石的石灰碎石突然拥有了不同的意义。 +And the devotion of the grateful Elephant became known throughout the land.,于是,这只感恩戴德的大象的忠诚之举很快便家喻户晓,人人皆知了。参考资料。 +I wager that Approach 1 is faster than Approach 3 because the former approach simply accesses a handful of already-parsed XML data elements.,我打赌方法 1 比方法 3 更快,因为前者直接访问大量已经解析的 XML 数据。 +The spokesman said coalition forces encountered some resistance near the residence of rebel leader Colonel Mohamed Bacar in Barakani.,他说,联军在反政府武装领导人巴卡尔在巴拉卡尼的住所附近遇到一些抵抗。 +"According to the flow state in flume for spur and experimental data, the formulas for the mean velocity of main channel varying with distance downstream were derived with momentum principle.",本文根据丁坝作用后水槽中水流情况,采用动量方程结合试验资料,导出了丁坝下游主槽平均流速沿程变化的公式,以此为基础,提出了丁坝作用下河床冲刷段长度的计算公式。 +"He used to be posted at Dutch Embassy in China during the WWII, later Dutch Ambassador to Malaysia and then Ambassador to Japan.",生前为荷兰职业外交官,曾任荷驻中国使馆(在重庆)一秘、驻马来西亚、日本大使。 +"Finally, the thugs subdued him and took his wallet.",最后,恶棍收伏这位男人并拿走了他的钱包。 +The obligations of state compensation shall be performed by the organs under compensatory obligations stipulated by this Law.,国家赔偿由本法规定得赔偿义务机关实行赔偿义务。 +"In his speech, Liao always in the pipeline to Gansu Province with regard to the protection and fully affirmed the achievements.",廖永远在讲话中对甘肃省在管道保护工作方面所取得的成效给予充分肯定。 +Today on Language Snacks we take a look at the expression fire away . Let’s listen to the dialogue.,今天的语言小点心节目我们来学一下fire away 这个短语,一起来听下面的对话。 +"""We still think no Fed tightening for a good while,"" said Andrew Brenner, senior vice president at MF Global in New York.","""我们依然认为,联储在一段时期内不会收紧货币政策."" MF Global高级副总裁Andrew Brenner称." +"In a typical development process, a data domain expert would create the XML instances and their corresponding models and deliver them to a more UI-focused forms developer.",在典型的开发过程中,数据域专家将创建 XML 实例及其相应的模型,并将它们交付给更关注 UI 的表单开发人员。 +A robust image mosaicing method is put forward to construct panoramic image.,为了获取场景的宽视场表示,提出了一种鲁棒的图像镶嵌方法。 +"In daily life, people chooses to furniture colorific, often notice to build indoor harmonious emotional appeal only, and hang furniture colour and health of body and mind rarely the hook comes.",在日常生活中,人们对家具色彩的选择,往往只注重营造室内的和谐情调,而很少把家具色彩与身心健康挂起钩来。 +"Hidden away in a tiny village of the Italian Tyrol, Onkel Taa is a gourmet restaurant serving traditionalMitteleuropacuisine, but it is also the fantasy world of the owner-chef, Karl Platino.",叔餐厅隐藏在意大利蒂罗尔州一个小村庄里,为讲究吃喝的美食家供应传统的中欧菜肴,它也是主厨卡尔-布兰迪诺的理想世界。 +"Brutally, bloodily, blindly, the rulers of old China moved toward the abyss.",旧中国的这些盲目的、残暴的、嗜血成性的统治者终于坠入深渊。 +"On Monday, Dec. 8th, the live face-off among the Top 12 Finalists begins and for a week, through Saturday, Dec. 13th at 12:00pm, fans will vote online for their favorites.",星期一, 12月8日,面对生活小康的前12名决赛开始,为期一周,到周六, 12月13日12:00时,球迷们将投票网上为他们的最爱。 +A new control system for the piling type force standard machine is designed.,设计了一种新型叠加式力标准机的控制系统。 +Through an exhaustive study the writers consider that it is a kind of gravity sliding structure underlain the underwater collapse.,笔者通过详细研究,认为这些复杂褶皱是一种水底重力滑塌构造。 +"Be part of a team – Working with Crick, he had a partner to bounce ideas off and a pal to support him.",成为团队的一部分-我和克里克一起工作,那么他就有了一个相互交流的伙伴和支持他的朋友。 +"“We are encouraging Naypyidaw to take steps toward political reform, to bring more openness and transparency, ” she said.",她说:“我们鼓励缅甸政府采取以政治改革为目标的步骤,加大开放度和透明度。” +"And if it hasn’t, how can you honestly find a cure for the economic problems of the common people if you have no experience in what’s ailing them?",如果没有影响的话,你们便没有检验过普通百姓所受到的困扰,那你们又如何能够实事求是地找到办法,解决他们的经济问题? +We can produce about 600000 pieces of leather which are made of pigskins .,全部机械配套年生产能力为猪皮制革60万张左右。 +Objective To study the diagnostic value of using impulse oscillation (IOS) to measure the respiratory resistance in restrictive lung disease (RLD).,目的初步探讨脉冲震荡法在测定限制性肺病(RLD)患者呼吸阻抗中的诊断价值。 +"“For the first time, we have Michael and Lincoln at odds, and it very much is brother against brother,” Olmstead said.",他说:“我们第一次让迈克和林肯分道扬镳,这是千真万确的兄弟反目。 +Semi-conductive process of PTCR ceramics has been studied.,研究了PTCR陶瓷半导化过程。 +"The failure to eliminate the production of goods, in order to ensure OEMs, the quality of vehicle assembly plants.",消除生产中的不合格品,从而保证主机厂、整车厂的装配质量。 +I'm very like the white pigeon.,我非常喜欢这只白鸽。 +But the longer the shutdown the more likely lawmakers could face a political backlash from voters -- which means that they should feel pressure to quickly return to the table and reach a deal.,"但是,政府关闭时间越长,议员们越可能招来选民的反对,这意味着他们应会感受到压力而尽快回到谈判桌前达成协议." +Huludao uplifting provides clastic matter for its periphery area which mainly develops fan delta.,葫芦岛凸起为其周缘提供物源,发育扇三角洲沉积。 +"Smiling at this time, the TV series ""the ChengXiao poem emerged in my mind, she is a naive, forthright, never-say-die girl.""",这时,电视剧《微笑百事达》中的成晓诗浮现在我的脑海中,她是一个天真、直率,永不言败的少女。 +"Type safety is sadly missing from JDBC's approach to accessing SQL, by the way, because it is a call-level interface and is thus restricted to strings that can only be checked at runtime.",很不幸的是,JDBC 的访问 SQL 的方法丢失了类型安全,因为这是一个调用级别的接口,因此它限制只有在运行时才能检查字符串。 +"Unlike the Peepleses, Jeffrey and Patty Norwood did not seek a diverse neighborhood, but found themselves in one anyway.",和皮尔普斯一家不同,杰弗里和帕蒂·诺伍德并未刻意寻找一个多元的街区,却发现自己就住在这样一个街区。 +Does it apply to all data elements in its scope?,它适用于其作用域内的所有数据元素吗? +"The main reason is that shortage of lubricating oil in gearbox to cause high temperature in tooth, then the strength and hardness of the gear axle decreased to cause the tooth broke in gear axle.",因齿轮箱供油不足,造成齿轮轴在高温状态下其强度和硬度急剧下降,导致齿轮轴断齿而失效。 +"The thesis tries to study the theory of City Waterfront Creation from the aspects of ""General System Theory"" and ""the Relationship between the man and environment.",本论文尝试在“一般系统论”和“人与环境关系”的理论体系下,以成都府南河为主要研究对象,进行城市滨水空间创造的理论研讨。 +One might want to try out light work outs in the pool;,其中一个可能想要尝试轻奏的工作,在泳池; +ROME - The Italian Navy has launched a new land-based command facility that will be offered for use controlling European Union naval operations.,[防务新闻网站2010年5月25日报道]意大利海军已成立一个地面指挥中心,将为欧盟海军作战提供指挥控制。 +About ten members of the service team handed out service flyers to passing-by local residents despite cold wind and offered timely repair to those who reported water supply problems.,近10名便民服务队队员顶着寒风为过往用户散发服务宣传单,并及时对用户反映的用水难题上门检修。 +"SAS, the leading Scandinavian airline, took action when one of its Danish stewardesses won compensation for developing breast cancer after more than 20 years of long-haul flights.",北欧主要航空公司SAS在一名丹麦籍空姐因患乳癌而获补偿后,采取了行动。 这位空姐在远端航班服务了20多年。 +"You've deceived me, and you've carried off my daughters like captives in war.",你背着我偷走了,又把我的女儿们带了去,如同用刀剑掳去的一般。 +"The one-page English summary description is a very useful addition, especially in assisting comparatists with little or no command of Chinese to learn about China's impressive achievements.",文贝网中有一页的英 文介绍,可帮助认识一点中文或是不熟悉中文的比较文学学者,得知现在中国比较文学的成就。 +The third group of 200 fractured non-diabetic patients were randomly chosen.,第3组共200个非糖尿病的骨折病人随机选取; +"You know the real meaning of peace only if you have been through the war. "" - Kosovar""""",只有经历了战争, 你才能真正知道和平的意义。“ - 柯索瓦” +"Therefore, harmony is the core of community construction and development; harmonious community is theoretically and practically significant to the community construction and development.",因此,和谐是社区建设和发展的核心,和谐社区对社区建设和发展具有重要的理论和实践意义。 +"Anyhow , old friend, I owe it to you that I'm here.",不管怎么说,老朋友,我现在还能在这儿,全靠你。(提前) +"'If the current level of oil prices holds, the probability of the ruble strengthening in the coming weeks is much higher than of its weakening, ' he said.",他说,如果油价能保持在目前这个水平,未来几周卢布走强的可能性远远大于走弱的可能。 +"With the actual situation of landscape design institutes, the shortcomings of landscape design are criticized, and meanwhile the requirements for landscape architects are proposed.",结合设计院的实际情况对园林设计的不足之处进行了批判,同时提出了对风景园林设计师的要求。 +"What happened?"" she asked. ""You used to walk straight before we.",你怎么了?“她问,”我们结婚前你可是直着走路的。 +"Pleas, turn off your TV because we speat too much time on it.",关掉电视吧!因为它占掉我们太多时问了。 +The automatic reassembly of broken rigid-body is a novel and typical application in the field of image processing and pattern recognition.,破碎刚体自动拼接技术是图像处理和模式识别领域中一个较新但是有非常广泛应用背景的研究方向。 +"In addition, the portrait is painted with background foliage of myrtle and quince, symbols of love, fecundity and fidelity.",画中的背景图案为象征着爱情、生育力和忠诚的植物——香桃木和温柏树叶。 +You are also represented in this room.,在本次会议上你们也有代表。 +"This paper analyzes the reasons of lower social reading rate, and puts forward some measures that should be adopted by public library to promote the social reading.",分析了社会阅读率降低的原因,提出了公共图书馆推进社会阅读应采取的一些措施。 +Perhaps these were gifts for a royal wedding in the Persian Gulf—a bride's treasure of the sort rarely seen outside of China.,或许这是送给波斯湾一个皇族的婚礼的礼物——因为只有在中国才能看到这样的新娘嫁妆。 +"Looking at the first decade of the 21st century in words is a sober, even somber, event, said Paul JJ Payack, president of The Global Language Monitor.",全球语言监测机构的主席保罗•JJ•帕亚克说:“用词语来回顾21世纪的第一个十年,感觉很黯淡甚至有些阴郁。” +"Assuming Dikembe at $1.8 million, signing Carl Landry and waiving Bob Sura, the Rockets would be $2.8 over the luxury tax line.",假如穆托姆伯要花180万,再加上签卡尔-兰德里,放弃鲍勃-苏拉,总共要超出奢侈税280万。 +I had a couple in their 30′s who were in an arranged marriage.,我接待过一对30多岁的夫妻。 他们是包办婚姻。 +Euro zone services business expectations hit a two-year low -- down to 62.8 from 65.2 in May -- as firms worried about the global economic recovery and a tail-off in orders.,"5月欧元区服务企业预期指数自5月的65.2降至62.8,触及两年低点,因企业担忧全球经济复苏状况和订单减少." +"However, we see MTRC as a defensive play for its recurrent income from its railway operations and a stable yield of 2.8%.",但是我们认为公司铁路业务的经常性收入和2.8%的稳定股息率使其成为一支防御类股。 +"And they left these essays, offering lessons for the rest of us. I'm hoping you'll do that, too.",他们留下这些文字,给世上的你我上了一课。我衷心希望您也写下自己的一页。 +"I belong to future philosophy ……Finish under the earth, this chess, it is the samsara everywhere.",我有属于未来的哲学……地球这盘棋下不完,到处是轮回。 +"OBJECTIVE:To investigate the processing styles of optical information on phone mic code, graphic code and semantic code of Chinese characters between hearing disabled and normal people.",目的:探讨聋人与听力正常人对汉字的音码、形码、义码的视觉信息加工方式。 +"The polymer PTC can be used in a wide range, including electrical devices, telecom products, electric power devices and etc.",有机PTC的应用范围很广,可以用在各种电子产品、通讯产品、电源供应器等等。 +"Operator: Hello, this is the Zhuhai Emergency Center, may I help you?",调度员:你好,珠海市急救中心,请问需要帮助吗? +His speech is a head-on denunciation of the unpopular new policy.,他的发言是对不得人心的新政策的迎头痛斥。 +"The suspension system is the key component to improve the riding comfort and the handling safety, and reduce the components' fatigue damage.",悬架系统对于提高车辆平顺性和操纵稳定性,减少因振动引起的零部件损坏起着关键作用。 +"More than 40 percent of all peacekeepers come from Pakistan, Bangladesh, India, Nigeria and Nepal, while Japan and the United States are the largest financial contributors.",在维和部队当中,有40%以上的官兵来自巴基斯坦、孟加拉国、印度、尼日利亚和尼泊尔;而美国和日本是出资最多的两个国家。 +"The first is the build time, as discussed above.",一方面是构建时间,我们已经在前文中加以分析。 +The patient had a natal cleft and umbilical ulceration and a perianal abscess.,该患者患有臀沟和脐溃疡以及肛周脓肿。 +"DELHI computers we provide computer services to your brand, each of our technical staff as doctors, to keep care of your computer's safety and health.",德润电脑是我们提供给您的电脑服务品牌,我们每个技术人员就像医生一样,随时呵护您电脑的安全和健康。 +"Even now when PopCap be a giant in the industry, Vechey still refuses the idea of leaping from game development to game publishing.",即使是现在,宝开游戏公司已然成为业内巨头,维奇仍然拒绝了从游戏开发跳到游戏出版这样的跳跃性理念。 +Instead of beauty to direct its light to the heart hardens like the frozen world your absence has sent me to.,少了花儿的艳容,引导着阳光。心也就变得麻痹,就像你不在我身边这般寒冷。 +"While in Beijing, Rowswell became interested inChinese performing arts, particularly xiangsheng, a popular form ofcomic dialogue.",在北京学习期间,罗斯韦尔开始对中国的表演艺术,尤其是相声,产生了兴趣。 +"This article will try to give suggestion for expanding international business. At the same time, it is hoped to supply some idea for the other city commercial banks which face the same problem as HCB.",力图能够为哈尔滨市商业银行国际业务的发展提供建议,同时也希望此文能够对与哈尔滨市商业银行面临着类似问题的其他城市商业银行提供一些启示。 +And the year 2039 is the time for us to consider to whal extent this creation has transformed our moving styles.,而20年后的2039年对我们来说,正是思考这项创新在多大程度上改变了我们出行方式的时间。 +"SITR1 is a histone deacetylase, a protein that blocks transcription factors from regulating genes.",SITR1是一种组蛋白脱乙酰基酶,一种能够阻断来自调节基因的转录因子的蛋白质。 +"While some online students choose accelerated programs, others select online schools that let them do their work slowly, over a longer period of time.",有些在线学习的学生选择加速教学速度,而有一部分选择网校是因为想要自己能够用很长的一段时间来悠闲的完成学习任务。 +"Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease(COPD) is belong to lung distention in TCM, blood stasis is one of the vital pathology factors of lung distention.",慢性阻塞性肺疾病(COPD)属于中医“肺胀”范畴,瘀血是肺胀的重要病理因素之一。 +Wax additive is an important functional additive for waterborne wood coatings. The effect of different buds of wax additives on performance of wood coaling film was discussed in this paper.,蜡助剂是水性木器徐料中使用的一种功能性助剂,本文研究了不同种类的蜡助剂在水性木器涂料中的使用对漆膜性能的影响。 +"If used money Fu Tong, serve as inn of the website that platform pays on the net, net to all can become money to pay a tripartite collaboration business door only.",只要是使用了财付通作为网上支付平台的网站、网店均可以成为财付通第三方合作商户。 +The Chinese General visiting the US is just being diplomatic.,土鳖将军访美是外交性质的。 +"The factors affecting the magnetism of magnetic PP fiber were studied, including content of magnetic powder, sheath-core ratio, magnetic powder variety and after-drawing.",研究了磁性聚丙烯 ( PP)纤维中磁粉含量、纤维的皮芯比、添加的磁粉种类及纤维后拉伸等对纤维的磁性能的影响。 +"Because his focus is riskless U.S. government debt, Mr. Tedford's only concern is federal economic policy and the outlook for inflation.",由于泰得福德的投资重心是没有风险的美国国债,他唯一关注的问题就是联邦经济政策和通货膨胀前景。 +Okay the conclusion is that John won't be at the party and the premises are Student: if Jane is at the party John won't be.,"结论是约翰不会去聚会,前提是,学生:如果简去聚会,约翰就不去。" +In another experiment children were specifically told to stop and think - this didn't help the younger children.,在另一个实验中,特意让孩子们停下来想一想——但这对年龄小的孩子没什么帮助。 +UNAIDS estimates the number of AIDS case worldwide at 33 million; its previous estimate of 40 million was revised last year because of changes to how it counts cases.,欧盟调查估计,全世界艾滋病病例的数量达到了三千三百万例;这对于去年的统计数据四千万有所修正,这是由于计算方法的改变。 +"My Narcissus grew and grew but when it bloomed with pride, I was away.",我的水仙花长啊长,但当他自豪地开花的时候,我却离开了。 +"You used this to stunning effect, I think, in your 2005 album Heroes of the Earth.",我想这在你2005年的专辑《 盖世英雄》中产生了惊人的效果。 +French governments have been extremely wary of health scandals since HIV-tainted blood was given to hundreds of haemophiliacs in the mid-1980s.,在上世纪80年代中期发生了HIV感染的血液用于数百个血友病患者的事件后,法国政府对医疗丑闻极端地谨慎。 +There isn't enough space to describe every aspect and detail of such a stellar career for one of the five greatest players ever to pull on the red shirt.,我们已经很难有那么多空间来详细描述这位红魔职业生涯的每个细节,这位英格兰球星也是推动曼联历史进程的五大功勋人物之一 +A new style of brush seal with low leakage and high endurance was studied in this paper by the method of the aerodynamic computation.,通过空气动力学计算方法探索新型低泄漏高寿命三层片式刷式封严结构。 +The normal equation of linear regression is used to calculate the effects of high frequency components on the determination of secular trend of relative sea level(RSL).,由一元线性回归分析的正则方程计算表明,在验潮记录较短的客观条件下,验潮序列中的周期波动对确定海平面变化趋势的影响是显著的。 +"Various synthetic technologies for producing 3,4dimethylbenzaldehyde are reviewed . And its research progress of synthesis and resisting problems are pointed out.",对合成3,4-二甲基苯甲醛的各种方法进行了综述,并指出其研究进展和存在的问题。 +She was out of practice at singing.,她对唱歌荒疏了。 +The absence of distortion from Earth's atmosphere is one factor that makes it possible for Hubble to see details not possible from Earth-based telescopes.,没有失真从地球的大气层是一个因素,使得人们有可能为哈勃望远镜看到的细节不可能从地球上的望远镜。 +I'm right off the newspaper while eating.,吃饭时我不再喜欢看报纸了。 +You must have started to notice the emphasis on touch-typing and never having to move your hands off the main area.,你一定开始注意到了几个重点,也就是 不看键盘打字 与 不要将手移出主键盘的位置。 +"My preference for science became evident only in the last years of secondary school, where the basics of physics and chemistry were well taught.",只是在中学后几年,我对科学的偏爱才显现出来,当时学校的物理和化学基础教育非常好。 +"The scientists said the tomb could have held the body of either a member of the land-owning class or a low-ranking military officer, the report said.",科学家认为该墓穴应该属于一个地主阶层的人物或者是一个下级军官。 +"However, he can only be registered and thus become eligible to play as aprofessional player during one of the registration periods established by therelevant association16.",然而,他只能在相关协会设定的注册期进行注册,并获得以职业球员身份出赛的资格[4]。 +But even he might have been taken aback by the recipe concocted by Peter Ferlow.,但是就连他也可能会对彼得·费尔罗调制的配方大吃一惊。 +"In fact, the participants with higher scores on hostility showed an increase in these proteins while the non-hostile men showed no such increase.",事实上,敌意测试得分高��参与者表现出了C3蛋白质的升高,而没有敌意的参与者没有出现这种升高。 +He asked a price beyond what I can pay.,他所要的价,我付不起。 +The doctor shut off the petcock .,医生关掉小活栓。 +"Banks have been delighted to slap that recognizable gold-and-black FDIC guarantee on their branch doors ever since, as long as the little New Deal agency doesn't meddle too much in their business.",各银行乐得将联邦储蓄保险公司的担保置于脑后,只要这间小小的新政机构不要在商业上对他们干预太多。 +"It depends on what the United States decides to do,"" said Barratt.",这取决于美国的决定. +"In a manwich, before performing a traditional dance with locals – Panama, 2011",图为2011年在巴拿马与当地人一起跳传统舞前。 +"At these words Baba Mustapha rose up, to the great joy of the robber, and led him to the place where Morgiana had bound his eyes.",强盗非常高兴,巴巴木沙发说着话站起来,带他来到莫吉安娜蒙他眼睛的地方。 +BabyCenter's list of most-popular baby names of the decade and 2009!,婴儿中心资料显示十年前及2009年,那些最流行的婴儿的名字! +Multimedia-assisted and discourse-based teaching method in college English reading course;,大学英语阅读课教学中不可以忽视交际教学法。 +"Now, waste from these farms is often just pumped into nearby pits.",目前,这些来自农场的废水通常直接排入附近的池塘。 +"Article 3 Work-related injury insurance premiums shall be collected and paid in accordance with the "" Regulation of Jiangsu Province on the Collection and Payment of Social Insurance Premiums"".",第三条工伤保险费的征缴按照《 江苏省社会保险费征缴条例》的规定执行。 +"Smiles of happiness andrelief , as a US astronaut and a Russian cosmonaut return safely to earth from the International Space Station.",带着快乐释然的微笑,两名宇航员(一名来自美国,一名来自俄罗斯)从国际宇宙空间站安全返航。 +Urgent urgent lamp in what place?Height?Discretion can adjust.,急急急 灯装在什么位置?高矮怎么样?高低可以自己调节。 +"This system exerts great influence on the construction of China's informationalization and agricultural modernization, It is a strategic policy to solve the problems of three agricultures in China.",建立高效的农业信息化组织体系,对于我国农业信息化建设、农业现代化建设都具有重要意义,也是国家在解决“三农”问题的进程中具有战略意义的基础性工作。 +"The lion of this land, the creature at the top of the food chain, is a bacteria-eating nematode, a microscopic worm that can survive years of being freeze-dried.",这片土地的王者,位于食物链顶端的生物,是一种食菌线虫,这种微小的虫可以在冻干地区存活数年。 +This paper introduced the industrialness experiment of EBZ-160 intellectualized driving and anchor machine in Zhangcun Coal Mine 2304 face.,详细介绍了EBZ-160型智能化掘锚一体机在漳村矿2304工作面运巷进行工业性试验的情况。 +The next three months rushed by in a blur.,接下来的三个月一晃而过,发生的一些事我已记不清了。 +"Since volatile food prices do not necessarily harm poor consumers, it does not make sense to blame volatility for increased poverty or political unrest.",既然波动的食品价格并不一定会伤害贫困消费者的利益,那么将政治动乱和人民遭罪归咎于价格波动就纯粹是无稽之谈。 +Recommendations for the traffic police authorities allotted spit bag.,建议有关部门为交警配发吐痰纸袋。 +"An espresso, macchiato, or latte?",浓咖啡,玛奇朵,或拿铁? +"Joel the brother of Nathan, Mibhar the son of Haggeri",拿单的兄弟约珥,哈基利的儿子弥伯哈 +But now it seems that some men would appreciate the fact that hey they will go for a manicure or pedicure and feel good about themselves.,可是现在,一些男人很愿意去修指甲、做足部护理,这让他们自我感觉良好。 +"In 1935 Akhal-Teke and Iomud horses completed a ride from Ashgabad to Moscow, a distance of 4,300 km, in 84 days.",1935年阿克哈-特克和Iomud马完成了 , 乘坐从阿什哈巴德到莫斯科 ,4300公里 的距离在84天。 +"Then, middle of the afternoon I caught myself humming. You know the song.",下午的时候,我又发现自己在哼歌儿。 +Detailed analysis the reasons of condenser vacuum decline after a BFPT stopped. Find the main factors and proposed optimization scheme of BFPT exhaust drainage system.,对小机停运后凝汽器真空下降的原因进行了详细的排查分析,找出了主要因素,并提出了小机排汽疏水系统优化方案。 +Japan's fertility rate -- the average number of children a woman bears in her lifetime -- fell to an all-time low of 1.25 last year.,去年,日本的生育率(一个妇女一生中所生孩子的平均数量)下降至历史最低点,只有1.25。 +"Tomorrow is August 15, the inagawa-kai club fujisawa consulting Jiang Yunguo, wait until tomorrow after shooting, Kowloon chamber of commerce is that they turn yellowbird behind.",明天就是八月十五,稻川社的藤泽与姜云国商量着,等到明天九龙商会火拼之后,就该轮到他们黄雀在后。 。 +"Article 51 Where there are two or more guarantors, they shall undertake joint and several liability.",第五十一条保证人为二人以上的,保证人之间承担连带责任。 +The system can be made use of in the application of VPD for new product development in enterprises.,对VPD 在企业进行新产品开发的应用具有普遍的借鉴意义。 +First is self-loathing.,一种境况是讨厌自己。 +"When Mars enters Cancer on August 26, you will be ready to begin to bring things out in the open.",当火星8月26日进入巨蟹座时,你将准备好把事情公开出来。 +"Alarmed, Jehoshaphat resolved to inquire of the Lord , and he proclaimed a fast for all Judah.",约沙法便惧怕,定意寻求耶和华,在犹大全地宣告禁食。 +Fits under whole tent - inner and vestibules.,根据整个帐篷 - 适合内部和门廊。 +"Cheer proposal will be pleased, but things to you more than happy to have decent opposition.",多寿提议将事情奉告来喜,但多福为了体面竟对立。 +"""The current child labor law was drafted in the 1930's when many more children worked on family farms, but that era is long gone,"" Coursen-Neff said.","""当前的童工法起草于上世纪30年代。 那时候儿童在家庭农场工作极为普遍,但那个时代早已逝去,"" 稾绅内夫说。""" +Animation in OpenLaszlo is easy via the use of the animator and animatorGroup tags.,OpenLaszlo 中的动画很容易通过使用 animator 和 animatorGroup 标记来实现。 +"The latter could be challenging for such a casual site, there's a reason the other social networks are moving away from that model.",后者对于这样一个休闲性网站来说更有难度,其他网站不采用这种模式必然有其一定的道理。 +The rupture of EC layer was not found while the products preserved in different conditions.,在不同贮存条件下和基质熔化后均未发现衣膜破裂现象。 +"Samantha is now a ""quake orphan"" – sent with dog Sasha to live with her sister Bronwyn Clements, 29, in Auckland.",萨曼莎现在成了“地震孤儿”,和她的狗萨莎一起被送到她29岁的姐姐布朗温·克莱门茨在奥克兰的家里。 +Adherence be founded going ahead nature makes it have no way to break away from original sin but to be founded alone.,成立上的依附性又使它无法脱离原罪而单独成立。 +"At present, it is an efficient method to set up a simple model to study the complex process of GCE . In Chap.",目前,建立简单的模型来研究复杂的银河系及其它星系的化学演化过程是比较有效的方法之一。 +His partner Geim is the first person to ever win both a Nobel and an Ig Nobel — a parody award for amusing research.,他的搭档海姆是史上同时荣膺诺贝尔奖和搞笑诺贝尔奖(模仿诺贝尔奖而为搞笑性质的研究所设立)的第一人。 +The mysterious veil of the renovated Guangdong Olympic Sports Center was lifted before the media the other day.,近日,新整修后的奥体中心对媒体掀开了其神秘的面纱。 +We believe that collation and analysis of information by an independent national rapporteur on trafficking would be the best way forward.,我们相信一个独立的国家特派调查员来核对和分析人口贩卖的相关资料是最好的解决方法。 +Yes. Can you tell me the way to Sichuan University?,是的。请问你能告诉我去四川大学的路吗?。 +"On her daily 30-minute walk to the skating fountain, she passes streets where she once begged for spare change.",在他去往需要30分钟到达喷泉广场的路上,她通过了那一条她曾经乞讨零钱的街道。 +Behind the country's stunted businesses lie the habits and fears of a long line of family entrepreneurs who cling to control of their companies late into life.,在这个国家发育不良的企业背后,是长期以来家族企业家们形成的惶惶不可终日的习惯,他们担心控制不住自已的企业,往往到死也不肯放手。 +"Eyes downcast and lips pouted, she looked as if the next shot would have shown her crying.",她眼睛朝下看,嘴角下垂着,好像下一个张照片就是哭泣。 +"And new ""thin film"" solar cells, being promoted by Sharp and a host of start-ups, require little or no polysilicon and are thus not vulnerable to supply shortages.",由夏普公司和其它创造者联合开发的新型“薄膜”太阳能电池只要很少一点甚至不需要多晶硅,这就使得这些产品不会受多晶硅短缺的困扰。 +Flexible Rapiers of Both side.,挠性,双侧剑杆。 +"The Leibstandarte's other panzer battalion fielded 27 Panzer IV tanks, 41 Panthers and 8 anti-aircraft tanks.",“警卫旗队”师的其他装甲大队���27辆IV型坦克、41辆黑豹和8辆防空坦克。 +Carl and Philip looked up at the Fairy at last.,最后,卡罗和非力普抬起头来看着仙女。 +The food selective test of Suncus muriuns and the killing effect of bromadiolone on it were reported in this paper.,作者等在实验室和现场对臭鼩鼱的选食性及溴敌隆毒饵的灭效进行了观察。 +"In the late afternoon, staffers propose topics for the all-important lead editorial to editor-in-chief Hu Xijin, who makes all final decisions and has an instinct for the jugular.",近傍晚时,工作人员对所有重要议题向总编辑胡锡进讨论,他有着了解对手弱点直觉的能力,并可以负责作出最后决定。 +"To see him, we all focus on each delivery color, looked at him in awe until his thin figure in this small village along gradually.",再见到他时,我们都相互递着眼色,敬畏地望着他,直到他高瘦的身影在村道上渐渐小下去。 +"And if it's true, then the world spun faster with Haley in it.",如果这是真的,那么爱让海丽的世界转的太快了。 +"By the time practice finally ended and the Lakers trudged off the court Friday, they were fewer in number than when the session began, and those who remained were more than slightly fatigued.",本周五洛杉矶湖人终于结束训练,当球员们步履蹒跚地走出球场的时候,他们的人数也比刚开始训练的时候少了很多,并且那些剩下来的人也绝不仅只是显得有一点点疲惫。 +Traianos Dellas could be on the verge of the unthinkable by swapping Roma for city rivals Lazio.,德拉斯可能接近一个不可思议的从罗马到拉齐奥的转会。 +"Methods Less toxic solvents such as cyclohexane, n-hexane, petroleum ether and chloroform were compared with benzene and toluene.",方法用毒性较小的溶剂环己烷、正己烷、石油醚和三氯甲烷等取代苯或甲苯。 +"With his lover-boy image and some drop-dead sexy looks, Robert Pattinson has got some crazy female fans.",凭借着那可爱男孩的形象,及华丽丽的性感长相,罗伯特囊括了一批疯狂的女粉丝。 +"It took a few days, but the Libyans finally on Friday afternoon sent me a formal written notice that they were not going to be come to Englewood.",这花费了几天的时间,但是周五下午,利比亚最终给了我正式的书面通知,告诉我他们不再来恩格尔伍德。 +The all-bending moment equation for dual continuous beam is derived on this basis.,并在此基础上,导出计算曲轴的双连续梁全弯矩方程。 +Unable to set the net send notification status for this job. The job cannot be saved.,无法设置此作业的网络发送通知状态。该作业将无法保存。 +"Jiaozuo Yongle Oil Machinery Co. , ltd of Henan province is one main producer of set of oil equipments in our country, also one unit exempt from quality examination.",河南省焦作市永乐油脂机械有限公司,是我国粮油机械成套设备的重点生产厂家。 +"When Kaolin is quarried, it is washed down by stream.",高岭土采集后,利用溪水将其冲下。 +The size of both adult and larv aphids gradually increased with decreased temperature in general.,成蚜和幼蚜体型随温度降低明显增大。 +"It is a long and peaceful, that is one kind of vigorous.",那是一种详和安静,那是一种蓬勃生机。 +"Similar to your bedside alarm clock, your internal clock runs on a 24-hour cycle.",跟你的床头钟类似,你的内部时钟也是以24小时为周期的。 +He was also known for the cybernetic replacements he received following his encounter with the Hapan navy.,他同样因自己在遭遇哈潘海军后所用的机械植入物而出名。 +然而在现实生活中,能够做到像榜样一样好的可能性是很小的,几乎为零。,Yet the odds of actually making it in life as one of those is zero. +"But in contrast with the 2005 announcement, the People’s Bank did not include any immediate appreciation of the renminbi.",但与2005年的声明不同的是,中国人民银行的声明中并不包含人民币立即升值。 +"Promiseing to be a prolonged spectacle, it was launched with a parade of scores of prominent reformists in prison garb.",众多身着囚衣的改革派重要人物被推到大街上游行示众,这种壮观场面可能会长期存在。 +Aditya is in the merchant navy and has also co-produced a film with Rai in the lead.,阿迪蒂亚是在商船队,并且还共同制作了与清莱领先的电影。 +Methods: Psychological state and the distribution of diseases in clinic visitors were studied with CCMD 3 as diagnostic criteria of mental disorder and MMPI as a standard for psychological assessment.,方法:以中国精神障碍分类与诊断标准第三版(CCMD 3)为诊断依据,明尼苏达多相人格测定(MMPI)为测量工具,研究心理咨询病人心理状况及疾病分布。 +Lower dumbbells and then right leg so feet are together.,放低哑铃,放下右腿回到双脚并拢姿势。 +"Supervising, coordinating and implementing other work assigned by GM.",总经理交办的其它工作的督办、协调及落实。 +"He must have been bewitched by the spring, the night, the apple blossom !",他一定是受了春天、夜色和苹果花的迷惑! +"Sharp’s overall production capacity of solar cells will increase to 1, 230 megawatts by the end of 2011, from 870 megawatts currently, Onishi said.",Onishi说,截止到2011年底,夏普生产的全部太阳能电池从现在的870兆瓦将会上升到1230兆瓦。 +"Naturally, you see a connection between the lives of Johnson and Tupac Shakur, not to mention a not-so-funny link between the mainstream hyping of Elvis and Eminem as innovators of black music forms.",你自然会看到在约翰逊和图派克•沙克的生活之间有某种联系, 更不用说在黑人音乐形式的革新者埃尔维斯和阿姆的主流炒作之间有着并不难以解释的联系。 +"The problems existed in HVDC modeling of the AC/DC hybrid grid, including over-simplification and improper choice of the model are discussed.",讨论了目前研究交、直流混合电网时在直流建模方面存在的模型过度简化及模型选用不恰当问题; +UI is working to replace two pipelines leading from Lake Tansa to Mumbai. This is an important water source for this immense city.,Unity目前正在更换两条从Tansa湖到孟买的运水管道,这是孟买这座城市的重要水源。 +Meng Zhang they are clearly Chinese Army soliders. thanks for the support from India.,他们显然是中国军人。谢谢来自神油国的支持! +它教我们超越我们原以为只能够到达的地方。,It teaches us to push beyond where we thought we could go. +"Since 1994 China Basketball through consultations with the International Management Group, to organize a Home Away Competition System basketball league, the league was named CBA league.",自1994年中国篮协通过与国际篮球管理集团协商,组织一个主客场赛制的篮球联赛,该联赛被命名为CBA联赛。 +The assassin at the safe house asked for her whereabouts.,因为在鲍尔家宅的那个刺客询问过金姆的所在。 +"Since the construction of Cangzhou Port, serious sudden silt occurs in its open navigation channel under strong winds.",沧州港建成投产以来,其开敞式航道在大风作用下常常发生严重的骤淤现象。 +"Happy talking, and save you some money. Thanks.",乐意谈,并为您节省一些钱。 +"Its broad head and unfeathered legs, indicate the Bateleur 's close relationship to the snake eagles.",短尾雕宽阔的头部和没有羽毛覆盖的腿部说明它与蛇鹫之间有较近的亲缘关系。 +Sufficient tagged recaptures were made to obtain reliable estimates of average total length and standard deviation of total length for 1 and 2 year old released flounder.,有足够数量的被捉回的带标记的比目鱼使我们获得了对1岁和2岁被放逐的比目鱼的平均总寿命和标准总寿命误差的可靠估计。 +In that sense this is a return to the normal situation.,在这种情况下,这实际上是回归到了正常状态。 +Objective To evaluate the efficacy and adverse reaction of total glucosides of paeony (TGP) combined with sulfasalazine (SSZ) in the treatment of ankylosing spondylitis (AS).,结论白芍总甙联合柳氮黄吡啶治疗强直性脊柱炎有较好的临床效果,且不良反应少而轻。 +"Hello, I am calling about the one bedroom in Lincoln park, can I have a look at it?yes, tonight at six is fine, thanks.",你好,我打电话过来询问林肯公园的这间房。我可以去看看吗?是的。今晚六点可以,谢谢。 +"Tell the stevedores to cover the frames, ladders, bulkheads, stanchions and shaft tunnel with plastic paper properly.",告诉工人把船肋骨、梯子、舱壁、柱子、地轴弄用油纸封好。 +"For a long time, ""the Leftist"" mistakes which we have committed took their epistemological root in the three over-assessments.",长期以来我们所犯的“左”的错误,其认识论根源就在于“三个过高估计” ,即:第一,过高估计中国社会的发展阶段; +"The existence of aught, its behave a form, for example soul, must rely on carnal ability to exist.",任何事物的存在,都有其表现形式,譬如灵魂,就必须依托肉体才能存在。 +"Starman tells the story of a friendship between two cosmonauts, Vladimir Kamarov and Soviet hero Yuri Gagarin, the first human to reach outer space.",《星人》讲述的是两位宇航员之间友情的故事,故事的主角一个是苏联英雄,第一个进入太空的人,尤里 加加林;另外一个就是上文提到的科马罗夫。 +"IDK if I deal less dmg or what, I just wanna survive more than 20 sec while pvp.",我不介意能够少输出伤害,我只要能够活过20秒就够了。 +"When the fetus first receives the stimulation, it is startled.",当胎儿在第一次接受刺激时,他被震惊。 +"Want to find out how you can breathe new life to your old newspapers, and make them into puppets?",想不想知道怎么赋予你的旧报纸全新生命, 将它们制成戏偶? +Resiliency enhancements: Siebel/DB2 DBAs can use several enhancements immediately with DB2 9 that add resiliency. Some of these features include,弹性增强:Siebel/DB2 DBA 可以立即使用 DB2 9 中的一些增强来添加弹性。 +"Maxim Burgerhout's very first post to spacewalk-devel list, in April, was a patch (0).",Maxim Burgerhout向spacewalk-devel第一次提交补丁是在四月份(0)。 +You are consistently remembered on how you treat others. Are you kind or unkind? Do you have manners? Are you respectful? These are the questions we ask each other.,你对待他人的方式往往会被别人记在心里。你待人和善吗?你大方得体吗?你尊重别人吗?我们总会互相问这样的问题。 +"AMD Business Class technology delivers energy-efficient features designed to help reduce power consumption and extend battery life, and can help save you money.",AMD商用级技术提供能源,旨在帮助降低功耗,延长电池寿命高效率的特点。 +Donkey is thrilled when he's turned into a horse.,当唐基被变成一匹马时,它激动不已。 +"He had a throne brought for the king's mother, and she sat down at his right hand.",王起来迎接,向她下拜,就坐在位上,吩咐人为王母设一座位,她便坐在王的右边。 +"In these downsized times, most of the paid, permanent staff are fully occupied.",在当前企业瘦身的日子里,大多数有报酬的长期员工都忙得不可开交。 +"Thousands of passengers have been stranded at the Wanzhou railway station. After urgent repairs, two railways have resumed operation.",成千上万名旅客被困在万州火车站。紧急抢修后,两条铁路已重新恢复运行。 +To get students train in innovative consciousness and creativity through graduation design the primary task is to reform the teaching pattern for graduation design.,要想通过毕业设计环节培养学生的创新意识与创造能力,首要的问题是毕业设计教学模式必须创新。 +Use CRTL-S to save the data pool.,使用组合键 CRTL-S 保存数据池。 +Total Project Cost** US$159.00 million,项目总成本** 159.00( 百万 美元 ) +"I probably shouldn t have named this Crystal, as people wrongly associate it with Crystal Reports.",我也许不应该命名此水晶,因为人们错误地联想到水晶报表的。 +I felt it was my duty as an African writer to reflect on the work of Conrad.,我觉得作为一名非洲作家,我有责任对康拉德的作品进行反思。 +"Long run of 9-miles with 3-walk breaks, when you need them, of 2-minutes each",跑12分钟,休息2分钟,进行3组 +Both display conformable or disconformable contacts and belong to platform-type sediments.,两者为整合或假整合接触,均属地台型沉积。 +Even sophisticated people with professional jobs can have tempers or hit you or use foul language.,就像是那些有着专业工作的高级人员也会有脾气,也会打你,用很下流的语言骂你。 +to capture the rushes you need to make the film work.,来捕捉电影制作中需要的毛片。 +Lily: Do you play that game?,你有玩那个游戏吗? +"The Order of Rize too has had parallel problems to Earth, and is now in the process of reviewing our records much like we as the Great Central Sun have reviewed Earth's records.",Rize社团也拥有和地球平行的问题。 现在他正在回溯我们纪录的过程中,就像我们作为大中枢太阳已回溯了地球的纪录一样。 +The ability of different kinds of wood rotting fungi in increasing brightness and suppressing heat induced color reversion of CMP was studied.,用各种木材腐朽真菌及粗酶液处理化机浆,检测其对提高纸浆白度和抑制纸浆热返黄的作用。 +Hub-based integration (basic) - Lower SIMM level 3,基于 Hub 的集成(基本)- 较低的 SIMM 级别 3 +"Ink absorbing body, ink tank, ink-jet cartridge and ink-jet printing apparatus.",吸墨体,墨盒,喷墨卡盒和喷墨印刷设备。 +"He reigned from Sais, a city in the Western Delta.",建都在三角洲西部的萨伊斯城。 +"On the contrary, an ancient Chinese emperor levied taxes and corvee, dispensing with people's consent.",与此不同,中国古代帝王征收赋役无需征得民众的同意。 +"Once one's health problems are under control, it is possible to work with a therapist or doctor on a long-term eating disorder recovery plan.",一旦病情得到控制,尽可能和治疗师制定并执行长期有效的治疗计划。 +Pin connector structure prevents leakage of potting material from terminal area.,针连接器的封装结构,防止物料泄漏的终端区。 +The next step is to find a more appealing delivery system than shots; both a gel and a matchstick-sized implant have been discussed.,下一步是要找到比注射更好的药物释放系统;胶体与火柴棒大小的植入剂都已在讨论范围内。 +The fatigue lives of the stiffened panel of a wing and the landing gear of an aircraft under spectrum loadings also have been predicted.,计算了飞机机翼加劲板和飞机起落架旋转臂在复杂谱载荷作用下的疲劳裂纹扩展寿命。 +"Garment making, shoemaking , home textiles, embroidery, fabric toys, leather, label, luggage, etc.",服装行业、鞋业、家纺业、刺绣业、布制玩具业、皮革业、商标业、箱包业等。 +"Early morning light, happiness in your side, The sun is shining, smiling at noon on your heart, In the evening, with your joy sunset 365 days.",清晨曙光初现,幸福在你身边;中午艳阳高照,微笑在你心间;傍晚日落西山,欢乐随你365天。 +But Hobbes saw Aristotle quite differently.,但贺伯斯眼中的亚里士多德却很不同。 +The activity of trypsin and chymotrypsin in BIF depended on the kinds of cattle and feeds before slaughter.,牛小肠复合酶中胰蛋白酶和糜蛋白酶活性与牛的体况和屠宰前日粮类型有关。 +"During the celebration a fairy appeared and said that because they had been such a loving couple for all 40 years, she would give them one wish each.",在庆祝会上,一位仙女出现了,说他们俩40年来一直是对恩爱夫妻,所以现在她要满足他俩每人一个愿望。 +"The rose-bush keeps giving beautiful roses, while the snail keeps retiring into his slimy house – the world is nothing to him!",玫瑰花丛仍然坚持绽放美丽的玫瑰花,而蜗牛也始终进他粘乎乎的小窝里休息——这个世界和他没有关系! +"Is Shi Weilan Cao Zheng recognized the writing on prescription, into the stockade, but was caught by ya lo.",曹政认出药方上的字迹是史蔚兰的,进入寨子,却被雅洛抓住。 +"Other compounds, for example, pyrrole Schiff base, porphyrin photosensitizers and sodium copper chlorophyll in, are also pyrrole derivatives.",例如吡咯希夫碱、卟啉光敏剂、叶绿素铜钠盐等都是吡咯的衍生物。 +"Based on the characteristics of rolling missile with double-channel control, the autopilot loop is transferred from body coordinate system to quasi-body coordinate system after a rolling transfer.",根据双通道控制旋转导弹的特点,通过旋转变换,将弹体坐标系下的自动驾驶仪回路变换到准弹体坐标系下,并比较了与倾斜稳定导弹标准自动驾驶仪的区别。 +The 3180 offers a perfect combination of performance;,在3180提供了性能的完美结合; +"A general view at the monumental area on Bernauer Street for the Berlin Wall on August 13, 2007 in Berlin, Germany.",阿当日贝尔瑙尔街柏林墙的巨大地区的总体查看2007年8月13日在德国柏林。 +"Women would be segregated from men and would be under complete limitations - from schools, to swimming, to dances, forcing them to marry at a younger age, to putting them in polygamous relationships.",妇女将被和男子隔离开,并在很多领域完全被限制- 无论学校,游泳,舞蹈。 +"Mixins: allow to extract common groups of properties, name them and then include them in selectors.",混合类型:允许开发者抽象出性质的共同点,然后命名并且加入到选择器中。 +The discovery of the clouded leopard comes weeks after the W. W. F. reported that scientists had identified at least fifty-two new plant and animals species on Borneo.,世界自然基金会的一份报告说科学家已经在婆罗洲岛识别了至少五十二种新的动植物,在这个报告发表数周之后,云豹被发现了。 +The import taxpayers shall pay import duties before the customs clear the taxable articles for personal use.,纳税义务人应当在海关放行应税个人自用物品之前缴纳税款。 +Establishment of modern enterprise system and banking system is crucial for reform of ADBC.,加快现代企业制度建设和现代银行制度建设。 +"The newly shod bird, seen here, is one of 18 ""second chance"" little penguins now living at the International Antarctic Centre in Christchurch, New Zealand.",照片上,刚刚穿上新鞋的小企鹅“埃尔维斯”是现居住新西兰克赖斯特彻奇“国际南极中心”18只企鹅中的一只。 +The AX-Lightness Phoenix is one of the lighter saddles with a more defining quality then weight alone.,该斧,轻凤凰是一种较轻的鞍座更确定质量然后重的。 +"Of course, nature has a great power, it can make many amazing sceneries such as wonderful rainbow, beautiful flowers for us to see and other attractive views.",当然,自然的力量是无穷的,她能带给我们无数美丽的景观,如绚丽的彩虹、漂亮的花朵等等。 +What's initially on the edge soon comes to the core.,当初的边缘者很快就会成为核心人物。 +"The idea was to get people of various disciplines to listen to a paper written by one of their number, after which everyone would talk about it over lunch.",研讨会的想法是聚集多种学科中的人一起听由小组中一名成员写的文稿,在那之后大家会在午餐期间讨论和发表意见。 +"The methods of one localization and multiple puncture RFA combined with TAE and SPVE improved the curative effects in the treatment of large liver tumor greatly, and the complications are less.",结论采用TAE、SPVE及RFA一次定位多点穿刺法治疗无手术切除指征的中晚期(含大肝癌)的病人,疗效明显,总并发症发生率低。 +All the above physical parameters conform the approximate ellipse law.,各种物性参数均遵循近似椭圆规律变化。 +The author carefully parked his automobile in an available space along the avenue heading to the lecture hall.,efh 中国英语学习网 efh 中国英语学习网 作家小心翼翼地把汽车停在沿街可用的空位上, 这条大街一直通向会堂。 +"Keeping with his bizarre noble streak, he answered honestly, and then tore ass out of there like a flaming housecat.",坚持着他令人费解的高尚情操,他诚实的回答了,接着像屁股着了火的猫一样飞快地跑走了。 +"The trough can accelerate the peony grapes soldier synthesis is the fat enemy, through this way, cant store up plume Lin Jing by the fat form.",盆能加速芍萄褚合成为脂肪敌,通过这个途径,把翎蔺精的能t以脂肪的形式储存起来。 +Our company entrusts training navigation talents directionally.,公司定向委托培养航运精英。 +"Asked by the writer Alain Elkann in La Stampa whether the Lefebvrists were thinking of changing their minds on Vatican II reforms the bishop replied ""No, absolutely not.",作家Alain Elkann在新闻中问道,Lefebvrists是否在考虑改变他们对第二次梵蒂冈会议改革的看法,主教回答说: “不,绝对不会。 +"An server control panel like cpanel, but free for use and platform independent.",的一个服务器控制模版,但是免费的,且平台独立。 +"Stealing, gambling, drunken behavior, fighting.",偷窃、赌博、酗酒闹事、斗殴。 +Some resources mining cities have made important contributions to the economic development in the process of implementing the sustainable development strategy.,在实施可持续发展战略进程中,我国一些资源型矿业城市做出了重大贡献。 +The scientists have successfully restored vision in the light-sensing cells of the retina.,他们成功地恢复了视网膜感光细胞的视觉功能。 +"Any one or several works by Schubert, Mendelssohn, Chopin, Schumann, Liszt, Brahms, Franck, Faure, Debussy or Ravel.",舒伯特、门德尔松、肖邦、舒曼、李斯特、勃拉姆斯、弗兰克、弗雷、德彪西或者拉威尔的一首或者多首作品。 +"What’d you do, get a merit badge in Alternative Lifestyles, then quit the Girl Scouts?",可你做了什么呢? 得到了一个另类生活方式的勋章,然后放弃女童子军? +"Several potential Republican candidates have already visited early primary states that are crucial in the presidential nominating process including Iowa, New Hampshire, South Carolina and Nevada.",几位潜在的共和党总统候选人已经访问了对总统候选人提名过程至关重要的几个初选州,例如爱奥华、新罕布什尔、南卡罗来纳和内华达等。 +"I've never seen Girogio behave in such an awkward, sneaky manner.",我从未见过乔治的行为举止会如此粗劣、卑怯。 +One day fewer possibly meant a few men saved.,二月少了一天,也许还真少杀了几个无辜。 +DaiFeng brand has become the named brand in pipelayer industry in China through the steady quality and outstanding services. The variety and market share ranks the first in China.,吊管机以其稳定的质量和优质的服务成为中国吊管机行业的著名品牌,吊管机品种和市场占有率两项指标均居国内第一。 +The core of this thesis is to research management control modes of parent company and subsidiary company .,本文研究的核心是母子公司管理控制模式。 +"However, if you don't start doing something right now then you will never feel completely balanced.",你知道,如果你不开始做一些正确的事情,现在你就永远不会感到完全平衡。 +Embroided logo detail on left pocket.,左口袋上的绣花标志细节。 +"After should be this to take group photo to intention of mother and daughter, father and son two also took a piece of god-given group photo.",当为这对母女用心拍完合影后,父子俩也拍了一张难得的合影。 +"They live generally to seventy, or seventy-five years, very seldom to fourscore.",它们一般都活到七十或者七十五岁,很少有活到八十岁的。 +"Many crimes in Mexico City go unsolved, with corrupt police and justice officials often complicating investigations.",在墨西哥的很多犯罪没有解决,此外腐败的警察和司法官员常常把调查复杂化。 +"These spe cies represent 13 extant species vegetatively present in the community which and 17 species of earlier, seral species.",种子库中有现存植物种子13种,群落演替前期各阶段产生的种子17种。 +"Although outnumbered, the Spartans and Athenians were more tactical, heavily armed, and had higher morale.",虽然敌众我寡,但装备坚实的斯巴达人和雅典人士气高昂,神机妙算。 +About a dozen Chinese companies are competing here to sell oil field equipment.,大约十几家中国公司在这里竞售他们的石油开采设备。 +The results showed that the device could meet the requirement for studies on crystal growth of the above anaerobic proteins in space.,结果表明,利用上述简易厌氧装置有望达到以上2种厌氧蛋白空间晶体生长的要求。 +"Ottmar Hitzfeld handed his squad a day off on Thursday, a last chance for complete relaxation before the 2007-8 campaign begins in earnest.",希斯菲尔德在周四给他的队员们放了一天假,认真说,这是07/08赛季开始前最后一次完全放松的机会了。 +"GDF Suez's board is set to meet and discuss the potential deal within the next two days, the person added.",上述人士还说,GDF Suez董事会将在未来两天开会讨论这项潜在协议。 +A recursive algorithm with randomly varying truncation for adaptive Bram-Formers is proposed. Simple conditions are obtained to guarantee for this algorithm the global convergence almost everywhere.,本文对适应性波束形成器给出一种递推随机变界截尾算法,并在较简单的条件下,证明了算法几乎处处具有大范围收敛性。 +The deployment problem of multicenter air defence missile system can be solved by the same method. It provides a basic consideration for the deployment of air defence missile weapon.,对于多通道的导弹武器部署问题可用类似的方法处理,此方法为防空导弹部署优化提供了一个基本思路。 +WTO anti-dumping dispute solution mechanism include anti-dumping domestic dispute solution mechanism and anti-dumping international dispute solution mechanism.,WTO反倾销争端解决机制包括反倾销争端国内解决机制和反倾销争端国际解决机制。 +"I taught you what's called ""the right-hand corkscrew"" rule.","我教你们的是,“右手螺旋“规则。" +"Back at Control supervising the missions was V. C. R Cameron, played by Burgess Meredith.",早在监督任务控制录像机卡梅伦,由伯吉斯梅雷迪斯发挥。 +This is the second huge demonstration in Tirana in the space of two weeks.,这是两周以来地拉那发生的第二起大规模**活动。 +"I searched for the right place, but I couldn't find it.",我到处寻索,想找一个合适的住处,但却怎么也找不到。 +"You're just a few steps from becoming a rock star in the Gibson Interactive Studio where you can get virtual tutorials to sing, mix as well as rock out on guitar and drums and keep your recordings",在Gibson互动工作室中你离摇滚巨星梦就只剩几步之遥! 你可以得到一份虚拟的从唱歌、混音到录制的教程,然后制作出来并带走。 +Objective: To study the changes of microcirculation bed and glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor (GDNF) in model for trigeminal neuralgia SD rats.,目的:研究SD大鼠三叉神经痛模型三叉神经微循环和胶质细胞源性神经营养因子(GDNF)在神经节内的变化。 +"Also that stellar week, on May 27, Jupiter and Neptune will align in a magical conjunction for the first time since early 1997.",在5月27日,那个恒星周,木星和海王星再次形成一个神奇的角度,这是自从1997年来的第一次。 +Our purposive sample consisted of 54 new nurses in a Kaohsiung teaching hospital. Data from seven focus groups meetings were analyzed by content analysis.,研究对象为高市某教学医院54位新进护理人员,透过七次焦点团体活动进行资料收集,以内容分析法做资料分析。 +"In 1947, due to his poor health, he was forced to move permanently to Beverly Hills.",1947年,由于健康状况恶化,他被迫永久地住在贝弗莉山上。 +Luis Mur…I have read my history.,我已经读了我的历史书。 +"Harold Pinter is a contemporary British dramatist, poet and political campaigner and winner of the Nobel Prize for literature in 2005.",哈罗德·品特是当代英国剧作家、诗人、政治活动家,2005年诺贝尔文学奖获得者。 +"The teacher pretended that algebra was a perfectly natural affair, to be taken for granted, whereas I didn't even know what numbers were.",老师宣称代数是完善而天然的、我们应无前提地接受它,而我甚至不能理解什么是数。 +Sheldon Solow and Stefan Solow didn't return telephone calls seeking comment.,索罗和斯代芬没有回复要求置评的电话。 +"Suzanne Smith of STAR Analytical Services, the firm behind the research, says: ""Why haven't we been measuring coughs?",支持这项研究的星分析服务公司的苏珊娜·史密斯说:“我们为什么还不测量咳嗽? +Part II: Analysing the reasons for the development of the west in many ways from 1949 to 1978.,第二部分:从多方面对1949-1978年西部开发的原因进行分析。 +There was a slight decrease in total carbohydrate content in haemolymph and mid gut tissue in susceptible and resistant breeds.,在抗性和敏感品种中,血淋巴和中肠组织中的总碳水化合物的量略有下降。 +The study of the aircraft carrier battle group (CVBG ) communication countermeasure system is a very …,航母战斗群通信对抗系统的研究是一个十分重要的课题。 +The Hard Roads Toward Shu is a special variant of the two dominant aesthetic types in High Tang i. e. of the borderland poems and the landscape poems of Wang and Meng.,《蜀道难》是在以边塞诗和王、孟山水诗为代表的盛唐两种主导审美类型下产生的一个特殊变体。 +"ChengAnXian LongTai textile Co. , ltd. , integrity, strength and product quality gain recognition of the industry.",成安县龙泰纺织有限公司的诚信、实力和产品质量获得业界的认可。 +"Exotic animals such as reptiles have become increasingly popular pets in Japan over the last few years, largely because they are clean and quiet and usually reside in terrariums .",近几年,把从外国进口的爬行动物作为宠物在日本日益流行,这主要是因为此类动物干净而且安详,通常可被放置在小动物养育箱内。 +Most of those now seeking to blow people up - whether with tanks and missiles or rucksacks and passenger planes - do so in the name of God.,现在那些无论是想用坦克导弹还是用背包或客机把敌人炸个粉身碎骨的人大多都是以上帝的名义这样做的。 +"CF men, with unique personality, have clear understandings of themselves, and know how to keep cool temperament and strength by means of decent dress and excellent manners.",的男人,有独特的个性,能清醒的认识自己,懂得如何用得体的服装、良好的言谈举止,让自己始终保持清爽宜人的气质和向上的力量。 +"Not waves the hand, not turns head, when I sing this first song, is willing in the heart to keep the smiling face, accompanied you to cross each spring, summer, fall and winter.",莫挥手,莫回头,当我唱起这首歌,愿心中留着笑容,伴你渡过每个春夏秋冬。 +"DePinho's telomerase-less mice tended to be prematurely aged and infertile with small brains, damaged intestines and poor senses of smell.",德平霍实验中那些被去除端粒酶的老鼠大多早衰,不育,脑不足,肠受损,味觉差。 +"In order to modify time-frequency distinguish , the part scanning dominant frequency and wavelet time delay are adapt in this paper.",在本文中,为了改善时频分辨率,采用局部扫描主频和子波的时间延迟。 +"She and her team trolled scientific online bulletin boards, trying to talk fellow scientists and students into becoming quake catchers.",她和她的团队轮番在科学性的在线公告栏上发布信息,试图劝说同行的科学家与学生成为地震捕手。 +"Gen 41:18 when out of the river there came up seven cows, fat and sleek, and they grazed among the reeds.",创41:18 有七只母牛从河里上来,又肥壮又美好,在芦荻中吃草; +"Then Zephyr, the West wind, blew away the clouds so that Apollo, the sun god, could shine and made this flower bloom.",随后,西风之神吹散了云朵,大阳神阿波罗得以照耀它并使它开花。 +Southeast of the town were 200 mu of sandy wasteland which were unsuitable for growing crops.,城东南面有200亩不适合种庄稼的沙荒地。 +Ciro Ferrara will spark a reaction for the last two crucial games.,费拉拉会在最后两场重要的比赛做出一些反应。 +"From June 2002 to May 2003, 9 patients with severe xerophthalmia were treated by microvascular autologous submandibular gland transfer.",采用血管化自体下颌下腺移植治疗9例重症干眼症患者。 +"Conclusion Propofol could decrease blood pressure, which may be due to its effect on the ATP sensitive KATP channels which could inhibit plasma renin activity (PRA) and RAAS.",结论异丙酚降压作用与其作用于KATP通道、抑制肾素活性,进而抑制肾素血管紧张素醛固酮系统有关。 +"Thought up the next morning are difficult, but to do a bit-assisted therapy to alleviate a good sport, but to walk to the robot;",料到第二天早上起来都困难,但做了一下辅助理疗运动缓解好一些,但走路都向机器人; +"In this example, the user can specify whether to also copy the subdirectories.",在此示例中,用户可以指定是否同时复制子目录。 +We gave a rational explanation for this phenomenon by using quantum effect and surface effect of nanostructured materials.,我们用纳米材料的量子效应和表面效应对蓝移现象进行了解释。 +"With it, you can do much more for the benefit of people and your country, and it will to your own happiness.",有了它,你可以为人民谋福利,为你的国家做更多的事情,也会给你自己带来幸福。 +"Tired, my eyes dim, I climb the bed in its hard-bound, take a look at the window, very black days, yes, it is winter in 2007.",睡眼惺忪,双眼朦胧,我硬撑着爬起了床,看看窗外,天还很黑,不错,已经步入2007年冬。 +"The father and mother were thunderstruck , but before they could find words of thanks and ask the man his name, he had disappeared.",孩子的父母大吃一惊,还没来得及问他姓甚名谁,也没来得及感谢他,他已经不见了。 +"In this project, we have studied the adjoint method and have derived adjoint equations for the two-dimensional boundary element method, and designs of two-dimensional foils will be also carried out.",本计画探讨伴随方法理論并推导伴随方程式,并将其应用于二维边界元素法,进行二维翼型设计。 +"Bangladesh, Kenya eye climate-smart farming practices.",孟加拉国和肯尼亚发展气候友好型农业。 +"Or, drag the vertical red line in the preview window to mark the end of the row.",或者,拖动预览窗口中的垂直红线,以标记行尾。 +"Then next time players fling their tool forward in the order of the bricks they knocked down, ""King"" will be the first one to throw his tool, and the loser will be the last one.",第二次开始时就每个人站在各自曾击倒的砖前,由“王”开始扔出手中的石块或砖头,受罚者最后。 +Numerical and emulational results of sound absorption coefficient from some typical structures are presented.,给出了一些典型结构的吸声系数的仿真结果。 +We acquired personal computers or word processors and to print results of our labors the dot matrix the daisy wheel and later the laser printer.,人们开始拥有微机或文字处理器来列印劳动成果,从点阵印表机到菊轮式印表机,再到后来的雷射印表机。 +"Fourth, we should combine our efforts to reform enterprises with efforts to reorganize, upgrade and exercise more effective management of them.",第四,把改革同改组、改造、加强管理结合起来。 +"The usual means of computing free energy are thermodynamic perturbation, thermodynamic differentiation and etc.",常用的计算自由能的方法有热力学微扰法及热力学微积分法等。 +"Some of the men who had been to field-work on the far side of the Admiral Benbow remembered, besides, to have seen several strangers on the road, and taking them to be smugglers, to have bolted away;",在野外劳作、到过“本葆海军上将”旅店那一带的一些人想了起来,他们曾在路上见到了几个陌生人,还以为是走私客哩,因此大家四处逃散了。 +"Tubed RC columns used less steel and they are conveniently constructed in this structure, exhibiting well economical and compositive effect.",且钢管约束钢筋混凝土柱的用钢量低,施工方便,经济效益和综合效益显著。 +"Male perceives attractant sex pheromones through Haller's organ, and in the later stage of mating behavior, palpal receptor is the main receptor.",哈氏器是吸引性信息素的主要感觉器官,须肢感器是后期生殖行为中的主要感觉器官。 摘要。 +We need your generous donation to support our elderly services.,我们需要您的慷慨捐款,以支持本会的安老服务。 +Do the flowers never drop on the dust in soft death in your garden?,难道你园中的花朵,永不在绵软的死亡中堕地么? +"In this experiment, we use two gratings with the same frequency to generate Moire fringes and use them to measure the long focus length of lens.",本实验是利用两块空间频率相同的黑白光栅产生的莫尔条纹来测量长焦距透镜的焦距。 +"The packer is run on the casing and, when at the proper depth, it may be expanded against the wall of the borehole hydraulically or by fluid pressure from the well.",该封隔器用套管下入,当它处于合适的深度时用液压或井内流体压力使它膨胀并使它靠在井壁上。 +Study results showed it possible to analyze quantitatively pore variability in small scale and pore complexity in various soils under different treatments by using the method of digital image.,研究结果表明:利用土壤切片的数字图像,以孔隙周长和面积为基础数据,可以定量评价小尺度上的孔隙变异度,也可以对孔隙复杂度进行研究; +"A voice shouted, superfluously: ""Open the door!",一个声音大喊:“快开门!” +"The county power supply bureau is the foreland of the power market with nearly small quantity of electrical power, weak ability of profit and great pressure of management.",作为电力市场前沿的县级供电公司,普遍售电量不大,赢利能力不强,面临较大的经营压力。 +Kumarajiva has significant status in the history of the development of Buddhism in China.,鸠摩罗什在中国佛教史上占有重要的地位。 +"In its most recent second quarter, Avon, which makes 80 percent of its revenue outside of North America, reported its net income rose as revenue increased 8 percent to $2.68 billion.",今年第二季度,雅芳80%的收入来自于北美以外的地区。 据报道随着收入增长8%,达到26.8亿美元,净利润也���之出现增长。 +"The company of ""innovation, customer first"" business philosophy, from design to production excellence, quality service for the community, to serve the public.",公司本着“锐意创新、客户至上”的经营理念,从设计到制作精益求精,以优质的服务面向社会、服务大众。 +"When Su Lin, the San Diego-born daughter of Chinese parents Bai Yun and Gao Gao, had her first medical exam, eager viewers proclaimed that she was the cutest baby ever.",当一对中国夫妻白云和高高在圣地亚哥生下的孩子苏林第一次进行体检时,向观众展现了她有多么的聪明可爱。 +"Wine drinkers (the overwhelming majority of all French men, women &children) bent protectively over their glasses; Coca-Cola was on the march.",喝葡萄酒的人们(绝大多数的法国男人、妇女及儿童)执意要保护他们的酒杯;而可口可乐也在行动。 +More than 600 soldiers sent by the Lanzhou Military Area Command of the People's Liberation Army have arrived at the county.,六百多名兰州军区人民解放军士兵已经到达这里。 +Other things we desire and hold to be valuable for themselves alone.,其他我们渴望和认为有价值的东西就是它们本身。 +CNC(Computer Numerical Controller) taking the technique of PC just develops into the current of world and will be a leap having the most profound meaning to NC technique.,以PC技术为基础的CNC正在发展成为世界的潮流,是数控技术最有深远意义的一次飞跃。 +Saying that one of them is Napoleon and the other one isn't seems very hard to believe.,"说其中一个是拿破仑,另一个不是拿破仑,似乎都难以令人信服。" +"The sailor and the lad, creeping among the grass, arrived at the foot of a tree, whose lower branches were covered with little birds.",水手和少年从草丛里爬到一棵树底下,这棵树靠近地面的树枝上歇满了锦鸡。 +"I can not be your lover, said any words is chicanery .",我不能做你的情妇,说任何别的都是狡辩。 +Experiments showed that without interfacial prompting the mass transfer coefficient was reduced greatly in the process of HNO_3 strip-extraction by adding three kinds of surfactants.,实验表明,在不加界面激励时,表面活性剂的存在大大降低硝酸反萃的传质系数; +"Ltd company of importing Machineries & Equipments for Industry, also a successful business man of exporting of cocoa.",进口机械设备有限公司的设备,工业,也和一个成功的生意人的出口的可可味。 +"He has been our chief executive officer since 1998 and under his leadership, we further expanded applications software businesses into utilities software, internet security software and online games.",彼自一九九八年起出任本集团首席执行官,在其领导下本集团进一步将应用软件扩展至实用软件、互联网保安软件及网络游戏。 +Mainly studies a kind of special dominating parameter: the lower perfect neighbor-hood number G.,研究了图G的一类特殊控制数:下完美邻域数G。 +It was you who split open the sea by your power; you broke the heads of the monster in the waters.,你曾用能力将海分开,将水中大鱼的头打破。 +The excellent quality of the products always impresses our customers and some of them have even started their own Amway business.,安利优良的产品质素令朋友们留下深刻印象,有的甚至与我们共同发展安利。 +Ayala made 12 league appearances for Hull and scored one goal.,阿亚拉在租借期间代表赫尔城出场12次,攻入一球。 +It releases the pain of the past so you are free to live in the present.,原谅释放了你过去经受的痛苦,你从中解脱得以生活在当下。 +"Just gonna stand there and watch me burn, But that's alright because I like the way it hurts.",只是要站在那里看我烧,但那是好的因为我喜欢痛不欲生的样子。 +"Final payment after revisions and all necessary fixes to obtain the requested result, as indicated in the brief; details must be perfect.",余款后一切必要的修改和修正,以获得所需的结果,在简短的说明;细节必须完美。 +Gexianshan carbonate allochthon is rich in various karst features.,塘坝子葛仙山碳酸盐岩外来体中各种岩溶形态十分丰富。 +"As it turned out, the world didn't agree with the smart people, and a journalistic heyday passed. But Halberstam never stopped working.",时过境迁,世界并没有按照先知先觉者的预想发生变化,新闻事业的鼎盛时期如烟消云散,但大卫·哈伯斯塔姆并没有因此停止工作。 +Litigious right is a constitutional right of citizens.,诉权是公民的一项宪法性权利。 +The thesis has also given terse and clear explanation to both theoretical and practical value of his mathematicalization and re-creative principals.,关于他的数学化思想和再创造教学原则所具有的理论意义和实践价值,本文也予以清晰而简明的阐释。 +This means that it's behind a Network Address Translation (NAT) and therefore cannot receive inbound connections.,这意味着它无法通过网络地址转换(NAT),因此不能接收呼入服务。 +"In 1985 Bob Dole mocked him for wanting “a business deduction for hairspray”. Mr Kemp shot back: “In a recent fire, Bob Dole’s library burned down.",1985年,鲍伯.杜尔嘲讽他“想减少商业发胶”,康普先生回击:“在最近的一场火灾中,鲍伯.杜尔的图书馆毁了。 +"A downlink admission control(AC) algorithm is proposed in code division multiple access(CDMA)systems, that is based on multi-cell transmitted power raised estimation.",提出了一种在码分多址(CDMA)系统中,基于多小区功率增长估计的下行接纳控制(AC)算法。 +Shanghai BALLY & LUSSO Enterprise is a famous garment company of Shanghai.,上海蓓靓实业是上海知名服装企业。 +"The entire Pimsleur Approach is what language learning should be: quick, fun and easy.",完整的皮姆斯勒法就是学习语言应该采取的方法:快速,有趣和简单。 +The most obvious step we will see is the marketing of fuel-cell-powered vehicles.,我们很快将看到燃料电池汽车技术发生明显的进步。 +"We apologize for any inconvenience to our customers, '' Microsoft spokeswoman Catherine Brooker said in statement Saturday.",我们就该问题对我们顾客带来的不便表示道歉。 +"I watched him take a deep breath, too, and then he nuzzled her neck.",我看到他也深深地吸了口气,然后把鼻子埋在她的脖子上。 +"In 2003, the Hangzhou city government opened all scenic spots for free around the West Lake to welcome visitors from all over.",年起,杭州市政府开放了西湖沿线的全部景点,西湖景点从此以开放姿态迎接八方来客。 +We won nine games in a row at one point but were swept by the Chicago Bulls in the first round of the playoffs.,我们还一度取得了九连胜,不过,在季后赛第一轮就被芝加哥公牛横扫。 +"He had never seen a movie, never heard a radio, never ridden in a car.",他们没看过电影,没听过收音机,没乘过汽车。 +"McGrady, though he struggled with his elbow and his shot, had 15 points, 12 assists and seven rebounds.",麦迪尽管受困于肘伤而投篮不中,但依然交出了15分,12助攻,7篮板的成绩单。 +"Does that include some kind of ""Love, Amy Card""?",那有包括什么「爱咪之爱卡」之类的吗? +"Due to its popularity, the mobile-phone market should be a great one for global players like Motorola (MOT).",根据受欢迎的程度,移动电话市场应该是全球玩家像摩托罗拉这样的商家的大市场。 +"A perfumed nose of sweet plums, dark berries, cassis, dusty pepper and clove, surrounded by vanilla chocolate oak.",香味 溢满甜李、黑莓、黑醋栗、胡椒粉、丁香、香草、巧克力和橡木的芬芳气息。 +"The paper introduce the base properties of the silt, and disucss the processing of multi-hollow brick used the silt from Huanghe River.",本文介绍了黄河淤泥沙的基本特性,并在此基础上,比较详细地阐述了利用黄河泥沙生产烧结多孔砖的工艺过程。 +We have to belive our choices are just illusions and consiousness are just the side effect of completely predictable chemical reactions going on in our brains. Or something like that.,我们得相信我们所有的选择只是幻象,意识只是大脑中所发生的,完全可预知的化学反应的副产物,或者是类似的事情。 +"Probably the worse thing you can do is to marry somebody just like yourself, you’d probably drive each other crazy.",或许你能做的更糟糕的事情就是跟一个和自己一样的人结婚,你们或许会把彼此逼疯。 +"Because it erupts so often, the flanks of the volcano are often covered in ash, creating fertile soil that attracts farmers despite the obvious hazards .",因为它经常性的喷发,火山侧常被火山灰所覆盖,形成了肥沃的土壤将农夫们吸引了来,而不顾那显而易见的危险。 +"The dynamic waves of the balcony create a special visual experience, as prepared in thick wooden cladding.",包厢的厚木覆层的动感波浪造型打造出特别的视觉体验。 +The batch files and stored procedures need to be created specifically for each of the application for their respective code deployment.,为了各个应用程序的代码部署,需要专门为每个应用程序创建批文件和存储过程。 +And the finding is that people based on thin slices are quite good at detecting sexual orientation.,"结果发现,人们只需看一眼这个录像,就能很准确地判定你的性取向。" +Bill Clinton is the only candidate with a chance of doing that.,比尔.克林顿是唯一有机会做到这一点的候选人。 +Differe nt people hold different attitudes toward(failure).,对(失败)人们的态度各不不异。 +"As the sewer system collapses, people will dump sewage on the streets where rain will eventually Wash. it away.",由于下水道坍毁,人们将污水倒在街上,最后被雨水冲走。 +"For the Shantou traffic, in addition to complain, I am more of a lucky.",对于汕头的交通,除了抱怨,我更多的是庆幸了。 +"Southgate, the FA's head of elite development, and national development manager Nick Levett, have been touring England promoting the 'Your Kids your say' programme.",索斯盖特与国家球员发展管理人Nick Levett一直在英国国内四处宣传“你的孩子你做主”(Your Kids your say) 的活动。 +Projects are in constant evolution and not set in some permanent state: a necessity that Copper House 2 and House for the Poem of the Right Angle clearly exemplify.,他的项目出于一种连续进化的状态而非保持不变,最好的例子就是“铜房子2号”和“右角的诗住宅”。 +The area is very quiet and the Nai Harn town is small.,这地方很安静,奈汉镇很小。 +Squirrels and wild mice disputed for my store of nuts.,松鼠和野鼠在为我储藏的那些坚果争执不休。 +"We each have multiple selves, which emerge or don't depending on context.",我们每一个人都有多重自我,或浮现或是脱离所处环境。 +"In the TC, we are providing and getting practical feedback and facing real-world issues: how policy works in certain scenarios compared to what is specified now.",在技术委员会中,我们提供和得到实践反馈,同时面对现实世界的问题:与规范中指定的场景相比,策略如何工作在某个确定的场景中。 +Former Real Madrid attacker Hugo Sanchez has backed Jose Mourinho to end Barcelona's domination of Spanish and European football.,前皇马前锋乌戈。桑切斯认为若泽。穆里尼奥可以终结巴萨在西甲和欧州的统治。 +The US Library of Congress and several research level institutions have been engaged in the collaborative work of the EAD (Encoded Archival Description) initiative for several years.,美国国会图书馆和一些研究水平机构已主动开展了数年的EAD协作。 +"According to another recent study from the Conference Board, the top reasons for people to tweet are ""connect with friends (42%), update their status (29%) and look for news (26%).""",根据Conference Board最近的一项研究,人们上Twitter发推的最主要的原因是“与朋友保持联系(43%),更新自己的状况(29%)以及看新闻(29%)。” +And they take them back.,随即收回之前的话 +"By applying switch-signal theory, the theory of transmission current-switches based on spectral techniques is proposed.",本文应用开关信号理论,建立了基于谱技术的传输电流开关理论。 +ois I had closed the French bath houses.,ois一世已经关闭了法国的浴池。 +"They have never encouraged or supported them because they want to retain power and control in that very lop-sided, unhealthy relationship.",这些父母从不鼓励或者支持他们的孩子因为他们想要在一种非常不公平的,不健康的关系中维持他们的权力和控制力。 +"Other protesters outside the mosque on Friday and in recent weeks have displayed pictures of women they allege are Shehata, Constantine and others held captive by the church.",其他一部分星期五及近几个星期在清真寺外的抗议者展示了一些女性的照片,并声称她们就是被教堂俘虏的Shehata、Constantine们。 +Objective To improve the knowledge on diagnosis and treatment of nasal mycosis.,目的探讨鼻部真菌病的诊断和治疗问题。 +"Traditional factors include natural recourses, comparative labor cost, market capability and capital productivity.",传统的区位因素包括自然资源、劳动力成本、市场容量和资本产量。 +"Susan: Yes, he's an idiot. So, Carol, who's the host?",苏珊: 是的, 他是个白痴。那么, 卡罗, 谁是主播? +Jake: But the deadline for your marketing report is Friday. Management is having a big meeting to go over it.,杰克:但你上交行销报告的截止日期是星期五。管理部要开重要的会议审查这个报告。 +"So, if you want a bigger, better brain, then get to exercising!",所以,如果你想要一个更大、更好的大脑,那么就去运动吧! +"The next night, when she didn't smell any perfume, she yelled again by saying, ""She's not only bald, but she's too cheap to buy any perfume!""",第二天晚上,当她没有闻到任何香水味后,便又向丈夫吼道:“她不仅秃头,而且还非常穷,买不起任何香水。” +"On par with most other 3-D releases this summer, 3-D showings accounted for 45% of all ticket sales.",与大部分其他今夏上映的3D影片一样,这部影片的3D票房占总票房的45%。 +Conclusion: There are endothelial dysfunction in rats with CIH.,结论:CIH大鼠体内存在明显内皮细胞功能障碍。 +"Originally a guitarist in a grunge rock band, Azuma quit music to work on his emotive flower and plant-based art.",他原是个三流摇滚团体的吉他手,后来放弃对于音乐的追求,而将满���的热情放在了插花和盆景事业之中。 +"Both of them,as we saw in the face of fission, needs to accept a no branching rule.",这两种理论在裂变说法的面前,都需要接受无分支规则。 +"The Red Cross, in turn, has benefited from the public profile the One Foundation has.",红十字会,相反,它会受益于壹基金的公众形象。 +"Emergency drugs essential for the management of pediatric emergencies include oxygen, albuterol for inhalation, and epinephrine mixed in a 1:1000 dilution.",处理儿科急症的基本药品包括氧气、沙丁胺醇吸入剂、以及1:1000稀释好的肾上腺素。 +"In most elderly Chinese minds, diners who find money, dates or sugar wrapped in jiaozi are usually perceived to have a sweet new year in store.",在一些老年中国人眼里,如果能吃到包在饺子里的硬币、枣子和糖果预示着在新的一年里生活甜美。 +"The good news was informed that, Xiaolan thrilled that she specially tailored for the CDC on both sides of the banner.",获悉这个喜讯后,晓岚激动不已,她特意为疾控中心定制了两面锦旗。 +"The appearance of digital library provides wide space for libraries and scientific information workers, and seriously challenges the traditional modes of libraries and scientific information work.",数字图书馆的产生为图书馆和科技图书情报工作人员提供了广阔的发展空间,同时也对图书馆和科技图书情报工作的传统模式提出了严峻挑战。 +In this paper we discuss substitution sites in Tetra-and Penta-Nuclear clusters and capping of Triangular-or Square-Metal Faces.,就四核簇和五核簇的取代位置以及位于三角形或四方形金属面顶部的配合作用加以讨论。 +Babi had Laila lean across the seat and pointed to a series of ancient-looking walls of 11)sun-dried red in the distance.,爸爸让莱拉从座位上趴过来,指着远处几堵看上去年代久远且干裂的红砖墙。 +"When the deviation between the market price of stock index future and its theoretic price is beyond its transaction cost, there will exist risk-free arbitrage trading opportunities.",当股指期货价格与其理论价格的偏离超过交易成本时,便存在无风险套利机会。 +"""I have only played in Ligue 1 for two years and I believe I need to play one or two more seasons in France, "" Rami , who is of Moroccan roots, said when pressed on his future by France Football.",我已经在法甲踢了两年,我需要在法国再踢两年,”在摩洛哥发迹的拉米把自己未来押在法甲中。 +"The People's Bank of China (PBOC), China's central bank, put its online payment interbank clearing system, or "" super online banking system ,"" into service Monday.",中国人民银行(央行)本周一正式推出网上支付跨行清算系统,或称“超级网银”。 +"Fifty years, stem Planning Statistics for more than 20 years mixed today has become a waste, the world why such injustice, how such tricks?",今年五十岁,干计划统计二十多年混到今天竟成了一个废物,世道咋这样的不公,咋这样捉弄人呢? +"Take her on a romantic hayride, knock her out with chloroform, and sell her kidney for a new iPad.",或许带她去来一次浪漫的夜游,然后用氯仿弄晕她,拿她的肾买个新iPad。 +"This paper expounds the surveying principles of GPS (PPK), and probes into the application of GPS (PPK) surveying and positioning in the mine surveying.",简述了G PS( PPK)的测量原理,探讨了差分GPS(PPK)测量定位在矿山测量中的应用。 +Your ultimate goal is to create content that offers online surfers what they are looking for and incorporates keywords that surfers are using to search for information.,你的终极目标是要提供网上浏览者真正需要的内容,并将他们使用的关键词整合到你的网站内容中。 +"Faced to powerful competitor and dog-eat-dog environment, how to dominate in competition and obtain extended development is the focus for state-owned pharmaceutical enterprises.",面对群雄逐鹿的激烈竞争环境和实力强大的竞争对手,我国制药企业如何取得竞争优势,保持长期的可持续发展,成为医药业界关注的焦点。 +"Furthermore , out of the policy , it is popular that many schools charge by a disguised way , which is beyond the ability to afford .",还有,学校虽然实行一费制,但很多学校变相的收费已经超出困难家庭的承受能力。 +Any country with credibility and an actively traded currency can fund itself in its own currency.,任何一个有信誉并且拥有活跃交易货币的国家都可以用其自己的货币为自身提供资金。 +"In addition , auditory learners are inferior than the other two. (10) The senior middle school students' learning motivation for biology is not strong.",上海市高中生生物学学习动机不强,学习兴趣水平有待提高。 +This paper expounds evaluation method and course of uncertainty in DJ2- theodolite level standard deviation of one circle measurement.,阐述了DJ2经纬仪一测回水平标准偏差测量结果不确定度的评定方法和过程。 +"The paper builds mathematic model of tire sulfuration procession by analyzing production procession, realizes the sulfuration procession fault diagnosis with multi fault diagnosis filter method.",对上海载重轮胎厂实际硫化过程采集数据,并进行了计算,结果证明该方法十分有效。 +"They Say That Most Diseases Are Due to Faulty Diet and Can Be Treated with ""Nutritional"" Methods.",他们说大多数病是吃出来的,也可以通过吃来治愈。 +"Then press Enter, B, and the kernel will boot up to single-user mode. Once here you can run the passwd command, changing password for user root",然后按 Enter 和 B,内核会启动到单用户模式。 +"The people seems to like music very much in Canada, so every time we do love coming here.",加拿大的人民看来都非常喜欢音乐,所以我们每次都爱来这里。(最不喜欢听乌尔斯说话了,乌鲁乌鲁不知道在说什么。) +"I'm not sure if I'll be moving back as well, but I'd have to seriously consider it before I made my decision.",我不确定自己是否也会搬回去,但在作决定之前,我会认真地考虑清楚。 +Can I get to the airport by eleven?,十一点之前可以到达飞机场吗? +"Being a house inspector is a new and growing career choice in China, although it is common in other countries.",验房师在国外虽然已经相当普遍,但在中国还是个刚刚兴起的职业。 +"In 2006, China exported 385.4 million cellphones, or more than a third of total global consumption that year of nearly one billion.",2006年,中国共出口3.854亿部手机,占当年全球近10亿总销量的三分之一以上。 +"He supported the patriarch, he conciliated the Greeks .",他支持大教长,他绥抚希腊人。 +"The Miyun district received up to 208.2 millimeters of rainfall between 6 a. m. and 2 p. m. , prompting local authorities to issue a red alert for heavy rain and geological disasters.",从早上6点到下午2点,密云区降雨量达到了208.2毫米,使得当地政府发布暴雨和地质灾害红色预警。 +And this made the Marxist critique of it all the more pertinent.,而且这些使马克思主义者对其提出了更中肯的批评。 +"While the meeting his Cypriot counterpart Erato Kozakou Marcoullis, Yang said bilateral relations have been developing well and Cyprus is China's reliable friend and partner.",会见马尔古丽时,杨洁篪表示,两国关系发展良好,中塞是可信赖的朋友和伙伴。 +"KOC Group and a number of household electrical appliance enterprises in China have good relations of cooperation, such as Meiling, the new flight, the United States, and Gree, etc.",KOC集团和中国的许多家电企业都有良好的合作关系,如美菱、新飞、美的、格力等等。 +"This paper presents process of pretreatment such as degrease, surface adjustment , phosphating, and analyses the essentials of the working procedure.",简要介绍了汽车用铝板的涂装前处理工序,如脱脂、表面调整、化成(磷酸盐处理)等,并对其工序的处理要点作了分析。 +"1994 is Internet a year when enter masses comment topic. 1995, the article that involves Internet can see in every kinds of main publication almost.",年是Internet进入大众议论话题的一年。1995年,关Internet的文章几乎在每种主要的出版物里都能见到。 +"Sure, I think this is the most beautiful park in the world.",当然了,我觉得它是世界上最美的公园。 +She married a foreigner for mere lucre.,她仅仅为钱财而嫁给了一个外国人。 +"But outside the laboratory, he is like anybody else with his prejudices, with his ambitions, with his nationality, with his vanities, with his jealousies, and all the rest of it.",但走出实验室,他就像任何其他人一样拥有偏见、野心、民族主义、虚荣、嫉妒及诸如此类的东西。 +He raps his gavel as we.,他敲下了木槌。 +"But many similar marketing phrases like ""free range, "" ""sustainably harvested, "" or ""no drugs or growth hormones used"" are often defined less specifically.",但是诸如“散养”、“永续收获”、“未使用药物或者生长激素”等许多类似的营销术语的定义就显得笼统了。 +"It is composed of adaptive MTI (AMTI) with variable number of pulses, digital pulse compression (DPC), moving target detector (MTD), digital integration (DI) and constant false alarm rate (CFAR).",它包括点数可变的自适应动目标显示(AMTI),数字脉压(DPC),动目标检测器(MTD),数字积累(DI)和恒虚警率处理(CFAR)。 +"In case of necessity, tutors may arrange a temporary substitution with TutorEng.",必要时,可尽早联络本会安排暂代导师。 +positions itself as a royalty free vector resource. But there is a totally free section too with 209 vector packs and files free for personal and commercial use.,"中���一个“Royalty free""的免费矢量资源分类,也是一个完全免费的分类,其中有209个矢量包和文件,可免费用于个人或商务。" +What do you call a fish with no eye? Fsh.,你叫一个无眼的鱼作甚麽? +"An astronomer reckons UFOs have been visiting Nanjing every 5 to 10 years for the past 3 decades, the local media reported Friday.",据南京媒体报道,中科院紫金山天文台研究员王思潮称,不明飞行物在过去30年间每隔5到10年造访南京一次。 +"This period is known as the ""Maunder Minimum, "" and it is thought to be tied into a long-term cycle where the sun's magnetic activity shuts down.",这段时期被称作”蒙德极小期”(“Maunder Minimum”),这个时期的出现被认为与一个长期的太阳磁场活动完全停滞的太阳周期紧密相连。 +The knowledge of biosystematics provides a foundation for nature monitoring and conservation.,生物系统学的知识是自然监测和保护的基础。 +"So far, so good, but there's a major drawback: CDT as it currently stands cannot explain the existence of matter.",到目前为止,这个理论都很好,但是有一个最主要的缺点:目前的CDT并不能解释物质的存在。 +"Cancel magazine subscriptions, turn off commercials (or ditch the TV altogether), and install an ad blocker in your browser.",取消杂志订阅、停掉商业广告 (或者干脆丢掉电视)和安装广告屏蔽软件。 +"In the world's audience hall, the simple blade of grass sits on the same carpet with the sunbeam and the stars of midnight.",在世界的观众大厅里,一片单纯的草叶,与阳光、午夜的星辰一起,坐在同一条地毯上。 +"While the students love the games, they enjoy them.",当学生喜欢游戏时,他们就会乐在其中。 +Knights of Santiago Major Chapter House allows the recruitment of experienced Knights of Santiago.,圣地亚哥骑士分团能够招募资深圣地亚哥骑士。 +"From positivism, falsificationism, theory of paradigm to realism, it can be looked as a dialectical development in the philosophy of science.",从实证主义、证伪主义、范式理论到实在论,可以看作一种科学观的辩证发展过程。 +Lloyds will not participate in the APS but pay a compensation fee to the Treasury for the implicit protection received so far.,劳埃德集团将不会参加APS,但会为到目前为止接受的暗中保护向财政部支付一笔补偿费。 +"She just laughed, rubbed his head, and said, ""Joe just because something is ugly outside doesn't mean it's not beautiful inside.""",阿姨笑了,摸着他的头,说道:“乔,一个东西外表难看并不代表他内在就不美丽。 +"Then the author discusses the huge influences of US dollar depreciation, for example, the influence to America economy, other economy districts, even the PIMS.",包括美元贬值的原因及对美国自身,对其他经济体、对世界经济乃至对国际货币体系所产生的影响。 +Off the wall headphone designs were meant to give users a distinct means of expression.,打破传统的耳机设计就是要让用户表现出自己的特立独行。 +"A combined cycle natural gas power plant near Orem, Utah.",犹他州欧伦附近的联合循环天然气发电厂。 +Wolfeboro a quiet town of some6000people by lake winnipesaukee in new hampshire is said to be the country's oldest summer resort .,沃尔夫伯勒是美国新罕布什尔州温尼珀索基湖边一个安静的小镇,共有约6000个居民。据说,它是美国最古老的夏日度假胜地。 +"Brown needs to be open enough to learn too - that in politics sometimes it is better to pick fights and lose them, than not to fight at all.",布朗需敞开胸襟向对手学习——在政治上,有时候发起战斗而在战斗中失败,比做个好好先生要强。 +"As many of you know, last year, President Obama created a new leadership role in the White House –Intellectual Property Enforcement Coordinator –and appointed Victoria Espinel to fill this position.",你们很多人都知道,去年,奥巴马总统在白宫设立了一个新的领导角色,即知识产权执法事务协调员,并任命维多利亚·埃斯皮内尔担任这个职务。 +"After the landslide has gone by, in its tracks little dainty flowers are still standing. Blades of grass are unbent . How is this possible?",在山体滑坡之后,美丽的花朵依旧挺立在石块冲刷过的山坡上,小草也没有被低下头来,是什么让这些植物还能生存下来呢? +The Control Area is equipped with the most extensive traffic control and surveillance system yet introduced in Hong Kong.,管制区装设了全港最广泛的交通管制及监察系统。 +"After effective analysis of high pressure grouting impervious wall, the method is forthright and practical and reliable, and has definite experiences of other reservoir managements.",经对高喷防渗板墙的防渗加固效果分析,该方法简捷实用、可靠,对其它水库工程管理具有一定的借���作用。 +"The class names are of a dynamic nature (we use XDE scriptlets) and may depend on another template parameter, such as <%=businessSubComponent.getValue()",类名具有动态性(我们使用 XDE scriptlets),并且可能依赖于其它模板参数,例如 <%=businessSubComponent.getValue() %>。 +No matter how you decide to spend your holiday on the Madeira Islands Funchal will inevitably be a part of it.,无论您是如何决定花的马德拉群岛的丰沙尔您的假期将不可避免地成为它的一部分。 +This is one of my favourite curries that I cook every now and then.,这是我最喜欢的咖喱,我经常都做。 +"Owing to the change of dietary structure, they are too lower to constitute a threat to human health temporarily that the contents of PAHs entering duck's eggs and human bodies by food chain.",由于饮食结构的改变,通过食物链的富集进入禽蛋及人体的多环芳烃数量及含量是极少的,对人体健康暂不构成太大的威胁。 +While he loves his students,he is very strict with them。.,虽然他爱他的学生,可是他对他们很严格。 +The results indicate that fruit softening of peaches is related to the increase in water-soluble pectin and polygalacturonase activity.,从而表明,桃果实的软化与水溶性果胶含量的增加以及聚半乳糖醛酸酶有密切关系。 +"Here in Taksim Square, there has been one of the largest demonstrations since these unrests began over a week ago.",塔克西姆广场上的这次游行,是自一周前动乱开始以来最大规模的一次。 +"On Saturday, Ann came home from school a little earlier.",星期六, 安比平常早一些从学校里回来了。 +It will help to evaluate the prognosis of HIE and guide the clinical therapy of HIE using color Doppler ultrasound to monitor the haemodynamics .,结论HIE新生儿脑血流动力学出现明显紊乱,应用无损伤性彩色超声诊断仪监测脑血流动力学变化有助于早期评估其预后,并指导临床治疗; +The result of reconstructing a HR image is studied when the quantity of LR images is more than or equal 4 by using the spectral de-aliasing algorithm and the spatial iterative algorithm separately.,利用频谱解混叠方法和空间域迭代重建方法对低分辨率图像帧数大于等于4帧时的重建效果进行了研究。 +"Conclusions: It's significant decrease in shunt infection when using antibiotic-impregnated shunt catheters in cerebrospinal fluid shunt procedures, comparing with non-antibiotic shunt catheters.",结论:与普通分流管比较,在脑脊液分流术中使用抗菌性分流管能降低术后感染发生率。 +"On January 22, the Russian Sergey Kuzmenko Irina Kaunov and his bride held a winter swimming wedding at a low temperature of –30 C in the Yenisei River in the Siberian city of Krasnoyarsk, Russia.",1月22日,在俄罗斯西伯利亚城市克拉斯诺亚尔斯克,谢尔盖 库兹曼库 伊瑞那 卡乌诺夫和她的未婚妻在叶尼塞河冒着零下30的低温举行了一场冬泳婚礼。 +For each postal route the output should consist of the cost of the minimal tour that visits all streets at least once.,对应输入的每条邮递路线,应输出访问其所有街道至少一次的最短路径的开销。 +I am a man from the countryside and all my ancestors live in a poor life at the mountain area.,我是一个土生土长的农民,我家祖祖辈辈住在大山里过着清苦的生活。 +Matching goals between the three parties can help to prevent suspicions that one parent's unstated goals are in conflict with another's.,三访柬的目标匹配可以帮助预防这一点,因为一方未声明的目标可能会与另一方冲突。 +I will pass briefly over the events of last year.,我要简略回顾一下去年发生的大事。 +"The outstanding Philip memory of that first year, though - certainly the devotional act that convinced me my mother was on to a good thing - was at my seventh birthday party.",回想起那头一年,菲利普真的很棒。 无疑,那种专一的奉献令我深信:我母亲会过得很舒适,尽管是在我的第七个生日宴会上。 +"Somalia, wracked by years of internal violence and insecurity, is the worst affected.",而被国内暴力与不安连年破坏的索马里是受饥荒影响最严重的地区。 +"Sponor of 《katongwang》is the cartoon movie factory of shanghai. Long ago, 《katongwang》named 《sunwukong》. Before 1993, this is an easy magazine of consulting for children.",《卡通王》其前身叫《孙悟空》,在1993年以前其实还是一本以介绍上海美术动画片为主的少儿杂志,相当于一本简单的咨询类杂志。 +Liang Simin and Yu Liangde are not the real names of the interviewees.,本文中梁思敏和余良德并非被采访者真实姓名。 +Season's etings from Xiao Li and Ming Ming.,献上小丽和明明的问候。 +"Visitors are always amazed, the site manager says, to discover how much more there is to landfilling than tipping waste in a hole.",填���场管理者说,参观者总是惊讶不已,因为这里从事的填埋工作远比他们想象的——向一个洞里倾倒垃圾——要复杂得多。 +"My fingernails, too, are all pointed and red.",我的手指甲也是尖的,红色的。 +"Cryptanalysis of Proxy Multi-signature, Multi-proxy Signature and Multi-proxy Multi-signature Schemes from Bilinear Pairings;",结合多代理签名和盲签名,基于双线性配对首先设计了一个安全有效的多代理盲签名方案。 +We've all seen them: perfectly toned celebrities on late-night television telling us that we too can develop rock-hard abdominal muscles.,大家都看到过体格十分健壮的明星们在深夜电视节目中告诉我们,大家都可以逐步形成坚如岩石的腹部肌肉。 +"His questions below are also significant to practice, so I share this email with all on my list.",他以下的问题亦与修法有关,所以我和我名单中所有的人分享此电邮。 +"In the South, Memorial Day was a means of confronting the Confederacy's defeat but without repudiating its cause.",在南方,尽管人们并不知阵亡纪念日的意义,但仍将它视作对抗南方联邦军队失败的工具。 +"Chubby people get 5 minutes for lunch, because that's all the time needed to drink a Slim-Fast.",丰满的人花5分钟吃午餐,因为随时都要喝快速瘦身饮料。 +Methods:Symptomatology characteristics of AIDS and current research situation were analyzed through the Man-machine combination model.,方法:采用人机结合的模式,分析艾滋病证候特点及研究现状。 +The stimulating effect of recombinant-erythropoietin (EPO-A) on erythropoiesis has raised interest in its administration as an alternative.,因而重组促红细胞生成素对红细胞生成的刺激作用作为一种替代方法引起了人们的关注。 +"In a bull market and particularly in booms, the public at first makes money, which it later looses simply by overstaying the bull market.",在牛市�,特别是在高峰的时候,公众最初赢钱,然后就因为在牛市�停留太长,而全输了回去。 +"'It's definitely a start-and-stop flavor for the markets, ' says Mr. Wilson.",威尔逊说,这种情况肯定会让市场时好时坏。 +If I and only one other partner adopt the world’s most dynamically reconfigurable middleware architecture then he and I are tightly bound to one another.,如果我和唯一的另一合作伙伴采用了世界上最动态的可重新配置的中间件架构,那么他和我就紧密的彼此联系到一起了。 +This paper discussed the effects which would affect the quality of caned apple A. new technology of peeling and vacuumizing dipping was put foward.,本文对影响苹果罐头质量的因素进行了研究,对传统工艺中的去皮、抽空等步骤提出了改进意见。 +"But if we go into the quarter-finals, we’ll play every three days until the end of the season.",但是如果我们进了四分之一决赛,那我们这赛季剩下的日子就得每隔三天踢一次比赛。 +"On the one hand, more than three quarters of the population are Chinese, so you can simply speak Putonghua a lot of time.",一方面,那里的居民超过四分之三都是中国人,所以你大多数时候可以只说普通话。 +The EFPs in Iraq are an advanced version of the shaped-charge technology used against tanks since the second world war.,自二战后,EFPs 在伊拉克是对付坦克一种成熟先进的聚能锥空装药技术。 +"Qionglu night move Yinshan prisoner, Yu A stuffed purple towards Tuen soldiers.",穹庐夜动阴山虏,玉甲朝屯紫塞兵。 +"In subsequent sections, we discuss how these commands are used for ILM.",在以下章节中,我们将讨论如何对 ILM 使用这些命令。 +"In addition to quieting the physical body in Savasana, it's also necessary to pacify the sense organs.",挺尸式休息术里除了要使肢体安静下来,平静感官也是必要的。 +"June 25,2010: HK's 60-member Legislative Council (LegCo) voted for the amendment to the method for forming the LegCo in 2012 by a two-thirds majority.",2010年6月25日: 香港60人立法委三分之二多数的赞成票通过2012年立法会产生办法修改议案。 +It is suggested that 0.05 or 0.1% colchicine solution is suitable for chromosome doubling in haploid rice plants by leaf-sheath injection method.,由试验结果建议0.05和0.1%的秋水仙精浓度可为叶鞘注射法处理单倍体水稻的染色体倍加之适宜浓度。 +Experiment 2 tried to clarify whether the temporary mood variable or the long-term stable trait self-esteem has main effect on mnemonic selectivity.,实验2试图区分是短暂的心境变量还是长期稳定的特质自尊对记忆的偏向性产生了影响。 +"This presentation explores the reframing of ""empathy"" based on an individualistic perspective into ""inclusive cultural empathy"" based on a more relationship-centered perspective in counseling.",本文讨论的是对于“共情”的重构,即在咨询中将基于个人主义视角的“共情”重构为基于以关系为中心的视角的“兼容并包性式的文化共情”。 +Residents were asked to look for signs that dikes may be taking on water and call authorities if they see a problem.,政府要求市民们密切留意堤坝承受洪水的情况,一发现问题立刻通知当局。 +David has a quibble with my idea of buying new computers for the office.,对我提出为办公室购买新电脑一事,戴维避而不答。 +Source:UN National Common Database; Organization for Economic and Cooperation Development OLIS Database.,资料来源:联合国通用数据库:经济合作与发展组织OLIS数据库。 +Many people are frightened when they see a rattler and call for help right away.,许多人看到响尾蛇时都十分害怕,马上就打电话求助。 +And because monk seals are one of the very few top predators in the Mediterranean Sea…,因为僧海豹是地中海中非常小的顶级捕食者物种… +The average comprehensive performance scores of ST stock and Non-ST stock showed a significant deviation from each other;,ST类公司与非ST类公司相比综合绩效平均得分有明显的背离趋势,呈现“倒勾型”; +"Objective:Resolve the packing amount divergent problem that Amoxicillin capsule branch packed in the process, and improve amoxicillin capsule quality.",前言: 目的:解决阿莫西林胶囊分装过程中的装量差异问题,提高阿莫西林胶囊的质量。 +"For example, non-inertial currents reach the maxima about 1 day after the large wind passage, and the inertial current reaches the maximum about 4 days after the large wind passage.",例如在大风突然结束之后,混合层内非惯性频率的运动经过1天左右达到最大,而惯性频率经过4天左右达到最大。 +"Listen to the voice of the rain on the window frames, all the dreams will be floated to.",听着雨打窗棂的声音,所有的好梦便会飘然而至。 +"NEW YORK (Reuters) - Private equity fund manager Michael Psaros says he is getting lots of calls about investment opportunities in Europe, despite his location across the Atlantic Ocean in New York.","路透纽约3月1日电---私募基金经理人Michael Psaros表示,他接获许多有关欧洲投资机会的电话,尽管他的派驻地点是在横跨大西洋的纽约." +"The wave is even engulfing otherwisestaunch conservative figures, such as Bob Bennett, the three-term senator fromUtah, who was ejected in a primary last weekend.",这股浪潮甚至吞噬了在其他方面亦坚定的保守主义者,比如鲍勃·本内特,三任犹他州参议员,他在上周的共和党预选中被赶下了台。 +"If China's property market is a bubble, it may end with a squeal as well as a pop.",如果中国的房地产市场存在泡沫,那么这个泡沫在破裂之前可能要带出一串又长又刺耳的响儿。 +"The Agnelli family has one leader, a capo di famiglia.",阿涅利家族有一位领袖式的家长。 +I agree CotaiJet must be of very good service quality.,我认同金光飞航一定有好质素的服务。 +Objective:To evaluate the advantage of endoscopic thyroidectomy .,目的:评价腔镜甲状腺切除术的优越性。 +Begin the season by buying a gift for a needy person whose name was plucked from The Salvation Army Christmas tree at a local mall.,在当地商场的救世军圣诞树上取下一个穷人的名字,买点礼物送给他作为假期的开始。 +"In nineteen twenty-six, a child named Johnny Sylvester lay in a hospital bed.",在一九二六年,名为约翰尼西尔维斯特一个孩子躺在病床上。 +The toilet of the internet will be flushed that day.,到了那一天,互联网茅厕中水箱的草绳将被拉下。 +Black nuns.,黑暗修女。 +There is a tendency for us to hide and become reclusive when we’re feeling a little low.,稍微有点情绪低落时,我们都倾向于把自己藏起来,做个隐士。 +Speed isn't always an advantage. The snails were on board with the cheetahs.,第八,速度并不能总是占优势。蜗牛也会和猎豹搭船同行。 +"Efficacy: Provide nutrition to the skin, And decrease skin spot, Improve dark, Make the skin whiter and light .",功效:提供肌肤所需的营养、并淡化皮肤色斑、改善暗哑、黄黑及色素沉淀,使肌肤更加柔白滋润、光洁亮丽。 +"For needs of rehabilitation education, teaching by medical staff(86%), booklet(81%), video tape(70%) and recording(52%) had been selected.",康复教育的需求方式大部分患者选择医护人员演示( 86% )、阅读手册示意图( 81% ) ,其次为看录像( 70 % )、听录音( 5 2 % )。 +"In this way, all the substrates could be converted into a single product isomer with a 100% theoretical yield.",动态拆分技术在理论上可以获得100%产率的光学纯的单一对映异构体。 +"When the UI loads in Macromedia Flash, you call the load method of the XML object that initiates loading of the XML content from the view selected by the user as follows","在 Macromedia Flash 中加载 UI 时,调用 XML 对象的加载方法,初始化用户所选视图中的 XML 内容的加载, 如下所示" +"Using semi-quantitative method, we investigated the adaptabilities of 81 rare and endangered limestone plant species introduced to acidic soil in Guilin Botanical Garden, China.",通过半定量评价法,对81种石灰岩珍稀濒危植物迁移到桂林植物园酸性土壤上的适应性进行了研究。 +"People visiting, arguing, and screaming.",人们在串门、在争吵、在尖叫。 +"Request Visualizer - Provides a visual representation of the chain of resource requests occurring in an active NetKernel application, improving developer and administrator debugging.",请求观测器——为发生在一个活跃NetKernel应用中的资源请求链提供了一个视觉表示,改善了开发者和管理员的调试过程。 +"The president returned to Washington on Friday night from his vacation in Massachusetts, about a half-day earlier than scheduled.",奥巴马总统上周五晚间结束度假从麻萨诸塞州返回,比原定时间提前了半天。 +"So, that means we have to devise ways of sharing with people that we've never met, that we don't care about--I mean, maybe we care about everybody, but we don't have any particular emotional ties to them-- and they're very different people.","那意味着我们必须设计一些方法,使我们与素未谋面的,并不亲近的人们一同分摊风险,也许我们非常博爱,但未必对所有人都会怀有特殊情感-,分摊者应该是与我们非常不同的人。" +Objective:To investigate the protective effects of HESHOUWU decoction on senile rats' kidney.,目的:探讨何首乌饮对衰老大鼠肾脏的保护作用。 +The working principle and main components of control system of inducing fully electrical injection molding machine were presented.,介绍了诱导式全电动注塑机电控系统的工作原理和主要组成部分。 +"Every time you asked me to listen to the sound of ""husband"" know that I am more happy?",每次听你叫我那声“老公”知道我有多开心吗? +"Strength of character"" is an important part in Liu Xie's The Gentle Heart Carves Dragons, and there are different explanations for it.""",“风骨”是刘勰《文心雕龙》中的重要范畴,历来对它的解释可谓莫衷一是。 +"Butt new research by two American scientists has found that bad weather - or at least thunderstorms and hail - does seem to happen midweek far more often than it does at weekends, at least in summer.",两位美国科学家的最新研究表明,雷暴和冰雹这样的坏天气,往往发生在一周的中间时段,而不太可能发生在周末,至少在夏天如此。 +"Fighting soldiers from the sky, Fearless men who jump and die.",神兵战士从天而降,他们临难无惧、视死如归。 +"In other words, the interest rate on loanable funds cannot fall below zero because holding cash guarantees a rate of return of zero.",换句话说,可贷资金的利率不可能低于零,因为持有现金的回报率都可以为零。 +"Amid intense investor focus on where China lives and works, some real-estate professionals are looking at where it shops.",就在大量投资者关注中国人在哪里生活和工作的时候,一些房地产专业人士则着眼于中国人在哪里购物。 +"“Once the first wave hits the coastline, it gets very complicated, ” Mr. Geist said.",“第一波一到达海岸,情况就复杂了。” Geist先生说。 +"Because the Police have taken several power measures, they now have the upper hand over the drug dealers in the area.",因为警察已经采取了几种有力措施,他们现在在处理这个地区的毒品销售者的问题上占得了上风。 +"Yoshimoto, Banana. ""Moonlight Shadows. "" in Kitchen. New York: Grove Press, 1993.",吉本芭娜娜, 〈月光阴影〉于《厨房》,纽约∶丛树出版社,1993。 +The farmers used a special system of counting to tell off their sheep.,农民们使用一种特殊的计数方法清点羊的头数。 +The bunny hill is the easiest run on the mountain. It isn't steep at all. It is for first-time skiers.,初学者滑雪道是山里最容易的滑雪道,一点也不陡,是给初学滑雪者用的。 +"And 64 per cent said this was because they felt they ‘had’ to go out to work, while nearly a third (29 per cent) said they were under constant pressure to be the ‘perfect mother’, the report found.",根据这一调查报告,64%的母亲说这是因为她们觉得自己“必须”出去工作,另外有近三分之一(29%)的母亲说不断有压力迫使自己去做一个“完美的妈妈”。 +He always puts the car in high gear.,他老是把车挂快档。 +They aid the courseware design and they build on specifications.,他们帮助进行课件设计,并且建立特定部件。 +"I put my servant in your arms, and now that she knows she is pregnant, she despises me.",我把她交给你,现在她知道自己有孕,就瞧不起我。 +Yesterday at the HES meetings I was part of a panel discussing The Constitution of Liberty that was organized by Bruce Caldwell.,昨天,在HES会议上,我参加了一个由Bruce Caldwell教授组织的关于《自由秩序原理》的小组讨论。 +An effective method is proposed for obtaining the critical boundaries of hyper plan (HP) form of practical dynamic security regions (PDSR) of power systems in power injection space.,提出了一种在注入功率空间中求取电力系统实用动态安全域(PDSR)的超平面形式的临界稳定边界的新方法。 +Anatomical study of the stem of Bretschneidera sinensis.,标题 伯乐树树干的解剖学研究。 +"There was a final, violent crash of thunder, and in the bright light they saw that the tree had been torn in half by the lightning.",接着又是一声巨雷,在耀眼的亮光中,他们看见那棵树被闪电劈成了两半。 +"GM's benchmark 8.375 percent notes due 2033 fell 2.75 cents on Monday to 16 cents on the dollar, to yield about 52 percent, according to MarketAxess data.","据MarketAxess数据,通用汽车票息为8.375%、2033年到期的指标债券价格周一下跌2.75美分,至16美分,收益率(殖利率)约为52%." +"They understood that our power alone cannot protect us, nor does it entitle us to do as we please.",他们清楚,单凭自己不但自身难保,而且也不能随心所欲。 +"And so things like affirmative action, things such as how should university treat its workers, how should university treat its surrounding community, state, the nation.","比如反歧视性政策,比如工人们在大学的待遇,比如大学如何处理它和,周边社区,洲和国家的关系。" +"The Chinese government again loosened its grip on the yuan's value more than a year ago, putting in measures aimed at making the currency into one that can be used for cross-border trade.",一年多以前,中国政府再次放松对人民币汇率的管控,出台了旨在让人民币成为跨境贸易结算货币的多种举措。 +"In this paper, we have given the vertex-distinguishing edge chromatic number of P(subscript m) V K(subscript 1, n).",本文得到了路与星的联图的点可区别边色数。 +"In ASP.NET pages, a single form can post to itself, and the model provides for generalized control state management and postback events.",对于ASP.NET页面,Form可以提交自身,并且ASP.NET模型提供了控件状态管理和postback事件。 +"In high temperature condition (such as 160℃), the anti-oxidation of TBHQ is not good, while microcapsule antioxidant is more effective in this condition.",在高温环境中(如160℃),TBHQ抗氧化效果不好,要使用微胶囊抗氧剂才能获得较好效果。 +"The Press Complaints Commission concludes its investigation into the affair, finding there was no evidence that News of the World executives knew about his behaviour.",新闻投诉委员会结束了对该起事件的调查,没有发现任何证据表明《世界新闻》的管理人员知道古德曼的行为。 +Apple would like to respond to the questions we have recently received about the gathering and use of location information by our devices.,苹果很高兴回答最近收到的关于我们的设备收集和使用地理位置信息的问题。 +"Wood door smell dog barking, solitary boat and Li weng.",柴门闻犬吠,孤舟蓑笠翁。 +"In the third quarter, China's Internet economy was worth 41.4 billion yuan ($6.2 billion), a third of which was e-commerce, data from iResearch shows.",艾瑞咨询(iResearch)的数据显示,今年第三季度,中国互联网经济规模达到414亿元人民币。 +Selecting any lines between a source and target field highlights the corresponding statements in the script pane.,选择源和目标字段之间的任何连线,将在脚本窗格中突出显示对应的语句。 +"It was an audacious move, because it goes against every recent trend in Chinese agriculture — which, it's worth remembering, feeds 20 percent of the people on earth.",大胆行动吧,因为这是中国农业发展的一种趋势,值得长期提倡,社区分享型农业扶养了全球20%的人们。 +"Architecture as it relates to software engineering is about decomposing or partitioning a single system into a set of parts that can be constructed iteratively, incrementally, and independently.",与软件工程相关的体系结构涉及到将单个系统分解或划分为一组可迭代地、渐进地和独立地构造的部分。 +"To eliminate the damage caused by mold and insect infestation, an intelligent wardrobe with automatic dehumidification and sterilization capabilities was designed in this study.",笔者在智能化家具市场调查的基础上,结合当前对智能化家具的需求,设计出一款具有自动除湿、防霉和消毒功能的智能化衣柜。 +Maybe some people might like to shrug it off as mere ego.,也许一些人可能喜欢把它简单地当作自负而摈弃。 +The experiments towards data hiding methods in BMP images and JPEG steganography images show that the proposed steganalysis scheme is obviously superior to the prior arts.,对BMP图象数据隐藏方法和JPEG图象数字隐写方法的实验结果表明,本文方法明显优于先前的图象通用隐写分析方法。 +Concrete mixer mainly depends on the stability of the tank capacity and chassis.,混凝土搅拌车主要看罐体容积和底盘的稳定性。 +Humility is his life's motto.,谦卑是他的人生座右铭. +"An Australian ban on the research, known as therapeutic cloning or somatic cell nuclear transfer, was lifted in December 2006 after a rare conscience vote in the national parliament.",2006年12月份,在一次罕见的国家议会良心投票后,澳大利亚取消了对一项名为针对治疗性克隆(又称体细胞核移植)研究的禁令。 +Goal: Observation union application Chinese and western drugs conservative treatment extra-uterine pregnancy curative effect.,目的:观察联合应用中西药保守治疗宫外孕的疗效。 +"Notice that the client is not required to have any X.509 certificate, but may need to have a PKI environment in order to validate the server's X.509 certificate.",注意,客户机不需要具有任何 X.509 证书,但是可能需要具有 PKI 环境,以确认服务器的 X.509 证书。 +"""He licked the Flyin' Dutchman, an' you know HIM, "" Jimmy went on expostulating. ""An' he did it in five rounds. You couldn't last a minute against him. See?""",“他连荷兰飞人也吃掉了的,你总熟悉荷兰飞人吧,”吉米继续劝解,“他五个回合就把荷兰飞人打趴下了。你跟他干不了一分钟的,懂吗?” +I'll come back and pick you up in half an hour.,半小时后我来接你。 +"For the year, sales totaled about 16.9 million vehicles, making 2004 the third strongest year ever for the industry.",自“9·11”恐怖袭击以来,汽车业界首次推出无利息贷款的购车方案,这大大刺激了汽车的销售,使2001年的全球汽车总销量达到1690万辆;2001年和2004年都进入了有史以来全球汽车销量的前三名。 +"Chrysler has solicited customers' ideas (in a closed forum that prevents them from commenting on each others' suggestions) and created a customer advisory board of 5, 000 selected drivers.",克莱斯勒已经开始征求消费者的想法(在一个封闭的论坛中,以阻止相互抄袭观点),并且已经成立了一个包括500名司机的咨询委员会。 +Years ago I accepted a non-negotiable offer at half the going rate.,几年前,我接受了一份薪酬不容商量的工作,而且我只要了一半的工资。 +"The ongoing need to intensify prevention efforts and to integrate prevention and treatment scale-up, using all effective approaches and paying particular attention to the needs of vulnerable groups.",必须不间断地加强预防工作并使预防和治疗扩大工作一体化,利用所有有效的措施并特别重视弱势群体的需求。 +"As I go to put them to bed on the last day, I find them sitting in a circle, doing a jigsaw together.",在最后一天当我让他们上床睡觉时,我发现他们坐成一个圈,正在玩七巧板。 +The students are reading the text loudly.,翻开书,我们来朗读课文。 (学生朗读课文。 +"Based on a long time experience, Benda-Lutz Werke (Austria) offers flake shaped effect and anti-corrosive pigments based on aluminium, copper, zinc and special alloys.",班德鲁(奥地利)公司长期以来一直研究铝、铜、锌及特殊的合金颜料,此类颜料具有片状结构颜料的显色效果和防腐作用。 +"Their mammoth master had died on the day of their escape, Brown Ben Plumm had told him.",他们逃走的那天他们身形庞大的主人就死了,布朗·本·普拉姆这样告诉他。 +Surgical circumcisions typically take 20-40 minutes to complete and pose risks related to bleeding.,传统的包皮环切手术通常需要20-40分钟才能完成,有出血相关的风险。 +The Post said Powell indicated a commitment made to his wife was a key factor.,《华盛顿邮报》说,鲍威尔暗示辞职的主要原因是“想多陪老伴儿”。 +"Externalizing translatable text in source code into message files, database tables or resource bundles.",将源代码中的可翻译文本外部化为消息文件,数据表或者资源束文件。 +"It has the social benefit, theme of the reality and call sex three features performances.",它具有社会的效益性、主题的现实性和表现的号召性三大特点。 +The gateway is told about the RPC/TRPC functions that are used by the clients through the IDL/TIDL files that must be explicitly loaded into a gateway.,网关被告知具有 RPC/TRPC 功能(客户端通过必须被明确地加载到网关中的 IDL/TIDL 文件来使用的功能)。 +I wouldn't be surprised if it rained tomorrow.,我觉得明天可能会下雨。 +"As a matter of fact, the essence of interpretation process and the rules of interpretation can be uncovered with the help of dynamic interpretation study.",事实上,彰显动态��口译思维研究不仅可以揭开口译具体程序的实质,同时也可找寻口译过程中的一定之规。 +"From the factors , together with the shoaling and friction coefficients , change of wave group intensity or wave height along .",据此因子连同浅水系数和摩擦系数就可求得波群的波动强度或波高沿波向线的变化。 +"He and his team over at Ghostwriter Dad offer stellar advice, helping writers of all stripes make money freelancing, ghostwriting, and copywriting while they pursue their fiction dreams on the side.",他和他的Ghostwriter Dad团队提供金玉良言,以帮助各种级别的作者,一边利用自由撰稿,代笔和广告文案来赚钱,一边追求他们的小说梦。 +Anne Mulcahy And today we have such a leader Anne Mulcahy.,这样一个领导。 +"Jamaica's ambassador to the OAS, Anthony Johnson, says countries may be tempted to erect trade barriers during tough economic times, but this is a mistake.",其它国家政府将对此表示欢迎。 牙买加驻美洲国家组织大使安东尼.约翰逊说,经济困难时期,树立贸易壁垒对很多国家来说非常具有诱惑力,但这样做是错误的。 +除非它找到一个查询或定义,否则它会都在主循环中触发消息。,"Unless it finds one or the other, it triggers a message in the main loop." +Results The viability of rat glomerular endothelial cells was inhibited by ioversol in a concentration and time dependent manner.,结果非离子型低渗造影剂碘佛醇能显著降低大鼠肾小球内皮细胞存活率,并呈剂量和时间依赖性。 +The results show that the system runs steadily when the driving flow mass flow rate equals to the diffuser outlet vapor flow mass flow rate.,结果表明,当工作流流量同扩压段出口蒸气流量相等时系统能够稳定运行。 +"Egyptian-born Ayman al-Zawahri was appointed as al Qaida's new leader to succeed late chief Osama bin Laden, Xinhua reported.",据新华社报道,出生于埃及的艾曼·扎瓦赫里被任命为”基地”新头目,接替已故的奥萨马·本·拉登。 +The lexer for this example is more complicated than the one for the calculator; quite a bit so.,该示例中的 lexer 比计算器的更为复杂;复杂得多。 +"Namibia fans parade their colors prior to kickoff during the 2011 Rugby World Cup Pool D match between Fiji and Namibia at the Rotorua International Stadium on Sept. 10 in Rotorua, New Zealand.",纳米比亚球迷游行,他们在2011年世界杯橄榄球赛池到开球前的颜色D匹配斐济和纳米比亚之间在罗托鲁瓦,新西兰罗托鲁瓦国际体育场Sept.10。 +"This kind of swords decorated with coin pattern were quite popular in Qing dynasty and they have a wide distribution. We can find the blades, the hilts , the sheaths and the guards everywhere.",有这种钱纹装饰的刀剑在清代为数众多,且分布广泛,刃部。柄部。鞘部。锷部各处都可以找到。 +"Methods This study consisted of 160 puerperas, with bleeding tendency, but without hypertension, who were hospitalised for cesarean section evenly randomized to experiment group and control group.",方法在我院住院剖宫产分娩的产妇中,有术中出血倾向、无血压升高的产妇160例,随机分为实验组和对照组。 +'I want to try Netease-brand pork!' said one Web user.,一位网民写道,我想尝尝网易牌猪肉。 +We shall complete the man hour requirements for the prefabrication (site erection ) of this drawing.,咱们将制订这张图纸现场制作(现场安装)所需的工时条件。 +The term was popularised in the late 1990s but became commonplace when the arguments were picked up by the press around 2006.,这个术语在90年代末期很流行,但是由于在2006年左右新闻部门挑起了争论而变的普通了。 +Mix a small amount of powder with 2 to 3 drops of Camilla seed oil and apply to skin for moisturization.,洗面后用珍珠粉小许加2-3滴椿花油混和抺在肌肤上保湿,效果更佳。 +Get this faggot out of here!,把这死基佬给我撵出去! +A new state grey model of earth rockfill dam settlement is derived through applying the grey system theory to the settlement analysis of earth rockfill dam in the paper.,针对传统的原型观测资料分析方法的不足,提出了将灰色系统理论应用于土石坝资料分析的新方法,从而建立了沉降状态灰色模型。 +SLOTUS jewelry is a professional fine jewelry and fashion jewelry manufacturer with ISO9000:2001 certification.,SLOTUS 银荷珠宝是专业的金银珠宝设计商和制造商。ISO9000:2001 认证企业。 +"Enterprise, after a decade of steady development, has an area of 6,000 square meters of factory-style garden.",世通鞋业有限公司系外商独资企业,经过十来年的稳步发展,已拥有占地6000余平方米的花园式厂房。 +Ingestible sensors and those used in invasive procedures require substantial biological testing.,摄取传感器以及那些侵入性操作使用需要大量的生��检测。 +"Unfortunate is, yahoo has done not have a choice, cut the Gordian knot of this company or chooses above plan, or has to suffer long pain.",不幸的是,雅虎已经没有选择,该公司要么快刀斩乱麻选择以上方案,要么就得忍受长久的伤痛。 +"Hamas is a word that literally means violence, bloodshed, but also all kinds of injustice and oppression.",哈马斯在文学中是暴力,血腥,各种压迫和不公平的意思。 +The elongation rate with ball grinding is lower thau than with the common mixing method;,和普通混粉方式相比,球磨混粉的伸长率略低; +Rescuers rummaged through collapsed buildings in Nantou yesterday for quake victims but aftershocks dimmed hopes for thousands still trapped under rubble.,救援人员昨日在南投县,翻遍倒塌下来的楼房,搜索生还者。 可是,余震令在废墟中的数千名被困者生存机会更渺茫。 +If you need to know any more about me please contact me at…,如果您想了解更多关与我的信息,请通过……和我联系。 +In SC4 Ivy seems to be a huge problem for a lot of players.,常春藤在SC4似乎很多球员是一个巨大的问题。 +"The world 500 strong be to press sale size sort, arranged benefit of assets specified number, net additionally.",世界500强是按销售额大小排序的,另外排列了资产额、净利润。 +Malden who first made his name in the theater won an Oscar in 1952 for his performance in A Streetcar Named Desire.,马登因在《欲望号街车》中的表演而获得1952年奥斯卡大奖,那时候开始出名。 +"Without using clean room facilities and expensive facilities, fluidic chips with hybrid micro- and nanochannel network were fabricated with high yields.",利用本方法可以在普通化学实验室、利用简易的设备制得具有微-纳米复合结构的玻璃芯片。 +"In the ways hast thou sat for them, as the Arabian in the wilderness; and thou hast polluted the land with thy whoredoms and with thy wickedness.",你坐在道旁等候,好像阿拉伯人在旷野埋伏一样,并且你的淫行邪恶玷污了全地。 +"There are a few menu-driven systems for administration, but tools like admintool are limited in scope and functionality.",还有一些菜单驱动的系统可用于管理,但像 admintool 这样的工具的使用范围和功能都受到限制。 +"Yeah, she does, and it's often when I'm trying to study. It comes right through my wall.",她真的是这样的。而且经常是在我要学习的时候。那声音就透过墙传过来了。 +The fact of the matter is that nuts contain little starch and lots of fiber except for chestnuts and ginkgo biloba so that there is little risk of increasing blood sugar.,事实上,除了栗子、白果之外,坚果中所含的淀粉很少,膳食纤维却比较高,所以它们升高血糖的危险也很小。 +"Through analyzing both fuzzy control and PI, taking advantages of the characteristics of fuzzy and PI, the fuzzy-PI double model is applied in the controlling strategy.",本文对防腐电源系统的控制方案、组成方式等进行了分析、设计,构建了模糊-PI双模控制的控制方案。 +"And charged the messenger, saying, When thou hast made an end of telling the matters of the war unto the king",又嘱咐使者说,你把争战的一切事对王说完了 +He must clearly be somewhere; the place where we could put him in this schema might after all be a little bit too infantile.,他必须很清楚地在某个地方。我们能够摆置他在这个基模的地方,目前毕竟还是有点处于初期阶段。 +This is line 582 of Book Two.,在第二册书的582行。 +"I’m inspired by the Dalai Lama, who said, ”Everyday, think as you wake up, ‘today I am fortunate to have woken up, I am alive, I have a precious human life, I am not going to waste it.",这个灵感得自于达赖喇嘛,他说过,“每天,当你起床时要思考,‘今天我很幸运地醒来,我依然活着,拥有宝贵的生命,我将不会在浪费它。 +"But since there are many kinds of kisses to reflect the many levels of affection you can have for someone, it can be nerve-wracking!",但是不同的吻折射出你对他人不同程度的喜爱之情,这是非常让人伤脑筋的! +"The original iMac broke the beige-box mold with curves, candy colors and a carrying handle.",iMac的原型机打破了米色弯角模具的传统,采用精致引人的糖果色彩,并新增了一个把手。 +"Horsetail Falls is a waterfall in the Sierra Nevada mountain range, to the west of Lake Tahoe.",“马尾瀑布”位于内华达山脉,在太浩湖以西,水流从近500英尺高度倾泻而下。 +They are able to use fewer pesticides and to reduce the amount of tilling that leads to erosion.,他们可以用较少的杀虫剂并且减少对土地有伤害的耕种次数。 +"Globally, quakes of 8.8 or higher are pretty rare. But if there’s any country that would be expecting one, it’s Chile.",从全球范围看,8.8级或者更高的强震都���相当罕见的,但智利却很容易落上这样震级的地震。 +Asian diplomats had often complained that U. S. participation at regional summits was too low-level.,亚洲外交官经常抱怨说,美国参与该区域首脑会议的代表级别太低。 +Introduced the structure design methods and improvent measures to the membrane wall of the WNS boiler.,介绍了WNS系列锅炉膜式水冷壁的结构设计方法和改造措施。 +Lyon Municipal Library is the library in Europe which holds the most Chinese language collection.,法国里昂市立图书馆是欧洲拥有最多中文馆藏的图书馆。 +The internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region was amplified with the general primer (ITS1 and ITS4). The DNA segment amplified was cloned and sequenced.,利用通用引物(ITS1和ITS4)扩增、克隆和测序了大孢指疫霉ITS区段。 +"Those pictures are very beautiful, I'd like to go out with you, but I am not sure if I have time or not on Sunday, I'll confirm with you on Friday.",那些照片很漂亮,我非常愿意和你们在一起聚会,但是周日我还不知道我有没有时间,周五的时候我才能准确的告诉你。 +First there is a preamble. That's found in every one.,第一个序言,每个条约都能找到。 +"Ere long I heard the click of the latch, and Catherine flew upstairs, breathless and wild; too excited to show gladness: indeed, by her face, you would rather have surmised an awful calamity.",没有多久,我听见门闩响,凯瑟琳飞奔上楼,上气不接下气,心慌意乱,兴奋得不知该怎么表现她的欢喜了:的确,只消看她的脸,你反而要猜疑将有什么大难临头似的。 +"He thought that the characteristics of rational literature are complexity, concise , implication and brilliance.",刘勰认为,繁复、简洁、隐曲、显豁等是构成智性文学的主要特征。 +"Purity, genetic stability and combining ability of pure lines were discussed.",讨论了纯系的纯合性、遗传稳定性以及配合力等方面的特征。 +"Lahuaweiyi with water, water inadvertently buried Fallen.",落花有意随流水,流水无心葬落花。 +"The PM denied making the abusive outbursts the book accused him of, but was then confronted with claims from an anti-bullying charity that staff from No 10 had called their helpline.",英国首相否认书中指控的侮辱性辱骂行为,但是反欺凌慈善组织声称首相府的职员曾拨打他们的热线电话。 +"In the classical natural legal science theory being in vogue time, the right standard thought becomes its basic theory core, the right exercises freely then becomes the object which the law protects.",在古典自然法学理论盛行时期,权利本位思想成为其基础理论核心,权利自由行使便成为法律所保护的对象。 +"And I think in some ways the public has always perceived me as perfect, has always perceived me as Marcia Brady.",我认为某些方面上公众经常将我当作是完美的,经常将我当作是莫瑞卡·布雷迪。 +"Cross-country skiing, figure skating, ice hockey, Nordic combined, ski jumping, and speed skating have been competed at every Winter Olympics since 1924.",自从1924年以来,在每届冬奥会上都进行的项目有:越野滑雪、花样滑冰、冰球、北欧两项、跳台滑雪以及速度滑冰。 +"They'll hit you over the head with something heavy, distracting you from your headache for a while, after which you can get back to work.",他们会用重器敲您的头,这会暂时分散您头疼的感觉,之后您可以重新工作了。 +And we also propose a numerical implementation to correct images with pre-computed intrinsic camera parameters.,同时提出了对畸变图像校正的数值计算方法。 +How will I get to 1650?,我要怎样才能打到1650? +"In a basic version, they would get real-time information about their usage and could then turn off the tumble dryer or other energy-hungry appliances.",按照智能电网的基本版本,用户可以得到有关用电的实时信息,可以关断转筒式干燥机或其它耗电大的电器。 +"NESTLE is the world's leading manufacturer of soluble coffee, infant nutrition, dairy products, confectionery, bouillons and seasonings, ice cream, bottled water as well as petcare.",雀巢是速溶咖啡,婴幼儿营养品,乳制品,糖果,调味品,冰淇凌,瓶装饮用水及宠物食品的主要生产商。 +"In order to take account of non-central forces in crystals, the breathing-shell-model (BSM) is also introduced in MD simulation.",为了考虑氧化镁晶体中非中心力的影响,同时引入了呼吸壳层模型。 +"Her morbid, provocative sculptures are part of the show ""Dead and Alive, "" currently on exhibit at the Museum of Arts and Design in New York City.",这些恐怖的、触目惊心的雕塑是“死与生”展览的一部分,目前正在纽约城的艺术与设计博物馆展出。 +"Desktop computer hardware and back office server infrastructure has been provided by Bloomberg, Allen & Overy, Macquarie Bank and other international financial institutions.",彭博电视台、安理国际律师事务所 (Allen & Overy)、麦格理银行 (Macquarie Bank) 及其他国际金融机构提供了台式计算机硬件、后台服务器基础设施。 +The history and the principle of NMR technology are described in this paper.,本文简述了核磁共振技术的历史和原理。 +"INTEREST GENERATORS: People who don't know each other personally, but share an interest or perspective.",基于兴趣爱好 的在线联系(物以类聚,人以群分):陌生的人往往因为相同的兴趣和观点而互相认识。 +"CuiHongfang, from Heilongjiang Province in north-eastern China, hit the back ofher head on a corner of the stone wall after she collided with the 38-year-oldCanadian woman.",在被这名加拿大的38岁妇女冲撞后,来自黑龙江的这名中国女性把头撞到了石墙的一个角落上。 +"The Dead Sea, shared by Israel and Jordan, is the lowest spot on Earth.",死海由以色列和约旦分享,是地球上的最低点。 +I am writing to let you know how much I appreciate your helping my son Robert last Thursday when he sprained his ankle.,我写信是想告诉您,我是多么感谢打动您在我的儿子Robert上周四扭伤脚腕时匡助他。 +The XMLNSC domain supports opaque in non-validating mode.,XMLNSC 域在非验证模式下支持不透明解析。 +I sought guidance from the psychologists who have made gratitude a hot research topic.,我从那些把感恩话题炒热的心理学家们中得到一些启示。 +Help a lame dog over stile .,帮助跛足的狗越过栅栏。 +Many workers were buried underground when there was an accident at the mine.,矿上发生意外事故时,许多矿工都被埋在了地下。 +"ZTE car distributor MP3/MP4 Hunan, Tianjin day-to-long series of management software distributor in Hunan.",中兴车载MP3/MP4湖南总代理;天津天财商龙系列管理软件湖南总代理。 +"Her shiningly black hair runs down the shoulders, and despite the pale countenance, her eyes are also shiningly black.",她漆黑的头发披散在双肩,脸色却是苍白的,脸上,一双漆黑的眸子也黑得发亮。 +Objective:Need to define accurately preperitoneal groin anatomy and discuss the surgical approach of laparoscopic totally extraperitoneal inguinal hernia repair (TEP).,目的:重新认识腹股沟区腹膜前解剖的特点,探讨腹腔镜下全腹膜外疝修补术的技术要点。 +"Cultural courses: Calligraphy, Chinese painting, Chinese martial arts, Folk athletics yo-yo, Skipping rope and etc.",文化课:书法、国画、国术功夫、民俗体育扯铃、跳绳等。 +"And now, behold, I loose thee this day from the chains which were upon thine hand.",现在我解开你手上的链子,你若看与我同往巴比伦去好,就可以去,我必厚待你。 +There are free language translation sites set up to take the stress out of language translation and make your life a breeze.,免费语言翻译网站的建立就是为了帮大家卸下翻译的重担,为生活带来一缕清风。 +"For the upcoming semester, Ultrinsic allows students to net a maximum of $50 per class.",对于将来的一个学期,Ultrinsic公司允许学生每局净赚上限50美元一节课的赌局。 +"In 2015, a total of 1.08 billion yuan ($149 million) of municipal funds were allocated to support elderly care and this year the budget is set to grow by about 10 percent, the Beijing Daily reported.",据《北京日报》报道,2015年,北京市一共下拨了10.8亿人民币(约合1.49亿美元)的市政基金来支持对老年人的关怀服务,而今年这一预算的数额还将增长10%。 +"Compared with CK, both the rate of substituted species and biomass among undergrowth were accelerated by the rise of thinning intensity.",间伐强度不同,林下植被的优势种各异,灌木层优势种由中旱生物种向中生更替。 +"Operation findings determined the true or false AMS, and different operation methods were carried out afterwards.",术中所见最后确定真性和假性膜部瘤,并采用不同的手术方法。 +"In this paper, we design and implement a method of producing test oracle from program's LTL(Linear Temporal Logic) property.",文中,作者设计并实现了一种根据程序的线性时序逻辑(LTL)的性质产生测试预言的方法。 +Chat was kicking back in a red chair in the front of his shophouse as a fast-moving stream of water flowed across the concrete floor at his feet.,察坐在自家街屋前的一把红椅子上休息,迅疾的水流涌过他脚下的水泥地。 +"I didnt ask him to, truly I didnt.",我没要他打给我,真的,我没有。 +What has the stock movement of these two companies been like?,这两家公司的股票走势怎么样?。 +"Regarding hose to be used, take care to avoid kinking or pulling, and use a hose of adequate length.",关于软管的使用,应注意避免扭折、牵引,并使用足够长的软管。 +"Franz's only reply was to take a teaspoonful of the marvellous preparation, about as much in quantity as his host had eaten, and lift it to his mouth.",弗兰兹惟一的回答就是舀起了一匙那种神妙的药剂,份量约莫和他的主人所吃的差不多,把它送到嘴边。 +"VORTEX, the third book, will carry the characters introduced in AXIS into the very far future, and make some ultimate revelations about the Hypotheticals and their interaction with mankind.",第三部曲《漩涡》,则会将《轴心》里才登场的人物带往遥远的未来,并且揭露「假想智慧生物」以及他们与人类互动的终极谜团。 +The contents of polysaccharide in leaves of Morus alba L. were measured by anthrone-H2 SO4 colorimetry.,用蒽酮-硫酸比色法测定了桑叶中多糖的含量。 +"I'm a open and bright , yearns for the free person.",我是一个开朗、向往自由的人。 +"Article 64 During construction of a building, the stacking of building materials and equipments may not encumber the traffic and the public safety.",第64条(物品堆放)建筑物施工时,其建筑材料及机具之堆放,不得妨碍交通及公共安全。 +Results Medical finance at their own expension and hospital stays were related to relatives′ anxiety.,结果患者自付医疗费对家庭经济影响及患者术前住院天两因素与家属焦虑状况有关。 +"When Abraham Lincoln was elected President in 1860, South Carolina seceded from the Union.",1860年亚伯拉罕。林肯当选为总统时,南卡罗来纳州从联盟分离出去。 +"""It's true Lisa, "" said Claudia seriously.",“这是真的,丽莎。”克劳迪娅认真的说。 +Filter weight measurements were made using a Mettler-Toledo analytical balance.,过滤嘴的重量测试采用梅特勒-托莱多分析天平。 +"For packaging of most of the eatables like pulses, sugar, namkeens a paper bags were in use, made by small children to earn pocket money.",大多数食物如豆子,白糖和油炸小吃是用纸袋来装的,小孩子做这种纸袋以赚取零花钱。 +On-demand data exchange service adopts the MODBUS/TCP protocol to get the different parameters from PLC.,特定数据交换服务采用MODBUS/TCP协议,典型应用是通过此服务得到PLC的不同参数。 +A New Type of Face Harmonic Drive With a Electromagnetic Wave- Generator;,提出了一种谐波齿轮传动系统多目标优化设计方法。 +The irony: juxtaposition is a juxtaposition of juxta and position.,前面说的值得一提,其实是值得一提的小讽刺,那就是,juxtaposition本身是juxta 和 position的juxtaposition。 +"Temperature effects of symmetry energy, mechanical and chemical instability and liquid-gas phase transition are analyzed.",主要研究了同位旋非对称热核物质的对称能和系统力、化学不稳定性以及液气相变的温度效应。 +"How machine-based clients interact with a REST architecture is, IMO, very much in its infancy.",在我看来基于机器的客户端与REST架构的交互,在(REST)初生时就有了。 +"The damage of narcissistic parenting is outstandingly detailed in Alice Miller's ""Drama of the Gifted Child.",爱丽丝·米勒撰写的《天才儿童的舞台表演》一书对自恋型父母养育孩童所引起的精神伤害做了非常详细的描绘。 +"Buy: Agricultural product, Canned vegetable, Canned fruit, Ginger.",采购: 农产品, 蔬菜罐头, 水果罐头, 生姜。 +"This time around, Jiangchuan or so beautiful, and civilized.",时光流转,江川还是那么美丽、文明。 +"Features: use three servers PLC programming, workpiece pushed to chuck and clamps, automatic location, graduation, wire winding, hooking, wire shearing, wire clipping, touching screen control.",特点:采用三伺服PLC程控,工件推入夹头夹紧、自动定位、分度、绕线、挂钩、剪线、夹线、触摸屏控制。 +"Though the walker's armor can easily deflect small arms fire, tanksmasher rockets can pierce an AT-TE's armor and destroy its complex propulsion mechanisms.",虽然这种步行机的装甲能轻易挡开小型武器的炮火,但反坦克火箭还是能击穿AT-TE的装甲,摧毁其复杂的推进机制。 +"Antigen-specific immunological memory is a cardinal feature of immunity, which depends on generation and maintenance of memory T lymphocytes, B lymphocytes and plasma cells with antigen specificity.",抗原特异性免疫记忆是免疫的基本特征,其物质基础是初次免疫应答后产生的抗原特异性的记忆性T淋巴细胞和记忆性B淋巴细胞以及浆细胞。 +"Suddenly, I noticed there was a bronze sword on the wall.",突然,我注意墙上有一把青铜剑。 +"Frontier is used of an inhabited region close to wild, unsettled territory, especially in North America in the early days of white settlement. frontier.",用于指接近荒野的、无人烟的居民区,尤指于北美白人定居的初期。 收藏。 +"Nadal knows that, and the Mallorcan appears pleased that the man he respectfully calls the ""best ever"" is ready to battle him for the major honors.",纳达尔十分了解这点,他很高兴自己尊称为「史上最佳」的球员,已经准备好要跟自己缠斗,来争取最高荣誉。 +These should help equip ministries of health to negotiate more persuasively with ministries of finance and commerce.,这些将有助于增强卫生部说服财政部和商务部的能力。 +"Mary is the whistle blower , she prosecuted her boss for tax dodging.",玛丽成了揭发者,因为她以偷税检举了她的老板。 +There was very similar tendency for the two crops that the 15N recovery rate taken up via leaves was apparently increased as delay of application period.,随生育期推迟,两种作物叶片吸收N的回收利用率均明显提高。 +"Even though I feel like God is punishing my sin, He isn’t; because He was punished for my sin.",虽然我觉得上帝是在惩罚我的坏行为,但实际上祂并没有——因为祂亲自承受了对我的惩罚。 +But you're fraternal twins.,但是你们是龙凤胎。 +The eastern part of the Sichuan basin is ringed by lofty mountains and experiences a subtropical and humid climate.,东部地区被高山环绕并且是亚热带湿润气候。 +Mum haggled with the sales woman.,"她和店员讨价还价,但那位店员不为所动,把我妈气个半死。" +"One was at that time called Martin Marietta Aerospace, Fairchild and the other was Fairchild.",一个当时叫做Martin,Marietta航空航天,另外一家是。 +"I made up my mind that I would save my paper delivery money, and in three weeks I had the seven dollars that I calculated would cover the cost of her window.",我决定把送报挣的钱攒起来。 三周后,我便有了7美元。 我估计这大概够赔偿她的窗户了。 +China Film Group the state-film behemoth is the only sanctioned film importer and takes about 22% of the proceeds for the pleasure.,庞大的中国电影集团是唯一被准许的进口商,他们开开心心的就拿走22%收益。 +A developerWorks article about content-based routing shows a complete example.,关于基于内容的路由的 这篇 developerWorks 文章给出了一个完整的示例。 +"Chivas : Although for many flags is very hard to tell which side is up, it's the job of the protocol office to know.",尽管很多国旗是很难分辨哪边是上,但这应该是外交工作室知道的工作。 +The young woman's parents scolded her for questioning their authority.,这年轻女人的父母因她对他们的权威提出质疑而斥骂她。 +The existence of universe origin was based on the thinking framework that the God and man had the same structure .,始基的存在奠定了天人同构、万物一体的思维框架。 +I hope you'll be well soon.,祝你早日规复肥壮。 +"With different is that it will be the story of things and people, demon fox in time with describing the away from us closer.",与其不同就在于它将故事里的事与人,妖与狐在时刻上描写的离我们更近了。 +"Through the application of nursing procedures, the completion rate of hyperthermia can be improved on patients with cancer.",通过应用护理程序对热疗患者进行干预,可以提高热疗的完成率。 +"When miroir found sister beautylabs beautylabs, she asked why to hide any whereabouts, more so that she can not tolerate that, unexpectedly let Shen Ning sister and all the baby together.",怒不可遏的曼华找到了姐姐曼芳,她质问曼芳为什么要对自己隐瞒沈凡的行踪,更加让她不能容忍的是,姐姐竟然让沈凡和宁娃在一起。 +"Ethnic Composition: Maltese 96%, English 2%, other 2%",民族:马耳他人占96%,英国人占2%,其它2%。 +"Using data from Exhibit 12-1 and Exhibit 12-2, we can compute Solarwind Corporation's EPS as follows…",使用表12-1和表12-2中的数据,我们可以将太阳风公司的每股收益计算如下… +Traditional tool needs three long screws to be compressed by manpower. To compress one spring requires at least 2 persons to work 1-2 hours and costs much effort.,传统工装靠三根长螺杆用人力逐步压紧,压一个弹簧至少需要2个人用1~2小时,而且很费力; +"In Kumite matches hair slides are prohibited, as are metal hairgrips.",在对打比赛中禁止使用发饰,如金属发夹。 +"The totalitarian military governments of the western, white, people are set to be the inheritors.",而西方的极权主义军事政府,白人和民众被设定为继承人。 +Consuming by livestock can lead to paralysis and movement disorders and other symptoms of poisoning.,家畜误食可引致痲痺及运动障碍等中毒症状。 +"A Norwegian cartoon, Nemi.",一个挪威漫画角色。 +"On the experiment stand, the heat-transfer property and resistance property of different types of heat exchangers with R22 and R410A can be examined in different conditions.",该实验台可以在不同工况条件下对不同结构形式的R22和R410A蒸发器及冷凝器的换热性能和阻力性能进行实验。 +"The concern was that Bin Laden would oppose any type of capture operation. Indeed he did. It was a firefight. He, therefore, was killed in that firefight.",我们的担忧是本拉登会反对任何形式的俘虏行动。确实,他就是这样。这是两方交火。他。因此,在交火中被击毙。 +"Policy finance operation is a special financing means on the basis of national credit, and is the companion of the market economy.",政策性金融业务是以国家信用为基础的特殊融资手段,是市场经济的伴生物。 +"You will run more efficiently and reduce the risk of slipping, falling or straining muscles.",你将能跑得更有效,同时减少滑倒、跌落或是肌肉拉伤的危险。 +"The general with the bandaged head, bent forward as though fleeing from danger, strode towards Kutuzov, his thin legs moving swiftly.",裹着头巾的将军有如躲避危险似的,弯下腰去,他那消瘦的两腿迈着飞快的脚步,向库图佐夫面前走了。 +"In initial design stages, EMC situation of every subsystem, every unit or every PCB board can be controlled in process of EMC design according to decomposable limit.",依据分解指标在系统设计中进行指标控制,设计初期就各分系统、各单元、各单板逐层进行EMC控制。 +At least one latch clip is mountable on the latch and engageable with edges of the channel in the body to resist rotation of the latch from the latched position.,在 闩锁上至少安装一个闩锁卡箍,该闩锁卡箍卡住插座部件中沟槽的边 缘,从而可以阻止闩锁转离锁定位置。 +"First they killed the donkeys, then the horses, he said.",他们先是把驴杀了,后来把马也杀了,他说道。 +She stitched the buttons on (to the dress. ).,她把钮扣缝(到衣服)上。 +"But by accident, he accidentally, but with her sit close.",可机缘巧合,他无意,却和她坐的很近。 +"At present, the study on textile standard conversion of production-oriented model to trade-oriented model in textile industry is still a blank field.",目前,对纺织生产型标准向贸易型标准转化进行系统研究在纺织行业研究领域中尚属空白。 +"Les Bains Des Docks is an indoor/outdoor facility with pools, saunas, waterfalls and steam rooms that connect with humanity’s fascination with water.",莱斯班德码头水上运动中心有一种室内外兼备的设施 泳池、桑拿、瀑布和蒸汽浴室,将水与人性的魅力相结合。 +I was a part of a team that specifically studied 1983 to 2004 which was commissioned in 2039 with all assignment finished by 2044.,我是其中一个小组的成员,具体是研究从1982年到2004年的情况。该计划于2039年被委任,到2044年得完成所有任务。 +"This indicated that student's non-intelligence factor like can add the guidance friendly, the enormous promotion gymnastics teaching effect.",这说明,学生的非智力因素如能善加引导,就会极大的促进体操教学的效果。 +"With an elevation of about 120m, the famous Bitou Cape Lighthouse is at the end of the trail along which one can enjoy the endless ocean scenes and the eroded landforms.",海拔大约 120m ,沿著享用不尽的 海洋风光和侵蚀地貌 ,著名鼻头角灯塔就在步道的末端。 +"After she detonated her suicide belt, the other two bombers entered the mosque in the confusion.",在她引爆自己后,其他两名肉弹乘乱进入清真寺。 +"In this sample at least, Americans did not single out blame but spread it far and wide.",至少在此示例中,美国人并没有挑出责任应由谁来承担,而只是将它一概而论。 +"Many people, fearful for their jobs, are trying to burnish their contacts at other firms.",许多人因为担心自己的工作,正力图改善和其他公司的关系。 +Cat Elphinstone produces eight models of underground mining leaders and trucks.,凯特埃尔芬斯通公司制造了8个地下采矿用的牵引机和卡车。 +"Other important factors which could cause future results to differ materially include the following: the ability to attract, integrate and retain key personnel, including Dr. Cui and a new CEO;",其他可能导致实际与前瞻性陈述具有实质性差异的重要因素有:吸引、凝聚和留住包括崔博士和一位首席执行官等核心人才的能力; +The young officer came up from the lowest rank.,这个年轻的军官是从最低级的军阶晋升上来的。 +"By analyzing the rottenness mechanism of meat, an array of gas sensors was selected; a device for smell collection and a circuit for signal disposal were designed.",通过分析肉品腐败机理,合理选用了气敏传感器阵列,优化设计了仿生气味收集装置及信号调理电路。 +"Now that you have read the entire chart, you probably noticed a shift in energy as you were reading.",现在你已经读完整张表格了,也许你已经在读的时候感受到了自己体内的能量变化。 +"Behold, I stand here by the well of water; and the daughters of the men of the city come out to draw water",我现今��在井旁,城内居民的女子们正出来打水。 +She could only raise her hand in a gesture of benediction.,她只得举起手来做了一个祝福的手势。 。 +"The discovery of this ""quantum Hall effect"", which had been predicted some years earlier, earned von Klitzing the in 1985.",这一已经预告多年,最正中被称为“量子霍尔效应”的新发现为冯﹒克里钦赢得了1985年的诺贝尔物理学奖。 +"If I'm now working in one dimension, it's obvious because I'm not using any vectors.","假设我现在只考虑一维的情形,这很明显,因为我没有用矢量" +"RGKD series of products that can cause as you continue to develop , maintain successful and good partners.",确保RGKD系列产品能作为您事业不断发展,永葆成功的好伙伴。 +"Do your friends despise, forsake you? Take it to the Lord in prayer!",亲或离我友或弃我?来到主恩座前求! +Tanigawa that the intellectuals of the Six Dynasties and the Song Shimada intellectual discourse is the same.,谷川认为六朝时期的知识分子与岛田论述的宋代知识分子是一样的。 +One popular hot rod was known as the T-bucket because it was based on the Ford Model T.,目前最流行的改装老爷车之一是T-bucket车,它采用的是福特的T型车的结构。 +"At last, use the numerical simulation method to work out the six degree of freedom ballistic equation and showed the specific influence of the wind.",建立了风场条件下的六自由度弹箭运动模型,把风场模型应用在弹道仿真计算中。 +"IRC Sleep Log Open image in a new window As you can see, I tend to stay up late.",这幅“IRC休眠日志重见天日”图在一个新窗口打开。 正如你能看到的一样,我喜欢晚睡。 +"Environment: Is there dust, humidity, heat, ionizing radiation, vibration, shock, ambient light?",环境: 灰尘,湿度, 高温热度,电离辐射, 振动, 震动,环境背景光(光照度) +The Democratic Progressive Party may object to CECA . But it must offer a responsible alternative.,民进党可以反对CECA ,但必须负责任地提出替代可行方案。 +"This chapter has addressed the problem of understanding culture tourist motives, especially as they stimulate travel, and the related topic of behaviour at cultural-related motives.",本章已经解决了了解文化旅游动机的问题,尤其是当他们刺激旅游,文化相关的动机和相关主题的行为。 +Do you want to learn English from me?,我想向王老师学习法语。 +The meta-narrative films are filled with contradictions everywhere.,就元叙事的电影文本而言,可谓处处充满了矛盾。 +"Perhaps because of the collision could have been metal, but not perception into two hearts of the collision, so they bring a spark of happiness.",或许是因为本来是金属的碰撞,却在不知觉中变成了两颗心的碰撞,因此便带上了幸福的火花。 +"The HRM management act as the ministry of staff, execution and support for the strategy of business development.",人力资源管理部门成为企业发展战略的参谋部、执行部和支持部。 +"Comparing with it, different medicaments and Streptomyces 702 ferment disposing had no significant difference on seeds germinate rate after storing.",与对照相比,不同药剂及链霉菌702发酵液处理对贮藏后种子的发芽率影响无显著差异。 +He was wearing nothing but a pair of swimming trunks .,他只穿了一条游泳裤。请把我的箱子转运到火车站。 +"If you do, self-discovery will come naturally.",如果你这样做,自我发现就会自然而然出现了。 +"This paper studies the relations between ""time-domain attenuation"" and sea state or wave height, center frequency or transmitting range.",研究了浅海声信道“时域衰落”与海况、波高、中心频率和作用距离的关系。 +"Using the polymeric precursor impregnation and pyrolysis method, 2.5-dimensional braided silica fiber-reinforced nitride-based composites(2.5D-SRNCs)were prepared.",采用先驱体转化法制备了2.5维石英纤维织物增强氮化物陶瓷基复合材料。 +The experimental results are in agreement with the phonon confinement theory.,所得结果与声子限域理论模型符合。 +"We were also united in our resolve, to protect our nation and to — to bring those who committed this vicious attack to cdfds. comustice.",我们更因为我们保卫国家、缉拿凶手、伸张正义的决心而团结在一起。 +"Through comparison between theory proof and simulation, We find the approximation method is feasible in linear time invariant(LTI) system of concentration and distribution parameter.",通过理论推导与仿真结果的对比可知,数据关联抖动估算方法对线性时不变的集总参数,分布参数系统均是可行的。 +"Have a passion for the labor is the traditional virtue of the Chinese nation, everyone goes first a labor, I sleep first to come right away in a short while!",热爱劳动是中华民族的传统美德,大家都��去劳动吧,我先睡一会儿就来! +"Subjects covered include the marketing concept; market orientation; segmentation, targeting and positioning; the marketing mix; relationship marketing; and marketing metrics.",涉及的主题包括:营销理念,市场导向,市场细分、目标市场和市场定位,营销组合,关系营销以及营销度量。 +They were sweeping up the dead leaves from the paths.,他们在把小径上的枯树叶扫在一起。 +Friends! ! ! I have to say goodnight now! ! ! ! ! ! Don't wait for me ya!,大家!!! 我先说晚安噜!!!!!! 千万别乱等呀! +"Celanese says it is committed to controlling greenhouse-gas emissions in all its operations, reducing them by 30% from 2005 to 2010.",Celanese表示该公司致力于在所有的业务领域中控制温室气体的排放,计划从2005年到2010年将排放量减少30%。 +Embedded Electronic Dictionary has limited speed and space. This paper presents a design of embedded electronic dictionary based on 3-tier storage architecture.,针对嵌入式电子词典运算速度低,内存资源有限等特点,本文提出一种基于三层存储架构的嵌入式电子词典快速查询模型。 +"This made them believe that they should come to see me - their second elder brother - living far away from the hometown, for less regret.",这不由得使得她们觉得,一定要来看看我这个远离家乡的二哥,不能再留下更多的遗憾。 +"Oh, someday there will be a reckoning, elf, oh yes…",啊,总有一天我会跟你算帐,精灵,哦耶…… +"Based on data from 79 quadrates , the wetlands vegetations in Lao River and Ju River Reservoirs in Linfen were investigated using TWINSPAN.",以涝河、巨河水库湿地植被为研究对象,在野外调查的基础上,典型取样79个,用TWINS-PAN进行数量分类。 +"Ideally, that demonstration facility would hit a cost of 5 cents or lower per kilowatt, giving coal-fired plants a run for their money.",设想中,该演示设备能让每千瓦电成本降到5美分活或者更低,这让燃煤发电厂的日子很不好过。 +Lotus Pond is the only natural high elevation mountain lake in the Taroko National Park. It is at 1180 meter …,是太鲁阁国家公园中唯一的天然高山湖泊,位于海拔1180公尺… +"This paper, from figures'semantic vagueness, discusses several methods of translation of figures in both Chinses and English literary works.",因此,有必要从数字的模糊语义出发,探讨英汉语文学作品中对数字的处理方法。 +"HDPE Uniaxial Plastic Geogrid is used HDPE as its raw material, produced through extruding, punching, heating, stretching.",聚乙烯单向拉伸土工格栅是以高密度聚乙烯(HDPE)为原料,经塑化挤出板材、冲孔、加热拉伸而成。 +"In practice, I record mobile phone, write very ugly. I would also like to see the phone when eating, there is no appetite. My mother thought I was sick!",在练字时,我心里掂记手机,字写得非常难看。吃饭时我也想看手机,一点也没有胃口。妈妈还以为我还生病了呢! +"China ranks as one of the world's most myopic nations: 70% of its 16- to 18-year-olds are nearsighted , according to state media.",中国人的近视发生率在全球排名靠前,据官方媒体报导,16至18岁的中国青少年中近视率高达70%。 +A female polar bear and her two-year-old cub wait for the sea ice to return.,母熊和她2岁的幼熊正在等待回家的海冰。 +"It is believed to increase the risk of liver and kidney diseases, and women may experience reproductive problems.",专家认为,服用兴奋剂会增加肝肾疾病的发生几率,女性服用兴奋剂还将影响生育。 +"You either know the facts to be able to laugh and enjoy these parody websites, or you have been duped and taken in by them.",您知道的事实,以便能够笑,并享受这些模仿秀的网站,或你已欺骗,并采取在他们。 +My thesis is about Oscar Wildes subversion of the system of Victorian morality.,本文剖析王尔德作品中对理想化的爱的观点。 +CAN bus is a kind of network of the asynchronous serial communication that can effectively support the distributed control and the Real tune and the multi-master control.,CAN总线是一种有效支持分布式控制和实时控制的、多主的异步串行通信网络。 +"We've testedabout 15,000 people in every profession you can think of -- CIA, judges,lawyers.",我们测试过15000人,你能想到的行业都有,包括CIA、法官和律师。 +The ignition phenomena at the interface of suspended dust and oxidative gas induced by an incident shock wave of medium strength have been studied using a newly developed two-phase shock tube.,利用新型两相激波管成功地研究了中等强度入射激波诱导的均匀悬浮粉尘间断面点火现象。 +"Many of the super-rich see virtually all their income as capital gains, and capital gains are taxed at a much lower rate—15 percent—than ordinary income.",实际��,很多超级富豪认为他们的收入来自资本增值,而资本增值收入的税率比普通收入的税率还低,仅为15%。 +"Details can be found in the report, Why Do Red and Dark-coloured Cars Lure Aquatic Insects?",在论文中能找到更多细节,为什么红色和暗色的车会引诱水生昆虫? +Miskin's team set up an on-site microbiology laboratory which analysed cultures taken from patients with infected wounds.,米斯金的团队建立一个现场微生物实验室,用来分析从病人被感染的伤口取出的微生物。 +"Here, before an estimated quarter million civil rights supporters gathered at the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, King offered one of the most powerful orations in American history.",面对聚集在华盛顿林肯纪念堂(Lincoln Memorial)的大约25万名民权支持者,马丁·路德·金侃侃陈词,发表了美国历史上最有影响力的演说之一。 +"As data in ""Economy in General"" section shows, Chinas industry scale is 6 times of Indias.",如数据“总体经济”一节中显示,中国的产业规模是印度的6倍。 +Doctors warn of the physical dangers to children whose own bodies are still growing.,医生们对身体还处在发育阶段的孩子们提出了生理危险的警告。 +"Compared to 1970, when men usually married women with less education and fewer wives worked, these changes have contributed to a 'gender role reversal in the gains from marriage,' the Pew report said.",1970年的时候,男人娶的女人受教育程度通常更低,而且妻子参与工作的情况也不像现在这么多。 皮尤的报告说,这种变化造成了一种“从婚姻中获得提升的性别角色转换”。 +"With his teammates, and Shu , Ma said…",队友维特尔则以为和舒马… +"However, they warned ""this report should be taken with a pinch of salt"" and that it is an exercise to ""light-heartedly explain quantitative techniques and demystify the typical quant framework.",但他们同时提醒称,“大家应带有保留地看待这一预测”,这是“用通俗的方式解释数量分析法,让数量分析框架浅显化”的一次尝试。 +"said Ms Manisha Thomas, acting Coordinator of the International Council of Voluntary Agencies.",国际志愿服务机构理事会代理协调员Manisha Thomas女士说。 +Harry-When did I say that?,我什么时候说过的?。 +"Filial piety, which to man in this also, a parent who only know how Thanksgiving can be a complete person.",孝,其为人之本也,一个只有懂得感恩父母的人,才能算是一个完整的人。 +"Lenz gives the reader the background on the Rails framework, including history and the principles embodied by Rails.",Lenz 给读者介绍了 Rails 框架的背景,包括历史及 Rails 所包含的基本原理。 +Carol kept our fences mended with black America at the Democratic National Committee.,卡罗尔在民主党全国委员会负责修复与黑人的关系。 +"FedEx Corp. delivery men will wait on the doorsteps of Chinese consumers while they inspect their purchases, try them on for size, and decide if the products are worthy of keeping or sending back.",联邦快递(FedEx Corp.)公司的快递员会在中国消费者的家门口等着他们验收货品、试穿衣物并决定是留下还是退回商品。 +"After the celebration, the Sugarplum Fairy and the Prince do a beautiful dance for two, or a pas de deux.",庆典后,在萨加普拉姆仙女和王子做两个人的优美的舞蹈,或双人舞。 +"“That debt financing, which clearly spelled out to the market the use of the proceeds, was extremely well received. The securities were heavily oversubscribed, ” Mr. Schoen said.",他说:“负债融资明确地向市场阐明了如何利用运营收入,它已经得到了广泛的认可,有价证券就卖的很热。 +Thursday was supposed to mark the first ever showing of a Tarantino film in Chinese theaters.,周四本来是塔伦蒂诺的电影首次在中国放映的第一天。 +"NEW YORK, Nov 30 (Reuters) - U.S. stocks rose on Monday, helping the Dow post its fifth straight monthly gain, on hopes that possible fallout from Dubai's debt woes will be contained.","路透纽约11月30日电---美国股市周一收涨,股指尾盘在金融股的带动下回升,因市场寄望于迪拜债务危机对美国银行业的影响有限." +The effect of the cutting depth on the cutting process of the Al-alloy is investigated.,通过试验,找出了切削深度、切削速度、每齿进给量等切削用量及切出角影响面铣刀寿命的规律。 +Petrologic and geochemical features of these four kinds of dolostone are generalized.,总结了四种不同成因的白云岩的岩石特征及地球化学特征。 +"The history is such a meaningful acculturation that gradually, the most of their own customs and religions, in other words, their cultural characterisities, were lost in these processes.",这样一个深具涵化意义的历史过程使得邓州高山族在风俗习惯、宗教信仰等诸多方面日渐迷失民���的文化表征。 +Roundtrip economy class air ticket for Hong Kong and Colombo on Cathay Pacific Airways.,国泰航空公司来回香港至可伦坡经济客位机票乙张。 +The winter buds on the annual shoot are all mixed buds.,年苗上的冬芽内全为混合芽。 +"Through a series of experiments, the external friction between soils or between soil and concrete and the internal friction of soils are studied.",分析了摩擦的机理及土的摩擦强度,通过一系列的试验,分析了土体之间及土体与混凝土之间的外摩擦以及土体内摩擦随含水量的变化规律。 +"Medical oxygen respirator is small instrument for oxygen supply and mainly used for personal health care, hospital, plateau oxygen supplement and undermine oxygen supply, etc.",医用输氧器是小型的供氧装置,主要用于个人保健、医院、高原补氧和井下供氧等。 +"The clean air-conditioning engineering which was designed by adapting this method has completed successfully, and all air parameters satisfy the technological requirements well after operating.",用该方法设计的净化空调工程已经顺利完工,投产后各项空气参数均达到工艺要求。 +"Purify replaces these symbols by meaningful expansions and computes a unique file name for saving data. For example, you can put the program name and process ID in the name of log file",Purify 用意味深长的扩展取代这些符号,并为保存数据计算一个唯一的文件名称。 +"According to Mansoor Dailami, manager of the Emerging Global Trends team and lead author of the report, China’s increasing economic dominance will lead to a more international role for its currency.",据该报告主要作者、全球新趋势研究团队负责人曼苏尔·戴拉米(Mansoor Dailami)表示,中国日益增强的经济优势将促使人民币在国际上发挥更大的作用。 +Her co-star Rex Harrison once was asked to identify his favorite leading lady.,她的同事明星獭哈里森曾经有人问,以确定他的最爱领导淑女。 +"In the middle of the night, while Willem and Jake slept, I got up and Googled “glioblastoma.”",午夜时,威廉和杰克都睡下了,我下了床,在google上搜索“胶质母细胞瘤”。 +"I think he did. The question is, to who?",我觉得是的 问题是,对谁呢? +Is that simply an omission?,难道这仅仅是简单的疏忽? +Ascorbic acid in 750-fold excess does not interfere with the determination of UA.,过量750倍的抗坏血酸不干扰尿酸的测定。 +Objective To observe effects of treating chronic PID with modification of Decoction of Ramulus Cinnamomi and Poria(DRCP).,目的观察桂枝茯苓汤加减治疗慢性盆腔炎的临床疗效。 +"These layers can be categorized into three main areas: Service, Transport, and Mediators.",这些层可以归类为三个主要方面:服务、传输和中介器。 +Know the roses bloomed so sexy beautiful though still wither wither why?,知道蔷薇花尽管开的如此妖艳美丽却仍然枯萎凋谢是为什么吗? +They are here on holiday. We have to show them round the beautiful sceneries in Lijiang.,他们来这里度假。我们得领他们参观一下丽江美丽的风景。 +"He uses the device of the draw up""year calendar"", instructs how the general managers steer""project control"" and makes own superintendence become composition.",他用制订“年行事历”的方法,指导总经理们如何进行“计划管理”,让自己的管理变得有章法。 +"And the pace of growth helps determine whether prosperity feels abundant, or elusive.",增长速度有助于决定繁荣度是否充分,抑或不名一文。 +"As to the rate of qualification evaluation and work evaluation, there is little difference between evaluation organization and monitoring organization.",通过资质评审的机构工作良好评价机构和检测机构资质评审的项次合格率与工作评估项次合格率差异无显著性。 +"The PHB homopolymer is a stiff and rather brittle polymer of high crystallinity, whose mechanical properties are not unlike those of polystyrene, though it is less brittle.",在PHB的均聚物是一种高结晶度,其不同于那些不聚苯乙烯力学性能,比较脆硬聚合物,虽然它是那么脆弱。 +"We will need shipping modules for all the most used shipping carriers, Purolator, Canada Post, FedEx, UPS.",我们将需要运送的所有最常用的运输公司,Purolator,加拿大邮政,联邦快递,UPS模块。 +"The principle, application and exploratory development of semiconductor saturable absorption mirrors for passive Q-switching of solid-state lasers and fiber lasers are emphasized.",着重介绍了固体激光器和光纤激光器调Q用半导体可饱和吸收镜的原理、研制方法及应用状况。 +With best wishes for a happy Year of Dog!,祝狗年快乐,并致以良好的祝福。 +Is it regular or irregular?,它是规则还是不规则呢? +"The accuracy of the translation on related sports news data achieves 83.3%, while on some related travel and climate news data achieves 63.2%, the average accuracy achieves 73.0%.",对于相关的体育新闻语料的测试准确率达到83.3%,而对于弱相关的旅游、天气等新闻语料的测试达到63.2%,平均准确率达到73.0%。 +"And I made an ark of shittim wood, and hewed two tables of stone like unto the first, and went up into the mount, having the two tables in mine hand.",于是我用皂荚木作了一柜,又凿出两块石版,和先前的一样,手里拿这两块版上山去了。 +I'm sorry the casserole has gotten over cooked.,对不起,沙锅给炖焦了。 +Then thank you for that.,那就算了,谢谢。 +Studies suggest that garlic can reduce the incidence of stomach cancer by as much as a factor of 12!,学术研究表明大蒜有高达12倍的功效降低胃癌的发生! +Pure anatase can be obtained without being sintered by controlling experimental conditions.,通过控制实验条件,可以得到单一的锐钛矿相TiO2纳米晶。 +Harry: She's cold as ice! Oh Ginny.,哈利:她冷得像冰一样! 噢,金妮。 +Loops can be categorized as one-liners and multi-line loops.,循环可分为单行循环和多行循环。 +To take charge of foreign communications of the Administration and its directly affiliated institutions;,承办局机关及直属事业单位的对外交往事宜; +"By adjusting parameters, the films with (111) preferential growth have been successfully obtained at a low temperature.",通过控制参数,在较低的衬底温度下成功获得出(111)择优取向的纳米薄膜。 +"I shall govern peoples, and nations will be subject to me.",我要统治万民,列邦都要归顺我。 +"Thus, the video summary is solely a collection of video clips that neglect the content coverage.",因此生成的视频摘要仅仅是精彩片段的集合,而没有考虑对视频内容的覆盖性。 +Providing the best 1 on 1 mock interview and tutor classes for top IT companies in the…,提供最真实的北美计算机1对1模拟面试服务,1对1家教式基础提高班。 +"During Thanksgiving most people eat turkey. Actually, we Americans eat way too much food during the holiday season.",他还说,美国人过节总会吃很多东西,we Americans eat way too much food during the holiday season. +"Already, researchers are planning new ground- and space-based instruments to take spectra of the atmospheres of some of those habitable planets.",而且,研究者们正在计划建立新的地基和空基观测设备,以记录部分新发现适合居住的类地行星大气层的光谱。 +"In this paper, the macro reaction kinetics on the hydrolysis of the methylacetate, catalyzed by cation exchange resins was studied at the atmospheric pressure and at the temperature range of 308~328K.",研究了在常压下、温度为308~328K的范围内,用阳离子交换树脂作催化剂的醋酸甲酯催化水解宏观反应动力学。 +"Her hands of gypsum finally torn down, said cui yuan eat spicy chicken feet and shochu celebrate today.",荷娜手上的石膏终于拆掉了,崔元说今天得吃辣鸡爪和烧酒庆祝。 +LDPE only: The CF Price to HKG Port is $845/Ton. Mim 18 Tons per container. Hope the above info is sufficient.,仅适用于低密度聚乙烯:货价加运价到香港港每吨845美元,每个集装箱最少18吨。希望以上信息足够了。 +Consider also following-up with a thank you note which reiterates your interest in the job.,也考虑采取后续行动,以感谢你注意到重申您有兴趣的工作。 +Providing consumers with superior stationery and paper products and bringing infinite pleasure of recording.,为消费者,提供优质的本册纸品,带来无限的记录乐趣。 +"Regardless of schema (3NF or Star), the Teradata query optimizer relies on statistics to help it determine the best way to access data.",不管哪种模式(3NF 或 Star),Teradata 查询优化器依赖于统计信息帮助确定最佳数据访问路径。 +Names rising in the updraft amid buildings.,在楼群中随着气流上升的名字。 +"Although his mother was a warm, nurturing woman, President Clinton said later that he often pined for his birth father.",尽管得到了母亲温和、慈爱的照顾,克林顿还是会常常想念生父。 +"If you were the Soviets , wouldn't you be afraid of a rain of hydrogen bombs coming down on your head?",如果你们是俄国人的话,难道不怕氢弹像雨一样打在你们的脑袋瓜上吗? +"Hitzfeld regards the clash with the 2006 Champions League winners as a ""half-way halt"" in the run-up to Saturday's Bundesliga showdown away to Bremen.",希斯费尔德把这场与2006年欧洲冠军联赛冠军的碰撞当作是即将在周六德甲联赛第二轮客场与不来梅比赛之前的“中转站”。 +"""Since halfalogues really are more distracting and you can't tune them out, this could explain why people are irritated, "" she said.",「由于一半的对话反而更令人分心,你又不能听而不闻,这就可以解释为什麽听话��会感到恼火,」她说。 +"This paper has dealt with the seismic reflection tomography, which is based on Fermat's principle and, using the pre-stack data, inverts the underground structure layer by layer.",本文提出的地震反射层析成像方法,基于射线原理,应用叠前反射波的走时资料,逐层反演地下介质结构。 +The first two days of the trip they will be in Virginia for the Jamestown commemoration.,据白金汉宫消息女王访美之行的前两天将访问弗吉尼亚州的詹姆斯敦; +"Fat does not dissolve in water, so in order to emulsify fat something special is needed.",脂肪不溶于水,所以,以乳化脂肪的东西特别是需要的。 +He urged the crowd to arm themselves and defend the nation and its oil against anti-government protesters who've taken control of large parts of the country.,他敦促人们武装起来保卫国家和石油免受已经占领了大范围地区的反政府抗议者的危害。 +Volcanic lightning occurs when roiling ash particles rub against each other and become electrically charged.,当激流般的火山灰粒子相互摩擦带电而产生了火山闪电。 +"In this paper, we present a method to extend commonly used two-frame rotary motion estimation techniques to multi-frame estimation by exploiting multi-frame subspace constraints.",针对传统旋转运动参数估计都是采用两帧图像对齐技术,提出了为多帧运动参数估计方法,即使用多帧子空间约束技术。 +The choice of a new gener. ation.,新。一代的选择。(百事可乐)。 +Based on client's need to provide entertainment marketing resources.,针对客户商品,提供影视娱乐营销资源。 +The results showed that the forced lateral position for certain time can make the pups to muscle contracture scoliosis.,结果说明较长时间的强制性一侧卧位可使幼犬发生肌挛缩性脊柱侧凸。 +"Air Guitar Hero Muscle-based interfaces could eliminate a lot of the peripherals we use to control computers, like mice and video game controllers, instead taking commands from our gestures.",有了肌肉控制的电脑界面,玩“空气吉他英雄”再也不需要鼠标和游戏手柄了这样的外设了,只要你摆出姿势就能玩游戏。 +Harry: Here we are Marv.,哈利:我们到了,马福。 +"Then you start adding more and more and more and more, of course, all the vocabulary list.",当然,接着你还要开始添加越来越多的单词表。 +"Still no teeth yet, but grandma thinks she's seeing a couple of spots where they're about to break through.",奶奶说她看到易峰的下牙床上有两个白点了,但我还没看见。 +What a grody view of the street from this window!,从这窗户看去, 外面的街景真是令人恶心! +"Conclusion TSCPC and E-PRP can improve the state of retinal ischemia, reduce IOP effectively and be with few complications. It is a safe, effective treatment for neovascular glaucoma.",结论睫状体光凝联合E-PRP能改善视网膜缺血状态,有效降低眼压,并发症少,为目前治疗新生血管性青光眼安全、有效的治疗方法。 +"It is more than a decade later and Johansson, now 29, is one of the most successful actresses of her generation-relevant, bankable, and all those terrible, tacky words.",十多年了,29岁的约翰逊成了她这一代人中最成功的女演员之一——当红、卖座,还有那些糟糕俗气的形容词。 +"The next day Tyrion encountered her and her spotted sow amidships in midafternoon, when the air was warm and the sea calm.",第二天下午三点左右,空气温暖,大海平静,提利昂在船中部遇到她和她带斑点的猪。 +The documents he has stored in my strongbox will reveal the truth.,他那些存在我的保险箱中的文件会告诉我们真相的。 +"Deeming surgery too risky, he carried the bullet in his chest for the rest of his life.",由于考虑外科手术太危险,他决定让子弹留在胸部陪伴余生。 +"In these circumstances, SpO2 gives no information about adequacy of ventilation.",在这些情况,SpO2不会提供通供通气充足的信息。 +"At the same time, notebook computers have a certain package should also be waterproof capacity.",同时,笔记本电脑包也应该有一定的防水能力。 +"Lily: I will read a poem by Robert Frost. It's called ""Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening.""",莉莉:我要朗读罗伯特·弗罗斯特作的一首诗。它的题目是《雪夜林边小驻》 。 +"M-band wavelet can have linear phase, high regularity and compactly supported simultaneity, have better energy compaction.",多通道小波还可同时具有紧支撑、线性相位、高正则性等特点,具有更好的能量紧凑性; +"In this example, Server1 = lins.in.ibm.com and Server2 = gtstress42.in.ibm.com. On Server 1",本例中,Server1 = lins.in.ibm.com 和 Server2 = gtstress42.in.ibm.com。 +The unnarratable is that immersion in our lives such that there is no sense of form or order or structure.,"不可叙述的是我们生活的���沦,没有道理,形态或结构可言。" +"Students wrote, directed and acted in all the programs, including songs, dramas, recitation and the like.",节目由学生们自编自导自演,内容包括歌曲话剧和朗诵。 +"Do you want to dream, go where you think, become the person you want to be, you have only one life, a chance to do all that you want to do.",做你想做的梦,去你想起的地方,成为你想成为的人,你只有一次生命,一个机会去做所有那些你想做的事。 +"My friends compare me to the Tom Hanks character in the movie “Big,” about the young boy who wakes up in an adult body.",朋友把我和汤姆汉克斯在电影《飞越未来》里的角色相比,电影里一个小男孩盼望自己快成大人,结果一觉醒来居然成真了。 +"We describe three main test methods, which are black-box test, white-box test, gray-box test.",介绍了主要的三种测试方法,黑盒测试、白盒测试、灰盒测试。 +The studies of this dissertation provide some reference to analysis on solid-fluid coupling of equipment-like.,本文的研究工作对类似塔器流固耦合作用的模拟有一定的参考价值。 +"I was afraid that I would lose not only my marriage, but my daughters love and respect as well.",我真怕不仅会失掉婚姻,而且会失去女儿的爱与尊敬。 +Much of the cutting is done with a V-shaped blade between teeth on their mandibles.,美国科研小组领头人,罗伯特•斯科菲尔德博士说:“叶片切割是一件艰难的工作。 许多切割工作是用它们上颚牙齿间的V形锯片来做的。 +Unlawfully converting budgetary revenues into extra-budgetary revenues;,擅自将预算收入转为预算外收入; +He has been told in no uncertain terms that unless he broadens his government and tackles corruption he will finally lose the support of the international community.,卡尔扎伊一直被明确告知,如果他对扩大政府和打击腐败不采取措施,那么他将最终失去国际社会的支持。 +"According to different market powers possessed by different firms, tying arrangement can be classified as exclusionary behavior or vertical restrictive competition behavior.",根据企业市场力量的不同,搭售既可以属于企业滥用支配地位行为,也可以属于纵向限制竞争行为。 +"Let’s run through each grading factor. Here is a brief desciption of what each of these graded areas are, and ways to",让我们贯穿每个等级因素,下面是每个等级领域的简短秒速,以及如何解决这些问题实现最佳的性能。 +"Full set of original clean ""on board"", marine bills of lading made out to the order of shipper, endorsed in blank, marked ""freight collect"", and""notify applicant with full name and address.",全套清洁已装船正本海运提单,凭托运人指示,空白背书,注名运费到付,通知方要申请人全名及地址。 +Select com.sun.jndi.fscontext.RefFSContextFactory for Context Factory Class,选择 com.sun.jndi.fscontext.RefFSContextFactory 作为 Context Factory Class。 +"If the Japanese government issued the same instructions to residents within 80km of the plant, you would have a major evacuation of hundreds of thousands of people.",如果日本政府发布了同样的迁移令,那么会撤离成千上万的居民。 +An emergency room doctor also can provide temporary help and can tell you where and how to get further help.,急诊室医生也能提供暂时帮助并告知你那里和如何得到进一步帮助。 +"This situation is particularlydamaging to fragile subalpine and alpine ecosystems, which recover slowly fromdisturbance.",现在的情况对脆弱的亚高山带和高山带生态系统尤其损害,这种生态系统一旦被扰乱,恢复极为缓慢。 +"I like talking to a brick wall, it's the only thing in the world that never contradicts me.",我忧悲对于一堵墙道话, [转]克隆“高级植物”和“人参果”,世界下只要它不会正驳我。 +The present invention provides a size-adjustable insole which can be adjusted for adapting the foot size of each user wearing the shoe.,本发明提供一种尺寸调节鞋垫,其能够进行调节以对应穿鞋的各用户的脚的尺寸。 +此次新订单包括LVT(1)终端改型,以及供E-2D、F/A-18、E/A-18G、EA-6B和F-16飞机和MH-60R/S、CH-53K直升机使用的备件。,"The new award includes LVT(1) terminal variants and spares for E-2D, F/A-18, E/A-18G, EA-6B, and F-16 aircraft, and the MH-60R/S and CH-53K helicopters." +"Call that function with a stack-based type to be deserialized, and an unknown stream of data and code injection is bound to happen at some point.",使用基于堆栈的将被非串形化(deserialized)的类型调用函数,未知数据流和代码注入肯定会在某个时间点出现。 +"Organic molecules, such as azobenzene chromophores, would induce lots of interesting optical nonlinear effects of polymer, for example, birefringence, dichroism, even change of surface relief.",对于有机分子而���,如偶氮苯类染料分子,在光泵浦下会引起聚合物有趣的光学非线性效应,如双折射,双色性,甚至表面形貌改变。 +"What is visible in the above image, first and foremost , are many spectacular galaxies that are part of CL0024+17 itself, typically appearing tan in color.",在上面影像中,第一眼就可以在前景中看到有许多壮观的星系,它们是CL0024+17星系团的一部分,大多数显棕黄色。 +"In the case of any divergence of interpretation, the English text shall prevail.",一式两份,每份均用中文、尼文和英文写成,三种文本同等作准,如在解释上遇有分歧,以英文为准。 +"On the Web, this isn’t much of a concern because, as mentioned, there is no standard hyphenation control in browsers.",在网络上并不需要有过多的担忧,因为在浏览器中并有标准的连字控制功能。 +Yet he would also be a dangerous pick.,然而举他这个例子其实也是一个危险的选择。 +I did use the dash O and I said hi3 dash O.,我的确敲进去-o,hi3啊。 +Why will the whole of love come on me suddenly when I am sad and feel you are far away?,为什么当我哀伤且感觉到你远离时, 全部的爱会突如期然地来临呢? +"Toxic Waste: 3, 687 Tons (6th)",毒性废料:3687吨(6位) +"The Voyager twins carried many sensors. The most valuable of these were the TV cameras that in 1979, recorded the King of Planets, Jupiter.",它们都装配了许多传感器,其中最有价值的是电视摄像机,它在1979年拍下了行星之王-——木星的影片。 +"At the same time periodontal health rate also worrying: young and middle-aged gum bleeds for seventy-seven point three percent detection rate, periodontal health rate only less than fifteen percent.",同时牙周健康率也令人担忧:中青年牙龈出血检出率为百分之七十七点三,牙周健康率仅不到百分之十五。 +Important: The Adapter Hardware Address matches that for en0 except for the last alphanumeric pair. This must not match any adapter hardware address on the network.,要点:除了最后两小节字母数字串之外,其中的 Adapter Hardware Address(适配器硬件地址)必须与 en0 匹配,这两个小节无法与网络中任何适配器硬件地址相匹配。 +"In an interview in 2005 with Jeremy Paxman on the BBC, Pavarotti rejected the allegation that he could not read music, although acknowledging he sometimes had difficulty following orchestral parts.",在2005年,接受 BBC Jeremy Paxman 采访时,帕瓦罗蒂否认了他不能理解音乐并承认他配合管弦乐队有一些苦难。 +"Feeling tired grab a red pair, stressed out try some calming blue, emotionally upset go for the orange or in need of some optimism switch to yellow.",如果感到疲倦,那就试试红色,如果感到压力很大,那就试试令人平静的蓝色。 如果焦虑不安就试试橙色,如果想要乐观,就试试黄色。 +"Plus, it's harder for art majors to find full-time work.",加上,主修艺术方面的学生毕业后很难找到一份全职的工作。 +"It's getting angry at the wizard, so it uses a special ability to take another standard action: it spits a ball of fire at the wizard, setting him on fire.",他突然发现自己还没打法师,于是他用一个特殊能力又做了一个标准动作(译者:难道是气定?) +"Keep your skin smooth, silky and sensual.",让你的皮肤光滑,柔细,感觉愉悦。 +Are you able to say clearly?,你能够说明白点吗? +""", ""Please use a scale of 0-10 to rate your strength of identity as a Hong Kong citizen, with 10 indicating extremely strong, 0 indicating extremely weak, and 5 indicating half-half.",请你用0-10分表示你对香港人身份既认同感。10分代表绝对认同,0分代表绝不认同,5分代表一半半。 +"For a given shaped charge, the effects of the grain size of a liner on the performance of shaped charge jets have been investigated with aid of fire tests and flash X ray radiographs.",通过对紫铜药型罩的静破甲威力实验和脉冲X射线照像,研究了药型罩材料的晶粒度对射流性能的影响。 +Regular check shall be implemented on the fastening of the joint between mold soaker and bottle blowing oil route and leakage of oil pipes.,定时检查模具恒温机→吹瓶模油路接头是否松动,油管是否泄漏。 +"Through update products, innovative management style, flexible economic levers to stimulate desire to attract and meet the reasonable requirements of domestic consumers.",通过产品更新、经营方式创新、灵活的经济杠杆来刺激欲望,吸引和满足国内消费者的合理要求。 +Conclusion It has been suggest that the modified larval diet could favour the growth and development of the blowfly.,结论添加鱼粉的幼虫饲料有利于丝光绿蝇的生长发育。 +The gearbox of the drive must remain coupled to the drive pulley for the holdback to function.,变速箱必须与驱动轮保持耦合,才能起到��轴功能。 +What about that?Consonant or dissonant?,这样呢,和谐还是不和谐? +"""Tax Deduction"" means a deduction or withholding for or on account of Tax from a payment under this Agreement.",“税额扣减”是指在本协议项下从付款中扣除或扣缴的税收金额。 +It was set up by wax sculptor Marie Tussaud.,杜莎夫人蜡像馆的创立人是蜡像雕刻家图索德夫人。 +"The ground is the white one, but the snow still kept under, as if fairy scattering flower general.",地面上是白茫茫的一片,可雪还在不停的下着,好像仙女散花一般。 +"Designers to traditional culture, such as pottery, tea, wine, combining appears in the technique of expression of contemporary lingnan style.",设计师把陶、茶、酒等传统的文化,结合岭南风格以当代的表现手法呈现。 +"First, there was the facial injury, then his back problems and finally the muscle niggles which almost cost him his appearance in the Bernabeu.",首先,有面部的伤, 然后他的背的问题和最后几乎在伯纳乌出现的肌肉拉伤。 +The results show that ( 1 ) the annual increment rate of desertification in Yanchi in past 40 years was 4.03% .,结果表明:1)盐池县近半个世纪以来土地荒漠化呈急剧扩大趋势,荒漠化土地面积平均年增长率4.03%。 +"Provided is a fluorescent lamp with a build-in lighting circuit for fixing glass lamp house reliably without relation with a bonding agent state, and a method for manufacturing the same.",提供一种可靠地固定玻璃灯罩而与粘结剂状态无关的具有内置点 灯电路的荧光灯及其制造方法。 +"Electrofluorination technology is simple and practical, its operation is safe, reaction conditions are mild, reaction is convenient to control.",电解氟化技术简单,操作安全,反应条件温和,反应易从外部加以控制,因而应用广泛。 +"So there I was, in love with a man whose surname could not be more offensive to my tongue, and it was abundantly clear that the only option was keeping my last name.",事到如今,我爱人的姓让我觉得非常拗口,很显然,唯一的选择是保留我的姓。 +I have some clients from the city of Wuxi who speak Xipu dialect which in reality is a mixture of Putonghua and Wuxi dialect.,你知道桂林桂聘人才网。 我有一些无锡的拜托人,他们的方言是普通话和无锡话一起讲。 +"The BPMSM has important application value in the field of ultra-clean liquid transport because of its advantages such as simple structure, no contact and no wear.",无轴承薄片电机结构简单,其无接触、无磨损的优点,使其在超洁净液体传输领域具有重要应用价值。 +"Harty agreed that the “regrettable perception” that the events of September 11, 2001, made the U.S. visa process more cumbersome was correct in the immediate aftermath of the attacks.",人们认为,9.11恐怖主义袭击事件使美国签发签证的程序一度变得更为繁杂,不免令人感到遗憾。 哈蒂承认,这在9.11发生以后的一段时间的确是实际情况。 +Flat-throw type head vulcanizer is the main production facility for rubber item vocation.,平推式门盖硫化罐是橡胶制品行业主要的生产设备。 +"A series of measurements including volatile matter content, water spray resistance, salt fog resistance and atmospheric exposure tests of 15 lubricating greases were performed.",本研究分别以滑脂挥发物含量、耐水冲性、盐雾试验、室外曝露试验等多种测试评估15种市售与自制滑脂之耐候与防蚀性能。 +The cheapest way to get one is to invoke the spectral theorem and to conclude that normal operators always have non-trivial invariant subspaces.,尝试是引用光谱定理而得到正规算子恒有非平凡不变子空间的结论。 +"Hostess But life didn't have to be this way. We could reproduce like some weeds do, by putting out shoots. Talk about a family tree!",但是我们不一定非得这样繁殖。我们可以像一些野草那样通过发芽抽枝进行繁殖,形成一个大家庭。 +"Roy's moves so often left him in an outstanding position, such as scoring a goal coming from midfield at the last minute.",基恩的跑动总是能让他出现在最应该出现的地方,就像每每都能让作为中场的他有机会在最后一分钟以一记世界波轰开对方的大门。 +"If this happens, new wells and pipelines would be required to continue the sequestration project.",如果发生这种情况,就需要新井和新管道来继续固碳工程。 +Beijing is this year expected to hand out quotas worth an extra $5bn.,预计今年北京方面将再批出50亿美元额度。 +The control problem of car string velocity and distance bias system with overlapping structures is presented.,滇西无量山北缘弧形推覆构造是一个具有多重叠置结构的复杂推覆系统。 +"Today, WHO, the Roll Back Malaria Partnership, and PATH are issuing a report on Eliminating malaria: learning from the past, looking ahead.",今天,世卫组织、遏制疟疾伙伴关系和适宜卫生技术规划共同发布关于消除疟疾的报告:学习过去,面向未来。 +"At contemporary scholars, particularly by the descendants of Zhu Xi's attention, (but) it is in the process Dachang insufficient attention, let alone its shortest length of academic works - ""Poetry.""",在同时代的学者中,尤以朱熹受后人重视,于程大昌则注意不够,更遑论其篇幅最短之学术著作——《诗论》。 +Benjamin Radford is managing editor of the Skeptical Inquirer science magazine.,本杰明●雷德福是怀疑论询问者科学杂志的总编辑。 +"Step outside, and you will know how to speak to a girl.",有种的出去,然后你就知道该怎么和女孩子讲话了。 +"A Police spokesman said the joint departments, the mother and daughter continue to investigate the case disturbing.",警方发言人则表示将联合有关部门,继续对该母女扰民一案进行调查。 +The attack by forces of the British Army and both foot and mounted Ballarat police was short and deadly.,攻击由英国的军队的力量和脚和登上的Ballarat 警察是短和致命的。 +Greece may have to halve its debt burden.,希腊可能要减半其债务负担。 +I have been an actuary with Zhuhai People's Insurance for over three years. I have had three years of varied experience in insurance.,我在珠海人民保险公司当保险统计员已三年多,积累了丰富的经验。 +"""We love demonstrating our love in front of everyone and in front of our family,"" said Lucia Gutierrez, 38, who spent the afternoon rehearsing with Vicente Romero, 34, her boyfriend of 10 months.",38岁的露西娅•古铁雷斯说:“我们喜欢在所有人和家人面前表达爱意,这没什么不好。” +Leaf area and dry weight based Chlorophyll content were increased under shade condition.,单位乾重及单位面积叶绿素含量在遮荫下皆有增加的趋势。 +"Useful features found in GnuCash include double-entry accounting, schedule recurring transactions and support for Quicken files (OFX/QFX) import/export.",GnuCash 中的有用特性包括:复式记账、排定周期性的交易,以及支持 Quicken 文件(OFX/QFX)导入和导出。 +"Gad lives there like a lion, tearing at arm or head.","迦得住如母狮, 他撕裂膀臂,连头顶也撕裂。" +"“I don’t know what to make of this, at least not until there is more substantial fossil material than a partial finger bone, ” he says. “It may be going too far to propose a new hominid.”",“我不知道怎样解释这个东西,但是至少得等到有更多真实的化石材料可研究才能盖棺定论,仅凭一块手指骨,”他说“现在就提出有新的史前人类还为时过早。” +Kitty and Lala explain the importance of photography in China and how it presents an opportunity for couples to express themselves.,蔡莹和陈翔解释了摄影在中国的重要性,以及它是怎样为情侣提供了自我表达的机会。 +Your excuse is really so beautiful. Ask you not to be lying.,迩旳借口眞旳好羙。求迩罘要再说谎。 +"From that moment on, I knew, with absolute certainty what the presence of the universe felt like. I’m in awe that anything is possible, if only, we let our minds get out of the way.",从那以后,我对什么是天地万物灵气所在毫无疑问,我很惊叹:只要我们用心,万事皆有可能。 +"The buyer accepts the price &payment terms, and sign and chopped the Drafted contract &NCND.",买方接受价格和付款条件,并签署和约草本和保密协议。 +"Having said that of course, Hannibal went through the mountains which kind of screws up the lesson, but too late now.","然而事实上汉尼拔选择的是翻山越岭,这有点和这个结论相悖,但这也没有办法了" +The idea is that changed household behaviour in the US might take care of the problem by itself.,舆论认为,通过改变美国家庭的消费行为,这个问题或许能自行解决。 +"""It's a great feeling to play in the Premier League and score 100 goals and I'm extremely proud of that, "" he said. Hopefully there's many more to come but I'm really pleased at the minute.",鲁尼说:“能在英超打进百球感觉就是棒,我为自己感到非常骄傲,希望自己的进球越来越多,感觉越来越好。 +"With glossy black surface, using a stable TEFLON coating ensure a particularly high thermal conductivity.",有乌黑发亮的表面,使用稳定的特弗隆(TEFLON)涂层,保证特别高的导热性。 +"Wuyi Mountain as our country and even world wild animal resource abundant area most one of nature reserve, its meaning protected is more important too.",武夷山自然保护区是我国乃至世界野生动物资源最丰富的地区之一,其保护的意义也更重要。 +He wrote the book after running a popular Potter fansite.,他在组织一个受欢迎的哈利波特沙龙后写了这本书。 +The Sangiovese grapes grow on the slopes with good sun exposure.,桑吉斯葡萄生长在享受日照最佳的山坡上。 +The man who cannot believe in himself cannot believe in anything else. The basis of all integrity and character is whatever faith we have in our own integrity.,不信任自己的人也不可能信任他人,因为所有的诚信和品质都是树立在对自己诚信的基础上。 +This is nothing but the binomial expansion.,将二项式扩展到规定幂的定理。 +And the country was in quietness forty years in the days of Gideon.,基甸还在的日子,国中太平四十年。 +"But they did mark my daughter's first foray into the mainstream culture, the first time the influences on her extended beyond the family.",但,当我女儿第一次、怯生生地与主流文化接触,当她第一次接受家庭以外信息的冲击时,这些公主故事,会留下深深的烙印。 +The team searched the home of a suspected motorcycle thief.,小组搜查了一个偷车嫌疑犯的家。 +"It has solid wood floor of high-grade, health, comfort, but also has the aggrandizement wood floor environmental protection, moisture-proof, insulation and so on, at the same time.",它既拥有实木地板的高档、健康、舒适的感觉,又具有强化木地板的环保、防潮、绝缘等特点,同时。 +"Chapter Two is the literature review, which has reviewed and tidied up the academic research on TNCs, foreign direct investment (FDI), RHQs and headquarters economy.",第二章是文献综述,对跨国公司、对外直接投资、地区总部、总部经济等相关理论的研究进行了回顾整理。 +Jinan City; Fluctuations in grain production; Wavelet analysis; The BP artificial neural networks; Calculation of trend.,济南市;粮食生产波动;小波分析;BP人工神经网络;趋势预测。 +"Get in close and try to lead it westward, "" Jason said, then looked over his shoulder.""",进入结束和尝试向西带领它,杰生说,然后浏览他的肩。 +"As for an elevated point source, the height of mixing layer, growing from lower to higher than the releasing height is a necessary condition for the phenomenon of fumigation.",混合层高度是影响地面浓度的一个重要因子,且对高架源来说,混合层从低于排放高度发展到高于排放高度是产生“熏烟”现象的必要条件; +"Conclusion Fluorescent quantitative PCR can be a new method used for the screening of HBV DNA in eyes bank, and it can detect not only blood samples, but also tissue samples.",结论 荧光定量PCR技术可以作为一种新的方法应用于临床眼库的HBV等病原体的筛查,能够同时检测血液标本和眼组织标本。 +The dark use those of fame again and again through their interconnections to all others who worship them to waylay global ascension.,黑暗一再利用那些名人,通过与崇拜他们的其他所有人的互连去挡截全球提升。 +Hang-up is the third in Guangzhou enterprises.,恒满是其在广州市成立的第三家企业。 +"Conclusions: MLT of seminal plasma may have certain effect on sperm function, but it is necessary to further study and clarify its mechanism.",结论:本研究结果表明,精浆MLT可能对精子功能具有一定作用,其具体作用机制尚需进一步深入的研究。 +"Lupin burst out laughing, and said: ""A man generally was above his boots.""",卢宾突然大笑起来,说:“人站在鞋子上方,一般都会“超过”他的鞋子。” +Marojejy National Park in northern Madagascar has been closed to tourism.,马达加斯加北部的Marojejy国家公园已经停止面向旅游者开放。 +"The effects of hammerhead style, rotation speed, and inlet water volume on particle size distribution were investigated.",探讨了破碎机理,分析了破碎机锤头类型、锤头转速和进水流量对破碎产物粒度分布的影响。 +We have been placed in this physical world so that we may learn to think aright and develop epigenesis in constructive ways.,我们已经被置于一个物质的世界,这样我们可能学会正确的思考以及以建设性的方式渐进的发展。 +"Bn aerial view shows a lake overtaking a village in the Hunza district of northern Pakistan on Saturday, May 29, 2010.",空中超车视图预示1个湖泊中的1个巴基斯坦北部地域星期六罕萨村,2010年5月29日。 +"We know, and our vaccination teams know, that every time we hold an immunization campaign in these areas we are risking lives.",我们知道,我们的计划免疫工作队知道,每次在这种地方组织计划免疫活动,我们都会冒着生命危险。 +In some low cost monitors without degauss buttons it is necessary to leave the power turned off for at least 20 minutes in order to get maximum degaussing.,在一些低成本方面监控没有 消磁钮扣留下能力被关上是必要的 为了拿到最大的消磁至少20 分钟以来。 +Those schools get less funding and have less qualified teachers than average.,这些学校获得的教育资金少于正常水平,师资力量薄弱。 +"The communications and exchanges of Chinese painting and calligraphy in the ASEAN countries have profound cultural deposition, and also vast and solid social foundation.",中国书画艺术在东盟国家的传播、交流具有深厚的文化积淀与广阔、坚实的社会基础。 +Forest-paper integration(FPI) theoretical support system is constructed in this paper in 3 theoretical domains of internal and external superiorities and combining modes.,本文从林纸一体化的内部优势理论、外部优势理论和组合方式理论三个方面构筑了林纸一体化的理论支撑体系。 +The local currency is now largely replaced by U.S. dollars or South African rands.,津巴布韦本国货币现在基本上被美元或者南非货币兰特取代。 +"""No, no, never, "" cried Vanya and Maroosia at once.",“没有没有,从来没讲过!”万尼亚和玛露西亚立刻叫道。 +"Several studies, such as a study by Slovenian researchers published in the journal Critical Care last year, have found that NDEs are quite common.",几项研究,譬如像斯洛文尼亚的研究人员在去年发表的《急救护理》杂志里声称,他们已经发现濒死体验(NDE)相当普遍。 +"They receive social services (such as reduced-cost housing, WIC, and other welfare benefits) that far outstrip their contributions to the local and national economy.",他们接受的社会服务(比如廉租屋,妇女、婴儿、儿童以及其他人的福利)要远高于他们对当地和国家经济作出的贡献; +JP3 gas reservoir in Xinchang gas field is a shallow gas one of tight clastic rock with low porosity and permeability which is poorly developed.,新场气田JP3气藏是一个开发程度很低的低孔渗致密碎屑岩浅层气藏,水力加砂压裂是提高其单井产能的有效途径。 +The fact that more riders are being caught is testament to the Tour’s improved testing regime.,事实上,有更多车手在赛前检测中落网。 +THE HOST: A British-based company has developed a cell phone that deters thieves by literally screaming should it be stolen.,主持人:一家设在英国的公司推出一款新型手机,这种手机在遇窃时会发出尖叫声把小偷吓跑。 +"Processing site comments, suggestions and station announcement, the establishment of cooperation, user login problems, forgotten password etc.",处理本站的意见、建议,站务公告、建立合作,用户登陆困难、忘记用户密码等等。 +"If various APIs or intermediates are manufactured in the same equipment and the equipment is cleaned by the same process, a representative intermediate or API can be selected for cleaning validation.",如果多个原料药或中间体都在同一设备内生产,而该设备用同一个程序清洗,那么就要选择代表性的中间体或原料药来作清洗验证。 +The third kind of problem is how to report service health and alerts dynamically.,第三个问题是如何动态的报告服务的健康情况和警告。 +The dark in the sunshine.,我身处阳光,却沉溺黑暗。 +"A whisk fern grows from recently cooled lava in Hawaii Volcanoes National Park, Hawaii.",一种叉形蕨类植物从近期冷却的位于夏威夷火山国家公园的岩浆中萌发。 +Having the opportunity to analyze writing with fellow authors can only help you gain a greater understanding of the writing process.,能够有机会和其他的作者一起分析写作技巧会帮助你更好地理解整个写作过程。 +Clarence Seedorf and Ronaldo could have also scored a two apiece.,克拉伦斯。西多夫和罗纳尔多本来也可以各进两个球。 +"At this point, beijing net still asks I am happy the net recoups its pecuniary loss 322500 yuan, bear litigant cost.",就此,北京网尚要求我乐网赔偿其经济损失322500元,并承担诉讼费用。 +"y So, if I'm only concerned with x and y, presumably I can just do it the usual way for a circle.",如果只看x和,通常表示圆的方法是。 +"Nuranen said his mother misplaced the copy of ""Prince of Egypt"" while cleaning the house.",据美联社1月7日报道,努拉南表示,他妈妈在收拾房间时将那本名为《埃及王子》的书放错了地方才导致了此事的发生。 +"Ever vigilant. In Homyel's Central Bazaar, Alla Oplachikova prepares to analyze mushrooms for radiocesium in a lead-lined sample chamber (above).",保持警惕。在戈梅里的中心集市,阿娜·奥普拉契科娃准备在一个衬铅的样品室中分析蘑菇的放射性铯含量。 +"For a long period, the rest of the world was only aware of China’s four major inventions: the compass, gun-power, papermaking and movable-type printing.",长期以来,世界只知道中国有指南针、火药、造纸和活字印刷四大发明。 +"When viewed on the wall, the names of the nations appear to be allies of American soldiers standing behind them on the front lines.",当在墙上观察时,各国的名字好像是美国士兵的同盟国站在前线的美国士兵的后面。 +"On the day of the session, as I opened the door, she held up a bag of empty sandwich wrappings from her lunch and asked if she could throw them away in my garbage.",在会谈当天,当我打开门,她抱着午餐用的一包空三明治保装纸问我她是否能将它们丢进我的垃圾桶。 +"Of course, when children come along they change the game completely.",当然,当孩子降临的时候,他们完全改变了游戏局面。 +"He shivers, as if a goose has trodden on his grave.",他浑身一哆嗦,好像一只鹅已经踩在了他的坟头上。 +"In my heart, still very like the hero of Cao Cao, know the times, the most appreciate is that the ""Emperor to the princes"" of that sum.",在我的心里,还是非常喜欢曹操这样的英雄,知时势,最为欣赏的就是那 ꄘ“挟天子以令诸侯”的那一笔。 +Because what Zeno hadn't seen is that the tortoise does not escape the destiny that weighs upon Achilles - its step too gets shorter and shorter and it never arrives at the limit either.,因为芝诺所没有看见的是,乌龟并没有逃避降临到阿奇力身上的这个命运---乌龟的步调也变得越岭越短,可是它也没有到达极限。 +"If I'm ever asked to propose a solution to the crisis in our schools, it will be Mr. Whitson.",如果有人问我如何解决学校面临的危机时,那就是惠特森先生的教学方法。 +"It is fairly easy to launch objects into inclinations higher than the launch site latitude, but it is very difficult to launch directly into lower inclinations.",这样就能更容易发射到比发射点纬度更高的位置,但想直接发射到低倾角位置则很难。 +The only problem is its about a 1 hour roundtrip drive from home - drop off at 9AM and pick up at 4PM. I'm happy to do it though as he seems to be getting a lot out of the program.,唯一的问题是它的大约1 小时来自家的来回驾驶- 在早上9 点减少和精选在下午4 点上面。 当他似乎得到很多从计画的时候,我快乐虽然做它。 +Potassium citrate tribasic monohydrate;,柠檬酸三钾一水合物; +It was done. She had betrayed Feliks for the last time .,完啦,她终于背叛了费利克斯。 +"Just as he thought of the concert thing, his car stuck in a pit.",正当他想着音乐会的事情,他的车卡在一个坑里。 +"Built in World War Two as an anti-aircraft base to repel German bombers, the derelict platform was taken over 40 years ago by retired army major Paddy Roy Bates who went to live there with his family.",“海国”的前身是一个建于二战时期抵御德国轰炸的防空基地。 40年前,已退休的帕迪·罗伊·贝茨海军少校携家人“占领”了这个被遗弃的平台,并宣布成立“海国”公国。 +They are adept at snatching defeat from the jaws of victory and also at wasting their time and talent through age-old art of over-analysing everything and everyone; analysis paralysis.,他们擅长在胜利关口抓取一丝失败,把自己的时间和才干都浪费在对一切人和事的过度考虑上;直至分析瘫痪。 +"It is a play on glass ceiling, an unofficial or unacknowledged impediment to advancement in a workplace due to discrimination, especially against women or minorities.",玻璃屋顶指的是工作单位中特别针对女性或少数种族的歧视而导致的一种非官方的或者未明示的上升发展障碍。 +"We are just starting online business, less than satisfactory, please do forgive all Jen division and provide valuable input.",我们目前网上业务刚刚开始,不尽人意之处,尽请各界仁师见谅,并提供宝贵意见。 +Energy efficient operation of underground water-source & water loop heat pump air conditioning systems;,土壤源热泵系统作为一项节能、环保的空调系统方式,目前已得到广泛应用。 +"Could not name block. A block named ""%1"" already exists.",无法命名图块。名为“%1” 的图块已经存在。 +"Perfectly right, a part of Chinese learn good English would to China of development have the very big help, but deny the everyones to all want to learn good English?",诚然,一部分中国人学好英语会对中国的发展有很大的帮助,但是否人人都要学好英语? +"Therefore, to prepare the manpower resources military training and sports athletics, becomes peace and the friendship games gradually.",于是,为准备兵源的军事训练和体育竞技,逐渐变为和平与友谊的运动会。 +"If we consider the integers with ordinary multiplication we have closure, associativity, and identity element.",如果我们考虑整数集且用通常的乘法,我们有封闭性,可结合性,和一个单位元。 +It has been found out that the defect was caused by adopting the foundry method with a cold riser which actually acted as a cold metal bleeder.,业已查明,缺陷是由于采用冷冒口工艺所致,因为冷冒口实际上起排放冷铁液作用。 +"So somewhere, maybe in pre-incarnational time before Franny became Franny, she wanted to be an actress.","可能是在神灵化身之前的时代,��弗兰尼变成弗兰尼之前,她想要成为演员。" +The objectives of this 3-year research proposal are composed of: (i) the theoretical investigation to the mode coupling of dual GMR-SPP resonance effects and its fabrication process development;,本三年型之研究计画内容将包含有:一、导波模态-表面电浆子之双重共振模态耦合理 論探讨与GMR-SPP 波导之制程开发; +Aim To analyze the prevalence of malaria and evaluate the result of malaria control in Quanzhou County in a period of over 50 years.,目的 分析全州县50余年疟疾流行过程,评价控制措施和防治效果,为疟疾后期监测提供科学依据。 +"According to a recent Pew Center on the States study, in 1982, one in 110 adults was under Michigan's correctional control. Today, it's around one in 27—higher than the national average of one in 31.",根据最新的《Pew Center关于各州的报告》,在1982年,110个成年人中有1在密歇根的纠正系统之下,而今天,27人之中就有一人——比国家平均值31还要高。 +"Besides, how do you comment on China-US trade spats and the US House of Representatives Ways and Means Committee's passage of a bill regarding the RMB exchange rate?",另外,中方对于中美经贸摩擦以及美国会众院筹款委员会近日通过涉人民币汇率议案有何评论? +"If the DTC comes back, it is considered a hard codPerform TEST 2A.",如果诊断故障代码返回,则被认为是一个硬代码。执行测试2A。 +"Conclusion: Liver-Qi depression restrain gastrointestinal motion by affecting neurotransmitter of monoamine, gastroelectromyograph and gastrointestinal muscle tensile.",结论:肝气郁结通过影响单胺神经递质水平、胃电以及胃肠平滑肌的张力,从而抑制胃肠运动。 +"Then, without even an“if you please,” Wanda waved her wand, said a magic word, and poof! Charley, the little green frog, turned into a prince!",也不问查理是否愿意接受,旺达已经挥动手中的魔法棒,念了一句咒语,然后只听“噗”的一声,查理,那只绿色的小青蛙,竟然变成了一位王子。 +Kim asked us what Billy could do to address these wrongs.,金问我比利能为他的过错做什么弥补吗。 +"The Usd was significantly stronger in the Asian session, as Mervin King comments highlighted the markets fear of a global recession.",在亚洲市场,由于金恩的评论,使得市场对全球经济衰退的担忧加剧,美元明显走强。 +I volunteer in high schools and speak to them about reproductive health.,我在高中做志愿者,给他们讲生殖健康。 +"You trust that the peeling of your fluff will reveal - slowly, one layer at a time - contentment. You trust in freedom.",你相信,你的去皮的绒毛会脱落-慢慢地,一次一层-直到满意。你相信自由。 +"Zhu Xiangqian, coach, said, ""If they can bravely take the challenge, although it is very difficult for them to finish the task, it’s possible for them to almost reach the top.""",教练Zhu Xiangqian表示:“如果他们能勇敢地接受挑战,虽然对他们来说很难完成这项任务。 但是他们有可能接近顶峰。” +"We'll keep what they gave, we will piously keep.",我们将虔诚地保留他们给予我们的遗产。 +"Susan tried everything to train her daughter into a lady, but it seems that she is milking the bull.",苏姗千方百计想把她女儿训练成个淑女,可这些似乎都是徒劳。 (实习编辑:顾萍) +Her raised water rates reduced the fixed charge but increased the cost of higher volumes.,她进一步调整水费比例,减少固定税率,但增加高用水人群的费用。 +"Feb. 2004, the father of Pakistan's nuclear bomb, scientist Abdul Qadeer Khan, admits to passing on uranium-linked technology to Libya, Iran and North Korea.",2004年2月:巴基斯坦核弹之父、科学家阿卜杜勒-卡迪尔-汗承认他将铀技术转移给利比亚、伊朗和朝鲜。 +Objective To elucidate the antifibrotic mechanism of herbal compound 861 (Cpd861).,目的深入研究中药复方861抗肝纤维化的机理。 +Then a simplified algorithm was proposed in order to achieve parameter optimization of fault classifier for turbo-generator sets.,依据该简化算法,实现了故障分类器的参数优化,并应用于汽轮发电机组的故障分类。 +The reducer also can help remove excess metals and oxidation impurities released on tin surface from a tin furnace to play the role of purification;,本发明还可以清除锡炉内多余释出在锡面的金属及氧化杂质,起到提 纯作用; +Now people want to be famous. Why?,现在人人都想出名,为什么? +Uncle Paul took from his desk a stick of sealing-wax and rubbed it rapidly over his cloth sleeve;,保罗叔叔从他的桌子上拿来一根封口用的蜡,在他的衣袖上快速摩擦; +"Speaking at the American Chemical Society conference, US researchers said the discovery could also lead to treatments for severe burns and ulcers.",美国研究人员,在美国化学学会论坛上报道,这个发现也为治疗重度烧伤和溃疡产生新的方法。 +"Solstices correspond to the top and bottom of the figure-8, indicating the northern and southernmost excursions of the Sun in the sky.",二至点(夏至和冬至)对应于8字曲线的上下顶点,其表明太阳在天空中南北两端的最大偏移量。 +"We heard an objection that said what they did was categorically wrong, like here at the end, categorically wrong, murder is murder, it's always wrong even if it increases the overall happiness of society, a categorical objection.","其中之一是说,他们的所作所为,是绝对错误的,正如后排这位所言,绝对错误,谋杀就是谋杀,总归是错的,即便能增加社会总幸福,属于绝对主义的反对。" +"Some of the players were excluded from the ball toss during the game. Those who handled the money felt little or no distress at being excluded, while those who handled paper felt lower self-esteem.",有一些受测者被排斥在了游戏之外,那些数过钱的学生对遭排斥一事几乎毫不沮丧,而那些数白纸的人则觉得自尊心受到了伤害。 +"The Wildlife Services program is part of the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, or APHIS .",“野生动植物服务”项目是动植物卫生检疫服务机构( APHIS )的一部分。 +"With the rapid development of spatial sciences and technology, earthquake and volcano monitoring has begun to step into a new development period.",随着空间技术、空间对地观测技术和天测技术的发展,已经逐渐在陆域强震及火山灾害的监测预测领域发挥作用。 +The lone-pair interactions change the chemical characteristics of the carbon.,这些孤对电子相互作用,改变了碳原子的化学性质。 +Gia was born in 1961 to a working class Italian family and grew up in Philadelphia.,1961年,吉尔出生在费城的一个意大利工人阶级家庭。 +"Mr Wan find zishu emphasize to kill all, said dont like master hesitant as they hit the fun thing.",庞万找到子书要杀掉妙戈,说看不惯主上一碰到乐儿的事就犹豫不决。 +"The attendance should mail or fax the remittance document to organization committee after payment remittance for our check, the invoice will issue on exhibition site.",参展商在汇出款项后,须将银行汇款底单传真或邮寄至组委会,以便核查,发票在展会现场由财务部统一开取。 +Powerful tools such as quantum-chemical computational models allow chemical engineers to build structures that can control reactions at the atomic level.,量子化学计算机模型已经建立,这是一种十分强大的技术手段,可让化学工程师制造出某种设备,以达到从原子水平上控制化学反应的目的。 +They created a kind of artificial cornea by inserting a sliver of collagen into the eye which then coaxed the natural cells to grow again.,他们创造了一种人造角膜,将一小片胶原插入病人眼中,油诱导自然细胞再次增长。 +Mount Rushmore! Hard to starboard!,是总统山! 没法打右舷! +"""The pressure has become very hard on the Nepal government,"" said Trinlay Gyatso, the Dalai Lama's de facto representative in Nepal.",“尼泊尔政府的压力变得非常之大,”达赖喇嘛在尼泊尔的实际代表钦列嘉措(Trinlay Gyatso)说道。 +Then America should adopt a policy of benign neglect towards the North.,那么美国对朝鲜应该采取“善意忽视”的政策。 +He married his childhood sweetheart and they are regarded a match made in heaven.,他和自己儿时的心上人喜结连理,两人被看作是天作之合。 +The central fuel gas jet pipe is inserted in the cavity of the burning nozzle main body.,中 心燃气喷管插设于烧嘴本体腔体内; +Dosage and scheduling of the taxane drug is not clearly defined and we await results of the next generation of studies to determine the optimal use of taxanes in early breast cancer.,对于紫杉烷类药物用量和疗程没有明确界定,我们等待下一代的研究结果,以确定紫杉醇类药物在早期乳癌的最佳使用。 +But it depends on your point of view.,不过它的样子取决于观者视角。 +"As tragic as it is, you must keep in mind that some of the most famous, wealthy intellects fall victim to addictions and suicide.",可悲的是,你该知道,有些有名气有财富的城市精英最终也可能沦为瘾君子或自杀者。 +Markets do not want to talk to flacks and hucksters.,市场不想与宣传员和小贩对话。 +"At this time , a troubled truck driver was walking to him , robbing the cup from his hand and drinking it off .",这时,一个好惹事的卡车司机走到他旁边,从他手里一把抢过酒杯,把酒喝了个精光。 +"In the US, the life expectancy was on the rise for both sexes: up to 76 from 72 for men, and to 81 from 79 for women.",在美国,男女预期寿命都有所上升:男性从72岁增加到76岁,而女性则从79岁上升为81岁。 +"The more theorems you have, the more powerful you are.",你拥有的定理越多,你就会变得更强大。 +"But just let us once get past the stoats, with those detestable guns of theirs, and I assure you we shan't want any swords or pistols .",不过咱们这回是要绕开白鼬和他们的那些可恶的枪械。我断定,咱们用不着什么刀枪之类。 +"Now we have all the required information and calculate ""6574 * ( 11018 / 110979 ) = 652.14"".",现在我们有了所有必需的信息,并计算 “6574 * ( 11018 / 110979 ) = 652.14”。 +We reclaimed ground to fit in holes.,我们填海地以适应洞。 +"Leshan, Xinjin such as dragon-boat race at the Dragon Boat Festival, also held a grand trade fair.",乐山、新津等地端午赛龙舟时,还举行盛大商品交易会。 +"""We found a concerning degree of potentially harmful drug combinations being prescribed to seniors, "" Tami Mark of Thomson Reuters, parent company of Reuters, said in a statement.",“我们发现了潜在危害的药物组合对年长的人有一定的法律规定。” Reuter的总公司的研究团队里的Tami Mark陈述道。 +Objective To discuss the clinical value of transposition of the pedicled anterolateral femoral periosteal flap.,目的探讨带血供股骨干前外侧面骨膜瓣移位术的临床应用价值。 +"The Gateways of Power are clear openings established on inter-dimensional levels, to create alignment within your energy systems.",能量之门是在你的内在维度层面设立的明确的门户,来对齐你的能量系统。 +"Whether we end up fighting one another or whether we work together to confront common threats—our fate, our common wealth, is in our hands.",是要停止继续你争我夺还是团结起来对抗我们共同的威胁——我们的命运,我们共同的财富,完全取决于我们自己。 +"Finally, Rubin emphatically denied other rumors of ARM-chipset standardization in the platform, much of which arose in the wake of an anonymously sourced DigiTimes story.",最后,鲁宾断然否认在平台上的其他谣传的ARM芯片的标准化,其中大部分在一个匿名来源电子时代的故事之后产生的。 +Or no religion at all.,或者无宗教信仰? +King Kong is the fictional giant ape from Skull Island. The ape has appeared in many works since 1933.,金刚是一只来自头骨岛的虚构的巨猿,出现在1933年以来的多部作品中。 +"Recently, DC based vaccine has been a hotpoint in tumor immunotherapy.",近年来,以DC为基础的肿瘤疫苗已成为肿瘤免疫治疗的热点。 +The Alzheimer in this ancestry appears as autosomal dominant genetic disease .,阿尔茨海默病在本家系中显示为常染色体显性遗传。 +OBJECTIVE To study the biological activity and active constituents of Sarcopyramis nepalensis Wall.,目的研究楮头红的生物活性,寻找活性成分。 +The teaching of vocal music is just like that of any other subject Sientific and effective teaching methods must be applied in carrying out class teaching.,声乐教学和其它任何一门学科一样,必须运用科学而有效的教学方法来实施教学。 +"And here I want to distinguish between the individual question about the inevitability of death, and the universal question.","在这里我要区分,死亡必然性的个人性,以及普遍性。" +"It mainly manufactures Bio-chemical products, corticosteroid raw materials, raw materials for drugs, pharmaceutical intermediates, amino acid products for medicine and animal feeds and etc.",主要生产生物化工产品、皮质激素原料药、原料药、医药中间体、药用及饲料用氨基酸产品等。 +The results of simulation studies finally show the effectiveness of RBF-ARX model for the modeling and identification of nonlinear systems.,模型的预测输出和仿真结果,证实了RBF-ARX模型在非线性系统建模和辨识中的有效性。 +What about the party--body part diet?,还有人体部位减肥法 +"The talent, ""Dagger Specialization"", will now use the appropriate crit chance.",天赋“匕首专精”现在使用合适的暴击率。 +Detailed engineering design began in 1988 to meet the propulsion requirements of the Airbus A330 (Trent 700) and Boeing 777 (Trent 800).,1988年,为满足空中客车A330(遄达700)和波音777(遄达800)推力需求,开始了具体的程设计工作。 +With this method the total construction period can be shortened effectively and the construction costs can be reduced significantly under the condition of quality assurance.,该种质量控制方法在保证质量的前提下,有效地缩短了总工期并同时降低了施工总成本。 +"At the beginning of his tenure as Minister of Magic, he sent Dumbledore owls every day to get advice about what to do.",在福吉担任魔法部部长的初期,他还会每天用猫头鹰邮递送信给邓不利多,向他讨教。 +"My heart, with its lapping waves of son, longs to caress this green world of the sunny day.",我的心,同著它的歌的拍拍舐岸的波浪,渴望著要抚爱这个阳光熙和的绿色世界。 +"Extremely strong sense of scientific and technological fashion, and cold industrial aesthetic, as a robot ready to go.",极强的科技时尚感以及冷峻的工业美感,犹如整装待发的机器人; +"Possessing only loving-kindness and compassion, I follow the straight path leading to Truth.",我只有慈悲,行走在通向觉悟的直道上。 +"At present, one of the most famous art districts in Beijing is 798, which is called ""contemporary art workshop"".",而在北京,如今最著名的艺术区之一,就是被称为“当代艺术工厂”的七九八。 +The anxiety of many people also have to talk non-stop.,好多人的焦虑也不停得在倾诉。 +Deep and large fault system played an important role in lithogeny and metallogenesis.,深大断裂在成岩成矿中占重要地位。 +"A kind of Parallel-Series HEV is given in this paper, and the driving situation is analyzed by method of lever simulation, and parameters of the driveline is determined.",提出了一种混联型混合动力系统,采用杠杆模拟方法对其运行工况进行分析,并确定动力总成参数。 +Conclusion AOPP-BSA is capable of inhibiting inducible NO production in MPMs.,结论晚期氧化蛋白产物可抑制MPM诱导型一氧化氮的产生。 +Each request sent to CAM is treated independently but a sequence of requests may constitute the logon process for a given session.,独立地处理发送给 CAM 的每个请求,但是给定的会话的登录过程可能由一系列请求组成。 +"We need those babies as our models, who are lovely, beautiful, and handsome and have good manners, and those who can act like a spoiled child in front of the lens.",我们需要可爱的、美丽的、帅气的、气质非凡的、能在镜头前撒欢的宝宝作我们的模特! +"Finally, the experiments which analyze and identify the EEG data of imaging left-right hands movement show that two stimulators design and implementation is successful.",后续的左右手想象运动脑电信号的分析识别实验表明,两种刺激器的设计和实现是成功的。 +Then she began reading out the names she thought might suit Wolstencroft.,她开始读她觉得适合Wolstencroft的名字。 +"That is to say, maybe the most central and, for me, possibly the most fascinating question theory asks is well, what is literature?","对我而言,理论提出的最核心,也许是最有趣的一个问题是,文学是什么?" +Posterior cingulate cortex GMV and FA predicted cognitive inhibition scores on the mental flexibility task.,后扣带回皮质GMV和FA可预测大脑灵活性方面的认知抑制评分。 +The relation between the structure of anion exchange resin and thepreven-ting fouling was studied by seven systems.,本文通过七种不同系统流程研究了树脂结构与抗有机污染性能的关系。 +"This paper states of the development and application prospect of high-strength concrete and wire, strand and pre-stress technology in the field of bridge engineering .",预应力技术在桥梁工程中的应用很多,随着高速公路的大规模建设,出现的质量问题和裂缝病害也不断增多。 +"In eighteen twenty-nine, Andrew Jackson had the first one held on the completed east front of the Capitol.",在1829年,安德鲁.杰克逊第一次在国会大厦东门举行就职典礼,后来总统就职典礼也就都在国会大厦东门举行。 +"Results (1)Most of intrapulmonary lesions located in superior lobe apicoposterior segment and lower lobe dorsal segment, superior lobe anterior segment and lower lobe basal segment.",结果(1 )肺内病变主要分布于上叶尖后段及下叶背段,其次为上叶前段和下叶各基底段。 +"When the F.D.A. pressured companies to reduce salt in those products, the industry said that doing so would ruin the taste of the foods already low in sugar and fat.",当食品和药物管理局强制公司减少那些产品中的盐时,该行业说这么做会破坏已经是低脂低糖的食品的味道。 +"Overall, cross stitch really is a universal hobby anyone can master and if your curio si ty does get the better of you, you will undoubtedly become hooked in no time.",总体而言,十字绣的确是一项普遍的爱好任何人都可以掌握,如果你的好奇心没有得到更好的你,你无疑将成为在任何时间挂钩。 +So steel reinforced concrete frame supported by frame-concrete structure appeared with a combination of them.,两者结合就形成了型钢混凝土框支框架-混凝土核心筒结构。 +"Based on argumentation in the former chapters, the author newly orientates the NCMA in China in the new era.",通过第一、二、三章的论证分析,作者对新时期的中国军事新闻传播进行了重新定位。 +"There are also 21 astronauts from other countries, including Hadfield, who is Canadian.",美国还有来自其他国家的21位宇航员。 +Gelatin microsphere is a ideal style of successful control release drug.,这表明��胶微球是一种理想的药物控释剂型。 +"Conclusion Mental health education should be focused on, especially on coping skills and post-training among nursing students before practice.",结论应加强实习前心理健康教育,重点加强应对技能训练和岗前培训。 +"Stars of unimaginable proportions on occasion explode, sending a blast of radiation in all directions that is so powerful, any nearby planetary bodies are incinerated within seconds.",难以想象的巨大恒星间或爆炸,向四面八方发射着一股股放射性气流,力量如此强大,以至任何附近的行星天体都在瞬间化为灰烬。 +"Orpheus, with a sudden, calm smile, turned around. His fingers rested on the strings.",俄耳甫斯,淡定地一笑,突然一个急转身,他的手指停留在了琴弦上。 +"Firefighters found the singed cat near the base of the pole. They assumed it was dead, until they noticed it was breathing.",消防队员们看到这只祸事连连的猫咪时,它躺在电线杆座旁,开始消防员们想它一定是死了,最后却发现它居然还有呼吸。 +"Thus, the vaulting horse and the floor exercise these two men and women altogether have the project could because of have, the second half staggers.",这样,跳马和自由体操这两个男女共有的项目就会因有上、下半场而错开了。 +"LingYongXiong query jian-guo zhao, why to do so, jian-guo zhao let him dont forget, how does he go to today.",凌永雄质问赵建国,为何要这样做,赵建国让他不要忘了,他是怎样走到的今天。 +"If people need housing tenants move, and their consent to the lessee properly resettled .",如购房人需要住户搬家,须经承租人同意并对其进行妥善安置。 +"The happiest moment of a person, is to find the right person, he connived at your habits, and love you all .",一个人最幸福的时辰,就是找对了人,他纵容你的习气,并爱着你的一切。 +The article chooses environmental rights this aspect to discuss environmental standard system.,选取了良好环境权这一视角,对环境标准制度展开论述。 +"A simple wedding ceremony was soon held in the woods, with Gu Gang and his wife as well as their pigeons watching as witnesses.",不久﹐一场简单的婚礼便在树林中举行了﹐顾刚和他的妻子以及他们的鸽子都是婚礼的见证者。 +"Barren ridge September rice fork teeth, sting fireflies flying long diameter inclined.",荒畦九月稻叉牙,蜇萤低飞陇径斜。 +"Yes, we have an extra bed. However wewill have to charge you RMB100 extra for the additional bed, is that OK?",是的,我们现在有多余的床,但是将会收您100元加床费,可以么? +"On Wednesday, it was a sampler. She says the stripling's fun.",星期三, 要做样本拼布。 她说弯曲压线技巧很有趣。 +"The project would assist the Borrower in modernizing and expanding facilities at the three ports of Huangpu (Guangzhou), Shanghai and Tianjin.",本项目将协助借款人对(广东)黄埔港、上海港和天津港等三个港口的设施进行现代化改造。 +A further 18 per cent use live chat and instant messaging systems。,此外,还有18%的人使用在线聊天工具和即时信息发送系统。 +They lie some 450 million light-years away in the Hercules Galaxy Cluster.,它们位于距离我们大约4.5亿光年远的武仙座星系团内。 +Really?,真哒? +"One of the first Internet worms, Morris, cripples thousands of computers.",第一批互联网蠕虫病毒之一Morris令数千台计算机瘫痪。 +"Alternatively, the association may result from a cross-trait assortative mating, where more intelligent and higher status men of greater resources marry more beautiful women.",另外一种说法是,这种结合源于一种多样性的选择婚配,在这种婚配中,更聪明的、有更多资源具有更高地位的男士选择与更有魅力的女士结婚。 +May this love with this faith be to the brothers from God the Father and the LordJesus Christ (Eph. 6:23).,“愿(这)爱同着(这)信,从父神并主耶稣基督归与弟兄们。”(弗六23。) +Studies on Standard for Quality Control of Longsheng Granule;,目的探讨仙龙颗粒的抗炎作用。 +"The two sides signed a contract, agreed to pay fifty thousand deposit and pay 250 thousand mortgage loan, daimou housing delivery chen.",双方签订了居间合同,约定支付五万定金并偿还房屋抵押借款25万后,戴某将房屋交付陈某使用。 +"Hazard is if the main shutoff valve is ""stuck"" , these valves may add another level of isolation.",如果主关闭阀卡住就有危险,这些阀有可能会增加另一程度的隔离。 +"Guided by the new curriculum and aiming at cultivating talents in the new century, we should try our best to improve the design of classroom teaching in primary math course.",以新课标为指导,以新世纪对人才的要求为目标,优化小学数学课堂教学设计要在“力图开放”和“发展迁移”上做文���。 +"So, let’s celebrate by hoisting an Icelandic beer. Good luck finding one, I’ll have to stick with something cold and delicious.","所以,让我们一起举起一杯冰岛啤酒来庆祝这个节日.祝你好运能在找到一杯,我仍要来点这些冷霜又可口的家伙." +Candidates for deputies determined through pre-elections shall be listed officially in order of the numbers of votes they have received.,正式代表候选人名单,经过预选确定的,按得票多少的顺序排列 +The PIO Council awarded companies that achieved best results in production development and professional mobilisation of local communities.,理事会授予的先锋公司,取得最好的结果在生产发展和专业动员地方社区。 +"Hope I will never have to see it, nor its poops again.",希望它永远都不要出现,也不要再大便在我家。 +I was nearly killed in a firefight inside the Suez Canal.,我差点在苏伊士运河以内的一场交火中丧生。 +Accounting of the internal sales within the corporation directly affects the performance evaluation of the independent accounting unit.,公司内部销售核算直接影响公司内部独立核算单位的业绩评价。 +"Learn how to ""work up"" your reaction using a separatory funnel to perform a liquid-liquid extraction.",用分液漏斗示范液-液萃取并学习如何用“完整的反应操作步骤”检查你的反应能否发生。 +Using SSL/TLS to encrypt communications reduces this risk.,使用 SSL/TLS 进行通信加密可以减少这种风险。 +"Founded by Ptolemy in 305BC following the death of Alexander the Great, it has become a centre of culture and trade under the influence of its Macedonian rulers.",这个于公元前305年亚历山大大帝去世后、由托勒密所开创的王朝,已在马其顿的统治者们的影响下成为一个文化和贸易的中心。 +The algorithm also resolves the spectrum splitting problem in existing algorithms based on inner product.,另外,很好地解决了已有的内积算法难以克服的“频谱分裂”问题。 +And an appeal by either side has the potential to work its way through the federal court system to become significant case law.,控辩双方任何一方提出的上诉,都有可能沿着联邦法院系统一直往上走,成为重要的判例法。 +The oxidation-reduction potential of a food also influences spoilage .,食品的氧化还原电势也影响食品的变质。 +"You only need to pay for 5 years to enjoy long-term rewards and stable capital growth for a lifetime, giving you the rewards you deserve.",透过「智裕储蓄保」,您只需供 款5年,便可轻松坐享长远收益及稳步增长的 财富。 +"She said Katherine Jackson rang her in London at 7am on Friday to ask where the money was, possibly to stop it being stolen.",她说,凯瑟琳·杰克逊曾在周五早上7点打电话给她,问她钱在哪里,可能是为了防止别人把钱偷走。 +"With all of your fierceness , come smash this foul enemy!",用您的凶猛粉碎这个邪恶的敌人! +The King had a general called Yang Youchi who is very famous for his archery.,国王有位将军名叫杨有持,此人以箭术闻名。 +"By the introduction of the Eco-indicator, a newly arisen Eco-industrial technology, which give the product designers a new way of thinking, and provide a simple and available device for them.",本文意在通过对生态指标这种新兴的生态工业技术的介绍,为产品设计师打开新的思路,提供简单有效的产品环保性设计方法。 +"Cushat says to owl with sympathy:It's a true that your voice of singing is very boring, nobody could pretend to compliment it. Especially it disturbed other's good dream at midnight.",斑鸠带着同情的口气说:你唱歌的声音实在聒噪,令人不也恭维,尤其在晚上是更是扰人清梦,所以大家都把当作做讨厌的人物。 +Objective:To evaluate the effects of deep lamellar keratoplasty in treatment of necrotic stromal keratitis .,目的:评价深板层角膜移植治疗坏死性角膜基质炎的临床效果及影响因素。 +"Thus, systemic acidosis or the other side effects associated with oral carbonic anhydrase inhibitors are not expected to occur.",因此,不会出现全身酸中毒或其他与口服碳酸酐酶抑制剂有关的副作用。 +"Su the Zhong star is thousand times displeased, that day and Lin Mei formally backed a marriage, why will hit upon a sudden idea to run to her the room once living to turn leisurely in the evening?",苏仲星懊恼万分,那一天和林媚正式退了婚,晚上为何会心血来潮跑到她曾住过的房间转悠呢? +It is conduced to screen the precancerosis and provide a new way for immunotherapy of cervical cancer.,这一发现有助于对早期癌前病变的筛查,并为宫颈癌的免疫治疗提供了一个新的思路。 +Officers of Colombia's anti-narcotics squad said Mr Hernandez had gone to great lengths to avoid being identified.,哥伦比亚反麻醉剂官员称,Hernandez采取了很多���式来避免被人出来。 +AIM:To explore the effects of viscoelastic materials aided in locating the cut nasal ends of canaliculi in lower lacrimal canaliculi laceration anastomosis.,目的:探讨提高泪囊鼻腔吻合手术成功率及减少瘢痕的有效方法。 +"Once the dropsy is generated, it can hardly be cured.",水肿一旦形成则很难治愈,应把工作的重点放在预防上; +"The next day, a fancy carriage pulled up to the Scotsman's sparse surroundings. An elegantly dressed nobleman stepped out and introduced himself as the father of the boy Farmer Fleming had saved.",第二天,一辆豪华大马车驶进苏格兰农民稀疏的庄稼地,一位衣着考究的贵族从马车中走出来,向农民介绍自己,称自己是他救的男孩的父亲。 +"The biomass of root, stem and leaf had significant positive correlations with plant height, and the biomass of each module had significant positive correlation with that of others, too.",小飞蓬根、茎、叶生物量与植株高度及各构件生物量间均呈正相关关系。 +Here you can play the sequence again and view the path of the camera in any of the viewports. Hopefully it looks good.,在此你可以再次播放序列,并观察任一视图的摄像机路径。希望它看起来不错。 +"Lenin speaks in a factory — We have only one road, that is to victory!",《列宁在1918》在米黑尔索那工厂的演讲——我们只有一条出路,那就是胜利! +Probaly I'll like here!,也许我会喜欢这里! +The usermode-helper API is a simple API with a well-known set of options.,usermode-helper API 是个很简单的 API,其选项为用户熟知。 +"How to find the information that they needed from so many information, the general reader is difficult to achieve. This is the objective of the proposed requirements for library manager.",在面对如何从浩若烟海的信息中找出自己需要的资料,一般的读者是难以做到的,这就在客观上对图书管理人员提出了要求。 +"""Song and Yuan Dynasties opera history"" one, it has been great emphasis on academics.",《宋元戏曲史》一出,便受到了学术界极大的重视。 +"Directed by the theories of self-organization, a infrastructure architecture of the distributed agile supply chains management is proposed, which is based on the distributed multi-agent.",针对企业的动态重组需求,在自组织理论指导下,提出了一种基于分布式多代理的敏捷供应链管理系统的体系结构。 +"It will be made available, for free, to users of Windows 7 Professional, Enterprise, and Ultimate editions via a download from the Microsoft web site.",它将通过从Microsoft网站下载的方式完全免费提供给Windows 7专业版,企业版及最终版客户。 +"If you are dabbling in such spiritual practices, I urge you to throw them aside .",如果你曾涉足这种灵界的活动,我奉劝你快快把它们扔到一边。 +Aircraft bombarded the enemy warship.,飞机轰炸了敌军舰。 +"Although you may not hear any of them during the louder passages, you probably will on the quieter ones, and this noise is eating up valuable headroom.",也许在高音的段落你不会很明显的听到它们,但在较为安静的部分你肯定能听到,这些噪音蚕食掉了宝贵的音场。 +"Sadly, Ackbar succumbed to his advanced age, and died of natural causes on the eve of the war's end.",令人悲痛的是,阿克巴年事已高,在战争结束的前夜无疾而终。 +"At first, the service flow and data flow of MMS add operation is analyzed.",其中首先介绍了彩信增加的业务流和数据流。 +Place the listener port in the qm.ini file in the TCP stanza (or in the Windows Registry) so that ports are well associated with queue managers.,将侦听器端口放在 qm.ini 文件的 TCP 节中(或 Windows 注册表中),以便那些端口与队列管理器很好地关联。 +"After arriving in Turin, the Pope celebrated an open-air mass outside the cathedral which houses the shroud.",抵达都灵之后,教皇在展览殓布的大教堂外举行了露天弥撒。 +"After years of efforts, the reform of retirement and old-age system has made huge progress, but some problems remain.",多年来,退休养老制度改革已取得了一定进展,但仍存在不容忽视的不足和问题。 +Another Macanese dish you need to try is curry crab.,另一道你不可不尝的招牌菜是咖喱蟹. +He seems more at home in his shabby overalls.,他穿着那套破烂烂的工作服好像更自在些。 +"Several free apps can put the whole King James Bible, along with many other versions, on your iPhone.",你的iPhone中就可能安装了很多提供阅读几种版本圣经的免费应用程序,其中就包括钦定英译本圣经。 +"""We need to think about the system as a system, rather than looking at this atom by atom, or node by node,"" says Andrew Haldane, admitting that pre-crisis, this had not been done.",“我们需要把从系统的高度度思考整个系统,而不能仅仅着眼��局部个体,之看到孤立的源自或节点,”安德鲁·霍尔丹说,他承认,在金融危机之前,并未这样思考。 +"Not only am I obliged to wear heels and a posh frock, I am expected to tackle a wood-pigeon salad with an unnecessary amount of cutlery.",我不但被迫穿高跟鞋和优雅的连衣裙,还被要求用一堆刀具吃林鸽沙拉。 +"Lisa :So in my state, you can't get a license until you're 18.",丽莎:在我那一州,你必须满十八岁才能拿驾照。 +The question now is: where can the natural sciences go from here on television?,但现在的问题是:自然科学中还有哪些方面可以搬上电视? +"Besides curating your citations, you can also add notes, tag items, or add attachments (like pdf files of articles).",作为你的好助手,你也可以添加笔记,标签项目,和增加附件(像pdf这样的文件)。 +The fairy waves her wand over the pumpkin.,棒 在番瓜上面挥了一下。 +"The authors of a new scientific study use DNA research to argue that all domesticated rice comes from a single strain that was probably developed in China more than 8,000 years ago.",一项新科学研究的作者运用DNA研究论证,所有驯化水稻很可能都起源于8千多年前中国耕种的单一品种。 +"If you're really pressed, you could trim the list of must-see contests substantially. In fact, we'll help you.",如果你真的感到时间紧,任务急,你完全可以给必看的比赛场次瘦瘦身,减减肥。 +Suncorp invested in this and now we have built a suite of about 25 training courses that support the entire Agile transition.,Suncorp投资开发课程,现在我们创建了一个有25门课程的系列培训,覆盖敏捷转型的方方面面。 +She makes him feel special.,她使他感觉很特别。 +A card on which binary coded data are recorded with recording density larger than a punched card.,一种二进制编码数据卡片,其记录密度大于穿孔卡片。 +Is there anyone who witnessed the robbery?,有人目击这次抢劫吗? +The staff construction of college student counselor is in accordance with the development of high education. The role orientation and function change from being unitary to multiple.,高校学生辅导员队伍建设是与高等教育的发展同步的,其角色定位和所起的作用从单一走向多元。 +"As an important political thought and power in today's world, democratic socialism is exerting substantial influences on human progress.",民主社会主义是当今世界的一股重要政治思潮和重要政治力量,对人类的历史进程发生着重大影响。 +"We support the rezoning of a large part of the site to ""Open Space"".",我等支持将地块大部份土地改划作「休憩用地」。 +"Aiming at the weaknesses of current unsupervised anomaly detection techniques, a measurement approach about samples distribution of anomaly data is proposed.",针对现有的无监督异常检测技术的不足之处,提出了一种基于样本分布异常数据实例度量方法。 +You can see where this is heading.,你都可以看到方向朝哪儿。 +"Speech may be silver but ""Silence is Golden"". Trproposingers with thegolden touch do not tingk.",言谈可能是银子,可“沉默是金子”。有点金术的营业商稀于言谈。 +A stranger litle tricks I want to let you for a long time.,一个陌生人的利特尔把戏我想让你很长一段时间。 +"In order to solve the aboved mentioned problems, they must build a flexible the charging system .",要解决上述问题,必须建立一套灵活的计费系统。 +Amazing Success Lessons from Thomas Edison,来自托马斯.爱迪生的7个令人惊叹的成功经验 +"Jordan surprised everyone when he retired before the 1993-1994 season, but he rejoined the Chicago Bulls and won three more championships with them from 1996 to 1998.",赛季之前乔丹退役,引起举世震惊,但后来他又回到了芝加哥公牛队,并和队友们一起在1996 到1998 年间又获得了三次冠军。 +And yet voting in the mid-terms will be polarised by race.,然而中期选举的投票又因种族问题而产生了极大的分歧。 +Choosing one of three submit buttons to process the errand,选择 3 个提交按钮中的一个处理差事 +It has acquired its worldliness because of us and to leave it we must put away from us worldliness.,它已经获得它的世俗,因为我们,为了舍弃它我们必须放弃世俗。 +"They now know that when the gametes are formed, certain epigenetic markers remain and are passed on to the offspring.",现在他们已知道,配子形成时,某些表观遗传标记依然保持并传递给后代。 +The enzymes encoded by these genes allow VRSA to replace vancomycin's target on the bacterial cell wall with a variant structure that vancomycin is no longer able to bind.,这些基因制造的蛋白质让VRSA修改了细胞壁上的某个结构,让万古黴素不再能与之结合。 +Everything we've gone through was just like a dream.,我们经历过的一切俨如���场梦。 +Listing 3 shows the gen-sql-model template.,清单 3 显示了 gen-sql-model 模板。 +"Frank Lampard, captain for the last 14 games in the absence of John Terry, echoes the only-a-win-will-do mentality but still takes pride in helping to have created Fortress Stamford Bridge.",弗兰克兰帕德,在约翰特里缺阵的14场比赛中担任队长的他,回应了主教练“只为胜利”的意志决心,但依然为“不败斯坦福桥”感到骄傲。 +"The storm raged fiercely all that night, but nothing of particular note1 occurred.",暴风雨肆虐了一整夜,但没有出现任何异样。 +It is pointed out in this paper that the formula can b…,指出公式可应用在压实成岩和后生作用的各个阶段。 +"In this embodiment, the substrate provides a cleavage target for a proteolytic enzyme.",在这个实施方案中,底物 为蛋白水解酶提供裂解目标。 +They had equipped their workers adequately for such dangerous condition.,他们让工人们充分装备起来, 以应付这样的危险情况。 +"""We have no other coal-fueled generation planned at this time, "" says Pat Hemlepp, a spokesman for AEP.",我们现在没有计划新建其他的燃煤发电厂。 +"It's a mass market report, meaning this is how people use technology today. They surveyed 2,001 ""information workers"" at organizations with 100 or more employees.",这是一份大规模市场报告,说明了现在的人们是如何使用科技的。 +Use this wisely and you will change Volkswagen and change the future of our tiny planet.,聪明地使用它,你就能改变大众汽车,并且改变我们小小星球的未来。 +"If tied to a two-year data contract, a seven-inch Android tablet could even be given away by mobile carriers for free.",如果绑上两年的数据合同,一部7英寸安卓平板电脑甚至能免费送给手机使用者。 +The present invention relates to one kind of tree-shaped macromolecular paramagnetic metal complex and its synthesis process and use.,本发明涉及一类树型大分子顺磁性金属配合物及合成方法和用途。 +National Geographic War Machines Tank.,战争刀兵系列之坦克篇。 +"That there Roger Cly, master, ' said Mr. Cruncher, with a taciturn and iron-bound visage. 'So you but him in his coffin?",“那么那个罗杰。克莱,大爷,”克朗彻先生板着面孔平静地说,“是你把他放进棺材的么?” +So-called optimization of tax system means building a tax system which accord with the current situations in the maximum limit and people's profit choice by restructuring the reform of tax system.,所谓税制优化就是通过对现行税制的改革调整,建立起最大限度的符合当前的环境条件及人们利益选择的税收制度。 +"China's study about e-government performance evaluation compared with foreign counterparts'are still in the exploratory stage, assessment methods have still need to be improved.",我国对电子政务绩效评估的研究相对于国外同行还处于探索阶段,评估方法还有待完善。 +The late mansion sends ahead from the Wei.,从尉迟府散发出来的。 +"Based on the analysis of Dahu gold deposit, this paper discusses the vertical zoning regularity of the gold mineralization of Xiaoqinling area.",本文在分析大湖金矿床的矿化垂向分带规律的基础上,探讨了小秦岭地区金矿化的垂向分带规律。 +Objective:To explore the risk of HBV transmission in breast-fed infants of chronic HBV carriers after combination immunoprophylaxis.,目的:探讨主被动联合免疫后乙肝病毒(HBV)携带产妇的婴儿接受母乳喂养的安全性。 +"The study is found in Perspectives in Psychological Science, a journal of the Association for Psychological Science.",这项研究在一个名为心理科学角度的心理科学联盟期刊上被发现。 +Concrete works: The commercial concrete pouring method to be used for the foundation and main structure concrete works.,砼工程:基础及主体结构砼采用商品砼浇制。 +"The result shows that the physical characters, quality component contents and sensory quality of the sample teas were deteriorated during shelf period.",结果表明,优质绿茶在货架期内,物理性状、品质成分、感官品质都逐渐下降或劣变。 +"Before Montague Grammar, The language shape of logic is studied and studies the range only limited to the artificial language of logic with logic semantics, the logic Pragmatics is basically a blank.",在蒙太格语法以前,逻辑语形学与逻辑语义学研究只限于逻辑人工语言的范围,逻辑语用学则基本处于空白。 +The Eclipse organization will assess the viability of the proposed project by the end of 2005.,到 2005 年底,Eclipse 组织将评估所提议项目的生存能力。 +"Combining the nodes which have the high joint degree, we can get the result of the clustering.",合并连接紧密度高的结点,得到最后的聚类结果。 +The procedures to construct a real-time failure diagnosis expert system in the spiramycin fermentation process are introduced in this paper.,本文详细介绍了建造一个用于螺旋霉素发酵过程的实时故障诊断专家系统的步骤。 +"An alert that contains three or more buttons is significantly more complex than a two-button alert, and should be avoided if possible.",一个警告窗口包含三个或者更多的按键要比只包含两个按键复杂的多,如果可能话应该尽量避免。 +"In a dark room in Queens, New York, 31-year-old fashion designer Tracy Cyr believed she was dying.",在纽约市皇后区一间漆黑的房间里,31岁的时装设计师特蕾西。塞尔感到自己已是奄奄一息。 +"Zhang Wentian, an excellent proletarian revolutionists and Marxism theorist, was an important leader of our Party during long period.",张闻天是一位杰出的无产阶级革命家和马克思主义理论家,是我党在一个较长时期的重要领导人。 +"TEACHTOOL is a Prototyping-based, user-oriented and general-purposed automatic courseware generation system, developed by computer Science Dept. of Jinan university.",TEACHTOOL 是暨南大学计算机科学系研制的,基于原型开发方法,面向用户的通用课件自动生成系统。 +"You well, My name is Lee Yun-hee, I am glad to know you.",你们好,我叫允熙澈,很高兴认识你们。 +Canada may grant duty waivers as set out in Annex 300- A.,加拿大可以依附录300-A获准海关税减免。 +There is much food for thought in this essay.,这篇杂文中有不少发人深思的东西。 +Objective To study new technique for preserving the spinal stability by selective posterior rhizotomy (SPR) for the treatment of spastic cerebral palsy.,目的探讨在选择性脊神经后根切断术(SPR)治疗痉挛性脑瘫中维护脊椎后柱结构稳定的新方法。 +"According to the report, the island will be designed as self-sufficient, providing food and work for the inhabitants.",据悉,科学家们所设计的这座人造小岛将会实现自给自足,它“自己”能够为岛上居民提供食物和工作。 +It looked like our sales volume was going to come to a screeching halt.,我们的销售量就像是踩了急刹车一样。 +"Last year, Xu discovered another species of four-winged dinosaur, also at Liaoning.",去年,徐星又在辽宁发现了另一种四翼恐龙。 +His talk gripped the attention of his audience.,他的演讲吸引住了听众的注意力。 +"Eclipse, The Courtship of the Sun and Moon.",年上攻太阳与伪娘月亮。 后面累赘了。 +He bit his lip.,他咬了一下嘴唇。 +Jeanswest has so far installed cameras in three stores in Australia and plans to roll them out nationwide by the end of the year.,真维斯目前在澳大利亚的三家专卖店安装了这样的照相机,并计划于年底之推广到澳洲所有分店。 +Some children do better when sitting in the front passenger seat or a window seat in the back. for ventilation.,有些孩子坐在前排或是后排靠窗的座位会感觉好一些,因为可以通风。 +AIA Pension and Trustee Co. Ltd. shall have the right to claw back any bonuses paid if monthly contribution is discontinued within the first 12 months.,如每月供款于首十二个月内终止,美国友邦退休金管理及信?有限公司有权撤回任何已付之奖金。 +"The main products have bathroom supplies , home kitchen supplies and daily necessities.",主要产品有浴室用品、厨房用品及家庭生活用品等。 +"The 50 over houses with their furnitures, belongings and their cars were socked in the water.",约有五十多间房屋的家具,财物和汽车都浸在水中。 +In this unnaturalness lies the great strength of science.,这时非自然性就位于伟大的科学力量之中。 +"We hope that this series has helped you understand how to use the tooling, and that you are now on your way to developing your own applications to make your business more on-demand.",我们希望通过此系列文章帮助您了解如何使用工具,并希望您现在亲自部署自已的应用程序,使您的业务更加随需应变。 +"Groupon filed yet another amended S-1 on Friday, which mostly got attention for a promise to decrease customer acquisition expenses (i.e., marketing) going forward.",团购网站Groupon于上周五提交了一份经过再次修订的S-1文件,其中承诺在未来减少客户购买开支(即营销费用),引人注目。 +"Begijnhof 34 courtyard, north of Spui square in central Amsterdam.",修女院的34号庭院,位于阿姆斯特丹市中心的Spui广场北部。 +"Currently a freelance photographer, John Choy was born in Hong Kong in 1966.",蔡旭威,1966年生于香港,现为自由摄影师。 +This is boosting the euro and other risk currencies and the Aussie is sharply higher this week after breaking above 1.0400 and a cluster of daily moving averages that acted as key resistance levels.,欧元等风险货币因此走高,澳元本周在上破1.0400以及多条日图均线构成的关键阻力水位之后大幅走高。 +The analysis of the pedigree indicated that all the patients inherited their DMD genes from their mothers.,家系分析指出所有病人身上DMD基因都来自于他们的母亲。 +The joints synthesize advantages both of SRC columns and of special-shaped column.,该节点综合了钢骨混凝土柱和异形柱节点二者在实际应用中的优点。 +"An end user's experience with RFID in Latin America was given by Reinaldo Villar , RFID Program Manager at HP's global inkjet printer distribution operation in Brazil.",最终用户的经验与RFID在拉丁美洲是由雷纳尔多比利亚尔, RFID项目经理在惠普全球喷墨打印机分布在巴西的行动。 +"But that ye may know that the Son of man hath power upon earth to forgive sins, (he said unto the sick of the palsy,) I say unto thee, Arise, and take up thy couch, and go into thine house.",但要叫你们知道人子在地上有赦罪的权柄,就对瘫子说,我吩咐你起来,拿你的褥子回家去吧。 +Objective To study on the quality standards of Xiaochaihu granules.,目的对小柴胡冲剂的质量标准进行了研究。 +"A third of these had registered a change in flow and most of them — including the Niger in West Africa, the Ganges in South Asia and the Yellow River in China — were dryer.",1/3的河流出现了流量变化,而其中的大多数——包括西非的尼日尔河、南亚的恒河以及中国的黄河——水量都变少了。 +"One stuffy day in the summer vacation, mother and I went to climb the Great Wall.",暑假的一天,天气闷热。 我和妈妈去登长城。 +"Of course, this is easier if you live in or near a popular travel destination.",当然,如果你住在景区或者交通方便的地方这一招就很容易。 +"Often, you will want to preview your web page at different resolutions to ensure that your customers are getting a great experience at every screen resolution.",你可能会经常想要在不同的分辨率下来预览你的网页,保证你的客户在每一种屏幕显示率下都得到同样好的用户体验。 +"Results: The median PTA changed by 3 dB, and hearing was preserved to within 10 dB of preoperative level in 72% of patients.",结果:纯音测听平均值在中位数左右波动变化为3分贝,并且有72%的患者的听力损失维持在术前水平的10分贝以内。 +"Hence he works hard and things go to his wishes, after half a year of diligent work, he has many faithful customers.",于是努力工作,事遂所愿,半年多的努力工作后,他有了许多的忠实客户。 +"Base on the results obtained, it can be found the decoupled model will have unreasonable high frequency acceleration and unconservative sliding and rocking motion.",由分析结果可知,非耦合模型相较于耦合模型,会产生不合理之高频加速度反应,且护箱之滑动与摇摆运动皆偏不保守。 +"Currently, three densely urbanized regions have formed along China's coast the Pearl River Delta, the Yangtze River Delta And the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region.",目前,中国的沿海的三个城市密集区域已经形成,即:珠江三角洲,长江三角洲和北京-天津-河北地区。 +"""The European debt crisis is having a negative impact on consumer and business confidence,"" said Chris Rupkey, chief economist at Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ in New York.","""欧洲债务危机对消费者和企业信心有负面影响,""纽约三菱东京日联银行的首席经济分析师Chris Rupkey说.""" +"Expansion of Discourse. Students develop language competence beyond the sentence level with carefully designed, fun, experience based activities, and real interactions.",学生们培养出的语言能力超过精心设计的有趣的、基于经验之上的活动和真实互动的水平。 +"By means of combining the rig test and theoretical analysis, parameters of squirrel-cage sieve cleaning unit have been determined.",采用台架试验、理论分析和对主参数试验修正相结合的方法,确定了单风道鼠笼筛清选装置的设计参数。 +Any thought of EU membership for an unreconstructed Ukraine must be years off.,对尚未重建的乌克兰来讲,任何成为欧盟成员国的想法都应此去经年。 +The year 2011 will coincide with the 100th anniversary of the Nobel Prize awarded to Madame Marie Curie - an opportunity to celebrate the contributions of women to science.,2011年是玛丽居里夫人获得诺贝尔奖100周年——也是庆祝妇女对科学的贡献的一个机会。 +"This paper introduces the component of Ni-Co-ZrO_2 composite brush solution and the technological parameters for brush electroplating, expounds the effect and economical value.",介绍镍、钴、二氧化锆电刷镀复合镀液的组成和电刷镀工艺参数。 +"Some schools perceived there to be a ""culture war"" going on around them, he said.",很多学校认为这是在他们身边发生的一场“文化战争”,他说。 +"An object used as a fetish , a charm, or an amulet in West Africa.",护符,物神,符咒西非的一种用作物神���符咒、或护身符的物件。 +"Enlarging the scale of export of labor service, expanding the external employment space of rural labor surplus.",第三,扩大劳务输出规模,拓展农村剩余劳动力就业的外部空间; +"But there could still be a widespread withdrawal from the technology by OECD countries, caused by national changes in policy or stiffer local opposition.",不过,经合组织国家却仍有可能因为国家政策变化或地区更强硬的反对而普遍放弃核电技术。 +"According to traffic and climate conditions in Zhejiang, determine the road performance requirements for preventive maintenance road;",根据浙江交通及气候环境条件,确定了浙江预防性养护路面的路用性能要求; +A drying oil extracted from flax seed and used in making such things as oil paints .,从亚麻子中提取的烘干的油,用于制油漆等。 +"Once it is clear that we can explain their origin without positing a metaphysical world, he expects the interest in such a world to die out.",一旦它被清除,我们就能够解释他们的起源而无须假定一个形而上学世界,他期待对于这样一个世界的兴趣将会渐渐止息。 +"And he carried me away in the spirit to a great and high mountain, and shewed me that great city, the holy Jerusalem, descending out of heaven from God",我被圣灵感动,天使就带我到一座高大的山,将那由神那里从天而降的圣城耶路撒冷指示我。 +You have not had the generations of bloodletting we have seen elsewhere.,不像我们在其他地方看到的世代流血(冲突)。 +"Each telephone number consists of a string composed of decimal digits, uppercase letters (excluding Q and Z) and hyphens.",每个电话号码由数字,大写字母(除了Q和Z)以及连接符组成。 +"BEE CHENG HIANG, a Singapore heritage awarded brand that is traditionally renowned since 1933.",“美珍香”是新加坡老字号品牌,始于1933年。 +Purpose:Discussing effect of combine interposition for small liver cancer;,目的:探讨小肝癌的联合介入治疗效果; +"You might want to share the workload by putting some packages (for example, ntop) on a different server.",您可能希望通过在另外一台服务器上放置一些包(例如 ntop)来共享工作负载。 +We cant give you exclusive agency of the whole European market without having the slightest idea of your possible annual marketing turnover.,如果没有贵司任何关于市场销售额的计划,我们不能给你整个欧洲市场的独… +An amine or amino resin is the alkylated reaction product of urea or melamine and formaldehyde.,含胺基或氨基树脂是尿素或三聚氰胺和甲醛烷基化反应产品。 +"Post-forum dinner is at Velma’s Place, a restaurant two streets up from the harbour, which promises traditional food.",论坛后大家在Velma's Palace吃的饭,这是一家离港口有两条街道距离的饭馆,提供的是传统食品。 +"In the end, the practical application of CATIA NC machining in automotive die&mold manufacturing are introduced.",列举了CATIA数控加工在汽车模具制造上的实际应用。 +There are some problems in the production and application of the machine-atomized oil gun .,在机械雾化油枪的生产和使用中,存在着一些问题。 +"By the mid-sixties, blue jeans were an essential part of the wardrobe of those with a commitment to social struggle.",到60年代中期,蓝色牛仔裤已成为致力于社会斗争的人衣柜中的必备服装。 +Simply insert the single-serve pack and press it into the tray – that's it.,只需放入一个咖啡包,然后按入到托盘中 - 就这么简单。 +Researchers from the University of Leicester and Kings College London say the finding could help spot people at higher risk of age-related illnesses.,来自于英国莱斯特大学和伦敦国王学院的研究人员说这项发现可以帮助人们检查出哪些人更易患上老年性疾病。 +"Taking the effects of geometrical nonlinearity into account, a general theory of composite thin walled bar is established under the combinational deformation of tension, compression and torsion.",基于乌曼斯基薄壁杆件约束扭转理论,利用刚性周边假定建立了闭口薄壁杆件约束扭转分析的一维离散有限元方法。 +"Despite the all-consuming focus on efficiency, waste and incompetence continue to dog both the public and the private sectors (think the NHS computer debacle; think Heathrow's Terminal Five).",在全神贯注于支出的加强效能之外,浪费和机能不全始终纠缠着政府资助(或控制)的公有企事业和私营部分。 (想想英国国家卫生事业局的电脑崩溃;想想希思罗的5号候机楼)。 +"The wider the variety you listen to, the wider your vocabulary will become.",收听越多种类的节目,你的词汇量就越广。 +"Pardonable also, this follows ocean namely originally, with blue sky, the world of as pure as nature freedom, the child can open fanciful wing here, without any fetter.",也难怪,这本来就是一个跟海洋、跟蓝天、跟大自然一样纯净自由的世界,孩子可以在这里张开想像的翅膀,没有任何羁绊。 +The first patient was a 12-year-old boy who presented with hematemesis due to portal hypertension.,第一例是一位12岁的男孩,临床上表现出因肝门脉高血压所引起的呕血症状。 +"The next biggest killers of boys and young men are suicide (10%) and cancer (10%), followed by other non-intentional injuries (9%) and violence (7%).",其它致死的最主要原因,对男孩和青年男子来说,是自杀(10%)、癌症(10%),非故意伤害(9%)和暴力(7%); +"In the old times, bonfires were burnt to dispel evil spirits and bad fortune or to enhance light and warmth and the fertility of domestic animal, crops and people.",古代髯火是用来驱逐邪恶的灵魂和霉运或是增强光照、温暖和促进家畜繁殖、植物生长、家人孕育的。 +"Brought forward residential design strategy of the small towns, according to the ecological design thought.",运用生态建筑思想,提出小城镇住宅的设计谋略。 +The application results show that this quality control system meets the demand of oil supplying quality for circulation lubrication of presser.,应用结果表明,该供油品质控制系统能满足压力机循环润滑对供油品质的要求。 +"According to the traditional objective method for determining attribute weightsmaximal deviation degree method, a new error propagation method for determining attribute weights is presented.",依据传统的客观赋权法—离差最大化方法,给出了一种确定区间数指标权重的误差分析方法。 +Structures of four therein were identified and structures of other metabolites were deduced from their Enhanced Product Ion (EPI) spectrum.,鉴定了四个去甲基化产物并根据增强型子离子扫描质谱图对其他产物的可能结构进行了推断。 +"He wiretapped citizens without authority, secretly permitted the use of torture and dismissed prosecutors on political grounds.",他未经许可窃听民众信息,暗地里允许使用酷刑,出于政治原因罢免检察官等。 +Berkshire is distinct from some other big corporations in that it holds a substantial investment portfolio at the parent level whose success has a high influence on the company's performance.,伯克希尔不同于其他一些大公司的地方在于,它在母公司层面持有大量投资组合,这些组合的成功与否对公司业绩有很大影响。 +"By grubbing around in the mud, Odobenocetops found worms and shellfish to eat.",海牛鲸通过挖掘泥沙寻找蠕虫和甲壳类动物吃。 +It’s Passover!” and piously bowed his head.,同时虔诚地低下他的头。 +"The expense structure shall meet the requirements specified by EEF. For EEF small projects, the EEF requirements are detailed in EEF Library Small Project Guide of the corresponding year.",开支结构必须符合青树基金会的要求。青树基金会小型项目要求详见当年的《青树基金会小型项目指南》。 +"Leader, protector, and feisty old lady, an elephant herd matriarch drives off an intruder on the banks of the Chobe River in Botswana.",在博茨瓦纳的乔贝河畔,一个象群的领导者、守护者——精力充沛的女族长击退了入侵者。 +"Lee Hsien Loong is the son of independent Singapore's first leader, Lee Kuan Yew. The New York Times also apologized to Goh Chok Tong, who succeeded the older Lee as prime minister.",《纽约时报》同时向曾接替李光耀出任新加坡总理的吴作栋致歉。 +"SAL MAURIELLO: ""We have a group of eleven inmates who are in the PATT program. They tell the youth what they went through as a child, what their crimes consist of.""",PATT项目中有一个由11名犯人组成的小组,他们给青少年讲他们年少时的经历,以及他们犯了什么罪行。 +"This prevents the test from accidentally passing in all circumstances, making for a test that doesn't actually test anything (a tautology test).",这可以防止测试意外地通过所有情况,也就是说,测试实际上没有测试任何东西(同义反复 测试)。 +We shouldn't blame each other. The right thing to do is think about what to do next.,我们不要互相怪怨, 想想下一步怎么办才是正理。 +The first is what is known as the 'crop factor'.,第一点就是被一些专业人士所熟知的“裁切系数”(crop factor,也称镜头焦距转换率)。 +But many schools don't rank.,但多数学校对此却并不排名。 +"According to the summary of a congressionally requested study by theNational Research Council, the changing chemistry of the world's oceansis a growing global problem.",美国国家研究委员会在国会要求下所做研究的摘要指出,世界海洋化学的变化是个日益严重的全球性问题。 +Yuxing Real Estate is one of the leading real estate agent companies among all large famous companies in China.,裕兴房产是目前国内领���的大型著名房产经纪机构。 +Do not confuse the green marketing and the afforested marketing;,不要混淆绿色营销与绿化营销; +"The attendees may also not have noticed the 'challenging' nature of Makana’s lyrics because the music was so mellow, it was mooted on CNN.",美国有线新闻网(CNN)指出,由于曲调柔美,晚宴出席者可能也没有注意到马拉卡歌词的“挑战性”。 +"A few years ago, University of Leicester social psychologist White visited over 80,000 people from 178 countries and regions and drew the world's first ""World Map of Happiness"".",几年以前,莱斯特大学心理学家白先生调查了超过八万计的人数,他们来自178个国家和地区,之后绘制出了世界第一张“世界幸福地图”。 +Self centredness makes for dullness inside.,自我中心会让他们内在迟钝。 +"S&P 500 companies' quarterly earnings are forecast to rise 38.2 percent from a year ago, slightly better than the 36.6 percent increase forecast on April 1, according to Thomson Reuters data.","根据汤森路透,标普500指数成分股季度业绩预计将较上年同期攀升38.2%,略高于4月1日发布的36.6%的预期." +The Brazilian goes to work at 11am each day and spends his time painting the bodies of some of the carnival's most beautiful women。,贝托在巴黎狂欢节前,每天11点开始工作,他的任务就是在最美的女人身上画画。 +How should we evaluate an artist like Zhong Nai who disregards the times?,我们如何对待钟鼐这样一个全然不顾时代的艺术家呢? +"So this is a linear velocity, this is an angular velocity.",因此这是线速度,那个是角速度。 +1--Did you have any moments of panic?,1--你有感到惊慌失措的时候吗? +"Mr. Kim in a cell in Chungju Prison, south of Seoul, in 1981.",1981年,金大中在首尔以南忠州市的监狱中。 +"It turns out that bees can see various colours, but those insects differ from us as regards their colour-sense in two very interesting ways.",结果表明,蜜蜂是可以看到许多种颜色的,但是它们与我们是两种不同的。 +Lawyers for the Bouygues say that the Bouygues group's sales in Spain increased from FFr560m in 1989 to FFr1.7 billion in 1991.,布伊格兄弟的律师们称,布伊格集团在西班牙的销售额在1989年到1991年从5.6亿增长到了17亿法国法郎。 +"He now admits to copying or making up material he submitted in eight papers to international journals and has been fired, along with the head of his research institute.",如今他承认,在自己发表在国际刊物上的八篇论文中存在复制或捏造材料的行为,他为此被解雇,并免去所在研究所的负责人职务。 +What do we get if we cross a woodpecker with a homing pigeon ?,如果信鸽和啄木鸟杂交我们能得到什么? +"The planishing mill designed adopts a framework with an initiative driving system with double dynamoelectric machine, enclosed type of machine frame, fluid-pressure system and so on.",设计的平整机主要采用了双电机主传动传动系统、闭式机架,液压压下系统等机构; +"According to the interaction between wheel and track, and considering the track irregularities, the dynamic equilibrium equations of the VBS are derived.",根据轮轨间的相互作用,并考虑轨道的不平顺,推导了车-桥系统的动力方程。 +"According to reports just emerging from Italy, the transfer has now collapsed after Chelsea refused to release the player on loan, with an option to make the move permanent.",据意大利媒体刚刚报道的消息,在切尔西拒绝租借舍瓦,只接受完全买断的转会之后,舍甫琴科转会米兰一事谈崩了。 +"Beveled glass surface, created with modern technology, will help improve the product's value.",使用现代工艺技术在玻璃表面刻出曲线的效果,增加产品的价值感。 +The railway administration would add more cars to some of passenger trains and allow more tickets to be sold to cope with the expected surge in passenger numbers.,铁路部门将根据情况在部分列车上加挂车厢,增加售票数量。 +"'Thank you, 'replied Scrooge politely. But secretly he thought, 'Bah! A night of unbroken sleep is a more useful thing to have! '",“谢谢你,”斯克罗吉礼貌地回答说,但他心里想,“呸!睡个一晚上没人打扰的觉比什么都强。” +"This is your book, Sari.",这是你的书,莎莉。 +"Compared to low-carbon zinc-coated steel sheet, nugget diameter increases discontinuously with the increase of welding current when welding micro-alloyed high strength steel sheet.",与普通低碳镀锌钢板不同,微合金镀锌钢板的熔核直径随焊接电流的增加存在突变现象。 +Scale deposit and scale control is one of important problems in oilfield water injection.,结垢与防垢是油田注水开发中所遇到的重要问题之一。 +Another important agenda during my visit to South Africa this time is to co-chair the Focac Johannesburg Summit with President Jacob Zuma.,我这次访问南非的另一项重要日程,是同祖马总统一道主持中非合作论坛约翰内斯堡峰会。 +It makes us appreciate things we normally take for granted.,它能使我们欣赏平常熟视无睹的东西。 +"But the effect of such stimulus policies could subside in 2010, analysts say, even though China's overall economic growth has gathered momentum.",不过分析人士说,尽管中国的整体经济增长已经形成势头,但刺激政策的效应可能会在2010减弱。 +I often wait in line and pay $3.85 to buy it.,我常常排着队,然后付上3.85美元买到它。 +"English and American businessmen were also more easily offended thantheir colleagues in the Middle East, Japan and China, nations withcultural traditions spanning centuries。",与具有悠久文化传统的中东、日本和中国等国家相比,英国和美国的商界人士更容易因疏于礼节而被冒犯。 +Combustion analysis by using observed indicated diagram is of great importance for engine performance analysis and evaluation.,由测得的发动机示功图进行燃烧分析,对于分析和评估发动机性能具有十分重要的意义。 +"Excuse me, what are yuo going to do today?",打扰一下,今天你打算干什么? +"Today, I went to the beach. After applying sunscreen liberally and doing my best to stay out of the sun, I came home with the worst sunburn I have ever had. I almost needed to go to the hospital.",今天我去海滩玩,涂了防晒霜,尽量躲开阳光,回家的时候还是晒伤了,比以前哪次都严重,几乎要送医院了。 +"Mild pure sawasaki green under the sangmyung rhetoric, feel a series of bad things in the home are stalked by an evil spirit, despite the sons stop to have sangmyung exorcism.",性情温和单纯的泽崎绿在祥明的花言巧语下,觉得家里一连串的坏事都是因被恶灵缠上了,并不顾儿子的阻止要请祥明驱邪。 +They had to cooperate with other people that they owe a debt to society and that that's expressed in taxation.,"必须与他人合作,所以他们欠社会的,所以要用纳税来还。" +"The only TV program available is Xinwen Lianbo, China Central Television’s daily news broadcast at 7 pm.",唯一能看到的电视节目就是中央电视台每晚7点都会播放的《新闻联播》。 +Expertise in making checking approving piping drawings like isometrics layouts support drawings etc.,具有制作审查和批准管道制图的专业知识如等距图规划图和附图等。 +Much attention should be paid to psychical rehabilitation in the course of treatment.,同时,治疗过程中不能忽视心理疾患的康复。 +"Prior to the talks, Hu held a ceremony in the North Hall of the Great Hall of the People to welcome Enkhbayar's visit to China.",会谈前,胡锦涛在人民大会堂北大厅举行仪式,欢迎恩赫巴亚尔访华。 +Cruz- 6: Gave the visitors a number of things to think about during the course of the game but he is defiantly more effective as a super-sub.,在比赛的过程中让客队吃了不少苦头,但他还是作为一名超级替补更有效率些。 +"A:Do you like this dress, madam?",夫人,你喜欢这种衣服吗? +"WASHINGTON - Few American industries have had more success in selling goods to China than makers of medical devices like X-rays, pacemakers and patient monitors.",华盛顿-美国的几个行业有较多的成功销售的商品比中国厂商的医疗设备,如x光检查,心脏起搏器和病人显示器。 +It is one of approaches for unsteady inverse problems of oscillating airfoil to solve unsteady Bluer equations with finite difference method.,利用有限差分法解非定常欧拉方程是振荡机翼非定常气动反问题的一种求解方法。 +"On the other hand, I’m willing to give some benefit of the doubt to a man who has risked his life on behalf of some of the world’s most voiceless people.",另一方面,我想替这个冒着生命危险,帮助世界上话语权最弱的人民的人说点好话。 +Another ten had a daily dose of olive oil--minus the tomato paste.,另外十名志愿者只吃橄榄油,不吃西红柿酱。 +Liz: Why the long face?,丽丝:为什么愁眉苦脸? +But apparently you’re so retarded that you can’t even spell right.,但是显然你反应迟钝,连个单词都拼不对。 +"That's enough, kids. Say bye-bye.",行了,孩子们,说掰掰。 +Are we really ready for this kind of giddy speed [of nuclear power development]?,我们确实准备好应对令人炫目的高速核能开发计划了吗? +The source code in biology are the publications and ideas of the field.,生物学的源代码包括出版物和这个领域上的思想。 +"Then we set up GIS modeling of spatial development control, cultivating radius, traffic and public facilities accessibility.",然后分别从空间管制、耕作半径和交通、服务设施可达性分析三个主要影响因子进行GIS建模。 +Decorate the house with decorations you make.,用自己做的装饰物���装饰房子 +"Tai Gong replied:""In this situation, you have what is termed as a 'defeated army'.""",太公说:这样行动的军队叫做“败兵”。 +"The elevator at the Old Town transit center malfunctioned twice last week, requiring rescue operations to free people trapped inside both times.",上周,美国堪萨斯州帕克市老城区运输中心的电梯发生了两次故障,需要救援操作将里面的被困人员解救出来。 +"Amplification experiments of preparing nano-sized nickel were carried out with both batch process and continuous process, and a continuous production unit of nano-sized nickel was built.",采用间歇方式、连续方式进行了纳米镍制备的放大实验研究,在其基础上建立了纳米镍粉连续化生产装置.结果表明,连续方式更有利于生成高活性的纳米镍催化剂; +Now the king's sons, being seventy persons, were with the great men of the city, which brought them up.,那时王的儿子七十人都住在教养他们那城中的尊贵人家里。 +Dai Xixin ran to the bank where all the villagers were standing and looking at the strange sight.,戴喜新跑到岸边,邻居们都在那儿站着,看着眼前奇怪的一幕。 +"Responding to newspaper reports that he was angry at the club for attempting to remove assistant manager Steve Clarke from his position, José responded defiantly, rubbishing the story.",还有媒体传说因为俱乐部要把史蒂夫克拉克从助教的位置上调走所以穆帅很生气,何塞回击说这种传闻根本就是胡说。 +"To set the countdown, move the pen on the rectangle and choose a time between 1-60 minutes.",要设置倒计时,将笔的矩形,然后选择一个时间间隔1-60分钟。 +Will you see about getting insecticide for the cotton fields?,买棉花田杀虫剂的事你去办办好吗? +"Instead you just unzip the archive, enter the folder and run the ‘ext2explore’ programme inside.",只需把下载到的压缩包解压到一个文件夹里,然后双击解压出来的ext2explore就可以了。 +"As a result of drought and heat, more than 500 wildfires have raged out of control, smothering Moscow in smoke and threatening several nuclear facilities.",干旱和热浪导致500起野火失去控制,把莫斯科笼罩在烟雾之中,还威胁到几个核设施。 +"Grid-based designs are gaining popularity as well but are used mostly in portfolios, product pages and big blogs; they almost never appear on corporate websites or in online shops.",栅格化设计变得日益普及,但多用于大型项目,产品页面和大型的Blog;它们几乎不在公司网站或网上商城中出现。 +The application of laser Doppler Velocimetry(LDV) and laser Speckle Metrology to diesel torque measurement is described.,主要论述激光斑纹和激光多普勒测量技术在扭矩测量中的应用。 +So why wouldn't a Chinese investor buy in an IPO from the Agricultural Bank of China or a stock offer from any other Chinese bank?,那么中国的投资者又有什么理由不购买中国农业银行的首次公开招股集资或者购买其他中国银行的股票呢? +"Using Russian also avoids the possibility of confusing other nearby dogs, he says.",他说,同时,使用俄语还避免了让其它狗犯胡涂的可能性。 +"As Abernathy's study of automobile manufacturers has shown, an industry can easily become prisoner of its own investments in cost-cutting techniques, reducing its ability to develop new products.",正如A 的关于汽车制造研究表明,一个行业会很容易地成为其自身对削减成本技术投资的囚徒,降低了开发新产品的能力。 +"The foreign troops student after observing and emulating the exercise returns to school, will launch the seminar, after each person must submit observes and emulates the exercise report.",外军学员在观摩演习返校后,将展开专题讨论,每人要提交一份观摩后的演习报告。 +It's often said that talking to yourself is a sign of madness or certainly that you've been reading too many dodgy self-help books.,自言自语的人常被认为是疯了或是看了太多自我救助的书。 +"Brillant golden yellow colour, complexity in nose and palate.",亮丽的金黄色;香气和口感复杂; +"O show informed the yi wan the change of time, two people are going to start early in the morning and then to the temples people a pleasant surprise.",阿展通知了怡婉时间的更改,两人准备一大早出发然后给神庙的人一个惊喜。 +ICBC holds a 60 percent stake of the village bank's 200-million-yuan registered capital.,浙江平湖工商银行村镇银行的注册资金为2亿元人民币,中国工商银行拥有60%的股权。 +"Fifth, strengthen cooperation and mutual support in international affairs.",第五,加强相互支持的国际合作。 +In hydroforming applications hydraulic presses are used for closing hydroforming dies.,在内高压的应用中,液压机用于闭合内高压成形模具。 +"Photosensitive resin composition, photosensitive element, resist pattern, method for producing resist pattern, and substrate having the resist pattern laminated thereon.",光敏性树脂组合物,光敏性元件,防蚀图形及其制法和叠层基板。 +"With Primera Liga giants Real Madrid and Barcelona also believed to be in the market for Villa, Liverpool would face a tough task to bring the highly-rated striker to England.",西甲豪门皇马和巴萨都在转会市场对比利亚觊觎很久,利物浦要想把这名身价高昂的前锋带到安菲尔德确实有一定难度。 +"The distance you the unstoppable I miss you, henceforth I will not let …",远方的你挡不住我对你的思念,从此以后我不会再让你走过我身边。翻译英文… +"Mike: With this model , you won't have to charge the batteries for too long. Another advantage is that it's slim , so it won't take up too much space in your bag.",迈克:用这款照相机你不必给电池充大长时间电,另外一个优点就是它非常的小巧,它不会占你包太大的空间。 +Testing of self-ignition trend and time is the basis of prediction technique of coal spontaneous combustion.,煤自燃倾向性和自然发火期的实验研究是自燃预测的基础。 +"Please have the courtesy to have only one person speak at a time, as we all want to have our say.",请尊重发言权,一次只能有一个人发言,我们每个人都希望有机会提出自个儿的意见的。 +Cobb:Dreams feel real while we're in them. It's only when we wake up that we realize something was actually strange.,柯布:我们做梦时,会觉得梦境是真实的。只有当醒来的时候才会意识到事情不对劲儿。 +"Today, we will join our Chinese counterparts in grabbing an oar and starting to row.",今天,我们将与中国的同行们一起拿起船桨,开始划船。 +Experimental results show that PSNR value can external evaluate through non-linear editing HD video's image quality. The result is consistent with theory analysis.,实验表明,PSNR的值可以客观地评价经过非编编辑后的高清视频的图像质量,与理论分析保持一致。 +"But naturally, Obama had to give something to get what he wanted, and the package laid out by the White House Monday is chock full of goodies for high earners.",当然,为了获得他想要的东西,奥巴马也必须给予一些东西。 事实上,白宫本周一推出的这项方案就为高收入者提供了许多好处。 +"You could put everything on this line, I think there may be, I'm not really allowed to do this on this model, the one thing I can't do is, part of the truth is that Bud Light might be down here somewhere but I'm not allowed to do that.","你可以把任何东西放在这条线上,我想那也许是,我实际上并没有权利在这个模型中这么做,我不能做的是,起码百威淡啤酒应该在这上的某个位置,但我没权利这么做" +Orchestras have long acted as goodwill ambassadors during political stand-offs.,乐团一直在政治陷入僵局时充当着友善大使的角色。 +"Yes, I do mean you-know-what. I won't say its name.",是的,我的意思是,你知道的啊……我不会说出他的名字。 +"The result was shown that the strength of composite was associated with orientation of Iwo phase cell, particle content, interface debonding angle and particle diameter.",结果表明,复合材料的强度与二相胞元的方位角、颗粒体积含量、界面脱粘角、颗粒直径有关。 +"Perhaps all of us have tentative notions about the future. Some of us fear, some of us rejoice.",我们对于未来都有一些模糊的概念,有些人感到恐惧,有些人则充满喜悦。 +But Heidi Kretser says she still thinks the moose's story offers hope for the future.,但是海蒂•克里斯尔说,她仍然认为麋鹿的故事带来了未来的希望。 +The first step in making a dress is to cut out the pieces according to the pattern.,做衣服的第一步走要根据样式剪成几片。 +A parametric quadratic programming approach developed for solving the elastic contact problems with friction and initial gaps is presented.,本文用参数二次规划法来解有间隙带摩擦弹性接触问题。 +Arron graduated from Queensland College of Art with a BA in Communication Design.,他于澳洲昆士兰艺术学院取得传播设计学位。 +"The machine sitting next to fifty-six players, one man was wearing a brown jacket charge points, ""you put points on the whole detention on the panda, and I estimate that the panda had to.""",这个机器旁坐着五六名玩家,一位身穿黄褐色外套的男子正在押分,“你把分全押到熊猫上吧,我估计这把该出熊猫了。” +"A viewpoint on analysis, comprehensive utilization of coal deads is close related to the lead and support of the competent government department.",认为煤矸石的综合利用与政府主管部门的引导与扶持密切相关。 +His appearance is much improved -- which would be a surprise to anyone seeing him now for the first time.,他的外表有了极大的改观,但现在第一次见到他的人还是会吓一跳。 +"The results show that the pre flood season rainfall in southern China will increase with the Antarctic sea ice area, and vice versa.",结果表明,两者之间存在密切关系,当南极海冰面积趋于增大时,华南前汛期的雨水亦趋增加,反之亦然。 +"Yes, he likes to keep himself shut up in his little room.",是啊,他老爱把自己关在他那个小屋里。 +This brings the same Tamarin benefits to the other browsers (starting with Internet Explorer).,这项目让其它的浏览器(首先是IE)也能得到Tamarin的好处。 +"They walk into a view Wang Fu, I saw a few things follow to lift to go into and have some a silk also follow be embraced into.",他们走入景王府后,我看到了几箱东西跟着抬入,还有一些丝绸也跟着被抱进去。 +"Can understand English version technical drawing. Familiar with geometric dimensioning &tolerancing, measuring instrument and common toolings .",能看懂机械英文图纸,熟悉形位公差,会使用量具,了解常见刀具; +"He's actually a better player now, you know, so that taught him a lesson, you know.",他现在球打得更好,因为那给他上了一课。 +"Even the industry’s main trade group, the U.S. Travel Association, has been recognizing the financial impact of what could be called the “frustration factor.”",即使是这个行业的主要行业组织---美国旅游协会也承认金融危机是主要的“愤怒因素”。 +The configuration ID provided to the datasource is what identifies the mapping between the resource reference and the resource itself.,提供给数据源的配置 ID 是确定资源引用与资源本身之间的映射关系的 ID。 +"If your Card is lost or stolen we ask that you tell us immediately and, unless you have acted fraudulently or negligently, your maximum liability for unauthorized Charges is HK$250.",若阁下之美国运通信用卡被盗用或遗失,阁下必须立刻通知本公司。除非阁下作出欺诈或疏忽的行为,阁下对该等未授权费用之最高法律责任为港币250元。 +"Secondly, epoch state filter is studied by analyzing its working principle and deriving the state equation and measurement equation.",其次,研究了历元状态滤波算法,分析其工作原理,并推导出了状态方程和测量方程。 +"According to the research, city size, urban infrastructure, urban comprehension competitiveness of Qingdao are low, which decides it is only the core city of Shandong province.",指出了目前由于城市规模小、经济总量小、基础设施不完善等局限,青岛市只能声为山东省内的核心城市。 +"The estimated useful lives, estimated residual values and depreciation method of the fixed assets are reviewed, and adjusted if appropriate, at each balance sheet date.",于每年年度终了,对固定资产的预计使用寿命、预计净残值和折旧方法进行复核并作适当调整。 +"Choose grass-fed, organically raised cattle and free-range, organic chicken and eggs to avoid hormones.",选择用牧草喂养长大的牛,以及自由放养的鸡和鸡蛋来避免摄入激素。 +"the effect that involvement in the World Trade Organization will have,an as China becomes more globalized","中国加入世贸的影响,随着中国更加国际化" +Pls. issue pro-forma invoice for 375 cartons of PE gloves XL size. I will inform you when to deliver. Thank you.,请出具375箱特大号PE手套的形式发票,我会通知你发送时间,谢谢。 +Passengers should have valid traveling visa(s). Costa Cruises and our company will not be liable for any consequences due to visa issues.,旅客必须持有有效之入境签证,歌诗逹邮轮及本公司对旅客因个人证件所产生之任何问题概不负责。 +I selected the bridle with Pen Tool and copied it to a new layer before mechanizing the horse.,我选择的缰绳与钢笔工具和复制到一个新层机械化之前的一匹黑马。 +Detailed information about each solution is beyond the scope of this article but can be found in Resources.,关于各个解决方案的详细资料超出了本文的范围,不过可以在 参考资料中找到。 +My father's ecological covenant with the fig tree conceals in its core the kernel of a social contract with my children.,在父亲与无花果树签订的生态约定的最深处,隐藏着他与我的孩子们所签订的社会约定最本质的部分。 +"Dr. Linder believes, just like in the kitchen, several ingredients make up a good meal, as great skincare is a mixture of different, but great products that work together.",LINDER教授相信,好的护肤品就好像在厨房做菜一样,几种材料做出的好菜,护肤产品也是不同的成分混合在一起,共同对皮肤保护。 +"“This tradition is for keeping our girls chaste, for lowering the sex drive of our daughters,” Ms. Ibrahim told me. “This is our culture.”",她告诉我:“这种传统让我们的女孩子们保��贞洁,降低她们对性的需求。这是我们的文化。” +"Tofind a target and determine its position, any radar station has to basically consist of a transmitter, a receiver, an antenna, an antenna duplexer, a display and a timer.",为了要发现目标和确定其位置,任何雷达站基本上都必须包括发射机、接收机、天线、天线转换开关、显示器和定时装置。 +Georges Escoffier modernized old French food into Haute Cuisine starting in the late 1800s. He did this in his book Le Guide Culinaire.,80年代后期,乔治埃斯科非耶让传统法国菜变得更为摩登,开始向高级料理转变。 +"A new paper, The Computational and Storage Potential of Volunteer Computing, explores the limits of BOINC-based projects.",《义务计算的计算和存储潜力》一文探讨了基于BOINC的项目的限制。 +"This is a multi-active car, especially for private users. This car is suitable for a wide spectrum of Chinese customers.",这辆车用途广泛,主要是以私人用户为主。在设计上,这辆车将满足大多数中国消费者的审美需求。 +"Now they realise if you want a happy, engaged workforce you don't start by dismissing as many people as you can, as soon as you can.",现在,他们意识到,如果你想得到一个快乐、努力工作的劳动力,你就要尽可能的不要一开始就开除尽可能多的人。 +Anyone listening in on the traffic can know this as well (as evidenced because we are using Wireshark captures).,任何在网络上侦听的人当然也知道这两个数(这点 很明显,因为我们是通过Wireshark获取它们的,别人也可以)。 +"While Arsenal warmed up for Wednesday's vital clash with that outstanding performance against the Clarets, Roma had an altogether tougher time in their Serie A fixture against Udinese on Saturday.",阿森纳在准备周三至关重要比赛前,以和红酒比赛做了一次完美热身,罗马在周六和乌迪内斯进行了一场更为艰苦的比赛。 +"Moreover, we have correlated the function of S-99 soluble styptic gauze with animal experiments, styptic method and its advantage.",并对S—99可溶性止血纱布的止血性能、动物实验、止血方法及其优点进行了叙述。 +The present paper reports a corpus-based empirical study on the usage of first person and related issues in English bio-medical abstracts.,本研究采用语料库方法,从实证角度对生物医学类英文摘要中第一人称的使用及相关问题进行了研究。 +"The technological capability of industrial develops from imitation and innovation, establishing an industry-oriented system of R&D and innovated investment gradually.",企业的技术能力从无到有、从模仿到创新,逐步建立了以企业为主体的研究开发和创新投资体系。 +"Intrinsic Value, Expectancy for Success, and Grade-related Extrinsic Utility Value are significantly correlated to learners' language reading proficiency;",阅读的内在价值、对成功的期待以及与分数相关的外在阅读动机与学生的阅读能力成明显的负相关关系; +Our school is composed of a team of highly experienced and well-recognized teachers from across Ontario.,威廉国际学院是加拿大多伦多其中一所规模最大、教学质量最好的知名私立学校。 +"Modern legal construction must be based on traditional ""rule by ceremony"".",现代法治建设也必须在扬弃传统“礼治”的基础上进行构建。 +The E-Registration and Enrolment System (ERES) was officially launched.,网上注册及报名系统(ERES)正式启用。 +"It is of great practical value to improve kiln design and construction precision, prolong service life.",对提高窑炉设计及施工精度,延长使用寿命有较高的理论和实际价值。 +Moreover all new envelopes are equipped with a resealable sticky tape.,此外,所有新的封套都配备了可再次密封的胶带。 +This phrase was brought up by the Englishman Mike Featherstone in the course of his studies of consumer culture and postmodernism.,它是英国人费瑟斯通在他研究后现代主义和消费文化的过程中提出来的。 +"While people used to take their break with a leisurely meal or stroll, they now spend their time shopping, making personal calls or checking their online bank account.",据《每日电讯报》5月19日报道,上班族在午间漫不经心地享用美食甚至饭后漫步的情景已经不多见了,越来越多的人都在利用午餐时间去购物、打电话或是查询网络银行帐户等。 +"When I woke the following morning, my throat was sore and swollen and my limbs heavy as lead.",第二天早晨醒来时,我感到喉咙肿痛,而且四肢沉重的像灌了铅似的。 +"In the colour environment that if often be in mood letting a person, depresses , can affect the growth of cerebrum nerve cell, make intelligence drops thereby.",若常处于让人心情压抑的色彩环境中,则会影响大脑神经细胞的发育,从而使智力下降。 +"Nevertheless, two years later, the first printed book in Europe, the Mainz psalter, came off Gutenberg's press.",不管怎样,两年之后,欧洲第一本印刷的书,美因兹诗篇,成功地从古滕伯格的出版社诞生。 +"Still, this month's 53% stock-price drop could prompt some of Citigroup's trading partners to start 'pulling away, ' says Roger Lister, chief credit offer of credit-rating firm DBRS.",不过,信用评级机构DBRS的首席信用长罗杰·李斯特尔(Roger Lister)说,本月53%的股价跌幅可能促使花旗集团的一些交易伙伴开始对其敬而远之。 +The world wasn’t terribly surprised when Kim Kardashian announced her divorce to Kris Humphries on Monday morning.,当周一的早晨,卡戴珊宣布她要和亨弗里斯离婚时,世人并没有很惊讶。 +"Although we may be nobody now, but no one could dare to say that we can't become somebody in the future.",李敖给我的感觉是一个个性张扬、敢说敢作敢为、文辞犀利泼辣的人。 +"A woman endowed with spiritual attributes leads a man to God, but a woman who is the embodiment of delusion makes him forget God and drowns him in the ocean of worldliness .",一位拥有灵性属性的女人会把一个男人引向神,但属于错觉化身的女人会让他忘记了神,把他拖进俗气的海洋里。 +"She is sincere in pain, Laundry cooking wiping the floor toilet brush, he not touch her.",是真心实意地疼她,洗衣做饭擦地板刷马桶,他从不让她碰。 +"I make a doubt audaciously, is it because of the lack of our education objective itself?",于是,我大胆地提出疑问,是否我们的教育目的本身有所缺失?。 +Vujacic suffered a sprained ankle two weeks ago on the first day of training camp.,武贾西奇在训练营的第一天就遭受扭伤脚踝的伤病。 +And the optimal parameters by which the minimum cutting edge radius can be achieved theoretically were calculated by using the multianalysis method.,以最小刃口半径值为目标,使用多元分析方法,获得了最优研磨参数组合,试验验证结果与计算值相符。 +And usually people will contact you within about 2 or 3 days.,一般人们都会在两三天内才会联系你的。 +"I can't tell you the shock it was to Mrs Hargraves, and a nine days' wonder in the village.",我不能告诉你关于哈格瑞弗斯夫人的震惊,那可是在村子里整整让人惊讶了九天的事情。 +"Tear ball happy, sometimes. It isn't easy to wipe out all of your tears.",有时甚至是笑靥含泪。擦干你的眼泪也并非易事呀。 +Two lake floor fan sedimentary systems of Qinjiatai-Dujiatai and Jinzhou-Huanxiling are developed in the area.,沙三段沉积时期,该区发育有齐家杜家台和锦州欢喜岭两大湖底扇沉积体系。 +"""And I'm just starting the internal exam, "" Dr. Tierneysaid. ""So I'd say Detective Moore got here right on time. """,“我才刚要开始做内部检验。”田世福医生说。“莫警探你来的正好。” +"A mathematical model of inverse problem of heat conduct equation is analyzed, and a solution of it by one dimension Finite Element Method (FEM) is presented.",分析换热系数反求法的数学模型,并采用有限元法实现该数学模型的求解。 +"One afternoon last summer, Mr. Black went to a fishmonger to buy some fish for supper. A friend of his was coming to have supper with him that evening.",去年夏天的一个下午,布莱克先生到鱼贩那里去买鱼准备做晚饭。因为一个朋友要到他家和他一同吃晚饭。 +"Montanelli's voice was rather low, but full and resonant .",蒙太尼里的声音很低,却圆润、响亮。 +"Volume surged on Tuesday as more than 11 billion shares changed hands on the New York Stock Exchange, NYSE Amex and Nasdaq. That compared with the year-to-date estimated daily average of 8.63 billion.","周二成交放量,纽约证交所、美国证交所和Nasdaq市场的总成交量超过110亿股,年内迄今成交量日均值为86.3亿股." +We can see that the flow has both leakages from it and injections into it.,我们就可以看到,这个流量是既有漏出的又有注入的。 +Communications clear at the end of the month giving you an opportunity to resolve conflicts and gain the rewards you have earned.,在月终厘清的讯息给予你机会解决冲突,获得你已经赚得的报酬。 +High social capital was significantly associated with self-rated good physical health and happy life.,社会资本越高,越容易自述身体健康和生活快乐。 +Linping officially belongs to China but can stay in Thailand for another year.,这对熊猫由中国租借给泰国,期限为十年,幼崽林萍归中国所有,但它可以在泰国继续呆一年。 +"I really would love to win the Champions League with this club, and I think we have a great chance now that we've signed Patrick Vieira, "" said Emerson.""",能和尤文一起赢得冠军杯是人生一大幸事。 在签下维埃拉后可能性更大了。 +"While Einstein also talked about the travails of his continuing work in physics, most of Johanna Fantova's diary recalls his views on world politics and his personal life.",爱因斯坦也谈论他长期从事物理工作的辛苦,在女友乔安娜·范多娃的日记中,大内容回忆爱因斯坦世界政治和个人生活的看法。 +SS OCT systems can be designed with faster line rates and longer imaging depths than possible with the spectrometer based systems.,与基于分光计的系统相比,SS OCT系统的设计可以具备更快的线速以及更深的成像深度。 +Every door may be shut but death's door.,除了死门外,每门都可关。 +"Asked if China would agree to mandatory, specific targets to reduce emissions, Mr. Qin did not answer directly.",在被问及中国是否同意接受具有约束力的具体减排目标时,秦先生没有给于直接回答。 +The invention relates to a wastewater treatment system and a grinding and scribing wastewater treatment method.,本发明涉及一种废水处理系统及研磨划片废水处理方法。 +"""What the skeptics, I think, forget, is that virtually every American city was designed around a streetcar, "" Blumenauer says. ""I mean, the most ambitious plans for Washington, D.",布鲁曼纽尔告诉我:“我觉得那些怀疑者们忘记了一个事实,那就是几乎每个美国城市最初都是围绕着电车计划建立起来的。 +"Before ""right of formation"" is put forward, scholars got used to classified the right acknowledged in law into right of control, right of claim and right of pleadings.",在“形成权”被提出来之前,学者习惯于将法律上所承认的赋予各个权利主体的权利,划分为支配权、请求权和抗辩权。 +"Crocodiles, in fact, do not particularly.",鳄鱼事实上并不特别喜欢人肉。 +Teacher tells the children how to write away for a puzzle book.,老师告诉孩子们如何写信函购一本智力测验的书。 +"However, password cracker dictionaries contain a large number of today's passwords, and they try out all kinds of (alphanumerical) combinations.",然而,黑客字典包含了大量的今天的密码,并且它们尝试了各种(字母数字混合)组合。 +"""Can't even hold him in the sight, "" the gunner said.",“简直不能‘盯’住它,”机枪手说。 +"After the French Revolution, men took off their high heels, silk stockings, and wigs and began wearing trousers.",法国大革命之后,男人脱掉了他们的高跟鞋、丝质长袜和假发,并开始穿裤子。 +The antalgic mechanism is different from morphine. So it may be helpful in treatment of drug addict.,其镇痛原理不同于吗啡,根据中医戒毒的理论,野罂粟碱有可能在稽延性戒毒阶段发挥更大的功效。 +"Small qian to try again, but see if GongGe Yin tang, thought he was a share-win on this list, and the exchange of mining minister, hence the paper want to mining minister high school.",小倩又来到文试试场,却见到苟宫格印堂发光,以为他是今榜解元,遂将其试卷与采臣的交换,希望助采臣高中。 +It is not just Warren Buffett's successor who will need to navigate the company forward capably. Berkshire will also need the right kind of board to oversee and promote its future.,伯克希尔不仅需要一个足可胜任的沃伦•巴菲特接班人来引领公司向前发展,还需要一个健全的董事会行使监督职能,以促进公司未来发展。 +"The person's lifetime should face a lot of choices, take with abandon, right with the fault, interweaving your life contrail.",人的一生要面对很多选择,取与舍,对与错,交织着你的人生轨迹。 +"Eric e-mails Annie, the lead analyst in charge of all customer-facing Web-based solution development, and discusses the proposed solution.",Eric 给 Annie 发送 e-mail,分析负责所有面向顾客的基于 Web 的解决团队,并讨论计划方案。 +"They often laugh at my name is fish head, tail, and so on many wrong number, and for that I is very angry.",他们经常嘲笑我叫鱼头、鱼尾、等等许多错号,对此我是十分的生气。有时有些老师还会叫错我的名字,叫我干鑫或千鑫。 +"This paper studied some of the highlights in the progress of the research of carbapenem antibiotics, designed and mainly synthesized branched chain intermediate of biapenem.",本课题概述了碳青霉烯类抗生素的研究进展,并设计合成了比阿培南的侧链中间体。 +My Bday tomorrow so feel free to send me presents and money…,明天是我的生日所以你们会送给我礼物或者钱… +"And it came to pass at the end of three years, that two of the servants of Shimei ran away unto Achish son of Maachah king of Gath.",过了三年,示每的两个仆人逃到迦特王玛迦的儿子亚吉那里去。 +"Now, I'm ready to continue my personal and professional growth by pursuing a law degree.",现在我想通过攻读一个法律硕士的课程来提高我的个人以及专业水平。 +And we are setting our sextants clearly upon these cosmic beacons.,并且我们正在设置我们的六分仪以使之清晰的对准宇宙的灯塔。 +"From the open, darkened door the menacing shape of the helicopter's gun was discernable, pointing directly at the boat.",从直升机敞开的黑色机门,可怕的机炮清晰可见,炮口直指渔船。 +"I also saw a little boy pushing a small luggage with his little sister on the other hand, waking in brisk pace.",还有,一个小哥哥(可能才八,九岁)一手拖着一个小行李,另一手手牵着小妹妹,在机场穿梭。 +"British ""Financial Times"" reported that the outbreak of the melamine milk powder incident in 2008, caused by the milk industry, re-integration.",英国《金融时报》报道,2008年三聚氰胺奶粉事件爆发,引发奶粉行业重新整合。 +The whole Vinaceous Rosefinch soldier is like a long snake and crawls on this long river Ling.,整个朱雀军,就像一条长蛇,匍匐在这长溪岭上。 +"If a mission failed, you were supposed to make your apologies with a seppuku knife, like General Saito did after the Saipan landings.",假如一个行动失败了,你就应该用一把切腹刀来道歉,就如塞班岛被登陆后的斎藤义次将军所做的。 +Nick. Shout it out.,大点声说 +He faced up to his troubles manfully.,他勇敢地面对自己的麻烦。 +China is now a sports power with a sophisticated state-supported sports system.,中国现已是个拥有精密举国体制的体育强国,伦敦以及之后,她仍将高居奖牌榜前列。 +"Like the bluesy “Strange Fruit” by Billie Holiday, this was meant as an anti-racism song but unlike “Strange Fruit”, it takes on a hopeful outlook for change in the future.",正如比利·好乐迪的蓝调《奇怪的果实》,这是一首反种族歧视之歌,所不同的是他以充满希望的视角期待不久将来将发生的变化。 +"Conclusion 3-D color images can clearly display and differentiate tissue, organ and disease, it can supply more information for clinical diagnosis.",结论CT彩色立体图像能清晰地显示及区分组织器官及病变,对诊断及临床提供更多更清晰的信息。 +Julie is mad about pop music.,朱丽非常喜欢流行音乐。 +"In lieu of repairs, the bridge will be torn down in the coming year and replaced with a rail-free bridge.",取代维修的方法是拆除旧桥,并于明年新建一座不通火车的新桥。 +By faith the believer directly and immediately appropriates Christ as his own .,所信仰的信徒直接和立即合适耶稣基督为他自己。 +The comprador became a synonym for wealth and was a lordly figure on whom petty shopkeepers looked with awe.,买办变成富有的同义字,以及小店主们必须敬畏看待的权势象徵。 +Speak unto the children of Israel, and say unto them, I am the LORD your God.,18:2 你晓谕以色列人说,我是耶和华你们的神。 +And sub-question: will the air be contaminated for some time (10-20 seconds) and affects the units after the blast?,延伸问题:在核爆炸后空气会不会在一段时间内被污染(10-20秒)并且对单位产生影响。 +"We will strengthen exchanges and consultations between Chinese and Arab trade authorities, complete China-GCC FTA negotiations and sign a free trade agreement at an early date.",加强中阿经贸部门的交流与磋商,尽早完成中国-海湾阿拉伯国家合作委员会自由贸易区谈判并签署自贸协定。 +Hello everyone! I'm Jody! Welcome to American Cafe.,大家好,这是杨晨。欢迎到美语咖啡屋。 +"Aged 52 at the time of his death, he was known above all for his culinary prowess at the Cited'Or, his celebrated restaurant in the heart of France.",他死时52岁,以他在“金色海岸”餐厅的烹调才艺最为著称,他的这家餐厅位于法国中心地带。 +MSDE web page button below.,单击下面的“打开MSDE网页”按钮。 +"LUCIE CLUVER: ""They're missing school to go and get medication. They're washing the sick person.""",露西CLUVER:“他们缺少的学校去把它们洗药病人… +"In the short term, yes. You can correct immediate misbehavior with a slap or two on the rear-end or hand.",——从短期来看,是有效果,打手心、打屁股可以立即纠正孩子的错误行为。 +"The practice is extremely painful and traumatizing, and can result in prolonged bleeding, a higher risk of HIV infection, infertility and even death, according to the United Nations Children's Fund.",据联合国儿童基金组织称,切割手术疼痛无比,身心俱受伤害,还可能导致长期出血,使艾滋病感染风险提高,不孕甚至死亡。 +"Under Federal Reserve Regulation D, which governs reserve requirements, banks had to hold a non-interest bearing account when they sold a large certificate of deposit in the United States.",在美联储D规定下,该规定管理准备金要求,当银行在美国出售大额存款单时,他们需持有一个无息账户。 +Objective: To study the effect of abdominal speculum in treating barrenness of obstructive uterine tube.,目的:探讨腹腔镜手术治疗输卵管梗阻性不孕症的临床疗效。 +"MySpace, the Rupert Murdoch-owned website once synonymous with social networking, is losing popularity and key staff in its biggest troubles since launching five years ago.",传媒大亨默多克名下的著名网站曾经一度成为社交网络(social networking)的代名词。 然而面对用户持续减少跟重要职员流失,Myspace正面临运营五年来最严重的危机。 +"This is the leader of Nepal's Maoists, Pushpa Kamal Dahal, better known as Prachanda, which means ""awesome"". Prachanda has long said he would become the first president of a Nepalese republic.",这个人就是毛派的领导人普什帕·卡马勒·达哈勒,人称普拉昌达,即让人敬畏的人,他早就说过自己会成为尼泊尔共和国第一任总统。 +"The spirit of the early aviators lives on in projects like the experimental Solar Impulse, a solar-powered plane that made its initial, barely-off-the-ground test flight in December 2009.",早期的飞行员的精神生命在类似的实验太阳能脉冲,一个太阳能飞机,在2009年12月最初,几乎没有过的实地试飞项目。 +New shoots of bamboo will come up from around the roots of the old ones.,从老杆根部周围又会长出新的幼芽来。 +"Tony approached Julia, touched her shoulder and kissed her on the cheek!",托尼靠近茱莉亚,摸了摸她的肩膀,亲了亲她的脸! +And was always his treasure and pride.,他一直珍爱着这个大钟,并因此而骄傲。 +"Is widely used in various surface decontamination cleaning, easy rinsing, leaving a pleasant fragrance after cleaning.",广泛应用于各种表面的清洗去污,易漂洗,清洗后留有怡人清香。 +"Cardiotonic effect: The herb increases contraction of normal hearts, its cardiotonic effect being even more dramatic in hearts exhausted by fatigue and poison.",强心作用:增强正常心脏的收缩功能。 对于劳累或中毒所致心脏衰竭起效迅速,强心作用明显。 +"Based on FEM, 3D Vibration characteristics of I. C. E. Crankshaft are investigated. Two innovations are proposed in this paper.",采用有限元法,对内燃机曲轴的三维振动特性进行了数值模拟。 +Objective:The nomenclature and possible cause of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) with ventricular dilatation and heart failure were explored.,目的:探讨肥厚型心肌病(HCM)的命名伴心室扩张和心力衰竭的可能原因。 +The time of movements is from the Indo-Sinian to the Himalayan period.,龙门山中央断裂运动的时代跨越了印支期到喜马拉雅期。 +"Then the dot-com bubble burst, and the Cisco chief executive watched the networking giant's stock drop 86%, from 80 to just over 11 by September 2001.",然而,随着市场泡沫的破灭,钱伯斯,身为思科公司的主管,却只能眼睁睁的看着公司的股份一下子跌了86%,到2001年9月,已经从原来的80/股狂跌到11/股。 +"The main components which can cause pitch trouble in the process of paper making with Masson pine TMP was simulated by using fatty acid, resin acid and oleic triglyceride as model materials.",以脂肪酸、树脂酸、三油酸甘油脂为模型物,模拟了马尾松TMP造纸过程中造成树脂障碍的主要成分。 +We can overcome any difficulty.,我们能战胜任何困难。 +"Despite a recent bout of austerity and the 11th-hour launch of a vast bail-out fund for its most fragile economies, Europe seems a diminished force in the world.",尽管最近推出了紧缩计划并在危急时刻推出了为其最不堪一击的经济体提供救助的巨额基金,但是欧洲在世界上 的影响力似乎日渐式微。 +"As a ""code hero"", Santiago demonstrates ""grace under pressure"".",首先,圣地亚哥显示出了“重压下的优雅风度”。 +"'You devastated two families, you damaged a community's sense of safety and you destroyed your own and your parents' hope for the future, ' the judge told Jason McLaughlin at his sentencing.",「你毁掉了两个家庭,破坏了社会大众的安全感,也让你自己和父母对未来的希望付诸流水,」法官在宣布判刑时如此告诉杰森˙麦莱夫林。 +"City CDC AIDS Division Professor Jiang introduced the infection rate of AIDS among homosexuals, ""meteoric rise"" because there are: multiple sexual partners is particularly serious;",市疾控中心艾滋病防治科蒋教授介绍,同性恋人群中艾滋病感染速度“异军突起”,原因主要有:多性伴情况特别严重; +Each sub-channel can carry a different program.,每个子频道都可以单独传输一路节目。 +"The newly released version 8.0 of the Agilent 89601A VSA software provides rapid data transfers from the digitizers to the host, reducing measurement times and maximizing user productivity.",新近发布的安捷伦89601A 8.0版的VSA软件可提供快速的主机到数字转化器之间的数据传输速度,减少测量时间,最大��用户生产力。 +Dollar-seeking career strategies by undergraduates reduce the social capital that higher education can bring to society.,大学本科毕业生追求能够赚钱职业的举动降低了高等教育带来的社会资本。 +"By means of statistics, this paper investigated 966 Hangzhou citizens who take part in regular sports, analysed their aim and benefits of physical exercises and put forward some good suggestions.",采用调查与数理统计相结合的方法,对杭州市体育锻炼场所中966人进行随机抽样调查,从中对反映出来的一些问题进行分析,并提出几点设想。 +Who greets at the old haunt?,是谁在故地迎亲? +"This article introduces the susceptibility of the Daqing hydroisomerized and dewaxed base oil on anchoring agent and depressant, and makes the comparison with HVIW150(HVI500)base oil.",介绍了大庆加氢异构脱蜡基础油对增粘剂、降凝剂的感受性,并与HVIW150(HVI500)基础油作了对比。 +"The journey began in 2003, with a visit to a ""hippie architect"" house-building camp in Vermont.",作为旅行的开始,2003年她首先参观了佛蒙特州的一处“嬉皮士建筑师”的房居社区。 +"Forced to take another route to avoid Gaines’ men, Teri and Kim get lost in the woods.",原来,泰瑞和金姆为了避开盖恩斯的手下,被迫走了另一条路线,她们在树林中迷路了。 +"In addition, stitched clothes such as salwar Kameez for women and kurta-pyjama and European-style trousers and shirts for men, are also popular.",除此之外,有缝服装,如妇女穿着的旁蔗普服和无领长袖服装以及男人穿的欧洲风格的长裤和衬衣,也很流行。 +He remembers being late many days during sixth grade and regularly missing the school bus in middle school.,他还记得自己六年级时总是迟到,中学时又经常因为睡过头而错过了校车。 +"It points out that the position of the maximum strain, stress and tension is at first group trough type roller, not at passing poion of pulley if the head drum works as pulley.",指出在头部滚筒作为驱动滚筒的布置系统中,胶带最大应变、力及张力位置不在驱动滚筒相遇点,而在过渡段第一组槽形托辊处。 +"Actively participate in reducing problems, monitor and ensure equipment routine maintenance and TPM .",积极参与减少问题的活动,监控并且确保设备的惯常维修以及TPM ; +I like studying English and want to be a cricketer someday.,我喜欢学英语,希望总有一天能成为板球运动员。 +This article analyzes reasons for the disharmony occurring during the demolition and the relevant experience and lessons learned. It also explores how to build a harmonious Party-mass relationship.,文章分析了在拆迁工作中出现党群关系不和谐现象的原因及相关经验教训,对于如何在拆迁工作中构建和谐党群关系进行了探究。 +"But Xikang border area tea, which had ever played an important role in history, didn""t get a reasonable attention.""",西康边茶作为在历史上起过重大作用的事物,却未得到应有的关注。 +"This system has satisfied with privilege management demand, possessing the function of Web resources description, automatical collection and resources tree build and so on.",该系统较好的满足了授权管理的需求,具有资源统一描述、自动收集、资源树生成等功能。 +"Shan-li person will do, and fresh mountain freight to the pond the son, and the high fort market, the simple trading, again in the mountains of goods.",山里人则将干、鲜山货运至塘子、高堡的集市上,进行简单的交易,再购回山里所需的商品。 +"After mounting failures, the dejected inventor popped a piece into his mouth.",重重失败之后,我们这位沮丧至极的发明者赌气将一块树胶塞进了自己嘴里。 +"There are strange things in the dark, dark wood! Click on the cats to find out what is hidden in the dark, dark house!",在阴森森的树林内有很多奇怪的东西。点撃猫儿来看看阴森森的的大屋内藏有什么! +Fujian famous tea varieties are the traditional preponderant farm-products with the characteristics of original producing area protection.,福建名茶是具有原产地保护特征的传统优势农产品。 +"In a nearby classroom, others ask in Arabic for specific colors as they make paper flowers.",在附近另一间教室,另一群孩子在一边折纸花,一边用阿拉伯语问纸花的颜色。 +Suppose a suspect has been arrested and charged with a crime.,假设一名嫌疑犯被逮捕,被指控犯有某种罪行。 +A second conclusion concerns the age-old maxim never to deploy a force without giving it a clear military mission.,第二个结论与那句古老的箴言有关:在分配清晰的军事任务给部队之前,绝不要将部队部署出去。 +"Had that chance been taken the hosts might have held on, but after Javier Aguirre made three attacking substitutions, his first one created an equaliser.",如果东道主把握住了机会,便能将胜势维持到终场,但阿吉雷做出三次换人,以加强锋线进攻,并且首个换人便造就将比分扳平。 +"It is found that BNPVS not only has more salient features to reflect the difference between soil and rock sites, but also has less scattering to reveal the nature of forward-directivity motions.",考虑场地条件的影响,基于双规准伪速度谱预测了近断层方向性效应地震动的设计谱,并与此前的研究结果进行了对比。 +Another $220 billion went for grants to state and local governments for everything from schools in poor neighborhoods to sewage-treatment plants.,另外有两千两百亿被用于州或地方政府的所有单位的补助,包括从贫困社区的学校到污水处理场。 +Thee key to having a powerful serve is in creating a loop in your backswing and letting your racquet head drop behind you as you toss the ball.,要发出有力的球关键在于在击球前尽量把手臂轮成圆圈,抛起球后,把球拍举到头的后方。 +I saw the wonderboy once more when he brought a new batch of working class Italian buddies to Margarita's guesthouse.,那个不可思议的男孩在给玛格瑞特介绍一批新的意大利工人做房客时,我又见了他一面。 +"Management and executive jobs have gotten tougher, too, during the period the Gallup-Healthways data were gathered, the first eight months of this year.",盖洛普-Healthways调查所收集的数据表明,今年头八个月里,管理工作变得更具难度了。 +Dolphin Whale People are highly intuitive and are gifted at perceiving into dream time and in particular to the dreams stepping down for yourself or others or the tribe.,海豚鲸鱼人是高度直觉性的,擅长于觉察到梦想时间,尤其是正走下到你自己、他人或者部落的梦想。 +"Abstract:This paper analyzes the existing situation and problems of bidding agency, elaborates the influence of current national economic layout on the bidding agency.",摘要:分析招标代理机构发展现状和存在问题,阐述当前国家经济布局对招标代理机构的影响。 +RichFaces uses the skins concept.,RichFaces 使用皮肤(skin)的概念。 +And their recent study also showed that the quality of the medication Banlangen different activity quite different.,而近期他们的研究也显示,品质不同的板蓝根的药疗活性大不一样。 +"The border gateway router performs the NAT process, translating the internal private address of a host to a public, external routable address.",边界路由器执行NAT功能,将内部私有地址转换成公网可路由的地址。 +Richards also says you should be willing to engage in conversations during the interview.,理查兹也说,你应该在面试过程中表现出善于交流。 +The consolidation process of such sediments is not clear at present.,目前,黄河口快速沉积物的固结过程尚不清楚。 +"As it turns out, 2010 was a good year for billionaires, cranking out 214 new members of the ten-zeros club.",同时显示的是,2010年是一个亿万富翁的年份,全年有214个新成员加入10个0俱乐部。 +"The videos make valuable use of re-enactment scenarios, and as each step of the hoax is revealed, viewers are trained to pick up the necessary skills for detecting these scams in the future.",节目全部采用电视模拟的手法,再现了每个骗局的每一个关键步骤,从而让您掌握将骗术一眼看穿的本领。 +"Quality system set up, Design and improvement of Jigs& fixture, Process Kaizen and so on.",质保体系的建立完善,工装卡具的设计改进及生产过程的改善服务。 +I'm actually working my plan even before I graduate.,我在毕业之前,就在定计划了。 +"In additon, a new writing prompt contest is announced daily .",另外,每天都会有一项新的快速写作竞赛! +"To ensure integrality and confidentiality of a securities firm´s information, system, and model, their technical structure for risk management implemented must normalize their security requirement.",证券商所建置之风险管理技术架构必须规范所需之安全程度,以确保证券商资讯、系统及模型之完整性及机密性。 +"It might seem a bit rich for the state broadcaster of a secretive, authoritarian country to chide Baidu for murkiness.",一个行事神秘的专制国家的国有电视台谴责百度的暗箱操作似乎有点过头了。 +Conclusion The body composition of those students who were in early puberty had significant change with the pubertal development.,结论:青春早期学生体成分随着青春发育而发生显著变化。 +"In order to get the optimized washing procedure, the change in osmolality was measured experimentally with different blood side and dialysate side flow rates and under the conditions of prepriming.",为了得到优化的透析清洗程序,变化清洗液以及血液流速,实验测定了透析法清除红细胞低温保护剂甘油过程中细胞渗透��的变化。 +"The finest qualities of our nature, like the bloom on fruits, can be preserved only by the most delicate handling.",我们天性中最优美的品格,好比 果实上的粉霜一样,是只能轻手轻脚,才得保全的。 +"Older adolescents who develop the illness may have more classic, adult-type episodes and symptoms.",青春期后期患有此病则有更典型的、成年样的周期与症状。 +"Inflation is politically volatile in China, where poor families spend up to half their incomes on food.",物价飞涨是中国政治不稳定的因素,穷人家庭需要把其收入的一半用于食品支出。 +"Instead of linking two pictures together, you use a system of phonetics to remember all the digits.",你可用0~9的数字创造的语音系统代替关联法。 +"One day he caught a tiny bird and held it in his cupped hands.Then he gathered his friends around.He said, “Let's trick the old woman.",有一天,他抓到一只小鸟,双手捧住,然后把伙伴们叫到身边,说:“咱们去哄一下那个老太太。 +"Glaciers on China's Qinghai-Tibet plateau are shrinking by seven per cent a year because of global warming, the state news agency Xinhua reported yesterday (2 May).",中国的新华社5月2日报道说,中国青藏高原的冰川由于全球变暖,每年正在以7%的速度退缩。 +"And much of the Chinese glass now hitting U.S. shores is chiseling into market extremities where profit margins are thinnest: the cheapest salt shakers, table tops and replacement windshields.",而中国现在在美国商店里的大多数玻璃都是在市场上最饱和的地方凿出微小的利润:最廉价的盐罐,桌面玻璃和挡风板的替换品。 +"In addition, the cement and steel prices have undoubtedly increased the building's construction costs.",此外,水泥和钢材价格,无疑增加了建筑物的建设费用。 +The model consists of several modules of sub models including the Xin'anjiang model and the hydraulic m…,该模型由若干个子模型组成,包括新安江模型及明渠河网非恒定流的水力学模型等。 +I find myself secure with a local Beijinger who has a stable income.,男友家在北京,有稳定的收入,我可以安心了。 +Shanghai Municipal Personnel Bureau (hereinafter referred to as MPB) is in charge of the recruitment of talented personnel and responsible for the implementation of these Provisions.,上海市人事局(以下简称市人事局)主管本市的引进人才工作,负责本规定的组织实施。 +"Let us find that common stake we all have in one another, and let our politics reflect that spirit as well.",让我们找到我们在对方身上都有的那个共同的利益,也让我们的政治反映出这样一种精神。 +The blasting earthquake simulation signals are applied to analyze the dynamic response of high retaining wall structure under blasting earthquake wave.,作为模拟爆破地表震波的信号源,对于高挡墙建筑物进行了爆破地震波激励的动态响应的系列分析; +"“I was pleased when Papa said you sent for me, ” Marta said, looking into his eyes briefly, before dropping her head again.","玛尔塔说:""当爸爸告诉我你想叫我一起过来的时候 我很高兴."" 在她把头深埋下去之前 她直直地望着爱德华的眼眸." +"Compared with common curved cable-stayed bridge, the rigidity and dynamic characteristics of curved double-layer cable-stayed bridge acquire being further improved.",计算结果显示,双层索系曲线斜拉桥方案与普通曲线斜拉桥方案相比,结构的整体刚度和动力性能都得到了改善。 +"I know. I have to sleep on the couch tonight, but did you know we really don't mind that.",是的,我们知道今晚我们得睡沙发,但是你们知道我们真的不在乎这个。 +"Tower major production, a variety of steel products are widely used in power transmission industry, power transmission pole ---;",杆塔专业生产,各种钢杆制造产品广泛应用于输电业---电力输送杆; +"Teachers' love is broad which is severe but cordial, strict but tolerant.",师爱是一种博大――她的境界是严厉而不乏亲切严格而不乏宽容; +"Change yourself, is a self-help, influence others, is to save.",⊙、改变自己,是自救,影响别人,是救人。 +"Hemoperfusion is a kind of extracorporeal blood purification technique, which has been applied to treat acute poisoning.",血液灌流作为一种体外血液净化技术,多年来一直只应用于急性中毒的治疗。 +Net that he believes the outcome of his case could help to create a better working environment for China's scientists.,他对本网络记者表示,他相信这个案子的结果能够为中国科学家创造更好的工作条件。 +Kun is so easy to let the meaning of life I see!,那么坤易则让我明白生命的含义! +"But the moves do not appear to curb the broad powers that CFIUS has to review foreign takeovers, and may expand them in some ways.",但这些举措似乎无法限制美国外国投资委员会在审查外国收购方面所拥有的广泛权力,而且在某些方面还有可能扩大这种权利。 +"Americans use the word ""friend "" in a very general way. They may call both casual acquaintances and close companions ""friends.",美国人的“朋友”一字用得非常广泛,不论是点头之交还是亲密无间都叫“朋友”。 +Varied nutrient content of black sand pear fruits is higher than that red sand pear.,各种营养成分褐皮砂梨高于红皮砂梨。 +And it pasts just like an arrow.,和它仅仅像一支箭一样的过去。 +You can put those things in that box.,你可以放那些东西到那个箱子里。 +"The Chinese relic, reputed to be a tooth of the Buddha, arrived in Myanmar earlier this month for its fourth tour of the country since the 1950s, and it's drawing big crowds wherever it goes.",中国的这颗舍利据说是佛祖的一颗牙齿。这颗佛牙舍利本月早些时候抵达缅甸,进行上世纪50年代以来在该国的第四次供奉巡礼,无论在哪里供奉,都会吸引众多朝拜者。 +Pour all the ingredients into the pot except the potato and carrot.,将所有配料除了薯仔及甘笋外,倒入煲仔内。 +"Every living cell, even the simplest bacterium, teems with molecular contraptions that would be the envy of any nanotechnologist.",地球上所有活细胞(包括最简单的细菌)都充满精巧的分子装置,足以让任何一位奈米科学家嫉妒。 +"Here come the Purple Cobras, led by White Goodman. All business.",现在进场的是紫眼睛蛇队, 队长是怀特·古德曼。 +"Student A: Can you tell me how our forefathers lived without electricity, radio, TV and Internet in the ancient time?",学生甲:你说说看,远古的时候既没有电、收音机,也没有电视和互联网,我们的祖先怎么活的啊? +So she still learned one module of math and finished the conversation of lesson 107 today.,因此,她今天仍然学习了一个模块的数学,并且学完了第一百零七课的对话。 +That tree slants to one side because of the heavy winds.,因为刮大风,那棵树歪倒一边去了。 +"The choreography of musket fire is important, so that gets a lot of attention.",火枪的编队射击很重要,所以我们给于了更多的关注。 +"""The situation in Yingxiu is even worse than expected,"" said an official on duty in the Aba government, citing the three vice governors.",阿坝州政府官员称,映秀灾情比想象的还要严重。 +Bi-weekly Friday (1st & 3rd week) :German Talk - Special price for German beer.,每月双周五(第一和第三周):德国之音- 德国啤酒特价。 +"A collection of luminous, often tender poems that focus on the profound power of memory.",这是一部很光明很温和的诗集,着重于记忆的深远力量。 +I received a diploma certificate from Beining Forest University and a Bachelor's Degree from Beijing Material University (school wrong translation BWU - Beijing Wuzi Univ. ).,我专科毕业于北京林业大学,本科在读北京物资学院。 +"Unpellatized sawdust lead to the problems of excessive tar production, inadmissable pressure drop and lack of bunker flow.",Unpellatized木屑导致焦油生产过量的问题,被拒入境的压力下降,缺乏流动的掩体。 +"Superficial sensory pathway conduction pain, temperature sensation, and to touch;",浅感觉传导路径传导痛觉、温度觉和以触觉; +"In contrast, a dynamic portal page layout is defined structurally in a database on the server and managed by a page customizer.",反过来,一个动态门户页面的布局是由服务器中的数据库定义结构的,并由页面编辑器管理。 +Did you check in with the immigration people today?,今天你给移民局的人报到了吗? +Objective To observe the effect of the platelet-rich plasma( PRP ) on osteogenesis during bone distraction.,目的探讨富含血小板血浆( PRP )对成骨细胞以及牵引成骨过程中新骨生成的作用。 +Twice the bride must remain silent to the questions of the mullahs.,新娘对毛拉提出的问题有两次不应作答 +We must aspire to be the best in all aspects of our industry and there is no better place to focus our efforts than in the safety and well being of our workforce.,我们必须寻求在各方面做到最好,首要的就是致力改善安全事务及为建造业从业员谋福祉。 +"In Pingying County in western Shantung, near the end of the Japanese war, the landlords, never having seen the 8th Route Army before, thought the cadres could be bought just like Kuomintang officials.",在山东省的西部有个平阴县,那里的地主从未见过八路军,以为他们跟国民党的官老爷一样,可以用金钱加以收买。 +No button 2 seconds after the digital display shows the beating strength.,无按键2秒后数码显示屏显示捶打强度。 +Second-skin colors are so hot for spring/summer 2011 as long as you choose the most flattering shade for your skin complexion.,裸色是2011���夏季的热门颜色,你只要需要找到与自己肤色最相衬的裸色。 +These are hypothetical variables that will only have a value if the match succeeds.,这些是假定的变量,只有匹配成功 时它们才会有一个值。 +"If so, you may have a type of anxiety disorder called social phobia, also called social anxiety disorder.",如果答案是肯定的,那你很可能患上了一种焦虑障碍——社交恐惧症,又名社交焦虑症。 +"Mitt Romney is so vigilant about nutrition that he eats the same thing every day: his wife's granola for breakfast, a chicken or turkey sandwich for lunch, and pasta, fish or chicken for dinner.",罗尼也因十分小心摄取营养,每天吃的东西几乎一成不变:早餐吃太太准备的燕麦片,午餐以鸡肉或火鸡三明治打发,晚餐则吃义大利式面食、鱼肉或鸡肉。 +The incidence rates of occupational skin diseases in these reports were recalculated to be 23.94 -83.65% during these years.,根据文献中的患病率进行重新统计可以得到,这些年职业性皮肤病的患病率为23.94-83.65%。 +Because you dress very fashionably. I like your shirt.,因为你穿的很时尚,我喜欢你穿的衣服。 +I'll never forget the pop sound.,我永远都忘不了那个爆开的声音。 +"Among the constellation of genes that control the immune system are those known as the major histocompatibility complex (MHC), which influence tissue rejection.",在控制免疫系统的众多基因中有一些被称为“主要组织相容性复合体”(MHC),是它们影响了组织体之间的排斥性。 +"If I had love in the beginning, I still have it.",如果我一开始就爱这个人,我依然会继续爱下去。 +The recovered solvent and mother solution can be circulative used.,母液可以循环使用,溶剂可以回收。 +"Due to various factors, civil prosecution supervision was the weak link in the procuratorial work. The existing laws restricted the legal supervision of the public work.",由于各方面因素的影响,民行检察监督目前是检察工作的薄弱环节,现有法律制约了民行法律监督工作的开展。 +"In the tide of socialism marketing economy, we also face problems such as how to deal with the relation of righteousness and profit, principle and desire, ID and superego.",今天,我们在社会主义市场经济的大潮中,同样面临着如何处理义利、理欲、本我与超我的关系问题。 +You can also learn to behave more elastically.,你也可以学习更加灵活地做人。 +I have to dip out of work early today to catch the train at 5 pm.,我今天要早点下班去赶那班5点的火车。 +There's a great view from the top floor of the hotel.,从宾馆顶层往出去的风景美极了。 +"""Meat Avoidance Cures Flat Feet and Other Lies, "" mocked another on a the Cattleman's Blog. London's Telegraph put it succinctly, ""Now It's Cowgate.""",在一个畜牧者的博客中戏谑地写道“不吃肉还可以治疗扁平足和其他谎言”。 +"We live, still, I think in what might be called the Age of the Enlightenment.","在今天,我认为我们依然生活在启蒙时代" +Using town portals consumes only 50% of the Hero's movement points.,使用城镇时空门消耗的移动力减少50%。 +"He had persuaded many enterprises to make investment and build factories in China, such as TRHF Japan, Ninomiya Japan, Hong Kong Salon, Jinan steel, Wuxi Lanli, and so on.",先后说服日本东海橡塑株式会社、日本二宫产业株式会社、香港森隆公司、济钢集团、无锡蓝力等一大批企业来中国投资建厂。 +The phases of samples were analyzed by X-ray diffraction and their thermoelectric properties were tested by electric constant instrument and laser thermal conductance instrument.,用X射线衍射分析了样品的相组成,用电常数测试仪和激光热导仪测试了样品的热电性能。 +"Zhang Guruo, an eminent translator, devotes himself his life to the research and translation of English literature.",著名的翻译家前辈张谷若一生致力于英国文学的研究与翻译工作。 +"About 10.03 billion shares traded on the New York Stock Exchange, the American Stock Exchange and Nasdaq, above last year's estimated daily average of 9.65 billion.","纽约证交所,美国证交所和Nasdaq市场共有约100.3亿股亿股易手,高于去年估计的日均水准96.5亿股." +The ink-jetting property of pigment inks is closely related to the ink formulation.,超细颜料墨水的喷射性能与墨水的组成密切相关。 +"New conduits have opened into the most highly regarded newsrooms in the country; while that's probably a good thing, it adds a layer of complexity to a story like this.",国内,新的中介组织已与备受尊敬的新闻机构建立了联系的管道;或许这是件好事,它为诸如此类事件的复杂度增加了一层。 +Info: These messages contain some contextual information to help trace execution (at a coarse-grained level) in a production environment.,这些消息包含了一些有助于在产品环境中(粒度较粗)帮助跟踪执行过程的上下文消息。 +"This article focuses on the democratic value and political trust of Taiwanese people, placing emphasis on the changing pattern before and after the alternation of power.",本文研究的焦点即在于台湾民众的民主价值和政治信任感,尤其是在政党轮替前后之变化趋势。 +"Results Infection, dysfunctional of cervix uteri, abnormal fatal position, history of abortion or premature delivery were the main causes for PROM.",结果下生殖道感染、宫颈机能不全、胎位异常、早产流产史是胎膜早破的主要病因。 +After a month or so in her class she knew each and every student and their personalities and what they liked and what they didn't.,她只要上了个把月的课,她就会知道全班每个学生的个性;知道他们爱什么,恨什么;知道他们的小典故。 +Our care and concern for needy and oppressed people is actually proof that we know and love God. And one of the best ways to know God better is by helping Jesus' brothers and sisters in their need.,我们帮助穷乏和被欺压的人,其实是我们认识和爱神的明证,而帮助耶稣有需要的弟兄姐妹,就是更深认识神的妙法之一。 +"The following entries demonstrate the recording procedures to be followed under the perpetual inventory system , as contrasted with the periodic inventory system .",下列分录对比说明了在永续盘存制和定期盘存制下,其各自应遵循的记录程序。 +"A door integrated into this wall opens out on a roof terrace, which sits on top of the entrance canopy.",与这面墙整合在一起的门,开向屋顶平台,屋顶平台位于入口处的顶部。 +"Therefore, generating a Parametric G n Blending Surface between two base surfaces is translated into generating a Parametric G n Blending Surface between the two reparameterized local base surfaces.",这样将两基曲面间构造过渡曲面的问题转化为在重新参数化局部基曲面间构造过渡曲面。 +"The two major stages of translation, understanding of the source text and reproduction of the target text are both intertextual activities.",翻译所包括的两个阶段,对原文的理解及译文的再造都是互文性活动。 +A new super-fast book-scanning technology could make publishers cringe even more than when they heard about Google Book Search.,一项最新的超速书本扫描技术也许会让那些出版商奉若神明,这是连谷歌书本搜索引擎也享受不到的待遇。 +Pls made 3 needle stitching with central needle in contrast color as at hem.,做三线打边在底边,其中三线的中线为撞色线。 +"While entecavir and tenofovir are considered the best available antivirals and are recommended as first-treatment options, 3% of patients treated with entecavir don't respond to treatment.",虽然恩替卡韦和替诺福韦被认为是最好的抗病毒药物和建议作为第一治疗方案,用恩替卡韦治疗的患者的3%不响应处理。 +Objective Study the relationship between poor intelligence and neuron unit discharges and transmitters.,目的探讨地方性克汀病智力低下与尾核神经元放电活动及神经递质的关系。 +"By replacing the convective heat transfer boundary, the two-dimension heat conduction problem of blast furnace cooling stave-wall can be simpl…",对流换热边界置换后可使冷却壁-炉墙结构的平面导热问题化为一维问题。 +"Can I ping you later?"" or ""Let’s talk about it.",Can I ping you later” 或 “Let’s talk about it. +"Let go, you randy old goat!",放开我,你这老色鬼! +Who is this post for?,这篇文章是给谁的呢? +Let the new revolutionary turmoil of oil bigger and stronger !,就让新石油革命风暴的风再大些,雨再猛些吧! +"Droughts and water shortages have been just as prominent in recent years - plaguing areas of the Middle East, the southeastern US, Spain, and Australia.",干旱和缺水问题这些年来越来越突出——瘟疫在中东,美国东南部,西班牙,澳大利亚蔓延。 +He says cattle-manure fertilizer that has not been well composted may still carry live bacteria from the animals' gut.,他说,牛粪便肥料,并没有得到很好的堆肥还可以把来自动物的肠道活菌。 +The people of that frontier state were once famous for not believing everything people told them.,这个边境州的人们曾经因不相信别人告诉他们的任何事情而著名。 +"We support our clients in their product development activities by providing design, engineering, testing and homologation services to fit their needs.",在设计,工程,测试和认证服务领域提供产品研发支持,满足客户各项技术需求。 +Nine people about treasure wood explored the meeting;,柴九使人约宝琦见面; +"Colors, which can be cognized and perceived, was also studied by social-linguists from a cognitive perspective.",可感知和认知的颜色也被社会语言学家从认知的��度研究。 +"It also depends on the innovativeness of your individuals, but that has a relatively small effect compared to the effect of being well interconnected and having a large population.",它也依赖于个体的创造性,但后一方面的影响相对而言比较小,良好的互联水平和大量的人口更加重要。 +"Because he brought his childhood feeling into his writing intentionally or not, so there are two Hometowns in his work with dense emotional appeal.",苏童有意无意地将童年体验带入了小说创作,在作品中虚构了两个“故乡”,小说文本充溢着与其童年体验同质的意绪之流。 +"After I was ready to go, I peeked into the kitchen and there were the four coffee cups on the kitchen table awaiting our return.",准备出发之时,我偷偷看了看厨房,发现了四个咖啡杯,静静等待着我们归来。 +I am so glad to attend this activity. My name is Wang Xiaojing.,我非常高兴能参加这次活动,我的名字叫王晓静,今年19岁。 +MM: More brawn than brain. I just wanna test him.,四肢发达,头脑简单。我只是想考验一下他。 +We hope that you will agree to our opinion and accept our carton packing.,希望贵方能赞成我们的看法并接收我方用纸盒包装的方式。 +Sharon fired cabinet minister and a deputy minister who voted against the plan .,沙龙解职了内阁部长和那个投票反对^-^这个计划白勺副部长。 +"In heap leaching and extraction process, the leaching rate and floccus bottlenecked production.",堆浸萃取工艺中,困扰生产的两大难题是浸出速率及萃取中的絮状物。 +"It is not [a] surprise that there are differences for glacier changes, even within the Himalayas themselves.",冰川变化存在差异,这并不奇怪,即便是在喜马拉雅山脉内部本身也是如此。 +"To the east is found the Irish Sea which reconnects to the ocean via the southwest with St. George""s Channel and the Celtic Sea.",东部为连接西南的圣乔治海峡和塞尔特海的爱尔兰海。 +"He cited media reports that students from rural areas account for only 17.7 percent of the university population, while rural people account for 55 percent of the total population.",在大学生的比例中,农村孩子只占到17.7%,而农村人口却占到全国人口的55%。他在引用媒体的报告中提到。 +You couldn't just look for an office job with air conditioning this summer.,今年夏天,你不可能找到那种光是在办公室吹吹空调的清闲工作。 +"The establishment, modification and revocation of a coinsurance group as well as the formulation and amendment of its articles of association shall be reported to CIRC for archival filing.",共保集团的成立、变更和撤销及其章程的制订和修改应报中国保监会备案。 +"It reduces the cohesion of organization, makes higher personnel fluidity, and enhances the burden of human resources cost.",它涣散组织的内聚力,增加人员的流动性,提高人力资源成本。 +Here are the most beautiful Chinese belles in the eyes of foreigners.,以下就是老外眼中最美丽的中国女性。 +"""If that is true, "" Socrates said when told of the oracle's words, ""it must be because I alone, of all the Greeks, realise that I know nothing.",有人把神谕告诉苏格拉底, 他说: “ 假如这话没有错, 那一定是因为希腊人之中, 只有我明白自己愚昧无知。 +"As long as she had lived in Shanghai, such meds were always over-the-counter, perhaps because of the excellent air quality found in the city.",自从她到上海,像这样的药是少不了的,这大概是由于上海的空气质量不佳所致。 +"After the 7/7 bombings in London, the ""spirit of the Blitz"" was referred to ad nauseam by press and public.",在伦敦七七事件后,报纸与公众都过度地提起“伦敦大轰炸的精神”。 +"But in recent years, some of us have started taking our beloved cell phones someplace really startling: the grave.","但是,近些年许多人开始把心爱的手机,带到一个确实令人吃惊的地方:坟墓。" +Using MC method computing the capability of three representative X-ray detectors. It can offer the referrence for the des tector optimize design and the detect test.,采用MC计算研究三种代表性的X射线探测器的探测能力,为探测器参数的优化设计及检测能力的测试提供数据参考。 +The trick is to use the special parachute to redirect the 1 force to make it go where you want.,诀窍是使用特殊的降落伞重新定向下的力,使其去你想去的地方。 +But that darker flicker of unease around the breast-feeding grows smaller.,但环绕在哺乳四周的不安的更加黑暗的场景变得渺小。 +These Americans in imperial robe and phoenix coronet look unusually graceful.,美国人穿上龙袍、戴上凤冠风采不凡。 +July bodes increased well being for you Sagittarians.,七月份预示着福祉的增长,射手。 +"And one of the ways you can make a program crash, intentionally or not, is to essentially use up too much memory or call too many functions and what happens is, bam, one hits the other and bad things happen.","其中一个方式能使你的程序崩溃掉,有意或无意的,它本质上使用了太多的内存,或者调用了太多的函数,所发生的,崩掉,一个冲突了另一个,然后发生了坏事情。" +A woman and child carry drinking and cooking water from a distribution point back to their tent.,一对母女正在搬运食用水到他们的帐篷中。 +"The inside of a termite mound stays at near-constant temperature and humidity, no matter how wet, dry, scorching or freezing it might be outside.",不管外面的天气是潮湿还是干燥,是炙热还是严寒,白蚁巢穴的内部都可以保持恒温恒湿。 +"These studies are helpful for elucidating the mechanisms of DNA recognition and repair, and the design of novel synthetic nucleases.",此项研究会对阐明生物体内DNA的识别修复机理、合理设计新的人工核酸酶提供理论指导。 +"During the campaign visiting in Batu Sapi, the Sabah DAP team received many complaints from the people here about the widening and extension work on the Jalan Batu Sapi.",沙巴民主行动党团队在巴都沙必进行补选拜票的活动时,接到该处许多居民的投诉和不满有关巴都沙必马路的拓宽和提升的工作。 +Russian President Dmitry Medvedev sent his condolences to Polish parliament speaker on the plane crash that killed Polish President Lech Kaczynski and other all onboard in western Russia on Saturday.,据俄罗斯媒体报道,波兰总统莱赫·卡钦斯基及其他波兰高官乘坐的飞机于周六在俄罗斯西部坠毁,失事原因怀疑为驾驶员操作不当。 +Non-metallic IP is a supplementary parameter distinguishing certain categories of rock and could certainly furnish valuable information for geologic mapping .,非金属IP是区分某些种类岩石的一个辅助参数,肯定能给地质填图提供有价值的资料。 +FDA evaluates each submitted ANDA individually to determine whether it can be received for Agency review.,FDA将单独评估每个提交的ANDA来决定是否可以接受用于当局审评。 +"ESAB Welding and Cutting Products (Shanghai) Co. , Ltd. is developing rapidly, its business has been rising every year with strong support of you.",伊萨焊接切割器材(上海)有限公司在各位的大力支持下,销量节节攀升,业务持续发展。 +"Conclusion Related knowledge should be publicized to decrease the rate of sSCI and raise people' consciousness, and medical workers should be strengthened health education.",结论应大力宣传脊髓二次损伤知识,提高大众知晓率,减少脊髓损伤后的二次损伤。医护人员应强化健康教育行为。 +Post-transplantation chimerism testing is important to monitor the engraftment of donor stem cells and the diagnosis of relapse.,移植后基因嵌合程度试验是侦测捐赠者干细胞植入及评估复发的重要方法。 +"With no hope of winning, he had to take a back seat in the contest.",眼看自己在比赛中无望获胜,他只得甘拜下风。 +JTA transactions are more powerful than JDBC transactions.,JTA 事务比 JDBC 事务功能更强。 +"We continue to make great progress with building a strong Travelzoo brand and business in Europe,” said Holger Bartel, CEO of Travelzoo.",我们在欧洲市场打造品牌和业务方面取得了非常好的进展。 +Tourists in Hong Kong can enjoy the rest of the world most delicious fine wines and gourmet dishes.,游客在香港可以品尝到全世界各地最可口的美酒佳肴。 +SCSI data structures can be in the SCSI source directory and also in ./linux/include/scsi.,SCSI 数据结构则位于 SCSI 源目录,在 ./linux/include/scsi 也可以找到。 +"There are some shops on the main street, and cars in many of the driveways.",主道边开着几家商店,车道上车流也还算繁忙。 +The tomatoes have cropped well this year.,本年马铃薯丰登。 +We must steel ourselves for further attack.,我们必须坚定信心以迎击新的进攻。 +"For patients with acute ischemic stroke, we recommend against full-dose anticoagulation with IV, SC, or LMWHs or heparinoids (Grade 1B).",对于急性缺血性卒中患者,推荐不用全量抗凝,静脉输注或皮下注射低分子量肝素或类肝素(1B级)。 +Storage areas that satisfy the expression are associated to this storage policy.,满足表达式的存储区域被关联到这个存储策略。 +To cite another sad example: in southern France a group of Albigensian vegetarians (a Cartharist religious group) were put to death by hanging in 1052 because they refused to kill a chicken!,引述另一个悲伤的例子:在法国南部有一Albigensian素食主义者组织(Cartharist宗教团体),1052年因为他们拒绝杀一只鸡而被处以绞刑! +The soldiers girt themselves up for battle.,士兵们准备投入战斗。 +"The men talk of gain, the women talk of loss, and I do not know which talk is the more boring.",男人谈增收,女人谈减肥,我搞不清哪个更无聊。 +The painters applied two coats of paint and one of varnish inside.,画家们使用了两层颜料, 里面那一层是亮漆。 +DETECTIVE REED: And when the door opened…,里德探长:门开开的时候…… +"Article 46. A leading Party members' group may be formed in the leading body of a central or local state organ, people's organization, economic or cultural institution or other non-Party unit.",第四十六条在中央和地方国家机关、人民团体、经济组织、文化组织和其他非党组织的领导机关中,可以成立党组。 +Evergreen declined repeated requests for comment.,Evergreen拒绝了记者的多次置评请求。 +Lin Hong:What's the party like in your country?,林红:你们国家的聚会是什么样子的?。 +Gelsenkirchen was mentioned in a document for the first time in 1147. The discovery of hard coal in mid- 1900 triggered the industrialisation of the Gelsenkirchen area.,盖尔森基兴首次被提起是在1147年的文件里,19世纪中在这里发现了丰富的煤矿资源使得这座城市工业化。 +Web designers have identified a number of non-standard behaviors in popular Web browsers.,Web 设计人员业已发现了流行的 Web 浏览器中的很多非标准的行为。 +Just come forward.,只要上前 +"The cancer cells were connected with angioblast cells, vessel endothelial cell and blood vessel wall during the angiogenesis process.",在以上全过程中癌细胞突起直接与成血管细胞、血管内皮细胞及血管壁相连。 +He was my orgturn intoneficialic chem tepainfulnessr!,他是我的无机化学老师! +"Even his own errant son, Yuen, is kept in the dark, which leads to a betrayal that threatens to destroy the family and all that his father has worked hard to protect.",这件事就连王误入歧途的儿子都毫不知情,但这件事却引起了能够危及王整个家庭以及他尽全力想保护的一切的背叛。 +Other visas (issued during the past three years) and their period of validity.,过去三年内曾有其他签证及其效期。 +Are you waiting for the stars to align so you can go after your dreams?,你是否一定要等到到繁星满天时才肯追逐你的梦想? +"""I often ask one question, whether I'm interviewing a senior-level executive or a campus person: Tell me your story, "" said Berisford, who learned storytelling from his grandmother in West Virginia.",他说:“无论是在面试高级管理人员或是毕业生时,我都经常提这样一个问题:讲讲你的故事。这是全面了解一个人的最佳方法。” +"Reportedly, the Ministry of Supervision leaders attended the meeting and delivered a speech.",据知,有监察部高层领导出席该会议并发表了讲话。 +"Fall season, a time when many flowering plants dry.",金秋时节,不少旱生植物正值花期。 +LPSVR decreased computational complexity of time and space by replacing quadratic programming with linear programming.,LPSVR采用线性规划取代二次规划,使得计算的时间和空间复杂度大为降低。 +"JANE KINNINMONT is Senior Research Fellow at Chatham House, a London-based think tank, and is the author of a book on Bahrain, to be published later this year by I.B. Tauris.",作者简·基尼蒙特是位于伦敦的智库“皇家国际事务研究所”的高级研究员,也是一本有关巴林的书籍的作者,这本书将在今年稍后由I.B.Tauris出版公司出版。 +"So, we can derive an asymmetric V-form structural relation between basis and volume and volatility. This deduction coincides with the several previous empirical studies.",因此,可以推导出在基差和投机者参与度指标(如持仓量、成交量和波动率)之间存在一个不对称的V型结构。 +"If we are spiritually rich and fulfilled, we will be happy, even if materialistically our life is basic and simple.",人生若精神文化充足富有,纵使物质生活平淡,也会感到乐在其中。 +"Post your own tried-and-true recipes below, and then try these seven romantic-and-cheap options.",现在放下你的“实践、真知”菜谱,然后试试这七种“浪漫、便宜”方式. +"I suggest you get away from that Bible, which is limiting and open up and read anything and everything.",我建议你远离,圣经,这是限制和开放,并宣读予取予求。 +The principle of non-linear compensation for a thermistor temperature transducer and the practical circuit are introduced.,介绍一种热敏电阻温度传感器非线性补偿的原理和实际补偿电路。 +"Sefu, a refugee displaced by xenophobic violence who was turned away for care at Johannesburg General Hospital.",塞富 (Sefu),一个因为仇外暴力而流离失所的难民,他曾在约翰内斯堡总医院被拒绝医疗护理。 +"One possibility is that the Aboriginal Australian migration left Africa before everyone else, but Stringer thinks that is unlikely.",有一种可能性是澳洲土著人是赶在��他种族开始迁徙之前迁出了非洲大陆,然而斯特林格尔认为不太可能。 +What have you taken today?,你今天争取了什么呢? +Introducing semantic computation into text retrieval is an important direction in the field of intelligent retrieval.,将语义计算技术应用于文本检索,是智能检索的重要方向。 +""" In the ""Wenhui Monthly"" has aroused strong repercussions after posting.",在《文汇月刊》登载后引起强烈反响。 +What if I make a little bicycle out of clay and write a note that she could trade the clay model in for a real bike?,我要是用胶泥做一辆小自行车,附上个纸条,就说她可以用这个泥模型换辆真车,怎么样?。 +All treatments were the sink of CH4 absorption.,不同的耕作处理都表现为CH4的净吸收汇。 +"The practical question, therefore, is whether the Americans will make themselves look silly by wasting their substance on preparations for another manned flight.",因此,实际问题是美国人会不会因为浪费钱为另一次载人飞行作准备而使他们自己丢丑现眼。 +"But Lot said to them, ""No, my lords, please!",罗得对他们说:“我主啊,不要如此! +"From today, passenger aircraft flying into Hobart and Launceston airports will be supervised by air traffic controllers 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.",从今天开始,乘客飞机进入霍巴特和朗塞斯顿机场飞行会负责监督空中交通管制员,每天24小时,一年365天。 +The combination review of working pressure and coping self-efficacy could predict teacher job burnout of senior middle school and vocational middle school more exactly.,通过对工作压力和应对效能的联合考察能够更好地预测普通高中和职业中学教师的职业枯竭。 +"Johann Hari is a writer for the Independent newspaper. To read more of his articles, click here. or here.",作者约翰•哈里是英国《独立报》记者,阅读更多他的文章,请点击here或 here。 +"Muscle-derived stem cells, which are the specific multipotential stem cells in muscles of human and animals, which maybe take part in reparative process of many tissues.",肌源性干细胞是成年动物或人肌肉组织中特有的多能干细胞,它可能参与多种组织的修复过程。 +"'They made some bold, decisive moves, ' including closing the offending newspaper, The News of the World.",他们采取了一些大胆、果决的措施,包括关闭了违规的报纸《世界新闻报》(The News of the World)。 +The Party’s leading bodies at all levels are elected except for the representative organs dispatched by them and the leading Party members’ groups in non-Party organizations.,党的各级领导机关,除它们派出的代表机关和在非党组织中的党组外,都由选举产生。 +Boeing also performed an extensive flight-test program to validate the system's design and development.,波音公司还进行了大量的飞行试验计划,以验证系统的设计与开发。 +He is in a state of deep depression on account of his failure to pass the examination.,他因考试不及格深感沮丧。 +He said Japan is coming out of a nuclear disaster and is struggling with low growth.,他还说,日本才要从核灾走出来,正在和低增长率搏斗。 +But know this: The next election is 14 months away. And the people who sent us here --the people who hired us to work for them -- they don’t have the luxury ofwaiting 14 months.,但是你们知道这些:下一次选举在14个月至后,而人民,把我们送到这里的人民---那些雇佣我们,让我们为他们工作的人民,他们没有等待14个月的这样奢侈的时间。 +Her nunlike renunciation of normal life should be seen in the context of a culture in which epileptics were forbidden—by law in some states—to marry.,彼时美利坚国癫痫病患不得成婚,某些州甚而立法禁止,此背景即迪氏抛却俗世有如遁入空门生活之因。 +Fun to make and delicious to drink - stripey Iced Cocktails!,制造有趣可口的饮料-stripey冰鸡尾酒! +Some successes. Some failures.,有些成功 有些失败. +For example screaming blood fury is great ice-breaker at parties. and fast movement good for getting to front of buffet line.,比如,血腥复仇的咆哮声在聚会上很适合用来打破冷场。而迅捷的移动让你可以立刻前往餐桌前线。 +"as it were,a true reflection of the Second World War.",可以说,这部电影是第二次世界大战的真实写照。 +"In the election postmortems currently being conducted within and without the PAP, the party acknowledges that it has ceased to connect with the voters as it once did.",目前,正在进行的人民行动党内外既往不咎的选举中,人民党承认它已经停止联络选民,过去常这样做。 +The heat conduction equations were developed for the pulsed laser beams and pulsed ion beams with the various pulse duration and energy density.,在脉冲激光束和脉冲离子束辐照条件下,针对不同脉冲作���时间和能量密度建立传热模型。 +Thermoplastic polyester resin is polyethylene terephthalate (PBT) compounds based binder polymer semi-crystalline materials.,热塑性聚酯树脂是以聚对苯二甲酸丁二酯(PBT)聚化物为主基料的半结晶材料。 +"However, due to social background in our country, it might be too precipitant for those charitable organizations to achieve absolute self-development in a short period.",但是,在目前我国社会背景下,慈善组织短期内做到完全自由发展,未免太过于求成。 +Rishi Goyal sand Ronald Mckinnon theory of negative risk premium shows that Japans banks are hard to make profit under the circumstances of liquidity trap.,麦金农的负风险溢价理论说明,在流动性陷阱的情况下,日本银行业很难赢利。 +"The LORD will afflict you with the boils of Egypt and with tumors, festering sores and the itch, from which you cannot be cured.",耶和华必用埃及人的疮并痔疮,牛皮癣与疥攻击你,使你不能医治。 +"Simultaneity, it is put forward a real multi-echelon system of supply chain that is applied to China SCH. , Ltd.",针对一个现实多级库存控制系统,以中国SCH电梯公司为代表,在供应链管理环境下建立了离散时序差分网络系统模型。 +"Stirling Energy Systems plans to erect some 60, 000 SunCatchers at desert sites near Los Angeles and San Diego.",斯特林能源系统公司计划在附近竖立洛杉矶和圣迭戈沙漠的站点布置60 000个阳光采集器。 +The authors suggest that comprehensive measures should be applied in geo-thermal prospecting and study.,本文提出了地热勘探及研究应采用综合手段的建议。 +He is working up a sketch into a picture.,他正在把一幅速写加工成一幅画。 +"Any Phase: Kneel 1 influence to choose a character with stealth or renown. Until the end of the phase, that character loses those keywords, and Arya Stark gains any keyword that was lost in this way.",根据英文版,我的理解是:假设一个角色身上有名望和隐秘,那么艾莉亚只需要横置1点影响力就可以把这两个都抢过来。 +"Mechanical ventilation can be a distressing experience for critically ill patients, but researchers say tranquilizers will only prolong their hospital stay.",机械人工呼吸救助装置对于生命垂危的病人来说是个痛苦的经历,但是研究人员说镇静剂只能延长患者住院时间。 +"In this paper, a fluorescence quenching method has been developed for the determination of etidronate disodium EHDP.",建立了荧光淬灭法测定羟乙磷酸二钠(EHDP)的含量。 +"The software includes a full library of preset models to create Fences, Railings, Barriers, Guardrails, Handrails or Walls.",该软件包括一个预设模式的全部库创建栅栏,栏杆,障碍,护栏,扶手或墙壁。 +Lots of simulation results show that the technique presented in this thesis can precisely locate the fault site and avoid the false solution.,大量仿真结果表明,本方法具有很高的精度,有效避免了伪根问题。 +"Studies have shown that such patients have decreased pain after taking Lyrica, but, the mechanism by which Lyrica produces such an effect is unknown.",研究表明这些病人服用Lyrica后疼痛减轻,但是目前还不知道Lyrica产生这一效果的机理。 +The authors made a study on the anxiety of teenage basketballers by the method of questionnaire.,采用问卷调查的方法,对青少年篮球运动员的焦虑情绪进行研究。 +"Linda, It’s for the manager. Do you know where he is now?",林达,是找经理的,你知道他去哪了? +At least the conference’s postponement is susceptible of an innocent explanation. Months of torrential rain have caused flooding and landslides all over the country.,至少对这次会议的延期,朝鲜有一个天真的解释:连月来的暴雨造成了全国上下的洪水和山地滑坡。 +The force Impelling the heroine to be a revolutionary is the passion of historic Utopia. The survey of the historic Utopia is the barycenter of the novel.,推动小说中女主人公走向革命的主要是一种内在动力,即一种创造历史的乌托邦主义激情,对于这种历史乌托邦的审视,显然是这部小说的重心所在。 +Jane was painting the wall and meanwhile Pat was watching TV.,简在刷墙漆,与此同时帕特在看电视。 。 +He hooked up and hit the road again.,他套好车又上路了。 +"The following year, Surendran’s Thanksgiving was hosted by a Korean-American friend who did all the cooking.",第二年,苏伦德让在一个美国韩国裔朋友那里度过感恩节,整个晚餐全由这位朋友操办。 +Specific binding of streptavidin coated fluorescent microparticles to the spots was promoted by applying a controlled continuous microparticle flow.,可通过利用一种可调控的连续的微粒子流可促进对包被荧光微粒子的链霉亲和素特异性斑点的结合。 +The two storeys of classrooms are built using a wooden frame to allow earthquake-resistant construction over the public emergency shelter without altering the structure of the latter.,教室的两层使用了木框架结构,跨在公共应急避难所的上方,在不改变后者结构的条件下满足了抗震要求。 +I don't want to discuss a problem of Parana; this is an internal problem.,我不想讨论巴拉那州的问题;这是一个内部问题。 +In the kingdom of blind men the one-eyed is king.,盲人国里,独眼为王。(山中无老虎猴子称霸王) +"Albus Dumbledore: I should've known that you would be here, Professor McGonagall.",阿不思.邓不利多:我早该猜到你也在这里,麦教授。 +"Encourage guests verbally at check out, on receipts and in communications or emails sent to guests.",鼓励客人在退房时进行口头评论,写在收据上和通过沟通交流,或是直接与客人进行邮件交流。 +"Ji Pang, who was born in JAWA Indonesia, in 1920, is the representative of poet in ""July poetic school"".",冀汸,1920年出生在印度尼西亚爪哇岛,是七月诗派的代表。 +"We mainly carry the commercial vehicles, containers, bulk cargoes and heavy equipment, including storage, forwarding, handling, warehousing, leasing, loading and unloading.",我们公路运输主要经营商品车运输和集装箱运输、散货车运输、以及大件设备运输,包括堆存、转运、仓储、租凭、装卸等物流服务。 +Effects of ultrahigh pressure processing on the physicochemical characteristics of Taibai Kudzu starch;,研究了粉葛淀粉的理化特性,并与马铃薯淀粉进行了比较。 +"Ben Rhodes, a deputy national security adviser to President Obama, told reporters in Cannes the political upheaval in Athens should not prevent the EU plan from going forward.",不过,奥巴马总统的副国安顾问班。罗德斯在戛纳对记者说,雅典发生的政治动荡不应该阻碍欧盟计划的实施。 +"The earliest drama developed from the ceremony. The stylization, the performance, and the characterization in the ceremony have given birth to later dramatic bud.",最早的戏剧是从仪式中发展出来的,仪式中的程式化、表演化、性格化的特征,已孕育着未来戏剧的萌芽。 +"This is why it has been endorsed by both Presidents George H.W. Bush and Bill Clinton, every living Republican Secretary of State, our NATO allies, and the leadership of the military.",这也是该项条约得到包括老布什总统和克林顿总统,每一位在世的共和党国务卿,我们的北约盟友们,以及军方领导赞同的原因。 +"Clearly, increasing the overall number of CDM projects would be a win-win situation for China and global climate change.",很明显,增加CDM项目的总数量对于中国和全球气候变化将是一个双赢的局面。 +"In fact, they’re the most plentiful and diverse group of terrestrial vertebrates on the planet.",事实上,恐龙算是地球上陆栖脊椎动物中数量最多且最具多样性一个子类。 +Snowstorm appears at the front of high energy tongue and superimposed area of convective instability.,强降雪出现在高能舌的前部和锋区南侧的对流不稳定的叠加区; +The creation of wasteland consciousness shows his sensible reference to modern western poem art.,具有荒原意识意象的营构,显示出了他对西方现代主义诗歌艺术的理性借鉴; +"They made their footage available to Mr. Huang, who then chose, edited and ordered the sequences he wanted down to just under an hour.",他们把录像交给黄伟凯,黄将它们删选,剪辑和拼接成了一部一小时的作品。 +Check out the identify man page for more information on the formatting characters that can be used with the option.,有关可以与该选项一起使用的格式化字符的更多信息,请查看 identify 联机帮助页。 +"Britain is the fourth-largest trading nation in the world, with export of commodity and labor services accounting for 25% of GDP.",英国是世界第四大贸易国,商品和劳务出口约占国内生产总值的25%。 +"Only And when XiongKuo sea in Anderson's lead in under three uncle arrived in hospitals, but has witnessed in three villages of uncle collectivisation under the gun.",而当熊阔海在安德森的带领之下赶到三叔所在的医院时,却亲眼目睹了三叔惨死在中村的枪口之下。 +"Likely candidates are Microformats, and RDFa.",Microformats和RDFa是可能性较高的候选格式。 +I got a note from him and I'm still trying to figure it all out That's what happens; the system performs very well and then it becomes vulnerable.,"我对他的回答做了笔记,我还在尝试把这个问题搞清楚,事情就这样发生了,一个系统本来运行良好,然后就变得很脆弱。" +"It was concluded that teachers in schools for intellectual disability should be encouraged to participate in the process of curriculum reform, so as to develop their initiatives and creativeness.",因此,在培智学校课程改革��有必要让教师参与其中,要充分发挥教师的主动性和创造性。 +"We all have our own vulnerabilities for depression, based on our life experiences, health conditions, substance use, and genetic predisposition.",对于抑郁,我们都有各自的薄弱点,这些可能和人生经历、健康情况、物质滥用和遗传易感性有关。 +"When Britain slashed its budgets recently, its new government said that was the only way to restart growth and bring back the confidence of investors.",英国最近大幅度削减财政预算,而英国新政府表示,这是走向经济复苏和给投资者信心的唯一途径。 +We have Representative Office located in Shenzhen and Branch Office in Shanghai to serve majority of Greater China region.,我们现有一办事处设于深圳区及一分公司设于上海区,整体负责大部份中国区业务。 +"After harvesting hybrid seeds, it is possible to plant a late season rice, increasing utilization of land, light and temperature, and alleviating the conflict between hybrid seed and food production.",收获后能安排种植晚稻,从而提高土地和温光资源利用率,缓解种子与粮食的矛盾。 +"He suffered all the pangs of a mother, and he knew not what it meant; for that great and singular movement of a heart which begins to love is a very obscure and a very sweet thing.",他走到她睡着的床边,乐到浑身发抖,他好象做了母亲似的,因而感到十分慌乱,但又不知道这是怎么回事,因为心在开始爱的时候,它那种极伟大奇特的骚动是颇难理解而又相当甘美的。 +"Bullies not only don't appreciate the personal side of others, they don't tolerate it.",恶霸不仅不会欣赏别人人情味的一面,他们还不能容忍这些。 +Arraignment for a Michigan man charged with murdering his wife and dismembering her body.,一名密西根男子出庭受审,他被指控谋杀他的妻子并肢解其尸体。 +Some people are particularly vulnerable and susceptible to hypnosis.,有些人特别脆弱,容易进入催眠状态。 +The complete definition of that geometry uses 0.9 MB disk space in the Spatial Extender internal format (which uses compression).,按照 Spatial Extender 内部格式,这个几何图形的完整定义要使用 0.9 MB 的磁盘空间(使用了压缩)。 +Bianconeri coach Claudio Ranieri has been the subject of plenty of criticism after a disappointing campaign and Marino believes that Genoa boss Gian Piero Gasperini would be an excellent replacement.,斑马军团主帅拉涅利在令人失望的比赛后成为众矢之的,马力诺认为热那亚主帅加斯佩里尼会是一名优秀的替代者。 +"Bruce O. Riedel, a former C.I.A. analyst and a senior fellow at the Brookings Institution, said some who had fought as insurgents in Iraq and Afghanistan were bound to have returned home to Libya.",前CIA分析员和布鲁克林研究中心高级合作伙伴,Bruce O. Riedel认为,一些在伊拉克和阿富汗作为叛乱分子的利比亚人可能已经回到利比亚国内。 +We have the players here. The thing we need to do is build the team that the people and all of us want to see.,我们有很多球员,所要做的就是建立一支我们和球迷都希望看见的球队。 +The 2008 Beijing Olympic emblem will show a dancing 'Jing' character.,2008年的北京奥运会会徽呈现出一个飞舞的“京” 字。 +"In that night, when I wrote this poem on notebook, I felt the precious bounty in destiny.",那夜,当我把这首诗歌写在本子上的时候,我感受到冥冥中珍贵的赐予。 +"The bulb is ordinary, in fact: 500 watt, halogen",灯泡看起来很普通,实际上:500瓦,卤素灯 +The mentality of the nouveau-riche - money will buy us the arts that we want - is an attitude that we should guard against.,“老子有钱,还怕没有好的艺术?”这是一种暴发户心态,我们要警惕与防止的就是这种心态。 +"The Phantom is more obsessed with concrete actions, all those who hinder the cause of Christina singing away one by one.",走火入魔的魅影更以实际行动,把所有妨碍克莉丝汀歌唱事业的人一一除掉。 +"My whole life to drink the wine, the flow of tears, is not as you turn back bitter.",我这一生饮过的酒,流过的泪,都不及你一回头苦涩。 +"VJI mainly carries on processing & selling gem, half gem, jade & quartz… VJI has larag wholesale markets in East China & South China. VJI is the largest supplier of crystal and jade in China.",万丰国际在中国地区主要进行玉器、水晶、珍珠等宝石、半宝石的加工、销售,在华东、华南地区均设大型批发场,是中国至大的水晶玉器供应商之一。 +"Exposure to smoke from coal fires doubles the risk of lung cancer, in particular among women who tend to smoke less than men in most developing countries.",在大多数发展中国家,暴露于煤火产生的烟雾使患肺癌的危险增加1倍,特别在往往比男子吸烟少的妇女中。 +Atypical ductular proliferation is related to hepatocyte regeneration and small hepatocyte-like cells may be intermediate transient cells between hepatic oval cells and mature hepatocyte.,小型肝细胞样细胞可能是肝卵圆细胞与成熟肝细胞之间的中间过渡细胞。 +"While I was talking to a parent of one of my third-grade students, another teacher walked by.",在我和一位三年级学生的母亲交谈时,另一位老师从旁边走过。 +"Paraguay goalkeeper Justo Villar, front, blocks a shot during the World Cup group F soccer match between Italy and Paraguay in Cape Town, South Africa, Monday, June 14, 2010.",巴拉圭门将维拉尔胡斯托,前,块世界杯期间F组的意大利与巴拉圭足球在开普敦,南非,星期一,2010年6月14日射击比赛。 +"The major environmental factors that increase the risk of type 2 diabetes are overnutrition and a sedentary lifestyle, with consequent overweight and obesity(39,40).",增加2型糖尿病危险的主要环境因素是营养过度和久坐的生活方式,导致身体超重和肥胖。 +Bitterly yI thought in my mind that the storm came on purpose to spoil my happiness; all its malice was against me.,我心里难过地想:这风暴是故意来破坏我的快乐的,它的一切恶意都是对着我的。 。 +Explore why even become the golden triangle learn the biggest drug producers of origin;,探寻金三角学何以变成天底下最大的毒品出产地的起源; +Enter showtimes and Google will prompt you for your postcode. Enter it and it'll tell you when and where local films are showing.,在搜索框里输入上映时间,Google会提示你提交你的邮编,然后Google就会告诉你什么时候什么地方将会有好戏上演。 +"Ultimately, when you reach a perception of the breath that allows the sensations of in-and-out breathing to grow still, you can start questioning more subtle perceptions of the body.",最后,你达到一种令出入息寂止下来的呼吸辨识,那时便可以对更精细的色身辨识提出问题。 +The Creative Commons server gets a reference to the HTTP Referrer when you clicked through the link.,当你点击链接时,创作共用服务器会得到一个到HTTP Referrer的引用。 +"And eventually here's one, will reach two, yB so of course here's our yB.",最后到达一点,和二点,当然有。 +Higher food prices aren't hurting Kroger so far -- the grocery chain has managed to pass along higher costs to shoppers.,高食品价格对克罗格公司目前影响不大,公司正努力把高成本转嫁到消费者身上。 +Key: If rough ground is spilled like the picture gives light sootiness sense.,重点:粗略地如泼开似的画出淡淡烟熏感。 +A spasm of pain contorted his face .,一阵剧烈的疼痛扭歪了他的脸。 +"She and her husband, another Yale law professor, hired a Chinese nanny to speak Mandarin, though Ms. Chua doesn’t speak it herself.",她的丈夫也是耶鲁大学法学教授。 夫妻两人聘请了一位会说中国话的保姆。 +The train screeched to a halt and Getter jumped off. Getter reached Marki.,火车嘎然刹住了,格特跳了下来,伸手抱住。 +"In addition, the cooling capacity in natural-circulation mode was maximized when the refrigerant at the outlet of the evaporator became saturated vapor.",当蒸发器的出口处制冷剂恰好变为饱和蒸汽时,此时的冷剂充灌量可使系统制冷量达到最大值。 +"Every cadaver is a sex object, and in that sense the terrorist who blew off his body is a symbol of our common fate.",每一具尸体都是性目标,以此看来,那个炸光全身的恐怖分子便是我们共同之宿命的象征。 +"But as relayed in the China Daily newspaper, Hurun finds that the ""typical rich family"" in China has a 43-year-old dad, 42-year-old mom and one 14-year-old child。",不过正如《中国日报》转载的文章中所说的,胡润报告发现,典型中国富人家庭的构成是一个43岁的父亲,一个42岁的母亲和一个14岁的孩子。 +This paper aims at studying portrait-painting in the broad sense.,本文旨意把广义的肖像画作为研究对象。 +Welding arc data error of signal collected will be increased by the existence of noise. Accurate degree of data will be interfered and change.,由于噪声的存在,会使测试分析系统所采集到的焊接电弧电信号的数据误差增大,数据的精确程度会受到干扰而发生变化。 +This is a common cause of GORD.,这是一个共同事业的Gord 。 +"Because the aorta is the body's main supplier of blood, a ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysm can cause life-threatening bleeding.",因为主动脉是机体主要的供血血管,腹主动脉瘤的破裂可导致致命的大出血。 +"In this thesis, the analysis of tense as time deixis helps to reveal the context-dependent information under the mess surface.",这就导致了小说表面上过去现在未来的混乱,因此对人物思绪的理解必定是要依靠语境的。 +The green education opposes the educational thought of seeking short term success and quick profits and educational commercialization.,绿色教育反对急功近利的教育思想和教育商业化倾向。 +"Marty, we love you.","马蒂,我们爱你。" +"All steel structure, the mechanical strength high, the bearing capacity strong, bears the impact performance to be good.",全刚结构,机械强度高、承载能力强、耐冲击性能好; +"It is hard to believe that only a few years ago, this was the humble, sleepy fishing village of Bagan Lalang, in Sepang.",很难相信,仅仅几年前,这里仅仅是雪邦巴眼那朗的一个简陋粗糙、冷冷清清的渔村而已。 +"The GSA is purchasing a renewable energy credit. The electricity the windmills produce is fed into the nation's electrical grid, offsetting the same amount the government uses.",GSA购买再生能源使用,以风车产生的电力,供应到国家的电力网络,抵销政府使用的同等电量。 +In previews we see Brittani seems to be getting in a little fight. Will that affect her possibly winning?,但预告里说,碧妮可能会情绪失控。那会影响她赢吗? +"Welcome to join theS&Labbé enterprise, Shares the successful joy together.",欢迎加入圣拉贝连锁事业,一起分享成功的喜悦! +"The contents, accuracy, opinions expressed and additional links listed on those sites are not investigated, verified, monitored or endorsed by the Club.",该等网址所提供的内容及准确性,以及其所表达的观点及其他联结,并未经我们调查、核实、监察或认可。 +"Two of the children always remained for the sermon voluntarily, and the other always remained too—for stronger reasons.",他们三个中间有两个总是自觉自愿地留在那儿听牧师布道,而另外一个因为更重要原因也是每次都留下来。 +"His younger brother, Mutassim, is the national security adviser, with a strong role in the military and security forces.",他的弟弟是国家安全顾问,在军方和安全部队占据重要席位。 +"Nick Hawes and his team from University of Birmingham, UK, are designing the robot to map a new house by exploring it and identifying objects typical to different types of room.",来自英国伯明翰大学的尼克·霍伊斯和他的小组将让这个机器人通过探索来测绘新房子,并且识别不同类型房间特有的物体。 +"When it does this, the onmessage method of the Worker instance is invoked.",在向母线程传递消息时,会调用 Worker 实例的 onmessage 方法。 +Recently the metal-catalyzed formation of C-C bonds adjacent to a nitrogen atom become one of the hottest spots in modern organic methodology research.,其中,活化氮原子邻位的碳-氢键来形成碳-碳键已成为现代有机方法学研究的热点之一。 +Observations of the radio galaxy 3C390.3 made with the 3Km WSRT at 0.6 GHz are presented.,本文叙述用荷兰威斯特堡3公里基线射电望远镜对射电星系3C390.3进行的0.6京赫射电观测。 +The two countries should strengthen economic and trade cooperation. Lithuania is willing to create a better environment for Chinese enterprises to invest and start their business in Lithuania.,两国应加强经贸合作,立方愿为中国企业在立投资兴业创造更好的环境,中方可充分利用立陶宛的自由贸易区和优良港口。 +"In the research, 1, 804 British women aged 23-83 answered questionnaires.",这项研究对1804名年龄在23到83岁之间的英国女性做了问卷调查。 +Or take them to a pharmacy and show them Chinese medicine.,或者带他们到中药房,看一看中药是什么样的。 +Proglumide ( CCK antagonist ) into PVN significantly blocked the decrease of gallbladder pressure caused by CCK-8 in PVN.,向PVN注入CCK-8后引起的胆囊压力下降可被预先注入的丙谷胺抑制。 +The second-in-line to the British throne is following younger brother Prince Harry into the elite academy to train to become an officer.,继弟弟哈里王子后,这位英国王室的第二王位继承人也将在这所“精英院校”接受培训成为一名军官。 +"Rob Sherman, an attorney and public speaker in Columbus, Ohio, says in an article in the Toastmaster magazine to avoid these mistakes",罗伯谢尔曼是俄亥俄州哥伦布市的一名律师和公众演说家,在 Toastmaster这本杂志的一篇文章中提到了要避免这些错误 +"Gilneas is located on a rocky peninsula that juts out over the Great Sea on Lordaeron's west coast, southwest of Silverpine Forest.",吉尔尼斯位于无尽之海边上洛丹伦西海岸的一个岩石半岛上,银松森林的西南。 +"So, if the Magic are dominant on both ends on the floor, what's holding them back from winning it all?",所以,当魔术在攻防两端都有优势,是什么拖他们后腿? +"“My love don't cost a thing,” pledged Jennifer Lopez.",“我的爱情是无价的,”珍妮弗·洛佩兹这样发誓。 +I picked out the very book I needed best from this book fair.,从这次书市我找到了我最需要的书。 +The solvent contained by the makeup solution will evaporate and help set the makeup.,化妆液中含有的溶剂会蒸发,起到了定妆的作用。 +"There is nothing left of Arthas, only the Lich King remains.",吉安娜镜影大厅对话:世间再也没有阿尔萨斯了,唯有巫妖王尚存。 +"If you want to keep the report as a baseline, save it to disk.",如果希望把这个报告保存为基线,那么把它保存到磁盘。 +"The glass industry represents an even more potent challenge: sophisticated, capital-intensive businesses that boast high-tech expertise, the Wall Street Journal reported.",但玻璃制造业似乎代表着资本和技术密集型的“中国制造”正在崛起,运作方式更加成熟,对发达国家来说更具挑战性。 +"However, it should be easier to use components from Geddy ""a la carte,"" or replace one specific piece with something else.",但Geddy提供组件应该更容易选择和使用, 或者某个特定的部分能很容易地被其他内容替换。 +The result of the animal experiments indicates that using this method can realize the capture of sync-image and can effectively eliminate the interference of the respiratory movement.,动物实验的结果表明,该方法能够实现同步图像采集,从而有效消除呼吸运动的影响。 +It was an important tradition to stress the value of literary with the function of politics in the ancient cultural forum.,强调文学的政教功用价值,是古代文论的一个重要传统,这一传统贯穿古代文论史及文学史之始终。 +It was too damn hard.,因为它他妈的太苦了。 +"Nearby, a man repairs a machine that shreds plastic bottles into nickel-size shards.",在附近,一名男子在修理切碎塑料瓶的机器。 +"SOGN.PA) fell 7.6 percent with traders citing concerns about its derivatives division, but a spokeswoman at SocGen said: ""If we had something to say we would have said it.""","银行股承压,从前一日涨势中回落.法国兴业银行(SOGN.PA: 行情)受市场传言拖累急跌7.6%,交易商称,担忧其衍生品业务,但该公司发言人则表示,如果有话要说,早已经说了." +"The encircling texture in ore zone geochemical field control minerogenetic area, and local zone of zoning texture constitutes corresponding productive ore body.",矿带级地球化学场中环带结构控制了元素的成矿区间,带状结构的局部区段构成相应的工业矿体。 +But the growth process of diameter and timber volume had great distinction.,林木直径和立木材积生长过程差别较大; +"While Google flirts with inflation, Intuit monitors employment.",虽然谷歌与通胀调情,但却监控了就业。 +But l do have moments when things come to me for no reason.,不过,有时候有些东西会无缘无故地找上门来。 +"Where can I get the information, Alana?",阿兰娜,你从哪儿能得到信息? +"According to the U. S. National Pork Board, the earliest evidence of domestication of the wild boar can be dated to 4900 BC in China.",据美国国家猪肉局介绍,野猪驯化的证据最早可以追溯到公元前4900年的中国。 +When the war began I was like fifteen and there was some quite difficult times because it was quite a hard bombing in my city.,战争开始时我十五岁,我所在的城市遭受一次大轰炸,境况十分艰难。 +"Methods:Forced degradation testing was carried out at different concentration nifedipine solution while fluorescent lamp, ultraviolet lamp or daylight was employed.",方法:在日光灯、紫外灯和自然光照射下对不同浓度硝苯地平溶液进行强制降解实验。 +Space-based climate observations are notoriously prone to bias.,Trenberth表示空间的气候观察有着臭名昭著的偏差。 +The surface quality of medium and heavy plate has an important influence on its production and application.,中厚板的表面质量对中厚板的生产和使用均有重要影响。 +"In yet another embodiment, metal layer (16) is a damascene copper layer.",然而,在另一个实施例中,金属层(16)是镶嵌铜层。 +"Yet despite the importance and pervasiveness of networks, scientists have had little understanding of their structure and properties.",但即使网络是如此重要且无所不在,科学家对于网络的结构与特性却所知不多。 +This is one of the precious herbs in store at the committee for research in Chinese medicine.,小虫长树?这是中医研究委员会库存的名贵中药「 冬虫夏草」。 +"When stew seasoning can not come too soon, so the broth is not white.",炖时调味料不能下得过早、以免汤汁不白。 +"Like all elementary-school children in the greater Beijing region, Wei Jia had been issued a textbook called “The Primary School Olympic Reader.”",象所有大北京地区的小学生一样,魏佳发过一本名叫“中小学生奥运知识读本”的书。 +"I have never been called""vulgar""or"" low - class ""by anyone else that I know of.",我从没有被我所认识的任何其他人骂过“粗俗”或“下流”。 +"With the development of China’s online advertising industry, this profit margin will be further increased rapidly.","随着中国网络广告行业的发展,此利润空间还将迅速放大。" +Becuase Singapore gave him the chance to excel here .,因为新加坡也给了他在这里当教练的机会。 +"Based on the complexity of the action mechanism of pile-net-soil system, pile-geonet composite foundation deformation mechanism was analyzed.",桩-网复合地基是近年来兴起的一种软弱地基处理方法,它能够充分发挥桩、网、土的各自作用,有效地控制工后沉降。 +"But the reality is proving very different. Round the world, women today are having half as many children as their mothers did.",计划生育专家曾经说女性只有在受了良好的教育或者摆脱贫穷之后才会少要孩子。 +"The glacier affair didn't need to become the feeding frenzy for the international media that it did, he says.",纳托尔表示,冰川事件本不应该受到互联网媒体的无情攻击。 +"In this study, a suit of formula for mining overburden bed separation volume calculation was developed based on numerical simulation using cube shape curve regression method.",文章的研究基于数值模拟,采用三次样条曲线回归方法,推导出一套计算采动覆岩离层量大小的公式。 +"The company's 100 staff vet loan applicants through meetings and independent checks before recommending the most creditworthy 20 percent to lenders, Tang said.",唐宁向路透社介绍,宜信目前拥有超过100名员工,他们通过面谈和信用调查等方式来审核贷款申请者,一般有20%左右的客户会通过审核,并被推荐给出借人。 +Khin Nyunt reaffirmed that Myanmar will firmly pursue the one-China policy.,钦纽重申缅方将坚定地奉行一个中国政策。 +"So often, we wake up in the morning and trudge into work wishing we were doing anything else.",通常,在我们早上醒来,辛苦地投入工作的时候,希望我们做的一切都是向梦想迈进。 +"If the request is asynchronous, this method returns immediately after sending the request.",如果请求是异步的,这个方法会在发送请求之后立即返回。 +"Xinquan Company, has both strength and confidence, Developing perfect motor decoration and contributes to develop China motor industry.",新泉公司,实力与信心兼备,打造完美汽车饰件,为中国汽车工业的发展尽心尽力! +Paris later grew up to be a handsome and strong shepherd.,帕里斯后来长成了一位英俊健壮的牧羊人。 +"Provide engineering and detail support in the design and application of panel system, e. g. shop drawings preparation, creation of cutting list, etc.",在合同签订后提供项目的设计和详图支持,如准备安装图纸、下料单等; +"Through a lot of studies of theory and experiments, the author presents a new model of infinite beam.",经过大量的理论研究和多次实验,提出了无限长梁的新模型。 +"Visiting Latin America this week, Clinton said the Obama administration's policies toward the region were helping blunt the criticism of the United States by leftist leaders like Chavez.",希拉里于上周访问拉丁美洲时称,奥巴马政府对该地区的政策有助于减少查韦斯等拉美左翼领导人对美国的批评之声。 +"They're pretty impressive looking. But they would be big, but still that would be a lot easier to transport and handle than a whole box or closet full of scrolls.","看起来觉得不可思议,它们虽然很厚,但它们仍然比较容易携带使用,相对于装满卷轴的箱子或书橱来说。" +We are impressed greatly by the beautiful views in Yangshuo.,阳朔美丽的风景给我们留下了深刻的印象。 +This marks the 15-year petroleum game has finally broken through various difficulties and has gained a good result.,这标志着两国间长达15年的石油博弈终于突破了重重困境,有了一个较为完满的结局。 +Moses and Aaron brought together all the elders of the Israelites,摩西、亚伦就去招聚以色列的众长老。 +This fact was even more enhanced by the caravans in the past.,这个事实,因为以往的马帮运输而更加得到促进。 +"Many felt that a black man of such esteem should be more outspoken, but Ellington often chose to remain quiet on the issue.",很多人认为,像他这样一个声名显赫的黑人音乐家,应当比其他人更敢于直言不讳,但在黑人运动问题上,艾灵顿多数时候选择了沉默。 +"May the reconciled becomes the biggest luxury, even ends of the broken mirror, reflects both the but also injured after a residue of love.",也许到那个时候,重归于好就变成了最大的奢求,即使重圆的破镜,映照出的也不过是伤过后变成残渣的爱情。 +The author draw a conclusion from annual effect analyse that extend row and lower density is one of effective ways adding bolls forming and reduce bolls drop.,笔者从年度效���中分析提出扩行降密为增结蕾铃、减少脱落的有效途径之一。 +I suppose some people have not experienced discrimination first-hand. No white dude has ever been pulled over for DWB (Driving While Black).,我猜很多人没有直接接触过种族歧视的事件。不会有白人因为DWB(因为是黑人司机所以要靠边停车)而要靠边停车。 +"When there are disruptions — a barge accident, a refinery explosion — the SPR lends out small amounts of oil to refineries, as it did in 2006.",当出现供应中断时,例如驳船事故或精炼厂爆炸,战略石油储备会借出一小部分石油用于精练,在2006年便出现过类似事情。 +China's professional basketball scene may soon have a level of backcourt play to rival the NBA…of 10 years ago.,中国职业篮球界的后场打法或许不久可以达到与NBA相匹敌的水平,不过是与十年前的NBA。 +It is the second opening period of Chinese music history. This chapter mainly talks about in 20th century how to engender the Chinese vocal music education with professional characters.,五四时期是我国近现代声乐教育的发轫期,是20世纪中国音乐历史拉开帷幕以来的第二个开放时期。 +"As he paid off old clients with money from new ones, the press scented criminal mischief afoot.",在他用新帐来偿还旧账的时候,媒体察觉到了一丝犯罪的痕迹。 +"Look, you should hold the knife at the angle of the cutting bevel.",好的,看着,刀要倾斜一定的角度。 +"When Thierry Muret smiles, one side of his grin disappears into a dimple hidden in his beard. The smile continues up into eyes the color of cocoa beans.",当瑟瑞•穆勒特微笑时,他一侧的笑容会融入隐藏在胡须下面的酒窝中,并继续蔓延至深褐色的眼眸中。 +"At the Moscow Summit in July last year, Obama and Medvedev agreed to reduce the number of nuclear warheads each possesses to a range of 1,500 to 1,675 over seven years.","在去年7月举行的莫斯科峰会上,奥巴马和梅德韦杰夫同意在7年内把各自的核弹头数目减至1,500枚到1,675枚的范围内。" +"To support a business effectively, software engineers must also move toward a zero tolerance policy for defects.",要有效地支持一个业务,软件工程师也必须转到零缺陷方针。 +The mining method which will be used at Hebei Fanshan Phosphorus Mine is a new one combining the sublevel caving mining method with sill pillar and sublevel caving mining method without sill pillar.,河北矾山磷矿采矿方法为有底柱和无底柱采矿法相结合的一种新的采矿法,其采场结构参数选取正确与否,将直接影响该方法优越性的发挥。 +"The teaching team of landscape painting was awarded""Teaching Team at State-level"".",中国山水画方向教学团队被评为“国家级教学团队”; +"If you do, I’ll definitely be interested.",如果真的这样,我肯定很感兴趣。 +I determined oneself can have in the terminal examinations displays not vulgarly .,我确定自己会在期末考试中有不俗表现。 +"The results show that this approach appears to be an effective tool not only for a qualitative analysis of the nearfield, but also for the prediction of the sound field.",分析结果表明,该方法可以作为对近场声场进行分析的有效工具。 +"The methods include the following four categories: transliteration, translation, adjustment and paraphrase.",这些翻译方法主要包括以下四类: 音译、 直译、 调整、意译。 +"Nose: Plum, black cherries, magnolia, caramel, dried bananas and well cooked marmalades.",味道:洋李,黑樱桃,木兰花,焦糖,香蕉干,及柠檬果酱的香气。 +Go with your gut: Japanese scientists recently identified umami receptors not only on the tongue but throughout the digestive tract.,一鲜到底:科学家最近发现:不仅舌头上有感受鲜味的味蕾,整个消化道都有这种味蕾。 +It makes use of image detection technology in measuring minuteness aperture between accessories.,图像检测技术可应用于零件微小间隙的测量。 +"Obviously, as people requirements increase on the Two-way radio's performance, a sort of high mobility, no center and point to point digital Two-way radio will become an urgent requirement.",显然,随着人们对对讲机的性能要求的提高,一种高移动性、无中心、点对点的数字对讲机的研究便成为人们的迫切要求。 +"Thus, improvement in sampling equipment and stripping methods provides a basic support for detecting offshore migrating hydrocarbons.",海水和海底沉积物取样设备与脱气技术的不断完善,为海域油气藏渗漏烃的检测提供了基本保障; +Construction workers also provided the wisdom of the ancestors: sprinkling lime into the well.,水泥工人也提供古人挖井的智慧,原来建好后还要撒放石灰。 +"Ten years later, the family moved to New York for his job at I.B.M., from which he retired (back in California) after 36 years as an electrical engineer.",十年后, 费罗退休,辞去了36年的电机工程师工作,回到加利弗尼亚。 之后,为了IBM的工作去纽约定居。 +"Kurt and Sylvie march down the hill, some distance apart.",克特和希尔维走下山去,两人分开一段距离。 +"An aerial sowing seed arrow is applied in the plant sowing work of forest, agriculture and environmental protection and other fields.",飞播种子箭用于森林,农业,环保等领域的植物播种工作。 +"In this photo, boys practice moves at a bull-fighting academy on Dec. 18, 2009 in Salamanca, Spain.",在这张照片拍摄于2009年12月18号,西班牙的塞拉曼加,男孩们正在斗牛学院里练习如何移动。 +Mathematical model is used to calculate and analyze water line in case of 9 kinds of flood flow levels respectively in reservoir.,利用数学模型分别对9个洪水流量级进行了水库沿程水面线计算分析,每个流量级分有围垦堤和没有围垦堤两个方案。 +"A high-amplitude laser wakefield, which is an electron plasma wave, can be excited by an ultrashort intense laser pulse.",超短强激光脉冲在等离子体中传播时会激发大振幅的等离子体尾波场,它是一种电子等离子体波。 +"The article said: ""Le Tuan, the young art student from Ha Noi, was killed last month in a massacre, 10 miles from a Montagnard settlement named Polei Kreng in the Central Highlands near Cambodia.""In",黎俊,来自河内的年轻艺术生,死于上个月的一场屠杀中,地点在临近柬埔寨的中央高地一处名为Polei Kreng的越南山民聚居区。 +"They are the remnant of hundreds of thousands who fled the fighting in Croatia, Bosnia and Kosovo—or who were driven out by victorious forces—during the mid- and late 1990s.",他们是从数十万克罗地亚,波斯尼亚,科索沃战争中逃离的剩余民众,或者是在二十世纪中后期被胜利力量躯干的人们。 +Warren Buffett's rock-star status tells us something about what China is today; Peter's success might tell us something about where it's going.,沃伦?巴菲特如今在中国的巨星地位可以让我们了解现在的中国,而彼得的成功或许可以使我们窥见中国今后的走向。 +"The ski-jump energy dissipation is a method of energy dissipation, which is very commonly used in energy dissipators.",挑流消能是消能工中最常用的消能方式之一,应用极其广泛。 +"Having developed for 20 years, Chinese securities Dealers'System is more complete now . The Securities companies, which are operating orderly, have good asset quality and high profitability.",经过短短20年的发展,我国券商制度日臻完善,并已形成了一个规范运作、资产质量良好、盈利能力强的券商群体,券商在整个金融市场中的作用日益明显。 +"To provide evidence-based health screening, sub-health assessment and early-diagnosis programs for the benefit of members.",科学、合理的体检项目,筛查疾病和亚健康状态,提供早期诊断、早期治疗的科学依据。 +"Rod Stewart, Brian Jones, Keith Richards in their prime were school boys compared to him.",与他相比,年轻的(摇滚歌星)洛史都华、布赖恩琼斯、基思理查兹都只能算小学生。 +Earth Day achieved what I had hoped for.,地球日活动达到了我希望的目的。 +"Against 4, the payoff from choosing 2 against 4 is what?",对手选4而我选2的收益是什么呢 +Jose also said yesterday that Arjen Robben will be fit to face Wigan on Saturday.,穆帅昨天还说,罗本可以在周六对阵维甘的比赛中复出。 +"Think of that. Without Plato, no Yale.",沉思一下,没有柏拉图就没有耶鲁。 +It is the peak of China philosophy that Song's obvious truth is learned.,宋明理学是中国哲学的最高峰。 +"Yet if you're honest without being harsh, hearts and minds that were closed in the past might finally open to you.",然而如果你能诚实,且不再严苛,那么那些过去曾关上的心门最终会向你打开。 +"Women assume that if a man loves another woman, he's also slept with her. Men assume that if a woman has slept with another man, she loves him.",女性会假定一个爱上了其他女人的男人一定会跟她睡觉,男人则会假定一个跟其他男人睡觉的女人一定是爱上了这个男人。 +The earth land ownership is the adjustment is this policy smooth implementation key.,土地权属调整是这项政策顺利实施的关键。 +"Considering how well the first installment of The Chronicles of Narnia faired during the 2006 ChristmaHannuKwanzaka season, he might be right.",考虑到第一部纳尼亚传奇在圣诞档上映,获得了成功,艾格可能是对的。 +"The vast majority of air freezing dryer needs to be equipped with the filter particle, to remove the air particles and dryer large Numbers of liquid water.",绝大多数冷冻式空气干燥器都需要配备颗粒预过滤器,以去除空气中的微粒和干燥器中大量的液态��。 +The baby finally arrived(was born) just after midnight.,婴儿缍在刚过午夜时候降生了。 +"LVMH also holds derivative instruments over some Hermes shares and intends to request their conversion. Once that process is complete, LVMH will hold 17.1% of Hermes’ capital.",路易威登集团还持有爱马仕股份的金融衍生工具,打算把这部分资产转为股权,如果完成转换过程,路易威登将持有爱马仕集团17.1%的股份。 +"The tension control mechanism comprises a tension frame, a tension rectification instrument and a tension sensor.",所述的张力控制机构,包括张力架、张力纠偏仪、张力传感器; +"Constant-specific class bodies are a supported feature of the enum keyword; however, their usage should be severely limited.",特定于常量的类主体是 enum 关键字的一个受支持的特性;不过,它们的使用应该受到严格的限制。 +What kinds of food do you prefer?,你喜欢什么样的裟湄种食物? +"As an important part of tour industry, red tour resource is an crystal of revolutionary spirit and modern tour economy, and also a new rising point of tour economy.",红色旅游作为旅游产业的一个组成部分,是革命精神与现代旅游经济的结晶,是我国旅游经济新的增长点。 +"Suddenly the door opens and a soccer ball flies through the room. Eric runs in after it, followed by a big dog, walking very slowly.",突然,门开了,一只足球飞了进来。埃里克随后跑进起居室,身后跟着一条大狗,走路慢吞吞的。 +"Oh, yes, and street-level drug dealers live at home with their moms because they have to;",噢,还有,街头的毒贩还和母亲一起住在家里是因为他们别无选择; +"Accordingly, we find that chief executive officer turnover is more sensitive to stock performance and directors receive more equity-based compensation in firms with more gender-diverse boards.",相应地,我们发现首席执行官收益额对股票绩效更加敏感,并且在有更多不同性别股东的公司,股东们能够得到更多的股票薪酬补偿。 +You can read Jeremiah and Isaiah and some of the great Old Testament prophets in some ways as defenders of slavery.,"你可以读一读耶利米书和以赛亚书,在《旧约》中,还有些在某些方面,作为奴隶制拥护者的的伟大先知们的著作" +"The Japanese Government is still only requires two nuclear power plants around the evacuation of residents within 3 km, 3-residents within 10 km of the refuge home.",日本政府目前还只规定撤离这两个核电站周围3公里之内的居民,3-10公里之内的居民在家避难。 +"In order to improve the scientificity and rationality of materiel management, we developed the materiel management system and realized the computerizing of material management.",为了提高医院物资管理的科学性和合理性,自行开发了物资管理系统。 +The device led them straight to a field littered with clods of earth and shot through with tractor marks.,这种设备可以直接把他们引向一片满是土块和拖拉机痕迹的田地。 +Mr Simon Scholz is president of the company.,西蒙。史考斯先生出任该公司的法人代表。 +A sudden breeze came in through the window and blew out the candle. The bright moonlight lit the bare little room.,窗外突然吹进了一阵微风,把蜡烛给吹熄了。皎洁的月光照亮了这间小屋子。 +Double Shadow What is this?,双影是什么? +What a nice dunk by the famous slam dunker and what a thrilling alley-oop the Rockets make!,这位著名的扣篮王奉献了一个绝美的扣篮,火箭队制造了一次激动人心的空中接力! +Get a new pair delivered from 1-800-TIGHTS.,拨打1-800快递一双新袜子吧。 +"An internal Merrill Lynch investigation was also launched into the role that Zhang Xiaosong, one of its managers, played in the development of this particular product.",美林公司的一个内部调查还发射进入角色,张小松,其管理公司之一,在这个特定的产品发展方面所发挥。 +I didn't know the answers so I cribbed them off John.,我不知道答案,所以抄了约翰的。 +"Separating the base functionality from the thread-safety Collections.synchronizedMap allowed users who needed synchronization to have it, but users who didn't need it didn't have to pay for it.",通过将基本的功能从线程安全性中分离开来, Collections.synchronizedMap 允许需要同步的用户可以拥有同步,而不需要同步的用户则不必为同步付出代价。 +This financing plan will be most on H-shares which will make up 96.15 percent of the total issuing.,这次财务计划将主要侧重于H股市场,其发行量占到了总额的96.15%。 +The literati had no understanding of livestock .,文人学士对牲畜没有了解。 +"The same information, very different interpretation.",同样的信息,截然不同的解读。 +Benjamin: All of the Chinese are proud of the Great Wall. And it was built before the Qin dynasty near Shan Haiguan-the First Pass in the World.,本杰明:所有中国人都以长城为骄傲,它建于秦朝之前,临近天下第一关山海关。 +"The results indicate that stirring evidently affects the formation and morphology of xonotlite secondary particles, and further affects the dry shrinkage and bulk density of xonotlite products.",结果表明,搅拌对上述性质的影响非常显著,并且进一步影响硬硅钙石制品的干燥收缩率及体积密度。 +"Objective To investigate the molecular basis of hepatolenticular degeneration (Wilson disease, WD) and to attempt to construct the feasibility of gene diagnosis in the disease.",探讨中国人肝豆状核变性(WD)的分子发病机制和基因诊断的方法。 +"He expressed the belief that through unremitting joint efforts, China-Tunisia all-dimentional and multi-level friendly relations and cooperation will score new development.",我深信,通过双方的不懈努力,中突全方位、多层次的友好合作关系必将取得新的发展。 +"My beautiful boy, dead on a slab, wrapped in blankets to hold his damaged body together.",我漂亮的孩子,只能被一张毯子包裹着,躺在一块木板上,以此来支撑住他破碎的身体。 +It offers the best imperial court dishes in the city - dishes and pastries based on recipes from the Qing imperial kitchens.,自称是全市做的最好最地道的御膳,这里的菜肴和面点食谱都是来自清朝御膳房的。 +Inhale. Exhale.,吸入,呼出。 +"For each vertex, a texture coordinate defines which texture position will be used.",对于每个顶点而言,纹理坐标定义了使用纹理的位置。 +A Direct Employment Service Center allows the rehiring of foreign domestic workers without going through labor brokers.,直接就业服务中心允许雇用外籍家庭佣工不通过劳动力经纪人。 +The Soviet-built weapon blew up over the Novaya Zemlya archipelago off the north coast of Russia with a flash of light that was visible 1000 kilometres away.,这枚由前苏联制造的武器在离俄罗斯北部海岸的新地岛上爆炸,爆炸时的闪光使1 000公里外的地方也看得到。 +The China-New Zealand ties have maintained a good momentum of development and the implementation of the Free Trade Agreement (FTA) between the two countries has achieved positive results.,两国关系保持了良好发展势头。 中新自贸协定的实施取得积极成果。 +"Even her eyebrows no longer met in the middle: the wicker husband had pulled them out with his strong, withied fingers.",甚至连她的眉毛也不再蹙在中间,柳条丈夫用他强壮的臂膊将它们分开了。 +Six kinds of phenyl hydrazones were synthesized by the reaction of ice bath using aromatic diazonium salt and active methylene compounds.,在冰盐浴条件下,芳香族重氮盐与活泼亚甲基化合物反应,合成了六种新芳香族腙类衍生物。 +Referrer spam (when spam sites pretend to refer users to a target site that lists referrers),引荐垃圾信息(垃圾信息站点假装将用户引荐到列有引用信息的目标站点) +What makes the discovery scientifically important is that it's the first evidence of how fast a quasar can shut down. Click to enlarge this image.,最新资料表明类星体能泯灭,这是一个科学史上的重要发现。点此图片放大。 +"In past 20 years, foreign direct investment has made certain contributions to Chinas export processing trade and economic development.",在20多年的发展中,外资对我国加工出口贸易和经济发展作出了一定的贡献。 +Methods The target compound was prepared through a four-step reaction from 4- bromophenol .,方法以4-溴苯酚为原料,经4步反应制得目标化合物阿达帕林。 +Usurp the land and dispossess the swain;,侵占土地,把乡村少年赶出家门; +"Dessert is very easy to generate well-being of the food, the highest score in major cities often taste dessert.",甜点是很容易让人产生幸福感的食物,各大城市口味分数最高的往往是甜品店。 +Shared network resources where the performance environment is also shared by the organization's intranet.,共享的网络资源:该组织的内部网共享性能环境。 +"He came over to call upon Baskerville on that first day, and the very next morning he took us both to show us the spot where the legend of the wicked Hugo is supposed to have had its origin.",第一天他就来拜访了巴斯克维尔,第二天早晨,他又带领着我们两人去看据说是关于放荡的修果的那段传说的出事地点。 +"Main products include regular slates, irregular processing products, building materials, project slates, flooring, thin plates, block and so on. We provide all-around services to you.",从规格板,异形加工,建材,工程板,地铺,薄板,大板,荒料等一条龙石材产品,全方位为您服务。 +"At present, China's marine areas management still have some coordination problems in policies and regulations, management system, which problems with the oceans sustainable development.",目前在我国的海洋区域管理中,仍然存在政策法规、管理体制、用海者利益等方面的不协调,困扰着海洋的可持续发展和利用。 +"Only now Ginny's ankle is broken, and Ron is giggling and gibbering like a lunatic.",这时, 金妮的脚踝摔断了,罗恩正像一个疯子一样在傻笑和胡言乱语。 +The microhardness of JCW-S-AM coatings prepared by high velocity electric arc spraying on conditions of different process parameters was tested by hardometer.,采用超音速电弧喷涂设备在不同工艺参数条件下制备JCW-S-AM涂层,利用显微硬度计测定各种涂层的显微硬度。 +The immediacy of children’s prayers can continue through high school.,儿童们的直接祈祷可以继续到高中结束。 +"Poses that open the outer hips such as pigeon, gomukhasana, and cross-legged forward bends prepare the body for twisting.",打开髋外侧的体式能够为扭转身体做好准备,例如鸽子式、牛面式和两腿交叉的前屈体式。 +The outcomes of this case can be used as an example to other community care station to enhance elderly health service effectiveness.,本研究之结果可供其他社区关怀据点执行健康促进活动成效之参考。 +"Methods A total of 154 poverty undergraduates were tested with SCL-90, Self-Acceptance Questionnaire(SAQ) and Coping Style Questionnaire(CSQ).",方法以症状自评量表(SCL-90)、自我接纳问卷(SAQ)、应对方式问卷(CSQ)对高校贫困生154名进行调查。 +"According to the analysis of the security demand of multicast communication, a multicast key management scheme based on key matrix is proposed.",该文在分析组播通信安全需求的基础上,提出一种基于密钥矩阵的组播密钥管理方案。 +She cut the meat into small pieces.,她把肉切成小块。 +"T-Rex lived alone, or sometimes with one other T-Rex.",它独自居住,有时也和另一只霸王龙生活在一起。 +Respect the local residents.,要尊重当地居民。 +"Hosting and discoverability: As they go through their life cycle, services are hosted and discoverable, as supported by services metadata, registries and repositories.",承载和可发现性:随着生命周期的进展,将承载服务,并可以对其进行发现;这由服务元数据、注册中心和存储库提供支持。 +"All three were attendants at the wedding, with 2-year-old Zoe even posing for pictures.",3个小家伙都参加了婚礼,2岁的佐伊甚至还在镜头前摆起了姿势。 +"She began not just to call me Kid, but gave me other attributes and diminutives, such as frog or Toad, Puppy, Toy, and Rose.",她开始不再叫我小家伙了,但给我起了别的昵称,如青蛙或蟾蜍,小狗,玩具和玫瑰什么的。 +Add the .jar files contained in the XMLBeans distribution to your project.,将 XMLBeans 分发版中包含的 .jar 文件添加到项目中。 +"""With the development of a sexual color scheme, you don't need the pheromone sensitivity to sense whether a female monkey is ready to mate, "" Zhang said.",张教授说:“随着性颜色系统的发展,雄猴子并不需要信息素的敏感性去感知雌猴子是否可以交配。 +"At more than 400 light-years distant, these Pleiades stars have to be quite luminous to be visible to the unaided eye.",距离我们有400多光年,它们很亮,我们用肉眼就可以看到。 +"Constantly updated products, sold throughout the country and supporting well-known foreign companies, welcomed by users at home and abroad.",产品不断更新,远销全国各地并与著名外商公司配套,深受国内外用户欢迎。 +"The generals were reporting hundreds of dead, thousands even — we knew that from the radio — but we weren’t seeing many. You would think by then we would have seen an arm.",将军报告说有百余人——甚至千余人死亡——我们从收音机里听来的——但是我们并未看见多少。 +The use of continuously reinforced concrete pavement (CRCP) has increased over the years at home and abroad because CRCP provides a long-lasting pavement requiring little maintenance.,连续配筋混凝土路面(简称CRCP)具有良好的耐久性,使用期间所需养护较少,近年来在国内外得到越来越多的应用。 +She blacked out the words she didn't want.,她把自己不想要的字眼都涂掉了。 +The correlation analysis was used to study the effect of altitude on the contents of anthraquinones.,相关分析结果表明,海拔高度对掌叶大黄蒽醌类成分含量有显著影响。 +"In treating either of these last two subjects, the writer would probably find it necessary to subdivide one or more of the topics here given.",处理上述两种写作题目时,写作者可能会发现,对主题进行再分是多么必要。 +"In 1942, the ""Liberation Daily"" engaged in the amendment, its established ""Party newspaper model"" be- com the principle and foundation of the development of Party newspaper.",《解放日报》于1942年进行了改版,它确立的“党报模式”成为党报发展的原则和基础; +The Comintern has a dual effect in the process of guiding the Chinese revolution and promotion of localization of Marxism.,共产国际在指导中国革命的过程中,在促进马克思主义中国化的进程中具有双重效应。 +This is because you have never seen it and her bellybutton has never covered.,这是因为你从来就没有见到过她不露肚脐。 她的肚脐从来就没有被挡住过。 +"Formaldehyde in beer was directly distilled and then derived with 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazine to yield 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazone.",在实验中,首先分别将不同品牌的啤酒常压蒸馏,然后将各自所得馏分与2,4-二硝基苯肼进行化学反应。 +The paper tries to put forward a railway optimization of empty dispatching strategies.,为此本文试图提出一种铁路空箱调运的优化方略。 +The better agreement between experimental and calculated data shows that this model is of predicting ability with better accuracy in wider range of feedstocks.,实验值与预测值对比分析表明,该模型具有更好的预测能力,可为更宽范围的原料预测提供参考数据。 +We don't pray because our pride says we can take care of the problem.,我们不作祷告; 因为我们的骄傲,我们觉得我们能把问题处理好。 +"Method:The extent of preparation, accessories and changes in the procedure of preparation about single component with pharmacological action were investigated comprehensively by literature survey.",方法通过文献研究,详细分析杜仲炮制火候、辅料及单一成分与药理作用在炮制前后的变化,全面了解杜仲现代炮制研究进展。 +The Clinton and Bush administrations both deserve credit for providing that critical second ingredient notwithstanding the distaste of dealing with a loathsome regime with American blood on its hands.,克林顿和布什两届政府都该为他们提供的第二项关键经验得到赞扬,尽管他们是在同一个沾有美国人鲜血的令人憎恶的政权打交道。 +"At the time of the movies and TV plays prospering, Yang's works have established his position depending on distinct popularize style in the Chinese film and TV circles.",在这个各种题材轮番上阵的影视剧的繁荣时期,杨亚洲的影视剧以其鲜明的平民化风格确立了他在中国影视界的地位。 +"After experienced champion player Posey joins the full of vigor and vitality hornet, its can produce the chemical reaction, will make many fans to anticipate obviously.",当经验丰富的冠军球员波西加入朝气蓬勃的黄蜂后,其所能产生的化学反应,显然会令不少球迷期待。 +The only consolation to harried diplomats and their fearful interlocutors is that another leak on this scale seems unlikely.,对于慌张的外交人员和惊弓之鸟般的谈判人员来说,唯一值得安慰的,怕是这种信息泄密恐怕不会再发生。 +"That was just a short period, and I even obeyed the law, displayed enough coupons only because I didn't want to get fined. But in the end, it happened coincidently, and gave me a lasting impression.",就是那么一下子而已,我还奉公守法,好心的放了足够的固本,就是求神拜佛耶稣上帝保佑不希望中罚单,最后还“无独有偶”给我连中头二奖。 +"Therefore, in the initial stage of vegetation growth (low coverage), the biological crust should be strongly protected against disturbance;",由此可得出,当林草植被处于生长初期(即覆盖度较低)时,应大力保护生物结皮不受干扰; +"Sharon Stone worked at McDonald's before she was famous. So did Shania Twain, Jay Leno, Rachel McAdams and Pink",莎朗斯通在成名之前曾经在麦当劳工作。除她之外在此工作过的还有莎妮娅特温,杰雷诺,瑞秋麦克亚当斯和粉红佳人。 +There will be a lot of troubles in clearing customs.,通过海关要有好多麻烦。 +"Of course, any other available collection-typed object reference, or an object property/method reference returning a collection, may also be used.",当然,也可以使用任何其他可用的集合类型的对象引用,或者返回一个集合的对象属性 / 方法引用。 +"The new research is termed a ""watershed"" contribution by another expert, Dr. Eli Finkel, an associate professor of social psychology at Northwestern University, who has researched relationships.",这项新的研究被另一名专家埃里· 芬克尔博士( Dr. Eli Finkel) 誉为做出了“分水岭”式的贡献。 他是美国西北大学社会心理学副教授,主攻关系研究。 +"Has 15 years of domestic experience. Uphold the ""people-oriented, credit first"" business philosophy, to provide professional, comprehensive, convenient and thoughtful service.",秉承“以人为本、诚信至上”的经营理念,为客户提供专业、全面、便捷、周到的服务。 +"With you quarrel with a close friend, talk about the main dish; don""t quibble over the appetizers;""",当你和你的挚友吵嘴时,要就事论事,不要扯出那些陈芝麻烂谷子的事; +"As a kind of spirited folk customs, taboo is a part of national traditional culture.",禁忌作为一种精神民俗,是民族传统文化中的一个组成部分。土家人的禁忌文化古老神秘、源远流长。 +"Put a lid on rumors by using plain, simple language.",运用平实、简单的语言就能遏制流言的产生。 +"In order to establish MM contexts in the MS and the SGSN, the MS shall perform the GPRS Attach procedure.",为了在移动台和服务支撑节点中建立移动管理上下文,移动台需要执行GPRS附着规程。 +"For this tutorial, we will define just one operation.",对于本教程,我们将仅仅定义一个操作。 +"Based on the analysis of FCM, some problems are found such as miss association, missing new targets and repeat tracking of targets.",在基于模糊聚类(FCM)算法进行数据融合设计时,发现算法存在错误跟踪、丢失新目标和重复跟踪的问题。 +"Oakham castle, built in the 12th century, was once part of a fortified manor house but now consists mainly of the Great Hall.",欧克罕城堡,筑于第12世纪,曾经是设有坚固防御要塞的豪宅的一部分但现今存在的主要是大厅。 +A red-hot ball.,又是个火红的球。 +"As for indirectly related deaths in Chi-Chi earthquake, in non-affected areas, cerebrovascular disease and diabetes deaths have significantly increased among men, in terms of annual mortality;",集集大地震的间接死亡结果,以年死亡率比较看来,男性非灾区的事故伤害、脑血管疾病与糖尿病死亡都显著增加; +"A Glock costs $1, 500.",一支格洛克(Glock)1500美元。 +"In dog years the terrier-cross is 182, the equivalent of being born in 1827. He lives in Louisiana in the United States of America。",按狗龄计算,生活在美国路易斯安那州的这条杂交犬已有182岁高龄了,相当于1827年出生。 +Study Guide did a wonderful job to help readers to check what they learned and how to implement those knowledge.,学习指南做了精彩的工作,来帮助读者检查所学,以及如何落实这些知识。 +She wanted to sit down on the pauper’s grave where the bitter fern grows; but for her there was neither peace nor rest.,她想在一个长满了苦艾菊的穷人的坟上坐下来,不过她静不下来,也没有办法休息。 +"Coincidently, during the filming of this documentary, I too came out to my family.",很巧合的是,就在影片制作的期间,我也被逼向家人出柜了。 +"Last month, Daimler said it swung into the red in the fourth quarter because of a slump at its core Mercedes-Benz unit and a huge loss on its stake in Chrysler LLC.",戴姆勒上个月表示,公司去年第四季度出现亏损,主要是因为核心的梅塞德斯-奔驰部门业绩大幅下滑,在克莱斯勒(Chrysler LLC)持股出现巨额亏损。 +"No eyes has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love him. (Corinthians 2; 9)",神为爱他的人所预备的,是眼睛为见,耳朵未曾听见,人心也未曾想到的。(哥林多前书二章九节) +Clinicians seek information to stay current with new relevant medical developments and to find answers to patient-specific questions.,临床医生查找信息的原因通常有两个:一是更新知识,保持与医学的发展同步; +They have been in the thick of it.,他们已经置身其中。 +I could smell Ronnie's breath because he stood so close to me.,我能闻到罗尼呼出的气味,因为他站得离我如此之近。 +"Another coloured wall at the back of the store, in a small nook dubbed ""the boudoir"", features an ombre effect with a gradient from pink to white.",这些偏移面板持有珠宝展示柜,继承自商店的前任所有者。 另一个彩色的墙在商店的后面,在一个小角落被称为“闺房”,具有从粉红色到白色渐变的奥布尔效果。 +"They dont have time to pursue specific things, hurriedly thinking way to jade bead to the hospital, cant find the car at night, or laofeng pulled his donkey.",众人没时间追究具体事情,慌忙想着办法送玉珠到医院,夜里找不到车,还是老冯拉出了自家的驴子。 +"Their dusty compound at the edge of town is filled with secondhand models from Japan, including saloons, off-roaders and a bright red fire engine.",他们那个灰头土脸的院子在小镇边上,堆满了来自日本的二手车,其中有轿车,越野车和一辆九成新的消防车。 +"In some cultures, legends and folklore surrounds eclipses.",在有些文化中,围着着日食有许多传说和民间故事。 +"Business analyst Robbie Clayton says after the boom, now it is time for the bust, and the world economy will recover.",商业分析师罗比·克雷顿说,在高潮过去之后,现在又到了低潮的时候了,世界经济总是会复苏的。 +"A GAPP official told Reuters on Monday that a resolution and announcement regarding NetEase's operation of the game, developed by Activision Blizzard (","新闻出版总署一位官员周一向路透表示,有关网易该游戏运营的一份解决方案和通知将""很快""发布.魔兽世界是美国着名游戏公司暴雪娱乐(Activision Blizzard)(ATVI.O: 行情)制作的一款大型多人在线角色扮演游戏." +"Results:The detectable rate of the pathogenic germs in cow mastitis in Baotou district is high, up to 57.5%. The common pathogenic germs in cow mastitis are as follows: S. aureus, E.",结果:包头地区奶牛乳腺炎病原菌检出率高达5 7.5 % ,常见病原菌依次为金黄色葡萄球菌、大肠杆菌、绿脓杆菌、无乳链球菌、停乳链球菌、沙门氏菌、克雷伯氏菌。 +"Contrary to what everyone expected, Arcadio did not have him shot.",出乎大家的预料,阿卡蒂奥没有枪毙这个鲁莽的人。 +"It goes with the grain of Britain’s ornery zeitgeist, with its antipathy to politicians.",这一新的议程延续了英国挑刺儿的时代精神和对政客的不屑。 +Leong also likes to cook.,梁静茹还很喜欢烹饪。 +"McEwan's book ""Solar"" was on the reading list for one of Ingram's classes at Davidson College.",麦克尤恩的小说《太阳》被英格拉姆在戴维森学院的一个班上列为应读科目,她认为,这本小说具有讽刺性。 +"As a Moorish capital (712-1031) it was a center of Arab and Hebrew learning. Population, 57,778.",作为摩尔人的首都(712-1031年),它是阿拉伯和伯莱学术的中心。 +"I was ill over there, you know,' he said.",“你们知道,我在那边生病了,”他说。 +Cell hypertrophy was evaluated by cell protein content (Coomassie Briliant Blue's method). RESULTS:1.,③用细胞蛋白含量(考马斯亮蓝法)评估细胞肥大。 +Antioxidant plant compounds called flavonoids in cocoa are believed to protect against heart disease and high blood pressure.,可可中的抗氧化植物化合物,即类黄酮,被认为可以有效对抗心脏疾病及高血压。 +His great achievement was large scale bottling of Coca-Cola in 1899.,他的伟大成就是大型瓶装的可口可乐公司于1899年。 +"In another two-three years I am going to be reading about maths, even though I'm dying to avoid it.",在未来2,3年内,我还要学习数学,即使我尽力地想避开数学。 +"MICEX, where most trading takes place, was shut until Friday after it dropped more than 14% to 637.9 points in the first half-hour of trading.",交易最多的莫斯科银行间货币交易所(MICEX) 在首日开盘半小时内暴跌超过14%跌至637.9点后即关闭交易,直到周五复市。 +"I read stories about China by Pearl S Buck, books on Buddhism as well as those by the Beat generation, such as Jack Kerouac's The Dharma Bums, which were influenced by the east.",我阅读了赛珍珠(Pearl S Buck)有关中国的书籍,关于佛教的书籍,以及“垮掉的一代”的作品,如杰克·凯鲁亚克(Jack Kerouac )的《达摩流浪者》(Dharma Bums),该书深受东方文化的影响。 +"If Friday's debut performance was any indication, NBA nation won't be disappointed.",如果易建联在周五的处子秀中能崭露头脚,那么联盟就不会感到失望。 +Which one legislates for mankind ? at the time of Socrates?,"那一种是苏格拉底时期,人类的真正立法者?" +"Thus, firing an HIV-positive hospital worker would violate Section 504 of the act.",因此,解雇HIV 阳性的雇员是违反《康复法案》504节的。 +The relation between man and beings is essentially presentative one. Hence the world is a picture.,人与存在者的关系根本上是表象关系,世界是一幅图象。 +I live in Machong.,我家在麻涌。 +"The morden society is no longer that kind of "" Big fish swallows little"", but "" Fast ones will defeat slow ones"".",现代社会不再是大鱼吃小鱼,而是快鱼吃慢鱼。 +"With each refresh, you should see that the Web page displayed is one of the self-identifying pages configured on the realservers.",在每次刷新时,您应看见显示的 Web 页面是 realserver 上配置的一个自识别页面。 +"""The move will also increase the yuan's acceptance in Asia, which will help it become an international currency in the long run, "" said Zhao.",赵教授还认为:“此次方案将使亚洲国家更加接受人民币的使用,长期以往,将有助于它成为国际货币。” +"The new development fab in Oregon, to be known as D1X, is slated for R&D startup in 2013.",英特尔位于奥勒冈州的研发晶圆厂代号为D1X,规划在2013年开始运作。 +"Thee interruption, the re-establishment after an interruption or the fluctuation in whatever manner of the power supply to the machinery must not lead to dangerous situations.",机械的动力供应中断、动力供应中断后的恢复或动力供应的任何方式的波动,均不得导致危险状况。 。 +"While watching movie previews online has been old-hat for more than a decade, the rise of social media has changed how information gets exposed to fans.",在过去十多年间,在线观看电影预告片的方式已经过时了,社交媒体的兴起已经改变了信息在影迷中间流传的方式了。 +"So, that's the variance.",这就是方差 +"I believe that except language, we still have many other ways to communicate with each other, such as images.",我想除了文字,还有图画,很多方式都可以叫我们来互相了解。 +"Combined with coordinate measuring machines, the system can measure high-reflective metal surface, which is high accuracy and high efficiency.",本系统与三坐标测量机相结合,能够测量金属强反射表面,具有高精度、高效率的特点。 +Jacqueline Cochran was a well-known female pilot in the United States at that time.,杰奎琳科克伦是一个知名的美国女飞行员在那个时候。 +"The Atlantis astronauts also plan to bring a space station flight engineer, Nicole P. Stott back to Earth after three months in orbit.",亚特兰蒂斯号还会把在轨道上工作了三个月的空间站飞行工程师,妮可尔.P.斯托克(Nicole P. Stott)返回地球。 +"Shakespeare didn't write that play, thought it generally goes under his name.",莎士比亚没有写那剧,但是一般人把它归之于他的名下。 +This mixed mode interface combines the traditional analog sensor signal with a low cost serial digital link to access a transducer electronic data sheet (TEDS) embedded in the sensor.,这个混合模式的接口把传统的模拟传感器信号与低成本的串行数字连接结合在一起,以访问传感器的内嵌的传感器电子数据表(TEDS)。 +"A deli bar serves the communal area on the third floor. The sixth and seventh floors are dedicated to client meeting rooms; here, timber-decked terraces offer extensive views out over London.",一个熟食店为整个三楼的公共区域提供服务,六楼和七楼是客户会议室,在这里,木板甲板露台提供了一个可以穿越伦敦的广阔视野。 +The SSC has requested we review your cover identity together.,控制中心要求我们一起熟悉一下你的掩护身份。 +They are trying to sit on the bad news as long as possible.,他们正试图尽可能拖延时间不把这个坏消息讲出去。 。 +"Apparatus for blanking a charged particle beam A beam blanking unit (1) comprises first and second blanking plates (2, 3) mounted to a support plate (15).",用来屏蔽带电粒子束的设备。射束屏蔽单元(1)包括固定到支撑 板(15)的第一和第二屏蔽板(2,3)。 +"As we've repeatedly stated, US does business on the basis of equality, mutual benefit and exchange of needed goods.",我们一再说明,美国是在平等互利、互通有无的基础上进行贸易的。 +The selling price was 19% higher than the opening bid of HK$2.876 billion.,成交价比28.76亿港元的起拍价高出19%。 +"Early in the deposition, the questioner points out that Jobs ""you mentioned that you're not feeling well this morning"" and asks whether he is on any medication that could affect his answers.",在证词的开始,提问者向乔布斯指出“你提到今天早上觉得不舒服”,并询问他是否在接受会影响到回答的药物治疗。 +"Oh, this is how a palm-leaf scripture looks like!",原来贝叶经是这个样子啊! +"Still, there’s a mini-industry in Washington that consists of selling the idea that it is.",而且在华盛顿还有一个贩卖理念的小产业。 +"He rose, went to the wall at the foot of which stood the panel which we have already mentioned, and turned it round, still leaving it supported against the wall.",他站起来,走到墙边,把我们先头提到过的那画幅,从墙根前提起翻过来,仍旧把它靠在墙上。 +The multistage depressed collector (MDC) is an important method of improving the TWT efficiency.,采用多级降压收集极(MDC)是提高行波管效率的重要方法。 +"The crushing system for hydro construction may generate a great number of washing water with high turbidity far beyond the state criteria, which should be treated and then discharged out.",水电工程人工骨料加工生产过程中会产生大量的骨料冲洗水,冲洗水的浑浊度较大,必须采用一定的措施进行处理后才能排放。 +"I think ministers will have to discuss that, but with the advantage of having seen that report,"" the foreign secretary told The Andrew Marr Show on BBC1.",我相信大臣们需要讨论它,但是我们需要从报告中得到一些有价值的东西。 +"In kindergarten Mr. Liao began learning the ways of the wicked Imperialists, including the notion that American and Taiwanese children had no food or clothes.",廖先生在幼儿园就学到了帝国主义是如何邪恶的观念,包括美国和台湾的儿童没有饭吃,没有衣服穿。 +Instant Lightning Bolt deals 3 damage to target creature or player. Illus. Christopher Moeller…,闪电击对目标生物��牌手造成3点伤害。 +Studies on the characteristic of unsteady flow at lower lock approach deserve regards from the aspect of theoretical research and actual practice consideration.,船闸下游引航道非恒定流特性的研究是一个在理论和生产实践中均值得重视的问题。 +"Not that the story need to be long, but it will take a long while to make it short.",并非说 话非长不可,而是要费一段长时间才能把它弄短。 +Yamaguchi was in Hiroshima on a business trip on 6 August 1945 when a US B-29 dropped an atomic bomb on the city.,1945年8月6日,当山口勉到广岛出差时,遇上了美军B-29战斗机向城内扔下的原子弹。 +"If we have a severe storm come into the Gulf, my biggest concern is storm surge.",如果有一个强飓风袭击墨西哥湾地区,我最担心的是风暴潮。 +"Why this sense of disgusting, excessive body matter?",描写这些令人作呕的,臃肿不堪的躯体到底有什么意义? +"Cavour feared Garibaldi’s popularity among the lower classes, and his republican ideas.",加富尔担心加里波第在下层民众中威望太高,也害怕他的共和国理念影响统治。 +"Objective:To explore the mechanism of EHS in reversing CIN and preventing occurrence of canceration in cervix, in order to provide a theoretical basis for better clinical applications of EHS.",目的: 探讨儿黄散逆转宫颈上皮内瘤变、阻断宫颈浸润癌发生途径的作用机理,为临床更好的应用儿黄散提供理论依据。 +Who would want to miss out on the N82 having those extremely visually appealing transitions between menus and the new standby layout screens?,谁愿意错过N82拥有这些极为动人心魄的视觉菜单之间的过渡和新的待机屏幕布局? +"If you've got the inclination, spend at least a month or two reading the BUGTRAQ, CERT, and RISKS mailing lists.",如果你有兴趣的话,可以花费至少一到两个月的时间来阅读BUGTRAQ、CERT、RISKS 邮件列表。 +"Is there any thing whereof it may be said, See, this is new?",岂有一件事人能指着说,这是新的。 +Make tool: This tool is required to use the sample Makefile to simplify building.,Make 工具:这个工具是使用示例 Makefile 来简化构建过程所必需的。 +"When I fall into the life cycle, the only constant memory is you.",当涐的生命陷入轮回里,唯一不变的记忆就是沵。 +This kind of clothes is well received by many middle-aged women.,这种衣服深受中年妇女的喜爱。 +"However, there were the nevus of Ota in a few years after birth than a decade before that attack, a few hours later onset.",但是也有患者其太田痣是在出世后数年致使十多年才发作,少数发病时间更晚。 +"He was so dedicated to the task that he moved - newly married - to an abandoned building on the uninhabited, unwired outer island.",他如此倾心于这个工作,以致于新婚的他搬到了这个无人居住,没有电线的外岛上的一处废弃的建筑里。 +The teacher put his rules in black and white .,老师将他的规距白纸黑字写下来。 +Carotid atherosclerotic plaque in the carotid artery made good forks.,颈动脉粥样硬化斑块好发于颈动脉分叉处。 +"Yet the Cold War did not bring prosperity and right-wing conservative forces, but it led to the rise of left-wing, but also somewhat puzzling.",但冷战结束并没有使右派保守势力昌盛,却引发了左派抬头,也多少有些令人费解。 +"Neurasthenia is a light mental illness, schizophrenia is a severe mental illness, their etiology, clinical presentation, prognosis and outcome is different.",神经衰弱属轻型精神病,精神分裂症属重型精神病,它们的病因,临床表现,预后和转归都不一样。 +Longyuan had a 24 percent share of China's wind power market in terms of total installed capacity as of the end of 2008.,"龙源电力为全球第五大的风力发电商,是中国五大发电集团之一--国电集团的主要附属公司.截至2008年底,龙源电力占中国风电市场装机容量的24%.截至今年第三季末,龙源电力的风力发电能力为3,032兆瓦." +"In the Médoc, Merlot has been used as a complement to Cabernet Sauvignon. Nowadays, many châteaux are increasing the proportions of planted Merlot to offer consumers wines that may be enjoyed young.",在梅多克,美乐曾经只是做为赤霞珠的补充,但如今越来越多的酒庄主增加了种植美乐的比重,为了给消费者提供更多能在年轻时享用的葡萄酒。 +"Take a look at the states with the largest stretch of highways, according to the National Highway Authority of India.",根据印度国家公路局,以下是(高速)公路延伸里程最长的各邦排名。 +Many men don't separate the desire for a sex life in the abstract from the desire for sex.,许多男人分不清对性生活的抽象渴望和性生活本身有什么区别。 +"Professional production of various kinds of beach mat, carpet seats, jacquard seats, imitation plastic rattan craft seats seats.",专业生产各类沙滩席、地毯席、提花席、仿藤工艺席等塑料席。 +The peasants tried to protect their crops from cold.,农民们设法保护他们的作物不被冻坏。 +This application is an online storefront that enables customers to place orders and have them shipped to their homes.,这个应用系统是一个在线的店面系统,顾客可以在此下订单,并把商品运回家。 +"Iran test-fired a rocket that it plans to launch later to carry a research satellite into space, state-run media reported Sunday.",国营媒体报导,伊朗试射了一枚火箭,伊朗计划晚些将发射一枚科技研究卫星进入太空。 +This article points out that the lowest bidding method after evaluation is the tendency of bid evaluation method in our country and it approaches the application premises and guarantee of this method.,文章指出“经评审的最低投标价法”是我国工程评标方法的发展方向,并就这种方法的实际应用前提及保障进行了探讨。 +"""I went to Burma, "" Dundon writes, ""in order to try and understand something about its citizens' experience in the year leading up to the country's first democratic elections in decades.",我来到缅甸,是想了解在走向几十年来第一次选举的道路上,缅甸公民所经历的一切。 +"Mila notices the vibrant and lush green color of the plant kingdoms upon Hawaii, which run from bright green to a pale turquoise color depending upon variety.",Mila注意到了夏威夷群岛上植物王国鲜艳葱绿的颜色,根据不同,从亮绿一直到浅轻绿。 +Objective To determine the effect of low dose and short interval application of mannitol rescuing infant brain herniation.,目的探讨小剂量、短间隔应用甘露醇抢救婴儿脑疝的疗效。 +"Therefore, the firepower plan of the missile troops is still a vitally important research item that haven't been resolved so far. In this paper, we apply national defence system analysis theory and m…",本文运用国防系统分析学和现代决策分析理论,对预案情形下导弹部队火力运用决策作出了研究,给出了一组实际可行的决策准则和决策模型。 +Welcome all of the students from Pui Ying Secondary School to join. You can get the latest news at here from Pui Ying Alumni Association Hong Kong.,简介欢迎香港培英中学的学生和毕业生加入,你可以在此得到香港培英校友会的最新消息。 +Results: The non-specific binding of XXXX to the ultrafilter used in this study was very weak and can be ignored.,结果显示: XXXX与本研究所用的超滤器的非特异性结合很弱(1%),可以忽略不计。 +The sound of the exhaust jet undulated slightly.,的声音,排气射流略有起伏。 +"Aspirin, like Coco Cola and Levis , is one of only a handful of brands to have transcended cultures, borders and generations to enjoy almost universal recognition.",像可口可乐和利维这样超越了文化、国界和时代而几乎享誉全球的名牌不多,阿司匹林是其中之一。 +"Energy fire of human being is a stretched chain, as an exquisite tach, we deny the importance of ourselves, which shift a sort of holy promises.",人类的精神之火,是 连绵不断的链条,作为精致的一环,我们否认了自身的重要,就是推卸了一种神圣的承诺。 +"Anyway, cheer up. Everything will turn out all right.",无论如何,看开一点,一切都会好转起来的。 +"For years now, I've heard worshipers begin their worship by professing, Our help is the name of the Lord, the maker of heaven and earth (see Psalm 121:2).",多年来我一直听到信徒以宣称「我的帮助从造天地的耶和华而来」(参看诗篇121:2)这句话来开始敬拜。 +You can undo a change by pressing Ctrl+Z. Multiple levels of undo are supported.,您可以通过按住Ctrl+Z键取消一个变更,并且支持多个步骤的取消操作。 +What does this look like?,这是怎样的情景呢? +"Effects of nitrogen on yeast cell morphology, settleability and performance of wastewater treatment were investigated in treating oil-containing wastewater by yeast-SBR system.",在酵母菌-SBR系统处理高含油废水中研究了氮添加对酵母细胞形态、沉降性、废水处理效果的影响及恢复能力。 +In the coastal areas of Guangdong the Buffet clam is usually called Huajia and is a very popular sea food.,巴非蛤在广东沿海一带俗称花甲, 是餐桌上常见的海鲜美味。 +"I've asked forgiveness, and now I want to ask you to help me.",我已经向神承认了,也求神赦免我了,现在我想请求你帮助我。 +"After the question is analyzed in the operated air-condition system, the advice is put forward that the system in existence should be changed.",分析了现有空调系统存在的问题,并指出这些问题所带来的耗能后果。 +"However, the study on the interaction working behavior about the whole composite slabs is very little, the design about it still has some shortage.",然而,国内学者对于整个组合楼盖的协同工作性能的研究甚少,关于这种组合楼盖的设计尚存在一些不足之处。 +"When I say ""health"" I mean optimism, to be truthful. Incurably optimistic!",老实说,我说的”健康”是指乐观,不可救药的乐观! +"Our walkman of ""Brothers"" brand is of high quality, and during the past years we have supplied this range to dealers in lots of countries.",我们的“兄弟” 牌随身听是高品质的,并在传世盛大传奇年,我们在新开传奇发服的国家设立了经销商。 +"They hold river sand, pieces of iron and wood charcoal.",这两个容器中含有河沙、铁和木炭的碎片。 +"If you consider yourself a funnyman -- check that, if others consider you a funnyman -- perhaps your story should be a comedy.",如果你觉得你自己是一个幽默作家——再确认一下,是否其他人都认为你是一个幽默作家——那你的故事也许就是一个喜剧片。 +Lennie was late for school again this morning. He ought to /should have got up earlier. He must have stayed up too late last night.,伦尼今天早晨上学又迟到了。他应该早一点起床的。肯定是昨晚睡得太晚了。 +"For these poorest countries, IDA gives grants and concessionary loans.",对这些最贫困国家,国际开发协会提供赠款和优惠贷款。 +"Floodwaters also spread west into Balochistan, causing devastation there, as well.",洪水也向西扩展进入俾路支省,也在当地造成破坏。 +"Bloom tells the story of discovering basil, mint and a red onion hiding in the fridge of a friend who had just bought all three, forgetting he already had them.",他讲述了他的亲眼所见,一个朋友刚刚买回了罗勒、薄荷和洋葱,却发现冰箱里存放着他刚刚买回的这三样食物,而他却已经忘记了。 +Two-tone audio alarm of exceeded programmed threshold levels;,双音声报警超过设定的阈值水平; +"A team from Flinders University in Adelaide, Australia, are investigating delayed sleep phase disorder, which is characterised by a persistent inability to fall asleep and wake at a conventional time.",澳大利亚阿德莱德弗林德斯大学的一个研究小组调查研究了睡眠期失调遭推迟,其特征就是迟迟无法入睡无法按时醒来。 +"The hackney-coach rolled along the trees of the Champs-Elysees. The bust of the driver, whip in hand, could be seen moving along above the parapet.",街车沿着爱丽舍广场的树木滚动着,人们可以在护墙上看见车夫的上半身过去了,他手里拿着马鞭。 +Also the file systems should be set so that they are not mounted on restart.,同样,应设置该文件系统,以使重新启动时不会挂载它们。 +"( AA - news - people ) will test the market this afternoon when it the mining company delivers its third-quarter report, setting the tone for the fall earnings season.",今天下午,美铝公司(Alcoa)将考验市场。 这家矿业公司届时会发布其三季度财报,此前他们已经声称该季度盈利下滑。 +"Sometimes my kids watch too much tv. Sometimes I spend too much time curled up in a chair reading a book, ignoring dust bunnies and the messes the kids make.",有时候我的孩子看太多的电视,有时候我花太多的时间蜷缩在椅子里看书而忽视了家里的积尘和孩子们制造的一片狼藉。 +"This paper can be generally divided into four parts, namely general introduction, editing activities research, editing thoughts research and research on learning and cultivation.",本文大体上分为绪论、编辑活动研究、编辑思想研究和编辑学养研究四个部分。 +Dramas could not exist without life because it starts from life originally.,戏剧原本就是从生活出发,无法脱离生活而存在。 +"Given Android's phenomenal success, we are always looking for new ways to supercharge the Android ecosystem.",鉴于安卓取得的巨大成功,我们一直在寻找新的方法使安卓“生态系统”能够百尺竿头更进一步。 +A hand-tied bouquet in coordinated wrappings will look so much better than a bunch held together with a rubber band and wrapped in cellophane.,用适合的包装打造的花束会比橡胶圈加玻璃纸呈现出来的感觉好上百倍哦。 +"According to the characteristics, a double fuzzy controller is put forward and applied to temperature control of the heating furnace with special structure.",本文将介绍通孔井式加热炉的结构和自身特点,并根据这些特点提出把双模糊控制器应用于这种特殊结构加热炉的温度控制。 +Janine Randerson is a New Zealand media artist and a PhD researcher at the University of Melbourne.,珍妮-兰德森,新西兰多媒体艺术家,在墨尔本大学获得博士学位。 +"Finally, the article also selects Bolitai village to make the survey and the detailed analysis of the change after developing rural tourism, discusses the rural tourism's impacts on the destination.",最后,选取玻璃台村��实地调查对象,详细分析该村开展乡村旅游后的变化,讨论乡村旅游对目的地的影响。 +"The Daily Telegraph launched Britain’s first newspaper website, Telegraph.co.uk, then known as the Electronic Telegraph, 15 years ago this week.",15年前的这一周,每日电讯报推出了英国首个报纸网站,Telegraph.co.uk,那时被称为电子版每日电讯报。 +"Occasionally she sneaks away into a forest or onto a prairie, sometimes with a few friends, to watch chimps or 43)sandhill cranes or black-footed 44)ferrets and to restore her energy and sanity.",偶尔,珍也会和一些朋友溜到森林里或草原上,去观察黑猩猩、沙丘鹤或黑爪雪貂,借此振作精神,恢复活力。 +Multifunctional Rotary Chair and Electromotive Four-pole Swing applied to vestibular functional test of astronauts are introduced.,文章介绍了用于航天员前庭功能测试的多功能转椅和四柱电动秋千。 +"If you do see some bikes for example coming, simply reverse your harvesters back towards your base.",比如,如果你看到一群摩托向你驶来,立刻让你的矿车们退向你的基地。 +"When the battery is being charged, magnesium antimonide in the middle layer breaks down into the pure elements and so the upper and lower layers deepen.",当电池正在充电,在中间层的组合物分解成纯元素,所以上下层变得更厚了。 +"With several domain-independent strategies, its reasoning engine is portable too.",其推理机应用了多种与领域无关的策略,具有较好的可移植性。 +This character also affects his making friends and writing style.,这种性格也影响到江淹的处世交友和文学风貌。 +Small specimens cut out from the left ventricular wall were eroded in 50% HCL for 5-7 days. The replicas were studied under the SEM (S-450).,从左室心壁不同部位取材后,放入50%盐酸中腐蚀,冲洗后在双目镜下选取样品,喷镀后在S-450扫描电镜下观察。 +"Today, I'm gonna start writing C code with you but I can't just write it and expect it to do anything.","现在,我和大家一起写C语言代码,但我不指望写出来后就能跑起来。" +Ethereal Chains : LeBlanc flings illusionary chains towards a target location.,虚幻锁链:勒布朗向目标区域甩出一道由幻象组成的锁链。 +A hospitality exchange is a network of people around the world who offer free accommodation to travelers.,好客交换是一个遍布全球的为旅行者免费提供食宿的网络族群。 +"As a typical ferroelectrics, BaTiO3 is always is used to study feathers of ferroelectric.",钛酸钡作为一种典型的铁电材料,往往被用来研究铁电相关特性。 +"Today, more than 1b people are hungry, 6m children die of hunger every year - 17000 every day.",现在,有超过十亿的人在挨饿,每年因饥饿死亡的儿童有600万个,相当于每天1.7万个。 +"The 4 colleges, located in Melbourne and Sydney, are owned by the Meridian Group (also named the Global Campus Management Group). They mainly offer vocational education and training to Asian students.",这4所大学位于墨尔本和悉尼,属于莫瑞迪安教育集团(也称全球校园管理集团),主要为亚洲留学生提供职业教育和培训。 +Most of them started as Micro Agression wrestlers.,它们大多开始像一个微型摔跤手。 +"They will enable health care workers to diagnose and treat patients who may be thousands of miles away, and they will be a central feature of security systems and search-and-rescue operations.",它们也将协助医务人员诊断与治疗病人,即使病人远在千里之外。在保全系统与搜救任务上,它们也会是重要的一员。 +Sun heat preservation shutter height to winter shall prevail.,阳面保温卷帘高度以冬天为准。 +"Red energy has remained rotational, which embraces another in harmlessness .",红族能量一直保持着旋转,以无害而融入他人。 +Objective To explore the technique and indications of nose reconstruction by tubed flap.,目的:探讨皮管法鼻再造的手术相关技术和适应证。 +The recall affects Grand Cherokee models from 2005 to 2010 and Commanders built from 2006 to 2010.,召回车型涉及2005至2010款吉普大切诺基以及2006至2010款吉普指挥官。 +If you can dream--and not make dreams your master; If you can think--and not make thoughts your aim;,如果你敢于追梦--而不让梦成为你的主宰; +"This time, renegade killer femmes do fantastic battle with 9th century cops (Andy Lau and Takeshi Kaneshiro) who pursue and fall in love with them.",这一次,背叛组织的女杀手与公元九世纪的两位捕头(金城武和刘德华)展开了一场奇妙的战争,最后并爱上了他们。 +"A blind person shall use a blind crutch or take other blind-guide means to pass on a road, and the vehicles shall give way to the blind person.",盲人在道路上通行,应当使用盲杖或者采取其他导盲手段,车辆应当避让盲人。 +"Mr Kristol couched his attack in their language, that of social science.",克氏决定以彼之矛攻彼之盾,模仿社会科学家的文笔发起进攻。 +"Sometimes, this can be the dynamic in a controlling relationship where one person pulls the other one in very close to maintain control.",有时候,这可能是一段控制型的关系:其中一方要把另一个方拉到很近的距离以保持控制。 +"Who is minding the “commons” in terms of the overuse and misuse of antimicrobials in the veterinary, agri-food and human settings?",就抗菌素在兽医、农产品和人类环境中的过度使用和滥用而言,有谁在照料“公地”? +"The online data collection system is a subsystem of the whole data collection and billing system. In this system, the telephone billing data in the switch is collected automatically via the X.",联机采集系统是计费数据联机实时采集系统的一个子系统,由采集终端通过交换机X。 +Cutting and unrolling the stator leads to many other possible linear electric motor configurations.,切开和展平定子引发了许多其他可能的直线电机构造。 +"January 2009 | GENEVA - Zimbabwe's cholera outbreak, one of the world's largest ever recorded, is far from being brought under control.",2009年1月30日 - 津巴布韦疫情是全球最严重的霍乱疫情之一,目前远未控制住,为此急需加大霍乱应对措施的力度,以扭转趋势。 +Objective To evaluate the long term pulpal pain response in terms of time-sequenced changes to the stimulation of composite filling.,目的观察牙髓神经对树脂充填深窝洞后疼痛性反应的变化规律。 +"They talk about what technology to use for the POC, what Extensible Markup Language (XML) standards to use, what platforms to use, what ESB to use, and so on.",他们讨论这个POC要用什么技术、用什么样的扩展标记语言(XML)标准、使用什么平台、用什么 ESB 等等问题。 +"Objective To analyse the CT manifestations of ovarian fibromas and fibrothecomas, and to improve the accuracy rate of the diagnosis.",目的 分析卵巢纤维瘤和卵巢泡膜纤维瘤的CT表现特点,以提高诊断准确率。 +"Resolution: Make a clear distinction between three kinds of homes―those on quiet backwaters, those on busy streets, and those that are more or less in-between.",解决方案 :明确区分三种住宅,位于那些寂静的闭塞区,或位于繁忙的街道上,抑或是或多或少的居于两者之间。 +"Spinvibration sieveXZS being series rotary vibration sieve is a mature technology, general and tend to be standardized classic inertia screening equipment.",XZS系列旋振筛是一种技术成熟、经典通用并趋于标准化的惯性筛分设备。 +Agricultural area: 16400 (1000 Ha),农业面积: 16400 (千公顷) +"Regardless of male and female 800 1, there are like cheese you can contact me wow.",不分公母800一只,有喜欢的筒子可以联系我哇… +"Second, the government budgeting process must be opened up through both public hearings in the national legislature and public participation via the media.",其次,政府制定财政预算的过程必须在国家立法机关经由公开审议或通过媒体使民众直接参与。 +"Our teacher, Ms Wang, told me to write to you for help.",我们的老师王女士让我给您写信求助。 +Laser measurement based on triangulation is a traditional method for measuring displacement.,三角测量法是一种传统的位移测量方法。 +"Born and raised in Wuxi, I have always had a special place for these romantic waters in my heart.",我是个土生土长的无锡人,从小就对这个充满温情和流水的地方无比眷恋。 +"James Cook was born in the north of England on October 27th, 1728.",詹姆斯-库克于1728年10月27日出生在英格兰的北部。 +For multiple selections: PC users - hold down the CTRL key; Mac users - hold down the APPLE key.,如果需要选择多个项目:一般电脑使用者按着CTRL键选择;苹果电脑使用者按着APPLE键选择。 +Which suggests that there might be more diet-gene interactions than you can shake a carrot stick at.,这意味着饮食与基因两者之间的相互作用可能会多得枚不胜举。 +"Again, this is a short list — there are others that are less noteworthy, and probably a few I’m forgetting.",再次说明,这只是一部分清单,还有很多其他比较不那么显著的改变,而还有一些可能我已经忘了。 +"For obvious social reasons, ""requests""are the kind of illocutionary speech act which are more likely to be performed in a polite manner.",“请求”是一种具体的言外行为,在实施“请求”指令的过程中往往需要选用比较礼貌的方式。 +"The paper introduces the ODP and SIG, compares the commons and difference of them, analyzes the advantage of the ODP and points out its significance to SIG.",本文介绍了开放目录专案(ODP)和学科信息门户的概况,比较分析了二者的共性与不同,同时分析了ODP的优势以及它���学科信息门户建设的借鉴意义。 +The results indicated that dietary zinc treatment increased body fat deposition in obese mice.,实验结果显示,给予锌处理后之肥胖鼷鼠,其体脂肪含量显著增加。 +Shangqiu Railway Station is now first-class station in our country.,商丘市火车站现为一等站。 +Not according to the markets.,据知是没有。 +This article shares two interesting tricks that I discovered with Sendmail on AIX.,本文讨论我发现的两个关于 AIX 上的 Sendmail 的有趣技巧。 +"However, data for well-nourished neonates born at term cannot necessarily be extrapolated to preterm or malnourished infants.",然而,从营养良好的足月新生儿中获得的资料并不能完全排除在早产儿或营养不良的婴儿中可能发生的问题。 +"Hey, Sam. I saw this as in the paper. You should take a look.",嘿.萨姆.我看到报纸上的这篇广告.你该看一看. +But growth in the sub-region will fall to 5.4 percent next year because of slowing export demand.,不过,由于出口需求的疲软,东南亚明年的经济增长率将下跌到5.4%。 +"The other attractions of the idea are obvious: high-speed trains are always handsome showpieces, and make visually powerful statements about a country's modernity and economic development.",该想法的其他吸引之处是显而易见的:高速火车向来是绝佳的展示品,给人对一个国家现代化和经济发展造成强大的视觉冲击。 +Postoperative Lumbar Epidural Hematoma: Does Size Really Matter?,腰椎术后硬膜外血肿:大小很重要吗? +The dog went off to fetch in the dead rabbit. It was peppered with snots all down one side.,狗跑过去捡拾死兔子,兔子身体的一侧满是密密的枪眼。 +Adjust the sound with 5800 sound buttons.,调整声音与5800无害按钮。 +The theoretical results of dust cloud height and particle ignition time are in good agreement with those of experiments.,另外,燃烧粉尘云轮廓及颗粒点火时间的理论值与实验结果较一致,说明此模型能很好地描述上述流动特征。 +A robot designed by KC Space Robots climbs a cable extended from a helicopter during the Space Elevator Games at NASA Dryden Flight Research Centre in California.,在太空电梯竞赛中,由KC空间机器人公司设计的机器人正沿着直升机上垂下的一根览绳向上爬升。 +"""The earliest surreal photographs come from the 1850s, "" added Sontag, ""when photographers first went out prowling the streets of London, Paris, and New York, looking for their unposed slice of life.",同样是桑塔格,她说:“最早的超现实主义照片出现在1850年代,当时的摄影家们首次走出室外,逡巡在伦敦、巴黎和纽约的街头,寻找不事修饰的栩栩如生的现实生活的侧影。 +I want retune.,我想退货。 +"This study from researchers at Tulane University showed half of those on the macrobiotic diet were alive after one year, compared to only 10% on the regular diet.",杜兰大学研究人员的这一研究表明,一年后依天然饮食的人一半还活着,而依常规饮食的只有10%的人还活着。 +"Tatyana has a book reader, although she likes regular books more.",Tatyana拥有一个图书阅读器,尽管她更喜欢定期书籍。 +Rookie point guard Toney Douglas has been logging significant minutes in the preseason and handled the backup point guard position well.,新秀控卫道格拉斯在季前赛得到了很多上场时间,而且表现的很不错。 +All 11 accused (with Christopher Metsos -- without doubt a Directorate S officer -- missing) are trained professionals whose task was to penetrate American society.,受到指控的11人(再加上失踪的克里斯托弗•梅特斯[Christopher Metsos]——毫无疑问是指挥部S[Directorate S]的一位官员)都是受过训练的职业间谍,他们的任务就是潜入美国社会。 +Best of luck in all the changes that you choose to make this year –but also in all the things which you decide to keep the same!,无论是你在今年选择进行的所有改变,还是你决定维持原样的事情,都祝你走鸿运! +"The older he grew, the more he stole and the craftier he became. Eventually the mother had no way to discipline him. She could only let him do as he pleased; she even helped cover up for him.",儿子越大,偷得越多越厉害,母亲想管也管不了了,只好由着他,甚至还帮他掩饰,终至儿子犯下滔天重罪被处死刑。 +"The local 2nd floor structures in main hall is combined with steel beams, space grids and RC slabs.",主展厅局部二层楼面采用钢梁-网架-钢筋混凝土楼板组合结构。 +"Ralph Waldo Emerson's publication of nature in 1836 began a process of creating a new condition of American thinking, severed from European cultural and intellectual influences.",1836年爱默生的《论自然》一书的出版,给美国人的思想开辟了一个新的境地,使美国人的思想从欧洲的 桎酷下解放出来。 +"Is not their own culture, and everything is from others by ""studying"".",更是没有自己的文化,什么都是从别人那“学”来的。 +As his voice rose the tears began to roll down her cheeks.,随着他的嗓音提高,她的眼泪开始簌簌地直往下流。 +"He is all about energy and getting into the box, producing the goods and scoring goals, and Liverpool are all the better for it.",他一直都充满精力,突入禁区,传出或者打进一些漂亮的进球,利物浦取胜都靠这些进球。 +Evidence-based training and multi-crew pilot licensing have tremendous potential.,实景培训和飞行员的多机种执照培训都具有很大的潜力。 +Iterations have been dropped although software is still released every two weeks.,尽管没有使用迭代,但软件仍旧保持每两星期发布一次。 +"Objective:Using the outer-cell recording to observe the morphine responses of nucleus accumbens and ventral subiculum, and explore the function of them in the process of drug-dependence.",目的:用胞外记录的方法分别观察伏隔核和海马腹侧下托对吗啡的反应性,探讨其在药物心理依赖形成过程中所处的地位。 +"It would take off and land vertically and fly a hundred miles in an hour, zooming him to a San Francisco meeting in half the time it takes in his Prius.",它能够垂直起降,时速达到一百英里,这样比起他现在开的普瑞斯,去旧金山开会的时间将节省一半。 +"Unfortunately, the regime has chosen to move ahead unilaterally – without consultation from key stakeholders – towards elections planned for this year.",遗憾的是,该政权对今年计划的选举采取独立孤行的做法——没有与主要利益相关者进行磋商。 +"Modernization and technological advances afforded an urban lifestyle of convenience, which in turn yielded an urban culture typified by progress, change, mechanization and impermanence.",而现代化、科技化共构的便利城市,都指向这样的都会文化现象:进步、变动、机动、短暂; +"Change for your child, ""Gracie nursery bed garden bed by Jojo fashion, so that one of ""Jojo"" … The design includes wall hangings, lampshades, and obstacles, and change the pillow cover, baby.",Gracie的花园床被褥由乔乔时尚的设计,使一…从乔乔设计包括壁挂,灯罩,阻碍,改变垫覆盖,小孩。 +"This paper gives default reasoning based on approximating reasoning frame by two-level fuzzy interpretation, and presents a new method that can solve the inconsistency.",笔者使用两层次模糊意义,给出了基于近似推理框架表达的缺省推理,提出了此框架下解决不一致性的新思路。 +"If she is not working, and her husband is, she should make sure to contribute to a spousal Individual Retirement Account.",如果她没有工作,而她丈夫有,她应当确保对配偶个人退休账户(spousal IRA)有进账。 +"However, the surface temperature of the lower pressure vessel, from the top to the bottom in 100 to 120 degrees, so Tokyo Electric Power stressed that the fuel rods immersed in water ""has been cool.""",不过压力容器表面温度较低,从上部至底部在100~120度之间,因此东电强调称,燃料棒浸在水中“已经得到了冷却”。 +"The ending show of the lunar year of monkey, 2016, will be shown on 1.7,2017. Wish you all the best in new year.",2017年1月7日,唤觉音乐封箱演出,在愚公移山和猴年马月的自己挥手告别。 +"Science/AAASAt Jebel Faya, the researchers uncovered three caches of mostly broken, unfinished stone tools.",在杰贝尔-法亚,研究人员发现了三处大部分破坏了的和未完成的石器。 +The friends system on Battle.net operates on two levels of identity.,这个在Battle.net上的好友系统是基于两层身份运作的。 +"When credit is extended to customers, some uncollectible receivables are inevitable.",当信贷拓展到客户,呆帐就不可避免。 +He was stormed for his signature.,人们围着他让签名。 +"One of Raphael's famous projects was The School of Athens, which was painted in the Vatican for the Pope.",拉斐尔著名的案子之一是在梵蒂冈为教宗所绘制的《雅典学院》。 +"But I was wishing we had a good farm in Bartlett, or Bethlehem, or Littleton, or some other township round the White Mountains; but not where they could tumble on our heads.",但我希望我们能在巴特兰,伯利恒或者利特尔顿或者怀特山脉周边的其他镇上有块好农场,那里不会有山石在我们头上翻滚。 +"Dubliners have reason to be cheerful, the survey finds. Ireland is the best place to live in the world, according to a ""quality of life"" assessment by Economist magazine.",英国《经济学家》杂志关于“生活质量”的一份评估报告显示,爱尔兰是世界上最适宜居住的地方。 +"The theoretical research, the legislation and the practice of fine penalty should be guided by the essence of fine penalty.",罚金刑的理论研究以及罚金刑的立法、罚金刑的司法实务应以罚金刑的本质为指导。 +To analyse its background and reason is very important for us to establish the value trend of out school moral education.,分析其割裂的背景与原因,对于今天确立我国学校德育价值取向无疑有着重要意义。 +Q wave and ST T wave abnormalities occurred most frequently at inferior and posterior walls and correlated with the disease of middle segment of circumflex.,在回旋支病变所导致的Q波或非Q波心肌梗死患者中,病理性Q波及ST T异常最常出现在下后壁及下壁。 +Case study-The Shell Oil Company Interview Experience,案例分析——壳牌石油公司面试经历 +Both education of Chinese and education of ethnic languages have the common purpose of serving the prosperous development of nationalities.,汉语教育和民族语教育都是为民族的繁荣发展服务的,只不过汉语教育重在发展而民族语教育则重在保护。 +"The more places he need to attack, the more dispersed his force is, thus I am able to engage a small part of his troops with my full force.",若知敌人兵形而我方兵形不被地方所知,则我方兵力可集中在一处而敌方兵力被分散。 +"To date, Google has been a fast-acting, dealmaking machine.",到目前为止,谷歌已经成为一台快速反应的签约机器。 +"In time I won't bother you, only you could get a good result, wish you happy every day.",进段时间我不会再烦你了,只为你能考个好成绩,愿你能每天都开心快乐。 +"Work banishes those three great evils: boredom, vice , and poverty. (Voltaire, French Philosopher.",劳动替你驱逐这三个魔鬼,无聊,恶癖,贫穷。 +"She has a Really Useful Attitude or, to be more precise, two fully congruent Really Useful Attitudes.",她有一个非常有用的态度,更确切地来说,她有两个完全一致的非常有用的态度。 +"The paper takes the correlated non-steady-flow inrush water calculation formula as the basic formula, and has the well field regulating calculation in the form of tables.",将地下水非稳定流涌水量计算解析式作为基本公式,列表进行水源地调节计算。 +"This makes it possible to estimate cross-promotion effects, even though these promotions are not directly observable, by imputing the level of competitive promotions.",这就使得通过输入竞争性促销水平来测量交叉促销效果成为可能,即使这些促销是无法直接观测到的。 +Seoul wants an apology; Pyongyang denies it torpedoed the Cheonan warship.,首尔希望收到歉意;平壤绝不承认摧毁天安军舰。 +"In addition, the balloon sounding data of temperature fluctuation are used to check the results of theCLIAM, and they are cobndsistant quantitatively.",另外还用温度脉动探空数据对CLIAM的结果作了比较,证明两者在定量上符合很好。 +The semi-transparent panels were around 10 per cent see-through and were created by ‘modulating the insertion of the resins’.,半透明的面板透明度为10%,由“调节嵌入式”树脂制造而成。 +"But if I were to make a wish list, it would be great to expand our toolbox to include some better skinning , hair, and rendering tools.",我就列出一张“壮志未酬”的单子,你会发现这对我们进一步扩充我们的工具箱,比如更好的皮肤、头发、底色模型,有极大的帮助。 +"It was opened by another footman in livery, with a round face, and large eyes like a frog; and both footmen, Alice noticed, had powdered hair that curled all over their heads.",另一个穿着制服,长着圆脸庞和像青蛙一样大眼睛的仆人开了门,爱丽丝注意到这两个仆人,都戴着涂了脂的假发。 +Sunlight bounces off the light-coloured surface.,浅色的表面反射阳光。 +The three demonstrators were fined 50 dollars each for breach of the peace.,那三个示威者因扰乱治安而每人被罚50美元。 +It is considered that the most fundamental motive is realization of enterprise's indirectly going to the public by purchasing shell.,本文认为买壳上市的最根本动因是企业通过买壳实现间接上市。 +Objective To explore the diagnostic significance of traumatic perforation of tympanic membrane with auditory brainstem response(ABR).,目的探讨听性脑干反应(ABR)检测在外伤性鼓膜穿孔听力的鉴定意义。 +This mentality is not relevant in mobile-heavy populations such as Africa.,这种观念在非洲这种高度移动化的地区是行不通的。 +"To explore the effect of THCQT on rats' intestine permeability with intestine I/R damage, we use biochemical ways to test plasma endotoxin and D-lactate's changes.",应用生化检测血浆内毒素、D-乳酸变化以探讨桃核承气汤对肠I/R损伤大鼠肠道通透性的影响; +"Give me that hammer please, Dan.",请把那把锺子递给我,丹。 +I met a well-dressed woman this morning.,今天上午我遇见了一位穿着考究的妇女。 +And they wanted to protect what they had built.,而且他们想要保护他们建造的家园。 +Product such as angry rang the doorbell ellicott.,品如生气的按响了艾莉的门铃。 +"Eventually, however, many thimbles get their tops sliced off and are worn as rings anyway.",但是最终,许多顶针的头部被切掉,并作为戒指来戴。 +"And then, some proposals about development utilization and protection of psammophytic vegetations and sands enviroment are pointed out.",此外,对本区沙生植被的开发利用及保护提出了一点看法。 +An example demonstrating the correctness of his method which deals with a planar parallogram 4-bar mechanism is included.,为验证本法的正确性,文中举出平面平行四杆机构的一个计算实例。 +"The resins can be used as matrix of high performance liquid chromatographic packings, and can be directly used in chromatographic separation as well.",该类树脂可用作高效液相色谱填料的基质,也可直接用于色谱分离。 +"Compared with birch leaves, mixed leaves had a significantly higher substrate quality and showed a substantially faster decomposing rate and nutrient release rate.",在同一林型内,底物质量高的混合叶片其分解率和养分元素释放率均大于底物质量低的白桦叶片; +You had me at′hello.,′当你说“你好”的那一刻起就拥有我了。(《甜心先生》1996) +"In America only a few rich people buy original art, and even the more sophisticated ones rarely get past judging it by the brand name of the artist.",在美国,只有阔佬们才买原画,即使那些久经世故的老手最多也只能冲着画家的名头去买画的。 +"Conclusions In presence of chronic coronary stenosis, RWMA during rest and stress is related to subendocardial MBF reserve.",结论在慢性冠状动脉狭窄中,静息和负荷时RWMA与心内膜下MBF储备有关。 +"The invention relates to a method for preparing an immunostimulant for fish, which belongs to the technical field of aquatic formula feeds.",本发明涉及一种鱼用免疫增强剂的制备方法,属于水产配合饲料技术领域。 +"Human fetishes , for example, develop early, and are almost impossible to change.",例如,人类的恋物情结发展于早期,而且几乎是不可改变。 +But the worst may be past.,但情况没有过去那么糟糕。 +Using a low ISO setting will help reduce the aberrations that can appear when photographing with long exposures.,当用长曝光拍摄的时候,用一个低的感光度可以减少可能出现的像差。 +"""We don't have concerns about our ability to make sure the Iraqis can exercise the kind of sovereignty that they want, "" said McDonough.",“我们有能力确保伊拉克人行使他们想要的那种主权,我们对此没有任何担忧,”麦克多诺说。 +These facts strongly evidence that uptake of human erythrocyte for Eu(Cit) 2 3- displays the natures of anion channel mechanism.,进入人红细胞具有阴离子通道机制的各种特征。 +"His roommate had studied how painful love can be emotionally, but Mackey wondered if love could influence how we experience physical pain.",他的室友研究了爱能让人多痛苦,但是Mackey博士想知道爱能否影响我们对于生理疼痛的感受。 +"Zeus III disliked sex, perhaps in polar counterbalance to his grandfather, and never birthed a successor.",宙斯三世却不喜欢性爱,也许是对他祖父极性的反平衡,且没有生下继承者。 +"No. 48 according to the speaker, which people are mostly likely to be shy?",根据这个演讲,哪些人更容易害羞? +"The battle turned into a public relations nightmare for the carrier, as the video of Carroll’s song, “United Breaks Guitars, ” was viewed more than 6.6 million times.",这一场斗争演变成美联航的一场公关恶梦,那首Carroll在短片中所唱的歌《损坏吉他的美联社》,被浏览了超过660万次。 +"For starters, it's better at multitasking than the iPad, and allows users to keep multiple applications open at the same time.",对于入门级用户而言,它在多任务处理方面强于iPad,允许用户同时打开多个应用程序。 +"Welcome customers come to discuss, we would like friends from all walks of life go hand in hand, and common development.",欢迎广大客户前来洽谈,我们愿各界朋友携手前进,共同发展。 +WTF! Why Is China Building These Gigstopc Structures In the Middle of the Desert? (Updingestedd),我艹!中国为毛要在沙漠主旨建造这些巨型结构体? +Fifth is able to follow the meridian line 12 (pulse).,五是能循行十二经络(脉)。 +"Get you up to a high mountain, O Zion, herald of good news;",报好信息给锡安的啊,你要登高山; +"Without vibration, flying-rock, noise, dust, noxious gas, or damages to protective portion in process of non-explosive demolition, it was popular in construction organization.",静态破裂过程中因无震动、无飞石、无噪声、无粉尘和毒气,以及对保留部分无损伤,而倍受施工单位���誉。 +"In particular in translation teaching and research, it has a 10-strong team of teachers that has an extensive theoretical and practical expertise and wide experience in translation.",尤其是在翻译方面,拥有一支人数较多、理论知识扎实、实践经验丰富的翻译师资队伍。 +"It was the closest HBK has ever come to a negative year, so naturally clients were looking for stability in 2008.",这是HBK回报率最低的一年,因此2008年客户自然而然会关注投资的稳定性。 +The enemy troops were superior in numbers but our soldiers showed a do-or-die determination and won the battle.,敌军在人数上占优势,但我们的士兵以殊死决心赢得该战役。 +These catalytic mechanisms of interfacial agent in some chemical reactions are micelle catalysis and phase transfer catalysis.,表面活性剂催化化学反应过程的机理有胶束催化和相转移催化。 +"The YMCA usually has inexpensive memberships with reduced rates for students, and some operate on a sliding scale depending on income.",基督教青年会经常有便宜的折扣会籍给学生,有些健身房则根据收入提供浮动折扣。 +"Through the perspectives of these animals, Ximen narrates 50 years of rural Chinese history.",通过这些动物的视角,西门闹“见证”了中国50年的乡村史。 +He was a man of severely limited understanding but of ruthless directness and great energy.,他是个理解力非常有限的人,不过他具有铁面无私的坦率和非凡的精力。 +"Developed with an innovative style, this game promises to remove the barriers of traditional match-3 games.",发展与创新的风格,这场比赛的承诺,消除各种障碍的传统比赛, 3场比赛。 +Kidnappings and random killings are reported with almost mind-numbing frequency.,连篇累牍的关于绑架和随机杀人的报道已经让人们的思想都麻木了。 +A look that wished to see nothing and no one.,一张无意看到任何事和任何人的面孔。 +"Methods According to the specific sequence of HO-1 genes, the primers and the fluorogenic probe were designed and synthesized.",方法在HO-1的基因高保守区设计并合成特异性引物和荧光标记探针。 +"O God, thou art terrible out of thy holy places: the God of Israel is he that giveth strength and power unto his people.",神阿,你从圣所显为可畏。 以色列的神,是那将力量权能赐给他白姓的。 +An important factor of resulting tobacco virus disease is insect vectors.,媒介昆虫是烟草病毒病的重要成因因子。 +The major reason for hearing loss and certain balance disorders is that — unlike other species such as birds — humans and other mammals are unable to spontaneously regenerate these hearing cells.,听力丧失以及相关失衡的主要原因在于人类和其他一些哺乳动物的听觉细胞无法自行再生。 这点和其他生物如鸟类不同。 +Our 360 Safe services are eliminating about 60 million Trojan horses daily for Chinese Internet users.,齐向东表示,”360公司软件天天为中国网民扫描约6000万木马程序。 +Our correspondent in Tehran Lyse Doucet.,我们的记者从德黑兰发回报道。 +"The cognizance of international terrorism is the precondition of preventing and annihilating it, while the necessity and difficulty contemporarily exist in definition of terrorism.",要防止和消灭国际恐怖主义必须首先认识国际恐怖主义,定义恐怖主义具有必要性但同时具有一定的困难性。 +"Wow, way to totally discount skilled athletes and make us look like typical ""arrogant Americans"" at the same time. Your objective analysis of subjective sports reeks of subjectivity.",哇!真是完全诋毁优秀的运动员,同时让我们看起来就像典型的“傲慢的美国人”。你所谓客观的对主观运动的分析散发着浓浓的主观情绪。 +"He thinks most Asian currencies, excluding the yen, could fall another 10 percent or more, with the won and the Indian rupee INR= the most vulnerable.","他认为除了日圆以外的多数亚洲货币货币可能再跌10%,甚至更多,其中韩圜及印度卢比是最容易受到影响的." +Analyses on the materials and properties of imported EQ153 rocker supports have been made. They have been compared with those of home-made products newly developed by our plant.,对EQ153摇臂轴支座进口件的材质、性能进行了分析,并与本厂新研制的国产件材质、工艺性能进行了对比。 +"Dahlmann recognized the city with joy on the edge of vertigo: a second before his eyes registered the phenomena themselves, he recalled the corners, the billboards, the modest variety of Buenos Aires.",在他放眼四望的几秒钟之前,他记起了街道的角落、商店的招牌、这个质朴的城市和布宜诺斯艾利斯的差别。 +"It is children theater. Every night, there are many children coming here to watch their performance.",这是儿童剧场,每天晚上,有许多小朋友聚集在这里观看他们的演出表演。 +Jesus willingly put our need for forgiveness above his own life and for that we are forever grateful.,耶稣自愿地把我们对饶恕的需要放在了自己生命之上,我们永远对此心存感激。 +"The natural impulses that helped early humans find food and avoid predators are causing us to regress to a state no more sophisticated than a rat in a laboratory, he said.",他还说,帮助早期人类寻觅食物,躲避捕食者的自然本能正让我们朝实验室白鼠的简单状态不断退化。 +"Assistant the property consultant to make the marketing survey, analyse , help them in the short time to find the satisfied place, and negotiation, signature and follow up aftersales issue.",协助置业顾问,做出市场的分析和调查,帮助客人在最短的时间内找到合适的居所,并且谈判,促成交易,同时跟踪客人的售后事宜。 +Architect Data Distribution Service for Real-Time Systems (DDS) applications to manage the complexity of interconnected components,实时系统(DDS)程序的结构数据分布服务,以管理相互联系构件的复杂性 +They do not pursue such a union only because they believe one is not on offer—and that “banging on” about Europe is electoral poison.,他们之所以不在追随那个工会,仅仅是因为他们相信并非是在其中抉择一个---而且对于欧洲喋喋不休,是选举人的阻碍。 +"To control water temperature, the device uses a microcontroller 89C52 and a combined method of switch control and PID parameter fuzzy regulating.",介绍了一种以单片机89C52为控制核心,以开关控制和PID算法控制以及PID参数模糊整定相结合的复合控制方法实现了水温的自动控制。 +"The adults in the room will never understand, even though they'll nod their heads and say ""you're right.""",这个房间里的成年人将永远无法明白,即使他们会点头称是。 +"Ancient scholars placed on the case study of instruments, and natural joy always pursue the palace subject more again take auspicious implies decorative, …",古代文人置于文房书案上的器具往往追求自然生趣,而宫中清供之纹饰又多取吉祥寓意,… +I can still see the darkness of the water in the basin after he had cleaned his face.,他洗脸后盆里水有多脏至今依然清晰可见。 +The creation of thebeauty in Chinese teaching and the high realm of seeking after the beauty in Chinese education can be reached by digging the inner beauty___the beauty of Chinese.,没有美育的教育是不完全的教育,语文教育必须坚持立美育人,通过挖掘内在美质“语文美”,创造语文教学美,来追求语文教育美的崇高境界。 +The polarization eigcnfrequencies of symmetric and unsymmetric quantum well are given.,以及对称和非对称量子阱中面声子的色散曲线。 +Thee man and his iguanas enjoyed their dinner and left.,那个老兄和他的蜥蜴享受过晚餐后便离开了。 。 +"This paper applies the general theory of finite element method, and proposes a computing method of mining landside stability and give a computing example.",本文运用有限元法的基本思路,提出了采动坡体稳定性的计算方法,并给出了实例计算。 +"F. S. , who has had charge of our shipping department for the past ten years.",从即日起,我们请在过去十年中在敝公司担任船舶主任的F.S 。 +"""Variations in tryptophan levels in people could potentially determine whether they're going to experience adverse effects from quinine or not, "" he told SciDev.Net.",“人们的色氨酸水平的差异有可能决定了他们是否会遇到奎宁的副作用。” 他告诉本网站说。 +"The phase-sensitive demodulator circuit in the control unit consist of amplifiers, switchers and adder.",在控制仪中的相敏解调电路用放大器、电子开关和加法器组成。 +The civil building is high energy-consuming and the building energy-conservation is extremely urgent.,民用建筑是高耗能建筑,建筑节能迫在眉睫。 +"The Scots expatriate clan that founded and still heads HSBC is losing patience — a virtue it never possessed in abundance — with being taxed, ringfenced and unappreciated.",汇丰在伦敦似乎从未高兴过,创立汇丰并依然领导该行的苏格兰移民家族因赋税、圈护规则以及不被赏识而正在失去耐心,而耐心是该家族从未充分拥有的一种美德。 +And if that fails?,如果失败了呢? +Romantic love legends of the Luohe River hang over the river with mystery and beauty.,洛神凄美的爱情传说更使洛河笼罩在神秘而美丽的色彩中。 +"This paper presented influence of factor on film cooling, enhanced heat transfer in tunnel and heat pipe cooling, how to apply and development for these technologies.",详细地阐述了对气膜冷却、内部强化换热以及热管冷却等的影响因素,目前的应用状况以及发展前景。 +"Entrepreneurs may receive an offer of partnership, all the rest - the opportunity to learn and improve their business status.","企业家们会得到合伙人提供的商业机会. 这会让你学到更多,更会使企业的地位得以推动." +"The revenue from the ""black market"" economy of EverQuest makes auction sites and others a significant amount of money that EverQuest sees none of.",从 EverQuest 的黑市经济中得到的收入使拍卖站点和其他人获取了相当多的钱 ,这是 EverQuest 本身没有看到的。 +"Lanny came home for the weekend, and found a surprise letter.",兰妮回家度周末,发现一封意想不到的信。 +"The issue is analyzed based on above, and then the application fields are proposed.",分析了万兆以太网无源光网络存在的问题,最后讨论了其应用方向。 +Superfluous information; driving licence or school grades.,过剩的疑作,例如驾驶证战教校等级。 +A circuit connection by which the outputs of several circuits are connected at one point so that the output of a dotted AND circuit will become1 only when the outputs of all circuits are1.,一种线路连接方法,将几个线路的输出端连接在同一点上,只有当所有线路的输出都为“1"时, 点“与" 线路的输出才为“1"。 +A kind of cationic paper strength agent was prepared through the modification of polyethylene imine(PEI) with bisphenol A epoxy resin(BAE) emulsion.,通过乳液型双酚A环氧树脂(BAE)对聚乙烯亚胺(PE I)进行改性,制备出了具有强阳离子性和反应活性的改性PE I纸张增强剂。 +It was a view that elicited quite a backlash from some in the black American community who saw America as an imperfect and racist place.,但在美国,那些认为美国并不完美,而且是充斥种族主义之地的黑人社区里,这样的观点无疑会引起强烈不满。 +Ethan said that he had no sense of security before so that he didn't like flirtatious girl about which he would suspicious.,阮经天说,他以前没有安全感,所以才有这种表现,而且他不喜欢女生轻浮,会让人疑神疑鬼。 +"Adding that: ""It would be interesting to see whether this approach to categorising malware could [work] without giving false positives.",他紧接着说,“看到用这种方法对恶意软件进行准确无误的分类将是一件有趣的事情。” +"In the introduction, Natural scene is put and is full of lyrically and the philosophic theory mean, make the scene artistic conception, thus, built the artistic conception of the poem.",在引子中,自然景物的并置充满抒情和哲理意味,这样使场景意境化,从而营造了诗的意境; +"Finally, the paper introduces the power of the system post-processing program, through the control circuit to complete the electrical energy storage.",最后,本论文介绍了该系统的电能后处理方案,通过控制电路,完成电能的存储。 +"On January 4, Carolyn Huber found copies of Hillary’s records for work the Rose firm had done for Madison Guaranty in 1985 and 1986.",1月4日,卡罗琳·休伯找到了希拉里的工作记录的副本,它记录了罗斯律师事务所在1985年和1986年为麦迪逊储贷银行所做的工作。 +"Though many aspects of schooling should be routinized , traditional theory seeks to routinize that which should be varied as well.",虽然,学校教育的许多方面应该被惯例化,传统理论寻求去惯例化那些应被改变的。 +"Haikou counts a yearbook according to 2008, in 2009 , that the Hai Kou City inhabitant composes in reply census register population is many?",根据2008、2009年海口统计年鉴,海口市的常住人口和户籍人口是多少? +"Whereas there are numerous instance of this type of coincidence, there are also many example of the opposite.",虽然这种重合(一致)的例子有许多,但也有许多相反的情况。 +"In another paper from the Saint Louis Fed, Christopher Neely shows that the Fed's large-scale quantitative easing in 2008-09 reduced long-term American bond yields.",来自圣路易斯联邦储备银行的另一份报告中称,克里斯托弗尼利(圣路易斯联邦银行助理副总裁)表示2008-09年大规模的定量宽松的货币政策货币政策减少了美国长期债券的收益率。 +"Sale of used games, ""systems, "" and accessories, DVD-man game, please call (818) 764-2442 or through ""the"" store in North Hollywood 12104 Sherman Way down.",卖您的二手游戏,系统,配件,DVD到游戏老兄,请致电(818)764-2442或通过我们的12104谢尔曼韦在北好莱坞商店下降。 +"“It’s like a small vacation, ” Chen said.",陈川表示:“这就好比放了个小假。 +"It is found that the large-span floor has very closely-spaced modes of vibration, and the contribution of wooden floor to the total floor stiffness is neglectable in this case.",结果表明,大跨度楼盖具有典型的模态密集特性,本例中木地板的刚度贡献可以忽略。 +"One may be old, one may be a prude , one may be pious, one may be an aunt, but it is always agreeable to see a lancer enter one's chamber.",人老了,又素来腼腆虔诚,并且又是姑妈,见到一个龙骑兵走进她的绣房,那总是乐意的。 +"Substitution of methyl group at 1,2 and 3 position on 1-methylindole, 2-methylindole and 3-methylindole inhibits initial microbial attack significantly.",同时,1、2或3位上的甲基替代使1 甲基吲哚,2 甲基吲哚和3 甲基吲哚的降解受到严重抑制。 +And now he stared at her so earnestly that I thought the very intensity of his gaze would bring tears into his eyes; but they burned with anguish: they did not melt.,现在他这么热切地盯着她,他的凝视是这么热烈,我想他会流泪的。 但是那对眼睛却燃烧着极度的痛苦:并没化作泪水。 +"It's public-relations people who represent Otto's clients, who are designers, with the purpose of getting celebs to wear the clothes.",代表奥托客户,也就是那些设计师的是公关人员,他们的工作就是让明星们穿上设计师的服装。 +"So, Biblical doctrines, such as the inerrancy of Scripture, the virgin birth, God supernatural creation of the world out of nothing, and even the literal resurrection of Christ were scuttled.",所以许多圣经的教条,如圣经无误论,童女生子,神超自然的从无到有的创造世界,甚至基督的复活都被放弃。 +His father has an old watch.,他父亲有一块旧表。 +"The pattern vary with different schools, birthplace and their family financial conditions;",高中生父母教养方式因校际、生源地、家庭经济状况的不同而存在差异。 +"Based on the study of the movement of oscillation center, a criterion of determining whether the center of out-of-step will lies in the interior of the generator is proposed.",基于振荡中心漂移的研究,给出了判断失步中心能否落到机组内部的判据。 +"Earlier this year (28 July), the Fogarty International Center announced a US$1.5 million program to support research against chronic diseases in developing countries.",今年上半年(7月28日),Fogarty国际中心宣布了一个150万美元的资助计划来资助发展中国家针对慢性病的研究。 +"Daniel suggested the lettuce instead of tobacco to produce insulin, because the low cost of cultivation of lettuce, but also avoid the negative impact of tobacco-related.",丹尼尔提议用莴苣代替烟草来制造胰岛素,因为种植莴苣的成本很低,而且可以避免与烟草相关的负面影响。 +An on-site retail store selling a range of Riviera branded fashion and boating accessories.,现场零售商店出售一系列的具有里维埃拉味的品牌时装和船用设备。 +Set the security officer PIN: Prudent management practice will have the security officer change the security officer PIN immediately after initializing the token.,设置安全性主管 PIN:谨慎的管理实践是让安全性主管在初始化令牌之后立即更改安全性主管 PIN。 +This seagull seems to have its own personal understanding of human’s rules.,看来这只海鸥对于人类的规则有着自己的理解 +Who found the injured Sam Anders after the guerilla bombing in Delphi?,在游击队炸弹袭击戴尔斐之后,谁发现了受伤的山姆·安德斯? +"You can communicate like good feeling with them with ""I'm glad"". So I recommend that you use it a lot.",你可以用“I'm glad”跟他们交流,表示你觉得和他们一起很开心。因此你可以多多使用这个句型。 +"I simply pointed new domain name to old web-site, making my entire web-site duplicate content.",我仅仅只是在原有的网站上增加域名,所以导致了我的整个网站出现重复内容。 +"Jaguar claims the C-X75 can accelerate from zero to 62 mph in 3.4 seconds, while top speed is reportedly 205 mph.",捷豹表示,C-X75可以在3.4秒内从0加速到62迈,最高时速可达205迈。 +"But if the recovery had already eliminated excess capacity they would be in the wrong city, not just the wrong ballpark.",但是如果复苏已经消除过剩产能,则错误之处就不仅是细枝末节而是大前提就错了。 +Guests: Bye-bye.,嘉宾:再见。 +"""Redshift 8.6 is likely to be about as high as we can reach with the current generation of telescopes,"" astrophysicist Michele Trenti, with the University of Colorado in Boulder, told Discovery News.",“8.6的红移值可能是我们使用当代的望远镜所能观测到的最高值,”位于Boulder的科罗拉多大学的天文学家 Michele Trenti告诉探索新闻。 +"Chapter four puts forward, from the aspect of negotiability , the principles and strategies for choosing the source domain.",第四章从协商性的角度,提出了源域选择所需遵循的原则和策略。 +"U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon goes to Burma Thursday, where he plans to visit some of the hardest hit areas of the cyclone-devastated country and meet with the reclusive regime's top leaders.",联合国秘书长潘基文星期四将前往缅甸。 他计划访问那里受强热带风暴影响��严重的一些灾区,并且和这个封闭国家的高层领导人会晤。 +Standard: The Sales & Marketing Meting is to be held at least once every two weeks.,标准: 市场销售会议至少每两个星期举行一次。 +"The new pope's namesake called the world's organisms our ""brother and sister creatures.""",与新教皇同名的圣方济称世界上所有的有机物为“兄弟姐妹”。 +"The office quarterback just handed off a bunch of her assignments to me, AGAIN!",四分卫经理又把她的一堆活派给了我! +"I can see your house from here! - Discover the Assassin's Tomb inside the Torre Grossa. (Bronze, 20G)",我能从这儿看到你的家!——找到格罗萨塔里的刺客之墓。(铜杯,20G) +"It offered her the partridge-berries, the growth of the preceding autumn, but ripening only in the spring, and now red as drops of blood upon the withered leaves.",向她提供了红树浆果,那是去年秋天长出,今年春天才成熟的,此时红得像珠珠血滴,树在枯叶上。 +"Later, the park even gains certain scientific loan and national innovation fund to let the enterprise could go through the bottleneck of the fund with their smart power.",于是,市北高新园区活用各种政策,最终帮助热像机电入孵一年即用一纸订单获得中国银行的订单在押融资,又拿到了一些科技贷款和国家创新基金,让企业凭借实力打通资金瓶颈。 +"It's just like you could say some of the principles of mechanics are very obvious, but to make an engine that operates in terms of those principles is not obvious.","这就像你能说,很多机械原理都显而易见,但是要根据这些原理,制作一个能够运转的发动机,就不那么容易了。" +He could wear a short-sleeved shirt or T-shirt with a long-sleeved cotton or thermal shirt underneath.,他可以里面穿个长袖的棉衬衣或者保暖衬衣,外面再套个短袖的衬衫。 +"Arriving in Georgia two weeks early, she was the only Fulbright fellow on campus, but she made friends quickly, starting by knocking on neighbors’ doors.",她早到佐治亚州两个星期,是校园里唯一的富布赖特学者,于是她去敲邻居的门,很快就交上了朋友。 +"Once upon a time there were four little Rabbits, and their names were Flopsy, Mopsy, Cotton-tail, and Peter.",很久很久以前,有四只小兔子,它们的名字分别叫:佛洛普西、莫普西、棉球尾巴、和彼得。 +"“China has been stricter with GM rice than any other country on any GM crop, ” says Huang Dafang, former director of CAAS’s Biotechnology Research Institute.",“中国对于转基因水稻比其他任何国家的任何转基因作物都更严格,” 中国农业科学院生物技术研究所前任所长黄大昉说。 +"It showed that most of PHPT patients were young or mid- aged, and female patients were somewhat more than male patients.",观察到至目前为止,国内PHPT患者仍以中青年为主,女性略多于男性。 +Nowhere in the world is this idea cultivated except in the rituals of dedication into the higher degrees of the Satanic church.,除了撒殚教会的晋阶祭仪之外,世上没有任何地方会有这种理念。 +The looseness of the confederacy of coders who work on the kernel and other aspects of Linux allow the group to adapt successfully.,致力于 Linux 内核和其他方面工作的编码者之间联系是松散的,这就使得团队可以成功地适应变化。 +The medallions sat perfectly on the openings.,图章能完美的置入孔穴。 +"Art Blakey and the Jazz Messengers performed in Kobe in January that year, and I got a ticket for a birthday present.",那一年﹐我15岁。 艾特和爵士乐使者于一月的时候在神户演奏﹐而我的生日礼物就是入场券。 +"The services of kunpeng international embodies the global integration, positioning the long-term development and the great pattern of aspiring.",“鲲鹏国际”的服务体现了全球一体化,定位于长远发展,志向高远的大格局。 +"""I have instructions from the Kommandantur to settle an officer in this house. He will arrive next Sunday, "" said the major.",“我接到司令官的指令,安排一个军官住在这儿,他下星期天就到,”少校说。 +A micro-vision system was presented to meet the requirements of micromanipulation in the field of bioengineering.,针对生物工程领域显微操作的要求和特点,设计并实现了一个显微视觉系统。 +"The music teacher 30 people, at present ZhengGao title 3, the subtropical high titles 10 people, intermediate title 14 people, reasonable structure, and strength.",音乐系现有在编教师30人,正高职称3人,副高职称10人,中级职称14人,师资结构合理,实力雄厚。 +"Here's a great snack with energy-boosting carbs, in addition to fiber, iron, and vitamin C.",葡萄干是一种小吃,也是一种补充能量的碳水化合物。 +"This review focuses on the application of lipid nanoparticles in the pharmaceuticals, such as anti-tumor, anti-virus, anti-inflammation, immune, antimycotics, diabetes pharmaceuticals and so on.",本文着重介绍脂质纳米粒子在药物中的应用,如抗肿瘤药物、抗病毒药物、抗炎症药物、免疫药物、抗真菌药物、降血糖药物等。 +"For instance, you can see Monopoly in action below.",举个例子,你可以从下图中看到它的典型应用-大富翁。 +"Though a natural phenomenon at a smaller scale, these blooms have recently mushroomed at an alarming rate, fed by nutrients such as phosphorous and nitrogen from agricultural fertilizers and sewage.",尽管这还只是小规模的自然现象,但是赤潮的发展速度非同小可。 赤潮藻类大量繁殖的营养来源主要有两条:化肥和污水。 +"The majority of turbine security system that introduced from abroad adopts no machinery crisis interpeter's design, and realizes super speed trip with eletric installation.",近年来从国外引进的大型汽轮机保安系统大都采用了无机械危急遮断器的设计,超速跳闸是通过电气装置实现的; +"M87 is located 54 million light-years away in the Virgo Cluster, a region of the nearby universe with the highest density of galaxies.",M87离我们5400万光年,位于邻近宇宙中一个相当密集的星系团室女座星系团中(该星系团的中心星系——译注)。 +"Under interrogation on Tuesday, Chen chose not to answer some questions.",在周二的讯问中,对一些问题,陈选择了避而不答。 +"The experiments results show that not only the bonding quality of each interface but the thickness of the first rubber material, e. g. insulation or c…",结果表明,采用该检测方法不仅可以直观地检测各界面的胶接质量,同时还可以检测第一层橡胶材料(如绝热层或包覆层)的厚度。 +"Over 60% of corrupt officials have incurable diseases such as cancers and cerebral hemorrhages, said Hong Shaoguang, a top health care expert from the Ministry of Health.",卫生部健康教育首席专家洪昭光日前指出,60%以上的贪官会得癌症、脑出血等绝症。 +It is one of the prerequisites for the accurate determination of the declination to study the graduated circle all-sidedly and carefully so as to improve the accuracy of the circle reading.,全面仔细地研究度盘,提高度盘读数的精度,是精确测定赤纬的前提之一。 +A woman runs down the giant Sossusvlei sand dunes in Namibia at sunrise. Namibia is the second best value destination on the list.,日出之时,一名妇女奔跑在纳米比亚巨大的索苏维来沙丘之上。纳米比亚位列该名单上最有价值的旅游目的地第二位。 +They're sort of locked in this cosmic struggle.,这点在宇宙的发展过程中基本上没有变。 +Objective To look for an effective method for killing Blattella germanica in storied building.,目的寻找一种适合于有效控制商住楼德国小蠊的方法。 +Jamie was sent back temporarily by the King of kings to give us this message.,吉米被万王之王暂时派回人间,带给我们这个信息。 +"She gathered her belongings and headed to the gate, refusing to look back at the ingrate thief.",她收拾好了行李,走向登机口,根本不想再看一眼那忘恩负义的小偷。 +"Every time quantity weight light, you are thin, heavy said chest is big.",每次量体重,轻了就说自己瘦了,重了就说胸又大了。 +"I remembered that at one point, an abundance of mice will rush out at you, and you can even feel them by the puffs of air at your feet, everyone would be screaming because the feeling is so real.",在电影某一刻,会有很多白鼠从画面中跑出来,其实只是电影院里工作人员在大家脚边放空气,所有的人都开始大喊大叫因为感觉好真。 +"The discovery has many patients to have pushes the plate to swollen prosperously, the same as ever with this result explained that backache's reason, and gives the treatment.",发现有许多病人有推间盘膨隆,故常用此结果来解释艘背痛的原因,并给予治疗。 +When you come to Shengsi next time.,下次来嵊泗。 +"They also have choline, recently in the newsfor its importance in brain function.",特别是胆碱,近年来认为是维持大脑功能的重要物质。 +"According to this cutoff grade, the paper has calculated the ratio of ore and rock while cutoff drawing that provide science fo…",据此计算了截止放矿时的矿岩比,为小官庄矿放矿提供了科学依据。 +"Originally, careful Kotoko found Jiyuan identity in the night before.",原来,细心的琴子于前一晚发现了吉原的身份。 +Test results indicate that the combination of the two can significantly improve recognition accuracy and interpretation of progress for further geological work has laid a good foundation.,通过在包古图地区对提取模型进行验证,结果表明两者相互结合可以大大提高识别精度,为进一步地质工作提供良好的遥感信息。 +"Sometimes we see a more serious, self-reflective side of Mason — the one who started The Point, and now admits he's surprised to see himself in the role of capitalist.",有时,我们会看到他严肃认真、自我反思的一面——那个创办了The Point,如今承认自己意外地已经身处资本家行列的梅森。 +It provides concentrated value. Outstanding content often contains a treasure-trove of value in one place.,优秀的内容经常具有深远的意义。 +FEA method for composite beam bridge is presented by an example of a preflex beam with variable cross-section.,采用了一个变截面预弯梁的例子详细介绍了用有限元计算组合结构桥梁的方法。 +"In this specific case, if the configuration value is minnow and the usage value is casting, a query matching those two values is executed and the results returned.",在这个特定的例子中,如果配方值为 minnow,用法值为 casting,将执行匹配这些值的查询并返回结果。 +"With the acceleration and development of superconducting technology and refrigerating technique, the refrigerator-cooled superconducting system has gone to field application from concept design.",随着超导技术和制冷技术的相互促进和共同发展,制冷机直接冷却的超导磁体系统已从概念设计走向实际应用。 +"In another development, the chief lawyer for Saddam Hussein says Saddam and several other defendants have begun a hunger strike to protest the lack of security for their defense lawyers.",另一方面,萨达姆。侯赛因的首席辩护律师说,萨达姆和七名同案被告开始绝食,抗议他们的辩护律师缺乏安全保障。 +Reading the best authors can cultivate your mind.,阅读精良作品能使你修心养性。 +"Your Honor, I hope I have conveyed with some particularity in my own words, the crimes I committed and the means by which I committed them. Thank you.",法官阁下,但愿我亲口说的这些话能够坦白交待我具有某些特征的各种犯罪,以及我犯罪时所使用的手段。谢谢大家! +"Every team concedes off set plays but we've just got to keep working hard on it, be together and make sure we clear the ball when it comes into our penalty area.",每个球队每场球都要应付定位球,但是我们得继续好好练防守,团结起来,当球飞进禁区时我们得知道我们该做什么。 +"It may take either a three-dimensional form, as in games or virtual worlds, or a two-dimensional form as an icon in Internet forums and other online communities.",这个头像可以是网络游戏或者虚拟世界里三维立体的图像,也可以是网络论坛或社区里常用的二维平面图像。 +Two or more train routes interlinked on the main line shall be able to select and arrange the routes for trains passing-through by pressing the outmost beginning and end buttons.,3正线上相衔接的两条及两条以上的列车进路,通过按压最外方始端和终端按钮应能完成列车通过进路的选排。 +"The gel content in the polymer after breaking emulsion was 96 %, which indicated the polymer system could perfectly crosslink.",将复合乳液破乳后分析,聚合物凝胶量达到96 %以上,说明聚合体系交联很好。 +The Economy Extra introduction on all domestic routes in February 2008.,年 2 月所有国内航线都引入了超级经济舱的服务理念。 +His final design featured a flight suit that can be glimpsed in the cantina sequence of A New Hope.,博斯克在最终设计里穿的飞行服可以在《新的希望》的小酒馆镜头里瞥见。 +"In this thesis, the powertrain parameters optimizing methods and the control strategy of a PHEV have been analysed and studied.",本文以某型PHEV为对象,对其动力系统参数的优化方法及其控制策略进行了分析研究。 +"""Mo-Yuan""is a structure entity that the Pre Qin doctors got by the means of anatomization, they drew this conclusion on the basis of morphology.",“膜原”是先秦医家运用解剖手段,在直视观察下从形态学角度所得到的结构实体。 +"Many scholars have already Study done on the Rectification Movement, the anti-rightist Movement, the ""Great Leap Forward"" and the Socialist education Movement that occurred in the period 1957-1966 .",许多学者已经对发生于1957—1966这一时期的整风运动、反右运动、“大跃进”运动、人民公社化运动、四清运动做过系统研究。 +"Mrs Clare rushed through the dark passage to the door, and her husband came more slowly after her.",克莱尔太太急忙从黑暗的过道走到门口,她的丈夫跟在她的后面,走得慢一些。 +"The Pantoran Chairman, Chi Cho, tagged along, bringing the easily-swayed Senator Riyo Chuchi so he could wield some measure of authority over the Jedi.",潘托拉主席奇·乔也跟着一起去。 为了对绝地有一定的约束,他还带上了意志不坚定的丽尤·丘奇议员。 +"The game follows popular hits such as the Tamagotchi, cyber-pets on hand-held mini-consoles.",这款游戏秉承了其它游戏,如电子鸡和掌上迷你电子宠物的优点。 +Let the mixer knead slowly until the dough comes together.,揉面机慢速揉面直到面粉凝聚在一起。 +"The names of the getter, setter, and deleter are nothing reserved.",setter 和 deleter 的名字没什么特别的约束。 +"This is a fully motion controlled digital kaleidoscope, developed in quartz composer.",这是一个完全的议案,控制数字万花筒,石英作曲家。 +My intestines are full of germs.,想想,我的肠道里遍布细菌! +These two friends were William Coleman and Robert Grace.,这两个朋友就是威廉柯尔孟和罗伯特格来斯。 +"They're considered to be past their peak, but that spells opportunity for Apache, which has a reputation for buying mature fields and boosting their production, said Argus Research analyst Phil Weiss.",阿格斯研究公司(Argus Research)分析师菲尔维斯(Phil Weiss)表示,这些资产已经过了盈利巅峰期,不过对阿帕奇公司意味着机遇,该公司会因购买成熟的油田、提高产量而获得声誉。 +"To solve the above two problems, authors propose a new depth-first algorithm to discover weighted maximal frequent subgraphs only.",为解决上述问题,提出了一种深度优先的挖掘加权最大频繁子图的新算法。 +She would mark them up with check marks and highlights.,她会圈阅我们的读书报告,并且标出里面的精彩部分。 +Some of the best are actually here.,业界一些最好的公司也在这里。 +"SuZhenYuan is his twin brother, ultimately, how he replaced the SuZhenYuan identity?",苏振源则是他的双胞胎哥哥,终究他是怎样取代了苏振源的身份? ? +Component. GetComponents Returns all components of Type type in the GameObject.,在游戏物体上拥有返回式类型的所有组件。 +The effect of complex agent on the electrodeposition of rare earth alloys was studied.,如何使其正移是实现稀土合金电镀的关键。 +The old man went down the road on foot.,那个老男人沿街步行。 +"But Martin turned away, leaving him to tell it to the barkeeper, until that worthy was called away to furnish drinks to two farmers who, coming in, accepted Martin's invitation.",但是马丁已经走开,让他去对着店老板唠叨,直唠叨到那位人物被叫去拿酒——是两个农民进了门,马丁在请他们喝酒。 +Everbody will feel the same as you do at the age of yours.,每个人在你这个年龄都会有这些感受。 +This dropped unresponded leads from 33% to 5%.,这能让不回应销售线索的情况从33%下降到5%。 +"For calls outside changsha , please dail 9 first 0 second and then the area code and number.",要打到长沙以外,请行拔9+0再拔打区号和电话号码。 +"Lastly, several configuration optimization schemes have been put forward based on thefundamental of VCM design.",最后,结合设计VCM应当遵循的原则,提出了若干结构优化设计方案。 +"Winners of the contest were used in a series called ""The Frog Prince. "" But the series was criticized for poor acting and a weak plot.",比赛的获胜者出演了连续剧“青蛙王子”,但这一连续剧被批评缺乏演技和情节。 +"Provide service business training for dealers, improve business process and enhance service ability;",为经销商提供业务培训,改进业务流程,提高服务能力; +"The lights prescribed by these Rules shall, if carried, also be exhibited from sunrise to sunset in restricted visibility and may be exhibited in all other circumstances when it is deemed necessary.",本规则条款所规定的号灯,如已设置,也应在能见度不良的情况下从日出到日落时显示,并可在一切其他认为必要的情况下显示。 +"These questions are: If you have heard from various sources a number of genetically modified food on the negative comments, you will have the contents of which have no doubts?",这些问题分别是:如果您从各种渠道听到了一些关于转基因食物的消极评论,您是否会对其中的内容坚信不疑? +They theorised that adding human-like eyes and facial expressions to robots conveys emotion where viewers do not expect emotion to be present.,他们建立了一个理论,即如果使机器人拥有像人类一样的眼睛和表情,它们就能传递感情,但在观察者的预期中这种感情是不该出现在机器人身上的。 +"Marking exactly six months of peace talks with Colombian government, the Farc lead negotiator Ivan Marquez said that overall progress was being made.",目前正值与哥伦比亚政府6个月和平谈判之际,Farc首席谈判代表伊凡·马奎斯已取得整体进步。 +B: Never mind. I'll give you a hand.,B:不要紧,我来帮你提。 +"And the seed of Israel separated themselves from all strangers, and stood and confessed their sins, and the iniquities of their fathers.",以色列人(注:“人”原文作“种类”)就与一切外邦人离绝,站着承认自己的罪恶和列祖的罪孽。 +"Our company's management idea: Hundred Germany honest is first, hundred friendly letters are the books.",我公司的经营理念:百德诚为先,百善信为本。 +I had to take Meereen or see my children starve along the march.,我必须拿下弥林,否则我的子女们会在行军中饿死。 +"Western at about food, health, in line with the requirements;",西餐讲究分食,在卫生上符合要求; +"Unwrapping the phase, gain the continuity, get the actual phase.",对位相进行模式展开连续性处理,得到实际位相; +"According to The SPR sensor has the much advantage of label-free detection, real-time monitoring, high-sensitivity, non-destructive, non-purified, and without background interference.",基于SPR技术的传感器具有免标记、实时检测、灵敏度高、非破坏性、样品不需要纯化和抗背景干扰等优点。 +"For service clients on other platforms, we had to provide an alternative definition of the interface, which was in the form of documentation of underlying message formats.",我们必须为其他平台上的客户机提供一种备选的接口定义,该定义是以基础消息格式文档的形式出现的。 +"The authors put forward the legislative explanation of the insurance interests in ""Insurance Law"" and their opinions to perfect this explanation.",本文谈及了我国《保险法》对保险利益的立法解释,提出了完善该解释的看法。 +Qinghai surplus labor force; export of labor services; the new rural construction; harmonious development;,青海剩余劳动力; 劳务输出; 新农村建设; 和谐发展; +"The present status, the framework and some applications of the investigation on the superdeformed nuclear states in the scheme of the interacting boson model are described.",概要介绍了超形变核态的相互作用玻色子模型研究的现状、理论框架及一些应用。 +"Parameters design of the power are calculated, the operation ofthe controlling circuits, the protecting circuits and the auxiliary powersupply circuits are analyzed also.",同时,也分析了控制电路、保护电路、辅助电源等部分的工作原理和主要参数设计。 +A coterie of business groups in Washington has weighed in with friend-of-the-court briefs supporting Chevron.,华盛顿商业团体圈通过法庭之友(friend-of-the-court)提交支持意见参与进来声援雪佛龙。 +"In this article, Particle shape of AFM in Lu-zhou flavor liquor was scanned by SFM . Formation of small particles by flavor components and water-ethanol solution was discussed.",本文采用扫描探针显微镜,扫描了浓香型白酒的AFM图的颗粒形态,探讨了呈香呈味物质和乙醇水形成颗粒状微观形态可能。 +"The word Tripitaka is Sanskrit and stands for three baskets, referring to the Buddhist laws of aesthetics.",这个单词来自于梵语,有三层意思,包含着佛教学的美学价值。 +"""Basically, the factors that lead to why diseases stick around, or come back, is because sometimes the germs change a little, "" Weinberg said.",“基本上,这些疾病之所以会一直存在或卷土重来,在于细菌有时候会产生一些变化。” 维恩伯格(Weinberg)说。 +"To China, the shortage of water natural resources already was browbeating severely modernization and people life.",对中国来说,水资源的短缺已严重地威胁着现代化建设和人民生活。 +"The impact of music in Zhang Jie's novels is mainly embodied in the portrait of characters, arrangement of narrative structure, use of language and so on.",音乐对张洁小说的影响主要体现在人物的刻画、环境的渲染、叙述方式的展开、叙述结构的安排,以及语言的运用等方面。 +I've used heeling brush and cloning stamp to remove all blemishes and bigger imperfections on face ( see image 02 ).,我用画笔和克隆倾斜邮票取消所有瑕疵和不完善之处面临更大( 参见图02)。 +But there will be challenges.,但是,挑战依然存在。 +Klebsiella pneumoniae was the most common organism (45%).,克列伯氏菌是最常见之致病菌(45%)。 +"My only comfort, ' she said to Meg, with tears in her eyes, 'is that Mother doesn't take tucks in my dresses whenever I'm naughty, as Maria Park's mother does.",“我唯一的安慰,”她对梅格说,眼中泪光闪闪,”是妈妈不像玛莉亚·帕克的妈妈,她在我淘气玩耍时也不会把我的裙子卷起来。 +Will you come with me to the piano recital?,你要跟我去听钢琴独奏会吗? +Results The content of 2-Undecanone of Herba Houttuyniae should not less than 0.002%.,结果鱼腥草饮片中甲基正壬酮的含量不得少于0.002%。 +The summer house was buried deep in the forest.,那座避暑别墅位于密林深处。 +"The Gateway component, though, does nothing to the request but relay it to the first available Dispatcher in it's configured list of dispatchers.",但 Gateway 组件只是将请求中继到它的已配置调度程序列表中的第一个可用 Dispatcher�� +"In northern Sudan, a large-scale supplementary immunization activity (SIA) began on 15 February with additional campaigns planned for 23 March and again in late-April.",在苏丹北部,一次大规模补充免疫接种活动于2月15日开始,并计划于3月23日以及4月下旬再次开展接种活动。 +The semantic unity and structural stability are the third and forth features of English idioms; the final one is long-lasting vitality.,除了持久的生命力,习用语还有着语义整体性和结构稳定性的特征。 +The party was outlawed during the initial U.S.-run Iraqi administration under Ambassador Paul Bremer and thousands of Ba'ath Party civil servants were purged from the government.,在美国大使布雷默掌管下的初期伊拉克政府取缔了复兴党,数以千计的复兴党文官被清除出政府。 +There are better ways to handle data for various implementation requirements.,可以采用更好地方法处理数据,以满足各种不同的实现要求。 +The present situation of the specific strength of the Chinese elite discus throwers was researched by applying investigation and gray relative analysis.,运用调查法和灰色关联分析,对我国优秀铁饼运动员专项力量素质现状进行了研究。 +"But always it lurked, in the back of my mind.",可它总是潜伏着,时常浮现,出现在我意识中。 +"General Dynamics will lead the WIN-T Increment 3 team that includes Lockheed Martin, BAE Systems and Harris Corporation.",通用动力公司领导的WIN-T增量3团队包括洛克希德马丁公司、BAE系统公司和Harris公司。 +"China said it would hold its highest level talks with Japan in five months, but insisted it would not soften its stance on Japanese Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi's war shrine visits.",中国方面表示起将会在五个月内举行于日本的最高层会谈,但同时也坚持不会放松在孝泉纯一郎首相参拜靖国神社问题上的立场。 +"Some of the homes are yet to be rebuilt, with stacks of bricks and bags of cement further narrowing the dusty alleyways that divide rows of homes.",对一些尚未家园重建,与砖块和水泥包装袋的鸿沟进一步缩小尘土飞扬的小巷家园行栈。 +The host: But one of the products I read about was the bang-free bomb or a bomb that wouldn't make so much of a noise when it exploded.,主持人:但是,我听说有种产品,是一种爆炸时不会发出巨大响声的炸弹。 +Silence never make mistake.,顺乎自然,不出差错。 +"Student: my teacher, I in drawing board to take.",学生:我的画板在教师里,我过来拿。 +"For example, using the information for jumped from the synset whose ID is v01963942, you can display leap, bound, spring.","例如,对 jumped 使用来自 ID 为 v01963942 的 synset 的信息,您可以显示 leap, bound, spring。" +Students should not make educational choices solely on the basis of hoping to achieve a particular migration outcome as the GSM program will continue to change and adapt to Australia's economic needs.,留学生不要仅仅为了达到特定的移民目的而做出教育方面的选择,因为一般技术移民计划会因澳大利亚的经济需求而改变和调整。 +"Neurons are able to adapt to the internal and external environments by adjust their activity level, and show a great variety of rhythms and bifurcations during this process.",神经元可以通过调整自身的活动水平以适应机体内外环境的变化,并在此过程中表现出多样的节律模式和规律的节律转迁过程。 +"This field oriented-training programme, abandoning the traditional class-room teaching style, has proven helpful for motivating the participants' own action.",此以实地为主的培训计划抛弃传统的课室教学方式,激发参与者采取行动,并证明有所帮助。 +They walked on tiptoe across the hot sand.,他们踮着脚走过了滚烫的沙地。 +Any SNMP manager listening for alerts from this appliance on Port 162 will receive a trap for the power failure event.,任何在设备 162 端口监听警报的 SNMP 管理器将收到有关电源错误事件的陷阱。 +SearchRascal - Keep tabs on search result placements.,掌握在搜索结果的位置。 +"The situation is very tense. Unless the government acts very quickly, it will erupt into a tribal war, pitting Kikuyus against the other tribes, "" he said.""",除非政府迅速行动,否则将爆发部落战争,迫使基库尤人攻击其他部落的人。 +"Wooh, Jennifer, that was really cool!",哇,珍妮弗,刚才真的酷呆了! +"Since then, Mei often heard some sound and noise downstairs.But due to her physical disability, she could not go down.",而且从此以后,梅婧总是听到楼下有动静,可是她身体不方便,又不能下楼去看。 +I guess because the Blegburn Dickshonary is cited in several places by the OED it reflects a sense of humor there too.,我猜,由于《牛典》在不同地方多次引用了《布莱克本词典》,所以人们也同样在《牛典���中感受到他的幽默。 +"So with this myth, does everything else become fat too if I don’t use it, like my bones or my wiener?",所以此误区荒谬之处在于,如果不再使用的话,那么别的部位,像是骨头什么的,也会变成脂肪吗? +Objective To study the changes of peripheral dendritic cell ( DC ) level before and after chemotherapy in patients with invasive hydatidiform mole.,目的探讨侵袭葡萄胎患者化疗前后血树突状细胞含量的变化及其临床意义。 +"Its main effective components are permethrin, Bassa and malathion, and it is compounded with synergistic and emulsion and is built by making up the surplus with fluid wax.",其主要采用二氯苯醚菊酯,巴沙,马拉硫磷为有效成分,配以增效剂和乳化剂,并以液状石蜡补足余量进行复配剂。 +U.S. President Barack Obama has hailed the results of the just ended NATO summit on the French-German border.,美国总统奥巴马对在法德边境刚刚结束的北约首脑会议取得的成果表示赞扬。 +A limited edition men's fragrance revival.,此为男性香氛复刻限量版。 +You cannot really expect others to be able to keep up with you for long... Or to really understand what you're talking about at times because you're light-years ahead in certain respects.,你不能指望别人可以长时间跟上你,或者有时完全理解你谈论的东西,因为在某些方面你已经远远超前了。 +"Lee Wan-beom, a fisherman from the county of Muan, told the Korea JoongAng daily that prices for octopus had halved since the government's warning.",来自务安郡的渔民李莞泛(译音)告诉韩国中央日报说,自政府发布警讯以来,章鱼价格已惨跌一半。 +"The underskirt was of heavy contrasting fabric and color, either edged with a wide band of embroidery or band of velvet.",与外裙在 面料和色彩上有着鲜明对比色的里裙带有刺绣宽边或者天鹅绒镶边。 +"They had to look like the real thing: The characters' hair had to move just right, and light had to bounce off objects and produce shadows in precisely the right way.",这些面孔必须看起来像真的一样:人物的头发要移动得刚刚好,光线要从人身上射出丝毫不差的影子; +The article introduces a combined waterproofing system consisting of double sided self-adhered membrane and high polymer sheet.,介绍了一种由双面自粘卷材与高分子卷材组成的复合防水系统; +AB Series Machines are medium duty fillers that are often used in laboratories as automatic pipettors .,机器的中型灌装机是在实验室中经常使用的自动吸移管管理器。 +"The compositions of the minerals and peridotites, especially trace elements of clinopyroxene (Cpx) can well reflect the characteristics of the subcontinental lithospheric mantle (SCLM).",橄榄岩及其中矿物的组成,特别是单斜辉石的微量元素,可以很好的揭示岩石圈地幔性质。 +Phase-locked loop including transmission delay time is an important element in mobile digital communication and time division satellite communication.,含有传播时延的锁相环是移动数字通信系统和时分多址卫星通信系统中的关键部件。 +"I work in a physician department , it is an integrated department including kidney disease, digestion, urinary, nerve medicine department.",我所在的科室是内科,是肾病、消化、泌尿、神经内科于一体的综合型科室。 +"CRT: Acronym for Cathode Ray Tube, the oldest commercial model of televisions and computer monitors.","阴极射线管的缩写, 电视和电脑显示器所使用的最古老商业技术。" +"Fly to China SQ 502 flight has landed safely, please take SQ 502 flight passengers to recount discrepancy machine.",飞往中国SQ 502航班已寂静降落,请乘坐SQ 502班机的搭客前去验票收支机。 +Dr. Pippin told me there's a good reason all the other 150-plus medical schools in the country don't use animals in surgical education: There are better ways to teach surgery.,Pippin 告诉我,全国超过150家学校之所以不用活体动物作外科手术教学,是因为他们有很合理的理由:有更好的方法做外科手术教学啊。 +N-amyl aldehyde is a main raw material in the synthesis of methyl dihydrojasmonate fragrance.,正戊醛是合成香料双氢茉莉酮酸甲酯的重要原料。 +The paper introduces the way to calculate the pit elevation of borrow pits by computer.,介绍一种运用计算机程序预求大堤所对应取土坑坑底高程的方法。 +Learn tips on the curl ups exercise for your workout in this free video clip.,在袅袅的UPS为您的学习技巧运动锻炼在这个自由的视频剪辑。 +"To show our gratitude for our partners' coordination with us to create value jointly in the past thirty years, our conference makes special opportunity to express our thanks.",为感谢各合作夥伴过往30年与我们携手同心、价值共创,大会特别安排了感谢环节。 +This section contains actual and practice exams for the course. The make-up exam was given to students who were unable to take the normally scheduled exam.,本篇含有本课程之实际及练习考试。补充测验是为那些无法在一般计画时间来考试的学生所设计。 +"But near the east limb, the boundary toward the limb is more diffuse, and that toward the center is sharper.",但当它在东边缘附近时,向边缘的本影-半影边界较弥散,另一边的较清晰。 +"In the present days of computer era, technologies of 3D-suface acquisition are becoming more popular and have been used in many fields, such as model design, automation and manufacturing.",在计算机技术高度发展的今天,三维立体的几何造型技术已被制造业广泛应用于工模具的设计、方案评审,自动化加工制造及管理维护等各方面。 +The Cathedral’s gardens and dependencies6 are very open and connected to the city as an extension of Oakland’s Cartesian urban grid.,教堂的花园和其他附属建筑非常开阔,它们作为奥克兰笛卡尔坐标式城市布局的延伸而与城市相连接。 +"When you view an abstract expressionist canvas, time is in your control.",面对一张抽象表现主义的绘画时,时间是由你掌握的。 +Whether to divide the financial companies or mix them becomes a question that we must face under the open condition of finance in our country.,分业经营还是混业经营在我国金融开放的条件下成为一个必须正视的问题。 +"SAM: No, I can't. The rent you have to pay is too high.",没有,租金太贵了 你知道,我的一个朋友能帮你找到房间。 +"Enforcement is also a continuing issue, according to Wu Ming, a professor of public health at Peking University.",北京大学公共卫生学院教授吴明说,执法也是一件需要常抓不懈的工作。 +A new process for extracting arachidonic acid from algae is designed.,设计了一种从藻类提取花生四烯酸的新工艺过程。 +"The result was a four-chip system, based around the Intel 4004 microprocessor.",最终的成果是一个基于英特尔4004微处理器的四芯片系统。 +"Dam area city is a sepcial type of the city, which has not been systematically studied.",坝区城市是一种尚未引起人们关注的城市类型,至今没有学者进行系统研究。 +Ginger: She said you sprained your wing. She fixed it.,金杰:她说你扭伤了翅膀,是她给你治疗的。 +A vibrant community of motorcyclists quickly grew.,一个活跃的摩托车爱好者社区迅速成长。 +"furniture foams) and nylon (e.g. ropes, stockings).",甲苯用于制造聚氨酯(如家具泡沫)和尼龙(如绳,袜子)。 +Objective To explore the relationship of HBV-HEV superinfection and hepatitis aggravation.,目的为探讨慢性乙型肝炎重叠戊肝病毒( HEV) 感染与肝炎重症化的关系。 +A total of 243 perinatal period autopsies involved in medical tangle in the Pathology Department of Changhai Hospital during 1979 to 2001 were retrospectively reviewed.,回顾性分析涉及医疗纠纷的243例围产儿尸检资料,整理尸体解剖记录、尸检结果和相关病历资料,总结其常见死亡原因及医疗纠纷的发生原因。 +"If your child can hold up their head, they can probably wear a helmet just fine and are ready for riding.",如果你的小孩能够支撑起自己的头,他们也能戴一副用于骑车的头盔。 +"Reaming bolt connection part, should be in accordance with the provisions of the tolerance hole, in the hinge hole bolt connection, can't change.",铰制孔螺栓连接部分,应按图样规定的公差铰孔后,在用铰制孔用螺栓连接,不能随意更改。 +"After more than a hundred years' petroleum exploration, it's difficult to find high abundance, high porosity and permeability reserves.",历经一百多年的油气勘探开发,发现或探明高丰度、高孔渗油气藏的几率越来越小。 +"So from Aug. 16 to 31, guests can get a ""Survivor Package"" that charges them less for each amenity they give up.",于是,从八月16-31日期间,客人们能享有一种“生存者套餐”的机会,即:每放弃一件客房舒适品,就能够获得减价。 +This is particularly stand out in the prefectures and municipals in Western areas.,这在西部地区的州市一级尤其如此。 +"Dr Tony Falconer, the president-elect of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, said the WHO's advice had no basis in evidence and women should not worry about time limits.",即将就任的皇家妇产科医师学院的院长Tony Falconer医生说世卫组织的建议无从根据,而女性不应担心时间限制。 +"According to the characteristics of rotating fingers, we should first know and master the basic skills and requirements of the movement of fingers;",按照轮指演奏的特点,首先要了解并准确掌握轮指时手指运动的基本要领和要求; +"In China, civil procedure law cant classify the necessary jointer, but the procedure theorists think that are two kinds of necessary joint actions.",我国法律对必要共同诉讼未作进一步的分类,同时立法和理论都认为必要共同诉讼包括两种类型。 +"In a sort of post-apocalyptic turn, drum sequences worm in andout, slightly off-beat from the throbbing melodies that persistthroughout, leaving the listener with a haunting resonance.",在某种富有后启示意味的转折处,鼓机序列淡入淡出,轻微的不规则节拍由持续的跳跃旋律处传来,会使听者产生某种萦绕于心的共鸣感。 +"The part of Moses was for a long time played by John Garang, the founder of the Sudanese People's Liberation Army and its political wing, the Sudanese People's Liberation Movement (SPLA/SPLM).",摩西的角色很长时间里由约翰?加朗担任,他是苏丹人民解放军(苏人解)及其政治派别苏丹人民解放运动(苏人运)的创始人。 +EducationUSA centers are backed by the U.S. Department of State and serve as your official source of information.,美国教育咨询中心得到美国国务院的支持,是正式的信息来源。 +All the economic and sociological doctrines of Marx and all his interpretations of history have been conclusively disproved.,从结局上看,马克思所有的经济与社会学说,及其对历史的诠释,已经被证明是不正确的了。 +"There are many innovative and explore skills in Wu Jianren's novels, but also some new novel type, which make contribution to the modernization of the Chinese novel.",吴趼人的小说不仅在小说技巧方面进行了较多的创新和探索,同时还开创了新的小说类型,为中国小说的近代化做出了自己的努力。 +"For example, many farmers spray chemicals on crops to kill weeds and insects.",例如,许多农场主朝庄稼喷撒化学物质以杀死野草和昆虫。 +The ironic outcome of the billions the United States has spent rebuilding the Iraqi military and police is that its security forces are now the best-organized and most-competent institutions in Iraq.,令人啼笑皆非的是,美国政府花费几十亿美金打造了伊拉克军队和警察部队,这些部队现如今都是纪律严明,能征善战的。 +"Article 27. In any one of the following circumstances, an anti-dumping investigation shall be terminated and such termination shall be published by MOFCOM",第二十七条有下列情形之一的,反倾销调查应当终止,并由商务部予以公告:? +Mount Kinabalu is the highest mountain in Southeast Asia.,基纳巴卢山是东南亚最高的山。 +"The characters in the subject, the open dialogue in the structures of the ""trilogy"" underlines the charm of the polyphonic art.","三部曲"中人物的主体性、结构的对话性和开放性彰显了复调艺术的魅力。 +"Books of literature, art, humanities and philosophy are in rows in antique furniture which puts emphasis on both senses of history and art, as well as in clean and simple white check bookcases.",历史气息和文艺腔调并重的古董家具,清新简约的白格子书架上面,是一排排关 于文学、艺术、人文、哲学类的图书。 +Methods 56 cases of the acute intraoperative encephalocele in craniocerebral injury patients were analyzed retrospectively recently 3 years.,方法回顾性分析了我院近3年收治的56例颅脑损伤术中急性脑膨出病例。 +But sometimes it's nice not to know exactly where you are.,但有时不知道准确的方向却更有趣。 +"Methods:Bicalutamide was prepared from 4-cyano-3-(trifluoromethyl) aniline and 2-methylacryloyl chloride by four steps: acylation, cyclization, substitution, and oxidization.",方法:以3-三氟甲基- 4- 氰基苯胺和2- 甲基丙烯酰氯为起始原料经过酰化、 环氧化、取代和氧化四步反应合成比卡鲁胺。 +"It's very much like the role of the NFL head office (which is also a non-profit), and its relationship to NFL teams.",它类似于全美橄榄球联盟总部(也是一个非盈利组织),与全美橄榄球队的关系。 +"In this case, a sender might encrypt the message using the receiver's public key, but only the receiver has the secret key that is used to decrypt the message.",在这种情况下,发送方可能会使用接收方的公钥对消息加密,但是只有接收方拥有用于对消息解密的秘钥。 +The lice are yellow-grey in colour and use their crab-like claws to grip hair strands.,虱子是黄色的,灰色的颜色和使用他们的螃蟹般的爪子抓头发。 +All of these activities affect one of the greatest direct threats to health security: outbreaks of emerging and epidemic-prone diseases.,所有上述活动都作用于对卫生安全的一个最大直接威胁:新出现和易流行疾病的暴发。 +"That is, how many different possible configurations of all those molecules there would be for a particular state.","这里的无序程度表示在一个宏观状态下,微观的分子到底具有多少微观状态。" +"In the remaining months, only isolated red tides were recorded. Deep Water Bay was the commonest location of red tide during the year.",在两个高锋期以外的其它月份,只有零星的红潮纪录,而深水湾是全年录得最多红潮报告的地点。 +"There was concern that the inclusion of this could be seen as discriminatory, such as to those with a serious illness or disability.",有人担心这些条件在某种意义上来说是对那些有严重疾病或残疾人的歧视。 +The Sphinx is a must for most foreign visitors to Egypt.,大多数外国游客在埃及必看的景点就是人面狮身像。 +"Comic Relief, yeah, it happens every year",喜剧救助会,是的,每年都要举办。 +"He hurt his foot badly and called: ""Hey, Bill, I've hurt my foot.""",他的脚受了重伤,喊了起来:“嘿,比尔,我的脚扭伤了。” +"At the same time, Dong Lan's Chinese chestnut industry has advantage over the others in producing and processing in China.",也看到了东兰县板栗业与世界板栗业的差距。 +Both figures show the four levels of the example process.,两个图都显示了示例流程的四个级别。 +"Squat humanoids native to Gehenna. They appear male, but are actually sexless , being more construct than creature since they are created by divine magic.",焦炎地狱的土产类人生物,貌似男性,实则无性;由于他们是由神术所创造出来的,故与生物相比、更像是构装物。 +"Signed from Charlton Athletic in the summer, Shelvey has been around Liverpool's squad ever since Hodgson came to the club and he revealed the manager has been a constant source of encouragement.",今夏签自查尔顿的谢尔维在霍奇森来到球队后始终在一线队中,并且长期受到教练的信任和鼓舞。 +"Based on the formula, we can determine the cell service ratio and the number of the servers which curbs the average cell delay and the cell loss ratio in the permissive range.",由已经得到的公式,可以确定将平均时延及丢包率控制在所允许的范围的服务率和服务台数。 +"Fujian Xinglong Knitting Co. , Ltd. , established in 1994, is engaged in the designing, production, dyeing and finishing of lace (spandex lace, elastic lace).",福建兴隆针纺有限公司创建于1994年,是集花边设计、生产、染整为一体的企业(氨纶花边、弹力花边)。 +The girl devilled her parents for a new computer.,这小女孩缠着父母要一台新电脑。 +"But in a classic college town, the social life is usually limited to fraternity parties, local bars or coffeehouses.",但在传统的校园中,社交生活依然局限在联谊会、当地酒吧咖啡店这样的地方。 +Liquidity of stock is also an important part of capital market micro-structure theories.,股票流动性是资本市场微观结构理论的重要组成部分。 +"From a French manager, I learnt that caring about people should succeed caring about work;",比如说,从一个法籍经理那里我学会了如何关怀员工从而更好地促进他们的工作; +"Space shuttle Atlantis is scheduled to launch in late August carrying a solar array, batteries and a truss segment of the station.",“亚特兰迪斯号”航天飞机将于八月底携带一块太阳能电池板,蓄电池组和一批太空物资发射升空。 +"Based on earlier finds, scientists had theorized the species had a relatively large brain.",根据之前的研究,科学家们推断这种动物应该拥有相对大的大脑。 +Objective: To study the compound Tanshen tablet for its overall quality assessment.,目的:全面评价复方丹参片等复方丹参制剂的质量。 +"Old amber texture, color uniform, quality moist, mellow patina, rustic heritage. Positive cut embossed floral pattern, sophisticated technology, cut system neat, worth collecting.",老琥珀质地,色匀净,质温润,包浆淳厚,气韵古朴。正面琢有浮雕花卉纹,工艺精细,琢制规整,值得收藏。 +"In this tutorial segment we'll look at a few ways you can customize controls, and then close out by polishing up the user interface of our Digg application using these techniques.",在这篇教程里,我们将看一下你可以定制控件的几种方式,然后在结尾使用这些技术对我们的Digg应用的用户界面润色一下。 +"Receptionist: Of course, it will. Please follow the attendant into the massage parlor.",接待: 肯定的。请跟服务生去按摩室吧。 +"And David called for Zadok and Abiathar the priests, and for the Levites, for Uriel, Asaiah, and Joel, Shemaiah, and Eliel, and Amminadab",大卫将祭司撒督和亚比亚他,并利未人乌列,亚帅雅,约珥,示玛雅,以列,亚米拿达召来 +"The first pitfall to be avoided is functional decomposition, a problem that stems from a variety of behaviors.",首先要避免的陷阱是功能分解,一个源自行为多样化的问题。 +"Even so, the morning newscast from Pyongyang's official broadcaster seemed to emphasize that the elder Kim retains his grip on power, devoting its first seven minutes to praising him.",即便如此,平壤官方媒���早间新闻中,播音员似乎着重强调了金正日保留其权位这一事实,用了7分钟时间来赞扬他们的最高领袖。 +My bet is that's certainly one of a number of changes that takes place as well as the others and more that I mentioned.,我认为同时发生的还有许多我提到的或者未提到的变化,而新神经元的生成只是其中之一。 +"And given that the technology is still evolving, 'people are becoming more cautious right now in terms of not flooding the market too early with first-generation products, ' Mr. Hazimeh says.",哈兹梅说,由于技术仍在不断发展之中,人们现在变得更加谨慎,不希望过早用第一代产品充斥市场。 +"Together with the server-side components, transactional synchronization can happen when networks and target parties are available.",通过与服务端组件相结合,当网络和目标方可用时可以实现事务同步。 +"Yet, despite every effort to separate them, conducted by a blind scholastic pedantry, politics has remained indissolubly intertwined with every other form of philosophical inquiry.",然而,尽管盲目的学究风气使出浑身解数想将哲学与政治分开,政治依旧与所有哲学研究难分难舍地交织在一起。 +Space is at a premium in this building.,在这个建筑物里场地面积十分昂贵。 +A really good thing to do actually is you can get a boat,其实真正好玩的事情是,你可以弄到一艘船, +"I feel, the life is all the sweet and bitter experiences mutually intertexture, the pleased the funeral music of hands over to remit mutually, then can attain the mind sublimate.",我觉得,人生酸甜苦辣相交织,喜怒哀乐相交汇,方能达到心灵的升华。 +Excavation braced by cantilever double-row piles is simulated by ABAQUS. Duncan-Chang constitutive model is used for the soil and the tangential module is settled to increase with the depth.,采用大型有限元通用软件ABAQUS对双排桩支护的深基坑开挖进行模拟。 +"The self- psychology of strengthening university students adjust and control, optimize individual psychological quality, raise the educational result.",加强大学生的自我调控能力等,以此来提高大学生的心理素质,提高教育效果。 +"The customs will examine, check and register varieties, quantities and amounts of goods declared and put into such warehouses.",海关对报关入仓货物的品种、数量、金额等进行审核、核注和登记。 +"After talking things over with his mother, Jackson has decided he probably wouldn't like picking up garbage or make enough money to buy the Phillies.",跟他的母亲谈过之后,杰克逊决定他可能不喜欢收垃圾或挣足够的钱买费城人队。 +"Make no mistake about it, what we’re witnessing here is a catastrophe on multiple levels.",不要在此问题上犯错误了,我们现在见证的是一场多层次的灾难。 +The TCP/IP monitor receives the Web service request and routes the message to the same endpoint on port 9080.,TCP/IP 监视器接收 Web 服务请求,并将消息路由到端口 9080 上的同一端点。 +Jincheng Jincheng City are the original counties (cities) as part of a long history and goes back to ancient times.,晋城市城区是原晋城县(市)的一部分,历史悠久,源远流长。 +"trend in women's migration, said the study by Daniele Belanger of the University of Western Ontario University.",这项由加拿大西安大略大学的丹尼尔•贝朗格开展的研究称,这一现象在十几年前就开始出现,甚至催生了一股明显的女性移民潮。 +"To the far distance, mist shrouded the earth, like a layer of white yarn, indistinct, only to see a few bare branches open white bud.",往远处望去,薄雾笼罩着大地,像层白纱,隐隐约约,只看见几棵光秃秃的树枝上开着洁白花蕾。 +"But before that dog had even tried to hunt, the OECD, a rich-country think-tank, released a widely reported assessment of the outlook for the world's seven biggest economies.",辩解之辞话音未落,经济合作与发展组织这个发达国家的智囊团就已经大范围的公布了(范围宽广的)评估报告,对象是世界前七位国家的经济预期。 +Sutras' Cartoon in the Caves is the ancestor of modern cartoon. This is a unique art created by Chinese artiest.,经变图可以说是现代漫画的鼻祖,是中国独创的佛教艺术。 +"Professor Geraint Rees, from UCL, who led the research, said little is understood about the impact of social networks on the brain, which has led to speculation the internet is somehow bad for us.",领导这项研究的伦敦大学学院的杰兰特里斯教授说,社交网络对大脑有何影响,对这个问题人们知之甚少,却产生了因特网在某种程度上对我们是有害的猜想。 +"Of all the knights of Europe, the Normans are the most renowned.",精英类型:封建兵种欧洲所有骑士中,诺曼骑士无疑最为威名赫赫。 +"The new features include a holographic windowed thread, coloured fluorescent fibres and a highlight watermark showing the number '1000'.",新防伪特征包括全息开窗式保安线、颜色荧光纤维,以及清楚显示“1000”银码的高透光度水印。 +His research points to the attitudes both parties bring to the relationship.,在研究中,戈特曼指出双方可带入彼此关系的态度。 +"The positive cell were distributed separately, scatteredly or focally.",阳性细胞呈单个、散在或灶性、小片状分布。 +ObjectiveTo offer a reference for clinical image diagnose and establish a study method for computer rebuilding of bone orbit.,目的探讨骨性眼眶计算机三维重建方法,为眼眶病治疗和临床影像学诊断提供参考数据。 +From a hook in one of her nostrils hangs a flower that is carved out of a pearl.,其中一个鼻孔的壁上挂着一枚小钩子,悬一朵珍珠雕成的小花。 +Don't make things but reader-first ecru quality creates pure living standards.,不事张扬却处处体现本色的品质创造纯粹生活标准。 +"However, with the increasing research cost but few improvement in disaster research, many units have stepped out of the Disaster Recovery field of study.",但是,日积月累的高昂研究费用和不见起色的灾难研究,很多单位又相继步出了灾备研究领域。 +Today a machinist in Massachusetts is using his own cells to grow a new thumb after he lost part of his in an accident .,马萨诸塞州的一名机械工由于在事故中切掉了一截大拇指,此刻正在利用自己的细胞进行手指再生。 +She is a good tennis player.,她是一个好的网球手。 +A black horse was on the inside track at the start of the race.,赛马一开始,一匹黑马便一马当先,冲到内圈。 +Many are being resettled far from their homes and given low-grade farmland;,许多人将在远离家乡的地方获得贫瘠的土地。 +He bustled her to enter the house.,他催她快进屋子。 +Ambac said it agreed to pay $2.6 billion in cash and $2 billion in new surplus notes to several counterparties on collateralized debt obligations based on asset-backed securities.,"Ambac表示,该公司同意支付26亿美元现金,以及20亿美元的新盈馀票据(surplus note)给数家交易对手,以解决有关基于有资产担保的证券(ABS)的担保债务凭证(CDO)." +Organic dye-stuffs contain very rich and varied colours.,有机染料的颜色非常丰富。 +"When you were courting, did you talk for hours about current events or the meaning of life?",恋爱的时候,你们有没有花大把的时间来谈论时事或者探究生命的意义? +"The factory is specialized in producing and fixture, thermal and non-target integrated mechanical and electrical automation equipment, medical equipment and professional equipment manufacturers;",并且本厂是专业生产夹具、治具、非标的机电一体自动化设备、医疗设备及器械的专业厂家; +"The Special instruments to eliminate welding stress, high-precision machining planer ensure the precision and no deformation.",专用仪器消除焊接应力, 高精度刨床加工, 不变形、精度有保证。 +Many said 'no comment' and some organisa- tions even made threats about their names being mentioned in our book.,也有许多人总是说“无可奉告”,更有甚者威胁我们,不允许在书中出现他们的名字。 +We cannot endure another day of this sickness and shelling.,我们无法忍受又一天的疾病和躲藏。 +"AIM:To evaluate the state of vascular nervous lesion in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus(DM) after treated with maleate cinepazide, and evaluate the effect of the medicine.",目的:观察马来酸桂哌齐特治疗2型糖尿病血管神经病变后的病情变化,评价该药在2型糖尿病血管神经病变治疗中的效果。 +"Of course, after you recreate the fault, the instructions for doing so make an excellent addition to the unit test script so that you can catch regressions in future releases.",当然,重新生成错误后,将在单元测试脚本中记录下这些操作的说明,以便在将来的版本中实现回归。 +"The Pyramids at Giza, and indeed other such power nodes & sacred sites were built precisely on such vector point-coordinates. That is why they are still revered.",吉萨金字塔,当然还有其他的能量节点及其神圣之地都处在这样的方向协调点上,这就是为什么它们令人敬畏的原因。 +Do you associate with pleasure seekers or are you surrounded by complainers and moaners?,你是与寻求快乐的人在一起,还是被满腹怨言与牢骚的人所包围? +"Presently he's the painter of Shenzhou Art Academy, member of China Calligrapher and Painter Association.",现为神洲画院画师,中国书画家协会会员。 +"We involved the entire party in the discussion , and , not surprisingly, everyone over 40 expressed great displeasure at being first-named by people whose first names they didn't even know.",我们涉及了讨论中的整个会议,并不惊���,每一个年过40的人表示对每一个他们并不认识的他的名字的人直称自己的名字非常不满。 +"This paper analyzes and studies the characteristics of antenna of ground-based phased array radar system, beam scanning space, beam position determination and gain variation with beam space.",本文从地基相控阵雷达系统的天线特性、天线扫描空间、波位划分及波束增益空域变化等方面进行了分析和研究。仿真图片体现了相控阵天线的空域扫描特点。 +"Section Chief, Party Secretary, Gansu Province, QingYang City, XiFeng District, GuangSha New Village, xxx Section.",做名片请给翻译一下、“局长、党委书记、甘肃省庆阳市西峰区… +"For a relaxing getaway, grab a taxi or mini-bus to Taganga, a laid-back oceanside hamlet ringed by a horseshoe-shaped canopy of lush green hills.",想远离人群轻松一下的话,可以打的士或面的前往塔干戛,这是一个慵懒闲适的海边小村庄,茂盛翠绿的小山丘形成一个马蹄状的顶篷环绕在周围。 +The feasibility of preparing super-fine CaCO3 powder by an improved carbonation method was studied.,研究了利用改进的碳化法合成超细球形碳酸钙的可行性。 +"Summing up his creative experience, we can carry on his fine heritage and enrich our melody composition.",总结他的创作经验,可以继承这份优秀遗产,丰富我们的旋律写作手法。 +The community structure was basically reasonable and Picea classifolia population was a steady one.,群落结构基本合理,青海云杉呈稳定型种群。 +"Legitimacy of taxation concerns not only legitimacy of the state political power, but also of taxation system and its function.",税收合法性不仅事关国家政治权力的合法性,而且也事关国家税收制度的合法性以及国家税收职能的实现。 +"The primary level has only a few in 10, and the vast majority are foreign school, hockey training and participate in inter-school competitions.",基层方面只有为数不多于十间,且绝大部份属外籍学校,有曲棍球训练并参加校际比赛。 +Owen & Mzee :the true story of a remarkable friendship.,一对超级好朋友的温馨故事。 +Results:The index of liver could be decreased by compound Trigonella foenum-graecum. L at middle and high dosages in rats(P<0.01).,结果:与模型组比较,复方胡芦巴中、高剂量能显著降低肝指数(P<0.01); +"We are fortunate that it is, because building new educational systems there and putting enough people through them to improve economic performance would require two or three generations.",我们庆幸这个传统观点的确是错误的,因为创立新的教育体制,让足够多的人接受教育以推动经济发展需要两代或三代人来完成。 +Let Fan Bingbing sun drying moisture coup of her bar!,现在就让范冰冰晒晒她的保湿妙计吧! +Tom Cleverley confirmed as much after partnering the 35-year-old to great effect during United's friendly victory over Philadelphia Union.,汤姆。克里夫利在战胜费城联队的比赛中与这位35岁的球员搭档之后这样说。 +1g This one had a weight of 1.1 g.,物体一的原重量为1。 +The classic blog has evolved and developed several sub-categories. One of the sub-categories gaining more recognition is blog communities.,经典的博客已经发展出好几个系列,其中之一就是获得越来越多认同的博客社区。 +"Test your spacial and logic skills in this addicting puzzle game. 3-D Logic looks very similar to a Rubik's Cube, but it is a very different game.",测试您的空间和逻辑技能,在这上瘾的益智游戏。 的3 D的逻辑看起来非常相似,一个魔方,但它是一个非常不同的游戏。 +Objective:To explore the prevention and treatment of skin flap necrosis after modified radical mastectomy.,目的:探讨防治乳腺癌改良根治术后大块皮瓣坏死的理想方法。 +"In order to realize the lofty goal, we are always working very hard, YUANGXING's success and Your dedication, We welcome you to join with us, Let us create a better tomorrow together !",远星人为了实现这个崇高的目标,一直在努力,远星的成功,有您的奉献,远星人敞开怀抱欢迎您的加入,让我们一起共创远星更美好的明天! +"The touching of the Lady's lip touches us in other ways as well though, at least in this lecture, because we remember that unfortunate, that horrifying image of the lip that Milton had noted in the commonplace book.","碰触女士的嘴唇也在其他方面感动了我们,至少在这一讲中,因为我们记得那不幸的,充满畏惧的嘴唇的形象,那是弥尔顿在笔记中提到的。" +She sees both at-risk and average-risk patients at her free clinic in Philadelphia and says all of them should be offered HIV testing.,她在费城一家免费诊所里收治高危的和一般危险的病人,她说他们都应该接受艾滋病检测。 +"Conclusion: The experiment results indicated that the Brucellin is a new type high purity, good quality and easy standardization diagnostic preparation for Brucellosis.",结论:实验研究结果显示,该制品为纯度高、质量好、易标化的新型布氏菌病诊断制剂。 +"In order to stay competitive, they make profit margins as low as 2% to 3%, says Yang Chunmei, a toy manufacturer in the southeast Jiangxu province.",江苏玩具制造商杨春梅(音译)说,为了保持竞争力,玩具厂商都把利润率控制在2%到3%这个区间内。 +"At the Tent of Meeting the Gershonites were responsible for the care of the tabernacle and tent, its coverings, the curtain at the entrance to the Tent of Meeting","革顺的子孙在会幕中所要看守的,就是帐幕和罩棚,并罩棚的盖与会幕的门帘" +This is a disaster rocking the whole country with tens of thousands of victims. The resources of the whole country should be mobilized .,这场大灾难震撼全国,数万人遇难,整个国家的资源都应动员起来救灾。 +The Venusians welcomed the Martians with open arms.,金星上的女人们张开双臂迎接他们的到来。 +"'GPS jamming has become an acute threat to armed forces operating in the modern battle arena,' says Kent Jacobson, vice president of BAE Systems' Sensor Integration business in Austin.",GPS干扰台已经变成陆海空三军在现代战场上作战的较大威胁。 +"In the cash method of accounting, income is not counted unless the company receives cash/check payment for the goods sold.",当使用收付实现制时,公司只有在收到现金或支票时才予以确认已售商品的收入。 +"Yet none of them was ""like Moses, "" who spoke ""face to face"" with God (Exodus 33:11).",然而,他们没有一人「像摩西」与神「面对面」说话(出埃及记33:11)。 +The modification of the magnetic moments can be adjusted by the valence electron control.,磁矩的大小,可利用调整价电子的方式来控制。 +A fixing device and an image forming apparatus having the fixing device are provided.,要约本发明提供一种定影装置和一种具有该定影装置的成像设备。 +"Lore has it that there are really three Trinities : red, green and white.",传说三位一体阿尔卑斯山真的有三种颜色:红色、绿色和白色。 +"Bigert& Bergström is an art duo from Stockholm, Sweden. Lars Bergström was born in 1962, and Mats Bigert in 1965. The collective's works range from new media, science, and cinema.",来自瑞典斯德哥尔摩的双人创作团体,生于1962年的柏格隆与1965年的毕杰,创作领域跨足新媒体、科学与电影。 +We collapsed at a shaded table overlooking the Nile and asked the waiter to introduce us to a man called “Captain Washington.”,我们走到阴凉处的一张餐桌前,瘫坐了下来,这儿能俯瞰尼罗河,我们请侍者为我们引见了一个叫做“华盛顿船长”的人。 +Once he tried to lighten the numb darkness and weariness and horror within him by thinking of his home; but he could not remember what sunlight looked like or his mother's face.,他曾经想到家,希望能以此驱散胸中郁积的已麻木的黑暗、疲劳和恐惧,但是他却记不起阳光的感觉也记不起他妈妈的脸。 +"Kate: : Yeah, but he still won't say no to you. Besides, you could even ask Casper if you wanted to.",凯特:是的,不过他不会拒绝你的。此外,你还可以让凯斯帕干嘛翑。 +The established HPLC method can be used in the determination of voriconazole content in human serum.,实验建立的HPLC方法可以用于血清样本中的伏立康唑含量检测。 +China's code is now on par with similar codes in seismically active areas of the world.,中国现在施行的标准与世界其他地震活跃地区施行的标准基本一致。 +"It is threingestedned by a re's world, in which emerging powers are p'spably doing much better than the established economies of the west.",但在新兴国家显露昭着好于东方老牌经济体的新世界中,全球化受到威胁。 +But Cameron just looked up when the door opened and frowned.,可卡默伦只是在门开的那会儿略一抬头,皱了皱眉头。 +"But Love Keeps Going's story is very interesting, I will cry just by looking at the script!",但是美乐故事真的很精采,我光看剧本就哭了! +"Now, he wants to use money from the program to help restart the market for securities based on consumer credit.",目前,他希望利用该计划资金来帮助激活基于消费品信用贷款的证券市场。 +Babbitt and Arrowsmith can be regarded as two stories of two different protagonists-a businessman and a medical research scientist-at the same social background with two different endings.,《巴比特》和《阿罗史密斯》可以看作是在同一个社会背景下发生在不同的两个人物身上的不同的故事及不同结局。 +So it has to expose the participant service (P-2pc).,因此它必须提供参与服务( P-2pc )。 +"Trekking an average 18 miles a day, they had even undertaken a 500-mile diversion to the Vatican to try to gain a personal blessing from the Pope for their pilgrimage.",他们平均每天艰苦跋涉18英里,在这种情况下还绕道500英里走到梵蒂冈,希望能从教皇本人那里得到对他们朝圣的祝福。 +"One reason for the preponderance of young apparatchiks is common to other high-pressure professions—management consultancy, say, or parts of the civil service.",年轻党政成员优势的原因与其他高压力职业是有共同点的,例如管理咨询或公务员部分。 +"As with the Customer class, adding a step would simplify the pointcut.",与 Customer 类一样,增加这一步会简化这个切入点。 +Effects of EGCG and Zn(superscript 2+) on absorption of zinc and cadmium in PC-3 cells were detected by Flame Atomic Absorption Spectrometry (AAS) assay;,采用原子吸收光谱法(AAS)研究了锌离子及EGCG共存对PC-3细胞锌、镉离子吸收的影响; +Lack of portlet portability and the associated vendor lock-in deterred businesses from buying portal servers.,缺少 portlet 可移植性和相关厂商的锁定阻止企业购买门户服务器。 +Smoke was pouring from the chimney.,烟不断从烟囱里冒出来。 +"In the Han Dynasty (206 B.C.-A.D. 220), agriculture, handicrafts and commerce were well developed.",汉代,农业、手工业、商业都有了极大的发展。 +"When lock contention occurs, priority boosting and synchronization-queue management is done in kernel space.",当发生锁争用时,在内核空间中进行优先级提高和同步队列管理。 +The Contessa works at Stuttgart resumed production of Ikonta and Nettar film cameras.,斯图加特的康提莎工厂又开始生产伊康塔和尼塔尔胶片相机了。 +According to Fleming it is the first time a work of non-fiction has been up for the award.,弗莱明表示,这是非小说类作品首次获得该奖提名。 +Unparalleled in modern art and classical philosophy combined to create the best service for you.,无与伦比的古典艺术和现代理念相结合,为您创造最佳服务。 +"One amphibian species, the Kihansi spray toad (Nectophrynoides asperginis), has been moved from the IUCN's Critically Endangered list and is considered Extinct in the Wild.",有一种叫做奇罕西喷雾蟾蜍(Kihansi spray toad)的两栖类动物已经从IUCN的严重濒危名录上删除,因为IUCN认为它已经在野外灭绝。 +Waxy wheat is one important content of the wheat heredity and breeding research nowadays.,糯小麦的研究已成为当前小麦遗传育种的重要内容之一。 +Multi-sensor combination is designed to improve the accuracy and fault tolerance of the navigation system.,多传感器组合是提高导航系统定位精度和增强系统容错性的有效手段。 +Paying tax is the obligation of citizens Author: No. 2 Miyun Primary …,依法纳税,是每一个公民的义务密云二小 六(8)班 王海洋 指导教师: 六… +Ultrafineness of water-dispersed antimony-doped tin dioxide powder used for transparent conductive paints is very important to its study and applications.,如何使用作透明导电涂料的掺锑二氧化锡超细粉高度分散是一个重要问题。 +Methods The current related literatures were reviewed.,方法复习相关文献。 +"All right. It's 12:05, so why don't you go ahead and take 10 more seconds on the clicker question today.","好,现在已经,12:05,了,请大家,花十秒钟的时间做一下今天的选择题吧。" +The raison d'être of entities was to offer a consistent view of inconsistent file systems.,引入实体是为提供了不同文件系统的一致视图。 +"And he exerciseth all the power of the first beast before him, and causeth the earth and them which dwell therein to worship the first beast, whose deadly wound was healed.",他在头一个兽面前,施行头一个兽所有的权柄。 并且叫地和住在地上的人,拜那死伤医好的头一个兽。 +"Matching facilities: Hardbound, the furniture is complete, wide band, natural gas, cookware, water heater, wired, color television.",配套设施: 精装,家具齐全,宽带,天然气,灶具,热水器,有线,彩电。 +I like to go shrimp fishing in the summer.,我喜欢在暑假时钓虾。 +"In this paper, the traditional method of financial management shortcomings and inconvenience, Design a computer-based network for the proposed enterprise financial management systems thinking.",本文研究分析了传统财务管理方法中的种种不足与不便之处,提出为企业设计一个基于计算机网络财务管理系统的思想。 +"Energy-guzzling factories that are shut down, in many cases, can't be immediately offset by low-carbon industries that are still in their nascent stage.",在许多情况下,因为低耗能产业现在正处于初级起步阶段,所以也不能抵消关闭高耗能工厂的代价。 +"Where any new veterinary drug applied for falls within a biological product , inspections shall be made on the relevant seed virus, if necessary.",���请的新兽药属于生物制品的,必要时,应对有关种毒进行检验。 +"When Peter Welch, Persident of Cussons Polska and Uroda SA, arrived at Cussons' newly acquired factory in Poland in 1993, he discovered that the concept of teamwork didn't exist.",1993年,当卡森波兰公司和乌诺达股份有限公司总裁彼得?维奇刚到在波兰新并购的工厂时,他发现那儿根本不存在团队合作的概念。 +"First, faces are found, which can be deleted by the principle of view dependent LOD model simplification.",通过视相关LOD模型简化原理找出能删除的面片; +"This is reasonable, since the contact-coil impedance is in series with the control circuit to LO isolation impedance. (i. e. , the power supply).",由于“触点-线圈”阻抗是和连接到LO隔离阻抗的控制电路(也就上说电源)相串联的,所以这样做是合理的。 +"In 1982, Xu enrolled in the provincial shooting team of Anhui, and two years later in 1984, he started his sports career in the national team.",1982年,他加入了安徽省射击队。两年后,也就是1984年他开始了在国家队的运动员生涯。 +Accordion-style design lies flat instantly and folds up into a small package quickly and easily.,手风琴式的设计在于平立即和折叠成小包装,快速,轻松地。 +"For a nation long fixated on the perils of social instability, the rising unemployment that would come from such a scenario could be exceedingly problematic.",对于一个长期受困于社会不稳定问题的国家来说,经济下滑导致失业率上升将使事情更加棘手。 +"Fog on the Essex marshes, fog on the Kentish heights.",雾笼罩着厄色克斯郡的沼泽,雾笼罩着肯德郡的高地。 +Democracy starting from dale begins to take rationality and moves from a utopian pure democracy to an experiential consultative democracy.,民主从达尔开始具有了合理性,从乌托邦的纯粹民主步向了经验的协商民主。 +"Then this paper proposed a user-defined template based on the minimum enclosing rectangle(MER) to complete the finally orientation, and found the center of the eyes using the area.",根据眼睛的构造提出了一种基于最小外接矩形的自定义模板来实现眼睛的最终定位并利用区域质心标定出了眼睛区域的中心位置。 +All us students are up in arms at the news the school is raising our tuition ten percent.,这句话的意思是:“当我们学生听到学校要提高百分之十的学费时,我们都火冒三丈。” +"I’m attracted to you so strongly, scientists will have to develop a fifth fundamental force.",我是如此强烈地被你吸引着,科学家将要开发第五种基本动力了。 +What unique collections might patrons want to view through a mobile-friendly interface?,哪些独有的馆藏可能会被用户通过对移动设备界面友好的程序访问? +"Used primarily for hysteria amnesia, multiple personalities, and various physical barriers.",主要运用于癔症性遗忘,多重人格和各种躯体障碍。 +Bbe loving to those who love you.,爱那些爱着你的人。 +"From the reality of Huibei's socio-economic and rural development, we analyzed the present situation and the main legal issues using qualitative method.",并从湖北省社会经济及农村发展的实际出发,运用定性分析法对湖北省农村劳动力转移就业的现状和存在的主要法律问题进行了分析。 +"So to love God is even more difficult, without seeing Him, without knowing His bounties.",所以去爱上帝更加的困难,看不到他,不知道他的慷慨。 +The predicaments of the integrated facticity should be particularly noticed.,整体真实要求面临的困境,尤须引起特别的关注。 +The spatial structure of the heat pollution in Jing Cheng city has been investigated. Finally. some useful results are concluded.,通过对晋城市热污染的研究,得出了一些有益的结论。 +"The selected disc is being copied to a DVD. This operation may take a long time, depending on data size and drive speed.",即将把选中的碟片复制到DVD。此操作可能要花长一点的时间,具体取决于数据大小和写入速度。 +"The palaeoclimate with self characteristics in this area is the same as that in the adjacent areas, which belong to the northwestern edge of eastern monsoon.",该区的古气候演化与同处于我国东部季风西北边缘的相邻地区有一定的可比性,也具有自身的区域特色。 +This becomes more viable in areas of the world that are developing and do not have the basic amenities.,对于世界上那些不具备基本基础设施的发展中国家,这一行为变得更加可行。 +The development process and application prospects of LED in navigation mark field are introduced.,介绍LED在航标领域的发展过程及应用前景。 +You can still do that at a restaurant. Everyone goes out to eat together.,那么上馆子的话也可以呀。全家一起去馆子里吃。 +"Similarly, in IBM's AIX operating system TrueType fonts are not automatically installed if your system is installed and configured using English by default.",类似地,在 IBM 的 AIX 的操作系统中,如果默认使用英语安装和配置系统,TrueType 字体也不会自动安装。 +Kublai held him prisoner until he died two years later.,忽必烈于他,直到他死囚犯两年后。 +"Micro-fine, hairline scratches can often be removed by hand using a non-abrasive paint cleaner or swirl remover polish.",细小的划痕,发线类划痕通常可用漆面清洁剂或去除划痕剂即可清除。 +"According to life form, it divided autumn ornamental plants into four categories: timber, shrub, herb and vine.",从生活型方面,将秋季观赏植物分为乔木类、灌木类、草本类和藤本类。 +"Like the sun, it was thought to be a perfect heavenly body and, as you probably know, it was Galileo though -the Tuscan artist, the Italian astronomer 0 -who disproved just that assumption in 1610 when he published the Sidereus Nuncius .","正如太阳那样,它被认为是完美的天体,也是伽利略,-那个托斯卡纳大师,意大利的天文学家,-他驳斥了1610年的假设0,在他出版的那本中。" +"Family members (parents, spouse or children) of foreigners in the above-listed four categories.",上述四类人员的父母、配偶及子女。 +Instant Menaces or Instant Messengers?,速食速食传话或威胁?。 +"The result of research is that in 1993-2003 the growth of Chinese construction industry TFP is due to technical progress, but reduction of technology efficiency gives a negative impact to it;",研究表明,1993-2003年中国建筑业TFP的增长主要得益于建筑业技术进步水平的提高,而技术效率的下降对其产生了负面影响; +"While we're at it, very few jobs are interested in fostering your self-expression or helping you find yourself.",既然我们谈这事,极少的工作有兴趣引导你自我表达或助你发现自我。更少数的导至自我实现。 +"And of course, any political movement that tries to bring us together-- people together says--uses a family metaphor.","当然,任何政治行动,想把人们团结起来-,就会把人们称为一家人。" +Copying notes that contain articulations no longer duplicates the articulation in the Articulation Selection dialog box in the default music font.,抄写音符其不再含有说话的复制在缺省的音乐字体中说话选择对话盒中说话。 +"The energy your home consumes with you in it through the use of electronics and lights can be substituted with spending time out on the town, or congregating with friends.",在这段时间里,与其大用电器电灯消耗家里的电,倒不到镇上逛逛,或和朋友外出聚会。 +Northern European skied to hund for food.,在欧洲北部是通过滑雪来打猎。 +"Of course, it would be a significant amount of work for the programmer to have to redefine all of the standard utility classes -- such as Hashtable and List -- just to be able to use generic types.",当然,程序员若只是为了能使用泛型类型而必须重新定义所有的标准实用程序类(比如 Hashtable 和 List )的话,则可能会是一项浩大的工程。 +"Buffett bought perpetual preferred shares and warrants to purchase 134,831,460 shares of GE at $22.25 a share, above the closing price that day of $19.89.",巴菲特也购买了通用电气的永续优先股、以及用每股22.25美元的价格购买后者134,831,460股股票的认股权证,这一购股价高于交易达成当天通用电气19.89美元的股价。 +"Each kind of emotion except family love can be compared to kites. Once flied when your hands became loose, they flied away, never turn back.",除了亲情,任何感情都像风筝一样,一旦你的手松掉了,他们就飞走了,再也不会回来。 +Objective Application the chinese medical science treatment psoriasis for acupuncture point with catgut-embedding therapy.,目的 应用中医穴位羊肠线埋藏疗法治疗银屑病。 +I don't know what happened. She is bleeding.,我不知道发生了什么事。她正在流血。 +The exact computing formulas for the normal chord length and the set angle of the gear tooth micrometer callipers have been derived here.,本文导出了法向弦长和公法线千分尺安置角的精确计算公式。 +"To Russia, where natural and ultimately, to taste the black bread and caviar.",到了俄罗斯,自然少不了要尝一尝那里的黑面包和鱼子酱。 +"With recent progress of fabrication techniques for nanostructures, many types of single-electron transistors have been fabricated.",随微细加工技术的发展,单电子晶体管的研究越来越受到重视。 +This WORDS AND THEIR STORIES program was written by Jeri Watson. I'm Susan Clark.,杰里沃森写这句话和他们的故事方案。我苏珊克拉克。 +Will it be sending peace-keeping troops to Libya or exerting more pressure on Gaddafi regime?,是否会向利派遣维和部队或对卡扎菲政权施加更大压力? +"E. S. L. enables students to learn to speak, read, and write English quickly and well. FAA also offers co-curricular opportunities, including Climbing, Surfing, Skateboarding and morel!",学校给学生提供很多的课外活动机会,包括冠军争霸赛,航空,骑马,潜水,武术,攀岩,冲浪,滑板等等。 +A 68 percent reduction in vertebral fractures (4.8 percent absolute risk reduction). The incidence of new spine fractures was 2.3 percent with Prolia vs. 7.2 percent with placebo;,脊柱椎体骨折降低68%(绝对风险降低4.8%)。给药组普罗利亚的新脊柱椎体骨折发生率为2.3%,而安慰剂对照组的新脊柱椎体骨折发生率为7.2%。 +Moratinos emphasized that this should be achieved through negotiation.,莫拉蒂诺斯强调应该通过谈判来达到这个目标。 +"Ginger, said professor mainly for couples and parents of contradictions and both sides of husband and wife to cognitive and the contradictions of the marital property.",姜教授说,主要表现为夫妻与父母的矛盾和夫妻双方认知和应对上的矛盾。 +"We got lost without the GPS, and by the time we got there, Cassandra's friends had already left.",因为没有了GPS,我们迷了路。 当我们最终赶到那里时,卡桑德拉的朋友们都已经离开了。 +"But long-term since, indian economy growth is slow, and show show a periodic rise and falling to fluctuate.",但是长期以来,印度经济增长缓慢,且呈现出周期性的起伏波动。 +Olivette serves modern American cuisine with a Mediterranean twist.,强烈泛光灯提供地中海捻现代美国菜。 +Upright ministers wanted to but failed to think of a way to get rid of him.,正直的大臣们都想除掉他,但又苦于无好计可施。 收藏。 +"Some interpretation mistakes are in the work Collation and Annotation of Zhang Kejiu's Collective Works written by Lu Weifeng and Yang Lian, which affect the correct understanding of Zhang's works.",吕薇芬、杨镰合著的《张可久集校注》,在注释上存在误注、漏注等疏失,从而影响了对张氏作品的深入解读甚或误读。 +"Individuals of the species can live past 40, so this nesting bird may have witnessed a change in view.",通常一只信天翁可以活到40岁,因此这种巢居鸟类可以纵观相当一段时期的风云变幻。 +One challenge in enforcing quarantines is that the threat of detention encourages some people to evade detection.,实施医学隔离的一大困难是,由于接受隔离者要被限制行动自由,因此一些人会逃避隔离。 +KIA declined to comment. BofA said that discussions on the CCB stake were always ongoing.,科威特投资局拒绝置评。美国银行表示,出售中国建行股份的谈判从未中断过。 +and being still and quieting the mind,然后保持平静和心灵的安静 +Zygomycetes resemble the other two classes in this group but have nonmotile spores.,接合 菌 与其它两纲相似,但它的孢子不会动。 +It is impossible to say simply for the fun and exercise: bumoon getting question of prestige come to the forefronts.,没有可能仅仅为了娱乐或陶冶而疏通:一旦有了问题,对于英雄本色。 +"Billy will wear a special jersey for the occasion that is initialled with the letter M… M for Milan, the team of his life.",在那个特殊时刻,他将身着一件以M开头的特殊球衣,M代表米兰,代表这支他一生效力的球队。 +"As you can see, we include a sequence number (""seq_num"") along with attributes of the plaintext message (here it's called ""TLSCompressed"").",也许你已经看到,我们加入了一个序列号(“seq_num”)和明文消息(这里被称为TLSCompressed)的一些其他属性。 +"The display frame is made up of the first frame, at least one fixed spindle and the second frame.",该显示器框架是由一第一框架、至少一固定转轴及一第二框架所构成。 +"It lists the top 10 states for well-being as Utah, Louisiana, Colorado, Minnesota, Wyoming, Hawaii, Arizona, Delaware, Florida and Nevada.",它列举了前10位幸福感强的地区,包括犹他,路易斯安纳,科罗拉多,明尼苏达,怀俄明,夏威夷,亚利桑那,特拉华,佛罗里达和内华达。 +"After experimenting the result to is see fit to accept, carry on the interview towards producing the factory, the product that insures to acquire the marking of UL meets the related UL safety request.",在实验结果被认为可以接受后,对生产工厂进行访问,确保获得UL标志的产品符合相关的UL安全要求。 +"The set consists of a microcomputer, a CRT display, a printer, a cassette recorder and a discharge panel.",试验台由微型计算机,CRT显示器,打印机,盒式磁带机和放电柜组成。它能按照四种基本放电方式进行试验。 +The Ministry of Defence has purchased a further 37 Mastiff machines to add to the fleet of 277 vehicles it has ordered from the MRAP builder since 2006.,英国国防部已经购买了37台Mastiff车辆��加入到从2006年开始向MRAP建造者订购的277辆汽车车队中。 +"The manipulation and the construction related to translation and power can never be overemphasized alone, and neither of them can be neglected, either.",作者认为不能单独过于强调权力操控翻译、翻译构建权力的任何一面,也不能对其视而不见。 +"""The vuvuzela is a tradition in South Africa, it makes a happy sound, "" she said.",“呜呜祖拉是南非的传统,它是快乐的声音”,她最后说。 +"And as the years went by they grew very close, even though they could never touch.",光阴流逝,他们彼此愈加靠近了, 虽然他们知道彼此永远无法相拥。 +Femoral lateral arcs are parabolas.,股骨内侧弧的曲线是抛物线。 +"The main viewpoints on the root shoot qualitative relations are morphological equilibrium, determining by environment and functional equilibrium.",反映根冠定性关系的主要观点有,形态平衡论、环境决定论和功能均衡论。 +"Instead of turning out cheap products, less-polluting factories will increasingly be pushing out high-quality electronics and auto supply parts and the like.",廉价产品制造厂将被越来越多的低污染工厂所取代,推出高级电子产品和汽车零部件等产品。 +"1980s, along with the debate of ""in 1844 Economic Philosophy Draft manuscript"", LI Ze-hou's practical aesthetics deepens unceasingly;",80年代,随着《1844年经济学—哲学手稿》的论争,李泽厚实践论美学不断深化; +"Speaking after Saturday's 3 - 1 win over West Brom , Arsène Wenger says that he expects Francesc Fabregas to be fit for Wednesday's Champions League match with Villarreal.",在周六阿森纳3:1战胜西布罗姆维奇后,温格说他希望法布雷加斯能够参加周三对比利亚雷亚尔的冠军联赛。 +"His model eliminated one corner of each diamond, then sorted the 64 possible three-nucleotide codons into chemically related groups.",伽莫夫在每一个菱形中,删除其中一角的核苷酸,并将这64组由三个核苷酸组成的密码子,依化学特性分成几个类组。 +One aspect of the Beatles that I personally enjoy is the sounds of their recordings.,披头士乐队让我个人喜欢的一面是他们录音的音响效果。 +"If the agent ran successfully, the log will look as shown in figure 8.",如果代理运行成功,日志将如图 8 中所示。 +"Can calm down at the time of meeting a problem of thinking, be unlikely to fluster.",在碰到问题地时分,可以沉着地考虑,不至于惊慌失措。 +"Come on, okay, come on this is for all womankind. Let's kill them!",这场比赛是为了所有的女人,咱们要痛宰他们! +"He could have died, but he ultimately survived with the help of an iPhone first-aid app that taught him to treat his wounds.",本来他很可能没命,但他却在iPhone里一款野外急救软件的指导下自行处理伤口,最终幸免于难。 +"The phenolic acids used were vanillic acid, vanillin and P-hydroxy benzoic acids for studying the effects of phenolic acids on the growth and activities of protective enzymes of muskmelon.",以嫁接在云南黑籽南瓜砧木上的伽师甜瓜为试材,探讨香草酸、香草醛和对-羟基苯甲酸为代表的酚酸类物质对嫁接伽师瓜植株和保护酶活性的影响。 +The inn poems the in Tang Dynasty head for vulgarization with the joint efforts of the above factors.,在上述因素作用下,唐人馆驿诗走向俗化。 +And these are kind of need in the kids.,这对于孩子们来说是很有必要的。 +"Wang junwork strange night stir among nine sister and four xi, broke their iii marriage, night dogs dont believe in marriage, what day scold wang junwork scaremongering.",王俊怪夜犬搅在九妹和四喜中间,坏了他们的三世姻缘,夜犬却不相信什么天定姻缘,骂王俊妖言惑众。 +Conclusion:The registration method of picking-up eigenvector and fast coordinate transformation is more applicable to register the dataset of digitized visible human.,结论:采用特征提取和快速坐标变换的配准方法可较好地应用于数字化可视人数据集的图像配准。 +The vacuum degassing furnace is used primarily for refining the high value-added steel grades such as U71Mn and XL72A.,VD真空精炼炉主要是用来生产重轨、钢帘线等高附加值的钢种。 +Thing enslavement of capitalist society refers to the phenomenon of people arranged by capital and enslaved by things in capitalist society.,资本主义社会的物役性是指在资本主义社会里人受资本支配、物奴役人的现象,是资本主义异化的结果,是人与物的关系颠倒的表现。 +The hull movement through the water will cause pressure distortion around the ship.,舰船航行时在其下方附近产生水压场。 +"How to identify: They eat together, sleep together and launder together, but don’t socialize with anyone else to prevent any jealous fights while traveling.",识别雷达: 他们一起吃饭,一起睡觉,一起洗衣服,不跟其他任何人交往,似乎是要杜绝旅途中的任何吃醋战。 +The gentleman values three things in the Way:he modifies his appearance and manner so as to keep away from rudeness and impudence;,君子所看重的仁道守则有三项:容貌庄严,就避免了粗悖傲慢; +Lonza Group encourages all users to bookmark this page and check it occasionally for updates.,龙沙集团鼓励所有用户收藏此页并不时点击查看更新。 +The basketball must hit the floor at least three-quarters of the distance to your receiver.,篮球击地的位置至少要在两人距离的3/4处。 +"Huanhuan everywhere one visit, The ocean overflows 2008 rightnesses of enthusiasms of worlds in Beijing.",欢欢所到之处弥漫着北京2008对全国的热情。 +"Past 300, the Outland-exclusive gems can be ""cut"" into gems that can be added to socketable equipment.",超过300, 外域独有的宝石可以被切割成镶嵌宝石用于强化装备。 +"Under the leadership of Party, Shenzhen and other special economic zone created modernization, industialization and urbanization.",排云直上,风鹏正举。 在党的坚强领导下,深圳等经济特区创造了工业化、现代化、城市化发展史上的奇迹。 +How to apply the materiality concept during audit.,如何在审计中运用重要性概念; +"An Account object, for example, maintains a balance and contains a mechanism for crediting to/debiting from that balance.",例如,帐户对象保持收支平衡并且包含平衡中的借贷机制。 +"He is a novelist, poet, children's writer, critic, editor and essayist.",他是一个小说家,诗人,儿童作家,评论家,编辑和论文集作者。 +"Sales have more than that, the core of the Department of big business customers a better position to control the majority.",销售人数更多,对大企业客户部的核心能更好地控制多数。 +"The Åland Islands, off the southwestern coast, are under Finnish sovereignty while enjoying extensive autonomy.",远离西南海岸线的Aland群岛为芬兰所统治,但是拥有广泛的自治权。 +This benefits the acceptance of the reader and the integrity of heroic image.,这有利于读者的接受和英雄形象的完整。 +"“The Web sites look professional,” he says.“And some of them even offer customer support through call centers in India.",“网站看起来非常专业”,他说:“其中有些甚至通过印度的呼叫中心来提供客户支持”。 +"We stopped at one particularly imposing custom-home still under construction, wondering about the future occupants. Where did this wealth come from?",我们停在一个仍在建设中的特别强加定制主页,如果这样做的财富从何而来? +"Which is why, to a greater or lesser extent, all F1 cars are set up with an oversteer characteristic.",这就是为什么所有的F1赛车都在不同程度上被设置成具有过多转向特性。 +""" And furthermore, the apostle warns his brethren that ""the mystery of iniquity doth already work.",使徒保罗接着进一步警告他的弟兄们说:“那不法的隐意已经发动了。” +"Based on the assumptions of small deformation and simple load, an analytical model of cylinder shallow shell is constructed, and the curve direction spring-back after trimming are given theoretically.",以矩形柱面扁壳为模型,从小变形、简单加载的前提条件出发,推导了矩形柱面扁壳切边后曲面方向回弹的理论解。 +"The task force is also very interested in considering Internet privacy issues, she said.","特别事务组还将积极考虑因特网隐私问题。 夏纳表示,美国""高度关注保护全球因特网上的隐私及信息资讯,特别是中国最近提出的一些案例""。" +"You should be comfortable with basic SQL statements, understand basic XML semantics, and understand the basic concepts of object relational mapping, although this tutorial won't be covering that.",虽然本教程不会涵盖这些内容,但是您必须熟悉基本的 SQL 语句,了解基本的 XML 语义,并且了解对象关系映射的基本概念。 +"As far as I know, HPLC is recruiting employees cosmically . How would you think a company to attract people and keep them?",据我所知,泛亚龙腾纸业正在大规模招聘人才,那么您觉得企业应如何吸引人才,留住人才呢? +"As a business platform, Second Life provided a place for IBMers from across the world to meet, socialize, and make new business connections.",IBM 使用 Second Life 作为业务平台,来自世界各地的 IBM 人员在这里会面、交流和建立新的业务联系。 +The aisle was wide enough for only one person.,这走道宽得只能够容一人走。 +Two doubles were employed for this scene.,拍这个场面雇用了两个替角。 +"People with asthma may produce too much nitric oxide, exhaled in the breath, while smokers produce high levels of carbon monoxide.",哮喘病人可产生过多的一氧化氮,随呼吸呼出体外,而吸烟者的一氧化碳水平较高。 +"In this paper, SYN-flooding, as an instance of flooding-attack, is used to illustrate the anomaly detection mechanism.",本文以检测SYN洪流攻击为实例详细阐述了异常检测机制。 +"Standing beneath he could hear it shudder in the wind, as though it were a lute string tight-cinched on some celestial peg.",站在下面,他能听到它在风中轻颤,就象是紧系在天际钉子上的琵琶弦。 +"In streaming transfer mode, the receiver can begin to process the message before it is completely delivered.",在流传输模式中,不必等到消息全部传递完,接收方便可以开始处理该消息。 +"Duan Chenggang, the head of CNOOC's South-East Sumatra operation, says a lot of countries are looking at the ASEAN market as a source for abundant resources.",中海油东南苏门答腊公司的总裁段成刚称,许多国家都认为东盟市场具有丰富的资源。 +"Thus, we pursued HIF-1 as a central component of cardioprotection by ischemic preconditioning.",因此,我们把HIF-1作为缺血预处理心脏保护中的核心成分继续追踪。 +He left his work half-done .,他把工作只干了半截儿。 +"We're going to find a shoe that not only is designed to be camouflaged in a desert, but also has been called by God, and is right this moment finding holy reconciliation in the desert?",我们不仅要去寻找一个为沙漠而设计的具有迷彩保护作用的鞋子,而且也是在寻找上苍的感召,可是,此时此刻在这荒漠之中想要言听计从,这适合吗? +They suffer only 1/2 damage from cold- and fire-based attacks.,冷或者火基攻击只能对他们造成一半伤害。 +"In the study, researchers measured the brain activity of 47 participants who had pairs of Samsung cell phones strapped to their heads, one on each side.",研究员在一项研究中对47名参与者的脑部活动进行了测评,这些参与者的头部两侧分别绑有一部三星品牌手机。 +The problems of real-time 3D visualization and its stability of dynamic graph are advanced.,提出动态图的实时三维可视化及其稳定性的问题。 +"Mother Teresa was a Nobel Peace Prize-winning nun who died in 1997, and was beatified by Pope John Paul II in 2003 at the Vatican.",1997年,荣获诺贝尔和平奖的德雷莎修女逝世,并于2003年在梵蒂冈由教宗若望保禄二世行宣福礼。 +He said the president wouldn't have to focus exclusively on the destruction caused by the bomb.,汤崎英彦说,奥巴马不必只盯着原子弹给广岛带来的破坏。 +"The Canarinhas have never failed to qualify for a FIFA Women's World Cup, whether at senior or youth level, and have also been ever-present at the Olympic Football Tournaments.",她们从未在国际足联女足世界杯的预选赛上失利,无论在成年还是青年比赛重,每次都在奥林匹克比赛中出赛。 +"When supplementary characters are involved, a supplementary is counted as two UTF-16 code units using CODEUNITS16, or one UTF-32 code unit using CODEUNITS32.",使用增补字符时,对于一个增补字符,使用 CODEUNITS16 计算是两个 UTF-16 代码单元,而使用 CODEUNITS32 计算则是一个 UTF-32 代码单元。 +"They are the ones who refuse to be typecast but instead break convention by embracing a variety of roles, sometimes simultaneously, more often consecutively.",他们是一群拒绝定型的人,一群乐于体验各种角色(有时是同时体验不同角色,更多的时候是先后体验)以打破常规的人。 +"For Matt, saving money in London clearly has an element of fun and challenge to it.",对马特来说,要在伦敦这个地方省下钱来显然是一件乐趣与挑战并存的事情。 +"The error accumulation of inertial navigation system can be restrained via OD, however, OD scale factor error has remarkable effect on the positioning precision.",利用里程仪可以抑制惯导的误差积累,但里程仪刻度系数误差对组合系统的定位精度影响很大,必须对其进行校正。 +"It has a photo of Mr. Wen holding up a schoolchild’s dusty backpack and white sneaker while atop rubble, and one of him crouching and looking at rescue workers digging in a hole.",有一张照片上,温总理站在废墟上,手里拿着一个孩子沾满灰尘的书包和一只遗失的白球鞋。 另外一张,他正蹲在废墟上看着救援人员挖出幸存者。 +"This is best explained with an example, so let's continue with the Defect example we started above.",这里用一个例子做了最好的解释,因此让我们继续利用我们上面开始的缺陷例子。 +It also calculates the recycling period of the auxiliary equipment for the variable flow operation.,同时分析了变流量运行时附加设备的回收期。 +"Furthermore, to comprehend the procuratorial power, we should distinguish procuratorial power, public indictment power, investigation power of taking advantage of one's office crimes.",此外,要准确理解检察权属性,还必须正确厘清其与��律监督权、公诉权、职务犯罪侦查权之间的具体关系。 +Me and the girls just call him the Hombre man.,我们女生都叫他“原野奇侠”。 +"Bartz said she would ""dive deep"" into Yahoo in the next few weeks to learn more about its operations, and will look to Yang, the board and employees to ""jump-start my education.""","Bartz表示,她会在未来几周了解探索雅虎,明白其运作,也将请教杨致远、董事和员工寻求启发." +"In life, I think honesty and dishonesty are more graspable and humane.",在生活中,诚实与不诚实更加易于理解,也更人性化。 +Read on for advice from job-search experts and learn how to save the day -- and when you should walk away。,读读以下专家的意见----怎样转危为安? 何时该明智的选择离开? +A single fertile field tilled with care and imagination can probably develop all the instincts of an educated man.,培养人才,就像耕种土地。 当我们带着关怀和想象力来耕种一块肥沃的土地时,也就是教育一个天资不错的孩子时,可能就能够激发这名受教育者所有的潜能。 +These tiny temptations are being marketed as a way for diners to consume fewer calories while still satisfying their sweet tooth.,这种“甜蜜的诱惑”有助于在帮消费者解决“ 馋虫”的同时,避免摄入过多的热量,在市场推广中极具竞争力。 +He surfed her car to force her stop the car when she drove off.,她驾车离开时他趴在她的车顶上,以迫使她停下车来。 +Objectives To survey mental health of community inmates.,目的调查社区服刑人员的心理健康状况。 +I sus that he won't come tonight.,我猜,他今天晚上来不了啦。 +"The escape shaft is about 622 meters deep, and it takes almost an hour for each rescue.",救援被困工 人的竖井深度大约622米,每救一个人需要1小时左右。 +"This article analysed the Iimitation of the method of disaster situation grade measurement and improved it, in order to make it more perfect.",本文分析了马宗晋提出的灾度等级判别方法的局限性,并对其进行了改进,从而使其更趋于完善。 +The life because of bustles about changes more and more enriches;,生活因忙碌而变得越来越充实; +"The OSO has shed new light on the relation between solar flares, winds, and sun radiation.",日全食轨道观测卫星捕捉到新的日全食光照,太阳风,太阳辐射物之间的联系流动光线。 +"ust tell them to be more careful, ?Kenny finally muttered.",最后,肯尼咕哝着说,让那个小子再小心一点。 +"Have the courage to pursue your dreams, inspire yourself with great ideals, and motivate yourself with high spirits.",敢于追逐梦想,用崇高的理想激励自己,用昂扬的斗志鼓舞自己。 +This afternoon just before the training and in the presence of the whole squad the striker was rewarded by Adriano Galliani with a special plate for the occasion.,今天下午训练前,加利亚尼在全队面前授予他一个特制的纪念奖盘。 +"On the whole, the utilizations that the red soil microbe utilized polymer carbon sources especially tween 40 and tween 80, were at a high level.",总体上,红壤微生物对聚合物类碳源,尤其是对其中的吐温40和吐温80的利用率较高。 +"Finally, at the end of the day, as they are waiting for the bus , the boy walks over to Susie and whispers , ""You did that on purpose, didn't you ? """,终于,这一天结束了,孩子们正在等车,男孩子走到苏茜面前小声说:“你是故意那么做的,是吧?” +"The utility model discloses an automatic unginned cotton feeding machine, which is a cotton processing machine, and which is the improvement of the prior art.",本实用新型公开了一种自动籽棉取喂机,是一种棉花加工机械,是对已有技术的改进。 +It was observed the red-shift of LSP resonance wavelength and the field enhancement due to the mirror image in the substrate.,这是可观察到的LSP共振波长和现场增强由于基底镜像。 +"Barcoo gives consumers access to a brand’s social, ethical and environmental profile by scanning the barcode of a potential purchase.",通过对产品的条形码扫描,Barcoo提供消费者商品的社会、道德和环境信息。 +And then there are particular notes for the different parts of the poem.,然后还有对诗的不同部分的详细注释。 +"Replacing the steam turbines of nuclear power plants with Stirling engines might simplify the plant, yield greater efficiency, and reduce the radioactive by-products.",取代了蒸汽涡轮机的核电厂与斯特林发动机可以简化工厂,产量更高的效率,并减少放射性产品。 +The points where the corners of the eyelids and of the lips meet are also called commissures.,眼角和嘴角的连结解剖学上也叫连合。 +"Zou Meng , Don't run in the classroom .",上课铃声响了,邹猛一溜烟跑进教室。 +"Hate on it all you want, Joel Comm gets the last laugh.",你怎么��厌这个程序都行,但乔·康(Joel Comm)是笑到最后的人。 +"The power input connector on the switch has two dedicated alarm circuit connections that can be wired to any warning device, such as a PLC or pilot light .",转换器中的功率输入连接器有两个专门的告警电路接线,可以连接任何报警装置,例如PLC或者标灯。 +"Chen:Hello, Mary! What can I do for you?",小陈:您好,玛丽,请问有什么可以帮您?。 +"For instance, at Dalhousie University in Nova Scotia a typical single room residence is $7,020 while at McGill University a single room residence can reach $11,533 for a full year.",例如,在新斯科舍省戴尔豪西大学的一间典型的单间价格约达7,020加元,而在蒙特利尔省麦吉尔大学的一间单间则需要11,533加元。 +Jon-Marc asked Melissa out on a date and the two started spending nearly every non-campaign hour together — so much so that Melissa’s colleagues knew early on what she was doing on her personal time.,乔恩马克邀请梅丽莎出来约会,然后他们在竞选工作外的每分每秒都腻在一起,以至于梅丽莎的同时们都知道梅丽莎的私人时间是怎么度过的。 +The tab contains a toothed wheel which is driven at a high angular velocity by the impinging airstreams .,舵片上有一个带齿的轮,这个轮受到气流的冲击而高速转动。 +"Then Two-eyes said the shortest prayer she knew, ""Lord God, be with us always, Amen,"" and helped herself to some food, and enjoyed it.",然后两只眼做了她知道的最短的祷告:“主啊,和我同在,阿门”,然后就给自己拿了很多食物,开始吃起来。 +"Basis lots of the seismic profiles and level slice, analyse the fundamental seismic characteristics of the volcanic rocks, and thus formed the fundamental recognition mode of volcanics.",依据大量的地震剖面和水平切片等,分析火山岩的基本地震特征,并以此形成火山岩基本的识别模式。 +"Agam's life, half of was built by his mother, while the other half was created by Agam.",阿甘的人生,有一半是他母亲缔造的,而另一半是阿甘自己创造出来的。 +"He firstly consulted with the Ministry of Agriculture on fish inspection, but suffered their dodgery ; he couldn't find any authority for the testing at all.",他先是向农业部咨询验鱼的事情,可却遭到他们的推托,根本就找不到化验的权威机构。 +"And we, who with unveiled faces all reflect the Lord's glory, are being transformed into his likeness with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit.",我们众人既然敞着脸,得以看见主的荣光,好像从镜子里返照,就变成主的形状,荣上加荣,如同从主的灵变成的。 +I have yet to find the best formula for negotiating your rates—other than properly computing your work-related expenses and adding to that. What I do know is that you should never say the following.,我还没找到最巧妙的方法来协商工资(并不包括那些与工作相关的其他开支)。 +I will tell of you if dare to touch my pen.,你要敢碰我的钢笔,我就告你去。 +The Central-Plains culture takes root in the Central Plains of the middle reaches of the Yellow River and the Haidai culture takes root in the Haidai Region of the lower reaches of the Yellow River.,中原文化植根于黄河中游的中原地区,海岱文化植根于黄河下游的海岱地区。 +Her husband groans and closes his eyes.,她的丈夫打了个哈欠,闭上了眼睛。 +Do a regular self-analysis. Determine what you want to achieve both long term and short term in your sales career.,定期进行自我分析。以确定你销售职涯的长期和短期的目标。 +"A plot of land in present-day northern Oklahoma. Purchased from the Cherokee Nation by the United States in 89, it was opened to settlement in 893.",位于现在的俄克拉荷马州北部的一小块土地。89年由美国从切罗基族购得,893年允许殖民。 +"In projects that adopt the ""spirit of RUP,"" stakeholders and project team members understand that requirements can and should change and evolve as they learn more and more.",采用了“RUP精神”的项目中,相关利益方和项目研究团队成员清楚,随着他们了解更多,需求可以而且应当变化和改进。 +Can you tell me the way to King Street please?,请问去国王街的路怎么走? +The road goes east from here .,这条路从这儿向东延伸。 +"Companies to work in good faith, the principle of sustainable development, enthusiasm for the community to shape a more perfect ideal doors.",公司本着诚信做事,永续经营的原则,热忱地为社会各界塑造更加完美的理想门庭。 +"The new, unifying visual identity opens a gate to these new experiences, it lowers the barriers for visiting, and facilitates the increased knowledge of our precious surroundings.",统一的新视觉标识就像为这些新体验开启了一道门,减少了游览的屏障,增进了我们对周围珍贵的自然环境的认识。 +"Stone lions in the dyeing and finishing industry, woven dyeing is half water, half of knitting dyeing are flames of fire and cognate phenomena, the industry is unable to give a reasonable explanation.",石狮染整业中,梭织印染一半是海水,针织印染一半是火焰的水火同源现象,业内人士都无法作出合理的解释。 +My hair was clubbed up with pins on the top of my head.,我把头发束成大头棒状用发夹别在头顶上。 +It's in our nature. The earliest human skeletons had spearheads in their ribcages.,我的一生都想远离暴力,但其实我更该接近它才对,这是人类的天性,人类最早遗骸的胸腔中,就有矛头。 +Its mouth can open up wide.,它的嘴能张得很宽。 +The house on the street where I used to live had been torn down and replace by office building.,以前居住在那条街上的房子早已被拆,取而代之的是一些办公大楼。 +"A masker of Matthew's grandfather graces the main entrance, and the matching drawing is found in the villa's cavernous library.",大门口马修爷爷的面具为门厅增光添色,与之相配的图画挂在别墅宽敞深遂的图书馆里。 +"VBAC is considered safe if you are older than 35, you have a large fetus, or your pregnancy goes beyond 40 weeks. But these things do lower your chance of being able to deliver vaginally.",如果你年过35岁,胎儿过大,或怀孕超过40周,VBAC对你而言仍然是安全的,但是这些情况还是会降低你自然分娩的机会。 +"Suzhou Navigator Pet Products Co. , Ltd. specializes in making and exporting a wide range of high quality and innovative pet products and accessories.",苏州导航宠物用品有限公司专业生产和出口的高品质和创新的宠物产品及配件广泛。 +"In this paper, a lossless compression method , based on adaptive prediction, is presented. This method uses neural network model to modify the prediction weight.",本文提出一种基于自适应预测的无损压缩方法,该方法利用神经网络模型自学习的能力, 自适应的调整预测器的预测系数。 +Listing 5. The import statements,清单 5. import 语句 +"The above are types of fine ""silk"" quality sponges, the softest sponges with the smoothest surface and considered far superior to any synthetic alternative.",以上是最细致如“丝”般品质的海棉,被视为凌驾任何人造替代品并有最软最光滑的表面。 +So this idea of receptivity is a part of that Do you want to say anything else?,"所以这种关于接受力的观念也是学习的一部分,你还想说别的么?" +"All these events were moments that changed history. And so it was, too, with the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor on December seventh, nineteen forty-one.",所有这些事件的时刻,改变了历史。就是这样一个人,也与在珍珠港十二月十七,一九四一年日军进攻。 +"After all, there are always times when we feel we need something — not just want or desire, but need it for a real purpose.",毕竟,总会有很多时刻我们感觉确实想要什么,不管仅仅是一种占有欲,还是真的出于需要。 +Cost of living index: 125.4,生活费指数:125.4 +"""The Governator is going to be a great superhero, but he'll also be Arnold Schwarzenegger, "" he said.",他说:“州长侠将是一位伟大的超级英雄,但同时他也是阿诺德 施瓦辛格。” +Effect of blade bowing and local modification on high-turning angle compressor stator performance;,实验研究了叶片正弯曲对某大折转角扇形扩压叶栅变冲角性能的影响。 +"My mother was the most beautiful woman. All I am I owe to my mother…I attribute all my success in life to the moral, intellectual and physical education I received from her.",我的母亲是最美丽的女性,我一切的成就都归功于母亲对我德智体的培育。 +"The UAVs have flown 75, 000 combat hours, mostly for the U.S. Marine Corps but also for the Australian army.",该无人机能够连续飞行75000小时,主要由美国海军陆战队使用,也供澳大利亚陆军使用。 +"Versatile midfielder Abou Diaby has expressed his delight at extending his current contract at the Emirates Stadium, thought to be till at least 2014.",中场多面手迪亚比表现得非常开心,他延长了合同之后,将在酋长球场呆到2014年。 +"It can be used to test the metal Vicker's or Knoop's hardness, through the diagonal measurement of the value of integration into the calculator, thereby calculate the hardness value.",它可用于测试金属的维氏或努氏硬度,通过把测量的对角线值输入到一体化计算器,从而计算出硬度值。 +"With a futuristic design, that can be placed in several different positions the faucet allows for the user to use both hands to fill large pots, clean the dishes, or even to prepare food.",这个充满着未来设计感的水龙头,能被调节到不同的位置,让使用者能空出双手,边拿着盆子,边清洗��们,甚至边准备食物。 +"Images of NGC 3132 reveal two stars close together within the nebulosity, one of 10th magnitude, the other 16th.",在NGC 3132朦胧的影像中显示有两颗紧密靠在一起的恒星,一颗的 视星等是10等,另一颗是16等。 +"Secondly, tendency of""history""and non-history on the basis of ideology is also one of the modern elements as well as the modern thought background that cannot be ignored.",其次,基于意识形态观念之上的“历史化”与非历史化倾向也是其现代性要素之一,是不可忽略的时代思想背景。 +I rent a motorcycle and head into the interior of the island in search of isolated 1 trails and sleepy villages.,我在那租了辆摩托车,骑着进了岛的深处,探索那些与世隔绝很久的遗迹和沉睡的小村庄。 +"He is responsible for the performance and strategy of IVECO's commercial vehicle ventures in Nanjing and Chongqing, and serves as a board member of several Fiat Group ventures in China.",他负责依维柯公司在南京和重庆商用车企业的业绩和战略,并在菲亚特集团在中国的多家合资企业中担任董事会成员。 +"Currently some 2 600 such projects are underway in 130 countries,” said FAO Director-General Jacques Diouf at the launching ceremony.",目前大约有2600这样的项目正在130个国家得到实施,”粮农组织总干事雅克•迪乌夫在启动仪式上说。 +"Now as I say, I don't really know whether that's accurate, the little rough story I just told, but some story like that is probably right.",现在如我所说,我不不知道这个我刚才说的这个简单的小故事是否准确,但一些象这样的事可能是对的。 +"In an earlier Automation for the people installment, "" Hands-free database migration,"" I covered the need to apply incremental database changes in an automated fashion.",在较早一期的 让开发自动化文章 “ 实现自动化数据库迁移” 中,我谈到了以自动化的方式应用增量数据库更改的必要性。 +"There are molecules in cells that give the DNA the signal that it's time to transcribe and express a gene, those are called transcription factors, we'll talk about them a bit later.","在细胞中有些分子能够,给DNA发出信号告诉它,是时候转录和表达某基因了,这些分子叫做转录因子,晚些时候我们会讲它们" +"The number of calibration curve: apparatus can store 9 calibration curve, 5 for one line, 4 for binomial parabola.",校正曲线数:仪器可存储9条标定曲线,5条为一元一次直线,4条为二项式抛物线。 +The grace of a ballerina and the grit of a boxer hammer home the message: The future belongs to those who prepare.,芭蕾舞女孩的优雅与拳击手的毅力向人们传达了这样一种讯息:未来属于有准备的人。 +"Plus, I’ve been planning this for some time, and over the past year I’ve been focused on training physically and mentally.",另外,我计划这次穿越已经有些日子了,过去的一年间我一直在专著于生理和心理训练。 +"If the Celtics turn down the Vujacic and Brown for Robinson trade, Kupchak can see if he can work out a deal for Watson.",如果凯尔特人拒绝了用内特-罗宾逊来交换布朗和武贾西奇,那么库普切克会考虑是否可以与沃特森签订合同。 +"ETF have common merits in both of closed-ended fund and open-end fund. Because of these merits which caused the stabilization of value and high fluidity, ETF becomes the popular investing breed.",ETF具有封闭式基金和开放式基金的共同优点,因而造就了其价值稳定,流动性高的特点,是市场主要投资品种之一。 +"In the past five thousand years, China has been using his sonorous and powerful body, time and again crossed the dangerous, China has long been a firm body!",在过去的五千年里,中国用自己铿锵有力的步伐迈过了一个个时代,走到今天,已经俨然成为一个拥有伟岸身躯的国家! +But even the slimmest of evidence makes this scientifically tantalising.,然而,即使再微小的证据,这在科学上也是极其诱人的。 +"A city of southeast New York on Long Island Sound northeast of New York City. It is primarily residential. Population, 15,083.",美国纽约州东南部一城市,位于纽约市东北的长岛海峡上。主要是住宅区。人口15,083。 +"The second and third richest women are Chinese too, as are 11 of the global top 20.",女富豪榜中排名二三位以及前二十位中的十一席都来自中国。 +"But for Askin, staying at home meant the end of her dream of becoming a lawyer.",然而,对Askin来说,待在家里就意味着她永远不能实现当律师的梦想。 +"It insisted then that it had no need to follow the example of two of its Belgian peers, Fortis and Dexia, and demand a bail-out.",它曾坚持其不需要跟随富通和德克夏向政府求助。 +"you may feel powerless to make a decision, and this state of limbo can cause you to experience physical symptoms like insomnia, malaise and stomachaches.",你可能会感到无力做出决定,而这种没着没落的感觉可能会使你经历种种症状,比如失眠、莫名的不适和胃痛。 +The awareness of how to address Chile's big education and skills deficits comes from what the Rodelillo Director Macarena Currin has learnt from her own personal experience.,罗德利罗基金会主席玛卡莲娜柯林从她自身的经历中学到,该如何弥补智利在教育和技能培训上的巨额赤字。 +She brooded the problem.,她思考那个问题。 +He came from a poor county.,他来自一个贫困县。 +"She is believed to have died in the convent at the age of 63 in 1542, according to a document unearthed three years ago by Mr Pallanti during his research.",根据三年前帕朗蒂先生在研究中发现的文档,格拉尔迪尼于1542年在修道院逝世,享年63岁。 +"If that moment would soon seem overtaken by Altamont or Kent State or Cambodia, then Nick and Bobbi's marriage offers reassurance: the Woodstock moment was real, and it endures.",如果有人怕不久之后,在阿尔塔蒙特、或是肯特州立大学、或是柬埔寨……等等其他地方出现的某一瞬间会超越这个瞬间的意义,尼克和波比的婚姻都会扫除那些疑虑,因为伍德斯托克的这一瞬间是真实的,而且会世代相传,不屈不朽。 +"Through the inspection to the adjective semantic direction, we discover its semantics can aim at the classifier, aim at the noun, and also both the classifier and the noun.",通过对形容词的语义指向进行考察,我们发现其语义既可指向量词,也可指向名词,又可以名量双指。 +"Separated families, the feeling of home.",独门独户,家的感觉。 +"The errors in water depth data are easy to be generated in the marine surveys, especially in the large scale bathymetric surveys for marine engineerings.",在海洋测量中特别是大比例尺海洋工程水深地形测量中,极易产生水深数据的误差。 +Please include a selection of screen shots from the product that illustrate how WHO classifications is used in the product.,请包含一组显世卫组织分类在产品应用中的屏幕截图。 +"Unlike precise figures in grams, this would be easier for consumers to understand and for companies to compile.",不像以克为单位的准确数字,这让消费者更容易明白,公司也更容易编制。 +"Prof. Chan notes that GDP per capita of its 'city districts' in 2009 was 31, 980 yuan ($5, 037), barely 40% of the level in Shanghai.","陈金永提到,2009年重庆“市区”人均GDP为31,980元(约合5,037美元),勉强达到上海的40%。" +"Furthermore, for a small, open and outward-looking economy such as ours, external factors are very important.",另外,对于香港这样一个细小、开放的外向型经济体系来说,外围因素十分重要。 +"These are tragic and terrible events, but they don't reflect any diversion from the security progress that has been made.",她说:“这些事件是悲惨和可怕的,但它们并不说明伊拉克在安全方面取得进展的大方向有任何转折。 这些事件造成生命的可怕的损失,这当然是令人遗憾的,但伊拉克人民和伊拉克领导人的反应是坚定的。 +"Sorry, my watch is out of the order.",对不起,我的表出了毛病。 +"Regardless of which it uses, just make sure compositing can be customized.",无论这两种界面使用哪种混成管理器,只要确保用户可以自定义便可。 +"Just this week, UEFA in Europe to those who spend the lavish club issued a warning that if the club carrying too much debt and will likely be canceled eligible to participate in the Europe.",就在本周,欧足联向全欧洲那些花钱大手大脚的俱乐部发出警告,如果俱乐部背负过多债务,将很可能被取消参加欧战的资格。 +"In the small lobby we quickly organized the search, of which Herbert, the head of the mountain rescue team, took charge, …",在小客厅里,我们很快组织搜寻,山区救援队队长赫伯特总负责。 +The strategies to promote heterolytic cleavage of hydrogen peroxide to facilitate the formation of active high valent metal-oxo species were discussed in details.,总结了采用不同手段促进过氧化氢的异裂,以有效形成金属卟啉活性中间体的反应过程。 +Developing a pandemic preparedness guide for small businesses in the region (HHS and U.S. Department of Commerce via APEC).,为该地区的小型企业制订防疫工作指南(美国卫生和公众服务部和美国商务部通过亚太经合组织执行)。 +"It is a paradox that Hardt and Negri, the poets of mobility, variety, hybridization, and so on, call for three demands formulated in the terminology of universal human rights.",作为流动性、多样性和杂揉性等的歌颂者,哈特和奈格里反过来又求助于基于全球人权基础之上的这三项目标,这显得非常吊诡。 +"Thaksin Shinawatra said Monday that he is in Britain, and that he will not return to Thailand to meet bail conditions imposed by judges hearing corruption charges.",他信星期一说,他现在在英国,不会返回泰国去接受审理有关他贪污控罪的法官提出的保释条件。 +Effects of the type and the amount of the modification agent on fibrillar silicate (FS) surface modification and mechanical properties of FS/rubber composites were studied.,考察了不同改性剂及其用量对针状硅酸盐(FS)表面改性和FS/橡胶复合材料力学性能的影响。 +"Life and death, cold and warmth, it is for you to decide what lines between the music notes.",音乐里描绘的生与死、冷与暖都没有定案,你听到的喜可能是我耳朵里的悲。 +Experimental results indicate that the thickness response of grease stain is sensitive and the thermal insulating layer has no too much effect on the obtained results.,测量结果表明:油垢厚度响应曲线是灵敏的,保温层对测量结果影响不大。 +Much of it revolves around whether and how to preserve the past — not just physical structures but also what has always both made Shanghai part of and set it apart from the rest of China.,大都是有关是否应该或该如何保留历史,不仅仅是实体建筑,还有上海的内涵,令其既属于中国又有别于中国其他地方。 +"Applying a voltage, such as a burn-in voltage, to the structure converts at least one of the breakdown paths to a conducting path (103, 280).",向所述结构施加如老化电 压的电压,以使击穿路径的至少一个转化为导电路径(103、280)。 +"An analysis is made of the causes for decrease in the percentage of superior grade urea product in the rainy season, and appropriate technical renovation measures are taken, with satisfactory results.",分析了雨季尿素优等品率偏低的原因,采取了相应的技改措施,取得了满意的效果。 +The Contractor shall assume liability for any accidents which occur due to lack of adequate safety precautions and the Expenses entailed therefrom.,由于承包人安全措施不力造成的事故责任和因此发生的费用,由承包人承担。 +"With our excellent knowledge and experience in stone work, low cost and high quality production, our finished products are highly supported and welcomed by local and overseas customers.",凭著我们对石业的专石知识及多年的经验,以及低成本高质素的生产及承造,我们的产品一直深受本地及外国客户欢迎及支持。 +"I-PSS reduced and the quality of life improved in both groups, but Huiyang group had better results than Huantiao group(P< 0.05);",两组均可降低I-PSS积分、提高生活质量(P<0.05),会阳组的改善效果优于环跳组(P<0.05)。 +"Instead, they call it lactase persistence, indicating what's really weird is the ability to continue to drink milk.",相反的,科学家们把乳糖抗性称为乳糖耐受性,以表明成年后能够继续喝牛奶才是奇怪的事情。 +"In combination, knowing that I could do this sexually made me feel like I was qualified, even before I went through training with IPSA in ’95.",结合来看,我知道自己能干这种事。 它让我感到自己具备这个资格。 +How to Use Homeopathic Medicine,怎样使用顺势疗法药物 +"Among the administration routes of applying non-viral vectors, direct injection of the vectors into muscles and carcinoma receives lots of attentions because of the simplicity.",在众多非病毒型载体的施药途径中,直接将载体注射入肌肉与肿瘤,因其施?简?而备受注意。 +"That led to loneliness and isolation, though her sister did not escape trauma, either.",这导致了他们关系的疏离,尽管她姐姐也没能躲避所受的创伤。 +"This was in stark contrast to the customs of surrounding nations, in which aliens had no rights whatsoever and were oppressed and neglected at will.",比起四邻国家,这种做法实在是天渊之别,因为居住在其它国家的外人,没有任何权利可言,他们只有任人欺压和漠视。 +Latest Business Ling Yun allocated for various business units to provide a free advertising platform.,最新推出拨云商务铃,为各企业单位提供了免费广告的平台。 +Who can say 'Hello' to Miss Bao?,谁能向包老师打招呼啊? +"Fortress Mode: a team is attacking while the other defends, defending team can buy traps, attacking team can buy creeps.",翓堡垒模式:一支队伍进攻,而另一支队伍防守,防守方可以购买陷阱,而进攻方可以购买小兵和中立单位; +"That more-inclusive approach was helped along, not just by Bush, but the increasingly erratic world weather and the dire forecasts of the UN science panel on climate change.",不仅是布什,越来越古怪的世界天气以及联合国科学委员会对气候变化问题的可怕预测也促成了更包罗广泛的办法。 +"Administrative punishments shall be given to persons in charge and persons directly responsible and whereas the case constitutes a crime, criminal responsibilities shall be affixed.",对直接负责的主管人员和其他直接责任人员,依法给予行政处分; 构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任。 +Few things could be more impressive than the peace that descents on deserted city streets at week-ends when the thousands that travel to work every day are tucked away in their homes in the country.,(英译汉)周末,这个国家往日拥在路上赶去工作的人都呆在家里,很少有什么能比的过此时城市街道的宁静之美。 +"With this equation, the light spot size behind cone-lens can be designed. It can find application in micro-illumination systems.",可据此设计经过锥透镜后的光源大小,这在微系统照明中非常有用。 +"A proverb says:""Tims is money.""",译文: 有句谚语说:“时间就是金钱。” +"Ravitch, finding the system and its results 'an outrage, ' passionately insists that 'the reign of censorship must end.",拉维切觉得这个系统和它带来的结果是“一种暴行”,她热烈地坚持“审查制度的统治必须终结”。 +Make your bed more comfortable. What is your birth-year animal?Buy or make a toy. Put it on your bed. People say that birth animal toys bring good luck. Why not try for yourself?,或者自制一个生肖玩具,并把它放到你的床头.人们常说生肖玩具会给人带来好运.你为什么不自己尝试一下呢? +Please tell my greatest appreciation to the chairman of Mr. Sun Qiyu.,请转达我对孙启玉董事长的衷心感谢。 +PurposeThe aim is to purify human platelet factor 4 (PF4) using a monoclonal antibody affinity chromatography.,目的用单克隆抗体亲和色谱从人血小板破碎液中纯化血小板第4因子(PF4 )。 +"Typically, guitar riffs make use of fast tremolo picking, and heavy palm muting for a percussive effect.",通常,吉他反复段落用快速碎拨和重度手掌闷音来达到冲击效果。 +"Although the current enterprises for future performance differences, but cotton prices in the short term is expected to remain weak in the pattern of running.",虽然当前企业对后市表现有分歧,但短期内棉价仍有望保持在偏弱的大格局中运行。 +"Grass from the withered and yellow, dead mother side drill out, the body-it, green, shallow, short and thin, like a few root is very short green silk thread cluster into.",小草从那枯黄、死去的母亲身边钻了出来,嫩嫩的、绿绿的、浅浅的、又短又细、像是几根很短的绿丝线簇成的。 +"In a decision that's outraged much of Belgium, the former wife and accomplice of a convicted paedophile is to be released early from prison, having served less than half of her 30-year sentence.",在一个激怒了许多比利时人的决定中,一名恋童癖罪犯的前妻和同谋将提前从狱中释放,她被判处了30年的监禁,现在服刑还不到一半的时间。 +"""I just wanted to take that moment before the wedding so I could be with him and he could be with me on my special day, "" Eding, 23, said.",“在婚礼前我只想抓住一点时间,可以和父亲在一起,好让他在这样特殊的日子陪在我身边,” 23岁的埃德说。 +"Maybe this is what it feels like to be Geraldo Rivera, busting open a scandal on network television with a hidden camera clipped to his lapel. Or maybe a spy.",这感觉这就像是杰拉尔多·瑞弗拉在网络电视上用领口戴着的隐形摄像头爆丑闻,或者就像是个侦探。 +"Because of no damage, handy and can be done easily , be definite in curative effect , Pulse semiconductor laser treatment pericoronitis deserves popularizing.",因为无创,简便易操作,疗效肯定,脉冲半导体激光治疗冠周炎值得推广。 +At least not so far.,至少现在还不能。 +"Implicit in this discourse is the gender politics in which the universalized and neutralized ""individual subjectivity"" is designated with a striking mark-male.",这一话语其实隐含了深重的性别政治,在这一话语中建立起来的普遍化、中性化的“个人主体”实际上有着明确的性别―男性。 +Another interesting group of names comes from mythology.,另一些有趣的名字来源于神话。 +Every movement is mechanically engineered - there are no batteries.,鸟儿的每个动作都是通过机械运动来完成的——整个装置都没有使用电池。 +"Through measuring self-power spectrum and transfer function of the seat and place to hang the seat, dynamic characteristic of the tractor seat is analysed.",通过测取座椅和座椅悬挂点的自动率谱和传递函数,分析了该机座椅的动态特性。 +Don't cut those vegetables too thick. The recipe requires us to julienne them.,不要把那些蔬菜切得太粗,食谱上指定要切丝的。 +The paper introduces the characters of mollisol by way of the Daqi Highway and brings forward some methods to dispose mollisol groundsill.,介绍了大齐公路途径路线软土的性质,及时软土地基处理的办法。 +Accessing RDDL information with PHP,使用 PHP 访问 RDDL 信息 +"""Best-case scenario, you've annoyed it, "" he says.",“最好的情况是, 石块让你生气,”他说。 +An all-night party of journalists and political enthusiasts in Addis Ababa where everybody was talking about being American for a day to share in this historic election.,在亚地斯亚贝巴举办了一场由记者与政治人物参加的彻夜派对,每个人都在设想自己是美国人,藉此来分享这场历史性的选举。 +He will tell you I am mercenary .,他会对你说,我是财迷心窍。 +It's still hard to tell who will emerge victorious.,鹿死谁手尚难逆料。 +"The patients with ICM were characterized by thin spherical apex of left ventricle with hypokinesis, regional wall motion and dilated aorta.",ICM 左室大多数呈“圆拱门形”心尖圆钝变薄、收缩期运动明显低平,节段性室壁运动障碍及主动脉增宽为其特点。 +"When his youngest son, whom he loved most, defied him , his face turned purple with anger.",当他最宠爱的小儿子公然反抗他时,他气的脸色发青。 +"High-tech enterprises are the ones that engage in the exploration of high-tech products with their technological, personal, capital intensities and efficient management.",高科技企业是指技术密集、人才密集、资金密集、经营管理高效化的从事高科技产品开发的企业。 +"Indeed, the story tells us at one point (chapter 8), that veterans of the American revolution hoped that he might carry his conquests across the Atlantic.",的确,故事告诉我们(第8章),美国革命的退伍军人希望,拿破仑可以横跨大西洋占领。 +"On the issue of lip-service cheat, be investigated for criminal responsibility according to law.",对签发空头支票骗取财物的,要依法追究刑事责任。 +A southern right whale's head measures one third of its total length.,一条南露脊鲸的头部长为其整个身体的三分之一。 +"The country avoided a civil war, but only just.",全国避免了一场内战,但仅仅是险而又险地避过。 +God whispers in his ear.,有上帝在他的耳畔嘀咕。 +"Ao you think I am rich enough to make it?I am thinking about buying the apartment by installments. The real estate agency says if I pay a 20% down payment, I can move in at once.",你以为我有那么多钱?我在考虑申请分期付款。房产商说如果我首付百分之二十房款就可以马上入住。 +"If players are between games when time is called, and one team has a greater number of game wins, that team wins the match.",如果玩家在比赛的时候时间到了,赢的比赛多的人胜利,而且那一队赢得整个比赛。 +They are required to complete identification details at the Gatehouse and to read and acknowledge safety requirements prior to their entry.,要求他们在进入之前在门卫室填写详细身份情况并阅读和理解安全要求。 +The mathematical model based on orthogonal function as fan characteristic curve fitting is introduced and its precision and utility is validated through the calculating example.,介绍了采用正交函数法快速拟合通风机性能曲线的数学模型,通过算例验证了此数学模型的精确性和实用性。 +"He took a red pen, circled the letters and then wrote",他拿出一支红笔,圈住这些字符,并写到:哇! +"The former husband cannot take her again to wife: because she is defiled, and is become abominable before the Lord: lest thou cause thy land to sin, which the Lord thy God shall give thee to possess.",那麽,那休她的前夫,在她受了污辱之后,不能再娶她为妻,因为这在上主面前是可憎恶的事;你不可使上主你的天主赐给你作产业的土地陷于罪恶。 +"Mom and dad can be back again, and looking at hanging the cross embroider, look at my food, was very happy, but my heart is suspended for fear of mother saw ""porridge"" said I.",老爸老妈可回来啦,看着悬挂的十字绣,看着我的菜,高兴极了,可我的心却悬着,怕妈妈看到“粥”后说我。 +"The Anti-cancer Challenger Pill is Mr. Lin's lifelong achievement, a broad-spectrum TCM drug that he invented out of years researches on the basis of traditional prescriptions.",“拮抗癌必消”是鬼药子数十年研究之心血结晶,是他从中医药配伍禁忌“十八反、十九畏”中发掘开拓研制成的一种具有广谱抗癌活性的中成药。 +During loading-unloading cycles the relationship between loading and unloading resistivities at the same pressure differs for different …,在压力循环过程中,相同压力下的卸载电阻率与加载电阻率的关系对不同试样是不同的。 +"The additional benefit of lowering salt consumption early is that we can hopefully change the expectations of how food should taste, ideally to something slightly less salty.",尽早少吃盐的额外好处是有希望改变我们对食物口味的预期,理想状态是变得喜欢吃口味淡的东西。 +"But in practice, the death penalty operates arbitrarily—like a “roulette wheel, ” he said—with odds tilted against those of color and lower socioeconomic class.",但是实践中,死刑却在武断地运用着——他称着实有着“轮盘赌”的影子——中招的机会还更倾斜于有色人种及社会经济地位低下的阶层。 +"Unlike ""Republic,"" ""Aftershock"" faces actual competition from Hollywood fare such as ""Toy Story 3"" and ""Knight and Day.",与《建国大业》不同,《大地震》面对了来自好莱坞的《玩具总动员3》以及《危情谍战》直接的票房竞争。 +Shjiazhuang is one of the most heavily coal-combusting-polluted cities in today's China.,石家庄市是我国燃煤污染最严重的城市之一。 +"Before this, beijing has taken the lead in stipulating the set up shop on the net needs to handle license, but be called to be "" much cry and little wool "" .",此前,北京已经率先规定网上开店需要办执照,但是被称为是“ 雷声大雨点小”。 +"Goodbye, Luohu Foreign Language School.",再见,罗湖外语学校。 +"He had first carried out the ultra-Left policy of the Communist International, and this time he carried out an ultra-Right policy.",他先是执行了共产国际的最“左”的方针,这时他又执行了最右的方针。 +"The index is high in areas where plants are dense, with plenty of photosynthesizing leaves.",在植被茂密,有着大量光合作用树叶的地区,该指数较高; +"Qin and Xihan founded their capital in Guanzhong, and then the water transport and stores of grain in the Heluo Area played the part of transfer of grain.",秦和西汉定都关中,河洛地区在漕运和仓储上起着中转性的作用,为了漕运粮食的便利,中央政府对包括河洛地区在内的黄河水运通道进行了一系列治理。 +本章共分为两个部分,本文是其中之一。,This is part one of two about this chapter. +The principle of SLC is introduced and the theoretical proof of Direction Saturated Jamming is provided.,简述了旁瓣对消的原理,并从数学的角度证明了方位饱和干扰法的合理性。 +"The first thing needed for innovation is a fascination with wonder, "" says Dawna Markova, author of ""The Open Mind"" and an executive change consultant for Professional Thinking Partners.",《开放的思维》一书的作者道娜·马尔科娃说:“创新的首要条件就是充满好奇。但我们却被指导‘做决定’,正如我们的总裁称自己是‘决策者’一样。” +Researchers of the department headed by Kari Hemminki at DKFZ have analyzed these questions in the largest study ever published on familial prostate cancer.,在德国癌症控制研究中心以卡里。赫敏基为首的研究人员就这个问题对已出版的有关家族性前列腺癌做了最大型的研究基础上进行分析。 +"He's a cantankerous, nasty man who hates students with a passion.",他是一个脾气很坏,令人讨厌的人,他的爱好就是与学生作对。 +"This text has discussed the development of trust business of our country from the angle of the innovation development, risk control and policy supervision of the trust business.",本文从信托业创新发展、风险控制以及政策监管的角度,就我国信托业发展进行了探讨。 +"In the principles introduced earlier, Rumbaugh et al. consider different cases for the mapping of associations regarding their multiplicity",根据前文介绍的原则,Rumbaugh et al. +"Fifth, look at each other's legal awareness.",第五,看对方的法律意识。 +"In 2006, Foras began working to develop texting software for the Irish language with market leader Tegic.",早在2006年,Foras即开始与Tegic合作开发爱尔兰语的文本输入软体。 +"Star Lake Gourmet Powder Co. , Ltd was successfully listed on the Shanghai Stock Exchange. It is the first listed company in the MSG industry.",年: 作为中国味精行业第一家上市公司,“星湖味精”股票在上海证券交易所上市。 +"Aiming at performance of frequency synthesizer, the measure method is introduced, the measure result is analyzed and summarized in the last chapter.",最后一章介绍了频率合成器性能测试方法,并对测试结果和课题开发过程中遇到问题作了分析和总结。 +"Unlike in previous economic crises, such as 1998, current infrastructure-focused stimulus efforts are unlikely to segue neatly into a rebound in export markets, as recovery elsewhere will be slow.",与1998年时那类以往的经济危机不同,中国目前重点支持基础设施建设的经济刺激措施不大可能推动出口的反弹,因为世界其他地区的经济复苏将很缓慢。 +"RESULTS In China, molecular distillation has been applied in natural medication separation and purification further and wider and both it…",结论分子蒸馏作为液—液热敏分离及高提纯的专用技术,其在天然药物分离纯化中的应用前景非常看好。 +"""One night… a group of doctors and nurses wanted to say hello… because they had binge-watched The Night Manager, "" he continued.",一天晚上……一群医生和护士想要和我打招呼……因为他们都在刷《夜班经理》。 +Definity lies on my own hand!,自己把握自己的命运… +And he on the stage often reacted enjoyably to the request from the fans during the MC period.,而且,他在舞台上常常很享受地在报幕阶段与歌迷互动。 +"All the lineaments which providence traces on the surface of a nation have their parallels, sombre but distinct, in their depths, and all convulsions of the depths produce ebullitions on the surface.",上苍刻画在一个国家表面上的线条,必有暗淡而明显的平行线,在它的底里的任何骚乱也必然引起表面的震动。 +"Wenzhou Mashiqiong Apparel Co. , Ltd. was founded in 2000, which integrates design, platemaking, production and marketing of lady's wear modernized enterprise.",温州玛诗琼服饰有限公司成立于2000年,是一家集设计、制版、生产、营销为一体的现代化高档女装生产企业。 +"Leading Products:"" Zheng-Fang Modern Education Management Information System"" which is of stable operation, good performance and satisfaction to personal demand of customers.",正方公司的主导产品《正方现代教学管理信息系统》,运行稳定,安全性能好,并能满足用户的个性化需求。 +A friend is that we stand at the windows to enjoy the winter snow is in the hands Falling holding a cup of hot tea;,朋友是我们站在窗前欣赏冬日飘零的雪花是手中捧着的一杯热茶; +We have tried to simplify HRD in such a way that it becomes less complicated to the newcomer.,我们设法简化HRD ,这样它对入门者会变的不那么复杂。 +Jack asks for a provisional status until the end of the day so that he can help out on the case.,杰克请求薛潘暂时将他复职,直到这天结束,这样他就能够帮助解决这个案子。 +"The movement of Jews was restricted to the Ghetto; non-Jews, however, were allowed in at certain times to buy meagre items from the Jewish families inside.",犹太人的活动范围被限制在贫民区以内,其他的非犹太人可以在规定的时间段进入贫民区向犹太人买一些简单的东西。 +"In the year 1518, about 400 citizens of Strasbourg danced for days or weeks in succession.",1518年,大约400名斯特拉斯堡市民接连数日或数周不停地跳舞。 +"Taliban fire kept the Americans pinned down and exposed, said an Afghan official briefed on the incident.",一位阿富汗官员在简要介绍此次事件时说,塔利班人员的火力使美军特种兵的行动受阻,并使他们的行踪被暴露。 +"Conclusion It is of diagnostic value to determine serum albumin, pre-albumin and supersensitive C-reactive protein for postoperative infection in patients with general surgical disorders.",结论清蛋白、前清蛋白和超敏C反应蛋白对普外科手术后病人并发感染有一定的预测和诊断价值。 +UK Coalition gov. u…,英国联合政府难安。 +Set your database name to the directory path where the Derby database should reside on the file system; for example: C:\projects\wishlist\db\wishlist_prod.,将数据库名称设置为 Derby 数据库在文件系统中驻留的目录路径,例如:C:\projects\wishlist\db\wishlist_prod。 +"By default, the greeter is run as an unprivileged user for security.",为避免安全问题,登录界面默认以无特权用户运行。 +Do you want any soup?,需要来点汤吗? +"Grim nowadays in domestic very much has the fame, the grim mother stock is the wheat flour, the buckwheat surface and the starch.",冷面现今在国内很有名气,冷面的主料为白面,荞麦面和淀粉。 +"Gas occurrence boiler air-filled type process: the process in gas and water don't contact, greatly reducing the sewage production.",煤气发生炉风冷型 工艺:该工艺过程中煤气与水不直接接触,大大减少了污水的产生。 +"She could see the beauty of each cloud, and she was able to welcome all of them.",她可以看到所有云彩的美,甚至她还可以欢迎它们了。 +"The run on optimisms began yesterday as a comment from a German spokesman, Siebert, that expectation for a comprehensive solution by the end of the EU summit would be overly optimistic.",积极情绪始于昨日一名德国发言人西伯特的评论,他表示预期欧盟首脑会议结束之际就出炉一个全面的解决方案将显得过于乐观, 外汇操盘。 +Everyone in the Republic of Ireland remembers where they were when they heard that Veronica Guerin had been murdered on the Naas Road.,每个在爱尔兰共和国的人都记得当他们听说维罗妮卡?盖琳在纳斯公路上被谋杀的时候自己身处何地。 +We are featuring bedroom furniture this week.,本周,我们将展出卧室家具。 +He is always deeply affected by Handel's music.,他总是为亨德尔的音乐所深深地感染。 +"Regulation — nasty talk in some quarters, synonymous with pointy-headed bureaucrats choking the market — is suddenly being demanded from unexpected places.",突然间,对监管(在许多人士看来这是个令人生厌的话题,认为它是那些阻塞市场头上长角的官僚们的同义词)的要求正从意想不到的地方传了出来。 +"Upon the unification of northern China on whole, the Northern Wei Dynasty failed in attacking the Song Dynasty in A.",北魏基本统一北部中国之后,于公元451年侵宋失败。 +The result of research on laser dual foci technique is presented.,本文介绍了对激光双焦点技术的研究结果。 +They were made using synthetic polymer and silkscreen ink on canvas and marked the couple's wedding in 1981.,他们使用合成聚合物和丝网墨在画布上完成,为庆祝夫妇1981年的婚礼。 +The visas are approved and issued according to Chinese laws and the practice of previous Olympics.,我们会根据中国的法律法规,参照奥运会以往的做法核发签证。 +"Nearly five months on, though, there are signs of economic life amid the piles of wreckage.",不过五个月以来,在那些残垣断壁中,还是显出了一些经济上的生机。 +The 49th generation successor of xie's family combine the traditional techniques with self-owned advanced technology to develop the Chinese gift Huangshan Maofeng.,谢家第49代传人,承传统技法,融自主知识产权的先进工艺,开发的中华礼茶黄山毛峰。 +Then a young fruit-and-vegetable vendor set himself on fire on Dec. 17.,然后,一个年轻的水果和蔬菜的供应商放火烧了自己12月17日。 +"The result showed that the correlative coefficients between adult weight and body length, chest girth, ear length, ear with were 0.",结果表明:塞北兔成年体重与体长、胸围、耳长、耳宽的相关系数依次为0。 +Objective To explore the echocardiography characteristics of Aneurysm of Sinus of Valsalva and evaluate its diagnostic value.,目的探讨乏氏窦瘤的声像图特征及超声诊断价值。 +B. They like high-salt cheese as it has intense bitter taste.,他们喜欢很咸的奶酪,因为它有强烈的苦味。 +"Liverpool have expressed an interest in the recent past, and Kenny Dalglish could be tempted to make a move in the next week or two.",最近的一段时间,利物浦已经表现出了对马塔的兴趣,而在未来的一周或两周内肯尼•达格利什想要达成这笔转会交易。 +This card can be retained by passenger as souvenir after use.,本卡使用后不用退还,旅客可留为纪念。 +"This meditation is active and uses deep rapid breathing and body movement, accompanied by musical sounds to open and bring awareness and vitality to the chakras.",这是主动的冥想和应用深层呼吸短促,身体活动,随同着音乐的声响和关闭认识和生机带来的查克拉。 +Others will be able to know exactly where family and friends are located during their travels.,另外,旅行者也可以在途中确切地了解到他们的家人朋友的具体位置。 +"Liang himself focused on very specific campaigns, knowing the sensitivity of the government.",由于了解政府的敏感度,梁本身着重于非常特殊的活动。 +"Though found on other worlds, the speeder model was used most prominently on Coruscant, to ferry a single Jedi Councilor from the Jedi Temple to other sites on the planet.",这一型号的飞行艇虽然在别的星球上也有,但主要还是在科洛桑上使用。它负责把一名绝地委员会成员从绝地圣殿送往星球上的其它地点。 +Video chat conveys these elements of ASL.,视频聊天可以传达美国手语的这类元素。 +"It can be said to be very difficult, mainly because we did not have the ability to cross-sea combat.",可以说是心有余而力不足呀,主要因为当时根本没有渡海作战的能力。 +Yuri: : In Italy usually it is very thin.,尤里:意大利的批萨面皮非常薄。 。 +"Greece has been under the rule of almost every major empire, including the Roman, Byzantine and Ottoman empires.",几乎每个主要帝国都曾统治希腊︰罗马帝国、拜占庭帝国和奥图曼土耳其帝国。 +She told me she loved her work.,她告诉我她热爱她的工作。 +Objective To observe the clinical efficacy of combined acupuncture and herbs in the treatment of chronic non-bacterial prostatitis.,结论:喻氏针药结合法是治疗慢性前列腺炎行之有效的独特方法,值得推广应用。 +I urged him to an explanation.,我敦促他作出解释。 +"The Blues have romped away with the in each of the last two seasons, but they are unlikely to have things all their own way this term with Manchester United and Arsenal also racking up the wins.",尽管在上两个赛季中切尔西轻易地蟾宫折桂,但是在本赛季中,面对强劲的对手曼联和阿森纳,切尔西夺冠之路,似乎显得有点崎岖。 +They adjourned the meeting until the following Tuesday.,他们把会议延至下周二举行。 +"Countermeasures That Work: A Highway Safety Countermeasure Guide for State Highway Safety Offices, Sixth Edition, 2011",工作对策:国道公路安全办公室公路安全对策指南,第六版,2011。 +"Under European law, foodstuffs, including milk, produced from cloned animals must pass a safety evaluation and gain authorisation before they are marketed.",在欧洲的法律机制中,食品,包括奶品,凡是从克隆动物身上生产出来的东西,要想进入市场,都必须先通过安全检测并拿到授权书。 +Chen Yuan (1880-1971) was a preeminent historian in the early 20(superscript th) century when the foundation of modern Chinese historical research was laid.,本文主旨在于探讨二十世纪著名学者陈垣(1880-1971)史学的前后变化及其对现代中国史学发展中的影响。 +"Once you get your first CRA position, give it everything you have.",当你得到第一份CRA 的工作后,请将你所有的一切都投入进去。 +The little girl stretched forth her hand to ward them;,小姑娘把她的两只手伸过去。 +"That event drew about 2 million visitors, earning the tourism industry close to $400 million in revenue and generating $2.7 billion in retail sales, according to government figures.",据政府数据,那一届世界杯吸引了近2百万名游客,旅游业的收入接近4亿美元,更带动了27亿美元的零售业销售额的增长。 +"They blasted Greek organisers for booking the scantily-clad dancers, demanding that their sport be taken more seriously.",她们炮轰希腊主办方雇佣了穿着清凉的舞者,要求她们的比赛应该更加严肃一些。 +"The selection of Ted Weschler, managing partner of Peninsula Capital Advisors, is the most recent move to prepare Berkshire for the day when Buffett, 81, will no longer run the company.",巴菲特挑中了投资管理公司Peninsula Capital Advisors执行合伙人韦斯勒(Ted Weschler),这是让伯克希尔为现年81岁的巴菲特不再执掌该公司之日做好准备的最新举措。 +"Facing new challenges, the limited targets and realistic roadmap are very important for realizing the strategic goals to promote the nation economy.",面临新的挑战,我国发展纳米科技应根据国情,制定有限的目标和现实的发展路线图。 +"LOGO at the top of the mesh, as expected when the red after a multi-mesh a diversion, together with net hole slow flow, resulting in lines all combine surface left over to LOGO.",LOGO在网孔的上方,由于冲料时经过网孔多个分流,再加网孔处流动速度慢,导致结合线全部遗留到LOGO表面。 +One of the main goals for StarCraft II is to keep the game very visually intuitive and readable.,我们其中的一个最主要的目标就是让游戏保持足够的直观性和可读性。 +The right adjustment for the US would be to phase in revenue increases gradually over time so that you don’t kill the recovery while controlling the growth of government spending.,因此正确的调节方式是随着时间推移,分阶段逐步增加收入,只有如此,你才不会杀死复苏,同时还要控制政府开支的增长。 +"Within days, hundreds of thousands of people had watched it online—so many that servers crashed.",几天之内,数十万人在线观看了它,流量之大,弄得服务器都瘫了。 +"On the basis of the study of his works and the criticism on his films in and aboard, I will discuss the views of sex and desire, narrating style and cinematography of Almodóvar's films.",在对阿尔莫多瓦电影及国内电影学术界对阿尔莫多瓦电影的研究现状进行梳理的基础上,研究阿尔莫多瓦电影中的性别观与欲望观、叙事风格、视听语言等方面。 +"Chlorogenic acid also slows the release of glucose into the bloodstream after a meal, which may counteract caffeine's glucose effect.",绿原酸还能够减缓餐后葡萄糖向血液中释放的速度,这可能抵消了咖啡因的葡萄糖效应。 +"In 1879, the Wawona Hotel was built to serve tourists visiting Mariposa Grove.",1879年,人们为参观马里波萨林地的游客建了瓦沃纳旅馆。 +"Like the ZEISS lenses for motion picture, ZF lenses feature unusually high mechanical quality, fixed focal length, very precise manual focussing , reliability, and exceptional durability.",如同电影用的ZEISS镜头,ZF镜头的特色就是非常高的机械品质,固定焦长,非常准确的对焦系统以及高度可靠性,并且非常耐久。 +Retro 8-Bit platformer action.,复古的8位平台游戏的行动。 +In ancient Egypt the cat is a sacred animal.,在古埃及,猫是神对的动物。 +She trembled at the thought that she might never see him again.,一想到自己也许再也见不到他时她就发抖。 +Traditional teaching of common spoken Chinese is a study pattern combining lessons with exercises and a kind of audio lingual teaching method.,传统普通话教学是讲练式学习模式,口耳相传式教学。 +"This code segment can be run safely in a single-threaded environment; however, it causes a deadlock in a multi-threaded environment.",这个代码片段可以在单线程环境中安全运行;然而,它会在多线程环境下引起死锁。 +And we also found that N. lugens and Chilo. suppressalia infestation up-regulated the expression levels of a gene 9-LOX in rice plants.,同时,也发现褐飞虱和二化螟为害能明显上调水稻9-LOX基因的表达水平。 +"This is just an example of a client-server connection, but StereoCable can be used also to establish server-to-server connections in complex integration scenarios.",这是一个客户机-服务器连接示例,但是在复杂的集成场景中也可以使用 StereoCable 建立服务器-服务器连接。 +"You can use SOQL queries to search specific objects or fields of an object, similar to how SELECT queries specific fields in a table.",可以使用 SOQL 查询来搜索特定对象或是一个对象的特定字段,这与用 SELECT 查询表中的特定字段非常类似。 +"The backwashof low frequency, high compressive strength, no powder, no hardening, high activity and large specific surface area, good regeneration effect.",反洗频率低,抗压强度高,不粉化、不板结,比表面积大,活性高,再生效果好。 +"I only watched and listened during the lecture, without forcing to conclude a kind of interpretation which would be generally useful.",至少我在讲座现场的时候,只是看和听了,没有想到硬是要归纳出可以推而广之的解读方式。 +When I came to the door I heard angry voices inside.,到门口时,我听见里面传来气冲冲的说话声。 +"Political histories have focused—especially in the present—on slavery and emancipation, accounting the evil so complete and pervasive as to justify even murder.",政治历史的重点,尤其是目前的重点,在于奴隶制和解放上,它叙述的历史是,罪恶深重使得谋杀也变成正当的了。 +"When comparisons have been made between humans versus lab or domestic animals (such as horses, dogs, rats and mice) humans have had slower rates of aging than these other species.",与实验动物和家畜(例如:马、狗、大老鼠和老鼠等)的对比证明,人类衰老的速度慢于其他物种。 +"At present, our country's the legislation and the fundamental research about the inculpatory act of rescue is imperfect, there still has many pending disputes and question needing to solve.",目前,我国关于攻击性紧急避险的立法及理论研究还不完善,仍有许多争议与问题有待解决。 +but also I think they're excused to dress up in fancy clothes,但是,我觉得他们是要借此机会盛装打扮一下, +"And so I thought, hey, what if you sold the product directly to the customer.",我想,嘿,将产品直接卖给消费者怎么样。 +There is a vast divergence upon Sino-Indian border war in the academic circles of China and India.,自从中印边界战争以来,中印两国学界在中印边界战争问题上长期存在分歧,各执一词,莫衷一是。 +"There are some uncles and fill in the fishing nets, I also do some painting, to give every detail of their record, people from my fish paintings from here on out.",还有在一些叔叔们在打鱼和补鱼网时,我也进行一些写生,把他们的每一个细节给记录下来, 深圳设计之都从此我的鱼民画创作就从这里开始了。 +The protocol should describe arrangements for post-study access by study subjects to interventions identified as beneficial in the study or access to other appropriate care or benefits.,研究方案应说明研究结束后,有关受试者获得经研究确定为有益的干预措施的安排,或得到其他适当的照护或益处。 +Particularly I want you to look at the interface between the release mechanism and the sca er.,我特别请大家看释放机械和扫描器之间的界面。 +"Symptoms include anemia, appetite loss, abdominal pain, constipation, fatigue, sleeplessness, irritability and headache.",铅中毒症状包括:贫血、食欲减退、腹痛、便秘、疲劳、失眠、激惹、头痛。 +"A bottle gourd jumped out from the child - 7Qiao, in order to seek his life and take care of him for ten years, the village head grandpa revenge on a journey of revenge!",一个从葫芦里蹦出的小孩-七巧,为了寻找他的身世及替照顾他十多年的村长爷爷报仇,将展开一段复仇旅程! +You can guess the pronunciation by the fact that I'm even writing about this.,我拿到这里谈,你们可以猜一下他的读音。 +"The lateral stabilities of X type arches with different support conditions, cross section's properties of arch ribs and distributions of transverse beams are ana lysed.",分析了具有不同支承条件、拱肋截面性质和横梁布置的X型双肋拱系的侧倾稳定性; +"It appears that the sweet pulp13) of the cacao fruit, which surrounds the beans, was fermented14) into an alcoholic beverage of the time.",看来,当时人们好像把包裹可可豆的甜��果肉发酵酿制成了一种含酒精的饮料。 +The Defense Ministry declined to comment. The latest defense white paper says that one of the navy's missions is 'the capability of nuclear counterattacks. ',中国国防部不予置评。中国最新发表的国防白皮书说,中国海军的使命之一是“核反击能力。” +License-plate location and character segmentation are two key components of the automatic vehicle license recognition system.,车牌定位和字符分割是车牌照自动识别系统中的关键步骤。 +"Nevertheless, some insidious foreign ideas have already wormed their way into his civilization without his realizing what was going on.",不过呢,一些隐伏的异国思想已经悄悄潜入他的文化观念,而他根本没注意到这一切。 +Various method of preparation and application of Sulfide phenyl trifluoromethyl are introduced.,本文介绍了三氟甲基苯硫醚的制备方法和它的具体应用。 +"When it has the tags as an array, the class loads the _commands member variable with the titles and AppleScript commands.",在获得 标记数组时,这个类将标题和 AppleScript 命令装载到 _commands 成员变量中。 +Then let me check the perineal pads for the amount of lochia.,然后,让我检查会阴垫上恶露的数量。 +"Hermione Stupefies him, and he falls headfirst into the bell jar, his head turning into a baby's.",赫敏击昏了他,他头朝前地倒进了钟形玻璃罐,他的头变成了婴儿的头。 +"The main presenting symptom was mammary mass, without other specific findings.",临床症状和体征除有乳腺肿块外.无其它特异性的阳性发现。 +"Furthermore, your SLM policies should be tuned on a regular basis through transactional analysis of production data, since workloads change over time.",另外,应该定期对生产数据进行事务型分析,调优您的 SLM 策略,因为工作负载会随时间改变。 +"He said that though Jiang's visit to Iran is brief, he had extensive contacts between Iranian leaders and people from all walks of life.",他说,江主席访问伊朗虽然时间短暂,但同伊朗领导人和各界人士进行了广泛接触。 +"When you’re on your own for the first time in your life, the first path that opens is ""conformity"": living a life according to the parents' and the society's values, also known as ""superego"".",当你第一次走向社会,向你开放着的第一条道路就是“因循”:过一种符合父母以及社会准则要求,也就是符合超我要求的生活。 +"On some days, as many as a third of her customers order the burger, which is offered alongside Mediterranean-inspired dishes like sea bass with fennel confit and pistachios.",有时,她的顾客中有多达三分之一的人预定这种汉堡,它们被盛在一个形似黑鲈的具有地中海风格的餐盘中。 +This paper presents a robot vision system composed of two main parts: off- line color analyzer and real - time visual data processor.,本文介绍了一个包括离线颜色分析器和实时视觉信息处理器两大部分的机器人视觉系统。 +The black mamba has no special conservation status.,黑曼巴没有设立特别保护区。 +Accept HongKong order ONLY! International order is not available now. Thank you.,现在暂不接受香港地区以外的卖家订造,谢谢。 +"The ""get it running right"" step, which starts after the code is migrated, depends on skills required to upgrade an existing application to J2EE.",在完成代码迁移之后开始的“使它正确运行”这一步,需要具备把现有应用程序升级到 J2EE 所要求的技能。 +"Now I would like ask you one. One time my sister, Alessandra, have this dog.",现在我想问你一个问题。 +"If approved, the A Whale, would join, Whale, rather, would join an oil-skimming flotilla of 550 ships that were working yesterday in the Gulf.",如果通过确认,鲸鱼号将加入清理浮油的队伍。 昨天,共有550艘船只在墨西哥湾地区清理漏油。 +They assume that there is no change in the volume of specimen and measurement system in undrained tests.,不排水动力三轴试验均假设土壤试体、仪器设备及水压量测系统没有体积变化; +"However, osteonecrosis had partial restoration in Group C.",而C组股骨头骨坏死有部分修复。 +"Self-talking starts early, beginning as crib speech for the fun of it and becoming toddlers' repetition of rules they're learning to live by, researchers say.",研究人员说,自言自语从人们很小的时候就开始了,最初是好玩的牙牙学语,而后又成了蹒跚学步时口中重复的“操作要领”。 +"In Book II of A Treatise of Human Nature, Hume discusses the issue of personal identity to another level when he discussed human emotion.",在本书第二卷中休谟讨论人的情感时他又在另一个层面讨论了人格同一性的问题。 +"After rejecting all kinds of theoretical schools but Confucius, The emperor Han Wudi did not only found Taixue, but also establish election system of Han dynasty.",汉武帝罢黜百家,独尊儒术后,不仅创建太学,而且也确立了汉代的选举制度。 +InfoSphere MashupHub provides an extensible plug-in model that allows you as well as your partners to extend the reach of data and services.,InfoSphere MashupHub 提供一个可扩展的插件模型,您和合作伙伴可以通过这个模型扩展数据和服务的范围。 +But the new day begins to flash past in the sigh.,但是新来的日子的影儿又开始在叹息里闪过了。 +Relations between nations are sustained by the connections between their peoples.,国与国之间的关联是靠两国国民之间的接洽来维系的。 +"The question is, of course, whether this small crustacean are fed properly using standard fish feed.",问题是这小甲壳动物能否使用标准鱼饲料来喂养。 +"""Okay, I will, "" the custodian replied, as his jaw began to drop, ""but what's that stuck in your back?""",“好吧,”看管人回答道,同时他惊奇得张口结舌,“可你背上插的是什么?” +"Daniel saw PeiShangXuan finally said the truth, he decided to help them embrace get beauty return.",丹尼尔见裴尚轩终于说了实话,于是决定助其抱得美人归。 +"Looked at the glistening yellow, bright oily the bergamot fruit, I really wanted to go up a bite.",看着那黄澄澄、亮油油的佛手果,我真想上去咬一口。 +"Good morning, Geraldine. -Good morning, Jenny. Your newspapers and the post. -Thank you!",早上好,杰拉尔丁。 ,早上好,詹妮。你的报纸和信件。 ,谢谢你! +"Readings include Dear Theo, Marcia Davenport's Mozart, selections from the diaries of George Sand, Frida Kahlo, and Alma Mahler.",课程读物包括:《亲爱的提奥》、玛西亚达文波特的《莫扎特》、乔治桑特的日记选、佛里达卡罗和阿尔玛马勒。 +"The report shows that the utilization rate of China's arable land is high, with the current cultivation rate of 13.7 percent, surpassing the world average level.",这份公报指出,中国耕地利用程度高,目前垦殖率已达13.7%,超过世界平均水平。 +"You know ? one loves the sunset, when one is so sad…",你知道的?当一个人情绪低落的时候,他会格外喜懽看日落。 +Housing came after roughcast ways to replace?,毛坯房寿终正寝后用何种方式来取代? +The invention relates to the designed structure method of a split-level lift-up floor type living space.,本发明是一种变层高跃层式居住空间,是关于居室空间构成的新的设计构造方法。 +"Secondly, the relative error of velocity gradient on out-wall simulated from closed Navier-Stokes equations compared with the results from measurement is about 10% under laminar Taylor vortex state.",其次,通过直接数值求解封闭控制方程所得到层流泰勒涡流,所模拟出的壁面速度梯度与实测结果相差约10%; +"At the same time, the majority of China's 1.3bn people are very poor and many problems put limits on its future.",同时,中国13亿人口的大多数非常贫穷,中国的未来受到很多问题的制约。 +"Career rand technical education is different from traditional school because it is much more""hands-on. """"",职业技术教育与传统的教育不同,它更注重实践。 。 +The impact of the report was augmented by its timing.,由于发表的时间选得好,这篇报导的影响更大了。 +I was only with him on Monday at an awards ceremony.,周一我们还一起出席了一个颁奖仪式。 +"The invisible cursor is now moved to 3,10, the location is saved, and then the cursor is moved to 0,0 (top left).","不可见的光标现在移动到 (3,10),此位置将被保存,然后光标将移动到 (0,0)(左上角)。" +"At the ministers meeting, Mrs. Clinton demanded that Myanmar release Mrs. Aung San Suu Kyi, who could face years in prison on charges that she violated her house arrest.",在部长会议上,希拉里要求缅甸释放昂山素季——因侵犯了她的软禁而可能获刑数年的人。 +"This paper describes a new light source-the low-voltage high frequency electrodeless fish lamp, which can be Powered by either ship electricity or accumulator.",本文介绍了一种既可用于船电,又可用于蓄电池供电的低压高频无极诱鱼灯新光源。 +"Her husband, a great traveler in perfumes, spent most of his time in America, where eventually he founded a firm and acquired a bit of real estate.",她的丈夫,一个寻花问柳高手,绝大多数时间呆在美国,并且后来成立了一个公司并拥有了一些地产。 +The asymmetry of pectoral fin length and pectoral fin ray number met the criteria of ideal fluctuating asymmetry in both sexes.,研究浙江瓯江鲫鱼胸鳍的波动性不对称、两性异形和生育力。 +"VC to write their own use, such as liquid crystal matrix extract the software, you can input Chinese characters, you can open the BMP plan.",自己用VC写的液晶等字模提取软件,可以输入汉字,也可以打开BMP图。 +These instructions perform element-by-element comparisons of their two operands.,这两条指令对自己的两个操作数逐元素进行比较。 +"As a result, OPTIMUS system is a non-invasive and highly effective diagnostic tool for breast disease and it could be used as assistant diagnostic tool for breast tumor.",由此可见OPTIMUS系统对诊断乳腺恶性肿瘤的准确性及敏感性较高,是提高乳腺良恶性病变鉴别诊断的有效方法。 可以提高乳腺癌患者的检出率,减低漏诊率。 +I am weary of my crying: my throat is dried: mine eyes fail while I wait for my God.,我因不住呼求而疲倦,我的喉咙发乾; 我因等候我的神,眼睛昏花。 +Perhaps a key adaptive advantage of the angiosperm is their ability to construct wood with much less expenditure of energy per unit weight.,也许被子植物适应优势的秘诀就在于它们有能力形成每单位重量的木材可支付少得多的能。 +"As the farmer was bringing his youngest son out of the house, an old wooden beam fell from the ceiling, striking him on the head, and killing him instantly.",就在农夫把小儿子拖出屋外时,房子的木梁突然塌下,砸在他的头上,农夫即刻毙命。 +"But increasingly that connection with religion has beeneroded - as well as the idea that vegetarianism is a concept imported from theWest, such as owning pets.",但是这种与宗教的关连 - 以及认为素食主义就像拥有宠物是从西方进口的的概念的想法- 已逐渐地被削弱。 +He remembered one of Nietzsche's mad utterances wherein that madman had doubted truth.,他想起了尼采的一段话,表现了那疯子对真理的怀疑。 +Config name: network.http.pipelining,条目名称:network.http.pipelining +His behavior is quite out of tune with his position.,他的举止行为与他的地位不相符。 +There's a complementary vagueness in catching that is also common. It produces code such as this,在捕获时还常有另一种含糊不清之处。 +"The results held true even after researchers adjusted for variables such as body-mass index, age, sex, smoking and pre-existing antibodies to the virus.",即便是在研究人员将身高体重指数(BMI)、年龄、性别、是否吸烟以及是否早有抗体等因素考虑进来进行调整之后,这个结论仍然成立。 +"It is tempting, in the excitement of the moment, just to accept everything on their terms.",在得到工作的这一刻,本能会促使你接受他们提出的所有条件。 +Mrs. CRONIN: Do I disturb you?,克罗宁夫人:我打扰你了吗? +This is only a hand to huang Lao four reports: the Mrs Li is false.,这只一个手下向黄老四报告:这个李夫人是假的。 +It is unlikely that data on how life originated will be provided by the palaeontological record.,生命如何起源的不大可能通过古生物学记录证明。 +"To that end, a scout was sent to the African Nations Cup with instructions to observe the Cameroon striker ' s progress at the tournament.",为此,一个侦察人员已被派往非洲国家杯赛场对这位喀麦隆前锋在锦标赛上的进展情况进行观察。 +"The initiation, development and termination of the Himalayan carbonate platforms are closely related to the dynamic evolution of the Tethyan orogenic belt.",喜马拉雅地区的碳酸盐台地产生、发展和消亡与特提斯造山带形成的动力演化息息相关。 +"There was also an uncheckable anecdote, saying he was given some kind of shots in England, and if he did not return on time, he would die.",还有不可考证的是英国人在他体内注射了药物,如果不按时回去,就会发作而死。 +The method using diethanol as buffer solution is more ideal for the determination of osteoblast alkaline phosphatase activity in cultures of sucking rat in vitro.,结论用二乙醇胺缓冲液的试剂方法,测定体外培养乳鼠成骨细胞裂解液碱性磷酸酶的活性,效果较为理想。 +"People who do their best in a pressure moment perceive them as an opportunity, fun or a challenge.",那些面对压力时尽最大努力的人把这视为机会、乐趣或挑战。 +There are many more erogenous zones in the body than the obvious!,女性的身体有很多的性地带,并不只是那些显而易见的。 +"The study involved bollworms, a major threat to cotton farmers.",这份研究涉及棉铃虫,对棉农来说,这是最大的威胁。 +"When you create a DB2 database on UNIX platforms, a default buffer pool called IBMDEFAULTBP is created that is 1000 pages with a 4k pagesize.",当您在 UNIX 平台上创建一个 DB2 数据库时,一个默认的缓冲池 IBMDEFAULTBP 会被创建,它具有 1000 个页大小为 4k 的页。 +Its economy grew by 8.8% in the year to the second quarter; the rupee has strengthened; and the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) this month raised interest rates for the sixth time since the crisis.,到今年的第二季度,其经济以8.8%的速率增长,且卢比变的更加坚挺。 本月印度储备银行自经���危机以来连续第六次调高利率。 +"Tomer found the usual overall bias to the left-hand side of space, but also discovered that ten participants showed a bias to the right.",托马发现通常大多数人都会偏向左手边的方向,同时也发现十个与会者都对右边比较感兴趣。 +How do you like the learn English?,是高考状元每天辅导我们学习英语。 +One of my professors gave me some hope today.,今天,我的一位教授给了我一些希望。 +"The cusp balance inclination of tradition anatomic occlusal form artificial teeth is convex, which is a disadvantage factor to set up stable and unhindered chew course.",传统解剖聒型总义齿人工牙凸面的牙尖平衡斜面形态是形成稳定顺畅的咀嚼过程的不利因素。 +"In fact, the workhorse in the AECL stable, the CANDU reactor, can under certain conditions have a positive PCR and it's not a problem.",事实上,AECL旗下的这座无所不能的反应堆可以在特定情况下形成PCR正值并且不产生问题。 +"Original Atlas and Titan I crews were designed to build a closely knit team, some of which remained together for years of service.",最早的阿特拉斯和泰坦I导弹部队都是紧密协作的团队,其中许多人共同服役多年。 +"There are a large number of classifiers in the Lahu language, which are subdivided into noun classifiers and verbal classifiers.",拉祜语有丰富的量词,分为名量词和动量词。 +Will you marry me and my husband ?,你愿意为我和我丈夫证婚吗 ?。 +"JOBZONE started by 3 people who all come from top 500 company senior management position, they are professional and with rich experience in company operation, talent demand and china talent situation.",公司3位创始人,均为欧美世界500强高级职业经理人,对公司运营,各岗位需求,国内人才结构等具有丰富的经验,公司所有顾问均为本科以上学历,5年以上工作经验的专业人士。 +The article will discuss the reasons and negative effects and give the countermeasures.,文章在深入分析错案追究制可能产生的“负效应”及原因后,提出了对策。 +"Accounting for multiple environments (development, testing, quality assurance, production) only compounds the problem.",如果应用于多环境(开发、测试、质量保证、生产)的情况,只会让问题变得更为复杂。 +"In addition, NVCA still suggests to reduce the capital gains tax of IPO investor.",此外,NVCA还建议降低IPO投资者的资本收益税。 +Objective: To observe the incidence of haematoma after the arterio puncture and venous puncture of the hemodialysis patient and its nursing.,目的:观察血液透析患者直接动、静脉穿刺术后血肿的发生情况及总结护理要点。 +"When the world seems cold, hostile, and uninviting, go to a peaceful place inside you.",当世界天寒地冻、充满敌意、枯燥乏味时,回归内心宁静的家园。 +"The research items are follows:(1) The significance of researches and some results on CCV were generalized. At the same time, the contents and ways of this study were proposed.",阐述了汽油机非稳定工况燃烧过程研究的意义及其现状,提出了本文的研究内容与研究思路。 +You then ask if they’d use the service for $X/yr.,你可以问一下如果使用这个服务需要X美元,他会怎么想。 +"Among the three, the concept of future is the most complicated, because people have to conceptualize it from events that have not happened in the physical world.",在这三个子概念中,将来最为复杂,因为人类对它的感知来自于还未在客观事件中发生的事情。 +Air dissolved in oil exists as individual molecules which are similar to CO2 dissolved in soda water.,溶解在油中的空气以一个一个的独立分子存在,这和二氧化碳溶解在苏打水中差不多。 +"In the absence of exceptional circumstances, the Panel shall forward its decision on the complaint to the Provider within fourteen (14) days of its appointment pursuant to Paragraph 6.",除非有特殊情况,陪审团应该依据章节6的规定在受指派后的十四(14)天内向服务提供方递交其对诉讼的裁决。 +"According to the production characteristics of the oil gas-bearing formation, this paper designs and manufactures feasible washing pipe string which is in charge of the post pollution-freely.",根据油气层的生产特点,研究设计了无污染洗井管柱,既解决了抽油井在生产过程中对敏感性油气层产生的伤害问题,又提高了低产低能抽油井的热洗效果。 +"Objective:To compared different sample of Gastrodia elata in pharmacologic effect, study main pharmacologic effect of ""White stem"" and gave the basis for using.",目的:对天麻不同生长时期样品的药理作用进行比较,探讨白麻的主要药理作用,为白麻的开发利用提供依据。 +"The production workshop acquires materials by ""Material Requisition"".",生产车间凭<领料单>领料。 +"Avoid slang expressions, colloquialisms, and obscure phrasing in all text. At best, they are difficult to translate; at worst, they are offensive.",避免俚语,俗语,以及所有文字模糊措辞。因为很难翻,更不好的是这些词语会令人反感。 +"It can be very easy to indulge in self-pity, blame and anger;",人们很容易沉溺于自恋,自责和生气的情绪中; +The paper also discusses the design principle of super-high-speed digital circuits and some examples of combinational and sequential circuits using linear AND-OR gate are given.,本文还讨论了应用线性“与或”门设计超高速数字电路的准则以及有关的组合和时序电路设计实例。 +He will now head to Toro in order to help them climb back into Serie A after the were relegated on the last day of term.,在昨天重返新赛季备战后,现在他将努力帮助都林俱乐部重返甲级联赛。 +One of the protection elements involved in LASP system uses the current differential relaying as a basic application of Kirchhoff's current law.,应用基尔霍夫定律原理制造的电流差动继电器,这个保护元件被引入到LASP系统。 +The product yield was increased from 40% to 68% with purity of 99.3%.,通过在水中冷却结晶直接得到高纯度产品(99.3%),收率从40%提高到68%。 +It was Tony. I didn't answer.,是托尼,我没接。 +"So let me invoke my former life as a literature PhD student here to say, ""This is incredibly farking cool.""",若假设我前生是个文学博士生的话,我就会说,“这简直太给力(farking)了。” +"His decision is likely to hearten his father, Prince Charles, who loathes his son's nicotine habit.",哈�的决定一定会让烦透其烟瘾的老爸查尔斯王储大感欣慰。 +Recently the sugar beet varieties bred in china are limited in hereditary basis and genetic variation genealogy .,摘要目前我国甜菜育成品种存在变异系谱和遗传基础狭窄的局限性。 +"No material recovered from used receptacles shall be used in the manufacture of IBC bodies. Production residues or scrap from the same manufacturing process may, however, be used.",不得利用从旧容器回收的材料来制造中型散货箱箱体。然而,生产残余物料,或同一制造工序中出现的切屑则可以利用。 +"Good article, good point. very useful to me. thanks.",好文章。感谢你的辛苦工作。受益匪浅。 +"The trick may be old, but people still wonder -- how did he do it?",这个戏法或许比较古老,但人们仍然对此疑惑不解——他是怎么变的? +Brand integration system is a complex adaptive system in which the process of brand integration after enterprises merging and acquisition is promoted in a complicated and changeable environment.,企业并购后的品牌整合是在复杂多变的环境中进行的,品牌整合系统是一个复杂适应系统。 +For several years the couple added $300 to each home payment so they could retire the loan 10 years early.,多年来,为了提前10年还清房贷,吉列夫妇每月比应付还款额多还300美元。 +Tommy's father has three arms. They are warm and powerful.,汤米的爸爸有三只手,温暖又有力。 +Humans are among a small handful of animals that tend to strut heel-to-toe.,人类是一些喜欢脚跟脚尖模式动物中的一种,此外还有黑猩猩、其他猿类和熊。 +Archer looked at her glowingly.,阿切尔用灼热的目光看着她。 +"In this script, the field separator is specified within the code itself (by setting the FS variable), while our previous example set FS by passing the -F"":"" option to awk on the command line.","在该脚本中,(通过设置 FS 变量)在代码中指定字段分隔符,而前一示例通过在命令行向 awk 传递 -F"":"" 选项来设置 FS。" +"The reporter might be playing it up a bit for readership , but it does sound like Clinton is goading India to join the US in meddling with China.",这个记者的报道有点耸人听闻,大概为了吸引读者吧,不过看起来希拉里确实是在怂恿印度和美国联手一块给中国添堵。 +"In 1995, it was placed 50th among 500 largest private enterprises by General Bureau of Commerce after comprehensive evaluation.",一九九五年经国家工商总局综合评定为全国最大500家私营企业第50位。 +On re-running scagen you will notice six extra files have been created.,再次运行 scagen 时,会发现创建了两个额外的文件。 +"Ancelotti also admitted a possibility that Brazilian midfielder Ramires could be heading to Stamford Bridge, though a deal with his club Benfica remains some way off.",安切洛蒂承认,巴西中场拉米雷斯有可能来到斯坦福桥,但是与本菲卡俱乐部的交易仍有些工作要做。 +"Our Education Centre offers a comprehensive range of art courses. The partners are Berklee College of Music, Broadway, Moscow Ballet Academy, Hollywood Digital , etc.",本中心开设多专业的艺术课程,合作伙伴包括伯克利音乐学院、百老汇���莫斯科芭蕾舞学院、好莱坞影视制作公司等。 +"So the landscape eco-planning of""thousand-kilometer-tour corridor""is putting on the agenda.",在此基础上对肇庆市“千里旅游走廊”进行景观生态规划研究。 +Ziketan is in an area of natural plague bacteria circulation amongst animals and at the present time it is the active season for plague transmission amongst animals.,子科滩镇是动物之间天然鼠疫杆菌流行地,目前正是动物间传播鼠疫的活跃季节。 +"Headquartered in Hipore, Hi-p has an extensive footprint with 15 manufacturing plants globally and engineering-support centers. We currently employ about 20,000 people.",赫比公司的总部位于新加坡,全球共拥有15处工厂和技术支持中心。现有约20,000名雇员服务于赫比公司。 +The results indicated that the soil infiltration rate in forest watershed is obviously higher than that in rangeland watershed.,结果表明:森林小流域林地土壤入渗速率显著高于荒坡草灌小流域。 +"The article designes hardware of the system, and creates a multi-frame CAN control agreement , and frame structure is also expanded . At last the paper makes the analysis of software.",文章设计了系统硬件构成,建立了CAN多帧控制协议并对帧结构进行了扩展,对软件实现作出了分析。 +Tobacco stocks also have done decently.,烟草类股表现也不错。 +"This allowed us to design D3D10.1 interoperability, and hence allow these other technologies to interoperate with Direct2D as well.",这样就能允许我们来设计 D3D 10.1 互操作性。 因此就能允许与其它技术交互,比如 Direct2D 。 +"So Naomi returned, and Ruth the Moabite her daughter-in-law with her, who returned from the country of Moab. And they came to Bethlehem at the beginning of barley harvest.",拿俄米和他儿妇摩押女子路得,从摩押地回来到伯利恒,正是动手割大麦的时候。 +Both describe his uncongenial experiences as a civil servant in Burma and reveal his hatred of imperialism.,两篇文章都描述了他作为缅甸公务员的那段与己志不相投的经历,也反应了他对帝国主义的仇恨。 +"Reduce the examination of attention and memory, to review and examination results can not be, can not even take the exam.",降低应试的注意力和记忆力,使复习及考试达不到应有的效果,甚至无法参加考试。 +Only then will we make the progress we seek.,惟其如此,我们才能取得预期进展。 +"As China's planned economy to market economy, advertising on the professional quality of the newspaper's sources of income played a decisive role.",随着我国计划经济向市场经济转轨,广告经营的好坏对专业报的收入来源起到了决定性的作用。 +"As to the methodology, this part adopt the antitheses and analytical method, and choose the legal culture of China and the western countries to comparatively study.",另外,本部分还采用了个案研究分析的方法,选取了四个典型案例进行了分析。第四部分对我国法律信仰的生成提供了七条路径选择。 +"Is this your sister's sixth zither, sir?",这是你的姐姐的第六个琵琶,先生?。 +Heat transfer possibly results in the thermal wrinkling of transpiration cooling platelet of the liquid rocket engine(LRE)'s thrust chamber.,液体火箭发动机发汗冷却推力室的结构层板可能出现受热皱损。 +"Wuxi New District, efficient management of religious affairs, New social stability, sustainable development for the new area to create a harmonious environment.",无锡新区宗教事务管理工作效率高,新区的社会稳定,为新区的和谐持续发展创造环境条件。 +The suggestive therapy of the phrenopathic department is the best example of Psychological Pharmacodynamics.,精神科的暗示疗法是心理药效学的应用典范。 +"In similar research, scientists at Princeton University are scanning the brains of people as they tell real-life stories and then playing back those stories to others.",普林斯顿大学的科学家们也在做类似的实验,他们在人们讲述真实故事时扫描叙述者和听众的大脑。 +The method presented in this paper predicts satisfactorily the liquid response to earthquakes as indicated by the comparison with the test results on the large vibration platform.,与大型振动台试验结果的比较表阴,理论方法可以很好预估储液地震响应。 +"A source close to Miss Perroncel, 33, claimed in The Sun: 'To say she's a Chelsea girl is a bit of an understatement.",据消息灵通人士透露,据《太阳报》的说法,说33岁的佩罗塞尔是切尔西女孩有点太含蓄了。 +We will comprehensively implement reform of collective forest rights.,全面推进集体林权制度改革。 +It is precisely in these very volatile and difficult circumstances that investors seek to find the babies that have been thrown out with the bathwater.,正是在这些急剧动荡和困难的情况下,价值投资者��能够寻找到连同洗澡水一同倒掉的婴儿。 +"In Journey to the West, the influence of folk story-telling and singing manifest itself in three aspects: numerous interludes of pop librettos;",《西游记》中的民间说唱遗存主要表现在三个方面:通俗唱词的大量穿插; 故事情节模式化现象比较突出; +There are kids with lollies and parents with heaps of bags.,父母们都拿着大包小包,带着他们拿着棒棒糖的孩子们。 +"The product is suitable for the additive of cosmetics because of excellent permeability, moise and soft for skin. And it can be used as lubricant of the fabrics, too.",本品广泛应用于化妆品中,对皮肤具有极好渗透、滋润和软化作用。也可用作纺织品的润滑剂。 +Huaming machinery is one of the enterprise whose production is designated for the State plastic machinery.,本公司是国家塑料机械定点生产企业之一。 +"In the field of TCM, no unanimous conclusion has been drawn about the form and crux of the triple warmer.",关于三焦的型态与实质,中医界众说纷纭,至今尚无定论。 +That guy is not a die-hart at all . He must give up .,那个家伙一点也不顽固,他肯定会屈服的。 +Perhaps you could take some of your savings to treat her in a salon or the department store.,我们或许可以拿出一部分积蓄,请她去美容沙龙或者去百货公司购物。 +"To connect to the database, the server-side code needs to do some basic creating, updating, deleting, and — most importantly — reading of records.",要连接到数据库,服务器端代码需要执行一些基本的创建、更新、删除和 — 最重要的 — 读取记录等操作。 +"With the rapid development of electronic industry and the requirements of weight, size and thickness for the main body, PCB tends to high density circuit and small aperture.",随着电子事业的飞速发展和整机的短、薄、轻、小的要求,电路板也日益趋向线路高密度化和孔径的减小。 +"He was ousted in a bitter boardroom battle in 1985, a move that he later claimed was the best thing that could have happened to him.",1985年在董事会的一场内斗中他被迫下台,而他后来宣称这是发生在他身上的最美妙的事。 +The line to the cafeteria was endless so she has no more time to eat when she finally gets there.,同时失去的还有竞争机会。高中部的学生主席是一个别的城市的孩子在担任。 +"Boiled the stringy Konnyaku about 3 min and dried it, cut it into shorter length.",线蒟蒻放入沸水中稍微过水,漓干,切成短条。 +Develop a mental model for classifying types of accounting accruals.,形成对会计应计科目分类的基本想法。 +That is the genius of America.,这就是美国人的禀赋。 +The magnetosphere was discovered in 1957.,1957年,人们发现了磁气圈的存在。 +Methods:420 urine samples with unusual red blood cell result were analysed by UF-100 urine sediment analyzer.,方法:对UF-100全自动尿沉渣分析仪检测的420例异常红细胞尿液标本进行沉渣镜检。 +The last line in this function refreshes the table.,该函数的最后一行代码刷新表。 +Why did you not obey the Lord ? Why did you pounce on the plunder and do evil in the eyes of the Lord ?,你为何没有听从耶和华的命令,急忙掳掠财物,行耶和华眼中看为恶的事呢? +One month ahead of the shipment.,于装运前一个月汇付至我方。 +I can't think of one measure meant to ameliorate America's hideous history of racial discrimination that conservatives have supported.,这是他们的一个重要的基本信念。我不认为保守派支持了某一项措施就意味着美国丑陋的种族歧视史变美好了。 +"They pick up vibration and sound, so they can identify advancing troops.",它们采集振动和声音信息,这样就能够识别前进中的军队。 +"Long-distance, high-speed and large earring capacity are major developing trend for belt conveyers.",长距离、高带速,大运量,是带式输送机的王要发展趋势之一。 +The confidence of government was reduced because people's livelihood was hopeless.,无以为生的人民,自然对政府丧失信心。 +Urijah in Hebrew means: Jah is light.,乌利亚意思是: 耶和华是光。 +Her husband left the firm for a better position in a bank.,她丈夫离开这个公司在一家银行谋到了一个更好的职位。 +"Kellerman agrees, and says when Scylla is delivered; all their slates will be wiped clean.",凯勒曼同意了,并称,当“锡拉”被送来后,所有他们的不良纪录将被清除。 +"But based on the team's new findings, which will be reported next month in Geology, those conclusions are suspect, he notes.",但根据将在下个月的《地质学》杂志上发表的研究小组的最新发现判断,拉斯姆森表示,上述结论值得怀疑。 +"This paper presents the gleization genesis, the gleization types and their fertilizer characteristics of paddy soil in Sihu region;",本文研究了四湖地区水稻土潜育化的发生、类型及其肥力特性,对该区潜育化现状及发展趋势作了评估。 +"The World Horticulture Expo successfully held in Kunming, Yunnan Province of China in 1999 displayed China's ability to host a comprehensive World Expo.",1999年,中国在云南昆明成功举办了世界园艺博览会,显示中国已具备举办综合性世博会的能力。 +"Sola, who previously had a long relationship with comedian Jiro Hachimitsu, admits she very much has the ambition to settle down some day.",苍井空先前与喜剧演员Jiro Hachimitsu有一段长期的恋情,她承认有朝一日自己会过上安定的生活。 +"Plan a weekend to go out with friends to barbecue countryside, see a film, play electronic games, play footaball or barly take a walk together.",安排个周末跟朋友一起,一起去野外烧烤、看电影、玩电子游戏、踢足球、或者只是一起走走。 +"Water well drill rod for eue in even -like, attaches according to the petroleum drilling tool size processing, also may defer to the user request processing.",水井钻杆为外加厚内平式,接头按照石油钻具尺寸加工,也可按照用户要求加工.。 +"In mixed classes, women are concerned that men are there just to ogle them.",在男女混合的课堂里,女性会担心男性到场只是为了色迷迷地打量她们。 +"Wei Zhigang. 2003. The changes of large scale land surface in western China and its effect on summer precipitation in China[D]. Beijing:Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Chinese Academy of Science.",韦志刚.2003。我国西部大尺度陆面状况的变化及其对我国夏季降水的影响[D]。北京:中国科学院大气物理研究所。 +"Ltd. Firstly, the paper analyzes the current marketing situation faced by grain machinery industry and describes the demand theory, SWOT theory and 10P theory.",首先,通过对粮食机械行业的营销状况进行了分析,并阐明了需求理论、SWOT理论和10P理论。 +"The commandos also suspected that he might be wearing a suicide vest, the officials added.",突击队员对于本拉登是否身穿自杀式背心也有所怀疑。 +"In July 2009, he was invited to attend the G-8 summit in L'Aquila, Italy, above.",2009年7月,他受邀参加在意大利的拉奎拉举办的G8峰会(上图)。 +Failure to understand the games and the terms and idioms derived from them hinders communication.,不懂这些比赛以及由其派生的词汇和习语会妨碍与他人的交流。 +"He said one area of significant growth was manufacturing, which increased in July by 24, 000 new jobs.","他说,制造业是新增就业岗位较多的一个领域,7月份共增加了24,000个岗位。" +"Netanyahu also wants to negotiate, but opposes handing over territory that Israel gained in the 1967 Arab Israeli War.",内塔尼亚胡也希望谈判,但是反对交出以色列在1967年阿以战争时夺取的领土。 +"On a matched balance sheet, the company's total assets equal its total liabilities and owner's equity.",在一个对等的银行资产负债表中,该公司的总资产应该等于其总债务和总股本。 +"Hewlett-Packard Co has settled a legal dispute over Oracle Corp's hiring of Mark Hurd, as the two companies moved to publicly mend fences and put the contentious issue behind them.",旧金山(路透社)——惠普公司,已解决了甲骨文公司聘用赫德的法律纠纷,因为这两家公司公开提出搞好关系,把争议问题先搁置一边。 +"After opening the topic reported had ended, by appraises the component member to synthesize appraises component member's opinion, wrote the concrete appraisal conclusion.",结束后,由评议组成员综合评议组成员的意见,写出具体评议结论。 +The United States secret service says shots have been fired near the home of vice president Joe Biden in Delaware.,美国特勤局表示副总统拜登特拉华家附近地区发生枪击案。 +A long-distance sleeper bus with 44 on board veered off a highway in Yanhe County in Guizhou and crashed down an 80m slope at about 7 am Monday. At least 15 people were confirmed dead.,5日早上7时许,一辆载有44人的长途卧铺客车在贵州沿河县翻下80米山坡,至少15名乘客死亡。 +SQLite is an open source embeddable database engine written in C by D. Richard Hipp.,SQLite 是 D. Richard Hipp 用 C 语言编写的开源嵌入式数据库引擎。 +"Taylor added that MGT thinks there is an opportunity to develop further biomass projects in the UK and Europe, although he could not provide specifics.",泰勒还认为,MGT公司有机会在英国和欧洲建设更多生物质发电项目,虽然他不能提供细节。 +The structure changes of rats' ovary and uterus were progressively recovered after 4 estrous cycles rest.,经过4个动情周期的恢复,大鼠卵巢及子宫结构逐渐复原,为一可逆性变化过程。 +Is it polite for people to ask to be godparents?,对人们而言,要求成为教父教母是否礼貌呢�� +Results Postoperative follow-up showed satisfactory results in the 43 cases from the 2000.,结果自2000年始经43例临床实践再造唇珠丰满。 +"It developed an ambitious programme for voluntary HIV counselling and testing, and was the first country in sub-Saharan Africa to reach global targets for both detecting and treating TB.",它制定了一个雄心勃勃的艾滋病毒自愿辅导和检测计划。 全球为检测和治疗结核病各自设下了目标,肯尼亚是撒哈拉以南非洲中的第一个国家达到两个目标。 +An analytical method for the determination of diethylstilbestrol(DES) residues in animal muscles with HPLCMS/MS was established.,建立了动物肌肉组织中己烯雌酚残留的液相色谱-串联质谱分析方法。 +The results showed that the germination rate of grass decreased and the seedling could not grow well with the increasing of cement content.,结果表明:当用水泥作为粘合材料的喷播基质时,随着水泥含量的增高,草种的发芽率逐渐降低,幼苗生长较差。 +The research result was applied in the freeway and bridge toll system and the traffic-flow statistics system.,研究结果已在路桥收费系统以及交通流量统计中得到应用。 +"For weeks after Mr. Obama took office, Mr. Orszag sat directly across the table from him in the Roosevelt Room.",奥巴马入职的数周后,罗斯福厅里,Orszag坐在奥巴马的正对面。 +"This is Andy Sachs, Miranda's new assistant.",这是安蒂沙奇 米兰达的新助理。 +"Although the side-effects were serious, I survived.",尽管有严重副作用,我还是痊愈了。 +"Just as he came under the first branches they bent down and twined around him, and the next minute he was raised from the ground and flung headlong among his fellow travelers.",正当他走到第一个树枝下面时,树枝都弯下来缠住了他,接着他被从地上举起来,头朝下猛地扔到了旅伴们中间。 +"Alan killed twelve soldiers with bare hands, finally collapsed to the ground and stopped breathing.",艾伦徒手杀死了十二个士兵之后,终于瘫倒在地上,停止了呼吸。 +"Some of those proposals, such as a pledge to end favoritism toward government-linked companies in government procurement, make sense.",某些建议,如承诺在政府采购物资过程中,不再优先考虑与政府有联系的公司,这是合情合理的。 +"Framing issues: methods for presenting science should engage cognitive and emotional processing, in a balanced manner, and try to make distant future outcomes concrete.",框架的问题:应该进行科学的介绍认知和情感的处理,以平衡的方式,并设法使遥远的未来结果的具体方法。 +"When Chávez was swept to power by the 1998 elections, Monsalve says that the marginalized poor communities could relate to his ideology.",1998年大选时,查韦斯所向披靡,莫萨莉认为,这是因为他的主张顾及到被边缘化的穷人社区。 +Did the student establish plenty of eye-contact with each member of the audience?,学员能否自然地与每位听众有眼神交流? +"The main inducing factors included senility, physical weakness, mental tension, fasting of long time before intervention and less …",年老体弱、精神紧张、术前禁食时间长、术后补液量少为其主要诱发因素。 +"Combinations of the above, and many other unsuspected and sudden man-made catastrophes .",除了上述情况,还应该包括一些未知的和突发的人为灾祸。 +"Select operand => Select a field, then click OrderEvent_Obj to expand the list, and select OrderValue.",选择 operand => Select a field,然后单击 OrderEvent_Obj 展开列表,并选择 OrderValue。 +"But still, he was able to put together a periodic table.",他依然能够将元素周期表制作出来。 +The second part has pointed out the similarities and differences of countries'proposal system by introducing the rule of sentencing proposal in both common law system and civil law system.,第二章从介绍英美法系和大陆法系的量刑建议制度着手,指出各国在量刑建议制度的相同和相异之处。 +"For VMware ESX Server V3 virtual images, the configurations are in the .vmx file.",对于 VMware ESX Server V3 虚拟映像,配置信息位于 .vmx 文件中。 +Just as beautiful as bashful girls!,美得像害羞的姑娘! +"We would look it as not bad one with good mood , but in bad mood, you would think it as a fate morse than death.",用心情好来看,我们会觉得是一件不错的事,但用坏的心情来看我们会认为它是一件令人感到生不如死的事。 +Go to the bottom of things.,做到事情的根柢。 +But Chichester was determined to carry out his plan.,但奇切斯特决意实施自己的计划。 +我不在乎我必须去干活儿:但是你只要写一句话给我寄来,说,“我很快就来了,”我就等着你,安琪尔——啊,我会高高兴兴地等着你的呀!,"I do not mind having to work: but if you will send me one little line, and say, `I am coming soon', I will bide on, Angel - O, so cheerfully!" +"Clubs can also supplement their 25- man squad with a B-list, featuring as many players as they want who were under the age of 21 at the start of the previous January.",俱乐部还可以有一个B名单来增补他们的25人阵容,只要他们想,他们就可以放入足够多球员到B单里,前提是在之前的1月开始时21岁以下。 +Bryant went into Friday's game averaging 26.4 points in 36.4 minutes.,科比在周五的比赛之前平均每场得26.4分,出场36.4分钟。 +"Four support got home, havent had time to talk to grandma, cuckoo rushed over to jilt a slap to the four seasons.",四季刚一回到家,还没来得及跟奶奶说话,杜鹃便冲过来甩给四季一巴掌。 +"Our factory was operating philosophy is: the product with the same character, reputation and credibility of the co-existence!",我厂得经营理念是:产品与人品同在,名誉与信誉共存! +"Reserve team goalkeeper Yves Makabu-Ma Kalambay, who has been on trial with Hibernian , is called back because Hedman's calf strain will prevent him from being involved on Saturday in the FA Cup.",在爱尔兰人俱乐部试训的预备队的门将伊夫斯-马卡布-马-卡兰贝由于海德曼的受伤而被召回,它将代替海德曼在周六的足总杯中担当替补。 +"If one day I from your world, you will disappear as television, remember me forever?",如果有一天,我从你的世界消散了,你会像电视里演的那样,记着我一辈子吗? +Cast-aluminium model inside lining;,铸铝模型内衬; +"Day after day, year by year, teacher, your hair be no longer jet black and bright, but increment silver silk, change of dusk.",日复一日,年复一年,老师,您的头发不再乌黑亮丽,而是增加了银丝,变的昏暗昏暗。 +"Overall, the new iPod Touch is the same as the iPhone 4 but now we can’t really say, “It’s an iPhone without a phone, ” because the Touch includes a video-conferencing webphone!",总的来说,新的ipod touch 和iphone4非常的接近。 不过现在我们已经不能够说:“这是一台没有电话功能的iphone。” +And he singled out several miscreants for blaming their self-inflicted woes on others.,他也指出了几个祸首,谴责他们本是自身造成的苦难却怨天尤人。 +Discusses command-line tools for programmers who prefer to build their applications from the command prompt.,讨论偏好从命令提示字元建置其应用程式的程式设计人员所使用的命令列工具。 +The president will speak in Miami at a reception to benefit Democratic congressional candidates at the home of retired basketball star Alonzo Mourning.,奥巴马将在迈阿密退休的篮球明星莫宁的家里举行的招待会上讲话,以力挺民主党国会候选人。 +There were no couples between us and the restaurant's large front windows.,我们身边和餐厅的巨大前窗边没有一对情侣。 +"He wields phallic cigars, races superbikes and smashes his copy of Goya's ""Saturn Devouring His Son"" on a lamp when fingered for manipulating the share price of a rival firm.",他挥舞粗大的雪茄,开着超级摩托车,一边在灯下粉碎弗朗西斯科?戈雅的名作《农神吞噬其子》的复制品,一边却被指操纵敌对公司的股价。 +A functional index cannot be created on a UDR that returns a large object.,不能针对返回大对象的 UDR 创建函数索引。 +"There are many such pyramids and conduits that serve this role, but none quite so potently as Giza.",像这样的金字塔和导管有很多,但吉萨的能量最为强大。 +Good food is one of life's great pleasures.,享受美食是人生一大乐事,而且对于大多数人来说,餐桌是家庭生活和庆祝聚会的核心。 +"Company executives generally resist boasting, even as ARM chips command a monopoly in growth areas like smartphones.",公司高管们通常反对夸夸其谈,即便是ARM在像智能手机这样的增长领域占据了垄断性地位。 +These are needed if you want the application to appear on the phone's extras bar and to have its own icon on the phone's screen.,如果您想使应用程序出现在移动电话的外框条上并在移动电话屏幕上具有其自己的图标,那么这些文件都是必需的。 +"""Once again Letseng has proved its ability to produce extraordinary diamonds and continues to place Lesotho at the forefront of diamond producing countries, "" Monyane Moleleki said in a statement.",蒙莫尼亚内•莫莱莱基在一份声明中说:“莱特森矿再次证明了其出产非凡钻石的能力,并巩固了莱索托钻石出产大国的地位。” +Intermarriage is a critical variable to observe the integration of social relations.,通婚是考察社会关系整合程度的重要变量。 +"Since early December, McDonald's has launched a so-called ""preferential program"" on a trial basis in three cities, Guangzhou, Shenzhen and Nanjing.",自12月初以来,麦当劳推出了所谓的“优惠���划” 在广州,深圳和南京三个城市进行试验。 +"He called it Shibah, and to this day the name of the town has been Beersheba.",他就给那井起名叫示巴;因此那城叫做别是巴,直到今日。 +"So if you think about any one of these carbon-carbon bonds, what type of a bond would you expect that to be?",如果你们考虑任何一个碳碳键,它是什么类型的? +"The rescue workers and firemen have arrived at the scene, said the police, they have boarded helicopters and searched the northern part of �erlingen.",救援人员与消防人员已赶抵现场,警方说,他们搭乘直升机搜寻乌伯林更镇北部地区。 +"Status quo of Hubei Province industrial textiles were analysed from aspects of whole scope, industrial stations, leading products, agminate development and predominance on study and so on.",从全局、行业地位、主导产品、集群化发展及研发科技优势等方面,分析了湖北省产业用纺织品现状; +"The SNMP standard does not define what information the agent returns; instead, the available information is defined by Management Information Bases (MIBs).",SNMP 标准没有定义代理返回什么信息;相反,可用的信息由管理信息库(Management Information Base,MIB)定义。 +"However, Lee Hoi-chang announced his independent candidacy last month, when Lee Myung-bak was threatened by allegations of fraud and stock price manipulation.",但是,上月,当李明博受到造假和操纵股票价格的言论的威胁时,李会昌宣布自己是独立的候选人。 +"When they were, the dogs that conceivably might have attracted our attention were already gone.",即使有回应,那些看上去吸引过我们眼球的狗儿也都已经不在了。 +A lot of them are frustrated with what they've seen happen and how certain policies have affected the country.,他们其中一些人因为所见所闻而倍感受挫,如何去确定政策已经影响到这个国家。 +An example is vmstat.,vmstat 就是一个示例。 +"Having good time-frequency localization character, and correctly identifying singularity point in fault signal, Wavelet is the main analysis method in this paper.",小波变换具有良好的时频局部性,具有变焦距的特点,对故障信号中的奇异点能够准确识别,是论文中应用的主要分析方法。 +"The paper verifies the algorithm with ERS 1/2 data, and gives offset of fine co registration and interferometric image. The result indicates the algorithm is valid.",文中应用ERS 1/2实际数据进行了验证,给出了精配准偏移量和配准后干涉图,结果表明该方法有效。 +Earth fire and water were all mixed together.,土地、火和水都混和在一起。 +The debtor who performed the debt has the right of claim to other debtors.,连带债务人履行了债务后,对其他债务人有求偿权。 +"On the other hand, the war being waged by Germany and by Britain and France is an unjust, predatory and imperialist war for the oppression of other nations and peoples.",而德国的战争,英法的战争,则都是非正义的、掠夺的、帝国主义的战争,是压迫他国民族、压迫他国人民的战争。 +The research on the piano concerto Yellow River is conducted form four angles by means of various methods mainly based on historical literature and interview notes.,为此,在此项研究中以历史文献和采访记录为主要参考依据,采用多种研究方法从四个方面对钢琴协奏曲《黄河》进行研究。 +"Therefore, in the other condition same situation, soon distributes may exchange the debt to be higher than many compared to the rotatable debt value of each contribution.",因此,在其他条件相同的情况下,即将发行的可交换债比可转债的投资价值高出不少。 +The polarimetric calibration is an important step to acquire the accurate polarization scattering matrix and is extensively difficult for the large aperture polarimetric radar.,极化校准是极化散射矩阵正确获取的重要步骤之一,大口径雷达的极化校准一直是一个难点。 +"He's got a body shape, feathers, and beak of an ostrich, the speed of some of the fastest lizards, and the height to rival T-rex.",它有鸵鸟一样的身形、羽毛和长嘴,最为迅速的蜥蜴的速度,和霸王龙一样的身高。 +Dependance is the inevitable corollary and not something to be shed as possible but the expression of strong family bonds of affection.,依赖是不可避免的自然结果。它不可能是那些可能被舍弃的东西,而是联结伟大亲情的一种情感的表达。 +"To be left out of the rat race and yet be so close, so intimately involved in it, was such heartbreaking torture that it seemed the universe must be against him-that Creation was malign, after all.",被亡命激战抛下,却距离如此之近、身处其中,是这般令他痛心的折磨,好像整个宇宙都在同他作对。归根到底,造物之主是邪恶的。 +"On the basis of Egovernment's meaning and after explaining the signification and principle of Egovernment's construction, a set of resolution for Egovernment's construction is introduced.",从电子政务的基本含义出发,阐述了构建电子政务系统的意义及原则,在此基础上给出了一套电子政务系统设计的方案。 +"He that wasteth his father, and chaseth away his mother, is a son that causeth shame, and bringeth reproach.",虐待父亲,撵出母亲的,是贻羞致辱之子。 +These dye colors are the complementary colors to the three additive primaries of red green and blue.,这些染料色是加色法的三原色红、绿、蓝的相互补充。 +But don't do it at a business lunch or dinner.,没有过,真设是正在商务宴会下,即没有要这么做了。 +Wanxiang's chairman Lu Guanqiu ranked no. 21 on our new 2011 Forbes China Rich List with wealth of $3.1 billion.,万向集团的主席鲁冠球以3.1亿美金在2011福布斯中国富豪榜上排名第21。 +"If practicing frequently, one can increase the power of arm and wrist, and use its own strength freely.",常习练此棍术,可以增强臂腕之力:增强全身之整劲的收放自如程度。 +"They occur at times when an accretion of ideas, social movements, economic interests, and other forces have attained a critical mass.",这些事件发生在新潮思想、 社会运动、经济利益等达到能量的极点、引发巨变的时刻。 +Conclusion 0.125% ropivacaine and 0.125% bupivacaine appeared similarly effective in providing PCA following upper-extremity surgery.,结论0.125%罗比卡因与0.125%布比卡因均可有效地用于上肢术后的连续臂丛阻滞患者自控镇痛,并且效果相似。 +"Note that wahabi is thename of a Muslim sect, and that gmail is of course owned by Baidu-competitor Google.",请注意,新电子邮件地址中的“wahabi”是一个穆斯林教派的名字,而Gmail则是百度的竞争对手谷歌所拥有的。 +"Both in speech and in writing, the appropriate use of rhetorical devices is sure to strengthen the artistic appeal and enhance the expressiveness.",在口头表达和书面陈述中,修辞手法的恰当运用必然会加强艺术感染力,增强表达效果。 +"Finding one's corpse will be easy, since players will have a minimap marker that clearly shows the way.",发现尸体会很容易,因为小地图上有记号来清楚地指明路线。 +PRO: The US is a large country and the standard accent is very widely spoken.,优点:美国是个大国,标准的美音到处可以听见。 +"The house is a mess, I haven't been shopping, all the dishes are dirty, and I don't feel like cooking a fancy meal!",我们的房子乱糟糟的,我很久没有买过东西回来了,所有的碗碟都是脏的,还有,我可不想做一餐累死人的晚饭。 +"' says Mr. Schmidinger, the general manager.",总经理施米丁格说。 +"Nobody gets to play games with our economy-or the middle class I grew up in, and that you grew up in.",任何人胆敢我们的经济,或者是我参与其成长的中产阶级,我就陪他们玩到底。 +"NATO member Germany abstained from voting on the U. N. resolution on the alliance's intervention, something rebel military spokesman Colonel Ahmed Omar Bani said calls for shame.",北约成员国德国对联合国提出盟军介入的决议投了弃权票,反对派军方发言人艾哈迈德。奥马尔。巴尼上校认为,德国的做法令人感到羞耻。 +We usually provide very attractive Saturday specials.,本餐厅通常推出星期六特菜,非常诱人哦。 +The application software should be open system and easy to connect with.,应用程序软件应该是开放系统,并且易于连接。 +In this paper the cyanation process of the rich sliver and gold-bearing ores are studied.,本文对某富银含金矿氰化工艺的条件进行了探索。 +You represent nations at all levels of income and all stages of development.,你们代表的国家,处于各种收入水平和发展阶段。 +"With coral reefs, clear water, shipwrecks , and abundant underwater wildlife, the islands are a magnet for scuba divers and snorkelers.",这些岛屿所拥有的珊瑚礁、清澈海水、沈船和丰富的水底生物都深深吸引著喜爱深潜和浮潜的游客。 +That perspicacious proverb about one man's meat being another man's poison could well be stretched to cover the undoubted fact that one man's rubbish is another man's treasure.,那句锐利的谚语“利于甲者未必利于乙”很可以引申来指这一毫无疑问的事实,即对一人是垃圾的对另一人却是宝贝。 +"I'm sorry, I'm dancing.",很抱歉,我正在跳舞呢! +More than 5000 foreign ships were anchored at Huangpu Port from 1757 to 1837 during Qing Dynasty.,在清朝,1757年到1837年间,共有超过5000艘外国商船曾停泊在黄埔古港。 +The Research on the Evaluation type of the High-level Volleyball-players'specific mental power in university.,高校高水平排球运动员专项心理能力评价模型的研究。 +"All of the homes were given a benchtop filter and told it would remove any potential gastroenteritis-causing organisms from their water, but half of the devices did not contain filters.",这300户人家均得到了一个台式过滤器,且研究人员告诉他们,设备将除掉水中任何可能引起肠胃病症的有机体,但事实上半数设备并没有过滤装置。 +Wilber's book teaches tips about learning English the easy way.,玮柏的书教的秘诀是用最简单的方法学习英文。 +"It took me almost two years, but became the springboard and true inspiration for my career as a conflict mediator.",它花了我几乎两年的时间,但却成为了我作为一名纠纷调解员的跳板和灵感。 +The Process Improvement Project based on CMMI is a strategic program for ISW to realize this goal.,基于CMMI的软件过程改进项目是ISW为实现此目标而启动的一个战略性项目。 +"Never stop smiling, not even when you're sad, someone might fall in love with your smil.",永远不要停止微笑,即使是在你难过的时候,说不定有人会因为你的笑容而爱上。 +"They hope a deal can ease political tensions and calm anger over Sunday's blasts, which saw public outrage at a perceived failure of the government to protect its people.",他们希望,协议可以缓和政治紧张气氛同时平复星期日爆炸事件带来的愤怒--爆炸事件引发了公众对政府无力保护民众的愤概。 +"Right-wingers who follow Friedrich Hayek or James Buchanan will treat ""social justice"" and ""social choice"" as nonsenses.",追随佛瑞德里奇。哈德耶克又或是詹姆斯。布坎南的右翼分子就视“社会公正”与“社会选择”为胡言乱语。 +"Special: If the creature is a true beholder, the benefits of this feat apply to other true beholders as well as to beholderkin.",特殊:若该生物是真眼魔,则该专长的效果既适用于类眼魔生物也适用于其它真眼魔。 +"Bario Highland in Sarawak is fondly known as the Valley of the Wind, surrounded by mountain range and luscious wood- land, perhaps, it is the State's last piece of uncontaminated pure land.",砂磱越巴里奥高原有《风之谷》的美誉,这里堪称砂州最后一片净土,被群山及原始森林环绕,当地的原住民,每年只耕种一次,限量生产这珍贵的巴里奥好米。 +The analyses show that the formation of such quasi- overconsolidated state is attributable to the influence of the cementation effect and sedimentary environment.,该固结状态的形成主要受胶结作用和沉积环境的影响。 +"According to the clinical efficacy of E. japonica, both anti inflammatory and antitussive models were established for pharmacological evaluation of its fractionated extracts and constituents isolated.",根据其功能主治设计抗炎、镇咳药效学模型,对其萃取部位和所得单体成分进行抗炎、镇咳活性研究。 +"They bandage us when we are wounded, and comfort us when those we love pass away.",当我们受伤时,他们给我们包扎,并且在我们丧失亲人时,他们安慰我们。 +"Indeed, one reason it’s so hard to pin down criteria for what constitutes punishable sexual impropriety is that our standards are in constant flux.",事实上,不恰当的性行为是否该惩罚,其准则很难确定,原因之一是我们的标准在不停地变。 +"It's a great honour that I became one student of Class 10, Grade 1 of Jining No. 1 Middle School this year. …",今年我很荣幸的成为了济宁第一中学高一年级十班的学生求英文… +"Xuanke was raised in just this kind of environment, and the Naxi ancient music is in his blood.",宣科少年时代就在这种环境下长大,纳西古乐深入他的内心。 +A 25-kilometre-long fissure erupted 12 km3 of lava over the course of seven months.,25km长的裂缝在7个月内喷发了12 km3的熔岩。 +A novel optical quantizer that based on travel wave modulator is proposed.,介绍了一种基于行波调制器的光量化器。 +"So, he tied a big stone to his waist and jumped into Lu River.",于是在腹间系上一块大石头,跳入庐水自杀身亡。 +Institutions of all sizes are being hammered by a new erosion in confidence that comes just three years after the industry's near-collapse led to a large government bailout.,各种规模的金融机构都因为信心再次缺失而受到冲击。 这离银行业濒临崩溃、导致政府发起大规模救援还不到三年。 +"Even though he is dumped off by her ex-girlfriend, he still puts a good face on it.",尽管他被前女友抛弃了,他仍装做无事的样子。 +"According to our research, there are different risk regions in Yunnan province, and different risk region should use different premium rate.",研究结果表明云南省农房风险存在不同等级 而不同风险区域的户均保费不同。 +"You'd better not come in right away, hold the stocks for watch before blue chips fail to launch a new fighting, then follow in while the index bounce back.",还是不要急于再杀入,只要蓝筹股未能发动新一轮攻势之前,还是持币观望,等待股指回调后再跟进。 +"In previous student flats she'd shared, it was every man for himself.",在她以前住过的学生公寓里,大家都自己顾自己。 +"We have never transported salt to Mandalay, but since yesterday my company alone sent 4, 000 bags of salt—each weighing 75 pounds (34 kilograms).",我们以前没有向曼德勒运过盐,但是从昨天开始光我的公司就运了400袋盐——每袋75英磅(34公斤)。 +"Czech Republic is a landlocked country in Central Europe. The republic borders Poland to the north, Germany to the northwest and west, Austria to the south, and Slovakia to the east.",捷克共和国是中欧的内陆国家,北临波兰,西北面和西面是德国,南临奥地利,东接斯洛伐克。 +I've got to focus for a second just to get it.,等我去取一下 +He was a good climber and he wouldn't fall.,他是一位优秀的攀登者,他不会摔下去。 +But in Asia and the US things are different and the four-door holds sway in all price categories.,但是,拥有在亚洲和美国的东西是不同的,四门在所有类别的价格影响力。 +"But as soon as you pull on it, suddenly it grabs.",但一旦你把它放在墙上,它立刻就能抓住。 +"In my book, they are taking a great risk, but it goes with the job.",在我看来,他们冒着很大的风险,但这是工作的一部分。 +She quickly learns that being popular can be more painful than getting water-boarded.,她很快学会,流行可以比水刑更痛苦。 +"""vague expression"", ""simply expression"", ""illogical expression"", ""honorific expression"" and ""empathy"" are consisted of typical Japanese language characteristics.",“不明确表达”、“简略表达”、“非合理性表达”以及“为对方着想”、“敬语表达”等构成了日语显著的语言特性。 +Q. With every one of the mention of saronite and old gods our blood in the various 3.3 quest chains will Yogg-Saron fingternating currentting professioning into Icecrown Citarticleel?,说到萨隆钢在3.3任务链中交叉着一个旧神的血液尤格萨隆会出目前冰冠城塞中吗?。 +Paul Sunday: We have a sinner with us!,保罗·桑迪:我们都是罪人! +Disclosed is a flame-retardant silane-crosslinked olefin resin composition having excellent flexibility and gasoline resistance.,本发明公开了柔软性和耐汽油性优异的阻燃性、硅烷交联烯烃树 脂组合物。 +The Diamond in the Husks - The original movie set still exists. View archive video and hear tales from tourists and the field's owners.,钻石外表-原始电影设置静态图,察看视频档案,听听人们怎么说,来自被访问者和现场人员。 +"CONCLUSIONS: Provided there is an appropriate selection process, patients with synchronous multiple primary lung cancer are expected to benefit from surgery.",结论:假若这个是一个适当的选择过程,肺同步多发原发癌患者将从手术中获益。 +Human activity may have influence on the concentration of ice nucleus.,人类活动对冰核浓度也有影响。 +The model and serial numbers are printed on the interior of the dehumidifiers and can be viewed after the water bucket is removed.,型号和序列号印在该减湿器的内部,并且在水斗除去后可以看到。 +"In fact, the precepts constitute the first step in the path.",实际上,戒德构成了行道的初阶。 +He said the KGB got advance warning of Grabbe's mission against the cruiser Ordzhonikidze.,他说,克格勃事先得到了报告,获悉克雷布要对。 +"Li Ao is currently speaker of the ""Li Ao something to say"" program in 2007 to stop broadcasting.",目前李敖主讲的“李敖有话说”节目已于2007年停止播出。 +"Alaska Spider Crab normally live in the 3,600m deep sea in the Arctic Circle, it famous of its meat's rich and tender.",以肉鲜味美,肉质饱满而著称的阿拉斯加蜘蛛蟹生活在3,600多米深的的北极圈冰海海底里。 +But when my health is on the downside - the hair kind of falls out.,但当我的健康情况走下坡路时——我的头发也会有几分脱发的现象。 +The microcomputer monitoring system developed for the net control office in the Second Changchun thermal power plant is introduced.,介绍了为长春热电二厂网控室开发的微机监测系统。 +The canned goods should be be packed in cartons with double straps.,罐装货物在纸箱里,表面加两道箍。 +"However, the testing and manufacturing processes for the new vaccines are similar to seasonal influenza vaccines to ensure quality and safety.",但是,新疫苗的检测和生产程序与季节性流感疫苗相似,以便确保质量和安全性。 +In traditional logistics channel there were plenty stocks so that to bring about much risk for members.,农产品供应链物流整合实证研究传统物流果道中配五大量存货,形成供应链成员很大的风险。 +"Does Dalian northeast China finance and economics learn neighbouring parallel petty gain of optician , optometry certainty enthusiastically?",大连东北财经大学附近眼镜店比较便宜,验光准? +"MaRenZhong proposed DanSi orchid movie, inviting DanSi orchid modest said I only can dance, MaRenZhong last came lotus name DanSi LAN pavilion, heard for Russian singing voice is very beautiful, .",马仁忠提出约请丹丝兰出演电影,丹丝兰谦逊的说本人只会跳舞,马仁忠说出上次来芙蓉阁听见过丹丝兰为俄罗斯人唱歌,歌喉很是动听。 +Chinese-language newspapers ran photos of the troops with prominent community leaders.,正儿八经的参加了当地的春节巡游,到圣地亚哥的美国海军中途岛博物馆来了个“军事一日游”,对了,他们和社区领袖的的合影还上了中文报纸。 +You are mildest lady I've ever seen.,你是我见过的最温柔的的女子。 +"The report singles out Lehman as one of the last Wall Street institutions to engage in ""repo"" deals aimed at moving assets off its balance sheet.",报告指出,华尔街有些机构利用所谓“回购”交易,把资产转出资产负债表;雷曼就是其中之一。 +ICRC Spokeswoman Anna Schaafe tells VOA many of these people have been displaced several times.,该机构发言人安娜·沙夫对美国之音说,他们中许多人已经多次背井离乡。 +"Mama, there are still two feet missing!",継“妈妈,还差两只脚呢!” +Taking the debate out of open source is intended to move adoption beyond politically motivated enthusiasts and encourage mass adoption of the software on its merits.,让开源远离斗争,让开源不仅仅是一些有政治目的的狂热者的话题,而把重点放在鼓励大众都充分利用这种软件的价值。 +Incorporate flaxseeds and flaxseed oil into your diet.,平时要吃亚麻籽和亚麻子油。 +"DeKlerk's job, in retrospect, was to negotiate the surrender of white power on as favorable and peaceable terms as possible.",现在想来,德克勒克的工作就是为南非白人势力进行尽可能有利的和平谈判。 +Whiteness is a critical technical property for TiO 2 pigment.,白度是颜料钛白的一项重要技术指标。 +Some people believe this superstition reflects the early Christian worship for the wooden cross on which Jesus was put to death.,有人认为这一迷信反映了古代基督徒对耶稣受难十字架的膜拜。 +You had better wear the white shirt and the black tie.,你最好是穿白衬衣, 打黑色领带。 +"Like others in this category, a high percentage of its big-spending customers are mainlanders.",和其他同类商店一样,来这里花大钱的多是内地客人。 +"Then, the tracking problem of Nonholonomic mobile robots is considered by using the proposed methodology.",最后将得到的迭代学习控制律应用于非完整移动机器人的跟踪控制问题。 +I'd like to suggest(that) you join our club.,我想建议您参加我们的俱乐都。 +"All of this gives you an application that turns instant messaging traffic into plain old HTTP, so you won't run into firewall problems.",所有这些最终会给您带来一个能将即时消息通信量转变为纯 HTTP 的应用程序,这样您就不会遇到防火墙问题。 +But it also points to a huge pool of multilingual Europeans who now find themselves at a distinct advantage over mainly monolingual Britons in the European jobs market.,但它至少能说明,具备多语能力的欧洲人在欧洲找工作时比很多只会一种语言的英国人有显著优势。 +"The coming world war will cause not only reactionary classes and dynasties, but entire reactionary peoples, to disappear from the face of the earth.",又说:“即将来临的世界大战不仅将消灭反动阶级和王朝,还将让所有反动民众从地球表面彻底消失。 +"Regulating traditional medicine products, practices and practitioners is difficult due to variations in definitions and categorizations of traditional medicine therapies.",规范传统医药产品,实践和从业困难的,由于治疗变异的定义和分类的传统医学。 +In my dictionary the now also has no pledge of eternal love with the lifetime.,在我的字典里如今也没有山盟海誓和一辈子。 +"The research involved country-wide land and aerial surveys that estimated a population of between 15, 730 and 41, 373 female turtles using the nesting beaches.",这次科学调查的范围涵盖加蓬全国的陆地及气生环境(非水下环境),调查结果表明,在加蓬沙滩上做窝下蛋的雌性海龟数量约在15730~41373头之间。 +"The hotel's exclusively designed Palm Garden Lobby Lounge, with live entertainment and three restaurants, offers local and international cuisines including a selection of Brazilian delicacies.",酒店设计独特的棕榈园休息大厅,配备有现场的娱乐设施和三个餐馆,可以提供国内外美食,包括来自巴西的美味。 +"Much of the land is divided into myriad tiny plots with different owners, all of whom make their own wine.",科多尔地区出产法国品质最好的葡萄酒。 这里的大部分土地都被分得很细,属于不同的产酒人。 +Why do guys like you and I know whnear the a duvet is?,我们必然要知道鸭绒垫子吗? +"China, which like India shares a border with Myanmar, accounts for two-thirds of investment in the country and almost half of its bilateral trade.",印度与缅甸比邻而居,中国也与缅甸共享一条边境线。 中国对缅甸投资占缅甸外国总投资的三分之二,中缅贸易额几乎占到缅甸双边贸易总额的一半。 +This type of film develops in twenty minutes.,这种软片显影需要二十分钟。 +"And who wants to bet that when the next inaugural ball comes up they'll be a 6,500 bottle of sham pane laying on every table just like the last inaugural ball.",谁想打赌,当下次就职的时候,他们仍会将阁子里的6500瓶酒摆到桌子上就像就职舞会一样。浪费钱。 +"Above, a bird's-eye view of residential and commercial property in Hong Kong July 8.",这是7月8日拍摄的香港住宅和商业区的鸟瞰图。 +"Compared to single-satellite radar, a great power-aperture product with longer detection range can be achieved by distributed space-based radars.",分布式星载雷达突破了单星雷达受功率孔径积的限制,具有更远的探测距离; +"Chen Tong Fang, Min County. Zhen Yuan Teng first ten years, Wang broadcast recommended for the Jiangxi Institute official. Two Poems.",陈通方,闽县人。贞元十年登第,王播荐为江西院官。诗二首。 +"Tour card will be valid for 3 years, guided tours of the provisional certification of the longest duration of no more than 3 months and shall not be extended.",导游证的有效期为3年,临时导游证的有效期限最长不超过3个月,并不得展期。 +Li: It is said that the living cost and tuitions are very high in UK.,李:据说英国的生活费用和学费很高。 +"At 10.00 AM and 4.00 PM daily, the UniformAttendant must send the soiled uniforms to the Laundry for processing.",在每天的早上10点和下午4点,制服房员工须将脏的制服送往洗衣房熨烫。 +"The FDA rejected the drug once before, in 2006, after a study in patients with heart failure showed that people in the Multaq group died at twice the rate of those in the placebo group.",在此之前一项针对心衰患者进行的研究显示,服用决奈达隆的患者死亡率是服用安慰剂组的两倍,因此FDA曾于2006年驳回该药的申请。 +Postmodernist novel Snow White is Donald Barthelme s representative work.,白雪公主 》是唐纳德·巴塞尔姆的代表作。 +"The results also show the strain is linear distributing along the section height of semi-rigid base, and the neutral layer of the beam specimen is lower than its geometrical center.",半刚性基层的正应力沿截面高度呈线性分布,合成大梁试件的中性层低于其几何形心。 +"It is a fast and accurate test, and is preferred over normal X-rays for detecting bone density, because it is more sensitive.",这是一个快速和准确的测试,最好是超过正常的X光检查,骨密度检测,因为它是更为敏感。 +Was the performance live or record?,这台晚会是现场直播还是录播? +"When I put a camera to my eye, even though I typically shoot with both eyes open, I get tunnel vision, bad.",当我把相机举在眼前时——即使我习惯睁开双眼取景拍摄——我的视线已经变得非常狭窄了,这样很糟。 +We'll need two full-price tickets and one half-price child ticket .,我们需要两张全价票和一张小孩的半价票。 +Being a songwriter is like having a special license to explore the world and take your audience along on the journey.,成为一名歌曲作者就像是拥有了一个能够去探究世界特殊许可,并且还可以带着你的观众一起旅行。 +"It is very slow to access my host, please help me to change a machine room. My IP address is, it will influence the promotion of the site if the website is slowly accessed, thanks a lot!",你好,我的主机访问速度太慢了,请帮我更换一下机房,我的IP为50.23.66.12,因为我做的老鹰主机推广,自己站访问慢的话影响推广。 +"Afterword: the first gentle words from the hand of Fan Zhongyan, is the"" first and worry about the world of"" Fan Zhongyan?",后记:这首温婉的词出自范仲淹之手,就是那个“先天下之忧而忧”的范仲淹? +"Mr Cameron insists he was right to oppose the government’s fiscal stimulus last year, an initially lonely position that has won adherents since.",卡麦隆坚持在反对政府去年的财政刺激计划问题上是正确的,最初立场孤立,之后赢得了很多拥护者。 +Horoscopes – a daily read including birthday of the day.,星座运势-包括今天过生日在内的每天必读。 +"Dumbledore: You can speak Parse tongue, Harry. Why?",邓布尔多:你会说蛇语,哈里,为什么? +"The results of simulation demonstrate that under the condition of fixed buffer size, the calculation based on lognormal-FARIMA model provides much less loss rate.",仿真结果表明,在缓冲区大小固定的条件下,视频业务流的带宽计算采用对数正态-FARIMA模型可以获得较小溢出率。 +"Obviously I want to be involved in every minute of every game, but I understand Diego Cavalieri deserves a chance as well.",显然我希望打满每场比赛的每一分钟,不过我理解应当给迭戈·卡瓦里埃里一些机会。 +"When my husband and I were first faced with the choice to learn our baby’s gender, we were oddly ambivalent, so, we simply asked the sonographer, “boy or girl?”",当丈夫和我面对这一抉择时就十分地矛盾,所以我们就简单地问超声波检测师:“男孩还是女孩?” +"The chapter four which introduces the characteristic development of Chinese CBD is the core of this article. In this chapter, the ideal of CBD marketing has been carried out in a certain degree.",其中,有中国特色CBD的开发是本论文的核心,在该章中,CBD营销的理念得到了一定程度的贯彻。 +"Another advantage is the largest administrator facilitate the management and maintenance, saving you time.",还有一个最大的优势是便于管理员的管理与维护,既省时又省力。 +"But luckily for us, a new app is trying to make that decision much easier.",但幸运的是,一款新的应用程序正试图使我们更容易做出决定。 +"Results:After treatment with supernatant of homogenized fresh amnion, the rabbit eyes showed progressive decrease of vascularity and stromal infiltration and orderly arrange…",结论:早期应用羊膜匀浆上清液能促进兔角膜碱烧伤后角膜的愈合及膜基质有序修复。 +Three little Indian boys walking in the Zoo;,三个印地安小男孩,动物园里遭祸殃; +"Optionally, complex flows might be diagrammed by using business process diagrams.",您还可以选择,复杂的流程使用业务进程图来进行描述。 +"I'm learning to cook, just for the fun of it.",我正在学做饭,做著玩儿而已。 +He played for Nancy in France so I played against him a few times.,他在法国为南锡效力,所以我和他交手过几次。 +"In this camp,only the officers mess together.",在这个营地,只有军官集中用膳。 +"Next, we identified the tasks, concepts, and reference information needed to support the lesson-level learning objectives within each of these module-level objectives.",接下来在每个模块级目标中确定任务、概念和支持课堂级学习目标所需要的参考信息。 +Another is the suspicion with killing father by traitorous the man of capital punishment.,另一个是以杀害父亲的嫌疑被叛逆了死刑的男人。 +Objective:To explore the operative methods and outcomes of giant cell tumor of bone with tumor curettage and function reconstruction.,目的:回顾性分析膝关节周围骨巨细胞瘤行手术治疗的病例,探讨骨巨细胞瘤手术病灶刮除与功能重建的方法与疗效。 +"For large network applications and applets this could result in slow start up, sluggish response, and wasted network bandwidth.",对于大型的网络应用程序和 applet,这会导致启动缓慢、响应迟缓并浪费带宽。 +Implement functionality missing in available class libraries.,实现可用类库中所缺少的功能。 +"With three minutes of normal time remaining, Robben found space to cut inside Baba and let go a fierce drive that Given tipped onto the post.",最后三分钟,罗本发现空档盘过巴巴亚罗然后一脚射门又被吉文挡了一下击中门柱。 +"One might even say that Levi, who collects the tenth, paid the tenth through Abraham",9并且可说那受十分之一的利未,也是借著亚伯拉罕纳了十分之一; +Those shipments have already been constricted since the North closed several North-South joint-venture companies north of the border.,自从平壤关闭了三八线以北的几家韩朝合资企业后,朝鲜的海运进口一直都受到了限制。 +The secondary transmission members encompass a fluid medium supply for the main transmission members.,副传 动构件包含用于主传动构件的流体介质供应器。 +"You need to creat a good image in the limited time available, usually from 30 to 45 minutes.",你必须在可利用的时间内,通常是30到45分钟内,树立起一个良好的形象。 +Objective To observe the changes of A-and-B-cells of rats pancreatic islets during experimental brain injury.,目的观察大鼠实验性脑损伤期间胰岛A、B细胞的变化。 +MILAN - F. C. Internazionale and A. S. Roma have reached an agreement over the player David Marcelo Cortes Pizarro.,米兰消息,国际米兰俱乐部和罗马俱乐部关于大卫·马赛罗·科尔特斯·皮萨罗达成一致。 +Stop at a zebra crossing for pedestrians and you could wait endlessly for the sea of people to part.,你要是在斑马线前停车等待行人穿过,这下可好,只见行��络绎不绝,你就没完没了地耗下去吧。 +我们能想办法在七周内装船.,We could manage it in seven weeks. +This paper is divided into 4 parts:The first part is the theoretical research.,全文主文分为四个部分。第一部分为驰名商标的理论研究。 +"Nickname(s): River City, San Antone, Alamo City",别称:水城,圣安东,阿拉摩城 +Then his wife brought out steaming bowls of soup. It was chicken soup thick with vegetables and chunks of meat.,然后他的妻子端出一碗碗热气腾腾的汤。那是由鸡和各种蔬菜以及大块大块的肉放在一起炖成的浓鸡汤。 +"I breathed in raggedly , stumbling and almost falling, steadying my weight on a pillar as the world went out of focus again.",我呼吸在衣衫褴褛地, 绊倒和几乎落下, 使在一个柱子上的我重量稳定当世界再一次离开焦点。 +"I'm going to try to make the code itself production quality, but I'm not going to include any XML documentation - if I'm already writing up how things work, I don't want to do everything twice.",我将会尽力把代码写的达到生产质量,但是我不会写任何XML文档注释 - 既然我已经在写博客来解释了,那我就不想在代码中再重复一次了。 +You are not surprised to have the closing door slam you in the face if following too closely behind somebody. Why should you hold the door for someone else?! ?,你如果跟前面的人靠得太近,而被关上的门打到了脸的话,是不会感到吃惊的。我干嘛要帮别人把着门?! +"When young Tibor is transformed from poor painter to vampire , his love for charming Agness vanquishes the evil from his heart .",年轻的提伯从一位可怜的画家转变成为一只吸血鬼,他对迷人的艾格尼丝的爱征服了他心中的魔鬼。 +"Project supported by the State Key Laboratory of Optical Technology for Micro-fabrication, Shanghai Institute of Optics and Electronics, China (Grant No. ).",上海光学及电子研究所,国家重点实验室(光技术应用于微加工实验室)(批准号: )资助的课题。 +“他的玉秀儿”的父亲吗?,"The father of ""his Ursule""?" +The water-flow induced gate vibration has been an important research problem in hydraulic engineering.,水流诱发闸门振动是水利工程中一项重要研究课题。 +Objective To analyze the long-term effectiveness of dual-chamber pacing in patients with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HOCM).,目的 观察双腔起搏器(DDD)对肥厚性梗阻型心肌病(HOCM)患者的远期临床效果及心脏结构形态的变化。 +"At the entry level, far too many college graduates are chasing too few appropriate jobs. At the higher level, there is a serious shortage of qualified staff.",入门级岗位有太多的大学毕业生竞争极少的合适机会,但高级人才岗位又难觅合格的人才。 +The sex discrimination act sound all very grand…,这《 反性别歧视法》听起来倒很壮观…… +"Structure features - glass plate can be independent and free installation, demolition.",结构特点——玻璃板块可独立自由安装、拆卸。 +"Taking account of the limits existed zin the scope of application of the linear models, a mathematical model for different load conditions is proposed for consideration.",文中还针对线性化模型的应用范围局限性,提出了“变负荷数学模型” +"And so my dear, dear sister died.",我最亲爱、亲爱的妹妹还是回天乏术了。 +Let's talk a little bit about the minor scale.,现在我们来谈谈小调音阶 +"He paused, for Stener's face had become a jelly -like mass of woe.",他停顿了一下,因为斯坦纳的面上堆起了一层愁苦的神色。 +"According to the file, you can write some client code to retrieve this information from the SOAP fault section.",根据这个文件,您可以写一些客户机代码来从 SOAP 故障 部分检索这些信息。 +Speak softly; you don't need a stentorian voice to be heard in this small room.,说话小声点;在这个小房间里你要让人听见不需要这么大声。 +"CANON XLII: If any Bishop, or Presbyter, or Deacon wastes his time by playing dice, or getting drunk, either let him desist therefrom or let him be deposed from office.",法令四十二:若有主教、或司铎、或执事将时间浪费在掷骰子、或醉酒上,他应被停职或免去其神职。 +"In order to evaluate source rock fast and accurately , the paper presents source rock pyrolysis gas chromatographic evaluating technology and expounds its geological application.",为了快速、准确地评价生油岩,该文介绍了生油岩热解气相色谱评价技术并对其地质应用进行了重点阐述。 +"There are many algorithms to solve UTP problems, such as integer programming, and so on. However, these algorithm optimization effection to large-scale complicated system is not nice.",解决UTP问题有许多算法,如整数规划、图着色、进化算法等等,但这些算法对于大型复杂系统的优化效果不佳�� +"Results As compared with the controls, plasma IGF-1 level in MND patients was significantly reduced(P<0.05);",结果与正常对照组比较,MND患者血浆IGF-1水平显著下降(P<0.05); +"Use a dictionary and grammer guide constantly. Keep a small English dictionary with you at all time. When you see a new word, look it up, think about the word----use it, in your mind, in a sentence.",经常使用字典和语法指南。随身携带一本小英文字典,当你看到一个新的字时就去查阅它,想想这个字---然后去用它,在你的心中,在一个句子里。 +Then he began to spoon termites into his mouth.,然后它开始往口中舀白蚁。 +The third part is regulation of the government right to the tax preference.,第三部分是对政府税收优惠权的规范。 +The Bulgarian state was crushed by the Rus in 969 and completely subdued by a determined Byzantine assault under Basil II in 1018.,保加利亚在969年被俄罗斯夷为平地,并于1018年 被由巴兹尔二世(Basil II)带领的雄心勃勃的拜占庭帝国所击败。 +"In the one-hour pre-taped interview at the family's California compound, his parents and his kids lifted the veil some more about life with Michael.",在这段1个小时的预先录制好的加州房子里的采访里,他父母和孩子们揭开面纱谈到了更多关于和迈克尔一起的生活。 +"The structures of RDX/RF aerogel were characterized by atomic force microscopy(AFM), scanning electron microscopy(SEM), X-ray powder diffraction(XRD), and BET method.",用原子力显微镜(AFM),扫描电子显微镜(SEM),X 射线粉末衍射仪(XRD),BET 比表面积分析仪对其结构进行了表征。 +"The judge said: ""You do not need me to spell it out to you what could have happened had his father been too frail to use the gun properly.",法官说:“根本毋需我来解释他父亲在这种处境中会用枪来干什么。 +"She began by being a joyful stream of water, a spring always dancing and singing as she ran down from the top of the mountain.",开始时,她是一股欢快的细流,一股泉水,唱唱跳跳的从山顶流下来。 +"Medial and lateral collateral ligament injuries in 28 cases demonstrated hyperintensity on T 2WI, thickening in shape and marginal haziness.",内、外侧副韧带损伤2 8例,表现为信号增高,形态增粗,边缘模糊。 +"So, the woman who's in red here, can we get a mike to the -yeah, is it okay if we ask you?","穿红色衣服的女士,递给她一个麦克风" +"Online reviews and user-generated content are being combined with social networking, increasing their influence on travel-buying decisions.",在线评论和用户生成内容(user-generated content,UGC)正通过与社会网络的融合,来提升其对旅游购买决策的影响力。 +"Beam at noon is baking, it's that feeling of baking people, making you even don't think of making any guard.",中午的光线是烤人的,那种要把人烤化的感觉,让你甚至不想做任何的防备。 +It has the function of recurved incisor. The cement output system adopts double protection and the performance is very excellent.,具有内弯自动切齿功能,出胶系统双重保护性能优异。 +"And they shall praise me in the land of their captivity, and shall be mindful of my name.",叫他们在充军之地赞美我,记念我的名号。 +"Digestion and metabolism experiments of soybean meal, CPF and FCPF were conducted on the basis of analysis of nutrients and amino acids content.",在测定豆粕、 CPF 、FCPF常规养分和氨基酸含量基础上进行消化代谢试验。 +"Novels in the Ming and Qing dynasties are very affluent, and many of them can be used as historical materials.",明清是中国小说史上的繁荣时期,大量优秀的小说可以作为史料使用。 +"The calamity is detailed in a 2001 book, “Inviting Disaster: Lessons from the Edge of Technology,” by James R. Chiles.",该事故的详细描述在2001年James R. Chiles的著作《灾难调查:技术边缘的教训》中。 +Sarah had already provided a son for a woman in the Middle East and seemed more than willing to do so again for another one closer to home.,萨拉已经为一个中东女人提供了一个儿子,下次似乎更愿意另选一个离家较近的。 +"The plan is to start building a 30-megawatt phase this summer, adding more and more until the final phase is complete in 2019.",该项目计划在今年夏天建造3000万瓦特的首期工程,随后不断扩建,到2019年完成全部工程。 +One mechanism would be the use of a challenge-response protocol as defined in WS-Trust (see Resources for more information about the WS-Trust spec).,一种机制是应用 WS-Trust(对于有关 WS-Trust 规范的更多信息,请参阅 参考资料)中所定义的质询回应协议。 +"The road of life is always muddy, and can not be flat Tan Tan, covered with flowers.",人生的道路总是泥泞不堪的,不可能平平坦坦、铺满鲜花的。 +"To-night he was particularly so, since his report to the company had been favourably commented upon, his new samples had been satisfactorily selected, and his trip marked out for the next six weeks.",今晚他特别讨人喜欢。他给公司的报告得到了好评,新选的样其他很满意,接下来的六周旅行推销行程也已安排好了。 +"Law-breaking believers, like other law-breaking citizens, are dealt with according to law.",对违法犯罪的宗教徒,同其他违法犯罪的公民一样,都依法进行处理。 +The new program can double-check suspicious behavior against every user's unique profile of activity to sort out masquerading intruders from genuine users.,此外,新程式还能比对每一位使用者特有的活动模式,以复查可疑行为,从真正的使用者中揪出入侵者。 +I'm cramming for the test.,我正在临时抱佛脚,准备考试。 +Young forward Gilles Sunu has today joined Championship side Derby County on loan until the end of the season.,年轻前锋吉勒·苏努今天租借至英冠球队德比郡至赛季结束。 +A new proxy signature scheme using self-certified public key is proposed.,本文使用自认证公钥技术提出了一个新型代理签名方案。 +"Using home-made devices and original technology roadmap, entangled titanium wire materials with different porosity have been prepared.",本文采用自制的装置和技术路线,制备了具有不同孔隙率的纤维缠绕型多孔钛块体材料。 +"And today, they will bear witness to our night tour of Hong Kong.",今天它也算是我们夜游香港的见证者。 +"On March 28, 2006, Chairman Jia Qinglin of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) met with Indonesian President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono in Jakarta.",2006年3月27日,中国全国政协主席贾庆林在雅加达同印尼人民协商会议主席希达亚特举行会谈,并会见了印尼地方代表理事会议长吉南亚尔。 +"Sometimes we say, ‘What a nice essay his mom wrote, ’” she said, in that funny-but-not vein.",有时候我们会说,‘这位妈妈写的一手好文章,’”她以一种调侃的语气说。 +"One day, she finally took up her courage and asked Aphrodite: “can I be loved?”",有一天,Joanney终于鼓起勇气的问Aphrodite:“我是否也能享受到爱情的滋润?” +"Setbacks , roadblocks and disappointments are just part of the natural ebb and flow of life.",挫折、障碍和不满仅是沉沉浮浮的生活的一部分。 +"Through focal mechanism analyses of mid small earthquakes occurred in Tengchong volcano areas, the spatial distribution of tectonic stress field, focal types and fracture types have been studied.",通过对腾冲火山区强震和中小地震震源机制解分析,对火山区构造应力场方向空间分布,以及震源类型和破裂特征作了研究。 +"Besides HID lamps, halogen bulbs with whiter light are also allowed.",除了HID灯、卤素灯泡用白灯也被允许的。 +"Household members may be given an antibacterial drug such as rifampin, to prevent further infection, especially if there are other young children in the family.",家庭成员可能获得一抗菌药物如利福平,以防止进一步的感染,尤其是如果有其他年幼子女在家庭中。 +"Auditors hired to unravel the case asked Madoff for copies of account statements, which he provided, the records show.",受雇的审计员为了弄清详细情形,曾向马道夫索要统计公告的拷贝。该审计员提供的结论显示其的确如此。 +Now down here I can use that other piece of syntax we just saw.,"到这里,我可以使用我们刚才看到的,其它的语法。" +"Urban legends are often false, but not always.",大多数“传奇”都是假的,但也有例外。 +"NIOSH recorded 439 suicides among 8, 324 white male deaths.",324例白人男性死者中,NIOSH记录的自杀者为439例。 +"This hotel is in London's Mayfair, Oxford Street is 800 metres away.",酒店在伦敦上流住宅区,牛津街是在800米远。 +"It’s lightweight, fast, simple to use, and completely customizable. All you need to know is basic HTML.",这轻量、快速、简单易用并且完全可定制,你所需要知道的仅仅是基础的 HTML。 +The paths of storms change unaccountably as they approach New England;,暴雨临近新英格兰时,会无缘五谷地改道而行; +Revive your spiritual life through improving the quality of your personal devotion times with the Lord.,藉由提升灵修品质来复兴你的灵命。 +"There are rope bridges, arch bridges, tower bridges, cable bridges and reinforced concrete bridges.",有早期的索桥、拱桥、塔桥、斜拉桥和钢筋混凝土桥。 +"To do so, the service takes the timestamp from the authenticator, adds the service's own name to it, and encrypts the whole thing with the session key.",为了做到如此,服务从验证者中取得时间戳,在上面加上服务的名字,并用会话密钥加密整个消息。 +There are no new contract talks or discussions about offers of any nature with Hernán Crespo.,目前没有任何的合同谈判或者讨论关于埃尔南·克雷斯波的去留问题。 +"But Fourie believes South Africa's pharmaceutical industry is capable of adopting nanotechnology, and that availability and access to such nanomedicines shouldn't be a problem.",但是Fourie相信南非的制药业有能力采用纳米技术,而这类纳米药物的供应与获取不应该成为一个问题。 +"Reports said last week that researchers could be just six months away from producing the world’s first artificial meat, using thousands of stem cells bred in a laboratory.",据英国《每日电讯报》9月6日报道,上周,有报道称,再过6个月,研究人员就可以利用从实验室里培育出的数以千计的干细胞来制造世界上第一块人造肉了。 +"Nevertheless, once sought out and found, we may not even be able to sit next to them because that seat will already be taken.","然而,一旦找到,我们却会发现,自己也许已不能坐在他们身旁了,因为那个位置已被别人占了。" +"""The last time she came,"" he objected, ""I didn't catch a single fish.""",“上次她跟着我,”他反对说,“我连一条鱼都没能钓上。” +"If you’re constantly rushing to appointments or other places you have to be, it’s because you don’t allot enough time in your schedule for preparing and for traveling.",如果你经常匆忙的赶赴约会或者赶赴你必须要到的地方,那是因为你没有在你的时间表里为准备和路上分摊足够多的时间。 +Shylock may have a pound of flesh to be cut off nearest to Antonio's heart.,夏洛克可以得到一镑肉由他从最靠近安东尼奥心脏的部位割下来。 +"All across America, in living rooms and basements and sports bars, people broke into cries of wonderment and delight, heartbreak and disbelief.",在美国的很多客厅和地下室,以及运动酒吧里,人们因为高兴惊讶或者心碎怀疑而突然爆发出尖叫。 +"French soccer team player Thierry Henry (6th L) hugs a teammate on the tarmac after their arrival at Le Bourget airport near Paris June 24, 2010.",法国足球队球员亨利(第6次长)在停机坪上拥抱后,他们在巴黎附近的布尔歇2010年6月24日抵达机场的队友。 +You need an image of format PNG (16 X 16).,这里需要一个 PNG(16 X 16)格式的图像。 +My husband joins with me in congratulating you.,我与我丈夫一道向你祝贺。 +"We've also looked deeply into Windows 7's jumplist, library, and taskbar, and system restore features, to if you want to be a true Windows ninja, you'll want to read up on those too.",我们同样深入了解了 Windows 7 的jumplist,library 、任务栏和系统还原特性,所以如果你想成为真正的 Windows 行家,你应该读一读上面所列出的博文。 +The rejuvenating ambience of autumn is immeasurably more ancient than even the calendar.,秋天那让人恢复青春活力的气氛远比历法还要古老。 +"Cloud son, she had left the camp fraud will delay in the home.",云子诈骗营左,她曾经将中村功拖延在家中。 +"In the deep forest, there are some tree guys.",在茂密的森林里,住着一群树栖人。 +This paper introduces the construction craft of dry-sticking granite and puts forward the key points to control the quality.,文章介绍干挂花岗岩施工工艺,提出施工过程中的质量控制要点。 +"According to TrueCar.com, an automotive buying service, Buick buyers at an average age of 67, were older than any in the industry, as of 2008.",汽车行业购买分析服务机构TrueCar.com称,截至2008年,别克汽车的买主平均年龄为67岁,比业内任何一个品牌的买主年龄都要大。 +The data frame contains data referenced by the control frame.,数据帧包含控制帧所引用的数据。 +Mr. Obama expressed support on Sunday for a proposal from Prime Minister Lars Lokke Rasmussen of Denmark to pursue a two-step process at the Copenhagen conference.,奥巴马上周末对丹麦首相拉斯穆森将哥本哈根峰会的目标一分为二的的提议表示了支持。 +TianCun were soon for multiple debt forced suffocative bar owner water outfield please.,不久田村遭到为多重债务逼得喘不过气的小酒吧店主水野的拜托。 +"That they may possess the remnant of Edom, and of all the heathen, which are called by my name, saith the LORD that doeth this.",使以色列人得以东所余剩的,和所有称为我名下的国。此乃行这事的耶和华说的。 +"Because the calls originate on his Wi-Fi phone network with costs much lower than normal, Lissoos can undercut other phone card sellers on price.",由于通过他的无线网络电话网打电话的成本大大低于一般价格,利索斯能够以低于其他电话卡出售商的价格出售电话卡。 +"When she got home, her hard - working husband was already sound asleep in bed.",当她一回到家,她那努力工作的老公已经在床上呼呼大睡。 +"Whether you're demon or woman, I love you!",不管你是人是妖,我都爱你! +"The poll took in the views of 1, 221 women across the country.",这次调查是在全国各地1221名女性中进行的。 +Greet those in the household of Narcissus who are in the Lord.,愿我主耶稣基督的恩、常和你们同在。 +"""Four dishes, one soup"" is just a case in point.",“四菜一汤”之规定,其中之一也。 +Objective Studying the efficacy of acarbose in the treatment of type 2 diabetes mellitus patients with secondary failure to combination of sulfonylurea and metformin.,目的观察磺脲类合并二甲双胍继发失效的2型糖尿病加用拜糖平的疗效。 +We had a wonderful meal in the new restaurant last night. The food there was cooked to a turn.,昨晚我们在那家新开张的餐馆里美美地吃了一顿,那儿的饭菜味道可真是没说的。 +The servants went to the king claiming Jack had boasted to everybody he would free her.,仆人们对国王说,朱瓦宁向大家吹嘘要去解救公主。 +This article discusses the points to be considered while choosing the best low rate credit cards suited to one's lifestyle.,本文观点而被视为最好的选择率低的信用卡适合自己的生活方式。 +"Standing close, we watch the swirls of pearl mist rise and the graceful glide of an eagle high overhead.",我们紧挨在一起,望着珍珠色的雾团旋转着袅袅升起。一只老鹰在我们的上空优美地翱翔着。 +This article introduced based on Single-chip Microcomputer multi-function car alarm.,本文介绍了基于单片机的汽车多功能报警器的设计。 +A sudden release of methane could push the climate system past that “tipping point”.,突然释放的甲烷将促使气候系统冲破那个“临界点”。 +"""So this isn't just any old pyramid, "" he said.",“所以,这里不仅是什么老的金字塔”,他说。 +She had tried to fix it again and again.,她曾经不止一次的修过它。 +"Moreover, adolescents with depression and self-treatment methods are also some other differences between depression groups.",并且,青少年抑郁症自我治疗的方法也和其他抑郁症群体有些区别。 +Electric power industry is an infrastructure one of importantance in China.,电力行业是一个关系到国计民生的基础行业。 +The porosity of non -coring well can be determined using the deconvolution factors of its adjacent coring wells.,非取芯井的孔隙度能使用邻近井的反褶积因子确定,精度不低于数理统计方法的结果。 +Until 17 century the theory of Newton's particulate and Descartes's wave_moving were found.,直到17世纪才有牛顿的微粒说和笛卡尔的波动说。 +Background: There is no consensus on the optimum imaging method to use to confirm the diagnosis of true scaphoid fractures among patients with suspected scaphoid fractures.,背景:在用以证实可疑舟状骨骨折患者准确诊断的最佳影像学方法上未达成一致意见。 +"Once I became comfortable with it, I could look outside instead of staring at the HUD .",在我的姿态回复正常的那个时候,我就可以不用盯着平显而是转头看看舱外。 +Drug-induced hepatotoxicity was documented in 15% of patients but likely occurred more frequently.,药物诱导的肝毒性被证明存在于15%的患者中,但实际的发生似乎更为频繁。 +"Compared to high-performance liquid chromatography method, the method is simple and rapid, the results show relative good accuracy and the standard deviation is under 0.6%.",采用纯品磷酸肌酸钠作为磷标准液,测定结果与高压液相色谱法相比,相对偏差在0.6%之内,具有较高的准确度。 +It is pointed that the average delay decreases of major-stream vehicles are 56.4% at T-intersections and 28.4% for overall arterial road segments respectively. The result ind…,与采用措施前相比,该交通组织方式下主干道车流在T型交叉口处的单车平均延误降低了56.4%,整体主干道单车平均延误降低了28.4%,结果表明该方法是有效的。 +"When the guest rises to leave, the host should go with him as far as the door of the office or the elevator.",当客人起家告别时,仆人需将客人支到门心或电梯心。 +"The easy choice was to join the proprietary software world, signing nondisclosure agreements and promising not to help my fellow hacker.",容易的选择是加入私有软件世界,签署保密协议并承诺不去帮助我的黑客伙伴。 +We discuss how to operate genetic algorithm and introduce some techniques to reduce the time of optimizing a microstrip antenna with genetic algorithm and FDTD method.,文中简要讨论了遗传算法的操作过程,并介绍了减少遗传算法与FDTD法结合优化微带天线计算量的方法。 +"Now, try the disassemble command, which you can abbreviate to disass (see Listing 9).",现在,尝试使用 disassemble 命令,可以缩写为 disass(请参见 清单 9)。 +"I actually want to change that around, if I might, and play with that, because that's a really useful image for us: ""takes the mask off literature and reminds us how we come to be sympathetic or Richard Wright how we come to think something."" Think back to Richard Wright, who wants words to disappear, to be completely transparent and to leave you just with your response.","实际上,我想要改变一点,可能的话,玩弄一下,因为那对我们是很有用的画面:,把文学的面具卸下,我们是如何同情,或思考事物的,回想一下,他希望文字消失,而变成透明的,只剩下你们的回应。" +"WS-POS addresses these new requirements, allowing point-of-sale peripherals to behave as true services.",WS-POS 解决了这些新的需求,并允许销售点外围设备具有像真正的服务一样的行为。 +"Fool the people, control the media, take anyone with different ideas into prison.",这是中共的基本特性。愚弄人民,控制媒体,把任何有不同想法的人送进牢狱。 +I am confident that during the next 25 years CityU will continue to mature and to achieve its potential.,我相信,在接下来的25年里,城大将茁壮成长、发展壮大,充分发挥自己的潜能。 +"Another option is to use frozen fruits, such as grapes and berries, which kids love to eat right out of the freezer.",另一个选择是用一些冷藏的水果,像葡萄、莓果这类,一从冰箱中拿出来孩子们就爱吃的。 +It said that it expects to receive final European Commission approval for state aid and is planning to have repaid the remaining 2 billion euros ($2.56 billion) of aid by the end of June next year.,该集团宣布,有望接受欧盟委员会最终批准的国家援助,计划在明年6月底偿还剩下的20亿欧元(25.6亿美元)援助资金。 +Insert a pre-filter of F7 standard at the least.,至少插入一个F7 标准的前置过滤器。 +You also know other language small general knowledge?,你还知道其他的语文小常识吗? +The development of commodity economy is an important factor for social reforms.,商品经济的发展是社会变革的一个重要因素。 +"Fireworks easy cold, personnel is easy;",烟花易冷,人事易分; +Shaped peninsula surrounded by water in the coastal city of Riverside - Qidong.,位于三面环水形半岛的滨江临海城市—启东。 +Make sure you're in basic mode.,请确保处于基本模式。 +"Then, using the double-weighted POD method to identification the part of pulsation wind load on the long-span roof structure of space of the Shenzhen Citizen Center.",然后,将双加权POD方法用于深圳市民中心大跨度网架结构脉动风荷载识别中。 +The comparison of the amino acids consumption indicated that faster consumption of methionine and serine during rapid CPC formation phase was observed in the optimized feeding process.,发酵过程氨基酸变化规律表明优化补料策略促进了半胱氨酸合成的前体氨基酸甲硫氨酸和丝氨酸的吸收; +Islamic Community in the Republic of Serbia:38000 Pristina; Pres. - Dr Redzep Boje.,塞尔维亚共和国伊斯兰共同体:普里什蒂纳;主席-哲普·耶。 +"Feb 2009, MF shot foundation stone laying ceremony for China Aviation Pavilion.",2009年2月,麦视影像为中国航空馆拍摄奠基仪式。 +"Song of love: flying swallows waving wings on breeze freely, music of a gorgeous field with brisk and romantic rhythm like testimony for lovers.",爱之颂:微风中的飞燕,鼓动著翅膀逍遥自在的飞翔,绮丽的田园情调、轻快的浪漫乐曲,彷佛是为了情人们,隽永的爱情做见证。 +"Environmental protection, harmful organic solvents are free and so does the curing agent.",绿色环保,绝对不含有机溶剂,固化剂中也不含有剂溶剂。 +"Entertain a guest, must invite guests a forerunner and seat at table first.",宴请客人,一定要请客人先进、先入席。 +Iron-rich rocks create a rust-red creek bed for fast-flowing waters in Alberta's Waterton Lakes National Park.,亚伯塔省滑铁顿湖国家公园,铁石将这个水流湍急的小河河床变成了铁锈红。 +"He is our teacher, Mr. Lee .",那是我们的老师,李先生。 +Nearly every civilization living in southern Mesopotamia has told some form of the flood myth.,南美索不达米亚地区的每种文明中,都有某种形式的大洪水的神话故事。 +"Then according to the experimental data of mobile heating, the mathematical model of plate edge shrinkage has been established and the accuracy of the model has been verified.",同时,基于实验数据建立了移动式感应加热钢板上表面板边横向收缩量的回归模型,并通过实验验证了模型的准确性。 +"And your heavenly Father loves you. He's not going to give you everything you want because if he did, you'd be spoiled to death.",你的天父是爱你的,所以不会给你所有你想得到的东西,因为他这么作就是要把你害死。 +"This paper, based on an ethnological analysis of the leading colony of Chinese media, gives a new horizon to the theoretical study of the media.",基于中国媒介主导群体的人种学分析,为媒介理论突破带来了新的视野。 +"Thus, DEBA provides a truly dynamic workflow model that is highly decoupled and does not need to be described in advance.",因此, DEBA 提供了一个真正的动态工作流模型,它的优点是高度解藕,并且无需实现描述。 +"Across the Internet, chat rooms, Web sites and blogs have sprung up discussing buttock injections.",互联网上,聊天室里,网站和博客上都涌现出关于臀部注射的讨论。 +"As China's political, economic, military and culture conditions and national strength and influence aggrandizing rapidly, American foundations have paid attentions to China.",随着中国政治、经济、军事、文化的快速发展和国力及影响的不断上升,美国基金会对中国的关注和研究大为增加。 +"I urge you to practice moving in the direction of knowing, when you feel stuck in a state of indecision. All it takes is one little shift.",我期望当你踌躇不决的时候可以使用这种按照自己意志来决策的办法。所需要的只是一点小小的改变。 +"Completed in the mid-18th century, it still houses the royal family.",阿玛利安堡皇宫于18世纪中期完工,皇室家族至今居住于此。 +These shells and bones would be well preserved in cellars or caves and come down to modern times.,这些刻有卜辞的甲骨被妥善藏于窖穴之中,所以才能流传到现在。 +It then uses the handler for call-backs into your code as it processes the input document.,然后,在对输入文档进行处理的时候,它使用代码中的处理程序作为回调。 +Objective To explore the clinical significance of serum pepsinogen subtypes measurements for the diagnosis of stomach lessions.,目的探讨血清胃蛋白酶原亚群测定对胃部疾病的诊断意义。 +"For the team testing the better bicycle helmet, just getting the microcontroller device to stick to the helmet during tests drops became a challenge.",当他们要测试出更好的自行车头盔时,在整个下坠过程中保持微控制器设备黏在头盔上是个不小的挑战。 +The same village was hit by a pair of suicide-bombers on August 13.,这个村在8月13号刚刚发生了两起自杀炸弹袭击。 +That's an excellent answer.,回答得真好。 +"Amazon, which also doesn't sell Apple's iPad, though they sell iPods and Macs by the boatload, sells a lot of cheaper third-party tablets.",尽管亚马逊也大量销售苹果的iPod和Mac等产品,但它并不销售iPad,而是销售许多价格更加低廉的第三方平板电脑。 +"Old fishing boats are docked in the Mombassa harbor. Muscular black men sit atop wooden barrels along the wharf, beer bottles in hand, gossiping, reliving the morning's sail.",Mombassa的海港上停靠着渔船,码头上,健壮的黑人坐在木桶上,手里拿着啤酒闲谈,回味着今天早上的航行。 +"This R2-unit, though, is largely immobile.",但是,这个R2装置基本不能移动。 +"Eid al-Adha also takes place immediately after the Hajj, a pilgrimage to Mecca that is a pillar of Islamic Faith.",宰牲节马上替代了麦加朝圣,前往麦加的朝圣之旅是伊斯兰教信仰的重要部分。 +"When deciding when to run during hot, humid weather, you should avoid running during the hottest part of the day - from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.",当你决定在湿热天气下跑步时,你应该避免在早上10点至下午4点这段时间跑步,因为这段时间是一天中最热的时候。 +"Every word, Durant is not only bad word to repeat it again.",每句话,杜兰特都只字不差地复述了一遍。 +"The present review mainly presents the influence of several psychoactive substances, including cocaine, amphetamine, methamphetamine, morphine, and alcohol, on histone acetylation modification.",本文着重阐述了可卡因、苯丙胺、甲基苯丙胺、吗啡和酒精等多种精神活性物质对组蛋白乙酰化的影响。 +Women sometimes damage their skin by going overboard with abrasive cleansers.,女性有时因过度使用磨砂膏而损伤了皮肤。 +So Lhakpa never really thought about the old yeti stories while she was working.,所以,拉卡帕在干活的时候根本没有真正想过暗些关于雪人的古老传说。 +Computer network; network security; system security; Information security; LAN; Local area NetWork; Fire Wall; VLAN; data crypt; database security;,计算机网络; 网络安全; 系统安全; 信息安全; 局域网; 数据库安全; 加密; 防火墙; 虚拟网; +Review high-level architecture.,回顾高级架构。 +It's main competitor Taiwan's Tingyi owes its success to entering the market early and building up strong brand loyalty with wide distribution.,康师傅之所以能占据巨大的市场份额,只要原因在于其进入市场较早,销售范围广,建立起了强大的品牌忠诚度。 +"Loose age refer to oneself always drives relationship with pu not beautiful, concluded that love spirit is in mind such as side, small cui hence to surviving, by the age for loose for peace.",松龄指自己一向与蒲槃的关系不佳,推断「爱魄」是在心如的身边,小翠遂带到「聊斋」,顺道为松龄报平安。 。 +"Conclusions The CK technique offers a good method for quantitative analysis of left ventricular wall motion, and it can be used to postoperative following up.",结论CK技术作为一种新技术,为无创伤性进行室壁运动的定量分析提供了一种良好的检测方法,适用于术后跟踪随访研究。 +"Based on the analysis of factors influencing Linfen city Tourism image, how to exploit it, in this paper, will be proposed.",本文通过对影响临汾市旅游形象主要因素的分析,对临汾市旅游形象开发提出建议。 +Look for Audi to unveil the long-awaited R8 Spider at the German show .,寻找奥迪推出了期待已久的奥迪R8蜘蛛在德国显示。 +The only light came through a narrow aperture.,仅有的光亮来自一个小孔。 +You can also have in-jokes and slang or jargon that's unique to your tribe.,你们也可以有自己部落独一无二的内部笑话,暗语和术语。 +A non-trading company with a stock market quote. Also a dormant unquoted company.,指有股票挂牌但不能交易的公司,也指暂停经营的非上市公司。 +"For example, he had unwittingly carried one of his Dr Who scripts to the very frontiers of late-1970s cosmology.",例如,他曾经一不小心把某一集Dr Who的脚本带到了1970年代末宇宙学发展的最前沿。 +Precisely such a dreaded blowout is presumed to have occurred on the Deepwater Horizon.,事实上,曾有人推测“深海地平线”会发生此类可怕的井喷事故。 +"In the past 11 years, this market saw substantial growth, its trading volume reaching US$209 billion in 2004, 3.2 times of the trading volume in 1995.",11年来,银行间撮合外汇市场取得了长足发展, 2004年银行间外汇市场成交量已达2090亿美元,是1995年的3.2倍。 +"For example, the anthropological method of ethnography has been used to describe teaching and learning in classrooms.",比如说,人类学研究中的民族志已经被用来描述课堂的教与学。 +"Globalisation has made binational marriages, once exotic, much more common among high-earning, highly mobile families.",全球化产生了异国婚姻,这曾是新奇的,更多发生在高收入、高移动性的家庭。 +"In 1986, her order brother Eric persuaded a director to give her a role in a Drama: Blood Red and in 1988 she also appeared in an episode of television's Crime Story.",在1986年,她的哥哥说服导演在戏剧中给她安排一个角色:《艳色的血》以及在1988年在电视剧《重案组》中的一个插曲。 +"If any one nation succeeds in cornering the giant's share of the market, it ""would be sufficient to confer global economic leadership on the country"", he adds.",阿佩尔鲍姆还说,如果其中任何一个国家能成功地在这个市场抢得巨大份额,那么“该国将足以成为全球经济领袖”。 +"Valid value -- When the @using attribute is set to SQL, the child node should be a text value.",有效值 —— 当 @using 属性被设置为 SQL 时,子节点应该是文本值。 +"MSG, or monosodium glutamate, appears to be a trigger for a number of individuals with migraine.",看起来对一些人而言味精或谷氨酸钠(味精的化学成分)是偏头痛的过敏原。 +"Well,some textbooks would say no.",有些教科书会说,不算。 +"The chapter begins with a temporal clause which is unfortunately often translated ""In the beginning,"" which implies that what follows is going to give you an ultimate account of the origins of the universe.","它以时间状语开篇,但不幸的是,它常被翻译为“开始的时候“,这暗示着接下来它将会为你展示,大量关于宇宙起源的描述。" +"The regulating analysis of cash cost and cash sale is the way called""step by step"", but the meteoric way is rater accurate and fast.",现付成本与现销收入常规的分析调整是采取“逐步式”的方法,一步到位的方法更准确、快速。 +"While Hotaru is still loving him loyally, he gets interested in another girl, who is in some cases a friend or family !",在萤仍深爱着他的时候,他却看上了别的女孩,有几个还是萤的朋友甚至家人! +"Due to the special nature of the power system, the above-mentioned five aspects should be connected, and the balance from time to time, and none can, in almost the same time.",由于电力系统的特殊性,上述五个环节应是环环相扣、时时平衡、缺一不可,又几乎是在同一时间内完成的。 +"At this exhibitions, the audiences may discover that like noble, brand combinations and so on fuller, gram Rodman , decides is the live color unrefined resin, makes the life love.",本届展会上,观众们可以发现如高尚、富勒、克罗德曼等品牌组合,定是活色生香,令人生爱。 +"Tom Atlee is a dedicated, practical philosopher focused on ways for our society to make wiser decisions together; he runs a nonprofit called the Co-Intelligence Institute (CII).",汤姆。爱特里是一位专注的有实际经验的致力于社会如何做出更贤明的集体决议的途径的哲学家,他还开办了一个叫共同民智的非营利性研究所。 +"LORD, you have appointed them to execute judgment; O Rock, you have ordained them to punish.",耶和华阿、你派定他为要刑罚人.磐石阿、你设立他为要惩治人。 +"Officials say the twisters winds were up to 110 miles per hour when it moved through downtown. At least 27 people were hurt, but none of the injuries are believed to be life-threatening.",官方表示龙卷风以时速110里的高速穿过市中心,造成27人受伤,所幸伤者并无生命危险。 +When you are going upwards in life you tend to overestimate yourself. It seems that everything you seek for is within your way and you are overjoyed that they constitute part of your worth.,人在走上坡路时,往往把自己估计过高,似乎一切所求的东西都能唾手可得,甚至把运气和机遇也看做自己身价的一部分而喜不自胜。 +Your new low-cut dress is exquisite. Nothing good in life is cheap.,你的低领新装很高雅别致,生活中好的东西都不会很便宜。 +"Floor of natural lacquer wood: It is after floor cleanness is clean, should besmear an attenuant floor glazing agent.",天然漆木地板:在地板清洁干净以后,应该涂上一层稀释的地板上光剂。 +"God then turned to Bill Gates, who was staring at him indignantly.",上帝接着转向比尔·盖茨,发现盖茨一脸怒气地看着他。 +And it uses the natural number coding method to improve search efficiency effectively.,算法采用自然数编码的方法来提高搜索效率,并进行了仿真。 +And what we're going to try and get him to do is to tell us exactly what it is he wants because it's all about giving Thomas a life of his own.,我们将努力尝试和让他做的是准确告诉我们他想要什么因为这全是为了给托玛斯一个自己的生活。 +"Turner thought that they might reveal something about the power struggle immediately before Hitler's rise to power, so he asked a colleague doing research in Moscow to photocopy some of the letters.",特纳想,这些信件有可能会透露出希特勒登上权力宝座前夕的权力之争,于是他请正在莫斯科进行研究的一位同事复印了这些信件中的一部分。 +"Most Americans clean their plates, no matter how full those plates are, a survey has found.",一项调查表明:大多数美国人都会把盘子里的食物吃光,不管他们的盘子有多满。 +ARRANGED centers on the friendship between an Orthodox Jewish woman and a Muslim woman who meet as first-year teachers at a public school in Brooklyn.,电影“安排” 主要讲述一个正统的犹太教女子和一个穆斯林妇女子之间的友谊,她们于布鲁克林内的一所公立学校刚当教师时认识。 +"It is great to be geat, but it is greater to be human.",伟大是美妙的,但要对人类更伟大。 +"Human's management is a business management important topic, is the important content which the political officers work.",人的管理是企业管理的一个重要课题,更是政工人员工作的重要内容。 +"They'll take your idea - bypassing all the risk that you've taken, because they can see that it works - and implement it themselves, much more cheaply.",他们 会盗用你的创意-不需要承担你所承担的风险,因为他们看到它确实可以使用-然后用更低的成本实现。 +The early adopters of this product became an army of evangelists.,其早期用户成为一群布道者。 +Create a treasure hunt for them (leaving clues around the house or yard).,为他们布置一次寻宝(在房子和菜园周围留下线索) +Xiao Qiang took a look through the telescope but he could not see a single thing!,小强拿着望远镜左看右看,却什么也看不到! +"The production task controlling function was implemented by calculating the span between system time and manufacture incidents such as calf weanling, estrus detect, service, and parturition.",生产任务监控是通过将奶牛断奶、发情、配种和分娩等生产事件的时间序列与系统内部时间建立函数关系来实现。 +The working principles and applications of acoustic wave ash clean-out device on ESP and bag filter are mainly introduced.,主要介绍了声波清灰技术在静电除尘器和布袋除尘器中的工作原理及其应用现状。 +"Government incentives have reversed a free-fall in demand in its biggest markets in recent months, but the group nonetheless expects to lose Y200bn ($2.2bn) in the financial year to March.",最近几个月,政府的激励措施扭转了其最大市场需求直线下降的趋势,但该集团仍然预计,在截至明年3月的财年将亏损2000亿日元(合22亿美元)。 +“The sun is rising!”It is the same voice from every Wuhan people who is out today.,“出太阳了!” 这是今天每个出门的武汉人共同的声音。 +"In JCS, no test cache method is defined for simply testing for a cached item's existence.",在 JCS 中,没有定义只测试缓存项是否存在的测试缓存方法。 +Supporter of open-source software disrupted Bill Gate's attendance at a prize-giving ceremony in Peking University this morning.,今天早上在北大,一名开放软件源代码的支持者的举动打断了比尔盖茨在颁奖仪式上的注意力。 +SJ explain to us how her husband grew his record pumpkin and a few smaller but still big ones.,SJ向我们解释了他的丈夫是怎样种出这么大的南瓜的。 +"Some numerical results for several commonly used metal waveguides are obtained, and showing such a numerical method (BEM) to be considerably effective.",最后对几种常见的金成波导作了数值计算,表明这种方法是有效的。 +"A kind of quickly, mold fee is reasonable, price is.",出样迅速,模费合理,价格实在。 +Another much less subtle influence is brand.,另外一种影响是品牌效应,它的作用强得多。 +The production practice of comprehensive recovery of indium and germanium in Yunnan Luoping Zinc and Electricity Co.,介绍了云南罗平锌电股份公司综合回收铟锗的生产情况。 +"I've been in meetings where the CEO allowed himself to ramble, rant, and berate for a half hour straight.",我参加过这样的会议,总裁允许自己连续半小时地漫谈、咆哮、和严责。 +The one big misstep is a property-tax cap of about 2 percent a year that will severely hurt schools and services in poorer communities.,但是有一步是大错特错的,就是对财产税设置每年2%的上限,这会严重伤害到贫困社区的学校和服务。 +"One would not need to worry too much about lifestyle changes, adjustments to accommodate foreign spouses and of course, having to tolerate the culture differences.",既不用过分担心生活方式的改变,也无需为适应养媳妇而改变习惯,还不必因此而忍受文化差异。 +"When the polymorph count of greater than five was chosen as positive, the sensitivity increased to 0.86 with the specificity remaining the same.",如以高于五个多核粒细胞数为阳性,则敏感性增加至0.86,特异性保持不变。 +"After the approval of the Ministry of Personnel, Xin Yada System Engineering Co. , Ltd. to set up post-doctoral research station, to carry out in-depth scientific research.",经人事部批准,信雅达系统工程股份有限公司设立博士后科研工作站,开展深度科研工作。 +Please also indicate as how the water from scrubbing and condensation towers can be treated and discharged.,还请说明如何从洗涤和冷凝塔水经处理后可出院。 +"The other benefit of read-write snapshot is you can actually start MySQL Server on it and perform recovery, check tables or do whatever else you might need to do to ensure your backup is consistent.",可读写快照的另一个好处是可以启动MySQL服务器,执行恢复、检察数据表或者其他任何要保证备份一致性所需的操作。 +CITY in eastern China has been identified as the world capital of cyber-espionage by an American internet security company.,中国东部的一座城市,已经被一家美国互联网安全公司确认为网络间谍的世界中心。 +The dynamic method for testing the density of soft subsoil by instant hammering is fully a new research subject.,利用瞬态锤击法对广泛存在的软土路基或地基土进行密实度动态测试方法研究是一个全新的课题。 +"Considering the goals of adjustment of the industrial structure and reduction of region disparities, we put forward industry-oriented tax policy based on regional development.",本论文从国家产业结构调整的宏观需要、区域经济协调发展的要求出发,力争实现效率和公平的统一,提出基于区域发展的产业导向的税收政策。 +"This capability can be useful for database object creation, design, and modification because it permits you to have a random order of CREATE commands.",这个功能对于数据库对象的创建、设计和修改都很有用,因为它允许您按照随机的顺序使用 CREATE 命令。 +Yan Zhize no longer took responsibility as Team Leader of the Discipline Inspection Commission and Party Member of the Civil Aviation Administration of China. (2009.8.14),严智泽同志不再担任民航局党组纪检组组长、党组成员职务。(2009.8.14) +"The people with large containers shipped from the distant place, the hollowed pumpkin lantern made, I always want to break the jack-o-lantern guinness book of world records.",城里的人们用大集装箱从遥远的地方运来大南瓜,把里边掏空作南瓜灯,总想打破南瓜灯的吉尼斯世界纪录。 +Toys with ramps and lookouts for climbing and viewing the world,玩具坡道或者任何可以攀爬的。 ● 干的松果。 +"Should this crisis continue, the Palestinian health system will further deteriorate and services will be disrupted, with grave consequences for the health of the Palestinian people.",如果这一危机继续下去,巴勒斯坦卫生系统将进一步恶化,并且服务将中断,对巴勒斯坦民众的健康产生严重后果。 +Wuqing Administration and Admission Center is established within this zone.,武清区行政许可中心设在开发区内。 +A tiny round mark made by or as if by a pointed instrument; a spot.,点由或象有尖头器具标记的小圆点; +"The relationship among glaze in Nanyue Mountain, winter temperature, the subtropical high over the West Pacific Ocean is analyzed.",分析了南岳雨凇与冷冬及西太平洋副热带高压的关系。 +"Third, find excuses to console oneself with detached -Rational consciousness;",自我解嘲与超脱——理性意识; +"One response to the WEIRD study, by the psychologist Paul Rozin, is that extrapolating from Americans is acceptable because the world is Americanizing.",心理学家Paul Rozin对这个“古怪”研究的回应是,依据美国进行外推的结论能被世人所接受是因为整个世界在“美国化”。 +"In the phase II study, the rate of life-threatening and fatal pulmonary hemorrhages had been increased with beacizumab treatment (9.1%).",在II期研究中,贝伐单抗治疗导致的致命率和致死性肺出血就已经增加(9.1%)。 +"The stars awaken a certain reverence, because though always present, they are inaccessible;",星辰唤醒心中的景仰,即使它们常在,也遥远而不可触摸; +"First, they are often used to replace one or more words in existent idioms and then form new idioms or phrases with novel internal structure.",说独特是因为它不仅须依附于同(近)音词汇之上,用词精简,爱套用成语,还经常是结构异常并带有特殊标记。 +The hotel is opposite the post office.,邮局的对过是旅馆。 +And it came to pass, when the LORD would take up Elijah into heaven by a whirlwind, that Elijah went with Elisha from Gilgal.,耶和华要用旋风接以利亚升天的时候,以利亚与以利沙从吉甲前往。 +"Microbicides are a gel, cream or suppository that releases a drug.",杀菌药可制成能够释放药物的凝胶、乳膏或者栓剂。 +It is wise to start infilling with a layer of gravel for drainage.,先铺上一层利于排水的砾石是个明智的做法。 +South Korean Foreign Minister Song Min-soon said this week more consultations are needed on the uranium issue.,韩国外交通商部长官宋民(上日下文)淳说,需要就铀浓缩问题进行更多的磋商。 +"Business entities represent passive domain objects such as invoices or reports, and business controls are objects that perform functions, perhaps representing alarms or machinery.",业务实体表示被动的领域对象比如发票或者报告,而业务控制是执行功能的对象,可以表示报警或者机械的作用。 +The company is also looking to profit down the road from a partnership that it formed with Exelixis (Nasdaq: EXEL) this past December.,公司同时也关注到在去年12月利润下降的合作伙伴Exelixis(纳斯达克:EXEL)。 +"I was born August 3, 1973 in Worcester, Massachusetts. Worcester is centrally located in Massachusetts.",我1973年8月3日生于马萨诸塞州的乌斯特市,一个位于马州中部的地方。 +Objective To investigate the clinical features and treatment of aggressive angiomyxoma of the genitourinary system.,目的探讨泌尿生殖系侵袭性血管黏液瘤的临床特点及治疗。 +"In the Northern Expedition of 1926-27, too, the victories were achieved through democratic centralism.",中国一九二六年到一九二七年的北伐战争,也是依靠民主集中制取得了胜利。 +My son can support himself now.,我儿子现在能养活自己了。 +"Fall and hurt all over, rib bone fracture, skull bone fracture.",全身摔伤,肋骨骨折,头骨骨折。 +"But at the time, Microsoft was fiercely opposed to anything that might promote the use of open-source software like Linux.",尼葛洛庞帝指出,那时微软对所有促进开放性源代码软件,如Linux系统应用的行为均表示强烈反对。 +The truck is disburdening.,货车正在卸货。 +Parroting a theory is a far cry from what the practice requires.,重复一种理论决不等于就是实践。 +Take a few deep breaths in silence.,安静地深呼吸几次。 +No one would ever have the temerity to think of Gerald O’Hara as a ridiculous little figure.,谁也没有胆量把杰拉尔德当作可笑的矮个儿看待。 +Wait until you have passed these entrances so that drivers will not think you are turning before your parallel parking position.,则要等到通过那些入口,再打转向灯,这样其它驾车者才不会认为你将在十字路口前转弯。 +I agree is a useful pattern for nodding your head with someone for coming to a similar place.,当你对别人的想法点头称是时,I agree 是一个非常有用的句型。 +The Envisagement of transporting the moisture from south to north sides of the Himalayas is for improving the moisture transfer along the Great Yarlung Zangbo Canyon northwards.,“空中调水”设想是改变雅鲁藏布大峡谷及其以北地形来改善向北水汽输送。 +"Yun Ling left the room, asking the Oracle cable dolong secret book, Yun Ling answer dense book has been burned, said in Qing is a real dream, like a bolt from the blue duolong cable.",韫凌离开密室后,索多隆追问密书的谕示,韫凌回答密书已烧毁,说光复大清是个不真实的梦,索多隆等晴天霹雳。 +"According to their official website, CMC is a nonprofit organisation founded in early 2006 to help China’s urban migrant children, primarily through offering social and educational programs.",据其官方网站称,CMC是一个公益性组织,成立于2006年初,致力于通过社会和教育培训项目来帮助中国的打工子弟群体。 +"MethodsBy DNA fragmentation assay and TUNEL staining, apoptosis from 31 samples of senile cataract lens epithelial cells were examined.",方法用DNA 片段分析及TUNEL 法共检测31例老年性白内障患者晶状体上皮细胞凋亡。 +"Therefore, it has certain practical significance to establish an appraisal system of teaching quality to suit the management discipline of Shenyang Ligong University.",为此,建立一套真正适合于沈阳理工大学管理学科的教学质量评价体系具有重要的现实意义。 +"Finally, the sixth chapter elaborates Brahms's influence on Schoenberg and other modern composers.",第六章阐述了勃拉姆斯对勋伯格及现代作曲家的影响。 +The effect of HPMC-E50 and HPMC-F50 on PVC resins in VCM suspension polymerization was analyzed based on a lot of experiments.,通过大量试验分析了HPMC-E50和HPMC-F50在氯乙烯悬浮聚合中对PVC树脂的影响,从而确定了复合分散体系的质量分数以及分散剂的配比。 +"Analysis and exploration are made about structure of distributors, holes layout on sieve trays, major structure parameters and technological parameters to ensure distributors run well.",通过对分布器的结构、分布盘筛板上的布孔方式、主要结构参数和工艺参数等方面进行分析探讨,确保了分布器的良好性能。 +The government ought to see that the unjustified delay in the Rowse case may encourage officials to avoid taking responsibility.,政府必须警惕,处理卢维思案的延宕与欠缺合理解释,会助长卸责文化的滋生。 +"When his planet, Gallifrey, was destroyed in the Great Time War, the TARDIS was all the Doctor had left to remind him of home.",当他的星球Gallifrey在终极时间大战中毁灭后, TARDIS是博士留下对故乡思念的所有纪念。 +"The snow flake waving in the wind, represent a beautiful beginning;",飘舞的雪花,代表着一个美好的开始; +"Suggestion: the owner in enough gauze portiere when see the intensity, because in the thickness of the profile has the very big difference.",建议:业主在选够纱门窗时看一下铝合金的强度,因为在型材厚度有很大的区别。 +This will help align diverse enterprise IT investments with cloud-based BPM.,这将帮助不同的企业IT投资与云端BPM相适应。 +"If you're girlfriend breaks up with you, it's not a good idea to get drunk and go play a show.",如果你的女朋友和你分手了,最好不要选择在酒吧买醉演出。 +"Objective To compare the detection rates of colorectal adenomas by conventional colonoscopy, chromo colonoscopy and chromo magnifying colonoscopy.",目的探讨染色放大肠镜进展征象对判断组织病理学“进展型”大肠腺瘤的价值。 +"Nonetheless, the report will give a boost to the AUD aiming for a test of resistance around 0.9326, and solidify expectations for a rate hike next month, when the RBA is set to hike by 25bps.",无论如何,报告可能推动澳元上试0.9326附近的阻力位,并让下月加息的成数更大,届时澳洲央行可能会加息25个基点。 +Placenta expressed spontaneously intact. Describe episiotomy degree and repair technique.,胎盘自然完整排出。描述会阴切开的程度和修补方法。 +"There's no immediate danger, but how can she hone in on the problem, choose and conduct the right tests, and get a treatment plan-especially one the insurance payer will approve?",虽然不会马上有危险,但是她不知道如何诊断、选择和实施正确的化验以及制订治疗计划 —— 尤其是不知道保险商是否会支付这些费用。 +"Propably this function is of little value for the library user, but it is required under certain circumstances for correct operation of the preprocessing engine.",也许这个函数对于库用户来说用处不大,不过它对于在某些情况下预处理引擎的正常运行是必须的。 +"That was what happened when, pushed by Saudia Arabia, OPEC raised output just as Asia's economies were plunging into crisis, and the price fell to $10.",亚洲经济危机时在沙特推动下欧佩克提高了产量,结果油价跌至10美元。 +"Wang Ping: After 30 hours, his body entered an extreme state. His face showed an expression of agony, he vomited while swinging his arms.",王平: 30个小时之后,他的身体进入了极限状态,脸上呈现出痛苦的表情,一边呕吐,一边挥臂。 +It seems they can work out high quality goods.,看来你们能加工出高品质产物, 淘宝网时尚女装。 +"Created in 1913 to honor the memory of Danish fairy tale writer Hans Christian Andersen, the 1.5m fishtailed bronze is Denmark's most popular tourist attraction.","小美人鱼""铜像始建于1913年,高1.5米,是为了纪念丹麦童话大师安徒生用青铜浇铸的,是丹麦久负盛名的旅游景点。" +"Ma couldn't believe his eyes when the young man fell and turned in a huge, man-sized chrysanthemum plant.",马不能相信自己的眼睛当年轻男子摔倒在一个巨大的,人为中型厂变成菊花。 +"Based on the training aim, to train practical and skillful personnel is a must problem for the higher medical science consider seriously.",根据培养目标的要求,培养实用型、技能型人才,是高职医学专业必须认真思考和加以解决的问题。 +He had no way out but to work as a celestial burial master.,除了做天葬师外他找不到其它办法。 +Preparing customer invoices immediately upon delivery of your goods or services to the customer.,在你将商品或服务提供给客户后马上开具发票。 +James Bond: I'll do anything for a woman with a knife.,詹姆斯·邦德:我愿意用刀为女人做任何事。 +"Did you hear about the practical joke he played when he was a student, the one with the road- menders ?",你听说过他上学时跟修路工人玩的那个恶作剧吧? +The average score of the observers was used for the analysis.,统计分析时采用两位读片师的平均分。 +"In addition, you can apply fine-grained access control distinctly to each image and each pattern, controlling who can read the asset and who can edit it.",另外,可以对每个映像和每个模式应用不同的细粒度访问控制,控制能够读取资产的用户和能够编辑资产的用户。 +"The religion of Wong Tai Sin, one of the Chinese Taoism folklores, originally has been popular locally, especially when it was infused into and interacted with Lingnan culture.",中国的民间道教俗信——黄大仙信仰从产生之初便被地方化利用,尤其是进入岭南之后,更是不断与当地地域文化发生互动。 +Visualize a grand dame of Chanel origin with her black hat of feathers trying on a glorified diamante ring and reflecting its unique cut on the ceiling.,在一片璀璨的光芒中一个带着香奈儿黑色羽毛礼帽的贵妇人,正在试戴一枚精致的戒指,精致切工折射的光芒映射在顶上——那就是顶上的镜子。 +"We always provide front of pack colour-coded labelling and are committed to continuing to review the salt in our products, whilst still offering a broad range of cuisines for our customers to enjoy.",我们会一直在包装的前面提供色码标签,并且我们承诺将继续检测产品中的含盐量,在此期间,我们会继续为顾客们提供一个广泛的美食的选择。 +"Then it comes the air. If only alive, the person needs continuous air to breathe. So have you ever paid the bill of the indispensable thing to us?",空气,是免费的。一个人只要还活着,就需要源源不断的空气。可从古到今,又有谁为这须臾不可缺少的东西买过单? +"Results On plain CT scan, the lesion was non-homogeneous low density with even more low density in the center in 1 case, and nearly isodensity in another case.",结果CT平扫1例呈不均质性低密度,病变内伴有更低密度坏死区,1例接近等密度; +Chimes shall be mechanically seamed or welded.,桶的凸边必须用机械方法接合,或焊接。 +"Pick your poison. Do you want to put in the time now, or later?",做出选择吧,你想现在花点时间呢还是以后再补? +I Yixing very . I here my family when I was two years old and here .,我非常了解宜兴这个地方。我两岁的时候就举家搬来了,并且从那时起就住在这。 +Please bid only if you can give Indian directory submission. Directories from South India are preferred. This work would involve finding out all such directories too.,请申办只要你可以给印度目录提交。从南印度目录是首选。这项工作将涉及找出所有这样的目录了。 +Chapter four researches the realization of timing and carrier synchronization.,第四章,主要讨论位定时同步和载波同步的实现。 +"Surface roughening is very important in arc spraying, as the coating quality depends greatly on its treatment result.",表面粗化在电弧喷涂中具有重要作用, 涂层质量很大程度上取决于表面粗化预处理的效果。 +"It's you who made me feel like home. Because of S13, I now feel fortunate to have come here!",是你们给与我温暖,是S13班让我感觉到,来这里真是来对了! +"Here I'll initiate the memo to be 0, or to be empty, rather, the dictionary.",在这里我会将memo初始化为,或者为空,作为记录字典。 +The feeling which beset the child was one of dim uncertain horror .,困恼着这孩子的感情乃是一种虚无缥缈的恐怖。 +"The 64 orthogonal arrays, which originated from the literatures in Chinese, are categorized according to self-checking of quadratic sum and degree of freedom.",对来自中文源文献的64张正交表按其有无平方和、自由度的自检功能进行了分组归类。 +"General Hartman's statement raises the possibility that secret evidence could be revealed to al-Qaida members but not to the public, but that would likely only happen much later in the process.",哈特曼将军的上述讲话指出这种可能,那就是,保密证据有可能透露给基地恐怖组织成员,但没有对外公布,但是这只可能会在整个程序的后期。 +I took the key in my shaking hand and opened the clock door.,我用颤抖的手拿出了钥匙,打开了钟门。 +"Unless there's an underlying psychosexual or medical reason, a lack of sex is usually a symptom of a deeper relationship problem rather than the issue itself.",除去潜在的性心理或生理原因,性生活减少通常是深层次婚姻问题的一个表现,关键问题不在于性生活本身。 +The Greeks did it by the playing of a flute like or oboe like instrument that played a military tune that had you marching forward at the right pace.,"希腊人通过类似长笛,或双簧管的乐器发出指令,使之能以正确的步调前进" +They wonder if he’s still alive.,他们不知道他是否还活着。 +Bascially you end up putting more stress on the healthy leg to compensate.,基本上你会因为一只脚的伤病而把更多的压力放到自己健康的脚上。 +Optimal selection of reserve parameters is the key to calculate the reserves of litho- logic gas reservoirs.,计算岩性气藏储量关键是选择好计算储量的参数。 +Xielian Bin Lin is the sister of Shu Lin whereabouts of her husband.,谢连斌是林暋胞妹林姝的丈夫。 +The maximum in sporulation of the best strain is 40 times more than the worst. Heat resistance of Metarhizium spore is also different.,其中产孢量最高菌株的产孢量是最低菌株的40多倍,产孢量高的四菌株孢子耐热性也有所差异。 +Some traditions might lose popularity with people.,有些传统可能会被人们淡忘。 +The muscularis mucosae derived from the muscle stem cells in the submucosa.,黏膜肌层起源于黏膜下层的肌肉干细胞。 +She went hunting aimlessly through the crowded columns.,他的目光在房间里漫无目的地扫来扫去。 +I had her cornered. I told her to turn around.,我在墙角处逮到了她,我让她转身,她不从。 +A 3-D dynamic displacement field is studied and tested by use of two sets of rotation aperture spackle photographic system.,研制了环形孔径锥镜剪切相机,并利用它进行激光散斑照相,测量物体的位移导数场。 +Conclusion There are structural and functional injuries in nerve cells and synapses in CA1 region in temporal lobe epileptic male rats.,结论:颞叶癫痫大鼠海马CA1区神经细胞和突触超微结构存在远期损害和活力降低。 +We think it deeply facing this problems and Re-analyze the virtual studio technology to determine the development and application in the television program making process.,面对此类问题,我们进行了深刻的思考,对虚拟演播室技术进行重新剖析,以确定虚拟演播室系统在电视节目制作中的运用和发展。 +In any situation I can usually find something to do or see to keep me interested.,任何情况下都能很快找到一些让自己提起精神的事情来做或是看。 +"More importantly, the generalized momenta based Lagrange's equations show unique advantages over the traditional Lagrange's equations in symplectic integrations.",更为重要的是,广义动量表示的拉格朗日方程较之传统形式的拉格朗日方程在辛积分中表现出独特的优越性。 +"This parallel is The Epic of Gilgamesh I get to point this way now, to the boards, okay?","这个故事便是《吉尔伽美什史诗》,我应该指这边?" +"Perhaps it's the quiet solitude that comes with being the first to rise, of maybe it's the unbounded joy of not having to be at work.",也许是全家第一个起床的安静与孤单,也许是由于无需上班工作的无限喜悦。 +"“Many women earned less [in] bonuses this year, ” says Mr. Cao.",“今年,许多妇女的奖金缩水了”,曹先生表示。 +You'll drive me mad.,你会把我气疯的。 +Also shopping at the market is restaurant owner Kim Shun-hwa.,餐馆老板金顺华也在这里进货。 +"The party has been distributing an 81-page manifesto detailing policies and party structure among township-level USDP leaders, which can be used in recruiting new members.",联邦巩固发展党已派发81页的党章,详细介绍党的政策和乡镇一级的党组织,可以利用党的基层机构吸收新成员。 +"If everything else goes well, Discovery should be moved to launch pad on 21 September and ready for lift-off on 1 November.",如果一切顺利,发现号将会在9月21号放到发射台上准备11月1号的发射。 +"And with dozens of carriers and many handset manufacturers building Android-based phones, it looks like there might be a large market of Android phone users to sell to.",十几个运营商和更多的手机生产商都在开发基于Android的手机,看上去好像Android手机的用户将是巨大的市场。 +"What a surprise when she went to leave for work that morning and found not just the blessings of the bouquet of flowers, but the tiny note which simply said, ""For my friend.""",第二天早上她正要出门上班时惊讶地发现了那束花,花儿带来了祝福,但更重要的是写在小纸条上的一句问候:“送给我的朋友”。 +This paper mainly discusses the historical differences between the Donggan language and Chinese Putonghua and the existing state and development of the Donggan language in new situations.,本文主要论述了在历史发展过程中东干语和汉语的区别,并讨论了新形势下东干语的存在状态和发展前景。 +The engineer in my office is a real geek.,我们办公室的工程师是个真正的电脑迷。 +"Containing plastic resin and Silane, will stimulate the eyes, skin and respiratory tract, eyes and skin and avoid contact, not inhaled volatile gases, under the conditions of ventilation in use.",内含硅酮胶树脂和硅烷,会刺激眼睛、皮肤和呼吸道,避免与眼睛和皮肤接触,切勿吸入挥发性气体,在通风条件下使用。 +Now your service implementations are ready and you can deploy workflows to use them.,现在,您的服务实现已就绪,可以部署工作流来使用它们。 +"MRND is suitable for medullary cancer, differentiated cancer and some microcarci noma of thyroid, but MRND for undifferentiated thyroid cancer is controversial.",它适用于甲状腺髓样癌、分化性甲状腺癌及部分甲状腺微小癌,而对未分化癌是否有必要尚有争议。 +"Multani, Maro-Sorcerer has power and toughness each equal to the total number of cards in all players?hands.",马洛术士穆塔尼的力量与防御力各等同于所有玩家手牌的总数。 +You've done fuck-all today.,你今天是屁事也没干。 +"US company Infantino recalled the SlingRider, saying customers should stop using the product immediately and return it for a free replacement.",美国的Infantino公司召回了这种名为“SlingRider”的婴儿背巾,还通知消费者应立即停止使用该产品,将其返厂并免费换去其它背巾。 +The results are displayed in the bottom half of the form below the horizontal rule.,表单中横线下的表单下半部分用来显示搜索结果。 +"These imprinted genes usually result in a balanced, healthy brain, but when the process goes awry, neurological disorders can result.",这些印迹基因往往形成一个平衡的、健康的大脑,但当这个过程出错,就会造成神经系统疾病。 +The results showed that the amount of organic solvent molecules adsorbed was positive to the specific surface area of MOFs.,结果表明,框架物比表面积的大小与吸附有机溶剂分子的量成正比关系。 +Consider how aggressively Chinese cities have now begun to bypass Beijing as they send delegates en masse to conferences and fairs where they can attract foreign investment.,考虑一下,中国城市为吸引外资如何绕过北京管制,雄心勃勃地一批又一批派出代表团参加出席会议和参加展览。 +Results The site of urinary tract obstruction and hydronephrosis were distinctly shown in all the 59 patients by MRU. 54 of them were confirmed by pathological or operative findings.,结果所有病例MRU尿路梗阻部位及扩张状况均显示良好,其中54例经手术或病理确诊,仅2例术前MRU误诊。 +"The input arguments are query, which is the JPQL string; and params, which is the bound parameter values to the query, each indexed by key.",它是一个 JPQL 字符串;以及 params,它是此查询的绑定参数值,每个按键索引。 +The series is set to return for its fourth season on NBC this fall.,《超能英雄》第四季将于今年秋天回归NBC荧屏。 +"Sunflower seed oil, Hawaiian nut oil, jojoba oil-soluble glue.",葵花籽油、夏威夷核果油、油溶性荷荷巴胶。 +"However, as one of her favourite songs, Lavigne said that ""Girl Friend"" is a perfect opening song for her concert.",但是做为他最喜欢的一首歌,艾薇儿说女朋友作为音乐会的开场是非常完美的。 +"Based on the fractal theory, the paper analyses and investigates the urban system dimensions distribution using urban non-agricultural population date of Chengyu megalopolis adopted 1990~2008.",本文依据分形理论,采用1990~2008年成渝都市群各等级城市非农业人口时间序列样本数据,研究了成渝都市群城市体系规模分布的分形特征。 +"After basic training and advanced individual training, I found myself stationed in the Republic of Korea.",在完成基本训练和高级的个人训练以后,我被派驻到朝鲜去了。 +AIM: To investigate the expression of interleukin-13 (IL-13) in lung tissue of rat asthmatic model and effect of triptolide on expression of IL-13.,目的: 探讨白细胞介素13(IL-13)在大鼠哮喘模型肺组织中的表达以及雷公藤内酯醇对IL-13表达的影响。 +"Then, less than a week after HP's 2011 annual meeting, when Whitman was elected to the board, it was announced that Whitman would be joining Kleiner Perkins, Lane's firm.",其次,梅格•惠特曼在2011年惠普年会上被选为董事会成员。 此后还不到一周,她就宣布即将加盟雷•兰恩的顶级风投公司凯鹏华盈(Kleiner Perkins)。 +Objective:To investigate the therapeutic effect of penetrating keratoplasty (PKP) in fungal keratitis.,前言: 目的:观察穿透性角膜移植治疗真菌性角膜炎的疗效。 +They transform code in one formal language to code in another formal language.,他们变换编码在一个正式的语言的代码在另一个形式语言。 +"AIN ceramic material with high thermal conductivity, it can be used as the enclosure material for sea temperature sensor.",可用于海洋敏感器件封装的氮化铝陶瓷材料具有高的热导率特性,本文对它的热导率进行了实验研究。 +"A typical 'scandal' of this kind flared up round Caravaggio(1571-1610), a very bold and revolutionary Italian artist, who worked round about 1600.",激起这种“公愤”的一个典型例子,是卡拉瓦乔惹出的乱子;卡拉瓦乔是一位有着大胆改革精神的意大利艺术家,从事艺术活动的时间大约在公元1600年左右。 +I couldn't believe he was so talented and I had never taken a moment to notice.,我难以置信乔希竟然如此有才,而我却从未花费一点时间去注意这一点。 +Now space experts want to see how the comet has changed after its tour around the scorching sun.,现在专家期待着观察彗星在环绕灼热太阳飞行之后会发生怎样的变化。 +DOM is a family of W3C technical recommendations affectionately called tech wrecks.,DOM 是 W3C 技术推荐中的一员,被亲切地称之为 tech wrecks。 +"Now, you have a new career opportunity in another city, and you and they will be moving to an apartment that does not allow pets .",后来你的仕途来了个新转机,你可能要到另一个城市里工作,移居到一幢不许豢养宠物的公寓去。 +"""self-improvement, continued beyond"" Not only embodies the fine tradition of Yan Yu, but also truly reflects the company's staff should have a vibrant and enterprising spirit.",“ 自强不息,不断超越”既体现了誉炎的优良传统,也能较为贴切地反映出公司员工应有的朝气和进取精神。 +The results show that the quasi-isentropic compression experiments in the low pressure range can be come ture with explosive-loading device with an air cushion.,并将数值模拟计算结果与实验结果进行了比较,结果表明两者吻合较好,说明在较低压力范围内爆轰驱动加载实验加空腔可以实现准等熵压缩实验。 +"I wish nice old and new customers, and business is booming!",祝新老客户生财有道,生意兴隆! +Amphitrite fled and hid herself at the bottom of the sea.,安菲特律特逃跑了,藏在海洋深处。 +"So we end up with 1 p orbital completely untouched, and three hybrid s p 2 orbitals.",没有变化,所以我们得到的是1个完全没有变化p轨道。 +"Meanwhile, those characteristics that intense group consciousness, honesty, quality of unyielding, also worsened their political circumstances sometimes.",同时,一些特点如群体意识强烈、鲠直不屈等,一定条件下又成为恶化其政治境遇的因素。 +It can produce solid and also hollow profiles with multiple chambers without using core material or silicone tubing.,在未使用内层芯板或硅胶管的情况下,此项技术可生产出具有多室的固体、中空部件。 +"You are minding your own business, eating something like an ice cream cone, a milk shake, a snow cone... Then, suddenly you are hit with the most excruciating headache!",你正做着某些事情,同时吃着诸如沙冰、奶昔、雪糕之类的冰淇淋,然后突然之间被一阵极其折磨人的头痛所袭击! +"In this programme we'll take a look at how to tell friends, or people you know quite well, about serious things which have happened to you.",我是Neil Edgeller。本期节目中,我们将看看怎样向朋友或是熟人讲述你身上发生的可怕的事情。 +Tensions are high since clashes broke out in February in a disputed border area near a 900-year-old Khmer Hindu temple called Preah Vihear in Cambodia and Phra Viharn in Thailand.,自从2月份在一座有九百年历史的高棉印度教庙宇附近有领土争议的边界地区爆发冲突以来,当地局势高度紧张,该庙宇在柬埔寨被称为帕威夏寺庙,而在泰国被称为考菩维安。 +Ancient cultures used the spice as an antiseptic and to treat cholera and bronchitis.,在古代,辣椒还被用作防腐剂、治疗霍乱和支气管炎。 +"After the main exhibition is finished, smaller exhibitions will be created from the exhibits to tour other venues in the Czech Republic and abroad.",之后,主展结束后,将创建更小的展览,从展品参观在捷克共和国和国外的其他场所。 +"Sky full of clouds, such as the heavy rain outside Note.",天空布满了阴霾,外面大雨如注。 +"The finance governance is the center of corporation governance, constructing HPG's finance governance structure, may unify the corporation governance to carry on.",财务治理是公司治理的核心内容,对于财务治理结构,可以结合公司治理结构进行。 +With worsening inflation a slowing economy and growing concerns about possible social unrest China's leaders have a lot on their plates these days.,随着通胀恶化,经济增长放缓,对可能出现的社会动荡日益关注,这些天中国领导人手头纷乱如麻。 +"""The Guardian"" commented that anti-immigrant sentiment is not uncommon in the world, but the implementation of BSF's ""shoot to kill"" policy, applies the unarmed civilians at gunpoint, ""is too cruel.",《卫报》评论说,反移民情绪在全世界并不罕见,但BSF所执行的“格杀勿论”政策,却将枪口对准手无寸铁的平民,“实在太过残忍”。 +"This course is offered during the Sloan Innovation Period (SIP), which is a one-week period at the MIT Sloan School of Management that occurs midway through each semester.",本课程在「史隆创新期」(SIP)开设;麻省理工学院史隆管理学院每学期中段有一周的时间为「史隆创新期」。 +The transitionary process of the mucosa was determined.,记录患者术腔黏膜的转归过程。 +Materials and Methods CT features in 8 patients with pathologically proved nasal or paranasal malignant melanoma were retrospectively analyzed.,材料与方法回顾性分析8例经病理证实的鼻腔及鼻窦恶性黑色素瘤的CT征象。 +Jobs are depressingly scarce for recent high school and college graduates.,为刚刚毕业的高中生和大学生提供的工作极少。 +"In fact, the more adept they were at abbreviating, the better they did in spelling and writing.",实际上,他们使用缩写越熟练,就越擅长拼写和写作。 +The girl bit her lips and looked thoughtful.,这位女孩咬着嘴唇,看上去若有所思。 +"Combining with computer technique, based on CPLD, an arbitrary waveform generator with I, Q double channel was designed and the software design that makes it work was provided.",结合计算机技术,基于高速复杂可编程逻辑器件(CPLD)设计出一种正交I、Q双通道的任意波形发生器,同时给出了协调其工作的软件设计。 +Tags Filter: Use either a build agent name or a tag to bind this build definition to a build agent that is designed specifically for running this build.,标记筛选:使用组建代理程式名称或标签,将此组建定义系结至专为执行此组建所设计的组建代理程式。 +"This was the teachers' chance to talk to CIE examiners face to face, and become familiar with marking processes on respective subjects.",在这次培训过程中,老师们可以剑桥国际考试考官进行面对面的交流,慢慢熟悉各科阅卷流程。 +The bamboo strips excavated in Changsha Zhoumalou have been partly classified and published.,长沙走马楼出土的简牍已部分整理发表。 +I wish I had not bought the pair of shoes.,我没买过这双鞋子就好了。 +"In other words, there exists in this convulsed realm, several contorted holes.",或者说,在一片痉挛的疆域中存在着几个扭曲的孔。 +"Besides, labor costs in China have picked up a lot recently, and therefore our eyes should not only be fixed on the nominal exchange rate.",此外,近来中国的劳动力成本大幅上涨,因此我们不应仅盯住名义汇率。 +"However, my personal view concerning public viewing spaces is that these should be given to people living in rural areas, areas where people don't have electricity or television sets.",但是,依我之见,这些应该提供给那些没有电和电视的农村的人们。 +"For example, a product group might identify three main types of reference topic -- messages, utilities, and APIs -- and define three domains -- networking, programming, and databases.",例如,产品组可能将引用主题标识为三个主要类型:信息、实用程序和 API。 +Sometimes to the suburbs and horse carts shops and Jubashi friends and give them Huaxiaoxiang.,有时还去城郊大车店和车把式交朋友,给他们画肖像。 +The leaves on the trees were green and large.,屋前是一片矮树林,树叶绿油油的比巴掌还大; +"Irans Islamic leadership is prepared to conduct a limited recount of disputed presidential elections, a spokesman said Tuesday.",周二,一名发言人称,伊朗伊斯兰领导层准备对存在争议的总统选举结果进行部分重新计票。 +"We own broad and great Purchase and sale network in world-wide areas. Besides, we have strategic corporation with the world famous companies.",公司在全世界有着广泛而强大的采购和销售网络,同时与世界几大知名公司结成了战略联盟。 +"During the last recession in the early 2000’s, I was one of those statistics.",2000年初,在上一次经济衰退时,我是那些统计数字中的一员。 +The Republic of Ireland under 21 international has made 17 first team appearances for Liverpool but spent the final months of last season on loan at Southampton.,这位爱尔兰21岁以下国家队成员代表利物浦出场了17次,在上赛季最后一个月租借到了南安浦顿。 +"At first, innovation and reserch are defined;",首先,逻辑分析创新; +"In the first year of this project, we will develop a wideband microstrip-to- coplanar strip transition to measure this antenna. Parameter studies of the antenna will also be carried out by simulation.",本计画第一年将开发测量此天线的宽频微带线至共面带线转接,同时对此天线做完整的参数数植模拟研究。 +A 3-roll-stand-set with processing diameter D can be obtained by rebuilding a used one with processing diameter less than D.,而具有加工直径D的三辊机架可以通过对具有加工直径比D小的旧三辊机架的改造而获得。 +"Well, we are not really allowed to use corporeal punishments.",嗯,其实我们不许使用体罚。 +"You can set clear quality objectives for things like performance and security testing, and defining environments for your automated test coverage.",您可以为性能和安全性测试之类的事情设置质量目标,并为您的自动化测试覆盖面定义环境。 +"The CCIE and CCDE are the highest level of achievements for network or design professionals, certifying an individual as an expert.",该CCIE和CCDE是最高水平的成就,网络或设计专业人士,证明个人作为一个专家。 +"In the early part of her career, she sang for Stan Kenton’s orchestra but her style really took off when she went solo.",在她音乐生涯早期,她曾在斯坦顿乐团演唱,但她事业真正腾飞是在她转入独唱的时候。 +In1999 one quarrying contract and three quarry rehabilitation contracts were in force.,年内执行的有一份采石合约及三份复修石矿场合约。 +"Officers put in a lot of energy to close a case, so we never mind getting one on sheer luck and stupidity, "" Lake Charles police Sgt. Mark Kraus said.""",「员警得花好一番工夫才能结案,所以我们不介意纯凭运气与(嫌犯的)愚蠢搞定一件案子,」(路易斯安纳州)查尔斯湖的警官马克.克劳斯说。 +"The pro-DNA env gene of these HIV were amplified by nested PCR, then their subtype were analyzed by HMA.",套式PCR扩增其包膜基因,用异源双链泳动分析法(HMA)分析基因亚型的变异。 +"because I see people spend less money on, I don't know, restaurants and cars.",因为我见到有些人,我不知道,在去餐厅和驾车方面减少了开支, +"It is found that when confronted with self-selection of question-answering, students with different cultural backgrounds put on quite different performances.",这说明跟具体的文化特性和教学传统等有很大的关系。 +"Actually, I often take a little bit longer than I anticipated.",实际上,我花的时间常常要比我预期的长。 +I'm feeling rather out of sorts these days.It hurts much in the belly.,"这几天我不舒服,肚子疼." +"Spring returns to the earth, the everything renewed!",春回大地,万象更新! +All shooters should wear protective shooting glasses and some form of hearing protectors while shooting.,所有射手都应该佩戴射击专用的防护眼镜和某种形式的听力保护装置。 +Both sides agreed to expand exchanges and cooperation in various areas in a bid to uplift China-Azerbaijan traditional friendly and cooperative relations to a new height.,双方一致同意,扩大两国各领域的交流与合作,把中阿传统友好合作关系提高到新的水平。 +Magnesium-carbon-calcium fireproof brick is a kind of economical and practical ladle liner material.,镁钙碳砖是一种经济又实用的包衬材料。 +"Additional, the furniture culture connotation of Europe type style is very rich, suit decorate the style is Oushi classicism .",另外,欧式风格的家具文化内涵十分丰富,适合的装修风格是欧式古典风格的装修。 +"Within the context of the current recession, with China showing continuing high levels of economic growth, some might question whether such offshoring has reached a critical tipping point.",在当前经济衰退的背景下,中国却保持了高速的经济增长,许多人或许会问,这种离岸迁移是否已经达到了一个关键的临界点。 +"Nevertheless, studies do suggest that forgetting probably follows a power function.",然而,相关研究也向我们暗示遗忘似乎遵循着一个幂函数的数学规律。 +It is universally acknowledged that water and air are indispensable to human beings.,人们普遍认为,水和空气对人类不成贫窭。 +"The film rambles a bit, but also cleverly and deliberately recalls our own 2000 election crisis in Florida.",片子有点漫游风格,但也睿智又精巧地勾起我们对2000年佛罗里达的竞选危机的回忆。 +"The grass pushing up on my seat, the scraggly thistle stem rubbing my shirt, the brown-breasted swallow swooping downhill: they are a single thing stretching out in many directions.",我座下的草棵支愣着,乱蓬蓬的蒲公英杆刮着我的衬衫,棕胸燕朝山下俯冲:它们这单一的种群正在向四面八方伸展。 +"When Yoda confers with a holographic Jedi Council while on Kashyyyk, Shaak Ti is among one of the tiny tabletop projections.",身在卡西克星球的犹达借助全息通讯召开绝地长老会议,莎克·提出现在议会厅的一台微型桌面全息投影仪上。 +Network teaching lays out a new and capacious study world to people. It provides study advantages and chances for those who are willingly to adopt knowledge.,网络教学向人们展示了一个崭新的、广阔的学习世界,为任何愿意获取知识的人提供了学习的便利和机会。 +"In 1982, the Ministry of Education approved by the state, was upgraded to five-year undergraduate institutions.",1982年,经国家教育部批准,升格为五年制本科院校。 +Background— The impact of early surgery on mortality in patients with native valve endocarditis (NVE) is unresolved .,背景—早期手术对自体瓣膜心内膜炎(NVE)病人死亡率的影响尚未形成定论。 +"At present, this system can handle million of callings from customers all over of China. We are the most excellent service provider.",目前该中心能够大规模处理全国上百万的客户的来电,是行业中优质的服务提供商。 +Objective To measure and evaluate the health inequalities due to chronic schistosomiasis japonica.,目的 对慢性血吸虫病所致的健康不公平性进行测量与评价。 +You should always have a First aid kit at hand to look after minor injuries.,你必须始终在身边携带一个急救箱来处理一些小伤病。 +"During the process of burying garbage, leachate equalization basin at sanitary landfill deposit and regulates the leachate of garbage.",渗滤液调节池在垃圾填埋场的运行中起储存、调节垃圾渗滤液的作用。 +"The South's defense minister, Kim Kwan-jin, said last week the North is increasingly likely to launch a surprise provocation, following a series of strongly worded threats.",韩国国防部长官金宽镇上星期说,在一系列措辞强硬的口头威胁后,朝鲜越来越有可能发动出其不意的挑衅行动。 +So is the current MIME approach as limiting as this article suggests?,因此,就像文章中说的那样,目前的MIME的方式是有限制的? +"In other words, people spent a lot of money to consult the oracle.","换句话说,人们花很多钱来请示神谕" +"“The United States also is providing millions of dollars of additional in-kind and technical assistance,” the embassy said in a statement August 23.",美国驻巴使馆于8月23日发表声明说:“美国另还提供了价值数百万元的实物和技术援助。” +We can't go on evidence like that.,我们不能以那样的证据为根据。 +"Based on this advice, he took a big step forward, and a bullet smashed into the wall next to us right where his head had been.",听了我的劝告,记者向前跨了一大步,这时恰好一颗子弹贴着我们身体嗖得射入墙内,子弹的线路正好穿过记者刚才头部的位置。 +"Last week, the April numbers for China\'s Consumer Price Index came in at 8.5 per cent, significantly increasing the prospects of a strong monetary response and the consequent deceleration in growth.",上周,中国四月份的消费物价指数在8.5 % ,在这个大前提下,一个剧烈的货币回应和相应的减速在增长。 +Cold plasmas are closer to room temperatures.,冷等离子体更接近室温。 +"Now, check to see what the wsadmin built-in $Help function can tell us about this new MBean. Enter",现在,请查看 wsadmin 内置 $Help 函数可以告诉我们有关这个新的 MBean 的哪些信息。 +Her head felt swollen and she winced even when she turned her eyes.,她的脑袋仿佛已经肿起来,连眼睛动一动也会发晕的。 +Baked goods from smaller bakeries are often not required to list the nutrient content of the food.,小面包店制作的烘焙食品往往没有要求列出产品中营养成分的清单。 +Carl Honoré's book Under Pressure:Rescuing Our Children from the Culture of Hyper-Parenting is a 32)gospel of the slow-parenting movement.,卡尔·奥诺雷的《压力之下:把我们的孩子从“过度养育”文化中拯救出来》一书被奉为“慢养育”运动的“圣经”。 +Dominique Strauss-Khan had to resign in May.,国际货币基金组织前总裁多米尼克·斯特劳斯-卡恩(Dominique Strauss-Khan)五月被迫辞职。 +"Trenven started to hissed as loud as he could to call for help, but there was no one nearby.",川文开始用尽权利嘶叫,以寻求帮助,但附近一个人也没有。 +Yang Ying: Sure. See you tomorrow.,杨英:好的。明天见。 +"This paper analyzes the causations of collapse of pile foundation construction, states the measures to avoid collapse and the treatment method after collapse.",本文主要分析桩基施工中坍孔的成因和为避免坍孔所采取的措施以及坍孔后的处理方法。 +"Measuring information flow to determine influence has a lot of potential, says Jure Leskovec, an assistant professor of computer science in the machine learning department at Stanford University.",通过衡量信息来确定影响力的方法很有潜力,Jure Leskovec说,他是斯坦福大学机器学习系计算机科学的助理教授。 +"Ownership has been described as""the entirety of powers of use and disposal allowed by law"".",所有权被称作是“法定使用权和处置权的集合体。” +"“I have enquired on the matter but no-one confirms the allegation of shooting,” he wrote.",“我已经过问此事,但没人可以确认这是一起非法枪杀事件,”他写到。 +""" Hum. "" Feng Xiao snorted, walked out of the kitchen.",“哼。”枫晓冷哼着,走出了厨房。 +"Hide icons, turn off devices, wear earplugs, or do whatever it is you need to do to keep the distractions from luring you away from your work.",隐藏图标、关闭装置、戴上耳塞以及做任何可以使你从工作上避免分散注意的事情。 +Chen is making his first spaceflight.,而陈冬则是首次参加载人飞行任务。 +"Programmable logic core is an array of tile, and each tile composes of an interconnect unit and a full customed logic unit.",可编程核是由重复单元所排成的阵列,每个重复单元内都含有一个连接单元和一个全定制的逻辑单元。 +Camilla has spent weeks getting everything together.,卡米拉花了好几个星期集齐所有礼物。 +I am opposed to exercising after a big meal.,我不赞成大吃一顿后做运动。 +Have some pride in youself India. lift your head up high and say Jai Hind. Look after your self you do not need any one's AID.,印度,请你对你自己感到骄傲吧。把你的头抬起来,然后说“胜利属于印度”。好好照顾好你自己,你不需要任何人的援助。 +SL: There's a huge amount of applications and adaptations out there.,SL:那里有大量的应用程序和适应性的变化。 +"For three days and three nights, and the tears's cried out, and from the eyes to cry bleeding.",一连三天三夜,和氏把泪水哭干了,又从眼里哭出血来。 +"Which is the one that's the crucial for defining the moment of death,right?",那个才是定义死亡事件的关键? +This impressive trouble-free Bonsai is an excellent tree for the beginner.,这令人印象深刻的无故障盆景是一个初学者的优良树种。 +"Results showed that chitosan was a good biodegradable material and had better tissue compatibility, and could be used for preparation prevention postsurgical adhesion membrane.",结果表明,壳聚糖是一种性能优良的生物降解性材料,具有较好的组织相容性,可以用于防术后粘连膜的研制。 +They rushed at the enemies with bayonets.,他们拿着刺刀向敌人冲去。 +"In still another battle, which took place at Gath, there was a huge man with six fingers on each hand and six toes on each foot - twenty -four in all.",又在迦特打仗,那里有一个身量高大的人,手脚都是六指,共有二十四个指头。 +我必须赢得差不多所有的黑人选票才行。,I had to have nearly all of them. +I have finished one fourth of my work now.,我现在已经完成了我的四分子一的工作。 +"The published scope of accreditation for the calibration laboratory covers the required measurement parameters, ranges and uncertainties required by PSL.",校准实验室已公开的认证范围,包括管架集团有限公司(PSL)所需要的测量参数、范围和不确定性。 +"California lawmakers and Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger have appealed to Toyota to save Nummi and its 4,600 jobs, a majority of which are represented by the United Auto Workers union.",加州国会议员和州长施瓦辛格(Arnold Schwarzenegge)请丰田拯救Nummi及其4,600个工作岗位,其中大部分工人都加入了全美汽车工人联合会(United Auto Workers)。 +A portable high-pressure direct atomization water mist fire suppression system is constructed.,搭建了移动式高压直接雾化细水雾灭火系统; +The mine prospects well.,这矿大有开采前途。 +Cosmetics packaging Cream bottle Shampoo perfume bottle Medicines bottle Food packing bottle PE bottle PS bottle PP bottle PET bottle PVC bottle.,化妆品包装面霜瓶洗发水香水瓶药品包装瓶食品包装瓶PE瓶PS瓶PP瓶PET瓶PVC瓶。 +How thoughtful of you.,你想的真周到. +"President Barack Obama is to add to his already bulging to-do list by tackling this year immigration reform, one of the most contentious issues in America.",奥巴马总统又在考虑增加他日益膨胀的事务处理清单了。 他近期准备实施移民制度改革,这个早已备受社会诟病的移民制度。 +"For three years, Ive was forced to design Newton devices and printer trays, most of whelloch never even reached market.",在苹果公司的头三年,艾维都在身不由己地设计牛顿电脑和打印机纸盘,其中大多数产物从未上市发卖。 +Souleymane had previously been part of the youth team of Italian side AC Siena.,库里巴里此前是锡耶纳青年队的一份子。 +The gene code a protein containing 311 amino acids.,该基因编码了1个含311个氨基酸的蛋白。 +"About 5,000 US citizens reportedly resided there as of 2001.","据报道2001年时大约5,000个美国公民在那里居住。" +"It uses algorithms that look for certain types of language, profile data, or other clues that unwanted activity may be under way.",它采用的运算法则可以关注某些种类的语言、个人资料或其他显示不良活动可能正在发生的线索。 +It's these people that we'll think of often and who will alaways remind important to us as true friends.,正是这些人让我们常常挂念,提醒我们挚友的可贵。 +"The green tones of the river are visible beneath the thin ice, which is semi-transparent.",河流中绿色的部分是半透明的薄冰下的可见区域。 +Plankton is very useful in purifying water quality and enhance bio-diversity. But it seems it is not recognized much in Ningxia yet.,浮游生物有很好的净化水质、增强生物多样性的功能,但是在宁夏似乎没有得到重视。 +The workers received their wages in cash .,工人们领到了用现钱支付的工资。 +"In the wake of Andrei Shevchenko's arrival Chelsea may be sympathetic to Crespo's plight and deem him expendable, but they are not likely to let him go cheaply .",由于先前安德列·舍甫琴科的到来,切尔西方面可能会尊重克雷斯波的个人意愿,并将其出售,但他们希望卖个好价格。 +"For Herod had laid hold on John, and bound him, and put him in prison for Herodias' sake, his brother Philip's wife.",起先希律为他兄弟腓力的妻子希罗底的缘故,把约翰拿住锁在监里。 +"There are lots of uncertainties – about diagnosis, prognosis, the impact of treatment, the effects of illness on everyday life, and so on.",在诊断、预后、治疗作用、疾病对日常生活的影响等方面,都有着许多不确定性。 +"The integration of chest voice and falsetto presents the rough and straightforward characteristic of Tujia People, in addition to projecting the spectacular style of singing in Zhangjiajie Yang Opera.",这种真假嗓的巧妙结合和运用,既体现了土家人粗犷豪放的性格,又展示了阳戏唱腔的风格独具。 +By participating in the competition you agree on Universum publishing your name.,参与本次奖学金竞赛,表示你同意优兴咨询公布你的名字。 +"A maxim of yours is to ""jump off cliffs and build your wings on the way down"" has there ever been a time in your life when you've jumped and haven't been able to build your wings in time?",最大部分的你是在“纵身悬崖,在降落中来铸就你的翅膀”,那么在你生命中,是否有跳下去了而没来得及长成翅膀的时候? +Fixed issue preventing Goldeneye from being loaded.,固定问题,防止黄金从正在装货。 +The company will also showcase its IC Series of industrial vacuum conveyors .,该公司还将展示其集成电路系列的工业真空传送带。 +9 there are sports-loving attention to physical exercise learn some more good health!,有运动爱好,重视体育锻炼,多学习一些身体健康! +Rodin was then commissioned to create sculptures on the theme of The Gates of Hell for the doors at a new Museum of the Decorative Arts in Paris.,后来,罗丹接受委托为新落成的巴黎装饰艺术博物馆的大门创作雕像,主题为《地狱之门》,取材于意大利诗人但丁的《神曲》。 +"Ye woman wife goes to send, dust does not see Xian Yangqiao.",耶娘妻子走相送,尘埃不见咸阳桥。 +But the AAUP and other collegeofficalsofficials say too many adjuncts mean lower educational quality.,他们也说兼职助教能给他们的学生提供更多的处世经验。 +Ma Hao. Xu Dehong. Lee Y S Fault diagnosis of power electronic circuits based on neural net network and waveform analysis.,马皓。徐德鸿。卞敬明基于神经网络和频谱���析的电力电子电路故障在线诊断。 +The content of the articles must be consistent with the memorandum.,章程的内容必须和简章一致。 +"Xue-jun Chen suddenly appeared, find Yu Huai, fidelity and misunderstanding.",陈雪君突然出现,找余淮要说法,耿耿误会。 。 +"While you're still young, you should get cultured. Get to know the world and the magnificent people that fill it.",年轻的时候应该博采众长。多了解这个世界,多向杰出的人们学习。 +"Moreover, they can perform well in the fields of economy, business and investment.",而且,无论是在经济、商业还是在投资领域,她们都可以做得游刃有余。 +"Currently, the general publishing directions of Plowing Cultural are: biographies, literature, picture books, financial, cultural and motivational books.",目前,耕耘文化主要出版方向为:人物传记、文学、绘本、财经、文化和励志类图书。 +"Just prior to the outbreak of the Clone Wars, Argente committed the forces of Corporate Alliance to the Confederacy of Independent Systems.",就在克隆人战争爆发前,阿金特把企业同盟的武装力量交给了独立星系邦联。 +The winning ticket was bought in Anyang City in central China's Henan Province.,获奖的彩票由河南省安阳市售出。 +The nurses take good care of the patients.,护士对病人照应得很好。 +"However, if you have a different permalink option selected, or if you don't have permalinks enabled at all, you must do the following to edit your page URL.",但如果你选择了永久链接相关的其他选项,或根本没有启用永久链接的话,就需要按照如下步骤来编辑页面URL了。 +"The featured services of an image consultant revolve around style analysis, color analysis, wardrobe audit, and personal shopping.",形象顾问的服务项目包括:风格分析,色彩分析,衣橱清理,私人陪购。 +So steeped are the Honour Guard in the trade of battle and blood that their accumulated insights and understanding of warfare commonly outstrips even the experience of the Chapter's Captains.,荣誉卫队成员在血雨风腥的战场上所感悟出的经验和洞察力,甚至已经超越了经验丰富的战团连长。 +"As the optics of the primary stage heliostat is of non-imaging nature, the analytical method for studying the flux distribution of the hot spot of this type of solar furnace would be complicated.",由于主聚光定日镜的非成像特征,使用解析方法对该太阳炉的热点进行聚光比分布的分析就变得非常复杂。 +"In England, women suffrage was established in 1928.",在英国,女性投票权是在1928年确立的。 +"Whatever the reasons, many spouses try to avoid expressing their negative emotional reactions.",不论理由是什么,很多伴侣间都试图避免表达消极情绪反应。 +"So, thanks, motorists. But I'll stick to hoofing it.",所以,谢谢善良的司机们。但是我讲继续坚持步行。 +"This is January of this year, before the Fed cut interest rates, and this is the term structure.","这是今年一月,联储局降息前的期限结构图" +Objective: To study the effect of magnetized water on the surviving ability of yeast cells under the same conditions.,目的:探讨在相同的条件下,磁化水对酵母细胞生存能力的影响。 +It will show more of what he has brought up from the depths.,它将展示出比从这个深度中所提出来的要更多的东西。 +"With each mile we traverse, every two seconds, I become more uncomfortable driving deeper into this barren and hostile land.",每2秒钟,每飞过一英里,深入敌后的我越发惴惴不安。 +You use this information to update the overall plan for the project and to develop detailed plans for the next iteration.,你使用这些信息来更新项目计划并为下一次迭代开发更详细的计划。 +Replant damaged ground as soon as possible since erosion caused by loss of ground cover can lead to flash flooding and additional landslides in the near future.,尽快重新在受损的土地上种植植被,因为地面植被受损造成侵蚀可能导致在不久的未来发生暴洪及额外的山崩。 +Another man's treatment-resistant depression forced him to quit work at age 45.,另一个患有难治性抑郁症的人被迫在45岁的时候离开了工作岗位。 +"We students have signed up for the sports meeting. Some sports events, such as basketball and skating, have been going one by one.",目前各班运动会报名工作已经结束,三人篮球赛、轮滑赛等赛事已经陆续开赛。 +"""It's true that robots are what caused us to first begin going out, and as suggested by my wife, we decided that we wanted to try this sort of wedding,"" Shibata said after making his vows.",“确实是机器人让我们相识,所以在我妻子的建议下,我们决定尝试一场这样的婚礼。” 柴田先生在做完婚姻宣誓后说。 +I must have been dreaming or something.,我一定是在做梦什么的。 +"From army green to shearling lined boots, it's now a trend that's far more subtle but no less appealing.",从军队到希尔林内衬绿色靴子,它现在这种趋势的微妙得多,但同样有吸引力。 +A British rescue team with heavy lifting gear and dogs has reached Haiti.,一个英国救助组已经带着重型起重设备和搜寻犬抵达海地。 +"Volunteering, perhaps at a hospital, an animal shelter, or a nursing home, will also be in keeping with this transit.",也许是在一家医院,一个动物收容所,或者疗养院的志愿工作也将与此进入相连。 +Support and hydraulic cylinders are positioned on a common pile cap and thus form the fixed point of the bridge.,支撑结构和液压缸位于共同的桩帽上,从而形成了这座桥的固定点。 +This paper has put forward the probing into study method in information technology teaching and has compared the probing into study with accepting study.,通过对探究性学习与接受性学习的比较,提出了在信息技术教学中探究性学习的实施方法。 +"Without design, there is no innovation, because all the scientifical revolution will stay there in the heaven, and never become reality, never become life.",没有设计,科技成果将被束之高阁,无法转化成实际的应用,无法真正走进人们的生活。 +"Internet Explorer 7 calls back to onreadystatechange a lot -- and I mean a lot, even on small requests.",Internet Explorer 7 对 onreadystatechange 进行多次回调 —— 我的意思是说即使对小的请求也多次进行回调。 +"But I say unto you , they are inseparable.",而我说,他们是形影不离的。 +The French state is not just investigating Air France and Airbus but is also a prime investor in them.,法国政府虽然负责调查法航和空客公司,但同时也是这两家公司的主要投资者。 +You’re selling junk those girls don’t really need and some of them probably can’t even afford.,你卖给那些女孩子她们并不需要的垃圾商品,当中的有些人可能压根买不起。 +This circular memorandum is to announce the details of the Enhanced Speech Therapy Grant (ESTG) for government and aided primary schools in the 2011/12 school year.,本通函旨在公布2011/12学年向官立及资助小学发放「加强言语治疗津贴」的详情。 +Austrian oil and gas firm OMV is set to launch a $20bn hostile takeover bid for Hungarian refiner MOL.,奥地利的油和瓦斯公司OMV预定为匈牙利的精炼业摩尔开始一个$二百亿元的怀敌意的收购标价。 +It seems to slice off my right foot and as soon as I hit it I felt it was in because the keeper seemed to go the other way and there was a massive gap there.,右脚踢的时候有点侧滑,但门将却最初移向另一个方向,所以留了个很大的空当。 +"When the shutter has been set for a very short exposure period, such as 1/200th sec or faster, the twin curtain system comes into its own.",当快门被设置为高速曝光,像1/200秒或更快时,两部分幕帘系统就相互配合完成。 +I want to know what he has told you.,罽 我想知道他告诉了你什么。 +Policy-related barriers and regulations existing in the transfer of highway managerial right hinder the healthy and orderly development of highway managerial right transfer.,目前,在公路经营权转让中,一些政策性障碍和规范性问题凸现,制约了公路经营权转让的健康、有序发展。 +The result snows that the different reflectances of the desk surface have no obvious effects on the visual performance.,实验结果证明桌面的不同反射率对于视觉功效水平并无明显的影响。 +"Annabelle Long is a member of Bertelsmann Group Management Committee (GMC) , CEO of Bertelsmann China Corporate Center, who also leads Bertelsmann Asia Investments (BAI) as Managing Director.",龙宇是贝塔斯曼集团全球管理委员成员、贝塔斯曼中国总部首席执行官、贝塔斯曼亚洲投资基金董事总经理。 +The luscious aroma of freshly baked apple pies drifted from the open window of the farmhouse kitchen.,现烤出炉的苹果派,香气四溢,农舍灶房的窗户没关,这香气就顺着这扇窗户溢了出来。 +"The best remedy in this case is to move those referenced fields to the superclass, too.",这种情况下,最好的补救办法就是将这些被引用的字段也移到这个超类中。 +"To ensure that the double-byte data is rendered correctly, take the following steps to embed the Unicode font for use with FOP",为了保证正确地呈现双字节数据,请按照下面的步骤将使用的 Unicode 字体嵌入到 PDF 中 +"Y. , is in nice health, chaussure pas cher, complaining merely sometimes of labor.",海莫威茨是纽约布鲁克林人,他健康状况良好,只是偶尔为疲劳所苦。 +Mr. Ain is a divorce lawyer in Washington and a fellow of the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers.,艾因先生是一个离婚律师在华盛顿和美国婚姻律师学会的资深会员。 +"We don’t have to pay the graintax anymore, but our lives aren’t much better.",我们再也不用交农业税了,可生活并没有改善很多。 +This is a new method of drawing axonometric Projection.,这是画轴测图的一种新方法。 +"And how do you know when you've had enough? Well, I'll tell you.",你怎么知道你喝够了呢? 好,我来告诉你。 +It comes in two parts – a scale placed under the plate and a small computer screen showing a graphic of the food that gradually disappears as the user eats.,这种仪器由两部分组成——一个放置于盘子底部的秤和一个小型的电脑屏幕。 此屏幕能够显示出食物图像,且食物图像会随着使用者的进食而逐渐消失。 +"'Either seats are available or they are not, ' he said.",他说:“座位无非就是有空没空两种状态。 +"The lonely person, the lonely day, with turns into the ash the heart.",寂寞的人,孤独的日子,和化成灰的心。 +"The existing problems of show shelf design in our country were considered, and the relevant countermeasures were put forward.",对目前国内展示架设计中存在的一些问题进行了积极思考并提出对策。 +"Owen Davian: Who are you? Do you have a wife? A girlfriend? Whoever she is, I'm gonna find her. I'm gonna hurt her. And then I'm going to kill you right in front of her.",欧文·戴维恩:你是谁?你有个妻子?或是女友?不管她是谁,我都会找到她,我会伤害她,然后我会在她面前杀死你。 +"They also stand before a unique opportunity to build a country that is free of war, respectful of human rights and prosperous.",他们跟前有一个难得的机会可以建立一个远离战争,尊重人权和繁荣的国家。 +The restriction system is designed to identify the specific types of securities that the client has designated as either eligible or prohibited for purchase in their account.,交易限制系统在设计上是为了确认客户指明的有资格或者禁止从他们的账户进行购买的具体证券类别。 +Consistenly increasing the level of clean production is the core of sustainable development of China's iron & steel industry.,不断提高清洁生产水平是中国钢铁工业实现可持续发展的核心。 +"Moreover, voting is not necessary in 54 constituencies because only one candidate is standing there—52 of whom are candidates of the junta-backed Union Solidarity and Development Party (USDP).",此外,没有必要投票的选区合计54个选区,因为在54个选区的候选人只有一人,其中52人是军政府支持的联邦巩固与发展党候选人。 +Elektra King:I could have given you the world !,绮丽绰京:我本可以给你全世界! +"It also means that people who live there have a shorter time to escape. -Ah, radiant heat travels in a straight line.",这也意味着,房子里的人只有更短的时间逃生。 -啊,辐射热以直线形式传播。 +Many of the neoplastic cells have clear vacuoles of mucin.,很多肿瘤细胞有明显的黏液空泡。 +Create a portal page and add the three installed portlets to the page configuration,创建门户页面,并将这三类已安装的 portlet 添加到页面配置中。 +You do not want a scanner to report a large number of false positives because then you have to check each one by yourself.,你一定不希望一个扫描器误报给你一大堆错误漏洞,然后让你一个一个的去检查。 +"Whether network commercial espionage or to hacker attack by government networks, are illegal and criminal behavior, should according to laws and relevant international conventions to be hit.",不论是网络商业窃密,还是对政府网络发起黑客攻击,都是违法犯罪行为,都应该根据法律和相关国际公约予以打击。 +"As Milton observed: ""The hungry sheep look up, and are not fed.""",正如当时密尔顿所观察到的:“饥饿的羊群仰望着,但没有得到食物”。 +"Over the past two thousand years' history, our church has always been indulged in the love granted by God and has enjoyed a thrive development.",在这二千多年的历史长河中,我们的教会沐浴在主的爱内,不断茁壮成长。 +What Acme and its partners want is a mechanism to introduce such changes in a nonintrusive manner.,Acme 和它的伙伴所需的是以非干扰的方式引入这些更改的机制。 +A man owned a Maltese dog and a donkey .,有个人,养了一只玛耳太狗和一头驴子。 +"It rely on the four brushless motor, direct drive propeller as the push power, achieve self-stabilization suspention.",依靠四组无刷电机直驱螺旋桨为动力,在自动平衡系统的控制下实现自稳定悬浮; +Non-linear differential equations of the damping orifices and channels and the method of computer solutions for determination of the configuration dimensions are discussed in this paper.,本文研究了减振孔和减振槽非线性微分方程式以及利用计算机求解结构尺寸的方法。 +METHODS Established rat model of diabetes mellitus by intraperitoneal injection of STZ.,方法经大鼠腹腔注射STZ制备糖尿病大鼠模型。 +"Jinxing No. 4 is suited to be planted as one-season rice in Tianjin, Beijing and Tangshan rice region, and as wheat batch rice in the south of Hebei, Henan and Shandong.",适宜在津、京、唐稻区作一季稻栽培,在河北省南部、河南、山东做麦茬稻栽培。 +"There is notably significant relevant between trampoline elite competition performance and nerve pattern, so nerve pattern was important index of talent selection by psychology in trampoline event.",蹦床运动员比赛成绩与神经类型的相关具有显著意义,故神经类型可以作为蹦床运动员心理选材的一项重要指标; +An developed mesoscale numerical model of soil plant atmosphere continum is used to simulate the characteristics of the planetary boundary layer (PBL) under desert oasis interaction.,用发展的二维中尺度土壤-植被-大气连续体数值模式模拟了绿洲与荒漠相互影响下的大气边界层特征。 +"However, success or failure in the above example run are defined very weakly: success just means no exception was raised, not that the (redirected) output was correct.",不过,上面运行的例子中对成功或失败的界定很不明显:成功只是意味着没有出现异常,而不表示(重定向的)输出 正确。 +"One morning, however, the son saw an old bird was feeding her big-mouthed-chirping-baby birds which were featherless He felt so much guilty that he repented of having made so many mistakes.",一天早上,儿子看见一只老雀给全身光秃秃张着大嘴卿卿嘈嘈要食的小鸟喂食的情景,深感内疚,下决心痛改前非。 +"Manufacturers of smaller aircraft, Bombardier and Embraer, have also established a presence in China.",小型飞机制造商,庞巴迪和巴西航空工业,也已涉足中国市场。 +"When al-Qaeda and the Taliban established a new haven over the border in Pakistan, the CIA’s drones took the fight to them there as well.","当""基地""组织和塔利班在巴基斯坦边境建立起新了庇护所,中情局的无人战斗机也在该处与其展开了斗争。" +"In 2007, the French state-owned railway company will be open Paris to Strasbourg eastern high iron, thus forming a throughout the thing north and south the high-speed rail network.",2007年,法国公营铁路公司将守旧巴黎至斯特拉斯堡的东线高铁,从而构成一个贯串东东北北的高速铁路网。 +The freed crew members are reported to have flown back on a chartered flight to Fuzhou via Naha in Okinawa.,据报道,被释放的船员已从冲绳那霸市乘坐包机返回福州。 +"Your hands are so gnarled from gripping the controller, you can not even tie your shoes.",大游戏大的太久了,手都长茧子了,你连鞋带都系不上。 +"Additionally, depression and characterological self-blame were significant predictors of helplessness, uniquely explaining 5% and 4% of the variance, respectively.",此外,忧郁和个性自责均可显著预测无助感,其独特的解释变异量分别是5%和4%。 +"In a report in the journal Nature, researchers describe how they took skin and hair cells from six patients with a rare inherited blood disorder called Fanconi anaemia.",在《Nature》杂志的一篇报导中,研究者描述了他们如何从6个患有范康尼贫血症(一种罕见的遗传血液疾病)的患者身上提取皮肤和头发细胞。 +Methods: Classical culture and K-B method were used.,方法:普通培养法及纸片扩散K-B法。 +"We will not hide them from their children; we will tell the next generation the praiseworthy deeds of the Lord , his power, and the wonders he has done.",我们不将这些事向他们的子孙隐瞒。 要将耶和华的美德和他的能力,并他奇妙的作为,述说给后代听。 +FRED BERGSTEN (Director of the Peterson Institute for International Economics) first suggested the idea of G2. Brzezinski believed that China is second only to the United States.,美国学者伯格斯滕首先提出中美G2的想法,布热津斯基也认为,中国在国际上排名第二,仅次于美国。 +The life saving ring features its annular groove in the outside edge and drawing rope with one end fixed in the bottom of the groove.,本发明制在救生圈外侧上的环形凹槽可方便的将牵引绳存放其中,设计简洁、美观、携带方便; +Your temporary access from IP address has been granted. Please fill in your Login ID and Password again to access the service.,您请求于非公司范围, IP 地址: 登陆艾曼高的权限已获批准。请填写您的用户名及密码登陆您的帐户。 +"Prof. wang, would you do us favor by coming to our English evening this Saturday?",王教学,请你赏光来加入我们礼拜六的英语晚会好吗? +The direct esterification of acetic acid with benzyl alcohol by use of polystyrene supported aluminium trichloride as the catalyst.,采用聚苯乙烯负载三氯化铝为催化剂,对醋酸和苄��的酯化反应进行了研究。 +"A similar agency, the Resolution Trust Corporation, was created in 1989 to deal with the bad debt related to real estate lending.",美国在1989年曾经成立过一个类似的机构--美国重组信托公司,应付房地产借款相关的坏帐。 +"That is precisely what Terry Bradley, a fish biologist at the University of Rhode Island, is trying to do.",一名名叫特里·布拉德利的鱼类生物学家正在试着去实现这一构想,他本人在罗德岛大学里工作。 +"Just finished setting up the bedroom studio, this is the first attempt at recording.",刚刚找齐一些录音设备,这是第一次的录音试验… +Your room is double the size of my room.,你的房间有我的两倍大。 double作主语补语。 +"For the bullet hole part it’s really simple, we use an Emboss with these settings.",子弹孔部分的样式设置很简单,我们在这里用了浮雕的效果。 +"'Everyone uses their shirt cloth─worst thing! ' she says. 'Your shirttail almost certainly carries dust, and that has the potential of scratching your lens. '",她说:“很多人都用他们的衬衫下摆擦眼镜──这是最糟糕的做法!你的衬衣下摆几乎肯定沾有尘土,这可能会刮坏镜片。” +Sex is the safest tranquilizer in the world and it is 10X MORE effective than Valium!,云雨之欢可是世界上最安全的镇定剂了额,效果是安定的10多倍。 +"In this paper, we use the Extended Liner Expenditure System model(ELES)to determine the basic consume expenditure data in 2004, and give some policy suggestions.",本文运用扩展的线性支出系统模型,测算出2004年广东城乡居民人均基本消费支出数据,并提出相应的对策建议。 +"When the negative effect of professionalization was criticized by other disciplines, educational researchers should keep calm.",当其他学科领域纷纷批判由专业化带来的负面效应时,教育学者必须保持清醒的头脑。 +"This paper analyzes key techniques of welding mobile robot, and presents the research status about welding mobile robot at home and overseas all-around.",研究了移动焊接机器人的关键技术,并对移动焊接机器人在国内外的研究现状及发展趋势进行了比较全面地介绍。 +"Even Bao Zheng didn't understand it himself, and he was speechless after hearing the reason Bao Mian told him when they two met in prison.",包拯也不明白为什么,当他们在狱中见面时,包勉告诉了他原因,听罢包大人自己也是无言以对了。 +"If a bailiff-hand with the portability of the old things, that life is a major blessing.",如果真有执子之手与子携老之事,那也真是人生一大幸事。 +"Piaf, who struggled with drugs and alcohol abuse and the death of her toddler daughter, died from cancer in 1963 aged 47.",又有时候,她则要求他跟妻子一刀两断。 皮雅芙一直在与毒品和酗酒纠缠斗争,蹒跚学步的女儿的死也给她带来了伤痛,她在1963年死于癌症,享年47岁。 +"Hundreds of tiny tube-like structures, called microtubules, make up the machinery that cells use to separate the chromosomes.",细胞用来分离染色体的精细机器,是由成千上万被称为微管的微型管状组织组装而成的。 +"For most financial institutions, of course, another major worry is the prying ears of law enforcement.",对于大多数金融机构来说,他们还需要提防来自执法机构的窃听。 +"Manufacturer of Pet Cages &Supplies - Dog, Cat, Small Animal, Birds &Fish.",生产宠物笼舍及用品,宠物包括狗、猫、小动物、鸟及鱼。 +Use the metronome to check your speed and beat accuracy.,利用节拍器来确认速度与拍子的准确度。 +"Conclusions VMC can be caused in mice after CVB3 inoculation, abnormal cardiomyocyte apoptosis can be found in VMC.",结论实验组小鼠在接种CVB3后可引起VMC,VMC中存在异常的心肌细胞凋亡现象。 +"Having a good state of mind, you will never be controlled by the hardships or happiness, joy or sadness, right or wrong in our life.",心态好,人生的苦与乐、喜与悲、是与非等等,就不会再左右你的心情了。 +The enterprise continues to grow and is turned into a limited company.,伊度表公司不断发展并成立了有限公司。 +Something about this one makes me think Angola.,与此有关的某些东西使我想到了安哥拉。 +The author argues that explication of the core values of the profession be of great importance to library development in the informa…,作者认为,在信息时代的背景下,阐明核心价值对于图书馆和图书馆员职业的发展有着重要的意义。 +These theoretical study will play more direct role for ice numerical forecasting data in ice management of Bohai offshore oil developmen…,这些理论研究还将为海冰数值预报产品在渤海海洋石油开发的海冰管理应用中发挥更直接的作用。 +"In contrast, women with higher pre-movie testosterone levels and power motives experienced a drop in both, while women with lower testosterone levels became downright uncomfortable.",相反,女性在电影前会有比男性有更大量的睾酮和暴力动机,而后会在这两方面感受到下降。 但是女性由于过低的睾酮会变得很不舒服。 +"In theory, they could immediately switch to .forward files or their non-sendmail equivalents to get the same effects.",理论上,他们可以立即使用forward格式文件或者非sendmail的类似功能来达到同样的效果。 +"This is why, for example, I cannot believe Thierry Henry should be anywhere near them two (as he was in FIFA rankings this year!",这就是为什么,比如,我不认为蒂耶里。亨利应该接近他们两个的水平(而他也在世界足球先生评比前三之列!) +"The car has many safety features, including anti-skid braking.",这车配有许多特别安全装置,包括防滑制动器。 +"The collected Prophecies lay out, in rhyming quatrains no less, predictions of various disasters.",他精心的以四行诗的形式编排这部预言之书,预测了各种灾难。 +"In short, the stability of sheet-pile retaining wall structure can be increased after using the geogrid. Also, it meets the seismic design requirement in Kunming-Hekou railway in seismic 8 degrees.",总之,路堤加筋可以提高了桩板墙结构的稳定性,在8度抗震设防下,桩板墙结构满足昆河铁路抗震设计的要求。 +In-line filter & degassing device to provide maximum quality liquid metal to the casting machine.,在线除气和过滤工艺提供优质的铝液供浇铸所用。 +"""51"", a reference to this festival certainly immediately thought of the students - take a long vacation.",“五一”,一提到这个节日同学们肯定立马想到——放长假。 +"Programs are organized around the core concepts of accountable government, human rights, rule of law, fair elections, free media, civil society, and citizen participation.",有关项目以政府尽责、人权、法治、公平选举、自由媒体、公民社会和公民参与等为核心理念组织实施。 +Those with a positive outlook make the best companions and tend to do well in life.,那些对未来抱乐观态度的人会是最好的伙伴,他们往往在生活上很成功。 +"For example, day seven before the party can include borrowing any folding tables or chairs you need.",例如,在聚会前的倒数第七天,你可以借需要的折叠桌椅。 +"If food protein is not properly digested, it's a significant inducer of immune activation in the gut, and it can maintain this disease indefinitely.",如果不正确消化食物中的蛋白质,它的一个显着的诱导剂在肠道的免疫激活,它可以无限期地保持这种疾病。 +"The utility model provides a membrane-filtering back flushing device, and removes the pollution of a duct and a face caused by minuteness powder body through the liquid back flushing.",本实用新型提供了一种膜过滤反冲装置,通过液体反冲消除微细粉体对膜面及孔道的污染。 +"When PKA is turned off, the biosensor glows blue.",当PKA关闭时,生物传感器发蓝光。 +"Better yet, go out to the site with them.",更妙的是,走出去与他们的网站。 +There were 41 male and female junior college students in this study and the average age was 17.26.,本研究中,以康宁专校学生为受试对象,共41位男女学生参与本研究,受试者平均年龄为17.26岁。 +High clearance co-axial lens and CCTV alignment system.,配备高清楚光学镜头和CCTV对位系统装置。 +Detailed discussion on the selection of recovery system and equipments are presented based on introduction to condensed water recovery methods and some common recovery equipments used worldwide.,在介绍凝结水回收系统的回收方式和目前国内外常用的回收设备的基础上,对如何选择回收系统和设备作了详细的讨论。 +"Third, mainly introducing the macroscopic, inter-enterprises and individual factor of which influent the employee losing in private-owned enterprises;",第三章重点介绍影响民营企业员工流失的宏观因素、企业内部因素和员工自身因素分析; +"The UK-based University of Nottingham is also planning to open a Shanghai campus. The project is still in discussions, the city's education authorities said.",上海教育相关部门透露,诺丁汉大学也在筹划在上海开设分校,具体细节还在商榷。 +"Since 2002, Ms. Galloway has specialized in residential real estate in the affluent Hancock Park and Hollywood Hills areas.",自2002年以来,加洛韦一直专注于富裕的汉考克公园和好莱坞山地区的住宅房地产。 +"Preparation of colored stainless steel usually takes advantage of chemical colouring method, which is the mainly means to obtain colored film.",化学着色法是制备不锈钢化学转化膜的主要方法。 +"We first consider this minimum velocity for horizontal flow, the saltation velocity.",首先讨论在水平流动时的最低速度, 即沉积速度。 +I continued to walk on but this particular friend of mine rushed back to the guy to put him back on his feet again.,我继续行走,但是我那个特别的朋友返回去扶起了他。 +Conclusion:It's a effective method to estimate the function of cilia using activated charcoal powder to test MCT of maxillary sinus.,结论:用活性碳检测上颌窦黏膜MCT是一种有效判断纤毛运动功能的方法; +"It introduced imitating surfaces with bicubic parametric curves, feed length, cutter location and vector of cutter location.",介绍用双三次参数曲线拟合曲面、平头铣刀的直径、铣削的步长及行距选择、刀位点和刀轴矢量的计算。 +"The next morning, we set off.",次日上午我们出发了。 +Public transportation companies were the first group benefiting from the move.,公共交通公司是第一批从此举中获益。 +"This hits with perspective from 100 years ago, when rock climbing meant soloing up, then down, whatever Dolomites objective loomed.",这门技艺在100年前更是行走江湖的不二法门,当人们对白云石山脉萌生向往的时候,攀登就意味着无保护徒手上下。 +You’re hungry and you want something fast and delicious.,饿了,你想找些便捷美味的东西填填肚子。 +"But there are times when a critic truly risks something, and that is in the discovery and defense of the new.",难以想象现在古斯特餐厅掌勺的天才大厨竟是如此卑微不起眼的出生,但他可以说是,从我评论家的眼光看,巴黎最一流的主厨。 +Some 109 'Take Back Your Lunch' groups have formed on Meetup.com in response to a campaign he launched last year.,去年,在他发出午休出去吃饭的倡议后,社交网站Meetup.com上成立了大约109个“找回午休时间”小组作为响应。 +Google fell $4.90 to $481.35 at 12:42 p.m. New York time in Nasdaq Stock Market trading.,谷歌在美国纳斯达克股票交易市场的股价在中午12点42下跌4.9美元至481.35美元. +"As for the current problems existed in the lifting technology in Lu Kewin oilfield, the study on rheological characteristic and viscosity-temperature characteristics of heavy oil was conducted.",针对鲁克沁油田目前举升工艺存在的问题,通过对稠油流变性和粘温性的研究,确定采用潜油电泵举升技术开采,产量大幅度提高。 +"You can also find DNA in urine, skin cells, perspiration, teeth, bone, and internal organs, so you need to examine your scene carefully.",你也可以在尿液,皮肤细胞,汗水,牙齿,骨头以及内脏器官中发现DNA,所以你必须非常仔细的检查犯罪现场。 +All 170 students gave graduation speeches in Thai and Mandarin. Students honored their teachers by serving them with tea.,全校170位学生以中泰双语致毕业词,并以双手虔心奉茶,感恩师长的教导。 +A large sliding glass door opened into a semicircular terrace that overlooked two acres of backyard and rows of cherry trees.,拉开那扇玻璃大滑门,便可走上半圆形的露台;下面是占地两英亩的后院和成排的樱桃树。 +The teacher in charge of class is a collective organizer and manager who plays the role of the vinculum with the teachers of all branches.,班主任是班集体的组织者和管理者,是联系各科任教师的纽带,是沟通学校、家长、社会的桥梁。 +"Its male friend China (Zhao Wenxuan is acted the role of) also be its subordinate, scumble of 2 people feeling, male friend loves another person.",其男友华(赵文煊饰)也是其下属,二人感情渐淡,男友移情别恋。 +"Yet surprisingly, love has been the subject of less scientific research than other emotions, such as anger and fear.",仍然令人惊讶地,爱已经是比较不科学研究比较其他的情绪, 像是忿怒和恐惧的主题。 +"Crack spreading area and transient breaking are observed, typical fatigue striations, fatigue steps and secondary cracks are observed on some of the fractures.",微观上在少数油管断口中观察到了典型的疲劳辉纹,在很多断口上观察到了疲劳台阶和二次裂纹。 +Objective To investigate the clinical relevance of serum level of neurone specific enolase (NSE) in patients with cerebral infarction.,目的探讨脑梗死患者血清神经元烯醇化酶(NSE)与脑梗死灶大小和临床预后的关系。 +A German research institute is working on a virtual life coach which sends messages to your cell phone to help you achieve your goals at a fraction of the cost of the real thing.,{2}德国一家研究机构正在研制一种虚拟生活教练,该教练给你的手机发送信息,帮助你实现目标,而花费仅是真实教练费用的一小部分。 +I am afraid that you make a mistake and will be blamed by your boss.,我怕你送错了礼,受上面的指责。 +"M -channel wavelet transform is the course which every subband is newly subdivided by M -scale. It is provided with the better time-frequency localization, and its analysis is still agility to signal.",通道小波变换就是对每个子带重新进行M尺度的细分过程,它具有更好的时频局部化特性,对信号的分析更灵活。 +"When you try on sports bras, jog in place or do jumping jacks to test their support before you buy.",在你试穿运动胸罩时,在购买前要找个地方跑跑跳跳,验证一下它的支撑力度。 +"AIM: To investigate the effects of renal ischemic preconditioning (RIP) on immature myocardial cell apoptosis and expressions of Bcl-2, Bax and Fas proteins.",目的:探讨肾缺血预处理(RIP)对未成熟心肌细胞凋亡相关蛋白表达的影响。 +The drop-out of talented teachers in middle school has become a prominent problem in the construction of teaching staff in recent years.,优秀教师流失的问题是近年来中学教师队伍建设遇到的突出问题之一。 +Those hoping to take on Google's mantle as Baidu's main challenger will need to get their skates on.,那些希望接过谷歌的枪、成为百度主要挑战者的搜索引擎,还将需要奋起直追。 +A town of east-central Mexico west of Puebla.,墨西哥中东部城镇,位于普韦拉以西。 +"It is said, Anita Mui and Jacky Chan asked her to report to the police, so that the culprit would be punished by the law, and she was considering reporting to the police.",据了解,成龙与梅艳芳均接触女星,鼓励她勇敢面对事件,报警将幕后黑手绳之于法,而女星目前正考虑要向警方和盘托出真相。 +Soapy was hurled into prison again for nothing.,苏比又莫名其妙地被投进了监狱。 +"But on closer inspection, it becomes clear that the white dots are airplanes, and that the watery rectangle is the submerged runway complex of the Don Muang Airport.",但是近距离仔细观察,就可看清,那些在水面上的小白点其实是飞机,而长方形的水域就是坐落于曼谷北部商业区的董曼机场被洪水淹没的飞机跑道及机场设施。 +Triazine herbicides have been widely used to control the growth of weeds in agriculture.,三嗪类除草剂是一类被广泛应用于农业上,来控制杂草生长的除草剂。 +"A play about robots premieres at the National Theater in Prague, the capital of what was then Czechoslovakia.",1921年,一部关于机器人题材的演出在布拉格国家大剧院首度上演,当时布拉格的首都其实就是现在的捷克斯洛伐克。 +"Finally, the paper demonstrates the realization of partial modules in GIS platform of e-Government System for Jiangsu Land and Resources Bureaus .",最后,介绍了一个实例——江苏省国土资源电子政务GIS平台,展示了部分功能模块的实现。 +The LD_PRELOAD environment variable causes the dynamic linker to load the symbols of the given shared library before any executable it loads.,LD_PRELOAD 环境变量使动态链接器在加载任何可执行程序之前,先加载给定的共享库 的符号。 +A considerable benefit of this approach is the distinct separation of application code and the rules (and quirks) of orthographies.,这种方法很大的一个优点是可以将拼字法 的规则与应用程序代码清楚地区分开来。 +He said Areva is pressing ASN for that decision.,他说,阿海珐正加紧作出这一决定的ASN 。 +"You'll never make everyone happy, but at least you'll have a framework.",你不可能使每个人都高兴,但是至少你心里有数。 +This article probes into the effects of LiBr on the seed germination of maize and soybean.,为了解溴化锂对农作物的毒性,以玉米、大豆为材料。 +Metronidazole paste was used as immediate root canal filling material in 82 cases with infections canal and chronic apical periodontitis.,应用甲硝唑糊剂一次性充填治疗感染根管、慢性根尖周炎82例。 +"Once my brother played the Fantasy Impromptu by Chopin, I heard someone singing along.",有一次我哥哥弹肖邦的幻想即兴曲,我们看到有人跟着曲子唱起来。 +"Eighth, establishing the perfect teacher drive mechanism, stabling teachers troop and promoting the teachers'research results innovation.",第八,建立健全教师激励机制,稳定教师队伍,促进师资研究成果创新。 +"Pneumatic mechanical polishing and grinding head-lock control in one, can operate independently.",抛光磨头集气动机械与锁定控制于一体,可独立操作。 +"You can also classify non-DITA content such as HTML and PDF files by referring to the files with the topicref element, but identifying the content format with the format attribute.",也可以对非 DITA 内容(例如 HTML 和 PDF 文件)进行分类,方法是用 topicref 元素引用这些文件,但是要用 format 属性标识内容的格式。 +"Ladies and jellyfish, you have noticed salt irrigation it?",女士们水母们,你们曾经注意过盐灌吗? +It was discussed the influence of the electromagnetic radiation pollution on human health and the present situation of indoor electromagnetic radiation pollution in this article.,论述了电磁辐射对人体健康产生的危害以及目前居室内电磁辐射污染现状,为提高人们日常的电磁辐射防护意识提供理论和技术指导。 +May: All kinds of insects dress themselves up.,阿美: 所有 “昆虫”都盛装打扮起来。 +"Neuro-radiographer Halina Szutowicz, who conducted the scans, said the results ruled out a previous theory that the child had been murdered.",主导扫描的神经放射线摄影师Halina Szutowicz,说结果排除了先前小孩被谋杀的说法。 +Both users and the site’s own contributors collate and scrape datasets so that they’re easily accessible.,用户和参与编写者不但能够轻易获取数据集,而且可以对其进行校勘和深入挖掘。 +"I post enlargement of some of his drawing on the board. If you can compare them to those in your texts, you can see that his are amazingly accurate.",我把考博画的放大的图像放在黑板上,你们可以跟你们课本上的图像比较,你们会发现它们是惊人的准确。 +The policeman stopped the car.,警察截住那辆汽车。 +"Not being able to hum along with a Mozart sonata or a Metallica dirge may be annoying, but it pales in comparison to not being able to tell faces apart.",患有声调耳聋症的人,无法听辩乐符。然而,其带来的困扰不及面盲。不能喝着哼唱莫扎特奏鸣曲或哀扬的金属乐曲固然不幸,但相较于无法辨别面容,便鲜值一提。 +"The aesthetic redeeming includes several areas such as image, moral and temperament.",审美拯救包括物象、道德和心性等几个方面。 +"In feudal China, selling one's children to tide over a lean year did happen while it was rare to pawn one's son for urgent need of money.",古时社会,每遇灾祸,常有穷人卖儿鬻女以度时日,但因急需用钱而当子之事却不多见。 +"As a gesture of friendship , we accept the price of 50,000 $ for 10,000 pairs of leather shoes.","作为友好表示,我们接受10,000双皮鞋50,000美金的价格" +"The design should be full and accurate, to make the Third People Hospital to be the first-class comprehensive Infection Diseases Hospital of domestic and even Southeast Asia.",方案设计应本着平战结合、“大专科、小综合”的原则,把深圳市第三人民医院建成国内乃至东南亚一流的综合传染病医院。 +The recycling industry is particularly vulnerable to wild cyclical swings in the market.,回收工业经受不了市场价格的同期性激烈涨落。 +"Physics... physics block, I'm taking that.",物理学……物理学不能选了,我还学着呢。 +"Unilateral hypochromic iris, iris atrophy, chronic persistent iridocyclitis and complicated cataract were noted in the 2 cases.",两病例均有弥漫性虹膜萎缩,持续性虹膜睫状肌炎和白内障。两例均为单眼性,发病期在青壮年。 +"UCSF dental students spend a lot of time in the Fleming Predoctoral Simulation Lab.The lab opened this year and features 90 workstations, each with a realistic dummy like the one in the first photo.",加州大学旧金山分校(UCSF)牙科专业的学生们最近一直泡在弗莱明博士前仿真实验室(Fleming Predoctoral Simulation Lab)中,于今年开放的这个实验室中拥有90台工作站,每台工作站都与一个逼真的假人模型相连。 +That will be the real victory for Singapore.,对于新加坡来说,这将是真正的胜利。 +"Not being a secretive man, he published the result in 1684, and was immediately accused of plagiarism by Newton.",无需遮藏,他将研究结果发表于1684年,马上就被牛顿控告为剽窃。 +"My father, "" she replied, ""you have given your word to the LORD. Do to me just as you promised, now that the LORD has avenged you of your enemies, the Ammonites.","他女儿回答说:"" 父阿,你既向耶和华开口,就当照你口中所说的向我行,因耶和华已经在仇敌亚扪人身上为你报仇。" +Objective: To evaluate the efficacy and safety of 5'-deoxy-5-fluorouridine (5'-DFUR) injection versus 5-fluorouridine (5-FU) for the treatment of patients with advanced malignant carcinoma.,目的:验证和比较注射用脱氧氟尿苷(5’-DFUR)和5-氟尿嘧啶(5-FU)抗肿瘤疗效和安全性。 +"Cooking tip: Peel, chop and let sit 15 to 20 minutes before cooking to activate immune-boosting enzymes.",烹饪小贴士:将蒜削皮,剁碎,放置15-20分钟后再烹饪,这样可以激活增强免疫力的酶。 +"Olympus Development Division manager Kawai Sumio will receive the award sponsored by national newspaper Asahi Shimbun, for the dust reduction system.",奥林巴斯开发部经理川井澄夫将获由朝日新闻社所赞助的奖项。 +One of the communities that have successfully executed CBT as a tool for development and preservation is Mae La Na.,作为发展和保存社区工具的CBT(基于社区的旅游业),湄拉娜是众多成功运行CBT的社区之一。 +"Such was the case with ""beta-blocker blues, "" a syndrome of fatigue and mild depression sometimes associated with regular use of a popular category of heart drugs called beta blocker.",像“乙型阻滞剂忧郁症”就是个例子,这是因为长期服用一种广受欢迎、被称为乙型阻滞剂的心脏病药物所可能引起的疲倦及轻微忧郁的症状。 +"Adam: With a Mac, I could do those things, but I would also get programs that allow me to edit photos, record music, and even make movies.",亚当: 有一台“魅可”,我也可以同样能做这些事,我也有同样的程序可以让我编辑照片,收录音乐甚至电影等。 +Therefore the paper carefully analyzes the problems of employment and administration in the course of constructing part-time teachers in middle vocational school and…,为此,对当前职业中学兼职教师队伍建设中存在的聘用与管理问题进行了认真分析,并提出了相应的对策。 +Correlation of sperm antibodies with sperm motility and acrosin activity was studied.,本文研究了抗精子抗体与精子活力和顶体蛋白酶活性的关系。 +"But such opposition to democratic government has basically been in retreat since the successes of the American and French Revolutions, temporary reversals notwithstanding.",但自从美国和法国革命胜利以来,尽管有些短暂回潮,这些民主反对力量大体处于败退中。 +"""Who dares to sing"" a new porkkala-OK program is the standard who sings like, who sings accurate high-scoring, therefore, called the audience's stifle creativity and individuality color.",中英文对照:《谁敢来唱歌》等新一波卡拉OK式节目的评判标准是谁唱得像、唱得准确谁得分高,观众因此称其扼杀选手的创造力和个性色彩。 +We'll stop here minutes you can later see a railway mail car.,我们将停留几分钟,这样你们可以看看铁路上的邮政车。 +Any plan is better than no plan.,任何计画都比没有计画好。 +Objective To observe the clinical diagnosis characteristic of portal hypertensive gastropathy .,目的观察门脉高血压胃病患者的临床诊断特点。 +His latest novel plumbs the depths of horror and violence.,他的最新小说简直是充斥着极端恐怖和暴力的代表作。 +"At the same time, China Southern increase the fuel surcharge on overseas routes, including to China, South Korea, Southeast Asia, among Asian countries such as fuel surcharges rose each leg 250.",与此同时,南航上调了境外航线燃油附加费,其中中国至韩国、东南亚等亚洲国家间的燃油附加费每航段涨至250元。 +The valley’s professionals are among the most hardworking people anywhere.,硅谷人的工作之勤奋,举世罕见。 +Learn what tools are needed to safely cut down a tree in this free how-to video on felling trees.,了解什么工具都需要安全地砍倒一棵树在这个自由操作视频砍伐树木。 +exe -install -n TM1_FAP -z ”C:\TM1_FAP,tm1sd.exe -install -n TM1_FAP -z ”C:\TM1_FAP +"With fluent expression and smartness , good communication skills and great negotiation ability, he is good at handling complicated cases.",语言表达流畅,思维敏捷,具有良好的沟通协调和谈判能力。 +The curative effect varies from person to person.,疗效因人而异。 +"The oxidative cracking of model compounds, such as hexane, cyclohexane, isooctane and decane, were investigated in this paper.",本论文以正己烷、环己烷、异辛烷和正癸烷为模型化合物,对高碳烷烃经氧化裂解过程制低碳烯烃进行了研究。 +He was expressionless with a dull look in his eyes . His face muscles were jerking . He looked like an idiot .,英俊的小伙子完全变成了另外一个人,他的脸上没有任何表情,目光呆滞,面部肌肉不断地抽搐,活像一个白痴。 +DD - Red Headed Woman wearing a light green and white polka dot poodle skirt and simple top.,副署长- 红率领女子身穿浅绿色和白色的圆点狮子狗裙和简单的顶部。 +I don't' care about award-winning commericals. The only thing that any marketing person should care about is real consumption.,我不再乎广告是否会得奖。行销人员唯一要在乎的是…刺激实实在在的消费。 +"The dynamic MRI and histopathological changes of the tumors and the expression of AKT2 and PCNA were investigated, apoptosis in glioma cells was examined as well.",MRI动态监测大鼠颅内肿瘤生长情况,并检测标本AKT2和PCNA表达以及细胞的凋亡情况。 +I wish to express congratulations on the opening of the summit and thanks to the government of the Kingdom of Bhutan for the thoughtful arrangements.,我谨对峰会的成功召开表示祝贺,对不丹王国政府为此次会议所作的周到安排表示感谢。 +Objective To evaluate the effect of supplementation with human milk fortifier (HMF) produced by human milk protein in low birth weight infants.,目的 评价添加以人乳为原料的母乳强化剂(HMF)对低出生体重儿的影响。 +The hotel reserves the right to charge interest of2% per month on overdue bills. The applicant agrees to pay for such charges.,酒店有权对逾期未付的票据每月多收取2%的逾期利息,申请人必须同意支付此类费用。 +"Our strategy includes transforming the old Victorian-style police station into a new hub for arts, culture and tourism right in the heart of our city.",我们在这方面采取的措施,包括把正好位于市中心的维多利亚风格的旧警察局改造成一个新的艺术、文化和旅游中心。 +Egypt is partially opening its border with the Hamas-ruled Gaza Strip. The border crossings are a key issue in Israeli-Palestinian cease-fire talks.,埃及部分开放跟哈马斯控制的加沙地带相邻的边界过境点。开放过境点是以色列跟巴勒斯坦停火谈判的关键问… +They spent the holidays in Australia last year because it was much warmer there.,他们去年在澳洲度过圣诞新年,因为那儿和暖得多。 +"And it shall be a perpetual statute unto them, that he that sprinkleth the water of separation shall wash his clothes; and he that toucheth the water of separation shall be unclean until even.",并且那洒除污秽水的人要洗衣服。 凡摸除污秽水的,必不洁净到晚上。 +"The grave commonly known as ShangFen, the sacrifices of the dead an activity.",扫墓俗称上坟,祭祀死者的一种活动。 +SRGB - refers to a standard default RGB color space.,是指标准默认的RGB色空间。 +Cotton Fabric from Pakistan.,巴基斯坦胚布; +"It removes the last element in the List, last-in first-out (LIFO) style.",它删除了 List 中的最后一个元素,使用后进先出(last-in first-out,LIFO)的方式。 +Mourinho has bought a house in Monza?,穆里尼奥在蒙扎买房? +"The real time measuring system of high speed rotating blade vibration, tip timing sensor, pulse signal sampling system and analysis processing of blade vibration signal are researched.",研究了高速旋转叶片振动实时监测系统,叶端定时传感器、传感器脉冲信号采集电路和叶片振动信号的实时分析和处理。 +"""We can't just become a commodity exporter and start sending soy beans to China, "" says Jorge Castañeda, a former foreign secretary.",我们不能仅仅是成为一个农产品出口国然后开始给中国运送大豆“,前外交部长Jorge Castaneda说。 +"But during the thousands of years since, the moon's gravitational pull has made the Earth shift on its axis and created a one-month shift in the stars' alignment.",然而岁月流逝,物换星移,在月球引力作用下,地球的轴心不断偏转,导致星座对应的月份推迟了约一个月。 +"The HttpClient also has built-in functions to store cookies and handle certificates, which you will use in the examples in the following sections.",HttpClient 也拥有内构功能来存储缓存并处理确认,在接下来章节中的范例中您将会使用到这一点。 +"But in both stories, one isn’t pining away for the other, which made Mark’s situation a bit different.",但在这两个故事里,都没有哪个人为了另一个朋友而折腾得憔悴,这和马克的情况稍微有些不一样。 +"My love cannot keep, whatever world heartless organizing, I did not fear that the pain does not fear loses, only feared that is again many diligently also no use.",我的爱藏不住,任凭世界无情的摆布,我不怕痛不怕输,只怕是再多努力也无助。 +"Instead, we make up a story about what a failure we are or how we’ll never be able to do this and we stop trying.",相反的,我们编故事说自己是一个多么失败的人以及自己永远也不可能把这件事做好,因而我们停止了尝试。 +"They quarreled with Moses and said, ""If only we had died when our brothers fell dead before the Lord !","百姓向摩西争闹说:""我们的弟兄曾死在耶和华面前, 我们恨不得与他们同死!" +"The contemporary significance of Nietzsche's view of ""arts delivering life"" lies in that it gives new foundation-stone to the culture reconstruction.",“艺术拯救人生”的当代意义就在于,为文化重建提供了新的基石——审美。 +"Open innovation also makes sense in industries where patents aren't relevant--for example, finding new uses for existing drugs.",开放创意对于那些和专利无关的行业也有一定的意义---比如,为现有药物找到新用途。 +"Get through theory calculation and testing, it has proved that air reverse circulation can be satisfied constructional claims of over thousand meters deep water well, with existing equipments.",本文通过理论计算及实验,证实了使用现有设备,气举反循环可以更好的满足超千米深水井的施工要求。 +"Both sides have achieved rapid development in cooperation in the fields of politics, economy, trade, science and technology and maintained close communication on international and regional issues.",孟中在政治、经贸、科技等领域合作取得长足进展,在国际和地区问题上保持��切沟通。 +Superabsorbents are crosslinked polyacrylates that can absorb and bind huge amounts of liquid: up to 500 times their weight.,超强吸水剂的交联聚丙烯酸酯,可吸收和结合大量的液体:高达500倍的重量。 +"A state department spokesman said: ""The US takes very seriously any accusations of misconduct involving any US personnel abroad.",国务院发言人说:“对于任何美国人在海外胡作非为的指控,美国政府都将严肃对待。 +The key issue is that the AK Party missed a great opportunity.,关键问题是,正义与发展党错失了良机。 +"Entertainment Portal – From music to online games to sports, Yahoo provides a solid entertainment web portal capable of satisfying various entertainment and leisure user demographics.",娱乐门户 --- 从音乐到网游到体育,Yahoo提供了一个完整的娱乐门户网站,可以满足各类人士的休闲需要。 +"All other battles were ancillary to this larger conflict, and were often at least partially related to its antagonist’ goals and strategies.",所有其他战争都服从于这一更大的争端,至少是与这两个对手的目标和战略有某些关联。 +"For a young jazz pianist and budding crooner, these moments tend to occur on vampire time. That would be musician time.",对于一个年轻的爵士钢琴家和初露头角的民谣歌手来说,“吸血鬼时间”通常是他创作音乐的时间。 +Coca cola is a multimillion - dollar brand.,可口可乐是一个价值数百万美元的商标。 +"A number of restricted free agents, such as Andre Iguodala, Luol Deng, Emeka Okafor and Josh Smith, scored nice deals as well.",还有很多的受限制自由球员,比如说安德烈伊戈达拉、罗尔邓、奥卡福和约什史密斯,同样也获得了一份很好的合约。 +"doesn't flaunt his newest gadgets, no matter how expensive or cutting-edge they may be.",不会炫耀他的新玩意,即使有多么贵重或多么尖端。 +"After Isaac Newton worked out the law of gravity in 1687, his friend Edmund Halley became fascinated with comets.",自从牛顿在西元 1687 年提出了万有引力定律之后,他的朋友艾德蒙.哈雷便开始对彗星非常著迷。 +"In average, the total annual income of my family each is lower than the amount given by the government to the home-care veterans.",全家人口总收入按全家人口平均分配每人未超过当年就养给付额度。 +"We toke a rest at one village shop in Village of Princess Han, and then went to visit Princess Han in her temple.",偶们在韩妃村的小店里稍事休息,便来到韩妃庙参观和拜谒韩妃娘娘。 +"Mr. Johnson, I'd like to introduce you to Mrs. Borden.",约翰逊先生, 我想把你介绍给波顿太太。 +The hot plate feeding unit is heated by heater and controlled by PLC and thermocouples.,热板由发热管加热,并由PLC及热电偶控温。 +"In many cases, the listener lifecycle is intended to be at least as long as the observed component -- many listeners persist for the entirety of the application duration.",在许多情况下,侦听器的生命周期至少要和被观察的组件一样长 —— 许多侦听器会在整个应用程序期间都存在。 +"The tire with rectangular bead wire has an advantage in less tire weight, optimum bead structure, …",胎圈采用矩形钢丝钢丝圈的轮胎质量小、结构优、爆破压力大、行驶里程长。 +I was two-timed by a girl in high school.,我在高中时,一个女生背弃了我。 +"According to his personal family doctor, if elected, 69-year-old billionaire Donald Trump will be ""the healthiest individual ever elected to the presidency. """"",唐纳德·特朗普的私人家庭医生透露,如果他当选,那么这名69岁的亿万富翁将成为历任美国总统中最健康的一位。 +"Although we know that not everything in the Times or Journal news pages is true, we have good reason to trust what they report far more than we mistrust it.",尽管我们也知道纽约时报或者华尔街日报上的新闻也并不都是符合事实,但是,相比于不信任它们的报道,我们仍然更有理由去相信它们。 +"You rail against the ultimate truth of what some people believe – ie religion, God, Jesus, whatever.",你大声嚷嚷地反对有些人相信的根本事实,如宗教,上帝,耶稣; +"Alex Vatanka, Senior Middle East Analyst for Jane's Information Group, says it is right for the president not to prematurely condemn what are questionable, but still murky election results.",阿利克斯。瓦坦卡是简氏信息集团的中东资深分析师。 他说,奥巴马总统的做法是正确的,他没有在时机尚未成熟之际就去谴责伊朗令人质疑的、仍然混乱的选举结果。 +"And some reflect lingering cultural norms, the belief that women need to be protected from work that is thought to be dangerous or unhealthy for them.",还有一些则反映出一种遗存的文化观念,认为妇女需要得到保护,不应参与那些被认为是危险���或有害她们健康的工作。 +Encrypted WebSocket Connections and Explicit Proxy Servers,加密的WebSocket连接与显式的代理服务器 +"LED bulb lamp can be used for advertising board background lighting, tunnel or bridge lighting, building structure decoration lighting, bar, house, entertainment place lighting, and so on!",LED球泡灯适用于广告牌背光,隧道桥梁灯光照明。建筑物轮廓装饰照明,酒吧,居室,娱乐场所照明! +"In the last weeks, villages in West Darfur have been attacked, and civilians are at great risk as all sides ignore international humanitarian law.",在最近几个星期,西部达尔富尔的村庄被攻击,随着所有方面忽略国际人道主义法,平民面临巨大危险。 +"But, as Dr Yin observes, that medium does not have to be liquid all the time.",但殷博士观察到,媒介也不一定都要用液体的。 +"“Yash” means the place of the sun rise, namely the orient.","亚什""是""日出之地""的意思,即东方;""欧列伯""是""日没之地""的意思,即西方。" +Colleges and universities to maximize its tissue-type function of social capital in the concept of thinking;,高校要最大限度的发挥其组织型社会资本的功能的中观思考; +"An action or occurrence, often generated by the user, to which a program might respond — for example, key presses, button clicks, or mouse movements.",程序可以响应的通常由用户激发的一种动作或事件,如键(盘)按下、鼠标按钮单击或鼠标移动等。 +Babylonia had an extensive wool industry.,巴比伦尼亚有广泛的羊毛产业。 +"But if she works or has other time consuming responsibilities that would interfere with an exercise schedule that grueling, then she should set a more realistic goal.",但是如果她有工作或者有其他需要花时间的事情会影响到这个艰苦的锻炼计划,那么她应该设定一个更现实的目标。 +You can try this example directly in the interactive MongoDB web console shell which also embeds the online tutorial.,你可以直接在 交互式MongoDB Web控制台Shell里运行该范例,其中还嵌入了 在线教程。 +"Equinox, a global miner listed in Canada and Australia, owns the Lumwana mine in Africa's rich Zambian copper belt and most of the Jabal Sayid project in Saudi Arabia.",作为一个全球矿企,伊奎诺克斯矿业在加拿大和澳大利亚均有注册,并在矿产丰富的非洲国家赞比亚的紫铜带拥有卢姆瓦纳矿业以及沙特贾巴尔赛义德铜金矿绝大部分的项目。 +The lands eastern border was the middle fork of the White River.,那片土地的东部一直延伸到怀特河中部的支流。 +"After eating, he asks where they are going to move.",饭后,老刘问他们要搬到哪儿去。 +""" Guests waved his hand, ""I want to buy shoes.",客人摆摆手“我是要买鞋。” +"Charlotte had parties of unimaginable luxuriance, with magicians from London and, the previous year, an ice-cream cake.",Charlotte的派对拥有难以想象的奢侈华丽,有来自伦敦的魔术师,早些年还有一个冰淇淋蛋糕。 +Out in the garden an owl hooted suddenly.,外面的花园里突然有一只猫头鹰呜呜地叫起来。 +Under our President we will lead theworld by example rather than by force.,在现任总统治下,我们将用榜样而非武力来领导世界。 +Objective To determine the dynamic changes of the intra articular pressure (IAP) of the acute septic arthritis of the hip and investigate its clinical significance.,目的明确急性化脓性髋关节炎关节内压的变化规律并探讨其临床意义。 +Ruby: He is nuts. Forget about what he said. He can't marry Casimodo anyway unless he denaturalizes.,他是个疯子。不要管他说什么。 他又不能娶卡西莫多除非他变性。 +This man is going destroy that Shambolic Defence of England! ! ! Vamos Uruguay!,他将会摧毁英格兰混乱的后防线!!!乌拉圭万岁! +"Their vessels contain a diode, a device that allows electric currents to cross it in one direction but not in the opposite direction.",他们的船中含有二极体,这种装置只可让电流朝单一方向通过,反方向则无法通过。 +"""Donor"" means an individual who contributes a gamete or gametes for the purpose of in vitro fertilization or implantation in another.",“捐赠人”指为了试管婴儿或移植入他人体内而捐献一个或多个配子的人。 +"But do not give yourself too much pressure. If you think you have enough time and energy, I suggest you study New Concept English, Oxford English for Teenagers, or Cambridge English for Teenagers.",如果你觉得自己的时间和精力允许你再学其他东西的话,建议你可以去读新概念英语、牛津少儿英语或是剑桥少儿英语。 +"Yes, Terry Lin's song again.",是的,又是老大林志炫的歌曲。 +That means ^2 + ^2 = ^2 + ^2.,也就是 ^2 + ^2 = ^2 + ^2 +"Later, the ancients began to make cosmetic powder with pearls and expensive spices. They not only paid attention to the materials but also put an emphasis on the packaging.",最后,再把它们与珍珠粉和香料混合。那时候人们不仅重视化妆品的材料也重视包装品。 +"Wang Yanling. Study on the dynamic stability of soil around subway tunnel under cyclic loading. Shanghai Tongji University, 2002",王艳玲。循环荷载作用下地铁隧道-土层的动力稳定性研究。上海: 同济大学,2002。 +They caught him red-handed.,他们当场把他抓住。 +"CARAVAN ELECTRICALS PVT LTD is an international purchaser from India, need to buy products of Electronic and Information Products, Machinery and Equipment, Home Appliances etc. categories.",该公司是一家国际采购商,来自印度,需要购买的产品类别包括:电子及信息产品、机械及设备、家用电器等。 +The sound of a horn from the car behind us prompted me to look up. The young man at the wheel was smiling broadly.,不一会,从我车后传来了喇叭声,我抬头望去:驾车的小伙子正咧着嘴对我大笑。 +"The project, the Ivanpah Solar Electric Generating System, when completed in 2013 will supposedly be the largest solar project in the world.",这项名为“伊凡帕太阳能发电系统”(Ivanpah Solar Electric Generating System)的项目将于2013年竣工,届时将成为全球最大的太阳能项目。 +"We know you're there, Jimmy.",吉米,我们知道你在里面。 +B:I work on the day shift.,我做白班。 +It is always a difficult problem to get 3-axis interference-free tool path of torus cutter.,生成圆角刀无干涉刀具轨迹,一直都是三轴数控加工自动编程中的难题。 +"Meanwhile the spare part enterprises also have been formed, such as Senci factory, Vision factory and Apollo generator and Lihua electric voltage regulator manufacturer.",同时,零部件企业也产生了神驰电机、维远电机、阿波罗电机、利华电子调压器等一批专业化程度较高的发电机及电器件制造企业。 +Lee has said Singapore's rise as an economic power in an unstable region shows that Western-style democracy isn't appropriate for all countries.,李光耀曾说,新加坡在一个不稳定的地区作为一个经济力量崛起表明,西方式的民主并不适合于所有国家。 +"When a strict doctype is used, :hover on non-anchors may cause performance degradation.",当页面有严格的doctype,在非链接元素上的:hover将导致性能下降。 +Both Aquarius and Libra are air signs and it follows that both these zodiac signs also share the same bonding.,水瓶座和天平座都是风象星座,而且这它们共享一个链接。 +"Unlike Bosh, James is not expected to request a sign-and-trade.",和波什不一样的是,詹姆斯不会接受一份先签后换的协议。 +Discussed some method of solving the unsafety questions during the petroleum products storage and transportation in oil-storage.,针对油库在油品储存和运输环节中存在的不安全问题,提出了解决的方法。 +Having seen the appearing and disappearing of material things a man makes his judgments in the world.,看到诸色的消失和产生,世上的人作出抉择。 +When he first arrived in Shanghai he could not get used to the pace of the local people.,他刚到上海的时候很不惯这里人的生活节奏。 +Mary took a pack of cards from the drawer and we all sat down to play.,玛丽从抽屉中取出一盒纸牌,于是我们便坐下来,一起玩了起来。 +Dew-point mater to supervise the dehumidifying effect(optional).,可随时监控机器除湿效果的露点计供选配。 +An official at the Public Security Bureau in Beijing who gave his name only as Mr. Zi declined to comment on the incident except to say the police have 'nothing to do with condoms.,北京市公安局一位自称姓资(音)的人士拒绝对此事发表看法,只是说警方与安全套问题没有任何关系。 +"A tremendous number of particles constituting the gas are moving in all directions. They bombard the walls and the piston, bouncing back like balls thrown against a wall.",构成气体的数量极大的粒子是向各方面运动的,它们撞击容器的壁与活塞,撞了又跳回来,正如掷到墙上的球一样。 +"Provided that no failures occur in the above steps, the emitter will then attempt to submit the event to the event server.",假设上述步骤中没有出现故障,发射器将试图提交事件到事件服务器。 +The key to successful sucker control is proper timing of suckercide application and use of proper rates of contacts and systemics .,成功控制腋芽生长的关键是适时施用腋芽抑制剂以及适量施用接触性和内吸性抑制剂。 +But now the pendulum seems to be swinging the other way.,但现在钟摆似乎转到另一方向去了。 +"When Christopher Columbus reached North America in 1492, the continent was already populated, though sparsely, by several hundred Native American tribes.",1492年,当克里斯托弗哥伦布到达美洲的时候,这片大陆上已���居住着几百个美洲土著部落了,但是他们稀稀落落地分散在各处。 +"First, this paper explains the present system of collective land property right is the main reason why peasants experienced infringement of interests in the process of land taking;",本研究首先阐述了现行的农村土地集体产权制度是农户在征占地过程中权益受到侵害的主要原因; +"She took the notes, on her clackety Royal typewriter, and also drove their puttering Ford on the giant western trips they made in the late 1930s;",她用她皇家牌打字机做笔记,上世纪30年代一起开着闲置的福特汽车去广袤的西部旅行; +Misfortune is a man with a fish head. Bubbles spreading unhappiness escape from his mouth.,灾难先生有著鱼面人身的外表,他口中飘出的泡泡总是为他人带来不幸。 +The town is famous for its old-fashion American hospitality.,那个城镇以传统美国式的好客而闻名。 +"Our lab recently developed a reliable and user-friendly plasma jet device, which can generate plasma inside the root canal of a tooth.",最近我们实验室研制了一种在牙齿根管内部能产生等离子体喷流的装置,此装置安全可靠且极易操作。 +An online tutor is about half the cost of traditional face-to-face coaching.,在线导师的费用大约是传统面对面辅导的一半。 +"The Hamamelis essence can absorb the excess oil in pore, absorb the skin dirt, completely regulate and balance the oil secretion, make the skin clear and bright.",金缕梅精华吸取毛孔内多余油份,吸除其中污垢、全面调节油脂平衡,让肌肤清透舒爽。 +"It was a period when internationalism generally had been viewed much more skeptically than it had been before the 1980s,"" he said.",总的说来,与19世纪80年代以前相比,人们在这个时期带着更加怀疑的眼光看待国际主义。 +"In this thesis, we demonstrate that this method can decrease the cathode damage to a half degree of the structure without ion trap.",本文设计的加入附加电极的方法大约能将离子轰击对阴极的损伤减少一半。 +"And yet, the focus on them has largely been at the exclusion of other countries that also censor the web to varying degrees - including an increasing number of democracies.",对于他们的关注已经很大程度上排除了其他那些在不同程度上审查网络的国家,其中仍然包括数量在增长的民主国家。 +"Here is an example of my list: Family, Church, Health, Work / Money, Service to Others, Hobbies.",比如我的清单如下:家庭,教会,健康,工作/金钱,帮助他人,兴趣爱好。 +This Removable Screen is made of pear wood in a mellow color of tawny and slight red.,插屏以黄花梨制成,色泽黄褐,微泛红。 +Explains the refugees eligibility criteria and application process for a green card.,解释政治避难者和他们家庭成员绿卡的资格标准和申请程序。 +Come on Judgement Day.,会如此出现在审判日。 +We don't fully understand their nature or origin...,我们还没有完全了解它们的本性和起源...... +"After the devastating earthquake and tsunami in Japan last March, electronics companies, worried about shortages, rushed to stock up on components.","自日本3月大地震和海啸后,电子厂商因担心供应短缺,纷纷储备零组件." +"Methods To make statistic analyses of cases of small artery hemorrhage of stomach and duodenum, of which 28 cases had emergency operation, 37 cases had no operation.",方法对胃十二指肠球部小动脉出血28例急诊手术,37例保守治疗的有关诊治资料进行统计学处理。 +"President Sadam Hussein vowed to fight until victory on land, in the air and at sea.",萨达姆·候赛因总统誓要奋战到底,直到陆海空三军大获全胜。 +"Relative to the whole market, It's well known that over periods of multiple decades the market has a tendency to go up.","是和整个市场相关的对吗,我们都知道经过几十年的时间周期,市场会有上涨的倾向。" +This article introduces the main existing methods and achievements in the field of the math models of reaction kinetics and reactor of the heterogeneous photocatalysis reaction system.,本文介绍了当前多相光催化反应体系中反应动力学模型以及反应器数模研究领域内的主要方法及成果。 +Term one: party A possesses permanent access to the software while party B processes the copyright.,第一项:本合约所开发之软件产品,甲方拥有永久使用权,而著作产权则归乙方。 +"In the days of advocating commercialization, desk calendar products tend to be more delicate and exclusive besides the features of practicality, fashion and taste.",在崇尚台历商务化的今天,其发展趋向精品化、高档化,同时也更注重了实用、时尚和品位。 +Objective: It is to observe the clinical effects of Yuyin Tiaojing Tang on menoxenia due to yin-deficiency.,目的:观察育阴调经汤治疗阴虚证月经失调的临��疗效。 +"A pub is a place mainly for drinking while a nightclub serves drinks, chaussure foot, but is mainly for dancing.",酒吧主要是喝东西的地方,而夜总会也提供酒水,不过那主要是跳舞的场所。 +I should just say that the data i just gave you is real data but it's actually mixed ability data.,"我强调一点我给你们的数据是真实数据,但是它是综合了各种能力后的数据" +"Vocational school curriculum is to implement the national education policy, the implementation of training objectives, to achieve the socialist economic and social development foundation.",职业学校课程是贯彻国家教育方针,落实培养目标,实现为社会主义经济和社会发展服务的基础。 +Circulation industry is an important component of national economy and is the pillar industry of the tertiary industry.,流通业是国民经济的重要组成部分,也是第三产业的支柱产业。 +That explains why it uses a combination of leading- and trailing-edge flaps and rudders to slow down.,这也解释了为什么它要用前缘襟翼和后缘襟翼还有方向舵的这样一种联动来降低速度。 +"XinQiDian offers walnut oil for high quality edible oil, natural cosmetics, pharmaceutical Intermediates, nutritional supplements , food addictive, and health-care food.",核桃油广泛应用于食用,营养补充剂,食品添加剂,化妆品及医药中间体等。 +"I remember that, about a decade ago, while I was studying at the University of Otago, I had made friends with an old Kiwi man with whom I often practiced my English.",记得大约十年前,我在奥塔哥大学学习期间曾结交了当时经常帮助我练习英语的一位新西兰老人。 +"If these happen, try as well as you can to cancel the commitment.",如果发生了以上情况,尽可能地取消该承诺。 +I forgot that I set forward my watch.,我忘记把手表拨快了。 +"This time you'll see a table in the right pane, containing the text from the table that you selected with the Object Finder.",这一次你将在右边的面板中看到 一个表格,它包含了你使用Object Finder从表格中选择的文本。 +"The next time you go stargazing and wonder what secrets the universe holds, keep in mind someone else might already know the answer -- they're just not telling anyone else about it.",下一次,当你遥望星空,想知道宇宙包含了什么秘密的时候,请记住,有些人可能已经知道了答案——只是他们不想让别人知道罢了。 +"As the temperature increases , the water flux first decreases evidently , then increases slightly and the clearance rates of low - molecular weight substances first increase , then decrease shaply.",随着铸膜液温度的上升,水通量先是明显下降,然后略有上升。膜对低分子物质的去除率先是增加,然后急剧下降。 +Objective:To study on in vivo pharmacokinetics of carboplatin liposomes (CPL) after intralymphatic vessel perfusion (ILVP) with animal experiment.,目的:研究卡铂脂质体(CPL)经淋巴管内灌注(ILVP)的体内药代动力学。 +Ignition and combustion and process control of the riser are introduced.,介绍了褐煤焦载热煤气化提升燃烧的点火、燃烧和调节。 +Hemophilia B is an X-linked bleeding disorder caused by the deficiency of clotting factor IX (FIX).,血友病B是一种凝血因子IX基因缺陷引起的X染色体连锁的出血性疾病。 +"And he ended with the position that the only way to put pressure on spending was by cutting taxes I never heard him use the phrase "" but he subscribed to the starve-the-beast thesis.","到最后,他倒过来了,说,要想给政府施压,来削减财政支出,减税是必由之路,他倒是没有明确说,但依我看,他用的这招叫“把帽子扔过墙去。" +The artificial planting Achnatherum splendens in desert could remarkably promoted the growth of soil microorganism and improve soil.,沙漠人工种植芨芨草对于促进土壤微生物生长,改善土壤有显著作用。 +"In this paper we discussed the existence and uniqueness theorems for third-order boundary value problems, using the method of upper and lower solutions.",本文利用上、下解方法证明了两类三阶边值问题解的存在性和唯一性。 +"Based on the color of its flesh, two forms of Jinjiang oyster are widely recognized and referred to as the ""red oyster"" and ""white oyster"" by farmer lived in the Pearl River delta.",根据肉的颜色,近江牡蛎通常被珠江三角洲蚝民称为“赤蚝”和“ 白蚝”,但它们的贝壳形态极其相似。 +"Survivors are no longer slowed / held in place after being cleared from a smoker, they can now instantly move at full speed.",幸存者被清除后,再也没有减缓/保持在一个地方,他们可以立即全速前进。 +This system consists of jury system in common law system and trial system of people's assessors in continental law system.,陪审制具体又可分为英美法系的陪审团制度和大陆法系的���审制。 +"A person, see through the world, good through the man, no longer believe love, and even the entire world.",一个人,看到世界之旅,借好男人,不再相信爱情,乃至整个世界。 +Web site developers should be wary of anyone spoofing the GET and POST requests sent to them.,网站开发人员应该小心发送给他们的 GET 和 POST 请求受到欺骗。 +"Dragons team for Yangshuai Jason Harvey of the very capacity of recognition, he also said that the club, ""You can believe me, he ( Harvey ) is a very good player.""",南钢队洋帅贾森对于哈维的能力相当认可,他还对俱乐部表示,“你们可以相信我,他(哈维)绝对是一位很好的球员。” +"Like Radcliffe and the other young Potter stars, Felton, now 21, has dedicated a substantial chunk of his childhood to the films and done his growing-up on the set.",如今21岁的费尔顿像拉德克利夫以及其他出演波特电影的小演员们一样,将大把童年捐给了这个系列电影,成长于片场之中。 +"Coming up from behind me, out of the shadows, the mugger managed to hid me twice the back of the head before I knew what was happening.",他从我的后面出现,看不到背影,那名抢劫者在我意识到发生什么事之前已经攻击了我的头部两次。 +"The anchorage property of rebar-implanting with composite adhesive under explosive loads is studied by the way of experiment, and the design method is presented.",研究了混合粘结剂植筋在爆炸荷载作用下的锚固强度特性,提出了可供应用的锚固设计方法。 +"Uh, whatcha got there, PC? -Oh, just something I'm trying out.",啊,PC,你在捣鼓着些什么?-哦,不过是一些我正在尝试的东东罢了。 +A mean and method for coding and decoding keywords data is provided.,提供一种用于编码和解码关键字数据的装置和方法。 +The EL5128 integrates two V COM amplifiers with a single gamma reference buffer.,该EL5128集成了两个参考电压缓冲器放大器的COM与单一γ。 +"Either way, we're happy. We're happy to wait for the value in Anglo to be unlocked over time as a standalone entity and if Xstrata decides to present an attractive offer we will evaluate that as well.","不管走哪条路,我们都很乐意.我们愿意等到英美资源作为一家独立实体的价值、随着时间推移而得到释放.而如果Xstrata决定发出诱人的要约,我们也会予以评估." +Participants cannot be barred and be in good standing with StarWorld Casino & Galaxy MacauTM.,参加者必须未被禁止进入娱乐场,于星际娱乐场及澳门银河TM存有良好信誉记录。 +Penetration attributes to piping and perforation.,机理是管涌和穿透。 +"China won plaudits for its organisation and investment in low-carbon technologies, which were evident in the nearby eco-city, high-speed railway and ultra-modern power plants.",中国在组织方面和使用低碳技术的投资方面获得成效,这些在附近生态城市、高速铁路和超现代力量的植物当中得到明显的体现。 +Jilt They were facing a real problem .,他们面临的是个大问题。 +The paper tries to analyze these listening barriers and propose some prac…,文章试图对这些因素进行简要分析,并结合教学实践提出一些解决对策。 +OBITUARIES editors probably belong by the sea.,讣闻编辑似乎天生属于海边。 +"If suitable conditions can be provided, degradation and selective consumption of microbes for paraffins can be effectively increased, and used for molecular markers of petroleum pollution.",提供适宜条件,可以有效地加强嗜油微生物的降解能力及其对链烷烃的选择性降解。 +"GPS and location-related features are undoubtedly gaining popularity on smartphones, but Dell hopes they ll also become a major selling point for netbooks.",GPS和定位相关的功能无疑在智能手机上大受欢迎,但Dell希望它们同样成为上网本的卖点。 +"Phosphorodithioic acid, mixed O, O-diesters with polyethylene glycol monodecyl ether and polyethylene glycol monooctyl ether;",二硫代磷酸与聚乙烯乙二醇单葵醚和聚乙烯乙二醇单辛醚的O,O-混合二酯; +The data processing of the change of the steel-wires length is treated as unequal-accuracy and a more reasonable result is obtained.,详细分析了杨氏模量的测量不确定度,把钢丝长度变化的测量作为不等精度测量处理,从而得到更为合理的结果。 +The designated airlines of the Contracting Parties shall have the right to convert and remit to the place of their choice on demand local revenues in excess of sums locally disbursed .,缔约各方指定空运企业有权根据要求,将其在当地的收入扣除当地支出后的馀额兑换并汇回所选择的地点。 +Women who drink caffeinated coffee are less likely to be depressed than those don't.,比起一般女性,喝含咖啡因咖啡的女性似乎没那么容易消沉。 +"Based on statistical development data of large oil and gas fields, a simple model for predicting production, cumulative production, and recoverable reserves is developed.",基于大量油气田开发的实际资料,建立了预测油气田产量、累积产量和可采储量的简单模型。 +Water is made up of hydrogen and oxygen.,水是由氢气和氧气构成的。 +"By doing that, they also set up a main style of Qing palace painting in order to meet the royal appreciating habits and interest.",中西方画家共同努力,为迎合皇室的欣赏习惯和趣味,创造了中西结合的新画法,并逐渐确立了清宫院画的一种主要格调。 +"Me and Seattle Chinese Orchestra in the final dress rehearsal to prepare for ""Enchanting China Concert"" held on May 29, 2010 at Benaroya Hall to celebrate the World Expo and Asian Games.",我和西雅图中乐 ��在贝纳罗亚剧院为 “千娇百媚中国音乐会” 作最后彩排,该音乐会 ��为庆祝世博和亚运会而于2010年5月29日举行的。 +The experiments of supercritical water oxidation(SCWO) of municipal sludge were conducted in a batch reactor.,研究了间歇式反应器中城市污泥的超临界水氧化反应(SCWO)。 +"Tents shall be marked with the name or trademark of the manufacturer, supplier or importer.",帐蓬上应标有制造商、供应商或进口商的名称或商标标识。 +"east, you'll reach a city called Love.",“我已经告诉它保护你穿越帷幕,”他说,把晶石按在她的掌心。 “径直东行,你会到达一座被称为爱的城市。 +"It is also the second under President Dilma Rousseff and central bank head Alexandre Tombini, both of whom took office in January.",这也是总统迪尔玛·罗赛夫和央行首长亚历山大·东比尼任下的第二次升息50个基点,他们二人都是今年一月上任的。 +"She said: ""Years of alert and expectation mean that most countries now have preparedness plans.",她说:“多年的警报和预测意味着大多数国家现在有了防御方案。 +Paging allows easy navigation for the end-user and - if implemented correctly - reduces the load on the underlying database.,分页让最终用户便捷地导航数据,并且——如果正确地实现的话——可以减少低层数据库的负载。 +"The wonderful true and living God is the One Who sends us rain, and supplies all our needs.",我们奇妙的真神使天降雨, 又供应我们一切的需要。 +"A new kind of annular thermopile sensor which consisted of 16 structure cells, 800 chromel - constantan thermocouples was developed.",设计了一种可以方便地增加热电偶数目和灵活调节时间常数的新型环状热电堆传感器。 +The capacity for civil liability is the ability of subjects of legal relation to take the negative legal consequences as a result of breaking the laws or failing to fulfill legal obligations.,民事责任能力是法律关系主体因违法或没有履行法定义务而承担否定性法律后果的能力。 +"Cumulate plagioclase appears abruptly at the base of the F unit, which rests on an erosional disconformity.",堆积的斜长石在位于侵蚀假整合之上的F单元的基底突然出现。 +I was guyed at for wearing a pink shirt.,我因穿了件粉色衬衫而被奚落。 +"China attaches great importance to developing practical cooperation with Europe on environment protection, energy and climate change.",中方高度重视与欧方在环保、能源和气候变化等领域的务实合作。 +"Moreover five months old babies can have the new expression, the new trick every day, makes you greatly pleasantly surprised, sighs the life to be really marvelous.",而且五个月大的宝宝,每天都会有新的表情、新的花招,令你大惊喜,叹服生命真奇妙。 +"Based on Halliday s Cohesion theory, the thesis attempts to launch the elaboration on how to improve journalistic translation from two aspects of grammar and vocabulary and points out that coh.",本文以韩礼德和哈桑的衔接理论为基础,从衔接的语法和词汇手段两方面入手,对如何提高新闻翻译质量展开论述,指出衔接是提高新闻翻译质量的理想手段。 +OITA B570 research success of shipping cylinder oil was the result of OITA company. summarizing more than 10-year producing lube experience and absorbing world modern technology.,ITA B570船用气缸油的研制成功,是澳力丹公司总结十多年生产润滑油经验和吸收世界先进技术的产物。 +"The governor, eager to capture Mexico's vast treasures, quickly embraced the scheme and gave Cortes eleven ships and 700 men.",古巴总督觊觎墨西哥丰富的财宝, 马上接纳柯狄兹的计划, 给他十一艘船和七百随从。 +"Jane does not at first meet Edward Rochester, the girl's guardian.",起初,简·爱并未见到这个小姑娘的监护人爱德华·罗切斯特。 +"If we are too busy to give and receive love, we are too busy!",如果我们忙得连给予和接受爱的时间都没有,那未免也忙得太过分了! +Medium to full-bodied dry red wine in dark ruby color.,酒体中度至丰满干红葡萄酒。 +But what we're finding is that all this time we've been ignoring the fact that they're actually learning a new language.,但我们发现,一直以来我们都忽略了这样一个事实:聋人实际上是在学习一种新语言。 +"Take the time to compile a list of responses to both types of questions and to itemize your skills, values, and interests as well as your strengths and weaknesses.",花时间写一份表格,上面写好相关问题,及自己技能、价值、兴趣、优缺点的详细说明。 +"In another, you, crossing the garden, have found me dead.",在另一个时刻,您穿过花园,发现我已死去; +000 dissidents are confined to “re-education camps”.,超过二万五千的持不同政见者被关在“再教育营”里。 +"""During the polar winters , we expect the lowlands to cradle methane lakes that are rich with ethane, "" Griffith noted.",在两极的冬季,我们期望低地成为那些富含乙烷的甲烷湖的发源地。 +"My name is Wang Wei and I am 22 years old. My hobbies are listening to music, dancing, reading books and sleeping. I have already graduated from Gilin Economic and Trade College as a computer major.",我叫王薇,今年22岁,我喜欢听音乐,跳舞,看书,睡觉。我曾在吉林经济贸易学习就读 计算机系,喜欢小孩子,因为跟孩子接触会给人一种纯洁的感觉。 +A public-opinion polling technique that is used to test possible campaign themes by asking very specific questions about an issue or a candidate is call push polling.,民意调查中使用的一种技巧,就某个问题或某个候选人通过询问非常具体的问题来测试可能的竞选主题,是谓“导向性民意调查”。 +Please ask us if you want to have any special facilities like Ayurvedic treatments or houseboat rides.,如果您要求的话,我们还可以提供药物治疗和划船等特殊的设备。 +Conclusion The causes of genesis of second primary carcinoma and recurrence of primary carcinoma were related with suppression of immunological function and also biological property of carcinoma.,结论免疫功能抑制和肿瘤生物学行为,可能是乳腺原发癌复发及第二原发癌发生的原因之一。 +Either use a vulgarian or don't.,俗人可用可不用; +Rotary groups also operate eye banks.,扶轮社还开办眼库。 +他剥光了她的衣服。,He denuded her of clothing. +"The material was selected for its reference to the limestone passages below and the previous structure on the plot, which was destroyed during an air raid in 1945.",之所以选用石灰岩材质,是因为高地原有构筑物和底部的小路均为石灰岩材质,然而在1945年的一场空袭中被严重摧毁。 +"This can result in low birth weight and predisposition to infectious diseases, such as measles, tuberculosis and pneumonia.",这可能会导致低出生率和初生儿易患传染病,如麻疹,肺结核和肺炎的问题。 +"Another challenging area for Arts & Business was in spreading private investment outside London, which consumed 87.7 per cent of private funding.",对Arts & Business来说,另一个有挑战性的领域是不断向伦敦之外推动私人投资,这占其私人资金投资87.7%。 +"For this reason the northern hemisphere enjoys summer while the southern has winter; and vice versa, when we have mid-winter, people in the other hemisphere are in the midst of summer.",因此,当北半球正享受着夏季的时候,南半球则正在经历着严冬,反之亦然,当我们处在冬天的时候,南半球的人们正在过着夏天。 +"While Suzuki does prefer more weight on the left leg, none of the leading pedagogues advocate placing all the weight on the right leg.",虽然不喜欢铃木重的左腿,没有领先的教员主张把所有的重量就右腿。 +Sure I'm free. See you hoopman.,当然有空。到时见。 羓。 +Osteal stenosis at frontal sinus orifice in 21 cases(9.4%).,额窦自然开口狭窄者21侧(9·4%)。 +"Another was reading Gibbon unabridged. The one who’d been subsisting on Yoplait and radishes was in the bathroom, changing her hair color again.",一个妹妹在读未删节版的吉本《罗马史》,另一个靠优诺酸奶和小胡萝卜维持生命的妹妹在浴室里,又在改换头发的颜色。 +"There have some ways to improve the amplifier's linearity including feedforward, power backward and pre-distortion.",提高放大器线性度有如下几种方法:功率回退、预失真以及前馈法。 +But an ox is often a castrated bull—which may be an apt description of China’s economic pain.,然而,牛通常是指被阉割过的,这对正出于低迷的中国经济是最恰当不过的形容了。 +The fairy waves her wand over the six mice.,仙女把魔棒在六只老鼠上面挥了一挥。 +"Eli also saw David Wilhelm, the young Chicago political operative whom I wanted on the team.",埃里还会见了年轻的芝加哥政治活动运营高手戴维.威廉,我希望他加入竞选班子。 +The HPAM/MLH 1 gelling fluid has been successfully used in injectivity profile modification operations in 36 wells at Daqing.,MLH 1体系已成功地用于大庆油田36口注水井近井地带的调剖作业。 +Conclusions Low field MR is a reliable method in the diagnosis of single spinal metastasis.,结论低场磁共振是诊断脊柱单发性转移瘤可靠的手段。 +"1Cor7:29-31 What about secular status, ethnic background?",【哥林多前书 7:29-31】 那么世俗地位和种族背境又如何呢? +"MOC is also very concerned about and support, Liu Zhifeng, vice minister made a special trip to be published guidance.",国家建设部也十分关心和支持,刘志峰副部长专程到会发表指导性意见。 +"After that, the measure data is converted to IGES format in order for the subsequent processing.",另外还将测量得到的数据进行了IGES标准文件格式的转换,以利进行后续处理。 +A man who had a broken leg was waiting to see the detective.,一个摔断了腿的男子在等着见侦探。 +"Dynamic random access memory(DRAM)suffers from the bridge issue due to the WSix residue on gate sidewall, which is the bottleneck to enhancing the product's yield and reliability.",动态随机存储器栅极侧壁硅化钨残留造成的短路成为制约提高产品良率及可靠性的瓶颈。 +Consult with your doctor for guidance regarding drug interactions and proper dosages.,向你的医生咨询药物的相互作用效果以及用量。 +"According to All-China's Women Federation, almost 25% of women have experienced various levels of domestic violence within their marriages in China.",据全国妇联称,在中国,近25%的妇女在她们的婚姻里遭受过不同程度的家庭暴力。 +"""He wasn't hostile, pushy or throwing his weight around, "" Mrs. Schott said at a news conference at the office here of her family lawyer, David J. O'Dea.",她在她的家庭律师奥戴的办公室举行记者招待会时说,“他并没有充满敌意、蛮横或作威作福。” +And it would build the core infrastructure that is a prerequisite if rich economies are to move away from greenhouse -gas-emitting power plants and vehicles.,同时,富裕国家如果要逐渐摆脱排放温室气体的发电厂和交通工具,这种电力网将成为必备的核心基础设施。 +The area of double rice has occupied about 43% of cropping sown area.,双季稻面积占作物播种面积的43%左右; +His favorite funny sign: “Never wrestle with a pig.,他最喜欢的一句话是: “千万不要和猪摔跤。 +"No injuries were reported but Damien Foster and Nandi Taylor who have filed a law suit said they suffered ""psychological trauma"" and the incident put her pregnancy at risk.",没有受伤消息传出,但已提出告诉的达米安.佛斯特与娜迪.泰勒说,他们遭受「心理创伤」,而且此一事件危及她的身孕。 +"Bathed in moved in the glow of, I feel very happy, because it is to love outbursts.",沐浴于感动的光辉中,我感到无比的高兴,因为那是对爱的宣泄。 +"In addition, engineering characteristics of weathered granite cement stabilization are studied.",另外,对风化花岗岩水泥稳定土的工程性质也进行了研究。 +Thank you for choosing Elizabeth Women's Hospital.,尊贵的客户,感谢您选择广州伊丽莎白妇产医院。 +"Sunderland have shown what they can do against the big teams, particularly Chelsea at Stamford Bridge. That was a great result.",桑德兰本赛季在硬仗中的表现令人关注,特别是客场击败了切尔西。 +"The archaeological site in Niger, called Gobero, was discovered by Paul Sereno at the University of Chicago, during a dinosaur-hunting expedition.",考古地点位于尼日尔一个叫做格博罗的地方,是由芝加哥大学的保罗·塞里诺在寻找恐龙踪迹的远征过程中发现的。 +"Secondly, I emphasize on the three basic characteristics of Niebuhr's thoughts: he bas'ed his theory on the belief of Christianity and insisted on the position of apology;",第二部分着眼于尼布尔思想的三大基本特征:他以基督教信仰为理论前提,坚守护教论的立场; +"In the Queens Borough of New York, mourners and community leaders have held a rally and prayer vigil for a man who was gunned down by police hours before his wedding early Saturday.",在纽约昆斯区,哀悼者和单身汉俱乐部的负责人为周六在婚礼前几小时被警察开枪打死的新郎举行集会并祈祷守夜。 +"The bride, groom and celebrant are hoisted up on the enormous crane - accompanied by some 20 guests, strapped into chairs - with their legs dangling mid-air.",仪式上,新娘、新郎以及神父被巨大的起重机吊在空中——陪伴他们的还有20名宾客,宾客们都被绑在椅子上,只有腿部可以随意摇摆。 +An automatically-updated collection of links to the most commonly-needed Web sites that provide information associated with each product.,最常用 Web 站点的链接自动更新��集,可以提供与每种产品相关的信息。 +"In addition, the wake interaction of upstream blade row and the expansion wave at rotor exit also cause an unsteady force acting on the downstream rotor blade surface.",此外上游静子尾迹以及动叶尾缘出口膨胀波等也是产生转子叶片表面非定常力的因素。 +Researchers relocated four giant Aldabra tortoises to Ile aux Aigrettes in 2000.,研究人员在2000年迁徙了4个阿尔达布拉陆龟来到那阿格莱特岛。 +The fact that China has sovereign right and exercises jurisdiction over the Huang Yan Island is widely respected by the international community.,中国对黄岩岛拥有主权并实施管辖的事实得到国际社会的普遍尊重。 +"In the United States, new guidelines urge Americans to reduce salt, sugar and fatty meats and to eat more fish and whole grains.",美国新的饮食指南呼吁人们减少食用食盐,糖和脂肪肉类,多吃鱼肉和五谷杂粮。 +The waves battered against the shoreline.,浪头拍击着海岸线。 +He was my idol.,他曾是我的偶像。 +"Step 2: The DataPower appliance receives the request, retrieves user credentials from the token, and authenticates the requester on an external, LDAP-compliant directory server.",步骤 2:DataPower 设备接收请求,从令牌中获取用户凭证,然后在一个外部的、遵从 LDAP 的目录服务器中验证请求者的身份。 +In order to provide the space needed to improve weapons systems and to improve seaworthiness.,为了提供改进武器系统所需的空间和改善适航性。 +My theory is that a manager needs to be the string on which he puts one pearl after another. But Jobs himself is a big pearl.,我的理论是,经理人需要是一根线,来串起一颗又一颗珍珠。但乔布斯自己就是一颗大珍珠。 +She wants to see pandas in the zoo.,她想要去动物园看猫熊。 +"The storm also brought tornados, this one touched down near Chicago.",这场暴风雨还导致了龙卷风,并从芝加哥附近扫过。 +"It is a true outdoors art gallery, a unique exhibition of different architectonic styles and sculptures.",它是一座真实的室外画廊,一个独特的不同建筑风格和雕刻的展示。 +"The establishment and development of Kaiping Mining Administration had great influence on all aspects of Tangshan and made the necessary conditions for the rise of a city, Tangshan.",开平矿务局的创办和发展,是唐山城市文明的起源,使唐山具备了城市兴起的必要条件,为近代唐山城市的兴起提供了契机。 +"Two grounding methods for MV system of power plant, i. e. grounding by high resistance and grounding by medium resistance are discussed.",探讨了厂用中压系统中性点经高电阻接地和经中电阻接地两种方式。 +They're keeping me here to try to stop me…,他们把我关在这以防止我…… +"In accordance with new standard of fire-control hydrant , our company designed a series mellow fire-control pump of XBD pipeline type , which based on the original vertical multi-stage pump .",本单位在原有立式多级泵基础上根据对消防泵的最新标准要求进行开发出的新一代XBD管道型中低压消防泵组产品。 +We keep in our thoughts and prayers the many families mar…We keep in our thoughts and prayers the many families marking this …,一个空座位给许多家庭的感恩节留下了印记-一个留给坚守在危难中的儿子或女儿… +This paper states dry and crack problems of timber in drying. It also points out their causations and prevention methods.,本文阐述了锯材在干燥过程中出现的干裂问题及产生的原因和防止办法。 +"The framework, situated on the outside of the building, are filtering direct incoming sunlight and give a beautiful 'cut out' view of the forest.",建筑外部出挑的檐口、框架构件,不仅是考虑到遮挡直接照射的阳光,并提供了动人美丽的森林的意向。 +"Symptoms begin with headache , aching , and restlessness .",早期症状为头痛、全身痛和烦燥不安。 +"In this study, the field experiments were carried out at studied fields of Haining City, Zhejiang Province in 2007, according to the pass time of CBERS-1 satellite.",本研究在浙江省海宁市晚稻试验点进行田间取样试验,并获取同时期CBERS-1遥感数据,分析了试验点晚稻穗期叶片氮素与CBERS-1影像冠层光谱信息之间的关系。 +"Bet the black comes in red, crimes of passion rule my head.",来投注黑红色,犯罪激情统治我的头。 +He gave me three tea chests full of photographs to use in the collage for the poster inside.,他给了我三大箱照片用来拼合其中的海报。 +"Three centuries later, the Star Chamber allowed noblemen to launch civil actions for libel, to provide them with an alternative to duelling(3).",三个世纪之后,(英国历史上独断专行的)星法院为了避免用“决斗”解决问题,允许贵族对诽谤提起民事诉讼。 +"I have it on reserve, but that's not required for the mid-term; it's just if you're interested in seeing it.","我将其列为推荐书目,但不作为期中考试要求,如果你们感兴趣的话可以去读一下" +"Looking up at a new building for sale, Jin Jian, a fitness trainer in Harbin, Heilongjiang Province turned and left with a sigh.",黑龙江省哈尔滨市教练金健看着新的销售建筑,转过头来,叹了口气离开了。 +"In the Harvard study on teenagers, the researchers also linked lower intakes of vitamin E – found particularly in dark green leafy vegetables – with a greater likelihood of asthma.",在哈佛大学对青少年的研究中,研究者还认为,假如食物中摄入的维生素E水平低,则患哮喘的可能性更大,深绿色叶子蔬菜中含有非凡多维生素E。 +How satisfied are you with the cleanliness of cabin?,请问阁下满不满意有关机舱的清洁?。 +"SMF will become the regional technical center and talent incubator, providing people development and career opportunities.",我们的公司亦将成为区域性的技术中心及人才培养和发展的基地。 +"The most lasting damage, however, was to BT's reputation.",然而,最持久的损害,就是信孚银行的声誉。 +"Blue is one of my favorite colors, it's so versatile and soothing but when paired with red or orange it can take on a whole new level of energy.",蓝色是我最喜欢的颜色之一,百搭,有舒缓作用。 和红色或橙色搭配能迸发出新的能量。 和绿色一起,则给人宁静自然之感。 +Waddell said about half the students on campus had cell phones a few years ago.,威得尔说,几年前,校园中大约有一半的学生有行动电话。 +"But many, within bounds, emulate Mao's media management; others, determined to control information about them, are delisting.",但是仍有很多公司在合理范围内效法毛的媒体管理,当然也有一些试图操控信息的公司被摘牌。 +"Two major females in the novel The Great Gatsby, Daisy and Jordan, only pay attention to""life gestures"".",《了不起的盖茨比》这部小说中两个主要女性黛西与乔丹只关注“人生姿态”。 +"At that time I was relatively na?ve and shy because as you know, I am not an intelligent girl.",当时我却比较木讷,要知道,我是一个不 聪明的女孩。 +But the hite cat is very gentle.,而白色的小猫非常温和。 +"Were I an atheist- a man devoid of conscience- a wretch with coarse and brutal instincts- I might have found peace, long ere now.",如果我是一个无神论者,——一个丧尽良心的人,——一个本性粗野的恶棍,——或许我早就得到了平静。 +How effective is PROVISION OF ADDICTIONS MANAGEMENT SERVICE in reducing problem gambling in Macau?,你认为提供戒赌服务在甚麽程度上能有效减少澳门的病态赌博个案?。 +The spirit of Qin culture had undergo the The Spring and Autumn Period and Warring States Period and the empire age.,秦文化精神经历了春秋和战国至帝国时代两个历史发展阶段。 +"Mina Ivanova is a pianist whose repertoire comprises of a wide range of works from baroque to jazz, including Bulgarian music and works of different national schools.",钢琴家米娜·伊万诺娃擅长的曲目范围广泛,从巴洛克音乐到爵士乐无一不通,其中很大一部分是保加利亚音乐和不同民族乐派的作品。 +Conclusion The constriction and imperforation of posterior urethra caused by fracture of pelvis are good indications for the operation of urethra pull-through.,结论骨盆骨折所致的损伤性后尿道狭窄及闭锁,是行尿道套入术的良好指征。 +Substances such as ammonia give out heat when they dissolve.,诸如氨气之类的物质在溶解时会释放出热量。 +The research results of this study have the following implications:The schema framework proposed in this research formalizes the humor interpretation process with the detailed steps.,本研究提出的图式框架,使幽默以图式的方式按照以上四步骤进行解读,使之更形象具体。 +"The internal structure, working principle and performances after the improvement are introduced briefly. The significance of the DIAS localization is analyzed.",简要介绍了国产DIAS 的内部结构和工作原理及技术改进后的性能,分析了DIAS 国产化的意义。 +A comparison was made between naturally growed and artificilly-raft growed seedlings after ecological investigation. To eliminate wild seaweeds lower gravities of seawater were employed.,根据生态调查和筏式育苗效果的比较,采取了调低海水比重,每十天浸泡苗帘一次的方法清除杂藻。 +But I'm being charged for dry-cleaning .,但是这里是按干洗计费的。 +"It is these who have not defiled themselves with women, for they are virgins.",这些人未曾沾染妇女,他们原是童身。 羔羊无论往那里去,他们都跟随他。 +"As easy as these directives can be to ignore while in the kitchen, it's even easier when you're outside and playing with the dog, with the Frisbee, or with your baby niece, Feist notes.",法伊斯特提示,像在您厨房里一样不要忽视清洁,尤其是当您在外面玩狗、飞盘、或与您的宝宝侄女玩耍后。 +"He cannot understand why, as a premed student, he is being forced to take courses in history, literature, philosophy , and the arts.",他不能理解为什么作为一名医学预科的学生,却要被迫上一些历史、文学、哲学和艺术的课程。 +"The message shows, this controller that buys a group is Dong Chaohui of happy medium president.",消息显示,该收购团体的负责人是欢乐传媒总裁董朝晖。 +"When active, this ability grants the psychic rogue the effects of the danger sense power.",这种能力使灵能游荡者等同于受到“危险感知”心灵异能的影响。 +"For this example, all of the attributes listed for the levels will be included in the ROLLUP.",对于这个示例,各级列出的所有属性都要包含在 ROLLUP 中。 +The searchings too suggested those the Government's ideas on age in the workforce may too be out of step with reality.,该检查还指出,政府部门部门对于任务年龄的看法估计与实际情况不符。 +Gateball is very much a team or regional sport.,门球也是团队项目和地方体育。 +"This pattern supports five backend types: CCI, EJB, JAX-RPC, WSIF and SCA, discussed below.",此模式支持五种后端类型:CCI、EJB、JAX-RPC、WSIF 和 SCA,下文将对其进行讨论。 +I try to guess whpictures other person will say next in English.,尝试猜猜他人接上去要说的英文是什么。 +Content of SA8000 is mainly about labour protection.,SA8000的主要内容是针对劳工保护。 +"R esu lts:The nuc le ic ac id of CCHF virus could be detected in the hearts, livers, spleens, kidneys and brains of the infected suckling mice by the RT-PCR.",结果:RT-PCR可在心脏、肝脏、脾脏、肾脏以及脑组织内检测到病毒核酸,透射电镜下可在肝细胞胞浆内观察到形态典型的病毒粒子。 +We had waited sixteen years for a general-election win there.,为了在这里取得普选的胜利,我们已经等了16年了。 +Yi He Tuan and the Red Guards have long become past history.,义和团、红卫兵早已成为历史。 +"Sometimes the pieces are even named after someone—someone who died, trying to bring it to the island, or someone who did some heroic deed that is retold every time the stone money changes hands.",有的时候,有些石头甚至以某个人命名——那是为了把这块石头搬到岛上而献出了生命的人,或者是曾做出过某些英雄行为的人,而他的故事在每次石头易手时都会被重新讲述一次。 +"Eat a healthy diet, get aerobic exercise daily and maintain a healthy weight since these lifestyle habits ward off memory-stealing disease.",进行健康膳食,每天做有氧运动,保持合理体重,因为这些生活习惯会让你远离记忆丧失的病症。 +"The Assyrians, Kurds and Turkomans differ from Arabs in many ways including culture, history, clothing, and language.","同阿拉伯人相比,亚述人, 库尔德人和土库曼人,在文化、历史、衣着和语言上都有很大区别。" +"""Unemployment is a lagging indicator and it will be some time before any improvement in economic activity feeds through to substantially help the jobs outlook, "" Archer said.",阿彻说:“失业是一个滞后指标,经济活动的任何改善都需一段时间的反馈,才能显着改善就业前景。” +Layer protein solution on bottom of well and raise syringe tip as dye level rises.,将蛋白质样品加至样品孔的底部,并随着染料水平的升高而升高注射器针头。 +"In Q2 of 2007, Bicun contributed 110 million RMB of revenue, one-third of the total sales of the company.",在2007年第二季度,必存的销售额是110亿人民币,占全公司销售额的三分之一。 +"Also at Disrupt was Gamecrush.com, a web site which allows male gamers to make ‘playdates’ with female gamers.",也是在这次Disrupt大会上,另一个让人感到荒唐的网站是Gamecrush.com,该网站允许男性玩家与女性玩家一起进行“playdates”。 +"Of woman it has been always known, that no censure wounds so deeply, or rankles so long, as that which charges them with want of beauty. (No. 40)",女人的事总是为人所知,没有比责备她们不美丽不漂亮的话语,更让她们伤害更深,怨恨更久。 +The importance identification of customer should be made based on customer lifetime value (CLV).,以客户终身价值为准则对客户重要程度进行识别。 +The proceedings will begin with a speech to welcome the guests.,大会议程首先是向来宾致欢迎辞。 +"We think the discussion in this month's article shows, once again, that JSF provides a flexible, powerful, and pluggable framework for Web application development.",我们认为本月文章中的讨论再次声明了以下这点,即 JSF 提供了一种灵活的、强大的可插入式 Web 应用程序开发框架。 +Your wife did not go home for a month. she must have had some sex with other men. Why do you need to be a good man?,朋友打趣地说道: “一起去嘛,你老婆都一个月没回家了,她不为你守贞洁,你还在这装什么好男人啊?” +"Lady Wang at once led her niece out of the back door, going west along a corridor and through a side gate to a broad road running from north to south.",王夫人忙携黛玉从后房门由后廊往西,出了角门,是一条南北宽夹道。 +"Attorney-General rose to spin the rope, grind the axe, and hammer the nails into the scaffold.",此时,检察长先生站起身来,绞起了绞索,磨起了斧头,把钉子钉进了断头墩。 +"It abandoned independent front wheel springing but developed a new type of spring steel and, like Ford, moved the motor forward to improve the ride. Bodies are longer, roomier and pleasantly bulbous.",它抛弃了独立前轮悬架但开发了新型的弹簧钢,而且也象福特一样把马达前置来增强性能。 +"Jackley Carpet Co, Ltd is the famous professional carpet manufactory in the Southern Area of China.",【深圳市美吉利地毯有限公司】 美吉利地毯是华南地区最大的专业地毯生产企业。 +"They flew more than 60 million miles in every type of aircraft -- from the PT-17 and AT-6 trainers, the fastest attack planes like the A-24 and A-25 or heavy bombers such as B-17s or B-29s.",他们操作各种飞行器,飞行里程超过6千万英里,飞行机型从训练机PT-17和AT-6、到最快的攻击机A-24 和A-25、重型轰炸机如B-17s 和 B-29s. +"An architecture identifies the major components and their interactions, the dependencies between components, and traceability from these components to the requirements that they realize.",一个软件构架确定了主要的组件和它们之间的交互作用,两个组件之间的依赖性以及这些组件对于需求的可追溯性。 +Jamie Raskin presents the arguments for adapting the Electoral College system to ensure that election results reflect the national popular vote.,杰米·拉斯金(Jamie Raskin)主张改革选举团制度,确保选举结果如实反映全国民意。 +"Forget the 15-second ""elevator speech"" you've heard about, RoAne says. ""In less than nine seconds you should give the benefit of what you do, but not the title.",忘记你听说的那些15秒钟的电梯演讲,RoAne说:“在九秒之内,你应该介绍你工作能够带来的利益,而不仅仅是工作的头衔。 +"Emmanuel Adebayor came closest for City with a shot from outside the area that was well saved by Pepe Reina, while Martin Skrtel should have scored for the Reds just before the break.",阿德巴约大禁区外的远射差点先拔头筹,但是雷纳奋力把球扑出,然而上半场临近结束前斯科特尔头球差点为利物浦首开纪录。 +"No one in Baltimore really wants to know the visitor's identity. They prefer that it remain a mystery, much like Edgar Allan Poe himself.",巴尔的摩没有人真正地想知道这个人到底是谁,他们宁愿这一切仍然是那么的神秘,就像爱德加。爱伦。波自己一样。 +Objective To investigate the treatment effect ivens sof selective rhizotomy of brachial plexus for spastic cerebral palsy in the upper extremities in an experimental model.,目的探讨选择性臂丛神经根切断术治疗上肢痉挛性脑瘫疗效的实验研究。 +The core metadata is an adaptation of the CWM metadata definition that defines OLAP metadata in a vendor-neutral manner.,核心元数据由 CWM 元数据定义改编而来,后者以独立于供应商的方式定义 OLAP 元数据。 +"The dispersion relations of superluminal waves for the longitudinal collective modes in unmagnetized, collisionless and homogeneous relativistic electron-positron plasmas are derived.",导出了无磁化无碰撞各向同性相对论正负电子对等离子体纵波的色散关系。 +"The disk_total_space() function returns the total space, in bytes, of the specified directory.",函数的作用是:返回一个指定目录的磁盘总大小,以字节数表示。 +People on the Dukan diet also have to exercise every day.,除了饮食控制,还要多运动,不准搭电梯。 +The bank processes the transaction and updates the passbook.,银行处理这个交易然后更新存折。 +"Starting with one aspect from them-the differences of subject. the paper analyses it between English and Chinese, as well as provides some inspirations on English teaching.",文章从其中一个方面-英汉主语差异入手,对英汉主语差异进行分析,并得出对我国英语教学的一些启示。 +"Preserved the space in he that broad mind world for the opposite principle, by suits the dissimilar condition.",在他那广阔的心灵世界里为相反的原则留存了空间,以适合不同条件。 +When .NET 4.0 was released the most common scenario was fork-join style programming such as seen with Parallel.ForEach and Parallel LINQ.,NET 4.0发布的时候,���常见的情形是分支合并(fork-join)样式的编程,就像我们在Parallel.ForEach和Parallel LINQ中看到的那样。 +Objective: To explore the relationship between the processing of semen cuscutae and the contents of its effective components flavonoids and polysaccharides.,目的:探讨菟丝子不同炮制品中的有效成分总黄酮、多糖的含量关系。 +"So some people believe that Christians, precisely because they wanted to proof text a lot, they wanted to run around through a lot of different texts, they actually invented the codex.",所以有些人认为,想核对经文的基督教徒,需要查阅很多不同的经文,于是他们发明了抄本。 +Lazio coach Delio Rossi was happy to praise captain Massimo Oddo after last night's 3-0 derby defeat of Roma.,在德比战中3:0击溃罗马之后,拉齐奥教练罗西很高兴的表扬了球队的队长奥多。 +"""Every person's brain is as unique as their face, "" says Toga, who directs the Laboratory of Neuro Imaging and is observing the operation today from above his surgical mask.",Toga管理着神经影像实验室,今天正带着外科口罩观察着手术。 他说:每个人的大脑就像他们的面孔一样是独一无二的。 +"Initial rumours, among them that a trader had typed a sell order for 16 billion shares of Procter &Gamble instead of 16m, have been cast aside.",据说有位交易员在卖出宝洁股票时,把1600万股的指令敲错成160亿股,这种传闻已经消除。 +"He was trying to convince me Allen was a sniper who took such excellent care of himself, he would be burying game-winning jumpers well into his late 30s.",他想让我相信,雷阿伦是高超的射手,有能力把一切都安排得井井有条,即使三十好几,也能把那些比赛中起决定作用的射手一一击败。 +Mizuho Financial Group Inc. is ramping up its operations in fast-growing Asian countries as it looks to win more advisory work from Japanese companies that are focusing on overseas markets for growth.,日本瑞穗金融集团(Mizuho Financial Group Inc。)正大举扩张其在亚洲快速增长国家的业务,希望从专注于海外市场获得增长的日本公司那里赢得更多咨询工作。 +"Some Afghans who spoke to VOA also expressed criticism that the foreign community does little to provide long-term opportunities for them, instead focusing too much on security or war fighting.",一些接受美国之音采访的阿富汗人也批评说,外国社团几乎没有为他们提供长期机会,他们只是把注意力集中在安全与打仗方面。 +"Presents the significance in VWV operating of water loop heat pumps. With an example, proposes the configuration and control mode of water pumps of the VWV system.",阐述了水环热泵系统变水量运行的意义。结合工程实例,提出了变水量系统的水泵配置及控制方式。 +"In the case of bloggers, we invest all of our time into getting attention, but many of us never get around to monetizing that attention.",我们把自己所有的时间投进去来引起关注,但是我们当中很多人都从未曾把这些关注转化为收入。 +Lingling:Wow! You're going to be really famous!,李玲:哇!你要真的出名了! +The passing of the Tevatron may cause the shedding of a manly (and womanly) tear or two amongAmerica's physicists.,粒子加速器的离去,可能会使得很多美国物理学家失去男子气和女子气或者两者都失去。 +"In his book Wild at Heart John Eldredge says there comes a point in every boy's life when he asks himself, ""Do I have what it takes?""",约翰.艾杰奇在他的著作《我心狂野》中指出,每一个男孩子人生中,总有一刻他会问自己:「我能否胜任?」 +"Dr. Nancy Ott, a physician with Southdale Pediatrics in Edina, Minn., has seen ""a lot more desperate calls"" over the past four to six years.",南希.奥特,是明尼苏达州伊迪纳南塔杨儿科的一名内科大夫,在过去的4到6年间,接到了“更多的紧急求救电话”。 +"To clear out the disease-ridden fungi from your soil, throw it in a paper bag, then toss it in the microwave.",要从土壤中清理致病的霉菌,把它放进一个纸袋里,然后在微波炉中摇匀。 +I go to the barbershop.,我到理发店去。 +I'll give you something extra if you'll shine my shoes.,你若替我擦皮鞋,我还会多给你一点儿。 +"Note: 1 Delegates, who haven't remitted registration fee before the symposium, could pay on the spot. 2 Accommodation of delegates are arranged at Jiuhua Spa & Resort.",注:1 未汇款代表可与参会报道当日办理有关手续。2 会议代表食宿在九华山庄统一安排。 +"An ideal integrated risk management should discern, measure and control risks on the firm -wide level.",一个理想的全面风险管理体系应站在企业全局的角度去识别、度量和管理风险。 +The pantaloons (18) which I now wear were woven in a farmer's family — thank Heaven there is so much virtue still in man;,我���在所穿的一条裤子是在一个农民的家里织成的——谢谢天,人还有这么多的美德哩; +That's a question of making sure that we understand the economics and policies on a community-by-community basis.,问题的关键在于我们要以整个社会为基础考量经济状况和政策。 +"The average concentrating coefficients of the vegetables for Cd, Cu and Zn were 0.017, 0.116 and 0.014, respectively.",结果表明蔬菜对镉的平均富集系数为0.017,锌的平均富集系数为0.116。铜的平均富集系数为0.014。 +You ought to go to Hollywood and audition for the title role in a new movie: The Return of King Kong.,你应该去好莱坞试演那部新电影《金刚归来》的主角。 +"The survey's barometer of current economic conditions was 85.3 in December, up from 82.1 percent in November but below a forecast of 86.",此份调查显示12月的当前经济状况指数为85.3,高于11月的85.3,低于预期的86。 +"The assassination of President Lincoln in April 1865, which she witnessed, was nearly more than she could bear.",她亲眼目睹了1865年林肯总统被暗杀,这已超出其所称承受之极限。 +"Our Front Country Adventure collection uses anti-fatigue technology to keep your feet feeling energized throughout the day, whether you're walking, exploring or trekking.",我们的前国家探险集合使用抗疲劳技术,让你的脚感觉全天通电,不管你是走路,探索或徒步旅行。 +The garden chair unfolds to make a camp-bed .,花园中的椅子打开可以当行军床用… +"'I think this is a big challenge to the Chinese government now, ' said Isaac Mao, a blogging pioneer in China.",中国最早的博客作者之一毛向辉(Isaac Mao)说,我认为这对中国政府是一个严峻挑战。 +"Begin depositing into it regularly, at least $100 per paycheck but more if you can.",定期在发薪水的时候存入100美元,如果可能越多越好。 +"Everything goes well to me, but the Lion City lacks something important to me - autumn and winter. They are my favourite seasons, which are also the fashion seasons of the year.",在狮城, 好像一切都很美好, 但这里仍是美中不足, 没有我最喜爱的秋天和冬天- 两个浪漫的季节, 同时是变换时装的时节。 +"All products carry with the paper work , certificate logo and cards.",所有产品随身携带的文件,证书及标识卡。 +Remember the castle-like village in the Italian Alps that I mentioned?,还记得我前面提到的在意大利阿尔卑斯的城堡式小村庄么? +ZTE said at the time the letter was a mischaracterization of the company and Huawei said it has no current ties to the Chinese government or military.,中兴当时说这封信误解了公司的角色,华为说它与中国政府或军方没有任何联系。 +"If you hope to make it with theory of what people are and how people work, you have to explain and talk about language.","如果你想要理解关于人类本质,及其行为模式的理论,就必须得探讨并解释语言" +Solitude is the salt of personhood. It brings out the authentic flavor of every experience.,独处是人生的趣味所在,它让人感受到所有经历的真实韵味。 +The root causes are the double standard taken to external factors and quasi-public characteristic of farm produce in china's present agricultural insurance.,其根本原因在于农业保险的双重外部性和准公共产品特性,商业性经营难以成功运作。 +"Therefore, I hope they could help each other and learn from each other.",所以我希望他俩能命相帮助,取长补短。 +"The palate is very clean and fruit friendly, medium body with firm but textured tannins. The wine has the ability to reward in the medium term, 5-8 years if cellared correctly.",口感新鲜,果香宜人,中度的酒体内呈现出结构良好的单宁,而且与酸度平衡得恰到好处,此酒陈放5-8年为宜。 +"Each team will decide which Finalists exemplify the key principles of design excellence and will make recommendations to the jury as a whole for Gold, Silver and Bronze winners.",每组评审员将决定哪些决赛者能够代表优秀设计的主要原则,每组评审员同时向整个评委建议金、银和铜奖得主。 +"Bentsen and Panetta wanted as much deficit reduction as we could pass in Congress, an amount less than Gore and Rivlin advocated, but still a lot.",本特森和帕内塔希望尽量削减赤字,国会通过多少,就减多少。 他们提出的减税幅度比戈尔和瑞芙琳提议的要小一些,但仍然数额不小。 +She would go to the mineral springs along with mud baths several times per week to help with her toxicity level due to her choice to ascend as rapidly as physically possible.,她会每周数次去矿物温泉或泥巴浴,来帮助处理她因尽身体所能承受之快地提升所带来的毒素。 +"In this thesis, we construct a MaxiCode decoding system, and we implement it on the camera mobile phone.",在本论文中,我们提出了一个牛眼码的解码系统,并实作于照相手机上。 +The children made the house at sixes and sevens.,那些孩子把家里搞得乱七八糟。 +And remember that open source software is also a freeware alternative.,请记住,开放源代码软件也是一个免费的选择。 +Last month's column introduced Mover to simplify the process of adding automatic content generation.,上个月的专栏文章中介绍了 Mover ,其用于简化添加自动内容生成的过程。 +"Sweeter than wine, softer than a summer night.",甜蜜胜过葡萄酒,轻柔赛过仲夏夜。 +"Through the analysis of development experience and the lackness of Kingyue company, it can bring reference to the development of other small and medium-sized enterprises.",通过对金曰公司发展过程中经验和不足的分析,对其他中小型施工企业的发展有借鉴意义。 +"In addition, the cells'breakaway and mergence have a connection with the perturbation of the jet in low atmosphere.",单体的合并也起了一定的作用,而且单体的分离合并与低空急流的脉动有关。 +We wanted him (Recoba). Adriano was never offered to us and our targets were others: the Chino. I never thought about the Brazilian because we're complete.,我们需要雷科巴,我们从来没有得到阿德的报价,我们的目标是另一个人:雷科巴。因为都灵的阵容已经完整了,所以我从来没有考虑过巴西人。 +"Ren Yi, General Manager of ICD, commented: “This is an exciting development for everyone at ICD and I believe it will help to secure our future growth and success in the Chinese UHMWPE fiber market.",ICD的总经理任意说,这对我们ICD的每一位员工来说都是令人振奋的发展,我相信这将确保未来我们在中国UHMWPE纤维市场上取得增长与成功。 +"Before coming to teach at DOS , I worked full-time in International Trade.",在来多思之前,我在一个国际贸易公司工作。 +"Due to the higher altitude, thin air, gravity is small and specially designed 18-hole par 72 8415 yards of the ball path length has been identified as a world record.",因海拔较高,空气稀薄,地心吸力小而特别设计的十八洞72杆8415码的球道长度已被证实为一项世界记录。 +"He pretends to understand, but as a matter of fact he doesn't.",他装懂,实在并没懂。 +"Should a thought so fatal and unmanly possess the colonies in the present contest, the name of ancestors will be remembered by future generations with detestation.",在这场斗争中,如果这种致命而又软弱的思想在殖民地占据了统治地位,那么我们这些先人将会被后代唾骂。 +What strategies have helped you deal with in-laws?,你用什么办法对待你的姻亲呢? +"China is fully aware that the illicit trade of small arms and light weapon (SALW) causes regional instability, fuels humanitarian crisis.",轻小武器非法贸易问题引发地区动荡和严重人道主义问题。 +We must allow half an hour for lunch.,我们必须给出半小时来吃午饭。 +"Also, swabbing your copy of ""Lost Weekend"" with Stoli instead of fussing with a Discwasher kit is a lot more manly .",此外,用史托利伏特加取代碟片清洁组来擦拭《消失的周末》会更有男子气慨。 +"Rub it into all areas, including under the fingernails.",摩擦它入所有区域,包括在指甲盖之下。 +The goal that the author studied marketing problem and countermeasure of Tiandi company is to raise products sales volume fast and achieve profits to avoid loss for long times.,本文对天地公司营销问题及其对策研究的目的是要使公司尽快提高产品销量,实现公司扭亏为盈。 +"Mitch Hightower, the organizer of the so-called ""nude-in,"" said it was not intended as a protest against the proposal.","米奇·海托是这场所谓“咱们一起秀裸体”(""nude-in"")活动的组织者。 他声称此次活动并非是为了抗议那个提案。" +"S. Department of Energy says Illinois' nuclear-generation capacity is greater than that of any other state, and of most nations in the world.",美国能源部表示,伊利诺斯州的核发电能力强于其他任何州和世界上大多数国家。 +"Bunnies, eggs, Easter gifts and fluffy, yellow chicks in gardening hats all stem from pagan roots.",小兔子,复活蛋,复活节礼物,草帽里嫩黄色毛茸茸的小鸡都来源于清教。 +"So I gave you some numbers I made up actually a long time ago, but since I've been using this game in class, somebody went out and checked.","我列举的数字都是我很久前编出来的,在我需要在课上引用数字的时候就有了,有人还为此做了调查" +This example uses the BLOCKQUOTE element to set off a quotation that renders as indented text.,示例代码下面的例子使用了BLOCKQUOTE 元素将文本设置为引用语,效果是缩进显示。 +"The death toll in the earthquake jumped Thursday to more than 51,000, and more than 29,000 are missing, according to government figures.",官方数据显示,到星期四为止,地震已经夺去了51,000人的生命,另外有29,000多人失踪。 +"Teeth don't have skin, so it was likely an allusion to something small or so thin that it was insubstantial.",然而牙齿并没有皮肤,所以这一说法可能代指小、纤薄而不重要的东西。 +"The coin that was in widest use was the Spanish Peso , known also as ""ieces of Eight"" because it could be divided into eight pie-like pieces.",最广泛使用的是西班牙比索,也称之为“八片币”,因为它可以分成包子状的八块。 +"The attack took many by surprise, because few had anticipated that the major detractor of the faith would be one of our own.",这一攻击使许多人非常惊奇,因为很少人料想到信仰的主要诽谤者竟是我们自己中间的一位。 +"Experiments have suggested that the body vibrations caused by snoring can increase potentially damaging inflammation in the linings of arteries, she explains.",实验表明打鼾引起的身体震动会增加动脉血管炎的潜在危害,她解释道。 +"I’m now a full-time blogger, thanks to the mantra, and thanks of course to all of you.",现在我是个全职的博客者了,感谢这句梵语,当然也感谢你们所有人。 +"The story of ""Three Visits to the Hut"" happened in Gu Long Zhong.",刘备“ 三顾茅庐”的故事就是发生在古隆中。 +"You can use these benefits, tailored by industry, to help you profit by creating new leads and closing deals.",你可以使用这些被行业订制的有利资源来帮助你的公司获得利润。 +The auto enterprise refers to an enterprise that manufactures and sells the whole unit of an automobile.,广州中扬汽车空调配件厂是一家专业生产汽车空调压缩机的高科技现代化企业。 +"AIMEE is from French, meaning a lovely gal.",AIMEE 来自法语,意为可爱的人。 +One of the worst military miscalculations is to have a country whose population believes it can win with little effort.,最糟糕的一个军事误判是有一个国家的人口相信能赢举手之劳。 +"This is a critical point where mango producers need to wrap with plastic bag each mango to prevent scars, disease and pests.",这是个关键的时辰,由于每一只芒果都需求用塑料袋包裹妥当以避免外表发生划痕或病虫。 +"At any time during the call, the customer may click the ""cancel"" button to invoke the ""cancelCall"" or ""endCall"" operation to cancel or terminate the call identifier respectively.",在呼叫过程中,客户可以随时单击“取消”按钮来调用“cancelCall”或“endCall”操作来分别取消或终止呼叫标识符。 +"When you communicate with someone for the first time, you should keep in mind basic emojis, such as ""Chuckle"" , ""Grin"" , ""Applause"" and ""Likes"" , to behave politely.",和别人第一次聊天时,你应该记住要使用以下这些基本表情符号:“偷笑” , “开心” ,“鼓掌” ,“点赞” 。这些表情能让你显得更有礼貌。 +"That tells us the direction of spontaneous change for ordinary processes, chemical processes, mixing and you name it, under conditions that are easy to achieve in the lab.","这个物理量告诉我们在实验室,能够实现的条件下通常的过程,化学过程,混合以及你所能想到的过程,自发进行的方向。" +"If I didn’t even recognize my husband, it goes without saying that I didn’t recognize elder sister Chen Yu either, who was sleeping in the opposite bed, or my daughter and grandson, who came in later.",连文藻都不认识了,更不用说睡在我对床的陈屿大姐和以后进到屋里来的女儿和外孙了! +This article sets foah the formation and the features of material price differences in project final accounts and its relative countermeasures.,本文介绍工程预决算中材料价差的形成和特点,以及相应业务处理的方法。 +"Trees across the tropics are getting bigger and offering unexpected help in the fight against climate change, scientists have discovered.",科学家们发现热带地区不断生长的树木在抵御气候变暖的问题上提供了意外的帮助。 +Part of the funding for the teams research comes from DARPA's Efficient Mid-Infrared Laser program.,这次研制工作是在美国国防部高级研究计划局(DARPA)的资助下进行的,是该部高能效中红外激光研发项目中的一部分。 +"""Even if you're afraid, you have to drink,"" said Zhou Genger, the mother of a 15-year-old girl who is mentally retarded and has a hunchback.",周梗儿(音译,Zhou Genger)表示,“就算你感到害怕,你也要喝水啊。” 她15岁的女儿智力迟钝,而且驼背,口齿不清。 +"The utility model has the advantages of high cocoon picking speed, high efficiency, no jamming, low cost, and the like, and the pane clusters are not easy to be damaged.",本实用新型具 有摘茧快、效率高、不犯卡、不易损坏方格蔟、成本低等优点。 +I am used to treating this kind of thing with the needed distance and I do not want to make a fuss.,我认为在球场上才是重要的,我完全坚持我所说的和做的。”“我习惯以一个所需的距离来对待这类事情,我不想大惊小怪。 +This article introduces the CCUT graduation design with the 80C51 single chip computer. This design combines with scientific research object.,这里介绍的是如何用80C51单片机来实现长春工业大学的毕业设计,该设计是结合科研项目而确定的设计类课题。 +What does pepperbox alias call Chinese traditional medicine again?,中药急性子别名又叫什么? +"And I said, ""Gee, that's really - physics in action-- It's 801 all the way.""","我心说:天,这简直是,在做物理实验-,和我讲801课一样" +"Ye Lingqing, da-zhi Lin and Bai Cong snow will treasure tree save down, cleaning the battlefield, Bai Cong snow with guerrillas car left, Ye Lingqing has quietly away.",叶凌青、林大志和白丛雪将宝树解救下来,打扫战场,白丛雪便带着游击队车撤离了,叶凌青也悄悄离去。 。 +"When Haydn came to England in 1791–1792 and 1793–1794, he conducted his London Symphonies (numbers 93 to 101), which he had written specifically for this room.",在公元1791-1792年和公元1793-1794年间,当海顿来到英国时他指挥演奏了伦敦交响曲,这是他专门为这个房间而谱写的。 +"In the daytime, I am a motor-park tout at Iddo, but at night I am a robber.",我白天在易多一家停车场打工,晚上就去抢劫。 +"Film forming of latex coatings needs latex article deformation and molecule chains dispersion, bending and entangling mutually and driving force to form film.",乳胶漆的成膜需要乳胶粒子变形、分子链相互扩散和弯曲,以至相互缠绕,讨论了其成膜的驱动力。 +"Each step in a path expression can also contain a predicate that filters the elements that are returned by that step, retaining only elements that satisfy some condition.",路径表达式中的每一步还可以包含一个谓词,用于过滤该步返回的元素,只保留满足某种条件的元素。 +"Well, back to business, now appear in front of you is complex.",好,回到正题,现在呈现在您面前的就是祈谷坛的完整建筑群。 +Put leeks and chicken fillets into bamboo skewers in alternate manners.,用竹签将鸡柳及大�相隔串起。 +"The externally applied aprotinin has its sedative and anti-inflammatory effects, and is also effective in the treatment of viral infection.",外用药有镇静消炎作用,病毒性感染的治疗作用。 +As a vulnerable group-their reproductive health security needs many-faceted support and help.,妇女是社会弱势群体,其生育健康的保障需要多方面的支持和帮助。 +Objective To observe the anti - arrhythmic effects of Water Extract Liquid of ShenBai with different constituents.,目的研究不同组成的参白汤对实验性心律失常的作用。 +"At last, to interpretate and analyze intensively on the medical philosophy thought, i. e. , the relationship of the Unlimited Cosmos Alt…",最后,对巨著书中叙述的世界无限“六元”与人体的有限“六元”之间的关系等医学哲学思想进行分析。 +"“With Huawei being in Santa Clara, ” Matthews continued, “we know that your future is as bright as the 300 days of sunshine you will get.”","华为在圣克拉拉"",马修斯说道,我知道你们的未来将会如同圣克拉拉一年中300天的晴天一样明亮。" +"The influences of the dosage of HEA (or HPA, GMA)and ratio of component A and B on the capability of two-component acrylate adhesive were studied.",研究了自交联丙烯酸酯的用量及A组分与B组分的配比对双组分丙烯酸酯胶粘剂性能的影响。 +"They shook and pulled, but the restraining string and the cumbersome tail kept them in tow, facing upward and against the wind.",它们摇摆着、拉扯着,但牵引线以及粗笨的尾巴使它们处于控制之中,并且迎风而上。 +"In the sampled DNA, the researchers looked for evidence of a harmful molecular change that short-circuits the function of two genes normally effective at halting tumor growth.",在DNA样品中,研究者发现了有害的分子改变,两个通常能阻止肿瘤生长的基因失去功能。 +"After the typical classification of mine water, the general treatments and utilizations technologies are expounded. The ways of mine water conversing resource in Fuxin mining area are studied.",阐述了矿井水的典型分类和各类矿井水的一般处理方法与利用方式,进而对阜新矿区矿井水资源化途径进行研究。 +"Among gorilla groups, which are dominated by one large male 'silverback', both males and females tend to strike out.",在由一个巨大的雄性“银背”猩猩统治的群体里,雌性和雄性都趋向于离开。 +One ought to be interested and to take action on behalf of the polis.,"个人应当服从集体的利益,并代表集体的利益行事" +Andy Sachs: Wish me luck!,小安���祝我好运! +"There are many other games you can play""strip"" to, as long as there is regular winner and loser to rewardand punish respectively.",你也可以在其他游戏中表演脱衣,通常只需要能分出胜负,而后可实施奖惩。 +"In the face of the years placed under the table, we smile at each other politely urges to drink, as if all did not say love and sadness, were collected in sentence behind.",面对着岁月摆下的筵席,我们相互微笑殷勤地劝酒,仿佛所有没说的爱恋与不舍,都收藏在语句的背后。 +A traditional Beijing Opera the Story of White Snake which is well received by people tells a story that handed down from Ming Dynasty.,脍炙人口的传统京剧《白蛇传》讲的是传自明朝的故事。 +"When asked to rate the men's masculinity, the women agreed on who was top and who was bottom, and their rankings correlated with the testosterone levels from the swabs.",当被要求评判男人的男性程度时,她们对谁排第一谁排最后看法一致,而且她们的排名顺序同试纸测量的睾丸素含量顺序一致。 +"While that appeal has being put on hold for several month, the defendant, Tencent counter-sued Sohu for the same reason last week.",虽然这一上诉已被搁置数月,被告腾讯反诉,出于同样的原因。 +Perhaps that is why Arsenal's right-back Lauren Bisan-Etame Mayer smiles more than most highly-paid professional sportsmen.,或许这就是为什么阿森纳的右后卫劳伦比多数高薪职业球员还乐观的原因。 +In the absence of disturbances the surface temperature and basic currents are gradually set up by the excitement of solar radiation with an annual period.,在不计扰动的情况下,在具有年周期的太阳短波辐射的作用下,逐渐建立起下垫面纬圈平均温度梯度及基本气流。 +I hate a book full of dog ears.,我讨厌满是折角的书。 +The authors (propose) a stack-based HTML to XML transformation approach in order to simplify information extraction task.,提出了一种基于栈结构的将HTML页面转换成XML格式的方法,简化了HTML中的信息抽取问题。 +The selection of anticorrosive coatings for interior and exterior walls of oil tanks and their application processes are introduced.,介绍了储油罐内壁和外壁防腐涂料选用及施工方法。 +"And the sea came nearer, and sought to cover him with its waves, and when he knew that the end was at hand he kissed with mad lips the cold lips of the Mermaid and the heart that was within him brake.",海渐渐逼近了,企图用浪头将他覆盖。 当他见到死期将近,他疯狂地吻着美人鱼冰凉的嘴唇,内里的心却碎了。 +Any preparation rule not followed is grounds for team disqualification.,任何不遵守以上规则的参赛队将被取消参赛资格。 +It was found that hydrogen peroxide and potassium permanganate were unable to efficiently remove the saccharin in the bright nickel plating bath.,结果表明:采用双氧水、高锰酸钾氧化不能有效去除糖精; +"Markets with higher Internet participation will obviously lead the way, as will markets with higher subscriber penetration.",具有更高互联网参与度的地区显然会领跑,具有更高的用户普及率的地区也会如此。 +"Mr. Medvedev, who is on a visit to China, appointed Deputy Mayor Vladimir Resin as acting mayor.",梅德韦杰夫正在中国访问,他任命副市长雷欣为代理市长。 +Alexios Komnenos should probably be credited with making the grants of pronoia a regular feature of imperial policy and connecting them specifically with a demand for military service.,我们可以相信是阿莱克修斯·科穆宁将授予普洛尼亚权利看作是帝国政策的一个基本特征的,并且,也是他特别将这些权利与要求提供军事服务联系在一起。 +"Kanzi invited me, though he did so in his customary clipped way.",坎兹邀请我,但他这样做是他的习惯修剪方法。 +It later turned out he was on felony probation from Florida for vehicular manslaughter.,后来才知道,这名暴徒是一名来自佛罗里达的车祸过失致死案的缓刑犯。 +You should see your test case added to the list in the section detail (Figure 9).,您将会在段落细节中看到添加至列表的测试用例(图 9)。 +"And regardless of the ultimate fate of the mandate, the statuary language of Obamacare bestows unprecedented discretionary power upon the federal bureaucrats charged with its implementation.",尽管最终命运是强制实施,“Obamacare”医疗法案的雕塑艺术的表达能力授予了史无前例的新政酌情权因为联邦政府对它实行的法案负责。 +The Client A nd Design Consultant waive claims for consequential A nd economic damages arising out of the Project.,业主与设计顾问自动放弃对因本项目而引起的间接和经济损害的索赔权。 +"And Russian military data shows that more than half of applicants have health problems, with one third deemed not suited for service。",���俄军有关资料显示,目前近半数应征入伍者存在健康问题,1/3应征入伍者不适合服兵役。 +"Then began the panic attacks, gut-wrenching pain, extreme fear approaching agoraphobia, pounding heart, shakes, crawling skin, vice-like tension in my neck, the list goes on and on.",随后开始的心慌,肠道疼痛(像极了广场恐怖症),心动过速,颤抖和皮肤骚痒等让我痛苦不堪。 +Objective To investigate the expression of BP1 gene in patients with acute leukemia and its significance.,目的探讨BP1基因在急性白血病患者中的表达及其临床意义。 +It resulted in two basic organizational systems - the unit system and the street system in city.,在城市,组织化的结果是产生了两种基层组织制度,即单位制度和街居制度。 +"But analysts say the ruling may also fail to placate the yellow-shirted, anti-government People's Alliance for Democracy (Pad), despite the celebrations at the airports today.",但分析人士表示,判决同样无法安抚反政府的黄衫军“人民民主同盟”(民盟),虽然他们今天有在机场举行庆祝。 +"Well, not every way we can -- for one of the best ways to help Haiti is to allow some Haitians to move abroad.",但我们并没有全力以赴,因为帮助海地人民最好的办法就是允许他们移居国外。 +"During implementing process, we should simplify present teaching material, share the teaching and training and focus on application.",在实施过程中,应简化现行教材,讲训相依,强化应用。 +"Grown in semi-desert condition with less than 300mm of rainfall, the wines from this tiny region are cultivated in the country's warmest appellation.",用来酿造他们的葡萄生长在降雨量不到300毫米的半干旱条件下,这个小小的地区是加拿大最热的地方。 +"""What does Mr. Darcy mean, "" said she to Charlotte, ""by listening to my conversation with Colonel Forster?""",且说当时伊丽莎白对夏绿蒂说:“你瞧,达西先生是什么意思呢,我跟弗斯脱上校谈话,干吗要他在那儿听?” +"She held out her hand, he kissed it with affectionate gallantly .",她伸出手来,他亲切而殷勤地吻了一下。 +"Almost all the classical methods of numerical differentiation, numerical quadrature and numerical integration of ordinary differential equations are directly derivable from interpolation formulas .",几乎所有的经典数值微分、数值求积和常微分方程的数值积分公式都可以从插值公式推导出来。 +"Furthermore this paper points out the partial reasons, which cause the imperfection of laws and regulations on the China's football and constraint on its development.",从法律学的角度分析 ,指出中国足球改革法律建设的不完善 ,制约影响了中国足球发展的部分原因。 +"For the study, researchers at Osaka International University and Kobe University in Japan recruited a pool of trained athletes, male and female, as well as the same aged group of untrained volunteers.",该项研究中,来自大阪国际国大学和神户大学的研究人员招纳了一批训练有素的运动员,有男性也有女性,以及另外一批同年龄的未经训练的志愿者。 +Duan Li is a Chinese delegation at the Paralympics the only one servicemen.,李端是本届残奥会中国代表团内唯一一名现役军人。 +My blog also has a few regular readers whom I don't know in real life.,通过一些留言,我也知道有几个我在现实生活中不认识的朋友常上我的部落。 +Love is believing that you will never intentionally hurt me. I believe that our love has a kind of natural mutual-ness.,爱,也相信你不会故意伤害我。我相信我们之间的爱有一种天然的互补性。 +"Yea, the stork in the heaven knoweth her appointed times; and the turtle and the crane and the swallow observe the time of their coming; but my people know not the judgment of the LORD.",斑鸠燕子与白鹤也守候当来的时令。 我的百姓却不知道耶和华的法则。 +He used to borrow money and not bother to pay it back.,他老是借钱而不急于还钱。 +"His autobiography, titledMy Success Can Be Replicated, has been reprinted five times since its release in 2008.",他的自传题为《我的成功可以被复制》,在2008出版以来已经翻印5次。 +"It's as if ""I'm looking forward to the best day of my life"" flies right off the 3)cliche-o-meter.",这时,“我盼望着一生中最美好的那一天”立刻就成了陈词滥调。 +"This is a spiritual concept describing Jerusalem as the ""mother"" of the true servants of God who have God and Christ abiding in their hearts through faith.",这是属灵的概念,把耶路撒冷形容为神的真正仆人的“母亲”,因着信心他们有神和基督住在心中。 +The rain had nothing to do with my DNF.,大雨与我的退出没有任何关联。 +"Good teachers are costly, but bad teachers cost more. -Bob Talbert.",好老师价值连城,坏老师毁人不倦。 。���—美国演员塔伯特。 +He built a bicycle shed.,他盖了一间自行车棚。 +"Comprehensive, intra-prostate injection and simple drug treatment of 60 cases of chronic bacterial prostatitisare reported.",报告慢性细菌性前列腺炎综合治疗、前列腺内注射治疗和单纯药物治疗60例对照分析。 +BGT:What advice and tips do you have for a roaster who just getting start?,对于刚开始烘焙工作的朋友们,有没有甚麽建议或提示? +"The value of one's life should be measured by how much good he does to society, not how long he lives in the world.",一个人生命的价值应由其对社会的贡献大小来衡量而不应由其生命的长短来衡量。 +"The Multiple Signal Classification algorithm(MUSIC) has been studied, but it is based on processing the signals from the elements of the array, and hence the computational cost is large.",已经有人研究了矢量水听器阵的高分辨谱估计方法(MUSIC算法),但属于对阵元域信号进行的直接处理,运算量较大。 +There is a equilibrium point of quantity for both multiplication interaction and compensation interaction.,无论相乘作用还是相杀作用,都有一个量的平衡点。 +"With that behind them, they can ever after say what they have to say in a language ""understanded of the people"".",那之后,他们就可以用“被大众所理解”的语言去说他们需要说的东西了。 +"The relative axial motions between cyliner and roller are composed of spiral motion, elastic slide and frictional slide.",简体与滚轮之间的轴向相对运动由螺旋运动、弹性滑动和摩擦滑动三种方式组成。 +"The output voltage of molten carbonate fuel cell (MCFC) stack should be constant in order to ensure the system being operated reliably, effectively and safely.",为保证熔融碳酸盐燃料电池(MCFC)电堆可靠、高效和安全地运行,要求保持输出电压的恒定。 +"When the Dragon first met Chihiro was surprised, he has forgotten his name but remember Chihiro's name.",当白龙第一次见到千寻的时候就很吃惊,他忘记了自己的名字却记得千寻的名字。 +"For any creditor's right determined as not fitting the relevant state provisions, the administrative liquidating group shall notify the creditor concerned of the unfitness .",经甄别确认不符合国家收购规定的,行政清理组应当告知申报的债权人。 +They hope the game will trigger purchases of PS3s by first-time game players.,索尼希望这款游戏能吸引那些初次接触电视游戏的玩家购买PS3主机。 +"Conclusion Targeted nano ultrasound contrast agents are specific and sensitive, nanoscale for ultrasound microbubble contrast enhancement is completely feasible.",结论 靶向超声纳米 对比剂具有特异性和敏感性,纳米级微泡造影剂用于超声造影增强是完全可行的。 +"US has15000 aircraft, , Chinahas about 3000. US more then a 1000 nuclear missiles on submarines alone. The USA has 19 aircraft carrier, China has one.",美国有15000架战机,中国有大概3000架,美国单单在潜艇里就有超过1000枚核弹,美国还有19艘航母,中国只有1艘。 +"She called down something about coal dust and sawdust, someone called back up to her, and she laughed.",她朝楼下说了一句煤灰和锯屑的话,有个人回了她一句,她发出笑声。 +"The big one holding 120 peoples, well-equipped with multimedia facilities such as first class acoustics equipments, over-head projectors etc.",能够容纳120余人的大会议室,设备先进,配备一流的音响、投影仪、背投等现代化的会议设备,可作为大型会议的多媒体操作平台。 +The transmissive efficiency of the system is measured.,实际测量了该系统的传输效率。 +"We can even mix geometric and organic lines together, for additional variety.",我们甚至可以将几何线和有机线合用,生出更多的变化来。 +"A mountain, 4,284.6 m (14,048 ft) high, in the San Juan Mountains of southwest Colorado.",美国科罗拉多西南圣·胡安山脉中一座高4,284米(14,048英尺)的山峰。 +The autumn wind is soughing in the trees.,秋风飒飒。 +"Your eyes close, I die; your eyes open, I come back to live.Your eyes close and open again and again, I die again andagain.",你的眼睛闭上,我就死了,你的眼睛睁开,我又活过来了,你眼睛眨呀眨,我就死去又活来。 +The effect of infectious diseases and parasitosis on per capita life expectancy arranged the 7th of death cause and the 6th formation resulting in the latent loss of longevity.,传染病与寄生虫病对人均期望寿命的影响在各死因中排第7位; 造成的潜在寿命损失排第6位。 +"Investors herd together in this way because, as John Maynard Keynes argued, they do not have a sure grasp of the future.",投资者会这样蜂拥入市的原因,正如约翰•梅纳德•凯恩斯5(John Maynard Keynes)所说,是人们对未来没有十足把握。 +"While many parents believe their children spend too much time in exam preparation, the belief that effort and hard work pay off is a powerful driver of student achievement.",虽然许多家长认为他们的孩子为准备考试花的时间太多,但 “种瓜得瓜、种豆得豆”的想法成为学生们勤学苦读的强大动力。 +"Article 10 Parents and other guardians shall protect minors from personal infringement, may not maltreat or abandon them, and may not discriminate the female or disabled minors.",第十条 父母或者其他监护人应当保护未成年人的人身不受侵犯,不得虐待、遗弃未成年人,不得歧视女性未成年人和残疾未成年人。 +Citing allusion is one of its characteristics.,善于用典是其特点之一。 +Give me back what I lost!,把我错失的爱带回来! +"GSTM1 and GSTT1 combined null genotype in HCC group and control group were 38.2% and 18.5%, the difference was significant (P<0.05).",GSTM1和GSTT1联合零基因型在肝细胞癌组与对照组分别为38.2%和18.5%,两组间差异有显著性意义(P<0.05)。 +None of your senses would be useful without the processing that occurs in the brain.,如果不经过脑的处理,你的所有感官都会变得毫无用处。 +"The brow furrows, the eyes narrow, the lip might even get bitten - you know confusion when you see it.",当你看到前额皱起来,眼睛眯起来,咬住嘴唇,你就知道,你看到了困惑这种情绪。 +"Today, I was in a car with my house-mate and friends after a long day of studying, when we pulled up at our place.",今天我跟室友和朋友们学习了一整天,一起开车回家。 +"When you are a top side and you have been there for years, you approach every game only thinking about winning and getting three points.",当你身在豪门并多年如此,你打每一场比赛的目的都是拿下对手,全取三分。 +"But our vomeronasal organ has apparently been rendered defunct by evolution, many scientists believe, though there's some uncertainty about this.",不过我们的犁鼻器在演化的过程中似乎已退化掉,为此许多科学家各持相反意见,对犁鼻器的存在与否仍保有不确定性。 +Methods: Give real time controlling and analysis on the net through the real time controlling system.,方法:通过医院医疗质量实时控制系统,对网上病案质量进行实时监控分析。 +Beijing Oriental Diligence Translation devotes itself to providing translations to an international standard.,北京东方德勤翻译奉献国际水准的翻译服务。 +"If especially serious consequences are caused, the offender shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not less than three years and not more than seven years.",造成特别严重后果的,处三年以上七年以下有期徒刑。 +"There are two bottle-necks during the process of securitization in the near future. One is institution obstacle, and the other is risk obstacle.",我国开展资产证券化过程中存在两个瓶颈,一是制度障碍,二是风险障碍。 +"The biggest killers in the desert are heatstroke and dehydration, which come on very quickly.",在沙漠中的最大杀手是中暑和脱水,这瞬间就会发生。 +"Misusing Company resources, your position, or influence to promote or assist an outside activities unrelated to your work.",误用的公司资源、您的位置, 或影响促进或协助外部活动无关对您的工作。 +Simulated examples show that the presented method is efficient and precise. The method also lays a foundation for NC verification and machining error control in 5-axis machining.,实例表明,所提出的计算方法高效精确,为复杂曲面五轴加工过程的动态模拟和加工误差的控制奠定了数学基础。 +"This time, she recognized the man in Luliang Guolanjun.",这个时候,她认识了吕梁男子郭兰军。 +"""I don't think the lives my parents had is an option for us anymore, "" laments Kai Ishii, a 26-year-old broker in Shizuoka Prefecture. ""I want to eventually get married and buy a house.",石井甲斐,26岁,静冈县的一名股票经纪人,叹道:“我认为,父母过的生活再也不会是我们可以选择的了。 +"For problem sets 1-4, the solutions are to be written out carefully and legibly, in good mathematical style.",对于作业1-4,解答要用严谨的数学格式仔细清晰的写下来。 +"It researches the corrosion resistant for 2.5 inch oil pipe. With the help of spraying sand device and self-retrieval technique, it designs spraying sand line of interior walls of steel pipe.",以2 5英寸防腐油管为研究对象,采用先进的喷射装置和砂粒的自动回收与分离技术,设计一条细长钢管内壁喷砂半自动作业线。 +"Our school held a school trip, that is to wuhan zoo visit.",我们学校举行了一次秋游,那就是到武汉动物园参观。 +"According the results of domestic and foreign research, this article attempted to construct the framework of agricultural life cycle assessment(ALCA) in China.",根据国内外研��成果,尝试建立农业生命周期评价框架。 +Write the name DATABOOK on the cover of your first exercise book.,把第一个练习本命名为“数据笔记(DATABOOK)”。 +"Therefore, to create an assign mapping, you can't create a connection between two parameters and change the type to assign (because a double-ended connection can't be an assign mapping).",因此,若要创建赋值映射,您不能在两个参数之间创建连接和更改要赋值的类型(因为双端连接不能是赋值映射)。 +Duplication checking is a precondition of document classification and it has direct effect on bibliography database construction.,查重是类分文献的先决条件,查重工作的质量对书目数据库的建设将产生直接的影响。 +"Our main objective is to provide our valued customer the best services and fashionable products such as dresses, skirts, jumpsuits, bags, necklaces, ear rings and so on.",我们的主要目标是为我们尊贵的客户提供最好的服务和时尚的产品,如服装,裙子,包包,项链,耳环等。 +"Thus, adjudication is a broad residual category that includes the great majority of agency decisions affecting private parties.",因此,裁决是一个广泛的后效范畴,涵盖绝大多数影响私人当事人的机关决定。 +Optimizing techniques of taro's Cultivation and application of fertilizers can affect taro's output and commodity.,优化芋艿栽培技术和配方施肥技术可以影响芋艿的产量和商品性。 +"The group of drugs most commonly associated with this side effect are anti-psychotic drugs, taken by patients with schizophrenia and other psychiatric disorders.",这组药物多数常伴有该副作用的是抗精神病药物,用于精神分裂及其他精神疾病。 +"According to the records kept in historical literature, Korea's attitudes towards the classical Chinese fiction ""The Romance of the Three Kingdoms"" have gone through a refusal-acceptance process.",根据文献中关于《三国演义》的记录,朝鲜对《三国演义》的态度,经历了否定和广泛接受的过程; +"'In a country where everything has been built within the past five to 10 years, just being new isn't enough, ' Starwood CEO Frits van Paaschen said in a recent interview in Beijing.",喜达屋酒店集团首席执行长帕萨岑(Frits van Paaschen)最近在北京接受采访时说,在一个一切都是在过去五到10年内建成的国家,仅仅做到“新”是不够的。 +Discover how their current patient education materials and processes may underachieve and test improvements.,目前发现他们是如何耐心教育的材料和工艺的改进和测试可能学习成绩不良。 +The next step is to exit the subroutine if no matches are found or reset the current tone and time records if a match is made.,下一步,如果未找到匹配,就退出子例程;或者如果找到匹配,就重设当前音调和时间记录。 +"Vladimir, 15, ended up in an orphanage and then was sent to a labor camp, where he soon perished.",15岁的弗拉基米尔进了孤儿院,后来被送到劳改营,不久死在那里。 +Amauri has always said he would love to play for Italy but he also warned he would represent the Selecao if he got the call from Carlos Dunga first.,阿毛里曾说过他将非常乐意为意大利效力,但他同时也警告说,如果先接到邓加的召唤,他将代表巴西比赛。 +Extraction of phycoerythrin from porphyry yezoensis by pulsed ultrasound was studied.,以条斑紫菜为原料,采用脉冲超声波提取藻红蛋白。 +"Speculative reports suggested his head was still on making a move back to Malaga before the end of the transfer window, despite Rangnick last week claiming his man was going nowhere.",据推测,劳尔之所以不在状态的原因是他的脑中想着另外一件事——在夏季转会窗口关闭之前能够转会马拉加。 尽管此前朗尼克曾作出声明,他的球员哪儿也不会去。 +They offered a reasoned approach in place of the fanciful and uncritical accounts of the poets.,他们用合理化的解释来代替诗人的想象和不加分析的传说。 +"All the products are made of high quality materials and meet Jixiang's exacting quality standards, and it ensures safety and hygiene while keeping low energy consumption.",所有产品均采用优质原材料制作,符合吉祥公司严格的质量标准,确保我们的设备安全、卫生、节能。 +"Then, MOBILE6 is used to derive corresponding emission factors by adjusting necessary input parameters.",同时使用了美国的MOBILE6软件,确定相对应的输入参数,得到相应排放因子。 +"This paper describes the paleomagnetism on middle Paleozoic rocks from western Zhe-jiang and southern Anhui of the Yangtze Plate, South China.",本文叙述了扬子板块浙西皖南中古生代岩石古地磁的特征。 +"These are individual health check-up sessions that will be provided to Intel Dalian employees, as well as to members from other employers.",这是英特尔员工自行选择任何日期参加的体检服务,您将和其他单位的员工一起参加体检。 +"It used to be that I was so busy that I didn't exercise much,",过去我也因为忙碌而很少锻炼, +Are you sure you want to interrupt the disc write operation? Some drives may require that you restart the computer to get them working again.,是否确定要中断光碟写入动作?某些烧录机可能要在系统重新启动后才会回复正常。 +"This is not an exception, it 's easy for backache, pad book also shall sit while.",这回仍不例外,管它腰疼不腰疼,垫本书也要坐会儿的。 +"Paul, who was hatched in Weymouth, England, may yet continue to dazzle the world with predictions from beyond the grave .",保罗生于英格兰韦茅斯,虽然它已经离世,但他生前的预测仍将影响后世。 +"With low-resistance grounding method of distribution network being popular in China, high impedance fault detection has attracted people's attention.",随着配电网中性点经小电阻接地的方式在我国推广,高阻抗故障的检测引起了人们的重视。 +"In this mode, four bottom pixels from the block above are copied vertically into part of an intra-coded macroblock.",在这种模式中,上方像素块中的四个底部像素被垂直拷贝至经过帧内编码的宏块中。 +"Euripides: Fine. So what do we need, about a thousand workstations?",好。那我们差不多要一千台工作站吧?。 +The Leo and Gemini have a high sex potential and they have to ensure that their sense of humor and mystery are simultaneously kept alive.,狮子座和双子座之间很可能擦出爱情的火花,他们所要做得,就是随时保持自己的幽默感和神秘感。 +"At the same time, the study describes the implementing effects of traditional sports school-based curriculum development.",同时,阐述了"民族传统体育"校本课程开发后的实施效果。 +Aristocracy: Wonder bonus reduced by 5% to 20%.,贵族政治:建造奇观的锤子加成降低至20%。 +"q What I've said is that Q translational is little q translational, that is, that 10 to the 30th number.","我说过这里的平动Q等于平动,等于10^30的N次方。" +She's always finding something new about which to get a bee in her bonnet.,她总能找到些新鲜事儿,产生一些新念头,这些念头好像她帽子里的蜜蜂一样,嗡嗡叫,挥之不去。 +So make sure you get pre-qualified before you shop.,所以确保你在你购买前先得到事先资格鉴定。 +In order to design the rain enhancement experiment in Shiyan of China a series of numerical simulation was conducted by using a 3D convective cloud model.,该文把三维对流云模式应用于湖北省西北部地区的对流云降水研究和人工增雨试验设计,并和张家口冰雹云个例的模拟进行了比较。 +The sodium ferric EDTA was a good iron source in bread.,乙二胺四乙酸铁钠为面包中适宜的铁强化剂。 +"This paper indicates that the authorized foreign books(process block)should belong to foreign books, and probes into the description of this kind of books.",分析了授权影印版西文图书应归属西文图书的原因,并对此类图书的著录进行了探讨。 +The Arabs wear robes.,阿拉伯人穿长袍。 +"Our company takes advanced equipment as backup forth and warm service as window, adds splendour to product package of enterprises all of the world.",本公司以高科技的先进设备为后盾,以热情备至的服务为窗口,为海内外企业产品包装增光添彩,奉献各界商客。 +"The quick-running ironless core DC industrial motor provides low moment of inertia for fast acceleration, and the specially designed planetary gear can run with high torque at low noise levels.",快速运转的无铁芯内核直流电工业引擎为高速的加速度提供了低转动惯量。特殊设计的行星齿轮可以低噪音水平高转矩地运作。 +"And I think law fits into that,",所以我觉得律师挺适合我的。 +"According to genesis of tourmaline, it came from tourmaline rocks and tourmalite during hydrothermal sedimentary process;",根据电气石成因分析,电气石岩及电英岩主要形成于热水喷流沉积环境; +Those who choose to submit their complaints to a press council for resolution are usually obliged to waive any right to pursue a law suit.,选择向新闻评议会提交申诉解决问题的个人或团体通常必须放弃法律诉讼的权利。 +Fortunes change with dizzy abruptness.,命运瞬息万变,令人目眩。 +"Content providers, however, have every incentive to control access to it because they rely on the goodwill of their audience.",但是,互联网的内容提供者有充分的动机去控制这些内容,因为他们靠他们观众的信任赚钱。 +"From 2005-2010, Professor Zhu worked on the pathogenesis of human pathogen Group A Streptococcus as a postdoctoral visiting fellow in Montana State University, USA.",2005年-2010年赴美国蒙大拿州立大学做访问学者,主��从事A族链球菌在致病过程中的作用的研究。 +Another example in Listing 29 shows a digital clock.,清单 29 中的另一个例子显示一个数字时钟。 +"A city of southeast New York on northwest Long Island north of Mineola. Chiefly residential, it also has light industries. Population, 24,149.",纽约东南部一城市,在长岛西北部,米尼奥拉以北,是主要居民区,也有轻工业。人口24,149。 +"Migrant workers contribute to the cities where they live, but they are excluded by the household registration system.",农民工为城市发展做出了重要贡献,但由于户籍制度的限制,他们根本无法融入自己所在的城市。 +"In my inaugural address I said that our patchwork heritage is a strength, not a weakness.",我在就职演说中指出,我们百衲而成的传统是一种优势,而非劣势。 +"Note that in this example, I combine mock targets with mock objects (as described in Section III, Pattern 2).",注意在这个例子中,我结合了 mock 目标和 mock 对象(如在 第 III 节,模式 2 中所描述的)。 +"Well, what about next Tuesday?",那下星期二怎么样? +"Ironic, then, that Sylvanas' most hated enemy is also the key to her own death, although if the Lich King dies she doesn't automatically die.",讽刺的是,西瓦娜斯最痛恨的敌人同样是她自己死亡的关键,但是如果巫妖王死了她不会自动跟着死。 +Jian Ping County's practice in improving dry and Sandy land has proved that the ecological construction With conservation of Water and soil as key work) the plantation of tre…,建平县治理干旱风沙地的实践证明,以水土保持为中心,以造林种草为重点,工程措施和生物措施相结合,山、水、村、田、路综合治理的生态建设是获得经济、社会、环境效益统一的成功模式。 +"But what climate change shows us is that we are not in control, either of the biosphere or of the machine which is destroying it.",然而,气候变化向我们显示,无论是在生物圈还是摧毁生物圈的制度模式,我们都不处于控制地位。 +The progress and quality of the cold frame bend-forming will influence ship's building period and delivery directly.,肋骨冷弯加工的进度和质量直接影响船舶的建造周期和交付使用。 +Uranium mineral is pitchblende which was formed in Lower Proterozoic.,铀矿物主要为沥青铀矿,形成于早元古代。 +"It is in this context of Sichuan Guarantee corporation established operations, and slowly formed later management plan. (1) this paper is to find out the results.",也就是在如许的配景下蜀人担保公司成立运营,并慢慢构成了以后的治理计划。 (1)本文起首是找出成绩。 +"The RPCAdapter can be used to accept HTTP requests, such as POST and GET, and map the requests directly to user-created classes.",可以使用 RPCAdapter 接收 HTTP 请求(如 POST 和 GET),并将该请求直接映射到用户创建的类。 +To establish a method to analyze the total flavones from Herba Epimedii and from Rhizoma Drynariae through colorimetric method;,建立了用比色法测定淫羊藿总黄酮与骨碎补总黄酮的方法; +"A. If you are C.E.O., you get flame-thrower stuff constantly.",如果你是CEO,你经常会收到类似喷火器那样的东西。 +"It is in you, it is in your bone marrow.",你就是这么个人,天性都在你的骨头里了。 +"Where there is neither Greek nor Jew, circumcision nor uncircumcision, Barbarian, Scythian, bond nor free: but Christ is all, and in all.",在这一方面,并不分希腊人和犹太人,受割礼的和未受割礼的,未开化的人和西古提人,奴隶和自由人,唯有基督是一切,也在一切之内。 +"And David, according to the saying of Gad, went up as the LORD commanded.",大卫就照着迦得奉耶和华名所说的话上去了。 +Why is it that people come to Daixiao cat (is dead)?,民间为什么说猫来要带孝(就是死人)呢? +"Postcard display rack, magnet display rack and key chains display rack are all OK. We will send you some pictures and size for your reference.",明信片展架、磁力展架和钥匙扣展架都没有问题,我会发一些图片和尺寸给你参考。 +That gets into Detroit at 7: 35.,在7:35 抵达底特律机场。 +"In this model, FXCM does not act as a market marker in any currency pairs and is reliant on these external providers for currency pricing.",在这个模式下,福汇并非作为任何货币对的造市商。 因此,福汇依赖这些外部提供者提供外汇报价。 +"Washing the plums in the sink, Grandpa would sort out and discreetly dispose of the unsuitable fruit.",接着爷爷会把李子放在水槽里清洗,仔细地挑拣一番,把不适合的扔掉。 +"The damping effect is also affected by pump pressure, volume of air chamber and the prefill pressure in chamber.",改变泵压、空气包容积和充气压力等参数,对排出液体的脉动衰减有较大影响。 +"The gymnasium has Cheng Pai to have the oxygen machine, world brand strength training instrument, the high scale flushes drenches the equipment and the sauna, wet steams the bath and so on.",健身房拥有成排的有氧机、世界品牌的力量训练器械、高档次的冲淋设备和桑拿、湿蒸浴等。 +"The early controllers stood on the field, waving flags to communicate with pilots.",这些早期的管制员在机场通过摇动信号旗的方式与飞行员联系。 +The areas that couldn't be prettified in time were hidden behind Olympic billboards that would have made Grigori Potemkin proud.,在这一时刻,骄傲的格里戈里·波特金奥运广告牌背后隐藏着无法美化的区域。 +"During experiments on bacteria in glass box, it could be seen with eyes that fluid muddy on the oil-water interface got thicker and thicker gradually, because of""breeding in situ"".",在玻璃盒中对其进行了实验,用肉眼可观察到,由于“在位繁殖”效应,油水界面处浑浊程度由低逐渐变高。 +All house use rooms are not allowed to make I. D. D. calls or use any items from the mini bar.,所有房间不允许使用国际长途电话和在小酒吧消费。 +"I am pleased to announce a proof that P is not equal to NP, which is attached in 10pt and 12pt fonts.",我很高兴宣布一个P不等于NP的证明(在附件里,有10号字和12号字两种版本)。 +"Although ""immigrate"" means to come into a country with the intention of settling there, all persons entering a country must go through immigration, no matter how short their stay will be.",虽然“移仄易远”(一词)意味着进进一个国家筹算定居正在那女,统统的裙进一个国家堵须办进境移仄易远足绝,步柢他们呆多短(时分)。 +"Qin, Han and the Eastern Wu carried out the policies of disintegration, intervention and immigration, thus led to the survival crisis of Ou and the end of the Hundred Yue.",秦、汉、东吴对瓯越实施的削挤分化、军事干涉、移民充军等汉化政策,导致瓯人的生存危机和百越时期的结束。 +"Mary Dykstra, a Grand Rapids, Mich., professional organizer, coaches people to set specific, realistic goals, then to break each goal into small, measurable steps, with a timetable.",密歇根州激流市的玛丽•戴克斯特拉(Mary Dykstra)是个规划专家,帮助人们设定具体而又现实的目标,然后将目标分解成可供衡量的细小步骤,并制定完成时间表。 +I had never seen a wave like this. It was black.,我从来没见过那样的浪,黑色的。 +The genetic distance and phylogenetic tree between Chinese Hans and other populations were estimated by using DISPAN and PHYLIP software.,使用DISPAN软件及PHYLIP软件计算不同群体间遗传距离并绘制系统树。 +"An international rescue effort was able to lend Austria just $15m, less than half the gold lost.",而国际援救最终只能贷给奥国1500万美元,不足其黄金损失的一半。 +Callisto slept in the forest all night.,木卫四睡在森林中过夜。 +"In 1983, Prof. Wang Rong joined the group and strengthened the research power on the field significantly.",在1983年随着汪容教授的加入使得该学科点的研究力量进一步加强。 +"Relevance of transition from depletion attraction to gathering repulsion with the biomolecular interaction, i. e. hydrophobic attraction and hydration repulsion, is discussed.",讨论了这种空耗吸引-聚集排斥与生物学中的疏水吸引-水化排斥的联系。 +Serco Inc. will provide logistics support to the Navy under a five-year contract that could be worth as much as $44 million if all option years are exercised.,[据防卫系统网站2010年9月9日报道]根据一份为期5年的合同,信佳公司(Serco)将为美国海军提供后勤支持。 如果所有选项均获行使,合同价值可能高达4400万美元。 +At one point after Johnson had achieved a reputation and was seen as one of the smarter people in London he was introduced to a woman named Hannah More.,在约翰逊博士名声鹊起、成为伦敦风云人物之后,他曾被引见给一名叫做汉娜·摩尔的女士。 +"Along with increasing development and extension of market economy reform, service is becoming the competition superiority and essence characteristic agricultural machine enterprises more and more.",随着市场经济改革的不断发展与延伸,服务越来越成为农机企业的竞争优势和本质特征。 +The fire was so big and burnt every animal out in this half forest.,火势是如此巨大,把这一半森林中所有的动物都赶出来。 +"Article 14 The administration and use of confidential archives, changes in their security classification, and the declassification of.",第十四条保密档案的管理和利用, 密级的变更和解密,必须按照国家有关保密的法律和行政法规的规定办理。 +"This new cuisine was further modified, first by new immigrants from other areas of China, and later by the Japanese who ruled the island for 50 years.",这个新的美食方法首先由来自中国其他地区的新移民进一步发扬,而后得到侵占台湾50多年的日本人的改进。 +"He that answereth a matter before he heareth it, it is folly and shame unto him.",未曾听完先回答的,便是他的愚昧,和羞辱。 +"Then the whole army marched between my legs, and one thousand soldiers rode their horses between my legs.",然后整支部队在我的双腿间行进,一千名士兵骑马通过我的胯下。 +Methods of feature extraction and classification of target in model-based SAR ATR using feature are studied systemically in this paper.,本文系统研究了利用特征基于模型SAR ATR系统中,SAR图像目标特征提取方法和分类方法。 +"The Irish, too, were pleased to settle as far away from the government as possible.",而爱尔兰人也乐得尽量远离政府定居。 +"Gadamer is a bit apologetic about it, and he goes into the appropriate etymologies.",伽达默尔对它略有歉意,并且他借助了一下语源学。 +"Zhou Yi is full of rich philosophical wisdom and life philosophy. For thousands of years, ""Yi-ology"" develops continuously, and makes great contribution to Chinese civilization.",《周易》蕴含着丰富的哲学智慧与人生哲理,数千年来,“易学”绵延不绝,滋养着华夏文明。 +"Raw material shall be purchased from our approved raw material suppliers, if exceeds the range, the relevant qualification procedures must be approved by ourselves at first.",原材料采购一律从公司认证的供方中选择,超范围时也必须启动认证程序后再补充供方。 +"The night before yesterday, the Taliban laid a landmine and there were children playing around it.",另一位留着一小束山羊胡子的长者Shirjan说,“前天晚上,塔利班埋下一颗地雷,那地方是孩子们玩耍的地方。 +"For that case, the statement httpRequest.overrideMimeType('text/xml'); will override the header sent to the server to force text/xml as the mime-type.",对于这种情况,httpRequest.overrideMimeType('text/xml'); 语句将覆盖发送给服务器的头部,强制 text/xml 作为 mime-type。 +"Data mining commonly involves a few standard tasks that include clustering, classification, regression, and associated rule learning.",数据挖掘通常涉及到一些标准的任务,包括聚集、分类、回归分析和关联性规则学习。 +"This is how you make a jack-o-lantern:you buy a pumpkin, take it home, carve the pumpkin and give it a spooky, happy, scary face.",这是你如何做一个南瓜灯:你买一个南瓜,把它带回家,雕刻南瓜,给它一个幽灵般的高兴,可怕的脸。 +"But Man. Utd was knocked out of CL, de Jong may stay gwa!",这是什么逻辑? 即使没有被淘汰,去了也不能上的。 +Dresden is called Florence on the Elbe for its magnificent and elegant architecture.,首府德累斯顿因其建筑的华丽和雅致被誉为“易北河畔的佛罗伦萨”。 +"And if you're not prepared to believe it, it looks as though you've got to give up on the personality view.",如果你无法接受这个观点,那看来你得放弃人格理论的观点了。 +"Francfort is head of a French archaeological team in Central Asia that played an important part in excavating the Kurgans, or frozen tombs, of nomadic Scythian tribes in Siberia's Altai mountains.",弗兰克福特是法国考古小组在中亚的组长,他对于阿尔泰山的塞西亚游牧部落坟墓(库尔干)的挖掘工作起决定性作用。 +This thesis applied L9(34)orthogonal test to study the water holding effects of mixed phosphates on surimi product.,应用L9(34)正交试验研究复合磷酸盐对鱼糜制品的保水效果。 +"Now, here's another variation.",现在我再改变一下条件 +The tax affairs agent industry development is slow;,税务代理业发展缓慢; +There is much more to the death of a fruit seller than the political convulsion shaking the region.,这个水果摊贩的死所带来的影响,远远不止于该地区的政治动荡。 +Embassy. Other foreigners illegally working as nannies or housekeepers have also been among those caught.,来自其他国度的保姆和女佣也有因在京犯科事变而被拘留的环境。 +Breathable with a fully seamed seal.,与一个完全缝密封透气。 +The theoretical basis of the application of color in the garden design is generated because the psychological aspects and feel in the face of color.,色彩在园林设计中应用的理论基础是因为在面对色彩会产生同样的心理方面及感应。 +"You""ve already quoted a price of $ 800 per 1, 000. Is there a discount for larger orders?",你报的价是每1000个要美金800元,如大量订购有折扣吗? +"Fast fashion refers to low-cost, quickly-made clothing that copies the latest high-end fashions.",快时尚指仿照高端时尚品牌最新的款式,以低成本、快速生产的模式制造出来的服装产品。 +Matchstick Man : I can even break my arms to show you how strong I am.,我们都会用尽愚蠢的方法,告诉别人自己很强。 +"A: A Derby database is a group of schemas, each with its own set of tables, all of which are defined by the same data dictionary (the system tables in the SYS schema).",答: Derby/Cloudscape 数据库由一组模式构成,每个模式都有自己的表集,所有模式都用相同的数据词典(SYS 模式中的系统表)定义。 +Make sure that it starts each time the machine is rebooted.,确保它在计算机每次重启时都会启动。 +Peel and cut the mango into slices. Peel the pear and slice. Line the bottom of a glass baking pan with the fruit.,将芒果、梨削皮并将其切片。在烤盘的底部将水果排成一行。 +"The image of death and theory of death existing in ""the secondary world"" and ""the second type of life"" displays its own charm to us through its particular subversiveness to the world that is not free.",这种存在于“第二个世界”、“第二种生活”中的死亡形象、死亡理论,以其独特的颠覆不自由世界的宏大独特性,向我们展示了自己的魅力。 +"Circling Wolf Rock are usually schools of trevally and barracuda, at times blocking out the surface light.",环绕狼礁的鱼群通常是柑仔鱼和梭鱼,鱼群时而阻挡水面光线。 +"The facades of banks around the square have been defaced, and flapping in the wind are two large banners.",广场周围的银行的门面已经变得面目全非,空中飘扬着两条大横幅。 +"The stale coffee is boiling up but he catches it before it goes over the side, pours it into a stained cup and blows on the black liquid, lets a panel of the dream slide forward.",带着霉味的咖啡沸腾起来,他及时端起锅没让咖啡溢出来,然后把咖啡倒进污迹斑斑的杯中,朝那杯黑色的液体吹气,只让梦中的一个画面滑过。 +They are so hungry that they try boiling a pair of leather shoes for their dinner.,他们饿极了,只好煮了一双皮鞋来充饥。 +"To may exchange the bond publisher's qualifications request looking from the policy, many scattered small must do not tally, what the majority meets the requirement is greatly must.",从政策对可交换债券发行者的资格要求来看,许多零散的小非并不符合, 大部分符合要求的是大非。 +"He had a diagram, which illustrated what is the ultimate cause of interest, and it helps us to think about this diagram whenever we try to understand the term structure.","费雪教授用一张图,来解释决定利息的本质因素,每当我们试图理解期限结构时,就会用到这张图" +District embroidery QQ group?,海珠区绣花QQ群? +"In the Jupiter-Saturn region of the nebular disk, grains accumulated to form planetary cores.",太阳系原始星云盘内木星和土星区域,尘粒先形成行星的固态核。 +"When she decided to answer those questions in a novel, she says, her research led her to Salaam Baalak and its tour.",当她决定以一部小说来回答上述疑问时。 她的调查引导着她来到了Salaam Baalak组织以及参加这次旅程。 +"Except special requirement, all fee should be paid on the day as stipulated in invoices. If overdue, 2% interest would be cutted per month.",除特别说明外,所有款项需按发票上指定日期支付,若过期未付,将被课以每月2%的利息。 +"Although Lee men regret, but he still has to legally be detained for 10 days, while the police that will temporarily take care of black.",尽管李男感到后悔,但他仍得依法被拘留10天,而员警表明,会暂时照顾小黑。 +The study on the stability is a first problem in costruction of harbour on the tidal channel in the mud silt coast.,在粉砂淤泥海岸,利用潮流通道建港,稳定性是一个首要问题。 +"There is not direct mathematical relations among virtual front time, virtual tail time and theoretical front time, theoretical tail time of lightning impulse.",雷电波的视在波头时间和视在波尾时间与理论波头时间和理论波尾时间没有直接的数学关系。 +The government restricts the supply of new casinos among the six operators.,中国政府对这六家公司的新赌场建设进行了限制。 +Objective In order to understand awareness rate of diabetic patients on diabetes mellitus (DM) knowledge and to provide the scientific basis for the health education.,目的了解糖尿病(DM)患者对DM知识知晓情况,为DM患者的健康教育提供依据。方法采用单纯随机抽样的方法,对芜湖市新芜区天门山街道DM患者进行调查。 +"You and the wind, than what to faster, I have to refuse, by a gentle ripples, an upsurge of four, to restore calm and subtle, you belong to the sky, the other, passing them, enough.",你和风一样,比流年来的还快,我还来不及拒绝,就吹散了一地的温柔,心潮涟漪四起,又淡淡恢复平静,属于你的是天空,其他的,掠过他们,就够了。 +The startPoint records the first byte's offset location into the first memory block.,startPoint 记录第一个内存块中第一个字节的偏移位置。 +This is not the case for millions of children who are living with undiagnosed and untreated asthma.,但数百万没有得到诊断和治疗的哮喘患儿就没有这么幸运。 +This time he was kneed in the groin and hit behind the ear as he doubled over in pain.,这一次,他是在腹股沟kneed和耳后打,因为他疼痛超过一倍。 +"The dollar surged to a two-month peak of 105.69 yen JPY=, and has gained nearly 1 percent against the Japanese currency on the week. It was last up 0.9 percent at 105.40.","美元兑日圆JPY=劲扬至两个月高位105.69日圆,本周累计上涨近1%.美元最新报105.40日圆,日内涨0.9%." +Born to be your forever.,活著就是为了陪你到永远。 +"In order to solve these issues, it is necessary to integrate relative acts and to constitute an integrated marine ocean zoning law.",要从根本上解决以上问题,必须对涉海法律进行整合并制定专门的综合性的海洋功能区划法律。 +"Inter disciplinary research is a definite orientation for the development of gerontics, as is also determined by the object of study and characteristics of gerontics.",跨学科交叉研究是老年学发展的必然方向,也是老年学的研究对象和特点所规定的。 +"The architecture and basic function of system were introduced, and the work flow was particularized.",对系统结构及基本功能进行了说明,并对系统流程作了详细论述。 +"Many patients, with their livestock, travel from far distances in Somalia and also from the border area with Ethiopia, "" Gajraj says.",许多人赶着牲口从索马里很远的地方前来就医,还有的人来自埃塞俄比亚的边境地区。 +"Northern dialect, represented by Beijing dialect, is commonly used in northeastern China, northern China, northwestern China, southwestern China and areas along the Yangtze and Huaihe rivers.",以北京话为代表,通行于中国的东北、华北、西北、西南、江淮地区。 +"Zhu De-mi. Network Public Governance: Cooperation and Common-governing. Journal of Central China Normal University, 2004(3).",朱德米。网络状公共治理:合作与共治(J)。华中师范大学学报,2004(3)。 +"And other similar error checking code, Hamming code also makes use of the concept of parity, data bits followed by an increase in the number of bits, can verify the validity of data.",与其他的错误校验码类似,汉明码也利用了奇偶校验位的概念,通过在数据位后面增加一些比特,可以验证数据的有效性。 +"Last month, the Sunnyvale, Calif., company, beset by stagnant revenues, began reviewing its strategic options, after ousting its third chief executive in four years.",上个月,总部位于加州森尼韦尔(Sunnyvale)的雅虎公司在四年内解聘了第三位首席执行长之后,开始对战略选择进行评估。 +"Most important, of course, is a revamping (in a sane way) of the health insurance system.",当然,完善医疗保险制度更加重要。 +"Following the successful holding of the 2010 North Asian Coal Trade Fair, NACEC will continue to host the coal fair this year.",继成功举办2010东北亚煤炭交易会之后,东北亚煤炭交易中心将继续主办本届交易会。 +"In most cases, the amnesia is anterograde, meaning people have trouble forming new memories.","大多数案例表现是前进式遗忘 , 这意味这患者无法形成自发病之时开始的记忆 ." +"XuJiaHui very familiar with far the appearance, hao Beijing XuJiaHui originally to shaw's know with the children such as!",遥遥跟徐嘉惠很熟的样子,郝京妮晓得徐嘉惠原来对肖如的孩子这样尽心! +"Through art, again, is created the great Leviathan.",正是艺术,创造了伟大的“利维坦。 +Could you update your quotation to add more column for qty and unit price?,你们能更新你们的报价单,加更多的质量和单价栏嘛? +"She cackled loudly and took another swig of champagne, which dribbled down her chin.",穆丽尔姨婆咯咯大笑着,又喝了一大口香槟,酒顺着下巴滴滴答答地流下来。 +"In developed countries, obviously, it is:""third second first"". The development of KIBS is the result as well as the drive of economy.",发达国家的产业结构呈现出明显的“三、二、一”的特点,知识密集型服务业成为经济发展的结果和驱动力。 +We accompany each other to gallery openings and exhi- fricking -motions.,我们陪伴彼此去参加画廊开幕和各种展会。 +"""However, if we see from the perspective of economy, I do not hope that any decision or strategy by the government will influence and affect foreign investment and tourism, "" he said.",蔡细历强调,他同意外国人不应和我国人民共享国内的石油津贴,国人的消费权益应受维护。“但站在经济的角度,我不希望政府的任何政策影响正在起飞的外来投资和旅游消费市场。” +"Can be any color of ribbon above the printing of text and graphics, environmental protection, wash water does not fade.",个颜色。油墨符合欧盟环保要求,洗水不掉色。自设工厂,起版做货快捷。 +"On the morning of June 20, 2006, Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao of the State Council who was on an official visit to the Republic of the Congo visited a hospital and a middle school in Brazzaville.",2006年6月20日上午,正在刚果(布)进行正式访问的国务院总理温家宝参观了布拉柴维尔达朗盖医院和布拉柴中学。 +"Few white people went in by river, and certainly none on foot – as I was with my guide Cho, a forestry worker who walked with me for 24 of the 28 months of my journey.",我和向导裘在一起,他是一位林业工人,在我28个月的旅行中,他有24个月和我在一起。 +Razer is renowned to be one of the world's greatest gaming brands but do tell us more about the company in your own words.,Razer(雷蛇)作为在全球享有盛誉的顶级游戏品牌之一,我们非常希望能从您这里了解到更多关于这个公司,这个品牌。 +Materials with giant magnetoresistance effect have been extensively studied because of their potential application in magnetic recording and sensors.,由于巨磁电阻效应在磁记录设备和传感器的潜在应用,具有该效应的材料得到了广泛地研究。 +The article proves that Shu mu-needle acupuncture is an effective therapy for AAFB. The technique is simple and safe without effect.,本研究验证了针刺治疗青春期无排卵性功血的可行性、安全性、有效性和科学性,针刺疗法操作简单,易于临床推广应用。 +The teacher disaggregated a sentence into clauses.,老师把一个句子分解成从句。 +"A network of satellite-linked computer systems will guide the car safely to exit, at which point the driver will resume control to the final destination.",一套与卫星连接的电脑系统网络会将车安全引导到出口,此时,再由驾驶者重新操纵车辆前往目的地。 +"Mount Celestia's a plane bathed in the golden radiance of justice and mercy, where everything is the ideal model of prime-material things.",天堂山是一个淋浴在公正与善良金色光辉下的位面,每一件事物都是主物质位面的完美典范。 +"By using water bath heating instead of resistance wire heating directly, the puzzle of uneven and uneasy temperature controlling was solved.",采用水浴加热替代电阻丝直接加热的方案,解决加热不均匀且不容易控制温度的难题。 +The P value measured by pressed film method was in cor- respondence with viscosity and showed linear relationship with logarithmic viscosity number which was not found in extraction method.,压膜法测定的纺丝原液的P与粘度相对应,且与粘度的对数呈线性关系,而拉丝法则没有。 +"“While many hotels have exciting bars,” he says, “how many of them are able to promote proper sociability?”",“很多酒店有刺激的酒吧,”他说,“但有多少能促进真正的社交呢?” 这一点也是有根据的。 +"The disclosed compounds could be used, in particular, for producing optically isotropic or anisotropic and at least partially crystalline films.",更具体的说,这些公开的化 合物可以用来制造光学各向同性或各向异性、并且至少部分结晶的薄 膜。 +California is extremely fortunate in not having nematodes that are injurious to the banana.,加州是非常幸运了,不用线虫是伤到香蕉。 +Redemption letter will be mailed within 7 working days upon receipt of the redemption form.,礼品领取信会于收到礼品换领表格后7个工作天内寄出。 +"“There's no other industry that I'm aware of that [regularly] introduces two to three new products with an average investment of $100m that will be off the shelf within two to three months,” he said.",他说:“就我所知,其它任何行业都不会像好莱坞那样,[定期]推出两、三款平均投资额为1亿美元的新产品,但在两、三个月内就下架。” +Girls like guys who are generous. Not just with money but in other way. They like guys who will go out of their way to make them feel comfortable.,女孩喜欢慷慨大方的男孩,不仅在金钱方面,也表现在其他方面。她们喜欢善于变通而能让她们感觉舒适的男孩。 +"Recruiters may think women like Lorenzana can get ahead for showing off their looks, but 47 percent also believe it’s possible for a woman to be penalized for being “too good-looking.”",招聘人员也许认为像Lorenzana 之类的女性因卖弄美貌而获得成功,但47%的经理们也认为女性有可能因为长得太漂亮而处于不利地位。 +Learn some exercises to stretch out the Trapezius in this free video on neck physical therapy.,学习一些练习,伸展颈部斜方肌物理疗法在此免费视频。 +The EuropaBio Board is the governing board of the association and sets policies and strategic direction for EuropaBio.,欧洲生物(技��)理事会是为该协会确定政策与战略方向的理事会。 +"Scorpio is ruled by the planet Pluto, which governs the formation of cells and the reproductive function of the body.",天蝎座受冥王星控制, 它与细胞和身体的再生作用有很大关系。 +The thesis brings forward countermeasures and suggestions for solving the poverty problem.,论文最后提出的解决哈尼族地区贫困问题的对策与建议。 +You can see where things are going to go in terms of Anakin.,在阿纳金方面你可以看出事情是向哪个方向发展的。 +"Scientists tend to forget this when writing their cut and dried reports for the technical journals, but history is filled with examples of it.",科学家们在编撰过时的见解、枯燥寡味的论文供专业定期刊物揭晓时往往忘记这一点,而汗青上如许的例子触目皆是。 +"He's great, him! He sells chewing gum here in the night-market, one pack for 20 NT. And he really works hard, you know why?",他很好,他在这里夜市卖口香糖,一条20块新台币,他真的很努力工作,你知道为什麽吗? +"See Weng Yuesheng. Administrative Law and Morden countries of Rule of law. The editor committee of the series ofTaiwang university, 6-7(1990).",《行政法与现代法治国家》,台湾大学丛书编辑委员会1990年版,第6-7页; +Excellent value for money with this practical pedal exerciser.,物超所值这一实际踏板锻炼。 +"A short smooth coat, a soft woolly coat, or an excessively long coat is to be severely penalized.",短而平顺的被毛,柔软而羊毛质的被毛,过分长的被毛都属于严重缺陷。 +"In such a world it seems writing poems is a kind of--well, even surviving is a kind of guilty privilege.",在这样的世界中,写诗看起来是一种,甚至幸存也是一种罪恶的特权。 +Totem poles are the most prominent and noticeable concentrated symbol of the Northwest Coast Indians and are the precious historical and cultural heritage of Canada.,图腾柱是西北沿岸印第安人文化最突出、最引人注目的浓缩象征,也是加拿大宝贵的历史文化遗产。 +"Asian Options are path-dependent exotic Options, their values depend on the average value of the original assets in the periods.",亚式期权是路径依赖的复杂期权,它的价值依赖于标的资产在一定时期内的平均值。 +The colorimetric fiber-optic pyrometer based on DSP chip-TMS320F2812has been designed for the need of high temperature measurement in industry.,本文针对工业上高温测量的需要,设计了基于DSP芯片TMS320F2812的比色光纤高温测量仪。 +"People and governments who are refusing them shelterare the same who would have sent the Jews back to the camps, perod.",那些不给难民们提供庇护的国家和人们就是那些会将犹太人送回到集中营的国家和人们。 +I designed all the branding collaterals as well as its flagship store which is spread out over three floors in central Osaka.,我设计的所有品牌的抵押品以及其旗舰店分布在三个楼层中部大阪进行。 +Didn't think of that. - Just not a gas guzzler.,我还没有想到这一点-最好耗油量小一些。 +MSFT.O) -- as widely expected on Wall Street -- analysts and media industry insiders say the two could explore other combinations including merging Time Warner's AOL with News Corp's MySpace.,"即使最后该两大新闻集团在雅虎争夺战中败给微软(MSFT.O: 行情)--这亦是华尔街普遍预期的结局--分析师及媒体界人士均表示,两集团可以寻求其他的结盟方法,包括将时代华纳旗下AOL与新闻集团的MySpace合并." +"Administrative agencies - Agencies created by the legislative branch of government to administer laws pertaining to specific areas such as taxes, transportation, and labor.",行政代理,被政府有立法权的分支部门创设代理,以便去执行法律附属的特别范围,比如税收、运输、劳动。 +"After the discussion, we all decided to study hard so as to make our life better and better.",讨论完后我们都下定决心好好学习,让我们的生活更加美好。 +"Our trademark of Bridge has been registered in Britain, USA, and Australia, Belgium; Holland, Luxembourg. Furthermore, Bridge is making an effort to join the global source network.",“布利杰”商标已在英国、美国、澳大利亚、比荷卢等国办理注册,正积极争取加入国际采购网络。 +Rodin's depiction insists on the carnality of love. So do Hogarth's paired paintings Before and After.,罗丹着重描绘的是欲之爱,就像荷加斯的那两幅画:《之前》和《之后》。 +Not even Black Sun Vigos were safe from his dual blaster pistols.,在他的双枪之下,即使是黑日组织的维戈们也无法幸免。 +"If Monday is the first day of the month, the very next Saturday is the fifth day of the month.",如果星期一是某月的第一天,那么下一个周六便是该月的第五天。 +"Inspired by studies like this, Marie Helweg-Larsen and Barbara LoMonaco did the next best thing after actually pushing into queues.",由这些事情得到灵感,玛丽·海尔威格·拉森和芭芭拉·洛莫娜克在插队以后做了接下来的壮举。 +"And then, this three-phase CPU card power meter's hardware design program is being introduced;",紧接着对本三相CPU卡表的硬件总体设计方案进行了先容; +About half of the nearly 27 million people with an underactive thyroid are undiagnosed.,甲状腺功能不足病人中约半数得不到确诊。 +"But, if the court to the arbitration carries on the depth intervention, the arbitration would lose its autonomy and contractual advantages, and thus become a vassal of the Court.",但是,如果法院对仲裁进行深度干预,又会使仲裁失掉其自治性和契约性的优势,从而沦为法院的附庸。 +"In the moonlight, these lovely domes seem to float like clouds in a deep-blue sea.",在月光下,这些美丽动人的圆形穹顶宛如在深蓝色的海洋中飘浮的云。 +"Nie, Zhenzhao et al. English Literature in the Perspective of Ethical Literary Criticism. Wuhan: Central China Normal University Press, 2007.",聂珍钊、杜鹃、唐红梅、朱卫红等著:《英国文学的论理学批评》,武汉:华中师范大学出版社2007年。 +In January he announced that he would be quitting American Idol in the US and plans to introduce The X Factor on the Fox network.,今年一月克威尔宣布他将辞去美国偶像评委职务,计划接手福克斯电视台的未知元素节目。 +"However, PTFE has some properties that can make it a poor choice for a washer material.",但是,PTFE有一些使它成为垫圈材料的较差选择的性质。 +"and I thought that ""Inception"" was really interesting in the way they kind of put that physically into a movie form",我觉得“盗梦”真的很有趣,他们把它放在了一部实实在在的电影形式里, +"But because there are plenty of common katydids in upstate New York and in other parts of New England, it’s hard to get funding for a katydid survey in New York City.",但是因为在纽约北部和新英格兰的一些地区有许多的大众蟋蟀,所以想要得到纽约政府的普查基金是非常困难的。 +"If you believe in ghosts, that place may certainly house quite a few.",如果你真相信有鬼的话,那个地方还真的有可能有鬼魂出没。 +"Results A factorization discriminance of exponential distribution family was obtained, moreover good properties of exponential distribution family were established.",结果提出了指数型分布族的因子分解判别法,并给出了指数型分布族的一个良好性质。 +A new method for solving the boundary value problems of dynamic method equilibrium equation of a non-linear structre is presented in this paper.,本文提出一种求解非线性动力平衡方程边值问题新的方法。 +"Indeed at every daybreak from April to July they proclaim their boundaries to each other, and so acknowledge, at least by inference, their fiefdom to me.",从四月到七月,实际上每个黎明,他们都宣告彼此的地界,至少据我推测,也承认向我租借了土地。 +It is necessary to consolidate the united front and pursue a common programme.,应该把它巩固起来,实行一个共同纲领。 +It was acquired by Wenner Media in 1986.,1986年,华纳媒体将其购入门下。 +"Through the experiment, the differences of the processability and the physical properties of the elastomer based on three different diamine chain-extender were compared.",通过试验,比较了三种不同二胺扩链剂在制备弹性体过程中的加工性能及弹性体的物理性能。 +The Sung dictator king occupies a southeast square fertile burnt stone under of black cord the globe jail.,宋帝王占据东南方沃焦石下的黑绳大地狱。 +Annually average water consumptions of individual tree and whole shelter belt were provided as basic data for planning water use of Hetao-irrigated region.,通过计算提出新疆杨单株耗水量指标及其防护林耗水量指标,这为河套灌区制定计划用水方案提供了基础资料。 +The result showed that either total number or average number per ovary of oocytes obtained with the cutting method were significantly higher than those from the aspiration method(P<0.05).,结果表明,切割法所获卵母细胞数及每只卵巢平均采卵数均显著高于抽吸法(P<0.05); +Japanese media said the Russian government several senior officials will again visit boarded the South Kuril Islands.,日本媒体称,俄政府数名高官将会再次登上南千岛群岛进行访问。 +"""It depends, "" answered the judge, ""Well, "" said the man, ""your cow has killed mine.",“这得看情况,”法官回答说。 “恩,”那个人说“你的牛把我的牛撞死了。” +They expanded and remodeled the place and made big sculptures.,他们把那儿扩建了,还竖了很大的雕塑。 +"When demography the escalator, which side should you stand on?",坐手扶电���时,应站在靠哪边的地位? +He hears FOOTSTEPS approaching. He smoothes the poster down and dives into bed.,听到走进的脚步声,安迪抚平海报,扑到床上。 +College after graduation in Shenyang Finance schools.,大学本科,毕业后曾在沈阳财经学校任教。 +The only thing we can do is to move full-steam ahead.,我们现在唯一能做的,就是开足马力往前冲。 +And Balak sent yet again princes, more, and more honourable than they.,巴勒又差遣使臣,比先前的又多又尊贵。 +"Although the economic picture has changed and historically low bond yields may justify some fiscal loosening, political pride has bound the hands of policymakers.",经济局势改变,债券收益率又达到历史最低,这本应使财政政策宽松一些,但政治骄傲感却捆住了决策人的手脚。 +"Through above work, this article completed the research of test interpretation and productivity evaluation of the Kela 2 stress sensitive gas reservoir.",通过以上工作,本文完成了克拉2应力敏感性气藏试井解释与产能评价的研究。 +"Made of tubular steel and tough polyester fabric, these series are durable and hard wearing, and suitable for use in many outdoor applications.",做筒形钢和坚韧聚酯织品,这些系列耐久和耐用和适用于许多室外应用。 +"PHS technology, which is positioned in micro-cell medium and low speed mobile wireless voice and medium and low speed data service, has been developed greatly.",主要定位在微蜂窝中低速移动无线语音和中低速数据业务的PHS技术取得了较大规模的发展。 +Notes can be posted around your desktop and then gathered to a virtual corkboard - release them to their original locations with a single click.,你可以先把便条放置在桌面上,然后收集到一个虚拟公告板中,只需单击一下就可将便签还原到它本来的位置。 +"In the area of life skills, service participants show greater positive change than do non-participants in terms of all eight outcomes analyzed.",根据八大成果的分析, 生活技能,服务方面的参与者比那些非参与者在改变方式上更具有积极性。 +Most investigators who have studied this question have concluded that most of the benefit (if there indeed is a benefit) can be obtained by eating chocolate once or twice per week.,大多数研究这个问题的调查者得出结论大部分益处(如果那儿确实有益处)能够通过每周一个或者两次吃巧克力得到。 +"Raise the proportion of educational development, scientific research, reduce the one of other cultural, healthy and sports.",提高教育和科学研究支出的比例,减少文化、体育、文生等支出项的比例。 +"And it's the American luxury manufacturer's latest bid to make its mark in the hard-fought and lucrative full-size, high-end sedan market.",它也是凯迪拉克这一豪车品牌在竞争激烈的全尺寸高端轿车市场上推出的最新力作。 +"Before this, be in charge of holding farewell meeting by hillside plot lieutenant.",在此之前,由山田中尉负责举行欢送会。 +"My body feels very light and with abundant energy, especially after I completed the Healing exercises every time"".""",我的身体感觉非常轻盈在诸多能量的支持下,尤其是在我练完功后。 +I admire the rock standing at the sea for it endures the scour of the tide.,我钦佩那兀立在海边的岩石,它勇敢地迎接海的冲刷。 +Their colors reflected on silver disks that lined the floor.,它们的色彩反射在沿着地板的各个银色碟片上。 +"Don't let your desk become a bacteria cafeteria. If you eat at you desk, move your keyboard, clean it regularly and always wash your hands after typing.",不要使你的桌子变成细菌孳生地。如果你在桌边吃饭,把键盘拿开。经常擦拭它,怯用后洗手。 +You already know it inside of you.,在你内心深处你已经知道了。 +"Zhejiang Sunflower Technology Co. , Ltd. is the elite company of holding Zhejiang Xinfeng Co. , Ltd. We have been dedicating to research and develop the environment-friendly material for years.",浙江盛丰科技有限公司是浙江新丰控股旗下的精英企业,多年来一直致力于绿色健康的新型材料的探索和研究。 +"Firstly, the paper focused on the research of today's de-interlacing algorithm, which including non-MC (Motion Compensation) method and MC method.",本文首先介绍了现有的去隔行算法,包括非运动补偿去隔行算法和基于运动补偿去隔行算法两类。 +"It recovers your files from XFS-formatted NAS devices, such as Buffalo or Iomega, within minutes.",它恢复从XFS的格式的NAS设备,如水牛或艾美加,您的文件,在几分钟之内。 +"The list of foreign capital stock holders is the full evidence testifying the holding of the company's foreign capital stocks, except otherwise testified by opposite evidence.",境外上市外资股股东名册为证明境外上市外资股股东持有公司股��的充分证据; 但是有相反证据的除外。 +"As the most basic form of verbal activity, spoken language exists earlier than written one, and provides fresh nutrients for it. Spoken language is the foundation of language.",作为一种最基本的言语活动形式,口语先于书面语言而存在,并为书面语提供新鲜的养分。 +"“Narrowing the trade deficit without harming our economy requires a reversal in the underlying causes,” Paulson said.","他说:""要在不损害我国经济的情况下缩小贸易逆差,必须逆转其根源。""" +"“Most women’s bodies do not produce nearly enough testosterone to become ‘bulky’ like those body builders on TV, ” Tyne says.",“大部分女性的身体不会产生足够的睾丸素而像那些电视上宣传的健美运动员那样的‘体积庞大’,”Tyne说。 +You’ve got to keep busy for them and the clients.,你必须为他们和尚未光临的顾客忙碌起来。 +"Along the way you Tapp, Long Press, Drag, and Tilt Buka and the Baddies.",一路上你特普,长按,拖,和倾斜布卡和坏人。 +"They gave us valuable practice in helping the eyes, brains and muscles to work together.",他们在使眼睛、头脑和肌肉协同动作方面提供宝贵的锻炼机会。 +"In fact, confronted by the current situation, he hoped China to be the""responsible stakeholder"".",但现实又迫使其改弦易张,希望中国成为“负责任的利益攸关者”。 +Hot as fuck outside dude…drink lots of water!,这几天特热!喝多点水!哈哈哈… +Arsenal's new signing is expected to line up for his country in their World Cup qualifying double-header against Azerbaijan and Liechtenstein at the end of the month.,阿森纳的新球员有望代表他的国家队在这个月底参加与阿塞拜疆和列支敦士登的世界杯预选赛。 +Chile is a thin country stretching 4300 km along the southwestern coast of South America.,智利是南美洲西南部一个地形狭长的国家,南北长4300公里,宽度不到240公里。 +"The inlet flow angle and diviation angle were confirmed which was applied to low cascade experiment result of American NACA, and controlled diffuser factor and flow deflection angle in design.",并应用美国NACA低速叶栅试验结果确定流入角和落后角,设计中控制扩散因子和气流折转角。 +"However even for well-matched fuerdai couples, their parents insist prenuptial agreements are still vital to prevent conflicts in the event of a divorce.",然而,即使是门当户对的“富二代”夫妇,他们的父母还是坚持认为签署婚前协议是必须的,一旦离婚,可以避免财产纠纷。 +"Both liquid extract and tincture contain alcohol, but the effective component of the former is higher than that of the latter, so it has less side-effect.",流浸膏与酊剂中均含醇,而流浸膏的有效成分含量较酊剂高,因此服用量较小,溶媒的副作用就小。 +Yungang Grottoes in the national cultural heritage management changing environment is gradually exploring the scenic development of suitable management mode.,云冈石窟在全国文化遗产管理使命转变环境下也逐步在探索适合景区发展的经营管理模式。 +The invention of the wheel was the second great divide in human history.,轮子的发明是人类史上第二大转捩点。 +"As early as 708 BC when the 18th ancient Athens Olympic Games were held, the pentathlon included discus throwing.",早在公元前708年第18届古代奥运会上,五项全能比赛中的“投盘”指的就是掷铁饼。 +"As dollar incomes fall in the face of a depressed economy, the burden of debt becomes harder to bear, while the expectation of further price declines discourages investment spending.",由于面对经济不景气,美元收入下降,偿还债务变得难以负担,而对价格进一步下降的预期阻碍了投资支出。 +"Conclusion The results show that prednisolone can be delivered to large intestine by synthesized prednisolone prodrug, which has a potential in treatment of colitis.",结论泼尼松龙前体药物具一定结肠定位性,有可能成为一种具有应用前景的结肠炎治疗药物。 +The linking of Ningxi and Jinghu railways contributes to the construction of the double-bridge economic belt.,双陆桥经济带由宁西铁路与京沪铁路沪宁段相接而成。 +Echocardiography including tissue Doppler imaging (TDI) of the right ventricle was performed in all patients.,对所有患者右心室行包含组织多普勒(TDI)在内的心超成像。 +Similarly little is known about the epidemiology of the virus.,同样很少的是对这种病毒的流行病学的了解。 +Hampton pulls her gun and tells Jack to freeze.,汉普顿拔出了枪,命令杰克不要动。 +"There is no anamorphic stretch mode, and the remote has no backlighting .",没有变形拉伸模式,遥控器没有背光按键。 +"Some schools have majors geared for education, such as early childhood education or elementary education.",有些学校已���有了面向教育的专业课程,像学前教育和小学教育。 +"However, it contains the contradiction of good producing evil, which gave rise to the dualism of nature from ZHANG Zai to ZHU Xi, a relatively perfect solution to LIs problem.",但是,李翱的人性论中包含着善性产生邪情的矛盾,正是对这一矛盾的解答引发了宋明性二元论的诞生。 +"This lean also skews your view of the Ecliptic, changing the angle.",这个倾斜同样使你对黄道的视野产生歪斜,改变角度。 +There's no life that I'm able to imagine for myself that's one that I would want to take on forever.,"我不能为自己想象出一种,愿意永远过下去的生活。" +"In addition, we defined the coarse, fine, initial and final proximities and discussed the fuzzifying proximity product spaces and their properties.",此外,我们还定义了近性结构的粗细、初始近性与最终近性,并且讨论了不分明化近性积空间及其性。 +A new scheme of control for automatic aiming is introduced.,介绍一种新的自动操瞄控制方案。 +The bi-directional reconnection jets may correspond to the lifted material either continued to move upward along the apparently open field lines or fell down to the surface.,双向重联喷流可能与继续沿着似乎开放磁力线向上喷发,或流向太阳表面的提升物质相对应。 +"2002 in South Korea and Japan World Cup, the final pre-Kahn was elected the best goalkeeper and best player.",2002年韩日世界杯,决赛前卡恩当选最佳门将和最佳球员。 +But forgiveness is possible - and it can be surprisingly helpful to your physical and mental health.,但饶恕是可能的-,并且它可以是惊奇地有用的对您的物理和精神健康。 +"In 2009, he becomes Master of Morningside College, established in The Chinese University of Hong Kong.",2009年,他担任香港中文大学晨星书院的院长。 +"India can potentially make even more of the stuff. Now that it can import uranium fuel for its civilian reactors, it can devote more of its scarce domestic supplies to bomb-making.",由于印度可进口铀燃料为其民用反应堆补给燃料,于是乎便可将更多珍稀的国内“货源”用于炸弹制造。 +"Again, nanotechnology is offering solutions — nanotech 'fingerprints' or encryption are being developed to separate legitimate medicines from counterfeits.","纳米技术也能提供解决方案——正在开发 纳米技术的""指纹""或者密码从而把合法药物和假药区分开来。" +"The effect of kinetic energy factor of gas phase, clear liquid height on liquid dispersivity of plate towers is studied in spray operation.",在喷射工况下,研究了气速及板上清液层高度对板式塔液体分散性能的影响。 +The evidence not cross-examined shall not be as the legal basis to determine the case facts.,未经质证的证据,不能作为认定案件事实的依据。 +It looks like I have to forego food and sleep. I wonder if Black Rose can run on an empty stomach.,路上只有不吃饭,不睡觉,拚命的跑了,但不知黑玫瑰能不能挨? +Pratical formulas of reducing the effects of the Pendulum beam in the observations are proposed by some examples.,提出了在倾斜固体潮观测资料中消除摆杆方位影响的实用公式,并用实例加以验证。 +"My immediate reaction? I threw the plum I was eating at the TV, then tweeted, ""If Hillary were a man, she'd have been president 25 years ago. """"",我的即时反应是什么?我吐掉了看电视时吃的梅子,而后发布推文:“若希拉里为男儿身,他在25年前就当上总统了。” ” +"Twin-screw extrude machine is an important machine in producing powder coatings, the errors affect bigness in producing powder coatings.",双螺杆挤出机是粉末涂料生产中的重要设备,设备故障对粉末涂料的生产造成重大影响。 +"By ""sitting on wells and bird-dogging seismic crews, "" he learned the tricks of the trade firsthand.",他通过“亲临油井和深入调查地震工作人员”,学到了第一手业务知识。 +Won over 10 achievement of provincial level.,获部、省厅级科研成果奖10多项。 +It's very exciting because it reminds us that the future of molecular imaging lies not just in cancer imaging but in a wide range of disease processes beyond oncologic applications.,这是非常令人兴奋的,因为它提示我们,分子影像的未来不仅仅局限于肿瘤显像,而是在肿瘤以外疾病的广泛应用。 +The permeability of sapwood of both air dried and the solvent exchange dried specimens were bigger than the heartwood.,气干材和溶剂置换材的边材渗透性均大于对应的心材渗透性。 +"BARACK OBAMA: ""Keep in mind we're talking about ten thousand troops by the end of this year, an additional twenty-three thousand by the end of next summer.",奥巴马:“请记住,我们说的是今年年底撤出1万名士兵,明年夏天结束前再撤出2.3万名士兵。 +"Chen said during the 10-day event, she had to talk with scores of foreign businessmen everyday. ""The heavy perfume they were wearing made me sick! "" she complained.",陈蓉说,在那10天里,她每天要和上百名外国商人交谈。“他们身上浓烈的香水味让我感觉恶心!”她抱怨道。 +Chapter two discusses the formation of ship sale and purchase agreement.,船舶买卖合同所涉及的关系方及其主要内容。 +"Following the dinners, all guests are invited for an after party celebration and an opportunity to meet other diners.",晚宴后,所有的宾客都将被邀请参加余兴晚会,大家可以互相结识与攀谈。 +HX : Good. ZY: what do I need to remember when I go out to cover a story?,黄嘌呤:好。岩:有什么我需要记得我走出去,涵盖了故事吗? +"Britain's Prince William, right, receives a Hong, a Maori greeting, from a tribal leader in Greymouth, New Zealand on Thursday.",英国威廉王子(右)上周四于纽西兰格雷茅斯以传统的鼻碰鼻方式跟毛利部族首领打招呼。 +"Is the outside world was surprised by the ""breakthrough"" of the relationship between soil, Turkey's prime minister, yell, co durham's statement is confusing.",正在外界惊讶于俄土关系的“突破性进展”时,土耳其总理耶尔德勒姆的表态却让人困惑。 +"This is a book eulogizing the spirits of hardship, indomitable effort, and self reliance; it is a race teaching material for juvenile education of patriotism.",它是一部讴歌艰苦奋斗、顽强拼搏、自强不息精神,对青少年进行爱国主义教育的不可多得的好教材。 +There are no seats available on the flight leaving at 16:15.,在16点15分起飞的航班,座位票已经售完。 +"Modern Dongjiadu area will be built a new 80 - metre, a small Pudong Lujiazui area sets Green, King, walking Road to the integration landscape axis.",新建的现代董家渡聚居区将建一条80米长,朝向浦东小陆家嘴地区的集绿化、水景、步行道为一体的景观轴线。 +"The knowledge-base is designed in an open-style way, and every specific rule-base is combined with base rule-base.",知识库管理模块采用开放式设计,并使基规则库与各特征规则库相结合。 +"The input pinion is turning the ring gear and cage, and none of the pinions within the cage are rotating-----both side gears are effectively locked to the cage.",主动齿轮带动冠状齿轮和壳体,壳体内的小齿轮都不转动------两边的齿都有效地将壳体锁住。 +"The life has many matters, after just like the ship ripple, will have only then to think from now on America.",人生有许多事情,正如船后的波纹,总要过后才觉得美。 +"Shits'. "" Each man must not think only of himself, but also of his buddy fighting beside him.""",每个战士不能只想着自己,也要想着身边一起出生入死的战友。 +"There(That) was 23 years ago, I see this little thing in his(Stallone's) house.",我记得大约是23年以前,我在史泰龙家看到这个小东西(小金人)。 +"Tiger, tiger, burning bright in the forests of the night.",太极(老虎)!太极!燃烧的火焰,游荡在那黑夜的林莽。 +Clerk: Good for him.,店员: 真替他高兴。 +"First phase syphilis is controlled 3 weeks after infection commonly happen, main show is hard chancre and syphilis sex horizontal Xuan.",一期梅毒一般在感染后3周左右发生,主要表现为硬下疳和梅毒性横痃。 +"This thesis analyse the theoretical basis of ecological compensation of natural reserves and explore the practice situation in China. Finally, I make sev…",本文试分析了自然保护区生态补偿的理论基础,并于其上探索我国的实践情况,提出了几点问题并给出了相应的合理化建议。 +"In convalescence of acute hepatitis, the SGPT in a part patients has fallen to normal, but the serum glycocholic acid was yet higher than normal.",急性肝炎恢复期,部份病人GPT降至正常,但血清甘胆酸仍高于正常。 +The non-destructive technique used in this study could inform research to preserve and even whiten ancient texts and art.,这项研究中使用的非破坏性技术有助于研究如何保持甚至将古代典籍和作品重新亮白。 +What matters to what you are is what you learn and how you're treated.,个体差异源于他所受到的不同教育与待遇。 +"While this rental may look like a giant, thatched hut from the outside, it's spacious and stocked with all the comforts of home on the inside.",从外面看这座旅馆像个巨大的茅屋草棚,但屋内却非常宽敞舒适。 +"In this study, the actuality and history of the reading therapeutics at home and abroad are briefly described.",文章简述了国内外阅读疗法的历史和现状,分析了阅读对人的综合素质的影响及作用; +Minimax problem is a sort of non-differentiable optimization problem and the entropy function method provides a efficient approach to solve such kind of problems.,极大极小问题是一类不可微优化问题,熵函数法是求解这类问题的一种有效算法。 +The robot also has the advantage of allowing a telepresence in conversations outside the conference room.,这个机器人还具有能使远程控制者在会议室外进行交流的优点。 +"But the summers sound even worse than the winters – short and sticky, with two or three weeks when the temperature hits 30C or 35C.",但是夏天好像还不如冬天——短暂而湿热,有两三个星期气温高达30到35度。 +This ensures stray bullets pass into the ground rather than travel horizontally.,这就保证了流弹会射击地里而不会横飞。 +The dynamic changes of cell wall ultrastructures of cotton fiber (Gossypium hirsutum L. Daizi-15) during development were studied by X-ray diffraction technique.,应用X射线衍射法研究了棉纤维发育过程中细胞壁超微结构变化的动态规律。 +"We are the unit of"" Youth Civilization Unit of Zhejiang Province"".",我们是“浙江省青年文明号”集体。 +"Volkova ended up buying a car instead of an apartment because “you can’t keep rubles now, ” she said.",Volkova虽然没有买房却买了一辆车,因为她说“手里的卢布现在不可能保值”。 +"Zoroaster 's teachings, as noted above, centered on Ahura Mazda, who is the highest god and alone is worthy of worship.",琐罗亚斯德的教导,正如上面所述,是以阿胡玛兹达为中心,是最高的神和值得崇拜。 +"However, the LORD your God would not listen to Balaam but turned the curse into a blessing for you, because the LORD your God loves you.",然而耶和华你的神不肯听从巴兰,却使那咒诅的言语变为祝福的话,因为耶和华你的神爱你。 +"""It may seem frivolous, this trendy bar in a 'Gorilla' neighborhood, but my guiding principle has always been to imagine what Evita would have thought to be right, "" says Narezo.",“这似乎轻浮,这在一个'大猩猩'邻里时髦的酒吧,但我的指导原则一直想像埃维塔会认为是对的,”说Narezo。 +"This paper studied mainly on the isolation and purification method of yoghurt bacteria, which keep in degrease milk.",本文研究了在脱脂乳中保藏的发酵酸乳菌种的分离纯化方法。 +"Ask the school's financial-aid office about scholarships, grants, work-study programs, and loans.",询问校经济援助办公室关于奖学金,助学金,勤工俭学和贷款的情况。 +"4But one of his disciples, Judas Iscariot, who was later to betray him, objected",有一个门徒,就是那将要卖耶稣的加略人犹大 +The telecommunication management network(TMN) is a trend of future telecommunication network management.,电信管理网(TMN)是未来电信网络管理的趋势。 +The construcion of the manifold manometer is briefly described as well as the installation position of the manometer during inspection of pressure of motor vehicle air condition system.,简单介绍了歧管压力表的构造及在检测汽车空调管路压力时的安装位置。 +"By picking one of the best-known voices on the left three weeks before a presidential election, The Royal Swedish Academy is sure to provoke further criticism.",某些右派因政治动机错失奖牌,就在总统选举的前三个月选一个呼声最高的人,瑞士皇家学者无疑发出更多的批评! +The police had understandably refused to investigate when she further told them she thought it was a weeping willow.,可以理解,当那个女人告诉警方,她认为是一棵杨柳树在哭泣时,警方自然是拒绝了调查。 +Abstr: Objective To explore the efficacy and safety of ziprasidone and risperidone in the treatment of schizophrenia in children and adolescents.,文章摘要: 目的探讨齐拉西酮与利培酮治疗首发儿童青少年精神分裂症患者的疗效和安全性。 +I hate myself whenever i notice that I still love you somehow.,看你这样其实我也很难受阿阿阿阿。 +The reaction of ethyl diazoacetate (EDA) with N-(styryl)morpholine catalyzed by copper salts provided ethyl 4-oxo-4-phenylbutanoate: in good yield.,主要论述重氮乙酸乙酯(EDA)与N-(苯乙烯基)-吗啉在铜盐催化下的反应,能够以较高的化学产率制备4-氧代-4-苯基-丁酸乙酯。 +"He was too pretty, too delicate and fair-skinned; each of his features was shaped with a sensitive accuracy, and a girlish tenderness softened his eyes, which were brown and very large.",那男孩长得太过清秀,太过精致且皮肤白皙;他面容的每一处都经过了细致入微的雕琢,那种少女的柔情又使他的双目柔和,他的眼睛很大,呈棕色。 +"Dictionary is a good habit, but not over-dependent translation dictionary.",查字典是个好习惯,但依赖字典翻不好译。 +"but you will always have the dolphins out there,",但是那里总是有海豚, +"The German chemist Kekule dreamed of snakes biting their tails, therefore discovered the ring shape of the chemical compound benzene.",德国化学家凯库勒梦到蛇咬著自己的尾巴,因此发现了化学元素苯的环状结构。 +"China is committed to helping the agency with 'the technical side' of this probe, including sharing information about drywall manufacturing, he said.",他说,中国承诺要协助其进行技术方面的调查,包括分享有关干墙生产商的信息。 +"This paper analyzes the preconditions for small and medium-sized coal mines to increase coal recovery rate, and puts forward some paths and measures for the second mining of the coal resources.",分析了中小煤矿提高煤炭资源回收率的前提保障条件,提出了复采煤炭资源的途径和措施。 +"Likewise, if you want tethering, true multi-tasking, an openoperating system, or Flash support, then an Android is a better choice.",同样的,如果你需要数据共享,多任务处理,开源操作系统,或者Flash支持,那么Android是个更佳的选择。 +"Japanese, in contrast, places function words at the ends of phrases.",相反,在日语里面,冠词等虚词被放在句子末端。 +"We ran each test for approximately 60 minutes in a steady state, with a ramp-up period of 5 minutes.",我们在稳定状态下每次测试运行约 60 分钟,自举(ramp up)周期为 5 分钟。 +"The cultural concept of venerating sheep is various and complicated. It has countless ties with the traditional culture such as alchemist, ghost, celestial being stories.",羊崇拜中的文化观念是复杂多样的,其与方术、鬼灵仙怪等传统文化多种分支纠葛难分。 +"Fake Fur Fabric, Sherpa Fabric, Plush Fabric, Velour , Velvet, Polar Fleece Fabrics.",采购产品假毛皮织物, 夏尔巴织物, 长毛绒织物, 丝绒, 天鹅绒, 摇粒绒面料。 +""" After drinking the soup, the son picked up the phone and said: ""Hey, take some fruit.",喝完汤之后,儿子又拿起电话说:“喂,再送点水果进来。” +Objective Measurement and analysis of patients wearing dentures with SJ 1 type bolt attachments.,目的对戴有SJ 1型插销式附着体义齿的患者进行咀嚼效能的测试分析。 +The active multinational M&A has already become the main mode of FDI in place of the Green- field Investment.,在此次浪潮中,跨国并购表现活跃,已经取代了绿地投资成为对外直接投资的主要方式。 +"Also by 1861, a myth had grown for white miners that the Chinese were to blame for their lack of prosperity.",也是在1861年,一种荒诞的说法在白人矿工中流传,华工应该对这些白人矿工的贫穷负责任。 +"To adapt the globe competition of the enterprises, networked collaborative product development(NCPD)style is put forward.",网络化协同产品开发是为适应现代企业全球化竞争而产生的一种产品开发模式。 +"Facing the new situation, we should strengthen regional geology study in western areas and improved techniques in the fields of geophysical prospecting, drilling, well logging, testing and …",为了适应这一新形势,应把全国区域地质研究的重点放在西部地区,并开展物探、钻井、测井、测试、录井等方面的技术、工艺攻关课题研究。 +Beijing is in the midst of an Olympic blood drive. Advertising posters line inner city bus stops shelters and are plastered on subway station walls.,北京正在发起一场奥运献血运动,在市区巴士车站的候车亭和地铁车站的墙上都张贴着广告标语。 +The dissertation analyses the characteristic of clover-leaf coupled cavity structure.,本论文对三叶草慢波结构行进了特性分析。 +"Geometry and Quantum Field Theory, designed for mathematicians, is a rigorous introduction to perturbative quantum field theory, using the language of functional integrals.",几何和量子场论课程是用泛函积分的语言对微扰量子场论的严谨的介绍,主要针对数学家设计。 +"This article mainly introduces the performance and the principle of AMBE-1000 and TLC32044, and gives some examples of the application of general speech transaction system .",该文介绍AMBE-1000、TLC32044的性能特点和工作原理,并给出通用语音压缩系统的应用实例。 +It is also only 25 minutes from Taoxian International Airport and 5 minutes from North Railway Station.,距沈阳北站仅五分钟车程,至沈阳桃仙国际机场二十五分钟车程。 +By analysing the phase variety of living system and the entropic force in the living individual.,作为应用,分析了生命系统的相变和生命机体内部的熵力。 +"The appeal of each location is as unique as the attraction between two people. A chemistry that flows, unseen and mysterious.",景对人的引力就像人与人之间的相互吸引一样独特,如同空气中进行了某种看不见的化学反应般微妙。 +"The result of the group of altruism is better than the group of non-altruism in the false belief task, reading the mind in the eyes task and total score.",在心理理论总分、错误信念任务和眼神读心任务上,利他组成绩都要好于非利他组。 +Arc de Triomphe and imaginative in the city even more of their romance.,凯旋门在这个富有想象的城市里更显其浪漫。 +Telling the whole truth about yourself in a job interview may mean losing a position to a better-qualified candidate.,在面试中,对自己所有的情况都实话实说可能就意味着会输给一个更适合该职位的候选者,但是另一方面,如果对自己的学位,资历,经验捏造事实,即使可以得到工作一段时间,最后也不可避免的会伤害到你自己。 +"Police in Thailand have found the remains of more than 300 human fetuses hidden in a Buddhist temple in the capital, Bangkok.",美联社消息,泰国警方在首都曼谷的一间寺庙内发现了300多具死婴。 +The sample view messages: The first message is written out when the view is initialised and is taken to indicate that Eclipse has started.,示例视图消息:当视图初始化时输出第一个消息,收到这个消息就说明 Eclipse 已经启动了。 +"In this paper, whether the steady high-speed siphon flow exists in coronal magnetic loops is discussed.",本文讨论了日冕磁环中是否存在定常的高速虹吸流动的问题。 +"They are quite similar in what they do compared to some other kinds of outdoor shades, such as window awnings and garden gazebos.",他们是在他们做的相当相比,户外遮阳篷的色调,如窗口和花园凉亭,一些其他类型的相似。 +"In this paper, we discuss a kind of useful matrix in the sense of maximalalgebra, row-column monotonicity of system matrix A is given.",本文讨论了极大代数意义下矩阵的行列单调性,给出了系统矩阵A的行列单调性。 +A new method was developed for the simultaneous determination of 20 organophosphorus and organochlorine pesticides in greasy wool by GC/MS system using a three-way splitter and backflush.,建立了同时测定含脂羊毛中20种有机氯和有机磷类杀虫剂残留的气相色谱-柱后分流-反吹检测方法。 +Objective To compare the clinical effects of three kinds of disinfectant applied to young permanent teeth in root canal treatment.,目的观察比较改良氢氧化钙糊剂、木榴油抗生素糊剂(以下简称木抗糊剂)、樟脑酚液在年轻恒牙根尖周炎治疗中的疗效。 +Many countries have adjustment assistance programs to help workers retrain or relocate so that they can take advantage of the opportunities opened up by expanded trade.,许多国家建立与转型相关的协助项目,帮助工人再就业或迁居,使他们充份利用扩大贸易带来的各种机会。 +"Coriolanus, in marked contrast, is a tragedy, political in theme and austere in treatment, with an almost classical economy in its closing scene.",《科利奥兰纳斯》,在鲜明的对比下,是一出以政治为题材、处理手法严肃的悲剧,它的结尾一场几乎达到一种标准的惜墨如金的程度。 +It was introduced the method of quick recovery of Statistic Redisplay System for ATIS.,介绍了列车自动识别系统(ATIS)统计复示系统的快速恢复方法。 +"How do I, is living like maggots , or a real heart to adapt to their own?",我怎么了,是像蛆虫般的苟活,还是真正打开自己的心? +"In almost all of Lawrence' s novels, one of the recurrently narrated themes is the harmony between the male and female, which is the source of human being's life.",同时,劳伦斯的几乎全部小说还都反复重申了这样一个主题:两性和谐才是男人和女人生命的活水之源。 +"Figure 1 introduces the Identifiable and Auditable interfaces, which define the API for identifying object instances and setting audit information on object instances.",图 1 引入了 Identifiable和 Auditable接口,这些接口定义的 API 用来标识对象实例和设置对象实例的审计信息。 +"In the ielts speaking exam, the examinee to focus on the latest examination topic, everybody can regularly on the new channel of the ielts question bank website, this will be updated.",在进行雅思口语备考时考生要多关注一下最新考试话题,大家可以定期登陆 新航道 网站,这里的雅思题库会随时更新。 +"For example, you can put a life span on them, or you can have them generated with self-signed certificates and eliminate the need of a CA.",例如,您可以对它们施加一个生命周期,或者使用自签名证书来生成它们,这样就不需要涉及到 CA。 +"Lk. 4:3 And the devil said to Him, If You are the Son of God, speak to this stone that it become bread.",路四3 魔鬼对他说,你若是神的儿子,就叫这块石头变成饼吧。 +Gellert Baths and Swimming Pool complex looks more like a cathedral than a pool.,比奥林匹克泳池大七倍,位于大堡礁的泳池吧更像个小海洋。 +A company can then license all the patents in the pool as a package with respcet to the related technology. MPEG-LA is who you have to pay if you want to use the H.264 video codec.,"其他人如果要使用H.264,就必须向""池""的管理公司申请许可,一旦获得了许可,就可以使用""池""中的所有专利。" +"The place she lives in , her masculine character and Romanism fortify this inclination , which is also proved in her masterpiece , Wuthering Heights .",她所居住的环境,她的男子性格及浪漫主义思想对她的影响都间接地增张了这一倾向,而这一倾向在她唯一的小说中也得到了证实。 +"Tall, slim, and, in broadcast parlance, telegenic, he's a walking advertisement for what he preaches.",高挑、苗条、广播发言、上镜,他简直就是是他所宣扬的东西的活广告。 +The occurrence and application of the inertia and computer control make it possible to devise and develop the independently and precisely orientational instrument.,惯性技术和计算机控制技术的出现及其应用,为研制自主的、精密的方向指示仪器—惯性寻北系统提供了可能。 +The application of gravel pile composite foundation is extensive in practical engineering for reinforcing liquefiable sandy ground due to its effectiveness and adaptability.,用碎石桩复合地基处理液化砂土是非常有效和适用的,在实际工程中已得到广泛的应用。 +Vaccination did not affect the degree of viremia or the CD4+ T-cell count in subjects in whom HIV-1 infection was subsequently diagnosed.,在随后诊断为HIV-1感染的受试者中,疫苗接种对病毒血症程度及CD4+T细胞数量未显示出作用。 +Fat suction postoperative need to wear clothing 2 weeks left elastic pressure.,脂肪抽吸术后需要穿戴弹性压力服装2周左右。 +"Fuentes: A last wish, please, please. Please.",遗嘱,请说吧,请。请。 +"bad habits, and do our business in the light of day - because only then can we restore the vital trust between a people and their government.",作为公共资金的管理者,我们必须承担责任——明智地使用资金,抛弃坏习惯,在阳光下履行职责——因为只有这样我们才能恢复人民对政府的至关重要的信任。 +"So in theory this survey is picking up, with a wide range of statistical sampling error, the number of people who work as reporters and correspondents, whether or not that is their actual title.",因此,从理论上来说,此次调查虽然伴随着大量的统计样本错误,但是仍在挑选出职业为报道员和记者的人数,无论这是否是他们真正的头衔。 +Cristiano Ronaldo's extra-time header gave Jose Mourinho his first trophy as Real Madrid coach as his side beat Barcelona 1-0 to win the Copa del Rey.,克里斯蒂亚诺.罗纳尔多加时赛绝杀建功,帮助皇家马德里1比0击败巴萨勇夺西班牙国王杯冠军。这也是何塞.穆里尼奥来到皇马后第一个冠军头衔。 +"The soul-searching has been fuelled by new guidelines from the ministry of health, urging people to consider the circumstances before rushing to help old people who have fallen over.",卫生部新近公布的一条指导原则引起了人们的反思,该指导原则让人们不要急于将摔倒的老年人扶起来,而是要先考虑一下当时的情况。 +The incident happened at Rajshahi University in western Bangladesh.,这一事件发生在西孟加拉的拉杰沙希大学。 +Once upon a time there was a young boy playing by the sea. He accidentally found a little goldfish. She was nearly dying.,一天小男孩在海边玩耍,不经意间,发现一条被海浪冲上沙滩的小金鱼。 +"Medvedev said 4, 000 cases of corruption were uncovered in the first half of this year — in reality, a fraction of the real total.",梅德韦杰夫说今年上半年发生了4000起贪污案——事实上,那只是冰山一角。 +"Officials have now released an array of statistics that detail the overall progress so far made in re-building the affected provinces of Sichuan, Gansu and Shaanxi.",政府围绕去年遭受地震重创四川省、甘肃省和陕西省的重建,现在已经发布了最新的一系列的统计数据。 +To adopt boring technology to process hole alike ellipse sphere in the harder material and to explore devising method of cutting tool.,采用镗削加工工艺加工硬度较高材料的椭球孔,并探讨刀具设计方法。 +Are all external doors and ports in the accommodation closed?,住舱区之所有通外部门及透气孔已关闭? +"The article appeared instead as a feature on the editorial page, and Mr. Salinger felt so betrayed that he broke off with the teenagers and built a six-and-a-half-foot fence around his property.",结果文章作为专题发表在社论版上。 塞林格觉得上了当,断绝了与那些青少年的交往,并且围着他的地界建起了六尺半高的围栏。 +The panels can be folded when you are in no mood for perfection and mounts with suction cups or screws;,当你没有心情精益求精时,可以将镜面组折叠起来,通过吸盘和螺丝固定。 +Perhaps the most amazing thing about Vanish is that it's capable of erasing messages posted practically anywhere on the web.,Vanish这款工具最让人称奇的地方或许在于它能够清除发布在网络上任何一个角落的信息。 +"Dark grays for the suit and light blue for the shirt would look better, in my opinion.",我的观点是,深灰西装配合淡蓝色衬衫看上去会好些。 +"Thank the recruiter for reading your letter, then request an interview and provide your phone number. Or, be proactive and state that you'll call in a week to follow-up. Then do it.",感谢招聘员工阅读你的信,然后提出面试要求并留下你的的电话号码,或者主动点,说明一周内你会打电话跟进,然后记得去做。 +"Pride parade!"" in Cantonese and English while marching through Hong Kong's congested Hennessy Road waving multicolored pride flags. (See TIME's top 10 pictures of 2008.)",在游行队伍经过香港繁华的海尼森路时,人们挥舞着各色旗帜,头戴火红羽毛王冠的人们高唱“尊严游行,尊严游行”。 +"Results: Defect area changed significantly through the cardiac cycle, mean change 49.0%, range from 15.2% to 76.9%.",结果:缺损面积在心动周期的收缩变化显著,变化率从15.2%到76。 9%,平均变化率为49。 0%。 +"Thee taxi is rented either by the day or by the mile. In any case, you're expected to pay for extra hours and miles.",租用的出租车无论是按天计还是按里程数计。在任何情况下,你都要支付额外的时间和里程数。 +"His first title against the 1990-91 Los Angeles Lakers pared Jordan against Magic Johnson, James Worthy and Byron Scott.",他的第一枚总冠军戒指是在1990-91赛季对阵洛杉矶湖人的魔术师约翰逊,詹姆斯-沃西和波轮-斯科特中获得的。 +"The text have six chapters:In the first part, it introduces the origin of Chinese shadow play and how to form and develop in Wangcheng.",正文分为六章:第一章研究中国皮影戏的起源以及它在望城的形成与发展。 +Different kinds of Nail Art are getting very popular everywhere. We would like to design and tailor made the style and pattern that suit your taste and occasion .,时下流行各种花甲艺术,款式繁多,本公司除了提供一般花甲服务外,更会为妳们度身设计出适合各类场合的别致花甲。 +"Bongo is expected to be succeeded by his son Ali-Ben Bongo, the defence minister.",邦戈预计会由儿子即国防部长阿里本·邦戈继任。 +Studies of commonsense reasoning and the practical knowledge required for such reasoning have been and remain the central problem in artificial intelligence.,对常识知识推理和这种推理所需实践知识的研究已是并将在一段时间内仍会是人工智能研究的中心问题。 +我去原是为你们预备地方去。,I go to prepare a place for you. +"Fars News Agency, affiliated with Iran's Revolutionary Guards, blamed Zionists and Americans for corrupting the minds of the youth and coaxing them into water parks.",隶属于伊朗革命卫队(Revolutionary Guards)的法尔斯新闻社(Fars News Agency)指责犹太复国主义者和美国人腐蚀了年轻人的思想,诱导他们进入水公园。 +"Based on some classical building works, this paper analyses the feasibility of re-creation of the traditional elements from several aspects such as forms, colors and spaces.",本文从建筑形式、色彩和内外空间几个方面探讨了传统元素再创造的可能性以及国内外经典作品在这些方面可资借鉴的设计方法。 +Do you truly believe that your loved ones once transitioned ask you to mourn for them for ever?,你真的相信你所爱的人们去世后会要你为他们一直感到悲哀吗? +"Lastly, a case study of the generator investment in one province was given to show the model and the method in this paper was validity.",最后,应用本文的模型对南方某省电源投资进行了算例分析,验证了该模型的正确有效。 +"The limitlessness, mobility, and irregularity of time series data stream make the traditional frequent-pattern mining algorithms difficult to extend to the mining problem of time series data stream.",时序数据流的无限性、流动性和不规则性使得传统的频繁模式挖掘算法难以适用。 +"They were all surprised that the seed grew and started to look like watermelon, and they even got to eat it.",他们对小小的西瓜籽能长成西瓜都很惊讶,甚至还想尝尝看(长出来后的西瓜)。 +"When that happens, people are doomed to continue running on that personal development hamster wheel.",如果那样做的话,人们就注定要继续个人发展的轮回,没个头了。 +"A noisy place is very probably distracting people's attention on study, even make they have no desire to study.",一个嘈杂的地方很可能会分散人们对学习的注意力,甚至使他们无心学习。 +Through analyzing the135cases of medical record duplications we realized the social value of medical records so as to develop and utilize them and to share medical information with others.,通过分析135例复印病案,了解病案的社会使用价值,以便更好地开发利用好病案,达到医疗信息共享的目的。 +"You can tell the Puppetmaster to automatically sign keys for clients that connect, but doing so would allow anyone to download your configuration files.",您可以告诉 Puppetmaster 自动地签名所连接客户端密钥,但是这么做会导致任何人都能下载您的配置文件。 +"It will generate almost six megawatts of electricity - enough power for 3,500 American-size households, but could service many more houses in China, which consume less energy.",它将会产生600万瓦的电力——足够3500个美国家庭使用,对于耗能更少的中国家庭,显然它的惠及面会更大。 +"However, Konyn believes the rupee will lose ground by the end of the year because of a few warning signs: India's high inflation rate and its current account deficit (it imports more than it exports).",但是,康礼贤认为卢比在今年底将会失守,印度的高通胀和经常账赤字(进口大于出口)已经发出了警告。 +AM RENEWED! Ysera grant me the favor to lay these foul creatures to rest!,我重生了!伊瑟拉赋予我让那些邪恶生物安眠的力量! +"The applied research is a theoretical research to apply the views, theories and methods in Yuanjiology in other disciplines, actually the combination of Yuanjiology and modern sciences.",应用研究是指把元极学的观点,理论与方法运用于其它专业学科的理论研究,实际就是元极学与现代科学的结合。 +A container vessel wished to overtake us. I did not agree.,一艘集装箱船要追越我们,我不同意。 +"Yin JM, Liao WY, Jiang XS. Effect of cordyceps on simple hematuria. Guangzhou Medical Journal, 2000;",尹继明,廖文燕,江晓生。冬虫夏草对单纯性血尿转阴效果的观察。广州医药,2000; +"Incidentally, judicious use of the rm() command can stop the saved data environment from growing unboundedly (remove() is a synonym for rm()).",顺便说一句, rm() 命令的灵活运用可以停止 无限制地保存数据环境( remove() 等同于 rm() )。 +"Wearing a light blue wetsuit that matches the colour of the sea will make you less likely to become the victim of a shark attack, according to researchers.",都说鲨鱼很凶悍,杀人不眨眼,可日前专家经研究证实,倘若身穿“淡蓝色或与海水相近颜色”的泳衣在海底与鲨鱼“亲密接触”,可以大大降低被鲨鱼以及鲨鱼群攻击的几率。 +"There is orangeade in the glass, is not there?",玻璃杯里有桔子水, 对吗?。 +"Yi did not give a timetable, but instead emphasized that the central bank has been steadily reforming the yuan since 1994, noting that it has been convertible for current accounts since 1996.",易纲没有给出一个具体的时间表,而是强调央行自从1994年以来就已坚定进行人民币改革,同时指出往来账户自1996年就已实现可兑换。 +These are all real skills.,这些都是实打实的真功夫。 +"After this, with automount enabled, it mounts automatically when a node starts GPFS.",然后,如果启用了 automount,就可以在节点启动 GPFS 时自动挂载。 +Each CGP is created in consultation with a client.,每一个本金保证产品都是在与一家客户商讨之后设立的。 +Our mind is information processing places.,我们的心灵也是信息加工场所。 +The tour takes in some famous old castles .,这趟观光旅行包括参观若干著名的古堡。 +Consequently there was only one chance created second-half as a frequently aerial attack from the home side was weathered.,最终下半场在经历对方不断的猛攻后,球队仅仅创造出了一次机会。 +Bora Milutinovic will be making World Cup history in Japan and Korea this summer.,不过,有一件事是肯定的:今年夏天,博拉·米卢蒂诺维奇将在日韩创造世界杯的历史。 +"We believe in the old saying, ""Opportunity knocks but just once, "" so we always welcome it and devote all our spirit and efforts to it.",我们相信,在这个古老的谚语说:“机不可失,但只有一次”,所以我们一直欢迎它,把我们所有的精神和努力。 +They say that money can’t buy happiness.,俗语说钱不能买来幸福。 +They supposed to be judges to take care of God's chosen people.,他们是照顾神选民的审判官。 +"During the campaign, the DPJ promised monthly stipends of around $260 to families for each child attending primary school.",民主党在竞选期间承诺,将对有上小学子女的家庭每个孩子每月补助大约260美元。 +"But in a moment a tall, burly man staggered into the hall, his bare back red and black with welts and bruises.",过了不久,一个高壮的人摇摇晃晃地走进了大厅,在他赤裸裸的背上,印着一条条红红紫紫的鞭痕; +To cope with slowing phone demand Nokia is trying to build a new business from mobile Internet services -- like games or maps.,"为了应对手机需求放缓,诺基亚正试图在手机互联网服务上建立如游戏与地图等新业务." +He wanted to help many poor and sick people in Africa.,他想帮助许许多多贫病的非洲人。 +xsl:apply-templates automatically changes the current node.,apply-templates 自动改变当前节点。 +"""It's certainly possible, "" says Reed-Tsochas, ""but we'll need to wait for equally good data in those areas to find out.",曹加斯说:“这很有可能; 但我们会等一等,待有了同样好的数据再去探索结果。” +"Curtis Skinner of the liberal National Center for Children in Poverty says the new measure is ""far superior, although nothing is perfect.",来自贫困儿童国家研究中心的柯蒂斯说:“虽然不可能十全十美,但是新方法更可取。” +"In March 1994, Bosniaks and Croats reduced the number of warring factions from three to two by signing an agreement creating a joint Bosniak-Croat Federation of BH.",1994年3月波斯尼亚和克罗地亚派别通过协议制造了个波斯尼亚和克罗地亚的同盟,将三角战减为两派系。 +Try to sit in on related classes at your target school. This will enable you to become familiar with your potential professors and also have an insight into the key parts of your target course(s).,最好去想要报考的学校上相关的课程,这样既可以熟悉一下未来的教授,也能对将来要学课程的核心内容有更深刻的认识。 +Most men say they would love to get flowers and most women love floral gifts as well.,大多数男人 说他们喜欢买花,大多数女人也乐于接受鲜花礼品。 +She will be my heroine for all time. And her name will be Viola.,她将是我永远的女主角。她的名字叫维奥拉。 +Endemic. The disease or condition of ill health that is always present in about the same percent of the population (hosts). See epidemic.,风土病。疾病或健康欠佳状态总是在人群(宿主)中以一定比例存在。参见流行病。 +Conclusion: Vertical distraction osteogenesis is a feasible method in treating vertical alveolar ridge deficiencies.,结论:利用垂直牵张成骨增加牙槽骨高度是治疗牙槽骨垂直缺损的可行方法。 +"From this day, the only side of the color down the national flag in the world, a new red, green and black side of the flag rising moon and stars.",从这一天开始,全球唯一一面单色国旗在世界各地降下,一面崭新的红绿黑星月旗冉冉升起。 +"Oxidronate was prepared from triisopropyl phosphite by diphosphonation, chlorination, pyrolysis and reduction with 32% overall yield.",以亚磷酸三异丙酯为原料,经膦酸化、 氯化、 热解、 还原等反应合成奥昔膦酸盐,总收率为32%。 +It reacts violently with oxygen difluoride and barium peroxide.,一氧化碳同氟化氧、氧化钡会发生剧烈反应。 +"Recently, however, a couple of Google's rivals — Yahoo! and Ask.com (née AskJeeves) — have waved white flags.",然而最近,Google的两大对手雅虎和Ask.com已经彻底投降。 +"In order to farm gold effectively as Fiddlesticks, you want to wait for a group of enemy minions to get low on HP, then unleash dark wind. This will easily get several killing blows.",为了更有效的打钱,你需要等到一组敌方小兵的血量都比较低的时候再施放黑暗之风。 +"It will not add to your life, if anything, it will eat away at your emotions, causing stress which will impact your body.",这不会增加你的生命,如果有什么事会牵动你的情感,让你有压力,那么就会影响你的身体了。 +"If the name contains spaces, enclose the adaptor name in quotation marks.",如果名称包含空格,可以使用双引号括住适配器名称。 +"Based on the comprehensive planning of function module of CNC system, a four-layer open architecture reference model is proposed.",基于对数控系统功能模块的综合规划,提出了一种四层结构的数控系统开放体系参考模型。 +The new 2.0-litre has been fitted to a Mazda6 sedan body for early development.,新的2.0升已被安装在马自达6轿车车身的早期发育。 +"Meanwhile the much larger, bloodier problems of the Muslim separatist insurgency in southern Thailand and the Philippines continue.",同时,在泰国南部和菲律宾,更大规模更血腥的穆斯林分裂分子叛乱问题仍在继续。 +"The survival effect in IBA treatment was best and 3 varieties of Xiangyang, Chuyi and Hunjin were easier to survive in cutting.",吲哚丁酸处理的成活效果最好;向阳、楚伊、浑金3个品种较易扦插成活。 +"The final part is the fifth chapter, outlines the progress and pattern of development of Sanxi in history, and points the value and insufficiency of the study as a conclusion.",第五章为结论,对三溪的历史发展过程和模式进行概括,并且指出研究价值和不足。 +"With the rapid development of world economy, e-commerce in the world has been widely used.",随着世界经济的迅速发展,电子商务在世界范围内已广泛的应用。 +"A large white owl with some scattered spots, black bill and yellow eyes.",雪鸮是一种大型白色鸱鸮,体上有分散的斑点,黑喙,黄色眼睛。 +"There are none to decline your nevtared wine , but alone you must drink life's gall.",没有人会拒绝与你共饮美酒,然而生活的苦涩却需你独自承受。 +He was faced with two alternatives -- death or submission.,他面临两种选择--死亡或者投降。 +The explosion in teen screen time is well-documented.,荧屏大爆炸时代是有确切资料的可以证明的。 +Drilling & grouting superfluid concrete pile is a new kind of construction technique for filling pile.,钻孔压灌超流态砼桩施工工艺是一种新型灌注桩施工工艺。 +"""You're talking an entire Vietnam War annually,"" he says, ""versus a couple of lost jobs.",他说,“相比两三个失业者,您说的是一年打一整场越南战争。” +IP-PBX is one of the hottest research directions in recent computer telecommunication integration technology domain.,PBX系统是近年来计算机网与传统电话系统技术融合领域的研究热点。 +There are no limits to how you publish ideas — books are just one option.,你怎样发表你的观念是没有限制的——书籍只是其中的一种选择。 +It is difficult to realize dynamic measuring for valve mechanism with a direct action type hydraulic lash adjuster(HLA) due to its compact structure and shorter driving chain of valve mechanism.,直动式气门机构液压间隙调节器(HLA),由于结构紧凑、气门机构传动链短,难以实现动态测量。 +"May our hearts be always clean in your holly, all-seeing eyes, pleasing to you in Christ our Lord.",愿我们在祢圣洁、全知的眼中称得上手洁心清,蒙祢喜悦。 +The gurus and priests teach us also that there is no separative structure and that that is the source of our problems. How do you differ from them?,古鲁和神甫们也教导我们没有独立的个体架构,而那是我们的问题之源。你同他们有什么区别吗? +The result of robust diagonal dominance guaranteeing robust stability in this paper is less conservative.,本文得出的鲁棒对角优势保证鲁棒稳定的结果是较少保守性的。 +"I'm using the term ""resource-interesting"" to suggest that a model like Google's—free up to a point, and then for-pay after that—has some huge advantages over almost any other model.",我使用术语 “资源相关” 表明,像 Google App Engine 这样的一种模式 — 一定范围内免费,超出范围则收费 — 对于几乎任何其他模型都有巨大的优势。 +Kapur and his team suggest suicide prevention strategies should be targeted to young people leaving the military.,卡普尔和他的团队提出预防自杀策略上应针对那些退役的年轻人。 +"The Hall electric field and the Lorentz force produce forces in the same direction upon the holes. Therefore, both the linearity and the sensitivity of the magnetic field sensi…",霍耳电场和劳仑兹力对空穴产生同一方向的作用力,所以这种磁敏管的磁敏电流的线性度和灵敏度都比较高。 +"In this paper, main structure features, performance, parameters, and test conditions of depressed bottom container cars and caboose cars exported to Burma are introduced.",介绍了出口缅甸集装箱凹底车和守车的主要结构特点、性能及参数、试验情况。 +BaoTou Iron and Steel Company can do shearing and distributing previously which reduces logistics costs greatly. The convenient transportation in Kun District provides security for transport.,包钢可提供预处理剪切配送的服务,大大降低物流成本,而昆都仑区便利的交通为运输提供了保障。 +"At the time of our report last August, Imeem was the third-largest social network in the United States after MySpace and Facebook, and the No. 1 streaming music site in the US.",在我们去年八月的报道中,Imeem是美国第三大社交网络,仅次于MySpace和Facebook,以及第一大流媒体音乐网站。 +A proper lubricant is necessary for making good forgings.,制造良好的锻件必须有合适的滑润剂。 +"Front of the computer every day, definitely pay attention to wiping Cream Ha!",天天对着电脑,肯定要留意抹隔离霜哈! +They get their tans from a bottle of tanning lotion.,他们是在皮肤上涂抹太阳油所得到的古铜色肌肤。 +"Take the lime tree – a native breed to Europe, they hold some pretty powerful sway in national folklore.",以欧洲的土生土长的菩提树为例,它们在国家的民间风俗上保持着深远的影响。 +"Yeah, we have no mighty family background, no exceptional capability, no encyclopaedic knowledge and no outstanding viewpoint.",是的,我们没有强大家庭背景,没有不寻常才能,没有百科全书的知识和没有未完成的观点。 +"We still have plenty of research and development work to do, but by 2020 we should witness the first industrial solar fuel plants coming into operation, 'said Steinfeld.",我们还须要做大批的研发工作,但到2020年我们应当见证第一批产业用处太阳能燃料厂投进运行,“斯坦菲尔德说。 +"Bn expanded and modified version of the metric system, the International System addresses the needs of modern science for additional and more accurate units of measurement.",公制的扩大和修改版本,即国际制度针对了现代科学附加的及更加正确的度量单位的需要。 +It results the thickness of ice layer continuously increasing in freezing and thawing cycles.,它导致反复冻融循环时冰层厚度不断增加。 +"Life was like a box of chocolates, you never know what you re gonna get.",生命就像一盒巧克力,结果往往出人意料。 ——《阿甘正 缌 ?。 +"With more extensive sampling, it is highly likely that they will encounter more hope-promoting responses from others.",如果从更广泛的样本中考量,他们就很有可能从他人那里得到更有希望的回应。 +"The third run: (20 minutes. Ahead of time) Lola wined money in the casino, Manni regain lost money. Lola and Manni become rich man.",第三次奔跑:(20分。提前)罗拉在赌场赢钱,曼尼找回丢失的钱。罗拉、曼尼成为富人。 +"With the research work on the buildings and tomb relic around Shangjing Jin Dynasty, the historical values, in terms of Liao-Jin history study, are revealed in the paper.",对金上京周边建筑址及陵墓址进行考证,对于研究辽金史有重要的史学价值。 +"Typically, though, he would give a participant two weights and ask them which they thought was heavier.",一般来说,他会给被试两个砝码然后问他们认为哪个比较重。 +"So, if I let you go, you'll stop your sinning ways?",呃,如果我让你走,你会停止你的罪恶之行径? +"I have met and talked with so many of you about your dreams, your frustrations, and your ideas for change.",我过去同你们许多许多的人见面并畅谈你们的梦想,你们的挫折,你们对改变世界的期望。 +The coverage is carefully balanced between the physics of intense charged-particle beams and the design of optical systems for their formation and focusing.,新闻报导被仔细在强烈的带电粒子束的物理学和他们的形成和集中的光学系统的设计之间平衡。 +The annual addition to book value contributed by bonds purchased below.,低于面值购入之贴现债券,每年应将贴现收入摊入账面价值。 +"There are a lot of these, but they all share one thing in common — they help us remember more complicated pieces of information through imagery, acronyms, rhyme or song.",有很多助记符号,但它们都有个共同点--通过比喻,缩写,押韵或是歌曲帮助我们记更复杂的信息。 +"In addition to the lack of progress on China's dollar link, the two sides evidently failed to reach common ground on the bulk of Mr Obama's agenda.",除了在中国人民币盯住美元汇率的问题上缺乏进展外,双方显然未能就奥巴马的大部分议程内容达成共识。 +"Passion without end, eternal and perfect love, secretiveness.",没有终点,永恒而完美的爱,代表誓约。 +"Outside the US, other banks that jumped from biggest losers to big profits include UBS, Russia’s VTB, Dutch bank ING and two of Germany’s largest banks.",除了美国,其他从最大损失转为较大利润的包括瑞银集团、俄罗斯的VTB银行,荷兰银行集团和两家德国最大的银行。 +"URMIC is an international purchaser from Solomon Islands, need to buy products of Office Stationery, Clothing, Home Appliances, Commodity, Toy etc. categories.",该公司是一家国际采购商,来自所罗门群岛,需要购买的产品类别包括:办公文具、服装、家用电器、日用品、玩具等。 +Movie website management system is divided into front and back-office management.,电影网站系统分为前台管理和后台管理。 +"Test kit contains hoses, adaptors , digital print-out unit with complete instructions in rugged case.",检测组件包括软管,适配器,数字打印输出装置,全部结构位于坚硬的外壳内。 +"To an alligator, McCrory explained, a human forearm, even drunkenly dangled between the creature's casually opened jaws, still appears to be prey.",麦克罗里接着解释,对于一条鳄鱼来说,一条人的前臂,甚至是醉醺醺地悬荡在它随意张开的上下颚之间的时候,看起来仍然是活色生香的猎物。 +Objective To evaluate the therapeutic effect of Shuyao Mixture on the aging of vertebral endplate in rats.,目的评估舒腰合剂抗老龄雌性大鼠椎体终板老化的作用。 +Jack and DeSalvo lead Victor Drazen down one of the underground hallways.,杰克和迪沙佛领着维克托.德拉赞在地下的某一条走廊中前行。 +Pro-democracy politicians are expected to be big winners.,预计民主派会是大赢家。 +"Compare with others algorithms, our algorithm gives preference to higher-priority traffic as well as reduces the time delay of the data.",相对其它算法,该算法能在保障高优先级业务优先的同时,降低数据时延。 +The tour will come to Toronto on Sept. 16th and will also hit Vancouver.,演唱会将于9月16号到达多伦多,同时亦会在温哥华开唱。 +The mighty desert is burning for the love of a blade of grass who shakes her head anf laughs flies away.,浩瀚的大沙漠,正为一叶青草的爱而热情如焚,可青草摇摇头,大笑着飞走了。 +"China also has serious groundwater contamination and depletion issues, severe topsoil loss, and water quality issues.",中国的地下水的污染和流失也很严重,表土流失,水质问题。 +He remains a member of Singapore's parliament but stood down from his cabinet position earlier this year.,他仍是新加坡国会议员,但在今年早些时候卸去了内阁职位。 +"So, it is necessary to study the effect of additive agent on anti wear property of lubricating oil.",因此,研究添加剂对润滑油抗磨性的影响是非常必要的。 +"Grilled duck breast flavored with duck gravy and brandy, And apple gratin as the side dish.",八分熟的炭烤鸭胸以鸭骨熬煮的肉汁与白兰地佐味,搭配丁香焗烤苹果片的香甜。 +"It was more than a hundred years ago that Abraham Lincoln, a great President of another party, signed the Emancipation Proclamation;",一百多年前,亚伯拉罕林肯,另一个党派的一个伟大总统,签署了《解放宣言》; +The results indicate that the powders have a tetragonal SnO2 phase;,实验结果显示:粉体仍为四方相的金红石结构; +Then using qualitative and quantitative methods to control instrument anesthesia machine design project of the key risk factors and quantitative risk assessment.,其次采用定性和定量相结合的方法对麻醉机控制仪重新设计项目中关键风险因素进行风险量化和评估。 +"The ability of the radar system against electromagnetic interference is determined, and the type and interference degree of the typical electromagnetic wave are introduced.",针对雷达系统作了防电磁干扰能力的判定,同时付战场中逐渐占据主体的典型电磁波的类型及其干扰程度作了分析。 +Miss Francatelli died in 1967. The document remained in her family until after her death and has since been owned by two private collectors.,劳拉的夫人在1967年过世,直到她死前这份珍贵的回忆录由她的家庭所保管,他死后就由两位私人收藏者所有。 +The government is flush with cash and ready to prop up key banks and companies in case things get dicey.,政府有充足的现金并准备在危险发生时支撑关键银行和公司。 +"When Roald Amundsen set up his base camp in Antarctica's Bay of Whales in January 1911, he was 38 years old and a seasoned polar veteran.",1911年1月罗尔德·阿蒙森在南极的海鲸湾建立大本营之时,38岁的他已经是一位经验丰富的极地探险者。 +And one of the few places you can easily find virulent racist literature is at a gun show.,能轻易找到怀有恶意的种族主义者文学的地方不多,枪支展算得上其中之一。 +Smart raised his six children on a rural farm in eastern Washington State.,史墨先生在东华盛顿州的农庄中独力抚养大六个孩子。 +"Did you just say, ""Break up with Charlie""?",你刚才说 “和查莉分手”吗? +"You know, it wasn't even a band. A guy with a guitar.",连乐队都称不上,只是一个家伙抱了把吉他。 +It was in this kind of background that Sociology was introduced into China. Auguste Comte 's Sociology with the goal of order and progress has the nature of positivism.,由孔德所创立的倡导秩序和进步原则的社会学不仅具有实证特点,同时与一种本质上属于社会改良的思想相联系。 +Several inescapable realities of subway travel make it an absolutely dreadful experience while drunk.,地铁交通的几个难以逃避的现实使得醉酒搭地铁完全变成一场可怕的经历。 +The law major spent most of the weekend arguing with her over how she should express her love for him without interfering with his campus life.,这位法律专业的学生每周末都花很长时间和母亲辩论,话题就是如何在不影响他大学生活的前提下传达母亲的关爱。 +"Psychologist Frances Rauscher's study involved 36 college kids who listened to either 10 minutes of a Mozart sonata, a relaxation track or silence before performing several spatial reasoning tasks.",心理学家费朗西丝劳舍尔的这项研究是让36名大学生在10分钟内,或听一段令人放松的莫扎特奏鸣曲,或呆在静默环境里,之后再去完成几道空间推理作业题。 +"Instepost of trying to get good grpostes to impress future employers, students will try to learn things.",学生将不再眷注获得高分,来感动将来的雇主,而将起头研习一些真正有用的东西。 +"Master name to see more drama, and occasionally you want to Aiming Aiming a slap in the face endless tears, threw out a never-ending series.",看多了大师名剧,偶尔你也想瞄一瞄耳光摔不完眼泪掉不完的连续剧。 +Arafat argued that he should have a few blocks of the Armenian quarter because of the Christian churches there.,但阿拉法特争辩说,亚美尼亚人区的几个街区也应划给巴方,因为那里有几个基督教教堂。 +He enjoyed walking along the street in the evening because it had a strong resemblance to the Hengshan Road of his childhood days in Shanghai.,他喜欢傍晚在凤鸣街散步,因为这里很像他小时候上海的衡山路。 +"Our other products: elbow making machine, oval duct machine, angle iron winding machine, plasma cutting machine, prestressing duct forming machine, filter tube making machine etc.",我公司其他产品有:圆弯头咬口机、椭圆扁管机、角钢卷圆机、等离子切割机、建筑用空心楼板填充用管机、预应力波纹管机、滤清器管机等。 +"I discovered, while crawling inside of collapsed newspaper offices and other offices with a lot of paper, that paper does not compact.",我发现,在报社或办公室里堆有很多报纸的地方,通常会好些,因为报纸不受挤压。 +This thesis further discusses some problems concerning translation principles and translation criticism.,本文在讨论部分略谈了几个有关翻译原则和翻译批评方法的问题。 +"An evolutionary stable strategy (ESS) is any combination of practices that enables a system to be successful and survive, in some environment.",进化稳定策略(ESS)是一些实践的集合,这些实践使得系统在特定的环境下能够获得成功和生存。 +"The paper introduces the functional configuration, design idea and model technology of an information management system for engineering investigation map based on C/S model.",文中介绍了一个基于C/S模式的工程勘察图件信息管理系统的功能结构、设计思想及实现技术。 +"In this way, corresponding to every single transversely isotropic elastic random medium model, we can calculate and gained 15 different wave field characteristic quantities.",这样,对应每一个横各向同性 弹性随机介质模型,均可计算得到15个不同的波场特徵量。 +It also appears to have cancelled orders for 15 Boeing 787 Dreamliners and 10 Boeing 777 s.,该公司还取消了15架波音787梦幻客机和10架波音777飞机的订单。 +A shift in dog breed preferences is another rising trend.,对狗品种的偏好转变是另一个上升趋势。 +"Both Blu-ray and HD DVD formats use an anti-copying system called AACS, which has already been cracked; but Blu-ray employs BD+ as an extra layer of protection.",Blu-ray和HD DVD都采用了一种称为AACS的防拷贝系统,而它已经被破解了。 但Blu-ray采用BD+作为额外的保护层。 +"In this paper, the shear features of inclined section of the R.",本文研究了配有弯起钢筋的混凝土梁斜截面抗剪性能。 +"The polyhedral flame has been observed clearly when butane burns in some laminar, conditions.",在一定条件下,层流预混气体燃烧过程中可清晰地观察到多棱火焰现象。 +"WHO also provides guidelines that highlight good practice in road traffic injury prevention, and then supports governments to implement the suggested programmes or policies.",世卫组织还提供指导方针,突出预防道路交通伤害的良好作法,并支持政府落实所建议的方案或政策。 +The graphical representation of biologic sequence is an important subject in the area of genome studies. Based on the graphical representation of RNA proposed by B.,用图形法表示生物分子序列是生物信息学的一个重要研究课题,其中RNA二级结构以廖波提出的三维图形表示法应用比较广泛。 +Formant parameters are important parameters in track characteristics.,共振峰参数是反映声道特性的一个重要参数。 +Fig. 43 The knuckles on the hitting hand should be facing the target at contact. Let the knuckles continue on target as if hitting four balls.,图43打击手上的指节在接触点应该正面对目标。好像打击四个球,让指节继续对准在目标上。 +"Sour water stripping unit was revamped by using DYF-110 type oil-water separator and ""tank within tank"" deoiling technology in Lanzhou Petrochemical Company.",采用DYF-110型油水分离器及“罐中罐”脱油技术,对中国石油兰州石化分公司酸性水汽提装置进行改造。 +Activity -based Costing Management and Cost Design are theories of modern cost management developing with the evolution of modem enterprise environment.,作业成本管理和成本企划正是随着现代企业环境的变化而产生和发展的现代成本管理理论。 +But something changed in the mid-2000s.,可是,我改变了2000年代中期。 +"Light sent into the oil layer was confined there, bouncing between the metal and air boundaries. The beam spread out ever more quickly, generating a trumpet-shaped glow (see image).",当把光传入油层后,就被约束在那里,光线在金属和空气的边界之间不断反弹,于是产生了喇叭状的辉光(见图片)。 +"At the end of the time-period, the relevant Council shall submit a report to the Ministerial Conference.",在该期限结束时,有关理事会应向部长级会议提交一份报告。 +Plenty of sparks appeared between the carbon brushes and the slip rings.,在碳刷与滑环之间出现大量火花。 +"A BPEL4WS process interacts with other Web services using invoke, receive and reply activities.",BPEL4WS 流程使用调用(invoke)、接收(receive)和应答(reply)活动与其他 Web 服务进行交互。 +He could marry her and take her down with him to dwell in the grass-walled castle in the Marquesas.,他可以和她结婚,然后带她到玛奎撒思那干草打墙的堡垒往住。 +The part of the town is a sink of iniquity.,小城的那一部分是一个藏污纳垢的场所。 +"The only exercise that Tess took at this time was after dark; and it was then, when out in the woods, that she seemed least solitary.",在这期间,苔丝唯一的活动是在天色黄昏以后;她走出屋外,来到树林里,那时候她似乎才不感到孤独。 +"We’ve significantly increased the software performance in our upcoming release 1.2, so customers see a significant performance increase on their current platform with no additional costs.",我们在即将发布的 1.2 版中大大提高了软件性能,客户会在当前平台上体验到显著的性能提升,而不需要支付额外的费用。 +French physicist de Broglie wave-particle duality of light based on the bold inference: all physical particles have wave-particle duality.,法国物理学家德布罗意在光的波粒二象性的基础上大胆推断:一切实物粒子都具有波粒二象性。 +Headed and participated 8 scientific research projects. Won 4 sci-tech achievement awards.,主持及参与科研课题8项,获成果奖4项。 +"When we truly see what happened on the other side of the world, we got to know what international advanced experience really is.",只有你亲眼亲耳看到听到了那些,才会懂得什么叫做真正的国际先进经验。 +"Corrie and Hugaboom of Boise, ID, think they are both winners and we do too.",我们主人和狗狗的想法一样,我们都是胜利者。 +"Main bed goods, table cloth, quilt cover, pillow bags, tissue boxes, curtains, cushion, pillow, Processing in doing all kinds of lace the company is located in Weifang City, Shandong , China.",主要生产设计加工承接各种床品、台布、被套、枕袋、纸巾盒、窗帘、靠垫、抱枕,加工各种花边。 +"The Germans suffered additional casualties when ""the German batteries of the 2nd Division mistakenly but effectively fired on their own infantry.""",还不仅如此,“德军第二步兵师的炮兵错误而又准确的炮击了自己人的部队,”从而加大了德军的伤亡。 +This paper presents the method determining the reasonable WOB by the thrusting force analysis of the bearing section of transmission shaft section.,通过对传动轴止推轴承的受力分析,提出了合理钻压的确定方法。 +"Gary Goldbaum, Snohomish Health District medical director, said medical officials hadn't been able to isolate any ""risk factors"" for the man to identify where he might have been exposed.",医务人员未能找出在这个人身上找到任何“风险因素”,以确定他可能已接触过病毒。 +"In order to improve the reproductive ability of Boer goats, two methods were applied to research the synchronous estrus and superovulation of Boer goats.",为了提高波尔山羊繁殖力,应用两种处理方法对波尔山羊进行了同期发情及超数排卵研究。 +Executed resolutely fishery law and publicized eneryetically fishery resources aquaculture protecting clause.,强化渔业法和水产资源繁殖保护条例的宣传教育力度; +"Because transmitting and processing of natural gas has very strong corrosion to pipes, 2205 duplex stainless steel was selected as pipes materials for oil field.",新疆油田工程输送和处理的天然气介质腐蚀性很强,因此管道材料选用2205双相不锈钢耐蚀材料。 +The element's natures are prescribed and the grids are divided for the three different models by using the ANSYS software.,这三种加强结构在薄板上均为双周期分布,其中薄板与梁耦合结构即为常见的双周期加筋薄板。 +"Jarod: Well, that's your problem.",那麽这就是你的问题了。 +He was repeatedly told that his problem was beyond his control.,有人反反复复对他说,他的问题由不得他自己。 +"Foreign media reported, Coca-Cola planned to lay off 1000-2000 people worldwide in the coming weeks.",据国外媒体报道,可口可乐公司计划未来几周内在全球范围裁员1000到2000人。 +The young girl in the picture has a thoughtful and solemn mien.,画中的年轻女孩带着一副沉思而又严肃的神态。 +"Connected with an engineering example, the application of the high- pressure chemical churning pile in the existing construction ground foundation reinforcement was introduced.",本文结合工程实例,阐述了高压旋喷桩在既有建筑地基基础加固中的应用。 +"You can use the wsadmin tool in different ways -- interactively, as an individual command, or using jacl scripts.",您可以以不同的方式使用 wsadmin 工具,将其作为单独的命令以交互的方式使用、或者使用 jacl 脚本。 +"In addition of ensuring functions such as enough suction force and safe recharging, in order to attract the attention of the children, this project has also designed switch buttons at various places.",在能保证足够的吸力和安全充电等功能的同时,为了吸引儿童的注意力,设计了不同位置的开关键,背带卡扣上的触摸遥控开关设计比较大并能够发光; +Extinct fishlike jawless vertebrate having a heavily armored body; of the paleozoic.,已经灭绝的长有很重披甲的鱼形无颚动物;古生代的生物。 +"A: At Volition Capital, we’ve built a firm on the belief that founder-owned businesses possess unique traits that ultimately lead to successful outcomes.","答:在Volition Capital, 我们有个信条,创始人控股的公司有独特的促使公司走向成功的优点。" +1911 - Chevrolet officially enters the automobile market in competition with the Ford Model T.,1911年的今天,雪佛莱正式进入汽车市场,与福特汽车的T型车展开竞争。 +One was overlapping sub-problems.,一件就是重叠的子问题。 +The new bill clearly shows how politicized the yuan has become and the growing anger China's currency policies are creating around the world.,这项新议案明确显示了人民币问题的政治化以及世界范围内对于人民币政策问题日益增长的不满。 +The army returned in triumph.,大军凯旋归来。 +"This has left us with more candidates than vacancies, which is not what we predicted when we embarked on our campaign.",这导致我们目前候补者多于职位空缺的局面,而我们去年在进行招聘会是未预见到此。 +"The difference of modal strain is got by the first-order mode identified from the first part above, which then be used to identify single damage.",利用第一部分识别出来的第一阶振型求出振型应变差,进而进行单处损伤识别; +"Pistillate flowers terminal; sepals 6, broadly ovate, ca. 2 mm long. Ovary superior, glabrous;",雌花生于花序顶端,萼片6,阔卵形,长约2毫米; +How can firms purposefully create valuable firm-level human capital heterogeneity?,人力资本对企业层面的结果表现其影响机制是什么? +"I especially can join in the water soaking herbs, because the foot tendons acupuncture points more, drug ingredients can absorb water well.",特别的是,可以在泡脚的水中加入中草药,因为脚上筋脉穴道较多,可以很好的吸收水中的药物成分。 +"""stinking Number Nine"" from the intellectuals as well as the labels ""landlord"", ""rich peasant"" and ""capitalist"" from the overwhelming majority of persons formerly in those categories.",第四,我们摘掉了知识分子“臭老九”的帽子,摘掉了全国绝大多数地主、富农、资本家的帽子。 +Reinfection and multi-drug resistance are proving that acquiring HIV means you have to be more careful than ever to protect your body.,再次感染和抗药性成为了感染者最需要注意保护自己的话题。 +There were incinerated vehicles and torn-up roadside shade trees and bullet-pocked buildings.,随处可见焚烧的车辆,碎裂的行道树和弹痕累累的建筑。 +"His point, which I think is correct, is that those trials are really underpowered to see the risk, "" she says.""",她说:“史威萨的观点认为这些试验在发现这些危险上真的是动力不足,对此我表示赞同。” +All behavior and side constraints specified in the AASHTO bridge code are considered in the optimum design process.,在最优设计中,桥梁的性态约束和几何约束都是根据AASHTO来确定的。 +Even John McCain signed a bogus confession when tortured by the Viet Cong.,即便约翰·麦凯恩(译者注:已失败的总统竞选人,参加过越战)被越共拷打时,也签过虚假的悔过书呢。 +"RoR frequently reminds me that the objective is to get real work done, real quick, for real end users.",RoR 经常提醒我,目标是为最终用户快速完成实际工作。 +The paper uses integer programming to research repositioning of intermodal empty container of land-carriage .,本文应用整数规划的方法研究了集装箱陆上空箱多式联运调运优化问题。 +"After the form is loaded, the initiator or approver modifies the values of the form and submits the form.",加载表单之后,发起人或审批人修改表单的值并提交表单。 +"The process will continue infinitely many times, decays happening in all possible ways, with far separated regions losing fluxes from different handles.",这个过程会持续无限多次,以所有可能的方式衰变,即便是彼此相隔遥远的区域,也会从不同的把手丧失通量。 +Conclusion Quetiapine has less side-effect and superior to chlorpromazine in the life quality for schizophrenics quetiapine is favorable for schizophrenic patients to recovery and return to society.,结论奎的平副作用较少,对提高患者生活质量的效果明显优于氯丙嗪,有利于患者重返社会后适应生活。 +"The second case had a history of left flank pain with hematuria for 10 years, and a left renal mass noted by intravenous urography (IVU) for 8 years.",第二个案例则为左侧腰痛合并血尿已有十年的病史,而且经由经静脉肾盂摄影发现左肾肿瘤已有八年。 +"""It's a classic, "" Boghardt says of this 4.5 millimeter single-shot weapon, presumably taken from a KGB agent in the mid-1960s.",“这东西堪称经典,”博加特说,这支口红实际上是一把口径4.5毫米的单发手枪,来自于上世纪六十年代的一位克格勃特工。 +"The Permit Holder shall provide cover to the refuelling, maintenance and chemical waste storage areas during operation of the temporary bus depot .",在临时巴士车厂营运期间,许可证持有人须在加油、维修及存放化学废物的地方加设上盖。 +"Mr. Isaacson asks the right questions…And he answers them with the clear, broad grasp of complex issues that make this book an illuminating delight.",艾萨尼森先生提出了一个恰当的问题……然后他清晰明了地利用那些复杂的资料来回答了这个问题,并让这本书成为了一个令人振奋的惊喜。 +"One afternoon in the spring of 2009, I was marking midterms in my tiny garret office at Columbia University when the phone rang.",2009年春天的一个下午,我窝在哥伦比亚大学小小的亭子间里,正在批改期中作业,电话响了。 +"METHODS Strengthening the organization, to establish and consummate the system, increase the devotion of(facilities, ) organize personal training and standardize the work procedures.",方法加强组织领导,制定和完善内镜室管理的各项制度,加大对内镜及有关消毒设施的投入,组织人员培训,规范清洗消毒工作程序。 +"I think Frank just figured on some easy pickin's, didn't ya Frank?",我想弗兰克只是指望著一些小玩意,是吗,弗兰克? +American policemen are simply imposing and impressive. Many of their Chinese counterparts envy this.,美国警察威风凛凛,令他们的很多中国同行羡慕不已。 +The best DT of RALPis 4-6 hours. But at this time the content of MA in the CRAP is higher;,附子煎煮过程中有效成分含量稳定的最佳煎煮时间为4-6小时,但此时,生附子新乌头碱的含量较高; +My life before was bad - I had no direction.,我以前的生活很糟糕——我没有方向。 +"Courses include Latin, paleography, as well as courses in the history and literature of these periods.",课程包括拉丁语、古文字学和那些时期的历史文学。 +"Located in downtown, 90-minute drive to airport, 10-minute drive to railway station.",酒店位于市中心,距离机场车程1个半小时;距离火车站车程10分钟; +"Unfortunately, much of the discrimination that unschoolers receive is from within the homeschool movement itself and espoused by some homeschool leaders.",很不幸,非学校教育者受到的大多数歧视来自居家教育本身,而且得到了某些居家教育领军人物的煽风点火。 +"Still, how he would love to go from Lion King to Premier League king with Arsenal topping the table at the end of the season!",当然,相比音乐剧“狮子王”,赛季末加冕英超联赛之王是他更想得到的吧。 +He was still there at eight o'clock the next morning when Charles Batchelor arrived.,清晨八点,查尔斯·巴彻来到实验室时,爱迪生仍待在那里。 +The Boolean prime ideal theorem is the strong prime ideal theorem for Boolean algebras.,布尔素理想定理是给布尔代数的强素理想定理。 +"This build emphasizes excellent responses to critical hits, popping Martyrdom, Blessed Recovery, and Blessed Resilience all at once.",这种天赋强调对暴击的良好反应,出现殉难,神恩回复和神圣只韧。 +"And a prominent human-rights activist, Natalia Estemirova, was abducted and later found shot dead in neighbouring Ingushetia.",一位杰出的人权活动家纳塔莉亚·艾斯特米罗娃,遭到绑架,随后在英古什附近发现已被打死。 +"Firstly, the language of discussion in the Zhuangzi is very natural outflow of the thought of Zhuangzi;",提出“卮言”首先是指《庄子》中的议论文字,是庄子思想的自然流露; +White male death-rate increased in a declining rate.,白人男子的死亡率增长速度在下降。 +You won't get any ice-cream unless you eat some beans.,你不会有冰激凌吃除非你吃些豆子。 +"Southeast northwest of Huangji, moon and stars triumph.",东南西北效皇极,日月星辰奏凯歌。 +This is the famous Star-Spangled Banner.,这就是著名的星条旗。 +"Maintaining this progress will require continuous reform in China’s innovation system, which will need to be enterprise-led and market-based.",要保持这一势头,就要不断改革创新体制。 创新体制需要以企业为主体、以市场为基础。 +Forecast and dispatch are the important advanced application functions of water dispatching automization system.,预报和调度是水调自动化系统的重要高级应用功能。 +"I am Feng Hua, Estelle Wu's mother.",我是冯华,是贵院吴加骋同学的妈妈。 +"The only indication for fasciotomy is when the distal pulse is absent and when both direct, major arterial injury and systemic hypotension have been excluded.",筋膜切开术的唯一指征是末梢脉搏消失且排除直接的大动脉损伤与全身血压过低。 +Finally the paper puts out some ideas on the G-GDP accounting in China based on the reviews of the G-GDP concepts.,最后在对绿色GDP概念进行述评的基础了,提出了我国进行绿色GDP核算的思路。 +"Based on novelist John Fante's masterpiece, Towne's interpretation of Ask the Dust focuses on a city exotic and vulgar, glamorous and raunchy -a place of heat and dust.",故事改编自美国著名作家约翰芬特的同名著作,以美国经济大萧条的三十年代为背景,描述一个于洛杉矶发生的爱情故事。 +"The 100th provision in our current criminal law is usually called ""criminal record reporting system"" by academic circles, over which scholars share quite different opinions.",我国现行刑法第一百条的规定一般被学界称为“前科报告制度”。学者们对该法条在刑法中的设定有着不同的认识。 +It's what we among the lawyers call a 'specific intent crime.,他说:“种族灭绝罪是我们律师界所称的一种明确意图罪。 +And consecrates her beautiful dancing to you who can really appreciate the finer things in life.,只为能把优美舞蹈献给真正懂得欣赏艺术的你。 +The method of production and application about EPS plate of special adhesive were described.,本文描述了苯板胶的制备方法和应用情况。 +"Dance music, but no one was dancing (well, some of the girls were by themselves on the other side of the gym).",音乐响着,但没人跳舞(好吧,有些女生在场馆的另一边自顾自地跳)。 +"The time interval for computer to complete a task. e. g, assemble duration, compile duration, response duration, run duration, translate duration.",计算完成一项作业所需的时间。例如,汇编时间、编译期、响应时间、运行时间、翻译[变换]时间。 +"Performance and reward systems are based only on near-term, tangible results. The organization operates on a business unit or product line basis.",业绩和奖励系统仅基于短期可见的结果。组织运营要依赖业务单位或生产线。 +"The picking soil, lint, and dirt by garment, especially socks and stockings that are particularly susceptible to charging.",成衣中带静电容易粘着尘土、短绒和脏物,短袜和长统袜都很容易带电。 +"However, the development of new technologies, web services and platforms has now given us a well-designed set of tools for formulating and communicating our opinions, our ideas and our content.",然而,随着新技术的发展,网络平台和各种服务已经提供了一些精心设计的工具,帮助我们形成并表达意见、想法和满足。 +"Culture stands at the very foundation of our civilization, binds us together and cements our identity.",文化奠定我们文明的基础,它让我们连为一体,加强了我们的认同。 +"So unthinking has the platitude become that someone referred to national park rangers on public radio recently as “heroes” — reflexively, in passing — presumably since they wear uniforms, as well.",这些陈词滥调显然缺乏足够的考虑,最近甚至有人将国家公园护林员称为“英雄”,可能是因为他们也穿着制服吧。 +The Framework Plan for Citizen Health shall be fully implemented. Continuous improvement and full use shall be made of the organizing and coordinating functions of the citizen health network.,全面落实《全民健身计划纲要》,不断完善、充分发挥全民健身组织网络的组织和协调作用。 +"But today, I didn’t fulfill that desire.",但今天我却没有满足那一欲望。 +"""The ball will be an heirloom of your family to be handed down if you keep it, "" the report quoted Lee as telling Ghandour.",报道说,李云焕告诉甘多尔:“如果你一直保存着这只足球,它将成为你家的传家宝。 +"Through linking household food security with nutrition education, improved complementary feeding using family foods is feasible even in resource poor environments.",通过使家庭粮食安全与营养教育相联系,利用家庭食物改进补充喂养甚至在资源贫乏���环境中也是可行的。 +"Therefore, a wise people would stop wasting time on something like aimless idle talk and prepare to reach into relationship and connecting with others.",因此一个聪明人不会无目的地拉人闲谈,而是与准备他人建立关系。 +"Now and again a packet of nux vomica and bicarb stomach powder would fly out and burst like a bomb, splashing vivid white against the green.",时不时还有一包马钱子或健胃药飞出来爆掉,白粉绿草相映成趣。 +"For this final part of the trilogy, you may go one of two ways: a classical, slim, time-only gold dress watch -- or blatant bling. The presence of diamonds on your watch will accomplish this for you.",在这个三部曲的最后一部,你有两种选择,一是佩戴一款经典、简约、只看时间的金质正装手表,再一种选择是让自己显得光彩照人,这一点可以通过手表上的钻石来实现。 +"I think that sitting can be really comfortable, a 7-year-old girl's weight on my legs, chest, not tired, very practical.",我觉得这样坐着可真舒服,一个7岁女孩的重量压在我的腿上、胸前,一点也不累,还很踏实。 +"The UTF-16 encoding alleviates some of this penalty because each character is specified using two bytes, assuming no surrogate characters.",因为每个字符都规定使用两个字节,同时假设没有代替的字符,所以 UTF-16 编码在一定程度上减轻了这种性能损失。 +"Mao may be spinning in his grave at how much China's super-rich appreciate being ""educated"" on how to blow extravagant amounts on fine cigars and fancy watches.",过世的毛可能会为中国的超级富豪们到底有多喜欢“培养”如何用名烟和名表来吹嘘其奢侈生活的行为而感到不明所以。 +The following file structure is needed for the CD,下面是这张 CD 所需要的文件结构 +"I even thought that maybe the success one year before hade been so instable that achieving my early plan step by step would have caused a better result. However, reality is right reality.",我甚至想,或许一年前的那一次成功太不扎实,因而我不如按照最早的计划一步一步地走,或许结果会比现实好。 +The stability is studied of the mullite superfine powders prepared in hydrothermal synthesis.,研究了水热合成莫来石超细粉粒子的稳定性; +"Australia is the member of G20 and several other international organization, and also the first countries which supported setting up the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation .",澳大利亚是G20和多个国际组织的成员,也是最早倡议成立亚太经济合作组织的国家。 +"Similarly, no ski jumper would have spread his skis at an angle 30 years ago, yet today forming one’s skis into a wing is standard and has greatly increased distances.",类似的是,30年前,跳台滑雪运动员们没有人会将滑雪板向上扬30度角,然而如今使滑板作机翼状已经成为了标准,因为这样能显著提高滑行距离。 +From International Migration to Transborder Diaspora: Paradigm Shift or Old Wine in New Bottle?,讲题:从国际移民到跨界流离:典范转移或新瓶旧酒? +But also because the final chapters of the story contain some great moments we'd like to see on film.,当然啦,还有一个原因就是最终章里有不少精彩情节很值得我们在电影里再看一遍。 +If he should gain the whole world and lose his own soul.,一个人纵然得到了全世界,却赔上了他的灵魂, 于他又有什么益处? +"After his final attempt to communicate, he lasted one and a half horrible days.",在他最后做出想要交流的努力后,还撑了可怕的最后一天半。 +"Under ""on water"" reaction conditions, the reaction can be scaled-up and the procedure is favorable to make a clear phase separation.",采用“水上”反应的条件,可以使反应的规模扩大,有利于产物的分离、纯化。 +"Last week —and this was a highlight —my dad, who just turned 75, added me as a friend on Facebook.","精采的是上个礼拜我刚满75岁的老爸, 在Facebook把我加入了好友名单中." +"Therapists differ dramatically in their approach to these children, with some taking the relatively new approach of supporting kids who want to live openly as members of the opposite sex.",治疗专家们处理这些孩子们的方式各不相同。 有的专家会支持孩子公开的作为异性圈子的一员生活,这是种新方法。 +Some people turn to a mentor or maybe even a boss for management insights. Others look to Peter Drucker's books for pearls of business wisdom.,为了寻求管理方面的真知灼见,有人求助于导师或老板,也有人靠阅读彼得•德鲁克的书籍,试图从中找到商业智慧的精髓。 +"Tang Musi said, ""This discovery explains why for many years to develop the work of anti-HIV causes of failure.""",汤姆斯博士说,“这一发现解释了为何多年来研制抗艾滋病毒的工作不成功的原因。 +The World Meteorological Organization said 2008 was the 10th warmest year on record. Its year-end report found 2008 was marked by the second-lowest level of Arctic ice cover.,世界气象组织说,2008年是有纪录以来第十个最暖和的年份,世界气象组织2008年的年终报告指出,2008年最显著的特点是北极圈冰层为有史以来的第二个最低点。 +"Results: The satisfaction degree of doctor, nurse, medical quality, medial morals were high, and that of logistical support, conveniency of seeing doctor and soldier priority were low.",结果:伤病员对“医师”、“护士”和“医疗质量”、“医德医风”的满意率较高,对“后勤保障”、“就诊便捷”、“军人优先”的满意率较低。 +Health officials are launching a campaign to vaccinate eight million children after a case of polio was reported there.,由于一个小儿麻痹症的报道,卫生署的官员们将会举行为八百万儿童注射疫苗的行动。 +"For plate products used in lower wing applications, increased weight savings can be achieved using selective reinforcement in DADT critical areas.",这种金属板应用于低层机翼时,在DADT这种临界领域应用选择性强化理念将会实现更多的重量节省。 +And the rapid rise of the Northeast's largest worsted fabric production base .,并迅速崛起成为东北最大的精纺呢绒生产基地。 +"However, an enterprise that has a sales network of precursor chemicals in Category I outside its factory shall obtain the operation license according to the provisions of the present Regulation.",但是,在厂外设立销售网点经销第一类易制毒化学品的,应当依照本条例的规定取得经营许可。 +Noise and heat is connected in some way as silence and coldness.,闹与热,静与冷,都有连带关系。 +Role-play with a friend and get feedback on how you come across.,和一位朋友做些角色扮演吧,你能得到一些反馈怎么能得到更好的效果。 +"The shower is the trigger for brushing your teeth, and because of that, you never forget to brush your teeth.",洗澡便是促使你刷牙的触发事件,正是因为它,你永远不会忘记刷牙。 +"Most of us, however, do not treat middle-of-the-night awakenings as a sign of a normal, functioning brain.",然而,我们大部分人并不认为午夜醒来时正常运作的信号。 +Click on the yellow down arrow associated with the inline map.,在与内联映射关联的黄色向下箭头 上单击鼠标。 +"Yeah, definitely a west-coast kind of guy.",是的,绝对是西海岸男人。 +"So, yeah, I feel like, I feel like that prepared me,",所以,我觉得,是这个学校使我有好的预备。 +"Bearing grace, modest and accessibly, angel is a frosty diabolical heart unexpectedly below general appearance.",举止优雅,谦和可亲,天使一般的外表下竟是一颗冷冰冰的恶魔之心。 +At the start of the second half the big animals had the ball.,在下半场开始时,大动物们持球。 +As if this phase is the Qin clan origin myth of the nation.,与此相仿佛的是秦民族的氏族起源神话。 +"Now, the country that once crawled with spooks has been invaded by tourists.",现在,这个国家再一次被观光者入侵。 +"Stainless steel cutlery is a mix of steel, chromium and nickel.",不锈钢刀具包括钢、铬和镍。 +This essay discusses how to teach and design by research in order to explore the essence and meaning of architecture. The teaching program is developed based on the basic elements of architecture.,本文通过解析一个以“基本元素”为主题展开的建筑设计教案,探讨如何以研究的方式进行教学与设计, 其目的在于将教学作为学术手段,对建筑学专业的本质及内涵进行探索。 +"Through his""Ya Qin, ""a book set out his political ideals, criticized the feudal autocratic system, and build an equal, harmonious and beautiful ancient society.",他通过《伯牙琴》一书阐述了他的政治理想,抨击了封建专制主义制度,构建了一个人人平等、和谐美好的上古社会。 +"After the meeting, the delegation will also make field visits to Jebel Ali Free Zone, Ajman Free Zone, China Town, and Dragon Mart for project cooperation.",会后,代表团还将对杰布阿里自由区、阿基曼自由区和中国城、迪拜龙城等进行实地调研和项目对接。 +她从说她不会说得很长开始(她的谈话)。,She began (her talk) by saying that she would not speak very long. +"The facility, permanently moored some 60 feet down off Islamorada, is maintained by the U. S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.",这座固定停泊在伊斯拉莫拉达岛外海约六十呎深海域的设施,是由美国国家海洋暨大气总署所维护。 +"Suppose that two castaways on a desert island gather both fruit and grain, which they then share equally between them.",假设两人流落荒岛,一起采集水果和粮食并平均分配。 +"Explore the world so that visitors get a feel of a primeval forest in Asia and Africa, the journey, while the World Adventure will focus on a variety of rare fauna in a display.",探险世界让游客亲身感受一个亚洲及非洲地区原始森林的旅程,同时探险世界亦将多种奇珍异卉集中在一处展出。 +"As a communication tool, public signs convey necessary and useful information to the public by combining a few words, simple icon or text icons.",作为一种交际工具,它用寥寥文字、简明易解的图标或文字与图标相结合等方式把必要的、有用的信息传达给大众。 +"In this study, tungsten trioxide EC films were successfully prepared via sol-dip-coating method and sol-electrophoretic method using stable tungsten trioxide sol synthesized by tungstic acid.",本实验以钨酸为原料成功的配制出了性能稳定的氧化钨溶胶,采用溶胶浸渍提拉方法和电泳沉积方法制备出了氧化钨电致变色薄膜。 +And that means both mealtime for microbes—and bad news for climate change.,对微生物们来说意味着开饭的时间到了,而对人类来说,这又意味着一个气候变化的坏消息。 +The Savages say the fertility clinic transferred the wrong frozen embryo to Carolyn's womb in early February.,萨维奇说生育诊所是在二月初把弄错的胚胎植入她的子宫的。 +"She saw a blast of light, which made her shadow her face.",一束光照在了她的脸上,梅金用手遮住了她的脸。 +Zhangxinyu who played Tanchun in juvenile is so beautiful.,我觉得扮演少年探春的演员张馨予很漂亮。 +"For example, in this case the AIX client's hostname is indus52.in.ibm.com.",例如,在这个示例中 AIX 客户机的主机名是 indus52.in.ibm.com。 +Storing session state in the client using HTTP cookies or hidden form fields has significant security risks -- it exposes a part of your application internals to the untrusted client layer.,在客户端用 HTTP cookie 或者隐藏表单字段存储会话状态有很大的安全风险 —— 它将应用程序的一部分内部内容暴露给了非受信任的客户层。 +"Researchers say an impact crater named Sinus Iridum, or Bay of Rainbows, is its likely destination.",研究人员称,着陆的最佳预计地点是一个叫彩虹之湾或者虹湾的月球坑。 +Learn how to edit for a children's book in this free how-to video on writing and publishing children's literature.,了解如何为一本儿童读物编辑在这个自由操作视频写作和出版儿童文学。 +The aesthetical meaning as an outlook was enhanced by the combination.,正是这种兼容并蓄,加强了它作为观赏之楼的审美内涵。 +"In his love stories, Billy Wilder did not follow the Hollywood tradition of sweet boy-meets-girl situations.",在他的爱情故事中,比利?怀尔德没有遵循男孩遇见女孩的好莱坞传统模式。 +"Analysis is also made of various structural types, the mechanism of rich coal-bearing zone and distribution law.",并据此分析不同的构造型相、富煤带的形成机理、分布规律。 +It is about one oclock.,大约一点钟了。 +"Quint: I think that's why something like LORD OF THE RINGS works. It's giant and a huge fantasy epic, but it's grounded in some form of reality.",我像这就是为什么像指环王那样的,魔幻大戏,也要有一些实际的真实的东西在里面。 +Murdoch originally proposed a package that would eliminate 79 of The Post's 1220 jobs and cut wages across the board by 12 percent.,莫大可本来已经提出一整套办法,在邮报1220个职位不当中除掉79个,并且工资一律削减百分之十二。 +"The rain and snow abound in Canada, with enough water , forests and crops grow luxuriant.",除了与美国相连的五大湖,加拿大还有众多的河流。 加拿大是一个雨雪量都非常丰富的国家,林木和农作物都能得到充分的水量,因而生长得茂密繁盛。 +"Professor: Well, all of the things that I have already mentioned, and then job enrichment and good communication between the workers and the bosses.",教授:我前面提到的那几项,然后还有工作丰富化,还有员工和老板之间的良好沟通。 +"His strength, which was prodigious, as the reader knows, and which had been but little decreased by age, thanks to his chaste and sober life, began to give way, nevertheless.",他的体力本是异乎寻常的,这我们已经知道,而且很少因年岁而减弱,因为他的生活贞洁简朴,但此刻也开始垮下来了。 +"By analyses, the main reason of poor reservoir heterogeneity is the change of depositional environment.",综合分析认为,引起储层非均质性的主要原因是沉积环境的变化。 +"The prefix, as in ""ambidextrous"" means ""both"".",其前缀,和“怀有二心”一样是“二者”的意思。 +The main weapon in their traditional arsenal - the 30-second network television commercial - is losing its punch.,作为它们传统兵器库中的主要武器,30秒电视广告正逐渐丧失威力。 +"""Don't you ever look at the speedometer?""the officer scolded.",“你难道从来没有看你的速度表吗”警官批评我。 +"As the power supply for black-start of the Shanxi and the West-Neimenggu supply network, the Wanjiazhai Hydropower Station has tested the Black-Start of the hydropower station inside.",按照万家寨水电站作为山西电网和内蒙古西部电网的“黑启动”电源厂的要求,完成了“黑启动”试验的厂内部分。 +"And as the stimulus devotes $8.4 billion to mass transit, transit systems across the nation have been forced to cut service, raise fares and delay capital spending.",当刺激方案拨给大众交通84亿美元,整个国家的交通系统却只能削减服务,增加票价,延迟资金使用。 +"Instead, planters have been paying a fluctuating charge on each kilogram of cocoa sold to a cooperative-type body called the regulation fund for coffee and cocoa.",代替的是 种植者要付卖出的每公斤的可可的上下浮动的费用给所谓的可可和咖啡基金会。 +"The traditional NSAID were widely used in the clinic, the markets share for a certain drug kept increasing.",传统的非甾体抗炎药在临床应用广泛,个别新型非甾体抗炎药所占市场份额越来越大。 +A process for preparing 1-methoxy-2-propanol by selective ring cleavage-addition reaction of propylene oxide with MeOH in the presence of HM-9512 catalyst is described.,阐述了利用环氧丙烷和甲醇在催化剂HM-9512存在下,通过选择性开环加成制备1-甲氧基-2-丙醇的工艺过程。 +"It is noninvasive, and there is no recovery time.",它是无创性的,无需恢复时间。 +"A single life doth well with churchmen, for charity will hardly water the ground where it must first fill a pool.",独身生活适于僧侣之流,因为慈善之举若先须注满一地,则难于灌溉地面也。 +"Acids or acidic salts may pile up in joints or different organs can induce inflammations, arteriosclerosis, nephrolith, arthritis and gout.",强酸或酸性盐堆积在关节或器官内引起相应炎症,易导致动脉硬化、肾结石、关节炎、痛风等疾病。 +"In skeletal fluorosis, fluoride accumulates in the bone progressively over many years, leading to stiffness and pain in the joints.",在氟骨症的情况下,由于氟经年累月在骨骼中逐渐积存,导致关节僵硬和疼痛。 +"After you have beaten the eggs, mix in the flour gradually.",搅好鸡蛋后再慢慢地拌入面粉。 +"When faced with a delayed answer, do you break with God?",当面对延迟的应许时,你就与神决裂了吗? +Lock the hook pin.,锁紧大钩销子。 +This method transfers the risk of being unable to sell a whole issue at the offering price from the issuer to the underwriter.,全数 包销令发行人得以将无法按 发行价卖出整批 证券的 风险转移到 承销商身上。 +Small radars hidden in the bumpers can scan for nearby cars.,藏在保险杠里的微型雷达能对周围的汽车做扫描。 +"""Th-ere is not such a society that has no tradition""(""Local China""by Fei Xiaotong).",“……不论哪一个社会,绝不会没有传统”(费孝遥“乡土中国”)。 +Conclusion Radio-interventional therapy is a micro-wound treatment. It has obvious therapeutical effect to ANFH.,结论放射介入治疗是一种微创治疗,对ANFH有明显的治疗作用。 +"The research estimates 45 per cent of high-earning people working for large global companies have ""extreme jobs"".",调查显示,在供职于大型跨国公司的高收入人群中,有45%的人是“极限工作者”。 +"Oded Ben-Hur, Israel's envoy to the Holy See, adds that its diplomatic service is ""just like any foreign service, with different people having different abilities.""",以色列驻圣座的大使奥德特·本胡尔(Oded Ben-Hur)补充说,梵蒂冈的外交部门“像任何外务部门一样,人员有差异,能力有不同。 +"As a whole, County Tourism Development Planning in China (CTDPC) is located at initial stages, and is entering into a period of conformity and criterion.",我国区县旅游发展规划基本处于开发性规划阶段,并正进入到关键的整合与规范化时期。 +"Furthermore, the identity of nature of enterprise management and the coherence of their objectives and their subjects provide the base for their integration.",而统一于企业管理的本质、最终目标的一致性与反映分析对象的一致性为二者的融合莫定了基础。 +"But the technology is limited by the isotope contamination, large pore paths and channeling, it is difficult to determine injected-water volume accurately.",同位素沾污是影响放射性同位素示踪注水剖面测井的一个重要因素,采用“冷球”是减少同位素沾污的一种有效手段。 +"""I don't think the market is overvalued,"" said Marc Pado, U.S. market strategist at Cantor Fitzgerald & Co. in San Francisco.","""我不认为市场被高估,""Cantor Fitzgerald的美国市场策略师Marc Pado说." +"Or you could mat notes in the margin with a stylus, your observations being stored on tiny, removable flash-memory cards in the spine.",你还可以用尖笔在空白处作批注,这些批注储存在书脊中可以随时装卸的微型的瞬时储存卡上。 +Objective To explore the role of whole peptidoglycan(WPG) of Bifidobacteria to activate macrophages in view of signal pathway ERK→AP-1.,目的探索信号途径ERK→AP-1在双歧杆菌的完整肽聚糖(W PG)激活巨噬细胞中的作用。 +"Seventy-two hours have passed, and it is very difficult to survive that long.",七十二小时过去了,经过这么久再逃生的希望很小。 +"Banks have not been required to do that for their key derivatives contract, credit default swaps.",却没人要求银行为他们的衍生品合同与信用违约互换协议这样做。 +The measurements were done on an IBM ThinkPad T30 with a 1.2 GHz CPU and 1 GB physical RAM.,我们在一台配有 1.2 GHz CPU 和 1 GB 物理内存的 IBM ThinkPad T30 上进行了评测。 +"Conclusion The SNP fluorescent-multiplex system based on the fragment length discrepant allele specific PCR strategy is simple and economical, and is of a high application value in forensic medicine.",结论采用荧光标记复合扩增毛细管电泳法进行SNP分型,方法简单实用,在法医学个人识别领域具有较高的应用。 +Part III: The study on scheme of social practice teaching for clinical medical undergraduates in the military medical university.,第三部分:军医大学临床医学专业本科生社会实践教学实施方案研究。 +Objective To evaluate the short-term results of cutting balloon coronary angioplasty.,目的:切割球囊冠状动脉腔内成形术的疗效评价。 +"Tomorrow is a game we have to try to win, Robben is an attacking player and we don't have many at this time.",明天是一场我们需要全力争胜的球赛,罗本是一个攻击型球员而我们此刻并没有太多这类的球员。 +This paper systematlly deals with the applied theory and method of angle measuring in volume growing estimation in permanent point sampling.,本文系统研究了水平角规在固定样点监测材积生长动态中的理论与方法; +Say what? said Uncle Matt.,你说什么? 马特叔叔说。 +"Silbey. ""Maigret's Law. "" Weber's Concept of Understanding. Excerpt.",马格丽特法则〉《韦伯理解的概念》节录。 +"First and foremost, overusing mobile phones is detrimental to physical health for watching mobiles for a long stretch definitely impairs one's eyesight.",首先,过度使用手机是有害于身体健康的,长时间的看手机一定会损害你的视力。 +"We had some music, and Lupin, who never left Daisy's side for a moment, raved over her singing of a song, called ""Some Day.""",我们播放起音乐,一直陪在戴西身边的卢宾对她唱的一首歌--《有一天》赞不绝口。 +Federal trade commission is closing the long running antitrust investigation of Google. NPR Stive Han reports the FTC decision is widely victory for search giant engine.,联邦贸易委员会结束了长期对谷歌进行的反垄断调查。NPR记者斯蒂夫·韩发来报道,联邦贸易委员会的调查结果对这一搜索引擎巨头来说是个好消息。 +This text carries on the sort research of the individual character of the characteristic on traditional instrumental music.,本文就传统器乐类进行特点个性的分类研究。 +"""If thi s isa mess, "" he stated with evangelical fervour, ""I prefer this mess to totalitarian occupation by the Soviets or a Europe where there was no food.",他用宣讲福音般的热情说:“如果这局面很混乱,我相信这比苏联占领下饥饿、集权的欧洲要好些。 +"In the future, the Hang Investment and Development Company will forge ahead, pragmatic, efforts to promote development;",面对未来,中亨投资发展公司将开拓前进,求真务实,全力促进发展; +长官要求我们站直并收紧腹肌。,The officer asked us to stand straight and keep stomach muscles in. +"Because of alignment rebar, on the futures market receiving has the certain difficulty, cannot satisfy the end-user needs, this kind of resources in order to meet only to steel.",因为一线的螺纹钢,在期货市场收货有一定的难度,不能满足终端用户的需求,这类资源只能向钢厂订货才能满足。 +"We got to the water park, and she was very excited and proud, because she measured herself at the sign that says “You Must Be This Tall To Go On These Slides”, and she was tall enough.",我们到了水上乐园,她非常兴奋和自豪,因为她在写了“你必须有这么高才能去这些滑梯”的记号上量了量,她足够高了。 +"Kuang Guangli, male, born in 1961, PhD, professor in plasma physics, deputy director of the Institute of Plasma Physics, Chin-ese Academy of Sciences (ASIPP).",匡光力,男,生于1961年,理学博士,研究员,博导,中国科学院等离子体物理研究所副所长。 +"It's unhygienic and unhealthy, particularly if you spit close to other people.",这种行为既不卫生,也不健康,尤其是近距离向其他人喷口水的时候。 +So she even admired whores a little bit.,因此她对破鞋还有一点钦佩。 +This leaves them economically vulnerable when divorce or widowhood strikes.,当遭遇离婚或寡居时,这将使她们在经济上非常脆弱。 +The supervision of government on public university can be classified into outside supervision and inside supervision.,政府对高校的现有监督可分为外部监督和内部监督。 +"John Beddington, the UK government chief scientist, calls in his paper for urgent action to deliver new technologies. Photograph: Adrian Sherratt/Rex Features",英国政府首席科学家约翰·伯丁顿在论文中呼吁人们采取紧急行动提供新技术。 +"The green taxation reform should be focused on resource taxes, environmental-related consumption taxes and the pollution levy system.",我国税制绿化的主要措施在于提高和完善资源税、环境相关产品的消费税及排污收费体系改革。 +The simultaneity of action and reaction may be likened to a light projected into a mirror which is simultaneously reflected from the mirror.,“作用”与“反作用”的同时性可以被比拟为- 一道光投射在一面镜子上,同时又从镜子上反射出来。 +The formulation was made in the same fashion as in the least-squares support vector machine (LS-SVM) classifiers .,该公式同最小二乘支持向量机(LS-SVM)分类器相似。 +"Scofield has partnered with Schmidt-Curley Design before and has also worked on behalf of other acclaimed designers like Pete Dye, Jack Nicklaus and Tom Weiskopf.",在加盟施密特-科里设计公司之前,斯科菲尔德也曾与彼得·戴、杰克·尼克劳斯、汤姆· 韦斯科夫等知名高尔夫设计师共事。 +Allan:Emily has already given me your card. This is my card.,艾伦:于莉已经给了我你的名片。这是我的名片。 +"The strain of the situation was too much for her, however. She made one more vain effort and then burst into tears.",这局面实在太让她受不了了。她又徒劳地拉了一下门以后,再也忍不住了,就放声哭了起来。 +"This opposition to freedom, the Marxian attitude, is typical of those on the ""left"" or ""progressive"" side.",马克思主义者反对自由,这是那些“左派”或“进步派”的典型特征。 +Mr. McGowan was also striving to catch the bright smiles tossed about by Rosy. But he was no out- fielder as Ikey was; he picked them off the bat.,迈高万先生也努力捕获罗西抛出的明媚笑容,但是他不像艾奇是外场手,他立刻拾起了它们。 +Yet it sends our living roots deeper into the living heart of the living earth.,但是它把我们活生生的根芽,更深地送进活生生的大地的活生生的心里。 +"It can enhance the quality factor(Q) of quartz tuning fork effectively, so the shear force sensitivity will be improved. It will also help the further research work on scanning near field …",介绍了一种对切变力探测系统的改进方法,它可以有效地提高石英晶振音叉的品质因数,进而提高探测系统对切变力感应的灵敏度。 +FPGA is adapted to be applied in the intelligent sensor system considering the advantages of flexible construction and SOC.,在设计中采用FPGA具有构建系统灵活,可实现片上系统的优点,适合在智能传感器系统中应用; +Attention is already shifting to the question of whether Germany will back rescue measures that have yet even to be put on paper.,注意力已经开始转移到德国是否会支持那些甚至还没有在纸上落实的援救措施这一问题上了。 +"Girls were often excluded, or allowed to attend only the lower-level schools, and sometimes at different hours from the boys.",女孩通常被排除在外,或者只能参加较低年级的课程,课时有时也和男孩不同。 +The boy had his mother on the string.,这个小男孩对他妈妈指手划脚。 +"The study mice were treated for lymphocytic choriomeningitis, a viral infection of the membranes surrounding the brain and spinal cord.",研究人员制作了感染淋巴细胞性脉络丛脑膜炎的小鼠模型。这些病毒会感染脑膜和脊髓膜。 +Objective To obtain the optimal extraction process of Prunella vulgaris L.,目的优选黄芩的最佳提取工艺条件。 +"Chuaner hysteria here, the village ""to sleep, "" Cher quietly in the underground……;",这里船儿歇了,村庄“睡了”,雪儿在静静地下……; +The thing I have the least confidence about is my nose.,我类似我的母亲,因此它是一点一个朝天鼻。 +"It has be- come a must to upgrade enterprises, increase the labor productivity and promote material economy in order to guard against and defuse…",要防范和化解结构性风险,必须实现产业升级,提高劳动生产率,促进实物经济的发展。 +Self-planning and Self-monitoring metacognitive strategies are the most effective metacognitive strategy in improving fast reading ability.,在四个元认知策略中,计划类、监控类元认知策略在提高学生快速阅读能力方面最为有效。 +"Bernanke, Ben. ""The Macroeconomics of the Great Depression: A Comparative Approach. "" Journal of Money, Credit and Banking 27 (1995): 1-28.",大萧条时期之总体经济:比较方法〉,《金钱、信用与银行杂志》27期(1995年):第1-28页。 +METHODS The bacterial endotoxin test was experimented according to the requirement of the 2nd ed《China Pharmacopoeia》2000.,方法根据《中国药典》2000年版二部收载的细菌内毒素检查法的要求进行实验。 +Applicant: I have lived my current home address since 2003.,申请人: 我从二零零三年起在现在的家庭住址居住。 +The microwave-absorbing property of polymer filled with inorganic substance with crystal water and carbon black was examined.,研究了含结晶水无机物和乙炔炭黑填充聚合物复合材料的吸波性能。 +Gaddafi was elected chairman of the African Union from 2009 to 2010.,卡扎菲被选为非洲联盟2009到2010年得主席。 +It had been an extraordinarily painful year for both her and Michael.,对她和迈克尔来说,这是个异常痛苦的一年。 +"That's relatively easy to do, since China is still considered a ""non-market"" economy under the terms it negotiated in 2001.",这相对比较容易操作,因为根据中国在2001年争取到的条件,中国仍被视作“非市场”经济体。 +Fossil charcoals tell us that wildfires have been part of life on Earth for as long as there have been plants on land. That’s more than 400 million years of fire.,石炭告诉我们,野火在陆地上出现植物后就一直是地球生命的一部分,也就是说火的历史超过4亿年。 +Medical personnel and mass media were the main sources reported by subjects for information regarding hyperlipidemia.,在行动线索方面,医护人员及广播电视为其获得高血脂资讯相关讯息的管道。 +"A year went by, and it was hard to live without her mate.",一年逝去了,没有侣伴的生活很艰难。 +"CONCLUSION: Captopril exerts electrophysiologic action due to decreasing delay outward rectification potassium current and prolonging action potential duration of APD30, APD50 and ERP.",结论: 卡托普利具有的电生理作用是由于它降低外向延迟整流钾电流及延长APD30、APD50和ERP。 +"DARGIS: Come back here, you flea-bitten monster!",回来你这满身虱子的怪物! +"Life is indeed short, so it is necessary to refresh too many memories , to give up all the memory that is surplus .",把那太多的记忆重新整理,不该留起的记忆,全部放弃。 +"My faculties, roused by the change of scene, the new field offered to hope, seemed all astir.",由于环境的改换,由于新的居所让我充满希望,我全身的官能似乎都被唤醒,一下子活跃起来。 +Use the pedal to turn digital sheet music or just touch the screen.,只要踩下踏板或者触摸屏幕,便可翻阅电子乐谱。 +"The one-eyed doe A doe had lost one of her eyes, and could not see anyone approaching her from one side.",有头瞎了一只眼睛的母鹿,没有办法看到从瞎了的那只眼的方向靠近一只眼睛的母鹿她的东西。 +The purpose lies in advancing community construction through the development of Grass-roots Organization of urban community. The full text divides into six parts.,第三部门论述了我国城市社区民间组织兴起的背景、动力机制:阐述了社区民间组织发展与社区建设的关系。 +"In rats, as in other animals, pheromones play a major role in regulating behavior.",在老鼠和其他动物身上,费洛蒙对其行为的控制扮演著极其重要的角色。 +"Sims uses radioactive clocks to decipher volcanic processes, measuring and comparing two isotopes of radon.",西姆斯使用放射性计时器测定并比较氡的两种同位素,以此来解密火山的活跃程度。 +"She spends about $75 a week on Garrett's food, the same amount she spends for food for the rest of the family.",她每周在加勒特的食物上要花75美元,和她为家里所有其他人的食物花的一样多。 +"In the north, there are inscriptions dating from the early centuries B. C. in the Brahmi script, also used by the king Ashoka in his famous Prakrit pillar inscriptions.",在北部,还有公元前数个世纪留下的婆罗米语手稿里面的题字,也由阿索卡国王留下的著名古印度语题字的柱子。 +"When they kept trying to sell us everything we were not interested in, I was really turned-off.",他们不停地推销我们不感兴趣的东西时,我很反感… +He believes that the historic visit of President Hu will lift Chicago's relations with China to a new level.,相信胡锦涛这次历史性访问,必将把芝加哥市同中国的关系推上一个新的水平。 +Thirdwe should follow the examples of those who are successful and learn from them.,第三,我们应该遵循那些��功学从他们的例子。 +"In the morning, the landscape changed into a green, wet lowland watered by the monsoon, and the dry heat of the desert seemed far behind us.",到了早晨,车窗外的景色换成了雨季中潮湿的绿色低地,沙漠的干热气候好像已经被我们远远抛在身后了。 +Adaptive interface technologies allow the user to adjust the complexity of the interface to meet their enhanced skills.,随着用户能力的不断增加 交互的复杂程度也要随着增加 适应性的交互技术允许用户调整控制交互的复杂程度来满足他们不断增强的能力水平. +"The global economic competition has already entered the era of regional competition at present, urban circle becomes the basic vector.",目前全球经济竞争已经进入了区域竞争时代,城市圈成为竞争的基本载体。 +When I finally held Grace it was the most emotional experience.,我终于拥有了格雷斯,这真是最激动人心的经历。 +"In 2007, the Wuxi Municipal Intellectual Property Rights Bureau was awarded ""Intellectual Property Rights Advanced Training Organization in China"" by the State Intellectual Property Office.",2007年,市知识产权局被国家知识产权局授予“全国知识产权培训工作先进集体”荣誉称号。 +It will lead me off the modern-day main road and through another ancient Bai village called Shaxi.,它将带我走过富于现代感确当地大道,并将通过另外一个古城沙溪(Shaxi),那里也是白族人的聚居地。 +This paper deals with three problems concerning the theory of creep in concrete: ( 1 ) Suggestion has been made to determine the creep parameters of concrete by the method of nonlinear programming.,本文研究了混凝土徐变理论中的三个问题:(1)建议应用优化理论来选定徐变参数,把混凝土徐变参数的确定放在一个坚实的数学基础上; +A carton of 300 lethal scorpions was flown into Milan earlier this year destined for an Italian collector of rare species and for a small pharmaceutical laboratory.,今年早些时候,一纸箱蝎子空运至米兰,箱内的300只毒蝎子寄给了意大利一名稀有物种收藏家和一个小型制药实验室。 +They found 79% of nesting happens within national parks and other already protected areas.,他们发现,79%的棱皮龟巢穴产卵于国家公园及其他已建保护区内。 +"We are a shop of traditional snacks that sells Guangdong congee, preserved andand seafood congee dedicatedly.",专卖广东粥、皮蛋瘦肉粥、海鲜粥的传统美味小吃店家。 +The domestic market also becomes particularly important to Jushi under the current economy circumstances.,中国国内市场对巨石来说也变得尤其重要。 +The problems about the volume quantity of heat intensity and the stay time and sour gas burner are analysised and discussed.,重点分析讨论了酸性气燃烧炉中的体积热强度、 停留时间、酸性气燃烧器等问题。 +It had not made at' all the same impression on him as on the Cabby and the children.,他的印象跟马车夫和孩子们的完全不同; +"First impressions aside, however, Kuroneko hides a gentle heart.",把第一印象放在一边,其实黑猫是个相当温柔的女孩。 +"This factory further grows strong, we as always will provide the highest quality product for the customer.",本厂进一步发展壮大,我们将一如既往为客户提供最优质的产品。 +I regret to tell you that I have no news for you .,很遗憾地告诉你,我感到很贵憾。 +"For a proper implementation of the method, problems concerned in road-test and test-stand studies are discussed.",并讨论了正确实施这一试验的方法和路试及台架试验必须注意的问题。 +One area where China has held back: investments in Western banks.,中国踌躇不决的一个领域是对西方银行的投资。 +clenching and opening one small hand.,握紧,然后张开一只小手。 +"How could I trace your hair to wipe your tears? My hands reached out, catching nothing but a raindrop, on a leaf that had withered.",欲将君之发揾君之泪兮,可欤?伸手所触兮,惟一叶飘零一滴飘洒。 +"I'd like to do some checks on the procedures-standard lab checks, that is.",我想对实验过程做些考核,也就是标准的实验考核。 +Two people together-That's what I think is moral.,两个人在一起,我觉得这才是道德。 +Judges with an international brevet are integral to the development of Acrobatic Gymnastics.,国际裁判员要全身心地为发展技巧运动服务。 +"As President Medvedev has rightly said, a mature and effective legal system is a condition for sustained economic development.",正如梅德韦杰夫总统所正确指出的,成熟和有效的法律体制是经济持续发展的条件。 +"So by sending SMS to a beautiful sister, her sister said she was OK with me, so decided to go.",于是发个短信给美好姐姐,美好姐姐说她去的,于是还是决定去吧。 +"In their religion, the Black Hills were a holy place. They were the center of their world, where the gods lived.",根据他们的宗教,布莱克山是一个圣地,是世界的中心,是上帝居住的地方,这里是印第安人的战士前往与上帝对话的地方。 +"Pictures like fig.1 are called ""stereograms"". In this text, I would like to explain why stereograms look 3D.",像图1这样的图片叫做“立体图”,在这篇文章中,我将向你解释为什么立体图看起来有3D的效果。 +"Each reactor building pool holds 3,450 fuel rod assemblies and the common pool holds 6,291 fuel rod assemblies.",每个的反应堆厂房池持有3,450 燃料棒的程序集和常见的池持有6,291 燃料棒的程序集。 +It possesses high coefficient of friction and is silent in operation with excellent conditions (i. e. not suitable for use in oil).,此产品适合用于无油浸过的环境中。 +"He had a large, long face, with strongly pronounced eyebrows and cheekbones.",他脸盘很大、很长,浓眉大眼,颧骨突出。 +"She took on the case of Zahra Bahrami, a Dutch-Iranian who was arrested for participating in post-election demonstrations in 2009.",她接手了佐拉•巴拉米案件,一位荷兰籍伊朗人因参加2009年大选后的游行而受拘留的案件。 +Borders's best chance for survival fell apart last week when talks with private-equity investor Jahm Najafi to buy the company collapsed.,上周,Borders和私募股权投资者纳杰菲(Jahm Najafi)就收购书店的谈判破裂之后,该公司求生的最佳机会彻底破灭了。 +"Drivers and pedestrians can reduce the number of traffic accidents, injuries, and deaths by watching and obeying traffic control signs, signals, and pavement markings.",司机和行人可以通过观望和遵守交通标志、信号和路上的标志而减少交通事故以及受伤和死亡的数量。 +"His colleague Stefan Gillessen said: “The galactic centre harbours the closest supermassive black hole known. Hence, it is the best place to study black holes in detail.”",他的同事Stefan Gillesssen说:“星系中心停泊着迄今为止发现的离我们最近的巨型黑洞,因此,这是具体研究黑洞的最佳地方。” +"The Knicks, switched to sandwiching him between big men. The Knicks, and particularly Zach Randolph who had a career-high 22 rebounds, started to own the offensive glass.",大个子包夹姚明后,尼克斯开始得分,尤其是扎克-兰多夫,一个抢下赛季新高22个篮板。 +"Experimentally, these bindersshowed good compatibilities with pigments and excellent optical performances with much lower infrared radiance than the unmodified.",改性基料与颜料匹配性良好,光学等性能优异,其红外辐射率较未改性的硅聚合物有较大幅度的降低。 +"More than anything, this week's announcement seems to be a response to last year's Spring Festival Gala, where actress Zhang Ziyi was criticised for faking her performance.",最重要的是,这周的公告似乎是对去年春节联欢晚会女演员章子怡假唱事件的回应。 +"Dai Temple, the Emperor planted cypress emerald dressing;",岱庙内,汉武帝植下的柏树翠影婆娑; +"Victor: You my brother's new babysitter, John?",你是我老弟的新保母啊? +But balance quite in the heart of what a book from heaven that thinks of to look before a bit!,但是想到以前看的哪些天书心里就比较平衡一点! +You also will be less prone to get the winter blahs because of all the sunshine in these parts — yet that sunshine also can increase your chance of contracting skin cancer.,然而,那里的阳光也会使你增加罹患皮肤癌的几率。 +"This summer, the site became even more sophisticated, announcing plans to launch alerts that will forward breaking news about your investments directly to your e-mail, iPhone and iPad.",今年夏季,该网站已经变得更加成熟与完善,并宣布计划将推出即时提示服务,用于将与您的投资相关的突发新闻直接发送到您的个人邮箱、iPhone 或 iPad。 +Objective To explore the clinical features and pathogenesy of cardiomyopathy caused by hypertension and long-term alcohol abuse.,目的探讨高血压并长期嗜酒致心肌疾病患者的临床特点及发病机制。 +"The KQ1 corrosion and coking inhibitor can combine with Fe into complex bond to form a adsorption layer on the surface of metal, it played a anticorrosion and anticoking part.",KQ 1缓蚀阻焦剂与铁结合形成配位键,在金属表面形成一层吸附层,起到缓蚀阻焦的作用。 +"Calcium scoring with plain scan images and MPR, MIP and VRT reconstruction with enhanced scan images were made in all cases, among which 10 underwent conventional coronary angiography.",对所有患者行冠状动脉钙化积分扫描,用增强扫描重建像行多曲面重建(MPR)、最大密度投影(MIP)重建及容积再现技术(VRT)重建,其中10例可疑冠心病患者有常规冠状动脉造影作对照。 +West Ham have kept one clean sheet in their last 17 league matches and have not beaten Spurs since a 2-1 victory at Upton Park on the last day of the 2005/06 season.,西汉姆17场联赛只有1场没有丢球,自从05/06赛季最后一个比赛日在厄普顿公园2比1击败热刺之后就没有赢过对方。 +"So she and her daughters-in-law got ready to go back from the country of Moab, for news had come to her in the country of Moab that the Lord, in mercy for his people, had given them food.",她就与两个儿妇起身,要从摩押地归回。 因为她在摩押地,听见耶和华眷顾自己的百姓,赐粮食与他们。 +"Marta placed her fingers over his lips. “Shhh, ” she hushed him.",“嘘——”玛塔把她的手指压在爱德华的嘴唇上,示意他保持安静。 +"Living in urban areas is more efficient -- mass transit is better, walking is easier, you tend to have less stuff, and the housing is less energy-intensive.",因为在城市里我们的生活能更有效率。 比方说公共交通设施要更好,行走也更便利,而且人们不会胡乱购置物品,还有住房相对来说也更加高效省能。 +Yao takes European size 57 shoes.,姚德芬穿的鞋是欧洲鞋号的57码(中国鞋号的78码)。 +"Peak, fat tail and long-term memory will appear more often when the wealth is evenly distributed. However, volatility clustering will appear more often when the wealth is unevenly distributed.",财富方面,财富分布均匀导致收益率尖峰、厚尾,长期记忆性产生更多,而财富分布不均匀导致收益率波动聚集性产生更多; +"The judicial corruption takes place frequently in our country, and the miscarriage of justice has become a disease that difficult to cure.",司法腐败在我国时有发生,司法不公成为了一个难以治愈的垢病。 +We finally decided to get rid of the references to electricity and the final design represented the concept of development by a CD-ROM.,我们最终决定放弃电流,最终用一个CD-ROM代表了开发的概念。 +"Foshan Shunde Maid electrical appliance Co. , Ltd specialized in new environmental cooker----- radiant and halogen cooker; located in a beautiful and rich district: Shunde district.",佛山市顺德区迈笛电器有限公司专业临盆新型环保炉具----电陶炉,雅乐炉(卤素炉),厂址位于艳丽富饶的广东顺德地区。 +Scientists have been cracking open the translucent caramel-colored rock for nearly two centuries in an attempt to unlock the history of the earth.,两个世纪以来,科学家们撬开这些焦糖色的透明小石头,为的是解码地球早期的历史。 +这里的规则是您应该在 XHTML 内有足够多的分区以便能够正确地重新布置和样式化内容。,The rule is that you should have as much division within your XHTML as necessary to properly rearrange and style the content. +That is opinion. I think he has been great for us and he will still be great in the coming months.,我认为他对我们作用很大,他在未来几个月依然会对我们有很大帮助。 +Liu Wencai was a tyrant of a landlord.,刘文财是个暴君般的地主。 +"In President Nickson's term, drug problem became a political issue for the first time.",在尼克松总统任期内,毒品不足首次上升为一个政治不足。 +"Immediately the people ran to see this wonder, and Mr. Brown who",顷刻间,人们都跑去看这一奇观,而布朗先生却独自呆在屋里 +"The aid system is made for the undergraduates and junior college students. When it face to post-graduate education, there are obvious defects in the aid target, aid scope and aid mode.",资助体系是以本专科学生为基础制定的,面向研究生教育时,在资助目标、资助方式和资助范围上都存在着明显的缺陷; +"Stacey, who co-owns The Hutong, suggested a Guangxi restaurant across the street.",住在同一胡同里的 斯泰西建议去街对面的一家广西餐馆。 +"Jiukuan and Xiazi, who were afraid Qiuqiu at usual time, had to row their boat off to some place out of her sight, thinking that she might really throw the rubble at them.",九宽和虾子本来就有点怕秋秋,见秋秋举着砖头真要砸过来,只好把船朝远处撑去,一直撑到秋秋看不到的地方; +"I tuned the strings, miraculously still intact, tightened the bow, and put rosin on the dry horsehairs.",我调一调琴弦的音,奇迹般地仍然完美如初,再拉紧琴弓,然后把干燥的马鬃涂上松香油。 +"""Naomi Campbell only entered this bigger picture fairly late in the day, "" says Jon Silverman, professor in Media and Criminal Justice at the University of Bedfordshire.",贝德福德大学媒体和司法学教授约翰·西尔弗慢说“娜奥米·坎贝尔的登场是较晚的”。 +This research proceeds to model business process by modified Architecture of Integrated Information Systems (ARIS) tools and Unified Modeling Language (UML).,本研究使用ARIS配合UML统一模式化语言进行流程塑模的工作; +This is to certify that the container (containers) specified below has (have) been approved for the transport of goods under Customs seal.,兹证明下述集装箱业经核准其运输海关加封货物。 。 +"The sample is consisted of 80 writings in ST4 of CLEC (Chinese Learner English Corpus) sharing the same topic, with 40 high and 40 low quality.",语料选自《中国英语学习者语料库》中的同题目六级作文,高低分分别40篇。 +XU Jin-you; LI Wen-li(Institute of Systems Engineering; Dalian University of Technology; Dalian Liaoning 116023; China);,大连理工大学系统工程研究所; +Please abide by other related provisions consciously and take good care of the equipment to build up comfortable academic environment.,请大家自觉遵守各项规定,爱护查询区所有设备,营造一个良好的学习环境。 +But even China-watchers may have been taken aback by a development in China's financial capital.,但是即使是研究中国问题的专家也会对中国金融资本的发展感到惊讶。 +The Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation said there was a plan to build a bypass pipeline for the damaged section.,至于阿拉斯加环保部则表示他们打算在损坏的部分兴建一条旁通管。 +"Red, white, and black classical collocation of the Chinese characters, bold, and conveys deconstruction prosperous, a perennial artistic appeal.",红、白、黑的经典搭配,对中国文字的大胆解构,传达出欣欣向荣、生生不息的艺术感染力。 +""" Suck in those stomachs, "" the gym teacher said.",体操老师说:“深呼吸,收腹”。 +It has been left to individual cities to decide how to reform - or even whether to.,如何改革、甚至于是否改革的问题,交由各城市自己决定。 +"Even if we are not endowed with the genes that can ease us into our 100s, most of us can certainly learn something from families like the Hurlburts, who apparently are.",虽然我们并不具备能够让我们轻松进入100岁的基因,但是我们大多数人肯定能够从显然具备这种基因的Hurlburts家族学习一些东西。 +Ducks clucked under the docks with a ducker in duck ducking into the dark.,鸭子在码头下面咯咯叫,养鸭人一弯腰隐入黑暗中。 +Pop smear taken showed atypical squamous cells of undetermined significance (ASCUS).,子宫颈抹片测试显示非典型鳞状细胞。 +She opened the letter-box and slipped a newspaper through.,她打开信箱把报纸塞了进去。 +"For the problem of students playing games in the computer experimental procedure, a game monitoring program is designed.",针对学生上机实验过程中玩游戏问题,设计实现了一个游戏监控系统。 +"In Britain, the ONS has already moderated its initial estimate of a fall in GDP of 0.4% in the third quarter of 2009, to 0.2%.",在英国,国际区统计局已经放缓GDP在2009年第三季度由0.4%跌至00.2%的初步概算。 +"With the implementation of the system of approval, our country begins the market-oriented process of new stocks.",随着核准制的实施,我国开始新股发行市场化进程。 +You can take advantage of the SCSI generic driver from user space with the sg3utils package.,通过 sg3utils 包还可以从用户空间利用 SCSI generic 驱动器。 +"Therefore, although China and India may make shows of solidarity in the ASEAN forum and elsewhere, they will continue to compete economically, politically, and otherwise.",因此,尽管中印两国在东盟论坛等场合表现出团结一致的态度,但是他们还将继续在经济、政治等领域展开竞争。 +"Panova says they were removed each time they appeared, and she suspects they could have been a provocation by the authorities themselves.",帕诺娃说,这些言论每次出现都会被删除,她怀疑这些言论可能是当局自己故意发表的煽动性言辞。 +"Structure: welded by low carbon steel wires, fixed by the accessories and steel post.",结构:用冷拔低碳钢丝焊接成的隔离网,用连接附件与钢管支柱固定。 +"Scientists think that the glacier is shrinking because the ocean water that flows under the glacier is warming, increasing melt at the base.",科学家认为冰川退缩是因为冰川下的海水温度变高,增加了基层的融化。 +Results The difference of hydraulic conductivity coefficient between horizontal and vertical has a striking effect on the distributions of interstitial fluid pressure(IFP)in the whole tumor.,结果横向与纵向间质水力传导系数的不同,对整个肿瘤内组织间质压强的分布有明显的影响; +Objective:To investigate the feasibility and safety of distal pancreatectomy with spleen and splenic vessels preservation for the tumor of body and tail of the pancreas.,目的:探讨保留脾和脾动、静脉的胰体尾肿瘤切除术的可行性与安全性。 +Ted and Willian have lived under the same roof for five years.,» 泰德和威廉·已生活在同一屋顶的五年。 +Network literature has developed in recent decades and has revolted the traditional literate subversively.,网络文学在近十年的发展过程中,对传统文学进行了一场颠覆性的革命。 +"Its columns are aquarium topics, fish world, breeding technologies, food and apparatus, famous companies, grass and scenery, circuiting markets, and aquarium salon, etc.",开设的栏目有:鱼乐世界、饲养技术、饵料器材、水草造景、名企名品、鱼市巡礼、水族沙龙等。 +Now you must re-imagine China again for a new century and your generation must be the heart of China's regeneration.,现在,你们应该为新世纪的中国塑造一个新的形象,而你们这一代人应该是中国复兴的关键。 +"Anyway, it's interesting the wheeled suitcase came in in 1972.","总之,有意思的是轮式行李箱,在1972年问世了。" +Computer vandals can break into any system.,电脑破坏分子能闯入任何系统。 +"Ideally, you will have been working on these goals this year.",理想的情况下,今年你一直在实现这些目标。 +"Your agenda is a good one, right on target, and supported by a compelling value system.",你们的议程很好,它目标明确,并有令人信服的价值体系的支持。 +"For they all saw him, and were troubled. And immediately he talked with them, and saith unto them, Be of good cheer: it is I; be not afraid.",因为他们都看见了他,且甚惊慌。耶稣连忙对他们说,你们放心。是我,不要怕。 +"So he says he pulled out his 'high-powered semiautomatic' gun and fired two shots, with fatal results.",于是他拔出了他的“大威力半自动”手枪,开了两枪,打死了那条狗。 +The user has the convenient control over what content is sent and which phone numbers to auto-reply.,使用者可以完全控制对需要发送短信的联系人以及哪个电话号码需要自动回复。 +The Jersey workingman's metal monster originally formed as a four-piece.,新泽西工作狂(?汗一个…)的金属怪兽最初作为四位一体的状态而形成。 +"Batbold, for his part, said the Mongolia-China relationship is currently at a very sound stage of development.",巴特包勒德表示,当前蒙中关系处在非常良好发展时期。 +"The closed boat has a bright and wide cockpit. Located in the middle and highest of the boat, the driver has the good sight in the cockpit.",全封闭艇设有宽敞明亮的乘员舱,驾驶舱居中并处全船最高位,视线开阔。 +China and the Dalai Lama have long engaged in a war of words criticizing each other.,中国和达赖喇嘛长期打口水战,相互指责对方。 +The method was based on the fluorescence quenching of RBS by the reaction product of nitrite and potassium iodide in acidic solution.,第三章:利用碘化物-RBS复合二氧化硅纳米粒子体系的荧光淬灭反应检测亚硝酸根离子。 +Who repairs not his gutters repairs his whole house.,檐(檐)沟若失修,全屋都要修(小洞不补,大洞难堵)。 +Early afternoon rumors that the rally for Moussavi had been canceled yielded to the reality of violent confrontation.,午后有传言说,屈服于暴力对抗的现实,为穆萨维组织的示威运动已经被取消。 +"This paper introduces an embedded software construction based on the real-time multi-task operating system, which uses a soft bus to build a data-driven layer.",本文提出在嵌入式实时操作系统上建立实时多任务软件系统时,使用软总线提供数据驱动层以处理多任务间共享资源的构架方式。 +"The final report, meanwhile, withrecommendations for policy makers, will be published some time beforethe end of 2010.",同时,最后的报告,包括给决策者的建议,将在2010年底前某个时间公布。 +"4 we all have a destiny . nothing just happens, it's all part of a plan.",我门都有自己的命运没有什么是随随变变发生的它都是计划的一部分。 +Paulson said the Chinese remain committed to having a market-based exchange rate and that bi-lateral differences concern only the pace of appreciation.,保尔森说,中国继续致力于一个根据市场主导的兑换利率,那么双边的关切就仅仅是升值速度的问题了。 +Bands of men went in search of herds of prehistoric bison or mammoth.,男人们诱捕,狩猎通常由史前野牛和猛犸组成的兽群。 +"Since he's a Yale guy, he probably thinks of himself as the Matt Damon character perhaps not, and failing that, he'd like to coordinate at the Bourne Ultimatum.","因为他是耶鲁人,他把自己当成马特·达蒙扮演的特工了,如果不成,他就希望去看《谍影重重》" +This paper applies Canonical Correlation Analysis to identify the driving forces of land use structure in 1992 in Yulin Prefecture.,本文采用了典型相关分析这一经典的数理统计方法,对榆林地区土地利用结构的驱动因子进行了统计分析。 +"Loan data from U.S. credit-card issuers offered scant evidence of an imminent turnaround, dashing hopes that positive trends from a month earlier were gaining momentum.",美国���用卡发行商的贷款数据没有表现出情况迅速好转的明显迹象,浇熄了市场对上个月的利好趋势得以持续的希望。 +"Article 3 The state restricts the import of silver under general trade, and conduct the administration of examination and approval on the import of silver under general trade.",第三条国家限制白银一般贸易进口,对一般贸易白银进口实行审批制管理。 +"In this paper, configurations and the functions of the power electrical circuits, the controller, the cryogenic system, and the high-T(subscript c) superconducting cores are introduced.",本文介绍了该限流器的功率电路、控制器、低温容器和高温超导磁体等部分的结构特点和功能。 +"The global economic crisis tied to dried-up bank credit -- the lifeblood of all markets -- rocked Wall Street but also rolled over commodities, bursting bubbles right and left.","银行信贷--全球所有市场生命活力源泉的枯竭,引发全球金融危机,华尔街重挫,而初级商品也未能幸免,到处可见泡沫的破裂." +"Salman's reply surprises me, ""I request my fans to not buy Being Human t-shirts available in the market.""",萨勒曼的答复令我感到奇怪,“我要求我的球迷不要购买作为人类T恤衫在市场上。 +"The women vendors at the market in Rason actually smiled, laughed, and waved to us, which was unusual.",在罗先市场的那些妇女小贩是真的笑了, 大笑不已,冲我们挥手,这很少见。 +"I Dont Mind―Maike Von Bremen Don't feel sorry dear, I know you …",我不思维迈科冯不来梅 不要难过,亲爱的, 我知道你不会答应我的明星们在… +"Message-based component technology is introduced, which can solve the problem very well.",由此介绍了基于消息的构件技术,可以很好地支持构件系统演化。 +Some groups attribute this to girls being groomed for such careers while still at school.,有些人会说,这里因为女孩在学校里的时候被教育成往这方面的职业方向。 +"Wars of Liberation, as they were called, were being waged around the globe -– from Laos and Vietnam to Congo and Cuba, just 90 miles from our shore.",所谓的“解放战争”在世界各地蔓延——从老挝和越南到刚果及距我国海岸只有90英里的古巴。 +"Knowing her kindness, the community residents affectionately call her ""Railway love angel.""",社区居民都亲切地称她是“铁路爱心天使”。 +"The money-bags of his clients had not yet sufficiently loosened the strings which held their gold, and Ashu was still an enthusiast in gathering honey from various gardens of literature.",他的代理人的钱包尚未充分松开捆着他们金币的带子。 但阿苏还是一个从各种文学园地里热心采集蜂蜜的人。 +"As long as we do not become mired in the past , it can teach us much about our current situation.",只要我们不被往昔所囹? ,我们可以在回首往事中更清楚我们目前的境况。 +"Another issue that kept Czech tongues wagging was a controversial proposal to build a US anti-missile base in the country, a plan that was still being debated at the time of writing.",捷克人不停谈论的另外一个问题,是在本国建立美国反导基地的提案,这个提案有很多争议,直到起草时仍然在争论。 +"The management tenet of the company: Keep the peace with credibility, brave to carve out, serve middle of Zhejiang, face the world.",公司的经营理念是:诚信守法,大胆开拓,服务浙中,面向国际。 +"The steel structure temporary bridge for military use is the engineer equipment that ensure operations surmounting moats, rivers.",军用钢结构便桥是保障作战部队快速克服江河、沟渠障碍的工兵装备。 +The sand castle in this picture must have taken a long time to make. It probably took many people working with many different tools to build a sand castle so big.,照片中的沙堡一定花了不少时间才盖好,大概要很多人用多种不同的工具才能盖这麽大的沙堡。 +It manufactures cutting unit for melting plastic steel pipe based on the PLC control system.,基于PLC的控制系统,研制了熔塑钢管切割设备。 +"If there is a special boutique or a favorite shop where you like most everything in the store, take them there for a browse around and give them ideas.",如果有那些精品店或你爱的小店里有很多你喜欢的东西,带着家人去那里逛逛,给他们指出来。 +"The applicants were later denied, with officials responding, ""there is no contribution to society.""","但朝鲜以""没有社会贡献度""为由拒绝了该申请。" +"As a result, the two-dimensional bearing-only measurement confirming efficiency of real targets is noticeably improved and false track overextension with dense clutter is greatly limited.",该波门技术有效提高了纯方位二维目标真实量测的确认效率,极大限制了虚假航迹随密集杂波的扩张。 +"As an important part of the oil storage automation, the oil distribution automation is also in urgent need of new system designs to meet the modern automation.",发油作业自动化作为油库自动化的重要组成部分,也迫切需要与当前自动化发展水平相适应的系统设计方案。 +Avoid sunlamps and tanning parlours.,避免日光浴床和太阳灯。 +The dragon boat teams also offer emotional support.,龙舟队同时可以为队友提供精神支持。 +"Also contact the next of their customer service, at his suggestion I took two courses, taken largely out of sight after his face, pale and delicate skin, the color much better than before.",又咨询了下他们的客服,在他的建议下我又服用了两个疗程,服用完后脸上的基本上看不见了,皮肤也细致白净了,气色也比以前好多了… +"However, the “VW law” that gives the state a veto over important decisions is a controversial anachronism which both the European Commission and Porsche, VW’s new owner, are determined to get rid of.",然而,大众法规给予这个州对重大决议的否决权,这是一个有争议的时代错误,欧洲委员会以及保时大众的新主保捷汽车公司都决定摆脱这条法规。 +It has reduced the number of search results that return paid ads by changing its formulas to discourage ads that link to sites that provide little useful content.,他降低了广告搜索的结果数目,这使得付费广告业务规则得到改变,鼓励链接到站点广告几乎不提供有用的内容。 +This maturation is reflected in the emergence of MDD standards that result in the commoditization of corresponding tools and obvious benefits to users.,这种成熟技术所反应的MDD标准的出现,使得使用相关的工具时更加便利舒适,给使用者带来显而易见的好处。 +LED writing table;,写字桌; +"In the grasses (and possibly some members of the nightshade family, Solanaceae) the germinating pollen tube is blocked before it penetrates the stigma or just as it starts.",禾本科植物,可能还有茄科的一些植物萌发的花粉管在穿透柱头之前或刚刚穿透柱头时就会被堵塞。 +"And, as I mentioned, we left off and as we started back here to describe the atom and how the atom holds together the nucleus and the electron using classical mechanics.","我之前提及过,我们上次,讲到应用经典力学如何描述,一个原子以及原子如何把质子,和电子束缚在一起,今天我们要。" +"1When I taught the introduction-to-theater course at North Dakota State University, I required my students to attend the university theater's current production and write a critique.",1我在北达科他州立大学教戏剧入门课时,要求学生们去看学校剧团当时的演出,并写一篇评论。 +"China is such an outsourcing recipient country in the process of development, facing both rare opportunities for development and challenges of unfavorable factors.",中国是正在发展中的服务外包承接国,既面临着难得的发展机遇,又受到诸多不利因素的挑战。 +A rebel from the waist down!,一个回从高体的反水者! +It’s also designed to be a bit more cheater-proof.,它从设计上也更加容易防止作弊。 +"Still, the move signals a shift in strategy.",然而,这种举措还是说明了销售策略的转变。 +But airport outlets do allow brands to target their offers to affluent male customers who have less time and interest in shopping on the high street.,不过,机场允许品牌商们给大量男性顾客提供特制的商品。这些顾客很少有时间和兴趣在大街上购物。 +Methods The HPLC method was adopted to determine the paeoniflorin content in Radix Paeoniae alba.,方法采用HPLC法测定芍药苷含量,采用热板法和醋酸扭体法观察其镇痛作用。 +The truth is that Spanoulis did play.,事实是斯潘的确打过比赛。 +"Feelings for reading, write a write Xuesi be linked to a higher level.",读书有感想,要写一写,学思结合,才能更上一层楼。 +We are focusing on increasing King Long Bus's sales volume in our country.,我们一直专注于增加金龙客车在澳大利亚市场的销量。 +Why should we worry about intellectual property protection for infectious diseases and diseases of the poor?,为什么我们要担忧传染病和穷人疾病的知识产权保护问题呢? +"I can feel my mother kiss me goodnight, check to see if the window is locked, then blow another kiss from the doorway.",我能感觉到母亲吻我,向我道晚安,检查窗户是否关严,然后在门口又给我一个飞吻, mercurial vapor。 +"In the quiet library and classroom, silence reigns, though there might be a lot of people around you.",在安静的图书馆和教室里,四周有许多人,但是鸦鹊无声。 +"The future of Asia is an open Asia … an all-side, multi-channel, wide-field, and deep-level communication situation between parties has already been formed preliminarily.",亚洲的未来是一个开放式的亚洲…一个全方位、多渠道���宽领域、深层次的党际交往局面已经初步形成。 +"A girl who is dishonest, one|who can‘t be trusted, is to be avoided|like the plague.",不诚实、让人信不过的女孩如同瘟疫,让人避之不及。 +"The laws about the latter guarantee the rights of husbands, and also have security provisions for wives' right.",有关后者的法律在保障夫权的同时,对妻子的权利也有保障性规定。 +We will continuously introduce the best and latest fasteners to our clients. Sincerely welcome clients from home and abroad to visit our factory and place orders.,大申公司将不断把最好最新的各种紧固件介绍给广大用户,真诚欢迎世界各地广大客商来公司参观和订购产品。 +"Craig Weiss, the head of NJOY, America's top-selling brand of e-cigarettes, vows to make traditional ones obsolete.",NJOY是美国最畅销的电子烟品牌,该公司负责人Craig Weiss发誓要让传统香烟成为过去。 +The equilibrium of complete information dynamic Duopoly quantity competition in continuous-time is the same with Cournot equilibrium of complete information static quantity competition.,在完全信息连续时间动态产量博弈中,均衡解和完全信息静态产量博弈的古诺均衡相同。 +"In order to achieve this, the Chinese Navy needs to develop along the lines of bigger vessels and with more comprehensive capabilities.",为了实现这个目的,中国海军需要沿着更大战舰和更强综合作战能力的方向发展。 +Mt 7:21 The Christian is to live inservice to Jesus Christ.,基督徒活着就是要事奉耶稣基督。 +"If your family does insist on light colors with children, be sure to dress them just before the photo is taken.",所以,如果你的家庭坚持穿浅色服装和孩子们拍照,那么确保在拍照的前一刻给孩子们换上衣服。 +"Experience, ferment, offer tea empty fairy quiet beauty of poesy with tea deep meditation integrative spirit, enrich and learn to raise and create the new speech flavor with it;",以茶禅一体的精神体验酝酿出茶诗词的空靈静寂之美,以其丰富学养创造出新的言语风味; +"This is a long-term investment, not a quick win.",这是一项长期投资,而非能够迅速取得的胜利。 +"Underneath the hood, Lucene must enumerate the terms in the documents to identify documents that fall within the range.",在处理过程中,Lucene 必须枚举文档中的词汇以识别在范围之内的所有文档。 +Much time was wasted in trying to make piston-engined planes operate at higher altitudes where the air seemed thin and easier to push aside.,许多时间消耗在了让活塞发动机在空气稀薄,易偏轨道的高海拔的情况下运行的实验上。 +"Conclusion 608T polymorphism of LCAT gene was associated with higher plasma HDL C level in CHD patients, while 911T/C and 1188C/T polymorphisms maybe very rare in Chinese population.",结论LCAT基因60 8T等位基因与CHD患者较高的血浆高密度脂蛋白胆固醇水平相关联,可能与中国人CHD相关。911T/C和1188C/T在中国人群中非常罕见。 +"Another project is the top home appliances, this long as there is no fear of high people can challenge, huh, huh.",另一个项目是树顶之家的器械,这个只要没有恐高的人都可以挑战,呵呵。 +Legend Of The Eight Immortals …,往八仙的路途上。 +She immediately came to me to admit her mistake.,她立刻到我这里来,并承认了她的错误。 +But it involves less sex than with an entertainment sex worker.,实际上,它包含的性爱没有娱乐性工作者多。 +"This reflects a chronological inevitability: children with autism will grow up to become adults with autism, in most cases ultimately outliving the parents who provided their primary support.",随着时间流逝,这将不可避免——自闭症儿童长大后会成为成年的自闭症患者,而多数情况下,抚养他们的父母会先他们一步离世。 +The home improvements have taken of my spare time what there is little.,家庭装潢已经占用了我的(本来就很少的)空余时间。 +"China's 200,000 to 300,000 Internet cafés have become major offenders, Watson told the commission.",沃森对经济和安全审议委员会成员说,中国有20万到30万个网吧,它们已成为主要侵权者。 +"She answered like:” Never. I just enjoy acting for it brings me so much fun, it’s always so cool that I would never get tired of it.",她说:“从来没觉得,我非常喜欢演戏,对于我来说,演戏给我很多快乐,而且永远这样做也是很酷的,一点也不觉得厌烦。” +"Several Everest-sized mountains are highlighted by the setting Sun along the terminator, the line between day and night.",沿着晨昏线有几座珠峰般高的山脉被落日照亮。 +"I think that wine and a bite to drink, way to go step by step, steps towards too much egg will be pulled.",我以为,酒要一口一口地喝,路要一步一步走,步子迈得太大,会扯着蛋。 +I draw upon a lineage of painters from Caspar David Friedrich to Gerhard Richter.,我呼吁来自画家卡斯帕大卫弗里德里希到里希特宗族绘制。 +The training director of the program and staff leaders need to the meet the criteria set out in the ACSTH guidelines.,课程和人员領导人的训練主管对标准在ACSTH 指南裡开始的集会需要。 +"It may be taken away in a covered-up cage, even a cage that is turned round and round to purposely mix up any sense of direction.",它可能会被装进遮盖着的箱子带走,箱子甚至被翻过来调过去,故意混淆它的各种方向感。 +"As empty vessels make the loudest sound, so they that have least wit are the greatest babblers. (Plato, Ancient babblers. )",正象空容器发出的声音最大,智力最低者最善于唠叨不休。(古希腊哲学家柏拉图) +"As an un-contacting system, it uses the feedback-information of the reaction of the focused laser beam and measured surface to measure the surface appearance parameters.",该仪器属于非接触式,使用聚焦的激光光束与被测表面相互作用所反馈的信息来进行表面形貌参数的测量。 +The turning point of my life should be my decision to give up a promising teaching career and study interpretation.,我人生的转折点应该是我决定放弃发迹有望的教育之路,而去学口译。 +"That these estimates are not exaggerated is borne out by the fact that burial societies and other organizations counted more than 155,000 bodies which they buried.",这个数字并非出于夸张的想象,而是来自于殡葬行业和其他一些掩埋尸体的组织提供的事实。 他们一共埋葬了超过了15.5万具尸体。 +"From Cambrian to the end of Middle Triassic, the Siberia-eastern China-Australia axis rotated from an eat-westward equatorial arrangement to south-northward longitudinal arrangement.",从寒武纪到中三叠世末,西伯利亚-中国东部-澳大利亚这个"轴心"由东西向沿赤道排列状态顺时针旋转成为南北向沿子午线排列状态。 +And there was another element of luck: TerraSAR-X had already acquired appropriate 'before' images of the volcano.,还有另一个运气的成分:TerraSAR-X已经获取了这个火山喷发之前的合适的图像。 +"If the resulting code duplication offends your sense of style, try splitting the test suite into smaller, more modular classes, in each of which all initial data is shared among all test methods.",如果形成的代码副本不合您的风格,请尝试把测试套件分成更小、更模块化的类,以便所有的初始数据可以在全部测试方法之间共享。 +In fact diplomacy’s never-ending private conversation ultimately helps see off war and strife. That conversation will continue.,实际上外交手段中永无止境的私下沟通对最终阻止战争和冲突还是有所帮助的,这样的谈话也将继续下去;如果沟通终止了,太多的人将从中渔利。 +Chinese soldiers will participate in the annual Thai-US military drill for the first time. The drillwill start on Tuesday and last 13 days.,中国战士将首次参加每年一次的泰国-美国联合军事演习。该次军演将于周二开始,持续13天。 +Here the horse is being moved 180 degree from a position alongside the tie rail to one facing the opposite direction.,图中的马正在从沿着围栏的一遍180度的转向另外一边。 +"But the key thing driving demand is increasingly lower prices, which is forcing U.S. firms into a cutthroat cost-cutting war with rivals in China and elsewhere.",但推动需求的关键因素在于越来越低的价格,这迫使美国公司陷入与中国及其他地方的竞争对手竞相削减成本的激战。 +"From now on,our major projects will be redirected to the housing construction.",今后我们的重点工程将转到住宅建设上去。 +"Hang my head, drown my fear till you all just disappear.",绞断我的头,淹没我的恐惧,直到你们完全消失。 +Show Off is a kind of performing art.,素俄夫是一种行为艺术。 +Season 3 kicks off with Lightman trying to prevent a bank robbery from happening.,在这一集中,Lightman将极力阻止一起银行抢劫案的发生。 +It taught me how to hold a scene and stay with it until I was completely satisfied. Every element in a picture is intentional.,它教会我怎样去控制现场直到自己完全满意。 +"Treasury yields have been rising and are back at levels last seen in early June, with the yield on 10-year notes trading at 3.84 per cent yesterday.",近日美国国债收益率不断上升,已经回到今年6月初的水平,10年期债券收益率昨天达到3.84%。 +"After 30 years of reform and opening up, the teachers' staff construction of Sichuan basic education has undergone the stages of recovering, developing and overall progress.",改革开放30年来,四川省基础教育教师队伍建设走过了恢复、发展和全面进步的历程。 +It unnecessarily compared itself with cattle while cattle should not worry about horse without horn and how its defense to enemy.,牠不须要与牛比,牛也不应该批评马为什么没有牛角,没有角怎样防御外敌。 +Instead I closed the bulkheads and got down to the business of achieving my dreams.,相反,我把舱壁关上,开始做让我更接近我梦想的事。 +SHANGHAI - The curtain dropped on Expo 2010 on Sunday night with a heart-warming closing ceremony attended by a host of world leaders.,热情洋溢的2010年上海世博会于周日晚落下帷幕,众多世界领导人参加了该闭幕式。 +We could also encourage more rentals; then people could hold a diversified portfolio.,也可以鼓励出租,那么人们就会持有多样化的投资组合。 +People with dyspraxia may even have trouble speaking. So imagine the difficulty in learning a sport.,患有行动障碍的人甚至难以说,想象一下他们学习一项运动的困难。 +"There was the same man: his dark face rather sallower and more composed, his frame a stone or two heavier, perhaps, and no other difference.",还是这个人:他那发黑的脸稍稍发黄些,也宁静些,他的身躯,或者重一两石①,并没有其他的不同。 +"‘One of the attractive things about this approach to time travel is that it avoids all the big paradoxes,’ Mr Weiler said.",“这个时间旅行的方法有吸引力的事情之一,是它避免了所有的大悖论。” 维勒说。 +The investment of oil - company has a characteristic of high risk. Selecting proper project and the allocation of funds are very Important.,石油公司的投资活动具有高风险的特征,进行合理的项目选择与资金分配具有重要意义。 +"The recovery of oryzanol was researched by non polar solvent extraction method, results showed the method was feasible.",采用非极性溶剂萃取法对提取谷维素进行了试验研究,结果表明该方法可行。 +Grathwohl said post-truth has become popular at a time when more people are using social media to get news.,格拉斯沃表示,正值人们更多使用社交媒体获得新闻的时代,后真相这个词汇流行起来。 +"Heterochromatic areas tend to stain intensely during interphase, sometimes forming condensed masses called chromocentres.",异染色质部分在间期有染色很浓的倾向,有时形成浓缩的块状,这些块状叫做染色中心。 +I suppose I might call you Dear Mr. Girl-Hater.,我想我可以称您为“亲爱的恨女人先生”。 +"In order to save the Xinyi clear plume upon her mouth will suck the venom, and pulled the car to Mr. Lin at the gallop, his actions to win the heart heart.",为了救心怡清羽用口将她身上的毒液吸出,并拉着车向林先生处狂奔而去,他的行动赢得了心怡的芳心。 +"It may be just eggs, flour and butter, but a soufflé can go oh so wrong.",舒芙蕾也许就是鸡蛋+面粉+黄油这么简单,但忙活半天的结果却很容易大错特错。 +"Therefore, it is also important to protect such water areas, as well as drinking-water sources, from animal waste (3).",由于很多肠出血性大肠杆菌感染因接触游憩用水所致,对于避免这类水域和饮用水源遭动物粪便污染也很重要。 +"“This is perhaps the first win-win-win policy to be put on the table, and it should be welcomed enthusiastically, ” said Bill Gross, PIMCO’s chief investment officer, in an interview with Reuters.",“到目前为止,这是第一个三赢的政策,应该得到热情的欢迎”,PIMCO首席投资长比尔·格罗斯在一次路透社的访谈中表示。 +Importing and FDI are the two main channels for international technology spillover.,进口贸易和外国直接投资是国际技术溢出的两条主要渠道。 +"“This is totally revolutionary for us, ” says Mr Otsuki.",大月均说:“这对我们而言,完全是革命性的变化。” +I remember when this hand was white and smooth.,我记得这手曾经又白又嫩。 +"In this case, the larger-format presses its higher proportion of waste generated, which means that its production costs even higher.",在这个案例中,幅面越大的印刷机其产生的废品比例则更高,也就意味着其生产成本更高。 +"As we enter the second decade of the twenty-first century, we have reached an all-time low in terms of our expectations for college students.",随著我们步入二十一世纪的第二个十年,我们发觉大众对大学生的期望达到了有史以来的最失望的时期。 +"Remember the excitement when the Dow first topped 10,000, and best-selling books like ""Dow 36,000"" predicted that the good times would just keep rolling?",还记得道琼斯指数突破10000点时的兴奋吗? 类似《道琼斯36000点》的畅销书曾预计好的时光会接踵而来? +"The only thing free in this world is salvation from God through Jesus Christ, and that one's free because Jesus paid the price on the cross.",世上唯一一次无偿的回报就是上帝对基督耶稣的拯救,之所以无偿,是因为耶稣已在十字架上���出了代价。 +"The pact, announced Tuesday, ends the uncertainty over Cowell's relationship with Sony, with the conglom swapping its 100% ownership of Cowell's Syco shingle for a 50% stake in the new venture.",这个星期二宣布的合约,结束了考威尔和索尼之间的不确定关系,集团公司将用考威尔的Syco公司100%的所有权来交换新合资公司的50%股份。 +"The growth ofa city starts with nothingness, experiences a long history and the process of evolvement.",城市生长由零起步,经历了漫长的历史和一系列的演变过程。 +Serine an amino acid synthesized from glycerate 3-phosphate.,丝氨酸:是由3-磷酸甘油酸为前体合成的一种氨基酸。 +"Since 1994, the Government has been upgrading teaching posts in government and aided primary schools to graduate level with a view to achieving 35 per cent graduate teachers by 2001-02.",由一九九四年开始,政府逐步把官立及资助小学教师职位提升至学位程度,务求在二零零一至二零零二学年年底前,达到小学学位教席占整体教席35% 的目标。 +"""These subjects were not ill. We don't know yet whether theinfarcts have any subclinical effect on their motor function, ""Launer noted.",Launer提到“这些受试者并没有生病,但我们还不知道栓塞是否对人的运动功能有亚临床影响。 +At least 480 have been killed and over 2400 injured since the Israeli-launched attack on the Gaza.,截至目前,以色列对加沙地带的军事行动已造成至少480人死亡、2400余人受伤。 +The contents of dried rubber and total phosphorus etc. hvaen't obvious influence.,干胶含量、总磷含量等却影响不大。 +"Analysis on Flow Characteristic of Flat-Walled Diffusers applied in Valveless Piezoelectric Pumps[J]. Journal of Drainage and Irrigation Machinery Engin, 0, (): 7-.",无阀压电泵用平面锥管内部流动特性分析[J]。 排灌机械工程学报, 0, (): 7-。 +Arthritis may also be caused by the immune system attacking the body (auto immune disease) such as in Rheumatoid arthritis.,也可能是关节炎引起的免疫攻击,如类风湿关节炎的身体(自动免疫疾病)系统。 +So whenever a message is received it will be passed on to the File sender JBI service which writes it to the file sytem.,因此,只要收到一条消息,它都会被传递给文件发送者JBI服务,它负责把消息写入文件系统。 +"""the best sleep habits were forced on us when we had nothing to do in the evening on the farm and it was dark"", says sleep specialist Roffwang.",睡眠专家说农场的夜晚漆黑一片我们也没事做,这迫使我们养成了最好的睡眠习惯。 +"Also, if there is a chance that more than one thread might delete the object, the merged approach might not always work. In this situation, it is better to maintain separate synchronization objects.",同时,如果存在超过一个线程会删除对像,这种合并的方法可能会工作异常,在这种情况下,最好是分开维护同步对像。 +"Sometimes I did something stupid, you would not scold to me. Because you know my pride was high.",我有时很傻,但你从不说我傻,因为你知道我自尊心强。 +A track-bridge system model for simply supported PC-beam tailway bridges and the relevant equation of motion are established in this paper.,再通过空间离散的方法,将上述轮对时程转换为线桥结构钢轨节点的制动力时程。在此基础上,建立了线-桥整体分析模型。 +For a Chinese trainee-teacher this was the most appalling thing that could happen - loss of face.,作为一个接受中国教育的学生,认为最可能会导致的事情就是——没面子。 +This case can be handled by using different package names during application development.,这种情况可以在应用程序开发阶段通过使用不同的包名来解决。 +"Still less is there any reason, as Sam Tanenhaus suggests in the New York Times, “to retire—or at least rethink—the adage ‘there is no such thing as bad publicity’.",像纽约时报的山姆所说,也没有理由让他退休或者至少思考一下这句谚语“坏名声是不存在的”。 +"Soon after, he became the world's super groups chemical Germany and France of the Group in China total comprador .",之后不久,他就成了世界化学的超级集团德国法本集团在中国的总买办。 +To investigate the rules and trends of tooth attrition by studying the tooth wear of population in Neolithic Age from banpo museum.,调查六千年前新石器时期古人牙齿的磨耗状况,以探寻牙齿磨耗的规律及其演化发展趋势。 +"Then eat a clean, low-calorie meal at night.",然后在晚上吃一点清淡,低卡路里的食物。 +"Aurelio De Laurentiis, the Napoli President, ruled out signing him because he felt Cannavaro is too old and too expensive.",那不勒斯主席奥雷里奥。德。劳伦蒂斯曾表示俱乐部不会签下卡纳瓦罗,因为他们认为这名后卫年纪过大而且过于昂��。 +So we had a quick practice and then rushed from the court and went up to eat.,我们就很快地练了练,然后跑上楼去吃点东西。 +"I want the right time. Mark Cox and Brian Fairlie unexpectedly coming through to the singles final, the original schedule went haywire.",然而,由于马克。考克斯与布赖恩。费尔利出人意料地进入单打决赛,原计划不起作用了。 +"The little dragon hasn't been stopping self-discipline, he also arrived a bottleneck stage, self-discipline Xuan dragon definitely more frequently.",小龙一直没有停止修炼,他也到了瓶颈阶段,修炼玄龙决更勤了。 +You just pop too much with get in the fucking door!,只是男人刚进门你们就涌上来。 +"Princess loved to buy fancy clothes and jewelry, especially those expensive ones.",这位公主喜爱买花俏别致的衣服和珠宝,特别是最昂贵的。 +Onthis she feeds almost a quarter of the world's people. A prodigious achievement!,她凭这么少的耕地却养活几乎占世界人口四分之一的人,真是一个了不起的成就! +We know that we are observed and studied.,我知道我们在被别人观察和研究. +"But if the university students face bad conditions, then the middle classes, the intellectuals, tend to rally around,"" said China Labour Watch's Li.",但要是大学生面临困境,中产阶级、知识分子就会群起声援。 +There are so many mistakes in your article that I can't understand the meaning.,你的文章里错误百出,以致我无法看懂文意。 +"Back in the file editor, select New File -> New Resource in (/app/resources), as shown below.",返回到文件编辑器,选择 New File -> New Resource in (/app/resources),如下所示。 +Jim and his wife busted up a year ago.,吉姆和他妻子一年前离婚了。 +It is not just the dramatic improvement in his crops that explains this – but the impact on his family and his earnings.,这不仅仅是因为他的庄稼有了明显的改善 – 而且他的家庭和他的收入也发生了变化。 +For the last month this wretched house had presented the gloomy appearance of a lazaretto infected with the plague.,最近一个月来,这座遭天诅咒的府邸始终呈现着阴郁的外表,象是一家收容着瘟疫病人的传染病院一样。 +"The annexation ( of Alsace -Lorraine by Germany ) , though opposed by Bismarck , who said it would be the Achille's heel of the New German Empire, was required by the elder Moltke and his staff.",虽然俾斯麦反对并吞(德国并吞阿尔萨斯一洛林),他说这将给新德意志帝国造成致命的隐患,但是老毛奇和他的总参谋部依然认为需要并吞。 +"Developing biomedical research in China poses a massive and unique challenge, writes Zhu Chen in a special series on health system reform in China, published by The Lancet.",中国卫生部长陈竺在《柳叶刀》杂志出版的一期中国卫生改革专刊上写道,在中国发展生物医学研究面临着严峻挑战。 +"When a TIC ceases operation, the entrusted property shall not be included in assets to be liquidated.",信托投资公司终止时,信托财产不属于其清算财产。 +An unmanned moon probe blasted off from China Friday (Oct. 1) to begin the country's next phase of lunar exploration and set the stage for even more ambitious spaceflights to co me.,中国于10月1日发射了一颗无人月球探测器,开始了下一个阶段雄心勃勃的月球探索计划。 +She was bathed in tears.,她哭成了一个泪人。 +Employee recognition C especially in a down economy C can be an effective and inexpensive morale-booster.,对雇员的赞赏尤其是在下滑的经济条件下可以成为一种有效而廉价的士气助推器。 +Plant pathologists have made remarkable strides in identifying the pathogens of the various diseases.,植物病理学家在鉴定各种病原体方面的工作已取得长足进步。 +I think you know what side the Kappas were on.,我想你们知道兄弟会的那帮男生的意见的了。 +Full-time or part-time posts shall be set up in people's governments at the township level to take charge of forestry work.,乡级人民政府设专职或者兼职人员负责林业工作。 +"In the first chapter, I introduce Mead's biography and his academic origin briefly.",第一章简略介绍了米德的生平以及学术道路。 +"'It got played up a bit but he splashed me to say hi and I ignored him, I don't have time or respect for drug cheats, '",他(孙杨)溅起水花想跟我打招呼,但我无视了他。 我没有时间去应付一个嗑药的骗子。 +"Another warning sign: intense pain during warm-up that eases for a while, only to return when you stop playing.",另一个警告信号就是:做准备活动的时候,疼痛剧烈,过一会儿会好些,只有当运动停止下来后,才会消除。 +"I used a special fan with the latest development of the fumes from pumping dedicated fan, fan, aspiration and strong, dry sound low, high efficiency, not becoming gray, clean convenience.",特制风机配用我所最新研制的油烟抽吸专用风机,风机大、抽吸力强、燥声低、效率高、不吸灰、清洁方便。 +"Taking PCM/DPSK for example, the effects by Doppler velocity during the course of bit synchronization and demodulation are analyzed.",并以PCM/DPSK信号为例, 分析了多普勒频率对位同步及解调过程的影响。 +"It also has the characteristics of high temperature resistance, shock resistance, small volume, small self discharge.",它还具有耐震、耐高温、体积小、自放电小的特点。 +(group-work)Make prediction before listening.,(小组活动)听前预测。 +All right. Thank you. Well done.,好的,谢谢,非常好。 +Living standards improved greatly during the post-war boom.,战后经济繁荣期间,生活水平大幅改善。 +"Organize your desktop! If you are right-handed, make sure the.",组织一下你的工作桌!如果你习惯使用右手,那么。 +"The grill, wheels, headlights and taillights are all actually circles on squares.",格栅、轮子、车灯和尾灯是全部实际上盘旋在正方形。 +"The corporate livestock industry, the junk food industry — they all loved that; they could buy corn for less than it cost the farmer to produce.",所有的畜牧工厂和垃圾食品制造工厂都喜欢这样;他们甚至可以用低于成本的价格买到农民手中的玉米。 +"In the same time phase point, compare with the model set and the western medicine, the pinprick set's expression of NGFmRNA was higher obviously and had the statistical significant(P<0.01).",在相同时相点,针刺组NGF的表达均明显高于模型组和西药组,且差异有统计学意义(P<0.01)。 +"This will help avoid many of the problems Europe currently faces,"" says Rutkowski.",这将会避免欧洲目前面临的许多问题,”卢特考斯基说:“中东和北非地区还没有陷入养老金危机,但如果现在不采取行动,危机将会出现。” +The results show that the Cu complexes mainly bind to the DNA with intercalation mode and the strength of interaction is Cu(2)>Cu(1).,结果表明,配合物均以插入模式与DNA作用;配合物与DNA作用强弱为:配合物(2)>配合物(1)。 +For extraordinary precision speed and reliability. This new 5-series standard of Chang Iron 4-side moulder is your best choice.,拥有一部高效率、卓越性能的四面铇,在精度、速度及稳定性考量下,新典范张铁5系列是您最睿智的选择! +Regular or irregular?,规则还是不规则? +Studies show that a much lower surfactant can be used to produce mesoporous silica through molecular self assemble.,研究表明:在低表面活性剂下,经分子自组装可形成排列有序的六方结构。 +"For all the differences in each candidate's economic-policy promises, it has also been clear that Washington will continue to throw money at the problem.",尽管两位总统候选人的经济政策构想不尽相同,但人们已经明白,无论谁当选,华盛顿都将继续扔钱来解决美国当前的问题。 +I just heard about it when going to the W. C.,我刚刚去洗手间的时候听到的。 +"Of numberless possible and desirable goals, I am not sure which are best.",无数可能的值得的目标中我不知道哪一个是最好的。 +They can be anything from building a house to drawing a picture or running a race.,从盖一座房子到绘制一幅画,参加一场比赛,它可以是任何事。 +"I am choosing to take the time to learn about the many cultures and peoples inhabiting the earth, and am happy to put the rest of my life on hold to do so.",我选择了花时间去了解各种各样的存在这个地球的文化和人,并且很高兴把我剩余的人生致力于此。 +Africans’ attitudes toward China’s recent initiatives on their continent are perhaps inevitably riddled with ambivalence.,对于中国近来在非洲大陆的主动出击,非洲人不可避免地产生了爱恨交杂的矛盾心理。 +"Any lingering fears I might have about my stay evaporate at the sight of my smiling host, Mrs Wang, “hallooing” vigorously at me across the bus station car park.",当我见到我的住家主人王太太时,我对住到中国人家里的恐惧顷刻间烟消云散了,她在汽车站对面的停车场微笑着向我大声地打招呼。 +A saddle-shaped hole grooving machine for pressure vessel was introduced. A method for processing saddle groove and the designing of a technical background were put forward.,介绍了一种压力容器壳体开孔马鞍形坡口加工机械的设计背景技术,给出了马鞍形坡口加工的一种实现方法。 +But Mr Fox was too clever for them.,不过,对他们来说,许立先生简直太聪明了。 +"With the rapid development of financial and capital markets, catastrophe option has been created, and this product provides much wide space to diversify catastrophe risks.",巨灾期权是巨灾风险管理发展到一定阶段,保险和金融结合的产物。 +The small public space offers a quiet resting area set apart from the crowded sidewalks of a busy shopping district.,这片小型的公共空间为路人提供了一个安静的休息之所,能够暂时逃离拥挤的繁忙的商业区的街道。 +"Selhorys, Valysar, and Volon Therys are walled towns so large they would be cities in the Seven Kingdoms.",赛尔霍利斯,瓦里萨尔还有福隆泰利斯都是筑墙的大城镇,在七大王国里得称作城市了。 +"Squandering is charming eyes to the real exhibition, three-dimensional, two-dimensional aspect of the advertising bombardment, watching people floating houses.",乱花渐欲迷人眼的楼盘展示会、立体平面面面俱到的广告轰炸,看买房的人们心猿意马。 +Women machinists operate a precision metal cutter at a shop in fast-industrializing Fanch'eng.,女机械师在迅速工业化的襄樊城的一家工厂操作一台精密金属切割机。 +"Which domain would be easier to change on your own pages (i.e., internal links, references, etc.)?",在你自己的页面上,哪个域名更容易地改变(考虑内部链接,流量来源等等) ? +"Obviously journalists should not fabricate the news, nor should they plagiarize—that is, copy without attribution—another person’s work.",显然,记者不应杜撰新闻,也不得抄袭剽窃,即抄用他人文章而不注明出处。 +One word frees us of wisl the weight and pain in life. That only word is love.,有一个词可以让我们脱节生活中全数的担负和痛楚,那就是“爱情”。 +"Results: Pregnancy rate after IUI was related to factors like thickness of endometrium, time of IUI, diameter of fallopian tubal ampullae, density and motivity of sperm after washing (P<0.01, P<0.05).",结果:IUI治疗结局与子宫内膜的厚度、IUI治疗的时机、输卵管壶腹部的直径、输卵管伞端距宫角的距离、洗涤后精子的密度和动力有关(P<0.01,P<0.05)。 +Conclusion The ratio of exophthalmos and intraorbital pressure can prove the character of the space-occupying lesions in orbit.,结论测量眼球突出度与眶压的比值可为诊断眶内占位性病变的性质提供依据。 +Thick diamond films have been deposited by Electron Assisted Hot Filament Chemical Vapor Deposition Method.,研究了电子辅助热灯丝法生长金刚石厚膜过程中氢气流量对沉积速度和膜品质的影响。 +Do you believe that the present encompasses all and the future and past are mere abstractions?,你是否相信所谓的现在只是一瞬间,所有的过去与将来都是虚的? +As Starkey points out: “It is a story to be proud of.,如斯塔克指出:“这是一个值得骄傲的故事。” +The locality is within Lantau Country Park under protection.,但生长地点位于大屿山郊野公园内而受到保护。 +Some wonder whether the objective should be to oust Colonel Gadhafi.,"有些人怀疑,其目的是否是驱逐卡扎菲。" +"For external applications that work with DB2, including TE, this plug-in provides the means to directly control user and group authentication.",对于使用 DB2 的外部应用程序(包括 TE),此插件允许直接控制用户和组身份验证。 +"A typical poor American lives in a three-bedroom house with a car, air-conditioning and two televisions.",典型的美国穷人有三居室的房子,车,空调和两台电视。 +You have to have a good public transportation system when you have as many people here as we do.,如果你那儿和我们这儿的人一样多,你们得有一个良好的公共交通系统。 +Listing 10. The viewport test code,清单 10. viewport 测试代码 +Periodical fluctuation in the air influx of column occurs frequently at the adjusting stage during the startup of an air separation unit.,空分设备启动进入调整阶段时,常常会发生进塔空气量周期性波动的现象。 +People refuse to accept sexual minorities and consider them as freaks.,他们不愿接纳这些性少数族群,并将其视作怪人。 +When someone has trouble in their study .,当或人有烦琐在他们的学习中。 +He nods. Then she hands him a photograph.,他的点点头,音乐家递给他一种照片。 +"In the near future, we can also expect to see a new release of XFS that is better suited for Intel's Itanium platform.",过不了多久,我们还可以期待看到 XFS 的新发行版,它将更适合于 Intel Itanium 平台。 +The basic concept and sorts of twisted-pair are introduced and some ways and skills in practice are given in this paper.,本文主要介绍了双绞线的基本概念、分类及其在实际应用中的方法、技巧。 +I’d give that guy a lot of advice: High school doesn’t last forever – it’s temporary.,我已经给了那位伙计很多的忠告。 高中阶段并非长久,仅是短暂的一霎那。 +Don't worry. We were meant to be together sweetheart… It was pre-destined.,别担心。我们注定会在一起的,亲爱的。这是前世注定的。 +"Cloud to we, Haitian said we had no one, only their own to buy weapons.",云狂赶到吕家,海天说吕家没人了,自己只是来买兵器。 +"As the ship neared its destination, Sung threw all his diplomas, medals, and fraternity keys overboard, keeping only his doctorate diploma to show his father.",当船靠近目的地时,宋尚节在船上扔掉了所有的文凭、奖牌及校友通讯录,只留下要给父亲过目的博士文凭。 +The personal element existed when the shop-keeper knew all his customers personally.,过去店主都会认识他的顾客们,多有人情味。 +"Government heads of state should directly become involved in HIV control efforts to show leadership, Rangarajan said, which has generally not occurred.",Rangarajan表示,各国政府首脑应该发挥领导能力,积极参与艾滋病的预防工作。 而现在大多数政府都没有做到。 +Learning English by way of watching English movies.,利用英语原声电影进行学习; 等等。 +"With development of modern bio - technique, the plant genetic engineering shows good potential for disease resistance breeding.",随着现代生物技术的不断发展,利用植物基因工程进行植物抗病育种已经成为一种重要手段。 +Ambrosio then falls in love with one of his penitents and finally kills her in order to escape detection.,安布罗西奥然后爱上了他的仟悔之一,终于杀死她以逃避侦查。 +"WAIST-DEEP in the muddy water, hundreds of people swirl their pans, scouring the black sediment for the sparkle of gold dust.",在齐腰深的泥水中,成百上千的人晃动他们的淘金盆,冲刷黑色的杂质以获得闪耀的金沙。 +"The same kind of pattern can follow even physical assaults, depending on the circumstances and the personality of the victim.",同样的模式甚至也发生在身体攻击事件上,这取决于受害者的人格和具体环境。 +MSF is a low budget operation because they can't really tax its citizens for a military budget.,无国界军队是小本生意,因为他们没法向其公民征收军事费用。 +To my mind this is one of the most tragical facts in all history.,这件事在我心里乃是全部历史中最富悲剧性的事实之一。 +In vitro studies with analogs related to ENMD-1420 showed that the Z isomer is more potent than the E isomer for antiproliferative activity.,与ENMD-1420相关的类似物体外研究显示在抗增殖活性方面Z异构体强于E异构体。 +"Otherwise, Ekman summed up, users risk what he calls ""Othello's error"": ""Othello read Desdemona's fear accurately.",埃克曼总结说,否则,用户会冒他所谓的“奥赛罗式失误”之风险。 “奥赛罗准确读懂了黛丝狄蒙娜的恐惧。 +"In the creative fields of Eco-reportage, Xu Gang is the most significance of the extraordinary.",在生态报告文学创作领域,徐刚的意义是非凡的。 +"His family said the economic crisis had ""broken"" Merckle.",他的家人说是当今的经济危机击垮了默寇。 +"The cholesterol(TC) and triglyceride(TG)(P<0.01)of exogenous hyperlipemia can be reduced notably by S. M. G seed oil, the rates of the reduction were 83.91%and 60.07%",水飞蓟油并能显著降低外源性高脂血症的胆固醇(TC)和甘油三酯(TG)(P<0.01),降低率分别为83.91%和60.07%。 +Tung Chee-hwa yesterday submitted a report to the National People's Congress Standing Committee, recommending that changes be made to Hong Kong's electoral methods in and after 2007.,董建华昨日向人大常委会提交报告,就二零零七年及以后选举方法的改变程序提出建议。 +"Some commonly used measuring methods and controlling criteria of blasting-induced damage such as sonic wave testing and PPV safety criteria are presented, and some related problems are discussed.",讨论了声波测试法、PPV安全判据等几种常用爆破损伤确定方法与控制标准。 +"This development, if properly implemented, should help in both respects, "" says Michael Oppenheimer, a geoscientist and policy researcher at Princeton University in New Jersey.",迈克尔.奥本海默如此表示。 他是新泽西州普林斯顿大学的地址科学家和政策研究者。 +"No one ever renovated the kitchen or redid a room for the kids in a rental,” Mr. Yearley said. “I think — I hope — we'll be O. K.",没人愿意在租来的房子里整修厨房或是为孩子重新装修房间。 +"Smart power grids, GPS navigation, air travel, financial services and emergency radio communications can all be knocked out by intense solar activity.",智能电网,GPS导航,飞机航行,金融服务,以及紧急无线电联络都可能受剧烈的太阳活动波及无法正常运行。 +Dean Potter's most recent solo walk at Taft Point in Yosemite by Photographer Jeff Cunningham.,迪安·波特最近一次在加州约塞米蒂公园的塔夫脱点的独立行走,由摄影师杰夫·坎宁安拍摄。 +Jane Goodall is more than just the “chimpanzee lady”. Her work gives new insight5 to our own humanness6 and humaneness7.,珍-古德尔不仅仅���“黑猩猩守护神”,她的工作使我们对人类自身的人性和人道有了新的深入了解。 +"Facing with the dual-class equity structure reform, the paper gives a thorough analysis of the underlying economical theories and separates them into three groups.",针对股权分置改革的现状,本文系统的分析了股权分置对价的理论依据,并把对价的因素分为三部分。 +"So there is a conflict of wanting to be close to your kin and kind, but not too close.",因此,想和自己亲戚或同类很近,但不能太近,这是一个冲突。 +"During the spring and summer months when we had our windows open, we could hear her busily typing away.",春天夏天的时候只要我们一打开窗户便能听到打字机忙碌的声音。 +Warburg had emigrated in 1897 from the German investment banking firm of M. M. Warburg & Company and was devoted to the central banking model that had developed in Germany.,沃伯格早年在德国创立了一家名叫M.M.沃伯格公司的投资银行并于1897年移民到了美国,本人十分热衷于德式中央银行体制。 +But mask strings are not as flexible as regular expressions.,但是掩码字符串不如正则表达式那么灵活。 +"In other words, Feng believes group buying is made for China.",换言之,冯认为团购给中国而生。 +Juventus are behind Siena's capture of Salernitana wing-back Cristian Molinaro.,尤文是锡耶纳签约萨勒尼塔纳的边后卫莫利纳罗的受益者。 +"Lemme go back to Bernanke, because there's a hidden agenda in QE that he'll never put into words or writing.",还是让话题回到了伯南克,因为在量化宽松的货币政策上,有一个隐藏的日程表。 而这个日程表是永远不会用语言来表达或者写作的。 +He tripped the witness by artful questions.,他以巧妙的质问诱使证人说话前后矛盾。 +It should be emphasized that thymectomy is necessary to achieve a correct diagnosis in this condition.,要强调的是在这种情况下,胸腺切除来达成正确的诊断是必须要的。 +"(New York) - China should impose a moratorium on all executions as a goodwill gesture before the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games, Human Rights Watch said today.",(纽约)-人权观察今日称:在二零零八年北京奥运会之前,中国应暂停所有的死刑处决,以此做为友好表示。 +"They have achieved major improvements in their conditions of life — most notably, in the overthrow of totalitarian regimes in places from Eastern Europe to the Philippines.",这些运动极大地改善了各国民众的生活条件,尤其值得一提的是,在从东欧到菲律宾的广大地区,专制政权纷纷被推翻。 +"Conclusion Radial midforrarm flap pedicled with intermuscular branch of radial artery can be transferred to repair soft tissue defect of elbow, forearm or hand.",结论以桡动脉肌间隙支为蒂的前臂桡侧中段皮瓣,可用于修复肘部、前臂及腕部软组织缺损。 +Objective Observation of asthma capsules in the treatment of mice asthenia Diseases.,目的观察平喘胶囊对小鼠虚喘症的治疗作用。 +"But as they join the web using different languages, how do we stop the internet from fracturing along language lines?",不过,由于他们使用不同的语言加入网络,我们如何阻止互联网被不同的语言撕裂哪? +David Thewlis and actress Anna Friel have split up after nine years together.,大卫·休里斯和女演员安娜·弗莱尔在相爱同居9年后分手。 +I have been in ballparks for seventeen years and have never received anything but kindness and encouragement from you fans.,我一直在球场的十七年了,还从来没收到任何东西,但善良和鼓励你的球迷。 +"The second lion replies ""When I left the park, I ran towards the centre of town.",第二只狮子回答说:“当我离开了公园,我就跑向城镇中心。 +"But if the U.S. auto market continues to sink, the companies' cash drain could outpace their ability to cut costs.",但如果美国汽车市场继续下滑,这些公司现金的缺口可能超过它们削减成本的能力。 +"Similar in nature, some like to use the words interchangeably, but metaphysics takes it own shape and form.",由于本质上的相似,有些人喜欢把玄学与超心理学这两个词交换地使用,然而玄学采取了它自己所固有的形式。 +"Twenty-eight years from now, I hope to visit China again.",我希望在28年后再访中国。 +Bryant has scored 27.0 points per game while shooting 51.4 percent from the field in the two victories over the Suns.,在本赛季对太阳的两场胜利中,科比场均得到27分,并且投篮命中率高达51。%。 +"Beyond the filter question for scaling, the usual search-related factors will apply, such as whether to distribute the index or simply replicate.",除了关于伸缩性的过滤器问题之外,还需要考虑其他与搜索相关的因素,比如是分发索引还是仅复制索引。 +Conclusions Aseptic technique is of most importance in the infect-precaution after joint replacement. Appropriate use of prophylactic antibiotics is less important.,结论预防人工关节置换术感染以无菌术最重要,适当预防性使用抗生素次之。 +"Besides, the analysis for subcontract in auto industry also illustrates this point .",此外,对汽车产业分包契约的分析也说明了这一点。 +"Injun Joe infested all his dreams, and always with doom in his eye.",印第安·乔老是出 现在他的梦里,而且目露凶光。 +"Thus, rapid and easy reshaping effect is attained without anesthetics or scalpels .",无需麻醉药,也无需手术刀,就这样便可获得既快捷又轻易的修身效果。 +"Compare your habits to your bank account, and then consider re-adjusting your personal budget to even things out a bit.",将你的消费习惯与银行账户进行比较,考虑下重新调整你的预算,使收支更为平衡一些。 +"Minoru Yamasaki was born in Seattle, Washington in 1912. His parents were immigrants from Japan.",山崎实在1912年出生于华盛顿的西雅图,父母为日本移民。 +A: Ouch! I cut my finger.,啊!我切到手指了。 +Multiple LPARs on a server connected to the IB fabric,一个连接到 IB 构造的服务器上的多个 LPAR +"In this paper, we discussed mainly the iterative roots of piecewise homeomorphic maps of an Y- star.",本文主要讨论Y星上逐片同胚映射的迭代根。 +"Another inventor, Prasad Rangaraju, is an engineer at Clemson University in South Carolina.",另外一位发明家Prasad Rangaraju是南卡罗莱纳克莱姆森大学的工程师。 +"Potential adverse effects include peripheral neuropathy, myopathy, lactic acidosis and severe hepatomegaly with steatosis, and — after the stopping treatment — worsening of hepatitis.",潜在的不良反应包括周围神经病变,肌病,乳酸性酸中毒和严重的肝肿大伴脂肪变性,以及 - 停止治疗后 - 肝炎恶化。 +"It can be used to transfer 100% polyester fabric , coating ceramic , iron plant and wood .",只能转印100%化纤面料和涂层陶瓷,铁板,木头。 +"First of all, the statement ""real learning"" would seem to indicate that there is something called ""unreal"" or ""fake"" learning – truly an absurd statement.",首先,“真正意义上的学习”这一短语似乎暗示仍然存在着某种“不真的”或者“假的”学习——这真是一个荒寥的说法。 +"Usually the main switchboards consist of several panels: group starter panels, consumer panels, lighting panel, diesel generator panels etc.",主配电板通常包括几个控制面板:组合启动面板,用户板,照明面板, 模拟高尔夫,菜油发电机面板等。 +"If the same settings apply to several templates, you can specify a comma-separated list of template names.",如果要对多个模板应用相同的设置,可以指定一个以逗号分隔的模板名列表。 +The 2008 Olympics National Aquatics Center completes the triad of green Olympic building projects.,国家游泳中心(又称“水立方”)是2008奥运会三大绿色建筑项目之一。 +The rusting hulk was sold by Ukraine in 1998 to a Hong Kong-Macau trading company- ostensibly to be transformed into a floating casino.,1998年,锈迹斑斑的船体被乌克兰卖给了一家港澳贸易公司,宣称是要改建成水上赌场。 +"How can I tell, through all these clouds ?",可是林深云密,我也不知道他到底在哪。 +"This achievement is a result of the long-term cooperation between the CWI Institute and the Google security, privacy and anti abuse research group.",此项成果为CWI研究所与谷歌安全、隐私与反滥用研究小组间长期合作的产物。 +"In gravid nettle rash was gotten after 3 months, nettle rash virus may cause all sorts of pathological change.",在妊娠3个月之后得了风疹,风疹病毒可能导致各种病变。 +The actual applied effect is better and machining efficiency increases 23.9%. Obtain good economic performance.,实际应用效果较好,提高加工效率23.9%,取得了较好的经济效益。 +"Tomorrow, let Anne's sea again bring some jewelries to Feng sun temple, currently what he cans make also fair such.",明天,让安海再送些首饰到凤阳宫,目前他所能做的也只是如此。 +"The film festival is sponsored by the Sundance Institute, which was founded in 1981 by the award-winning actor and director Robert Redford and is also located in Park City.",圣丹斯电影节由位于帕克城的圣丹斯协会筹办。 这个协会创建于1981年,创始人是美国获奖演员兼导演罗伯特·雷德福(Robert Redford)。 +It is the essential problem in the jurisprudential study the degree that the actual law reveals the human nature and the human nature is achieved on the actual law.,实在法在多大程度上发现了人的本质,人的本质又在多大程度上根据实在法得到实现,这是一切法学研究的根本问题。 +"Automatic thoughts, life events, social support and the length of military service are of direct predictive value for depression.",军龄、生活事件、社会支持和负性思维与高原军人的抑郁水平有关,并直接预测其抑郁的水平。 +Xue Baochai is the most popular character in Dream of the Red Chamber. To study Xue Baochai's interpersonal relationship from the angle of psychology is of great significance.,薛宝钗是《红楼梦》中人缘最好的,从心理学角度探讨薛宝钗的人际交往具有十分重要的意义。 +"In normal adult rat liver, the HPI is expressed by hepatocytes.",正常成年大鼠肝细胞呈HPI阳性表达。 +"But in practice, the business decision-making power is more in board of directors and manager, while general meeting of stockholders can no longer cover the power appointed by law.",但是在实践中,股份公司的股东大会已不能有效行使立法所授予的大量经营决策权,转而由董事会或经理掌控。 +"We want to buy Super White Porcelain, Bone China Porcelain, Stoneware and Dolomite Houseware Products, Ceramic, Polyresin and Greystone Articles, Figurines Home Appliances.",我们要采购超级白瓷,骨中国瓷器,石器和白云石家居产品,陶瓷,树脂。 +Thus the Scarborough Reef has become a new disputable area following the Spratly Islands. This article makes comment on the Philippines' activities in the Scarborough…,本文评析了近年来菲律宾在黄岩岛的活动,并对其挑起新争议的原因进行了分析。 +"With the economy now passing Japan to become the second largest in the world, the potential for more is mouthwatering.",而中国现在正超越日本成为世界第二大经济体,巨大的市场潜力令人垂涎。 +"The swift development abundant only then the company will be willing with the general suppliers, the dealer.",飞速发展的博才公司愿与广大供应商、经销商、客户一起携手共创美好未来。 +"Starting from the 2nd week after validation of this contract, Party B is entitled to the rights and benefits of medical insurance and life insurance Party C has bought under Party B's name;",乙方在本合同生效二周后,有权要求享受丙方为其所承保的意外医疗保险和意外伤害保险条款和保险额度; +"Against interpretation is not only a thorough rebellion to theory about content of art, but also a post-metaphysics anti-hypostasis from the point of view of philosophy.",“反对阐释”是对自柏拉图以来的艺术内容说的一次彻底反叛,其背后的哲学意味是对本质主义抵制的后形而上学和反本质主义。 +"However, the hydration rate of calcium aluminate cements goes down with the increasing of hydration temperature in the temperature range of 18~ 30℃, this being the so-called anomalous behavior.",而在18~30℃范围内,铝酸钙水泥的水化速率随温度升高而降低,这就是所谓的铝酸钙水泥的异常凝结行为。 +Why did the farmer name his pig Ink?,为什么这个农场主叫他的猪为墨水? +"Is it a waste of time to enter competitions, free or otherwise?",参加这种活动是浪费时间呢,是免费呢,又或者是其它的。 +"The constitution says that when the Senate is equally divided, Swiss Replica Watch, the vice-president may cast a deciding vote.",宪法规定参议院争议双方票数相同时,副总统可投决定性一票。 +"Some recent progress of Hypericum perforatum were reviewed including the microscopic structural characters , active compositions, pharmacological effects etc.",本文综述了贯叶连翘的生药显微鉴定特征、有效成分的研究、药理和临床试验等方面的研究进展。 +Do me the favor to put on this shirt.,请赏个脸,把这件衬衣穿上。 +"Because there are currently no direct flights to Pyongyang, a special charter needed to be called on.",由于日本目前没有直飞平壤的航班,所以旅行团需要安排特别包机。 +"Yet however any is bold (I speak in foolishness), I am bold also.",然而人在何事上勇敢,(我说句愚妄话),我也勇敢。 +The convenient of reeled silk and linear silk design ensure well forming of winding;,方便的绞纱摆放和直线丝路设计,保证络筒成形良好; +"If there's already a listening socket on a port, then the state of the socket is changed to LISTEN.",如果端口上已存在侦听的套接字,则将套接字的状态更改为 LISTEN。 +"Longre Training Center has long been dedicated to academic research in IELTS, Toefl iBT, oral English teaching, as well as corporate English training.",拥有朗阁海外考试研究中心,是针对各类海外考试和教学进行研究的专业性研发机构。 +They played the searchlights along the road.,他们用探照灯照射那条路。 +"In the first chapter, starting with the acquisition of the basic concepts, properties, classification start of the antitrust laws under the concept of cross-border M & A theoretical understanding.",在第一章,首先从并购的基本概念、性质、分类入手,对反垄断法下的跨国并购的概念进行���论阐述。 +"The Customs shall, after verification, release the same on the strength of the stamps on the Customs Declaration Form affixed, or Notice for Customs issued, by CIQ.",海关凭出入境检验检疫机构在报关单上加盖的印章或签发的入境货物通关单验放。 +"Put simply, the MIDP Record Management System (RMS) provides a means to store application data that persists across invocations of a MIDlet.",简单地说,MIDP 记录管理系统(RMS)提供了一种跨多个 MIDlet 调用持久性地存储应用程序数据的手段。 +"Chitosan is one of the most abundant natural polymers, This biopolymer has useful functional groups such as hydroxyl and amine, so it can interact with metal ions.",壳聚糖是一种天然高分子,分子中含有大量的氨基和羟基,对金属离子有很好的吸附能力。 +The invention provides a method of forming a bump structure by use of an etching composition used for an under-bump metallurgy layer.,本发明提供了使用凸点下金属层用蚀刻组合物形成凸点结构的方 法。 +"Please note: this product is sold out at present, it might be in our stock in the future.",请注意:该产品目前已售缺,过些日子可能有现货。 +"Based on the language functions explicated by German psychologist Karl Buhler, Katharina Reiss, Peter Newmark and Christina Nord have proposed their own text typology respectively.",莱斯,纽马克,诺德依据德国心理学家布勒的语言功能三分法提出了他们各自的文本类型。 +The shear strain decreases with the increase of the distance to the sheared surface.,剪应变随与剪切分离面距离的增大而减小; +"Fish is my favorite, the bear's paw is my favorite, if these two things can not simultaneously have been the case, then I had to give up the fish and bear's paw has selected.",鱼是我所喜爱的,熊掌也是我所喜爱的,如果这两种东西不能同时都得到的话,那么我就只好放弃鱼而选取熊掌了。 +"Just a few years after beginning her formal training, the 11-year old Kwan placed ninth at the United States Juniors tournament.",开始正规训练后不过几年,11岁的关颖珊就在全美青少年花样滑冰锦标赛中取得了第九名的成绩。 +The landscape at the danish north sea-coast is full of old concrete bunkers. So I changed the materials from the original a bit.,丹麦北海的景观都是古老的混凝土沙丘,所以我从材料的本质上进行了一些改变。 +"In this study, we used mouse as animal model, deployed HTF and TCM-199 as foundation culture systems, added different levels of EGCG to study EGCG effect on IVM, IVF and embryo development.",本实验以小鼠为动物模型采用TCM-199和HTF两个基础培养体系,通过添加不同浓度的EGCG来研究其对小鼠卵母细胞体外成熟,受精及其后期胚胎发育的影响。 +You can configure this logger with a special appender to store messages in an encrypted format or in a secured location.,您可以给这个日志程序配置一个专用的附加器,从而使用一种加密的格式来保存消息,或者将其保存到一个安全的地方。 +"Last month, an international research team linked two genetic variants to an increased risk for the disease, which is often treated with AstraZeneca Plc's blockbuster drug Seroquel.",上月一国际研究团队找出了两类可能导致双极性精神失调的基因突变,这样的病变经常在家族内部遗传。 +He was more certain than ever now that Tu Hsin-to was nothing more than a frivolous young hedonist .,他向来以为杜新箨是不知厉害的享乐公子,现在他更加确定了。 +"Based on test - researching and analyzing, it is shown that the stress corrosion of boiler fire-tubes car. be prevented by full annealing.",通过试验研究与分析认为可以通过完全退火处理来预防。 +"She had seen her son, at least; most of the children still lay in the rubble of Xinjian elementary school.",至少她还看到了她的儿子,此时大多数的孩子还埋在新津小学的废墟之下。 +This clock is a good timekeeper .,这钟是一个很好的定时器。 +Thee curse is the product of a culture that remains confused about gender equality.,这紧箍咒源于整个文化对性别平等这一概念的迷惑不解。 +The instrument can be applied widely to the areas of supervising and controlling the quality of light beam in transmission and in the time-resolved and spatial-resolved spectral measurement.,该装置在光束传输中的质量监控以及在光谱时间、空间分辨测量中可得到广泛的应用。 +"With the increase of TMC concentration, there was an decrease in gelation temperature, while an increase in both of gel strength and bioadhesive force.",同一种季铵化程度TMC,随着TMC浓度的增加,胰岛素液体栓剂的胶凝温度减小,胶凝强度和生物黏附力均增大。 +"In the most straightforward version of the basic algorithm, each freed chunk is immediately coalesced with neighbors to form the largest possible unused chunk.",在这个基本算法的最简单的版本中,每一个被释放的块被立即合并到相邻的块以形成一个尽可能最大的未使用块。 +A reception booth shall be available at the Kuala Lumpur International Airport ( KLIA ) for the duration of the exhibition.,在整个展览会期间,我们会在吉隆坡国际机场(KLIA)设立一个接待亭。 +"New Confucianists of Mainland with Mr. Jiangqing being one of its representatives, are eulogizing Gongyang Doctrine and managing to explore its thought resources.",以蒋庆先生为代表的“大陆新儒家”继以公羊学为颂扬对象,尽力发掘公羊学的思想资源。 +"Like other idealists , he agrees with Kant that the mind is not simply a passive absorber of the external world, but actively organises it.",像其它唯心主义者一样,他赞同康德:精神不仅仅是外部世界的被动的吸收器,而是积极筹划外部世界。 +"Once the virtual application is deployed, it can be accessed directly by clicking the ENDPOINT hyperlink for the WAS VM as shown in Figure 15.",一旦完成虚拟应用程序的部署,便可通过单击图 15 所示的 WAS VM 的 ENDPOINT 超链接直接访问它。 +"TPP, the Trans-Pacific Partnership , is a 12-nation deal that touches on 40% of the global economy.",跨太平洋伙伴关系协定(TPP)是占据全球经济40%的12国之间签订的协议。 +"These services mix contacts, instant messaging, blogging, and texting, and they're poised to make email feel as antiquated as the mimeograph.",这些服务把联络人,即时短信,博客和文字都糅合在一起,有望让电邮看起来象油印单张一样古老陈旧。 +"We smoked furtively, hiding our cigarettes like schoolboys when we heard the Tramp Major’s step, for smoking though connived at, was officially forbidden.",我们偷偷摸摸地抽着烟,听见站长的脚步声就马上把烟卷藏起来,就和男生在学校一个样,因为收容站虽然默许流浪汉抽烟,但这却是明文禁止的。 +"During rock projects with drilling-Masting method, there is an escalating trend of the use of downhole rock drilling tools.",在钻爆法施工凿岩工程中,潜孔凿岩钻具的使用量呈上升趋势,特别是高风压潜孔凿岩钻具的产品类型不断增加。 +"The support frame comprises a rotatable chassis, a first supporting arm, a connecting block and at least a second supporting arm.",该支架包括可旋转的底盘,第一支撑臂,连接块及至少一个第二支撑臂。 +"At that time, I had no HR background.",当时,我没有任何人力资源背景。 +The results indicate that separation and reattachment occur on the boundary layer of the rocket because of the shock impinging with sharp changes in static pressure and temperature.,数值结果表明,在激波边界层的干扰下,壁面边界层流动出现了分离和再附过程,压力和温度出现激烈变化。 +Any questions about that? Great.,所有人都听懂了吗?有什么问题吗?很好。 +"In an attempt to distance himself from the Libyans, Brown moved to toughen his position against Colonel Gaddafi after Libya's leader theatrically tore up the UN charter in his address.",布朗在联合国一般性会议上有意与穆阿迈尔卡扎菲拉开距离,卡扎菲在致辞上一度要撕毁联合国宪章的事件上,布朗随后表明了自己的反对立场。 +The mutual spirits inspired us to reach the annual aim.,相互的精神鼓舞了我们达到年度目标。 +Search is the fallback option the user will choose when they cannot navigate to what they’re looking for.,搜索是用户在无法被导航到他们想找的东西的地方时的可靠选择。 +You're too short to play basketball.,你太矮了,不能打篮球。 +But there is no finding of IAPP in human pancreatic tissue.,但目前尚没有对人体胰腺组织IAPP研究的结果。 +"It would be difficult, if not impossible, to carve out an arbitrarily limited segment of the infinitely vast realm of the psyche and call that the secluded theatre of psychotherapy.",要将心灵无限广大的领域,执行任意的限制的区隔,然后称呼那个区隔,就是心理治疗的独立剧场,这种做法即使并非不可能,也是困难重重。 +"The annual combination Christmas gathering and pub crawl is billed as a ""nonsensical"" event by its organizers. (Fred R. Conrad/The New York Times)",组织者们宣传这场一年一度的圣诞聚会和串酒吧是一次“无厘头”活动。 +The influence of calorific value of coal and carbon-content of cinder on the heat loss from solid incomplete combustion of the boiler were analysed in the paper.,分析了燃煤发热量和炉渣含碳量变化对锅炉固体不完全燃烧热损失的影响,推导出在其他热损失不变的前提下固体不完全燃烧热损失对锅炉热平衡效率的影响。 +Such faith keeps me continually ready and purposeful with energy to do what one person can towards shaping the environment in which the human being can grow with freedom.,这些信念使我工作时时刻充满激情,这些工作有着明确的目标---为人们的自由发展提供良好的环境。 +RESULTS: The results in our study demonstrate that epidural anesthesia is a suitable technique for SCS lead implant.,结果:我们实验的结果表明硬膜外麻醉对于脊髓刺激引导埋植剂是一种适宜的麻醉方式。 +This does raise some issues for planning.,这要求在规划时考虑一些问题。 +An approximative formula with better accuracy for critical load calculation of hydraulic cylinders of large length-diameter ratio is presented in this paper for practical applications by technicians.,本文给出了计算长细液压缸临界载荷的一个精度较高的近似公式,供工程技术人员实际应用。 +"Also in March, China’s parliament will hold its annual session in Beijing.",在3月,一年一度的中国人大会议还将在北京召开。 +"Additionally, the documents may be backed up using third-party applications.",另外,文档也可以通过第三方应用程序备份。 +"Jack returns to CTU, but before he walks in the building, he summons Nina to his office.",杰克返回到反恐组,但在其走进办公楼前,他用电话传唤尼娜到了他的办公室。 +"If the containment valve fails, BP may try installing a blowout preventer on top of the existing one.",如果遏制阀失败,BP可能会尝试在现有的防喷器上再安装一个防喷器。 +"Any woman who fails to comply with these limitations is subject to arrest, fines, imprisonment, and/or nasty, judgmental glares.",任何未能遵从此类限制的女性都是拘留、罚款、监禁的对象,并且/或者承受下流、批判的目光。 +"Small to medium in size, V-shaped with rounded tips, set on at eye level, normally carried low, flat, and close to the head.",小至中与身体成比例,形状为V型,耳尖浑圆, 耳根位置与眼睛呈水平, 一般都是低平地贴紧头部。 +"The damsel distracted the Asuras, while the Devas secretly drank the Nectar.",正当这个少女使阿修罗心烦意乱的时候,天神们背地里喝了甘露。 +"In the solution to IDIP message layer, Intrusion Detection Message Exchange Format (IDMEF) is used to implement the message model of IDIP message layer.",在IDIP消息层的解决方案中,使用入侵检测消息交换格式(IDMEF)实现IDIP消息层的消息模型。 +Each base station is associated with a mobile switching center(MSC) that connects calls to and from the base to mobiles in other cells and the public switched telephone network.,每个基站都要跟“挪动交换核心”接洽, 而MSC的作用是交往于基站的号召跟其余蜂窝的挪动用户、公共交换电话网连接起来。 +Untar the distribution . tar. gz file into the root or a subdirectory of your web site. You might want to rename it to something more suitable.,将.tar.gz 文件解压至你网站的根目录或子目录中,你可以将其重命名为你认为适合 的名字。 +LONG Zhang was born in a noted feudal bureaucratic family . He managed to become a scholar official by way of the imperial examination.,龙璋出身于一个显赫的封建官宦家庭,走的也是传统的科举取士道路。 +To predict water-gushing is one of the principal problems faced in the surveying and designing extra-long tunnels.,涌水预测是特长超深隧道勘测设计及施工中面临的重要问题之一。 +"Look, under the warning section, It'says this hairspray is flammable.",你看, 在注意事项中说,这瓶喷发露是易燃品。 +This paper proposes an efficient codebook design algorithm for image compression.,提出了一种高效的矢量量化码将设计算法。 +Levelness is an important quality feature of plates.,水平度是板材的一个重要质量指标。 +"White cap set her up long hair and half of his face is obscured, but felt she must be very beautiful, breathtaking beauty!",白色的鸭舌帽把她那盘起的长发和半张脸都给遮住了,但能感觉出她一定很漂亮,惊人的漂亮! +"Since the liberation of China, the Party and government have paid more attention to the rural water supply job. The water-drinking works have made great progress in villages and small towns.",新中国成立以来,党和政府高度重视村镇供水工作,农村的饮水解困和乡镇供水事业取得了重大进展。 +The core of creativity-oriented education is to train the students' creativity- oriented spirits and practical ability. We proceed the inquiry and certification of it by the way of teaching practice.,创新教育的核心是培养学生创新精神和实践能力,其前提是培养学生创新意识和创造性思维。 +OBJECTIVE To introduce the progress of remifentanil which is a newly synthesized opioid used in obstetric anesthesia and analgesia .,目的介绍新合成的阿片类药物瑞芬太尼在产科麻醉与镇痛中应用的研究进展。 +"As our association's slogan, like ""patching love, kind-heartedness that warmth people's hearts "". Using ""Shan Xin"" (good deeds) to reach out to people.",如同善行基金会的口号般“拼揍爱心,善行暖人心”,以“善行”温暖每一颗人心。 +The reader may turn to North Korean defector Kang Chol-Hwan's memoir of his ten-year sentence in the dreaded Yodok camp for a sense of just what the DPRK's gulag is like.,朝鲜叛逃者姜哲焕的回忆录中记录了他在可怕的耀德集中营中度过的十年囚禁生涯,读者可从中感受到朝鲜集中营的样子。 +Marley just did not have the oomph needed to make it to the top.,马利已经失去了爬上山顶所需的精力了。 +"Ten years ago I was one of 36 men, women and children recruited to live on the remote Hebridean island of Taransay as part of the Castaway 2000 project for the BBC.",十年前,我被英国广播公司(BBC)的《漂流者 2000》项目招募到偏远的Taransay的Hebridean岛上做漂流者,同去的还有35人,包括男人、女人和儿童。 +It was called the Restoration.,这就是所谓的王政复辟。 +"The tiny animal, nicknamed Frodo, received a fracturedskull, and gun pellets were found scattered throughout her body, damaging herintestines.",这个小动物,昵称“弗罗多”,头骨开裂,全身布满弹丸,肠子受伤。 +"And if they were going to, at some point, use some perceived slight as a pretext to not perform, then they were going to do that in any case,"" McCormack said.",而且如果他们打算在某个时刻利用一些他们认为受到的怠慢而借口不作为,那么他们无论如何都会这样做。 +This crowd of Japanese men is plunging into spring with mud.,一群全身裹满了泥巴的日本人跳入温泉。 +"I've got a little greyer since I took this job, but otherwise, I feel pretty good.",他说,“担任总统以来,我头发有一点变白了,除此之外一切都不错。” +"U. S. deal activity had been weak through most of 2010, as corporations husbanded cash and waited for more signs of economic revival.",美国的购并交易在2010年过去的大部分时间中并不活跃,因为大多数公司都紧握现金等待经济复苏的确立。 +Between 1995 and 2000 the share of American households owning their home should have dropped by a percentage point as boomers passed their home-buying years.,而这一代人到了1995至2000年就过了购房年纪,因此有房产的家庭比例按说应当降一个百分点。 +"Anyway, stayed at home was the best choice for the foul weather.",换句话说,对于这么恶劣的天气呆在屋里边事最好的选择。 +"For power supply shortage Jiangsu and Zhejiang power rationing continued, limited Enterprise output, bulk orders for delivery delay.",因电力供应紧张江浙地区限电延续,企业产出有限,批量订单交货延后。 +We're targeting girls of all ages -- no matter whether they are 6 years old or 60 years old.,我们面对所有年龄段的女孩——不管她是6岁还是60岁。 +Wright: Or maybe it’s because the title is only two letters away from saying Superman.,怀特: 搞不好是因为它的片名和《超人》一样简洁,就两个字。 +r\n indicates an end-of-line and new line follows.,r\n 表示后面是行尾和新行。 +"The paper discuss the seed selection, management and maintenance on the golf course, include irrigation, fertilization, insects and disease control, and weeds control which performed on golf course.",本文探讨了高尔夫球场选种与养护管理中一些问题,包括水肥管理、病虫害防治、杂草防除等。 +"Japan is still building supercomputers, but its major disclosed project is a 10-petaflop system, nicknamed the ""K computer.""",日本还在建立超级计算机,但是最近发布的重点项目是一个10-petaflop的系统,昵称 K 计算机。 +"In 4 families, other members suffered from benign thyroid tumor or non-tumorous thyroid disease.",有4个家族的成员患有甲状腺良性肿瘤和非肿瘤性甲状腺疾病。 +It also puts forward a method of object-oriented to couple concrete application in SIP stack.,针对具体应用与SIP协议间耦合问题,给出了一个面向对象的设计和实现方案。 +The credit crisis behind women's football game reminds us that are China Football and education savable?,女足造假夺冠背后的诚信危机,中国足球与教育还有救吗? +"Of course, given the small sample size of this survey, it's hard to form any definitive conclusions...",当然,囿于此次抽样调查的规模,我们很难给出任何确定的结论…… +Controlling the flow of public information has never been less obtainable by a presidential administration -- or more pursued by one.,控制公共信息流从来没有在任何一个总统的任期内获得——或者是追求的人。 +"Results Menstruation changes were the main symptoms, 18 patients were found abdominal mass .",结果所有患者均以月经改变为主要症状,18例出现腹部肿块; +"The project is in the feasibility phase, while two other projects in the same region are at an earlier stage, the company said.",该公司表示,该项目正处于可行性阶段,而该地区的其他两个项目也处于初级阶段。 +"To the same Holocene relative sea level (base level) changes along the Northeastern Shandong peninsula, different rivers have adopted two different geomorphic response ways.",对全新世以来山东半岛东北部沿岸的相对海面(基准面)变化,不同河流有截然不同的地貌响应方式。 +Objective:To study the diagnostic value of the different imaging way for the ureteral radiolucent calculi.,目的:探讨输尿管阴性结石的合理、有效诊断方法。 +The yield on the 10-year note fell 7 basis points to 2.85 per cent.,10年期国债收益率下跌7个基点至2.85%。 +In these months Dad from beginning to end did not know the truth of his ill and eagerly yearned for turning better.,那几个月,爸始终不知道真相,他热切地盼望自己快好起来,积极看病、吃药、做足疗,得闲也帮家里料理一些事。 +"I am a German and watched the media reports about ""Bush in Europe"" closley.",我是一个德国人对近期,媒体关于“布什欧洲行”报导比较关注。 +"You can be so proud that, from now on, it will be unremarkable for a woman to win primary state victories …",你将会感到无比骄傲,因为从现在开始,一个女人赢得了州际初选已经不足挂齿了; +When you feel hurt and your tears are gonna to drip. Please look up and have a see by the sky once belongs to us.,当你的心真的在痛,眼泪快嘦流下来的峕候,嗰就赶快抬头看看,这片曾经属于我们的天空; +"In order to extend the useful life of the graphite tube, technique with tantalum foil lining was applied.",同时应用衬钽技术,大大延长了石墨管的使用寿命。 +The project management team uses stakeholders with expert judgment on the change control board to control and approve all requested changes to any aspect of the project.,项目经管团队操作在变换节制委员会具有专家判定的短长关厦魅者,节制与核准项目各个方面的所有变换请求。 +This is a case about the misapplication of federal law. It also is a case about unequal justice.,这是一起滥用联邦法律的案例,亦是一个司法不公的案子。 +"In the history of communist party of the Soviet Union, it has carried out three thought-reconsidering movement.",在苏共思想发展史上,曾进行过三次大规模的思想反思运动。 +Guidelines for calculating sureness factors are as follows,计算确信因子的指导如下 +The cash flow generated by those projects allow the jet makers to splurge on research and development and roll out sexy new products.,这些机型所带来的现金流使得飞机制造商有充足的资金来进行研发,并打造出拉风的新机型。 +"The ancient splendor of Allianoi comes to life in this reconstructed thermal bath, seen in a file photo.",从资料照片可以看到,这个重建的热浴池重现了古Allianoi城的辉煌。 +The results indicated that the harmful trace elements Which may be brought into cold drink by pigment were lower than requirements of relevant National Standard on food safety.,结果表明:黑果小檗红色素可能带入到饮料中的有害微量元素砷、铅、汞、铜均低于相关的国家食品卫生标准。 +"Yet Mr Yanukovich knows that a turn to Russia could turn him into Moscow's vassal, even if it would earn him a few extra votes.",然而,亚努科维奇知道,如果投靠俄罗斯,那么乌克兰很有可能变成莫斯科的附属地,即便他可以因此多赢得一些选票。 +"For example, between 1987 and 1996, banking stocks in Singapore have generated better returns than other industries such as ship repair.",例如,从1987至1996年之间,新加坡银行股所创造的回报率便较其他行业来得高,比如修船业。 +"Many genes help to prevent tumours from growing, but disruption of the epigenome can switch these protective genes off by accident.",许多基因有助于防止肿瘤的生长,但表观基因组遭到破坏时,可能会碰巧把这些具有保护作用的基因切换到关闭状态。 +"The concrete with the dual-mixed technology, this has lower water-cement ratio, better performance, higher strength and durability.",这种双掺技术下的混凝土具有较低的水胶比,较好的工作性能、较高的强度和耐久性。 +"We can bear our load of trouble or pass uninjured through the waves of distress if we can gird our loins with the girdle of peace, that girdle which is buckled on by the hands of trust.",若我们能用真理束腰,且由赐平安的上帝亲自为我们扣上腰带,我们就可处变不惊,庄敬自强,有惊无险地渡过人生的风浪。 +It was called Jamestown and was located in the present-day state of Virginia.,这个地方叫做詹姆斯敦,就在今天的弗吉尼亚州。 +This method possesses four functions as follows: 1. The channel-number (pulse amplitude)—cell number curves shown on the oscillograph 2.,它具有以下功能:1。示波器显示道数(脉冲高度)——细胞数曲线; +"For calculating stress of bns body structure, a thin-walled eccentric beam element witch accords with demands is introduced in this paper.",针对客车车身结构的受力计算,本文提出了一种更符合实际结构的薄壁偏心梁单元。 +Chapter two is mainly about the problem of investment and financing system in ports and stations;,第二章结合交通基础设施建设投融资政策,探讨港站投融资体制发展过程和存在问题; +Johnny tucked into the cold ham.,约翰尼狼吞虎咽地吃下了冷火腿。 +These tools provide some automation for identifying the correct list of classes to preload and incorporating class-preloading code into your application.,这些工具能够在一定程度上自动识别要预加载的正确类列表,以及将类预加载代码合并到应用程序中。 +"At present, some studies on Huai-nan Tzu' natural philosophy from many angles have been done, but we can not find one book which focus on this field.",目前,已有部分学者对淮南子的自然哲学思想进行研究,但还比较零散、薄弱,有待进一步深入。 +You can use the Eyeliner ah!,你可以用眼线液啊! +Cheap living always starts with keeping the big expenses small.,减削度日总是要从限制大的开销发轫。 +"The products are sold to in twenty-nine provinces, cities and autonomous regions and exported to Thailand, Viet Nam, Canada, Portugal, Indonesia, Japan, Iran and other countries and regions.",产品行销全国二十九个省、市、自治区、并出口泰国、越南、加拿大、葡萄牙、印尼、日本、伊朗等国家和地区。 +"However, the drink was actually used as early as the late 1700's for medicinal purposes as quinine, or tonic water, and helped to prevent malaria.",然而,其实十八世纪末期这种饮品已被用作医疗用品,其中的汤力水(其中的奎宁成分)有助于治疗疟疾。 +"Originally, it was a few days to deliver the predecessors to express to recognize, think of it at the moment, xian is blame ShenShangYi, how do not cancel the order for the flowers.",原来,这是几天前贤硕让快递送的,这会儿想起这事,贤硕正在责怪申尚艺,怎么没有取消那个送花的订单。 +"Wednesday uses level 2 and since Tuesday is at same level, RMAN will back up changes since Tuesday.",星期三使用级别 2,由于星期二处于相同的级别,所以 RMAN 将备份星期二以后的更改。 +"Christians believe if a man has many wrong doings and does not believe in and accept God while he is on the earth, his spirit will be throw into the fire of Hell, that's the second death.",基督教认为人在地球上身体的死亡是第一次死亡,第二次死亡是指人死后灵魂到天界接受审判,如果人在世间多行不义,不信神等,灵魂就会被扔进地狱之火而死。 +"It seems that Nanjing is blessed or death door, unknown. < /p> < p> relationship with small Ye tiger left, three people when the security in the Nanjing high-end residential landscape gate.",看来南京是福地还是死门,尚未可知。 凭着小爷虎剩的关系,三人在南京高档小区山水华门当了保安。 +The development al mode of the protocorms in vitro is very similar to that of its zygotic embryo.,这一过程几乎重演了其合子胚发育及分化的过程。 +Earthworms could readily distinguish between different food substances.,蚯蚓能够很快地分辨出不同的食物。 +I was that child that -- I would work if I knew the teacher believed in me.,我是那种孩子---如果我知道老师信任我,我会努力学习。 +Clear off your desk where you work from clutter.,将你杂乱无章的办公桌清理干净。 +"Objective: to study the influence of Vc on purple and red syrup pigments of mulberry fruit red pigment, mulberry juice, plum (San Hua Prun) juice, dragon fruit juice and flos hibisci juice.",前言: 目的:研究外源维生素C对桑椹红色素、桑椹原汁、三华李原汁、火龙果原汁、玫瑰茄花萼提取液等5种紫红色果汁色素的影响。 +""" Li Wei's heart immediately, ""thorn"" a little, thin hands of a few policies suddenly become very heavy.",李伟的心当即被“刺”了一下,手中薄薄几张保单一下子变得很重很重。 +"An example from his own experience: As the founder of a successful company, Cenedella says he hears from lots of entrepreneurs looking to pick his brain.",下面这个例子是塞内德尔的亲身经历:作为一家成功公司的创始人,他经常收到创业者的来信,向他征求意见。 +Our brand originates from an old and legendary family named Bellini who possesses treasures of Renaissance.,品牌来源于一个囊括文艺复兴藏品的古老家族——贝利尼家族。 +Enrofloxacin is a kind of veterinary drug which is widely applied to prevention and treatment on animal infectious disease.,恩诺沙星(Enrofloxacin)作为动物专用抗菌药,已广泛用于动物感染性疾病的预防和治疗。 +"They might gather close friends and family for a nice meal and some fun, have a holyday travel, or they might just treat the holiday as another long weekend.",他们会约上亲朋好友、准备一桌丰盛的节日大餐,享受聚会带来的欢乐。 或是出去旅行,更有的人只是将它看成是一个长长的周末罢了! +"Some houses—I'm thinking of two in particular, where the Legges and the Myers lived—had yards that I would actually hang around in at night.",某些房子----事实上我指的是其中的两栋,莱格和迈尔斯两家的----有院子,我夜里总是会去逛逛。 +No swinging pendulums or vibrating wristwatch-scale quartz crystals here.,在它们内部,并没有摆动的钟摆,也没有手表那样振动的石英晶体。 +"Conclusion The application of disoprofol for colonoscope examination can reduce pain, nausea, vomit and make the patient accomplish colonoscope examination safely and comfortably.",结论异丙酚应用于结肠镜检查时,能减轻患者疼痛和恶心呕吐,使患者安全、轻松地完成镜检。 +Christmas is a time for gladness and rejoicing …ause there is no class.,圣诞节是喜庆的日子——不用上课。 +"This study reports the background of this service pattern, the attitudes to this service of the local women. gover…",本研究探索了该服务模式产生的历史背景及过程,并对其利与弊进行了调研和讨论。 +A typical application in semiconductor machine has been illustrated.,并且用图表说明了半导体机械中的一种典型的应用。 +Objective:The method of content determination was established so as to improve the quality control of Sanchen Pills?,目的:为提高蒙药三臣丸的质量控制,建立含量测定方法。 +A growing number of people are renting out a room or grabbing a roommate for extra income.,越来越多的人正在将一个房间出租或者找来室友同住以获得额外收入。 +The goods total 140000 sets was shipped out today. Please advise me the number of B/L.,我们今天已经把货物发出去了。 请告诉我运单号码, 这次的货物总共是14万套。 +"For the Assembly Organization, I propose a point of organization.",针对大会流程,我提出咨询性问题。 +"China's stimulus, if you combine money from the government with an avalanche of bank loans, dwarfs that in the United States.",如果把政府的投入和银行雪崩般的放贷加起来看,中国的刺激直让美国难望其项背。 +"When it comes to dailies, we look at the currently active month, but what about the weeklies ?",如果看日线图,我们可以看目前活跃的月份,但是怎么看周线图呢? +During crystallization of MA Bao-son and the subsequent numerous franchise beef noodle soup cooks wisdom and painstaking efforts.,其间凝聚着马保子及后来无数专营清汤牛肉面厨师的智慧与心血。 +Orientation of optic spectrum line is affected on silt of monochromaticity and size of CCD photosensitive unit.,CCD作为光谱分析和测色仪器的光谱接收器件 ,光谱谱线定位受单色仪狭缝和CCD光敏元尺寸影响。 +And we do that like this: you press his nose and that activates the voice card.,我们是这样做的:你按一下它的鼻子,这样就激活了声卡。 +The focus of this nursing discipline is on the integration of international and transcultural content into the training.,这门护理学科的焦点在于整合国际和跨文化内容到培训中。 +This couple live in seperate places because of their work.,因工作原因,夫妻两地分居。 +"But security officials convinced him that it would cost millions of dollars to alter the database, his father said, so he dropped the suit in February.",但是他爸爸说,公安人员以需要花几百万美元更新系统来说服他,使他今年2月撤诉。 +"Partly autobiographical, the novel tells the story of Frank and April Wheeler, who in the mid-1950s move with their two children to the suburbs.",小说带有部分自传性质,小说叙述法兰克与爱波.魏勒夫妻1950年代中期带著两名子女搬到郊区的遭遇。 +"When Xiao Wendi took action to reform the outdated rules and regulations, the vassals' administrators also adopted this system.",北魏孝文帝太和改制"五等开建"后,封国行政长官也采用了这一制度。 +"The Allen Telescope Array (ATA) located in Hat Creek, California, will be able to detect signs of extraterrestrial existence by scanning over one million star systems for radio signals.",座落加州哈特克里克的艾伦望远镜阵列将可侦察外星人的信号,它将扫瞄一百多万个星系的电波讯号。 +Objective: To introduce species and geographic distribution of large-flowered taxa of Epimedium L. in China.,目的:介绍中国淫羊藿大花类群的种类与地理分布。 +The paper introduces the experiences of grouting treatment of ground for the dig-hole pile end encountering groundwater in the shallow sand-gravel layers in Shenyang and other districts.,该文介绍沈阳等地区于不太深的砂砾石层中作挖孔桩时,当桩端遇到地下水时采用注浆法处理地基的经验。 +"Analyze the relationship between age, course and TCM syndromes with statistical method, and study the distributing state of TCM symptoms and physical signs.",运用统计学方法分析年龄、病程与中医证候的关系及不同中医证候中症状、体征分布情况; +How should I handle demotions on my resume?,我该怎么在履历上说明降级的事? +"After Sampdoria, Juve would be the maximum, "" said Fascetti, who was boss of Bari when Cassano famously burst onto the scene as a 17-year-old with a wonder-goal against Inter Milan.""",“相对于桑普多利亚来说,尤文将是个更好的选择。”法塞蒂说到。当年他执教巴里时启用了17岁的卡萨诺,后者在同国米的比赛中打进一粒精彩进球。 +This documentary follows patients with serious chronic conditions such as diabetes and heart disease as they change their diets in favor of plant-based whole food. Dr. T.,这部纪录片是患有严重的慢性疾病,如糖尿病和心脏病,因为他们改变他们的饮食的植物性食物。 +Control problem for a class of time-delay systems with neutral nonlinear vibration is researched in this paper based on Lyapunov stability theory.,文章研究了一类中立型带有非线性摄动的时滞系统的性能问题。 +I stand by all my misstatements.,我坚持我所作过的一切错误陈述。 +Another region called the cingulate cortex was overactive in participants who were born in cities.,在城市参与者的大脑中,还有一个叫做扣带皮层的区域也异常活跃。 +"I only know myself as a human entity: the scene, so to speak, of thoughts and affections; and am sensible of a certain doubleness by which I can stand as remote from myself as from another.",可以说我是反映我思想感情的一个舞台面,我都着双重人格,因此我能够远远的看自己就如别人一样。 +"Clauser, Milton U. , et al.",米尔顿美国, 等人。 +"Monitoring of the main targets of supervision by law enforcement of laws, regulations, policies and decisions, orders by the law and discipline and supervision and inspection. 4, monitoring purposes.",监察主体依法对监察对象执行法律、法规、政策和决定、命令的情况以及违法违纪行为实施监督检查。4、监察宗旨。 +"Recently, mr Zhang that cares market popularity wind invites a reporter to admire the toilet of floor deck, let a reporter experience other type amorous feelings.",近日,关心市场流行风的张先生邀请记者欣赏地板装点的卫生间,让记者感受到了另样风情。 +"""Right now they are having trouble making robots that just sweep floors, "" said Pepper Schwartz, a sociology professor at the University of Washington in Seattle and author of many books on sex.",西雅图华盛顿大学的社会学教授Pepper Schwartz是很多性方面书籍的作者,他认为:现在我们制造在地上爬行的机器人都还是困难的。 +"Large, multicentre RCTs are required which should focus on final height and address quality of life and cost issues.",目前仍须大型且多中心的随机对照试验,来对最终身高、生活品质及费用等项目做进一步分析。 +"At the same time in the workplace, it is necessary to keep up with the pace of development of the times, in 2002 through the efforts of the accounting specialist diploma.",在工作同时,必须要跟上时代发展的步伐,2002年通过努力取得了会计专科的毕业证书。 +"As a traditional culture of Chinese writing, the art of lantern riddles has its distinctive contemporaneity and folkways.",灯谜是一种中华传统汉字文化艺术,从它的诞生、发展来看,它具有鲜明的时代性、民俗性和艺术性。 +"Since then, we have seen the creation and growth of 10+1, 10+3, East Asia Summit and China-Japan-ROK cooperation which have become highlights of Asian regional cooperation.",经过十多年的努力,10+1、10+3、东亚峰会、中日韩合作从无到有,从小到大,不断发展,成为亚洲区域合作的亮点。 我们发表了两份《东亚合作联合声明》,逐步明确了东亚合作的发展方向,确立了建立东亚共同体的长远目标。 +"Enormous puppets, accompanied by brass bands, parade daily through the city during the week-long festival made popular by U. S. writer Ernest Hemingway.",这个持续一周的庆典因海明威的描述而闻名,巨大的人偶在管乐队的伴奏中,每天在城市四处游行。 +Pal Di Resta had another good weekend in China.,保罗·迪·雷斯塔在中国有另一个好的周末。 +"In the internal governance of the investment fund, the article discusses the manger's duty, the custodian's supervision, the unit holder meeting and the unit holder's litigation.",投资基金的内部治理主要讨论了基金管理人的义务、托管人制度和基金持有人大会制度和基金持有人诉讼的制度。 +Her artwork is in harmony in the tide of abstractive gesture.,她的绘画已汇入形体抽象艺术的潮流中。 +"After the experiment of micro leakage with 5% eosin dye, the teeth were cut open, the permeation of the dye were observed.",用5%曙红染料作泄漏试验后,剖开牙齿,观察染料渗入情况。 +"Westling's words, in particular, had a dramatic impact, underscoring how a speech can shape the image of a public figure.",特别是新郎倌具戏剧性效果的演讲,更彰显透过演讲可以塑造一个人的公众形象。 +"The whirlwind type filter cartridge deduster has the advantages of high stability, long service life, simple operation and high practicability.",本旋风式滤筒除尘器稳定性较 高、使用寿命长、操作简单、实用性较高。 +"Palestinian negotiator Saeb Erekat said, ""This decision to build new housing units in East Jerusalem undermines the credibility of those involved in making the peace process continue.""",巴勒斯坦谈判代表埃雷卡特说:“在东耶路撒冷兴建新住宅的决定破坏了那些参与推进和平进程的人们的信誉。” +"Today, it is estimated that there are about 6,000 languages spoken in the world. However, many of these languages are spoken by an increasingly small number of speakers.",如今,据估世界上有约六千种语言在使用中,然而,其中有不少语言讲的人越来越少。 +"He was responsible for the the recognition of geological strata, and the theory that successive layers of geological formations (strata) contained a fossil record of life in chronological order.",地层的发现以及连续的地质构造(地层)包含的化石记录了按时间顺序出现的生命的理论都有他的功劳。 +Vendt who trained with Phelps the last two years in Michigan was one of his closest confidants during this difficult year that included uneven training and a broken wrist.,文特和菲尔普斯过去两年里在密歇根一起锻炼,是一起经历过艰苦锻炼和手腕受伤时期的亲密战友。 +A good example of icon is what represents that text editor in MasOSX. The image of a pen over a a writting page remets to a chain os significations that communicate exactly what the software do.,一个很好的例子是Mac OSX系统中表示文字编辑器的图标:一张纸上的一支笔很清楚的表达了这个软件是做什么的。 +"As of January 18, 2005, one Omani Rial was worth 2.59067 United States dollars.",在2005年1月18日,一个阿曼里亚尔值2.59067美元。 +Other visualizations that can be used to assess the adequacy of your modeling assumptions and to gain deeper insight into the patterns in your data,可以用来评估您的建模假设的充分性,并可以更清晰地洞察数据中的模式的其它可视化方法 +Cameron's government plans to triple that and cut funding to universities as it strives to slash $128 billion from public expenditures over the next four years.,卡梅伦政府计划把这个数字提高三倍并削减投入高校的资金,而他正试图在接下来四年内将公共开支缩减128亿美元。 +"Women, meanwhile cabal online alz, might find that obsessively talking and fretting over issues, known as 'co-rumination, ' can lead to emotional difficulties, including depression and anxiety.",而女性则可能会发现,喋喋不休、对事情抱怨不止,也就是所谓的“共同反思”可能会导致情绪问题,包括抑郁和焦虑。 +"Firstly, there is the preference, it shows the original, process of normal families and uniqueness of meromorphic functions and some important results of them.",前言部分我们简单介绍了亚纯函数的正规族及唯一性理论的起源、发展过程和一些重要结果。 +"A sharp ridge with steeply sloping sides, produced by erosion of the broken edges of highly tilted strata.",豚脊丘,陡峻的山脊由于对高斜层破碎山背的侵蚀而形成的陡峭的山背。 +"The principle of liability without fault answers for the valve inclinations in justice, order and efficiency.",无过错责任原则符合环境法在正义、秩序、效率等方面的价值追求。 +"Some of the bright points in the new course are:course conformity, study learning, and model method, which those are the theories for our future teaching instrument design.",课程整合、研究性学习、模型方法是新课程的几个亮点,是我们以后进行教学仪器设计的思路与方向,本文就从这几点来谈教学仪器的设计与开发。 +"And the Mayan children get the name of the day, they are born, so they will have their spiritual name right from the beginning aligned with the universe and their divine mission.",而马雅人的小孩以他们出生的那一天起名,所以他们立刻拥有灵性的名字,校准宇宙和他们的神圣任务。 +我们把来自中国的人叫中国人,这是他们的国籍。,"We call people from China, Chinese. This is their nationality." +"Backend directives apply to all databases instances of the same type and, depending on the directive, may be overridden by database directives.",后台指令应用于所有相同类型的数据库实例,并且根据指令的不同也可能被数据库指令复盖。 +"Some teachers do not know the way to xxPrimary School. Let's give the invitations to them, OK?",学生展示后,教师评价,小组按画好的格前进一步,学生把他们写好的邀请函送给听课的老师。 +"But no matter, cos the excited of being with those experts, I still tried to get 6 more OTB and let them be white mice.",不过没关系,能和这些专家一起工作使我很激动,我仍然设法搞到了6 个OTB 来做小白鼠。 +An effective approach for formulating the initial geostress field was presented based on the ideas of sub-model method.,基于子模型方法的思想,给出了一种有效推求初始地应力场的方法。 +"The American pragmatist philosopher John Dewey's artistic view has made a great impact on the then art, affected the development of modern USA art, and changed the thinking mode of American artists.",美国实用主义哲学家杜威的艺术观说对当时的艺术造成巨大的冲击,影响着现代美国艺术的发展,改变了美国艺术家的思维方式。 +The result shows that there is no difference in intensity score of cognitive anxiety and somatic anxiety of excellent table tennis athletes and ordinary undergraduate.,研究结果表明:优秀乒乓球运动员与普通大学生乒乓球运动员在认知焦虑和躯体焦虑的强度分数上无差异; +"Every idea has its own gestation period, some appearing seemingly in seconds while others taking months or even years to formulate.",每一个想法都需要一段时间来酝酿,有的好像几秒钟就有灵感闪现,有的要花好几个月甚至好几年的时间才能成行。 +"The second part of the total for the same kinds of drugs, heterologous aggregate of drugs and the ""untreated"" has made the identification of specific discussion.",第二部分针对同种毒品的累计、异种毒品的累计以及“未经处理”的认定作出了具体的讨论。 +A:How long wil you be staying in the United States?,您准备在美国逗留几周? +"An investigation of Anisakis simplex larvae, the most important causative agent of anisakiasis, in marine fishes caught in Bohai sea was carried out in order to detect their infectivity.",为了了解渤海各种鱼类中人体异尖线虫病的主要致病源——简单异尖线虫幼虫的感染情况,进行本调查。 +The expression of the unfused protein in the strain E.,首先以非融合蛋白形式进行表达。 +MACD-Histogram measures the spread between short-term and long-term moving averages and plots it as a histogram.,MACD柱计算短期和长期均线之间的距离,然后用柱状图表示。 +To give in with tolerance prevents disputes; gentleness and great love will transform catastrophes into blessings.,忍让可以避免争执, 柔和大爱可转祸为福。 +Then the little crippled boy's father came with a wheelchair to pick up his son.,后来,跛子小男孩的父亲推着轮椅来接他的儿子。 +Back to that chart at the beginning the Goldman Sachs chart.,回到开始的图表-- 高盛投资公司的图表。 +Although he sings in a high register (which upon first listen can be mind boggling) it is not a gimmick.,尽管他使用高音区演唱(第一次聆听这些声音带给人难以想象的感觉!) +"The longer the granule cells were incubated, the farther they migrated, and they matured as they migrated.",培养的时间愈长,迁移的距离愈远,细胞也愈接近成熟。 +Taobao Mall also is charging merchants more to participate on its site in an effort to attract retailers with high-quality products and good customer service.,淘宝商城还将提高对入驻商户的收费,以此吸引拥有高质量产品和优质客户服务的零售商入驻。 +"The results also show that there were significant differences in the mean survival time between male and female for age-15(25℃) and age-5, -10(15℃) when providing food.",时,15日龄雌雄成虫间以及15℃时,5日龄及10日龄的雌雄成虫间的平均存活时间均在给食缺水时出现显著差异; +"China-US business relationship is the most complex one in today's world owing to its huge scale, broad scope and the extensive interests of various parties involved.",中美两国经贸关系规模之大,涉及范围之广,牵涉各方面利益之深,已经使其成为当今世界最为复杂的经济关系。 +The types and functions of ultrafilter for cathodic electrodeposition(CED) painting and the functions of charged membrane ultrafilter for CED have been described.,介绍了超滤器在阴极电泳涂装中的作用、阴极电泳用超滤器的类型、荷电膜超滤器在阴极电泳涂装线中的应用。 +"Researchers conducted hundreds of www. 203tl. com interviews at shopping centres as well as asking shoppers to keep diaries of their shopping behaviour, moods and buys they regretted.",研究人员们来到各大购物中心采访了不少的消费者,并让们他们将自己的购物习惯记录下来,把心情、或者购买了之后又后悔情况都写进“血拼日记”之中。 +"In fact, participants who took on the challenging intellectual tasks consumed up to 29.4 percent more calories than those who did not.",事实上,参与者在执行充满挑战的任务中消耗的热量比未参与者高29.4%。 +"And to see whether the plan was working, scientists tracked every panther, as well its offspring.",为了观察该计划是否有效,科学家们跟踪每一只美洲豹,以及它的后代。 +Study of the Effect of Metaphor Awareness on Idiom Learning;,要闹清楚每个习惯用语的意思是不容易的。 +"There is currently no western equivalent for a geisha - they are truly the most impeccable form of Japanese art. —Kenneth Champeon, The Floating World.",目前,在西方尚没有一个职业能与艺妓相媲美——艺妓确实是日本最完美的艺术。 +This makes John xiii. -xvii. The inmost sanctuary of the new testament.,这就使约翰十三至十七章成了新约中最里面的圣所。 +"In this case, the research on anti-skid of freight locomotive is very important and significant.",在这种情况下,对机车防滑控制的研究成为一个十分重要而有意义的课题。 +Autoliv is a Fortune 500 company. We are the global technology and market leader in vehicle safety.,奥托立夫是美国财富500强的企业,在全球汽车安全系统的技术和市场上都占据着领导地位。 +"In olden days, of course, a flag-lieutenant was in charge of the Admiral's signal flags.",当然在过去,副官掌管着舰队司令的信号旗。 +"Furthermore, anaphylactic shock, achilles tendonitis, and hepatic lesion were rare but severe adverse reactions.",过敏性休克、跟腱炎、肝损害虽少见,但程度严重。 +A little rabbit is happily running through the forest when he stumbles upon a giraffe rolling a joint.,"有一只小白兔快乐地奔跑在森林中, 在路上它碰到一只正在卷大麻的长颈鹿。" +The teacher is speaking to We We.,教师正在和维维说话。 +"In the first 3 months of the year, 38 of 101 appointments of new directors were women, according to data compiled by US quarterly journal Directors & Boards.",美国季刊《董事会》整理的数据显示,今年前3个月,新任的101位董事中有38位女性,比例达38%。 +How come the beauty of life?,生活之美源何而起? +Luo's main worry about the pandas' transition is that they both love American crackers so much that everything they eat - from bamboo to apples and even water - must be mixed with the crackers.,罗云红对美轮美奂的改变最担心的一点就是它们太喜欢美国饼干了,以至于他们吃的每一样东西--从竹子到苹果、甚至是水--都要混一些这种饼干。 +"Cuttage planting in the poorest soil not only is practical, but also costs less.",即在海岸带造林特困地上,扦插造林不但可操作性强,而且造林成本低; +Evaluation Index System and Development Sustainability of Yuexi County National Ecology Demonstration Zone in Anhai province.,安徽省岳西县生态示范区评价指标体系和可持续发展度研究。 +This paper will be pit support system of composition with soil-cement-arch structure and of support within the foundation.,将水泥土连拱结构与内支撑复合构成基坑支护体系。 +The experiment was conducted to study the nutrition absorption and utilization in yolk sac of fasting gosling.,以扬州鹅初生雏鹅为试验对象,研究在绝食条件下雏鹅对卵黄囊营养吸收与利用的规律。 +Tips 6 - 10,招数6-10 +"This paper has described fundamental principle, procedure, characteristics about supercritical fluid extraction(SCFE)and reviewed the application of SCFE in Tobacco.",本文介绍了超临界流体萃取的基本原理、 过程、特点及其在烟草工业上的应用。 +"Then you can talk to Dr Crippen, when you get tired of doing …",那样,你闲得发慌时就可以和克里平博士聊聊… +He said that touching the band in various places caused reception problems.,他指出,触摸金属带的不同位置,会引起信号接收问题。 +"With an Afghan task force racing through the valleys to disrupt this year's harvest, for a while, NATO let opium growers be, focusing on the surge against the Taliban.",阿富汗特遣部队进入山谷销毁今年的收成,另一边,北约也让鸦片种植者看到了他们打击塔利班的力度。 +"Part two concrete analyzes the content about Jiang Kai-shek's citizen characters reform thoughts, and points out his knowledge about Chinese people character and the requirement about modern people.",第二章具体讨论蒋介石国民性改造思想的内涵,指出蒋介石对中国国民性的认识及其对中国现代国民的要求。 +This article expatiates the lead-foot-line reciprocation method and its usages from the two sides of cathode lead-foot joint reciprocation and deflexion loop down-lead reciprocation.,从阴极引脚接点互换和偏转线圈引线互换两个方面对“引脚线互换法”及其用法进行了阐述。 +With 3-Band Parametric Equalizer you may easily adjust playback as you like.,与3波段参数均衡器,你可以很容易地调整回放你喜欢。 +The official current price assessment refers to the assessment of the official price according to the related regulations of the relevant departments and the current market price.,时估是指有关部门按照有关规定、根据市场时价估定的官方价格。 +I would rather have one rose and a kind word from a Friend while I am here ---- than a whole truckload when I am gone.,我宁愿生时拥有玫瑰和朋友温馨的话语----也不愿死时只有成堆的金钱。 +Add 2 contacts per week on either LinkedIn or Facebook. It’s a great way to connect with people and get opportunities flowing.,试着每周用你的LinkedIn或Facebook添加两个联系人,这是一个与人建立交往并获取发展机会的好办法。 +"Many diseases can lead to repeated or constant itching. Therefore, people with them can suffer from serious injuries which are caused by too much scratching.",许多疾病会导致反复或持续性的发痒。因此罹患这些疾病的人会受到因过度抓痒而造成的严重伤害所苦。 +"A popular rig for midsize cruising boats is the ketch, which is like a sloop with a second, smaller mast set aft, called the mizzenmast.",中型巡航帆船常用的是双桅帆(ketch)结构。这种结构类似于一个单桅帆结构,加上一根更小的船尾桅杆,称为后桅(mizzenmast)。 +I must be very clear that antivirals are just one part of a comprehensive preparedness plan.,我必须十分清楚地表明,抗病毒药物只是防备计划的一部分。 +The surrounding environment's influence on power of the diesel engine-generator was analyzed.,分析了周围环境对柴油发电机组功率的影响; +"Talk up a bit, please. We can't hear you.",请大声一点,我们听不见你的话。 +"Investigation confirmed that the Guangdong Province of community building does have a serious tendency of the executive, this trend is the reform of the root causes of failure.",调查证实,广东省的社区建设的确有严重行政化倾向,这种倾向是改革失效的根本原因。 +Let us know which low power or system-level technical issues give you the most problems and will engage the community to find a solution.,让我们通过学习那些低功耗和系统级的技术问题,使您产生更多的问题,并参与到社区中来寻找到解决办法。 +"B5 as basic medium appended with different concentrations of sucrose, agar and different hormone combinations was used to optimize the culture technique for DH line in Brassica napus L.",以B5培养基为基础培养基,添加不同浓度的蔗糖、琼脂及不同激素组合进行试验,对油菜DH系的组培技术进行优化。 +"Depending on which way you look at them, they can be great for performing tricks or are just the latest fashionable commodity.",取决于你从哪个角度看待他们,他们用来耍花样不错,或者只当他们是最新的时尚用品。 +"Here are four examples of applying GQM to achieve these goals, which in SourceIQ's experience are most typical.",这里由4个例子,它们在 SourceIQ 中是最典型的。 +"In snub to Washington, Kenyan president and indicted war criminal, Mr. Uhuru Kenyatta begins a visit Sunday China.",冷落华盛顿,面临战争犯起诉的肯尼亚总统,乌胡鲁·肯雅塔先生周日开始启程访华。 +They could hear the sound of the patrol's approach ever more and more distinctly.,他们一直都越来越清楚地听着那巡逻队向他们走来的声音。 +"Last year it grew nearly 3%, much of it due to blood-curdling corporate restructuring that was marked by increased automation, layoffs and lower wages.",去年增长几乎达3%,但主要是因为企业采取更高度自动化、裁员、减薪等令人胆寒的整顿措施。 +The presence of ministers from 60 countries later in the week will make this possible.,本周晚些时候来自60个国家的部长的出席将会是这个成为可能。 +"""I'm having exactly the same conversations with coaches, teachers, parents, counselors, whether I'm in Wichita or northern Canada or South America, "" says Honoré.",欧诺瑞说:“不论是在威奇塔、加拿大北部、或南美,我和教练员、教师、家长、法律咨询师等各色人等谈论过完全相同的话题。” +You simply enter into this vibratory state for no other reason other than choosing to do so.,你们不需要其他任何原因,而只是简单的选择这么做去进入这种振动状态。 +"Miami University, in Oxford, Ohio, requires its students to spend five weeks abroad doing mini-internships.",美国俄亥俄州的迈阿密大学(Miami University)要求学生在国外呆五周作短��实习生。 +The Czech version includes weather forecasts.,该网站的捷克语译本包括天气预报。 +"Incidence — 1, 255, 000 new and recurrent coronary attacks per year.",发病率 —— 每年有1 255 000次新发生的和再发生的冠心病突发。 +"This veneration especially takes the form of prayer for intercession with her Son, Jesus Christ.",这些崇拜尤其地采用为她的儿子耶稣基督的代祷方式。 +"Adapted from Irish novelist Colm Toibin's best selling novel, Brooklyn is set in both Ireland and US, the two countries that the protagonist Eilis (Saoirse Ronan) calls home.",电影改编自爱尔兰作家科尔姆•托宾的畅销小说,《布鲁克林》的背景设定在爱尔兰和美国,这两个国家都是主人公艾莉丝(西尔莎•罗南饰)口中的家乡。 +"Bristow adds, ""Keep in mind that electricians and plumbers consume a high number of engraved tags for electrical boxes, valves, and control panels.""",Bristow补充说,“请记住,电工和管道工会使用大量的用在电箱、阀门和控制面板上的标签。” +"So, the core question of 'Travel and Translation' is: If intercultural exchange is based on travel and translation, how ""true"" is the world we come to know through ""language""?",所以,「旅行与翻译」的核心问题是:人类文化交流若建基在旅行与翻译上,我们用「语言」所认知的世界到底有多「真实」? +"Medium project: Has a budget of $100,000-$500,000, a team size of six to twelve, and a duration of six months to a year.","中等项目:预算$100,000-$500,000,团队规模为六到十二人,项目进行时间为六个月到一年。" +Attempts to promote the growth of normal gastrointestinal bacteria and prevent sensitisation to foods have included the use of probiotics.,尝试给予益生菌是促进正常肠内菌的生长和预防食物过敏的方法。 +"This conclusion should particularly discomfit popular proponents of atheism, such as Richard Dawkins, whose position is entirely based on demonstrably faulty arguments.",这一结论尤其会令无神论时髦的支持者难堪,如理查德·道金斯(Richard Dawkins),其地位完全依赖于明确的有缺陷的论证。 +"Slowly changes the pale sentiment, actually is only the surface grasps traces airtight.",慢慢变淡的感情,其实只是外表的抓摸不透。 +The property rights and managerial authority are not divided. The structure of Governing Board system is inconsequence etc.,独立学院董事会制度存在董事会的结构不合理、董事会的职能脱位、董事会的职权越位等问题。 +"The kid held up his hands and cried out, ""I don't wanna fight.""",胖小子举起双手大声哭喊:“我不想打架。” +Theological formation is the gradual and often painful discovery of God's incomprehensibility.,神学是逐渐发现上帝的不可理解性的疼痛之旅。 +I think I am the only girl in college that did not grow up with the masterpiece Little Women.,我可能还是大学里唯一没有和《 小妇人》这本杰作一起长大的人。 +"When the secured door is forced open, the unit recognizes the intrusion violation and responds by activating an alarm contact and sounding the alarm continuously until it is reset.",当安全门被强制打开时,这个出口警报会识别入侵者并激活警报连接,使其持续不断发出警报声,直到重新设置才停止。 +The electronic load is a new power electronics device that can simulate the loads of the circuit in the testing and test power supply performance.,它是一种可以模拟供电器负载,用来测试供电器性能的新型电力电子设备,它广泛的用于各种供电设备的保养,老化试验,出厂试验,型式试验。 +The project has the backing of local charities and all profits are invested into the surrounding area through its partner Shine On Sierra Leone.,该项目得到本地慈善机构支持,所有盈利通过合作伙伴“塞拉利昂阳光”投入到周边地区。 +"With mountains on all sides, the county is a natural basin for waters running down the mountains.",由于四面环山,该县是一个天然盆地,山上的水自上而下汇入这个盆地。 +The shroud curve is fitted with B-spline.,盖侧曲线采用工程上常用的B样条拟合。 +"Big family has long been regarded as being favored, however, it changed, an increasing number of Chinese parents realize that the less family member, the better.",大家庭曾经被看做是一种福气。 然而,今天,情况改变了,越来越多的中国家长意识到家庭成员越少越好。 +Huainan is a typical energy-based city possessing three stanchion industries of coal-electricity-chemical. Industrial constructional pollution appears in city atmosphere.,淮南是以煤电化为支柱产业的典型能源城市,大气结构性污染十分突出。 +The arrival of Rodriguez significantly bolsters Benitez's options in the wide-areas - and the manager is adamant this will be beneficial to Liverpool's form over the second half of the campaign.,罗德里格斯的到来加强了贝尼特斯更多的选择。贝尼特斯坚定认为这将有利于利物浦下半赛季的比赛阵型。 +"Looks over the ocher-yellow massif, the pure-white peaks of the snow mountains have come into view indistinctly.",越过眼前土黄色的山丘,隐约已经可以看见远处雪峰的白皑皑的峰顶。 +"The requirements of the field operations are also given, and a new concept about the order of the preliminary control surveys is proposed.",提出了实施的作业要求,同时对首级布网的等级概念提出了新见解。 +"Obama is scheduled to fly out tomorrow for a nine-day tour of China, South Korea and Japan.",奥巴马预定于明天飞赴中国、韩国和日本展开长达9天的访问。 +The OCAP specification is developed by the CableLabs industry consortium.,OCAP 规范由 CableLabs 行业协会制定。 +Premier Wen made sound suggestions on the future development of bilateral relations and Czech agreed with these proposals.,温总理对今后两国关系的发展提出了很好的建议,捷方表示赞同。 +The annual growth rate of USPTO patents assigned to U.S. entities during this period averaged around 7%.,这20年间美国专利与商标局分配给美国实体的专利增长率平均为每年7%左右。 +I have the pleasure to inform you that the Adelaide arrived here safely yesterday, just in time to get them discharged before holidays commence.,"""阿德雷得""轮已于昨日安全抵达本港, 正值假日之前, 可以及时卸货, 特此奉告。" +"By altering just a single residue to reverse its charge, the researchers were actually able to switch the selectivity of the filter.",通过只改变单个氨基酸残基来逆转其电性,研究人员实际上能够关闭过滤器。 +"Some involve psychological help, some use hypnosis and others involve the use of medications.",有些可以用心理帮助,有些可以用催眠术,有些可以通过药物治疗。 +"Preparations for the New Year begin in the last few days of the last moon, when houses are thoroughly cleaned, debts repaid, hair cut and new clothes purchased.",新年准备始于旧年最后一月的几天,此时通常是房子也打扫过,欠的债也清了,理了发并买了新衣服。 +The processing formula of the sugar-free troche of preserved plum using moist pellet manufacturing method were studied.,研究了用湿颗粒法生产无糖型话梅含片的配方。 +Initiators may be provided as an on-board component on the motherboard or as an add-on host bus adapter.,发起者可以是主板上的组件或附加的主机总线适配器。 +"His works base upon heart of his nation and clime, and he progressed entirely new attempt and creation at structure, form and technology.",他的作品,立足于民族和地域的精神,在结构、形式和技术上进行了全新的尝试和创造。 +"There are several reasons/causes/factors for the changes/increase/decline/growth in…(First, …Second…)",抜…的变化/增加/下降/增长有几个方面的原因/因素。首先…,其次… +"Taking the non-coaxial grazing incident KBA X-ray microscope designed as an example, X-ray reflecting from metal surface and single film layer is discussed.",以设计的非共轴掠入射KBA X射线显微镜系统为例,讨论了掠入射下X射线从金属表面和单层膜表面反射的两种情况。 +"This paper calculates the maximum around-the-hole stresses of the point-supported insulating glass units with finite element method, and discusses its effect on the bearing property.",目前国内外对于点支承单层玻璃板孔边应力的研究较多,但关于中空玻璃板孔边应力的研究尚不多见。 +When he left my house I fell about in fits of giggles.,当他一走,我就咯咯爆笑,直到现在还没忍住。 +Objective To prepare Roxithromycin Hollow Suppository and to study its quality control in order to treat paediatric diseases.,目的制备治疗儿科疾病的罗红霉素中空栓剂并对其质量控制进行研究。 +"It can close its nostrils to keep dust and insects from invading its snout, and its thick skin protects it from bites.",土豚的鼻孔可以闭合一来可以防尘二来可以防止昆虫的侵入,皮厚到足以视叮咬如瘙痒。 +She urged the people and institutions of Pakistan to “pull together” during this crisis.,她鼓励巴基斯坦人民和机构在这场危机中“齐心协力”。 +Recent researches demonstrated that hypoxemia is a specific trigger for elevation of activin -A in fetal circulation and is a main regulatory mechanism for it. The high correlation of act…,目前研究认为低氧血症是刺激胎盘组织分泌激活素A增多的主要调节机制。 +The exhibition industry as a bright prospect of sunrise industry has brought about tremendous economic benefits to other relevant industries and trades.,展览业作为前景广阔的朝阳产业,对相关产业具有巨大的拉动作用。 +"A study, by means of quantitative analysis, on the speech act of refusals in Chinese shows that between men and women there are differences in using refusal strategy.",文章运用定量分析的方法对汉语拒绝言语行为中的性别差异进行了研究。结果表明汉语中男性和女性在拒绝策略上存在差异; +The content of serum parathyroid hormone (PTH) in 15 patients with renal failure was measured by radioimmunoassay.,本实验用放射免疫双抗体法,测定了15例肾功能不全患者的血清甲状旁腺激素(PTH)含量。 +"Reduced water, well water contains a lot of parasites and sediment, have been undrinkable.",由于水量减少,井水含有大量寄生虫和泥沙,已不能饮用了。 +Initial observation data from Xichang strain observation station are processed and the strain short-impending anomaly information about the earthquakes are manifested.,通过对西昌台压容应变仪原始观测数据进行处理,突出了该系列地震的应变短临异常信息。 +"Furthermore, a greater material removal efficiency can be obtained using the zeolite particle-ER fluid than that using the SiO2 particles-ER fluid.",沸石粉电流变液的材料去除率高于二氧化硅电流变液的材料去除率。 +"Olympic athletes to park in the full outcome never set your eyes, stay in our hearts.",奥运健儿的园满结局永远镶在你的双眸,留在我们的心里。 +"For I was alive without the law once: but when the commandment came, sin revived, and I died.",我以前没有律法是活着的,但是诫命来到,罪又活了,我就死了。 +The sample in nanjing IVECO light bus matching using comprehensive up to the national standard GB12676-1999 and European regulations EECR13 requirements.,其试样在南京IVECO轻型客车上匹配使用全面达到了国家标准GB12676-1999和欧洲法规EECR13的要求。 +"Silk and Wool Carpet, Including Persian design and Aubusson design, made in Shandong Province.",采用丝毛混合织做,图案分波斯和美术两种,产自山东。 +"With workflow functionality, we mean the creation of user or group assigned tasks during process execution.",在工作流功能的帮助下,能在流程履行傍边建树分派任务的用户和组。 +"Supporters argue that he has frequently addressed difficult issues, although staying within the government's red lines; his last novel, Frog, tackled population control and forced abortions.",支持者称,莫言经常在作品中涉及一些棘手的问题,尽管这样做会触及中国政府的底线。在他的新作品《蛙》中,他就控诉了人口控制和强制堕胎的政策。 +"Each of the four famous doctors in Jin and Yuan Dynasty had their own systematic academic viewpoint. But their viewpoints in acupunture, especially in meridian_pricking, possess some resemble points.",金元四大家学术观点各成一派,但在针灸尤其是在刺络方面其思想却有相似之处。 +"Slowly, Hayden's amnesia lifted. Why it happened, not even the doctors can say for certain. But after McGrady's visit, Hayden began to improve.",渐渐地,海登的健忘症在痊愈,原因是什么,连医生也说不清楚,但是麦迪的探望之后,海登的病情开始好转了。 +The paper discuss the processed the Hedysarum scoparium seed with glue and soil together to against the wind-moving after air-sowing.,为解决花棒种子飞播后的位移问题,进行了大粒化的改进与胶化处理技术的研究。 +"Then he put his paws in through the window, and when the kids saw that they were white, they believed that all he said was true, and opened the door.",你们的妈妈回来了,给你们每个人都带了点东西。” 可 是狼把它的黑爪子搭在了窗户上,小山羊们看到黑爪子便一起叫道:“我们不开门。 +Note: This isn't Standard Cantonese . There are alveolo - palatal consonants.,注意: 非标准广州话也。 有龈腭音。 +"The rich variety of nutritive elements, can maintain health, added the nourishment and moistening needs of body.",富含的多种营养元素对保持人体健康,补充人体需要的营养及滋润成分具有重要的作用。 +Thrift has long been a mainstay of the Chinese nation's traditional virtue of our national culture rooted in the base.,节俭素来是我们中华民族的传统美德,深植于民族文化之基。 +"There have been economic winners and sadly, some losers.",除了有经济的胜者,不幸也有败者。 +"This former Noxian soldier has forsaken her malevolent compatriots on a quest for self-discovery, wielding a shattered sword to remind her of the fractured world she left behind.",这个前诺克萨斯军人抛弃了她恶毒的同胞走上了自我探索的道路。 运用一把破碎的剑回忆她对这个破碎的世界所作一切。 +"These standards vary significantly in their level of detail, adherence to a conceptual framework, and reliance on objectives and rules.",这些准则有效地使细节水平多样化,紧粘住概念框架,忠实于目标和规则。 +"In contrast, the Central Kingdom's periods of stability and prosperity occurred during sustained warm spells, the researchers said.",研究者还说,与此相反的是中原稳定繁荣时期气候刚好都处于温暖期。 +"The research may allow athletes such as Pistorius to take their place in elite races, said Choppin.",肖邦称,这项研究能让如皮斯托瑞斯这样的运动员参加精英赛跑。 +"The generated results of the templates in Figures 4 and 5 are shown in Figures 6 and 7, respectively.",图 4 和图 5 中模板的生成结果,分别显示在图 6 和图 7 中。 +External Data Representation (XDR) provides the mechanism that RPC and NFS use to ensure reliable data exchange between the client and the server.,外部数据表示形式 (XDR) 提供了一种这样的机制,RPC 和 NFS 可以使用这种机制来确保在客户端和服务器之间进行可靠的数据交换。 +Please manage your naughty child!,请管住你顽皮的孩子。 +"This paper described simply the chemical ingredient, the pharmacological effect of Ziziphus Jujube, and introduced extractions of polysaccharide, cAMP and rutin.",简要介绍了大枣的化学成分和药理作用,以及大枣药用成分多糖、环腺苷酸、芦丁等提取分离的研究现状。 +Self-promotion and servanthood don't mix.,自我夸奖和公仆精神不能混为一谈。 +"Yeah, I believe you love me. Lu Tao, but I don't love you. Sorry.",是啊,我相信你爱我。陆涛,但是我不爱你。抱歉。 +Co-director of Prudential Securities Guobin Mr Kim is expected to corner over-subscribed public offering of up to 600 times.,信诚证券联席董事涂国彬预计金隅的公开发售超额认购可高达600倍。 +"It is a quick dry T-Shirt, won't shrink, won't deform, won't be allergic, light weighted, smooth when you touch it, and can be long keeping.",此排汗T恤质量很好,能快速排出汗水,不易皱,不变形,不缩水,重量轻,触感滑顺,可永久保存。 +"Thus understood, these bones become some of the most moving artefacts in archaeology.",这也解释了,这些骨骼为何成为了考古学上最为动人的手工艺品的原因。 +"Corporate sponsors reacted swiftly to the revelation that Maria Sharapova, a five-time Grand Slam tennis champion, had failed a doping test earlier this year.",五次蝉联网球大满贯的玛利亚·莎拉波娃被曝今年年初未能通过兴奋剂检测。对此,赞助公司迅速作出回应。 +"Meanwhile, research from the polar centre at the University of Washington suggests that the volume of sea ice in March 2010 was 20,300 cubic km, 38% below the 1979 level when records began.",同时,来自华盛顿大学在极地科学研究中心的研究指出,2010的的海冰体积为20,300立方千米,比1979年以来的最低记录减少了38%。 +Most TCP services simply attempt to accept new socket connection requests as they are received.,大多数 TCP 服务只是在收到新的套接字连接请求时尝试接受它们。 +"Sales for the direction of the major property developers, power plant and Switchgear Plant.",销售方向主要为地产商、电厂,及开关设备厂。 +"Sesamin, a major lignan in sesame seeds and sesame seed oil, have been isolated from various plants.",芝麻素是存在于芝麻种子和芝麻油中的木脂素类化合物中的一种,已从多种植物中分离出来。 +The admiral visited the ships under his command.,舰队司令视察了他所统率的军舰。 +The anti-imperial rhetoric long a staple of the Gadhafi regime appeared to be targeting China.,卡扎菲长期鼓吹的反对帝国主义的言论似乎有意将矛头对准中国。 +I have to take knife to that piece of hard bread.,我得用刀才把那块硬面包切开。 +"Wisdom begins when we submit ourselves to His will, trusting that if we could see our lives from his perspective, things would make perfect sense.",当我们愿意完全跟随祂的旨意行,鑑察我们是否从祂的眼光看待生活的事物时,我们就知道该如何行。 +Mr. Woodford said he also provided copies of the report in English and Japanese to other board members.,伍德福德说,他还向其他董事提供了英文和日文版的报告。 +"Shu Finn for son pray, sign the text refers to the catalpa Po what destiny has two choices.",淑芬替儿子求签,签文指梓博命中注定甚么事也有两次选择机会。 +"“We have to learn to treat PTSD at a reasonable cost, ” said Hammer, an APA member and the new director of the Defense Centers of Excellence for Psychological Health and Traumatic Brain Injury.","预约定价安排的成员及国防部的卓越中心,心理健康和创伤性脑损伤的新董事--海中上校保罗.汉姆.MC(Paul Hammer, M.C.)--在医学研究所(IOM)小组研究创伤后精神紧张性障碍(PTSD)的治疗现状第一次会议中说到“国防部和退伍军人事务部已经收到国会用于治疗创伤后精神紧张性障碍的大笔资金,但我们不能认为这是一个无底洞,我们必须学会在一个合理���成本范围内治疗创伤后精神紧张性障碍。”" +"I’m presently retired from my day job, which was teaching mathematics at Central Connecticut State University, and which occupied my time for the better part of 34 years.",现时我已经放下了日常的工作,退休了。 过去34年的大部分时间里,我一直在中康乃狄格州立大学(Central Connecticut State University)教数学。 +"But the poison continued to spread, "" as Nazisdisseminated European-style anti-Semitism in the Middle East after1933.""",但是,毒药继续蔓延,如 “1933年,纳粹在中东宣传欧洲风格的反犹太主义后。 +"China wouldn't provide a red carpet stairway from Air Force One and then Philippines President calls Obama ""the son of a whore. "" Terrible!",中国不给空军一号的悬梯铺红地毯,然后菲律宾总统又叫奥巴马‘婊子养的’。太糟了! +"Hundreds of people take a morning dip in a bay in Manila March 23, 2008.",在菲律宾的马尼拉湾,数百名民众正在进行晨浴。 +The Chinese Cultural Renaissance has begun; no doubt a hundred flowers will bloom and a hundred schools will contend.,中华文化复兴开始了,必将是百花齐放、百家争鸣。 +"At Crowne Plaza, guests can enjoy a 24-hour business service, wireless high speed internet access in the lobby plus fitness and leisure facilities.",在皇冠假日,顾客可以享受到24小时商务服务、大厅无限高速网络以及健身与休闲设施。 +"The mixing technology of graphics, video and hardware cursor data is discussed. A new type of mixing technology based on serial-parallel topological structure is proposed.",讨论了多媒体图形、影象和硬件光标数据的融合技术,提出了一种基于串-并行拓扑结构的新型融合技术。 +"Satisficing-set computing, joint satisficing function, joint selectability function, joint rejectability function, which are key elements of the method, are mainly discussed.",重点对其中的满意集计算、联合满意度、拒绝度和选择度的建立和计算等关键问题进行了讨论。 +"We basically take their resources, but refuse to give them what they want in exchange. We only allow them to ""buy"" more of the T-Bills (put it on the tab, basically)¬.",我们主要取他们的资源,但是拒绝给他们他们想要的东子来交换。我们只允许他们“买入”更多的短期国债。 +It is shown that the pore distribution and specific surface area of the SWNTs can be significantly influenced by the purification process.,研究发现该纯化方法对单壁纳米碳管的孔径分布和比表面积有较大影响。 +"By the time she was in high school her family had moved to the suburbs while her old neighborhood, with outdated infrastructure and overcrowding, continued to descend into slum-like conditions.",上高中时,家里因无法忍受胡同过时的生活条件,和大杂院日益拥挤破败的环境,在郊区购买了一套楼房。 +"Gucci’s dog bag costs $1,430, while a medium dog leash by the Italian fashion house costs $450, according to its website.",据网店数据显示:古琦宠物包价值1430美元,而意大利时装店一条中等的狗狗牵引带价值450美元。 +The harbour has silted up.,那海港被淤泥阻塞了。 +The basic principle of the clipping is the skill for link and fluency.,剪辑基本原则及技巧,主要是为了保证画面组接的连贯流畅。 +"Researching and knowing your topic is one thing, but actually delivering that information is a whole different ball of wax.",研究了解你的题目是一方面,但是实际上,把信息传达出来是另外一个完全不同的事情。 +"The product lifecycle has many phases, involves many professional disciplines, and requires various skills, tools and processes.",产品生命周期有很多阶段,涉及多个专业科目,需要各种技能、工具和流程。 +Whoever steals special invoices for value-added tax or other invoices shall be punished in accordance with the provisions of the Criminal Law on the crime of larceny.,盗窃增值税专用发票或者其他发票的,依照刑法关于盗窃罪的规定处罚。 +Additional assistance is planned to ensure integration of female entrepreneurs into the local economy through increased access to capital and local community-managed loans for training in livelihoods.,此外还计划提供更多的援助,通过增加获得资本的途径并提供由地方社区管理的职业培训贷款,确保将女性企业家融入地区经济。 +Solid timber flooring was added throughout the property and birch wood was used for all built-in furniture.,整幢住宅采用实木地板,而所有内置家具则采用桦木。 +"In this case, there are two isolated flames, therefore FireEye uses two green circles to indicate the detected position of the presents of fire.",在这种情况下有两个独立的火焰,因此,“火眼睛睛”(FireEye)用两个绿色的圆圈表示探测到的火焰存在的位置。 +MethodsThe data mainly come from the information base of new cooperative medical care as well as the Statistical Yearbook of the information in 2008 of Leling city.,资料与方法本研究资料主要来源于乐陵市2008年新型合作医疗信息库以及2008年乐陵市统计年鉴资料。 +The Italian educationalist Montessori said: Deception is one of the worst defects of mentality aberration.,意大利教育家蒙台梭利说过,撒谎行为是心理畸变中最严重的缺点之一。 +"The design of V-shaped blade makes the material move toward the center of the blade so that such problems as accumulation of material, frictional heating, abrasion of side wall can be avoided.",其V形转刀设计使得材料朝转刀中央运动,从而避免了材料的堆积、摩擦生热以及侧壁的磨损等问题。 +"Yeah. On Telegraph, there's like, often a lot of like street fairs",是的。在电报街,经常有很多街头集市, +"The right edge opens the “charms” menu, which contains application and system plug-ins such as search and share.",右侧边缘打开“charms”菜单,内含应用程序或者系统插件如搜索、分享等。 +Objective To perform hernioplasty to save the life of Rhesus monkey.,目的对发生嵌闭性疝的猕猴,采用疝手术治疗法挽救其生命。 +"Adaptation to climate change through sustainable practices, including the promotion and protection of traditional and local foods and agricultural knowledge.",通过一些可持续的生产活动适应天气的变化,包括推广并保护传统和地区的食物及农业知识。 +Let us also recognize that older generations themselves stand to learn a great deal from the experiences and examples of young people as they come of age in a world of accelerating interconnectedness.,我们还必须承认,老一辈人也可以从年轻人的经历和榜样中学到很多东西,因为年轻人是在一个相互联系速度不断加快的世界中成长起来的。 +"""the book said:"" incense burner under the straw sandals - pairs, for there are books on the table one.",该书还说:“香炉下有草鞋—双,供桌上有旧书一本”。 +"In Japanese and ataman nikolaevich troops, backed by mercouri rove regime poses a real threat to the far east republic of red.",在日本人和哥萨克首领谢苗诺夫的部队支持下,梅尔库洛夫政权对红色的远东共和国构成了现实威胁。 +Mon Dieu! how wrong it is not to see one's children for years!,我的上帝! 一年一年地不看见自己的孩子,这多不应该呵! +"When no eligible studies existed for a particular incidence group, incidence data were extrapolated from related groups.",当某个特定发病率组没有有效的研究数据时,其发病率数据从相关组推测得出。 +How long is the average length of the first and second lines?,第一、二两条线段平均长多少厘米? +"""Rang""-sentence contains two major meanings: to cause and to permit.",“让”字句主要表达两种意思:“致使义”与“容许义”。 +Methods Clinical data of 38 cases of acute left semicolon obstruction were retrospectively summarized. 65% of the patients were followed up.,方法对38例左半结肠急性梗阻患者的诊治进行回顾性总结并随访,随访率为6 5 %。 +Area caused by wind and snow blizzard of snow damage is a serious road traffic safety impact of a natural disaster.,风雪地区雪害尤其以风吹雪造成的雪害是严重影响公路交通安全的一种自然灾害。 +The hypothetical surface of the earth that coincides everywhere with mean sea level.,大地水准面或似大地水准面是获取地理空间信息的高程基准面。 +E-Z Page Turners: Trucks Perfect for Little Fingers!,基本配置页转换器:卡车(专为小朋友的手指!) +"See? In form terms, we're creaming them. You just have to look at it the right way.",看见了么?从状态上来讲,我们占绝对优势。你只需要正确对待它就是了。 +"I observed the young animal 's flesh to smell very rank, and the stink was somewhat between a weasel and a fox, but much more disagreeable.",我发现那小畜生的肉发出一股恶臭味,既有点像黄鼠狼的味儿,又有点像狐狸味儿,不过还要难闻得多。 +"Dear, this is our first Christmas, I can be a Christmas gift for: gently hold me, accompany me to spend only belonging to both of us on Christmas Eve.",亲爱的,这是我俩的第一个圣诞节,我可以要一份圣诞礼物吗:轻轻地拥着我,陪我度过只属于我俩的平安夜。 +"A report released last year by the National Federation of the Blind, an advocacy group with 50, 000 members, said that less than 10 percent of the 1.3 million legally blind Americans read Braille.",去年一个拥有50,000名成员的活动团体——国家盲人联合会,发布了一项报告指出139万盲人中只有不到10%的通过布莱叶点读法阅读。 +"Kenya, for one, has committed itself to aggressive drilling in its stretch of the East African Rift Valley, a geologically active area thought to hold large geothermal reserves.",例如,肯尼亚正在野心勃勃的钻探东非大裂谷的延伸区域,该区域地质运动活跃,被认为蕴含丰富的地热能源。 +A family of six cannot live on air.,一家六口不能靠喝西北风活着啊。 +"Sometimes in an exam I don't know how to write my composition , finally I would write it badly, it's also for that reason.",有时在一次考试我不知道如何写作文,我终于能写得很糟,也是因为这个原因。 +How well does he cross-examine one of his accusers?,苏格拉底如何交互问讯其中一个原告? +A mother mouse and her baby were running across the floor when they heard a noise.,鼠妈妈和她的小宝贝从地板上经过时,忽然听见一声怪叫,啊! +"And if you're constantly putting your resources towards things that don't hold any meaning for you, you will be stuck dealing with time wasters that don't benefit you whatsoever.",如果你不断将精力投于对你毫无意义的事情,你将陷于困境,去处理那些对你无益且浪费时间的事情。 +"Abraham, Sarah, Jacob, Moses, Rahab, David, Elijah, Mary Magdalene, Peter, and Paul are some examples.",亚伯拉罕、撒拉、雅各、摩西、喇合、大卫、以利亚、抹大拉的马利亚、彼得,和保罗等等,就是好例子。 +"STATICST404High Voltage Power Supplies can accommodate up to 2 ESD equipment such as ionizing bars, nozzles or guns.",斯蒂克ST404电源供应器系列可提供2个静电消除器使用的电力,比如静电棒,静电风嘴和静电风枪。 +"However, too much stress is unhealthful to the mind and body. College students play an important role in the future development of China.",大学生作为我国社会中文化层次较高的群体、高级人才的预备队,对于我国未来的发展起着举足轻重的作用。 +HAZOP analysis method of offshore drilling platform is primary studied.,对海上钻井平台HAZOP分析进行了初步的研究。 +"According to the results of TGA measurement, the graft density of PGPME is estimated to be a PGPME chain per 256 carbon atoms on the surface of MWNT.",并利用TGA结果估算出聚乙二醇单甲醚在MWNT表面的接枝密度约为平均每256个碳原子上有一根聚合物链。 +"Dr. Marcotte and his colleagues amassed a database of 1,923 associations between genes and diseases in humans.",马克特博士和他的同事们做了一个数据库,里面包含了1,923种基因和人体疾病之间的相互关系。 +"hina's president, Hu Jintao, is leading scores of Chinese business people on a sweep through Latin America to reinforce Beijing's growing economic clout in the region.",中国国家主席胡锦涛带领十几位商人席卷拉丁美洲,中国对这一地区经济的影响力正在逐渐增长,此次访问的目的是加强这种影响力。 +Do you permit stoning lugly in Iran?,你能否许诺石刑在伊朗合法? +"His retinue includes young women, known officially as ""messengers, "" who light his ever-present cigarettes and catch the ashes.",他的随从包括年轻女性,她们名义上被叫做“信使”,她们既为他点烟又为他接灰。 +Wish everyone a happy new year and all the best!,新年快乐! 祝大家鼠年 心有所属!!! +Grasshopper is a foldable electric bicycle that turns into a trolley for easy transport. The use of composite materials provides rigidity and strength.,蚱蜢自行车是一种可折叠的电动自行车,它可以被折叠成手推车形,便于携带。复合材料的使用,保证了其硬度和强度。 +"From a DBA perspective, the roll-out operation progresses in the presence of a long-running reporting workload.",从 DBA 的角度来看,滚出操作要在完成长期报告工作量后展开。 +ISTANBUL — Two simmering problems threaten to boil over in Turkey this summer with greater international consequences than ever before.,今夏,两个沸腾的问题要在土耳其烧开,其国际后果将比以往任何时候严重。 +The Lab126 team repeatedly urged Bezos to make their project easier by considering a Wi-fi-only connection for the Kindle.,126实验室团队不断要求贝佐斯考虑只给Kindle安装Wi-Fi连接,以便简化他们的项目。 +"But she has learned from watching the rest of her husband's presidency and, more recently, as a senator for New York, where she has been hard-working, consensual, effective and a little dull.",但是她也从观察克林顿政府的后续举措中获益不少,而且最近作为纽约的一名参议员,她一直都努力工作、寻求共识、富有成效,同时也有一点点迟钝。 +"Like many of Kapoor's works, it was so large it made me feel very small and unimportant.",和卡普尔的许多作品一样,它们都特别大让我觉得自己很小很无足轻重。 +"The paper, Building our Common Future, talks about helping subsistence farmers to get seeds and fertilisers, credit and access to markets, and of supporting agricultural research.",一份名为《共建未来》的报告谈到向处于生存状态农民提供种子和化肥,贷款和市场消息及支持农业研究等。 +"Slice your onion into rings, dip into the batter, and fry.",将洋葱切成一圈圈,混入面糊里,然后油炸。 +The first sliding-scale (35) and the second sliding-scale (36) have first sliding-scale teeth (351) and second sliding-scale teeth (361) at the corresponding locating of the guide-wheel (32).,第一滑尺(35)和第二滑尺(36)在与导轮(32)相对处有第一滑尺齿(351) 和第二滑尺齿(361); +"Dual Furnace structure, movement through the furnace turn operation, thereby reducing the heating furnace heat loss, greatly improve work efficiency.",采用双炉台结构, 通过炉体的移动交替作业,从而减小了炉体加热后的散热损失,大大 提高了工作效率。 +Run-up of non-breaking waves is verified against the analytical solution for nonlinear shallow water waves.,波浪爬高用非线性浅水方程推导的非破碎波浪在斜坡上爬高的解析解来验证。 +"Meanwhile, councils went on in the kitchen at home, fraught with almost insupportable aggravation to my exasperated spirit.",这时候,我们家的厨房中正开着家庭会议。我心中充满了愤怒的火焰,几乎达到不可抑制的程度。 +"Just through these three behavioral patterns, Contract law designates the parties' will sphere of autonomy, which embodys the restraint of state's will to the parties'will.",合同法律制度正是通过这三种行为模式来划定合同当事人的意思自治的范围,体现了国家意志对当事人意志的限制。 +"Results Followed-up from 3 to 12months, all cases are satisfactory with quality of reduction and cosmetic outcome.",结果:术后3~12月随访,所有患者骨折对位愈合良好,颜面外形恢复满意。 +Rock-socketed piles are used frequently due to their superiority of high bearing capacity.,嵌岩桩因单桩承载力高在工程上得到广泛应用。 +"So chewed-on plants can fight back, and they are not afraid to go nuclear.",看来,被“菜”的植物也会反击,而且毫不畏惧打“核”战。 +"In patients with NAFLD, daily fructose ingestion is associated with reduced hepatic steatosis but increased fibrosis.",结论:NAFLD患者每日摄入一定量的果糖可以是肝脏脂肪变程度减轻,但是得肝脏纤维化程度增加。 +"Although small, the deal highlights a large imperative for Glaxo and the other big, global pharmaceutical companies.",尽管交易规模不大,但它却凸显出葛兰素史克和其他大型全球制药公司面临的一项当务之急。 +A wise leader knows when to follow.,明智的领袖善于纳谏。 +"From there splendid residences and perfect facilities, we can know the property and status in Mr. chens at that time with the history development.",从这些豪华的住宅,完善的设施看,大家可以看出陈家当时的财富和地位。 +This text comes right away corporate culture and existent problems of the once Chinese insurance in thorough introduction group( divide the company in the mountain west ) with improve the method.,本文就来深入介绍一下中国人寿保险集团(山西晋中分公司)的企业文化以及存在的问题和改善方法。 +"Manchester United event laramie always highly motivated, and last season in the stadium-one after the other, almost ruined the future of Manchester United defending.",米堡遇上曼联总是士气高昂,上赛季在河畔球场前赴后继,差点毁了曼联卫冕的前途。 +Structure is the supporting system for architecture.,建筑结构是建筑的支撑体系。 +"The same situation also occurred in the county side, large and small, a dozen self-employed persons, but did not form a joint force.",同样的情况也发生在方正县,大大小小的个体经营者十来个,但没有形成合力。 +"And there’s no really quick way to do it, because we’re talking about a $5 trillion market.",没有什么速效办法,因为我们讲到的是5万亿美元的市场。 +There seemed only one escape for her hunted soul.,她那被追逼的灵魂似乎只有逃跑一条路。 +"C’mon Ing’lund! So, you know about football: will England win the World Cup then, or what?",问:拜托!英格·隆德!既然你懂足球:那么英格兰将赢得世界杯,还是怎么样? +"This makes sense, because many individuals can start successful consulting companies with just a Rolodex or Blackberry address file and a set of business cards.",这是有道理的,因为许多个人可以成功的启动他们的咨询业务,仅仅通过他们的类似于Rplodex或者Blackberry(这个不知道怎么翻译)的地址文件以及一套名片。 +"As you can see, the whole thing is only 17 lines long, including comments and blank lines.",可以看到,所有的事情只有 17 行代码,包括注释和空行。 +"She is the author, most recently, of 1989: The Struggle to Create Post-Cold War Europe [1].",其最近著有<1989:努力构建后冷战时代的欧��>. +Stumpf told the Charlotte Observer newspaper that he does not know how many jobs will be lost in the merger and did not provide a specific timeframe for the start of layoffs.,"Stumpf向夏洛特观察报(Charlotte Observer)表示,他不知道合并后会裁多少人,也没有提供裁员的确切时间表." +USA sneer: hum two mosquitoes!,美国蚊子冷笑两声:哼! +The program has fine operating interface and exchanges data with the system of Lonworks and Metasy by DDE (dynamic data exchange) technique.,该软件操作界面良好,通过DDE技术与系统软件实现了数据交换。 +"So, the question then is how is the brain wired up?","所以此时的问题变成了,大脑是如何构造出来的" +"Similar measures succeeded in getting the government of Ivory Coast to let in foreign relief teams in 2002, Egelend says.",埃格兰表示,在2002年,类似的措施曾经令象牙海岸政府接纳外国救援队伍。 +The buildings of hsbc headquarter customs house bank of china jardine foreign firm shanghai chamber and many others have formed grand view of shanghai.,由汇丰银行、海关大楼、沙逊大厦、中国银行、怡和洋行、字林西报、上海总会、汇中饭店等大楼所组成的风景,成就了如画的上海。 +She hass well-paid job as well as a war family with her husband and two children-she's got the best of both worlds in fact.,她不但有一个温暖的家,有夫和两个孩子,而且还有一份高薪工作——真是两全其美。 +Examples of snorkel-periscope system combination applications are given.,给出了通气管和潜望镜观察系统组合应用的实例。 +"For frequent, everyday wear, women should choose a low-heeled shoe--no higher than 4cm--which has a rounded toe.",基于此,女性平日里频繁穿着的鞋子应当选择不高于四厘米的低跟鞋,而且鞋子的脚趾部位为圆形。 +Municipal slow-flow water bodice are destroyed due to influence from cites development and characteristics of small mobility and week self-purification ability.,城市缓流水体因其受城市发展的影响大、自身流动性小和自净能力弱的特点,正处于被人为破坏而面临消失之中。 +"The research objects and fields of the basic theory of sports must be clear, the system of the basic theory of sports must be urgently reconstructed and consummated.",体育基本理论的研究对象和领域必须明晰。 体育基本理论的体系急需重构与完善。 +Sanxin says it was paid under $1 million; people involved in the project said it would have cost up to 50% more in Europe.,三鑫公司说,他只得到低于一百万美元,而处在该项目里的人说,在欧洲的话,就要花上再多达50%的钱。 +And I know other contestants will be frozen when you show a cold joke…,我也知道当你甩出一个冷笑话的时候,其它选手一定会被冻僵… +The casino operators will also have to make sure they diversify revenue without simply substituting heavy-gamblers for show-lovers.,赌场运营商们在分散收入来源的同时,需确保他们不能为赢得演出爱好者而失去嗜赌如命的游客。 +There was no feeling sorry for ourselves. No dwelling on things we couldn't change.,现在的我们不再自怨自艾,不会再陷在改变不了的悲剧里不能自拔。 +"In the wake of his quasi endorsement of Obama during their 2008 Paris meeting, Sarkozy's desire to become the new President's main international partner — and, indeed, personal friend — was palpable.",在他赞同奥巴马拟在2008年的巴黎会议结束后,萨科齐的愿望,成为新总统的主要国际合作伙伴 - 实际上,个人的朋友 - 是显而易见的。 +Kubrik prefers the significance of Philosophy and Sociology Film.,库布里克偏爱具有哲学和社会学意义的电影题材。 +Article 34 A construction supervision unit shall undertake the business within the scope defined for its qualification grade certificate.,第三十四条工程监理单位应当在其资质等级许可的监理范围内,承担工程监理业务。 +The culture of target language country is so crucial to the translation works in that it relives the translated works through the selection and recreation of translators and readers.,目的语国家的文化对作品的翻译有着重要的影响,它使译作通过翻译者和接受者的选择与再创造获得新生。 +Carry-out restaurants often serve fast food;,外卖餐馆通常提供快餐服务; +"Civil society is growing, and we are progressing steadily on the path of democratic reform.",民间团体不断增加,在民主改革的道路上稳步前进。 +"Such polymer conductive silver paste is an excellent material that can be widely used in electronic industry, production of membrane switch electrode or printed lines.",此类聚合物银浆是一种优良的导电材料,可广泛应用于电子工业,制作薄膜开关电极或印制线路等。 +It is necessary and feasible to establish money compensation system for moral damage in Chinese state compensation law.,在国家赔偿制度中规定精神损害金钱赔偿制度具有必要性与可行性。 +"This'll teach you to fire me, you son of a bitch.",教你怎样炒我鱿鱼,婊子养的-----《坟场大夜班》。 +"In addition, the height, density and perpendicularity of remnant stubble, straws and grass had influence on aerodynamic roughness and wind velocity fluctuation on different underlying surfaces.",此外,作物残茬、秸秆和牧草等粗糙元的高度、密度及直立性均对下垫面的空气动力学粗糙度、摩阻速度及风速脉动有一定影响。 +"Facing the reality of deflation, we should know the selectiveness of financial and monetary policies and adjust properly the pattern of coordination and pay attention to the operation skill of policy.",近几年来,我国经济社会发展中出现了通货紧缩现象。对此,要充分认识财政、货币政策的相机抉择性,适时适势地调整政策的配合模式,并注意政策操作技巧。 +"Using this predicate, the container will execute the SQL statement in the sample below.",使用这个谓词,容器将执行下面代码样本中的 SQL 语句。 +He is perfectly content to live in a simple room and to paint all day.,身居陋室,整日作画,他对此已经非常满意了。 +"If the 20th- century entertainment industry was about hits, the 21st will be equally about misses.",如果说20世纪的娱乐业是以流行内容为主导的,那么在21世纪,那些非流行的内容将占据同样重要的位置。 +"It needs a profound, honest story telling to balance the lies, delusions, and self deceptions that every human being is adhere to.",需要深刻、诚实的故事讲述,来平衡谎言、错觉、自我欺骗,这是人类的共同境遇。 +"If feed is formulated to contain sufficient levels of these amino acids, egg production, fertility, egg size and metabolism will be optimized.",如若配合的饲料中含有足够的上述氨基酸,产蛋率、蛋的大小以及代谢方面都将是最佳的。 +"By contrast, multilayer shells bond device is designed which the T4280 twin columns coordinate boring lathe is used as the bond device labor flat roof.",经对比,提出利用T4280双柱坐标镗床作为研制粘接装置的工作平台,进行多层壳体粘接装置的总体设计。 +We provide career guidance and development services to students so as to enhance their competitiveness and employability.,我们提供就业辅导及发展性的活动,以增强学生在就业市场的竞争力。 +"Vicki: Yes, people who don't have much money individually, like students might do a whip-round to buy something they couldn't afford unless they all contribute.",前面的对话中还提到凑份子买礼物的做法在大学生中也特别流行。 +"The new light-enhancer system boosts light reflection, leaving luscious coat of radiant translucent color on your lips.",全新光线加强系统提升光线折射,在樱唇上营造一层丰腴的半剔透闪亮唇色; +Thanks to our members for these excellent answers. By using different positions you can play in more than one key on the same harmonica.,感谢会员提供。同一把口琴,不同把位可以吹奏不同的调子。 +"A friendly man-computer interface for part feature information import, which makes the part information import a easy and simple work, and makes the system useful in practice.",设计了友好的零件特征信息人机交互输入界面,使零件信息输入直观、简便,具有一定的实用性。 +"Now Spartacus and his rebels must face the very might of Rome, against Marcus Crassus and Julius Caesar along with their army of 50,000.",第三季中,斯巴达克斯与反叛军必须抵抗罗马的强大势力,与马库斯·克拉苏和尤里乌斯·凯撒的五万大军对战。 +"A 33-year-old woman with headache, right upper quadrant visual cut, and difficulty reading.",33岁女性,头痛、右上方视野缺损、阅读困难。 +We thank you for this new order and we shall be proceeding to its execution at once.,我们对此订单,非常感谢,定当立即履行合同。 +It was a bargain and Song's presence could be important against Manchester United tomorrow if he is still fresh after being engaged in the Africa Cup of Nations.,这桩买卖很划算,而且宋的加入对于阿森纳明天大战曼联的比赛非常重要,不过前提是宋在完成了国家队在非洲杯的比赛之后还有体力继续为俱乐部效力。 +"From 1910, KCRC had serve Hong Kong people for century.",从1910年开,九广铁路服务了香港市民一个世纪。 +3M led off a list of a half dozen major U.S. industrials that are due to spell out their 2010 forecasts over the next two weeks.,"3M率先发表财测后,未来两周还将有六家左右的主要美国工业企业公布它们对2010年的预估." +"Arco is a small town north of lake Garda, which is famous for rock climbing.",阿科小镇位于嘎达湖的北部,是著名的攀岩胜地。 +"After America criticized China for using state loans to support its leading companies, the Federal Reserve has started handing out loans to critical U.S. companies.",在美国批评中国使用国家贷款支持其支柱性企业之后,美联储也开始提供贷款给美国的大公司。 +"He noted that any new agreement would be legally binding, but that much work remains before it can be reached.",他说,任何新的协定要有法律约束力,但是在达成新协定之前还有很多工作要做。 +Congratulation for the man who wishes to see China be colonised by the West to get Peace Price! Let's celebrate peace under occupation!,热烈祝贺要中国殖民化三百年的刘晓波得诺贝尔荒唐和平奖,哈哈! +"In fact, some vendors claim some sort of advantage by offering 10 days of failover use for an HA solution; however, with DB2, it's really unlimited for the same kind of clusters.",实际上,一些供应商通过为 HA 解决方案提供 10 天的故障转移使用就宣称会带来某种形式的优势;然而,使用 DB2,对于相同类型的集群来说这种优势真的是无限的。 +"The wayfarer bent over and examined a rather large circular excavation, resembling the hollow of a sphere, in the stone on the left, at the foot of the pier of the door.",过客弯下腰去细察门左石脚上的一个圆涡,圆涡颇大,好象是个圆球体的模子。 +"It is probably the most accurate weapon, but it’s still the heaviest and loads of easily-lost piddly bits, so it’s not been that popular with the troops.",它也许精确度最好,但同时也是最重的武器,细小零件极易丢失,因此不大受军队欢迎。 +"The electrical heating tube is made of U shaped steel tube, sintered magnesia and heating wire. It is immersed directly in the water for preventing heat loss.",电热管用U型钢管,烧结氧化镁和电热丝制成,直接浸在水里热能损耗少。 +"Then all between, also found it empty master xuan, the mouth is a nonsense, and the mind is not clear, seems to be insane.",众人错愕之间,也发觉这玄空大师,口中全是一片胡言乱语,而且头脑不清,似乎是精神错乱。 +"The E-Z Rent-a-Car agent said the replacement would cost $200. I knew the magazine I was on assignment for could never afford such a fee, meaning I would barely break even3) on the story.",E-Z汽车租赁公司的代理人说换个备胎要两百美元,我知道给我安排活儿的那家杂志社是无论如何不会为我出这笔费用的,这样的话,写完稿子我只怕连自己不赔不赚都不能保证了。 +"And in the longer term, the undisciplined lack the freedom that comes with possessing particular skills and abilities - e. g. to play a musical instrument or speak a foreign language.",而且长此以往,无纪律的人会缺乏因为拥有某种特定技能而带来的自由,比如说可以演奏一种乐器或者轻松地说一门外语。 +"In order to keep up with the advanced technical level abroad and coordinate with the industrial policy in our country, the air-cooled turbogenerator with large capacity must be developed.",为了追赶世界先进水平,适应我国的产业政策,必须研制和开发大容量空冷汽轮发电机。 +"The Kanagawa Block of the Inagawa-kai, has sent 70 trucks to the Ibaraki and Fukushima areas to drop off supplies in areas with high radiations levels.",稻田佳在神奈川的组织已经向茨城和福岛地区送去了70辆卡车的救灾物资,这两个地区的辐射水平都相当高。 +"If you don't have latex gloves, a plastic grocery bag will work too.",如果您没有乳胶手套,塑料食品袋的工作了。 +They put it in their house and hand small lights and colorful objects on its branches.,他们把它放在家中,并在枝头挂上小灯和彩色装饰物。 +Result: You bypass one of the easiest ways to get whole-grain fiber-rich goodness.,结果:你忽视了一种能得到富含纤维、全谷物营养佳品的最便捷的方法。 +"To some extent, Cambridge's influence would be used in support of the East Midland dialect.",某种程度上,剑桥的影响是支持了东中部方言。 +They fell to contending about the least important points in the design.,他们开始为设计中的鸡毛蒜皮的小问题争辩起来。 +"Based on the data of reserviors in Qingdao area, the effect of wind waves on prevention of flood in reserviors is investigated.",基于青岛地区水库资料,探讨风浪对水库防汛的影响。 +OBJECTIVE:To study the cytotoxic effect in vitro and antitumor effect in vivo of hypericum chinense.,为研究紫杉醇脂质体的体外细胞毒作用及体内抗瘤作用。 +"He was probably a worthy member of society, a good husband and father, an honest broker; but there was no reason to waste one's time over him.",他可能是一个令人起敬的社会成员,一个诚实的经纪人,一个恪尽职责的丈夫和父亲,但是在他身上你没有任何必要浪费时间。 +"The ants are my friends; they're blowin' in the wind.""","蚂蚁是我的朋友,它们在随风飘荡""" +"However, you may wish to rest your elbows on your knees or a pillow.",不过你也许希望将肘子放在膝盖或枕头上。 +"Burj Dubai (1), a tower under construction in the United Arab Emirates' trade hub (2), became the tallest building in the world on Saturday, measuring 512.1 metres, its developer said.",位于阿联酋贸易中心的在建的“迪拜塔”的开发商在星期六称:高512.1米的迪拜塔是世界上最高的建筑。 +"Here is what we found: Of the hundreds of self-change techniques that have been suggested over the centuries, perhaps only a dozen are distinctly different.",我们的发现结果如下:在几个世纪以来人们提出的几百种改变自我的方法中,也许仅有十来种与其他方法截然不同。 +"In person, his chatter is more ambivalent, thoughtful, punctured with smiles and a sense of humour.",从外在看来,他的谈话更加矛盾复杂和具思想性,点刺以微笑和幽默感。 +The short message service interface is described as shown in Figure 4.,短消息服务接口的描述如图 4 所示。 +Might we then see the endless forks in the road that have shaped a life?,我们有没有可能在我们现正在走的路径上看见无穷的叉路? +"If you want to change your lifestyle to get healthier, that's fine -- but don't do it because you're trying to reach that elusive fantasy body!",如果你想要改变自己的生活方式让它变得更健康,那是很好的想法——但是,不要那样做,因为你正试图得到的是一种难以找到的身材。 +OBJECTIVE: To study the pharmacokinetics of recombinant human erythropoietin (rEPO) produced by baby hamster kidney cells (BHK).,目的:研究幼仓鼠肾(BHK)细胞表达红细胞生成素(EPO)在猕猴体内的药动学。 +Speak up. Don't mumble!,大声说,别嘀嘀咕咕的! +"They could also argue that retail deposits can be as flighty as the wholesale markets: just ask Northern Rock and IndyMac, both of which suffered rapid withdrawals.",他们也能说小规模存款与大规模市场一样的不稳定。正如北岩银行与因迪美一样遭遇了挤兑。 +"This pink tendril is another new species of crustacean found in the Sea of Japan (East Sea), near South Korea's Gangwon Province.",这个粉红的卷须状物种是科学家在韩国江原道附近的日本海(东海)发现的甲壳类生物。 +"But your servants, every man armed for battle, will cross over to fight before the LORD, just as our lord says.",但你的仆人,凡带兵器的,都要照我主所说的话,在耶和华面前过去打仗。 +"Sweden also faced a financial crisis in the early 1990s, though it reacted quickly and is now being touted as a possible guide for leading the U.S. out of its current economic crisis.",在90年代早期,瑞典也面临过金融危机——虽然她很快采取了行动,并且现在被吹捧为最有可能指引美国走出当前经济危机的领路人。 +"I saw that the pig farm next to the mountainside, the mountain was still ridiculed front of legislation, how many times I have to hope they climb ah!",我看见那养猪场在山腰旁,那些山峰仍讥立眼前,我曾多少次希望去攀登它们啊! +"At the same time, it is important to timely adjust ways of reception through a mixture of humbleness and haughtiness and a mixture of truth and falsehood.",与此同时,要卑亢结合、虚实结合,适时调整接待方式,并应循序渐进、因地制宜的合理组织语言。 +"Typial cocoa smell, must not taste molby or burnt, no flavor additive.",典型可可香味,无霉味、糊味,不含任何香料添加剂。 +"Pillow'd upon my fair love's ripening breast, to feel for ever its soft fall and swell, awake forever in a sweet unrest.",枕卧在我美丽的爱人的胸膛,永远能感到它的轻轻的起伏,永远清醒,在甜蜜的不安中。 +"The tag will cause words to flash horrendously over and over and over again. Whatever you put inside the tags will blink on and off, and perhaps cause epileptics to have seizures.",惊人地闪动。无论你在标签之间加入什么,它们都会一闪一灭地闪动,说不定能引起癫痫病人病症发作。 +"Grandma tiptoed over to my bed, and checked to see I was still breathing with a little mirror.",奶奶都会悄悄地来到我的床边用小镜子检查看看是否我还有呼吸。 +"Komanoff’s spreadsheet, which he has posted online, calculates how new fees and changes to existing tolls affect traffic at different times of day.",在这份已经被发布在网络上的电子表格中,库曼诺夫对交通运输的各个方面都进行了计算:例如对现行通行费进行变更和增加新的费用是如何对一天中不同时段的交通产生影响的? +Or even that their loved one might meet the afterlife faceless?,甚至心爱的人碰到死后无脸的灵魂,又是如何情形? +Research of domestic and foreign experts showed that the application of disease resistant species could be used to control the poplar leaf rust.,国内外研究表明,抗病性品种的应用能达到持久防治杨树叶锈病的作用。 +You are intensely emotional and strongly aware of the darker side of human nature.,你非常情绪化,能够强烈感受到人性的黑暗面。 +Usually people make dumplings at home.,人们经常在家包饺子。 +"If the application is approved, a foreign-invested enterprise certificate shall be granted; if the application is not approved, reasons for the disapproval shall be given in written form.",予以批准的,发给外商投资企业批准证书;不予批准的,书面说明理由。 +All right. I'd like to recommend rum swizzle.,好吧, 我建议您喝一些朗姆鸡尾酒。 +The mold materials and mold-related technological backwardness;,模具材料及模具相关技术落后; +"Reaffirming that position, Crowley said, “Just to be clear, any discussion that we would have with North Korea will be in the context of the six-party process.",克劳利重申了这一立场,他说:“我要把话说清楚,我们与北韩举行的任何会谈都将在六方会谈的背景下进行。 +He has forfeited the right to represent the people.,已撤销他代表人民的资格。 +I suggest strengthening the undergraduate curriculum in psychology and improved education for premedical and medical students to prepare them better to understand natural diversity.,我认为应加强大学部心理学课程,对于医科预备生及医学生,则需加强他们对自然界多样性的了解。 +The cell culture of BS80-6 provided better control of apple anthracnose than culture filtrates and autoclaved cells.,灭菌液和过滤液对苹果炭疽菌也有一定的抑制效果。 +"This paper expounds the application of digital video-monitor system in the campus intranet based on its constitution, function, classification, and realization.",文章从数字化视频监控系统的组成、功能、分类及其实现等方面阐述其在校园网中的应用情况。 +That's when a specialist is usually called in to review CT scans.,此时,一名专家通常会受邀来阅读CT的扫描结果。 +"A price war will erupt in the e-book market and Amazon.com willoffer the lowest prices, leading to it gaining a dominant position inthe market with its Kindle E-book Reader.",电子书市场爆发价格大战。 亚马逊将提供最低价格,从而通过Kindle统治市场。 +Tectona grandis classified as Tectona plant of Verbenaceae is one of the most valuable timber tree species in the world.,柚木为马鞭草科柚木属植物,是世界上最珍贵的用材树种之一。 +The principles of a design of a wire belt glassware annealing lehr have been recommended. Heat recovery system by eounterflow heat exchange has been provided.,介绍了一种玻璃网带退火炉的设计,它采用了逆向热交换的热回收系统。 +"In the Old City, men pray and study the Koran in the Al Aqsa mosque, a sacred site for Muslims.",生活在耶路撒冷图片。在老城,男人祈祷和学习古兰经在阿克萨清真寺,一个神圣的场所给穆斯林。 +The minimum-weight model of stochastic structures under time-dependent random excitations is established based on the structural dynamic reliability.,建立了随机过程激励下的随机结构系统基于动力可靠性优化设计的最小重量模型。 +Meat is available chiefly in fresh and frozen forms.,肉食主要有鲜肉与冻肉两种形式。 +"Confusion and disputes must often have followed later, when these survey points disappeared.",后来因为这些测量点消失了,混乱和争执时常发生。 +"Each area has a set of defined and measurable green house gas (GHG) emissions, on which the majority of these organizations tend to focus their resources and energy.",每个领域都有一组已定义并且可测量的温室气体(GHG)排放,大部分这些组织的资源和能源都用于这些方面。 +The shearing stability properties and low temperature properties of four kinds OCP viscosity increaser suitable for use in production of lubricating oil made from Nanyang crude oil are determined.,通过对四种O CP 增粘剂的剪切稳定性能、 低温性能进行评价,综合考虑确定了南阳原油生产润滑油的增粘剂的种类。 +"Today, we need the petrol from the Middle East to keep the wheels of our civilization turning -- and that sets up an inevitably conflict.",现在,我们需要中东的汽油以保持我们文明车轮的转动,这就形成了不可避免的冲突。 +"I asked. ""And this story is a warning to other wiseacres to mutate in another direction?""",我问道:“并且这个故事也警告其他冒牌货要转向其他方向?” +"In other developments, Iraqi soldiers found the bodies of 27 people in the Jassan region, southeast of Baghdad.",另一方面,伊拉克军队在巴格达东南的杰桑地区发现了27具尸体。 +I choose to go straight ahead.,向右走?我选择向前。 +The focusing properties of Gaussian beams passing through two types of spherically aberrated lenses are studied and compared.,通过研究,比较了高斯光束通过两种不同球差透镜的聚焦特性。 +Locus of control was a significant predictor of depersonalization (P<0.05).,心理控制源对人格解体有显著预测作用(P<0.05); +"In some cases (such as security), the QoS layer can actually realize such nonfunctional requirements.",在某些情况下(如安全性),QoS 层可以实际实现此类非功能性需求。 +He said nobody ever came here.,他说没人到过这儿。 +"To make a ham sandwich, just put a piece of ham between two slices of buttered bread, and Bob's your uncle.",做三明治时候,把一片火腿放在两片奶油面包当中,就万事大吉了。 +He tried to expiate his crimes by giving money to the church.,他试图以捐款给教会来弥补自己的罪过。 +"Mycelium has transverse septa but has no mediastinums, and is relatively dense.",菌丝体具横隔,无纵隔,较为密集。 +All losses arising from management will no longer be subsidized by the state.,赘言凡属经营性亏损的,国家不再补亏。 +"Furthermore this system can be utilized to other situation of slight angle and distance measuring, such as, balance adjusting and minim weight measuring.",该系统也可以应用到其他微小角度和距离测量的场合,如平衡校准、微量称重。 +"My rule of thumb is this: If I could’ve done a better job myself, the logo has to go.",我的经验之谈:如果连我都能做出一个比它更好的LOGO,那么这个LOGO就必须下台了。 +Several of the images show the name Vasily Reshetnikov in Russian lettering near the cockpit of one plane.,数张图片清晰显示了一架飞机的驾驶舱附近刻有瓦西里列舍特尼科夫的名称。 +"Several months later, when she was unexpectedly introduced to such a scientist at a conference, she launched into her pitch, and a collaboration was born.",几个月后,当她意外地在一次会议上被引介给这样一位科学家时,她向其推销她的计划,合作就此诞生了。 +"Darko Bojanic, a fan of wreck diving, stumbled across the remains and launched an investigation with the Croatian Conservation Institute and the Department of Underwater Archaeology in Zagreb.",达尔科·博亚尼克是位水下遗骸探寻的爱好者,他在无意中发现了飞机残骸,于是同萨格勒布的克罗地亚保护机构和水下考古部门联合进行了调查。 +Al2O3 ceramic was prepared by normal pressure sintering using superfine alumina powder.,以超细氧化铝粉体为原料,采用常压烧结工艺制备了氧化铝陶瓷。 +The pity is that you are not a prophet.,可惜你不能未卜先知。 +"The electrorheological(ER)technology has been developing flourishingly, but the high voltage source becomes the stumbling block in the development.",电流变(ER)技术现正蓬勃发展,而高压电源却成了发展中的一大障碍。 +Objective To study the meaning of the change of mesentery as to the change of heart load.,目的探讨急性右心衰竭时肠系膜微循环的改变与中心静脉压的相关性。 +We also went to several smaller towns on the Jebel Akhdar mountains.,我们还去了杰贝尔.阿卡达山上的其它几个小村镇。 +How dare Barbara West at WFTV confront Joe Biden with some basic simple questions…,WFTV 的芭芭拉•维斯特怎敢质询乔•拜登一些根本的简单问题… +"More positive news come from developing countries and the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS), where strong output and trade growth are predicted.",较为积极的消息来自发展中国家和独联体,预计产出和贸易均会有强劲增长。 +"Rainbows frame a peculiar lava formation at Ol Doinyo Lengai, a volcano in Tanzania.",彩虹框架了坦桑尼亚伦盖伊火山特殊岩浆的形成。 +公元后12世纪,来自东非和阿拉伯国家的水手们来到了马尔代夫。,"In the 12th century AD, sailors from East Africa and Arab countries came to the islands." +Trees should be planted every few meters.,树应间隔几米种一棵。 +"But, according to Varella, government bureaucracy is as dense as the forest itself, prompted by a deep fear of bio-piracy.",但是,据Varella所说,对掠夺生态的极度忧虑,使得政府的官僚作风如森林一样密不透风。 +"Tonight I squeeze some time from my busy schedule to write you this ""farewell letter"".",今天在百忙中抽空给大家写下这封“离别信”, 心中感情无比复杂,喜忧参半! +Good evening !,羲,晚上好! +"Results show that stable CWPU can be prepared by using hydrophilic monomers including epoxy chloropropane and MAH at 18.0% content, to form films of good water resistance.",结果表明,当亲水单体环氧氯丙烷和马来酸酐含量为18.0%时,可以制得稳定的含蓖麻油的水性聚氨酯乳液,并且胶膜具有良好的耐水性。 +Look for the RQ-170 copy at the Zhuhai [air show] next year.,明年的珠海航空展上,将会出现仿RQ-170侦察机。 +Forward-looking ground penetrating radar (FLGPR) is an effective tool to detect buried targets by discerning the discontinuities in the electric permittivity of the propagation medium.,前视探地雷达是一种利用地下介质的不连续性来探测地下目标的有效工具。 +Ofsted also visited a high school which identified all year 11 students – 15-16-year-olds – who were at risk of falling short of their expected GCSE grades as having special educational needs.,Ofsted也参观了一所高中,这所学校全年跟踪调查11名15至16岁的学生,而这些学生都是有可能在高中毕业考试取得比预期较低的成绩。 +"Speaking of testing, your test length should be minimally be 10-15 minutes in length in order for the JVM to optimize the bytecode and runtime to stabilize.",说到测试,您的测试长度应该最少为 10-15 分钟以便 JVM 能够优化字节码和运行时达到稳定状态。 +Click on a candy-flavored icon and a web page launches in that tab.,点击糖果图标会在该标签页打开一新网页。 +I hope to come back in 20 years to watch games at Anfield as a supporter .,我希望20年以后可以以一个支持者的身份回到安菲尔德看球。 +They are new-comers to our circle .,他们是我们同行中新来的人。 +The camera and hand-eye calibrations are two important elements in the applications of vision robot.,摄像机和机器人手眼标定是视觉机器人应用中的重要问题。 +"Dear readers, our library is about to close, please don't forget your belongings. We wish you a good time.",亲爱的读者朋友们,图书馆即将闭馆,请不要遗忘随身携带的物品。祝您阅读愉快! +"On top of that, coprolites, as palaeontologists politely describe fossil faeces, have turned up with ammonite shells in them.",除此之外,被古生物学家委婉地形容成粪化石的粪便化石中也找到了古鹦鹉螺的壳。 +Systems with line frequency referred clocks not acceptable.,不接受带有辅助线频率的时钟的系统。 +"Mr Morgan, of the Environmental Health Trust, a U.S. campaign group, spoke out after re-examining the figures from six previous studies.",美国环境健康基金的摩根先生在重新检查了以前六项研究的数据之后发表了上述评论。 +This is Chengtai Trading Company.,这里是正泰贸易公司。 +"Objective To discuss the occurrence and correlation factor of neonatuses with birth defect in Ruyang County, Henan.",目的探讨河南省汝阳县出生缺陷儿的发生情况及相关因素。 +"We put forword the idea of design warp tension independent system consists of main circuit based on S3C44B0X and peripheral circuit, which can be integrated into the whole loom control system.",在硬件电路设计方面,提出以S3C44B0X为核心的主电路设计与外围电路设计两部分协同设计经纱张力独立系统,集成到整个织机控制系统中。 +"On the sequence-ordering problem, the conversion rules among the sequoncy ordering, binary ordering, and the Hadamard -matrices ordering have been given.",在定序问题上,通过二进制码与格雷码间的转换,列出三种序数-序率序数、二进制序数与哈德玛矩阵序数一之间的转换规则。 +"But Seedorf, a Dutchman of Surinamese descent, claimed the temperamental forward is singled out for special treatment for other reasons.",但是西多夫,苏里南裔的荷兰人,却认为这名喜怒无常的前锋是因为其他原因才受到了特殊对待。 +Creatup excellent design for the Xinhua Bookstore in 2010 a new logo.,传大优浦为新华书店2010年的新标志设计。 +"Moreover, a specialized engine intake silencer and exhaust silencers test bench was designed, and the tests and analysis are performed as well.",此外,设计了发动机进气消声器性能测试专用实验台,从实验角度研究了共振频率与腔体尺寸之间的关系。 +Dining alone may well be one the most awkward times of solo travel but like anything the more you do it the more you get used to it.,独自进食也许是单独旅行者最尴尬的时刻之一,但是就像其他事情一样,你做的越多,你就越适应。 +Currency is an inevitable outcome of the goods' inter contradictions and the goods exchange which develops to a certain period.,货币是商品的内在矛盾发展到一定阶段的必然产物,是商品交换发展到一定阶段的必然结果。 +I could not say for certain that he was wrong.,我不能断然地说,他是错了。 +"Teacher call the roll and if one miss too much attendance would fail the course, but this way doesn't work that much.",老师点名,如果缺课多的人就会挂科,但是这招也不怎么管用了。 +"But, one of the things I'm interested in is national identity, in fact because we kind of have complex attitudes toward our own identity I suppose, me and my family.","不过有一个我感兴趣的就是国家身份,其实因为我们对于自己身份,的看法比较复杂,我和我的家庭" +Captions should clearly identify the main people in a photograph.,图像文字说明需要明确标明照片中的主要人物。 +"The iPhone app industry is beginning to resemble the music industry with its ""hit-driven"" nature. One ""hit"" gets a developer on the map and gives them the chance to sell more apps.","iPhone应用产业开始跟唱片产业有些相似,都是“流行为主导""(hit-riven)的产业,一个“畅销应用“可以让开发者出名,从而让这些开发者有机会卖出更多的应用。" +"The information branching project of Jilin digital earthquake observation network is one of the tenth"" five year-plan""construction project.",吉林数字地震观测网络信息分项目是“十五”重点建设项目。 +"Anyone who gives you an answer right now, do not listen to them about anything else because you cannot trust them, "" Osterholm said.""",如何有人现在就给你答案,你别听他的,因为你没法相信他,”他说。 +"The paper analyses how the fiscal agriculture spending running in poverty reducing, and demonstrates how the C. A. S should be used and distributed.",本文分析了财政农业支出对减贫的作用机理,提出了当前农村减贫中不同农村财政支出的合理区间和运作方式。 +"Nevertheless, total demand in Europe has grown steadily and reached around 9.4 Mtpa in 2016.",然而,欧洲的总需求稳步增长,并在2016年达到约940万吨。 +Control what data can be seen and acted on when collaborating on a two-way form.,在双向表单上协作时,控制可以看见和操作的数据。 +"In chapter 4, the two-dimension channel estimation is carried out by interpolation in frequency and time direction.",在第四章研究了多载波系统的信道估计,先分析了二维内插滤波信道估计的性能和参数选取。 +Sergi Did you see last year's Jim Carrey movie?,看过去年吉姆·凯里演的那部电影吗? +"Uranus is due to stay in Aries only until August 1, but it will be long enough to see that life in the office is becoming easier and less pressured.",虽然天王星在白羊座只停留到8月1号,但这段时间将足够的长,以让感到的办公室生变得容易一点,少一点压力。 +"Yang said a majority of ASEAN countries were founding members of the BFA, played an active role in the forum and offered support to the growth of the forum.",杨洁篪说,多数东盟成员国系博鳌亚洲论坛发起国,积极参与论坛活动,为论坛发展壮大提供了大力支持。 +"Principles of growth technique including management of soil, water and fertilizer, pruning, flower and fruit management and disease and pest control were also outlined in the paper.",本文阐述了主要栽培技术,包括土肥水管理、整形修剪、花果管理和病虫害防治。 +"In almost all religions, the summum bonum can be attained only after death.",在几乎所有的宗教中,至善要在死亡后才能实现。 +All images on this site are copyrighted. No reprinting or commerce using under our permission.,本博客的原创图片受版权保护,未经同意不得转载或用于商业用途。 +"Any regular expressions are allowed in pattern docstrings (the method .t_contraction(), for example, contains a ""lookbehind assertion"" in the pattern).",模式文档字符串中允许使用任何正则表达式(举例来说, .t_contraction() 方法包含模式中的一个“向后插入”)。 +"Gentiana manshurica kitagawa, a traditional Chinese medicine, is an important resource of grassland in west Heilongjiang.",东北龙胆是我省西部重要资源植物,著名的中药。 +"In a nurturant world, the infant's own behavior prompts and configures much of the physical, social, and vocal information that is used to construct a linguistic system.",在这个养成的社会中,婴儿的个体行为促进并建构了物理学,社会学,以及语音方面的信息,这些信息被用来建立一个语言的系统。 +"To track down two identity, Lin azusa to hijack field mother, thanks to the three Lin arrived on time.",为追查二林身份,高木企图趁机劫持田母,幸亏三林及时赶到。 。 +"Let's forget the hashtags now, and hope for his success—and our own prosperity and security.",现在,让我们忘却他身上的标签吧,一起祝福他获得成功——为我们自己的繁荣和安全。 +Not since silent screen star Mary Pickford has the title of America's Sweetheart been given such a workout as it has in application to Meg Ryan.,继无声电影明星玛丽·皮克福德之后,“美国大众情人”的称号从未像授予梅格·瑞恩那样为人们所认可。 +"The article analyses the significance of protecting bio-diversity and the reasons of living beings extinction caused by human beings, then puts forward the protective measures.",分析了保护生物多样性的意义及人为因素导致生物灭绝的原因,并提出了保护生物多样性的措施。 +"In 2001 several university professors organized the first of several learning trips, bringing key Marshalltown leaders to Villachuato, Mexico.",2001年,几所大学的教授们组织了一系列考察活动中的首次考察,使马歇尔敦的一些主要负责人来到墨西哥的比拉恰托。 +"Premier Li Keqiang and several other senior officials from Beijing flew to Sichuan on Saturday afternoon, according to the state media.",国家媒体报道称,李克强总理和其他数名高级京官于周六下午飞抵四川。 +The event has gained support from the United Nations Environmental Program.,此次文化节得到了联合国环境保护机构的大力支持。 +Green Umbrella Stand This rather elegant new age umbrella stand uses rainwater from your umbrella to feed thirsty grass and adds a fun spot of green to your foyer.(Designer,绿色雨伞架 这个优雅的新时代雨伞架是通过从你雨伞上流下的雨水来滋润干渴的小草的。 +"It's not surprising that teams attempted this style of development because, metaphorically, it matches how design works in more traditional engineering.",团队想使用这种风格进行开发并不奇怪,因为这更符合设计在传统工程中的工作方式。 +"On the exciting kite site, the excited reciter cited my verse.",在激动的风筝现场,激动的朗诵者应用了我的诗句。 +"There was a man all alone; he had neither son nor brother. There was no end to his toil, yet his eyes were not content with his wealth.",有人孤单无二,无子无兄,竟劳碌不息,眼目也不以钱财为足。 +This Bike needs a tune-up.,这部单车需要调整。 +UBS has reported massive write-downs and the biggest-ever Swiss loss.,瑞银报告大规模减记和有史以来最大的瑞士损失。 +"By configuring combinations of placement heads, an optimal head configuration for the product can be obtained, which maximizes throughput.",通过贴装头的组合,可在少停机、高产量的状态下贴装各种类型元件。 +"But with increasing contents of rutile, wollastonite and magnesia, the spatter decrease.",随着药芯中金红石、硅灰石和镁砂含量增加,焊接飞溅减少; +"The design Using software radio technology, can better receive and reconnoiter multi-channel short wave signals with different frequency and different modulating type;",该方案利用软件无线电技术,可以更好的实现对多路不同频率、不同调制类型的短波信号的接收和侦察; +Again you can call upon your ancestors to show you what the karma is.,再一次,你可以召唤你的祖先前来向你展示业力是什么。 +"My test case runs flawlessly and my handy-dandy code coverage report (below in Figure 3) makes me look like a superstar, with 100% test coverage!",我的测试案例正确运行,我的神奇的代码覆盖报告(如下面图 3 所示)使我看上去像个超级明星,测试覆盖率达到了 100%! +"For these multidomain proteins, folding is generally thought to be hierarchical and the individual domains with different stabilities fold autonomously and independently.",多结构域蛋白的折叠一般认为是有序的,每个结构域具有不同的稳定性,它们独立自主地进行折叠。 +The paper discussed the effect of test conditions on measurement result of oxidables of butyl rubber bottle stoppers.,讨论试验条件对丁基橡胶抗生素瓶塞易氧化物测定结果的影响。 +Perhaps the best that can be hoped for is a rapid shift from antithesis to Hegelian synthesis.,或许我们能抱有的最好的希望就是从对立主义到黑格尔学说迅速的转变。 +"The Dao of Loyalty and Faith"" is one of the special article in Guo Dian Bamboo Slips.""",忠信之道》是郭店楚墓竹简中很有特点的篇章。 +Model static correction which mainly studies the surface structure build up the correct control of static correction.,模型法静校正主要是研究表层结构,建立对静校正合理的控制。 +The latest Universum survey ranked Google as the No. 1 employer among young professionals.,这份优兴咨询的最新调查显示,最受年轻人青睐的雇主为谷歌。 +"Welcome to come back,dear.But why do you get home so late?",欢迎回来,宝贝儿。可你为什么回来得这么晚? +All compared the relative merits of outdoor exercise compared to indoors.,所有的数据都将室内运动和室外运动进行了比较。 +Eastern Atlantic: Guinea to Gabon .,东大西洋:几内亚到加彭。 +"After this man rose up Judas of Galilee in the days of the taxing, and drew away much people after him: he also perished; and all, even as many as obeyed him, were dispersed.",此后报名上册的时候,又有加利利的犹大起来,引诱些百姓跟从他,他也灭亡,附从他的人也都四散了。 +"Serbian swimmers dive in the cold waters of the Sava lake as they compete to reach a cross in Belgrade as part of the Epiphany day celebration on January 19, 2011.",2011年1月19日,塞尔维亚游泳者们纷纷跳入冰冷的萨瓦河,争相去取贝尔格莱德里的十字架,这是庆祝显现节一种方式。 +But Sharenow and Horn didn’t believe a lower-brightness light could produce the market results they were after.,不过Sharenow和Horn不认为一款低亮度的照明产品能带来他们追求的市场反应。 +"Robert Baan, an IARC cancer expert, said it wasn't clear if women who lose weight have a lower cancer risk or if the damage was already done from when they were heavy.",国际癌症研究机构的癌症专家罗伯特·贝恩(Robert Baan)说,减肥的女性是否患乳腺癌的几率更低,或者是否当她们体重过重时威胁已经存在,目前都还不太清楚。 +Ask her how people earn trust in her country or what her culture values in a leader.,向对方询问了解,在其国家如何获得他人信任,或者其文化最看重领导者的何种素质。 +The Northeast of China is an independent geography unit and economic district correspondingly.,东北是个相对独立的地理单元和经济区域。 +This configuration will allow him to reach the solar wing and investigate the problem.,这样的配置结构可以让他到达太阳翼并展开调查。 +"Lastly, the usability aspect of the redistribute utility has improved by allowing you to specify table order and to stop and continue redistributing data table by table.",最后,重分发实用程序的可用性方面也得到了提高,现在可以指定表顺序,并且可以逐个表地停止和继续重分发数据表。 +"Told that it had been suggested in New Zealand that Inglis' party should have stopped their ascent and rescued the man, Inglis replied: ""Absolutely, that's a very fair comment.""",据说在在新西兰,有人认为Inglis应该停止他们的攀登而去救援那个英国人。 +The connection's so bad(that)I can hardly hear you.,线接得那么糟,我几乎听不清你的声音。 +"Due to the theory of self-efficacy in a final goal plays an important role, and it was applied to any education context.",由于自我效能理论能够在这一最终目标的实现中发挥重要作用,因而一经提出就被运用到教育情境中。 +The effects of DBR reflectivity and well numbers on threshold current and output power of bottom-emitting VCSELs were analyzed to design an optimal device structure.,分析了腔镜反射率、量子阱数等参数对阈值电流、输出光功率的影响,并根据理论计算对器件参数进行了优化设计。 +You can use the results from the query in your application logic.,您可以在应用程序逻辑中使用查询结果。 +They provided entertainment for Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki and other high level officials at the reopening of one of Baghdad's major bridges.,孩子们是在为参加大桥重新开通仪式的伊拉克总理马利基和其他高级官员在表演。 +I am both surprised and deeply humbled by the decision of theNobel Committee.,诺贝尔奖委员会的决定令我既惊讶又深受感动。 +TQC over the project will indeed be strengthened.,对待这个工程的全面质量管理将要增强。 +The yurts are actually not that small inside and it's cool in summer and warm in winter days. Every yurt has a skylight on its top.,蒙古包内部其实不小,冬暖夏凉,蒙古包上方都会有一个天窗可打开,白天时可打开以增加照明。 +Vegetable and herb jellies traditionally complement lamb and other meat dishes.,蔬菜或香草冻通常作为羔羊肉或其它肉食品的佐料。 +Anemoside A3 produced less relaxation in rings contracted by 60 mM KCl compared with rings contracted by receptor-dependent ligands.,白头翁皂苷A3对60 mM氯化钾预收缩肾动脉的舒张作用弱于受体依赖型的配体收缩剂。 +The smell is more refreshing than plain cold compresses and might help you relax and destress a little.,这种方法的味道比起那种平淡的冷敷法可是好闻多了的,不仅可以让你放轻松,还可以帮你缓解压力。 +"But Casino, an archrival of Carrefour, owns 37% of CBD and is poised to take control next year.",然而家乐福的主要对手卡西诺却拥有CBD 37%的股份,并打算明年对其进行收购。 +"In Washington, the Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs, Charles Snyder, says there is little doubt that the Arab-Muslim government in Khartoum has deep ties to the Janjaweed. Mr.",在美国首都华盛顿,负责非洲事务的副助理国务卿斯奈德表示,毫无疑问,喀土穆的阿拉伯穆斯林政府和阿拉伯民兵有着密切的联系。 +"The clinical staging was more sensitivity (89.5%) than XE-MRI staging, which is more specificity (79.17%) and accuracy (83.33%) in diagnosing prostate cancer.",直肠指诊诊断局限性前列腺癌有较高的敏感性(89.5%),DCE-MRI则有较高的特异性(79.17%)及准确性(83.33%)。 +"The results showed:vine productivity, shoot and leaf area development were to a great extent decided by the training systems.",结果表明:树体生产力、枝条与叶面积的发育很大程度上取决于栽培方式; +The positive expression rates of VEGFR-3 and VEGF-C in breast cancer with lymph node metastasis were significantly higher than that without lymph node metastasis(P<0.05);,乳腺癌组织中VEGFR-3和VEGF-C阳性表达率在有、无淋巴结转移组之间的差异均有显著性(P<0.05); +I've only just come here. I'm still not familiar with the work.,刚到这里, 工作很生。 +"Designed for the office environment, it requires no special wir­ing. It is mounted on locking swivel casters and operates quietly and cleanly.",由于该设备用于办公环境,它就要求没有多余的电线,安装在锁定旋转脚轮上,时工作的时候既安静又干净。 +"Byron Henry's charm and dash, his ingenuity, his boyish appeal, all came back to her.",拜伦·亨利的魔力和闯劲、他的机灵、他的孩子气的吸引力,全又从她心底涌起。 +Are your tardy in your work or study?,谈在你的工作、学习中是否有拖拉的现象? +"Turbo-folk, a frenetic meld of traditional folk and electronic music, blasted out from the pavement cafés, where locals passed the evening sipping fruit tea and chain-smoking.",“透波”音乐从路边的咖啡馆里震耳欲聋地传出来,这是一种传统民间音乐和电子音乐的混合。 咖啡馆里本地人啜饮着果茶,抽着烟打发着他们的夜晚。 +"Yeah, I see. I need 20foot container this time. a big order.",是的,我明白, 我这次需要一个20英尺柜的货, 是一个大单。 +Results RMS values presented the degressive trend from lower-order to higher-order;,结果波前像差由低阶到高阶RMS值呈递减趋势; +The big-diameter multi-pile foundations were applied by the Darmngmen Bridge and the transverse bridge at Hengbin Port in Japan.,本文介绍了采用大直径多柱式基础的日本大鸣门桥和横滨港横断桥基础的结构和施工方法,提出了比较新颖的扩孔方案。 +"Hybridity, signifying and double-voice may be the novel's most outstanding diasporic features in artistry.",混杂性﹑表意性和双重声音是小说文本艺术手法上最突出的飞散特色。 +"We work with who we find, in their profession, not try to change them into something they're not.",从职业的角度看,我们对我们的发现起效即不去改变他们不想改变的。 +"We sometimes forget that we are God-beings, and that the intent of tha Creator was for us enjoy this thing called Life!",有时候我们会忘记自己是神的杰作,忘记造物主的本意是要我们享受生活。 +We will continue to work with all of our valued Android partners to develop and distribute innovative Android-powered devices.,我们将继续同我们所重视的安卓合作商们的合作,共同开发出创新型安卓设备。 +"On the base of analyzing the development trend of replenishment ship all over the world, this paper puts forward the idea of developing the new-style multifunctional replenishment ship.",本文在分析国内外补给船发展趋势的基础上,针对实际需要提出了发展新型多功能补给船的思想。 +"Ideal are like the stars - we never reach them , but like mariners , we chart our course by them. Carl Schurz.",理想犹如天上的星星,我们犹如水手,虽不能达到天上,但是我们的航程可凭借它指引。美国政治家舒尔茨茨。 +Message-driven rule beans are the enterprise beans provided by ILOG JRules to process messages asynchronously.,消息驱动规则 beans 是由 ILOG JRules 提供的、用于异步处理消息的企业 beans。 +So I taught him some Chinese songs.,所以我就教他一些中文歌曲。 +"In general, gnuplot does C-like backslash processing within double quoted strings.",一般来说,gnuplot 在双引号内的字符串中进行类似于 C 的反斜杠处理。 +"And increasingly our people are not in their offices, so being able to participate in videoconferencing using their tablets or smartphones is very important.",而且,我们的员工越来越不局限于坐在办公室内,因此能用平板电脑或智能手机参加可视会议非常重要。 +"Recently, even those have been switched off, and Ellingham Hall has padlocked its gates against intruders.",最近,他甚至更加难以接近。 电话无人接听,访问者被关在在埃琳厄姆紧闭的大门之外。 +"Remember, tigers devour people, but tyranny is fiercer than tigers!",你们记住,老虎吃人,可是苛政比老虎还要凶猛啊! +"Lymphatic filariasis, commonly known as elephantiasis, is a neglected tropical disease.",淋巴丝虫病,俗称象皮病,是一种被忽视的热带疾病。 +"The online travel agencies consolidated and reached scale in a way that the dispersed offline businesses couldn't, but it was still basically the same process.",网上旅游经纪机构的整合效应和规模是分散的线下业务所不能企及的,但流程基本上大同小异。 +"Martha said, “The first time was shortly after we were married, and we were about to lose our little house because we couldn’t pay the mortgage.",玛莎说:“第一次是,我们结婚后不久,我们将要失去我们的小房子,因为我们���法支付抵押贷款。 +"SKY & STAR Fashion Co. is a professional fashion apparel manufacturer, located in the capital of Chinese Apparel - Humen, Dongguan, R&D.",天茗服饰有限公司是一家专业制作时尚服饰的公司,坐落于中国服装之都-东莞虎门。 +They talk in sign Language.,他们用手势语相互交谈。 +They also pledged not to build new submarine-launched nuclear missile platforms without retiring an equivalent number of old intercontinental or submarine-launched missiles.,两国还保证要先退役一批洲际导弹或潜射导弹,才会建造同等数量的新的潜射核导弹平台。 +"They want to broadcast the better side, the brighter side of China; not really the balanced view, "" he said.",他们想要报道中国好的一面,光明的一面,央视没有真正公正平衡的观点。 +High performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) has been successfully applied to extract the biologically active compounds from natural resources.,高效液相色谱法目前已广泛应用于天然产物中生物活性化合物的分离。 +A novel method is introduced for multi-image matching by synthesizing image and space information.,利用城区航空影像中存在的大量铅垂线,提出了一种铅垂线辅助的多影像匹配算法。 +We haudio-videoe known something a person. You know. we haudio-videoe to interview severwouls job seekers we make our finwouls decision.,你的情景我们曾经了解了。你知道,在做出末了定夺之前我们还要面试几位请求人。 +"The stiff-upper-lip protocol of international diplomacy requires negotiators to, in the colourful idiom of a Malayalam saying, Ask for a match-stick to light your bidi even when your beard is on fire.",国际外交协议要求谈判者坚定沉着,套用印度西南部的谚语,那就是“在胡子着火的时候还要向人借火点燃雪茄”。 +The research of the polymer melt molecule movement under the impact of vibration force field can serve as the basis for determining those physical parameters during polymer material processing.,研究聚合物熔体分子在振动力场作用下的运动过程对于准确把握聚合物材料成型加工过程的各物理性能具有重要意义。 +BfW asks for a $10 donation per bicycle from bike donors to help with shipping costs.,"自行车造福世界""组织要求自行车捐赠者再给每辆自行车捐献10美元,用于补贴运输费用。" +"it's happening. And I think it's happening, I think it's being sped up by humans, by our interaction.",这是一个正在发生的事实,由于人类的活动,这个进程在加速。 +It was pointed out that pervaporation will be used more widely in anhydrous ethanol production with the development of high performance membrane and the improvement of membrane modules.,指出了高性能膜的研制以及膜组件的改进将会使渗透汽化法在燃料乙醇生产中得到更加广泛的应用。 +Another advantage is that a persisted workflow can potentially be re-loaded on a machine other than the one it was originally running on.,另一个优点是,工作流可以持久化,然后在另一台机器上再次加载。 +"With amazing speed run, Forrest Gump into the football team, and later entered the university and eventually graduate.",凭着惊人地奔驰速度,阿甘进啦橄榄球队,今后又进啦年夜学并最终顺遂结业。 +"So while I was still in the Liquify mode, I used the Push tool to extend the length of the nose slightly.",因此,虽然我还是在液化模式,我用了推工具延长长度的鼻子略有下降。 +"Under a popular immigration scheme used mostly by people from mainland China, non-Hong Kong residents can obtain residency in the city by investing HK$6.5 million (US$837,600) in local assets.",依据“资本投资者入境”计划,非香港居民对香港本地资产投资650万港元(合837,600美元),就可以获得香港居民身份。 +"After the Battle of Yavin, Dodonna's intelligence reports indicated that Darth Vader had not rejoined the Imperial Fleet.",雅文战役后,多登纳的情报显示达斯·维德没有返回帝国舰队。 +The tower is leaning. In the height of less than 60 meters the vertical deviation accounts for almost 2 meters.,这座高塔正在倾斜,在不到60米的高度内垂直偏差达到了2米。 +Therefore the conferee can obtain more information than at the teleconference.,与会者可获得比电话会议丰富得多的各种信息。 +The school then arranged work for everyone on the production line - it didn't matter what our major was.,后来,学校就把我们每个人都分配在生产线上工作--这和我们的专业完全没关系。 +"In the garden, colorful, exotic flowers are shaded by towering rare trees, and golden buildings and the lake add radiance and beauty to each other.",在公园里,色彩斑斓、异的鲜花,受高大希罕的树木遮蔽,而黄金建筑物和湖泊交相辉映、散光辉与美。 +"He turned. A ray of moonlight outlined his profile, and Jean Valjean recognized old Fauchelevent.",他转过身去,一线月光正照着他的半边脸,冉阿让认出了割风老头儿。 +"This article discusses everything you need to know to have a good understanding of DB2 security plug-ins, the different types of security plug-ins, why they are important, and how to use them.",本文讨论为了很好地理解 DB2 安全性插件而需要知道的方方面面,并讨论不同类型的安全性插件,它们为什么如此重要,以及如何使用它们。 +"However, this is You-Know-Who we're dealing with, so we can't just rely on him getting the date wrong;",不过,我们的对手是神秘人,光指望他把日子搞错是不够的; +The extension of design drawing caused by Party A' failure of the payment of each period should be borne by Party A and has nothing to do with Party B.,甲方若未依约支付各期款项造成设计图纸延误概由甲方自行负责并与乙方无关。 +Wu loves all of Stonesthow's underground hip-hop! It's the biggest musical influences for him. Stonesthrow Records.,这个厂牌下所有地下嘻哈音乐风格都很有新意,他非常喜欢。 +"THE Toronto film festival, which ends this week, marks the start of the serious-film season.",这周多伦多电影节的结束标志着严肃电影季的开始。 +"For example, in the West, the description of the characters, not visible to the soliloquy and inner psychological description.",例如,在西方,对人物的描写,注重不可见的独白和内在心理描写。 +Objective To study the rules of circumferential margin infiltration in middle and (or) lower rectal cancer and provide pathologic basis on clinical therapy of rectal cancer.,研究中低位直肠癌系膜环周切缘的癌浸润规律,为直肠癌的临床治疗提供病理学依据。 +A group of mud additives specifically designed to lower the volume of filtrate that passes through a filter medium.,降低泥浆通过渗透介质时的滤失量的一种特殊泥浆添加剂。 +"We may revise this User Agreement from time to time, so please check this Web page each time you visit the Site.",我们可能会不时修改本用户协议,所以请您在每次登录本网站时检查本网页。 +"FUNKY MANGO, INC is an international purchaser from United States, need to buy products of Woven Goods, Home Appliances, Gift, Sports and Tourism Leisure Products, Luggage etc. categories.",该公司是一家国际采购商,来自美国,需要购买的产品类别包括:编织品、家用电器、礼品、体育及旅游休闲用品、箱包等。 +"He played the role of a underworld don, but used his muscle-power for good cause.",他扮演一个黑社会唐,但用自己的肌肉力量,为良好的事业。 +The existence of dark matter has been inferred through the gravitational pull it exerts on luminous galaxies and stars.,通过暗物质对发光星球和星系施加的引力可以推测出其存在。 +"Always ask the caller if it's all right to put her on hold when answering the phone, and don't leave people on hold. Provide callers on hold with progress reports every 30 to 45 seconds.",(若对方要找的人不方便接电话)应询问对方是否可以稍等一下,但不要把对方晾在一旁,应该每30~45秒向对方报告一次进度。 +Another group of magnificent fiddles is on view in the Stradivari museum.,另一些出色的小提琴则陈列在斯特拉瓦迪博物馆。 +"The utility model relates to a winding device for flexible slender articles, which is composed of a basic frame, a base, a winding drum and a rocking arm.",一种挠性长条物的卷收装置,包括:一基架,其为由杆件构成的框体; +"But it’s an important symptom, with consequences that can be harsh.",但这种这种症状非常重要,因为后果可能很严重。 +"Last week as many as 1, 000 drivers gathered in the centre of Shantou city in Guangdong during a two-day stoppage.",上周大约有1000名司机聚集在广东汕头市中心,停运两天。 +"At a later performance elsewhere, he had the gates locked so no one could leave while he was on stage.",后来在另一个地方的一次演出中,尼禄让人把门锁上,在他演出时不准有任何人出去。 +Is the eye dry with what eyedrop best?,眼睛干涩用什么眼药水最好? +Rachel Stein aka Ellis de Vries: He just showed me his stamp collection.,蕾切尔·斯坦恩:他只是给我看他地集邮册。 +"XML has emerged as the standard of meta language representing data format. It is rich, clear, extensible and self-description. All advantages make it the best candidate for representing data model.",XML作为一种数据格式描述的元语言标准,它的充足性、条理性、可扩展性和自描述性成为其作为数据模型描述语言的优势。 +But the consequences of poor sexual and reproductive health go well beyond STIs.,然而,不良的性和生殖健康的后果远远超出了性传播疾病的本身。 +Angoras may need special protection from the cold for about a month after sheeringshearing.,安哥拉山羊在剪毛后的大约一个月期间内需要特殊的御寒措施。 +"Question: if you have sorts of colleagues, how to cooperate with them?",问题:假设这四种类型的人作为你的同事,如何与他们打交道? +"Currently the paradigm of subject and object, which is holed by some scholars, highlights their conscious of construct and also diversifies the theory of the Environment Law.",当下“主客一体”的革命性范式,彰显了相关论者范式建构的自觉,并推动了环境法理论的多元化发展。 +"They mainly existed in the actions of the players with ball, the positional sense of the players without ball, the handling of the individual skills and the team work in the entire tactics.",这些差距,主要表现在对抗条件下有球队员的行动、无球队员有意识的跑位和个人技术的运用及整体战术意识的配合等方面来分析说明。 +"For Ubuntu to move forward, people must try future releases and report the bugs, but don't go down that road unless you understand that everything you do might disappear.",为了Ubuntu能不断进步,必须有人试用将来的发行版,并且报告bug,但是在你对自己的文件随时可能消失有所觉悟之前别这么尝试。 +"Those deals are also pretty good for the entrepreneurs in-question, bringing them a job at one of the hottest tech companies as well as valuable Facebook stock.",这些交易对企业家有好处,比如,在最热门的高科技公司给他们带来一份工作,同时可持有很多有价值的Facebook股票。 +Miriel needs your help!,玛丽娅需要你的帮助! +The Maritime Declaration of Health has been updated to reflect the broader scope of the IHR (2005) and currently accepted technical standards and terminology.,航海健康申报单业经修改,以反映《国际卫生条例(2005)》较宽广的范围和目前通行的技术标准和术语。 +Conclusion : NO in the pterygopalatine and otic ganglia may play an important role in regulating NPY release at the postganglionic fiber ends.,结论:NO可能对翼腭神经节、耳神经节节后神经纤维末梢NPY的释放起重要作用。 +Ma majory types of data on juvenile crime are not collected or mixturedforthe state.,有关青少年犯罪类型的数据并没有被统计。 +"""It may be that the latest version of an ERP system delivers so much functionality and business efficiencies that moving up a purchase seems to be the right thing to do, "" Stahl says.",为了最新版本的ERP系统实现了这么多的功能和商业有效性而提升购买服务器看起来是一个正确的事情。” 斯特尔说。 +Some government bean counters regard even that proposed$13.5 billion price tag(for 20 B-2s)as too low an estimate.,政府的若干账房师长教师认为即使是135亿美圆的价格(20架B-2轰炸机)也还预计患上太低。 +Informix 11.7 offers one of the industry's most comprehensive sets of high-availability options in a platform-independent environment.,Informix 11.7 在独立于平台的环境中提供业内最全面的高可用性选项。 +Pipe line steel (X60~X80) and helicoids steel (ADB610D) supplied to the three gorges projects have been put into large scale production.,铸机高技术高附加值产品的比例明显提高,X60~X80管线用钢和ADB610D三峡右岸蜗壳用钢已大批量生产。 +Objective To discuss the clinical characteristic and therapeutic strategy of contrecoup injury in frontal lobe.,目的探讨对冲性额部脑挫裂伤的临床特点和治疗策略。 +"One of the main tasks of Sixteenth Central Committee of the Communist Party of China is working hard on reform and opening-up, provide mightiness power for development.",进一步推进改革,为发展提供强大动力,是十六大报告提出的主要任务之一。 +The prevalence rate of nutrition-related diseases was relatively high.,营养相关疾病患病率较高。 +"Col 3:9 Lie not one to another, seeing that ye have put off the old man with his deeds;",西3:9 不要彼此说谎,因你们已经脱去旧人和旧人的行为。 +The witness affirmed to the facts.,证人证明这些确是事实。 +"The UNHCR reports a sharp increase in the number of people being smuggled across the Gulf of Aden. It says more than 31,000 have arrived in Yemen so far this year.",联合国难民署报告说,穿越亚丁海偷渡的人数急剧增加,到今年目前为止,已经有3千1百多人偷渡到也门。 +"Whether it be a dog, cat or just a goldfish, we all typically tend to enjoy a nice companion.",无论是狗和猫,还是只金鱼,我们通常都倾向于享受好伴侣。 +"At once rode forward Zhang Fei, his serpent halberd poised to strike.",在一次骑马向前张飞,他的蛇戟准备战斗。 +The microcapsule used for paper was prepared using nature macromolecule material sodium alginate and chitosan as wall and a colorless dye oil as core by complex-coacervation.,采用天然高分子物质壳聚糖、 海藻酸钠为壁材,无色染料油溶液为芯材,通过复合凝聚法制备纸用微囊。 +"If both parties can discuss the full range of their behavior, however, almost any relationship can work. You just need to follow three basic steps.",可是如果双反能够讨论他们全面的行为,那么几乎任何关系都会奏效。你只需要遵循下面三个基本步骤。 +These kids will slide down from the middle.,而这些孩子将从山腰间滑落。 +"So as demand increases, the amount of CPU allocated to a given application can increase and visa-versa.",因此,在需求增加时,分配给指定应用程序的 CPU 数量可以增加,反之亦然。 +Maofeng tea of the Yellow Mountains is well known at home and abroad.,黄山的毛峰茶也是享誉国内外的茶叶。 +"So the man did that, telling his story in a ten-city area called the Decapolis, and ""all the people were amazed.""",于是他便照着行,在一个覆盖十个城市的地区低加波里分享他的故事,结果,「众人就都希奇」。 +"In order to provide the thrust history of flight sustainer for calculating rocket trajectory, the identification simulation method of ZN-3 sustainer is presented in this paper.",再确定喷管效率;最后用内弹道计算和性能计算方法确定飞行发动机的地面推力数据。 +There under the hedge was his motorcycle with one badly dented fender.,有根据对冲是他的三轮摩托车的一个严重凹陷的挡泥板。 +Eeek! ! A wasp!,呃,一只黄蜂! 䠐。 +The World Health Organisation advises people to consume no more than 5g of salt.,世贸建议每人每天不要摄取超过5克的盐。 +"Early on, Synaptics thought that text entry was a big problem on mobile phones that had simple numeric keypads, and proposed a full QWERTY keyboard solution.",Synaptics曾经认为在只有简单数字键盘的手机上进行文本输入是个大难题,并且提出使用完整的标准键盘来解决。 +The upper house of Russia's parliament is set to begin debate Monday on recognizing the independence of the two republics.,俄罗斯议会上院预定星期一开始就承认这两个分裂共和国独立的问题展开辩论。 +"In 1976 the U.S. Air Force announced that it would begin accepting women cadets into their corps, a decision hastened by the end of the draft.",1976年,美国空军又宣布将招募女子航空兵,这个决定,可谓是那个提案末尾几句话所带来的产物。 +"I think AWP / AWM is the lamest no skill weapon ever, they really should remove it from CS.",我认为AWP差不多是最有缺陷的不需要技术的武器。他们迟早会把它从CS中去掉。 +"Methods:6 patients were treated with endovascular occlusion by detachable balloon, 2 of them were treated with detachable balloon and neurosurgical procedure.",方法:6例复发性、难治性颈内动脉海绵窦瘘患者,采用经皮股动脉径路、可脱球囊栓塞,其中2例结合开颅手术治疗。 +"By image processing, the angle of pigtail endface is gained.",通过图像处理,得到尾纤的端面角度。 +As the first Andro-Tribulus product to hit the market.,作为最早进入市场的安珠蒺藜产品。 +"Now, acetabular reconstructions that are conducted with autograft and allograft filling the defect and special techniques are effective.",应用自体骨和同种异体骨移植填充骨缺损,目前使用特殊的重建方法行髋臼重建已取得了一定的疗效。 +Every year Uncle Tom's roses are the despair of all the village gardeners because he always wins the first prize at the flower show.,每年,汤姆叔叔的玫瑰都使村中的 园艺 爱好者绝望,因为在花展中他总是获得首奖。 +Finally the approximation algorithm for the minimum weak vertex cover set is analyzed based on the maximal flow partition.,进一步分析了求解基于最大流划分的最小弱顶点覆盖集的近似算法。 +"The success of luwak coffee has given birth to a plethora of fake brands, which promise that special civet experience at half the usual price.",麝香猫的成功也造成了假冒产品泛滥,保证来自麝香猫的原料的咖啡售价只是正常价格的一半。 +"Thee algorithm uses data from Baidu's map app, said a research report published by Baidu's Big Data Lab Tuesday, studying the number of map queries and the number of users in an area.",该运算法使用了百度地图应用程序的数据,研究地图查询的数量和用户在一个地区的数量,百度大数据实验室周二发布的研究报告说。 +I enjoy reading biograpies, especially those of well-known statesmen, militarists,scientists and artists.I can learn a lot from their life histories.,我喜欢读传记,尤其是那些著名政治家、军事家、科学家和艺术家的传记,他们的生平使我受益良多。 +"As another example, it would be smart to treat the insults and provocations of strangers—rude behavior on the highway, nasty remarkson the internet—as irrelevant. There’s no payoff to getting mad.",还有个例子关于如何对待陌生人的���辱和挑衅,譬如路边的粗野动作和网络上的污言秽语,聪明的做法是把这些看成与己无关,为琐事狂怒并不能增加收入。 +The specific problems existing in the Maths paper writing beginners and both of the beginners and the veterans have common problems during their Maths paper writing process5.,初写数学论文和已对写“数学论文”很熟悉的超常儿童存在的问题之间有共性; +"All the splendor in the world is not worth a good friend .(Voltaire , French thinker)",人世间所有的荣华富贵不如一个好朋友。 +""" KM701 Nova Chrome Vehicle Accessories Accessories quad Parts 4Wheeler optional accessories vehicle ""off"" road. synthesis on the performance of the ""car"" in the ""United"" States and online services.",KM701新星 - 铬 - “亚视配件” - “四路配件” - 4Wheeler零件 - 可选越野汽车配件。了解汽车的性能调整在美国在线和服务。 +"Committee Member of Committee of Social Science, Ministry of Education P. R. C;",兼任国务院学位委员会学科评议组成员,教育部社会科学委员会委员。 +Morgen: This suggests that they intend on keeping her.,这表明他们打算关着她。 +"Automobiles and furniture remained the most popular consumption choices, respectively securing 40% and 38% year-on-year growth rate.",汽车和家具继续成为消费热点,同比分别增长40%和38%。 +"Outside the court Detective Inspector Mark Roters, from Greater Manchester police, read a statement on behalf of ­Gilligan's partner and family.",在法庭外,来自曼彻斯特总警察局的检察官Mark Roters,以Gilligan的伴侣以及家庭的名义,宣读了一份声明。 +"On the bases of combining actual data, the problem of prediction in roadbed settlement is resolved preferably by using grey model.",在结合实测数据的基础上,利用灰色模型较好的解决了路基沉降预测的问题。 +"This model yields a multivariable dynamic system, and the results of numerical integration of the nonlinear simultaneous differential equations correlate well with field tests.",整个模型为一多变量动态系统,采用非线性常微分方程组直接数值积分,其计算结果与实际情况相当吻合。 +"In this work, the RV type drive i. e. design and calculation of the closed type planetary gear with the cycloidal wheel are discussed.",本文较详细地讨论了RV型传动,即具有摆线轮的封闭式行星传动的设计计算。 +"I couldn’t help laughing to myself at the thought that whether or not I succeeded in making peace in the Middle East, Bosnia, or Northern Ireland, at least I had saved some Aegean sheep.",我自己忍不住在心里笑,我想:即便我无法在中东、波斯尼亚或北爱尔兰取得和平,我至少挽救了一些爱琴海的绵羊。 +The biological invasion has become a matter of concern to the whole world along with the development of globalized economy and the increasing international flows of goods and people.,全球经济一体化逐步发展,国际间人流和物流日益增加, 生物入侵问题已成为人们共同关心的问题。 +I'm thinking of a way to get there as soon as possible.,我正找辙,怎么友爱尽快赶到那儿。 +"Should you have been recently that will option, you already know precisely how rapid it might gobble way up your current nest-egg plus the multi level marketing brings even now don��t come about.",有时候,只有选择放弃,你才能得到自己想要的东西。每个人要懂得放弃,只有这样才能得到真正属于自己的东西。 +"Over in Kansas, MrBrownback is guardedly optimistic. He says he has thought for some time that ""ceasefirenegotiations"" were needed, and that this bill is a ""necessary condition for us to negotiate"".",而肯萨斯州方面,布朗巴克对此保持着谨慎的乐观,他说停火谈判的必要性已经在他脑子里有一段时间了,这部法案为我们谈判提供了必要的条件。 +"T-bag: You got a foul mouth, you know that?",你嘴巴挺脏啊,你知道吗? +How do you live a simple life?Here are some good suggestions as follow.,做到一时一事,我们的生活也变得简单了。 +Objectives To investigate the clinical significance of serum cystatin C in patients with chronic heart failure (CHF).,目的 观察慢性心力衰竭患者血清半胱氨酸蛋白酶抑制物-C的变化及其临床意义。 +The key technique for network program is WINSOCK.,本系统的关键技术是WINSOCK的网络编程。 +"As he walked past the tree, an apple dropped from it.",当他走过那棵树时,一个苹果从树上掉了下来。 +"Shi C. H. , J. G. Wu, J. Zhu, L. J. Fan and P. Wu, Developmental genetic analysis of milled rice weight at different filling stages in indica rice (Oryza sativa L. ).",石春海、吴建国、朱军、樊龙江和吴平,籼稻精米重量性状的发育遗传分析。 +A new fisheye view is described for the visualization of large scale hierarchical data using nested circles.,针对海量层��信息可视化问题,提出嵌套圆鱼眼视图及实现方法。 +The formation of polyhalides depends on the combination of a central halide ion with a halogen.,多卤化物的形成取决于中心卤化物离子与卤素的结合。 +Fairbairn's genius was to recognize that the rejecting object relationship further suppressed the exciting object relationship system.,的天赋就在于他认识到产生拒绝的客体关系进一步压制了产生激发的客体关系系统。 +"Transgenic goats, rabbits and mice are also serving as living drug factories, producing pharmaceutical proteins in their milk, which can be used to produce drugs such as hormone and interferon .",转基因山羊,兔子,老鼠被作为活体药物工厂生产药用蛋白质,它们的奶中就含有各种药物蛋白,这些药物蛋白可以用来生产激素和干扰素等药物。 +"Many people suffered trouble. There was no food, water or light in some places. Our government called on people to fight against heavy snow.",部分山区人平易近生活异样艰苦,在各级政府的率领下, 代发论文,人平易近大众、束缚军兵士勇敢抗击雪灾,出现出大量悲喜交集的好汉业绩。 +Use a different XML schema language such as RelaxNG or Schematron,使用不同的 XML 模式语言,比如 RelaxNG 或 Schematron +They arose at sunrise to get an early start to the park.,他们黎明即起,早出发去公园。 +"Grid digital terrain is produced with getting reference point by subarea and weighted averaging method, and is visualized.",进一步采取分区域选点法,用加权平均法生成了网格数字地形,实现了地形的可视化。 +"Aw TaShi, Chinese Malaysian writer currently living in Britain, won the 2005 Whitbread Book Awards with his first novel The Harmony Silk Factory.",马来西亚旅英华裔作家欧大旭以《丝之谜》获2005年英国惠特布莱德小说奖。 +"Important : Daily report on your work by email or chat, full copyright cession, full privacy on project and client.",重要事项:在您通过电子邮件或聊天,全版权割让,对项目和客户完整的隐私权日常工作的报告。 +Glad to hear you've ceased your extracurricular activities.,很高兴听说你终止了那个课外练习。 +"Line beef slices flat, sprinkle lightly with cornstarch. Arrange enoki mushrooms and onion on each beef slice, roll up.",牛肉片铺平,洒上生粉,卷上金菇和洋葱丝 。 +Objective:To establish a method for determination of the content of palmatine hydrochloride in lyophilized fibrauretinum for injection by HPLC.,目的:建立HPLC法测定注射用黄藤素粉针剂中盐酸巴马汀的含量。 +This article describes the test process of an oil-water separator with wins and angle plate made by ourselves in sewage treatment and its oil separating effectiveness.,本文介绍了自制带翼斜板油水分离器进行污水处理的实验过程及其除油效果。 +"To the east square month China does the personality of manner, this is the inevitable affair.",以东方月华行事作风的性格,这个是必然的事情。 +"Allocations from the central government budget for resolving issues related to agriculture, rural areas and farmers will total 391.7 billion yuan, an increase of 52 billion yuan over last year.",中央财政安排用于“三农”的资金3917亿元,比去年增加520亿元。 +"The authorized size, payment and expense of the preparation office, upon the agreement of both Party A and Party B, shall be listed in the project budget.",第三十八条筹建处工作人员的编制、报酬及费用,经甲乙双方同意后,列人工程预算。 +"""The study of human memory is the closest one can get to a systematic study of the human soul, "" writes Gabriel Radvansky, a professor at Notre Dame who has authored textbooks on memory.",“对人类记忆的研究最为接近系统研究心灵。” 著有记忆方面教材的圣母大学教授加百利·雷万斯基说。 +"He will stay and do his work faithfully as long as he can, and we won't ask for him back a minute sooner than he can be spared. Now come and hear the letter.",在他的假期获批之前,我们不能早喊他回来一分钟,好了,现在听爸爸的信吧。 +There was a feeling that one could remain an individual while still experiencing a sense of unity.,在这里个人有足够空间的同时仍不失整体的联合紧凑感。 +Many students come out of school believing that good writing is formal.,很多刚出校门的学生觉得,好的报告就是要写得正式。 +The mediators and the communication from and to mediators through notifications have been nicely worked into the PureMVC framework.,中介者及以通知方式进出中介者的通信,都很好地整合进了PureMVC框架。 +"This paper presents a new non-negative linear combination model applicable to image fusion at the pixel lev - el, which can be used to represent the pixel-level image fusion.",本文提出了一种适用于像素级图像融合的非负线性混合模型,���模型的意义在于任何像素级图像融合问题都可以用此形式化模型来表示。 +"Also tastes excellent with cheese, potato and vegetable.",建议配餐烤肉(牛排)马肉,奶酪土豆蔬菜类。 +The formation of triangular nanoplate by-products was substantially reduced by replacing trisodium citrate with CTAB surfactant as the capping agent in the preparation of gold seeds.,在传统合成金奈米棒的实验中,奈米金三角形片状物是无法避免的副产物; +The modern or postmodern sculptures are much more complicated to work on.,现代或后现代雕塑要更为复杂。 +Susan Baroncini-Moe started her entrepreneurial adventures with a lemonade stand.,苏珊·巴伦希尼·梦从汽水摊开始了她的商业冒险。 +You and your best friend just received your final exam scores. You kicked butt. Your friend didn t do so hot.,你和你最要好的朋友刚刚收到期末考试成绩单,你考得很好,但是你朋友却不怎么样。 +"No matter how hard I pulled on her rope, the old cow refused to budge. She just stood there calmly gazing at me and chewing he cud .",不管我怎样用劲拉缰绳,那条老母牛一点儿也不动窝。它只是站在那儿,静静地望着我,嘴里咀嚼着从胃里吐出的东西。 +"Though Rio Tinto may ultimately bid for the whole company, bankers and analysts say, it would not happen immediately given that Rio has its hands full with its BHP Billiton (","尽管力拓可能最终竞购下整家公司,但银行人士和分析师指出,这不太可能很快发生,因为力拓正在为与必和必拓(BHP.AX: 行情)(BLT.L: 行情)建立铁矿石合资公司忙得不可开交." +"The simulation results show the high performance dynamic characteristics and robustness of the proposed controller, as well as the efficiently reduced chattering phenomenon.",仿真结果表明该控制器具有较好的动态性能及鲁棒性,并有效减少了抖动。 +"And yes, the summer cocktails are a big contributor of calories.",没错,夏季鸡尾酒对卡路里的贡献最大。 +Watched Into the Wild again and was feeling sad so had to watch a Stephen Chow's movie to find another kind of silliness in order to balance myself.,重看了荒野生存感到很悲伤,只好又看食神在另一种白痴天真里找平衡。 +"LeiGang see son a face discontent, eventually with are dragon start three chapters, allow no longer forced him to obey himself.",雷刚看到儿子一脸不满,终与正龙约法三章,容许不再强迫他服从本人。 +What are the consequences of who is involved for the shape of public policy?,谁人参与影响公共政策会带来什么后果? +But Mr. Wu sees the defects: a government prone to “meddling” in the marketplace; a widening income gap; inefficient monopolies; and crony capitalism.,但吴敬琏却看到不足:政府倾向于干预市场;收入差距拉大;低效的垄断;还有裙带资本主义。 +We all did terrific.,我们都挺了不起的。 +"The England ace has missed Liverpool's last two games, but he is hopeful of returning to training in the next few days and making himself available for the trip to Molineux next Tuesday.",英格兰球员已经缺阵了利物浦最近的两场比赛,但是他希望能够几天后恢复训练,他必须确保他能够在下周二做客莫里纽克斯球场能够上场。 +"Syria was thy merchant by reason of the multitude of the wares of thy making: they occupied in thy fairs with emeralds, purple, and broidered work, and fine linen, and coral, and agate.",亚兰人因你的产品很多,就作你的贸易伙伴;他们用绿宝石、紫色布、刺绣、细麻布、珊瑚、红宝石,来换取你的货物。 +"For rendering of real-world surface material and 3D texture surface, the Bi-directional Reflection Distribution Function (BRDF) and Bi-directional Texture Function (BTF) are described.",在复杂材质和3D纹理技术方面,本文主要阐述了对应的两个描述函数,双向反射分布函数和双向纹理函数的相应处理方法。 +This is usually the patient's hip bone.,获取的部位通常是病人的髋骨。 +"At the bottom, there's a caption: ""W.""",相片的底部有一行说明:“W。 +The paper studied the issue of low frequency in shallow parts of cross-hole seismic reflection sections using imaging principle and deduced frequency variation factor.,本文利用成像原理对井间地震反射剖面的浅部频率变低问题进行了研究,导出了频率变化因子。 +"Families often eat apart, and ready-meals allow them more flexibility.",家庭成员往往分开吃饭,即食品则极具灵活性。 +LUCI - LUCI is a Universal Configuration Interface.,LUCI 是一个通用配置界面。 +"Just because you can. The world is once again a vibrant place, food is a good thing, and you're not habitually locating the nearest toilet—just in case.",只是因为你现在能这样做了。世界再次充满生气,食物也是如此美好,你也不会习惯性的坐在靠近厕所的位置了—���只是以防万一。 +"India continued its strong growth as the second-largest CDMA market, with operators in the country adding over nine million new customers during the same period.",印度作为第二大CDMA市场,用户数继续强劲增长,印度电信运营商在同期新增了900多万个新用户。 +A status cube displaying the node state (it can be referenced from the system cube by a rule).,显示节点状态的一个状态多维数据集(可以根据一条规则从系统多维数据集中加以引用)。 +"The flowers present to those my countryman and countrywoman who lost the home, who lost relation, who even lost his own life on the earthquake.",此片敬献给在地震中失去家园,失去亲人,失去生命的同胞们。 +All six children were given a crash course in the art of origami making and some even passed on a few pertinent tips to Chan before the cameras rolled.,所有六个孩子都接受了折纸工艺的强化训练,有的孩子甚至在开拍前将几个相关诀窍教给了成龙。 +And that's why he's interested in the emotions of these waitresses.,他对女侍的情绪感兴趣。 +FTTH is the development direction in various types of the ways of broadband access.,在各种类型的宽带接入方式中,FTTH是宽带有线接入的发展方向。 +A key will be either 5 or 13 characters (40 or 104 bits) depending of the local network and the capabilities of the adaptor.,密钥可能是5或13个字符(40或104位),这取决于本地网络适配器的性能。 +"Groundbreaking for single-family homes fell 6.8 percent last month to an annual rate of 476,000 units, the lowest since May.","上月独户房屋开工下滑6.8%,年率为47.6万户,创下5月以来的新低.波动剧烈的集合住宅开工则是锐减34.6%,年率为5.3万,延续9月的下滑走势." +Gilberto backing for Fabregas Arsenal midfielder Gilberto reckons Cesc Fabregas will become one of the world's best players if he continues to develop at his current rate.,阿森纳中场吉尔博托力挺法布雷加斯将会成为世界最佳球员之一,如果他能按照目前这个发展速率继续成长的话。 +Sciatic nerve function index in the transplantation group superiorly recovered to that in the control group 3-6 weeks after surgery.,术后3~6周细胞移植组坐各神经功能指数的恢复要优于对照组; +"Finally, Su Taoying, Tingting’s mother, clasps her 12-year-old daughter’s hand and says, ruefully, “Next time I see you, you will be taller than me.”",最后,婷婷的妈妈苏桃莹(音译)握着12岁女儿的手,哀怨地说,“下次再见你时,你的个子就要比我高了。” +"One Hundred Years of Solitude"" has two texts, historical and religious.""",《百年孤独》有历史和宗教两个文本。 +"Managing Partner, Russell Brown will be covering the key tax issues to be considered by Social Insurance of Foreigners Employed in China.",雷博国际会计执行合伙人 博扬先生将会就在中国境内就业的外国人参加社会保险暂行办法税务问题发表演说。 +The ship was tossed by the ocean billow.,海轮在大洋巨浪上颠簸。 +"The Soviet Union played a heroic role in combating the evil of fascism, aswell as in helping to topple colonialist powers.",苏联在反法西斯战争,推翻殖民统治方面扮演了英雄般的角色。 +A positive surgical margin is usually the result of inadequate resection of the cancer's intraductal component.,切除边缘肿瘤细胞检查阳性是由于对乳腺癌乳腺管内部分切除不完全造成的。 +"In fact, you might ruin everything, especially if the sex is bad.",但是实际上你很可能搞砸一切,特别是当它不尽如人意产生反效果的时候。 +"Divers make their way through a freshwater sinkhole, known as a cenote, in Mexico's Yucatan peninsula in this undated photo.",在墨西哥犹加敦半岛,潜水员穿越由石灰岩溶蚀形成的落水洞,在当地称为「圣井」。 +"The fitting vigor testing methods of sweet maize is the standard germination test, electrical conductivity test.",甜玉米种子活力检测的适宜方法为标准发芽试验、电导率测定试验。 +"“I'm heartbroken,” said the man, who used the alias Xiao Wu in legal papers to protect his identity. “I just wanted to find some justice for me and for others facing the same problem.",“我的心都碎了”上诉者小吴(化名)感慨到:“我只想为我和其他像我一样的艾滋病患者讨个说法。” +"Although there was additional cost associated with the program — the estimated average expense per patient was $1, 224 — Lin said the improved outcomes potentially could save health systems money.",尽管该计划产生了额外的费用—估计每位病人的平均费用是1,224美元—琳医生说改善的效果会潜在的节省健康系统的资金。 +"For the answer, re-read the preceeding paragraphs: You'll need both design and runtime support.",正如前面所讲:你需要的是设计和运行两时期的支持。 +Some improvements that need to be carried out in later designs have also been pointed out.,阐述盖挖逆作设计中所采用的新工艺和新技术,并指出今后设计方面需要改进的地方。 +There was no reoccurrence during the follow-up.,所有患者随访未见复发。 +Examples of operation merging include view merging and subquery-to-join transformation.,运算合并的例子包括视图合并和子查询-连接(subquery-to-join)转换。 +"To him, Shenyang looks almost unrecognizable today.",对他来说,今天的沈阳看起来有些不认识了。 +"About 30% of the top scorers in the college entrance exam who got the honorable title of zhuangyuan this year, wouldn't have earned it without bonus points, China Youth Daily reported.",据《中国青年报》报道,今年国内3成高考状元靠加分取得。 +Bible To govern; rule. Used of an ancient Israelite leader.,管理;统治。用在指古代犹太士师时。 +"In mammals, vasotocin evolved into two closely related peptides, oxytocin and arginine vasopressin.",在哺乳动物中,血管紧张素演化成两种非常相近的胜肽:催产素与血管加压素(arginine vasopressin)。 +L don't really like Boney M's music.,我真的不喜欢多骨的M的音乐… +"Established in 1997, Southern Metropolis Daily, a newspaper under Southern Newspaper Media Group, is a comprehensive daily which circulates mainly in Pearl River Delta and is also issued in Macau.",南方都市报是南方报业传媒集团所属系列报之一,创刊于1997年,是面向中国最富庶的珠三角地区主流人群所创办的综合类日报,并在澳门公开发行。 +He always has this poker face.,他一直都是喜怒不形于色。 +"To compensate for the economy""s weakness, Turkey provides direct and indirect aid to tourism, education, industry, etc.",为弥补经济的弱点,土耳其为旅游、教育、工业提供了很多直接和间接的资助。 +"He retrieves his original ball, drops it 10 yards behind the casual water in accordance with the water hazard Rule and plays it.",这名球员找回他的原始球,按照水障碍抛球的规则在临时积水后的10码处抛球,并打球。 +It is mahogany back and sides with a cedar top.,她拥有桃花心木背侧板和一块红松的面板。 +I really think Lucy can't finish her homework within two hours.,我真的认为露西两小时内不能完成家庭作业。 +The ship was tossed about by the waves.,船被浪打得摇来晃去。 +"In re Petitioner WAC-02-169-50172 (AAO), the AAO ruled that winning a prestigious national award in physics is not equal to winning a lesser national award.",在WAC-02-169-50172 (AAO)这个案例中,AAO裁定,如果没有更多的证据的支持,赢得了全国著名的物理学奖不等于赢得全国物理奖。 +"She has helped Liberia emerge from years of civil war and make great strides toward reconstruction and a democracy that values the contributions of all Liberians, including its women.",她帮助利比里亚摆脱了多年的内战并大踏步走向重建和一个珍视包括妇女在内的全体利比里亚人民所作的贡献的民主体制。 +Should I remind you that part of the Vietnamese were fighting with the French against the Vietminh… and all those POW were killed by their nice fellow citizens!,我要提醒你的是,部分越南人配合法国人与越军作战…那些战俘被他们的善良同胞杀死! +"He was the leader of the children and occasionally, in discharging his role, something of a bully.",它是儿童中地头儿,而为了执行头儿地任务,偶尔也有些霸道喜悦。 +"Some things simply cannot be altered and resilient people accept this, not wasting energy on trying to do the impossible.",有些东西根本无法改变,有韧性的人能接受这一点,不会浪费精力来做不可能的事。 +They made him their leader.,他们推他为领袖。 +Measurements of long-running tasks can also be considered “free”.,对长时间运行的任务的测量也可被认为“无影响”。 +"Promoting the fiscal system reform of governing the county-directly by the province will be the main task for every province (autonomous region, municipalities) in next 12 years.",推进省直管县财政体制改革已经成为各省(自治区、直辖市)在未来12年内的一个主要改革内容。 +"This paper, following a minimum potential principle, derived the formula calculating the critical loads of the elastic rectangular thin plate with holes and columns under various conditions.",本文根据最小势能原理,导出了各种不同约束条件下求解带肋开孔矩形薄板临界力计算公式。 +We are building our new car to have a good balance with the low downforce so the concept from this car to next year's car is a little different.,我们正在建造我们的新车使它在低下压力的情况下有一个很好的平衡,所以这辆车的理念与明年的赛车是有点区别的。 +The results show that the abrasion process is similar to its aging by heat and oxygen.,结果表明,胶料磨耗的破坏过程与其热氧老化破坏过程相似; +"On this basis, we established the early warning model of earthquake situation index in Liaoning area based on time analysis using the analytic hierarchy process.",在此基础上,利用层次分析法,建立了辽宁地区基于时间尺度的地震震情指标预警模型。 +"Usually there is a distinct contrast between the black primaries and brown coverts , still evident at middle distances.",长尾水剃通常在黑色的初级飞羽与棕色的覆羽之间有著明显的对比,在中距离的时候仍是可见的。 +"Embolic infarction of brain parenchyma can be recognized by H&E, although at times it can be hard to distinguish from autolytic change.",脑梗死和脑组织自溶性改变尽管有时难以区别,但是还是能够在H&E切片上辨认出来。 +The initial flush and the fact that the chlorine water sits in the hose killing any bacteria solves that problem.,头道水以及管道内存留的含氯水会杀死细菌,这就把问题给解决了。 +Placer mining: Oldest method of recovering gold from alluvial deposits.,砂矿 古河床里的金砂矿床。 +She was injured badly in the accident.,她在事故中受了重伤。 +Objective: To observe the curative effect of Jiangzhi Yigan Powder and Dongbao Gantai Pill in treating fatty liver.,目的:观察降脂益肝散联合东宝肝泰片治疗脂肪肝的疗效。 +Results The expression of AQP-4 was observed in brain tissue of acute brain hemorrhage.,结果急性脑出血早期灶周脑组织AQP-4含量明显升高。 +"With the development of the technology of Airborne Opto-Electronic Platform (abbreviated to AOEP below), the performance of stabilization and track of AOEP has been well improved.",机载光电平台的稳定跟踪技术日趋成熟,使得机载电视设备的稳定跟踪性能不断提高。 +This long dam is a natural phenomenon.,这条长堤是自然形成的。 +"Compared to the Forum, the biggest advantage is that users who are familiar with the operation because it is the imitation Baidu Post Bar.",相比论坛,最大优点是网友们都很熟悉操作 因为它是仿百度贴吧。 +"Our cat was missing for days but eventually it turned up, looking a bit thinner than before.",我们的猫失踪了数天,但它终于回来了,看上去比以前瘦些。 +Formamide could effectively restrain the starch retrogradation.,结果表明甲酰胺可以有效抑制淀粉回生。 +"Upon his foe, a Dragon horrible and stearne.",抗击他的敌人,一个可怕而凶猛的恶魔。 +John compared Bella's eyes to the shining stars in the night sky.,约翰把蓓拉的双眸比作夜空里闪亮的星星。 +Sulphur is one of the essential elements of tea plant and regarded as the fourth key element next to NPK.,硫是茶树必需的营养元素之一,被称为仅次于NPK的第四要素。 +"Firstly, based on the basic theory of GRIN optics the optical effects of the spherical symmetry GRIN micro-sphere lens were analyzed systematically.",本工作从梯度折射率介质光学的基本理论出发对球对称GRIN微球透镜的光学性能进行了系统分析; +"The leaders of Delta Group, the IABU and Delta Greentech thank all the partners' efforts at dinner party.",晚宴中,台达主管们于舞台上举杯感谢渠道商夥伴们的支持与努力。 +Would you please type this notice?It's rather urgent.,请您帮我打印这份通知,急用。 +Please listen to my ear.,请君为我倾耳听。 +"Thirdly, relax the doubtful standards, and to simplify the procedures for writing-off.",降低呆账认定标准,简化核销手续。 +"Fewer commitments: stop saying “yes” to everything, and start only taking on the things which you can do wholeheartedly.",少些承诺:不再对所有的事情说“行”,开始只做那些能够全心全意做的事情; +"Lady: Yes, so do we. But his wife is crying for a divorce.",女士:我们也是这么想的,可是他的妻子吵着要离婚。 +"""It is difficult to judge the value of the observation when you don't know how far away it was, "" he said.","""在你不知道它与失事飞机距离有多远时,去评价这些观察资料的价值是非常困难的"",他说.""" +We wouldn't touch the food in that restaurant with a barge-pole.,我们对那家餐馆的食物碰都不愿碰一下。 +"The Massimo Coffee Frescato contains 332 calories, while the primo-size, the smallest available, just under 200.",马西莫咖啡融融冰的热量为332卡路里,但若是喝上最小份的融融冰,那么热量还200卡路里。 +Her eyes are dewy and her lips are thin and ruddy .,她的眼睛水灵灵的,她的嘴唇又薄又红。 +"In this field, pharmaceutical commerce is a sub-group coexisting with the pharmaceutical industry.",而医药商业是医药行业中与医药工业相对应和并存的一大子行业。 +Some of their fundamental properties are given. Two derivable decision approaches for dependencies are thus obtained.,并给出了它们的基本性质,由此��出了两种依赖性的可导出性的判定方法。 +"Eating more dark chocolate can help lower blood pressure -- if you\'ve reached a certain age and have mild high blood pressure, say the researchers.",研究者说如果你到了一定年龄且患有轻度的高血压,吃多点黑巧克力能够帮助降血压。 +"Probably because of Hollywood and like all the celebrities too, I can imagine. I don't know.",也许因为好莱坞和这里的名人,我能想象。我不知道。 +The method can simultaneously detect the residues of sulfanilamide and tetracycline medicaments in a sample to be detected.,本发明方法能同时检测待测 样品中磺胺类和四环素类药物的残留。 +Just 17 per cent of working mothers do unpaid overtime - many simply cannot because they have to leave to collect their children from school or a child minder.,仅有17%的职业妈妈加班——很多人不能加班是因为她们得赴学校或托儿所接孩子。 +"The dose-dependent effect of EGCG in suppressing the insulin and ET-1 stimulation of glucose uptake was also observed in 3T3-L1 and C3H10T1/2 preadipocytes, C2C12 myoblast, and H4IIEC3 hepatoma cells.",表没食子酸酯型儿茶素酸酯剂量相关抑制胰岛素和第一型内皮素刺激葡萄糖摄入的效应,也在3T3 L1和C3H10T1/2前脂肪细胞,C2C12肌肉纤维母细胞和H4IIEC3肝癌细胞上观察到。 +"Conclusion It is possible that the patients with traumatic brain injuries accompany a complication of tension pneumocephalus, especially those also together with basilar or frontal skull fracture.",结论对于脑外伤,尤其有颅底骨折、额骨骨折病史的患者,应警惕张力性气颅的产生。 +We would like to thank Giancarlo for all his help over the past one and a half seasons and for delivering us our first World Championship points last weekend.,我们想要感谢费斯切拉在过去的一个半赛季对车队的帮助并且在上星期为我们带来了首个锦标赛的积分。 +"It’s a photograph of a simple, subtle you could even say quiet, everyday-life moment and it’s interesting precisely because of that.",这张相片十分简单,甚至显得过于宁静,过于日常,但这也正是它有趣而珍贵之处。 +Sunshine illuminate factors) to determine if the purchase much high-power air conditioning.,阳光照射长短等因素)来确定该购买多大功率的空调。 +A case in point is the fudged figures on which Greece's entry into the zone were based in the first place.,相关的例子就是捏造的数字被基于首位考虑并让希腊进入了欧元区。 +"Still, now that the principle of blocking VEGF has been established, various groups are working on improved therapies.",然而,现在既然对阻断VEGF这个原则已成为共识,各组人马都在尝试改善这个疗法。 +To present and realize an improved region-based fuzzy feature to content-based image retrieval.,提出并且实现了基于区域模糊特征的图像检索的改进方法。 +Wang Shi: A ha. I believe that top leadershave enough smart to deal with that. I hope!,王石:啊哈。我相信最高领导人拥有足够智慧来处理这事。我希望! +Major contributions are as follows:All paradox problems in the isotropic elastic wedge are re-solved in analytical forms under a symplectic dual polar coordinate system.,主要的研究成果如下: 在极坐标辛对偶体系下重新求解了各向同性弹性楔体所有佯谬问题的解析解。 +"Democrats wanted to return to the Clinton years, when budgets were balanced and the economy was booming.",民主党希望回到克林顿时代,那时财政收支平衡,经济铮铮向荣。 +Lufthansa wanted to know which fish eggs hold their character best in the stratosphere.,汉莎航空公司本来希望能弄清楚哪种鱼子能在平流层中最好地保留原有的味道。 +"In the context there, it is quite clear that the meaning is that the aim of Bodhi aspiration is such.",在那文中,此句相当清楚的显示出菩提愿心的目地就是如此。 +That is the famed Reed Lake.,就是有名的芦苇海。 +"The holes of anchor mounting bolts will be grouted with normal (Portland , non-shrinkage) cement mortar.",这些地脚螺孔将灌入普通(波特兰,无紧缩)水泥砂浆。 +"Government has not only failed to implement the communiqué in earnest, but has repeatedly contravened it.",然而,十多年来美国政府不但没有认真执行公报的规定,而且不断发生违反公报的行为。 +The method call params.pue-trend-dataId[] automatically retrieves the parameter from the URL.,方法调用 params.pue-trend-dataId[] 自动检索 URL 的参数。 +"Under the 18 - month cost plus award fee contract, Northrop Grumman's Team OCX will provide architecture design; communications and network engineering;",在为期18个月的额外付费的合同期内,诺格公司的OCX团队将提供架构设计; +"A Microsoft patent provides information about download status on top of the content display. (U.S. Patent No. 6, 339, 780)",���软的一项专利可在网页内容显示的顶部提供下载状态的信息。 +"In 1995, the EPA sued the company, saying poor maintenance resulted in corrosion that contributed to hundreds of spills.",1995年,环保局起诉科赫工业公司,称其不良维护导致设备腐蚀致使大量石油外溢。 +"The sand body at Shihezi formation of Tabamiao area in Erdos basin is mainly plain and fluvial deposits with characteristics of low porosity, low permeability and high impedance.",鄂尔多斯盆地塔巴庙工区下石盒子组砂岩体主要属平原分流河道沉积,具有低孔、低渗和高阻抗特征。 +"There is a garden in every childhood, an enchanted place where colors are brighter, the air softer, and the morning more fragrant than ever again.",每个人的童年都有座花园,那是一个令人迷醉的地方,有着比后来任何时候都要更明亮的颜色,更轻柔的风和更芬芳的早晨。 +"Long-standing GLBT organizations of all kinds, including the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force, are doing more and more work in this arena.",长期GLBT组织的各种,包括全国同性恋者工作队,正在做越来越多的在这个领域工作。 +Provision supporting software.,规定支持软件。 +"""There's no hope left for us in Iraq, and nobody's even thinking of returning"" – no one he knows, at least, says Udik. ""I know I'm never going back again.",“伊拉克对我们来说毫无希望可言,甚至没有人考虑要回去,至少,在我所了解的人里边”,Udik说,我知道我是永远不会再回去了。 +"This paper sums up and analyzes the service functions of E-reading room of university library for the students, and connecting with the working practice, probes into its service contents and modes.",总结和分析了高校电子阅览室对大学生的服务功能,结合工作实践,探讨了其服务内容和方式。 +"The side-stream experiment of this technology and industrial operation for a year show that the difficult problem of high CO, high COS hydrolysis desulfurization can be satisfactorily solved.",该技术的侧流试验和1年的工业运行情况表明,可较好地解决高CO、高COS的水解脱硫难题。 +He wants his mother to sell the house. But he wants the land.,我和罗杰谈话,他想要他母亲卖了房子,可是他要地,他不想让我得到它。 +"Personally, I tend to HAVE WAR WITH Vietnam, Let China NEXT 20,30 years WITH no trouble For China to win time , Co-opted Malaysia at least let him neutral.",我个人倾向是打掉越南,让中国20,30年没有麻烦,为中国再赢得时间,拉拢马来西亚起码让他中立。 +"I know another lecture on the big R, responsibility, is coming up.",我很清楚马上有一个关于责任心的长篇大论会跳出来。 +"Two days later, one of the worst earthquakes in three decades pummeled China's southwestern Sichuan province.",两天后,一场过去三十年最严重的地震袭击了中国西南的四川省。 +"The Set Message Type primitive, called SetFordType within the mediation, associates the details xsd:anyType in the Car business object with the FordCar business object.",中介中名为 SetFordType 的 Set Message Type 原语将 Car 业务对象内的 details xsd:anyType 与 FordCar 业务对象关联。 +shrines and other historical monuments.,镰仓有多处寺庙、神社以及其它历史纪念碑。 +"Along with internet's swift development, the internet marketing indubitable has become the key point which the enterprise pays attention.",随着互联网的飞速发展,网络营销无可置疑的成为了企业关注的重点。 +Fill out an application at the registrar and pay the applicable fee.,在注册组那填表格,然后付合理的手续费。 +"If you’re still having trouble doing this, you may want to develop your visualization skills first.",如果你仍然感到困难,你可能要先去提高你的形象思维能力。 +Mr. Rogoff sent him a 1942 front-page article in The Times documenting the forgotten default.,罗格夫给他寄去了一张1942年《时代》的头版文章,上面记载了这一已被遗忘的债务违约事件。 +"The total number of clinical verification, according to every 10 340 example calculation, 60 days to complete enough clinical test and verify.",本次临床验证例数共计340例,按每天10例盘算,60天足够完成临床验证。 +"He was selected by a worldwide panel of electors and won the award by beating two vs track and gold medallists, 400 meter hurdler Kevin Young and heptathlete Joyner Kerssie.",他是在击败美国田径金牌得主400米栏 选手凯文·杨和女子七项 全能 选手乔伊纳·克西后获得此项大奖。 +"The dead man came out, his hands and feet wrapped with strips of linen, and a cloth around his face.",那死人就出来了、手脚裹著布、脸上包著手巾。 +I have always honoured the Bleus jersey and the colours of France.,身穿蓝色球衣为法国队效力一直是我引以为荣的事情。 +"""Maybe we could take Hector's heart, "" I say.",“也许我们能挖出赫克托耳的心脏,”我说。 +The interests of the patentee and the public should be kept in a dynamic balance.,专利权人和社会公众之间利益理应维持一种动态的平衡。 +"For $50, 000, you’ll get a receiver, transmitter, and battery.",只要花费5万美刀,你就能得到一个发射器,一个接收器和一块电池。 +Her goal was the same as mine – for my teeth to remain in situ for as long as possible.,她的目标和我一样——让我的牙齿尽量长时间地留在原处。 +"A noise reduction algorithm used in speech signal processes which is referred to as LMS adaptive noise reduction, is also designed to reduce wide-band noise but improve Signal to Noise Ratio.",此外本文还设计一种语音信号自适应噪声消除算法,利用LMS自适应算法的特点抑制语音信号中的宽带噪声信号,提高信噪比。 +"In addition to free plug-ins, you can find many reasonably priced commercial plug-ins for Eclipse.",除了免费的插件之外,您还可以找到很多用于 Eclipse 的价格适中的商业插件。 +"The project has used large-span secondary girder pre-stressed ceiling structure, which effectively reduces the beam cross-section height and ensures the total height and building height requirements.",工程中采用了大跨度次梁预应力楼盖结构,有效地降低梁的截面高度,确保层高和建筑物总高度的要求,此外还采用了超长混凝土结构无缝设计等新技术。 +"In her novels, Zhang Ailing puts the incidents and settings in different time and space together, which shows the jumping and disorder of time and human consciousness.",张爱玲在她的小说中把不同时间和空间中的事件和场景组合拼凑在一起,表现了时间及人的意识的跳跃性与无序性。 +Ensure that the user ID or PUBLIC is defined in the WITH USE FOR clause of the trusted context.,确保在可信上下文中的 WITH USE FOR 子句中定义了用户 ID 或 PUBLIC。 +"Semantic errors were obtained from 64 individuals with post-stroke aphasia, who also underwent high-resolution structural brain scans.",用语义学的方法产制出来的错误的语汇,得自64个患有中风后遗症的失语症的病人,他们也接受了----具有高。 +"And next unto him repaired Shallum the son of Halohesh, the ruler of the half part of Jerusalem, he and his daughters.",其次是管理耶路撒冷那一半,哈罗黑的儿子沙龙,和他的女儿们修造。 +A good chunk of your speech should therefore acknowledge your new father-in-law's speech and to take on board the points raised.,阿你的发言好大块应该承认自己的新岳父的讲话,并就董事会提出的问题。 +A shortfall fee will be imposed if total premiums paid within the first policy year does not meet the Minimum Initial Investment amount requirement.,若于第一个保单年度内的总投资额不符合最低首次投资额要求,将收取不足额费。 +"Create a hash keyed on e-mail address for each state name, to be checked in the main program loop.",创建与每个州名的电子邮件地址绑定的散列,将在主程序循环中检查该散列。 +"When you read, you begin with ABC, when you sing, you begin with Do, Re, Me.",当你学读书时,你从ABC开始,当你学唱歌时,你从哆 咪开始。 +I heard the sound of taps one night,我在一个夜晚聆听水龙头的流水声 +In this article the authors proposed a method for measures indication error of film electrode dissolved oxygen meter: air calibration.,提出了一种在空气中测量覆膜电极溶解氧测定仪示值误差的方法。 +"Now, nearly every major astronomical observatory uses CCDs.",如今,几乎所有大天文台都使用了CCD。 +China’s promotional video on billboard-size screens in New York City’s Times Square grabbed the attention of passers-by.,中国国家形象宣传片在纽约时代广场大屏幕播放,吸引了众多路人的关注。 +"However, Amy Tan, in the novel Saving Fish from Drowning, has made a bold breakthrough and surmounting to change her creative themes and expand her cross-cultural horizons.",但是在《拯救溺水鱼》中,谭恩美却对这些问题有了大胆的突破和超越,显示了她在创作题材和跨文化视野上的重大变化。 +"A classic Bordeaux wine from one of the best vintages in recent years. The wine displays balanced aromas of chocolate, blueberry and cedar. A wonderful wine and a great match for beef dishes.",一款产自优秀年份的经典波尔多红酒, 该酒平衡了巧克力,浆果和蓝梅的味道,非常适合搭配牛肉。 +"Then, the court concluded that Betamax had ""substantial"" non-infringing uses, such as the recording of TV programmes to be watched at a later, more convenient date.",随后,法院作出终审判决Betamax公司没有实质性的侵犯使用这些资料,就像随后观看电视节目的录制带,只是为了在更方便的时间看。 +China's push westward continues.,国仍在推进��部大开发。 +"Finally, we compare the CWS framework with another proposed framework AC06.",最后,我们将CWS码的结构与另一个提出的框架AC06进行了比较。 +"Dual gas controls allow for a full range of temperatures while allowing you keep one half of the grill on ""high"" to sear and the other half on a lower heat to toast or warm buns.",双重烤肉架的好处便在于您可以在一边用高温烤肉同时另外一边用低温来烤制。 +"The inventory of unsold homes dropped by 7.4 percent, raising hopes that backlogs that had hit record levels were starting to be reduced, a key factor necessary to prompt a rebound in the market.",存货未售出房屋,下降7.4 % ,希望这位积压了创纪录的水平开始降低,其中一个关键因素,要迅速回升,在市场上。 +"If you are too pale, a black dress might make you look like a ghost, perhaps you should steer closer to browns and golds.",如果你太过苍白,那么选择一身黑色的装束会让你看上去像个鬼魂,或许你应该选择棕色和金色。 +A few flowers still remained on the tree.,树上还乘下几朵花。 +EBER was also detected in 1 of 2 skin lymphomas and both of the 2 GI lymphomas.,同样在2例胃肠道淋巴瘤及1例皮肤淋巴瘤患者中检测到EBER。 +"To test the antibody-chemical combination, researchers implanted tumours, squamous cell carcinoma, into the backs of mice. They were given the drug and exposed to near infrared light.",为了测试抗体-化学药物的结合效果,研究员把肿瘤鳞状细胞癌移植到老鼠的背部,然后给它们注射药物并暴露在近红外光中。 +"Peter: Yes, that's ****, and this is Peter Jackson.",皮特:好的,号码是****,我是皮特·杰克森。 +"Multi-client chat using TCP system (1) server, multiple clients can connect to the server, note that the client can also enter a nickname.",利用TCP实现多客户聊天系统 (1)服务器运行,多个客户端都能够连接到服务器,注意,客户端还可以输入昵称。 +"Again, these are categorized into the mandatory (functions that are always present in this business pattern) and the optional (functions that may or may not be present).",同样,这些功能也分为必需的功能(在这个业务模式中必须存在的功能)和可选的功能(可有可无的功能)两类。 +Not until you have a good command of a scale of styles can you speak English appropriately in differents situations.,只有当你很好地掌握了各种语体之后才能在各种场合恰如其分地用英语进行表达。 +Objective To investigate the association between schizophrenia and the polymorphism of 5-hydroxytryptamine receptor 2A (HTR2A) gene.,目的:探讨5-羟色胺2A(HTR2A)基因多态性与精神分裂症的关系。 +DemoData.seq is the sequence file used to index the file names.,seq 是用于索引文件名的序列文件。 +"The measurement of actual works also explained that the use of compound geotextile in rock fill dam surface can reduce the amount of leakage water by 60%, the effects of imperviousness are obvious.",此外,实际工程观测也说明,砌石坝构筑复合土工膜坝面防渗体后,漏水量减少了60%,防渗效果良好。 +Include the replacement cost in any insurance claim.,包括任何保险索赔的重置成本。 +"It is in his dramas, which involves fighting a battle of wits, the tactics of the populace is displayed.",在智斗剧中,则表现为以智取胜的民间策略。 +"Despite the humorous side of the Loebner Contest, Robert Epstein is deadly serious about artificial intelligence.",抛开罗布纳有奖竞赛诙谐有趣的一面不谈,罗伯特·艾泼斯坦对人工智能的态度是绝对严肃的。 +Some software development processes suggest modeling and designing software visually as a best practice to avoid this problem.,一些软件开发过程建议将可视地建模和设计软件作为避免此问题的最佳实践。 +"This paper summarizes oil vapor cleaning method, isolation method and the key points of implementation during the welding of oil depot equipment.",总结了油库设备焊割动火作业中油蒸气的清除、隔离方法及其组织实施要点,有利于油库整修改造过程中焊割动火作业的安全管理。 +"Client enquired :Has the machine they ordered been finished?If they pay upon contract, will you be able to ship it right away?",客户来电问:他们订做的机器是否已全部完工?如果他们现在按合同条款付款,你们能否马上发货?。 +"One of those is Solebury School, in New Hope, Pennsylvania, where Director of Studies Rick Tony has pushed for a robust set of changes to the typical school schedule.",其中一家是位于宾西法尼亚州新希望镇的索尔伯瑞中学。教务主任瑞克•托尼推动了该校传统课程表的一系列强有力的改革。 +Tis altogether vain to learn wisdom and yet live foolishly.,枉自学聪明, 六合彩资料,却做愚昧事。 +Charactristics: Lampholder is made from die-casting strength aluminum alloy and the body from special alloy materials and the reflector from PC.,特点: 该 灯具 灯座采用强力压铸铝合金制作,灯体采用专用合金材料,反光罩采用聚碳酸酯材料。 +The scuttlebutt in the office is that Tom is going to be fired.,办公室里有谣言说汤姆要被炒鱿鱼了。 +This means they use the same page size and are buffered in the same buffer pool.,这意味着它们将使用相同的页宽并在同一个缓冲池中进行缓冲。 +Pro-Gaddafi Protesters in Tripoli,的黎波里支持卡扎菲的示威者们 +"For a long time, I don't know if I should uncover this scar.",很多时候,我不知道该不该扒开这层疤肋。 +"Around one fifth of hepatitis C sufferers develop cirrhosis, and 5% will get liver cancer, leading to nearly 2 million deaths worldwide every year.",大约丙型肝炎受害者一五患肝病,并且5%将得到肝癌,导致几乎2百万死亡全世界每年。 +"Chris, go to your local library and check out a rocketry book or an encyclopedia to learn who first invented gun power to propelled rockets around the 13th century.",去你的当地图书馆查一查火箭书籍或者百科全书,了解下是谁在13世纪左右首先发明了推进火箭的火药。 +"It might be an important mechanism for lowering appetite, decreasing splanchnic adipopexis and reducing body weight, which were induced by long-term aerobic exercise.",这些可能是长期有氧运动导致摄食量减少、内脏脂肪垫降低、体重减轻的重要原因。 +"The dimension and dispersion of the precipitation decrease, the lath character of bainitic ferrite tends to be evident.",碳化物尺寸变小,弥散度减小,贝氏体铁素体条片状特征明显; +I think it will for a few days.,我看几天之内不会变天的。 +Ecuador is willing to work with China to promote friendly relations between Latin American countries and China to further strengthen cooperation between the the Andes Community and China.,厄方愿与中方共同努力,推动拉美国家与中国的友好关系,进一步加强安共体与中国的合作。 +"The bank spent $83 million on integrating the joint venture during the third quarter, Porat said during the conference call.",Porat在电话会议上说,摩根士丹利在第三季度花了8300万美元融合这个合资公司。 +Blades are modeled by using 3-dimensional shell elements and disk is modeled by using 2-dimensional ring elements.,叶片采用壳单元模拟,轮体采用轴对环单元模拟。 +Dragons occupy 4 battlefield grid cells.,在战场上, 龙会占据4个格子。 +"Originated from Bai Bide's new humanism, the theoretical construction of new poem by the classical poem school in modern China belongs to the thought of new classicalism.",中国现代格律诗派关于新诗形式理论的构建,缘起于白璧德的新人文主义,隶属于新古典主义思潮,其间构成逻辑的因果关系。 +"Handily enough, you can get onto the Virgin Web site to re-activate your MiFi, even if you’d previously stopped paying for service.",足够便利的是,即便之前停止了服务付费,你也可以登录维珍的Web站点来重新激活MiFi。 +So much of our day-to-day life can be done unconsciously.,"我们日常生活中的许多行为,都是在无意识之中完成的。" +"So the prices have become 48, 68 or 168 yuan, etc.",所以,商品的价格就成了48元、68元、168元等等。 +The calculation methods for the carrying capacity of stations of existing railway lines are inapplicable to high speed passenger railway lines.,现行的既有线客运站通过能力计算方法不能直接用于客运专线客运站通过能力计算。 +"Work also suggested using money freed up from canceled F-35s to accelerate development of long-range, carrier-based, unmanned combat aircraft, a technology that leaps over the F-35.",沃克还建议取消F-35战机研制后,将其经费用于对航程远、航母舰载无人驾驶战斗机的加速研发,这项技术可以取代F-35系列战机。 +Other worldviews fail to correctly address our primary problem – our broken relationship with God – and the solution.,其他的世界观不能解决我们的首要问题—我们和神的破碎关系—没有答案。 +"To notify persons in concern to submit reports, records, salary files, and documents in concern or to provide explanations as deemed necessary.",二通知有关人员提出必要报告、纪录、工资清册及有关文件或作必要之说明。 +"Beyond the opportunity for older industry types to assert their superior experience, the bigger issue is whether this age deficit is having any impact on asset prices as inflationary pressures rise.","这其中,除了更年长的从业者可能更有机会施展经验外,更大的问题是,随着通胀压力的上升,这种差距是否会对资产价格产生影响." +The relation between the level of exogenous CTK/IAA for inducing differentiation and the level of endogenous CTK/IAA in callus with bud or root differentiation is negative.,结果表明:诱导愈伤组织分化芽或根所用的外源CTK/IAA值同分化出芽或根的愈伤组织的内源CTK/IAA值呈负相关; +"In taking out an insurance policy one pays for it in dollars and cents, always at liberty to discontinue payments .",当一个人拿出一个保险单,他要为之付上美元和美分,总是能够自由中断投入。 +"Daisy marched into her first day of preschool in Berkeley, Calif., in her favorite pinstriped overalls and carrying a Thomas the Tank Engine lunchbox.",最初她在伯克利上幼儿园,上学头几天她穿着细条纹的裤子,背着Thomas便当盒。 +"ShuXin beginning difficult points, to find a regularly conduct: the truth a little clue, observing surface.",舒欣开端困难查案:排查疑点,寻觅线索,立功真相一点点浮出水面。 +"They found that if someone’s mind wandered at, say, 10 in the morning, then at 10:15 that person was likely to be less happy than at 10 , perhaps because of those stray thoughts.",他们发现如果某个人在上午10点走神了,那么10:15分的时候那个人很可能比在10点的时候更不快,也许是因为那些游离的念头。 +"Both countries are permanent members of the UN Security Council, where they have in the past jointly used their veto power against Western-backed moves such as in the civil war in Syria.",两国都是联合国常任理事国,他们过去曾共同使用否决权反对西方支持的一些行动例如叙利亚的内战等。 +"Loving peace, honoring promises and living in harmony with all others far and near is an important part of China's cultural heritage.",爱好和平、讲信修睦、协和万邦是中国文化传统的重要组成部分。 +"You also need this article's sample code (see Download), which includes a copy of Mahout and its dependencies. Follow these steps to install the sample code",您还需要本文的示例代码(见 下载 部分),其中包括一个 Mahout 副本及其依赖关系。 +"After two years there, Woods turned pro with his 'Hello world' announcement, officially ending his collegiate career.",两年先,伍兹以“您佳,天下”的狭告语宣布入入职业比赛,也正式解束了小门生活。 +One reason for the error between calculating and measuring values of the reverberation time is that the calculating error is neglected.,忽略吸声系数数值客观存在的计算误差,是造成混响时间计算与实测值误差的原因之一。 +"Article 28 To meet the requirements of maritime traffic safety, the competent authority shall fix and adjust traffic control areas and harbour anchorages.",第二十八条主管机关根据海上交通安全的需要,确定、调整交通管制区和港口锚地。 +"Sing like no one's listening, love like you've never been hurt, dance like nobody's watching, and live like its heaven on earth.",大声歌唱,就当没人听得见; 认真去爱,就当没受过伤害; 纵情舞蹈,就当没人看得见; 开心生活,就当天堂降临人间。 +"An inveterate optimist about the American economy, Mr. Buffett also forecast an eventual recovery, asserting that the country has faced even more severe economic travails in the past.",作为一位对于美国经济根深蒂固的乐观主义者,巴菲特还预测,经济最终将会恢复,声称美国在过往曾经面对过更加严峻的经济阵痛。 +"EISUKE SAKAKIBARA, Vice Minister of Finance, Japan, 1997-1999: Japan is a very sort of parochial and very closed economy; there's no question about it.",大藏省次长, 日本,1997-1999:日本是一个地域狭小的国家,经济非常封闭,这一点毋庸质疑。 +"The more you learn about how meat affects your body and how the majority of animals are treated before becoming “meat”, the less appetizing it becomes.",大多数动物在变成“肉类”之前是如何被饲养的? 对这些问题你知道的越多,对你食欲的打击就越严重。 +Wang Feng is a worker at Yulin in Shaanxi Province.,王锋是陕西省玉林的一名工作者。 +"Cooperative text-editing system is one of focuses in CSCW research field, allows a group of people to edit a text concurrently.",协作文本编辑是CSCW中的一种重要应用,它使得人们能够同时编辑同一篇文档。 +"Rising ocean temperatures, water pollution, ocean acidification and cyclones continually pummel the reef and have caused mass coral bleaching.",海洋温度上升、海水污染、海水变酸和飓风频发将大量的珊瑚漂白。 +"Soon, the team split up and some workers went to the substation.",很快,团队就不能团结一致了,一些工人就去了备用站。 +The quadriceps straightens the back knee.,股四头肌使后腿膝盖伸直。 +"However, Linux/UNIX does not use BOMs because this would break existing ASCII-file syntax conventions.",但是,Linux/UNIX 并没有使用 BOM,因为它会破坏现有的 ASCII 文件的语法约定。 +"Vibrato is a very expressive technique, and can say a thousand different things when properly used (or misused).",颤音是一个很富有表现力的技巧,可以说在适当的使用(或滥用)时能有上千种不同的效果。 +Infrared thermography (IRT) cameras can see what human eyes can’t: heat.,红外热成像摄像机可以看见人眼所看不见的东西:热。 +The main problems existing in the present studies are described as follows. (1) there is a lack of long-term experimental results. Tests with wetland rice as an index for four years in succ…,认为这是一个表观值,提出容量值应为“范围值”并给出了以实验为基础的经验修正式。 +"She cast anchor , clued up sails, and on the deck was Captain Gaumard giving orders, and good old Penelon making signals to M. Morrel.",它抛了锚,收了所有的帆,甲板上是茄马特船长在那儿发号施令,而佩尼隆正在向莫雷尔先生打旗语。 +That car cost me a lot of money.,那辆车花了我很多钱。 +One of the advantages of automatically creating contacts is that all of the addresses you email subsequently show up in auto-complete.,自动创建联系人的好处是你经常发送邮件的地址会在自动完成里面全部显示出来。 +There are not hard and fast rules about this but most darts normally fold in towards the cf or cb. see arrows in figure13-10. press a way from cf.,关于这一点没有硬性的规定,但是大多数省道通常向前中心线或后中心线烫倒。 +"Significant producer de-hedging can boost market sentiment and support gold prices. However, the rate of de-hedging has slowed markedly in recent years as the outstanding global hedgebook shrank.",重要生产商解除套保会提振市场信心并支撑金价,但近些年来解除套保操作的增长速度明显放缓,因未结算国际对冲帐逐步缩水。 +This will only be required on the client side.,只有在客户机端上才需要这样做。 +"Good Management, Natural lighting, Direct owner, no commission payable by tenant.",管理完善;光猛整洁;直接业主,租客免佣。 +He converted to Budhism in 1917.,他于1917 年皈依了佛教。 +Electonic plate scanning: A process that uses a light beam to scan the offset plate for the purpose of recording the position of image areas on the plate and to evaluate the amount of ink required .,电子印版扫描:用光束扫描柯式印版的过程中,记录印版上的印纹位置,用以计算需用墨量。 +"Those in Melaka , please kindly set a time and place and I will meet u up personally.",如果您在马六甲,请设定一个时间和地点,我会尽量满足您个人的要求。 +Discard a card from your hand: Grotesque Hybrid gains flying and protection from green and from white until end of turn.,从你手上弃掉一张牌:怪诞杂种获得飞行及反绿保护及反白保护异能直到回合结束。 +"I profess, I have never seen the like since my days of vanity, in old King James's time, when I was wont to esteem it a high favour to be admitted to a court mask!",我敢说,自从我在老王詹姆斯时代荣获恩宠,时常被召进宫中参加假面舞会、大出风头的岁月以来,我还从来没见过这样的小家伙呢。 +Hu also briefed the Jordanian parliamentary leaders on China's principled position on the Middle East question.,胡锦涛还向约旦议会领导人介绍了中国在中东问题上的原则立场。 +"I see, I trust you, let's go and have a talk with Nana together.",我明白了,老师相信你,走,我们一起找娜娜谈谈去。 +I omitted to tell her come.,我忘记告诉她来了。 +Reframing is a popular technique for a simple reason; it works.,重新架构是一个很流行的技巧,原因很简单:它却是能奏效。 +"These great big things are essentially enormous intensive vaccum cleaner that will squirl the rubbish around, yeah, goes off to the top.",这些绿色的管子本质上来说就是一个巨大的集中的吸尘器,他们把所有地方的垃圾都从地面上吸过来。 +"TTP-245C aircraft, print speeds of up to 6 inches per second, suitable for all kinds of medium, and low-volume label printing needs;",TTP-245C机种,打印速度最高可达每秒6英吋,适用于各种中、低印量标签打印需求; +"The only thing more shocking than Bolt's times (and behavior) was his pre-race diet, which consisted almost entirely of greasy chicken nuggets.",不过比起他比赛中的表现更让人震惊的是他的赛前食谱-几乎全部是油腻腻的炸鸡块! +"As we ready ourselves for a ""performance, "" we envision the ideal: today I will deliver the perfect speech, and the client or audience will be so wowed, they will be sold.",当我们准备好去表现自己时,我们总是想得很理想:今天我将发表最完美的演讲,叫客户或观众叫绝不已,买我的帐。 +Paying attention to verbal and non-verbal clues is one way to make yourself smarter and savvier on the job hunt.,注意言语和非言语线索是让你在找工作时变得更精明。 +Stewart : It's a semi-long book.,斯图尔特:���是本半长的书。 +"He trails in national polls and, worse, is clearly behind in crucial states such as Florida, Virginia, New Hampshire and Ohio.",麦凯恩在全国民意调查中仍落后于奥巴马;更糟的是他在佛罗里达、弗吉尼亚、新罕布什尔和俄亥俄等重要的大州劣势明显。 +Chapter Tw the comparative study on the judge's interpretation power system.,第二章:释明权制度比较研究。 +"More than four months after the U.S. Supreme Court ended the 2000 election, he and his firm, Greenberg Traurig, are still owed more than $800,000 in legal fees.",在美国最高法院裁定2000年选举最终获胜者四个多月后,他和他的“格林伯格·特里格”公司仍然被拖欠了超过80万美元的法律服务费。 +"In the time of import-export related processing trade in the Pearl River Delta, import penetration rates promote labor demand and thus raise the labor income share.",进出口高度相关的珠三角加工贸易时代,进口渗透率促进劳动收入份额上升; +The first wae were the Gaels-came about 600 BC.,第一次高潮是约公元前600年盖尔人的来临。 +"For residences of princes and court officials, red or blue were used.",一般的王府和官员就采用红色、青色还有蓝色。 +"Ms. Portman is one of a handful of high-profile actors who happen to have serious scientific credentials — awards, degrees, patents and theorems in their name.",波特曼是为数不多的高素质演员中的一个。以获奖、学位、专利、理论研究之名,她获得了严肃著称的科学界的认可。 +"Few villages were more isolated than Montaillou -- it was and remains buried in the Pyrenees -- or more prone to the heresy du jour, Catharism.",还有几个比蒙太奇更偏远的村庄——这些村庄过去以及现在仍然隐藏在比利牛斯山脉的后面——这里或者更倾向于特别推荐的伽他利派净化主义。 +"Gangwon's Board of Education says it plans to fit boards to the front of 50, 000 desks this summer to ""help students sit more comfortably in class"".",江原道的教育委员会表示这个夏天计划安置5万块课桌堵板,来“帮助学生们在教室里坐的更舒服”。 +After an 11-month investigation no charges were brought against him.,在为期11个月的调查后并没有对他进行指控。 +"So where do I check in code that I believe is done, but need to verify before checking in to the trunk?",那我应该向何处检入我认为已经完成、但是在检入主干前需要进行验证的代码呢? +"The glass used in the project is tempered glass. It has high mechanical strength, good elasticity and thermal stability. It is not easy to wound people after broken and can be self-destructive.",这个项目里面所用的玻璃是钢化玻璃吗,它的机械强度高、弹性好、热稳定性好、碎后不易伤人、可发生自爆。 +"On that note, be wary of fake plaques, such as the one that celebrates ""Jacob von Hogflume, inventor of time travel"", who ""lived here in 2189"".",说到这儿,提醒大家注意那些伪造的标志,比如“雅各布·冯·奥格弗卢梅,时空旅行的发明者,曾于2189年居住在这里。” +Lee said Beijing could then decide at the end of the appeal process if it wanted Snowden extradited or not.,李同样说,如果北京希望斯诺登被引渡或留下,可以在上诉过程的最后做出裁决。 +"The first electronic computer, the ENIAC , was developed by the University of Pennsylvania in conjunction with the U. S. Army Ordnance Corps.",第一台计算机“恩尼阿克( ENIAC )”是由宾夕法尼亚大学与美国陆军军械部共同开发的。 +Objective To study the chemical constituents of Hedyotis diffusa Willd.,目的研究白花蛇舌草的化学成分。 +The results are as follows: There is no significant difference in LK propels ion and coordination efficiency between the male and female subjects.,结果发现男女捷泳选手在打腿的推进力及协调效率方面,没有显著差异。 +I think we should immediately notify the cover of military force to move shanty Sun 50th division headquarters closer pilots.,我认为应立即通知各部队掩护军部向前孙家窝棚第五十师师部靠拢。 +"The discovery of quicksand's buoyant properties, akin to those of the salty Dead Sea, quashed this prevalent theory.",流沙悬浮物的发现,类似于咸海死海的物质,使得流引的流沙恐怖论无立足之地。 +"Thousands of protesters, many of them bussed in from the countryside, are sleeping in the shadows of luxury hotels and shopping malls.",在数千名反对者中,很多人是乘坐公共汽车从乡下来到曼谷的,现在已纷纷屈膝在豪华饭店和大型购物中心的檐边而宿。 +Toad serum Samanase(TSS) was purified from toad serum.,蟾蜍血清梭曼水解酶( TSS)已被纯化。 +"Former Serbian president Slobodan Milosevic also went before the tribunal, but he died during his trial.",前塞尔维亚总统斯洛博丹·米洛舍维奇(斯洛��丹米洛舍维奇)也面临审判,但他在审判过程中去世。 +"The deal does not include the Wells Fargo Center or the Philadelphia Flyers, which will still be owned by Comcast-Spectator.",这笔交易并没有包括富国中心(Wells Fargo Center,费城76人队和费城飞人队共同主场)的所有权,该球场仍然属于Comcast-Spectator公司所有。 +"In particular, China's achievements in eradicating poverty and improving people's livelihood have made enormous contributions to world prosperity and stability.",特别是中国在消灭贫困、改善民生方面取得的显著成就,为世界的繁荣与稳定作出了巨大贡献。 +"Beyond 'blue sky' reporting, the 2006 change in the air quality monitoring network also has resulted in misleading improvements in reported annual pollutant concentrations.",除此之外,2006年改变空气质量监测网的做法也会误导污染物年平均浓度出现改善的结论。 +The American Psychiatric Foundation launched the “Conversations” series in 2002 so that psychiatrists could hear from people whose daily lives have been affected by mental illness.,美国精神疾病基金会在2002年发起了“会谈”系列,为的是精神病专家能够知道人们日常生活被精神疾病影响的感受。 +"The deficiency of the currently exist flexible electrical network planning, such as multi-scenario method, blind number planning, selected probability method are analyzed.",分析了场景规划技术、盲数规划、线路被选概率等电网灵活规划现有方法所存在的问题和不足。 +"""The player who says that he does not dream of playing for Real Madrid is a liar, "" Alves told Marca.",“对任何一个球员来说,没有梦想过为皇马踢球是不可能的,”阿尔维斯对马卡报说。 +"For the XHTML schema, you need to construct a similar module that defines the p element and its corresponding pType complex type definition, as shown in Listing 11.",对于 XHTML 模式,需要构造类似的模块用于定义 p 元素和对应的 pType 复杂类型定义,如清单 11 所示。 +"Question marks have also been raised about Lukasz Fabianski, who has provided the back-up to Almunia but came under fire following two blunders against Porto in the UEFA Champions League.",关于卢卡斯·法比安斯基,同样也有问题提出,他是阿穆尼亚的接班人,但是在冠军杯对波尔图的比赛那两次重大失误后也被人诟病。 +Cystal low density were demonstrated in 2 lesions.,2例病灶内可见囊性低密度区。 +"She is sharp as a razor on the idiocies of men and women, cooking, politics and relationships of all kinds.",她对于各种白痴行为,如关于男人的、女人的、做饭的、政治的、都一针见血。 +A place to stand and love in for a day.,在这�爱,爱上一天,尽管昏黑的。 +"That, in turn, requires an advanced level of surveillance and intelligence-gathering to make sure that any locust concentrations are nipped in the bud.",因此需要高水准的监视和情报收集工作,确保将蝗虫集群消灭在萌芽状态。 +"That course, taught by Cyrus Levinthal, familiarized me with nucleic acids13 and molecular genetics and prepared me for future encounters with these topics.",它使我了解了核酸和分子遗传学,并为我将来从事这方面的课题做了准备。 +ABF Audio Tags Editor allows you to do without the separate tag editing dialogs and edit them directly in the list cells.,沛富音频标签编辑器允许您这样做,没有单独的标签编辑的对话与编辑,他们直接在清单中的细胞。 +"Young, Oran R. ed. Global Governance: Drawing Insights from the Environmental Experience. Cambridge: MIT Press, pp. 1-25, and 273 -300.",编,《全球治理:从环境问题当中而得到的经验》。剑桥:麻省理工学院出版社,页1-25和273-300。 +"Ye Hongna, a Groupon spokeswoman based in Beijing, declined to comment.",Groupon驻北京发言人叶洪娜(音)拒绝置评。 +"Doki-sama, sorry, Only now see your post , If there are other problems can then contact me. You say the problem I have contacted the moderator.",抱歉,才看到你的帖子,如果你还有其他的问题再联系我就可以了。你说的问题我已经联系那个版区的版主了。 +"Techie experts predict that mobile is the thing of the future, and the number of sales of smartphones is supporting this prediction.",技术专家们预言到移动网络将成为未来的主流,并且智能手机的销售量正在支持者这个预言。 +"IBM is launching as a pilot partner for the Company Networks feature, with the IBM Expert Network.",IBM作为尝试性的合作伙伴,通过“公司网络”功能推出了”IBM专家网络”。 +The miners are trying to get factory workers to join them on the picket line.,矿工正设法让工厂工人加入他们的纠察队人墙。 +"Tayloe Stansbury, Intuit’s chief technology officer, says that most of the firm’s data mining is geared to helping its customers.",Tayloe Stansbury ,Intuit公司的首席技术官,表示该公司的大多数数据挖掘是为帮助需要服务的客户。 +"By using the rich historical earthquake data, the author studied some features of temporal and spatial variation of strong seismicity in the Sea of Japan.",利用日本海区丰富的震史资料,研究了该区强震活动时—空变化的某些特征。 +Authors attending the event must complete the registration in advance in order to facilitate the editing of the Conference Proceedings.,出席本次研讨会之论文作者必须预先完成注册手续,以便安排第六届中国城市住宅研讨会论文集之编辑。 +"Call me Mr. Slade , call me Colonel if you must, just don't call me sir.",叫我斯莱德先生,叫我上校,如果你一定要这样,别叫我长官。 +Politicians like to pontificate the reason about falling standards .,政治家喜欢自大地表示下降标准旳缘故。 +"When teachers feel good about teaching, this is how we feel.",教师体悟到教学的乐趣时,我们也便是这样的感受。 +The proposal died because of a lack of funds.,由于资金不足,这一计划未能实施。 +"Hindu temples, Buddhist monasteries and New Age communes, looking for that all-important thing, community.",印度寺庙,佛教修道院与灵修公社,去寻找那些重要的事物关系。 +After him came a tall young man with a feathered and jewelled turban on his head and an ivory-sheathed scimitar at his side.,蒂斯罗克之后,来了个高大的年轻人,头上裹着一个插羽毛、镶珠宝的头巾,身边佩一把象牙鞘的弯刀。 +"Human fetal ovary has low immunogenicity and is full of multimillions of primordial follicles, which can grow and develop to secrete hormones after leaving the body.",人类胚胎卵巢免疫原性低,其内含有数百万的始基卵泡,这些始基卵泡离体后可生长发育并分泌激素。 +The activity had us tied up for a whole week.,这次活动让我们忙了整整一星期。 +"Leroy Merlin is founded in Lille, France in 1923, controlled by the Mulliez Family Group. Now Leroy Merlin is ranking the first in France, second in Europe and fourth in the world in DIY retail.",乐华梅兰于1923年在法国里尔市创立,由法国穆里叶家族控股,现在是法国第一、欧洲第二、全球排名第四的建材零售企业。 +"With Chinas accession to the World since Dongfeng trucks, increasing demand for export, exported around the world.",随着中国加入世以来,东风卡车外销的需求量越来越大,远销世界各地。 +"So far, the site has facilitate over 145,000 successful trades.",到目前为止,网站已超过145000促进成功交易。 +"Ferrovanadium can be used as additive in smelting high-intensity-low-alloy steel, high speed steel, tool steel, stainless steel and permanent magnet.",钒铁用作炼钢的添加剂,生产高强度低合金钢、高速钢、工具钢、不锈钢及永久磁铁等。 +"These questions are designed so that you can use Bart Ehrman's textbook, the tools we've shown you,and the notes from class, and just your own brain and the primary text you've been reading.","这些问题都是专门为你们而设的,所以你们只要用Bart,Ehrman的教科书,我教你们的方法,你们上课做的笔记,和你的脑袋,以及你们读过的重要文献,就行了。" +Ben Haim can play at full -back as well as in central defence.,本·海姆既可以在后场自由跑动防守,也可以打中卫的位置。 +Emmi drinks nothing but coffee.,艾米除了咖啡外什么都不喝。 +Hope Chinese School is also known as Tempe Chinese School.,希望中文学校原名为坦佩中文学校。 +The company had earlier forecast more than 3.9 percent growth.,此前该公司曾预测全年销售额增长会超过3.9%。 +Klimax to engage in chartering business on behalf of Brilliant.,这封信授权科利马克代表光辉开展租赁业务。 +"Although they agree that the world is objective, the present constructivists believe that people's understanding of the world and its meaning is decided by the individual himself.",建构主义者认为世界虽然是客观存在的,但是对于世界的理解和赋予的意义是由每个人自己决定的。 +""" On the spur of the moment, the old man answered: ""bricks can only be used to build houses, all day the weather did not say, or so mediocre.",老人不假思索地应声答道:“砖头只能用来建造房屋,整天风吹日晒不说,还是那么平庸。 +"Peptide vaccine derived from leukemia antigen can induce specific immune response, and its anti-tumor effect in vivo in mouse …",白血病核酸疫苗能更有效地在小鼠体内诱导保护性免疫,从而更适合于临床应用。 +"Bilberry extract is beneficial in the strengthening of red blood cells and capillaries, specifically around the eyes and in the retina.",越桔萃取物是有利的在加强红血球和血丝,具体地在眼睛附近和在视网膜。 +"However, the taxpayer reflected in the use of discounts and the ""coupon redemption schemes, "" check out, it is difficult to obtain an invoice from the merchant.",但纳税人反映,在使用优惠折扣和“返券”结账时,很难从商家取得广州开发票。 +"The rich man's business flourishes, with money rolling in. Now, all there is left with him is a desire to send his spoiled son to college.",这个有钱人生意兴隆,财源滚滚。现在,他只想送他那被宠坏的儿子上大学。 +The WHO says there is still a long way to go to achieve a smoke-free world.,世界卫生组织说为了得到一个无烟的世界仍然有很长的路要走来。 +"Of course not miss Chen, also drew him counter-revolutionary.",当然不会放过老陈,把他也打成了反革命。 +"While almost everyone agrees that it's the best single GPU card on the market, some punters complained about its price.",虽然几乎所有人都认为这是最好的单GPU卡市场上,一些赌客抱怨它的价格。 +"Taking the thickness of several ore-bodies in Gejiu tin mine as an example, the author makes a discussion on the application of entropy functions for the comparison and class…",以个旧锡矿若干矿体的厚度为例,讨论了熵函数在矿体厚度结构特征的对比、分类,厚度均值误差的估算以及指导勘探工程布置等方面的应用。 +"In this two-article series, you created an XForms form that emulates a Sudoku game.",在 本系列的两篇文章 中,我们创建了一个模拟数独游戏的 Xforms 表单。 +"Most of AWS’s new features are suggested by customers, and they are released immediately as they are implemented without waiting on some event to announce them, said Vogels.",Vogels说,AWS多数的新功能是由用户建议的,他们一经实现就立即发布,不会等着举办一个发表仪式。 +"Teams came with ideas, got paired up with mentors and resources, and were guided through the process of bringing their ideas to life.",各团队需拿出自己的点子,然后获得导师和所需资源,在指导下完成将理念转化为产品的过程。 +"Even with the rise in shark attacks and fatalities, the number of sharks killed by humans each year is staggering, with 30 to 70 million sharks killed by fisheries alone.",即使鲨鱼攻击事件有所增长,每年被人类杀死的鲨鱼的数量也出奇的高,仅仅是渔业捕捞,每年就会杀死三千万至七千万只鲨鱼。 +"Of all the sexual perversions, monogamy is the most unnatural. Most of our affairs run the usual course.",在所有对性的曲解中,一夫一妻制是最不合常理的。 +"Emma from UK would also have to agree, noting that her husband prefers her most when she’s wearing jeans, a t-shirt and no makeup.",来自英国的艾玛也同意这个观点,她提到自己的丈夫就喜欢她穿牛仔裤和T恤衫不化妆时的样子。 +I'm trying to help you think.,我在试着帮助你们思考。 +The cat had not been fed for weeks and was just a bag of bones.,这只猫几个星期没喂食了,都瘦成皮包骨头了。 +"It´s very real, in a medical, psychological and give me-the-cold-hard-facts kind of way.",它非常真实地存在,在医学上,心理上都是一个不可否认的事实。 +"Clinical Trial Experience: With 309 pts enrolled in CTI-sponsored clinical trials since US approval, 274 SAEs have been reported for 174 pts.",临床实验阶段经验:由CTI发起美国批准的有309例登记的临床实验中有174例报告不良反应274次。 +"As you hum your songs, the water turn to ice above our home.",歌词大意: 当你哼你的歌,水变成冰上面我们的家。 +"For example, if you sell clothing and you have hundreds of searches for ""pink ball gowns"" but you don't sell them, it might just be worth looking into selling pink ball gowns.",例如,如果你卖衣服,并且“粉红色的袍子”被搜索了数百次,但是你却不卖这一款式,这时你就应该考虑卖粉红色袍子了。 +"In Pratt's campus is safety, the security is good inside campus, but not out of campus.",在普瑞特的校区里是安全啦,出了校门,那可不一定! +"Compared with the mechanical spring, a move of the large, smooth and characteristics of the characteristics of small size.",与机械弹簧相比,具有举力大,力特性平滑而体积小的特点。 +Conclusion Shengjiang powder has significantly anti-influenza virus effect.,结论升降散散剂具有明显抗病毒作用。 +"Ejiao satisfactory picking up bowl chopsticks, I looked at her door lock up and rushed to the toilet crazy vomit up.",阿娇满意的收拾着碗筷,我看着被她锁起来的大门,冲到厕所狂吐起来。 +"Several defectors said their former leader, called ""a peerless military genius"" by state propaganda, has lost a great deal of weight, with one saying: ""The general has aged a lot.""",几名叛逃者表示,金正日的体重已经大减,其中一人说:“他老了很多。” +"Schumann and JiCheng JiCheng out, to explain, integrity, but broke.",舒曼和季诚出来,季诚要解���,正直却打岔。 +As examples: Pens-do they all write? do you need 27 of them? would they be better off in the office?,举些例子: 钢笔——所有的都还能写出来吗?你需要27支吗?放在办公室里会不会更好呢? +"LAMP (Loop-mediated isothermal amplification) is a new genic amplification technology. Merits of this kit is rapid, accurate, sensitive and convenient.",法是一种新的基因扩增技术,具有简便、准确、灵敏、快速的特点; +"In addition, they initiated a community-wide soccer program.",除此之外,他们在全社区里创立美式足球训练班。 +"If you have some MP3s with ""good"" tags and just want to rename them to a common format, use the -ro option.",如果您的一些 MP3 已经有“好的”标签,只是想以通用格式对它们进行重命名,使用 -ro 选项。 +"The organizers of the study disputed the main idea of what has been called ""trickle down"" economic theory.",这项研究的组织者对所谓的涓滴效应经济理论的主要观点表示异议。 +The cool wind buffets my hair – whatever little of it is remaining – and caresses my skin.,凉风吹着我的头发——不管我只剩几根头发了:-),抚摩着我的肌肤。 +"The directions state that a dark room is necessary - as with all projectors and, the lens must be focused (easily done by turning it with your hand) to acheieve a clear image.",说明书指出,投影的房间最好的暗光的,就像其他的放映机一样,镜头必须旋转调整才能有清晰的图像(操作很简单,手动即可)。 +The course change of Xijiang River and the formation of Lingyang Gorge are related to the neo-tectonic movements since Quaternary Period.,西江改道和羚羊峡的形成,是与第四纪以来新构造运动的作用有关。 +Ovary was the most affected organ (81.40%).,卵巢是最常见的受累器官(81.40%)。 +Let's try nitrogen.,试一下氮气。 +When President Ali Abdullah Saleh realised that he could no longer rely on the army it spelled the beginning of the end.,当(也门)阿里·阿卜杜拉·萨利赫总统意识到的时候,他已经不能再信赖军堆了,而张诓就成了他下台的开始。 +"'Given what's happening in the Caucasus, the attacks in Moscow this week won't be the last,' said Alexei Malashenko, a specialist in the region at the Moscow Carnegie Center.",莫斯科卡内基中心(Moscow Carnegie Center)高加索地区问题专家马拉申科(Alexei Malashenko)说,鉴于高加索地区的局势,本周的莫斯科袭击事件不会是最后一起。 +The study of Intonation is one of the important problems in phonetics.,语调研究是当前语音学和音系学研究的重要课题之一。 +"Therefore, we can say that he did love his family. He just had this bad habit, a habit that really should be corrected.",所以说起来,他本身也很爱这个家庭,只是一个习气,这个习气真的要改。 +"It is also currently featured in ""Esquire House 360"" in Beverly Hills, California.",它目前也在加利福尼亚州贝弗利山庄的“时尚家居360”中广受关注。 +"Windows: Emulates the Windows 2000 operating system (because of licensing restrictions, this PLAF can only be used under a Windows platform)",Windows:模仿 Windows 2000 操作系统(由于许可限制,PLAF只能在Windows平台下使用)。 +"In the course of project implementation, women were particularly concerned about, as well as the feminization of agriculture in today's reality.",在项目实施过程中,特别关注女性和当今农业女性化实际。 +Objective:Analysis traumatic hepatorrhexis method of treatment;,目的:分析外伤性肝破裂的治疗方法; +"The treaty aims to reduce U.S. and Russian nuclear arsenals by approximately 30 percent to 1,550 warheads each, lessening tensions and the chances of them ever being used in a war.",这项新的军控条约旨在将美俄两国的核武库削减至各1550枚弹头,降幅约为30%,以缓解紧张局势,减少在战争中使用核武器的可能性。 +This irreverence so offended God He struck some with illness and others with death.,这种不敬冒犯了神,所以他让一些人患病而另一些人死亡。 +"But what could be wrong about two people in love, happily married and bringing up their son?",但是,两个相爱的人幸福地结婚,开心地抚养他们的儿子,这有什么错呢? +"If the response is i686 , you have a 32-bit version of Linux.",如果结果是i686,就是32位Linux +"Although none of his series has been top-ranked in and of itself, collectively speaking, he's one of my bigger draws.",尽管他的系列文章没有进入排行榜的前列,但他是我最多产的作者之一。 +At this point I stepped up my game and began to focus and imagine working there.,在那一刻,我加强游戏砝码,开始专注和想象在该公司工作的样子。 +"It is very common for Statistics departments to be separate at schools with graduate programs, but many undergraduate-only institutions include statistics under the mathematics department.",这是非常常见的统计部门要单独在学校与研究生课程,但许多本科生只有机构包括统计的数学系。 +The snow-capped peaks north of the fire are dingy brown and partially obscured by smoke.,山火北面的山峰雪顶显出黯淡的褐色,一部分被浓烟遮掩。 +"Division of Pulmonary Medicine and 2. Department of Laboratory Medicine, Taipei Medical University-Wan Fang Hospital; 3. Reference Laboratory of Mycobacteriology, Centers for Disease Control.",台北医学大学市立万芳医院胸腔科1,检验科2;疾病管制局研究检验中心3。 +Operators at the White House said to the Global Times that staff at the White House Internship Office were on leave for President's Day.,白宫的接线生说由于礼拜一是总统日(一个节日),所以白宫管理实习的办公室办事员都没上班。 +That is how the Austrians knew the present bust was coming.,这就是为什么奥地利经济学家知道崩溃即将来临。 +"Through research, enormous fg inventory is caused by multiple prediction andmultiple replenishment orders, bullwhip effect explain the problem well.",经过研究调查,巨大的成品库存是由于多重预测计划和多个补货指令造成的,牛鞭效应很好地解释了这个问题的产生。 +"Tomlinson then was chief of the computer mapping division at Spartan Air Services, Ottawa.",不久,汤姆林森任命于渥太华的Spartan Air Services,是计算机制图的主要负责人。 +"There are now 14000 km of cycle paths there, so you can go anywhere by bike.",现在在那里有 14000 公里的周期路径,因此,你能藉着脚踏车去无论何处。 +Know the specifications by heart and deviate from them only after careful consideration.,要将规范熟记于心,如果要背离规范,需经过慎密的考虑后才可以这样做。 +"Lee's forces had again gained ground, but had failed to dislodge the Federal army from its strong position.",南军的进攻再次取得进展,但仍然无法迫使北军放弃其坚固的阵地。 +"A spider's life can't help being something of a mess, with all this trapping and eating flies. By helping you, perhaps I was trying to lift up my life a trife.",一只蜘蛛,一生只忙着捕捉和吃苍蝇是毫无意义的,通过帮助你,也许可以提升一点我生命的价值。 +"In order to deepen the fuel depletion, the method of local adding and exchanging fuel is suggested in this paper, when the HFETR is operated in small sca-le loading.",本文通过对HFETR 小装载时加深元件燃耗的研究,提出了局部加料和倒料的方法。 +"In section 2 we propose a deeply layered feedforward network at which the structure can be located adaptively, and prove its universal approximation property by a construction method.",首先提出一种能自适应分布网络结构的深层前馈网络模型,并利用构造性方法证明了该网络的通有逼近性质。 +"It is a sweet soup made of beets, onion, a bit of sugar, and lemon juice. Cold borscht is often garnished with a dollop of sour cream at the center of the bowl.",它是用甜菜、洋葱、少许糖和柠檬汁做成的一种甜汤,通常会在碗中间放一块酸奶油作装饰。 +"Best of all, you need only one Thermage treatment to get the full benefits.",最棒的,你只需要一个Thermage待遇得到的全部好处。 +He also gave me an important task to collect as many beautiful seashells as possible (this is sort of our hobby right now while we are renting a condo on the beach.),同时他还交给了我一件任务,他要我尽可能的去收集那些美丽的贝壳(这是我们住在租来的海边公寓时的爱好之一)。 +It expects to lose money again in 2011.,预计2011年它还会亏钱。 +The construction of the Regional Digital Seismic Station of Linfen of Shanxi Province and its technical system and result application are introduced.,介绍了临汾区域数字地震台的技术系统建设过程、技术构成及成果应用。 +"Fractures of the distal femur, proximal tibia, and patella that occur adjacent to a total knee replacement may be very difficult to treat.",全膝置换假体周围的股骨远端,胫骨近端,髌骨骨折是非常难治疗的。 +"So you want to take your start almost straight out, but still enough of elevation so you can get your hips and feet in the same hole your head and shoulder is going.",所以你出发时,要采用大致水平的体线,但又要保持一定的高度,要确保臀部和脚的入水点与头和肩的入水点一样。 +"To revel in conceit or self-importance, usually insensibly.",他唱歌时自我陶醉的样子真可笑。 +This paper reviews and summarizes the principle and development of semisolid roll casting technology.,综述了半固态连续铸轧技术的现状与研究要点; +Create the server key: openssl genrsa -des3 -out server.key 1024.,创建服务器密匙:openssl genrsa -des3 -out server.key 1024。 +"At present, no easy solutions have been found in the automated detection of the intersections and the deletion of hidden tunnels when drawing underground tunnel maps.",目前国内在绘制巷道图时,不能自动判别巷道立体交叉及消去隐藏巷道的问题。 +"This factory is built in early 90 years. It gathers research and develops, manufacture and sell high technology private company, flexible management.",本厂创建于九十年代初,是集开发研制与生产销售为一体的高新技术私营企业,经营机制灵活。 +There are qualitative and quantitative parameters and parameter values.,存在定质和定量的参数和参数值。 +"The yearly exodus is marked by chaotic scenes as masses of Chinese desperate to return home overwhelm the nation's transport grid, AFP said.",法新社称,在这一年一度的人口大流动中,无数的中国人归心似箭,这个国家的交通系统承受了巨大压力,经常出现一些混乱局面。 +Will applying taoist principles of 'Yin and Yang' and 'Give and Take' help in your negotiation purposes?,道学中的‘阴与阳’、’收获与给出‘等相转化的哲理应用在你谈判中能否见效呢? +"A worker on his way home from work, is looking at the tearing down of the KTP Group Shoe Factory, who used to produce shoes for Nike and Reebok in the Delta region.",珠江三角洲一工人踏上返乡路。他望着拆卸中的某制鞋厂,这家工厂曾制鞋给耐克和锐步品牌。 +Tempestite sedimentary succession have been discovered through the study of the outcrop of the up of Cambrian to the low of Ordovician in the Bachu area of the Tarim Basin.,文中紧密结合生产勘探实践 ,充分运用陆相前陆盆地的观点对库车前陆盆地陆相沉积层序控制下的白垩纪巴什基奇克组储层进行了重点研究。 +"They liked her modern slippers, bags and scarves , which are sewn from Chinese silks and often adorned with embroideries of traditional Chinese motifs such as fish, birds or bamboo.",这些顾客喜欢她设计的时髦拖鞋、包和围巾,这些物品都是用中国丝绸织成,还常常用鱼、鸟或竹子等中国传统刺绣图案进行装点。 +"Moreover, because the frequent switch or the human factor, the wall switch damage rate is very high, increased the service quantity, has wasted the fund.",另外,由于频繁开关或者人为因素,墙壁开关的损坏率很高,增大了维修量、浪费了资金。 +"Based on the analysis of BM algorithm, this article represents a new pattern-matching algorithm, namely QBM algorithm.",在分析BM算法的基础上,提出了一个改进的模式匹配算法QBM算法。 +"Though it is hard to know for sure when these photos were taken, they were all released in the last seven days.",虽然当这组照片被公布时人们很难去判断它的真实性,但是在过去的七天里他们还是全都公之于众中。 +Cheese curd inoculation is used in the manufacture of Roquefort and blue cheese.,生产法国羊奶干酪和青纹干酪需进行干酪凝块的培养。 +Washing will keep the pores open and prevent them getting clogged with oil.,擦洗使汗毛孔开放,预防油腻物质堵塞汗毛孔。 +"Many schools to write training classed as ""out-reach type"" course, weekly only a lesson.",不少学校把写字训练归入“拓展型”课程,每周仅有一节课。 +"He also offered a $10, 000 reward for his capture, though he had no money to back it up.","为了抓捕艾希曼,他还开出10,000美元的悬赏,虽然他付不出这么多的钱。" +"Maternal genetic effects, however, were not important for these traits with excepts of drip loss, marbling score and storage loss.",生长和肉用性状的母本遗传效应较小(失水率、大理石纹等级、贮存损失例外)。 +"I tried to thank all the Arkansans who had helped me reach this day, beginning with two men who were no longer living, Judge Frank Holt and Senator Fulbright.",我竭诚感谢曾帮助我达到今天的成就的所有阿肯色州人,有两位已经不在人世,他们是弗兰克·霍尔特法官和参议员富布赖特。 +"To make things even better, Haw started to paint a picture in his mind again.",为了使事情更顺利地进行,他又开始在头脑中描绘一种景象。 +Doug is a negative person. He always thinks bad things will happen to him.,道格是个消极的人。他老是认为坏事会发生在他身上。 +Then she disappeared into the doorman building before they left to have pizza.,说着她从门卫建筑前消失,他们离开去进餐比萨。 +The application of fine needle aspiration cytological examination in diagnosis of calcifying epithelioma;,目的探讨痛风结节的细针针吸活组织检查细胞学特点,以提高临床诊断准确率。 +There are questions hard to answer. Can't you see?,但伱是否能看到峟许多问题难以回答,? +Innovativeness is the source of ideological and political work of university students.,创新性是高校学生思想政治工作的效力源泉。 +"She also unified the coding in F1501, and corrected two typos therein. The revised file attached.",她还将在F1501的字型统一并订正了两个错别字,校订档附呈。 +"The quantity and composition of heterotrophic bacteria community were investigated from water column of Portunus trituperculatus rearing pond in Meishan, Ningbo in October.",对三疣梭子蟹养殖池塘水体异养细菌的数量和菌群组成进行了调查分析。 +"He insisted that China had no original development model, and that Beijing certainly wasn't trying to recommend its model to nany other country.",他坚持说中国没有原始的发展模式,中国政府当然不会刻意将自己的模式推荐给其他国家。 +Two weeks later the 37-year-old returned home from a holiday to be told she had cancer.,两周后,37岁的奥斯本夫人度完假回到家,被告知已经患上癌症了。 +"This machine is very suitable for the sewing of most fabrics except for those which have a great deal of elasticity, when a machine with a loop formation to the stitch would be more appropriate.",这种机器适用于缝制多数面料,但不适用弹性十足的面料,带有成圈装置的机器适合用来缝制弹性十足的面料。 +"With the purpose of lampson , lamp s performances are measured when the voltage-control dimming is used.",作为对比,对调压调光法下灯的性能也进行了测试。 +"And the accoutrements of rhythmic gymnastics — the hoop, the swirling ribbon — divert from the balletic grace of the athletes.",艺术体操的装备——像圈和带——使运动员像芭蕾舞演员。 +"Momentary, too madam house inside noisy pole.",一时间,太夫人屋里热闹极了。 +"In the recent Central Economic Work Conference, it was pointed out that the goals for foreign trade were to maintain market share, adjust trade structure and promote trade balance.",前不久召开的中央经济工作会议提出,今年对外贸易目标任务是保份额、调结构、促平衡。 +"This was a long rectangular wire box with hinged doors at either end, and a movable bait tray in the middle.",这个笼子是用铁丝编成的,呈长方形,两头各有一个带机关的笼门,笼子中央有一个活动饵料盘。 +The era of dog fights was supposed to be over.,战斗机空中格斗的时代应该结束了。 +Koscielny knows he is on a steep learning curve after his summer transfer from Ligue 1 side Lorient but he is prepared for whatever English football can throw at him.,科斯切尔尼知道他在夏季从法甲洛伦特转会到阿森纳之后,将会经历一个学习的过程,但是他准备好迎接英超的任何挑战。 +"The leading British website for eco travel - great for news, green travel tips and inspiration for a low-impact holiday.",领先的英国生态旅行网站,为你的度假减少环境影响提供优质的新闻、环保旅行提示和灵感。 +"His avid conference-going, for example, is not just for fun.",举个例子,他非常热心于参加集会,可那不只是为了好玩。 +Specialized in: second-hand housing transaction policy advice mortgage banks transfer agents low-pressure loans.,专业从事:二手房交易买卖、政策咨询、银行按揭、代办过户、低压贷款。 +"The mechanism of oxidative degradation, hydrolysis, photodegradation and microbial degradation of polyurethane elastomers are reviewed.",评述了聚氨酯弹性体所经历的热氧降解、水解、光降解和微生物降解等降解过程。 +These roles are related.,这些角色是相关的。 +"The optimization of tokamak plasma equilibrium shape, which is considered as a problem with large search space, is solved using master-slave PGAs.",将主从式并行遗传算法应用于托卡马克等离子体平衡位形优化问题,这是一个工程中实际存在的大搜索空间优化问题。 +It was so red and yet so tender that we could gaze at it with naked eyes. and a slight applause from us.,它是那样红,然而又那么娇嫩以致我们可以用肉眼来观察它。 +"All issues are political issues, and politics itself is a mass of lies, evasions, folly, hatred and schizophrenia.",所有问题都是政治问题,政治本身就是一堆谎言、推辞、愚蠢、仇恨和精神分裂。 +I decided to set the bar very low and make up lies about myself that make me sound lame.,我决定把自己的行为标准降低,撒一些让自己听上去很烂的谎。 +"Engine fitted with a turbocharger , the largest of its power and not with the supercharger when compared to increase by 40 percent or even higher.",一台发动机装上涡轮增压器后,其最大功率与未装增压器的时候相比可以增加40%甚至更高。 +The court decision to freeze their holdings is just the latest twist in the partners' legal wranglings.,法院冻结其股权的决定只是两家合作伙伴之间的法律争斗的最新回合。 +It's very light; a child could lift it.,这东西很轻,小孩子也能把它提起来。 +"There are a few drugs, particularly protease inhibitors, which have to be taken with food to improve absorption rates.",有一些药物,特别是蛋白酶抑制剂,必须与食品同食以改善吸收率。 +"Conclusion KUB examination has low diagnostic rate of kidney injury, but is helpful in the detection of any concomitant injuries.",结论KUB检查对肾损伤的诊断率低,但可发现合并伤。 +"Charles Miller, OCO Deputy Principal InvestigatorApproximately half of the carbon dioxide that's emitted by human activities remains in the atmosphere.",人类活动散发的二氧化碳大约有一半是留在大气中。 +Figure 8 shows the mid-point of a sample migration.,图 8 显示了某一次迁移的中间点。 +"LiShuang gun will WuYongLe metasomatism things report to the team leader and liu commissar cao, he thought BaoAnTuan against two squadron of things, the LiBiao have not evade obligations.",李双枪将吴永乐交代的事情汇报给了曹政委和刘大队长,他以为保安团攻打二中队的事情上,李彪有不可推脱的义务。 +"He is His Royal Highness Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal Bin Abdulaziz Alsaud, nephew of King Fahd of Saudi Arabia, grandson of the country’s founder, grandson also of the founder of modern day Lebanon.",他就是奥瓦里·宾·塔拉·宾·阿杜拉西斯·沃苏王子陛下,是沙特国王法赫德的侄子,沙特创建人的孙子,也是当今黎巴嫩创建人的外孙。 +"This paper focuses on corporate financial distress, corporate financial distress indirect cost and its relationship with corporate performance.",本文研究了上市公司财务困境、财务困境间接成本及其与公司业绩之间的关系。 +"She's independent, working outside the home, not college educated, very worried about health care, committed to public schools and thinks the economy is in bad shape.",她个性独立,外出工作,没上过大学,非常担心卫生保健问题。 她绝对信任公立学校,认为美国经济正处于低迷状态。 +"The reaction products of ethylene hydroformylation on the three kinds of catalysts were mainly propanal , ethane and propanol.",反应温度、空速、压力及物料配比对乙烯转化率和丙醛选择性均产生一定程度的影响。 +The rapid development of maritime industry demands for large quantities of qualified personnel in this field .,海运业的快速发展对海运人才提出了新的要求。 +"And what claims has Lydia, what attractions has she beyond youth, health, and good humour, that could make him, for her sake, forgo every chance of benefiting himself by marrying well?",丽迪雅除了年轻、健康、爱开玩笑之外,有什么办法、有什么吸引力,可以叫他为了她而放弃掉结婚致富的机会? +"Despite preferring to fight on horseback, these warriors have left their mounts behind to fight on foot.",尽管钟意骑马厮杀,这些弓骑兵有些时候仍会步行作战。 +"Three coal formations and their swamp environments are studies also, which are Badaowuan, Xishanyao and Qiketai coal formation.",对八道湾、西山窑和七克台这三套煤系及其相应的沼泽环境进行了研究。 +"While an outside contractor was appointed for the road construction near Dao Thi Ngat’s home, part of the deal was local people should be hired.",当一个外部承包商被选定在Dao Thi Ngat家附近修建道路时,合同的一部分就是要雇佣当地人口。 +Extract all translatable text from the original documents.,从原始文档中抽取所有可以翻译的文本。 +"Electoral pacts would not work, but an entente cordiale might.",选举协定不会起作用,但是政府间的谅解也许可以。 +This is the fifth year that wildlife photographer Mark Carwardine has been on the judging panel.,卡沃丁担任 野生动物摄影师的评委第五个年头了。 +"“Well, you know,” Elgie began, “one time when Magpie and me were hiding out after that Custer thing, we ended up on to Augustana College Campus.",“是呀,你知道,”埃尔吉开口说,“卡司特那件事发生以后,我和喜鹊曾经想要躲藏起来,最后我们到了奥古斯塔娜大学的校园。 +Woman: All this has to get out today.,女人:这些今天内都要送出去。 +"The adoption of a regional agency brands, self, and franchise marketing model to expand the market by the good results.",公司采用了品牌区域代理、自营和特许加盟的营销模式来拓展市场,受到良好效果。 +The body is made of heat-treated aluminum alloy.,机体采用热处理的铝合金制造而成。 +"Go on a diet, save money, don't spend.",节食、攒钱、不花钱。 +Article 157 The buyer shall inspect the targeted matter after receiving it within the agreed period for inspection.,第一百五十七条买受人收到标的物时应当在约定的检验期间内检验。 +Emphasis is placed on analysising of the relations of the coup de fouet with the capacity of VRLA batteries and the effects of variations in operating conditions on the coup de fouet.,重点介绍了蓄电池电压陡降与容量之间的关系及各操作因素对电压陡降的影响。 +"Nevertheless, the reputation of the nutritional plan, and the low-carbohydrate concept in general, suffered.",然而,这个饮食计划以及低碳水化合物观念遭到诋毁。 +You must have WTL in your project to use their hyperlink class.,您必须在您的项目WTL的使用他们的超类。 +"The external factors of forming are as follows: its products or services have longer value chain, the garden have knowledge-orientated region, global market and perfect assistant organization.",形成的外在条件在于其产品或服务具有较长的价值链,拥有知识导向的区域和全球化的市场及完善的辅助性机构。 +"Iraqi police say they have found nine severed heads wrapped in plastic bags near the town of Baquba, northeast of Baghdad.",伊拉克警察说,他们在巴格达东北部的城镇巴古拜发现了九颗装在塑料袋中被砍下的人头。 +He slipped and broke his leg.,他滑了一跤,把腿摔断了。 +"That these ministers, having all employments at their disposal, preserve themselves in power, by bribing the majority of a senate or great council;",这些大臣一旦控制了所有的要职,就会贿赂元老院或者大枢密院中的大多数人,以此来保全自己的势力。 +"If your kid gets hooked on vides games, turn that addiction into a bargaining chip.",假如你的孩子玩电动游戏上瘾, 把这种瘾变成可以讨价还价的筹码。 +This method is easy to grasp. especially. the integral result of irrational function is easy obtained with this method.,该方法易掌握,特别是使用该方法对无理函数积分更容易求得结果。 +Do you still feel love and connection to this person?,你还觉得爱这个人和他亲密无间? +"By surveying the data, we concluded that the radioactive element contents are higher in the alteration zone, middle in the mixed granite and lower in the ore veins.",从实测结果可知,放射性元素在不同岩性中的含量以蚀变带最高,混合花岗岩次之,石英(矿)脉中最低。 +"The development of coastal city group is an important strategy to achieve economically strong province in Hebei, and the coastal economic development needs the support of the coastal city group.",沿海经济的发展需要沿海城市群的支撑,发展沿海城市群是实现河北省发展沿海经济强省战略的重要举措。 +Make sure I zero it-- I did.,"确定我清零了-,是的,我清零了。" +It has been analysed that liquid flow pattern and liquid crosswise eddy diffusion influence on efficiency of bubble tray.,本文分析了液相流动形态及液相横向扩散对鼓泡型塔板板效率的影响。 +I hang golden hook brighten dark night.,我挂金钩明暗夜。 +A microprocessorized (?) spectrometer is reported in this paper. It consisted of a Z-80 single-board microcomputer and a few pieces of interface circuits.,本文介绍一台微处理机化的穆斯堡尔谱仪,它由Z-80单板机和少量接口电路构成。 +"Our main products:brake cabe , cable with coating, control cable , gear cable , throttle cable , clutch cable safety cable and slings.",主要产品有控制线,软轴,刹车线,加速线,油门线,离合线,安全绳索及涂塑钢丝绳等。 +"""I am Little Red Coat,"" said the wolf, ""and I have got some eggs for you.""",“我是小红袄,”狼说,“我送给您一些鸡蛋。” +"I think that on some level, we'd all like to do what he does: take something with deep meaning to us and add a layer of hipster, what's-new-and-cool exploration.",在某种程度上,我们会想做一些他做过的事情:做一些有意义的事情和成为一个赶时髦的人,这是一项新鲜而又酷毙了的探索。 +It is the very dimension hidden in this poem.,这就是隐匿于这首诗的意涵。 +But this scholarship goes only to foreign students whose mother or father gradated from Mizzou.,但是这些奖学金只颁发给那些父母也毕业于哥伦比亚大学的外国学生。 +The flow of the medium should be consistent with the direction of the arrow on the valve body.,安装时应使介质的流向与阀体上的箭头方向一致。 +About a third of the CO2 released into the atmosphere by humans each year is absorbed by the oceans.,人类每年排放到大气中的二氧化碳大约有三分之一被海洋所吸收。 +Now I began focusing more on munda concerns.,现在,我开始更多地关注那些现实的问题。 +Resignations. All officers and directors of the Company shall have tendered an undated letter of resignation.,辞职公司的所有管理人员及董事均已递交(未注明日期的)辞职书。 +"Look for the artery on the neck, especially men, note how it pulses before questioning and on whether it quickens when asked.",观察对方脖子上的动脉,特别是男士,留意对方被提问之前脉搏跳动的规律,在对方回答的问题的时候是否加速。 +Klaette seeking only introduced one of his baby Pitt also seeking only to himself planning a baby how to cook them.,科莱特只顾一一介绍他的宝贝儿,皮特也只顾自言自语地计划着茹何烹饪这些宝贝儿。 +"No ions or metal were detected in either the UPW feed or the HUPW system product "".""",无离子或金属的产品无论是在超纯水检测饲料或HUPW系统 ”。 +"Don't think of these as PC networks. The terminals would just as likely be cell phones of palm-like devices, each one far smarter than today's heftiest desktops.",不要把这类系统认作是个人电脑网络,它们的终端机很可能是一些手掌般的手机,其智能程度远远超过如今最先进的台式计算机。 +"As no cloth, and indeed no single strand of cloth, is perfectly wound, these tiny threads will always be breaking away.",因为没有任何一块布是纺织得十分的完美,所以这些小线头就会到处乱窜。 +A rocky promontory of extreme northwest Spain on the Atlantic Ocean. Off the cape the British won two naval victories over the French (1747 and 1805).,西班牙西北端一个多岩石的海角,位于在大西洋沿岸。英国在此海角不远处取得对法海战的两次胜利(1747和1805年) +Two Witnesses who preached about Jesus for 1260 days in Jerusalem were then killed and came back to life.,两个见证人在耶路撒冷传道1260天, 之后被杀并复活。 +"All our products are in compliance with government health authorities in EU, USA and China.",我们的产品通过美国和中国政府的食品检验机构审核要求。 +It's a not-too-subtle example of a strategy known as behavioural science or nudging – techniques that make people act or respond in a certain manner.,这一不太微妙的策略被称为行为科学——这个技术,使人以某种方式行动或是做出回应。 +"This method has been applied in the sharpening of helical ball nosed end- mills, which shows that the method is correct and feasible.",该方法已在螺旋刃球头立铣刀的实际刃磨中得到应用,证明了其正确性和可行性。 +"Although Hakimullah Mehsud's Tehrik-I-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) is the most notorious Taliban outfit in Waziristan, several other groups are equally important to the west.",尽管哈基穆拉·马苏德( Hakimullah Mehsud)的巴基斯坦塔利班组织(TTP)是在瓦齐里斯坦最为臭名昭著的塔利班集团,其他几个组织也不容西方国家忽视。 +"But to Pierre, such as he appeared on that first night—an unfathomable, rounded-off, and everlasting personification of the spirit of simplicity and truth—so he remained to him for ever.",而对皮埃尔来说,他在第一个晚上就使皮埃尔想象到,他已作为一个不可思议的、圆满的、永恒的纯朴和真理的化身永远留在皮埃尔心上。 +"In many ways, a wiki can replace an intranet site--it's a lot less hassle to update, that's for sure.",wiki 可以在许多方面取代内部网站点,毫无疑问,它更容易进行更新。 +The philosophy will make general and far-reaching influence over China and the world.,这一哲学思想将对中华民族和整个世界产生广泛而深远的影响。 +A new processing technology on sauced pig was studied.,研究一种酱汁猪肘方便菜生产加工新工艺。 +"China's National Center for adverse drug reaction Monitoring received 692,904 reports of adverse reaction cases in 2010, 8.4% more than that of 2009.",国家药品不良反应监测中心2010年收到了692,904份药品不良反应报告,报告数量相比2009年增长8.4%。 +Their anxiety is the same as that of the reluctant researchers: they fear that such tests will sow doubt and discord. Prashant Patel would disagree.,就像那些不情愿的研究者们的焦虑一样:他们担心这种测试会带来各种猜疑和夫妻不和。 +"The mineral layer quickly dries, and rests on the skin as a completely topical layer.",这一矿物层干的很快,干后就可作为完整的局部涂层停留在皮肤的表面。 +"Moving up and down of the stack uses gear and rack adjustment manner, the stack can circumgyrate angle according to the needs.",枪架的上下移动采用齿轮齿条调节方式,枪架可根据需要旋转角度。 +But Wenger has told Sunu that he will not be going anywhere until he commits his future to Arsenal with a new contract extension.,但是温格告诉了苏努他不会去任何地方,直到他与阿森纳签订一份新的合同。 +We sell songs for 15 or 20 cents and they want to keep their CD prices.,我们以15美分或20美分卖首歌,而他们希望每首歌能卖到CD的价钱。 +"Mr. Bucket: Whatever happens, you'll still have the candy.",巴克特先生:不论如何,你还有巧克力吃。 +Objective:To investigate the feasibility and efficacy of hyperbaric oxygenation in contusion of eyeball and severe commotio retinae .,目的:研究高压氧治疗眼球钝挫伤及重度视网膜震荡的可行性及效果。 +"The government macro management should follow the principles of indirect management, highly efficiency, moderation and legal operation.",政府宏��调控农业产业化应遵循间接调控原则、效率原则、协调原则和法制原则。 +New imaging sensors can identify vehicles and people in the roadway even when the vehicle is in bright sunlight or partially shaded.,最新的成像传感器甚至当车辆处于耀眼的阳光下,或者被部分地遮蔽时,都能识别出道路上的车辆与行人。 +"In this part, we focus on the signal-dealing circuit design such as clock circuit, AD circuit, zero-calibration and compensation circuit and numeric integral circuit. 2. Test system of MIMU.",包括了时钟电路、AD采样电路、微惯性器件的校零和补偿电路、数字积分电路和串口输出电路:2、 计算机测试系统的设计。 +A raven observed that an eagle brooded thirty days over her eggs.,乌鸦乌鸦看到老鹰孵蛋要三十天。 +"Last, this thesis proposes that more non-audit services should be provided at present and more attention is needed to avoid the impairing of auditor independence through policies.",最后,本文提出了在现阶段应当鼓励会计师事务所发展非审计服务,并通过制度安排降低非审计服务对审计独立性的影响的建议。 +"If you’re unaroused, the urethral sponge is relaxed and might be difficult to feel.",如果你还没有感觉,那说明尿道海绵是出于放松状态的,而其不容易感觉到。 +"A few hundred feet away, an upside-down car dangles off the edge of a hollowed-out office building.",几百英尺外,一辆翻倒的汽车在一栋已被掏空的办公楼的边缘打摆。 +"Past winners of the lifetime achievement award include Frank Sinatra, Smokey Robinson, B.B. King and Bob Dylan.",此前获得格莱美终身成就奖的音乐人包括弗兰克・西纳特拉、史摩基・罗宾逊、比比金与鲍勃・迪伦等。 +"The peak level of the enzymes in Yumai 49 was higher than that in other two cultivars(Fig. 2, Fig. 3), and most of the tested enzymes kept higher activities during the medium to later grain filling.",豫麦49在灌浆期上述各酶活性变化的峰值均高于其他两品种,且大部分酶类在灌浆中后期仍维持较高活性。 +"Shop-owner: Yes, sir. Color or black-and-white?",店主:可以,先生。彩色的还是黑白的? +"German medical treatment to increase oxygen delivery to cells. Excellent for immune stimulation, cancer prevention and anti-aging.",德国医学长久以来都用臭氧去增加细胞的氧分,甚有优良效果,能刺激免疫力,预防癌症,且可以抗衰老。 +Ownership in in division is ended by a partition of the property.,未分财产的所有权经财产分割即告终结。 +He's no more able to read Spanish than I am.,他和我都看不懂西班牙文。 +"Where's the carbon? Back in the mid-90s, forged aluminum was the material of choice in most situations.",碳在哪里呢?追溯到90年代中期,铸铝是最主流的选择。 +Figure 6 shows the CD form page with its category and subcategory components.,图 6 显示了具有分类和子类组件的 CD 表单页面。 +"In this paper formational environment of host rock, wall-rock alteration, sulfur, oxygen, carbon isotopes, mineralization temperatures, ore composition were studied .",本文对该矿床含矿主岩的形成环境、围岩地变、矿石物质成分、矿化形成温度、矿床形成机制及矿质来源等问题进行了研究。 +"The only logical explanation, it seemed, was that they might have been covering their involvement.",合乎逻辑的解释似乎只能是他们可能在掩盖他们的介入。 +"Yazino founder Hussein Chahine said: ""Communication is constantly evolving.",Yazino的创始人侯赛因•夏英说道:“交流方式在不断演变。 +The relationship between Han nationality female handball players physical fitness and the lines of the palm was explored mainly by means of covariance analysis.,以协方差分析为主要分析方法,对汉族女子手球运动员的若干身体素质和手纹特征间的关系进行研究。 +"The GaoHong notice, home HongGuoRong hen, he said all notice of wealth, the original master will return, and said he will understand.",高虹通知世贤,回家通知洪国荣,就说一切的不义之财,原来的主人都要了回去,并说他会明白的。 +"Grid Execution tier, composed of technology from both Compute Grid and Data Grid, runs the batch jobs.",网格执行层由来自计算网格和数据网格的技术组成,可以运行批处理作业。 +OBJECTIVE To discuss the inhibitive activity of proteinase of hypoxic cell's radiosensitizer.,探讨乏氧细胞放射增敏剂的蛋白酶抑制活性。 +All my family sat in front of TV to watch the Hong Kong handover ceremony.,我们,全家人坐在电视机前观看香港政权交接仪式。 +"Ms. Yingluck is playing down the decision, but it is just one in a series of challenges she faces before forming a new government.",总理当选人英拉目前对这项推迟认定的措施,采取淡化立场。不过,这只是她在成立她的政府之前,正要面对一连串的问题之一。 +"""It beggars belief, "" Police Inspector Bob Walters told the Cairns Post newspaper, adding wheelchairs, bicycles, horses and skateboards were all considered to be vehicles under the state's road laws.",警局督察鲍勃.瓦特斯告诉《肯因兹邮报》,强调轮椅、脚踏车、马与滑板全都被视为是应受该州道路法规范的交通工具。 +Ever wondered what it takes to turn a car taken off the production line into a competition car capable of challenging for the British Rally Championship?,想过如何才能把车带离生产线变成竞争能力具有挑战性的汽车在英国拉力锦标赛? +"For removing the effects of interference on the accuracy of test results, many tests must be carried out in a shielded room for a long time past.",为了减少无线电干扰对测试准确度的影响,长期以来测试需在屏蔽室中进行。 +"The velocity distribution of the basement and deposited cover of the Altyn Tagh Range appears as a biggish undulation, which may be related to strong tectonic deformation of the orogenic belt.",阿尔金造山带的基底埋深与盖层速度分布变化较大,与造山带的强烈构造变形相联系; +"In the process of developing a photo, a latent image can only come out when the photosensitive material is developed.",在冲洗相片过程中,感光材料经显影处理后才会出现潜影。 +"If you were around here in the mid-70s, wearing your bell-bottoms and platform shoes, you'll recall that it was a sports wasteland.",假如上世纪七十年代中期你曾经穿着喇叭裤,踩着松高鞋在这一带混过,你准能想得起来这里曾是一片体育荒原。 +"Then, when the user changed the profile, we had to go back and persist the change.",然后,当用户改变了基本资料,我们必须返回去将这一变化持久化。 +"Histology appearances was recorded, 37.5% of which were simple hyperplasia and 62.5%were slightly dysplasia in 6 weeks of DMBA treated hamster.",结果用药6周后有37.5%地鼠颊囊粘膜表现为单纯性上皮增生,62.5%为非典型性上皮增生; +"There are three main editions planned for SQL Server 2012: Standard, Business Intelligence (new) and Enterprise.",预计SQL Server 2012有三个主要 版本:标准版(Standard)、新增的商业智能版(Business Intelligence)、以及企业版(Enterprise)。 +The argument is only making a much more specific claim.,它只是提出了一个更明确的主张 +This paper discusses Duoergun's inheritance and adjustment to Huangtaiji's Korean policy as well as his individual influence upon the policy implementation in his regent period.,本文主要从多尔衮摄政这一时期对皇太极制定的朝鲜政策的继承与调整以及其个人对政策实施的影响两个层面来阐述天聪年间至顺治初年的清廷对朝政策。 +"To eat snacks, bad habits, regardless of settings, and time, half-hearted effort points, other people think it is also annoying.",吃零食,坏习惯,不分场合和时间,三心二意分精力,别人觉得也讨厌。 +"The best directions for producing it was designed with orthogonal experiment. It is:1∶3(carrot juice ∶ strawberry juice), 10% sucrose, 0.15% citric acid, 8% honey, 0.10% xanthan gum.",采用正交试验设计出的最佳配方:胡萝卜汁与草莓汁重量比1∶3,蔗糖添加量10%、柠檬酸0.15%、蜂蜜8%、黄原胶0.10%。 +"Instead of competing on quality, most compete on offers and optimize to fill open seats.",代替只是在质量方面比拼,大多数也致力于提供和优化开放式座位。 +"More importantly, with different Hurst parameters the network with PBESRT protocol runs more time intervals at OOR state. It improves the performance from 1.6% to 8.8%.",在不同自相似程度的网络业务流下,引入预测的ESRT协议工作在OOR状态的时间比例比原ESRT协议增加了1.6%到8.8%。 +Aalto's awards included the Royal Gold Medal for Architecture from the Royal Institute of British Architects (1957) and the Gold Medal from the American Institute of Architects (1963).,阿尔托获得的奖项包括英国皇家建筑师学会授予的英国皇家建筑金奖奖章(1957年)和由美国建筑师学会授予的金奖(1963年)。 +The basis of the work is the method of landscape information system and constructive data-base on the national scenic landscape and spot area level.,其基础性工作是基于国家级风景名胜区层次的风景景观信息系统方法及其数据库结构的探讨。 +"Kabir used to say, 'The formless Absolute is my Father, and God with form is my Mother. '",卡比尔曾经说过,‘无形的绝对者是我的父亲,有形的神是我的母亲。’ +"In mountainous areas, beacon towers are built by laying pieces of stones and bricks, into square, rectangular, or round shapes.",在山区,人们用一块块的石头和砖块将烽火台砌成正方形、长方形或者圆形。 +"His namesake, his great-uncle Anthony, was an alcoholic who made a small fortune smuggling Canadian whisky during Prohibition.",和他重名的他叔叔Anthony是个不折不扣的酒鬼,他曾经在禁酒时期靠走私加拿大威士忌发了一笔小财。 +"Love is now or never, please tell me to your heart.",恋爱电光石火,请通知本人你的手,触动你的心。 +Beer and wine sales have inched up as well over the last few years.,啤酒和葡萄酒的销量在过去几年里节节升高。 +"And it is hard to recall sometimes, visiting Pristina's lively nightlife, that in the late 1990s the window seats in restaurants here were avoided for the risk of grenades and drive-by shootings.",参观普里什蒂纳热闹的夜生活,使人很难想起,在上世纪九十年代末期,餐馆靠窗的座位因为可能会遭到榴弹或来自汽车上的枪击而总是被回避。 +This is because the parasite which causes malaria can only mature above 18C.,这是因为促使疟疾成熟的寄生虫需要18摄氏度以上的温度。 +"For this initial phase, only related parties in Mexico will be eligible to join C-TPAT.",在初始阶段,只有在墨西哥的相关方才可加入C-TPAT。 +To dry parsley tie the plant stems together and hang them upside down in a warm dark airy place.,假如要干制荷兰芹,将植株的茎部绑在一起,将其倒挂在暖和、阴暗、通风的地方。 +The experimental results show that ammonium persulfate-sodium hydrogen sulphite redox initiation system is the most appropriate for the preparation of DMC/AM/AA terpolymers.,结果表明,过硫酸铵-亚硫酸氢钠引发体系最适宜于DMC/AM/AA三元共聚物的制备。 +These of the skin sensitization test and skin phototoxicity test were all negative.,皮肤光毒性试验均未见皮肤光毒性。 +Objective Verifying moisturizing function of fish collagen peptide through surface and vitro test.,目的:通过体表和体外实验验证鱼胶原肽的保湿功能。 +It was the part about the dermo creasing that really got my attention.,这是对真皮的部分,压痕,真的得到了。 +Mone who hires Wells: Just how dfuryous is he?,雇用韦尔斯的男人:他终于有多危险? +Xiaweiluo site is a large Late Neolithic site with lots of reminds found in the western part of GuanZhong regions recently.,下魏洛遗址是近年来在关中西部地区发掘的一处规模较大、遗存较为丰富的新石器时代晚期遗址。 +"Since SQL CE is light-weight database that has very little overhead, it's the perfect candidate for the local cache store.",由于SQL精简版是系统开销很少的轻量级数据库,因此作为本地数据缓存正合适。 +I cherish the refrigerator magnet you gave me: “Age and treachery will always overcome youth and skill.”,我很珍惜你给我的冰箱磁贴: “时间和背信总会压倒青春和技巧。” +The zero level of corresponding point is subtracted from sampled value to eliminate the zero fluctuation and multiplied by compensating coefficient to modify the sensitivity fluctuation.,通过减去对应点的零位水平可消除零位波动,然后和补偿系数相乘来修正灵敏度波动; +OBJECTIVE To observe the therapeutic effects of sulindac(a new type of NSAIDs)on experimental hypercalciuria and to clarify its pharmacological mechanism.,目的:观察新型非类固醇类抗炎药—舒林酸对实验性高钙尿症的防治作用,探讨其可能机制。 +"Those who might defend the city of Athens against Socrates, those who believe in the value of civic piety are very few among us.","捍卫雅典城,对付苏格拉底,相信公民敬神价值的人,仅占少数。" +In this paper. a new formula is proposed for calculating the appropriate gap at the movable support of the longitudinal shafts.,本文提出一项新的纵向轴系游动端支座合理间隙设计计算公式。 +"The events have been combinatory logic of alarm, control pattern, process mode, operational command and feedback signals.",事件则是报警信息、控制模式、工艺制式、操作命令和反馈信号的组合逻辑。 +"“Wrong” is too strong a word, but it helps to make the point.",“错”这个措词太激烈了,但的确一语中的。 +"Culture-bound words and phrases, active elements in language, are characterized by their cultural properties, which are the essential aspect of the images resulted from those words and phrases.",作为语言中的活跃因子,文化词语的特殊性在于其所承载的文化特质,这此特质是文化词语意象的底蕴。 +"Results It indicated that the status of medical disputes included: patients scolded nurse(accounted for 47.88%), nurse were stroked(5.02%), the occurrence of dispute(13.2%).",结果调查表明患者与护士发生医疗纠纷的现状分别为:护士被骂占47.88%、被打占5.02%,发生纠纷占13.2%。 +"This leads to the result that the work of force counteracts the work of damp force, and that the swing of steadily oscillation is the same.",正是有这一相位差,才使强迫力对振动系统所做的功正好抵消阻尼力对振动系统所做的负功,以保证稳定振动的等幅性。 +"Will this holly jolly holiday be changed forever? Or can Rachel and Kirsty save the day, with a little help from Holly the Christmas Fairy?",一直以来欢快浪漫的圣诞节会因此而改变吗?蕾切尔和科斯蒂在圣诞节仙子霍莉的帮助下能扭转整个大局吗?圣诞节能顺利度过吗? +那只黑猫不停地用白爪子跺地。,The black cat kept drubbing on the ground with its white paws. +"The original version of this experiment was carried out more than 30 years ago, but it still has the power to amaze (Neisser & Becklen, 1975).",这个实验的初始版本是在30年前做的,而这种神奇的实验结果一直延续至今,并没有改变。 +NICARAGUA may be a small country but it is an emblematic one.,尼加拉瓜可能只算个小国,但却是具有代表性的一个国家。 +"The existing dispersants cannot meet the cementing requirements of deep and ultra-deep wells, having low temperature tolerance, low brine resistance, retarding, bubbling, and some other problems.",现有分散剂存在抗温耐盐性能不能满足深井、超深井固井要求,有缓凝或起气泡副作用等问题。 +Michael was disappointed but not deterred.,迈克尔很失望但是没有被困难吓倒。 +What's the least quantity?,什么是最少订货量。 +My voluntary confession of the assassination at Auteuil proved to him that I had not committed that of which I stood accused.,我主动地承认阿都尔暗杀案证明了我这次的确没有犯罪。 +The thing is she's falling in love with me.,事实是,她爱上我了。 +Chinese health officials said they have stepped up monitoring and infection-control measures since the Beijing woman's diagnosis.,中国卫生部门官员表示,从北京那名女性确诊后,他们已经加强了监控和传染控制措施。 +The power of the eagles in flight.,鹰击长空的勃发。 +"Store meat, seafood and chicken in the coldest part of the refrigerator.",把肉、海鲜和鸡肉存放在冰箱最冷的地方。 +"The researchers used data from the first Asian and African genomes to be sequenced, which were published in 2008.",这组科学家使用来自发表于2008年的首个亚洲和非洲人基因组序列的数据。 +"The writer of this paper points out that the referent is the objective fact or state of an issue, and that what is ambivalent in sense is not a referent, but a reference.",指称问题是分析哲学的核心问题之一,而以往的探讨大多不加区分地使用指称和指称对象,这大大影响了我们对弗雷格思想的理解。 +class-name is the fully qualified name of the class in which the method is declared (or a subclass thereof).,class-name 是类的完全限定名,方法在此类(或其子类)中声明。 +Federal officials are now pressing him to go easier on compensation packages for next year.,联邦官员目前正施压要求范伯格放宽明年的薪酬补偿计划。 +"At Cape Collinson Crematorium , due to limited space, there will be special arrangement for traffic on the day of cremation, the committee sincerely asks the media not to go there for interview.",基于歌连臣角场地有限,以及将有特别交通措施,治丧委员会恳求各传媒请勿前往该处采访。 +"It may be also used through mixing with clay mineral to raise the flocculant efficiency organic clay mineral obviously, and the optimal mixing weight ratio to loess is 1 to 100-200.",也可与粘土矿物 混合使用,显著提高粘土矿物对有害藻类的絮凝效率。槐糖脂与黄土的最佳混合 比例为质量比1∶100~200。 +"And that just broadens your horizons, and the job opportunities are more.",这样可以扩大一个人的视野,增加工作机会。 +"Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley, long the envy of the industry, face uncertain futures now that they have become old-fashioned banks just to survive.",高盛和摩根, 业界骄子, 面对不确定的未来 ,他们回归到传动银行业务以求生存。 +Sales are up 10% on the corresponding period last year.,与去年同期比,销售额上升10%。 +Not one slave had come to Harpers Ferry to help Brown.,没有一个奴隶到哈珀斯镇来帮助约翰.布朗。 +Extensive plant tests have been carried out to ovaluate the use of a dry paste for H. S.,开展了在旁插铝电解槽上使用干式热糊的扩大工业试验。 +"Therefore saith the LORD, the LORD of hosts, the mighty One of Israel, Ah, I will ease me of mine adversaries, and avenge me of mine enemies",因此主万军之耶和华以色列的大能者说,我要向我的对头雪恨,向我的敌人报仇。 +"The new era gives people totally new cognition. Improvement in society, economy and culture substantially changes people's life and their aesthetic judgment.",全新的时代,赋予人类全新的认识和意识,社会、经济和文化的发展使人们的生活状态以及审美趋向在潜隐默化中起着本质性的转变。 +"As an important technical means of frequency control of the power system, PFR (Primary Frequency Regulation) is of great significance to the stability of the frequency.",一次调频作为电力系统频率控制的一项重要技术手段,对电网频率稳定具有重要意义。 +"Chenxu Di, Chun Yuan Department of Computer Science and Technology, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100086, China.",清华大学计算机科学与技术系计算机学院; +In 2005 Apple won a legal case that forced Bloggers to name the sources of information that pre-empted the launch of new Apple products.,在2005年,苹果在一场强制博客博主提供预先透露的苹果新产品的信息来源的诉讼中胜出。 +"Linton shivered, and glanced at her, half supplicating, half ashamed; but his cousin's patience was not sufficient to endure this enigmatical behaviour.",林惇颤栗着,半是乞求,半是羞愧地瞅她一眼;但是他的表姐没有这份耐心忍受这种暧昧的态度。 +"The I/O model, which is directly derived from QEMU's model with support for copy-on-write disk images and other QEMU features",I/O 模型,它直接源自 QEMU 的模型,并且支持 copy-on-write 磁盘映像和其他 QEMU 特性。 +"In Indonesia, Panasonic found that fridges need big compartments to store lots of two-litre water bottles: Indonesians boil water to purify it in the morning and then place it in the fridge to cool.",在印度尼西亚,松下发现电冰箱需要较大的隔间来储存大量两升的水杯:印尼人早晨为了净化水将水煮沸,然后放置到冰箱中冷却。 +"The black bodies of the trees formed a straight wall on both sides, terminating on the horizon in a point, like a diagram in a lesson in perspective.",黑魆魆的树的躯干在两旁竖起一道笔直的墙,于地平线上的某一点终止,像极了透视画课堂的一张图表。 +"If a student got a bad grade, I always felt like a failure too, for not having engaged his or her interest or effort.",如果一个学生被评了很低的分,我会始终觉得自己也不及格,因为我没有能够引起学生的学习兴趣,或促使其为学习付出努力。 +"The supply of munition is the motives and driving force for developing the economy in the west by the governments of past dynasties, not excluding Sui, Tang and Five Dynasties.",军需供应是历代官方开发西北经济的动因和动力,隋唐五代也不例外。 +"We may not run the risk of being killed in ritualistic battles or being eaten by leopards, but drugs, drinking, driving, and crime take a mighty toll.",我们可能不用去冒在宗教战斗中被杀的危险或是被美洲豹吃掉的危险,但是毒品、酗酒、飞车和犯罪造成了重大的损失。 +"SAP, the world’s largest maker of business-management software, rose 1.4 percent to 37.92 euros.",全球最大的企业管理软件制造商SAP公司股价上涨1.4%,至37.92欧元。 +"我们知道,存在一条贯穿时间和空间的,时间虫,这里是个人。","We know that there's an extended through space and time, space-time worm, a person." +A method is proposed to simulate the fatigue crack growth by finite element technique for corner cracks under cyclic tension loading.,给出了一种利用有限元技术模拟周期性张力载荷作用下孔边角裂纹扩展过程的方法。 +"As Gundotra noted, using voice recognition currently works great for long queries.",Google称目前语音识别功能在识别较长查询词方面效果良好。 +The optical switch is the key of these two technologies.,光判决门即超快全光开关是这两种技术的核心部分。 +"The most popular life-insurance products tend to be simple: pay a premium for 10-15 years and get a return, plus protection for your family in the case of death.",最受欢迎的人寿产品往往十分简单:在10到15年中缴纳保费,就能获得收益,万一遭遇不幸,家庭还能获得额外的赔偿。 +"Every spring the sheep were washed in a special pool, to keep their wool clean and to get rid of insects on their skin.",每年春天都在一个特别的池子里给羊洗澡,这样可以清洁羊毛,也可去除羊身上的寄生虫。 +We now know what happened because of the surveillance investigation.,"我们现在知道发生了些什么,经过监督调查后" +"Though we are pupils in Guangming Primary School, we can pass the English oral test each term. Look, we get Level A!",在光明小学,别看我们是小学生,可每学期我们都要进行英语口语考级呢! +"The cause of all these effects is the ship's motion is common to all the things contained in it, And to the air, also.",这些现象产生的原因在于,船只的动作对船中所有物体都一样,连对空气都是一样。 +"Arjen Robben's father, who also acts as his representative, has conceded that his son would one day like to play for Barcelona.",罗本的父亲,也就是他的代理人承认他的儿子总有一天会为巴萨出战。 +The EU leaders' meeting was designed to ensure a united European front when G-20 leaders meet next Thursday and Friday.,本文来自酷悠欧盟领导人此次开会的目的是,要使欧盟各成员国在下周四和周五召开的20国集团峰会上统一立场。 +"System configuration and experiments results with respective to Toluene, Dichloroethane and Trichloroethane is presented.",本文介绍了这一新技术及对甲苯,二氯乙烷,三氯乙烷的测量结果。 +Lye -- spelled l-y-e -- is also called sodium hydroxide or potassium hydroxide.,碱液也叫做氢氧化钠或者氢氧化钾。 +"Any parameter values specified by the developer invoking the transformation are obtained with simple method calls and are typically translated into something more meaningful, like MDA API references.",任何由调用转换的开发人员所指定的参数值可以通过简单的方法调用而获得,并转化为更有意义的东西,如 MDA API 参考。 +"Even the Vatican has weighed in, when last week a Cardinal told the faithful to pay attention to scientific reason or risk returning to fundamentalism.",即使是梵蒂冈的推波助澜,上星期,红衣主教告诉教友们要注意科学的理性或回归原教旨主义的风险。 +"Before the extensive use of glass, the oyster-shell window seemed to be the best substitute.",在玻璃还没普及的时候,这蚝壳窗应该是最好的替代品了。 +"The site also has saved routes from other runners in your area, so you can browse through them and find some new routes.","这个网站还有其他跑步者留下的你所在区域的路线, 所以你可以浏览他们,然后发现一些新的路线。" +"With the benefit of hindsight, pinpointing romanticism in music or neoclassicism in art is easy.",凭借着事后观察的优势,定义浪漫主义音乐或者新古典主义艺术是轻而易举的。 +Teachers also reported feeling less burned-out when they taught more girls than boys.,老师也报告觉得教女生比男生少费不少神。 +It will make your hair soft and help defrizz curls .,它可以使你的头发柔软并有助于柔顺防毛躁。 +"Instead of circuit domain, there is packet domain only.",和以前相比,只有分组域,而没有了电路域。 +"Whether Kong is changing his appearance or transforming his music, he is a pioneer in music today.",不管孔祥东正在改变他的形象还是改变音乐,他都是当今音乐界的先锋。 +Most business applications need data prepopulated within a database before an application can be used.,大多数业务应用程序需要在使用前数据已预填充到数据库中。 +""" But Pharaoh's heart was hard and he would not listen, just as the Lord had said.",法老心里刚硬,不肯听摩西、亚伦,正如耶和华所说的。 +This is a world which is safe and predictable until a murder shatters people's lives.,在一场谋杀案打乱了人们的生活之前,这是一个安定、可预测的世界。 +Methods: Spin CT findings and dynamic enhanced CT findings of 23 cases of intrahepatic and outhepatic cholangiocarcinoma proved surgically and pathologically were analyzed retrospectively.,方法:收集23例经手术、病理证实的肝内外胆管癌,回顾性分析其螺旋CT平扫及动态增强表现。 +"Histologicallly, all cases were diffuse non- Hodgkin lymphoma. 9 cases were B and 1 case were T immunophenotype.",组织学形态均为恶性弥漫性非霍奇金淋巴瘤,免疫表型B细胞来源9例, T细胞来源1例。 +B: I miss real Chinese food.,我怀念正宗的中国菜。 +"Ironically, next-generation search technologies will become both more and less visible as they perform their increasingly sophisticated jobs.",讽刺的是,新一代搜寻技术在从事更精巧的工作时,将同时变得更显眼,但也更隐匿。 +"The company also will install, configure and upgrade computer hardware, software and networking.",该公司也将安装、配置和升级计算机硬件、软件和网络。 +The opened link is used to join the two ends of the chain.,开口的链环是用来将链子的两头连接起来的。 +"Otherwise, they may require extraction of a compressed file, or the folders may be accessible directly from the CD or download location.",否则,它们可能需要提取出压缩文件,或者文件夹可能会从 CD 或者下载位置直接进行访问。 +"At Cape Royds, a discarded Colman's mustard tin, with the Adélie penguin colony in the background.",在罗伊兹海角,一只废弃的科尔曼芥菜罐头,远处是。 +"However, we also believe that it may be more difficult to mess with the social order.",然而,我们也要相信要扰乱社会秩序是件更加困难的事情。 +Using scanning electron microscope observation comparison carbonization boride cermet processing surface elastic performance and processing surface deterioration level.,利用扫描电镜观察、比较碳化硼陶瓷加工表面弹性性能及加工表面变质层。 +"Results:28 cases were found to have hepatic perfusion disorders(21.1%, 28/133). The common cause was HCC(22.5%, 20/89), especially HCC with portal vein tumor thrombus(46.2%, 12/26).",结果:有28例发现肝脏灌注异常影像表现(21.1%,28/133),以原发性肝细胞癌为多见(22.5%,20/89),尤其是合并门静脉癌栓的肝癌病例(46.2%,12/26)。 +"Compared with operas, mélodie is a kind of music arts very hard to present and control with its fine and exquisite genre and style.",与歌剧相比,其体裁更纤细,风格更细腻,是一种非常难表现和把握的声乐作品。 +"In conclusion, companies are always trying their best to make the maximum profit by all means, that's their nature.",最后结论是,公司总是不折手段来获取最大利益,那是他们的本质。 +This paper focuses on carrier frequency offset estimation (CFO) and multiuser interference elimination in uplink OFDMA system based on generalized carrier assignment schemes.,本文针对上行链路任意分配子载波重点研究了载波频偏估计和多用户间干扰消除的方法。 +"Negative zero can arise when you perform sensitive operations such as dividing an extremely small negative double by an extremely large positive double. For instance, -1.0E-147/2.1E189",当执行敏感的操作时,比如用极小的负双精度数除以极大的正双精度数,就可能出现负 0。 +"If you are lucky enough, you will see sunrise at E. B. C. , then go back to rongbuk and start driving back to Shigatse. Overnight at Shigatse.",如果你足够幸运的话,你可以在大本营看到朝阳。然后回到绒布寺并乘车回日喀则。宿日喀则。 +"It is the third city that is brings New York 's high -strung disposition , its poetical deportment , its dedication to the arts , and its great achievements .",正是那第三个纽约带给纽约高度秩序化的配置,诗意的风度,对艺术的贡献,以及伟大的成就。 +"First, we illustrate that there exists deadlock in the minimal routing algorithm.",首先是一种基于转弯模型的单播最短自适应路由算法。 +The research-status and development of the high efficiency calcium-based compound sulfur retention sorbent during coal combustion is presented in this paper.,对燃煤高效钙基复合固硫剂的国内外研究现状进行了综述。 +"I finally started wearing earplugs onstage in 2002, after playing a particularly deafening show.",到了2002年,在一次着实快令我聋掉的演出后,我终于在台上带上了耳机。 +"In this thesis, we study the quadrature squeezing spectra produced in the resonance fluorescence of a two-level atom driven by a strong coherent field and a weak amplitude-fluctuating field .",本文应用共振荧光理论,研究了由相干场和随机场驱动的二能级原子荧光场的压缩谱。 +"My friends and colleagues at the International Federations and National Olympic Committees, thank you for your close collaboration.",谢谢你们,我的同事们,国际体育联合会以及国家和地区奥委会的朋友们,感谢你们的协作与支持。 +Joe is acknowledged as the best basketball player of the year.,我们全都认同迈克尔。乔丹是世界上最好的篮球员。 +Camila: I'm thinking about getting a pet. Any suggestions?,卡蜜拉: 我正在考虑养一只宠物,有什麽建议吗? +"This classic 1965 TV show involves the lives of two American agents, under the guise of a Princeton law student/tennis player, and his personal trainer.",1965年的这部经典的电视连续剧讲述的是两名美国特工的故事,他们伪装成普林斯顿大学的法学生兼网球选手和个人教练。 +She was manoeuvred into selling his land.,她受人诱骗把他的土地卖了。 +"With prices going up so fast, we can't afford luxuries .",由于物价上涨很快,我们买不起高档商品。(原因状语) +"“You look just like your photo,” she said in a chipper tone.",她爽朗的说到。 +"And being lawyers, they decided to make it official.",作为律师,他们决定让此事得到法律认可。 +"Heraklion at the center of the landmark is near Venice squarer, fountain, fountain has not spray, a fountain of white seat number squat lion only, the other lion said fountains.",伊拉克里翁的中心地标是威尼斯广场附近的莫若西尼喷泉,喷泉已不喷水了,白色的喷泉座上蹲坐数只石狮,另称狮子喷泉。 +"Seven kill a lord to extend hand a intention to leave he not far night white, coldly order way.",七杀门主伸手指向离他不远的宵白,冷冷地命令道。 +"In the Chinese feudal society, there existed rich micro-economic thoughts which are called ""Thoughts of making a living"".",中国封建时代有着丰富的微观经济思想,这就是以“治生之学”为名称出现的经济思想。 +"Only a solitary cracked-voiced reed-sparrow greeted her from the bushes by the river, in a sad, machine-made tone, resembling that of a past friend whose friendship she had outworn.",只有一只声音嘶哑的芦雀,在河边的树丛中用悲伤机械的音调向她打招呼,就像一个已经没有了友谊的从前的朋友向她打招呼的声音一样。 +Every single commercial on the reel told a vivid story within the 30- to 60-second time frame. The shots were very fluid and visually stunning. I felt that this director had a lot of potential.,每一个广告,都在短短三十秒或六十秒之内说了一个故事,节奏流畅,画面清新,我觉得此人是可造之材。 +Captain America: The First Avenger,《美国队长:第一个复仇者》 +Objective To observe the effect and cost ratio of omeprazole and famotidine on peptic ulcer.,目的观察奥美拉唑加法莫替丁联用与单用奥美拉唑治疗消化性溃疡的疗效和费用比。 +"Assuming the government eventually gets parliamentary permission to trigger Article 50 and May presses the Brexit button, then negotiations with the EU would begin.",假设政府最终得到了议会的许可,梅姨就可以启动第50条,从而开启脱欧进程。英国政府与欧盟的脱欧谈判也将随之开始。 +"What’s more, China’s recent successes have been so pronounced that they’ve led many to conclude that its economy is a juggernaut.",不仅如此,中国近来的成功是这样报道的:中国的成功事例在许多方面都处于领先地位。 因此,得出结论,中国的经济力量强大,坚不可摧。 +Basescu said that Romania-China friendship is the fruit cultivated by the people of both countries for many years. The political situation of Romania has changed a lot in recent years.,伯塞斯库说,罗中友谊是两国人民多年培育的结果。 +The flowers turn into seeds. (D) The seeds fall to the ground.,开花结籽。 (D) 种子掉到地面上。 +"Even your shadow has left this vast continent, without you, even the golden sun has lost its brilliance.",这片广阔的陆地上就连你的影子都早已离开,没有你的金色太阳不再明亮光辉。 +"Plant size, leaf morphology, root_shoot rations, stem number and so on are related to its tolerance.",植物的冠层结构、叶形态、根茎比、茎蘖数等植株株型变化与耐虫性有关。 +"China wrangled the only license to develop the South Yolotan gas fields there, among the world’s largest.",经过争执,中国取得了开发南约罗坦(South Yolotan)天然气田的唯一许可证。 这是世界上储量最大的天然气田之一。 +Especially young people love the competitiveness and the glamour of F1.,尤其年轻人非常喜欢F1的竞争精神和魅力。 +Threeweeks from today is a holiday.,从今天起放三周假。 +Please make use of this translation service with the understanding that automatic translation does not provide 100% accuracy.,当使用翻译服务时,请您对自动机械翻译不具有100%正确度予以理解后再行使用。 +"They were distinguished by two fleshy growths protruding from the sides of their heads, which they called lethorns.",自其头部两侧长出,被其称为外伸角的肉质生长物可将其与其他种族区分开来。 +"And lily backstage got ghost, results of a police car hanging inspections.",而丽莉幕后搞了鬼,结果车子混过了警察的检查。 +"The lively and recognizable Tiger barb should never be kept with long-finned species, such as angelfish , gouramis, or Veiltail hybrids as they like to nibble at their fins!",不应将活跃而显眼的虎皮鱼与鱼鳍长的鱼种放在一起饲养,那些鱼种例如有神仙鱼、足鱼或纱罗尾杂交鱼-这是因为虎皮鱼喜欢啃咬它们的鱼鳍! +"When I can't fall asleep I don't take pills, I prefer to read a book, it helps me.",我睡不着时不会吃药,而是喜欢读书,这对我更有帮助。 +"In this article, the author focuses on the anti- feudalism consciousness, tragedy consciousness and animadversion consciousness.",本文主要论述了意识倾向变化中的反封建意识、悲剧意识和批判意识。 +Fukuyama: Let me ask you about the Chinese response to the crisis.,福山: 我要问一个关于中国对危机的应对问题。 +"The policeman rubbed down the country bumpkin,but found nothing suspicious.",警察把那个乡下佬浑身上下搜查了一遍,但未发现可疑之处。 +"The third chapter builds up the industry chain of nuclear power manufacturing industry under ideal state, draws industry chain structure frame;",第三章通过理论假设构筑起理想状态的核电装备制造产业链体系,绘制理想状态的产业链图; +你喜欢什么?茶还是咖啡.,"What do you prefer ,tea or coffee?" +The meeting was scheduled for two hours- it nossonos now over yet.,会议原定了两个小时,不过此刻还没有下场。 +Book numbers are added to the store or deleted by a numerical keyboard.,图书号码可以通过数字键盘加入存储器内,或者删掉。 +"Every time male wrens hear that cry, they sing this in response [wren sound].",当雄性鹪鹩听到伯劳鸟的这种声音,他们就会做出回应,叽叽叽。 +Work according the flowserve jv safety instructions.,根据合资公司安全指示进行工作。 +"If only for a moment, Satan suddenly seems old and frail.",如果只是一瞬间,撒旦突然看起来又老又脆弱。 +"Alaska Tsunami Warning Center said the earthquake epicenter is located in Anchorage, Alaska's largest city, 80 kilometers southwest of city, focal depth 48 km.",阿拉斯加海啸预警中心称,地震震源位于阿拉斯加州最大城市安克拉治市西南方向80公里处,震源深度48公里。 +"He says, will for a long time look "" the capital market that believes us is agile and springiness , can answer these adjustment "".",他说,长期来看“相信我们的资本市场灵活并富于弹性,能够应对这些调整”。 +Bourassa's top concern at the moment is making sure his Hewlett-Packard servers have enough capacity to support effective virtualization.,布拉沙的现在最要的顾虑是确保他的惠普服务器有足够的容量来支撑有效的虚拟化。 “我想正在往虚拟化的道路上靠拢的人们在未来几年中会以更快的速度进行服务器更新。 +Jerry makes his way around my cart and pushes the button for the elevator.,杰瑞在我推的车边绕了一圈,按下电梯按钮。 +"When Government uses the tax preference to exercise macro-control, the legitimacy of government right to the tax preference becomes particularly important.",政府在运用税收优惠实施宏观调控时,政府税收优惠权正当性问题就显得尤为重要。 +"It is found that elastic modules, Poisson′s ratio, dilation angle and lateral pressure coefficient, compared with cohesion and friction angle, have little effect on safety factor of slope.",和强度指标相比,弹性模量、泊松比、剪胀角和侧压力系数对边坡的安全系数影响不大; +Objective To explore the prevention of hypoglycemia and hypoglycemic symptoms during the therapy of diabetes ketoacidosis(DKA) with low-dose insulin.,目的避免小剂量胰岛素治疗糖尿病酮症酸中毒中出现低血糖及其反应症状。 +"And to get out of a debt problem you have to reduce debt and when you reduce debt you end up having slow economic growth, "" Henes said.""",要解决债务问题就要减少债务。减少债务的结果是放缓经济增长。 +"Communicating is more than speaking and listening,Simon.",交流不仅仅是指说和听,赛蒙。 +Diphtheria antitoxin is a foreign protein .,白喉抗毒素是异性蛋白。 +"Once Schumacher gets the green light, it will be the first time he has raced alongside Kimi Raikkonen, as the pair bid to secure Ferrari third place in the constructors' championship.",一旦舒马赫被放行,这将是他第一次和莱科宁并肩作战,两人将作为保住法拉利第三名的双保险。 +"On the military governor issue, Xuanzong pursued an indulgent policy, which had caused the central authority weakened seriously.",在藩镇问题上,又推行姑息纵容的消极政策,中央权威受到很大削弱。 +A cigarette provides a symbol of independence. A pair of designer jeans or sneakers conveys status. The right perfume or beer resolves doubts about femininity or masculinity.,一支烟象征着独立,一条名牌牛仔裤或一双名牌旅游鞋给人以身份。恰当的香水或啤酒使人对女性气质或男性气质概不再生疑。 +"The method for producing the alexidine has the advantages of simple operation, convenient control, small hazard and high yield, thereby being suitable for industrial production.",本发明的方法具有操 作简单、便于控制、危险性小、成品率高的优点,非常适于工业生 产。 +What should patient of nose pharynx cancer notice?,鼻咽癌患者应该注意些什么? +"Flotation tests compared with kerosene showed that they can all improve clean coal yielding and flotation rate, MR 2 is the best among them.",结果表明,复合捕收剂能较大幅度提高精煤产率和可燃体抽出率,并能较大幅度加快浮选速率,其中以MR-2最佳。 +A variant of this anti-pattern using activity form is straightforward and thus not shown.,对于此反模式,使用活动形式 的变种非常简单,本文将不再演示。 +"Argentina is a leading exporter of sunflower oil, and it is seen producing 2.8 million tonnes of sunseeds this season.",阿根廷是葵花籽油的主要出口国,这一季的葵花籽产量有望达到280万公吨。 +Zhu clearly elaborated China's view during the meetings.,朱总理在会上明确阐述了中方的观点。 +The carpenter always hutches his tools after work.,干完活后这个木匠总是把工具放在箱子里。 +"Mende told Reuters that the transport ministry's death toll currently stood at 80 and he said the accident took place on Tuesday at Mangutuka river post, about 120 km from Kinshasa.",曼德向路透社表示,运输部统计的死亡人数为80人,并称事件发生在周二,距金沙萨120公里的Mangutuka河港口。 +"His eyes still held the glad laughter of childhood, and his hair had the glint of the sunshine's kiss.",他的目光含蓄儿童时代的欢笑,他的头发受着日光的闪射。 +"RESULTS: Records of 10,825 patients were analyzed.",结果:本研究共分析了10, 825 名病人的资料。 +"Shown above is a photo of the sun peeking from behind a building, with a 22-degree solar halo arc shining around it.",上面显示的那张照片,是在一座建筑物后面窥视太阳时所拍摄的,带有一个22度的日晕弧在围绕着太阳闪耀。 +One then ventures out into a fragmented piece of oneself from earlier in this lifetime and then re-experiences the trauma in present time.,你将会遭遇到一个来自你此生更早期的碎片,然后现在重新经历这一创伤。 +"After a scan of the report, she initiated a heart to heart talk with me for the whole night.",一看成绩报告单,就跟我“促膝谈心”一整夜! +Zaeim's website lists clients including major government branches such as the ministries of intelligence and defense.,Zaeim公司网站的客户列表显示,情报部和国防部等重要政府机关都是该公司的客户。 +Few South Koreans know the difference between a triple axel and a triple salchow.,很少的韩国人知道三个一组的前外一周半跳和三个后内结环一周跳的差别。 +"He disappeared from Fort Campbell over the 4 July weekend, Bob Jenkins, a spokesman at the base said.",从七月四日周末起便未在坎贝尔堡现身, Bob Jenkins,一名基地发言人称。 +"When we get back, she plays the toys for a long time. Then she spend less than ten minutes in conquering the song in lesson 5.",我们回来后,她玩了很久的玩具。接着她花了不到十分钟的时间就攻下了今天学习任务------第五课的歌曲。 +Most of the Cr removed deposits.,被去除的铬主要转入塘底沉积物中。 +Our hostel is an ugly square affair but the interior is Ikea all the way.,我们的旅馆是一幢难看的方形建筑,但是内部都是宜家式的布置。 +Years of protracted hearings overseen by a series of Ecuadorean judges culminated on Feb. 14 in the $18.2 billion judgment against Chevron.,经过几年的旷日持久的庭审,在一批厄瓜多尔法官的监督下于2月14日作出裁决,雪佛龙应支付182亿美元。 +"The right of silence, an important rule of criminal procedure, has the history of more than three hundred years.",沉默权作为刑事诉讼活动的重要规则,已有三百多年的历史。 +"The head gangster gave up, and confessed all his crimes and misdemeanors.",强盗头目口服心服,随即将自己的种种罪行一一如实供出…… +"Fresh household waste is pretreated by aerobic fermentation, which is used as brickmaking material.",该文介绍了用好氧发酵工艺对新鲜生活垃圾进行预处理,用做制砖的原料。 +One of the strengths of Porsche is our independent thinking.,波尔舍的优点之一就是独立思考能力。 +"These handicraft articles of plexiglass, made with sophisticated skill and in excellent quality, have Been appreciated By numerous customers.",这种有机玻璃工艺品制造技术精湛,质量高超,赢得了广大顾客的赞誉。 +A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.,悲观主义者在每个机会里看到困难。乐观主义者在每个困难里看到机会。 臾。 +Many schools are built of little more than bean curd dregs – and who would dare to build a government office like that?,许多学校差不多是用豆腐渣建起来的。可谁敢用那种材料建造政府办公楼呢? +"We will continue to bring you integrated air handling solutions to the demanding requirements of tomorrow's medium and heavy duty diesel engines, and beyond .",我们将继续推出整套空气压缩解决方案,适应未来的大中型柴油屐机的严格需求。 +"According to the history of western philosophy freedom, generally speaking, the understanding of freedom to philosophers indicates an ongoing developing process with external to internal.",从西方哲学自由史来看,总体上讲,哲学家们对自由的认识历史表现出一个由表及里不断深入的过程。 +That better-safe-than-sorry attitude is essentially a superstition.,这种“安全总比后悔好”的态度本质上就是一种迷信。 +The first round a 5.56-mm. bullet struck bin Laden in the chest.,第一颗5.56MM的子弹击中了本拉登的胸部。 +Pipe passion fruit caramel into the center of each imprint and fill to 2 mm from the top (below the top) without touching the hardened molded chocolate edge.,将百香果焦糖酱挤到到每个模型的中心,并填到剩2毫米距离(距顶部),不可过满。 +"And they said among themselves, Who shall roll us away the stone from the door of the sepulchre?",彼此说,谁给我们把石头从墓门辊开呢。 +Arsene Wenger is considering changing to a 4-3-3 formation this season to accommodate his young attacking talents in what would be a radical departure from the Arsenal manager's usual 4-4-2 system.,温格正在考虑本赛季转型为4-3-3 阵型,以充分利用他手中的年轻的攻击��人才资源,并从他通常所采用的4-4-2 体系进行一次剧变。 +"In this paper, based on the analysis about the reconfiguration of the DES, 3DES and AES, we propose a reconfigurable architecture, which combines reconfiguration technology with pipeline, par.",本文分析了常用对称密码算法DES、3DES和AES的可重构性,利用流水线、并行处理和可重构技术,提出了一种可重构体系结构。 +The bodies of dead animals have been removed and cleared away; the ruins have been sifted for human remains.,死去的动物尸体已被清除;废墟也已经为留下的人们清理完毕了。 +Objective: To evaluate different examination methods for the diagnosis of the meniscal tears.,目的:评价不同检查方法对半月板损伤的诊断价值。 +This paper focuses on the relationship between the change of the mother tongue of ancient Hui Muslims and the appearance of the Xiaojing scripts.,本文所研究的是我国回回人先民母语的转变与“小经” 文字产生的相互关系问题。 +"To my knowledge, the State Administration of Cultural Heritage has stated strong opposition against the auction, and demanded its cancellation.",据我了解,国家文物局已经向有关公司正式表明强烈反对拍卖圆明园文物的原则立场,并明确要求撤拍有关文物。 +"Detective Superintendent Adrian Pearson, who is leading the police inquiry, said: ""A 14-year-old boy was taken to hospital having sustained serious head injuries.",侦缉警阿德里安·皮尔森(警方调查的负责人)说:“一名头部严重受伤的14岁男孩被送往医院。 +Metaphors are not to be trifled with. A single metaphor can give birth to love.,不要轻易使用比喻。仅仅一个比喻即可萌生爱情。 +The defeat of the Shimabara rebellion reversed a century of Christian advance in Japan.,岛原起义的失败扭转了一个世纪基督教在日本的发展势头。 +"Candidate:People who are honest, dedicate to their work and have integrity.",我喜欢和老实的、对工作投入、为人正直的人一起工作。 +"According to the latest count, McCain has netted 46.6 percent of the two-party vote.",而最新统计表明,麦卡恩或得了两党票数的46。 6%。 +"A man dressed as Mickey Mouse poses in front of a snow sculpture at a park in Harbin, China on January 5, 2010.",比如米老鼠打扮的男子在构成一个雪雕前在哈尔滨,中国公园于2010年1月5日。 +"However, there is an issue with this model of querying the transaction status: The service has no way of authenticating that the user querying the transaction is indeed the owner of the transaction.",但是,这种查询交易状态的模型有一个问题:服务无法验证查询交易的用户是否确实是交易的所有者。 +"The company has international design and management of the Group of Italy signed a five-year joint development agreement, synchronous development of the world's advanced level of family furniture.",公司已经与意大利国际设计管理集团签订了五年合作开发协议书,同步开发具有世界先进水平的系列家具。 +"With their high fat and vitamin E content, avocados are both delicious and good for you.",鳄梨蕴含大量的脂肪以及维他命E,不仅美味而且益处多多。 +Diane Rowland and Andrew Campbell. Supply of Software: Copyright and Contract Issues. International Journal of Law and Information Technology. Vol. 10. No 1.,戴安。罗兰、安朱。坎贝尔:“软件供给:版权与合同争议”,载于《 法律与信息国际杂志》第10卷第1期。 +CLC checks it with the user database and creates a new session for valid user.,CLC 检查用户数据库并为合法用户创建一个新的对话。 +"Behold king division for anger, Peking University to compare with the blade split.",不料王师北大为恼怒,欲与刀锋分裂。 +Methods 15 MV(6 MV) X-ray outputs which from the accelerator in carries on the survey after the different material composition mold body in water phantom.,方法对加速器输出的15 MV和6 MV X线在经由不同材料组成的体模后在水模中进行测量。 +"Ah, incredibly still practice moral teachings middleman, the elder sister run quickly!",呀,居然还是个修行中人,姐姐快跑! +"Robbery can be a single-acted crime, the difference between the crime of robbery and snatch is whether there has been the physical force or the mental coercion.",抢劫罪与抢夺罪的区别在于其行为方式是否具有人身强制或精神强制的性质。 +Belt conveyors are the preferred solution for handling raw materials and finished products that are too fragile to be moved by a screw auger.,带式输送机是处理在推运过程中易碎的原料和成品的首选解决方案。 +"In fact, the giant lizard is one of the important local foods.",实际上,这种巨蜥是当地人的重要食物之一。 +"""When it does, we need to re-size our prime brokerage business,"" Mack said in a CNBC interview.","""等事情发生的时候,我们就必须重新调整机构经纪业务,""他接受媒体采访时说.(完)" +Meanwhile the species areal -types of guangdong gymnospermae were divided into20subtypes in this paper.,同时论文还将广东裸子植物种的分布区类型划分为20个亚型。 +"To meet them, I needed more chances to recharge my batteries and water my roots.",为迎接这些挑战,我需要更多机会给自己充电,浇灌我的根基。 +Five Wu all has ever chosen site for capital here with south Sung dynasties more.,五代吴越和南宋王朝都曾在这里定都。 +"Only recently, and after embarking on an exercise campaign, have I discovered that Japan's (and some other Asian countries') interpretation of the BMI is stricter than that of the rest of the world.",只是最近经过这场减肥战役之后,我才发现日本(以及其他一些亚洲国家)对于BMI的划定比世界上哪个地方都严格。 +"He captained West Germany to their win at Italia '90, a tournament in which he was easily the best player, ten years after winning the European Championship as a 19-year-old.",他率领西德队赢得了90年意大利世界杯,是毫无疑问的最佳球员,此时距他19岁随队赢得欧洲冠军(译注:80年欧锦赛决赛马特乌斯被按在板凳上)已过了十年。 +I think aerobics are quite popular with teens and young adults.,我想健美操在青少年人中很流行。 +The session coincides with a separate announcement that North Korea is to revise its constitution.,会议一致同意发布一份关于朝鲜将修改宪法的特别公告。 +"With hard work over the past half century and more, China has achieved great progress. Its total economic output is now one of the largest in the world.",经过半个多世纪的艰苦奋斗,中国有了比较大的发展,经济总量跃居世界前列,但我们仍然是一个发展中国家,同发达国家相比还有很大的差距。 +The primary difficulty with blind image restoration is insufficient information. This calls for proper incorporation of apriori knowledge about the image and the point-spread function(PSF).,盲图像恢复的主要困难是信息不足,而为了恢复图像和确定点扩散函数需要适当的先验知识。 +"This article mainly discusses that the material choice, the material setting mode in the saggar and the temperature-time schedule influence the quality of ceramic pigment product.",该文主要从陶瓷颜料实际大生产的角度叙述了原料的选择、装料方式以及烧成制度对陶瓷颜料产品质量方面的影响。 +"I love board games and I challenge you to a Sudoku race anytime, anywhere.",我爱下棋。 还有,我们俩随时随地都能比数独。 +During filming and at premieres he needs a team of 5 bodyguards to protect him from the braying mob.,在影片初次公映时期,他需要5个保镖的来护他与喧嚷的群隔离。 +Various water-based aluminum-plastic compound plate coatings have been prepared by using of water-soluble polyacrylic resins and hexamethoxymethylmelamine resin as cross-linker.,以水性丙烯酸酯树脂为原料,以六甲氧基三聚氰胺树脂作交联剂,配制了不同的水性铝塑复合板涂料。 +Yahweh Elohim So in Genesis 2 the deity is Yahweh Elohim.,所以在《创世纪》2中,上帝被称为。 +"This method, tried in our village, resulted in a marked rise in total production.",这个方法,经我们村实验后,总产量有明显的增长。 +"Implant osseointegration is no longer the major issue; the esthetic outcome, especially in the anterior regions is not always predictable.",种植体的骨整合已经不再是主要的问题了,而尤其是在前牙区域,种植体修复美学效果的难以预测才是一个问题。 +ArcelorMittal owns one-third of mid-sized Chinese steelmaker Valin Steel Tube & Wire Co 000932.SZ and has a stake in Hong Kong-listed China Oriental Group Co (,"该公司拥有中国中型钢铁厂商华菱管线(000932.SZ: 行情)三分之一的股权,以及中国东方集团(0581.HK: 行情)的部分股权." +"Sibelius is Finland's most famous composers, representatives of national music camp.",西贝柳斯是芬兰最著名的作曲家、民族乐派的代表人物。 +"Zhang Shuyi, On the Social Structure Change from Law in China , China University of Politic Science and Law Press, 205(2002).",《中国社会结构变迁的法学透视——行政法学背景分析》,中国政法大学出版社2002年版,第205页。 +It is not clear why Apple is collecting this data.,苹果为什么会手机这一数据尚不清楚。 +Don’t be the sleazy used car salesman with something to hide; be the honest businessman with a great deal to offer.,不要像那些欺骗人的二手车销售人员一样,隐藏事实;要做诚实的生意人,提供大量的产品。 +So I’m the man in here now.,所以我现在是这里的老大了。 +"What Wilson argues may sound obvious and even a bit like Psychology 101, but there is a deeper motivation to his writing.",威尔逊所讨论的可能听起来很明��,甚至有点像《心理学101》教材那样明显,但他的写作是有一个更深的动机的。 +I feel it like a tough finger.,我觉得那个东西象根硬的手指。 +This indicates that the function's address will be the address of the next instruction.,这表明函数地址将是下一个指令的地址。 +"In Libya, the French acted as the vanguard of a military strike.",在利比亚,法国充当了军事打击的急先锋。 +"The accomplishments, especially in collection and sort of bibliographies and catalogues, are remarkable.",特别是文献、书目的搜集整理,成就尤为突出。 +"When voting began, many of you possibly didn't know what an Aztek was.",当投票开始的时候,你们中的很多人可能都不知道阿兹特克到底是什么东西。 +Thanks Ben for your great work!,感谢方勇令人满意的工作! +"In order for you to act on your objective, it must be actionable.",为了使你能在你的目标上采取行动,这些目标必须能够执行。 +"""We're developing our cardiomyocyte product, GRNCM1, to address the large unmet need in heart failure, "" said Dr. Thomas Okarma, president and chief executive officer of Geron.",“我正在培养心肌细胞产物GRNCM1,为了补充心衰没满足的需要” Geron 公司行政总管,主席Thomas Okarma 博士说。 +"The U.S. company that is fabricating glass for the upper floors says it didn't have ability to make the large windows, which are nearly an inch thick and have V-shaped ridges in them.",为上层建造玻璃的美国公司称他们没有能力作出这种将近一英寸厚里面还带有V字形突起的大窗户。 +This is why the Moon is moving away from us.,这就是为什么月球正在远离我们。 +"When someone takes on a guru, as is clearly illustrated in Words of My Perfect Teacher, it's a deep and serious engagement.",当某人担任上师,如同在〈真师之言〉影片中清楚说明的, 那是很深刻、严肃的任务。 +So if you want to make your travel to Paris was unforgetable – book a room in this amazing hotel.,如果想让你的法国之行变得美好难忘——在这家宾馆预定一个房间吧。 +Less is more?,少即是多? +"Written by one of Australia's foremost luthiers, this manual is a straightforward, profusely illustrated guide to constructing nylon-string classical and steel-string guitars.",本手册的导览,澳大利亚最重要的制琴师之一,粗犷、淋漓构建尼龙弦古典吉他和钢弦吉他制作家。 +"And Josaphat said to the king of Israel: Inquire, I beseech thee, at present the word of the Lord.",约沙法特对以色列王说:「请你先求问上主的答话!」 +"Before I formed an opinion I figured I’d give the company’s games some playtime, especially since my company has dabbled in HTML5 gaming.",在我形成对收购协议的看法前,我知道应该花点时间在该公司的游戏上,特别因为我所在公司涉足了HTMl5 游戏业务。 +"""Further cuts in homebuilding and in related activities are likely, "" Bernanke cautioned.",“进一步削减住宅建设,并在相关的活动很可能, ”贝南克告诫。 +Product images display on the Amazon website using RGB color mode.,产品图片显示在亚马逊网站上使用RGB颜色模式。 +"Jiang, a member of China's working group preparing a draft for this international partnership, says an agreement is likely to be finalised over the next few months.",作为正为这项国际合作起草方案的中国工作组的一员,姜克隽说这项合作能否成功将有可能在接下来的几个月里见分晓。 +"Military personnel dispatched from the ship by landing craft to the ground unloaded supplies in Haiti's capital, Port-au-Prince.",基尔萨奇号上的军人乘登陆舰上岸,在海地首都太子港(Port-au-Prince)卸下救援物资。 +He is well-known in the world for his outstanding work in geometry and topology. He was awarded the National Medal of Science (USA) and the Wolf Prize.,他以几何学和拓扑学的杰出工作闻名世界,曾获美国国家科学奖和沃尔夫奖,是二十世纪伟大的几何学家。 +Sleep is hard plank bed Upper layer is beds and mattresses.,睡的床是硬木板上铺一层褥子且是上下铺。 +"Buthis vision is being threatened by telecommunications and cablecompanies, and other Internet service providers, that want to impose anew system of fees that could create a hierarchy of Web sites.",但是他的这一愿景,正在受到来自与通讯公司、有线电视公司以及其它互联网服务提供商的威胁,这些公司和服务商试图建立一种会造成互联网站层级体系的新的收费系统。 +"View from the terrace of the Sofitel Hotel on Nanjing Donglu, the main shopping street of Shanghai.",从上海主要步行街南京东路的索菲特酒店望去的风景。 +Alan Chan is one of the few Hong Kong-trained graphic designers who has achieved international recognition.,陈幼坚是香港地区少数获得国际认可的设计师之一。 +"The mechanism by which aluminum interferes with ion influx and translocation is the basic of Al toxicity to plants, but it is not well known.",铝胁迫下铝和其它元素的吸收、运输和分布是铝毒害的基础。 +"Turk said the prospect of persistently low U.S. interest rates and an increasingly soft dollar were set to drive prices up from their current high near $1,350 an ounce.","Turk表示,美国持续低息和美元日益走弱的前景将推动目前接近每盎司1,350美元的金价进一步高涨." +"The club the regularity conducts the activity under Basic unit's Joint management, but cannot satisfy the resident multi-level, the diverse sports demand.",俱乐部在基层单位的协同组织下经常性举办活动,但不能满足居民多层次、多样化的体育需求。 +"Ba: I knew we' d be together forever, and that everything would be wonderful, just the way you feel about Walter.",芭:我知道我们会永远在一起,一切都会很美好。 就象你对华尔德的感觉一样。 +You can manually transfer the IBM Support Assistant Lite collector to the agent system and run it to collect agent log files and other problem determination data.,您可以手动将这个 IBM Support Assistant Lite 收集器传输到代理系统并运行它,从而收集代理日志文件和其他问题确定数据。 +There was no significant difference between BYHWT-treated group and nimodipine-treated group(P>0.05).,尼莫地平组与补阳还五汤组之间差异无显著性(P>0.05)。 +"As you read this, nearly 80,000 Americans are waiting for a new heart, kidney or some other organ that could save their life.",就在你读这篇短文的时候,大约有八万美国人正等着可以救命的心脏、肾脏或其他器官。 +"Once, Bess said that she thought that one time she had made contact with Harry.",有一次,贝丝说,她认为有一次她已与哈利联系。 +"A CAS operation includes three operands -- a memory location (V), the expected old value (A), and a new value (B).",CAS 操作包含三个操作数 —— 内存位置(V)、预期原值(A)和新值(B)。 +"In this paper, the filler content-resistivity relation, resistance-temperature relation, voltage-current characteristic and electrothermic property of this sort of composite material were discussed.",本文对这种复合材料的组成与电阻率关系、阻温关系、伏安特性及电热特性等基本的电学性能进行了探讨。 +"Many cities have wasted extraordinary opportunities, particularly along those waterfronts.",很多城市错过了非常好的机遇,特别是那些港口城市。 +I've seen you in action. You could shame Arthur himself.,我见识过你的功夫,你能让亚瑟都甘拜下风。 +"If nanotechnology becomes widely used, the disposal of nanomaterials will be difficult to contain, especially where they are used in household and community-level applications.",如果纳米技术被广泛使用,将很难控制纳米材料的处置,特别是当它们用于家庭和社区级别的应用时。 +Fluctuations in the cosmic microwave background radiation probe the earliest moments of the universe.,太空的微波背景辐射的涨落指示了宇宙最早期的信息. +"Observance of God's commandments is, as Levenson puts it, the teleological end of history.",遵守上帝的戒条,是这段历史的目的。 +"Without pregnant burden, without the harm with pestiferous sex, do not suffer the effect of body state.",没有怀孕的负担,没有性传播疾病的危害,不受身体状况的影响。 +"Orogenic lode gold deposits sited along brittle-ductile shear zones occur throughout the central zone within greenschist-facies, highly-deformed, Devonian and younger clastic rocks.",造山型脉状金矿床主要分布于西秦岭造山带中的脆韧性剪切带内。 +"A US Marine engineer, searching for improvised explosive devises, stops as an Afghan villager emerges to look at him in Marjah in Afghanistan's Helmand province on Sunday Feb. 14, 2010.",一名美国海军陆战队工程师,寻找简易爆炸想办法,作为阿富汗村民站出现看他在阿富汗的赫尔曼德省Marjah日2010年2月14号。 +"In view of the vernacular poetry of this time, this article abandons its concrete meaning and gives it a comparison with the old-style poetry.",本文针对这一时期的白话诗,抛开它的具体含义,将其与旧体诗进行比较。 +"At present, various localities are going all out to advance economic growth and supporting the flooded areas with practical acts.",展望全国,各地正在全力推动 经济增长,以实际行动 支援灾区。 +A Holiday gift exchange can be very entertaining and create memories - and you might end up with a fantastic gift you'll cherish.,节日礼物交换可以非常有趣并值得回味——最终你可能会收到一个另你珍视的奇妙礼物。 +"CCTV, though state-run, is not just a propaganda outfit.",中央电视台虽然是由国家经营的,但却不仅仅是一个宣传机构。 +The living room continues to an outdoor canopied living space.,客厅延续到室外有顶棚的生活空间。 +Its basic function is that it can make user communicate to each other with picture and text through intranet even if through internet.,它的基本功能就是让用户能够在局域网甚至在广域网上图文并茂的进行交流。 +"I wish I can keep my elegancy, nicety , sensibility, creativity and still easily forgiven.",我希望我能够保持我的优雅,纤细,敏感,创造,宽容。 +"“The Snakehead,” then, is a brilliantly constructed police procedural-cum-courtroom drama with a hole in its soul.",于是,“蛇头”成了一出由警察审讯到法庭审判的精美戏剧,但其灵魂却空空如也。 +"He saw, cleared eyed, that he was in the Valley of the Shadow.",他清楚地看到自己此刻正在死荫的幽谷之中。 +The main products became a shortlist of National Pipeline Bureau in 2000;,公司主要产品于2000年成为国家管道局入围产品; +"No one ever mumbles, stutters, or says ""um...""",没有人会咕哝,结结巴巴说话,或说“um...” +The temperature and relative humidity of drying air were controlled by mixing of two air streams.,乾燥用热风温度与相对湿度系由两股气流混合控制而成。 +I am hoping this designer can show me this - i will of course pay for this - and will continue to be able to provide very high quality email designs for me.,我希望此设计可以告诉我这一点- 我当然会为此付出- 并将继续能够为我提供非常高品质的电子邮件的设计。 +"At the macro-level this struggle is a channel toward a world state by the logic of anarchy, which generates a tendency for military technology and war to become increasingly destructive.",在宏观层次上,无政府逻辑使得军事技术和战争呈现毁灭性越来越强的趋势,将争取承认的斗争导向世界国家。 +"According to incomplete statistics, there are more than 128 poems related partridges in Complete Tang Poems.",据不完全统计,《全唐诗》有“鹧鸪”意象的诗128余首; +"""Sitting here listening to your professors, I got five movie ideas in the bathroom and two ideas for sequels, "" said Liman.",坐在这儿听听教授们讲课,我在浴室里就想出了5部片子的点子,两个续集的灵感。 +This street should be on your left.,这条马路应该是在你的左手边。 +"Then i though, if they didn't know the future, then what does 6.20 IPL do?",不过,我觉得,如果他们不知道未来,那么是什么6.20的IPL做呢? +Socrates believes in the immortality of the soul.,苏格拉底相信灵魂是不朽的 +"Fifth, to base upon reality, and adopt all kinds of good qualities, to create and develop the culture.",第五,立足现实博采众长,实现文化创新发展。 +"Children whose bladders tend to spasm can be treated with anticholinergic drugs, and children who lack an antidiuretic hormone can take a synthetic version.",如果孩子的膀胱痉挛的话,可以服用抗胆碱药物来治疗,如果孩子是缺乏抗利尿激素的话,可以服用合成激素。 +General Musharraf said he also explained the recent truce that the Pakistani military reached with pro-Taleban militants in the semi-autonomous tribal regions of Pakistan.,穆沙拉夫将军表示,他还解释了巴基斯坦军方最近同巴基斯坦半自治部落地区亲塔利班激进分子达成的停火协议。 +Another effective way to allow employees to truly integrate new skills into their existing ones is to provide employee sabbaticals every so often.,另一个使员工们真正将新的技巧整合到现存的项目中的方法是,经常为员工们提供周期性的休息时间。 +That was better than if they…and better than working themselves to death on the building site.,那总比她们。。。。。。 总比她们在建筑工地被折磨死要好多了。 +"It is forecasted by Provincial Observatory that from this early morning, there are shower or thunderstrom and the rainfall is medium to large. The rainy day will last for about two days.",据省气象台预报,今天凌晨开始,杭州会下起阵雨或雷雨,雨量中到大,降雨会持续两天左右。 +"Swine influenza viruses may circulate among swine throughout the year, but most outbreaks occur during the late fall and winter months similar to influenza outbreaks in humans.",该病毒多爆发于猪身上,秋冬季为多发期,全年可传播,类似流感。 +"Cleft between the snow-capped Qilian Mountains and the rolling Mazong Mountains, it was on the ancient Silk Road.",裂之间的冰雪覆盖的祁连山和滚动Mazong山,这是对古老的丝绸之路。 +"Clinical specialist students have the features of short learning system and weak knowledge base, thus producing some problems during clinical internship.",临床专业专科生存在学制短、基础弱的特点,在临床实习工作中存在一系列问题。 +The jazz collection is displayed in the Old U.S. Mint. Each spring the city puts on the New Orleans Jazz and Heritage Festival.,爵士乐唱片在古老的美国铸币厂展出,每年春天和传统节日都会上演新奥尔良爵士乐。 +"Comcast ( CMCSA - news - people ) Cable in Philadelphia is unveiling Tuesday ""Yellow Pages on TV, "" an interactive television application that features contact information for local businesses.",Comcast媒体中心,一家位于费城的Comcast有线电视公司的分支机构,在周二发布了“电视上的黄页” ,这是一种互动电视应用专门用于展示地方性商业服务机构的联系方式。 +"Earlier Wednesday, trading in Huiyuan shares was suspended in Hong Kong after their price fell nearly 20 percent on speculation Coca-Cola might abandon the bid.",星期三早些时候,由于对于可口可乐可能放弃投标的猜测,香港的汇源股票在下跌了近20%之后停牌交易。 +"Jet travel, cross - cultural education, rapid communication and readily available information have made the differences between cultures more apparent.",乘飞机旅行、 跨文化教育、快捷的交通和现成的资讯,使文化间的差异变得愈益显著。 +"The roots of the plant grow right in the carbon and slowly degrade3 the chemicals absorbed there,” Wolverton explains.",植物的根就长在活性碳中,在那儿慢慢地将吸收的化学物质降解,”沃尔弗顿解释说。 +"I tell you now that I heard her move in the coffin. I heard the sounds many days ago, but my terror was too great-I could not speak!",现在我告诉你,我听见她在棺材里动弹的声音,那是好几天以前的事,可是我太害怕了——我不敢说! +"Google for educators is a landing spot for classroom resources that incorporate Google products like Google Earth, SketchUp, Maps, and Sky.","教育工作者的谷歌是一个课堂资源丰富的平台,她吸收了像谷歌地球, 谷歌SketchUp软件,谷歌地图,谷歌天空这些谷歌的产物。" +The successful rate of retinal anatomic reattachment at once was 90.70%.,本组患者视网膜一次解剖复位成功率90.70%。 +The pitcher tagged him out on a steal of home.,投手在他偷回本垒时将他刺杀出局。 +He turned bright red all of a sudden and threatened to wipe everybody off the face of the earth.,他的脸霎时就红了,并且威胁说要毁灭全世界。 +Creating the best machine for checking money is the goal of our company.,创造最好的验钞技术产品,是协鑫品牌的奋斗目标。 +"Journalist one day Institute, Institute of journalists for life!",一日院报人,终生院报人! +"However, the deployment of these components needs to be dictated by actual business requirements.",然而,这些组件的部署需要根据实际的业务需求来决定。 +Properties of exhuast emmission of engines running on producer gas is generally acceptable.,对生产的天然气的 发动机,排放性能exhuast被普遍接受。 +"By its servility it is the prey of tyranny, and by its credulity it is the foe of enlightenment.",因为他的奴态成为了暴君的猎物,因为他的轻信顽固成为了启蒙的天敌。 +If you are willing to guide it.,只要你愿意对其谆谆教导。 +Building a socialist harmonious society is from the party's socialist cause with Chinese characteristics put the overall layout of a major strategic task.,构建社会主义和谐社会,是党从中国特色社会主义事业总体布局出发提出的一项重大战略任务。 +Rather I had not the power to express all I felt.,我倒是没有足够的力量来表达出我所感到的一切。 +How do you think l get them to double flip and play with white kids?,那你认为我是怎么让他们翻跟头还和白人小孩玩的? +The main of this paper is as follows:(1) Statistics analysis of the hydrological and meteorological data of the project location;,本文的主要研究内容有:(1)工程所在地的水文气象资料统计分析; +The progresses in the evaluation of the genetic diversity of Chinese Oryza rufipogon and the research of its mating system were summarized.,介绍了中国普通野生稻的分布和原地保护现状,综述了中国普通野生稻的遗传多样性评价和交配系统研究进展。 +"Most taxa had recently completed breeding, and 14 species of Palearctic migrants used the study sites as stopover areas or wintering grounds.",调查期间发现大部分种类于近期刚完成繁殖;有14种古北界迁徙种类把两个保护区作为停留地或作为越冬地。 +Green balloons and green and gold peanuts are sold by the hundreds.,成百上千的人会在这天出售绿色的气球和金绿相间的花生。 +Speyer denied this and stated that the meaning of the letters had been misconstrued in the absence of his side of the correspondence being before the committee.,施派尔对此予以否认并声称委员会在他不在的情况下误解了信件的含意。 +NEW YORK (Reuters) - Stocks dropped on Monday as bank shares bore the brunt of investor frustration over governments' inability to solve debt crises in the United States and Europe.,"路透纽约7月18日电---美国股市周一收跌,因投资者对美国和欧洲政府无能力解决债务危机感到沮丧,银行股下跌." +What comes out of this exercise is the identification of the number of FTEs per role that is required to execute the project within the given timeline.,通过这一步骤,可以确定在给定的时间计划内每个角色执行项目所需的 FTE 数。 +"He made his pizza in the colors of the Italian flag—green herbs, white mozzarella cheese and red tomatoes.",他将比萨做成意大利国旗的颜色—绿色的芳草,白色的干酪和红色的番茄。 +"If someone hurts you, or break your heart, forgive them.",若有人伤害你,令你心碎,请宽恕他们! +Objective To observe the cosmetological effect of augmentation of nose with simultaneous double-upper-eyelid operation and correction of epicanthus.,目的:观察重睑术、内眦赘皮矫正术及隆鼻术同期手术的美容效果。 +"Through the analysis and comparison of passenger car equivalent (PCE), the suggesting PCE value applicable for rapid commodity transport passage plan design could be obtained.",通过对当量车换算系数(PCE)的分析和比较,得到了适用于快速货运通道规划设计的PCE推荐值。 +"How can you say that all is well? Look at the wars, the exploitation, the cruel strife between the citizen and the state.",你如何能说一切止于至善?看看战争、剥削、人民及国家之间残酷的攻击。 +"According to the law, he can overrule the decision of the line judge if he was sure that the line judge had made a wrong call.",根据规则,一旦他确定司线员做出的判决是错误的,他就可以改判。 +"In the same way, if you’re thinking about the future all the time, you won’t be recognizing the beauty happening right here and now, before your eyes.",同样的,如果你终日为未来担忧,你就意识不到此时此刻你眼前正在发生的美好事物。 +Text express - It's Boggle!,文字表达-这是令人困惑! +I looked out the window at the fields and hills laugh.,我望着窗外飞驰过的田野和山庄笑了。 +"“Every day of delay in assistance is literally a matter of life or death for children and their families in the famine-affected areas, ” he said.",他说:“对于正在遭受饥荒的地区中的孩子们和他们的家庭来说,援助每耽搁一天都是一个真真切切的生与死的问题。” +The relevance of liver histology and scoring for AIH in SLE with hepatic involvement is discussed.,的相关性,肝组织和得分的夫精人工授精系统性红斑狼疮肝参与讨论。 +"The recovered jewellery has been returned to its rightful owner, police said.",警方表示,被发现的珠宝已经物归原主。 +"Each year some 250,000 birds nest on Cousin, which is one of three islands where the Seychelles Fody is to be found.",每年都有250,000只左右的鸟儿在库金岛筑巢,其中包括塞舌尔FODY鸟,这种鸟只在库金岛和另外两个岛有发现。 +A new species of titi monkey that purrs like a cat and looks like a leprechaun has been discovered in the Amazon basin.,亚马逊流域发现了一种叫声像猫、外形像(爱尔兰传说中的)矮妖精的新伶猴。 +Selenium works synergistically with vitamin E to boost antioxidant power and prevent or slow signs of aging and hardening of tissues through oxidation.,硒和维生素E相互协作,提高抗氧化能力防止和减缓老年化,通过氧化作用防止和减缓身体组织老化变硬。 +The trains which leave or arrive every few minutes are packed:an endless procession of human sar-any room to move on the pavements.,每隔几分钟开走或抵达的地铁车厢里塞得满满的,就像没完没了的载人沙丁鱼罐头。 +"Now, I can have duck's eggs.",现在,我能有鸭蛋了。 +"As they glide around ""Pinguino, "" Bowles and Sinton notice a lack of sediment covering the rocks.",鲍尔斯和辛顿在“平吉诺”周围进行了观测,他们注意到覆盖在这些岩石上的沉积物极为稀少。 +"As the one of all QoS parameters, SQN can represent a profile of one grid service's quality. To expedite matchmaking process and satisfy users' QoS reque…",在此基础上,提出了相应的服务匹配策略和价格确定模型,加快网格服务匹配的过程,保障用户服务质量,并作了较深入的分析与讨论。 +"While he can admire and respect other people, he is not totally defined, demolished, bound, or awed by them.",他也仰慕和尊敬他人,但不会完完全全因他们来评价自己,推翻自己,束缚自己,也不会因他们感到恐惧。 +You'll want to hire an EPA-certified water testing company; tests run about $20.,你可以花20美元,聘请由美国环保署认证的公司帮你测试。 +"The Pacific Tsunami Warning Center in Honolulu issued a tsunami warning for much of the Pacific, including Australia, Papua New Guinea, and Indonesia.",位于檀香山的太平洋海啸警报中心向太平洋上的群���发出海啸警报,包括澳洲、巴布亚纽几内亚和印尼。 +"Though her teacher thought she was scatterbrained, she was actually quite astute.",虽然她的老师认为她是个粗枝大叶的人,但事实上她相当机灵。 +"South Korea recently sealed an FTA with the European Union. But the U. S. Senate has failed to ratify a U. S. -Korea FTA, agreed to 2007.",韩国近期完成了与欧盟之间的自由贸易协定。但是2007年签署的美韩自由贸易协议还没有得到美国参议院的批准。 +"Tokyo, the capital of the second-largest economy in the world where financial skills are plentiful, has become strangely ""invisible"" in Mr. Karabell's words.",作为世界第二大经济中心日本的首都东京拥有足够的金融经验,却出人意料地,用Karabell先生的话说,“低调”。 +"And the worry to his send people rob in the hands of criminal evidence, then secretly make evidence as CDS and under the custody of sensitive CDH.",启源担心以铿会派人抢夺手中的犯罪证据,便暗中将证据制成光碟并交由敏晖保管。 +I don't think altruism is boring.,我不认为奉献是无聊的。 +"For our example, we stack our two left images on top of each other to combine the normal and hover states into one new image.",在本例中,我们将左侧的两幅图片堆叠在一起,一幅置于另一幅的上方,合并成一幅新图片。 +The discovery of coesite -bearing eclogites in this area enlarges the region of coesite-bearing eclogite belt in Central -Eastern China.,河南大别山区含柯石英榴辉岩的发现扩大了中国中东部含柯石英榴辉岩带的分布区。 +"When installing a drain line, use Series 909 air gaps on Model 909 backflow preventers.",在安装排泄管线时,在型号909防回流阀上采用系列909气隙。 +They lurk in between the recurring run of our daily routines. They turn up in the predictable and unplanned encounters in familiar and unlikely places.,他们隐藏在我们的反复运行的日常生活当中,而出现在熟悉和陌生的场所里的可预见的和无计划的遭遇中。 +"On a recent Friday afternoon, a friend of mine went into a big mobile phone store in the City to buy a new phone for his wife.",不久前一个周五下午,我的一个朋友去伦敦商业区一家手机大卖场为他老婆买一部新手机。 +"It also researched the act effect, and apply foreground of use mixed-waste plastics as road bitumen modifier, and also put forward the further research direction.",同时,也初步探讨了混合废塑料改性道路沥青的作用效果与应用前景,并提出了进一步的研究方向。 +WHO predicts that by 2015 these numbers will increase to 2.3 billion overweight and 700 million obese adults.,该组织预测,到2015年,这两个数字将分别增加到23亿和5亿。 +"'One element that continues to surprise us, however, is the resilience of the Chinese steel sector, ' he told shareholders at the company's annual general meeting.",高瑞思在必和必拓年度股东大会上说,不过,中国钢铁行业的弹性持续地令我们感到惊讶。 +She speaks so fast that we can't really understand her speech.,她说话太快,我们真的不明白她的讲词。 +"A terrorist bomb explodes aboard a Pan Am Boeing 747 over Lockerbie, Scotland.",1988年,美国泛美航空的波音777客机在苏格兰Lockerbie上空时恐怖分子的炸弹爆炸。 +“我们认为存在各种各样的可能性,”陈戌源表示。,"“We think there are all kinds of possibilities,” Mr Chen says." +"To further study the A-type character of human behavior is how it affects the heart, Friedman and Rosenman has conducted a series of physiological and biochemical experiments.",为了进一步研究A 型性格的人的行为是怎样影响心脏的,弗里德曼和罗森曼又进行一系列生理学和生物化学的实验。 +From his works we can prospect his rich jurisiprudence thought and its internal logic route growing logic of law historical logic of law developmental logic of law realizing logic of value of law etc.,从其著作中我们可以发现他丰富的法哲学思想,探究其内在的逻辑理路:法的生成逻辑、法的历史逻辑、法的发展逻辑、法的价值的实现逻辑等。 +"Don't you speak like a book, Mr. Jimmy.",你别那么文绉绉地讲话,吉米先生。 +"Therefore, in the current situation, the school roll management system must be reformed in a way that students' rights are fully respected, their benefits safeguarded and demands met.",应从维护学生的利益和需要出发,充分尊重学生的权利,改革高校学籍管理。 +"In addition, the trilobite said, the shifting of tectonic plates, and with them, the birth of new mountain ranges, river valleys, and coastlines, seemed to be coming along great.",这只三叶虫还补充说大陆板块正在移动,随之而来的还有全新的山脉、河谷和海岸线的诞生,这些看上去很完美。 +"Thus the key subjective elements is""on purpose""; and the punishments degree should take the choice of one standard that is responsible for a unit or the responsible person.",在刑度要件上应采取单位或单位责任人择一标准说,即以单位或者单位责任人前罪所受到的刑罚作为单位构成累犯的刑度要件; +And I have to mention that discrimination against women is another barrier to fair competition and economic growth.,我必须指出的是,歧视妇女是公平竞争和经济增长的另一障碍。 +Build up your masculine confidence and you will see the women start to notice you.,建立自己的男子气概自信,你就会看到女人们开始注意你了。 +"Isotretinoin use may reveal long-term thromboembolic risks in some patients, but is not necessarily linked directly to those risks.",在某些病人里面异维甲酸肯能与急性血栓栓塞病风险增加有关,但是不能断定与这种风险有必然联系。 +This is the difference of the movement of Luddism and the traditional rebellions of Chinese peasants.,为权利而斗争,这是卢德运动与中国传统农民起义最根本的差异所在。 +"If you want your steak cooked just how you like it, would you rather talk to the bus boy or the chef that's actually cooking it?",如果想要你的牛排按照你喜欢的方式烹饪,你是要和一个巴士男孩说,还是应该和那个真正在烹饪牛排的大厨讲呢? +Lakes were distributed widely in Xiaoqinghe River drainage during the prehistoric and historical periods which can be shown by the strata records and ancient documents.,在史前及历史时期,小清河流域湖泊广布,在地层沉积记录和古文献记载中均得以证明。 +"The announcement comes just weeks after the Burbank, California-based company said the Chinese government has approved plans for a Shanghai theme park.",就在加利福尼亚的柏班克公司表示中国政府批准了在上海兴建主题公园计划的数周后,这份声明就被公布了。 +"In the late stage, shear enlarged space is developed and quartz vein type gold deposits are formed, which make the former mylonite gold deposits enriched.",在晚阶段剪切位移量增大,形成剪切扩容空间,主要形成了石英脉型金矿,同时对前阶段形成的糜棱岩型金矿有富集作用。 +This research enabled us to test and confirm three hypotheses about consumer behaviors in the digital age.,这项研究促使我们测试和确定了数字时代关于消费者行为的三种假设。 +We were all greatly saddened by the tremendous loss of life and property in the quake-affected area. Our thoughts are with those who lost their loved ones.,我们对由此造成的灾区重大人员伤亡和财产损失感到万分悲痛,因为我们的心和灾区人民是紧紧连在一起的。 +"But many mistake ""LOL"" for ""lots of love"", leading to some unintended ""LOLs"", such as the infamous tale of the mother who wrote: ""Your grandmother has just passed away.",但是很多人将LOL误解为lots of love(许多的爱),这导致一些非故意的LOLs,例如下面这个无耻的传言——一位母亲写道:“你的祖母已经去世了。 +MIDI controllers and synthesizers are connected using cables that allow the commands to be sent between devices using an asynchronous serial interface.,MIDI 控制器与合成器通过电线相连接,利用异步串行接口可以在不同设备间传送命令。 +"Foreign bodies most commonly become lodged in the stomach because of the inability to pass through the pyloric sphincter , and in the jejunum.",体内异物通常存积于胃部,因为异物难以通过幽门括约肌进入空肠。 +"Rick: I'm still hungry. (to waiter) For our main course, we'll both have a New York steak, chicken salad, and French fries.",我还是很饿。(对服务生说)至于我们的主菜,我们都要点纽约牛排、鸡肉沙拉和薯条。 +"TEHRAN - Iranian air defense forces will conduct five days of maneuvers involving simulated attacks on the country's nuclear sites, a senior air defense commander said Nov. 21.",一名高级指挥官11月21日表示,伊朗防空部队将进行为期5天的防空演习,目的是为了测试伊朗保护国内核设施的能力。 +"As minimalists, we often talk about paring down possessions, and sometimes paring down what we do.",作为极简主义者,我们常常说削减占有的东西,有时要削减我们所做的事情。 +The high reinforcement efficiency of fully exfoliated silicate clays is well-known .,完全剥落的矽酸盐泥土的高增强效率是众所周知的。 +"The results show that precision of the algorithm is equal to that of pixels-recursion algorithm, but the operation time of SSE2 instructions is 1/3 of C code.",结果表明检测准确率与像素递归法相当,但SSE2指令运算时间约是C代码运算时间的1/3。 +"As one of Chinese classical culture images, ""Xiao Xiang"" has three features of Chinese culture images:first, it is rich in connotation of Chinese traditional culture.",“潇湘”作为经典的中���文化意象之一,它具有中国文化意象的三个特点:第一,富于中华传统文化的内蕴。 +"In view of easy error action of travelling wave protection, the dissertation analyzes primary reason and imports new protection theory and mathematics tool.",针对现有行波保护易误动的问题,分析了其误动的原因,并引入了新的行波保护原理和新的数学分析工具。 +"The forecast calls for Hanna to make landfall early Saturday morning, then marching up the Atlantic seaboard, dumping inches of rain.",气象预报显示汉娜将于本周六凌晨在卡若林娜海岸登陆,然后向大西洋海岸前进,沿途将带来大量降雨。 +Avada Kedavra is one of the three Unforgivable Curses and its use against another human being is punishable by a life sentence in Azkaban.,阿瓦达索命是三条无法原谅的咒语之一,使用此咒来对付人类会被处以无期徒刑而关入阿兹卡班。 +China still has much work to do in improving the quality of the publications.,但中国在提高出版文章的质量上还有很多要做的事情。 +"To the hand belong the 'palm', and the five 'fingers'.",属于手的有手掌,五根手指。 +"Our company adhere the tenet of customer is uppermost, quality is the first, deploitation , quality, service and reputation have been our running policies &principles.",本公司始终贯彻用户至上,质量第一的宗旨,开拓、品质、服务、信誉、一直为本公司的经营方针和原则。 +"Also for me, because I'm from a warm weather place.",对我来说也是这样,因为我来自一个气候温暖的地方。 +"And there is surely a possibility, under such circumstances, that a person will retreat from the world; that a person, particularly one born to wealth, will seek a life of luxury and ease;",在这种情况下,一个人遁世隐居的可能性很大,特别是一个天生富贵的人, 可能会追求奢华安逸的生活; +Both are drought-tolerant and the seeds are royalty-free.,两者都具有耐旱特性并且免除种子的转基因专利税。 +"As you can see, there is a clear monotonic association between childhood general intelligence and adult consumption of psychoactive drugs.",从图表中可以看出,儿童时期的智力水平和成年后服用精神药物的可能性呈清晰单一的相关性。 +So there's our expression for our equilibrium constants.,所以这就是我们的化学平衡常数。 +He married her after a whirlwind courtship.,他追求她不久便和她闪电般地结婚了。 +"The tone will always sound different when bending. For blues, this different tone sounds good. For tunes however, sometimes the tone of the bent note is not so good.",其实,每次压出的声音总是有差异的。对布鲁斯音乐来说,这些不差异正是其音乐表现的奥妙之处;然而对于乐曲来说,有时候就不那么好了。 +Thought is in the solid dream and the quite memory ……,思绪划进凝固的梦幻,搁浅在静谧的记忆里…… +"GRACE's resolution is not precise enough to pinpoint the ice loss source, the researchers said, but the fact that it is along the coast suggests glaciers there are flowing faster into the sea.",研究人员表示,GRACE的分析并不能精确到指出造成冰量减少的根源,但是冰融沿海岸线蔓延却可以说明那里的冰川是以较快的速度流进大海的。 +"At the same time under the table, she squeezed another'shand. And further, she kicked the third man with her feet.",与此同时,在桌底下,她紧紧抓着另外一名男子的手说,并用脚踢了第三名男子。 +Objective To observe early effect of two kinds of hypotonic colloid solution on celiac seawater immersion wound in field aid.,目的观察野战环境战地两种低张胶体液对腹腔海水浸泡伤实验犬的的救治作用。 +The results showed that pollen could significantly increase SOD activity and decrease the levels of NO in certain brain regions.,结果表明花粉制剂能明显升高脑衰老动物某些脑区SOD活性和降低脑衰老动物某些脑区NO水平。 +Criteria and Indicators for Sustainable Forest Management in Dry-Zone Africa.,非洲干旱地区可持续森林管理标准及指标。 +"The utility model discloses a three-way ball valve, comprising a case body 2 and a lower case body 3, which are fastened through a bolt structure.",本实用新型公开了一种三位球阀,由上壳体2与下壳体3通过螺栓结构相固定。 +"This monster has but half a nose, and it itches most abominably. The chains are too short for me to scratch it.",这个小怪物有半个发痒的鼻子而锁链阻止他去挠挠它。 +I am aware of the way many psychiatrists view this sort of work.,我清楚其他许多精神病科医生是如何看待我做的工作的。 +"An Indian woman mourns the death of her relative (R) who was killed in tsunami on Sunday in Cuddalore, some 180 km (112 miles) south of the southern Indian city of Madras December 28, 2004.",一名印度妇女哀悼她的亲戚(R)���谁是在海啸中丧生古德洛尔周日,大约180公里(112英里)的南部马德拉斯2004年12月28日印度南部城市死亡。 +"""Do you remember your wedding? "" asks her 20-year-old great granddaughter Rita.",她20岁的曾孙女丽塔问她是否还记得自己的婚礼。 +"In order to improve sublayer correlation with highresolution sequence and recognize the short base level cycle, an integrating method based on sequence stratigraphy was proposed.",为了解决高分辨率层序对比时较难识别短期基准面旋回的问题,提出了应用多种信息和对比手段的小层综合对比方法。 +"Thanks to its relentless double-digit annual growth, it has become the world’s second-largest economy and in many ways the most dynamic.",由于连续多年的两位数增长,它已经成了世界第二大,并在很多方面最具活力的经济体。 +Sudanese diplomat Lumumba Di-Aping said proposals made in Copenhagen to cut emissions of greenhouse gases were insufficient.,苏丹外交官Lumumba Di-Aping说,在哥本哈根提出的削减温室气体排放的建议远远不够。 +"If you read in English, you can forget about grammar rules.",假如你用英语阅读,你会将语法规则置于脑后。 +"Though the U.S. is still burdened with a large deficit, officials argue that its ambitious stimulus program has helped spur growth.",尽管美国仍背负着巨额赤字,官员们却说,美国规模宏大的刺激计划帮助推动了增长。 +The list is long: new patent laws that could make it easier to seize foreign innovation;,这个名单就长啰:更容易获取国外创新的新专利法; +However the cost of TS-1 synthesized with traditional classical method is too high to make it in commercial process.,但传统“经典法”合成TS-1成本较高,限制其工业上广泛应用。 +A double-decker bus burns as riot police try to contain a group of protesters on Aug. 6.,8月6日,在防暴警察试图控制抗议者时,一辆双层巴士起火燃烧。 +Beryl:I've been expecting the government to increase taxes on SUVs.,贝丽尔:我一直期待政府增加运动型车辆税。 +"But both the halves disagree, fight, cannot tolerate each other or sometimes cannot just continue with each other.",另一半的不和谐,争吵,不能容忍另一半,或者有时只是迁怒于对方。 +"Indonesia's Department of Defence 'hasn't received any information that Singaporean tankers will be disturbed in the Straits of Malacca by terrorists, ' Brig. Gen. I Wayan Midio said.",印尼国防部发言人I Wayan Midio准将说,印尼国防部未收到任何有关新加坡油轮将在马六甲海峡受到恐怖分子骚扰的信息。 +"It has speed, across time and space, cross-cutting, open the hold sign.",它具有速度快、跨时空、跨领域、开放性的持征。 +But Rome had real power and yet no king.,但是罗马有实权但是没有国王。 +"Two additional guest rooms are situated next to the main building, enjoying privacy but also easy access to the common areas and pool.",另外两个客房挨着正房,不仅有着自己的私密空间,也能比较容易地到达公共空间和水池。 +"""Can I hold him?"" she asked.",她问:我可以抱他吗? +"The name list of the northwest foothill knoll of Bogda"" and ""the vegetation map of the northwest foothill knoll of Bogda(1:10000)"" had been worked out.",编制了《博格达山西北麓低山丘陵区种子植物名录》和《博格达山西北麓低山丘陵区植被类型图(1∶10000)》。 +And with mathematical statistics method set up mathematical model of economic evaluation of anti-slide pile. For confirm project and fast to appraise economy their offer scientific basis rationally.,并用数理统计方法建立抗滑桩工程经济评价(造价)数学模型,为合理确定工程滑坡治理方案、快速评价其经济性提供科学依据。 +"For a time, we lived in harmony, but like all great power, some wanted it for good, others for evil.",我们曾经一度和睦相处,但是一切强大的力量必然会引起争端。 有些人想凭借它行善,有些人则想利用它作恶。 +Objective:To observe the efficacy and safety of itraconazole in treatment of onychomycosis and its influence on nail growth speed.,目的:观察伊曲康唑治疗甲真菌病的疗效、安全性及对甲生长速度的影响。 +Wait for me here . - What?,在这等我-什么? +"The goods, coming particularly from China, are sold at knockdown rates with the help of government subsidies, unions say.",特别是从中国来的商品,得到他们政府的补贴,以一边倒的低价出售。 +"If the notion catches on, neither name may be needed. ""Pretty soon, "" says Sir Partha, ""we ought to drop both adjectives and just call it wealth'.",一旦这个概念流行开来,这两个名称都可能被淘汰,“很快”,帕特爵士说,“我们应把形容词都去掉,就叫它“财富”!” +"Point out this covers academic flaw finally, be in especially treat demesne when property right system narrow.",最后指出这套理论的缺陷,尤其是在对待私有产权制度时的狭隘。 +Who could believe that the large constituency for reform which had roared back into life during this campaign could register such a paltry total nation wide?,谁又能够相信,在此次竞选运动中,在全国范围内只占如此微不足道的大型选区的改革运动,已经让大众感到了震怒,而影响到生活? +We do not make this statement lightly.,我们的这一结论并非轻率 做出的。 +"You certainly could make the case that it is not... their wealth is not appropriate to the goodness in their hearts, but that's not really the morally relevant issue.","你当然可以举出例子来。,说他们的财富与他们的良善不相当,但这与道义无关。" +What else could it be? What's the simplest explanation?,"还有别的解释吗,最简单的解释是什么" +"Luke, who once again was chewing on his father's mangled com, occasionally cooed and chuckled merrily to himself, blissfully unconcerned with the cabby 's remarks about Jedi and their bathing habits.",卢克再次开始吮吸起父亲破旧的通讯器,偶尔自得其乐地唧咕几句,咯咯傻笑一下,对出租车司机关于绝地和绝地卫生习惯的评论毫不在意。 +We will work with Greece to manage well the Piraeus container terminal and increase its capacity to 3.7 million TEUs by 2015.,中方愿与希方共同经营好比雷埃夫斯港集装箱码头,到2015年实现370万箱的吞吐能力。 +Julia Silverman and Jessica Matthews developed the sOccket as part of a group project for an engineering class at Harvard University.,Julia Silverman和Jessica Matthews研制了sOccket作为哈佛大学工程类团队项目组的一部分。 +"Funded by public contributions and staffed with lawyers and educators as well as scientists and naturalists, nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) became aggressive watchdogs for the environment.",得到公共赞助并由律师和教育工作者担任工作人员的非政府组织成为环境的积极监督者。 +Potentially clinical relevant higher reoperation rates occurred after psychomotor therapy but rates were within normal ranges.,与精神运动治疗有关潜在的临床再手术率较高,但发生率仍在正常范围内。 +in most cities a month's supply still costs less than premium cable or a generous cell-phone plan.,大多数城市一个月用水的花费比有线收费电视或是某项手机推广计划还少。 +"They are good nurses, teachers, secretaries, general practitioners, librarians, middle managers, and housekeepers.",他们是好护士、老师、秘书、一般开业者、中阶主管、以及管家。 +"Each year, the flu results in 200,000 hospitalizations and 36,000deaths, according to official estimates.",据官方估计,每年,流感导致的住院治疗患者有200,000例, 36,000例死亡。 +"""I was awake to go to work and then just heard this massive noise and boom—it was like the house got hit,"" resident Kevin O'Hanlon told AP.",“我醒来要去工作,就听到很大的声响-像房子被撞到一样。” 居民凯文欧汉龙告诉联合通讯社。 +The scattering coefficient and the absorption coefficient are single-peak type in annual variation.,散射系数和吸收系数的年变化呈单峰值型,峰值均出现在冬半年; +"The system is characterized by high safety, good data retroactivity , multi-warning functions.",该系统具有安全性高,数据可追溯性好,多种报警提示功能等特点。 +"So that clearly happened to Phil Garrido and he became immediately fascinated and eager to commit rape when he was 14, 15 years old, after the head injury.","那也正是为什么Phil Garrido在14,5岁脑部受损之后,会立即渴望并着迷于去实施性侵犯行为。" +In the United States an estimated 90 percent of our historic fruit and vegetable varieties have vanished.,在美国,估计史上有的果蔬品种90%已经绝迹。 +It is a bold house that nestles in the cats ear!,再大胆的老鼠也不敢把猫耳朵当窝! +"The European Commission, the European Union’s executive arm, proposed legislation that would grant it more powers over member states’ public finances.",作为欧盟的执行机构,欧洲委员会提出一项立法,赋予其更多权利管理各成员国的公共资金。 +This paper presents the results of the analysis and numerical solution of the three-dimensional turbulent incompressible flow in an S-shaped rectangular duct.,本文给出了矩形截面的s形弯曲管道中气流的三元紊流数学分析和对不可压缩情况进行的数字解结果。研究中将三元粘性紊流看作半抛物线形式。 +"For example, girls may have more involvement in food preparation and other food-related tasks, which may play a protective role in the development of disordered eating behaviors.",例如,女孩可能参与准备食物和其他与食物相关的工作,而这些可能对不正常饮食习惯有一定的预防作用。 +His peoplecan trace their presence here back to the Qing dynasty.,他们的出现可以追溯到满清王朝。 +This kind of surgery can improve the union of fracture and reduce osteonecrosis incidence of the femoral head.,应用此治疗方法可以促进骨折愈合,减少股骨头缺血性坏死的发生。 +"In China, It has a practical significance that stakeholders governance implement the ""people-oriented"" concept, and promote social harmony and establish the mechanisms for fairness and justice.",在我国,利益相关者公司治理对贯彻“以人为本”理念,促进社会和谐和公平正义机制的建立有其现实意义。 +"Pragmatic behavior guarantees survival, whereas idealistic views tend to be superceded by simpler, more immediate options.",务实的行为可确保生存,相反,理想主义的观点往往会被更为简单的和更为直接的选择所取代。 +Did you see the alternation?,你们看到轮替了吗? +Our way out is to go to Karzai and say 'We are done here'. We will be leaving in two to five years.,基卡伦(Kilcullen)说:“我们要走出这种处境就要走到卡尔扎伊面前,对他说‘我们在这里的任务完成了’,我们会在二至五年期间逐渐撤军。 +"Italian famous special design costumes, prada, DuJia, fan saizhe… The wall the rows of clothing, each row is a seductive brand name.",墙上这一排排服装,每一排就是一个令人心动的品牌名称。 +"But the effort has yet to translate into meaningful revenue for Google, with some analysts estimating that mobile advertising currently contributes less than 1 percent of revenue.","但谷歌在移动业务付出的努力尚未带来可观收入,有部分分析师估计,移动广告业务对谷歌总体营收的贡献不到1%." +"In addition, some of the money needed to complete the project has yet tobe raised.",此外,完成这项工程所需要的部分项目的资金已经超出预算。 +The most painful goodbyes are those that were never said and never explained.,祾翴最痛苦的再见就是从未说过,从未解释的再见。 +Stephanie Sinclair's poignant photograph speaks to her commitment to give a voice to those young women.,斯蒂芬妮·辛克莱尔令人心酸的照片证明了她要让这些年轻女性发出声音的决心。 +"With the further reform and development of university system, the various amounts of university-owned fixed assets have continuously increased.",随着高校体制改革不断深化,高校拥有的各类固定资产不断增加,而固定资产不计提折旧的弊端日益显现。 +"The medicinal composition is prepared into tablet, soft capsule, capsule, drop pill and granule.",本发明的药物组合物是片剂、软胶囊、胶囊剂、滴丸剂和颗粒 剂。 +"For example, reducing the amount of Salmonella in farm chickens by 50% (through better farm management) results in 50% less people getting sick from the bacteria.",例如,把鸡场中的沙门氏杆菌量减少50%(通过改进鸡场管理),结果会使因感染细菌生病的人减少50%。 +Perhaps the most important pattern for increasing horizontal scalability in the cloud is the minimization of mutable state.,在云中增加水平可伸缩性的最重要模式可能就是最大限度地减少可变状态。 +There exists one-to-one relationship between the sequence structure element's size and the space scale of geography entity.,序列结构元素尺寸与地理实体的空间尺度之间存在着一一对应的关系。 +"Discussed in this paper is a study on the tracking of heat output and utmatic data processing by use of ""UCAM"" universal digital measuring device equipped with a microcomputer.",本文是利用带有微处理器的“UCAM”通用数字测量仪进行热输出跟踪与数据自动处理的研究一例。 +"In the last section, the paper briefly discussed the form of IMP.",本文还对内隐绩效模型的形成进行了探讨。 +Romanian Interior Minister Vasile Blaga has announced his resignation after last week's strike by thousands of police officers.,罗马内务部长瓦西里·布拉格因上周数以千计的警官举行罢工一事提出辞职。 +How will underlying economic imbalances be corrected?,根本的经济失衡将如何修正? +Ionization Vacuum Gauge.,电离真空计。 +"Designed to plug into an electrical outlet (AC adapters are included), it can also be used with two 9-volt batteries (not included).",设计插入到电源插座(包括AC适配器),也可以使用两个9伏电池(不含税)。 +"The patient, a 27-year-old woman from Jakarta, developed symptoms on 17 September, was hospitalized on 19 September, and died on 26 September.",患者为来自雅加达的一名27岁妇女,于9月17日出现症状,9月19日住院,并于9月26日死亡。 +Now what do I do with that?,现在我要用它来做什么呢? +"Operated by a computer, the model is consisted of three sub-models that are (1)trip generation and trip attraction, (2)trip distribution, and (3)traffic assignment.",它包括公交出���产生与吸引、公交山行分布和公交线路分配等3个子模型。 +The invention provides a scheme for dipping lead-tin alloy for a copper-core pillar used for a lead acid storage battery terminal.,本发明提供在铅酸蓄电池端子上使用的铜芯柱蘸铅锡合金方案。 +"""Mr. Powell finds it easier to take it out of mothers, children and sick people than to take on this vast industry, "" Mr. Brown commented icily.",“鲍威尔先生发现,从母亲、孩子和病人身上得到它要比从这个庞大的工业产业那里得到它容易得多,”布朗先生冷冰冰地评价说。 +"They will then be able to use automatic check-in facilities at airports, and receive an invoice for reimbursement. They can also check-in as normal at the counter.",购票成功后,乘客可在机场的“自助值机”手续办理设备上自行办理登机手续,同时获得报销凭证,或者直接去柜台办理登机手续。 +The results of single grinding and combined grinding tests were showed that the effect of the combined grinding was better than that of single grinding.,单一磨矿和组合磨矿的开路试验表明,组合磨矿对选别指标的提高效果显著。 +Isabel stood and moved her chair out of the way.,伊萨贝尔站起来将她的椅子挪开。 +The ship cut its way slowly through masses of ice.,那艘轮船慢慢地在一块块冰中行驶。 +"Comparing the serum albumin, serum alkaline phosphatase, serum bilineneurine lipase of test group with control group was not significance(P>0.05).",试验组的血清清蛋白、血清碱性磷酸酶、血清胆碱脂酶与对照组比较,无差异(P>0.05)。 +The overall rate of posterior capsule opacification were 11.5% of silicone intraocular lens group and 26.5% of polymethylmethacrylate intraocular lens group.,后囊浑浊的累计发生率分别为:硅凝胶人工晶状体组11.5%、聚甲基丙烯酸甲酯人工晶状体组26.5%。 +You'd better not be on the fence. There is nothing easy in this world.,最好不要犹犹豫豫,世界上没有容易的事。 +"In an open project, right-click (Windows) or Control-click (Mac OS) the Typing layer in the Timeline, and select Replace With Text Animation.",在打开的项目中,右击时间轴中的输入图层,然后选取用文字动画取代。 +"Adjustment of the riverbed form in different reaches is analyzed, which reveals the rule that the river bed adjusts according to the change of the incoming water and sediment.",从不同时段河床形态的调整,揭示了河床冲淤随水沙变化而调整的规律; +"The kind of hobbies I had, I was really interested in electronics, video, stereo, stuff like that.",我的爱好,小时候我对电子器件、视频、音响这样的东西真地十分感兴趣。 +"In this paper, by analysis of the EM scattering properties illuminated by UWB signals, the conventional model is proposed.",文中分析了在超宽带信号照射下的目标散射特性,得到超宽带雷达的一般模型。 +"Finally, there are different common principles about understanding things and building knowledge in different periods, so the understanding and research on tragedy art is also different.",再则,不同时期认识事物构建知识的认识型即共同原则不同,对悲剧艺术的认识和研究也就不同。 +“How can you live in this country and this society without any worry?” he added.,“活在这样的国家,这样的社会中,想要不愤怒,怎么可能?”他补充说。 +The GridLayout element specifies the dimensions of a grid of cells that components can occupy.,GridLayout 指定了由一个单元网格组成的维度,用于容纳组件。 +My childhood was a nightmare.,我的童年是个恶梦。 +Captain Schirra graduated from the United States Naval Academy in 1945 and saw service in the Pacific during the closing months of the Second World War aboard the battlecruiser the USS Alaska.,希尔瑞上校1945年毕业于美国海军学院,在二战快结束的几个月里,在太平洋战区的美国军舰上服役。 +Swapping to street view is the equivalent of looking through a spyglass.,观看谷歌街景能得到相当于从一架小望远镜里向外看的视觉效果。 +They were hesitant to express their ideas and often seemed to be going through the motions.,他们在表达自己观点的时候常常 像挤牙膏一样犹犹豫豫 。 +"This specification dynamically controls the following TCPIPServer Receive node, which receives the required number of bytes following the header.",通过这种方式可以动态控制后面的 TCPIPServer Receive 节点,这些节点用于接收头部以后的指定数量的字节。 +"In North America, there are six terrestrial animal genotypes, including the raccoon virus genotype.",在北美洲有六个陆生动物基因型,包括浣熊病毒基因型。 +"Organizations’ search for ways to meet shifting customer demand, while keeping costs in line with budgetary constraints, leads them to the cloud with with increasing frequency.",组织��找到办法去适应不断变化的客户需求,与此同时还要将成本保持在预算范围内,这导致他们更频繁地转向了云。 +"Look at his ugly kind: covered in a large needle, point the small head, always shrink in the stomach below, a pair of timid appearance.",瞧他那丑样儿:满身插着大针,又尖又小的脑袋,老是缩在肚子下面,一副胆小怕事的样子。 +"Dr Du Ronglin saw nie, understand his feelings for Du Shan, and ask him about the importance of studying abroad Du Shan, also know Luo Jin recommend Du Shan is all dry world one of the best schools.",杜荣林见了聂博士,了解了他对杜山的感情,并询问了他关于杜山出国留学的重要性,也知道罗进给杜山推荐的是全干世界数一数二的学校。 +Yoga Ásanas – A system of exercises to stimulate various endocrine glands.,瑜珈体位法是一种用以刺激身体各个内分泌腺的锻炼系统。 +"But if you feel you need to save money by forgoing it, try waking up earlier and going for a walk or a run before you leave for work, or squeezing in a walk at lunch.",如果你打算省钱,就要放弃去健身馆。 你可以早起一点,或者在午餐时间出去走走。 +This is the inverse of the 15)preponderant Western view of pigs: fine to eat (religious objections aside) but not to pet.,"这和西方人对猪的主流观点截然相反:你可以吃猪肉(宗教禁忌除外),但不能把猪当宠物养。" +"Don't have quiet sorrow dark hate living, this silent wins audio. With far up, meet why had known each other.",别有幽愁暗恨生,此处无声胜有声。同是天涯沦落人,相逢何必曾相识。 +Seal of Protection reduces damage taken by the Paladin by 10%.,保护圣印减少10% 圣骑士受到的伤害。 +What's the next station?,下站是哪儿?。 +Do you think he is a Chinee?,他难道是个中国人吗? +"In the process of the construction of digital Archi ves resources, this article for the first time summarizes that there exist two channels and three key links.",本文对数字档案资源建设的过程,首次概括为两个途径和三个关键环节。 +"People-oriented, ability-based learning methods change, innovation and education on the concept of knowledge and teaching plays a guiding role of command.",以人为本、学习方式变革、创新教育等理念对知识教学起着指导和统率作用。 +It also describes the dual mode guidance development briefly.,还简要介绍了这种双模制导的发展概况。 +"The Reuters Asia Corporate Sentiment Index dropped to 69 in the quarter from 78 in the second quarter, which was the highest since Reuters began collecting data in the June quarter, 2009.",路透亚洲企业信心指数由第二季的78下滑至69.第二季指数为路透自2009年6月当季开始统计数据以来最高. +We will assume that your boyfriend in his aroused state is a rectangular box with a generous 9-inch cylinder protruding from about halfway along his length.,那么,我们假定你性唤起状态下的男朋友是矩形的,一个9 英寸的圆柱体在他身长大约一半的地方高高凸起。 +"For the same healthy boost with a bit of variety, try lox or canned or smoked salmon (they also seem to go better at breakfast).",如果为了换口味,并且摄取同样的健康能量,那就试试烟熏或罐装鲑鱼吧,似乎与早餐的面包更搭配。 +The conclusion of the study of operation on mini-bus in residential area can be the reference of other community which is going to build the traffic system of mini-bus.,通过调研分析,建模求解得出了城市居民小区电动小巴运营模式,望今后可为电动小巴的在其它居民社区运营提供参考。 +Stop knocking. I'm fed up with it.,别挑挑剔剔的了,我受够了。 +Hooping classes can burn up to 100 calories in 10 minutes of twisting.,转动呼啦圈可以在10分钟里燃烧100卡路里。 +The intellectual father of flowcharting is Jone Von Neumann.,天才的流程图之父是约翰·冯纽曼。 +"Madame Tussauds plans to complete several copies of the life-size wax figures by U.S. Inauguration Day, January 20, 2009, for display in Washington, D.C., New York City, and Las Vegas.",杜莎夫人蜡像馆计划在2009年1月20日的美国总统宣誓就职日前完成数个真人大小的蜡像,以供在华盛顿特区、纽约和拉斯维加斯展览。 +"In the past, you didn't need skills to get hired.",杨艳君表示,“以前不需要技术就可以找到工作。 +Daniel has fewer CDs than Kitty.,丹尼尔的光盘比基蒂少。 +"There has been a main theme centered on ""more offers, less gains and full of vigor"" in China's another stage of rural reform since the 16th NPC.",十六大以来,中国新一轮农村改革发展的一条主线是“多予、少取、放活”。 +The in-vitro release studies indicated that the release of hydrophobic vitamin B2 from nano-micelles was obviously more sustained than that of hydrophilic 5-Fluorouracil.,载药纳米胶束对疏水性维生素B2的���释效果优于亲水性的5-氟尿嘧啶。 +"The Enron meltdown has prompted legislative action, the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002.",垮台已经引起了立法行动:《萨班斯-奥克斯利法案》。 +Almost half of all Americans smoked.,几乎有一半美国人抽烟。 +The results are as follows:there is a high content amino acid which makes up the protein for winter and spring shoot;,发现不同时期笋体中组成蛋白质的氨基酸种类齐全含量高; +"With the advent of the digital age, users not only ask Internet for higher transmission bit rate and larger capacity, but also require multi-services more and more strongly.",随着数字时代的到来,用户不但要求互联网络具有更高速率和更大带宽,对网络多业务功能的需求也日益提高。 +I will tell the name scornfully and straightly that if someone ask me about my University. Then also I will detailedly describe how bad the school is!,如果有人问我是哪个学校的,我会很不屑的告诉他学校的名字,然后详细的描述这个学校有多么多么的差! +"Smooth flower honey packed with large chunks of dried figs (64%). Packed full of nutritional goodness, add to Greek yoghurt, granola, muesli, on spread on toast or freshly baked bread.",蜂蜜添加无花果干(64%)。营养丰富,可与酸奶,燕麦,麦片,烤面包或新鲜出炉面包搭配食用。 +Gradual improvement of a unified social security system,逐步完善城乡统一的社会保障体系 +"As an example, consider a cumulative quarterly sales KPI where the historical trend shows that the final quarter needs to end strongly.",例如,假设有一个累计的季度销售 KPI,其中历史记录趋势显示最后一个季度需要强势结束。 +Time out of the rat race on the black sands of Perissa beach on the east coast of Santorini island.,在圣托里尼岛东岸的佩里萨黑沙海滩享受远离都市竞争的休假。 +"Previous population-based studies ""have been based on death certificates alone"", she says. But adverse drug reactions are under-reported on death certificates, she explains.",她解释说过去的数据资料都仅仅只统计了死亡数据,而没有特别统计药物副作用所导致的死亡案例。 +"In the United States, home cooking is often heavy food with lots of carbs, like mac n' cheese or mashed potatoes.",通常,家常菜是含有大量碳水化合物的油腻食物,例如通心粉和奶酪或土豆泥。 +The substance of the Chinese argument is unassailable.,中国的论点是不可攻破的。 +"Based on the advantages of table-driven and on-demand routing protocols, a new hybrid routing protocol(SNRL) was proposed.",基于表驱动式和按需式路由协议的优点,提出了一种新的混合路由协议SNRL。 +"Mexico and Malta also ranked higher than Singapore, which came in at No. 4.",墨西哥和马耳他的排名也比位列第四的新加坡高。 +"Seawater immersion experience of a century wooden ship, after processing will be given new life, its unique texture and color, will make the whole room revealed abnormal elegant atmosphere.",经历上百年海水浸泡的船木,经过加工后将被赋予新的生命力,其特有的纹路和色泽,将让整个居室透出幽远雅致的异样情调。 +The results showed that the coal extraction rate and the ash-free coal performances obtained would be closely related to the raw coal properties and to the technique conditions.,结果表明: 煤的萃取率及所得无灰煤的性能与原煤性质密切相关,还与工艺条件有关; +"Torvalds began working on Git as an interim solution to replace BitKeeper, which had previously been the primary source code tool in use by Linux kernel developers worldwide.",Torvalds 开始着手开发 Git 是为了作为一种过渡方案来替代 BitKeeper,后者之前一直是 Linux 内核开发人员在全球使用的主要源代码工具。 +"United, which has seen its share price tumble, could have spared itself this public relations humiliation if it had followed its own policy on customer service.",美联航的股价正受到重创,要是它遵循自己制定的客服政策,本可以避免这次公关羞辱。 +"The transition period provided by ""the general route in the transitive period"" is too short.",过渡时期总路线所规定的完成过渡的时间过于短暂。 +Countries are once again stepping up their military presence in the far north.,在极北地区国家之间再一次加防军事。 +"Tang was appointed as Director of Application Engineering of AlliedSignal Turbocharging Co, Ltd. Shanghai, China in Y1995. Three years later which is Y1998, Mr.",时隔三年,唐先生于1998年调任至斯盖瑞特发动机增压系统公司担任全球机械工程核心技术经理。 +Three senior U.S. senators who met with top Indian-government officials say emotions are running high following the Mumbai terror attack.,三名美国资深参议员会晤印度政府高层官员后表示,孟买恐怖袭击之后印度愤怒的情绪在日益高��。 +Each antenna element either resonates independently or increases the total bandwidth of operation in the high frequency band.,每一个天线元件或者独立谐振,或者增加高频段内的总操作带宽。 +"While white glue is a good general adhesive that can be used on most porous materials, yellow glue has been specifically formulated for interior woodworking applications.",对大多数多孔材质,白胶是一种很好的通用胶粘剂,而黄胶是为室内木作特殊配置的。 +Retrospective analysis was made on the chest X-ray results of 31 cases of infectious SARS.,方法回顾性分析研究31例临床诊断为传染性非典型肺炎患者胸部X线检查结果。 +Time-tested football cliché tells us that the result is the only thing that matters;that the performance is not really all that important;that grinding out a win is the stuff of champions.,久经时间考验的足球论调已经告诉我们比赛结果才是唯一重要的,告诉了我们比赛中的表现其实没有那么重要,还告诉了我们要赢得冠军就是要千方百计取得胜利。 +"Many Web applications generate XML at some point, in which case that XML can be fed into the stxx FOP along with the appropriate XSL to do the transformation.",很多 Web 应用程序都在某一点生成 XML,这样就可以将 XML 和适当的 XSL 交给 stxx FOP 来完成转换。 +Where shall we wait for the on-site bus?Over there. Please follow the road sign.,我们应该在那边等园内巴士?在那边。 +"Dynamic feature and large scale deployment feature of sensornet demand sensor node's self-adaptability in terms of self-organization, self-configuration, self-coordination, etc.",感知网运行环境的高度动态性及其大规模部署的特性要求感知节点具有自组织、自配置、自协调等自适应能力。 +We can help you pack and label all your belongings before loading them in our trucks.,我们可以在您的物品搬上货车前协助您打包并贴上标签注记。 +"In Italy, economic experts from around the world gathered for the annual Ambrosetti Economy Forum on Friday.",在意大利,来自世界各地的经济的专家聚集安博思年度经济论坛上周五。 +"Historically, Intel, based in Santa Clara, Calif., has invested in the plants, which cost more than $3 billion each, even during lulls in demand for computers.",过去,英特尔,总部设于加州圣克拉拉,在电脑需求停滞期仍坚持向各工厂投资,而这些工厂均值在30亿美元以上。 +China can reverse this picture by providing guarantees to support the bonds of these governments.,中国通过提供保证来支持这些政府的证券可以扭转这样的局势。 +"""Dormitory Forum"" will be hold at 17:30 on Feb. 23 (Mon. ) in Study Room 2 in East Asia Hall.",“宿舍讨论区”将于2月23日(星期一)下午17:30于东亚楼第二自习室举行。 +"Professor Freemont added: ""What Suzanne is trying to achieve has really caught our imaginations.",Freemont教授接着说:“苏安妮尝试的成就的确激发了我们的想象力。 +"The second part gives emphasis to analyze the manufacture, use and development of bread flowers in Xiaocheng village.",第二部份着重研究小程面花的制作使用以及发展变化。 +"Now, over the last several weeks, we have seen a return of the politicization of these issues that have characterized the last several years.",最近几个星期,我们已经看到使这些问题政治化的趋势开始回潮,这在过去几年曾司空见惯。 +"Study design. We examined and patch tested 153 students, of whom 113 had a history of pierced skin, and 70 a history of orthodontic treatment roughly 10 years earlier. Results.",研究设计:对153名学生进行检查和斑贴试验,其中有113名学生有皮肤穿刺史,70名大约10年前有牙齿正畸治疗史。 +"Direct investment in the Shanghai World Expo is 28.6 billion yuan, urban transportation, communication, and other indirect investment in infrastructure to reach ten times the direct investment.",上海世博会的直接投资是二百八十六亿元,城市交通、通信等基础设施的间接投资将达到直接投资的十倍。 +The main idea of spider is a recursion process of depth priority key words searching to sites and breadth priority to pages.,清晰合理的网站导航,对搜索引擎蜘蛛程序来说,是他爬行整站这棵大树的主干。 +"Somehow, James has boxed himself with this ridiculous story about how no one should ever wear No. 23, and he’s the first to give it up and maybe everyone else should follow him.",莫名其妙的,詹姆斯竟然用这个没有人应该再穿NO.23球衣的可笑故事来武装他自己。 他是第一个放弃这个号码的,也许其他人会追随他的。 +"A product of fire and a component of smoke, carbon monoxide is among the pollutants that wildfires spread across much of western Russia.",作为火灾的产物,烟尘的成分,一氧化碳是俄罗斯西部大部地区森林大火的污染物之一。 +"When the air of inside houses is dry, the walls can release moisture. The walls in our building system can play the role of adjusting humidity, and which can protect human respiration system.",室内空气干燥时墙体可释放水分,起到调节室内湿度的作用,对人的呼吸系统起到保护作用。 +How much this revenue-cannibalizing will be outweighed by overall membership growth isn't yet clear.,收入的下滑从多大程度上能被整体会员数量增长所弥补,这目前还是个未知数。 +Each class will have all the methods that will fetch the information about a resource.,每个类都有将获取关于一个资源的信息的所有方法。 +"In up-tempo songs, I like to use a short decay for most of the instruments.",在反拍的歌曲里面,我喜欢为大部分的乐器运用一个短衰减(decay)。 +The message flow can receive data messages over TCP/IP from a MATIP application and secure them on a WebSphere MQ queue.,消息流可以通过 TCP/IP 从 MATIP 应用程序接收数据消息,并通过 WebSphere MQ 队列提供保护。 +"Under socialism, many companies would be owned by the workers and would function as a cooperative.",在社会主义制度下,许多公司可能是由工人所有,运转起来有些合作社的味道。 +Especially damaging was a letter from an official at the Chinese Ministry of Aviation who asked Chung for specific information about planes and the Space Shuttle.,特别是一封来自中国航空航天部官员的信件,其向钟索取飞机与航天飞机的情报。 +"Mishandling mortgage paper may cost the big banks tens of billions, but won't put them under.",错误的抵押贷款合同可能花费大银行上百亿美元,但这并不会将他们打垮。 +"CDA documents can contain information such as the name, address, gender, or medication of a patient.",CDA 文档可以包含一个病人的姓名、地址、性别或用药等信息。 +"I begged him to see a Dr. , he replies in an innocent sound: I snore?",我求他去看医生,他以无辜的声音回我:「我会打鼾? +"This kind of migration mechanism has the highest level of flexibility, since the tool can be adapted as required.",这种类型的移植机制具备最高等级的灵活性,因为该工具能够根据需要被改编。 +Monitor the daily work of operators to make sure every job is following the procedures.,监督站场操作员的日常工作,确保每项工作都按照程序进行。 +"In combination with the types of controlling subgraphs in air networks, this paper gives the methods for establishing the control plan by applying the principle of graph theory.",本文结合通风网络图中可控子图的类型,运用图论理论给出了确定控制方案的方法; +"Along with the age goes up, thymus gradually shrank, the thymus hormone's level gradually declined, tumor 's emergence will increase.",随年龄增长,胸腺逐渐萎缩,胸腺素水平进行性下降,肿瘤的发生也随之增高。 +"The main pump is the core of first loop of a nuclear power plant, it plays a vital role on the safety of the nuclear reactor operation.",核主泵是核电站核岛一回路系统的核心,对核反应堆的安全运行起着至关重要的作用。 +"""Sure, there is interest from many clubs (in Vieri), but we have to consider our situation, our aims and we have to look forward, "" he added.",是有不少球队想购买(维耶里),但我们必须考虑球队的状况,我们的目标,以及我们的发展。 +"""This art form, like an old-fashioned carousel, is at its best when it takes us around the world, "" she said of cinema.",她说电影“这种艺术形式就像老式的旋转木马,当它带我们环顾世界时,才是最佳状态”。 +Searching for the truth is easy. Accepting the truth is hard.,寻求真相尚易,接受真相却难。 +Sauvage's Boris Leite-Poço told Spiegel Online of the growing interest in caveman cooking.,餐厅负责人介绍说,人们对穴居人饮食表现出了越来越大的兴趣。 +The best incoming links are earned by merit. Create content people can’t help linking to.,最好的向内链接是通过创造价值而获得的。 +"Between 1990 and 2000, black carbon emissions from India increased by 46 percent, say the authors. They increased by another 51 percent in the past decade.",研究者表示,1990年至2000年间,印度的炭黑排放量增加了46%。在过去的十年间,这一数字又提高了51%。 +I have talked with staff.,我与工作人员进行了交谈。 +"They are also more likely to have a miscarriage or stillbirth, or for their babies to be born with an abnormality.",也可能出现流产或死产,或者胎儿出现畸形。 +His research suggests that 10% of the Arctic Ocean will be corrosively acidic by 2018; 50% by 2050; and 100% ocean by 2100.,他的研究表明,到2018年北冰洋将有10%海域呈腐蚀酸性,到2050年范围扩大到50%,而到2100年整个北冰洋均无法幸免。 +"Well, if you do, then you would know that Bloop wished for a friend.",噢,如果你能听懂,那你就会知道布噜卟希望有一个朋友。 +But one of her boy classmates kicks her wound this afternoon.,但是今天下午,她班上的一位男同学踢了她的伤口。 +Life is like a blanket too short. You pull it up and your toes rebel; you yank it down and shivers meander about your shoulder;,生活就像一床偏短的毛毯,你往上拉则脚趾裸露,你往下扯则肩胛寒噤。 +So how do you go about improving your memory?,那么,你如何开始改善记忆力呢? +CAT -- You see my one tricks is better than your hundred.,猫—你看,我的一个方法比你一百个方法还管用。 +"The geostationary meteorological satellite ground application system is a main system with high speed communication, large-scale data processing, product service giving, and mass data storage.",静止气象卫星地面应用系统是一个具有高速通信、大规模数据处理、高时效产品服务、海量数据存储功能的大型业务应用系统。 +"But will be a ""Revival"" When the child lie talks about it?",却又将一句“ 卧薪尝胆”当谎子挂在嘴边呢? +"The system achieves identity authentication, access authorization, and accounting management to the remote access users.",该系统实现了远程访问用户的安全认证、访问授权和记费管理。 +"A similar rupture is explored in""The Proprietress"", a quirkily inventive tale that sees a small-townshopkeeper form an ad hoc refuge for women whose husbands languish in the localprison.",一个相似的破裂关系的情节发生在故事“女业主”中,那是一个离奇的、有创造力的传言,一个小镇的店主成立了一个庇护所,是专门为那些丈夫在监狱里受迫害的女人提供住处的。 +"""South Korea is an active frontier in developing robots and we thought that making it would be a good way to promote our technology, "" Lee told reporters.",李浩基在接受记者采访时说:“韩国一直处在机器人研发领域的前沿,我们认为机器人制造是推动韩国尖端技术发展的一个很好的途径。” +Results: ① 3DT1W/FFE imaging has clear advantage over conventional scan in detecting cirrhotic nodules.,结果:①3DT1W/FFE能显示常规扫描不能显示的肝硬化结节。 +The trouble for university selectors or company recruiters is that personality tests can be easily faked...,令大学挑选者或公司招聘人员烦恼的是人格测试可以轻易被伪造… +SIR Alex Ferguson must decide whether to include Wayne Rooney against West Ham on Sunday - knowing it could lead to an international call- up for the United striker.,弗格森正在犹豫是否在周日和西汉姆的比赛中让鲁尼出场,因为这可能导致这位曼联前锋被召入国家队参加后面的比赛。 +"English and Chinese vehicles, though belonging to different language systems, share the same or similar semantic categories and diction.",因此,尽管英语和汉语是两种不同的语言,但英汉喻体在语义类型和遣字用词方面却有着惊人的相同或相似。 +"LONDON (Reuters) - Exposure to industrial chemicals in the womb or early in life can impair brain development but only a handful are controlled to protect children, researchers said on Wednesday.",怀孕或早期婴幼儿接触到工业化学物品将损害大脑发育,但是仅有少数(这样的有害物质)得到控制,研究者星期三说。 +VW-1 portable detection instrument for vibration-string sensor is introduced in this paper.,介绍了针对振弦式传感器特点研制的VW 1型便携式检测仪。 +"Like many of you, I was inspired by his adventurous spirit and saddened by the outcome of his last ride.",像这里每一个人一样,我被他最后一次摩托车旅行的冒险精神打动,也为其不幸而悲伤。 +The characteristics of common macromolecule separation membranes and their application in water treatment are introduced.,介绍了常见的几种高分子分离膜的特点以及在水处理领域的应用情况。 +But the world must remember that it was not simply international institutions -- not just treaties and declarations -- that brought stability to a post-World War II world.,但世人必须记住,不简单地是因为国际体制——不只是条约和宣言——才给二战后的世界带来稳定。 +"And how much of it is the product of culture, of language, of schooling?","又有多少是文化的产物,语言的产物,或是教育的产物" +"Finally , it introduces the conception and design of the three dimensional greenery system in ""Tianqi Garden"" in Chongqing.",并介绍了重庆“天奇花园”立体绿化系统的构思与设计。 +Choosing two reference vertebrae to reckon the normal height and area of fracture vertebra can calculate its preoperative loss rate and postoperative recovery rate.,可选取两个参照椎体,对患椎的正常高度和面积进行推算,来计算其术前丢失率和术后恢复率; +"When I was twelve years old, my father took me to see Zig Zigler.",在我十二岁时,爸爸带我去见齐格·齐格勒先生。 +The example of the study on integrated control technology and extension of rice stem borers showed the content of pests control and extension on the level of county in detail.,以水稻螟虫的防治技术研究和推广为例,本研究详细的说明了县级水平害虫防治和推广的内容。 +Their interfusion leads to a special social mobilization in a mass campaign. This offers us a perspective on the rampancy of the series of political movements after the founding of China.,它们的结合会在群众运动中产生特殊的社会动员功能,为解读建国后一系列政治运动的发生、发展提供独到的视角。 +"In north Korea, XuanZu want light to the three sea king.",在朝鲜,宣祖要光海君去下三道。 +"But the vast majority of Leinster stuff is uninspired , and that is being kind.",书中对外星生物圈的描写可以说是绝无仅有。 +"The degree to which ""Alexander McQueen: Savage Beauty"" has ignited wide-scale public interest would have been a remarkable achievement for any exhibition dedicated to the work of a single artist.",激起了大规模的民众兴趣。 这影响程度对任何一场艺术家的个人作品展来说,无疑已是个非凡的成就。 +"Increasing the driving field intensity, the medium's dispersion changes from normal to anomalous, which leads to the switching from subluminal to superluminal light pulse propagation.",通过增加驱动场的强度,光学介质的色散性质由正常色散向反常色散转换,导致光的传播速度由慢光速到超光速的转换。 +"The individual proceeds to Poe's grave, where he or she raises a cognac toast.",这个人来到爱伦坡的墓前举起一杯白兰地祝酒。 +"I chose to be silent for all those hungry children that have to suffer because we took away their food, their right to proper education, living and love.",我选择默然,是为了那些受著饥饿的儿童,因为我们夺去了他们的食物,教育,生活与爱。 +The key to effective command is to understand that command is both an art and a science.,有效实施指挥的关键是要理解指挥本身既是一种艺术也是一门科学。 +"Commonly known as the Tasmanian Tiger, the Thylacine was the largest known carnivorous marsupial of modern times.",袋狼以塔斯马尼亚虎知名,它是现代社会最知名的食肉有袋动物。 +"Although I had rested for 8 , 10 or 12 hours, still I couldn't get anxiety out of my mind .",尽管我休息个8小时,10小时或者12小时,但我仍旧无法消除我心中的忧虑。 +"All of you chose Down, but Up does best against Left and Middle does best against Right.","你们都选择下,可是选上是左的最佳对策,而选中是右的最佳对策" +It is so beautiful here!,这里实在是美妙绝伦! +"College couple night package online, is bound to lack of sleep, harmful to health.",大学生情侣包夜上网,势必会睡眠不足,有害于身体健康。 +"In this case the controller sends out a FAILURE signal to the coordinator, thus invoking the compensatory activities in reverse order.",在本例中,控制器会将 FAILURE 信号发送给协调器,从而以反转顺序调用补偿活动。 +"It lying on the edge of the well towards a well and a look, Huh, well and a big round moon.",它趴在井沿上朝井里一看,咦,井里有一个又大又圆的月亮。 +"Invented by Joseph Lancaster, a Quaker schoolmaster in England, the ""monitorial"" school model encouraged more advanced pupils to teach those who were less advanced.",“导生”学校模式的发明者是英国的贵格教(Quaker)校长约瑟夫·兰卡斯特(Joseph Lancaster),鼓励由较先进的学生教较落后的学生。 +"The soft red hoop reduces reaction, and the indent on the sole produces friction so as to prevent users from slipping.",周围 红色软软的一 圈可以消除反作用力,不会滑倒的秘密就是鞋底下有纹路可以增加摩擦力! +"Pushcart vendors hawk everything from dried squid to ripe mangoes , and backpackers haggle with tuk-tuk drivers for a ride in their tiny, three-wheeled taxis.",推小车的小贩们兜售着从鱿鱼干儿到熟芒果的各种东西,背旅行包的游客和开着小小的三轮嘟嘟车司机们砍价。 +"Only Seawolf knows where she is, and the rest of the Russian fleet is too angry to listen.",只有海狼知道她在哪里,以及俄罗斯舰队的其余部分太生气听。 +"The module includes a discussion of water movement in the United States, and it also provides specific information about water movement in Oregon.",该模块包括一个在美国的水运动的讨论,而且还提供了在俄勒冈州的有关水的运动的具体信息。 +"So if you're in Australia and you see an ant look up at you and turn and follow you and start running after you, you should probably leave.",因此,如果你在澳大利亚,看到一只蚂蚁仰望着你,而且转身跟随你,并开始向你跑来,你最好马上开溜,不可逗留。 +"To benefit the bulding of our country's system , it does some research on the rules of different countries from five aspects.",在这部分里主要从派生诉讼制度五个大的方面对各国立法例进行了比较研究,以为我国构建派生诉讼制度提供借鉴。 +"So maybe that's why, even though I am in the United States, but I still unconsciously think that I am the Chinese who is still in China with her foreign classmates.",所以即使我在美国,我也会无意识以为自己还在中国,而周围那些鬼佬就是“老外”。 +"But they found fragments of charcoal dating from before 7,000 B.C., showing humans were active in the area much earlier than previously thought.",但考古学家还在此发现了公元前七千年前的木炭碎片,这说明在更早的时期已有人类活跃在这一地带。 +This artical analyzes the reasons of the graduates's profession-selecting ideal and frustration through subjective and objective factors by investigation.,本文通过调查,从主客观因素分析毕业生择业理想及择业受挫的原因。 +The fixed plastic footplate of the first generational model has been changed for an adjustable aluminum alloy footplate .,固定塑胶踏板的第一代模式已转变为一个可调铝合金踏板。 +What is the name of the record company Everly Brothers were first sign to?,本期问题 Question: 埃弗里兄弟乐队最早签约的唱片公司叫什么? +Enter the amount of memory that matches what is stated on your printer's self-test.,输入在打印机自测中查到的内存数量。 +The flow-thermal coupling calculation of aero engine air system includes fluid network and thermal network.,发动机空气系统可分别建立流体网络与热网络进行耦合计算。 +People often experience tress as a result of events in their lives. Stress is a physical condition that results from real or expected problems.,人们在日常生活中必然要经历焦虑,焦虑是来自于真实棘手的问题或渴望达到的问题的一种身体不建康的状况。 +Push Tang Guan of death on field in the day.,把唐冠中的死往田在天身上推。 +"One parent wrote me that her 15-year-old son ""lost himself in the hole of the computer. "" He got an A in Web site design, but other grades were sinking, she said.",一位家长写我说,她15岁的儿子“失去了自己在该洞的电脑” ,他得到一个一在网站设计,但其他职系的人沉没,她说。 +"Answer: False. Because iron accumulates in the blood, men need less than premenopausal women.",因为铁元素集中在血液中,男性的需求量要小于绝经期前的女性。 +""" Antemarital examination in China after the abolition of compulsory antemarital examination rates are falling sharply, and the first line of defense ""lost"" a lot of issues.",我国取消强制婚检后婚检率急剧下降,第一道防线“失守”带来诸多问题。 +The requirement attributes will be set to the attribute default values.,需求的属性会被设置成默认的属性值。 +"This article introduces the plate manufactory technologies invocated by JFE Steel Corporation these years, such as ""Super-OLAC"" technology, ""HOP"" processing.",报道提高钢材轧制质量采取的技术、工艺、设备改造经验,介绍轧钢适用技术、科技创新、装备进步发展状况; +"Actually the real effective exchange rate of RMB rose by 14.5%. In 2009, our exports dropped by 16%, but our imports only declined by 11%.",在这期间,2009年,我们的外贸出口下降了16%,但是进口只降低了11%,顺差减少了1020亿美元。 +The Latin language barbarized.,拉丁语用词鄙俗。 +"The pair went to a Picasso display and, to impress her, Harvey told Gloria that he could belike get the artist's autograph.",这一对儿去参观了毕加索的一个画展,为了打动她,哈维告诉格洛里亚他很有可能弄到画家的签名。 +"This study lay a firm foundation not only for preparation of antiserum later and detection BBTV fast and effectively, but also for plant anti-virus gene engineer and anti-virus breeding.",这为以后制备特异性抗血清,开展BBTV的快速、有效的检测奠定了基础,同时也为植物抗病毒基因工程和抗病育种研究做好了一定的前期工作。 +"He fell to his knees in the snow, and prayed his first prayer: ""Thank You, God, for coming in human form to get me out of the storm!",他跪在雪地上,祈祷他的第一次祈祷:”感谢上帝,降临人间,把我带出狂风暴雪! +"Anhui's western and northern parts that border on Hubei and Henan were the hardest hit. Yuexi County in the western part of Anhui reported 50 centimeters of snow, according to Xinhua news agency.",据新华社的报道安徽西部的粤西县报告那里的积雪有50厘米深,靠近湖北省和河南省边境的安徽省西部和南部受到此次影响最大。 +"But notable is, flexible language promotion needs a course commonly, because you are impossible, a flexible language makes a successful website store brand.",但值失去意的是,硬黑推止一般需求一个历程,因为您没有能够一篇硬黑制制一个负原的网坐商乡品牌。 +Method:40dry atlas specimens were used to measure anatomic data relative to screw placement technique with an electronic digital caliper and a goniometer.,方法:用电子游标卡尺和量角器对40例干燥寰椎标本测量与进钉技术相关的解剖学数据。 +"This paper studies the treatment of electroplating CN-contained wastewater by ferrous sulfate, and investigates the elements and the effect of this treatment.",对硫酸亚铁法处理电镀含氰废水进行了试验研究,探讨了硫酸亚铁除氰的原理及其去除效果。 +The result showed that the t-test method could reflect the similarity and difference among samples well.,结果表明:用t检验法能客观地反映中药样品间的相似性和差异性。 +"Speaking to Spanish radio station Cadena Ser, Pellegrini said: I would never have spoken to another team on whose bench there was another Coach.",在西班牙电台的访谈中,佩帅说我从来不会去讨论另一家俱乐部的帅位问题。 +"Symptoms of rickettsial infections include rash, fever, and flulike symptoms.",立克次氏体的感染症状包括皮疹、发烧和类似感冒症状。 +Kobe was booed. Mitch Kupchak was hated. Phil Jackson wasn't signing an extension.,科比开始给予球队嘘声,菲尔杰克逊没有使这件事情更糟糕地发展下去。 +Results The effects of attachments of ASC-52 were reduced in abutment when the molar was forced by 200N.,结果在单侧磨牙加轴向力200N时,键槽缓压式精密附着体比按扣式精密附着体对基牙的影响显著减低。 +No output?,没有输出? +"Second, in response to cost-plus pricing method's inadequacy on calculating the risk and expected earnings, in this paper a improved risk costs and the expected revenue calculation is provided .",其次,针对成本加成定价法在计算贷款预期损失、非预期损失和预期收益率方面的不足,本文进行了改进。 +"Insurance is an old category, but insurance industry is the result of capitalist development.",保险是一个古老的范畴,近代保险事业是资本主义发展的产物。 +"When we organized a one-week canoeing trip in the United States, one parent complained that canoeing would be too dangerous.",当我们在美国组织了为期一周的独木舟旅行,一位家长抱怨那过于危险。 +"The game, however, is in small, seedless melons.",然而,更多的乐趣是在小而无籽的西瓜上面。 +"Live Statistics shows the various components currently being monitored (for example JVM, Tomcat AJP Connector, Tomcat Web Connector, Tomcat Web SSL Connector, activemq-console-tomcat).",Live Statistics 显示当前被监视的各个组件(例如 JVM、Tomcat AJP 连接器、Tomcat Web 连接器、Tomcat Web SSL 连接器、activemq-console-tomcat)。 +"For single source data, standardization of these default values may be through assigned mapping values, against a lookup table, or based on a defined pattern or algorithm within the data.",对于单个源数据,这些默认值的标准化可以通过根据一个查找表或定义好的模式或算法,在数据中指定映射值来完成。 +The spacing between uninsulated live parts of different circuits involving different voltages shall be not less than that required for the circuit of the higher voltage.,不同电路中的不同电压下的未加绝缘的带电部件之间的间隔应不小于较高电压电路的间隔要求。 +"At Sunday's awards show, Lady Gaga is expected to play a duet on a single piano with Elton John.",在格莱美的颁奖典礼上,Lady Gaga和埃尔顿•约翰(Elton John)同用一架钢琴表演了合唱。 +"He found a distribution. And, if you look more closely at the distribution, here is what he found.",他发现了分布,如果你仔细观察电荷分布的话,这就是他发现的。 +Collaborate with your investors.,和你的投资者通力合作。 +"In this paper, a cementitious anchoring material was introduced, it can be used for covering the bulk material piles and especially the landfill sites.",介绍了一种水泥基锚固材料,它能够用来覆盖大面积材料堆的表面,尤其是垃圾填埋场。 +"Until now, China has pursued its own ends on the Korean peninsula while receiving American plaudits for any action deemed helpful, no matter how minimal.",到目前为止,中国在朝鲜半岛仍是我行我素; 同时,任何一件微小但被认为对此问题有所帮助的动作,美国都会为之鼓掌; +"In the geo- steering technology, a reservoir navigation model is built, with which the anticipated formation lithology and LWD logging are simulated based on the appraisal wells data.",水平井地质导向技术首先建立钻前地质导向模型,并根据评价井的测井资料,对随钻测井(LWD)曲线及可能钻遇的地层岩性进行预测。 +"In Jiao Tong University, GPA 3.5 is very high. So if your GPA is about 3.0, you will have the opportunity to enter the interview, especially the big fives interview. Second is the language skill.",在交大,平均 绩点3.5是相当 高的,所以,如果你的平均 绩点在3.0左右,你就有机会参加这类面试,尤其是五大事务所的面试。 +Even something as simple as where to shelve it in a bookstore depended on having a category to print on the back cover.,最简单的就是放在书店货柜上的书也要根据印在书本底面的目录分类摆放。 +Dojo charting also now has animation effects for zoom in and out that will improve the user experience.,Dojo 制图现在也有可以改善用户体验的缩放动画效果。 +The way peole eat food is different throughout the world,世界各地人们吃饭的礼仪各不相同 +"The bulk of the archive is from Life magazine, the premier platform for photojournalists in the 20th century.",大部分图片都来源于《生活》杂志——20世纪摄影记者展示作品的最佳平台。 +He is a distant relation of mine.,他是我的远房亲戚。 +"The effect of diagonal webs was taken into account, thus making the expressions more satistfactory.",其中,考虑斜腹杆的影响,得出了更完善的表达式。 +Here' s your boarding card.,这是您的登机牌。 +"Back in 1937, the U.S. economy had been growing rapidly for three years, thanks in large part to government programs aimed at ending the deep recession that began in 1929.","回顾1937年时的情况,美国经济之前曾经连续三年快速增长,主要归功于政府为结束始于1929年的大萧条而推出的大量建设项目." +The invention relates to a kind of granule medicine that contains Hepialidae hirsutella sinensis and fermented Cordyceps sinensis bacteria powder and the method for preparing the same.,本发明属于一种含有蝙蝠蛾被毛孢-发酵虫草菌粉的颗粒状药品及其制备方 法。 +"Europe,which is going to erase these license plates and are going to take away part of what it means to live in France.","欧洲,想要清除这些国别特征,并想抹消属于法国的那部分" +Design is a process from quantitative change to qualitative change and realize the process of mutation.,设计是一个过程,是从量变到质变、实现突变的过程。 +A classified ad in their local newspaper with a message just for them.,找当地的报纸上的分类广告 +Finally his eyes settled on me.,最后他的目光落在了我的身上。 +"I am not prepared to assert, however, that this rapport extended beyond the limits of the simple sleep-producing power;",我不准备断言,但是,此关系扩展超出了简单的睡眠产生动力的极限; +"Sandwiched between Harvard and Tufts Universities, the city is a blue-collar bastion with a growing population of young professionals and academics.",夹在哈佛和塔夫茨大学之间,这个城市是个蓝领阶层为主的堡垒,但年轻的专家学者的人口比重不断增加。 +"So, for this week on Inter Core, this has been a great show.",恩,本周的人性讲堂,这次节目很棒。 +The study were carried out to improve the detonation propagation reliability of nonel tube by means of composition of the mixed powdered explosive designed and tube material designed.,通过采用混合药粉配方设计和导爆管管材设计等技术手段开展了提高导爆管传爆可靠性的研究。 +A business component must be an extension of this extension point.,一个业务组件必须是这个扩展点的一个扩展。 +"""The latter can only have been scooped up from the sea-bed by one mechanism - a powerful tsunami, dumping all these materials together in a destructive swoop, "" says Professor Bruins.",“只有藉威力强大的海啸这样的机制,才有可能将后者从海床上舀起,毁灭性的一瞬间将所有物质同时倾洩,” Bruins教授说。 +"The intelligence , age and methods of study should not be ignored as well.",除此之外,学习者的智力、年龄、学习方法等因素也不能忽视。 +"The slab may be linked to the legendary story of the 14th-century strongman Badang, who is said to have thrown a massive stone to the mouth of the Singapore River.",石板可能与14世纪铁腕领袖巴丹(Badang)的传奇也有关,据说,他曾把一块巨石扔到新加坡河河口。 +"When Song dynasty declined gradually, the work of female and social affaires reflect the features in the new era.",在宋代传奇走向式微的时候,宋传奇中描写女性、描写世情的作品也反映出了新的时代特色。 +"Not only do women produce less of the protein, but the Uniersity of California, San Diego, team found that estrogen keeps the amount of protein women do produce in check .",加州大学圣迭戈分校研究小组发现女性不仅产生较少的蛋白质,雌激素可以制衡蛋白的产生量。 +"The result shows that living high and training low can increase the production of EPO, which stimulates erythropoiesis and leads to an increased hemoglobin concentration and hematocrit.",结论认为 ,模拟高住低练可促进 EPO分泌和红细胞的生成 ,提高血红蛋白浓度和红细胞比容 ,并具有明显的后效应 ; +"Chinese cuisine dishes on color, smell and taste, shape, Italy and taste, and even more than the focus on nutrition, as long as delicious but also good-looking, it is important the nutrition.",中国菜注重菜肴色、香、味、形、意俱全,甚至于超过了对营养的注重,只要好吃又要好看,营养反而显得不重要了。 +"I asked about it. A steward shrugged and said that, on flights to India, they give in.",我打听了一些关于此事的情况,一名乘务员耸了耸肩说道,在飞往印度的航班问题上,我们认输。 +"The problem of passive control design is considered based on sign-following system(SFS), and the possible application of the above approach is discussed.",研究了基于符号跟随系统(SFS)的无源控制设计问题,讨论了该控制方案的适用范围。 +"The three children gasped and all said, ""You mean we're bastards?""",三个孩子都喘了一口气,说:“你是说我们全都是婚外野种?” +Journalists were told they could fly to Pyongyang on October 9th to attend a military parade the following day marking the 65th anniversary of the founding of the Korean Workers’ Party.,记者们被告知可以在十月九号飞抵平壤参加第二天纪念朝鲜劳动党建党65周年的阅兵仪式。 +I read Sewell's obituary in The Times.,我在《泰晤士报》上读到了塞韦尔的讣告。 +The black Chuan coldly answers a way.,黑川冷冷地答道。 +"We have people with backgrounds in applied physics, computer science, economics, psychology, and operations research, so they all have very different ways to think about a problem.",许多人具有应用物理、计算机、经济、心理学以及运筹学的背景,因此他们对于同一个问题有着非常不同的思考方式。 +"The OpenLaszlo Weblog includes news, as well as tips and tricks for Laszlo development.",OpenLaszlo Weblog 包括一些新闻,以及 Laszlo 开发方面的提示和技巧。 +"They are generally elliptical galaxies which lie close to the geometric and kinematical center of their host galaxy cluster, hence at the bottom of the cluster potential well.",它们通常都是 椭圆星系,并且紧挨在宿主星系团的几何中心和运动学中心,因此位于 位阱的最底部; +Objective To gain an understanding of the progressive course and influencing factors of the by-product CHCl 3 produced in the electrochemical sterilization process.,目的了解电化学杀菌过程中副产物三氯甲烷的生成因素。 +Why did they try out for Become Megarich! and You Can't Be Too Thin! then watch those shows or a dozen like them nightly on various screens in astonishing lifelike splendor?,及《你不能太穷! 》(You Can't Be Too Thin)节目的选拔,然后每晚从不同的屏幕上观看这些节目或一打类似它们的节目上演惊人的逼真的辉煌。 +The leaked cable shows that the decision to set up a spy service was made in 2008 by the then-Prime Minister Yasuo Fukuda's Liberal Democratic Party government.,解密信息显示建立一个情报机构的决定在2008年由时任首相的自由民主党领导人福田康夫做出。 +Change: Enabled hourly chime and sound reminders in flip open mode.,变更:在开盖模式下亦可整点报时及声音提示。 +"The industry's occupancy was up 7.0 percent, revenue per available room for the month rose 8.5 percent.",整个酒店行业的入住率同比上升了7.0%,而当月的每间可用房收入则同比上升8.5%。 +"The black plastic lens will delay visual sense of perception, so the plastic photoscope will make us explain the motion of the shadows in a way of a certain illusion.",黑色塑料镜片会延迟视知觉,所以塑料透视镜会让我们以某种错觉解释影子的动作。 +"The origin of the bagel is something of a mystery, but it probably dates back to 1683.",面包圈的起源有些神秘,不过大致可回溯至1683年。 +"As one cannot visit the mountains every day, it is necessary to have rocks brought to the home.",可是我们必须进一步想。一个人既然不能天天去游山,必然须把石头带到家里来。 +"""The greatest evils are poverty, underdevelopment, unemployment, disease and hunger, all the conditions that deprive people of opportunities and limit their freedoms, "" he wrote.",“ 人世间最大的罪恶是贫穷,不发展,失业,疾病和饥饿,是所有那些剥夺了人们应有的机会和限制人们自由生活的原因 ,”他这样写道。 +What you said and what you did contradict each other.,你的所作所为和你说的话根本就是相逆的。 +Our stevedores are well experienced in loading rice.,我们的装卸工人对装大米很有经验。 +The theory that market is all-powerful denies the necessity that the government can intervene the economy to a certain extent.,市场万能��否定政府对经济有限干预的必要性。 +"""Overpassing"" refers to that Russia could directly go into socialism on the base of the backward countryside commune.",“跨越”是指俄国在落后的农村公社土地公有制的基础上直接进入社会主义。 +"At the same time, it notices to explain the behavior type of offenders' personality characters.",同时关注说明犯罪人人格特征的行为类型。 +Objective To evaluate the bio-compatibility of isobutyl-chitosan as a material.,目的:评价异丁基壳聚糖作为生物材料的安全性。 +"Other participants also planned to unlock the ghost in numerous beginning cussing mystery, adjacent open inquires village. At this time, but YuTian college students suddenly dropped tracer;",其他的参与者也计划解开鬼魂谩骂之谜,纷繁开端在村子邻近睁开查询。 +"Two people pursue to open towards hoping for a long time, everyone aside smiling face, in the heart settle feel situation big good, very can is.",两人对望许久,大家在旁笑颜逐开,心中定觉得情势大好、十分可为。 +"Finally, acquaints the vibration and noise characteristic of the engine shell.",最终分析出发动机壳体的振动噪声特性。 +Do be creative and show free-thinking in your writing.,要做到富有创意并且在写作中体现出你自由的思维。 +"During the Second World War, silk supplies from Japan were cut off, so western countries were forced to find substitutes.",第二次世界大战期间,因为日本的丝绸供应被切断,所以西方国家被迫找到替代品。 +"Based on current situation of unconstitutionality review and many ideas about unconstitutionality review system, the paper has suggested a new thought.",结合我国违宪审查的现状和当前法学界提出违宪审查制度的种种构想,提出建立我国违宪审查制度的思路。 +Spacecraft control laws for volte-face reentry motion are explored.,探讨了高超声速大回转再入的控制方法。 +The drawback of staying on the ship seemed to grow as I thought about how wrong it was to treat Captain Bligh in this way.,留在船舶上的缺点似乎成长,我想到它是这样对待布莱船长错误。 +Some experts see our future in virtual reality –the use of computers with sounds and pictures that make you feel as if you are in a real situation.,一些专家在虚拟现实里看到了我们的未来,使用带声像的计算机使你觉得你是在真实的情景中。 +RESULTS The Radix Polygoni multiflori from Bozhou was the highest in free and total anthraquinone .,结果毫州产何首乌中两种蒽醌含量最高。 +"However, Gulistan feels a tension from the imbalanced living space in the metropolis, where excess pursuit of wealth and speed are prevalent.",但是,大都市的过分追求效益与速度而失重的生存空间给了古丽·斯坦挤迫的压力。 +"Soldiers are working to blast dikes on the Yangtze and its swollen tributaries to keep floodwater away from villages along the banks, the news agency said.",士兵们正在努力工作去爆破长江上和它的水已涨高的支流上的堤坝,使洪水顺着河岸离村庄流去,新闻机构说。 +"In the later creation process, Kenzaburo Oe repeatedly mentions Pseudocouple, which is generally regarded as an important method for his creation.",步入老年的大江健三郎在后期的创作过程中反复提及“奇怪的二人组合”。 +"People paint and calligraphy on porcelain pillow of all sorts, expressing their consciousness and wishes in the rich and colorful shapes and decoration.",人们在各式各样的瓷枕上绘画书写,把心理意识、美好希望等寄托在丰富多彩的造型和装饰纹样上。 +"It's very simple, very useful.",这既简单,又非常派得上用场。 +Rules can also be used for commutative and noncommutative algebra.,规则可以用于交换和非交换代数。 +The first time I saw a dog's carcass for sale I was quite startled.,第一次见到有人卖狗肉时,我吓了一跳。 +Why people buy the fake goods?,为什么人们会买到假冒伪劣产品呢? +"There have been a total of 70 criminal judgments related to medical disputes since 1927. Among them, 7 cases involved nurses and the delivery of nursing services.",本报告仅包括最高法院,自民国十六年以来迄今的判决判例,共计有70件一般医事纠纷刑事判决,其中的七件刑事案件有护理人员涉案。 +Please see the Readme file for the latest information on changes in the DMUC Core.,DMUC核心的变化的最新信息,请参阅自述文件。 +DIMM's are available in several different physical sizes.,内存的,可在几个不同的物理尺寸。 +"The loss effectively cancels out the 2 billion Swiss franc ($2.3 billion) saving UBS hoped to make in a cost-cutting drive detailed last month involving 3,500 job cut s.","上个月该行宣布成本削减计划,将裁减3,500个岗位.此次交易损失实际上抵消了该行原本打算从节本计划中节省的20亿瑞郎(23亿美元)." +"An approach of multicolor image edge enhancing includes following steps: firstly, dividing a colorful image into CMYK;",一种彩色影像边缘的增强方法,其包含下列步骤:首先,将一彩色影像分 割为CMYK四色版; +"The 5 families which contain the most species are Tricholomataceae, Polyporaceae, Agaricaceae, Russulaceae and Strophariaceae in proper order.",含种类最多的5个科依次为白蘑科、多孔菌科、蘑菇科、红菇科和球盖菇科。 +"Those who clamp down on internet freedom may be able to hold back the full expression of their people’s yearnings for a while, but not forever.",那些箝制互联网自由的政府或许可以在短时间内使人民无法充分表达自己的意愿,但不可能永久。 +Portrayals of as yet unrealized architectural works represent an attempt to give a voice to something which has not yet found its place in the concrete world for which it is meant.,对至今未建成的建筑作品的描绘试图表达一些东西,尽管这些东西还没有在物质世界(现实世界) 里找到它们表意的位置。 +Lily: Cheese! It tastes like cardboard.,莉莉:天哪, 那吃起来味如嚼蜡。 +"One is by restricting patent right subjects, including defining and dividing inventor, patent proposer and patentee.",一是通过限制专利权的主体来推动科技发展,包括限定发明人、专利申请人和专利权人; +You can refer to the email or SMS message for your login 'Ref. No. ' and 'Password'.,申请人可于本校发出之短讯或确认电邮内查阅有关网上户口「参考编号」及「密码」。 +"IN THE latest move against piracy BAE Systems, a British firm, has developed a laser that can be deployed on commercial shipping and will act as a deterrent to pirates trying to board a vessel.",在近期针对海盗采取的行动中,英国的“BAE系统” 公司开放了一种可以部署在商船上的激光武器用以威慑试图登船的海盗。 +To see is to believe. Many people saw spaceships .,眼见为实,许多人见过太空船。(张威) +I like the short trip over the weekend: chasing the sunset between mountains outside the kind of simple happiness.,我喜欢周末的短途出游:置身山脉间追逐落日的那种简单的快乐。 +"Director of South Singing and Daning Troupe, Chairman of Guangdong Dancers Association, National First Grade Dirctor.",南方歌舞团团长,广东省舞蹈家协会主席,国家一级编导。 +"Then again, Grant hasn't earned the bile and spite of opposition supporters for any ungracious comments.",同时,格兰特也避开了其他球队球迷的辱骂。 +"Automation is taking China by storm. First, the country hoovered up many of the world's manufacturing jobs, and now it is, in turn, outsourcing that work to robots.",自动化正在席卷中国。最初,中国承接了全世界的大量制造任务,如今正在把这些任务外包给机器人。 +"Well, I can tell you if you’re getting into this for the first time, it’s a fairly expensive undertaking, and it’s a very, very ambitious undertaking.",好吧,如果是初次进军这个市场,我可以告诉你,这是一个非常需要财力和野心的行业,这是一个非常,非常雄心勃勃的行业。 +SCARLETT: You should have killed them for spreading,思嘉:你应该杀了他们,他们散播谣言。 +"From modern significance to say SPA inherit the traditional culture, in addition, unites more advanced technique and service concept, and becomes many-faceted.",现代意义上的SPA在发扬传统文化的基础上融入了更多元且先进的技术、服务理念。 +A new record again?,又买了一张新唱片? +"The specialty of Mata Lake includes spun gold duck egg, ichthyosaur and white lotus root, which are tributes to imperial court in history with their unique flavor.",马踏湖特产金丝鸭蛋、鱼龙香稻、白莲藕因其风味独特,是历史上进奉朝廷的贡品。 +"Earth was made of embryos like Mars, but Mars is a stranded planetary embryo that never collided with other embryos to make an Earthlike planet.",地球是由类似于火星一样的胚胎组成,但是火星是一个被遗忘的行星胚胎。 +But this method improved the theory of the dynamic prediction of oil production and water production .,完善了油田产油量、产水量动态预报理论。 +"But the 3D scanner could soon become much simpler thanks to a revolutionary machine which helps women choose the right size, shape and cut.",但一款具有创新性的3D身材扫描仪很快就可以简化这一程序,帮助女性挑选到适合自己的尺码、裤型和式样。 +"The article focuses on the features, use range, communication protocal of CAN bus and implementing of CAN bus system, also the typical struture of CAN bus in monitoring control.",本文主要介绍了CAN总线的特点、应用范围、通讯协议和CAN总线系统的一种实现方法及CAN总线系统在测控网络中的典型结构。 +"Generally, Post-Enumeration Survey method is adopted to adjust it.",一般采用事后调查法修正。 +"""Officer, look what they've done to my Beeeemer! ! ! "", he whined .",“警察同志,看看他们把我的车弄的!!!”律师哀怨地说。 +He argues well.,他很善辩。 +He is a brown-noser.,他是一个马屁精。 +The agent said it was too early to reconfirm. She said to call a week to three days before leaving.,艾凡:地勤人员说现在确认太早了。她说在离开前三至七天左右再打过去。 +"That's been the long-held opinion of many experts for the last, oh, 50 years or so.",这是过去约50年内许多专家长期持有的意见。 +"Wang Li says website of very how old invite applications for a job acquiesces in small website to register the member that becomes his, download its user resume.",王丽说很多大的招聘网站默许小网站注册成为自己的会员,下载其用户简历。 +"But not so fast, says behavioral researcher Claudio Tennie and his colleagues at the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology and at Harvard University.",行为研究员Claudio Tennie 和他在哈佛大学Max Planck 人类进化研究所的同事们说,这样下结论太草率了。 +"Barack Obama has conceded that he has lost a bit of weight and got somewhat greyer during his first year as US president, but said he remains healthy despite the relentless demands of his job.",日前,美国总统巴拉克•奥巴马坦称自己上任一年来体重降了点,头发也白了些,但他称,尽管工作压力很大,但他仍然很健康。 +DEP. 28 is composed of two staff up to now. We mainly deal with the agency for textiles and garments. Meanwhile we actively do the export or import agency for precision type instruments and board.,上海华申进出口有限公司二十八部目前共有两个员工,主要经营纺织面料服装等的代理,同时也积极开展精密仪器,板材等的进出口代理工作。 +So how can the students filled ceremony in this beautiful campus?,这么如何才气使小教死礼节洋溢正在斑斓的校园点呢? +"Although forest coverage rose and fell, it generally remained at a level of 76.8%.",森林覆盖率虽有起伏,但基本稳定在76.8%的较高水平上; +"The article discusses the path selection of the exchange rate regime transition, combines with the analytical framework of""Trilemma""and gives advice on the reform of RMB exchange rate regime.",据此讨论了汇率制度转换的路径选择问题,并且结合“三元悖论”的分析框架,为人民币汇率制度改革提出建议。 +Otherastute the assignor and the assignee are accordingly and seveassemblage accountable.,其余情况下,让与人和受让人承担连带责任。 +"""Bilingual Media Friendly Service Agreement"" a duplicate, signed by both parties shall enter into force, fax equally effective.",“双语媒体友好服务协议”一式二份,双方签字之日生效,传真件同样有效。 +The Research and Application of Online Detecting Technology of Solution Electric Conductivity by Using Voltage-controlled Oscillation Technique.,基于压控振荡的溶液电导率在线检测技术研究及应用。 +"Alone with the countess, Olivier seizes the opportunity to declare his love.",与女伯爵独处的奥里维尔趁机示爱。 +"Partygoers held up posters of Ai, sang songs and dined off river crabs – their name in Chinese being a homonym for the government's buzzword, harmony.",聚会者举出艾未未的海报,高声唱歌,并大吃河蟹——后者的中文发音与政府的流行词“和谐”相同。 +"Nissan, who rolled out the all-electric Leaf late in 2010, is listening, and working on a solution that could ease your electric night terrors.",尼桑在2010年推出了全电动车型 Leaf,正在听取并筹备一个解除电动汽车车主噩梦的解决方案。 +"In my opinion, the Case of Witchcraft was a political conspiracy by Emperor Wu ploted, which in order to prune adverse force.",“巫蛊之祸”是汉武帝为翦除卫太子刘据势力集团而精心策划的一场政治阴谋。 +"Experience the earth's water cycle first hand as Ms. Frizzle's class rises into the air, forms a rain cloud and drizzles down upon earth, just like rain!",让小朋友们直接感受地球上水的循环,怎么在空气中上升,形成雨和云,然后再变成雨滴落到地球上! +Test results show that no significant relation exists between the concrete compressive strength and charge passed.,结果显示混凝土试体抗压强度与快速氯离子渗透试验之电流量无明显关联性; +Teilhard de Chardin died in 1955 and after that year his books were published.,忒拉德德查丁死于1955年,其著作得以出版。 +Whip the egg whites up into stiff peaks.,把蛋白打得起稠尖儿。 +"This paper draws the conclusion that as long as the laminate area proportion reaches more than 27%, and laminate area is roughed quite well, the shear stiffness can be guaranteed.",结论只要叠合接触比例在27%以上,叠合接触面经有效粗糙处理和配筋,就能保证叠合接触面的抗剪刚度。 +"With his monumental masterpiece, Science and Civilization in China, he built a bridge between the two great civilizations of East and West.",他的鸿篇巨著《中国科学技术史》,在东西方两大文明之间架起了一座桥梁。 +They are excited to be alive and absolutely pumped-up for the new experiences that lie ahead.,继续生存使他们兴奋,而且他们完全注满了活力,准备迎接前方新的经历。 +"Friction arises because the molecules on both surfaces bond with each other, and resist when the surfaces try to move away and break the bonds.",摩擦力之所以产生,是因为两个表面上的分子彼此粘合,当表面试图移走并打破这种粘合时加以抵抗。 +"According to the DSU, expert panelists call upon other experts to help them assess whether certain WTO Member State's policies can be reconciled with its commitments to free trade.",依照DSU的有关规定,专家组成员可以请求其他专家帮助他们评估某一WTO成员方的政策,以界定该成员方所采取的措施是否符合其所承担的自由贸易义务。 +"Whenever my dad brings them for my mom, it makes her smile.",每次爸爸送花给妈妈,她都笑得好开心。 +"Mainly hilly : Hilly Liaodong and Shandong hilly, hilly and other Southeast.",主要丘陵:辽东丘陵、山东丘陵、东南丘陵等。 +System Sweeper can boot from a USB flash drive or a CD-ROM.,“系统清理器”可以从U盘或者光盘中启动。 +"Despite the bloody image of the Roman Empire, Britain was - especially in the south - a peaceful and prosperous place for most of the period of the occupation.",虽然罗马帝国的形象很血腥,占领期间的大部分时间里,英国——特别是南部——都是一个安宁且繁荣的地方。 +Knit a ridge stitch with tips from a knitting teacher in this free video on yarn crafts.,针织从这个免费视频针织纱工艺对教师与技巧脊针。 +"By the early nineties, the park showed substantial signs of recovery.",到90年代初,这座国家公园呈现明显恢复的迹象。 +It's the typical extravagant advertising management.,这也是广告粗放经营的典型表现。 +"We believe that rectal palpation is a simple, easy features, needs to be recognized and valued, worthy of further promotion.",认为直肠切诊具有简便、易行的特点,需要得到认识和重视,值得进一步推广。 +"""This will especially create problems for low-lying developing countries, which don't have the capacity to build sea-defences, "" says Viner.",维纳还说:“对于一些地势低洼无力建筑海防的发展中国家来说,这将是一个大问题。” +These are mainly from the Han Dynasty Haozu gradually grow up in families where the fame.,这些豪族主要是自汉代以来逐渐成长壮大起来的地方的名望家族。 +"In other words, we can use the magic of subtraction.",换句话说,我们可以借助减法的魔力。 +We will not tolerate market participants taking advantage of the current market conditions to commit abuse by spreading false rumors and dealing on the back of them.,金融服务局不能容忍市场参与者趁当前形势动荡,以散布谣言、幕后操纵的手段从中渔利。 +"I had a small crew from the Discovery Times channel that fit comfortably into two banged-up vans, with Indian drivers who drove barefoot .",而我有两辆敞篷车和来自探索时代频道的一个小队,包括赤脚的印度司机。 +The development of new GM crops is one of the 16 major projects listed in China's plan for scientific and technological development until 2020 (see China redraws blueprint for scientific development).,“转基因生物新品种培育”是中国《国家中长期科学和技术发展规划纲要(2006——2020)》16个重大专项中的一个(见 中国重组科技发展路 农业科技将获益)。 +Helen: That sounds like my phone! So if something isn't doing what is should do then it's misbehaving?,听起来好像说的我的电话 也就是说如果什么东西没有正常运作,我们就可以说它在捣蛋使坏咯? +"Mr. Trask : Sir, you are out of order!",查斯克校长:“先生,你太失控了!” +"If the CCSID values of the DSNTIPF panel fields are not correct, character conversion produces incorrect results.",如果 DSNTIPF 面板字段中的 CCSID 值不正确,字符转换也将产生不正确的结果。 +"Moreover, I strongly recommend that parents allow their children e a proportional responsibility of housework and family decisions, and better preparing children for a brighter future.",此外,我强烈建议父母们应该允许孩子们分担一部分的家务活以及家庭决策。 这样才能帮助孩子们拥有一个更加美好的前景。 +A new method for diffraction UCT in the case of obstructed data and the results from computer simulation have been given.,在卷积——反传播法的基础上,提出一种新的投影数据缺损时超声衍射CT算法,并给出了计算机仿真的结果。 +"His father was an immigrant from Spain. He said, ' I was born in the Paraguay jungle, in a modest house, without a floor and in a place where there was just thirty people and a hundred Indians.",他的父亲是西班牙移民,他说:“我出身在巴拉圭丛林中的一件简陋房子里,连地板都没铺,那个地方总共也只有三十位居民和百十来号印第安人。” +"SHE stone contains lots of inartificial textures, including: gold ripple, gold flower, gold star, silver ripple, silver star and eyebrow, corner wave, ripple, thread, roe and so on.",歙石有着可爱的天然纹饰,主要有金晕、金花、金星、银晕、银星及眉纹、角浪、水波、刷丝、玉带、鱼子等。 +Many Klansmen have adopted the theology of“Christian identity” and contend that white non-Jews are the real descendantsof the Hebrews.,不少三K党成员认同“基督徒身份”运动的理论(该运动认为欧洲人是才是圣经中雅各的后代),辩称非犹太的白人才是希伯来人真正的后代。 +Let's not review that. Okay?,"我们不回顾,行吗" +Markers of inflammation were also significantly lower.,炎症标志物也大大地降低。 +"For we are the heart of a unknown corner, don't want to be lift scars.",原来我们的心底都一个不为人知的角落,不愿被人揭起的伤疤。 +Silk blanket features: This product impress the Central Plains with natural silk protein fibers as raw material eco.,本产品釆用自然界中原生态蛋白质纤维柞蚕丝为原料。 +"In a word, the combination of love congeals senses of cohesion and belonging of whole employees, which makes us experience wind and rain and grow together with the enterprise.",这股爱心凝聚了整个企业员工的向心力和归属感,与企业共同经历过许多的风雨,和企业一起成长。 +Test result judge according JC/T688-1998:sampe is eligibility manufacture.,送检样品检测结果按照JC/T688-1998判定:送检样品为一等品。 +"The Oktoberfest is also a time when Munich, one of the wealthiest and trendiest cities in Germany, suddenly throws fashion to the wind.",慕尼黑是德国最富庶最时髦的城市之一,而啤酒节也是慕尼黑突然之间将时尚抛之脑后的时刻。 +Most non-polling types of solutions involved the destination of the messages (the requester in our scenario) being in control over the response sequence -- a job normally for the service side.,大部分非轮询类型的解决方案都涉及到消息的目的地(我们的场景中的请求方)受响应序列控制(这通常是由服务端负责的工作)的情况。 +Objective To explore the correlation of illness behavior and family dynamics and other factors in patients with hysteria.,目的了解癔症患者患病行为与家庭动力及其他因素的关系。 +I don't understand why we always have to go see such artsy -f artsy movies.,我纳闷为什么我们一直必定来看这种附庸风雅的片子。 +"Our basic goal -- to build socialism -- is correct, but we are still trying to figure out what socialism is and how to build it.",我们建设社会主义的方向是完全正确的,但什么叫社会主义,怎样建设社会主义,还在摸索之中。 +She sat there enwrapped in thought.,她坐在那儿,陷入沉思之中。 +"IBM's participation in standards bodies—such as W3C, OASIS, and their subsequent implementation of TMF, BPEL, XML, and WS* standards—ensures that this doesn't represent yet another bespoke solution.",IBM 参加了各种标准组织(如 W3C、OASIS 及其 TMF、BPEL、XML 和 WS* 标准的后续实现工作),可确保此解决方案不会成为另一个定制解决方案。 +"Miss. Zhou, how is the scenery.",周老师,岛上的风光怎么样啊? +Cannot replace afore-mentioned food with other edibles .,不能用别的食物代替上述食物。 +"Through the research on this evolvement and lessons from our environmental diplomatics, we can see the ways of the human being to deal with the environmental and ecological problems.",通过对新中国环境政策的研究和吸取我国在环境外交上的有益经验,也从一个侧面探索人类应该是如何应对环境和生态问题。 +"A real-time sensor system plays a critical role for autonomous robot navigation, and location as well.",在自主式移动机器人的定位导航中,实时探测周围环境信息的传感器系统是至关重要的。 +"After the battle at Issus, Alexander traveled five hundred miles along the coast through Palestine across the desert and is now poised to take Egypt.",经历了伊萨斯之役,亚历山大沿海跋涉五百哩,途经巴勒斯坦,横越沙漠,眼看埃及将成为他的囊中物。 +"If you feel sharp, acute pain, back out of the pose and re-align.",如果你感到尖锐的剧烈的疼痛,收回之前的姿势再重新做一遍。 +AIM To explore effects of cyclovirobuxine- D on heart function and blood pressure of rats in vivo.,目的观察环维黄杨星D对大鼠心脏功能和血压的调节作用。 +"This leads into somewhat of a new shoulder strap design that secures using tri-glides and ramps up in size from 1"" connection points to a 2"" shoulder pad area.",肩带衬垫有着全新的设计,利用三道滑动调节扣和肩带中部的倾斜折叠缝制方式,将1英寸的连接点与2英寸的肩带衬垫区域连接起来。 +"In the process, this invasive pest from China grows nearly 300-fold from being about the size of a grain of rice to a few inches in length.",在这个过程中,这一害虫入侵从中国的增长近300倍,从目前的大小米粒到几英寸长。 +Followers of Mystra wear armor and carry shields with her symbol on them.,蜜斯特拉的追随者穿著有她的象徵符号的盔甲和盾牌。 +"When it comes to altering the overall layout of a page, you can go two ways.",对于更改页面的总体布局,您可以使用两种方法。 +Join us for the 2nd in our summer series of Biking to the Arts together with our partners UCCA.,请加入我们与UCCA合作组织的夏日骑车赏艺术系列活动之二。 +Gratitude! Ecstasy! The happiness of finding my lost Filofax.,感激!兴奋!找到丢失万用手册中的喜悦。 +"Meanwhile, the author from a historian point of view claims that the fundamental way of solving ""three agricultural"" problem is to establish a humanitarian society.",同时,笔者从历史发展的向度指出,惟有建立以人为本的价值观,才是解决当前中国大陆「三农」问题的根本之道。 +"That was one fundamental difference between the Hornets' return to the Big Easy(4 ) and that of their neighbors across Girod Street, the NFL's New Orleans Saints.",这是回到新奥尔良的黄蜂队与相隔一条街的邻居NFL球队新奥尔良圣徒队的根本区别。 +Fashioned in the clothes he wears and in his gentlemanly manners.,在他穿的衣服成形针织和他的绅士风度。 +But after his landslide 10 years earlier he could have crossed the English Channel on foot.,但在10年前以压倒多数胜选上台后,他本可以“信步”跨越英吉利海峡。 +"The Club spent $150 million to build new facilities and training venues for the Olympics, including an 1800 seat arena and new stables for over 200 horses.",这个俱乐部花了1亿5千万美元为奥运兴建新的设施和训练场地,其中包括一个有1800个座位的看台,和能够容纳200多匹马的新马厩。 +"In case of customer forget tipping, they will catch up to get from it.",如遇顾客忘却付小费,他们会追上去索取的。 +Names like sprintf and nmtkns are relics of a time when supercomputers had 32 KB of memory.,像 sprintf 和 nmtkns 这样的名称是超级计算机只有 32 KB 内存时代的遗物。 +"Kai-Fu Lee’s time as president of Google China began with controversy, as Microsoft sued the search company for poaching him, then faced a countersuit by Google.",李开复担任谷歌中国总裁的时候就曾引发争论,比如微软 曾起诉谷歌中国以不正当的手段 挖走了他,然后谷歌面临反诉。 +"In this paper, the stability problems on straight and circular curved tracks for each vehicle in the train set are studied.",论文研究了列车中各车辆在直线上和大半径圆曲线上的蛇行稳定性问题。 +They are tireless in hunting for super profits.,他们不倦地追求超额利润。 +Most of the real dictionaries I looked at would agree that a gloss is “a brief explanation.”,我查看的大部分辞典都会同意这一说法--gloss即为“一个言简意赅的解释”。 +If you have a magazine subscription and just can't throw them out month after month choose a spot to collect them.,如果你订有杂志,不能每月都扔,就选个地方先把它们收集起来。 +"Some or all of the selected certificates are issuers (CA certificates) for other, non-selected certificates.",所选的部分或全部证书为其它未选证书的颁发机构。 +"For Local home interface, specify com.ibm.wts.WTSLocalHome.",对于 Local home interface,指定 com.ibm.wts.WTSLocalHome。 +"A rabbi married the couple a few weeks later, under a baldachin made of four brooms and an old blanket.",几周后一位犹太教教士主持了这对夫妇的婚礼,在四根扫帚和一块旧毯子建起的顶棚下。 +"Alarm on shock, trigger and robbery.",振动报警、触发报警、防抢报警。 +Varese Ligure is a small town in mountainous country east of Genoa .,瓦雷泽古雷是位于热那亚以东山区的一座小城。 +"Even Zhaxian of the blooming Epiphyllum have wantonly, even if the meteor is rapidly have too much of the combustion.",即使是乍现的昙花也曾肆意的绽放过,即使是瞬息的流星也曾尽情的燃烧过。 +I kept trying to shake him. He told a friend of mine that he had fallen ‘deeply and irrevocably in love’ with me.,“当我离开时,我就预感我会嫁给这个男人”,她说道,“我不停的跟他握手,他跟我一个朋友说他已经无可救药地深深地爱上了我��� +"Aging of power equipments is serious and power accidents occur frequently because of longtime high load operation and lack of renewal and maintenance in time, which always causes irremediable loss.",长时间的高负荷运行加上无法及时进行更新维护,使得变电站电力设备老化现象严重、电力事故频发,往往造成不可挽回的损失。 +"In the late '20s, when talking pictures replaced the silents, theaters converted to sound within two years.",二零年代末期是大家谈论有声影片取代默剧,电影院在两年内转型播放有声电影的时代。 +Britten is also an excellent pianist.,布里顿还是一位优秀的钢琴演奏家。 +"Though 14000 people had been rescued, 4000 were still in the town awaiting the arrival of PLA troops.",目前已营救出1.4万人,但仍有4000人被困,解放军兵分4路展开搜救。 +The Abrahamic faith is the target for you and me!,亚伯拉罕的信心是今天你、我信仰的指标! +"These two hotels mentioned above are properties under the management of Regal Hotels International, the largest hotels group in Hong Kong.",这两家酒店都隶属于香港富豪酒店集团——现时全港最具规模的酒店集团。 +"The means of guarantee stipulated by this law are guarantee, mortgage, hypothecation , lien and deposits.",本法规定的担保方式为保证、抵押、质押、留置和定金。 +All of the classes have to decide quickly and hand in their plans today.,所有的班级都必须快点决定并且今天缴交计画。 +Purpose:To improve the X-ray diagnostic accuracy of alveolar cell carcinoma.,前言: 目的:提高肺泡癌的X线诊断与鉴别诊断能力。 +"Also enjoying the show in Denver... Preston Fluekiger, 5, pulls away from Abigail Crandall, 3, in the pedal tractor pull competition.",在美国丹佛举行的一场脚踏拖拉机比赛中,5岁的佛鲁金格超过了3岁的克兰德尔。 +You have kept up the pressure for change.,你们继续为变革施加压力。 +Holiday Inn central Plaza Beijing is developed by the Beijing Capital Group and is managed by InterContinental Hotels Group.,北京中环假日酒店是由首创集团开发,由洲际酒店集团管理的国际四星级标准酒店。 +"With the development of miniaturization and precision of electromechanical products, a higher control precision is presented for the miniature screw joint.",随着机电产品的微小型化、精密化发展,对微小型螺纹联接的控制要求也越来越高。 +"The US faces a rather easy to manage short run fiscal crisis, and very challenging long-term fiscal and growth problems.",美国面临着一个相当容易解决的短期债务危机,和一个非常具有挑战性的长期债务和增长问题。 +"In order to fully reflect the yearning and wishes, some people simply will ""fu"" character topsy-turvy stick, said ""happiness has to"" ""blessing has to"".",为了更充分地体现这种向往和祝愿,有的人干脆将“福”字倒过来贴,表示“幸福已到”“福气已到”。 +The following two charts show the movement in yields of the U.S. 2 year and 5 year note over between 2001 and 2002.,下面两个图表显示了在2001至2002年度的某个时段中,2年期国债与5年期国债的收益率曲线的变化情况。 +"Using Last.fm and Facebook's Beacon as an example, Kiss painted a picture of a web where personalized recommendation services can feed us information on new music, new products, and where to eat.",以Last.fm和Facebook的Beacon作为例子,Kiss描绘了一幅web的场景:由个性化推荐的服务向用户提供有关新音乐、新产品以及去哪里吃等方面的信息。 +The bulk of it is found in Bolivia.,大部分锂矿存储于玻利维亚。 +"Adding to the heightened jitters, ratings agency Moody's placed Greece's ratings on review for a possible downgrade after markets closed.","在欧洲股市收市后,评级机构穆迪称因担心希腊可能债务重组,或下调希腊评等数个级距.[GR-CMN]消息加重市场的不安情绪." +It was an unmanned biplane with player-piano bellows to power its gyroscope and a cash-register mechanism that calculated distance flown by counting the rotations of a propeller-like rotor.,这是一个无人驾驶的双翼飞机,它有著自动钢琴的风箱来为迴旋装置提供动力,以及一个收银机的机械装置——通过记录类似螺旋推进器的转子的旋转次数来计算飞行的距离。 +Objective:To investigate the effect of abdominal surgical diseases in neonates on intraabdominal pressure and the changes of perioperative intraabdominal pressure.,目的:了解新生儿腹部外科疾病对腹内压的影响及围术期腹内压的变化规律。 +"It's a brooch, a present from my elder brother.",是胸针,是我哥哥送我的礼物。 +"Trade was important to China and the goods that China was known for -- silk, porcelain, and art -- were highly sought out by the West.",贸易对中国很重要,中国的产品以丝绸、瓷器和艺术最为出名,���西方备受欢迎。 丝绸之路,让西方人看到了精美的中国产品。 +The troops mustered on the hill .,部队在小山上集合。 +The development and production of unsaturated polyester resin at home and abroad were introduced. The application of unsaturated polyester resin in China was also expounded.,介绍了国内外不饱和聚酯树脂的开发与生产概况,阐述了国内在不饱和聚酯树脂方面的应用情况。 +"But because of Chinese and Western cultural tradition is away from the discrepancy with enlightenment circumstances, the mutual sight of democracy is fountainhead go up have the gap on shelf degree.",但由于中西“文化元精神”的歧离与启蒙境遇的差异,双方的“民主”观在价值源头上就存在着层次上的差距。 +"If Krzyzewski had to overcome the ego issue when Bryant joined up last summer, no one else had come in asking if he could concentrate on defense.",如果老K教练在科比去年夏天第一个加入时解决了以自我为中心的问题,他就让科比专注于防守。 +You will build a second script that will read the .crt file created previously and add it to the keyring of a queue manager.,您将构建第二个脚本,该脚本将读取先前创建的那个 .crt 文件并将它添加到一个队列管理器的密匙环。 +"Rachel: Well now, how-how do you fit into this whole thing?",瑞秋:现在,这件事你要怎么办? +Knowledge of geometry is one of land management domain knowledge that can be identified by the geometric characteristics of attribution.,几何知识是依据几何特征属性识别的土地管理领域知识之一。 +"It showcases how Free and Open Source Software can be used in and benefit busineses, non-profits, education as well as for the individual.",它展示自由与开源软件如何在企业、非营利组织和教育机构以及个人中得到应用并获益。 +"A recent case of the death penalty being given for economic crimes was Yang Yanming, convicted of a 100 million yuan (€11.6 million) fraud, who would not say where the money was.",最近的一个经济案件死刑犯是杨彦明,其罪名是10亿元人民币(1160万欧元)的欺诈,且拒不交代赃款去向。 +"Maggie Cheung many people feel that Chinese women have the gentle beauty of the feeling that only he can on behalf of the Chinese women, and think that she is in movies is the best feeling.",很多人都觉得张曼玉拥有中国女性的阴柔之美,认为只有他的感觉才能代表中国的女性,并且觉得她在电影中的感觉才是最好的。 +An FC with mentality of 18 will look to attack 90% of the time.,一个心态是18的前锋会在90%的时间里进攻。 +I call her continously but the line is always busy.,我不停地打电话给她,但老是占线。 +The researchers combined historical datasets (from 1980–2005) with climate hazard maps for five climate-related risks.,这组科学家综合了历史数据(来自1980-2005年)和关于5种与气候有关风险的气候危险地图。 +"Results The drug group and the conservative surgery group tubal patency rates were as follows: 55.28%, 91.75%, the difference was significant.",结果药物组与保守性手术组输卵管通畅率分别为55.28%、91.75%,差异有显著性。 +The molecular marker technique was developed quickly and was widely applied in coconut germplasm research and coconut breeding of the other country.,快速发展的分子标记技术已经在国外椰子种质资源和育种研究中得到了广泛的应用。 +"""Joe and I talked about it at great length – what if he was an African-American and how interesting it would be, "" Bendis said.",“乔和我对这个问题做了长远考虑——如果把蜘蛛侠设定为非裔美籍会怎样,故事的趣味性会有多高,”本迪斯说。 +"Charles Kernot, a mining analyst with Evolution Securities, said it looked as though Rio had ""bowed to the inevitable and put the Chinalco transaction in the bin.""",益华证券矿业分析师查尔斯·克诺特说,这看上去好像是力拓“迫于无奈将中铝交易案束之高阁。” +"Wind blowing softly, clouds drifting slowly.",风悠悠,云悠悠。 +"Shales and clays are responsible for most natural radioactivity, so the gamma ray log often is a good indicator of such rocks.",泥质和粘土是主要的自然放射性源,因此伽马射线测井可以很好地指示这类岩石。 +So it is particularly interesting to see that on a burger basis the euro is still overvalued when compared with many other rich-world currencies.,所以特有趣看到在汉堡的基础上,欧元和其他富国货币相比仍然增值着。 +"In 2002, Doctors refer to Medical Proctitioners Senior and Junior Nurses refer to Registered Nurses. Table16-5 is the same.",2002年以后的医生数为执业医师和执业助理医师,护师、护士数为注册护士数,16-5同口径。 +"I walk past the lotus, I see flowers everywhere. Under the summer with clean water and green leaves, lotus seeds fall into this great scenery.",我走过六月荷塘看见花开明媚,请水绿叶的夏天,莲子的香甜浸责着这一季的风景。 +Work through your pool of winners until you either make a hire or exhaust the list of candidates.,在一大堆的“赢家”中挑选,直到你下聘书、进行聘用为止,要么穷尽所有的应聘者。 +"What often gets lost in the heated rhetoric, though, is that American and Chinese officials actually agree in principle that more balanced trade is healthier for the global economy.",然而,通常让人迷失在花言巧语中的,正是美国与中国政府之间实际上同意着某些原则,那就是认为更加平衡的贸易会更有利于世界经济。 +In cases of tuberculosis blood is expectorated.,肺结核病有咯血症状。 +"Some girls are all about it. Some girls, they love to let it fly. Some girls, no doubt about it. Some girls are born to make you cry.",有些女孩就是那样。有些女孩喜欢不理不睬。有些女孩,毫无疑问。有些女孩生来就会让你哭泣。 +"If love is great, and there are no greater things, then what I feel for you must be the greatest. - Unknown.",如果没有比爱更美好的事情,那么我对你的感觉是最美好的。 +"A crunch in the gravel, and someone rounded the vat.",碎石嘎吱作响,有人绕到这只染缸这儿来了。 +"I wish you'd get rid of that old jacket, it's full of holes.",我希望你将那件旧茄克衫处理掉,它完全破了。 +Rare breed from planting to be finished after 200 multi-channel processes.,名贵品种从种植到成品要经过200多道道工序。 +"Because of obesity-related symptoms, for acne, chloasma, gynecological inflammation and arthritis, lumbar muscle strain and others have a very good improvement.",因肥胖引起的相关症状,对青春痘、黄褐斑、妇科炎症及关节炎、腰肌劳损等都有很好的改善作用。 +"Furthermore, the DORA approach is unconditionally stable, so the restriction of the so-called Courant-Friederichs-Levy condition is vanished.",和特徵线法相比,不受库朗稳定性条件约束,无条件稳定。 +The iterative construction of interpolating space is discussed by K-method and it is characterized by linear operator.,用K方法讨论内插空间的迭代构造,并用线性算子对其特征进行研究。 +Getting to a new channel before a competitor can be key to owning mindshare and traffic from that source.,先于竞争对手进入一个新的渠道对获得意识占有率并获得该渠道的流量很重要。 +A buffer with Miller compensation and feed-forward path for charge pump of TFT-LCD driver IC was designed.,针对TFT-LCD驱动芯片的电荷泵,设计了一个带密勒补偿和一条前馈通路的缓冲电路。 +"The army had been compelled to retreat from Vilna owing to various complex considerations of state, of policy, and tactics.",由于各种复杂的,国家的、政治的和战略的原因,军队从维尔纳撤退了。 +"With the otoscope, the doctor can see your eardrum , the thin membrane between your outer and middle ear.",通过耳镜,医生可以看见骨膜,骨膜是中耳和外耳的分隔。 +"For the third brew, pour teainto the tea pitcher and pour in the same cups from the first brew; then return to your seat and give yourself some tea.",这次将泡妥的茶倒入茶盅,端茶盅出去奉茶给自己刚才风出去的杯子内,回到座位后给自己倒上一杯。 +"Reporter: How would you distinguish ""socialized"" fire departments and ""socialized"" fire insurance companies? Or would you be in favor of socialized fire insurance also?",记者:你怎么区分“公费”消防署和“公费”火灾保险公司?或者你也支持公费火灾保险吗? +"Osteoporosis is a condition in which bones become less dense, more porous, and more susceptible to fractures.",骨质疏松症是指骨密度的下降,骨小梁稀疏,更易发生骨折。 +"I was always amazed how you would call me into your room and after I offered my obeisances, you would look at me and innocently say, ""Can you give me massage now?""",我总是惊讶于您怎么会把我叫进您的房间并在我顶拜了您后,您会看着我然后天真地说,“现在你可以给我按摩吗?” +Agricultural Tax include tobacco Tax (the same as following tables).,农业特产税中含烟叶税(下同)。 +Objective To understand the epidemiological characteristics of sexually transmitted diseases(STD)in Zoucheng Cityfrom2001to2004and provide evidence for control and prevention of STD.,目的了解邹城市2001~2004年性病流行病学特征,为制定性病防制措施提供科学依据。 +"His original name was Xiao Hua, but, as time went by, Hua Hua, Da Hua and finally, Lao Hua, his name was changed with the growth of age.",他最初的名字叫“小花”,后来随着年龄的增长,名字也从“小花”再到“花花”、“大花”、“老花”一路变化着。 +"Front and back good glasses, jointed rabbet moving system, easy cleaning.",前后优质���璃,嵌件组成传动机构,清洗方便。 +"In contrast, the FBW7-deficient cells were resistant to a different family of cancer-fighting drugs called BCL2 inhibitors.",与此相反,FBW7基因缺陷的细胞则会对另一类BCL2抑制剂的抗癌药物产生耐药。 +The layout of the metropolitan port in variation backwater zone is studied and some suggestions are given.,探索主城变动回水区的港区布局问题,并提出建议。 +The network is divided into three levels in structure.,线网从结构上分为三个层次。 +Have you stopped beating your wife?,你没再打你的老婆了吧? +"The new Kaixin.com soon became popular, perhaps in part because some users thought they were logging onto Kaixin001.com.",这个新Kaixin.com迅速蹿红,可能是因为有些用户以为他们登陆的是Kaixin001.com。 +An optimal cross-layer design aiming at minimizing the overall packet loss rate (PLR) is proposed.,提出了一种以系统总丢包率最小化为目标的跨层设计。 +Delicatessen usually require little preparation for serving.,熟食一般不需另加烹调便可食用。 +"With that said, I would never promote some sort of ""physical product"" like a lawn mower, refrigerator, tool set, dishes, etc...",话虽如此,我从不推广“实体产品”,比如割草机,冰箱,工具箱,以及杯碗瓢盆之类。 +"This concept makes clear that capitalism emerged in Europe long before elsewhere, with the exception of the United States, where European settlers brought many ideas and institutions with them.",这个概念表明,资本主义在欧洲的萌芽远远早于其他地区,只有美国例外,因为欧洲移民到美洲定居时带来了很多思想和制度。 +Don't tease my child.,别逗弄我的孩子! +"Durasteel, a composite panel composed of a fiber cement core mechanically bonded to pierced steel sheets on both outer surfaces.",耐用钢板是一种里面是纤维水泥芯板、两个面板是穿孔的钢片经机械压制和芯板粘结在一起的复合钢板。 +"Nuclear leak made people develop a disease called ""radiophobia"".",核辐射使人们患上了一种称作“辐射恐惧症”的疾病。 +"In addition, the existing of quantum non-cloning theory leads to the birth of quantum cryptograph .",再者,由量子态不可克隆的特性产生了量子密码学。 +"Now, we've known for a long time that empathetic feeling is not logically linked to morality.","我们很久以前就知道,移情和道德之间没有逻辑关系。" +"Pard, there's thousands of dollars here, 'said Injun Joe.",“ 伙计, 箱子有一千块钱。”印第安-乔说道。 +"A village of northeast Illinois west of Chicago. It is mainly residential. Population, 15, 177.",福雷斯特帕克美国伊利诺州东北的一座城镇,位于芝加哥以西。主要为住宅区。人口15,177。 +The marker's first number represents time in abstract units; the second optional number enclosed in parenthesis is the number of requests that terminate at this point.,标记的第一个数字表示以抽象单位计算的时间;第二个使用圆括号括起的可选数字表示在该点终止的请求数。 +Background: Most trespasses punishable under federal law involve federal lands or property.,背景:大多数依据联邦法律该罚的非法入侵涉及到联邦的土地或财产。 +"Based on above works, the cracking trend with general significance, that is to say, the cracking risk in construction period is far greater than service period has been found.",对前人已经研究成熟的问题进行了系统分类和总结,并且找到了具有一定普遍意义的开裂趋势:建设期的开裂风险远大于使用期和老化期。 +"""Allocations of males were, on average, slightly greater than allocations of females, although there were almost twice as many female participants, "" the researchers added.",研究人员说:“尽管参与该研究的女性数量为男性的近两倍,但平均来看,男性分给别人的代币还是要略多于女性,” +He adopted a straight-forward attitude in sex literature which showed much concern about women liberation and put forward the idea that sex liberation was equally important in women lib…,他对性文艺的态度鲜明,关注妇女解放,认为“性的解放在妇女解放中的重要地位”同经济因素同等重要。 +Those algorithms are discussed and an algorithm which can be used in weather forecast is given.,最后提出一个利用决策树分类技术进行月降雨预报的算法。 +"Instead of wasting countless dollars on drugstore trial and error, book a professional makeup or color appointment and you'll never buy the wrong product again.",不要将数不清的钱对药店反复试验,不断摸索。定一次化妆品或者发色专业预约,这样你将绝对不再买错商品。 +You could talk to us at the beginning or at the end of class.,你们可以在课前或课后与我们交谈 +Chemical components of chicory are analyzed in this paper.,对奇可力的化学成分进行了分析。 +Ross: I'm fine. Just-just… having my worst fear realised…,我没事,只是,我最害怕的事情终于发生了… +"Here in the UK, the life insurance market is grown up and saturated, and has been for a while.",在英国这里,人寿保险公司不断增长以至达到饱和,且已经有一段时间。 +The child got egg on his face while eating.,这小孩吃东西时把蛋沾在脸上。 +My boyfriend has walked out on me and good riddance t him!,我的男朋友离开了我,谢天谢地,我总算摆脱他了! +Sit with how that makes you feel. Pay attention to where you feel the physical discomfort. What does the mental anguish feel like?,感受一下这个谎言让你有什么感觉。注意一下你的身体哪里会感觉不舒服,你的精神上的痛苦是什么样的? +"Since the focus of this article is server-side development, I won't discuss those features here.",由于本文的重点是服务器端开发,因此我在这里不会讨论这些功能。 +"That is, for every rack of blade servers, a hosting company may force you to have several empty spaces around that rack for cooling reasons.",即,对于每个有刀片服务器的机架,托管公司都会以制冷为由强迫客户在该机架留出空间。 +"Sex is good. Pillow talk is better. Sex is easy, intimacy is difficult. It requires honesty, openness, self-disclosure, confiding concerns, fears, sadnesses as well as hopes and dreams.",性很容易,但亲密却很难,它需要诚实、开放、自我袒露,以及在关切、恐惧、悲伤和梦想与希望上的不做作。 +"Many virus writers seek only to infect systems , not to damage them , so their viruses do not inflict intentional harm.",许多病毒作者仅仅是为了感染系统,并不想搞破坏,因此他们制作的病毒并不蓄意加害。 +"""We slowed down our car when we drove into the gate of the community, and they braked behind us. Then we were beaten, "" said Yang, the wife, whose head was wrapped in gauze after the beating.",“在我们刚要拐入小区大门减速时,他们在我们后面停下了车,接着我们就被打了”,头部用纱布包住的杨女士在事后说到。 +"In the literature of the heian dynasty, expecially the monogatari literature, the feast assembles a lot of elements to provide a space for the characters to communicate as a special existence.",平安朝文学,特别是物语文学中,宴会集中了诸多要素,作为一个独特的存在为作品人物提供了交流的场所。 +"In the course of an unexpected return visit, working on a film, she meets a woman who leads her to re-examine how much she has lost.",在一次意料之外的故地重游中,由于她工作的那部电影,她遇到了一个女人并在她的引领下再次检验了她失去的究竟有多少。 +Chloe will be reminded of these conversations in four minutes.,克洛伊会记住这四分钟的谈话。 +"The turned process nature to also cause people demesne widespread attention of Russia, Eastern European country.",俄罗斯、东欧国家的私有化进程自然也引起了人们的普遍关注。 +"Standing up straight, bend the right knee until it touches the floor ─ the left knee will naturally bend a bit ─ and keep the back straight.",行这礼的时候,先要站直,屈右膝至与地面接触,左膝要很自然地屈曲小小,背部要直。 +"Next, spread about a quarter-inch layer of charcoal over the gravel to absorb odors. Then add at least two inches of potting soil, or more depending on the types and sizes of your plants.",在砾石上放一层苔藓或者麻布是不错的选择,这样就能防止灰尘进入砾石中,接下来再铺上一层1/4英寸的活性炭来吸收挥发物,最后根据你的需要和植物的种类加上至少2英寸厚的土壤。 +"Steel drag chain by a combination of steel and aluminium can make to order, plastic drag chain say again engineering drag chain, tank chain.",钢制拖链由钢铝组合而成可以定做,塑料拖链又称工程拖链,坦克链。 +The censure of the which one must in your allowance o'erweigh a whole theatre of others.,你必须看重这样一个卓识者的批评甚于满场观众盲目的毁誉。啊! +"In non-life insurance, the premium valuation, loss and claim of insurance are the core issue, and to consider the premium pricing must first know the loss distribution.",在非寿险中,保费计价、损失理赔是保险业务的核心问题,而给保费定价首先必须知道所考虑险种的损失分布。 +This is why the archdeacon was not interred in consecrated earth.,这就是副主教没有被安葬在圣地里的原因。 +The introduction part introduces the purposes and reasons of doing this research and the appendix part show some samples of teaching journals which are got from the interviewees.,论文的引言部分对选题的目的和意义进行了简单论述,附录部分提供了笔者在调查中所收集到的一些形式各异的教学日志。 +"A Chinese Ready New York seminar was held in Chinatown. The events was organized by American Red Cross of Greater New York, and co-sponsored by CCBA, CPC and Chinatown YMCA.",由大纽约区红十字会主办,中华公所、华策会、 华埠青年会合办的大型中文应急讲座在孙逸仙初中举行。 +Extraordinarily gentle cherry creme extracts favor this mild mixture with beguiling taste and flavor.,非常温和的樱桃奶油提取赞成这一轻度混合与逗趣的味道和香味。 +She finally settled somewhere on a bench behind the outdoor classrooms.,最后,茱莉亚靠在了教室外面的长椅背上。 +"The answers, my friends, will be blowing through and creating the winds of the twenty-first century.",我的朋友,这些问题的答案将主导二十一世纪的风向,并将贯穿整个世纪。 +He is a shoo-in for the office of mayor.,他一定稳赢市长的职位。 +But it is very possible to make non- GM content inks.,但它很可能使非基因改造的内容油墨“ 。 +"Carry on- move forward, hold your head high.",加油——向前走去,把你的头颅高高抬起。 +"At this point, we are ready to run the clustering algorithm.",至此,我们已经可以运行这个群集算法了。 +There is still no sign of cotton out of rangebound pattern.,目前仍没有迹象棉花可以摆脱区间震荡格局。 +"Rush-bottomed arm-chairs faced each other across the tiled hearth, and rows of Delft plates stood on shelves against the walls.",两把灯心草根做的扶手椅面对面摆在铺了瓷砖的壁炉地面两侧,靠墙的架子里是一排排德尔夫特生产的陶瓷盘子。 +Proteomics is a hot topic in research of life science. It is worth our serious thinking how to introduce it into the study of syndromes in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM).,蛋白质组学作为生命科学研究领域的一大热点,如何将其引入中医证候研究值得我们认真思考。 +L F Wade International Airport in Bermuda is the unlikely location for the launch of a new self-service electronic luggage tracing system by air industry technology firm SITA.,令人感到不可思议的是,航空公司信息技术供应商SITA居然选择百慕大L F Wade国际机场率先推出其自助式电子行李追踪系统。 +"This is far from sound reasoning. Hence, I offered briefly my view on the relation between Dharma practice and human affairs above to help clarify the matter.",此与真正道理不合,因就修行与人事之关联,略申己见,以助厘清真理。 +But the German public was still shocked by the blatant cynicism of his final act.,但是德国民众仍然瞠目结舌于他最后行为的明目张胆与玩世不恭。 +"'The North Koreans appear to be moving missile-related equipment around, but it's too early to say whether or not they will proceed with an actual test, ' said a U.",美国一位反核扩散官员周二表示,朝鲜人似乎正在移动导弹相关装备,不过,现在断言他们是否会真地试射导弹还为时过早。 +That mom drained her life savings to defend you?,妈妈用一生的心血护着你? +"I would like to spread the heat which I have received from the sun, I would like to lose my life in order to give the human world some warmth.",我愿意把我从太阳那里受到的热放散出来,我愿意把自己烧得粉身碎骨给人间添加点点温暖。 +Kinds of two-faced comfort functional mesh knitted fabrics are designed and knitted using cotton and novel groove type synthetic fiber.,以棉和沟槽型新型合纤作原料,设计编织了几种舒适性双面网眼功能针织物。 +He was convicted of killing an Israeli in front of his four-year-old daughter in 1979 and then smashing her head with a rifle butt.,他由于当着一个4岁以色列女孩儿的面杀害了她的父亲,然后用枪托砸碎了这个女孩儿的头,被以色列法庭裁定有罪。 +"It takes more than twice the energy use, and methane production almost triples in grass-fed beef.",但是这样的生产需要超过两倍的能量,并且甲烷的产量几乎是青草饲养肉牛的三倍。 +"Put yourselves in array against Babylon round about: all ye that bend the bow, shoot at her, spare no arrows: for she hath sinned against the LORD.",所有拉弓的,你们要在巴比伦的四围摆阵,射箭攻击她。 不要爱惜箭枝,因她得罪了耶和华。 +Nitrification and heterotrophic bacteria that was screened and separated from digestion sludge is used to treat schoolyard domestic sewage.,从消化污泥中筛选、分离出具有硝化作用的异养菌用于校园生活污水的处理。 +His team looked for targets for which drugs already exist.,El-Sayed表示,他的团队的研究主要是为现有药物寻找新靶点。 +He said he went to the beach every Saturday.,他说他每周六去海滩。 +Currently aluminum fluoride process by dry process is being rapidly developed in China. The paper discusses the physical and chemical principles and process condition of the dry process.,我国正在加速发展干法氟化铝新工艺,本文讨论了干法工艺的物理化学原理和工艺技术。 +A little gutter.,一个小排水沟。 +"In order to make these choices meaningful while creating an epic story and well-developed characters for each faction, we needed to focus on a single race for a large number of missions.",为了在保证这些要素的前提下营造史诗般的剧情体验并深入展现各方角色,我们必须为每个种族准备大量的关卡。 +"A month of intense competition, we are here for you to prepare a sexy football baby, rich activities prizes, comfortable watching the ball environment.",为期一个月的激烈角逐,我们在这里为你准备好了性感的足球宝贝,丰富的活动奖品,舒适的看球环境。 +"Ater citing the dates, name the degree or certificate you received or are working toward.",在提及日期之后,说明那个你所获得的或正在学习以期获得的学位或证书。 +"If you begin to have fever, chills, vomiting, are unable to urinate, or experience drainage from your incisions you should call your surgeon immediately.",如果你开始有发热、打寒颤、呕吐、不能排尿、或者有东西从手术的切口处流出,请立刻通知你的外科医生。 +"By 1959, fissures had emerged between Malcolm and Elijah Muhammad.",到1959年,马尔科姆和伊莱贾·穆罕默德之间的关系出现了裂缝。 +Super fast rectifier. Negative CT. Maximum recurrent peak reverse voltage 300 V. Maximum average forward rectified current 16.0 A.,超快速整流器。 CT阴性。经常性的最大峰值反向电压300五,最大正向平均整流电流16.0答。 +"And in the end, the development strategy of the Company has been advanced.",并在此基础上提出了南海卓智资讯有限公司的发展战略。 +It riles us that he won't go shopping with us.,他不跟我们一起去商店买东西,真让人生气。 +The Film Council became a means by which lottery money was transferred to the Hollywood studios.,电影委员会已经成了一种把彩票收入转帐给好莱坞大制片厂的工具。 +Objective To investigate the clinical efficacy of matched apheresis platelet by cross matching test.,目的探讨经血小板交叉配合试验的配合单采血小板的临床输注效果。 +This is a form of therapy where people allegedly access previous lives in the course of hypnosis.,这是据人们所说的去过前世生活的催眠状态过程中的一种治疗方法。 +"Any irrational form of stigmatization, be it based on race, gender, or religion, automatically assigns individuals who have that trait to an inferior category.",任何非理性的羞辱,无论基于种族、性别或宗教原因,都等于把有那种特徵的人视为下等。 +"A linden-tree showed its crest above the niche, and the wall was covered with ivy on the side of the Rue Polonceau.",一棵菩提树的枝桠从斜壁的顶上伸出来,靠波隆梭街一面的墙上盖满了常春藤。 +"The growth process in the future, if it is found that the leaves yellow, thin, need a small amount of fertilizer topdressing, help seedling growth.",在以后的生长过程中,如果发现叶黄、细弱,需追施少量化肥,助苗生长。 +"She scold the hen and her divorce, HongGuoRong framed up product if the thief, these make product if there is a pressure and jump into the ocean suicide.",她骂世贤和她离婚,洪国荣诬害品如是小偷,这些令品若有了压力而跳海自杀。 +"However, if the whole year 2010 should be evaluated (all 365,000 rows), accessing the rows using the index causes processing overhead, because the complete table has to be read anyway.",但是,如果需要计算 2010 年全年,则使用索引访问行会导致处理开销,因为无论如何都需要读取整张表。 +"But we explain that if you mentally spend that 100 dollars 1000 times today, you’ve vibrationally spent 100.000 dollars.",但是我们解释说,如果今天你在精神上花费了100元1000次,你就已经振动式消费了100,000元。 +It also supports a variety of collision primitives (such as sphere and plane) and several collision spaces.,它还可以支持各种碰撞原语(例如球面碰撞和平面碰撞)和几个碰撞空间。 +"With the increase of the number of the hydroxyethyl on nitrogen atom, the surface excessive concentration of AEAC was increased. However, the area of AEAC molecu…",AEAC的表面过剩浓度随N原子上羟乙基数的增加而增加,但表面分子面积减小。 +"So, after taking the test on Dec. 2, they flew to the Nepalese town of Simara, went from there to Birganj by taxi, and then by auto-rickshaw across the border.",因此,在12月2日考试结束后,他们就飞往尼泊尔小镇Simara,在那里坐出租车赶到比尔根杰,然后乘三轮车进入了印度境内。 +The focus of therapeutic antibody development has been shifting to human antibodies because of their advantage of non-immunogenic and suitable for in vivo use.,由于人源抗体对人体免疫源性低,更适于体内应用,目前抗体药物的研制逐渐发展到以人源抗体为主。 +So he wrote a letter and then glued a stamp onto the envelope.,于是他写了一封信并在信封上粘贴了一张邮票。 +"In France, hundreds of thousands of workers have taken to the streets in recent weeks to protest President Nicolas Sarkozy's plans to raise the retirement age from 60 to 62.",在法国,数以十万计的工人在最近几个星期的走上街头,以抗议总统萨科齐将退休年龄从60岁提高到62岁的计划。 +"In this paper, on researching of joint face distribution distances, the appearing possibility of different dimensions of block was analyzed.",本文从岩体内节理面的间距分布参数出发, 对不同大小块体的出现概率进行了分析。 +"Gen. Jin revealed for the first time that the officials, whom the government had previously said were guilty of corruption, were actually convicted of espionage.",其中包括一名前任驻韩国大使和中国核能项目一名前任负责人。 金一南首次透露,政府先前说犯有腐败罪行的这几名官员实际上是被判了间谍罪。 +Hot or cold peach and mint-flavored green tea drinks keep my momentum going during the day.,白天有热的或者凉的桃花或是薄荷味的绿茶使我保持动力。 +"In the past week, she had become a principal means of support for her community. Every day, she’d come into the center of town and tried to return with food and other essentials.",在过去的一个星期里,她成了社区的主心骨,每一天,她都会来镇中心,尽可能带些食物和必需品回去。 +The relationship between capacity and service life of 6DZM10 type VRLA batteries for EBs was described.,阐述了电动自行车用6DZM10阀控密封铅蓄电池的容量和使用寿命之间的关系; +"Light nylon Park hole wire over the past few days the market is ""with"", the products are mainly used to produce decorative fabrics.",有光锦纶园孔丝近几天市场呈“挟量走动”,产品主要用于生产装饰布料。 +"Only has proven reserves of mineral resources in, there are 13 kinds of metallic minerals and 29 kinds of non-metallic minerals.",仅目前已探明储量的矿藏中,就有13种金属矿和29种非金属矿。 +Scientists have long suspected that the brain stores the memory of an event in more than one place. A new study provides solid evidence for this scattered record-keeping.,长期以来科学家们一直在揣测,人类在进行记忆时是将其分散在大脑的不同区域存储的。最近,美国加州大学的一项研究再一次为这一理论提供了可靠证据。 +"According to a general surrey of gynecology, we found in our city 57.10% married women among 1296 ones had got cervical erosion.",通过妇科普查发现我市1296名已婚妇女中患宫颈糜烂的占57.10%,本文对宫颈糜烂患者与职业、年龄及妊娠次数间的关系进行了分析。 +"I am a gentle, kind, sincere, warm-hearted, passionate man who desires to do something meaningful with his life.",我是一个温柔,善良,真诚,热心,有激情并且希望用有限的生命来做更多有意义的事的人。 +"And he writes, for example, to Mary: ""I am moreover undecided whether I ought to continue to hold slaves.""","于是他便写给玛丽,比如这段,""我无法确定,我是否该继续拥有那些奴隶""" +"That is the equality of things"" main principle, meanwhile, it also reveals that it is a approach to mental freedom. As we all know .""",这是齐物论的立说宗旨,同时也显示了它不过是通往精神自由的桥梁。 +"Look all the way seem downwind with the stream, little imagine life and death arrives.",一路看似顺风顺水,殊不知生死降临。 +"The count was overjoyed at Anna Mihalovna's undertaking one part of his commissions, and gave orders for the carriage to be brought round for her.",伯爵很高兴,安娜·米哈伊洛夫娜能承担他的一部分任务,于是他吩咐给她套一辆四轮轿式小马车。 +"Resetting. When the class, structure, or module defining the property is being terminated, reset the sensitive data to default values or to other meaningless values.",正在结束定义属性的类别、结构或模组时,请将敏感资料重设为预设值,或重设为其他不具意义的值。 +"Gustav Klimt's ""The Kiss"" is characteristic of his work: erotically charged, dazzlingly embellished and rich in gleaming gold tones.",克里姆特的“吻”是他的工作特点:情欲收费,耀眼闪烁的金色点缀和丰富的色调。 +"The U. S. was the second-highest country by that measure, after United Arab Emirates, while Japan ranked 27th.",美国在这项指标中排名世界第二﹐阿联酋高居第一﹐日本则位列第27位。 +"Specifically, the RPV of a development effort is calculated as a call option to buy the benefits of the completed project.",明确地讲,开发工作的 RPV 是按照购买完整项目的利益的需求选择计算的。 +"""The data show a true association,"" Dr. Lewis Morgenstern of the University of Michigan's stroke program, who led the study, said in a statement.",“数据显示出真实的关联,”领导该研究的密西根大学中风项目的Lewis Morgenstern说道。 +"With the diversification and individualization of market demand, job shop manufacturing has been one of the main production mode in industrial enterprises.",随着市场需求的多样化和个性化,多品种小批量生产已成为当今工业企业主要的生产方式之一。 +Add dup your scores to measure your behavioural inhibition system (BIS).,测试的分数总和可以看出你的行为抑制系统。 +"Safety : The product is of edibility and long-time use safety, which is applicable to the hypersensitive skin without causing allergy.",安全性能:具有可食性及使用的长期安全性;适应过敏皮肤,不产生过敏。 +"The Gulf Coast, where most of the biggest US ports are concentrated, would be particularly at risk.",集中着大部分美国港口的墨西哥湾沿岸地区尤其危险。 +She went to the library in quest of something to read.,她到图书馆去找些东西来读。 +"Carrageenin, aspirin and cryo- aerotheapy were applied separately in 4 groups with glass container method to mensurate the size of the tumorous toes.",分4组,分别应用角叉菜胶、阿斯匹林,冷空气治疗,用玻璃容器法测量足跖肿胀容积。 +You need to have nerves of steel to be a fighter pilot.,当战斗机驾驶员必须非常沉着勇敢。 +"On Friday, tank and anti-aircraft fire joined the cacophony as the authorities tried to stop protesters taking to the streets again after prayers.",周五,由于当局试图阻止抗议者再次籍祈祷人群的掩护走上街头,坦克和防空部队也加入到噪音制造阵列之中。 +"The manual instructs the CIA""guerilla forces"" to engage in different ""false front""organizations designed to win the respect, trust, and influence ofthe enemy.",该手册指导CIA“非正规军”构造不同的被设计来博得敌人的恭敬、信任和对其的影响的“假面”构造。 +But we think this is the prettiest black-hole belch we’ve seen in a while.,但是我们认为那是我们目前见过的最美的黑洞大爆发。 +"And psychologically, a borrower that already has invested that much money in a property is less likely to walk away from an investment that is underwater.",而且就其心理而言,一位已经在一处房产上投资了这么多钱的贷款人不太可能就此放弃一项已经缩水的投资。 +"Effects of plant activator protein products on growth, yield and quality of cabbage were studied in farmland.",在大田生长条件下,进行了不同浓度植物激活蛋白制剂对白菜生长、产量以及品质的影响。 +The Payee Name is the name of the individual or company to whom the payment should be made out.,收款人的名字是钱款应该支付给的个人或者公司的名字。 +"Although you can create a single dynamic configuration file for all of your servers, I recommend creating two static configuration files, one for each.",尽管您可以为所有服务器创建一个惟一的动态配置文件,但我还是 建议您创建两个静态的配置文件,各用一个。 +She won't go away until you promise to help her .,她要等你答应帮助以后才肯走。 +Both of them adopt mix gas of CO_2 (98%) and PH_3 (2%) as fumigant which compressed in the cylinder. The system can kill all insects at each stage through long time fumigation at a low concentration.,二者均采用压缩在钢瓶中的98%CO_2和2%PH_3混合气体作为熏蒸剂,对粮仓进行低浓度长时间的熏蒸,以达到全部杀死各阶段粮食害虫的目的。 +"For instance, Vassar College in New York boasts 117 reviews and 42 videos, while the much larger University of Kansas has only 45 reviews and three videos.",比如,纽约瓦萨学院(Vassar College)的评论文章多达117篇,视频有42段,而规模大得多的堪萨斯大学(University of Kansas)却只有45篇评论和三段视频。 +"To accelerate the development of high-power wheel tractors in China, some proposals about the products developing and its technical principle which should be followed are provided.",就如何加速我国大功率轮式拖拉机产品的研制开发和应遵循的技术路线提出了建议。 +Connect school interns.,联系学校实习生。 +"I was really exhausted, so I followed them straight home for a big sleep.",我实在太累了,跟着他们回到家就倒头大睡。 +"Reflective modernity theory insists that industrial modernization is in complete self-overthrow, and earlier modernity will be replaced by advanced modernity.",自反性现代化理论认为,工业现代化正处于全面的自我颠覆之中,早期现代性将被高级现代性所取代。 +There is also described a polymerization process using the alkali metal salt to yield PEK with high inherent viscosity and improved mechanical and thermal properties.,还描述了一种 使用碱金属盐来生产具有高特性粘度和改���的机械和热性能的 PEK的聚合方法。 +"Leipings work suggests that one such change is an enhancement of the immune system to impede, restrain, and destroy the HIV virus.",任先生的研究声称,冬泳带来的变化之一,是通过人体免疫系统的提升,阻止抑止甚至摧毁艾滋病毒。 +The formation pro- cess and different formation causes of the in - cylinder flow field from two diesel models have been analyzed in this paper.,分析了两种柴油机气缸内流场的形成状况和不同的形成原因。 +"These people are anxious about the security of their property and, like their fellows in the countryside, are becoming more assertive .",他们极于想知道自己的物产有多安全,并且和农村里的同仁一样,变得更加坚持己见。 +"SANOA long-path differential optical absorption spectroscopy system is used to monitoring SO2, NO2 concentration in air automatic monitoring sub-station.",SANOA长光程差分吸收光谱监测系统,适用于空气自动监测子站SO2、NO2的测量。 +"Some teams will claim improvement through initiatives in specific areas, such as project and portfolio management, in IT governance, or in enterprise architecture.",有些团队将通过具体领域中的主动性进行提高,例如在 IT 控制中或者企业架构中的项目和投资管理。 +Look at everyday as an exciting adventure into uncharted teritory that is unique and created to provide the most life has to offer!,看每天作为是独特的,并且创造提供多数生活必须提供的一次扣人心弦的冒险,如果您提供援助并且设法劫掠它! +Color attributes is the essential concept of chromatics. It is very important to understand and apply color attributes accurately.,颜色属性是色彩学的基本概念,正确理解、应用颜色属性非常重要。 +They are changeless.,他们是不变的。 +I know that writing it down and talking to my friends helped to start the healing process.,我知道,将它们写下来,和告诉我的朋友,就帮助了启动康复过程。 +"Japan's prime minister, Naoto Kan, said in April that the government wanted to create a new “Japan Inc”, deepening the links between business and the state.",日本首相菅直人在4月份说政府希望创造一个新的“日本株式会社”,加深企业和国家之间的联系。 +You may remember that I had suggested in the lecture on the Nativity Ode that Milton may have thought of his career as if it were something like a race.,"你们可能记得我在的演说中,曾经设想的,弥尔顿或许把他的职业,看作无休止的竞赛与追逐。" +It is reported that fusel oil can be used for synthesising mixing esters mainly inclusding amyl acetate when it is heated and back-flowed with Catalyst oil of vitriol or canon exchange resin.,本文报告了以酒厂废料杂醇油为原料,在催化剂浓硫酸或阳离子交换树酯存在下,经加热回流与冰醋酸反应生成以乙酸异戊酯为主的混合酯。 +"In view of this, a variable pitch valve spring is designed to eliminate the axial shifting and radial drifting of the valve disk and improve the service life of the valve.",鉴于此,笔者试图设计泵阀的变螺距弹簧,以消除阀盘的纵向振谐窜动和径向失稳漂移,提高泵阀工作寿命。 +Her eyes fixed dead at the picture.,她死死地盯着那张照片。 +"Of course, this is the perfect time for a Dune Dervish to erupt into your field of vision, its blades spinning in a whirling frenzy.",当然,这是沙丘苦行僧出现在你视野里的极佳时机,它的刀刃旋转造成了狂乱的旋风。 +"Emergency responders assist a family displaced by a tornado near Tuscaloosa, Alabama, on Wednesday.",急救人员在帮助一个在星期三阿拉巴马州塔斯卡卢萨附近遭遇龙卷风失去家园的家庭。 +"These principles apply to requirements, too -- particularly to use cases.",这些原则对需求同样适用,尤其是用例。 +If you wanna lie to me If you'll ever see yourself Don't come …,如果要骗我 如果你看到自己 不要回来为我哭泣 因为你走得太远 如果您觉得… +"55—Sweat of my brow, says Joe. 'Twas the prudent member gave me the wheeze.",“这是从我的脑门子淌下来的汗水,”乔说,“是那个谨慎的家伙把信息透露给我的。” +"The esophageal squamous epithelium here is from a sharply demarcated ""punched out"" ulcer from Herpes simplex virus infection. Note the mauve to pink intranuclear inclusions.",食管鳞状上皮可见由单纯疱疹病毒感染引起的境界清楚的溃疡,注意呈紫红色到粉红色的核内包涵体。 +"Afterward, in front of a smaller group, he was approached by a younger, entry-level employee who said that there were two words missing from his reply.",之后,在更少一群人面前,一个更年轻的最低级别的员工说,他的回答里少了一句话。 +Acropetal differentiation of the cambium layer continues as the primary root elongates.,形成层的向顶分化像初生根伸长一样在继续进行。 +This is part of a larger closed-source project.,这是一个更大的闭源项目的一部分。 +The electric controlling circuit of the machine tool can be disassembled into cell circuit that both function and composing structure are relatively independent.,机床电气控制线路可以将其分解成功能相对独立、成结构相对独立的单元线路。 +"Select the appropriate boot loader configuration, as shown in Figure 8.",选择适当的引导加载程序配置,如图 8 所示。 +Management Station of Duolun Caimu Mountain Municipal Nature Reserve;,多伦县蔡木山自治区级自然保护区管理站; +"In order to make up this defect, the adjudicative institutions in such countries as the United States frequently apply the compulsory evidences and immunity system to deal with bribery cases.",对此,美国等一些国家司法机关在对贿赂犯罪追究刑事责任时频繁地使用强制作证与刑事免责制度。 +"Accepted Mao Shouliang Fang Gui money, he intends to give a comb, drugstore but cannot explain is Mao Shouliang pay.",方贵接受了毛寿良的钱,他打算给梳子开药店,但不能说明是毛寿良出钱。 +"The Capital International Airport, 23.5 km from the city centre, is China's largest and most advanced airport.",首都机场距市中心23.5公里,是目前中国规模最大、设备最先进的航空港; +You may well be wondering where this warm Christmastime tradition came from and I think you will be surprised to learn that this custom was actually inspired by a very ancient Norse legend.,你或许会纳闷这个温馨的圣诞习俗打哪儿来的? 你可能会惊讶它的由来是古挪威民间传说。 +Optimus :The code……the code on these glasses indicates the All Spark is 230 miles from here .,擎天柱:代码……眼镜里的代码显示 火种源在离这里230哩处。 +"Cases of severe illness in higher-risk individuals, as well as in otherwise healthy individuals, are likely to occur.",在高风险人群以及健康人中间,可能会出现严重病例。 +The validity of the improved algorithm is verified with MATLAB and this algorithm is simulated with MODELSIM.,对改进后的算法的有效性用MATLAB进行了验证,并用MODELSIM对改进的算法进行了仿真实现。 +The objective of this study was to investigate the biological characteristics and the therapeutic effect in patients with acute erythroleukemia(AML-M6).,本研究探讨急性红白血病(AML-M6)的生物学特征与临床疗效的关系。 +"Yewande's exploits were caught on camera by zoo visitor Nancy Chow who was amazed by the pose struck by the baby primate, the Daily Mail reported.",游客南希·周被它这副尊容迷住了,连忙用相机拍下了猩猩“深沉”的一瞬间。 +"On entering the order of Saint Vincent de Paul, she had taken the name of Simplice by special choice.",她在皈依味增爵时,便特地选了散普丽斯做名字。 +"During my visit, I watched one scientist draw the results of that day' s measurements, pushing the end of a steep line higher on the graph.",在我访问期间,我寓目了一位科家绘出那天的测量结果,把图表上一条斜度很大的上升的线再上推进。 +Those models show that the planet's atmosphere has always been too thin to support warmer-than-freezing temperatures.,模拟结果显示,火星的大气一直以来都很稀薄,无法说明拥有高于冰点的温度。 +"Besides directing compasses, the Earth's magnetic field reaches out into space to direct the flow of the solar wind around the planet—forming a structure called the magnetosphere (depicted above).",地球的磁场效应不仅能够指引指南针,还能够将其效应延伸至宇宙空间来指引地球四周的太阳风的流向,这样就形成了一种称为“磁气圈”的结构(如上图所示)。 +"Now, with some households seeing as much as 50 percent of their wealth destroyed via market losses, and retail prices rising, there are early signs that they're being more cautious about spending.",如今,由于一些家庭眼睁睁看着自己的财产在股市中损失一半,而且零售物价在上涨,初期迹象显示他们在消费方面会更加谨慎。 +"If you put these into another location, then you will have to update the location in several steps, which are pointed out in the sections following.",如果您将这些放到另一个地址,那么您将使用几个步骤来更新,这将在下面的部分指出。 +"Plus, the old-fashioned technique added character—a touch that pleased me, though it would probably be lost on the kids.",另外,虽然体验这项古老的技术多少让我有些兴奋,但是它很可能在我的孩子们身上失传。 +President Karzai's decree to move the election up has been widely questioned.,卡尔扎伊总统有关提前举行选举的法令遭到广泛质疑。 +"In fact, European life has become a global model for the European consumer life is to play to the imagination and self-Creative, and to enjoy a comfortable, pleasing and live in freedom.",其实欧洲生活已成为一种全球典范,消费欧洲生活就是发挥自我的想象力和创意,并享受一种舒适愉悦,自由自在的生活。 +"""Shut up"". I cried, "" I was the Secretary, after, Yu also had three home without the.",我大喝道,“现在我是局长,日理万机,大禹还三过家门而不入呢。” +APRIL: listen to me: It's what you are that's being stifled here.,爱普莉:听我说:真正的你在这里被压抑了。 +"Toydarian newborns emerged from their mothers' wombs fully developed, resembling miniature versions of their parents, and were able to fly from birth.",托伊达里亚人的新生儿从娘胎里一出来就完全发育好了,模样就像父母亲的缩小版,而且会飞。 +"Everyone in your family should take age-appropriate First Aid, CPR and disaster preparedness classes.",家里人人都应学习相应年龄段的紧急救护、心肺复苏术和灾害准备课程。 +Heilongjiang province is one of the major production bases of dairy products in China; mechanization milking station is efficient organization of production in the fields of source milk base.,黑龙江省是我国重要的乳品生产基地,机械化集中挤奶站是奶源基地建设的有效生产组织形式。 +"To measure the tension in blades which are already under tension the tension meter should be assembled as described above BUT with the adjustable arm "" IN"" position.",测量张力时,张力仪应该按上述说明装配,但是指针应该在可调节位置。 +"Children's happiness, the innocence you forever!",儿童节快乐,永远童真的你! +Kobe has a much heftier resume than his teammates and contemporaries when it comes to hitting clutch shots.,科比比他的队友以及同时代的球员拥有更好的关键球能力。 +"Eventually, under the influence of orbital decay, it began to strew its remains across the Earth's surface.",最后,根据轨道衰减的影响,它开始播在地球表面的遗体。 +"House Liddle - Per pale white and green, a fir tree line between, three brown pinecones on the white.",以冷杉型分割线,垂直分为半绿半白,白色上三颗棕色的松果。 +This novel is based on the real-life incident of a man's obsession with the famous actress.,这部小说是根据一个真实的故事而写的,讲的是一个男人对一个著名女演员的苦恋。 +Thirdly the phase-related spectrum is transformed to phase-related function with IFFT.,经过对相位相关谱进行IFFT运算获得相位相关函数; +"Hu arrived in St. Petersburg by special plane at 12:30 on July 16, local time, to attend the outreach session of the Group of Eight (G8) summit to be held on July 17.",胡锦涛是于当地时间16日12时30分乘专机抵达圣彼得堡出席将于17日举行的八国集团同发展中国家领导人对话会议的。 +"Use an open stance rather than crossing your arms in front of your chest, Handal advises.",韩铎建议,要采用开放式站姿,避免双臂交叉抱于胸前的姿势。 +"I've learned that regardless of how hot and steamy a relationship is at first, the passion fades and there had better be something else to take its place.",我懂得了,无论关系最初多么亲密无间,如胶似漆,激情总会退去,最好有别的东西取而代之。 +Mechanical environment where spacecraft disturbance torque is very small in out space is simulated making use of a three-axis full physics air-bearing table as controlled object.,本文利用三轴全物理仿真气浮台作为控制对象,模拟航天器在外层空间所受扰动力矩很小的力学环境。 +The immersion fields appeared in the either bank of the reservoir after the reservoir impoundment.,阎王鼻子水库蓄水后,在水库两岸出现浸没现象。 +She is quite proud to answer: 34D!,她相当自豪地回答:34D! +The supply of many of these minerals is controlled by China.,而现在许多稀土矿产的供应由中国掌握着。 +"Myles intellection cautiously about this and then said, I understand always that, Mom. But I don't comprehend ground my granddaddy had a girl's appoint.",迈尔斯很仔细地想了一下,然后说道:这些我都懂,妈妈。可是我不知道外公为什么会有一个女孩子的名字。 +The design of medical is developing to a independence system and has set up the conception on modern hospital.,前言: 医疗建筑设计逐渐发展成为一种独立的设计体系,建立了“现代医院”的设计概念。 +"As for what is the first English verse translated into Chinese, people have put forward different answers. Even one person's interpretation of the same poem is changing from time to time.",在有关汉译英诗孰为“第一”的问题上,不仅人言人殊,就是同一人对同一作品的看法也时有摇摆不定之现象。 +Since then he has gone to be portrayed on screen by Basil Rathbone in the 1939 film series and most recently of course by Robert Downy Jr. and Benedict Cumberbatch.,自此,从贝锡·罗斯本1939年的电影系列,到最近由小罗伯特·唐尼出演的电影、本尼迪克特·康伯巴奇出演的英剧,夏洛克持续被搬上荧屏。 +"But in the event people resist, the robots are programmed to liquify the brain.",但是如果有人不合作,设好编程的机器人将对反抗者的大脑实施液化处理。 +This paper analyzes the cause of origin of patriarchal clan system in China as well as its negative influence in the enforcement of running our country by law.,本文分析了宗法制在中国产生的原因及其对当代中国依法治国实施的负面影响。 +"Other money-saving measures, such as the shift from personal training sessions to small group training classes and in-home workouts usingsmaller, more portable equipment, also made the list.",受访者列出的其他省钱办法包括从私教课程转为集体课,以及使用更小更便携的器材在家锻炼等。 +"Two-phase comparison, yet there is no clear winning or losing, the original oil continue to maintain its rangebound pattern.",两相比较之下,暂时还没有明显胜负,原油料继续维持区间震荡格局。 +Motor start torque performance is indicated by the motor's Locked Rotor Torque (LRT) figure.,电机起动扭矩性能是由电机的锁定转子扭矩(LRT)图表示的。 +The stain TSB011's pathogenicity to Aslaarposina sasakii was confirmed by detecting lethality rate and microscopic examination paraffin section.,经过对桃小食心虫致病力的检测和石蜡切片的显微镜观察,证实菌株TSB011对桃小食心虫具有较高的致病力。 +"Seeing him every day, we will remember this sentence - would rather less to live for 20 years, to win big oilfield is hard.",每天看到他,我们就会想起这句话------宁可少活20年,拼命也要拿下大油田。 +"The celebrity took no chances and got police help each time, first driving to a Los Angeles County Sheriff's station when they spotted a van following them along Highway 101.",芭芭拉夫妇不敢大意,每次都寻求警方援助。在他们第一次驶往洛杉矶省谢尔夫车站时,在101高速公路上发现被一辆货车尾随。 +"From the point of view of history development, the efforts in admonition reflected a factor that the bachelor politics was winding up.",从历史的发展来看,明代官员在进谏方面的努力,可视为中国古代士人政治的挽歌。 +Objective To choose the best time of off bed activities for patients of Lumbar Spinal Stenosis with Domelike decompression.,介绍穹顶形开窗减压术治疗腰椎管狭窄症的临床应用,并进行临床疗效评估及生物力学研究。 +"There she spun increasingly wild tales of murder, torture, white slavery, and cannibalism to spellbound audiences at sixpence a head.",在那里,她编出越来越多有关遭谋杀、受折磨、被迫为娼以及食人的野蛮故事,以每人六便士迷住了观众。 +"IN AMERICA, it was once common for drug firms to offer doctors ""perks"" to encourage them to prescribe their pills.",在美国,制药公司给医生“回扣”鼓励他们开处方时使用该公司生产的药物曾是很常见的事。 +"On the banner of the website, Zhang announced it was a place to avenge Jiang.",在网站的旗帜,张宣布这是一个地方,以报复江。 +"Of course HMOs are still around, but they are no longer central to the national discussion on health care.",当然保健组织仍然存在,但他们不再是核心,对保健的全国性讨论。 +"Nan, the owner of the yoga center had called her.",瑜伽健身中心的老板南曾给她打过电话。 +And why should countries outside the FATF apply these requirements to lawyers when the US itself refuses to do so?,而假如美国自己拒绝遵行,那麽为何在FATF以外的国家,它们的律师却需要适用这些规定呢? +Twenty-two and six make twenty-eight.,二十二加六,二十八。 +Rescue teams with sniffer dogs yelled as they dug.“Is there anyone here?,带着搜救犬的救援队一边挖掘一边大喊,“这里有没有人? +"A sense of the delicate shot, driven by spin, speed, full display of attacking players, the most suitable for this ""ultra-high-performance set of plastic"" T - REX.",以细腻的击球之感,驱使旋转,速度得到充分发挥的攻击型选手,最适合此「超高性能套胶」T - REX。 +"We resolve to tap into APEC's considerable potential in fostering future energy cooperation initiatives, especially in the areas of energy-related trade and environmental sustainability.",我们决心挖掘亚太经合组织在发起未来能源合作倡议方面的巨大潜力,特别是在能源贸易和环境可持续性领域。 +"But if he is replaced in a manner that diminishes confidence, the bank could face problems.",但以如此缺乏信任的方式取而代之,可能会给格莱珉银行带来诸多问题。 +"My responsibilities as a research student primarily included recruiting patients for the project, whose aim was to assess patients' views on their illness and treatment at the hospital.",作为研究生,我的责任主要包括为项目招录患者, 目标是接近病人对他们的病症和治疗医院的看法。 +"In the actual verbal communication, as the effect of context, the target language may appear various variations and form a temporary pragmatic meaning apart from its static meaning.",在实际的言语交际中,目的词除表达一定的语备意义外,又由于语境因素的影响,会发生某种变异,形成临时性的语用词义。 +"The utility model belongs to a fastener for the technical field of packaging and banding, in particular a packing button and an unbuttoning tool thereof.",本实用新型属于包装捆扎技术领域用的紧固件,尤其涉及一种打包扣及其 解扣工具。 +"However, mouse sniffers can use techniques similar to those used by key loggers.",然而,鼠标嗅探器可以使用类似于键盘记录工具所使用的技巧。 +"We'll also sell tickets at UPenn, Drexel, and Temple campuses. Please bookmark this webpage and we will keep you updated.",售票时间和地点将不时网上公布,请收藏我们的网页,以获得最及时的信息! +"Machine of new concept, give a perfect finishing on the sole of lasted shoe, thanks to the new system of shoe support and guide.",这款用新概念研制的细磨边机,配有新磨边系统,能给已贴楦的鞋子一个完美的细磨效果。 +These objects are defined as implicit because you do not have to explicitly declare them.,这些对象之所以定义为 隐式的,是因为您不必显式地声明它们。 +Ischemia; Reperfusion; Oligodendrocyte precursor cells; NBQX.,缺血;再灌注;少突胶质前体细胞;NBQX。 +As she could neither dance nor sing at 25 no one is going to mind that she still can't do it at 50.,因为她在25岁的时候既不能跳舞不能唱歌,所以没有人会在乎50岁的她还不能唱歌跳舞。 +Three main parts were included here: (1) The choice of measured spot with Destron PG-100 optical probe for pork carcass grading;,全文主要分三个部分:(1)PG-100光电探针式猪胴体分级仪测定部位的选择; +The little girl listened attentively to the story with her head tilted to one side.,小女孩儿歪着头聚精会神地听故事。 +"They allow us to better our life, see the good things in life and just take each day with a smile.",他们使我们的生活更加美好,让我们看到生活中的美好事物,而他们只是笑着面对每一天。 +Mix the colorant with the developer and shake.,把染发剂和显影剂混合,充沛摇动使之平均。 +"""I need your help, doctors, because to most Americans, you arethe health care system, "" the president said.",医生,我需要你们的帮助,帮助大多数美国人。 你们就是医疗保障体系。 +"This article mainly studies three aspects which are the structure design of space-borne TR module, heat control and anti-irradiation technology.",本文主要研究了星载TR组件结构设计,热控技术和抗辐照技术三个方面的内容。 +The calculation on typical examples by 20-node isoparametric elements show the results obtained from these two methods have good accuracy and coincide with each other.,利用20节点等参单元对典型例题所作的计算表明,两种方法的结果均有较好的精度,并且互相比较吻合。 +I think I'II have some oyster cocktail first.,我想我先来点生蚝杯。 +"Personally I do believe you can love things, but I guess it's a sort of loving illusive term, just because you love what they give to you.",我个人相信你可以爱东西,但我觉得这是爱迷幻的词,只是因为你爱它们给你带来的东西。 +"The growth speed of Chinese small appliance was exceeding the growth of whole appliance fast, and foreign capitals paid attention on it.",中国小家电行业的增长速度远超出整体家电行业的增长,引起了国外资本的心猿意马。 +There was a tough cookie in here yesterday who demanded to see the manager.,昨天这儿来了个胡搅蛮缠的人,说是要见经理。 +"For neonates and extremely small infants, however, problems related to large-for-size graft are sometimes encountered even when using such grafts.",然而对于新生儿和非常小的婴儿而言,即使采用这样的移植物也无法避免供体器官尺寸过大的问题。 +You haven't played solitaire with real cards in years.,你已经好多年玩接龙的扑克游戏时不用扑克牌了。 +You might think of it like a space shuttle aimed for the moon.,你可以把这想像成要发射到月球上去的宇宙飞船。 +What are expectations?,什么是期望? +"The forwardness of technology is undoubtedly important, but it is the market thar determines the victory.",原因是技术的前沿性固然非常重要 ,但决定胜负的关键却是市场。 +"Do Pat Riley, Micky Arison et al drive home tonight convinced they need to make huge changes?",帕特-莱利,米奇-阿里森等回家后只能劝说自己���出重大改变吗? +"Most frequently dumped, say officials, are newborns and stillborn children.",“在脏的地方”,一个公务人员说,“通常看到弃婴和死婴。” +A globe may be chosen as a container for a payload.,一个球状物可以作为有效负荷的容器。 +"Because I believe that after this snow, the spring on the true red come.",因为我相信,这雪化后,春天就真的红红绿绿的来了。 +"The crabs burrow in a variety of habitats, including coastal terraces, dense rain forests, and even domestic gardens, according to the website.",红蟹会在各式各样的栖息地中挖洞,海岸阶地,浓密的雨林,甚至家庭花园中都能发现它们的踪迹。 +The proportional scattering of crystallization structure of PA continuous phase and the interaction of interface of NBR and PA were main effects on the increase of resistance to solvent of NBR/PA TPV.,PA连续相结晶结构分布的均匀性和相界面之间的相互作用是提高NBR/PA TPV耐溶剂性能的主要因素。 +Apply to the board gold broadly produce the cutting and the metal character of the advertisement industry or the metal craft article under the manufacturer.,广泛应用于板金生产厂家下料及广告行业金属字或金属工艺品的切割。 +"The transparent plastic tube is provided with rainbow tube which is controlled by glowing controller and can change flash color and flashing mode, which makes the motorcycle elegant and brilliant.",在透明塑料管内安装彩虹管,彩虹管由发光控 制器控制,可变换闪光色彩和闪光方式,使摩托车亮丽、光彩。 +Didn't you see there was a red label tied around her wrist?Every corpse has such a red label in the mortuary .,你没有看到啊,她手腕上绑着个红色的标签,太平间里的每个尸体都绑有的那中标签。 +One—call it A—is part of the original transmission.,一个被称作A的光子来自最初的信源。 +It could also signal that the subject is more likely to get divorced than someone with a big smile for the camera.,它也许是这个严肃的主角相对于那些在照相机前脸上有着大大笑容的人来说更容易离异的一个信号。 +"Use for cutting, welding defects removing, making.",用于工作的切割、开焊槽、打空等。 +"No one from my heart to hear that kind of sound, because the rumbling sound of aircraft flying has been drowned out of my broken heart, and my tears landing sound.",没有人听见来自我内心的那股声音,因为隆隆的飞机飞行声已经淹没了我的心碎,还有我掉泪的落地声。 +Apple's Quicktime media player plug-in meanwhile has unpatched vulnerabilities on 25 per cent of machines.,苹果Quicktime媒体播放器插件攻击率为25%。 +"By adding survey line in the survey area for detailed exploration, to select electromagnetic array profiling, so as to improve the exploration precision;",在测区加密测线进行详细勘探,有选择性地进行电磁阵列剖面法勘探,以提高勘探精度; +"Abraham Brill, my friend and fellow physician, was waiting at the harbor for the same reason as I.",阿伯拉罕·布里尔,我的朋友兼医师,他来码头等待的原因和我一样。 +"Realistically, if it were not for work, how would we consume the 24 hours we have each day that we do not spend eating and sleeping?",在实际的情况下,若没有工作,除了吃饭睡觉之外,我们要如何花用我们每天所拥有的24小时? +"Through irony and an intuitive association of two ironically oriented, analysis Laoshe is how to cleverly satirical skills of the pen, the problem will be to understand the times exposed.",透过联想讽刺及直观讽刺两个面向,分析老舍是如何巧妙地以技巧性的讽刺之笔,将时代的问题明白的揭露出来。 +"NUKE's powerful 3D workspace supports OBJ import, projection mapping, geometry modifiers, and more. This true 3D environment creates powerful workflows and exciting new ways to approach compositing.",NUKE 强大的三维工作空间支持OBJ 物件、投影贴图、几何模型操控等。这个确切的三维环境创造了强劲的合成流程和令人振奋的合成方式。 +"However, although Standish was fearless in battle, he was too shy to confront Mullins directly, so he sent his young friend, Alden.",尽管斯坦狄什在战斗中勇敢无畏,但他却害羞得不敢面对莫林斯,于是就请出了他年轻的朋友奥尔登(去帮他求爱)。 +Apologies are so important that many hospitals train their staffs to say they are sorry to patients and their families following a medical mistake because they've found it deters malpractice lawsuits.,道歉是如此重要,以至于很多家医院都培训他们的员工在出现医疗差错后要对患者及其家属表示歉意,因为院方发现这么做可以阻止他们对医疗事故提起诉讼。 +Instructor or DA reserves the right to terminate the course for safety reason upon observation when students are not in good health.,如教练或本会职员于任何时间观察到参加者的健康状况不宜学习,教练有权终止其学习以策安全。 +"Urinary tract infection-frequent urination, burning with urination, urgency with urination, bloody urine.",尿道感染-尿频、小便有烧灼感,尿急,血尿。 +Combined minimally invasive surgery crashing and aspirating hematoma with mild hypothermia on locus center can obviously lower the death rate and the mutilate rate of intracerebral hemorrhage.,微创钻颅术联合病灶中心亚低温联合治疗高血压脑出血可明显降低病死率和致残率。 +The results showed that the clinical effects were good. The cure rate was 82% and the total effective rate was 100%.,结果表明,激光照射治疗复发性口腔溃疡,有良好的临床效果,治愈率82%,总有效率达100%; +"Rumor has it that Hill prolific bamboo, people in the bamboo, do brooms system named.",据传此山多产毛竹,人们在此用竹,制做扫帚而得名。 +The international community was hopeful in March when Kenya agreed to try suspected pirates in its courts.,肯尼亚在三月份曾经答应在该国法院审讯海盗疑犯,国际社会对此抱了很大希望。 +"The art has its roots in Mozambigue, where the Makonde tribe, known for its wood carving skills, comes from.",这门艺术的根源来自莫桑比克,那里的马孔德部落,很多已知的乌木雕刻技巧,都来自那里。 +"The gyres, will likely ""become even less productive because of the warming of the climate,"" said Manizza, of the Scripps Institution of Oceanography in California, who was not part of the new study.",曼尼沙表示:环流可能“因为气候变暖,生产力更加降低”。他在美国加州斯克里普斯海洋研究所工作,未参与此次研究。 +He appeals to multiple generations of women -- and for many different reasons to different kinds of women.,多个年代的女士被他迷倒——迷恋他的原因又是多种多样的。 +Conclusion: The amount of blood flow in nasal mucosa was significantly increased after treating by ultrasonic atomization inhaling.,结论:慢性单纯性鼻炎患者经中药雾化治疗后鼻粘膜微循环血流量明显增加,临床效果较好。 +You have the option of skipping this task.,您可以选择跳过此任务。 +"Secondly, the status quo of the late Neolithic Age in primitive north China when miscellaneous economy came into being is substantially analyzed.",第二,中国北方地区新石器时代晚期混合经济的出现,进一步促进了游牧从农业中分离出来的过程。 +"Direct-injected, one-component PU outsole with lateral wings is lightweight and flexible.",直接注射,单组分PU大底外侧的翅膀是轻巧灵活。 +"Last summer there were a lot of questions left answered, and it was a tough summer for me, but I'm happy to be back on the floor.",去年有一堆需要解决的问题,对我来说那也是一个难熬的夏季,不过能回到赛场上我还是很幸福的。 +"Drying books, manuscripts and other belongings in the apartment of an academician S.F. Oldenburg after the flood.",在洪水之后的 Oldenburg 学术部门里的人们在晾干书籍、手稿和其他的财产。 +"Sure enough, there was a bullet in that chamber: Lehman’s failure caused the world financial crisis, already severe, to get much, much worse.",结果很准确,枪膛里的确就有一枚子弹:雷曼的破产导致已经深陷危机的全球经济更加病入膏肓。 +He was in absolutely no hurry to step back through the front door and risk sailing through town at the mercy of the wind and ice-covered sidewalks.,他实在是不急于踏出小店的前门,穿行于市区任凭寒风和被冰雪覆盖的道路摆布。 +Wang Xiuquan a senior matrimonial lawyer with Beijing Chang An Law Firm says parents who buy their children houses are the most protected group.,北京长安律师事务所一名高级婚姻律师说,为子女购买房产的父母应该是最应该保护的群体。 +"The results showed that thermal barrier coating can reduce heat loss and increase blast temperature, is an effective method to prolong the service life of tuyere.",计算结果说明:热障涂层具有保护风口、防止烧损的作用,即热障处理是提高风口使用寿命的有效途径。 +"Roger pleaded guilty to two federal offenses before Judge Oren Harris, who had been chairman of the Commerce Committee in the House of Representatives before going to the bench.",罗杰在奥伦.哈里斯法官面前承认触犯了两项联邦法律。 在做法官之前,哈里斯是众议院商业委员会的主席。 +A strong U.S. dollar forces investors who have bet on a decline in the greenback to cover their short dollar positions by selling equities or other assets.,美元强劲迫使曾押注美元下滑的投资人透过抛售股票或其他资产回补美元空头. +"Once you've decided on a sale price, then you can see what they'll give you for your old car.",一旦你在对方的卖价上做出决定,那你就能看到他们���你的旧车上究竟会给你什么。 +"And though canned and dried foods that are past their prime usually aren't a threat, they will lose nutritional value over time.",虽然罐头和干果食品,过去它们是通常最不构成威胁的,但随着时间的推移它们将失去营养价值。 +"He should show a sense of urgency and come up to Congress, and tell us exactly what he plans to do.",他应该展示迫切感,去国会告诉我们他到底打算做什么。 +"Student: Oh! You press your husband, you press, bed pressure, the earth trembled and the mountains swayed. (a student teacher) I get it right, you hit me.",傻子学生:呵呵!你老公压你,你压床,床压地,地动山摇。(老师打傻子学生)我都答对了,你还打我。 +"A8 Mastering the major-specificknowledge of land survey and planning, cadastral survey and management, land institution and policy analysis, real estate appraisal.",A8掌握土地调查与规划、地籍测量与管理、土地制度与政策分析、房地产估价等专业知识。 +The service will also tell you who's been favoriting your tweets though - and tonight it added RSS notification to its features.,这项服务也会告诉你哪些人正在收藏你的推文——就在今天晚上,它新添加了一个RSS通知功能。 +It was proposed that the combination of AFOLU-VCS with CCBS should be implemented in voluntary carbon sequestration projects in China.,提出我国应该采用AFOLU-VCS与CCBS相结合的方法设计和实施自愿碳汇项目的建议。 +"We look forward to servicing the needs of numismatic professionals and collectors here, and we are very appreciative of the opportunities you have made available to us.",我们期待着为钱币专家和收藏家提供服务,满足他们的需求,同时也很感激各位给予我们这样一个机会。 +"Then God said to Jacob, ""Go up to Bethel and settle there, and build an altar there to God, who appeared to you when you were fleeing from your brother Esau.""",上伯特利去,住在那里,要在那里筑一座坛给神,就是你逃避你哥哥以扫的时候向你显现的那位。 +I feel kind of stupid.,我觉得我好笨。 +"Owing to the large difference of properties between the cotton fiber and viscose fiber, holes always arise in knitted fabric after peroxide bleaching, thus leads to poor product quality.",粘胶和棉两种纤维在性能上存在较大差异,其交织针织物在经过氧漂染整加工后,经常出现破洞。 +"The key of this method is the pre-filter, which convolutes the raw data with a selected azimuth LFM.",它的核心步骤是预滤波,可以实现方位向数据和一个参数可调的线性调频信号的卷积。 +This allows the fishermen to deliver their hauls directly to shore.,这使得渔民们能直接把收获的海鲜运到岸上。 +"Not suitable for people with acrophobia , heart disease, hypertension or cervical vertebra disease.",患有恐高症,脏病,血压,血,椎疾病者不宜乘坐。 +"Sirrah Grumio, go to your mistress; Say I command her come to me.",葛鲁米奥,到你奶奶那儿去,说,我命令她出来见我。 +"Biomass pellet fuel production technology mainly has two ways, one is a hot compression extrusion molding technology, the other is a high pressure cavity forming technology.",木屑颗粒机 是将各种生物质资源包括锯末、秸秆、稻壳等农林废弃物通过加压、加热由原来的松散原料压缩成具有一定形状和密度的成型燃料的技术。 +"Commemorating this occasion, Ryonen wrote a poem on the back of a little mirror",了然为此在一面小镜子后刻诗留念 +The combined effect of natural zeolite and fly ash on alkali-silica reaction(ASR) of concrete was studied with natural alkali-reactive aggregate and quartz glass aggregate respectively.,用天然活性骨料和石英玻璃骨料研究了粉煤灰与沸石的复合对碱-硅酸反应(ASR)的影响。 +Harrell hopes that her example will show other young women that they can succeed in launching their own businesses.,哈雷尔希望她的例子可以告诉年轻的女性们,她们也可以创业。 +"Apple continues to lead the industry with its award-winning computers, OS X operating system, and iLife, iWork and professional applications.",如今,苹果继续以其获奖无数的计算机硬件,OS X操作系统,iLife、iWork等专业应用程序引领整个计算机行业。 +"In many places, however, the general message was ABL – Anything But Local. The Netherlands? Pasta, Chinese and pizza. Brazil: lasagne (lasagne?!), rice dishes, and pasta.",然而在许多地区,普遍得到的信息是ABL——出了当地没有其他的。荷兰?意大利面,中国菜和披萨。巴西:千层面,米饭,和意大利面。 +"The Canada Pavilion is shaped like a looped ribbon or the letter ""C"". The curved design creates a large public space that encourages interaction and a communitcdfds. com feeling.",加拿大世博馆的形状类似环状的绸带,像字母“C”。弯���的形状了大块的公共区,鼓励互动和交流。 +"The three most prominent data structures in Haskell are tuples, lists, and user-defined types.",Haskell 中最突出的三种数据结构是:tuple、列表(list) 和用户定义的类型。 +Let's start by looking at the two services you can choose between to aid you in your search: search engines and subject directories.,首先让我们来看看可供你选择的两种帮你搜索的服务功能:搜索引擎和主题目录检索。 +"Wang Xizhen ""Dunhuang prints and folk art studies, "" a paper focusing on the civil nature of the Dunhuang engraving.",王锡臻《敦煌版画与民间美术研究》一文侧重敦煌版画的民间性质。 +"According to the training target and trainees' level, we can realize the training goal and effect by adopting appropriate training means and methods and setting up a scientific training assessment.",根据培训对象的层次,采用正确的培训手段与方法,建立科学的培训评估机制,才能使培训的目标和效果得以实现。 +"""You have a right to win, "" Edelman says. ""So many overly nice guys will compromise their success and their companies' to avoid hurting someone else's feelings.",Edelman说:“你有赢的权利,而有的滥好人会为了怕伤害到其他人的感情而放弃了自己的成功,也给公司带来了伤害。 +"Liaocheng power plants 600MW unit cant perform the switching operation from governing valve mode to sequence valve mode, which has long been a problem and affected the unit efficiency apparently.",聊城电厂600MW机组投产以来一直存在调节阀无法切顺序阀运行问题,对机组的效率影响较大。 +My wife worried about my health. She said I was getting old and that this work must be difficult on me physically.,“我女儿抱怨说这是一份不怎么光彩的工作”,德田重男回忆说,“而我妻子则担心我的身体,她说以我这垂老之躯,这活儿肯定不轻松。” +"However, there is an up-side to this challenge - the downward adjustments to asset prices have led to a drop in housing and office rentals, which will ultimately help improve our competitive edge.",不过,从乐观的一面看,本港资产价格回落,导致 住宅和办公室 租金下调,最终有助保持本港的竞争优势。 +Method Azithromycin was used to treat 746 patients with acute gonococcal urethritis.,方法应用阿奇霉素治疗急性淋菌性尿道炎746例。 +"Improves polypropylene's M. F. I, flexural modulus and impact strength.",改进聚丙烯的M.F.I、弯曲模量和冲击强度等指标。 +"She went home and drew a bath. Lying in the hot water, she kept telling herself that she had set a lifetime of her weak nesses against Tomas.",她回家洗了个澡。躺在热水里,她总是对自己说,她用了自己一生的软弱来反对托马斯。 +"“But in overweight women some hormones may be binding with the retina and may be protecting these women from getting glaucoma, ” he said.",“但是在肥胖妇女体内也许存在这样一些激素,它们与视网膜相结合从而可能保护这些妇女免受青光眼的困扰,”他说。 +"Hours earlier, his knee had become infected after being accidentally gashed down to the bone by Paul Williams' studs during United's League Cup final defeat to Sheffield Wednesday.",几小时前,他的膝盖在联赛杯决赛中被Paul Williams的鞋钉划开。深可见骨。本场比赛曼联也输球了。 +"Wang and her husband, an employee with a foreign company, are still living in a rented home two years after getting married.",王海敏和她在外企工作的丈夫结婚已有两年时间了,他们仍就住在租来的房子里。 +"""Look, look! ""this adjutant said, looking not at the troops in the distance, but down the hill before him.",“您瞧瞧,您瞧瞧,”这个副官说着,他不望那远方的部队却沿着他前面的一座大山向下望去。 +"Ron Artest can go bonkers, as he is often accused of doing, and everyone would consider it a normal reaction.",阿特斯特疯狂了,不过大家早已习以为常,觉得那是他的正常反应。 +I ran into someone I shouldn't have and I got a stinger.,先把我自己翻译的贴下,我撞到了不该撞的人,并且受了刺伤。 +His painting rose to a expressiveness and revealed a shrewder insight .,他的画富有一种的表达,显示出更敏锐的洞察力。 +"During the traineeship, the hotel will provide trainees accommodation in the 17-floor staff residence and transportation between the residence and the Hotel.",在实习期间,酒店将为实习生在17层员工公寓提供住宿,并提供住处和酒店之间的日常交通安排。 +"Fairfax is one of two plants where G.M. builds the Malibu, which was overhauled for the 2008 model year.",费尔法克斯作为通用公司生产Malibu型汽车的两大工厂之一,已经为2008年的车型做了全方位的检查。 +Southern Guangdong province asked the central government in July for permission to pilot a program that would allow couples to have two children if one spouse is an only child.,广东省南部地区在七月向中央政府申请试点项目,即夫妇中如果有一方是独生子女的话,允许其有两个小孩。 +"America's first steam locomotive made its debut in 1830, and over the next two decades railroad tracks linked many cities on the East Coast.",美国第一台蒸汽机车于1830年登上历史舞台,在此后的二十年里,铁轨将美国东部海岸的许多城市连接了起来。 +"Rather than reach across vast expanses of wide tables (thereby risking losing your balance and ending up in the guacamole), simply raise your glass and make eye contact with the group.",相比较隔个大桌子(而冒着失去平衡的危险)碰杯而言,还不如举起酒杯眼神交流感情来得真切。 +"So, the rise or fall of family culture has great implications to a well-known family in terms of its cultural place in certain times and its political place in society.",家传文化的盛衰对于世家大族来说具有重要意义,它在一定程度上反映世家大族在特定历史时期的文化地位,进而影响其政治地位。 +"The perfect example was of course Didier Drogba , who has saved the team with his goals so often this season as well as with his selfless running.",最完美的例子当然是迪迪埃·德罗巴,这个赛季里他不止一次用他的进球和无私的跑动力挽狂澜、救球队于危难。 +"Through analysing ideas of compact city, this paper raises a notion of""Decentralised Com- pact""city, which might be appropriated to Chinese urban development.",分析了紧凑型城市的理念,提出适合中国国情的城市形态应当是分散式紧凑型的组团城市。 +"If grinder is jumpy apparent, answer to stop machine nap in time.",若砂轮机跳动明显,应及时停机修整。 +"It predicts official figures, which will be published tomorrow, will show women account for nearly 50 per cent of all insolvencies in England and Wales for the first time in history.",据预计,明日公布的官方数据将会显示,在历史上,女性首次佔到了英格兰和威尔士破产总人数的近50%. +"More importantly, it is only one of many other exotic, potentially devastating livestock ailments that could be spread by insects.",更重要的是,蓝舌病只是许多可以通过昆虫传播的,潜在的破坏性外来牲畜疾病中的一种。 +"Give me a white cloud, a white imagination, give me a breeze, blowing open potpourri, give me one encounter in the green pastures.",给我一片白云, 一朵洁白的想象, 给我一阵清风, 吹开百花香, 给我一次邂逅, 在青青的牧场。 +"Ansai oil field is characterized by low Permeability, low pressure, low output and adverse natural conditions, so surface engineering construction of Ansal oil field has great difficulty.",本文论述了安塞油田主要特点是:低渗、低压、低产,自然环境恶劣,油田地工程建设难度大。 +"Mr. Xu said the 2003 seismic activity was concentrated in the Badong area, about 80 kilometres upstream of the Three Gorges dam.",许表示2003地震活动集中于库区巴东一带,在距三峡大坝约80公里的上游。 +"Renee Beijing hao, I think who's come to Shanghai to work?",郝京妮想,我为了谁来上海工作? +A total of 74 position papers were submitted and can be found on the Agile Coach Camp wiki.,最后总共收到74份 意见书,可以在 敏捷教练营的wiki上看到它们。 +"This paper makes some proposals on the executive cadres ' off-post economic responsibility auditing work, hoping to perfect the economic responsibility auditing system.",文章就领导干部离任后的经济责任审计工作提出了一些建议,以期健全经济责任审计制度。 +"I have a lot of collection, I have 6 racquets, 3 volleyballs.",我有许多收藏品,我有6个网球拍,3个排球。 +The results show that friction is the main reason for scant displacement.,结果表明:摩擦力是导致尖轨产生不足位移的主要原因; +"In this paper, the yak beef as raw material, through tendering, braising and cooking, cutting, drying processing, the instant yak beef stick was researched.",以牦牛肉为原料,经嫩化、蒸煮入味、切条、干燥等工序和调味料包配方选择及杀菌条件确定,研制出方便牦牛肉条。 +Second picture: Whistler follows Michael through the cellar to the escape tunnel.,第二张图:惠斯勒随着迈克尔通过水窖,进入下水道开逃。 +"Officials also pointed out that the Japanese support for Taiwan's meaningful participation of other United Nations specialized agencies, and the United States and the European Union at it that way.",官员并指出,日本支持台湾有意义地参与联合国的其他专门机构,和美国及欧盟的看法相同。 +Sit down on the floor with both legs stretched forward and your hands place on your hips.,坐于地面,双腿向前伸开,双手置于臀部两侧。 +"The summary : Medical care is the ensure which need most by peasant, its form should suit with the productivity level of pro- duce, organizational form and distribution system.",前言: 医疗保障是农民最需要的保障,医疗保障的形式是与生产力水平、生产组织形式、分配制度相适应的。 +"The domestic debacles were the worst tornado season in history, which included the storms in Alabama and Joplin, Missouri.",美国国内的灾害是指美国历史上最严重的飓风季,包括肆虐阿拉巴马州和密苏里州乔普林市的暴风。 +"Morning light reveals the untamed wilderness of the mighty Canadian Shield, a vast plateau of ancient, mineral-rich rock that covers half of Canada.",晨光中,火车已经行驶在加拿大地盾地区的原野中,这个古老的高原矿藏丰富,几乎覆盖了半个加拿大。 +"But with time, this delicate waltz has grown harder and harder to sustain.",但是,随着时间的推移,这种微妙的华尔兹变得越来越难以为继。 +"Its cadences can be heard in the speeches of Abraham Lincoln, Martin Luther King and President Obama.",林肯、马丁·路德·金和奥巴马等名人演讲中也有很多引自《圣经》的典故。 +"And I respond to all her questions in a natural, positive voice with the information she’s looking for, and with neither more nor less, since too much too soon can confuse her.",我以一种自然、积极的口吻回答了她所有的问题,告诉她所寻求的答案,而且是不多不少,因为太多太快,她会搞混的。 +"One canvasser, Leeda Sadaat, convinced the manager of a Kabul hotel to switch allegiance from Mr. Ghani.",一位名叫丽达·萨达特的游说者试图劝说喀布尔市一位旅馆经理放弃对甘尼先生的忠诚。 +"So we're going to another little text that's asking again the same question, what is the politics of the early Christian movement, the early Jesus movement?","那么我们继续道另一段小经文,再次问同样一个问题,早期基督教运动,早期耶稣运动的,政治主张是什么?" +"She has said that she taps at language to hear its hidden ideologies, much as a doctor will tap on a patient's chest.",她曾说过,她轻轻叩击语言,以便聆听它隐匿的意识形态,颇像一个医生用听诊器查探病因。 +Chen Meng-Tze's exhibition mainly focuses on the over 30 pieces of works on greenhouse and shop window.,陈孟泽以「透明之间」为题,将展出以温室、橱窗为题材的30多件作品。 +"As the winds reverse direction (offshore versus onshore), they alternately enhance or suppress upwelling, which changes nutrient concentrations.",由于风向会发生反转(离岸与陆上),它们通过加强或抑制上升流的交替,从而改变养分的含量。 +"There are plenty of people out there who would be more than happy to volunteer in exchange for a voucher to use on a future flight, and they do just that.",很多人就非常愿意放弃登机以换取日后乘机的票券。 +"""He's like the wine sommelier of pot,"" said Julie Wagner, the actress.",“他就像大麻的调酒师,”女演员朱莉· 瓦格纳说道。 +"Appetite tyranny has never been described, because everyone has to survive, so even it let go of the literary criticism.",口腹之欲的专横,从来没有被描写过,因为每个人都得生存,所以连文学批语都把它放过了。 +"As I think I mentioned in the reply to Kohl's critique, to many people this sounds wishy-washy, and my students often do say that I'm wishy-washy.",我记得我在回复科尔的批判的时候提到,对很多人来说这听起来很空泛,我的学生经常说我很空泛。 +This factor would likely impact productivity regardless of methodologies adopted.,这个因素也将影响到生产率,而与采用什么方法无关。 +She's marvel to be able to shoot with such accuracy.,她的枪法那么好, 真不简单。 +"Many freshwater lakes and rivers were becoming contaminated by algae, starving them of oxygen and killing off fish, affecting local livelihoods and recreation for local populations.",全球气候、区域降雨及河流正在逐渐被海藻类污染,缺氧引起鱼类死亡,影响当地居民的生活及休闲娱乐。 +Paintings and carvings of famous Italian artists fill the palace rooms.,著名意利艺术家的画作和雕刻作品,摆满了宫的各厅室。 +P. R. China2. Department of Intervention; Shandong Provincial Hospital to Shandong University; P. R. China;,山东大学附属省立医院介入科; +Both the Republicans and the Democrats agree that the big problem with the government in Washington is political gridlock.,"这句话的意思是:共和党人和民主党人都同意,美国政府的一个大问题就是在政治上的僵局。" +"To find a food bank near you, visit the organization’s Food Bank Locator.",如果你想找到离你较近的食物银行,请访问该组织的定位器。 +"While only half of candidates send thank-you notes, it seems to be an easy gesture everyone should use to greatly impact the hiring process.",虽然发送感谢信是每个人都应该有的简单的且能够在很大程度上影响招聘过程的举动,但仅仅只有一半的候选人会这样做。 +"In this paper, we study the effects of latency and media access asymmetry on TCP performance and suggest a technique to improve the quality of the performance.",由于采用争用信道的方式,半双工无线局域网存在着潜在的不对称性,严重影响TCP传输性能。 +"No; that can only end in mice, or witches.",不行,那结果只会是老鼠,或者是巫婆。 +These disadvantages could be eliminated in three-phase systems if the energy account based on the integral of the active power of the positive sequence component with the fundamental harmonic.,在三相系统中,以正序基波功率的积分作为计量标准,同样可以消除这两方面的不利影响。 +The chief's a great spoofer.,酋长是个大骗子。 +"If force measuring system consists of the several transducers, the more complicated force system can be synthetically dynamic measuring.",若用几个三向力传感器按不同情况组成测力系统,可以对更复杂的力系进行综合动态测量。 +"In this paper, the connotations of MGI was discussed in detail, especially from the viewpoint of requirements to aero materials.",主要从航空材料领域对材料基因组技术需求的角度,对材料基因组技术的具体内涵进行阐述与讨论。 +Be creative and find new things to do to keep the adrenaline pumping in those who wait.,勇于创新,寻找新的事情要做,保持肾上腺素在这些谁等待抽水。 +"Security forces claim they were suicide bombers, though there was no indication the would-be suicide bombers were armed.",安全部队声称他们是自杀炸弹手,尽管没有证据显示这些自杀炸弹手有武装。 +China is universally recognized as a major force for peace in the Asia-Pacific region and the world at large.,国际社会公认,中国是促进亚太地区和世界和平的重要力量。 +"""Oh yeah?"" the man asks, ""Then answer this -- how do you hang onto your",“啊是吗?” 这人问道,“那么回答这个问题——你没有脚,又怎么能站在栖木上呢?” +Objective To study the expression of apoptosis inhibitor gene XIAP in clear-cell renal carcinoma(RCC) and to investigate its clinical and pathological characteristic in RCC.,目的研究凋亡抑制基因XIAP在肾透明细胞癌组织的表达情况,以探讨其与肾癌临床病理特征的关系。 +CONCLUSION Sphingomyelin can be obtained from erythrocyte membrane by this method.,结论用此法可将红细胞膜中的鞘磷脂降解成神经酰胺。 +The novel AFBR which used reflux bio-gas to keep the wastewater fluidized has been investigated; and the efficiency of the reactor on beer production wastewater treatment.,研究了一种新型消化气回流厌氧流化反应器,并对其处理啤酒废水的效率、耐冲击负荷等特点进行了研究。 +Meditation and the simple act of sitting to observe and embrace whatever arises in each moment will become more of a necessity.,冥想和简单的坐观与领悟每一瞬间的感受将变得更加必要。 +"On the other hand, you might find that one or both of you have changed so much in the time that has passed that there is NO going back.",另一方面,你或许会发现随着时间飞逝,你们中的一个或者两个都已经发生了很大的改变,并且不会有可能重回过去。 +I wan't say anything about this matter to her.,关于这件事,我什麽都不会封她说。 +"He had to really be squeezed,"" Bernstein said in a 2006 interview. ""He confirmed mostly what we had gotten elsewhere.",伯恩斯坦在2006年的采访中说“他确信我们所得到的绝大部分信息是从其他地方获取的。 +For us defeatism is a crime and to strive for victory in the War of Resistance is an inescapable duty.,对于我们,失败主义是罪恶,争取抗日胜利是责无旁贷的。 +"Despite the warning shots of SARS and last year's Asian outbreak of avian flu, governments are still not doing enough to monitor and prepare for the next viral pandemic.",尽管非典型肺炎的警告注射和去年的鸟类感冒的亚洲爆发,政府仍然没有在做充足检测而且准备下个会来的人滤过性毒菌的全国流行。 +"Cable-stayed bridge is composed of the tower, the cables and girder. The box-shaped prestressed concrete section is most frequently used in cable-stayed bridge.",斜拉桥由塔、索、梁组成,预应力混凝土箱型截面是斜拉桥索塔常采用的截面形式。 +The net effect is increased activity of the voltage-dependent calcium channels and enhanced electrical gradient for calcium reabsorption from the lumen.,净效应为增加电压门控钙通道活性以及增加钙从腔内重吸收的电梯度。 +This decision was based primarily on epidemiological data demonstrating human-to-human transmission and the ability of the virus to cause community-level outbreaks.,做出这项决定的主要依据是,流行病学资料表明已经发生了人际传播,并且该病毒可在社区层面引发疫情。 +"His team were duly beaten 1-0 by Fiorentina, but the Rosanero were unfortunate not to get a draw, and played with a confidence and coherence they often lacked when playing away from home last season.",他的球队0-1输给了佛罗伦萨,但玫瑰色军团只是不走运才没有拿到一场平局,他们展现出了上赛季在客场比赛中总是缺少的信心和稳定发挥。 +"Another day, some time later, Snow-White and Rose-Red went fishing by the banks of a stream.",过了一些日子,有一天,红、白玫瑰去小溪边钓鱼。 +LINEs sometimes make copies of themselves that get reinserted back into the genome.,LINEs有时自我复制,然后重新插回基因组。 +"Final tallies for the month just ended are still being compiled, but investors and analysts are certain of one thing -- the news won't be pretty.","5月投资的最终结果仍在计算之中,但投资者和分析师却只相信:不会有什麽好消息." +For that reason it is important to emphasis the bi-lateral character of the playing field of NABSO Harbin.,基于此方面可以看出哈尔滨代表处在促进双方合作方面所发挥的重要作用。 +"Mr. Chen from the southern Chinese city of Guangzhou, said that at the beginning he felt strongly that his child should assemble the toy alone.",广州的程先生说他一开始强烈的人为他的孩子可以独立组装玩具。 +Exertional heatstroke (EHS) is a life-threatening condition to all who engage in vigorous physical exertion. It will result in fatal multi-organ failure.,运动型中暑对所有参与激烈体能运动的人员是一种危及生命的急症,严重时会产生体内多重器官衰竭而致命。 +This article will Pingcheng and Jinyang different times in different Northern analysis of the relationship discussed will eventually clear relationship between the two unfolded.,本文将对平城和晋阳在北朝不同时期的不同关系进行分析论述,最终将两者之间的关系清晰地展现出来。 +"For China, the infiltration of accelerating period is entered, accordingly, this kind of phenomenon also accord with the objective laws of economic growth.",对于中国当前来说,这个相互渗透的局面正在进入加速期,因此,这种现象也符合经济发展的客观规律。 +Park in prohibition against defloration.,公园里禁止摘花。 +"Feeling fully capable of governing themselves, most Koreans initially were against the trusteeship.",起初大部分朝鲜人认为自己完全有能力管理自己,反对托管。 +"At present, in tourism industry of developed country have displayed stakeholder theoretical applicational value, In our country, tourism circle also started accepting this theory.",目前,在发达国家旅游业中,对于利益相关者理论的应用已显示出其重要价值,我国旅游界也开始接受了这一理论。 +Eliminate the exploitation of men by men.,消灭人克扣人的现象。 +"In the theory of technology criticism of western society, transcendentalism is well known for their thoroughness in argument.",在西方社会的技术批判理论中,超越论者以其理论上的彻底性而倍受关注。 +The tenth is their ignor to superiority complex.,第十,孩子不懂优越感。 +It explains its rise to power and Marduk's rise from being a city god to being at the head of the pantheon of a large empire.,"它解释了权力的崛起和Marduk作为城市守护神的兴起,他成了万神庙或者说是庞大王国的首领。" +"A stray dog lies on the road in front of police during a dock workers' protest in central Athens, Tuesday, November 25, 2008.",星期二, 2008年十一月25号,一只狗在码头工人罢工期间,躺在雅典市中心马路上。 +This is typical of fork-join problem implementations because the process of recursively dividing the problem will create a potentially large number of new Problem objects.,这在 fork-join 问题实现中很常见,因为递归分解问题的过程将会创建大量的新 Problem 对象。 +"Multi-row dimond inlayed at the same time, hydraulic pressure controlled, so that it can produce more uniform product, make operation more easily.",多排料同时装石,液压力控制令产品更加统一,操作更简易。 +"The provincial and city pavilions nearby, 600 square meters each, all have distinct features.",旁边的省市区馆,每个都有600平方米的空间,各具特色。 +Only two of the 12 regional Fed presidents have direct experience as a field examiner: New York's William Dudley and Kansas City's Thomas Hoenig.,美联储12位地区联储主席中仅有两位有审查员的直接经验,即纽约的达得利(William Dudley)及堪萨斯城的霍尼格(Thomas Hoenig)。 +"Support under the 2004-2006 policy - 2010, China's animation production increased 50 times, more than the United States, Japan, Korea, as the world's largest producer of animation.",在政策扶植下,2004——2010年,中国 动漫产量增长50倍,超过美国、日本、韩国,成为世界第一 动漫生产大国。 +"In chapter nine, the analysis to the dissertation is summarized, the suggestion for developing the regional economy is proposed to the local government on the basis of the summaries.",第九章,对论文的分析进行总结,提出对地方政府发展区域经济的建议,并对企业集群领域的进一步研究作简单展望。 +The effects of single side eyestalk-ablated on the Chinese Mitten-Handed juvenile crab Hepatic-pancreas glutamate-pyruvate transaminase vigor is studied.,采用切除单侧眼柄的方法研究对雌雄蟹肝胰腺谷丙转氨酶活力的影响。 +You might think it wise to find ways to soft-pedal that one.,你可能会想到,在这个问题上设法保持低调是明智的做法。 +"If the report is not complete, the asynchReply object is used primarily as a status tracker in the asynchronous conversation and will be updated by the wait() method.",如果报告尚未完成,asynchReply 对象主要用作异步通信中的状态跟踪器,并由 wait() 方法进行更新。 +"Sangstrom turned pale. But he had expected — not this, but the possibility of a doublecross or some form of blackmail. He pulled a pistol from his pocket.",桑斯特罗姆的脸色变得苍白。虽然他对此完全没有料到,可是对诈骗,或是某种形式的敲诈勒索还是有所准备的。他从衣服口袋中掏出一把手枪。 +To develop logistics info-system means to localize the logistics info-platform of foreign logistics companies and devise logistics software according China's logistics process.,开发物流信息系统,一是将国外物流企业的物流信息平台进行汉化,并根据我国物流的流程设计物流软件; +"In childhood, he befriended Jewish gangsters Meyer Lansky and Benjamin Siegel and was influenced by Arnold Rothstein.",在童年时代,他结识犹太黑帮迈耶兰斯基和本杰明西格尔,由阿诺德罗思坦影响。 +"In September 2009, INQ CEO Frank Meehan told us that his company would be building an Android phone.",2009年九月INQ的首席执行官Frank Meehan告诉我们他的公司将会制造一种Android手机。 +"On the base of complex system research, instructed by the thinking of typification and modularization, a concept modeling method of military system conflict was put forward.",在分析军事体系对抗复杂性的基础上,根据典型化和模块化的总体建模思路,提出基于复杂系统分析的军事体系对抗概念模型建模方法。 +"If Titania's Song leaves play, artifacts return to normal just before the untap phase of the next turn.",若泰坦尼亚之歌被移出游戏,此效应维持到回合结束。 +"Pre-fill the form with data that was already entered, so the user doesn't have to reenter each and every data item.",用原来已经输入的数据预先填充表单,这样用户就不必重新输入每个数据项了。 +The affecting factors of the continuous-flow two-sludge system for simultaneous biological phosphorus and nitrogen removal were investigated in order to decide on the best working state of the system.,目的为了深入研究连续流双污泥反硝化同时除磷系统的主要影响因素,确定系统最佳运行条件。 +"Second, there is a danger that China's state-owned enterprises will re-emerge to dominate the country's economy.",中国经济面临的还有一种危险就是国有企业重新主宰经济。 +Snacks and drinks are available in the lounge at all hours of the day and night.,休息厅中的食品和饮料全天24小时随时对乘客提供。 +In the next coming years NADELLA became one of the pioneers for needle bearing components and belongs today to the market leaders.,在未来数年纳迪拉成为滚针轴承组件的先驱之一,属于今天的市场领导者。 +"In this article, writers put forward the method of pressure relief cave in avoiding rock-burst disaster induced by mining.",提出了一种经济、有效而可行的防治冲击地压成灾的卸压洞法。 +"Finally, the author makes some good suggestions of improving the transfer of UMT.",就改善我国轨道交通换乘系统的途径提出了若干建议。 +So it's going to be-- it's like one of the reality shows where things are going to be as they are and hopefully after a while we'll learn to act and behave normally and not worry about its presence.,"因此,这就像...,就像某种真人秀节目,你在节目里要假装和平常一样,但愿过一段时间以后,我们能表现得很自然,完全忽略那部摄像机的存在" +"It seems only fair to confer a similar accolade on North Korea's dictator-in-waiting: the Phantom Leader, perhaps.",对于这位朝鲜的储君,需要再授予他一个类似的称号:傀儡领袖,似乎只有这样才略显公平。 +"During the pasttwo decades, several teams have developed and tested remote-controlled scienceplanes, and NASA already flies the smaller Predator B �� also of military origin— over western US wildfires.",在过去二十年间,许多团队都在研发测试远程控制的科研用飞机。 曾在美国西部上空执行任务,原为军用飞机的“捕食者B”经过国家航空航天局修整改进,更加精巧完善。 +He is running quickly.,他正飞快地跑着。 +"Slapping my hands away, she said, ""I was only dating you to get my self-confidence up, I'm good now.""",可是,她一把就把我的手打到一边,并且说,“姐和你约会只是为了找回自信,现在已经不需要你了。” +"The doctor looked her over'carefully, gave her some medicine and asked her to stay in bed for a few days.",医生给她粗口检查了一上,给她开了药,并让她坐床休憩几天。 +One of the simplest was to buy an asset when the 20-day moving average of its price rose above its 200-day average.,这类模型中最简单的方法之一是当一支股票的20日均线超过200天均线时买进这支股票。 +"Finally, from the semantic system, rhythm environmental constraints and cognitive dynamics, the author discusses the virtual motives and virtual-based mechanism of the affix ""old"".",最后本文从语义机制、韵律环境制约和认知动因三个角度对词缀“老”的虚化动因和虚化机制进行了探讨。 +Kelly has been working with a therapist and plans to see a psychiatrist about her depression.,凯利正在和一个临场医学家一起努力并计划找个精神病专家来看看她的抑郁症。 +"THMS is designed with the Component Object Model and Object Oriented technique, improving the visibility and reusability. It is a good base for THMS to connect with the MIS and SCADA in substation.",该系统采用组件对象模型和面向对象技术,增强了可视性、可重用性等方面的特性,为与变电站MIS,SCADA等系统联网打下了基础。 +"But as you get older and you have a lot of spare time, you think about what you are doing, which is something I have the luxury of doing right now, and I realized this is more tricky.","但随着你们年龄的增长,有更多空闲时间之后,你就会思考你做的事情,我现在就有很多闲暇思考这些问题,我意识到这东西其实很精妙" +"Thee young talent participated in the Russian reality TV show 'Udivitelniye Lyudi' (Incredible People), impressing judges in Moscow with her remarkable 4 language skills.",这位年幼的小天才参加了俄罗斯电视真人秀《了不起的人们》,并用她非凡的语言才能让莫斯科的评委们赞叹不已。 +"He went on to finish his high school career as the all-time leading point scorer in Pennsylvania history with a total of 2, 883 points.",他完成他的高中生涯的所有时间,完全领先了在宾夕法尼亚州历史上看到的2 , 883分。 +"This hand-made , small - batch bourbon by at the McLain &Kyne Distillery is aged for 15 years in new white, heavily charred oak barrels.",这款限量波本威士忌在碳化的白橡木桶中陈酿15年,它叫什么名字? +"As dynamic changes of topology, position-based routing algorithm and security routing are focuses and key points in this field.",由于拓扑结构的动态变化,位置路由算法和安全路由是其研究的热点和重点。 +The first chapter is an introduction that introduces the motive and ojective of this article as well as the relevant study of inscription in academic world.,第一章:绪论,主要介绍论文的研究动机和研究目标,以及学术界对碑文的研究研究情况。 +"My generation are born in the happiness, no war, no starvation, favored by our parents. We always feel that we are still young, then how to get married at such age?",我们这代人,算是蜜罐里长大的,没经历过战乱没挨过饿,被父母宠着,老觉得自己还小,怎么就要结婚了呢? +"Based on the waterway regulation measures such as dredging, reef explosion and so on, the target of constructing Baini waterway is achieved.",白坭水道航道整治工程拟通过疏浚、炸礁等航道整治工程措施来达到航道建设目的。 +"But Roland Kelts says for younger Japanese today, the only thing they'd understand would be the story.",但对于年轻的日本罗兰Kelts今天说,只能将他们会理解的故事。 +"The system has simple structure and works steadily, low cost, Special suitable to curved , leaned or horizontal glass frame ceiling, Such as glass ceiling of villa and sun-house.",适用于工程和民用,现已广泛运用于别墅玻璃顶和阳光房的遮阳。 +Posts and telecommunications: The development of postal and telecommunication sector sped up.,邮电通信业:邮电通信业发展速度提高。 +"Eclipses are the most powerful tool that the universe uses to create massive, dramatic change.",日月食是宇宙用来创造重大的、戏剧性的变化所采用的最有力的工具。 +"If you do not feel lonely and desperate, you won't know what love is.",如果您没有感受到孤独和绝望,您是不会知道爱是怎么回事��——克雷洛夫。 +"Every successful website is the result of effective collaboration, it should be necessary for the division of labor between different people - the design, development, marketing, work together.",每一个成功的网站都是有效协作的结果,应为它需要不同分工的人——设计、开发、营销,共同工作。 +"The research, by the economist Helene Couprie, is based on a sample of more than 12, 000 men and women in the British Household Panel Survey.",这项由经济学家海琳·考普里所做的调查主要基于“英国家庭专门调查”的1万2千多名男性和女性。 +The cross-town cars began to be crowded.,横穿市区的电车开始拥挤起来。 +The research defined a recipe as a main course dish containing four or more ingredients.,该项调查中的主菜指的是含有四种或四种以上配料的菜式。 +"her early ""talent for showing off"". The only thing that could deflect her from work, she once wrote, was ""being in love"", whereupon everything else flew out the window.",唯一可以让她从工作中脱离出来的,她曾经写道,就是“恋爱”,因此,生命中难免会会失去其它一些东西。 +"Jin Han's own sphere of influence has been ""greater than the nobility, "" with the participation of ""the three sub-Jin"" conditions.",晋国韩氏拥有的势力范围已经“大于诸侯”,具备了参与“三家分晋”的条件。 +"Sometimes you must be cruel to be kind, and so the teacher made Jones stay in after class to teach him a lesson!",有时你必须心慈手辣,下课后老师要琼斯留下来教训一下他。 +"Returns a workbook from a local computer to a server, and sets the local workbook to read-only so that it cannot be edited locally.",将本地计算机的工作簿返回到服务器,并将本地工作簿设置为只读,以使它不能进行本地编辑。 +"There the speech information says that the here is Shenzhen what what company, congratulate you won the accessit .",那边语音信息说这里是深圳什么什么公司,恭喜你中了二等奖。 +"They integrate traditionalcustomer-acquisition tactics – such as direct mail – with new ones that bringoffline customers online, where they can be served more profitably.",他们结合传统客户获取方式,如直邮,和新方法将线下客户带到更有利于服务的线上。 +"Without the right ideas, again good opportunities will also be wasted.",没有正确的思路,再好的机遇也会付诸流水。 +Nor could he ever imagine what price he would pay for his good deed.,他根本就没有想象过自己会为这次善举付出什么代价。 +"A one-week break may leave you upwards of 1,00 electronic messages.",一个星期的长假可能会留给你超过100封的电子邮件。 +"I wish you every day happy, healthy optimism, life colorful and full of sunshine filled with love!",祝愿你天天开心、健康乐观,生活多姿多彩充满阳光充满爱! +"At higher magnification, the pattern of patchy distribution of a bronchopneumonia is seen.",放大后可见支气管肺炎病灶的不规则分布。 +The effects of drinking chlorinated water have been debated for decades.,有关饮用含氯水的影响,已经争辩了数十年。 +Parents and educators hope that this sort of multipronged effort will reduce aggression and bullying and produce happier and more academically successful kids.,父母和教育者都希望借由这些多方面的努力减少校园的欺侮事件,培养出成绩更好的孩子。 +"About the time of completion of Filial Piety, this thesis will start from the ideology and content to infer its approximate completing time.",对《孝经》成书时间的考证,本文将从《孝经》思想内容入手,推断其大致的成书时间。 +Moving your lawn in a Notre Dame sweatshirt doesn't make you a catholic.,穿件印着巴黎圣母院的汗衫除草不等于你就是天主教徒。 +"IR26 is a resistant cultivar in the full growth period, it expresses the polypeptide not only in adult period but also in seedlings.",对全期抗病品种IR26分析表明,它无论在成株期还是苗期均出现一个与不亲和菌株专一作用的多肽。 +Cantonese best food with the southern China flavor is on fifth floor in this Food Center.,本饮食中心的四楼是巴蜀风味的川菜极品。 +"If the frequency offset is large enough, the traditional PLL cannot be locked. Such situation would lead to the system corruption.",当频差较大时,接收端用于载波恢复的锁相环路无法锁定,导致系统不能正常工作。 +"The reform that has paid existing and state-owned company hard on one hand, change make , liven state-owned economy;",一方面努力抓好现有国有企业的改革、改制,搞活国有经济; +"PC board canopy made of special engineering plastics stent and PC board (endurance plate, sun plate) assembly and become, has the strong continuous composite.",PC板雨棚由特殊工程塑胶支架和PC板材(耐力板、阳光板)组装而成,有较强��连续组合性。 +"Yao Qi is a staff software engineer at IBM's China Emerging Technology Institute, China Development Lab.",齐尧是IBM中国开发中心新技术中心的工程师。 +"In the great fire of London, in 1666, half of London was burnt down but only 6 people were injured.",1666年,在伦敦大火灾中,伦敦一半被烧毁,但只有6人受伤。 +"On the other hand, our parochial national political leaders who rarely have real experiences of living or working or studying in a western country, have no idea what they are missing.",而我们的那些很少在国外生活、学些过的政治领袖、外交使节等等对此忽悠之高明之处完全没有概念。 +"""For many years, I have a nickname"" west poison, anyone can become very poison, as long as you try what call envy.""","很多年后,我有个绰号叫西毒,任何人都可以变得很毒,只要你尝试了什么叫嫉妒。" +"The monitoring principle which includes machine tool vibrancy, principal axis displacement, cutting tool temperature, cutting force of cutting tool, temperature field of turner is discussed.",论述了对机床的振动、主轴的位移、刀具温度、刀具切削力、旋转工件温度场进行监测的原理。 +"For further practical applications, luenberger observer design based on the fast subsystem is presented.",为了结合实际应用,提出了基于快子系统的龙伯格观测器设计方法。 +Everything in here is the kind of proposal that’s been supported by both Democrats and Republicans -- including many who sit here tonight.,这里这份建议里的一切条款都得到了民主党和共和党——包括今晚在座的各位的支持。 +"Results The therapeutic efficacy of treatment group was superior to that of control group (P< 0.05) Meanwhile, Re-canalization of the veins also has significant difference (P<0.05).",结果治疗组的总体疗效、临床治愈率、总有效率均优于对照组(P<0.05); +"The idea of estoppel or culpa in contrahendo, can be used to create obligations during pre-contractual negotiations.",这个想法不容反悔或缔约过失责任,可用于制作过程中承担的义务前的合同谈判。 +"I also unindexed the user's picture URL, a new feature that lets me create a nicer report on the UI.",我还去对用户的图片 URL 取消建立索引,这是一个新功能,使我能够创建有关 UI 的更完美报告。 +Knowing this stops me from comparing myself with others and makes it easier to reject the distraction.,当我明了这一点,我就不会把自己和别人去比较,同样,也能够拒斥让人分神的那种噪音。 +"Kevan: No word of a lie, his son, Jesse Butler, is taking my chemistry lab.",凯万:实话说吧,他儿子,杰西·巴特勒,在我的化学试验室上课。 +"Despite his fondness for alcohol, he was regarded as a charismatic and capable politician, with some in the LDP tipping him as a future prime minister.",除了嗜酒,他被认为是一个卓越而有能力的政治家。 一些自由民主党人士还希望能将他推选为下一任首相。 +U.S. President Barack Obama is reportedly around 6-foot-1-inch tall.,据报道,美国总统巴拉克·奥巴马的身高大约是6尺1寸(1米85)。 +"Sowing-date experiment of corn variety Zhengdan 21 at Anyang City, the influence of different ecological conditions on growth and yield was studied.",通过播种期试验,研究了不同生态条件对高淀粉玉米品种郑单21的生长发育和产量的影响。 +It'll be interesting to see how Verlinde and his supporters respond.,让我们拭目以待,看Verlinde和他的支持者将作何反应。 +"Our application for the ""Ocean Park Academy, Hong Kong Student Sponsorship Scheme"" has been approved. The approval notice and student name list are attached.",本校获「香港海洋公园学院学生助学计划」资助,申请通知书及受资助学生名单已連同此表格一并递交。 +She gave me a disgusted look and walked off. FML,她厌恶地看了我一眼,然后走掉了。 +They live in a magnificent Tudor house in the country.,他们住在乡间有一座都铎时代的华宅。 +"Zhang Daqian was born in 1901in Neijiang, and died in 1984.",根据汉语提示,写一篇介绍张大千的文章一生于1901年,1984年,内江人。 +"""We are very much afraid, "" said the young Storks ; and they drew their heads far back into the nest.",“我们非常害怕。”小鹳鸟们齐声说,同时把头深深地缩进窠里来。 +"In 1993, he began to go in for the film course.",从1993年开始,雷祯孝先生开始致力于电影课的开发与普及。 +"In the face of such a bad weather, the national people's heart to heart, hand in hand together to fight with the snow.",面对如此恶劣的天气,全国人民手拉手心连心,共同抗击着这场雪灾。 +Here nice book about Love Poems &Love Letters for your references.,这里有关于爱情诗及情书的好书可为你参考。 +"Girls side, smiling all the curious questions, while the big black oil Mosa Zhao Flanagan braids.",女孩边微笑着回答各种好奇的问题,边摩挲着那根油黑的大辫子。 +"In a certain sense, fake press conferences are like lip synching .",一定意义上,假记者会类似于假唱。 +"In addition to homework review and preview, the Panchen arrangements will practice one hour calligraphy.",除了复习和预习功课,班禅还会安排一小时的时间练习书法。 +"In the UK, the most persistent mendicants for public funds are the arms exporters, which have recently stepped up their campaign for defence contracts and other government support.",在英国,对公共资金表现出最持久渴望的当属军火出口商。最近,它们加大了争取国防合同和其它政府支持的活动力度。 +"Paul is now back at home in Lychen, north of Berlin in Germany, and there appears to be no sign of brain damage.",保罗现在已经回到在德国柏林以北的吕兴家中,和似乎没有脑损伤迹象。 +"Strange country, to appreciate loneliness.",陌生悳国度,体味到孤独。 +"Like many from the educated classes, Mr. Li was ridiculed, beaten by classmates and then sent to the countryside, where he toiled alongside farmers for nine years.",像许多来自受教育阶层的人一样,李先生被自己的同班同学嘲笑、殴打,接着他们被送到乡下,在那他们同农民一道辛苦耕作了九年。 +"To overcome this problem, the zeolite can be modified with amorphous cracking component to form a compo- site catalyst.",为了解决这个问题,可以用无定形裂化组分对沸石进行改性而制成一种复合催化剂。 +"Ideally suited for most quarter-turn valves, NIBCO NDA and NSR pneumatic actuators offer exceptional starting and ending torque in a compact design.",适用于大多数角行程阀门,使用程度理想,美国尼伯科NDA和NSR气动执行机构在紧凑的结构里提供非常的开启和关闭扭矩。 +But the father inquired everywhere prescription treatment of rheumatism.,但公公到处打听治疗风湿的方子。 +"I also add eucalyptus essential oil, tea tree oil or sometimes lavender.",我有时会加一些,茶树油,熏衣草。 +"Base on the group theory, a new method to calculate affinity and two novel crossover operators was proposed.",依据群论的观点,提出一种新方法计算亲和度,并提出两种新的交叉算子。 +"Nowadays we are the hope of our homeland, and pillars in the future.",今天我们是祖国的希望,明天我们就是祖国的栋梁。 +Christabella: Only the demon knows where she is.,克里斯特贝拉:只有魔鬼才知道她在哪儿。 +"Women wearing skirt suits are viewed as more successful than those wearing trouser suits favoured by powerful women such as Hillary Clinton and Angela Merkel, scientists have found.",社会学家发现:穿裙子的女性要比喜欢穿裤子套装的女性,比如Hillary Clinton 和Angela Merkel 看起来更成功。 +"The first reason is the unclearness of ownership property, from the nature resources property and absence of culture resources property perspective.",第五部分,对利益冲突的原因进行分析:第一产权不明晰,这从自然资源产权虚置和文化资源产权缺失两方面进行论述; +"“ WHEN China awakes,” Napoleon is said to have warned, “the world will tremble.” For more than a century and a half after his time, that prospect seemed remote.",“当中国这头雄狮苏醒时”据说拿破仑曾告诫过“世界将为之一颤。”在他的时代结束的一个半世纪后,这个预言看上去是那样的遥不可及。 +"The subjects were 95 Italian children, both male and female, from grade 1 (6 years of age) through grade 5 (10 years of age).",研究对象为95年的意大利儿童,不论是男性还是女性,从一年级(6岁)到五年级(10岁)。 +"If you've got time, you really should drop in on Winnie the Pooh at Hundred Acre Wood, and have a quick bounce with Tigger.",如果你还有时间,你真的还应该去走访一下维尼,再与泰格来一个快速弹跳! +"Copper in the root, stem and leaf of cotton which was infected by Verticillium wilt was sprayed with cupric complexes of glycine and water.",用原子吸收分光光度法分别测定了喷施氨基酸铜和喷施清水后,接种棉花黄萎病菌的感病棉株的根、茎、叶中铜元素的含量。 +"And when she had weaned him, she took him up with her, with three bullocks, and one ephah of flour, and a bottle of wine, and brought him unto the house of the LORD in Shiloh: and the child was young.",既断了奶,就把孩子带上示罗,到了耶和华的殿。又带了三只公牛,一伊法细面,一皮袋酒。那时孩子还小。 +"On a dark night, when the lighning flashes, what do you see?",在黑暗的夜里,闪电时,你看见什么? +"Like Obama said, Lula is the man. He can connect to the people and that’s how he convinced the Olympic committee.",就像奥巴马说的,卢拉是伟人,他能够与人民建立良好关系,这就是他如何说服奥委会的原因。 +"The health care tea has the advantages of refreshing taste, pure flavor, and having functions of reducing weight and fat and anti-fatigue for a long term drinking, and has obvious health care effect.",该保健茶口感清凉、滋味淳朴,长期饮用具有降 脂减肥、抗疲劳的作用,保健效果明确。 +"According to usage request of controlled objects in high frequency box, adopt AT89C52 for the core electric circuit, designed multiplex voltage output controller.",根据高频机箱中受控对象的使用要求,采用AT89C52为核心电路,设计了多路电压量输出控制器。 +"In order to reveal the relationship between blue-violet light signal and the surface quality in cladding process, the blue-violet light signal intensity was measured in real time with a UV-420 device.",为了揭示熔覆时产生的蓝紫光信号与熔覆表面质量的关系,采用UV-420对熔覆产生的蓝紫光信号强度进行实时检测。 +My brother-in-law opened the bottom drawer of my sisters bureau and lifted out a tissue-wrapped package.,妹夫打开了妹妹衣柜最底层抽屉,拿出一个用纸包装的包裹。 +"The problem is, Drum moves faster than Tien's eyes - all three of them!",可问题是,大鼓的移动速度之快,连天津饭的三只眼睛加在一起都跟不上! +"The positron lifetime spectra have been measured as a function of exposed air pressure for synthetic zeolite 13X and 3A, and as a function of calcination temperature for zeolite 10X.",测量了3A型及13X型沸石分子筛在不同压强空气中的正电子寿命谱,并测量了10X型分子筛在不同温度下焙烧后的寿命谱。 +OMHON RESORT in Dimiao is 40 km from Tagbilaran City and one of the highest elevated sites of the province of Bohol.,OMHON在迪米奥度假村40公里从Tagbilaran市和薄荷岛(Bohol)省的最高高架站点之一。 +"There were several attempts to resurrect nuclear propulsion of various types, most recently the mothballed Project Prometheus.",现在有几次重新使用核能发射技术的的尝试,最近的一次是“普罗米修斯”项目。 +"Elusive, is taking along the chrysanthemum delicate fragrance which late autumn not yet removes, but floating to, gently, blows this wisp of train of thought far, blows off.",空灵的,携着深秋尚未褪去的菊花清香,飘然而至,轻轻地,将这一缕思绪吹远,吹散。 +Remember these the man which can HAs toer the maximum risk be to gain the deepest love or the supreme accomplishment;,记住:那些敢于承担最大风险的精英人士能得到最深的爱和最大的成就; +"Indeed, the system of local elections may be seen as a strategic retreat by the Communist Party, the better to defend its monopoly of power at the national level.",其实,地方选举体系或许可以看成是执政党的一次战略退却,目的在于更好的保护其在国家层面的权力垄断。 +A bubble will burst at the slightest touch.,气泡稍微一碰就破。 +Palin's political committee did not immediately respond to ane-mail Thursday seeking comment.,佩林的政治委员会并没有立即回应电子邮件周四发表评论。 +Private Hasamoto said he would never be able to go back to Japan—but the fact is that he and others gave themselves up voluntarily.,他说,他将永远回不去日本了---不过事实是,他和其他人是自愿放弃回国的。 +Article 13. The local people's governments at various levels shall take measures to combat grassland pests and mice and protect those beneficial animals and birds that feed on pests and mice.,第十三条地方各级人民政府应当采取措施,防治草原鼠虫害,保护捕食鼠虫的益鸟益兽。 +"On the foundation of scientific knowledge, people not only notice a medical treatment, but also pay attention to sport to keep the body.",在科学知识的基础上,人们不仅注意医疗保健,更注重运动养身。 +"It's basically the hub for information sources and then it includes some additional Web 2. 0 features, such as tagging.",它实际上是一种信息资源 hub,包括了一些额外的 Web 2.0 特性,例如标记(tagging)功能。 +"The calculation of fuel economy includes the calculation of uniform velocity, accelerating process, decelerating process and fuel consumption under multi-working conditions.",燃料经济性评价指标的计算,包括等速过程、加速过程、减速过程和多工况燃料消耗量的计算。 +"A child inevitably picks up on this, as well as your general attitude towards body image and eating.",孩子自然而然清楚这一点,正如你对身材和食物的总体态度一样。 +Mark Lowen is in Belgrade. The protest officially organized by the far right Serbian radical party has officially finished.,这次抗议活动由塞尔维亚极端右翼党派组织,目前已经结束。 +"In the 1960s and '70s, people who admitted to wanting to amount to something were put down as materialists idiotically wasting their lives in the ""rat race.""",在60年代和70年代,那些承认想有所成就的人,被贬低为实利主义者,十分愚蠢地把生命耗费在你死我活的竞争之中。 +"Most of these criticism measured the ancient writer by modern one, aiming to establish a historiographical standard, but failing to understand the history of historiography itself.",这种批评多以后世的眼光要求古人,旨在树立一种史学标杆,而忽略了透过史学史本身了解当时的历史。 +Don't forget point approximate terms for project. Better less that week.,不要忘记为项目点的近似计算。更好的不到一周。 +I was sitting outside in a blue-and-white striped deckchair.,当时我正坐在屋外一个蓝白相间的帆布躺椅上。 +"No the notes seem to be right. Total volume is capital V, molecular volume is little v.",我看看……讲义好像是对的,大V表示总体积,小v表示分子体积。 +One thing that viewers expect on a website is how friendly it can be used.,一件游览者对网站所关注的事是用起来有多友好。 +Every photo interpreter should be familiar with basic principles of photogrammetry.,每个相片解译人员都应当熟悉摄影测量学的基本原理。 +"Don't rely on drug therapy, had better use natural food solution wine.",也不要依赖解酒药物,最好运用自然食物解酒。 +"The world's first commercial example of a seawater greenhouse, a 2, 000-square-metre unit in Port Augusta, Australia, harvested its first crop of tomatoes in December.",世界上的首个海水温室商业化的例子是在澳大利亚奥古斯塔港建立的一个2000平方米的单元,去年12月它收获了首批西红柿。 +"In this study, tests for initial setting time of plaster are conducted by adopting plaster with 4 different initial setting times and by adding S type retarder for plaster.",本研究采用四种不同初凝时间的建筑石膏, 掺入S型石膏缓凝剂,进行了初凝时间的试验。 +"Not to be outdone by the 10th anniversary of its sibling, the Chandra X-Ray Observatory, NASA’s Spitzer Space Telescope delivered this crazy looking eye-shaped galaxy image.",在钱德拉X射线天文台成立10周年之际,天文台各天文望远镜不甘示弱地展示成果, 美国宇航局的斯皮策太空望远镜也借此发布这张惊似人眼状的星云图。 +Katydids were lamenting fall 's approach .,蝈蝈儿正为秋天临近而哀鸣。 +"For the moment, the candidates are appealing to a Republican Party whose core is so contorted in fury at Mr. Obama that it barely resembles the one that nominated George W. Bush in 2000.",目前,候选人呼吁到共和党的核心因迁怒于奥巴马而变得更扭曲,这种情形几乎与2000年时布什提名相类似。 +"The paper, by researching the CAI of Xingyiquan teaching, brings out some extent breakthrough and a new way in the teaching of Xingyiuqan routine.",通过对武术套路形意拳CAI课件的研制,能在武术套路形意拳教学方面作出一定的突破,为套路技术的教学探索一条新途径。 +"Several nongovernmental organizations are providing health services in the Turbo camp, but shortages of drugs such as pain killers and antibiotics are being reported.",一些非政府组织目前正在为Turbo营地提供卫生服务,但仍报道说缺乏止痛药和抗生素一类药物。 +I feel shivery and have a splitting headache.,我有点冷得发抖,头疼的很厉害。 +Have you seen n. p. ?,你有看过……吗? +"Poor economic data helped Mr Liu's cause yesterday, with the price of the Shanghai exchange's most popular steel rebar contract falling 4.52 per cent to Rmb2,451 a tonne ($378).",昨日,糟糕的经济数据帮了刘士余一把,上海期货交易所最热门的螺纹钢期货合约价格下跌4.52%,至每吨2451元人民币(合378美元)。 +I won't lose anything that I have never had.,想通了一件事:我从未得到,谈何失去呢? +"Now, by becoming more Muslim, modern, and independent, Turkey has finally become appealing to Arabs.",现如今的土耳其则大不一样,穆斯林教义越来越深,人们思想越来越开放,政府行事越来越独立,土耳其在阿拉伯国家中的口碑越来越好。 +The system optimization between human and machine is achieved by the voice warning system in the airplanes.,在飞机上,语音警告优化了人机系统的关系。 +"Today, my dad told me and my little sister that we might lose our house.",今天,我爸跟我和我的小妹妹说,我们可能要失去现在的房子。 +"INRA (National Institute for Agricultural Research) scientific director Olivier Lemaire holds a genetically modified vine plant at an INRA site in Colmar, eastern France.",法国国家农业研究院首席科学家,奥利佛‧拉梅尔,在位于法国东部科玛的种植著基因改造葡萄树农场中留影。 +"The results were as follows:Application of panicle fertilizer could increase protein content per dry weight with the development of rice kernels, especially application at leaf age remains 0.5.",结果表明:穗肥的施用提高了籽粒发育过程中单位干重蛋白质含量,以在倒0.5叶施用氮素穗肥影响最大; +The donor chain is made up of friends who already know each other.,捐赠链是由原已相识的友人们所组成。 +"Students would ask both elders and teachers questions, and respond to elders appropriately.",而学生会向高龄者与教师发问,也会给予高龄者回馈。 +OBJECTIVE:To investigate the microscopic autofluorescence characteristics of cardiac cancer.,目的:探讨贲门癌显微自体荧光图象的特征表现。 +"In addition, all data need to be available over the 15 year estimated lifetime of the LHC.",除此以外,在LHC预计超过15年的生命周期里,所有的数据都须是可用的。 +The increased risk may result from diminished secretion of the sleep hormone melatonin.,患癌风险的增加是由于睡眠荷尔蒙褪黑素分泌降低。 +The viscoelastic plastic damage-coupling constitutive model for geo-materials is embeded into the commercial FEM software ADINA as a user's subroutine.,通过用户子程序将此本构模型嵌入到大型商业有限元软件ADINA中。 +Taking it raw or as decoction can arrest bleeding.,煮汤或生食有止血作用。 +Rock coloured stainless steel should be used.,同时,应使用攀岩专用的有色不袗。 +"If a person dies of an overdoes of sleeping pills, the story should not specify the number of pills taken.",如果有人死于过量服用安眠药,报道不应指出其服用的安眠药的数量。 +"The final award winners must provide the counterfoil of the Haier refrigerator, so that Haier worldwide service net will make identification.",海尔冰箱销售发票实物,海尔全球服务网络将进行票据核实。 +Reports from the Syrian city of Hama say government tanks have been shelling residential neighbourhoods indiscriminately.,来自叙利亚城市哈马的报道称,政府的坦克随意地炮击居民区。 +"OpenID authentication is at the heart of OpenID, and consists of three main concepts",OpenID 身份验证是 OpenID 的核心,它包括三个主要概念 +"In order for sex to exist, signs must reduplicate biological being.",为了让性爱存在,符号必须复制生物的存在。 +They approached an olden building warmed by pastel roses climbing a wrought-iron pergola.,他们靠近一座老旧楼房,爬满藤条的铁架子上面点缀着彩色的玫瑰。 +"Columba Coffee, a famous leisure coffee chain brand.",科伦巴咖啡,知名的休闲咖啡连锁品牌。 +"As Huang An's death, it all seems to be no trace of the entrance exam.",由于黄友安的死,这一切似乎都无迹可考了。 +"If there is a recount, and you're found to have won, are you going to decide that the election was fair?",如果验票结果是你们赢了,那你们是否会改口说这场选举其实是公平的? +Darwin generalized from many facts to reach his idea about the origin of man.,达尔文对许多事实进行了归纳,从而得出了他对人类起源的想法。 +"The main driver of the market's decline is ""a combination of global economic cooling and an increase in risk from Europe,"" according to Paul Zemsky, head of asset allocation at ING in New York.","推动市场下行的主要动因是""全球经济成长降温以及欧洲的风险增加,""ING驻纽约的资产配置部主管Paul Zemsky称." +Objective:To observe and appraise the efficacy and Safety of YiShenJuanBi capsules in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis.,目的:观察和评价蚁参蠲痹胶囊治疗类风湿关节炎的疗效和安全性。 +"""Juan Yan said, ""I didn't know he injured so seriously. Now Iam in Bingzhou First Hospital and wish he could recover soon.",没想到他的伤情这么严重,我被转院到郴州市第一医院后,很盼望他能尽快康复。 +"Treasured Vase: In Tibetan temples, vases hold pure water, gems, peacock plume and pleasant trees which stand for good luck, lustration and fortune.",宝瓶藏传佛教寺院中的瓶内装净水(甘露)和宝石,瓶中插有孔雀翎或如意树。 +"In the Japan's economic recession, there have been large-scale bank merger & acquisition tides, and the number of banks drop sharply.",日本经济萧退过程中,也出现了大规模的银行并购狂潮,使市场上银行的数量锐减。 +Any mortgage or hire-purchase agreement endorsed on the certificate of ownership ?,拥有权证明书上是否批注有任何按揭或租购协议? +Broad Square Outside Jama Masjid,迦玛清真寺外的大广场 +This morning we arrived at the railway station just in time to catch the early train.,今天早上,我们到火车站时刚好赶上早班车。 +I have seen President Lee.,我曾见过李总统。 +Rob: Oh. Do you think they're becoming more than friends?,罗博:哦。你认为他们正向超过普通朋友的方向发展。 +Upon a lofty and high mountain hast thou set thy bed: even thither wentest thou up to offer sacrifice.,你在高而又高的山上安设床榻,也上那里去献祭。 +"The clever man and his team found that by using a magnifier the other way around, they could get an idea of how the portrait looked from afar.",这个聪明的人和他的团队发现,用放大镜是另一个办法,他们可以发现这个画像从远处看起来如何。 +"Sure, the concept of love will soon disappear, leaving us all lonely robots, ready to kill our best friends for a lukewarm cup of microchip soup.",当然,爱的概念将会很快地消失,留下我们全部这些孤单的机器人,准备好为了那杯微温的微芯片汤要杀掉我们最要好的朋友们。 +"Founded in late 2005, Felicis has made roughly 60 investments, with 16 successful exits, including Mint, Tapulous and Aardvark.",Felicis成立于2005年,投资了将近60个项目,成功了16个,这其中包括MinT,Tapulous,Aardvark.。 +"Expoding watermelons have been found in eastern China after farmers gave them overdoses of growth chemicals during wet weather, creating what state media called fields of ""land mines.""",我国东部地区发现有西瓜相继“爆炸”,是由于果农过量使用生长化学剂,官方媒体称瓜田突然变成了雷区。 +"In an unusual move, he appealed to reporters to write reports boosting Beijing's credibility among Olympic athletes overseas.",杜少中还呼吁媒体发表报导、改善北京在外国运动员中的形像。 +Ensures table setting to accord to standard and operational requirement.,确保摆台是根据要求以及运作的需要。 +But there is still hope.,但是他自有妙计。 +"Berman herself disagrees. ""There are real medical factors. Sexual response and sexual factors are in part physiological; you can't ignore that.""",但是伯曼并不同意。“确实有一些医学因素。性反应和性因素部分是生理上的;你不能忽略这一点。” +"Jingang guardrails adopt the imported AkzoNobel powder coatings, which are colorful and highly decorative.",金钢护栏采用高温静电粉末喷涂工艺,使产品具有良好的自洁性。 +And it's too early to tell whether companies such as Versace will be punished for simply deleting protests.,要说像范思哲这样的公司是否会因强行制止抗议而受到惩罚,还为时太早。 +"The duration of the service can be one hour or more, so you can use it to generate notices while you are in a meeting.",该服务的持续时间可以是一个小时或更长时间,因此您可以在开会时使用该服务来生成通知。 +"To promote international growth, Kangli intends to cooperate with KLEO to enhance its global presence and business network.",目前正积极寻求国际化的道路与发展,拟透过与KLEO的合作,积极布局与培养国际化经营能力。 +The propagation characteristics and the influence of initial chirp on Gaussian pulse width were discussed.,计算了高斯型脉冲宽度在色散缓变光纤中的传播特性和初始啁啾对脉宽演变的影响。 +"An non-contact ultrasonic distance testing system based on surplus SPCE061A microprocessor is presented, and the software and hardware are introduced.",应用凌阳SPCE061A单片机原理,设计了由软件及硬件组成的超声波非接触式测距系统。 +There are differences in mechanism of action certainly but the bottom line is that we know it works as well as sulfonylureas and I believe that has been the consensus from clinical experience.,两类药物的作用机制是不同的,但至少我们知道DPP-4抑制剂和磺脲类同样有效,我想这也是临床经验得到的共识。 +"Three species of long-beaked echidna's are ranked equal first on the evolutionary distinct and globally endangered (EDGE) list, which identifies the world's 100-most unique and threatened mammals.",长嘴鼬的三种品种也同样位居濒危物种名单(EDGE)的榜首,这份名单纪录全球百大独特,但却饱受威胁的哺乳类动物。 +"The establishment of their collateral branches circulation was observed under vascular transparent specimen filled by ink, microvessel casting &scanning electron microscopy.",采用血管透明标本、微血管铸型和扫描电镜观察它们的侧枝循环建立。 +The old-fashioned general store is fast disappearing.,旧时的百货店很快就消失了。 +Expect more bricks and mortar stores to close as overstretched consumers retrench.,随着大手大脚的消费者缩减支出,预计将有更多的传统商家关门大吉。 +"Today, with more than 550 mountaineers from 20 countries having reached the summit, the mystery has shifted away from Everest the mountain, towards Mallory the man.",时至今日,已有20年国家550名登山运动员登顶成功。对于马罗里时代的人业说是个,珠峰一直罩着一块神秘的面纱,而面纱现已被揭去。 +"Not only the internal demand in theory, but also setting down and putting in force to constitution articles, the finitude of constitution amendment locates on basilic status.",宪法修改之界限不仅在理论上具有内在需求性,更在宪法规范的制定与施行中具有重要地位。 +"To divert her husbanD's attention from the mailbox outside, Nora practiced her dance before Torvald and Dr. Rank, an old friend.",为了转移丈夫的注意力,使他想不到门外的信箱,娜拉在托伐和老朋友阮克医生面前假装练习舞蹈。 +"To that end, the Chinese Government will continue to carry out people-oriented scientific development and strive to build a socialist harmonious society.",为实现这一目标,中国政府将继续贯彻落实以人为本的科学发展观,努力构建社会主义和谐社会。 +"For example, in a meeting, you might say, “Well, John, you're the studly one.",比如,在会议上,你可以说:“约翰~你长得帅。 +Objective:To improve the X-ray diagnositc capability and knowledge of total epiphyseal diastasis of distal humerus.,目的:提高对肱骨远端全骨骺分离的X线认识与诊断水平。 +"Last but not the least, President Must focus on the idea put forward on the current Chinese higher education reform and development of the Enlightenment.",最后重点提出了刘道玉的思想对当前我国高等教育改革和发展的启示。 +"More than 17 million Chinese have wealth above $100, 000.",1700余万中国人的财富超过10万美元。 +"So (of acupuncture point) can saying is to draw Long Dianqing, the gain and loss of success or failure of whole process is fastened completely hereat.",所以(穴的)可说是画龙点晴,整个过程的成败得失全系于此。 +"The method of agricultural information service has been from tradition to modern, the satellite remote sensing system of agricultural information service has established in all reclamation areas.",农业信息服务手段由传统迈向现代化,建立起了覆盖全垦区的卫星遥感农情信息服务系统。 +"Fuxing "" steaming "" according to hidden but beautiful spot, Fuxing Hotel advertisement language!",福兴“蒸“照,别有洞天! 福兴饭店广告语。 +"Successful application of planar transformer products company focused on the domestic defense industry projects, the successful application of airborne radar, the power module and power supply.",公司平面变压器产品成功应用国内重点军工项目,成功应用机载电源模块和雷达电源中。 +"Through a combination of carrots and sticks, Beijing is starting to change how this country generates energy.",通过胡萝卜和大棒并用的办法,北京正开始改变这个国家生产能源的方式。 +"By the time I arrive, Nadella has ticked almost every box on his daily schedule: government meetings, check;",等到我抵达时,纳德拉几乎完成了日程安排的所有事项:政府会议,打勾; +"The company, which has more than 20 million users, offers a free, advertising-supported version for consumers and a fee-based service for enterprise customers.",该公司现有用户超过2000万,为普通用户提供免费的广告支持版本,以及为企业客户提供付费服务。 +"Last year, two-way trade approached 43 billion U.S. dollars, making China one of Indonesia's major trading partners and export markets.",去年双边贸易额接近430亿美元,中国成为印尼最主要的贸易伙伴和出口市场之一。 +"Besides signing baseballs, the pitcher also doled out some advice to his younger fans.",除了在棒球上签名以外,小张也与他的小球迷分享了一些建议。 +"I personally believe Ma Ying-jeou of KMT shall win the election tomorrow, let us wait and see.",我个人认为,马英九的国民党将赢得大选明天,让我们拭目以待。 +"Xuan Sefa a cone -shaped pieces of the hoist and around the center line perpendicular to the axis of rotation pipeline, completed the hoist valve action.",旋塞阀的启闭件呈锥形,并绕垂直于管道中心线的轴线旋转,完成阀门的启闭动作。 +The adapt ability and the competence for their profession become the critical factors of constraining their career success.,大学毕业生对职业的适应能力及岗位的胜任力成为制约其能否顺利就业和成就事业的关键因素。 +It is customary in our country to take your shoes off before entering a tatami mat room.,进入塌塌米房间前要脱鞋是我们国家的习惯。 +Create your own elearning training solution for your site quickly and without problems.,创造你自己的网上培训解决方案为您的网站迅速,没有任何问题。 +What kind of demand forecast will you do for your customers?,你为你的客户做那种需求预测呢? +Then he became the heavyweight-boxing champion of the world.,然后,他成为了世界重量级拳击冠军。 +Juveniledevelopment of intertidal creatures varies nearly as much as their physicalforms.,潮间带生物的幼体发育几乎随它们的外形变化而变化。 +"E/P Positioner, P/P Positioner, Air-set, Booster relay, Air-valve, Limit switch, Solenoid valve, Lock-valve, Speed controller, Position transmitter, Air tank etc.",定位器、P/P定位器、空气过滤减压���、气动加速器、气控阀、限位开关、电磁阀、闭锁阀、速度控制器、阀位传送器、储气罐等。 +"The Oxford English Dictionary records it first only in 1951, in the form nit-picker, in this helpful explanation from Collier’s: “Two long-time Pentagon stand-bys are fly-speckers and nit-pickers.",只是在1951年,《牛津英语词典》才第一次登录了该词,科利尔杂志对该词的解释对我们很有帮助: “五角大楼两个长期的角色就是无事生非和吹毛求疵。 +"The testing results show that the sequence generated by this RNG is unpredictable, and can fit in with the requirement in cryptography.",测试结果表明,其产生的序列具有不可预测性,可以满足密码学的应用要求。 +"Several years ago, in the eastern United States, people were objecting to the odor of poultry farms on the Delmarva Peninsula.",几年前,在美国东部,人们就因为德尔玛瓦半岛养殖场的臭味而抗议过。 +The collective forest property right institution reform makes forest farmers a major part of forestry development.,集体林权制度改革使得林农成为了林业发展的重要主体。 +Objective To observe the effect of rabbit sacculus rotundus peptides on virulent Newcastle disease virus.,目的观察兔圆小囊抗菌肽对鸡新城疫病毒强毒株有无抑制作用。 +"YuHe feel sorry to the south, with south to resign, was blocked by the south.",郁禾感觉对不起向南,要和向南一同辞去职务,被向南阻止。 +"""Political culture"" refers to the political history, especially the party struggles and their cultural background.",政治文化“是指政治史,特别是党争及其文化背景。 +"""Look at my frog! "" said Avery, placing the frog on the drain board and holding out his hand for pie.",“看看我的青蛙吧。”艾弗利说,把青蛙放在滴水板上,伸出手去拿蓝莓派。 +It may not work out but as you get to know a person love comes.,爱不爱,这个可能很难回答,但是,当你真正认识了一个人,爱情,自然就降临了。 +"Klee not only painted nature, he virtually studied it.",克里不仅仅是描绘自然,更是在探索自然。 +"Mr. Gates cut funding for the F-22 in 2009, predicting that China would not have any such planes by 2020 and only a handful by 2025.",盖茨先生在2009年削减了F-22的经费,预测中国在2020年前不会有类似的飞机,2025年只会有少量类似飞机。 +"""Jesse Owens, I'm Luz Long. I don't think we've met. "" He spoke English well, though with a German twist to it.",“杰西。欧文斯,我叫卢茨。隆格。我想我们以前没见过面。”他英语说得不错,尽管带一点德国味儿。 +"Many a carton of milk or yogurt now brags of its fortification with omega 3s, a trend that has made the dietary additive seem like just the latest marketing gimmick for health-minded consumers.",在,许多牛奶或酸奶的包装盒上都标榜其添加了omega 3,这一风潮使此种食品添加剂就像是专为关注健康的消费者而设计的最新营销噱头。 +"But in the end it's only important what the boss says to me, if he is happy or not. If he says he is not, then I need to work to improve so I can be better next season.",但最后最主要的还是老板的看法,如果他说这样不行,那我就得努力改进,下赛季踢得更好。 +Objective To observe the therapeutic effects of limbal epithelial autograft transplantation for treatment of pterygium and ocular surface disease with vascularized corneal opacity.,目的观察用角膜缘上皮移植治疗翼状胬肉及化学伤后角膜表面血管翳性混浊效果。 +"By measuring current voltage characteristics and observing light emission of these diodes, electron emission feature of these diamond powder cold cathodes were investigated.",通过该结构电流电压特性的测量和发光特性的观察研究了金刚石粉末冷阴极的电子场发射性能。 +"In order to solve more combinatorial problems, promote the concept grape to the hypergraph is a very natural thing.",为了解决更多的组合问题, 把图的概念推广到超图是非常自然的事情。 +What did Satan have to do with it?,撒但与那根刺有何关系呢? +"Detection of feather quilt, bed necessaries, non-wovenfabrics.",羽绒被、床上用品、无纺布、布料及绗缝被的检测。 +"In 2011, I called him ""a robotic Sustainer-in-Chief.""",2011年,我称他是“机械呆板的维持者总司令”。 +"When that topic is accepted, he then learns all he can for that presentation.",当该主题被接受时,他就为这个演讲学习他能学的所有东西。 +"Some key technologies are discussed, such as CRC detecting, set-up time of PTT, second pulse signal of GPS OEM board that are used in system synchronization and warning-handling system.",并就协议中的CRC校验、通讯车载电台PTT建立时间、GPS OEM板的秒脉冲信号用于系统同步、报警争用策略等关键问题进行了详细的分析; +"The reason for flash in the pre-forging has been analysed on the basis of the results of simulation, with some instructive suggestions for die designing put forward.",基于模拟的结果,对预锻成形过程产生飞边的原因进行分析,提出模具设计的改进建议。 +"Earlier, I managed to borrow a black tie from the staff working at the hotel next door to my house because, for some reason, I can't find any of my suitable black ties.",早前,我向我家隔壁酒店里的工作人员借了一条黑色领带,因为某些原因,我找不到适合自己的黑领带。 +"Already the stars have lost some of their sparkle, and a dull, leaden mist 21)skirts the horizon.",星光已经不这么闪烁光亮,地平线上面笼罩着一层昏昏的铅状的薄雾。 +"It's early fall, there's a cloud on the New York skyline. Innocence, dragged across a yellow line.",这是早秋,有一朵云彩飘浮在纽约的天际。纯真,划过天际的黄线。 +"We, the generation brought up under the Red Bannet, being too simple to be riotous, ate stunned by the bizarre and motel today.",我们红旗下长大的一代人不乏单纯,缺少斑斓,面对当今的光怪陆离,不免愕然。 +"A large five-star luxurious business club house with complete facilities is built within the City Hills Golf Club to provide a senior venue for business, leisure and vacation.",在「红鼎高尔夫球会」建有规模宏大、设施完善的超五星级豪华商务会所,全面创造了商务、休闲、度假尊贵领地。 +Objective:To observe the clinical effect of Tongmai Oral Solution in treating diabetic nephropathy.,目的观察益气活血中药复方通脉口服液对糖尿病肾病的肾保护作用。 +"The data resources and the methods for calculating important parameters in RTE, including optical thickness, phase function and single-scattering albedo, were completely discussed.",就求解离散坐标法所用到的光学厚度、相函数和单次散射反照率等参数的来源及其计算方法进行了介绍。 +"Empirical rules, which take into account the non-neighbor interactions between the base-pair steps, have been presented to predict DNA curvature.",考虑到碱基对梯阶间的非紧邻相互作用,提出DNA宏观弯曲的经验预测规则。 +Of course raising kids in such a materialistic world with advertisers taunting children to buy-buy-buy doesn't make matters easier.,诚然,在广告商诱导不断买-买-买的这样一个物质世界里,抚育孩子会更加的艰难。 +The voltage-source inverter operation for 5-phase hybrid step motor with star connected windings under low-speed and mid-speed is analysed in this paper.,本文对绕组星形连接的五相混合式步进电动机系统之电压型逆变器在低速和中速下的工作进行分析。 +These are the same Pashtun tribesman whose descendants are today's Taliban.,这些相同的普什图部落的后代就是今天的塔利班。 +"The use case in Figure 2 is rather slim, indicating its name and some point-form notes describing the main idea.",图 2 中的用例相当简略,只是有名称和一些典型的注释来描述主要思想。 +"Arbitrarily labelling others into political pigeon holes is an behaviour of predatory totalitarians, because it want to bomb and kill on the moral high ground, it seems you are one of them.",恣意地将别人贴上标签作政治分类是一种掠夺性的极权主义者,因为它想站在道德制高点上进行杀戮行为,看上去你是他们中的一员。 +There is a kind of manifest and knowing confusion of the two in literature-- and Freud always says that the poets preceded him in everything that he thought--which suggests that it is rather hard to keep these things separate.,"文学中二者并没有明确区分-,他想来想去也找不到论据,这就证明,的确很难区分它们。" +Thomas Mayhew - ancestor of Flora Sheldon and all her descendants.,托马斯梅-祖先动植物谢尔顿和所有她的子孙。 +Wearing performances of full needle fabric and rib fabric made from 4 kinds of PTT short fiber blend yarn are investigated.,研究了4种PTT 短纤维混纺纱线纬编编织的四平织物和抽条织物的服用性能。 +"Zhili, meaning ""Directly Ruled (by the Imperial Court)"", was the name of Hebei before 1928.",陈至立,意思是“直接直纹(由宫廷) ” ,是河北省的名称之前, 1928年。 +International Diabetes : Does public education come from the grassroots or the top down perhaps government educating?,《国际糖尿病》: 大众教育是否应该面向最基层群众? +Sokolov: Yes. And then the age of fear will truly begin…,是的,真正的恐怖时代就要来临… +"In delay there lies no plenty, Then come kiss me, sweet and twenty, Youth's a stuff that will not endure. —William Shakespeare, British dramatist.",迁延蹉跎,来日无多,二十丽姝,请来吻我,衰草枯杨,青春易过。 ——英国剧作家威廉· 莎士比亚。 +"He browsed around the cupboard after essence of peppermint, and didn’t make a mistake and drink aqua fortis27).","他翻遍食厨寻找薄荷香精,却从来没有错把硝酸喝进肚里。" +We have high confidence in maintaining the quality of the bannocks and providing fresh bannocks all the time.,我们做烙饼业已有多年,对于产品的新鲜及品质持有高度的信心。 +Mr. Xia helped line up about $30 million in financing from China for the development.,夏先生想要为从中国带来的三千万美金融资。 +The optimum region for analysis is just above the apex of the primary plasma cone and under the base of the Flame-like glow.,最佳的分析区域是在等离子锥体的顶端和似火焰发光底座的下面。 +She swayed her hips seductively as she danced.,她跳舞时诱人地摆动着臀部。 +Ensure surface cementing equipment is made up prior to running the liner .,开始下尾管之前,确认地面水泥头设备状态完好。 +"Other members watched them and waited for the result, until these two young girls agreed one of them to be the facilitator.",她们如此兴奋地争论协调者的位置,其它成员只有看着她们等结果,直到这两个姑娘同意她们其中一个作协调者。 +There have also been performance improvements for multiple-point rendering.,此外,多点渲染的性能也得到了极大的改进。 +"The event in Elkhart gave President Obama an opportunity to move the focus from Washington, to the plight of those Americans struggling to deal with the current economic crisis.",在埃尔克哈特的这次市政会议给奥巴马总统提供了一个机会,将人们关注的焦点从华盛顿转移到处境艰难的美国人民身上,他们为了应对目前的经济危机在苦苦地挣扎着。 +My shorts were chafing my thighs.,我的短裤把大腿磨得生疼。 +We do see diesels having a bigger market share than hybrids because they fit the way more people drive better than hybrids.,柴油,我们的确看到了一个更大的市场份额,因为他们比杂交的方法适合更多的人驾驶优于杂交种杂种。 +"After all, his most memorable shots were taken on the morning of D-Day, June 6, 1944, when he landed alongside the first waves of infantry at Omaha Beach.",毕竟,他最难忘的镜头拍摄于诺曼底登陆日(1944年6月6日)的早晨,当时他与第一批步兵一起在奥马哈海滩登陆。 +A unit of dry volume orcapacity in the British Imperial System equal to8 quarts or approximately554.8 cubic inches.,配克英国帝制度量衡系统的一种干燥容积或容量单位,相当于8夸脱或大约554。 +Can you find differences in the two groups of pictures?,考考你的眼力,你能在这两组图中分别找出5处不同吗?。 +"In the early 1990s Varon worked in finance at Xerox, and the department's VP was an old-style organization man.",在1990年,瓦伦进入施乐公司从事财会工作,而部门副经理是一个老派团体的职员。 +"If he had, the public debate would have been much poorer; again, there aren’t many people in a position to do the kind of quantitative assessments Gruber does.",如果他这样做了,公共辩论将实际意义将大减;再者,将没有几个人去做格鲁伯做的那种定量评估了。 +"Unfortunately, his title slipped away on the last lap; but in my heart, he deserves it, for every progress we have found in his races.",很不幸他的冠军在最后一圈滑走了,但是在我心中他配得上冠军,以我们在他比赛中看到的每一点进步的名义。 +This article describes how cache management is done in ASP.NET and what are different options available in ASP.NET.,目的:这篇文章将描述在asp.net中如何管理cache以及cache各个参数的用法. +"The battery is fixedly embedded in the holding cavity, and forms an accepting space interval on the bottom surface of the holding cavity;",该电池盒固嵌于前述容置空腔内,并与容置空腔 的底面形成有一收容区间; +The detrended price oscillator presents a simple approach to cycle analysis.,非趋势价格摆动指标为循环分析提供一个简单的方法。 +"Usage: mainly used in safety shoes, work footwear and labor shoes and so on.",用途: 主要用于安全鞋,工作鞋,劳保鞋等。 +"Police separated the rioters throughout Saturday; nevertheless rioting erupted again that night, after the close of Shabbat .",警察在整个星期六期间分开那些闹乱子的人;虽然如此在安息日结束那夜再次爆发暴动。 +"There are excellent hemodynamic characteristics in homograft eg. no need for adminitration of anticoagulation, and thromboembolic problems.",其优点为优良的血流动力学特性,无需抗凝治疗和血栓栓塞并发症发生率低。 +They are physically small.,他们体积很小。 +Considerable effort has been made to sharpen and better target these tools in recent years in order to enhance their persuasiveness and lessen their humanitarian impact.,近年来,安理会为加强这些措施的说服力和减轻在人道方面的消极影响而��出很大努力,力求更准确、更有针对性地运用这些手段。 +"After came into the city to see the big world, however, the selfish sister soon empathy dont love, and a rich and powerful upper-class people relationship.",然而进了城见了大世面之后,自私的姐姐很快移情别恋,和一位有钱有势的上流人发生了关系。 +"Know to the people that crosses here , here cropland set prescription canal into the net, black land a wide expanse of flat land.",到过这里的人们都知道,这里田成方渠成网,黑土地一马平川。 +This article discusses the development on the experiment of caffeine extraction. The new subminiature device and method were adopted in caffeine extraction.,论了咖啡因提取采用微型化后所用装置及提取方法的改进。 +"When she reported the attack to police, the alleged victim was then herself charged with having sex outside marriage.",当她将此事报到给警方时, 她作为受害者反而被控婚外性行为。 +"Beijing, China (CNN) -- More than 6, 000 people were detained for crimes such as theft and prostitution during a recent 12-day police crackdown in Shanghai, Chinese media reported.",北京,中国(CNN)——据中国媒体报道,近期上海警方开展了一项专项整治行动,12天内6000多人因盗窃、涉黄被捕。 +A phosphorus-containing additive EA-1 was synthesized for zinc based alloy plating.,合成了一种含磷锌基合金电镀添加剂EA - 1。 +"To solve the pollution problem of dropping crude during field workover operation, a type of blowout controlling unit was researched and manufactured without the prerequisite of well control.",为解决油田修井作业落地油污染问题,研制出一种在不压井的前提下进行作业的防喷作业机。 +You can either install an expensive system of treehouse cables and bolts or rig your own free-floating beam.,你可以在树屋的每一侧安装一套有缆绳和螺栓的昂贵系统,或者安装一个房屋专用的自由浮动梁。 +"Hence, when Bill Clinton’s infidelity started coming to light, it made irresistible sense for conservatives to paint him as living proof of liberalism’s moral bankruptcy.",因此,比尔·克林顿的不忠甫一暴露,为保守主义者将他描绘为自由主义者道德破产的活证据,提供了诱人的理由。 +"Washing factory is having over 300 sets machine including kinds of specific washing facility and hand-make equipment. Monthly output is also up to 350,000 pcs.",洗水厂拥有各种专业洗水设备和手工艺设备300多台,月生产量35万多件。 +"However, many children are rehabilitated by their parents in families during recent years.",近年来小龄幼儿植入者不断增多,选择家庭康复模式的人数也在增加。 +"The core component of an electric vehicle is the battery and associated electronics, which determine how far it can drive before being recharged.",电动汽车的核心部分是电池及相关电子元件,它决定了一辆汽车在再次充电前可以行驶多远。 +"Under the sun, there are some over-lapping golden semi-cycles. The number of the rings is equal to the number of the members.",红日下方有相互套结,呈半圆形的金黄色环,环的数量相当于会员数。 +The conclusion validated that failure of beam constraints statistically independent under small earthquakes .,验证框架结构在小震下,梁约束的失效是统计独立的结论。 +"For example, in his Midwestern community, he couldn't sit down his students with their parents to watch a movie with bits of explicit sex.",例如,在中西部地区,他不能让他的学生们同父母一起看一部只有少量床戏的电影。 +How will the virtual machines on the telecommuter's computer and on the back-end systems get protected from malicious behavior that may have impact on guaranteed uptime availability?,远程办公者的计算机和后端系统上的虚拟机如何抵御影响系统正常运行的恶意行为? +"Examples include the movement of the sun across the sky, a pendulum or vibrating crystal, or, in an atomic clock, the natural vibrations of atoms.",例如,太阳的东升西落、钟摆、振荡晶体或原子钟的原子自然振荡。 +Intellectual culture has no necessary relation to purity or excellenceof character.,文化素养与品格纯洁高尚之间没有多少必要的联系。 +"From East Egg, then, came the Chester Beckers and the Leeches , and a man named Bunsen, whom I knew at Yale, and Doctor Webster Civet, who was drowned last summer up in Maine.",好吧,从东卵来的有切斯特。贝克夫妇、利契夫妇、一个我在耶鲁认识的姓本森的,还有去年夏天在缅因州淹死的韦伯斯特。西维特大夫。 +"When they reached there,the ship had borne off.",当他们到达那里时,船已离岸了。 +"RPT creates numerous files during the course of recording a test, creating a schedule, and executing a test or a schedule.",在记录测试、创建调度、执行测试或调度的过程中 RPT 新建了大量文件。 +"The biggest rumors that have been circulating are that Apple TV will sport an A4 processor, as well as iOS 4 and apps from Apple’s store, but we want to know: how will iOS be optimized to run on a TV?",最大的传言来自 苹果电视将会搭载一颗A4 处理器,iOS 操作系统和苹果商店,但是我们想知道:iOS 将如何优化继而在电视上运行? +The fundamental way to a socialist harmonious society is developing socialist democracy.,发展社会主义民主是构建社会主义和谐社会的根本途径。 +"Studies show that men and women spend the same, they just spend differently.",研究发现,男人和女人花的钱一般多,只不过花的地方不同。 +"Leighton Meester and Blake Lively are all smiles as they film Gossip Girl on Monday (July 5) in Paris, France.",七月五日,莉顿梅斯特和布莱克莱弗利在法国巴黎街头拍摄《绯闻女孩》第四季首集,两人脸上都带着微笑。 +"Modern agricultural product processing industry requires high-quality raw material and agricultural product quality, which is highly related to germplasm, management, harvest, pretreatment, and etc.",现代农产品加工业要求有优良的农产品原料,农产品原料的优劣与种质资源、种植管理、产后采收等密切相关,对加工产品的质量影响重大。 +Ruby Rugby's brother bought and brought her back some rubber baby- buggy bumpers.,如碧拉戈比的哥哥买了一些橡胶的婴儿车保险杆回来给她。 +Later I discovered that when you push against wall you contract the muscles that lie just below where your ribs begin to splay.,后来我发现,当你推墙时,你就收缩了你肋骨开始伸 展的下方的肌肉。 +Graduated from Changchun Teachers' College. Emily has won excellent achievement in college. She has got scholarships and titles of honor for several times.,毕业于长春师范学院物理学院,在校期间成绩优异,多次获得奖学金及各种荣誉称号。 +Methods The serum potassium of 56 cases exposed to TMT in 10 poisoning accidents were analyzed.,方法对10起TMT 中毒事故调查资料与56例中毒者的血清钾资料进行综合分析。 +R410A; dehumidifiers; compressor; structural design; reliability design;,R410A; 除湿机; 压缩机; 结构设计; 可靠性设计; +"If Professor Burns decided to not talk to you about that, I can't do anything against her wishes.",如果博恩斯教授不想告诉你这些事,那么我也不能违背她的意愿。 +"Yueqing LANZ Electronics Co. , Ltd is specializing in Developing, manufacturing and Selling Electronics Switches, Sockets and Cable Assemblies.",乐清市朗正电子有限公司,专业从事电子开关、 插座、线束开发、生产、 销售为一体的企业。 +"These old ghost towns can give you a scary feeling, with the buildings falling apart and the only sound is the moaning of the wind blowing through the deserted streets.","这人说:""被遗弃的城镇真让你感到害怕。 那里的房子东倒西歪,唯一能听到的声音就是在那没有人的街道上风吹的呜呜响声。""" +"That list includes many musical genres, but only rock, punk, rap, rhythm and blues (R&B), electronica, and new age music are included in the premature death study.",榜单中包括各种音乐类型,但是仅有摇滚音乐、霹雳劲爆音乐、拉普音乐、拍击音乐、蓝调音乐、电子音乐和新生代音乐等被包括在音乐人英年早逝研究中。 +"Two 18th-century wooden churches, and an octagonal clock tower, also in wood and built in 1862, can be seen there.",那里还有两座18世纪的木结构教堂,以及一座建于1862年的木制八韵角钟楼。 +One way of 29 these difficulties is to attend the language and study-skills classes which most institutions provide throughout the academic year.,克服这种困难的一种方法就是参加语言和学习技能培训班,很多学校在整个学年中都开设此班。 +"Garden Hideout - While the name suggests furtiveness, Garden Hideout is actually a mix of social lounge and pizzeria.",花园的藏身之处,顾名思义鬼鬼祟祟,花园的藏身之处实际上是一种混合的社会休息室和披萨。 +A battle is coming; the two armies are whetting their swords.,两兵就要交战了,双方都在磨刀霍霍地备战。 +Objective:To review the recent studies on the natural history and causes of rupture and management of unruptured intracranial aneurysm.,目的:对未破裂颅内动脉瘤的自然病史、破裂因素及一般处理原则做一综述。 +The police are looking into the pearl robbery.,警方正在调查这起珠宝抢劫案。 +"The British, French, and Americans carved the city into concessions, building gracious homes along tree-lined streets.",在这里,英国人、法国人、美国人的租界把城市分割开来,林荫道上建起了别致的房子。 +This is a guest post by Heather Johnson.,这是一位名叫琼森的游客发的帖子。 +They are caught directly from the excreta of these animals by people living in rural areas and then spread person to person.,生活在农村地区的人直接逮到这些沾染排泄物的动物,然后病毒得以迅速传播。 +"When you need cash the most, they would tell you more stories.",当你需要用到现金时他们更是耍太极。 +"He was being interviewed by Carl Reiner, and he would ask him questions, and in his comic German accent he would give silly answers.","卡尔·雷纳介绍了一下他,然后问了他几个问题,接着他会带着,滑稽的德国腔去做出荒唐的回答" +"What we call Nature, all outside ourselves.",我们所谓的自然,全在我们身外。 +"""I have a good mind to go to London with you. "" said the baronet.",从男爵说:“我真想和你一道去伦敦。” +"3As Jesus was sitting on the Mount of Olives opposite the temple, Peter, James, John and Andrew asked him privately",耶稣在橄榄山上对圣殿而坐。 +"Histamine, volatile basic nitrogen (VBN)and total acid values are recommended to be used in the integrated assessment of fish meal quality as they are important parameters of its freshness.",组织胺、总挥发性氮和酸价是鱼粉鲜度的重要参数,可做为鱼粉质量的综合评价指标。 +The levels of serum and bile bilirubin were determined.,重氮化法测定胆汁及血清总胆红素的含量; +"If you get too big for your britches , people will stop listening to you.",如果你太过自我膨胀,人家就不再听你说话了。 +"Actually, the CE progression pattern for USN is only vaguely specified.",事实上,CE 对 USN 的递增模式的指定是模糊的。 +Rosneft lacks the skills or capital to manage such a vast project.,俄罗斯石油公司缺少相应的技术或者足够的资金来处理这样一个巨大的工程。 +That’s why the United States welcomes China’s efforts in playing a greater role on the world stage -- a role in which a growing economy is joined by growing responsibilities.,这就是为什么美国欢迎中国努力在世界舞台上发挥更大的作用——这个作用意味着伴随经济发展而增长的责任。 +"So, it's very worth-while to explore the customer evaluation process of a new consumes experience and give some wise advise to cut down the defecting rate.",因此,探究新顾客的消费评价机理对于降低新顾客流失率变得越来越重要。 +"zebroid is the offspring of a cross between a zebra and any other equine, usually a horse or a donkey.",杂交斑马是斑马和其他马科动物的杂交后代,通常会是和马或驴杂交。 +"I, too, felt the compulsive hand of nature and began to find that pointing out contradiction could be costly as well as fun.",我也一样感觉到了强大的自然之手的力量,开始发现指出矛盾有可能代价昂贵,也可能是有趣的。 +The front living area ventilates through a series of louvres in a bank of high level clerestory.,前面的起居部分通过屋顶和墙上部的天窗进行通风。 +"The second part analyzed operation of collegiate bench and judicial committee, and their impact on judicial independence.",第二部分分析了我国现有的审判组织合议庭、审判委员会的运行情况及对审判独立的影响。 +We've already delivered your orders to airlines agent. They need to clear the custom later and will give me the airway bill on Monday. I'll fax the bill copy to you immediately I get that.,留学解答资讯网:我们已经将你们的定单交给了航空代理公司,他们还要去海关报关,周一会给我运单,到时我们马上传真给你。 +"Sometimes we have a clear idea about our own mistakes and desire to correct them, but if they are pointed out by others, we may tend to feel irritated and refuse to correct.",有时自己犯的错误心里明明白白,也想做出些改变,可是若有人好心地指出我们的错误,我们往往会恼羞成怒,拒绝改变。 +He knocked at the door. A man of forty or so with a rakish tilt to his hat came out to answer. 'What do you want?,一名四十来岁的汉子歪戴帽子,走了出来,斜眼看他,问道:“干什么的?” +"In Figure 2, we've turned class Scrollable into a mixin that can extend different classes in different contexts.",在图 2 中,我们已经将类 Scrollable 转换成 mixin,它可以继承不同上下文中的不同类。 +"Dynamed has also made available a detailed website that includes sections on prevention, screening, diagnosis and treatment, among other issues.",Dynamed也提供了一个详细的网站,包括了预防、筛查、诊断和治疗等问题。 +"She is not an accountant, nor is she required to be something as ridiculous and misguided as a moral compass.",她并非一个会计,她也不需要成为道德指南针之类的荒唐和误导的东西。 +"The paperback edition came out March 31 with a revised preface and afterward, interpreting the events of the past year, but the prescient body of ""Bad Money"" remains unchanged.",《金融大崩盘》新版3月31��面市,序和跋均作修改,其中谈到过去一年中的重大事件,不过此书正文则原封不动。 +"To him, home was just like a hell.So he began to play truant and then at last he left his home.",对他来说,家就像地狱一般。 于是这个孩子开始逃学然后索性离家出走。 +"Additionally, while visiting his grave, we must abide by the etiquettes stated by the scholars of Islam, and we are not allowed to do any unlawful acts such as seeking blessings by touching the grave.",另外,拜谒圣陵时,我们必须遵守伊斯兰学者规定的礼节,不允许做类似靠触摸圣陵而沾吉的非法行为。 +Surpassing the figure for fatalities in Iraq may bring about a significant watershed in public opinion.,死亡人数超过伊拉克有可能形成一道公众舆论的重要分水岭。 +"Yet perhaps this may be done. The fruits eaten temperately need not make us ashamed of our appetites, nor interrupt the worthiest pursuits.",有限度地吃些水果,不必因此而替胃囊感到羞耻,决不会阻碍我们最有价值的事业。 +We are a wholly-owned US company located in Shanghai with branches all over China. We are enjoying a famous reputation in the industry.,我们是一家总部位于上海市的美国独资企业,在中国各地都设有分支机构,在本行业有着相当的知名度。 +"He was probably wondering, What the hell are they up to?",他很可能在那琢磨:他们在搞什么灰机啊? +This brings about a question: Is batting average really as important as it is made out to be?,但这样的论点产生了一个问题:「打击率」真的有像人们所认知的那般重要? +"But in the zero-sum jungle of the currency market, that means somebody out there is winning.",但在外汇市场的零和博弈中,这意味着一定有某些货币相对美元正在走强。 +Spring returns to the earth.; Spring has come (round).,大地回春。 +Objective: To examine the relationship between cognition states and electrodermal activity(EDA) and to provide evidence for improvement of lie-detection technique.,目的:探讨个体认知状态与皮肤电反应之间的关系,为改进测谎技术提供科学依据。 +I like bulldog.,我喜欢牛头犬。 +The illness has pinched her face.,那场病使她的脸瘦了下去。 +Calvary Bible College And T…,伽略山圣经学院… +"The invention relates to a method and a device for friction welding, whereby one of the parts to be joined is oscillated by means of an electromagnetic oscillator.",本发明涉及一种摩擦焊接的方法和装置,由此,利用电磁振 荡器使待结合到一起的各部件中的一个产生振荡。 +"Tang Zheng also worried about Tang Li and super relation more with more rigid, Cheng Xi let they dont go to see the tang sugar himself to look at first.",唐正也很担心唐力和超群的关系越闹越僵,程曦让他们先不去看唐糖自己先去看看。 +Figure 9 shows another example of a usability color issue.,图 9 显示的是另一个颜色可用性的问题。 +"Automobile, Front wheel alignment, Steering returnability;",汽车前轮定位,转向回正; +"Whites are barred altogether from some sectors, including bakeries and beauty parlours.",白人被一些部门如面包记和美容院完全排除在外。 +If he had determined to persecute her he must take the consequences.,如果他胆敢来逼迫她,他会自食恶果。 +"Since then, it has been the folk custom to eat pop corn on the 2nd day of the 2nd lunar month.",从此,民间形成了习惯,每到二月初二这一天,人们就爆玉米花吃。 +We make business on the foundation of equality.,我们是在平等的基础上进行贸易。 +"Think of you every day, your company, happiness is so natural.",翤想你的每一天,都有你陪伴,幸福是那么的自然。 +"If traditional sugar-beet growing regions in eastern Colorado had to move north, nobody would care.",纳帕谷圣茨伯里葡萄酒公司的合作创始人戴维·格雷夫斯说,“如果东部科罗拉多的传统甜菜产区必须向北移,没有人会在意。 +Objective: To observe the successful rate of combined trabeculectomy with Die Mai Ling injection to treat the late primary glaucoma.,前言: 目的观察碟脉灵静滴联合复合式小梁切除术治疗晚期青光眼的疗效。 +"Li HH, Zhu JH, Li JF, et al. Effect of quercetin on lipid abnormality in experimental diabetic rats. Zhongguo Tang Niao Bing Za Zhi. 00; 9(): 7. Chinese.",李红辉, 朱建华, 李家富, 等。 槲皮素对实验性糖尿病大鼠脂质异常的作用。 糖尿病杂志。 00; 9(): 7。 +The coefficient of performance (COP) of adsorption refrigeration cycle using activated carbon-methanol pair has been studied experimentally and theoretically in this paper.,本文选用活性炭作吸附剂、甲醇作吸附介质,从实验和理论两方面研究了吸附式制冷间歇循环效率COP的变化规律。 +The core content of collectivism is the issue of individually value orientation.,集���主义的核心内容是个体价值定位的问题。 +There came a point where everything I read was just a slightly different version of the same thing.,但问题来了,我所读到的只是同一个论题略有不同的版本罢了。 +Burgum will continue to lead the division as he seeks a replacement.,伯古姆将继续负责这个部门的工作,同时寻找接替他的人。 +"Not only will weight lifting sculpt your body with eye-catching muscles, but it will boost your metabolism and trigger weight loss.",举重不但可以令你拥有吸引眼球的肌肉从而雕塑你的身材,它还能加快你的新城代谢并减轻体重。 +"Besides, by the elementary research on the radial compressive of blood vessel prosthesis stent, it is known that different parameters have made the different effects on it.",对人工血管支架的径向压缩性能进行了初步研究,分析了不同的编织和后处理工艺参数的影响。 +Just don't buy any pirate copies any more in the future.,以后别再买盗版碟就是了。 +"Don’t lament small failures, especially if they are not important.",不要为小的得失而悲伤,尤其是那些无足轻重的。 +Diversification of irrigation associations' functions to the water-land-soil related multi functions is also recommended for consideration to increase the financial incomes.,办理水土相关之多角化经营,增加水利会之财务收入; +"HP(HPQ) is just starting out on its own interesting webOS devices, which seem to be pitched more towards the high-end Apple crowd, at least at the moment.",惠普(HP)则刚刚开始自行研发搭载web操作系统的设备,现在看来这些设备的定位趋向于高端苹果用户群,至少从眼下看如此。 +"I am very interested in literature, particularly in Japanese classical poetry.",我很喜欢文学,特别是日本俳句。 +"Natural weather environment, economic foundation, social mainstream cultura, that have decisive effects on the Overseas-Chinese garden's special style.",自然气候环境是园林以及建筑许多特色做法的依据,而社会环境对园林的兴建及规模起着决定性作用。 +These quantitative parameters can be applied to assess the seismic risk of active tectonics. The geodynamics for recent tectonic movement in the interior of the continent is also discussed in brief.,根据这些定量参数,评价活动构造地震的危险性,同时,还简要地讨论了大陆内部现代构造活动的动力学问题。 +The surface characteristic of the Slub filament yarn fabrics is simulated with Computer technology. And the relationship between the yarn structure and the fabric appearance is investigated.,采用计算机对合纤长丝节线织成的织物表面短条花纹线效果进行了模拟研究,并探讨了节线结构参数与织物表面外观的关系。 +"Yiming Furniture is a cane-imitated furniture manufacturer integrated R&D, design, manufacturing and sales.",壹鸣家具是一家集研发、设计、制造、销售于一体的专业仿藤家具制造商。 +"A spokesperson said Afghanistan could turn into the ""Saudi Arabia of lithium"", as there are huge quantities of the metal.",某位发言人表示阿富汗将变成「生产锂的沙乌地阿拉伯王国」,因为该国盛拥有大量此矿物。 +"The paper studies the elastic strength and softness of napkins by using reaction interface analysis, finding out optimal engineering conditions and improving napkin quality remarkably.",本文用反应表面分析,研究了卫生纸的弹性强度和柔合性,找到了最佳工程条件,显著提高了卫生纸的质量。 +"There is a difference between karmic harm and non-karmic harm, and Tiger would like to explain.",在业力性伤害与非业力性伤害之间是有区别的,老虎很愿意来对其进行解释。 +"A repository of useful modules, including one specific to configuration files, is available at PEAR.php.net.",可以在 PEAR.php.net 中获取一个有用模块库,该库中包含一个专门用于配置文件的模块。 +It is rumoured Fisichella's temporary race deal will lead into a full test and reserve role at Ferrari in 2010 and beyond.,费斯切拉将会在2010年在法拉利车队里担任测试和备用车手。 +A lackey for the current US is far more important than those soldiers.,当下美国的一条走狗都比那些士兵重要得多。 +"If Little Red Riding Hood is in close-up and the Wolf in long-shot, the emphasis is shifted to the emotional problems of vestigial virginity in a wicked world.",如果给小红帽一个特写镜头而给大灰狼一个全景镜头,重点就转向了纯洁在一个邪恶的世界上蜕化的感情问题。 +"As far as we know, we now live in a society where fathers are similar to mothers in providing care to their children.",我们知道,如今我们羬生活在一个父亲也像母亲那般关爱孩子的社会中。 +North Korea is known for its restrictions on people leaving the impoverished and totalitarian nation.,北朝鲜以严禁民众离开其贫困与专制的国家而名闻于世。 +"By the government’s own reckoning, it has confiscated some 3m hectares (7.4m acres) of farmland, and plans to seize another 450,000 hectares next year.",根据官方自己的估算,政府已经徵收约三百万公顷农地,并计画明年再徵收45万公顷。 +Some people like the convenience of being able to use applications that can make their online life more effective and more fun.,一些人喜欢能方便使用的应用程序,这些程序能使他们在线生活更有效更有趣。 +"Based on your excitement, serious-minded individuals will be more than interested in backing your ideas.",你对自己的想法越是兴奋,深思熟虑的人越是会支持你的想法。 +People are already dying from global warming and it's getting worse with astounding speed.,人们已经在死于全球变暖,而这一状况正以惊人的速度变得越来越糟。 +"Standards lose their vitality and context, with teams ignoring them through lack of familiarity or deliberate avoidance.",标准失去了他们的生命力和上下文,因缺乏熟悉或故意地避免,团队忽视了标准。 +"Through reasonable manner of carburization , alignment approach with fixture and quenching method, the quality of bearings could be guaranteed.",采用合理的渗碳方式、模具矫正方法、淬火等,保证轴承质量。 +"Without any superstructures of distillation system, the feasible region could be looked for automatically.",在不必给定精馏系统超结构的情况下,能够完成可行域的自动搜寻。 +"Above 857 m, light polymer drilling fluid is used and below 857 m, potassium-based polymer drilling fluid with low-density is used to realize quasi-balanced drilling.",针对地层情况,该井一开使用低固相聚合物钻井液、二开使用低固相钾盐聚合物钻井液,实现了定向井的近平衡钻井。 +The bulk transfer formula is often used to calculate the air-sea exchanges.,整体传输公式是一种常用的计算洋面海气通量的方法。 +"Every Monday, Lefkofsky, Mason, and a handful of early employees would meet to talk about the Point's progress.",每周一,莱夫科夫斯基、梅森和几名早期员工都会聚到一起,讨论The Point的发展。 +"This is mainly due to wash clean a result of the failure, in particular, 4, if the white powder-like objects are more difficult to cleansed.",我有一个朋友的腋毛根,物体的彩色白色粉末总统,在特别是在出汗多。 +"Like any larger-than-life movie figure, De Laurentiis went through boom times and busts. But he always bounced back and his passion for movies never dimmed.",就像任何电视电影中的人物一样,德·劳伦蒂斯经历了人生的辉煌期和暗淡期。然而他总能再现活力,对电影的激情永不熄灭。 +DESIGN:Non- randomized and concurrent controlled trial.,设计:非随机化同期对照观察。 +"SiFO senior engineers each have more than 10 years test expe. rience, specializing in ICT and FCT.",世纪福的每位高级工程师都有10余年的测试经验,精通ICT和FCT。 +Property right is a new economic category accompanied with the development of market economy.,产权是适应现代市场经济发展要求而出现的经济范畴。 +"Direction: Use on the clean face, apply the radial hot moisturizing collagen mask, after 20-30 minutes remove with clean water, use twice a week or as often as needed.",用法: 清洁面部后,敷上热能抗敏感排毒补湿面膜,约20-30分钟后, 用清水洗净,即可完成,每星期使用2-3次。 +The transaction afforded him a good profit.,这笔交易使他获得厚利。 +"The arm of this design is simple, extruded and then stamped a process unique from the bicycle industry that offers fresh context to the design market.",的手臂,这种设计非常简单,挤压,然后盖上一个过程独特的自行车产业,提供新的设计方面的市场。 +They too fall victim to the propaganda of a very profitable industry.,他们已经落入了这个非常赚钱的产业的宣传陷阱。 +"The mount.cifs man page outlines all the other options, which can include a password and a domain.",cifs 手册页中概括了其他所有选项,其中可能包含一个密码和一个域。 +"Through data mining and expert experience, the cadastral knowledge and rule base including spatial relationship and attribute knowledge is established.",通过分析提取和依靠专家经验建立地籍知识与规则库,包括空间关系规则与属性知识规则。 +Can you help me buy a packet of salt?,你能帮我买一袋盐吗? +OV-3: Operational information exchange matrix,OV-3: 运作信息交换矩阵 +"In order to constitute an incompatible element, it is a familiar method to use additional internal parameters based on compatible displacement field.",在协调元位移模式基础上附加内参项是构造非协调元的一种常用方法。 +According to China ’s official website shows from apple, 8GB version of iPhone4 domestic licensed version of the price is 4088 yuan, with black and white two color styles.,根据来自苹果中国的官网显示,8GB版本iPhone4国内行货版本的价格为4088元人民币,提供了黑色和白色两种色彩款式选择。 +We can do something about cervical cancer or risks for the many chronic diseases that plague women later in life.,我们可以对宫颈癌或困扰妇女以后生活的许多慢性病风险采取措施。 +"It's subconscious, or ""nonconscious, "" Kishiyama says.",这是下意识,或者“无意识的”,Kishiyama说。 +The cabin can incline up be 90 degree.,驾驶舱最大可倾斜90度。 +"The number of technologies covered, as well as the type of questions asked (scenario-based), make it a little difficult.",所涵盖的技术的数量以及考题的类型(基于方案的)都使得这项考试有些难度。 +The viscosity of saturated liquid methyl tert-butyl ether(MTBE) was presented over the temperature range from 268.123 to 373.131 K with a calibrated Ubbelohde-type capillary viscometer.,利用改进型的乌别洛特毛细管黏度计,对268.123~373.131 K温度区间内的甲基叔丁醚的饱和液相黏度进行了实验研究。 +"Nan, go tell Dinah that we're going to take a trolley. We can each carry something.",囡,你去告诉黛娜我们准备坐电车,我们每个人都要拿点东西。 +Mrs. McKinley waved and locked the door.,麦丽金夫人挥了挥手,锁上了门。 +"In order to keep the hearth in good working state, some measures are adopted such as added building protective brick, controlling air temperature, limiting wind quantity and improving windpipe etc.",为此,采取了加砌保护砖、控制风温、限制风量、改进导气管等方法,保证了炉缸处于良好的工作状态。 +Luigi and I were already at the top and saw him struggling among the loose rocks fifty metres below us.,路易吉和我已经到达了山顶,看到他在我们下面五十米的地方不坚固的岩石中挣扎着。 +"I'd been so consumed by office gossip that I hadn't noticed someone had quietly helped themselves to my beautiful, supple brown leather bag – and to my entire working life that was inside it.",我太投入于办公室八卦之中,没发觉有人私自拿走了我那个漂亮柔软的褐色皮包,而那个包里装着我的全部工作生活。 +"Sevoflurane is a new inhalational anesthetic, which has been widespread used in general anesthesia due to its unique pharmacokinetic profile.",七氟烷是一种新型的吸入麻醉药,因其独特的药理特性广泛用于临床。 +"If you say that there is no ""39"", then how to defeat the winter, but also how shallow!",假如说没有“三九”,那冬日该是何等的落败,又是何等的浅薄! +Pigments which are wetted with a special solubilized resin.,被一种专用的水溶性树脂湿润的颜料。 +An answer by the worl champions is soon expected.,预计米兰将很快给快给出答复。 +"That off-the-shelf box may have a special Windows-only configuration tool, so it won't be possible to ssh in and change your settings.",现成的设备可能有一个专用的仅适用于 Windows 的配置工具,因此不可能使用 ssh 来更改设置。 +Some organizations have switched to an all-salaried approach with their manufacturing and clerical employees in order to create a greater sense of loyalty and organizational commitment.,很多组织将生产和办事的职员全部转换成以薪水支付从而提高忠诚度和组织认同感。 +"Dr Moll had an extensive problem on his hands, it turned out, called extensively drug-resistant tuberculosis, or XDR-TB.",摩尔医生所面临的是一种广泛耐药结核菌(XDR-TB)。 +This pattern is much less common than the bronchopneumonia pattern.,这种类型的肺炎比支气管肺炎少多了。 +"This paper detailedly describes the aspect and appearance-system ofYuanping dialect, and includes time-system.",本文对原平方言的体貌系统做了一定程度的描述,并兼顾时制。 +Now we re cooking!,现在,我们菜已经上了灶头! +"Energy: The idea of recycling paper, glass, metal and plastics has become commonplace.",能源:回收纸张、玻璃、金属和塑料的想法越来越普遍。 +"Mini DisplayPort, USB, and SD card reader on the left side; USB and power on the right.",左侧有迷你显示接口、USB,以及SD 卡读卡器;右侧有USB 和电源接口。 +"Although some of us fear snakes morethan others, all baby humans, chimps and monkeys are equally jumpy whenconfronted with a black plastic snake.",尽管成年人对蛇类的恐惧程度因人而异,所有的人类婴儿以及黑猩猩和猴子幼体在面对黑色塑料蛇时,因害怕而纵跳的反应是一样的。 +"The situation of losing data packet is considered in a networked control system, and the process of packet loss is modeled as a Markovian process with finite state.",考虑网络控制系统中存在数据包丢失的情况,丢包过程建模为有限状态的马尔可夫过程。 +"Overcome hardship together, keep fighting in spite of all setbacks is our spirit.",风雨同舟,百折不挠“是华一的精神。 +The company has now established a sound and orderly supply and marketing network .,公司目前已经建立了一个健全有序的供销网络。 +"Fire protection work well within the scope of this part, eliminate potential accidents, on the work of staff is responsible for the safety.",做好本部范围内的消防安全检查工作,消除事故隐患,对部门员工的工作安全负责。 +The consignor of entry meat products shall go through quarantine approval formalities and obtain a license for entry animal and plant quarantine before concluding a trade contract.,进境肉类产品的货主应当在贸易合同签订前办理检疫审批手续,取得进境动植物检疫许可证。 +"MethodsEssential oils were extracted from samples by steam distillation, The chemical constituents were determined by GC-MS with area normalization method.",方法水蒸气蒸馏法提取挥发油后,采用气相色谱-质谱法分析,用峰面积归一法测定成分的相对含量。 +"That the""You Guo""organization has been preserved, are closely linked to the local geographic environment, traditional customs and national policies constituted by past dynasties.",“油锅”组织保存至今,与当地的地理环境、传统习俗和历史上封建王朝的民族政策有密切联系。 +"In the Art Institute of Chicago, as in many museums, the Mondrians hang next to other paintings of the time, also geometric and abstract.",在芝加哥美术馆,和在许多别的展馆一样,蒙德里安的画作被悬挂在了同时期的同样是几何和抽象的作品边上。 +"KGM has rheological property, gel property and water-solubility.",魔芋葡甘聚糖具有流变性、 增稠性、 凝胶性和水溶性。 +"The first time K. went over as his girlfriend, his mother treated her like a stranger, even though she had essentially grown up under his mother's eyes.",尽管他的母亲看着K长大的,但是K第一次以H的女朋友身份去家里拜访时,妈妈却待她犹如生人一般。 +Objective The value of dipyridamole test (DP T) in the diagnosis of coronary heart disease(CHD) was researched.,目的探讨潘生丁试验( DP- T)在冠心病诊断中的价值。 +"In this paper, measures are proposed to increase the productivity of assembly department, the effectiveness in using the equipment and facilities based on the rationalization principles for o…",根据生产物流合理化的原则,提出了合理利用设备、提高生产率的相应措施。 +"Greenland is losing ice mass at an increasing rate, dumping more icebergs into the ocean because of warming temperatures, he said.",他说,因为气温变暖,格陵兰正在以越来越快的速度丧失冰块,向海洋中倾倒更多的冰山。 +"If his naturally work properly dint have never sealed to print so long, can release hurry up good.",如果他的天生灵力没有封印这么久,能够释放得快一点就好了。 +"As the demand and supply curves are drawn , the franc is substantially undervalued at this fixed rate , relative to the market-clearing rate of $0.60 per franc .",由于需求和供应曲线绘制,大大低估法郎在这个固定利率,相关于每股0.60法郎市场清算速度。 +The fun part is that the water can be manipulated by drawing lines that form objects or by use of actual physical objects such as……humans!,有趣的部分是,水可以通过画线操纵,形成物体或物体的实际使用,例如… …人类! +The threat of death won't overmaster me.,死亡的恐吓不会让我屈服。 +"Hoeness swore that he would not even have Matthäus asgroundsman at Bayern, especially after a legal suit over his farewelltestimonial.",特别是因为告别赛打了官司之后,赫内斯发誓说,马特乌斯来拜仁看球场都不能答应。 +"NCIP is an important part of Jiangsu Coastal Development Strategy, but also the key support development region of Nanjing Petrochemical Industry.",南京化学工业园区是江苏沿江开发战略的重要组成部分,也是南京市石化产业重点扶持发展区域。 +"""Research shows that higher levels of neuroticism can lead to earlier mortality, and we wanted to know why,"" said researcher Daniel Mroczek, a professor of child development and family studies.","儿童发展和家庭研究教授Daniel Mroczek说:""研究显示,过于神经质容易导致寿命缩短,我们想知道原因在哪里。""" +The new collider has to provide exact measurements of electron-positron annihilation.,新型的对撞机必须提供电子-正电子湮灭的准确测量结果。 +"A small child looked from the sign to the statue and said disinterestedly 1, ""Anybody can see that her hand has fallen off.""",有个幼儿看看指示牌,又看看雕像,然后很淡漠地说:“谁都看到她是掉了一只手嘛!” +"Its application to people's work, study and life-style had a major impact.",它的应用对人们的工作、学习和生��方式产生了重大影响。 +The cumulus convection latent heating is an important factor for maintance of typhoons.,潜热释放是台风维持的主要因子。 +That very fact--that it's a simple but powerful statement of commitment—is exactly what deters many young people from linking hands.,然而,正是这个简单却强大的承诺让众多年轻人对牵手看而生畏。 翞。 +"“If we speak the language, the Chinese government gives Rwandans a chance to go,” he says. “They give us scholarships – more than other countries.”",“如果我们讲汉语,中国政府奖励卢旺达人”,他说,“中国政府发给我们奖学金——多于其它国家”。 +"Based on the analysis of development motivation of local government, the paper summarizes some main local policy innovation of non-governmental education.",本文在对地方政府积极促进民办教育发展的动因进行分析的基础上,梳理总结了若干重要的民办教育地方政策创新。 +An Italian couple who were being held hostage in the west African country of Mali by al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb have been released.,在西非国家马里被塔利班劫持的一对意大利夫妇日前已被释放。 +"The good news is that conservationists are beginning to make some headway, both legislatively and with public opinion.",不过好的一面是,环保人士们已经从立法方面和对大众饮食的引导两方面, 都取得了进展来保护鲨鱼。 +"In the past week, major PC retailer Circuit City Stores Inc. filed for bankruptcy and rival Best Buy Co. slashed sales expectations.",过去的一周中,大型个人电脑零售商Circuit City Stores Inc.申请破产,其竞争对手百思买(Best Buy Co. Inc.)则大幅下调销售预期。 +The superior performance of the improved unscented kalman filter (UKF) is clearly shown in a numerical example compared with the standard one. The new method has the great …,仿真结果表明,该算法适用于系统含有未知输入或系统噪声为非高斯的情况,并可解决一些典型的非线性估计问题,改进算法的性能优于传统无迹滤波器。 +"Therefore, satellite communication is considered as a preferential mode for remote village access, both technologically and economically.",因此卫星通信被认为是边远村通在技术经济上优先选用的通信方式之一。 +"Since going public, it has offered financial literacy courses-some 60,000 of its clients went on one last year.",上市以来,该行举办了数期金融知识扫盲班,仅去年一年,就有6万多位顾客前去听课。 +The gearbox can also be shifted manually by tapping the shift lever.,齿轮箱也能按到档级进行手动拨档。 +"In the judicial practice that the case of explosion is handled, certain difficulty has been in the delimitation of crime of willful and malicious injury and crime of murder.",在爆炸案件审理的司法实践中,故意伤害罪和故意杀人罪的界定存在一定难度。 +Her fingertips were green from digging up the wild onions she loved to eat.,她的指尖发绿,这是因为常挖她最爱吃的野生洋葱 的缘故。 +"Second, expound to studying the fundamental problem investigating supervision has been in progress.",其次,对研究侦查监督的基本问题进行了阐述。 +"Similarly, the notion of ""level of detail"" is often used to help identify subprocesses.",类似地,“细节级别”的概念经常用于帮助确定子流程。 +"Experienced many difficulties, Yang Ming finally met his father, and will Chi uniforms.",经历重重困难,杨明终于见到了父亲,并将志涛制服。 +"In 2004, Sonne quit his job at a telecom firm and founded Specialisterne (Danish for ""Specialists""), an IT consultancy that hires mostly people with autism-spectrum disorders.","在2004年,Sonne从他所在的电信公司辞职,成立了一家IT咨询公司Specialisterne,它的大部分雇员患有广义自闭症。" +"Alwayss listen to your heart because even though it's on your left side, it's always right.",总是听从内心的声音。因为即便它长在你的左边,它却总是对的。 缋。 +"The synthetic-based sealing fluid is a new type of sealing fluid, and the continuous phase of which is an organic ester with a plasticizing resin serving as the main film-forming material.",合成基密闭液是一种以有机酯为连续相,以增塑树脂为主要成膜材料的新型密闭液。 +Finite multiple burn method is used for the transfer from Space Shuttle low earth orbit to the geostationary orbit with low accelerations.,以低加速度从航天飞机的低地球轨道转移到对地静止轨道,需要有限多次点火。 +After two or three light wine.,三杯两盏淡酒。 +Activated carbon as the sorbent and catalyst support was capsulated with ethyl cellulose by phase separation methods.,对兼具吸附和催化剂载体功能的多孔结构活性炭,以乙基纤维素为材料用相分离进行包覆。 +"If this account was right, Stanford reasoned, then Siberia should be littered with similar points.",史丹福是这样推理的:如果这种解释正确的话,那么在西伯利亚也应该留有同样的尖头。 +"A cold towel around his shoulders again after the game, he called for the trainer, who massaged his thighs with ice.",这局之后,他又在脖子上搭上了裹着冰块的毛巾,然后申请场上治疗。治疗师用冰块帮他做了按摩。 +"The memory strength for each type of face was calculated from hit and false-positive rates, based on the signal detection theory.",对每一种情绪脸孔的再认记忆的强度是根据讯号侦测理论从正确回答率和假警报率计算得来。 +"And he measured the wall thereof, an hundred and forty and four cubits, according to the measure of a man, that is, of the angel.",又量了城墙,按着人的尺寸,就是天使的尺寸,共有一百四十四肘。 +"This paper, based on a case study of Dandong city, illustrates how to calculate the balanced benchmark land price from components and spatial balance.",本文以丹东市为例,从构成核算和空间平衡两方面来论述基准地价平衡的过程。 +"NULL if no cotton must be closed, or as the default will be compensated.",空方如果交不出棉花必须平仓,否则将视违约进行赔偿。 +"Scientific financial management, strengthen the budget management system units in the independence, efficiency, streamline business should be the direction of financial deepening reform.",科学的财政管理,强化单位在预算管理体制中的独立性,提高效率、精简业务应是财政深化改革的方向。 +"Closed-circuit monitoring system can be directly observed in people cannot reflect the occasion, by monitoring control object.",闭路监控系统能在人无法直接观察的场合,真实地反映被监视控制对象的画面。 +"With the development of the economy and society, although people need the food in sufficient numbers, they put more focus towards the quality, safety, freshness, nutrition and environmental concerns.",随着经济社会的发展,人们对于食品的要求早已不仅止于数量充足,而是更多地转向对于质量、安全、鲜度、营养和环保的关注。 +"He turned his head, his pale cold eyes searching the hall until they found the bard Abel beside Theon.",他转过了头,他浅色的眼珠在大厅里来回搜寻直到他找到了席恩旁边的石人阿贝尔。 +Many buskers choose subway tunnels because of the interesting sound effects.,许多街头艺人选择地铁通道是因为那里有趣的声音效果。 +"Both missives were perfunctory — winner and loser wishing each other well, best to your wife, that kind of thing.",两封信函都是敷衍了事,胜者和败者都希望对方以及太太身体健康,诸如此类。 +Because already I can see there is a line of sight from one nucleus to the other with no electron density whatsoever.,"因为我已经看出在Z轴,有一条线从这个核到那个核,没有连续电子。" +"Airbus, which is competing with Boeing for the China market, won a US$17 billion order for 160 planes in November 2007.","与波音争夺中国市场的空客公司在2007年11月赢得了160架飞机,共计170亿美元的订单。" +"My father, who played the erhu, a two-stringed instrument, made a great sacrifice.",我的父亲弹奏一种二弦乐器——二胡,他为我做出了巨大的牺牲。 +"Finally, don't tell Rudolph, but a great reindeer stew can be had in Lapland as well.",最后,别告诉鲁道夫,在拉普兰还可以尝到棒极了的炖驯鹿大餐呢。 +"Static grace lie in open clothing store, said I rejected CuiKangYu assistance separately leave.",静恩扯谎说本人在开服装店,回绝了崔康宇的协助单独离去。 。 +"Because of some inner problems, Chinese traditional agriculture supply chain meets with great obstacles both in adopting the strategy of""total cost first""or""strategy of diversity"".",受内在的诸多固有问题影响,传统涉农供应链无论采取总成本领先战略还是差异化战略都面临着重大障碍。 +"I work in develop branch. Sometimes, when I want to push changes to origin, git say, that there are some changes in origin/master branch.",我在工作中发挥支部。有时候,当我想把变化的起源,吉特说,有一些变化的起源/主支。 +I've made my decision. I'll go to Cornell.,我已经做好决定了。我要去康乃尔。 +"Through the modern, we first of all may analyze the total travelling income of Nanking, and then according to the analysis, we think out some ways of increasing the travelling income.",本文首先扼要地从南京整体的旅游收入方面利用模型进行分析,探讨增加旅游收入的途径方法; +"Therefore, to promote the specialization of college teachers in China, it is necessary firstly to strengthen the pre-service training of college teachers by depending on top universities;",要推进我国高校教师的专业化发展,一要以高水平大学为依托,加强高校教师的���前培养工作; +Yara slid 2.7 percent to 249.1 kroner after Morgan Stanley downgraded the shares to “equal weight” from “overweight.”,雅拉国际公司股价下滑2.7%,至249.1克朗,摩根斯坦利把该公司股票评级从增持下调至持股观望。 +"Engineered to high precision the N2-G4 has been created to produce the finest quality, hand-crafted ice cream, gelato, frozen yogurt and sorbet machine around.",高精确度设计投产的 N2-G4将生产出 高质量, 手工制作的冰激淋, 同时还有冰激淋,冷冻酸奶及果汁冰糕机。 +"France's special envoy for Pakistan and Afghanistan, Pierre Lellouche, is scheduled to attend.",法国负责巴基斯坦和阿富汗事务的特使勒罗西计划将参加会议。 +I have a magical book.,本人有一本魔法书。 +"In order to be effective as an electric car, it would have to be reasonably small, low, and aerodynamically efficient.",为了有效作为电动车,就必须合理地小,低,空气动力学效率。 +"Therefore, an ideal bioenergy plant would produce lots of aboveground biomass for fuel as well as have an extensive root system.",因此,一种理想的生物能植物应能生产大量的地上部生物量燃料并有丰富的根系。 +"Zhang Kangkang is a pioneer in her times, and a numen of spirit homeland as well.",张抗抗不仅是时代精神的开拓者,而且是精神家园的守护者。 +We scheduled integration builds to piece developer components together on a regular basis.,我们计划以一种正规的基础将开发人员的组件集成到一起。 +"In DCOM, this representation is called an OBJREF, which combines distributed reference counting with endpoint/object identification.",在 DCOM 中,这种表示法被称为 OBJREF,它能将分布式引用计数与端点/对象识别结合起来。 +All big countries with troubled banks have acted assertively on this.,所有有着问题银行的大国对此都行动坚决。 +Nursing department should provide active cooperation in constructing hospital computer network.,在医院计算机网络化建设中,护理部应主动配合工作。 +"This place gets its name from a Creek Indian word meaning ""land of trembling earth, "" which refers to the unstable floating islands that are common within the swamp.",这个地方是以意思为“颤抖的土地”小溪的印第安语来作为它的名字,指的是沼泽地区常见的那种不稳定的浮动岛屿。 +"Love this stuff, is for the one thing that people can not. It so, so, so, so let people disappointed the knot!",爱情这个东西,是换了人再也不行的东西。它这样,这样无理,这样说不清,这样让人惆怅百结! +Data request threshold policy ensures data requests to the application can be processed immediately.,数据请求临界值策略保证应用程序的数据请求能够得到即时处理。 +"At the same time, I couldn't really do much of the stuff I would normally do when taking time off of work.",在搁下工作的同时,我真正能做的事情就少之又少。 +How long hind can complete detumescence?,多久后能彻底消肿? +The design method for the energy efficient water allocation networks is applied in a chemical plant. Remarkable freshwater and energy saving effect have been obtained.,对某氯碱厂的用水网络进行了分析,并提出了考虑热集成的水网络改造方案,具有很好的节水和节能效果。 +"The heat supply principle, unit arrangement, and design factor of the heat supply system of the heat storage type electric steam boilers were presented, the heat supply system could be widely applied.",介绍了蓄热式电热蒸汽锅炉供热系统的供热原理、装置配置和设计要点,该供热系统具有广阔的应用前景。 +Design condition and debugging data of heat accumulator are introduced.,介绍了蓄热器的设计条件和调试数据。 +"The property of nozzle is an important factor to increase SF6 circuit breaker voltage and capacity, be compact in size, and influence the reliability of SF6 circuit breaker.",喷口的性能是制约SF6断路器朝高电压、大容量和小型化方向发展,影响其可靠性的重要因素,改善喷口材料的耐电弧烧蚀性能是提高喷口电气性能的关键技术。 +"Didnt think professor shen was dying, she lady professor he refused to paternity tests.",没想到沈教授病危,她夫人何教授拒绝亲子鉴定。 +"Moonstone, sardonyx, elephants, and a small dark bistro.",月长石,缠丝玛瑙,象群,以及一家潮湿昏暗的小酒馆… +"The appointment system has run a long time in our country university, but the real system has not established owing to the effect of the tradition of history, culture of society and defect of system.",我国实行教师聘任制由来已久,但是受历史传统、社会文化和轨制缺点等各种因素影响,真正意义上的“能上能下、能入能出”的教师聘任制并没有树立起来。 +"In this context, based on CMOS technology under a variety of low-voltage analog circuits has been widespread concern.",在这一背景下,基于CMOS工艺下的各种低压模拟电路受到了人们的广泛关注。 +"Bridge by bridge-specific design, only Xuanhan building a natural gas treatment plant and subsequent production management services.",该桥按专用桥梁设计,仅为宣汉天然气处理厂建设和以后的生产管理服务。 +"Xu was born in Shaanxi Qishan, his work day thousands of miles, tone is right, give people the enjoyment with the United States, the wall paintings in yellow soil, this is the teacher is like a style.",徐老师生于陕西岐山,他的作品天福千里,色调合宜,给人以美的享受,墙面的画以土黄色为主,这是老师比较喜欢的一种风格。 +What happens to the 889 women is unclear.,尚不清楚这889名非洲妇女该如何安置。 +"The building provides about 25,500 sq ft of air- conditioned offices.",该大楼有约25,500平方英尺的带空调的办公室。 +"Clos du Mesnil is entirely owned by the champagne house, and it seems within this encloseds space nature works in perfect harmony to create the ideal conditions to cultivate6 the Chardonnay grape.",罗曼尼葡萄园完全由香槟厂拥有。 在这片围绕起来的空间里,大自然完美和谐地运作,为栽种霞多丽葡萄创造出理想的环境。 +"After a few months, his animal came back, leading a fine horse from the north. Everyone congratulated him.",一些个月后,他的动物回来了,带领一匹好马从北部。 大家祝贺了他。 +Then I do morning exercises in the playground.,起床后,我便在运动场锻炼身体。 +Randal hasn't added any photos yet.,还没有添加任何照片。 +"In the example of Nimu Bridge of damping braces, time history analysis with the model of nonlinear damping restoring force have been done.",在尼木大桥上加设阻尼支撑,采用非线性阻尼恢复力模型,对其进行了动力时程分析。 +Analyses the variation of the heating capacity under three conditions) based on the experimental data of radiators made of aluminum alloy or compound of copper and aluminum.,基于铜铝复合、铝合金散热器性能实测数据,分析了三种情况下散热器散热量的变化。 +"Sunburn cuisine five internal organs for human muscle, skin teeth bone angle for people to wear realm of high forgetting me, and made great contributions and humility.",筋肉五脏供人炙脍,皮骨角牙供人佩戴,境界高而忘我,贡献大而谦逊。 +The cycles are periodic and optional.,循环是阶段性和可选择的。 +Syria's government has approved an end to decades-old emergency laws - meeting a key demand of anti-government protesters.,叙利亚政府批准废除实施了几十年之久的紧急状态法——满足了反政府抗议者的关键要求。 +"Mr. Tim Geithner, Secretary of the U. S. Treasury, asserted that the Renminbi is grossly under-valued.",美国财政部长盖特纳坚称人民币的汇价被大幅低估。 +"This collar is meant to give music to the deaf by using those vibrations to trigger the right area of the brain, allowing them to listen.",您所看到的这个领子就是通过利用振动来触发大脑中可以激活听觉的区域,从而将音乐带给佩戴它的聋人。 +"The potentials to extend the operating range of HCCI engines through two strategies, i. e. variable compression ratio and boost, were investigated.",最后考察了通过使用变压缩比和增压两种策略扩展HCCI发动机运行范围的潜力。 +"Occasionally, red Ogilby's and blue duikers crashed through the tangled undergrowth .",偶尔,红色和蓝色小羚羊穿过杂乱的灌木丛。 +"Although they did not win, the students have developed a true love for the art of traditional puppetry , ensuring that this beloved but often neglected art will continue well into the future.",虽然输掉比赛,学生已经发展出对传统布袋戏的热爱,这份常不受重视的艺术热爱,还会持续到未来。 +"The “shadow” banking system—the money-market funds, securities dealers, hedge-funds and other non-bank financial institutions—is shrinking fast.",处在“阴影”下的银行业系统——包括货币市场基金、证券交易商、对冲基金和其它非银行金融机构——正在迅速萎缩。 +The wounded and dead piled up at Gaza's Shifa hospital yesterday.,昨天,伤亡者在加沙的希法医院堆积起来。 +"One of the most envied men in Silicon Valley is Larry Ellison, 54, chief executive of Oracle Corp., one of the richest men in California.",硅谷最令人生忌的男人之一当属也是加州最有钱的男人之一的甲骨文首席执行官,54岁的拉里·埃里森。 +The pathogenesis of mental disorder caused by TETS relates GABA.,TETS所致精神障碍的发生机制与γ-氨基丁酸(GABA)有关。 +"Petersburg, which he left nine years later to take up a junior post in the Ministry of Justice.",在10岁的时候,他被送往圣彼得堡的法学院学习,9年后他离开了那里在司法行���部谋得了一份小差事。 +"Fifty-five percent said they often think they have nothing to wear, and 40 percent said they tend to keep buying clothes that look the same, the survey showed.",调查表明,百分之五十五的人说他们经常觉得没有衣服可穿,40%的趋向于购买类似的衣服。 +"On Sunday, January 24, Lloyd Bentsen appeared on Meet the Press.",1月24日,劳埃德.本特森参加了“与媒体见面”节目。 +"What I want to say is that I'm willing to be a never- rusty screw, and always commend my heart to the lofty thill.",我想说的,就是一句话:愿做永不生锈的螺丝钉,我以我心荐轩辕! +We are glad that the general situation in the country and in all industries has been stable.,我们高兴地看到,全国以及各行各业的总的情况是稳定的。 +"The sky without leaving any traces of the stacking up thick clouds, under this field without warning in the rain.",天空不留痕迹的积起厚厚的云,下起这场毫无预兆的雨。 +"In researching this the investigators found cases of similar errors at other cancer centres outside of Alberta, but gave no exact details.",调查人员在对此次案例进行调查时发现,在其它省的癌症中心也曾出现类似错误,但具体不详。 +"“The data suggest it is cumulative long-term use,” Dr. Manson said.",Manson 博士说:“数据表明,那是长期累积使用的结果。 +"Cycling great for people who ""use"" the handicapped.",代步车都是伟大的人谁使用被禁用。 +"Real world, in which there are lots of complex relations between phenomena and processes, is an infinitive complex and huge system, and also a continuous and natural real model.",现实世界是无限复杂和巨大的系统,其中的现象和过程之间存在着各种复杂的关系,是一种连续而自然的现实模型; +"People on stages are called actors. All they're required to do is look plausible, stay sober and say the lines they're given in the right order.",站在舞台上的那叫演员。他们只需作稳定状,保持清醒,按部就班念台词。 +TRUTH: Uncooked rice can contain spores of a bacterium called Bacillus cereus.,真相:未煮熟的米饭中包含一种名为蜡样芽孢杆菌的细菌孢子。 +"Don’t sit around waiting for it to happen, because before you know it time will pass.",不要坐在旁边等待时机到来,因为当你意识到的时候,时间已经流逝了。 +"""So, mate, "" asked Ron, ""What did you see in her Pensieve?""",“那,伙计。” 罗恩问,“你在冥想盆里看到了什么?” +I was wet and tired after a long walk in heavy rain. All the way from the highway to the edge of town.,我在大雨中从高速公路一直走到小镇的尽头,路途遥远,让我又湿又累。 +"When Ereira's film was broadcast around the world in 1990, there were 12, 000 Kogi.",当埃若拉的电影1990年在世界各地上映时,共有12000科吉人。 +"In downturns, the well-branded companies will do the best because consumers are counting their pennies and only want to put their money in brands and products that they trust.",在经济低迷时期,具有优秀品牌的公司将会尽力而为。 因为每个消费者正在数着他们的钞票,他们只想购买他们信任的品牌和产品。 +Analysts at UBS AG removed Zodiac from its French “top pick” list and downgraded the shares to “neutral” from “buy.,瑞银集团分析师把卓达宇航集团从法国首选企业名单中剔除,同时把该集团股票评级从买入下调为中性。 +"The paper introduces seven factor of DRASTIC model: Depth of water table, Net recharge, Aquifer media, Soil media, Topography, Impact of Vadose Zone and Hydraulic Conductivity.",前言: 介绍了DR AST IC 模型的七个评价因子: 地下水埋深、含水层净补给量、含水层介质类型、 土壤类型、地形坡度、包气带介质I的影响和含水层的导水系数。 +"To sum up , the symptom of clubroot disease in rape is similar to it in cruciferae.",其症状与十字花科蔬菜根肿病症状相似。 +"For example, you do group secretary, student council and other social work organizations, what activities, what contacted to participate in what could have set.",例如,您在做团支书、学生会主席等社会工作时组织过什么活动,联系过什么事,参与过什么都可以一一罗列。 +"Summer is dawning, there is nothing quite like the feeling of wind in your face to beat the heat .",夏天来了,没有什么比微风吹拂在脸上更能解除酷热了。 +"RFID tags are already used widely in passports, library books and gadgets that let cars fly through tollbooths without cash.",射频识别标签早就广泛应用于护照、图书馆的书籍以及电子收费系统(收费站所用的装置,车辆可以飞驰而过而不需停下交纳现金)上了。 +"As above, you can see that the extensions file defines a role for each EJB in the relationship, and then defines the relationship as the conjunction of the two roles.",如上所述,您会看到扩展文件为关系中的每个 EJB 定义了一个角色,然后将关系定义为这两个角色的连接。 +"There exists much difference in the length of dendrite arm, so that the six-fold symmetry of the dendrite morphology is severely damaged.",各枝晶的臂长存在很大差异,枝晶形貌的六重对称性被严重破坏; +"A. Oh well all empires crumble, maybe in another millenium you can try and recreate it.",哦,嗯,所有的帝国都崩溃了,也许在下一个千年,还可以试试再建一个。 +The wild liane resources in Shandong is studied.,对山东野生藤本植物资源进行了研究。 +Jinan International Airport to reach remote wall and Handan Airport 1 hour.,到达济南遥墙国际机场和邯郸机场1小时车程。 +"We are committed to sharing intimacy, to being friends forever but physical attraction is not part of the equation here.","我们亲密无间,一生一世,有没有激情体验无关痛痒。" +"For Malick, the struggle between father and son reflects both the cruelty and beauty of nature.",对于马利克,父亲和儿子之间的斗争,既反映了大自然的美丽和残酷。 +He's a chain smoker .,他是一个老烟鬼。 +"Which president said, Without freedom, I would rather die.",哪位总统说不自由吾宁死?。 +"Therefore, better result can be obtained when the progressive development is based on thecharacteristics of the braid delta reservoir.",证实依其辫状河三角洲储层特点进行有效滚动开发,可以见到好效果。 +Experience: 6-10 years Education: Masters in Architecture.,有6到10年工作经验,建筑硕士学位。 +"Especially, the 25 new policies, which lifted the five-year-ban of second-hand house trade as well, will further boost the trading volume of the second-hand housing market in Shenyang.",特别是沈阳25条新政解禁二手房五年大限后,沈阳二手房市场的交易量也将进一步得到拉升。 +"Hyperbolic navigation systems were first implemented as ground-based navigation systems operating in the medium and long-wave radio frequency spectrum like LORAN, DECCA or OMEGA.",双曲导航系统首先在陆基导航中得到应用,他们工作在中波或长波段,如LORAN、DECCA和OMEGA。 +"The copper, lead and cadmium were determined by FAASsuspension sample introduction technique without sample digested, that avoided the sample pollution and loss, the process is simplified greatly.",直接悬浮进样石墨炉原子吸收法测定铜、铅和隔,样品不用消化,极大地简化了步骤,避免了样品的污染和损失。 +"Compared the UF with improved UF in this research, both hot reaction characters…",改性UF树脂与未改性UF树脂相比,吸热反应提前发生,总吸热量减少。 +"In dry regions, sewers may be placed only in high-value districts, while streets and roadside ditches serve as surface drains in sparsely populated areas.",在干旱地区,排水系统仅仅放置在高值地区,而在人口稀少地区,街道和路边沟渠为地表排水服务。 +So another way to think about that is just the rotational kinetic energy of our electron.,"或者,这样想,它是,电子旋转的动能。" +"But learn-time is always a long , seclude time ahead and far on into life , is solitude , a heightened and deepened kind of aloneness for the person who loves.",这个学习过程长久而专注,贯注于生命始终,在深深的寂寞中孤独地等待,是为了所爱的人。 +Objective:To explore the effectiveness of severe obstetric complication audit on improving the quality of obstetric care in order to reduce the severe maternal morbidity(SMM).,目的:探索应用严重产科并发症审评方法提高基层产科服务质量的有效性,以利于降低严重产科并发症的发生率。 +"Lake White Loquat grows in Xishan Island. The fruit is thinly peeled, with thick fresh, rich in juice, taste sweetly superb.",产于西山,果实硕大整齐,果皮极薄,易剥离,汁多,果肉鲜腻,味酸甜适度,爽口,不易裂果,较耐寒,产量高。 +"Carrying out fraud with letters of credit and issuing fraudulent invoices to defraud export tax refunds may also be removed, according to the report.",金融凭证诈骗和为骗取出口退税而虚开增值税专用发票等经济诈骗的死刑罪名也在取消之列。 +"Good news came shortly afterwards. On seeing the growing baby in her, I couldn't stop admiring my perfect life.",婚后不久,太太梦熊有兆,见到腹大便便的她,想到不久将来的孩子,觉得自己的一生是最完美的… +"The metal sulfides electrode materials for lithium secondary batteries include binary metal sulfides, thiospinels, oxysulfides, and thiophosphates etc.",锂二次电池金属硫化物电极材料包括二元金属硫化物、尖晶石硫化物、磷硫化物等。 +"""Right now I expect to be here next season but I'm not in touch with anyone and tomorrow things can change, "" he said.",“下赛季我想留在朴斯茅斯,���是我不会跟任何人联系,明天什么都可以改变,”他说道。 +This demonstrated that most Chinese city residents' children were young and most received junior education.,说明我国城市居民就读子女多数处于低龄化阶段,目前接受初级教育者居多。 +"Of the return load, 114 tons would be used to return the empty tanker to Uranus, while 500 tons would be used for starships and the terrestrial energy market.",作为返回装载,114吨燃料用于空油轮返回天王星,而500吨用于星际飞船和地面能源市场。 +Mate also contains caffeine; xanthine alkaloids (including a mood elevator and muscle relaxant found in chocolate).,这种茶还含有咖啡因和黄嘌呤生物碱(包含在巧克力中发现的情绪调节剂和肌肉松弛剂)。 +The tech is an inexpensive way to turn large monitors into interactive multi-touch screens.,这项技术可将巨大的显视器改装成为交互式多重触屏,是一种非常经济的方法。 +"Underwater Sea Ice, Ice, seen from below, covers the surface of the Arctic's Beaufort Sea. The sea is found north of Alaska and Canada.",北极圈的波佛特海,从海面下观察到的蓝色海冰覆盖水面,波佛特海被发现于。 +I want to improve my maths. Iwant to do well in all the subjects.,我想提高数学成绩,我想把各科都学好。 +"It would be really nice to have that prefix declared once at the top of the file, on the generated directive.",最好在文件顶部用生成的 伪指令声明前缀一次。 +Cotton Wilt Verticillium was an important disease in the cotton planting region of the world.,棉花黄萎病是世界棉区的重要病害,严重威胁着棉花生产。 +"In the eyes of nature, we are her children, despite procession of adolescence or crippling and stumbling for old age.",在大自然的眼中,我们是她的孩子,尽管我们经历了青春期,叛逆期及年老时的步履蹒跚。 +We have received no information so far.,迄无音信。 +"All yogis should be properly attired. (a) Monks should have their robes on in public. (b) No shorts, skirts, sleeveless and revealing clothes for the lay yogis.",修行者必须穿着朴素得体:(一)僧众应在公众场合披上袈裟。(二)在家修行者不准穿短裤,短裙,无袖或暴露等衣着。 +"RESULTS: The safety of clinical medication was predominantly attributed to pyrogen reaction, superhigh amount of particles, adsorption of drugs, and toxicity of additives.",结果:输液器主要从热原反应、微粒超标、对药物的吸附、输液器材质及毒性方面影响输液安全性。 +Last year was Afghanistan's deadliest since US-led forces ousted the hard-line Islamist group in 2001.,去年是自01年美国领导的多国部队驱逐强硬路线的伊斯兰组织后,阿富汗死亡人数最多的一年。 +"As a result, there are big differences between federation court and state court, also between state courts.",其结果不仅联邦法院的结构和制度不同于州法院,州法院之间也有巨大的差异。 +"The definition of “comfort” is simply too nebulous, and its pursuit too stratifying, for it to be a legitimate basis for ideology.",“舒适”的定义是如此地朦胧,要想追求舒适的生活,又太强调阶级的差异——它只是一种理想在法律上的概念。 +But we aren't always fully aware of what makes us do the things we do. So should we accept the explanations of their actions at face value?,可是人们并不总是十分清楚自己做一件事情的原因,那么我们应不应该接受他们治标不治本的解释呢? +"In recent years, the Bayesian network has been used in many study fields as a data-mining tool, but so far it is seldom used to process remote sensing data.",多时相遥感信息变化检测及其算法探索是当前国际遥感领域研究的热点,但是贝叶斯网络在遥感数据分类、特别是应用在变化检测方面的文献却很少。 +The staff of the railway station said that they had to get every suitcase and bag labeled with a serial number and main articles listed in order to make them easier to be recognized.,同时执行搜寻工作的人员也成功地找到了朱平的包括单反相机在内的一系列物品,受朱平家人的委托,随后她的同学来取走了这些东西。 +"In this paper, simple Bayesian classifier had been used to realize such detection in wireless local networks, and designed a method for proximity-based mobile device location.",本文使用简单贝叶斯分类算法实现了基于无线局域网的临近位置检测代理。 +BPM involves the activities of modeling the as-is and to-be business processes and allocating resources to implement each process.,BPM 涉及到对原有 和将来 的业务流程进行建模以及分配资源实现每个流程的多个活动。 +Homeostasis model assessment was applied to assess the status of insulin resistance (HOMA-IR).,稳态模式评估法计算胰岛素抵抗指数(HOMA-IR)。 +Conclusion: It is easier to establish cancer cell line from the tumor tissue subcultured continuously in nude mice than from the primary tumor.,结论:经过裸小鼠体内连续传代后的肿瘤组织较其原肿瘤组织容易建立癌细胞系。 +I should hate to be confined within the four walls of an office all day.,我讨厌整天给圈在办公室的小天地里。 +"On UNIX-like systems, every process can be divided into three main regions: text, data, and stack.",在类 UNIX 系统上,每个进程都可以划分为三个主要区域:文本、数据和堆栈。 +"Thus, only 10 Princes will be in charge of towns (kingdoms), and the others will be out of luck.",这样将只有10位王了负责城镇(王国)。而其他人就没这么幸运了。 +"But, as several speakers at the party's glitzy election launch in Barcelona made clear, CiU is spoiling for a scrap with Madrid over the distribution of powers and revenues.",但是正如他们的发言人在巴塞罗那选举时候大张旗鼓宣传的那样,地区汇合党的主旨是在权力与税收方面从马德里那里分杯羹。 +"I like a stronge plumply man, I feel they are honest, virtuous, adult, blissful.",我喜欢有点胖的男人,觉得他们淳朴,善良,成熟,稳重,有福气。 +"""It's a problem we're trying fix. It is trying to mislead voters and somewhat trick voters,"" says Yee.",“我们正努力解决这个问题,因为这摆明了是打算误导甚至欺骗选民”,Yee说道。 +Select the RAR deployed at the node level,选择在节点级别部署的 RAR +B0 also brings effects on themagnitude and direction of west drift.,B0也带来了对表观磁场西漂速度大小及方向的影响。 +Results: ①There are no significant changes in CD3+ cells before and after the initiative and passive immunotherapy.,结果:①被动与主动免疫组治疗前后CD3+细胞无明显差异。 +"When I said, My foot slippeth; thy mercy, O LORD, held me up.",我正说我失了脚,耶和华阿,那时你的慈爱扶助我。 +"Marist poll showed that 97 percent of men and 94 percent of women are convinced they found the one, a finding which surprised researchers because of the country's high divorce rate.",由马里斯特学院开展的一项民调显示,美国97%的男性和94%的女性相信自己找到了“唯一”,这一调查结果出乎调查人员的意料,原因是美国的离婚率很高, 。 +A study of magnetism of rock cuttings from 3 oil wells in Liaohe Oilfield reveals that oil bearing formations in carbonate rock reservoirs are apt to be of lower magnetic susceptibility.,通过对辽河油田3口油井的岩屑磁性进行研究,发现碳酸盐岩储层中含油层位具有较低的磁化率特征。 +"""He wasn't at all driven, "" says Graeme Atkinson, Searchlight's European editor, who knew Larsson for 20 years.",“他一点儿也不被动,”Graeme Atkinson 说。 他是《探照灯》的欧洲编辑,和Larsson 认识了20年了。 +"Delivers on - premises intrusion detection, secure, remote access to your VPN and added protection for notebooks and hand-held devices.",设有入侵检测,安全,远程访问您的VPN和保障笔记本电脑和手提装置。 +"Last week, it was reported Pakistani authorities arrested four informants who helped U.S. intelligence find the former head of the al-Qaida terrorist network.",上周有报导说,巴基斯坦当局逮捕了4个帮助美国情报机构捉拿基地恐怖组织前头目本.拉登的线民。 +"Given a regex and a datum, a regex engine yields whether the datum matches a pattern and, if a match was found, what matched.",给定一个正则表达式和数据,正则表达式引擎将得到数据是否匹配模式及匹配内容(如果找到匹配)等结果。 +The town community center features a large electronic signboard out front flashing the cheery phrase: 'Nuclear energy supports Tomioka! ',富冈社区中心外面有一个大型电子招牌,上面闪烁着一句鼓舞人心的话:核能支撑富冈! +"The name list of the Tung Ping Chau Trip this weekend has already been renew, please check your information at the first page.",本周末的东平洲团参加者名单已经更新,请到第一版查看资料是否有错误。 +"For a long time, we put stress on the politic responsibility, the law responsibility and the administrate responsibility, less on the moral responsibility.",长期以来,人们一直强调的是政府责任中的政治责任、法律责任和行政责任,忽视其道德责任。 +"So whenthe Persians came on the next day, he made them recline in a meadow and feastedthem.",当波斯人第二天来到的时候,他使他们坐倒在草地上,大摆筵席宴请他们。 +Properties of new type alloy spring steel D701 is studied by controlled rolling process on high alloy steel wire rod and bar mills .,通过高合金钢棒线材连轧机的控制轧制工艺研究了新一代合金弹簧钢D70 1的力学性能。 +This means doing some serious self-reflection and figuring out what concrete evidence you have that you will like what you're learning in the programs you apply for.,这意味着你需要谨慎地自我反思,并考虑有哪些具体的例子是自己感兴趣的、足以让自己申请的。 +"Hundred good cousin 's home, in this Jiang Port Street on the.",百良表哥的老家,就在这条蒋埠街上。 +"How we spend our day is,of course,how we spend our lives.",我们怎样打发日子,当然,也就是我们怎样度过一生。 +"This program is an exciting one and is the most content of a novel, refueling, Yang Guang, to GREet you!",这节目很精彩,应该是内容最新颖的一个了,加油,杨光,向你致意! +"He preferred direct action to the ballot (“such a bourgeois set-up”) and the laboured etiquette of Question Hour, but soon saw the point of representative democracy.",他喜欢直接行动,不喜欢投票的方式(“这是资产阶级那套”),不喜欢选举时冗长费时却是固定惯例的提问环节,但不久他便看到了民主集中的道理所在。 +NFPA 130. :Standard for Fixed Guideway Transit and Passenger Rail Systems .,固定的导轨转接和旅客轨道系统标准。 +"In Listing 4, properties are set programmatically, but based off command-line values.",在清单 4 中,属性是在程序中设置的,但是它又以命令行值为依据。 +"The Baima people live in the counties of Pingwu, Songpan and Nanping in Sichuan Province, and in Wenxian County in Gansu Province in China.",白马人分布在中国四川省平武县、松潘县、南坪县以及甘肃省文县。 +"I guess it’s all a matter of personal choice. If one wants to party now and suffer tomorrow, then that’s his problem.",如果一个人现在想去派对,明天经受宿醉,那么那是他的问题。 +"This paper analyzes some obvious problems existing in the farmer group that is the main object severed by county-level library, and advances some solving methods.",对县级图书馆服务的主要对象——农民群体中存在的一些突出问题进行了分析,并提出了解决问题的办法。 +"Ningbo dialect is a relatively typical dialect in northern Wu-Chinese, for its phonetic type of its person pronouns is of certain typicality in Wu-Chinese.",宁波方言是北部吴语中较有代表性的一个方言点,其三身代词的语音类型在吴语中具有一定的典型性。 +"Yesterday, household electrical appliances industry is more active plate, the plate has become among the biggest gainers , but on the whole stage in a vulnerable state of the market.",昨天家电业板块较为活跃,成为涨幅居前的板块,不过总体上市场处于阶段性弱势状态。 +"Article 28 Relevant regulations of the State concerning articles the transport of which is prohibited or restricted must be observed in consigning shipment and carrying goods, parcels or luggage.",第二十八条托运、承运货物、包裹、行李,必须遵守国家关于禁止或者限制运输物品的规定。 +The serum RSTN is a independent factor influencing degree of coronary stenosis and positively related to the degree of coronary stenosis.,血清抵抗素浓度是影响冠状动脉狭窄程度独立影响因素,并与之呈显著正相关。 +The overall plan of British Margate historical central district Space Syntax Company participates in is a representative example of the transformation.,空间句法公司参与的英国玛尔格特历史核心区空间总体规划项目是一个具有代表性的改造实例。 +"Another $41 billion for Iraq was spent on State Department and USAID initiatives, plus $6 billion for troops' health expenses, the CRS report stated.",国会研究处说额外有410亿花在了国务院和美国国际开发署加上60亿的部队医疗费用。 +The SPLM must share the blame for this sorry state of affairs.,苏丹人民解放运动要为现在这种可悲的局面负一定的责任。 +And the liquor would be of the feature of the flavour by natural fermentation when it was used in new technological liquor.,用于新工艺白酒,使酒体具有自然发酵增香特色。 (一平。 +The resolver queries each name server in the order provided in /etc/resolv.conf until the IP address has been properly resolved.,解析程序按照 /etc/resolv.conf 中提供的顺序查询各个名称服务器,直到 IP 地址得到正确解析。 +"The channel inner diameter of full bore ball valves is consistent with the inner diameter of pipeline, which can not only minimize the fluid resistance but also facilitate pipeline cleaning.",全通径球阀的通道内径与管线内径一致,不但流体阻力最小,也便于管道清理。 +"This paper describes the analytical method using gas -chromatography for systems of temperature swing extraction with n-dodecane , 1,3.5-trimethyl benzene and tri-ethylene glycol.",本文描述了变温革取法用三甘醇分离正十二烷和1,3,5— 三甲苯时样品的气相色谱分析方法。 +"Division I professional production of brass, copper and related products.",我司专业���产黄铜、 紫铜管及相关产品加工。 +"Track, respond to and learn from guest reviews.",追踪,回复客人的评论并有所收获。 +Training camps run by al-Qaeda and Taliban groups have multiplied in secure border regions over the past few years.,在过去几年,基地组织和塔利班领导的训练营地成在安全的边界地区成倍增长。 +"The moisturizing and soothing properties of this treatment cream will penetrate deep into hardened, thick calluses. Your skin will look and feel better in just a few days.",那个润湿和这治疗乳酪的抚慰财产将会进入变硬,厚的厚茧之内深入地穿透。 +Huang Zhenlong: Association for the Advancement We bring all the original comic or light-Taiwan fiction.,黄镇隆:我们协进会这次带来的全部都是 台湾原创的漫画或者轻小说。 +Objective:To study the diagnosis and treatment of children intussusception.,目的:探讨小儿肠套叠的诊断和治疗。 +"Skills : Both Mayweather and Marquez have elite-level intelligence, technique, and ring generalship .",技术:梅威瑟和马奎兹都是集智慧、技术和拳台兵法于一身的精英级拳手。 +"If the wart is treated by electric therapy or frozen therapy of western medicine, it will grow again.",病毒疣若用西医的「电疗法」、「冷冻疗法」,脱落后又会再长,缠绵难愈,治标不治本。 +"The mode to make integrated diagnosis and treatment includes the following parts: set up wound center in emergency center, build a united rescue system and train high quality professional personnel.",在急救中心实施多发伤一体化救治的模式:急救中心设立创伤中心、建立成套的创伤急救体系,培养高素质专业人员。 +"In addition, parameters of permanent-magnet synchronous motor are measured and used in controller design.",本文之系统亦完成永磁式同步电动机之参数量测,作为控制器之参考依据。 +"Results:Compared with control group, the study group has higher normal labor rate(P<0.05);",结果:观察组孕产妇自然临产和分娩率明显高于对照组(P<0.05); +"This goes for sports as well as friends, job, everything.",无论是运动、朋友、工作,还是其它事情,莫不如此。 +"We do not need their money, stop being so obsequious, we control OUR markets and China needs those markets to continue its growth, absolutely.",我们不需要他们的钱,不要再低三下四,我们控制我们的市场,中国的继续增长需要这个市场。 +"However, addiction can't be limited to just drug and alcohol abuse. Please consider the following…",然而,上瘾不能仅限制于酗酒和吸毒。 请考虑以下情形… +"Since we approached the 21st century, educational view has transferred from mechanistic philosophy to life philosophy with increasing life consciousness.",进入21世纪,随着人类生命意识的凸显,教育观逐渐从机械论转向生命论。 +The laws of economics are behind this trend - supply and demand.,经济法则建立在需求和供给的理论之上。 +She kept them in fits of laughter with her jokes.,她的那咨笑话把他们逗得一阵阵地大笑。 +The HISTORY command allows you to specify the REVERSE keyword if you want to list the commands in reverse chronological order.,如果想按倒序列出命令,HISTORY 命令允许指定 REVERSE 关键字。 +The Blackwoods were kings in those days.,布莱克伍德在那个时候还是国王。 +"Officer:5th floor, to the left of the escalators.",在五楼,就在自动扶梯的打边。 +We pray for it o'er hecatombs of slain.,面对上帝我们为这些牺牲祈祷。 +"And when they bring you unto the synagogues, and unto magistrates, and powers, take ye no thought how or what thing ye shall answer, or what ye shall say",人带你们到会堂,并官府,和有权柄的人面前,不要思虑怎吗分诉,说什么话。 +Methods Endothelial function was examined by ultrasonographic measurement of flow-mediated vasodilation (FMD) of the radial artery.,方法 通过超声测量肱动脉血流介导性血管扩张参数来评价内皮功能。 +Beijing will restore bike lanes that had been cut to make room for cars and buses.,北京将恢复此前为给汽车和公交车腾地方而减少的自行车道。 +"""She could be in Paris, your mom, watching you try on your wedding dress (while you are in New York),"" Enright told Reuters Tuesday as he unveiled the interactive mirror at a retail trade show.",恩赖特说:“你在纽约试 婚纱,你的妈妈可以在巴黎为你做出参考。” +Stabile output frequency without Hertzian waves.,输出频率稳定, 无电磁波干扰。 +I heard on the radio the other day that the origin of the phrase “drunk as a lord” came from a time when the aristocracy were the ones with the time and money to get boozy.,又有一天,我在广播里听到,“drunk as a lord”(酩酊大醉)这一短语源于一个特定时期——在那时,贵族总是把时间和金钱花费在买醉上面。 +"Suitable for thin and medium thicknesses of cotton, linen and synthetic fabrics.",本机适用于薄的和中厚的针、棉、化纤等缝料; +"As such, the PLA sees itself as halfway down the path of its , multi-faceted military modernization program.",正如此,解放军认为自己正走在其数十年、多方面的军事现代化进程的半途之中。 +He said the cold and silence of this frozen world seemed to increase a man's fear of death.,他说,这冰封的世界所带来的严寒和寂静增加了人们对死亡的恐惧。 +"However, for various reasons, China's voice can hardly be heard and it's medias has little influence in the world. English news website should play a more important role.",但由于各种原因,我国的对外传播声音还比较弱,影响力还不够,英语新闻网站本应发挥的作用还没有发挥出来。 +Our Investment Financing Service will help you choose where to put your funds and look at both the pros and cons of each.,我们的投资理财服务将帮助您选择您的资金投入的产品,并对每个产品的优点和缺点进行评估。 +"And she says the increase in university tuition fees will ""undoubtedly"" mean more women turn to lap-dancing.",大学学费上涨的确意味着使更多的女人转向跳脱衣舞。 +"The grasshopper thinks he's a fool, and laughs and dances and plays the summer away.",蚂蚱却认为松鼠是个傻瓜,而他却嘻笑跳舞,玩耍了一个夏季。 +"For these reasons, the bank chose it as their development tool for their modernization project.",出于这些理由,银行选择它作为其现代化项目的开发工具。 +"Later, they said he had a weak form of smallpox. The president remained in bed.",医生认为他可能着凉了,后来,医生们说,总统患上了天花。 +A first derivative dual wavelength method for the determination of chlofena-mic acid concentration in human serum was reported.,本文报告了氯灭酸血药浓度的一阶导数双波长测定法。 +"When I grew older and met with Bishop Leadbeater and the Theosophical Society, I began to see the Master K.",在我长大一些并遇到Leadbeater主教与通神学会后,我开始看见K。 +You should put some more wood in the fire.,你应该再往火里添些木料。 +"The recognition and transference of intertextual reference is a core issue of intertextuality-based translation theory, with the former being a precondition for the latter.",互文指涉的识别与转换既是一个重要的问题,又是一个棘手的问题,但是迄今为止这个问题却没有得到应有的重视。 +She applied to join the League and was accepted.,她申请入团被接受了。 +"In this trap design, a magnetic field confines the particles radially and an electric field raises the potential at each end of the cylinder.",在这种设计里,磁场是以径向的方向局限住粒子,同时电场会使圆柱两端的电位能提高。 +"Yongjia County Shangquan Valve Co. , Ltd. is a manufacturer specialized in producing valves.",永嘉县上泉阀门有限公司,是专业生产阀门的生产厂家。 +It's a good thing I came down here tonight.,看来今晚我没白来(上这儿来是对的)。 +First of all: We are NOWHERE! The closest road is a half-day's walk away.,一开始,我们都找不到北,而最近的路还要有半天的脚程! +"Recently, there is a great improvement in the investigation on the catalyst preparation and modification of methane non-oxidative aromatization. The research results show that.",近年来,在甲烷无氧芳构化催化剂的制备、改性以及反应机理等方面的研究已取得了长足的进步。 +We gather some of the most beautiful and extraordinary scenery of France.,这里我们收集了法国最美丽和非凡的风景。 +"Conversely, homegrown solutions are cheap, but while they are suitable for developers, they're not convenient for relatively nontechnical end users.",与此相反,自己开发的解决方案很便宜,然而尽管它们适合于开发人员,但是它们却会给技术相对较差的最终用户带来不便。 +Hanke points out that theelectro-sensory organs are derived from whiskers in ancestral animals.,汉克指出电感觉器官衍生自祖先动物的腮须。 +"After the visit, President Hu concluded his state visit to the United States and left Chicago for home in his special plane.",参观结束后,胡锦涛圆满结束对美国的国事访问,乘专机离开芝加哥回国。 +"Act uprightly, and despise calumny. Dirt may stick to a mud wall, but not polish the marble.",为人正直的就不惧诽谤:污物可以沾到泥墙上,却附不在大理石上。 +"The engineering feat, called the South-North Water Diversion Project, is China’s most ambitious attempt to subjugate nature.",这项工程被称为南水北调工程,是一项中国试图征服自然的雄心计划。 +Road signs mark the beginning and end of inundation areas determined as such by sophisticated computer simulations.,严格说来,路标标志着由先进���算机模拟决定的地震泛滥地区的始终。 +But there are other non-GM foods that are also provoking more allergic responses now than in the past.,但是,有一些非转基因食品也经从前更多的导致食品过敏。 +"Because of not being full, my daughter asked me to buy a kind of her favorite ham sausage for her.",因为没有吃饱,我女儿叫我去给她买一种她最爱吃的火腿肠。 +"Rising sea levels and temperatures, acidification of the oceans, and extreme storms could erode the beaches where the females nest and could threaten the coral reefs upon which the turtles depend.",海平面和温度的上升、海洋的酸化以及极端风暴的袭击都能摧毁雌海龟筑巢的海滩,并威胁到海龟赖以生存的珊瑚礁。 +It is pointed out that the influence function of added resistance in waves can be used for the design and modification of ship form of high speed ship with least resistance.,这说明波浪增阻影响函数可以作为高速船舶最小阻力船型设计与改进的基本依据。文中还讨论了增阻影响函数的性征与变化规律。 +"Software also lacks a well defined atomic unit of work -- even though we can apply various measures, such as lines-of-code, number of classes, number of function points, number of bugs, etc.",即便我们可以采用不同的测量方式,例如代码行数、类的数量、函数指针的数量、系统漏洞的数量,等等,软件还是缺乏一种定义良好的原子结构。 +The civil judicial discretion is the key factor in the application of civil law and a kind of specific method for civil judges to use their judicial authority as well.,民事自由裁量权是民事法律适用中不可或缺的内容,也是民事法官行使审判权的一种具体方式。 +"'If you walk around here at 5:30, there are going to be very few lights on, and that's what we expect,' says Mark Louchheim, president.",公司总裁马克•卢钦海姆(Mark Louchheim)说,如果你下午5:30来到厂区附近,你会发现都没有几盏灯亮着,这正是我所希望的。 +"By now, it was widely applied to treat municipal wastewater, industrial wastewater, mineral wastewater, oil exploit wastewater, non-point resource pollution and eutrophication treatment.",目前它被应用于生活污水、工业废水、矿山及石油开采废水、农业点源和非点源以及水体富营养化的治理。 +I came here in 1992 And then I had a mini epiphany half way through my sophomore year.,"我1992年来到哈佛求学2,大二期间,突然顿悟了。" +That can be a point of conflict.,这些就可能成为冲突点。 +The idea is to experiment. All music controls are projected onto that same surface for simulated touchscreen goodness.,值得一提得是,它得操做是通过投影仪射出得虚拟界面来进行得。 +"I was keenly aware of the powerful storytelling value that photo would have, and my professional conscience told me to take it.",我的职业敏感性使我意识到这张照片将具有无与伦比的新闻写实价值,我的职业良知也要求我按下快门。 +It is shown that the method can be employed in the prediction of dynamics response and analysis of extreme strength of VLP.,计算表明,本方法可用于大型浮码头动力响应预报及极限强度分析。 +Ms. Fannin said vegetables could be part of this area's economic future.,芬妮女士说,蔬菜可以参与这个地区的经济未来中。 +You wouldn't want to bother any love birds right?,你可不想打扰别人卿卿我我,对吧?。 +"I agree that love is nice, and I always think love should be pure, and I even opposed to measured love in terms of money.",我同意爱情是美好的,我也认为爱情应该是很纯的,我甚至反对用金钱来衡量爱情。 +"The atheists deny after life, believing that our life is no more than from the cradle to the grave.",无神论者,不相信来世。 他们认为从生到死,仅此而已。 +In the camera settings it is also necessary to set the minimal compression of the resulting file – JPEG or TIF.,在照相机的配置上,小容量的压缩文件是十分必要的——JPEG 或者TIF。 +Hamad dreamed up the idea and had his workmen toil for weeks to craft the enormous piece of sand graffiti .,哈马德自己想出了这个主意,工人辛苦工作数周,在沙滩上造出巨型签名。 +Women thrive post-divorce (men don't).,女人在离婚后能幸福(男人不能)。 +Introducing the screening instruments and diagnostic criteria developed by western countries would contribute to the study of FASD in China.,本文介绍该胎儿酒精谱系障碍的筛查工具和诊断标准。 +"Compared with traditional advertising, The target audience of precision advertising is more accuracy, advertising effectiveness is measurable, advertising costs are more economic.",与传统广告相比,精准广告具有目标受众精准性、广告效果可衡量性、广告成本经济性等优势。 +"But when the fear lessened, and the opportunity for change arose, different aspirations were energized.",然而,当恐惧减少时,改变的机会增大时,不同的愿望就被激活了。 +"The flyer initiation processes and the factors affecting initiation energy caused by the flyer were analyzed, and measures to enhance the flyer initiation energy were recommended.",文章分析了飞片雷管中飞片起爆炸药的传爆过程,建立了飞片与炸药碰撞产生冲能的理论模型。 +"To this end, we are determined to put jobs at the heart of the recovery, to provide social protection, decent work and also to ensure accelerated growth in low income countries (LICs).",为此,我们决定把就业作为全球经济复苏的核心问题,提供社会保障和体面工作,同时确保低收入国家的经济加速增长。 +Screen capture: English explanations for strange Chinese words will be displayed instantly by sliding the mouse.,萤幕查词,碰到不懂的汉字,滑鼠一指就可获得解释。 +"No coding involved, Instant Affiliate Link Masker automatically creates your affiliate web page for you.",没有编码参与,即时加盟链接掩蔽自动创建您的联盟网页你。 +"The flat wings shown on the bottom symbolize steadiness, decency and faithfulness.",底座平切的翅膀,则是稳定正派诚实的表征。 +"It's often women who appear in this guise, but it's not always women.",一般来说都是女人出现在这种场景,但是也不尽然。 +David West is an all-star that has a great mid-range game and is a very good rebounder .,大卫•韦斯特是一个全明星球员,他有出色的中距离投篮,并且还是一个非常好的篮板手。 +They have also released a special version of the CD with tools for molecular quantum chemistry.,另外还发布了一个特殊版本的 CD,内有分子量子化学的工具。 +"As Michael LaBarbera—a professor of biology and anatomy at the University of Chicago—wrote in a 1983 issue of The American Naturalist, only bacterial flagella, dung beetles and tumbleweeds come close.",正如迈克尔。 拉巴布拉Michael LaBarbera所说---芝加哥大学生物及解剖学的一名教授---在 《美国博物学家》1983年的一期中写道,只有细胞鞭毛,金龟子和蒲公英接近。 +Another interesting property of superconducting materials is that they will levitate in a powerful magnetic field.,超导体还有一个有趣的特点 那就是他们在强大的磁场内可以悬浮。 +"There are a variety of functional and nonfunctional requirements that you can have for the desktop, driven by a range of business requirements.",受多种业务需求的驱动,你可能对桌面有各种各样的功能性和非功能性需求。 +Longwan stainless steel market is one of the nation's leading stainless steel distribution center.,温州龙湾不锈钢市场是全国次要的不锈钢集散地之一。 +L:How about written documentation of the car's service and repair history?,洛伊斯:那么有关这辆车的服务和维修记录的书面文件呢? +I always eat fermented bean curd with rice.,我吃米饭的时候喜欢加些豆腐乳。 +"The urban growth, urbanization drive in the process of urbanization and urban growth and land value increment of urban planning law research is the key issue.",都市化带动了都市增长,而都市化过程中的都市增长与土地增值规律的研讨是都市计划的症结课题。 +"The move consolidates the energies of two of the industry's most influential forces (by virtue of technology investment and revenue) on its fundamental project, OpenJDK.",这一举措在 OpenJDK 这一基础项目上联合了两家在业界影响巨大的公司的能力(包括技术投入和财政投入)。 +Results There was IL6 gene -572C/G polymorphism in Chinese Hans.,结果中国汉族人群存在IL6基因-572C/G多态性; +"The family lived in Aberdeen, a small town of 23,000 inhabitants in South Dakota.",这户人家住在南达科他州一个人口为23,000 的小镇上,镇名为阿拜丁。 +Construct the new cooperative innovation mechanism by medicine corporation's main part station .,⑺建立以医药企业为主体的“官产学研金”新型合作创新机制。 +"Male dog A:It is really a beauties are often ill-fated . (Fill with righteous indignation)if I know that who murderer is, certain bite him several.",公狗甲:真是红颜薄命。(义愤填膺)要是我知道谁是凶手,一定咬他几口。 +He had only an instant to react as the car careered toward his daughter.,当车冲向他的女儿时他只有片刻的反应时间。 +Women and children run out into the field.They cry and throw themselves under sticks.,妇女儿童跑到田里来又哭又闹。 +"""David Stern says the players are going to miss paychecks, "" Voss says, ""but the players already know that, so they take that as a threat.""",他说:“大卫•斯特恩说球员们会怀念支票的,但球员们显然明白这一点,所以他们会把这番言论视为威胁。” +"There are 250 stafves now, among them 3 doctors, 10 senior engineers, 18 technicians, 80 graduates.",现有员工250人,其中博士生3人,高级工程师10人,技师18人,中级技工80人。 +"Losses for the week totaled $11.04, or 12.8 percent, the worst since prices fell almost 27 percent in the week to December 19, 2008.","原油期货本周下跌11.04美元或12.8%,录得2008年12月19日当周以来最大单周跌幅." +The effect of SGE on dissoluble Ca 2+ from teeth was determined in electrochemical artificial caries model in vitro.,SGE对牙钙的溶出量的测定,采用电化学人工龋模型在离体条件下进行。 +GPTG has anti-fatigue effect in mice.,泥蚶总蛋白具有良好的抗疲劳作用。 +The study was funded by grants from the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS) and by the M.I.N.D. Institute.,这项研究的赞助资金来自国家环境卫生科学院(NIEHS)和M.I.N.D.。 +Stores that cater to low- and middle-income shoppers will have the hardest time passing along price increases.,面向中低收入人群的商店在这轮价格提升浪潮中将迎来最艰难的时刻。 +"Director Mario Monicelli committed suicide last night, jumping out of the window of a room in a hospital where he was receiving treatment for prostate cancer. He was 95.",据报道,95岁的马里奥莫尼切利,长期患有前列腺癌,并于近日前往圣乔凡尼医院接受治疗,不过,他在本周一却从医院五楼跳窗,坠楼身亡。 +The fourth tumbler should be easily felt since it is the next one in line.,第四不倒翁应该很容易感受到它是一个在网上下。 +AARs provide an opportunity to assess what happened and why.,事后回顾的好处是它提供了一个机会让您评估到底发生了什么以及为什么会发生。 +"Borrowing ideas from the American universities, we can adopt Monitorial System in new college campuses to enhance the effectiveness in handling student affairs.",借鉴美国高校学生事务管理的经验,在新校区学生事务管理中采用"导生制",可提高新校区学生事务管理的有效性。 +One: What is it like to be the Absolut Hunk?,能当上绝对猛男 你有什么感觉? +The main advantages of the are plasma methods in preparation of powdered Boron Nitride are described.,本文描述了电弧等离子体制备粉末状氮化硼的主要特点。 +Yet among collared flycatchers this does not appear to be the case.,可是从白领姬鹟的实验看来,事实并非如此。 +Ge of Marquis Ying is a bronze Ge of the early stage of Spring and Autumn Period.,郢侯戈是一件春秋早期青铜戈, 郢为楚国国都。 +The wild-type receptor is regulated by ligand binding.,野生型受体由结合的配体调控。 +"You can add validation rules, database connections, loop and branching logic and other properties.",您可以加入验证规则、资料库连接、迴圈和分支逻辑,以及其他属性。 +"Meanwhile, the establishment of anti-money-laundering work interests incentive mechanism, and strengthen international cooperation to counter money laundering.",同时,提出建立反洗钱工作中的利益激励机制,加强反洗钱的国际合作。 +"On the other hand, it doesn't seem so plausible, it doesn't seem intuitively right, to say that they're alive.","另一方面来说,却不太可行,说他们还活着,直观上就不对。" +China actually banned its citizens from owning gold from 1950-2003.,实际上中国政府从1950-2003年禁止公民购买黄金。 +"3The wife wanted to travel around the world. The fairy waved her hand, and Boom! She had the tickets in her hand.",3妻子想周游世界。仙女招了招手。“呯!”的一声,她的手中出现了一张票。 +"This day the noise of battle, the next the victor's song;",今日杀声虽高呼,明日凯歌响亮。 +"If I consume less than my income today, I'm saving and my consumption would be lower this year.","如果我花的比赚的少,我在储蓄,今年的消费就会较少" +"Even the clumsy stealth of jerking off was a matter for shared joking—the unsuppressed moan, the vibrating sheet glimpsed in the dawn light.",甚至笨拙的小小抽搐都会成为我们的谈资——毫不掩饰的啜泣,晨光下颤动的被单。 +The doctrine did much to stimulate discipline and ethics in reporting and to diminish wild and fictionalized stories.,这种理论在促进报道的纪律和道德上以及减少夸张和虚构上还是很起作用的。 +"In this review, the pathways of ABA biosynthesis, catabolism and their regulation mechanisms were present.",概述了ABA的生物合成、分解代谢途径及其调节机制。 +The low cost of new media outlets like blogs and the instant access they provide to voters are two of the main reasons presidential campaigns have been keen to capitalize on them.,博客之类的新媒体方式成本低,并具有迅速向选民传达信息的能力,这是竞选组织热衷于利用它们的两项主要原因。 +"The result shows that fiber migration trend of traditional spinning is more than compact spinning, and fiber rad ial distribution of compact spinning is more random.",结果表明,紧密纺涤棉混纺纱中纤维的转移趋势不如传统环锭纱明显,纤维的径向分布也比环锭纺纱更随机。 +"We bring about the concept of matrix continued roots, discuss the properties of matrix continued roots, and obtain some results for the convergence of the matrix continued roots.",提出了矩阵连根式的概念,研究了矩阵连根式的性质,获得了关于矩阵连根式序列收敛性的一些结。 +"Normally, I would ask Vickie to do it, but she's on vacation this week.",平常我会让薇姬去做,但是这周她在休假。 +The results show that the broad-leaved forest is the dominant landscape with many types of landscape that form dispersal patch structure in Wuyuan County.,结果表明:研究区的优势景观为阔叶林景观,又有多种景观类型分散在其内,构成分散的斑块景观结构类型; +"“What’s best for kids is frequent testing, where even if they do badly, they can get help and improve and have the satisfaction of doing better,” he said.",“频繁的考试有利于孩童,尽管他们可能考得不好,但是可以得到帮助,进而获得提高,并且从不断进步中获得满足,”他说。 +"The peptide also blocks angiogenesis, the creation of blood vessels that sustain metastatic tumors, they reported six years ago in the journal Cancer Research.",这种肽也能阻止血管生成,即阻碍维持转移性瘤的血管的生成。 六年前,他们在月刊《癌症研究》上发表了这一发现。 +Nearly half of the audience have left the meeting before he delivered the closing speech.,在他致闭幕词前,近半数听众已离开了会场。 +"Established as the Irish Free State in 1922, Ireland officially became the sovereign state of Eire in 1937.",它于1922年被建为爱尔兰自由邦,在1937年正式成为爱尔兰主权国家。 +"The compatibility mode removes the intermediate user defined features (UDF) that were previously created by MTK to provide the missing functionality, thereby improving MTK performance.",兼容性模式消除了中间用户定义的特性(UDF),这些特性是 MTK 为了提供缺失的功能而创建的,因此提高了 MTK 性能。 +But then there was the issue of Minmei.,但是还有明美的问题。 +"From a young female artist, grow up to be evidence of female spies, repeatedly.",从一名年轻的女艺术家,成长为屡建奇功的女谍报人员。 +"If this was the last week of your life, are you living how you truly want to be or working toward that?",如果你的生命剩下最好一周,你是会过你正真想过的生活还是为这种生活努力工作? +Serbia is the first stop of Tang's five-European-nation tour.,塞尔维亚是唐家璇此次欧洲5国之行的第一站。 +"In fact, Russia has continued to transgress against the peace plan which was supposed to have stopped the war.",事实上,俄罗斯继续违反结束这场战争的和平计划。 +"At this level of abstraction, plainly there isn't all that much incentive to apply thinking of that kind, but on the other hand undoubtedly theory does exist for the most part to be applied.","就这门课程中理论的抽象程度而言,没必要把它,用于实践,但是在绝大多数情况下,理论无疑都是为了实践而存在。" +We'll have a soap opera series on TV thellos week.,这周末咱们会在电视机上瞅见一系列番笕剧。 +Kaolin and Heparin-MnCl_2 were employed to the treatment of serum samples in hemagglutination inhibition test.,比较两种处理血清中非特异性凝集抑制物的方法,发现高岭土法和肝素—氯化锰法结果相似。 +Please send us your specification to order Boxing shorts.,请寄给我们你的规格,命令拳击短裤。 +"To prefabricate box-girder is important in concrete cable-stayed bridge construction, it affects directly the main bridge construction of assembly progress and packing accuracy.",箱梁的预制是钢筋混凝土斜拉桥施工中的重要环节,它直接影响到主桥施工的吊装进度和拼装精度。 +"Until the mid-20th century, the research to Sadi and the ROSERY, only then gradually appears.",直至20世纪中叶,对萨迪和《蔷薇园》的研究,才逐渐出现。 +"In the visual field of feminist psychoanalysis, with ""gazing at"" as the centre, the film has met a kind of male pleasant sensation of ""voyeurism"" in fact.",在女性主义精神分析的视野里,以影片和观众的凝视为中心,电影实际上满足了男性-父权世界一种相互认同的“窥淫”的快感。 +The CEO of the Indianapolis-based lithium-ion company EnerDel calls greater Indy the “Silicon Valley of the auto industry.”,EnerDel的首席执行官要在这里建立“锂电池公司硅谷”。 +"And shall go out to deceive the nations which are in the four quarters of the earth, Gog and Magog, to gather them together to battle: the number of whom is as the sand of the sea.",出来要迷惑地上四方��列国,(方原文作角)就是歌革和玛各,叫他们聚集争战。 他们的人数多如海沙。 +The Micro-Luggage case has an in-built scooter so travellers can ride their case to the gate after dropping up to 20kilos of luggage off at check-in.,这种微型的行李箱内置了滑轮,这样旅行者就可以在机场检查口扔掉20公斤的行李后轻松的骑着他们的行李冲向入口。 +Rising food prices can serve as an aggravating factor in any nation where civil and political instability have arisen.,在任何有社会与政治不稳定状况存在的国家里,粮食价格上涨都可能成为一个导致情况恶化的因素。 +"Thee cartilage begins to thin and may even disappear completely, causing bone-on-bone friction of the facet joints in the neck.",关节软骨开始变薄甚至完全消失,导致颈部小关节骨与骨的摩擦。 罾。 +"On the basis of above results, simultaneous saccharification and fermentation(SSF) was performed. The aeration played an important role in production of 2,3-BD.",在此基础上,建立了同步糖化发酵工艺,考察了通气量对2,3-丁二醇发酵影响。 +"Familiar with mechanical design principium, good mechanical drawing making ability.",熟悉机械设计原理,具有较强的机械制图能力。 +The man asks his neighbor how she's able to read outside on the device.,那个男的询问他的邻座,她是如何能够在户外用那设备看书的。 +"Therefore shall her plagues come in one day, death, and mourning, and famine; and she shall be utterly burned with fire: for strong is the Lord God who judgeth her.",所以在一天之内,他的灾殃要一齐来到,就是死亡,悲哀,饥荒,他又要被火烧尽了。 因为审判他的主神大有能力。 +"NAA, ZT, Cu2+can promote callus differentiation to some degree.",对愈伤组织的分化都有一定的促进作用。 +"All this takes money and energy but then top dogs usually have large quantities of both of those, too.",这些都需要耗费金钱和精力,但拥有权势的家伙们通常在这两方面都取之不竭。 +What about the reaction between borax and glue?,对白胶和硼砂间的反应作用又了解多少? +"Also led to the old cold legs, arthritis, cardiovascular and other chronic illness, the sudden and deterioration.",也引发了老寒腿、关节炎、心脑血管等各种顽疾的突发与恶化。 +"Corinthians director Pablo Angioni said yesterday: ""I do not know where he is and I do not know what is in his mind.""",科林蒂安的总监安吉奥尼昨天表示:“我不知道他在哪里,也不知道他在想什么。” +"Keep in mind that the lighting requirements in a kitchen are very different from those in a bedroom, and give some thought to the needs of a gloomy corner, dark wall or windowless space.",要时刻记得,卧室里打的灯光和厨房所需的灯光效果是完全不同的,还有那些阴暗角落处、深色墙壁旁和没窗户的地方,好好考虑一下。 +"The peak velocities of the early systolic reversal wave (PVR) and the systolic forward wave (PVS) were measured. The relationships between the preceding R-R intervals and PVR, PVS were analyzed.",应用经食管超声心动图测量肺静脉血流频谱曲线收缩早期逆向R波峰值流速(PVR)和收缩期S波峰值流速(PVS) ,分析PVR和PVS与其前心电图R R间期的关系。 +It's also easy to use for system-to-system scenarios like the one described here.,还可方便用于本文所描述的系统到系统的场景中。 +"Families, who make their living by collecting and selling the fungi, eat the Little White because it has little commercial value. The Little White is small and turns brown shortly after being picked.",小白菌个头很小,采摘后很快就会变成棕色,没有多大商业价值,所以那些靠捡蘑菇卖钱维生的家庭就会自己吃掉这些小白菌。 +"Then, the paper further discusses the countermeasure engendered by the technological integration model of technological capability.",然后,进一步阐明基于构建技术能力成长技术集成模式的预防技术能力成长负面影响的对策。 +The agency's management however decided the risk of ice striking the shuttle's heat shield was low enough to resume flights.,然而,美国宇航局的管理层断然认为,这些冰块击中航天飞机防热护罩的风险极低,不会影响航天飞机的飞行。 +This pushes the warm air out and the cool air in.,这就促使热气散出,凉气进入。 +"Very few citizens actually bring suits against polluters, because of the expense, difficulty and potential for retaliation by local authorities or companies.",出于费用和难度的考虑,加之害怕当地政府或公司进行报复,实际上只有极少数的中国公民会起诉污染者。 +"The utility model is able to ensure the user to be informed of the operational status of product during the utilization, thus ensuring effective control.",本实用新型可以保证用 户在使用产品的过程中了��产品的运行状态,从而有效的进行控制。 +"Possession of antiquities in the tomb, Yue Goujian sword and color at the paint carvings in this screen are unearthed.",墓藏文物丰富,越王勾践剑和彩漆木雕座屏均在此出土。 +"Bridget: Yes. Sorry. I was in bed with my boyfriend. He's a human rights lawyer, you know.",布里吉特:是的。对不起。我和我的男朋友在床上。他是一位人权律师,你知道。 +"Therefore, they say, pan-democrats should be issued with home return permits.",因此应该发还回乡证给泛民中人。 +HMM is used to describe multi-azimuth radar profiles to obtain the distance-azimuth information of radar target through that radar HRRP is sensitive to radar azimuth.,利用HRRP对雷达视角敏感这一特点,用隐马尔可夫过程表征多视角雷达回波序列,获得目标距离-方位两维信息。 +"Meet the X-Girls, the feline superpowers that will freeze-fire you into utter, whimpering wild submission.",满足了X -女孩,猫超级大国,将冻结火成绝对,呜咽野生提交你的。 +Traditional resemblance measurement function is application-restricted since it is too sensitive to noise and is subject to prior knowledge.,传统的图像配准的相似性测度函数对噪声过于敏感,且需要先验知识约束。 +"Charper one gives a survey of the moderm VDR system development, and points out the signification of VDR system for the safety of international maritime.",第一章主要讨论当前VDR系统的发展概况以及船载雷达图像记录系统的作用,并指出了VDR系统对于国际航海安全的重要意义。 +Force and deformation of ring specimen during hoop tension test were analyzed.,通过等宽试样和标距试样拉伸实验,对理论分析结果进行了验证。 +This method provides an efficient and advanced tool for developing suspension system.,为汽车悬架运动学分析及优化设计提供了一种先进高效快捷的方法。 +"This image shows a single neuron's soma and dendrites (at center, orange) and the dense branches of its axon (yellow).",这张照片展现了单一神经元的密质部分和树突(中间,橘黄色),以及轴突的浓密分支(黄色)。 +Trouble developed with the bishop of Constance in 1522 when several of Zwingli's associates ate meat on a fast day.,故障开发的主教康斯在1522年时,几个茨温利的同夥吃的肉快一天。 +"According to this similarity, whether the clot is ablated or not can be distinguished.",根据这个类似性来判断血栓是否消融。 +The first teed off into a strong cross wind.,嘉莉打开前窗,迎面吹来一阵南风。 +"For such to happen, the multidisciplinary team CKD clinic approach is an absolute necessity as is early referral of patients with CKD from non-nephrologists (3,4).",果真如此的话,多学科CKD临床小组方法对于那些从非肾病医师处获得早期建议的CKD患者来说是绝对必要的(3,4)。 +"By these activities, empty-nesters can eliminate of loneliness and realize their own values.",通过参加这些活动,空巢老人可以消除孤独,意识到自己的价值。 +The symptoms are similar to common flu. They include fever lethargy lack of appetite coughing runny nose sore throat nausea vomiting and diarrhea.,它的症状类似普通的感冒。包括发烧,嗜睡,食欲不振,咳嗽,流鼻水,喉咙痛,恶心,呕吐和腹泻。 +His rock-star mane and six-pack a have helped cast him as a pitchman for Amway and Bausch &am Lomb.,凭着他摇滚歌星的发型和六块腹肌,他获聘为安利及博士伦的代言人。 +"Nokia Oyj will on Tuesday unveil seven new phones as well as Internetservices for emerging markets, industry sources told Reuters.",行业知情人士对路透称,诺基亚将于周二推出针对新兴市场推出的七款新手机和以及互联网服务。 +"Worldwide, moderate warming will save more lives than it will cost—by a 9-to-1 ratio.",在世界范围内,适度的变暖所拯救的生命和造成的死亡的比率是9比1。 +"Shortly after the shutters were removed from the windows on February 17, 2010, Japanese astronaut Soichi Noguchi took the top photo while looking out from the new cupola.",2010年2月17日,航天飞机从窗口移开不久,日本宇航员野口宗千(Soichi Noguchi)拍摄到一张从新的“炮塔”观察台内往外看的图片(上图)。 +This technology provides a new way for domestic production of PHC pipe pile plank in end.,为国内生产PHC管桩端板开创了一种新的工艺路线。 +"With the development of electronic technique, high-energy-density portable powers are demanded more and more.",电子技术的发展,对高比能量的移动电源需求量加剧。 +"I say, ""And so she trudged up the wooden stairs, her sad brown shoes taking her to the house she never liked.""",我说,“她步履学生地登上木楼梯,她悲哀的棕色鞋子带着她走进了她从来不喜欢的房子。” +"“The model we are using throughout the United States in kindergarten-to-12th-grade education is fundamentally the same as it was 100 years ago, ” Mr. Klein said.",“这个模型会像100年前那样在全美范围内的幼儿园到12年级的教育中使用。” Klein先生说。 +"Chua's reports from the trenches of authoritarian parenthood are indeed disconcerting, even shocking, in their candid admission of maternal ruthlessness.",蔡美儿坦承自己是个严母,她有关父母威权的记述的确让人感到不安甚至震惊。 +"The experiment was simple: they showed subjects a vintage Clint Eastwood movie (“The Good, The Bad and the Ugly”) and watched what happened to the cortex in a scanner.",实验非常简单:他们给被试观看一部克林特·伊斯特伍德的老电影(《地狱三镖客》),并且在磁共振扫描仪中观察被试的大脑皮层上发生了什么。 +As of now there are already quite a number of server 3and client 4implementations on multiple platforms available.,现在,已经有相当一部分不同平台的服务器 3和客户端可以投入使用 4。 +"It is a modern aeroplane, but its designer, Is finding it difficult to get it off the ground.",这是一架新式飞机。但它的设计人发现,要使它从地面起飞很困难。 +"He will visit the Istiqlal Mosque, one of the world's largest, and make a major outdoor speech that aides said is expected to draw large crowds.",他此行将访问世界上最大的清真寺之一的伊斯蒂赫拉尔(Istiqlal)清真寺,并将作一场户外演讲。 +Uses the fuzzy control theory to carry on the intelligent control to the automobile air indoor temperature governing system.,利用模糊控制理论对汽车空调车室内温度调节系统进行智能控制。 +"Application of landscape narrative on the design of display increased the degree of attention, interests and landscape preference of respondents.",景观叙事应用于植物园展示区场景设计,可提升游客对展示区的吸引力、趣味性以及景观偏好评值。 +"In the afternoon, we went to Avondale College.",我们到达学校的集体合影! +He jumped back as if he had been stung.,他往后一跳,仿佛被什么东西螫了一下似的。 +Theoretical analysis and experimental data show that the new (IES) has high converge speed and stability.,理论分析和大量实验结果表明,本文算法具有收敛速度快和稳定性好。 +"The idea of what is true merit… as consisting in an inclination joined with an ability to serve mankind, one's country, friends and family… should indeed be the great aim and end of all learning.",所谓真正的贤能…也就是服务人类、国家、朋友与家人的意愿及能力…这种认知最应该是一切学问的最高目标。 +The test of crude toxin of R. solanacearum to peanut embryonic root growth and separated leaf was studied. The result showed that peanut embryonic root growth was reduced by crude toxin significantly.,花生青枯菌粗毒素对花生根伸长和离体叶片浸渍的测定结果表明,毒素对花生根伸长有明显的抑制作用,不同花生品种对毒素的抗性差异显著。 +"Nowadays, in our country every mobile communication operator possesses a wide network, such as core voice network, SDH&PDH, package exchange, SCP and etc.",目前我国各移动通信运营商大都拥有一个规模宏大的网络,如核心话务网、接入网、SDH和PDH传输网、分组交换网、智能网等多种电信网络。 +"In developing countries, complications of pregnancy and childbirth are the leading cause of death and disability among 15-19 year old women.",在发展中国家,妊娠和分娩并发症是15-19岁女性死亡和残疾的主要原因。 +"We will sort, catalog and give new life to the wayward verse and prose.",我们将整理,编录并给予这些任性的诗句和散文以新的生命。 +"News of the subpoena, from the United States Attorney's Office for the Northern District of California, sent the drugmaker's shares down 2 percent to $39.39 in after-hours trading.",新闻传票从美国检察官向加州北区办事处,派了2个百分点制药商的股票39.39美元在盘后交易。 +This paper presents a new idea about the building of an open model-building platform that can develop continuously. The design scheme and realization process is discussed in detail.,根据目前化工过程仿真模型的开发现状,提供了建立可持续发展的开放的建模平台的新思想,并给出了详细的设计方案和实现过程。 +He made a dismissive gesture. 'Suit yourself. ',他做了一个很不屑的手势。“随你便。” +We remain an advertisementvertolescent n: employing the words of Scripture: the time has come to set supply childish things.,美国仍是一个年老的国度,借用《圣经》的话说,摒弃稚子的时代已经到来了。 +"He ran past Private First-Class Locke, whose split and blistered flesh and raw bone were visible through smoldering holes in his BDUs.",绽裂起泡的皮肤和裸露的骨头透过一等兵洛克的战斗服上冒烟的破洞清晰可见。 +"In the developing of modern science and technology, disciplinarian veracity is an important assurance for their development.",在现代科学技术的发展过程中,学科的精确化是他们取得进展的重要保证。 +"Due to use of advanced digital control technique in this machine series, it has automatic counting, automatic display, automatic stop and stop memory functions.",先进的数字控制技术在该系列机床上的使用,使其具备自动计数、自动显示、自动停车、停车记存等功能。 +"Whenever a man exclaims that all mankind are villains, be assured that he contemplates an instant offers of himself as an exception.",每当一个人宣称所有人类都是坏蛋之时, 你尽可放心好了,在这当儿他是打算把自己作为例外推出台的。 +The history of Christian theology is a history of conflicts and negotiations over the identity of God.,基督教神学史是关于上帝身份之争论及妥协的历史。 +"The obstacles of collaboration appear as the enhancement of division of supply chain network, as a result, the low efficiency draws attention from business circle and theory circle.",随着供应链分工的深入,网络结点间的协作障碍逐渐暴露出来,由此导致的效率低下日益受到实业界和理论界的重视。 +"Fermi Institute of the United States have narrowed the ""mysterious particles"" encirclement? Scientists are still the world's ""standard theory of brainwashing?",美国费米研究所已缩小了”神秘粒子“的包围圈?还是世界科学家们被”标准理论”洗脑? +"Japan is suffering because demand has fallen in the deficit consumer nations, hobbling it along with much of east Asia.",赤字消费国需求的下降,使日本遭遇困境,阻碍了日本以及大多数东亚国家的发展。 +"To understand the importance of data security, consider the case of a bank that has branches all over a country.",为了了解到数据安全的重要性,你需要考虑一下分布在全国各地的银行情况。 +"Recent headlines you have seen in Australia, in the UK, in the USA - these are among the most industrialized, the most advanced countries in the world - cannot cope with migration today.",他说:“最近你可以在澳大利亚、英国和美国的头条新闻中看到,他们都无法应对今天的移民潮。 而这些国家都在世界上工业化最发达、最先进的国家之列。 +"KPC Products, Inc. is the U. S. office for Kaiser Pharmaceutical Co.",KPC产品公司是台湾KP公司在美国的办事处。 +"After I studied the Buddhadharma, in addition to repenting of the negative karma I created by having an abortion, I kept wondering why I had not studied the Buddhardharma earlier.",我学佛后,除了忏悔自己所造堕胎的业,常想为什么我没有早一点学佛? +"That's true, but I don't blame the free loaders for coming. My chicken wings are irresistible after all!",也不一定是因为你烤的鸡翅太香,或许是因为派对上有几个美女,才把这些人吸引过来了呢! +The results show that the voltage-controlled characteristics have a better linearity in a wider range.,结果表明,压控特性在较宽范围内具有较好的线性; +I have two chapters on the main Liu Qingbang novel aesthetic values: the first chapter of the poetic display of nature;,对此笔者主要用两个章节论述刘庆邦小说的审美价值取向:第一章对自然的诗意展示; +This novel as an literature creation based on the actual does not serve us as an history book.,这一篇建立在纪实基础上的抗战文学创作并非是一本历史教材。 +Organometal halide perovskites are considered to be excellent materials for thin-film solar cells as they have shown high conversion efficiencies at cell level.,有机金属卤化物的钙钛矿被认为是优良的材料为薄膜太阳能电池,因为它们已经显示在细胞水平高的转换效率。 +More and more people have made the switch to using the Internet for personal tasks — online bill paying and shopping are just two examples internet person switch.,越来越多的人转向使用因特网来完成个人需求——在线支因特网越来越需求付和购物就是两个例子。 +"In the history of philosophy, Wittgenstein is another influential figure who has pondered the problem of the essence of philosophy since Kant.",维特根斯坦是自康德以来西方哲学史上对哲学的性质问题作深入思考的又一位重要哲学家。 +The OCOG may establish a functional area dealing with Event Services aspects.,奥运会组织委员会可以成立一个职能部门负责赛事服务事宜。 +"Yes, every tree as if is a mystery story the phantom, every flower mushroom seems to hide an ancient riddle.",是的,每一棵树仿佛都是一个神秘故事的幻影,每一朵蘑菇仿佛都隐匿着一句远古的谜语。 +"To begin with, publishers were trying to set a royalty of a lot less than 25%, they were trying to get around 12.5-15%.",她表示:“从一开始,出版商就打算让版税远远低于25%,他们想定为12.5%到15%。 +"A woman's brain also shrinks during pregnancy, becoming about 4-percent smaller by the time she delivers, according to a 2002 study published in the American Journal of Neuroradiology. (Don't worry;",根据2002年一本叫神经放射学的美国杂志,在怀孕期间女性的大脑也缩小了,比她生育时大约小了4%。 +"Bying providing highly cost-effective products, it brings a high-quality life that is same to other countries to the Chinese consumers.",以高性价比的产品让中国消费者的生活品质达到与世界同步的高度。 +After watching Li Chu now that pearl in Huihe wongtee.,李俶看后得知珍珠现在在回纥皇庭。 +Portugal’s first—and only—national park is a combination of natural wonders and local lifestyles.,葡萄牙第一所也是唯一的国家公园,她是自然奇迹和社会生活的结合。 +"All science wing line discipline teacher according to the experience of five classical and practical examination skills, for the senior high school entrance examination candidates.",文都学翼一线学科老师根据经验总结了五个经典实用的考场技巧,以供考生决胜中考。 +"WWF warned last year, during the Year of the Tiger, that the species is on course for outright extinction by 2022 -- the next Year of the Tiger under the Chinese calendar.",世界野生动物基金会去年虎年时警醒人们,老虎将会面临于2022年全部灭绝的危险,这一年是中国虎年的下一年。 +"It has great potential of helping students review what they have learned in class, arousing students' learning interest and motives, and improving learners' reading, speaking and listening abilities.",另外,该光盘能够帮助学生复习课堂教学内容,激发学生的学习兴趣和动机,提高学生听说和阅读能力。 +"Later, he began training game, his father saw him have a gift for it, took him to a local at the game. There to learn.",出来后,他又开始苦练牌技,其父见他有这方面的天赋,就带他去当地一个擅长牌技的老千那里拜师学艺。 +"According to the test data of the aircraft high frequency antenna input impedance, a more accurate electromagnetic(EM) model of the hidden high frequency airborne antenna is built.",根据飞机高频天线输入阻抗的测试数据,对机载垂尾隐蔽式高频天线进行较精确的电磁建模。 +"In most cases the patch is saturated with the drug, which steadily diffuses through microscopic gaps between skin cells and through the skin's pores.",大多数的贴片都含有饱和的药物,可以穿过皮肤细胞之间的细微间隙以及毛细孔,持续向体内扩散。 +Reservation:We want to book booth(s) or square meter(s) for Space-unit.,本公司预定平方米 特 装展位。 +Park Geun-eye seems and acts like a good leader. Good luck to her.,朴槿惠看起来是一个优秀的领导人。祝她好运。 +"When he was done, the teleprompters quietly began retracting down to the floor.",结束后,视读仪开始收到地面上。 +The influence factors about the progression of development at six areas included the severity of delay and acceptance of center at child find or case manage experience.,家长认为发展迟缓儿童接受早期疗育六大领域进步情形的儿童主要影响因素为严重程度,轻度障碍者的进步情形显著大于中度、重度障碍者。 +"He died quietly in his chair one October evening, seated by the fire-side.",一个十月的晚上,坐在火炉庞的椅子上,他静静闭上了眼睛。 狂风围着屋子咆哮,在烟筒里怒号:听起来既野蛮又暴躁。 +We want to choose employees with both ability and merit.,我们选择德才兼备的员工。 +The Circum- Bohai - Sea Region occupies an important position at the stratagem of economic development in China.,环渤海地区在我国经济发展中具有重要战略地位。 +"We went to four places, one is the Ming and qing dynasties today, one is guangzhou street there is a valley of Hong Kong street, with a dream.",我们去了四个地方,一个是明清宫苑,一个是广州街还有一个香港街加一个梦幻谷。 +""" St. Peter said, ""I'm pleased to hear that. Here's a Lincoln.",圣皮特说:很高兴听是这样的,给你一辆林肯牌大轿车。 +"A model walks the catwalk during the Argentina's Bicentennial History and Fashion show in Buenos Aires on May 6, 2010.",一个模型走在阿根廷的拜森泰尼亚尔历史和时装展示布宜诺斯艾利斯5月6日2010年时装表演。 +"If you have lost your admin password and you can't log into the backend, then you're able to reset the password in your PhpMyAdmin. Complete the following steps",如果你忘记了管理员密码,无法登录管理后台,但是你仍然有登录和操作PhpMyAdmin的权限,那么可以按照以下步骤操作 +"They did not respond kindly, and Ugly was badly mauled.",但他们的反应却并不友好,丑小咪遭到严重的伤害。 +The second chapter mainly analyzes the value of The Bible of Changes as an example of literature and art .,第二章着重分析了《周易》经、传本身所具有的文艺典范意义; +"These are significant positives for alternative energies such as wind, solar, nuclear, and bio-fuel.",这对风能、太阳能、核能和生物能来说,是重大的促进因素。 +"“He took care of the special training of chosen newcomers, especially Westerners,” says Hanif.",哈尼夫说:“他对新加入的人都会特别进行特殊训练,尤其是对那些西方国家的参加者。” +It is meaningful to interpret Plato's prohibiting poetry under today's circumstances in which poetry is being devaluated widely.,在诗艺价值和诗人地位被普遍怀疑的今天,重读柏拉图的禁诗令有特殊意义。 +"Cairne Bloodhoof: Be wary, young one. That cave is the perfect spot for an ambush.",凯恩·血蹄:小心些,年轻人。那座洞穴是绝佳的埋伏点。 +It may also help national standard setters to adopt the ISAs locally.,这还有助于各国准则制定者在当地采纳国际审计准则。 +"On Nov. 10, 2010, Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi met in Beijing with newly appointed OPCW Director-General, Mr. Ahmet Üzümcü.",2010年11月10日,外交部长杨洁篪在北京会见来访的禁止化学武器组织新任总干事尤祖姆居。 +Could you take us to Dongfang Company?,可以送我们去东方公司吗? +"He says the ""...arguments are not convincing for six reasons.",他说:“……从六个原因上来讲,这些论点是不能令人信服的。 +One day a friend found a two-week-old pup who had been abandoned by its mother and was badly infested with maggots.,有一次,一位朋友把一只只有两周大的被遗弃的小狗带来给我,因为她身上被蛆感染了。 +"METHODS: A prospective, randomized, double-blind study comparing two agents for topical anaesthesia in cataract surgery.",方法:采用前瞻性、随机的、双盲的研究,比较白内障手术中的两种局部麻醉药。 +"I was a kid sportswriter just getting started, more than 40 years ago, at a now-defunct newspaper in central Ohio; Tom was one of the stars of the staff.",四十多年前,我刚参加工作,在俄亥俄中部一家现已不存在的报社做体育记者,稚嫩的很;汤姆则是同僚中的一位大明星。 +"""People say I raise cattle, "" says Jarrett.",“人们总说我在养牲口,”Jarrett说。 +What riots?,怎么! 暴动? +"Luckily the snapshot are now included, to do almost a month, each morning is ranked 78, one is 14 next afternoon.",现在快照收录都还好,做的快一个月了,每次上午排名就是78,一到下午就是14旁边。 +Now where's the wife in this picture?,那妻子处在什么位置呢? +John Terry has been stripped of the England captaincy following allegations he had an affair with an England team-mate's ex-girlfriend.,特里在日前承认自己与国家队队友布里奇的前女友有染后,被卡佩罗撤销了英国国家队队长的职务。 +"According to the analysis of spur performance, this design makes AD9858 achieve wide-band frequency sweeping of 300MHZ.",基于对杂散的分析,本设计利用AD9858完成了300MHZ带宽的宽带线性扫频源的设计与硬件实现。 +"Substances in the marijuana plant mimic natural compounds in the brain called cannabinoids, which activate certain receptors on neurons and regulate neural signal transmission.",大麻含有一些化合物可模拟大脑里天然的大麻素(cannabinoid),活化神经元上的特定受体,并调节神经讯号的传递。 +The article intends to explain the high initial return of A-share new issue based on the special systematic arrangement in China's security market.,本文试图用中国证券市场特殊制度安排解释A股超高的首日收益率。 +"Learn more about the business of the online games industry in Veronika Megler's ""Online game infrastructures"" series (developerWorks, June 2004).",借助 Veronika Megler 的 “在线游戏基础结构” 系列(developerWorks,2004 年 6 月),了解有关在线游戏业的更多信息。 +"Mostly because HTML is great for displaying hypertext documents, but terrible for displaying GUIs.",多半是因为 HTML 适合显示超文本文档,但是却不适合显示 GUI。 +"All of this, of course, is predicated on the idea that you are making an effort to deal creatively with your own nervous tension.",当然,所有这些都是建立在你努力采取创意的行为处理自己紧张的情绪基础上。 +"Whatever the case, there are several things that you will need to do to understand the behavior of your users.",无论是哪种情况,要理解您的用户的行为,都需要做几件事。 +The saplings should be two metres apart.,每棵树苗要隔开两米。 +"TBS is direct and concrete, facilitating the communication between the clinical doctors and cytologist.",TBS 报告方法直观、具体,便于临床与细胞学��生之间的沟通; +"Wuliangye except alcohol series, the Bank Group also distributes a variety of Tim Po Scotch whiskey brand, as well as cigarette brands, such as Hongtashan.",除了五粮液酒系列以外,银基集团还经销添宝品牌的多种苏格兰威士忌,以及红塔山等香烟品牌。 +"I have resumed playing one-on-one against our workout coach, Shawn Respert.",我已经能够和我们的教练肖恩-雷斯佩特进行一对一的对抗了。 +"Let more people know that you are APNIC , including your training course, your policy, your member services, your technical support.",让更多的人知道你们是APNIC ,包括你们的培训、你们的政策、你们的会员服务和你们的技术支持。 +"Finally, the digital simulation for a three-axis stabilized attitude control system of a satellite has b…",最后给出了某卫星三轴姿态控制系统的数字仿真结果。 +"Semantically and pragmatically, it is a conventionlized meaningful unit that can be both motivated and arbitrary.",语义语用视角为习俗化了的语义或语用单元,是理据性与任意性的统一; +Description logic is a formal language for representing knowledge and it is a decidable subset of first-order logic.,描述逻辑是一种知识表示的形式化语言,是一阶逻辑的可判定子集。 +The aviation watchdog's plan to ban all red- eye flights and tightly control charted flight is likely to cause around 20% price increase.,民航监管部门要求禁止红眼航班以及对包机严加控制,这很可能造成20%的价格上扬。 +"Professor Heather said the ‘binge drinking limit’ could be set to eight units a day, ‘or maybe a bit lower’.",希瑟教授说,限酒令将每天喝酒的量规定在8个单位以内,或者比这个更低。 +The study by the University of Granada in Spain also found that women assumed a more narrow and submissive posture when a man smiled at them.,西班牙格兰纳达大学的这项研究还发现,当男性对女性微笑,她们就会变得更加狭隘和顺从。 +"Nick's arm muscles bulged, preparing for the downward stroke.",尼克手臂上的肌肉涨鼓起来,准备着向下一砍。 +Raptor 07 is a spare for the four - ship phase.,猛禽07号机是上述四机试飞阶段的备份机。 +"The relationship between rates of genomic evolution and organismal adaptation remains uncertain, despite considerable interest.",基因的进化与生物体适应速率之间的关系,很多人都很关注,但是仍然不很确定。 +"Sue:Look, Liz! There's a parcel on the ground.",苏:莉兹,你瞧,地上有个包裹。 +"The Huangpu River, rising in Jiaxing, flows through Shanghai City and joins Yangtze at Wusong. Its entire length is 80 km and the average width 400m.",黄浦江发源于嘉兴,流经上海市区在吴淞与长江汇合,全长八十公里,平均宽度为四百米。 +The suggestion that acquired mirror-pain synaesthesia may be mediated by neural disinhibition is intriguing.,他说:“后天的因条件反射产生的联觉性疼痛是由神经去抑效应来调节的,这种设想很有趣。 +"Electric current flows through clayey soils by the conduction of void water, electric double layer and clay minerals.",粘性土是通过孔隙水、粘粒周围的双电层以及粘土矿物来导电的。 +"As demonstrated, the combination of aspirin, clopidogrel and oral anticoagulants increase three to five-fold the hemorrhagic risk.",联合使用阿司匹林、氯吡格雷和口服抗凝药使出血的风险增加3~5倍。 +"If they are going to ask me a question and ask me how it's going, I'll give them an answer - but I'm not going to give that answer in here!",如果他们问我问题,问我现在进展如何的话,我会给他们答案的,但我不会在这里告诉你们。 +But he saw anti-Soviet slogans and hostile workers who refused to talk to the Russian visitors.,不过,他看到了反苏口号以及充满敌意的工人,那些人拒绝与俄国访问者对话。 +"By doing this, I break down something that seems far-off (a beautiful big house to retire in and for my children and grandchildren to enjoy) into smaller pieces that I can do right now.",通过做这些事情,我把一些看似遥远的事情(退休后让我子孙享用的漂亮的大房子)分解成我现在能做的小块事情。 +Objective:To examine the different immune responses between the first-generation and the third-generation Ad vectors by intrathecal injection.,目的:比较鞘内注射第一代与第三代腺病毒载体后引起免疫反应的差异。 +Objective The study was aimed to evaluate effects of vascular overload index(VOI) on left ventricular(LV) in essential hypertensive patients with metabolic syndrome(MS).,目的研究高血压合并代谢综合征(MS)患者血管超负荷指数(VOI)与左室肥厚的相关性。 +"Kingston, honored as ""the Asian writing pioneer"", is good at reconstructing, that is ""creative embezzling"" or rewriting, Chinese myths in her works.",被誉为“亚裔写��先驱”的汤亭亭擅长重构(即创造性的挪用和改写)中国神话。 +"Someone said, people was born just like a body.",有人说,人生下来就好比是一个臭皮囊。 +"In 2001, RSES introduced its Interactive CD version of the Technical Institute's Training Manuals.",2001年,该学会引进了交互式技术培训指南CD版。 +Small magnets represent different assignments. When the clock hand reached and collects the magnets - the assignments are due.,这些小磁铁代表了不同的作业。当时钟指针到达并收集了这些磁铁,就该交作业了。 +The app will also show geographical information courtesy of the Google Maps Layers feature the company introduced earlier this year.,这个系统也提供免费地理信息服务,即谷歌公司早年引进的谷歌地图板层特征。 +"Each ""cell"" surrounding each item in the left-nav bar should be clickable, not just the label.",左侧导航条中文字标签周围的元素都应该是可点的,而不只是文字本身 +"Amanda: Wow! You must have struck it rich overnight. How about a less extravagant pair, so you have enough left over to take me out to dinner!",阿曼达: 啊! 你一夜暴富啊。 买双便宜点的吧, 这样多留点钱请我吃饭! +"Amphibious abilities are limited to a specific subset of units, and that number varies between the Allies, Soviets, and the Empire.",只有一部分单位有两栖能力,而且在苏盟日三军中的比例也不同。 +The combined analysis of the results of both bone marrow needle biopsy and puncture biopsy can increase the rate of confirmed diagnosis of hematologic diseases.,骨髓塑胶包埋切片与涂片检查起互补作用,诊断血液病须把两者结合起来分析,才能提高诊断的凖确率。 +The forms server provides offline and queued delivery of forms applications to mobile devices and supports an access list for users and groups.,表单服务器向移动设备提供表单应用程序的脱机和排队传递,并支持用户和组的访问列表。 +"This machine is suitable for straightening and cutting on steel wire, iron wire, stainless steel wire and other metal wire (round, square, flat wire, etc. ).",本机适用于钢线、铁线、不锈钢线等各种金属线材(圆、方、扁线等)的调直和切断。 +"Some Americans look back on the World War II era as a simpler time, when questions of good and evil were more black and white.",有些美国人回顾二战时,会认为那个时代更简单些,那是一个正义与邪恶黑白分明的年代。 +"They do not have to learn another tool, keep track of changes, or update manually transcribed requirements.",它们不需要学习另一种工具,不需要跟踪变化,也不需要手动的更新转录的需求。 +"Sited on a narrow thirty-five foot urban lot, the house design maximizes access to natural light and views yet maintains privacy.",安放在一个狭窄的35英尺的城市很多,房子的设计最大限度地利用自然光线和意见,但保留隐私。 +Objective To discuss a good method of suture on flexor tendon .,目的探索满足肌腱早期活动的缝合方法。 +The study of linguistics can be incredibly boring or a source of great joy.,研究语言学可以是枯燥无味的,可以也是崇高乐趣的源泉。 +The results show liposomes as the carrier of medicine has better target anti-thrombus effect after RGDS modifies it.,脂质体作为溶栓药物载体,经RGDS修饰后,具有较好的靶向性抗血栓作用。 +"As crowds gathered in Westminster, the crew of the International Space Station broadcast pre-recorded greetings to the Royal couple from hundreds of miles above the surface of the Earth.",人群聚集在威斯敏斯特,远离地面数千公里的国际空间站全体成员向皇室新人播送了提前录好的祝福。 +"MacDonald knew the risks, andapproached Japan obliquely in order to minimise them. Even so, he spent thenext ten months in captivity.",麦克唐纳清楚其中的风险,他从不直接靠近日本人,希望能保证他自己的安全,尽管小心翼翼地,但他还是被囚禁了十个月。 +"The study is the largest so far to test the effects of omega-3 fatty acids on depression symptoms, Lesperance told Reuters Health by email.",Lesperance博士在电子邮件中告诉路透社健康版,这是迄今为止最大规模的测试omega-3脂肪酸对于抑郁症状的影响的研究。 +"The fruit intensity on the nose is mirrored on the palate with persistent flavour, full body, lingering finish and refreshing character.",强烈的果香联合着持久稳固醇厚的风味,饱满酒体和凉爽的风格被反映出来。 +"After a long aftertaste is only natural for me, before we know it is just a ""practice"" it.",很久以后我回味此情此景,才知道这不过是一次“练习”而已。 +"His takeoffs and landings are a mess: sloppy and violent, they invariably leave a heap of trouble and general rubble in his wake.",的臭虫状的太阳眼镜。他起飞和降落也是一团糟��马虎粗暴,总在身后留下一堆的麻烦和乱石。 +"In addition, Although there were many types of inflammatory cells in asthma and CB, eosinophils and mast cells made up the majority of the infiltrating cells in asthma (P<0.05).",哮喘与慢支均在其粘膜和粘膜下层有明显的各种炎细胞的浸润,但哮喘组的嗜酸性粒细胞和肥大细胞高于慢支组(P<0.05)。 +Objective To investigate the effective therapy of giant hemangiomas .,目的探讨治疗巨大血管瘤的有效方法。 +"Listening comprehension process, affected by listeners' verbal and nonverbal ability and their memory, is in fact an information - processing.",听解过程实际上是个信息加工过程,它受到诸如受试的语言知识、非语言知识及记忆力等诸方面的影响。 +WHO calls on all its Member States to intensify action against cancer by developing and reinforcing cancer control programmes.,世卫组织呼吁其所有会员国通过制定和加强癌症控制规划强化防治癌症的行动。 +"The Ethiopian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, which invited the Peace Corps back, also denies there's anything to worry about.",衣索比亚外交部、也就是邀请和平部队回去的单位,也否认有任何事需要担心。 +"May puzzling is that no matter how discounted airfares , how fierce competition, the airport construction fee collection standards can become a rock.",可令人费解的是,不管机票怎么打折,竞争如何激烈,机场建设费的收取标准却能坚如磐石。 +"The idea is to put first one, then a few, and later scores of solar-powered satellites in orbit over the equator.",一些科学家认为,太空太阳能对地球是一种潜在的长期能源供给。 +"Oleic acid, eicosenoic acid and erucic acid belonged to group 2, which were accumulated at late stage of seed development.",而油酸、二十碳烯酸和芥酸可归为另一类,其积累主要集中在种子发育后期。 +Miss Lin is healthy looking and bright eyed.,林老师看起来很健康, 目光炯炯有神。 +"All meetings, with Americans at least, were scripted to begin with a critical political diatribe from the Chinese side.",所有会议,至少是有美国人参加的会议都以中方的政治批判开场。 +The high efficiency in bandwidth and high suppression to sidebands are very meaningful for wireless communications.,高带宽传输效率和高边带抑制水平对无线电通信有着重要的意义。 +Scalar Product Protocol is the keystone in building privacy-preserving decision tree.,标量积协议是构造隐私保持决策树的关键技术。 +The house is in the lower right of the photo with the rectangular pool and in the upper left of the photo is the beautiful Royal Circle beach and charming “Royal Cove”.,这栋房子和长方形的泳池是在照片右下角,照片的左上角是美丽的皇家环路海滩和迷人的“皇家湾”。 +"We should make out the application sphere of universal types of the official document, and correctly use them in practice.",公文中每个通用文种都有其明确的适用范围,在理念上要认真学习理解,在实践中要认真正确地使用。 +She greeted me with a stream of abuse.,她一见我就吐出一连串的污言秽语。 +"After 1978, that was a wakeup call.",1978年之后,才觉醒。 +"They answered and said unto him, Art thou also of Galilee? Search, and look: for out of Galilee ariseth no prophet.",他们回答说、你也是出于加利利麽.你且去查考、就知道加利利没有出过先知。 +Now the company forms scale and enjoys good reputation from its customers.,现已我公司形成规模,并得到广大客商的好评。 +What would Montaigne say of it?,蒙田又会怎么说呢? +"LinFu pull shanshan called product such as name, and her home with them.",林父拉住姗姗叫着品如的名字,并要她和他们一同回家。 +What innumerable follies laid waste my waking and sleeping thoughts after that evening!,那个晚上之后,有多少愚蠢念头搅得我寝食难安! +This article optimize the well group designs of system and research the influence of difference work mechanisms for GWSHP system through experiment.,本课题研究的主要目的在于优化地下水源热泵的井群系统以及通过实验研究不同的运行机制对于地下水源热泵性能的影响。 +"Result shows that the values of the coherence function are larger than those of the on coming span wise wind velocity fluctuation, and the strip assumption has limitation in some instances.",结果显示,该相关函数大于脉动风沿跨向的相关,表明片条理论有一定的局限性,基于片条理论的联合承载函数低估了结构对风力的响应。 +"Cheng Yun know Lin Fang Wen recently without payment, have some money in his wallet, Lin Fang Wen found after I told her that his decision changed smelly temper.",程韵知道林方文最近没有稿费,所以往他的钱包里塞了点钱,林方文发现后告诉她,自己决定改一改臭脾气��� 。 +And how does it apply to the IE team?,而这些话又是如何说到IE团队身上的呢? +"Was invited to a foreigner at home visits, our guests, should be proposed or agreed to the time the owner arrived early to late, or are offensive.",应邀到本国人家里访问、作客,应按主人发起或赞同的工夫抵达,早到或迟到都是不规矩的。 +"According to social and natural environment, the author unveils the relation of race , society, nature and Gaogouli Capital City evolution.",从民族社会文化环境、自然环境两个角度出发,揭示民族流变、社会文化、自然环境对都城演变体系的作用; +"Therefore, is now rarely used alone pure argon plasma cutting on.",因此,现已很少单独使用纯氩气进行等离子切割。 +Blindy was down at the far end of the machines.,盲汉站在那排赌博机的最尽头。 +"I swear Linton is dying,' repeated Heathcliff, looking hard at me.",“我发誓林惇快死了,”希刺克厉夫重复着,无情地望着我。 +That way hunters BOSS battle completely without taking into account the life of the affected?,这么一来猎人在BOSS战中就完全不用考虑到续航的影响了? +Advantage: accurate and safety declaring and checking of tax-control data.,实现了在网络环境下准确、 安全的申报、稽查税控数据。 +For the voice of him that reproacheth and blasphemeth; by reason of the enemy and avenger.,都因那辱骂毁谤人的声音,又因仇敌和报仇人的缘故。 +"Secondly, the Opera is associated with quality and high standards - you never hear of Opera singers who go on a drunken spree…",其次,歌剧一词让人联想到气质以及高水准——你从来不会听说哪个歌剧演员回去醉酒狂欢…… ; +Questionable research practices (QRP) is grey area in scientific research which is between responsible conduct in research and misconduct in research.,QRP(有问题的研究行为)是指介于负责任的科学研究行为与研究中的不端行为之间的灰色领域。 +"From the perspective of protection of professional interests, the insurer should have the duty to defend the claim of the third party during exercise of right of takeover.",从保护专家利益的角度考虑,保险人在行使接办权的过程中,应负有为专家利益计算的义务,即抗辩义务。 +"According to news reports, North Korea invited Bosworth and Ambassador Sung Kim, the State Department’s special envoy for the Six-Party Talks, to hold direct bilateral talks.",据有关新闻报道说,北韩已邀请博斯沃思及美国国务院参加六方会谈的特使金成大使(Sung Kim)与北韩举行直接双边会谈。 +The secretory proteinase activity(SAP) of fluconazole-susceptible Candida albicans isolate and fluconazole-resistant Candida albicans isolate were measured by bovine serum albumin assay.,运用牛血清白蛋白培养基方法,分别测定了对氟康唑敏感和对氟康唑耐药的白念珠菌的分泌性蛋白酶活力。 +"Trying to concatenate a string with a non-string raises an exception. Unlike string formatting, string concatenation works only when everything is already a string.",尝试连接一个字符串和一个非字符串将引发一个异常。同格式化字符串不同,只有当所有的操作对象都是字符串的时候才能进行字符串连接。 +"Honey. Honey was the one place where it may have come from, now there are lots of ways to add sugar to things, and sugar is everywhere and added to foods you wouldn't expect.","蜂蜜,蜂蜜是主要原料,现在还有很多其他添加糖类的方法,糖类无处不在,只是你们没有注意而已" +"The accounting information, which is the important component part of enterprises' economy information, is the basis of macroeconomic management and operation decision.",会计信息是企业经济信息的重要组成部分,是企业宏观经济管理和经营决策的依据。 +"Food wise, it will be totally self-sufficient with fish and poultry farms, greenhouses, a wheat processing factory and bakeries.",家禽养殖场、温室大棚、小麦加工厂和面包厂将保证食物的自给自足。 +Horizontal axis: Gross profit (GP) margin percentage,水平轴:毛利润(GP)所占总利润的比例 +"Our products consist of packing bags, fashionable cosmetics bags, handbags, and cases for men and women, with different materials ranging from PVC, lacework, cloth, leather, yarn and other materials.",产品种类包括PVC料、网料、布料、皮革料、纱料等各类质地的产品套装袋、时尚化妆包、精美礼品袋、男女装手袋、箱包。 +Dais follows nature rules and carries the ideas of nature farming profoundly to create unique fanning culture in the long-term practice of agriculture.,在长期的生产实践中,傣族人遵循自然法则,具有深厚的自然农法思想,创造了独具特色的农耕文化。 +Conclusion: The ideal results of repairing soft tissue defect in hand back by reversed island skin flap inosculated with nerve of wrist epithelial branch of ulnar artery can be obtained.,结论:手背软组织缺损采用吻合神经的尺动脉腕上皮支逆行皮瓣修复效果理想。 +Leading colleges should reinstate ROTC programs.,著名学府应该恢复后备军官训练队(ROTC)项目。 +Investigations have indicated that Dachang gold antimony deposit and Wulonggou gold deposit are orogenic gold deposits.,研究认为,大场金锑矿床和五龙沟金矿床同为造山型金矿床。 +The supervision of law enforcement is an important component of the standardization of police law enforcement.,执法监督是公安执法规范化建设这一系统工程的重要构成部分。 +Another use of abstract classes is to create a single base class for multiple derived classes in which that base class should never be instantiated.,抽象类的另一个用途是为多个派生类创建一个基类,在这些派生类中,基类决不会被实例化。 +"The targets shapes include: tube, sheet, powder, plate, rectangle and wreath which can also provide metalized and bonding service for the customers.",靶型有:管状,片状,粉状,圆盘形,平面矩形,环形,规格齐全,也可为用户提供金属化和帮定服务。 +In Darfur the UN is due to start deploying its forces in a few weeks.,在达尔富尔地 区,联合国 预定在数周内开始部署其维和部队。 +The high viscosity of untransesterified oils and fats leads to operational problems in the diesel engine such as deposits on various engine parts.,未发生酯交换反应的油脂粘度很高,将使得柴油引擎产生问题如在引擎内产生沉积。 +"And this starts to make our code more readable, more elegant, just a little more compact.",这个使我们的代码变得更易读,更优雅,更简洁紧凑一点。 +A primary gesture might be the one on the photos I grabbed from various sources.,一个主要的手势也许是我从不同地方抓来的图片里的这个。 +"At night, Earth's surface is covered with a delicate tracery of lights, particularly in regions that have a long history of urban development (such as Europe).",夜晚,(城市)斑斓的灯火就像给地面覆盖上一层曼妙的轻纱,尤其是在欧洲这样城市发展历史悠久的地区。 +I wish that they could have a normal childhood.,我想让他们有个普通的童年时光。 +"Cable stayed is used to cable suspension, but cable force is calculated by manual, and only for less than 5 segments, and the prescion is poor.",斜拉扣挂在缆索吊装中经常运用,但扣索索力多采用手工计算,且多用于5段以内的吊装,计算复杂,精度低。 +This E-mail needs to circulate forever.,这个伊妹儿需要永久传播。 +"I will also scrape her dust from her, and make her like the top of a rock.",我也要刮净尘土,使她成为净光的磐石。 +"For example, suppose that the Britishauto manufacturer Jaguar, although owned by Ford, an American company, ships a car to an American dealer, for $60,000.",例如,假设英国汽车制造商Jaguar,虽然归一家美国的公司,福特公司所拥有,将一辆小娇车运给一位美国的经销商,价款60,000美元。 +Pilots say it should be up to them to decide how much fuel their planes have. The airline says it wants to know why some pilots are loading up on gas.,飞行员们说装在多少油应该是他们自己决定的,而航空公司则表示他们想知道为什么有些飞行员一定要装满汽油。 +The present invention relates to methods and arrangements for setting up a policy controlled bearer service for delivery of a service from an application function (304) to a mobile terminal (301).,本发明涉及用于建立从应用功能(304)到移动终端(301)的服 务交付的策略控制承载业务的方法和装置。 +"Some of the script has names in place but dialogue listed ""to be written, "" while a key Padme scene is ""to be rewritten. """,剧本的某些部分有适当的名字(?),但列出的台词“待写”,而有一个关键的帕德美场景需要“重写”。 +And all thy estimations shall be according to the shekel of the sanctuary: twenty gerahs shall be the shekel.,27:25 凡你所估定的价银都要按着圣所的平,二十季拉为一舍客勒。 +"In a very few minutes he was joined by half a dozen sailors, dragging a rope ladder.",在一个短短的几分钟内,半打水手加入了他的行列中,拖着拖着绳梯。 +"After passing the Fed's stress test in March, Wells Fargo set about appeasing shareholders -- especially the bank's largest, Warren Buffett, who increased his position by 10% over the past year.",在通过美联储的压力测试后,富国银行开始安抚公司的股东,特别是沃伦·巴菲特,他是该银行最大的股东,去年一年中他增持了10%的股份。 +"Article to the theme of the Sixth Plenary Session is defined as ""Marxism in China"", mainly in two parts to carry out feasibility studies.",文章把六中全会的主题定义为“马克思主义中国化”,主要分两个部分来进行论证。 +"'You can't just dismiss this out of hand, ' says Joseph Kirschvink, a professor of geobiology at the California Institute of Technology.",“你不能立即放弃它。”加州理工学院的地理生物学教授约瑟夫·科什文克说道。 +Open test cock 4. EZ-TC on test cock 4 would already be open. The water should maintain its position in the sight tube.,开启测试旋塞4号。在测试旋塞4号上的EZ-TC应该处于开启状态。观察管内的水位应该保持。 +So extracting effective information from NIR spectrum and optimizing the original spectrum data are crucial to develop ideal mathematical model in NIRS.,从原始光谱中提取有效信息,对原始数据进行优化处理,成为近红外光谱分析中建立较理想数学模型的关键。 +"How already announced, the whey-products are without chemicals.",所有乳清产品不含任何添加化学成分。 +The secret of the research lies in the use of an extremely high-resolution e-beam lithography process that produces super fine nano-sized structures.,STAR 声明中指出,“研究的成功之处,就是能使用极高分辨率的电子束光刻技术(e-beam lithography),产生超微的纳米位元结构。 +Tony:It's over there. Why?,东尼:在那边。什么事? +You are 34 years old and still playing for a top club team and internationally for Argentina.,你现在34岁了,仍然在一家顶级俱乐部效力并且为阿根廷队南征北战。 +IBRD income also pays for World Bank operating expenses and has contributed to IDA and debt relief.,IBRD收入也支付世行经费,同时还用于IDA和减债工作。 +"Einstein, with his second wife Elsa, had arrived in Princeton in 1933 at the newly formed Institute for Advanced Study.",爱因斯坦和他的第二任妻子埃尔莎于1933年来到新成立的普林斯顿高级研究院的。 +Progress on the synthesis of phenylacetic acid and its esters by transition metal catalyzed carbonylation during the last few decades was summarized.,综述了过渡金属催化的羰化法合成苯乙酸和苯乙酸酯近几十年来的研究进展。 +The rupture directivity effect is due to rupture propagation and radiation pattern effects.,破裂方向效应是由破裂传播和辐射图效应引起的。 +"For the first time since the 1930s, there are words carved into the edge of each coin, including the year in which the coin was issued and traditional mottos.",自从1930年代以来,美国的钱币首次在边缘上刻字,包括硬币发行年份和传统的座右铭。 +Group 2:laser plus anti-verrucosis.,第组:激光加局部涂抹克疣淋; +"Several genetically different groups of humpbacks, separate populations with little interchange among them, live in the South Pacific.",几群在基因上说有差异的座头鲸,彼此隔绝的生活南太平洋,没什么基因交流。 +"If you want to breed a great obedience dog or a great hunter, enter obedience trials or hunting tests.",如果你希望繁育一只服从性良好的狗或者是一只出色的猎犬的话,可以参与服从性或者狩猎能力的竞赛。 +Dichlorobenzenes are a kind of organic contaminations which are usually difficult to be decomposed by normal methods.,二氯苯是重要的有机污染物,采用常规处理方法难以降解。 +This simple technology has become a great social equalizer.,这项技术本身已经成为一个重要的社会平衡器。 +Never boggle at a difficulty.,切莫见难而止。 +What do you do to lower your risk of stroke?,你要做些什么来降低你患中风的风险呢? +"A girl met a male acquaintance who was just coming out from the bathhouse . She could not find a proper topic to greet him. And at last she uttered: ""You come here for a bath?""",一个女孩见到一个刚从澡堂里洗澡出来熟人,找不到问候他的话题,最后憋出一句话来:“你洗澡啊,里面男的多不多啊?” +All of our co- authoring has been done by Email only.,所有的合作都是通过电子邮件进行的。 +It is well known that China is the world's oldest civilization. It is one of the biggest countries in the world.,众所周知中国是世界上最古老的文明之国,是世界上最大的国家之一。 +A filthy rich person tends to have a superiority complex toward others.,有钱者对他人有优越感的倾向。 +"Illuminated by the Albuquerque Bridge, Japanese volunteers place candle lit lanterns into the Sasebo River during the Obon festival.",由照亮 亚伯科基 桥梁, 日本人志愿者位置蜡烛点燃了灯笼入佐世保河在期间 Obon 节日。 +"What about savants, who walk up to the piano or a Rubik's cube and are magically brilliant?",怎样解释象萨温茨在研究钢琴、茹贝克在立方体等这些学者们所取得的魔幻般的辉煌呢? +How beautiful your car is!,你的车真漂亮! +"Dance are available through the intuitive sense of the rich aesthetic value, dynamic human-like COME Regards Via lyric.",舞蹈是通过直观可感的,富���审美价值的,动态的人体来传情达意状物抒情的。 +commons-logging-1.0.4.jar: The framework to which Tapestry logs information and errors.,commons-logging-1.0.4.jar:Tapestry 用来记录信息和错误的框架。 +"Queens-town, sitting under the jagged peaks of the aptly-named Remarkables, is a scenic four-hour drive south of Mount Cook, or a short flight from Christchurch.",昆斯敦市位于群峦叠嶂之下,这些山峰有个非常恰当的名字卓越峰。游览这处胜景可以从库克山乘车向南行驶4小时或从基督城乘一小段飞机。 +Objective:This paper was designed to explore the etiology of IPL(Implant Periapical Lesion).,目的:探讨种植体尖周病损的发病原因。 +He also shared valuable tips on how to equip oneself to join the field and how to become a successful investment banker.,胡先生亦向在座同学面授机宜,指导他们如何装备自己,成为一个成功的投资银行业者。 +Journalist: How much do you think your time at Rangers will help you acclimatise to the Barclays Premier League?,记者:你认为自己曾经效力过格拉斯哥流浪者的经历能够帮助你尽快适应英超吗? +"Using the skills of synaesthesia can break through the limitations of language, and rich the aesthetic expressions of feelings in life, and then to enhance the artistic effect of literary grace.",通感技巧的运用,能突破语言的局限,丰富表情达意的审美情趣,收到增强文采的艺术效果。 +"His decision to abandon the throne and the title of Edward VIII was, in her view, made when his mind was absolutely unhinged.",以她的观点,他放弃王位和爱德华八世头衔的时候是完全处于精神错乱的状态。 +"Although she sees a number of couples grappling with infidelity, ""more people come to me [before it happens] because they want to save their marriage.",尽管她看到一些人纠缠于各种不忠行为。 但更多的人是在出轨前来找我寻求帮助,因为他们想挽救婚姻。 +The Bronze Age shipwreck's main cargo was hundreds of copper and tin ingots such as these.,青铜时代沉船的主要货物是数以百计的这样的铜和锡锭。 +Steve McManaman believes tonight's clash between Real Madrid and Liverpool has all the makings of an incredible European occasion.,麦克马纳曼预言,今晚利物浦与皇马之间的巅峰对决将会被载入欧冠史册。 +"After two unsuccessful attempts at rectangular mazes on some graph paper that Cobb quickly and easily solves with a pencil, Ariadne turns the paper over and draws a spiral design on the blank page.",她两次都尝试在纸上画出普通的迷宫,但柯柏用一支铅笔迅速轻松解决了它们。最后她将纸翻转过来,在空白页面上画了一个旋涡状的迷宫。 +Accept that you will make mistakes because everyone does.,人无完人,所以要接受你会犯错的事实。 +"When power is lost, manual & electric dual purpose elevator can also be used.",手电两用升降机无电时也能使用。 +Thank you for your information. Before I make a decision I should know more about your corporation. Could I have your price list of the matt tiles?,谢谢您提供的这些信息,我要对贵公司进一步了解之后,才能做决定。您能给我一份哑光砖的价目表吗? +A combined U. S. civilian and military aid effort in the tsunami-ravaged region of Asia moved into high gear Monday.,美国军方和政府向遭受亚洲海啸的灾区展开的联合救援行动在星期一进入高潮。 +AIM: To evaluate the efficacy and safety of 0.75 % metronidazole gel in the treatment of moderate to severe rosacea.,目的:评价0 .75 %甲硝唑凝胶治疗中、重度酒渣鼻的临床疗效和安全性。 +"Cross the street, turn right at the first intersection and you'll find a bus stop there. Then take Bus No. 519.",穿过这条街,右拐到第一个十字路口,你会发现那儿有个车站。搭乘519路车。 +There's a bunch of people on death row. Are you going to help exonerate themselves?,有一大群人现在就在死牢,你会去帮助他们让他们免罪吗? +"The catalog is also machine-readable, thanks to rddl:purpose embedded in the XHTML.",由于有嵌入在 XHTML 中的 rddl:purpose,编录文件也是机器可读的。 +"The app allows SlingBox users to view streaming video from their home television wherever they are, whether or not there is a wireless network available.",新版本的SlingBox可以让用户无论在哪里都可以可以从家里的电视收看视频,不管附近有没有无限网络覆盖。 +"The knowing noise of the air compressor""s air dynamic is of low frequencies. The reliable data is provided for the noise and vibration control.""",并知空压机的 空气动力性噪声呈低频特性,这为噪声及振动控制提供了可靠的依据。 +Gao Yishan let him mont forget their identity.,高义山让他不要忘记自己的身份。 +Microdata – semantic markup language,Microdata——语义标记语言 +"Article 2. All the units and individuals, that draw up, publish and print various local maps in the administrative divisions of this province, must abide by these Measures.",第二条 凡在本省行政区域内编制、出版、印刷各种地方性地图的单位和个人,必须遵守本办法。 +"The cutting straw is pressed to the baffle by the star wheel again. Under the action of the feeding gear and the pressure spring, the erect straws make the motion of transverse feeding.",切割下的禾秆再被星轮齿压向挡板,在输送齿和上下压力弹簧的作用下,禾秆呈直立状态作横向输送运动。 +Development of indene industry and synthesis of indene was introduced in the aspects of separation and synthesis.,概述了国外茚工业的发展现状,重点阐述了茚的分离技术及合成工艺的研究进展。 +The third part points out that the novel rebels the traditional patriarchal society from anti-body narration and gender right fight.,第三部分主要从反“身体”叙事和性别权力争夺这两个方面,指出了《爱情生活》对传统男性社会的反叛。 +"For effective desulfurization and deashing of high-sulfur coal with its use of usual magnetic separation device, a surface magnetism enhancement of coal-derived minerals is a new key technology.",煤系矿物的表面磁性强化是利用通常磁选设备实现高硫煤脱硫脱灰的新型关键技术。 +Note that the subduing and purifying take place before our bodies are transformed.,请注意,归服自己和洁净自己的工作,都必须在人的身体改变形状之前。 +"China, Japan, and other Asian countries — either on their own or with prodding from the Obama administration — will also have to play a part.",至于中国、日本和其他亚洲国家,无论是它们自己主动或在奥巴马政府的敦促下,都必须在这次危机中发挥作用。 +"Ell-lin was the most suitable variety for making juice, preserves and cans.",在各加工品方面,以二林种最适于制造果汁、蜜饯及罐头; +"When I was only three years old, my father began to teach me to do addition.",我才三岁的时候,爸爸就开始教我做加法。 +Assistant Foreign Minister Wu Hailong met with the US delegation yesterday.,昨天,外交部部长助理吴海龙会见了美方代表团。 +I think of Bill Clinton when he was President.,时任美国总统比尔·克林顿。 +"Functionality guildlines include protection, movement, portability and comfort.",其中,实用功能从防护性、运动性、便携性和舒适性; +"Outside the definition, you can the graphic elements defined in a section -- even the section of an external SVG document. For example",在定义的外部,您可以使用在 节中定义的图形元素 —— 甚至可使用在外部 SVG 文档的 节中定义的图形元素。 +"Tarim basin is characterized by multistage hydrocarbon generation and migration, formation of reservoir, regulation and destruction.",塔里木盆地具有多期生排烃、成藏、调整和破坏的特点。 +But I do exist in this raving like a fantasy.,但是,我却是存在在这样的呓语般的幻想中。 +How does John Druitt lure Ashley into meeting with him?,约翰·督伊特怎么引诱阿什莉前去见他? +Only you can tell whether you are a procrastinator.,只有你自己才清楚你是否一个拖拉者。 +"He gets help along the way from sexy and mysterious Vittoria Vetra (Ayelet Zurer), an Italian scientist who worked at the lab where ""The God Particle"" was stolen.",他一路上都得到性感而神秘的维多利亚微澈的帮助,维多利亚是一名意大利科学家,她在“上帝微粒”被盗的实验室工作。 +A player should ensure that any divot hole made by him and any damage to the putting green made by a ball is carefully repaired.,球手应当确保任何他造成的打迹和球对球洞区造成的损坏,都应小心地修理好。 +Objective:To investigate the efficacy and capability of LEEP in treatment of CIN.,目的:探讨环行电切术(LEEP)治疗宫颈上皮内瘤变(CIN)的有效性、可行性。 +Harvey: I think your absence might be considered a slight.,哈维: 我想你的缺席可能会被视为是对客人的怠慢。 +"You'll be thrilled by the sight of Mount Rainier , part of the Cascade Range of mountains.",你会为喀斯喀特山脉的一部分—雷尼尔山的景致所惊叹。 +Seahorses have no teeth and no stomach.,海马没有牙齿和胃。 +The research was undertaken by American scientists using 29 men and 59 women whose diastolic blood pressure was measured throughout an experiment.,这项研究是由美国科学家通过测试29名男性与59名女性完成的,实验期间研究者测量了这些测试者的心脏舒张血压。 +"But to get into a university to pursue this path, she must first run the gauntlet known as ""Gaokao,"" a grueling university entrance examination given every summer across the Asian nation.",为了进入一所能追梦的大学,她必须经历“高考”的试炼,这是亚洲每年夏季都有的竞争残酷的大学入学考试。 +"I used Cameron Moll's 960 grid PNG to help me get started, but it actually felt too wide, especially since I had decided to keep a two-column layout.",我用卡梅隆莫尔的960网格巴纽帮助我开始使用,但实际上感觉太宽,尤其是因为我已决定保持两列布局。 +"so I guess if you go to a lot of shows, they add like a commission onto the tickets,",我猜如果你要看很多演出,他们会在票价上加上佣金, +"Professional hockey players can shoot the puck at over 100 miles per hour, so the goalies have to wear heavy pads and a hard plastic mask to prevent injuries.",职业的冰球手击球的速度达到每小时100英里,所以守门员必须身着沉重的衬垫、戴着硬塑胶的面具来避免受伤。 +Grouting quality of steel cable ducts in post-tensioned bridge directly affects the service life of the bridge.,预应力管道压浆质量的好坏直接影响到桥梁的使用寿命。 +Monitoring of cardiac function on a beat-to-beat basis is essential to the patient's safe transport.,监测每次心跳的心功能是安全运送病人非常重要的。 +Main reason is that traditional seed reproduction method need long time to growth and develop.,主要原因是采用传统的种子繁殖方式需较长的生长发育周期、结实晚。 +"Academy is an agency to support technological development and innovation, promote the incubation of technological outcomes and service for the development of economy.",学会是以扶持科技开发与创新,促进科技成果转化与应用,服务经济建设为目的的科技中介服务团体。 +"Think of this as, this is a template for creating instances of an object.","那么上面的东西是什么意思呢?,它的形式看起来挺时髦的,好,它的意思是说。" +"A glucose enzyme electrode was constructed by using a Pt micro-discelectrode covered with a crosslinking enzyme membrane of glucose oxidase (GOD), the current response of the electrode was measured.",用微铂盘电极和交联法制得的酶膜构成葡萄糖酶电极,测定其电流响应特性。 +Through operation of ends of the actuator make two gates do separate to different directions and combine action .,通过同时操作两端执行器,使得两闸板做异向分离和合并动作的启闭过程。 +The report notes that East Asia is increasingly a middle-income region.,半年报指出,东亚正日益成为一个中等收入地区。 +"Under the new plan, as envisaged in sub-Saharan Africa hardest hit of all AIDS each year for voluntary AIDS test if found to be infected with HIV, drug treatment immediately.",根据这项新计划的设想,撒哈拉以南的非洲艾滋病重灾区所有人自愿每年进行艾滋病检查,一旦发现感染艾滋病病毒,立即进行药物治疗。 +"It initially seemed that he was only lightly injured, but he died three days later as a result of brain swelling.",最初似乎只是轻微地受伤,他却在三天后死于脑肿胀。现今医疗技术已经相当发达了。 +The accident happened by chance.,事故是偶然发生的。 +"Applicable to extruded foods, fruits and vegetables, candies, biscuits, frozen foods, seeds, roasted seeds and nuts, seeds and other granular materials for packaging automation.",适用于膨化食品、果蔬、糖果、饼干、速冻食品、瓜子、炒货、种子等粒状物进行自动化包装。 +"In the picture, a man sits with a dozen of clocks around him.",正如这幅图所显示的那样,一个男人坐在椅子上,身边围绕着许多的钟。 +"Methods:The data integrity of 12 cases of lumbar disc herniation or re-operation, a second surgery situation analysis and summary.",方法:对资料完整的12例腰椎间盘突出再手术的患者,进行二次手术情况分析和总结。 +"Hah, well… -Is that typical, Jim, of the kind of debate we've seen about global warming?",哈,好的… - 吉姆,这是否是我们看到的关于全球变暖的典型辩论呢? +"It seems to already stereotypes between men and women down a definition: Big man, little woman.",似乎早有陈规旧俗给男女之间下了定义:大男人,小女人。 +"In chapter 4,1 briefly introduced the flexible technique of mass customization.",第四章简单介绍了大规模定制生产的柔性技术。 +Every scene inspires and convulses me.,每一个场面都使我感动和精神振奋。 +Then a whisper: He is coming.,然后有一阵低语:他来了。 +Pointcuts are just the first step in a design approach that minimizes entangling assumptions.,切入点仅仅是减少重重假设的设计方法的第一步。 +"In this example, you want the three to occur one after the other.",在这个示例中,您想让这三个操作一个接一个地发生。 +"PVC sheet: high luster, high transparency and good barrier resistance.",PVC片材:是一种高光泽,高透明,有优良的耐阻隔的包装材料。 +The two legs of the pin are pushed apart and then the tension between them grasps the clothes.,衣夹���两脚被撑开后,两者之间的拉力会抓牢衣物。 +"In language that left no room for doubt, he warned of a ""national catastrophe"" if nothing was done.",用无可置疑的语言,奥巴马警告如果无所作为将导致国家大灾难。 +You should configure your Mail Trasport Agent (MTA) to transfer the incoming mail to this type of mailbox if it is different from the one you have configured.,如果接收到的邮件类型与您已经配置不同,那么您要配置您的邮件传输代理(MTA) 用来将该邮件传输到这种类型的收件箱中。 +"Trudeau would eventually run in a gritty, working-class neighborhood of Montreal and was elected to the House of Commons in 2008 and re-elected in 2011.",特鲁多最终代表蒙特利尔一个脏乱差的工人阶层社区参加竞选,在2008年加入下议院,于2011年连任。 +"After 43 hours of exposure to UVB light, the growing lettuce plants were noticeably redder than other plants that only saw white light.",在暴露于紫外线43个小时之后,这些生长中的莴笋明显比仅仅在日常光照下的莴笋显得更加红。 +"By 2015 the net public debt will rise to an estimated $14 trillion, with a ratio to GDP of 73 percent, the Treasury report said.","美国财政部报告称,到2015年,估计美国净公共债务额将升至14万亿美元,相当于GDP的73%.(完)" +Click Finish to add the project to the source control.,点击 Finish 以向源控制添加项目。 +"The concession and production and sale of hydrocarbons from the concession is then subject to rentals, royalties, bonuses, and taxes.",公司按照租让制协议生产和销售油气需要租金、矿区使用费和税赋。 +As the drill is removed. The soft resin will smear across internal conductors.,随着钻刀的移动,熔化的树脂会粘污到内层的导线上。 +"In 1995, the U.S. signed onto the WorldTrade Organization and its associated copyright and patent agreement, the TRIPSAgreement, and the American economy was transformed.",1995年,美国成为世界贸易组织签约国,并签订了版权和专利协议,与贸易相关的知识产权保护协定。 此时美国经济也已转型。 +So what can your colleague -- or anyone else -- do to change speech patterns that may have become ingrained over many years?,那么,你的同事,或者其他有类似问题的人,到底应该怎样改变他们的讲话方式呢? +How to attach a retro-style hem to your vintage apron project; learn this and more in this free arts and crafts video series taught by a design expert.,如何连接复古风格的老式围裙下摆到您的项目,学会在这个自由的艺术和手工艺系列影片这更传授的设计专家。 +A well- intentioned campaign ended up hurting the very people it sought to protect.,立意良善的运动,最后反倒伤害了原欲保护的对象。 +"The night before Clinton's talk, Russia sponsored the Second Middle East Regional Valdai Discussion Club conference.",就在希拉里发表谈话的前一天晚上,俄罗斯赞助举行了瓦尔代俱乐部的第二届中东地区性会议。 +"A second stopper (20) is slidably disposed within the wall between the first stopper and the first end, the second stopper defining a liquid-tight seal with the inner surface.",第二阻隔件,该第二阻隔件可滑动地设置在所述第一阻隔件和所述第一端部之间的所述壁内,所述第二阻隔件与所述内部表面形成液体紧密密封; +"He is a member of Chinese Writers Association, director of Guizhou Province Writers Association, and vice chairman of Writers Association of Zunyi City.",系中国作家协会会员、贵州省作家协会理事、遵义市作家协会副主席。 +Remember: the human brain is not fully formed untill age 25. Yikes!,记住:人的大脑知道25岁才完全长成. +"Or, as Vaillancourt explained to the newspaper: 'We can’t tolerate anyone giving the milk away for free.",或者说,正如瓦兰蔻向报纸解释的那样:“我们不能容忍免费把自己送出去的人。” +"European stocks climbed after results from Nokia Oyj and Danone to Fiat SpA topped estimates, offsetting disappointing earnings at Credit Suisse Group AG. U.",欧股走高,诺基亚、达能和菲亚特公司公布财报收益超过预期,抵消了瑞士信贷银行收益令人失望的不利影响。 +"The novel full of symbolic characters is not only a depiction of melancholy sorrow, but also a question of the values of life.",小说不仅展现了一种悲凉透骨的生存体验,而且还表现出了对生存价值的追问。 +"The entrepreneur of the decade, you say, is Teach for America founder Wendy Kopp.",你说近十年的企业家在帮美利坚创始人Wendy Kopp上课。 +Why would you give any employer a reason not to hire you?,为什么要给招聘者一个不雇用你的理由呢? +He and 2 eggs together everywhere mendicant this world of perineal also fault experienced a lot of things poorly;,他和二蛋一起四处行乞也会阴错阳差地经历了很多事情; +"Almost everyone thinks ""Greensleeves"" is a sad song—but why?",人们几乎都认为荷兰民谣《绿柚子》很伤感——但是为什么呢? +The power and advantages of monovalent polio vaccines can now be fully used.,现可充分利用单价脊髓灰质炎疫苗的力量和优势。 +"Given the different Internet conditions in each country, analysts said it is unlikely Tencent will take an active advisory stake in any of the companies it invests in or enter the countries directly.","基于各国之间网路情况互异,分析师指出,腾讯不太可能会在所投资的企业里积极提供意见或是直接进入这些国家.(完)" +"During the season, you and your family will be entertained with live music, professional show programmes and diverse animation.",您能跟家人一起欣赏现场音乐演奏,专业表演以及各种动画。 +Evidence legislation in civil litigation is obviously lag behind although the Supreme People's Count has formulated some interpretation.,虽然最高人民法院出台了有关解释,我国的民事证据立法仍有明显的滞后性。 +Electrovalence: valence characterized by the transfer of electrons from atoms of one element to atoms of another during the formation of an ionic bond between the atoms.,电价:在原子间形成离子键的过程中,由电子从一种元素的原子转移到另一种元素的原子所表示的价。 +"A state must promote and practise etiquette, trust, familiarity, and love. And only then can it tolerate hunger and overcome problem.",一个国家必须有崇礼守信相亲相爱的风气,民众才能忍饥耐饿克服困难。 +Poland and Czechoslovakia have vigorously pursued admission to the European Community.,波兰和捷克斯洛伐克已经积极寻求加入欧共体。 +The views from the house are incomparable.,从房子里向外看到的景色非常优美。 +"The primary signs of pubic lice are; itching in the affected areas, black powdery droppings from the lice in underwear, brown eggs on pubic or other body hair.",感染阴虱的最主要症状是感染部位瘙痒,在内衣上可以看到黑色粉末状阴虱排泄物,阴毛或其他体毛上有褐色阴虱卵。 +Imagine a world where every online store sells DRM-free music encoded in open licensable formats.,想像一下这样的世界:所有线上商店卖的音乐都不含 DRM 技术,都是以开放的格式编码。 +"In view of above problems, the mining technology has been improved in Zhuyu mine areas by supporting with small wooden stand and opening stoping passage in the caving mining area.",针对以上问题,对竹峪金矿区采矿技术进行了改进,采用小木架支护法,在冒落采区中开辟回采通道,回采矿石。 +He masterminded a number of terrorist attacks.,他谋划了许多次恐怖袭击行动。 +"They found the sharp new heap they were seeking, and ensconced themselves within the protection of three great elms that grew in a bunch within a few feet of the grave.",他们找到了要找的那座新隆起的坟。 在离坟几英尺内的地方,有三棵大榆树长在一起,于是他们就躲在那里。 +"""I find this result quite exciting,"" said Steve Lamoreaux, a physicist at Yale University who was not involved in the study.",“我认为这一研究结果非常激动人心,”并没有参与这一研究的耶鲁大学物理学家 Steve Lamoreaux 说。 +Insufficient ingestion of staple food may thus impair memory.,故主食摄取不足可能对记忆力造成损害。 +One convenient mechanism in languages that commonly host DSLs is method missing.,在诸多语言中一种常用于托管 DSL 的方便机制是方法缺失。 +Chuxiong 675000; China Nanjing Normal University Analyses and Testing Center;,南京师范大学分析测试中心; +He said the presence of the ridge would change the basis of future work on ice dynamics in the area.,他说,海脊的发现将改变关于该地区冰动态今后工作的基本方向。 +Objective To study the myocardial protective effects of cold crystalloid cardioplegia and warm blood cardioplegia administration.,目的研究冷晶体及温血停搏液对心肌的保护作用。 +So we had of the group having a very high priority.,"所以这个组织,有个很大的优势。" +Of course not. Forget it.,当然不能,那就算了吧! +"In the teaching of vocal music, how to make the students grasp it more quickly?",在声乐教学中,如何使学生尽快地理解和掌握胸腹式联合呼吸法?。 +Learn how to use one with expert tips in this free art lesson on acrylic painting.,了解如何使用这个自由的艺术课一上丙烯画和专家提示。 +An experimental system based on head metering was designed to measure the outgassing rate of glass fiber reinforced plastics (GFRP) at different temperatures.,设计了一套基于压差流量法的试验装置来测量玻璃钢试样的放气速率。 +Rhett : You're not worth three hundred dollars. You'll never mean anything but misery to any man.,瑞德:你不值三百块钱。你只会给男人徒增痛苦。 +"At the end of the first year, virologic responders were eligible to continue the blinded treatment for a total of 96 weeks.",第一年结束时,发生病毒学应答的患者适合继续进行总共96周的双盲试验。 +Mr. . Leach is on holiday and was not avaiable for comment.,利奇先生在休假,没空作评论。 +It may provide a theoretical basis for the restoration of vegetation on saline-alkali land in the Zhongjie farm.,研究结果可为中捷农场盐碱地造林与植被恢复提供理论依据。 +Didn't you find the baggage left in the bus?,你在巴士上有没有发现遗失的行李? +"The article introduced the process improvement of thermal process phosphonic acid, such as positive pressure operation, fiber demist.",介绍正压操作、纤维除雾等热法磷酸生产改进等工艺,采用新工艺可节能降耗。 +"From the national scope, organic look of external thermal insulation system takes up a current exterior insulation market share of more than 75%.",从全国范围看,有机类外墙外保温系统占据了我国当前外墙外保温市场75%以上的份额。 +"A cross-layer neighborhood reservation mechanism with in-band signaling system(called NR-INSIGNIA) for Ad Hoc networks was proposed, considering the impact of channel contention at MAC layer.",提出使用带内信令系统实现跨层的邻居预留机制(NR-INSIGNIA),该机制在进行带宽预留时考虑MAC层的信道竞争。 +"The vim process that I am using to write this has, so far, issued 64K UNIX system calls, but only 88 Mach system calls and has sent and received less than 200 Mach messages.",我正在使用的VIM编辑器的进程,到目前为止,发送了64K的UNIX系统调用,但只有发送了88个Mach系统调用,并且,发送和接受的Mach消息少于200条。 +"When I was little, I often hear story like: ancestor save up for couple decades, in order to give decedent a better life.",小时后常听到老一辈的故事,祖先省吃减用存了几十年的钱,就是为了留给后代。 后代继续做一样的事情传承下去。 +This isnot about them. It's about our unwillingness to participate in censorship.,这件事仅仅是我们不愿意继续参与在审查系统里面了。 +"Based on these data, the pressure-volume loops with mitral obstruction, mitral inadequacy, aortic stenosis and both aortic stenosis and insufficiency were simulated.",在此基础上仿真了二尖瓣狭窄、二尖瓣关闭不全,主动脉瓣狭窄和主动脉瓣双病变的左心室压力容积环。 +"Conklin couldn't confirm media reports that the chimp had Lyme disease, though he did say investigators were taking their time with the case to determine what may have provoked Travis to attack Nash.",康克林并不认同媒体关于这个黑猩猩有莱姆病的报道,尽管他说调查人员将会进行调查以确定是什么诱使特拉维斯攻击纳什。 +"High mother took the picture album, shanshan's startling discovery shanshan written in WenYan portrait of WenYan beside admiration of love.",高母拿过姗姗的画册,惊诧发现姗姗写在文彦画像旁对文彦的倾慕之情。 +Princess Alexandra was to inherit the title of Duchess of Fife.,亚历山德拉公主将会继承法夫女公爵的爵位。 。 +"Objective:To observe the adrenal suppression of etomidate continuous infusion in general anesthesia induction and maintenance, and evaluate whether that can cause severe side effects.",目的:观察依托咪酯持续输注用于麻醉诱导和维持对肾上腺皮质功能的抑制程度以及评价是否会造成严重不良后果。 +The time to turn off technology?,是时候关掉科技产品? +"Ecological Tourism Resort restaurant, a CAD map, a very detailed level set profile.",一套旅游山庄生态餐厅的CAD图,平立剖面很详细。 +"Chemtech allows you to do business locally, no matter where you are.",苏尔寿化工允许你做生意的地方,无论您身在何处。 +"Together, these individuals make up a diverse and talented group of leaders committed to achieving SIFE's mission around the world.",这群人共同努力地组成了一个各具天赋的领导集体在全球范围内完成赛扶的目标。 +"15 strange marathon moments brings you strange though funny moments in the History of Olympic games, some are surprising, some are hysterical and some are just plain exhaustion!",这15件在奥运会马拉松比赛中发生的趣事,带你用另外一种视角看奥运看马拉松,其中一些是令人惊讶的,一些是看似疯狂的,另外一些仅仅是因为精疲力尽。 +"For traditionalists on the mainland, though, a fusion of west and east is a betrayal.",尽管如此,大陆的传统主义者还是将这种中西融合视为离经叛道。 +"How about this… We can make it a working lunch this afternoon, and I'll order some Chinese food for delivery. It'll be my treat.",你看这样可以吗……我们今全国午放置一个工作餐,我去订一些中餐外卖。我请客。 +"The new design of the welding torch clamp make the welding torch reposition expediently, thus ensure the welding wire in the centering position during welding process.",新设计的焊枪夹具可使焊工在焊接过程中方便地对焊枪进行多方位的调节,保证了在焊接过程中焊丝对中良好; +Here there are no data decencies between instructions and they can execute in parallel.,这里两个指令之间没有数据依靠,一次它们可以并行执行。 +"It is not poisoned, though I prepared it.",虽然是我预备的,可没有下毒。 +Objectives: To observe the effect of Danhong injection on vascular endothelial function related factors and the factor of inflammation in unstable angina pectoris (UAP) patients.,目的:旨在探讨丹红注射液对不稳定型心绞痛(UAP)患者血管内皮功能相关因子、炎症因子水平的影响。 +"Yet, the seeds I drop upon the ground can take root and I will grow again and again.",而且我把种子撒在地上它可以很快的生根并继续生长。 +Others say that a woman's sexuality is far too complex and is affected by too many other aspects of her life to be reduced to treatment with a pill.,而另外一些人认为,女性的性功能非常的复杂,并且受到她生活中许多因素的影响,所以不能仅仅靠一小片药来简单对待。 +The blaze which began Sunday had already destroyed 30 structures south of Los Alamos and forced the closure of the lab. (Eric Draper/Reuters),开始于周六的这场大火已经毁坏了洛斯▪阿拉莫斯南部30栋建筑并接近洛斯▪阿拉莫斯核实验室。 +"Based on the hypothesis of the rigid-plastic material, the rigid-plastic meshless Galerkin method is developed.",采用刚塑性材料假设,建立了刚塑性无网格伽辽金方法。 +"Don't overload the socket or lengthen the power wire, otherwise fire or electric shocks may be led to.",勿让电源插座超载或扩长电源线,否则易造成起火或电击。 +"At the break of each day, the Arch-mage of Menzoberranzan went out to Narbondel and infused the pillar with a magical, lingering heat that would work its way up, then back down.",在每天破晓的时候,魔索布莱城的大法师都会给这个柱子注入一股缓慢释放的魔法热量,能够让柱子的温度缓慢地升高,又缓慢地降下来。 +I’m excited about re-opening the doors to Paid to Exist.,再次打开“支付生存”之门使我很兴奋。 +Years of dealing with plasters and wasp stings on the beach mean handbags and subsequently backpacks are stuffed with remedies.,和药膏和沙滩上黄蜂叮咬打了多年交道,结果是我的手提包和背包里塞满了药物。 +"Increasingly, Unilever is launching products in developing markets, such as the brand Clear, an anti-dandruff shampoo introduced to China more than two years ago.",该公司正加大在新兴市场推出产品的力度,比如,两年多前,它在中国推出了去屑洗发露品牌清扬(Clear)。 +In September they published details of a technique to estimate the age of a suspect from blood left at a crime scene.,九月份他们发表了关于根据案发现场血迹估测嫌犯年龄的详细资料。 +"By the reaction, you would have thought our BlackBerry-toting president had called for a return to horse-drawn carriages, outhouses, and whalebone corsets.",你的反应可能会觉得,我们的巧克力总统在呼吁我们回到马车车厢、短途旅行和紧身胸衣时代。 +Nuclear tests conducted in 1954 and 1955 had resulted in fallouts passing near MacGregor's farm. We checked the records.,1954年到1955年间进行的核试验所产生的尘埃曾经从麦格雷戈的农场附近飘过。 +The temperature stress of the annular super-long concrete structure usually reaches the maximum value in the interior annular area where the radius and the annulus length are small.,环形超长混凝土结构温度应力的最大值通常发生在半径小、环向长度也小的内环区域; +"In the name of family, we may even withdraw from ministry responsibilities.",在维护家庭幸福的名义下,我们彻底回避了教会里的事奉。 +The dynamic variations of groundwater level are subject to cyclic variation of precipitations.,当地降水量的多年周期性变化决定了地下水位的多年动态。 +"Police say they've solved 740 online gambling cases and arrested more than 3, 600 suspects.",警方说,他们已经解决了740在线赌博案件,抓获嫌疑人3600多名。 +"And if I gave you the angles at which that happens you could actually calculate - the two values for the friction coefficient-- which I will not do now, but I will do that later.","如果角度值能准确测得,就能够求出,两物体的摩擦系数-,我之后会测这个。" +"Among the several women voters we spoke with, all supported Ms. Bhutto's Pakistan People's Party.",我们还采访了一些女性选民,她们全部支持布托女士生前领导的巴基斯坦人民党。 +"This means that, while playing the power chord, whatever note is being held down on the sixth string is the name of the power chord.",这就是说,当弹重和弦的时候,在第六弦上按的这个音就是重和弦的音名。 +Restoration of any of the above rights and interests must be approved by the College Faculty Review Committee and ratified by the President.,以上任何方式之处理及权益之恢复,均须通过校教评会决议与校长之核定。 +You which is the kiss of death.,你这是自寻死路。 +"Lake Asphalt processes and exports Trinidad Lake Asphalt (TLA), which is mined from the Pitch Lake in La Brea.",湖沥青出口流程和特立尼达湖沥青(TLA)开采的拉布雷亚沥青湖。 +"Arterial stiffening places an extra load on the heart, and is a primary cause of hypertension.",动脉壁的硬化会增加心脏负荷,是导致高血压的基本原因。 +"Most of them come from outside places and many of them come from bad places, but that doesn’t make them necessarily bad, or necessarily any less genuine.",大部分欲望来自外面的场所,许多来自一些不好的场所。 但这并不表示这些欲望本身是不好的或不太真实的。 +The ownership of private property formed their social and economic foundation — what we now call capitalism.,对私有财产的所有权成为社会和经济的基础,即我们现在所称的资本主义。 +BFGS algorithm is one of the most effective methods in solving the non-constrained optimization problems.,BFGS算法是解无约束优化问题的公认的最有效的算法之一。 +"The hunter reached out for the bird. ""I will have to kill it, "" he said. ""The bird will soon die anyway. """,猎人伸脱手索要那只鸟。“我会杀逝世它的,”他道。“归正鸟立刻便要死了。” +"CHRISTOPHER CRUISE: Entomologists, people who study insects, think the flashing light is an invitation to have sex.",克里斯托弗游船:昆虫学家,研究昆虫的人认为,闪烁的灯光,是一个有性行为的邀请。 +"Liu, 55, is one of the best-known actresses in the country's film industry.",今年55岁的刘晓庆是中国电影业最知名的演员之一。 +"While her work on You Can't Do That on Television had already given Alanis name power, it was her meeting with Stephan Klovan in 1987 that turned her into a real pop diva.",阿拉尼斯因在《你不能在电视�干这件事》演出已有了知名度,而1987年她同斯蒂芬·克洛万的相遇使她成为真正的流行歌星。 +The dynamic responses of the vehicle-bridge system on different bridge system stiffness are analyzed.,②拱上支撑墩刚度对列车桥梁振动响应的影响较小。 +"The methods of ""six book"" have a lot of applications in the performance of some advertisement creation in China.",六书原理中的各个造字法在部分华文广告创意表现中有着很多的运用。 +"The non-financial information is the information that faced to the future, and it shows the development of companies, it looks like a""indicator""of the financial information.",非财务信息是面向未来的信息,是能够预测企业未来发展的信息,是财务信息的“先行指示器”。 +The author thinks rationally about China's anti-domestic violence legislation based on the systematic study of the multinational and multi-regional anti-domestic violence legislation.,笔者在系统研究多国多地区反家庭暴力立法,对我国的反家庭暴力立法进行理性思考。 +The Mori have a long history of seafaring and are sea masters without equal.,毛利家拥有漫长的航海史,而且是无可比拟的海上霸主。 +"The loss of Lophelia pertusa would therefore devastate reefs off Norway and the coast of Scotland, removing underwater shelters that are exploited by dozens of species of fish and other creatures.",因此,Lophelia pertusa珊瑚的消失将会摧毁挪威和苏格兰海岸的珊瑚礁,而水下多种鱼类和生物的栖息地也随之消失。 +Although pigeons have shown remarkable feats of perception when given training in the lab this is the first research showing similar abilities in untrained feral pigeons.,尽管鸽子在实验室里接受培训时展现了非常显著的感知能力,但这是第一次研究证明了未受过训练的的野鸽也有类似的能力。 +Such effect of anisodamine may be a integrated result of various actions.,山莨菪碱的这种作用可能是多方面的综合作用结果。 +""" The king replied, ""You don't understand. If we know that a country has no crop, how could it have any people?",赵王说:「你的观念错了,要知道一个国家没有庄稼,那里会有人民? +"Transposon system is easy to manipulate, quick and can achieve high throughput, carry multiple resistance marker gene, which makes simultaneous study of multiple genes possible.",转座子系统易于操作,所需时间短,具有高通量的特点,可以携带多种抗性标记,方便了同时进行多基因功能研究; +"Although this scaffold has a 'standard' UI, it lets you try all CRUD operations on your tables.",尽管���个脚手架有一个“标准的”UI,它可以让您在数据表上进行所有的CRUD操作。 +Azimuth resolution of meter wave radar can be improved by using super resolution spectrum estimation methods without extending the antenna aperture.,超分辨谱估计技术可以在不增大天线口径的情况下提高米波雷达的方位角分辨力。 +"Woolly mammoths and other large, lumbering beasts faced extinction in north America long before early humans perfected their skills as spearmakers, scientists say.",科学家表示,长毛猛犸象和其他大型野兽早已面临生存危机,这个时间远早于人类完善出诸如长矛之类的狩猎技能。 +"Mr. Yang: Well, Mr. Green, we've got it for you. Now, here it is. For ""Hero 310"" ballpen, our counter-offer is as follows: US $4.55 per dozen CIF New York.",杨先生:格林先生,我们已为你方制定出了还盘,给你,“31英雄”牌圆珠笔的纽约到岸价每打4.55美元。 +"Intel may not release its upcoming Nehalem EX line of Xeon chips for servers that have four or more processors until early next year, an Intel executive said.",英特尔公司可能在明年初发布四路或者四路以上服务器的Nehalem架构Xeon EP处理器。 一位公司的执行官做出上述表示。 +The questions were manifold and diverse.,问卷上的问题纷繁复杂。 +"The son answered, “I saw that we have a dog at home, and they have four. We have a pool that reaches to the middle of the garden; they have a creek that has no end.",而且,我们只有一个游泳池,还是在花园中间; 但是他们却有一整条溪流,没有尽头; 他们每天都可以尽情地玩水仗,我们家却只有我一个人游泳。 +"Mom, can you please buy this and that?",妈妈,可不可以买下这个和那个? +Rock wool products of remarkable energy saving.,岩棉制品节能效果显著。 +"A rule set typically consists of a number of if-then rules, and is normally used when complex logic is involved.",规则集 通常由许多 if-then 规则组成,并且通常在涉及复杂逻辑时使用。 +"This paper states the characteristics of coaxial line, twisted pair and optical fiber in image signal transmission of supervision system.",论述了监控系统图象信号传输中同轴电缆、双绞线和光纤的特点和传输特性,并对其技术性能进行了分析。 +The audience soon grew tired of his arid speech.,没多久听众对他枯燥无味的演说就感到厌腻了。 +"It's perfect on her. oh, now how about that toast? come on. everybody.",太适合她了,现在大家来干一杯怎么样? 来吧,各位。 +A four-year degree in a computer-related discipline is required for most software engineering positions.,计算机相关学科本科四年的学历对于大多数的软件工程师职位来说是必须的。 +"For other more serious offenses, detentions are handed out.",其他更严重的违规现象会被给予关禁闭的处罚。 +Thursday Chinese Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Zhang Qiyue said Beijing had no firm time frame for new talks.,中国外交部发言人章启月星期四说,北京没有就新一轮会谈提出具体的时间表。 +"To avoid the immiserizing growth and enlarge the gains from FDI, inductive transformation path is the premium selection.",提高外资经济中的国民所得,实现外资经济增长转型,应选择诱致性转型路径。 +"Another year , two years , and they would be watching her night and day for symptoms of unorthodoxy .",过上一两年,他们就得没日没夜监视她,看她有没有思想不正统的蛛丝马迹。 +"The predominant color in the traditional Chinese celebrations is red, which stands for auspice, jubilation and prosperity.",中国节庆的主要颜色是红色,它代表着吉利、喜庆和兴旺。 +"The rain falls weakly, feeling pain in silence.",雨脆弱地落下,痛却不说话。 +"In ""Race"", Mr Mamet replaces moral righteousness with something more real.",在《种族》中, 马麦以事实取代了道德正义。 +Those that lack the capability to irradiate seeds themselves can send them to the FAO/IAEA plant-breeding unit.,那些自己缺乏辐照种子能力的国家可以把种子送到FAO/IAEA的育种部门。 +"An Italian woman said she is suing her wedding dress designer after the nearly $4000 garment fell apart at the altar, exposing her bottom to her guests on her wedding day in 2006.",意大利一女子状告婚纱公司,要求赔偿4万美元精神及经济损失费,因为2006年她在婚礼上穿的价值4000美元的婚纱突然开裂并脱落,导致她半裸站在宾客面前,羞愧难当。 +Add the operators in Listing 4 after the OrdersToVerify operator to add the call to the JRules engine.,在 OrdersToVerify 算子后添加清单 4 中的算子,从而添加对 JRules 引擎的调用。 +"When propane gas cutting low carbon steel plate, the cost varies with the thickness of the steel plate.",用于低碳钢板气割时,气割成本随板厚不同而变化。 +It is a graphical modeling tool that is organized to provide instant access to process model attributes that add dimension and value to the diagram.,它是一种图形建模工具,用于提供对向图表添加维度和值的流程模型属性的即时访问。 +"In opposition to American Academy of Neurology clinical guidelines, the investigators and editorialist recommend splinting only while awaiting surgery or for those who refuse surgery.",与美国神经研究所的临床指南相反的是,研究人员与编辑建议只对等候手术或拒绝手术者使用夹板。 +"Users wishing to restrict their applications to use FIPS complaint ciphers and TLS can either manually configure every endpoint, or simply enable FIPS compliance using the admin tools.",如果用户希望把应用程序限制为只使用符合 FIPS 的密码技术和 TLS,可以手工配置每个端点,也可以使用管理工具启用 FIPS 遵从性。 +The effects of surf ac. conductivity inhomogeneity is rejected by means of statistic average.,对地表不均匀性的影响采用统计平均剔除的方式较正; +Q. Do you think Givenchy is on the verge of a breakthrough?,你觉得纪梵希现在是处在一个突破性进展的边缘吗? +His bad study adds his father's wits.,他学习糟糕,这使他父亲大伤脑筋。 +"The efficiency of rural cooperative financial system is crucial for the perfectness, function and competitiveness strengthening of rural financial system.",农村合作金融制度效率是事关农村金融制度健全,功能发挥,竞争力增强的重要问题。 +"To some extent, the intra-frame mode can be seen as a still-image compression standard.",在某种程度上,I帧编码可以被认为是一种静态图像编码。 +"It never did, and there are no Alabama sturgeons in captivity.",但它没有,而人们也再没捕获到萨氏铲鲟。 +"Particulates are a big health concern in dusty northern China, and they add to the notoriously bad air pollution in Beijing itself.",而在中国北方尘沙天气中,颗粒物是一大健康问题,导致了北京本身就严重的空气污染进一步恶化。 +Braches that produce Bing cherries must be grafted onto rootstock.,必须把槟樱桃枝条嫁接到砧木上。 +You can't go to London without visiting Harrod's.,你不能去了伦敦而不去参观哈罗德百货商店。 +"Flex's architecture hides these elaborate details from you, but it does give you hooks into event listeners that let you process events at an advanced stage.",Flex 的体系结构隐藏了这些细节,但它提供连接到事件监听器的钩子,让您能够在高级阶段处理事件。 +This report describes the open space recreational design vision for the waterfront park of the new economic and technical development zone (ETDZ).,本报告描绘了新经济技术开发区(ETDZ)开放的海滨公园是休闲景观规划设计构想蓝图。 +"Focus on hard services, building industry brands, extraordinary natural shot!",专注用心服务,打造行业品牌,出手自然不凡! +"In international forums, proposals were put forward to institute the ""right to interfere,"" which has since become the ""responsibility to protect"" populations from flagrant human-rights violations;",国际论坛上提出了构建“干预权利”的议案,从而形成了一种对那些来自公然违反人权国家的人民“保护的责任”; +My fingers gummed together as the sticky candy melted in my hand.,黏糖在我手中化开了, 把我的手指粘住了。 双色球专家预测。 +"We were getting ready to go to a neighborhood party, and I was trying to find a shirt that 1) wasn't too wrinkled, 2) didn't have any noticeable stains, and 3) didn't smell too bad.",我们俩忙碌着准备去街道的舞会。我在找(1)不打皱、(2)没有明显瑕疵并且(3)品味不太差的衬衣。 +Witness statements are normally exchanged before the hearing and at the hearing both parties may question witnesses and address the tribunal.,审判(聆讯)前通常会交换证人证言。 审判中双方都会询问证人和对裁判庭发言。 +Then I was the managing director of an industrial research company that won an international prize for technical innovation.,后来我在一家工业研究公司当总经理,我们公司还获得了国际技术创新奖。 +This modern heavy production base with investment of 1.6 billion RMB has been successfully set up. And the construction of first local FM12 8X4 heavy tippers will be completed within the year.,这个总投资16亿元的现代化的重卡生产基地已经顺利组建,本土化生产的首批FM12 8X4重型自卸车即将在年内下线。 +I'm glad you've kept your enamels !,我很高兴,你保留了那些珐琅物品! +The medium dynamic simulated experiment and the application result show that the scheme has good corrosion and scale inhibition performance and has good efficiency to remove oil and bacteria.,经动态模拟评定试验和现场应用结果表明:该方案具有良好的阻垢缓蚀性能和除油杀菌效果��� +Such patterns have existed for centuries in many cultures but have come to be regarded as fundamentally Scottish and as a quasi-heraldic Scottish family or clan emblem.,尽管这种图案许多世纪以来已在多种文化中出现过,但人们仍把它看成是特殊的苏格兰图案,是苏格兰家族或氏族的准纹章图案。 +"Equally important, many black leaders began to disclaim full integration into the American mainstream as the goal of the black minority.",与此同时,许多黑人领导声称放弃把少数的黑人小团体彻底融入美国主流社会的目标。 +"The results show that the mechanical properties are the best when using the LAP-101 as the chain extender, XSJ-02 as the diluent and the ratio of them is 1∶5.",结果表明,当采用醇类LAP-101为扩链剂、醇类XSJ-02为活性稀释剂,并且扩链剂和活性稀释剂的比例为1∶5左右时灌封胶的力学性能最好。 +"One may call upon our kingdom to support the opening to the nonphysical realities, or one may ingest the herb to support the development of this particular part of the brain in ascension.",你可以召唤我们的王国来支持你打开到非物质实相;或者进食我们的药草,如果你从内在被如此指引的话。 +What an inspiration she was to all around her!,她对于她周围所有的人是一种多么大的鼓舞! +The search giant is in talks with music labels on plans for a download store and a digital song locker that would let its mobile phone users play songs wherever they are.,搜索引擎业界的老大------谷歌,计划推出在线音乐下载和手机的数字音乐移动播放两项新业务,为其在音乐领域开拓出一片新天地。 +"The aurora now spins counter-clockwise , while the global subtle bodies spin clockwise , balancing the two energy flows out in a new form of magnetism.",极光现在逆时针旋转,而地球精微身体则顺时针旋转,平衡了新磁场形式中的两股能量流。 +Predicting the coalbed methane production after fracturing accurately is the key to exploitation of coalbed resource.,正确预测煤层气压裂井产能是煤层甲烷资源开发的关键。 +Visitors also line up for the Natural History Museum to learn about the sciences and to view the famous Hope Diamond.,游客们还排长队参观自然历史博物馆,了解科学知识,欣赏著名的“希望之星”。 +The so-called Haozu is the name of those who live village family.,所谓豪族是指那些居住乡里的名族。 +"Germany is the first country in Europe to introduce this option -- Munich-based newspaper Süddeutsche Zeitung is referring to the change as a ""legal revolution"".",德国是欧洲第一个推出此选项的国家。 慕尼黑的《南德意志报》称这个变化为“法律革命”。 +"The length of thrombus was shortened and the dry and wet weight of thrombus were lightened obviously in all dosage groups (P<0.01, P<0.05).",加味丹参饮高、中、低剂量组均能显著降低血栓形成长度和干、湿重(P<0.01,P<0.05)。 +"Senator Lieberman says climate change is causing more severe storms and weather-related damage, and he urged fellow lawmakers to pass his legislation soon.",参议员林伯曼表示气候的(不正常)变化造成了更加剧烈的风暴和其它气候相关的自然灾害。 +"With reference to your requirements, I shall, without reservation, recommend ...",根据贵方的要求,我毫无保留地向您推荐...... +"Then as the claws pulled the rest of his body down into the darkness, he felt the hot and cold waves of panic running through his body.",当那些爪子把他整个人都拖到黑暗中去后,他又有了一阵阵的恐慌感,身体开始忽冷忽热。 +"Baby elephants are born big, standing approximately three feet(one meter)tall and weighing 200 pounds(91 kilograms)at birth.",小象在平生下来就很年夜,出生后站起来挨近一米高,体重到达200磅(91公斤)。 +"Clinton vowed to compete in upcoming primaries in West Virginia and Kentucky and made another appeal for money for her campaign, which she has been funding recently out of her own pocket.",克林顿参议员誓言将完成即将到来的西维吉尼亚洲和肯塔基的初选。她还为自己的竞选再次筹集款项。最近以来,她一直用自己口袋里的钱在竞选。 +"According to the provincial hospital director of Pan Fuqiong hyperbaric oxygen chamber, the disease started to cause swollen wound, swelling and skin was purple, black.",据省医院高压氧舱科主任潘福琼介绍,这种病开始会导致伤口发胀,肿大,然后皮肤会呈紫红色、黑色。 +"In developed countries, a second-hand market has quite mature, the volume of second-hand market has reached a new car volume 2-3 times.",在发达国家,二手车市场已经发展的相当成熟,二手车的交易量已经达到新车交易量的2-3倍。 +"Wang, who had polio as a child and lost the use of his legs, says he still leaves his apartment only once a week.",因患小儿麻 ��而无法行走的王灵宝说,他现在还是一周只出一次门。 +Macbeth is a renowned Scottish warrior.,马克白是苏格兰的名战将。 +"Ben Kirshner says when his company is searching for candidates for new positions, it first looks within. It considers existing employees.",科什纳说,当他的公司寻找新职位候选人时,先考虑公司内部现有员工。 +"Four seasons to accept the suns proposal, with the help of the sun into the fu kang do more stable sales work.",四季接受向阳的提议,在向阳的帮助下进入福康做更稳定的销售工作。 +It is only against this background that we can formulate the gap that separates oriental wisdom from Christian emancipatory logic.,只有在这样的背景之下,我们才能够明确的表示出那隔离东方智慧与基督教解放逻辑的鸿沟。 +"According to evolutionary periods of paleokarst, three maps are drawn: Ordovician stratum thickness map, Pre-carboniferous karst landform and Ordovician top structure maps of Ordos Basin.",根据古岩溶的演化期次,分别编制了奥陶系地层厚度图、前石炭纪岩溶古地貌图及奥陶系顶面构造图。 +"At the weekend, fighters attacked Zawiyah, just 50 km (30 miles) west of Tripoli, Muammar Gaddafi's stronghold.",扎维耶位于的黎波里以西50公里(30英里),是穆阿迈尔·卡扎菲的军事重镇。 上周末,反抗军攻入此城。 +Intake of different nutrients was estimated by using a 7-day FFQ.,摄取的不同的营养食物通过7天的食物摄取频率调查进行评估。 +The 84-year-old monarch wore a lilac outfit and matching hat as she inspected ranks of soldiers.,当天,伊丽莎白女王身穿淡紫色外套,头戴礼帽,检阅了军队。 +"To validate the performance of attitude control of the three-axis micro flywheel system, a demo system for three-axis attitude control is made.",为了验证三轴微飞轮的调姿性能,设计了三轴姿态控制实验演示系统。 +"The multi-million pound project, which is due to be completed within two and half years, was designed by London-based architects Studio RHE.",耗资数千万英镑的旋转酒店项目,由总部设在伦敦的Studio RHE建筑公司设计,预计两年半内完工。 +"XXX is a leading real estate development and alternative asset manager with approximately $200 millions in assets under management as of March 31, 2008.",XXX是有着2亿美元资产的领先房地产开发和替代性的资产管理公司,所管理的资产截至2008年3月31 日。 +"Hongta towering stands of the Song Dynasty ""in Jiangxi Province in the first tower, "" said the province in 1959 as a key cultural unit.",巍峨耸立的宋代红塔有“江西第一塔”之称, 1959年列为全省重点文物保护单位。 +KMX15R multi-way directional valve is a hydraulic component developed by Japanese Kawasaki company in recent years.,KMX15R多路换向阀是日本川崎重工近年研制生产的液压元件。 +"Also, the words ""Applicant City"" have been replaced by ""Candidate City"" to denote that Chicago has entered the next stage of the bidding process.",另外,改为“申请人城”已改为“候选城市”是指说,芝加哥已进入下一阶段的投标过程。 +Live mans life in womans body!,女人的身体,活出男人一般的生命! +"They are professional, finished pieces of custom carpentry.",它们可是专业的,是请木工定制的成品。 +Radiated from the surface 52 of the barrier 50 is superheated air 56 (gasses) to be passed on to a utilization device.,从 50辐射屏障表面过热空气是52 56(气体)被传递到一个利用设备。 +The invention utilizes two proteases to hydrolyze proteins of tuna fish head and centrifugally separates peptide-rich protein hydrolysate with immunological activity.,用超滤膜分离蛋白水解液,得到金枪鱼头免设活性物质。 +"Second, the framework of the influencing factors obtained through the game.",其次,通过博弈分析得出框架性影响因素。 +Clean wrench by wiping: Do not immerse in any type of cleaner which may offect special high-pressure lube with which the wrench is packed at the factory.,用擦拭清洁扳手时,禁止浸入任何可能与原厂包装的高压润滑油起反应的清洁剂。 +"As a Marxist party, after the victory in the revolution to establish new democratic transition regime is a compromise, but also a kind of wisdom.",作为一个马克思主义政党,在革命胜利之后建立起新民主主义的过渡政权,是一种妥协,更是一种智慧。 +"Good day, I am new to this camera nikon 8700. Any other method to improve the picture quality?Thanks a lot and have a nice day.",本人欲求购尼康8700数码相机一台,最好在成都当面交易,外地也可。 +"The company is located in Tianmu Lake Industrial Park, which is with beautiful scenic and good for investment.",公司座落在山青水秀、投资环境优越的溧阳市天目湖工业园。 +A charity in the Saudi capital Riyadh has come up with a novel incentive to encourage young men to quit smoking-an all-expenses-paid wedding.,沙乌地阿拉伯首都利雅德的一个慈善团体,提出一种新奇的方法鼓励年轻人戒菸:所有开销都付清的婚礼。 +"We have a moral obligation to lead with integrity, ' said City Councilwoman Shelley Midura, who is among those who pushed for the creation of the office of inspector general.",我们有清廉领导的道德责任,」推动成立检察长办公室的女市议员雪莉。 +"""How long does that shit take?"" Abnesti said.",“我们只需要办一张弃权证就行了。”魏尔伦说。 +He then secured a chain around her stomach so she had no chance to escape.,接着他拿了一条铁链子捆在她的腰上让她没有机会逃跑。 +"Availability, dependability and system availability of the double-passage air-to-air middle-far-distance missile weapon system are analyzed. And the efficiency count formulas are given.",分析并给出了双通道空空中远程导弹武器系统的可用性、可信性、系统能力和效能计算公式。 +"Also, because countries like China have experience in making low-cost vaccines, they could be better at designing new ones in ways that make them low in cost from the very beginning.",另外,因为像中国这样的国家,在生产低成本疫苗方面经验丰富,他们更善于用不同方式来设计新的疫苗,使得这些疫苗一开始成本就很低。 +"Did you know Edison invented wax paper, fire alarms, the battery and motion pictures?",你知道是爱迪生发明了蜡纸、火警警报器、电池和电影吗? +"Jitu is now left with another event in the Olympic Games — 50m pistol, which is his forte.",拉伊还剩另一个项目,也就是50米手枪,这是他的强项。 +"“It must not be an apology, because apology means recognition of responsibility, but there must be some sort of address, such as regret,” he said.",申昌勋说:“一定不能道歉,因为道歉代表了他们承认有责任,但必须是某种论述,像遗憾。” +Most developers will want this mode as it allows any JDBC client to connect and query/update tables while the main application is still running.,大部分开发人员喜欢这种模式,因为它允许任何 JDBC 客户机在主应用程序仍在运行的情况下连接并查询/更新表。 +"The authors call for better disease surveillance strategies to determine the ecological factors fuelling the disease spread, as well as implementing a mass animal vaccination programme.",报告的作者们呼吁制订更好的疾病监控策略,以确定推动疾病传播的生态因素,还要实施大规模的动物免疫接种计划。 +"An algorithm was presented based on the least-mean-square error and sparse features for under-determined blind source separation, i. e. , observed signal numbers are less than sources numbers.",针对欠定条件下的盲源分离问题,即观测信号个数小于信源个数的情况,提出了一种基于最小均方误差和稀疏特征的算法。 +"A piano manufacturer produced compasses, a tableware company tuned out automatic rifles, and a typewriter company delivered machine guns, author Rick Atkinson notes.",正如作家里克.阿特金森(Rick Atkinson)所说,钢琴制造商生产指南针,餐具公司生产自动步枪,打字机公司制造机枪。 +I double-check with him that my altimeter is set to zero .,我和他反复确认了我的高度计已经设置在了归零的状态。 +"Before investing in a membership fee, attend one or two events to be sure that you feel comfortable and that you will make valuable connections.",在交入会费之前,要先参加一两次体验活动来确保你在该社团里感到舒适,你会结交到对你有帮助的朋友。 +"Dr Negishi, of Purdue University, then went on to improve the process, by involving zinc-based compounds in addition to the palladium.",然后,普渡大学的根岸英一博士完善了这一过程,除了使用钯原子又增加了锌基化合物。 +"Jim: I just have faith bro. I am not like you, prick. You can double date and mess with your ex-girlfriend's best friend.",我只是有信仰。我不像你,臭混蛋。 你可以脚踏两只船,跟你前女友的最好的朋友乱搞。 +"If they find any errors or omissions in their verification work, they shall demand the entity under verification to put right.",对核查中发现的错报、漏报等问题,应要求被核查单位予以纠正。 +We hoped the Taishan football team has a more outstanding performance!,希望泰山队能够给广大球迷带来更加精彩的比赛! +The wavefront aberration caused by wavelength shift has been minimized.,在这一方法中,波长移动产生的波像差达到最小值。 +And she put ten louis into his hand.,她放了十个路易在他手心里。 +"In Schelling 's philosophical conception, art is set in an alternative: either as the ultimate moment of philosophical consciousness or as a phase in the identity system.",谢林哲学中的艺术摆荡在兩端:一是哲学意識的最终环节,一是同一性体系裡的一个面向。 +"The experiments indicate the inkblot from the same brand and the same batch of carbonic ink is similar, but different notably from the different brand or the different batches.",结果表明同品牌同批次产品墨迹的谱图基本相同,而不同品牌或同品牌不同批次产品墨迹的谱图有明显差异。 +It was a miracle that these flowers did not wither at all in the blazing sun.,这些花在火辣辣的太阳下一点都没有枯萎,真是一个奇迹。 +"Neighbor: Hi, Shirley. I'm Sophie.",邻居:你好,雪莉,我叫索菲。 +I can be wearing underwear and slippers to go out and still have a Balenciaga bag.,我可以穿着内裤和拖鞋出去仍然有巴黎世家袋。 +Separating the natural monopoly operation and the non-natural monopoly operation;,二是自然垄断与非自然垄断业务分离的双层竞争; +A prestressed concrete bridge on the Wuxi Section of Shanghai-Nanjing Expressway was severely damaged due to a sudden fire disaster caused by crude benzene fuel.,沪宁高速无锡段某预应力混凝土桥发生以粗苯为燃料的突发性火灾,该桥因此受到严重损伤。 +USDA plans to have over 700 plots scattered across the soybean-producing areas.,美国农业部计划在整个大豆生产区播种700多块试验田。 +"Contrary to a growing belief in Washington, revaluing China's currency will not cure the trade deficit.",民众对政府的信心大跌,即使对中国的币值再调整也不会扭转贸易逆差。 +"Data shows, since this year, to the west of prices of guangxi, compared with integration of division, rises before.",有数据显示,今年以来,桂城西的楼价稳中带升,相比整合区划之前,上升幅度不小。 +"The findings come from a study of colonoscopy, in which a camera-tipped tube is used to examine the lining of the intestine.",这一结论是通过对结肠镜检查的研究得到的,结肠镜检查是一种在管子顶端绑上照相机对结肠内部进行检查的一种方法。 +"These are just examples, but there are an infinite possible occurrences that can and will derail your pursuit of happiness if you believe happiness to be delivered by pre-determined circumstance.",这些只是例子,但是假如你相信幸福是由先决环境导致的,那么就有无限的可能会使你追寻的幸福脱离正常的轨迹。 +"As a result, just still smiling blossoming of us, immediately all face stiff, waiting for the teacher's trial.",于是,刚刚还笑面如花的我们,立刻都表情僵硬,等待着老师的审判。 +Good afternoon. Fortune Restaurant. May I help you?,午安,红双喜餐厅。请问有什么可以为你效劳?。 +God's great purpose in I allowing suffering is for the purifying of our lives.,神容让我们受苦的其中一个重要原因,是要炼净我们的生命; +9If we are being called to account today for an act of kindness shown to a cripple and are asked how he was healed,治民的官府,和长老阿,倘若今日,因为在残疾人身上所行的善事,查问我们他是怎样得了痊愈。 +"In 1979, Professor McFadden moved to the economics faculty at MIT, and in 1991 he returned to UC Berkeley.",1979年他加入麻省理工学院经济系,并于1991年重返伯克利。 +Put a warm towel over your eyes: Put a washcloth in the dryer and lay it over your eyes. It will relax your eyes as well as warming you a little.,在你的眼部放一条热毛巾,将毛巾放入干燥机,然后放在你的眼睛上,这样做会令你的眼睛得到放松且令你感到温暖。 +Enlarging markets and internationalizing businesses result in competitive relations among respective parties in international businesses.,市场的扩展与商业活动的国际化,形成了国际商业活动中不同主体间的竞争关系。 +A particular moment which cannot be clearly classified - but on the other hand refers to something that is already there or could be there.,一个无法被明确归类的特殊时刻——但另一面它又与已经存在或者应该存在的某物相关联。 +HOW do a person’s religious beliefs influence his attitude to terminal illness?,一个人的宗教信仰是如何影响他对待终期疾病的? +Now she heads a newly formed ministry of foreign trade. She is also a businesswoman and works with information technology.,目前,她已经成立了一个新的外贸部。同时她也是名商人,从事信息技术工作。 +"Now it is a tourist playground. Led by train staff, we climb a massive dune.",现在这里却是游客游玩的地方,在列车员的带领之下,我们爬上了一个巨大的沙丘。 +TPT for screening of cervical cancer may increase the satisfactory rate of smears as well as detection rate of abnormal cervical cells.,TPT技术应用于宫颈癌筛查能明显提高涂片满意率及宫颈异常细胞检出率。 +"And if you stay out here, then you know, you're kind of a little more safer,",如果你呆在这儿,你就稍微安全���点, +Double leaf alias plate east smile and deep see mother grew up well to get along with.,双叶化名为板东笑与深见的母亲渐渐融洽地相处起来。 +"Nevertheless, their success in the last three years is almost unparalleled and should put them close to the top of the footballing pantheon.",最近数年巴塞罗那独孤求败的傲娇风格更让他们快要在足球界的帕特农神殿里预订一个牌坊咯。 +Life sex blessing is sweet.,生活性福甜蜜。 +But the Green Knight forgives him and gave him the girdle as a gift.,但绿衣骑士原谅了他,并把腰带赠给他做礼物。 +"My son worked as an inspector and was murdered, but we'll never give up.",我的儿子曾经是一个森林督察,他被暗杀了,我们是不会放弃的。 +"U-know and good shooting, etc, I will film to enjoy! fighting!",允浩,好好拍戏,等片子出来,我一定会好好欣赏的!加油啊! +"Thus, the formula given by this article is much easier and quicker than the tedious calculations of the constant variation method.",与常数变易法的繁琐计算相比,该公式十分方便快捷。 +"The Tale of Peter Rabbit (1902) was one of a series of books, the cumulative total sales of which probably exceed 50, 000, 000.",彼得的兔子(1902)是一个系列书籍中的一本,但它的销量却大概已经超过了5千万。 +But Mendel's work received little notice and was cited a mere three times over the next 35 years.,但孟德尔的研究并没有被人们关注,在后来的35年里,他的成果仅仅被引用过三次。 +"In India, similar events are unfolding, with local media reports saying banks are tightening lending for property after total credit grew 26 percent this year.","而在印度,类似的情况也在重演.当地媒体报导称,在今年该国总贷款增长了26%之后,银行决定对地产业收紧贷款." +"Three traditions of the Paris quarries—art, beer, and mushrooms—come together in a room cataphiles call Le Cellier, or ""the storeroom.""",巴黎采石场的三大特色(艺术、啤酒和蘑菇)齐聚在一间屋子里。 +"Then Zhang Fei returned to see his elder brother and said, “the direct general was traveling along the River, and he is not here yet, the top prize is mine.”","张飞回见玄德曰:""军师溯江而来,尚且未到,反被我夺了头功。""" +My family went to my grandparents' home and had dinner with them.,我爸爸妈妈和我都去了姥姥家, 和他们一起吃了晚餐。 +"On the very same day when Teoh was found sprawled in the building that houses MACC, another young Malaysian died in police custody in a different part of the country.",当赵明福被发现死于反贪委员会雪州总部,另一个年轻的大马人将在国内另一个角落的警察扣留所内死亡。 +"Jardine Engineering (Changshu) CO. , Ltd. GM of Operations.",英商怡和机器(常熟)有限公司执行总经理。 +"But he noted that this year, Delta did not see the expected traffic increase for the month.",但他同时也指出,达美航空这个月并没看到预期的客流量上升。 +"In combination with the rubber dam project at Xiaobudong on the Yihe River at Linyi City, the major technical problems in bolt clip anchoring of water filling rubber dams are fully analyzed.",结合临沂市沂河小埠东橡胶坝工程实例,对目前国内充水式橡胶坝螺栓压板锚固方面存在的主要技术问题进行全面分析。 +"If Party B requests OT payment, he/she must fill in the OT application form and have it approved by GM.",如乙方希望通过自行安排加班取得加班费,则乙方必须在加班前四小时填写加班申请表呈总经理审批。 +"Its intricate steps helped to improve the memory of Alzheimer's patients in Britain, while in Italy the trust needed for the dance's tight embrace and backward walk are used to counsel couples.",在英国,探戈复杂的舞步被用来帮助老年痴呆症患者增强记忆力; 在意大利,探戈还用于婚姻咨询,因为跳探戈时的紧密相拥和后退舞步需要的正是舞伴间的相互信任。 +"But it was the old soldier with the red beard; he sat there nodding his head and said: “Dear me, what pretty dancing shoes!”",不过这是那个有红胡子的老兵。 他在坐着,点着头,同时说 +Start off using a 3.5/4 Vs 5 star team . You will learn about each players strength and weakness and how it will affect the game play.,使用3.5或4星的球队对阵5星的电脑。可以了解到球员的优势和弱点以及这些是如何影响游戏的。 +A city of southwest Indiana on the Wabash River south of Terre Haute.,温森斯印第安纳西南部一城市,位于特雷霍特南部的沃巴什河畔。 +Benevolence is a type of kindness and openness towards others.,仁爱心是一种对他人的友好善意的行为。 +"Edmund, you have heard me mention Charles Anderson.",埃德蒙,你听我给你说过查理·安德逊。 +Using triple-wire filament to ensure sufficient electron powder and prolong service life.,采用主辅式三螺旋灯丝,确保携带足够的电子粉和更长的使用寿命。 +"I started my career at a Russian aluminium company, managing marketing and sales of household aluminium foil in the north-west of the country.",我在俄罗斯一家铝业公司开始职业生涯,负责俄罗斯西北部家用铝箔的市场推广和销售。 +Improved tips and to-dos: The tips and todos are the main focus of the 2.0 release; they’ve undergone a major rework.,改进的提示和行动计划:提示和行动计划是 2.0 版本关注的主要部分,它们都经过了重大的改写。 +"Manned submersibles , like spaceships, must maintain living conditions in an unnatural environment .",载人的潜水器与宇宙飞船一样,必须在非自然的环境下保持生存条件。 +"It will give me great pride to play alongside him but also with Raul, Iker Casillas or Guti.",而能同劳尔,卡西利亚斯,古蒂们一起并肩作战,我感到十分骄傲。 +They decided to sacrifice a character that had appeared in multiple episodes to have the death resonate with the show's young audience.,他们决定牺牲一位在好几集里都出现的角色,让桑迪之死在该剧的年轻观众心中引起反响。 +"But I'm also, uhm, anytime a veteran player has had great success and then not had it, …",但我也,嗯,在一名老球员曾取得巨大成功但又失去后… +"The deinking properties of 10 kinds of surfactants and the multicomponent surfactants composed of them were studied, and a deinking agent consisting of 3 kinds of surfactants was chosen.",研究了10种表面活性剂和由它们组成的多组分表面活性剂的脱墨性能,从中选出了3种表面活性剂组成的脱墨剂。 +"But that hasn't stopped Viking's environmental statement from stating that the risk of a slide, even in a worst-case scenario, is zero.",但这并没有改变维京公司在环境声明中表示,即使是在最坏的情况下,出现滑坡的风险都是为零。 +"Besides, Dian Lake was the most rich and populous agriculture region in Yunnan, which, with advanced shipping industry, prepared Zheng's ambition for his future expedition.",元明时期,滇池周围是云南最富庶的农业区,航运发达,且已积累了行船用风和避风的经验。 +Application of the induced polarization method to detecting the watershed in the mined out area;,在总结矿床地质特征的基础上,重点分析激电极化法在地质找矿中的应用。 +A capability assessment will provide a profile across multiple capabilities and indicate for each capability a current state of mastery along some scale that is meaningful to the organization. 3,能力评估将提供多个能力的概要文件并为每个能力沿着对组织有意义的某个标度指出一个当前的掌握状态。 +"Dechun Ma, Office director, Shantou International Trade Development Company.",马德纯,汕头国际贸易发展公司办公室主任。 +"If you and your mount separate, you still share one set of actions on that turn.",如果你和你的座骑分离了,你们依然共用同一组动作。 +"Before the release of the TheraSense monitor, blood samples were drawn from the fingertips, which can be particularly painful because of the concentration of nerves in the area.",在此之前,血样都要从指尖采集,因为该部位神经集中,所以非常疼痛。 +"Stealth is a new technique developed in recent ten years, and it plays an important role in electronic warfare.",隐身是近几十年发展的新技术,它在电子战中发挥了重要作用。 +"'But when people find themselves on one of the highest points in the county, they must get down again, ' he retorted.",“不过,当人到了这个地区最高的山顶上,都肯定要冲下山去的,”他反驳说。 +No animal ever invented anything so bad as drunkness—or so good as drink.,没有动物发明过像和醉这样糟糕的事—也没有发明过像饮酒这样美好的享受。 +"Don’t be afraid to look up a word if youdon’t know it, and don’t be afraid of dense passages. Take your time, re-read when necessary, and you’ll soon grow accustomed to the author’sstyle.",不要畏惧生单词和厚厚的纸张,充分利用时间,必要时反复读一遍,便会很快的熟悉了作者的写作风格和思想。 +"A city of southwest Ecuador south of Guayaquil. It is a processing center in a gold-mining region. Population, 108, 156.",马查拉厄瓜多尔西南部一城市,位于瓜亚基尔以南。是。 +"Bird views of information hiding, digital watermarking, digital finger printing, visual cryptography, subliminal channels are given for multi-media information camouflage.",本文综述了信息隐藏、数字水印、数字指纹、叠像术、潜信道等多媒体信息伪装技术。 +The sun can easily damage a child's delicate skin.,太阳(光)容易伤害小孩的细嫩皮肤。 +"In his late chapters in 'After Virtue', MacIntyre constructs a 'socially teleological account' for his virtue theory in the hope of this new teleology could replace Aristotle's teleology.",麦金泰尔在《追寻美德》的后几章中为其美德理论构建了一个“社会目的论”,希望以此来替代他所拒斥的亚里士多德的目的论。 +"Informed by port authority, we will load vessel at berth A. so your vessel is to be suspended loading. Any objection, please contact your agent .",接港调通知,先装A泊的船,你的船临时不装货,有异议请与外代联系。 +The scheme of earthquake damage assessment for Shantou city is presented according to the current situation of Shantou city.,本文根据汕头市城市现状,提出了汕头市地震灾害评估方案。 +"Yet Silicon Valley companies both compete and cooperate with each other, to jointly develop new products and services.",但硅谷里的公司相互之间既有竞争也有合作,也会一起合作开发新的产品和服务。 +Analysis of memory utilization to show the split between computational and non-computational pages,分析内存使用率,以显示计算性和非计算性页面之间的差异 +The existence of cyclodextrin can cause hypochromic effect and a little red shift in the UV spectra of Oleanolic Acid and Ursolic Acid.,环糊精的加入会使齐墩果酸和熊果酸的紫外吸收图谱产生减色效应,并伴随轻微的红移; +"Paris exchange, followed by the three-digit code 454.",一个巴黎的交换台,接着是三位数密码454。 +This is truly one of the best add-ons to the game I have ever seen (yet).,这可真是一个我见过本游戏最好的外挂模组(到现时为止)。 +"This paper presents sand and cobble foundation treatment of overflow dam, guide wall and overflow weir by""high pressure jet grouting""at An in Hydropower Station.",本文主要介绍应用“高喷”技术对安居水电站溢流坝、堰坝导墙、溢流堰天窗沙卵石基础处理的方法和体会。 +"The peacock has fair feathers, but foul feet. 68mn.",com 孔雀虽有华羽,但有贱足。 +"The uncertain status of divine providence here, I think, is made clear by its figuration as a moon.",这里神圣的天意的不确定的地位,被月亮这个比喻表现的更为清晰。 +"In this paper, classification, properties, uses and development in future of various blowing agents are introduced.",本文主要介绍各种发泡剂的分类、性质、用途及其今后的发展。 +"The comprehensive friction flow velocity, which is capable of representing the lake current and wave, was selected Lake Taihu hydrodynamic express index.",选取能代表湖流和波浪综合作用的综合摩阻流速作为太湖水动力的表征指标,建立藻增长率和综合摩阻流速关系。 +"Think about that, Descartes is saying essence of matter, what really constitute matter is just extendedness in space.",大家思考下,笛卡尔关于物质本质的说法,真正构成物质的仅仅是空间的发展而已。 +It looks set to be a busy January transfer window at Liverpool with Andrea Dossena and Andriy Voronin heading for the exit as Benitez closes in on Argentinean winger Maxi Rodriguez .,看起来利物浦会在一月份的转会市场上非常忙碌,安德雷亚·多塞纳和安德烈·沃罗宁即将离开,同时贝尼特斯也接近拿下阿根廷边锋马克西·罗德里格斯。 +"When prompted, type the password you entered previously.",收到提示时,输入您此前输入的密码。 +The modern comfortable Church must be transformed into a conquering Church and that will happen only when this heroic spirit of Christianity is recaptured.,当今那些舒适的教会必须要转变成为一个得胜的教会,但这个前提是它们必须重新具有无所畏惧的基督精神。 +The Library of Guangxi Traditional Chinese Medical Collage is a special irregular supper high-rise building with connected twin-tower structure.,广西中医学院图书馆大楼属于特殊不规则的连体超限高层建筑。 +"Mathew D. Staver, the founder and chairman of Liberty Counsel, said Monday's ceremonies ""make a mockery of marriage.""",自由顾问团奠基人兼主席马修-D-斯狄夫称,周一的仪式给婚姻“开了一个玩笑。” +Opal diffuser with 70% optical efficiency provides wide luminance dust and moisture proof easy to clean.,透光板采用进口乳白板, 防尘, 防潮, 晚清洁, 透光率为70%, 照度面广。 +Psalms 16:11 Thou wilt shew me the path of life: in thy presence is fulness of joy; at thy right hand there are pleasures for evermore.,诗16 :11 你必将生命的道路指示我。在你面前有满足的喜乐。在你右手中有永远的福乐。 +The practical method of limited analytical design is given for shelter plate of steel plate and steel fiber reinforced concrete.,给出了能够用于钢板钢纤维混凝土遮弹板接触爆炸下的极限设计分析的实用方法。 +Laboratory incubation was conducted to investigate the relationship between DOM and carbon and nitrogen mineralization of paddy soils in subtropical China.,以潮土、旱地红壤和红壤性水稻土为研究对象 ,探讨了长期施肥对土壤腐殖质含量与性质的影响。 +Sometimes I even cried for being in this terrible place…,每天都是憋着一肚子的火,可是没有地方发泄。 +No. 267 to be blessed with…,在…方面有福气,幸喜有… +The enclosed CD-ROM contains computerized versions of the book's subject reviews and practice tests.,所附光盘包含本书的内容和练习试题。 +From his life we learn the five acts of worship that make God smile.,从他的人生,我们可以学习五个令神欢喜的敬拜行动。 +"They met on the border between Israel and Gaza, then Arafat took them to his guest house for lunch, making the hard-liner Netanyahu the first Israeli prime minister to go into Palestinian Gaza.",他们三人将在巴以边境会晤,然后阿拉法特会邀请他们到自己的国宾馆共进午餐。 这使得以强硬著称的内塔尼亚胡成为第一个进入巴勒斯坦加沙地带的以色列总理。 +"But, in fact, I am more like your own moments of wakening awareness that move you into the waking state.",但事实上,我更如你有觉醒意识的时刻,驱逐你从梦中醒过来。 +The two contenders for the world championship will meet for a show-down next month.,两位世界冠军竞争者将于下月一决雌雄。 +"Maybe it's because we can't measure fatigue with Breathalyzers or blood tests——quick, develop a yawnometer.",这或许是因为我们没法用类似呼气测醉或者血液检测的手段来检验我们的疲劳程度吧——快发明一个哈欠测量仪吧。 +I intervened and stepped between the two individuals.,"我忍不住介入其中, 站在两人之间." +The GEELY right-hand driving car exported to Australia is demanded to add Immobilizer according to the local law.,吉利右舵乘用车型出口澳大利亚,根据当地法规的要求,需要设计增加电子防盗系统。 +"As president, there is a lot to learn both factually and about the process of governing.",作为总统,在实际操作上以及相关的管理程序上,需要学很多东西。 +"To solve this problem, a new hardware structure of ARINC429 bus interface is proposed. The interface board is based upon multi-channel bus protocol IP kernel, which is an independent innovation.",为有效解决这一问题,通过对AR INC429数据总线及相关型号芯片进行充分分析,提出了一种基于自主设计的多通道总线协议IP核的多通道AR INC429总线接口卡的硬件组成原理及实现方法。 +I hated them.,我讨厌她们。 +"Toyota and Honda took to ""just-in-time"" inventories and quality management because land and raw materials were expensive.",昂贵的土地和原材料迫使丰田和本田采取了“准时制生产”的存货和质量管理体系。 +"Put together, they are a masterwork of statesmanship that would provide the legal foundation for the nascent United States.",将两者放在一起,他是政治家们的杰作,为襁褓中新生的美国提供了未来的法律基础。 +"Part of such planetesimals entered the asteroid region, drew out most of the matter there, and increased the random velocity of the asteroids that remained, so they could not combine to form a planet.",一部分大星子进入小行星区,拉走了大部分物质,增加了留下的小行星的随机速度,使该区内形成不了大的行星。 +I'll text our allies just to say hi;,我会给我们的盟国发去短信,简答的打声招呼; +"Where I ever got such an idea I cannot say, unless it could be that the morning came over the peaks of the Gablilans and the night drifted back from the ridges of the Santa Lucias.",我说不清怎么会有这样的想法,也许是因为黎明从加比仑山顶升起,夜晚从圣卢西亚斯山脊压下来的缘故。 +They would fatten themselves for another long leg of their journey.,它们为走上另一个长期的旅程而使自己胖起来。 +"Like most breakfasts in the north, this one is hearty and features loads of kimchi.",像大多数北方的早餐一样,这里的丰盛而且以大量泡菜为特色。 +"Stonemason Bates said, Stone's my life.",石匠贝茨说, 石头就是我的生命。 +The head of an autonomous county is normally someone of minority nationality.,化隆县是国家扶贫开发重点县之一。 +Young leading cadres have risen up by helicopter. They should really rise step by step.,不能用坐直升机的办法选拔干部,还是按“台阶”上好。 +By this time I made some friends who are from Malaysia.,这时我已经交了几个马来西亚的朋友。 +Combination mesh and synthetic leather upper in a minimalistic design delivers just the right amount of protection and support.,组合网和合成革鞋面在简约的设计只是提供适量的保护和支持。 +Hong Kong singer Joey Yung shoots a photo spread for her new album featuring 'fierce' style.,香港歌手容祖儿为新专辑打造“凶残”造型。 +Engineers of the world philosophize! You have nothing to lose but your silence!,全世��的工程师,用哲学武装起来!除了你们的沉默无言,你们什么也不会失去! +"He saw it in Columbus, but Akron had it too.",他是在哥伦布看到的洪水,但阿克伦也有洪水。 +"In 1993, it had produced a record 238 films and its doyen director, John Woo, was about to dive, twin guns aflame, through Hollywood's doors.",1993年,港产电影达到238部,吴宇森作为元老级导演低调进入好莱坞市场。 +Today's animal watches can go on lion safaris without traveling to Africa.,现在,观赏动物的游客不用去非洲就可以参加狮子探险队。 +"Most of the parts are playable directly, except perhaps for the viola clef, but even that is no great job to transcribe.",也许除了中提琴声部外,大多数乐章可以直接演奏,而且也不需要太大的改编工作。 +"In 1995, Stonington Mansion and the land around the build were granted to Deakin University at no cost.",1995年的时候,维多利亚州政府把这座大楼和周围的地皮无偿划给迪肯大学。 +The graceful dining furniture is as important as the elegant and unique dishware.,上好的餐桌餐椅,与精致独特的餐具同等重要。 +Purple sweet-potato is considered to be a nutritionally rich crop.,紫色甘薯含有丰富的营养物质,对人体具有较高的营养价值。 +Learn how to do the 'Looking at the Moon' move in this free video clip on Egyptian dancing.,学习如何做的'看月亮在此免费视频剪辑将在埃及舞。 +The only fact that Britain refused to supply Canada with enough Lee-Enfield rifles during the second Boer war resulted in adoption of the . 303 caliber Ross Mark I rifle in 1902.,唯一的事实,即英国拒绝提供足够的加拿大 李恩菲尔德步枪在第二次布尔战争导致通过了0.303口径步枪罗斯马克本人于1902年。 +The safety coefficient of crankshaft decreases by 5.34% by the accumulative damage theory compared with the traditional method.,与传统方法相比,由损伤积累理论计算的曲轴安全系数下降了5.34%。 +"It created confusion, it was so hard to challenge this and to say procedurally this is wrong. Procedures were totally ignored.",外交官们告诉世界发展运动:“它制造了许多混乱,很难说程序上它错了,因为它根本就忽略了程序。 +The new undercurrent in this is that our society no longer has the ability to calculate probabilities.,我们社会新的思考潜规则不再有计算概率的能力。 +A geometrically- based soft tissue deformable model is proposed and is applied to a VRML- based animal anatomy virtual laboratory system.,提出一种基于几何造型方法的软组织变形模型,并应用于一个基于VRML的网上动物解剖学虚拟实验室系统。 +"Today, the innovation begin to touch the flinty kernel.",今天,改革正开始触及坚硬的内核。 +"Until he relearns these things, he will write as though he stood among and watched the end of mall.",在重新懂得这些之前,写作犹如站在处于世界末日的人类中去观察末日的来临。 +I wanted to be on the other side of the proscenium and be in that world.,我希望自己能身处舞台那边的神奇世界。 +"Robinson featured on the left side of midfield after replacing Ryan Babel at the KC Stadium, but his natural position is as an attacking full-back.",罗宾逊在KC球场换下了八宝,在场上踢的是中场位置。但他的最佳位置是一名攻击型后卫。 +"Mufasa: Simba… Everything you see exists together, in a delicate balance.",木法沙:辛巴,世界上所有的生命都在微妙的平衡中生存。 +"Reflections are advanced on Gardening Plant Protection from teaching content, teaching method and teaching means.",在《园艺植物保护》教学内容、教学方法、教学手段等三方面提出了自已的建议和体会。 +"The childhood home of J.G. Ballard, an English novelist and perhaps Shanghai’s most famous foreign literary son, has twice been gutted, and most recently converted for use as a restaurant.",城市里过去的外国居民们已经被遗忘在历史的角落了(也许是上海最著名的外籍文学家,小说家的J.G巴拉德的童年故居,被摧毁过两次,于近日改装成一座饭店)。 +"Essentially, the benefits of having a lookout means that the babblers get more time to spend looking for food, and eat better as a result, even though a portion of their catch is being stolen.",本质上,有一个警戒者的好处在于斑点鹃有更多的时间用来寻找食物,即使一部分劳动果实被偷走也能更好地填饱肚子。 +Then the curvature of the points is estimated and the points with maximum curvatures in a set of close points are located as the true corners.,安棚油田深层系预测天然裂缝发育带的实践表明 ,极值主曲率法在结构均一岩层构造拉张裂缝的预测中具有一定的可信度。 +"God is not reflected in churchianity, Hillsong, the Roman Catholic Church, or any of the other infiltrated organisation.",上帝并不���现在教派派性中,不管那是希尔颂、罗马天主教会还是其他什么堕落的组织。 +"In my family we are 5 and I have two brothers, Emmanuele and Francesco.",在我的家庭,我们有5个,我有两个兄弟,名叫弗朗西斯科·。 +"He tried pouring a drink, but you could hear the clicking sound across the street, and most of the stuff wound up in his shoes.",他想倒一杯酒,但是瓶碰杯子的咔嗒声从街上就能听到,而且大部分都淌进了他的鞋子。 +"These enhancements, combined with the Split Lagrangian VOF method, improve the accuracy of the surface tension model in general.",这些增强,和分散的拉格朗日函数 VOF 方法结合,大体上改善表面张力模型的精确度。 +Let's say you're pretty good at conversion rate optimization - A/B and multivariate tests are relatively easy for you to perform and you've got solid instincts around them.,假设你在转化率提升方面做得非常优秀 – 对于你来说A/B测试与多变量测试是非常简单的事,在这方面你有很好的基础。 +"He said: ""Once, a group of people were hunted down the other side, he Yanmingshoukuai immediately pulled my hand on the run. """"",他说:“有一回,对方被一群人追杀,他眼明手快、马上拉着我的手逃窜。” +The video begins as the prince joins other cadets gathering at an airport for their flight to Cyprus.,短片一开始是王子同其他学员为塞浦路斯飞行计划聚集在机场。 +"And smokeless products contain the same chemical compounds, including nicotine, that have been linked to heart disease in cigarettes.",无烟烟草制品和普通的烟一样同,有包括尼古丁这类的和心脏疾病有关的化学成分。 +Will you please say a few words about your personal understanding [experience]?,请你谈一点个人体会好吗? +"She was the same as ever, only a little pale; her delicate face was framed in a bonnet of violet velvet, her figure was concealed beneath a pelisse of black satin.",她仍是原来的模样,只稍微苍白一些,秀雅的面庞嵌在一顶紫绒帽子里,身体消失在黑缎斗篷里。 +"In mature democracies, obscenity laws usually raise no significant concerns for mainstream news organizations.",在成熟的民主国家,有关淫秽的法律对主流新闻机构来说一般不构成主要关注。 +"Considering their expression pattern, the possible involvement of this gene in meiotic and postmeiotic processes has been suggested.",因而,这个基因有可能参与减数分裂及其以后的整个过程。 +Tom Hagen: Nothing. Not a hint. Absolutely nothing. Even Sollozzo's people don't know where the meeting will be held.,没有。没有任何线索,什么都没有。索拉索的人也不知在哪里开会。 +"The effect of viscosity and dipping time on membrane, and that of calcining temperature and time on the structural properties of alumina membrane are also discussed.",还研究了膜厚与浸渍时间和粘度等的关系以及对比不同焙烧温度和时间对氧化铝膜的结构影响。 +I. The Chinese government has increased investment in flood control project construction since last year.,城市防洪工程设施的建设和维护所需投资,由城市人民政府承担。 +"According to nonlinear finite element analysis, the ultimate load-carrying capacity of tensegrity system is discussed based on the buckling of struts.",本文根据非线性有限元理论研究讨论基于压杆失稳的张拉整体结构极限承载能力。 +He is a black sheep.,他是个败家子。 +Dust from the ground is blown into the sky. and becomes part of the clouds.,空中上的灰尘被吹到空中时,它便成了云的一部门。 +What is the overall score of the HSBC's corporate image of being a social responsibility company AFTER launching the programmes in Question 9-13?,阁下认为汇丰银行在推行上述(第九至十三题)的措施后, 它在社会责任方面的企业形象值多少分?。 +Objective To determine the content of total flavonoids in the flower of Abelmoschus manihot L.,目的测定黄蜀葵花中总黄酮的含量。 +The avian community was relatively stable; Tree Sparrow and Light-vented Bulbul were predominant in the study period.,研究发现冬季鸟类群落结构相对稳定,优势种为麻雀和白头鹎。 +"The contents of the camp included: fantasy story workshop, fantasy table games, outcome showcase, and collaborative set preparation to complete the gr3oup project.",内容包含:奇幻故事讲座、奇幻桌上游戏、成果分享与场景布置完成集体创作等等。 +The content of activities component in T. chinense showed a general tendency of declining during growth period and with the increase time of storage.,随储存时间的延长,百蕊草药材总黄酮、山柰酚、甘露醇、多糖及浸出物等成分含量呈下降趋势。 +"In addition, the generalized expression of the critical radius of bubble for liquid-vapor phase transition process was deduced according to the chemical potential.",另外,从化学势的角度导出汽液相变过程中汽泡临界半径的计算式。 +"The funds were frozen after a coup in 2006 that ousted Mr Thaksin, who remains in exile even though millions of his red-shirted supporters want him back.",这笔资金在2006年他信被驱逐后,成功地被冻结。 虽然数以百万的红衫军希望他能够回国,他信至今仍流放在外。 +"The list of species that will be banished from the park include lemurs, porcupines and antelope.",将从该动物园驱逐出去的动物“解雇”名单上包括狐猴、豪猪还有羚羊。 +"She raised her hands above her head, the force quickly gathering around her palms .",她把手举过头顶,原力迅速围绕着她的掌心聚集起来。 +Or it can serve as the go-between for your personal and career schedules.,或者它也可以作为你个人和工作时间表的中间人。 +"The people most exposed to the tsetse fly and therefore the disease are in rural populations dependent on agriculture, fishing, animal husbandry or hunting.",接触采采蝇最多并因此接触该病的人是依赖于农业、渔业、畜牧业或狩猎业的农村人群。 +"The materials of the partitions are paper tubes that are strong and easy to work with, and moreover, they are using for tubes to roll up cloths.",该分区的材料纸管是强大和易于使用,而且,他们使用的管,布卷起来。 +Key introduction was given to the type selection and dosing of activated carbon and the operation and maintenance of activated carbon filter.,重点介绍了桐乡市自来水公司果园桥水厂活性炭滤池的炭选型、填充及运行维护情况。 +He then lightly touches the heel of his lead foot.,然后,他轻轻地触摸他的脚踵铅。 +"Dike structural types and construction methods for all types, flood prevention measures and typhoon prevention measures are introduced.",介绍围堤结构型式和各种结构的施工方法及防汛防台措施。 +"The attention was focused on the effects of the aperture size, the cavity depth and the perforated plate thickness on the impedance of the liner.",着重于声衬的孔径、腔深、孔板厚度对声衬性能的影响。 +"Thus we arrive at the idea of the pllenomenon such as we can find, for example in the ""phenomenology"" of Husserl or of Heidegger-the phenomenon or the relative-absolute.",就此我们对我们能发见的现象有了概念,譬如,胡塞尔的“现象学”和海德格尔的“现象学”还有他的“相对与绝对”。 +Probably a better idea would be to take out the Hammers for Arc Lightnings and the Pillages for Stone Rains.,也许将锤子和掠夺换成弧闪和石雨是个不错的主意。 +"Knocked-down trees, bushes, fences, etc.",倒下的树、灌木丛、栅栏等。 +"The Marxist dream of the “new man”, for example, mirrored the Nazi idea of racial superiority.",比如,马克思主义者梦想创造“新人类”,与纳粹“优等种族”观念如出一辙。 +"Since the preliminary studies on osseointegration, dental implants have been extensively used for the rehabilitation of completely and partial edentulous patients over the last three decades.",从骨整合研究成果报道开始以来,牙种植体被广泛的应用于全口义齿和局部义齿的修复已有三十多年的历史。 +"Furthermore, users may give us multiple arbitrary (but valid) SQL queries, which implies that we have to deal with different non-spatial attributes for each geometry.",而且,用户可能提供多个任意(但是有效)的 SQL 查询,这意味着必须处理每个几何图形的不同的非空间属性。 +"Imagery of the red Bly saw publication and became the basis of a Hasbro action figure, even though a clone trooper with those particular markings did not appear in Episode III.",红色布莱的形象被公开过,还成了一款孩之宝活动人偶的基础,但这种涂装的克隆人士兵没有在《第三集》出现。 +The magazine’s response to Enoch Powell’s 1968 “rivers of blood” speech provided one of the Eye’s most acclaimed covers.,该杂志对1968年伊诺克·鲍威尔“血流成河”演讲的回应给《Eye》提供了最富盛名的封面之一。 +Mediation policies use the WS-Policy format and there is a simple mapping between the concepts used in WS-Policy and those defined by WebSphere ESB in promoted properties.,中介策略使用 WS-Policy 格式,WS-Policy 中使用的概念与提升属性中 WebSphere ESB 定义的那些概念之间存在一种简单的映射。 +"Generally, the advantages can be listed as follows.",一般来说,这些优势可以列举如下。 +Objective To develop a rapid test kit for hepatitis C virus(HCV) antibodies by immune colloidal gold chromatography.,目的采用免疫胶体金层析技术,研制一种对丙型肝炎病毒(HCV)抗体快速检测的试剂。 +Catholic papers like The Universe have constantly alerted its readers to the plight of the Iraquis and other refugees.,天主教报章《宇宙》不断提醒读者有关伊拉���及其他难民的苦况。 +I need some good pictures for narration.,我需要一些叙述时用的好镜头。 +"It creates the FMS simulation model of a car gear-box , and analyses the running result with the certain control strategies.",针对某汽车变速箱柔性生产线,建立了FMS仿真模型,并对不同的调度策略进行了仿真。 +"The scientific scope includes atmosphere, ocean, land-surface, cryosphere, hydrosphere and ecosystem processes.",科学范畴包括大气、海洋、陆面、冰圈、水圈和生态系统等各个过程。 +Timmermans says he is surprised by the request.,蒂默曼说,他对这样的要求感到吃惊。 +"With the extensive use of the artificial sand and shotcrete in engineering, the application of the artificial mixed gravel sand in shotcrete have been emphasized by constructor.",随着机制砂及喷射混凝土在工程的广泛应用,机制砾砂在喷射混凝土中的应用已引起工程建设者的重视。 +"To see why, one needs only to reflect on the longer-term benefits that one might expect from such bonds.",究其原因,您只需反思一下人们会期待从这样的债券上得到什么样的较为长期的收益即可。 +"The laws vary somewhat, but all revolve around exposure and nondisclosure.",法律多多少少有修改,但始终围绕着一个问题:公开化和保密。 +Another dimension to keep in mind throughout this discussion is the dimension of technology.,"另外一个在讨论中,应该牢记的,研究教育的角度是技术。" +Objective Probing into the effect of applicating stainless steel in treating far end fracture of collarbone and dislocation of joint between acromion and collarbone.,目的探讨锁骨钩钢板对锁骨远端骨折和肩锁关节脱位的疗效。 +"A brute force attack is the most comprehensive form of attack, though it may often take a long time to work depending on the complexity of the password.",蛮力攻击是最全面的攻击形式,虽然它通常需要很长的时间工作,这取决于密码的复杂程度。 +"Medium-bodied dry red wine, scents of plum, dried date and herbs.",中度酒体红葡萄酒,富有李子,干枣和香草气味。 +"They made a loud , unmusical noise.",他们制造一个很大的噪音。 +Here he shook his head and forced a bitter smile.,这里他摇摇头, 没奈何地苦笑了一下。 +The functions of multimedia playing of larger breath and clear that make education and conferences get the best result.,它所完成的大幅面、高清晰的多媒体演示功能,使教学和会议等达到较好的效果。 +Sadio Gassame said the stampede at Bamako's Modibo Keita Stadium took place during a ceremony marking the Muslim holy period of Maouloud.,萨迪奥加萨马表示踩踏在巴马科莫迪博·凯塔露天大型运动场发生,当时正在进行穆斯林神圣的仪式。 +"But the financial system is solid, and credit is available again—at a price.",尽管银行呆账总量在上升,特别是信用卡方面的呆账,但整个金融系统运行正常,贷款再次启动——只不过要付一定的代价。 +But they were then offered places on a smaller rowing boat.,但后来他们被安排进了一艘小型划艇中。 +Getting her to pull the taxi is one of the few ways that we could lure her out of mom's arms!,让她拉妈妈做的小出租车是少数可以让花花从妈妈怀里下来的方法之一。 +"Therefore from the basis of professional piano teaching in four areas, namely, skills-based training, a broad range of the piano works, teaching abilities, the ability to elaborate on the training.",因而从钢琴专业基础课教学的四方面,即技能的基础训练、广泛的涉猎钢琴作品、因材施教的教学、应用能力的训练加以阐述。 +"Methods Guinea-pigs were divided at randomly into asthma group, dexamethasone group and control group.",方法将豚鼠随机分为哮喘组、地塞米松组和正常对照组。 +A body portion located peripherally around the hub portion has a driver-side face and a driven-side face.,绕所述毂部的周缘设置的体部,所述体部具有驱动侧表面和从动侧表面; +"Even among magical beasts, a twin-headed dragon is a freak.",即使是在那些奇怪的魔法生物中,双头龙也算是一头怪物。 +"Use short, succinct sentences that get to the point immediately; remember, your goal here is to dispense important information, so give that to the reader right up front.",使用短小简洁的句子直奔主题;记住,写电邮的目的是为了传达重要信息,所以要让读邮件的人首先看到要点。 +"The essence of the objective of Chinas nationality Policy, realizing the "" defacto equality"" between nationalities, is to diminish the structural differences exist in various nationalities.",实现各个民族之间“事实上的平等”作为中国民族政策的目标,其实质是消除各民族间的结构性差异; +Singapore is ready to work closely with China to push forward bilateral cooperation in all areas.,新方愿同���方密切合作,推动两国各领域合作不断取得进展。 +"I went to the silver beach, I sat under the trees, the breeze came across me and I just watched people walk on the beach.",我走到银滩,坐在树底下,微风吹过我的脸,我看着人们在海滩上来来往往。 +The children are chasing one another among the bushes.,孩子们在树丛中互相追逐。 +"The result shows that the weighting of pillar-wall mining is great for the basic roof, uniform for working face, and moderate or a little greater than moderate in middle area.",柱壁式综采法是在已掘巷柱式采区内布置长壁工作面,并用综采成套设备回采的采煤技术。 +"To put it bluntly, when we pass our stress on to others, we violate the Golden Rule.",说白了,就是当我们把压力传递给他人的时候,我们其实是违反了黄金法则。 +"Project by HOOD Design: The New de Young Museum, San Francisco, CA, 2005.",项目由HOOD设计:新德杨博物馆,旧金山,加州, 2005年。 +"No scientist can flourish without publishing in English. When Germans trade with Brazilians, or Frenchmen with Angolans, they probably do so in English.",任何一位科学家都得用英语发表其研究成果,否则就不可能扬名立万。当德国人与巴西人、或法国人与安哥拉人做生意时,他们或许还得使用英语。 +"The tone of both Democrats was generally polite, but there were plenty of jabs thrown during the course of the debate about recent statements that have caused both contenders problems.",这两位民主党人在辩论中语气基本上平和有礼。 但是,针对最近给两人造成麻烦的一些问题,两人也不时有言辞锋利的交峰。 +"The new team's task is to keep the revitalisation plan on course, especially overseas, where some American brands are said to face political hostility from consumers.",新团队的任务就是保持其振兴计划不变,尤其是海外部分,据说在海外某些美国品牌面对着来自消费者的政治敌意。 +The second chapter is the structure of crime of fraud.,第二章为诈骗罪中诈骗行为的结构模式。 +"Prions are infectious and cause a range of neurodegenerative diseases including BSE, also called mad cow disease, and its human equivalent, Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease.",朊病毒具有传染性,并引起一系列神经退化疾病,包括牛海绵状脑病(也叫疯牛病)和人类的雅克布病。 +Can a Metaverse have any hope of taking form before the Web has solved the problem of a universal ID?,"在网络世界已经解决普遍身份认证问题之前,虚拟世界能有一些成型的希望吗?" +"This year, Al-Kasimi is adding another dish that combines American and Moroccan ingredients to her website to mark the Thanksgiving holiday.",今年,阿尔-卡希米在网站上加了一道结合美国和摩洛哥食材的感恩节菜肴。 +"Facing the interrogation jinyan care, that I would never leave LeiJinYi wujiang unless he don't himself.",面对金燕关怀的讯问,雷锦仪表示本人不会分开吴江,除非他不要本人了。 +"Guoren possessed extensive social power which covered polity, economy and culture. Because of the great power which Guoren had, they were mighty circle at that time indeed.",国人在政治、经济、军事、文教等各方面都拥有广泛的社会权力和影响力,是西周春秋时期一支强大的社会实力集团。 +Can they come close to the Chicago Bulls' record-setting 72-10 season in 1995-96?,他们这赛季能够接近1995-96赛季芝加哥公牛创下的72胜10负的纪录吗? +The former England centre-back believes Wenger's 14 years in charge have transformed Arsenal and eclipsed the great work of predecessor George Graham.,这位前英格兰中卫相信温格执教的14年改变了阿森纳,超越了前任格拉汉姆的伟大工作。 +"He Junfeng appear behind the Sun Weijun, asked her to put the gun down, but at this time, a few people surrounded the He Junfeng behind them.",贺俊峰出现在了孙维君的身后,要求她把枪放下,可是这时,身后几个人包围了贺俊峰。 +"The Central China Normal University in Wuhan, Hubei province is offering students and their parents a temporary home away from home.",湖北省武汉市的华中师范大学为学生和他们的父母提供了离开家之后的临时之家。 +"This article introduces a digital video monitor-control system based on PC, and gives the function modules, system frame diagram and some source codes.",介绍了一种基于PC的数字视频监控系统,给出了整个监控系统的功能模块、系统框架图及部分源代码。 +"Winickoff noted that cartridges fore-cigarettes are available in flavors, including chocolate, mint and bubblegum.",Winickoff提醒到,制造电子香烟的芯盒可做成各种气味,包括巧克力味、薄荷味和泡泡糖味。 +"When the length of a river is followed by an asterisk , it is an average of multiple information sources.",注上星号的河流长度表示这是许多测量��料的平均值。 +"In the director's first scripts Wuba was a fatty with wings, but after more than 1,000 revisions the creature gradually developed into what it looks like now.",第一个版本的胡巴,是一个有翅膀的小胖子,在经过1000多次的修改后,胡巴才逐渐变成了现在的样子。 +Qin: I think that for a long time people were put off-not by the actual portrayal of young love in the book-but by others saying that they shouldn't read or watch it.,秦:我认为,一直以来人们被阻止(看《红楼梦》)并非因为书中对年轻人爱情的描写,而是其他人“他们不应阅读或观看它”的言论。 +But our collective lust for iPod-like gadgets has some outsized impacts on the planet.,但对诸如iPod之类的电子产品的集体欲望对地球也有着不可小觑的影响。 +Matthew Perry appeared in Beverly Hills: 90210 earlier in his career.,马修· 佩里在他职业生涯的早期曾出演过《贝弗利山:90210》。 +Effects of conditions of electroless plating of Pb Sn alloy on the composition and thickness of the coating were studied.,研究了化学镀铅锡合金过程中各影响因素对镀层的组成和厚度的影响。 +"I despaired of our people, thought they had given up liberty for this mediocre tyranny.",他说,“我对我们的人民曾经绝望过,认为他们为庸政放弃了自由。 +"""[This line is] all about being a person who's well-lived and well-traveled and has intelligence and confidence, and letting that shine through"".",这个产品线是关于一个拥有良好生活、能够到处旅行的人的,她有智慧和信心,而且不介意将这些展现出来。 +"Therefor, the research on its structure and critical technologies has theoretical significance and vital use value.",因此,对其结构和关键技术进行系统研究具有一定的理论意义和重要的实用价值。 +This paper proposes a new method for aperiodic task scheduling and voltage allocation called voltage allocation with checkpoint-based schedulability test (CST-VA).,研究了嵌入式实时系统中如何达到上述三大目标的非周期任务调度和电压分配问题。 +"All patients presented purpura, 55% abdominal pain, 28% joint pain, 6.8% macroscopic hematuria.",所有患者均有紫癜,腹痛者占55%,关节痛者占28%,肉眼血尿者占6.8%。 +"Community Payphones, led by Celtel, provides finance and other support to entrepreneurs wishing to set up a payphone business, through partnerships with microfinance institutions.",由Celtel公司领导的“社区公用收费电话” 项目向那些期望通过与小额信贷公司成立合作伙伴关系来建立付费电话业务的企业家提供资金及其他支持。 +"Yes, this means handing over your account's info.",这就意味着公司会上交你的个人信息。 +"In such an environment, he still write the chronicle of sevastopol was decided that works.",在这样的环境中,他仍然写出了《塞瓦斯托波尔纪事》那样令人激赏的作品。 +The phase patterns are correlated with optical nonuniformities 502 of the object.,所述相位图案与所述物体的光学 不均匀性(502)相关。 +"The main result is that if you practice for 20 minutes, and then you are passively exposed to stimuli for 20 minutes, you learn as if you have been practicing for 40 minutes.",调查结果表明,如果你练习个20分钟,然后在下一个20分钟里无意识地把自己置于相关刺激中,如此一来,就等于你已经练习了40分钟。 +Actovegin is beneficial in protecting hepatocellular ultrastructure and improve hepatic function.,爱维治有益于保护肝细胞结构和功能。 +"It was in the 1980s and it was the same in 2008. Right now we are at about 7.8 percent and if you go above $100 per barrel to $120 per barrel, you get to that 9 percent level.","一如1980年代,2008年情况也雷同.目前约在7.8%,而每桶油价若升破100美元至120美元,比率就会到达9%水准." +"Zyuganov has run for president in the 1996,2000,2008, but were lost to Boris Yeltsin, Putin and Medvedev.",久加诺夫在1996、2000、2008年曾竞选总统,但分别输给了叶利钦、普京以及梅德韦杰夫。 +The company is also working to return development work that had been sourced to outside engineers back to Toyota employees.,丰田也在着手收回包给外部工程师的开发工作,让自己的员工来 做。 +"For the Japanese version, which is also a very good viral marketing for Hermes. What would Hk version bring to us this time?",港版电车男上演,日版给我们带来了爱玛仕,让我们瞧瞧这次港版为谁戴言。 +Objective: To investigate telomerase activity in chorion and decidua from mifepristone induced abortion at early gestation.,目的探讨米非司酮配伍米索前列醇早孕流产对绒毛、蜕膜组织端粒酶活性的影响。 +"You may have opportunities to form strong connections with your co-workers, friends, and fellow students or travelers today.",今天你有机会和��事,朋友,同学或是同行旅客有较为亲密的联系。 +"Neuroscientist André Fischer of the European Neuroscience Institute in Göttingen, Germany, and colleagues wanted to probe the histone connection further.",德国格丁根市欧洲神经科学研究院神经科学家André Fischer和他的同事发现了组蛋白与学习和记忆间更深层次的联系。 +"Given our huge and highly mobile population and our lack of experience with controlling a sudden epidemic, the country is still faced with a serious situation despite a great deal of work.",面对这场突如其来的疫情灾害,我们缺乏预防和控制经验,应对机制不健全,一些地方和部门工作不力,特别是中国人口多、流动量大,尽管我们做了大量的艰苦工作,但目前非典型肺炎防治形势依然严峻。 +"As one botched rescue follows another, solemn vows from European Union leaders that a break-up of the single currency is unthinkable and impossible have lost their power to convince.",接下来,补丁摞补丁似的营救行动会次第展开,欧盟领导人曾庄严承诺,共同货币的崩溃是不可想象、且不可能出现的情况,但如今这些话语已经失去了分量。 +The results show that the imposition of an external electric field can improve the adiabatic temperature of the reactive system and induce its self-sustaining combustion synthesis process.,结果表明:外加电场的焦耳热效应可提高体系的绝热燃烧温度,从而突破燃烧合成反应的热力学限制; +Net content of 200 kg / drum.,净含量200公斤/铁桶。 +"Peace has its victories, but it takes brave men to win them.",和平有它的胜利,但是唯有勇者才能赢得那些胜利。 +"So the signification of Dong Zhongshu's philosophy of history has been elucidated, which is a perfect achievement of his historical philosophy's construction - this is the conclusion.",故董仲舒历史哲学所阐发的历史之道正是其历史哲学建构的完满实现——这便是本文的结语。 +"The exercise will focus on anti-submarine warfare tactics, techniques, and procedures, officials said.",官方称,本次演习将重点演练反潜战术、技术以及程序。 +"T he various complex contexts are summarized as those of psychology, logic and background, upon which the nexuses in utterances rely to perform their cohesive and coherent functions.",各种复杂状态的语境可以归纳为心理的、逻辑的和背景的三个层次,话语中的语结都依赖这三层语境的作用来实现其衔接表义功能。 +"There seems to be more high-level member of the G, but the relevant information is unclear.",似乎还有更高阶的G级成员,但目前相关情报还不清楚。 +"Yi-jiang liu sent staff with two group against the hydrostatic county, ming-jen cheng combat deployment is arranged in the wall of the city, he and shi-wen guo on each side with a team of attack.",刘一江派参谋长带两个团攻打静水县城,郑明仁在墙城上安排作战部署,他和郭世文在两侧各带一队进行夹击。 +"Delilah therefore took new ropes, and bound him therewith, and said unto him, The Philistines be upon thee, Samson.",大利拉就用新绳捆绑他,对他说:“参孙哪,非利士人拿你来了!” +We are off for a while.,我们要离开一会儿。 +"Jade bead impression of Liu Wenkai had the very big change, for his former attitude apologize to him.",玉珠对刘文凯的印象有了很大的改变,还特意为自己以前的态度向他道歉。 +A stone marker shows the spot where the Santa Fe Trail ended in the city's historic central plaza.,一块石柱显示,圣达菲路在圣达菲市中心广场终止。 +But he would have been superhuman had he not resented the contrast between us by the media.,然而,他除非是超人才不会对新闻界褒我贬他感到愤懑。 +Can we get the mike in way in the back there?,麦克风可以到后面吗 +"I am a foot taller than Napoleon and twice of the weight of Twiggy ; on my only visit to a beautician, the women said she found my face a challenge.",我的尺寸比拿破仑高点,我的体重是芊芊细枝的两倍,在我仅有一次的光顾美容院的经历中,美容师说她发现我的脸对她来说是个挑战。 +And clay-sculptor Karen Portaleo's stunning cakes are guaranteed to satisfy any sweet tooth.,粘土雕塑家凯伦-波特利奥做出这些漂亮的蛋糕保证可以满足那些嗜甜如命的人的需求。 +The thesis describes the complete R&D procedure of the Special Vehicle CAN Sub-Node.,本文阐述了特种车辆CAN网络子节点的整个研制过程。 +"The solution of saddle grass bank. The flower is no one to wear, the wine is no one to persuade, and no one is drunk.",落日时分我解鞍驻马在芳草萋萋的河岸,虽有花枝却无人佩戴,虽有美酒却无人劝酒把盏,纵然醉了也无人照管。 +"Further more, an obvious relationship between pollen germination ability and relative pollen aperture characters was also discov…",此外,试验中还发现不同种作物花粉萌发力的差异与花粉萌发孔或沟的特征有明显联系。 +This was a technique that Orson Welles borrowed from John Ford who had used it two years previously on Stagecoach (1939).,约翰·福特在《关山飞渡》(1939)中使用了这一镜头语言。 +"Grateful that they had shown me around the city, I began to blurt out that I could I lend them the remainder, but was stopped in my tracks by a glance from Angel.",我很感激他们带我在城里游览,想把不够的钱借给他们,但是安琪朝我看了一眼使我放弃了这个想法。 +"She then moved to Mirabella magazine as assistant stylist and market editor and ultimately found herself at Elle, moving up the ranks until she became fashion director in 2000.",然后她到Mirabella杂志做形象助理和市场编辑; 最后她到Elle杂志工作,2000年升任时尚总监。 +Objective To study the influence of bi-lateral distal-extension removable partial dentures (RPDs) with various connecter designs on the displacement of abutments.,目的探讨上领双侧游离端可摘局部义齿的不同大连接体设计对非工作侧基牙位移的影响。 +"The research approach of the inscription on pottery is improved, many words have studied out, a lot of Disputable question have been solved .",陶文的研究方法得到改进,释字及与陶文相关的综合性研究取得了重大成果,很多具有争议性的问题得到了解决。 +Apply for tax registration in state administration of taxation and local taxation bureau seperately.,办理税务登记(国税、地税登记证); +"The United Nations was built by men and women like Roosevelt from every corner of the world -- from Africa and Asia, from Europe to the Americas.",从非洲到亚洲、从欧洲到美洲——联合国是由世界各地像罗斯福这样的男女志士创建起来的。 +We debated about which train to take.,我们考虑乘坐哪趟火车。 +Mr Kwok is the poorest in the village.,郭家在村里更是贫困户。 +"Without WPO, for example, the compiler can only inline functions within a single compiland.",例如,如果没有 WPO,编译器只能在单个编译域中内联函数。 +Come on guys lets drop a few right down the fat boys throat.,来吧名同志们,让我们对着小胖孩的喉咙投下对的东西。 +"The major pesticide degrading fungi were Aspergillus, Pinicielium, Rhizopus, Trichoderma, Fusarium, etc.",降解农药的真菌主要有曲霉属、青霉属、 根霉属、 木霉属、镰刀菌属等; +Ant Colony Algorithm is a novel simulated evolvement algorithm solving complicated combinatorial optimization problem and its typical feature is swarm intelligence.,蚁群算法是一种新颖的求解复杂组合优化问题的模拟进化算法,它具有典型的群体智能的特性。 +"Purely for the convenience of keyboard instruments, Baroque pitch is A415, a semitone lower than A440.",巴洛克式的音高标准定于A415, 比A440 低半级音,方便于键盘乐器 。 +Perfect. You and sheldon go to the junkyard and pick up 6 square meters of scrap aluminum?Raj and iw ill get the oxyacetylene torch .,完美,你和谢尔顿去废物堆积场找个6平方的铝合板,我和拉杰搞定氧乙炔喷焊器。 +"Current drilling technology requests that polyanionic cellulose (PAC) has the better properties to tolerate salt, calcium and temperature.",现在的石油钻井技术要求聚阴离子纤维素(简称PAC)具有更好的抗盐、抗钙和抗温性能。 +"You can run away but you can""t hide, Through a storm and through a lonely night.""",你可以逃开却不可以隐藏,经历了风暴忍受了孤独。 +I bypassed the city.,我绕城走。 +"After they had eaten, Dil said, as an afterthought, ""Now make sure the children don't go out tomorrow, whatever you do.""",吃过橘子后,迪勒好像又想起什么,开口说到, “明天,无论如何都不要让孩子出门。” +"Using the database to store test questions can improve the searching function for the test questions, but such softwares almost use their own text editors with limited format control functions.",改用数据库存储试题将使试题的存储和查找得到优化,这是大部分试题库软件的优势,但是这些试题库软件都使用软件自身的文本编辑器,功能十分有限,在数据的存储方面也只能存储纯文本的试题,不能存储图片、表格等。 +"If people disregard the great works of the past, it is because these wor ks no longer answer the needs of the present.",如果人们忽视了过去的伟大成就,那只能是因为这些成就已经不再满足现今的需要了。 +"Although it hovers near the freezing point, cut off from light and outside nutrients, Lake Vostok is teeming with microorganisms.",尽管温度处于冰点附近,隔绝了阳光和外界的营养,沃斯托克湖还是存在大量的微生物。 +The aim of his research was ambitious.,他的研究目标是有雄心的。 +"In England there is an appeal, on questions of law only, to the Court of Appeal (Civil Division).",在英格兰可以向上诉法院民事分庭上诉一次,但只能就法律问题提起。 +"Shanghai will build a magnetic suspended railway of 33 kilometers long, which will join Pudong International Airport to the subway station in Longyang Road.",上海将建设一条全长33公里的磁悬浮铁路,连接浦东国际机场和龙阳路地铁站。 +That's because employees--from a front-end cashier at Costco Wholesale to a GAP sales associate--are often a consumer's first and only interaction with a brand.,这是因为员工——从仓储式会员制连锁零售店好市多(Costco Wholesale)的前台收银员到服装连锁零售店盖璞(GAP)的销售助理——往往就是消费者与品牌之间首要也是唯一的互动对象。 +iStockphoto established the market for “microstock” photography by providing high quality stock photos at extremely low price points.,iStockphoto通过提供超低价但高质量的库存图片建立了一个“微库存图片”的市场。 +"Deputies to the people's congresses at all levels are elected, and are responsible to and accept supervision by the people.",各级人民代表大会的代表通过选举产生,对人民负责,受人民监督。 +"There are different parlances about the appellations of ""fu"", ""Songs of Chu"" and ""ode"".",关于“赋”、“楚辞”、“辞赋”等的称呼,一直比较混乱,说法不一。 +The result of the experiment analysis shows that axial uneven rate of the porous board cone can be adjusted by changing the top of the cone.,实测分析表明,多孔板圆锥筒轴向不匀率可通过改变锥筒锥角来调节。 +"About 75 percent of newspapers have launched online papers and 55 percent of them are providing SMS (short message service) news, the report says.",据《中国日报》消息,大约有75%的报纸已经设立了网络版,其中55%向用户提供手机报。请看报道。 +"'The reconstruction has not yet officially begun, ' Mr. Scheeren told the AP. 'However, preparations are under way for the start, but no specific date has yet been set.'",他对美联社说,重建尚未正式开始,不过准备工作已在进行,但还没有敲定具体的开始日期。 +The Paleogene lake basin of the Tangyuan fault depression experienced a process from small to large and again to small.,汤原断陷古近系湖盆经历了由小到大再到小的过程。 +"Adrian:No, this guy's business is tricking people.",亚德安:没有啊,这家伙是专门骗人的嘛。 +"Giving your X2-CRT the lowest possible CG, crisp lines are carefully sculpted to hug the chassis interior like a glove which allows for the smallest cab and side pod design possible.",让您的X2 - CRT显示器尽可能最低的协商小组,线条清晰精心雕琢拥抱机箱内部像一个手套允许最小的出租车和副作用可能吊舱设计。 +He draws back the target arrow at the anchor point with this drawing hand.,他有拉弦手向后拉弓弦直到满弓点。 +"Having white hair and ruddy complexion, my grandfather is hale and hearty.",我爷爷是位鹤发童颜的矍铄老人。 +The hidden law of a probable outcome. The numbers lead a dance.,一个未知结果隐藏的运算法则,纸牌上的数字跳起了舞。 +"Kenyans say it's all part of a broader Chinese strategy that is winning friends, opening markets and causing unease.",肯尼亚人民认为中国大型战略计划中的所有安排会为他们赢得朋友,开拓市场,但也会引起不安。 +"At the bottom of Figure 25, a geocentric ephemeris (using Bretagnon and Simon 1986) gives the apparent positions of the naked-eye planets during the eclipse.",在图25的底部,一个地心历表(使用Bretagnon和Simon 1986)给出了日食期间肉眼可见的行星的视位置。 +"If an element has this attribute with a value of 1.0, then the BC feature is enabled for the element itself and the sub-tree within it.",如果一个元素包含该属性,并且值为 1.0,则对该元素本身及其中的子树启用 BC 特性。 +"Have a product you can try traditional Chinese medicine, the usual on-line selling is fire, called the factor of the warm nest of young treasure ★ ★.",有个产品你可以试试,中药的,往常在网上卖的很火,叫做★年轻因子暖巢宝★。 +The Message (Msg) - Eugene Peterson completed this paraphrase of the entire Bible in 2002.,消息(M​​SG) - 尤金·彼得森在2002年完成整本圣经的意译。 +Lightman: Go look at the tape.,再去看看那盘录影带。 +"She's always living out of a suitcase. She travels so much that she's racked up over 500,000 frequent flyer miles in the past 2 years.",她成天过着旅行包式的生活。她出差如此频繁,在过去两年中她已积累了500,000多英里积分里程。 +"Uncle Henry was a short, pot-bellied, irascible old gentleman with a pink face, a shock of long silver hair and an utter lack of patience with feminine timidities and vaporings.",亨利叔叔是个性情暴戾老绅士,矮个儿,大肚子,脸孔红红的,一头蓬乱的银白长发,他非常看不惯那种女性的怯弱和爱说大话的习惯。 +"HMC has a further 60 or so international members, and up to 30 additional members (Heads of maintained schools in the UK).",英国校长 联合会有大约60个国际校长,及近30个加盟成员(英国的公助学校的校长)。 +Therefore the researcher should make the choice between emic and etic approaches before he makes a study of the power of forming sphere.,因此,在探讨空间形成力量之前,研究者应该在主位与客位的视角之间做出选择。 +"Objective To investigate the effects of Jiuxiang Xintongshu(JXXTS) on serum lipid level, platelet granule membrane protein 140(GMP-140) and NO in rats with experimental hyperlipemia.",目的探讨九香心痛舒对实验性大鼠高脂血症模型血脂代谢、血小板颗粒膜蛋白(GMP—1 40 )、一氧化氮(NO)的影响。 +"No, no, we are not satisfied, and we will not be satisfied until ""justice rolls down like waters, and righteousness like a mighty stream.""",不,不,我们不会满意,直至公正似水奔流,正义如泉喷涌。 +Objective:To evaluate the value of internal fixation after anterior approach decompression surgery in Cervical Spondylotic Myelopathy(CSM).,目的:评价脊髓型颈椎病前路减压后应用内固定的价值。 +The Biodiesel Agricultural Association neither buys nor leases land from the people.,生物柴油农业协会不从人民手里购买或者租借土地。 +"Morgan asked Colfer, who attended the White House Correspondents' Dinner on April 30, what happened when he met right-wing politicians at the dinner who vote against gay rights.",鉴于柯尔弗参加了4月30日的白宫记者晚宴,主持人问他在宴会上遇到那些反对同性恋权益的右翼政客时,他如何应对。 +"Now astrophysicists [Shaun Thomas, Ofer Lahav and Filipe Abdalla] have put a best-guess upper limit on the mass of the neutrino.",现在,天体物理学家对中微子的质量上限作出了一个最佳测定。 +Introduces the method that calculates the power supply appliances' series from the end and increase the power supply series by lowering return resistance.,介绍采用倒推法计算供电器的馈电级数以及通过降低回路电阻提高供电级数的方法; +"I’d lost my glasses when the soldier punched me, and did not see what Jim would later describe as a “serious abdominal wound,” and Manu, as “His insides were on the outside.”",在士兵打我的时候我的眼镜掉了,没看到Jim后来描述的“严重的腹部伤”,Manu说,“他的内脏都被打出来了。” +"The Shipyard is another masterpiece by Guan, where he proves to be more than a landscape painter, with a stronger emphasis on the subject matter and form.",《造船厂》是关良风景油画以外,另一出色的杰作,在题材及形式上得到重要发展。 +Gatekeeper training ensures that suicidal behavior will be taken seriously so that appropriate interventions can occur.,把关者训练确保自杀行为将会严肃对待,这样一来合适的干预措施就可以使用。 +Bullets of the machine-gun zipped over their heads.,机枪的子弹从他们的头顶上飕飕地飞过去。 +"In this article, the main factor to influence the steady of slope will be analyzed and more protection measures to slope management will be discussed.",本文分析了影响铜厂矿区边坡稳定的主要因素,并对今后边坡管理采取的防护措施进行了探讨。 +"It places strip among all nodes in the storage networks through extended RAID 5, and uses multi-copies over instable WAN to gain expected availability.",它对RAID 5进行扩展,将数据分片分散存储在网络中的各节点,并针对不稳定的广域网络使用多副本,以获得期望的可用性。 +"Whiphids are powerful swimmers, and their fur sheds water, allowing them to swim freely in the cold seas.",韦菲德人是游泳健将,能防水的毛发让他们可以在寒冷的海水中来去自如。 +"The essential characteristics of the national problems in China are of their importance, internationalization, complexity and protraction.",中国民族问题的基本特点是重要性、国际性、复杂性、长期性。 +"But in Beijing, there are competing centres of power at local and central government level that savvy artists can sometimes play off against each other to obtain the necessary stamps.",但在北京,存在地方政府和中央政府相互较劲的权力中心,聪明的艺术家有时可以从中挑拨,以获得所须的批准。 +It was a special scene after the snow in the mountain. Every hill was covered by white snow which contrasted sharply with the blue sky.,雪后大白天的井冈山四方环绕,亮出一道独特风景线:一座座小山都像被罩上了银白色的披风,与蔚蓝澄澈的天空形成鲜明对比。 +"The pieces have to fit in basketball, and the early indications are that they might fit better now in Oklahoma City.",球员们作为拼图,需要融入篮球体系中。而现在,早期的信息表明现在的雷霆队也许融合得更好。 +"Wherefore girding up the loins of your mind, be sober and set your hope perfectly on the grace that is to be brought unto you at the revelation of Jesus Christ;",所以,你们的心要准备好,时时警惕,把希望完全寄托在耶稣基督显现时所要赐给你们的恩典上。 +Chuang said:I think this is the heart.,庄总说:我认为这个是核心所在。 +This work was undertaken to investigate the effect of nitric oxide (NO) on aortic function of two kidney and one clip (2K1C) rats with renal hypertension.,探讨一氧化氮(NO)对二肾一夹(2K1C) 肾性高血压大鼠主动脉功能的影响。 +"The Victorian Era influenced conservative religious and social attitudes, fashion, and politics in her country as well as in the United States and other nations abroad.",维多利亚时代对于保守派的宗教信仰、社会态度、流行时尚以及本国政治都造成了巨大反响,甚至连美国和其他国家也深受影响。 +"Because of particular structure and stable performance of CAN bus, which applied in it is the most widely.",其中,CAN总线结构独特,性能可靠,所以CAN在车载网络中的使用最为广泛。 +"At last, physical optics propagation through the aspheric system is analyzed and then the irradiance distribution is discussed.",最后,对该非球面镜系统进行物理光学传播追踪,分析其光强分布。 +"NASA is building the Webb telescope at the Goddard Space Center, outside Washington DC. The agency hopes to launch it in twenty-fourteen.",美国宇航局正在建设在戈达德航天中心,华盛顿特区以外韦布望远镜。原子能机构希望推出二零一四年它。 +"The article describes a soft starter suitable for high power motor, its control circuit and different control modes.",介绍了适用于大功率电机启动的软启动器及其控制电路和不同的控制方式。 +"But a little scarcity will triumph over a low-price image, says Stanford's Prof. Shiv.",不过斯坦福大学教授希弗上周说,轻微的短缺状况会比低价形像的威力更大。 +"He now plans to use the technology to analyse more subtle patterns of human interaction, some of which may—like the gazing and “anding” that trigger nods, not yet be known about.",他现在计划用科技分析更多人类细微的互动形式,其中像凝视和“于是”激发点头的现象也许还不为人知。 +"We don't need to extract all of the data from those databases, nor do we need to get the data fully cleansed, we just need to show that we can do it in a performant manner.",我们不需要从那些数据库中抽取所有的数据,我们也不需要完全净化数据,我们只需要表明我们可以用演示的方式完成。 +"Bonds is an unusual power hitter because he does not strike out a lot, having whiffed 100 times only once, his rookie year with the Pittsburgh Pirates in 1986.",邦兹是一位与众不同的力量型击球员,他不会大量挥棒,只有一次挥棒100次,还是1986年作为新人加入匹兹堡海盗队的时候。 +"The server code was run on Tomcat 6.0.20, configured to use 1024MB of heap, with the client code using 512MB of heap. The web service stack versions tested were",服务器代码运行在 Tomcat 6.0.20 上,它的配置使用 1024MB 的堆,其中客户端代码使用 512MB 的堆。 +"SHAKERI GENERAL TRADING EST. is a foreign buyer from United Arab Emirates, need to purchase products of Mineral / Chemicals etc. categories.",该公司是一家来自阿拉伯联合酋长国的买家,需要购买的产品类别包括:矿产化工等行业。 +He did not trust the woman not to trust him. And he did not want to be mistrusted now.,他不能不相信那女人是信任他的,此刻他可不愿意让他怀疑他。 +The southern part of the Western Sichuan Depression is one of the major gas-producing provinces in Sichuan Basin.,川西坳陷南段是四川盆地主要的天然气产区之一。 +"Build China's largest offshore exhibition, organized business inspection team, with quality and efficient services.",打造国内最大的境外展览、商务考察组织团队,以优质高效的服务。 +"The high tension line inside the village uses unified string staff to divide each, cannot traverse a house owned by a citizen.",村内高压线使用统一的线杆分到各户,不能横穿民房。 +"Henry came banging out of the door, shoving his tie inside his vest as he came.",亨利出来时砰的一声关门,边走边往马甲里塞领带。 +And that the instrument which this thesis designs is based on traditional patch and effusion theory.,而本课题所设计的超声治疗仪正是基于传统补泻手法进行治疗的。 +"Besides, the retrieval accuracy also varies in different cloud types because of the magnitude of the LWC, the characteristic of the regular operator, and the lateral boundary factor.",受云液水含量、 正则算子特性及边界因素的综合影响, 不同云型的反演精度存在差异。 +It's the jaw-dropping billions of dollars in cash and stock bonuses awarded annually on Wall Street.,这就是华尔街从业者每年获取的高得令人乍舌的奖金:数十亿美元的现金和股票红利。 +Popper and the later Wittgenstein must be seen to be complementing one another.,实际上,波普的知识论与维特根斯坦的语言意义论具有相互补充的作用。 +This receiver requires an antenna and ground. The ground connection can be made to a water pipe (NOT a gas pipe! ). The antenna can be a 50 foot length of wire stretched outdoors between two objects.,此接收机需要天线和地线,地线可以为金属水管(不能是煤气管),天线可以是50英尺的线挂在两个物体上。 +But the senior antiterrorism official said small units of terrorists still had the capabilities to carry out attacks.,但上述高级反恐官员表示,小股恐怖分子仍然有能力实施攻击。 +"Life is long and full of many chapters, so don't overly fixate on finding the ""perfect"" job out of school.",人生很漫长,由许多不同的章节组成,所以没必要在一毕业就非要找到“完美”的工作。 +"Compared the developed post-processor with that in previous software, the displayed temperature fields at a specifical section of a casting were coincident with each other basically.",将所开发的后处理器与以前开发的后处理器相比较,两者在特定的截面上所显示的温度场基本一致。 +Collapse and rockfall is familiar geohazard in the mountainous area.,崩坍落石灾害是常见的山区地质灾害之一。 +"Use the stairs, never the elevator.",走楼梯,不要搭电梯。 +"Questions: Are Udrih, Garcia and Salmons ready for major roles over the course of an entire season? Will Martin be better or worse without Artest?",问题:尤德里、加西亚和萨尔蒙斯准备好在未来的赛季中挑起大梁了吗?马丁在阿泰斯特离队后是变得更加优秀,还是一蹶不振? +Mithraism was the reversal of the STO version.,密特拉教是STO版本的反面。 +Li Hong is an excellent teacher.,李红是一位好教师。 +The slide buried the trees in its path.,土崩一路上把树木埋了起来。 +"Three-quarters took place in Iran, Iraq and Saudi Arabia .",四分之三发生在伊朗、伊拉克和沙特阿拉伯。 +"Determines the Pump Octane Number (AKI), Research Octane Number (RON), Motor Octane Number (MON) of unleaded gasolines, optional Cetane IndexCetane Number for diesel fuels.",用于测量汽油的抗爆指数(AKI)、研究法的辛烷值(RON)以及动力法的辛烷值(MON),也可适用于柴油的十六烷值分析。 +"Because they are predominantly poor, smallholders are also more likely to experience adverse external shocks than higher income groups.",他们中主要是贫困小农,因而也比较高收入人群更有可能遭受外部的不利冲击。 +"So smile, be tolerant and open, don't compromise on your core values but understand and accept that things often work or are done differently than what you are used to.",所以,笑一笑、保持宽容和开放的心态,在核心价值上毫不妥协,不过也要明白并接受这样一点:事情的运作和完成常常不同于你习惯的方式。 +"1980 - A series of earthquakes in southern Italy kills approximately 4,800 people.",980年,在南意大利发生的一连串地震造成近4800人丧生。 +Did people on the reactive center gets lazy and complacent after defending free markets after 1989?,"控制局势的人士,是否变得懒惰和自满,在1989年为自由市场辩护后?" +"Eclipse RCP enables the next generation rich client, and is the basis for rich client platforms such as IBM Workplace Client technology.",Eclipse RCP 启用了下一代富客户端,并且是富客户端平台(例如 IBM Workplace Client 技术)的基础。 +"Because the industry has not yet reached consensus on some of the advanced web services specifications, it could be some time before WS-I incorporates them into its profiles.",由于业界在某些高级 Web 服务的规范上并没有达成一致,所以 WS-I 在将它们合并到概要中还需要一定的时间。 +The studio was impressed by Reagan's on-camera presence and offered the 26-year-old a contract at $200 per week.,华纳兄弟对里跟在银幕上的表现印象深刻,给了这位26岁年轻人一份周薪200美元的合同。 +"Next we looked into the log file produced by the PoC migration, analyzed the various groups of error messages, and identified the resulting actions.",接下来,我们查看 PoC 移植所生成的日志文件,分析各种错误信息,并且确定得出的行动。 +"Therefore, this model could be used to provide theoretical basis for the development and study of polymer-coated fertilizers .",该模型将对聚合物包膜肥料的研制和应用提供重要的理论指导。 +That’s why they don’t see the soul of the object.,就像艾丽卡说的:“人们会爱事物,他们爱他们到了一定程度,但多多少少是出于使用目的,所以他们看不到事物的灵魂。” +A study on the method of drawing conic normal lines through a given point outside the conic.,本文就过圆锥曲线外的点作其法线的方法进行研究。 +"Research into the Marketing Promotion Strategy of ""Guojin Sun"" Financial Product of Guojin Securities .",国金证券公司“国金太阳”产品市场推广策略研究这个论文题。 +The Speech Club is organizing school-wide speech training and contests to be held on each Saturday at the Students'Recreational Center.,演讲社于每周六在 学生活动中心举办全校性的演讲培训与比赛。 +Renames the old delete table.,重命名旧的删除表。 +"Compression attempts to reduce I/O by using CPU time to compress and uncompress data, and is most effective when I/O is a relatively scarce resource compared to processor cycles.",压缩操作能够通过使用CPU时间(来压缩和解压数据)减少I/O的操作,这在高I/O负荷的环境下是非常有用的。 +"A long soak in the bath during the colder months could hold some unexpected dangers, a Japanese study has found.",日本一个研究发现,冬天洗澡时长时间浸泡在热水里会引起一些意料不到的危险。 +One of the main reasons is that the number of vehicles is increasing much more rapidly than building of roads.,一个主要原因是车辆增加的数量远快于道路的建设。 +"The divine essence itself is love and wisdom. (Emanuel Swedenborg, Divine Love and Wisdom)",神圣的本体就是爱与智慧。 +"The next morning, they find an entire field full of female rabbits with no males in sight.",第二天早上,它们发现了一整片满是母兔子的菜地,而且一只公兔子也没看见。 +CIC is a very reputable global investor and this is a vote of confidence for Russia and for RDIF less than four months after our launch.,中投公司是一直全球范围内很有声誉的投资基金,他们的注资表现对俄罗斯和成立仅4个月的RDIF的信任 +Some of the best ideas at Google are sparked just like that – when small groups of Googlers take a break on a random afternoon and start talking about things that excite them.,Google还有不少很好的想法来源于这样一种情况——一些谷歌的员工在休息闲聊中,开始讨论能激发他们兴趣的话题,聊着聊着就迸发出许多有意思的创意。 +"And those in the wind in the roar, one day, it becomes a variation of our praise.",而那些在狂风里的嘶吼,总有一天,就变成对我们赞美的变奏。 +"Finally, with the trying out of this system in Dalian Sea Port, this paper states its achievements and shortage, and analyzes its development strategically.",最后,结合大连港港机租赁体制的试行情况,说明港机租赁体制的成果与不足,并从战略上对它的发展予以分析。 +OBJECTIVE:To determine the content of sophocarpidine in Fuyankang concentrated pill by HPLC.,目的:建立以高效液相色谱法测定妇炎康浓缩丸中苦参碱含量的方法。 +"On receiving this signed order, the online-trade server needs to validate the uniqueness of the nonce and check whether its identity is specified as the intended recipient.",一接收到经签名的订单,在线交易服务器就需要确认现时标志的唯一性,并检查其身份是否被指定为目标接收方。 +The folktale he told to me is gruesome one.,他给我讲了个令人毛骨悚然的民间故事。 +"Our family was saying that we wouldn't make it,"" Zapp said. ""The most optimistic were giving us a week's journey. No more.",夫妻俩说:“家里人认为我们不会成功的。最乐观的,也就认为我们的旅程顶多只会持续一个星期。” +"GM.N) was up 2.1 percent to $35.32 after several banks initiated coverage on the automaker, including ""overweight"" ratings from Barclays Capital and Morgan Stanley.","通用汽车(GM.N: 行情)大涨2.1%,报35.32美元,此前数家银行给予该股初始评级,包括巴克莱资本和摩根士丹利给予该股""加码""的评级." +Aquilani can pass the ball and when the game is open like in the second half (against Burney) he can move and give good assists.,阿奎拉尼传球很有一手,特别是当比赛场面打开的时候(比如对伯恩利的下半场),他可以通过跑动制造威胁传球。 +Any attack would have to begin deep in Japanese-controlled territory.,袭击必须要在日本控制范围内发起。 +"The Search Services form a key building block of the new web infrastructure, since search is such a basic and ubiquitous component of the web.",由于搜索是网络基本的、普遍的组成部分,搜索服务成为新的网络设施的重要组成部分。 +The act of taking possession of previously unowned property with the intent of obtaining the right to own it.,据有,占据占有以前不属于(某人自己)的财产的行为,意在获得拥有对其拥有权。 +A more detailed assessment of the contribution to England's midfield came from Eriksson himself.,艾力逊更进一步分析此位英格兰中场对国家的贡献。 +"I dreamed in an exhibition hall of hotel, it had full-ranged displays of luxury commodities, including high-end Hi-fis , cameras and watches. Participants were all those wealthy roles, except me.",我梦到自己在一家酒店的展厅里,周围是琳琅满目的物品,昂贵的音响、相机、手表包围着我,除了我以外,一切都是那么的华丽。 +"Two different compounds are available to each team at every Grand Prix weekend, and every driver must make use of both specifications during the race.",在周末的大奖赛中,各车队可以准备两套不同的轮胎,车手在比赛中两套轮胎都必须要用到。 +His manner was a blend of friendliness and respect.,他的态度友善且毕恭毕敬。 +"Having an open, latticed , or porous structure. Used especially of bone.",网状骨质的具有间隙的、格子状的或多孔结构的。 +"The re was then a full description of O clothes clothe s and appearance, and Mr Brown low 's full address.",启事接着详细地描述了奥利弗的穿着和长相,以及布朗洛先生家的详细地址。 +"Around St. Patrick's Day, we had a spell of sweet, warm weather beyond believing.",在圣巴特里克节前后的一段时间里,我们经历了一段令人难以置信的、温暖的天气。 +"Supporting this requires a number of server-side caching and session solutions, including proxying technology and dedicated session servers.",为支持此功能,要求大量的服务器端缓存和会话解决方案,包括代理技术和专用的会话服务器。 +Those who can manage their responses to stressors can bring down the fight-or-flight impulses that drive hormones into the forbidden zone.,那些能够管理自己对紧张刺激的反应的人可以降低对抗或发作的冲动,这种冲动使人的荷尔蒙达到危险区。 +Creating a large number of such controls that never actually display their scrollbar will encounter the leak.,如果创建了大量控件,但这些控件实际上又没有显示出滚动条则会导致内存泄漏。 +The detect and analysis method of acoustic fidelity of abnormal sound from the rolling bearings in household appliances is proposed.,介绍了家用电器类滚动轴承音质异音特征的识别方法。 +The SSCP patterns of standard bacteria accorded with clinical bacteria.,标准菌株和临床菌株的SSCP图谱完全一致; +"The blast took place about 1 p.m. local time in the town of Taza, about 10 miles southwest of Kirkuk and 149 miles north of Baghdad.",爆炸发生在当地时间下午1点,地点是塔扎市,距基尔库克西南方向大约10英里,距巴格达以北149英里。 +"Jack saw her, face turning pale.",安杰见了她,脸色刷地白了。 +Beretta added: 'The club have asked me for the objective which is to keep the side in the top flight.,贝雷塔还说:俱乐部让我完成将俱乐部保持在排名上游的目标即尽可能的排在前面。 +"You cynics out there gripe about the money women cost you, but the money you'd spend on dinner dates and the occasional gift is dwarfed by the prospect of having an extra income in the household.",你总会愤愤不平的抱怨女人会花你的钱,但想想那些花在约会,还有时不时的礼尚往来上的开销,这些钱又算什么呢。 +"Julienne stewed beef. Rinse the baby bok choy in stalks, then cut lengthwise into long strips.",卤牛肉切丝,青江菜整棵洗净直切长条。 +"The dependence on the doping concentration, field plate thickness and length of the surface electric field profile has been analyzed.",在该模型基础上,分析了衬底掺杂浓度、场板厚度和长度对二维表面场分布的影响。 +AIM:To construct a three-dimensional culture model of human dental follicle cells(DFCs) to evaluate the feasibility of the two materials in the scaffolds of periodontal tissue engineering.,目的:构建人牙囊细胞的体外三维立体培养模型,探讨两种支架材料用于牙周组织工程的可行性。 +"Without the css, there would be no color and a much looser, less organized page layout.",如果没有 css,页面中就不会有颜色,页面的布局看起来就会很松散,页面的组织也很不美观。 +"Legolas media, which was founded in 2009, is based in New York.",Legolas媒体,于2009年成立,总部设在纽约。 +The participants were serially shown words in large or small fonts and asked to predict how well they’d remember each.,被试对象按照顺序看到了一些不同字体大小的单词,然后被要求预测出对每一个单词的记忆程度达到的什么水平。 +"Shanghai's women take part in patriotic campaign against imperialism, and realize the importance of women's concentrate.",上海妇女参加到反帝爱国运动中,由此意识到妇女集结群体的重要性。 +"Mr. Kahle said, ""We're just trying to do what libraries have always done.""",卡尔则声称:“我们仅仅是在做各大图书馆已经在做的事情而已。” +"They earn less than men, on average, and bear more responsibility for looking after children and the elderly. Only 3% of Fortune 500 CEOs are female.",她们平均比男性挣得少;在照看儿童和老人这方面,她们又要担负起更多的责任;财富500强的CEO中只有3%的女性。 +""" Micromanipulation of Sperm"" uses microscopic instruments to guide the sperm into the egg to increase the chances of fertilization.",是利用显微仪器将精子直接注入卵子内,以提高受孕机会。 +"How high up were the authorities who ordered and condoned torture and then let the ""rotten apples"" at the bottom of the military heap take the fall?",下令和批准虐囚、而后让军队 底层所谓的“耗子屎(烂苹果)”作替罪羊的那些人官阶到 底有多高? +Minus signs are also accepted when placed in accordance with the current pattern.,依照当前模式放置,负号也被接受了。 +"The merchant sold electrical appliances, such as microcomputer, microphone, microprocessor and microwave ovens.",商人卖一些电器,比如微型计算机,话筒,微处理器和微波炉。 +"It is shown that there are considerable difference of Green's function obtained by these two models, especially for small ψ.",发现在近区用1066A模型和经典的G-B模型求出的格林函数值差别较大。 +"Happy Birthday, Alice. Many happy returns of the day. Here's a present for you.",爱丽丝,生日快乐。年年有今日,岁岁有今朝。这是送给你的礼物。 +"Like mist drown burn, even break one miss…",如烟灭焚燃,偶断一须思念。 +The gene OCA2 (previously called the P gene) is the only gene known to be associated with oculocutaneous albinism type 2.,OCA2基因(以前称为P基因)是唯一已知与2型眼皮肤白化病相关的基因。 +Muscle mass naturally diminishes with age.,肌肉组织会随着年龄而自然减少。 +"Although the scenery unlimited, but the Xingcheng ""micro-city of the small words, "" kept in purdah knowledge is not yet avail.",虽然风景无限,但是兴城“城小言微”,养在深闺尚不为人所识。 +Here's an idea: Stick an elastomer foam Einstein head on a robot spaceman.,把一个用泡沫塑料制造的爱因斯坦的头装到机器人航天员的身上。 +"The original pictograph for woman depicted her in a bowing position . Apparently, for ease in writing, man reduced this to a humbler form -a woman kneeling down -but not for long.",女:在最早的像形文字中,“女”字被描述为一个弓著腰的女子的形像(),后来为了书写的方便,“女”字被简化为一个女人谦恭地跪著的样子()。 +"Cangdong, Baitangkou, Tianjin fault belts are made from some faults separately, which control structures of Shuangyao convex, Baitangkou depression and Banqiao depression.",沧东、白塘口、天津断裂均是多组断层构成的断裂带,控制了双窑凸起、白塘口凹陷、板桥凹陷及静海斜坡带次级构造单元。 +"However, we hypothesize that contextualization is beneficial in some situations but not in others.",然而我们推测,情境在一些情况下是有用的,但在另一些情况下无效。 +"Abstract: The paper adopts a perspective of sociology of news production to do the case study of Southern Metropolitian Daily""s indepth reporting.""",本文以新闻生产社会学为研究视角,以新闻生产与社会控制的关系为核心问题,对《南方都市报》深度报道进行个案研究。 +"Selling that technology to customers, however, might be a tough call — it the driver look like he or she came straight out of a Star Wars movie.",然而,想消费者出售这些技术也许要费些口舌,因为驾驶员看起来更像是来自于《星球大战》电影里。 +"Presently she began to fetch more and more to the westward, so that I thought they had sighted me and were going about in chase.",然而现在它开始愈来愈向西偏,因此我以为他们发现了我,追来要捉住我。 +"In prevention, public security organization should first strengthen the control of social information and be the good helper of Party Committee and the government;",在预防方面,一要加强社情信息控制,为党委、政府决策当好参谋助手; +"To support the emergency feeding program at Hawa Abdi's camp in Somalia, go to vitalvoices.org.",如果想支持哈瓦•阿迪难民营的紧急食物供应计划,请登录vitalvoices.org。 +Objective:To study the influence on the recurrence of pterygium treated by limbal stem cells and bulbar conjunctiva autograft transplantation.,目的:研究自体角膜缘干细胞和球结膜移植治疗翼状胬肉术后复发的效果。 +"Spica radiates blue-white, whereas Saturn shines with a golden hue.",一 散发蓝白的星光,而土星散发金黄的暖色。 +"The star actor was ill, so his understudy had to alternate for him.",这个剧的演员名单中��一位国际明星。 +"In challenging Wikipedia, Google is taking on a site that claims 75,000 active contributors working on 9 million articles in more than 250 languages.",为了向维基百科挑战,谷歌宣称有75,000位积极的贡献者正在撰写九百万篇文章,而其中使用的语言超过250种。 +"That's when I think to myself, Holy crap, I really love my life, and the experiences I'm able to have.",那是我考问自己的时候,我靠,我真爱我的生活,还有那些我所获得的经历。 +"From a structural point of view, phenylethyl malonic acid is with the above characteristics.",从结构上看,苯乙基丙二酸正具备上述特点。 +"When Volvo Cars was acquired by Geely of China last year, there was nervousness about what the deal would mean for the Swedish car industry.","去年沃尔沃汽车被中国的吉利汽车收购时, 瑞典人都在担扰这此的交易对瑞典的汽车行业将会造成什么样的影响." +Would you tickle a gorilla?,你会给一只猿挠痒痒吗? +"With the arrival of the Touaregs in the Bani Walid, NATO and rebels are in full retreat .",随着图阿雷格志愿者的到来,拜尼沃利德外的北约和反对派全部撤退。 +It is impossible to deliberate over every detail of conduct.,对自己行为的所有细节都深思熟虑考虑周到是不可能的。 +The vulcanizing properties of CB filled IIR with sulfur curing system were researched.,研究了炭黑填充丁基橡胶硫黄硫化体系的硫化特性。 +"However, we are excited about the new Microsoft My Phone service, which will be available as a limited, invite-only beta.",但是,我们仍然对新微软My Phone服务的运行感到欣喜。 这项服务的测试版将给部分用户提供限量服务。 +"However, if you spend 30 minutes every day on the Serenata by Toselli, after a while you will master it technically and musically and the critics will be enthusiastic.",而如果你每天花30分钟在托塞里(Toselli)的小夜曲上,不用多久你就能在技术和音乐方面掌握这首曲子,那些批评家也会变得热情起来。 +"It wasn't ten seconds later when Chuck blurted out, ""Mark is talking again.""",不到十秒钟就听见查克突然嚷起来:“马克又说话了。” +Then your daughter must be a really good singer.,你的女儿唱歌肯定非常好听。 +"If you have a homegrown productivity technique that works well for you, I would love to hear about it.",如果你有自产的效率技术,我愿闻其详。 +"In the past, both China and Russia have proved reluctant to interdict North Korean arms shipments despite U. N. resolutions calling for them to be blocked.",过去,虽然联合国决议要求拦截装运武器的朝鲜船只,但中国和俄罗斯对此都很不配合。 +A new variety of Salix from Shandong.,标题 山东柳属一新变种。 +Refer to the instrument's instruction manual for information on a particular electrometer 's internal damping feature.,关于特定静电计内部衰减电路的性能,请参阅该仪器的操作手册。 +High performance paper designed for high volume printing.,专为高产量而设的办公用纸。 +They acknowledged storm surges carrying oil inland is a major concern.,他们承认风暴潮将原油带往内陆是他们最担忧的。 +"Methods 80 cases of cold bronchial asthma patients were randomly divided into 2 groups, 40 cases in each group.",方法 80例支气管哮喘寒哮证患者随机分为两组,每组40例。 +"When Putin was appointed prime minister by Yeltsin in August 1999 and then became acting president five months later, following Yeltsin's unexpected resignation, little was known about him.",1999年8月,当普京被叶利钦任命为总理,五个月后叶利钦出人意料地辞职后担任代总统时,外界对他的了解还不多。 +"Polamalu is that versatile, and his constant movement forces teams to adjust.",Polamalu是多才多艺的,不断运动的力量和他的团队进行调整。 +"The results showed that ginger had better antioxidant effect, and the quality of vegetable oils could be stabilized by adding 1.0% gingle.",结果表明,生姜对食用植物油具有较好的抗氧化效果,添加1.0%的生姜能基本上稳定储油的品质而不酸败; +"Ergin continues his introduction and delves deeper into After Effects with an explanation of blending modes, filters, basic masking, adjustment layers and more.",埃尔根继续他的介绍和深入研究的更深入的影响后的混合模式,过滤器,基本掩蔽,调整层次和更多的解释。 +"Among those most likely to drive, 51.7 percent of 11th-graders and 73.1 percent of 12th-graders reported engaging in the practice.",在那些最可能开车的学生中,11年级的(相当于国内的高二,译者注)学生中有51.7%,而12年级的学生中有73.1%经常发生这种事。 +"And we, on our part, shall not handle competitive products offered by other su liers either.",当然我们也不能经营其他供货商提供的竞争性产品。 +There were other Chinese contributions to the war effort. One was the contribution of Chinese who provided early warning information by telephone to General Chennault's headquarters.,中国人还为战争努力作出了其他贡献,一个贡献就是中国人用电话向陈纳德将军司令部提供早期预警信息。 +"He is energetic in reaching out to Iran and Syria, attracting funding for welfare and edu­cation to secure Hamas's popularity in Gaza.",他一直积极地在伊朗和赛比亚活动,以吸引基金来改善民众的福利和教育,以此巩固哈马斯在加沙的声望。 +"The stretched-string problem is one that every physics major studies, due both to its relative simplicity and its importance in the history of science.",拉伸弦的问题是每一个物理家的主要研究内容,出于两个原因,一是其相对简单,二是因为它在科学史上的重要性。 +He takes his sprayer in his hand appreciating their beauty and smelling their fragrance.,他手里拿着喷壶津津有味地欣赏着花的美丽,闻着花的芳香。 +"Slagging and fouling on heat transfer surface is a familiar and unavoidable problem of power boiler, which is adverse to keep boiler running safely and economically.",受热面污染作为燃煤电站锅炉运行中一个不可避免的实际问题,对锅炉的安全经济运行带来严重影响。 +"In the process of Chinese culture's development, the thought of Confucianism played a very important role.",在中华文明发展进程中,儒家思想起到了支柱性作用。 +The project includes the TBC oxidation experiment and TBC thermal cyclic experiments.,整个实验工作分为涂层氧化实验和热疲劳实验; +"But, it is in small scale that constructing SDI relatively is more feasible.",而在小尺度空间上实现这一目标相时更有可操作性。 +This features ensures that you don’t have to edit your .htaccess file or use an alternate plugin.,这个功能确保你无需编辑你的.htaccess 文件,或者使用替代的插件。 +"Dr. Leonard Lichtenfeld, the American Cancer Society's deputy chief medical officer, doesn't think that one study proves that red wine will protect you from lung cancer.",“美国癌症学会”医疗副总监伦纳德· 林岑菲尔德博士认为,单单一项研究并不证明红葡萄酒会使人远离肺癌。 +"Next day it was the turn of the second son, who sought a place next to the garden hedge where nothing but good herbs grew, and the goat gobbled them all up.",第二天轮到二儿子放羊。 他在花园的篱笆旁找到一片肥嫩的鲜草,羊儿一点一点的全吃光了。 +"A total of 2,729 counties (cities, districts) conducted the new cooperative medical care system in rural areas, with a participation rate of 91.5 percent.",2729个县(市、区)开展了新型农村合作医疗工作,新型农村合作医疗参合率91.5%。 +The city’s hopes for another 140 buses from here were put off.,该城市的对新飞公司140辆新车的希望处在无限延期中。 +Photochemical bleaching of pulp based on singlet oxygen mechanism is a novel environmentally friendly bleaching method.,基于单线态氧机理的光化学漂白是一种新颖的环境友好纸浆漂白方法。 +Oil lubrication: check once every day and pour lubricating oil according to requirement when necessary.,油滑润:每天检查一次,必要时按要求加注润滑油。 +The simple calculation formulas for solving the assembling dimensional chain with repair method have been derived. Thus the calculation of repair method is simpler and easier to be mastered.,推导出了修配法解装配尺寸链的简易计算公式.使修配法分析计算更为简便,更易于掌握。 +"Wang has sought custody of their two children, and child support payments from his wife until they are 18, according to Chinese reports.",据中国媒体报道,王宝强要求两个孩子的抚养权,并要求妻子支付孩子的抚养费,直到他们18岁成年为止。 +We opened a white pagoda to the port.,左舷方面看出一座白塔来了。 +"The gender perspectives of the parents in working class emphasize gender-divided, and the parents in middle-upper class are more equal.",参、中上阶级家庭中的性别互动较为紧密且具支持性,劳工阶级则较疏离且各行其是。 +One of the key points in the reform of capital construction is the public bidding and contract system.,招标承包制是基本建设改革的关键,评标是招标投标的重要环节。 +"Action in rem first founded in Roman, but it survived only in England, and thrived in its maritime procedure.",对物诉讼源于罗马法,却只在英国得到延续,并在其海事诉讼中得到巨大发展。 +I am Stone Lee. I come from Beijing.,我是李斯通。我来自北京。 +"Although air-supported structures has some irevocable shortcomings, its advantage in certain field is obvious.",充气膜结构虽然具有一些难以回避的缺点,可是在一定领域内它的优势是明显的。 +"Network virtual property refers to a new type of digitalized property which exists in the network space, isolated from the real world, and can be measured by the present measurement units.",网络虚拟财产是指存在于与现实具有隔离性的网络空间中、能够用现有的度量标准度量其价值的数字化的新型财产。 +"Our imaginations become aware of the vast distance of space, the immensity of the earth and the huge improbability of our own existence.",我们的想象力能够察觉宇宙的宽广,地球的广袤,以及我们自身存在的巨大不合理。 +Objective:To study the prevention and treatment for the late puerperal hemorrhage.,目的:探讨晚期产后出血的预防与治疗。 +"A patient, any patient, is entitled to have confidence respected, to be protected against a gabby doctor .",病人,任何病人,都有权要求医生尊重他的隐情,有权不吃一个多嘴饶舌的医生的亏。 +"Mr Lew said the alternative would be to increase the deficit reduction now being sought by Congress’s “supercommittee”, created under last month’s debt deal.",卢先生说,其他选择将增加削减赤字的负担。 根据上月签订的债务协议,创立了国会的“超级委员会”,该委员会现在正在寻求赤字削减。 +Some problems encountered in the sulfur dioxide removal from flue gases of small-scale boilers are discussed here.,本文叙述了小型锅炉烟气脱硫中遇到的一些问题。 +"After plunging to an intraday low of $74.58 a barrel when stock markets collapsed and the dollar rallied around mid-afternoon, June crude was trading down $2.87 at $77.11 by 4:27 p.m. (2027 GMT).","美国近月6月原油期货CLc1因股市崩跌以及美元上扬而挫至每桶74.58美元后,结算价跌2.86美元或3.58%,报77.11美元." +People favor underdogs but follow onlyn_top dogs. Fight for a few underdogs anyway.,人们同情弱者,却只追随强者。但还是要为几个弱者而仗义。 +"In 2007, Starbucks shut down a coffee outlet in the complex after a populist outcry that its presence was staining China's cultural heritage.",2007年故宫里的星巴克停止运营,原因是民族主义者的强烈抗议,认为它的存在玷污了中国的文化遗产。 +One key goal is to help people communicate more effectively and make wrap-up times more predictable.,他们的关键目标之一是帮助人们更有效地沟通,使得会议总结更易预见。 +Get rid of things that make you unhappy. Make happiness a priority in your life.,解决掉那些让你不快的事情,让快乐成为你生命中的头等大事。 +"So is Uncle Mac, and Artie , they're all coming over here before the wedding?",那么,麦克叔、阿尔第,在婚礼前他们都来这儿? +"By the time a worried parent asked me about a child who had stolen something, I had some answers — because I had already been a worried parent and had asked my own pediatrician.",曾经有个焦虑不安的家长来问我家里的小孩偷东西该怎么办? 我当时给了些建议,因为我自己也曾这样忧心忡忡过,也请教过我自己的儿科医生。 +"And in a Harvard University study, midlife men who ran for at least three hours per week had a 30 percent lower risk of impotence than nonexercisers.",在哈佛大学的一项研究中,与不运动的中年男性相比,那些一周至少跑三个小时的人患阳萎的机率要低30%。 +"Some opponents of daylight saving time include the agricultural community, where the loss of early morning daylight is a concern.",该提议的反对者包括农业从业者,他们担心失去早晨的日照时间。 +The caving of dangerous rock is a kind of harmful physico-geological phenomenon occurred commonly in mountainous areas.,危岩崩落是山区常见的一种不良物理地质现象。 +But the rapid transit systems have another benefit: they may hold a key to combating climate change.,然而,快速公交系统还有另一个好处:它们可能是对付气候变化的一种手段。 +"If you want to test the SQL statement, press F5 to execute the script.",如果您想要测试 SQL 语句,按 F5执行该脚本。 +"In Listing 7, you'll compress a file using bzip2.",在清单 7 中,您将使用 bzip2 压缩文件。 +This paper explores the value of studying attitudes to the death penalty from the point of view of a fundamental philosophy of human rights.,本文由基本人权哲学探讨对死刑存废的态度,认为某些哲学无法适当地表达人权思想。 +Brabante is talking to the manager of the local factory where the crop is processed.,布拉班特太太现在正和负责通心粉加工的当地加工厂的经理交谈。 +"""Alan is a distinguished academic leader who brings to Harvard an extraordinary breadth of experience in research across disciplines,"" said Faust.",“艾伦是一个优秀的学术领导,他给哈佛大学的跨学科研究带来了一个非比寻常的经验的宽度,”福斯特说。 +"Delicately aromatic with a sweet, gentle flavor, winy after taste.",略带甜味的精致香气,舒适温和,酒香馀味。 +"Miller said the most notorious nails in the NBA are from Detroit guard Richard Hamilton, a notion that Martell Webster 2)seconds.",米勒说,在NBA最臭名昭著的指甲来自于底特律活塞后卫理查德· 汉密尔顿,而这一观点也得到马特尔· 韦伯斯特的赞同。 +"The airline will be launching a frequent flyer programme soon and Kathleen Tan, regional head of commercial, is quick to add to that “to us, it will be a business unit to earn ancillary revenues”.",亚航将在近期推出常旅客计划,商务副总裁Kathleen Tan补充道“对于我们而言,这将是一个赚取辅助收入的业务部门。 +"For example, we do not connection pool and do not use a common command interface.",例如,我们不使用连接池,也不使用通用命令接口。 +"But in the grey region which could not be controlled by the government, people usually solved the disputes over water affairs by means of weapon fight etc.",而在国家无力控制的“灰色”区域,民间则采取械斗等方式,以武力解决水事纠纷。 +The professor impels him to greater efforts.,教授鼓励他做出更大努力。 +"Violet arenaceous glass quality black star sand, which has a variety of minerals and trace elements in human body has health care function.",紫砂杯选用优质黑星砂,其中有多种矿物质和微量元素对人体具有保健作用。 +The midfielder seemed to hurt his knee during England's 2-1 friendly win over Japan on Sunday - but he has shrugged off the latest knock.,英格兰中场核心在2:1日本的比赛中再一次受伤,但是他已经被证实没什么大碍。 +We waited as the clock ticked away the last few seconds of the old millennium.,火车站的时 钟滴答滴地响着,一分一秒地送走了等车的几个小时时间。 +"Eye-tracking could soon be coming to cell phones, allowing hands-free control of mobile devices that goes way beyond voice activation, Technology Review reports.",眼球跟踪技术很快就会应用到手机上,那时移动设备的无手控制就不仅仅是声音激活了, 技术评论报道。 +"In developing countries, computers are outfitted with grand educational hopes, like those that animate the One Laptop Per Child initiative, which was examined in this space in April.",在发展中国家,计算机被寄予了巨大的教育期望,就比如那些鼓励一个孩子一台笔记本电脑的倡议,今年4月份本站曾对此倡议作过调查。 +"When an explosive package blasts in some water depth, it produces impact waves and air pockets at same time.",炸药包在一定水深爆炸时,形成水中冲击波的运劝,同时形成水中气泡。 +The study was made concerning the use of mixed emulsifiers and stabilizers in the emulsified honey as well as the impact of each producing tache on the nutrition loss.,本文研究了复合乳化剂和稳定剂在乳化蜂蜜中的应用,以及各加工环节对蜂蜜主要营养成分的影响。 +When her husband told her what he had done she stamped her foot and threatened to divorce him.,当她丈夫把他所干的事情告诉她时。她气得直跺脚,并威胁要离婚。 +"Insufficient control over your change history can lead to issues such as lack of information to which the state can revert to, once a “bad” change needs to be rolled back.",如果对更改历史的控制不充分,就会导致各种问题,比如当需要回滚 “不适当的” 更改时,就不能确定应该恢复到哪种状态。 +The results showed that the biomass of these 3 types of herb community were 785.,草本群落是汾河河漫滩的主要植被类型。 +"LL: That""s right - Quals is short for qualifying examinations.""",还可以吧,不过马上就要考试了,我特别紧张。 +Materials and Methods: The clinic and X-ray features of 29 cases with esophageal submucosal hematoma proved by esophagoscopy were analyzed retrospectively.,材料和方法:回顾性分析经食道镜确诊及处理的29例食管黏膜下血肿的临床及X线食管钡餐表现。 +"Another point that Lepp emphasized was that the code for Zimplit itself ""is incredibly simple.",Lepp强调的另一点就是Zimplit自身的代码“也极其简单。 +"By using digital millisecondmeter and phototube instead of manual operation, the improved trilinear pendulum experimental device improves measuring precision.",本文介绍了三线摆测物体转动惯量实验中用光控数字毫秒计测量周期的方法,提高了测量精度。 +"The majority of our interns are referred from local educational institutions, but individual applications are also welcomed.",我们大部份的实习生是透过本地大专院校转介的,但亦欢迎个别同学直接向我们申请。 +"If she drops out, Jean wins for sure, So the expected distance away from her of the winning candidate is two away.","如果她退出,吉恩就肯定获胜,预期获胜者与她之间,的距离是两个位置" +"The TestConductor Add On automates the testing activities by creating a test architecture and enabling tests to be graphically captured by using UML sequence diagrams, state charts, or flowcharts.",通过使用 UML 序列图,状态表来创建一个测试结构并执行测试操作,TestConductor Add On 实现了测试活动的自动化。 +China is not going to implode and will continue to grow much faster than Japan for at least 15-20years.,中国不会崩溃,而且在未来15-20年内仍将继续保持高速增长,并将日本远远抛在后面。 +"Certainly it supports the rise of incubators like Y-Combinator and ""super angels, "" or individual investors who can provide sufficient capital to propel a startup venture to breakeven and beyond.",毋庸置疑,它将使孵化器增长,像Y组合和“超级天使,”或能够提供充足资金来带动一项创业保本和盈利的个人投资者。 +"I cannot blame Fred at all. Everyone tries it on. Like it or not, this is part and parcel of football.",我不能责怪弗雷德,每个人都会尝试这样,不管你喜不喜欢,这是足球的一部分。 +Blue Jay gets a bonnet.,蓝鹣鸟拿到了一顶童帽。 +The main reason of shrinkage stress during curing period is the change from distance between monomer molecules to covalent distance .,树脂固化时收缩应力的主要原因是单体之间的分子间距离缩短变为共价距离。 +"Singh said that historically soyoil had been treated more favorably than palm oil, because in the past India did not produce any soyoil.",辛格说,一直以来,给予豆油的优惠总是多于棕榈油,这是因为印度过去从不生产豆油。 +"Wharves, quays and piers are often in the general port language combined in one terminology--docks.",顺岸式码头和堤岸式码头以及突堤式码头可用一个港口术语统称为码头。 +His method is to synthesize the views of Chinese public intellectuals who write in Chinese policy magazines roughly similar in function to Foreign Affairs and in other media.,他的方法是将中国的公共知识分子发表在类似《外交事务》这样的政策性杂志和媒体上的观点整合起来。 +"As engines get smaller, yet maintain the power density of a larger engine, the valves in them tend to take a greater beating.",发动机越来越小巧,却仍保留了大号发动机的动力密度,这时气门会承受更大的热量。 +"On November 29, 2004, the 6th China-Japan-ROK Leaders' Meeting was held in Vientiane, the capital city of the Laos.",2004年11月29日,第六次中国、日本和韩国领导人会议在老挝首都万象举行。 +"In the case of wireless and iTV, the players access is provided through their Telco.",对于无线和 iTV,玩家通过他们的电信服务公司来玩游戏。 +"The sub-station processes the advantage of simple structure, high reliability and strong versatility.",分站具有结构简单、可靠性高、通用性强等优点。 +"Now, a new study has found that a woman's total body mass—as well as how she carries extra weight—affects her cognitive abilities after menopause.",现在,一项新研究发现,妇女绝经期后的全身体重和赘肉分布方式对她的认知能力有所影响。 +The calculation models of the heat transfer coefficient between the blast furnace gas flow and the heat surface of stave are established based on the substitution method of boundary condition.,基于边界条件替代法建立了高炉冷却壁热表面与炉气间的传热系数计算模型。 +"Starting this year, we're going to be selling exclusive items and capsule collections from emerging labels such as Trovata and Yigal Azrouël.",从今年开始。 我们要销售独家经营项目,压缩新品牌,如Trovata 和依盖尔·埃如艾尔(Yigal Azrouël)的收集。 +"Football match at present enter one stress tight whole , at2 tack defend , technology overall , tactics changeable era fast already.",目前足球比赛 已进入了一个讲究严密整体, 快速攻防、技术全面、战术多变的时代。 +This Dianreguo than electric wire electric power saving could be around 40 per cent.,这种电热锅比用电热丝电炉可节电40%左右。 +It is pointed out that the process and equipment type-selection based on the users'experience should be the key points to the auto OEM production line design.,认为涂装线设计时,使用单位依据经验教训,在工艺流程和设备选型上应起关键作用。 +"Retail outlets selling books, newspapers, stationery, gifts and novelties , etc.",书报、文具、礼品及精品等的零售商。 +Get tips on Polaroid collages from a professional photographer in this free photography video.,从一个专业的摄影师在这个自由摄影视频宝丽来拼贴技巧。 +"Gong was bestowed with a Chevalier in 1998. ""But I felt different this time, because it was the Expo, and it was in China, "" Gong told reporters.",巩俐曾在1998年被授予过“骑士勋位”。“但是这次我感觉不同,因为此次是在中国的世博会上,”巩俐告诉记者说。 +"The finding is that most students often get stuck at a point in the writing process and can not go on and easily fall into"" writer's block"", therefore, they probably need prewriting activities.",本文首先阐述写前活动的重要性,同时对高中英语写作教学的现状进行了分析,迫切地感到上述问题有必要进行研究。 +Article 57. Importation of self-use articles within the quantity specified by the Customs General Administration is exempted from import duties.,超过海关总署规定数额但仍在合理数量以内的个人自用进境物品,由进境物品的纳税义务人在进境物品放行前按照规定缴纳进口税。 +"Masais are nomads who travel all over with their animals, looking for pasture.",马赛人是赶着牧群四处寻找牧地的游牧民族。 +But we have tamed it at last.,但我们终于把它驯服了。 +Past medical problems included hypertension and diverticular disease requiring partial sigmoid bowel resection 6 years ago.,其他的病史包括高血压,6年前因憩室病行部分乙状结肠切除术。 +"Instead of focussing his attention on Medina, he should wage war over the broadest territory possible.",即与其集中精力于麦地那,他更应该把战场扩展到更广阔的区域。 +The quantity of fuel in the storage chamber was controlled by a valve actuated by a float.,燃油室中的燃油量由浮子操纵的阀控制。 +"The paper has fully studied the non-liner flow characteristics, geological flow model, mathematical model and comprehensive low permeable well testing analysis model in the low permeable reservoirs.",本课题深入研究了低渗透气藏非线性渗流特征,渗流地质模型,数学模型,低渗综合试井分析模型。 +The 16 injured workers were sent to nearby hospit'ss- basisd mostly Xinhua.,新华社称,16名受伤工人被就近送往医院。 +"As there are more cars in the street, a lot of people go off taking a walk after supper.",随着大街上的车越来越多,好多人不再喜欢晚饭后去散步了。 +"Moreover, the problem about self-diagnosing the locations of the quasi-multiplex point loads on the structure is solved first on the light of superposition principal.",进而采用迭加原理,首次解决了结构准多点受载的位置自诊断问题。 +Mrs. Hale : Those towels get dirty awful quick . Men's hands aren't always as clean as they might be .,黑尔夫人:那些毛巾脏得特别快。男人并不总是尽量让手上干干净净。 +"Larry can play many musical instruments, including the violin and saxophone.",拉里可以弹奏许多种乐器,包括小提琴和萨克斯风。 +The dollar also found support from news that the U.S. government will offer up to $17.4 billion in loans to the ailing U.S. automakers and expects General Motors (,"美国政府一高级官员周五表示,将向受困的汽车厂商提供最多174亿美元的贷款,预计通用汽车(GM.N: 行情)和克莱斯勒公司将立即申请这笔贷款.[nCN0434599]美元也因此获得支撑." +"Educational service trade is a comprehensive proposition and involved the multi-subject of trade, education and economy.",教育服务贸易是涉及贸易、教育和经济多学科的综合性论题。 +"Mathematically, the hot potato (US dollars), will eventually return to the US.",从数学上分析,这些烫手山芋(这些美元)最终还得回到美国手里。 +"I am interested in your new product, and can you send me your components and parts of car C. I. F .",我对贵公司经营的新品种颇感兴趣。我可以看看贵方汽车零部件C.I。 +"All patients presented with multifocal or disseminated form of the disease . The involved organs included lung, skeleton, central nervous system, skin, liver, spleen and lymph node.",所有病例均表现有肺、骨骼、中枢神经系统、皮肤、肝、脾、淋巴结等多器官病变。 +"With regard to the governance of these petitions, I believe that the mechanism of public Choice should be improved. Vulnerable groups should take more participations in the decision-making process .",针对此类集体上访事件的治理,本文认为需要完善公共选择机制,在决策过程中提高弱势群体的参与度; +"There was high French-like land in one corner, and a tumble-down grey lighthouse surmounting it.",一角画着一块像是法国风光的高地,上面有一座破烂的… +Messages of sympathy have been sent by the King and the President of the United States and by many Premiers.,英国女王,美国总统和许多国家的首脑纷纷发去唁电。 +"The company reported third-quarter net income of 1.39 billion kronor ($208 million), topping the 1.18 billion-krona average analyst estimate in a Bloomberg survey.",斯凯孚公司公布第三季度净利润达到13.9亿瑞典克朗(约合2.08亿美元),超过彭博社调查分析师预测的11.8亿克朗的平均值。 +"If you must cling yo somebody, now and forever, let' it be me. Each time we meet, love.",爱一个人是很累的事。为了什麽我却步不能拒绝相思�� +The filled-in form is then an asynchronous message—Bob doesn’t suspend his activities waiting for the reply to come back; instead he gets on with his regular work.,那么,填好的单子就是一个异步消息——Bob并不会暂停他的活动而去等待请求的回应;相反,他会继续进行他的日常工作。 +"Being concise and comprehensive, it mainly presents the writing and the differences between ""talking"" and ""singing"" which belong to the oral literature.",文章短小精悍,言简意明,主要表述说唱文学中“说”与“唱”的区别和写作。 +"One of the ""other issues"" may possibly actor Joseph Cross, 23, who Friel was spotted kissing last December.",所谓的“一些事情”的其中一间可能就是指男演员约瑟夫·克罗斯,23岁,去年12月曾有人称看到他和弗雷尔接吻。 +"For this kind system, the isothermal section and vertical section should be founded through the experiment result and referencing the calculated phase diagram at the same time.",存在强相互作用的三元氧化物体系的等温截面和多温截面应以实验数据为基础,同时参考计算相图。 +"Two other pirates popped their heads up, giving snipers all three of their targets, one official said.",另外两名海盗猛地抬起头来,给了狙击手完整的三个靶子,一位官员说。 +"Nonetheless, the Arsenal boss admits he is in for a busy summer in the transfer market and there is a feeling that the Russia captain has not lived up to expectations.",然而,这个老枪头儿也承认了今夏会忙于转会市场,而阿尔沙文本赛季或多或少让人感到失望。 +"If possible, screw in the junction box and head of the Department points Vaseline coated to prevent rust.",如果可能的话,在接线盒的螺丝和线头处涂上点凡士林,以防再生锈。 +We must promote sustainable development and be more far-sighted.,我们要树立可持续发展观,不能焚林而猎! +In this article we provide a glimpse into the first two of seven SOA case studies -- real internal transformation initiatives.,在本文中,我们将简单介绍七个 SOA 案例研究中的前两个——真正的内部转换活动。 +"Restaurants and hotel banquet halls were booked solid in major cities, and Beijing's streets were clogged with flower-bedecked motorcades .",各大城市宾馆饭店的婚宴酒席被预定一空,北京的大街上随处可见花车。 +"The selected peptides binding to S protein provided a basis for functional analysis of S protein, improving RSV resistance by transgenic technology and detecting RSV in rice.",筛选到的短肽对今后S蛋白功能分析、转基因抗RSV和水稻条叶枯病的诊断提供了条件。 +Her cheeks puffed out like aubergines.,她的双颊鼓得像茄子。 +"It is in this sociopolitical climate that they thrive, with most of them either working the land as farmers or foresters, or in manufacturing as smithies and woodworkers.",半数以上的人口从事农业、林业和生产制造业,他们正是在这样一种社会政治环境中繁荣昌盛的。 +"With the development of the national economy, the variety and the amount of special vehicles will grow gradually. Furious competition will come with the unlimited business occasion.",随着国民经济的发展,专用汽车的品种和数量将不断增加,无限的商机同时也伴随着激烈的竞争。 +The rational numbers also fit into this scheme.,有理数也适用于这个图形。 +"A United States M4 Sherman tank remains in shallow water off Chalan Kanoa beach in Saipan, Northern Mariana Islands.",一辆美国M4谢尔曼坦克——残存于北马里亚纳群岛塞班岛海滩上的查兰卡诺亚浅水湾中。 +He always breaks faith with his clients.,他对顾露底写真,客总是不守信用。 +Abstract: With the composite process of root-pile and infilling consolidation by cement injection with foraminate-steel-tube; Good effect has been made in the treat of sideslip of one fly-over bridge.,文摘:用树根桩及 带眼 钢管充填压密灌浆工艺复合处理某立交桥侧移的实践取得很好实效; +"Corruption is incompatible to the reputation of the government, like fire to water.",腐败和我们政府的信誉应该说水火不容。 +I feel quite ashamed that I have not fulfilled the task.,我没有完成任务, 感到很惭愧。 +Methods Plasma malondialdehyde (MDA) concentration was determined in 36 patients suffering from acute viral hepatitis and in 27 healthy subjects.,方法对36例急性病毒性肝炎和27例健康对照检测血浆丙二醛(MDA)浓度。 +Or being a professor is a phase you can go through and then cease to be.,或者像作为教授是一段时间后会停止的。 +"Conclusions:①Among all the clinical parameters, the major risk factors affecting prognosis of severe hepatitis included age, serum bilirubin level, prothrombin time and simultaneous encephalopathy.",结论:①重型肝炎患者入院时的临床参数中,年龄、血清胆红素、凝血酶��时间、肝性脑病为影响预后的主要危险因素。 +"Perhaps it told the truth at the beginning, but later it was made as a scapegoat under press or for its interest or for both.",也许开始说的是实情,后来出于压力或者利益或者兼而有之的原因而替人背了黑锅。 +State-ownnewspaperState-ownednewspapers Tuesday warned supporters of the Nobel Peace laureate against riots and said only the law could decide who is qualified to run in the election.,星期二国营报纸警告诺贝尔和平奖获得者的支持者,不要聚众闹事,而且说只有法律才能决定谁有资格参加大选。 +"He had known this girl as well as any other: had spoken with her every day, but had not made love to her;",他对这个女孩的了解并不比其他人多:每天都跟她说上几句话,但还没有陷入爱河; +"And the responsibility doesn't all fall on the more-experienced partner's shoulder, either: If you're the newbie, suggest activities that make you comfortable;",当然, 这种责任也不完全落在拥有更多经验一方的肩上: 如果你是个新手, 那么就建议些能让自己感觉舒服的活动; +"Most all seafood is high in protein and low in fat, with the exception of a few, such as the eel.",大多数的海鲜产品都含有高蛋白质和低脂肪的特点,但是也有例外,如鳗鱼等。 +"SEOmoz, one of the leading SEO firms, sells memberships on their website that include access to premium content.",一个引领搜索引擎优化的公司,在他们的网页上销售会员,其中包括保险金项目。 +"At this moment, I am in the dark, we had the memories of the sweet.",此嵵此刻,皒甾黑暗中,回忆着皒们曾有过悳甜蜜。 +But no sooner had they seized me by the arm than the surging waves returned to carry all of us quite a few metres away.,他们连忙把我的膀子捉住,又是一个大浪打来,把我们卷去了丈多远。 +"Leading-in this one turn off assurance is proper , can be that the successful teaching rectifying hall class establish the fine basis.",导入这一关把握得当,可以为整堂课的成功教学奠定良好的基础。 +The defects in Hg_(1-x)Cd_xTe crystals are observed using HREM.,用高分辨电子显微镜观察了碲镉汞晶体中的缺陷。 +That was pretty compelling as an asset class and worked really well.,"作为一个投资组合,那是非常诱人的,而且运转得也非常好。" +Field experiments were carried out to study the effects of bio-organic fertilizer on cucumber.,田间试验研究了生物有机肥在黄瓜上的应用效果。 +Discusses how to calculate the standard difference in grey relation analysis and reliability of normal distribution and how to transform equivalently other distributions to normal distribution.,讨论了灰色原理计算标准差的方法、正态分布可靠度的计算方法、等效正态变换的方法。 +"Since its naissance, with the advantage of quickness and high efficiency in program style, VB attracts more and more programmers to fling themselves into its kingdom constantly.",VB自诞生以来,以它快速高效的编程风格优势,不断地吸引着越来越多的程序员投入到它的领域。 +"When the market is good before, data is a bit more muddleheaded be indifferent to, but we need now more hold these data well and truly.",以前市场好的时候,数据糊涂一点无所谓,但现在我们需要更超前、准确地把握这些数据。 +"The cheque is a kind of bill issued by the issuer, upon presentment of which the bank assigned to handle the cheque deposit or other financial …",支票 支票是以银行为付款人的即期汇票。具体来说,支票是银行存款客户(出票人)对银行(付款人)签发的,授权银行对某人或指定人或持票人即… +"According to the relative parameters which affect mechanism performance of crossbow, the information database is expanded.",根据分析确定的影响机构性能的相关参数,进一步扩充了弩机的信息数据库。 +"His voice was quite ordinary, and not angry a bit.",他的语气很平常,一点也没生气。 +Studying the successful experience and the shortage of science systematization in developed countries is practically significant for the development of science and technology in China.,借鉴发达国家在科学体制化建设方面的成功经验和缺失,对于发展中国的科学技术事业,无疑具有重要的现实意义。 +Men ride on top of a Jeep in the Kenyan town of Kilgoris to celebrate the victory of their local candidate for parliament in a by-election.,在肯尼亚镇基尔戈里斯,男子坐于一辆吉普车上,以庆祝他们的胜利,由选举产生的当地议会候选人。 +"There was nothing unusual about this affair of the blinds, for Ruston and Misery robbed everybody.",象百叶窗之类的事件是经常发生的,因为拉什顿和瘟神对所有人都要掠夺。 +"Optical Transmission Unit, which is an important sub-function unit of OADM device and OXC device.",光信号转发单元,是光传送网设备OADM和OXC的重要组成部分。 +"Sometimes I hold him, looked at him a sweet smile, more than indescribably beautiful!",有时我抱着他,看着他甜蜜的笑容,别提多美了! +"In Sichuan Province in southwestern China, students studied in a hospital, hooked up to oxygen containers, in hopes of improving their concentration.",在中国西南地区的四川省,有学生在高压氧舱内吸氧减压,以期提高注意力。 +"For SOA, a specific set of software architecture patterns will be described in the next article in this series.",对于 SOA,在本系列的后续文章中,我们将讨论软件体系结构的一组具体的模式。 +"Converses in them, the god sound becomes is intimate and is familiar.",在他们交谈的时候,神的声音变得亲密而熟悉。 +Those who were prescribed ‘mirthful laughter’ in the form of 30 minutes of comedy every day found their stress hormone levels fell.,这些患者媒体收看30分钟的喜剧节目,并笑得前仰后合,这大大的降低了他们应激激素肾上腺素的水准。 +"Further fighting could risk either spilling into China, or sending a renewed flood of refugees across the border.",冲突进一步发展或可能蔓延至中国境内,抑或导致两国边境出现更多难民。 +"Tip: Remove oven grease, by putting a small pan of ammonia in your oven over night, by morning the grease inside will wipe off easily.",提示:删除炉油脂,把一个小泛氨水中的微波炉过夜,今天上午由油脂内将拂拭容易。 +"Symptoms include itching in one spot or all over your body, sometimes accompanied by a rash, swelling, and, in the extreme, swelling of the airways, which hampers your ability to breathe.",症状包括局部或全身瘙痒,有时还伴有发疹,肿胀,严重的呼吸道肿胀以致阻碍人的呼吸。 +The optical axis of uniaxial substrate is either perpendicular or parallel to the substrate plane.,单轴介质的光轴方向既可平行又可垂直于介质分界面。 +"Using phosphoric acid as the catalyst, the synthesis technics of bioactive oligosaccharide with glucose by solid phase reaction under microwave irradiations was studied.",以葡萄糖为原料,以杂多酸为催化剂对生物活性物质寡糖的微波固相合成进行了研究。 +Much of the opposition to the proposal has come from within President Bush's own party.,反对这项救市计划的议员大多数来自布什总统所在的共和党。 +"And in fact, our exports to China are growing nearly twice as fast as our exports to the rest of the world.",实际上,我们到中国的出口比到世界其他地方的出口的增长速度高出将近一倍。 +Matt Temkin introduced me to a friend of his named Patrick Fair. Mr.,马特。唐肯给我介绍了他的一位朋友名叫帕特里克。费尔。 +"As soon as he settled down to his new job, Alex got ahead splendidly.",亚历克斯一旦安下心来致力于新的工作,就取得了显著的进展。 +"At only 19, he become a full-time teacher at the Royal Institute, teaching this groundbreaking form of communication in algebra, grammar and geometry.",之后, 布莱尔成为了学校的全职教师,并在代数、语法以及几何学科上使用“点子法”教学,那年他仅仅19岁。 +Maybe we have a better way of communicating than shouting at each other.,或许我们有一个比相互叫嚣更好的沟通方法。 +"The goat, sheep, and horse were all introduced by the Spanish, who sent missionaries into the area as early as 1630 and armies soon thereafter.",山羊,绵羊以及马都被西班牙人引进了,早在1630年,他们就派遣了一批传道士进入这片地域,军队也随之到达。 +Results All samples were normal by ophthalmoscope examination while no pathological change of retina was found at various time points .,结果:各组实验样本检眼镜检查在各个时间均正常,未发现视网膜有任何病理改变。 +"The Jewellery Box and the Bead Box are ideal for ladies to put in small earrings, bangles, tops, pins and other delicate decorative pieces, and even designer watch.",首饰盒和珠宝盒为女士们装上小耳环,手镯,胸衣,别针和其他精致的装饰小物件,而且还可以放特别设计的手表。 +Pick one thing from the list that excites you most.,从那张列表里找出最能让你兴奋的一个。 +The conclusion can provide the evidence for the in-process cutting control study using vibration signals.,文章的结论可为利用振动信号进行切削在线控制的研究提供依据。 +"The results look wonderful for the Republicans, but most soundings found that the electorate still has a slightly dimmer view of the Grand Old Party than it does of the Democrats.",选举结果看起来对共和党人而言十分不错,但是大多数的调查发现选民仍然对于共和党这个悠久伟大的党派心存一丝疑虑,反倒他们对民主党到没有这样的疑虑。 +"Methods:Nano-hydroxyapatite/chitosan composites were prepared through a co-precipitation method. The properties of these composites were characterized by means of TEM , SEM, XRD test machine.",方法:应用共沉淀法制备纳米羟基磷灰石/壳聚糖复合材料,并采用TEM、SEM、XRD等手段对材料晶相组成、微观结构、晶粒大小进行分析表征。 +A few Norwegian legal experts suggested Tuesday that Mr. Lippestad openly discussed Mr. Breivik's mental state and motive to lay the groundwork for a potential insanity defense.,一些挪威法律专家周二表示,李佩斯塔德公开讨论布雷维克的精神状态和动机可能是为了给精神失常辩护打基础。 +"Summon any one and make this request: ""Please look in the encyclopedia and make a brief memorandum for me concerning the life of Correggio"".",召唤任一人,并做此要求:”请查百科全书, 关于科雷乔的一生,并给我精简的备忘录”。 +Minimum of 5years working experience in E-coating .,至少有5年相关涂装方面的工作经验。 +"Finally, the author makes some suggestions on the development of the …",并对蔬菜产供销的发展方向提出初步建议。 +"""Pure"" is what attracted me most about In-ha and is the most charismatic quality of DG. I hope he will continue to keep it preciously anytime and anywhere.",纯净是当初仁华身上最吸引我的一面,也是东健身上最有魅力的一面,希望不论何时何地东健都能坚守这份纯净… +I think the line is really blurry on this one. It is ice climbing but it isn't at the same time.,我觉得在这条线路上,界限很模糊,这是一条冰线但是不一样。 +"He thought that the New York Times was publishing messages from extraterrestrials and that he could understand them. He gave a student an intergalactic driver's license, Nasar wrote.",他认为《纽约时报》正在由外星人发布消息,并说他能理解他们。他给了学生一个星际驾照,纳萨写道。 +China launches its 1st Shenzhou spacecraft,中国发射神州一号飞船 +She tutored her passions.,她抑制住自己的感情。 +"Second, we will examine general patterns in the data and show how to find them using R.",然后,我们将研究数据中的一般模式,并向您展示如何使用 R 找到它们。 +"Edwin Armstrong, born on December 18th 1890, was an American electrical engineer, who invented FM radio.",埃德温·阿姆斯特朗出生于1890年12月18日,是一位发明过调频收音机的美国电气工程师。 +Don't let your life slip your fingers by living in the past or for the future.,不要沉迷在过去或未来中而让现在从指缝间匆匆溜走。 +There are different opinions about whether there lied the conflict between the political factions of Administration and Literature during the period of Emperor Xuanzong.,关于唐玄宗时期存在著“吏治与文学之争”的论题,学术界一直有著不同的见解。 +"Seith call lv total, lu always turn to him the green project in the new town.",吕磊打电话给吕总,要吕总把绿色新城的项目转给他处理。 +"Prof Andrew Hamilton, Oxford’s vice-chancellor, said: “The school represents a huge milestone in Oxford’s history.",牛津大学副校长安德鲁·汉密尔顿教授说:“政府学院的建立标志着牛津历史上巨大的里程碑。 +"This paper gives a brief introduction about the ONU realization method of wavelength-specified source and wavelength-tunable source, and points out their shortness;",文章简要分析了固定波长和可调谐波长的ONU实现方法,指出了其不足; +"To explain the word,I gave students several examples.",为了解释清楚这个 单词,我给了学生几个例句。 +"“We’ve literally discovered gold in cellphones, ” said Tetsuzo Fuyushiba, a former land minister and now opposition party member, who visited here recently to survey Kosaka’s recycling plant.",“我们确实在手机中提取出来黄金,” Tetsuzo Fuyushiba说。 他曾是国土大臣,现在是反对党成员,最近来到小坂调研这里的回收工厂。 +"To tempt a Python programmer away from the default, then, a toolkit must offer something extra.",要诱导 Python 程序员放弃缺省选择,那么工具箱必须提供额外的东西。 +Unexpectedly in this time Jin position!,竟然在这个时候晋阶了! +Further studies are warranted to define the role of virulent H. pylori in patients with gastric cancer and their families in developing countries.,毒性基因的微小进化在胃癌患者家族中常见,并且改变幽门螺旋杆菌的毒性。 +"Let's just say the Raccoon inadvertently gets caught up in Chuck and Blair’s latest drama, and the pent-up tension boils over at (what else) a big fancy party.",就让我们直说了吧,Jenny这只小浣熊大概会一不小心被BC撞个正着。 使得在这场时尚盛宴上一直绷在BC之间的弦猝然断开,于是我们就有好戏看了。 +"It is fundamental key with cream-colored color, rinse the door and door are covered, need not the too gorgeous color such as gules, black, purple.",以米黄色为基调,清水门及门套,不用红色、黑色、紫色等过于艳丽的颜色。 +"It simplifies some very complex economic arguments and theories, and distils a vast amount of country experiences into a menu of options and policy choices, with advice given for each.",报告简化了一些非常复杂的经济论点和理论,将大量国家经验予以浓缩,提出了可供选择的办法和政策方案,并针对每项办法和方案提供了建议。 +Machines and labour-saving devices carry out work for us both in the workplace and at home.,无论在工作场所还是在家里,机器和节省体力的设备都承担了大量的劳动。 +"The NetApp replication solution reduces management complexity and provides cost-effective, tiered disaster recovery, enabling rapid recovery of an up-to-the-second replica of production data.",网存公司(NetApp)的复制方案减少了管理的复杂度,提供了经济的多重灾难恢复系统,实现了精确至秒的产品数据复制的快速恢复。 +The boutique's owner Maureen Clavin has been helping the rich and famous sell their clothes since the early 60s.,布迪克的老板莫林·卡莱文自从六十年代初的时候就开始帮名流们销售他们的衣服了。 +(Repeat for each side of the mouth unless instructed otherwise).,(重复向另一侧嘴角做同样的动作)。。 +"A team ethic, embodied by the maturing Bryant, underpins the U.S. squad, who will face strong competition, not least from 2004 gold medalists Argentina and world champions Spain.",走向成熟的科比将在奥运赛场上展现团队精神,支撑全队士气。 美国队的任务并不轻松,奥运对手包括2004年雅典奥运会冠军阿根廷队和世锦赛冠军西班牙队。 +"They can jump, swim, and sing, too. They are good students. They love their school.",他们会跳会游还会唱。他们都是好学生。他们爱自己的学校。 +"Hopes are brilliant still, though the most brilliant fell.",希望,依旧灿烂,最辉煌的虽然已陨落。 +He could hear that Minna was singing to her doll which he had mended for her.,比尔能听到,明娜正在对着自己为其修好的玩具唱歌。 +Particle filter is widely used because of its flexibility to deal with the nonlinear non-Gaussian systems.,粒子滤波方法由于能够灵活地处理非线性非高斯系统而被广泛地应用。 +"A new computer program, QB-TITFIT2004, was developed in which multicomponent complex stability constants were determined by potentiometry. The data were processed by using the program.",设计编制了一种新的多元配合物稳定常数的计算程序(QB-TITFIT2004),对实验数据进行拟合处理。 +Let's see if my neighbour Ken is in the garden.,看看我家邻居老肯在院子里吗? +The emphasis on clean government would have gradually squeezed out the political crooks. Because there wouldn't be any money in taking part in the politics.,对廉洁政府的强调会逐渐把政治蛀虫清理掉,因为从政再没钱好捞了。 +How do I get to the buyer at BestBuy to return my call? (add 1 point),我如何能让BestBuy的采购员回我的电话? +Conclusion The chemical denervation of sympathetic nerve can be aroused by administration of 6-OHDA.,结论 6-OHDA可明显起到化学性去交感神经的效果。 +The roof structure of non-platform-column canopy of New Guangzhou Railway Station is a complex large-span space structure.,广州新客站无站台柱雨棚为复杂大跨度预应力索拱空间钢结构。 +"If nothing needs to be done, choose one or two things on your list and tackle those.",如果当天没什么事情可做,那就从主清单上选一两件事情来处理。 +The dead is yours!,这个死的是你的! +"Shares of Crowflight, which is 26 percent owned by Switzerland's Pala Investment Holdings, were up 7-1/2 Canadian cents at 24-1/2 Canadian cents shortly after the deal was announced.","交易宣布之后,Crowflight股价随即上涨0.075加元,至0.245加元.瑞士的Pala投资控股公司持有Crowflight 26%股份." +Excellent dim sun and irresistible seafood specialties including our famous sweet and sour Mandarin Fish.,身处酒店即能遍尝苏州各式靓点小吃、生猛海鲜及闻名遐迩的糖醋鱼。 +"As the woman looks at this ad, she has many emotions running through her mind, but she always comes back to the exquisite beauty and briliance of the diamond.",当女士们看到这样一个广告,在她们的深处就会涌现出各种各样的激情,但总会回神到精美的美丽和鲜艳的钻石中! +The results indicate that oil-supplied regulation system faults have strong effect on turbojet's operation.,结果表明:供油调节系统故障对发动机正常工作有很大影响。 +"The boy came home immediately, with leaves and branches lit the fire raging fire, Miao red and his mother's face.",男孩到家后,立刻用枯叶跟树枝生起了炉火,熊熊地火苗映红了他和母亲的脸庞。 +I'll refuse to accept it if your repairing word remains unimproved.,如果你仍不改进修理工作,我将拒绝接收。 +The inherent dangers are made worse by the secrecy surrounding the government's initiatives.,这种网路固有的危险,更因为政府计画的机密性而加剧。 +Phase change microcapsule was prepared by melamine-formaldehyde resin and n-octadecane through in-situ polymerization.,采用原位聚合法用三聚氰胺-甲醛树脂包覆正十八烷,制备出相变微胶囊。 +No thank you. I've had enough.,不,谢谢你,我已经喝够了。 +A second aspect of behaviorism was anti-mentalism.,"行为主义的第二个观点,是反心理主义。" +"After you master the lessons contained within these pages, you will be able to understand events in ways that your untrained peers will miss. You will notice patterns that they will overlook.",掌握本课程后,你理解现象的方式将不同于未受训练的同龄人,你会注意到被他们忽视的规律。 +"There are two pencils, a pen and an eraser in the pencil case.",文具盒里有一只钢笔,两只铅笔和一块橡皮。 +Results of illustrative examples of a six-bay plane truss bridge model are given in order to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed procedure.,最后,用一六跨平面桁架 桥模型进行数值模拟,验证文中所提方法的有效性。 +"Have a far vision. The farther your vision, the farther you could go.",记住:目光要深远。你的目光看多远你就能走多远。 +"""Could you let me take it home for one night?"" asked Timothy.",蒂莫西:“可不可以借我回去看一个晚上?” +At that point a bunch of people broke away from the W3C and started the WHATWG.,这时有一群人弃 W3C 而开始开发 WHATWG。 +I'm making more than double what I made at Intel.,现在我的收入比在英特尔的时候多两倍都不止。 +"But we thought this was okayed, we love doing it.",但我们觉得没关系,因为我们爱好它。 +"Only one in seven mothers in Mexicobreastfeeds exclusively in the first six months, as the World HealthOrganisation recommends. Mexico's rate is among the lowest in LatinAmerica.",世界卫生组织建议头六月完全母乳喂养,而墨西哥只有七分之一的妈妈这么做。这在拉丁美洲国家中是最低之一。 +"Family for your concern, elders love for you, when you also understand love them, you have become a child aged respected.",家人对你的关爱,长辈们对你的爱,当你也懂得关爱他们时,你已经成为了一个尊老爱幼的孩子了。 +"To ensure you gain access to Synaptic, answer 'Yes' when you're asked whether you want to customise the CD manually during building.",为了保证你获得访问新立得的权限,当被问到你是否要在搭建期间自定义你的CD时候,回答“是”。 +"Geochemical anomalies of rare metals exist in the granitoids and several rare metals mineralizing deposits or spots have been found, showing good Nb and Ta mineralizing conditions in the area.",四川小金—理县一带发育有燕山期和印支期两期花岗岩,存在稀有金属化探异常,已发现多处稀有金属矿(化)点,具有较好的铌钽成矿地质条件。 +They are apt to eating carrion.,它们还喜欢吃腐肉。 +Other days I feel beaten by a relentless stream of worsening symptoms and I am paralysed with the fear that my descent to the dragon may be more imminent than I had hoped.,有些时候,当我被一系列的恶化的症状无情地打击的时候,想到自己掉向巨龙的速度可能比自己预期要快的多就惊惧不已。 +"Chinese have a saying to describe an extremely difficult task: “bi deng tian hai nan, ” roughly put, “more challenging than reaching outer space.”",在说明一件事很难办的时候,中国人有句俗语叫“比登天还难”,大致的意思是“比去外太空都要有挑战性”。 +These expansions are given in the form of series of beta distribution.,这些渐近展式是以贝塔分布的级数形式给出的。 +"""Welcome to Heaven, "" said St. Peter. ""Before you get settled in though, it seems we have a problem.",“欢迎来到天堂,”圣彼得说道,“在你没安顿之前,我们还有个问题。 +"I have to say, if I blinked, I wouldn't have known that you had switched between one to the other.",我必须指出的是,如果我一眨眼,我不会注意到你已经从一个(程序) 转到另外一个。 +Finally the rotor downwash velocity distribution along rocket trajectory is found with brief analysis.,最后,计算结果展示了旋翼下洗速度在火箭轨道上的分布,并作了简要分析。 +Bears often hibernate in caves.,熊常在山洞里冬眠。 +"Despite years of innovation, millions spent on marketing, a very logical domain name for search and relatively good brand recognition - Ask is still hurting.",尽管拥有数年的创新,花费数百万的营销费用,一个很有利于搜索的域名,以及相对不错的品牌认可,Ask仍然苦不堪言。 +Government spokesman Mark Regev says the plan approved Thursday will allow more goods to reach Gaza and expand the flow of supplies for use in civilian projects under international supervision.,"政府发言人马克·雷格夫说,星期四批准的这一计划将允许更多的商品抵达加沙, 并在国际监督下的扩大民用工程材料的供应。" +"""Students don't read much now apart from textbooks, "" said Li. ""Dipping into the Internet to read stuff is not enough to cultivate independent thinking. """,“现在的学生很少阅读一些课外书籍了。”李晓彤说:“对于培养独立思考能力而言,整日沉浸于在线阅读是不够的。” +"However, the UDDI .NET SDK 1.75 Beta that can be downloaded from the MSDN site adds support for UDDI, and comes with a UDDI explorer to demonstrate the functionality.",不过,UDDI .NET SDK 1.75 Beta 测试版添加了对 UDDI 的支持,并且随带了一个 UDDI 浏览器以演示这项功能,可以从 MSDN站点下载 UDDI .NET SDK 1.75 Beta 测试版。 +Sometimes this spills over into threatening behaviour on the part of the believer.,有时候这种举动使我们遭受了部分怪圈信徒的威胁。 +In July 2008 workers went on strike for eight days at the same mine over wages and working conditions.,2008年7月,这家矿厂工人又因工资和工作条件的问题发起了8天的罢工 +May his soul rest in peace!,让他的灵魂安息吧! +"“We’re at 2004-2005 of social networks in social discovery,” he said.",“我们在2004-2005年就开始了基本社会化网络的社会化发现” 曾-格雷格如是说。 +"This proposal won't help the young woman with a rare blood type, knocked over by a car, bleeding profusely. This won't help the thousands of anaemic cancer sufferers needing a blood transfusion.",这条规定帮不到遭遇车祸,大量失血,却持有罕见血型的女子,帮不到成百上千需要输血疗法的贫血性癌症患者。 +Markets needed to size up his economic team and hear what he planned to do.,市场需要掂量他经济团队的斤两,听听他的计划。 +"EEC sources said most member states would probably refuse to make full payments to the budget as adopted, and the conflict was likely to last well into next year.",欧共体信息处称,大部分的成员国有可能会拒绝为已通过该预算全额埋单,而因此产生的分歧将很有可能一直延续到明年。 +The PDS/R system is envisaged to address the challenges of decentralization.,预计参与性疫病监测和应对系统将会解决权力下放带来的挑战。 +"Besides all the wonderful performances over the years at the Sydney Opera House, some other exciting things have happened.",一年到头,所有的精彩节目都会在悉尼歌剧院上演,除此之外,这里还上演着其他一些令人兴奋的事。 +"As a diversionary tactic to help the others escape, Kenobi sacrificed himself to Vader.",为了牵制维德,让其他人逃脱,克诺比牺牲了自己。 +"Matters are coming to a head now, and once the ball starts rolling there will be no stopping it.",事件已经全部浮出水面,一旦圆球开始滚动将不可能再让它停止。 +"The coal gasification on earth surface causes the high cost of transportation and environmental pollution, and yet the in-situ coal gasification in underground is difficult to be controlled.",煤的地面气化运输成本高,且污染环境,而地下直接气化又难以控制。 +The search components installed with WebSphere Information Integrator OmniFind Edition (OmniFind) can collect diverse enterprise information and make that information available for searching.,随 WebSphere Information Integrator OmniFind Edition (OmniFind) 一起安装的搜索组件可以收集不同的企业信息,并使之可以被搜索到。 +"Still, there is some progress against Alzheimer's, a dementia that afflicts more than 5 million Americans and more than 26 million people worldwide.",不过,针对老年痴呆症(的研究)还是有进展的。美国有老年痴呆症病人五百多万,全世界有两千六百多万。 +"Apparently, the G-string is even going to be autographed, as amNewYork noted this morning.",显然,如amNewYork今晨所说,丁字裤甚至将由舞女亲笔签名。 +It also goes into the key technique and the function of the color micro-video camera.,彩色显微摄象技术是光学显微技术与彩色电视摄象技术相结合的产物。 +The procedures used to demonstrate specificity will depend on the intended objective of the analytical procedure.,证明专属性采用的方法取决于分析方法的目的。 +"""From now on we will play with 12 players on the pitch, "" said the club's president Jose Maria Del Nido.",“从现在开始我们在球场上将有12名球员,”俱乐部主席何塞-马利亚-德-尼多说。 +"Zhanbo touches his head, but all of a sudden, a painful expression appears on his face.",展博摸摸脑袋,突然脸上显得极其痛苦。 +"At 10am, there is a daily regimental briefing, then responsibility is handed over to the second four-strong MERT team.",上午十时,进行了每日队组简报,移交给第二支也有四名队员组成的医疗应急反应小组(MERT)。 +"In addition to new features for managing database time, DB2 9.7 also helps administrators minimize downtime by making it possible to move database schemas without taking the system down.",除了管理数据库时间的新特性之外,DB2 9.7 还支持在不停止运行系统的情况下转移数据库模式,这可以帮助管理员减少停机时间。 +"Although leptospirosis is more common in tropical climates, detection in the continental United States is increasing.",虽然钩端螺旋体病是较常见于热带气候,发现在美国大陆正在增加。 +"On the lateral border of the nappe, lateral and oblique fault-slope secondary fault-related folded anticlines parallel to boundary faults were developed.",推覆体侧缘发育了与边界断层平行的侧断坡、斜断坡次级断层相关褶皱背斜; +The scientists Hall follows are after what he prefers to call 'life-extension technology.,豪尔所追踪的那些科学家都是称之为研究“生命延续技术”的。 +The identification and characterization of lithologic pinch-out boundary is always a problem in the description of subtle traps.,岩性尖灭线的识别与刻画,一直是隐蔽圈闭描述的难题。 +"“To ordinary listeners, the song can be called ‘alternative’, due to its special musical format, ” Liu said. “But it’s also easy to follow.",刘晓云称:“由于其特殊的音乐形式,对普通听众而言,这首歌可以算作是‘另类’,但是这首歌也易于跟唱。 +English teaching plays a more and more important role in current vocational schools education.,在当前职业中学教育中,英语教学越来越表现出其突出的作用。 +DR3100 was passing the Hai-Tuan Station speedy and the conductor was just taking the token from the hanger.,高速通过的DR3100型自强特快车上的路牌车长正从路牌授器勾起路牌,海端站。 +"This production line is used for coil with different specifications, through uncoiling, leveling and cutting to length to flattened plate as needed length and width.",该系列生产线用于不同规格的卷料,经过开卷、矫平、剪切成为所需长度和宽度的平整板材。 +"And,as a modern person,you're going, ""What is this? What's going on with this?""",作为现代人,你一定会问,“搞什么?怎么回事“ +"In addition, the son of tribal leader also have to name.",此外,部落首领之子亦可得姓。 +"Different from the general indelible tattoo is a valid time, it will naturally absorbed by the body without leaving traces.",与一般的永远去不掉的纹绣不同的是过了有效时间,它会自然的被身体吸收而不留痕迹。 +"The paper introduces the application of nano-materials in catalytic field , coating, high molecular materials, handling of chemical wastes, purifying of air, biochemical medicine and cosmetic.",介绍了纳米材料在化工催化、涂料、高分子材料、化工污水处理、抗菌、空气净化、生物化工、医药及化妆品方面的应用。 +"To that end, an ESB must be message-model agnostic and offer the configuration flexibility to support the message models defined by the service requesters and providers.",为此,ESB 必须是与消息模型无关的,并提供配置灵活性以支持服务请求者和提供者定义的消息模型。 +"Please make an experiment - take two similar pices of material (one dry, second soak) and furl on the yard. You will see the difference.",请做一个实验:取两块相同材料的布片(一块是干的,一块湿透)和卷在帆桁上。你会看到其中的差别。 +There are 8 hockey teams at Maple Leaf and they play each other through out the year.,在武汉枫叶有八支曲棍球球队。在整个学年学校会组织球队之间的曲棍球比赛。 +"This paper analyses the order processing, distribution management, stock management, logistics control of point-of-purchase and reverse logistics of terminal channel in marketing.",本文主要针对终端渠道营销中物流管理的订单处理、配送管理、库存管理、卖场内部物流控制以及逆向物流管理五个问题进行了分析说明。 +Since the average dealer now sits at a desk straight out of the Space Shuttle - and in many cases is relatively inexperienced and working under considerable pressure - mistakes are inevitable.,由于现在每个交易员都坐在大玻璃仓外的操作台旁-很多人缺乏经验,又承受着巨大的工作压力-错误便无法避免。 +"In chapter 4, the technology of rolling tube by SPG mill is studied.",第四章,双排辊冷轧管机轧制钢管的轧制工艺研究。 +"Having to go against my will seemed all the more unfair to me, since my mother could not swim and was actually afraid of the water.",因为她不会游泳而且实际上很怕水,所以对不愿意上游泳课的我来说,更���的不公平。 +"The program, she says, paid all her hospital bills.",她说,该保险项目替她尺幅了所有的医疗费用。 +The spy is shy of taking shelter on the shelf of the shell-like shed.,间谍怕在壳子同样的棚里的架子上居住。 +"Inflation may have accelerated to 3.5 percent in August, based on the median estimate of 31 economists in a Bloomberg News survey, while the one-year deposit rate is 2.25 percent.",基于彭博社31位经济学家的调查,8月份通货膨胀可能达到3.5%,而一年存款利率仅为2.25%。 +"""Husband, "" she said, ""go to the flounder. I want to be emperor. """,玊网「哎呀,老婆,」丈夫说,「你干嘛要当皇帝呢?」 +Revising is part of writing.,修改是写作的一部分。 +MAD has courses about conversational English and computer skills that kids can take throughout their childhood and high school studies.,MAD有会话英语和电脑技术课程,从幼年到高中阶段孩子们都可以参加。 +"This romantic sentiment may sound like the message on a greeting card, but it now makes its way into wedding speeches and toasts.",这句情话感觉象贺卡上的短语,实际上,这句话进入了婚礼,也成了祝酒词。 +This product is widely used in high precision turning in auto lathes.,中等的黏度提高了润滑性,已广泛地应用于自动车床的高精准度加工。 +Results The indoor radon level of houses situated fault zone is 6.5 times higher than far away fault zone because there are soil radon level 8.6 times higher than far away fault zone.,结果发现纵贯个旧地区的个旧——小江断裂带提供了丰富的土壤氡的地下来源,在断裂带上测得土壤氡水平为世界土壤氡平均值的8.6倍,断裂带上的室内氡水平是远离断裂带室内氡水平的6.5倍。 +"In the ATM network, ABR service uses a rate-based flow control mechanism.",ATM网络中ABR服务采用基于速率的流量控制机制。 +He also proposes a National Health Insurance Exchange to make it easier to buy private plans or to continue coverage when changing jobs.,他还建议,全美健康保险局使购买私人保险项目更容易,或当工作变动时,可继续投保。 +"Alan Perlis put it more succinctly: ""Everyone can be taught to sculpt: Michelangelo would have had to be taught how not to.",Alan Perlis说得更简洁:“每个人都可以被教授如何雕塑;而对米开朗基罗来说,能教给他的倒是怎样能够不去雕塑。 +"His yacht, the Necker Belle, is also available for hire for $88, 000 per week.",他的游艇尼克贝勒号也可租赁,每周价格为88 000美元。 +But you can conceptualize a four-dimensional data structure by thinking of the fourth dimension as multiple three-dimensional cubes.,但是您可以采用将一个四维数据结构看作是多个三维立方体的方式来理解四维数据结构。 +So what is at stake in this quarrel between Socrates and the poetic tradition ? that he alludes to?,那到底他所暗示,介于苏格拉底与诗学传统间的争论,关键点为何? +This white paper assumes that the followeing prerequisites have been met on both system.,本白皮书假定两个系统都已经满足以下先决条件。 +"If you often admire others unfeignedly , you will obtain others' appreciation at the same time , you will enjoy yourself all your time .",如果你经常由衷地欣赏别人,你同时也就会获得别人的赞美,那么你一生都会其乐无穷。 +It provides the functionality to resize.,提供改变图片大小的功能。 +The study realized the good blocking of isocyanate by sodium bisulfate with the mixing solvent of ethanol and water.,选用乙醇和水作为溶剂,实现亚硫酸氢钠对异氰酸酯的良好封闭。 +"It is the symbol of dignitary, reverence , and auspice.",这是权贵,尊严和吉祥的象征。 +"Three years later, Confucius married a young woman who was from the Qiguan family of the Song state.",三年以后,孔子迎娶了宋国丌官氏家族的一个年轻的女子。 +Mr Jones is talking on the other line; would you like to hold on for a minute and I’ll put you through as soon as he’s available.,琼斯先生正在接另一个电话,请稍候一会儿,他一有空我就给你接过去。 +"Do you feel tired after work, do you wanna to have a channel to vent----Just blowing!",天天的奔波有没有让你疲惫,想不想有一个合理的发泄渠道---吹出来吧! +This “defeminization” of some female factory workers caused much of the criticism against educating and employing women.,有些工厂女工女性化的表现招到更多的评判反对教育和雇用女性。 +Military orders are imperative and cannot be disobeyed. (2002.6),军令如山,不可违抗。 +"Thereafter Griphook joined them at the overcrowded table, although he refused to eat the same food, insisting, instead, on lumps of raw meat, roots, and various fungi.",从那以后,拉环加入到拥挤的餐桌前,但拒绝吃同样的食物,坚持要吃大块的生肉、根茎和各种真菌。 +"Just recently, a four-thousand-year old gravesite was found within three miles of Stonehenge.",就在最近,离巨石阵三公里以内的地方发现了一个有四千年历史的墓地。 +"Here below we have exactly the same scene, but without the EXTRA omni lights.",下面这张图里我在相同的场景里排除了那些泛光灯。 +The active participation in sports after class helps to cultivate students' life-long physical education ideology and enhance their self-consciousness of physical education.,学生积极参加课外体育活动也是对终身体育思想的培养,能不断提高自身的体育意识。 +You don’t have to contemplate Zen koans or the meaning of the universe or chant anything.,你不需要去想着禅宗心印和宇宙的意义更加不用念经。 +"They are so buddy-buddy, but give me the cold shoulder.",他们很要好,但对我却很冷淡。(非“给我冷肩膀”) +Professional music instructions for reading and playing piano music - free video lesson.,阅读和弹钢琴音乐专业音乐课程 - 免费视频课程。 +Organization maps visually describe the structure of working relationships within and across organizations.,组织图以视觉方式描述组织内或跨组织的工作关系的结构。 +"Zhaoqing at old tin work relics, if do not swear before abandoned pigs COINS and labor system, never back tangshan.",肇庆在老锡工的遗物前赌咒,若不废弃猪仔币和劳工制度,就永不不回唐山。 +And he gets a drop of juice.,它得到一滴果汁作为奖励。 +"Facing the competitive intense market economy, the company will base day by day long term, face the future, and make still further progress in the new turn of economical development.",面对竞争日益激烈的市场经济,公司将立足长远、面向未来,在新一轮的经济发展中百尺竿头、更进一步。 +Director Piao: You ought to know Yang Shu shows surprising agility in compering a program. But how's your oral English?,朴主任:你应该晓得杨舒在主持节目时显示出过人的机敏。可你的口语能行吗? +When it rained they romped indoors;,天下雨的时候,他们就在家里玩儿; +"The lights were charmingly disposed in coloured-paper lamps, high up among green boughs.",烛光都安在红绿颜色纸糊成的灯里,高高地挂在青枝绿叶之间。 +The effect of salt concentration on the desalination performance of CA( cellulose acetate ) and PA(polyamide) nanofiltration membranes was studied.,考察了料液中盐的浓度对CA和PA纳滤膜性能的影响。 +Methods:32 cases of canalicular laceration were treated by canaliculoplasty. All cases were performed with silicone tube double-passage annular canalicular intubation.,方法:应用硅胶管双路环行置入法对32例泪小管断裂患者进行治疗。 +Maybe I was the kind of woman who gets Botox after all.,也许我终究就是那种需要肉毒杆菌素的女人。 +"With light, fine and refreshing texture, adopts wholly new vitamin formula and contains oxidation resistant ingredient. It can purify skin, improve skin dullness, lighten languish traces in face.",轻盈,细腻,清爽,全新配方维他命质含超能抗氧化成份,能净化肌肤,改善黯沉,淡化憔悴痕迹。 +There seems to be a general feeling that Message-oriented Middleware (of which JMS is a part) and XML belong together.,似乎大家有了共识,认为面向消息的中间件(JMS 是其一部分)和 XML 属于一起的。 +Japan's Yuta Ikeda gestures after landing on the 10th green while playing the seventh hole during his second round July 16.,日本池田裕太手势后,10日降落在玩绿色在第二轮7月16日第七洞。 +"Dr. Towfigh, a general surgeon who trains other doctors in laparoscopic surgery, explained that in men hernias often involve an obvious outward protrusion.",Towfigh博士是一位普外科医生,负责训练其他医生进行腹腔镜手术。 +"Electronics manufacturing is Taiwan's largest industry by value, and China is home to some of the world's largest assembly plants for electronic goods.",电子制造业是台湾产值最大的行业,而诸多全球最大的电子产品组装厂都设在中国。 +It seems like it becomes some kind of a nightmare.,而是变成一个恶梦。 +The air quality in Beijing was concerned by people all over the world during 2008 Summer Olympic Games.,北京作为2008年夏季奥运会的主场地,其空气质量备受关注。 +"In this review, we will summarize these progresses and discuss the promise of marker-assisted selection in breeding for resistance to bacterial spot.",本文将对这些进展进行总结,并对分子标记在番茄疮痂病抗性育种中的应用前景进行讨论。 +"Simply being able to see your colleagues makes the working day much more manageable, with the height of partitions dividing up office space affecting stress levels.",办公室�用以分隔空间的隔板高度会影响压力的大小,所以在工作时只要让自己能看���周围的同事,你这一天就会舒心得多。 +"At which point, all bets are off and science is on its head.",在这种程度上,所有的观点都灰飞烟灭了,科学也被弃之脑后。 +Says you! She's my girl!,别瞎说!她可是我的女朋友! +An area on the western coast is reserved by the government for the indigenous population; the remainder is used as grazing land fot sheep and cattle.,政府将西海岸一个地区留给了土著人,其余的地区则用于放牧牛羊。 +"The section of data acquisition system is based on the USB2.0 technology , which finish the tra…",采集系统采用USB2.0技术,实现对模拟地震数据的高速采集传输。 +Fresh flowers are such a lovely thing of beauty.,鲜花是美丽动人的。 +"Logistics not only serves as new increase in the development of economy, but also artery and basic industry of national economy.",物流业不仅是促进社会经济发展新的增长点,更是国民经济发展的动脉和基础产业。 +"For the moment neither Liverpool nor the player have received official proposals, but the Juve interest is real and I can say there have been talks.",现阶段利物浦和多塞纳本人并没有收到官方的转会申请,但尤文对他的兴趣是真实的,而且我可以说我们之间曾进行过对话。 +"""Kay is dead and gone! "" said little Gerda.",“加伊死了,不见了!”小小的格尔达说。 +"You can have stickers to reward them with, or promise a special outing when you're better for being such good helpers.",你可以奖励他们一些贴纸,或者允诺他们如果他们表现乖的话在你好了就会带他们出去玩。 +The following code shows an example subscription to three topics.,下列代码显示了订阅这三个主题的示例。 +You must have misheard.,你一定是听错了。 +"As the disease gets worse , they may notice blurred vision, black spots or flashing lights.",随着病情恶化,他们觉察视线模糊,有黑点出现或眼冒金花。 +"In addition to this part with emphasis, we will introduce Fenzhai teaching method which is invented by Hu Yuan and Shanshe method by Wang Anshi.",此外本部分还将重点介绍范仲淹在兴学过程中采用的分斋教学法,王安石创立的三舍法等内容。 +"The fault, fracture, unconformable surface and reservoir are the major channels of hydrocarbon migration in gentle slope belt.",断层、裂缝、不整合面和储层是缓坡带油气运移的主要通道。 +"To Antony’s officers she handed around gem-studded vessels, couches, sideboards, tapestries, horses, torch-bearing Ethiopian slaves.",对于安东尼的部下,艳后则给他们分发镶有宝石钉的船只、长塌、餐柜、挂毯、马匹、举火把的埃塞俄比亚奴隶等。 +"If your website offers something of worth, valuable to web users interested in that topic, then it behooves you to let the world know about it.",如果你的网站在上网用户感兴趣的主题上给他们提供了有价值的东西,那你有必要让全世界都知道。 +"However, it does not impact on the diagnostic accuracy of the ARR for discriminating PA from PH patients.",然而,这不影响ARR对区分原醛和PH患者的诊断精确度。 +"The unique combination of scented, flavorless food sprinkles used in the study is now found in Sensa, the only weight loss system that contains the patent-pending technology.",通过将气味的独特结合,研究中使用的无味食物粉末出现在Sensa体系之中,唯一一个申请专利的减肥体系。 +"Early on in their smuggling career, Chewbacca stunned Han Solo by returning to Kashyyyk to marry a female Wookiee named Mallatobuck.",刚开始走私生涯不久,丘巴卡就回到卡西克跟一个叫玛拉托巴克的女伍基人结婚,这让汉·索洛目瞪口呆。 +"The paper quoted a dairy farmer, speaking anonymously, saying that he was using milk from a cow bred from a clone as part of his daily production.",报道里引用了一位不愿意透露姓名奶农的话,提到他拥有一头克隆繁殖的奶牛,并且每天这头牛都会为他提供奶源。 +The mbeanServer bean holds a reference to the existing MBean server.,mbeanServerbean 保存一个到现有 MBean 服务器的引用。 +With necessary help and instruction can manage the implementation of NPI project.,在必要的支持和协助下能完成新项目导入工作。 +"He also said this one, dream and reality overlap Folks, that moment in the life in front of me completely lost.",他也曾说过这一句,梦与现实分毫不差的重叠,那一刻,让我在命前面,彻底输了。 +"Master Huang: It's no use! It takes forever to use this copier, and I need copies in three minutes!",黄师父:还是不行!一辈子都学不来这复印机怎样捣鼓,可我三分钟之内就得把资料复印出来呀! +"Pace is a Chinese character, also is a transliterated word with the meaning of raft, ferry and harborage as for the Yue people.",“步”是个汉字,却也是越人谓“竹筏”、“渡口”、“舟船停泊处”的汉音译写字。 +"Or I can see the prospectors in a Montana mining camp, say 1875-ish, sitting around an open campfire, gazing at the dazzling night sky.",我还看到在大概1875年,蒙大拿州的矿工,围坐在熊熊燃烧的篝火旁边,凝视着绚烂的夜空。 +I am bored. I am no longer interested in this game.,无聊死了!我再也不喜欢玩这个游戏了。 +"Since 1965, the Standing Committee of the People's Congress of the Tibet Autonomous Region has enacted more than 250 regulations, covering political, economic, cultural, social and other realms.",1965年以来自治区人大常委会共制定了涉及政治、经济、文化和社会生活等各方面的250余件地方性法规。 +Managers should base their evaluations on their own observations and well as on feedback from the employees’ fellow Team-members.,经理应该基于他们的观察和来自团队成员的共事者的反馈来完成评估。 +The content of this page is from the TOMBOLO port or TOMBOLO customs import and export company directory;,本页面内容主要是来自TOMBOLO 港口或TOMBOLO 海关的进出口公司目录; +Entirely in Chinese or English menu.,全中文或英文菜单。 +Nobody knows but Jesus!,无人知道,祇有耶稣! +School motto guides the direction and determines the basic requests and ultimate goals of teachers'morality and style.,校训引导师德建设的方向,决定师德建设的基本要求和终极目标。 +"The paper explores factors that constitute the non-realism tendency by the personification of animal character and point of view of animal, and creative intention that cause the non-realism tendency.",对于动物小说非写实性倾向的构成因素的分析,本文主要从动物形象塑造的人格化和动物叙述视角这两个方面来阐述。 +"Yet many job hunters still don't heed that advice, and others don't realize they're doing just as much damage by doing things like bending the truth or spamming their resumes。",然而,很多求职者仍然听不进这样的意见,还有一些人则没有意识到,他们在简历中造假或者全面撒网式地投简历会严重损害自己的求职前景。 +The angular intersections common on older roads have been eliminated in favor of cloverleaf intersections or other interchanges with even more complicated designs.,老式公路上常见的平面交叉已被立体交叉或者其他设计更为复杂的设施所替代。 +We develop a throw-away mentality to match our throw-away products.,我们已经形成了一种一次性的心态,来适应一次性的产品。 +Her foot caught in the mat and she fell heavily.,她的一只脚被地席绊住,重重地跌倒了。 +"Faces up to its present situation, analyzes proportion which its occupies, discusses their thinking mode, with the aim of improving their subsidization pattern target-oriented.",正视其现状,分析其所占的比例,探讨他们的思维方式,以便有针对性地改善他们的资助模式。 +Let's start with a basic premise: I have a db4o database in which I have a type (Person) that I want to query based on a set of fields that have certain values in them.,让我们从一个基本前提开始:我具有一个数据库,其中包含我希望根据一组具有特定值的字段查询的类型(Person)。 +Hillel's work will become even more important as we grapple with how to feed the world's growing population.,在我们考虑如何养活世界不断增长的人口之际,希勒尔博士的工作将变得更加重要。 +Maximising revenue from existing bookings and adding value to your guest´s experiences will ensure more repeat business and optimised profits.,从已有预订业务中获得最大限度的收入以及为旅客的体验增加价值,可以赢来更多的回头客,同时优化利润。 +"Children are very age sensitive and will often times not visit or make use of sites that they believe are for kids younger than they are (Nielsen, 2002).",儿童具有年龄敏感性,他们经常不会访问或使用他们认为那是为比他们小的儿童设计的网站。 +The vibration states with different thermoelastic coefficients are compared and the effect of thermoelastic coupling on the amplitude and frequency is presented.,比较了不同热弹耦合参数对应的振动情况,得出了热弹耦合效应对振动周期和频率的影响。 +"CONCLUSIONS AG1109 not only was an effective inhibitor of protein tyrosine kinases, but also was a novel potent inhibitor of protein kinase CK2.",结论:AG110 9不仅是酪氨酸蛋白激酶的抑制剂,而且是一种十分有效的蛋白激酶CK2的抑制剂。 +The enlightened Ones in Buddha Sakyamuni's time used to be as ordinary and ignorant as us.,佛陀时代的觉者和我们没有两样,都是从平凡与迷惘开始。 +"Perhaps I didn't know enough about you, but it's nice to see you happy! Wish you a Happy New Year. …",呵呵,也许真的不太了解你,不过做一个快乐的你就好!提前祝… +"Worldwide, Firefox and other Mozilla derivatives have somewhere between 10% and 20% marketshare -- more than 30% in some European countries.",在世界范围内,Firefox 及其他 Mozilla 派生产品占有了 10% 到 20% 的市场份额,在一些欧洲国家超过了 30%。 +This catalogue contains a foreword by Christophe Mao and an essay by Michael Zhang.,图录包括茅为清的前言及张平杰撰写的文章。 +"Heart disease operation of young and light neonate was very difficult and had high risk, which set high demand for nurses of operation room.",低龄低体质量婴儿心脏病手术难度高,风险大,因此,对手术室护士要求较高。 +"The northern lights, Denali National Park in Alaska. (U. S. Department of the Interior/Caters News)",阿拉斯加德纳里峰国家公园的北极光。 +Auto-reconditioning technology of worn metal surfaces and its significance have been increasingly recognized by specialists in the fields of both science and technology.,作为一种新型表面工程技术的金属磨损自修复技术逐渐被科学和工程技术界接受并日益受到重视。 +"“There is not a single country that has good quality institutions and is poor, ” Mihov said in Singapore.",Mihov 在新加坡指出,“世界上不存在一个国家有很好的组织机构和政策依然会很穷。 +The preparation and hydrostatic piezoelectric properties of the two composites are reported. The applications of PT- P …,本文报导了这两种复合材料的制备工艺及其介电性和压电性 ,并讨论了在水听器方面的应用。 +"Lan Lan: Dream on. What about you, Mike?",兰兰:做梦吧。麦克,你呢? +"Two, when you encounter difficulties and suffering the hands hold note to consult God, God will give you the answer!",当你碰到困难和痛苦之时双手握注询问天主,天主可以给你答案! +He proposes customizing Legg Mason's investment products for Chinese clients.,他还建议把美盛的投资产品针对中国客户做相应定制。 +"Yes, I feel many ghosts are peeping at me whenever I eat there.",是的,我在那里吃的时候,老是觉得有很多鬼在窥伺我。 +"While there are abundant inferior coals in China such as high ash content coal, high sulfur content coal and low heat value coal etc.",而我国拥有大量的高灰分、高硫分、低热值的劣质煤资源,长期不能利用甚至污染环境。 +International Circulation: We know that the effect of aliskiren on organ damage and clinical outcomes is being assessed in clinical trials such as the ASPIRE Higher program.,国际循环: 我们知道, 阿利吉仑对器官损伤的作用,而诸如ASPIRE HIGHER项目等临床试验中则正在对临床转归进行评价。 +"I am very well, These three points are important.",这场的三分对我们很重要。 +"Diseases include schizophrenia, panic, fear, anxiety, some neuromuscular diseases, tuberculosis, cancers, and others.",恐慌,恐惧,焦虑,某些神经肌肉疾病,肺病,癌症等。 +"They misallocated capital, with massive amounts going into housing that was ultimately unaffordable .",他们错误的配置资本,把大量的钱用于根本无法支付的房屋上。 +"For this example, we are ignoring possible changes to the object hierarchy in the application that result from UI changes.",对于此实例,我们将忽略对由于 UI 变更导致的应用程序中的对象层次的可能的变更。 +Objective Detecting the relationship between Urea plasma urealyticum(UU) infection and the missed abortion.,目的探讨解脲支原体感染(UU)与稽留流产的关系。 +A: We are a private service company.,我们是个私营的服务公司。 +""" Of course, the people are ""Water Margin"" where the hero, but I'm just ordinary a woman.",当然,人家是《 水浒传》里的好汉,而我只是一介女流。 +This theoretical breakthrough found clearer expression in Zhang Dongsun's philosophy.,这一理论的突破在后来张东荪的哲学中有了更清晰的表达。 +The lead-up to the race war intensifies and inmates of all colors prep their weapons.,种族之战处于随时爆发的状态,各个种族的囚徒们都在准备着武器。 +I don't think it possible to master a foreign language without much memory work.,我认为只有通过大量的记忆才能掌握外语。 +Are food companies trying to take a leaf out of pop stars' books by taking publicity-generating stands on political issues?,食品公司是在试图效仿歌星们的手段之一,利用政治立场来炒作? +The ventilation network graph is one of the important drawings in the ventilation management of the coal mines.,矿井通风网络图是矿井通风管理的重要图件之一,也是进行矿井通风系统模拟、网络解算、通风系统优化的基础资料。 +We will pay particular attention to solving problems reported by the people and resolving conflicts of interest in society as they arise.,重视解决群众反映的问题,及时化解矛盾。 +The result showed that extracts of orange peel by 75% methanol and acetic acid have obvious antioxidative activity. Different additive quantity of the two solvents' extracts was also investigated.,结果表明,用75 %甲醇和冰乙酸为溶剂的桔皮提取成分有明显的抗氧化活性。 +Father and son work in the same company.,爷儿俩在同一个公司工作。 +Clark refutes the extremes of the constructivists by both theoretical and empirical arguments.,同时以理论主义与经验主义的论述,反驳构成论学家极端的言论。 +"No matter what population a child psychologist chooses, his or her focus will be on helping understand, prevent, diagnose and treat developmental, cognitive, social and emotional issues.",无论儿童心理学家选择的人数有多少,他的工作就是关注于帮助理解,预防,诊断和治疗发展学,认知学,社交学和情绪问题。 +Warner Bros. has placed emphasis on the environment for more than 14 years and has a corporate executive in charge of environmental issues.,华纳兄弟公司14年来一直强调环保,并有公司级主管专门负责环保事务。 +"The preparation of chitin from cicada was discussed emphatically. The preparation process, decolor conditions, the concentration and dosage of the acid and alkali were studied.",从金蝉中提取甲壳素,对制备工艺、脱色条件、酸碱浓度及用量等进行研究。 +"In the time of the Principate's consolidation, all the princeps' power and the status followed old conventions.",元首制巩固时期,元首的各种权力和元老院的地位与作用皆由奥古斯都时期沿袭而来。 +The deputies discussed and passed the resolution.,代表们讨论并且通过了大会的决议。 +"The core research staff of the Center consists of professors and scholars in public economics and administration from SUFE , with a number of adjunct researchers who are from outside the University.",研究中心组建了由公共政策领域的著名专家所组成的学术委员会,以上海财经大学从事公共经济与管理的教授和专家为核心研究人员,并聘请社会知名专家学者担任兼职研究员。 +"Because the funds are anxious, the majority quality colleges' and universities' test installation is very difficult to meet the needs.",由于经费紧张,大多数高职院校的实验设备很难满足需要。 +The centre of the plate is a gold disc emblazoned with both a Springbok and a Wallaby.,盘子中间是一块金质圆版,上刻有小袋鼠和跳羚的标志。 +Objective:To investigate the effect of regional perfusion on histology of advanced breast cancer and to explore the possibility of radical operation.,目的:观察区域性灌注化疗对晚期乳腺癌组织学的影响,以探讨根治性手术的可能性。 +"By analysing the processing conditions and influences of amounts of each masterbatch on film properties, the formulation and process are determined.",通过考察加工条件及各功能母料的用量对薄膜性能的影响,确定了原料配方及薄膜制备工艺。 +"Therefore, it becomes the vital element to strengthen practical teaching and foster the students' innovative and creative ability in the Discrete Mathematics excellent course construction.",因此,引入实践教学机制,强化实践教学,培养学生的创新和创造能力,便成为精品课程建设的重要内容。 +"But the fact that so many activists and analysts in the Arab world and beyond so personify the problem, and speak so glibly of their goals, also suggests a failure to grasp the depth of the challenge.",但事实上,即使许多阿拉伯世界的激进分子和学者已超越个性来看待问题的本源,夸夸其谈他们的目的,也意味着他们并没有领会挑战的深层含义。 +The operating performance of 3MDZK-12 Type cotton topping machine was tested and the growth and development of cotton after mechanized topping were studied.,就3MDZK-12型棉花打顶机田间作业性能以及机械打顶调控后对棉花生长发育的影响进行了试验研究。 +"Red and zhang adjutant mentioned when talking about the Japanese in February, cui cui burst into tears.",二月红和张副官谈论时提到日本人,翠翠突然哭了起来。 +She took Mammy's word that the little boy had worms and dosed him with the mixture of dried herbs and bark which Ellen always used to worm the pickaninnies .,她听了嬷嬷的话,认为这孩子肚子里有蛔虫,便给他吃了爱伦常给黑人小孩吃的干草药和树皮。 +"Cotton fibers in Edwards’s lab, located at the agency’s Southern Regional Research Center in New Orleans, are being spun into all kinds of medically promising materials.",坐落在研究所设在新奥尔良南部地区实验中心的爱德华兹实验室里的棉花纤维被织成各种各样的医用替代材料。 +Tom : when did you finish your celebr last night?,汤姆:你们前一天什么时期完结寿辰派对的? +"The understanding of network language can not be separated from the network context, the network context has characteristics such as virtual nature, potential nature and creativity.",网络语言的作文试卷发下后理解离不开语境,网络语境具有虚拟性、试卷发下后潜在性和创造性的特点。 +"I was surfing the Internet and stared long and hard at my scree, There was a link to a site for a very small minority of unique pilots.",当时我在上网,我对着屏幕凝神呆望良久。 我看到一个网站的链接,这个网站的对象是一小撮非常特别的飞行员。 +"The words that want to be sexy, choose black of, not choose pearly or nude.",要性感的话,就选黑色的,千万别选白色或者肉色。 +I just say that this phenomenon does not only refer to me some people QQ.,我只是说这现象,也没单指我QQ上的某些人。 +"Fifth, ""as one of the words"" in the succession on the basis of some unique, pioneering a new situation in academic culture.",其五,“成一家之言”,在继承的基础上有所独创,开拓学术文化的新局面。 +"Rather, grinding through her imprecations is a scandalous joviality without hope, rays from a black sun. Most honoured Elfriede Jelinek!",而她的诅咒的念叨,夹杂着无望的传播丑闻的惬意,是来自一轮黑色太阳的闪光。 +"Vestibular schwannomas are the most common cranial nerve (CN) schwannoma, followed by trigeminal and facial and then glossopharyngeal and vagus schwannomas.",听神经鞘瘤是最常见的中枢神经神经鞘瘤,其次是三叉神经和面神经,然后是舌咽神经和迷走神经鞘瘤。 +"Given these and similar issues, I find the efforts of some extreme programmers to delete all untested code automatically to be unrealistic and perhaps satirical.",考虑到上面这些以及类似的情况,我认为一些极限程序员自动删除所有未测试代码的做法是不切实际的,并且可能具有一定的讽刺性。 +As firstly water-cooling after rolling then air-cooling from 531℃. the microstructure of specimen shows mainly granular bainite with high yield strength and yield ratio (0.90).,水冷至531℃而后空冷的试样的屈服强度较高,但抗拉强度相对较低,屈强比高达0.90。 +The initiative goes beyond mere statements of principles and establishes mechanisms to promote real accountability and transparency.,这项倡议不仅仅是申明原则,更是建立旨在宣扬真正责任感和透明度的机制。 +"It brings tremendous development opportunity to the development of Chinese forestry, form grim challenge.",它对中国林业的发展带来巨大的发展机遇,形成严重的挑战。 +Agricultural production to more collective form.,农业生产多以集体合作形式进行。 +"So, how to perform quality detection . evaluation and reinforce of bridges has become a research hotshot of foreign academia and domain of engineering.",如何对桥梁结构进行质量检评和加固也已成为国内外学术界、工程界研究的热点。 +"As a sublingual medicine for genital herpes, Herpeset can be used without any side effects or drug interactions.",作为一种治疗生殖器疱疹的舌下药物,用了它不会出现副作用,也不会和其药物发生反应。 +"Multiple output paths are now supported, eliminating the need to use a filter after a custom mediation to control branching.",现在支持多条输出路径,从而消除了在自定义中介之后使用筛选器来控制分支的需要。 +"Later Guan Zhong became very successful. Described his accomplishments as "" Reuniting the feudal lords and uniting the world.""",后来管仲飞黄腾达,司马迁形容他的成就是「九合诸侯,一匡天下」。 +"In the serious injuries, falls of schoolboys and schoolgirls were 34.8% and 32.8% respectively.",严重伤害男女生均为跌伤占首位,分别占总数的34.8%和32.8%。 +This paper analyzed the declination cause of balancing weight for multi-rope friction hoist and put forward some measures to ward off this kind of declination.,本文就多绳摩擦式提升机平衡锤偏斜的原因进行了分析,并提出了避免偏斜的措施。 +"Diamond has many characters, such as high thermal, low permittivity, high band gap, super high hardness, low friction etc, which makes it possible to be widely used in industry.",金刚石具有高导热率、低介电系数、高禁带宽度、超高硬度、低摩擦系数等性质,在国民经济的许多部门得到了广泛的应用。 +One of these new part-time jobs is that of campus headhunter. The role involves helping recruitment companies to quickly find suitable job candidates on campus.,校园猎头便是这些新兴兼职之一。这一职位的工作内容主要是帮助人力资源公司在校内迅速找到合适的工作人选。 +Police used the police tried to set the buffer zone is bounded by the two sides separated by the Elbe.,警方动用警力设置隔离带试图将双方以易北河为界隔开。 +"Visit will to peace and tranquility press down, attend annual "" 3 advance are betted king "" contest, those who be is blood of a debt of blood is returned.",此行来到太平镇,参加每年一届的“三晋赌王”大赛,为的就是血债血还。 +Dinosaurs living in the intense cold and months-long darkness of the South Pole were once thought to hibernate during the winter months just to survive.,南极地区气候寒冷,而且有长达数月的极夜。 人们曾经认为生活在那里的恐龙会通过冬眠来度过冬季。 +"Fixing the button's width is only slightly more complicated: The width is copied as is on the rectangle, but incremented by one unit on the element to leave room for the rectangle's stroke.",设置按钮的宽度只是稍微复杂一点:复制矩形的宽度并在 元素中增加了一个单位,为矩形的边框留下位置。 +"Spudis' plan involves ""robotic resource extraction and the deployment of space-based fuel depots"" using water from the moon before any humans return to its surface.",斯普德斯的计划包括“机器人提取资源以及部署天基燃料仓库”,在人类返回月球前使用这些水。 +Buying on impulse and getting rid of possessions no longer sufficiently attractive in order to put more attractive ones in their place are our most enthusing emotions.,凭冲动而购买并摆脱不再具备充足吸引力的财产以代之以更具吸引力的商品,则是我们最炙热的情感。 +"The ring, the ring that became the Horcrux, Marvolo Gaunt said it had the Peverell coat of arms on it!",戒指,变为魂器的戒指,马沃罗·冈特说上面有佩弗利尔的纹章。 +"Wildlife lover Mark Reeve recently captured an interesting picture during a visit to Reydon Marshes, a nature reserve in the UK.",野生动物爱好者马克·瑞弗近日在英国某自然保护区拍到一个有趣画面:两匹小马在一起大笑,仿佛刚分享了几个笑话。 +"I think of our museums in Washington, where we get millions of schoolchildren, where they learn not just about the past but also educate themselves for the future.",我不禁想起我们华盛顿吸引着数百万中小学生前来参观的博物馆,在这里他们不仅可以了解过去,还可以知晓未来。 +The year of 1649 was the last year that the local people gun for Aepyornis .,1649年,是当地居民能够捕杀到隆鸟的最后一年。 +"More than 600 CBOs have already been inventoried and are poised to participate actively in the relief, recovery and reconstruction efforts.",目前,已摸清了600多个社区组织的情况,它们将积极参与震灾、恢复和重建工作。 +"Ms Phillips-Harris said by this stage plain-clothes policemen, immigration police and airport officials were involved, meaning it was far too late to bribe her way out of it.",她说这时候便衣警察,移民警察以及机场官员都介入了,这意味着她想通过贿赂脱身都来不及了。 +The paper mostly discusses the Measurable Quotient System(MQS)for ICEM and the corresponding algorithms.,主要就ICEM的测度指标体系及指数合成算法进行了论述。 +"In this paper, cascading failure is studied by coupled map lattices methods in preferential attachment community networks.",本文采用耦合映像格子的方法研究了带有偏好连接的群落网络的级联失效问题。 +""" Meanwhile, the ""national animation quality engineering"" will start to build the whole industry chain service platform, boosting the animation industry from quantity to quality change.",同时,“国家 动漫精品工程”也将启动,打造全产业链服务平台,助推 动漫产业从数量向质量转变。 +"As you go further out into the cold, dark outreaches of the solar system, the type of planets changes and they take a lot longer to go around the Sun.",如果再往银河系远日方向的黑暗幽冷处前进,星球类型会改变,绕日一周所用时间也会长很多。 +"Liu An was intending to make the Immortality Potion, but accidentally discovered the process of making Tofu, adding colour and sparkle to Chinese culinary culture!",谁不知炼丹不成,反而发明了豆腐的制法,为中国食的文化添上色彩! +"In this case, the sheer ferocity of the accident might have had lessened its environmental impact — much of the fuel oil and crude onboard the rig may have burned up in the initial fire.",这次的事件中,可能是爆炸的猛烈性降低了事故对于环境的冲击。 因为钻井所载的大部分的燃油和原油可能都在最初的大火中烧掉了。 +"'I never even ate a sandwich,' she says.",“我甚至连三明治都没吃过,”她说。 +"Conclusion PTEN tumor suppressor gene may be involved in the development of nasopharyngeal carcinoma, 5, 8 of its first exon in the development of nasopharyngeal cancer may not afford a key role.",结论抑癌基因PTEN可能参与鼻咽癌的发生发展,其第5、8外显子在鼻咽癌的发生发展中可能不起关键作用。 +A full range of ho ital services is provided by district general ho ital .,地区普通医院提供全面的医院服务。 +"SONNY: Tommy, what was the big plan?SONNY: You think I'd just take the fake cash?SONNY: Save face and run away with my tail between my legs?!",桑尼:汤米,你在打什么如意算盘啊?你以为我会拿了假钞就走人?还是我会笨到以为这样就能挽回颜面而夹着尾巴逃跑?。 +"This isn't uncommon, especially in a demanding, high-stress environment—but moody bosses can be extremely difficult to work with.",这很常见,尤其是在苛刻、高压的环境中——但是和喜怒无常的老板很难在一起工作。 +And I was glad that you asked questions at the end.,我很高兴你们最后能提出问题 +R stands for results-oriented.,R代表着结果导向。 +I like to recall the past recently. It seems I really became old.,最近有点爱回忆往事,看来真是老了。 +He had nearly swooned at what Lord Henry had said in a chance mood of cynical jesting.,亨利勋爵刚才偶然说了句玩世不恭的话,几乎叫他昏倒。 +"Fine has passed since Baomu to esthetics establishment, esthetics continuously by different angle development.",自从鲍姆·嘉通对美学确立以来,美学就一直以不同角度发展。 +"Chensha through history, we can see that any one person one thing the passing away, will not change its trajectory.",透过历史的尘沙,可以看到,任何一个人一件事的逝去,都不会能改变它的轨迹。 +Objective:To study the hemostatic effect of Yunnan Baiyao and reptiles on nasal polyps operations in perioperative period of nasal endoscopy.,目的:观察鼻内镜下鼻窦手术围手术期患者应用云南白药和立止血对术中及术后出血量的影响。 +"Even tiny, one-village programs that succeed this well are cause for celebration.",即便是那些很小的、只在一个村子内实施的项目,只要能成功,也是可喜可贺的事情。 +"There's a protocol to such hustling, and some do it better than others, but it strikes me that learning and teaching this culture could be a big part of PR 2.0.",这样的拥挤状况中存在着一个协议,有些协议比另外一些更好,但是,打动我的地方在于,学习和教授这样的文化可以成为公关2.0的很大的一部分。 +"She is a cross talk performer. In the past, this profession was called earning a living by talking.",相声演员,要是在过去,这职业就叫吃开口饭的。 +"All modern facilities in the Business Center offer the ticket booking, duplicating , typewr-iting, fax service and posting. Beauty room on the first floor entertain guests shopping and leisure.",商务中心可为宾客提供打字、复印、图文传真、代寄邮件,订购火车、飞机票等业务。酒店一楼设有美容美发厅及商场,为客人增添购物休闲的乐趣。 +"A city of south-central Michigan on the Grand River south of Lansing. It is an industrial and commercial center. Population, 37, 446.",杰克逊美国密西根州中南部城市,位于兰兴市以南的格兰德河边。是一个工业、商业中心。人口37,446。 +"All types of Lights - Directional, Spot and Point - support shadows.",包括灯光的所有类型,平行光,聚光灯和点光灯,支持阴影。 +Our BEC course will soon come to an end.At the beginning of December you will step on the battlefield to fight.,BEC的课程快结束了,12月初你们就要踏上真正的战场,BEC中级考试就要到来了。 +The two elements fit just as snugly as a manager and his or her high salary.,这两个元素就像经理和他/她的高薪一样般配。 +"The shepherd dog does not know as much about most things as some other dogs, and yet he understands very well how to take care of sheep.",虽然牧羊犬不懂得基他种狗所懂的绝大部分事物,可是牧羊犬却精通于怎样看护好羊群。 +"Three hours later, the police arrested Scott Roeder, an anti-abortion zealot.",三小时后,警方逮捕了斯考特-罗德,一名反堕胎的狂热者。 +The screenshot shown above in Figure 4 shows the list of e-mails retrieved from the POP account.,上面图 4 中所示的屏幕截图显示了从 POP 帐户检索的电子邮件清单。 +"Simulating supernovaeintheir full dimensionality has revealed complex mushroom like structures—hot bubbles rising inalayered fluid, wrinkled and stretched by turbulence.",全维度模拟超新星,揭露了其复杂的蕈状结构:在层状流体中浮升的热泡泡,被紊流不断地挤皱与拉扯。 +The new company would have headquarters in Frankfurt and New York.,合并后的新公司将分别在法兰克福和纽约设立总部。 +"Even though the reasons seem to be ordinary ones, the problems behind them should not be neglected and so the Ministry of National Defense must pay attention to it.",国防部公务人员的离职因素属于人力资源管理实务上所必须加以注意的基本事项,看似平常,但其中隐藏的问题却不可小觊,国防部宜加以重视。 +"In the letter, Schwarzenegger praised the Chinese community's outstanding contributions to California's cultural diversity and wished China a happy National Day.",他在信中赞扬了华裔为丰富加州的文化多样性所作的杰出贡献,并祝中国国庆活动圆满成功。 +B: It’s certainly a big improvement over yesterday.,B:肯定比昨天大有好转。 +"May: Look, Forrest Gump is on at 6:30.",阿美: 快看,六点半将上映《阿甘正传》。 +Refer to them as you exercise. Use them to get to know your facial muscles and what each muscle is doing as it moves.,请在你做操的时候对照图表,通过使用图表了解你脸部的肌肉以及每块肌肉是如何运动的。 +"Chances are good that if your ex boyfriend was the one who did the ""breaking up, "" it was either because the relationship became stale or claustrophobic.",如果你的前男友还没有对这份感情死心 ,或是他和你的关系若即若离,这是个好机会。 +"I guess you cant, ever.",我猜你也不曾和我耍性子。 +Vertical metal tank is one of the main measurement utensil of liquid petroleum products.,立式金属罐是大宗液体石油产品的主要计量器具。 +The recombinant human protein kinase CK2 may be used as a molecular target for simpler screening and development of more effective inhibitors of CK2.,重组人蛋白激酶CK2可作为一种较为简便筛选和开发有效的CK2抑制剂的分子靶点。 +"But there are concerns that Japan and the United States could face a ""double-dip"" recession. That is a period of growth followed by another downturn.",但是,有人担忧美国和日本的经济可能面临“双谷衰退”,就是说经历一段时间的增长之后再次出现衰退。 +"As mooladhara chakra is the storehouse of prana, and moola bandha the key to release it, control is essential.",因为底轮是能量的宝库,而会阴收束是开启宝库的钥匙,因此控制就变得至关重要。 +He would see her and plead his cause again in person.,你恳求那种人将是白费力气。 +"Where possible we also like the flexibility to buy put options at the market index level, again for downside protection.",如有可能,我们同样也愿意在市场指数的水平上购买认沽期权,以进行下跌保护。 +This means all main content list items should be displayed at 10px. I use the same equation to achieve this,这表示所有正文列表项应当使用 10px 显示。 +"Over the years our products are tested through the markets and well received all over the world such as in America, Europe, South Asia, Middle East and Africa.",多年来,力百达产品通过市场检验,得到国内外广大客户的认可,产品出口美国、欧洲、东南亚、中东、非洲等多个国家。 +"With fossil fuel prices expected to continue increasing, many people are nervous about future heating bills.",与矿物燃料的价格预计将继续增加,很多人都是紧张今后取暖费。 +"The activity for the movie day is over, but not students' enthusiasm for English movie and song.",但快乐不停,孩子们对英语电影和歌曲的热情不减,在回去的时候忍不住哼哼出声轻吟。 +The stars of Capricornus are faint.,摩羯座的星光是比较微弱暗淡的。 +Jarraud emphasized that temperature trends can vary over time.,雅罗强调温度变化的趋势会上下起伏。 +There is a large area of swamp wetland and high diversity of ecosystems in Sanjiang Plain.,黑龙江省三江平原沼泽湿地分布集中,面积较大,是具有高度多样性的生态系统。 +"All my years of training as an explorer have finally paid off. (Page 45, the first para. )",这些年来作为探险者的训练终于有了好的结果。 +Climate change will also worsen air pollution.,气候变化还将让空气污染恶化。 +ObjectiveTo investigate the intelligence characteristics and relativity with motor development of children with spastic diplegia.,目的探讨痉挛型双瘫患儿的智力特征及与运动发育的相关性。 +"Immediately behind it stood the house wherein they had engaged lodgings, whose exterior features are so well known to all travellers through the Froom Valley;",紧靠桥的后面,就是他们租了住处的那座屋子,凡是从佛卢姆谷来的人,都非常熟悉这座屋子的外部特点; +But we're going to in class treat the physiology and the Biomedical Engineering together.,"但我们在课堂上,将生理学和生物医学工程学一并讲解" +"""Hi,"" someone says, and I jump a little. Chris Something is smiling at me uncertainly.",“嗨,”有人叫道,我吓了一跳。那个什么克里斯迟疑地向我微笑。 +"Chapter Four illustrate how to solve the problem in ship-repair, mainly focus on litigation and arbitration.",第四章讲述船舶修理争议的解决,主要讲诉讼和仲裁的相关规定; +Ethyl acetate extracts of eucommia male flowers possess obviously anticonvulsant effects in mice.,杜仲雄花乙酸乙酯提取物具有良好的抗惊厥作用。 +In this way a personalized cookbook is yours for the making.,这样,一本个性化的烹饪书就为你而制作了。 +The decolonization of the British Empire experienced four stages.,英国的非殖民化经历了四个阶段。 +Twenty-four children (77%) listened longer to the same piece both times.,二十四个孩子(77%) 长期听了同样片断两次。 +"Now that the convention was behind us, we needed much better coordination among all the forces, with a single strategic center.",现在民主党全国代表大会已成过去,我们需要一个统一的策略中心,以便更好地协调各路人马的合作。 +"Which dish do you particularly like? Beijing Roast Duck, Chicken with peanuts, or else?",你最喜欢中国的哪道菜,北京烤鸭?宫爆鸡丁?还是其他? +Now we probably can't come up with the money to counter their stealth technology.,现在连对抗他们四妹子的钱也木有了。 +"The cluster-based distributed MANET consists of several clusters, in which three kinds of nodes are included: cluster heads, ordinary nodes and gateway nodes, and the nodes in it are self-organized.",分群的分布式MANET是由具有移动性的节点组成的自组织的网络,这种网络中有若干群,群内有群首节点、普通节点和网关节点三种类型的节点。 +"At that time, 90 percent of the houses in China were new houses, while 80 percent in America were pre-owned homes.",那个时期,中国90%的房子都是新房,而在美国,80%的房子却是二手房。 +"Own use, starting with the last 1500, probably more than half a year, in addition to shell a little scratch other very good, open the rear cover still smell it, is an electronic product taste, ha ha.",自己用的,去年1500入手的,大概半年多了,除了外壳有一点划痕其他都很好,打开后盖还有点香味呢,就是电子产品的味道,呵呵。 +"A titanic snake that snacked on crocodiles and was longer than a London bus has been identified as the top predator to walk, or at least slither, the land when the dinosaurs disappeared.",一种比伦敦公共汽车还要长,可以把鄂鱼当点心吃的巨大无比的蛇已经被确认为恐龙消失后的顶级肉食动物,他们在陆地行走,或者至少是滑行在陆地上。 +Objective To observe the relationship between protein sythesis and cardiomyocyte viability in neonatal rats.,目的观察不同药物干预下,新生大鼠心肌细胞蛋白含量与活力的关系。 +This improve the beauty and charm of every single samel-brick regarding its own shape and color.,每一块半烧砖都有着自己独特的形状和颜色,愈发显得房子美丽而迷人。 +"After being lost in the desert for five days, Bill began to hallucinate.",在沙漠中被遗失五天以来之后,比尔开始使产生幻觉。 +Rise in24hour average pulse pressure was regarded as a significant independent risk factor of LVH.,h平均脉压升高可能为左心室肥厚的独立危险因素。 +"Then a blinding flash lit up the sky. Superheated air rushed at tremendous speed, knocking down buildings and setting the center of the city ablaze.",不料,一道眩目的光划过天边,炽热无比的空气,以迅雷不及掩耳的速度,把建筑物夷为平地,市中心顿时陷入一片火海。 +"Hot today. The timely rain, and let the heat elimination, and I am particularly cool. Life needs such a timely ah!",今天很热。这场及时雨,也让暑气消了,我感到特别的凉爽。生活中也需要这样的及时雨啊! +The principle and capability of RCL digital measuring instrument are briefly explained.,简述RCL数字测量仪的原理和性能,着重讨论了RCL数字测量仪的校准方法。 +"Struck with curiosity, the woman mustered up the nerve to ask, ""Why do you keep yelling 'Green side up' out my window every time I tell you the color I would like the room?""",仍然布满了好奇,女主人强作镇定的问道:“为啥我每次给我说您我想染成啥颜色的时候您全部要朝着我的窗户外面喊:‘绿边向上’呢?” +But they also know they need to patch the emotional holes rent in this tight-knit community by the waves.,但他们也知道,他们需要修补海啸给这个密集社区留下的情感漏洞。 +Every day you should be finding opportunities to break out of your shell.,每天都该不断寻找机会来突破你的壳。 +Do you think you could help me fix them?,你可以帮我改正过来吗? +"The outcomes of this programme are then presented, including a set of future scenarios for education and a set of socio-technical developments that might underpin such scenarios.",这项目的结果之后被列出,包括一系列对教育的未来方案和一套可能会巩固支持这一方案的社会技术发展。 +"But then, through clenched teeth he hissed, ""They LIE"".",然后,他咬紧牙,嘶哑着说道:他们撒谎。 +This means that we have to manually rewrite the stack to fake a return address so that the tail-called function will return directly to our parent.,这意味着我们必须手工重新编写栈来仿造一个返回地址,以使得尾部调用的函数能直接返回到调���它的函数。 +"The physician-patient disharmony not only increases the rate of non-indicative cesarean section, but also leads to artificial expansion of the cesarean section indicators.",医患不和谐不但引起无指征剖宫产增加,而且导致了剖宫产指征的人为扩大。 +Because she lacks the killer instinct.,因为她不够心狠手辣。 +"Environmental Protection, Agriculture, Forestry and Water Resources Departments of Hunan province established initial communication and contact mechanism of Dongting Lake biodiversity conservation.",湖南省环保、农业、林业、水利等部门之间就洞庭湖生物多样性保护初步建立起部门之间的沟通和联系机制。 +"The application of ultrasound to the degradation of macromolecular substances is a hot domain, which has attracted much attention in recent years.",利用超声波来降解大分子物质,是近几年来国内外研究者关注的科学社会主义论文热点领域之一。 +"Because of its excellent performance and rising proportion of performance to price, SCC haved gained more and more wide engineering application.",自密实混凝土的优越性能和日趋提高的性价比,使其在工程中得到越来越广泛的应用; +"Ignit it with a lighter, with a flashing, a true rose is conjured out of the white paper.",表演者再用打火机将它点燃,火光一闪之下,这张白纸玫瑰竟然变成了一枝「真玫瑰」! +"Tara, the red earth of Tara.",阿:塔拉,塔拉的红土。 +This paper is a comparative study in functional morphology excretory organs of 6 species of economical aquatic crustaceans.,本文对6种水生经济甲壳动物的触角腺和小颚腺进行了显微和亚显微形态功能学的比较研究。 +"The result indicates that the majority of the students(66.7%-82%)behave normally on general level, 14.3% to 27.7% have minor misbehavior and 1.6% to 5.5% have moderate or serious misbehavior.",结果表明:大多数大学生(66.7%- 82%)在总的问题行为以及各分维度上均表现正常,14.3%-27.7%的大学生有轻微的问题行为,具有中度和严重问题的占1.6%-5.5%。 +METHODS The survey with self-designed questionnaires and interview were conducted.,方法采用自行设计的问卷表和访谈相结合方式进行调查。 +And such is the desperate shortage of petrol that only a few cars cruised the town honking their claxons.,因为汽油的短缺,只有少数的汽车在城里漫游并不停的发出高音喇叭的声音。 +"But remember that you'll need to escape those slashes: ""denoncourt\\retail\\controller"".","但是要记住,需要对反斜杠进行转义:""denoncourt\\retail\\controller""。" +"Through research on the situation of the intellectual circle at the end of Ming dynasty and the beginning of Qing dynasty, I find out how he began to write The Origin Of Poetry.",论文的序论部分论述叶燮的家学渊源、生活经历对叶燮思想的影响,并通过对明末清初文坛现状的研究,考证叶燮写作《原诗》的缘起。 +Studies show IV lytic therapy has decreased to 15% and primary PCI has increased in the past 5 years to 65%.,研究发现,在过去的5年中,接受静脉溶栓治疗的患者下降到15%,而接受急诊PCI的患者增加到现在的65%。 +"Created quite by accident, the energetic light and winds from these massive newborn stars burn away accumulations of dark dust and cool gas in a slow but persistent manner.",而形成也是相当偶然,新诞生的大质量恒星放射出的高能光和恒星风,以缓慢而又持久的方式,燃烧了黑暗尘埃与冷气体的聚集物。 +Governor Arthur.,亚瑟总督。 +The report of a rare earths export cutback nevertheless prompted new concerns over the extent to which China may link its trade and foreign policies.,关于稀土矿出口减少的报道无疑促使额外新的关注,中国是可能联合外交与贸易政策的。 +"Other jobs at the top of the study's list include actuary, statistician, biologist, software engineer and computer-systems analyst , historian and sociologist.",荣登排行榜前列的其它职业还有精算师、统计师、生物学家、软件工程师、电脑系统分析师、历史学家和社会学家。 +Mr Shih's estimate (not counting the untapped credit lines) would add another 34 percentage points to China's ratio of public debt to GDP.,史先生估计(不计未使用信用额)中国公共债务将会占到GDP的另外34%。 +"Before buying ane-ticket, consumers should make sure they're buying from a legal travel agency.",在购买电子票之前,消费者应该确认他们是否是从合法的旅行社购买的。 +"As for design, it is a fiction thatapps run circles around HTML from a functional and UI point of view. As popularas apps are today, browsers are closingthe gap.",至于设计,从功能和用户界面的观点看,应用环绕HTML运行纯属虚构。今天和应用一样流行的浏览器正在弥补差距。 +"As catastrophic as regime collapse would be, it pales next to the prospect of coming under nuclear attack.",比起惨绝人寰的核武攻击,政权崩溃的灾难实在相形逊色。 +In this research Hertz contact theory and equilibrium equations are used to derive force-displacement relations for a robot grasping a spherical object.,本研究利用赫氏接触原理、以及力平衡方程式,推导出机械手臂抓取球形物件时的力与位移关系式。 +"Another factor may be the mosquito’s search for an accessible vein near the skin surface, much like that of a nurse trying multiple sites to take a blood sample.",抑或是蚊子试图通过多点测试寻找一个接近皮肤的血管,正如护士采血样时多试几个地方一样。 +"One evening, on a school night, when my daughter Mulan was nine, we were eating dinner together at our favourite Thai restaurant.",那是发生在两年前,接女儿从体操学校回来的一个傍晚,我和九岁的女儿穆兰在我们特别喜爱的泰国餐厅吃饭。 +"Also write in ""paperboy"" to let me know you have actually read this post.",也写在“报童”,让我知道您的实际阅读这篇文章。 +John expected Mr.and Mrs White to come for a potluck dinner.,约翰期待着怀特夫妇来吃顿便饭。 +"Interactive and Common Progress Card Method is a unique teaching method, which is created and summed up by the Guilin No. 19 middle school during the long-term practice of teaching reform.",“互动俱进卡片教学法”是桂林市普通中学——第十九中学在长期的教学改革实践中创造与总结出来的一种独具特色的教学方法。 +Her photograph appeared around the world after she asked for a kiss from Prince William during his visit to Australia.,威廉王子访问澳大利亚期间,她请求亲吻这位王子,之后她的照片便传遍了全世界。 +Patrick Tsang is the Co-leader of Public Offering Services of Deloitte in China. He has over eighteen years of professional experience in international accounting firms.,曾顺福是中国德勤企业上市服务方面的合伙人,拥有18年以上在国际会计事务所从业的专业经验。 +"The high speed railway is the completely new mode in this area, which will change the structure of the inter-urban public transport.",两条高等级快速客运线的引入,必将使通道内铁路与公路的竞争更加激烈。 +The rain pelted down for nearly four hours.,大雨连续下了大约有四个小时。 +Then Procne became homesick and longed to see her dear sister Philomela.,由于远离故土,普鲁丝妮患了思乡病,她非常想见亲爱的妹妹菲勒美拉。 +He said there must be a mechanism for Iraq to assume more responsibility for its security without allowing a resurgence of terrorism in the country.,他说,必须为伊拉克承担维护本国安全的责任制定一项机制,防止恐怖主义在伊拉克卷土重来。 +"It used draining while mining and light&middle pressure water injection in coal seam , those completely eliminated the danger of coal and gas outburst.",在生产过程中,采用边采边抽和浅孔中压注水措施,完全消除了工作面的突出危险性。 +This series addresses systems architects and systems engineers to use when they plan and implement a Linux cluster using the IBM eServer Cluster 1350 framework (see Resources).,这个系列可供系统架构师和系统工程师在使用 IBM eServer 集群 1350 框架规划和实现 Linux 集群时使用。 (请参阅 参考资料)。 +"Seal surgery group also fire these three skills, mainly fire and seal group has been considerable controversy, and now I am off the whole group of fire and total benefits.",封印术还有群火这三大技能,主要是群火和封印受到了很大的争议,现在本人全解下群火和合计的好处。 +Moving across your fingertips and stroking your susceptible heart softly.,划过你的指尖,温柔地抚过你敏感的心。 +"Meanwhile, the BBC will also be delivering snippets of top comedy shows to mobile phones, in a trial run for a TV-to-phone service, with more to come.",其间,BBC公司还向行动电话传送顶级喜剧节目的剪辑片段,将其作为一项“电视到电话”的试行服务,接下来还会有更多。 +"LeYang had shown up for work as usual, just remember oneself has been Tui, after see in wudang mountain from the TV operation home stay mother against MAO shan hotel accept media interviews.",乐洋如常起来上班,才忆起自己已被辞煺,后从电视看到在武当山经营民宿旅馆的母亲毛倚珊接受传媒访问。 +Do you have an orgasm every time you have sex?,你每次嘿咻都有达到高潮吗? +The cell is used to investigate the immobilization kinetics and the water retention of paper coatings.,该元件用于研究纸张涂料的固定动力学和保水能力。 +I drove myself back home and tried to start putting Frank’s death behind me.,"我于是便开车返家了, 并努力地将弗兰克的死从脑海中遗忘。" +"Conclusion The comprehensive intervention could develop multi-agent learning ability of LD children, so as to improve their academic condition. The intervening technique is worth extended application.",结论综合干预训练能提高学习困难儿童多元学习能力,从而改善学业状况,值得推广应用。 +"Some local people wearing masks, wearing protective clothing, buried alive many chicken.",某些地方人们戴着口罩,穿着防护衣,活埋了许多鸡。 +"This may be a dream too far, but it has been the principal focus of his life since he joined the Jamaat-e-Islami in 1953.",这也许是个遥不可及的梦,但这就是他自1953年加入伊斯兰党以来为之毕生奋斗的首要目标。 +"So, a clean C++ old-skool (MFC) design is enforced, with single inheritance and few (if not none) macros.",因此一个干净的C++守旧设计(MFC)通过简单的继承和一些宏定义是被迫的。 +It’s not a good position to be in if you lose your job while burdened with lots of debt.,如果你丢了工作却发现还有很多债务要偿还,那滋味不好受。 +I have not the vaguest notion of where I left my umbrella.,我丝毫想不起把雨伞放在哪儿了。 +I was housed in an elegant two-story guest house in the center of Hanoi.,我下榻于河内市中心的一座雅致的二层楼结构的宾馆。 +"Borders, a once-mighty book chain, was flattened this year.",一度强盛的Borders连锁书店今年也业绩平平。 +"Certainly, new ways to interact with computers—brought about in part by the advent of smart phones and similar devices—are leading to exciting possibilities.",的确,全新的计算机交互方式 — 在一定程度上得益于智能电话和类似设备的出现 — 正在创建激动人心的体验。 +"By using simulation experiments, TGA method and Rock-Eval analysis, the potential of kerogen for oil generation was measured and compared with that determined by Tissot.",本文还用实验模拟、热重、热谱等方法测定了干酪根的生油潜量,并与蒂索确定的生油潜量进行了比较研究。 +"As they ready their weapons, Falzone announces to his men, “Tonight we send a message, gentlemen.",在黑手党们准备好了武器以后, Falzone向他的手下通告,“今晚我们要传递一个信息,先生们。 +This research was carried on the transgenic Synechocystis with paralichthys olivaceus growth hormone gene which was constructed by Dr.,本论文研究是在臧晓南博士构建的转牙鲆生长激素基因集胞藻基础上进行的。 +"In teaching history, the teacher can use the graphic approach to train students' ability in memorizing, judging, and inference.",在历史教学中,通过图示教学培养学生的识记、判断、推理思维; +"Myriads of lights dotted here and there constituted a mountain of stars, shining with a spectacle of brilliance.",它们密密麻麻地排列着,像是一座星的山,放射着万丈光芒的星的山。 +"Moreover, without cooking, the human brain (which consumes 20-25% of the body’s energy) could not keep running.",此外,如果没有烹饪,人类大脑(它消耗了机体20-25%的能量)不能运转。 +The lining will be thiner and cheaper when the method in this paper is used to design tunnels especially by the New Austrian Tunnel Method and the Shield Method.,将此法运用于新奥法或盾构法隧道设计中,即可减薄衬砌,节省投资。 +Blended from old vines of Carignan and Grenache from Cotes de Duras in France.,产于法国迪拉斯法定产区,采用老树葡萄园的梅洛和赤霞珠精酿而成。 +"One followed an intense lifestyle intervention program for a year that included a portion-controlled diet with liquid meal replacements, frozen food entrees and snack bars;",一组接受紧张的生活方式,为期一年,包括多餐控制的饮食,有作为代替品的液态事物、冰冻主食和小吃; +The LORD of hosts is with us; the God of Jacob is our refuge. Selah.,万君之耶和华与我们同在。雅各的神是我们的避难所。(细拉)。 +"If you do find issues when trying to connect via SSH, and the issue is not immediately obvious, then I recommend using both the client and server debug methods together to diagnose issues.",如果在尝试通过 SSH 连接时发现了问题,而且问题的原因不明,那么我建议同时使用客户机和服务器调试方法诊断问题。 +A group of my fellow soldiers stood around a radio.,我们营的坦克围成了一个保护圈,我的一帮战友围站在一个收音机旁。 +"That is to say, SARS-CoV infection animal model is the key-point of the study on SARS and will take an important role throughout of SARS research.",可以说SARS动物模型的建立,不但是SARS研究的瓶颈问题,其应用更是贯穿SARS研究的整个过程。 +"Then they demand money or force him to buy cigarettes, food and other things for them, Aki Ra says.",阿基·拉说,政府人员之后会向他要钱或强迫他为他们购买香烟、食物及其它东西。 +"The diploma has the functions of exchanging society advantageous resources and gaining individual income and so on, so it becomes prime motors that the people pursue diligently.",学历因为具有交换社会有利资源和获取个人收益等功能,成为人们孜孜追求的主要动力。 +The key challenge in VOD domain is to provide interactive services in thousands of potential users at a reasonable cost.,在视频点播领域的关键性挑战就是以合理经济的成本为成千上万的潜在用户提供交互点播服务。 +"The urbanization leads to that a large amount of land is expropriated, which causes the interests conflict among government, farmers and land developers.",城市化伴随着大量土地被征用,这引发了地方政府、农民和土地开发商三者的利益冲突。 +We all know that Wolf is a big bad guy.,我们都知道,灰太狼是个大坏蛋。 +Most houses in England are made of stone or brick from the local areawhere the houses are built.,大多数房子的材质是当地的石头或砖,材质的颜色在全国各地各不相同。 +"In one point of view, they may be considered as corollaries from the principles already lay down.",在一个角度来看,他们可能会被视为从原则推论已经放下。 +Russia and China have traditionally been North Korea's strongest allies on the council.,中国和俄罗斯一直是北韩在安理会的最佳盟友。 +"When the subject backward students in answering questions, I try to let them to speak out and not catch up the progress of teaching.",当学科后进生在回答问题的时候,我尽量让他们把话说出来,不为教学进度而赶。 +"If there are no such Schedules of cost indexation included in the Contract, this Sub-Clause shall not apply.",如果费用指数资料表没有包括进本合同,则本条款不适用。 +"When we saw this beautiful house made almost entirely from wood pallets, ""Awesome"" was the first word that came to mind.",当人们第一次见到这些完全用货运木头托盘建造的漂亮房子时,头脑里跳出来的第一个词就是“棒极了”。 +"They are acutely aware that even as Russia has endured many dark days in its transition to a market economy, China appears to have carried out a fairly similar shift more artfully.",他们敏锐的意识到,当俄国在向市场经济转型的过程中经历痛苦折磨时,中国人的变化却似乎更加完美,也更加狡猾。 +"Xiangjiao wrapped starter was produced by 90 % wheat and 10 % garden pea through grinding, starter-stepping and bank-entry fermentation(adequate rise of starter-making temperature).",湘窖包包曲是以90%的小麦加10%的豌豆为原料,适当提高制曲温度,经粉碎、踩曲、入房发酵而成。 +Both have impressed and United boss Chris Hughton is now in talks over their futures at St James' Park.,现在,休顿正在和他们讨论他们两人在圣詹姆斯公园球场的未来。 +"Especially, the two regions Subartu and Guti will be discussed in detail . And a man will be studied by the documents about him. Meanwhile others relating to him will be also analyzed.",对其中两个主要的国外奴隶输入地苏巴尔图和库提进行分析,并结合文献具体分析其中一位委托人的大体情况,并对其他被委托人的情况进行研究。 +The simplest approach to test case prioritization is identification of critical path.,最简单的处理测试用例优先权的方法是关键路径的识别。 +The characteristic of rubber sealing X-ring change section was concluded. Finite element analysis was made for rubber sealing X-ring change section by using finite element theory and ANSYS software.,总结了X形变截面橡胶密封圈的特点,基于有限元分析理论,借助软件ANSYS对X形变截面橡胶密封圈进行有限元分析。 +The contracting parties shall promote with great efforts the exchanges and cooperation between the judicial organs of the two countries.,缔约双方将大力促进开展两国司法机关之间的交流与合作。 +"According to the plan, Chen Tianfang led the team to cut the Japanese lines of communication, disguised as air base sent to protect ammunition into reinforcements, ammunition.",按照计划,陈天放率队切断日军通讯线路,假扮成航空基地派来保护弹药库的援军,潜入弹药库。 +Provincial public security department long Zhou Xiong and province criminal police unit vice-group commander Sheng Fangbing collaborates to solve a case.,省公安厅长周雄和省刑警总队副总队长盛芳冰联手破案。 +Management may now consider that it has reached the point where following through would be less trouble than turning back.,管理层也许现在认为,公司已走到这一步,继续推进的麻烦将少于走回头路。 +"As the direct product of magmatism during the process of tectonic evolution, volcanic rocks are the important clue in discussing the geological events and geodynamic evolution.",火山岩是大地构造演化过程中岩浆作用的直接产物,是探讨地质 事件和 地球动力���演化的重要线索。 +That's a stronger line of reasoning than the reasoning we had earlier.,这个理由比我们之前的那些更有说服力 +"And they found it was impossible for Chinese firms to use only Chinese workers, because the costs were far too high.",根据他们的研究,在非洲的中国企业全部使用中国工人是不可能的,在成本上划不来。 +据推测,魏提到的少量自有资金或许将用来开设在线店面,以及购置少量货物,这些货物出售后的款项将用来继续提供贷款,以及购买更多货物。,"That small number Wei quoted would presumably fund business with an online storefront and a small amount of goods, which could be sold for proceeds to pay the loan and buy more wares." +"Sometimes a voice from my heart has counseled me, crazily .",有时候,心里有一个声音狂乱地怂勇我。 +Samsung has recently become the jersey sponsor of the Chelsea football team in the English Premiership.,三星公司最近成为英超切尔西足球队的运动衫赞助商。 +"""Phoenix when the rain"" is about the rain here in the summer Pottinger At first, sunny, ever-changing spectacle.",“凤凰时雨”描写的是这里在夏季乍雨乍晴,千变万化的奇观。 +"To many people, a knife is associated with the image of a menacing, aggressive weapon, and therefore it should not be placed on a friendly, warm dining table.",在许多人看来,刀会是人联想到虎视眈眈、咄咄逼人的武器,因而不可在友好温暖的餐桌上占有一席之地。 +To fix and mend and reuse again.,修一修,再一次使用。 +"Makoto Shinkai is a Japanese anime director, animator, and principal voice actor.",新海诚是日本著名的动画导演、动画家和声优。 +Oh to have been in Ross Brawn's company when the car hit first practice at the Australian opener and he understood just how quick it was.,当别人对于罗斯布朗的赛车在澳大利亚站的第一次自由练习就发生撞车感到惋惜时,罗斯布朗自己却从那时知道了自己的赛车是如何的快! +"Via a series of foundations, Koch and his brother, David,have also given millions of dollars to global warming sceptics, according toGreenpeace.",据绿色和平组织发现,科赫和他的弟弟大卫还向怀疑全球变暖的组织捐资数百万美元。 +Mr. Yu told the state-run Beijing Daily newspaper in an article published Wednesday that four families have contacted him saying that photos on the microblog resemble their missing children.,于先生告诉国营的北京日报记者,已有4个家庭和他联系,说他们失踪的孩子和微博贴出的照片想象。 +Can mixed martial arts be bigger than boxing?,自由搏击能做得比拳击还大么? “那必须的。” +The reason is the creation of the slow growth in China.,究其原因是创造学在我国发展缓慢。 +"Let me get you something to eat, so you can be refreshed and then go on your way-now that you have come to your servant.""""Very",我再拿一点饼来,你们可以加添心力,然后往前去。 你们既到仆人这里来,理当如此。 +But we got quite strong on curries now,但是现在我们的咖喱的味道相当重, +Tip: Capture the migration summary that is provided before migration actually starts.,提示: 在迁移实际上启动之前,获得提供的迁移性总结。 +Mottaki would not say directly when asked whether Iran has changed its position and would comply.,有记者问,伊朗是否改变了立场,愿意按照6国的要求去做,穆塔基不愿意直接作答。 +Or I'd get lost in my head and get distracted by my own thoughts and daydreams.,或者,我在自己的脑海里迷了路,被我自己的思绪和浮想搅得心神不宁。 +"In the year 814, Charlemagne death, the empire was split.",公元814年,查理大帝驾崩,帝国随即分裂。 +"Casper, a young soldier home on leave, has a chance run-in with his childhood crush, now a grad student coping with conflicts of her own.",一名名叫卡斯帕的年轻士兵,在休假回家的路上,有了一次与自己童年迷恋的,现在正在应对个人内心情感纠葛的研究生的她,相处的机会。 +"Quotes about the Love and Marriage — Rita Wilson: ""We always make each other laugh, have honest communication, and I never take him for granted.""",婚姻之道——丽塔·威尔逊:我们总是能让对方欢笑,保持坦诚的交流,能和他在一起,我总是觉得感恩。 +"The present paper, with'Jinshi'as the center, attempts to find out the overview of talent development in Shandong, as well as the profound social content and features of the development of that time.",因此,本文以进士为中心,力图揭示北宋山东人才整体水平及其更为深刻的社会内涵和时代发展特征。 +"How much is the bottle of orange, please?",请问这瓶桔汁多少钱? +"The literary creator starts to seem a lot more like the divine creator, that is to say, and in a certain sense could be understood as a placeholder for the divine creator.","这些作者越来越被神化了,换句话说,在一定意义上,就被理解为神圣造物主的预留的位置。" +"As one would expect, the science of maintaining Wimbledon's courts has been subject to rigorous research - the current formula is 100% Perennial Ryegrass, cut to a height of exactly 8mm.",正如人们料想的一样,温网草地的维护和保养,离不开科学力量的相助。 目前,温网草地是100%纯种的黑麦草,而且草的高度都统一是8毫米。 +"The remarkable story of Muhammad Ali and the Olympics came to an end in true Ali fashion, with The Greatest winning gold on his terms.",阿里与奥运会的故事以阿里的方式画上了圆满的句号,阿里的坚持让我们看到“本世纪最伟大运动员”为自己羸得了一枚真正的奥运金牌。 +"This article has covered the major features, enhancements, and changes in LEI 7.",本文介绍了 LEI 7 中的主要功能、增强功能以及更改。 +Countries need access to the science and evidence-informed guidance to reduce the needless death and suffering associated with malnutrition.,各国需要获得科学方面具有实证依据的指导,以减少与营养不良状况有关的不必要死亡和患病。 +"The striker’s main objective, apart from scoring goals, was to step into the considerable boots Lisandro Lopez had left behind.",除了进球,这位射手的主要目标就是继承利桑德罗 洛佩斯留下的衣钵。 +The simulation results show that the recognition precision of the proposed sub-carrier recognition algorithm is 95% and the algorithm is of stronger anti-noise-interference ability.,仿真结果表明:该测控信号副载波识别算法精度达到95%,抗噪声干扰能力强。 +"Features: This net belt is approximately symmetrical spiral weaving, institutional double-helical rod and made a direct rail connection string.",特点:此金属网带以左右螺旋对称编织,机构上采用双股螺旋盘条和一根直串条连接而成。 +Luohe River is an important branch of Yellow River.,洛河是黄河的一条重要支流。 +"Without upgrades to the newer systems, nuclear plants seeking licenses to operate past* their original shut-down dates, such as Vermont Yankee, would be depending on the technologies of yesterday.",较早的美国核电站,如佛蒙特扬基电站,并没有装备此项技术,这些未经更新换代的设施能否获得许可延长服役期限,将取决于建造时的技术水平。 +Restrictions on the fair value of the neighboring right order of value analysis to show that the limit value of the neighboring right meaning.,通过对相邻权限制的公平价值与秩序价值的分析,来表明相邻权行使之限制的价值意义。 +Installation worker name cover G.,安装工的名字叫盖内克。 +He says newspaper advertisements are too expensive and believes the Internet will reach more people.,在因特网上登广告当然比在报纸上登广告要便宜,而且看到的人还会多很多呢。 +Variable frequency altering-speed system of supplying water for high building using PLC control was designed by double-channel integral circuit.,应用电子技术按设定频率上、下限实现自动转换的双通道积分电路,并按此设计PLC控制的变频调速高楼供水系统。 +"Cholera O139 was found in the shrimp and turtle in 4 cases, and was found in dinner set or residual foods in 2 cases.",各起疫情均与聚餐有关,均有食用虾或甲鱼史,4起疫情从虾或甲鱼中检出O139霍乱弧菌,2起疫情从餐具或剩余食品中检出O139霍乱弧菌; +"Cor. 15:56 The sting of death is sin, and the power of sin is the law.",林前十五56 死的毒刺就是罪,罪的权势就是律法。 +"Unlike industrial-era firms, and unlike the military, successful companies in the knowledge economy understand that nearly all value is embedded in their human capital.",知识经济中的成功公司既不像工业时代的民企,也不像军队,它们相信几乎所有的价值都体现在它们的人力资本中。 +"This could be simply a loose confederation or, alternatively, one comprising a central corps endowed with certain powers enabling it to arbitrate among a loose confederation of sovereign states.",这可能是一个松散的联盟,或者有一个中央军权赋予地方力量联盟仲裁主权国家。 +"The Changzhou Benma textile limited company locates the geographical position superiorly, transportation convenient, the environment is exquisite.",常州市奔马纺织品有限公司所处地理位置优越,交通便利,环境优美。 +One reason is that trust in the government is so low and the experience of crisis so extensive that Ukrainians see little point in taking to the streets.,原因之一在于,对政府已经完全失去信任、经历了太多危机的乌克兰人觉得,在街上示威没有任何意义。 +Please show your Banya membership card when settling account and you will get a discount or your consumption will be recorded in accumulative scores.,请在结账时出示您的班雅会员卡以便获得折扣及记录积分。 +A video presentation is also included after each match outlining the full game's content in readiness of the game's UK launch on 8 October 2010.,一个视频介绍在每场比赛中明文规定的内容全部比赛准备比赛的英国发射10月8到2010年。 +"And if you wanna know what's going on with the storyline in a movie, don't ask me - I never know.",如果你想知道电影中情节的进展,不要来问我,我从来不知道。 +"A city of northeast Germany on the Havel River west-southwest of Berlin. It is an industrial center. Population, 95,33.",德国东北部一城市,位于柏林的西南以西哈弗尔河畔。是一个工业中心。人口95,33。 +"The operating system including processor management, memory management, equipment management, file management and operation management five kinds of management functions.",操作系统包括处理机管理、存储器管理、设备管理、文件管理和作业管理五大类管理功能。 +"The Korean Central News Agency said Monday that the court found the two women guilty of committing an unspecified ""grave crime"" and illegally crossing into North Korea.",朝中社星期一报导说,法院判决两名美国女记者犯有未具体说明的“严重罪行”,以及非法进入北韩。 +Virtual desktop infrastructure (VDI),虚拟桌面基础结构 (VDI) +"But did you even listen to me an opportunity not to me, say that I deceived you!",然而你连听我说的机会也不给我,就说我欺骗了你! +Each of the contestants has 3 minutes to present a prepared speech and 1minute to show their talent of art.,每组选手将要进行3分钟的演讲和1分钟的才艺展示。 +Drossart and his team at IMG weren't idle during the cold-shoulder waiting period.,德罗萨特和他的IMG团队只好等待,但他们在这段板凳时间里也没有闲着。 +Yet for the past year or so trade negotiators in Geneva have been chiselling away at the areas of disagreement.,然而过去的几年,在日内瓦的谈判一直在凿除有分歧的领域。 +Love is a past time that never will fall.,爱是永不磨灭美好往昔。 +Some American well-known colleges do not want to expand as universities because they feel quality is more important than quantity.,有些美国有名的学院,不要扩充成大学,因为他们觉得质比量更重要。 +"The implants should not trigger an immune response, getting rid of one potential problem for recipients.",这些植入应该不会引发免疫反应,从而帮接收者避免了一个潜在的问题。 +Finance executives said they expect their companies to cut capital spending by 3.2% in the next 12 months.,财务高管们表示,他们预计他们的公司将在未来12个月内削减3.2%的资本支出。 +"By quitting, I was displaying a weakness, something that I do everything possible to avoid.",如果放弃,我就是一个懦夫,这是我竭尽全力所尽量避免的事。 +"Thee mall is the foundation of hedonic price, hedonic price in the circulation of this piece is.",商场的根底即是按质论价,按质论价在前言这一块即是发行量。 +"While there are sizing issues (does it all fit on the user's screen?) and download issues (what if the user still has a 56k modem?), the problem of fonts vanishes.",虽然存在尺寸大小问题(是否适合用户的屏幕)和下载问题(如果用户还使用 56k 的调制解调器),但字体的问题却解决了。 +"In the first part of this paper, the present situation of the post-service education in the T High School is investigated and analyzed.",第一部分,对T中学青年教师职后教育现状的调查与分析。 +"He also added that many customers left with an average voucher of more than $4,000;",他还补充表示,很多顾客的优惠购货券价值都超过了4,000美元; +"The final phase will focus on intimate domestic scenes inside the homes, courtyards and alleys of these old workers' quarters.",最后阶段,我的拍摄集中在私人家庭院落场景,以及老街区的巷子。 +Residual myopic diopters were on the rise after 1 year.,自1年后,患者的主觉残余近视度数出现上升趋势。 +"Pulmonary function tests were carried out on 212 furriers and 207 control workers, Cumulative level of dust exposure was used as exposure level to relate pulmonary function injury in furriers.",对212名接触皮毛粉尘男性工人与207名男性对照工人进行了肺功能检测。并对累积接尘量与肺功能损害的关系进行了研究。 +The lazy admin knows that users are the root of all problems.,懒惰的管理员都知道,用户是所有问题的根源。 +Streamlines data directory I/O,流线化数据目录 I/O +Objective To establish the limited check method for microorganism and to inspect whether the method for 3 Chinese potent drugs is valid.,目的建立合适的微生物限度检查方法,对银黄颗粒、清喉利咽颗粒、柴黄颗粒3种中成药的微生物限��检查方法进行验证。 +"Butt the Bee replies:"" To thee be glory and honour!""",但是,蜜蜂回答道: 缏“你荣耀辉煌吧! +I intend to end this war.,我准备结束这一战争。 +"The dark arc-shaped droplets of fine sand are called barchans , and are the interplanetary cousins of similar Earth-based sand forms.",黑暗弧形细沙滴被称为新月形沙丘,类似于地球上的沙丘形式。 +Naturally such howling will not confuse the Bolshevik-Leninists.,当然这样的大呼小叫不会把布尔什维克列宁主义者搞糊涂。 +""" Or simply, ""Is there market share not being served that makes room for another business in this category?",再或者仅仅是“在这个领域中的其他行业,还有市场份额或空间的空余么?” +"I want to point out one area that I grade the students on, something that many of them dislike.",我想指出我在为学生们评分的一个地方,是他们中许多人都不喜欢的一点。 +"Specially, more and more bulk shipping are used for staple freights ocean-shipping.",特别是在大宗货物的海上运输,越来越多的采用大型船舶。 +"He added, however, that markets could be constrained by concerns about how the plan will be implemented.","但他也表示,有关计划要如何执行的疑虑,可能会使市场受到压抑." +"There will be more lines and wrinkles, and these will be much deeper around the eyes, nose and mouth.",届时脸上会有更多沟壑褶皱,而眼睛、鼻子和嘴巴周围的纹路会深得多。 +"A curvaceous woman who launched an online petition against a department store which charges customers extra for oversized bras saw support for her campaign top 10,000 people Thursday.",发射一个网上请愿反对百货商店额外充电顾客过大的胸罩锯支持的她的竞选名列前茅10,000人星期四的A曲线美妇女。 +it is reasonably clear that the Constitution authorizes only Congress to suspend habeas corpus.,宪法很清楚地规定只有国会才拥有停止执行人身保护令的权力。 +Category 3: The layer has both under-cut and non-undercut features.,种类 3: 层两者都有在- 之下切和非牛腰部下侧嫩肉特征。 +"He never developed his ideas in theory, one can draw in broad strokes what his main concerns and the solutions he advocated.",他从来没有在理论上他的思想发展,可以吸引他有什么主要问题和解决方法,他主张广招。 +"The draft horses stand six feet tall, the bulls five feet.",马立着有六英尺高,牛为五英尺。 +"It's been 15 minutes, and other than the fact that all of the water has absorbed, I know my Quinoa is done…",已经十五分钟了,并且除了知道所有的水被吸收了外,我还知道藜麦已经浸泡好了。 +Another dinosaur that lived at the same time was Maiasaura.,其它生活在这个时期的恐龙有慈母龙。 +"The Jazz Platform, designed for integrating the subgenre of application development lifecycle tools, is intended to play well with others, including Eclipse.",设计用于集成应用程序开发生命周期工具子分类的 Jazz 平台旨在与包括 Eclipse 在内的其他集成工具密切协作。 +"Here, chinadialogue publishes the text in full.",中外对话特此刊载演讲的双语全文本。 +"Yes to local to long, of all things foreign colonization, spring sprouted, summer all kinds of fruits, fresh autumn and storing vegetables, taking the limit in winter, thinking that private capital.",是以群生以长,万物蕃殖,春伐枯槁,夏收百果,秋蓄蔬食,冬取杪,以为民资。 +"The entertainment, popularity, competitiveness and participation of the physical culture at the university campus have become the form of cultural activities accepted by all the students.",大学校园体育文化以其娱乐性、流行性、竞技性和参与性成为大学生日常生活普遍接受的文化活动形式。 +"However, do be prepared to jostle with lots of youngsters and elbow your way around the narrow crevice-like walkway of this longstanding Shanghai nightspot.",不过,你一定要做好与一大群年轻人推挤的准备,在这家上海老字号夜总会狭窄的走道里,你得用胳膊肘挤来挤去地为自己开道。 +Because strolling is for tourists and it's exhausting.,因为游客才散步,它让人疲惫不堪。 +"Because it poses, it just throws out the fact that you're not sure of something",因为这个句型造成,它明显地表明了你对于某事并不确定, +The HSE officer began to fill in the Spudding Record.,HSE 官员开始在桌上填写他的开钻记录。 +"Has won the ""Zigong Ten Outstanding Youth "" , "" Sichuan elite entrepreneurs "" , ""2006 China's reform characters"".",先后荣获“自贡市十大杰出青年”、“四川省优秀青年企业家”、“2006年度中国改革人物”。 +"Strengthening the Party's class basis and expanding its mass basis are a kind of dialectical unity for the Party to really become""The Two Vanguards"".",增强党的阶级基础与扩大党的群众基���是党真正成为“两个先锋队”的辩证统一。 +The state of New Jersey offers ample opportunities for bicyclists of all abilities.,新泽西州给各种水平的骑自行车的人很多机会。 +"What he reads these experts as saying is that China should seek to ""displace the United States as the dominant player in East Asia, and perhaps to extrude it from the region altogether.""",他在这些专家的文字中读出的观点是,中国应该在东亚地区谋求取代美国而成为最具影响力的国家,或者应该将美国排挤出东亚地区。 +"The results are useful for the design of connecting, fusion splicing and coupling of PMFs.",该结论对保偏光纤的连接、熔接和耦合等具有一定的指导意?。 +"In Thailand, local Tzu Chi volunteers surveyed flooded areas to prepare for an upcoming aid distribution.",在泰国,慈济人勘灾为即将发放做准备; +The results indicate that the composition of post_Archaean sedimentary rocks of NCC is not uniform.,结果表明,华北克拉通后太古宙沉积岩组成并不均一。 +"The previous concept of line graph is generalized, and the concept of line graph over multigraph is proposed.",提出了多重图的线图的概念,研究了多重图的线图连通度的上界和下界。 +In this article the optimum design of the duo-servo drum brake is discussed.,本文论讨自动增力式制动器优化设计。 +"Inventories added 0.93 percentage point to first-quarter GDP growth. Excluding inventories, the economy grew at a pedestrian 0.8 percent pace after a brisk 6.7 percent rate in the fourth quarter.","库存为第一季GDP增幅贡献0.93个百分点.若不计库存,经济仅成长区区0.8%,远远逊色于第四季的6.7%." +The red dress will definitely stand out at the party.,这件红色洋装在聚会上绝对会引人注目。 +Can pink ring of heart of one area of DNF Beijing tacit understanding sell a number?,DNF北京一区的灵犀之心粉戒指能卖多少? +"That's why we have focused so heavily on weight issues, not to mention a shorter wheelbase that permits faster, more precise turn-in.",这是为什么我们都集中在体重问题如此严重,更不用说一个较短的轴距,允许更快,开启。 +"It is shown that the alloys are composed ofthe tetragonal phase, B-rich phase and R-rich phase with FCC structure.",结果表明:合金由四方相、富B 相和富R 相组成,富R 相具有面心立方结构。 +Example: Functional index using R-Tree access method,示例:使用 R-Tree 访问方法的函数索引 +"China to Build First Sanitary Ware brands, nine of all my colleagues in animal husbandry will be unremitting efforts and encouraging creativity reached its peak in the bathroom-climbing.",为打造中国卫浴洁具第一品牌,九牧全体同仁将不懈努力,积极创新,勇攀卫浴颠峰。 +"IKO Corporation produces the product has become the high quality famous brand goods representative, through the global marketing network realization for the user convenient, quick serves the pledge.",IKO公司出品的产品已成为优质名牌产品的代表,通过全球的营销网络实现为用户方便、快捷的服务承诺。 +"DAVID NALBANDIAN: I like play big tournaments . Need to have a motivation to play. I don't know, it's strange things to describe it, yeah.",肉球:我更喜欢打大型赛事,这样会有足够的动力。我不知道,有些事情非常奇怪很难解释…恩。 +"Using RS information to do the RS digit image map have many advantages: macroscopical, real time, no limited of frontier and political position when catch information, short cycle, high quality.",利用遥感信息制作遥感数字影像地图有宏观性强、现势性好、信息的获取不受国境线、地面条件和政治形势的限制、周期短、质量高的优势。 +Learn techniques and advice for the proper way to do jumps on your ice skates when ice dancing in this free ice skating video.,学习的技巧和正确的方法做你的冰跳跃的意见时,冰刀在这个自由冰滑冰冰上舞蹈视频。 +"Sanford Bernstein analyst Toni Sacconaghi predicted that once Oracle takes over Sun, it will likely need to cut another 5,500 to 10,000 positions.","Sanford Bernstein的分析师Toni Sacconaghi预测,一旦甲骨文收购Sun,或将需要再裁员5,500-10,000人." +The fertility in different pedons of purple soils was evaluated by means of fuzzy comprehensive evaluation.,以综合评价总分,比较了不同土体肥力的优劣。 +This page is similar to the original index.html page.,此页面与最初的 idnex.html 页面非常类似。 +"On the principle of mutual benefits, China and the ROK will accelerate studies on the possibility of a free trade zone in order to quickly implement the same.",在中韩自贸区官产学联合研究的基础上,根据互惠原则,积极研究推进中韩自贸区进程。 +Lovett:And who says the week is out?,谁说一个星期过去了? +"2009 is the year to celebrate the 10th anniversary of Asia-Australia Business College, Liaoning University.",2009年是辽宁大学亚澳商学院建院十年院庆之年。 +"The objectid column is maintained by the database: for each row inserted, the system will assign a monotonically increasing integer number, starting at 1.",objectid 列由数据库维护:在每次插入行时,系统将分配一个单调地递增的整数(从 1 开始)。 +"Having several environments reduces competition among the environments, so that, for example, user acceptance testing does not interfere with performance testing.",拥有几个环境可以减少环境之间的竞争,这样用户接受度测试就不会影响性能测试。 +A cat have fewer legs than an insect.,猫的腿比虫子的腿少。 +A British train's new seats are so uncomfortably narrow that although more can be fitted into the carriages fewer passengers want to use them.,日前英国推出了一列“窄座”火车,其座位如此狭窄不适,以致车厢内部空间绰绰有余,鲜少有乘客问津。 +One of the first resin and the second resin may comprise a reactant resin and a reactive resin which is cross-linked with the reactant resin.,所述第一树脂和所述第二树脂中的一者可包含反应性树脂和与所 述反应性树脂交联的活性树脂。 +Objective To discuss the reason of arch form change of posterior teeth correction.,目的探讨正畸治疗后牙弓形态发生变化的原因。 +Objective To investigate the therapeutic mechanism of Danxuan Koukang(DXKK) on oral submucous fibrosis(OSF).,目的探讨丹玄口康治疗口腔黏膜下纤维化(OSF)的临床疗效机制。 +Some wrote movingly about their own recess experiences.,有些读者还来信,生动地讲述了他们自己的课间休息体验(游戏)。 +"It's also the largest interplanetary pro be launched by NASA, measuring 64 feet tip to tip with its solar panels unfurled.",“黎明号”也是美国宇航局发射史上最大的星际探测器,太阳能电池板展开后总长达64英寸。 +"A two-phase commit allows several cooperating entities, known as resource managers, to participate in a single distributed unit of work coordinated by a transaction coordinator.",两阶段提交允许多个协作实体(称为资源管理器)参与到由事务协调器进行协调的单个分布式工作单元中。 +"In the process of family fighting, wu month for him to block a shot, cjay found that he gradually fell in love with the Beijing girl around him.",在家族争斗的过程中,伍月替他挡了一枪,程远发现他渐渐爱上了身边的这个北京女孩。 +They emit squeaks and gauge their environment based on the echo returned.,他们发出尖叫声并根据反射的回声测量它们的环境。 +The only thing worse than being a gay is being a welcher.,只有一种东西比同性恋还要糟糕,那就是骗子。 +People who buy mopeds or other scooters may not even need a motorcycle license.,那些买机动自行车和小轮摩托的人也许不需要上摩托车训练课。 +"Rival Boeing is offering the KC-767 Advanced Tanker, a modified version of its 767-200 long-range freighter.",竞争对手波音公司提供的KC-767先进加油机,是767-200远程货机的修改版本。 +The degree of seed dormancy and the stratification requirements varied with provenance.,种子休眠的程度和层积处理的需要因采集地点不同而有差异。 +They are talking about Bens birthday.,他们正在谈论本的生日。 +"For the treatment of peripheral facial paralysis, Professor Zhao Jianguo treating the patient by stages and made a good therapeutic effect.",对于周围性面瘫的治疗,赵建国教授采用分期辨治在临床上取得了良好的治疗效果。 +Give your file the name of search.php and click Finish.,将文件命名为 search.php 并单击 Finish。 +"14 - what is the matter with a glass of water and I don't know, harden wiper rubber, will be coated with a layer of film on the glass, not even in the future will leave a piece of failure.",玻璃水——详细是什么物质我也不知道,会硬化雨刷橡胶,还会在玻璃上镀上一层膜,失效今后会留下一片片的不均匀。 +"The book,having this book performed in your church for you, read out loud in the middle of the night, deals with your sense of persecution if you have one.",当这本书在教堂被表演出来时,当它在午夜被大声朗读出来时,如果你有被压迫感,它给你带来安慰。 +"However, if such system is over strengthened, it is likely to fall into a difficult position of individual case supervision.",人民监督员制度的监督客体是人民检察院的具体司法业务,如果强化这一制度不免会陷入个案监督的困境。 +"ALICE: I came here today to talk to you because… Well, I need to ask two favors.",艾丽斯:我今天来跟你谈是因为……嗯,我想要请你帮两个忙。 +"Now less fetch the guns and things, "" said Huck.""",“我现在去拿枪和别的东西,”哈克说。 +"I liked the part when they fell into the snake pit and the snakes were slithering all over them, and then the bad guys found them and sealed the pit .",我喜欢那段,就是当他们掉进蛇坑里,蛇爬遍了他们全身,然后坏蛋们发现了他们,就把蛇坑给封起来了。 +He hath also stablished them for ever and ever: he hath made a decree which shall not pass.,他将这些立定,直到永永远远。 他定了命,不能废去(或作越过)。 +Grazing dis continuities in the Poincaré map of the vibratory system with a gap are likely to be a major cause of the unusual routes to chaos for the system.,冲击振动系统的映射“擦边”奇异性可能是这种非常规转迁过程的主要原因。 +Things began to change in 1988 when China Merchants was able to convince the government that it should be allowed back into the business it had set up for China a century before.,到了1988年,形势开始有所改变,中国招商局能说服政府去允许那些一个世纪前就在中国开展的保险业务回归。 +A community of northeast New Jersey west-northwest of Elizabeth.,尤宁位于伊丽莎白西北以西、新泽西东北面的一个社区。 +他既有技巧, 又有闯劲。,He has both skill and dash. +This paper lays its emphasis on the introduction of some teaching principles and teaching methods for strengthening students' culture acquisition.,本文了着重介绍了外语教学中文化习得的原则和方法。 +Equality is an important question in the debate between liberalism and communitarianism today.,在当代自由主义与社群主义的争论中,平等是一个重要问题。 +"Once you save your settings, click on the RSS feed icon, and you'll enter the subscription page. The URL of that page is the ""subscription link"".",保存设置后,第二步是点击那个桔黄色的订阅标记,点击后,就进入一个页面,页面上方的URL就是订阅链接。 +The professional education of the art design is under intensive reform.,目前正在加大力度对美术设计专业教育进行改革。 +"The properties of corn starch stearate such as viscosity, stability, solubility, gelatinization degree, emulsibility, digestibility and so on, were determined and analyzed.",对硬脂酸玉米淀粉酯的黏度、稳定性、溶解度、糊化度、乳化特性和消化性等性质进行了测定和分析。 +"By theoretically study of the problems in practice, it can perfect the system of concurrence of liability for breach of contract and liability of tort.",正视实践过程中存在的问题,通过理论及实证研究,促进违约责任和侵权责任竞合制度的日臻完善,具有重要的现实意义。 +Enterprises should as low-valued consumables management and accounting.,企业应作为低值易耗品管理和核算。 +"According to the requirement of test operation and the non-linearity and uncertainty, this paper brought out the pressure servo control system.",给出了针对试验操作要求及钻压伺服系统的非线性、不确定性的钻压伺服控制系统。 +An effective way to track the topics that matter to you is by using the Topics du Jour technique.,“话题追踪软件”是一个可以有效地跟进对你来说重要的话题的工具。 +Her history and interaction with other people makes her real and shaped her into who she is today.,她的经历和与人的交往,使她感觉自己的存在,并塑造了今天的绫波丽。 +And warm dry winter winds—similar to the Santa Ana winds of California—blow from the northeast.,在纳米比沙海这一块,盛行南风;但是顺着乔彻伯峡谷吹来的偏东风,是(塑造沙丘形状的)另一个因素(成分);另外,冬季(指北半球冬季)盛行的干热风则是东北风——和加利福尼亚的圣安娜风(参考链接:焚风)类似。 +"In addition, overseas to vaccine protectant research has Continuously security, caused the end product vaccine the long-term preservation and the transportation is limited.",加上国外对疫苗保护剂研究的保密,使成品疫苗的保存和运输受到一定限制。 +"For example, you store the username, password, job title, contact information, and payroll information for every user.",例如,将存储每个用户的用户名、密码、职称、联系方式和工资信息。 +He rubbed up the silverware with a clean dry cloth.,他用一块干净的干布将银器擦亮。 +Five new vehicles have been provided by the Angolan government for use by teams at the outbreak site.,安哥拉政府提供了五辆新车辆供该病暴发现场的医护队使用。 +Why was this old woman making such a fuss about an old copse which was of no use to anybody?,为什么这个年老女士会对一片毫无用处的老灌木林如此紧张呢? +"When Mr. Hu was six years old and first joined his 4, 000 classmates in the exercise, he actually thought it was exciting -- a coming of age experience.","当他六岁第一次和4,000名同学集体做操时,胡元实际上觉得很兴奋,这是一种成长经历。" +"Recently, our classmates have had a heated discussion about whether we should give money to beggars.",最近,我班同学就是否应该给与乞讨者金钱这一问题引发了激烈的讨论。 +"It is attached, and I think Hai Ying would be very happy to read this.",它已附呈,我想海鹦会很高兴读到此篇。 +It's the flip side of China's Modernist embrace: tabula rasa planning of the sort that also tainted the Modernist movement in Europe and the United States in the postwar years.,这却是中国遵从现代主义的另一面:白板式的设计同时沾染战后年代的欧洲和美国现代主义运动的特点。 +The result shows that Chengdu college students favor Chinese fast food the ideal price of which is about 5 yuan.,了解到成都市大学生的理想中式快餐价格在5元左右; +"For example, if you look at the current directory, there are a range of different subdirectories (see Listing 3).",例如,如果您查看一下当前目录,可以看到一系列不同的子目录(请参见 清单 3)。 +"Religion: Islam (official), divided between Sunnite and Shiite.",宗教:伊斯兰教(什叶派和逊尼派)。 +Ferrite and carbon constitute the mild steel.,铁素体和碳组成低碳钢。 +"With the aid of the completeness of symplectic eigensolutions, a close method was presented.",利用辛本征解空间的完备性,建立一套封闭的求解问题方法。 +"I was prepared to sit there for almost any length of time , just to listen to her talking. her voice had the sparkle of a mountain stream.",我准备随时呆在那听她说话。她的声音宛如山间的小溪充满活力。 +"However the 22-year-old is highly likely to be sold by Juventus this summer, and Lazio have been strong linked with making a move.",然而,这位22岁的球员在夏天可能会被尤文图斯卖掉,拉齐奥对引进他很感兴趣。 +North Carolina followed Florida's lead and passed its own identification standards last year.,北卡罗来纳州跟着佛罗里达在去年通过了自己的鉴定标准。 +"Women who worked day shift produced an average of 11.2 eggs per session compared with 8.7 percent for nightshift workers, a decrease of 28 percent.",上白班的女性每个生理周期平均产生11.2枚卵子,而上夜班的女性每个周期平均产生8.7枚卵子,降低了28%。 +Investigators are feeding weather and tide charts into a computer.,调查研究人员把天气情况和海潮变化图输入计算机。 +"A discrete system simulation model based on tool inventory theory with self-digestive engine was established in this paper, and recovering ability and life-span characteristics were given.",基于具有自消化引擎的刀具库存理论,考虑刀具使用过程中的自修复及刀具的生命递减,建立了一个离散的系统仿真模型。 +"The comparison of the lassalite of Yunnan to that of other counties indicates that both of them are alike in parameters of X-ray powered crystal, chemical composition and differential thermal curve.",云南坡缕石与世界上的代表样品相比较,在X射线粉晶参数、 化学成份、差热曲线等方面有较大的相似性。 +The spilled ink dyed the tablecloth blue.,泼翻的墨水把桌布染成蓝色。 +"Then the street sweeper went on with his sweeping and said with a smile, “I pity you too.”",清洁工继续扫他的地,并微笑着说:“我也可怜你。” +"Sales of Intel's Atom microprocessor, which targets netbooks and mobile-device makers, dropped 32% in the third quarter.",今年三季度,英特尔Atom微处理器的销量下滑32%。 这款处理器主要瞄准上网本和移动设备制造商。 +Roller Baking conveyer-Non-standard manufacturing according to different requirements from the customers.,烘干输送机可根据客户不同规格要求,非标制造。 +New studies bring to our attention that high levels of cholesterol might make the brain cells more prone to dementia.,新的研究使我们注意到高胆固醇可能使脑细胞较易痴呆。 +Meng Poem speaks the changes in Meng's ideology which is unusual in The Book of Songs.,《氓》诗写了氓的思想变化,这在《诗经》中是比较少见的。 +The goal of this paper is to find out university students' expectation for the role of P. E. teachers so that the teachers can give better classes.,目的了解新课标下大学生对体育教师的期望,使教师能更好担当新角色。 +"Birds are also at risk for lung cancer, as well as pneumonia, because their respiratory systems are hypersensitive to any type of air pollutant.",鸟类也有罹患肺癌及肺炎的风险,因为牠们的呼吸系统对任何一种空气污染物都很敏感。 +"The mass of a black hole is confined to an infinitely small point at its centre, called a singularity.",黑洞所有的质量都处于其中心一个无穷的小点上,我们叫它“奇点”。 +"In addition, some special tags within the pass-thru HTML are interpreted by the server, and contribute to the HTML emitted.",另外,传送的 HTML 中的某些特殊标签由��务器解释,这得益于发出的 HMTL。 +"Minister Bo guaranteed consistent State support for the Coal expo in the future, and called on all sides to build the expo into a convenient platform with wide international reach.",薄熙来表示,商务部将继续支持办好煤博会,并与各方发挥优势,共同把煤博会这个平台做得更宽、更好。 +The seaweed polysaccharides which is obtained from a species of algae have proved to be a potent clinicalagent .,海藻多糖是一类海藻提取物,属于植物多糖中的一种,是一种天然活性物质,具有许多药用功能。 +"Put your head fieldwork where possible, enjoy the ""land so, "" the show tolerance beauty.",你尽可放目四野,饱览“江山如此多娇”的秀容美貌。 +"Following the Tsunami in Asia, our Health Action in Crises unit used it to its maximum advantage to coordinate responses.",亚洲发生海啸后,我们的危机中卫生行动处最大限度地利用该中心来协调应对行动。 +"Brick wood has its own color, just like with perfect prospective bride, waiting for us to open it.",一砖一木都有属于自己的色彩,就像披上完美嫁衣的新娘,等待着我们去掀开它的面纱。 +"Red eyes gleaming, Mad Henry drew a silver-bladed knife and casually cut the bridegroom’s throat from ear to ear.",疯子亨利眼冒红光,抽出一把银子做刃的尖刀,随手就把新郎的喉咙从左到右,整整地切开。 +"Reports in 2007 suggested some aged vintages of Pu'er were going for as much as $10,000 for 10 grams (0.35 ounces).",据2007年报道称,一些年久的普洱茶窖藏品价格每10克,相当于0.35盎司,被卖到10000美元。 +Actwely spreading and carrying out national engaging system is an important aspect in personnal managing system reformation in college.,积极推行并实施全员聘用制是高等学校人事管理制度改革的一个重要方面。 +"He is a former presidential campaign aide, whose father was lieutenant governor of Virginia and now head's that state's Republican party.",亨利曾担任布什总统的竞选助手。 亨利的父亲曾担任维吉尼亚州的副州长,现在是该州共和党领导人。 +Benedict said from the beginning America's noble principles governing political and social life have been linked to God.,教皇本笃说,从一开始,美国管理政治和社会生活的崇高原则是与上帝分不开的。 +"Both the attendance machine and external card reader are mounted on the wall. A mental wall or gate will shorten greatly the distance to punch card, even make it unable to work.",本考勤机和外置的打卡头都是安装在墙壁上使用的,但是如果安装在金属墙壁或金属门上,将明显缩短打卡距离,甚至完全不能打卡。 +But I don’t need them cluttering up my life.,但我不需要他们,这简化了我的生活。 +"Pray for the Word of Christ to dwell richly in YUNNAN, the primary home of more minority groups than any other province. Col. 3:16",愿基督的道丰丰满满地住在云南。本省少数民族居民是全中国最多。西3:16。 +Because you think you can never replace me?,因为你认为永远都没有什么能代替我? +We'd like the president to publize and honour them in some way.,"我们希望总统能够公开地,以某种方式来表扬他们。" +Proctor & Gamble is a large personal product conglomerate.,宝洁公司是一家生产个人卫生用品的大集团公司。 +"By much trampling, we had made it a mere quagmire.",由于践踏得多了,我们把盐泽的边沿弄成一个泥沼了。 +"Joe: ""Come out from under the bed, you coward !",乔:“从床底下滚出来,你这个胆小鬼!” +This thesis tries to integrate resource-based view (RBV) and SCP model to explain competitive advantage of clusters.,本文试图融合基于资源的企业理论(RBV)与“结构-行为-绩效”(SCP)的分析框架来解释集群竞争优势。 +"Objective This article introduces Bayesian graphical modelling and analyze incidence data of primary live cancer in Qidong county, and predict incidence rate of Primary live cancer next period.",目的为了较为系统地介绍贝叶斯图解模型,并用于肝癌发病资料分析和发病率预测。方法利用贝叶斯图解模型和年龄队列模型对肝癌发病的年龄、出生队列效应的参数进行估计。 +There are enemy aircraft on the radar screen.,雷达萤屏上出现了敌人的飞机。 +"Then the young man went to college, he decided to try out for the football team as a ""walk-on.",到了大学,他抱着试一试的心态去了橄榄球队员的选拔。 +"According to the characteristic that all sorts of influencing factors in mines possess obvious ambiguity and vagueness , the fuzzy evaluation mode that fits stope reliability evaluation was built.",根据矿山采场各影响因素具有明显的模糊性的特点,建立适用于矿山采场可靠性评价的模糊评价模式。 +That kid over there is good at football.,那边那个小毛孩擅长踢���球。 +He felt it was a degrading job to wash dishes at a restaurant.,他认为在餐馆洗盘子是下贱的工作。 +"He was a tall man and by standing on anything low, a book or a footstool, he could look from under the skylight over the coaming .",船长人很高,站在一本书、一个脚凳或者什么其他矮东西上就能从天窗往外看到舱口栏板。 +"In this paper, manager competency and management position function description variables are given and the simulation model of competency-position fit is built based on casualty theory.",能岗匹配是人力资源配置的重要原则,实施动态环境下的能岗匹配需要模拟出管理者素质变量与岗位职能变量的变化趋势与程度以及这两者的实时匹配程度。 +The young singer has thrilled crowds with her fine and sensitive singing.,这位青年歌手以她美妙动情的演唱使听众兴奋不已。 +"The Obama administration has stressed that under any agreement with the Taliban, the insurgents must give up violence, renounce al-Qaida and abide by the Afghan constitution and laws.",奥巴马政府强调,与塔利班达成的任何协议都必须要求叛乱分子放弃暴力、与基地组织决裂以及遵守阿富汗宪法和法律。 +"Through all their efforts, a disaster was eventually turned away.",经过他们的努力, 终于避免了一场灾难。 +"When pulled out, the needles remove a cylinder of tissue, usually about 1/2-inch long and 1/16-inch across.",当我们往外拔针的时候,针可以带走一条圆柱状的组织,通常大约有1/2英寸长和1/16英寸宽。 +"In any case, did not the ambiguity of the term Lustprinzip become obvious to everyone long ago ?",无论如何,「快乐原则」这个术语老早以前,大家不就已经明显觉得是模稜两可? +"He was pampering the poor girls's lust for singularity and self-glorification"".""",“出于怪癖和自命不凡,他纵容着这个可怜的女孩的贪欲”。 +"Melnick says the soul is immortal and lives on after the body drops away, but if my soul exists without my body I am convinced all my clothes will be loose-fitting. Oh, well…",梅尔尼克说灵魂是不朽的,在肉体消亡后继续存活,可要是我的灵魂离开了肉体还存在,我深信我所有的衣服都会变得宽松。 +Objective To study the clinical feature of acute rodenticide poisoning and enhance understanding of the disease.,目的研究常见灭鼠药中毒的临床特点,提高对本病的认识。 +Upstart is an interesting replacement for init and has some distinct advantages over it.,Upstart 是 init 的一个有趣的替代程序,并且具有一些独特的优点。 +In the Indiana University study 14 percent of women admitted to never cleaning their vibrators—ever.,在印第安纳大学的那个研究中有14%的女性承认从没清洁过她们的振动器——从没。 +U. S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has begun a two-nation trip to Asia that includes the first visit to Burma by a U. S. secretary of state in 50 years.,美国国务卿希拉里·克林顿开始访问两个亚洲国家,其中对缅甸的访问是美国国务卿50年以来的第一次。 +Millions of US pupils aged from 5 to 11 must put their right hands across their chests and recite the Pledge of Allegiance in front of the US national flag every morning before classes start.,美国数以百万计五岁至十一岁的小学生,每天早上上课前,都必须右手放在胸前,面对美国国旗朗诵效忠誓约。 +"With PHP the application will often times still work, but unknowingly you may have opened up a large security hole in your coding that may be susceptible to attacks.",这样的PHP程序可能在大多数时间内仍正常工作,但你可能已在代码中留下了巨大的安全漏洞,使其易受攻击。 +"Bees are the most prolific pollinators, but they're not alone.",蜜蜂是最勤劳的传粉者,但它们并不缺少同行。 +Successful reservoir management depends upon teamwork and continuous interaction among team members. A synergy oft…,成功的油藏经营管理取决于团组成员间的不断交流和交互作用。 +In the present day Sera Khandro discovered the most famous and widespread terma cycle of all the female tertons.,色拉康卓在当代开启了所有女伏藏师所取出的伏藏中最为著名、传播最广的伏藏集。 +"Because the plastic greenhouse prevents the changes of air current, there is a limit scope climate effects in the plastic greenhouse.",塑料大棚隔绝了棚内与棚外的气流交换,造成棚内高温高湿的小气候效应。 +Vehicle EE fault diagnosis and analysis?,整车电子电器故障诊断与分析? +Aspirin taken over long periods reduced the spread of cancer through metastasis by around 50%.,通过新陈代谢,阿司匹林可以在一段较长周期内可减少约50%的癌症扩散。 +"Newer cars come with automatic headlights that stay on all the time, which can add to confusion during processions.",新设计有自动前照灯的车前灯会��直亮着,这让葬礼车队十分困惑。 +Over voltages due to lightning or switching may cause flashover of supporting or from conductors to conductor.,由雷电或开关瞬变过程引起的过电压可能会在支撑物和导体之间产生电弧。 +There is every reason to believe that China's resumption of sovereignty over Macao in 1999 will proceed smoothly .,完全有理由信任1999年中国对澳门克复行使主权将起利市。 +"Bladder innervation arises from the sacral segments S2–S5 with predominance of S3 but a considerable individual amount of variation among the segments [2], and [3].",支配膀胱的神经起于骶神经骶2-骶5节段(主要在骶3神经),但该节段的个体差 异相当大。 +The changes of catalase (CAT) activity in estivating and hibernating pupae of striated white butterfly Pieris melete Menetries were systematically tested.,作者系统研究了黑纹粉蝶越夏蛹和越冬蛹体内过氧化氢酶(CAT)活力的变化。 +"After reaching Xi'an on December 16, Zhou Enlai negotiated with all related parties. They worked out an idea that Chiang would be released if he promised to resist Japan.",周恩来等于16日到达西安以后,做各方面的工作,提出:只要蒋答应抗日就释放他。 +The majority of women allocated in two groups suffered from osteopenia or osteoporosis.,两组患者骨量减少的发生率均占绝大多数,其次为骨质疏松的发生率。 +"Methods for sex education in school were providing consultation, guidance, and lecturing, in that order.",提供学校性教育的方式,依序为提供谘询、辅导与讲授。 +"In the Miao, Tujia ethnic minority-based aggregation County, the ancient city of Phoenix Water town with its unique classical gray attracted waves of foreign tourists.",在这个以苗族、土家族为主的少数民族聚集县,凤凰古城以其独有的水乡小镇的古典灰吸引了一批又一批的中外游客。 +"In this study, we utilized the corn cinder with the solid multi-microbes fermentation technique to produce protein feed of animal.",采用固态多微混合发酵方式,进行以玉米淀粉渣为原料生产蛋白饲料的研究。 +"Not long after, they met again at Dunhuang and fell in love. The Great General, Yueya's father opposed their relationship and forced his daughter to choose a husband man among the rich and famous men.",不久,他们再次在敦煌相逢,萌生爱情,却遭月牙之父大将军反对,逼迫月牙在王公巨贾中招亲。 +Build and secure funding from corporate partnerships and other non-traditional donors.,建立、争取来自企业合作伙伴及其它非传统捐助者的资助。 +"At least two remote water gauges should be installed in the control chamber. A clear mark should be made at the highest and lowest safe water line, which each remote water gauge runs as regulated.",控制室内至少装两个可靠的远传水位表,每个远传水位表在运行规程规定的最低、最高安全水位刻度处应有明显的标记。 +The Hashashim are a semi-religious sect of stealthy assassins. On the battlefield they fight with sword and shield.,哈萨辛为半宗教性质刺客团体,精擅潜伏和暗杀,在战场上以长剑和盾牌作战。 +"Politburo Standing Committee, Premier Wen Jiabao presided over the General Assembly.",中央政治局常委,国务院总理温家宝主持大会。 +"'Work is my passion' is no excuse, "" Tsang-Feign says. ""Learn to switch off from work by leaving the office, switch off the BlackBerry, and do not take any calls at a certain time after work.""",工作是我的动力,但不能作为借口,要学会离开办公室停止工作,关掉黑莓,下班后的某个特定的时间不接任何电话。 +Some trees can survive a long time without water. Think of trees that grow in the desert.,有些树木在缺水的情况下也能存活很长时间,例如沙漠中生长的树木。 +Buddha didn't think it right.,世尊认为他们都是走错了方向。 +"And any prospective new owner knows that there are now two experienced former Dow executives available for hire, should they be needed.",任何可望成为新股东的公司都知道目前有两位陶氏化工的前任资深管理静待任用,如果他们确为所需的话。 +An 800-room Grand Hyatt opens at the resort later this month.,进阶则本月底有着800间客房的金茂君悦大酒店在旅游胜地开幕。 +"Farrell met them when he was asked to release butterflies at their wedding: ""There were more pictures of me in Hello! than of the bride and groom!""",法雷尔是在被邀请在他们的婚礼上放飞蝴蝶时认识他俩的:“那次‘Hello’报上我的照片比新郎新娘的还多!” +"The Ming dynasty, finding series, was ordered to chase nine agent provocateur order ""ghost king seven steal"".",明朝刑部,大内密探龙龙九,奉命追捕「鬼王七盗」。 +"This paper deals synthetically with the signal derived the various sensors via the technique of data fusion, and founds the model of separating the instantaneous coupling signal, i.",采用数据融合技术,对来自不同光纤传感器的信号进行综合处理,建立了分离光纤传感器中的时变耦合信号模型,即多光纤传感器的复用和数据融合的模型。 +An innovative society is one that hedges its bets by having as many thoughts—and thinkers—as possible.,一个创新型的社会为了以防万一,必定会寻求尽可能多的想法和思考者。 +Waterproof full-grain leather upper material.,防水全粒面皮革鞋面材料。 +"And what it does is you don't need things, you only need toners, you keep using the same paper, so very good for the environment.","这样你不需要纸了,只需要,墨粉就行了,你可以使用同一张纸,可以保护环境。" +Conclusion The application of abnormal diet records can ensure the nutritional supply for the patients with eating disorders and contribute to their recovery.,结论饮食异常登记本的应用,保证了饮食异常精神病患者的营养供给,促进了患者康复。 +"China and America have been drawn into a rare confrontation on the high seas, it emerged today, when the Pentagon accused Chinese ships of manoeuvring dangerously close to a US navy vessel.",今天传出消息,中美海军在公海发生了一场罕见的对峙,五角大楼指责中国舰船危险地包围接近美国海军舰船。 +A compensation cylinder (11) is arranged between a sliding carriage (12) of the drilling system and the drill tower (9).,所述的钻孔系统的滑架(12)与所述的钻架(9)之间 设有补偿油缸(11)。 +"Parwan Irrigation Project is one of the China-aided projects in Afghanistan completed in 1970s, and was destroyed in the war.",帕尔旺水利项目是中国20世纪70年代援阿建成项目之一,战争期间遭到破坏。 +"When Season 2 of ""Man vs. Wild"" premiered the next year the episodes began stacking up, unwatched.",当《人类与野生动物》的第二季明年公演,续集连续播放。 +"Jerusalem Councilman Elisha Peleg supports the plan, which could be approved next week.",耶路撒冷市议员皮勒格支持这个计划,而计划可能在下个星期通过。 +ActiveRecord dynamically creates accessors based on the column names of the database table that it is mapped to.,ActiveRecord 根据映射的数据库表的列名动态创建访问器。 +It's one day clock; the spring winds down in 24 hours.,此钟能走一天,24小时后发条走松而停。 +"If you decided to learn a new language, you would have to dedicate yourself wholeheartedly to the couse.",如果你决定学习一门新的语言,你会全心全意地奉献自己的职高。 +Sir Hugh was the head of a brewing company called Guinness.,修爵士是金氏酿造公司的总裁。 +I live with my Granddad in Central London.,我和我爷爷一块住在伦敦市中心。 +"It's just, there's kind of a gay neighborhood in San Francisco,",旧金山就有一个专门的同性恋社区, +"It was late, but the audience was increasing.",时间很迟了,但听众人数却在增加。 +Pass-free Rolling is an advanced technology which can optimize steel bar production.,轧制 是一项可以优化棒材生产的先进技术。 +These properties can be used to create e.g. transient and private queues which are exclusive and auto-deleted.,这些性质可以用来创建例如排他和自删除的transient或者私有队列。 +IMPORTANT: Do not add the contents of src and bin folders to source control.,注意: 不要将 src 与 bin 文件夹的内容加入源代码控制中。 +Find out what Lily and Greta think in this time English lesson.,在本节以时间为话题的英语课上,了解莉莉和格里塔的想法。 +She is counting on Saadi Gadhafi to help her with the other two.,她指望萨阿迪来帮助她实现另外两个。 +Thanks for checking my music out and the add.,谢谢你来听我的音乐, 还加我做了好朋友。 +Results The carriers with the novel gene mutation of MSH2 in a hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal cancer family were successfully found.,结果:用该方法成功检测出遗传性非息肉型直结肠癌家系中的表型正常的MSH2基因新突变携带者。 +"But underneath her commercialism and pragmatism, she has her principles.",但在商业主义和实用主义的外表下,徐静蕾做事有她的原则和底线。 +"To reduce payload swing of overhead crane systems, a new anti-swing control scheme based on position compensation is proposed.",为了抑制起重机的载荷摆动,提出了一种新型位置补偿消摆控制策略。 +That's where the Operations Console comes on.,这就是操作控制台的用武之地了。 +The work of Picasso and Matisse will never be worth anything.,毕加索和马蒂斯的作品将会一文不值。 +"Practice has proved: ""stone better than gold or silver"" this conclusion effect;",实践已经证明:“黄金有价石无价”这个结论的效果; +"Therefore, dibenzyltoluene can be used as heat -conducting oil either solo or after being mixed with hydrogenated triphenyl .",研究证明,可用二苄基甲苯代替氢化三联苯或者两者掺混作高温导热油使用。 +"He's saying something like, ""I used to see these people all the time.",他说了一些诸如,我每天见到这些人。 +"Religion has the following functions: controlling society, integrating society, regulating mind and exchanging culture.",宗教具有社会控制功能、整合功能、心理调适功能与文化交往功能。 +"What Jefferson noted is the wonderful feature of a non-scarce, orinfinite, good that it is effectively a free resource.",杰弗逊笔下的从思想衍生的意念,正是一种不存在缺乏的免费资源。 +We just look at the headings and subheadings and the first lines of each section or paragraph.,快速阅读时我们只看文章的标题和下标题,以及每个部分或者段落的第一行。 +"Late last year, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation launched the Measures of Effective Teaching project.",去年年底,比尔及梅琳达·盖茨基金会发起了一项名为评测有效教学的项目。 +Step 10: The BC connected with the first JBI environment hands over the normalized message to the NMR.,第 10 步:连接第一个 JBI 环境的 BC 将规范化消息移交给 NMR。 +"As long is she stays there, it is all very well.",只要她待在那儿,包管无事。 +"It was Miriya's Red Alpha alright, in lopsided Guardian configuration, radome tipped to the ground-a wounded bird.",就是米莉娅的红色阿尔法战机,在守护神模式下倒向一侧,雷达整流罩(机鼻)插在地上:一只受伤的鸟儿。 +"Aged just 25, she had picked up a camera after stints as a nurse and teaching peasant farmers to read.",她当年只有25岁,在当过护士和教过农民认字后,拿起了相机。 +"It would contain the same activity identifier as Coordinator Ca, but when App2 registers for the Durable2PC protocol to its Coordinator, Cb, its request is forwarded directly to Coordinator Ca.",它将包括与协调器 Ca相同的活动标识符,但是当 App2向它的协调器 Cb注册 Durable2PC 协议的时候,它的请求直接传送给了协调器 Ca。 +"After absorbing the brunt of seismic shaking, however, the compromised structures often must be demolished.",然而,在吸收了地震摇晃冲击力最大的部分后,这些受损害的建筑物必须被拆毁。 +"At dark, I kept reading, first on the couch, a bologna sandwich in one hand, then in my bed, by the light of a 60-watt bulb hanging from the ceiling on an orange drop cord.",夜深时我仍手不离书,先是坐沙发上读,一手拿着红肠三明治,然后是躺床上读,借着天顶挂有橘红色拉绳的六十瓦灯泡的光亮。 +"Endowed with natural beauty too hard to hide, One day she stood selected for the monarch's side.",天生丽质难自弃,一朝选在君王侧。回眸一笑百媚生,六宫粉黛无颜色。 +"Symptoms of a mixed state often include agitation, trouble sleeping, significant change in appetite, psychosis, and suicidal thinking.",混合态的症状常常包括焦躁激越,睡眠困难,食欲上的重大改变,精神病以及自杀想法。 +"The company has own characteristic technology and product in industry purification, industry dust removal, industry waste gas government, noise control and so on.",公司在工业净化、工业除尘、工业废气治理、噪声控制等方面均有自己的特色技术和产品。 +She choked down a bowl of cooked rice.,她勉强吃了一碗米饭。 +"In addition to the red marriage certificate Molv become a divorce certificate, and they are husband and wife is no different.",除了大红的结婚证变成了墨绿的离婚证外,他们和夫妻没什么两样。 +"In fact, psychologists use the term “imaginary audience” to describe this heightened state of vigilance that is especially strong during adolescence.",事实上,心理学家使用术语“想像的观众”去描述这个高度警觉的状态,在青少年时期这种状态尤为强烈。 +He hoicked a chair to him and sat by me.,他大咧咧地猛地拉过一把椅子,坐在了我的身旁。 +"In the process from planning layout to building design, the designers comprehensively probes into the humanity environment and space according to the concept.",从规划布局到单体设计,设计者对创造符合该理念的人文宜居环境、空间都进行了全方位地琢磨与推敲。 +"It's perfectly normal for a VI to be broken while you are creating or editing it, until you finish wiring all the icons in the diagram.",当你创建或编辑一个程序时,直到你完成所有程序框图中的图标和连线之前,它会一直显示为断裂状态。 +"Colour Sgt Todd snapped his Achilles tendon just before leaving the UK, leaving him unable to run.",就在即将离开英国的时候,托德上士的跟腱撕裂让他不能再跑步了。 +"Cancers are ""limited to societies that are affected by modern lifestyle issues, such as tobacco use and pollution resulting from industrialization"".",他们还称癌症“只存在于受现代生活方式问题——如吸烟和工业化进程导致的污染——影响的社会里”。 +"Manufactured Landscapes, an art film that brings to life Edward Burtynsky's still photographs of China, exposes the strange intimacies of a globalised world in crisis, says Sam Geall.",《人造风景》是一部艺术电影,该片为爱德华•伯汀斯基的关于中国的静态照片赋予了生命,揭示了一个处于危机中的全球化世界的陌生的亲密,山姆•吉尔说。 +"In the context of the present university comprehensiveness, the functional orientation of university education schools is inherently related to the development of the open system of teacher education.",我国的教师教育制度、形式、体系正发生深刻的变化,大学教育学院的功能定位关系到开放的教师教育体系的健康发展。 +"Because of the special storage method of LNG, when boiling off, it will give out vast cold energy.",液化天然气由于其特殊的存储方式,因而在汽化时将放出巨大的冷量。 +"To study the antioxidant effect in vivo of polysaccharide from moso bamboo leaves(PMBL) on aging mice, in order to provide theoretical basis for the utilization and exploitation of moso bamboo leaves.",为实现毛竹叶资源的充分高效利用,以提取多糖和黄酮类化合物后的毛竹叶残渣为原料,应用超微粉碎技术和湿法动态超高压微射流作用制备毛竹叶特种膳食纤维。 +He tagged a poem on to his speech.,他在演说后面加上了一首诗。 +Cold water comes almost to the knees of the waterproof boots covering Moran's legs.,莫兰腿上穿着一双长靴,冰冷的河水几乎没到了他的膝盖。 +It's these more unexpected effects that a disinfectant can have on existing antibiotics that I would say is the more serious long-term consequence.,对现有的抗生素来说,消毒剂的(这种)影响是最不为人期待的。我应该说,这是一个非常严肃的长期性的影响。 +May I keep the book?,我可以留下这本书吗? +"Gemini i pets are most ""talkative"" and love to learn tricks.",双子座的宠物最“能说会道”,而且喜欢学一些小把戏。-------[光年网原创。 。 +yA And I did this because now I want to do is look at the ratio of liquid to gas at pressure two.,"一这儿,yA,of,one,there。,我这么做是因为,现在我想做的是看看,在二的压强下的液气含量之比。" +Associated with this will be financing for both adaptation and mitigation.,与此相关的将会为适应和减轻融资。 +"Characteristics of single-phase-to-ground fault in distribution system are analyzed, and the faulty feeder detection methods based on steady and transient component are compared.",采用小波分析实现单相接地保护容易产生误判和漏判现象,采用暂态分量的大小和方向实现单相接地保护的方法需要准确计算暂态分量的频率和相位。 +Step down type passive avoidance test is used to determine the effects of EPN on learning and memory dysfunction induced by scopolamine.,利用东莨菪碱造成小鼠学习记忆障碍,采用小鼠跳台法检测学习记忆功能。 +"The earthquake-stricken area who job-seekers, laid-off workers, college graduates with college-related documents Admission is free for the Senate job.",当天,地震灾区籍求职者、下岗工人、大中专应届毕业生凭相关证件可免费参入场求职。 +"Yuri Bartoli, supervising virtual art director;",尤里巴尔托利,监督虚拟艺术总监; +"The next big target for raising recycling rates is rigid plastics - tubs, pots and trays.",增加循环率的下一步在于加大对硬质塑料如桶,水壶和盘子一类物品的循环。 +"When fed to their cows and pigs, that high-quality corn produced far more milk and meat. As a result, the family bought more livestock – and the farm grew.",用高质量玉米喂养牛猪时,产出的牛奶和肉更多。 +He loved dancing and he loved religious singing.,他热衷于跳舞和宗教诗歌 +This Warning event indicates that the primary header page of the log file was damaged.,此警告事件表示日志文件的主首页已损坏。 +"Ma is over 50 years old but considered a little Ma in people's heart, why?",马英九五十出头的人了,为什么还是人们心中的小马哥? +"When Du Fu was young, he was influenced by Li Bai and as well as the social trend and concentrated on the studies of Taoism.",杜甫早年倾心学道,是当时社会风尚影响的产物,也受到了李白的影响。 +That today's GOP is full of religious fanatics who think political debates can be decided with selected quotations from the Bible.,就是今日的“大老党”(共和党的别称,GOP=Grand Old Party)中充斥着狂热的宗教徒,他们以为靠从《圣经》中选摘语录就能对政治上的争论进行裁决。 +Methods:Transmission electron microscope was used to observe the ultrastructure of the synapses of the auditory hair cells in chicken cochlea.,方法:应用透射电镜对成年鸡蜗管听毛细胞的突触进行观察。 +In the event of the failure of a copy the workload continues to run on the other database copies.,当一个副本出现故障时,工作负载继续在其他数据库副本上运行。 +The major and extremely significant difference between prokaryotes and eukaryotes is that eukaryotic cells contain membrane-bound compartments in which specific metabolic activities take place.,原核生物与真核生物之间最大也是最主要的区别就在于真核细胞在特殊的代谢活动发生的地方包含了拥有膜包围的间隔间。 +"She and Mill got married, they lived happily ever after, and it was under her influence that John Stuart Mill tried to humanize utilitarianism.","他们结了婚,从此过上了幸福的生活,正是在她的影响下,约翰·斯图尔特·穆勒试图把功利主义人性化。" +"In order for per-vertex colors to work reliably across different hardware, you have to use a shader that binds in the color channel. See BindChannels documentation.",为了使每个顶点的颜色对与不同的硬件,产生可靠的效果,你需要用着色器绑定在颜色通道里。 +An ass may bray a good while before he shakes the stars down.,在还没有把星星摇下来之前,驴子也许会嘶叫一阵。 +You are about to share a cultural experience. What could your host family learn from you about your culture through this experience?,这次您参加的海外游学课程,将会带您经历一次国际文化交流,您将会有哪些中国文化知识准备与您海外的寄宿家庭分享呢? +"Brass drain valve, comprehensively improve product safety.",黄铜排污阀,全面提升产品安全性。 +"In order to reduce the inductance, we need to put the signal path close to the return path, and reduce the trace or wire length.",要减小电感,就是使得信号路径要尽量靠近返回路径,和尽量减小线长。 +"In fact, such ""anti-explosive camera assemble"" still belong to ""unlicensed"" production, its product also don't mean having flame-proof certification.",其实,这样组装的“防爆摄像机”仍然属于“无证”生产,其产品也不等于拥有防爆合格证。 +"If the downgrade of U. S. debt had any effect at all, it was to reinforce fears of austerity policies that will make the economy even weaker.",如果美国债务信用降级存在任何影响的话,那就是它加剧了对紧缩政策的担心,而这种政策将使经济变得更加疲软。 +"What fund has very big development perspective, help, I am abecedarian.",哪些基金有很大的发展前景, 帮帮忙, 我是初学者。 +"“Some small portion” of each person’s flexibility “is adaptable, ” McHugh adds, “but it takes a long time and a lot of work to get even that small adaptation.",“每个人某些部位的柔韧性是可以改变的,”麦考尔特补充道,“但这需要花费很多时间及精力去获得那个小小的改变。 +"Yes, but politicians were even more paranoid about reds under the beds.",是的,不过政治家们对床下的红酒更多疑。 +Spurs and United have made offers but Burley has insisted the left-back will see out the campaign at St Mary's and the signs last night were that he has got his way.,热刺和曼联做出了努力,但是伯利坚持这位左后卫将会留在圣玛丽球场。 +The Arsenal manager is not sure whether Messi can be described as an 'all-time great' just yet - he is only 22 after all - but Wenger believes that the sky is the limit for the diminutive striker.,这位阿森纳主帅还不确定梅西目前是否可以被称作为“有史以来最佳”球员,他毕竟只有22岁,但是温格相信对于这位矮小的前锋而言,没有极限。 +"As a special example, the quantum theories for the one-dimensional quantum damped oscillatory system are discussed.",以一维量子阻尼振动系统为例,对该量子系统的量子力学问题进行了讨论。 +So I would say the best time for college students to visit Huangshan is the first few days of the summer break when people haven't started doing anything yet.,因此我觉得对大学生来说去黄山最好的时间就是刚放暑假的那几天,因为那时人们还没有开始准备。 +I'm going to start the movie now.,我现在要开始放电影了。 +"Establishing this system is to protect more lawful rights and interests of citizen, economize more resource of judicatory.",建立这种制度的立法本义是基于更好的保护公民的合法权益和节约司法资源。 +"People who came by land you would be hearing rumblings about down the road from villages that were spread out, but if somebody comes in from the sea on a ship, you may find them there in the morning and you don't know what's what.","陆上来客总伴随着车马隆隆声,沿着途经的村庄一路传来,但是如果有人乘船从海上到来,当他早上来到时你会发现,你对他一无所知" +"Let me talk about the natural environment, the island was bombed was bare, except for the rougher edges of a long point of weeds, but not a tree;",后说自然环境,岛上被飞机轰炸得光秃秃的,除了边边角角长点杂草外,一棵树没无; +On the stage you get to make people laugh.,在舞台上,你要逗观众笑。 +"DMB-T has passed the phase of Project Demonstration, system simulation, Re search of Functional system, IC chips and STB product. After several kinds of lab.",标准方案历经了方案论证、系统仿真、样机研究、IC流片和产品机顶盒样机开发等多个研发阶段。 +"The number of tourists to the UK from mainland China from January to October soared by 80% and the annual number is expected to hit a record of over 200,000.",1-10月中国大陆赴英旅游人数激增80%,全年有望创下超过20万的纪录。 +Screen capture of donut-shaped graph of results based on one vote,一个投票的环状结果图表的屏幕截图 +Click on the ribbon and it flashes right to you preloading the content you’d like to see.,点击丝带,然后你想要看的内容就会马上预载并闪现在你的面前。 +How shall I fasten this picture onto the wall?,我如何把这幅画贴在墙上? +One of the major challenges facing developers is how to perform message validations at the message provider and message consumer end points while interacting across the ESB.,开发人员面临的主要挑战是当通过 ESB 交互时,如何在消息提供者与消息用户之间执行消息验证。 +The following is the detail:(1) The dissertation proposes an I/O management method supporting multi-OS remote and run in LAN environment to support transparent computing.,研究的具体内容如下:(1)研究了透明计算模式的特点,提出一种在局域网环境下支持多操作系统远程启动和运行的I /O管理方法。 +"How far are you from me, O Fruit? - I am hidden in your heart, O Flower.",“你离我有多远呢,果实啊?” “我藏在你心里啊,花呀。” +"Time Warner has sold around 2.1 million RGUs in the first three quarters of 2008, implying that it expects to add 400,000 RGUs in the fourth quarter.",2008年前三季度,时代华纳有线出售了大约210万个RGU,意味着该公司预计第四季度RUG将增加40万个。 +"There does wonders for removing heat from Sida Muscle, Kidney Yin, health beauty effect.",龟苓膏有清热解毒、拔毒生肌、滋阴补肾、保健养颜功效。 +The influence of the contents of fiber and resin on the compression-resilience property with and without oil conditions is the same.,在油介质和无油条件下,纤维含量和树脂含量对压缩回弹性能影响规律基本相同。 +"One solution was to reduce the national curriculum to a ""core"" of numeracy, literacy and ""life skills"", the teacher at Cheltenham Bournside school said.",一个解决办法是:把全国总课标集中简化到运算能力、读写能力以及“生活技巧”的某个“要点”上,这位切尔滕纳姆·伯恩赛德学校的教师说。 +"Based on the Ant Colony Algorithm, a new algorithm is proposed for solving the route of surface mount optimization problems.",基于蚁群算法,提出了一种适应于贴片机的路径优化算法; +"The company has acquired ISO9001-2000 quality management system certification already, Mainly produces all kinds of industrial sewing machines.",台湾日标科技实业有限公司是专业生产服装机械设备的企业,已通过ISO9001-2000质量管理体系认证; +This book leads you step by step to learn how and when to use the infinitive .,本书带你一步一步慢慢深入探讨不定词的用法。 +If you are considering diving or snorkelling in any of the Red Sea resorts be aware that safety standards of diving operators can vary considerably.,如果你正考虑着在红海度假胜地的任何地方潜水或潜泳,要注意提供潜水活动经营商的安全标准不尽相同。 +"In recent years, the junk message has become a public hazard and caused widespread concern in the community.",近年来,垃圾短信已成为社会公害,并引起了社会各界的广泛关注。 +"Among them, 610 cases, or almost 10%, were newly-married post-80s couples.",在他们中间,有610个案例,或者是将近10%都是新近结婚的80后夫妻。 +Insulation methods for local electroplating were reviewed. Procedures of these methods as well as strengths and weaknesses thereof were described in detail.,归纳了局部电镀件的各种绝缘方法,详细介绍了各方法的工艺过程及优、缺点。 +The vulture image in Jin Yong's fiction:1.,金庸小说大雕意象:1。特定人物以射雕突出英雄豪情。 +"Q: Today, the DPRK reportedly claimed that it had made significant progress in developing uranium enrichment technology. How do you comment?",问:据报道,朝鲜今日宣布其铀浓缩技术取得重大进展,中方对此有何评论? +If the final drive ratio is 4.10 times as many teeth as the input pinion gear.,如果主减速比为4.10,冠状齿���的齿数就要比主动齿轮的齿数多4.10倍。 +Political analysts said Chongqing officials are showing off their political muscle in attempt to gain higher standing in a once-a-decade-leadership transition next year.,政治分析人士说,重庆市官员是在炫耀他们的政治实力,以便在明年10年一次的领导人大换班中获得更高的地位。 +"Forms service allows you to create a survey and quickly visualize the survey data through different types of charts, graphs, diagrams, and maps.",表单服务使您能够创建一个调查并通过不同类型的图表、图形、图解和地图迅速地可视化调查数据。 +In vivo experiments in mice suggested that sulfated glucan could significantly enhance the survival rate of mice with peritonitis induced by E. coli.,小鼠活体实验显示:硫酸化葡聚糖能显著提高大肠杆菌致腹膜炎的小鼠的成活率。 +"But the incidence of cancers of the tonsil and base of the tongue have been going up over the past decades, he said.",William Lydiatt 说,扁桃体癌和舌根癌的发病率几十年来却一直在升高。 +A splitter is used if there is more than one record in a file to be processed.,如果文件中要处理的记录多于一个,则使用拆分程序。 +"The latter is composed of diorite, quartz diorite porphyrite, andesite, andesite basalt.",后者由闪长岩、石英闪长玢岩、安山岩、安山玄武岩组成。 +Before delving into details of JBoss middleware products I will quickly describe here our basic approach for building VMS solutions.,在深入了解JBoss中间件产品的细节之前,我将快速地描述构建VMS解决方案的基本方式。 +"This year for Valentine's Day, the hotel is offering a 28, 888 yuan package, including an overnight stay in either its Chairman's Suite or the Presidential Suite.",万豪大酒店今年情人节推出了一款价值28888元的套餐,预订者可以在情人节当天在主席套房或总统套房共度浪漫之夜。 +"But by studying thousands of people, we may be able to learn more of them, which will tell us how the brain is organized.",但通过研究上千个人,我们能够了解更多,这将会让我们知道大脑是如何组织起来的。 +"Jiangzhou is the domain of Chiang kai-shek, He Junfeng please help Chiang kai-shek and Chiang kai-sheks ombudsman joint looking for weapons.",江州是蒋介石的地盘,贺俊峰和蒋介石的特派员接头请蒋介石帮忙寻找军火。 +"Human must be the highest good with evil by buying, reimbursement by the blood and suffering of mournfulness.",人类最高的善必定是同罪恶一齐被买进来的,由悲凄之血泪与受苦来偿付。 +"China’s entry into the global marketplace dates to 1980, when the first free trade zones were established, bordering Hong Kong territory.",中国的改革开放始于1980年,毗邻香港建立了第一批自由贸易区(深圳、珠海、汕头与福建厦门四个对外经济特区)。 +"The utility model has the advantages of simple structure and easy use, and can be used as a health-care vest, an underwear, a health-care waistband, kneepads, etc.",且结构简单、使用方便,可作成保健背心、裤头以及保健腰带、护膝等等。 +"The results showed that both methods of air blowing and thermal polycondensation in the presence of nitrogen raised the asphalt softening points, and increased coke yields and heptane insolubles.",结果表明,空气氧化和氮气热缩聚可提高石油沥青的软化点、焦产率和正庚烷不溶物含量。 +"You can use the SQLXML data type with any database that supports the XML data type, and provides a JDBC 4.0 driver.",您可以对任何支持 XML 数据类型并提供 JDBC 4.0 驱动程序的数据库使用 SQLXML 数据类型。 +They still have to urbanize another 400 million people at least.,他们还有至少4亿人口要城市化。 +"Well-knit structure, less land occupation, convenient installation;",结构紧凑、占地面积小、安装方便; +"The fact that I have this star here, this star here, this star here, is really just 'cause I'm a little anal and it looks pretty to make a little box out of everything but it's not strictly necessary.","事实上大家可以看到,这有颗星,这有颗星,这有颗星,其实是我手痒,这看起来像是用*围成个框,把它们包围起来,其实这是完全没有必要的。" +A Hubble Space Telescope image—taken using only light that would be visible to the naked eye— shows M87 [lower right] a giant elliptical galaxy.,哈勃望远镜拍摄下来的图象:M87一个巨大的椭圆星系。 +"""A good woman should not like sex, "" she said.",她说:“(很多人认为,)一个好女人是不应该喜欢性的。” +"Nonetheless, I remembered there was something about Buddhism I particularly liked – the stupas.",现在想起来,我小时候特别喜欢一样东西,就是佛塔。 +"In general, self-reporting of any data is unreliable, and I want to remove the temptation for people to ""game"" the system by reporting what they want me to hear.",一般而言,任务数据的自我报告都是不可靠的,而且我希望人们摒弃只向我报告中听的方面的关于 “玩” 系统的想法。 +"And you know the answer is yes because I wouldn't set myself up for failure like this, would I?","你知道答案是,是,因为我不会为了这个而承担失败的风险,为什么我不会呢?" +"In MACSJ0717, a 13-million-light-year-long stream of galaxies, gas and dark matter -- known as a filament -- is pouring into a region already full of galaxies.",在130万光年长的MACSJ0717,气体和暗物质(就像灯丝一样)正在进入一个已经充满了星云的地带。 +"Munich where people usually love what I do so, we called a play mahjong things, which is gambling, Hey, we play the addition or, um, you?",慕尼黑那里的人平时有什么爱好不,我们这打一种叫麻雀的东西,也就是赌博,嗨,我们这除了玩这个仍是这个,您们呢? +"Starting in 1942, Allied air forces gained access to air routes across the Arabian Peninsula as well as safe passage for significant wartime resupplies that flowed up the Persian Gulf.",自1942年起,盟军空军就已控制了跨越阿拉伯半岛的航线以及用于运送来自波斯湾的重要战时补给的安全通道。 +The data set included lists made by each student when asked to name five male friends and five female friends.,此数据集包括由被调查学生制作的名单列表集,这些学生当时被要求列出男女朋友的名字各5个。 +"Jiang had to hold back his tears, but he said to himself, “ I also want to kill myself.",姜浩强忍着没有让眼泪流下来,小声地说了一句:“我也想掐死我自己。” +"The Jiangmen Fine Profit Wire factory by reason of the good credit, the fine service and many enterprises has established the long-term cooperation.",江门市精益线材厂凭着良好的信用、优良的服务与多家企业建立了长期的合作关系。 江门市精益线材厂热诚欢迎各界朋友前来参观、考察、洽谈业务。 +It also underscores our need for tribal bases of the sort which soaring real estate taxes and splintering families have made all but obsolete.,它同样表明了我们的需求基于家族的高涨的遗产税以及将家庭分裂使一切都过时了。 +This was the mind-frame when the new H1N1 virus emerged.,这就是当H1N1这个新病毒刚刚出现时人们的思维框架。 +"For a very private person, weddings feel like a lavish exercise in voyeurism. Think about it.",对于注重隐私的人,婚礼就像是一场盛大的窥阴演习。 +Q2 GDP tipped the scales at 7.9% - exceeding a 7.8% median forecast of 20 economists.,中国第二季度国内生产总值突破了7.9%,超过了 20位经济学家所预期的7.8 %。 +"Q. In public restrooms, paper towel or electric hand dryer?",在公共洗手间里是用纸巾擦干手上的水还是用烘干机? +"The catalyst, operating at ambient temperature, can remove H2S and COS simultaneously and is regenerable for many times.",该催化剂在常温下操作,可多次再生,并能同时脱除H2S和COS。 +"And also that nation, whom they shall serve, will I judge: and afterward shall they come out with great substance.",并且他们所要服事的那国,我要惩罚,后来他们必带着许多财物从那里出来。 +It has larger Faraday rotation angle and magneto optic figure of merit and lower temperature sensibility than pure YIG.,与纯YIG相比具有较好的磁光性能,有更高的比法拉弟旋转角和磁光优值以及较小的温度依赖性。 +"In this case, English learners frequently avoid using them and tend to seek other patterns instead of non-finite verbs.",第二,在英文写作中,即使学习者使用了非谓语动词,他们也很难正确地运用。 +The government should also give a support in various respects and regard the development of the small-sized enterprises as a great strategy.,国家也应在各方面给予支持,把发展小企业作为大战略来对待。 +"Who is like unto the LORD our God, who dwelleth on high.",谁像耶和华我们的神呢。他坐在至高之处。 +"If a positive result is obtained, split the next half, going toward the problem.",如果获得一个正确的结果,往有故障的方向去,再分下一半。 +Intel Capital’s investment will enable Joyent to expand international operations and invest in open-source Node. JS and other technologies in the company’s core PaaS cloud offering.,英特尔的投资将使Joyent公司拓展国际业务并可以使Joyent投资开源技术Node Js和公司的另一项核心技术Paas云技术服务。 +"Newspapers and magazines fit perfectly between its rings, hanging suspended in mid-air like paper flowers.",报纸、杂志可以像纸花一样悬在半空中。完美的与托架的圆环贴合在一起。 +"At the same time, Plentitube is trying to sign up more media companies as subscribers to its service and charge them an annual fee in the mid-five figures to gain access to content.",同时Plentitube正打算签更多的媒体公司为其服务的订户,向它们收取中等的五位数的年费以取得内容访问权。 +No decision was made at yesterday's meeting. Another hearing is scheduled for later in the fall in San Francisco.,昨天的会上没有做出任何决定,预计秋季晚些时候会在旧金山举行另一次听证会。 +"Global economic crisis dealt a blow to the overseas operations of construction enterprises, and the downturn in the real estate industry brought more intensified competition to them.",齐球经济安机挨打了建建企业的海外业务,同时果为房地产行业的走矮,使得建建行业的合做加剧。 +"If residents of Country A spend more abroad than those of Country B spend in Country A,it is called to have a deficit on its balance of payments.",如果A国居民在B国支出费用大于B国居民在A国的花费,那么A国的国际收支出现逆差(赤字)。 +"At present, the financial e-commerce in developed countries has already entered into the intelligent phase.",目前,发达国家的金融电子商务已经进入了职能化发展阶段。 +"Like millions of Americans, Michelle, Malia, Sasha and I will spend the day eating great food, watching a little football, and reflecting on how truly lucky we are.",就像成千上万的美国人一样,我和米歇尔、玛丽亚、萨沙都会花一整天吃美味的食物,看点足球赛,然后反思我们是多么的幸运啊。 +"A harmonious production planning problem for multiple Open-Shop product lines with limited buffers was studied r, and an interaction structure for the products of up-down stream was proposed.",通过对制造企业生产现场的调研,发现在实际的生产过程中存在仓库(有限缓冲区)问题,而且是多条生产线生产不同的成品。 +"He described yet another disturbing scene of Gibbs playing with the boy's body, moving its arms and mouth like a puppet.",他描述说,他看到吉布斯俯身在一个阿富汗青少年的尸体上,用剪子切下了这个男孩的手指当作战利品。 +"State owned enterprises appear to be lending money to private companies at high interest rate, i.e., loan sharking, with the cheap loans from the state-owned banks.",国有企业似乎将其从国有银行获得的低息贷款高息转贷给民企,即高利贷。 +He hammered a huge spoon as the sign of my restaurant.,他锤了一个大餐匙给我的饭馆作招牌。 +This is the permittivity of vacuum.,真空中的介电常数是。 +"SiMaKong tell handsome float says the military will now catch handsome, he let the handsome with yourself out for a walk.",司马空告诉帅飘说现在军统的人要抓帅飘,他让帅飘陪自己出来走走。 +A middle school teacher there asked his 14-year-old students to write an essay about their sexual fantasy.,一个在那教书的中学老师要求他的学生写一篇关于她们的性幻想的文章。 +"Cabell had all but isolated himself, disappearing for long walks from which he would return with samples of native rock or flora.",卡贝尔则独自行动,先是一个人消失了,走了很远的路程,回来的时候带了些本地岩石和原产植物的样本。 +"I bought sugar, tea, eggs and what not.",我买了糖、茶、蛋等东西。 +"Mr. Talor: Well, as stated on my resume, I worked for five years at Hi Tech Computers.",就如同我在个人简历上所写的,我在“高科电脑”工作了五年。 +"For example, a model incorporating iterative refinement of an initial prototype may be best suited to small-scale trial applications.",例如,一个初始样机的模型合并迭代的改进可能最适合小规模的试验性应用。 +"All these suggesting morals behaviors are an establishment at esthetics of""law"" up.",所有这些暗示着道德行为是建立在美学的“法律”上。 +The investigation showed the children unclean gingivitis be related to the oral health.,调查表明幼儿不洁性龈炎之普遍性与其口腔卫生状况有密切关系。 +"A decade ago, most category growth came from first-time buyers.",10年前,绝大多数领域的增长来源于初次购买者。 +"Crespo, Lampard, Cole: the introduction of those three world-class players tipped the balance in Chelsea's favour.",克雷斯波,兰帕德,科尔,这三名世界级球员的上场使胜利的天平倾向了切尔西。 +And he found there are two powerful predictors of who will be most affected by stress.,他发现有两个重要的因素能预测谁最容易受压力影响。 +The maze of food spreads in all directions.,当量的食物从不同的方向运来。 +The need for guidance in this area has become all the more pressing at a time of global economic downturn and rising health care costs.,在全球经济低迷和卫生保健费用不断增加的环境下,对在此领域获得指导的需求变得更为急迫。 +And is it love?,那是爱吗? +"That's probably okay given that some countries that signed it ultimately ignored their commitment. Ahem, Canada.",考虑到一些国家在京都议定书上签字却最终无视承诺,比如...加拿大,日本这样不算什么吧。 +"Capabilities are what it can do as a result of teams of resources working together’ (1991, pp. 118-120).",能力是将一组资源组合使用所能实现的结果”(1991,第118-120页)。 +The results show that vertical casting make the parts have a unified property and chemical composition.,结果表明: 立式浇注位置设计,可保证挂架整体性能、 成分均匀合理; +"He answered and said unto them, He that soweth the good seed is the Son of man;",他回答说,那撒好种的,就是人子。 +"Portable pedal machines could be used in every office to improve the health of workers, according to scientists in the US.",日前,美国科学家提倡,为改善办公室人员的身体健康,办公室可以引入轻便型脚踏机器。 +"Wednesday's MPO meeting opened with an appeal on behalf of the Quail Oaks residents from Terry Lee, the Greensboro businessman who is developing the neighborhood just west of U. S. 29.",星期三的过氧化物酶会议开始时,一对鹌鹑橡树从李泰格林斯博罗商人谁是发展中国家附近美国西部的居民代表29日呼吁。 +"You know, a hobgoblin.",你知道的,妖怪。 +"Ischemia-reperfusion injury of limb not only caused local injury, but also provoked injury of distant organs, such as lung, kidney and brain etc, even caused multiple organ dysfunction syndrome(MODS).",有研究表明,肢体缺血再灌注不仅引起肢体局部的病理改变外,还可导致远隔器官如心、肺、肾、脑等损伤,甚至多器官功能衰竭症。 +Jennae often wrote four or five pages in her tightly packed print.,金妮常常都是用她的小字挤挤挨挨地写满四五页才能算完。 +You need at least a Pentium I processor with 64 MB of RAM if you are running Linux.,如果您运行的是 Linux 系统,那么至少需要 Pentium I 处理器以及 64 MB 内存。 +Punctuations serve to disambiguate the meaning of a given sentence.,标点符号是用来解明某句子的意思。 +"Spring Night In short, the woman suddenly unaccounted for.",在短暂的春宵后,女子却忽然下落不明。 +"I was amazed by her self-control, and could not understand why Mr Rochester had not asked the police to arrest her, or at least dismissed her from his service.",她的自我克制让我吃惊,我纳闷为什么罗切斯特先生不叫警察抓她或至少解雇她。 +"At that rate, a one-mile stretch of four-lane highway could power about 500 homes.",以这样的速率,一段1英里4车道的公路段将可以为500个左右的家庭供电。 +"Thee Mayans, who were good-enough astronomers and timekeepers to predict Venus's position 500 years in the future, deserve better than this.",玛雅人在天文学和记录时间方面足够出色。他们在那个年代就预言了500年后金星的位置。而值得称颂的还不仅于此。 。 +"Wuyuan is especially famous for its architecture, seal cutting techniques and the amazing rape flower field.",婺源以其建筑、篆刻和油菜花海而闻名。 +"The modifications of urea resin and phenolic resin by melamine, and the applications of modified melamine to coating and board are reviewed.",综述了三聚氰胺对脲醛树脂、酚醛树脂的改性以及改性三聚氰胺在涂料、板材等方面的应用。 +Afghans use donkeys to carry election ballot boxes.,阿富汗实用骑驴托运选票箱。 +Kordestani said many tech companies in Silicon Valley are also realizing it's important to work with politicians and the government to create positive change.,考德斯塔尼说,硅谷的很多技术公司也正在意识到和政客以及政府合作来达成积极改变的重要性。 +Review your employee handbook for additional information about the company's rules pertaining to employee fraternization.,你应该回顾一下员工手册上有关公司对员工间交友的规定。 。 +Dr. Haiwei Shen attended the 3rd annual Deepwater Asia Pacific 2010 convention and shared ASA's modeling work on natural resources damage assessment on Deepwater Horizon.,沈海维博士参加了第三届亚太地区2010年深水公约会议,并和与会者分享了ASA深水地平线海上钻井平台溢油事故资源损害评估建模工作。 +"This debate is not , as some on the other side want to characterize it, of Democrats wanting to coddle terrorists .",这个辩论并不如另一方的一些人所说的那样——民主党想纵容恐怖分子。 +"6The little girl said, ""My Daddy said you drink like a fish and I don't want to miss it! """"",6小女孩说:“爸爸说你象牛饮,我可不想错过看到!” +Based on the hypothesis presented by Hornik that three layer artificial neural network (ANN) can represent not only all functions but also all step derivatives of them at any precision.,前人研究表明三层前向人工神经网络不仅能以任意精度逼近任意函数,还能以任何精度逼近其各阶导数。 +"Obama and Karzai will meet, and Holbrooke said there will be time for meetings with the senior leadership of Congress and sessions with public policy centers in Washington.",奥巴马总统将与卡尔扎伊举行会晤。 霍尔布鲁克表示,卡尔扎伊将有机会与国会重要领导人和华盛顿的公共政策中心人士见面。 +"They ranked 149 countries, and left the remaining 50 or so off the list for insufficient data.",他们排名了149个国家,剩余的50个左右因为不充足的数据而被排除在列表之外。 +"Russia filed its claim with the UN in 2001 but it is being contested by Canada, ­Denmark, Norway and the US.",2001年俄罗斯向联合国提出对北极地区的领土要求。 但现在加拿大、丹麦、挪威和美国正在介入。 +"Using the new semigroup approach, the existence of global attractors is proved for a nonlinear model which describes the vibration of the suspension bridge road bed in the vertical plain.",利用新半群方法证明了吊桥方程全局吸引子的存在性.该方程描述了吊桥路面在垂直平面内的振动。 +"The major focus is on copy-number variants (CNVs) - genetic variants involving the insertion or deletion of large chunks of DNA, sometimes spanning over a million bases.",人类基因组的大规模差异,主要集中在拷贝数变异(CNVs现象)——从一千bp到数百万bp范围内的缺失、插入、重复和复杂多位点的遗传变异。 +"These baskets are a new approach to espresso machine filtering, developed by Vince Fedele of VST (the company that produces the ExtractMojo and associated products).",VST公司开发的这些滤碗是意式咖啡萃取的新方法。 +Learn tips on how to feed horses in this free equestrian-care video.,关于如何在这个自由马术饲料保健视频马匹学习技巧。 +This type of rachet belongs to control type.,你好,这款羽拍属于控球型的。 +Otherwise—and especially in an election year—he could find the industry's well-argued case hard to resist.,否则,他会发现半导体行业这个极具说服力的提案令人难以抗拒,在选举年中更是如此。 +"Susan : I'd like the Double Cheeseburger Meal, please.",苏珊:请给我一份双层吉士(芝士,奶酪)汉堡套餐。 +"Our products are exported to Guangxi, Henan, Yunnan, Hubei and other provinces and cities in more than a dozen, and exported to Japan, Korea and other countries.",我们的产品远销广西,河南,云南,湖北等十几个省市,并出口到日本,韩国等国。 +Without the visible material place of worship (the temple) they could still personally know the presence of God.,尽管不能在有形的圣殿中敬拜祂,他们却可以亲身体验到神的同在。 +"Heartbreaker young ah Breathe, let we see the growth of him and efforts.",是年轻啊呼吸,让我们看到他努力的生长。 +Thus the books that were known as romances were originally associated with the chivalrous philosophies of the French and French is a Romance language.,因此,被称为romance的书最先是与法国的骑士精神、以及”法语是一种罗曼语“相联系的。 +"In 1980, pollsters said the contest between President Jimmy Carter and Ronald Reagan was too close to call but Reagan won by 51% to 41%.",1980年,民调者们认为卡特总统与里根之间的支持率太近了,根本看不出谁有可能获胜,结果里根以51%对41%大胜。 +"Often the kindness often line Nakamichi, worry less gradually increasing comfort …"" The words of the master as the warm spring breeze in March and gave me courage.""",常发善心常行中道,烦恼渐少安乐渐增……”师父的话就像三月的春风暖人心扉给了我振作的勇气。 +Run post-processing on the scanned distributed assets.,在扫描的分布式资源上运行处理。 +It was really about what do they do all day?,"实际上是关于这些,他们整天都在做什么?" +"Joining and overlay welding of aluminium bronzes, aluminium coated steels, grey cast iron in the machine building, chemical industry and shipbuilding.",增强的抗磨损性使得该产品适用于铝铜合金,镀铝钢,机械制造,化工和造船业中的灰口所进行的连接焊和加层焊。 +"Objective To explore the status of pollution of toxic byproducts in drinking water disinfected by chlorine dioxide, as well as its causes and countermeasures.",目的了解二氧化氯在饮用水消毒中毒副产物的污染状况,并探讨其产生原因及控制对策。 +Studies on the chitin synthesis pathway genes of the beet armyworm and their utilization.,甜菜夜蛾几丁质合成通路基因的研究和应用。 +"Oregon's unemployment rate of 12.4 per cent was the next highest in the country, and the highest for the state on records going bac",俄勒冈以12.4%的失业率位居全国第二高,这个州纪录中最高失业率是在1976年。 +The remote zone contributes more effectively to surface modification than the discharge zone and the etching effect is decreased gradually and there is almost no etching at 40cm.,远程区的改性效果远高于放电区,且表面刻蚀程度逐渐减弱,在40cm处只有轻微的刻蚀。 +"A11 you need now is a good, long rest. Why don't you ask for some time off?",你现在需要好好休息一下,你为什么不请几天假呢? +"During that span, the average square-foot price of commercial and residential property has risen by 260 percent, to $53.",在此期间,平均每平方英尺商用和住宅房的价格上涨了260%,达到52美元。 +Let’s keep progressing!,让我们不断前进! +"In the face of the huge wealth shown so calm mind, we cannot but admire the poor cover G.",面对巨额财富表现出如此淡定的胸怀,我们不能不钦佩贫困的盖内克。 +In their opinion I turned out to be a useful and trustworthy colleague.,他们认为,我变成了一个有用并值得信赖的好同事。 +Our new brand bathrobes are made of pure cotton.,我们的新品浴袍是纯棉制品。 +"That he may give me the cave of Machpelah, which he hath, which is in the end of his field; for as much money as it is worth he shall give it me for a possession of a buryingplace amongst you.",把田头上那麦比拉洞给我。 他可以按着足价卖给我,作我在你们中间的坟地。 +We will vote for the golden prize and award the winner a medal and the certificate;,大会评选上海国际皮革展览会金奖,获奖者颁发奖牌和获奖证书。 +Bieyancao Tunnel is a key project and listed as level I risky tunnel on Yichang-Wanzhou Railway.,别岩槽隧道为宜万铁路首批开工的重难点、咽喉工程,被列为宜万铁路I级风险隧道。 +"Cajed helps children through the trauma, they work to prevent the re-recruitment of child soldiers, and they assist children adapt to a civilian life again.",这个组织获得乐施会支持,专门协助童兵处理心灵创伤、重过平民的生活,以及阻止军队招揽童兵。 +"It is said that men are commitment-phobes, and maybe they are in comparison to women who knows.",据说男人都恐惧做出允诺,或许只是他们比不上深谙允诺的女人。 +"By the 1980s, innovation in nuclear power essentially ground to a halt.",到二十世纪八十年代,核动力创新在实质上陷入了停滞状态。 +Cruel words are like snow and frost.,一言之恶伤人之心, 好比冰雪寒霜。 +He set down two side dishes of fried potatoes and closed the wicket into the kitchen.,他又放下两碟装着炸马铃薯的添菜,然后关上通向厨房那扇便门。 +An iterative evangelist's ability to sell changes in how to manage projects to project managers and middle managers is crucial for a successful rollout of iterative development methods.,迭代的倡导者在对于项目经理和中层经理来说如何管理项目方面进行变更的说服能力,对于迭代开发方法的成功出现是至关重要的。 +"Tom, you always do well on exams. Could you give me some advice on how to prepare for a test?",汤姆.你总是考得很好.能不能给我一此建议.如何准备考试? +Objective: To observe the clinical effects of the prosthesis of porcelain tablets for the color-changedincisors surface.,前言: 目的:观察全瓷贴面用于变色前牙修复的临床效果。 +ECHO】Their voice echoed in the big hall.,他们的声音在大厅里回响着。 +"I have already intimated to you the danger of parties in the state, with particular reference to the founding of them on geographical discriminations .",我已经告诉你们在这个国家�存在著派系之争的危险,并特别提到以地区差别来分党立派的危险。 +Open valves in the fuel line to release the air within the fuel piping.,打开油路中各阀门,排除燃油管路中的空气。 +Using the soliton theory we obtain a method to contract isometric immersions from indefinite space forms into indefinite space forms with the same index.,我们利用孤立子理论得到了构造有相同指标的不定度量空间型到不定度量空间型的等距浸入的方法。 +"""Particles of dust and smoke are practically transparent in the microwave range, but the radiation is still strong enough for the source of a fire to be detected, "" said team leader Nora von Wahl.",“灰尘和烟雾的颗粒实际上在微波范围内是透明的,但辐射仍然很强,足以被检测到火源,”研究组长Nora von Wahl说。 +"While the potatoes are cooking, prepare the dressing. Cook the bacon over medium-high heat until the fat has rendered and the bacon is crisp.",当土豆在煮的时候,准备好调料,用中高温的热度来煮熏肉直到肉煮熟为止。 +An American joint force that lacks the ground combat power to prosecute close combat must ultimately stand by and allow the enemy to make long-range engagement all but irrelevant.,一支缺少地面战斗部队从事近距离作战的美国联合作战力量,必须始终准备着并等待敌人形成远程作战的条件,但这种想法是不切实际的。 +"The main symbol of Kwanzaa is a candleholder with seven candles, one for each of the principles of Kwanzaa.",一个放着七支蜡烛的烛台是宽扎节的主要标志,每支蜡烛代表宽扎节一个信条。 +"To resolve the problem of DVE's function expansibility and heterogeneity , real-time CORBA/TAO are used to support the implementation of DVE system.",针对DVE系统的功能可扩充和异构性问题,文章提出了采用实时CORBA/TAO支持DVE系统实现的方法。 +"On the other hand, we're received offers for higher quality products. So business depends very much on your prices.",但是另一方面,我们已收到高档货的报盘,所以业务能否成交在很大程度上要看你方的价格。 +"The students who flocked to him, including Plato, Alcibiades , and Critias (c. 480–403 BC), were many of the finest in Athens.",拥戴他的学生,包括柏拉图、亚西比德和克里蒂亚斯(约西元前480~西元前403年),有许多是雅典的精英。 +"They're following alongside him, as he directs them on defense, finds them open on offense, energizes them, embraces them.",他们跟随在他的边上,防守端指导他们防守,进攻端瞅着他们的空当,激发他们,拥抱他们。 +In vitro experiment: Beer inhibited the activity of various enzymes in vitro to a certain degree.,体外实验:啤酒在体外对各种酶活性均有一定程度的抑制作用。 +"Rana japonica oil nutritional value is extremely high, and Rana japonica oil is the excellent healthy product.",其中林蛙油营养价值极高,是上乘保健品。 +"The number of patients who have been conned, harmed or even killed is unknown, Qiu says.",邱仁宗表示,被欺骗、伤害甚至致死的病人人数尚属未知。 +You'll have to work very hard to achieve it.,你必须要很努力才能获致成功。 +We continuously invest resource on training to improve the knowledge and skills of our staff and provide high quality services to satisfy our customers.,信安不断更新管理和技术人员的知识和能力,为客户提供高品质的服务。 +Then maybe those new cells you put in would function as a totally natural artificial pancreas.,"那些新植入的细胞可能会起到,与健康个体的胰腺细胞相同的作用" +MILANELLO - The Rossoneri underwent a morning training session following to the successful Roma trip.,米兰内洛-球队在罗马胜利归来后今天上午进行训练。 +They constitutea new frontier of investment and industrialization and will add considerably tothe fortunes of the countries that possess them.,北极正成为投资和工业化的一个新疆界,将极大地增加拥有北极资源的国家收入。 +A certain imbecile former president. My dad has gotta be the only person in the world Who's more upset about this news than me.,低能的前任总统。我爸可能是这个世界上唯一一个,听到这个消息比我还难过的人了。 +The daily chart is oversold with the stock below its 50-day simple moving average at $16.49 with the 200-day at $13.05.,其日线图显示该股处于超卖状态,目前股价低于其50天简单移动平均价位16.49美元,而其200天简单移动平均价位为13.05美元。 +"I watched the worm, a pinkish nub of flesh swirling in the alcohol, and thought of the bomber's remains.",我看着那条虫子,好一个粉嫩色的肉瘤在酒精中徜徉,令我联想到安炸弹的人遗世独立的残余物。 +"And next she lay down upon the bed of the Middle-sized Bear, and that was too high at the foot for her.",接下来她躺到中等熊的床上,但是脚的位置太高了。 +It's much easier to add a minute and make the time unambiguous.,最好添加一个分钟,使时间更清楚。 +"Chevron has filed a 9, 000-page rebuttal of Mr Cabrera’s report.",雪佛龙提交了一份9,000页的报告来反驳卡布雷拉。 +"Installation is quick and easy, and once complete, you can access Connectify from the icon in the Taskbar.",安装简单便捷,完成后可以通过任务栏中的图标开启Connectify。 +"Many flavors, including salty, sweet, hot, and sour are offered.",有多种口味,包括咸、甜、辣、酸。 +"While there is nothing wrong with the existing mechanism per se, I think the level of granularity for EAR/WAR deployment is too high to be practical.",虽然现在已有的机制本身并没有什么问题,但我认为对于实际应用而言,EAR/WAR的粒度显得太大了。 +Dual roller crusher has dominated position in China open coal mine machine market and this leading position can trace back to one more decade ago.,在中国的露天煤矿破碎机市场中,进口的双齿辊破碎机长期占据着领先地位,这种领先地位可以追溯到十年以前。 +The technology of green ecology; 5.,四是绿色生态技术; +"First, there are constraints on what they are able to do to mitigate their situation.",第一,许多限制使得他们不能做什么事情来缓解他们的状况。 +"Theres this sudden crescendo of noise, then a profoundand jarring explosion of sound, electrical fizzing and a brightflash in my vision, like someone has lit a spotlight in front of myface.",噪音突然增大,然后我听到巨大、刺耳的爆炸声,看到电火花和明亮的闪光,就像别人把聚光灯打到我的脸上一样。 +The licensing of open source code bit are surely going to be scrutinized more in the future as a result.,开源源码的许在将来一定会被考察的更加仔细. +"At this time, the sky or the dark, hard to tell where is the day, where is the sea, surrounded by a silence.",这时候,天空还是黑漆漆的,分不清哪儿是天,哪儿是海,周围一片寂静。 +This method has been successfully applied at Shenwo Reservoir and it may be popularized in the water resources industry and o…,该方案已在葠窝水库中成功地应用,适合于在水利及其他行业中推广应用。 +Conclusion:The relevant departments should also strengthen supervision over pharmaceutical production and distribution companies in order to ensure the normal operation of the zero-profit drug sales.,结论:有关部门要加强对药品生产配送企业的监管,确保零差率销售工作的正常运行。 +International Medical Corps has sent an emergency response team that is currently offering health-care services in Japan.,International Medical Corps(国际医疗队),已经派遣出一支紧急救援队伍,他们现在正在日本提供卫生保障服务。 +BS 8536-2 uses data and information compiled by experts to improve efficiency ensure that the operating costs of the asset are minimized.,BS 8536-2利用专家收集的数据和信息提高效率,保证最少的资产运作成本。 +"Article 7 The judicial authentication institutions and judicial authenticators shall accept the supervision of the state, the general public, the parties concerned and the clients.",第七条司法鉴定机构和司法鉴定人从事司法鉴定活动应当接受国家、社会和当事人、委托人的监督。 +"Results During 1975 - 2007, 14 strains of Yersinia pestis was isolated in Tibetan sheep, l0 from Yushu County, 2 from Nangqiau County, 1 from Zhiduo County and 1 from Delingha City;",结果1975—2007年从藏系绵羊体内共分离出鼠疫菌14株,其中玉树县分离出10株,囊谦县2株,治多县和德令哈市各1株; +Some kind of vegetables bolted.,某些蔬菜过早开花结籽。 +"At the beginning of Y2K, the company separated some parts of its workshop to set up Shanghai SEPR Zirconium products Co. , Ltd. jointly with Societe Euiopeenne Des produits Refractaires, France.",千禧年之初,公司部分车间又与法国欧洲耐火材料公司合资创建——上海西普锆制品有限公司。 +The Office of Student Affairs aims to facilitate the all-round personal development and growth of students of the University.,学生事务处的目标,是要协助本校学生的全面个人发展及成长。 +"Similar to Drupal, the wiki-style documentation system supporting this solution is useful.",与 Drupal 相似,支持这个解决方案的 wiki 风格的文档系统很有用。 +I tried to negotiate a laugh track so that if the jokes don't work we can superimpose some laughter.,"罐头笑声,《老友记》等喜剧类美剧中常用的笑声录音" +The formation of this back arc basin was related to the spreading and northward subduction of the Paleo Tethys oceanic basin along the line from the Xijir Ulan Lake K…,这一弧后盆地的形成与沿西金乌兰湖—空喀山口至乔戈里峰一线的古特提斯洋盆的扩张及向北俯冲、消减相联系,构成了塔里木板块南部晚古生代活动大陆边缘。 +"It does not hurt feelings, when it comes to money, but it indeeddamn cost money when it comes to feelings.",谈钱不伤感情,但是谈感情最伤钱。 +"There weren't people that got infected, like you can get infected with hepatitis B or tuberculosis, and not even know you're infected.","这不像人们感染了,像B型肝炎或者肺结核这类病时,都有可能不知道自己被感染了" +"In recent months, the Sri Lankan military has made important gains and the government claims that victory is at hand.",最近几个月来,斯里兰卡军方取得显著战果,政府认为最后胜利就在眼前。 +"In addition, using the microwave oven could save lots of energy than using a traditional oven and stove.",使用微波炉回比传统的炉柜更有效率; +"In a short statement IAG and Lufthansa confirmed that they had reached ""an agreement in principle"" to sell bmi, a loss-making carrier whose main asset is its Heathrow slot portfolio.",国际航空集团和汉莎航空共同发表了一则简短的声明,确认它们已经达成了出售bmi的“原则性协议”。 +It provides a highly reliable common capability enabling both a forward-based and a terminal mode in support of the Ballistic Missile Defense System.,它提供了高可靠共通能力,使这前端和终端模式支持弹道导弹防御系统。 +"Firstly, the method establishes a heat balance model through modifying the parameter of academic reaction heat balance expressions using the recursive least square method.",首先,基于吹炼的化学反应过程得到的剩余热计算公式,采用递推最小二乘法,修正剩余热计算公式,建立热量衡算模型; +Lee Redmond soaks hers in olive oil. Aaron Studham lathers 2 his in hairspray.,李·雷德蒙将她的指甲泡在橄榄油里,亚伦·斯图德汉姆用定型水做发型。 +NC servo spindle features new type step motor applying fine divide method to servo system controlled by single chip micro computer.,采用新型步进电机的数控主轴头,并将细分技术用于单片微机控制的伺服系统。 +This limited the capacity of managing content such as e-mail or documents.,这限制了管理内容(比如电子邮件或文档)的容量。 +This means that all your personal referrals will be placed into your downline in the first available empty spot.,这意味着,所有的个人推介会被置于您的下线组织的第一个可用的空白点。 +Hmm…I appreciate your efforts and sincerity in this transaction.,噢……我非常感谢您在这笔生意中所做的努力和诚意。 +"However, Giovinco's side still trail leaders Inter by seven points after the Nerazzurri's emphatic victory over Lecce.",但黑蓝军团同样战胜了莱切,老妇人同联赛领头羊的分差仍然有七分之多。 +"In his prime role as chair of EU summits, he is likely to be more the servant of European national leaders rather than their master, another factor in his success.",在他担任欧盟峰会主席这一重要职位之时,他更有可能成为欧洲各国领导人的仆人而非主人,这也是他获得成功的另一个因素。 +"The program’s large staff of teachers, tutors, and advisers comes at a price: The most intense set of services can cost more than $70, 000 a year, though prices typically drop as students progress.",雇佣该项目大量的教师,指导老师和顾问需要大笔费用。 尽管学费是由学生的进步程度来衡量的,但是最少也要花费7万美元。 +"Not only is the teaching of compatibilism biblical, it is the only solution to the so-called ""free will problem"" that scriptures allow.",兼容论的教导不只是合乎圣经,它也是解决所谓的“自由意志的问题”唯一合乎圣经的解方。 +"From being happy, one can become unhappy, so there are more unpleasant surprises in happiness than in unhappiness.",人可以从快乐变为不快乐,所以比起痛苦来说,幸福背后有着更多不如意的意外。 +"But, so far, such 'self-evident' arguments have failed to convince politicians to take action.",但是迄今未这,这类“不言而喻”的论点没能说服政界人士采取行动。 +The result indicated that eutrophication would not be induced in Baiguishan Reservoir without point source pollution.,结果表明,流域内如果没有点源污染,水库不会发生富营养化。 +"""Our position is clear. We will not deal with any oil companies that sign contracts with the KRG without the approval of the central government,"" Abdul Kadhim said.","""我们的立场很明确,我们不会与任何未经中央政府批准而跟库尔德斯坦地区政府签署合约的企业打交道"",Abdul Kadhim说道.(完)" +"Any one of various other instruments, such as the electronic organ, that resemble a pipe organ either in mechanism or sound.",现在该说说电子乐器了。除哈蒙德电风琴,这类乐器全是靠变换无线电真空管振荡而发声的。 +"SEO recommendations of the majority of the issues raised are familiar, but SEO pandering to target so-called search engines, and we meet the targets that the user needs.",最让我困惑的,是大多数SEO建议提到的问题都似曾相识,只不过SEO的迎合对象号称是搜索引擎,而我们主张的迎合对象是用户需求。 +"Due to jiang yuan has yet to see such missing, so they had to let the flower leaves.",因蒋元失踪至今仍未见影踪,故众人只得让花拉先行离开。 +A linear 128 pixel photodiode array is selected in this primary experiment. The sampling methods and results are also given.,介绍了该系统各环币节的分步实验、线型128象元光电二极管阵列的采样方法、模拟能谱实验结果。 +"As to area with multi-well sites, scope of effective source rocks can be precisely defined according to organic geochemical index of well sites.",对于井位多的地区,依据井点的有机地化指标可准确圈定有效烃源岩的范围。 +"Fortunately he had a wise mother who questioned him in detail: ""Did you ask before yon went into the bedroom?""",幸好他有个贤明的母亲,详细问明原因,就反问他﹕「你进屋前有没有先问一声呢?」 +This voluntary program has been in place since 2002. A single application is sufficient to meet both the U.S. and Canadian requirements for enrollment.,这个自愿参加的程序始建于2002年,申请人只要提交一份申请,即可同时办理美国与加拿大的审批手续。 +"Small and bird-like, the fossil weighed less than 1 kg.",单爪龙类化石个头很小,样子有点像鸟,重量不到一千克。 +This study was to determine the efficacy of the serve retrieving and defense of the female libero player in high school volleyball competition.,本研究目的在探讨高中女子排球自由球员在比赛中之接发球及防守的效益,以百分比对照比较各队自由球员间的差異。 +"All the perfumes of the island came rushing in on the wind, orange, lemon blossoms, grapes, flowers.",全岛的香气都随风飘米了,冲未了:柑橘花香,葡萄花香,山花香。 +No exceptions. And don’t make the log complicated — that will only make you resist doing the log.,没有例外,不要把日志做的很复杂-那样只会使你对做记录产生抵触情绪。 +"Far better, they say, to aim low to ensure you are not disappointed, and the key to keeping that newly-wed glow appears to be forgiveness and communication.",比前面(提到的方法)更好的是,他们认为低的目标可以确保你对婚姻不会失望,并且保持新婚幸福的关键是谅解和沟通。 +"He was modest and charming in private, although visibly ill-at-ease on big public occasions and prone to gaffes and unnecessary controversies.",他私下里平易近人,充满魅力,尽管在公共场合明显局促不安,容易失态并引发不必要的争论。 +"Naturally when they obtain the permit and respect the law, the office can be reopened and resume its activities.",一旦得到许可并尊重法律,他们的办公室就可以重新开放并重新开始活动。 +"For the purpose of static synchronous compensator (STATCOM) control, an improved PI control method is developed based on fuzzy set and auto-tuning techniques.",为静止同步补偿器设计了基于模糊集和自整定技术的PI控制器。 +"The algorithm of simplified three-level SVPWM was analyzed in detailed, the traditional two-level voltage space vector control algorithm was applied to the dual three-level inverter.",详细分析了三电平SVPWM的简化算法,将传统两电平电压空间矢量控制算法应用于双三电平变换器。 +"I mean, we all kind of fantasize about who would play our parents.",我的意思是,我们都曾设想过让谁来演父母的角色。 +"The face of the computer, play music, eyes closed, lying on the armchair on a leisurely and enjoy the.",面对电脑,播放了音乐,闭上眼睛,悠闲地躺在靠背椅上,欣赏着。 +A seller of goods often furnishes services when delivering a product to a buyer.,货物出卖人在交付产品给买受人时,经常提供服务。 +"Convertbot also includes a calculator to perform basic calculations in style, with an adjustable number of decimal places.",Convertbot还包括一个计算器来执行基本的计算方式,与一个小数位可调的数目。 +"The mangosteen is a small fruit with white flesh, popular throughout Asia.",山竹果,外形小巧,白色果肉,它是在亚洲很受欢迎的水果之一。 +My father is an adman meanwhile an art instructor.,我的爸爸是一个广告商人,同时也是一位美术老师。 +"You can slow a mechanical unit , but you cannot bloodlust.",你可以将机械部队缓慢下来,但是你不可以将他放逐。 +Objective To investigate the mechanism of Secretio bufonis injection on the carcinostatic activities in mice bearing intraperitoneal H22 tumor.,目的探讨蟾酥注射液对H22腹水型肝癌小鼠肿瘤抑制作用的作用机理。 +"These results indicate that acupuncture can increase the phagocytic function of M in rats of immunodepression, but Serum LSZ level does not synchronously increase with the phagocytic function of M.",提示,针刺可使免疫抑制的大鼠巨噬细胞(M)吞噬功能增强,而血清LSZ水平并不一定与M吞噬功能同步增长。 +"The advantages and disadvantages of both macro assembly language and high-level languages are analyzed, and the necessity of a general purpose software interface between them is explained.",本文分析了宏汇编语言和高级语言各自的优点和缺点,阐述了这两者之间建立通用软件接口的必要性; +Objective To investigate the change of coagulation and fibrinolysis system and its clinical significance in elderly patients with nonvalvular atrial fibrillation.,目的研究老年非瓣膜病性房颤患者凝血纤溶活性的改变及其临床意义。 +"While having every one of these components isn't absolutely critical for success, having all of them will make the road to success much absolut success compon shorter.",尽价值观进步团队管拥有上述的所有构成部分并不能保证一定成功,但这些拥有这些构成构成因素都可以使通往成功的道路更短。 +"In order to store and evaluate the power supply ability of trajectory correction fuzes turbine generator, designed a kind of diminutive storing and testing system based on new single chip C8051F023.",为对弹道修正引信涡轮发电机供电能力进行存储��试,设计了一种基于新型单片机C8051F023构成的小型存储测试系统。 +A well-Prepared mind hopes in adversity and fears in prosperity.,遇事有准备的人逢逆境不失望,处顺境不大意。 +It expounds the function of web-based teaching and how to build the informalization lab to meet the need of physics Inquiry teaching.,从其它教学要素的角度阐述了网络教学系统的功能,并提出适合物理探究式教学的信息化物理实验室的功能和基本构成。 +Objective To investigate the changing trends in national nosocomial infection transection investigation results.,目的评价我国医院感染横断面调查结果的变化趋势。 +"Abundant, generally well preserved radiolarians were used in stratigraphic analysis of Pleistocene sequences of Tasman Sea.",本研究利用保存丰富、完好的放射虫对塔斯曼海更新世层序进行地层学分析。 +"Eileen found partner-objectification lowered relationship satisfaction, as well as men's sexual satisfaction.",艾琳发现,伴侣客观化降低了关系满意度,以及男性的性满意程度。 +Jung observed that Philemon and other figures of his fantasies brought home to crucial insights.,容格观察了腓利门和其他幻想的人物,带来了至关重要的洞察力。 +"Will be able to send clothes, or send their wallets, neckties are a good choice.",送衣服就可以了,或者送钱包、领带都是不错的选择。 +Agreeable center road's going toward is a teaching building ago. The five planets red flag flaunts aweather before the building in the teaching.,愉快的中心路的走向是一个教学楼前,五大行星红旗迎风飘扬在教学楼前。 +The fact that it tells the true story of two gay penguins at the Central Park zoo in New York does not appear to have placated opponents.,这本书虽然讲述的是纽约中央公园动物里一对雄性同性恋企鹅的真实故事,但它似乎也没能让反对者们罢休。 +"done,and was now going on in wooden shoes and in his humble dress, for the bell sounded with so deep a tone, and with such",爷。 他办完了这件事以后,就穿着木鞋和寒碜的上衣独自一人走来,因为钟声是那么洪亮和深沉,他非来不可。 +"Many people questioned your partnership with Carlos Tevez, but did you always believe it would work out?",很多人质疑你的搭档卡洛斯·特维斯,你是否一直相信他的能力呢? +He says the United States would only attempt to shoot down the rocket in the unlikely event it appeared to pose a direct threat to U.S. territory.,他说,美国只会在该火箭可能向美国领土发出直接威胁的时候试图将其击落,而这种情况发生的可能性不大。 +"Fear not that the life shall come to an end, but rather fear that it shall never have a beginning .",不要害怕你的生活将要结束,应该担心你的生活永远不会真正开始。---- J。 +The ski resort was built in 2003 and is still one of the most up-to-date ski resorts of Russia.,滑雪场建于2003年,仍然是俄罗斯最现代的滑雪场之一。 +Note that using O_EXCL doesn't work on directories on older versions of NFS (version 1 or 2) because these old versions don't correctly support O_EXCL.,注意,在旧版的 NFS(版本 1 或者版本 2)的目录上使用 O_EXCL 是没有用的,因为 NFS 的这些旧版本没有正确地支持 O_EXCL。 +"While Hopu was nominally a private-equity fund, it often raised eyebrows among investors by investing in listed companies, which is typically outside the traditional domain of private equity.",虽然厚朴名义上是私募股权基金,但它却经常投资上市公司,这一点让投资者感到惊讶,因为一般来说,这不在私募基金的传统投资领域之内。 +It was the loudest cheer I had ever heard at a meet.,这是我在会上听到过的最大的喝彩声(欢呼声)。 +I never did find out how those girls managed in school under my cousins' names.,我不清楚顶替我堂姐的名字上学的这两个女孩是怎样入学的。 +"The website introduces information about the classes, teachers and fees of the center. It also provides some relative articles' links.",网站介绍该中心开设的课程名称、师资、开课时间和费用等信息,并提供了一些相关文章的全文链接。 +Can you tell me about your friend Lily?,你能告诉我关于你朋友丽丽的情况吗? +"Eight dragon cling to a large column, angry head claws, the whole body from the cloud of wind, an angry school.",八条龙各抱定一根大柱,怒目利爪,周身风从云生,一派生气。 +"A certain concentration of Green Tea-Polyphenol(GTP)was effective to protect the juice from oxidation and reduction, while the antioxidant of ascorbic acid and sodium phytase played an opposite role.",草莓汁色泽易受氧化、还原而褪色,一定浓度的茶多酚具有显著的护色效果,而异抗坏血酸、植酸钠等抗氧化剂则起反作用。 +Take some time to look around the application and see what we have so far.,让我们花些时间参观一下这个应用,看看我们现在得到了什么。 +The bow defects of the desliming arc are evenly alternated with the raking soil boards;,脱泥弧弓形缺陷与扒土板均匀相间。 +And then this Allegretto at the end!,然后还有这个结尾的快板! +"""Look at how he curses me , beats me , and even invades me . "" If you hold on to this kind of thinking , you will be living in resentment .",“看他如何骂我、打我、破坏我、又侵夺我。”如果你抱持着这样的想法,你就会活在怨恨之中。 +"Finally, the person who is borrowing money what all don't know that what a construction.",到最后反正被借钱的人谁都不知道这钱究竟建设了一个什么。 +"SELLER-supplied Imported Equipment (including all Low Voltage Drives and Controls) shall have Weights and Prices and Specifications, and shall be in accordance with BUYER's Equipment numbering system.",卖方提供的进口设备(包括所有低压驱动器和控制器)应有重量和价格和说明书,而且应与买方的设备编号系统一致。 +"Further, it is feasible to set up a judicial review regime for compulsory investigation within the ambit of rationality.",在合法性审查的范围内,建立强制侦查司法审查制度也是可行的。 +Excuse me. I'm looking for Mr. Town.,打搅一下,我在找汤先生。 +"However, as industrial development proceeds, considering the life—cycle of the EPZs, the gap between the market and opportunity costs of labor narrows and the interest in EPZs tends to disappear.",进而分析随着工业化的不断推进,从生命周期理论的观点看,市场价格与机会成本之间差距变小,EPZ将趋向于消亡。 +The damage process of paddy stem borer to rice plant can be regarded as a single input-single output system.,三化螟为害水稻的过程可以看作一个单输入——单输出系统。 +"Demographics, climate change and commodity prices appear to be working against us right now, threatening to swirl up into a perfect storm of overwhelming need.",世界粮食计划署执行干事约塞特·施林也参加了世界粮食日的庆祝仪式,她说:“人口统计、气候变化和商品价格似乎在与我们作对,具有形成一次巨大需求风暴的威胁。 +Learn how to show the grill marks of food cooked on a stovetop grill with expert cooking tips in this free indoor grilling video clip.,了解如何显示在这个自由的室内烧烤的视频剪辑上烧烤食物的烹饪技巧与专家炭烤炉子标志。 +The only way to enable the user to authenticate to that account is for the administrator to reset this user's password (which resets the 90-day clock).,要想重新启用这个用户帐户,惟一的方法是由管理员重新设置这个用户的密码(这会重设 90 天过期日期)。 +"At FC Groningen I started in the C youth squad (12/13 yr. ). It was a very strong team, with which I immediately won the championship in my first year.",在格罗宁根我从青年C队(12/13岁)开始,这是一直很强的队伍,我在加入的第一年就很快夺得了冠军。 +"In this step, changes to the automatically generated code are required to handle one or more of the failure scenarios described previously.",在这一步中,会获得对自动生成代码所做的更改,以处理前面所描述的一个或者多个失败。 +"Even as James thundered against tobacco's destructive effect on society, the weed itself was sometimes sold for its weight in silver in London.",甚至就算是有詹姆斯这样猛烈攻击烟草对于社会产生破坏性影响伦敦,有些时候烟草也会以将其盛入银器中的重量变卖。 +Tath is why we can keep the long-term cooperation with our customers and develop in the industry.,用真诚的服务,回报广大客户的厚爱,这就是我们之所以能在此领域与客户保持长久合作关系和发展的原因。 +The selecting style and modifying structure of screen in compound fertilizer production are examined.,探讨复混肥生产筛分设备的选型与结构的改进。 +The Sellers shall also keep close contact with the agent of CNCC.,卖方亦应与中租代理保持密切联系。 +"He put rats in mazes during the day, and recorded what neurons fired in what patterns as the rats negotiated the maze.",他白天把老鼠放在迷宫中,记录下老鼠通过迷宫时,有那些神经元以什么模式产生冲动。 +"Ask your text alert subscribers to fan your Facebook Page, but make sure you link to the mobile version of your Facebook Page, such as: m.facebook.com/nonprofitorgs.",让你的短信订阅用户喜欢你的Facebook页面,前提是保证链接到你的facebook手机页面,例如m.facebook.com/nonprofitorgs。 +"When belt and outrigger are set at the same story, the belt can improve the stiffness of the strengthened story and ensure the integrity of the structural.",周边环带在与水平伸臂设置在同一层时,环带主要起增加加强层的刚度和整体性,保���结构整体性的作用。 +"The Yangpu harbour located on the north-west coast of Hainan Island, is a kind of rocky-coast tidal inlet.",位于海南岛西北岸的万吨级海港——洋浦港属于基岩港湾型潮汐汊道。 +"""I was quite startled by it, "" said Dr Wilcove.",威尔科夫博士说:“这让我很吃了一惊”。 +Fret is a very popular decorative art that originally derives from vortex pattern and signifies continuity and universal presence.,回形纹是古今中外装饰图案中非常流行的一种,最初应源于旋涡纹,具有延绵不断、亘古不变的含义。 +"Mr. Guo, 55, has led China Construction Bank since 2005, when the bank was listed in Hong Kong in one of the biggest initial public offerings in history.",郭先生今年55岁,于2005年开始接掌中国建设银行,当时中国建设银行在香港上市并首次公开发行其历史上最大规模的股票。 +"""I didn't see a lack of confidence in Maxi Rodríguez, Raul Meireles or Steven Gerrard, "" said Hodgson on Sunday.",“我没有在大马、梅雷莱斯或者杰拉德身上看到缺乏自信”,老霍在周日说。 +"In the underground maze of tunnels, the Romans kept ""every type of exotic animal that they were able to bring here,"" including rhinos and snakes, Nazzaro said.",地下的隧道迷宫里,罗马人保留着“他们能够带来的各种类型的外来动物”,包括犀牛和蛇,纳扎罗说。 +The CDC's Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) finds no link between Gardasil and adverse events reported by doctors and vaccine recipients.,CDC的疫苗不良反应事件监测中心(VAERS)没有发现加德西与医生和疫苗接种者报告的不良反应事件之间存在联系。 +Those long-tailed, multicolored parrots are a delight to the eye.,那些长尾巴、五彩缤纷的鹦鹉真是好看极了。 +Professor Wu's lecture got the students familiar with the usage of this software and also gain a perception of the development of softwares.,吴教授的讲座使同学们熟悉了该软件产品的用法,同时对软件开发也有了一定的认识。 +"Heavy rains in Victoria yesterday, causing some areas of Melbourne and Mildura suddenly flooded the town, some residents trapped in the home and car.",维多利亚州昨天又降暴雨,导致墨尔本部分地区和米尔迪拉镇突然淹水,一些居民受困家中和车里。 +We study the pointwise estimates of solutions for the conservation law with relaxation by Green's function.,考虑带松弛项的守恒律方程,用格林函数的方法得到了其整体解的逐点估计。 +"Anze, located in east to Linfen city Shanxi, covering 1967 km2, is the center of old Ji county and hometown of Xunzi, who was a great ideologist in time of pre-Qin dynasty.",安泽,位于山西省临汾市东部,总面积1967平方公里,是古冀州之治所、中国先秦时期大思想家荀子的故里。 +"James Parton's biography of Jackson suggests that is really an illegible O.R., which was the abbreviation used for Order Recorded.",詹姆斯·巴顿所著的杰克逊传记一书中指出,实际上那是字迹潦草的O.R.,是Order Recorded(定单已记录)的缩写。 +"When the threshold is 3.9 to 7.8, as in Figure 3, Nebraska shows up yellow.",当阈值是 3.9 到 7.8 时,如 图 3 所示,内布拉斯加州显示为黄色。 +This was an economic version of an open marriage where one party gets to have all the fun and the other worked nine-to-five and came home too exhausted for whoopee.,这是一个经济版本的开放式婚姻,而这个家中,有人玩得不亦乐乎,而另一些人却需要朝九晚五的工作,每天拖着疲惫的身躯回家,累得回到家连叫一下的劲都没有。 +Peperite is a special kind of volcaniclastic rock formed by the intermingling of magma with wet sediments.,熔积岩是火山碎屑岩的一种特殊类型,由熔浆和未固结的湿沉积物两种组分掺杂混合而成。 +We are an ISO 9001 registered company and specialize in manufacturing obsolete and hard-to-find components for both replacement purposes and new designs.,我们是一家ISO 9001认证的公司,专业生产过时,难以找到替代的目的,并为新设计的组件。 +"Scientific overflights Monday aimed to determine whether the rest of the evacuees could do the same, the Associated Press reported.",周一组织了科学家飞越这一地区旨在确定其他被疏散的居民是否可以返回家园。 +Occurance and development of the disease?,“某疾病的发生发展”如何翻译?谢谢! +我们从中国启航驶往日本。,We set sail from China for Japan. +"Fortunately, in our digital circus, there are some good skilled animal trainers.",幸好我们的数字马戏团里有技艺高超的驯兽师,想看马? +"In Westeros, the word of a Lannister is considered good as gold.",在维斯特洛伊,兰尼斯特家的人可是一字千金。 +Let The Muisc Heal Your Soul…,《让音乐抚慰你的灵魂》… +"After 19 minutes, Blades keeper Paddy Kenny tipped over a curling 25-yard free-kick from El Karkouri.",十九分钟过后,谢联队守门员肯尼扑出了卡尔库里25码外的弧线任意射门。 +"My hand should wash the dress and shampoo hair only with respect to desquamate, what settles remedial way?",我的手只要洗衣服和洗头发就脱皮,有什么解决治疗的办法?。 +"With new technical standards and aesthetic norms to ease in the development of disordered state, return to the historical tradition of landscape painting in China has actually shown a decline.",以新的技术标准和美学规范来疏导发展过程中的无序状况,回归历史的传统,实际上已经表现了中国山水画的衰落。 +Sport naming right is a cut-in point which merges sport into economy under the system of socialist market economy. It is also a very important part of the development of sport market.,体育冠名权是社会主义市场经济条件下体育融入经济的重要切入点,是体育市场开发的重要内容。 +The drum of coating is pore less structure with low energy consumption and wide application.,包衣滚筒为无孔结构,能耗低、用途广。 +"So always look for opportunities for picking up tasks with higher commission, or over time pay or something that will result in a bonus.",因此,经常寻找有更多佣金,有加工费或有奖金的工作的机会。 +The protests against smart meters in Bakersfield and elsewhere may be only the start.,贝克尔斯菲市(美国加利福尼亚州中南部城市)的抗议者反对智能电表,还有其他地方的抗议活动或许才刚刚开始。 +In October 2010 a DEVGRU team attempted to rescue Linda Norgrove a Scottish aid worker who had been kidnapped in eastern Afghanistan by the Taliban.,2010年10月,一个DEVGRU 小队试图营救Linda Norgrove,这位苏格兰援助工作者被塔利班在阿富汗东部被绑架。 +"The American position is that any targets be enforced by domestic laws rather than international treaties, that they be verifiable and distributed equally.",美国的立场是国内法优于国际法,减排应该体现可验证和平均分配的原则。 +"Email promotion methods to E-mail for main website promotion means, the commonly used method including the electronic publications, newsletter, professional service members of E-mail ads, etc.",以电子邮件为主要的网站推广手段,常用的方法包括电子刊物、会员通讯、专业服务商的电子邮件广告等。 +"Obama has no magic — no ability to transfer wealth from some mythical Greek civilization — to ""change"" that.",奥巴马不会变魔术,没本事把古希腊的诸神的财宝,拿过来改变现状。 +"Indeed, the inter-ministerial mechanism to limit foreign travel by officials using public funds was established in April 2008.",事实上,这种限制公费旅行的部际机制在08 年四月已经建立。 +The sample code generates a new secret key and uses it to encrypt and decrypt data.,这个样本代码将生成一个新的秘钥,并使用它对数据进行加密和解密。 +"In our experiences, do good people suffer along with the bad for sins they never condoned ?",在我们的经验中,是否曾有良善的人,因为他们未曾犯的罪孽而蒙受苦痛? +"The review shows the technical points of(epoxy) hot-melt prepreg on the(reasonable) combination of resin matrix, matching of curing agents and(accel…",表明环氧树脂热熔预浸料研制的技术关键是选择合理的树脂体系组合,有较长潜伏期的固化剂和促进剂的匹配及合适的催化剂。 +"1592 - At the Battle of Busan, the outnumbered Korean navy defeats a larger Japanese army.",1592年的今天,在釜山战役中,人数处于劣势的韩国海军打败了人数占优的日本军。 +"Herein, we present a case of a neurilemoma within the renal parenchyma and review the literature on this subject.",在此报告一罹患肾脏实质神经鞘瘤之病例及回顾相关之文献报告。 +The main functions and features of TDC-GP2 are introduced. The hardware and the software of the pulsed laser velocimeter system are also presented.,在介绍TDC-GP2主要功能和工作特性的基础上,给出了系统的整体设计方案以及系统硬件和软件的实现方法。 +如果你用取火镜使太阳光线在聚焦在干木头上,木头就会燃烧起来。,"If you focus the sun's rays on dry wood with a burning-glass, it will start burning." +"Detail: Taipan Massage and Spa has branched out into the food industry with this Macanese restaurant. The food is satisfying, Dishes recommended like roasted goose and pork chop.",东方大班是一家集合了茶餐厅、餐吧、面包房为一体的餐厅,但是大多数人来这里还是冲着茶餐厅来的。推荐菜: 烧鹅猪排包。 +The United States department of agriculture will increase spending on farm emissions research by ninety million dollars over the next four years.,美国农业部今后四年将把在农业排放上的研究的化费提高到九千万美元。 +"Although similar, the papilloma virus is not the same as the one that that causes benign little warts on your fingers and hands.",虽然与引起你手上的良性肉赘细菌有相同之处,但是它们还是有区别的。 +Ecstasies in which they forget to kiss.,一往情深竟然忘了亲吻。 +Eight and one are the tonic.,八和一是主音 +Please close the tap.,请关上水龙草头。 +Experts continue to debate whether time is working for or against the workers and soldiers struggling to re-establish cooling at the crippled plant.,专家们持续辩论道工人与士兵在废墟上重建冷却塔是否合时。 +"My mouth was suddenly full, I tried to swallow everything down again, and clenched my teeth with my hand in front of my mouth, but it all burst out of my mouth anyway straight through my finger.",我的嘴里会突然涌出食物,我竭力想把那些食物吞咽下去,把我的手捂在嘴上面,咬紧牙关,那些食物猛地通过我的手指从嘴里喷涌出来。 +"I had no idea we already had so much specific compliance-related information available to us through Rational Portfolio Manager,"" says Fatima.","""好的,我还不知道我们已经通过Rational Portfolio Manager,有了那么多特定的与遵循相关的可用信息,""Fatima说到。" +"I expected the children to burst into tears, devastated by what had happened to all their hard work.",我料想这两个孩子会大哭,为他们的艰苦努力付之东流而伤心不已。 +"If you look at the top center of every monument, you see wings, "" Clemmons said.""",克莱蒙斯说:“如果抬头仰视每座金字塔的 顶部的话,你会看到翅膀的影子。 +"Death Coil can be used both as a nuke and a heal, just remember that it deals damage to you unless you are using Aphotic Shield or Borrowed Time.",死亡缠绕可以伤害敌人和治疗友军,当你使用无光之盾和回光返照的时候,它不会对你造成伤害。 +Many bigger gym chains offer deals when you first join and a smaller facility might reduce your fees if you ask up front.,许多大型的连锁健身馆会在你首次加入时就要求签订协议,而在一些更小型的场馆,只要你开门见山提出要求,它们就会给你打折。 +This method has been successfully applied to the determination of trace vanadium in the reference samples of steel.,体系选择性好,灵敏度高,用于钢中痕量钒的测定,重复性好,结果满意。 +"Severe physical punishment was defined as being hit with an object, being kicked, choked, smothered, burnt, scalded, branded, beaten or threatened with a weapon.",严重体罚的定义是指被用同一物体打击、被踢、被掐喉咙或气管导致窒息、被闷导致窒息、被烧、被烫、被纹身、被殴打或被用武器威胁。 +Radio buttons and check boxes are options to consider if you have fewer choices.,如果选项很少,那么单选按钮和复选框也是值得考虑的选择。 +Navies of the two Koreas fought deadly skirmishes along the western sea border in 1999 and 2002.,两国海军于1999年和2002年曾在西部海域边界附近发生过殊死斗争。 +"I enjoyed the svelte look and featherweight status of my 11-inch MacBook Air ($999, 1.6 Intel Core 2 Duo, 2 GB RAM, 64 GB flash storage), launched last October.",我自己也买了一台11寸吋的MacBook Air笔记本(价格999美元,1.6英特尔酷睿2处理器,2G内存,64G快闪储存)。 这款11寸吋小本于去年10月推出,我非常喜欢它纤细的外观和轻薄的机身。 +"The C. R. stood for ""Christopher Robin.""",华润站在克里斯朵夫罗宾。 +"'It was kind of like falling in love again, ' says Ms. Earnhart. 'He would come over for some silly reason, and we would have a heck of a conversation and a really good time.'",妻子说:“那感觉好像我们重新坠入了爱河,他会找一些愚蠢的理由来我这里,我们会说很多话,度过一段很开心的时光。” +"Bahiyyih appreciates the opportunity to work with junior high school students, as she feels that youth can make a difference in the world.",她很喜欢也很珍惜在枫叶初中和学生在一起的日子,因为她觉得世界是年轻人的。 +"The current program of cash assistance, Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF), was enacted in 1996. It removed the entitlement to cash benefits.",1996年开始实行对贫困家庭的临时补助计划,废除了享有现金补助的公民权利性计划。 +"As an outstanding diplomat in American history and history of relations between China and America, Elihu Root played an important role in the U. S. policy making in this period.",作为中美关系史上举足轻重的外交家,鲁特在这项政策不断完善中发挥的作用是无人可以替代的。 +"The grinding chamber is water dripping type, which can eliminate effectively circulation in the process of grinding. High production capacity.",粉碎室为水滴型, 有效消除粉碎过程中的环流现象, 产量高。 +"Work under the contract will be performed in Bloomington, Minn., Fairfax, Va., Waimea, Hawaii and Ypsilanti, Mich.",合同工作将在明尼苏达州布卢明顿、弗吉尼亚州费尔法克斯、夏威夷威美亚和密歇根州伊普西兰蒂进行。 (工业和信息化部电子科学技术情报研究所 陈皓) +Methods: The study investigated the class environments and school adjustment of 596 junior high school students with questionnaires.,方法:采用问卷,对596名初中生知觉的班级环境和学校适应的现状进行了调查。 +"In 2007 the government launched a five-year overhaul of basic education, including a sharp rise in teachers’ salaries, better school facilities and a reworked curriculum.",2007年,埃及政府发起了一项为期5年的基础教育大改造运动,其具体措施包括大幅度提高教师工资、学校设备档次,以及重新编排教学内容。 +"A 100WH-160WH mobile power supply (Charge Pal) can be carried in hand baggage subject to the approval of the carrier, but during flight it is forbidden to use it to charge any electronic devices.",对于100WH-160WH移动电源(充电宝)经承运人批准后方可携带,且在飞行途中禁止使用其为电子设备充电; +"Uniform leavening over an extended time improves the quality of many baked end-products, the crumb structure acquires finer and more uniform porosity, while the crust has greater elasticity.",在持续时间内均匀发酵可以改善许多焙烤终产品的品质;面包屑状结构具有了更好的更均匀的多孔性结构,而面包表皮也具有了更大的弹性。 +But what would happen if biodegradable materials were used instead of these neutral excipients?,但是当用生物可降解物质替代这些中性辅料时会发生什么呢? +Herschel's mission is to observe the full range of radiation from the far-infrared to the submillimeter.,赫歇尔的任务是观察全方位的辐射远红外线的亚。 +"His dream is to have a tidy house with French window, a large and soft sofa, and flowers, travel around the world with his partner when they were young.",梦想有一间有着大片落地玻璃,柔软沙发,四季花香的房子,趁年轻时候和拍档一起周游世界。 +"It is small in size, wide in scope (40~120℃) and high in precision (within 0.2℃). The instrument can meet the needs of flash point surveying and can be widely used.",它体积小,测量范围为40~ 1 2 0℃ ,精度可达到0 .2℃ ,完全可满足闭口闪点温度的测量要求,可望在实际工作中得到推广应用。 +"In Peru, innovations such as 'waiting houses', which provide accomodation and healthcare facilities to mothers in advance of birth, have achieved dramatic improvements in maternal health indicators.",在秘鲁,诸如向准备分娩的产妇提供的调节和卫生保健设施的“等待房间”已经显著改善了产妇健康指标。 +Chinese actress Huang Yi and her husband Jiang Kai had just ended their less-than-a-year marriage.,近日,中国大陆女演员黄奕表示,与丈夫姜凯因性格不合结束了不到一年的婚姻生活。 +"Previous efforts had looked at using polymeric thin films of semiconductor, as the medium could store very dense concentrations of data.",先前的研究都将目光投向聚合的半导体薄膜,因为该媒介能带来高密度的数据存储。 但是离开一个表面,这些薄膜将丧失他们的结构并分散。 +A direction is provided for optimizing the charge transfer efficiency based on the analysis of simulation results.,通过对模拟结果的分析,提出了提高电荷耦合器件电荷传输效率的具体意见。 +It’s extremely hard to prepare for the known unknowns until you take them seriously.,为已知的未知事件做准备相当困难,除非你重视他们。 +Vice President Omar Suleiman said a military council would run the most populous Arab country for now.,副总统苏莱曼称,军事委员会将暂时负责埃及各项事务。 +"Established in 2000, Tsinlien Network is among the first to be nominated Best Web Development Enterprise in Tianjin, also a Member of Tianjin Software Association and CISCO Select Partner.",津联网络成立于2000年,是天津市首批获得优秀网站技术开发提名的企业,天津软件行业协会会员单位,思科合作伙伴。 +"For example, to insert a probe with no arguments you can use: DTRACE_PROBE(""prime"",""calc-start"").","例如,可以使用 DTRACE_PROBE(""prime"",""calc-start"") 插入一个无参数的探测。" +"Successful papers are well organized, cite specific examples to make each point, put examples in context, and are illustrated.",成功的论文是条理清晰的,为每一点列举具体例子,在文中给出例证并论述。 +House and riches are the inheritance of fathers: and a prudent wife is from the LORD.,是祖宗所遗留的。 惟有贤慧的妻,是耶和华所赐的。 +Identify who or what is going to oppose your protagonist's objectives.,确定主角会遇到什么样的对手或者困难。 +Kinds of flotation collectors modified with fatty acid using oleic oil and rosin acid as raw materials were introduced.,介绍了几种脂肪酸类矿物捕收剂改性产物,它们分别以油酸和松香酸作为出发原料。 +"Kanban system's ""Process Control Focus"" suits work with ""over 90%"" success rate and ""Process Improvement Focus"" suits work in the area of 50% as well as 90%.",看板系统的“工序控制焦点(Process Control Focus)”适合在“高于90%”的成功率下工作,而“工序改进焦点(Process Improvement Focus)”既适合在50%成功率也适合在90%成功率下工作。 +This approach helps to logically separate the data structure into the pieces that are logically related.,这个方法有助于在逻辑上将数据结构分离到逻辑上相关的部分。 +This article analyses the quality defects of hot rolled ribbed and plain steel bar in lueyangsteel. The reasons of the defects are quantity of inclusions in steel too more.,对略钢生产的钢筋和圆钢出现冷弯断裂和延伸率下降情况的成因进行分析,确定主要是由于铸坯中夹杂物过多。 +All these over-the-top demands involved midsize to large companies.,这些过多的需求总在中型公司和大型公司出现。 +Teasing and worrying with impish laughter half suppressed .,用顽皮笑声戏弄和使人烦恼被抑制了一半。 +"Along with the boy, we see his mother Luna, who never gives up on him and whose courage and willpower prove everyone wrong in that Fulvio goes on to become an internationally acclaimed scientist.",同时,我们也可以看到他的母亲露娜的伟大母爱。她从不对儿子放弃希望,并且她以她的勇气与毅力证明了人们对于弗维欧的偏见都是错误的。最后,弗维欧成为了一个国际公认的科学家。 +Typical rotavirus particles were found by the direct electron microscopic method in the fecal samples of 6 out of 7 cases.,从7例婴幼儿秋季腹泻的粪便中,用直接电镜法检出了轮状病毒6例。 +"The context level provides a black box view of the system, external actors, and the boundaries of system/actor interaction.",范围级别提供了一个系统、外部参与者以及系统或参与者交互边界的黑盒。 +"Mt. 23:32 And you, fill up the measure of your fathers!",太二三32 你们去充满你们祖宗的恶贯吧! +"The application of nano-composited materials in leather chemicals such as tanning agent, fatliquor, finishing agent and synthetic leather are illustrated.",举例说明了纳米复合材料对鞣剂、加脂剂、 涂饰剂等皮革化学品的改性作用及其在合成革领域的应用。 +"Kennedy and Johnson, his vice president, were in Dallas, Texas.",肯尼迪与副总统约翰逊同行到达德克萨斯州达拉斯市。 +"Hartman describes Milton's tendency in Paradise Lost, and he takes this term from Coleridge: the tendency to stand ab extra, to stand from outside.","哈特曼描述了弥尔顿在中的写作趋向,并且从柯勒律治那里借用了这个习语:,由外而内俯视自身的趋势。" +He said players like Mbah a Moute have inspired him along the way to keep working for his dream to one day play professional basketball.,他说,像Mbah一Moute球员有启发沿途保持他的梦想有一天,他打职业篮球的工作。 +The radarman's eyes were glued to the screen.,雷达兵目不转睛地注视着荧光屏。 +Creating principal three views and sectional views.,三视图和剖视图的绘制。 +"Response status codes beginning with the digit ""5′ indicate cases in which the server is aware that it has erred or is incapable of performing the request.""",该状态码表明服务器暂时处于超负载或正在进行停机维护,现在无法处理请求。 +Eagle teaches us that our walk can only be ours and that like with all Creatures great and small we must face life that is before us on its terms.,从鹰的身上,我们学会,我们必须以自己的方式,来走我们自己的路,正如其他大大小小的生物一样,我们必须敢于面对展现在我们面前的生活道路。 +"Widows are particularly vulnerable in such situations; when their husbands die they are often left without a home, economic resources or assets to earn a living.",在这类情况下,遗孀的处境尤为艰难。 丈夫过世后,她们往往流离失所,丧失得以谋生的经济资源或资产。 +"But according to broadcaster Peter Windsor, involved with the prospective American entry USF1, it may actually be compulsory to fit active KERS systems to cars in 2010.",但根据广播彼得温莎,参与未来的美国入境USF1 ,它实际上可能是强制性的,以适应活跃物系统的汽车在2010年。 +"No matter what happens, my brother always loses his head.",无论发生什么事,我哥哥总是意气用事。 +Twenty percent of all first-time undergraduates take at least one remedial course.,20%的本科生修过至少一门救治课程。 +This method is also useful in other systems needed to convert MEPG-2 transport stream bit-rate.,它��用于需要修改传送流码率的系统中。 +An ideal fit for a medium-large profile.,一个大中型的姿态的理想选择。 +"Shifts vary, but might include a couple of day shifts, followed by a swing shift and a night shift.",但是这种轮班有很多形式,也许包括一些白班,一个通宵班或一个晚班。 +He led the 1st Armoured Division in Iraq into what was then a rapidly spreading anti-coalition insurgency and sectarian war.,随后,他率领第一装甲师深入伊拉克,迅速瓦解了反结盟的叛乱和派系战争。 +It would be of great value in irregular-type warfare.,它将在非正规作战中发挥巨大价值。 +Government-regulated coffee shops sell cannabis and can keep stocks of up to 500 g.,政府管制的有权出售大麻的咖啡店可以保持500克的存货。 +"From MNC's point of view, multiple enterprise cultures impact MNCs operation in various aspects.",多元的企业文化因素对跨国企业运营来说,存在着多方位、全系统、整个过程的影响。 +"Disclosure: I'm acknowledging, this is my late Aprl-1 fool post.",透露一点:我声明,这是我迟到的愚人节帖。 +"About two-thirds said children wearing glasses looked smarter than those without glasses, and 57 percent said children wearing glasses looked more honest.",约三分之二的孩子说,戴眼镜的孩子比不戴眼镜的看起来更聪明;57% 的孩子说,戴眼镜的孩子看起来更诚实。 +To discuss the clinical traits of adult acute leukemia with CNSL.,目的探讨急性白血病患者合并中枢神经系统白血病(CNSL)的临床特点。 +"Less time when the University of youth, in this ""Golden Age"", Juanjuan choose dance as partners.",大学时光正值青春年少,在这个“黄金年代”,娟娟选择舞蹈为伴。 +"Once you learn to do this, you can do it any time.",只要你学会去做这件事,你就可以在任何时候去做。 +This shift is usually called the BAD CHARACTER shift and it is calculated in a different manner. The table for the BAD CHARACTER shift occurs in this form.,这种移动通常称为“‘不匹配字符’移动”,这要用不同的方法来计算移动值。“不匹配字符移动”表要有如下形式。 +The outermost is the epidermis.,最外面的一层叫表皮。 +Former Senator Bob Dole and former Health and Human Services Secretary Donna Shalala will look into reports of patient neglect and poor building maintenance.,前 参议员鲍勃?多尔和前卫生与公众服务部长唐娜?沙拉拉将对忽视病人和医疗设施维护问题进行调查。 +"And in particular, then ? how could nonexistence be bad for you when you don't exist?","特别是你都不存在了,不存在对你来说又有什么坏处呢?" +It is implemented as a single mftb assembly instruction.,它是作为一条 mftb 汇编指令实现的。 +The children nowadays are exposed to the fast-food culture.,现在的小孩,从小就开始接受速食文化的熏陶。 +It is in the interest of the USG to provide assistance.,提供援助符合美国政府的利益。 +Mortgages are debts secured by property as collateral.,抵押贷款是以财产作为抵押的债务 +This sidewalk is made of slabs of stone.,这一人行道是用石板铺成的。 +"Illumina, too, has been on a buying spree, with five deals in the past five years, including the 2006 purchase of Solexa for $482 million.",Illumina公司也一直在收购狂潮,在过去五年里有五个交易,包括2006年4.82亿美元收购Solexa 。 +"Vivian and Wilson, on the other hand, seldom enthuse over their adopted home; half the time, they barely notice it’s there.",薇薇安和威尔逊,另一方面,极少热爱他们的家,一半的时间里,他们几乎没有意识到它在那里。 +"America was open to my grandfather and millions of other immigrants like him, coming to its shores to pursue a better life, founded on freedom, equality and opportunity.",美国对我的祖父和千百万像他一样的移民敞开了大门,他们远涉重洋,前来追求建立在自由、平等和机会之上的更好生活。 +GE agreed to buy oil-field equipment maker Dresser Inc. for about $3 billion in October.,通用电气曾于十月同意以大约 30 亿美元的价格收购油田设备制造商 Dresser Inc.。 +"Conclusion: Strengthening anti-platelet therapy can significantly improve the quality of life in patients with ischemic stroke, and good security.",结论:强化抗血小板治疗,可以显著提高缺血性脑卒中患者生活质量,并且安全性好。 +A Chinese state-run newspaper has sharply criticized French President Nicolas Sarkozy for meeting with the Dalai Lama on Saturday.,中国一份官方报纸星期六猛烈抨击法国总统萨科齐会晤达赖喇嘛。 +So I'm interested in your stainless steel wristwatches . Do you have them available from stock?,我们现需一批手表,我对你们的不锈钢手表感兴趣,有现货吗? +"Chapter four:Through the problems that the three case reflect, to find the problems in our country's art industry and tries to find some ways to solve.",第四章通过三个案例折射出的问题为我国的艺术产业把把脉,开开药方,为我国当下艺术产业的发展寻找到一些出路。 +Image processing system for processing data associated with straight line vectors and having input switching function.,Tokutaro Fukushima: 用于直线矢量相关数据处理及具备输入转换功能的影像处理系统。 +Eating an ice-cream waiting for Mum to pick us up.,吃等候菊花接载我们的雪糕。 +"For the chocolate study, researchers identified 4,849 people in good health without risk factors for cardiovascular disease, such as high cholesterol and high blood pressure.",在这项巧克力研究中,研究人员明显发现有4849名对象的身体状况很好,没有心血管病的风险因素,比如高胆固醇或是高血压。 +"""You should pay me double the tuition fees,"" said Socrates.",“你应该付给我两倍的学费,”苏格拉底说。 +"In most cases, they are just metal or plastic boxes.",大多数情况下,他们只是金属或塑料盒。 +Millions of hamburgers and French fries are eaten every year.,每年美国人要吃掉几百万个汉堡包和法国油煎饼。 +"The primary advantages of a ketch are that each of the sails is usually somewhat smaller than on a sloop of equivalent size, making sail handling easier.",双桅帆的主要优势在于每一面帆都比同尺寸的单桅帆船上的相应帆尺寸要小一些,使得航行操纵也容易一些。 +"The more we learn to recognize the range of our emotions, including the subtlest ones, the more familiar and comfortable we become with them.",我们越是了知认清各种的情绪感受(包括最微细的),就能越加熟悉它们而自在无碍。 +"The family had an old dog named Bighead. When family members took the boy out for a stroll in a wheelchair twice a day, they would place Bighead's chain around the fingers of the boy.",家中还有一只老狗叫大头,家人每天两次推轮椅带儿子散步时,大头的狗链都系在儿子的手上。 +"And since we have two bars that are together like this, once they're both loaded up with electrons there's going to be negative charges that repel, so the electrons will want to get as far away as possible, and they're on their slow way to doing that, to getting as far away from each other as possible.","因为我们有两个棒像这样在一起,一旦它们加载了电子,就会因为有负电荷而排斥,所以这些电子就会,互相离开的尽可能远,它们的这个过程很慢,离开的尽可能远。" +"What can be archived Message body, attachments, folders, subfolders (including metadata, such as subject, date, sender), and applications.",能够存档的内容 消息体、附件、文件夹、子文件夹(包括元数据,如主题、日期、发送者)和应用程序。 +What is all this going on?,这些到底是怎么回事? +"The first symptoms of radiation sickness—nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea— can appear within minutes or in days, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.",美国疾病控制与预防中心称,辐射病的最初症状为恶心、呕吐与腹泻,可在几分钟或几日内出现。 +"This kind of dance originated from the embryonic period of the dance art and still exists today, forming the so-called folk dance.",这类舞蹈导源于舞蹈艺术的萌芽期,至今仍大量存在,构成我们今天习惯称之为民间舞蹈的一大门类。 +A digital image watermarking algorithm based on quadtree and error correcting code is proposed.,提出了一种基于四叉树和纠错编码的数字图像水印算法。 +One 4-mm Schanz pin is placed in the talar neck.,一根4mm的斯氏针置入距骨颈中。 +"He's made six records, but has not made any films yet.",他灌了六张唱片,但他没演过电影。 +"""We heard gunshots and, the idiot that I am, "" said Rudder, ""I went towards them thinking, what's that?",“当枪声传来时,我看上去就像是一个白痴”,Rudder说道:“我问我的朋友:‘这是什么声音’?” +The hardness of the chairseemed to make people more rigid and less willing to deviate from their initial offer.,也就是说,坚硬的座椅似乎让被试更加保守,不愿偏离初始的出价。 +I searched online for dressing tips.,我在网上查了一些着装技巧。 +"In this sense both ""nature"" and sexed bodies have a history, or as Michel Foucault would say a ""genealogy"".1",从这个意义上讲,“本性”和被性区分的身体都具有一段演变史,或者像米歇尔·傅科所说的具有一个谱系。 +"The MDC's shadow justice minister, David Coltart, said yesterday that he thought that unlikely.",MDC的影子司法部长大卫˙柯达特在7月4日表示他认为可能性不大。 +The skylight of Zhengzhou-Wuhan passenger dedicated line is analysed from the skylight forms and time.,从天窗的设置形式,设置时间对郑武客运专线的天窗设置进行分析��� +Rei-Shi Mushroom complex provides a synergistic and potent blend of Rei-Shi and Shiitake mushroom for optimal effect.,复合灵芝提供了有效的混合并使其功效达到最佳状态。 +"OK , let's go around the table.",好让我们顺著桌子来。 +"The United States has reported 1639 laboratory confirmed human cases, including two deaths.",美国报告了1639例实验室确认的人患病例,包括2例死亡。 +"But she decided to play along, got hermsuit on, and went out and joined the party.",但她还是决定和他们一起玩,她换上泳装,走出家门,加入了聚会。 +"Almost everyone feared Arthur would be a tool of a Republican Party leader in New York, Roscoe Conkling. They were sure Conkling would be the real power in Arthur's administration.",几乎所有的美国人都担心亚瑟会成为纽约的共和党领导人罗科斯.康克林的一个政治工具,他们都确信,康克林是亚瑟政府的权力核心。 +"In a 2007 report, scientists working for the United Nations concluded sea levels could rise by 18 to 59 cm by the end of this century.",在2007年报告中,多位受雇联合国的科学家得出结论——到本世纪末,海平面将上升18到59厘米。 +"The 34-year-old Pat Gaines, a photographer, he was in Colorado Bonney Lake Park, capturing the scene of the.",现年34岁的帕特·盖恩斯是一名摄影师,他是在科罗拉多州邦尼湖公园抓拍到这一幕的。 +This article and the previous article on business state machines showed you two important ways to define your application logic.,本文和上一篇关于业务状态机的文章向您介绍了两种定义应用程序逻辑的重要方法。 +"As soon as he spoke, I realized why somany people were in the room.",他这么一说,我明白过来为什么手术室里会有这么多人。 +John Roebling gave his life to the bridge. WAShington Roebling WAS a cripple as long as he lived. But he carried out the dream of his father.,约翰·罗柏林把他的生命献给了这座桥。小罗柏林终生残疾。但是小罗柏林实现了他父亲的梦。 +"The bubble girl that water of A gave a name countless, it is us the eyesore of all men.",阿水出了名的泡妞无数,是我们所有男人的眼中钉。 +At 6'3 with huge brown eyes he is engaged to Australian hottie Isla Fisher (Wedding Crashers).,他拥有一双很大的褐色眼睛,已经与澳大利亚性感美女艾拉·菲舍尔(饰演过《婚礼终结者》)订婚。 +Methods Operation of high ligation cutting sheath-like tube was used.,方法高位结扎切断鞘状管术。 +"This way, SABSA is expressed in TOGAF words, providing a common language between TOGAF and SABSA to facilitate better information exchange between practitioners.",如此一来,SABSA以TOGAF的语言来描述,就为TOGAF和SABSA提供了一种共同的语言,从而促使从业者之间能更好的进行信息交互。 +"If a Google AdWords advertisement contains a libel, then the target of the libel can go after the advertiser in court.",如果谷歌广告词广告包含诽谤性文字,那么可以在法庭上追问广告者的诽谤目标。 +"Let me introduce mycocky. My name is Frank Darney, acknowledged adviser to Netcape Com.",容许我来自我介绍。我叫弗兰克·达尼,是“网景公司”的法律参谋。 +I hope you will have nothing but joy and happiness your life together.,我希望你俩的共同生活美满幸福。 +She intended to dress up as a ghost.,她打算装扮成鬼的模样。 +"Reed says if I have any, they must be a beggarly set: I should not like to go a begging.",里德舅妈说,要是我有亲戚,也准是一群要饭的,我可不愿去要饭。 +The contestants from China have already demonstrated excellent skills in business communication by winning the top places in BEC V and H May sessions.,这些选手已在今年5月BEC中高级和高级考试中取得了优异的成绩,充分展示了在商务领域中的英语应用能力。 +"Declining stocks outnumbered advancing ones on the NYSE by a ratio of 14 to 1, while on the Nasdaq, about seven stocks fell for every one that rose.",纽约证交所下跌与上涨股票家数之比约为14:1.Nasdaq市场股票跌涨比约为7:1.(完) +"Looking at the big troops left, Jiang ocean three people to avoid the lighthouse, kill a japanese.",看着大部队离开,江海洋三人避开灯塔,干掉一日军。 +"President Hu will also visit the United Nations Human Settlements Program (UN-Habitat) and the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP), and meet with officials in charge of these two agencies.",胡锦涛主席还将参观联合国人居署和环境署,并会见其负责人。 +"In legislation of evading taxes, quite a few flaws thought as by most scholars, are not really flaws, if the criminal law is interpreted thoroughly.",学界所认为的偷税罪立法中的漏洞经过法律解释后,其实并非刑法漏洞。 +"D. 1036), Western Xia dynasty, the Yuan dynasty had rebuilt it when in power. The very city was abundant in the 5th year of Hongwu, Ming Dynasty (A. D. 1372).",黑城始建于西夏大庆元年(公元1036年),元朝进行扩建,荒废于明洪武5年(公元1372年)。 +The resource db2ip-rs represents the service IP address on eth0.,资源 db2ip-rs 代表 eth0 上的服务 IP 地址。 +"Because of the significant meanings carried by dual standby phones, this concentrated purchase is by far the most influential CDMA terminal purchase conducted by Unicom this year.",由于双待机非同寻常的意义,此次集采成为今年联通CDMA终端采购中最具影响力的一次行动。 +"The utility model relates to a knapsack blow-suck cotton picker, which is composed of a blower, an engine, a cotton box, a machine frame and a soft tube with a nozzle.",一种小型背负吹吸式采棉机,由风机、发动机、棉箱、机架和带有吹吸嘴的软管组成。 +"Just as raising temperature can change the properties of iron and other metals, early humans heated stone to make it easier to flake.",正如给铁和其他金属加温以改变其属性,早期人类通过给石头加温,使之更容易被制作成石片。 +"Heat together: - Wine - Sage - Cinnamon - Pepper - Ginger - Honey To finish, add some powdered mandrake root to facilitate access to a state of hypnosis.",一起加热:-葡萄酒-鼠尾草-肉桂-胡椒粉-生姜-蜂蜜完成前,加入曼陀罗根的粉末来促进催眠作用。 +Also too is rather unfair?,未免也太不公平吧? +"As well as ending male primogeniture, the Prime Minister hopes to open the way for members of the Royal Family who marry a Roman Catholic being able to succeed to the Crown.",在终结男性优先继续权的同时,也但愿能让与罗马天主教徒结婚的王室成员拥有王位继续权。 +"In Karnataka, the law prohibits women from working at night in most industries (media and the IT-enabled services industry are exceptions).",卡纳塔克(Karnataka)——印度南部的一个邦——的法律规定除了在媒体和IT服务业的从业者之外,禁止女性晚上工作。 +"In the past, the spectacle of people in giant, grotesque, puffer coats going hatless was always amusing.",原来我一直觉得看到很多人穿着特厚的羽绒服但不戴帽子有点好笑。 +Combining two existing model/LUs into a single model/LU (which is called fusing),将两个已经存在的模型/逻辑单元合并到一个模型/逻辑单元中(该操作被称为融合); +"At that time, 148 tornadoes were reported in 13 states, and 330 people died.",到目前为止,据报道在13个州已经有148起龙卷风,330人丧生。 +"In addition to raising as much money as possible, biotechs need to pick their VCs wisely.",除了尽可能多地筹集资金,生物公司还应该明智地选择风险投资。 +This allows us to off-load the grapes through the roof of the cellar and make use of the gravity flow.,这就使我们能够从地下储藏室的顶部利用地心引力把葡萄直接卸下。 +My sister must have failed basic math because the tape that separated our room clearly did not split it in half.,我姐姐通常连最基本的数学题都会做错,因为给我们房间分区的卷尺,很显然并没有将房间一分为二,而大约是9比1。 +His coat was plastered with thick yellow mud.,他的上衣上沾着厚厚的黄泥。 +"With such excellent group, the Sunbird can provide the customers with professional and efficient service in all the aspects as design, technology, manufacture and sale.",产品配方成熟、工艺先进; 可以根据客户需求,提供从设计、技术、生产到营销的全面解决方案。 +Methods To use the Subcutaneous Implant Test and the MTT Assay to evaluate the toxicity gtade of seven biomaterials.,方法对七种生物材料分别用MTT比色法和软组织皮下埋植试验进行生物相容性测试。 +My girlfriend who's at USTC is a good singer.,我的在USTC的那个女朋友,唱歌唱的很好。 +"So now, the interesting thing about divergence is I can think of divergence as del dot a vector field.","关于散度的有趣的事情是,我可以把散度看作,▽点乘一个向量场。" +"The psychologist went on to say Yao's behavior of stabbing the victim eight times may have been a ""mechanical repetition"" of him smashing piano keys.",该心理学家称药家鑫刺人八刀的行为可能是其重击琴键的“机械反应”。 +"Taking over, mother and wife also found the county government and the Department of Education Shi Ping, a multi-coordinated, high Hongbing, only to the Red River of TVU read secular specialist.",录取结束,母子俩又找到石屏县政府和教育局,经过多方协调,高红兵才得以在红河州电大读了政教系专科。 +"Both Clare and Doris are majoring in sociology. Now they are talking about the investigation that they are doing on ""Beyond Nine-to-five"".",克莱尔和多维斯专业都是社会学,现在他们正在谈论他们正在做的“早九晚五的工作时间之外” 调查。 +"They were used for the treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis, leprosy, Mycobacterium complex avium (MAC) and other Mycobacterium diseases.",它们在临床上用于肺结核、麻风、爱滋病并发症等疾病的预防和治疗。 +"For the first time, governments have acknowledged that a non-infectious disease poses as serious a threat to world health as infectious diseases like HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria.",这是政府第一次承认一种非传染性疾病如传染性疾病(例如HIV/AIDS、肺结核、疟疾)那样对全球人民健康存在严重威胁。 +"However, with the expansion of feather and down enterprises in their scales, they are also faced with problems such as inefficient human resources management, imperfect incentive mechanism, and so on.",然而,桐城市羽绒企业在规模不断扩大的同时,也面临着人力资源管理水平不高、激励机制不完善等诸多问题。 +"In this experiment, the abrasion resistance of concrete mixed with expansive compound mineral admixture is studied.",试验研究了添加膨胀组分的复合矿物掺合料的混凝土耐磨性能。 +"Dr. Hovorka, a principal research associate in pediatrics at Cambridge, said he had been a consultant or speaker for several makers of diabetes products.",剑桥大学小儿科研究负责人Hovorka 博士说他现在已经是几家糖尿病给药装置生产商的顾问和代言人了。 +"Each of us, no, each of organisms, including humans, should have a dream in mind: ""Love the precious lives of their own and never lost it in vain.""",我们每小我,不,每个生物,包罗人类,心中应该都有一个幻想:“酷爱本身珍贵的生命,毫不让它白白流掉。” +MAN CITY V CHELSEA Both clubs suffered surprise exits in the Carling Cup in midweek and will be looking to bounce back strongly.,曼城V 切尔西两家俱乐部都在周中的联赛杯中意外出局,同样期待强势回归。 +"But the opposition, ""the Seychelles National Party"" to bugs, and replace the Speaker did not consider the request of two opposition members defected to the Constitutional Court the grounds of appeal.",但反对党“塞舌尔民族党”以程序漏洞,以及议长未考虑其替换两名变节反对党议员的请求为由向宪法法院提出申诉。 +"Since you would need a lot of hand-holding in the beginning, it is good to have someone to guide you while you are in the city.",既然你将需要大量的手控的开始,很高兴有人来指导你,而你是在城市。 +Rahab provided both information and protection for the spies.,喇合为探子们提供了消息和保护。 +"The truth is that like the Christmas story itself, the story of Saint Nicholas is a composite of history, myth, and legend.",事实上,跟圣诞节本身的故事一样,圣人尼古拉的故事,也是集历史、神话和传说于一身。 +"Anti-government protesters in Syria say that at least seven people have been killed by the Syrian army in the border town of Talkalakh, where a number of deaths were reported on Saturday.",叙利亚反政府抗议者表示,在边境城镇泰勒凯莱赫,至少7人被叙利亚军队杀害,周六这里也有几人遇难。 +"This is not to say that it will not grow there, but the harsh conditions seem to slow the process.",虽然这不表明泰伯利亚在这些地区不能生长。但是其生长过程的确被严酷的气候条件所减缓。 +"I have had a lot of customer service training and experience, and I have been told that I excel in this area.",我参加过很多客户服务培训,也有很多这方面的经验,别人也曾说我在这个领域很出色。 +"After a month of doing it, I feel lighter and more connected and I have a better sense of well-being.",这样做了一个月以后,我感到轻松多了,联系也多了,而且对于健康有了更理智的看法。 +Oh dreams!,呵,幻想! +"The football without you seems that it is so inanition , it is surplus that so.",没有了你的足球看起来是那么的空虚,那么的多余。 +Dan: One of the neighbors had a very fierce dog which scared everyone.,丹:这里有一家人养了一只很凶的狗,人人见了都害怕。 +On the third finger was a ring that sparkled and shone and showed the world sapphire in its mirrors.,中指上套着一枚闪闪发亮的戒指,湛蓝色宝石的抛光面倒映着这个世界。 +"Other councils around the country have introduced similar measures, particularly relating to very young children, but Redbridge's ban is thought to be the most far-reaching.",英国其他一些地方政府也采取了类似的禁烟措施,尤其针对一些年龄很小的孩子。 但雷德布里奇的这项禁令被认为是其中影响最大的。 +The Macau excursion is a day|trip. It costs about six hundred and fifty Hong Kong dollars.,到澳门旅行是一日游,需要花大概六百五十港元。 +CBC but not STS could effectively protect cardiac function of hypoxic newborn guinea-pig subjected to myocardial ischemic reperfusion.,号液对缺氧新生豚鼠心脏缺血再灌注后的心功能无保���作用,而冷血心停搏液具有较好的保护作用。 +1855 - The first locomotive runs from the Atlantic to the Pacific on the Panama Railway.,1855年的今天,首列列车行驶在从大西洋开往太平洋的“巴拿马铁路”上。 +"Meantime, this paper also introduced the research achievements and applied prospect of peat and humic acid in agriculture, horticulture , industry, environment protection, medicine and so on.",文章还阐述了国内外泥炭和腐植酸在农业、园艺、工业、环境保护和医药等领域的研究成果及其应用前景。 +"Basing on the principle of the abnormal-valence chemistry of lanthanide, we summarize the action of rare earth ions in LLP materials and present our idea on the designing of LLP materials.",从稀土元素变价化学的角度出发讨论了稀土离子在长余辉材料中的作用,介绍了长余辉材料设计的一些想法。 +"Coincidentally, just a little cat at home and another was able to subdue it, hit it often can not fight it, bite it not also the mouth.",无独有偶,恰好家里另有一只小母猫却能制服它,经常是打它它不敢还手,咬它也不敢还口。 +Help Cheer Bear slide the puzzle pieces into the empty spaces to reach Grumpy Bear and give him some cheer.,帮助欢呼 熊在空白处拼出图片到达坏脾气 小熊那里,给他带来欢乐! +"Moreover, the synthesized composite photocatalyst's adsorption tests to artificial copper-containing wastewater are carried out in the research.",本课题还进行了制备的复合材料对模拟含铜废水的吸附试验。 +Working with a seemingly harmless mouse and keyboard can cause chronic injuries just as easily as hauling a load of cement.,和看似无害的键盘鼠标亲密接触也能轻易的造成和拉一车水泥一样的慢性伤害。 +"Meanwhile, Pepsi went bankrupt because of WWI.",百事因为第一次世界大战破产了。 +"A new method was proposed for simultaneous determination of trace arsenic, cadmium, lead and mercury in Dyer's woad root by HG-ICP-AES.",采用高压微波溶样的消解方式,建立了氢化物发生-电感耦合等离子体原子发射光谱法测定中药黄芩中痕量镉和汞的方法。 +"Figure 5 shows a plot of the pause times for this second application. The green line is the gencon policy, and the blue line is the optthruput policy",图 5 显示了第二个应用程序的停顿时间图。 +A new-type structure of remote diagnosis system for high-speed wire rod mills is introduced.,介绍了一种应用于高线轧机远程诊断的新型系统结构。 +"A balance between careful strategy and shoot-em-up action, this game is a fun and exciting way to pass some spare time.",这个游戏提供了精心设计的策略和射击动作的平衡,是消磨空闲时间的有趣而令人激动的好方法。 +"As two great powers in the European continent, the frequent wars between France and Germany brought great suffering to the people of the two countries as well as that of Europe.",法国和德国作为欧洲大国,曾因争夺疆土和欧洲大陆霸权不断发生战争,积怨很深,给两国及欧洲人民带来了巨大的灾难。 +"The five happiest countries in the world--Denmark, Finland, Norway, Sweden and the Netherlands--are all clustered in the same region, and all enjoy high levels of prosperity.",世界上幸福度最高的国家分别是—— 丹麦、 芬兰、 挪威、瑞士和荷兰——这五个国家都分布在同一个地区,且国民生活都相当富足。 +The Platform shall allow a user to easily carry out design of the rapid prototypes of control systems as well as the control system in-the-loop simulation experiment and test.,用户通过该平台应能方便地开展控制系统快速原型设计、控制系统在回路仿真试验测试工作。 +"All along the road, cliffs shoot straight up to the tops of mountains, and then straight down thousands of metres to the rubble-strewn banks of the Chenab River.",一路上,呈90度的悬崖峭壁射直上到山顶,接着,又垂直往下数千米,直到瓦砾遍地的杰纳布河岸。 +The ore bodies are confined to Yanshanian metamorphosed rhyolite porphyry and felsite.,矿体赋存在燕山期变质流纹斑岩、霏细岩中。 +"Something new appears in his world, which otherwise has consisted only of old things left behind.",他的世界里出现了新东西,而以前只有一些老古董。 +"For example ""Credit Validation"" activity could be easily re-used while assembling some other process which requires credit validation.",例如“贷记审核”活动可以很容易被重用,将其装配在某些其它需要贷记审核的流程上。 +"He was interviewed jump antelope group team leader Piyena, two people undertook the talk of confide in sb.",他接见了跳羚队队长皮耶那,两人进行了推心置腹的交谈。 +"In 2004, he published his first book, New Classicists, an international best seller that has been translated into Mandarin.",在2004年他出版了他的第一本书,《���古典主义》,世界各地的经销商纷纷将其翻译成本国语言进行销售。 +Ohhh…! You remind me of my kindergarten days.,噢!你这麽说让我想起我的幼稚园时候的事。 +"The medical payment induced poverty rate was 5.20%, and the catastrophic health payment headcount was 9.58% in the sample population.",样本地区因家庭卫生支出导致贫困的发生率为5.20%,灾难性卫生支出的发生率为9.58%。 +Maybe just march down a couple of Scottish pipers dowm Oxford Street and just declare the games open. That's it.,也许我们可以让一群苏格兰风笛手从牛津街游行一圈然后宣布奥运会开幕就好了。 +"Opera in three acts by G. Puccini, Libretto by G. Giacosa and L . Illica. First performance: Milan, 1904.",三幕歌剧:G。普契尼作曲;G。贾柯查和L。伊里卡编剧。首次演出:1904年于米兰。 +Vera:I'm afraid he'll be in New York on business then. Would you like to make an appointment to see Doctor Kennedy instead?,裴拉:恐怕他那时将在纽约出差。您想改约甘迺迪医生的门诊吗? +She has to begin it again.,她必须把它重做。 +"Therefore, S. collina may be used as biological ameliorant of salt soil.",猪毛菜可以作为盐碱地“生物脱盐器”。 +The North Manchurian Plague Prevention Service founded in 1912 was the milestone in Chinese modern medicinal history.,1912年成立的东三省防疫处是中国医学现代化进程的里程碑。 +"Image-led travel deals site 101Holidays is taking yet another step along the Long Tail of travel, this time with the launch of a site targeting newlyweds.",通过图片来选择目的地的旅游网站101Holidays再次运用了长尾理论,这次他们发布了一个面向新婚夫妇的旅游网站。 +"Example, if you say “Play songs by The Shins, ” the Shuffle will obey your commands.",打个比方,当你说:“播放The shins(来自美国新墨西哥州的四人乐队)的歌曲” ,那么shuffle就会遵从你的指示。 +"No matter what funny things you are talking about, gossiping in the office is a surefire way to end your work life.",不管你说的是多么有趣的事情,在办公室说三道四一定会使你的工作走到尽头。 +The performance of the interleaver and RS encoder is approved by the functional simulation.,仿真结果表明上述自行设计的交织器和RS编码器都能实现各自的功能。 +"By the way, this paper also brings up the arrangement and principle of subentry measure.",此外,文中提出了分项计量的划分和计量的注意事项、安装原则等。 +"One is the state of Rio de Janeiro – with what is known as Operação Lei Seca (Operation Dry Law) and the other is the federal capital, Brasília.",其中一个是里约热内卢州(该州发起了禁酒法行动),另外一个则是联邦首都巴西利亚。 +We are in urgent need of bamboos and apples.,我们紧需竹子和苹果。 +Love suffers long with the fault of a brother. —Anon.,爱是能忍耐弟兄的过错。 +"When I sing, I like to pretend I am A-mei.",唱歌时,我假装自己是阿妹。 +"The prevailing false information and the declined accounting ethics, has forced people to introspect the construction of accounting ethics in recent years.",近年来会计职业道德不断降低、假账盛行,引起人们对职业道德建设的反思。 +"Of those ten, eight had taken Introduction to Semiotic Theory.",这十个人中,有八个学过《符号学概论》。 +"Well that is a good question, said Uncle Matt.",嗯,这个问题问得很好。 马特叔叔说。 +"And if they do what do they do with the bodies, do they just let bloodless bodies lie around or dispose of them?",如果要他们处理尸体的话,他们会把吸干血的尸体到处乱放还是把他们都吃光? +"Despite this low assessment, one thing to note is the charity is generous in linking to its ‘trusted partners’ from the homepage.",尽管如此低的评定结果,但是需要注意的一件事是这个慈善机构在首页链接“信任伙伴”方面很大方。 +"Then Solomon went to Jerusalem from the high place at Gibeon, from before the Tent of Meeting. And he reigned over Israel.",于是,所罗门从基遍丘坛会幕前回到耶路撒冷,治理以色列人。 +Anyone who desecrates the holy picture will be punished.,任何亵渎圣像的人将遭惩罚。 +"Select the general rules, police organization, police duty and right.",选译总则、警察组织、警察的职责和权利。 +"In a series of 67 patients, the most common presentation (97%) was thunderclap headaches occurring over a period of 1 week.",在一组67个病人中,最常见的临床症状为超过一周的霹雳性头痛。 +Methods The nursing data of 21 patients with hepatic cirrhosis complicated with tuberculous peritonitis was analyzed retrospectively.,方法对21例肝硬化合并结核性腹膜炎患者的护理资料进行分析。 +"American prosperity reflects a historical tradition of good government, an advantage we should be loath to squander.",美国的繁荣反映了一个好政府的历史传统,这是个我们不愿意挥霍的优势。 +You know I thing this is better than the coffeehouse .,你知道吗,我觉着这里比咖啡店好多了。 +"In the backgrounds of liver cirrhosis, liver cells presented histologically different grade of dysplasia, including LCD and SCD.",组织学上有肝硬化背景,肝细胞有不同程度异型增生,可见大细胞异型增生(LCD)和小细胞异型增生(SCD); +"Mr. Chan helped set up Guangzhou’s subway planning office in 1965, when he was straight out of college.",老陈在1965年大学毕业后参与筹建了广州地铁规划办公室。 +Objective:To study the protein composition in haemolymph and ovary of the German cockroach.,目的:了解敏感品系和抗性品系德国小蠊血淋巴蛋白和卵巢蛋白的组成。 +"With regards to the interal operation , the stock companies in China were firmly controlled by the Chinese traditional ideas .",在其内部运作方面,中国的传统思想对企业的支配力很大。 +"To be back there and to take care of business, like I was able to do with the second Jermain Taylor fight, that's going to mean a lot to me.",返回那里操起业务,就像我能够在第二次与杰明泰勒的比赛一样,那对我意义重大。 +The people-oriented philosophy is becoming important content of the schooling idea in higher education.,人本化思想渐成高教办学思想的重要内容。 +"Another hour later, I put the second part of the lawyer""s plan into action.",又过了一个小时,我实行律师的第二步计划。 +"Then, in the body (outside the defs) I draw a rectangle over the whole page, filling it with the line pattern.",然后,在代码体中(defs 之外),我在整个页面上绘制了一个矩形,用线条模式进行填充。 +"Phantom is found to commit crimes, then sent to feed them with grass Shengkun tiger.",发现哪个鬼怪为非作歹,便用草绳捆起来送去喂老虎。 +"All staff by self-confidently to face the life, by smiles facing the user.",同立电梯部件厂全体员工始终以自信面对生活,以微笑面对用户。 +"It didn't help. The poor guy sat there, miserable. Finally, he said, ""I'd really like to be more organized. """"",结果,这一招居然不管用。可怜的家伙还是坐在那儿,如坐针毡。最后,他说:“我希望能做事更有条理一些。” +"Our eyes are conditioned to move from left to right. (There's a larger science here, called z-tracking, that goes beyond the scope of this article.)",我们的眼睛已经习惯于从左向右移动(这里有一个较大的理论,称为 z 字型跟踪,而这超出了本文的讨论范围)。 +"Objective To summarize the experience of extended resection of the heart, great vessels with cardiopulmonary bypass in the treatment of locally advanced lung cancer.",目的总结近年来应用体外循环技术切除局部晚期肺癌侵犯心脏大血管的经验。 +"He also bought Spain left back Asier del Horno from Athletic Bilbao, a man likely to get the nod ahead of Bridge, who is just returning from a long layoff with a broken leg.",同时从毕尔巴鄂竞技引进西班牙左后卫德尔奥尔诺,由于布里其腿伤已长时间没有上场,德尔奥尔诺很有可能取替他的主力位置。 +I am immensely proud to work with them.,和他们一起工作,我感到无比自豪。 +What does it mean when someone shouts during a nightmare?,晚上常作恶梦大叫,含意是什麽? +"The Light Harmonizer feature is interesting, but it does not provide the full range of automatic adjustments to ambient light that the projector is capable of if you adjust it manually.",Light Harmonizer功能很有趣,但是它不能提供可以通过手动调整获得的,对环境光线的全范围自动调节。 +"As a result, it is very important to let the two parts agree to disagree agreeably .",因此如何做到求同存异,对双方的有效沟通都显得极为重要。 +The use of pesticides and fertilizers produces cheap grain and vegetables.,我们使用杀虫剂和化学肥料生产了便宜的水果和粮食。 +"A Tibetan style warm welcome is waiting for you. Sheraton Jiuzhaigou Resort , the first Five-Star resort in China. t Located in the North Sichuan Plateau, our stunning is 1,800 meters above sea level.",九寨沟喜来登国际大酒店,是中国首家建于风景区的国际五星级酒店,地处川西高原,海拔1,800米。 +"The product is offered as a free, though closed-source, download from the Lucid Imagination web site.",尽管没有开源,但该产品是免费提供的,可以从Lucid Imagination的Web站点上 下载。 +Brooklyn? Brooklyn is huge.,布鲁克林?布鲁克林很大。 +The creative breakthrough of plane advertisement has become the focus of advertising industry.,平面广告的创意突破,已成为业界关注的焦点。 +"""I thought he was joking until he started walking down, "" Kennedy said after the event, showing off the note in front of a bank of television cameras.",“我本来以为他在开玩笑,直到他开始往下走才信以为真。” 肯尼迪事后一边说,一边在一排电视摄像机前出示那张假条。 +"What none of the principals knew then is that for all its gloominess , or maybe even because of it, ""Revolutionary Road"" is a novel cherished by a passionate and protective coven of admirers .",电影主事者当时没人知道的是,尽管小说本身非常忧郁,或者正因为忧郁,《真爱旅程》受到一群情绪激昂、严密维护的粉丝珍爱。 +It is practically significant to discuss the mode of the community environmental education in the Xiaomiaohong oyster reefs reservation in Dongzaogang town of Haimen city in Jiangsu Coast.,本论文为使研究更具有实践意义,对江苏海门市东灶港牡蛎礁保护区的社区环境教育模式进行了探讨。 +Tragic complex became a magic power exerting a great influence on the creation of Andersons fairy stories.,悲剧情结成为左右安徒生创作的神秘力量。 +The US used Tomahawks in the Gulf War in 1991 for the first time.,美国在1991年海湾战争中首次使用该导弹。 +"'The job is encouraging them to go to an appropriate source for help and to get them to do that early rather than later, ' says Dr. Lowman.",洛曼说,要做的就是鼓励员工去一个适当的渠道寻求帮助,并让他们尽早这样做,而不要越拖越晚。 +The fields have frosted over.,田野里全都结了霜。 +"First noted as a distinct breed c. 1700, it was later named after a character in Sir Walter Scott's Guy Mannering (1815).",约在公元1700年左右首度被区分为独立的品种,后来以司各脱的小说《盖伊?曼纳林》中的一个人物命名。 +"Many static test data indicate that, the load-transfer curves can be well fitted with hyperbola, so nonlinear analysis on behavior of load transferring along pile shaft is necessary.",大量试桩资料表明,桩身荷载传递函数曲线多符合双曲线模型,故有必要对基桩荷载传递性状进行非线性分析。 +"The other animals were watching the hunt from the other side, and as soon as they saw the mother Bear floundering in the water, they ran into the tipi and pulled down the bag containing the heat.",其他的动物一看到母熊掉进水里,就立刻跑进帐篷里,拉出了装着热的袋子。 +"For the use case in this article, we'll build a role-based service subscription at a medical clinic called AcmeOrg.",对于本文中的用例,我们将构建一家名为 AcmeOrg 的医疗诊所中的基于角色的服务订阅。 +"Potassium fluoride is a widely used and high value-added product. Especially in fine chemical industry, its application is more and more wide.",氟化钾具有用途广泛、附加值高等特点,在精细化工中有着越来越广泛的用途。 +Highlight the part of the page you want to save and click the “Evernote” button or use the context menu.,你可以高亮显示页面中你想保存的那一部分,点击“Evernote”或者使用菜单上相应的项目就可以了。 +Fossilization is one of the most crucial features of interlanguage.,僵化是过渡语体系明显的特征。 +So from that day to this travel and volcanoes seem to be strangely linked.,于是从那天起,旅行与火山便奇怪地联系到了一起。 +"On the bases of radiation theory , a temperature measurement equipment based on the 12 bit AD line-array CCD for measuring the surface temperature of casting blank is designed.",根据辐射测温原理,在12位AD的线阵CCD的基础上,设计并且实现了连铸铸坯的表面温度测量装置。 +"Easy credit and frenzied investment, he argued, were creating a huge bubble in the prices of property and other assets.",他称,轻松易得的信贷和疯狂投资,给房地产及其他固定资产产生了巨大的泡沫。 +"Contain SE compound, promote cuticle function and activate cells, protect skin from droopy and make skin supple and rich.",含有SE复合物,能促使真皮机能和细胞活力,防止肌肤松驰,令肌肤柔滑而丰润。 +"Through a lot of tests and application, it is found that the self-propelled rotary face milling tools have longer life and higher productivity than common face milling tools.",试验研究和实际应用证明自滚切端铣刀具有耐用度高,加工表面质量好,生产效率高等优点。 +"A continental Breakfast with grapefruit juice, light toast with weak tea to follow.",一份欧陆式早餐, 西柚汁,稍烤一下的吐司外加淡茶。 +"We are finally in the first week of Advent, as you know Advent marks the beginning of the Liturgical Year, so according to the Church a new year has already began.",本周是将临期的第一周,众所皆知,将临期是礼仪年之起点,代表教会新一年的开始。 +It’s because the time machine is old!,因为那时光穿梭机太旧了! +"Pingxiang Huangguan Chemical Co, . LTD. is a high and new tech specialized factory major in chemical industry packing, the alumina balls, the chemical industry products of environmental protection.",萍乡市黄冠化工有限公司是一家专业生产化工填料、氧化铝球、环保化工制品的高新技术企业。 +John: Whatever you have. And I need a can of tomato paste.,约翰: 有多少要多少。我还需要一罐儿番茄酱。 +Which is why we hope Wen's statement will be transformed from a personal belief into one that is shared by all in decision-making positions.,这也正是我们为什么期望温家宝总理的讲话能从个人的理想转变为所有决策共同的理想。 +"High rice yield was contributed by ideal rice architecture greatly, and flag leave angle was one of the most important components of the ideal rice architecture, which effects rice yield gaining.",理想水稻株型的选育与高产育种密切相关,而剑叶角度则是构成水稻理想株型的重要指标之一,同时也是影响水稻产量的重要因素。 +"At thesame time, our engagement must be both comprehensive and strategic.",同时,我们的参与必须是全面的、战略性的。 +Take the bottle away and you can no longer see the light.,把水瓶移开,你就看不到光线了。 +The Danish international is currently sidelined with an Adductor strain but he is on his way back and could return for next Thursday's Europa League second leg tie with Sparta Prague at Anfield.,宋体]这名丹麦国脚目前正在接受内收肌拉伤的治疗,不过他正在处于恢复之中,并且能够在下周四的欧联杯——主场对阵布拉格斯巴达的次回合比赛中回归。 +"I told the patrolmen to drive himhome, and I made a note to complain to the consulate again in the morning.",我让那巡警开车送他回家,我随即记录一笔,记得第二天一早向领事馆抱怨。 +"Liang Yusheng, a famous writer of the Chinese martial arts novel genre, was buried in Macquarie Park Cemetery in Sydney on January 31, 2009.",1月31日,中国著名武侠小说作家梁羽生的葬礼在悉尼麦考里公园的公墓举行。 +In my function as the president of Rieter Textile Systems China I am also proud that some products of the installation have been delivered out of our manufacturing facility in Changzhou.,作为立达中国事业部的总裁,我也非常自豪的是,展阳生产线中的一部分设备是在立达常州组装生产的。 +"LACASA Youjia Brand is a brand new proprietary brand of Luolai Group, a leader in domestic home textile industry.",优家品牌是国内家纺领军企业——罗莱集团旗下全新自主品牌。 +"Disposal of chromium-containing collagenous waste, generated during the processing of leather, is a problem that is being addressed not only in the United States, but also world-wide.",制革过程产生的含铬胶原蛋白废弃物的处理是美国乃至全世界面临的一个问题。 +"In January of 1991, Summers became the chief economist at the World Bank, and that spring he recruited Sandberg as a research assistant.",1991年1月,萨默斯成为了世界银行的首席经济学家,同年夏天他雇佣桑德伯格担当研究助理。 +"His heart halted suddenly, the doctor injected him with a cardiotonic needle.",他心脏骤停,医生赶紧为他注射了强心针。 +"Therefore, both China and the United States need to remember the basic experience we have gained in developing bilateral relations and abandon the outdated mindset.",为此,中美双方都需要牢记两国关系发展的基本经验,摒弃落伍于时代的观念。 +"Because of the unique characteristics of e-commerce and the lag of related laws and regulations, e-commerce consumer protection encountered so many difficulties.",电子商务独具的特性和相关法律法规的滞后性使电子商务消费者的保护遇到诸多困境。 +"In fact, the ability to obtain such guarantees and transfer the risk of nonperformance to the design-builder is one reason for the growth in this form of construction.",事实上,能够获得这些保障和转让不履行的设计,建造的风险之一,在这种结构形式增长的原因。 +"Some people say maybe he meant to reflect the five books of Torah the Pentateuch is the Genesis, Exodus,Leviticus,Numbers,and Deuteronomy.","有人说也许他意在映射妥拉的五经,它们是创世纪,出埃及记,利未记,民数记和申命记。" +As agreed we are enclosing our draft at 30 days for acceptance by your bankers.,根据约定,我们附上一张由你方承兑的30天期剽。 +Requirements for the test items in this program are applicable for sister ship.,本大纲试验项目的要求,适用于续造的姊妹船。 +Run-length encoding compression.,——— 运行长度编码压缩。 +"This article shows how to use these tools to create professional-looking, focused, and highly informative charts in near real time for your organizational needs.",本文将展示如何使用这些工具根据企业需求近乎实时地创建具有专业外观和高信息量的聚焦图表。 +Conclusion Paroxetine can be first chosen to treat depression caused by cerebral apoplexy.,结论帕罗西汀可作为治疗脑卒中后抑郁的首选用药。 +B: You should talk to the registrar.,你应该和注册主任商量商量。 +Thd results showed that the content of saffron crocus after refinement were obviously higher (even doubled the samples) than before.,结果表明精制后的西红花甙含量明显高于精制前的含量,甚至是其一倍。 +There are evident differences on the levels of satisfaction among teachers who teach different subjects and classes.,不同任课教师的工作满意度间无明显差异; +"To learn more about organic foods and farming, see the following articles from MNN",欲知更多关于有机食品和农业的内容,请参照以下文章 +"Handicrafts made in Shanghai are renowned over the world for their beautiful figuration, exquisite workmanship and local style, especially of the jade carving, ivory carving and wood carving.",上海制造的手工艺品以它优美的造型、精巧的技艺和地方风格而世界闻名,特别是玉雕、象牙雕刻和木雕。 +"The train on route 751 to Tin Yat is arriving, please wait behind the yellow line and mind the platform gap when boarding.",往天逸嘅751线列车即将到站,乘客请勿超越黄线,上车时,请小心月台间嘅空隙。 +You have to make it American because they do have organisations like that.,你必须把它弄成美国式的,因为美国才会有这样的组织。 +"However, it does not provide for hearing procedures in the punishment about personal freedom and The Act on the Punishment of law also failed to compensate for this shortcoming.",但是,该法没有规定人身自由罚适用听证程序,治安处罚法也未能弥补这一缺陷。 +"I wondered if there was any friction in the team, and he laughed, assuring me that everyone on the team works well together.",我想知道在团队中是否会有矛盾,这时他笑了,对我保证说团队中的每个人在一起都工作得很好。 +"Women in sasha in the second episode, acura soulmate brokenhearted cry the past, and to test just two people together, blue yan big nasty: you dont have the man, I have a man to!",第二集里,极品女于莎莎对 ¹“蓝颜知己”哭诉失恋往事,并试探“干脆两人在一起”,“蓝颜”大急:“你没男人要,我还有男人要呢!” +"Since reform and opening up Chapter II Management of county and township roads, including 3 sections.",第二章改革开放以来县乡公路管理的实践,包括三节。 +Copies of a singleton object that has undergone serialization and deserialization.,通过序列化和反序列化去复制一个单例对象。 +"Yao said, ""I never look down on the poor, always managing to approach them and learn about their difficulties and pain.""",尧说:「我对那些穷困无路可走的人,从来不敢轻视,总是设法接近他们,并了解他们的苦楚; +"""We remain committed to both tracks of the P Five Plus One dual-track strategy,"" said Gonzalo Gallegos.",加莱戈斯说:“我们仍致力于5加1的双轨战略。 +"When the wheels of the history drived to Tang Dynasty and Five Dynasties, changes of the surname exploded within a broad-scale and wide spectrum, which bring a huge impact towards later generations.",发展至唐五代,更是出现了大规模、大范围的改姓现象,这对后来的各朝各代产生了巨大的影响。 +"Travis Sharp, a military analyst at the Center for a New American Security, says the withdrawal from Afghanistan will be a significant issue facing Panetta.",特拉维斯。夏普是位于华盛顿的美国安全研究中心的军事问题专家。他说,帕内塔面临的一个很重要的挑战,就是从阿富汗撤军。 +Nursing by differentiating signs has good curative effect on controlling early hepatic cerebral diseases.,结论中医辨证施护对控制早期肝性脑病具有较好的疗效。 +"Furthermore, the paper compares IBPs policy decision behavior of interconnection under different decision principles (cost principle and competition principle).",文章将此决策原则下的互联决策行为与在竞争原则下的互联决策行为做了比较。 +The late-18th century visit of the Macartney mission to China was a signal event in Sino-British relations.,18世纪末英国马戛尔尼使团访华,是中英关系史上重大的历史事件。 +"The red team kicked off first. After diplaying a series of difficult skills, the ball was passed to the vice leadr, then the vice leaders passed it to the head, and the head shot at the goal.",由红方开球,红方队员进行过一系列较具难度的球技表演后,将球传给次球头,次球头再传给球头,由球头射门。 +"In order to achieve ou goals in life, we should think big but still remember not to kill the goose lays the golden eggs.",为了达成我们人生的目标,我们应该要有远大的抱负,但仍要记住不该短视近利。 +All games in the sports meeting werevery exciting and running was the most intense.,校运会的所有比赛都很令人激动,跑步是最紧张的。 +"Just days into his freshman year at Rutgers University, he was sitting in Sociology 101, listening to other students chime into a discussion.",那是他刚进罗特格斯大学的那些日子,他坐在社会学大楼的101教师,听着其他同学和谐有序的讨论。 +"At last, an actual shop production control system based on Holon control is accomplished and the effect of the system is analyzed.",最后,在实际的船体车间对基于合弄的车间生产控制系统的合弄管理模块进行了实现,并对其应用的结果进行了分析。 +"But Xiaohong in narrating still including the life infinite grief, was filling the air the dismal life feeling.",但萧红在叙事中依然涵容着对人生的无限悲悯,弥漫着悲凉的人生感悟。 +A cork fits into the neck of a bottle.,然后把软木塞放进盛满有色水的瓶颈里。 +He just roared when he heard that joke!,他听了那笑话就哈哈地笑起来。 +"Since the thermophysics properties of mixture are different from CFC12, it is necessary to adjust the refrigerating system after using mixture.",由于混合工质的热物理性质与CFC12不同,应用混合工质后必须调整制冷系统。 +"Asked why they turned down applicants for unskilled jobs in sectors like catering, manufacturing and retailing, 62 per cent of employers cited 'poor work attitude and ethic'.",当饮食业、制造业和零售业等领域的雇主们被问及为什么不雇佣一些求职者从事那些非技术性工作时,62%的雇主称是因为他们的“工作态度和职业道德欠佳”。 +"Lingling: Fifi, help!",玲玲:Fifi,帮帮我。 +"The car was turned in and he was allowed to loaf a while, but later he was again called.",电车驶进了车场,他得到允许可以休息一下,但是后来他又被叫去出车。 +In most states a retailer may legally sell foods beyond the date on the package as long as the product can be considered unspoiled and safe to eat.,在大部分州,只要未受损坏且不会造成不良后果,零售商可以合法地贩卖超过保质期的商品。 +"The Tate Modern in London has commis -sioned six artists, whose work is intricately linked to the urban environment, to present works on its river facade.",伦敦泰特现代美术馆委讬六位画家,在面对泰晤士河那面墙上展出他们独特的画作。 +"This area, known simply as MT+, and its underlying neuron circuitry are so well studied that most scientists had concluded that 3-D motion must be processed elsewhere.Until now.",此区域,简称为MT+,其下的脑神经回路已被研究的如此充分,以至于直到现在,大多数科学家们仍断定3-D运动的加工必然发生在其他区域。 +"Earlier, South Korean military from the date of May 13 to allow visitors to Paju City Dorasan station inside the county and the third underground tunnel field trips.",此前,韩国军方从上月13日起允许民众前往坡州市郡内面都罗山站和第三地下隧道进行实地考察活动。 +What resources does Confucian culture have to contribute to a changing cultural order?,儒家文化对变换中的文化秩序应该做出哪些贡献? +Sandy desertification hazard is one of the most devastating hazards in the agro-pastoral region in Northern China.,沙质荒漠化灾害是我国北方农牧交错区最为严重的灾害之一。 +"As the early morning florets, fresh colors.",像清晨的小花,清新绚丽。 +"The deformity is satisfied put right, effective prophylaxis and control of low cardiac output syndrome and pulmonary complication are the key factors to assure surgical outcome.",手术成功的关键是完全矫正心内畸形,有效预防和控制低心排出量综合征以及肺部并发症。 +"In case when he is too busy to come back, the family will reserve a seat and prepare a set of cutlery for him to signify the reunion with him.",有时实在不能回家时,家人们也总是为他留一个位子,留一副碗筷,表示与他团聚。 +Do you have anything to say? We are all ears.,你还有什么吩咐的吗?我们洗耳恭听。 +"By cleaning the surface of the parts are not subject to the corrosion of chemical substances. 3, the adhesive position of each plate heat sink and bonding quality inspection.",被清洗零部件的表面不会受到化学介质的腐蚀侵害。 对各个板式散热片的粘接位置和粘接质量进行检验。 +"It mainly damages basal stock of sweet orange trees, inducing foot rot, tree declining, yield decreasing, even tree death.",该病是一种土传病害,主要危害甜橙类柑桔树近地表根颈部,引起腐烂,导致树势下降。 +Doctors at Addenbrooke's hospital in Cambridge said they had developed a successful desensitisation programme which builds up tolerance in patients by slowly exposing them to tiny doses of peanut.,剑桥阿登布洛克医院的医生们说,他们已经开发出了一个成功的脱敏项目,这一项��可以通过使病人缓慢地吸收少量的花生从而增加病人体内的承受力。 +Other reasons for the decline in the use of cloned soldiers may include the loss of Kamino and other various worlds where the Empire held countless cloning facilities.,克隆人士兵的使用渐少,或许还因为帝国失去了克隆人工厂所在的卡米诺和其他诸多星球。 +This tutorial is written for developers who have a background in programming or scripting and who have an understanding of basic computer-science models and data structures.,本教程是为那些具有编程和脚本背景、了解基本的计算机科学模型和数据结构的开发人员编写的。 +"In early HIV disease people can develop tuberculosis, malaria, bacterial pneumonia, herpes zoster, staphylococcal skin infections and septicaemia.",早期感染HIV病毒的人身上会出现肺结核、疟疾、细菌性肺炎、带状疱疹、葡萄球菌皮肤感染和败血症。 +"The model of gas-liquid permeability under the effect of foam was established. The effects of foam concentration, gas flow rate and oil saturation were considered in this model.",在此基础上建立了泡沫作用下气液相对渗透率模型,模型考虑了表面活性剂浓度、气相流速、含油饱和度等因素的影响。 +"As its name suggests, the serial port profile defines RS-232 serial-cable emulation for Bluetooth devices.",正如它名字表示的, 串口配置文件为蓝牙设备定义了RS-232 串口仿真。 +The Tengyue culture with its rich implications and profound significance is derived from its time-honored history.,悠久的历史造就了内涵丰富、影响深远的腾越文化。 +"She warned me of this, she told me that I take the easy way out, that I don't understand what the choices I make will do, but in reality who does?",妈妈总是警告我,她告诉我说我省事,不想多花心力,但是我不知道我做的那些选择会产生什么样的效果,在现实生活里,又有谁知道呢? +"(S/NF) Immediately, the room erupted in ecstatic applause, and the DCM was besieged by starstruck Russian diplomats who had apparently come to think of him as some sort of god.",随即,房间里爆发出欣喜若狂的掌声,而DCM被疯狂崇拜他的“追星族”——一些俄罗斯外交官围堵。 +President Gerald R. Ford urged Americans to “seize the opportunity to honor the too-often neglected accomplishments of black Americans in every area of endeavor throughout our history.”,杰拉尔德·福特 (Gerald R. Ford) 总统呼吁美国人“利用这个机会纪念美国黑人在我国整个历史进程的每一个为之奋斗的领域中往往被忽视的成就”。 +The next question maybe a little interesting. So when will Rolls-Royce make car for ladies?,下面我想问一个比较有趣的话题,什么时候劳斯莱斯能生产一款女士专用车? +Michael left his sickbed to entertain his house guests.,迈克尔走下病床去招待客人。 +In order to ensure success we must have a complete and thorough plan.,为了保证成功, 我们必须要有一个周密的计划。 +"Despite that, they lose nearly half their weight while waiting for their new tuxedos and must go out to sea for a solid six weeks of feeding to recover once the plumage comes in.",尽管如此,当羽毛重新长好时它们的体重也会下降一半。而且,一旦羽毛长出,整整6周的下海觅食才能恢复原体重。 +"But if the problems come together at the U.N., so do the often hidden connections among them—and through those connections, the ways to real solutions.",但是如果所有的问题都汇集到联合国那么这常常会掩盖这些问题之间的联系并且不能根据这些联系顺藤摸瓜寻找到这些问题的真正解决之道。 +So David and all the house of Israel brought up the ark of the LORD with shouting and with the sound of the horn.,这样,大卫和以色列的全家欢呼吹角,将耶和华的约柜抬上来。 +Apollo Hospitals in India is creating a marketplace for health-care services.,印度的阿波罗医院为保健服务开创了一片市场。 +"They may love her or fear for her, but mostly they simply marvel at her existence, at the delicious unlikeliness of such platinum innocence.",他们可能喜欢她,或是害怕她,但是大多数的人只是对于她的存在感到惊奇,对于这样不大可能存在这样一位淡金黄发的纯真美妙感到讶异。 +"The calculation of the analysis showed that when the hollow tube location which is disposed among the floor along thickness direction is lower, it can take more advantage of material efficiency.",通过有限元分析计算得出如下结论:空心板受较大竖向荷载作用时,内模管沿板厚方向位置越靠下,越可以充分发挥材料的效能。 +Where there are a large number of variables to consider before a result or answer can be obtained.,在获得一个结果或答案之前会有许多的变量需要考虑。 +Many presidents and prime ministers came to Dubna to see this miracle.,很多总统和总理莅临杜布纳,参观这个庞然大物。 +"In combination with SOx , one of the causes of acid rain.",与氧化硫相结合后,成为形成酸雨的原因之一。 +"The Status costs $50 with a two-year AT&T contract, and monthly data plans for the phone cost $15 for 200 megabytes or $25 for two gigabytes; monthly voice plans start at $40.",Status售价为50美元,须与美国电话电报公司(AT&T)签订两年期合约。 流量200兆的数据套餐费用为每月15美元,2G套餐费用为每月25美元;月语音套餐费用40美元起。 +This Giant Pink Spiny lobster looks set to live out his retirement in an aquarium - and perhaps score a place in the record books.,这只巨型龙虾很可能要在水族馆度过它的下半生,而且很有可能问鼎“英国之最”。 (实习编辑:顾萍) +The Witch was turning our troops into stone right and left. But nothing would stop him. He fought his way through three ogres to where she was just turning one of your leopards into a statue.,白女巫一个个将我军变为石像,但没有什麽可以阻档艾得蒙前进,他自己打倒三位怪兽军,并在白女巫刚把一只狮子变成石像时接近了她。 +A BBC correspondent who visited the site said one bunker was still burning.,到过现场采访的一名BBC记者称,其中一个武器库仍然在燃烧。 +"The load operation of a three-phase induction-voltage regulator is presented briefly. The related data, phasor drawing and parameters in secondary circuit, primary load circuit and imput are analyzed.",简要介绍了三相感应调压器的负载运行情况,对二次回路参数、负载时一次回路参数、输入参数、相关数据和相量图进行了分析。 +"I mean, look at Mark Haub, the nutrition professor at Kansas State University who lost 27 pounds in 2 months and lowered his cholesterol levels by eating copious amounts of junk food.",看看堪萨斯州立大学的营养学教授Mark Haub,他吃了很多的垃圾食品,但在2个月内减了27磅也降低了自己的胆固醇。 +"Very hot, but rain in afternoon.",今天非常热,但下午下雨了。 +"As in Lincoln's day, immigrants and their descendants help drive America's population growth and economic dynamism even as they enrich and enliven its cultural mosaic.",与林肯时代一样,移民及其后代不仅使美国文化结构变得丰富多彩、生气勃勃,而且带动了美国的人口增长和经济活力。 +"Direct drinking water system can significantly improve drinking water quality, improve the quality of life.",直饮水系统能够显著改善饮水水质,提高生活质量。 +"The Standard & Poor's 500 Index . SPX was up 7.35 points, or 0.56 percent, at 1,327.23.","标准普尔500指数收涨7.34点,或0.56%,报1,327.22点.Nasdaq指数小涨1.22点,或0.04%,报2,782.27点." +"The sky was blue, the larks were soaring high over the green corn, I thought all that country-side more beautiful and peaceful by far than I had ever known it to be yet.",蓝蓝的天空,云雀在绿色的谷地上空翱翔,噢,如今的乡间比以往我曾生活过的乡间更加美丽,更加,更加平静。 +"When you see this information, have been fortunate to come to your head, the God of Wealth has been into your home, not far from your high position and great wealth have been.",当您看见这信息时,幸运已降临到你头上,财神已进了您家门,荣华富贵已离您不远。 +"Thereby, every force the body subjected, relatives to a body who applies the force. We should make it clear.",因此对于受力体所受的每一个力,都应能明确地指出它是哪一个施力体施加的。 +A better tactic for the EA group is to start with a small project and demonstrate the value of governance on that project.,对于 EA 小组来说,更好的办法是开始时先用一个较小的项目展示治理具有的价值。 +"Undoubtedly, high-tech industry is a typical industry of knowledge denseness. And all countries all put it into a dominant stratagem position and develop it greatly.",高技术产业无疑是知识高度密集的代表产业,世界各国无不把高技术产业摆在日益突出的战略地位来大力发展。 +This paper consists of four chapters and appendixes.,本论文共分四章及附表。 +"There, as he did not lack money, he procured clothing.",他又在那里搞到一身衣服,因为他身边并不缺钱。 +One time we climbed a very high mountain.,有次,我们攀登一座非常高的山峰。 +The short answer is to associate healthy behavior with self-esteem.,简单来说是让我们有益健康的行为举止与自尊相联系。 +He lists some of the physical changes he has seen and their effects on local communities.,他列出了他所目睹的一些物理变化及其对当地群落的影响。 +The company has achieved great success in the US.,常指通过努力,技能,勇气等获得成功。 +"We are all good at different things so, if you are not good at a particular task, don't worry about it.",我们都能做各种不同的事情,因此,如果你不做某项特别的工作,不要为此焦心。 +An investigation in some approaches to digital image technique in measuring and controlling MAG welding arc is conducted in this paper.,本文研究了用图象处理方法对脉冲焊接电弧长度进行计测和控制的问题。 +"As soon as Jukusui-kun detects a loud snore, his paw reaches up (gently, at least in the brief video demo on display), and pushes the sleeper's head to one side.",只要Jukusui-kun(这款机器熊的日文名字)检测到响亮的鼾声,它就会抬起爪子(轻柔地,至少在展示的短片上看来如此),把睡觉的人的脑袋推到另一边。 +"Although they can be transported by sea from Saudi Arabia, as the date palm trees are extremely sensitive to the environment, it will be very hard to naturalize them.",沙特馆共需要150棵枣椰树,虽然可以通过海运从沙特长途引进,但由于枣椰树对环境非常敏感,引种成功的难度非常大。 +and this is Whitey Bulger.,而这就是怀迪·布杰。 +The results show that the effects of orientation of piezoelectric ceramic on high order vibration characteristics of beam are low.,结果表明,当压电梁振动阶数较高时,陶瓷片的横向布置对梁的振动特性影响很小。 +"There is nothing in the Laws to stop a manager making a decision like this, as long as the names of the two players are on the teamsheet.",只要两名球员的名字出现在赛队名单上,就无权阻止阻止经理人做这样的决定,因为没有这样比赛规则。 +Kyodo News provides news stories not only to member newspapers but also to more than 10 daily newspaper companies and over 100 private broadcasters.,同时,我们也为会员以外的10多家日报和100多家民间广播电视台提供新闻信息。 +"Q. What was the difficulty converting the breakpoints , 13 of the 15 you did not convert?",把握15个中有13个你没把握好的破发点有什么困难? +He considered the joint efforts made by both governments indispensible.,这与两国政府的共同努力是分不开的。 +"While we do not reuse the actual constraint implementation, the metadata API offers some ways to extract the constraint definition and reuse it.",尽管我们不会重用实际的约束实现,但是元数据API提供一些方法来提取约束定义并重用它。 +"Jahnke and nine other astronomers examined each galaxy by eye, a low-tech but reliable method of picking out galaxy shapes.",Jahnke和其他九位天文学家用肉眼检查了每个星系,这是低端却可靠的挑出星系形状的方法。 +"“At Cancun, they can take clear decisions to construct a set of better, bigger ways and means for countries to work together to take global action at the frontline, ” Ms. Figueres said.",“在坎昆,他们可以作出明确决定,设计出一套更好,更充分的方法和手段,使各国共同努力,在一线采取全球统一行动,”菲格雷斯女士说。 +"Young people scruples without place, gather drink to excess is orgiastic.",年轻人们无所顾忌,聚在一起纵酒狂欢。 +"Earlier that day, when they crossed the Rocky Mountains, they managed to catch sight of some mountain goats and even a grizzly bear and an eagle.",那天早些时候,当她们穿过洛基山的时候,她们设法看到了一些山羊,甚至还有灰熊和鹰。 +We think that languages – for whatever reasons – polarize a lot and with a ‘one size fits all’ approach you always lock out millions of developers.,我们认为语言——不论什么原因——非常极端,并有“放之四海而皆准”的方法,就是把几百万的开发者拒之门外了。 +"The FDDI could support large scale network, has mature technique and low cost features. It can meet the needs of large commercial aircraft.",FDDI可支持很大的网络规模,技术成熟成本低,因此适合于大型民用机载应用环境。 +Ionic liquid-type ligands with the emulsification were firstly synthesized.,在此体系中首次合成了具有乳化作用的离子液体型配体。 +"DanSi LAN and the multimode back and seurat home life together, DanSi aram inform my mom for to do some exercise.",丹丝兰和亚多模重新回到亚修拉家里一同生活,丹丝兰通知妈妈要做一些运动。 +Information about the availability of generic atorvastatin can be obtained from Ranbaxy.,有关仿制版本的阿托伐他汀的疗效的信息可从兰伯西获得。 +"It may go into trouble at valuing a company with net assets profit margin only. This article will give a few new data like ROIC, EVA, MVA to complement net assets profit margin.",本文从分析净资产收益率缺陷角度出发,给出了几个新的指标如ROIC、EVA、MVA及多维指标综合体系来补充完善净资产收益率的不足,从而为投资者更好地分析上市公司业绩提供帮助。 +"I am generally supportive of the plan, because there is enough flexibility in the withdrawal to take into consideration conditions on the ground [in Afghanistan].",总的来说我是支持这项计划的,因为在撤军的时间表上有足够的灵活性,可以考虑到阿富汗当地的状况。 +"From a capital market investor's point of view, an investment selection is often influenced and attracted by current technology and profitability of a company.",以资本市场投资者的角度,在进行投资标的选择时,往往受到目前技术及获利的吸引及牵绊。 +His uncle.,他的叔叔. +Does your child accept pessimal stimulation?,你的孩子受过“劣性刺激”吗?。 +"Operational modular imaging spectrometer (OMIS), an advanced optical mechanical scanning imaging spectrometer was developed.",介绍研制的一种先进的光机扫描光谱成像仪,即实用型模块化成像光谱仪(OMIS) 。 +Bess told the bass 1 left work early yesterday-sn much for her friendship!,贝丝告诉老板说我昨天提前下班,让她的“友善”见鬼去吧! +It is debatable whether descrimination and prejudice can ever be rooted out from this world.,虽然这个世界不可能彻底消灭种族歧视和偏见,一世是我遇到的最没有这两样的人。 +Logan Pallas is a business professional and writer.,洛根蝮蛇是商务专业人士和作家。 +"Among them, basic endowment insurance system and basic hospitalization insurance system definitely want to overwhelm battlement township population.",其中,基本养老保险制度和基本医疗保险制度明确要覆盖城乡全体居民。 +"And finally, with potentially tens of thousands of hiding places for drugs, the dog must persevere and maintain focus for hours at a time.",最后,毒品可能有上万个潜在的隐匿之处,侦缉犬必须能连续使注意力保持数小时之久。 +The first president of america was a George D. Wasington.,美国第一任总统是乔治D华盛顿。 +But you should be firm and stand your ground on how you want to handle your end of gift giving.,"但是你应该坚定你的立场,就是如何处理年底年底得到的礼物。" +The treaties gradually stripped the natives of their land.,这些条约一步一步地夺走了当地土人的土地。 +"Now pioneer , the Stereo equipment maker , is adding to the DVD desire, with is DVDRW, or Read Write.",目前,先锋------立体声音响设备制造商--------正在推出数码影碟读写器来刺激DVD消费。 +"After this year, there are 300 athletes finish in 4 minutes, 1 mile away.",在此之后的一年,又有300名运动员在4分钟内跑完了1英里的路程。 +You have designed the aquatics centre for the 2012 Olympics. Can you explain the concept behind the building?,2012年奥运水上运动中心是由您设计的,可以请您解释一下这栋建筑物的主要概念吗? +"Just when China embraced hukou, India enshrined freedom of movement in its constitution, empowering rural families to move to cities at will.",中国坚决执行户口制度的同时,印度在其宪法中明确移民的自由,准许农村家庭自由迁移进城。 +Methods Monitoring the wakefulness and sleep EEG of samples of 160 children who were diagnosed epilepsy after SD.,方法对160例不同年龄、临床拟诊为癫癎的患儿SD后进行清醒及睡眠脑电图检查。 +International quality system certification is recognized industry-kiu kiu persons.,国际质量体系认证,是行业中公认的侨侨者。 +"Selected through a series of rigorous quality assurance test. ensuring pureness pedigree in its body, shape and colour.",并经专家精选,在严格控制的环境下繁殖、喂养,色彩出众、身型矫健,标榜“超级红龙”的优良品质。 +"If we do not become student again, regaining a child-like curiosity and capacity to learn, then we will increasingly find that we are living in a world that we do not understand.",如果我们不愿再次甘当学生,恢复幼时的好奇心和学习能力,我们将逐渐发现自己生活在一个完全陌生的世界里。 +"""So many people responded - they went to my Web site, Hillary Clinton.com - that we have raised since Tuesday $10 million, "" she said.",克林顿说:“这么多的人作出反应 -- 他们到我的网站上捐款。 因此,从上星期二到现在,我们已经筹到了一千万美元。” +She sat down with a plonk .,她扑通一声坐下来。 +He actually knocked himself out with excessive work.,实际上他是由于工作过度而把自己累得筋疲力尽的。 +"He is of medium height and fit-seeming in a compact way, with thick dark hair and a long face that generally has an impish expression.",厚实的深色头发,脸稍长,看上去还有些顽皮的气质。 +OBJECTIVE:To establish an HPLC method for the determination of germacrone in Manshanhong oil soft gelatin capsule.,目的:建立以高效液相色谱法测定满山红油胶丸中杜鹃酮含量的方法。 +"For the British Gothic Fiction, the term ""Gothic"" has a very complicated connotation, chiefly associated with the "" Goths "" identity and the English Gothic Revival in history.",英国哥特式小说的“哥特式”有着极其丰富的社会历史内涵,涉及历史上的“哥特”身份和英国哥特式复兴。 +"This paper simply introduced the concept and calculation method of ecological footprint, and applied them to Chizhou City for the time period from 1996 to 2004.",以皖南丘陵山区池州市为例,对其1996-2004年生态足迹和生态承载力进行了计算和分析。 +India will struggle to become an agricultural powerhouse like Brazil—its landholdings are too fragmented and its water sources too stressed for that.,印度将竭力成为成为巴西那样的农业巨鳄(尽管)在水资源和土壤条件方面并不占据什么优势。 +"And Isaiah said, Take a lump of figs. And they took and laid it on the boil, and he recovered.",以赛亚说,当取一块无花果饼来。人就取了来,贴在疮上,王便痊愈了。 +"This year China officially lifted a 54-year ban on beauty pageants although contests masquerading as modelling competitions and ""cultural"" events have gone on for more than 10 years.",今年中国官方已向禁止54年之久的选美比赛开了绿灯,尽管近十年来模特选举比赛和其它文化节目已经搞得如火如荼。 +The key technology of data cleaning process is detecting and deleting the approximately duplicate data records.,而数据清洗的核心工作就是清洗近似重复记录。 +The theories show that linear support vector classification satisfies second order sufficient condition property to a great degree.,研究表明线性支持向量分类机问题的解在很大程度上具有二阶充分条件的性质。 +New York’s governor has declared a state of emergency and hospitals are following the state’s pandemic ventilator allocation plan — actual guidelines drafted in 2007 that are now being revisited.,纽约政府要求紧急状态下所有医院必须遵守的呼吸器分配指导原则,这一原则制定于2007年。 +"My home orchard fruit trees are twisted waist, high-Host in the genial Chunyang greeted with flowers.",我家果园的果树也扭动着腰肢,高擎着花朵跟和煦的春阳打招呼。 +"UNION SPRINGS, N. Y. (AP) - Some may have called it monkeying around, but school officials didn't find the stunt amusing.",尤宁斯普林斯,纽约。 美联社――也许有人觉得这是调皮捣蛋,但学校管理人员并不觉得这个噱头有趣。 +Something fine and rare and sterling-------something just a little bit near to being worthy of the honor of being owned by Jim.,要买一件精致、珍奇而真正有价值的东西——够得上给杰姆持有的东西固然很少,可是总得有些相称才成呀。 +Hiollywood has always liked Stephen King and it is almost assumed that all of his novels will be made into films.,好莱坞一直都青睐史提芬。金,他的所有小说都将被拍成电影几乎成了一条定律。 +To investigate the effect of intensive therapy of continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion (CSII) on Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus patients with Secondary Sulfonylurea Failure.,目的观察胰岛素泵(胰岛素皮下连续脉冲式输注,CSII)对磺脲类药物继发性失效的2型糖尿病患者强化治疗的效果。 +"In soilless culture, we should pay attention to proper adjust the ratio of nitrogen to potassium and the ratio of ammonia nitrogen to total nitrogen.",在无土栽培中要注意适当调节氮钾比和氨态氮与总氮的比例。 +Single muscle involvement only took 27%.,单条肌肉受累者占27%。 +Research results of the re-entry body in rolling resonance and small asymmetrical aerodynamic force as well as existential problems are emphatically described. It indicates that to determine rand…,文中着重叙述了再入体滚转共振和小不对称气动力问题的研究结果和存在问题。 +Getting a great job when no one's hiring is much easier when you have the right tools.,只要拥有适切的工具,要在没有职缺时找到很棒的工作,就容易多了。 +I am an ex-convict.,我过去是一个苦役犯。 +This week's Tech Watch features a 25-year old London man who did just that. And now his life is a game.,本周的《科技焦点》环节介绍一个二十五岁的伦敦青年,他就是这样做的,现在他过着名副其实的游戏生活。 +"In the dark enviroronment, 20℃ was the optimum temperature to seed germination.",在避光条件下,细叶百合种子萌发最适宜温度为20℃。 +The Milan coach blasted the linesman for disallowing a 'regular' goal against Fiorentina.,米兰主教练对在佛罗伦萨比赛中吹掉了一个“好球”的边裁表示了强烈的不满。 +The second chapter discuss the image compressing coding technology and analyse the feasibility of using DSP for image compressing.,第二章讨论了图像压缩编码技术并分析了DSP做图像压缩的可行性。 +"Well, you could show the baby a green patch, a green patch, a green patch, a green patch; the baby'll get bored, then a red patch.","你可以向婴儿呈现一个绿色色块,将这个绿色色块不停的重复呈现,婴儿便会感到厌倦,然后呈现一个红色色块" +"The donkey turned his head and looked at her, then nodded and said: ""Very well indeed, she is more beautiful than any girl I have seen.""",小驴儿把脑袋转向公主,看了看,点点头说:“真不错! 她美极了,我还从没见过这么美丽的姑娘呢!” +"Works of Manufacture Department shall store these products in a designated area and attach ""Unacceptable"" labels.",制造部工作人员按制定区域码放,挂上不合格标识。 +The paper argues against this view and puts forward the idea that water generating everything in ancient Chinese philosophy has close ties with the establishment of Mingmen theory.,本文对此进行了辩驳,提出中国古代哲学中水生万物说与命门学说的创立有着密切关系。 +"It was a girl, who had picked up my lost bag near a bus-stop and she had found my phone number in the bag.",是一个女孩,她在车站附近拣了一个皮包,在包里找到电话号码,所以给我打电话。 +The middle part has exquisite theme and is highly singable.,中部主题优美绵长,具有较强的歌唱性。 +"Paradoxically, its a life-long burden of constant endeavor and enduring struggle for new heights of personal growth.",矛盾的是,优秀也是一辈子的负担,因为为了更好的成长你要不断努力、不断拼搏。 +"The Eagles did not experience the wind and rain, there is no ambition turned the world!",没有经历风雨的雏鹰,是没有横空天下的大志! +"Workplace Services Express introduces the Palette, a slide-out panel from which you can select portlets to add to a page.",Workplace Services Express 引入了 Palette,一个滑动面板,从中可以选择要向页面添加的 portlet。 +"The crystals distribution parameter S values range from 10~(-3) to 10~(-7), indicating that the crystals were floating in magma and controlled by the movement of liquid.",晶体分布参数S介于10-7~10-3间,显示岩浆中晶体基本上是自由浮动的,晶体的运动受流体的运动控制。 +"The Prince of Wales is to issue a stark warning that nations have ""less than 100 months to act"" to save the planet from irreversible damage due to climate change.",查尔斯王子警告说:由于气候变暖所引起的不可挽回的损害,拯救地球,人类还剩“不到100个月”的采取行动的时间。 +"Jerusalem or Zion, is a place where the Lord is King according to Isaiah, and where he has installed his King David, as quoted in the Psalms.",按照《以赛亚书》里的说法,耶路撒冷或锡安山就是上帝为王的地方,而根据《诗篇》,那里也是他立大卫王的地方。 +"Our ancestral environment had no McDonald’s, birth control pills, Viagra, plastic surgery,nuclear weapons,alarm clocks, florescentlighting, paternity tests, or written codes of law.",我们老祖宗那年头没有麦当劳,没有避孕药和伟哥,没有整形手术,核武器,闹钟,日光灯,亲子鉴定,成文法典。 +A cockroach will live nine days without its head before it starves to death.,蟑螂没有脑袋可以活9天,最后是饿死的。 +"In response to this very important challenge, traditional design devices are being reintroduced and applied along with technologically advanced innovations.",为了应对这些有挑战性的话题,设计师开始启用传统设计机制,同时运用先进的创新技术。 +"Mr. Manley thinks the worst is over for stocks this year and that the S. & P. 500, which closed at 1,244 on Friday, could drift toward 1,300 or higher over the next few months.",Manley认为对于股票市场来说今年最糟的情况已经过去了,而且标准普尔500种股票在星期五收盘时是1244点,在以后的几个月里可以可以冲向1300点或是更高。 +"Both the ROC and Japan had official pavilions to display the large quantities of items, including a significant number of works of fine art, which they had shipped over.",中华民国和日本皆以官方名义建立陈列馆,展示大量从国内运来的展品,其中艺 术精品不在少数。 +"He scored 13 Premiership goals from 22 starts in the 2005/06 season for Blackburn, and scored 17 overall.",他在 05/06 赛季为布莱克本先发 22 场联赛,攻入 13 球,在各项比赛中共进 17 球。 +The Chinese civilian-run higher education has entered a sustained and healthy developing stage.,中国的民办高等教育已经进入了持续健康发展的新阶段。 +It comes in milk chocolate and white chocolate too…,有牛奶巧克力和白巧克力的… +"This particular ""feature"" of JSR-14 1.0 and 1.2 should be considered a bug.",应该认为 JSR-14 1.0 和 1.2 的这一特殊“功能”是个错误。 +"About midnight, we decided to play Bloody Mary game.",大约午夜的时候,我们决定玩血腥玛丽游戏。 +AIs it still possible to get tickets for the Olympic events?,A现在还有可能弄到奥运会的门票吗? +Three factors that effected on milking efficiency were C>V>P.,对机器挤奶效率的影响,高、低组均为C>V>P。 +"Finally, discusses the pressure and necessaries of CCHP development in Zhejiang Province.",论述浙江发展热电冷三联产的紧迫性和必要性。 +"All the information required to access a Web service is available through WSDL -- the abstract interface, the binding and the service endpoint.",访问 Web 服务所需的所有信息 ― 抽象接口、绑定和服务端点可以通过 WSDL 得到。 +"Using five variables, and particularly focused on the size and other factors within the ilium bone, they confirmed it was from the Sauropod family.",进行了5组比对后,尤其是就髂骨的大小等种种因素进行分析后,他们确定该恐龙来自蜥脚类家族。 +"Throw out nonessential numbers. This includes age, weight and height. Let the doctor worry about them. That is why you pay.",抛开那些不重要的数据,包括年龄、体重和身高。让医生来操心吧,这也是你为什么要付钱给他们的原因。 +Little is known on the toxic effects of MC on the phytoplanktivorous fish that are frequently exposed to cyanobacterial toxins because of their habitat and feeding mode.,目前,尽管滤食性鱼类经常被暴露在高浓度的微囊藻毒素(MC)中,但MC对这类鱼影响的毒理学研究还很缺乏,滤食性鱼类高强度的抗毒机制也未阐明。 +The first circular color diagram was designed by Sir Isaac Newton in 1666.,第一个色圈图正是由爱萨克·牛顿爵士于1666年设计的。 +"The apple trees were coming into bloom but no bees droned among the blossoms, so there was no pollination and there would be no fruit.",苹果树开花了,可是没有蜜蜂在花丛中嗡嗡地采蜜,没有蜜蜂的授粉,也就没有任何果子。 +"Love your life, poor as it is. You may perhaps have some pleasant, thrilling, glorious hours, even in the poorhouse.",虽然贫穷,你也应该热爱生活,因为即使在救济院,你也有自己的快乐、幸福和辉煌的时候。 +Condoms can protect against AIDS and other sexually-transmitted diseases.,止性病及艾滋病的传播。 +"Chapter two, three and four are the key parts of this article.",第二章、第三章和第四章为本文的核心部分。 +"Yinzhannaxi who lived in late 19th century was a famous writer, poet and thinker of Mongolian modern history.",尹湛纳希生活在十九世纪末,是近代蒙古族著名作家、诗人、思想家。 +"It also has special advantages of decreasing energy of wave upward and surface damage, avoiding punching, eliminating flying-rock risk and enhancing security.",并在减弱上向波能和对地表的破坏、避免冲孔、消除飞石危害、及增强安防能力方面有独到的优越性。 +"Kangqiao Industrial Zone has preliminarily taken automobile fittings, new building materials, electronics and electrical appliances and curatorial chemicals as its pillar industries.",工业区初步形成了汽车组首席和配件、新型建材、电子电器、医药化工四大支柱行业。 +The question is whether it's worth trying.,问题是值不值得一试。 +"Qiheng Stainless Steel Product Factory is a synthetic enterprise, gathering developing and selling service as one body.",启恒不锈钢厂是一家集开发、销售服务于一体的综合性企业。 +Tranquility Bay is one of 11 facilities affiliated to an organisation in Utah called the World Wide Association of Speciality Programs.,“宁静海湾”中心隶属于一所坐落在美国犹他洲的机构,属于11个分中心其中的一个。 这个机构叫做“世界专长项目协会”(the World Wide Association of Speciality Programs。 +"On the function-level evolution of evolvable hardware (EHW), two creative thoughts are described in this article.",本文在功能级可进化研究方向,主要工作有两项。 +"Due to fly to buy a houses decision to huang dropped to freezing point, the atmosphere in the mothers behest huang family isolated goofy, goofy comes naturally.",因高飞买房的决定让黄家气氛降到冰点,在黄母的授意下全家孤立高飞,高飞安之若素。 +Can Communion ever be received without keeping the Eucharistic Fast?,不守圣体斋,也能领圣体吗? +These polypropylene filter cartridges feature high quality polypropylene filter media combined with self-gasketing FDA grade PVC endcaps.,这些聚丙烯过滤桶有高质量的聚丙烯过滤介质和带垫圈的FDA级别的PVC端帽。 +It's a crying shame when an enterprise is left in the hands of incompetent fools.,一种企业放在不会经营的冤大头手里是真可惜又可叹! +Just the thought makes me yawn.,即使只是想想这些就能使我想打哈欠。 +"But, Gardner notes, the active ingredient in garlic is allicin, which can easily be destroyed if you mess with it too much, which suggests that fresh is best.",不过,加德纳博士表示,大蒜含有一种名为蒜素的活性成分,可以通过用力碾磨破坏掉,这就表明新鲜大��的营养最为充分。 +"There are also fears that children born from artificial eggs and sperm will suffer severe health problems, like the mice in the Newcastle experiments.",同样还有人担心, 通过人造的精子和卵子结合,生出的孩子将会有严重的健康问题, 就像那些纽卡斯尔试验中老鼠一样。 +"At this point, you have a working login and logout system.",至此,您已经有了一个登录和注销系统。 +To investigate the influence of vitrification freezing on the chromosomes and spindles of porcine oocyte matured in vitro by using nylon cryoloop.,以冷冻环为载体,探讨玻璃化冷冻对猪体外成熟卵母细胞染色体与纺锤体影响。 +"ISCA, International Speech Communication Association. promoting international speech communication, science and technology.",ISCA主页,致力于加强全球科学技术方面的交流。 +"which is, being interpreted, My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?",翻出来,就是,我的神,我的神,为什么离弃我。 +"During the Middle Ages, large amounts of silk were brought to the Middle East and Europe from China along the ancient silk Road, which is still traceable nowadays.",在中世纪,有大量的丝绸从中国运到中东欧洲,走的是古代的丝绸之路,到今天这条路还有痕迹可寻。 +"The special wards were utterly different, many of which were empty at all and there was almost no noise.",特需病区,就是不一样。 不少病房是空的,几乎没有嘈杂声,再也没有什么可以干扰母亲了。 +Thank you for being with us.,感谢收看节目。 +Improved post shot selection for AI-controlled players to better match their tendencies.,改进了AI控制球员的低位投篮选择,以更契合他们的投篮倾向。 +"With the area of over 500m2, the exhibition center is the biggest compressive exhibition center in Gu'an at the present.",展览中心面积约500余平米,是固安目前最大的综合性展览中心。 +I like the test view you give.,我喜欢你给出的测试视图。 +"For Asset 3, we used XDE built-in features to model EJB components.",对资产 3,我们使用内置的 XDE 特性来模型化 EJB 组件。 +Any side of the circular table is cut along the penetrating part with the cylinder bushing body for forming a straight side.,所述圆台的任一边沿与圆柱套体相贯部位切去以形成一直边。 +"Eventually the light swelled so that all the lines of the varnished bead board walls stood clear, and Inman could cock back on the chair's hind legs and count the flies on the ceiling.",最后,屋内开始亮堂起来,抛光墙板上的接缝也清晰可辨。英曼翘起椅子前腿,仰着头数天花板上的苍蝇。 +The historic Bund area on the west bank of the Huangpu River could soon be transformed and made more pedestrian-friendly.,黄浦江西岸的老外滩地区可能即将面临改造,改造后的外滩会更方便行人。 +Krishnamurti's death was in some ways as mysterious as his life.,克里希那幕提的死亡在某种程度上和他的生活一样难以理解。 +"Then tighten the nut on the drain body, sealing the gasket and washer against the drain flange.",然后紧上存水弯的螺丝,密封排水法兰相应的垫圈和垫片。 +Apical buds produce a growth hormone called auxin .,顶芽分泌出叫做生长素的生长类激素。 +The support of geological and mineral point-source information system was needed in the development of complicated resource map computer-aided design system.,对于复杂资源图件的计算机辅助编绘,需要地矿点源信息系统的支持。 +"Three pork chops, please.",请给我三包碎猪肉。 +These denominations were of no relevance.,这些教派与达尔玛没有关联。 +"Quality machines that slit, unwind and rewind large webs of materials - all designed to meet our customers' specifications.",我们的机器质量优越,可对网状材料进行纵切、松卷和打卷。可定制。 +"Her eyes are dim, sitting in a chair with his head down.",她两眼昏花,耷拉着脑袋坐在椅子里。 +"On the third night, the moon was on the wane, and had begun to rise later; at one o'clock in the morning, possibly, she heard a loud burst of laughter and her father's voice calling her",第三天,月亮渐渐缺了,升得也比较迟了,约莫在午夜一点钟,她忽然听见有人大笑,随即又听见她父亲的声音在喊她。 +Sfc provided a submission to the panel supporting the provision of fining power to sfc .,证监会向事务委员会提交文件,支持赋予证监会罚款权力。 +"If you are successful, you will false friends and true enemies. Succeed anyway",如果你已功名成就,难免会招来虚假的朋友和真正的敌人,但是不管怎样,还是要力争成功。 +In the guns knees is my determination.,在枪炮下跪饶的,是我的毅力。 +And often his breakfast was his only meal.,他的早餐经常是一天中唯一的一餐。 +The first makeup of the appeal is that it allows you to feel happy at heart and sweet!,第一款妆容的魅力在于它能让你从内心深处感到快乐甜蜜! +"This topic is strong requirement should be quality engineer, early in the first phase, and register personnel quota of second run.",此课题是应质量工程师的强烈要求,在年初第一期报名人员满额,又第二次增开的课题。 +"By providing the JMeterResults.xml file as input to the xslt Ant task in Listing 3, I can generate an HTML report of all the JMeter tests I ran in Listing 2.",将 JMeterResults.xml 文件作为清单 3 中的 xsltAnt 任务的输入,可以为清单 2 中运行的所有 JMeter 测试生成一个 HTML 报告。 +"If we were to use a stop expressed as 1.5 ATRs we could use the same formula for both markets. The Corn stop would be $750 and the Yen stop would be $3,000.",如果我们把止损水平设置为1.5倍的ATR(即用ATR表示的止损水平),我们就能在这两个市场使用相同的标准(即1.5倍的ATR),玉米的止损水平会是750美元,日元的止损水平会是3000美元。 +Just then we heard a kind of war-8)whoop. It was a 9)sling that Red Chief had pulled out of his pocket.,就在那时,我们听到一声巨响。那是红酋长从口袋里掏出的弹弓所发出的声音。 +"Model binding is a convention-based feature that populates model objects automatically using incoming data, usually an HTML form post.",模型绑定是一个基于商定的特点,它用输入数据(凡是来自于HTML表单的递交)主动地形成模型对象。 +"Abroad, she seems far more confident, at times to the point of recklessness, as in Jerusalem.",但在国外,她却表现的更为自信,有时像在耶路撒冷一样,甚至成了莽撞轻率。 +"A fragrant, ripe, full fruited bouquet, which is confirmed on the palate.",散发着成熟水果芳香,口味更为突出。 +u – show pop-up navigation menu to change feeds,shift+u – 弹出导航菜单供切换订阅源之用 +That's why face-to-face meetings and conferences are still considered the most useful forms for interpersonal communication.,这就是为什么面对面开会仍然是人际沟通最重要、最有用的形式。 +"At that high altitude, suddenly, very close to you was a rattler, shrilly rattling his tail, giving a warning.",在那么高的海拔,突然离你很近的地方有一条响尾蛇,高频地摇动着他的尾巴,发出了警告。 +The evaporators in the ice-water temperature uniformity equipment take the shape of vertical spiral tube which lie in the ice water pool.,冰水均温装置中的蒸发器采用立式螺旋管形式放置于冰水池内,螺旋管内为超倍的氨供液,管外用气泵往冰水池内鼓入气泡起到强制对流换热效果。 +The one thing Real-f fails to address is what the point of it all might be - except to suggest that you could put the “head” model (about twice the price of a mask) on top of a mannequin.,Real-f公司未能成功解决的一件事情就是佩戴这种头套的人可能目的不同,所以不建议人们佩戴,除非是套在模具头上。 (头套价格是面具价格的两倍。) +Can u made photos for everyone to look at it?,你能发张照片让大家看看吗? +"Because no vehicle currently meets the ""ultra high efficiency"" requirements laid out in Proposition 10, there can be no rebates handed out for battery-based cars and trucks.",由于没有车辆目前达到了“ 超高效率”的要求,规定了命题10 ,就不可能有回扣交给了电池的轿车和卡车。 +Objective To compare the effects of Comfeel and Mupirocin Ointments on bedsores in elderly patients.,目的比较康惠尔溃疡粉和百多邦治疗老年患者压疮的效果。 +Object-Oriented Approach (OOA),面向对象方法(OOA) +"This, however, is when Marilyn vos Savant likes to show up.",但这正是玛丽莲·沃斯·莎凡特最喜欢出现的时刻。 +"Evan Kohlmann, a terror analyst who tracks militant websites, recently told the New York Times that supporters of Al Qaeda have seized on the Park51 fight ""with glee.""",艾文克尔曼,一个长期跟踪好战分子网站的恐怖主义分析家,最近告知纽约时报说:基地组织支持者“很高兴”在51公园被捕。 +"This paper discusses how to make a test analysis, including the score distribution, facility level, discrimination, reliability and validity, etc.",该文阐述了自学考试试卷统计分析:考试成绩分布的统计估计、试题的难度及区分度分析、考试的信度与效度分析等。 +The losses prompted the SRB to overhaul its trading “to avoid more huge losses on investments”.,为此,国家物资储备局改组了交易部门,以避免投资遭受更多重大亏损。 +This email is Bcc to all on my list for them to share.,此电邮以密件传给我名单中所有的人以便他们分享。 +"If the engine shuts off prematurely, Juno might still end up in orbit, albeit in the wrong orbit.",如果发动机过早熄火,朱诺号或许仍将进入轨道,只不过是错误的轨道。 +"However, Mercury sets less than one hour after sunset at mid-northern latitudes.",然而北半球中纬度地区水星“呆”时间少于一个小时。 +The effect of seeds storage with silicone or lime under low temperature was better than normal.,通过水芹种子贮藏试验研究结果表明,采用低温硅胶或石灰贮藏种子效果较好; +That's important because these kinds of indices are widely used by economists and politicians as a measure of economic and social development and so used to determine spending polices and legislation.,这一点之所以重要,是因为这些不同种类的指数被经济学家与政治家广泛地引用,以作为经济与社会发展的一个量度,同时还被用于确定支出政策以及立法。 +"Furthermore, the affections of H2O2 and thiourea on the ECL of luminol were also studied.",并讨论了H2O2 及硫脲对鲁米诺的电致化学发光的影响。 +"Therefore, it is useful to get the data only once, cache it, and have all other components use the cached data, instead of accessing the backend system again.",因此,只一次获取数据,对数据进行缓存,并让所有其他组件使用该缓存的数据,而非再次访问后端系统,这是很有益的。 +The solution effect of sulphite in the process of developer fog formation was Investigated by electron microscopy.,本文用电子显微镜方法研究了亚硫酸钠溶解作用对显影灰雾形成过程的影响。 +"Finally, I showed you how easy it was to create a regression model and get the same results from the API that we got from the stand-alone application.",最后,我向您展示了创建一个回归模型并从获自此独立应用程序的这个 API 获得相同的结果是多么地容易。 +"No idiom is taboo, no accent forbidden; there is simply a better chance of doing well if the writer holds a steady course, enters the stream of English quietly, and does not thrash about.",实际上,没有什么可以算得上禁忌,没有那种腔调应遭禁止;如果写作者步履稳健,静静地进入英语的“主流”,不急不躁,就有机会做得更好。 +This is due to the pre-allocation of shared memory that was done for each of the tests and explained previously.,这是因为每个测试都预先分配了共享内存。 +"ZD-2 auto potential titration, combine the pH/mV measure, magnetic mixture, titration three functions, easy to installation, operation, and accuracy result got.",本公司的ZD-2型自动电位滴定仪,pH/mv测量,磁力搅拌,滴定装置三位一体,安装容易,操作方便,滴定精确。 +Consumer spending on PCs has been buoying the tech sector lately.,消费者在个人电脑上的花费一直在支持其后的科技发展。 +"Put it into your Web page and then activate your event handler (click a button, tab out of a field, or use whatever method you set up to trigger a request).",将其放入 Web 页面中,然后激活事件处理程序(单击按钮,在域之间按 tab 键切换焦点,或者使用设置的任何方法来触发请求)。 +"Especially in the home page, for this is the starting place of your viewers.",特别是在首页中,因为这是你游览者开始的地方。 +"The formation of nuclear fuel component price is analysed, and its character as well as its influence on the generating cost are discussed in this paper.",从分析核燃料组件价格的形成入手,讨论了核燃料组件价格的形成特点及其对核发电成本的影响。 +"Yoshikawa mechanical surface treatment equipment ---- China's leader, blasting China, the number one brand in the industry Shot!",吉川机械----中国表面处理设备的领航者,中国喷砂、抛丸行业第一品牌! +"Ruth Hilton, an orphaned seamstress, is seduced and then abandoned by Henry Bellingham, a young squire.",露丝·希尔顿是个孤独的裁缝,她被年轻乡绅亨利·贝宁汉引诱后又被放弃。 +"There appears to be a back-and-forth link between depression and obesity, say researchers who reviewed the findings of 15 studies that included nearly 59,000 people.",在对近59,000人做的15份研究报告中,研究人员得出结论,称抑郁症与肥胖症或前后相衔。 +Conclusion Three-step ladder for cancer pain relief can effectively alleviate the patients' pain and raise their quality of life.,结论三阶梯止痛疗法能有效缓解疼痛,提高患者的生命质量。 +Read the directions for use.,阅读用法说明。 +Willy is fastening his seat belt. Mandy found a coin on the footpath .,威利正扣上安全带。嫚娣在人行道上找到一个硬币。 +"It is said that Mirabeau took to highway robbery ""to ascertain what degree of resolution was necessary in order to place one's self in formal opposition to the most sacred laws of society.""",据说米拉波到大路上试验了一次剪径的行为,“来测验一下,正式违抗社会最神圣的法律到底需要多少程度的决心”。 +"""Openned widely water Pie his one eye:""Today is you to rush through the son is to the point, we afternoon meeting adjourned, noon this is to dine together.",张大水瞥了他一眼:“今天是你赶对点儿了,我们下午散会,中午这是会餐。” +Data from the British Chiropractic Association says 32% of the population spends more than 10 hours a day seated.,英国脊椎按摩协会的数据显示,32%的人每天有超过10个小时的时间是坐着的。 +We went Dongtai road where there was lots of antiques to peruse.,我们去了东台路,那里有许多古玩可供赏玩。 +"A few vestiges of the original structure remain today, including the canopied gates.",一些原建筑的遗迹留存至今,其中包括有顶盖的大门。 +At twelve weeks a baby smiles and utters vowel-like sounds;,十二周的婴孩会笑,发出元音似的声音; +"So in hydrogen atom a, I'll depict that here where the nucleus is this dot, and then the circle is what I'm depicting as the wave function.",在氢原子A里,我在这里把原子核画成一个点,这圆就是波函数。 +"More knights required more land, and the king began to take it from the church.",而越多的骑士需要越大的土地,因而国王开始从教会取得土地。 +"In the Details pane, scroll down to the Server tab and select Process is long-running, which indicates that the process is interruptible.",在 Details 窗格中,向下滚动到 Server 选项卡,并选择 Process is long-running,以指示流程是可中断的。 +"In arguably tennis’ greatest-ever rivalry, Nadal leads Federer 17-8 in career meetings.",在可以认为是网球史上最伟大的对决中,纳达尔以17-8领先费德勒。 +Bachmann got some good news in the latest Des Moines Register poll that found her nearly tied with Mitt Romney for the top choice among Iowa Republicans.,巴赫曼在《狄蒙纪录报》最新的民调中出现了好消息。这项调查显示,她几乎和罗姆尼并驾齐驱,成为爱奥华州共和党人的首选。 +"The fossil lungfish is a new species, but a name cannot be given because of its uncertain origin.",这种化石的肺鱼是新的物种,但因为它不确定的来源导致至今无法命名。 +"Traditionally, Boxing day is a day to share Christmas bounty with the less fortunate.",你可以 传统上,人们会在节礼日(圣诞节之后的第二天日)将圣诞节的结余物品与那些不幸的人们分享。 +Also My Beloveds you can incorporate your Chakra System cleaning and calibration into this daily clearing exercise.,亲爱的,你也把脉轮系统的清理和调频涵盖到在日常的清理训练中。 +"Even the relatively cautious and plainly useful simplicities of American spelling (as in the –or words, for example) are sometimes denounced with great rancor.",甚至连美式英语的相对谨慎和显然实用的简捷有时候也受到充满憎恶的斥责。 +"When police finally arrived at the site, they arrested Anders Behring Breivik, a 32-year-old Norwegian man who claimed responsibility for both attacks.",当警方终于抵达事发地点,他们逮捕布列维克,一名32岁的挪威人声称要为这两起攻击事件负责。 +"I'm sorry that you broke the glass, Andy. But there is nothing that can be done now. Don't cry over spilled milk.",安迪,很遗憾你打破了玻璃,但覆水难收,无法挽回,别难过了。 +digs to the root of Forster's private self.,挖掘福斯特自我的根源。 +Methods Statistical analysis of 44 cases from nosocomial infection of SMA was done.,方法对44例嗜麦芽寡养单胞菌感染病例进行临床分析。 +The policemen spread out and searched the surrounding fields.,警察分散开来在周围的地里搜索。 +Gaiter-compatible D-ring to secure gaiter to boot for added protection from debris and moisture.,绑腿兼容的D型环,安全绑腿从杂物和水分的补充保护引导。 +Our sky chart shows the waning crescent moon and Saturn for about that hour.,我们的星象图显示出那个时间的峨眉盈月和土星。 +"Students have unlimited free Internet access in their hostel rooms to help them in their studies, but many also use it to surf, chat, download movies and music, blog and for gaming.",规定颁布之前,学生们可以在宿舍�无限制的免费上网,但除了学习外,很多学生都利用这一便利上网冲浪、聊天、下载电影和音乐、写部落格或玩游戏等。 +President Barack Obama wants tax reform as well. He regularly calls for closing corporate loopholes and making the wealthy pay their fair share of taxes.,"美国总统奥巴马也希望进行税务改革.他一直号召堵上企业税收漏洞,让富裕阶层缴纳其应缴的税款." +Whose then--your master's?' she asked.,“那么,谁的——你主人的吗?” 她问。 +There's no space even for a shock-resistant resin ferrite.,即使抗震树脂铁酸盐也无法容下。 +"Higher requests on the real-time attribute, reliability and security are sued by the new SCADA distributed system.",这种新型的SCADA分布式系统对其网络通讯的实时性、可靠性与安���性提出了更高的要求。 +"China's foreign exchange market, are not full qualified the weak-form efficiency.",亦即我国外汇市场市场,都没有体现出的“弱式有效”性质来。 +He is using men as his tool to get himself on.,他把别人当作工具以谋私利。 +"As we see from the survey results, excluding Google Maps, Weather.com and web search apps, the rest of the Top 10 apps were in the social media, entertainment and gaming realms.",从调研结果中我们看到,除了Google Maps、Weather.com和网页搜索应用程序以外,前十名的其它应用程序都属于社会媒体、娱乐和游戏类。 +It is not difficult to imagine a world short of ambition.,不难想像没有野心的世界会是个什么样的世界。 +Cleaning is what?,保洁是什么? +"Finally, it poses existing problems in the development of school-based courses of biology of high schools, and also gives correspondingsolution countermeasures.",最后对高中生物校本课程开发提出了存在问题,并给出了相应的解决对策。 +"That evening, Kerri had called her parents, who lived nearby, and told them the TV had gone dark.",龙卷风发生的那个晚上凯丽正在给她住的不远的父母打电话,告知他们电视机黑屏了。 +"The tentative optimism in Europe contrasts with the news from the U. S., where there is mounting evidence that the already sluggish recovery has lost momentum.",对比在欧洲暂定乐观与来自美国的消息,那里有越来越多的证据表明,已经疲弱的复苏已经失去了势头。 +Charles Henry Smithson : There is talk in the town of committing you to an institution.,查理:镇上有一些言论要把你指控进机构里。 +Article 75 The owners may set up an owners' assembly and vote for an owners' committee.,第七十五条业主可以设立业主大会,选举业主委员会。 +Tumor associated angiogenesis plays a pivotal role in the growth and metastasis of tumors.,肿瘤血管生成在肿瘤的生长和转移中起着重要的作用。 +The narrative perspective of Hulan River is complicated with several conversions of narrative perspectives.,《呼兰河传》的叙述视角是复杂的,全文有过多次叙述角度的转换。 +"For this complex universal curve track, usually the manual and semi-automation boring machine is used to process the bore, but there is little effect and low efficiency.",对于这类复杂的空间曲线轨迹,一般采用手工或半自动化开孔机进行孔加工,加工效果差、效率低。 +"As regards the products targeting female, children and the aged, the average sampling qualification rate reached 87.1%.",本季度抽查的妇幼老年人用品,平均抽样合格率为87.1%。 +"Palate: Wonderfully fleshy &""together"", with gorgeously fine, chewy, dark fruit flavours. This is a terrifically fine wine.",口感:入口有黑水果的美味,口感极为丰满、华美,回味无穷。是澳洲极品靓酒。 +"Light reaches us from the moon, which is about 380 000 kilometres away, in only a little more than a second.",光从距我们有大约380 000千米远的月球上传到我们的眼睛,连一秒钟都没有用。 +"""Then what's this skin for if it always grows new skin?""I asked.",“那蛇为什么总要长出新的表皮来呢?”我问道。 +Von Donnersmarck needed a break after spending weeks in a monk's cell writing a new script about suicide.,冯•多纳斯马连续几个星期埋头方室写作关于自杀的新剧本之后需要放松一下。 +"All he had was a little experience in life, some knowledge derived from books, and the ardour of youth.",他所有的只是一些生活经验,一些从书本上得来的知识和青年的热情。 +"Stainless steel solar energy in the ""open"", no electricity heating state, the use of good results, product life is longer, which is the rapid popularization of solar energy products advantages.",不锈钢太阳能在“敞开”、不加电加热状态下,使用效果较好,产品寿命也较长,这是太阳能产品能够快速普及的优势。 +"When looked at on-street Right, the couple's sweet and romantic, the heart has so many blessings to pray to them, at the same time, more lonely hearts and admiration.",每当看著路边对对情侣的甜蜜与浪漫,心有太多的祝福祈祷给他们,同时心里有更多的孤独与羡慕。 +"And in the final, I’m not going with the Croat just yet.",在最后对决中,我还是不看好克罗地亚人。 +"From G.D.P. to private-sector payrolls, from business surveys to new claims for unemployment insurance, key economic indicators suggest that the recovery may be sputtering.",从共和党到私营部门的工资单,从商业调查到失业保险申请的增加,主要的经济数据表明经济恢复过程中发生了阵阵噪声,可能出现问题,。 +More info: Here's Toshiba's own write-up of the W100.,附加信息:这里有东芝自己关于W100 的说明。 +Instances of this vocabulary select types using some other mechanism.,这种词汇表的实例使用某些其他机制选择类型。 +Zones starting with us-east are in northern Virginia and are collectively called the region.,以 us-east 开始的区域是在北维吉尼亚州,统称为地区。 +"There's really no evidence that supplements boost the immune system, so don't waste your money.",并无证据表明,服用额外的(保健)用品会增强免疫系统,所以别浪费金钱。 +"With inter-partition parallelism, for any given query, DB2 first identifies the partitions where the data resides.",若启用分区间并行性,对于任何给定的查询,DB2 首先识别数据所驻留的分区。 +"In many cases it's a woman that grips the blade -- maybe clean, maybe dirty -- that cuts a girl's path to womanhood.",很多时候,是一个执刀的女人——或干净或肮脏的刀——割断了女孩变成女人的梦。 +"The shorter tongue may not protect the area from sea ice, reducing or even eliminating the polynya and the access to food it provided.",较短的冰舌不能使这个海域避免浮冰影响,会限制甚至完全没有冰沼湖,也不能为动物提供食物。 +They didn't even leave me the watermelon rind or pumpkin seeds.,它们连半块西瓜皮或是南瓜子儿都不给我留点。 +"Whatever, Jakfruit is the best fruit in the world.",无论怎么说,木菠萝都是世界上最好的水果。 +Objective:To search a kind of noninvasive physiologic signal examining system.,目的探讨研制一种无创性生理信号检测系统。 +"No fancy moves required, either. Simply keep it going around your waist.",不需要变着花样转,保持在腰间转动呼啦圈就可以了。 +"Know your time is running out, and now he is going to intensify their revenge.",江源知道自己时日不多了,现在他要加紧施行自己的复仇计划了。 +"Within a Local Transaction Containment (LTC) boundary, you cannot have multiple active connection handles that use the same physical connections.",在一个本地事务容器(Local Transaction Containment,LTC)边界中,您不能拥有多个使用同一物理连接的活动连接句柄。 +"The article studies the sub-hydraulic lifting scaffold in high-rise building design, calculation and application, and to pay for a flight in the Office Building Project as an example to elaborate.",本文主要研究了分体液压升降爬架在高层建筑工程中的设计、计算与应用,并以中交一航局办公大楼工程为例进行阐述。 +Put on that wetsuit and dive down into the coral reef to soak up the beautiful visions that nature has provided us.,穿上潜水服,潜到珊瑚礁里去看看大自然的美景吧。 +"In the 15th century, the famous Chinese navigator Zheng He led seven maritime expenditions to the Western Seas and reached over 30countries.",15世纪,中国知名航海家郑和七下西洋,到过三十几个国家。 +"Company's existing sheet metal shop, spray-paint workshop, assembly workshop, and a strong after-sales service team.",公司现有板金车间,喷漆车间,组装车间,和强大的售后服务队伍。 +It is assigned by the placer .,它是由放置器指定的。 +"This is the oldest Japanese flute music existed in Japan, and it is the treasure historical materials for actually playing Japanese gagaku in 10th century.",是日本现存的最古的横笛乐谱,也是平安时代中期(10世纪)所知道的日本雅乐的实际状态的贵重的史料。 +Changing the rules of the game after billions have been spent by the companies.,在这些公司花费了几十亿美元后现在却要改变游戏规则。 +"A man, a society and a nation, always always has its self pursuit and oblation.",一个人一个社会一个民族,总要有自己的追求和供奉。 +"Even if the label is missing from the neckline, the garment may have other labels or names of the designer printed onto the fabric near the seams.",即使领口的商标丢失,衣服上的缝合处也会印有其他的商标以及设计师名称。 +"In fact, that Hampton Inn hadn't been taking reservations since that morning, yet Expedia was accepting reservations for it.",事实上,汉普顿旅店自当天早上起,就没收到任何预定请求,虽然Expedia已经接受了下单。 +You cannot expect to achieve the goal you cherish so greatly involving a creative talent you possess if you allow certain habits and individuals to act as one big ball and chain around your ankle.,如果你让你的兴趣爱好与个性活动时如同有铁球和脚链缠在脚踝,你将无法在与自己卓越天赋相关的追求上大获成功。 +"Good as an aperitif in summer, it is also ideal with all starters, quiches and sweet-and-sour dishes.",作为夏季开胃酒是个不错的选择,同时适合和各种前菜、蛋饼及酸甜食物搭配。 +"From the meeting, a memorandum was signed that formalized existing arrangements between the Army and Air Force developed during the course of the war on terrorism to support the warfighter.",在会上,两军种签署了一份备忘录,将陆��和空军在反恐战争中的部署进一步正式化。 +"Shanchuan Village, Shanchuan Township, Anji County;",安吉县山川乡山川村; +"We learn right away that the protagonist Feng Shi is, ""like so many rich people, "" perennially in debt.",我们很快认识到主人公冯石“像很多富翁一样,”不断地债务缠身。 +With the latter one 8.94% relative energy saving may be attained.,与单产二甲醚的工艺相比,联产系统的相对节能率为8.94%。 +Coming up to the knock-out stages - does my selection for the finals change?,接下来的淘汰赛中,我的选择会变更吗? +The water levels and water volumes of the lake in different periods were calculated by using a digital elevation model created by the topographic map.,利用数字高程模型求取易贡湖各时相的水位与水量; +"Pronto, the shopping comparison site, is launching its social shopping component later on this week.",Pronto是一个购物价格比较网站,在本周发布其社会化站点的组成部分。 +Located at the Shanghai Jiading industrial district.,位时尚七分裤于上海市嘉定工业区。 +I saw a live TV broadcast of the football match last night.,我昨晚看了一场足球赛的实况电视直播。 +What is the sales volume of Nokia music handsets this year?,诺基亚今年音乐手机目前销量大概有多少呢? +The researchers anticipate that the TLR agonist approach has the potential for use against other types of infection as well.,研究者们期望这种TLR 激动剂也能用于对抗其它类型的感染。 +"Start showing, LCD screen dark screen.",开机有显示,液晶屏屏暗。 +Objective:To observe clinical effects of zhonfengkang capsule treating apoplectic sequel.,观察中风康胶囊治疗中风后遗症的临床疗效。 +A method based on gas chromatography following CS2-solvent desorption was established to determine ambient air MTBE sampled by active carbon(AC).,建立了环境大气中MTBE活性炭吸附、二硫化碳溶剂解吸的气相色谱测定方法。 +The solution should also demonstrate its differentiating capabilities and uniqueness.,解决方案还应体现其区别于同类的功能和独特性。 +"Furthermore, it put forward the available mode for motivating the skilled talents based on the need structure of the skilled talents.",在技能型人才需要结构的基础上,提出有效激励技能型人才的方式。 +All non-sales activities or diversionary activities should be handled by Sales Support or other specialist departments whenever possible.,所有非销售的行为都必须有销售支持人员或其它专门部门来处理。 +"ER Dongsheng : ""The Two View of the Shanghai"", Southern Weekend , 2010,8, 26.",尔冬升:《两次鸟瞰上海》,《南方周末》(广州)2010年8月26日。 +"You can switch back and forth between data and code sections, but when the program is assembled it will bring all of each section together into one unit.",您可以在数据部分和代码部分之间自由切换,但当程序被汇编时,会将所有部分汇编到一起,组成一个单元。 +"In sumptuous first-class cabins, humidity can plunge to 5%, sapping the bouquet from champagne and caviar.",而在豪华的头等舱内,湿度会陡降至5%,破坏了香槟和鱼子酱的美味。 +"With the fast paced rule changes in touring car, the main focus of the T2'009 has been to evolve & optimize.",随着快节奏的规则变化,房车,主要的重点T2'009已演变与优化。 +"If a line of credit will help get you over a financial speed bump, you could hear good news on a loan application .",假如一定的信贷额度能够有助于你顺利通过财务上的减速带,那么你可能会听到来自借贷申请的好消息。 +"S. troops overstay, Iraq remains a client state, military operations will expand.",但如果美军逾期逗留,伊拉克仍然是一个附庸国,军事行动将扩大。 +"Ji feel lonely season, Law set to raise some chickens, the kind of pheasant from thorns.",季姬感到寂寞,罗集了一些鸡来养,是那种出自荆棘丛中的野鸡。 +"Chinese Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi, Minister Yu Myung-hwan for Foreign Affairs and Trade of the Republic of Korea and Japanese Foreign Minister Katsuya Okada attended the meeting.",中国外交部长杨洁篪、韩国外交通商部长官柳明桓、日本外相冈田克也出席。 +He managed the All Wales QC laboratory in Cardiff.,并管理卡迪佛威尔士QC实验室。 +"Then the theory of Bèzier spline to smooth the above route planning for obtaining the 2nd route planning, the limited emission angle problem of air-to-ground missile was solved.",在此基础上运用B样条曲线理论进行航路光顺获得二次航路规划,解决了飞机到达目标区发射空地导弹时导弹发射角限制问题。 +Her smooth white thighs were sweet under his mouth and hands.,对于他的嘴和手,她的温润白净的大腿是多么甜美呀。 +She never wavered or gave up on me.,她的爱从未动摇过,她从未抛弃过我�� +"Penny three foreign and two peach, Riverside reads prophet.",竹外桃花三两枝,春江水暖鸭先知。 +This is a water movement. I am moving like water.,般的动作。我向水一样的流动。 +Dr Lopes' work will be displayed at an exhibition opening at the RCA in London today.,洛佩斯博士的工作成果将于今天在伦敦开幕的皇家艺术学院展览会上展出。 +"Ottawa authorizes the slaughter of 338, 000 seals per season, and says the survival of the species is not in danger.",渥太华规定,每季可以杀死33.8万海豹,并表示该物种的生存是没有危险的。 +"Thus, quite a few Qing schol-ars attributed the fall of the Ming dynasty to Emperor Chongzhen's execution of his ablest general,Yuan Chonghuan.",清代就有不少学者把明朝的覆亡归咎于崇祯皇帝处决了他手下最具才干的大将袁崇焕。 +"London Metal Exchange (LME) copper warehouse stocks firmed 1,250 tonnes at 123,500 tonnes on Thursday.","周四,伦敦金属交易所(LME)铜库存跳升4,450吨,至142,400吨." +Or a pastry school that offers an unusual 24-week certificate program.,或者,你可以是一家提供有特殊的24周认证项目(24-week certificate program)的西饼学校。 +"Jump mobile phone set the password, Su Lan stumbled, flip phone jump prevarication is afraid of the unit colleague, LAN LAN thought something was wrong.",马跃手机设了密码,苏岚无意中发现了,马跃搪塞说是怕单位同事翻手机,岚岚觉得有点不对劲。 +"As the king of herb for periodic dip bathing--- ginseng spring can supply vital force, invigorate spleen, benefit lung, generate saliva, stop cough, soothe nerves and benefits the kidney.",定期浸浴百药之王----人参泉汤,有补气救脱、补脾益肺、生津止咳,安神益肾的功效。 +"Meeting your boyfriend, girlfriend, or spouse at work is pretty common. It just so happens that for movie stars, the office is film sets and photo shoots.",工作时约见男女朋友或夫妻见面本来很正常,对于影星而言,他们的办公室是电影摄影场和宣传照现场。 +Cold start designs have the advantage of very quickly starting the lamp. They are suitable for installations with long operating hours and few switching cycles such as shops.,冷启动设计具有快速启动的优势,适用于工作时间长且开关循环次数少的情况,如商店中。 +ProMod Liquid Protein is a great tasting medical food that provides a concentrated source of protein for people with increased protein needs.,是一种味道绝佳的医疗食品,可以提供浓缩的蛋白质来源给需要增加蛋白质的人士饮用。 +"To achieve this, it is hoped that the government will fund existing science programmes and columns in broadcast and print media to help improve their quality.",为了达到这一目标,方案制定者期望政府将会资助广电和印刷媒体现有的科学节目和专栏,来帮助改善它们的质量。 +Originality in handwriting-how far the writer derivates from copybook script-indicates confidence and artistic ability.,无论他们的笔迹与字帖相差多大,写的字有所创新表明这个人很有自信和较高的审美能力。 +"After these things, I saw four angels standing on the four corners of the earth, holding the four winds of the earth, that they should not blow upon the earth, nor upon the sea, nor on any tree.",这事以后,我看见了四位天使,站在大地的四角上,握住地上的四股风,不让风吹向大地、海洋和各种树木。 +There were plenty of rocks that were probably made when lava bubbling from under the ground mixed with water percolating through the ground.,那里有大量的岩石有可能是由从地下冒出的混合着渗透水的岩浆泡形成的。 +And we have some really world-class climbers.,我们也有一些世界水平的攀岩高手, +"But if you backslide, Hiram says, “Start over.",但假如你倒退了,海勒姆说,“那就重新开始。 +"Nixon: American houses last for more than 20 years, but, even so, after twenty years, many Americans want a new house or a new kitchen.",尼克松:美国人住的房子也可以住20年以上,但是,就算如此,20年以后,很多美国人都想住上一栋新房子,或者拥有一间崭新的厨房。 +Dominos arm has proposed a branch on Earths nearest galactic neighbour is the latest escalation in a pizza publicity war.,作为比萨宣传战的最新举动,达美乐日本分部宣布打算在地球最近邻居上开设分店。 +"Attention was paid on how to lower the production costs in the processing of thermosetting plastics, which covered the fiber orientation, removal of burr and sprue runner material loss.",由于纤维取向、去除飞边和流道料损失等是热固性塑料加工中影响成本的主要问题,故着重介绍了降低上述费用的办法。 +Do you like pickled fish?,你喜欢吃腌鱼吗? +"A poet is, before anything else, a person who is passionately in-love with language.",一个诗人首先是一个��爱语言的人。 +"Osborn rehabilitation progress ideal, can quickly stop taking anti-rejection drugs, and can be transferred to ordinary ward.",兆邦的康复进度理想,很快便可停服抗排斥药,并能转至普通病房。 +The proposed computation models will supply new local computation methods for Bayesian network probabilistic inferences.,所提出计算模型为贝叶斯网的概率推理提供了一种新的局部计算方法。 +Click Set Message and select the Select an existing message radio box.,单击 Set Message 并选择 Select an existing message 单选框。 +"He always has a smoke after dinner, and makes the room smoky.",他饭后总是吸支烟, 弄得屋子满是烟雾。 +"""Good morning, Granny, "" Ms. Chen called out as she entered the 100-year-old woman's small bedroom. ""Did you have a good night's sleep?""",“阿奶,早上好。”陈女士进入这个百岁老人的卧室并向她致意。“昨晚睡得好吗?” +Otherwise the moisture content gradient and drying stress can be reduced by MW treatment when moisture content is below FSP.,当试材含水率降至FSP 以下时,微波处理可以有效地减小木材内部的含水率偏差,从而减缓木材干燥应力。 +Finally the author concludes that private international law should be a legal branch with the nature of international law.,作者并在此基础上得出结论:国际私法应当是国际法性质的法律部门。 +This renovation project is surrounded by highly populated residential area and open view of urban green.,这次的改造项目被高密度的住宅区和开阔的城市绿化景观所包围。 +The best anxiolytic may be a solid relationship between the anesthesiologist and patient;,麻醉医生和病人之间稳固的信任关系是最好的抗焦虑药; +"To that end, Richard Stallman, a programmer at MIT, founded the GNU Project in 1984.",为此目的,麻省理工学院的程序员理查德•斯托尔曼于1984年建立了GNU项目。 +"According to the Economic Times, the season between Christmas and Valentine's Day accounts for 40% to 45% of Indian cut-flower exports.",根据经济日报的数据,圣诞节和情人节期间的花卉出口量占印度整年花卉出口的40%到45%。 +Moments later Bent scored from close range for Sunderland before Chris Foy brought proceedings to a close.,随后达伦本特在终场前在门前混战攻入一球。 +Fwhichleing in love is when IT fwhichles awake in ywe arms or wakes up in ywe dreams.,相爱根本那是她在你的怀里酣然入睡,然后在你的梦里悄然醒来。 +The results show that the forecasting precision of PPR model is much better than that of stepwise regression (SR) model.,结果表明PPR模型的预测精度优于逐步回归建模的预测精度。 +It also helps KCD gain better ratings and cheaper financing.,它还帮助KCD赢得了较优评级和融资。 +"The CPU decides the direction motion and velocity of Ping pong being hit back after calculation, leading interact hitters in and out of then machine and thus achieving interest and physical exercise.",该CPU经计算决定乒乓球被击回的运动方向和速度,使机内外击球者互动,达到趣味性的同时,身体得到锻炼。 +Information released by No 10 under freedom of information rules also showed the pair spoke on the day the Hutton report into the death of Dr David Kelly was published.,唐宁街10号根据新自由法规披露的信息也表明,在调查戴维凯利博士之死的赫顿报告发表的当天默布二人也有过会谈。 +The eye patterns of left-handed people may be reversed.,另外,左撇子的眼动模式可能是相反的情况。 +"Yongjia Yaqiang Valve Co. , Ltd is an enterprise which specialized in various of stainless stell valve, forged steel valve, FixedBall Valve, Track ball valve, Butterfly valves.",永嘉亚强阀门有限公司是一家集科、工、贸为一体的股份制企业,专业生产各种系列不锈钢阀门、锻钢阀门、固定球阀、轨道球阀、硬密封球阀、蝶阀的企业。 +"Delicate and nice exterior appearance, compact and reasonable structure, F class motor insulation grade , protection class is IP54, uplift whole performance of electric hoist.",电动葫芦外形精巧美观、结构紧凑合理;电动机绝缘等级F级,防护等级为IP54,提高了电动葫芦的整体性能。 +"In this background, this paper studies a new type of squirrel-cage induction generator system, dual stator-winding induction generator system which can be used in the wind generating system.",本文正是在此背景下对一种新型的、适用于变速恒频风力发电系统的鼠笼型感应电机发电系统——定子双绕组感应电机高压直流发电系统进行了研究。 +Square wave stripping voltammetry(SWASV) was a high sensitivity electrochemical methods to detect the trace metal ions.,方波溶出伏安法(SWASV)是测定痕量金属离子的一种高灵敏度的电化学方法。 +Simply - VERY GENTLY - press down the lens on the side where the gap is the biggest.,很简单– 轻轻地– 观察缝隙,把镜头压回原位。 +Hu right with all the new recruits shout slogans slowly ran out of the barracks.,胡凯权带着众新兵喊着口号慢慢跑出了军营。 +I thought I failed test but I just____I passed!,我本以为没有考及格,然后刚才发现我考及格了。 +"Da GuEn home saw Sue cut to sleep in the living room, dark eyes.",达谷恩回家看到苏切睡在客厅,眼神阴暗。 +"Take Aaron and Eleazar his son, and bring them up unto mount Hor",你带亚伦和他的儿子以利亚撒上何珥山 +Surf lifesavers removed the 60 centimetre shark by hosing it with fresh water.,最后救生员用淡水围着60 公分的鲨鱼洒水,才得己松口。 +"Reflective teaching, teachers' practical knowledge and professional learning, and learning theory constitute the basis of design of education practice.",反思性教学、教师的实践性知识与专业学习、学习理论共同构成了创设教育实习环境的基础。 +"R job with the lei immediately rushed to the hospital to visit yan jiao, yan jiao tears, cry yourself hard luck, cannot be abetted, lei listen to heart ached.",瑞薏与亚磊立即赶到医院探望欣娇,欣娇伤心落泪,哭诉自己命苦如斯,不能安享晚年,亚磊听罢心如刀割。 +The forming process of sandy contourite and mud sandy contourite sequences are discussed.,对砂质等深岩和泥砂质等深岩层序的形成过程进行了讨论。 +The Manilla. com study looked at the habits of 1000 average wage-earning women and men in the US.,马尼拉网站的调查了1000位中等收入的美国男性和女性的睡眠习惯。 +"Nowadays the type is planted because of its good acids, also in the warmer areas, such as Riverland, in Australia.",由于它适度的酸味现在正是此葡萄的种植期,还有在温暖的地方,如澳大利亚的河边。 +"Change of kitchen temperature and humidity is bigger, should choose the small-sized potted flower with a few strong adaptability, be like trichromatic Jin.",厨房温湿度变化较大,应选择一些适应性强的小型盆花,如三色堇等。 +Yuhuangding stands over deep valleys and above other perilous peaks. A staircase leads to the Heavenly Southern Gate.,玉皇顶为峡谷和险峰所环绕,一阶石梯直通南天门。 +"Adobe Photoshop is a must have program for designers, artists, art students and now photographers as well.",Adobe Photoshop对于设计师、艺术家、学艺术的学生都是一款必不可少的工具,现在,名单里又多了照相师一栏。 +"But despite similarities in societal reactions to IVF and cloning, the two technologies are philosophically quite different.",但就算社会对IVF及复制的反应有许多相似之处,这两项科技在哲理上是相当不同的。 +"Lauren Haggis, the second daughter from his first marriage, said that he never connected with his children.",他第一次婚姻中的二女儿劳伦·哈吉斯说,他从不和他的孩子们联系。 +"High lumen efficiency, long life, slim structure and steady characteristics make it be the first selected product for homes, runways , basements, stairways, light billboards and apparatus.",光效高,寿命长,结构小巧,稳定可靠。是家庭、过道、墙脚灯、楼梯指示用灯、小灯箱、仪器配套用灯等的首选产品。 +The need to correct anti-competitive practices may be taken into account in determining the amount of remuneration in such cases.,确定这类情况的使用费额度时,可考虑纠正反竞争行为的需要。 +Conclusion: The process is easily controlled and there is no pollution to the environment. The…,结论:本方法操作简单,污染少,适合工业化生产。 +"Same with that newspaper and that tin-foil tray, Franklin.",还有报纸和锡纸盘,富兰克林。 +You are now ready to create your first iPhone project using Xcode,现在,您已经准备好了使用 Xcode 创建您的第一个 iPhone 项目 +"While the job search itself may be easier, young Americans seem to be having more trouble charting their course in life.",找工作本身可能已经变得比较容易一些,但现在美国年轻人在规划生活道路方面似乎困难较大。 +"""Japan has given so much to the world over the years through their technology,"" commented Facebook user Amina Naqvi. ""Now its pay back time. All good people of world come forward and help Japan.",“日本在过去的时间里用它的技术对全球做出了巨大的贡献”脸谱网网民阿米那·娜维评论道,“现在是回报的时候了,所有善良的人们站出来吧,我们一起帮助日本”。 +Chelsea makes a statement condemning any violent threats to Frisk.,切尔西发表声明谴责了任何对弗里斯克的暴力恐吓。 +The research result of removal of CS2 in coking pure benzene with granular active carbon is presented.,介绍了采用粒状活性炭脱除焦化纯苯中CS2的研究结果。 +"I just want all of you guys to know that some idiot out there is posing as me and sending emails to various message boards, dissing my fans and just being a jerk in general.",我要告诉你们,有个白痴家伙冒充是我然后上很多留言板留言诋毁我的歌迷,做了一些混帐事情。 +"GaoYiFei cannot reply, he only hope cuckoo returns, her present in hainan can only make the situation is more complex, he will proper disposal of these problems.",高一飞无法答复,他只希望杜鹃返回海南,她的呈现只能使局势更为复杂,他会妥善处置这些问题。 +"While you are collecting advertisement fees and you are selling magazines copies, where, exactly, my copy rights are?",当您在收取钜额的广告费时以及庞大的实体杂志营收时您把原作者的名字和权益摆哪里? +Increase club officer attendance at the district assembly and the district membership seminar by 20 percent.,地区讲习会议和地区社员发展研习会的扶轮社职员出席率增加20%。 +Recurrence of symptoms and return to original work were the evaluated.,以症状、体征有无复发以及是否恢复原工作为随访主要观察项目。 +And I'm not quite sure how to draw that line.,而我并不确定界限在哪里。 +Dilution with 5-10% aromatic solvent reduces the viscosity in such an extent that the crude oil of well Kenxi 73 1 could be recovered easily at 52-78℃.,稀释降粘法效果明显,加入5 % —10% 的芳烃溶剂即可将垦西731 井稠油的粘度降低到可在52—78 ℃下顺利开采的程度。 +Her songs sounded melodious and attracted many passers-by.,韩娥的歌声悠扬悦耳,吸引了很多的过路人。 +"Prevent pale, dull and lifeless ""mask makeup"", and make skin clear and lustrous for a whole day.",告别苍白、灰暗和令人生畏的“面具妆容”,肌肤全天候焕发浑然天成的清透光彩。 +"Heb. 3:8 Do not harden your hearts as in the provocation, in the day of trial in the wilderness.",来三8 就不可硬著心,像在旷野惹他发怒时,试探他的日子一样; +The plug and play capability of TCS software and the air vehicle interface software will allow seamless integration of future payloads with MQ-8B Fire Scout.,TCS软件的即插即用能力及无人机的接口软件将允许未来载荷的无缝集成。 +"Pay attention you own goods, some valuable things or something schlepping unable, please take consignation in the visitor center!",注意保管好随身携带的物品,贵重物品或携带不便的,请在游客接待中心办理寄存。 +The connection of harmonious development between human and nature and suitable and sustainable modern route prove to be necessary choice for the construction of Ningxia's harmony.,统筹人与自然和谐发展,走符合区情、可持续发展的现代化道路,是建设和谐宁夏的必然选择。 +Newspapers are often called barometers of public opinion .,报纸通常被称为舆论的晴雨表。 +"45When the Jews saw the crowds, they were filled with jealousy and talked abusively against what Paul was saying.",但犹太人看见人这样多,就满心嫉妒,硬驳保罗所说的话,并毁谤。 +This paper introduces the approaching feasible direction algorithm (AFDA) for solving linearly constrained nonlinear programming problems.,本文对最大割问题的半定规划松弛提出一个可行方向法,并给出算法的收敛性证明。 +"War is right at the center of it, and war itself requires political and social organization.","战争是故事的主题,战争就需要社会与政治的组织" +In the MTM-HEL workpieces of different geometries can be degreased bzw. oiled and dried.,在MTM-HEL型的机床里, 可以对不同尺寸型号的工件进行油清洗或干燥。 +Where are all of the bodies?How is there so little evidence of destruction?The 2ndmass walks through seemingly untouched neighborhoods.,死人地尸体都去哪里啦?怎样这么少地消灭地迹象?第二团走过地看似未受损地社区。 +"There is something about a photo of an alien planet — even if it only appears as a faint dot next to a bright, overexposed star — that makes it “real.”",在一陌生行星图片上所显示出的——即使它仅仅是紧邻着一颗明亮的过度曝光的恒星以微弱的小圆点状呈现——使这一行星显得是那样的“真实”。 +"Link pages and our text links must be DO-FOLLOW, visible, readable and indexable.",我们的文本链接的网页和链接必须溶解氧遵循的,可见,可读和可转位。 +"Further aggravating the deficit was the government's decision to guarantee bank deposits, converting private, financial-sector debt into public-sector debt.",令赤字进一步加重的是政府为银行存款提供担保的决定,这一决定将金融业的私债变成公债。 +"But when the train dawdled at station after station, I began to wonder.",但是,当火车一站接着一站往前蠕动时,于是我便产生了怀疑。 +Designers are trying to blend beautiful typography and arresting visual design to improve the appearance of websites and improve the user experience.,设计师们试图融合漂亮的版式和炫目的视觉设计,以此来改善网站的外观和用户体验。 +"The bombs are the bane of construction crews, divers and unsuspecting children.",这些炸弹是建筑工人、潜水客、天真儿童的克星。 +NewSouth Publishers in Alabama plans to release the revised edition of Adventures of Huckleberry Finn - minus the “N” word - in February.,阿拉巴马州新南方出版公司计划2月发行修订版《哈克费利贝恩历险记》,里面没有“黑鬼”这个词。 +"China has even set up a special office called ""General Command Office to Prevent Flooding and Drought"" under the State Council, China's cabinet.",中国甚至还成立了被称为“防汛抗旱总指挥部办公室”的机构。办公室是国务院下属机构。 +"With progress towards the health-related Millennium Development Goals stalled in some parts of the world, additional questions are being raised.",与卫生相关的千年发展目标方面的进展在世界上有些地方出现停顿,所以提出了更多的问题。 +"Dell first builds a mold, then fills it with cotton husks, a waste product left over from cotton gins.",戴尔首先造出一个模子,然后注入棉籽皮——轧棉机工作留下来的一种废料。 +"I know that many of you have probably read Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance, Robert M Pirsig Robert M. Pirsig.","很多人可能读过《万里任禅游》,作者。" +"As a solvent widely used in tannery industry, N, N-dimethylformamide(DMF) has a bad effect on the treatment of tannery wastewater due to its poor biodegradation ability.",二甲基甲酰胺(DMF)是制革生产中一种常用溶剂,由于DMF具有一定的生物毒性,当DMF进入废水生物处理系统后,会严重影响生物处理效果。 +"Factories have also introduced the current board only comprehensive aging areas, the boards realize the modular, fully automated charged aging.",工厂还引进了目前国内唯一的板卡全面老化区,实现了板卡的模块化、全自动带电老化。 +"She dares go alone, and unfold sheep in the night, and fears no manner of ill, because she means none;",晚上她敢独自去放羊,不怕碰上坏事,因为她心地纯良。 +"His supporters in Chicago's Grant Park cheered John McCain's gracious concession speech, and Mr Obama's kind words for his opponent.",他在芝加哥大公园的支持者们为麦凯恩的慷慨认输演讲和奥巴马先生对对手友好的言词而欢呼雀跃。 +"The kids already know that biting hurts, so after removing the biter from the situation, focus all your concern on the victim.",孩子是知道咬会伤人的,因此把咬人的孩子抱离后,集中关心一下被咬的孩子。 +The reason why the ovarian tissue has this effect seems to lie in the way that it stimulates the production of oestrogen.,卵巢组织具备延长寿命的功效的原因似乎在于它能够刺激雌性激素的分泌。 +"From the NAMS First to Knowe-newsletter released June 23, 2009",本文转自2009年6月23日发行的《NAMS First to Knowe-newsletter 》(不知道中文名是什么通信?) +"Sunrise Mountain View, Xiaguang splendor, walk through the mountain roads, quiet Xiaoyao.",登山观日出,霞光异彩,漫步山间路,清静逍遥。 +"A refrigerating apparatus, comprising a refrigerant circuit (20) performing a steam compression type refrigerating cycle.",包括进行蒸气压缩式冷冻循环的制冷剂回路(20)。 +This product both maintains the flavor of traditional yoghourt and has strong nutrition and healthcare function. It has homogeneous structure and a week shelf life at 0-5 ℃.,以此工艺研制的产品,不仅可以保持传统型酸奶的风味,并且具有了双歧杆菌和仙人掌的营养价值和保健功效, 组织状态均匀,在0~5℃贮存一周以上。 +"When you got close to him, he smelled the ocean.",走近他时,你能够闻到他身上散发出来的大海的气息。 +"The causes lie in short of understanding of CVA, ignorance of overall analysis.",误诊原因主要是对诊断CVA的认知不足,忽视对病程的全面分析。 +"Lime-fly ash loess, composed of fly ash, lime and loess, is a new material in subgrade backfill to take the place of the(traditional) lime soil.",二灰黄土是利用石灰、粉煤灰与土料混合作为回填土的一种新型材料,用以代替传统的灰土或素填土。 +"If it is a private meeting, you must arrange with the store operator to place a clearly visible sign that says, ""Private Meeting in Process"" on the door before commencement of the meeting.",若是一项私人会议,您必须向特惠店经营者做出安排,在会议开始前,于会议室门前贴上清晰可见的告示“私人会议进行中”。 +a disposition to express gratefulness by giving thanks,用感谢来表达感激之情的意愿 +"Her tail furred out, her hair rose, and she assumed the typical attitude of a cat close-cornered by a dog.",蓬松,她的头发高高隆起,摆出一付好像猫儿被狗逼在墙角那样的典型姿态。 +"Everything I have learnt over the past year points to one simple lesson: the most personal, the darkest and the most painful –is also the universal.",过去几年里,我所学到的一切总结起来就是一个简单的经验:最私人,最黑暗,最痛苦的事也就是最常见的事。 +"Even with XMM-Newton's sensitivity, the discovery was only possible because the filament is along the line of sight, concentrating the emission from the entire filament in a small region of the sky.",也只有“XMM-牛顿”的灵敏度才能使发现成为可能,这是由于纤维是沿着视线的,把一小块天区里整个纤维散发出的光都集中起来了。 +The quasi_isothermal method used in modulated differential thermal analysis (MDTA) for heat capacity measurement is reviewed.,对用调制差热分析(MDTA)准恒温法测样品热容量的情形进行了讨论。 +"The next day Bill came home and said, I stopped saluting the flag.",他有一天回家来说,我不再向国旗行礼了。 +"With bullets ricocheting off nearby walls, WHO trauma surgeon Dr Omar Saleh turns his attention to the job at hand, which is to train Somali health care workers in life-saving trauma surgery.",全然不顾从附近墙上弹飞的子弹,世卫组织创伤外科医生Omar Saleh博士专注于手头的工作,对索马里卫生保健工作者进行创伤外科手术培训,以拯救伤员的生命。 +"City God Temple, Tong Ren Tang, Shanghai Xintiandi. After lunch will transferred to airport for your flight home.",城隍庙、同仁堂、上海新天地。午餐后接送往机场飞返家园。 +"Several countries, from Australia and China to Ecuador and Paraguay, have moved in a liberal direction, reducing import duties or removing non-tariff barriers since the beginning of March.",一些国家,从澳大利亚,中国到厄瓜多尔,巴拉圭,已朝自由化的方向发展,减少进少税及废除非关税壁垒。 +We produce highly scalable apps and we will give educational lessons before starting a project.,我们生产的高度可扩展的应用程序,我们会开始前一个项目的教育课。 +"In order to promote research and development of CAST process, especially application in municipal sewage treatment, a series of production tests were carried out in Chongqing Wansheng WWTP.",为了促进CAST工艺的研究发展,尤其是在处理城市生活污水中的应用,本课题以重庆市万盛污水处理厂为试验场地,开展了一系列生产性试验研究。 +"In the future will become social a person of great ability and tremen douspotential, will make the contribution for the motherland!",我一定努力学习,不会辜负他们的期望,争取考上初中的重点班!将来要成为社会的栋梁之才,为祖国做出贡献! ! +"It thus mimics how potassium gets metabolized in the body and can enter through many foods, including milk.",它可以像钾一样在体内新陈代谢,可以穿过很多食物,包括牛奶。 +"In a survey last year, some 30% of some 462 Mercer clients said they were using shorter term assignments, he says.",他表示,在去年的调查中,462位美世公司客户中,有30%称他们采用的是短期外派任务。 +"The structure of the communication system, the configuration of communication style are introduced and software program and experiment verifications are given.",讨论了通讯系统的构成、通讯方式的设置,给出了软件程序和实验结果。 +"Our new target PE is at a 20% discount to the A share market average, and is in line with the auto sector PE.",是说我们的新的目标股价为A股市场平均水平20%的折扣吗,这个折扣翻在这里有点怪怪的。请赐教! +This paper hopes to study the Wu'men Calligraphy School's declining to have comprehensive study of the history of the Ming dynasty calligraphy.,本文希望通过对吴门书派衰微现象的研究,进一步深化明代书法史的整体研究。 +Part IThe discussion on the basic content of the relevancy of the evidence.,第一部分探讨了证据关联性的基本含义及其内涵。 +WangXiaoGong with silly silly and small masters brothers the silver on the car after he took the both of them a horse carriage on the peacock mountain.,王小红带着傻憨和小舅老爷把银子装上了车之后就带着他们俩赶着马车上了孔雀山。 +"If you need the conversion routine, resolve this error by making the interface a class or derive a class from the interface.",如果您需要转换常式,请将介面变成类别或从此介面衍生一个类别,便可解决这个错误。 +"Many modern working mothers can't afford personal childcare, though. Instead they rely heavily on a close-knit circle of up to ten close friends and family to juggle their busy lives.",有好多的现代职业妈妈,虽然负担不起请保姆照顾孩子,相反她们会依赖10个亲友和家庭来帮一下她们忙碌的生活。 +"Four of the anthills were rayed with pesticide yesterday and the rest will be rayed today in hopes of killing the queen in each colony, halting reproduction.",昨天已在四个蚁丘喷上杀虫水,今天会再喷其它蚁丘,希望能够杀死蚁后,使他们无法繁殖。 +"'This capability has ended the development phase and has entered production, ' Chaltiel told journalists Nov. 3.",这位副总裁还表示,这种雷达的开发期已经结束,现在正式进入了生产阶段。 +"Described by the AKC as ""exceptionally smart and athletic,"" the choice of the poodle as the ideal White House dog was no surprise, said AKC spokeswoman Lisa Peterson.",该俱乐部的女发言人莉莎•彼得森说,贵宾犬的当选并不意外,因为它们“机敏超群,身体健壮”。 +"Since the establishment of diplomatic ties 34 years ago, bilateral ties have been developing and become more and more mature.",建交34年来,双边关系不断发展,日臻成熟。 +"Here's another example-The YouTube Orchestra, assembled by YouTube viewers who selected non-professional musicians from all over the world to perform a piece by Tan Dun at Carnegie Hall in New York.",再来一个例子:视频分享网站(YouTube)乐队由其观众从全世界挑选出来的非专业乐手,在纽约的卡内基音乐厅演奏谭盾的一个作品。 +"The paper describes the phonological system of Hakka dialect of Xindu in Sichuan province, and investigates its features and coordination laws.",本文记录了四川新都客家话音系,对该音系声韵调特点及其配合规律进行了探讨。 +"T Now I have T, which is in the positive direction minus m1 g sine alpha minus F f max.","这时有正方向的,减去m1gsinα和Ff最大。" +"Phase I of the Central Reclamation will provide opportunities for the development of Hong Kong's central business district, plus a site for the AR's terminus on Hong Kong Island.",中区填海计划第i 期将为香港的商业中心区提供发展机会,并辟拓土地兴建机铁港岛总站。 +Repeatedly infected with the disease will accelerate development of AIDS disease to enter the typical period.,反复感染会加速病情的发展,使疾病进入典型的艾滋病期。 +"Even as a child, without any prompting from others, I wanted to be a writer and, indeed, I turned out a good deal of the usual juvenilia.",就算是在少年时期,在没有任何外界刺激的情况之下,我仍然想要成为一名作家,并且,我也实实在在的把自己的注意力转向了大量的阅读少年读物。 +But Edward believes it's a mistake to think that China's gargantuan foreign-exchange reserves render its economy invincible.,但钱塞勒认为有一个观点是错误 的,即认为中国的巨额外汇储备是其经济战无不胜的法宝。 +Fleets canceling naval invasions and remaining idle should be fixed.,舰队取消海上进攻和保持空闲的错误将被修正。 +"Advancement can only be achieved by sustained and measured observations, along with the strong desire to achieve goals that suit our higher aspirations.",实现前进只能依靠持续的且度量的观察,以及实现适合我们的更高期望的目标的强烈愿望。 +If you can remember the first mobile phones; then you may not be surprised to hear that vibrators haven’t always come in the discreet little packages that we’ve come to know and love today.,如果你还记得那些最初的手机的话,你也许就不会对震动棒并非一直像我们如今喜闻乐见的一样置于小巧、严密的包装之中这一听闻感到惊奇。 +"Fuxian water is the most serious earthquake in Yunnan Province by the county, rural roads roadbed cave-in, the wall was broken and culverts damaged, mud-rock flows frequently.",水富县是云南省受震灾最为严重的县城,乡村道路路基塌方、墙体断裂、涵洞受损、泥石流频发。 +"But when I think about the watch case, I find myself, saying, ""that is the very same watch.""",但说到手表这个案例时,我发现自己认为,那还是原先那只手表“ +I laughed as I jumped out of the boat.,我边大笑着边跳下了船。 +"However, on the right side get empty for the Hao line in the sky preparing of position being last just.",不过,在右边为郝天行准备的位置上却是空着的。 +"A toothpick is a small stick of wood, plastic, bamboo, metal or other substance used to remove detritus from the teeth, usually after a meal.",牙签是种由木头、塑料、竹子、金属或者其他物质的一根小棍子除去牙缝里的东西,通常在膳食以后。 +"""This black hole is really pushing the limits, "" said study team leader Nikolai Shaposhnikov of NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Md.",研究小组组长、马里兰州格林贝尔特国家航空航天管理局戈达德太空飞行中心的尼古莱·莎珀什尼可夫说,“这个黑洞确实接近小型黑洞的极限。 +I believe that OoP sets in motion a trend that had begun developing in PoA and GoF: the trend of Harry and Hermione becoming partners.,我认为《凤凰社》中继之前的《阿兹卡班的囚徒》和《火焰杯》呈现一个上涨的发展趋势:哈利和赫敏发展成为了拍挡。 +Employees go there to get software for such tasks as expense reporting or finding free conference rooms.,员工去到那里获取软件,执行诸如开销报告或寻找空闲会议室之类的任务。 +"EC-135 helicopters in the cabin can be equipped with eight seats, can be used to further improve the allocation of law enforcement personnel, or transportation of VIPs;",EC-135直升机在客舱能配备八个座位,能进一步改进配置用于执法人员,或贵宾运送; +"You should be familiar with human language constructs: nouns, verbs, articles, etc. , different types of each, and be able to identify variations of their contexts in English.",你应该熟悉人类语言构造:名词,动词,冠词等等,每种词的不同类型,并且能够识别这些词在不同的英语语境中的意思。 +"As for the Promotion Theory, there is also no triggering mechanism for the derivational processes in this theory.",对于“提升理论”而言,该理论同样缺乏令人信服的触发句法操作合理进行的机制。 +"Principle, process and operation situation of desorption of by-product hydrochloric acid were introduced. Innovation suggestions on the existing problem in process and equipment were put forward.",介绍了副产盐酸脱析原理、工艺流程及操作条件。对设备及工艺在运行中出现的问题提出了改进意见。 +"Images are also versioned, so you don’t have to worry about screwing up that great photo of your cat.",图像也可以编译,所以你可以把心爱猫咪的照片编辑的非常好看。 +It is the main agent of various low-voltage distribution and industrial control products.,它主要是代理各种低压配电和工控产品。 +The most advanced pocket computer you could imagine becomes nothing more than a paperweight once the battery runs out.,最先进的袖珍式计算机一旦电池电量耗尽,就会变得一文不值。 +"If all of the lines are being used, the next customer or caller will hear a busy signal and the call will not be connected.",如果所有的线路正在被使用,下一个打进来的电话将听到忙音并且电话将无法接通。 +"The fitments in our country have a lot of pattern and style. They are of Chinese style and Western-style, classicality style and modem style.",我国的家具品种及其式样风格是中式与西式互映,古典与现代共荣。 +One or more messages in your Outbox do not have a valid account specified.,您的发件箱中有一封或多封邮件没有指定有效的帐号。 +"The author discovers that the number of paper on relationship between atlas and geography textbook is small through searching, categorizing, reviewing some literatures at home and abroad.",通过对国内外的文献的检索、分类和述评,作者发现关于地理教学图册与地理教科书之间的关系的文献的数量很少。 +He's assisted by four executive departments.,科室经理对地区经理负责。 +Sinopec has trimmed fuel prices at pumps in Shenyang and Chongqing after PetroChina lowered prices in Shanghai and Guangdong last week in a so-called sales promotion.,自中石油上周在上海、广东等部分加油站实施降价促销后,中石化也迅速跟进,在沈阳、重庆等市场调减了成品油零售价格。 +We should also be able to create sub and sub-sub categories.,我们应该也可以创建子和子子类别。 +Fish that live more than 800 meters below the ocean surface don't have eyes.,生活在800多米深的海水中的鱼是没有眼睛的。 +Both the urban and rural cultural landscapes showed distinct geographical features typically representative of the Lingnan Cultural landscapes.,与之密切相关的广州城乡文化景观,具有鲜明地域特色,成为岭南文化景观的典型代表。 +"I have always understood the importance of kindness, but I have always focused on kindness to others. I had never thought about kindness towards myself.",我一直都知道仁慈的重要性,但那只是对待别人,从来没有想过对自己也要仁慈。 +"In 2006, he left the university for the Swedish Council of Health Technology Assessment (SBU) where he was recruited as project director and information specialist.",2006年,他离开了大学供职于瑞典卫生技术评估委员会(战略事业部门),在那里他担任项目总监和信息专员。 +Anyone wants a copy of the kids and their papas on variety show Happy Together?,有没有人想要韩国搞笑综艺节目《欢乐在一起》的视频? +They always take habitual tactics of standing facts on their heads and of a thief crying “stop thief”.,他们经常使用颠倒是非、 贼喊捉贼的伎俩。 +"On the other hand, their society was impressively well-ordered.",另一方面,他们的社会有着令人印象深刻的良好秩序。 +"The fourth grotto is a series of Statues of deities they are Pishamen Deity and Dahei Deity, according the present study, it is the earliest Dahei Deity in China.",第四窟天王像为毗沙门天王和大黑天神,据考是国内最早的大黑天神造像。 +Perhaps we can work something out. Shall we go back to my office?,可能我们能谈得拢。我们去我的办公室谈吧! +"Midway through a survey of thousands of supporters, Birkbeck's Chadwick says top-flight followers still consider the league ""exciting and unpredictable.""",根据一项有数千名球迷参与的市场调查,伯克贝克的查德威克表示,顶级联赛的追随者仍然认为联赛“充满激情并且不可预知。” +It's even harder to imagine how this could be done without accreting all that extra housing on the outskirts of the settlement;,很难想象,如果不在郊区修建更多的配套住宅,又怎么才能让乡村繁荣起来呢? +"He said their machine, which has just passed the trial stage and will start commercial production this year, fried the chips in a 10-litre vat of rice bran oil in the belly of the machine.",马隆称,这款机器不久前刚通过试验阶段,将于今年投入商业化生产,薯条会在含有10升米糠油的机体内烤制。 +The related parameters in roller contact deformation problem are solved by FEM and checked by classical Hertzian contact theory.,采用有限元方法求解滚子接触变形的相关参数,并用经典的赫兹接触理论进行校核。 +Turkcell's network got a major jolt from a BOT project with the Turkish state in December 2009.,2009年12月,同土耳其政府签订的一项BOT项目大大增强了Turkcell的网络。 +"VANET routing protocols is the research hotspot at home and abroad, which has raised a lot of research results.",VANET的路由协议一直都是国内外研究的热点,已经有很多研究成果提出来。 +The Tulichen group appointed to Turhute tribe in 1712 was just a concrete representation of these policies.,而1712年派往土尔扈特部的图理琛使团,便是这种外交政策的一个具体表现。 +"As I have mentioned at the previous press conference, we will go down to the earth with the investigation and hope the Japanese will cooperate with us actively.",我上次讲了,中方将对这一问题一查到底,也希望日方积极配合。 +"The two problems are causally connected. If documentation were current, people would be more likely to read it.",这两个问题是有着因果联系的:如果文档总是保持最新,那么人们就更有可能去阅读它。 +"Harsh Pant, a professor of defence studies at King's College, London, argues that Vietnam offers Indiaan entry-point, through which it can ""penetrate China's periphery"".",伦敦国王学院国防研究教授Harsh Pant认为,越南给印度提供了切入点,通过这里印度可以“渗入中国的周边”。 +The result is better than only using drone larvae when the mixture contains 20%-50% Chinese herbal medicine in the experiment of mice' s swim.,在所试验剂量中当中药所占比例在20%一50%时,对小鼠游泳时间与单独给予雄蜂幼虫比较有极显著差异。 +Why do you want to kill your time- wasters?,为什么你想消除浪费你时间的事情呢? +"Analytics firm, Flurry, has published a report which shows that games were the number one category of apps downloaded on the iPhone every month from August 2008 until August 2009.",调查公司Flurry的一份报告显示,从2008年8月到2009年9月,iPhone平台下游戏软件的下载量每个月都位居榜首。 +Close inspection of the above image will reveal that the arced galaxies at 2 and 4 o'clock are actually gravitationally lensed images of the same galaxy.,仔细观察上面的图像就会发现实际上在2点和4点上的弧状星系是相同星系的引力镜像图像。 +"Gold yellow , intense, fruited , full and elegant.",金黄色,果香丰富、浓郁,醇厚、优雅。 +"Oh, yes. Mr. Swan is in room 6026.",噢,是的,史旺先生住在6026号房。 +Several women told me about comments I'd written in their yearbooks about their breasts.,有几位女士复述了我当年在她们的毕业册上写下的有关她们胸部的评价。 +Frogs in sites with the higher latitude and altitude matured later and had longer lifespan than peers in sites with the lower latitude and altitude.,高纬度高海拔地区的隆肛蛙较低纬度低海拔的性成熟稍晚,寿命更长。 +"Tierney has criticized Nava Russia within the ruling United Russia party full of ""liars and thieves.""",纳瓦尔尼曾抨击俄罗斯执政党统一俄罗斯党内部全是“骗子和盗窃犯”。 +"As I focus on Diligent Joy, I also keep remembering a simple idea my friend Darcey told me once—that all the sorrow and trouble of this world is caused by unhappy people.",为“孜孜不倦的喜乐”而努力之时,我也不断回想起朋友达西告诉过我的一个简单想法——世间的一切忧伤与烦扰,都是由不快乐的人所造成的。 +"On 30/7/2010, Lee Chau Yuen performed his award-winning and critically acclaimed masterpiece ""Chung Kwai"" to an enthusiastic crowd in Sun Kwong Theatre (Hong Kong).",年7月30日在香港新光戏院演出。李秋元曾凭“钟馗”一剧获得五个一工程大奖,演出精彩,反应热烈。 +"And her love life certainly seems on the up, judging by how openly adoring boyfriend Matt Kemp is.",而她在爱情上也是颇为得意,和男友马特-坎普很是恩爱。 +This analysis applies to the exponential region of the curve.,此分析应用于曲线的指数区域。 +The Frenchman was only 15 when Chelsea came calling in 2007 and Lens immediately complained to Fifa.,当2007年切尔西招入卡库塔的时候,他仅有15岁,朗斯俱乐部随即向国际足联提出上诉。 +"In that scenario, 50% of voters said they would vote for Karzai and 29% for Abdullah.",若真是如此,50%的选民说他们将投票给卡尔扎伊而29%表示支持阿卜杜拉。 +"Catherine Douglas and Peter Rowlinson of Newcastle University, United Kingdom, for showing that cows that have names give more milk than cows that are nameless.",英国纽卡斯尔大学的道格拉斯和卢林森发现有名字的奶牛产奶量要比那些无名牛多! +"Sorry , this friend , I have no idea what you are talking about.",对不起,这位朋友,对于你提到的这个问题我暂无良策! +"Let's suppose the person alive in 2050 is bald and bend over, has no beard.","假定2050年的那个人是秃头的,驼背的,没有胡子的。" +"The design styles are diversified and elaborated, especially the collars and sleeves so as to resist deformation after long transportations.",设计款式选择多样化及精细化,特别是驳领、袖形,在运输过程中保持经久不变型。 +"The class tag maps the Order object to the ORDERS table and has a number of sub tags that describe its properties, the ID and the order name, and a one-to-many relationship to models.Item.",class标签把 Order对象映射到 ORDERS表,还有许多子标签用于描述其属性、ID 订单名称,以及同 models.Item的一对多关系。 +Tommy had swallowed the coins.,汤米把硬币吞下去了。 +"“Petition” opens on Friday at the Anthology Film Archives, which is also presenting Mr. Zhao's earlier feature, “Crime and Punishment.",“上访”将于周五在电影资料馆放映,同时赵亮早期的“罪与罚”也在此放映。 +"See the tourist office website for details on dairy farms where you can taste, buy and see Munster in the making.",进入旅游局网站可以查看详细资料,找到哪里有乳牛场可以提供品尝和购买,并且可以在做决定是先看看蒙斯特。 +Change the temperatures for denaturalization and annealing and observe their effect on PCR result.,结果随着变性温度的降低和退火温度的升高,PCR扩增效率降低,产物量明显减少。 +The claim specialist gathers more data and shepherds the claim submission to the insurance company.,索赔专家要收集更多数据并向保险公司提交索赔申请。 +"In well-off countries, fewer than five percent of children under the age of five are malnourished; in poorer countries, as many as 50 percent of the children suffer from eating too little food.",在富裕国家,5岁以下儿童营养不良的比例不到5%,而在穷国高达50%的儿童吃不饱饭。 +"You don't sound so sure, are you lieing?",你不健全的那么肯定,你说谎? +Orszag is currently the director of the congressional budget office.,Orszag目前职位为国会预算办公室主任。 +Moderate quality of velocity-Manufacture velocity is harmonious against the manufacture carrier;,速度的适中性―生产速度与生产载体的和谐; +Zhongnan Aluminum Wheel enjoys technology strength and cooperates with Japanese investors to produce products with good quality.,中南铝车轮技术实力强,和日资合作使其在产品品质方面比较优秀。 +Islam in the 8th century; conquerors of Spain in the 8th century.,伊斯兰教;8世纪西班牙的征服者。 +"Three new studies reveal that, contrary to long-standing assumptions, this energy-using form of fat remains functional in adults.",三项新研究显示出的结果与长期以来的设想相反:这类消耗能量的脂肪仍然在成年人体内起作用。 +"The number of those who had bought a computer in the past 90 days reached 23 percent, a high not seen in the two years of the study.",据调查结果显示,过去90天内采购了电脑产品的用户共占23%,这么高的比例数字还是两年以来第一次出现。 +"In fact, Huawei has developed a remarkable knack for luring talent away from other companies.",实际上,华为已经开发了一些从其他公司招揽人才的卓越诀窍。 +"H finances, C payments production and processing; Metal corrugated tiles, metal materials, metal building materials wholesale, retail.",型钢、C型钢制作、加工;金属波纹瓦、金属材料、五金建材批发、零售。 +"If so, it will be the first version of Windows that makes computers run faster than the previous version.",倘若如此,那将是Windows使电脑运行地快于前一版本的处女之作。 +A discussion of why input managers are suspect is beyond the scope of this article.,本文的主题范畴不允许我们讨论为什么输入法管理器是可疑的。 +They offered her twenty thousand Lire in wages and showed her a very commodious room where she would live.,他们给她两万里拉的工钱,带她看一个给她住的非常宽敞的房间。 +At least one company from the 10th Panzer grenadiers dug in here .,至少有一个,第十装甲师的连在此驻扎。 +"Experimenting further, the scientists found that it's not really the volume or highest squeals that makes this sound so unpleasant, but the lowest tones that make us cringe.",通过进一步实验科学家发现,并非是音量或者高分贝让人感到不愉快,而是最低音让人畏缩。 +"Name for the device you are editing, such as Nokia 6310i MIDP SDK shown in our example.",您要编辑的设备的名称,例如我们示例中显示的 Nokia 6310i MIDP SDK 。 +I suspect it's the most powerful antihistamine known to man and gets into the central nervous system.,我怀疑这是人类已知的最强大的抗组织胺,进入中枢神经系统。 +A low-complexity adaptive quadrature amplitude modulation(QAM) scheme was presented to increase throughput for multi-antenna communication system with covariance feedback.,基于多天线相关信道协方差反馈,提出一种低复杂度自适应正交幅度调制(QAM)机制以提高系统发送速率。 +"He said he would buy it, regardless of expense.",他说不管花多少钱他都要把它买下来。 +"Time, Existence and Stream of Consciousness in Atwood's Cat's Eye, Journal ofSichuan International Studies University, No. 6,2004.",时间·存在·意识之流——读阿特伍德的《猫眼》《四川外语学院学报》2004年第6期。 +"For the same reasons, though I was ahead in North Carolina all the way to the end, I lost by 3 percent.",虽然我在北卡罗来纳州一路领先,最后还是以三个百分点败北。 +"I wish to tell this lady that we are too busy with our own affairs to interfere in others' internal affairs. What's more, we have no intention at all to do so.",我可以告诉记者女士,我们连自己的事情都忙不过来,无暇、也不愿意去干涉别国内政。 +"If we learn to accept change and appreciate what is new and different, we will be well-prepared for what ever the future may have in store.",如果我们能接受变革,适应新的和不同的,那么不管未来发生什么,我们都能够从容应付。 +Take advantage of spread that can make risk-free arbitrage and cross-commodity arbitrage in order to optimize the hedging effect.,利用价差进行无风险期现套利和跨商品套利以优化保值效果。 +"Once you’ve installed Greasemonkey, you can install scripts in much the same way you install extensions to Firefox.",安装Greasemonkey之后,你可以像安装扩展一样为火狐安装大量的脚本。 +We had spent several days in a small town and visited a number of old churches in the vicinity .,我们在一座小镇上逗留了几天,参观了附近的许多古老的教堂。 +The forces acting on the departing bubble are also analysed. and the formulas for calculating the relative velocity and the velocity with which the bubble moves to the tube axis are obtained.,继而分析了在边界层中脱离壁面的汽泡上的作用力,导出了汽泡运动相对速度的计算公式及汽泡走向管子轴心的速度的计算公式。 +"The structure and performance of 16 bits analog-to-digital converter MAX195 is briefly described, and based onwhichtwo applications inMCUsystem includinghardware and software designs is discussed .",简要介绍了16位模数转换器MAX195的结构和性能,详细讨论了MAX195在单片机系统中的两种应用,并分别给出了硬件电路和软件程序设计。 +"Among those reusing technologies, to apply SSA into cement mortar has been proved to be technically and economically feasible by previous research works.",在各种下水污泥灰渣资源化技术中,将其回收作为骨材与卜作岚掺料,并应用于水泥砂浆,经相关研究初步证明可行。 +"Belching out smoke and spilling untreated waste water, it is just the sort of place Beijing says it wants to shut.",它的烟囱里冒着浓烟,未经处理的污水直接排出——这正是中国政府希望关闭的那类钢铁厂。 +"The point is, whether you agreed with Iraq or not, it is now a fact and vetsare asking themselves, ""what was all that for""?",问题是不管你支不支持伊拉克,现在的伊拉克就是个泥塘,这些老兵们都在问自己“之前自己参加伊拉克战争有意义吗?” +"It covers contracts, torts and property, each of which can be subdivided into several subjects.",它涉及了合同,侵权和财产,每一部分又可以再细分为许多方面。 +"In later chapters, we'll look at GDI support of bitmaps, metafiles, and formatted text.",在后面的章节中,我们将看到 GDI 对位图,元文件和格式化文本的支持。 +I think that we need to consider a couple of options when we lookat this question…,我认为我们对这个问题应该要考虑几个选择…… +"In this subsection, you build V2.3.10 from source on a compute node booted with Fedora V10 and add it to the Fedora V10 root image on the management node.",在本节内,我们将在一个用 Fedora V10 引导的计算节点上从源代码构建 V2.3.10 并将它添加到管理节点上的 Fedora V10 根映像。 +What they worked out was the following table.,他们编制了下面这个表格 +The development of the sciences in the field of hydrography and the techniques employed in descriptive oceanography.,发展水道测量方面的科学和描述性海洋学所使用的技术。 +"Asian men later see them hand in hand with White men and think, “Yep, I knew it. It figures.”",之后亚裔男生看到她们跟白人手牵手时会惊呼“我早知道她们是这种人!” +"Hundt's counterpart at the German Federation of Trade Unions, Michael Sommer, welcomed the employers' pledge of tolerance when asked by the Berliner Zeitung.",德国工会联合会会长麦可•索摩尔在接受《柏林日报》采访时表示,欣然接纳雇主承诺包容的决定。 +The life of people there was really incredible. Images always have a power different from other forms. Images are more profound and intuitionistic .,那里人们的生活真的是不可思议。影像总是有着不同于其他形式的力量。更为深刻直观地进入你。 +"The fatigue life of railway bridge mostly lies on the constructional details of the bridge structure, characteristics of live load action effect, and times of live load actions.",铁路桥梁结构的疲劳寿命主要取决于桥梁结构构造细节、活载作用效应特征和活载作用次数。 +"In order to understand the history of the village, I decided to consult Chen Huosheng family genealogy.",为了了解村落的历史,我决定到陈火盛家查阅族谱。 +"Confined behaviour: Broilers can't stretch wings, no room to make nest, can't peck for food.",被局限于养殖场中生活行为 :无法伸展翅膀,没有空间作巢,无法啄食。 +Ten of the deals discussed were worth more than $1 billion.,这些交易中有10起,其交易额超一万亿美元。 +"For this series of articles I've chosen to use the AspectWerkz framework, an open source project sponsored by BEA Systems.",在本系列文章中,我选择使用 AspectWerkz 框架,这是一个由 BEA Systems 赞助的开放源代码项目。 +These results suggest a critical role for these genes in the biology and pathology of oligodendrocytes.,这些结果表明这两种在少树突胶质细胞瘤的生物学和病理学当中发挥着关键性的作用。 +"Hedge funds and financial institutions based in the Cayman Islands have been pulling their money out of Britain as they are hit by the credit crunch, according to figures from the Bank of England.",英格兰银行的数据显示,由于受到信贷危机的冲击,总部位于开曼群岛的对冲基金和金融机构一直在从英国抽出资金。 +"Domestic violence infringes severely on victims' personal rights, inflicts damages upon the stability and well-being of the family, and impedes the progress and development of society.",家庭暴力严重侵犯了受害人的人身权利,损害了家庭的安定幸福,阻碍了社会的发展进步。 +"Tempurpedic is made from visco memory foam, and Stearns &Foster is made from latex foam; no springs in either one.",Tempurpedic是用Visco记忆功能泡沫做成,而Steams&Foster是用乳胶泡沫制成,两个都没有弹簧。 +Three months have passed since we started to try this out.,试行已阅三月。 +"I'm really impressed with ZW HR Consulting as a company, their training programmes and internal incentives are what attracted me to the firm.",仲望是一家令我印象深刻的咨询公司,他们的培训方案及内部激励措施是吸引我进公司的原因。 +"War and strife between opposites is the eternal condition of the universe Everything is in a state of flux, or change, and war and strife between opposites is the eternal condition of the universe.",世上所有的事物都处在一种变化的状态,并且对立面之间的矛盾和竞争是宇宙永恒的状态。 +"The relationship among mean vascular wall shear stress, ischemic stroke, plaque in carotid artery and its stability are determined by using one-way anova test and chi-square test, respectively.",运用多因素方差分析和卡方检验,研究前循环缺血性卒中患者颈动脉粥样硬化斑块及其稳定性与血流壁切应力的关系。 +"For another drug, the drug reduced the old drugs, and increased more than at least half of the transition period.",换另一种药时,递减旧药和递增新药至少要有半个月以上的过渡期。 +"Earlier this year, Chinese media widely reprinted a long, hagiographic article about Mr. Wang that had originally appeared in a magazine run by the People's Daily. The article claimed that Mr.",今年早些时候,中国媒体普遍转载了最早刊登在《人民日报》旗下一杂志上的有关汪洋的长篇讴歌性文章。 +"Instead of serving in the military, some Taiwanese men choose alternative service and go to places like Burkina Faso to help in the local clinics.",有些台湾年轻人选择替代役来取代兵役,深入布吉那法索这类国家的诊所帮忙。 +"I ought to have helped her, but I never could.",我本该帮助她的,却从未能这样做。 +"Due to the illegality of child marriage, the number of girls who are put into child marriage in Rajasthan is extremely difficult to know.",由于童婚现在属于违法行为,在拉基斯坦省涉及童婚的女童人数就很难统计。 +"Flower for the halo for old eyes, multi-frequency phase ashamed ape Crane asked.",老眼作花花作晕,多惭猿鹤频相问。 +The calculating formula is derived in form of integration after the loca-tlon of the limit point of interface is determined.,在确定了液面极值点的位置后,导出了液面形状的积分计算公式。 +"The ""after-holiday syndrome"" has become a trending topic on social media in China after the week-long National Day holiday.",国庆七天长假过后,“节后综合征”成为国内社交媒体上的热门话题。 +The Invoicer component will be in the credit package that imports the CRM (customer relationship management) package to use the common service data (message) definitions.,货物组件将会在信用包中,该包导入 CRM (消费者关系管理)来使用普通服务数据(消息)定义。 +"In this papers, we update the usual Bayes factor to resolve this problem.",本文修正了常规的贝叶斯因子,解决了这一问题。 +"Crusoe and Friday play a calm and beat back again, and finally killed the pirates.",鲁滨逊和星期五沉着应战,打退了一次次进攻,并最终炸死了海盗。 +Remilia: My objective is… to find a buried treasure!,蕾米莉亚:我的意图是…找埋藏的宝藏! +You can probably imagine what happens if you try this and the wave has really started to break - you find yourself halfway back to shore when you finally surface.,如果破浪比较大,那么你可以想像如果用这种方法会发生什么——你会被波浪冲回到海岸一半的距离。 +"In the memo, Agent Hottel said that ""three so-called flying saucers had been recovered in New Mexico""。",在这份备忘录中,特工豪特尔称,“新墨西哥州发现了三架所谓的飞碟。” +"Some researchers say that shift was rooted in a glitch in humanity’s primal circuitry, one that caused people to mistakenly treat strangers as relatives.",一些研究人员说,如果把人的本性比喻成电路,这个转变像是电路里的一个小故障,这个小故障让人误把陌生人当做亲人。 +"Now, however, he may be cheered by the fact that some of the steelmakers he might be keen to purchase would soon start to look more affordable.",但眼下他或许会对一个事实感到高兴:不久后,他可能很想收购的一些钢铁生产商,会开始看上去价格更便宜、更能让人承受。 +We have to say bye-bye and kick out the low quality products.,我们必须说再见和踢出低品质产品。 +The Out of Office agent runs on any and all servers on which it is enabled.,离开办公室代理运行在启用了该代理的任何和所有服务器上。 +"In the rear half, the index is falling in time and, correspondingly, the wave's frequency is increased.",在脉冲的后半部,强度及折射率随时间减小,所以反过来,会使波动的频率升高。 +"The method of least squares curve fitting is used proverbially for the test data processing, etc. It is inequitable to process physical parameters by some usual methods of curve fitting.",在实际问题中测得的实验数据有时需寻求简单函数逼近来分析,曲线拟合的最小二乘法在解决这类问题的数据处理和误差分析中应用非常广泛。 +"But according to reports, UN officials and French diplomats said that many of the children had parents and were Chadian, not Sudanese. Neither country allows international adoption.",但是根据报导,联合国官员与法国外交官表示,许多孩子的双亲是查德人,而非苏舟籍,这二国都不允许跨国领养。 +"Based on a group of basic equations, the calculation of roll shape is greatly simplified under the restriction of equal contact force between work rolls and backup rolls .",基于一组基本方程,并以工作辊、支持辊间接触压力相等为约束进行计算,从而使计算过程大为简化。 +"When some guests want to have cancellations , change rooms or extend a reservation, we should always offer our help with courtesy.",有顾客取消预订、换房间或延长住宿时间,总是给予周到服务。 +The guiding principle in this book is to use differential forms as an aid in exploring some of the less digestible aspects of algebraic topology.,本书用微分形式为主要手段,简洁明快地介绍代数拓扑中的许多比较深刻的概念和定理。 +"Daddy, whatcha leave behind for me?",爸爸,你还留下了什么给我? +An LMS algorithm based on one dimensional slice of fourth-order statistics is proposed and its recursive form is given.,提出一种基于四阶统计量一维切片的LMS算法,并且给出其递推形式。 +"Men who mean just what they say, The brave men of the Green Beret.",这群忠肝义胆的军人,正是英勇的绿扁帽战士。 +How can we follow what happens to the nitrites ?,我们怎么来追踪这些过程呢? +"Yet real GDI has risen by a mere 0.1% since the third quarter of 2007, well below the 1% gain in GDP.",然而,从2007年第三季度至今,实际GDI只上升了0.1%,远低于1%的GDP增长。 +AIM: To investigate antiobesity effect of Konjak mannan ultrafine grinding powder on nutured obese rats.,目的:考察魔芋超细粉末对营养性肥胖大鼠的减肥作用。 +I chose Rear Admiral Bernard H. Bieri of the United States to head a staff group.,我选派美国伯纳德?H?雷海军少将率领一参谋组前往。 +"26From one man he made every nation of men, that they should inhabit the whole earth; and he determined the times set for them and the exact places where they should live.",他从一本造出万族的人,(本有古卷作血脉),住在全地上,并且豫先定准他们的年限,和所住的疆界。 +"'There's still a lot of penetration to go in the China market before it's saturated,' Mr.Simonson said.",西蒙森说,中国市场离达到饱和还有很大的空间。 +"Now a young woman emerges, holding a lantern.",随后,又有一个女人爬了上来,手里拿着盏提灯。 +What is the significance of this visit to the China-ROK relations?,此访对发展中韩关系有何意义? +I have known you since I was able to breathe in the air as my smoothness began to take shape and my color matured along with natural flaws.,从我可以呼吸,从我开始成型,从我的色彩在风的侵袭下而越变浓烈时,我就认识你。 +Manolov continues with a number of project management techniques,然后Manolov介绍了大量项目管理技术 +"Power: The fully, powerfully &directly output, To let your sewing more smoothly.",动力足:充沛、强劲、直接的扭力输出,使车缝更加滑顺。 +"But the current basic-education curriculum policy in the pursuit of value should give great prominence to the initiative development, democrat…",而当前的基础教育课程政策,在价值诉求上更应突出学生的主动健康发展、民主化的权力观和高绩效的执行观。 +The E-ONE Non Walk-In Rescue allows first responders to arrive on the scene prepared.,ONE非进入取置式救援车允许第一出动人员装备齐整地到达现场。 +"In particular, the sealing packing device for sealing container comprises: a container 110 with openings on top;",具体而言,用于密封容 器的密封封装设备包括:上侧开口的容器体110; +Various higher education investment risks can be classified as the systemic risk and the non-systematic risk.,高等教育投资风险可分为系统性风险和非系统风险。 +"Considering the situation, the Frenchmen decided to abandon the benefits in China in order to exchange the support on France returning the postwar Indochina from China.",法方审时度势,以放弃自己在中国的利益来换取中方对法战后重返印支的支持。 +"The University of Virginia is a public research university located in Charlottesville , Virginia.",弗吉尼亚大学是坐落在弗吉尼亚州夏洛茨维尔市的一所公立大学。 +"The working principle and energy conservation of pin, screw and temperature control equipment in pin barrel cold feed extruder were described.",介绍了销钉机筒冷喂料挤出机中销钉、螺杆及其新型温控装置的工作原理,论述了上述元件节能的理论依据。 +Gates then waited a minute or so before assuring the audience the freed insects were malaria-free.,大约一分钟后,盖茨才向紧张的听众保证,这些蚊子不带疟疾病毒。 +"Language information provide the meaning of literalness, while non extra-linguistic offer a strong characteristic and related cultural information.",语言信息提供的是一种文字的意义,而非语文信息提供了强烈的个性特征和相关文化信息。 +S. The problem is that the preponderance of off-budget financing makes it almost impossible to know much worse things are.,问题在于,没有列入预算的筹资活动令人几乎不可能了解到情况到底糟糕到了何种程度。 +We went to China in 2005 with a three-year commitment.,我们是在2005年把家搬到中国的,合同期三年。 +"There was a time, may be as recently as 10 or 15 years ago, we were greeted with Merry Christmas, but now it is happy holidays.",曾经有一段时间,大概是 10 年或者 15 年以前吧,人们见面时会互道一声“ 圣 诞快乐”;但是现在大家都只说“节日快乐”。 +"In this paper, based on the composer's own field interviews and collected by the language, music data, the system described Zhao Xiaosheng piano music creation.",本论文根据对作曲家本人的实地采访和搜集到的文字、乐谱资料,对赵晓生钢琴音乐创作进行了系统的阐述。 +The adhesive thickness has little influence on the repairing effect.,胶层的厚度对挖补修理的效果影响不大。 +"Maomao: Furthermore, look at the cameras in your hand.",毛毛:还有你手上现在摆弄的照相机,别看现在全部是数码的。 +He was charged whit siphoning off money illegally from the fund.,他因非法从基金中抽妯钱款而受到指控。 +Carol didn't comply with the teacher's order so she was sent to the principal's office.,卡萝没有遵照老师的命令去做,所以被叫到校长室。 +Never in my life have I heard a truer prophecy.,我这一生还从未听过比这更为真实的预言。 +"The beetle woke up with the noise and would have been glad to creep into the earth for shelter, but he could not.",雨声把金龟子给惊醒了,如果能钻进土里躲一会就好了可是他办不到了。 +The products obtained by hydrothermal reaction under different magnetic flux are all small size and showed paramagnetic property.,不同磁感应强度下获得的水热反应产物粒径细小,并呈现超顺磁性; +"Based on analysis to geographical environment, natural resources, economical situation and local superiority, idea to develop eco-tourist agriculture on a large scale was put forward.",在分析临汾市地理环境、自然资源、经济发展状况、区位优势等方面的基础上,提出了在临汾市大力发展生态观光农业的一些新思路。 +But the too high switch off speed can lead to a negative effect on short circuit break-switch off oscillation.,分析指出:分闸速度过大,会产生不利于短路开断的负面影响—分闸弹振。 +Some cases even had cancer cells left in the retention anal end of the rectum.,结论保肛手术应避免癌细胞脱落、种植而造成的复发; +"What I look for is cattle bunched up or running, or just looking around alertly and calling.",我留心的是牛群聚成一团或到处奔跑,或者向四周警惕观望,同时哞叫。 +"It is small and efficient, it runs on a wide range of hardware, it is network-transparent, and it is well documented.",它很小但很有效,它运行在为数众多的硬件上,它对网络透明并且有良好的文档说明。 +"Under the influence of headlines and panicky print, the contagion of unreason can easily spread through a settled community.",在大标题的影响力和恐慌的版之下,无理性的传染能容易地传布过一个固定的社区。 +"They need more braking time and accelerate more slowly than cars, because they usually go faster downhill and slower uphill.",重型车辆需要较长的煞车和加速时间。下坡较快,上坡较慢。 +"For most of human history, the notion of a ""Star Trek""-style universal translator seemed as farfetched as a warp drive or American universal healthcare.",对于人类历史上,一个“星际迷航”式的概念的最普遍的翻译似乎作为经线驱动或美国的全民医疗牵强。 +"In the social transition of our country, it is significant for electronic network to further promote peasant-workers citizenship and better integrate into urban society.",在我国社会转型期,电子网络对于促进新生代农民工的市民化的过程,为他们更好地融入城市社会具有深远的意义。 +"Japan----3,5and 7 year-olds are traditionally lucky times in a Japanese childs life.",日本,依照传统,3岁、5岁和7岁被认为是日本孩子一生中的幸运年龄。 +"Li stands seven feet tall, has very long fingernails, and a ruddy complexion.",他有七尺高,也有很长的指甲,更有健康的肤色。 +Charlotte Banksasks: They don't need to know my business.,夏洛特·班克斯塔斯:他们才不会管我做什么示意呢。 +"For sake of the traditional calculation method appliance for the blanking die cutting edges dimensions, the potential value of mould cannot be embodied well.",传统方法计算的冲裁模刃口尺寸,模具的潜力不能充分发挥。 +If kids ran the state we will outstanding like to ban knives or guns or get lot educate holidays.,如果宝宝管理全地球的话,她们大多数想禁止刀和枪以及有更多的假日。 +THE MICRO-NAP: two to five minutes.,微秒级:2到5分钟。 +This has the entirely unintended result of making the food supply inadequate and lowering the standard of life in the parts of the world that have the greatest populations.,这却带来了一个始料不及的结果:在世界人口众多的地区食物供应不足,生活水准下降。 +Washington — The U.S. Congress approved legislation that will bring India’s nuclear programs under international inspections and enhance trade between the United States and India.,华盛顿──美国国会批准一项立法,使印度核项目接受国际监督,并促进美印两国贸易。 这项参议院于10月1日以86票对13票通过的立法尚待布什总统签署成为正式法律。 +The method or realization and application for user-defined file transfer protocol is introduced.,介绍了自定义文件传输协议的实现方法及其应用。 +"To meet the requirement of CIM/CIS and embrace the legacy applications, the database is defined based on CIM and can be transformed into hierarchical schema and relational schema.",为了满足CIM/CIS的要求并兼容原有应用,数据库定义以CIM(公用信息模型)为基础,能转换成层次型和关系型数据模式; +"Starting then, the territory which is today called France was part of the roman empire, and the Gauls, who lived there before Roman invasions, became acculturated ""Gallo-romans"".",从那以后,那块现在称为法国的地区成为了罗马帝国的一部分,而在罗马入侵之前就在此居住的高卢人成为了“ 高卢-罗马人”。 +"Those who are not strong give up and turn to religion, nationalism, democracy, or some other means of escape.",这些谁不强放弃而转向宗教,民族,民主,或某些其他逃生途径。 +"The paper discusses the only route can be chosen in reforming Yunnan tobacco management system, which is to establish the unified purchase and supply system of Yunnan tobacco materials.",目前云南省烟草物资管理体制改革的唯一路径选择是建立全省烟草物资统一采购供应体系。 +"He came to her remain, labored to maneuver his hand under her body, searching. He called out following some rummaging , ""There's someone, a child, still alive.""",他又来到她的尸体前,费力地把手伸进女人的身子底下摸索,他摸了几下高声的喊“有人,有个孩子,还活着”。 +The lamellar structure of montmorillonite makes it possible to intercalate PA 6 into the nanocomposites under the action of mechanical force during the melt blending process.,蒙脱土特殊的层状结构使得利用熔融共混在机械力的作用下插层到纳米级复合材料成为可能。 +"But I dream of things we've never had before, and ask myself:""why not?""""",写在前面的话:在这里,请不要出口伤人! +I am throwing these starfish back into the ocean.,我正把这些海星投回大海。 +"How did these beautiful rainbow-tints get into the shell of the fresh-water clam, buried in the mud at the bottom of our dark river?",那些彩虹是如何住进这新鲜软壳蛤的壳,而且是在很深的河底的泥里? +There are two reasons that cause the clogging: long period of warm winter results in sudden growth of hydra in the filter;,造成堵塞的原因主要有两个:长时间暖冬导致了滤池中水螅的暴发性生长; +The graded material could be used as rockfill material.,各料场级配石料均能够作为面板堆石坝的筑坝材料。 +"I have tried to shield you from the wiles of the dark through the constancy of my light, bestowed by the grace of our Father.",我试图通过那父赐予我的稳定的光,去保护你免遭黑暗的暗算。 +"there is a large number of agencies working without direction and coordination, and often duplicating efforts.",批评人士还说,大量的机构在没有方向和协调的情况下工作,而且常常有重复劳动。 +"During the English siege of Leith in Scotland in 1560, the French garrison showed great ingenuity in defending the town.",一五六○年英军围攻苏格兰利斯市,城中法国驻军奋力防守,奇谋尽出。 +"From what we can see, it has mostly taken away user share from Firefox, which is interesting, given the close relationship between Mozilla and Google.",从我们知道的来讲,Chrome主要是是从Firefox浏中抢走用户的。 考虑到Mozilla与谷歌之间亲密的关系,这点非常有意思。 +The prosperity period (1977-2000):Aesthetic education's status in school education was again established and school music education appeared an unprecedented prosperous aspect.,繁荣期(1977—2000):美育在学校教育中的地位重新得到确立,学校音乐教育出现了从未有过的繁荣局面。 +"Land resource trends was built to evaluate technical course below IT support, it is with arid area exemple had 3S index system build first.",在信息技术支持下建立了土地资源动态评价技术路线,并以干旱区为例进行了3S指标体系的初建。 +"In addition, the Korean media has dwelt on the fact, Han Jun armed forces there is a serious imbalance in the system and the military self-interest.",此外,韩媒亦痛陈,韩军存在严重的三军不均衡的体制和本军利己主义。 +"Terray beliefs collapsed because he go back to one hundred thousand years ago, saw the ugly side of human nature.",泰雷信念崩溃的原因是他回到十万年前,亲眼目睹人性丑恶的一面。 +The studies on the mechanism of hypokalemia induced by gossypol have not yielded a satisfactory explanation.,棉酚诱发低血钾的机制虽已作了大量研究,但未被阐明。 +"So, again, the same thing, but now two different atoms.",这时两个原子是不一样的了。 +Steam has fogged the bathroom mirror.,水蒸气遮住浴室的镜子。 +The differences of the section structure related to the structure of the middle layer of egg shell.,断面差异主要与卵壳中层的构造不同有关。 +The relative biogenic data and dating data are not enough. It only depends on the regional correlation of rock association characteristics.,但均缺少相关的生物资料及测年数据,所依靠的仅是岩石组合特征的区域对比。 +"A fluid, flexible compromise: ""There were times he wanted sex when we didn't have it and times I didn't want sex but we did.",方法就是一种不固定的、灵活的妥协:“有时候他想开始性爱,可我们没做,而我不想性爱的时侯我们却做了。 +"""Some fish parasites can be transmitted to humans, "" said Christopher Magadza, a fresh water specialist in Zimbabwe and former director of the University of Zimbabwe's Lake Kariba Research Station.","津巴布韦的一位淡水专家、津巴布韦大学Kariba湖研究站的前负责人Christopher Magadza,说:“一些鱼类寄生虫可以传染给人类。”" +"Furthermore, it implies the multicultural inconsistency and inharmonic ethnic relationship in American society.",同时它也是整个美国文化体系以及族群关系的爆发性延伸。 +"Manshan fruit colour, the bagging apples, open, sunshine, days on his confidante, shy hangs full branch, call to picking fruit.",满山果树色彩缤纷,那套袋的苹果,打开后,阳光照射,几天就露出红颜,羞答答的挂满枝头,呼唤果农来采摘。 +When the British Council published a study saying China had more English speakers than India readers with experience of both countries wondered aloud where China was hiding all those Anglophones.,英国大使馆文化教育处(British Council)曾发布过一项研究结果,称中国说英语的人数已经超过印度,当时亲历过这两个国家的读者满腹狐疑地问道:中国把这么多说英语的人都藏到哪里去了? +Supply of population and economy with electricity in Repulic of Srpska is provided by the N.,为塞族共和国居民和经济活动提供电能的是N公司。 +The Great Depression and the hardship it caused spawned many clbummics of American literature that have since become fodder for high school English clinvestigate round the nine.,大萧索以及其形成的苦难,催生了许多美国经典文学,这些经典后来成为全国各地高中英语课的教材。 +"People complain a lot about the new style of making phone calls, especially the spotty quality of many mobile and Internet calls.",人们总是对新型通话方式颇有微词,特别是抱怨移动和互联网电话通话质量的良莠不齐。 +One reason why the question cannot be solved is the absence of the suitable plaintiff.,因此,对于环境民事公益诉讼的原告适格的研究是必要的。 +This multigene approach shows potential for a point-of-care test in acute ischemic stroke.,在急性缺血性卒中这种多基因方法显示了其现场即时检验的潜力。 +"Conclusion HSK leads to the damage of nerve and the decrease of nerval density, and the damage of corneal nerve repairs very slowly.",结论HSK导致角膜神经纤维损伤及神经网密度下降,且角膜神经损伤恢复较慢。 +"Product such as and GaoHong counsel, shanshan n's identity is being poked through before then, necessary work disposal.",品如和高虹商议,姗姗的身份行将被戳穿,必需在那之前把工作处置好。 +"Yami yami , I love breakfast.",好吃好吃,我爱早饭。 +Changzhou Peng family was a typical representive family of imperial exam in Jiangnan delta and one of the four distinguished families of Suzhou in Qing Dynasty.,长洲彭氏是清代江南地区科举世家的典型代表,也是清代苏州四大望族之一。 +"The fundamental detection principles, advantages and applications of the dual-electrode thin-layer electrochemical detectors combined with liquid chromatography are discussed.",本文还就双工作电极薄层电化学检测器与液相色谱结合的基本原理、优点和一些应用进行了讨论。 +"Seeing his royal highness and sound more and more love, Sally and ran close worried, Sally and let cousin pretended to be pregnant, to get his royal highness favor.",眼见王爷和音越来越恩爱,莎丽和奔密心急如焚,莎丽于是让表妹假装怀孕,以此获得王爷恩宠。 +DB2 10 introduces two new concepts—system time and business time.,DB2 10 引入了两个新概念 — 系统时间和业务时间。 +"The effect of three proteases, muscle endogenous enzyme, microbial enzyme and exogenous enzyme during maturation of fermented sausage were expounded.",阐述了三类蛋白酶,即��肉内源酶、微生物酶和外源酶在发酵香肠成熟中所起的作用。 +Right now we're at 4.1 Most of our breweries are 30 years old.,现在我们酿造1桶啤酒的耗水量是4.1桶。 我们的酿酒厂大多都有30年的历史了。 +"In Valparaiso, the ceremony continued. And moments later, Mr.",在瓦尔帕莱索,就职仪式继续进行。 +"""California courts have held that...parents do not have a constitutional right to homeschool their children, "" said the ruling.",判决写到:“加州法院裁定……父母没有让孩子在家里上学的权利”。 +"I remember sitting with a girlfriend later that week on a slope of grass looking out toward the George Washington Bridge and saying, ""If I have tuberculosis, I guess my life is over.""",记得拍片当周晚些时候,我和一位女友坐在草坡上,望着乔治华盛顿大桥说:“如果真得了肺结核,我的小命就完了!” +"And we’ve handily included them in this article, so you don’t have to worry about ever going to another site…ever again.",而且你能很方便地从我们这篇文章中了解到,(这里介绍很全面),你就不需要在去其它网站上去看相关文章了。 所以您再也不必担心会走向另一种焦虑的境地...再也不会。 +Objective To estimate the efficiency of an electronic dust-accumulated air cleaner for air purification.,目的了解某型电子集尘式空气净化机对密闭空调环境空气的净化效果。 +Henry Dunant witnessed firsthand the lack of treatment facilities and medical personnel for fallen soldiers.,亨利.杜南(图,翻摄网路) 亲眼目睹了倒卧在地的士兵缺乏医护设施及医疗人员的情景。 +Now they brush up their Shakespeare — or Schnitzler or Miller — and hit Gotham.,现在她们捡起了莎士比亚——或者施勒策尔和米勒。 +We can''t accept your offer unless the price is reduced by 5%.,除非你们减价5%,否则我们无法接受报盘。 +"""This is largely because services, which make up about two-thirds of spending, are produced locally, "" according to Hale and Hobjin.",根据希尔和霍比金恩:“主要原因是,占据消费三分之二的服务是由当地提供的。” +"""ISPs and rights-holders will share the costs, on the basis of a flat fee that will allow both sides to budget and plan, "" he said.",他说:“在定额成本的基础上,ISP(网络服务供应商)和权利人会分摊成本,使得双方都能够进行预算和计划。” +The restaurant on top of the Edelweissspitze.,火绒草峰峰顶上的餐馆。 +It is known that the power of the Thévenin's equivalent network does not be equal to that of the one-port original network.,众所周知,戴维南等效网络与其单口原网络的功率是不相等的。 +One personal love of two people can not afford the sky!,壹个人的爱情不可以让两个人幸福! +This is the most from one club since the FA took over the running of the England women's team in 1993 - and could easily be an all-time record.,这也是英足总自1993年起掌管英格兰女足以来来自同一个俱乐部的队员最多的一次,也很容易地成为一项长久的记录。 +The map has color-coded indicators for population density.,这副地图上,不同的人口密度具有不同的有色指示符。 +Coronary heat disease(CHD); Angina pectoris(AP); Vascular endothelial growth factor(VEGF); Brain natriuretic peptide(BNP); Eliminating phlegm and resolving stasis soup.,冠心病;心绞痛;血管内皮生长因子;脑利钠肽;祛痰化瘀汤。 +Treatment of plants with gaseous BTH and MeSA suppressed the productions of terpenoids which involved in jasmonate-signal transduction pathways.,结果表明:水杨酸甲酯和苯骈噻唑对合作杨植株体内产生于茉莉酸信号转导途径的萜烯类挥发物的释放具有抑制作用; +"The Empire pressed these gentle, amphibious people into war by subjugating their watery world.",帝国对他们海洋星球的征服将这个温和的两栖种族推入了战争。 +"Because that pool may be average of 10 inches, but maybe it has places that are 20 feet deep, if it's a large pool.",由于该池平均10英寸深,或许它某些区域有20英尺深,如果它是一个大水池的话。 +All patients with biochemically confirmed primary hyperparathyroidism (PHPT) who have specific symptoms or signs of their disease should undergo surgical treatment.,实验室确诊的原发性甲状旁腺功能亢进症的患者,一旦出现该疾病特征性症状或体征均应接受手术治疗。 +"October 16, 2008: American Express Business Travel published 10 top cost-saving tips for road warriors.",美国运通商务旅行公司为商务旅行者提供了十大旅行省钱秘诀。 +"The Standard &Poor's 500-stock index, up 9.4% for the month, had its best April since 1938.",标准普尔500指数4月份上涨9.4% ,涨幅创下了1938年以来历年4月份之最。 +Harvested cocoons are dropped into boiling water which unravels the long filaments.,采��的蚕蛹被丢入沸水会散开成为长丝线。 +I discovered that tomorrow is going to be another day that am going to become a prolific writer.,我发现,明天将是另一个一天会成为一个多产作家。 +The Dragon Robe is formal dress for the emperors in ancient China when they attend celebrity.,龙袍是古代皇帝参加庆典活动时穿着的礼服。 +"Meanwhile, made in the Alfred Dunhill leather workshop in London, the London Satchels present classic English briefcases with the added traditional detail of satchel straps.",至于伦敦单肩包则展现经典英国公事包风格, 肩带更饰有传统细节, 格调古雅。 +Objective To obtain total nutrient celery juice beverage containing abundant dietary fiber.,目的获取富含膳食纤维的全营养芹菜汁饮品。 +Go to church Check out the architecture of St Patrick’s Cathedral or head out to Brooklyn for a Sunday gospel service at Abyssinian Baptist Church.,做礼拜 去看看圣帕特里克大教堂的建筑,或者前往布鲁克林的阿比西尼安浸信会进行周日福音活动。 +Super- Mini unmanned helicopter is a hotspot of the research in the world.,超小型无人驾驶直升机是近期研究的热点。 +"The Proterozoic volcanic rocks in Xiaogaizhou section is composed of rhyakkumulate, la-va breccia and lava with andesitic composition;",小盖州剖面元古宙火山岩具有安山岩岩石成分,由熔结角砾岩、熔岩角砾岩及熔岩组成。 +Let's try a thirty-five inch sleeve.,那试一下三十五寸的袖子。 +"There is a definite trend in many organizations toward a market-based system; that is, salaries are aligned with the comparative worth of the job in the marketplace.",很多组织都有朝市场机制发展的趋势;也就是说工资要根据工资在市场中的相对价值来安排。 +"Telescopes for group star-gazing need to be durable, good for viewing all types of objects and preferably equiped with Go-To capability.",但是,我并不能证实这种说法,因为我一直用我的望远镜来目视。 +I could check that she had begun to get her divorce at about the time of Sir Charles' death.,我可以调查一下,看看她在查尔斯爵士逝去之时是否真的开始为离婚而忙乎着。 +"Fragment is a representative piece of BIAN Z hi-lin. In half a century, countless critics have made explanation about the poem through different angles.",《断章》是卞之琳的代表作,半个多世纪以来,无数评论家从不同角度对其进行阐释。 +"An adaptive simulated annealing genetic algorithm is presented for the optimal layout problem of rectangles, which is a NP-complete problem and possesses widespread applications in the industry.",以刚架结构为研究对象,提出一种遗传算法和拟满应力算法相结合的杂交算法,来解决离散变量结构拓扑优化设计问题。 +"As more oil company saying that hurricane Gustav, which attacked Mexico Gulf, did not destoy their facilities, the oil price continued to go downward for 4 days.",随着更多的石油公司说,席卷墨西哥湾的古斯塔夫飓风没有损坏它们的设施,石油价格连续第四天下跌。 +"However, the UN Food and Agricultural Organization revised its guidelines last year in support of vaccination (see UN to support wider use of bird flu vaccine).",然而,联合国粮农组织去年修改了其自导原则,开始支持疫苗接种。 (参见联合国支持更广泛使用禽流感疫苗 (UN to support wider use of bird flu vaccine))。 +"24Immediately the boy's father exclaimed, ""I do believe; help me overcome my unbelief!""",孩子的父亲立时喊着说:“我信,但我信不足,求主帮助!” +It was believed that evil spirits were attracted to people on their birthdays.,人们认为在人生日的那一天,魔鬼会闻讯而来。 +"Some of the pet food unknowingly was sent as salvaged feed to various hog, poultry and fish farms throughout the country, the officials said.",作证官员说,有些宠物饲料在不知已受污染的情况下被作为能够利用的饲料运往美国各地的养猪场、养鸡场和养鱼场。 +"Typically, properties whose values are subcomponents are read-only.",典型的,值为子组件的属性是只读的。 +The selection of the reactive media is a key problem of in-situ remediation of contaminated groundwater in permeable reactive barrier(PRB) system.,反应介质的选择是可渗透反应墙(PRB)系统原位处理污染地下水的一个关键问题。 +Her name is Sarah Brightman!,她就是——莎拉·布莱曼! +"Casopitant mesylate probably adds extra relief from nausea symptoms because it acts on different nerve systems than the standard drugs, Grunberg said.",卡索匹坦甲磺酸与标准药物不同,能对其他的神经系统起作用,这可能是它额外地减轻了恶心症状的原因,格伦伯格说。 +"The Co. with its ability of mould develop design and make, also according to customer's product or blueprint to develop mould.",本企业具备模具自主开���设计和制造能力,可以根据客户实样、图纸开发模具。 +"Called Layar, the app is a platform that makes sets of data viewable on top of the viewfinder of your mobile phone as you pan around a city and point at buildings.",当你在城市里移动拍摄建筑物时,这款名为Layar的应用平台根据手机取景器中的图像提供可以查看的信息数据。 +Wu is practicing his stand-up comedy routine. The hard part is going to be saying that without laughing. China wrote the book on repressing dissent.,吴思科正在进行他喜剧表演的例行练习。困难的部分是严肃地说出那些而不笑场。中国在压制异议方面可以出一本书了。 +The rugged coast has some of the finest beaches in Europe.,崎岖的海岸上拥有欧洲最好的沙滩。 +"Capacitors cannot be used in a circuit charge or discharge, lf use in a circuit of sudden charge is required, please contact us.",电解电容器一般品不适用于骤然间之充放电,如需使用在快速充放电的场合,请与我们洽商。 +"at home. She's an alcoholic and whenever his dad gets mad at her for getting drunk, she turns all her anger at him onto her son.",汤姆说他母亲把他当成家里的 受气包 ,她母亲是个酒鬼,每次他父亲为他母亲喝醉酒发火的时候,他母亲就迁怒于他。 +"Poison preventions is not just for homes with small children, though.",但是,毒药预防对于和小的孩子家不仅仅。 +"There are several reasons causing the problem of land-lost farmers, such as the reasons of law, system, policy, the land-lost farmers themselves and so on.",造成失地农民权益流失的原因有许多,如法律、制度、政策及失地农民自身的种种的原因。 +Coal gangue in mine is the wash coal that is produced during the course of cutting and seperating wash in coal industry.,煤矸石是煤炭工业在采煤和洗选加工过程中产生的废弃物。 +"When a cow became trapped in flooded stream and all the neighbors came to help rescue it, the brothers were nowhere in sight!",曾经有一头牛被困在暴涨的河中,所有村民都去营救,但这两兄弟却跑得无影无踪… +"In line with rice noodles when the pitch from that which Qunxiao cockroaches out of the gap in the drill, great mighty force with force.",在二饭排队煮面的时候,那一群小蟑螂从那摊位的缝隙中钻出来,大有千军万马之势。 +You will be a monkey. You will swing from branch to branch doing tricks.,你是猴子,在树枝间荡来荡去,搞一些游戏、恶作剧什么的。 +A vitamin pill that could slow the progression of Alzheimer’s disease is to enter human trials after scientists found it protected animals from memory loss associated with the condition.,当科学家发现维他命可以保护动物防止因阿尔茨海默氏病造成的失忆后,维他命药丸可以延迟阿尔茨海默氏病发病的理论正式进入人类试验阶段。 +"Moreover, if an ALLOW READ ACCESS load operation fails or is aborted, pre-existing table data can still be read.",此外,如果 ALLOW READ ACCESS 加载操作失败或者被中断,预先存在的表数据仍然可以被读取。 +"The Manchester coach also focused on Milan and said: 'Milan will look for a win, they have a well-experienced defence and will try to attack, the game will be open.",这位曼曼彻斯特教练还把焦点集中到米兰身上并且说:“米兰将期待一场胜利,他们拥有一条经验丰富的防线而且将会努力进攻,这场比赛将会是一场对攻战。 +"Near the studio, there are between the hotel, I have good price with the store speakers in preparation for painting goes back on that wall is called the alley, no one knew me, nobody knows my past.",画室的附近,有间旅馆,我已经与店主讲好了价钱,准备蜗居在那条叫画墙的小巷内,没有人认识我,没有人知道我的过往。 +"How it Helps: In addition to helping lower carbon dioxide, the snake plant rids air of formaldehyde and benzene.",它的作用:除了帮助降低二氧化碳,虎尾兰可以吸收空气中的甲醛和苯。 +"Pear son and summer clothes all the beauty qualified, may participate in the Japanese qualifier.",梨衣子和夏美都合格了,可以参加日本预选赛。 +Lowest bidder with high ratings will be awarded.,高收视率最低的投标人给予奖励。 +"Live Zhou Shaoming of fountainhead control idle fund, Wang Jian, Wang Haibo is in "" economy studies "" 1998 the 2nd period write civil point out: Now…",把住源头控制游资周绍明、王健、汪海波在《经济研究》1998年第2期撰文指出:现… +His team found that levels of stress were highest among adults between the ages of twenty-two and twenty-five.,他的研究团队发现,22岁至25岁的成年人的压力水平是最高的。 +"Three centuries of concretions (partially removed) that cling to the barrel doubled the gun's weight, estimated at 320 pounds (145 kilograms) when raised from the ocean bottom.",当人们试图将大炮吊离大洋底部时,炮管上足足沉淀了3个世纪的凝结物使得武器的重量翻了一番,达到了320磅(约合145公斤)。 +Juventus are in advanced talks with Arsenal for midfielder Gilberto Silva.,尤文图斯正在和阿森纳就中场吉尔伯托。席尔瓦进行谈话。 +"The person, who meditates upon this virtue of uprightness, attains the imperishable state of salvation (Moksha).",能够对正直进行沉思的人就能够获得不朽的解脱。 +Reliefs above the central bronze door.,中央铜门上的浮雕。 +"""All these are big black boxes,"" said Rajiv Saxena, a professor at the school of life sciences at India's Jawaharlal Nehru University.",“所有这些都是巨大的黑盒。” 印度贾瓦哈拉尔·尼赫鲁大学生命科学院的教授Rajiv Saxena说。 +"Should be carefully considered, case-by-case analysis.",应该仔细斟酌,具体情况具体分析。 +"""In deed, ""bleated the Lamb in a wournful tone of voice, ""I was not then born.",小羊以凄楚的声调咩咩叫,“事实上,那时候我还没有出生。” +This thesis includes the following sections:Chapter one discusses the audio-visualization of the language of Haiyan novel.,本文包括以下几部分:第一章论述了海岩小说语言的视听化。 +"I think we paid too much for the house, considering that we needed to get the roof repaired.",考虑到还得修理屋顶,我觉得我们这房子买贵了。《朗文当代高级英语辞典》第五版。 +"Its only known habitat isthe Conasauga River in Georgia and Tennessee, whose waters have longbeen polluted and silted up by farms and factories.",它已知的栖息地只有佐治亚州和田纳西州的康纳索加河而已,可那里的农场和工厂长期的排污已经让河水遭受污染,淤泥堵塞河道。 +We emphatically introduce the hidden trouble and the methods of removing those through the concrete examples in the oxygen cabin application.,通过具体实例重点介绍了氧舱使用中出现的安全隐患及排除方法。 +"Clonorchiasis was prevalent in the region of Luoma lake and Gaotang reservoir in Xinyi, with character of dot or …",新沂市的华支睾吸虫病呈“点状”、“片状”分布于骆马湖和高塘水库等水网地带。 +"As I climbed the Morgan totem pole, I took tremendous pride in what I did and how I did it.",在攀爬摩根斯坦利的图腾柱时,我对自己做过的事以及做事的方式抱有极大的自豪感。 +"After a joint study of Deep Bay in 1992, a joint study of Mirs Bay began in May 1996.",双方在一九九二年携手合作进行后海湾研究之后,又在一九九六年五月联手进行大鹏湾研究。 +It starts by reading the file into one big string.,开始时,它把文件读进一个大的字符串。 +It is silly of you to spend so much money on cigarettes.,你把这么多的钱花在香烟上真是太蠢了。 +Oedipus the King by Sophocles – (Download PDF),俄狄浦斯王 (索福克勒斯) - 下载 +He and Jolie had famously claimed they'd make it legal only when it was legal for gay people too.,并且他和朱莉高调宣布称:只有当同性恋的婚姻得到法律支持后,他们才会合法的结婚。 +Finally the wild in pain has admitted his guilt.,最后西野在痛苦中承认了自己的犯罪事实。 +Numerical calculation is carried out and the figures of temperature-rise and water-evaporation are obtained.,在此基础上通过数值计算,得到了砖坯温度上升和水分蒸发的曲线。 +We'll have a quiz next week.,我们下周将有小考。 +"The present paper introduces the modal logic, and presents a new Information filtering algorithm based the study of formalization of knowledge and belief.",本文在介绍模态逻辑的基础上,提出了一种对知识和信念进行形式化研究的汉语信息过滤新算法。 +"Plus, the company says the inflatable beams are about a pound lighter than conventional ones.",另外奔驰公司称这种横梁能比普通横梁轻约1磅(约合0.45千克)。 +"Finland, for example, has wealth per head (measured in terms of purchasing-power parity) of under $39,000, less than South Korea.",比如芬兰,人均占有的财富数额在39,000美元(依据购买力水平计算)以下,比韩国还要少。 +"Still, finding a good name involves more than coming up with clever homonyms to the original English.",可是,要想取个好名字,只跟原名同音可是不够的。 +"""In the future, Xinjiang's development will be better and faster, "" he said, according to state-run CCTV.",“不远的将来,新疆地区会向着更好更快的方向发展;人民生活水平得到更显著的提高;让我们携手共创更加美好的明天。” 胡总书记说。 +Emmet: Callahan did what?,埃米特:卡拉汉干什么了? +"Chuting this, I scratch to the nose, that it was just unscrupulous merchants cover up their bad business practices of an excuse.",初听这句话,我搔之以鼻,认为那只是奸商遮掩其不良商业行为的借口。 +"It's all up to you, Mr. Smith. But we would think cardboard cartons good enough for such lightweight articles as shirts.",李;这就得由你决定烟,史密斯先生。但我们认为象衬衫这类轻货,硬纸板箱是够好的了。 +An analysis method of DY Raster distortion is described in detail.,文中叙述了偏转线圈光栅失真的分析方法。 +Checking the Detect Flash Version checkbox (under File > Publish Settings > HTML) in the Flash 8 IDE.,在flash8 IDE中勾上检测flash版本的多选框(在文件>发布设置>HTML)。 +"The approach insulates specialties, so that designers and programmers can use familiar tools and languages.",这种方法避免了特殊性,因此设计师和程序员就可以使用熟悉的工具和语言了。 +"The piano music of Richard Clayderman, such as I'OCEAN and Mariage d'amour. very softly!",理查德的钢琴曲有好多都是,像《星空》,《梦中的婚礼》等。 +"Towards the end of his life, Brangwyn donated many of his own and other artworks to museums and galleries in Britain and Europe.",在年老时,他再向英国及欧洲其他等地的博物馆和艺术馆捐赠大量自己作画及收藏的作品。 +"Now we sincerely invite you to take part in CBST2011, making new friends, displaying new achievements, sharing new developments and winning co-prosperity.",诚挚邀请您加入CBST大家庭,共建交流平台、共享发展成果。 品牌展会与品牌的你携手同进,扩大商机、展示实力、聚会交友、共享奇迹。 +Ask for a volunteer to be a timekeeper for your meetings—make it his or her job to remind you of agenda item time limits.,请一位志愿当会议计时员——让他/她负责提醒你每项议程的时间限制。 +"In fact, about a third of the students in the study, led by Professor Leu, scored below average on traditional reading tests but did well on the Internet assessment.",事实上,在Leu教授的指导下,这项测试中的三分之一的学生,在传统阅读测试中低于平均分,而在网络评定里面成绩都很不错。 +Action plan: Proposals include the creation of community centres for performances and training of craftspeople and students.,保护计划:提议建立一个专供表演与培训手工艺者和学生的社区中心。 +Its body is covered with armored hide and small boney spikes.,它的身体覆盖着盔甲似的皮革和小骨刺。 +"God is saying, ""I want the rest of your life to be the best of your life.",上帝正在说:“我希望你的余生将成为你人生中最好的部分。 +These conditions are inherited and are based on expression of specific keratin genes which result in the formation of abnormal keratins.,这些条件是继承,并以特定的角蛋白的基因的表达在结果形成异常角蛋白。 +"Personally walking and refining the routing at this early stage will help ensure the journey works for both the golf and the overall masterplan, essential for the overall success of the project.",早期的个人走场,以及布线的精炼将确保整个过程适合既适合高尔夫与对全面的总归图起作用,对于工程最终的全面成败十足关键。 +"Pushing East once more, Alexander learns that Darius has been captured by Persian conspirators and is being held prisoner.",再度东进时,亚历山大获悉大流士已被波斯阴谋者俘虏囚禁。 +"Some other methods such as simple extraction methods, grinding without liquid nitrogen extraction, micro-extraction method were also used.",在此基础上又提出了快速制备法、简易提取法、无需液氮研磨提取法、微量提取法等多种方法。 +"Teradyne, Inc. is the world's largest supplier of automatic test equipment and is also a leading provider of high performance interconnection systems and electronic manufacturing services.",泰瑞达公司是全球最大的自动测试设备供应商,也是引领高性能互连系统和电子制造服务供应商。 +More and more people are interested to provide their houses as home stays in Chitlang.,越来越多在吉特廊的人对提供他们的房子作为家庭旅馆感兴趣。 +"Yep, right.",是的,没错。 +The Comprehensive System had retrieved to the original tradition.,综合罗夏系统则又回归到了实证的研究道路。 +We accompany each other to gallery openings and exhi-fricking-bitions.,我们陪伴彼此去参加画廊开幕和各种展会。 +"Moreover, the rich generation would like to buy the latest product as soon as the last one they owned has broken, that is to say, no need to worry about how to fix it any more.",还有就是,新生的富裕的一代人,在产品用坏之后会马上购买最新的产品,这样一来,维修的事就不用再做考虑。 +"This article suggests that Schools use MIO to cultivate their learning custom and ability, use MDC in regular improvement, and use MOR to break through the resistance of improvement.",本文建议:通过“学习型组织模式”培养学校不断改进的习惯和能力,经常性的改进使用“戴明循环模式”,当改进遇到较大阻力时,使用“组织变革模式”加以突破。 +"They are not not anxious social climbers, or you HAs no devotion to material stuff.",她们否则焦虑的向上爬的人,她们不会对物质性的物品难舍难分。 +I met wind and solar companies eager for Western investment and Chinese college students who were organizing a boycott of an Indonesian paper company for despoiling their forest.,我见到了渴望西方投资的风能太阳能公司,我看到中国大学生们正组织抵制一家掠夺他们森林的印尼纸业公司。 +Oxfam Hong Kong believes that a broadly affluent city like Hong Kong should guarantee a decent life for all citizens.,我们相信像香港这么富裕的城巿,应当保障所有公民都有合理的生活水平。 +Past IV - The test study of the chemical section curriculum.,农业类高职学院五年制大专化学模块课程教学试验研究。 +These experimental data were analyzed on the basis of unreacted shrinking core model.,进而对这些数据进行了动力学分析。 +"It uses the network to get necessary materials and data, and uses mobile phone's infrared interface to connect with computers, printers, scanners, etc.",利用网络获得需要的材料和数据; 利用移动电话的红外接口与电脑、打印机、扫描仪等设备相连。 +Returning to Stamford Bridge made it feel like home and I will always feel at home at San Siro.,回到斯坦福桥和梅阿查都让我感觉像回家。 +"LONDON'S fastest-changing art gallery is hidden in a sunken ball court on a housing estate in Stockwell, south London.",伦敦瞬息万变的艺术展在伦敦南部的斯托克维尔的一个住宅区的地下球场举行。 +"Using the method of boundary layer correction and the differential inequality theory, we prove the existence theorem of solutions and construct the uniformly valid asymptotic expansions of .",我们利用边界层校正法以及微分不等式理论证明了解的存在定理,并构造出其解的一致有效渐近展开式。 +Police have been given a further 12 hours to question the 49-year-old man and it is expected that they will require further time after that.,警方被准许有再多12个小时的时间对这名49岁的教师进行审问,预计在此之后他们还需要更多的时间来进行审问。 +Please don't tempt me. Please!,求你了,别勾引我。 +"In the Southwest, continuing drought shrank Lake Mead, the enormous impoundment behind Hoover Dam that waters much of the region, to a fraction of its former self.",在东南部,持续的干旱让 Mead 湖这一胡佛大坝的水源干涸,为该地区大部分区域供水的胡佛大坝的蓄水量只有过去的零头。 +Ex situ conservation efforts should focus on enhancing the exchange of seeds and seedlings among populations to facilitate gene exchange and recombination to help conserve genetic diversity.,在迁地保护时,应通过加大居群间种子和幼苗的交换,人为创造基因交流和重组的条件,保存该属植物的遗传多样性。 +"Rhyolitic volcanoes are largely fueled by a silica-based, very flow-resistant magma and they tend to build pressure over time before erupting violently.",流纹岩火山是大面积燃烧的硅石,岩浆有很强的流动性,并且在强烈的爆发之前不断随着时间累积强大的压力。 +"What they got was Apotheker's anodyne vision of an evolving IT industry, the disruptive force of cloud computing, and HP's role as a soup-to-nuts provider.",不过他们从李艾科那里得到的却是波澜不惊的愿景——IT业将进一步演化; +Maven: I admit - it sounds crazy.,美芬:我承认。 听上去很疯狂。 +"Lee has been at the forefront of the pro-democracy movement since the territory switched from British to Chinese rule in 1997, and was a founding chairman of the Democratic Party.",自1997 年香港主权从英国转交回中国以后,李柱铭一直处在亲民主运动的前列; 他还是香港民主党的创党主席。 +"Welcome back, partner. Wanna lift?",欢迎回来,搭挡,要我背吗?。 +"In the MasterCard example, people can pay with merchants that have the PayPass reader technology.",以目前支持的万事达卡为例,用户可以在安装了PayPass读取设备的商家进行支付。 +"You do this using the next section of CSS, the tr:nth-child declarations.",这个任务使用下一个 CSS 部分 — tr:nth-child 声明 — 来完成。 +"It's working on the sleep, eating better is definitely key. You over-indulge.",很多人觉得在该睡觉时还在工作,吃的好点是最基本的,此时你已经对自己有些放纵了。 +"These rituals should include quiet activities such as reading, listening to relaxing music, or even taking a nice bath.",这些程序应该包括安静的活动,比如阅读,听令人放松的音乐,或者泡个舒服澡。 +Cooling the water in the path of a storm could slow its rotation or even stop a gathering storm in its tracks.,理论上说,冷却风暴行进路线中的海水,可以降低风暴的旋转,甚至阻止它的形成。 +"Features of tectonic evolution resulted in the development of two type uranium mineralizations in the basin, i e. phreatic oxidation and local interlayer oxidation types.",受盆地构造演化特征的影响,盆地内铀矿化存在两种类型,即潜水氧化带型和局部性层间氧化带型。 +"In the classes, they were getting a full-throated nationalist view of the Opium War.",在课堂上,他们高声喊出对鸦片战争的民族主义看法。 +"Original grey GM(1,1)model is often used in modeling-forecasting of equidistant monitoring data sequent.",传统灰色GM (1,1)模型,多适用于等间距监测数据序列的模拟预测; +Here’s where some of the offline tools for Wikipedia browsing come in handy.,在这里介绍几种离线浏览维基百科的工具,相信你迟早用得上。 +"According to commissioner David Stern, the NBA tentatively plans to start a 66-game schedule on Christmas Day.",根据总裁大卫.斯特恩消息,NBA初步决定在圣诞节当天开始66场比赛的赛程。 +"Still, the Tory desire for new constituency boundaries and the Lib Dem hatred of FPTP gave the parties the basis for a deal, agreed during five days of coalition negotiations in May 2010.",托利党希望选区重新划分和自民党厌恶FPTP让这两个党派有达成协议的基础,并在2010年5月联合政府为期5天的商谈就这一点做到了探讨。 +"Martyrs Memorial and the Cham Shan Monastery east, south resort area, West, North Zhongshan Park, Beech Forest Park.",东临烈士纪念馆和湛山寺、南接疗养区、西、北中山公园、榉林公园。 +K . It is a glycoprotein which is induced in response to viral infections and is effective only in species in which it is produced .,它是一种糖蛋白是诱导针对病毒感染,是有效的,只有在品种,其中它产生。 +Math.pow() is a notorious performance killer.,pow()的性能是非常糟糕的。 +Is man one of God’s blunders? Or is God one of man’s blunders?,人类是上帝犯的一个错误,还是上帝是人类犯的一个错误。 +"The processor in the eye pressure monitor is the third generation of the researchers' Phoenix chip, which uses a unique architecture and an extreme sleep mode to achieve ultra-low power consumption.",眼压监测器的处理器是研究人员开发的第三代“凤凰”芯片,借助其独特的系统构架和特殊的睡眠模式,可达到超低功耗。 +The three ruling clans went to war for control of Ironforge itself. The dwarf civil war raged under the earth for many years.,三个部族为争夺铁炉堡的控制权展开了一场战争,矮人的内战在地下激烈地持续了很多年。 +"The Halloween decorations of the time were similar to those of today: ""Black cats bats Jack 'o' Lanterns ghosts and witches predominate.",那时候流行的万圣节装饰和现在相差无几:“黑猫,蝙蝠,杰克灯,鬼怪,女巫是出现最多的万圣节形象。 +"Parents of school-aged children often complain of their hectic days and evening, shuttling their kids to organized sports, after-school clubs, summer camps and countless other events.",学龄儿童的家长们经常抱怨他们日夜忙碌,整天忙于接送孩子们参加有组织的体育活动、课外俱乐部、夏令营以及其他没完没了的事情。 +"Love is the business of the idle, but the idleness of the busy.",爱情是閒人的正业,忙人的休閒。 +"And his mother's name was Nehushta, the daughter of Elnathan of Jerusalem.",他母亲名叫尼护施他,是耶路撒冷人以利拿单的女儿。 +"Gelatin, Rice Bran Oil, Glycerin, Water, Yellow Beeswax, Carob and Annatto Extract.",明胶,米糠油,甘油,水,黄蜂蜡,卡罗伯和安纳托提取。 +Basil knew what his boss wanted next.,巴兹尔知道老闆的下一步计划。 +"Jordan is one of the best all around players ever as he was a scoring machine, a solid re-bounder and passer and a great defensive player.",乔丹是我所见过的最好的球员之一,他在得分、篮板、助攻、防守方面的造诣和成绩几乎无人能望其项背。 +You know this sign is just an admittance of our popular culture.,要知道,这个牌子整是一个进入我们的流行文化的标志。 +"Based on the prominent differences in demographics and lifestyles, the result shows that the trend-pioneers are the target of the men's luxury skin care products.",研究结果显示,时尚先锋族是男性专柜保养品的目标消费者,其人口变项、生活型态都与其他集群有显著差异。 +What do the world's most popular deaf and blind woman and the topic of politics have to do with each other?,世界上最受欢迎的聋哑女性和政治话语之间有何干系? +"For more than two rs, such Fed inaction and economic woe has kept 10-r yields from staying above 4% for any length of time.",两年多以来,美联储保持利率不变以及经济前景不乐观等因素致使10年期美国国债收益率���未超过4%。 +"It was shown flying at a speed of slightly over 6000 mph, and rapidly changing direction in the early morning sky, it is claimed.",其飞行速度略高于6000英里/小时,并且猛然改变方向冲上清晨的天空中。 +"With complete self-knowledge, will emancipates itself through self-denier, and reaches the state of ""nothing"".",意志在完全自我认识以后,最后以否定自身的方式解放自己,达到一种“虚无”的境界。 +"Objective To understand the incidence, clinical features and prognosis of nosocomial staphylococcal pneumonia in patients with coal workers pneumoconiosis.",目的探讨煤工尘肺葡萄球菌肺炎发病率、临床特征、预后。 +It is impossible to express in English the forcible language of the original.,这几节圣经在原文里更是有力,中文英文都难以将它译得达意。 +"Illuminate of command to cancel the rescue plan, jia small gun dont agree.",王长田命令取消营救计划,贾小枪不同意。 +She conducted an experiment in which people were filmed by thermal-imaging cameras trying to find their way out of a large smoke-filled room.,她进行了一次试验。 她让人们在一所充满浓烟的大屋子里设法找到出路,同时她用热效应成像摄像机进行拍摄。 +Many cotton-padded clothes have corresponding different level and the level.,很多棉衣都有相应不同的水平和等级。 +"Most of the developed world’s governments have been spouting about climate change, without adopting policies that have noticeably prevented the growth of carbon emissions.",大部分发达国家政府一直在空谈气候变化,却仍未采取明确的政策来阻止碳排放的增加。 +"Should I paint pictures"" Should I sing songs?""",我会学画画吗?我会学唱歌吗? +Production dates are sealed bag ShelfLife:2years.,生产日期见封口,保质期:2年。 +"The effects of LW on cerebral blood flow , cerebral vascular resistance , blood pressure, heart rate and electrocardiographic were detected in anaesthesia dog.",用麻醉犬观察LW对脑血流量、脑血管阻力、血压、心率和心电图的影响。 +"This paper deals with the multivariate vector analysis of quality data by geometric transformation, rotating coordinates and computation of the principal component of initial variables.",本文讨论多元质量数据的矢量分析方法,几何变换,坐标旋转和初始变量的主分量计算不同变量的主分量值。 +"But the current district attorney, Rosemary Lehmberg denied there were any political considerations in this case.",然而现任地区检查官罗斯玛丽。莱贝格否认这个案件包含任何政治考量。 +The recording of depreciation expense is an adjusting entry which apportions a recorded cost.,记录折旧费用是一笔将已入账的成本进行分摊的调整分录。 +"Factory will strive to create innovative brand-name, to spare no effort to do high-quality, excellent products, excellent service to return the majority of users love.",工厂将竭力革新创名牌,不遗余力做优质、卓越的产品,卓越的服务来回报广大用户的厚爱。 +This thesis is devoted to the investigation of some linear maps on weakly closed nest algebra modules.,本文主要研究弱闭套代数模上的若干映射。 +"Only when Darius advances, does Alexander march to meet him. The two armies converge at a place called Gaugamela.",大流士进军之后,亚历山大才上前迎战,两军在高加米拉短兵相接。 +Objectives: To study the changes of ventricular myosin light chain (VMLC) gene transcription in rheumatic heart disease(RHD).,目的:研究风湿性心脏病(风心病)心衰时心室肌中肌球蛋白轻链(VMLC)的变化。 +Long table spaces: Long table spaces are used to store long or LOB table columns and must reside in DMS table spaces.,长表空间: 长表空间用于存储长型或 LOB 表列,它们必须驻留在 DMS 表空间中。 +"Each cow has a unique ""grumpiness"" level in the range 1…100,000.",每头牛都有一个单独的“脾气指数”在1….100,000范围内。 +Love is a fire which burns unseeing.,感情是无形燃烧的火焰。 +"In the works' some phases, Britten uses the special chord with non-tertian harmony make the sound effects outstanding.",在作品的某些段落,布里顿运用了非三度叠置的特殊和弦,在整部作品中效果突出。 +"An agreement between the two clubs involved seems imminent, but the player has thrown the move into question by flirting with Milan and Roma.",两家俱乐部(尤文与帕勒莫)之间似乎要达成一致了,但这位球员又给这桩转会增加了一些不确定性因素,因为他又向米兰和罗马示好。 +"These are local indentations on the roll barrel combined with heat-induced bruises, firecracks and pressure cracks within or outside the rolling width.",这些现象主要包括辊身所产生的局部缺陷,以及过热导致的划伤、热裂,和轧制宽度内两边缘的压力裂纹。 +"This may sound like an aside, but this is all finance.","这听起来像是题外话,但的确是金融" +"The contents of the Health site are for informational purposes only and should not be treated as medical, psychiatric, psychological, health care or health management advice.",此健康网页里的内容仅供参考,并不应该视为医学、精神病学、心理学、卫生保健和健康管理的意见和建议。 +"The sculpture as such becomes a new medium for contemplating the opposing forces of old and new, natural and man made form.",作品宛如现代人冥想的媒介,著眼点在于生活中的新与旧、自然与人工等阴阳对立的观念。 +Narrow structures extend into the blue water like docks; small white dots break up field of blue like ships on water; and the structures lining the area resemble large warehouses.,狭长的建筑物像码头一样向蓝色的水域延伸。 水面上一个个的小白点就像在水上的小船;一座座建筑物划分出的区域就好象一个个大的仓库。 +Voltage regulator IC1 turns on and supplies power to microcontroller IC2.,电压稳压器IC1开启,为微处理器IC2供能。 +"After cleaning the lotus pod, taking the seed out and strip off the covering.",将莲蓬头冲洗后,剥出鲜莲子,再仔细地剥去皮和膜。 +"Solutions: Free Software system vendors can coordinate cross-component features like this, if they have employees working on all relevant levels of the software stack.",解决方案:如果自由软件供应商的职员为全部软件的的相关层次工作的话,他们可以再这样相互交错的功能特征上协作。 +Jim found this out afterwards and it was one reason why he had it in for Doc Stair.,后来,吉姆知道了这件事,这也是他对斯太尔医生怀恨在心的一个原因。 +Soon some barracks were rebuilt and within three years the death rate would halve.,有些兵营被改建,三年内死亡率从预计的减少一半。 +"she exclaimed, her tears running down as she killed the birds tenderly. `And not a twinge of bodily pain about me!",她大声说,在她轻轻地把山鸡弄死的时候,眼泪流了下来。“我可是一点儿肉体的痛苦也没有受到啊! +Objective To determine the contents of berberine and palmatine in different parts of Phellodendron amurense Rupr.,目的测定关黄柏不同采收期及黄檗不同部位的小檗碱、巴马汀的含量。 +"The information indicates that all of the patients are treated by the calcaneus traction combining with manipulation diaplasis, outside fastening with little splints and Chinese traditional medicines.",所有患者均采用跟骨牵引、手法复位加小夹板外固定配合中药治疗。 +"""This will send a clear message to the American technology, education and business community that Nanjing is a place to do business for the future, "" Hartigan said.",哈特根说,美国国会的决定向美国科技、教育和企业界人士发出了一个信号:南京市是一个将来值得前往创业的地方。 +"Besides, Iraq is supposedly sovereign now. So by what right can America meddle in its internal politics?",问题是随着美国撤走军队,美国队时局的影响力就会减弱,另外,伊拉克现在需要适当的主权,所以美国通过什么权利去插手伊拉克的国内政治呢? +To this end they should now conduct stress tests of systemic institutions and publish the results.,为此,他们现在应对系统性机构进行压力测试,并公布测试结果。 +"As a result, the Antarctic and Southern Ocean Coalition (ASOC) has implored the International Maritime Organisation to toughen up shipping laws at its annual conference in London.",因此,南极和南大洋联盟恳请国际海事组织在其伦敦年会上更严格地执行航运法规。 +"Public space, a playground for ideas, thoughts and opinions suits best everyone who seeks hiding one's distinctive mindsets and approaches from intrusion and curiosity gaze.",公共空间,一个于每个人皆为最佳的,为思路、想法和意见而设的游乐场;这些人们追求于藏匿个人与众不同的思维方式和方法,免受入侵和好奇的目光。 +"As requested, we are enclosing a copy of our current pricelist along with details of our conditions of sale and terms of payment.",现遵嘱将最新的价目单一份,连同我方销售条件与付款方式等详细资料随函寄上。 +"Business income year after year drops may be ' hurt forcedly ' , it is not quite good that this may mean growing sex.",营业收入逐年下降可能是‘硬伤’,这可能意味着成长性不太好。 +Stones from other hills may serve to polish the jade of this one. -- Advice from others may help one overcome one's shortcomings.,他山之石, 可以为错。 +The Bushehr plant is being built by Russia.,布什尔核电站是俄罗斯建设的。 +"First, I went to bed early. I forced myself went to sleep before 11p. m…",首先,我早睡。强迫自己在晚上十一点前上睡觉; +"Conversely, when sadness is upon the character, the movements will be slower.",相反地,当角色处于悲哀之中,动作将会减慢。 +"ISMAY: She is the largest moving object ever made by the hand of man in all history. And our master shipbuilder Mr. Andrews, here, designed her from the keel plates up.",伊斯迈:这船是人类历史上手工制作的最大的交通工具,我们的造船专家安德鲁斯,设计所有从龙骨往上部分。 +Mathilda:I hope you're not lying. Leon. I really hope that deep down inside there's no love in you. Because if there is…just a little bit of love in there for me…,玛蒂尔达:我希望你没有说谎我希望在你内心深处真的对我没有一丁点儿感觉你最好对我一点感觉都没有。 +I might have prolonged my trip by jumping over huge rocks and wading through rivers. But I did get back to the campground only about half hour behind schedule.,这一通攀岩涉水也许延长了我的旅途,但我回到了营地,只比预定时间只晚半小时多些。 +"""It was a mammoth tusk, "" Ivanovich said.",伊万诺维奇说,“是根猛犸象(又名长毛象)象牙。” +You've obsessed and you don't know! teach you truth of Obsession. Obsession Demon.,你痴恋了不自知!教你痴恋真相!痴恋恶魔! +Conclusion: The method treating the rabbit ocular surface alkali burns with corneal limbal stem cell allograft is an effective therapy.,结论:含干细胞的异体角膜缘移植治疗眼表碱烧伤的疗效明显优于单纯异体角膜移植,是一种较有效的方法。 +It is not hard to get him talking. The problem is stopping him.,让他说话不难,难的是说开了止不住他! +Sovereign debt markets have been in turmoil for a number of weeks now as the uncertainty about Greece's ability to avoid default sparks contagion fears within the Eurozone.,主权债务市场已经动荡了好?个星期,这主要是因为市场不确定希腊是否有能力避崄激发欧元区的蔓延担忧。 +"Instead of salvaging the current Hubble, he proposes using the parts to create a replacement, the Hubble Origins Probe.",他提议,不再去维修现在的哈勃,而是用现有部件建造一个替代品——哈勃源探测器。 +"One of the most complained-about phrases is: ""Let's run this up the flagpole and see who sails it"", as a means of suggesting a discussion of an idea and gauging reaction to it.",这些陈词滥调中,被抱怨最多的一句话有:“让我们看看谁能拔得头筹!” 这句话通常用来建议员工对一个想法进行讨论,并试探大家对此的反应。 +"My brother often goes to school by bike, but sometimes by bus.",我弟弟常骑自行车去上学,但有时乘公共汽车。 +"The hundred years had just passed, and the day had come when Little Brier-Rose was to awaken.",这天,时间正好过去了一百年,所以当王子来到树篱丛时,他看到的全是盛开着美丽花朵的灌木,他很轻松地就穿过了树篱。 +The connelly water ski company makes skiing fun again with their shaped designs in slaloms and pairs.,在康纳利滑水公司生产滑雪的乐趣与他们再次在回旋形的设计和对。 +"The language, while still called Basic (and no longer all-caps), was much more structured. Line numbers were mercy-killed.",这门语言虽然还叫做Basic(不再是全部大写),但更加结构化了,行号也被去除。 +Forensics uses this technology to help uncover crimes. The technological advancements of forensic science have contributed greatly to solving crimes and finding justice.,法医物证学通过技术揭开犯罪谜底。故法医物证学的技术进步,必将使更多犯罪分子绳之于法,让公平正义得到伸张。 +ALook! Our seats are over there. 12A is the window seat and 12B is the aisle seat.,你看,我们的座位在哪里。12A是靠窗的12B是靠走道的。 +WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Nothing like a little revolution to shake up an already turbulent global economy.,"路透华盛顿2月13日电---对于已然遭遇乱流的全球经济而言,一场革命有如新一波的震撼弹." +"Recorded in downtown Miami, the beggar with grey stubble and dressed in a tatty t-shirt and dark trousers, grins as he holds the board.",这位流浪汉在迈阿密市区乞讨,满脸白色胡茬,身着污渍斑斑的T恤衫和深色裤子,举着牌子时面露微笑。 +"It blithely dismissed the open-letter's suggestions with a declaration of denial. (""RIM is fully aware of and aggressively addressing both the company's challenges and its opportunities.""",RIM发表声明,草率地全盘否定了公开信的建议。(“RIM完全清楚目前的形势,我们正在积极应对公司所面临的机遇和挑战。”) +"At one point early yesterday, Phillips tried to escape by swimming to the destroyer.",昨天早上的某一时刻菲利普斯曾试图游向驱逐舰。 +People still get very excited about Jack London. Any additional piece in the Jack London jigsaw puzzle is very important to people.,人们现在仍然对杰克·伦敦痴迷不已,杰克·伦敦七巧板的任何一块拼板,对杰克·伦敦迷们都相当重要。 +"After her departure, aunt Harriet discovered that there were piles of empty wine bottles of all shapes and sizes neatly stacked in what had once been Bessie's wardrobe.",贝西走后,哈丽特姑妈发现在贝西以前用过的衣柜里整整齐齐地放着一堆堆形状各导、大小不一的酒瓶子。 +"Food is life, and life in these lands started around 12.000 years ago.",食物就是生命,而这片土地上的生命开始于大约12,000年前。 +Long and Zhao both are my best friends in senior school.,林龙和梁正钊是我在高中最好的朋友。 +"His multi-exposure images, taken at high-speed, are like questions: open, complex and necessary.",那些多重曝光、以高速菲林拍成的影象,一如以上的问题,既开放又复杂,但又必须提出。 +"Since plastic shower heads appear to ""load up"" with more bacteria-rich biofilms, metal shower heads may be a good alternative, said Professor Pace.",佩斯教授说道,“因为塑胶喷头‘藏’有更多装载大量细菌的生物膜,所以金属喷头不失为(淋浴时)一个好的选择。” +"Set to one side, Google could voluntarily destroy very quickly any user data that it collects .",当拨号盘转向一面时,谷歌可能会自愿地迅速销毁公司搜集的任何用户数据。 +"Man: Watch out, Donkey! It is very slippery here.",人:小心,驴子!这里非常地滑。 +The new town is being developed in phases.,当局正分期发展这个新市镇。 +Too much information is paralyzing.,太多的信息令人瘫痪,但奇怪的是,太多的自由,情况更糟。 +"A new quantization management method, progressive reckoning by piecework, is proposed according to the characteristics of basic environmental monitoring station.",根据四级环境监测站的特点,提出了一种新的环境监测定量化管理方法,即单元工作累积计分法。 +"The urban and rural difference, age, education level, occupation were the influencing factors of the knowledge level.",城乡差异、年龄、文化程度、职业是居民传染病认知的影响因素。 +Scores on the PDS were related to traditional measures of asthma control and the risk for relapse after discharge was determined by a follow-up telephone call 14 days after discharge.,PDS的分数与传统哮喘控制措施有相关性,在出院后的14天内对患儿进行电话随访从而评估再发的风险。 +"Photo 544: Photo at ISO 1600, cut from 100% original pictures. Left one is directly obtained from JPG, and right one is JPG transformed from RAW.",图544:用ISO 1600 拍摄的照片,100%截图,未后期处理。左边是直出JPG,右边是RAW 转JPG。高感的表现是让人满意的,从色块上来看,直出JPG 甚至更加细腻。 +"In this paper, the concept of slant equidistant surface is introduced, some properties of cylinder are proved.",本文介绍了斜等距曲面的概念,证明了柱面的斜等距曲面的一些性质。 +Proteolysis and denaturation of porcine proteins on heating were investigated.,在加热的条件下,猪肉蛋白质发生热变性和热降解。 +Introduce WSE courses to potential customers and consistently achieve individual sales targets with new prospects and old contacts.,向潜在客户介绍华尔街英语课程,通过开发新资源与挖掘旧资源,持续稳定地实现个人销售目标。 +"Orange chicken is a Chinese-American dish of Hunan origin. It is mostly found in American restaurants. In China, it is cooked with a dried orange or tangerine peel.",橙色鸡是中国美国盘湖南起源。它主要被查找在美国餐馆。在中国, 它被烹调与干桔子或蜜桔果皮。 +"It is really surprising that not just villagers, even the members of Gram Panchayats also don't have toilets in their house ! ! !",令人吃惊的是,不仅村民的家里没有厕所,而且村干部的家里也没有厕所! +"With the materialized force and labour force in the process of sci-tech periodicals reproduction as the starting point of studying, the value structure of academic sci-tech periodicals is analyzed.",以学术性科技期刊再生产过程中投入的物化劳动和活劳动为出发点,分析学术性科技期刊的价值构成。 +The reasonable value of clean official literature embodies its realistic character.,清官文学的合理价值集中表现为它的现实品格。 +"For this reason , we present the structure type of steel-concrete composite short pier shear wall.",在此基础之上,我们提出了型钢混凝土组合短肢剪力墙的结构形式。 +What is the common mistake?,常见的误区是什么? +"Decoding circuit is a vital part in pulse distance measuring system, because it can improve the anti-jamming ability and increases the veracity of distance measuring.",在脉冲激光测距系统研制、生产、使用和维护中,通常采用实际测距的方法对测距机的性能进行检验。 +"According to recent investigation and statistics, there are 36 species of rare and threatened plants belonging to 23 families and 31 genera in Anhui flora.",根据最近的调查和统计,安徽有国家级珍稀濒危保护植物36种,隶属于31属,2 3科(不含栽培品种) 。 +"In this regard, the results of a survey published Tuesday by Citrix (CTXS), a Florida-based networking company, are instructive.",就这一点来说,思杰(Citrix)于上周二发布的调查结果颇具启发性,思杰是一家位于佛罗里达的网络公司。 +"Article 20 The products processed by the Inside Enterprises, and the leftover materials, remnants, wasters that are produced in the process of production shall be re - transported out of our country .",第二十条区内企业的加工产品和在加工生产过程中产生的边角料、残次品、废品等应复运出境。 +Get up! Go to work! You are lazybones!,周扒皮在大叫:起来!干活去!你们这帮懒汉! +Experts also believe that Japan's contentious special antiterrorism law was the direct cause of Abe's departure.,有的专家认为促使安倍下台的直接原因是有争议的《反恐特别法》。 +"The kokanee is a small, nonmigratory, freshwater subspecies.",科克尼红大麻哈鱼为小型、不迁移的淡水亚种。 +Data memory technology is a key technology in network broad-band communication.,数据存贮技术是实现网络宽带通信的关键技术。 +"As for the men and women of our FBI and law enforcement, they are themselves working people who devote their lives to fighting crime and corruption.",至于联邦调查局和执法人员,他们也是劳动人民的一员,他们献身于打击犯罪,打击腐败。 +Fig 1. This is an example on how to set up the objects in the scene.,这是一个如何在场景中设置对象的例子。 +"So far, some 33 advisers have served in the country on nine-month rotating assignments to advise farmers and government officials.",迄今为止,已经有33名顾问轮流在阿富汗执行了为期9个月的任务,为农民和政府官员提供咨询。 +Physical eating Fried dough twist of small moments with bin brother also work in Gu Ting eat twist together.,天翼吃着麻花想起小时分跟斌哥还在顾婷一同吃麻花的工作。 +"Considering the burial custom and artifacts, there are little differences between these tombs and those discovered in Central Plain.",就墓葬形制和随葬陶器来看,同中原地区发现的同时期墓葬没有太大的区别。 +"This unit is intended for indoor use only and should be prevented from water, moisture and shake.",本产品公适用室内使用,并确保防水,防潮,防震,勿在多尘环境中使用; +"In vertical target density test, processing for miss projectile does not form consistent common understanding and treatment method.",自动火炮立靶密集度试验对脱靶弹的处理尚未形成较为一致的共识和处理方法。 +"In the end, the central bank would always rescue them by printing more money.",认为最终这些债务都将由其央行通过不停地印钞来偿还。 +Objective To investigate the using of high-dose epinephrine for cardiac resuscitation.,目的探讨大剂量肾上腺素在心肺复苏中的应用情况。 +Just because you work from home it doesn’t mean your only communication methods should be email and IM.,你在家工作并不意味着你的联系方式只能是email或MSN等即时通讯帐号。 +It's located a short walk from her childhood home in Barton Road and is the church which Agatha attended regularly during her childhood.,教堂的所在地离阿加莎小时候位于巴顿路的家不远,它也是她童年时期定期前往的教堂。 +"Indonesia reduced its overnight repo rate, at which commercial banks can borrow overnight funds from the central bank, by two percentage points to 10.25 percent.","印度尼西亚则将它的隔夜回购利率——商业银行向中央银行借入隔夜资金的利率——降低了2个百分点,至10.25%." +"When turned loose with no competition, invasive species can run amok in an ecosystem and send a park's native residents toward extinction.",当缺乏竞争之时,这些入侵的物种将会狂暴地进入生态系统,并将使公园的本地物种们陷入灭绝的境地。 +"It is widely used in stationery, motor, speaker, toy, iron separator etc.",广泛应用于文具、马达、喇叭、玩具、除铁器等方面。 +"Filter. Right-click for high-pass, low-pass, band-pass, or band-stop filter.",滤波器。右击指定高通、低通、带通或带阻滤波器。 +And you can't come to an agreement.,你们迟迟不能达成一致。 +"In the existence of radical initiator, DPDTT can be polymerized through ring-opening polymerization.",实验表明,在引发剂引发下,而DPDTT则可以发生开环聚合生成聚合物。 +The primary end point was a change in albuminuria.,主要终点为蛋白尿改变。 +You can move between each device node by using the up and down arrow keys.,通过使用上下方向键,可以在每个设备节点间移动。 +"Because of the cameras, there were 364 fewer accidents in the two years, and 507 fewer injuries.",由于交通摄像头的存在,两年中交通事故减少了364起,受伤人数也减少了507人。 +The second chapter discussed the gender roles and sustenance of Feng Yansi's Ci.,第二部分冯词的性别角色与寄托。 +"The Vedic hymns speak of ""purs"" made of stone and metal.",吠陀诗歌谈到了“咕噜咕噜叫”是由石头和金属制成。 +"After a test executes, you can use the Verification Point Comparator to analyze differences, or to update the baseline (expected object state) if the behavior of the object changes.",在执行测试之后,您可以利用 Verification Point Comparator 来分析区别,或者如果对象性能改变了,就更新基线(期望的对象状态)。 +"By moving and scaling the board which had atmosphere texture, it showed the shine of atmosphere.",采用实时移动与放缩带大气层纹理的正方形面板来实现大气光晕效果; +Much has changed in Malaysia since Mr Anwar last took the stand.,自从安瓦尔上次出庭到现在,马来西亚已经发生了很大的改变。 +A dozen sky blue containers set in a cream plastic case with two pages of clear instructions on how Franco's Flush Fast Water Mixture should be used.,乳白色的塑料箱内装有一打用天蓝色容器盛装着的弗朗科快冲水混合物,并附有两页长的详细说明,告诉你如何使用。 +"Yes.It was in the McDonald's.I put my bag on the chair and go to the toilet.When I came back,my bag was gone.",好。那是在麦当劳里。我把包放在椅子上,然后去了趟洗手间,回来的时候包就不见了。 +Objective To increase the knowledge of traumatic lesser intracranial hematoma of anterior longitudinal division.,目的提高对外伤性颅内前纵裂区小血肿的认识。 +"Faster time-to-value solution -- shorter time of development, integration, and testing for functional updates",更快的时间到价值的转化 -- 对于功能上的改进,用更短的时间进行开发、集成和测试。 +The effect of crystal content and grain size of feldspathic porcelain on fracture toughness was discussed in the paper.,本论文重点研究了长石瓷晶相含量和晶粒度对断裂韧性的影响。 +I hope that I can be your soulmate.,我希望能成为你的灵魂伴侣! +I have enjoyed all of ten episodes of the Firebird what have been showed on TV.,我已经欣赏完了《火鸟》已经播放的十集内容。 +Works by the guerilla graffiti artist Banksy are to go under the hammer at Sotheby's.,这是英国的民间涂鸦艺术家班克斯在世界拍卖行巨头索思比拍卖的作品。 +The results also showed that the concentrations of two microcystin variants decreased significantly by UV C irradiation;,在UV C的照射下,水体腐殖质对光降解具有抑制作用; +"When it breaks out, government executive ability could not carry out effectively as the government's recourses, including system, process and policy etc. are restricted.",一旦危机事件突发,由于政府的求助对象受限,包括体制,过程和政策等,政府执行力就不能得到有效执行。 +"New-sense authors are depicting a luxury and dissipation life, and also disturbed by villainous nightmare.",新感觉派作家一边刻画着都市的纸醉金迷的生活,一边为都市的罪恶梦魇所困扰。 +Keith said that Ray spent a good amount of time explaining his viewpoint.,基思说雷花了很长时间来解释他的话。 +"Paul Ryan, the Republican chairman of the House Budget Committee, offered his own reforms.",保罗莱恩时任众议院预算委员会主席,进献了自己的改革方案。 +"Whether or not Ms. Lauder had a private lavatory tucked next to her wallpapered office overlooking Central Park, Ms. Blodgett has no such luxury.",不管雅诗兰黛女士是否真如传闻一样,在自己的办公室里私设了一间可以俯瞰整个中央公园的盥洗室,Blodgett却从不习惯这样奢侈的生活方式。 +We and the people know this.,我们党和人民懂得这一点。 +We want to purchase UNVOLCANISED or UNPROCESSED RUBBER (as an unwanted rubber scrap form).,我们需要采购生胶或天然橡胶(塑料废胶)。 +"First, by employing the DCT instead of the ""pixel grouping"" and redefining the within class scatter matrix, a new null space method is given.",首先,通过使用DCT代替“像素聚类”并重新定义类间散布矩阵,得到一种新的零空间法。 +They then asked participants to rate the 'trustworthiness' of nearly 300 faces of people from many races .,研究者向受测者展示了300张来自不同种族的面孔后,并询问他们的“可信度”。 +"Special attention is focused on the assessment in a TBL lesson. In this article, I study the theory with practice.",通过对任务型教学法进行的分析及对实验的分析,我认为它适应初中英语的教学。 +"Per capita income in Houchuan village has gone from 600 Yuan (US$84) to about 2,400 Yuan (US$336) since the opening of the home-stays.",自从开办农家乐以来,后川村的人均收入从600元增加到了2400元。 +"That means the traditional defensive sectors, such as health care and utilities, are poised to perform better than companies that are more vulnerable to the business cycle, analysts said.","分析师称,那意味着医疗保健和公共事业等传统防御型类股表现料将更胜一筹,令那些易受商业周期影响的公司相形见绌." +"Method:32 cases were treated with Repleshing Spleen to Stop Diarrhea Decoction as the study group while 30 cases were treated with Vit B1, Compond Diphenoxylate and Berberine as the control group.",方法:治疗组32例用健脾止泻饮治疗,对照组30例用维生素B1、复方苯乙呱啶、盐酸黄连素治疗。 +A crystal structure can in principle be regarded as a manifestation of self-assembly and self-organization.,一个晶体结构原则上可认为是(物质)自组装和自组织过程的集合。 +"Buying may slacken this year, however, because the government is likely to increase import duties on gold in the forthcoming budget.",然而,印度今年的黄金购买力可能会下降,因为政府可能在下一财年预算中提高黄金进口税。 +The concept of management theory and its corresponding theoretical system were first put forward by Bede Deruk in 1994. It is not the same as any past operation and management theories.,经营理论这一概念及相应的理论体系由彼得·德鲁克于1994年首次提出,它与以往的经营管理理论并不相同。 +Rolls for myself and a large portion of the Fired '.,给我自己来个小份肠粉,大份炒牛河给我的朋友。 +"Case is located in the scenic shore of Hun River, where a quiet space, people can revel in being fresh and natural.",本案座落于浑河岸边风景秀丽,在这里是一个宁静的空间,可以让人陶醉在清新自然之中。 +"Boss is unbearably busy, but does not have the assistant who may entrust with an important task.",老板忙不过来,但是没有可以委以重任的助手。 +"This product was added to extracts of natural yucca extract, lactobacillus and allicin ingredient, effectively inhibit the urine smell, odor, intestinal disease and coccidiosis;",本产品加入天然丝兰萃精华、乳酸菌素及大蒜素成分,有效抑制尿臭、异味、肠道病和球虫病; +The owner of an Iowa meat company says tests have refuted government claims that his meat may have the same E. Coli strain that killed three people in the recent spinach outbreak.,爱荷华州某间肉厂厂主表示,政府曾宣称他的肉厂可能含有某种大肠杆菌,这种大肠杆菌在最近的菠菜中毒事件中导致3人死亡,但测试结果推翻了这一说法。 +"Laura: Wait, Jack. Did you put on your sunscreen?",等等,杰克,你涂了防晒乳没有? +And finally your father succeeded in entrapping some of them and the rest of them fleed back to china.,最终你的父亲活捉了一些妖怪,而其他的,只能逃回中国。 +"Best known for sensual belly dancing and her powerful voice, Shakira stayed in the presidential suite at a five-star hotel in Mumbai, media reports said.",据报导,以性感的肚皮舞和颇具传染力的声音而闻名的夏奇拉在孟买的一家五星级旅店的总统套房下榻。 +"You have experienced, then aftertaste, you will find a matter of fact, it is good. Like coffee, savored, and labial teeth Liuxiang.",等你经历过,再来回味,你会发现其实,它是美好的。就像咖啡,回味起来,唇齿留香。 +"The catch is that because low-frequency waves can travel great distances, when they do bounce off cavities or objects underground, they often end up far from the detection equipment at the surface.",捕捉过程是这样的,因为低频波可以传输到更远的距离,当它们遇到地下的空穴或其他物体反射回来的时候,已经距地面的接收装置很远了。 +I hunted with a musket two years ago.,两年前我用滑膛枪打猎。 +However in the actual application they found that after: the same is menstruation some USES the effective some is no improvement even the mess.,然而在实际应用之后,她们发现:同样是月经不调,有的用了有效,有的则毫无改善,甚至月经越调越乱。 +"This article hes briefly described the principle of preparation of solvent-free and higher hardness aqueous polyurethane resin, and discussed the influence of various factors on the resin properties.",简述了低溶剂型高硬度水性聚氨酯的研制原理,讨论了各项因素对树脂性能的影响。 +Chapter 2: Disscussion of the applicability of the insolvency reorganization regime for commercial banks.,第二章探讨商业银行对破产重整制度的适用情况。 +"They'll kick you, then they beat you, then they'll tell you it's fair.",他们会踢翻你,打倒你,然后他们会告诉你这就是公平。 +"So I cannot really take it as an argument, though I should note the performance is the primary reason I am porting my current app back to PHP.",所以我不能把这当作一个真正的问题,尽管它是我把现在的应用移植到PHP的最主要的一个原因。 +So I rose to the occasion and guessed that what she might be wondering about was what types of housing are common on the Chinese mainland.,于是我转了一下脑筋,猜测她可能只是想问一下中国大陆的房子一般是什么样子。 +"The hydride generation, transportation, atomisation and some instrumental Parameters were studied by a kind of orthogonal design.",以正交设计法对该还原反应、氢化物转移、原子化及原子荧光测定条件等进行了详细研究。 +"In chapter two, the thesis analyzes the trait, sort, influence factors and principia of upbuilding of reverse logistics network.",第二部分分析了反向物流网络的特征、分类以及影响废旧家电回收反向物流构建的因素及构建原则; +You've just been asked to give a project update to your colleagues at next week's lunch-hour seminar.,你刚刚被要求在下周四午餐的一小时里,向你的同事展示一份PPT。 +"In international garments trading, most of the exporters are in developing countries like China.",在国际服装贸易中,大部分的出口商都在中国这样的发展中国家。 +"For example, if the row width is decreased, the error glyph disappears first, then the standard glyph, then text.",例如,如果行宽减小,错误标志符号将首先消失,然后标准标志符号消失,最后文本消失。 +The magazine's analysts say housing is 76 per cent overvalued against long-term averages on a rental basis – the highest among the 23-country league table – and 31 per cent against disposable incomes.,该杂志的分析员认为在租赁方面,住房和长期以来的平均数值相比被高估了百分之七十六,是参评的二十三个国家中最高的,超出可支配收入百分之三十一。 +"Guangzhou Senjie non woven cloth products Co. ltd was founded eight years, with 14,000 square meters of factory spaces, and 680 employees.",广州森杰无纺布制品实业有限公司是一家成立了八年、拥有1.4万平方米的厂房面积和680名员工的企业。 +"Rain and heavy rain or big snow, see Xian Xiao yue.",雪花落下满天飘,一见阳光全融销。 +Shenzhen CDF is one of the main members in CDF International Group.,深圳可颂坊,是可颂国际集团的主要成员之一。 +"IBM, by contrast, is now as influential as it has ever been, with a stockmarket value of around $200 billion and nearly 427,000 employees, many of them in the developing world.",反观IBM,现在它的影响力一如既往,其股票价值约为2000亿美元,拥有近427000名员工,很多都是在发展中国家。 +Manage stress. Stress may interfere with certain hormones needed to produce sperm. Stress can also decrease sexual function.,压力管理。 压力可能干预到某些用来生产精子的荷尔蒙。压力同样可以降低性功能。 +"Thin film lithium battery was developed for the need of micro-system, which had very high specific capacity and good cycle (performance), and it was a solid state battery by all meaning.",适应微系统的需要发展起来的薄膜锂电池,具有很高的比容量和很长的循环寿命,是真正的全固态电池。 +"Port logistics technique and equipment will develop towards automation, high efficiency, information, intellectualize and comfortable to human.",港口物流技术与装备将向自动化、高效化、信息化、智能化和宜人化方向发展。 +"By studying the basketball coaches' present command, we strive to provide reference for their present command, thereby their levels can be improved.",通过对篮球教练员临场指挥的研究,力求为其临场指挥提供参考,从而提高教练员的水平。 +"Simply put, sport performance does not always represent the best character traits for service dog selection.",简言之,运动竞技赛上的表现并不总是能表现出役用犬选择所需要的最佳性格特征。 +Ned:OK. Please don't reenter your house until a police officer arrives. Can you tell me your address?,奈德:好的,在员警抵达前请不要再进入妳的房子。可以告诉我妳的住址吗? +"To understand beauty professional theaters operating model, with sharp market insight , copy writing ability.",了解美容专业院线的运营模式,具备敏锐的市场洞察力,文案写作能力强。 +"InsiderChina represents a selected range of lifestyle brands in food and beverage, wine, furniture and tiles industry.",知机中国代表的是在食品饮料、红酒、家具和瓷砖领域内,对于生活方式的至臻选择。 +"Auspicious dragon bliss jade CARDS, modelling concise, carver delicate, pelosi is natural and graceful of natural, is the good, or add the relatives and friends of exquisite jade baldric.",祥龙福佑玉牌,造型简洁,雕工精致,佩之则雍容大方,是添运增福或馈赠亲友的精美玉器佩饰。 +"Now that Kazakhstan has its law, Ms. Sivryukova’s volunteers have not let up their vigilance.",现在哈萨克斯坦有了自己的法律,但席瑞科娃的志愿者们也没有放松警惕。 +Back to the first five minutes was required.,回一次得需求五个钟。 +They have suggested that the most that could be expected was a nonbinding political declaration.,他们表示,预计会议最多是产生一个不具约束力的政治宣言。 +So that Lady Chatterlay left her impersonal husband and threw herself on Mr Millors of organic tenderness.,那么查特莱夫人离开冷漠无情的丈夫,投入性器温柔的梅勒斯的怀抱就是注定的了。 +"Yeah. If you were going to marry somebody from this class, it is the person you are sitting next to?",如果要你和这个班上的某个同学结婚,那会是坐在你旁边的那个人? +"When we play happily, a child throwed the earthbags at full tilt . The earthbags broke a window into pieces.",正当我们玩的高兴的时候,一个小孩扔得过于用力,把一间房屋的窗户打碎了。 +"They appreciated him as a foeman worthy of their intellect, and they listened intently, following every word.",他们欣赏他,认为他是个值得他们使用智慧对待的对手,于是听得很仔细,一字不漏。 +"However, the additional complexity of glycans compared to proteins and nucleic acids has slowed the advancement of glycomics in comparison to genomics and proteomics.",但是,与蛋白质和核酸相比,多糖的额外的复杂性阻碍了糖组学相较于基因组学和蛋白质组学的进展。 +"These compounds have the ability to scavenge free radicals such as hydrogen peroxide, which must be removed from cells to maintain healthy metabolic function.",这些化合物能消除过氧化氢等自由基,而要维护健康的新陈代谢功能的话,必须把这些自由基从细胞中清除出去。 +"The value of Kuipers's QSIM is Absorbed, the interaction rules are designed by common knowledge and experts knowledge in this field.",而后按照QSIM算法思路,结合有关群体工作行为的常识和专家知识,设计了变量间的作用规则。 +"There is increasing pressure from the US and rising powers such as China, India and Brazil for the G8 ""rich countries club"" to be expanded and for European membership to be consolidated.",此外,有越来越大的来自美国和新兴国家如中国、印度、巴西等国家的压力,要求扩大八国集团—富裕国家俱乐部,要求欧洲成员资格单一化。 +The invention further provides the quad flat no-lead encapsulation structure obtained by the method of the invention.,本发明进一步提供了一种采用上述方法获得的四方扁平无引脚封装结构。 +"The space left- untrammeled, style warm generous.",整个空间色调鲜明奔放,风格热烈大方。 +Let the wind of freedom blow.,让自由之风劲吹。 +In books lies the soul of the whole past time. -Thomas Carlyle,书中有所有先贤的全部灵魂。 +"In fact, if you draw a diagram of a person, what their body is corresponding to the amount of somatosensory cortex, you get something like that.","事实上,如果你画一张人体示意图,在这张示意图中,将躯体感觉皮层面积与身体相对应,那么你就会得到这样的一张图" +It started with a handshake between two visionary Oregonians - Bowerman and his University of Oregon runner Phil Knight.,关于耐克的所有一切源于两个俄勒冈人的一次握手,鲍尔曼先生和他在俄勒冈大学田径队的爱徒菲尔。奈特。 +So successful fund-raising is really relationship-based.,所以,成功募捐的基础其实是人际关系。 +The other one is because gardens of Renaissance and the Le Notre's style are too brilliance so we always neglect the Baroque.,另一方面它的光辉被文艺复兴时期和法国勒诺特式园林所取得的艺术成就所掩盖。 +Is one of the leading companies in creating and selling goggle area in China.,卡丁摩托车配件经营部是引领中国风镜开发及销售的公司之一。 +With the further development of the automobile market for anti-theft auto market has doubled for the growth of space.,随着汽车市场的进一步发展也为汽车防盗器市场带来成倍的增长空间。 +"Dairy Products, Veterinary Medicine, Tea, Tea, Rice, Sardines , Lubricants, Tuna Fish, Milk Powder.",采购产品奶类产品,兽医药品,茶,茶,大米,沙丁鱼,润滑油,鲔鱼,奶粉。 +"In the last day in Sweden, an old friend invited us to his summer house 30 km away from Stockholm on a freshwater island. This visit culminated our experience of the high quality life in Sweden.",在瑞典的最后一天,一个忘年交朋友邀请我们到他的夏日别墅做客,成为我们体验瑞典高品质生活的高潮。 +More exercise and a change of diet will tone up your body.,多进行锻炼并改变饮食会使你身强体壮。 +"The rights granted hereunder to IB are not assignable , and shall not be assigned, to any other party.",以下授予代理的权力是不可转让的,不应转让给任何其它方。 +The engine then determines how to bind that Record to the cmdlet parameters and then we call ProcessRecord() method.,引擎随后判断如何把Record绑定到cmdlet参数中,然后我们再调用ProcessRecord()方法。 +A body that has very little matter has very little gravitation.,一个天体所含的物质很少,它的引力也很小。 +"He is not only ""Miyoshi students"" and are ""outstanding class cadres. """,他不但是“三好学生”,而且是“优秀班干部”。 +"At the same time, Japanese onomatopoEIa mimicry word quantity is not only numerous, moreover table Italy is exquisite, is a Japanese learner's in Japanese study difficulty.",同时,日语拟声拟态词不仅数量众多,而且表意细腻,是日语学习者在日语学习中的一个难点。 +"In order to assure adequate stiffness, the lathe has relevant requirements for the shape, location and size of the batten wall pore.",为了保证有足够的刚度,机床对板壁孔的形状、位置和大小都提出了相应的要求。 +"The colourful language of the rank-and-file endears this man to his troops, but causes vague disquiet amongst his peers.",此人“丰富多彩”的粗俗语言让他博得了士兵们的爱戴,但是在他的同僚中造成了不良影响。 +"Whenever a comrade needs help, he is ready to give it.",但凡同志们有困难, 他没有不热情帮助的。 +A technique for making the small-diameter cable by the extrusion process is proposed.,研究了小直径光缆的挤塑工艺参数并根据液晶聚合物的材料特性给出了挤塑工艺流程。 +"According to North Korean lore, Kim Jongil's birth was foretold by a swallow and heralded by a glorious double rainbow and the appearance of a new star.",在“北朝鲜常识”里,金正日的出生由燕子的啼叫、天空浮现的两道彩虹和宇宙出现的一颗新星所预兆。 +"The characteristics of flow field in boundary layer are different from that of laminar flow and turbulence. So, it was not ignored.",边界层虽很薄,但由于其水流特性与一般的层流、紊流特性相差甚大,因而它对水流的影响是不可忽略的。 +"IVINDO NATIONAL PARK, Gabon — The forest here seems to go on forever, interrupted only by the broad ribbons of its rivers.",加彭伊温多河国家公园的森林似乎绵延不尽,只被宽广蜿蜒的河流从中截断。 +Kids were evaluated between the ages of three- to five-years-old and again from nine to 13-years-old.,孩子们按照两个年龄段进行评估,一个是2-5岁年龄段,另一个是9-13岁年龄段。 +Conclusion The dissolution of venoruton should be tested to control the quality and ensure clinical efficacy.,结论有必要增加对每批维脑路通片进行溶出度检查,以控制其质量,保证临床疗效。 +"On his face was left the stupid smile—hypocritical, and not disguising its hypocrisy—of a man who receives many petitioners, one after another.",地脸上现出愚笨、虚伪、并不掩饰虚伪的微笑,就像某人接见一大批一大批请愿者时面露微笑似的。 +"At such reports, face with filial piety child, what is your feeling?",看着这样的报导,面对这样有孝心的孩子,你有什么感想呢? +In this thesis we first present a review of current and past research on replication techniques.,本文中,我们首先对与复制技术有关的研究成果进行了总结。 +My friends sometimes think I'm too hardworking because they complain that they don't see me enough.,我的朋友有时觉得我工作太认真了,他们抱怨我常不见人影。 +"Easily operated, all theproducts of Baidu concern every aspect of common people's work and life, so it has become themost popular and influential Chinese website in China.",百度提供的所有产品操作简单,涉及普通公众工作和生活的各个方面。 它已成为中国最受欢迎、影响力最大的中文网站。 +The ant communities of the vertical band have obvious regularity on east slope of the nature reserve.,高黎贡山自然保护区东坡垂直带上蚂蚁群落具有明显的规律性。 +"In the court-yard some of the merry children were playing who had danced at Christmas round the Fir Tree, and were so glad at the sight of him.",院子里有几个快乐的小孩子在玩耍。他们在圣诞节的时候,曾绕着这树跳过舞,和它在一块高兴过。 +What are some other cross-roads where this advice would be applicable?,我的主意是否也适用于其他的人生抉择呢? +He tried to get Christ to fall just as he had gotten Adam and Eve to sin in the Garden of Eden.,他试图使耶稣像亚当和夏娃在伊甸园中犯罪一样被击垮。 +"More importantly, the 3G subscriber base grew by 20 Million over the same timer period, expanding to 87 Million over the summer.","更为重要的是,在同一时期内,3G用户数增长了2,000万,在这个夏季扩展到了8,700万���" +"It is Xingren' s duty to reply by chanting poems, which also becomes one form of diplomatic rituals.",而赋诗应对为行人之职,亦为外交礼仪形式。 +"Meanwhile, the plan isn't likely to slow the continuing decline in housing prices.",同时,该计划不可能让房产业继续下滑受到减速。 +"""I think we are seeing the last gasps of ocean iron fertilisation as a carbon-storage strategy, "" said Ken Caldeira of the Carnegie Institution at Stanford University.",斯坦福大学卡内基研究所的肯·卡尔代拉说道:“我认为利用海洋铁加富作为碳存储的策略已经快要行不通了。 +And who would step up first for Ghana but Gyan — and he also struck the ball perfectly.,加纳队的第一个点球该由谁发呢?还是吉安,这一次他完美地命中该球。 +"But it is conditional for you, just as it was for them.",但对你是有条件的,就像对迦南人也是一样的。 +The research gives the theoretic basis for aggregating the multi-granularity linguistic judgment matrices effectively in the group decision-making.,本文研究为群决策中基于不同粒度的语言判断矩阵有效集结提供了理论依据。 +"The projection method is introduced, including image collection and segmentation edge detecting, 3-D reconstruction and so on, which achieve the 3-D reconstruction of shape of rough diamond.",介绍了投影法,通过图像采集与分割、边缘提取、三维重建等步骤,实现了钻石原石形状的三维重建。 +"Computer- or robot-assisted surgery was cleared by the FDA in 2005 for use in all urological procedures, including the removal of the prostate (radical prostatectomy) because of cancer.",2005年电脑或者机器人协助手术已经通过FDA的安全认可,可以在所有泌尿手术步骤中使用,包括因癌症需要切除前列腺(放射性前列腺切除术)。 +"Warm prompt, happiness often visit.",温馨提示密,快乐常拜访。 +And his main accomplishment is in literature instead of being an officer.,梅曾亮一生主要是读书、教书、为官京师,成就在文学不在事功。 +Making any mistakes when someone uses a language whether his speaking or writing is not a serious problem.,当某人在使用一门语言或说或写时,出点错,不算什么要紧的问题; +We're building hardware. We're fulfilling hardware.,我们开发硬件,我们完成硬件。 +"Should they cherry pick uni students whoare prepared to forge results to create the ""findings"" people likeyou think are ideal?",他们应该伪造结论从而创造出你认为理想化的“发现”? +"Li Tongming, a freshman from University of International Business and Economics taught his father how to use the service as a way to get to know what is going on in his son`s life.",对外经济贸易大学的大一新生李同明(音译)教会父亲来使用微博,以此来让他了解自己的生活状况。 +are made of 100 times less material than the current top solar cells while operating at the same efficiency.,所用材料是当前最顶级的太阳电池所需材料的一百分之一,而效能却一样。 +Kat Macenas visits with a dog boarding in the crown jewel suite at Chateau Poochie.,看,凯特?玛可奈斯和寄养在“狗狗乐园”皇冠套间的狗狗聊得正欢呢! +Objective To observe the effect of reciprocating gait orthosis on walking ability and activities of daily living(ADL)of patients with C6~T6 spinal cord injury(SCI).,目的观察往复式步行矫形器对C6~T6节段脊髓损伤(SCI)患者步行能力及日常生活活动(ADL)能力的影响。 +The history of unresolved respiratory infection suggests post-infectious BOOP .,未确定的呼吸道感染病史提示感染后BOOP。 +"Warriner believes this will likely result in a lost job offer, and lost respect for you from all companies involved in the process.",Warriner认为如果你这样做的话最后会导致你失去这份工作,并且会使你失去面试过程中所有公司的尊敬。 +It was not until she took off her dark glasses that I realized that she was a famous film star.,直到她摘去黑色眼镜,我才认出她是一位著名的影星。 +"We believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the giver of life, who proceeds from the Father and the Son.",祂的神国万世无疆。我信圣神,祂是主及赋与生命者,由圣父圣子所共发。 +The A3983 includes a fixed off-time current regulator which has the ability to operate in Slow or Mixed decay modes.,有一个固定关断时间的电流调节器,可以控制慢速、快速或混合衰减模式。 +"The experimental results show that adiabatic efficiency has a remarkable improvement in low cold mass flow ratios, adiabatic efficiency can improve by 30% in the best condition.",实验表明,在冷流率小的情况下,通过加湿可以使得绝热效率得到显著的提高,最好可以提高30%。 +This includes operations on types like List or ArrayList without a type specified.,这种操作包括诸如 List 或 ArrayList 等类型上的操作,但没有指定类型。 +"Dongpo pork, Beggar's chicken, fried shrimps with Longjing tea, and West Lake fish are among the most popular dishes.",东坡肉、叫花鸡、龙井虾仁、西湖醋鱼都是有名的菜肴。 +"Unsuccessful tenderers shall return the bidding documents and relevant materials within7 days upon receipt of notification, and the bid invitation unit shall refund the tenderer the deposit.",未中标的投标单位应在接到通知后7天内退回招标文件及有关资料,招标单位同时退还投标保证金。 +"This machine can realize automatic feeding, automatic discharging, automatic temperature control, automatic filtering and other functions.",燃气(柴油)全自动油炸机可实现自动上料、自动出料、自动控温、自动过滤等功能。 +Recently we were told by a student that setting aside time for improving his physical fitness would be a total misuse of his working hours.,最近,有个学生告诉我说,分出一部分时间去提高身体健康的水平,纯粹是挤占了他的学习时间。 +Fixed a problem that removed the Summoned state from Carrion Beetles when they burrow.,修正了腐尸甲虫在进行挖洞时失去召唤状态的问题。 +"Just now at home, he had convulsions with teeth and fists clenched and eyes turned up.",他刚才在家里突然抽搐,牙关紧闭,两手握拳, 眼睛上 翻。 +"Many ways have been given to solve the maximization problem of the continuous function, however, there are some drawbacks more or less.",求解连续函数最大值的优化算法已有多种,但都不同程度地存在一定的局限性。 +"According to technical characteristics of breaststroke and crawl, based on the feedback principle, the feedback standards and methods, using in various classes and teaching stages were designed.",根据蛙泳、爬泳的技术特点、按照反馈原理设计出各教学阶段和每堂课的反馈标准和方法。 +"You can count on powerful Pluto, a planet that rules highly influential higher ups, so when you need support the most, you will get it.",您可以依靠强大的冥王星的行星的规则很有影响力的高起坐,所以当您需要支持的大部分时间,你会得到它。 +The money that Sesame Workshop receives when you buy a Sesame Street product is put right back into Sesame Street and other Sesame Workshop educational projects.,当你购买芝麻街产品,芝麻街工作室收到钱。是把钱正确的用于芝麻街和其他芝麻街工作室教育项目。 +Chapter 7 expands the concept of variable speeds to compensate speed fluctuations in motor driven mechanisms.,在第七章中,将变输入转速机构的观念进一步扩展,应用于马达驱动机构系统的速度波动补偿。 +"However, voters are skeptical of the official governmentprojection, and 81% believe the actual cost of the program will be higher thanprojected.",然而,选民对政府办公室的估算表示怀疑,81%的人相信计划的实际耗费将比预计的要高上许多。 +This is a good demonstration of the power of perception.,这是对于感知力作用的有力论证。 +"From 2003 to 2006, shrimp accounted for between 26 percent and 35 percent of all filth refusals, even though only 22 percent to 24 percent of all imports were shrimp.",2003年到2006年间,在只有22 %至24 %的进口虾的情况下,虾类因污染物被拒绝入境的比例占到26%至35%。 +"So quiet the grove was, so still the air, that even the aspen leaves hung LIMP.",小林子静悄悄的,一点风也没有,连白杨的叶子也无精打采地垂下头来。 +"The Philippines has been a beacon of scientific enlightenment in a vast sea of darkness with regards to sound, science-based policies about agricultural biotechnology and GM crops.",他说:“在关于农业生物技术与转基因作物的合理的、基于科学的政策的茫茫黑暗中,菲律宾是一个科学启蒙的灯塔。 +"To reset all the Compiz settings (this includes all the plugins settings, etc.) to the default values, open a terminal (don't run it with ALT + F2!",要将所有的Compiz设定(包括插件之类的设定)重置为初始值, 打开终端(不要用ALT+F2运行! +"Don't deaden your senses with alcohol (although if you're a wine connoisseur, your special wine can be a gift) or spend big bucks at the mall.",不要让自己麻醉在酒精中(如果你是一名品酒师,一杯独特的酒也是一份很好的礼物)或是在大型购物商店中挥金如土。 +"Decisions at work tend to be binary, or between a manageable number of options.",工作中的决策往往非此即彼,或者在屈指可数的方案中进行选择。 +Our component consumes a fictional Web service called stockInfo that returns information on companies based on stock tickers users provide.,组件使用了假定的 Web 服务 stockInfo,该服务将基于用户所提供的证券报价机来返回公司信息。 +In the run-up to Christmas he tested a kart at the Lonato circuit in Brescia and competed in a 24-hour kart race in his hometown of Kerpen.,在圣诞前一段时间,他不但在布雷西亚参加了卡丁车测试,而且还在他的家乡科尔班参加了一次24小时卡丁车比赛。 +This progress is first started by simple missions to Mars.,这个过程刚开始由简单的火星任务开始。 +"Nevertheless, it's a valuable chapter that will help managers decide whether to invest in certain products and a complementary requirements management process.",尽管如此,它还是相当有价值的一章,将帮助管理人员决定是否在某些产品和需求管理过程上投资。 +"Splendid gilded cupolas rose over the roof, and between the pillars that surrounded the whole building stood life-like statues of marble.",一些镀金的炮楼蔚为壮观,耸立在屋顶之上,整个建筑的四周有圆柱作支撑,圆柱之间立着栩栩如生的大理石雕像。 +Will this be a turning point in their lives?,这会是他们人生的转捩点吗? +The latest protests broke out on Tuesday at a Taiwanese computer factory in Shenzhen.,最新的抗议活动是本周二在深圳一家台资计算机工厂爆发的。 +Three civil rights activists found dead.Congress of Racial Equality (CORE) dedicated to non-violent direct action against racial discrimination.,三民权活动组织被瓦解,种族平等大会的核心致力于非暴力直接行为,并反对种族歧视。 +It's not that 'Father Chávez' is always going to give us handouts.,‘圣父查韦斯’并不总是给予我们施舍。 +"During normal operation, the electronic control and actuator section of the EGB regulates fuel to the prime mover.",在正常操作期间,电子控制及致动器节的银杏叶提取物的调节燃料向总理提出。 +I know that you were born in Vietnam in 1926.,你知道您是1926年出生在越南的。 +Can you believe it?The donut ranger gave me a ticket for driving too slow!,巡警给我开了张罚单,说我开车太慢! +Losers frown. Winners smile.,失败者皱眉;成功者微笑。 +"Gulf luxury hotel with sea view, suites, standard rooms, villas, etc. A total of 108 rooms.",海湾宾馆设有豪华海景、套房、标准房、别墅等各类房间共108间。 +When someone says something boring we shut our eyes and pretend to go to sleep.,当有人说起无聊的事情时,我们会闭上眼睛,装作要睡觉的样子。 +"This paper constructs the model of the behavior of safeguarding rights by people whose houses will be dismantled according to the external principle and game theory, and then analyzes it.",首先依据外部性原理和博弈论方法,构建了被拆迁人维权行为博弈模型,并对此进行了分析。 +And Craigslist founder Craig Newmark is spending time in Washington to encourage greater use of technology and greater transparency.,Craigslist公司的创始人克雷格-纽马克(Craig Newmark)也在华盛顿游说当局采取措施提高对科技的利用率以及法令的透明度。 +Does today specially think magi?,难道今天特别想贤士? +"While 10-goal Tevez's transfer request is bad news for City, it is good news for their title rivals.",不管怎么说,有10球进账的特为兹要求转会的消息对于曼城来说是个打击,对于他们的竞争对手来说则是个不错的新闻。 +"Barriss will pushkar mother gave her elegant bracelet returned, she saw her jas to pushkar home feel more guilty after the damage.",芭丽将普什卡母亲送给佩雅的手镯归还,她看到佩雅给普什卡家造成的伤害后更感愧疚。 +Mr. Cameron spoke Thursday at an emergency meeting of parliament. He said the violence was not political but criminal.,周四,卡梅伦在议会的一次紧急会议上发言。他表示,暴力无关政治,而是犯罪。 +"While Augustine preaches, Rousseau ponders, and Vidal excoriates, Jarman makes me feel like he's saying, between the lines, Come on in, sit down, I'll tell you my story if you'll tell me yours.",奥古斯汀款款布道,卢梭沉思冥想,维达尔鞭斥挞伐,而贾曼让我觉得在讲述,字里行间透着的是:进来坐下,如果你给我讲你的故事,我也把我的讲给你听。 +One-way valve is designed to prevent water in the return of the blackout to prevent failures that may occur.,单向阀被设计成在停电时预防水回流, 防止可能发生的故障。 +"The doctor will be free in ten minutes, cay you wait that long?",医生十分钟后有空,你能等一下吗? +"Construction of network teaching environment of""Guiding Leaning crowd""is the prerequisite and basis of launching modern distance education.",构建导学群网络教学环境是开展现代远程教育的前提和基础。 +"On this basis, designed a facility complex-frequency screen. In some semi-work test, the results have indicated it can effectively sift slime coal quitely.",在上述研究工作的基础上,设计了一台简易复频筛,半工业性试验表明,它能有效地进行细粒煤炭的深度筛分。 +"The paper presents the mechanics model of vibration for VWWJ-19/7.8 type air compressor without foundation and oil lubrication, and conducts the program calculation and Vibration test.",导出了VWWJ—19/7.8型无基础无油润滑空气压缩机的振动力学模型,进行了程序计算和振动测试。 +51% of children aged 5-6 are enrolled in kindergarten.,51%的5-6岁儿童上了幼儿园。 +"In this core, the vertical distributions of dinoflagellate cyst, organic carbon, carbon isotope and biogenic silica were studied.",在此基础上,进行了沟鞭藻孢囊、有机碳、有机碳同位素、生物硅含量等指标垂向分布特征研究。 +"“Recovery in the stock market usually comes before the economy, but it’s not every time, ” said Li, who is known as ‘Superman’ locally because of his investment acumen.",因为在投资方面特别敏锐,李嘉诚被称作“超人”,他说:“股市通常在经济之前复元,但也不总是如此。 +It was a flowering out of feelings which had been withering in dry and almost barren soil for many years.,这是多年在干旱贫瘠的土壤中不断枯萎的情感,又发出了新芽,开出新花。 +"Today, he forecast ' flattish ' demand for networks this year.",今天,他预料今年的网络需求呈扁平式。 +The defective bearing bushes should be turned out of the bedplate and renewed.,主轴承和连杆轴承应定期检查,损坏的轴瓦应从底座转出并换新。 +"Although, fake-out – a break above 1406 and back below it – is not uncommon in FED days.",而且,在联储公告发布日,出现“假突破”也是很常见的,也就是说不排除标普突破1406点又跌回下方的可能。 +"This is so that I can create a Web site made for 1024px wide, but still have space to decide what is going to happen outside the viewable area so that it degrades nicely even on larger screens.",这个文档可以用于宽为1024px的站点,仍然还有空间去决定在可视区域之外如何布置,这样在更大屏幕下也很好的适应。 +"The outspoken President believes a bright future lies ahead for the Aquile, but insists he will always keep a close eye on costs.",坦率的主席相信蓝鹰军团有一个光明的未来,但坚持说他会一直密切关注花销。 +Now let me enumerate the reasons one by one in the following.,现在,让我来把我的理由一一列举在下面。 +"In 1780, he became private physician to the household of Louis Philip II, Duke of Orleans.",1780年,他成为奥尔良公爵路易斯·菲利普二世的私人医生。 +It's designed to provide increased sensitivity with fiber tips that thread through hair to increase direct scalp contact.,那就是它可以提高穿入头发中的纤维尖头的灵敏度,从而增加尖头与头皮的直接接触面积。 +What if you know your OLTP searches should use the same execution plan for different binding values?,要是你知道你的OLTP搜索对不同绑定值应该使用相同执行计划又该怎么办呢? +"What's more, all kinds of disturbances in the course of production progress and actual data of man-hour feed back to scheduler by means of field data collection, which forms the controlling of loop.",并通过现场数据采集,将生产过程中的各种扰动信息(如急件插入、设备出现故障等问题),以及实际工况数据及时反馈给调度人员,形成生产过程的闭坏控制。 +"Axis2 is the exception, supporting only the submission version of WS-Policy as of the current 1.5.4 release.",惟一例外的是 Axis2,它只支持 WS-Policy 的最新发布的 1.5.4 的提交版本。 +The summer months tend to be more humid than in the winter and are thus less advisable for tourists.,巴哈马夏季比冬季潮湿,因此不建议在夏季旅行。 +Displacement response to aerodynamic excitation is calculated based on the modal parameters and stress response is obtained by finite differencing of the displacement.,然后根据模态参数计算叶片对气动激励的位移响应,并通过对位移响应的有限差分计算应力响应。 +"Women, on the other hand, reported more trouble with arousal and lubrication if their sexual partners were people they were in relationships with.",而另一方面,据报道妇女在觉醒和与性伴侣发生关系时的润滑有更大的麻烦。 +"Satisfied by this newfound mental silence, I got to work.",满足于这新发现得金属的安静,我去工作了。 +"The rub is that whereas there is little to confuse with a flicker of light in dark benthic recesses, any movement whatever will produce sounds.",而声学探测的缺陷在于,尽管在黑暗的深海底没有什么会干扰到闪烁光,但是任何动静都可能发出声响。 +"To reduce certain sinusoidal frequency components in a signal in amplitude, digital filtering is done.",为了减少在信号幅度上一定的正弦信号部分的频率,数字滤波器应运 而生了。 +The default track number the user can enter is guessed from the file name or from the previously existing track.,用户能够���入的默认曲目数量是通过对文件名、或者先前已有的曲目数量的猜测而得到的。 +"Generally sPeaking, the PorPhyry coPPer contains a great quantity of valued associated minerals, of which most can be recovered comprehensively, especially associated gold and silver.",斑岩铜矿中含有大量的伴生有用矿物,多数可综合回收利用,尤其是伴生金银的回收,越来越被人们所重视。 +Looke! How lovely the sleeping baby was. His little face became pink with the flower aroma like a little apple.,看,睡着了的宝宝,小脸儿被花香染成了粉红色,像一只小苹果,多好看! +"Ma, to be sure, has become as publicly associated with his company as Steve Jobs or Bill Gates have with theirs.",毫无疑问,在公众眼中,马云已经像史蒂夫·乔布斯或比尔·盖茨一样,与自己的公司血肉相连。 +"Recently , the drive system of switch reluctance motor(SR) has been experimented on electric mini-cars .",近年来,开关磁阻调速电机(SR)驱动系统开始在电动汽车上应用。 +"Since the town is quiet andpeaceful, my dad and I decided to walk along the Cascadilla creek to get toCornell University so that we could experience the beauty of the town first.",我和爸爸决定沿着卡斯卡迪拉溪一路走着去康奈尔大学,这样我们就能好好感受一下这个美丽的小镇。 +"Lazio striker Goran Pandev will resolve his future in the next few days, according to his agent Leonardo Corsi.",拉齐奥前锋戈兰。潘德夫的经纪人莱昂纳多。科尔斯表示,这名球员的未来将在接下来几天内水落石出。 +"The only people who lie more than Dumpf are his loyal Toiletbowl Full of Reprehensibles. Human garbage, the whole lot of 'em…",比特朗普还会撒谎的只有他的那些该被谴责的忠犬。他们都是人类的垃圾。 +"Take a minute to consider what they said and consider answering in a more noncommittal, or even in a completely opposite manner.",花一分钟思考他们说了什么,然后得出一个不那么肯定,甚至完全相反的答案。 +"In recent years, the dramatic suicide method employed by women in this war-torn country has drawn wide attention, amid speculation that the trend might be growing.",近年来,在这个饱受战争之苦的国家,妇女们如此极端的自杀方式引起了广泛的关注,据估计,自焚之风可能正在蔓延。 +"The light leapt up off the steel and it was like a long, flashing sword lunging at my forehead.",刀锋闪闪发光,仿佛一把寒光四射的长剑刺中了我的头。 +"It will also reinforce the sense that Mr Saleh, who's now in Saudi Arabia, is finally gone after three decades and despite a seemingly inexhaustible capacity for staying in power.",这就深化了这样的看法,尽管Saleh目前仍在沙特,经过30年的在位时间,最终会离开的,尽管看来他还有用不完的能力继续执掌大权。 +"By the evening, however, Napoleon appeared to be somewhat better, and the following morning Squealer was able to tell them that he was well on the way to recovery.",可是到了傍晚,拿破仑显得有些好转,次日早上,斯奎拉就告诉他们说拿破仑正在顺利康复。 +"And even if you're just looking around at the busy room, the worst of him may assume you're checking out that R-Patz look-a-like a few booths over.",虽然在那个人多的地方,你只是随便四处看看,可他仍然糟糕地认定那个包厢里面一定有像Robert Pattinson那样的帅哥。 +"The Syrian physical-education teacher who led the group at Al Thagher was “tall, young, in his late twenties, very fit, ” the schoolmate recalled.",据他同学回忆,塔格小组的负责人是一名叙利亚的体育老师,个子很高,很年轻,大概三十岁,身体很强壮。 +"At the same time, the efficiency of COD removal was 87.24%, which demonstrates the coinstantaneous removing of both organic and nitrate nitrogen.",COD的平均去除率为87.24%,基本实现了同一反应器中有机物和硝酸盐的共同去除。 +"Let me live truly, my Lord, mbt fora goretex shoes, so that death to me become true.",让我真实在实地活着吧,我的上帝。这样,死对我也就成了真实的了。 +"And he said unto him, Oh let not the LORD be angry, and I will speak: Peradventure there shall thirty be found there.",亚伯拉罕说,求主不要动怒,容我说。 假若在那里见有三十个怎吗样呢。 +Mr. Fee : What you need is a bigger desk.,费先生: 你需要一张大点儿的办公桌。 +Moral of the story: even insane-looking problems are sometimes real.,故事寓意:甚至貌似疯狂的问题有时也是真实的 +I'd like a few more red roses.,我想我再要几朵红玫瑰。 +"Additionally, this system includes virtual surgery simulation software and a tele-operation subsystem, which can monitor the surgery process and allow surgeons to control robots remotely.",系统还包括虚拟手术仿真子系统和遥操作子系统,可以模拟、���控手术过程,并可使医生远距离操作系统完成手术。 +"It's not just a question, as obviously Foucault and Barthes are always suggesting, of deferring to authority as though the authority were the police with a baton in its hand, right?","这不仅仅是一个,如福柯和巴特经常暗示的一样明显的,尊崇作者权威就好像这种权威,是一个手握警棍的警官的问题,对吧?" +"Dr Hans Troedsson, the WHO representative in China, said he believed China is better placed to counter the swine flu based on lessons learned from SARS in 2003.",博士说,他相信中国是一个能更好的控制猪流感的地方,根据中国在2003年抗击非典的表现。 +He thwacked his cane idly against his thigh.,他无聊地用手杖敲击自己的大腿。 +He is a waiter in a Chinese restaurant.,他是一家中餐厅的服务生。 +He remains in hospital in a critical condition.,他仍在医院治疗,病情危重。 +Fat Bird: Take care!,胖鸟: 保重! +""" 's theory of ""blend language"" is significant for mass literature to overcome its weak points in narrating.",巴赫金的“杂语”理论为大众文学克服自身的叙事弱点具有重要的意义。 +This is because middle- and upper- latitude timberlines are strongly influenced by the duration and depth of the snow cover.,这是因为在中高纬度地区的树带界限很大程度上受到了长期大量积雪覆盖的影响。 +那个时刻你是真实存在的,那杯茶是真实存在的。,"In that moment you are real, and the cup of tea is real." +"Qiu yun shu ping sent back home, finally open to shun note, shun about her again meet July seven to unmanned island.",秋娟被淑萍送回家后,终于打开再舜的纸条,再舜约她七月七到无人岛相见。 +"Equivalent method of permanent magnet on recoil line and recoil line equation of permanent magnet were utilized, when using the analysis method.",在用解析法求解时,用到了永磁工作于回复线上的等效处理和永磁回复线方程式。 +"The experiments shows that ultrasonic cavitation decreases the degree of degeneracy polarization of the samples. It may be, it is the reason that ultrasonic cavitation expands molecule axis.",实验表明,超声空化缩小了所测样品的喇曼光谱退偏度,分析认为这是超声空化拉长了分子轴所致。 +severe bleeding (mostly bleeding after childbirth),大出血(大都是产后出血) +"One day Mrs. Smith and her daughter, Ellen, went visiting a family.",一天,史密斯太太和她女儿,艾伦,去拜访一户人家。 +They decided to adhere to their original plan despite of the bad wea ther.,尽管天气不好, 他们还是按原计划进行。 +"Most Labradors, show and field bred, make great hunters.",其实任何一个拉拉都可以成为好猎手。 +"Fortunately, we only had to ride to Taidong city today to meet up with my dad!",今天其实不用骑很远,到台东市就可以了,要去跟老爸在那碰面。 +"Another model, Lina Marulanda, killed herself last month at the age of 29. And now there is the heartbreaking news of what Noemi Lenoir, the most beautiful of the M&S poster girls, is going through.",另29岁模特琳娜马鲁兰达上个月自杀,同样让人心碎的是最漂亮的海报女孩爱米诺也香消玉勋。 +"The public universities' property right is made clearly as long as understanding the relationship between the government and the schools. Then, the function of the government is changed.",造成我国公立大学产权不清的主要原因是政府与学校权利归属关系不清,要使我国公立大学产权明晰必须理顺大学与政府的产权关系,转变政府职能; +"Therefore, through study of the animation movement axiom course, we can make adequate preparations for two-dimensional or three-dimensional animation and later animation synthesis.",因此通过动画运动规律的课程学习,可以为二、三维动画制作及动画后期合成作好充分的准备工作。 +"We shall bright and color every family under our design faith of novelty, elegance, terseness, quality and utility and let new taste to life.",公司将继续以新颖、雅丽、简洁、优质、实用的设计理念,为每一个家庭增光添彩,缔造新品味生活。 +"All in all, Chinese spring palace paintings are inclined to poetic imagination, yet western nudes commit themselves to veracious expression.",总体上看,春宫图偏向于诗意的想象,而人体画则侧重于具象表现。 +"Electric prospecting as one of the dominant methods for oil and gas exploration, is physically based on the electric contrasts among horizons.",电法勘探是目前油气勘探的主要手段之一,其地球物理基础是地层间的电性差异。 +"Once its life is over the Hubble may be retrieved from space, or guided to a final splashdown in the ocean.",使命结束后, 哈勃望远镜的命运有两 种可能, 一种是从太空回收, 另一种则是化作一团火球并最终没入大海之中。 +"The bacterium Legionella pneumophila was first identified in 1977, as the cause of an outbreak of severe pneumonia in a convention centre in the USA in 1976.",1977年首次确认嗜肺性军团菌为1976年在美国一个会议中心引起严重肺炎暴发的病因。 +"They raise most of their own food, built their own simple homes and furniture and made their own cloths.",他们种绝大部分自己吃的食物,自造简单住房和家具,自制布料。 +Objective: To evaluate cerebral hemodynamics of pre-and post-arterial stenting for intracranial acid extracranial artery stenosis by CT perfusion imaging.,目的:利用CT灌注成像评价颅内外动脉狭窄血管支架置入术前后的脑血流动力学改变。 +"Krishnamurti: Do you know what it means to live without psychological comparison when all your life you have been conditioned to compare - at school, at games, at the university and in the office?",克:当你的整个生命——在学校里,在游戏中,在大学里,在办公室里都被局限于比较,那你知道心理上不比较地生活是什么意思吗? +Diarra is unhappy with Houllier for being his mouthpiece and concedes he could secure a transfer before the start of the new season.,迪亚拉认为霍利尔擅自发表言论,并想在转会市场开始前把他留下的行为让他很不高兴。 +"There is something wrong with the motor, it would not kick over.",发动机出故障了,它发动不起来。 +People in Miramichi are very friendly.,在Miramichi生活的人非常友好。 +"From the moment I arrived, and the moment he arrived, Pete has been a good friend with great judgment.",从我来到办公厅和他来到办公厅工作的时刻起,皮特就一直是一位具有杰出判断力的好朋友。 +"We combine the merits of two approaches and propose a novel unbalance compensation method, notch filter based on coordinate transformations.",最后,结合前面的两种补偿方案,利用两种方案的优点,运用了全新的补偿方案:基于坐标变换的凹陷滤波器。 +Investors now have a better understanding of the need to analyze all facets of risk — not just creditworthiness — in making investment decisions.,投资者意识到在做出市场投资决策时需要分析各层面的风险,而不仅仅是信用风险。 +"The more the latter becomes the case, the more a kind of translation is bound to occur, as the specificity of the culture encountered can be grasped only when projected onto what is familiar.",更多的后者成为情况, 种翻译一定发生越许多,当遇到的文化的特异性可能被抓住时,只有当到熟悉的上计划时。 +"Davis then is not like any other writer and she follows, and contrasts with, the previous winners of the prize - Ismail Kadaré, Chinua Achebe, Alice Munro and Philip Roth.",戴维斯则是没有任何其他作家一样,她如下,对比,以前的获奖者的奖金- 爱丽丝哈密Chinua阿切贝,伊斯梅尔卡达雷和菲利普·罗斯。 +"And let our Republicanism, so focused and so dedicated, not be made fuzzy and futile by unthinking and stupid labels.",让我们使我们的共和主义事业不要因被贴上盲目和愚钝的标签而徒劳无获。 +I felt happy at being praised by parents.,被父母夸奖我感到很高兴。 +In seventeen forty-nine he sailed to Mexico to begin his life as a missionary.,在一七四九年他乘船来到墨西哥开始作为一个传教士他的生命。 +The feasibility of the method proposed is verified by the aerodynamic data of a certain type of native airplane with V-shape vertical tail in flight balance state.,结合国内某型号飞机含有V型垂尾在配平时的数据验证算法正确性。 +""" shouted Beaver, slapping the ground hard with his big, flat tail. ""You've got wings.",喊海狸,打耳光与他的大,平尾地努力。 +"In addition, Rational System Architect is the most widely used enterprise architecture solution in support of the U.S. Department of Defense Architecture Framework (DoDAF).",而且,Rational System Architect 是支持美国国防结构框架(DoDAF)部最广泛使用的企业结构方案。 +"We allow children to construct objects in clay, wood blocks and paper.",我们让孩子们动手做东西,比如泥人、积木和纸玩具。 +"With your head locked between your arms, remember to allow air to come out through your nose.",用你的头脑锁你两臂,记得要允许气体出来通过你的鼻子。 +"Like a painter uses paint to communicate concepts and emotions, user experience designers use technology to help people accomplish their goals.",就像画家使用颜料表达概念与情感,用户体验设计师使用各种技术帮助人们达到目标。 +The principle of the inverse cherenkov focusing laser accelerator is presented.,本文提出逆契仑柯夫聚焦激光加速电子的基本原理。 +"TMap features several techniques, including test strategy development, test point analysis, the testability review of the test basis, and many test specification techniques and checklists.",TMap有多个技术特性,包括测试策略开发、测试点分析、测试的易测性复审和许多测试规格说明技术和检查单。 +"The results show that the comprehensive reliability index of propulsion system of combined diesel and gas turbine is very high, especially under the running mode of one engine and one screw.",计算分析结果表明,柴燃联合推进系统的可靠性综合指标非常高,尤其又以单机单桨运行时的可靠性最好。 +"Orders for German manufacturers are picking up, helped in part by China's state-sponsored investment boom.",德国制造企业的订单在增加,部分是由于中国政府投资项目增加。 +"Theterrain of New Yorkis such that a resident sometimes travels farther, in the end, than a commuter.",纽约的地形特点使得住市区的人有时到头来比通勤族的还要跑得远。 +"Authorities said an estimated 25,000 people participated in Thursday's protest; nine demonstrators were arrested.",当局表示大约两万五千人参加了周四的抗议,九名示威者被逮捕。 +"However, there are still some shortcomings, such as the punishment is single.",但是仍然存在着一定的缺陷,如刑种的配置比较单一等。 +The brief democratic spring in Iran was cut short by a ferocious and unforgiving tyranny.,凶猛无情的暴政之下,伊朗短暂的民主之春被嘎然斩断。 +"Do you know waht time is it now?And you are talking me about Valentine's Day, are you trying to stimulate me?Don't you see that I am still alone now?",哥,你知道现在几点吗?而且你跟我讲情人节,是想刺激我吗?没看见我是一个人吗?。 +"As Mal’akh’s mortal legs carried him toward his waiting limousine, he arched his back, standing to his full six-foot-three height and throwing back his shoulders.",马拉克那致命的双腿把他带到正等着他的豪华轿车前,他直起背,挺直了那足有六尺三高的身材,向后伸了伸肩膀。 +The indoor air pollution in the newly-decorated buildings in Meizhou is quite serious; effective measures should be taken to deal with this problem.,结论梅州市新装修建筑物室内空气污染严重,应采取积极有效的防治措施。 +"Joan Baez and Bob Dylan perform at the Newport Jazz Festival in Newport, Rhode Island, in 1963",琼贝兹和鲍勃迪伦执行在纽波特,罗得岛纽波特爵士音乐节,1963年。 +"Who wouldn't want to try a meal with 1lobster , abalone, and shark fin soup?",谁不想吃一顿有龙虾、鲍鱼和鱼刺汤的好料呢? +It is also concluded that the minimum inductance to guarantee the lowest ORV is the critical inductance of CCM and DCM under the highest input voltage with the heaviest load.,最小负载电阻和最高输入电压所对应的CCM和DCM的临界电感,即为整个工作范围内使输出纹波电压极大值最低的最小电感。 +"Since the 1970s, NASA says statistics show the Earth to be warming 0.36 degrees Fahrenheit a decade.",从20世纪70年代起,NASA的一项统计数据显示地球温度每十年上升0.36华氏摄氏度。 +I regard Going to Australia as my biggest dream. How can I be so excellent that u can regonize me?I don't know but I still try my best to do it.,所以从一开始,我也就注定只能这样默默地看着你,看着你微笑看着你举手投足的优雅看着你深情地歌唱。 +Mice susceptible to the avian flu virus were passively immunized with one of the four antibodies or a control antibody to either diphtheria or anthrax.,小鼠容易受到禽流感的被动免疫接种,其中四个抗体或对照抗体要么是白喉要么是炭疽。 +"Now this is a rain gauge, and it's sitting on a roof of a building, and when the water falls into this gauge, it sends a signal to the logic unit of the computer, which immediately notifies the memory bank of the computer to seek out its instructions for a rainy day.","这是一个雨量测量器,安装在一个楼房的,屋顶上,当水流入到这个测量器,它就给计算机的逻辑部件发送一个信号,计算机立即通知内存条,为下雨天找出相应的指令。" +"Obama called it a ""wonderful book"" that was enthralling his daughter in an interview.",奥巴马在一次访谈中说,这本书“很精彩”,让他的女儿很着迷。 +"Though vast in area, Mongolia is home to just over three million people, many continuing a nomadic way of life as the country adjusts from Soviet rule to modern conveniences.",尽管面积很大,但蒙古人口只有三百多万,许多居民仍然过着游牧的生活,尽管蒙古摆脱了苏联控制已进入到现代化社会。 +What are the main ski yards in Hei Long jiang at present ?,目前黑龙江省主要滑雪场有哪些? +Thellos symbolizes that the Chellonese financial industry reform soon comes to the end.,这标志着神州金融业鼎新行将告一段落。 +"A powerful drawing-thickening technology was prompted for double-cup-shaped workpieces, it combined the characteristics of cold extrusion with drawing process.",结合冷挤压与拉深工艺的特点,以双杯形工件为对象,开展了冲锻成形过程的强力拉深增厚工艺研究。 +"As we looked at customers’ blogging needs and what different companies were providing, we were particularly interested in what WordPress.com is doing.",当我们观察用户的博客需求和其他公司目前提供的博客服务时,我们对WordPress.com正在做的事情非常感兴趣。 +"One the other hand, with the rational industry-carrying-on the less-developed areas can obtain many supports include technique and capital.",另一方面,欠发达地区的合理承接为移入地的产业发展提供技术、资金等方面的直接或间接支持。 +The faint smell of her perfume lingered in the room.,房间里仍飘溢着她那淡淡的香水味。 +"Over 100 burglaries are reported every month, and that's just the tip of the iceberg, ie many more occur but are not reported.",每月报案的入室盗窃案超过百起,而这只不过是已知的一小部分。 +"Neither Fang, Shao nor any of four authors of other articles that included similar maps responded to requests from Nature for details of these regulations.",然而不管方先生和邵女士,还是其他文章里含有类似地图的四位作者都没有回复《自然》有关这些法规详细情况的询问。 +"Based on the drainage system of Ganfu Plain Irrigation Area, the existing problems on water supply dispatching are analyzed. At last, the relevant countermeasure is proposed in this paper.",根据赣抚平原灌区水系网,分析了供水调度存在的主要问题,从而提出了相应的对策。 +The blazing orange light from a UFO eloping through a living room door was the master image Steven Spielberg chose to sum up his entire film career.,从卧室门里潜逃出来的UFO那耀眼的橘色光是史蒂芬斯皮尔伯格选作总结他整个电影生涯的代表形象。 +"Far from shunning that historical union, we should embrace it.",回避此事,结合历史,我们应该接受它。 +So if you’ve already made the upgrade to the latest models you’ll be glad to know that WaterField Designs quite literally has got you covered.,"因此, 如果你早已把设备升级到最新的样式, 你会很高兴地了解到Waterfield 的设计已完完全全地占有了这一切." +"This means that you need to identify who these people are, where they are located, and their financial status.",这意味着,你需要确定这些人是谁,在何处,他们的财务状况。 +"At least, I can send my love and best wishes.",至少我可以表达我的爱与最好的祝福。 +"But his victories are also covered (with) the controversies in his life, most notably the death of a young woman when he drove a car off a bridge on Chappaquiddick Island in 1969.",但他成功的一生也充满了各种争议,其中最引人关注的是1969年他在查帕奎迪克岛开车冲下一座桥,导致一名年轻女子丧生。 +"Linear shaped charge cutters is a install drug structure , which shape is strip, and shaped aperture is embed in the bottom.",线型聚能切割器是长条形、底部有外嵌金属药型罩聚能穴的装药结构。 +"With the popularity of PHS and the applications of additional service such as message, the location service of PHS will be another new one in the wireless data additional service.",随着PHS无线市话业务的普及,继短消息服务等附加业务后,PHS无线市话定位业务将成为无线数据增值业务的一个新亮点。 +"The school, lately named Alicia Porter Memorial High School, had tiled over the entrance to the old hall, and no one had thought about it for years.",之后,学校被更名为艾丽卡·波特高中,并禁止学生进入那个废弃的大厅,这件事已经被尘封了好多年。 +A nanoparticle array consists of metal particles with a diameter of 0.5-5 nanometers.,一个纳米颗粒组合由直径在零点五到五纳米的金属粒子组成。 +"Garber, a professor of medicine, earned an MD degree at Stanford in 1983.",加伯,作为一名医学教授,于1983年获得了斯坦福大学的硕士学位。 +"It is pointed out that anticipatory breaking a contract means that before the expiration of a contract, one party clearly expresses not fulfilling the contract.",作者认为,预期违约是指在合同约定的期限届满之前,当事人一方明确表示或以自己的行为表示将不履行合同的义务。 +"If the radius of the curved terrain is much less than that of the earth, it can be viewed as a combination of a flat-curved-flat terrain.",当曲面地带的半径远小于地球的半径时,这种地带可以被看成平面-曲面-平面地带的组合。 +To investigate the effect of continuous lumbar drainage of cerebrospinal fluid on the traumatic subarachnoid hemorrhage.,目的探讨持续腰大池脑脊液引流在创伤性蛛网膜下腔出血治疗中的疗效。 +"So, happy birthday, and, good luck.",最后,祝自己生日快乐,还有,心想事成! +Where is the taxi stand?,出��车停车站在哪里? +"It’s probably going to kill the mood, but if you have to tell us that you climaxed before you’d hoped, just say it straight up.",它真的很可能破坏气氛,但是如果你很想说你比所预想的先达到高潮,直接说出来就好了。 +It shows just how ridiculous things have become when there is such fear over an un-airbrushed photo that even the advertising regulator isn't permitted to see it.,管理局的人表示:到现在为止,根据我们所获得的信息,我们还不能够得出他们的产品可以准确的产生如相片内一般的效果,我们同时也不能肯定他们照片没有经过特殊的电子处理。 +"Molecular thermometer, known as Uk 37 index, is used to estimate sea surface temperature (SST) based on unsaturation ration of long chain ketone in marine sediments.",“分子温度计”是通过有机地球化学方法获得的沉积物中烯酮化合物的相对丰度来估算古海水表面温度的。 +We walked a few more steps and then we reached the rocky bridge that juts out from the bank.,然后,只走了几步路,我们来到一座危岩从那堤岸。 +A small abrasive pad used for scouring pots and pans .,用于清洗炊事用具的小型的研磨的布。 +"In the long term, this too is likely to be of value to the company when the delegates at a meeting pass on to their dealers their enthusiasm for the company's products.",从长远来看,通过与会代表向经销商热情宣传办会公司的产品,这种“热力”对公司也可能极具价值。 +The ad should be for an online free multi-player Chess game (these are the keywords).,这则广告应该是一个网上免费的多玩家游戏棋(这些是关键字)。 +Please leave Shauna read Carl's Newsweek magazine since Carl has already wrote his report.,当卡尔已经写完了他的报告时,请留下莎娜看卡尔得<每周新闻>杂志。 +College students are forced to pay higher tuition and fees.,大学生被迫支付较高的学杂费。 +Visitors seeking deserted and unpolluted beaches and a laid-back atmosphere should go elsewhere.,而寻求静谧、清洁的海滩和悠闲氛围的游客则只能另寻他处了。 +This is a pure technical forum. Please do not discuss any non-technical topics. Thank you for your cooperation.,本论坛是纯技术论坛,请不要谈论与技术无关的话题, 谢谢合作。 +"Besides the basic function of locks, it has adjustable electrical storage , prompting sound , according to the actual circumstance also can add function of remote control.",除上述基本的密码锁功能外,还具有调电存储、声光提示等功能,依据实际的情况还可以添加遥控功能。 +"Thinking about thinking, I have already gone to sleep, start with a sweet dream.",想着想着,我进入了梦乡,做起了甜蜜蜜的梦。 +That ' s not allowed .,那是不允许的。 +"Up to today, its theories and methods, clearly criterions for achieving success in plant introduction and acclimatization has not been fully and systematically researched.",但有关理论和方法的研究至今仍显得比较零碎, 不够系统,判断植物引种驯化成功的标准尚不够明确。 +"The radial artery supplies the deep arch, which in turn gives rise to the common digital arteries (solid arrows) and princeps pollicis artery (open arrow).",桡动脉发出掌深弓,再发出掌侧总动脉(实心箭头)和拇主要动脉(空心箭头)。 +"Thus, parents can be apprised of the presence and severity of ankyloglossia and made aware of potential feeding, speech, and dental problems.",因此,医生应告知家长舌系带短缩的存在及其严重程度,让家长留意喂养、讲话及口腔方面的问题。 +"Second, even if it didn't collapse, they said you've got a radiation problem.",第二点,即使不坍塌,他们说会存在辐射问题。 +"Firstly, the paragraph inspects the positive impacts of the western penalty lightening thought on the development of our criminal punishment;",首先考察了西方轻刑化思潮对我国刑罚发展的积极影响; +"And above all, they must train and expand the Afghan army and police so they can gradually take over.",最重要的是,他们必须培养和扩大阿富汗军队和警察,以便他们最终能自己接管。 +"Among the available techniques of low power analog IC design, EKV bulk-driven MOSFET has being considered the most promising one.",EKV衬底驱动MOSFET是近年来发展起来的用于低功耗模拟集成电路的设计技术。 +"Wall shear stress method integrates the plug flow displacing, the low speed displacing and the turbulent flow displacing methods in theory.",壁面剪应力设计方法,从理论上把塞流顶替、低速顶替及紊流顶替技术统一起来。 +"Wilbur did not budge. Lurvy dumped the slops, scraped the pail and walked away. He noticed that something was wrong with the pig.",威尔伯一动不动。勒维把那桶泔脚倒入食槽,刮干净桶子走了。他注意到小猪有点儿不对劲。 +The system achieves the monitoring of the network's content without affecting the mainstream business of ultra-high-speed backbone network.,该系统能够在不影响主流业务开展的情况下,对高速超高速骨干网络上的网络内容进行监控。 +The optimizing software and the database of fins are universal and can be used for general optimum design of heat exchangers.,本文的优化软件和翅片数据库具有通用性,可应用于一般板翅式换热器的优化设计。 +"Motorola plans to keep its iDen technology, which provides the push-to-talk function used by Sprint’s Nextel products.",摩托罗拉计划留下它的集成数字增强型网络(iDen)技术,这提供了斯普林特奈斯泰尔公司(Sprint‘s Nextel)产品使用的一键通功能。 +"Simple, it provides the performance and benefits of an all-wheel drive system in a two-wheel drive package.",很简单,它在二驱的组件中提供了四驱才拥有的性能和优点。 +"That was the point of the experiment, after all.",毕竟,这才是实验的关键要害所在。 +He believed in enriching the mind with knowledge.,他相信知识能增广人们的才思。 +"With the fast expansion, the market does not have enough qualified people to fill the positions (local, or expatriates).",随着市场的扩张,并没有足够的合格人才填补遗留的职位(本地或外聘人员)。 +"In recent years, with the development of science and technology, automation level transformation station equipment is getting higher and higher.",近年来,随着科技的发展,输变电站设备自动化水平越来越高。 +Research into the acceptance history of Liu Zong-yuan turns out to be a progect full of connotations.,柳宗元是一个具有旺盛生命力的文学家,其作品接受史的内容丰富多彩。 +"I've decided not to pass it out today because, after all, I want to get it into the right hands!",我今天不会把它发下来,因为我想给发正确的人! +"Xu Zongmian in the floor stroking gold chair, he finally sat on his long-awaited gold chair.",徐宗冕在金楼抚摸着金椅,他终于坐上了他盼望已久的金椅。 +"Nearby, Norman Beck, a remarkable magician from Dallas, will bewilder onlookers.",在附近,来自达拉斯的非凡的魔术师诺曼·贝克将要迷惑观众们。 +The program that writes the serialized instances is throwaway code. You won't need it more than once.,编写串行化实例的程序是临时代码,只需使用一次。 +The park was created for the benefit and enjoyment of all. So have a good time.,这座公园是为造福于大家而建立的,是给各位提供休闲娱乐的,所以祝大家玩得开心。 +These companies are all vying for your business; here is why only those who incentivize their offer with rewards should be considered.,这些公司都希望为您的企业;这里就是为什么只有那些谁促使其提供的奖励应予以考虑。 +Why do people go to big parks on the evening of the Lantern Festival?,为什么人们在元宵节晚上会去大型的公园里? +"After a news crew in Kansas City, Missouri, reported on his stint as a boilermaker, an unemployed dentist who saw the story decided to brush off his old welding skills and apply.",当他做锅炉工的经历在在密西西比州堪萨斯市被报道后,一个失业的压牙医受此启发,决定凭借自己之前学到的焊接技术找工作。 +The book would change Colson's life forever.,这本书改变了他的生活。 +"Glaciers are melting, sea levels are rising, cloud forests are drying, and wildlife is scrambling to keep pace.",冰川正在融化,海平面正在上升,云林正在干涸,野生动植物在争先恐后的与气候变化保持同步。 +The Mumbai slum home of one of the child stars of the Oscar-winning film Slumdog Millionaire has been demolished by city authorities.,奥斯卡获奖影片《贫民窟百万富翁》的童星之一在孟家的家被当局破坏。 +Objective To assess vitamin D and calcium(Ca) intakes of late pregnant and vitamin D nutritional status of neonates and its influential factors in Guangyuan region.,目的了解广元市妊娠晚期妇女钙(calcium,Ca)及维生素D摄入情况及新生儿维生素D营养状况及影响因素。 +"The horse tired is the maldives shopping center, all the stores almost all gathered here.",马累是马尔代夫的购物中心,所有的商店几乎都聚集在此。 +"Regardless, the ancient date supports the once-controversial idea that Earth was cool enough to produce crust early in its history.",不论如何,这个古老的年龄支持了曾经争论已久的关于地球在早些时候是否冷却到足够温度可以生成地壳。 +"Fold the belt in half the long way, with wrong sides folded inward.",将腰带沿长轴中线对折,背面朝里。 +"I left plenty for him and the boys on the back of the stove, but he'll want Fannie and me home.",尽管我在炉子上为他和孩子们准备了足够的食物,但他还是希望我和范妮回家。 +The younger ones out before the elder are married!,姐姐还没有嫁人,妹妹就出来交际了! +For distribution of water or similar physical and chemical properties of liquid water.,供输送清水或物理化学性质类似于清水的液体。 +"From the hall build institutions to trees and flowers, they send a cultural atmosphere everywhere.",从筑堂构院到莳花树木,无不散发着浓郁的人文气息。 +"""Inventories of petroleum products have been running high, so cutting oil imports helps bring them down,"" said Nigel Gault, chief economist at IHS Global Insight.","""石油产品的库存一直居高不下,因此减少石油进口有助于压低库存,""IHS Global Insight首席分析师Nigel Gault表示." +The method to determine by liquid lambda-cyhalothrin chromatograph was studied.,本文研究了用液相色谱法测定乳氟禾草灵的方法。 +This to me is a fascinating revision.,白色的面孔“,其实改得很好。 +""" Lu terminal branches of future generations, some of their ancestors were the ""final"" word as a surname.",陆终后代支系中,有的以其先祖名的“终”字为姓氏。 +The structural features of a new type of circulating-pump motor with shielded stator and its test as well as its comparison with wet-winding motor are described in this paper.,介绍了新型屏蔽式定子结构的炉水泵电机的结构特点、应用及试验,并与湿定子结构炉水泵的应用进行了对比。 +"Previous researches on this poem are mostly concentrated on imagism and symbolism, but few researchers have studied this poem from the theory of defamiliarization, not to mention the tragic color.",该诗的研究多集中在意象和象征主义,但从陌生化理论角度来研究的很少,研究其悲剧色彩更少。 +"This suggests that consumers will face a higher price, leading to a deadweight welfare loss .",这就表明消费者将面临更高的价格,从而会导致净福利损失。 +"The college entrance exam is a comprehensive examination than knowledge, ability, psychology, than confidence, than physical strength.",⊙、高考是比知识、比能力、比心理、比信心、比体力的一场综合考试。 +"The ground must be just right, neither too wet nor too dry.",土壤一定要适度,既不要太湿,.也不要太干。 +"The clinical indications marked by pale tongue with whitish fur, deep and thin pulse.",其使用的舌象、脉象为舌淡、苔薄白、脉沉细; +"Still, Oxy will have to move carefully to avoid driving Phibro traders off to other companies.","不过,Oxy还是要小心行动,以免Phibro交易商另谋高就." +"With confidence in our armed forces, wih the unbounding determination of our people, we will gain the inevitable triumph.",毫无疑问,我们将取得战斗的胜利,我们的军队满怀自信,我们的人民意志坚决。 +We would like very much with us to discuss specific research and promote the development and construction of sub-center.,我们很想和大家一起具体地研究商量,推进副中心的开发建设。 +"These ERP systems should cater to inventory management, demand forecasting, contractor management, master data management and e-procurement.",ERP系统可用于库存管理、需求预测、承包商管理、主数据管理和电子采购。 +"All you or any visitor can do from the default view is read blog entries and post comments. To administer the site, you need to open a different view",您或者任何访问者在默认的视图中都可以做的一件事情是:阅读 blog 条目,并张贴评论。 +Some knights were exercising their horses.,几个骑士正在驯马。 +"For example, in immune-mediated hemolytic anemia, antibodies are produced against the host’s own RBC.",例如免疫介导的溶血性贫血,产生了对抗自身红细胞的抗体。 +"""UGH! You eat like a pig!"" one person wrote.",“哈,你的吃相和猪一样!” 某人说。 +Study on Portable Instrument in Measuring Octane Value of Gasoline Based on Method of Dielectric Coefficient;,使用混兑催化剂可提高渣油掺炼比,降低焦炭产率,提高装置处理量,并可提高汽油辛烷值。 +"It takes three years to learn to be good, but three days to be bad.",人之初,性本善;学好三年,学坏三天; +"“I have one client who gave up her US passport because she was still mad about the McCarthy hearings,” laughs Mr Cassell.",卡塞尔先生笑着说:“我有个客户放弃美国国籍,因为她仍对麦卡锡听证会感到恼火。” +"The reinforcements will take U.S. troop numbers to around 55, 000, in addition to the 30, 000 troops from 40 other mostly NATO countries already operating in Afghanistan.",除了已经驻扎在阿富汗的40个以北约为主的国家3万名军人以外,此次增兵将使美国军队人数达到将近5.5万人。 +Mr Bush frequently spoke about how much he hated anything that was “small ball”.,布什经常谈到他多么地痛恨”偷垒行为”。 +A reading-room is a place where we read books and newspapers.,���览室是我们读书看报的地方。 +"Today, our hearts are heavy with a burden almost too difficult to bear.",今天,我们心情沉重,几乎难以自拔。 +We will go the extra mile to do something we’ve said publicly.,为那些我们公开地说要做到的事,我们会付出额外的努力。 +"Fermented soybean curd, a highly flavoured and nutrition food, is a traditional Chinese fermented food and are widely consumed by the world.",腐乳是我国传统的发酵豆制品,以其独特的风味、富的营养等特点受到很多国家的推崇。 +"Add in several other studies showing the benefits of flavanols for blood flow, and they begin to seem pretty attractive.",加上其它一些表明黄烷醇有益于血液流动的研究,黄烷醇就变得相当的吸引人。 +Russ: The Easy Card can only be used between Keelung and Hsinchu.,悠游卡目前只限基隆与新竹区间可以使用。 +"Now, we are by nature blind as to the way of salvation, and yet the LORD leads us into it and brings us to Himself, and then opens our eyes.",人类对救恩的真理,天生是眼瞎无知的,但上帝开启我们的心眼,领我们进入光明。 +"Results:①After 13 weeks of the establishment of type 2 diabetes model, compared with C group, the FPG contents increased significantly in DM group(P<0.01), the FINS contents decreased significantly;",结果:①2型糖尿病大鼠模型建立后第13周,DM组与C组相比,DM组大鼠的FPG显著升高(P<0.01),血清胰岛素浓度显著降低(P<0.01); +The automatic bowl robot was developed for the contest sponsored by CCTV.,针对全国大学生机器人电视大赛的要求,研制了投球自动机器人。 +"There are still many problems in areas such as defining, implementation strategies, and relations between pre-design and generative, research at home and abroad.",在概念界定、实施策略、预设性与生成性关系、对国内外研究的分析等方面也存在很多问题。 +"It is essential to add E-mail Message function in the form reference system, send out the question of the reader and the answer of librarian in the first time.",从数据库中各表之间的关系、函数的重要性、以制作查询表单为核心以及与其他软件的相关性等方面,阐述了教授该软件时应注意的问题。 +"Earlier studies which tested French, British and Swedish coins containing nickel were also found to have the potential to cause nickel allergies, it said.",早期的研究曾经对法国、英国和瑞典三国流通的含镍的硬币进行过测试,发现这些硬币也可能引发皮肤过敏。 +Publication of the Acta Diurna stopped when the seat of the emperor was moved to Constantinople.,每日纪闻的出版在古罗马帝国首都移至君士坦丁堡后终止。 +"Of course, ""over time"" is a relative term. As any stock investor knows, prolonged bear markets can decimate a portfolio.",当然,“长期”也是相对的。正如任何投资者都知道的,持续的熊市能拖垮一只组合基金。 +"Small size, light weight, low loss, small inherent temperature rise, good self-healing effect, stable capacitance, inherent anti-explosion design, more safety and reliability.",体积小,重量轻,损耗小,内部温升小,自愈效果佳,电容量稳定,内部装有防爆装置,使用安全可靠。 +"Hence, the low housing loan rates, for example.",例如说,把房屋贷款利率调低。 +Take a step by pushing upwards through the glute (bottom) muscle of your back leg.,后腿大腿肌肉发力推起你的身体顺势向前迈一步。 +"Photo Gallery: Great White Sharks So called because of the tiger-like stripes on juveniles, the tiger shark is, like its terrestrial namesake, a voracious hunter.",大白鲨鱼图片画廊。所谓的因为这老虎似的条纹在稚气,虎鲨是,喜欢它的地球上的相同姓名的人,一个贪娈的猎人。 +"Dazheng's Web site says it cooperates with the Armored Engineering Institute of the PLA, and that it helped the PLA in 2005 produce a system to intercept 'confidential' documents.",大正语言知识处理科技有限公司的网站说,它与中国人民解放军装甲兵工程学院有合作关系,并说它2005年帮助解放军开发了一个截取保密文件的系统。 +Schiller stressed the potential a spot could have for a group.,希勒强调,一小撮人可以给一整个团体带来潜力。 +"The times' spirit reflected in the Jingchu patterns, their style is characterized by the wonderful image and romantic passion.",这一时代精神反映在荆楚纹样中,其风格特征是恢宏雄奇的意象和浪漫豪放的激情。 +"Thanks to robust APIs and integration tools, I can tie my Web forms on Wufoo directly to my email subscriber database in MailChimp.",由于强大的API和集成工具,我可以将位于Wufoo上的网络表格直接与位于MailChimp的邮件订阅的数据库关联在一起。 +You don't need to blow your parents money or pile up student loans on a private school. There are plenty of good state schools out there.,没必要去烧你父母的钱奔私立学校去拿助学贷款,有大堆很不错的公立学校供你选择。 +The output of products includes the products of non-state-owned industrial enterprises below designated size.,生产量包括规模以下非国有工业企业工业产品产量。 +A stone dragonhead is carved for each on the southern and northern walls of the southern pool.,在南池南北两面石墙上,各有一石雕龙头,相对而视。 +Kuwaiti drove a white S.U.V. whose spare-tire cover was emblazoned with an image of a white rhino.,Kuwaiti开着一辆白色的SUV,车备胎盖上装饰着白色犀牛形象。 +He has been awarded a firstclass merit and medal of honor for an army model.,曾荣立一等功,获全军英模荣誉章。 +"With the increasing number of digital image modalities in routine use, CBIR is becoming more and more important for PACS.",随着在临床中应用的数字影像设备越来越多,CBIR对于PACS变得越来重要。 +"In post-industrial societies like the United States, even the nuclear family is changing.",在像美国这样的后工业化社会,甚至核心小家庭也在变化。 +It is required that the deviation of the repair equipment's central line from the central line of the pipeline to be repaired is not more than 0.3m.,这要求对线控位时维修装置的纵向中心线偏离待维修管线中心的距离不大于0 .3米。 +There were two professionals in ancient Greece: poets and rhapsodes.,古希腊存在着两种职业:诗人和诵诗者。 +"War Academy no longer buffs Heroic Strike or Cleave. It now buffs Mortal Strike, Raging Blow, Devastate, Victory Rush and Slam.",战争艺术?不再提高英勇打击伤害,而是提高致死打击、乘胜追击、猛击、狂怒之击、压制的伤害。 +"This factory is located at Suzhou, a beautiful land with rice and fish. It is the largest furniture wholesale market in the East China with picturesque scenery and convenient traffic.",本厂位于景色秀美的苏州鱼米之乡,这里山清水秀,是华东地区最大的家具批发市场,交通十分便利。 +The point of this guide is to explain the best and fastest way to get honor from doing the battleground AV.,从嚎风峡湾到北风苔原介绍这份指南是通过使用 优化任务循环来进行快速升级。 +A novel measuring algorithms of frequency characteristic by using curve fitting techniques was presented.,提出一种新型的基于曲线拟合技术的频率特性测量算法。 +Unions gained numerous new workers who wanted someone to fight for their safety.,工会吸收了大量新工人,他们希望有人为自己的安全而斗争。 +"""They probably want to burn their passports, "" says Mintz.",他们大概都想把护照给烧了“敏茨说。 +"Will it recall it""s navy and wait for a peaceful resolution, even if Philippines or Vietnam will send their navies to occupy some islands?""",是否会叫回本国海军,等着和平解决,即使菲律宾或越南派海军占领了一些岛屿,也能如此淡定吗? 都占领几十年了… 除了扯蛋三哥就不上网的么… +He pulled down a big turnip.,它拉下一个大萝卜。 +Fidel and Raul Castro's younger sister says that she helped the CIA against her brothers for eight years.,菲德尔和劳尔·卡斯特罗的胞妹称自己曾帮助CIA窃取兄长的情报长达八年的时间。 +"Many steamboats could boast of famous chefs, orchestras, and large staffs of maids and butlers to assist their cabin passengers.",很多蒸汽船甚至拥有名厨,管弦乐队,大量的女佣和管家来服务他们的房舱旅客。 +"No unit or individual may impose design, construction units with an emergency contract progress, drive time limit for a project.",任何单位和个人不得强行要求设计、施工单位违背合同约定抢进度、赶工期。 +Do you have an hing to read?,有没有什么可以阅读的东西?。 +"Residents of western states tend to marry younger, and younger people are more divorce-prone .",据报载,离异家庭的孩子一般说来更容易犯罪。 +"ISO 9004 recommends that organizations perform self-assessments as part of their management of systems and processes, and includes an annex giving guidance on this approach.",对环ISO9004要求组织执行自我评估作为他们的质量管理体系体系以及各个过程中的一部分,标准还包括附录来指导如何进行自我评估。 +"""All right, "" says the professor and asks his favorite student to answer.",“好的,”教授要一位得宠的学生回答问题。 +"“He can be unabashedly a person who is defined as a Negro in the United States and still be someone who can reach across the racial divide,” Wilkins said.","威尔金斯指出:""虽然他在美国被公认为黑人而且他本人对此毫不讳言,但他仍是一个能够跨越种族隔阂的人。""" +Sperms entering the proximal vas deferens are supported in an eosinophilic matrix.,进入近端输精管内的精子被支撑在一种嗜酸���基质中。 +"Embryonic system is a cellular array capable of self-diagnosis and self-repair, the multicellular architecture and mechanisms of which are inspired from multicellular organisms.",胚胎电子系统的多细胞结构和工作机制产生于多细胞生物启发的灵感,是一种具有在线自诊断、自修复能力的细胞阵列。 +"'We're not taking the situation lightly, ' said Noriyuki Shikata, deputy cabinet secretary for public relations.",负责公共关系的日本内阁副大臣四方敬之(Noriyuki Shikata)说:我们不能小看现在的情况。 +"The fatty cells of adipose tissue, needed for juiciness, are grown separately and then combined with the muscle cells before the whole thing is cooked.",那些脂肪组织的脂肪细胞需要具有多汁性,则要进行单独培养,在整个被烹调之前,还要把它和肌肉组织结合在一起。 +The banks have been transformed.,银行都已进行了改制。 +"The tests shown in Listing 8 verify that a word defined with synonyms returns them correctly, and also that one without any synonyms (Rowel) returns an empty List.",清单 8 中的测试验证了,定义了同义词的单词可以正确地返回同义词,而没有同义词的单词(Rowel)返回一个空 List。 +"We must work to add more building blocks and remove stumbling blocks, and drive our relations forward.",我们要顺应时代潮流,合作多做加法,问题多做减法,不断推进双边关系向前发展。 +"And showing mercy unto thousands of them that love me , and keep my commandments.",爱我者、遵我的戒法,我必给他们仁慈,直至千代。 +"The mathematical model and algorithm of designing and checking a coil heat exchanger in a stirred tank are given, and the relevant software is worked out.",介绍了蛇管换热器设计与校核计算的数学模型、算法及开发的相应软件。 +Such excesses might be easier to accept if they were anomalies.,如果是个别现象,如此高的薪酬可能较容易被接受。 +"This paper is based on the research work of the Vega Information Grid(VIG) project, and addresses the model of virtual community in information g.",本文结合中科院计算所织女星信息网格计划的具体工作,研究了信息网格中社区的模型及实现。 +"Right now this kind of avatar is rather crude, though other companies are generating much more lifelike representations that could be adapted for use by projects like Lifenaut.",现在,这种化身还相当粗糙,尽管其他公司正在制作更栩栩如生的产品,像Lifenaut公司的项目可以很好的修改使用。 +"You are the Chief Buyer of Red Spot Computers, a medium-sized computer dealers chain in China, with major outlets in the business and educational sectors.",红点公司是一家中国中型电脑连锁经销商,主要产品在商业和教育领域销售。 +"Deep in the fine print of the new rules, there is an indicator of some push-and-pull between advertiser and publisher members who, together, formulated the new ABC rules.",深入了解这个新的规则,你会发现,组成美国广播公司的广告商和出版商之间的利益拉锯。 +Dodie Smith: I Capture the Castle (1948),道迪·史密斯:我的秘密城堡(1948) +A fixing baffle plate is provided above two ends of the top of a rubber chamber to restrict the rubber chamber to move up and a vertical angle stand-wedge to sway over or move up too.,胶室顶部两端上方装有固定挡板,其作用是限制胶室上移,并防止直角立楔歪倒或上移。 +"Main products of Buffet Crampon are include: clarinets, oboes and brass instruments at all kinds of levels.",目前公司主要销售的产品包括各个级别的单簧管、双簧管以及铜管。 +This time the boy laughed at them.,这一次,男孩在他们笑了起来。 +At present it is hard for the collegiate teaching reform to achieve notable breakthrough without reconstructing or updating its curricula and curricula system.,高校教学改革在现有框架内难有大的突破,必须实行课程理念的转变和课程体系的重构,教学观念的更新和教学模式的转型。 +I always prefered learning things on my own outside of class.,我总是喜欢在课堂外自学。 +"In the cells of non-embryogenic calli, ATPase located in vacuoles and involved in the function of the hydrolysis of vacuole.",非胚性愈伤组织细胞的ATP酶定位于液泡,与液泡的水解功能有关。 +"Democracies have only occasionally reduced inequalities between citizens, and they have certainly not produced morally better individuals.",民主体制只是偶尔降低公民之间的不平等,它显然没有培养出道德上更优越的个人。 +"""JACK SPARROW ""Have you been there?",杰克斯派洛:“你去过吗?” +"The automatic measurement and Control system of electrothermal tunnel kiln, which is Composed of Computerand intelligent instrument, was introduced.",介绍了一种由计算机、智能仪表等组成的自动化电热隧道窑炉温测控系统。 +All hell broke loose in the city when the earthquake happened.,地震发生后,全城乱成一片。 +"A method of extracting several pigments in blue-green algae of Taihu Lake including Chlorophyll, Carotenoids, Phycocyain, Oscillaxanthin and Myxoxanthophyll is introduced.",本文对太湖蓝藻中的叶绿素、 胡萝卜素、藻蓝素等天然色素进行了分离提取。 +God told them not to look back.,神叫他们不可向后看。 +"I know a flower that grows in the valley, none knows it but I. It has purple leaves, and a star in its heart, and its juice is as white as milk.",唯我知晓,谷中生有一株奇花,紫色的叶子,花心里有一颗星,汁液白似乳汁。 +Neo-Romanticism is an important literary exploration made by the Chuangzaoshe(Creation Society).,“新浪漫主义”是创造社文学探索的一个重要部分。 +Yao was welcomed - in wax - for the first time in the United States and welcomed by a troupe of Chinese acrobats performing a gravity-defying gymnastic slam dunk at the unveiling ceremony.,第一次在UnitedStates展出的姚明蜡像大受欢迎(welcome),在蜡像的揭幕仪式上, 中国(china)杂技艺术团特地表演了反重力扣篮以示欢迎(welcome)。 +"His system of thought-Quanshan theory, has produced profound influence on Chinese Modern thought and culture history;",他的思想体系——船山学说,对中国近代思想文化史产生了深远的影响; +"""I'm a reformed character, and nobody is more surprised about that than me,"" he says.",他说:“我已经洗心革面,对此我也很惊奇。” +"In order to make the tissue-engineered skin have ""normal"" skin function, the structure research also should make them approach as far as possible to be similar.",为了使研制出的组织工程皮肤的功能与正常皮肤接近甚至相同,在结构上,也应使它们尽可能地接近与相似。 +She is also scathing about the loose political aims of the protesters.,她同时对抗议者宽泛的政治目标提出严厉(的批评)。 +Use this page to change the search settings associated with this listing. Click the tabs to change other settings related to this listing.,使用此页面可更改与此列表关联的搜索设置。单击标签可更改与此列表相关的其他设置。 +"In medieval Italy, students of law would hire a teacher to teach them Roman Law, especially Justinian's Code Corpus Juris .",在中世纪的意大利,学习法律的学生会雇佣老师来教他们罗马法,特别是查士丁尼的法典-----《法令大全》。 +"The bearing is structurally characterized in that a bearing body is provided with double-row pressure air supply holes, and a throttle nozzle tangential air supply structure is adopted;",其结构特征是在轴承体开设双排压力供气孔,并采用喷嘴节流切向供气结构; +The toddler is squealing with delight as she rips open her presents.,伴随着欣喜地尖叫声,她撕开了生日礼物的包装。 +Microdilution method from M27-A was also available for the susceptibility of Malassezia in vitro to Chinese herb medicine.,方案中的酵母菌微量稀释法同样适用于中草药对马拉色菌的体外药敏试验。 +"We do a lot of things - like learning new knowledge - because we like doing them, and it should come as no surprise that other people like them too, even if they come with a bunch of disadvantages.",我们做许多事情 -- 像是学习新的知识 -- 因为我们喜欢做这些,而且不可否认的是其他人也喜欢这么做,尽管这么做会为他们带来很多麻烦。 +"The welding deformation of top board of buoyancy module is related to floating roof structure, installation, welding sequence and welding technology.",浮舱顶板的焊接变形与浮顶的结构、组装、焊接顺序及焊接工艺方法等相关。 +The spindling tree grew bigger without our notice.,这棵长得细长的树在我们不知不觉中长粗了。 +"""We have a policy to empty the cage for the new birds, "" Guangdong's vice-governor Wan Qingliang told reporters this month.",“为了腾出空巢招新鸟,我们制定了一项政策。” 广东省副省长万清良在上个月对记者说。 +"Oneself get the agriculture teachers space in 1993, got a deluxe agriculture teachers space in 2003.",本人于1993年获农艺师资格,2003年获高级农艺师资格。 +"And yet, his paintings are always full of mysteries, transmutations, and disjunctions of scale.",但是他的绘画总是充满神秘、变形及比例失调。 +今天,祖鲁族人这句谚语可以应用到非洲的领导身上。,This Zulu Proverb can be applied to leadership in Africa today. +"Butto all these regulations, the writer holds the view that they are different from the agency regulated by the common law system.",但是,笔者认为这些制度与普通法系中的代理制度存在一定的区别。 +"Secondly, this thesis propose decoupling system based on BP neural network for the multi-variable and strong-coupled characteristics of CFB boiler combustion control system.",其次,针对CFB锅炉燃烧过程中参数间的强耦合特性,提出了基于BP神经网络的解耦系统。 +I love violin. I want to support her.,我很喜欢小提琴,我要支持她。 +"With Mei's permission, they posted several of her photos on a forum, and several online communities spotted her pictures.",经梅允许,他们在一个论坛上发表了她的七张照片,随后几家网上社区发现了她的照片。 +"However, being with a doctor and a trunk of medicine overshadows this marriage. Is she so sick to get married to a hospital?",但有一位医生和一箱子药作伴,又使这婚姻不免黯然,她果真是如此地多病,要嫁给一所医院么? +"Everything that blooms in beauty in the air of heaven draws its fairness, its vigor, from its roots.",天宇清风中万般美貌芳容总是从其根须获得元气。 +The wine was never classified and Lanessan missed out on being a part of the most influential wine ranking the world has ever seen.,最终郎森古堡没有参加那次评级,错过了这一最具有全球影响力的葡萄酒评比。 +Results A DIC atlas of preimplantation embryos in full developmental stages was formed from preovulatory oocyte to expanded blastocyst.,结果记录排卵前卵母细胞至扩展囊胚的小鼠早期胚发育全过程,制成微分干涉差显微图谱。 +"A Gray Market in Real Estate (October 20, 2010) But here in Ordos, in north China’s sparsely populated Inner Mongolia region, there is little second-guessing.",房地产里的灰色市场(2010.10.20)在鄂尔多斯这里,中国北部人口稀少的内蒙古地区,是毋庸置疑的。 +The two-week offensive by the Yemeni government intended to crush a long-running rebellion in the north of the country is continuing with air strikes on rebel positions.,为了粉碎也门北部长期存在的反叛组织,政府实施了两周的进攻仍在继续,现在在向反叛分子据点进行空袭。 +A neuro-fuzzy network applied in fire detection system is proposed in this paper.,本文提出将串联型模糊神经网络应用于火灾探测系统。 +"The Young Man Sings Folk Song in the Opposite Door by Chinese director Zhang Ming became the biggest winner of the night, the film was awarded Best Screenplay, Best Music, and Best Actress.",章明执导的《郎在对门唱山歌》成为当晚最大的赢家,一举获得了最佳编剧,最佳音乐和最佳女演员三个大奖。 +There is a lot of sense in what he says.,他说的颇有道理。 +Quite a lot of viewpoints of China's ancient aesthetic values worth exploring in modern design and they have been properly adopted.,在中国古代画论里就有许多美学观点值得我们在现代设计中去探索,而且已得到了很好的运用。 +"ResultsThe rate of volatile oil dry method, is higher than the saute method, and the advantage is gently and no parching.",结果烘制法挥发油驱除率明显高于炒制法,且具产品疏松,无焦糊结块等优点。 +"Now, I'm not suggesting we forget the past for the past is our teacher, however, I am suggesting that we loosen our grip on it a bit.",在此我并非是要建议忘记过去,因为过去是我们的导师,但不管怎样,我们应该稍稍让自己挣脱掉些过去的束缚。 +"Related to the loss of enclosure damping, ported and dual-reflex bandpass designs also exhibit higher distortion levels at very low frequencies than sealed or single-reflex bandpass designs.",从箱体阻尼损失来看,导向孔和双反射带通箱设计在极低频下比密封箱和单反射式带通箱设计有着更大的失真。 +Take additional safety measures for work outboard.,在舷外作业时采取附加安全措施。 +"Humanbeing's behavier is acquired, not innate,however, the animal's behavier depends on the instinct.",人的行为主要是后天习得的产物,然而,动物的行为主要依靠本能。 +Taket off your coat.,脱下你的外套吧。 +"In 2003, Brazilian automakers started producing flex-fuel cars that could run on biofuels, including locally produced ethanol.",2003年,巴西的汽车制造商开始生产能用生物燃料驱动的弹性燃料汽车,包括本地生产的酒精。 +"Neither of these common queries care about total, but they’re paying the cost of fetching it each time.",这些常见的查询与总数没有任何关系,但每次却都要返回总数,这就需要付出代价。 +"Inadvertently received a letter is not signed, letterhead, be careful of the open, clean writing, gentle words, like in the ears nonsense, about his dusty mind.",无意中收到了一封没有签名的信笺,小心的打开,干净的字迹,温柔的话语,像是在耳边呓语,诉说他尘封已久的心事。 +You will see the India flag in the footer.,您将在 页脚看到印度国旗。 +"Conclusion The treatment, using partial excision and skin tissue expansion, has remarkable effect on removing the giant pigmented nevi on body of infants.",结论:部分切除加软组织扩��器治疗躯干部位小儿巨痣效果显著; +A day without dispute brings sleep without dreams.,白天与世无争,晚上无梦而眠。 +But the soul that eateth of the flesh of the sacrifice of peace offerings, that pertain unto the LORD, having his uncleanness upon him, even that soul shall be cut off from his people.,只是献与耶和华平安祭的肉,人若不洁净而吃了,这人必从民中剪除。 +"I'd like more coffee, please.",我想续杯咖啡,谢谢。 +"Through proper alignment and mindful actions of the body, Hatha Yoga brings balance, strength, and a sense of well-being to the practitioner.",通过冥想和有意识的身体运动,哈塔瑜伽给修习者带来平衡,力量和健康感。 +A second control team based at a U.S. military facility in south Florida has lined up flights for arrival that don’t fall into the first tier.,另一个设在美国佛罗里达州南部军事基地的航管小组为那些不属于第一级的飞机安排降落时间表。 +Their courage and pain haunt me.,她们的勇气和痛楚常常萦绕我心。 +The velvet jacket actually comes with matching velvet britches.,这件天鹅绒外套,事实上有着同样一件配套的天鹅绒裤。 +And the second and third years are totally up to you as to how you want to spend it.,第二年和第三年是由我们自由支配的。 +"The past 60 years saw a heavy harvest in the studies of modern Chinese adverbs. There were not only case studies, but also special chapters or even whole books devoted to their discussion.",近代汉语副词研究60年来取得了丰硕的成果,其中既有个案的考察,也有专书的讨论,还有专著中专章专节的研究。 +A village was hit by special forces coming from the west.,然后一个村庄遭受了从西而来的特种部队的打击。 +"To detect joint fluid more easily, feel for it with one hand while using the other hand to compress the joint anteroposteriorly .",检测温柔的掌指骨关节,挤压病人的手之间的拇指和手指。 +"The invention relates to a slow-release preparation which comprises azelnidipine, a pharmaceutical slow-release material and other pharmaceutical auxiliary materials.",本发明涉及包含由阿折地平、药用缓释材料与其它药用辅料组成的缓释制剂。 +"When asked whether the United States and Pakistan were close to a breach in ties on the program ""Fox News Sunday,"" Secretary of Defense Robert Gates said he did not know.",美国国防部长盖茨在福克斯周日 新闻节目中被问到美国和巴基斯坦是否接近关系破裂的边缘时回答说,他不知道是否如此。 +The main purpose of this research is to find the effects of retailers'price-matching guarantees credibility on consumers'perceived value and purchase intention-brand image as a moderator.,本研究旨在探讨在品牌形象的干扰下,零售商价格保证可信度对消费者知觉价值与购买意愿之影响。 +This study verified successfully that cationic liposome-mediated NGB gene transfection could provide effective protection to the guinea pigs treated with gentamicin in a certain degree.,本研究成功验证了阳离子脂质体介导NGB基因转染对庆大霉素致豚鼠耳聋具有一定程度的保护作用。 +How to control the subsidence of the airport runways and how to ensure the safety of the construction of shield tunnel is the key.,如何控制飞行区跑道的沉陷,保证盾构隧道施工的安全,是盾构隧道下穿跑道设计的关键。 +"During follow-up, 2 died, 3.2% non-fatal reinfarction, 20% experienced reishchemia, 5% received repeated PTCA, 6 cases received CABG therapy.",随访中,2例死亡,3 2 %的患者出现非致命性再梗死,2 0 %的患者出现再缺血事件,5 %的患者再次接受PTCA治疗,6例患者接受CABG治疗。 +"Young children should not keep hamsters, baby chicks, lizards, turtles or hedgehogs as pets, according to the leading US paediatricians' group, in a new report about dangers from exotic animals.",根据美国最主要的耳科医生组织关于来自异域动物的危险的新报告,幼童不应该喂养仓鼠、雏鸡、蜥蜴、海龟、刺猬作为宠物。 +Promotion strength: Namely must be able the powerful promotion product sale;,促销力:即必需能够有力的促进产品的销售; +"We now have 54, 000 residents aged 75 and over.",目前我们这儿有五万四千名年龄在75岁及其以上的居民。 +"That’s attributed to John Dalberg-Acton or 1st Baron Acton, who died just over a century ago.",这是 约翰·达尔伯格·阿克顿(或称第一代阿克顿男爵)的名言。 他离开我们仅仅一个多世纪。 +"If the company decides to make money on top of the base by offering add-ons, good for the company.",如果公司决定在基准软件的基础上通过提供附加来赚钱,那么这对公司就会有益。 +"All participants must be at the gathering area of the start line at the predetermined time before their race start to report in, undergo gear check, etc.",强制装备将在运动员报到时将接受检查,缺少任何一项,不发放参赛包。 起跑检录将检查必带装备,缺少任何一项将取消比赛资格。 +"The sectors listed in the October 2009 rule are collecting data in 2010 and will submit their first annual reports to EPA on March 31, 2011.",2009年10月的规定中所列的产业部门正在收集2010年的数据,并将于2011年3月31日向环保署提交第一份年度报告。 +"""So I went there terrified of what I might meet in this leopard seal and actually was nurtured and protected and cared for,"" he said in the interview.",Nicklen说,“就是这样,我去时还在害怕遇到斑海豹会怎样,但真正遭遇时却被它照料着,保护着,关怀着。 +The calculated results indicate that Compound C has a lower energy difference between HOMO and LUMO.,计算结果显示,分子(C)具有较低的跃迁能。 +"For example, there are people who refuse to use the words ""I"" and ""you"" because they think that it will arouse the idea of self. This is impractical!",例如有人拒绝使用“我”和“你”因为他们认为这些会引生出“自我”的观念——这完全脱离实际! +"Domain CMDB applications require HA, but using a cold standby is adequate.",域 CMDB 应用程序要求 HA,但是使用冷备份就足够了。 +"Led by Facebook users, the public drummed up three times that amount in coins to cover the fine.",在Facebook用户的领导下,公众募集了三倍于罚金的捐款。 +"In conclusion, the low activity fly-ash can be used as the base course of asphalt pavement, and its anti-cracking performance is usually better other semi-rigidity materials.",结论在合理选用配合比和添加剂剂量的条件下,采用的低活性粉煤灰材料可以作为道路基层材料,具有较好的杭裂性能。 +Some memory that Napoleon never wrote down in his diaries.,拿破仑没有写在日记里的某个记忆。 +"Some eels, however, have been observed to be remarkably resistant to the sea krait’s venom.",然而现在已经发现,有一部分鳗鱼已经体现出了对巨环海蛇毒液的明显抗性。 +"Strong winds create huge sand dunes near the water, some of which are partly submerged.",强风使得水面上逐渐形成巨大的沙丘,其中一部分沙丘被淹没在水里。 +"The four states of Kansas, Oklahoma, Arkansas, and Missouri make up the brass buckle on that tough but pliable leather belt.",堪萨斯,俄克拉荷马,阿肯色和密苏里四个州组成了这条坚韧而柔软的皮带上的四颗铜扣。 +Enterprise boss Howard.,皮革厂老板霍华德。 +"DADIRI NURO: ""We have potatoes, we have tomatoes, we have kale, lettuce, cabbage, onion, shallots … """,DADIRI NURO:“我们种了土豆、西红柿、甘蓝、生菜、卷心菜、洋葱、红葱... +"The fourth part ""comparison of Sino-India foreign trade remedy regulations"" has five sub-parts.",文章的第四部分“中印贸易救济规则之比较”分为五个大的方面。 +"Ransomware, on the other hand, began making headway in 2010 due to incentives from affiliate-backed programs that pay out when victims purchase the fake products.",勒索手,另一方面,在2010年开始取得进展,由于产品的奖励从子公司支持方案,在受害者支付了购买假的。 +"Church authorities, however, say only one man, the guardian of the Ark, is allowed to see it, and they have never permitted it to be studied for authenticity.",教会方面则声称只有一个人,即约柜的守护人才被允许看见它,并且从未就真实性方面而让其供人研究。 +They have decided to computerise the accounts department.,他们已经决定将会计部门计算机化。 +Spain shut 19 northern airports including Barcelona on Saturday because of the cloud of abrasive ash blowing south from a volcano in Iceland.,周六,西班牙关闭了包括巴塞罗那在内的北部19个机场。 由于冰岛火山爆发造成的磨蚀云向南移动而生成。 +The atomic dipole amplitude squared squeezing in the interaction system of the two identical two level atoms with single mode vacuum field is studied.,研究了两个全同的二能级原子与单模真空辐射场相互作用系统中原子的偶极振幅平方压缩效应。 +"It might seem obvious, but the biggest factor affecting concentration is rest.",放松自己看起来很容易,但这却是影响专注力最大的因素。 +"Comparision to the data collected from vasectomy, EAO, or immune infertile patients, the deposition of IC had the following characteristics:1. Extensive distribution.",与扎管、EAO、免疫不育等资料相比,表现形式有以下一些特点:1。分布广泛; +Important from the host machine feed feed mixing granulating transmission and smooth and so constitute piecemeal.,饲玲蝥械主机种要由喂料、搅拌、制粒、传动及光滑零碎等构成。 +"On the afternoon of September 22, 2011, Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Hong Lei held a regular press conference.",2011年9月22日,外���部发言人洪磊主持例行记者会。 +"After approval of the natural gas chemical industry project, more than 10 billion yuan will be further invested in construction.",天然气化工项目经批准后建设还要再投入一百多亿元。 +"For example, did you know that Australia is the world’s largest inhabited island?",比如说,你知道澳大利亚是世界上有人居住的最大的岛屿吗? +"Franz Schubert, Wiegenlied Op. 98 No. 2 String Quartet.",弗朗茨•舒伯特《摇篮曲》作品.98,第2号, 弦乐四重奏分谱。 +"If Application.DoEvents is called from your code, your program flow may be interrupted in order to process the timer events generated by an instance of this class.",如果为了处理由该定时器类产生的定时器事件而在你的代码中有一个Application.DoEvents的调用,你的程序流程可能会被打断。 +"Whoever then annuls one of the least of these commandments, and so teaches others, shall be called least in the kingdom of heaven;",因此,无论谁废除诫命中最小的一条,又这样教导人,他在天国中必称为最小的; +"The number of treatment cycles was up 12.5 per cent from 2006, and up 53.7 per cent from 2003.",2007年的治疗病例与2006年相比,这一数据增长了12.5%,与2003年相比增长了53.7%。 +You could take a 17 and get off at the theatre and change to the 65.,你可以坐17路( 大众汽车),在片子院下车,换乘65路。 +"Different Agendas - the boss is focused on improving an employee's performance, while the employee is interested in compensation and career advancement.",不同的着眼点:老板着眼于提高一个员工的业绩,但员工则在报酬及职业晋升方面更感兴趣。 +"Given these relationships between diet and health -you've got too few calories are bad, too many calories are bad, too much fat is bad, other things are good-- then, what should people eat?","考虑到饮食和健康的密切关系,比如热量摄入过低不健康,摄入过高也不健康,脂肪过多不健康,还有些东西是健康的,那么,人们到底应该吃什么呢" +What is your identity?,你的身份是什么呢? +The choice of above hardware makes hatching-controller have the advantage of low cost and short develop circle.,以上硬件选择有利于节约成本和缩短配料仪的软件开发周期。 +"There may be saturation in the differential circuit built with the operational amplifier(Op Amp), which causes that the relationship between input and output is not differential expression.",用运算放大器构造的微分电路可能存在饱和现象,导致输出与输入电压之间不满足微分关系,使微分电路失去应有性能。 +"Unit tests are an excellent way to test the functionality of your code when you first write it, and also to provide a method for regression testing of your application.",当你首次编写代码时,单元测试是一种测试代码功能的很好方法,它还提供了一种对应用程序进 行回归测试的方法。 +"When tumour cell-surface antigens are targeted, the response should ultimately lead to destruction of the targeted cell.",当肿瘤细胞表面抗原是靶分子时,应答最终导致肿瘤细胞的破坏。 +众多的短文展示了在我们普通编程人员日常所做的工作中的美。,So many of the essays show that there is beauty in what we ordinary programmers do. +And he uses those as discussion materials and Then he's carefully indexed those against things Like the Oxford English edition.,"他用这些材料作为讨论材料,然后他仔细把这些材料,像牛津英语词典这样整理起来。" +"Long time ago, when Bical O was a kid.",话说当年,二齿猪儿还是小孩瓶的时候。 +"Any of the so-called control characters (those with a hex value below 0x20, the space character) can cause your parser to stop with an invalid token error.",所有所谓的控制字符(那些 16 进制值低于 0x20 的字符,空格字符)可能会导致您的解析器因为一个无效的标记错误而停止工作。 +But don't do too little - 26 miles is a long way and the last four miles are going to really kill you.,但也不要太短,26英里那么长,最后四英里真是要你命了! +"Speaking of leisure , I didn't celebrate this birthday with a surprise party, as I very surprisingly did for my 39th.",说到休闲,我并没有举办惊喜派对来庆祝我40岁的生日,就像我39岁生日时做的那样,虽然我当时的做法非常出人意料。 +"This paper introduces the working principles, functions and applications of AD9852.",介绍了AD9852的工作原理、功能及其在本机振荡器中的应用。 +I sent her flowers for her birthday.,我派人给她送去花作为她生日礼物。 +"Down the road, Quinn would like to fund studies and clinical trials to look deeper into all the health benefits—real, rumored, and legendary—of the black currant.",将来的某一天,奎因想投资对醋栗进行研究和临床试验,深入发掘它对人体健康的益处��或真实或传说或神奇式的作用。 +We provide professional and abundant information for HR managers and complete marketing promotion for the service suppliers.,HR管理世界为人力资源经理提供资讯,并为服务供应商提供综合的市场推广服务。 +Anyone wishing to attempt either chronic or alternate-day calorie restriction needs to remember that consuming nutrient-dense foods is key.,凡是希望尝试长期或间隔实行热量限制的人需要记住,消耗高营养食物是关键。 +No one is bigger than the Club - and Kenny will have made that clear.,没有人能够凌驾于俱乐部之上——肯尼会让大家清楚这一点的。 +"Tenosynovial giant cell tumors arise from synovium of joints, bursae , or tendon sheaths, and are classified into localized and diffuse types based on the growth pattern and clinical behavior.",腱鞘巨细胞瘤可发生于关节滑膜、滑囊或腱鞘,依据其生长方式和生物学行为,可分成局限性和弥漫性腱鞘巨细胞瘤两类。 +"The wavelet neural network model is applied herein to forecast the seepage of the right dam foundation of Chaihe Reservoir, and then the simulation result is checked with the observed data.",文中将小波神经网络模型应用于柴河水库右坝段坝基渗流量的预测,利用实测资料对其模拟计算结果进行检验。 +have seen that we are good at hiding things.We will help you hide the eggs.,你看见了我们擅长藏东西。 我们将帮助你来藏蛋。 +"senior analyst Ray Zhou also sees Ford's retail share improving, up 9% so far this month, while GM's has fallen 18%.",的资深分析师雷•周(音)也认为,本月迄今为止,福特的零售份额保持着上升之势,提高了9%,而通用汽车的零售份额下降了18%。 +"The 32-year-old has struggled with injury this season, only playing 14 matches in Serie A.",这名32岁的球员在这个赛季中一直与伤病做抗争,联赛中仅出场14次。 +"The things that occur in lectures and seminars can ""go unrecognized and are unpredictable in their effects"" (McQuillan, 53), but this does not mean we should deny their possibility.",在讲座和研讨会上发生的事情有可能是“难以识别的,在他们的影响不可预测的”(麦奎伦,53),但这并不意味着我们应该否认他们的可能性。 +John: And I'm John P. Banks.,我是约翰。 +Listening is very important in international business negotiations.,倾听是国际商务谈判的一项重要活动。 +Shanika: Because I have noticed here at A.U. that people are either Democratic or Republican.,沙妮卡: 因为我在美大这里注意到,人们要么是民主党,要么是共和党。 +"Ashoka Trust for Research in Ecology and the Environment, Bangalore, 560024, India.",阿育王特斯拉环境生态研究中心,印度班加罗尔560024。 +"According to the distributing features of bean slot on the grain roll, the mechanical system and electrical system are analyzed. The design principle and working characters are also put forward.",针对花纹轧辊扁豆形槽在工件上的分布特点,从机械系统和电气系统两方面进行设计分析,阐述该专用工艺装备的设计原理及使用特点。 +"Much-anticipated ETPs are the current focus for investors, with worries prevalent that they could tie up excess material, divert metal away from the normal supply chain, and distort prices.","备受瞩目的ETP是当前投资者关注焦点,市场普遍担心ETP会吸收多馀的金属,减少正常供应链中的金属,进而扭曲价格." +"Whereas when we play not to lose, we play to avoid failure.",而我们为了不输而去比赛时。 +"The new Law on Corporate Income Tax went into effect, and real estate taxes were unified for domestic and overseas-funded enterprises and Chinese and foreign individuals.",实施新的企业所得税法,统一内外资企业和个人房地产税收制度。 +Wiggs suggests keeping crypto keys or other sensitive data in byte arrays which should be overwritten with zero as soon as they are no longer used.,Wiggs建议把加密密钥或其他敏感数据保存在字节数组中,那样能够在不需要的时候就会被重写为零。 +"Their methods are complicated, but Google software engineer Leonid Taylor has written a blog explaining how the counting works.",他们的统计方式是十分复杂的。 但是谷歌的软件工程师Leonid Taylor已经开通了博客来解释这一计数工作。 +"Fuzzy controller with integral is developed, and is realized by Siemens S7-200 PLC.",设计了一种具有积分环节的模糊控制器,并由西门子S7—200系列PLC实现。 +"He classifies four social institutions such as gender difference institution, age difference institution, agrestic institution and family institution.",他将基本的制度类型分为四种,即性别差异制皮、年龄等级制度、乡土制度、家庭制度。 +The Lotus C API can be useful in several contexts both on the client side and on the server side.,Lotus C API 在客户端���服务器端的一些上下文中都很有用。 +"""I had to encourage them. One of the things we talked about as a team was 'Don't take any days off at practices. ' …I thought that they picked it up and had a terrific practice"" Friday night.",但是我必须鼓励他们,我要天天给他们啰嗦任何时候都不能放松训练,我想他们马上就会适应这样的节奏和训练的。 +It presents a wide range of projects from complete brand design to exquisitely designed business cards.,它包含多个设计范围的作品,有完整的品牌策划,也有精巧的名片设计。 +Methods: Distillation method was used to extract volatile oil from medical material containing volatile oil. Boil with water method extract other medical materials.,方法:含挥发油的药材采用蒸馏法提取挥发油,其他药材采用水煎煮法提取, 以壳聚糖为凝胶材料制备五虎壳聚糖凝胶剂; +To everyone who conquers I will give permission to eat from the tree of life that is in the paradise of God.,"得胜的,我必将神乐园中“,“生命树的果子赐给他吃" +"But no ice-cream company wanted to support the show, so it became a milk tea shop.",然而因为不厂商乐意援助,冰淇淋店变成了奶茶店。 +We have a highly-motivated team to show that we're a different team today.,我们有一支充满动力的球队去展示我们现在是一支不同的球队了。 +"In fact, The United States Sherwin·Williams chemical Co. , Ltd is acquisition pleased score of development in the global strategy.",实际上美国宣威·威廉斯化工有限公司正在全球战略发展的实践中取得可喜成绩。 +"Another feature useful for debugging is approximate replay, which attempts to repeat the interleaving of a given run (not guaranteed, but in high probability).",另一个对调试有用的特性可能是重放,它试图重复一个给定运行的交错(不能保证,但是有很高的可能性)。 +"""Inflation pressures remain large, "" Sheng Laiyun, a spokesman for China's National Bureau of Statistics told a news conference.",“通货膨胀压力仍然很大,”盛来运,为中国国家统计局新闻发言人在记者会上说。 +"Her husband, Melvin, said he never tried to put Armstrong off her hobby, even when their bicycle rides were interrupted by tiny treasure hunts.",她的先生梅尔文表示,他从未反对阿姆斯壮的这个小嗜好,即使他们一起骑脚踏车时总是得不时停下来捡这些小财宝。 +"'Android is open and can be used by licensees and the user interface can be modified, but these modifications are not supported by Google's release, ' said Jolla Chairman Antti Saarnio.",Jolla董事长萨尼奥(Antti Saarnio)说,安卓是开放的,只要申请许可便能使用。 其用户界面虽然可以修改,但谷歌发布的更新不支持这些修改。 +"Dance Art is an art in which sentiment enlightens genuineness, extols benevolence, and arouses beauty.",舞蹈艺术是以情启真、以情扬善、以情唤美的艺术。 +These words are the right Bluntschli a definition or description of certain provisions of the practical.,这些话语都是对布伦奇利定义的某个或者某些规定性的实际说明。 +"Sometimes the play, with its disdain for characterisation and its endless catalogue of horrors, seems to be struggling under the weight of its own self-importance.",有时,因为它不屑塑造人物和传达的无止境的恐惧,该剧似乎迫于其自身的妄自尊大而苦苦挣扎。 +Keep them out by using recyclable and washable shopping bags.,通过使用可回收利用和可清洗的购物袋来阻止塑料袋和纸袋的进入。 +"I stopped briefly at the reception to pay my respects to Mrs. Obuchi and Keizos children, one of whom was in politics her-self.",我在接待处短暂停留,慰问了小渊的夫子和孩子,他的一个女儿也在政界。 +Any other cube you can think of using the new dimension.,您能想到的使用新维度的任何其他多维数据集。 +"I saw Ron is very sad, I have mixed with regret red hibiscus cried: ""Do some of the first flat do not work?""",只见罗恩十分伤心,百般遗憾地冲芙蓉喊到:“难道头扁些的就不行吗?。 +"I mean when you have a bunch of friends coming by and \having\ fun,you drink and talk.and",我是说当你有一帮朋友来的时候,你们喝酒聊天,喝得越多,聊得约多。 +Mr Obama's superior fund-raising has been the main source of worry for the Clintonistas.,奥巴马超强的募集资金的能力一直为克林顿阵营所烦恼。 +"Cao Xueqin execrates Ning family by using Jiao Da's mouth, unconsciously radiating his anger and pity for one reason for the downfall of his family.",雪芹借焦大之口痛骂宁府,正是对造成家族衰败某一方面原因的愤激与痛惜的无意间的流露。 +Zardari's win caps a remarkable political revival for a man who spent 11 years in prison on corruption and murder charges - without ever being convicted.,扎尔达里的当选标志着这位曾经受到腐败和谋杀指控、从未被定罪、但却在监狱里度过11年的人惊人地重返政坛。 +For some people--particularly in the boardrooms and corner offices of the biggest companies--they never went away.,而对那些在大公司董事会议室和经理办公室里的人们来说,西装从来就没有过时过。 +"At the same time, with the regulatory effect of further demonstrated that short-term supply and demand will become tenser property, property prices will rise further.",同时,随着调控效应的进一步显现,房产供求关系短期内将更趋紧张,房产价格将进一步上涨。 +Because of attaching importance to the meaning of the narrative text and referencing in traditional kernel-outer structure of the structure of Chinese narrative lite…,但对叙述本文意义的重视,对中国叙事文学结构传统性内核——外结构的借鉴,使其创作充分糅合了传统与现代的特点。 +"The Nazi leader also copyrighted his image, meaning he even earned royalties every time a post- age stamp with his face on it was sold.",这位纳粹领导人还为自己头像申请了版权,这意味着每次在后期邮票使用他的头像都需要缴税。 +Please not to throw the various single certificates about your personal information.,有您个人信息的各种凭条和单证切勿随手扔。 +You are solely responsible for determining the appropriateness of using or redistributing the Work and assume any risks associated with Your exercise of permissions under this License.,用户仅对使用或重新分发作品的正确性负责,并需承担根据本许可证行使权限时的任何风险。 +"To avoid such situations, decision trees use so-called surrogate splits.",决策树用替代分裂点(surrogate splits)来避免这样的情况发生。 +Sexual satisfaction is usually thought of in terms of number of orgasms and time spent between the sheets.,人们在通常意义上所说的性满足多由高潮的次数以及男女双方性活动所持续的时间来决定。 +"Based on a mostly fertile soil with good access to fresh water, this industry has been the backbone of rural Bangladesh and could be one of the emerging sectors in the future.",大部分肥沃的土地便于取得淡水,在此基础上,农业已成为了农业国家孟加拉国的支柱产业,而且未来将成为新兴领域之一。 +"Brutal you can take away life, but never wins did not follow the eternal one word - love!",凶残可以夺走生命,却永远夺不走永恒不变的一个字——爱! +"The concept of ""Three"" has direct impact on national aesthetic psychology.",这种三才观对古人“崇三”的民族审美心理起到了直接的催化作用。 +There e's no let-up for fathers as just under a third have been head-butted by their young child while a quarter said play-fighting with the kids regularly saw them tweak something.,爸爸们由于其他原因受伤的可能性也不低——差不多三分之一的父亲曾被孩子撞头,四分之一常常和孩子们小打小闹时扭伤。 。 +"The second strategy Two is to use dynamic reputation between the 'fall' server of the server, in order to prevent the server from being used for further work.",策略二是,利用动态信誉度,在服务器之间进行排查‘失陷’的服务器,以防止服务器被利用进行进一步的工作。 +"""It was like a cannon blast, "" says Steve.",“这就像是被加农炮击中一样,”史蒂夫说。 +"To co-oriented, quality makes survival is our company's tenet, with full range of first-class service as principle, welcome old and new customers and friends from various circles to.",以诚为本,以质求存是我公司的宗旨,以全方位的一流服务为原则,欢迎新老客户及各界朋友光临。 +"Tag paper: A very strong manilla, some almost untearable, generally made from rope stock.",标签纸:十分结实的马尼拉纸,一些简直不能撕开。 +"About Us Page - will be able to click to view various information such as about us, news and media, board members, careers, investors, partners…",公司简介- 将能够点击查看,如关于我们,新闻和媒体,董事会成员,职业,投资者,合作伙伴的各种信息… +"Elke, a five-day-old Francois Langur, makes her media debut at Taronga Zoo's Wildlife Hospital in Sydney Monday, March 24. (Reuters)",三月廿四日周一,五个月大的黑叶猴爱琴,在雪梨的塔隆加动物园第一次在媒体前曝光。 (路透社照片) +The result shows: figure characteristics of juvenile women basketball elites is 4.20-1.05-3.29;,结果显示:优秀少年女篮运动员的体型特征为4。 20-1。 05-3。 29,属于外胚性内胚叶型体型; +"""I was hoping, "" Ogilvie said, ""that you folks could suggest something. """,译文一:“我是希望,”奥格尔维说,“你们俩能提出一个办法来。” +"Mickey does not expect ""major shifts in the who's who of college publishing"" -- for now.""Long",Mickey并不期望现在“在大学出版业务上出现重大调整”。 +The detector developed in this work can realize not only the online analysis but also the off-line processing by various function modules.,通过对各功能模块的设计,实现了既可在线分析又能离线处理的虚拟式尺寸检测。 +The signals recorded had the characteristic of the motor or sensory nerve action potentials.,分析导出的电信号其波形均具有运动及感觉神经动作电位的特征。 +"Then he's unraveling me in the silence, with hands and eyes and tongue, his face strange in the firelight, primitive almost, without the glasses.",他在沉默中七手八脚地解开了我的衣服。 他的脸在火光中变得陌生,几近原始,没戴眼镜。 +"In the first two chapters, we briefly review the development of spintronics and introduce some spin-orbit-coupling dependent spin transport phenomena.",在前 两章中, 我们回顾了自旋电子学的发展进程并简述了基于自旋轨道耦合的自旋输运现象。 +"Ugezu, one of Nigeria's top filmmakers, was furiously rewriting his script as the cameras prepared to roll.",正坐在一张蓝色的塑料凳子上奋笔疾书,修改剧本。 摄像机做好了开动的准备。 +"The United States has a millionaire named Danny, his father is a middle school teacher, so he did not have the ""Qian Chang tree"" advantage, but he became master of money will shake from the tree down.",美国有个富翁叫丹尼,他的父亲只是一个中学教师,所以他没有“钱长在树上”的优越条件,但他却掌握了将钱从树上摇下来的本事。 +"Two girls are seen performing at an American military base in Spain in 1959, but the young men aren’t really looking.",我们还能看到两个姑娘正在西班牙的美军基地表演,但是小伙子们并没认真在看,那是1959年。 +This year's XBR4 series 1080p high-definition television seems no exception.,今年XBR4系列的1080p高清电视机似乎也不例外。 +A massive 8.9-magnitude quake hit northeast Japan on Friday causing dozens of deaths more than 80 fires and a 10-meter (33-ft) tsunami along parts of the country's coastline.,本周五,震级为8.9级的剧烈地震袭击了日本东北部地区,地震造成数多人死亡,多达80多起大火以及沿海岸线高达10米(33英尺)的海啸。 +"Being one of CMCC's many subsidiaries, Fujian Mobile has being developing and implementing its policies in line with CMCC's whole strategy.",福建移动公司作为中国移动通信公司的子公司之一,按照中国移动集团公司的总体战略进行贯彻与实施。 +"The project soon received recognition in the form of funding from the US government, and grid projects sprang up in several US government agencies, based on Globus Project software.",该项目很快得到美国政府的投资,从而被认可,且许多美国政府机关都开始进行基于 Globus Project 软件的网格项目。 +"That is: in the original two soup on the basis of increase and decrease, added grain bean;",说白了就是:在原先两款羹的基础上有所增减,加进了糁豆; +She began to take multiple intelligences into account in her lesson plans.,她开始在做课程计划时兼顾多种智力因素。 +"Results Through substantial investigation and study, we understand that the health investment in recent decades in China has high international efficiency and lies front rank in the world.",结果经实证调研,认识到我国几十年来的健康投资在国际间具有较高效率,位于世界前列。 +"The transfer would have allowed Hamsik to stay at Napoli for the 2008/09 season, before then playing for Juve the following campaign.",这桩转会将允许哈姆西克在08-09赛季继续效力于那不勒斯,然后在随后的赛季中效力斑马军团。 +"Good for you that can not be emotional, but I just can not help myself.",说好不能对你动情,可是我就是控制不了自己。 +"Through some experiments, we found this method can synthesize some particular kind of video textures, which previous synthesis methods can not synthesize.",试验证明对于一些可逆序播放的视频,这种方法能够合成已有合成方法所不能合成的视频纹理。 +"If anything, more work got done.",错,只可能会做地更多。 +Q: My wife says that I am one of the fastest apologizers she knows.,问:我妻子觉得在她知道的道歉人中我是道歉最快的。 +"Meanwhile, public university supervisors in Britain also had their say by complaining about the lack of funds.",与此同时,大部分公立大学的管理者们仍觉得办学资金匮乏。 +"Anansi the Spider uses a strange moss-covered rock in the forest to trick all the other animals, until Little Bush Deer decides he needs to learn a lesson.",蜘蛛阿纳西用森林里一块奇特的、布满青苔的岩石来戏弄别的动物,直到小布什·迪尔决定要让它得到一个教训。 +"However, studies that focused on a single target food or nutrient may have overestimated the impact of taxes by failing to take into account shifts in consumption to other foods.",但是,以单一食品或营养为目标的研究可能过分估计了税的影响,而没有考虑到消费品的替代作用。 +"And then you apply to up to five unis, and then...",之后你可以申请五所大学,然后…… +"These strong laws contain some limit properties of the sequence of integer-valued random variables, concerning relative entropy density and the entropy function of geometric distribution.",在此子集上得到了一类用不等式表示的强律,其中包含整值随机变量序列与相对熵密度及几何分布的熵函数有关的若干极限性质。 +"No, I'm going back to my room.",没有了。我这就回房去。 +"Over the last year, revenue at Wal-Mart stores open at least a year has fallen by an average 0.75 percent each quarter, according to the International Council of Shopping Centers.",根据国际购物中心理事会的数据,在过去的一年里,开张一年以上的沃尔玛零售店的收入以平均每季度0.75%的速度减少。 +"The first sandstorm this year came on March 11 bringing sand and dust to Inner Mongolia, Shanxi, Ningxia and Liaoning, Zheng said.",张同时表示,3月19日至21日的那场沙尘暴影响到了中国21个省份和地区。 3月11日,今年的第一场沙尘暴给内蒙古、陕西、宁夏和辽宁等地带了扬沙和浮尘。 +Finding even one requires a painstaking search of Stardust’s particle trap using a microscope.,哪怕只有一个发现,也需陷入使用显微镜对星团颗粒的辛勤研究。 +"Instead, we should be focused on boosting investment in physical, human, and knowledge capital.",反而,我们应该注重推进物质、人力和知识资本的投资。 +Eytukan and the remaining HUNTERS bravely fire at the gunships with their longbows.,艾土康和其余的猎人依然勇敢地拉开长弓,向武装直升机放箭射击。 +"Summary: With hacker attacks in the news frequently these days, we all know that computer security needs to be taken seriously.",简介: 由于黑客攻击最近在新闻中屡有报导,我们都知道需要认真地对待计算机安全问题。 +"For a time, he worked as a tailor, and then in a tobacco factory. $ o$ n, q; K2 c.",他曾一度以裁缝师为职,之后又在烟草工厂上班。 +"Likewise, for the third segment, the velocity is constant for 4 deg.",同样,为第三部分, 速度是常数4甘醇。 +Surf froths around the wind-and-water-eroded coastal tunnels in southwestern Australia's Port Campbell National Park.,冲浪泡沫周围的风和水侵蚀沿海隧道,在澳大利亚西南部的港口坎贝尔国家公园。 +"Cordyceps sinensis, also known as Chinese caterpillar fungus, or cordyceps is a parasitic fungus Cordyceps bat moth larvae in the body of the sub - Block and larval body complex.",冬虫夏草又称为虫草或冬虫草,是真菌冬虫夏草寄生于蝙蝠蛾幼虫体上的子座与幼虫尸体的复合物。 +"Excellent creep resistance and low moisture absorption are also characteristic of this resin, and it can be easily processed using conventional equipment and methods.",出色的蠕变阻力和低的吸湿性能也是这个材料的特点之一。它能用普通的加工机器和传统的加工方法加工。 +Love is the mother of love.,情生情, 龚爱生爱。 +"I'm Glad You Asked by Kenneth Boa and Larry Moody, Victor Books.",问得好,肯尼士斯鲍及赖利慕迪着(费克特书房,中文版由橄榄基金会出版) +Preferred crystalline salts are the acetate and the hydrochloride salt.,最好是醋酸盐结晶和盐酸盐结晶。 +They were there because of me.,他们来这里是因为我。 +"Because label, UUID, and friendly name will bond with a dedicated device forever, no matter what device ID it has or what device name it gets, your system will always find your root file system disk.",由于标签、UUID 和友好的名称将永远与专用设备绑定在一起,因此不管拥有什么设备 ID 或者使用什么设备名称,系统总是能够找到根文件系统磁盘。 +The implications for vaccine safety of the emergence of certain transmissible spongiform encephalopathies (TSEs) have received the attention of the Committee for several years.,某些传染性海绵状脑病(TSEs)的出现对疫苗安全会造成什么样的影响? 数年来GACVS一直关注着这一问题。 +"This avoids the need to align multiple photolithographic processing steps, thereby allowing greatly increased resolution and reduced lead spacing.",这避免了需要对准多个光刻处理步骤,由此允 许大大提高的分辨率和减小的引线间隔。 +"And now, tonight, will face Milan - Gennaro Gattuso, newly recovered from his thigh injury, and all - in the last 16 of the Champions League.",现在,今晚,他将面对米兰的加图索,他刚刚从大腿伤势上康复,而且这是在欧冠16强上的对话。 +"Piled up, I think the cash flow from coal plants would create big obstacles to serious, sometimes even forced to stop production.",越积越多,我想一定会给煤厂的资金周转造成很大的障碍,严重的时候甚至会被迫停产。 +Your mother has left a note for you.,你母亲给你留了一个便条。 +"Jiao Ran, the poem critic of the middle Tang Dynasty, has unique criticism on the poetry of the Dali period in his books, such as The Poetic Structure .",中唐诗论家、诗评家皎然在《诗式》等著作中对大历诗坛有独特的评价 ,对初唐诗人陈子昂、沈拴期、宋之问有鲜明的褒贬。 +1995 sort of vent heat & devotion is manufactured.,1995年排热利用开始生产。 +The leaf blade hair character of 408 cultivated type dates and 5 wild type dates were investigated from adzuki bean variety sources of North China and overseas leaded varieties.,作者对我国北方小豆地方品种资源、国外引入品种资源中抽取的40 8份栽培型材料和5份野生型小豆系统材料的叶片茸毛性状进行了调查。 +"Also, we should complete and perfect the relevant legal systems in order to make it a reality law from the law in the paper.",而该制度要真正落到实处,使之从纸上的法变为现实生活中的法,还需要健全与完善与之相关的法律制度。 +"The blast occurred before dawn today while 436 workers were in the Tunlan mine at Gujiao city in the northern province of Shanxi, the official Xinhua news agency said.",爆炸发生于今天黎明时分,436名矿工正在山西古交兰屯煤矿工作。 新华社官方称。 +"Finally, we parse the returned string to determine which note is associated with which buddy.",最后,解析返回的字符串以判断通知与好友之间的具体关联。 +"It's too cold here in winter, one must add anti-freezing agent to the engine cooling water in time.",这里的冬天太冷了,一定要及时在发动机冷却水中添加防冻剂。 +"Work-Around: None at the moment, but rest assured that this delay in reports won't affect your earnings or payments.",工作大约有:无此刻,但放心,这种拖延报告中不会影响您的收入或支付。 +The scattered field of the rigid line can be split into a bounded part and a singular part.,刚性线的散射场可分解为有界部分和奇异部分。 +She used to come over and I’d bake cookies for her and let her eat them in front of the TV.,她过去常来我家,我会给她烤些点心,让她坐在电视机前吃。 +“那件礼服将是无价的,是历史的一部分,”吴先生说。,"“It’s priceless to be a part of history, ” Mr. Wu said." +"'The real painful damaging sums are going to come when you see the settlements coming from the actual trials, ' said Aaron Bragman, an auto analyst at IHS Global Insight.",美国环球通视有限公司(IHS Global Insight)汽车行业分析师布莱格曼(Aaron Bragman)说,真正令丰田痛苦且对其破坏性的金额将来自审判中的和解方案。 +"Good partnership. You will enhance one another. You offer the Crab the necessary security and, in return, you receive the affection and loyalty you desire.",你们是好的伙伴关系。你俩在一起可以相互促进,共同提高。你能给蟹子需要的安全感,同样地,你也能从巨蟹座那里得到渴望的激情和忠诚。 +"I mean bring a coat if the morning's a little chilly , and pack an umbrella in your brief case.",我的意思是如果早晨有点冷的话你就多带件大衣,把雨伞放在你的公文包里。 +His breakfast is a bowl of cornmeal normally.,他的早餐通常都是一碗麦片。 +The failure of HK-40 alloy tubes of the steam reformer furnace in the refinery of Jinling Petrochemical Company were itemized and analyzed.,对金陵石化公司炼油厂制氢转化炉HK-40合金炉管发生的损伤进行了汇总和分析。 +"The growth speed of hypha, esterase isoenzyme as well as CMCase relative activity among 39 different wild strains collected from different area of Dechang county in Sichuan province were studied.",对四川德昌不同地区的39个野生香菇菌株进行了菌丝生长速度、酯酶同工酶和CMC酶相对活性分析。 +"I was 16 weeks, four months after feeling fetal movement.",我是16周,四个月后感觉到胎动的。 +"Pensioners would be better off, possibly at the expense of future taxpayers, who would bear the burden of repaying the government’s more costly debt.",靠退休金生活的老人们的生活会得到改善,却可能是以未来的纳税人为代价,后者将背负上更加沉重的政府债务。 +She lifted the little ice-encased body out of the deep-freeze and set it on the floor.,她把被冰裹着的小躯体拎出冰柜,放在地板上; +The draft is prepared. Will you please check the particulars and see if everything is all right?,我已拟好合同草案,请您过过目,看 是否一切都妥当。 +"From this example, you can see two of the downsides of the SAX API: It is much more verbose than the DOM API and, when compared to the DOM sample code, the SAX parser is several times more complex.",通过这个示例,您可以看到 SAX API 的两个缺点:它比 DOM API 冗长得多,而且经过与 DOM 样例代码的比较后,SAX 解析器更加复杂。 +"“It’s a stunning, once-in-a-lifetime find, ” said paleontologist Paul Sereno of the University of Chicago, who was not involved in the study.",未参与研究的芝加哥大学古生物学家Paul Sereno表示:“这是个惊人的绝世发现。 +"NET Framework platform. After comparing the usual WLAN positioning method, a method based on RSSI which is suitable for conference environment is suggested.",此外,论文比较分析了常用的无线定位方法,建议了一种适合本系统应用环境的基于RSSI的位置指纹定位方法。 +"Of course, such intensive operations cause other problems as well, notably the disposal of large amounts of manure.",当然,这种密集的饲养方式同样会有一些问题,如需处理大量的肥料。 +"In February 2007, a delegation of Starbucks baristas (waiters) from New York flew to Ethiopia to meet the people producing the coffee they sold.",2007年2月,一个来自纽约的星巴克咖啡师代表团飞抵埃塞俄比亚,拜访了当地种植咖啡豆的农民。 回去的时候他们带回了与咖啡种植者的视频访谈。 +"Even in the Homeric poems, we can see that these ideas are transient.",甚至在荷马诗篇中,我们也还可以看出,这些观念只是暂时的。 +The bis(oxazoline)s could be used in other reactions.,联菲双恶唑啉还可以用于催化其他的反应。 +"Description: China Network Television (CNTV), as the only mobile TV station in China, stays in a leading position in China's mobile television market.",中国手机电视台,作为国内唯一的手机电视台,在中国手机电视市场上处于绝对领先地位。 +But he must not die.,不成,决不能让他死去! +"Democracy and direct election in particular, should develop in an orderly way in keeping with the particular condition of a country.",民主建设特别是直接选举,要根据国情循序渐进。 +"People living in hard water areas available water softener to remove excess minerals, to increase its wettability, which is easier to wash away the cleaning agent or hair!",居住在硬水区域的人可用水质软化器去除过多的矿物质,增加其湿润性,更易于洗去洁而剂或毛! +I couched criticism on him in tactful language.,我用得体的语言向他提出了批评。 +"The second line, the first rewrite condition, indicates that following rules only apply when the user-agent string in the HTTP request header contains the substring MSIE.",第二行的第一个重写条件表明:下面的规则仅适用于 HTTP 请求报头中的 user-agent 字符串包含子字符串 MSIE 的情形。 +The embryo imbed rate and imbed site number of IG were improved markedly as compared with MG (P<0. 05 ); The embryo imbed rate of IG was higher than that of TG.,改进组胚胎着床率和着床位点数明显高于模型组(P<0.05),且胚胎着床率高于传统组。 +"Tadokoro and Japanese colleagues were apparently in Texas for a workshop when the quake struck Japan, but immediately returned to their country on hearing the news.",日本地震时天所和日本的同事正在德克萨斯州开研讨会,但是一听到消息就立刻回国了。 +It is said he has secert love affairs with two women.,据说他背地里跟两个女人有关系。 +Some of the greatest strides forward for health have followed the development and introduction of new medicines and vaccines.,卫生领域一些最大的跃进是在研制和引进新的药物和疫苗之后发生的。 +Any cattle that crosses state roads must be fitted with a device to gather its feces.,任何要越过州道路的牛只都要装上 收集牛粪的 装置。 +CNPC clinches deal to develop Iranian gas field.,中国石油集团已与伊朗天然气田达成协议。 +Objective: To alleviate graft versus host disease (GVHD) via depletion of alloreactive cells from haematopoietic stem cell grafts.,目的:选择性去除骨髓移植物中异基因反应性淋巴细胞,特异性抑制移植物抗宿主病(GVHD)。 +Guests at the Rosemont Hyatt can workout in the fully equipped fitness center or work in the full-service business center.,在全方位服务的商务中心完成一些工作,然后在设有双层床垫、平面电视和咖啡机的隔音客房安睡一晚。 +"When snow blows into drifts here, the well-traveled and granular snow crystals quickly bond and form hard drifts, making digging out all the more difficult.",当雪被风吹积成雪堆,雪粒会快速黏合成坚硬的雪堆,从而使得挖掘工作更为困难。 +Don't worry about taking reading or writing material for pleasure;,甭担心要不要携带消遣性的书报或文具; +Gin and tonic with a twist of lemon.,杜松子酒里有一块扭曲的柠檬。 +Beijing is the capital of 6 dynasties and have formed its own very unique culture.,北京是六朝古都,已经形成了独具特色���京味文化。 +"Even violent tantrums, or clinging to the point of riding on a parent's leg, can be curbed, researchers say.",研究人员说,即使是激烈的发脾气,或到了骑在家长腿上的地步,也可以得到约束。 +Only in this way in order to give full play to the benefits of self-interest of the division of labor.,唯其如此,才能充分发挥利己的劳动分工之 益处。 +I was struck by the beauty of the seascape.,我被美丽的海景迷住了。 +I am Sir Frog of the Well in Kioto. I started out to see the 'great ocean' from Osaka;,在下是京都井里的青蛙男爵,原先准备去看大阪的‘大海’; +She wishes to be hip to the latest styles in popular music.,她愿意在流行音乐方面赶最时新的风格。 +The tyranny in Tehran brutalises its own people.,德黑兰的那个暴政残忍地对待它自己的人民。 +It has become a strategic issue how to pust our national economy onto a new stage.,如何使国民经济发展再上一个新台阶已成为举国上下无不关注的发展战略问题。 +"How to reform the international monetary system, firstly we should establish supra-national sovereignty reserve currency.",如何改革国际货币体系,一是设立超国家主权的储备货币。 +At long last we come to this thing.,最后我们终于来到这一讲。 +"Uh, Zack, these are my friends Bernadette and Amy.",扎克,这是我的朋友们,伯纳黛特和艾米。 +Excuse me. I would like to send this letter by airmail.,不好意思,我想寄封航空邮件。 +My spirit contemplates God; My heart meditates on Wisdom;,我神敬观天主; 我心默想上智; +There are goods and evils in people's hearts.,人人心中都有善的一面,也有恶的一面。 +"She was holed below the waterline by a French cannonball, with carpenters struggling down in the hold unable to stem the sea rushing in;",法国的炮弹在她吃水线以下的位置打了一个洞,虽然船舱中的工匠们很努力地想阻止海水涌进来但却没有成功。 +This is the set of facilities that provides users and IBM Support with an insight into the runtime that is necessary for basic problem determination.,这一工具集向用户和 IBM Support 提供深入了解运行时的能力,这种能力在确定基本问题时是必需的。 +"Create a ""styles"" folder in the WebContent folder of your web Application and import the .css files that you want to use in your application into that folder.",在 Web 应用程序的 WebContent 文件夹下创建“styles”文件夹,并将要在应用程序中使用的 .css 文件导入该文件夹中。 +"However, this prerequisite was circumvented by the clever use of certain new glitches.",但是,这个前提是规避了某些新的故障的巧妙运用。 +U. S. and European consumer-safety officials said the crisis highlights the need for better enforcement of public-safety standards at all stages of manufacturing.,欧美国家的消费者安全保护部门官员说,这场危机显示,需要在生产的各个环节加强公共安全标准。 +"Although these hassles can't be avoided, the world's top airports help you forget about them!",尽管这些烦心之事无可避免,世界顶尖的机场令你愁云尽扫! +"Currently, TfL is publishing no open data about the cycle hire scheme and no real-time data about bike and docking station availability to help cyclists.",目前,伦敦交通局没有公布关于自行车出租的公开数据,也没有公布对租车人有帮助的自行车与存车处的实时数据。 +That was a pretty decent lecture professor Willams gave today.,威廉教授今天做得演讲相当不错。 +"A classy creation, this rhodium-plated Y-shaped necklace has two briolette-cut clear crystals. These are set on a snake chain and clamped together with a clear crystal element set in pavé.",这款镀白金色Y型项链造型优雅,两颗水滴型透明切割水晶石系于蛇形饰链顶端,由镶满透明密镶水晶石的夹子钳紧。 +"Walcott has made two substitute appearances since returning from injury, but Wenger is taking a guarded approach to his return after problems re-integrating the 20-year-old into the side in the past.",沃尔科特自从伤愈复出之后替补出场过2次,但是温格对于这位20岁球员使用上非常小心谨慎。因为这位球员以前在复出之后就有过伤病复发的情况。 +"Finally, the researchers are exploring the use of nanostructures in water-quality monitoring.",最后,他们还在研究使用纳米结构在水质量监控的应用。 +"While largely true, the flight the men were on was part of operations that had antecedents in the US response to the communist takeover of China in 1949.",虽然这种说法大致也算正确,但他们那次的飞行任务,其实是早在1949年红色政权夺取中国后,美国所做出的反应的一个组成部分。 +The Fed's quantitative easing measures in part spurred a surge in refinancing and faster prepayments on mortgage bonds.,美联储的量化宽松政策部份引发了再融资活动大增及MBS提前偿还速度加快. +"Yang believes that this project will make the approval of GM crops easier, especially GM rice of which several varieties are under pre-commercialisation trials in China.",杨焕明认为该项目会让转基因作物的批准更加容易,特别是几个正在中国进行前商业化试验的转基因水稻品种。 +"Since his graduation from university, he has been engaged in scientific research.",他毕业后一直此事科研活动。 +Electrometer voltmeters and voltage measurements on high resistance sources were described in Sections 1 and 2 respectively.,第一章和第二章已经分别对静电计电压表和高阻源电压测量的问题进行了介绍。 +The drop-out rate of OPV was 22.0%. Zero inoculation rate was 17.8%. Both were positively related with age and were higher in some inflowing areas than city-wide average level.,OPV漏种率22.0%,零剂次免疫率为17.8%,两指标均随年龄的增加而上升,部分外来人口流入地区上述指标高于全市水平; +The include file list is: /home/dsl/.filetool.lst (this states what to back up).,包含文件列表是 /home/dsl/.filetool.lst(说明要备份哪些文件)。 +"At my school, students and teachers alike are reaching deep into their pocket books donating funds to the relief programs.",在我的学校(北语),老师和学生都毫不吝啬的从兜里拿出中国花花绿绿的钞票。 +'Tess - fie! that's temper! ' said d'Urberville.,“苔丝——别说啦!也别发脾气啦!”德贝维尔说。 +"As the saying goes, ""Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body.""",俗云:“阅读之于心灵,犹如运动之于身体。” +"'It's not right, ' they muttered. 'Why does she deserve him?'",“这不公平,”她们低声地说,“为什么她可以得到他?” +"You have to remember, Einstein was a huge public figure back then, world famous, and we had this story cold.",你要知道,爱因斯坦是公众人物,世界闻名,而我们有这个冷门的消息。 +"It has been said, 'Anyone who divorces his wife must give her a certificate of divorce.",又有话说:‘人若休妻,就当给她休书。’ +Standard all-wheel drive means you’ll have traction even when the ground is slick with zombie gore.,标准的四驱驱动意味着你可以在有僵尸凝血的滑道上驱动汽车。 +The plant triples the company's capacity at the site to 150 million doses annually.,这座工厂把公司的生产能力扩充了三倍,达到了每年150百万计量。 +Golden Apple is after all the magic of her - my love.,神奇的金苹果终是属于她——我的爱神。 +"Only two players avoided the inquisition - Japanese-born Jong Tae-se and An Yong-hak, who flew straight to Japan after the tournament.",只有两名球员免遭调查,即日本出生的郑大世和安英学,他们在比赛之后直接飞往了日本。 +"It’s a trend that began before Putin, but under him it became incomparably stronger.",这种趋势始于普京,在他的支持下空前壮大。 +"In this paper, the ψ- ordered contractive operator is introduced and the existence of fixed points is established in a cone metric space.",本文首先在锥度量空间中引入了ψ序压缩算子这一概念,然后证明了几个ψ-序压缩算子的不动点存在性定理。 +And it also gets the longest suffix state in state tree derived through the constructing of the state-jump function and effectively speeds up the character matching.,通过对图灵机状态跳转函数的思索和状态树的构造,得到对于任意状态节点的最大后缀状态,从而大大地加快了识别器的识别效率。 +"Captain Michael Gillooly, chief of staff of the Tucson Police Department, says the new law will take officers away from enforcing other laws.",队长迈克尔吉卢利,有关的图森市警察署参谋长说,新法律将采取执法人员远离其他法律。 +Adenomas or polyps are benign growths that form singly or in clumps and may become malignant oer time.,腺瘤或息肉均为良性,并可成单个或成簇状,随时间发展有可能转为恶性。 +When we headed into the countryside we were driven at breakneck speed past towns and villages in various stages of dilapidation and not allowed to stop.,当我们前往乡下的时候,汽车以危险的高速度越过在不同阶段所荒废的城镇和乡村,而不容许停下车来。 +The counter circuit of Mode 458.20B is controlled by 80C35 microcontrollers.,模块458.20B板计数电路是由80C35单片机控制的计数电路。 +"The hotel owns a total of 143 deluxe suites, standard rooms and business rooms.",酒店拥有豪华商务套房,标准间,商务间143套,设备齐全,豪华舒适。 +Words you used are still reverberating in the ear also.,你以往的话语还依旧回荡在耳旁。 +The RRCA is superior to the method of conventional parallel navigation in the sense of good control performance and tess fuel consumption.,在燃料消耗和控制品质上,该方法较平行接近法优越。 +"Presently offers material and so on recommendation table, resume, result table, if also needs other proof materials, will post rapidly.",现奉上推荐表、个人简历、成绩表等资料,如还需要其它的证明材料,请您赐告,自当迅速奉寄。 +"SEXUAL ACT; SEXUAL CONTACT.--The terms ``sexual act'' and ``sexual contact'' have the meanings given such terms in section 2246 of title 18, United States Code.",第(3)款 性行为与性接触——“性行为”和“性接触”的术语含义,与《美利坚合众国法典》第18编第2246节所规定的术语含义相同。 +"'It's going to take a long time to reverse to a classic economic cycle,' he said.",普尔夫斯说,“可能需要一段很长的时间,才能回到那种传统的经济周期。” +Raina says the state and national government have fueled anger by failing to take opponents of the Jaitapur project seriously.,雷娜说,马哈拉施特拉邦政府和印度政府没有对贾拉普尔核电站工程的反对意见给予重视,这加深了人们的怨气。 +"""Many of them are very studious, working hard for their family business, "" Newman says.",他说:“他们非常好学,为家族事业努力打拼。 +"Brian Sozzi, an analyst at Wall Street Strategies, notes that ""one key thing in [the Massmart] deal for Wal-Mart is to gain market share through increased volume which comes from lower prices.""",来自华尔街的行业战略分析师布莱恩·索兹(Brian Sozzi)提到“对沃尔玛来讲,这次购并的一大关键目的是要通过压低价格来增加销售额,进而扩大(在非洲的)市场份额。” +Socialists encouraged women to abandon the feminist cause in order to fight in the proletarian struggle.,社会学家怂恿女性放弃男女平等的理由是让他们加入到无产阶级的斗争中。 +"This year, the central budget for social security and employment will increase at a much higher rate than the growth of the overall fiscal revenue.",今年中央财政用于社会保障和就业的资金投入增幅将大大高于财政收入增速。 +And very very very scary.,也非常非常非常提心吊胆。 +"Main Outcome Measures The primary end point was the 6-month incidence of death from cardiovascular causes, nonfatal myocardial infarction, or stent thrombosis.",主要测量结果:主要终点指标为非致命性心肌梗塞、支架血栓形成及心血管性死亡的6个月发生率; +The former Watford boss has managed just one Championship win in 2011 and leaves the Ricoh Arena with the club sitting in 19th place in the table.,这位前瓦特福得的主教练在2011年中只获得了一场英冠比赛的胜利,他离开俱乐部的时候球队处于联赛第19位。 +"It will come true unitization of development stratagem of enterprise, organization structure and administration management finally by mechanism innovation driving modulation of organization structure.",通过机制创新带动组织结构的调整,最终实现企业发展战略、组织结构和管理机制的有机统一。 +MC can be transmitted through direct skin-to-skin contact and also indirectly through sharing towels baths or clothing with someone infected.,三菱商事,可通过皮肤直接传染辰皮肤接触,也间接地通过共用毛巾,洗澡或衣服的人感染。 +"Cone-beam CT has much advantage over 2D parallel-beam and fan-beam CT in the aspects of speed in obtaining data, spatial resolution and the utilization ratio of rays.",锥束CT在数据采集的速度、空间分辨率以及射线的利用率等方面,明显优于二维平行束和扇束CT。 +"Guardsbrand specializes in the integration of design and packaging, the new brand listed on upgrading the old brand has a wealth of operational experience.",嘉智博兰擅长产品品牌形象的整合设计及包装,对新品牌上市、老品牌升级改造都有丰富的操作经验。 +"Besides the electrons, an atom also contains positive electrical particles.",除了电子以外,原子还含有带正电的粒子。 +Comparison method is a scientific research method.,比较法是一种科学的研究方法。 +"“The traditional approach of western companies was to cherry-pick the high end but the problem is that local competitors take over the middle market and start pushing upwards, ” says Mr Sirkin.",西尔金表示:“西方企业的传统做法是,挑选对自己最有利的高端产品。 但问题在于,当地竞争对手控制了中端市场,并开始向高端市场进军。” +"When I reach the school grounds there are lots of ""good mornings"" for me from the boys. Many of them have walked a long way, sometimes up to two hours, to get to the school.",当我走到学校操场的时候, 迎接我的 是男孩子们一片“早上好”的声音。 他们中的许多人走了很长的路, 有时 候要走两个小时才能到学校。 +Reimu: And Why they spread this scarlet fog?,灵梦:为什么他们要扩散这个绯红之雾? +"If the woman is better educated than the man, they are 8 times as likely to stay together, said the report.",此外,如果女方的受教育程度高于男方,他们长相厮守的概率会高出8倍。 +Politicians added their voice to the outpouring.,政治家们也流露出他们的心声。 +"Wenzhou People in Xinjiang strong, in comparison with other cities, is particularly prominent.",温州人在新疆强,相对于其他城市,特别是突出的。 +That businessman is a man with a single aim of money-getting.,那个商人是一个以获取金钱为惟一目标的人。 +"The influents of measuring wavelength, acidity, (stabilizer), stabilized time on the measured absorbance were tested.",对测量波长、酸度、稳定剂、稳定时间等因素对测量结果的影响进行了测试。 +"The paper discusses technology demand, function demand, and system composing of gather-control station monitor system.",文章讨论分析集控站监控系统的技术要求、功能要求及系统构成。 +It is the dominant type among a large quantity of middle and short span bridges that exist in a broad area.,特别是在量大面广的中、小跨径桥梁中占有主导地位。 +袁先生回到与女朋友同住的公寓,他女朋友在另外一家较小的工厂上班,回家后,他常读管理学书或看电视。,"Mr. Yuan returns to the apartment he shares with his girlfriend, who works at a smaller factory. He often reads a management book or watches TV." +"About 25 miles away from the Taranto bay, occupying the instep part of the boots-shape Italy.",距离塔兰托海湾大约25英里,处在靴子状意大利的脚面部分。 这座中世纪的古镇是这一带村镇的典型代表,其周围是绵延起伏的山岭,适合中麦子和其他农作物。 +"Much the same, the current of differential pulse polarography also be derivated possible after digitize to increase the sensitivity.",在对差分脉冲极谱信号数字化以后,同样可以进行导数计算。 +The funding and guarantee programs were an example of a successful government initiative at no taxpayer expense.,美联储的贷款和担保方案是政府行动的成功范例,在这个过程中,纳税人没有承受任何损失。 +"Hemingway, a great and unique novelist, creates a concise and veiled writing style.",海明威是一位风格独特的作家,他的小说语言含蓄简约、明快而又质朴无华。 +The Demand Siders don’t have a good explanation for the past two years.,需求方在过去两年没有作出很好的解释。 +"The synthesis of a new nitrosamine, N-1'-methylacetonyl-N-3-me- thylbutyl nitrosamine, isolated from fungus-contaminated fermented corn-bread in Linxian County was reported.",本文报道在林县霉变食物中发现的一种新亚硝胺,即N-3-甲基丁基-N-1’-甲基丙酮基亚硝胺的合成方法。 +The full-backs were involved in the offensive process.,只有后卫碰到了一些进攻方面的难题。 +Let's say that you live in an apartment that's getting really dirty,假设你住在一间环境比较脏乱的公寓。 +Zhang Hui Li admits she is lucky - her parents pay for her apartment in the central Beijing while she looks for work.,张慧丽承认自己是幸运的——在她求职期间,双亲替她承担了北京市中心的房屋租金。 +Johnson?This is Mr. Hao from Taipei.,我姓郝,从台北打来的。 +"Because of our competitive pricing policy, it has been selling extremely well.",因为我们具有竞争力的价格政策,它已经销售的非常好。 +The cobalt-based catalysts supported on CeAl-PILM were prepared by impregnation and could be applied for F-T synthesis reaction.,通过对比分析,探讨了在地质条件下碳、氢经历费-托合成和由过渡金属催化产生烃的可能机制。 +"However, credit card companies sometimes have problems collecting overdue payments from unreliable customers.",然而,信用卡公司在向不讲信用的客户收取逾期款项时也会遇到麻烦。 +And the concept of the extension probability of random event element was also given on the basis of the study of the extension of random event element.,在对随机事元可拓性研究的基础上给出了随机事元的拓展概率的概念。 +"Through the carved antique windowsills, a morning light is painting a golden hue for those dedicated bonsais across the yard.",晨光,透过古色古香的雕花窗棂,给庭院里精致的盆景慢慢地化上一抹金黄的淡妆。 +"Since we were able to view the XAMPP welcome page, this directory already has some files in it.",由于我们现在能够看到 XAMPP 的 welcome 页面,因此这个目录中已经存在一些文件了。 +"In this respect, there is no need to provide special anti-static device.",因此,金属硬密封球阀不需要设置专门的防静电装置。 +"It's difficult to predict consumer demand for EVs, especially since there are other forms of green cars out there for consumers, such as hybrid cars and plug-in electric vehicles.",预测客户对电动汽车的需求颇有难度,尤其是考虑到市面上已有其他类型的环保汽车,比如混合动力车和插电式电动车。 +An investigation was made in community dynamics of Aphis gossypii and its predatory enemy on Hibiscus Syracuse plants.,对木槿上棉蚜及其捕食性天敌群落动态进行了研究。 +"This means that if you usually run, suggest a morning jog together.",而是说要是你经常跑步的话,建议早上你们一起慢跑。 +"OBJECTIVE To synthesize and test the insulin-sensitizing activities of some 1,3-dicabonyl derivatives.",目的合成1,3-二羰基衍生物并检测其胰岛素增敏活性。 +"In recent years, Shanghai positively explored on development of the metropolis modern agriculture pattern.",近年来,上海对发展都市型现代农业模式进行了积极探索。 +Einsteinian's theory is hard to understand for ordinary person.,爱因斯坦的理论对于普通人来说是很难理解的。 +I guess that everyone here has seen the lotus pond in the lower hamlet.,我猜在场的每一位都去过下梅村的荷塘。 +"But raising of pet fish goes back to the early days of the Sung Dynasty in China, about 900 A.D., when they were raised in small bottles as house pets.",但是,人们饲养观赏鱼可以追溯到中国宋朝早期,大约公元900年左右。 当时,观赏鱼作为家庭宠物饲养在小瓶子里。 +"Millender-McDonald, who was 68, died at her home in Carson, Calif. , of an undisclosed form of cancer.",米兰德·麦克唐纳,68岁,在位于卡森城的家 中去世,没有消息透露 她所患的癌症类型。 +Moon Palace offers a quite imaginative navigation.,月宫为你提供了一个充满想象力的导航。 +"Since the appearance of Utopia written by Thomas Moore in 1516, Utopia theme has become a latent idea and cultural tradition in British literature.",从1516年托马斯·莫尔的《乌托邦》开始,乌托邦主题成为英国文学中一种潜在的思想及文学传统。 +"Part of this projected increase is due to the launch of additional ""app stores"" worldwide, including those in large markets like China and India.",对增长的这种预测,部分归因于世界范围内其它“应用程序商店”的推出,包括中国和印度这样的超级大市场。 +38And he gave orders to stop the chariot. Then both Philip and the eunuch went down into the water and Philip baptized him.,于是吩咐车站住,腓利和太监二人同下水里去,腓利就给他施洗。 +"And if we type directly into the interpreter, it essentially does an eval and a print.",如果我们直接输入到解释器里面,它本质上会运算然后返回结果。 +Specifically where are the trouble spots or what are the system troubles?,具体来说,故障点在何处,或者什么是系统故障? +"In the Song Dynasty, the technology of floating compass and land compass became mature and was introduced to Europe in the 12th century through Arabic countries.",宋代水法罗盘和旱罗盘技术发展成熟,12世纪经阿拉伯传播到欧洲。 +"Let me introduce myself. My name is Frank Darney, legal advisor to Netcape Com.",容许我来自我介绍。我叫弗兰克·达尼,是“网景公司”的法律顾问。 +One nice feature of this syntax is that it is deterministic when it comes to updates.,这个新句法的一个美妙之处是它在处理更新时的确定性。 +"The gene in question, coding for the 2S albumin (also known as the allergen Ber e 1), was being used to improve the nutritional quality of soybeans for animal feed.",被讨论的这个基因编码是2S白蛋白(也叫Ber e 1过敏原),用于提高饲用大豆的营养状况。 +"Some are just a random string of accounts; too many others recommend folks like @aplusk, @cnnbrk and @barackobama - not exactly out-of-the-box discoveries.",有的只是一些用户的随机字符串;另外太多的人用@aplusk @cnnbrk and @barackobama 这种方式来推荐用户——根本不能确定发现了什么。 +"Our research scope includes:Media, Designers, Business channel and the government committed to the development of the fashion industry.",目前,我们的研究范围包括:媒体、品牌、设计师、渠道商,以及致力于时尚产业发展的政府。 +Where is the art room?,美术室在哪儿? +"When Herod found out that he had been tricked by the wise men, he was furious. He gave orders to kill all the boys in Bethlehem and its neighborhood who were two years old or under.",黑落德察觉出自己被那几位贤士愚弄了,震怒不止,他派人到白冷城,把城里和城周围不满两岁的婴孩都杀掉了,这是按照贤士们告知的星星出现的时间推算的。 +My boss offered me a salary beyond my wildest dreams.,我老板给我提供了我万万梦想不到的高薪。 +"How has the employed person, during his or her term of employment, benefited your unit or the relevant domestic academic field?",受延揽人于补助期间对贵单位或国内相关学术科技领域助益如何? +For children over 100 lbs: Take Culturelle Health and Wellness as directed on package.,对于跨越100磅的儿童:按照Culturelle卫生与健康产品包装上的指示。 +"Dr. William Inboden, senior vice president of the Legatum Institute, said the lower rankings for Asian nations were largely due to their weak scores for democracy and personal freedoms.",Legatum Institute高级副总裁因博丹(William Inboden)博士指出,亚洲国家排名较低,主要是由于在民主和个人自由方面得分不高。 +"An airplane dives toward the earth as though falling, but rights and recovers itself with smooth gracefulness.",一架飞机像要坠落一样冲向地面,但是随即又优雅的修正了姿态,恢复了正常。 +"Susan: I'll have the bacon cheeseburger and a large coke, please.",苏珊:我要腊肉奶酪汉堡包。再加一大杯可乐。 +"Krueger dips into different sources of data, each one imperfect, trying to build up a compelling picture from opinion polls, biographies of terrorists and broader studies.",克鲁格浏览了不同来源的资料(每个来源都有缺点),试图根据民意调查、恐怖分子传记和更广泛的研究来构建一幅令人信服的图景。 +"Earth's population of 30 billion breakthrough, the same year, all countries signed the ""permanent abolition of nuclear weapons"" arms to human potential development and utilization.",地球人口突破三百亿,同年,所有国家联署《永久废除核武器条约》军备转向人体潜能的开发与利用。 +"At the field of folk culture, our people put the Dragon Boat Festival Dragon boat races and eating rice dumplings with Quyuan link.",在民俗文化领域,我国民众把端午节的龙舟竞渡和吃粽子都与屈原联系起来。 +"Now, this might just be theater: Mr. Obama may be pulling an anti-Corleone, making Republicans an offer they can’t accept.",现在,这里就好比剧场一样:奥巴马先生可能扮演的是一个反考利昂的角色,向共和党人提出一份他们无法接受的建议。 +Cold switching allows power to be applied to the device under test in a con trolled manner.,在进行冷切换时,能够以受控的方式向被测设备施加功率。 +"We have been talking to them. There's been more or less inspired by Lacrimosa but they have been going their own ways, so…We are actually two different bands, so there's no problem…",我们曾和他们聊过,他们或多或少有受到Lacrimosa的影响,不过他们有他们自己的路,因此…实际上我们是两个不同的乐团,所以没什麽问题… +"The Sundarbans are the only mangrove forests where the tigers are found, according to the World Wildlife Foundation [see: http://www.worldwildlife.org/]",根据世界自然基金会(WWF)调查,孙德尔本斯国家公园是唯一有孟加拉虎出没的红树林。 +In vivo experiment showed that polyelectrolyte multilayer film-coated UCA effectively enhanced the imaging of rabbit's liver parenchyma.,动物肝脏造影实验证明经过多层聚电解质膜包覆的微泡造影剂能够有效增强兔肝实质显像效果。 +The results showed that the proposed model could produce infrasound which frequency agrees well with the observed and it might be a true mechanism of infrasound abnormality formation.,提出的孕震体膨胀-收缩模型的确能在空气中产生次声波,且次声波的主要频率是孕震体膨胀-收缩周期的倒数; +"Jade beads that speaks well of us for Liu Wenkai clove thinks Liu Wenkai dont worthy of trust, let her away from him, put idea on study.",玉珠还在为刘文凯说好话,丁香却认为刘文凯不值得托付,让她离他远点,将心思放在学习上。 。 +"ONCE every few years, it seems, the European Commission likes to flex its muscles by going head to head with the toughest, most uncompromising American chief executive it can find.",欧盟委员会似乎喜欢每几年就要与美国最强硬最顽固的主席执行官正面交锋一次,并大展拳脚。 +"Result: Qingyian syrup could inhibit growth in vitro of alpha and beta streptococcus, staphylococcus albus and aureus, and streptococcus pneumoniae;",结果:清咽糖浆能抑制甲型、乙型溶血型链球菌,金黄色、白色葡萄球菌,肺炎双球菌的体外生长; +"On the basis of introduction and analyses, this paper discusses the mechanism of the theory in the evolution of spatial structure of metropolitan area.",本文通过介绍分析“点-轴”理论,探讨了它在都市圈空间结构中的作用机制。 +"A year later, west chicken for the south gave birth to a son, but at the same time, west chicken and put the new house rules.",一年后,西凤为向南生了个儿子,可是同时,西凤也拿出了新的家规。 +"Sam has shown that with drive, passion and determination anything is possible.",成辉这人证明了,只要有动力、有激情和有决心,任何事都是可能的。 +"Louis:Come out, you little pipsqueak and fight like a man!",路易斯:出来,你这小不点儿,是男人就出来跟我斗一斗。 +Some provisions designed to catch errors limit range of applicability.,一些设计来捕获错误的条款限制了适用性的范围。 +The baby in the six week or even three weeks can distinguish between father and mother.,婴儿在六周时或甚至三周便可分辨出父亲和母亲。 +"The results show that, by the way of optimizing preparation condition, the spherical zirconia powders with suitable particle size distribution are prepared using chemical precipitation method.",研究表明,采用化学沉淀法,通过优化制备工艺条件,可以制备粒径分布较均匀的球形氧化锆粉体; +"IV. In order to guarantee a good order and environment for studying and living, foreign students should obey the university's rest schedule and some relational rules.",为保障来华留学生良好的学习、生活秩序和环境,留学生应遵守学校的作息制度和有关规定。 +Lizardfish are considered as a low-market-value fish in Southeast Asia due to their appearance and susceptibility to spoilage.,由于外观和易于腐败的特点,大头狗母鱼在东南亚地区被认为是一种低值鱼类。 +"This means can distinguish whether the current signal output by GPS receiver has multi-path error or not, which reduces the error and decreases its influence to position precis…",把该方法用到实际工程中,其结果显示能够有效的消除GPS多径误差对城市车辆导航系统定位精度的影响。 +"Curtain wall is made up of supporting structure and panel, which is moveable from the main structure and can't share load and effects applied upon the structure.",由支承结构体系与面板组成的、可相对于主体结构有一定位移能力、不承担主体结构所受荷载的建筑外维护结构或装饰性结构称之为建筑幕墙。 +"Following a successful stint in the Tapani Home Defense Fleet, Grant joined the Republic Navy and proved to be a brilliant tactician late in the Clone Wars.",随着在塔帕尼本土防卫舰队中任职的成功,格兰特加入了旧共和海军,并在后来爆发的克隆战争中证明了自己在战术上的聪明才智。 +"As more and more people across the world adopt cars as their primary mode of transportation, well-lit highways become increasingly important.",随着世界各地越来越多的人将汽车作为出行的主要交通工具,明亮的公路也变得越来越重要。 +"In recent years the early coastal industrial zones have begun to enter that stage, with waves of factory closures the harbingers of a new phase in the country's development.",这些年里,早期的沿海工业区发展已开始进入了一个瓶颈,而且随着这种工厂的大量倒闭也预示着中国经济进入了一个新阶段。 +"Like other browsers it offers tabbing, letting the reader keep multiple web pages open.",和其他浏览器一样,Chrome提供标签式浏览,允许多标签浏览。 +Russian and French officials have confirmed Russia is in talks to buy a Mistral ship along with a license to produce at least four others.,俄罗斯和法国官员证实,俄罗斯就购买该船及其生产许可证进行谈判。 +Metrics for individual performance are described well in the Personal Software Process (PSP) developed by Watts Humphrey.,个体性能规格在Watts Humphrey开发的个人软件过程(PSP)中被很好地描述。 +I have too many fantasies to be a housewife. I guess I am a fantasy.,对于做一个家庭主妇我有太多幻想,我自己本身就是个幻想。 +From there we would drive down the coast to Los Angeles.,从旧金山我们将沿着西海岸开车到洛杉矶。 +"If you love your sport, you will easily find pleasure in every aspect of it from training to racing -- and this is what brings success.",如果你热爱你所做的运动,你会在从训练到竞赛每个层面轻松地发现愉悦——这也恰带来成功。 +"S100A4 knockdown in HN-CICs reduced their self-renewal capability and their stemness and tumorigenic properties, both in vitro and in vivo.",S100A4敲除的HN-CICs ,体内积体外的自我更新能力、干性及致瘤性均下降了。 +Iraqi Oil Minister Hussain al-Shahristani claimed that increases in Iraq's oil production from the deal would provide the government with an extra $1.7 trillion over 20 years.,伊拉克的石油部长沙利斯坦则宣称在过去的20年间中,协定中增加的伊拉克的石油生产为政府提供了额外的1.7万亿美元。 +"NATO says such spectacular strikes, many of them perpetrated by the Haqqani network, are actually down from past years.",北约称对于这类令人吃惊的袭击,其中很多是哈卡尼网络做的,实际上自去年已经下降; +Football fans around the world have been known to make replicas of the World Cup trophy out of papier-mache.,大家都知道世界各地的足球迷会使用混凝纸浆来制作世足赛奖盃复制品。 +Look around for restaurants and cafes with pet-friendly patios.,四处找找带有宠物可进入的院子的饭店和咖啡店。 +"Built in world war Two as an anti-aircraft base to repel german bombers, the derelict plat-form was taken over 40 years ago by retired army major paddy roy bates who went to live there withhis family.",该城堡建于二战期间,是个用于抵御德国轰炸机的防空基地。 40年前,退休少校帕迪·罗伊·贝茨带着家人住到这里,接管了这个已废弃的高台。 +Some corporate bonds are also listed on stock exchanges and may be bought through stock brokers.,公司债券也可在股票交易所公开挂牌交易,并通过股票经纪人买卖。 +Second process is to synthesize metal-containing titania sol for preparation of titania thin film in a dip-coating process.,其二为调制含?属之二氧化钛溶胶,并使用浸镀方式制备含?属之二氧化钛薄膜; +Surgeries in 16 cases (18 eyes) of children Marfan's syndrome are reviewed.,报告16例18眼儿童马方综合征晶状体半脱位的手术治疗。 +"As a study of urban nightscape, the paper focuses on urban spacial form and lighting.",探讨了光在城市广场夜环境的营造中所起的作用以及人们的感知效果。 +"you think back on your childhood, you say ""Yes, it was very inspiring to see all of this natural beauty.""",回顾你的童年,你会说“是的,欣赏这样的自然美真的很有启发性。” +ObjectiveTo study the effect of hyperbaric oxygenation (HBO) treatment on post-stoke depression (PSD) and neurological functional rehabilitation.,目的探讨高压氧(HBO)治疗对脑卒中后抑郁状态(PSD)和神经功能康复的影响。 +"Thousands of people had these tea parties, during which they protested higher taxes.",数千人都召集了各自的茶党来抗议高税收。 +"Tim. 2:7 Consider what I say, for the Lord will give you understanding in all things.",提后二7 我所说的你要思想,因为凡事主必给你领悟力。 +In November 2000 to the China millennium large relief production;,月参加中华世纪坛大型浮雕制作; +That's because every device you add to your network has to be manually added to your ARP script or entered into each machine's ARP table.,那是因为你每加入一台设备到你的网络中都需要你手动地编写ARP脚本或输入每台设备的ARP映射表。 +"In many ways, for is the assignment of a variable to the current value in a node set, so you can operate on that variable.",在很多方面,for 就将节点集的当前值赋给变量从而操作该变量。 +"Illegally detaining a vehicle, motor vehicle driving permit, driving license or vehicle plate;",违法扣留车辆、机动车行驶证、驾驶证、车辆号牌的; +"In applying the precedents there are indeed some techniques which are ignored by people, and more than 64 are listed by Llewellyn. Stare decisis instructs the judge to cite precedents.",先例适用中确实存在着一些为人们所忽视的适用技术,根据卢埃林的不完全列举已达64项之多; +"Multimedia artist Tan Swie Hian recently donated more than 6,000 of his collection of books, manuscripts, artworks and artifacts to the new National Library.",多元艺术家 陈瑞献 把6000册藏书,数十本创作手稿和数十件艺术珍藏品捐献给新建的国家图书馆; +"Sampled from marine fishes and shells, producing protease strains are isolated with enriching medium , casein isolating medium and proteolytic casein test.",采集连云港黄海海域的各类海鱼和贝类及海水等样品,采用富集培养、干酪素培养基及水解酪蛋白试验分离产蛋白酶的菌株。 +The primary achievements are following:1. Presented a novel camera self-calibration algorithm based on a plane pattern.,提出一种基于平面模板的摄像机自标定新算法。 +"If you are learning a new computer language, you can use a book in english.",如果你在学一门新的计算机语言,你可以用英文原版的书。 +The results show that the increase of dislocation density is accompanied by the increase of deformation amount. The dislocation density has lower value when the steel is annealed.,结果表明:位错密度随变形量的增加而提高,退火状态时位错密度较低。 +"Yudu promises that any document you upload will be search engine optimized, making it show up in Google, and so on.",Yudo承诺你上传的文档会进行搜索引擎的优化,会使它展现在Google等搜索引擎上。 +The girl tutored in English.,女孩在家庭教师指导下学英文。 +"One time there was a violent thunderstorm, the worst I had ever seen, which obscured my objective.",有一次是暴风骤雨,猛烈的程度实为我平生所仅见。这场暴风雨遮住了我的目标。 +"The CTC should emphasis on assistance, promote the best practices and enhance the capability of developing countries.",安理会反恐委员会应将加强反恐援助作为工作重点,并推广最佳作法,帮助发展中国家增强反恐能力建设。 +"Developed by Vietnam's premier real estate company INDOCHINA LAND, boutique waterfront residential project EDEN in Ho Chi Minh City is an upcoming high-end villa development of 8 ha.",由越南首屈一指的房地产公司INDOCHINA LAND开发的EDEN精品别墅项目位于越南胡志明市,基地定位为高端别墅区,占地8 公顷。 +"Guys' shoulders will grow wider, and their bodies will become more muscular.",男孩的肩膀会变宽,肌肉增多。 +"ConclusionGlycyrrhizin can reduce the uptake of paeoniflorin, and the mechanism is that it can improve the efflux from intestinal cells or the biotransformation of paeoniflorin.",结论甘草酸能减少大鼠肠吸收,机理可能是促进了芍药苷的外排或者促进了芍药苷在大鼠体内的转化。 +"To approximate the required counterbalancing torque curves, nonparametric rational B- splines have been applied to synthesize the planar cam motion programs.",为了近似所需的平衡扭力曲线,以非参数式有理式B仿线合成平板凸轮运动曲线。 +"They called it thefacebook.com , and before long the site became extremely popular on the Harvard campus.",他们称之为 thefacebook.com ,而不久之后这个站点在哈佛校园内十分著名。 +"Jane M. Healy, an educational psychologist in Vail, Colo. said: “Any parent who thinks a spelling program is educational for that age is missing the whole idea of how the preschool brain grows.",科罗拉多州维尔镇的一位教育心理学家简•M•希里说:“任何认为拼写节目对这一年龄段儿童有教育意义的父母都是不懂学前儿童大脑是如何发育的。” +"World Congress 1954 held in Paris for the first time since the seventh session has been held, the theme from the previous term, ""communication"" is at its core.",世界翻译大会自1954年在巴黎第一次召开以来,至今已经举办了十七届,从历次大会的主题来看,“沟通”是其核心。 +Toshiba says the television display sets new standards in brightness and color contrast and the set-top box contains 14 different tuners - high-end TVs have about three.,该公司称,Cell Regza电视机将在亮度和色对比度方面设立新的标准,其机顶盒有14个不同的调谐器,而一般高端电视机只有大约三个调谐器。 +"Thirteen dollars a day is the poverty line in America, so this category might be described as people who are middle-class by developing-country standards but not by American ones.",在美国,日薪13美元却是贫困线,因此这个范畴描述的中产阶级是依照发展中国家标准,而非美国标准。 +Cool runners place a premium on the ability to flow from one move to the next.,跑酷玩家很重视一种能力,那就是能从一个动作流畅地过渡到下一个动作。 +This decision marks the first significant delivery of SUGVs to military customers.,这一决策标志着对军方客户SUGV的第一次重要交货。 +"Based on ETLA tool developed by the author, the thesis discussed fully the design and implementation of the heterogeneous data integration model and its workflow, explicating realization of metadata.",以自行开发的ETLA工具为基础,详细讨论了异构数据源集成模型的设计与实现及其工作流程,还讨论了异构数据源集成模型中元数据的实现。 +Then head on over to this site to drop yourselves into an ocean of Japanese Underground music.,那么请到这个网站感受一下日本也有的“地下音乐”。 +"Our factory are mainly producing series of products, such as sakura tray, grape flower tray, egg shape flower plate, double handles flower plate, tray, snack tray, dishcover and so on.",本厂主要生产樱花托盘、葡萄花托盘、蛋形花盘、双耳提手花盘、托盘、快餐盘、罩盘等系列产品。 +"Now when Jesus was in Bethany, in the house of Simon the leper",耶稣在伯大尼长大麻疯的西门家里 +Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cubense race 4(FOC);,香蕉枯萎病菌4号生理小种; +Marian Suzhou provides not only quality products but also accurate and prompt service and fulfills customer demands and expectation through optimal inside and exterior moderation.,迈锐苏州不仅为顾客提供高质量的产品,还提供精确且迅速的服务,以最佳的内部作业协调外部联系来完成顾客对我们的需求和期待。 +"Kristy Chamberlain, a Baton Rouge, LA HR manager, suggests, “The best thing an employee can do to hang on to a job is to be irreplaceable.",巴路易斯安那州的巴吞鲁日人力资源经理Kristy Chamberlain建议说:“一个员工要想保住一份工作,最好的方法是让自己无法替代。 +"George flaunts his money , so everyone knows he's rich.",乔治炫耀他的金钱,所以大家都知道他是一个富人。 +Making publishing dates of Li Dazhao s manuscripts clear is the premise of studying the birth and development of Li s thought as well as some of his activities.,弄清李大钊有关文稿、特别是一些重要文稿的写作或发表时间,是研究李大钊思想产生、发展和有关活动的基本前提。 +"Researchers have since cloned cats, goats, cows, mice, pigs, rabbits, horses, deer, mules and gaur, a large wild ox of Southeast Asia.",此后研究人员还克隆了猫、山羊、牛、老鼠、猪、兔子、马、鹿、骡及白肢野牛(东南亚地区一种大野牛)。 +"The rate of sampling, related to the Nyquist theorem",抽样的频率,这与 奈奎斯原理 有关。 +"Sometimes our fate resembles a fruit tree in winter: Who would think that those branches would turn green again and blossom, but we hope it, we know it.",有时我们的命运就像冬天里的一棵果树:当时,谁会去想这棵果树的枝叶会再次变绿,开花,但我们一直怀有希望,并坚定着信念 。 +MSFT.O) would ease investors' concerns about slower growth at its Windows business when it reports earnings later this week. Shares of the software maker jumped 4.0 percent to $26.15.,"Nasdaq综合股价指数上涨,因投资者押注微软(MSFT.O: 行情)本周稍晚公布财报时,将舒缓投资者有关其Windows操作系统业务增长放缓的忧虑.微软股价当日跳涨4.0%至26.15美元." +"With the wings of contemporary art, we are doing old cliches, but still emphasizing our properness and purity.",在当代艺术的羽翼之下,从事着老八股的勾当,却一味的标榜和强调自己的正当与纯种。 +The injection of the updated factor into your device also serves as its wakeup signal.,更新过的乘数插入到设备,并充当设备的唤醒信号。 +"For the Chinese diplomats living and working in Manila, this old tradition takes on new meanings.",对生活和工作在马尼拉的外交官来说,这个旧的传统呈现出新的意义。 +The government also was the principal contributor to the $1 billion that GE received from customers for research and development in 2010.,此外,政府还是2010年通用电气从客户获得的10亿美元研发资金的主要出资者。 +A RIA system usually is very interactive and representing data from multiple sources.,一个RIA系统往往会是非常互动的,并展示来自多个源的数据。 +"At the same time, analysis the fluid-solid coupling under different working conditions, it has provided certain help and the reference for the later axial flow pump impeller's design.",同时,详细分析了不同工况下的流固耦合情况,为以后轴流泵叶轮设计提供一定的帮助和参考。 +The volumetric hippocampal measurements were 39.4% smaller in dementia of the Alzheimer type than in controls.,海马的体积测量较小, 39.4 %的老年痴呆症的阿尔茨海默型比控制。 +"We inform you that our business will be turned into a limited company on February 1, and from that date will be continued under the name of Sankyo Co., Ltd.",自2月1日起我们将改为股份有限公司,自该日起将以三共股份有限公司名义继续营业。 特此通知。 +"Oh! I'm too selfish. It's my fault. I'll never do that again, Ipromise. Would you all be my friends?",人类(懊恼地):唉我太自私了都是我的错我不再做那些事了我保证你们愿当我的朋友吗? (捶胸顿足,下跪求饶) +"Controls are doubled, it is possible to control it from any of front seats.",所有控制都是双份的,在两个前座上都可以控制飞机。 +"While the blood is on bypass, the heart-lung operator takes samples of it for analysis.",当血液处于体外循环时,心肺操作人员对血液进行采样分析。 +"Some companies require employees who are dating to sign ""love contracts, "" which document the consensual relationship in an effort to guard against accusations of sexual harassment.",一些公司要求那些将要去约会的员工签订”爱情协议“, 这样的协议将这种两厢情愿的关系记录下来,为的是警惕预防出现性骚扰指控。 +The first involves re-experiencing the event.,第一种是重新经历事件的发生。 +"The general trend towards Sheung walk, but can not guarantee a good harvest is mid- year, there are several growth or mid-point , low and high tide, which is the normal development of anything.",总的趋势往上走,但是不能保证年年都是个丰收年,或者说年年都有几个增长点,有低潮,有高潮,这是任何事物发展的正常现象。 +"A city of north-central Germany east-southeast of Hanover. Reputedly founded in 8', it is an industrial and commercial center. Population, 253,057.",德国中部偏北,汉诺威东南部偏东的一城市。一般认为该市建于8'年,现为工业和商业中心。人口253,057。 +Natural gas hydrates were formed within a certain condition through symmetrical admixture of ice powder and quartz.,将冰粉与石英砂均匀混合,在一定条件下形成天然气水合物。 +The policy shift means altering the existing work-for-the-dole program so the long-term jobless are encouraged into projects that develop skills in areas of demand.,这一政策变动旨在改变现存的已劳动换福利的计划, 从而鼓励长期失业者参加短缺技术培训项目。 +At one level this should come as no surprise.,某种层面上这���应让人感到惊讶。 +"OK, Sheriff, I'll catch them. I'm not afraid. Here you are.",好的,州长,我会抓住他们的。我不怕。给你。 +"Take a deep breath, and focus on that breath coming in, and going out.",深吸一口气,缓慢呼出。 把注意力集中在气息的一进一出上。 +"In 1998 she ruled in a case involving a man with learning difficulties, denying him a retrial despite DNA evidence that appeared to prove his innocence.",1998年,她判决的案件涉及一名有学习困难的男子,但她无视可能证明该男子无罪的DNA证据而拒绝重审案件。 +"Lisa Brennan-Jobs, 33, was only accepted by her father two years later after a court-ordered blood test proved she was his.",丽萨 布伦南 乔布斯,现年33岁,在通过法庭下令的血缘测试,证明其父是乔布斯两年后,才被乔布斯接受认可。 +"Traditionally, when presidential politics begin to heat up and the President isn’t part of it, inertia sets in.",一般说来,当总统选举活动开始加温时,而现任总统又不参加竞选,那么自然就会有些惰性。 +"Some individuals are more vulnerable than others, particularly pregnant women, young children and seriously ill patients.",一些人相对更易受辐射危害,如孕妇、儿童和重病患者。 +"Avril is my favorite singer, I liked her since I was very small.",艾薇儿是我最喜欢的歌手,我在很小的时候就喜欢她。 +Objective To construct an invasive aspergillosis (IA) model.,目的构建侵袭性曲霉病动物模型。 +"We should have gone swimming, but it rained.",我们本来应该去游泳的,但下雨了。 +He missed out at the third round.,他在第三轮中打输了。 +"This study discusses the application of digital image to hair styling of cosmetology styling, which adopts literature discussion and experimental innovation method.",本研究在探讨数位影像于美容整体造型之发型设计应用,探文献探讨及实验创作法。 +"Thirdly, many national characteristics of culture are maintained in Han Ju, which is very important.",三是韩剧最大限度地保持了本民族的文化特色,能够做到和而不同和文化自觉。 +"Along with the development of the inertial confinement fusion(ICF), it put forward high request to laser driver.",随着惯性约束核聚变(ICF)的发展,对激光驱动器提出了很高的要求。 +If only I can keep the kids from naming him. That would be the trick.,只要别让孩子们给它起名,准能奏效。 +And these people were this tribe called the Pygmies who were actually really short,而且这些人就是俾格米部落,这里的人真的很矮, +Humans Need Eight Hours Sleep a Night: There are many ways of sleeping and few cultures sleep in eight-hour consolidated blocks like we do.,人每天晚上需要八小时的睡眠: 我们有很多种睡眠方式和少数几种睡眠文化传统,就像大多数人每天要连续的睡八小时。 +"The researchers produced a peptide mimetic, a molecule that imitates the structure of the desired peptide.",科学家制造了一种多肽模拟物,它模仿需要的多肽结构。 +"If the national media is any indication, more people are embracing the notion of buying used clothing from thrift stores and consignment shops.",国内媒体指出,更多的人接受了到旧货店和寄卖店买二手服装的意念。 +"So if you've been thinking you're, like, the only senior here who's taking this course: not at all, there's about a hundred of you, there's about a hundred juniors, there's a couple hundred sophomores and about a couple hundred freshman.","如果你觉得你是这门课程中的,唯一的一个毕业班的学生:那你们错了,这里有大约一百个毕业班的学生,大约一百个大三的学生,一两百个大二的学生,还有大约一百个大一的新生。" +This article is about applying MAPI controls to achieve the transmission of data in the Visual FoxPro application program and also illustrate one kind of its application examples.,阐述了利用MAPI控件在两个VFP应用程序间实现数据的传送,并给出了它的一种应用实例。 +"At the same time, building sites were swarming with tens of thousands of young enthusiasts of the new faith singing songs of socialist construction.",与此同时,建筑工地上有成千上万相信新的信仰的年轻积极分子,到处唱着歌颂社会主义建设的歌。 +"While some feel more secure without the worry of a ticket, others said they did not trust sending personal details over the Internet, or worried they would not get reimbursed.",有些人认为电子机票不存在遗忘丢失的问题,而有的人则担心在网上发送个人信息不安全或机票无法报销等问题。 +"First of all, they increase the city's green area, 08, the city's forest coverage rate of 50 percent or more, Beijing is full of green.",首先,他们增加城市的绿化面积,到08年,全市森林覆盖率达50%以上,让北京充满绿色。 +"Some people might disagree with that, they might not take my estimates.",有人也许会不同意我的观点,他们可能不采取我的估计值。 +"So, I went backstage and told him the slides were out.",于是,我来到后台告诉他别忙了。 +This article will show you how you can promote yourself through networking - even today.,本文将告诉你,甚至于在今天的社会,如何通过人际网来推销你自己。 +"By the research of sealing ability of fault, it's considered that the destructiveness of fault to caprock in Damaguhe 1 member formation is less than that of Nantun1 member.",南一段泥岩盖层次之,通过断层封闭性的研究,以为断层对盖层的破坏程度大一段小于南一段。 +Approximately one-in-six US workers HAs directly experienced destructive bullying in the continue age.,近六分之一的北美劳动者去年直接历练了具有破坏性的欺负行为。 +"The higher powers are mainly used for lunar, planetary, and binary star observations.",更高的放大率通常用于月亮,行星和双子星的观察。 +"We all had a good time. When the party came to the end,we said ""Happy New Year"" to each other.",当晚会即将结束时,我们互祝“新年快乐”。 +"This time, because there are no further symptoms, Barb selects the action None of listed symptoms exist.",此时,因为不再出现任何症状,所以 Barb 选择了 None of listed symptoms exist 操作。 +Conclusion: The effect of 5-FU in the treatment of IOL membrane is satisfactory and with great clinical value.,结论:应用5-氟尿嘧啶治疗顽固性人工晶体前膜,效果满意,具有较大实用价值。 +The comprehensive evaluation index system of software reliability is proposed with the definition and analysis of software reliability factors.,文章通过对软件可靠性因素的定义和分析,提出了软件可靠性的综合评估指标体系。 +"I best not forget Kylie, Michael, and Cole for also being family, for making all the shows more fun.",我最不能忘记的家人也正在制作,所有的节目更有趣凯莉,迈克尔,和科尔。 +Becasuse of reservoir dispatching Sanxia-Gezhouba area has complex water flow. Conventional hydrometry couldn't meet the needs of flood-reporting.,三峡-葛洲坝区间由于受到水库调度影响,水流条件复杂,传统流量测验手段远远不能满足防汛报汛需求。 +"I've taught her to use the ""thumbs up"" and ""thumbs down"" rating system à la Ebert and Roeper.",我曾经教过她使用 “大拇指朝上” 和 “大拇指朝下” 的评级系统 à la Ebert 和 Roeper。 +You can see here a thumbnail preview of the anti-vignetting mask applied to the image.,您可以在此看到图像应用反晕映蒙板的缩略图预览。 +The velocity field and temperature field of the display case are simulated with the RSM(Reynolds Stress Model)and verified by experimental results.,本文采用雷诺应力模型对某带双层风幕的立式超市陈列柜的流场和温度场进行了仿真计算和实验验证。 +"Therefore, how to obtain the smallest equivalent mass in the condition of certain strength and stiffness is the object that the pantograph designers shall pursue.",因此,在一定的强度和刚度条件下,如何在保证受电弓各部件刚度足够的条件下,得到最小的等效质量是受电弓设计者追求的目标。 +They sprayed medicine to my skin every two or three hours.,他们每隔两三个小时就给我的受伤的皮肤喷药。 +"Chances are, you will see your ex again, so make sure you don’t end things on such bad terms that the next meeting will be unbearable.",因为你还可能见到旧爱,所以千万不要用这么糟糕的方式来结束而让下次见面惨不忍睹。 +"The girl of flank this yellow hair is her two younger sisters, Zhang Xiao Die, 15.",旁边这满头黄发的女孩是她二妹,张小蝶,十五。 +Only people like Peter and Paul can properly be called saints.,只有像彼得和保罗那样的人才配称为圣人。 +These template parameters will not be discarded as before.,这些模板参数和以前一样没有被抛弃。 +"REPORTER: You are sometimes reported as having turned your back on Hollywood, or left Hollywood. Is that true?",记者:有时候会有关于你背弃好莱坞或者离开好莱坞的报道,是真的吗? +If you really want to know.,如果你真想知道的话。 +The Olympic education is in agreement with the quality-oriented education. It is of great help for the improving the comprehensive quality standard among students and all the Chinese people.,奥林匹克教育与素质教育目标一致,对提高广大青少年学生的综合素质,进而提高全民素质水平具有推动作用; +"Politics is by nature dirty, calculating, and mired in compromise.",因为政治的本质是肮脏的、勾心斗角的也是充满妥协的。 +Quiesce Database - You can explicitly disconnect all applications or you can use this new quiesce database feature.,Quiesce 数据库 —— 可以显式地断开所有应���程序的连接,也可以使用这个新的 quiesce 数据库特性。 +Browse of this site signifies your agreement of the terms of DISCLAIMER.,阁下一�浏览本网站,即受站内所载的免责�款约束。 +"""It becomes worrisome with a fragile economy that's trying to gain traction and momentum,"" Krosby said.","""在努力强化复苏动能的脆弱经济中,利率升高让人担忧,""Krosby说." +API:Polyethylene Glycol 3350; Potassium Chloride; Sodium Bicarbonate; Sodium Chloride.,活性组分:聚乙二醇3350;氯化钾;碳酸氢钠;氯化。 +The design that the analysis studies to also be complex part structural member and finite yuan the analysis provided a kind of means.,分析探究也为复杂零件结构件的设计和有限元分析提供了一种方法。 +"From its purity, you know this is a very precious piece of jade.",从色泽上看, 这是一块非常珍贵的美玉。 +Could you keep my valuables?,能代为保管贵重物品吗? +"Teaching needs to pursue the true, the good and the beautiful, exploring the intrinsic essence of the teaching, and considering its responsibility.",教学要追求真善美,应充分挖掘教学的内在本质,并考虑其肩负的重任。 +"I'm swimming up above the waves to see the sky of blue;I've never seen it even once, and now it's time I do.",我要游到上面去看看天空到底有多蓝,我以前都没见过呢,现在正是时候! +"On the conditions that vector objective function is like-convex and quasi-convex, we obtain the connectedness of G-proper efficient solution set of the multiobjective optimization problem.",在此基础上,得到了向量目标函数既是似凸又是拟凸的多目标最优化问题的G-恰当有效解集是连通的结论。 +We take providing excellent communication products and first-rank after sales service with our customers as our tenet.,我们不仅提供优质的通信产品,还提供一流的售后服务。 +"Two shoelaces are cut and joined, then laced as per Straight (Bar) Lacing .",两个鞋带被切断,并加入,然后按股价直(酒吧)花边。 +The fish in the pond shook their backs and flashed their dragon scales.,鱼在塘里游晃,鱼鳞似龙背般闪烁。 +"Conclusion Available experiment data indicated that JQOL can clear away heat and toxic material, relieving cough and anti-inflammation. The clinical dosage of JQOL was safe.",结论健儿清解液具有清热、止咳、抗炎作用,临床用量是安全的。 +"When the security officers opened the case, they discovered that the four Glocks were missing , the officials said.",当安全人员打开箱子时,他们发现四支格洛克手枪不见了。 +"“When conditions became intolerable, they exercised their ultimate right as Americans—the right to move on,” Dan Morgan wrote.",丹.摩根写道:“在活不下去的时候,他们便行使作为美国人的最终权利——迁徙。” +Campers are dancing and the camp is full of joy.,营员们忘情的舞蹈着,营地充满了欢乐。 +"Recently, I happened to be flipping the pages of one of the novels translated by Lin, and to my surprise it had not lost its attraction.",最近,偶尔翻开一本林译小说,出于意外,它居然还没有丧失吸引力。 +"Gatess dream is to make every family and every one has a computer desk, so Microsofts direction is to make personal computers easy to use.",盖茨的梦想是让每一个家庭和每一张办公桌上都有一台电脑,所以微软的方向是要让个人电脑易学易用。 +"The duration of perimenopause varies from two to nine years, with most women leaving it behind by age 52.",围绝经期的时间从2年到9年不等,大部分女性在52岁以后彻底摆脱经期的困扰。 +"I ran out the front door. When I got outside I looked all around real, real good. But I did't see no darn kid.",我跑到外面,朝四周很仔细很仔细地看了一遍,但始终没看见有什么讨人厌的小孩。 +"According to information exchange style, WAN can be categorized into three models:direct information exchange, demand information exchange and website plate form information exchange.",广域网在信息交换方式上可分为三种模型,即直接信息交换模型,索取信息交换模型和网站平台信息交换模型。 +This is put into 2D graphs so the magnetic field of the Dark Twin shown slightly above the N Pole of Earth could likewise be to the west of the Earth. 2D does not show depth.,这被输入了2D的图像里,黑暗孪星的磁场就稍微出现在地球北极的上方,同样地位于地球的西面。但2D图像不能显示深度。 +Telephone number - all messages coming from a defined phone number will be blocked.,电话号码-所有邮件来自定义的电话号码会被拦截。 +Cable gland for cable strain relief in 2 different sizes.,电缆固定头可消除电缆应力,有2种不同尺寸。 +Objective To investigate the therapeutic effects and side effects of mifepristone on endometriosis.,目的探讨米非司酮治疗子宫内膜异位症的疗效与副反应。 +He suggested a-air meis.,他提议搞一主家餐。 +"Usual phenomena of the seismic damage are cracking, slopping and Collapsing of buildings .",常见的震害现象是建筑物开裂、倾斜和倒塌。 +The southern tip of the island is occupied by the Karpinsky Group of three volcanic centers.,岛屿的南端被由三个火山口组成的卡尔平斯基群(Karpinsky Group)所占据。 +This tool could greatly reduce labor intensity of operators and increase labor productivity.,本工具可以大大降低操作人劳动强度,提高劳动生 产率。 +He is the vice professor and the head of Fine Arts Department of Hunan Science & Technology College. He is in charge of teaching watercolor painting and traditional Chinese Freehand Figure painting.,湖南科技学院美术系副教授、系主任,从事水彩画和中国画写意人物的教学工作。 +"The Dominion outpost is nestled in the map’s northeast corner (at 10), darkly visible through a hole punched in the map’s fog of war. The rest of the map is obscured.",自治联盟哨站驻扎在地图的东北角(位置10),在地图的战争迷雾中可以看见一个圆形区域,剩余的被遮蔽。 +I would also like to take this opportunity to thank President Hu and the Central Government for the trust and support bestowed on me.,藉此机会,衷心感谢胡锦涛主席和中央政府对本人一直以来的信任和支持。 +"As the hose snaked crazily over the ground, dousing everything in its way, Carl's assailants4) stole his retirement watch and his wallet, and then fled.",这下水管就像蛇一样在地上疯狂地乱扭,所到之处把什么都给浸湿了,袭击卡尔的这伙人抢完他退休时发的手表和他的钱包就逃走了。 +DriveSentry is a patent pending software that allows you to control what applications can write to your files.,专利未决软件,可让您控制哪些应用,可以写你的档案。 +"On Abstraction of Art and Abstractive Art"", Journal of Nanjing Art College 2(1992).""",论艺术抽象与抽象的艺术》,《南京艺术学院学报》1992年第2期; +Kindergarten and elementary school teachers play a vital role in the development of children.,幼儿园和小学老师在儿童的成长过程中扮演着重要的角色。 +Get self-defense tips for interacting with strangers in this free self-defense video.,找与陌生人互动,这个自由自卫视频自卫技巧。 +"In Manchester, Mike Masonadvocated fuel cells that use solid-oxide technology.",在曼彻斯特,Mike Mason 倡导过一种使用固态氧化物技术的燃料电池。 +"Since 2009, NetEase has been the main operator in China of the popular multiplayer online game World of Warcraft.",自2009年网易已经成为时下流行网络游戏魔兽世界的中国区主要运营商。 +A longtime confidant of the Kochs told Doherty that the brothers wanted to “supply the themes and words for the scripts.”,一位科赫兄弟的多年密友告诉多尔蒂兄弟俩想要为政客们“提供剧本的主题和台词”。 +"In my opinion, firstly, the press should be unrestrained; secondly, the press should be responsible to society; and thirdly, the press should promote social stability and progress.",我认为,第一,新闻应该不受限制;第二,新闻应该对社会负责;第三,新闻应该促进社会稳定与进步。 +"Chasing new kinds of food sources deeper into the water, these early waders gradually developed longer snouts and sharper teeth better suited for snapping up fish.",为了捕食新的食物,常常需要潜入更深的水下。 水上开拓者的鼻子逐渐加长,牙齿越来越锋利,以便适应捕鱼。 +Try these tips and you'll ride warm and strong all winter long.,尝试这些技巧,你会骑保暖性强的冬季长。 +It was believed the processability of UHMWPE was improved by the decrease of the apparent viscosity by HBP.,初步认为HBP通过降低混合熔体的表观粘度来改善UHMWPE的加工流动性。 +"What are the chances of you opening an email that has the subject line as ""Hi"" versus an email that says ""Seeking Quick Advice On Site Optimization""?",以“嗨”为主题行开头的邮件和以“求网站优化的快速建议”为主题的邮件相比,你打开第一封邮件的几率有多大? +"AMSTERDAM, 11 Mar. 2009. Saab in Stockholm, Sweden, selected avionics display technology from Barco for Saab's next-generation RIGS heads up display.",Barco公司在荷兰阿姆斯特丹举办的2009航空电子展会上宣布,瑞典萨博(Saab)公司选中了Barco公司的航空显示器用于萨博的下一代RIGS平视显示器(Heads up display)技术。 +Study on the performance of filtration by uniform quartz sand media;,分析了影响熔喷非织造布过滤性能的主要工艺参数。 +"""According to the country's Civil Servant Law, Chinese citizens, both urban and rural residents, are eligible to apply to join the civil service,"" Liu said.",刘教授说,根据我国公务员法规定,中国��民,包括城乡居民,都有权利依法被录用为公务员。 +"Travel switch and its wiring system: When carriage drives the lance tube moving, the travel of Soot-blower is controlled by travel switch.",行程及走线机构:跑车带动吹灰枪运动时,由行程开关控制吹灰器行程。 +The teachers of W. F. L. M. S. all say that they are really polite. They respected to all the people here and they did better than us! We should learn from them!,最后世外的老师们评价说‘他们真是很有礼貌的学生礼仪周到而且尊重他人我们世外的学生真应该好好学习!’ +"It is planned to purchase 1000 helicopters, 600 military airplanes, 100 military ships, including 8 nuclear-powered ballistic missile submarines.",俄军计划购买1000架直升机、600架军用飞机、100艘军舰,其中包括8艘核动力弹道导弹潜艇。 +Any desired depth of cut can be obtained by the cross feed of the grinding wheel.,通过砂轮的横向进给能得到任意所需的切削深度。 +I was also serenaded by a hooting owl.,我觉得有猫头鹰是可喜的。 +The concept is quite novel.,这是一个很新奇的概念。 +"I have experienced a case where the price for a shopping cart item was calculated in an Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system, item by item.",我曾经历过这样一个情况,在企业资源计划 (ERP) 系统中,购物车里条目的价钱逐个地计算。 +It is an indirect intaglio printing process.,是一种间接凹版的方法。 +"Guajardo's friends, Marlon McAllister, a 41-year-old massage therapist, offered his car and came along.",挂加多的朋友,41岁的按摩保健师马龙•麦克阿里斯特,主动拿出自己的车,并和他们一同前往。 +"In chapter 1, some preliminary knowledge in topological dynamical system and ergodic theory which will be used in this paper are reviewed.",在第1章中,我们介绍了本文涉及到的拓扑动力系统和遍历理论的一些基本概念与结论。 +"Although a bottom-up approach may seem painfully slow and sprawling, it may be the only way to build credible institutions that markets endorse.",尽管自下而上的方案实施起来费力而拓展缓慢,但这也许是建立市场认可的公共机构的唯一办法。 +"Let us MA Peng-fei, who pay tribute to 14-year-old Waer bar!",让我们向马鹏飞,这位14岁的娃儿致敬吧! +I just have the one car.,我就这么一辆车。 +Perhaps you’ve had a bad joke-telling experience – the audience sighed while your joke died – and you’d just as soon remain serious the rest of your life.,或许你有过说玩笑话不好笑的经历——你讲的笑话别人听得很无语——你只好变回古板的人生态度。 +"While we're always using our brains, we're not necessarily doing much to keep them in good shape.",虽然我们总是在用我们的大脑,但我们也不必做太多就能保持其良好的状态。 +"Thanks for reading GC, and I would like to say, from all the Mages, thanks for looking into a resolution for us.",引用:GC,你说不会在一些好帖子里留言以免破坏气氛,我认为这就是这么个帖子。感谢你对法师的关注。 +"Like small three nasty guy, only one tuo excrement in the TV show.",像小三这种可恶的家伙,只能演电视剧里的一陀粪。 +"We have Coconut Shrimp, which is jumbo shrimp dipped in a coconut batter, fried and served with rice and a side salad.",我们有椰子虾,那是大虾浸椰子面浆去炸,还包括饭和沙拉。 +"Notwithstanding that, there is to be an avalanche that will continue for many days now, we're told, of story upon story of the foibles of Sarah Palin.",尽管如此,关于莎拉•佩林缺点的报道很多天来一个又一个地不断连续涌现。 +"Ladies and gentlemen, we are now standing on the city wall above the eastern city gate, the Jinyang Gate.",观众朋友们,我现在是在东门觐阳门的古城墙上。 +"According to the 139th item of code of civil procedure, making part-judgment is a familiar phenomenon in the judicatory practice.",依据我国《民事诉讼法》第139条规定,司法实践中法院作出部分判决是常见的现象。 +Pakistan army spokesman Major General Athar Abbas said Wednesday's operation was an unprecedented violation of those guidelines.,巴基斯坦军方与美国和北约驻阿富汗部队合作多年,制定在巴阿边境地区军事行动的行为准则。 +"In Van Winkle's own continent, Christianity was dominant, but the liveliest culture was Muslim.",在凡·温克所在的大陆,基督教占统治地位,但最有活力的文化是穆斯林。 +"And somehow, after that long day at the office, I still smelled like aftershave.",不知道为什么,在办公室待了漫长的一天之后,我仍然是像是刚刚洗漱完的气味。 +"Yang Jingwei, a senior in information at Wuhan University, got a decent offer from a Shanghai IT company recently, but being free from job worries left him with love worries.",武汉大学消息专业大四学生杨���维(音译),近来得到了上海一家IT公司的一份面子的工作。尽管没有了就业的焦急,爱情上的忧虑却随之而来。 +"Their home was a tiny terrace house in Copperfield Street, Toxteth, a part of the city nicknamed “Dickens Land, ” so numerous were the streets named after Dick­ens characters.",他们的家就安坐在一个名为鬼城的古老教堂,科波菲尔街上,一个小小的平房里。 +"They put samples of the compounds in red and white wines, beer, sake, shochu— another Japanese alcohol—and whiskey.",他们在红酒、白酒、啤酒、清酒、烧酒(日本一种酒),还有威士忌中分别加入化合物样本。 +"Eco-industrial parks(EIPs) offer a means to use one facility's waste as another's input, thereby reducing raw materials required and waste generated.",工业生态园提供了利用废物循环利用的方法,即利用一种工艺产生的废物作为另一种工艺的原材料,从而减少原材料的使用和废物的产生。 +"According to the Harris hip scores, 49 patients were classified as ""excellent"" results, 21 as ""good"", and 7 as ""poor"" (all of which were fatal cases), the ""excellent-and-good"" rate being 91%.",按创伤性髋关节功能评分优49例,良21例,差7例(均为因内科疾病死亡病例),优良率91%。 +"Sorry, Mommy.",妈咪,对不起。 +"Ford, for example, has 199,000 employees worldwide, ofwhom only 48 per cent are in America.",例如,福特(Ford)在全球拥有19.9万名员工,其中只有48%是在美国。 +We are only now just studying how the combination of the other Yohimbine compounds in Meltdown work in concert to increase NE even further.,我们现在才刚刚研究如何结合其他育亨宾化合物消融协同工作,以进一步提高去甲肾上腺素。 +"Since virtually all the global poor live in such poor countries, we can then estimate that their annual per capita income of US$326 PPP 2000 corresponds to about US$82 at market exchange rates.",既然全世界几乎所有的穷人都生活在这些贫穷国家,那么我们就可以估计,他们按2000购买力平价计算的年人均收入326美元大约相当于按市场汇率计算的82美元。 +"A friend told me: This girl suffering from vasculitis is a rare disease, she has been for several months, and now can not walk.",朋友告诉我:这姑娘患的是一种罕见的脉管炎病症,她已经有好几个月了,现在不能走路了。 +"Time to come. Accept gentle ribbing with a wink and a smile. However, don't take.",也许在接下来很长一段时间内,你都会因此受到同事的嘲笑。 +"She held out a hand to Winter, who approached cautiously, then glided away.",她向“冬天”伸出一只手,而“冬天”谨慎地靠近后轻柔地游走了。 +"Swedish House Mafia - One (Indra Remix) 2011 Oh I wanna know your name You just kill me, could you at least do that?",瑞典楼黑手党 - (因陀罗混音)2011哦,我想知道你的名字你刚杀了我,可你至少要做到这一点? +Anne Tate met a team from England for the Night Watch at the Wailing Wall. I will send her report out next.,Anne Tate与来自英格兰的「夜间守望」成员在哭墙见面,下次我会请她报告。 +"The celebration of foreign marriage is involved in law provisions of marriage of at least two countries, and relates to the immediate interest of marriage party concerned.",涉外婚姻的缔结涉及到至少两个以上国家有关婚姻的法律规定,并关系到婚姻当事人的切身利益。 +"He reached up to stroke my cheek once quickly with his thumb, his face curious.",他用一根拇指飞快地轻拍了一下我的脸颊,脸上写满了好奇。 +"If you tend to fade out on your workouts on weekends, plan some fun exercise with friends to spice up your lagging routine.",如果你周末容易放松自己的训练计划,安排一些和朋友们一起进行的有趣的活动,给自己单调呆板的健身活动增添趣味。 +"There are solar street lamps, solar garden lamps , solar lawn lamps.",形成了太阳能路灯、太阳能庭院灯、太阳能草坪灯系列产品。 +"Then, several chemical transformations occur: the glycine forms a chemical bond with the serine, forming a new closed ring, which then spontaneously dehydrates .",然后,几个化学变化发生了:氨基乙酸与丝氨酸成键,生成环状产物,接着脱水。 +Please do not take any food from the dining hall. This food is an offering and should not be taken for personal consumption.,请不要把食物带离开斋堂。所有的食物都是外来的供养,不可以带离开斋堂,供个人食用。 +When did Mrs Spink take the beauty title?,斯宾克太太是什么时候成为选美皇后的呢? +"""We cannot give any guarantee that there will be no dioxin emissions, "" said Shigekazu Ichiki, director of the Environmental and Waste Disposal Division of the Shiga Prefectural Government.",环卫部门的负责人讲:我们无法保证没有二恶英从垃圾焚烧中排放。 +"Representative elements of order Albaillellaria firstly appear in Silurian, which prosperous in Late Devonian, and extinction in end-Permian, is the characteristic group of Late Paleozoic Radiolaria.",阿尔拜虫目放射虫最早的代表出现于志留纪,从晚泥盆世开始繁盛,于二叠纪末期灭绝,是晚古生代特有的放射虫类群。 +"Based on business growth data, this paper analyzes how technical innovation which underthe guidance of enterprise routines impacts industry development.",结合企业成长的数据,分析在企业惯例指导下的技术创新对企业发展的影响。 +"Granulocytic sarcomas, also known as chloromas, are extramedullary masses in patients with myelogenous leukemia.",粒细胞肉瘤又被称为绿色瘤,是发生于骨髓性白血病患者的一种髓外肿块。 +"He jerked the ring off, and the finger reappeared instantly.",他猛地把戒指拿下来,手指又立刻出现了。 +The longest term of interbank lending for a financial institution shall not exceed the longest term of interbank borrowing for the other party as provided by the PBC.,金融机构拆出资金的最长期限不得超过对手方由中国人民银行规定的拆入资金最长期限。 +You can also use the find command to search for symbolic links using the -type l find expression as shown in Listing 8.,您还可以使用 find 命令搜索符号链接,其中使用如清单 8 所示的 -type l 查找表达式。 +Love alone could waken love !,只有爱才气唤醒爱! +"She won three Olympic gold medals, and after retiring from competitive swimming in 2001 she started a couching career.",她已获得3枚奥运金牌,2001年从游泳竞争中退役以后,她又开始刺绣。 +Paladin: Judgement of Wisdom: Fixed a bug allowing one copy on target per paladin.,圣骑士:智慧审判:修复了每个圣骑士都能对同一目标释放该审判的问题。 +And 20-40 degrees below zero.,和零下20到40℃的气温。 +Gingerbread Man: On the good ship Lollipop…,在那美好滴棒棒糖号船上啊…… +"You can start and stop your apps in the cloud, assign services to them, browse the remote file system, do things like this directly from within STS.",你可以启动或停止云中的应用,为它们分配服务,浏览远程文件系统,这些都可以直接在STS中完成。 +"However, the tensile strength, flexural strength and impact strength showed an increasing tendency as the particle size was 200 meshes.",当粒径达到200目时,复合材料的拉伸强度、弯曲强度及缺口冲击强度却有所增大。 +"Behavioralscientists said, ‘Don’t even think about this!’",行为科学家说,‘门儿都别想’。 +Her mother curled her hair every morning.,她的母亲每天早晨给她卷头发。 +The paper analyzes several problems which should be noticed in concrete proportioning design and poses appropriate measures for prevention and treatment.,对混凝土配合比设计中值得注意的几个问题进行分析,并提出相应的防治措施。 +I have to do this since all of us here are not physicists.,我之所以要这样做是因为在座的各位并不都是物理学家。 +"Calling the function without previously obtaining a function pointer (that is, by linking with mswsock.",如果在没有事先获得函数指针的情况下直接调用函数(也就是说,编译时静态连接mswsock.lib,在程序中直接调用函数),那么性能将很受影响。 +The electromagnetic field integral equation in the quasi-optical cavity is obtained using the dyadic Green's function.,本文利用并矢格林函数获得了准光腔中的电磁场积分方程。 +Objective: To investigate the mechanism of stress glucosuria and renal function impairment in early stage of severe bum.,目的:通过对严重烧伤病人进行应激性糖尿症和早期肾功能损害等并发症观察研究,进一步了解其发病机制。 +Objective In order to explore the effect of methomyl exposure on peripheral nervous function in rabbits.,目的探讨灭多威染毒家兔周围神经功能的变化。 +They exist in our laboratories and universities; in our fields and our factories; in the imaginations of our entrepreneurs and the pride of the hardest -working people on Earth.,方法就在我们的实验室和大学里,就在我们的田地和我们的工厂里,就在我们企业家的梦想和地球上最勤恳劳动的人民的自豪感里。 +Libya will need even more support — as well as vigilant monitoring and likely frequent goading — in the months ahead.,接下来的几个月,利比亚将会需要更多帮助,也需要警惕的监督和可能更为频繁的鼓励。 +"Bleum has started hiring a U.S. workforce, but sets an IQ score of 125 as a screening threshold because of the smaller labor pool.",博朗软件公司在美国招聘时,将IQ的门槛设为125,因为美国科技人群相对较少。 +And 40 babies die from sudden infant death syndrome every year caused by passive smoking - one in five of all cot deaths.,(在英国,)���年有40名婴儿死于由被动吸烟引起的婴儿瘁死综合症,这个死亡比例占婴儿死亡比例的五分之一。 +The Bank of England was founded in 1694 and that was the world's first central bank.,"英格兰银行成立于1694年4,并且它是世界上第一个中央银行。" +The regional innovation meshwork offers us a new analyzing framework to settle the problem of regional disparities.,区域创新网络为我国解决地区差距问题提供了一个新的分析框架。 +"Especially in the gold rush, such as many towns in San Francisco, Denver, Virginia, etc.",特别是淘金热中涌现了许多城镇,如旧金山、丹佛、弗吉尼亚等。 +"Yeah,I guess it does.Sorry again for bothering you.",我想是的。打扰了,再次表示歉意。 +Read the text quickly and answer the following questions.,快速阅读课文,根据课文内容回答下列问题。 +"But before they can summon the nerve to come forward, Muff Potter is blamed for the crime.",但在他们鼓起勇气挺身而出之前,穆夫.波特却背了黑锅。 +Fear was manifest on her face.,她脸上显露出惧怕的神情。 +"Some women may have used Fulian protein, and usually Fushang 3-5 minutes.",有些女性可能曾经使用蛋白敷脸,而且一般都会敷上3-5分钟。 +"Column SALARY is formatted with decimal formatting ""99999.99.""","使用十进制格式 ""99999.99"" 对列 SALARY 进行格式化。" +"It is easy to see that Las Vegas' climate is that of a desert. Sunshine almost every day, next-to-zero rain, and at least 90 degrees Fahrenheit.",拉斯维加斯的气候清晰可见那就是沙漠气候。阳光几乎每天都有,雨水指数临近于零,并至少90华氏度。 +"“We are providing them [users] a tool for them to have booking as a service on their mobiles, ” he says.",他说:“我们为用户提供一个工具,使得旅游预订成为他们手机功能的服务之一。 +"This job is one that brings an enormous amount of self-satisfaction and pride, and it is a career with an exceptionally bright future.",这项工作是一个能够带来大量的自我满意度和自豪感,这是一个具有非常光明前途的事业。 +It would hold our economy captive to Washington politics once again.,这将让我们的经济重新成为华盛顿政治斗争的俘虏。 +"It is a balanced investigation into a theory some believe cannot be true, but many agree cannot be ignored.",这是对于一个从很多方面来说不能全信,但又不能被忽视的理论的一场没有偏向的调查。 +"The shared leisure area is set along the window with nice views and serves for open conferences, relaxation and coffee time. Exercise equipments are set as well.",在各层最佳观景的沿窗区域设置了共享休闲区,可供员工开放会议、放松和咖啡时间,当然,少不了运动器械的设置,可随时跑上一段,焕发精神。 +Jaws must be undershot. The incisors of the lower jaw should protrude over the upper incisors.,咬合必须是下颌突出式咬合,就是说,下颌的门牙必须比上颌的门牙向前突出一些。 +"Objective To establish the quality standard of Yirou beautiful white clean face emulsion, and to investigate its clean ability.",目的建立伊柔美白洁面乳的质量标准,并对其洗净力进行考察。 +"But the amended version provided only half the original appropriation - just $175,000 - and it limited the educational campaign to chlamydia and gonorrhea.",但是正式版本仅仅提供了初始拨款的一半-仅仅175,000美元-并且限制了有关衣原体和淋病的教育活动。 +"The concept of ""sample"" emerged in the criticism of the traditional Mother-tongue teaching materials, whose essence is to expound the limitless article from a particular angle.",“例文”的观念是在对传统语文教材的批判中形成的。“例文”的实质是将本来含有无限可能性的诗文,限制在一个特定的侧面、特定的点来作为“例子”。 +"Marauding punks prey on solitarytravelers for water, food and clothing.",劫掠的混混们从落单的过客身上勒索水,食物和衣服。 +"We specialize exporting hemp, jute, sisal, kendir , linen, ramie fiber, yarn, twine, rope, fabrics and clothing.",大麻,黄麻,剑麻,罗布麻,亚麻,苎麻纱线,面料,成衣及各种绳,线,工艺制品。 +Women are water always have dry day.,女人是水总有干枯的一天。 +They have now lost nearly a third of their value since the 2006 peak.,美国房价现在已经从2006年的高峰下跌了近三分之一的价值。 +The consistency of the calculated groundwater level and the measured shows this simulation model can well reflect the actual hydrogeological condition.,结果表明,计算模型与实际水文地质条件比较接近,计算水位与实测水位相吻合。 +So he walked around for 7 hours with his severed hand in a bag and no one thought to call 911 (or whatever the equivalent is in China) or get him an ambulance?,所以他拿着自己的断手走了七个小时,没有人打911或者叫救护车? +They were heroes.,他们是英雄。 +How research and development in the early telegraph industry became increasingly scientific.,早期电报工业的研究和发展是如何日益科学化的。 +Bordering China's Daluo is the town of Minela of Myanmar.,和中国的打洛镇相接壤的就是缅甸的小勐拉。 +"Reform along with the organization with the propulsion, business unit that the personnel system reform which have already become various reformations the inside a new hot point with point.",随着机构改革和人事制度改革的推进,事业单位改革已经成为各项改革中一个新的热点和重点。 +Life is a grindstone. Whether it grinds you down or polishes you up depends on what you are made of.,生活如磨刀石,是将你磨蚀或是磨得灿烂光亮,皆取决于你自身材料如何。 +"Fu Siyuan had to personally go to the mouth of the river. < /p> < p> a pink veil, Fu Siyuan saw the big nine gun mouth copycat eight, he did not think of the famous bandit chief was a red hero.",隔着粉色纱幔,傅思远见到了河口山寨的大当家九枪八,他没想到大名鼎鼎的土匪头子竟是个红粉英豪。 傅思远愿意拿钱赎出管家,另外再加一根小黄鱼和九枪八做生意——请土匪出山营救张玉成。 +We can't forget the steps behind!,我哋喺唔可以忘记饮水思源嘅! +"The two parts should exert their advantages of history, geography and culture. etc. and strengthen the relevant system construction, so as to further promote their economic trade cooperation.",川印双方应进一步发挥各自历史、 地理、 人文等多方面优势、加强相关的制度建设,以便进一步促进双方经贸合作。 +And it's not just the log-in-here-and-we-will-steal-your-password.com's of the world you have to worry about.,你需要担心的不仅是“从这里登陆然后我们就会盗取你的密码”这么简单的伎俩。 +But that's an idea of what it actually means to talk about electron configuration.,"但那是一个实际了解什么是,电子构型的思路。" +"By using metric wave Doppler fuzes technique, this paper designs a signal pro-cess ing circuit for multiple uses HEAT.",利用已有的米波多卜勒引信技术,设计了多用途破甲弹近炸引信信号处理电路。 +"If you set this element to False, WebLogic Server does not automatically load the bean into the cache until the first method invocation.",如果您将此元素设置为 False,在第一次方法调用之前,WebLogic Server 都不会自动将 bean 加载到缓存中。 +"Severe dehydration causes weakness, fatigue, and mental status changes.",重度缺水会导致虚弱、疲劳和精神状态不佳。 +"I believe if we are going to communicate and operate well in virtuality, we must understand it deeply.",我相信如果我们在虚拟世界中沟通和管理得当的话,我们一定会更深入地理解它。 +"Before I begin, I want to take this moment once again to acknowledge the terrible tragedy that struck the Polish people this weekend.",在进进会议程序之前,我想利用这一时刻再次就上个周末发生的悲惨事件向波兰人民表示慰问。 +"Their vicious looks and behavior, Moxon notes, aredeceiving. The dogs were, in fact, completely harmless.",M说它们凶猛的样子和行为是假象,实际上,它们完全没有攻击性。 +"It's his bodily death that surprises him, his bodily mortality that surprises him.",让他惊讶的部分是他肉体的消亡,肉体的消亡让他感到惊讶。 +METHODS ITS1 and ITS2 genes of Pogostemon Cablin from different localities were identified by PCR direct sequencing.,方法采用PCR直接测序技术对不同产地的广藿香ITS1和ITS2基因进行测序分析。 +"Having had a deep-seated ambition to work for a startup, he decided to learn more leading-edge technologies.",一直以来他想进一家电脑公司,于是决定学更多的尖端技术。 +Two internal candidates applied through the job posting process — Josh* who works for Maryellen and Rebecca* who works for Donna.,两名内部应征者通过工作张贴程序提出了申请——玛丽莲手下的约翰和多娜手下的利百加。 +We demand that these partners uphold the values and integrity of the University.,麦考瑞大学要求他的合作伙伴认同其价值观并且诚实正直。 +Comparison between the two-rowed wild barley of Qing-Zang Plateau and that of Israel.,标题 两个不同地区的二棱野生大麦的比较研究。 +"There are a lot of uncertain factors in the problems of soil mechanics and foundation, sometimes judgement must be made by aid of regional experience.",土力学地基问题存在不定因素尤多,地区性强,需要依赖丰富经验进行判断。 +"Because of abundant information in the signal echo of ultra-wideband ground-penetrating radar, Signature extraction becomes the key of automatic target recognition.",超宽带探地雷达由于回波信号信息丰富的特点,特征向量的选取成为���自动目标识别的关键。 +"The artist chose mountains, the most representative icon of the Shie-Pa National Park, as the subject of this painting.",作者选择最能代表雪霸国家公园的「山岳」主题进行创作。 +The wedding ceremony was held in a Catholic cathedral.,结婚典礼在一座天主教的大教堂里举行。 +A: I wish it would stay this way for the weekend.,但愿整个周末都能保持这样的好天气。 +"Thank you, thank you dear friends, from the bottom of my heart, for such a loving and spirited welcome, and thank you, Mr. President, for you kind invitation to me which I am so honored to accept.",谢谢,谢谢各位亲爱的朋友,对大家如此热烈的欢迎,我由衷的表示感谢,谢谢主席,对您的盛意邀请,我感到万分荣幸。 +The proper axial space length between the air outlet and inlet of the shaft should not be less than 50 meters.,对连拱隧道或小近距隧道而言,建议两洞口纵向错开50米以上。 +FSH is produced by the body to stimulate the follicles in the ovaries that produce eggs。,卵泡刺激素由体内产生,以刺激卵巢中的卵泡产生卵子。 +Suggestions for community co-management of natural reserves in China are given.,提出了我国自然保护区的社区共管工作的几点建议。 +"The ""Immortals"" star is now playing the ultimate hero of modern mythology, ""Superman, "" in the new film ""Man of Steel"" coming to theaters in 2013.",“惊天战神”中的明星正在新电影中出演现代神话中的终极英雄,也就是即将在2013年上映的新电影“钢铁之躯”中的“超人”一角。 +Care has to be taken at all stages -- from making design choices to getting the build system to work to finally getting the OS-specific code to cooperate with Linux.,每一个步骤都必须要小心 —— 从做出设计选择, 到获得可用的构建系统,再到最终得到要在 Linux 上执行的针对特定系统的代码。 +The workflow engine is the core of the worksheet system.,工作流引擎是工单管理系统的核心。 +"""Thank you, "" he said, "" I was going to jump off that bridge and kill myself, but when I saw you dancing even though you have no arms, I changed my mind.",“谢谢你,” 他说,“ 我本来打算从那座桥上跳下去自杀,但后来我改变了主意,因为我看到你虽然没有手臂,却依然能舞蹈。” +"Following the end of the Late Classic Period, no new major monuments were built at Tikal and there is evidence that elite palaces were burned.",古典时期晚期以后,在蒂卡尔没有建造新的主要建筑物,有证据表明精美宫殿遭到焚烧破坏。 +We are in a little office park.,它在于一个小办公园里。 +It's also great for users who multiboot their desktop computer and want to be able to have access to their Firefox profile on all of the operating systems that they run.,对于用多系统桌面电脑,并希望在所有操作系统上访问相同 Firefox 资料的用户也大有助益。 +I use the side of the jig for quick reference.,我使用的快速参考夹具的一面。 +"We heard innumerable talks by the Director of the ashram in which she emphasized the three chief virtues that we were to cultivate: gratitude, humility and obedience.",我们听到修行地主管无数的讲话,她强调,我们应该培养三种主要的美德:感恩、谦卑和顺从。 +"An independent study by Prof. Wang Xiaolu of the China Reform Foundation suggests that China's top 10% are pulling in closer to $20,200 a year, 25 times more than the bottom 10%.",中国改革基金会王小鲁教授的一项独立研究发现,中国最富10%人口每年收入接近20,200美元,是最穷10%人口的25倍。 +These results suggest that both Mixed-function oxidase and esterase play an important role in cotton bollworm resistance to monocrotophos .,据此认为,多功能氧化酶和羧酸酯酶代谢作用的增强是棉铃虫对久效磷产生抗性的原因之一。 +A formulation to analyse the large displacement problem of a marine riser with two unequal principal moments of inertia of the cross section in the 3-D space is presented.,本文对截面具有两个不相等主惯性矩的海洋石油立管的三向大位移分析作了理论推导。 +"I hope the snow can cover my all unhappiness up and melt it in the 2007, disappear forever…Goodbye 2007!",这场雪希望把我2007所有的不快乐掩盖起来并慢慢地化掉,永远的消失…就此别过了2007! +"With so many talented players in the squad, Netherlands are dubbed as the uncrowned king.",因拥有众多才华横溢的天才球星,荷兰一直被视作“无冕之王”。 +Each may choose to look inward to see where they participate in the associated pattern.,每个人可以选择内观来查看,在相关模式中自己参与了哪个部分。 +Objective: To provide anatomic basis for the selection of cut position and apart plane in forehead rhytidectomy.,目的:为前额除皱术切口位置和分离平面的选择提供解剖学依据。 +"In his work, he tries to capture, in details and contrasts, the dialectics of a human being, who, in the search of a more comfortable environment, quickly consumes and destroys it.",在他的著作中,他试图用细节和对比的方法辩证的来描述人类寻求更舒服的环境,更快捷的消费并且破坏掉他的矛盾。 +"At 90 ℃, the(single) conversion of 3-chloropropene can be 96.2%, while the selectivity and yield of(3-chloropropyl)methyldichlorosilane can reach 86.9% and 83.6% respectively.",结果表明,在90℃温度下反应时,3-氯丙烯单程转化率最高可达96.2%,3-氯丙基甲基二氯硅烷的选择性和收率分别为86.9%和83.6%。 +Objective To observe the relationship between plasma content of endothelin-1(ET-1) in patients with acute cerebral infarction(ACI) and its risk factor.,目的探讨血浆内皮素1(ET 1)与急性脑梗死(ACI)及其危险因素的关系。 +I'm sorry to tell you that flammable items cannot be taken with you onto the aircraft.,很遗憾的告诉您,易燃品不能随身带上飞机。 +"At the sound, her family rushed into the room and saw this note on the screen: ""Dearest Wife, Just got checked in.",听到她的声音,家人赶忙跑进她的房间,只见这样一句话显示在萤幕上:“亲爱的,快来吧。 +"It is used to lift the sections of pipe, which are lowered into the hole made by the drill.",井架用来吊升分节油管,把油管放入有钻头打出的孔中。 +"PETER WARREN: ""We've seen a number of very large companies that have suffered some tremendously embarrassing losses of data. So I actually think that it's a learning curve for everybody.""",匡沃伦说:“我们已经看到了非常大的公司数目都出现了一些数据非常尴尬的损失,所以我倒认为这是一个对每个人的学习曲线…” +So of course if you want reactions to go then this also can be exploited by looking at which phase might be richer in one reactant or another.,"如果想反应进行,可以看看,反应中哪种相的含量更多,因此可以推进。" +I went to a water park.,我去水上乐园。 +Fairchild's Model 4500 Pneumatic Volume Booster is popular due to its rugged design and high flow capacity in an economical package.,飞兆半导体的产品型号4500气动卷助推器很受欢迎,因为它的坚固设计和封装在一个经济大流量的能力。 +I had a bowl of cold noodles quickly and hurried back to the lab.,我就扒了了一碗凉面匆匆的又回到实验室了。 +Wearing bloomers which are generally shorter in length will achieve an active style.,穿着长度微短的灯笼裤能显得很活泼。 +"Corvettes : These give small boots to detection and gun attack, as well high bonuses in morale and organization. They also give a speed bonus.",护卫舰:在炮火攻击和侦查方面有较小的加成,在士气和组织度上有较高的加成,在速度方面有奖励。 +"In order to compare different shear strength equations of unsaturated soil, Luojiashan soil samples are selected for the soil-water characteristic curve(SWCC) test and unsaturated triaxial tests.",通过珞珈山土样的土–水特征曲线试验和非饱和三轴剪切试验对非饱和土强度公式进行比较研究。 +"By comparing the evanescent wave propagation distance in different background noise, the available propagation distance of the evanescent wave is determined.",通过对不同背景噪声下倏逝波的传播情况确定了可利用倏逝波传播距离。 +"Jack in the covert help, Ethan and his cameraman in Nablus rush evil python cloth before it came to the base in a hospital there found Sarah, three thrilling to escape.",在杰克的暗中帮助之下,伊桑和自己的摄像师布卢斯赶在恶蟒布那基来到之前在一所医院里面找到了萨拉,三人惊险地逃脱。 +"At the same time, the commercialized running and supportingagriculture of policy considerations contract each other.",同时,农信社自身商业化运作与政策性支农的矛盾也较为突出。 +"The rock's modulus has some impact on the lateral carrying capacity of rock-socketed pile, increasing the modulus of rock can reduce the lateral deformation at the top of pile.",基岩弹性模量对嵌岩桩的水平承载力同样存在影响,增大基岩强度,桩顶水平位移变小。 +"Therefore, Eta has decided the definitive cessation of its armed activity.",因此,埃塔决定永久性停止其武装活动。 +Boeing researchers asked volunteers in the 1960s to control a random-number generator with mind powers.,在二十世纪六十年代,波音公司的研究人员要求志愿者用脑力控制随机数字发生器。 +"The information literacy education must change traditional the educational model, strengthens on-line information literacy education;",信息素质教育必须改变传统的教学模式,加强在线信息素质教育; +"As an example, the method and evaluation steps for watershed resource evaluation of west-Liaoning coastal rivers.",以辽西沿海���河流水资源的丰富度评价为例介绍了该模型的计算步骤,并与其它方法比较。 +"Because of the geographical environment of Chongqing, Chongqing, foggy mountainous, so there are fog, and the town's alias.",因为重庆的地理环境,重庆多山多雾,故又有雾都、山城的别名。 +"This first such meeting, hosted by WHO in Geneva, was held to initiate implementation of the Global Strategy to Reduce the Harmful Use of Alcohol.",首次召开了这样的会议,由世卫组织在日内瓦主办,目的是为了开始实施减少有害使用酒精全球战略。 +The next day I took the puppy to the vet.,第二天,我把这只小狗带到了兽医那里。 +"Although I loved the mountains, I always said no to their requests to join them. After a particularly persuasive friend asked for the tenth time, I finally said yes.",尽管我爱高山,但他们邀请我加入时我却总是拒绝,直到有一个特别能说的朋友第十次邀请我时,我终于答应了,而直到那时,我才意识到自己是多么害怕。 +It is the palaeokarst distributed vertically and laterally that controls the hydrocarbon distribution. More than ten large- and middle-scale such oil-gas fields have already been found up to now.,古岩溶的纵、横向分布控制着油气分布,目前已发现十多个大、中型油气田。 +The adjacent codes with given number are assembled to form subsequences after all the codes of sections are recovered.,在得到所有区域编码后, 将相邻的给定个数的区域编码组成代码子序列。 +"When the time-delay constant is a known priori, the system model is converted into linear equations that can be resolved by standard 4SID methods.",在时滞常数已知时,通过把时滞项折算到输入中,使用改进的频域辨识方法可以得到较为精确的结果。 +It pales the sign I once saw in a laundry run by a Korean immigrant: 'Please drop your pants right here!,这比我曾经在一家韩国移民开的洗衣店里看到的招牌:“请在这里脱下你的裤子” 还叫人晕! +Location independent user identification is achieved through the use of lookup nodes called Gatekeepers.,通过使用叫做“网守”的查找节点本地的独立用户就会被识别。 +"This is a Mitsubishi lift, but only the powertrain and the chimes are Mitsubishi fittings. Everything else is generic equipment used in lifts in public places.",它是一部三菱升降机,但只有驱动装置及响钟声属于三菱装置,其馀每一样都是在公众地方的升降机的通用设备。 +"Sato: If the circuits are too wide, we would lose light-sensing surface area.",佐藤:如果电路太宽,我们就会损失感光面积。 +GIBSON PRAISE winces and looks down at his leg. SCULLY lifts the cloth covering the nasty wound.,吉普森普雷兹缩了一下低头看这他的腿。史高丽提起盖着他的脏了的伤口的衣服。 +I thought of my wife and family and was overcome with shame. An interview that seemed crucial hours earlier now seemed absurd and reckless.,随后我又想到了我的妻子和家人,为自己先前自私的行为感到非常羞愧和后悔-自己为了赶制纽约时报电视台关键时段节目而拿两个阿富汗同事以及我自己的生命安全作赌注,冒险前往采访塔利班,此时看起来之前的这个决定显得多么的荒谬和草率! +"She took the form of a white, strapless, ankle-length dress, standing side-on from me.",她穿着白色的,露肩的,长及脚祼的裙子,站在我的旁边。 +His first love was baseball with aspirations of playing Major League Baseball.,他的第一爱好是棒球,渴望能在美国职业棒球大联盟中一显身手。 +"We believe the policy has limited short-term effects as it aims long-term development, and minor impacts on property market, but could help to accelerate urbanization process.",我们认为这是一个长期的政策,短期效果有限; 对商品房市场影响有限; 有利于城市化进程的加快。 +"By using the nonlinear delta-sigma modulator in a control signal generation process, the PFC and output voltage controller generates a spectrally noise shaped control signal.",该控制系统对控制功率因数 校正和输出电压水平的控制信号的脉冲宽度和周期进行控制。 +Employment experts say other companies have policies of hiring only people with jobs — but do not publicly acknowledge their bias.,就业专家说,有些公司有只招聘有工作的人的政策,但是从未公开承认他们的偏见。 +"The Bush administration represented the apogee of triumphalist thinking, the belief that American ground troops could and should be employed to topple unfriendly regimes.",布什政府乃是必胜主义思想的巅峰,深信美国陆军有能力也有义务颠覆有敌意的政权。 +"a Now, in addition to getting an array by coercing a the list, which is probably the most common way to get it, by the way.","现在除了通过把链表,强制转化为行列式意外,可��最普遍的获取它的方法是什么呢?,顺便说一句。" +"Conclusion: There are no reliable basis for diagnosis of latent rupture of sclera, detective operation in time is needed to those doubtful cases.",结论:隐匿性巩膜破裂伤的诊断无绝对依据,对疑似病例应及时手术探查。 +"And the LORD said to Joshua, ""Today I will begin to exalt you in the eyes of all Israel, so they may know that I am with you as I was with Moses.","耶和华对约书亚说:"" 从今日起,我必使你在以色列众人眼前尊大,使他们知道我怎样与摩西同在,也必照样与你同在。" +"As the drilling proceeded, he seemed to wax exceedingly wroth over trifles, and to increase his lung power in proportion.",在排练进行之中,他似乎对一些小事都表现得愤怒至极,嗓门也相应地变得越来越大。 +Make certain that all cashiering work for each shift is audited properly prior to completion of the final report of the audit.,确保在每次审计报告完成之前,已经对每一班收银工作进行了正常检查。 +"The configuration, performance and industrial application of control equipment and diagnostic system for HG86 hydroelectric unit based on the industrial computer MIC2000 were discussed.",介绍了以研华公司MIC-2000工业计算机为核心的HG86系列水电机组控制设备和诊断系统的结构、性能及其工业应用。 +Today I saved a girl from drowning.,今天我英雄救美, 救了一个快要溺水的女孩。 +You cannot override the test-run time-out value.,但是您无法覆写测试回合的逾时值。 +The experimental results indicated that there was a long dormant period of Smilax ripari a seed . The main cause of dormancy was post-maturation of seed embryo .,研究结果表明: 牛尾菜种子休眠期很长, 休眠的原因主要是胚后熟, 必须经过一个变温阶段; +"The Olympics’ opening ceremony is on Friday of next week, Aug. 8.",而下周五(8月8日)奥运会的开幕式却近在咫尺。 +"This might happen, for example, if a client was misconfigured.",这种问题可能出现,例如,如果一个客户端配置错误。 +Whether bribes are obtained or not should be regarded as a standard to differentiate accomplished offense from criminal attempt regardless of accepting bribes or extorting bribes.,无论是收受贿赂还是索取贿赂,均应以是否得到了贿赂作为既遂与未遂的标准。 +"Patients can present with a sensation of ear fullness, tinnitus, or unilateral conductive hearing loss of the affected ear.",病人可以表现为耳鸣、耳部充填感或受累耳单侧传导性听力丧失。 +You'll be surprised how often the second one turns out better.,经常是第二张比前一张好很多啊。 +"You have the ability like myself to become telepathic and communicate not only with other realms, but also amongst yourselves.",你们拥有像我一样的能力去心灵感应,不只与其他领域交流,也可以在你们之间交流。 +The output from these stylesheets are Resource Description Framework (RDF) triples that you can process with the underutilized RDF toolset.,这些样式表的输出是资源描述框架(RDF)三元组,可以用功能丰富的 RDF 工具集处理。 +There is a plaited bamboo dragon-barge.,那儿有一艘竹编龙船。 +47 – Kaori sat by her bedside.,47- 薰坐在她床边。 +The fractionation of LREE is very intense and with the evident negntive anomaly of Eu. The Muchang A-type granite is a congeneric product with the Upper Permian volcanic sequences formed by the mix…,木厂A型花岗岩与上二叠统火山岩系具同源性,乃玄武岩浆与陆壳局部重熔岩浆的混合物。 +"Hearing loss becomes more frequent as people age, but the researchers found that it tended to happen less often in women than in men, and was also less frequent in blacks than whites.",听力受损的情况随着年龄的增长更加频发,但是研究人员发现,这种状况往往在女性身上发生的几率比男性低,在黑人身上发生的几率比白人低。 +"Liu Tao: Sorry, Mr Green.",刘涛:对不起,格林先生。 +How do you turn around a relationship?,你怎样扭转一段走向岔路的关系? +"New foreign-currency inflows into China's reserves last year totaled $469.6 billion, triple the $156.3 billion in total global demand for gold for the whole year, according to the World Gold Council.","据世界黄金协会(World Gold Council)介绍,去年中国新增外储共计4,696亿美元,但去年全年全球黄金需求总共才1,563亿美元,前者是后者的三倍。" +"On examination the patient was small and of ectomorphic habitus: pallor was evident, but there was no cyanosis.",由体检知,这病人的体型小,且属纤维性体质:显然苍白,但无紫绀色。 +"It needs the space to house exhibits from 31 provinces and cities, which each have bigger populations than many countries.",中国有31个省市参展,这些省市的人口甚至比许多参展国家还要多,因此需��很大的展览空间。 +Gates said Afghan officials are trying to find a way to have a legitimate government between May and August.,盖茨说,阿富汗官员正在努力想办法,使阿富汗在5月至8月期间有一个合法政府。 +So it is important to analyze the over-voltage distribution inner the large motor and the affect on the insulation.,所以分析操作过电压在大型电动机内部的分布情况以及对绝缘造成的危害具有一定的现实意义。 +"Death had been taking something of a holiday in Iraq, but it seemed to come back from vacation with a vengeance on Easter, with ominous implications for American strategy.",伊拉克的死神曾经休假,但如今似乎从假期归来了,在复活节实施报复,对美军的战略而言,这有着不吉利的意味。 +"In different administrative regions, the proportion of varied breeding places and their positive rates were different.",各类型孳生地在各城区的分布比例及孳生阳性情况有所不同; +"Therefore, the space of city should be utilized in sufficiency and in reason to realize the development of three-dimension and ecology city.",因此,我们必须充分合理利用城市地下空间资源,建设立体化发展的生态城市。 +"During flight test, Boeing must ensure the plane is safe and efficient at full forward and full aft CG as well as any combination between the two.",在飞行检测的时候,波音必须确保在重心在靠前、靠后,或者在前后之间的时候,飞机仍然安全有效。 +"Meanwhile it lead to employment difficulties of the discriminated, seriously affects their life quantity and selves-development, which make them become a vulnerable group.",同时也造成被歧视者的就业困难,严重影响到他们的生活质量和自身发展,使他们成为就业领域里相对的弱势群体。 +A: We wish to have an agent to push our products in Australia.,我们希望在澳大利亚能有一个代理来推动我们的产品销售。 +A fundamental tenet of scientific research is that published results are open to independent validation and refutation .,科学研究的一项基本原则是发表的结果要接受独立的验证和反驳。 +"I have never used a hair product to color my hair, and really don't want to.",这段话的大意是:我从未染过发,我也真的不想染。 +"Countrieslike Venezuela that have been run badly are vulnerable (see article), but given the scale of the past boom, the commodity bust so far seems unlikely to cause widespread crises.",像委内瑞拉这样的国家由于运营不善,十分脆弱(见文),但是参照前几年的发展规模,大宗商品暴跌至今看起来不太可能造成广泛的危机。 +"We are already familiar with nearly two years the market shocks practices, such as not to change as soon as possible, into the 3 wave of unilateral increase, will be extremely incommensurate.",我们已经熟悉了近两年的震荡行情的做法,如不尽快改变,进入到3浪单边上升里,将极不适应。 +Akron-Canton Airport and some other small to midsize airports are taking business from larger hubs with a formula for success that starts with a discount airline.,由于业务繁忙,美国的一些大型机场经常机满为患,因此一些小型机场开始日益受到乘客青睐。 +"Article 50 is amended as follows: ""Any patent right which has been declared invalid shall be deemed to be non-existent from the beginning.""",第五十条修改为:“宣告无效的专利权视为自始即不存在。 +"In the design of engineering, it should reinforce the support region of beam end by setting up stiffener or extending section of girder to transfer stress and avoid stress concentration;",在设计时应对梁端支承域给予加强,通过在梁端处设置加劲肋或加大梁端截面来增加强度,防止支承域应力集中; +BIBSYS is looking forward to implementing a next-generation library system in close co-operation with our member libraries and OCLC.,BIBSYS期望通过与自己的成员馆和OCLC的密切合作实施下一代图书馆系统。 +Warnings: PABA should not be taken when using sulfonamide (sulfa) drugs.,警告: 如果你正在服用硫安类药剂,请不要同时服用PABA。 +"Integrated graphics cards use less energy, run quieter, and cooler thenvideo cards.",集成显卡比独立显卡使用更少的电量,运行更安静,温度更低。 +"The ""Do It Yourself Handyman Guide"" explains this in clear simple steps that would allow even the least experienced person to perform these jobs with confidence.",“你做电工指南”解释清楚这个简单的步骤,让即使最有经验的人士担任这些职位满怀信心。 +"Thus it is not surprising to find that the theological elements which became normative in dispensationalism ran directly counter to the developing emphasis of the ""New Theology.""",当人们发现时代论在直接对抗‘新神学’所发展的(神学)侧重点时,神学的成分成为时代论的标准时,并不让���惊讶。 +"An experiment, to make directional arrangement of glass mosaic with the designed feed device is conducted. The result shows that the device is effective and practical.",并用设计的供料装置对玻璃马赛克进行定向排列试验,结果表明,效果良好,有实用价值。 +"Syringa was distributed in China, North Korea, Japan and Southeast Europe.",木犀科丁香属植物主要分布在中国、朝鲜、日本以及欧洲东南部。 +"Emergy analysis can assess the sustainability of ecological flows of ecological-economic systems, which is an important research area of assessing regional sustainable development.",能值分析以能量为单位定量评估生态经济系统中各种生态流的可持续性,是可持续发展评估的一个重要研究方向。 +Woe to whomsoever tries to force its hand!,谁想强迫老百姓谁倒霉! +"In ancient Aomori prefecture legends, Uwan is a disembodied voice that inhabits old, abandoned temples and homes.",古代青森地区的传说中,哇是一种没有实体只有声音的妖怪,通常住在废弃的破旧庙宇和房屋中。 +"But if a man come presumptuously upon his neighbour, to slay him with guile; thou shalt take him from mine altar, that he may die.",人若任意用诡计杀了他的邻舍,就是逃到我的坛那里,也当捉去把他治死。 +"Any of several small American finches of the genus Carduelis, especially C. tristis, of which the male has yellow plumage with a black forehead, wings, and tail.",黄雀若干种小的雀属美洲雀,特别是黄雀属,雄鸟羽毛呈黄色;翼、尾和头顶均呈黑色。 +"Ozone, unlike chemical fumigants , doesn't penetrate into the kernel enough to kill immature insects.",臭氧不会像化学消毒剂般,深入谷粒的内部将未成熟幼虫杀死。 +I am a rooster flying in sky… ur a leopard in forest. We just fingl in love inadvertisementently.,好比我是地面的鸟,你是林中的豹,只是我们碰巧相爱。 +"Updating the bug report automatically causes e-mail to be sent to interested parties, including Mike, the team member who reported the bug.",更新错误报告会自动导致向相关各方发送电子邮件,包括报告该错误的团队成员 Mike。 +Some participants merely heard about the interrogation techniques but did not experience the mild forms themselves.,部分参与者只是听说过这类侦讯技巧,但并未亲身体验过它们的轻度形式。 +We have a childlike belief in the unknown.,我们对于未知的一切有着一份赤子般的信仰。 +Even frescoes and icons from the early Middle Ages already have the basic look down pat.,即使在中世纪早期的壁画和肖像中,上帝的容貌也与上文所描述的基本相同。 +"And using renewable energy to make fuel might seem like an odd thing to do, given that it could power electric cars directly.",而且使用可再生能源来制造合成燃料显得毫无道理,因为我们可以直接用这些能源来驱动电动汽车,何必要多此一举。 +"Under his direction, the Munich Clinic became a renowned center for teaching and research in psychiatry.",在他的领导下,慕尼黑诊所成为了在精神病学方面享有名望的教学和研究中心。 +"The mist, it was said, was there to insulate them.",据说,那里的薄雾隔离了他们。 +"He argued, among other things, that the structure of the Hopi language gave its speakers an understanding of time vastly different from that of Europeans.",他说,因为语言结构不同,印第安霍比族人(Hopi)对时间的了解和欧洲人大相迳庭。 +"Taking the RIPED's BASIMS as a sample, this paper emphasizes the new methods for the five models of the histories mentioned above and the integrated evaluation technique.",本文以我院研制成的盆地综合模拟系统BASIMS为例,着重介绍地史、热史、生烃史、排烃史和运移聚集史这五大模型的最新方法以及油气资源综合评价技术。 +"When the fortune cookies came, and she tore up my FINANCIAL NEWS IS IN STORE and wrote me one on a napkin, FOLLOW YOUR HEART.",当幸运签语饼上来后,她撕毁了我的那张“财务方面将有新消息”的签语,然后在一张餐巾纸上给我新写了一条:“跟着心中感觉走。 +"As reproduced as an appendix in Mr Curren's book, Rao's suspicions concerning Tai Situ Rinpoche are manifest.",卡伦先生的书中复制了这份备忘录作为附录,Rao对锡度仁波切的怀疑一览无遗。 +The pyroclastic rock of Sha-1 member developed well with small distribution range; the basalt of Sha-3 member are distributed extensively with considerable thickness.,沙一段火山碎屑岩类发育,但分布范围小,沙三段以玄武岩为主,厚度大,分布广。 +"I complimented Congress on passing the family leave law, and asked them to follow up with tougher child-support enforcement.",我褒扬国会通过了家庭休假法,并要求他们继续更加强硬地实施儿童抚养政策。 +"The Mars orbiter, if successful, will increase the human race's store of knowledge and change our life, "" Ye said.""",如果绕火星飞行成功,会增加人类的知识储备,改变我们的生活,”叶海林说。 +"The effects are worst for men who may think they’re not “in the same league” as the woman sharing their space, but still try to attract her interest, scientists claim.",科学家们称,当男人与女人单独相处,如果男人可能觉得自己配不上这个女人,可还是试着吸引她的注意力时,这种影响最大。 +"Based onthe molecular QCLC model, a group contribution quasi-chemical local composition model is proposed, in which polar molecule is divided into several non-polar functional groups.",本文在前文的分子模型基础上,提出了似化学局部组成的基团模型,可用于极性分子混合物申组分活度系数的预测。 +"Sun Jiadong, 81, is a top space scientist who witnessed the start and development of China's spaceflight programs.",孙家栋现年81岁、资深航天专家,见证了中国航天的起步和发展。 +"The result is that relations between the world's largest superpower and its fastest-rising one are at one of their lowest point in years, battered by confrontations that took Mr.",因此世界上最大的和发展最快的超级大国几年来关系处于最低点。 +Hsiao Chang arranges his new living quarters in a mildewed warehouse.,在散发著霉味的仓库,小张正整理昨天刚租来的「新居」。 +Gufeng sits among lush hills covered with dense fir and bamboo forests.,孤峰乡坐落在植被茂密的山里,满是冷杉和竹林。 +The authorities shall indicate to the parties in question what information is necessary to ensure a fair comparison and shall not impose an unreasonable burden of proof on those parties.,主管机关应向所涉各方指明为保证进行公平比较所必需的信息,并不得对这些当事方强加不合理的举证责任。 +The function of the blank holder force(BHF)as well as its influence on the forming performance and forming accuracy of combined stepped-hole were analyzed.,分析了压边力的作用及其大小对这种复合台阶孔成形性能和成形质量的影响。 +"The researchers have written to public health minister Dawn Primarolo, to call for alcohol -related brain damage to be put on the same footing liver problems caused by heavy drinking.",研究人员写信给公共卫生部长Dawn Primarolo,呼吁将酒精性脑损伤提升到酒精性肝损伤相同的重视度。 +Hidebound companion someDiabeticSee more at intertropical developing country.,营养不良伴有的糖尿病多见于热带发展中国家。 +"In short, preparing lessons is richening life.",概言之,备课即生活的丰富。 +"Clinton's Internet director, Peter Daou, credits the Obama campaign with doing an ""amazing job"" with its online social network.",克林顿的因特网主管彼得·道尔把奥巴马竞选班子所做的惊人的工作归功于其网上社交网络。 +"This multi-platform support is something that I've put a lot of effort into, and am particularly proud of.",这种多平台的支持,是我竭力所为,也是我颇感自豪的一点。 +Vermicomposting is a great choice for people who live in the city or don't have room to compost outside.,对于城市居民或是没有室外空间可用来堆肥的人而言,蠕虫堆肥法可说是一项绝佳选择。 +"When there is no rain for a long time, water supplies often dwindle.",结合上下文和生活常识可知很长时间不下雨的话, , “水供应”时常会减少。 +Our apartment was in the basement of the house with the removal van parked outside.,我们的公寓在搬家货车停在其外面的那座房子的地下室。 +"http://musicbrainz.org/mm/mm-2.0#: MusicBrainz Metadata namespace, usually associated with the prefix mm.",org/mm/mm-2.0#:MusicBrainz 元数据(MusicBrainz Metadata)名称空间,通常与前缀 mm 关联。 +"First of all, principle of biochip was introduced and the general structure and each unit of suspension biochip detecting system were analyzed.",论文首先介绍了生物芯片的原理,对悬浮式生物芯片并行检测方法中各模块进行了分析。 +"If ye keep my commandments, ye shall abide in my love; even as I have kept my Father's commandments, and abide in his love.",你们若遵守我的命令,就常在我的爱里。 正如我遵守了我父的命令,常在他的爱里。 +"Patron saint is a positive force, it is something initiated by Dementors food - hope, happiness, the desire to live.",守护神是一种正面力量,它所倡导的东西正是摄魂怪的食粮——希望、快乐、活下去的愿望。 +All of these realities have been in front of the Lakers this season.,所有的这些,一直是这个赛季摆在湖人面前的现实。 +"Based on the Monte Carlo MCNP code, the changes of radiation dose at the shield water tank surface during the process of lost water is studied.",基于蒙特卡罗方法的MCNP程序,研究了反应堆屏蔽水箱失水过���中的水箱表面辐射剂量的变化情况。 +"If you remove plaque regularly and follow good oral hygiene habits, your gums usually will return to their healthy state.",如果你定期清洗牙斑,养成良好的口腔卫生习惯,你的牙龈通常会恢复健康的。 +"Rudy Schild, a scientist with the Harvard-Smithsonian's Center for Astrophysics and the editor-in-chief of the Journal of Cosmology.",来自哈佛-史密斯天体物理学中心的Rudy Schild博士这么说,他同时也是《宇宙学学报》的首席编辑。 +You live on the steppes in a ger.,你住在大草原上的蒙古包里。 +runs the script at the 15- and 45-minute mark of every hour.,在每个小时的第 15 和第 45 分钟运行脚本。 +Used for various types of rapier looms for stopping operation in case of broken weft.,用于各种型号的剑杆织机在织机发生断纬时控制织机停车。 +It is structured into a hierarchy of constituents such as intonational phrases at the large end and syllables at the other.,此外,本论文亦提出一种新的端点侦测法来判断信号中语音的成分。 +Death was everywhere in Oaxaca. It was impossible to avoid a direct confrontation.,死亡在奥萨卡无所不在,让人根本无法回避。 +Underfilled peripheral foreland basins develop in the initial stage of intercontinental orogenic belts.,欠补偿周缘前陆盆地发育于陆间造山带的早期阶段。 +"As for the effect of applied potential to the monolayers' structure, relative intensity of the gauche band decreases with negative shift of applied potential.",当考察外加电势对此单分子膜结构的影响时,可以发现有关扭转构型的特征谱峰其相对强度随着电位负移而减小。 +"After coming back home, he followed the priest’s advice and released a new notification. This time he required others to point out Hart’s merits.",回去之后,按照牧师的方法,老哈特重新发布消息,这一次,他要求大家帮着看看小哈特身上到底有什么优点。 +This situation can occur in a large system where analog and digital signals are cabled together.,这种情况常见于模拟信号和数字信号用同一根电缆传输的场合。 +"As a simple device without moving parts, vortex tube is composed of nozzle, vortex chamber, separating plate, control valve, hot-end and cold-end.",由于冷端孔板的阻隔,外层气流便高速螺旋状向热端管运动,流动的涡流特性也同时向热端管运动而逐渐减弱。 +He felt the same sense of urgency to make sure the Hellfire went where it was supposed to go.,在确定“地狱烈火”导弹是否已经击中目标时,他也感到了同样的紧张。 +"This paper based on one towed AA gun weapon system, a fire control stabilization technique scheme has been proposed, and some data processing model have been gived too.",以某牵引式高炮武器系统为研究对象,提出了一种火控稳定技术实现方案,并给出了相应的数据处理模型。 +"I am determined to strive diligently to eliminate man's suffering , enhance man's health conditions and conditions and uphold the chasteness and honour of medicine .",我决心竭尽全力除人类之病痛,助健康之完美,维护医术的圣洁与荣誉。 +"The price of a security may move up or down, and may become valueless.",证券价低其真价值师其应市场价值。 +Objective To observe the clinical effect of Jiuhua Suppository and Azulfidine Suppository on ulcerative proctitis.,目的观察海墨痔疮胶囊对兔直肠粘膜溃疡的治疗作用及急性毒性。 +"""Well, it is a tough first round match for Wimbledon. But again, If I keep playing at this level, I can beat anybody"", Guill assured.",“看来首轮比赛不会轻松”,科里亚说,“但如果我能保持现在的水平,我可以击败任何人。” +I’d never heard of the show before.,以前我从未听说过这一电视片。 +We see this immediately in his reunion with Esau.,当他和以扫重聚的时候我们便可看出这一点。 +"As a result, devoting major effort to educate and cultivate students' humane spirit is of far-reaching historical and momentous current significance.",在艺术院校中,大力倡导对学生进行人文精神的教育与培养,具有十分重要的历史意义和现实意义。 +"In such a social environment, as one of the Confucian school is formed.",在这样的社会环境中,作为儒教的一派的实学形成了。 +''I don't know anybody else who is treating such cases in this country. There's no helpline.'',我不知道国内还有没有人处理类似的案例,我还没发现与此相关的热线电话。 +"In 1991, the city government began to rebuild the temple market into a large-scaled, modernized shopping center with traditional national characteristics —the Yuyuan Shopping Market.",1991年,市政府开始改建庙市,把它建设成一具有中国传统特色的大规模、现代化购物中心——豫园购物中心。 +The definition of trimmed surface is main content of Initial Graphics Exchange Specification(IGES). The format of trimmed surface description in IGES file is discussed in detail.,裁剪曲面是基本图形交换规范(IGES)的主要内容,详细介绍了IGES文件中裁剪曲面的定义格式。 +They are working round to our point of view.,他们正在向我们的看法转变。 +So let's find out what the time is.,现在来解方程 +"Boy, in this political season, that's a really dangerous phrase to use, right?",嘿,在这个政治的时代里,这个词儿很危险,是不? +"Improving bite steel speed program can not only solve head ends rolling problems in production but also reduce bleed-out in the course of steel entry, which has improved the head ends quality.",增加咬钢提速程序,部分解决了大规格生产中暴露出的头部轧制问题,减少了进钢过程中的跑钢,提高了大规格圆钢的头部质量。 +"UML is the most popular object-oriented modeling language, the blue-print of information technology and the method to describe system architecture.",UML是使用最广泛的面向对象建模语言,它是信息技术的蓝图和详细描述系统结构的方法。 +"Immigration is already a touchy issue among Singaporeans: having increased the population substantially in recent years, the government is now planning on boosting it further, from 4.5m to 6m.",移民已成为新加坡人一个极为敏感的话题:近年来人口增长已相当可观,而政府现在正计划将人口数由450万提高至600万。 +Some even reckoned that “decoupling” might allow the region to ride out the storm that began in rich-country financial markets.,一些人甚至预测,“脱钩”或许将令该地区安然度过这次始于发达国家金融市场的风暴。 +"With SWT's support for ActiveX controls and OLE documents, it's exciting to explore ways to create great-looking applications that integrate native widgets and components.",有了 SWT 对 ActiveX 控件和 OLE 文档的支持,研究如何创建外观极棒的且集成了本机窗口小部件和组件的应用程序是令人激动的。 +"In the fall of that same year, Rackham and his crew, including Bonny and Read, were captured.",当年秋天,拉科姆和他的船员,包括波尼和里德,就被逮捕了。 +Men also tend to work in higher-paying occupations and industries.,而且,男性更多的进入高收入行业从事高收入工作。 +The Chinese company has said it will sponsor a training camp at which China's national players can train with the Rockets.,安踏已表示将赞助一个训练营,使中国国家队的队员能够与火箭队一起进行训练。 +Figure 8 shows that the left outer join operations are cascaded if a rule uses more than one reference column.,图 8 展示了如果规则使用了多个参考列,那么左外部连接就进行级联。 +Le Maire says this has been one of the most difficult areas of discussion.,勒梅尔说,这个问题是这次讨论最困难的领域之一。 +"Using this model, the deformation of the virtual object was simulated, and synchronously the real-time virtual contact force was provided with DELTA haptic device.",基于此力变形模型,利用DELTA手控器,进行了柔性物体接触变形以及实时虚拟力反馈的半物理仿真。 +They understand the law will entrench the rights of the carpet- baggers who have looted the state as it has privatised assets.,他们明白这项法律将确立外来政客们的权利。当国家将资产私有化时,外来政客们也夺取了国家。 +"Rejecting negative emotions can be used in many situations, both personal and business, in the moment -- without anyone knowing you're doing it!",很多时候我们都可以拒绝负面情绪,无论是私下里还是工作中,或者是一触即发的“那一刻”,并且没有人发现你在这么做! +I hope this two-part article has helped to illuminate part of the SOA wilderness and provide some useful guidance along the path of adoption.,我希望我的这个两部分的文章能够对您了解 SOA 的事务管理部分有所帮助,并提供一些有用的采用指导。 +"Texting, instead of talking, might be safer. ""The whole trend toward texting instead of talking on cellphones is probably a good thing, "" said Mr. Slesin at Microwave News.",短信代替打电话,可能更安全。“完全用短信代替打电话可能是件好事。” +"Excellent air-tightness, dustproof, high stability, easy to clean, according with GMP requirement.",密封性强,不积尘,高稳定性,易清洗,符合GMP要求。 +"When you see the market freeze in a flat trading range or explode in a vertical rally, you know what the masses of traders feel, because you have been there.",当你看见市场横盘不动,或垂直爆发式上涨,你就知道了交易者的感觉,因为你也曾经有过这样的感觉。 +"Today, even the ordinary wage earners living conditions greatly improved, chicken, duck, fish, meat, eggs, the idea has not ""luxury.""",如今,即使是普通工薪阶层生���条件也大大改善,鸡、鸭、鱼、肉、蛋已不在是逢年过节的“奢侈品”。 +"""No commercial bank has ever had 350 tonnes of gold to swap,"" said Commerzbank analyst Eugen Weinberg.","""从未有商业银行持有350吨黄金进行互换."" 德国商业银行分析师Eugen Weinberg表示.""" +"It will receive an attractive 88% of the search revenue generated from traffic through its own sites, but that is still less than the 100% it used to get.",雅虎将从其自身站点浏览量产生的搜索收入中分得88%,这一比例还算诱人,但还是比不上以前的100%。 +"Analysis of the observational data, the TOMS total ozone, and NCEP circulation, shows that the atmospheric ozone amount experienced a high-low-high variation with low-high-low tropopause altitude.",分析大气监测资料、TOMS臭氧总量资料和NCEP大气环流资料表明,大气臭氧总量随着对流层顶的低一高一低变化呈高一低一高的变化过程。 +"Both Google and Bing are currently working on how to effectively integrate tweets, and - in Bing’s case, Facebook updates too - into their main search engines, without devaluing their product.",Google和Bing目前都致力于如何有效将Tweet—在Bing中,还包括Facebook更新--集成到他们的主搜索引擎中,而不使他们的产品贬值。 +Our children's eyes have now captured the eyes of their mates and the cycle of sight continues.,我们的孩子也都找到了他们的意中人,眉目传情依然继续着。 +And cultural factors mean those preoccupations or characteristics of inherent and outside actions that go beyond the language level and develop in people's daily life.,文化因素是指超越了语言本身的层面而在日常生活世界里形成的内在和外现行动的取向、特质。 +"Concerning the direct and indirect Tire Pressure Monitoring Systems, it explains the working principles and their relative merits.",对间接式轮胎压力监测系统、直接式轮胎压力监测系统的工作原理做了讲解和比较。 +"IIM creates a package for each software product, and the key to shell sharing is to extend or use the same package while installing a new product.",IIM 为每个软件产品创建一个包,而 shell 共享的关键是在安装新产品时扩展或使用同一个包。 +One cattail leaf fan can be used to cool the air.,一把蒲扇可以用来扇风。 +The new chip is expected to wean China’s computer industry quickly off dependence on foreign central-processing units. China plans to export the chips too.,中国不但希望龙芯使中国的电脑产业迅速摆脱对外国中央处理器的依赖,还打算对外出口。 +"This is the ""base"" She Bowa Qaeda militants captured the first town of the province.",这是“基地”组织武装分子首次攻占舍卜瓦省的城镇。 +But scientists just reported discovering traces of starch on some ancient stone tools. Which suggests that there were probably more than a few bakers in the bunch way back when.,但是科学家报道在石器时代发现的面粉遗址暗示了在那个时候就有些面包师。 +"If the log in is unsuccessful, you can edit the security realm and retest until it is successful.",如果登录成功,您可以编辑安全领域并重新测试,直到安全领域连接成功为止。 +Large palemoonflowers and crimson star orchids sprouted among the stacked scrolls.,原本放卷轴的地方也长满了巨大的月亮花和红星兰幼苗。 +"In most cases, the decode method will just read values from request parameters like the above.",在大多数请问下,decode 方法只是像上面那样从请求参数读取值。 +"Ceruloplasmin deficiency results in abnormalities of copper metabolism, as in Wilson's disease (Chapter 224).",血浆铜蓝蛋白不足最终可导致铜代谢异常,如Wilson氏病。 +"It is unclear when this video was taken in, where Bowie was detained.",目前还不清楚这段视频拍摄于何时,鲍伊被羁押在何处。 +"The hydrophobic gardenia blue pigment was prepared with the water-soluble gardenia blue pigment esterified by acetic anhydride, and catalyzed by hydrochloric acid.",研究有机溶剂/磷酸氢二钾双水相体系对栀子黄废液中栀子苷的萃取条件,并将萃取后的栀子苷用于栀子蓝色素的生产。 +"The next thing I know, all these numbers and symbols show up and I get an error message saying 'invalid file format' or something.",我被搞懵了,接下来我能记得的,就是看见一些数字符号啥的出现了,最后出现一个错误信息,像是 ' 文件格式无效 ' 什么的。 +Objective To explore the clinical significance of infraorbital recess in operation of ethmoidal sinus.,目的探讨眶下隐窝在筛窦手术中的意义。 +"The fall in industrial production marks the second straight month of record declines, following an 8.5 per cent month-on-month drop in November.",工业产品的下滑标志着第二个直接下滑记录的月,从十一月开始8.5%的月对月的跌落。 +"The of polylactic acid(PLA) was obtained by ring-opening polymerization and the synthesis conditions to get 444,848 molecular weight were optimized.",采用间接开环聚合法合成了平均分子量为444 ,848的聚乳酸,并对合成工艺作了优化。 +"Artists from France, Portugal, Belgium, the U.S., Denmark, Italy and more contributed to the festival, creating works and exhibits conveying their personal impressions of Jerusalem.",来自法国,葡萄牙,比利时,美国,丹麦,意大利等国家的艺术家为此次庆祝会做出了贡献,他们创作出传达自己对耶路撒冷的印象的作品和展品。 +I downshifted without thinking.,我毫不犹豫地就驶下去了。 +"In ""Medicine"" and ""Tomorrow"", children are allowed to die of superstition: a tubercular boy is fed a supposedly miracle cure – a bread roll dipped in the blood of an executed revolutionary.",在《药》和《明天》中,孩子们因为长辈们笃信封建迷信悲惨地死去:依照迷信的说法,患结核病的孩子吃了所谓的“灵药”——用一个被处死的革命者的血浸过的馒头。 +"For me, it was rather exhilirating to watch things slowly becoming ordered where there was only chaos before.",对我而言,当看到票据记录从混乱慢慢变得有序,我感到相当兴奋。 +Logical fault is with the file system-related failures.,辑故障是指与文件系统有关的故障。 +Five rescue helicopters raced towards the capsule and found it at 6:36 am. They said Yang felt good and the conditions with the capsule also seemed normal.,五架救援直升飞机迅速向返回舱飞去并于6点36分发现了返回舱。他们说杨利伟感觉良好,返回舱的情况看上去也很正常。 +A shield attack that stuns your opponent for 4 seconds.,一个护盾猛击,打晕目标4秒。 +"Nowadays the commodity houses are being overstocked, with less and less people renting the guest houses, With this background, the period-vacation industry has been introduced into China.",在当前商品房积压、客房出租率下降的背景下,我国开始引入了旅游分时度假业。 +"The fishes are there , there among the pondweed.",鱼在在藻、有莘其尾。 +"This paer first explains specifically Mo-tzu's seven way of inference, referring also to the three elements of discussion, induction, and reduction ad absurdum.",文中具体的阐释了墨辨七种推理法,兼及三表法、归纳法及归谬法的运用。 +"Hello everyone, I am Xiao Li. What idiom will we discuss today?",大家好,我是小丽。今天我们要讲的俗语是什么呢? +"The water exists as huge gaseous clouds that absorb and emit light, allowing powerful telescopes to detect them across the mind-boggling distances of space.",水以巨大的气态云团的形式存在,吸收并发出光线,让强大的望远镜可以穿过令人难以置信的空间距离检测到它们。 +"The lean combustible concentration and the 1/10 lean combustible concentration are close at the emission point, and they have a great difference at the leeward of the emission point.",贫可燃浓度和1/10贫可燃浓度在排放口附近相近,在排放口下风方向差别较大。 +"Expected growth in luxury sales for other regions is as follows: Middle East (8.75%), North America (6%), Europe (3.75%), and Japan (1.75%).",其他地区的奢侈品销售增长依次为:中东(8.75%),北美(6%),欧洲(3.75%)和日本(1.75%)。 +"Whether it is a fantasy or an illusion, as long as it shows a ray of hope it still urges you on in pursuit of that little sparkle without letup.",不管是望梅止渴,还是画饼充饥,它都会激励你不停手中的桨,去追逐哪怕一星微小的火光。 +"Cruising along last March and April, I was focused almost entirely on work, and our family life was going well.",去年三、四月份,我几乎全身心地投入到工作中,我们的家庭生活也不错。 +Holand pig should how is serve raised!,荷兰猪应该怎么侍养! +"After that, the trail goes cold, but many believe he is still hiding here.",随后逐渐失去了他的踪迹,但是许多人相信他仍然藏匿在这里。 +"Brood:The young of certain animals, especially a group of young birds or fowl hatched at one time and cared for by the same mother.",幼小的动物:某种幼小的动物,尤指一次孵出并由同一个母亲照料的一群雏鸟或雏禽。 +"Gaming controllers, be it a gamepad, joystick, wheel or mouse, are some of the central defining elements of any gaming experience.",游戏控制器,无论是游戏手柄、游戏摇杆、方向盘抑或鼠标,都是构成任何游戏体验的主要确定性元素。 +Krystal Harrell got her start as an entrepreneur at age 13.,克里斯托 哈雷尔13岁就开始了创业生涯。 +"I had camped each night. During the days, I had followed bands of wild horses, taking pictures and making notes for a story I wanted to do on mares and foals.",那十天里,我每晚都露营,白天则跟随着野马群拍摄照片、记笔记,我想写��个关于母马和小马驹的故事。 +You can complete and sign the authorization form on the transfer receipt to authorize a representative to collect your share certificates for you.,您可以填写及签署过户收据内的授权表格以授权一名代表替您领取股票。 +Free verse as one kind of poetry can be obviously classified into traditional form and modern form.,自由诗作为一种诗体,可以明显地分为两种形式,即传统体形式和现代体形式。 +如果说一图抵千字的话,一幅有信息量的图更是抵得上一大坨数据点了。,"If a picture is worth a thousand words, an infographic is worth an awful lot of data points." +"""For me this has been a special season because I've played many games in a row so I'm really happy, "" said Insua.",“对于我来说,这是一个特别的赛季因为我连续踢了很多比赛,所以我非常开心,”因苏阿说道。 +"The signing up of Quino , Adorno and Lico improved the potential of the team, although it was not enough to repeat the success of the former season and the champion was Real Madrid.",与奎诺,阿多诺和里科签约增强了球队的潜力,但这不足以使我们复制前一个赛季的成功。 +I went to see the padre.,我去见了牧师。 +"By the influence of the environment, it discusses the technology such as unloading the structure, precise position and so on.",在现场各种环境因素的影响下,讨论了钢结构安装的结构卸荷、空间定位等关键技术措施。 +"God gave women intuition and femininity. Used properly, the combination easily jumbles the brain of any man I've ever met. —— Farrah Fawcett.",上帝给了女人直觉和女人味儿。使用合理的话,这两者结合就能很容易迷倒我曾遇到过的所有男性。—— 法拉·弗西。 +"The anatomy of facet joint, pathogenesis of lumbar facet diseases and the relationship between lumbar facet diseases and disc herniation are also discussed in the article.",作者还对椎小关节的解剖,椎小关节病的发病机理以及此病与推间盘病变的关系作了一定的探讨。 +Even before they can pronounce the words clearly little children like to dress up in grotesque costumes and go around the neighborhood ringing door bells.,就连刚呀呀学语的小孩子也喜欢穿着稀奇古怪的服装挨家挨户敲门讨吃的。 +"Also it re minded me of a Japanese Samurai warrior—the yelling roar, the leap, the position, and his expression of comic wrath his eyes bulging and making a big funny face at me.",同时他那喊叫,那姿态,使我联想起日本武士,他双眼气凸的漫画式愤怒表情形成一个滑稽面孔对着我。 +The party newspaper most important task is to propagate and implement the party's policy and to reflect the party's work and the populace life.,党报的首要任务是宣传、贯彻党的政策,反映党的工作和群众生活。 +This generation is like no other.,这一代和任何一代都不同。 +Ramming America has become the shortest road to fame and leadership among the Arabs and Muslims.,打击美国是在阿拉伯人和穆斯林中迅速获得声名和领导地位的捷径。 +I will set y equal to zero and also dy equal to zero.,令y等于0,而且dy也等于。 +"Because they said the experiment must go on, very often, people went-- most people, Americans went on and shocked that person, even to the point of the other person whimpering and begging to be let out, simply because of the word, "" ""the experiment must go on"".","因为他们说实验必须进行下去,经常的,人们会-,多数人,美国人都会继续电击那个人,甚至电击到另一个人哭泣,恳求放他出去,仅仅是因为那一句,“实验必须进行下去。" +"The medical services are working following the protocols established by the health department isolating the players, carrying out symptomatic treatment and giving appropriate hygienic measures.",根据与卫生部达成的协议,两位运动员均要进行隔离,随后也会为他们提供医疗服务,给他们对症下药以及提供适当的保健措施。 +By bringing HISS products into these negotiations we have the potential of adding considerable value to the new organization.,通过把HISS的产品带进这场谈判中,我们有潜力为新组织增加相当大的价值。 +"This paper analyzes extended hemispherical lens, which can be used in focal imaging.",文中分析可用于焦面阵成像的扩展半球介质透镜。 +"No matter through which lens one would like to see the Conference on Disarmament, its importance is undoubtedly beyond questioning.",无论从哪个意义上讲,裁谈会的重要性都无可质疑。 +"Business schools haven't exactly seen a rush to the classroom the past few months: As companies cut their training budgets, many schools have seen enrollment in executive education dwindle.",近几个月来,商学院并没有出现人头攒动的繁荣景象:由于企业削减培训预算,许多商学院的高… +"Here is another example. Joe donated $20 to help people in Haiti after the earthquake, even though $20 was just a drop in the bucket.",海地地震后,Joe给灾民捐了20美元,尽管这只是很小的一笔钱。 +When you eat that fruit or vegetable excessively you might end up over-dosing your body with that mineral.,当你不适量地食用那个水果或蔬菜可能你的身体便会摄取不建康矿物含量。 +It was suggested that the inhibition effects of PGMS on BCMSMC proliferation might probably play an important role in the potential use for cerebrovascular diseases.,提示甘糖酯对脑血管疾病的防治作用可能与抑制血管平滑肌细胞的异常增殖有关。 +Otherwise it will haunt thee in the night.,否则它会在夜间作祟。 +"Pre-carriage – The initial transport of goods from the seller's premises to the mail port of shipment. Usually by truck, rail or on inland waterways.",前程运输— 从卖方地点到主装运港的最初运输。通常卡车、铁路或内河水路运输。 +"My mother could not bear to let me to the next cool place to play, she a person inserted over the entire field of seedling, the field now if the square is estimated at least 400 square.",我妈不忍心就让我到旁边阴凉地方玩去,她一个人插完了整个田的秧,那块田现在如果以平方来算估计最起码都有400个平方了。 +"S. When choosing a network print-copier, choose Richon Aficio.",抉择网络打印智能机时,就选理光。 +"The story of Liu Minghui, an 8-year-old boy living in Ruijin, Jiangxi province, recently caught many people's attention after it was discovered that Liu can make about 10,000 wontons in a single day.",刘明辉是一个住在江西瑞金的8岁男孩,在人们最近发现他可以一天做出上万个馄饨之后,他的故事引起了很多人的关注。 。 +"For business requirement, our company consigns your company to produce engine products with ATOMIK typeface. The specific items and quantity do as our order requests.",兹因业务需要, 特委托贵司为我司生产ATOMIK 字样的发动机产品,具体款式及数量按我司订单要求执行。 +The article described weak current system design and system set in hospital. The system was considered to build intelligent and digital hospital.,文章阐明了医院弱电系统的设计思路和系统设置,以实现医院建筑智能化和数字化。 +The process parameters were usually determined in production by trial and error method.,筒形件强力旋压中各工艺参数在生产中常用试旋的方法确定。 +I have watched every episode of both older shows and newer ones.,无论是新节目还是老节目,每一期我都会收看。 +"The green light, twinkling like the stars.",绿色的光点如满天繁星,闪闪烁烁。 +"If you live to be a hundred, I want to live to be a hundred minus one day, so I never have to live without you. - Winnie the Pooh.",如果你要活到一百岁,那么我只要活到一百岁差一天,这样我就不用度过没有你陪伴的分分秒秒。——《小熊维尼》。 +"But team insiders privately admit that some of the players are jealous of the bikini-clad beauties, fearing they are hogging the limelight.",但是,球队里的内部人员承认一些球员是出于对基尼美女们的嫉妒,担心她们攫取了人们关注的焦点。 +"Before 1908, when Ford's cars became available to the public, it was only the very rich who could afford to own a car.",1908年福特汽车问世以前,只有非常有钱的人才能买得起汽车。 +I appreciate all of your work to give the industry more transparency.,我非常欣赏所有你的工作给了这个行业更多的透明度。 +"For instance, some 25 cities are now putting in or expanding subway lines, and high-speed rail tracks are spreading in every direction.",例如,大约25个城市正在兴建或扩建地铁线,高速铁路也正在通向四面八方。 +"However, the theory research of long-span steel arch bridge of our country is not thoroughly, and disputed.",但目前我国大跨度钢拱桥的理论研究仍不透彻,且存在诸多争议。 +Some airlines already use a program that checks 88 flight parameters in the black box.,一些航线已经运用一个程序检查黑匣子的88条飞行参数。 +"Performing at the prison holds particular meaning for Wylde, as his debut with Ozzy Osbourne - whom he went on to play with for more than two decades – also took place at a prison, back in 1987.",在监狱表演为他举行特殊的含义与奥兹奥斯本亮相的怀尔迪, - 他接着玩了两个多几十年 - 也发生在监狱的地方,早在1987年。 +Shiny gold-tone detailed hardware.,闪亮金音详细的硬件。 +People have long resorted to borrowing against their homes to pay for medical care in times of illness or after an accident.,人们长期借款诉诸对自己的家园来支付医疗保健的时候生病或发生事故后。 +"As for the White House's wish to be ""well perceived in the world"", the less said the better.",至于白宫��说的“被世界更好了解”,只怕是说的越少,效果越好。 +The fight recognition result of system's state can be gained by imputing new sample data of system's state. The network performance was improved by improving the network algorithm.,输入各种状态下的新样本数据,能够得到正确的系统状态识别,通过改进网络算法改进了网络性能。 +NAPA was built by the Shanghai Construction Group using Chinese government loans and has become a land mark building for Trinidad and Tobago.,特多国家表演艺术中心由中国援建,已成为特多的标志性建筑。 +The kangaroos were killed by lethal injection after being tranquillised by darts.,这次袋鼠捕杀采用的方法是,先用带有镇定剂的飞镖使袋鼠镇定,然后再注射致死。 +The Wisdom Journal takes on the financial crisis with Where Do We Go From Here?,《明智》杂志记录着在金融危机到来的时候我们该何去何从? +"Abstr: In order to get further studies of the error correcting codes on ""bits"" level, a model about error pattern distribution which subject to Poisson distribution is proposed.",文章摘要: 为了在“比特级”层面对纠错码进行更深入的研究,提出了一种服从泊松分布的错误图样分布模型。 +And a jewel neckline blouse with horizontal awning stripes will shorten a long torso or enhance a small bust line.,金黄色横条宝石领女衬衫将产生缩短躯干或放大胸围的视觉感。 +His recovery since then has gone well - on Tuesday an X-ray showed his injury is 80 percent healed.,从那以后他复原的很好,周二X光也显示他的伤愈合了8 0%。 +And who is it that deceives the state? Surely the man who speaks not what he thinks.,那么究竟是谁欺骗了国家?当然是哪个心口不一的人。 +I'm sure you'll pass the entrance examination.,我相信你一定能经过这次进学考试。 +"When the density of proxy node decreased, it sent caching request to its neighbor, and then the neighbor would provide the corresponding data service as a proxy node.",当节点疏密度降低时,发送代理缓存请求给就近节点,就近节点作为代理节点提供相应的数据服务; +The amount of biomass of cocksfoot rises higher than that of red clover except during the seedling stage.,除苗期外鸭茅叶量的比例高于红三叶; +"Samuel sits down next to him, watching as he inhales and turns his face to the sky, eyes closed.",塞缪尔挨着他坐下,看着他深深的吸入一口烟,然后抬起头,闭上眼睛。 +Some diplomats expressed concern that such a delay is not in the interest of stabilizing the southern Balkans.,一些外交人士表示担心,拖延这么长时间不利于巴尔干南部地区的稳定。 +"And it works very, very hard on software.",它在软件上工作得很好也很努力。 +A:Is it right to spread the face-cream over the face like this?,这样把面膏抹到脸上对吗? +They make us a high-performing organisation that helps deliver our company's core purpose – 'Great Hotels Guests Love'.,这些制胜之道促使IHG成为一个帮助传达公司核心目标——“顾客喜爱的绝佳酒店”的高表现力组织。 +Mike is in Vienna with his girlfriend Daisy.,麦克和他的女朋友黛西现在正在维也纳。 +"The work of expand was done by Prince and completed in 1924. He will canvas on the floor, expanding in proportion to the original painting with gouache paint.",扩大工作是由另一名艺术家普林斯于1924年完成的,他将帆布铺在地上,一平米一平米的用水粉颜料将原画按比例扩大。 +"This time, the European aestheticism and the dispirited principle idea have had the widespread influence in the literature domain.",这个时期,欧洲唯美主义和颓废主义观念在文学领域产生了广泛影响。 +ConclusionThe decreased speed of brain receiving and treating information play an important role in the prolonged reaction-time at night of sleep deprivation.,结论在睡眠剥夺的夜间,大脑接受和处理信息的速度的降低是反应时延长的主要原因。 +"When we go into an empty room or stay alone in one, we should act the same as when there are people around; we shouldn't be the least bit casual or lax; this is the essence of self-cultivation.",至于进入空屋或独处虚室之时,还能如同有他人在侧,没有一丝一毫的随便和放逸,这更是自我淬炼之所在。 +"In orientation face, we confirm a kind of orientation scheme of outer houses that we make use of the orientation information provided by Lian Tong company and show the position in local GIS system;",在定位方面通过细致的论证和考察,确定了室外定位采用联通提供现场移动终端的经纬度信息,并将其在本地GIS 系统中显示的方案,这样既满足了系统定位的需要也极大的节省了系统的运营成本; +"In this paper, the structure, the metal components, the electrical equipments lapping of the Z11 helicopter and the lightning protection of the non- metal nose cover are presented.",本文主要对直11型机机体结构、金属部件、电气设备的搭接情况以及非金属机头罩雷电防护进行研究。 +Important history includes palpitation duration of prodrome and recovery and presence of postural or exertional symptoms.,重要病史包括:心悸、前驱症状及恢复时间、以及体位性或劳力性症状。 +"BUT SEE THE DOC IF...you get an ache in your calves which comes on after you ve walked a certain distance, particularly if you re a smoker that really could mean your blood vessels are clogging up.",但如果有以下现象就要去看医生了 你在走了一段距离后,感到小腿疼痛 尤其是如果你是一个吸烟者 那可能真的说明你的血管堵塞了。 +A final video portrays the outcome of not using a condom as an unfullfilling event followed by the news that the teenage boy has contracted an STD.,教育片末尾交代了因男青年未使用避孕套而感染梅毒性病的结果。 +"Now it looks White House has its own plan, and a plan that does not include McKibben's old panels.",现在看来,白宫好像有自己的计划,这个计划没有包括麦克基本提倡的旧电池板在内。 +And he coined the term covalent bonding.,他创造了共价键这一概念。 +"The bluefin are fattened offshore in sea cages before being shot and butchered for the sushi and steak markets in Japan, America, and Europe.",在屠宰并卖到日本、美国和欧洲的寿司或者烤鱼片市场之前,这些金枪鱼被关在离岸的笼子中养肥。 +"Such laser-like focus on the winners may even be harmful to the educational system, the article asserts.",文章说,如此炒作状元甚至可能有损于整个教育体制。 +"I open windows to welcome the sunshine to all my rooms every day, Hoping one of the days I could bring sunshine to others.",每天我开著生命的窗迎进满室的阳光,希望有一天我能带给别人太阳! +"The polycarbonate production technology, its machineries and process equipments as well as its new trends in blending modification have also been presented in the article.",文章还介绍了国外聚碳酸酯的生产工艺、机械设备及掺混改性等方面的新动态。 +Deep mustard yellow with copper sparkle.,深芥末黄色带铜色亮片。 +The new lands were handed back their virginity.,这些新领地曾经拥有属于他们的纯洁。 +"In addition, standard equipment in the Tang Dynasty, to see a large number of saber and Maek knife.",另外,在唐代的标准装备中,能看到大量的佩刀和陌刀。 +I nagged my mother to go to the doctor for a checkup.,我唠叨我妈去医生那做个检查。 +"In addition, electric shock therapy also mights as well to melancholia of the turn of life try.",此外,电休克治疗对更年期忧郁症也不妨一试。 +"Unlike mock objects, however, SDAOs needn't be instrumented to include test assertions.",但是,与模仿对象不同的是,不需要对 SDAO 提供检测以包含测试断言。 +Much of the exterior of the house was charred and damaged. (Patrick Baz/AFP/Getty Images),房子的外部大多数被烧黑和破坏。 +"Chen said, ""Industrial design is the key point of the value chain. Figures show that in Britain, 100 pounds of investment in design can yield 225 pounds of output.""",陈东亮说:“工业设计是产业链中的关键所在,有数据显示,在英国,100英镑的设计投入可以创造225英镑的产值。 +"The cost of this process is low and fluoride content in the product is small, reaching feed-grade level and meeting HG2636-94 standard.",该工艺成本低,产品氟化物含量低,达到饲料级标准,符合HG2636-94标准。 +"Russia has sweltered under an intense heatwave since mid-July, recording its highest ever temperatures.",自七月中旬以来,俄罗斯在强烈热浪的折磨下,创造了它的历史最高气温纪录。 +"It is an important process to enhance the students artistic education, their esthetical ability and the artistic appreciation ability, which is of great importance for the students.",对建筑类院校的学生来讲,加强艺术教育、培养学生的审美能力和艺术欣赏能力更有着重要意义。 +"Envy is seen in calls for a new Kattegat bridge to cut the three-hour train journey between Copenhagen and Aarhus, Denmark's second city, to 30 minutes.",而嫉妒,则可以从一项新建一座科特加特桥的倡议中看出。这座倡议中的桥可以使哥本哈根和奥尔胡斯(丹麦第二大城市)之间的列车行程从3个小时缩短至30分钟。 +Drakes consist of two parts: head and tail.,瘤头鸭精子分为头部和尾部。 +"Jamess Cook was described by his 1)patron, Sir Hugh Palliser as ""the ablest and most 2)renowned navigator that this or any country has ever produced. """"",詹姆士·库克被其资助人休·帕利泽爵士形容为“这个国家或任何一个国家出现的最有才能和最有名的航海家”。 。 +"Lucene supports fuzzy searches based on the Levenshtein Distance, or Edit Distance algorithm. To do a fuzzy search use the tilde, ""~"", symbol at the end of a Single word Term.",Lucene支持基于编辑距离算法的模糊搜索,你可以使用波浪符号“~”放在查询词的后面,比如搜索一个与“roam”拼写相近的词可以使用 +Conclusions:Tumor thickness was remarkably related to rate of lymphonodi cervicales of buccal mucosa squamous carcinoma.,结论:颊粘膜鳞癌厚度与颈转率之间呈显著正相关。 +"The curve of comparison of income as below, we can get some inspiration, why part of high-capacity advisors left because of income problems.",下面是收入对比的曲线,可以得到一些启示,为何高绩效产能的顾问部分会因为收入的问题而离开。 +It truthfully reveals the poet's blight for his banishing trip with his forlorn and lonely feeling by capturing the atmosphere of a courier-stop on a cold night.,通过夜宿驿舍的环境描写,真实地表达了作者谪徙羁旅的苦境和凄凉寂寞的心情。 +We'll have to ask Zhang Li instead.,我们得去请张丽顶替了。 +The phenomena of condenser vacuum slowly running down occurred many times in Yinchuan Congeneration Power Plant.,介绍了银川热电厂二期工程投运一年以后,多次出现凝汽器真空缓慢下降的现象。 +"After cataract art once suspect an eye inside phlogistic , should instantly pump room water and vitreous body have bacterium or fungus education and remedy sensitive experiment.",白内障术后一旦怀疑眼内炎,应立即抽吸房水及玻璃体进行细菌或真菌培养和药物敏感试验。 +WSJ: Is the ASI doing enough to protect the Taj Mahal?,《华尔街日报》:印度考古局在保护泰姬陵方面做的够不够呢? +"This paper is a stage result of special research for""marble""in contact of Daye iron deposit and""banded pyroxene-garnet marble""distributed in the""marble"".",本文是对大冶铁矿床接触带“大理岩”及其中分布的“条带状辉石-石榴石大理岩”进行专门研究的阶段性结果。 +Roderigo. I tell you 'tis not very well.,罗德利哥我告诉你这事情不很好。 +The world 60% of incense aquatic since in this.,世界上60%的香水产自于此。 +"Add one of our tempting icings, frostings or fillings as a delicious finale!",最后再加上我们的诱人糖衣,糖霜和灌奶油。 +"After leaving the Baby Lino, we went to the supermarket to buy something.",离开宝宝活动室后,我们去超市买点东西。 +I especially like things that take advantage of the power of networks.,我尤其喜欢那些能利用起网络所具有的巨大力量的事物。 +"After marriage registration, the parties shall be entitled to know about the health conditions of each other before marriage.",结婚登记的男女双方互有知晓对方婚前身体健康状况的权利。 +It will never run on schedule or even run at all someone will rip the track apart and some other group will come and sit on the tracks with slogan TRAIN ROKO.,它将永远无法正点运行或者永远不会运行。 有些人会破坏铁轨,有些团体会坐在铁轨中高呼口号。 +On the new generation paragliders the application of big ears creates a high degree of trailing turbulence which in turn creates a significant loss of airspeed.,在新一代滑翔伞上进行“大耳朵”操作会衍生很强的尾流,并显著地降低空速。 +"On Friday, June 4th, 2010, Ambassador Zhang Jungao, accompanied by the staff members of the Chinese Embassy and Chinese Medical Team, paid a visit to the Guyana Demerara Distillers Ltd (DDL).",2010年6月4日,中国驻圭亚那大使张君高率领驻圭使馆全体馆员及援圭医疗队专家赴圭德莫拉拉朗姆酒厂参观。 +"He produced his first book, ""Ghalib"", about a legendary 19th-century Urdu poet, 20 years ago and has now written ""over a dozen"" volumes.",他的第一部作品《盖勒博》于20年前问世,讲述的是一名19世纪乌尔都诗人的故事; +And I created one special Japanese girl minifig in this floor.,在这楼我做了 这个特别的日本江户女孩人偶来带出感觉来。 +"A concordant localization of epileptogenic zone from seizure manifestation, EEG and neuroimaging studies may predict a favorable seizure outcome.",发作表现、EEG以及神经影像学检查对致痫灶定位的互相符合时,预示预后良好。 +In thm kingdom of love.,在爱的幸福国都。 +"I am on the third row, No.10.",我第三排10号。 +A facilitator then helps the group arrange the notes into clusters with similar characteristics.,然后有人帮助团队把这些便笺按照类似的特性分开排序。 +The Common Data Representation (CDR) is the formal mapping of the data types to be used in a CORBA invocation.,公共数据表示 (CDR) 是 CORBA 调用中将使用的数据类型的正式映射。 +"Along with social progress and rapid development of economy, non-profit organizations is becoming a hot research scholars and cutting-edge issues.",随着社会的进步和��济的飞速发展,非营利组织正逐步成为学者研究的热点和前沿问题。 +"Manco's unique card-type electronic control means, so that electricity control state at a glance, in like-for-repair computer as simple as a piece of card will not affect the normal production.",曼科公司独特的插卡式电控方式,使电控状态一目了然,维修中就像换电脑的一块卡一样简单,不会影响正常生产。 +"“Five years ago, a remarkable vision was laid out in this very hall,” Wolfowitz said. “A vision which spelled progress and hope for humanity.",沃尔福威茨说:“五年前,正是在这个大厅里,提出了一个宏伟的愿景,一个标志着人类进步与希望的愿景。 +"Seibu Giken(Changshu)Co. , Ltd. is wholly owned by Seibu Giken Co. , Ltd. invest in production and sales. Seibu Giken Co.",西部技研环保节能设备(常熟)有限公司是由日本株式会社西部技研独资投资的生产及销售为一体的公司。 +What is the upmost failure of a woman?,女人最大的失败是什么? +"He was there on the set, he was gathering footage for the electronic press kit.",他将为‘电子资料袋’收集所有的影像资料。 +The unquenchable desire to learn and understand and to dream of seeing distant places and peoples is with all of us who have the opportunity and intelligence to do so.,去理解我们是何其相似又何其迥异,我们所有的人都无法抑制这些渴望与梦想,无法停止找寻机会使之实现的努力与追求。 +She said your clothes were not right you ought not to carry that tin pail and that they would laugh at you.,她说你的衣服不适合穿去学校,你不应该带着那个白色饭桶,那些学生们看到你这个样子一定会嘲笑你。 +"Standing lost there, I wished to find the mountain back yet there was noting in sight.",我还呆呆地站在那里,我想找回那座星的山,但是我什么也看不见。 +"The state prohibits ethnic discrimination and oppression in any form, and bans any behavior aimed at undermining ethnic unity and causing ethnic antagonism.",国家禁止对任何民族的歧视和压迫,禁止破坏民族团结和制造民族分裂的行为。 +"According to Biot-Savart's Law, the distribution of magnetic field of current-carrying ring in plane is made by piling up. Its dependability is tested and verified with experiments.",根据毕—萨定律,叠加出载流圆环平面的磁场径向分布,并用实验验证了其可靠性。 +Eldritch giant confessors carefully enhance their own abilities with spells before and during a fight.,邪术巨人笃信者谨慎地在战斗前和战斗中间使用自己的法术能力。 +"""Shell Hydrogen"" refers to the companies of the Shell Group that are engaged in the pursuit and development globally of businesses related to hydrogen and fuel cells.",壳牌氢能公司是指壳牌集团下属的、在全球经营和开发氢能和燃料电池相关业务的多家公司。 +Other properties confiscated by judicial organs and administrative departments for industry and commerce shall be managed in strict accordance with the relevant state provisions.,公、检、法、工商部门的其他罚没财物管理,要严格按照国家有关规定执行。 +Ways Retrospective analysis of 1253 cases of off-pump heart surgery complicated by mental disorders after the clinical data of 33 cases.,方法回顾性分析1253例体外循环心脏手术后并发精神障碍33例临床资料。 +The prequel to Charlton Heston's campy 1968 science-fiction classic took in an estimated $54 million at North American theaters.,"这部影片是查尔登•海斯顿(Charlton Heston)1968年拍摄的那部超自然科幻经典的前传,北美票房据估计达到5,400万美元。" +Expressional functions of sentences are determined by functional mood and the exclamatory sentences are those that their main expressional function is to express exclamation mood.,判断一个句子是否是感叹句应该以它的主要表达功能为依据,而表达功能则是由句子的功能语气来表达的。 +"These appendages have since increased in quantity, but they have become unfeeling, and know not the art of making high and low alike feel at home.",这些附加物在数量上已经增加了,但它们变得没有情感,不懂得让各色人等都感到宾至如归的艺术。 +A mother's secret hope outlives them all.,而一个母亲内心的希望比它们都要长久。 +PHIL WATSON: Oh no. How similar?,菲尔.沃森:哦,不会吧。有多相似? +"Note: Official website links were live when the films were released. Due to the nature of the Internet, some of these links may not connect any more.",注:官方网站连结在影片发行时有效。由于互联网的特性,部分官方网站连结可能再无法连接上。 +"Although the triangles wouldn't define a visible geometry, they would give M3G more control points (and more numbers to calculate).",尽管三角形并不能定义一个可见的几何图形,但可使 M3G 拥有更多的控制点(要计算的数量也更多)。 +"Prince Phillip, after renouncing his Greek and Danish titles, was given the British royal title of Duke of Edinburgh.",而菲利普王子在宣誓放弃其在希腊和丹麦的王室头衔后,被授予了应王室头衔——爱丁堡公爵。 +"I think that this case was committed by a criminal gang, rather than just one person.",这起案子并非一人所为,我看是团伙做案。 +"With the construction of highway developing in the mountains, high filling embankment behind abutment will be inevitably encountered.",随着高等级公路建设在山区的开展,不可避免地会遇到桥头高填路基问题。 +N: Do you prefer a consommé or a cream soap?,您喜欢清汤还是奶油汤? +EI extends its reputation around the globe to serve the needs of learning institutions and hotel organizations through more than 120 licensed EI affiliates in 45 countries.,通过其在世界45个国家的120个授权合作伙伴,美国饭店协会教育学院为饭店组织和院校提供服务,誉满全球。 +I was completely devastated when I learned we were going to Marks and Spencer.,当我得知我们要去的是马克·斯班塞卖场时,才醒悟到原来的设想只是自己在发梦罢了。 +"On the wedding day, robbers wait until the drowsy couple return to their room exhausted. Then they jump out and brandish knifes and guns to demand the money.",待婚礼完毕,新婚夫妇疲惫不堪回到新房昏昏欲睡时,强盗就会持刀枪等凶器实施抢劫。 +"Weakness of the spleen and stomach and liver depression and Qi stagnation were more popular in young patients, kidney-Yang deficiency was more common in older patients;",脾胃虚弱、肝郁气滞证多出现在青年人中,肾阳虚衰证多出现在老年人中; +"“Americans don’t want to get blindsided anymore, ” Mendez said in an interview.",“美国人不想再盲目跟随了,”Mendez 在接受采访时说。 +The spin lattice relaxation time values (T_1) of different types of carbons in the methylated humic acids from four soruces are estimated with PRFT method.,采用PRFT法估测了四种甲基化腐植酸中各类碳的纵向弛豫时间T_1值的范围。 +"Finished product specifications for longitudinal 51.5 centimeters, horizontal 1191.5 cm, and equipped with xian expo licensed merchandise security labels.",成品规格为纵51.5厘米,横1191.5厘米,并配有西安世园会特许商品防伪标签。 +"With the appearance of 2005-1 Jianyuan Mortgage-Backed Securities, many commercial banks launch their own MBS and issue the security one after another.",随着建元2005-1住房抵押贷款证券化的问世,各商业银行纷纷开展各自的MBS发行业务。 +Humanity's ancestors may have departed Africa -- the cradle of mankind -- eons earlier than scientists have assumed.,人类的祖先离开非洲——人类的摇篮——的时间可 能比科学家原先推测的要早上亿万年。 +Songnen plain in the western of Jilin province is one of the three major regions of soda salt-alkalinized soil in the world.,吉林省西部的松嫩平原是世界上三大苏打盐碱地集中分布区之一。 +I hope you hear my whispers for blessing and happiness with Santa Claus fall down.,祝福的细语轻敲耳畔,让幸福伴着圣诞老人悄悄地降临?。 +Defects escaping: To measure the number of post-release defects.,缺陷遗漏: 为了测量已发布版本中的缺陷数量。 +It can only have been done because the Britishness of the brand gave the customers a sense of pride.,这个品牌的“英国味”给了其顾客一点点自豪,这是购买这个品牌汽车的唯一理由。 +"It's amazing absorbency provides no streak, lint free drying of an entire car in minutes.",它的惊人的吸收能力不提供任何线条,林特免费干燥的整个汽车分钟。 +"The formula for calculating the shear angle and shear strength, are suggested.",提出了计算剪切角的建议公式及剪力墙斜截面抗剪强度建议公式。 +This research trys to analysis the BBS-using behavior of the college student in order to explore the mental factors that may influence the attitude and behavior.,本研究试图对大学生使用BBS这一现象进行分析,探索影响大学生对于使用BBS的态度和行为的心理因素,发现其中蕴涵的心理规律。 +"Vice Chairman Lu Rongxiang declared the formal opening of the 9th ""Spring of Diplomats and the Fortune Leaders Forum of World Eminence Chinese Business As­sociation"".",路甬祥副委员长宣布“第九届外交官之春暨第五届杰出华商大会财富领袖论坛”隆重开幕。 +"Initially he was solid bronze; for a while plaster and today gold-plated, a metal alloy.",最初小金人是个铜像,有一段时间由塑料做成,而今天则用金属铝镀金而成。 +Whoever is glad be to do ananpeople else glad too. He which has cweage or faith be to not perish in misery.,愉快的人会使别人也愉快。有勇气和自信的人,永远不会死于不幸�� +"The plan if it did happen was to sit tight and call on the [Iranian] authorities to fulfil their legal obligation to protect the embassy, which is an obligation the Iranians do recognise.",我们的应对计划是:关好大门,呼叫伊朗当局履行他们的法律义务来保护使馆,伊朗当局也明白他们有这样做的义务。 +The Internet can help people work from home. Do you think that this is a good or bad?,互联网有助于人们在家里工作。你认为合适吗? +"In recent weeks, Americans have watched with dismay as many of the country's largest, best-known financial firms have failed, been bought out, or been taken over by the U.S. government.",最近几个星期以来,美国人无不惊讶地目睹了很多美国的大公司、知名的公司破产,被收购,和被政府接管。 +We look at drinking in Britain and see a simple desire to get drunk.,我们在英国看到人们饮酒,见识了某种为求一醉方休的简单方式。 +"The first chapter has mainly analyzed the regress, which has discussed what regress we want through the Chinese teaching's immanent character and the archaic teaching's humanism character.",分为三章,第一章分析小学语文课堂教学的回归,从语文教学的内在特征与古代教学思想的人文性特征两方面论述“我们需要回归什么”; +"Additionally, actions taken locally are a form of bottom-up environmental protection and resource conservation, and can act as microcosms for potential national policies.",此外,由地方采取的行动是一种自下而上的环境保护与资源保护形式,它能够起到为可能制定的全国性政策进行小规模实验的作用。 +Level 2 (220V in the U. S. ) can generally recharge in 4 to 6 hours depending on the vehicle.,而二级充电(在美国是220伏电压)情况下,根据车型不同,充电时间大概是4-6个小时。 +Do you stock fishing rods?,钓鱼竿你们有货吗? +"We ended up in second, which was pretty impressive, nonetheless. -Did you get close?",我们最终获得第二,不管怎样,相当惊人。 - 你们的票数相当吗? +"Can be sprayed seal of different colors, red, yellow, blue, white, etc.",可喷印不同的颜色,红,黄,蓝,白色等。 +"Investment bank connecting corporations and corporations, investors and raisers, is a kind of financial industry with intense intelligence.",投资银行是一项在资本市场中沟通企业与企业、投资者与融资者的高智力密集型的金融服务产业。 +"In this pa-per, we introduce a new method for search and plot isodose curve by scan row and column one by one.",司题。本文描述了一种逐行逐列扫描式等剂量曲线的跟踪和绘制算法。 +"In a few rare cases, these individuals have even been known to perform attacks to extort a company or defraud it of money.",很少有攻击是为了敲诈或骗取公司财产。 +He quickly threw his hat over it in an attemp to catch it.,他很快,他的帽子扔到了它试图赶上它。 +"Wang Huiyao of the China Western Returned Scholars Association, which celebrates its centenary this year, observes that sea turtles have returned in five waves.",王辉耀,是已走过百年历程的欧美同学会中的一员,他观察到共有五次海龟回国潮。 +Conclusions:the public financing system should compensate the expense in the disease control facilities. The special budget for SARS should be distributed in time.,结论:公共财政要给予疾病预防控制机构适当的补贴,SARS防治专项资金要足额及时到位。 +"I made the announcement with Al Gore on the edge of the Grand Canyon, which Theodore Roosevelt had first protected under the Antiquities Act.",我和艾尔·戈尔站在大峡谷边缘,宣布这件事,西奥多·罗斯福依据《古文物法》第一个保护的就是这个大峡谷。 +"Despite doubts from her high school counselors, the first lady attended Princeton University, graduating cum laude in 1985, and went on to earn a degree from Harvard Law School in 1988.",即便当时高中学校顾问对她的选择有所怀疑,第一夫人还是去了普林斯顿大学,并于1985年以一级荣誉毕业,1988年在哈佛大学法学院取得法律博士学位。 +"Blood urea in diabetes and hypertension groups were higher than that in the control ( P< 0.001, P< 0.05), In lupus erythematosus and urethra infection weren't higher.",糖尿病组血尿素较正常对照组显著增高(P< 0 .0 0 1) ,高血压组血尿素较正常对照组增高(P< 0 .0 5 ) ,红斑狼疮与尿路感染组血尿素较正常对照组无显著性差异。 +"Their internal resources like focus, desire, and self-discipline compensate for their lack of external resources.",他们的内部资源如集中力、追求和自律弥补了他们缺乏的外部资源。 +AMD today announced the appointment of Thomas Seifert as senior vice president and chief financial officer.,AMD公司今天宣布,托马斯塞弗特为高级副总裁兼首席财务官任命。 +The fighter folded up at the sudden heavy blow.,这个拳击手挨了重击之后,身子直不起来了。 +"On the other hand, the recessing in the joint with low elastic modulus adhesive caus es the peak stresses increase evidently that may decrease the nominal and actual strength of the joint markedly.",而对于低弹性模量胶粘剂接头,间隙使得接头上的应力峰值明显上升,可能导致接头的名义强度和实际强度显著降低。 +"Throughout Saturn's enormous rings, only a few dozen ring locations respond to strong satellite resonances .",在众多的土星环之中,只有少数几打星环的位置能和卫星产生强烈的共振。 +"Design concept called ""primary structure method is stated and application of such method in thin tube plate heat exchanger is described.""",阐述“一次结构法”的设计思路并以薄管板换热器为例阐明它的应用。 +Go through the stacks or bundles of cured leaves and strip out the main leaf stem from each leaf.,通过堆叠或治愈叶束和剥离出每片叶子的主要的叶茎。 +"His business model proved the axiom ""slow and steady wins the race"" -- even on the information superhighway.",他的商业模式证明了一项公理“ 稳扎稳打才能赢”——这也同样适用在信息高速公路上。 +The process of warplane acquisition and Survivability activities in acquisition are presented.,介绍了军用飞机采办过程及采办过程中的生存力活动; +"Ram Kaur looks fondly at her grandson, barely hours old, lying beside his mother.",Ram Kaur深情注视着自己那出生仅几个小时的孙子躺在妈妈身边。 +"I've written scathingly about India's human trafficking and oppression of women, but it's also true that civil society is addressing these issues.",我曾写文严厉地批判了印度贩卖人口和压迫妇女的行径,但民间正在呼吁解决这些问题也是真的。 +"But London and New York are the most expensive cities when housing costs are included, said the 52-page report.",这份长达52页的调查报告中提到,如果将住房成本算进去,生活费用最高的城市是伦敦和纽约。 +"To perishable products monopolization supply chain, a lot of supplier adopt buy-back contract and return policy, so it is a innovation to study buy-back contract of brand monopolization supply chain.",而对于品牌专卖的易逝品,大多数供应商都采取了回购契约和退货政策,因此研究品牌专卖经营模式下的供应链回购协调机制有很大的实际意义。 +New storage savings features in Lotus Domino 8.0 and 8.5,Lotus Domino 8.0 和 8.5 中新的节省存储特性 +"Excepts of the foreword and conclusion, this paper includes three parts.",除引言和结论外,本文共分为三部分。 +"Another statistic is that he is the most capped outfield player not to have scored a goal for the Three Lions, concentrating instead on his defensive responsibilities.",另一项统计表明,加里是出场次数最多的没进一球的球员,但这是因为他专心于他的防守职责。 +"As for the former, the combination of propofol with an opioid, such as remifentanil or fentanyl , will provide required analgesia.",对于前者,联合使用阿片类药物如瑞芬太尼和芬太尼可以提供需要的镇痛。 +"According to the morphological characters of primary chamber, each group could be also divided into left and right ventricular type.",根据主室腔的解剖特征,每类又分为左室和右室两型。 +"Because the cemented prosthetic components often loosen over decades of use, total joint arthroplasty has the longest-lasting results in older, less active individuals.",胶合剂所作的假体部位,用十多年后会松动,而全关节成形术对老年和活动较少的人,却有维持最长时间的效果。 +Near civil war between town and country was a pervasive feature of this break-down in social order.,城乡之间几近爆发内战,是社会秩序崩溃的普遍的特点。 +"The results surprised even Ames, who had expected to find some differences in perception.",测试结果令埃姆斯大感意外,虽然他已经预料到会有一些认知差异。 +This paper also discusses how to develop the deposit and studies the feasibility to establishing a mining town in Qinghua.,论文对该成矿带的开发进行了探讨,论述了在肯德可克建设矿城的充要条件。 +"It's the soft parts, like muscles and skin, that tend to elude scientists.",那些软的部分,像是肌肉和皮肤,却容易逃离科学家的捕捉。 +"Stone, you are wanted on the phone, by a Sir named Smith.",史东,有位史密斯先生来电找您。 +"The woman did not often fall asleep. Every night, she always got up early to recite Buddhist sutras of Zhun Ti and Jin Gang.",女不甚睡,每夜辄起诵《准提》、《金刚》诸经咒。 +"Appearing regularly on newspapers, magazines, radio and TV, Ginger is becoming an icon of the local arts scene.",经常出现在报纸,杂志,广播和电视,小姜正成为本地艺坛一个图标。 +"Some are whirling swiftly, some are turning slowly",有的旋转如飞,有的慢慢滚动 +There is a great deal of difference between the eager man who wants to read a book and the tired man who wants a book to read.,一个渴求知识的人去读一本书,一个懒散的人拿一本书来读,这两者之间有很大的区别。 +"Well, do you want to get in a comedy or on the vaudeville stage or in the chorus?",喔,你是想演喜剧,还是杂耍剧,还是当群舞演员。 +He should direct his U. S. attorneys to prosecute every single violent criminal caught with a gun.,他应当提示美国司法官员去控告每一个被拿获的持枪暴力罪犯。 +Generosity is also characteristic of the girlie economy.,慷慨大方也是女孩经济的特征。 +"The Ivy League school took the action to meet budget constraints caused by an estimated 30 percent fall in its endowment for its 2009 fiscal year, ending June 30.",这所常春藤名校在截至到6月30的2009财政年度中得到的捐赠比去年预计将减少30%,这一节制预算的裁员计划也实属无奈。 +"The UK Payments Administration, the banks' centralised clearing system, said that levels of online fraud and ""card-not-present"" fraud had been falling due to improved security.",银行的中央结算系统——英国支付管理中心说由于提高了安全性,网上诈骗和“无卡交易”诈骗等级一直在下降。 +Pyongyang reportedly offered nuclear concessions to U.S. representative Bill Richardson in a visit last month.,据报道,在美国高官比尔·理查德对朝鲜进行非正式访问期间,平壤曾向美国作出在其核项目上妥协的承诺。 +"In order to follow the speed of the electronic industry, we pay more attention to the research and develop in our products.",为了紧跟消费类电子日新月异的发展瑞科讯将加强在产品技术领域产品设计研发和生产方面的投入力度。 +The optimal design parameters can be gained by writing the mo- del into a prime source program of nonlinear programing and inputting it into a computer.,将此模型写入已有的非线性规划程序,输入计算机,即可求得该机构的最优设计参数。 +Mr Li was a teacher then.,那时李先生是一名老师。 +Take a bath: Nothing beats the feeling of a warm bath.,沐浴泡澡:没有什么比暖暖的泡个澡更舒服的了。 +"In the study, 74 musicians (ages 19-91) and 89 non-musicians (ages 18-86) participated in a series of auditory assessments.","研究中,74名音乐家(年龄19-91岁)和89名未受过音乐训练的普通人(年龄18-86)参与了一系列的听觉评估。" +"Hi, Josh. Why are you puffing and panting?",嗨,乔希。你为什么一直在喘气呀? +"Total cost: About $23, 000 a month or more half the total.",总费用: 每月约2.3万美元或以上,即总费用的一半。 +"Asia is not ready yet, America is in turmoil, and Europe is conservative, so this is another transitional phase.",亚洲还没准备好,美洲处在混乱之中,欧洲比较保守,所以这会是另一个过渡阶段。 +"It's fitting that Cox, the most charismatic science presenter in a generation, has returned to Attenborough in his search for ideas.",身为当代最具个人魅力的科普节目主持人,考克斯转而向老前辈爱登堡寻求灵感是再恰当不过了。 +This issue was fought out between the premier and the generalissimo at a stormy interview before the council meeting .,在内阁会议召开之前,总理和最高统帅曾对这个问题进行了一场激烈的争辩。 +HIL acts for many top multinational companies in China and in Europe.,浩达为许多国内外的顶尖跨国企业提供法律和咨询服务。 +"Good bed, one for the housekeeper to obey his commands, moving a chair back.",擦好床头,朵索要管家听从自己的命令,将椅子搬回去。 +S1 is supposed ( by that person) to be related to S2 in sofar as it represents a subject.,主子意符被认为跟次级意符相关,因为它代表一个主体。 +"WALES, UK - A company has made a scientific breakthrough that will enable livestock breeders to pre-select the sex of pigs.",选择性别需要向前迈进一步英国威尔士,公司已作出科学突破,将使牲畜繁育者,预选性的猪。 +The celebrity-packed restaurant serves mediocre food.,那家名流聚集的餐馆的饭菜很一般。 +Once it is installed type rehash to make FreeBSD reread the files in the path so it knows what is there.,当安装完后,键入rehash以使FreeBSD重新读取系统路径中的文件,这样FreeBSD就能够知道该程序在哪个地方。 +"Therefore, some of the above exclusions or limitations may not apply to you.",因此,上述的一些排除或限制可能对您不适用。 +OBJECTIVE To study the clinical significance of monitoring the serum methotrexate concentration (MTX) after administration with high dose MTX.,目的:探讨大剂量氨甲蝶呤(MTX)用药后血药浓度监测的临床意义。 +"What’s more, comparisons demonstrate that the costs of delivering from Able’s Humber Port will be significantly lower than other parts of the UK and Europe.",而且,对比显示从艾布公司的汉博港传送的成本要大大低于英国和欧洲其它地区。 +"When I want to write, I open her mouth and take out the pencils from her stomach.",当我想要写字的时候,我就会打开她的嘴巴,从她的肚子里面拿出铅笔。 +Dynamic diagram example: Topic diagram,动态图例子:Topic 图 +"On the basis of mathematical analysis, a multiobjective non-linear programming model on a multiobjective transporting vehicle arrangement is set up.",针对露天矿生产中的一个多目标优化运输问题,基于数学分析,建立了一个多目标非线性规划模型; +"Be polite, be sensible no matter win or lose. Talk politely, wear suitable clothes, and be.",文明观赛事,理智对输赢,语言文明,着装得体,热情大度。不乱抛物,爱护公物。 +Fish generally respire through gills. most bony fish es have a swim bladder a gas-filled organ used to adjust swimming depth.,一般是经由鳃呼吸。大部分硬骨鱼有鳔,这是源于消化管的憩室,司控制浮力或为辅助呼吸器官。 +"I took the oath of allegiance to the Constitution of the United States on October 28, 1977, in Spokane, Washington; it was a very proud moment in my life and that of my family.",我于1977年10月28日在华盛顿州斯波坎宣誓忠于美国宪法;这是我和我们家人一生中非常引以为豪的时刻。 +There's a taxi stand right outside the baggage claim area.,在领取行李区外面就有一个招呼站。 +"Where once Warner Bros. seemed willing to replace them the second they outgrew their roles or puberty hit them with an ugly stick, the studio now seems eager to keep the trio intact;",华纳曾经想过当他们长得过大无法适任的时候就换人,但是现在看来华纳更想让三人组留下来。 +"All conclusions about existence and multiplicity depend upon the ""heights"" of nonlinear term on some bounded sets, while they are independent of the growths of nonlinear term outside these sets.",所有存在性与多解性结论都依赖于非线性项在某些有界集上的“高度”,同时与非线性项在这些有界集合以外的增长无关。 +"Granny a hug into my arms: ""farming ink, but you're arouses sympathy and affection of the children!""",奶奶一把把我搂进怀里:“耕墨,你真是个惹人爱怜的孩子! +I know that the system disk must be repaired.,我知道一定要用系统盘修复了。 +"Fiction, especially science fiction, is full of magical force fields.",幻想小说,尤其是科幻小说,常常描绘了许多神奇的力场。 +"The reptiles first appear in the fossil record around 98 million years ago, Wilson said.",Wilson说,这种爬行动物在化石记录里最早出现于9800万年前。 +Use standard components when appropriate.,适当的时候使用标准件。 +Failure is a disaster in the eyes of pessimists but a pleasure and romance in the eyes of optimists.,失败在悲观者的眼里是灾难,在乐观者眼里是生活的乐趣与烂漫。 +"McDonald’s recently started offering similar large, gooey chocolate cookies of equal goodness, which are even cheaper, and they’re never out.",麦当劳最近也开始供应相似的大块的甜甜的巧克力曲奇,味道差不多,价格倒更便宜,但在那儿从没碰见过卖完的。 +"Hallucinogenic alkaloids produced by this fungus Can lead to altered behavior, abortion, and death if infected grains are eaten.",如果食用了被污染的谷物,这种真菌产生的致幻生物碱能导致行为改变、流产和死亡。 +"Florida's Alex Tyus tries to hang on to the ball against Florida State during an NCAA college basketball game in Gainesville, Fla. November 24.",佛罗里达州的亚历克斯泰厄斯试图保住对佛罗里达州的球了NCAA大学期间在盖恩斯维尔,佛罗里达州11月24日篮球比赛。 +Beer-sheba A well was dug here as a sign of an oath between Abraham and the army of King Abimelech (21:31).,亚伯拉罕在这里掘了一口井,作为跟亚比米勒起誓的记号(参21:31)。 +"The named moons of the solar system outnumber planets by more than 20 to 1, and they display a remarkable diversity.",太阳系已命名的卫星数量和已命名的行星数量比例要大于20:1。 +And conversely schizophrenic women have been shown to have higher levels of this hormone.,相反,女性精神分裂患者体内,这种激素水平更高。 +The process for trying the men before what are called Military Commissions was created specifically for detainees in the war on terrorism.,把这些嫌疑犯交由军事特别委员会来审判是特别为在反恐战争中拘押的人士而设置的程序。 +"The IMF says it ? backs the Greek government's efforts , but says the adjustments are likely following the institution's next review.",国际货币基金组织称其支持希腊政府的努力,但表示在该机构的下一个考察报告中很可能有调整。 +The Spurs' team logo includes a picture of a spur.,马刺队的队标上就有一个马刺。 +Take me baby… kiss me all over… play with my love.,要我吧宝贝儿…吻遍我全身…耍弄我的爱。 +The guest is familiar with Chinese ancient history.,这个客人通晓中国古代史。 +"Honored guests, Hitachi colleagues, and friends, welcome to our celebration and thank you for joining us at this very auspicious day.",尊敬的各位来宾,日立公司的各位同仁、各位朋友,感谢大家在这个良辰吉日参加今日的庆典仪式。 +The silica-based xerogel has good hemostatic effect on the rabbit's ear side veins which is better than that of the Yunnan Baiyao.,硅基干凝胶对兔耳缘静脉止血效果良好, 且比云南白药更显著。 +"By eliminating the need to synchronize access to shared, mutable state, it is far easier to write robust, concurrent applications.","没有了共享易变状态的需要, 就更容易写出健壮的并发应用程序." +"On the other hand, it aims at the ""troth of Being"" to obtain richer human experience.",另一方面,它尝试以朝向“存在之真理”的开放姿态来获得更为丰富而广阔的人类经验。 +Water temperature was one of main causes that affected the distribution of fish larvae and juveniles. Most species of fish larvae and juveniles belonged to euryhaline fish.,水温是影响仔稚鱼分布的主要原因之一,而采获的大部分仔稚鱼都属于广盐性鱼类。 +"The company had supplied toy traders worldwide, including the U. S. -based Mattel.",合俊集团向全世界玩具商提供玩具,包括总部设在美国的玩具商美泰公司。 +Is quenching your thirst for freedom!,满足你对自由的渴望! +"This, I decided, was perfect feedback.",我认为这是完美的反馈。 +Health economic difficulties of the financial problems of their families in their schools have had a harmonious life can not be ignored.,经济困难生的家庭经济问题对其在校和谐生活产生了不可忽略的影响。 +Experiments proved that the heat transfer efficiency of the louvered fin with nm hydrophilic film is 100% higher than the conventional straight fin.,实验证明百叶窗式纳米亲水翅片要比常规的平板型翅片提高100%以上的换热效果。 +There's an energy that comes out of the earth that is blocked by shoes and shoe-wearing.,有一种从地里散发出来的能量,是会被鞋和穿鞋而隔断的。 +A series of investigations have been done about the hemothorax blood autotransfusion in this thesis.,本课题对胸腔血回收自体回输技术进行了系列研究。 +"Morrison got the game's only goal, a spectacular finish worthy of winning a match United totally dominated, while Tunnicliffe and Pogba ran the show in the central midfield positions.",莫里森打进了比赛的唯一进球,那是一个精彩的进球。帮助球队取得胜利,而塔尼克利夫和伯格巴则在中场位置上展现了实力。 +"By some estimates, Japan's exports to China and capital spending linked to its export industries accounted for one-third of Japan's total GDP growth last year.",据估计,日本出口到中国的总值和关联到出口工业的资金开销占据了去年日本三分之一的GDP增长额。 +His parents ang relatives liked me a lot.,他的父母和亲戚们都很喜欢我。 +An American teacher in China has filled out an official form of some kind and has submitted it to the authorities at his university. A Chinese clerk loses the form.,一个在中国工作的美国教师填了一张表格,提出对某一问题的建议,并将它交给校领导。 +"""I kept saying, 'Please just come to see what it is all about, '"" he recalled.",他回忆说:「我一直告诉他们:『拜托来了解扶少团究竟是怎么一回事。』」 +Young people to join hands in the blood bloody for the home country are willing to shed blood for the nation.,血雨腥风中热血青年们携起手来,为家国为民族甘愿洒热血。 +The work and achievements on reducing energy consumption and raising reuse of energy in 65 ton converter by overcoming the key problems scientifically were introduced.,本文介绍了65吨转炉在开展科技攻关,降低能源消耗,提高二次能源利用率等方面所做的一些工作及取得的成绩。 +"""What I was used to, "" says Schels, who has taken hundreds of portraits during his career, ""was people who smiled for the camera. It's usually an automatic response.",职业生涯里拍照无数的舍斯说:“我之前已经习惯了人们在照相机前强颜欢笑,这通常都是条件反射。 +"We believed that all lives abroad the foreign Xu descendant, they are already deeply loves from already the motherlands, simultaneously also deeply loves their country of residence.",我们相信所有侨居外国的徐氏后裔,他们是既热爱自已的祖国,同时也是热爱他们的侨居国的。 +"There’s no new DVD column up on MSN this week – it’s a skip week, due to the demands of my recent move (hey! I’ve just become a homeowner!) in the midst of the Seattle International Film Festival.",本周MSN上DVD专栏没有内容更新——跳票周,起因是在西雅图国际电影节还在进行时我搬家了(嘿,我刚刚拥有了一套房子!) +"Vertical handoff mechanism is a valid method to the question, and also one of main technical challenges to the construction of B3G.",异构网间切换技术正是解决该问题的有效方法,也是建设B3G的关键技术挑战之一。 +Most greeting cards are whimsical so fathers laugh when they open them.,所以贺卡大多做得比较搞怪,让父亲打开时开怀一笑。 +Users supposedly will be able to update entries with prior approval from EcuRed administrators.,用户能够在EcuRed管理员事先批准后,升级词条。 +"If people in Los Angeles a mile or more from ground zero of an attack took no shelter, Mr. Buddemeier said, there would be 285, 000 casualties from fallout in that region.",巴德梅尔先生说,如果洛杉矶距离核爆炸中心一英里多的人们没有躲进掩蔽所,核辐射将造成285 000人伤亡。 +Orthogonal frequency division multiplex(OFDM) is suitable for Broadband-satellite mobile communication system with the advantage of robustness to muti-path and high bandwidth efficiency.,正交频分复用(OFDM)技术具有抗多径衰落,频谱利用率高等优点,适合于在宽带卫星通信这种无线环境下进行高速传输。 +"As he stated, Hunan is abundant in red tourism resources as a holy place of revolution.",他说,湖南作为革命圣地,红色资源十分丰富。 +"Males are promiscuous and females are selective when choosing a mate, biologists have said for decades.",生物学家几十年来一直宣称,选择性伴侣时,男性随便而女性挑剔。 +Many of these nations have or seek to acquire nuclear arsenals; some are stirred by religious zealotry; and only a few have robust bureaucratic control mechanisms to inhibit the use of these weapons.,这些国家大都拥有或正寻求拥有核军火库,其中一些还躁动着宗教狂热,只有少数强大的官僚控制机制,抑制了那些武器的运用。 +Feeling of infinitive melancholy stole over him.,他不知不觉产生无限忧郁的感觉。 +"There are places where the sun will be warm, where there are fish there will be seas, where there is love there is the taste of happiness.",有阳光的地方就会有温暖,有鱼的地方就会有海洋,有爱的地方就有幸福的滋味。 +"""I think the teachers just got tired of looking at me so they passed me on, "" he said.",“我认为,教师看着我就烦,所以他们放手不管了,”他说。 +"Time of shipment, within 10days after receipt of your letter of credit from Shanghai to Singapore.",在收到您从上海到新加坡信用证十天之内装运。 +"Our two reindeer represent the oldest piece of art in any British art gallery or museum, and it's alarmingly delicate.",我们这件双驯鹿展品代表着任何英国艺术画廊或博物馆馆藏的最古老艺术品,它却是如此惊人地脆弱。 +At that time we lived on wild fruit.,那时我们靠野果子维持生命。 +The third chapter is the design of investigation plan and situation analysis of recessive reader loss of People's Army Newspaper.,第三章为《人民军队》报读者“隐性流失”问题的调查方案设计与情况分析。 +The Indian government is to discuss a draft bill allowing government-sponsored researchers to patent and commercialise their work — but the legislation is generating heated debate amongst scientists.,印度政府正在讨论一份法律草案,允许政府资助的科学家为他们的研究申请专利和商业化——但是这一立法正在引起该国科学家之间激烈的争论。 +The most typical and complicated deictic words in modern Chinese are demonstrative pronouns this and that.,汉语中最常见、最典型、最复杂的指示词语是“这”和“那”类指代词。 +Eliminating problems by transferring the blame to others is often called scapegoating.,用怪罪别人的措施来解决问题通常被称为寻找替罪羊。 +So the customer resolutely decided to buy an Kronos products to protect the server.,所以客户果断地决定购买安克诺斯产品来保护服务器。 +"Maddie : Oh no, just the elite. And depending on your rank, there would be a different number of vessels in your funeral.",曼蒂:喔,不,只有精英份子才有。而且依照所属的阶级,在葬礼上会有不同数量的器皿。 +"Autumn leaves flutter past also withered and yellow, but the pine, cypress, camphor leaves are so green, as your eyes.",秋天树叶儿也枯黄了,但青松、翠柏、香樟的叶子却是那么的绿,直逼你的眼。 +"Read for Fun and for interest. Tease your brain by reading for gist, but also look-up some words in an English Dictionary.",把阅读当作一种消遣和兴趣,通过阅读文章的大概内容来训练自己,阅读完后再用英英字典查生词。 +Cathodic reaction rate at open circuit Potential for iron in sulfuric acid containing dichromate ion was controlled by both electron transfer process and diffusion process.,铁在含有一定浓度重铬酸根的硫酸中,自腐蚀状态下的阴极反应速率受重铬酸根阴极还原电子转移过程与扩散过程共同控制。 +Gannett has introduced several restructuring moves that will result in dramatically altered operations at the headquarters and a number of local news properties.,甘尼特推出的几个重组举措将导致总部运营和当地大批报社资产属性的大幅改变。 +"He believes that we are meant to progress, to move in a positive direction, and not just to adapt, as the Freudians and behaviorists would have it.",他相信我们朝向进步的方向、正道的方向,而不只是像Freud派和行为主义者所认为只是适应而已。 +These educative programs will be only the beginning of events that lead up to first contact!,这些教育计划将只是事件的开端,并导致第一次接触的发生! +N ew Bonder is a professional supplier of electronic auxiliary together with experience consultation for the electronic industry.,力邦泰科技有限公司是一家专业的电子胶水辅料供应商,并提供专业技术顾问服务。 +"If their names don’t ring any bells with you, don’t fret. While they are famous in certain circles, they aren’t exactly household names.",如果你压根就没听过这些名字,也没关系,因为尽管她们在各自的圈子里面都很有名气,却还称不上家喻户晓。 +"Today’s arsenal of insecticides, herbicides, and fungicides is staggering in number and chemical complexity.",今天这些生产杀虫剂、除草剂和杀真菌剂的工厂生产的产品数量更多,化学复杂性也越高。 +"Execute DB2 scripts to create databases or tables, and populate tables with data.",执行 DB2 脚本以创建数据库或表,并在表中填充数据。 +"Mr. Ye has the last virtue of farmers, and also has some virtue of contemporary citizens, which is the spirit of being good at learning and adapting to the social change. Mr.",叶先生具有最后的农民的某些德性,又具有现代化公民的某些德性,这正是他善于学习、善于适应社会的精神。 +Conclusion The activity and positive rate of ADA of pleural effusion in tuberculous group was higher than non-tuberculous group;,结论胸水ADA值和阳性率在结核性胸水组均显著高于非结核性胸水组; +Man-marking is when a player shadows an opponent to crowd him out and give him no space to run with the ball or pass it.,盯人防守是指球员紧紧贴住对方球员使其没有空间带球前进或者传球。 +Based on the PPDC model regionalization of the eco-environment quality in China consistent with the actual situation is achieved.,应用投影寻踪动态聚类模型对中国生态环境质量进行评价,获得了有切实意义的区划结果。 +"I often hided myself out in a quiet corner, facing the bright moon in the sky, allowing sorrow being pulled into a bottomless abysm and gradually spreading into deep-felt miss.",我常常一个人静静地躲藏在寂静的角落,面对天空中的明月,任由悲伤被扯进无底的深渊,徐徐地蔓延进深切的思念里。 +"This splice ""tricks"" the PGM-III into thinking it never gets out of 3rd gear, and as such uses 3rd gears more aggressive ignition curve from 4th to 6th gear.",这剪接“过关”的铂族金属三成思维它从未失去第三齿轮,因此,使用第三齿轮更积极点火曲线从第4至第6齿轮。 +"If her eject does you damply, give her hope, cannot get angry.",如果她的喷射将你弄得湿漉漉的,给她信心,不能生气。 +General focus and areas of obstructions will come from the house ruled by Capricorn in the natal chart.,总体的焦点和障碍范围将来自于本命盘中摩羯座所管辖的宫位。 +"Where true no-till is being practiced, that is where the soybeans are planted directly into heavy, undisturbed corn stubble, better erosion control is achieved, but there is a problem.",把豌豆直接种在厚厚的,未破坏的玉米茬里,是真正的无耕耘操作,这样能很好控制土壤侵蚀,但仍有个问题。 +"Look at what a lot of things there are to learn--pure science, the only purity there is.",看看有多少事可以学习啊,比如纯科学,最纯正的了。 +Laudan studies originally conceptual problems in science.,劳丹开创性地考察了科学中的概念问题。 +"Insensible, I trust, but none the worse.",然而也并没有坏得那么决绝。 +"The sub-official escapes hangs mainly has the woman who in the prolificacy, produces densely, at childbirth many year sequelae, may add gradually stores implements the birth control now.",子官脱垂主要发生在多产、密产的妇女,在分娩多年后发病,可以逐渐加屯现在实行计划生育。 +The city has also set up a website urging fans to make donations to help defray costs.,此外,洛杉矶已开通一个网站,呼吁杰克逊歌迷捐款,帮助弥补这笔开销。 +"And then, after a wile , companies start to make less performer card with average price range.",然后,经过诱骗,公司开始做那么多演员卡平均价格范围。 +She seldom showed her feelings.,她很少表露自己的情绪。 +The invention relates to a front cross-member of a commercial vehicle.,本发明涉及商用汽车的前横梁。 +The most updated trends and the top care facilities are gathered to integrate the newest concepts of world beauty technologies with the ancient oriental nursing methods.,这里汇聚着当今最时尚的潮流经典及顶级护理设施,融合世界美容科技的最新理念及东方古法调理方式。 +PALAIOS is an international journal of the Society for Sedimentary Geology.,《PALAIOS》是美国沉积地质学协会(SEMP)出版的国际期刊。 +"This cooperation and coordination is provided by SOA governance, which covers the tasks and processes for specifying and managing how services and SOA applications are supported.",这个合作和协调是通过 SOA 治理提供的,涵盖了用于指定和管理如何支持服务和 SOA 应用程序的各个任务和流程。 +Each recipe provides a flavor adventure so you can discover new ways to experience and enjoy the great natural tastes of these foods.,每一种烹饪方式都提供了一种独特的味觉体验,所以接下来你可以开始自己全新的天然美味体验之旅了! +The stimulation mask promotes blood flow and will firm up the skin.,这种活肤面膜可以促进血液循环,使皮肤更紧致。 +"Harriet Sherwood in Jerusalem guardian.co.uk, Thursday 18 August 2011 19.20 BST",Harriet Sherwood,耶路撒冷,卫报,2011年8月18日,英国夏令时1920 +HIV transmission interruption should be reinforced among single-HIV infected family in Henan.,提示河南需要加强单阳家庭的HIV阻断传播工作。 +Wave a fan gently and then strongly.,先轻轻地摇扇,然后再猛烈地摇。 +A milkmaid was going to the market . She carried her milk in a pail on her head.,一个挤牛奶的女生正在去市场的路上,她将装满了牛奶的桶子放在自己的头上。 +"Days before he died, I interviewed George Carlin.",在乔治 • 卡林去世之前几天 我采访了他. +"“Yeah, ” She said. “It was so I could wash the sand out.",“是的,”她说,“那是为了弄掉我头发里的沙子。 +Dormitory door has frost glass oberservation window.,单身宿舍门加磨砂玻璃视口。 +"Many a night from yonder ivied casement, ere I went to rest.",许多夜晚透过那常春藤覆盖的玻璃窗。 +His great book called Shisou is an excellent work during the Ming period. He gave his points of views to the old poems.,他的《诗薮》是明代中期一部重要的诗话著作,书中汇聚了其对历代诗歌作品的评价。 +"By deducing two-dimensional arbitrary Lagrange-Euler(ALE) control equations for incompressible fluids, a modified ALE algorithm was obtained.",通过推导二维不可压缩流场中的任意拉格朗日欧拉(ALE)控制方程组,得到改进的ALE法。 +Hoover Shoates got his head out of the way but not his thumb.,胡福-硕茨只来得及把他的头缩回去,却没来得及把拇指抽回。 +Cut into desired shapes with cookie cutters.,用特制刀切成想要的形状。 +Even the most stoic looked grim and ashen.,甚至那些最泰然自若的人也显得表情严峻、面如土色。 +They accept the circumstances amid which fate has thrown them not only with resignation but even with good will.,在环境中,命运不仅教会了他们学会顺从,还有随遇而安。 +"Meanwhile, all of our composite measures for on-line consumer demand remain extremely soft.",同时,对在线消费者的需求我们的综合措施,都仍然非常疲软。 +The pair face stiff competition from Wayne Rooney and Frank Lampard - so make sure you cast your vote now.,利物浦双将将会面临与鲁尼和兰帕德的竞争,所以希望你能够投票。 +"Keep your input and output as separate functions, so they can be changed easily and can be custom-tailored to your computing system.",程序的输入和输出应改作为单独的函数而存在。这样他们容易修改,并且可以根据你的计算机系统定制。 +"The almanac included information on medicines and medical treatment, and listed tides, astronomical information, and eclipses calculated by Banneker himself.",农民历包含医药和治疗的知识、列出 班尼卡自行计算河流、潮汐的信息、和日月蚀的时间。 +He came into the room with a sword in his hand.,他手里拿着剑走进了房间。 +The third part is the non-pecuniary damages Factual analysis.,第四部分是我国违约非财产性损害赔偿制度构建。 +A Vitas´ fan made MV with clips of The Little Prince Movie (1974).,一个维塔斯“风扇(1974)小王子电影剪辑的MV。 +The hotel provides the ticket clerk the service and the peripheral traveling consultation.,旅舍提供票务服务和周边旅游咨询。 +Sometimes you may not even know that you are looking at a fault scarp.,甚至有时你都不知道你正在看的恰恰就是一个断层。 +"CCBA has raised $1,231,906.92 since the May 12 Earthquake two months ago.",自四川大地震发生以来,中华公所已经收集得捐款1,231,906.92元。 +Zircon SHRIMP dating from the gneiss revealed that the age of the original classic rock ranged from 369 to 1855 Ma and the igneous rock in the gneiss from 414 to 482Ma.,红旗营子群黑云斜长片麻岩的锆石SHRIMP年代学研究表明,其原岩碎屑物质年龄介于369~1855 Ma之间,且主要为时限在414~482 Ma之间的岩浆岩,成岩时代不会晚于369 Ma。 +"Second, I rearrange and evaluate theory and practice on criticism that is affected by Historical Materialism, Dialectical Materialism and Totality Theory.",本论部分,对卢卡契在历史唯物主义、辩证唯物主义及总体性影响下的文艺批评理论与实践进行整理与评析。 +"Natalia and her manager, the only females, were told they could go to the spa.",团队中唯一的两位女性-纳塔莉亚和她的女经理得到通知说她们可以去做水疗。 +Overcrowding and unsanitary conditions—we call them production diseases.,也就是过量拥挤和不卫生的环境,我们称之为生产过程疾病。 所以我们其实在用治病的药物也就是抗生素来做为一种生产(食品的)工具。 +Why should the amount by which you're attracted to the Earth be also a measure of how much you hate acceleration?,"为什么物体受地球引力的大小,恰好能衡量物体加速的难易程度呢" +"We never stop asking ourselves how we can make the customer experience better, and every day, we find an answer.",每日三省吾身,永不停止地自问,如何能够让客户对我们产品与服务更加满意,然后找出一个执行方案。 +The Yemeni state news agency says Mr Saleh has asked his cabinet to remain in place in a care-taker capacity.,也门国家通讯社说,萨利赫已要求他的内阁设在临时首都适当的地方。 +Most designers share the unspoken belief that fashion is a valid form of visual art.,大多数设计者都认同这样一种不言而明的理念,即时尚是视觉艺术的一种重要形式。 +"If so, that will hugely raise the economic damage wreaked by crisis, as yet more output is lost and more jobs are destroyed.",如果这样,危机对经济所造成的破坏会大大增加,以至于失去更多产值和就业岗位。 +"In ours opinion, ameliorating and perfecting the teacher evaluation can improve teachers' quality.",我们认为,改进和完善教师评价可以在提高教师质量方面产生较大的影响。 +But the question remains: What happens once it's in there?,但是问题是:在这些峰值点那都发生了些什么? +"Many of these companies had engaged the services of numerous contractors, yet had no reliable systems to manage their distributed workforces.",很多这种公司已经在雇佣数量巨大的服务承包商,却没有可信赖的系统来管理这些分散的生产力。 +"A few weeks before, Shirjan had been detained by the Taliban.",几个星期前,Shirjan曾经被塔利班扣住。 +I want a distinct answer to my question.,我要求对我的问题作出明确的答复。 +"The other winning photomicrographs we chose included subjects such as a wasp 's nest, the olfactory bulbs of zebra fish, seaweed, soy sauce, cancer cells, sulfur and a rat retina.",我们挑选的其它获奖的显微照片中,拍摄对象包括黄蜂的巢、斑马鱼的嗅球、海藻、酱油、癌细胞、硫和大鼠的视网膜。 +"As early as the Song Dynasty poet Su gong had a ""wind Li room opened their own microcarpa"" in verse, so Qianxi Chestnut and ""Purple"" was another name.",早在宋代,诗人晁公溯就曾有“风陨栗房开紫玉”之诗句,因此迁西板栗又有“紫玉”这一别称。 +The most notable example of Europeanization is in the agricultural policy field.,其中政策领域的欧洲化尤其明显,特别是农业政策领域。 +"If you'd like to sit down with one of us more intimately and more sort of tranquilly, and work through problems for more than just a couple minutes at a time.","如果你希望和我们其中一个人坐下来,更亲密的,更平静的,每次用几分钟的时间,来解决问题。" +A method for registration between laser scanning data and digital images is disscussed.,提出了一种激光扫描数据和数字图像配准的方法。 +"Some observers are optimistic that once the initial international outrage has died down, the launch of the N. Korean rocket might actually spark new impetus for talks.",也有些观察员持乐观的态度,他们认为一旦国际社会在这件事上的愤怒得以平息,朝鲜的火箭发射活动很可能对会谈产生新的切实的推进作用。 +"Workarounds include the use of extra-sensitive chemicals in traditional films, or amplification of signals captured by the photoelectronic light sensors of digital cameras.",其他的一些改善这个问题的工作包括在传统胶卷上使用超灵敏的化学感光物质,或者对数码相机的光电传感器捕捉到的信号进行放大。 +This paper reported the automatic monitoring equipment of working speed of seeder.,本文报道其中的播种机工作速度自动检测装置。 +"Button's McLaren team has now won two consecutive races, after Lewis Hamilton triumphed in Germany one week previously.",暨汉弥尔顿上周在德国的胜利以后,巴顿所属的麦拉伦车队现在已经连赢两场比赛。 +"By the time the government was ready to introduce it, Huawei and ZTE, a smaller rival, were already doing well abroad with no help from TD-S.",然而在政府推出TD-S之前,华为和中兴(通信设备商)已经在国外的标准下取得了不错的业绩。 +"According to what was said yesterday, the company will support ""mass storage devices"" (think USB flash drives and digital cameras) but were cagey on how they plan on offering printing support.",根据昨天的说法,Google 会支持 “大量存储设备” (据信包括 USB 闪存驱动以及数码相机),但是值得注意的是,它们如何计划提供打印支持。 +Emotional Education and integrational theoretical research in college physical teaching is a topic which has theoretical value and praticalsignificance.,情感教育及其在高校体育教学中融合的研究,是一个既有理论价值,又有现实意义的选题。 +"This course features a chronology of the readings with selected student responses, and the assignments and final projects from the class.",此课程包括一份阅读顺序表(部分有学生的心得报告),以及课堂作业和期末专题。 +"But the hard thing in life, is getting you to come out of your own selves a bit, realizing it's ""Not all about you.""","但是现实中,要走出你自己的小圈子,去发现这个世界还有其他人" +How many less technology books are there than comics?,科技书比连环画少几本? +HKU offers full- time MBA programme which are highly relevant to the region's dynamic and evolving business environment with a strong focus on Asia business.,香港大学为全日制MBA课程是高度相关区域的活力和发展与亚洲业务的高度重视营商环境。 +"(10100011 repeated 9 times) with an inversion list; we want to encode the eight parallel channels of 9 1s, 9 0s, 9 1s, 9 0s, 9 0s, 9 0s, 9 1s, and 9 1s.",(10100011 重复 9 次) 进行编码;我们希望用 8 个并行的通道来对其进行编码,得到 9 个 1,9 个 0,9 个 1,9 个 0,9 个 0,9 个 0,9 个 1,9 个 1。 +Who can say why did not clear: why so young a long time good?,没有谁能说清是为什么:为什么年幼的时光是那么漫长美好? +Thellos is similar to many quality awards programmes.,这是和许多质量奖方案的作法是类似的。 +"However, this kind of shredding creates duplicate data.",不过,这种分割方式会创建重复数据。 +"What RTM offers - in gadget form - is the to-do list that Gmail users have been asking Google to build, and RTM does an admirable job of satisfying those requests.",RTM提供的是——以插件的形式——谷歌用户曾经要求提供的任务列表,RTM的工作非常值得称赞。 +She bought herself a canvas considered one of the most influential paintings of the 20th century: Picasso's Les Demoiselles d'Avignon (The Ladies of Avignon).,她为自己买了一张20世纪最具影响力的名画:毕加索的《亚威农少女》。 +Each order line is marked as delivered by setting the delivery day.,通过设置送货日期,将订购项标记为已发货。 +"Adam again has relations with his wife, and she gives birth to a son whom she calls Seth.",亚当又和他妻子有了关系,她生了个儿子,取名赛思。 +The system is characterized by excellent achromatic and isochronous properties and compact configuration.,该系统具有优良的消色差性、等时性和良好的聚焦特性。 +"By ways of interview and questionaire, the author point out the characteristic and value of Streetball Activity in China.",街头篮球之所以在我国快速发展,是因其独特的特征和价值。 +"Since this kind of invocation does not result in generation of stub classes and does not require a separate compilation cycle, it is very convenient.",因为这类调用不会导致生成存根类,并且不需要单独的编译周期,所以它很方便。 +"Trekking has become a major industry in northern Thailand, and as a result many of the paths are perhaps a little too well-worn.",在泰国北部,徒步已经成为一桩大生意,结果可能造成了许多步道不堪重负。 +A new approximate calculating method of single triangulation chain using invented connecting traverse principle has been given.,提出利用虚拟附合导线的形式,解决单三角锁计算问题的新算法; +I used to sit on its small balcony overlooking the street and read my book over Chop Suey and beer.,我经常坐在它的那个小阳台上,俯视下面的街道,一边吃着炒杂烩,一边品着啤酒。 +"Congratulations Zibo Jincheng Steel Structure Engineering Co. , Ltd. officially changed its name to S 2010.04.29",热烈庆祝山东锦城钢结构有限责任公司正式成立2010.04.29。 +It will help you to prevent tooth decay and gum diseases.,这样可以帮住你防止蛀牙和防止齿龈炎发生疾病。 +Studies show that people severely ill with H1N1 flu generally need a week to two weeks on ventilators to recover.,而研究显示,正常情况下甲流病人都需要使用呼吸器一到两周才能康复。 +"In conventional therapy enclosed conservative medication, salpingectomy or saved fallopian tube operation.",可采取选择期待治疗;药物保守治疗;输卵管切除或保留输卵管手术。 +This specification provides the definition of the atomic transaction coordination type that is to be used with the extensible coordination framework described in the WS-Coordination specification.,此规范提供了原子事务协调类型的定义,将与 WS-Coordination 规范中描述的可扩展协调框架一起使用。 +"Footman: Just a grain shipment from Andorhal. There's no need to worry, milord. It's already been distributed amongst the villagers.",步兵:只是些从安多哈尔运来的谷物。不消担忧,大人,已分发到村民那里了。 +"As Stephen Jen, an economist at Morgan Stanley, points out, in a crisis “bad things happen to good countries”.",正如摩根士丹利经济学家斯蒂芬·金所言,在一场危机中,“好国家会倒霉”。 +"But then in a glorious show of one-upmanship, another bridesmaid grabs the microphone and delivers a moving monologue peppered with humorous anecdotes and spiritually uplifting Thai proverbs.",紧接着另一艳丽夺目的伴娘抓过麦克风讲述了一段充满风趣轶事和鼓舞人心的泰国格言的感人独白。 +"The performance of Hong Kong Monetary Authority Chief Executive Joseph Yam, HKMA sustain Bank of East Asia, the bank have any fixed capital, the HKMA will help.",香港金管局总裁任志刚表现,金管局撑持东亚银行,该行如有任何固定资金须要,金管局都将协助。 +Readers can customise the layout and test seven different versions.,读者可以自行订制浏览窗布局,并测试七种不同的版本。 +The investment in life insurance is the main pillar to the existence and development of the modern life insurance industry.,寿险投资是现代寿险业得以生存和发展的重要支柱。 +"'composites' are orange, green, and purple.",‘合成色’则有橙、绿、紫。 +"However, this transference to a third-party trustee is exactly what makes the assets of the trust so secure from creditors.",然而,正是这种转由第三方托管的行为,保护了资产免于债权人侵害。 +"In the studied phthalic acid esters compounds, the occupied proportions of di(2-Ethylhexyl) phthalate(DEHP) and din-butyl phthalate(DBP) were higher relatively.",邻苯二甲酸双(2-乙基己基)酯(DEHP)和邻苯二甲酸二丁酯(DBP)所占比例相对较大。 +"Determination method of optimal back-pressure for optimizing operation of double back-pressure condensers in large-scale power plants has been put forward, and computation model being given.",提出了大型电站双背压凝汽器优化运行最佳背压的确定方法,并给出了计算模型。 +The administration of a big business requires skill in dealing with people.,管理大企业需要谙熟与人打交道的技巧。 +Those kinds of information are not easily accessible by following links or using the traditional search engine technology.,"通过跟踪链接,或者传统搜索技术,是无法轻易获取的这些信息的。" +"After looking into the force again, Vader pushed the closet to one side.",再次向原力中找寻了一次后,维达把衣橱推向另一侧。 +Here is a story about two great men of science in the US history.,给你们讲个美国汗青上两个巨大的迷信家的故事。 +"Shot and left for dead in the Leopold cafe, Santhumayor spent two months in hospital while doctors attempted to rebuild his shattered right leg.",桑特胡梅亚在利奥波德(Leopold)咖啡馆被子弹击中后垂死挣扎着,之后他在医院待了两个月,期间医生试图重组他那条残缺的右腿。 +And you'll pick things up so much quicker,这样你就会在不知不觉中学得更快, +"Mr. Fan, the President, introduced the history of China Charity Federation, and the attention and support that the Chinese government has put on philanthropic work.",中华慈善总会范宝俊会长介绍中华慈善总会的发展历程,以及中国政府对慈善事业的重视与支持。 +"According to Mincer′s two sector model, the economy can be divided into the minimum wage covered sector and the non-covered sector.",在理论层面,根据明瑟尔两部门模型,把我国经济部门划分为最低工资的覆盖部门和非覆盖部门。 +I hope to earn your respect someday.,盼望有一天您能对我刮目相看。 +"have fallen over a fifth since June, far worse than the 8 percent decline in the Hang Seng Index .HSI. Shares of Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (ICBC) (","自6月以来,中国建设银行H股(0939.HK: 行情)已下跌了逾五分之一,跌幅远大于恒生指数的下跌8%.同期中国工商银行(1398.HK: 行情)下跌15%,而中国银行(3988.HK: 行情)和中国农业银行(1288.HK: 行情)跌幅均在20%左右." +"Zhang Yimou's film, House of Flying Daggers (2004) ranks 40.",张艺谋的《十面埋伏》排在第40位。 +"Second, the excessive use of forest fund influences the expenditure of afforestation.",二是林业经费使用过宽,影响造林支出; +Passage of an increase with up to an additional $1.36 trillion to last until November 2012 seems impossible given the rancor in Washington.,"鉴于华府剑拔弩张局势,增加1.36万亿美元以撑到2012年11月看来不可能得到通过." +Therefore how to translate the brand names and establish the image it conveys is an essential move for the company's success to develop oversea market.,所以,如何翻译品牌名称和树立译名所表达的国际形象对很多公司来说是成功开拓海外市场的决定性一步。 +She looks older than her age.,她很显老。 +"The gap between the tilting roof form and the structure's walls works to lend the former – beyond its cantilever – a strong visual levity, while providing effective clerestory fenestration.",倾斜的屋顶形式和结构的墙壁之间的差距——超越其悬臂的距离——给人以强烈的视觉差异,同时也提供有效的天窗。 +The first is a box cooker. It is designed with a special wall that shines or reflects sunlight into the box. Heat gets trapped under a piece of glass or plastic covering the top of the cooker.,一种是盒式蒸蛋器,由一种特殊设计的墙将阳光反射进盒子里,热量就会被蒸蛋器顶端覆盖的一块玻璃或是塑料所截留并储存下来。 +ANSWER: There is no solution.,回答:这是一个无解得问题。 +The noncompetitive inhibition of EGb on tyrosinase was determined with L-Tryosine substrate.,用L—酪氨酸作底物,测定了银杏叶提取物对酪氨酸酶的非竞争性抑制作用。 +Voting's underway in parliamentary elections in the French-speaking Canadian province of Quebec.,在加拿大讲法语的魁北克省,议会选举投票已经开始了。 +"The early pregnancy responded for one past, you ate meal have been also fragrant, looks that the belly was day-by-day big, has had ease of mind many.",早孕反应一过去,你吃饭也香了,看着肚子一天天大起来,心情舒畅了许多。 +"As a result, this combined method is much more economically efficient and time saving than only using the linear addition method for blending of gasoline components.",结果证明,用线性规划法与调合汽油辛烷值预测公式联立优化汽油调合方案,无论是经济效益还是时间效率均优于按辛烷值线性加和进行计算所得的结果。 +"The results showed that OA kneepad could delay cataplasia of articular cartilage by inhibiting cytokines and adjusting biological effect of MMP-3, HA.",结果表明OA护膝通过有效抑制细胞因子、调节MMP-3、HA的生物效应来延缓关节软骨的退变。 +"On a surface grinder, the workpiece is held in place on a table that moves under the rotating abrasive wheel.",结合研究的成果,完成了对旋转椭球面和旋转抛物面等非球面工件的加工工艺实验。 +"Methods:Subralar release has treated relapse clubfoot deformity 12cases, 20 feet.",方法:距下松解术治疗复发性马蹄内翻足畸形12例2 0足。 +"Little girl eating the food devoured, grateful tears overflow the eyes.",小女孩狼吞虎咽的吃着吃着,眼里溢满感激的泪水。 +Slowly he pushed the Indians into those parts of the continent that he didn't want—the parts where it was too cold or too dry or too mountainous to live comfortably.,漫漫地他们把白人赶到了他们不喜欢的地方——特别冷特别干燥或多山的居住不舒服的地方。 +"In fact, you'll need to do some fancy footwork to keep things calm.",其实你应该做一些富有想象的策略来保持平稳。 +"Yet Americans watch 35 hours of television a week, according to a Nielsen survey.",然而,根据尼尔森的一项调查,美国人一周要看35小时电视。 +In figure 4 your text refers to a 31-year running mean.,在图4,你的文章参考了一个31年的滑动平均值。 +"Alrighty, I confess… I'm a nerd.",我承认,我是个书呆子。 +"If so, how the charges might be brought about by the Federation of the Phonographic Industry this spring?",如果是这样,这个收费怎么可能带来唱片业的春天呢? +"By means of trial calculation for the data of Jilin prov. in 1971-1987, the results has proved that the model provided with a higher precision and forecasting ability.",��过对吉林省1971~1987年数据进行试算,证明该模型具有较高的精度和预测能力。 +Flags were flying at half-mast across the country and all public entertainment has been suspended as the three-day mourning period started.,在为期三天的全国哀悼日时期,全国各地降半旗致哀,停止各类公共文娱活动。 +"If the bank had to consolidate just 20% of these mortgage assets, tangible assets would rise to about 63 times tangible equity.",哪怕花旗集团被迫只合并这些抵押贷款资产的20%,该行的有形资产就将达到其有形净值的大约63倍。 +"In the appreciation of TV programs, open and close by the remote control curtain of comfortable, can build a audiovisual environment.",在欣赏影视节目的时候,用遥控器控制窗帘开闭,可以营造一个对舒适的视听环境。 +"Hingis doesn’t mind talk of her rivals. “So long as they’re lower than me, I’m fine, ” she said.",辛吉斯并不介意谈论她的对手,她说:“只要她们超不过我,就万事大吉了。” +Why did I do it?,为什么我会做出这种事? +"“To be pessimistic about the future is so new for Americans and so strikingly un-American, ” says Spence. “But most people grasp their own situations way better than any economist.”",斯彭斯说,“对于未来,其他人也许会非常明显地感到悲观,但是美国人民的词汇里没有悲观主义,而且大多数人会审时度势,调整好自己的方向,他们做得会比任何经济学家都好!” +Student days I use my learning to live the way solve the meaning math.,学生时代的我用我的学习生活解答了这道意味深长的计算题。 +Tetrandrine could enhance the antitumor effects of Cisplatin. Tetrandrine has synergistic effect with Cisplatin in the treatment of cancer.,汉防己甲素能增强顺铂的抑瘤作用,与顺铂具有协同抗肿瘤作用。 +"The MEDITERRANEAN DIET COMPANY (""MDC"") is a professional group encompassing the sourcing, production, management and export of food and beverages that form the basis of the typical Spanish diet.",地中海饮食公司MEDITERRANEAN DIET COMPANY是一家集生产、经营和出口来自西班牙等国特色食品和饮料的专业集团。 +Duke Hsiang of Sung ruled in the Spring and Autumn Era.,宋襄公是公元前七世纪春秋时代宋国的国君。 +"In fact, you might say he drinks like a fish.",实际上,你可能会说他喝起酒来不要命。 +"The federal government thinks that's a bad idea, but that's not stopping the milk-sharing.",联邦政府认为这个主意糟糕透了,但是这并不能阻止妈妈们分享自己的母乳。 +It is also observed that proteins accumulate more LHR in its active sites.,也可以看出蛋白质在其活性位点处积累更多的LHR。 +"11So Paul stayed for a year and a half, teaching them the word of God.",保罗在那里住了一年零六个月,将神的道教训他们。 +"And he was right. Sousa never did become a circus band leader, but he did become the most famous leader of the Marine Band.",他的决定是对的,苏沙后来没有成为马戏团的指挥,而成为了海军乐队中最有名的指挥。 +"It points out that it should be settled according to the market clearing price when supply tensely and according to pay-as-bidding price when supply abundant, which could not only adjust the market c…",在供给充裕时,应采用按报价个别结算,这样不仅能够合理调节上网价格,而且能引导发电商采取合适的竞价策略。 +The guaranteed ease canal at networked system with both stochastic network-induced delay and data packet dropout governed by a Markovian chain is investigated.,研究了具有随机网络诱导时延且数据包丢失服从马尔可夫链的网络化系统的保性能控制问题。 +"Children fathered by older men are likely to be less intelligent than the offspring of younger dads, Australian and US scientists have found in a report published yesterday.",美国和澳大利亚的科学家在昨日公布的一份报告中称,年龄较大的男性所生的孩子可能不如年轻男性的孩子聪明。 +Federal Police should be able to access oscillating scanners and EEG machines like SQUID (Superconductor Quantum Interface Detector) through the defence department or appropriate facilities.,警察联盟应该能接近振动扫描仪和脑电图机器,象超导体量子界面探测器(SQUID),通过国防部门或相应的设备。 +"There are mainly two reactions involved in the pathways, chain elongation and desaturation.",合成途径中,有两个主要的反应,即碳链的增长和去饱和作用。 +Sir Thomas More built his house there.,托玛斯 莫尔先生把他的房子建在那儿。 +People tend to forego sleep in order to make time for a work-out or other daily activities and it is often overlooked as an important factor in the battle of the bulge.,人们常常占用睡眠的时间去做运动和其他一些日常琐事,而因此忽略了睡眠在减肥这场斗争中的重大作用。 +"Access to these skills, including access to information about current best practice, will be provided through a formal co-sourcing arrangement with a 3rd party.",获得这些技能,包括获得本届最佳实践资料,将通过一项正式的合作安排了3次党采购。 +Tuckahoe Pie was originally a palace snack.,茯苓饼是一种宫廷点心。 +"D: Now, the quicker a fruit or vegetable respires, the quicker it ripens.",水果或者蔬菜的呼吸作用越强烈,它成熟的就越快。 +The western powers - minus Germany and Turkey who wisely refused to join the Libya attack – are likely to arm and support the Benghazi rebels.,西方列强-除了德国和土耳其他们非常明智地拒绝加入到袭击利比亚的战争中来--有可能武装和支持班加西(利比亚北部港口城市)的叛乱。 +The author thinks promoting a school execution to pay attention to 4 points: establish a set of scientific management system ;,作者认为提升学校执行力要关注四点:创建一套科学的管理制度; 构建一个有效的执行框架; +This paper studies phosphor furnace processing parameters optimization aiming at the trait of yellow phosphor production.,本文针对黄磷生产的特点,对磷炉工艺参数优化进行了研究。 +They found that a typical child loses 30–40 per cent of their red blood cells during a malaria attack.,他们发现,在疟疾发作期间,一名儿童典型地会失去30%-40%的红细胞。 +"They loved each other, it is painful that Zhou Yuan can bear alone in shadow only.",他们相爱了,周元只能在暗处独自承受痛苦。 +"They watched the interesting film, laughing and talking.",他们看着有趣的电影,边谈边笑。 +Why would we spend the time and money to go through this ritual each and every day?,那又是为什么我们(男人们)花那么多时间和金钱来履行每天的程序呢? +"Even if the overall supply mattered, luxury condo buildings are still wonders of inefficiency. 432 Park, the tallest residential skyscraper in the Western hemisphere, will have only 104 units.",尽管建筑的总体供应量很重要,这些奢侈的公寓大楼依然不能够有效的解决问题。 派克大街432号是曼哈顿西部地区最高的住宅楼,只有104户。 +Bad behavior (determined by staff who use common sense) may result in a Penalty Point or even an immediate disqualification of the respective team from the Tournament.,不友好的行为(由赛事仲裁根据常识判断)会导致被判一个惩罚点甚至立即取消资格。 +"When earnest prayer has melted away all earthly passions and desires so that I delight in God alone, then my prayer changes until I do not so much pray as I live in God.",当热切的祷告吞噬了一切属世的愿望与激情后,我乃单单以神为乐,此时我的祷告改变了,我不需要向神喋喋不休,只须活在神里面。 +Goods on the wharves were rapidly cleared .,码头上的货物很快就运走了。 +Hope your current Christmas dremornings come true!,愿你全盘的圣诞希望都成真! +The OCOG may establish a functional area dealing with Marketing Communications aspects.,组委会可以建立专职部门处理有关市场开发宣传方面的事务。 +"A breach of this undertaking may give rise to an incidence, which relieves the charter of his obligations under the charter-party .",对本义务的违背解除了承租方在租船合同项下的义务。 +How this rarified group uses their cash differentiates them from the rest of us — and keeps them in the black.,这一小众群体处理现金的方式和我们有别,也让他们始终有盈余。 +You can't depict the beauty of words to the blind and can't describe elegance of music to the deaf.,你没办法对瞎子谈文字之美; 也没办法对聋子描述音乐之雅。 +Large dosage can cause death.,大剤量能致命。 +"About future strategy after Normandy campaign, Eisenhower worked out the conception of ""Broad Front"" strategy, but not discussed in the supreme command. Factor of argument was left over.",艾森豪维尔对诺曼底战役后的进攻战略虽有规划,但未能进行讨论,从而埋下了未来争论的种子。 +"As the hero of The Sound and the Fury by William Faulkner, Quentin Compson is left by the American Civil War.",威廉·福克纳的代表作《喧嚣与骚动》中,主人公昆丁所经历的精神危机折射出历史的伤痕。 +"Besides the steady margin for the variation in process and equipment, the dynamic margin for control must be considered and its size is related to the control system.",对于再生器的藏量裕量和主风裕量来说,在考虑过程工艺条件变化和设备条件变化留出的稳态裕量之外,均需再留出一定的动态裕量,以满足过程操作和控制的要求。 +"On the one hand, government and the whole society have already arrived at the consensus that great manpower and money should be input to fully implement water conservation policy.",一方面,政府��全社会都达成了以下共识,即我们要花巨大的人力和财力来保护水资源。 另一方面,一些地方官员只关心经济和贸易的发展,而忽略了环境保护的责任。 +"Evading re-capture, they travel from Avalon to the backside of the island, stumbling into the center of a Ceremonial Indian Gathering.",回避重新捕获,他们从阿瓦隆到岛上背面,进入印度的一个仪式集散中心绊脚石。 +the school is holding a fête to raise funds for the roof;,学校为了募集资金修理屋顶而举行宴会; +"To get to 95 wins, the minimum needed to achieve the wild card or the AL East title the last six seasons, the Yankees will have to go 64-36 in the final 100 games.",在过去六个球季看来,要拿下美联东区冠军或外卡,最少都需要95场胜利,意思是洋基在之后100场比赛里,要拿下64胜36败的成绩。 +Then after it was realized that the dog consumed parts of the scalp the dog’s stomach was cut opened and the scalp was located and rushed to the hospital.,这只狗随后被“开膛破肚”,并取出头皮火速送往医院。 +"You must do your part, you must faithfully follow the plans you make and take the actions you plan, you must never quit, you must never fear.",你必须完成你的部分,你必须忠实的遵守你制定的计划并付诸实施,你决不能放弃,你决不能害怕。 +The office program was realized in and on two connected floating concrete caissons.,办公室嵌在两个相连的浮动混凝土沉箱上。 +"India, and Parkistan, many would say fighting a proxy war in Afghnastan.",许多人会说印度和巴基斯坦是在打一场代理人战争。 +"Today, I would come to flights of fancy gold Hydrangea bar.",今天,我就来夸夸金绣球吧。 +"A city of central Honshu, Japan, a textile-manufacturing suburb of Nagoya. Population, 257,392.",日本本州中部一城市,为名古屋市纺织工业郊区。人口257,392。 +"Whether or not the football body takes action before the next World Cup, technology experts are feverishly working on new-generation devices .",不管 FIFA 在下届世界杯前是否会做出行动,技术专家们都在开发下一代的技术设备。 +"Lossless compression is fine, but reformatting and storing received data for a small percentage gain in space in a large database will cause more issues than it's worth.",无损的压缩虽好,但是为了在大型数据库中节省少量的空间而重新格式化和存储接收的数据,会导致更多问题,实属不值。 +Carrie listened most good-naturedly.,嘉莉非常耐心地听着。 +"The algorithm makes the management model more convenient, the uniformity of time interval better, and the denotation of the…",该算法具有方便的管理模式、良好的时隙间隔均匀性、简单的时隙表示形式等优点。 +"There are exuberent pine trees, towering white poplars, and calm streams.",这儿有密密的松树和参天的白杨,还有静静的溪流。 +Fast to lighten the lamp which only needs 2W input low consume.,灯管点亮快速不延迟,功耗低, 总功率仅2W。 +Some highlights of the JBoss AOP plug-in follow; list item numbers correspond to the labels in Figure 3,下面将重点介绍一些 JBoss AOP 插件的特性;列表编号与图 3 中的标签对应 +"But only beer can make them hold each other and say, ""I love you , dude.""",运动可以让人们聚到一起,但只有啤酒才会让他们拥抱,说,我爱你,哥们。 +"Only in this way, ""Xinhua Daily"" can exist for along time as well as its development.",只有这样,《新华日报》才能在求得生存的同时不断发展。 +"""Problems are opportunities in work clothes, "" Henry Kaiser said.",亨利·凯泽说:“困难就是穿上工作服的机遇。” +Those who have delved deeper into the subject know that the opening in the human pelvis through which the baby must pass is limited in size by our upright posture .,对这个问题下过一些工夫的人知道:人类的骨盆开口,是胎儿出生必经的出口,但是我们的直立体态,却使那个出口的尺寸受到极大的限制。 +He also downplayed the extent to which the American model attracts people the world over: the Chinese business elite are much more interested in Silicon Valley than in their Confucian past.,同时,他也忽视了美国榜样对全世界的吸引力–对中国的商业精英们来说,比起他们的儒家传统,他们对美国硅谷(Silicon Valley)更有兴趣。 +"As a dedicated teacher, she consistently devotes herself to serious scholarly research programs, unearthing and performing many scores that have previously been neglected.",作为一位献身于歌唱艺术的教授,她持续不断地进行多项严肃音乐的学术研究,并致力演出苍海遗珠之作。 +"Many passengers in Guangzhou have decided to take other ways of travelling, as nearly all train tickets before the Spring Festival have been sold out.",随着节前火车票基本售完,很多买不到票的���客开始另作打算。 +"One only tends to think of compensation sedimentation, but neglect uncompensated sedimentation in compiling structural growth section by thickness method.",直接用厚度法制作发育史剖面仅考虑到补偿性沉积,而忽视了非补偿沉积。 +Expression evaluating to a nonnegative ID number ( int ).,算出非负ID号的表达式。 +A retrograde Mercury is a nuisance but when you know this planet of travel and communications is on a retreat you can make accommodations.,水逆还真是讨嫌啊,但是你会明白这个代表旅行和沟通的行星的所处的位置只是为了让你能好好休憩。 +Combine the corn starch and baking soda, add in egg and water to make a batter.,将玉米淀粉和小苏打粉混合匀,打入鸡蛋,加入水调匀成比较黏的面糊。 +"In 2007, the number of religious ceremonies fell by 4.5% to 77, 490 compared with 2006.",在2007年,举行宗教仪式的婚礼比2006年的77,490减少了4.5%。 +"Crouch netted a perfect treble in the 4-1 rout of the Gunners, scoring with his right foot, head and left foot.",在4比1战胜抢手的比赛中,克劳奇打进三个完美的进球,进球来自于他的脚,头和左脚。 +"If it was between both, then it would only steal file pages, unless the number of file repages was greater than the amount of computational pages.",如果它的值介于两者之间,那么仅偷取文件页面,除非重新分页的文件页面的数量大于计算页面。 +Shipping green barrier is one of the protective measures employed by some developed nations to maintain their monopoly position in the international shipping market.,海运绿色壁垒是海运发达国家为维持本国海运业在国际海运市场的垄断地位而采取的一种保护主义海运政策。 +The man who visited our class yesterday is our new headmaster.,昨天参观我们班的人是我们的新校长。 +"For placing bets on his own team in the 1980s, Pete Rose, a record-breaking hitter, remains outside the Hall of Fame (and cannot even set foot in a major league ground).",1980年代,一位破纪录的传奇打击手,Pete Rose,因为给自己的球队下注,被排除在棒球名人堂之外,甚至被MLB大联盟终身禁赛。 +It feels good to drive; driving makes me feel very relaxed and comfortable.,自己开车,感觉很好,好轻松,很舒服。 +"Also, because there are no services instances, there are no equivalents to relationships between services.",另外,因为没有服务实例,所以没有与服务之间的关系等价的东西。 +"No differences in health-related quality of life over time were found, with one exception.",随时间推延,除一例外,没有发现与健康相关的生活质量变化。 +"And locust tree still lose traffic policemen pain at this time, he could only swallow silently in heart, waiting for a new traffic policemen.",而槐树此时还在失去交通员的阵痛之中,他只能在心中默默饮泣,等待新的交通员出现。 。 +"Witnessed by senior diplomats of member states and senior UN officials, Ban repeated the oath after current General Assembly president Sheikha Haya Rashed Al Khalifa.",番基文重复着联合国主席阿勒哈所念的誓词,宣誓就任下一届联合国秘书长。 出席宣誓仪式的有联合国成员国资深外交官和联合国官员。 +The goal of this step is to determine whether the message has been flagged as invalid.,这一步的目的是确定消息是否被已被标记为无效。 +"When ""governments attempt to regulate the balance between a limited supply of health care and an unlimited demand for it, they're inevitably forced to ration treatment, "" Mr. Loder asserted.",鲁德先生断言,当“政府试图在有限的医疗卫生保健供给和无限的医疗卫生保健需求之间调节平衡时,他们采取必然是强制性的定量处理方法。” +"""Behind you! "" Janice shouted.",“你后面!”贾妮斯喊道。 +The various elements of the novel fail to cohere.,这部小说的各部分之间缺乏连贯性。 +The launch of Chang E One is the first step of China's 3-stage moon mission. The second phase will lead to a moon landing and launch of a moon rover around 2012.,嫦娥1号的发射是中国月球工程三步曲的第一步,第二阶段是登陆月球,在2012年左右发射月球巡视车。 +We also know what the vibrational partition function is.,我们也知道振动能的配分函数。 +The doctor can no longer evade his own difficulty by treating the difficulties of others: the man who suffers from a running abscess is not fit to perform a surgical operation.,医生不再能够以治疗别人的困难,来逃避他自己的困难。自己脓疮满身而痛苦交加的人,不适合来执行外科手术。 +"Understanding the mechanism of radiation-induced oligodendrocytes injury may be of significance to increase the radiation tolerance, prevent and treat CNS injury induced by irradiation.",了解少突胶质细胞的辐射损伤机制,对增强CNS对辐射耐���性、防护和治疗CNS的辐射损伤具有重要意义。 +It seems the knighting ceremony wasn't the only time your…,看来你父亲并不只是在册封典礼时… +"Earth is a place that such other creations dump their unwanted darkness so that they can retain an only loving and light dance without violence, starvation or other forms of abuse and travesties .",地球是一个这类造物倾倒其不想要的黑暗的地方,这样后者就可停留在一个惟有爱和光明的舞蹈中,没有暴力、饥馑,也没有其他形式的虐行或悲剧。 +This is the city of rocks they built.,这就是依山而筑的石头城。 +And an analysis on the current production of green manure helps adopt effective measures for its future development.,通过分析我国绿肥生产的现状,提出了今后我国绿肥发展的有效对策。 +But where was independent board oversight of the culture at News Corp when public concerns of telephone hacking first arose in 2005?,但是早在2005年,公众就首次对新闻集团的电话窃听表达了忧虑,当时独立董事的监督何在? +This essay mainly summarizes the classification and properties of amylases.,本文着重对淀粉酶的性质和分类进行综述。 +"We need to recognize the advantage of a gradualist approach. At the same time, we should also understand its cost and disadvantage.",因此,在我们大张旗鼓地阐明渐进式改革的好处时,也需要认识到渐进式改革的成本和缺点。 +Study results were published in the May British Journal of Psychiatry.,研究结果发表在五月《英国精神病学期刊》上。 +"It must, however, be remembered that the Chinese were brutal in enforcing the one-child policy.",然而,必须牢记的是中国人在实行独生子女政策时是非常残忍的。 +"In the Extension Point Selection window (Figure 2), clear the Show only extension points from the required plug-ins check box.",在 Extension Point Selection 窗口中(如图 2 所示),清除 Show only extension points from the required plug-ins 复选框。 +"The legacy of different regional practices is now being reviewed, with a view to creating a streamlined, common set of policies for markets and cooked food centres markets.",本署现正检讨市区和新界因过往做法不同而遗留下来的问题,务求为街市及熟食中心市场制定精简划一的政策。 +"During the device's development, she wore a prototype Q Sensor to a party, and found that even though she felt more at ease, her body still had the same fight-or-flight reaction.",开发装置时,她曾携原型机参加宴会,即便她感觉轻松,仪器仍显示身体有“非战即逃”的紧张反应。 +"Luckily, websites like this can determine just how safe your password is against a brute force attack, using the magic of math — which should hopefully encourage a change.",幸运的是,有些网站可以使用数学的方法评估在对抗暴力破解的时候你的密码到底又多安全——这也会鼓励你跟换密码。 +"Non-volatile variohm, memory element, and its scaling method.",非易失性可变电阻器,存储器件,及其定标法。 +"Whatever the demerits of microfilm as a storage medium (and it is notoriously balky, difficult stuff), at least it had a certain durability that the print article lacked.",无论微缩胶片具有多少缺点(它是有名的倔强、不好使用的东西),最少它具有印刷品所缺乏的耐久性。 +"W: But I am not familiar with the members of the board. M: Oh, that's easy.",W:可是我不太熟悉董事会的成员。 +"Researchers led by Thomas Clemens of Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine discovered that those mice developed a bone-making deficiency, having thinner bones with fewer osteoblasts.",以托马斯•克莱门斯为首的来自约翰•霍普金斯大学医学院的研究者们发现那些实验小鼠的造骨能力随之下降,最终的结果就是在造骨细胞越来越少的同时骨骼越来越细。 +The 20-year-old winger recently passed his Reds' medical and will officially join the Premiership champions from Sporting Lisbon next month.,这个20岁的边锋最近刚刚完成了红魔的体检,并且下个月即将正式从里斯本竞技加盟英超。 +"The above routing code is fine, and we've seen that this simple route is as short as any other.",上面计算路线的代码是很好的,同时我们已经知道这条简单的路线和其他路线是一样短的。 +"Out of increasing demands from tourism and commerce &trade, from guest houses and star-rated hotels, their functions have all been undergoing upgrading.",从客栈到星级酒店,出于旅游和商贸需求的不断提高,酒店功能也正不断升级。 +"The seed discharging mechanism for seeding-tray precision seeding device with Brush Wheel is designed, composed with seed pitching apparatus and drive gearing .",设计了适合于刷轮式苗盘精播装置的强制排种机构。此机构主要由投种器、传动系统和动力机构组成。 +WS-Security implementations use a key that is randomly generated.,Web 服务安全性(WS-Security)实现使用一个随机生成的密钥。 +Ours was only the train's fifth outing and it had fewer than half of its maximum 84 passengers aboard.,这是列车的第五次开行,列车满载84名旅客,但每次车上的旅客都不到额定的一半。 +Inflammable ether was not used and vacuum distillation was omitted.,不使用易燃性乙醚作溶剂,省略高真空蒸馏。 +The factory-built modular gas plant will be installed on site and is expected to begin production in 2017.,模块化气体处理装置会在工厂建造完成后再运输现场安装,并预计在2017投入生产。 +"My daughter's quizzical look makes me realize that tears have formed in my eyes. ""You'll never regret it, "" I finally say.",女儿奇怪的眼神让我意识到自己已经是热泪盈眶,“你将永不后悔,”我最后说。 +"“There are very few facts, ” Lebel said.",“那些事实非常少,”勒贝尔说。 +"Contain deep sea roe essence, amino acid, hyaluronic acid and super fine nourishing compound. It brings tender and smooth feeling for skin, make skin energetic and.",蕴含来自深海的珍贵鱼子精华,揉合氨基酸、透明质酸及超微细营养复合物。能为肌肤带来水嫩幼滑的感受,赋于肌肤以星光般的活力及。 +"“If people are stressed about basic survival, they will have more cortisol and a smaller hippocampus, and thus potential difficulties with memory formation,” says Lazar.",如果人们对基本的生存感到压力,他们(的身体)就会产生更多皮质醇,海马组织也会萎缩,因此有可能阻碍记忆的形成。 +We've sewed it on tightly.,我们已经把它紧紧地缝上了。 +The boot sector virus was the first type of virus created.,开机病毒是第一种病毒。 它藏在启动盘的执行程序上。 +"Yuma: I need to catch some apples and show I'd not useless, but the tree's too tall and I am a klutz, I should try.",我要摘点苹果来证明我也有用,但是那树太高了我又爬不上去,我应该试试。 +Now he's happier living a quiet life in a small town with his wife and two kids.,于是他现在跟太太还有两个孩子在小城里安安静静地、舒舒服服地过日子。 +"Now, it was clear that Yinling's mother must be his female cousin Dong.",如今很清楚地说明了婴宁的母亲一定就是这位名董的堂姐。 +The measures taken for strengthening the large bay masonry structures with additional reinforced concrete columns and horizontal strips to form confined masonry structures is proposed in this paper.,提出对大开间砖砌体结构采取在砖砌体中设置钢筋混凝土墙中柱和水平条带的加强措施。 +Posterior internal fixation and bone grafting fusion were made on 26 patients with atlantoaxial fracture or dislocation in condition of tracheal intubation anesthesia.,在气管插管全麻下对26例寰枢椎骨折脱位的患者施行后路内固定植骨融合术。 +One of the symbols we thought of was a beret.,我们想到的标志性的东西就是法国贝雷帽。 +In this paper is introduced the control of the pressurized headbox of papermachine.,对压力式流浆箱的控制进行了介绍。 +"Melanie lay in the bed, her figure under the counterpane shrunken and flat like a little girl's.",媚兰躺在床上,床罩底下萎缩单薄的形体就像是个小女孩似的。 +"So all the participants will be welcome and we can provide different lines, travel preparation and service guide to create a home-like atmosphere.",提供专业的路线选择、出行准备、和服务指南,为旅游爱好者创造一个温馨的家园。 +"I can see you are a strong person, so I thought we could start with strokes .",我看你很强壮,所以我想我们可以从游的动作开始。 +"People often complains that what also do not come, but if we only miss shoes have or lack of things, and not to cherish what you possess the fundamental change problem!",人们经常埋怨什么也做不来,但如果我们只记挂着想拥有或欠缺的东西,而不去珍惜所拥有的,那根本改变不了问题! +"As readers, it's our duty, it's our obligation, to sort out and to reassemble.",作为读者,我们的任务和责任,就是鉴别挑选和重组。 +"Brocade is the outstanding representative of our fine traditional culture, named for its gorgeous, beautiful as the sky clouds.",云锦是我国优秀传统文化的杰出代表,因其绚丽多姿,美如天上云霞而得名。 +"At an event, participants have the opportunity to break the ice with 20 or more other singles – but for only three minutes each.",在速配活动中,每个人都有机会和20多个单身青年见面,但你和每个人只有三分钟的沟通时间。所以,第一印象是至关重要的! +Band saw: a power saw used in woodworking consisting essentially of a toothed metal band coupled to and continuously driven around the circumferences of two wheels.,电动带锯:木工用��一种动力锯,基本上由一条齿状金属带联接在两个轮子的外周组成,并不断被驱动。 +"Beauty is unwilling to accept, FanFu discharged the day after tomorrow, she is going to send FanFu hometown recuperation, hope bai-chuan wang can then came to help.",胜美不愿接受,樊父后天出院,她准备送樊父回老家休养,希望王柏川到时能来帮忙。 +"First, Song Weiping, founder of Greentown, last week directly disputed rumors that the company is on the verge of bankruptcy amid the chorus of pessimism over the sector.",首先是在房地产行业被集体唱空之际,有传言说绿城濒临破产,创始人宋卫平上周直接出面予以反驳。 +"One and one, the world is convinced, make two; but add one bad man to one good woman and the critics will argue forever on the sum.",众所周知,一加一等于二,但如果一个坏男人加一个好女人的话,批评家们将永无休止地争论它的和。 +"The article illustrated the essence of the problem from four aspects: general, long-term, fundamental, and transforming.",本文从四个方面论述了医院战略管理的本质; 即全局性,长远性,关键性和权变性。 +"Brendan had paid for the pizza that night and rented her favorite movie, this old black-and-white thing she loved called The Philadelphia Story.",那天晚上布伦丹买了披萨,还为她租了她最喜欢的电影,一部叫《费城故事》的黑白老片子。 +"By setting four feeding rates of 2%, 2.5%, 3% and 3.5%, we got the result that the optimal feeding rate is 3%.",通过设置养殖鱼总体重的2%、2.5%、3%和3.5%四个投饵率,研究点带石斑鱼幼鱼的最适投饵率,结果显示养殖鱼总体重3%为最适日投饵率; +Starwood Hotels & Resorts Worldwide will debut its select-service Aloft brand in Oklahoma City in 2013.,2013年喜达屋酒店集团旗下雅乐轩品牌酒店将在俄克拉荷马城开业。 +"The external environmental factor of influencing farmer""s decision have agrotechnical to popularize cost and benefit, big risk , popularize service system and neighbourhood relation.""",影响农户决策的外部因素中,有农技推广成本与经济效益、风险因素、推广服务体系、社区及邻里关系等。 +It is the turbidity that transported the glacial marine sediments from littoral area to the deep basin.,研究区的含砾细碎屑岩系滨岸浅水冰筏(或浮冰)沉积物经密度流再搬运到深水区的产物。 +YG Family should hold a World Tour right?,YG家族也要举办全球巡迴演唱对吧? +Vicente del Bosque's team dominated possession against their opponents and should have won by a more convincing score line but they couldn't convert their chances.,文森特德尔博斯克的球队在与对手的较量中占据了主动,他们本能以一个更有说服力的成绩胜出,但是他们并未能转化战机为实际进球。 +Students with higher grade-point averages (GPAs) had more school friends than out-of-school friends.,平均分数高的学生学校里面的朋友较多。 +"Conclusion The X-ray films of high-frequency mammography have higher clarity, better radio, higher rate of checkout and important value in radiologic diagnostic of mammary diseases.",结论乳腺高频X线片清晰度高、对比度好、病变检出率高,在乳腺良、恶性疾病的诊断中具有重要价值。 +This section describes aggregator basics and the layout of the XDIME JSPs.,这一部分描述聚合器基础知识以及 XDIME JSP 的布局。 +Her friend Saul Bellow wrote in a letter that Marilyn “conducts herself like a philosopher.,她的朋友索尔·贝娄在一封信中写到梦露“行如哲人”。 +"Well, we this New Year will waipojia firecracker dates.",正好,我们今年的新年就在外婆家的“爆竹声”中度过的。 +"Sweet rose, wcorrupt hue enraged and adventurous.",漂亮的玫瑰,色泽红润明丽。 +"Do not be like your fathers and brothers, who were unfaithful to the Lord , the God of their fathers, so that he made them an object of horror, as you see.",你们不要效法你们列祖和你们的弟兄。 他们干犯耶和华他们列祖的神,以致耶和华丢弃他们,使他们败亡(或作令人惊骇),正如你们所见的。 +So in the church-yeard she was laid;,所以她躺在教堂的墓地里。 +"Based on the data of Shengli oilfield, the authors discussed the application of quantitative fluorescence analysis to the distinguishment of oil properties.",该文以胜利油区的应用为例,从定性、定量的角度讨论了定量荧光分析技术在原油性质判别方面的作用。 +"Adding onions and garlic to your meals can boost calcium intake, and provide chromium, a trace mineral important in maintaining blood sugar levels.",在膳食中添加洋葱和大蒜可以增加钙的摄入量,并提供铬、微量矿物元素,它们在维持人体血糖水平起着重要作用。 +Wit gleamed out in his talk.,他的讲话闪现着机智。 +Part 2: This part is to find out the preparation work of JEANSWEST franchised store in earlier stage and get into the theme of the designing of franchised store gradually.,第二部分,了解真维斯品牌专卖店设计前期准备工作,逐步进入专卖店设计的主题。 +"If a business organisation prefers not to extend its partnership offer beyond the UN to NGOs, that decision will be honoured and no further action will be taken.",如果一个商业组织更愿意不扩展其伙伴关系到联合国以外的非政府组织,我们将尊重其决定,同时不采取进一步的行动。 +"With our conscience, we will not remain silent when we are being slandered;",因为有良知,我们绝不会对抹黑坐视不理; +"Studying firmware design method by USB2.0 CMOS chip working in collaboration with FPGA cooperation and per work model characteristic, Realizing reasonable firmware designing and working model.",介绍了USB2.0芯片配合FPGA共同工作的固件设计方法及各个工作模式的特性,实现了满足需要的固件设计和工作模式设置。 +"Oor product branded as ""DUal Lion"" is popular in USA , Canada, Italy, Russia, Hk.",“双狮”牌服装畅销美国,加拿大,俄罗斯,香港等国家和地区。 +"From the system theory angle, the gymnastics classroom education, as a system, consists of much kinds of complex overalls structure of element.",从系统论的角度来看,体操课堂教学作为一个系统,是由多种因素组成的复杂的整体结构。 +"Basic brochure website usually costs anywhere between ¨100- ¨500. The price largely depends on the number of pages and features in terms of programs, designs and applications that you want.",基本的产品说明网站成本在100-500英磅之间,价格主要取决于网页数量以及程序、设计与应用软件的功能。 +"On the occasion of the New Year, may my wife and I extend to you and yours our warmest greetings, wishing you a hay New Year, your career greater succe and your family ha ine .",在此新年之际,我同夫人向你及你的克鲁克湖家人致以节日的问候,并祝你们新年快乐、克莉丝汀克鲁克事业有成、家庭幸福。 +The Connection Manager administrator can configure the source of this database using the Gatekeeper administration console.,Connection Manager 管理员可以使用 Gatekeeper 管理控制台来配置这个数据库的资源。 +"There are many variations of the kara-age theme across Japan, and even kara-age carnivals.",日本各地都有独具特色的炸鸡块,甚至还举行将其作为主题的活动。 +"The original, a Yamanka Lotus and Peony image from a daybed cover, is described as a mid-17th century Ningxia design wool pile creation.",原创的莲花和牡丹图源自一件沙发罩,被描述为改编自十七世纪宁夏设计的羊毛织物。 +They use one of two strategies: streaming and long polling.,它们使用两种策略其中之一:流线化 和长期轮询。 +"I find this amazing, that your stress response has a built-in mechanism for stress resilience, andthatmechanism is human connection.",你能更快地从压力中恢复,我认为这很奥妙,压力反应本身,竟有减压的机制,这机制就是人际关系。 +"The television box, obviously, television.",电视机显然是给电视的。 +Design and application of the lining loop wheel machine in the variable cross-section tunnel;,在肋拱桥的设计中 ,常采用弱横向联系变截面拱肋。 +"Standing over his mother’s body, screaming and screaming as the moon rose and the rain started to fall and all things good drained out of the world.",他站在母亲的尸体旁边,一直哭喊尖叫着,月亮升起了,也开始下雨了,就像世界上所有美好的事物都消失了一样。 +Now that they have installed closed-circuit TV I can't help thinking that Big Brother is watching me all the time.,由于他们安装了闭路电视,我不禁想起了专制组织老是在监视我。 +"Think tanks too have grown, as challenges nobody thought of a few decades ago now bear down on us.",随着几十年前不曾料到的各种挑战的出现,各种智库也应运而生。 +Leakage current can be determined from path to ground or from path to path.,可以确定通路至地、通路至通路的漏泄电流。 +"So far, this hotel is become 3 inferior hotel of the 12nd 5 stars class that hangs out his shingle formally.",至此,该酒店成为三亚第12家正式挂牌的五星级酒店。 +"Last time round, there was just pap starring Catherine Oxenberg.",上一轮,只有无聊的主演凯瑟琳·奥克森伯格。 +JOSEPH JACOBS.,约瑟夫雅各布斯 . +The idea of doing what you love is of no use to you if you’re unsure what you want and love.,如果你连自己想要什么、喜欢什么都不确定,那么“做你想做的”就毫无意义。 +Judy Smith likes the key ring.,朱蒂。史密斯喜欢钥匙环。 +"It gathers new information on dendrites into a single volume, with contributions written by leading researchers in the field.",它汇集成一个单一的卷树突新的信息,由该领域的主要研究人员撰写的贡献。 +"Wen also said the trade imbalance between China and Europe is due to structural reasons and ""should not be politicized"".",温总理同样指出造成中欧贸易不平衡的原因是因为产业结构问题而并非“政治化”因素。 +Both children resided in different southern provinces.,这两名儿童曾居住在不同的南部省份。 +Learn how to tie off the sewing thread after hemming pants in this free sewing video.,了解如何配合后关闭在这个自由缝纫卷边影片裤子的缝纫线。 +"Zebra finches, which normally learn their complex courtship songs from their fathers, spontaneously developed the same songs all on their own after only a few generations.",一般情况下从他们父亲那习得复杂求偶曲的斑马雀,仅仅通过几代的时间就能仅凭自己自发发展出同样的曲子。 +But they have sent both their children to good universities and on to postgraduate study.,但是他们把两个孩子都送进大学并进行博士学位的学习。 +"The simulation results have shown that when the broad-band interference power is increased to some degree, it would have a good interference effect on the GPS receivers.",仿真结果表明宽带干扰功率达到一定值时,对GPS接收机具有较好的干扰效果。 +"Local JVMs provide quick access to memory, but ultimately, the physical memory and CPU cycles must be shared with the operating system and other applications and JVMs on the machine.",本地 JVM 提供对内存的快速访问,但是物理内存和 CPU 周期最终都必须共享机器上的操作系统、其他应用程序以及 JVM。 +If you cannot fast you can give to others in need.,假如你不能封斋,你可以给予他人必要的帮助。 +The superpressure leak equipment is used for superpressure when the pressure vessel working.,这种超压泄放装置用于压力容器在操作过程中有可能出现超压的情况。 +"Linjiaxi ancient slide is located on the way of Shanghai-Ruili expressway, and has collapsed after the cutting slope excavation.",上海-瑞丽高速公路途经林家溪古滑坡中下部,路堑边坡开挖后发生较大范围坍滑破坏。 +"The forth chapter discusses the infection factors of the satirical consciousness of ""Linchuan Four Dreams"".",第四章,论述影响“临川四梦”讽世意识的因素。 +"An overpowering smell of sweat, a sort of unconscious testimony to the strenuousness of his life, followed him about wherever he went, and even remained behind him after he had gone.",他走到哪儿,一股熏死人的汗臭就跟到哪儿,无言诉说着他的繁重生活,甚至在他走人后还久久不肯消散。 +"One witness called it “the most frightening thing of my entire life,” And television footage showed a person clinging to a window in the cathedral’s steeple.",一位目击者说这是他有生以来遇到的最恐怖事件。 电视录像显示一人此时紧贴在尖塔的窗户上。 +Clarence F. Lee and his wife Peggy in a recent photo.,克拉伦斯楼李和他的妻子,林贝聿嘉在最近的照片。 +I'm the bearer of good news.,我享有好胃口的福气。 +"The drug-taking turned him into a menace to society and finally ""did him in"" according to his friend.",据他的伴侣说是由于吸毒才把他酿成了一个对社会的有害者而最后被关进了牢狱。 +We point out that the composite characteristics of the tidal phases for the different earthquakes types obtained statistically bear a relationship to the two phases essentially.,通过统计得出的不同类型地震序列的潮汐位相组合特征,这两种位相有本质联系。 +"At least 24 Chinese journalists are jailed on ambiguous charges ranging from ""inciting subversion"" to ""revealing state secrets.""","至少有24名中国记者以""煽动颠覆国家政权""、""泄露国家机密""等模糊罪名被判有期徒刑,其中包括维吾尔族记者、网站编辑海莱提·尼亚孜(Gheyret Niyaz)。" +"When installing ribbon heater, don't drag it on the floor to avoid being damaged by sharp objects.",电热带安装时,不要在地面上拖拉,以免被锋锐物损坏。 +"In turn, the negative energy flowing throughout our lives is labeled sha qi.",反过来,漂浮在我们生活中的消极能量则被贴上杀气的标签。 +"At the front are a pair of generals, next come two archers, then a couple of infantrymen followed by a cavalryman and his horse.",站立在最前面的是两名将军;紧跟着是两名弓箭手;接着是几名步兵;再后面是一名牵着战马的骑兵。 +We vowed to have reunions.,我们许诺一定要重聚。 +"God of the substance of the Father, begotten before the world;",祂是天主,在万世之前,由父的性体所生; +Rock burst normally refers to the craze of the terrane with crepitation when the rock slices or rock pieces shoot off along with a certain direction or fall down.,岩爆一般是指在隧道开挖后,发生的一种带有爆��声响的岩层开裂,岩片或岩块沿一定方向弹射出或坠落下来。 +"The experiment selects Holland Lily variety Sorbonne bulb, the terminal bud, the stem section, the leaf and so on, as is best, by MS +6-BA 2.",选用荷兰百合品种索尔邦鳞茎、顶芽、茎段、叶等不同部位进行离体,以鳞茎为最佳外植体,以MS+6-BA 2。 +"For example, if delivering the information center to a specific client, you can preface how the page to which you are linking pertains to the client's IT project.",例如,如果要把这个信息中心交付给一个特定的用户,您就可以预先设计您所链接到的这个页面如何适应该用户的 IT 项目。 +"The less the diameter of cold plate is, the better performance will be.",在大冷流率下,大直径涡流管的制冷性能优于小直径涡流管; +"However, motherhood is a choice, as both Geronimus and Johns are keen to point out.",然而,就像格隆尼姆斯和约翰斯想要指出的一样,少女们却可以选择是否在这个时候成为母亲。 +The house was full of the rank smell of urine.,这屋子里到处有一股尿的臊味。 +"Next, glaze chromatism should as far as possible small.",其次,釉面色差应尽可能小。 +"Several other personalities are in the DIY trenches with Ms. Domesek, with their own businesses in various stages of development.",在德梅萨克的DIY战壕里还有其他几位人物,他们都在不同程度上发展着自己的生意。 +He sued for damage.,他起诉要求损害赔偿。 +The arrangers will then have to describe these shapes using geometric terms so the kids who can't see them can say what they are.,为了使其他没看到的小孩能说出这些形状是什么,摆放的人必须用几何术语来描述这些形状。 +"In February, a methane gas explosion collapsed an underground chamber in a coal mine in northwestern Balikesir province, killing 13 workers.",今年二月,巴勒克希尔省西北部的一个煤矿地下峒室发生沼气爆炸致13名工人罹难。 +"The policymaker of the city is knowing and adjusting the function of every part constantly only from setting out wholly, can just reach the optimum choice of management.",城市的决策者只有从城市整体出发,认识和调整各部分的功能,才可达到管理的最优选择。 +"Samba rhythms, fantastic dancers, splendid costumes, live colors, and beautiful women are the main ingredients of this great competition.",桑巴舞旋律、迷人的舞者、华丽的服装、鲜活的色彩以及漂亮的女人构成了这场盛大比赛的主旋律。 +"Wu's castle is a military, is discovered, the world's Spring and Autumn period the only well-preserved, three Beidaihe, three wall shapes of the military installations.",是吴国的一个军事城堡,是目前已发现的,世界上春秋时期唯一保存完好,三道城河、三道城墙形制的军事设施。 +"Tortoise , tortoise , crawl, crawl, crawl.",乌龟,乌龟,爬爬爬; +"The Development Committee of the World Bank Group and the IMF endorsed the New Deal at its meeting earlier Sunday, as well as other, longer-term food initiatives by the World Bank Group.",在上个星期日的会议上,世界银行集团和国际货币基金组织的发展委员会通过了这个新政以及世界银行集团提出的其它长期食品举措。 +"With a labor-intensive bureaucracy, it can be difficult to start a formal business.",在一个办事效率低、官僚作风严重的政府监管之下,正式商务的开展可谓困难。 +"The newly-developed robots have a sense of touch, are able to see objects, and can make decision as well.",新开发的机器人有触觉,可以看见物体,还能做决定。 +"Morgan Stanley analysts, from 12 industries and three continents, have identified the opportunities associated with this mega project.",来自12个行业和三大洲的摩根斯坦利分析家,确定了跟这项巨大工程有关的机会。 +"HCF is a non-political, non-profit and non-religious Non-Government Organization (NGO), registered with His Majesty's Government of Nepal and affiliated with the Social Welfare Council.",HCF是个非政治,非赢利,非宗教,非政府组织,已在尼泊尔政府登记注册,加入了社会福利委员会。 +The children spent the night in a safe house near the airport that had been set up to process their paperwork.,当晚,孩子们被送往机场附近的一处安全房,他们将在那里完成与相关的文书工作; +So it was planted in a flowerpot and placed in the window beside the little boy's bed.,某个春日,邻居的小孩又再度拿一株小草过来。小孩把里头那株连根的小草种在盆栽里面,放在床边的窗户上。 +"Toss together, and taste and adjust seasonings.",搅拌到一起,尝一尝再按你的口味调味。 +"Of the 76.2 billion eggs consumed in 2009, 30 percent were in the form of egg products (eggs removed from their shells).",2004年消费了76亿个鸡蛋,其中超过30%的蛋消费是以蛋制品的形式��鸡蛋除去外壳)。 +"Since my mother-in-law lives in Sanxia, a 20-minute drive from Taipei, I would only be able to visit Katie and Josh a few nights each week.",因为我岳母住在三峡,离台北开车要二十分钟,我每周只有几天晚上能去看凯蒂和乔许。 +"""The most interesting elements that will come out of this will be the justification and reasoning behind the ideas,"" Angleman said.",“通过这个计划可以获得的最有意思的东西将会是对新思路的印证和分析过程,”安格尔曼说道。 +"Apple has gone from having the single best notebook enclosures to resting on their laurels and shipping us the same dog food, re-heated year after year.",苹果已经在他们最棒的笔记本外壳的桂冠上停留太长时间,年复一年给我们炒冷饭太久了。 +"The geometrically nonlinear analysis of the Partial Double Layer (PDL) reticulated shell with rigid, pinned or rigid pinned joints was studied in this paper.",本文提出用子结构法解决具有刚接与铰接混合连接的局部双层网壳结构的几何非线性分析。 +Are obsoleted documents removed from use?,旧版文件是否远离使用? +"Please don’t take after great Aunt Margaret, or Auntie Anne, or Uncle Andrew and definitely not your father, Charles.",别学玛格丽特大舅妈,安妮舅妈和安德鲁舅舅,一定不能像你们的父亲查尔斯那样。 +Our district was always grain-short before this.,我们地区在这以前是经常缺粮的。 +It's possible too that the bits of wood and sorghum substitute for wheat.,木粒屑、高梁籽也有可能替代小麦,成为制作双孢蘑菇菌种的新材料。 +"The other options are to chose between ""Follow your Team Pass"" for 24.95 Euros or taking single games at 6.95 Euros each.",选择“你的球队通行证” ,观看你喜爱的球队的比赛,价格为24.95欧元。 +Its application shows that employment of PLC ladder diagram in automatic monitoring system for water environment is a method that' s worth considering.,具体应用说明,采用PLC通过编写梯形图进行水环境自动监测系统控制是值得考虑的方法。 +We have technology our partner own funds. The future is in our hands if we work together.,我们有技术,我们的合伙人有资金。一起干,我们就掌握了未来。 +Rain forests like those in Madagascar contain billions and billions of tons of carbon; destroying the trees and releasing the carbon not only kills local species but also speeds global warming.,像马达加斯加这样的雨林蕴含数十亿顿碳;毁掉树林以及毁林过程中释放出的碳不仅会毁灭当地物种,还会加速全球变暖。 +Weis and Hickman did an excellent job of setting up the world for those who will follow them.,魏丝和西克曼完成了一项卓越的工作——为那些追随他们的人架起了整个世界。 +"It follows the double-clicking workflow, which is not easy.",它遵循的是双击工作流(double-clicking workflow),那并不容易。 +"There is little or no harmony since the accompanying instruments merely duplicate the singing line or provide a slight variation on it, as described in the discussion above on heterophony.",正如以上关于衬腔式复调乐调的讨论中所描述的那样,因为伴奏乐器只是重复唱调或是添加些许变奏,几乎或根本无和声。 +"Set the MM6 and external playback equipment volume controls to appropriate levels. If necessary, adjust the legibility of the LCD display by using the LCD Contrast Control.",设置雅马哈MM6和其它外接声音回放机器的声音至适合的水平。如果必要的话,使用LCD对比度控制来调整显示屏的易读性。 +"Iago. Why, but you are now well enough: how came you thus recovered?",伊阿古可是你现在已经很清醒了;你怎麽会明白过来的? +"This paper suggested am-cresol purple, which could determine quantitatively the content of total acid in vinegar.",利用间甲酚紫作指示剂定量地测定食醋中总酸的含量。 +Or perhaps the hot-heads called for back-up against the army and got it.,还有可能是急性的红衫军找来对抗军方的支援。 +"Larson likened the Times corpus to a quarry of data. He said that the newspaper's API provided the picks and shovels to mine data, and the Linked Data initiative would be the map.",Larson把他们的知识库比作一个采石场,纽约时报的API提供了凿子和铁锹,而这个关联数据项目就是藏宝图。 +"Before you start looking for candidates, ask the hiring manager what the person needs to do to be considered successful.",在你开始找人之前,问清招聘经理,他需要怎样做才算成功。 +China is a developping country with a large population and a relative shortage of resources.,中国是一个人口众多,资源相对不足的发展中国家。 +"Observers here believe in addressing the issue of high outside Russia do not want to just tough, and will not ""bear with the situation, "" but both tough and gentle and flexible foreign policy.",此间舆论认为,在解决外高问题上,俄既不想一味强硬、也不会“ 忍辱负重”,而是采取强硬与和缓并举的灵活外交政策。 +"As Mahmood walked up to the door of his house, he wondered what his family would say to him.",当马哈茂德走到家门口时,他思考他的家人将要对他说什么。 +"I'm mostly in good physical conditions, except when I get sick occasionally. I think that I maintain a heathy body because of my good eating habits.",最佳答案:“我现在的身体状况还不错,除了偶尔会感冒。吃得健康可能是我保持健康的一个重要因素。 +“Early steps of angiosperm-pollinator coevolution.” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 105: 240-245.,《被子植物和花粉传播者共同进化的早期阶段》——美国国家科学院论文集105: 240-245. +"Yutian Home Art Art is not only a hundred human beings in a wonderful garden, but would like to better the art of deep thinking and human left to contemporary, to the future.",雨田居艺术不仅是人类艺术百花园中的一支奇葩,更愿美妙的艺术和人类深奥的思考留给当代,传给将来。 +"Plants blossom in spring when it is warm, sunny and the world is full of green and vigor, so it is a good season for a family outing.",花木感春而开,当春回大地又到了一年山花烂漫的季节时,处处阳光明媚、鸟语花香、遍地皆绿,这个时期正是全家踏青好季节! +"Måns Andersson (died c. 1677), a Swedish immigrant believed to be amongthe earliest ancestors of the Bush family in North America.",芒安德森(死于角1677年) ,瑞典的移民认为是最早的祖先的布什家族在北美地区。 +"One study found it took participants an extra 20 to 30 minutes to fall asleep after drinking a cup of fruit juice, most likely because of the high sugar content in juice.",一项研究表明,参加试验的人员在喝过果汁后,需要多花20到30分钟的时间才能入睡,很可能这是因为果汁含有高糖分的缘故。 +"Cowell, judging them individually, said Gokey bested Allen, who seemed overshadowed by the song.",科威尔,对他们进行了个人判断,说高奇击败了艾伦,艾伦似乎掩盖了这首歌。 +Author James Thurber depended on words for entertainment.,作家詹姆士·瑟伯用词来消遣。 +"The sapphire (BLUE SAPHIERE) is high-grade goods, will provide an international acknowledgment the quality written guarantee.",蓝宝石(BLUE SAPHIERE)是其中的上品,会提供一份国际承认的品质保证书。 +A report by Beijing-based Renmin University of China (RUC) forecast that China's economic growth this year would hit 9.4 percent before slipping to 9.2 percent next year.,由中国人民大学发布的一份报告预测到,中国今年经济增长达到9.4个百分点,明年预计下滑至9.2个百分点。 +The system of usufruct of allotted land was formed in planned economic times.,划拨土地使用权制度形成于计划经济年代。 +"Speaking a day after Chelsea confirmed a formal bid had been made for the forward, Wagner Ribeiro said Real were trying to force Robinho out of the club.",在切尔西确认了向这名前锋正式作出报价的一天后,其经纪人瓦格纳·里贝罗称,皇马正计划将罗比尼奥赶出俱乐部。 +"Nevertheless, the second terrible drubbing over Schweinfurt in October forced a fundamental rethinking of American air strategy.",然而对施韦因富德第二次空袭的惨重损失迫使美国人对其航空战略进行反思。 +"In closing, Ward encouraged everyone to check out the Flex 3 beta from labs.adobe.com.",作为结束,Ward鼓励诸位去 labs.adobe.com把玩一下Flex 3 Beta。 +"At a $25, 000, 000 price tag, this house has 11, 000 square feet, bedrooms, 6 baths, a fabulous two level guest house and features private beach access.",这幢房子标价2500万美元,拥有11000平方英尺的面积(约合1022平米),房子包括多间睡房、6个浴室、1个精美别致的双层客房,还可以出入私人海滩。 +"Scanning electron microscope indicated that adherent cells showed shuttle shape or multiple angle shape, and the multiple apophysis showed irregular shape.",扫描电镜观察,黏附细胞为梭型或多角型表现,并有多个突起呈不规则形状。 +"Individual giant sequoias can live more than 3,000 years.",个别巨型水杉木可以生长超过3000年(,令这项研究得以成立)。 +"Large rectangular center lugs produce excellent forward bite, and the ""I-Beam"" shaped tread delivers for side bite and all-around cornering.",大矩形中心派产生了良好的叮咬,以及“我束”形花纹的副作用提供了咬和全能转弯。 +"Seriously, I am not overstating how backward FASB has been on all of this.",说真的,我绝非夸大美国财务会计准则委员会在这方面有多落后。 +So should I read out the names? Should I embarrass people?,我需要把名字念出来让你们尴尬一下吗 +"In the late 1970s and early '80s, 10-year bond yields and inflation both were in the low double digits.",上世纪70年代末80年代初,美国10年期债券收益率和通货膨胀率均维持在极低的两位数。 +"Much hope is invested in Mr Kuntoro himself, perhaps Indonesia’s most respected civil servant. But success will depend on the political will of the president.",大部分希望还是要寄予Kuntoro先生自己,他或许是印度尼西亚最受尊敬的公民,但是要想成功的话还是要看该总统的政治意愿。 +"PLAYBOY: Until you launched news, Gmail, Froogle and similar services.",PLAYBOY:直到你们发布了新闻,Gmail,Froogle和类似的服务。 +Guangzhou is the first city in the country that used mobile phones.,广州是国内最早使用公众移动电话的城市。 +This jacket is a real bargain at such a low price.,这件夹克衫这么便宜,真划得来。 +B Is higher than the partial pressure of B over its pure liquid.,"大于,的液态上的分压。" +"Chattel mortgage is the result of the expansion of the traditional immovables, and chattel mortgage rights should comply with the principle of going into effect after registration.",动产抵押是传统不动产抵押扩展的结果,动产抵押权也应采用登记生效原则。 +"In recent years, Labor conflicts in non-state owned enterprises in China often appear.",近年来,我国非公有制企业劳资冲突时有发生。 +Milan striker Alberto Gilardino has admitted that finishing the season as the Serie A top scorer is his objective.,米兰的射手阿尔伯托·吉拉蒂诺承认,在赛季结束的时候成为意甲最佳射手是他的目标。 +Does carsick medicine eat to you can prevent dizziness before drinking?,喝酒前吃晕车药能防止头晕吗?。 +Objective:To explore the clinic treatment of pedo-acute lung injury (pedo-ALI).,目的:探讨小儿急性肺损伤(ALI)的临床治疗。 +"What if we began to resist the temptation for more and instead, became content with what we already have?",若我们开始拒绝“更多”的诱惑,代之以满足于“现在拥有”会如何? +"For the plum blossoms, I often use a slightly purplish red to sketch them out in uneven thickness, also done in flat acrylic strokes.",梅花我通常用浓淡不一,偏一点紫的红色来描绘,同样也是丙烯平涂。 +"When you doubt about the stress on a word, consult your dictionary.",当你对某个词的重音在疑问时,查一下词典。 +Jeffery the Giant had many friends.Everyone liked Jeffery because he was so kind.,杰弗斯有许多朋友。 每一个都喜欢杰弗斯,因为他是如此的友善。 +"The mass production of goods created new wealth, but also brought with it a deeper division in class.",虽然批量化的工业生产创造出了新的财富,但同时也使社会更加阶级化。 +Chinese football completed its AFC Champions League retreat Tuesday night as Beijing Guo'an surrendered a 2-0 defeat to be knocked out by Suwon Bluewings at Suwon World Cup Stadium.,11日晚,北京国安在韩国水原世界杯球场以0比2负于水原蓝翼,被淘汰出亚冠联赛,至此中超球队全军覆没。 +"At present, the people's mediation system has some new practices.",目前,人民调解制度出现了一些新的实践。 +"According to the quantity and reading position that the coding disk requires, it can be categorized into the index absolute encoder and the uniform absolute encoder.",这种基于单码道绝对位置编码根据编码盘所需光敏元件的数目及阅读位置,可分为索引式绝对位置编码和均布式绝对位置编码。 +This paper presents an ant algorithm applied in Packet Radio Network.,就此该文在分布式的无线网络中应用了蚂蚁算法。 +Method: The results of phenytoin in serum were collected and statistically compared with the impediment to leg activity.,方法:收集苯妥英钠血清浓度监测结果,并与下肢运动障碍间关系进行统计学分析。 +"Supercool areas is the government hopes to speed up its development, to maintain a balanced development of the structural deficiencies areas.",过冷的领域则是政府希望其加速发展,以维持结构均衡发展的不足领域。 +The paper studied ferment condition of Claviceps paspali to producing ergot alkali.,研究了雀稗麦角菌产麦角碱发酵条件。 +"Will you remember to order, purchase or make a special gift for her ?",你会记得预定,购买或为她做一个特别的礼物吗? +Raynaud's phenomenon was common in damage of peripheral vessels.,末梢血管病变以雷诺现象多见。 +"The one wolf howled, her strawberry hair peeking out from behind a paper-plate mask.",有一只狼嗥叫著,她草莓色的头发,从纸面具后露了出来。 +"Many of the youger buyers say they are turned off by the poor quality of modern goods and are looking for remnants of a stronger and firmer era, when things were built to last.",许多年青的买主说,他们不喜欢现代产的质量差的产品,他们是在建筑过去把���件都制造得比较结实比较坚固的好时代所流传下来的物件。那个年代,东西都造得经久耐用。 +"Recent declines in total blood cholesterol have been modest, bloodpressure is now rising among women and obesity and diabetes are rising steeplyin both sexes.",目前,血液中胆固醇总含量的下降趋势微弱,而高血压在妇女中却程上升趋势,糖尿病则在两性中都急剧上升。 +"""Five-colored deer""obviously has the artistic style of the Tang Dynasty. The author adopted the color and form of expression of Dunhuang mural.",《五色鹿》很明显具有唐代的艺术风格,作者吸收了敦煌唐代壁画的色彩和表现形式。 +S. European Command the go-ahead to assist the Turkish government.,帕内塔批准美国欧洲司令部对土耳其政府进行援助。 +"It also can keep users from accessing other users' folders and subfolders, since users with limited rights generally don't have access to each other's information.",这也可以防止用户访问其他用户的文件夹及其子文件夹,因为受限权限的用户往往无法访问其他用户的信息。 +"According to schema theory, the process of comprehending text is an interactive and positive process between the listeners' background knowledge and the text's content.",根据图式理论,听力理解是一个由听者背景知识(图式)与文章共同发生作用的、交互式的、积极的理解过程。 +Methods To review and summarize the relative literatures on Polygonatum plant for the categories identification and the resources distribution etc.,方法文献查阅黄精种类识别、资源分布等方面的研究报道。 +"Scripture: ""And grieve not the holy Spirit of God, whereby ye are sealed unto the day of redemption.""",经文: 「不要叫上帝的圣灵担忧; 你们原是受了祂的印记,等候得赎的日子来到。」 +Presiding apparitor Yang Zhiyuan and current board of directors already expressed Yahoo be willing to come to an agreement with the price of every 33 dollars that decline before.,雅虎首席执行官杨致远和现在的董事会已表示愿意以先前拒绝的每股33美元的价格达成协议。 +The development of the arc stud welding technology and its applications are summarized in this paper.,综述了电弧螺柱焊技术的发展和应用。 +Linkage disequilibrium (LD)-based association analysis is an effective approach to find new genes and favorable alleles.,基于连锁不平衡(LD)的关联分析是基因发掘也是等位基因发掘的有效途径。 +"Simon:Great! Now, listen to me for a minute. Tuck in your shirt, or you're fired.",赛门:好极了!现在,请再听我说一下,把衬衫扎好,不然你就要被开除了。 +"The basic proposition of this essay is, using a term borrowed from Weber, that there is an elective affinity between the new times cooperation and the new state-society relationship.",本文的一个基本命题是:当代中国的农民合作与新型国家—社会关系的构建具有韦伯意义上的选择性亲和关系。 +"Modern ornithologists and herpetologists call this a ""cloacal kiss.""",当今的鸟类学家和爬行动物学家称之为“泄殖腔之吻”。 +Let’s say you are spending a boatload on hardware to ramp up your web service’s capacity. And it is bringing your cash flow down.,再举个例子,如果你在硬件上花费一大笔钱来提升你网络服务的能力,那么将会使你的现金流下降。 +Little Willy: Bbraham Lincoln was born.,小威利:亚伯拉罕-林肯降生。 +The silicone oil instead of SF6 gas is used in external insulation of HVVCB to meet demand of the environmental protection.,同时顺应环保的要求提出以绝缘硅脂代替传统的SF6气体作为真空灭弧室的外绝缘介质。 +"Alone there, hehad cobbled together a costly sturgeon-and-beluga sandwich, ladling thebagel with a tsunami of cream cheese, then made his way back upstairs.",他一个人在那拾掇着昂贵的鲟鱼三明治,还舀了一大勺奶酪涂在他的面包圈上,然后上楼。 +"If it fails to do so the United States, Europe and Mexico could eventually be allowed to respond with equivalent trade sanctions.",如果中国两样都不执行,那么美国,欧盟和墨西哥最后将被准许以对等的贸易制裁来回应。 +"So, we have his very words.",我们有一些他写的很优美的话 +Ending sound x. Children should be able to identify the ending sound of each word.,帮助孩子认识字母大、小写,字与音关系及辨字母形与音。 +"Compare with other elevation CAD system, this system has advantage for convenient operation and drawing speed.",与现有房屋立面图制作系统相比,在操作方便性、出图速度、网络适用性等方面均有很大提高。 +"The device only reads the frame encapsulating the packet, which makes the switching process considerably faster and less error-prone than routing processes are.",设备只是读取了封装了数据包的帧,与路由选择过程相比,交��就显得非常快,且不易出错。 +"This essay introduce the background of kemal's europeanization , the substance , connote and practice of kemal's europeanization, and the road of turkey entry EU.",本文拟从凯末尔欧洲主义观形成的历史背景、凯末尔欧洲主义观的内涵及其实践以及凯末尔欧洲主义观与土耳其的欧盟之旅三个方面进行探究。 +ObjectiveIn order to explore the effects of intravenous butorphanol for postoperative Analgesia.,目的观察布托啡诺用于胆囊切除术后的镇痛效果。 +"Analyzed the technology characteristics of the barrette, introduced the injection mold structure and work principle.",分析了发夹的工艺特性, 介绍了发夹注射模的结构设计和工作原理。 +But it was a precise raid.,但这是一次精确的袭击。 +"Objective To discuss the influence factors of the prognosis of intraventricular hemorrhage, and to compare their influence to the prognosis of IVH .",目的探讨影响高血压脑室出血预后的相关因素,以期更好的指导临床治疗和判断预后。 +An object in a ZODB database is allowed to have any collection of instance attributes.,ZODB 数据库中的对象允许具有任何实例属性的集合。 +在大连大学时他比我高一班。,He was in a class ahead of me at Dalian University. +Obvious cell loss was noted in all organs 1 month after transplantation.,细胞移植1月后,各器官中细胞数目明显减少。 +"Neither shall ye build house, nor sow seed, nor plant vineyard, nor have any: but all your days ye shall dwell in tents; that ye may live many days in the land where ye be strangers.",也不可盖房,撒种,栽种葡萄园,但一生的年日要住帐棚,使你们的日子在寄居之地得以延长。 +"Russians are no strangers to cold, and most of them cope pretty well with it, especially after a few shots of vodka, but under -35 degrees Celsius is extreme, even for them.",严寒对于俄罗斯人来说并不陌生,他们大多数人都能很好地应付,尤其是喝了几口伏特加之后,但零下35度的低温即使对他们来说也是个极限。 +The enrollment expansion is not only a process in which the focus of higher education is transformed from the elites to the masses but also a process of diversification and pluralization .,扩招的过程是高等教育走向大众化的过程,也是高等教育质量标准多样化、多元化的过程。 +"Simulation can at full simulation ratio 1 : 1, thus its operating environment, man-machine interface (BTG6 panel) and operating means are identical with real power generating unit.",仿真可以是1:1的比例仿真,这样,工作环境、人机接口(锅炉、汽机、发电机屏)以及操作手段就与实际发电机组相同。 +"Hired works include works such as processing, custom-made work, repair, reproduction, testing, inspection, and etc.",承揽包括加工、定作、修理、复制、测试、检验等工作。 +"Singers at that time used traditional folk instruments like the banjo, the upright bass, the mandolin and the piano.",那时,歌手使用的也都是传统的民谣乐器,如班卓琴、立式贝司、曼陀林和钢琴。 +"Innovations like Watson, meanwhile, willalso probably be useful beyond game-show entertainment. Meyerson pointed to thehealthcare field.",Meyerson还指出,像沃森这样的创新,除了具有娱乐功能外,还可以应用于医疗领域。 +The form of Akkadian used in Babylonia.,让我们将这个复杂的过程消除。 +When we posit an intention we just decide which of these speakers it is.,"当我们假定这样一种意图时,必须裁定哪一个是说话人。" +"Poor countries striving to improve their health systems deserve better than the unexplained implosion of the Global Forum for Health Research, argues Beverly Peterson Stearns.",Beverly Peterson Stearns. 认为,贫困国家努力改善卫生系统要比在GFHR(全球卫生研究论坛)莫名其妙地内耗强。 +"The bank itself reckons that, were it to apply the new Basel 3 rules in full next year, instead of when legally required to do so by 2019, it would have a core Tier-1 capital ratio of 7.2%.",德行自认为,虽然法律上要求最迟2019年以前落实新巴塞尔协议,倘若自己能在明年完全实施新协议,将获得7.2%的“核心一级”资本比率。 +The multi-pattern algorithm based on Deterministic Finite Automata(DFA) is commonly used in deep packet inspection systems.,基于确定性有限自动机(DFA)的多模式匹配算法被广泛用于数据包深度检测系统中。 +"I also Laotaibuxiao enough, there are always colleagues, relatives introduced me to object to the Manghuo Zhao.",我也老大不小的了,总有同事、亲戚忙活着给我介绍对象。 +"Cathy Griffin and her boyfriend recently got dressed to go to Drago, a Santa Monica, Calif. , restaurant.",最近,格里芬(Cathy Griffin)和她的男友打算一起去加州圣莫尼卡(Santa Monica)一家名叫Drago的餐厅吃晚饭。 +"I could not see the boy, and there was nothing else in that lonely place Beneath me on the other side of the hill was a circle of old stone huts.",我看不见那个小男孩,在这个荒凉的地方也没有旁人。 在我下面的山坡的另一旁有一些围成一圈的古老的石屋。 +"The new parents trusted Zhang: ""I never suspected that she was selling my babies, because she was a family friend, "" she said.",王的父母很信任张素霞,她说:“我从来没有怀疑她会拐卖我的孩子,因为她是一个家庭的朋友。” +After the large downside move on Tuesday we moved the stop price down to immediately reduce the risk to only 1.9%.,在周二该股大幅下跌后,我们调低了停止价位,风险率随即被降低到仅有1.9%的水平。 +"Bad weather contributed to that crash, and aviation officials said the crew may have been trying to save on fuel by flying through a blinding snowstorm.",那次坠机事件是由恶劣的天气造成的,航空管理官员说,机组人员可能曾试图穿过暴风雪以节省燃油。 +Objective To observe the efficacy of Fufang Xuanju Capsule plus Lomefloxacin in the treatment of Chronic prostatitis.,目的:对复方玄驹胶囊联合洛美沙星治疗慢性前列腺炎的疗效进行观察。 +It is necessary to protect the cultural ecology of waving dance and salvage and passing on it so that it can further develop.,摆手舞是土家族的标志性文化形态,是以摆手为主要动作的舞蹈,是土家人传承民族文化的重要形式。 +"But until now, Brazil has never had a truly national museum honoring the sport that has become synonymous with Brazilian culture.",但即便如此,巴西一直都没有为这项代表国家文化的“国宝级”运动建一个真正意义上的国家博物馆。 +Main factors affecting the graft modification of acrylic acid and methacrylic acid onto melt - blown polypropylene nonwovens initiated by benzoyl peroxide are studied.,研究用过氧化苯甲酸引发丙烯酸和甲基丙烯酸接枝熔喷聚丙烯非织造布的主要影响因素。 +On Sundays he had earned the right to graze in the pasture and rest.,到星期天,它就有权在牧场上啃头草根休息休息了。 +"Two spacewalking astronauts have been able to install a new camera in the Hubble Space Telescope. At first, they had trouble removing the old camera because of a stubborn bolt.",两名在空间行走的宇航员,现已可以在哈勃望远镜上安装新的摄像机,起初,因为一些不灵活的螺钉给去掉旧的摄像机造成困难。 +"The excess fat is normally stored in the trunk or thighs, so they usually get burned most severely.",多余的脂肪通常储存于躯干和大腿,因此这些部分的烧毁程度最严重。 +"Anything we can do to help, not only him but all of the new players, will be done, "" said Gudjohnsen.""",任何事只要我们帮得上忙的,不只是他,还有新球员,我们都很乐意去做,”古德扬森说。 +"Great British Restaurant(GBR) , led by a British-born Executive Chef Martin Cahill, offers only the best British cuisine.",伟大的英国餐厅(GBR),由一个出生的行政主厨马丁卡希尔英国,只提供最好的英国菜。 +Equally horrifying was the death toll of ill-treated laborers in factories and mines run by imperialists across China.,列强在中国各地开办的工程和矿山中,肆意虐杀华工的记录骇人听闻。 +The obtained results showed that strain anomaly before strong shocks are clear and reliable.,结果表明临震前应变异常清楚、可信。 +"KSS is continuously developing advance seatbelt systems by utilizing math modeling, computer simulation and sophisticated static and dynamic testing for optimal performance and reliability.",运用数学模型、计算机模似和有经验的动态和静态测试,继续生产先进的有最佳操作性能和可靠性的安全带。 +"We apply the UNITEC Institute of Technology course system, and teach bilingually in English and Chinese.",课程优势,使用新西兰联合理工学院课程体系,采用中英文双语授课。 +It is the key point to regulate the initial nomination work of selecting and appointing cadres in order to enhance the public credibility and prevent the corruption.,规范干部选拔任用初始提名工作,是提高选人用人公信度的源头和防止及纠正吏治腐败的“第一关口”。 +"For all Americans, it has been a year of adjustment, of coming to terms with the difficult knowledge that our nation has determined enemies, and that we are not invulnerable to their attacks.",对于所有的美国人,这是调整的一年,我们的国家通过艰难的调查锁定敌人,同时,面对他们的攻击,我们并非无懈可击。 +"The teacher called a girl to explain, she failed.",老师点名一个女生,她没有答出来。 +"Filtering, harassment, arrest and torture of bloggers and other users of social media will increase exponentially.",审查、骚扰、逮捕和折磨博客和其他社交媒体用户的事件将大大增加。 +"Pan's Labyrinth was the second highest winner, taking home three awards, though surprisingly it lost Best Foreign Language Film to The Lives of Others.",《潘神的迷宫》紧随其后获得三项大奖,不过本片出人意料地在最佳外语片上输给了《别人的生活》。 +I forgive myself.,我原谅我自己。 +The CAL solutions are used to calibrate the instrument response with respect to analyte concentration.,校正曲线标准溶液用于制作仪器相应和分析物浓度相关的标准曲线。 +Real deer were trained to pull the sleigh.,摄制组专门训练了真的鹿来拉雪橇。 +"I wore skorts and Tommy Hilfiger sneakers with red and blue laces, and my blond hair was frequently in a ponytail.",我穿裙式短裤和镶有红蓝相间的蕾丝花边的汤米·希尔费格牌球鞋,一头金发总是扎成马尾。 +"Ladies and gentlemen, the riddles amounts ard limited, please take any 5 one, and leave chances for other people.",女士们先生们,今天灯谜数量有限,请挑选任意五个,然后给其他人留机会。 +"Having a trip abroad is certainly good for the old couple, but it remains to be seen whether they will enjoy it.",老年夫妻进行一次国外旅行当然很好,但是也要取决于他们会不会享受。 +"I figured that if a surgeon was going to cut me open, he or she better practice on a pig first, right?",我指出如果一个外科医生要把我剖开,那他/她应该先在一只猪身上练习一下,你们说对不对? +You are still you. But we're both Eurotrash millionaires.,你还是你。但是我们都是败家子百万富翁。 +Sometimes a b. f. f makes you go W. T. F but without them we'd all be a little less richer in our lifes .,有时候你最好的朋友会把你搞得如同地狱一般,但是没有他们,你的人生就少了很多色彩。 +"If Trump loses this case, he'll pick up his marbles and go home and not try anything else to keep America safe?",如果特朗普输了这场官司,他会收起弹珠回家而不做任何别的尝试来保障美国人的安全? +"The FEM for the assembly parts of piston, gudgeon pin and small-end of connecting rod is constructed to investigate a diesel engine piston with an oscillating-oil-cooling channel.",针对某增压柴油机振荡冷却油腔活塞的非对称结构,建立全活塞活塞销连杆小头的有限元模型;提出了振荡冷却油腔的第三类热边界条件的数学描述并进行了验证; +"Accept this atonement for your people Israel, whom you have redeemed, O LORD, and do not hold your people guilty of the blood of an innocent man.",耶和华阿,求你赦免你所救赎的以色列民,不要使流无辜血的罪归在你的百姓以色列中间。 +"After introducing study on electronic transfer chain, the requirement for synchronous control to several motors and the measuring method for transmission chain error 'are introduced.",从同步电子传动链的研究入手,介绍了多电机同步传动的控制要求以及同步方案和传动链的误差测量; +This experiment studied the storage characteristics of Wanxiang Li.,研究了晚香梨的贮藏特性。 +"The current law about public order and good customs has to be made better, and the party concerned of the invalid marriage also should be treated kindly.",现行公序良俗原则的立法有待完善,而无效婚姻的当事人也应该得到善待; +"Fluent communication skill in Mandarin, Cantonese and Hakka.",流利的普通话、粤语、客家话沟通能力。 +When these facts were published in the Arkansas Gazette they caused a firestorm of protest.,这些事实刚刚在《阿肯色州公报》上报道出来,就引起了强烈的抗议。 +He has this whole group of people out somewhere on the American frontier and they're a kind of a cult.,"他描写了来自于美国边界某处的一群人,他们是一群狂热分子" +"Dress, as the symbol of social identity and status, plays an significant role in human kind's life at all times.",服饰作为一种身份和地位的象征,从古到今,在人们的生活中起着极其重要的作用。 +The compatibility for Capricorn and Libra signs is sure to woo those who matter to the planned ascent. This trait of the Libran is greatly admired by the Capricorn.,摩羯与天秤的共性之一就是都会追求那些对其事业上进与攀登有利的人的支持,这让他们互相间的好感来得非常容易。 +"President Ronald Reagan declared a holiday in observance of the birthday of Martin Luther King, Jr and the first Martin Luther King, Jr holiday was observed on 20 January 1986.",Ronald Reagan总统宣布马丁·路德·金的生日即为节日纪念日,第一个马丁·路德·金节假日是在1986年的1月开始庆祝的。 +"Currently, , our school (JNU) in various disciplines such as life sciences, medicine, chemical, pharmaceutical, environmental science and information science are in a leading position in the region.",目前,暨大的学科,如生命科学、医学��药学、环境科学和信息科学处于领先地位。 +"The 40 years life experience tells me that, if you keep waiting, it maybe possible to have pennies from heaven, or, aerolite, may be.",因为从我40多年的人生经验来体会,你在那坐久了,说不定天上真的会掉下馅饼来,当然也可能掉下块陨石。 +The field survival rate of tamed Spathiphyllum floribundum cv. Cupid could reach more than 95% .,白鹤芋试管苗经过驯化,在田间成活率可达到95%以上。 +Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it [are] the issues of life.,你要保守你心,胜过保守一切。(或作你要切切保守你心)因为一生的果效,是由心发出。 +"Don't eat this roast, charred meat.",烤得焦煳了的肉就别吃了。 +"Finally, the study will make structural topology optimization plate design on the weak links, and the optimizing results will be used in the solid re-modeling.",最后,针对薄弱环节对台板进行结构拓扑优化设计,将优化结果重新进行实体造型。 +Plane-geometry fans will find suggestions for a proof of this in the Prob .,平面几何学的爱好者将在此习题中找到证明此关系的建议。 +"If the user might want to do it, do you really need to prevent it?",如果用户想进行这些操作,是否真有必要去横加阻止呢? +"Symptoms include agitation, severe spasms , fever, fear of water and inability to drink liquids, and eventually death.",症状包括搅拌,严重痉挛,发烧,怕水,不能饮用的液体,并最终死亡。 +"Furthermore, study the effective use of negative space in web design.",更多内容可以学习网页设计中的负空间设计。 +European leaders also say U. S. banks appear to be on better footing because the U. S. has recapitalized many of them with taxpayer money.,欧洲领导人还表示,美国银行业似乎处于更好的状况,因为美国已经动用纳税人资金对很多本国银行进行了注资。 +"Which means something's got to give: ""When all you think about is the baby, your relationship gets left behind, "" says Dave Kushner, also of Brooklyn, and father of Samantha, 3, and Mia, 1.",这意味着必须要有所付出:“如果你们满脑子想的都是这个宝宝,你们之间的关系就被排在后面了。” 同样住在布鲁克林区的库什纳说道,他有两个孩子,萨曼莎3岁,米娅1岁。 +"She rubbed scented oil on her hands, then slowly moved her palms in circles over my chest and arms.",她在她的手上擦上香油,然后手掌在我的胸膛和手臂上慢慢运动,划着圈儿。 +"Rather than getting good movement and swinging the ball around the perimeter, the Rockets were prone to watching Yao Ming and Tracy McGrady shoulder the scoring burden.",他们不能跑起来、把球传起来,相反只是傻傻地看着姚明和麦迪把得分重任扛起来。 +"Real Programmers don't write in APL, unless the whole program can be written on one line.",真正的程序员不写apl程序,除非他能在一行内把一个程序写完。 +"In a western accounting system , the information about each business transaction is initially recorded in an accounting record called a Journal.",在西方会计系统中,有关每一笔经济买卖营业的资料最初是记在一本叫做“序时帐”的会算帐上。 +"If we take hydrogen peroxide in the liquid state, it can break down to form water and oxygen.",如果我们有一些液态的过氧化氢,它会分解成水和氧气。 +I would hold you in my arms.,我就会把你拥在我的怀中。 +World fairs still create influence.,世界博览会仍然有影响力。 +"Line eight: ""That Shepherd, who first taught the chosen Seed...""",第八句:,“点化过那个牧羊人,最初向您的选民。。。“ +"Although both sides started the campaigns for enlightenment in cooperation with each other, but they had different ideas on how to accept the Western civilization.",虽然双方共同致力于传播启蒙思想,但在对于西方文化的基本认识方面,还存在着不少意见分歧与门户之见。 +The data from floating car in Mid-ring Road in Shanghai were examined by this new method. The result demonstrates that it is effective to improve traffic information accuracy.,利用中环路浮动车采集数据对合并方法进行实证,表明该分段方法能提高发布信息的精度。 +That was my perception too. The headmaster's observations are jaw dropping proof thata lot of teachers are part of the problem too.,这与我的观点不谋而合。 校长的观察有力的证明了很多老师也是这个问题的一部分。 +"Some of the environment issue is too broad, if we view it from a daily basis in a small region, there is almost no sign of how the problem affects daily life.",有些环境问题属于笼统宏观型,假如落实到某一个人的某一天的生活的话,没有很的明显的表现。 比方全球变暖,温度的确在上升,但是详细到某一天,温度的变化简直是微乎其微的。 +The fact that I attend this conference representing the Chinese government itself reflects China's position and I will meet with the head of the NTC tomorrow.,我此次作为中国政 府代表与会,本身即表明了中方立场,明天我还将会晤“过渡委”负责人。 +"In China, the energetic French leader has a strikingly different standing: he is Beijing's favorite international whipping boy.",在中国,这位精力充沛的法国领袖则有一个不同的身份:他是北京最喜欢的国际出气筒。 +Appropriate adding amount of polysiloxane could improve the hardness and adhesion condition between the film and the substrate.,适量聚硅氧烷的加入可以提高光催化涂膜的硬度及改善涂膜与基底的附着状况。 +"It is written, "" he said to them, "" 'My house will be called a house of prayer, ' but you are making it a 'den of robbers. """,对他们说:「经上记�说:我的殿必称为祷告的殿,你们倒使它成为贼窝了。」 +"Ten o'clock passed, and I heard the footsteps of the maid as she pattered off to bed.",十点过后,我听见女用人回房睡觉去的脚步声。 +"The rain had cleared the air , and the grass smelt fresh and sweet.",这场雨清洁了空气,青草闻起来有一股新鲜芳香的味。 +The evaporator frosting influence the system performance under a range of ambient temperatures and humidities which affecting the frost formation degree.,对比了不同环境温度及空气湿度下蒸发器的结霜速率,并分析了蒸发器结霜对系统性能的影响。 +"The symptoms are often mild or no, tongue and pulse can be normal.",自觉症状常较轻或无,舌脉亦可正常。 +As she turned on the porch light neither she nor I could see anyone from the front window.,她把手电打开,我俩从前边窗口望出去,没看见外边有人。 +Most species of pelagic shark take many years to mature and have relatively few young when they do reproduce.,大多数深海鲨鱼物种需要许多年才能进入成熟期,而且就算它们繁殖,产下的幼鲨也相对较少。 +The doctor saw that he was moving his right foot.,医生看见他的右脚在动。 +Schiller's theories of artistic beauty and aesthetic education are both based upon the construction of the utopia.,席勒的艺术美与美育理论都是围绕这一乌托邦的构建而展开。 +"They hire three people and have 1,800 followers within days—job well done!","他们在短短几天内聘用了三名人员并获得 1,800 名关注者— 做的漂亮!" +Gordon Gekko: Don't run when you lose don't whine when it hurts. It's like the first grade… Nobody likes a crybaby.,戈登: 输了别跑,伤了别嚎。就像一年级时没人会喜欢爱哭的孩子。 +"I bought most of the equipments during the BF sales, really happy can use them now. XD.",这些的用具大多数都是在黑五的时候买的,现在终于可以派上用场了,真的蛮开心,哈哈哈。 +South Africans successfully avoided to become the first world cup host squad losing the opening game as Siphiwe Tshabalala scored a memorable goal to give them a 1-1 draw with Mexico on Friday.,查巴拉拉攻入的一粒进球使得南非成功避免了成为第一个输掉世界杯揭幕战的东道主。这粒具有纪念意义的进球让东道主球队在周五和墨西哥队1比1握手言和。 +There will be a problem set for each section on the calendar.,对于每个教学时程上的章节将会有一个问题集。 +He loved to rove the green hills and clear waters.,他喜欢漫游于山青水秀之乡。 +"Many anti-abortion activists oppose embryonic stem cell research, because it requires the destruction of four-day-old embryos.",大多反堕胎政策的倡导者都反对干细胞研究,主要还是考虑到这一试验成功的前提,那就是:想要获得成功必须要破坏四天大的胚胎。 +Q.What is the connection between migraine and patent foramen ovale?,偏头痛与卵圆孔未闭有什么联系? +"The results showed that NBR/PVC blends exhibited good oil-resistance, ozone-resistance, and their breaking strength and tear-resistance strength were also rather improved.",结果表明,NBR/PVC共混硫化胶具有突出的耐油、耐臭氧老化性能,拉伸强度、定伸强渡和撕裂强度也较NBR有所提高。 +"This place has very inspiring vibrations, just like being in a temple, as every week students along with the Master work on the drawings and paintings religiously.",这各地方充满了灵感,就像在寺庙里一样,每个星期,老师和他的学生都在这里努力虔诚的作画以求在艺术道路上迈进,深耕。 +The report said the measure had prevented sales from falling as far as they would otherwise have done and could be expected to increase purchases by 1.2% over the course of 2009.,该报告称,削减附加税可以避免销售额预期中的大幅下滑,并在2009年将购买额提高1.2%。 +"Instead, they are likely to step up pressure on the operators, who have large in-house teams of staff to monitor, block and remove sensitive content.",他们可能会转而对运营商加压,要求其禁止或者删除敏感内容,这些运营商拥有大批内部审查人员团队。 +The WLM portion of the WebSphere Application Server run time returns an indirect IOR (interoperable object reference) to the EJB client as a result of the lookup() call.,WebSphere Application Server 运行时的 WLM 部分把一个间接 IOR(可互操作的对象引用)返回到 EJB 客户机作为lookup()调用的结果。 +The Black Death once caused a great panic among people. ;,黑去世病曾惹起人们极年夜的恐慌。 +"Based on labour, improvement of accuracy of cut optimization and customer-oriented, UST-company expected payback period of the system for one to two years.",基于省工、切口最优化以及面向顾客准确性的改善,乌斯特公司预计该系统的投资回收期为一到两年。 +God has ... planted eternity in the human heart. Ecclesiastes 3:11 (N LT),神......将永生安置在世人心里。 +"Lotus Expeditor also protects user credentials by storing authentication information, such as user names and passwords, in an encrypted key store.",Lotus Expeditor 还通信将身份验证信息,如用户名和密码,保存在加密密钥库来保护用户凭证。 +"In 2008, the city had about 1.2 million primary and middle school students, and about 71, 000 vocational high school students, according to Beijing municipal commission of education.",据北京市教育局统计,2008年全北京市约有120万名中小学生和7100名职高生。 +Important: Do not forget to add the semi-colon (;).,重点:不要忘了添加分号(;)。 +The total exposure of the the country's eight Landesbanken is unclear.,德国八家地区性国有银行在这方面总的风险敞口目前还不清楚。 +"In the movie, po's father considers the son takes over the noddle business is kind of success.",此部影片中,“波”的父亲把儿子能继承面馆当成自己的成功。 +There was no option but to deforest the area.,惟一的选择就是砍掉树林。 +The circuit design of high- precision test can be sampled many times in a row and improved indicators of repetitive apparatus.,高精度的电路设计一次测试中可以连续多次采样,提高了仪器的重复性指标。 +She also signed with Entercom and says she expects her total compensation from both jobs to be well into 'six figures. ' When I asked Mr.,曼德尔同时也与Entercom签订了工作合同,她估计两项工作的薪酬加在一起可以轻松达到六位数。 +"In fact, because it heats so deeply, Thermage is the only non-invasive procedure that helps tighten and contour skin in a single treatment with little or no downtime.",事实上,因为它深深加热,随着我们唯一的非侵入性,有助于加强和轮廓在一个几乎没有或根本没有停机单一治疗皮肤。 +Remedios the Beauty thought that he was suffering from the fear that the tiles would break and she bathed herself more quickly than usual so that the man would not be in danger.,俏姑娘雷麦黛丝却以为他怕屋顶塌下,就尽量比平常洗得快些,不愿让这个人长久处在危险之中。 +Whether the state of the chin is used in a right way will directly affect the qualities of singing.,下巴是人进行歌唱时不可忽略的一个重要部位,歌唱时下巴所处状态的正确与否直接影响歌唱的质量。 +"Inspired by the Greek myth of Orpheus, Williams intertwines two themes: to save the world and to escape it.",威廉姆斯的《琴仙下凡》基于有关俄菲斯的希腊神话,贯穿了两条并行的主题:即艺术家救助他人与逃避尘世的欲望。 +"In recent investigations, many compounds of G. biloba extracts have exhibited potent anti-tumor activities both in vitro and in vivo tumor model studies.",近年来在对银杏提取物的研究中,多种化合物显示出强大的体内外抗肿瘤活性。 +Psychologists from Jena University in Germany discovered that a person's perceived age varies depending on the people they are with.,德国耶拿大学的心理学家发现,人们的外表年龄往往随着身边的人有所变化。 +"The address also reveals something of Jobs's humanity, something that tended to get lost in the afterglow of Apple's astonishing corporate resurgence.",这演讲亦揭示了一些乔布斯的人性,一些往往在苹果惊人的企业复苏的馀辉中失去的东西。 +"Inner Mongolia is China's calcium carbide production, use, sale province.",内蒙是我国碳化钙生产、使用、销售大省。 +"Therefore, it is not an accident that New Age spiritual mediums teach self-esteem.",因此,新纪元的灵媒教导「自尊」,不足为奇。 +"Conversational analysis is seen as one sub-field in discourse analysis, while turn-taking is the core in conversational analysis.",会话分析被认为是话语分析的一个分支领域,而话轮转换是会话分析的核心问题。 +"Maradona may have used the hand of God, but at least he didn't try to move the goalposts to improve his chances.",马拉多纳曾经使用过“上帝之手”,但至少他没有为了进球而挪动门柱。 +"The one who had been driving had long black hair; his insolent good looks reminded Fisher unpleasantly of his daughter's guitar-playing, layabout boyfriend.",开车的那个男孩有着黑色的长发,他傲慢,帅气的脸蛋让费希尔不高兴的想起他女儿的懒惰吉他手男朋友。 +There were some new problems such as the easy exhaustion of the liquid ammonia circulating pump and the appearance of liquid ammonia product was off specification.,目前存在氨液循环泵易抽空、液氨产品外观不合格(颜色发红)、液氨外送泵密封泄漏等问题。 +"The HKSAR is divided into 390 constituencies, in each of which a member is elected.",香港特别行政区分为390个选区,每个选区选出一名区议员。 +"If you really wish to achieve this, what you need to do is practice not just as occasional medicine or therapy but as if it were your daily sustenance or food.",如果你真想达到这个境地,就要把修行当作每日必须的食粮,而非偶尔服用的药或治疗。 +"Zhejiang Menglei Import & Export Co. , Ltd. was approved by Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economy of PRC in 2004.",浙江梦蕾进出口有限公司于2004年经国家外经贸部批准成立,具有自营进出口权及国家一级海陆空国际货代权。 +They talked about a delicious that getting popular recently: Eating Monkey's Brains.,他们谈起了近来比较有新意的一种美味“吃猴脑”。 +That night Clemencia and José decided to elope.,那天晚上,克莱门和何塞决定私奔。 +We think of America as a globalized society because it has been at the center of the forces of globalization.,我们认为美国是一个全球化的社会因为它已经处在了全球化力量的中心。 +Our team didn't exactly cover itself with glory today.,我队今天未能真正载誉而归。 +Wife: You always carry my photo in your briefcase to the office. Why?,你总是把我的照片放到你的包里去上班,为什么? +"Because of rapid rising rate of nanosecond pulse, flashover voltage can reach a higher value after discharge channels have been built.",纳秒脉冲电压上升速率极大,放电时延内电压增幅较大,纳秒脉冲闪络电压高于其它电压波形; +"Youxi county, located in the middle part of Fujian Province, is richly endowed with hydraulic resources. Since the founding of the P. R.",地处闽中的尤溪县具有得天独厚的水力资源,建国以来经过全县人民的艰苦奋斗,从开发小水电发展到开发中型水电。 +All you have to do is ask for guidance and you will receive guidance in some form.,您所需要做的就是去 要求 指引,并且您将会收到某种形式的指引。 +Kickin' these rocks.,把这些岩石。 +"In several ionic living polymerization systems, there are two kinds of active species such as ion pairs and free ions, or contact ion pairs and solvent separated ion pairs.",在一些离子型活性聚合反应体系中,存在两种具有链增长反应活性的物种,例如自由离子和离子对。 +The waiter brought a perfectly round baseball-size orb of chocolate in a bowl. Picture the Death Star of chocolate.,服务生端上来一碗完美的橄榄球形巧克力,叫做巧克力死亡之星。 +Our liver can't store up the glycogen it needs for the next day and so the next day we have a liver that is depleted of glycogen.,因为肝脏无法备足第二天所需要的肝糖原,接下来的一天我们将会有一个糖原耗尽的肝脏。 +"They said that I can't name two out of the three most loved maps from Generals, Tiberium Wars and Red Alert 3.",他们说我说不上来奇克马特,泰伯利亚战争和红警三里面最受欢迎的几幅地图。 +Candidates for the job will be interviewed in swimsuits.,候选人将会身穿泳装接受采访。 +"""Jungle adventure"" still feel fun, if everyone go to saipan play, can try this project.",“丛林探险”还是觉得挺好玩的,如果大家去塞班岛玩,可以试一下这个项目。 +A statement given to the New York Times newspaper said the family wanted to know why the al-Qaeda leader had not been captured alive.,给《纽约时报》的一份声明说,他的家人们想知道为什么基地组织的带领没有被活捉。 +"Is this the little boy of unpredictable traction under, two waging a war not dozen strangers romantic matchups.",就在这个小男孩的不测牵引之下,两人展开一场不打不相识的浪漫对决。 +"No , Wright wouldn’t like the bird -----a thing that sang .",(停一下)不,赖特不会喜欢那只鸟——一个会唱歌的东西。 +When you're bathing just bathe. Don't try to knock off a few tasks while eating or bathing.,就专注于洗澡• 不要试着停下一些工作去吃饭或洗澡• 禅僧格言:当你行走的时候; +"The poor-ness of the western district, It was lag behind of the western law and system environment.",西部地区的贫穷与落后,从法律制度上分析,主要是西部法制环境的滞后。 +"For all the merits of social media, some industry watchers warn that the industry shouldn't forget about the older generations that aren't tech savvy and still need to be engaged.",一些行业观察者提醒道,酒店不应由于发现社会媒体的好处,就忽略了不擅长利用新科技,但仍然需要维系的老一辈用户群。 +"Although various of protocols for oocyte freezing have been developed, most of them were applied in mouse, cattle and human oocyte cryopreservation successfully.",诚然,关于卵母细胞的冷冻保存,业已形成众多的技术方案,这些方案大多在小鼠、牛和人卵母细胞上应用并获得良好的冷冻效果。 +"He didnt want to be separated from Yoko, so he cancelled the plans for the concert tour.",他不想和洋子分开,所以取消了巡演计划。 +"Of course, it is impossible to prevent bubbles from forming, but it should be possible to keep them within tolerable bounds.",当然,要不让泡沫形成是不可能的,但应有可能使泡沫局限在可承受的范围内。 +The Cuban revolutionary and politician held the position of Prime Minister of Cuba from 1959 to 1976 and then President from 1976 to 2008.,这位古巴革命家、政治家曾在1959—1976年担任古巴总理、1976—2008年担任古巴主席。 +Give it a break and show it some kindness.,让它稍做休息,向它表示你的善意。 +"She said his name wrongly, so he put her straight.",她叫错了他的名字,于是他纠正了她。 +The ratings of Republicans in Congress are just as dire as those for Democrats – and both are a lot worse than Obama's personal ratings which remain reasonably firm.,国会中共和党和民主党的口碑一样杯具,他们都不如奥巴马个人的口碑好。 况且奥巴马的声望还一直保持得相当稳定。 +"The properties of nonlinear crystal BBO is presented. The walk-off angle and the spatial walk-off effect, the group velocity mismatch and the temporal walk-off effect are discussed.",对BBO晶体的材料特性,有效非线性系数,以及BBO晶体的走离角与空间走离效应,群速度失配与时间走离效应进行了讨论。 +We applied themodel to both text classification and image categorization.,我们并将其应用与文本与图像分类。 +What they really want are 30-year-olds without children.,他们真正想要的是30岁,没有孩子的人。 +The bell crank connects to a Tiller handle using a universal joint.,钟曲柄连接到一个使用通用蘖处理联合。 +For the large and medium-sized cinema provide a full range of programs and the purchase of equipment and reasonable;,能够为各大中型影室提供全面的购置方案和合理的设备配置; +"While waiting, plot your data by hand or use your PC. Review your titration curve with your TA. Discuss any changes which should be made for subsequent titrations.",在等的时候,利用所得数据,手绘或用个人电脑作图。跟助教讨论一下你的滴定曲线。讨论一下接著的滴定分析要否要作改变。 +"As a teacher, should face its own responsibilities in the new Curriculum Reform, dared to challenge their own teaching behavior.",作为老师,应直面自身在新课改中的责任,敢于对自身的教学行为提出挑战。 +And he inherited al-Khwarizmi's solution to quadratic equation.,同时,他继承了前辈花拉子米关于一元二次方程的解法。 +"Thehighly accurate closed-loop control system helps OEMs meet legislatedTIER-2 emission levels, while maintaining excellent drivability andfuel economy.",高度精确的闭环控制系统,帮助OEM符合法定层- 2的排放水平,同时保持良好的驾驶和燃油经济性。 +"An axial force is applied to the unsupported lenghth of a rectangular specimen held in a loading fixture, while the applied load and strain in this area are monitored.",在固定于载荷夹具上的矩形样品的未支撑段加以轴向力,同时对该区域上施加的负荷以及应力进行监测。 +"Using the fake passport, we went to the local Social Security Administration office and applied for a Social Security number and card.",我们用假的护照,到当地社保局申请社保号和社保卡。 +"Some combinations of input values produce meaningless results: for instance, what meaning can be assigned to the arithmetic sum of the ASCII representation of the character A and a TRUE flag?",例如, 什麽意义可以被指定给字元A 的ASCII 表示法和一个TRUE 旗标的算术总和? 这个答案可以是无意义; +"What does that matter, Gaddafi says to himself.",卡扎菲一定会自言自语道,这又有什么关系。 +"None of us involved have ever used the word ""cure"" but if a root cause, those of us willing to undertake CCSVI treatment are optimistic this could stop or slow progression.",我们中没有人使用过治愈这个词,但是,如果一个根源性原因可能会停止或减缓进步的话,我们中会有人愿意接受CCSVI治疗。 +This was the third phase of his ascent.,第三阶段,可设想在两淮方面作战。 +"After adding NaCl, jam samples were extracted by acetone and separated on BEH C18 column, coupled with tandem MS.",样品加入氯化钠、经丙酮萃取,于BEH C18色谱柱分离,同时串联质谱检测。 +The principle of modeling without support for suspended parts is based on the strength and rigidity of filament that carries itself.,零件悬空部分的无支撑成形是利用成形材料自身的强度和刚性来支持丝料的悬空连续轨迹,保证后续成形。 +"My motherland is the largest country in the world, covering an area of 9.6 million square kilometres and owning a population of 1.3billion.",我的祖国是世界上最大的国家,它面积九百六十万平方公里而且有十三亿人口。 +"It is also troubled by a very high prevalence of hepatitis B, smoking- and pollution-linked respiratory diseases.",另外,乙肝以及与抽烟和污染有关的呼吸道疾病也很常见。 +"Adoption of stainless steel cloth bucket, which never rust, avoid contaminating cloth, this machine with CJ-170Z automatic strip cutting machine, the fabric using rate could reach the highest.",采用不锈钢布桶,永不生锈,避免沾污布料该机可与CJ-170Z全自动切捆条机配套使用,可使布料的使用率达到最高。 +"In this paper, spatial statistical analysis and GIS are combined to analyze the patterns of spatial population distribution of Tianshui City in Gansu Province.",该文将空间统计分析与GIS相结合,探讨天水市人口空间分布模式。 +A face of a transparent paleness; every feature in it clearly defined; one set expression on it.,脸色是透明的苍白,五官轮廓分明,老是板着。 +"Listen to me,please.",请听我说。 +"But Ms Yap counters such concerns, saying management recognises this risk and has started targeting higher-end users.",雅普女士对此类担忧并不认同,她表示,腾讯管理层意识到了这种风险,已开始将目标瞄准更高端用户。 +Students will not to perform if absent two times during the rehearsal.,演出采排缺席两次,将取消演出资格。 +White House officials say they understand why emotions are running high.,白宫官员说,他们理解为什么选民的愤慨情绪高涨。 +"The product is mainly used in potable , ADSL, router, switch, video, mini electric appliance, display, mainboard of computer, digital production, ect.",公司的产品主要适应于便携式产品、ADSL、电源、路由器、交换机、视频、小家电、显示器、电脑主机板、数码产品等。 +"As improved ethics, professionalism, and education collectively start to have a maturing effect on the secondary market, there will be a corresponding growing acceptance of used equipment in general.",随着道德的提高、专业技能和培训全面开始充分影响二级市场,这里会有一个总的趋势来逐渐地接受二手设备。 +"Also, error analysis verified the reliability of the theory and the calculation method of the unit flow path analysis.",误差分析验证了单元流路分析结果的可靠性。 +"To explain this point, let's draw an analogy with psychotherapy and the research into its effectiveness.",为了解释这个,我们做一个利用心理疗法的原理来做推理,以便研究它如果带来功效。 +"And, I get the other half.",然后我们得到了这个角。 +"Essentially, it allows operations like equality (=), approximation (~=), greater-or-equal, lesser-or-equal as well as substring comparisons.",最基本的,它允许如等于(=)、约等于(~=)、大于等于、小于等于以及子字符串比较等操作符。 +We're thinking this won't be the last we see of Greyson Chance.,我们想这不会是最后一次机会,我们看到的格雷松。 +"Another great fight has begun, Sasuke vs. Eight tail, who is the strongest?",跟八尾的战斗要进入白热阶段了吗?真是期待… +St. Louis School was established in 1864 as a trade and technical school.,圣类斯中学是于1864年,由天主教总堂神父创立的工业学院。 +"The article reviews the history of developing technical code for roofing in China and introduces the features and main contents of newly developed""Technical Code for Roofing""(version to be approved).",回顾了我国屋面工程技术标准制定的历史,介绍了新编《屋面工程技术规范》(报批稿)的特点和主要内容,以指导我国屋面工程的设计和施工。 +"The plaintiff, with the assistance of a sheriff or constable, Can seize certain assets, including money in your bank accounts, to pay the judgment.",在治安官的帮助下通过查封被告的财产(包括被告在银行的账户)原告可以得到应得的财产(实际中败诉方还必须承担诉讼费用)。 +They were made around 1845-48 by Pietro Bigaglia.,它们是由皮埃托•毕加哥利亚(Pietro Bigaglia)在1845-48年间制作的。 +"And, while leveraging its existing business and user base in search may sound like a smart corporate strategy, the results of such migration will be limited.",尽管发挥现有业务和搜索用户群的优势看似明智,但这种优势转移战略带来的结果将极为有限。 +"This is the old homepage of Mackie Study, which doesn't have updates anymore.",这是阿麦书房旧版网页,已经没有更新了! +"And this dam is just one of dozens being planned or built in what has been called a “blue gold rush,” an infrastructure spree that is transforming the South American interior.",这座大坝只是计划和建设的几十座大坝中的一个。 这一波建设被称作”蓝色淘金热“——一个正在让南美洲内陆地区转型的基础建设热潮。 +My usual approach is to deepen the defensive line and widen the formation.,我通常的方法就是防线加深,阵形加宽。 +What did we do before computers were invented - I get so stressed when mine is on the fritz.,电脑发明之前我们做什么——电脑一坏我感到压力很大。琳达:是这样。 +"Still, this effect might be seen in other species and could affect conservation of endangered animals, Walling said.",然而,这种影响可能存在于其他物种,并可能会影响到对濒危动物的保护。 沃林说:“要想保护某个物种,必须使之达到性成熟。 +Do you know what the eagle on the dollar bill is clasping in its claws?,你知道在这张钱币上秃鹰鹰爪里抓着什么吗?。 +"Furthermore, we have also collaborated with NDRC in a technical assistance project to support a multi-ministry study team led by NDRC.",同时,我们也与国家发改委合作,开展一项技术援助项目,为国家发改委领导的一个跨部委课题组提供支持。 +"And if you fail, you will have a golden parachute and the taxpayer will bail you out.",如果你搞砸了,你还有一顶金色的降落伞,纳税人会来救你。 +"With the rapid development of modern industry, people have more demand to the quality of power system.",随着现代工业的飞速发展,对电能的质量要求越来越高,无功功率的平衡是电能质量的重要保证。 +"Where the rippling waters go cast a stone, the truth you'll know.",潺潺流水冲刷着石头的时候,你将了解真相。 +Mrs. Cattermole's sobs masked Harry's footsteps as he made his way carefully toward the steps that led up to the raised platform.,卡特莫尔太太的抽泣掩盖了哈利的脚步声,他小心地朝高台的台阶走去。 +The two girls split the cost of the lunch between them.,那两邋个女孩均摊午餐费。 +"Li San presents a primitive, pure and down-to-earth young worker image with its modern color.",李三辈质朴率真、有实干劲头,是一个具有时代特色的青年工人形象。 +Probably smokes; a hint of ash about him.,大概吸烟,他身边的烟灰给人这种提示。 +The axial force has distinguishing features in the impact vibration zone and the up-downstream vibration one.,拱圈底板块轴力在冲击强振区和上下游强振区有不同的特点。 +Ember burning with reeds flaunted to the blue sky.,芦苇燃烧成灰烬,撒向蔚蓝的苍穹。 +"For middle school of the key on the child, wei Haifeng's wife sent a gift, if wish, still do not have.",为了孩子上重点中学,魏海峰的妻子送了礼,还是没有如愿。 +"Or, using your digital certificate, follow the path: Login> Member User> My Project>My Order>Documents Purchased, then locate corresponding bidding announcement, and click on Files Download.",您也可以使用数字证书,登录网站>网员专区>我的项目>我的订单>已购文件,找到对应的招标公告,点击“文件下载”自助下载招标文件。 +"This, it was widely believed, was a testimonial to humankind's improvements on nature.",人们普遍认为,这是对人类改造自然的褒赏。 +I am working in the mobile phone shop!,我现在正在手机店工作。 +We are telemarketing cosmetics.,我们正在用电话推销化妆品。 +"Widely used for granite, basalt, limestone, river gravel, quartz, iron ore, pebbles and other materials, fine crusher.",广泛适用于花岗岩、玄武岩、石灰岩、河卵石、石英石、铁矿石、鹅卵石等多种物料的细式破碎。 +"Many makeup products are marked ""noncomedogenic"" or ""nonacnegenic"" — meaning they're oil-free and don't clog pores.",很多化妆品会标注“不致粉刺”——意思是不含油份,不堵塞毛孔。 +"Purpose:A series of patients with mycoplasmal pneumonia in middle and old age were analysed, so that we could enhance our diagnostic level and reduce misdiagnosis or missed diagnosis.",目的:对一组中老年支原体肺炎病例进行分析,以提高诊断水平减少误漏诊。 +What do you think is the benefit of having so many parks in the city?,你觉得一个城市拥有这么多公园有什么好处呢? +The paper finally gives an example of a motorcycle manufacturing for demonstration of designing and constructing of quality bill of material (QBOM).,最后,结合一个摩托车制造生产设计了其关键件的QBOM。 +To force free by pulling at; yank.,猛拉用力拉使之分开; +But Dr. Cordell had evolved a different strategy: Withdrawal. Distance.,但她发展出了一种不同的策略:逃避、拒人于千里之外。 +This old bed has an iron frame.,这张旧床的床架是铁制的。 +"Unlike farmlands in the countryside, which can resume their forms with the nature's power, urban components such as bricks, stones, grasses and trees are ""man-made"".",城市不像农村的庄稼地,在自然力的作用下可以自己“修养生息”,城市里的一砖一石、一草一木都是“人工”的。 +We could also choose to create an InputStream directly.,我们还可以选择直接创建 InputStream 。 +"Despite the woes, America's system of long-term, fixed-rate mortgages at least ensures that borrowers do not have to worry about interest rates.",虽然市场一片狼藉,但美国的长期固定利率按揭系统至少保证了借款人不用担心利率波动。 +This unemployment rate was approached in both 1982 and 1983 as the Fed squeezed inflationary expectations out of the system with interest rates that sometimes exceeded 20 percent.,这个失业率(10%)曾在1982年和1983年两度出现,是因为利率一度超过20%使得联邦把通货膨胀的预期排除到经济体系之外。 +"We must implement and realize the central instruction spirit, summarizes for five year agricultural industrial production development experience, the analysis current situation.",我们要贯彻落实中央的指示精神, 总结五年来农业产业化发展的经验,分析当前形势。 +"Enter the middle of 90's of 20 centuries. The domestic starts appearing the simple box-type transformer substation , and got the quick development.",进入20世纪90年代中期,国内开始出现简易箱式变电站,并得到了迅速发展。 +"Arrange its to maintain sexual life naturally, can make they spend old age more pleasurably .",顺其自然保持性生活,可使她们更加心情舒畅地度过晚年。 +Please join cameron in saluting bmw for taking on this green initiative and their innovative efforts to improve the environment of our planet.,请加入卡麦龙的行列,向一直从事于研发采取环保措施的宝马公司致敬,他们努力的创新致力于改善我们地球的环境。 +Need help choosing a table?,需要帮忙选球桌吗?。 +"On that day, rushed browse Zhangjiajie Forest Park, the locals decided to take the bus back to town.",那天,匆匆浏览了张家界森林公园的金鞭溪,决定坐当地人的公交车回城里。 +"Although it is true that I am near of kin, there is a kinsman-redeemer nearer than I.",我实在是你一个至近的亲属,只是还有一个人比我更近。 +"The design method of damping spring in vibration hammer is developed in this paper. Espacially a selecting range is introduced for calculating damping parameter, which is useful in design.",介绍了振动锤隔振弹簧设计方法给出了隔振参数计算必要的取值范围,可供实际设计参考。 +"The president is still alive, so reports of his death were inaccurate.",总统依然健在,因此有关他已经死亡的 报 导都是 不正确的。 +"SMD lamp beads, manufactured through full automatic reflow soldering line.",贴片灯珠,全自动化回流焊生产; +Tori Spelling and husband Dean McDermott are also expecting their 2nd child.,托里拼写和丈夫院长麦克德玛特也都期盼自己的第2次孩子。 +"We are grateful for the support from all of you, whether financial or in the field, as researchers, practitioners, representatives of patient groups, or advocates for patient’s rights.",我们感谢大家的支持,感谢你们的资金协助或作为研究人员、从业者、患者团体代表或作为患者权利倡导者开展的实际工作。 +What you spend years building may be destroyed overnight.,你穷数年之功建设起来的东西可能在一夜之间就被毁掉。 +Big Frank that's who!,对了,就是伟大的福兰克! +Actively use products such as straw fibreboard production plant.,积极采用秸秆等产品制作植物纤维板。 +The first chapter gives a brief introduction on the selective oxidation of propane into acrolein.,论文第一章介绍了丙烷选择氧化制丙烯醛反应的意义及相关研究工作。 +"The reorganization society medicine market, creates good manages the medical environment;",整顿社会医药市场,创造良好的办医环境; +"The fermentation technology of banana wine at normal temperature was studied by experimentation, every infection factor was discussed, the best of all technology parameter was made out, 0.",通过实验研究了常温发酵法生产香蕉酒的工艺路线,对各种影响因素进行了讨论,得出了最佳的工艺参数为酒曲用量0。 +"""Of course, I've already received a call from a paintball guy who wants a safety mask that won't fog from heavy breathing, "" Rubner says.",鲁布纳说:「当然,我已经接到玩漆弹朋友的电话,希望能做出气喘嘘嘘也不会起雾的护目镜。」 +We've just found her knocked out in her wardrobe!,我们刚在她的衣柜里发现了她。 她被人打晕了! +The Samanera Project is a good start for them to learn how to live a good life.,沙弥活动对这些孩子来讲是他们学习怎样去过幸福生活的良好开始。 +"According to legend, a young man while roaming thedesert came across a spring of deliciouscrystal-clear water.",有这样一个传说:一个年轻人在沙漠里漫游时偶然发现了一眼清泉。 +Electrical works will be carried out at The Wing Lung Bank Building for Business Studies to divert the fire services system from Joint Sports Centre to Security Control Centre on Li Promenade.,电力安装工程将于永隆银行商学大楼进行以配合改动联校运动中心至李作权大道保安控制中心之消防警报系统。 +"She also had a cute mom who had candidly expressed her desire to have the guy as her son-in-law, and secretly planned more opportunities for the couple to meet.",她还有一个可爱的妈妈,非常想要男猪做女婿,于是多次秘密设计他们在一起。 +"Insulin, a hormone secreted by the pancreas, is a key ingredient in the metabolic process because it helps keep the blood-sugar level from rising abnormally.",胰岛素,一种由胰腺分泌的激素,是新陈代谢过程中一种主要的成分,因为它有助于抑制血糖浓度异常地升高。 +"It has been proved by experiments that this algorithm is high imperceptibility , high capacity, and robust to affine transformation and JPEG lossy compression.",实验证明,本文提出的算法不仅具有很好的抗仿射变换和抗JPEG压缩的鲁棒性,而且具有较小的嵌入失真和较大的水印容量。 +Laser transmitting wavefront is near diffraction-limited in space laser communication. Wavefront measurement is the basis of system adjustment and testing.,空间激光通信中发射波面质量接近衍射极限, 测量波面是调整和检验发射系统的依据。 +Methods 64 cases of retrosternal goiter with surgical intervention and pathological confirmation were analysed retrospectively.,方法回顾性地分析经外科手术病理证实的6 4例胸骨后甲状腺肿患者的临床资料。 +"Declaration(in Babble only):You cant leave now, you havent completed all the forms!",欸!你还不能走,因为你还没填完这些表格! +The particular nature and the unique properties of these molecules make their use a promising procedure for in situ hybridization assays.,这些分子特殊的性质与独有的属性为原位杂交分析提供了一个很有前景的方法。 +"It turns out that microteaching is superior to traditional teaching in many aspects such as in class, developing students teaching skills, and teaching ability etc.",开发微格教学网络课程软件并使其在网上运行 ,可以使更多的在职教师和师范生方便地通过网络进行技能的训练 。 +"Chen Xiang sent a party leader each other be opinionated, but still miss the point, and mastering the operation compared to his master, what?",陈响自以为是认亲派的一方教主,却仍然不得要领,和精通此术的高手相比,自己算什么呀? +"NPR.org, June 19, 2005 · Over 50 years ago, at the age of 16, I wrote an essay published in the original This I Believe series.",50多年前,在16岁的时候,我写了一篇短文在当时的“我相信”节目中播出。 +巧克力与香草精味道不同。,Chocolate and vanilla have different flavours. +"Xinjiang Korla pear, has been two thousand years of history and culture.",新疆库尔勒的香梨,至今已有两千年的栽培历史。 +Is the shot action name three?,铅球的动作名称是哪三个? +"In January 2011, London's Metropolitan Police Service relaunched its probe into phone hacking, and it has since exploded into a big criminal investigation.",2011年1月,伦敦警察局重新调查电话窃听案,从那时起此案变成了一起重大刑事调查。 +"Schiff foretold the crisis before it happened, including the bankruptcy of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.",施夫预言了这场危机的发生,包括房利美和房地美的破产。 +"This bold, provocative, 1 and unique was named“Flamenco”.",这种大胆、煽情、独一无二的风格便称作“弗拉门戈”。 +"Gago, also from Argentina, is a professional soccer player who plays defensive midfielder with Real Madrid.",同样来自阿根廷的加戈是一名专业的足球运动员。 +Environmental groups and city residents have complained the government's measurement system consistently underreports the severity of the problem.,环保团体和市民抱怨政府的监测系统总是低估问题的严重性。 +"When Jesse decided to support me, he went all the way, with a barn burner that brought the house down.",杰西一旦决定支持我,便全力以赴,热度简直可以把整座房子掀翻�� +My name is Domino Harvey -- I’m a bounty hunter.,吾名多米诺·哈维,赏金猎人。 +"Water hyacinth has been distributed in North, East, Central and South China's at the end of the late 20th century, including 19 provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities).",截至20世纪末,水葫芦已广泛分布于华北、华东、华中和华南的19个省(自治区、直辖市)。 +The value and limitation of X-Ray film and CT in spinal fracture were discussed.,并讨论了X线平片及CT在脊柱骨折诊断中的临床价值及限度。 +Spellcasting: The very essence of the Plane of Shadow abhors direct light and fire.,施法 :暗影平原非常排斥直接的光源与火焰。 +The increase in rate of reaction decreases the uniformity and regularity of nanorods.,化学反应速度的提高显著降低了纳米棒的均匀度和规则性。 +American Christians and Jews reached out to better understand Islam and — they will admit — to find out firsthand whether the Muslims in their midst were friends or foes.,美国的基督教徒和犹太教徒为了更好地了解伊斯兰教便主动接触穆斯林,他们也承认,就是想亲自看看他们周围的穆斯林是敌是友。 +"The effort to determine the genealogical links among all life-forms includes extensive genetic sampling of biological diversity, within species as well as among them.",要确定所有生命形式的亲缘系谱关系,必须在同一物种之间以及不同物种之间进行广泛的遗传取样,鑑定生物多样性; +Methods:The developing vestibular sensory organ of Kunming white mice aged from the tenth embryonieday(ED10)to fourteenth postnatal day(P14)were studied by light microscopy.,方法:应用光镜对昆明种小白鼠的前庭感觉器官从胚胎第10天(ED10)至出生后第14天(P14)的发育过程进行形态学研究。 +"Washing machines, vacuum cleaners, dishwashers and electric mowers all minimise the effort required to maintain a clean and tidy home.",洗衣机、吸尘器、洗碗机和除草机让我们不费力气就能保持家庭整洁。 +How many operations do you perform during a visit?,一次出诊你要做多少次手术? +He that wrestles with us strengthens our nerves and sharpens our skill. Our antagonist is our helper.,和我们搏斗的对手使我们士气大增,而且提高了技巧。 +"Bush and Cheney play the first half, then Obama and Biden try to come back from a 6 billion point deficit.",布什和切尼打上半场,然后奥巴马和拜登试图在下半场将上半场输掉的60亿分扳回来。 +"Fifth sins: molecular genetic warfare fossils, miso soup theory is the end.",第五宗罪:分子基因战化石,酱汤理论是末日。 +"By the winter of 1947, outside of the guerrilla areas, scarcely a village could be found without a peasants' association or a settlement committee.",到一九四七年冬,除游击区以外,几乎所有地区的村子都建立了农会和清算委员会。 +"Smoking the weed naturally leads to romp in the sheets, though we are spared watching the attack of the munchies that occurred post-nookie.",吸烟的杂草自然导致欢蹦乱跳的介绍,尽管我们不遗余力关注的零食袭击发生后nookie 。 +"For the deviation of coil strip, we contrive a device to detect and control the edge deviation based on linear CCD.",针对这一跑偏问题,本课题设计了一种基于线阵CCD传感器的跑偏检测与控制装置。 +It also takes women a longer time to build attraction.,女人们需要化较长时间关注某个男人。 +Windows 95 and Windows 98 (named for the years of their release) continued its success.,Windows95和Windows98(依照上市的年份命名)延续窗口霸业。 +"The author put forward that we should construct object-oriented software reverse engineering database, and also designed and realized it.",提出应该构建面向对象的软件逆向工程数据库以支持软件逆向工程的特殊要求,并加以设计实现。 +Milan saw options in the centre of the park limited after receiving news ofMathieu Flamini's knee injury and have turned to the former Juventus midfielderto solve their problems.,在弗拉米尼膝盖受伤后,米兰为了解决中场人员紧缺的问题,转而求购了这位前尤文中场。 +"We like yourself are looking to build long term relationships, as we have a minimum 10 year mine life.",我们喜欢自己看建立长期关系,因为我们有一个极小值达10 年的和矿物有关的生活。 +"Since the codices of the Maya were destroyed in the European Conquest, the tables of dates and interpretations of codes were mostly destroyed.",自从玛雅的经书被欧洲征服者破坏之后,期制表和代码的解释大多数被毁坏。 +"Love did not know who was being so magnanimous, but jumped on to the boat, greatly relieved that she would reach a safe place.",爱不知道谁是如此众爱之心,立即跃升到船上,,为自己能达到一个安全的地方,大大松了一口气了。 +"However, for relatively simple DAQ systems, if you are willing to experiment and have a sense of adventure, you can assemble your own DAQ system at your PC.",不过,对于相对简单的DAQ系统,如果你愿意试验并愿意冒险你可以在自己的电脑上组建一个DAQ系统。 +"If no Occupational, Health & Safety Managementsystem is implemented and certified, please answer questions S1 – S9.",如没通过职业健康和安全体系认证,请回答问题S1-S9。 +I came across your ad and was wondering if watering the flowers is something you do.,我看到你的广告了,我想问问你是否提供浇花的服务。 +The poles and trees whirled past us as the train gathered speed.,火车加速前进时, 电线杆子和树木从我们眼前飞快掠过。 +"As with other areas of technology, these two touchscreen systems are alternatives rather than opponents, with different strengths and weaknesses.",与其它科技领域不同的是,这两种触屏系统互有长短,辅助性超过竞争性。 +This is their Grande Taco Salad.,这是他们大份塔可沙拉 +"Food and Mouth disease does not usually kill animals, but it sickens them and severely reduces the production of meat and milk resulting in economic disaster.",口蹄疫通常不会杀死动物,但是它会使它们得病,严重减少肉和奶的产量,最终导致经济灾难。 +"I also asked the legislature to raise cigarette, beer, and liquor taxes and to allocate more than half of our projected new revenues to the schools.",我还要求州议员们提高香烟、啤酒和白酒的税率,把一半以上的预估财政收入下拨给学校。 +"In the movie, Xiao plays a wedding party host who loves singing, while his real life business partner Wang Taili plays a hairdresser who loves dancing.",在电影里,肖央饰演一位喜爱唱歌的婚庆司仪,而他现实生活中的合作伙伴王太利则扮演了一位热爱舞蹈的理发师。 +"Indian tsunami survivors walk past a bonfire at a fishing hamlet in Nagapattinam, 350 km (219 miles) south of the Indian city of Madras, January 6, 2005.",印度海啸幸存者在走过一个纳格伯蒂讷姆,350公里(219英里)的马德拉斯,2005年1月6日印度南部城市渔业村篝火。 +"Do the leisure female bag, finalize the design female bag, evening gowns packet, woven bag.",做休闲女包,定型女包,晚装包,编织包。 +The characters of limestone soil and its influence on the growth of Phyuostachys glauca McCl- were studied in this paper.,动用数理统计方法,研究了石灰岩土壤的特点及土壤因子对淡竹生长的影响。 +"This is called ""awfulizing, "" the idea that any relaxation in standards or vigilance is the first step toward failure, degradation, and the collapse or civilization as we know it.",没人回答,我来滥竽充数做个抛砖引玉吧:任何准则上的松动或警惕性的松懈是导致历代文明失败,崩溃,颓废的第一步。 +"But converting cellulose into ethylene glycol is a slow process involving several expensive agents, including platinum-group metals.",但是,将纤维素转化成乙二醇的过程目前仍十分缓慢,且需要包括铂类金属在内的几种贵重的反应介质。 +"Finally, the article discusses the significance of researching into the theory of NP-completeness.",最后,文章着重指出了研究NP-完全性理论的意义。 +This model has made the calculation workload and the size of the knowledge-repository reduced.,模型缩小了知识库,减少了计算量。 +"Daniel: Oh, look at her. She looks like one is the basketball babies in NBA.",丹尼尔:哦,你看她,她看起来就像是NBA里的篮球宝贝。 +"But in this video, the officer deploying the pepper spray does not appear to be in jeopardy.",但是在该段视频当中,使用辣椒水的官员并未处于危险中。 +"Again, Internet right now is mostly English.",现在,因特网大多数使用英语。 +"All of his sheer power, though, can't give Mark the strenght to face his lovely girlfriend Giulia, 18.",所有力量加在一起,却也不能给马克以力量去面对他心爱的18 岁的女朋友朱利亚。 +"However, a user still may attempt to assign a value to a setting that falls outside of acceptable bounds—for example, supplying a birth date that occurs in the future.",但是,使用者仍然可以尝试将落于可接受界限之外的值指派给设定,例如提供一个未来的出生日期。 +"Conclusions: EBN entirely nursing should combine with nursing entirety. In our country, EBN need further develop and consummate.",结论:循证护理应与整体护理相结合,在我国,循证护理尚需进一步的发展和完善。 +The results of photo-decolorized show that the photo-catalytic activity of TiO_2 with doing 1% La_2O_3 is higher than that of single TiO_2.,光降解亚甲基蓝实验结果表明了在二氧化钛中加入质量分数1%的三氧化二镧后,比单一的二氧化钛具有更高的光降解活性。 +L I would be crazier . I would be less hygienic.,l 我会疯狂一点��我会少讲究些卫生。 +"This book had recorded a lot of precious historical data which we can""t find out in other books and met the need for us to research into those famous writers.""",书中保存了大量不见于他书的珍贵史料,弥补了正史中名家生平资料之不足。 +Why don't we see the influence of the wave-like behavior on every day matter?,"在每天的生活中,我们为什么看不到物质的,波动性质带来的影响呢?" +The cut off barrels of the shotguns made a slight bulge under the waist.,腰间的手枪枪管微微鼓起。 +"Are there air knives, fluid heads & ultrasonics on the deburr machine?",毛刺 机器是否有风刀,流动性&超声波? +"As for the forming and development of the world anti-system movement, racialism goes to closure.",由于世界反体系运动的形成和发展,最终推动了种族主义走向终结。 +Describing Sunday's pitiful derby display as the best of his short Liverpool tenure was an insult to supporters trying to comprehend a passionless defeat and 19th place in the Premier League.,面对没有激情的挫败和英超联赛第十九的排名,他应该说星期天的德比的失败是他作为利物浦主教练对支持着的侮辱。 +"Based on the collaborative process pre-assembly model, a multi-user collaborative assembly prototype system was build and its application process was explained using an illustration.",利用模型建立了支持多主体的协同装配系统,通过示例说明和验证了模型的应用。 +The results indicate that the resistivity method is the most valid and convenient means in ground fissure detection in city.,结果表明,电阻率法是城市地裂缝勘察最有效最简便的方法。 +Increasing the thick-ness of porous layer suitably was of benefit to boiling heat transfer. The coefficient of boiling heat transfer decreased as the height of thermal si-phon …,适当增大多孔层厚度将有利于沸腾传热系数的提高,而热虹吸高度的降低将不利于沸腾传热系数的增大。 +"Make no ruckus in the Feng Hao, just gently flick, marker prompt the maids to spread to work, this just lightly claps the empress of Feng feather to carry on the back.",凤浩中不出声,只是温和地挥挥手,示意仆人们散去,这才轻轻拍拍凤羽的后背。 +"After ultrasonic vibration, the endotoxin activity of each group was tested by kinetic turbidimetric limulus test.",方法 采用凝胶法和动态浊度法鲎试验对样品中的细菌内毒素进行定性和定量检测。 +Results are readily displayed and allow the user to quickly understand duplicated values or drill back into the full frequency distribution for single or multiple columns as Figure 11 shows.,评价结果立即显示出来,使用户可以快速理解重复的值,或者回过头查看单个或多个列的全部频率分布,如图 11 所示。 +"The best type of end-of-life care, Goodman said, involves the patient in the decision making.",古德曼说,最好的临终关怀类型需加入病人的决定。 +"Traffic police on duty shall execute duties according to law, enforce the law strictly, discharge duties civilly, dress neatly, and conduct themselves sedately.",执勤的交通警察必须依法履行职责,严格执法,文明执勤,着装整齐,举止端庄。 +Pre-game expectations will impact on performances. Telling your players you expect a win in games you aren't clear favorites for adds unnecessary pressure.,赛前的谈话影响球员的表现,告诉球员你希望他们拿下这场比赛,或者并不想给他们更多的压力。 +"It can learn new skills , languages and forms , rich it's expressing ways from modem printmaking so it can make it's works hare a breakthrough.",因此,从当代版画中学习新的技术、语言和形式,不断地丰富表现方法,使哲里木版画创作立足传统文化、关注现实生活,使作品更具有突破性。 +Dr. Fauci said testing might also be widely offered in nonmedical settings.,Fauci博士说也可以在非医疗设施中大范围的提供检测。 +"Some analysts believe it is changing the nature of personal computing, too.",一些分析家相信这也改变着个人电脑的根本特性。 +"Ingredients and Effect: The gel, full of many effective components like pure barm essence, vegetable molecule polymerized almond albumen, and natural moisturized element Haide Oil.",成分、功效:富含纯酵母精华、粘弹植物分子聚合杏仁蛋白、天然保湿因子海德油等有效成分。 +Two sets of algebraically explicit analytical solution are derived for the partial differential equation set describing the one-dimensional unsteady gas-liquid two-phase flow.,对气液两相非定常一元流动的主控制方程找出了两套比较完整的可用的代数显式解析解。 +"Based on the example provided, we were able to allocate nearly 23 times as much memory before running out of memory on the large object heap going from version 3.5 to version 4.",基于所提供的示例,执行了从3.5到4.0的升级之后,在耗尽大对象堆上的内存之前,我们可分配的内存增加了22倍。 +"Starring Chan and co-directed by the star and Zhang Li, ""1911"" is an all-star tribute film to the 100th anniversary of the Revolution of 1911.",成龙主演的《辛亥革命》由他和张黎共同执导,是一部全明星献礼片,用以纪念辛亥革命100周年。 +"Politics: First Internet balloting for U.S. President, with 7% of votes cast online.",政治:美国总统选举首次引入互联网投票,本次约有7%选票来自网络。 +"The second one, composite inorganic solution, includes sodium tripolyphosphate, sodium silicofluoride, sodium sulphate, sodium hydroxide, calcium stearate and magnesium chloride.",和包括三聚磷酸钠、硅氟化钠、硫酸钠、氢氧化钠、硬脂酸钙和氯化镁的无机组合物的第二溶液。 +Splicd - This web app can take any Youtube video and cut out only the part you want from it.,Splicd--这一网络应用程序可以为你找到任何想要的YouTube影片,还能截取你需要的部分。 +"In 2004, the heads of state of the two countries exchanged annual visits and they met twice in 2005.",2004年,两国元首首次实现年度互访,2005年两度会晤。 +The linear relationship between paternity index and avuncular index is exhibited.,同时还证明了叔伯系数与父权指数之间的线性关系。 +"Once there is something abnormal with the monitored service group, alerts will be fired and displayed on this view.",如果所监视的服务组出现了异常,警告将被触发并显示在视图中。 +"While Milton wrote most of the mask in 1634, he published it in 1637, and it's at this point three years later that he seems to have inserted into the Lady's speech, and also elsewhere in the poem, certain lines for the published version.","弥尔顿在1634年写了《面具》的大部分,他于1637年出版,就是在三年后,他似乎在印刷版女士的演讲中,或者在诗篇的其他地方插入了一些行。" +"Accompanied by strong beating music, a robotic hand flaps on the wall, then a field appears, and suddenly the scene is transformed into a limitless marine world.",伴随着节奏感很强的音乐,一只机械手在墙上摆动着,接着出现了一片田地,突然画面切换至一个无边无界的海洋世界。 +master all of these patterns and you're well on your way to learn English step by step.,掌握以上所有句型,你就可以一步一步地说一口流利的英语了! +"""Happy teaches""and""happy study""is the education thought which Kong Zi first advocated.",“乐教”与“乐学”是孔子最先提倡的教育思想。 +Objective:To assess the clinical outcome of frozen-thawed blastocysts transfer(FET)in natural or hormonally controlled cycles.,目的:比较人工周期法与自然周期法准备内膜在复苏囊胚移植中的效果。 +"As the date of the Puja approached, I repeated the mantra of Green Tara as advised by Dr. Lin.",随著火供日子的临近,我遵从林博士的建议反覆地持念绿度母咒。 +Pale yellow in color with light green hues.,雅的淡黄色酒体掩映着亮绿色光泽。 +We all call him Iron Ox.,我们都称他“铁牛”。 +In this group of subjects the pathological pathways have just started to develop.,在该受试者亚组中病理通路只是刚刚开始形成。 +"We're sorry sir, you are only allowed one carrion and one black widow.",对不起先生,你只能携带一只尸虫和一只黑寡妇蜘蛛。 +"Adjust the blanking switch of heating ore bin to appropriate ore (ore speed), then the machine can work properly. These are the following factors that can influence the sorting effect.",拉动加温矿仓的下料开关,调到适当的给矿量(给矿速度),本机即可进行正常工作。电选机的操作分选过程中直接影响选矿效果有如下因素。 +"Joseph Quinn, associate professor of neurology at Oregon Health & Science University and the leader of the study, cautions against making too much of this finding for now.",俄勒冈健康与科学大学(Oregon Health &Science University)的神经学副教授、该项研究的主持者约瑟夫•奎因(Joseph Quinn)谨慎地避免在当前过份渲染这项发现的意义。 +"This is what the Lord says: Do not go up to fight against your brothers, the Israelites.",耶和华如此说,你们不可上去与你们的弟兄以色列人争战。 +"From the overall view, China has entered the mid-term stage of industrialization when the industry finances agriculture and the city promotes the countryside.",我国目前从总体上已经进入到了工业化的中期阶段,从工农关系和城乡关系上来看已经进入到了工业反哺农业、城市带动乡村的发展阶段。 +"The Federal Reserve said U.S. consumer credit dropped by $9.15 billion in May, the 15th decline in the last 16 months.","而美国联邦储备委员会(美联储,FED)报告显示,美国5月消费者信贷减少91.5亿美元,为16个月内第15次减少." +"After all, they had been selected and trained by the trading king of Chicago. But their complacency was short lived.",反正都被芝加哥交易之王选中了,并一起接受了培训。 +Aim: To observe the effect of APBMV on CNE 2Z cell membrane potential.,目的:观察蝎毒多肽(APBMV)对鼻咽癌CNE 2Z细胞株细胞膜电位的影响。 +One day he wrote to Linton inviting him to visit the Grange.,有一天,他写信给林顿请他来画眉山庄作客。 +These small numbers indicate that the procedures are difficult and risk compromising hearing and that a very small population of patients require surgical treatment of BPPV.,为了尽量保存听力手术中困难很大并且风险也大,这使得手术适应指征非常少。只有极少数的良性阵发性位置性眩晕患者需要进行外科手术治疗。 +"By the next morning she was in a dangerous fever, and Mrs May lie and O liver were afraid she might die.",到了第二天早晨,她仍高烧不退,梅利夫人和奥利弗担心她会死去。 +He polished off his wine with an appreciative smack of his lips.,他喝完了葡萄酒,意犹未尽地咂了咂嘴。 +It is gross incivility to refuse answer when spoken to.,当人家找你说话时拒绝答应是极其无礼的事。 +"With Shanghai world expo licensed merchandise security labels, these commemorative silver bullion are of novel design, sophisticated technology. The limited circulation is 18888.",此银条套装设计新颖,工艺精良,配有上海世博会特许商品防伪标签,限量编号发行18888套。 +One way to improve foods is to isolate specific ingredients to make them more beneficial to the body.,改良食品的方法之一是隔离某一成份,让它们对人体更加有益。 +She explores how the body adapts through training and what elements of the mind and body make performance possible.,她将演示人体是如何通过训练进行调适的,以及人们是通过意识及躯体中的何种因素达成舞蹈表演的。 +"Since 2008, three other countries have signed on for the special credit line – Costa Rica ($65 million), Colombia ($150 million) and Guatemala ($85 million).",2008年以来,共有三个国家为获得此种特别信贷签署了协议,分别是哥斯达黎加(6500万美元)、哥伦比亚(1.5亿美元)和危地马拉(8500万美元)。 +Article 9 National judicial examination adopts mode of close-book exam.,第九条国家司法考试采用闭卷的方式。 +We couldn't command Sid.,但是我们不能命令席德。 +"This paper summarizes a few methods to deal with the artificial boundary conditions in acoustic forward modeling, and gives some contras…",本文详细介绍了多种在声波正演模拟中解决人工边界问题的方法,并对各种方法进行了对比和分析。 +"Yes, you can control the range of focus from any given subject distance, but just controlling the f-stop won't usually turn a crystal-sharp background into a dreamy-soft background.",是的,你可以控制任何距离特定主题的范围从重点,只是控制光圈通常不会把一个梦幻般的柔软背景的水晶般锋利的背景成。 +Ni-Hao. It is such a pleasure and an honor to be here with all of you at this great university. Thank you so much for having me.,你好,能够在这所伟大的大学里与你们大家在一起,真是莫大的荣幸,非常感谢你们的邀请。 +"Over the next few weeks, Bear Stearns's competitors disclosed losses from bad mortgage-related bets.",其后几周,贝尔斯登的竞争对手们相继公布了抵押贷款带来的损失。 +"""Our flow and rhythm is improving and there are some positive signs offensively, "" Nash said.",“我们的跑动和节奏都在改善,在进攻方面也有一些积极的迹象,”纳什说。 +Pre breaking top coal body is the key and difficult technique problem to be urgently solved in full mechanized top coal caving system of hard thicker coal seam.,顶煤预破碎问题是坚硬厚煤层综合机械化放顶煤开采亟待解决的关键技术难题。 +Even more ambitious is Mr. Anderson’s plan to turn TED into a sort of nonprofit media company.,安德森计划中更理想主义的一部分是把TED变成一个类似非盈利的传媒公司。 +"Therefore, both of the two approaches should be well balanced and be designed to supplement each other so as to achieve the optimal translating effect.",于是认为在跨文化翻译中,应使两者相互协调,互为补充,以取得最佳翻译效果。 +"Firstly, system ARX model, recursive least squares method with forgetting factor and the increment PID control algorithm were present.",给出系统的ARX模型,引入带遗忘因子的最小二乘实时参数估计算法和增量式PID控制算法; +"A hyperlink is a synonym for a hotlink or a link, and sometimes called a hypertext connection to another document or web page.",超链接也称热链接或链接,有时也被成为连接其它文档或网页的超文本链接。 +""" Gil Grissom from ""CSI: Crime Scene Investigation"" was fifth with 10 percent of the vote.",刑事侦探系列剧《犯罪现场调查》中的吉尔·格里森姆以10%的选票排在第五位。 +"Only noticeable side effects are slowdown when entering battle, casting spells and when you move between environments outside of battle.",仅仅在大地图上进入战斗的时候,用技能和你战外行走过地图速度有拖慢现象… +"This filter, under the ""Filters"" menu, allows you to move, smudge, squish, and otherwise distort your image.",这种过滤器,在“过滤器”菜单,允许您移动,涂抹,果酱,并扭曲的形象。 +"Encouragingly, some firms say the tests have been tightened at the last minute.",令人欣慰的是lace wigs,一些公司称即使在最后一刻测试也毫不放松。 +When that happened it would destroy the economy.,当这种现象发生时,将会摧毁经济。 +The weeds are the sons of the evil one,稗子,就是那恶者之子。 +One of the best aspects of AXIOM is that it attempts to provide a user-friendly API on top of cutting edge technologies like deferred construction.,AXIOM 最好的一点是,努力在延迟构造这类高端技术上提供用户友好的 API。 +"The conference was held at the Yves Saint Laurent Flagship store on Madison Avenue in the presence of Daniel Bernard, President of the HEC Foundation.",此次会议在位于麦迪逊大道的YSL旗舰店举行,HEC基金会主席Daniel Bernard莅临参加。 +The hotel has a private underground parking. Rate is EUR 20.00 per night.,酒店有自己的地下停车场,每晚20欧元。 +"It's not just a high-traffic site but a high-transaction site with millions of people listing, bidding on, and buying items in dozens of countries around the world.",它不仅是一个高流量的站点,而且是一个高事务量的站点,全世界许多国家的数百万人都在 eBay 上标价、出价和购买商品。 +Sheva played a good game and scored a goal so he comes back with some happiness.,舍瓦踢的不错,最后还为乌克兰攻入一球,他也因此非常享受。 +"Cooking spices used to flavor of the ""Shi Sanxiang"" many, is the first Hong pepper.",我国做菜用来调味的香料有“十三香”之多,第一香便是花椒。 +"Once, when working AS a county magistrate, he wrote on one of his bamboo paintings.",在潍县任县令时,给巡抚画了一幅竹子,题句曰。 +Jon:I've never been thrown out of a drive-in movie before.,我以前从未被从车内的电影中惊醒。 +"The United States is falling behind other advanced economies in its use of - and access to - telephone and Internet technology, according to a UN report published yesterday.",昨天公布的一份联合国报告显示,美国在手机和网络使用率方面均落后于其它发达国家。 +This identifier can also be used for referencing attachments in the SOAP message body.,该标识符也可以用于引用 SOAP 消息体中的附件。 +"Dash it! That girl is forget-me-not and touch-me-not in one, a red rose which has somehow turned in to the blue flower.",她是“ 勿忘我草”与“别碰我花”的完美合一,她是红玫瑰变成了蔚蓝花。 +Objective:To explore the therapeutic effect and mechanism of Weishu capsule (WSC) in treating precancerous lesions of chronic atrophic gastritis(CAG).,目的:探讨胃舒胶囊对萎缩性胃炎癌前病变的治疗作用及机制。 +You can then be highly confident that all possible interleavings have been executed.,然后您就可以很自信地认为所有可能的交错都已经执行过了。 +"Indian people usually have sacred and great names related to God. A ""Devi"" is a female Deva (Heavenly being), and the name bears great meaning.",印度人的名字都很神圣,都是取跟上帝有关、很伟大的那些名字,「黛菲」是指天女,很伟大的意思。 +The woman who repairs her bicycle turns out to have been a midwife.,给她修车的女人还有着另外一个接生婆的身份。 +"If you want to cover the goods against other risks other than All Risks and War Risk, the extra premium should borne by yourself.",如投保综合险和战争险以外的险别,其额外保险费应由你方负担。 +It found that Kearns’ patents were valid and that Ford had infringed them.,最终认定科恩斯的专利有效,而且福特公司侵权成立。 +Conclusion The cachexia of heart failure in elderly could be closely related to a variety of factors.,结论老年心衰恶病质的发生与多种因素有关。 +"They also had dark shadows under those eyes — purplish, bruiselike shadows.",在他们的眼睛下都有着黑色的阴影——略带紫色的,瘀伤一样的阴影。 +"In not more than 80 words, give an account of the Festival for the Dead. Write two different paragraphs using the points and connections given below.",用不超过80个词的篇幅,描述一下亡灵节的景象,用以下要点和连词写出两段不同的文字。 +He and Kamal also have to think about their own quality of life.,"他和卡马尔还得考虑他们自己的��活质量。 尼扎姆问道:""如果我们发放本氏经营特许权,我们会成为百万富翁,可是我的儿子会认识我吗?" +"By refreshing this page often, top Digg users (who are all friends in the system) can stay up-to-the-moment with each other.",那些最受欢迎的用户(彼此都是好友)只需不停地刷新页面,就可以和其他人保持行动的一致。 +"With the rapid globalization of the world economy, thee e-commerce has been well developed, and the global and regional commercial cooperation has become the business and management method.",世界经济迅速全球化、电子商务也得到了迅猛发展,全球和地区的商业合作已经成为各行业经营和管理的方式。 +Semidouble dark blue-purple.,半重瓣深蓝色到紫色花。 +Those fungi and bacteria are as highly evolved as humans.,那些真菌和细菌和人类都是高度演化的。 +"For me, my purpose is to have lasting lifetime happiness. How do I do it?",对于我而言,我的目标是让我的后半生在幸福快乐中度过,如何做到? +"Initially, however, he said Tengzhong doesn't plan to bring radical change to Hummer, and plans to retain Hummer's current management team.",不过,杨毅最初曾表示,腾中重工不打算对悍马进行大的变动,并计划保留悍马目前的管理团队。 +"The poor and the rich, bone son root is different.",穷人与富人,骨子根不同。 +"The clinicopathologic features, differential diagnosis, prognosis of undescended testis and the possible causes of malignant were discussed briefly.",对隐睾的临床病理学特点、鉴别诊断、预后及隐睾恶变的可能原因进行讨论。 +The following sections demonstrate how to load data into table views that contain custom-configured cells.,以下章节演示了如何加载包含有自定义配置单元格的数据到表格视图。 +So you see it can be verry different.,所以你可能有不同的看法。 +He dodged to left and right as the gunman opened fire.,持枪歹徒开火时他东躲西闪。 +"Based on the decisions that your team has made, develop a draft migration plan that includes these elements in consultation with the users",基于团队所作的决定,您可以开发一个草拟的迁移性计划,该计划包含了与用户相咨询的元素 +"In addition, a light-proof wool yarn is more smooth on the market, mainly for ladies ' sweater.",另外,一款丝光防缩毛纱市场上较为走畅,主要是用于女装毛衫。 +The range of values for tcp_low_rto is zero to 3000 ms.,tcp_low_rto 的取值范围从 0 到 3000 毫秒。 +"Maohua Workhouse is situated in Caiyuan Development Zone in the east of the CapitalInternationalAirport, separated only by a river from Shunyi New City under planning.",茂华工场位于首都机场东侧,与规划中的顺义新城一水之隔。 +Your call ends up directed by glibc to a wrapper function with a name like __xstat().,glibc 将把该调用指向使用名称类似于 __xstat() 的包装器函数。 +I guess you've wronged me; let's now set things straight from the start.,我想你冤枉我了;咱们现存把事情从头说清楚罢。 +In the North you see on the Onkyo.,你到了北安桥就看到了。 +He especially added a word in the article when describing the mutual equal of mass and energy that the saying of mutual equal was not accurate.,在表示质量和能量的互等性时,他在文章中特别加了一句话:互等性的说法不确切。 +"This may be the case when companies merge, for example, and combine their information services groups.",在公司合并时,可能会出现这种情况,例如,组合两家公司的信息服务小组。 +DeLuca said Subway's growth in China was in the early stages of development with awareness for products still quite low.,"DeLuca称赛百味在中国的发展依然处于早期,民众对产品的认知仍然很低." +"Morning glow of crimson light leap and lofty wide blue sky, will reflect the sky was bright red.",清晨,绯红的朝霞跃上了高远阔淡的蓝天,将天空映得红彤彤的。 +"Very few people visit Africa, but in the zoo, we can see monkeys, elephants, giraffes, rhinoceroses and other interesting wild animals.",很少有人能有机会到达非洲,但在动物园,我们就能看到猴子、大象、长颈鹿、犀牛和其他有趣的非洲野生动物。 +Then the suggestion of transforming plantation was put forward.,据此提出了人工林分的改造意见。 +"After all, if you're not compatible, why spend all that cmoney for the wedding and the inevitable divorce?",毕竟,如果双方不合,又何必为这场婚礼和将来不可避免的离婚花这么多钱呢? +Pinus elliottii and pure forest of Pinus massoniana had bad water conservation effect and poor soil fertility.,而湿地松和马尾松纯林保水效果差,土壤肥力低。 +"“You never know based on a campaign exactly how a president is going to conduct foreign affairs,” Lichtman said.","利希特曼说:""人们无法根据竞选活动断定总统将如何展开外交事务。""" +"The work has changed me from a night owl, who enjoyed the cyber-games and usually went to bed at four or five in the morning, to an office worker who gets up at six o'clock punctually everyday.",从每天凌晨四五点才睡的夜猫子,变成每天六点一刻准时起床的上班族,我曾经以为这样如高中生般每天固定作息的生活再也不会发生在我身上。 +On a roadway was the most common location of bicyclist crashes involving both HEVs and ICE vehicles with no statistically significant difference.,在一个巷道是自行车最常见的位置崩溃涉及与无显着性差异都混合电动汽车和内燃机车辆。 +"Space booking, the Customs formalities, inspection, B/L issuing and documents dispatching etc.",办理订舱、报关、商检、签单、单据递送等业务。 +Some states handle it differently.,某些州处理方式有所不同。 +"Satisfied results have been got in real operation, The parer presents a detailed circuit analysis and operation process.",文中给出了详细的电路分析及动作原理。 +"Based on the current situation of the rural library, the paper proposes that villagers develop villager's library by themselves, and expounds the meaning, pattern of it.",针对农村图书馆建设现状,提出村民自力更生创建以村为单位的图书室,详述了创建的意义、具体模式。 +By the late 1980s we found we needed a scripting language.,直到 1980年代末,我们意识到需要一个脚本语言。 +Deb fell asleep. She was the lucky one.,我老婆看着看着就睡着了,她还真幸运。 +DOB values could not reflect the density of neutrophil and lymphocyte infiltration.,DOB 值的高低难以反映胃黏膜内中性粒细胞和慢性炎症细胞的浸润程度。 +Is there some subconscious reason that we give reproductive organs to someone we love ... and would maybe some day reproduce with?,我们将生殖部件送给我们所爱的某个人(而且,可能,某天会一起生育的人)有一些下意识的原因吗? +"Canadian-born presenter Lily Kwan has been peeling off her work clothes for five years and described the experience as ""liberating.""","出生在加拿大的关莉莉做了5年裸体新闻主持人,她认为这种经历""很有解放性""。" +"Material: Cigarettes, Cigarette, Tar oil, Smoke fluid, Environmental tobacco oil, Voice electrostatic plate, Mini Speaker.",材料:香烟,烟头,焦油,烟液,环保烟油,声控静电盘,迷你音箱。 +"Lillian Li, for example, said the best way to learn new words was by reading English magazines.",例如,李莲丽说,最好的学新单词的办法是通过阅读英语杂志。 +"""Ho Wei was completely different from my American self: He was friendlier, he was eager to talk with anybody, "" Hessler writes.",赫斯勒写道:“何伟这个身份完全不同于美国名字那个身份:他更友好,更想和别人说说话聊聊天。 +Which John Smith does Graham Turner think he is talking to?,格雷厄姆·特纳以为他在和哪一个约翰·史密斯通话? +The author illustrates progressively the high-end label printed by the common wet strength spray aluminium paper in accordance with own experience working on flexography.,作者根据自己多年从事柔性版印刷的经验,对于如何使用目前应用比较广泛的湿强喷铝纸印刷高档商标进行了逐一介绍。 +"Re-examination, just like a double-edge-sword, has both positive and negative aspects.",重新鉴定是一把双刃剑,有其积极意义,也有其消极方面。 +Researchers at the Technion - Israel Institute of Technology - are working on a device called the nano artificial nose.,以色列理工学院科技部的研究人员,一直以来这是一个从事被称为小型假鼻器械的研究。 +Serialization providers can provide custom serializers for a particular type of object or set of types of objects.,序列化提供者可以为特定的物件型别或物件型别集提供自订的序列化程式。 +I have a good friend Liu Xiaoshan . we talk a lot with each other after class.,我也有一个好朋友刘小山,在课下我们经常会在一起交流。 +"Used over a wide temperature range , such in these kinds of circuits, DC-blocking, coupling, bypassing, frequency discriminating etc.",适用于要求大容量,使用温度范围接近于室温的旁路、耦合等,及低直流偏压电路中。 +"And in time, the gods would rue their mercy.",总有一天,诸神会因他们的仁慈而懊悔。 +Relatively large difference of heterosis among hybrid combinations was found by comparing the seedling growth of hybrids and their parental half-sibs.,通过比较亲本半同胞子代及其杂交子代苗期生长表现,发现不同杂交组合子代杂种优势差异较大; +e-Commerce systems are also relevant for the services industry.,e-Commerce 系统同服务行业也是密切相关的。 +所以,无论你是走还是跑,是骑自行车还是游泳,是打网球还是用耙理庭��,都没有关系。,"So it doesn’t matter if you walk or run, bike or swim, play tennis or rake the yard." +"No, I smell. I need to go home and take a shower.",不要了, 我身上有滋味儿了, 我必须回家去洗个澡。 +This article expounds the importance and types of the colour of gem and jade.,本文阐述了宝玉石颜色的重要性和类型。 +"Then some of the friends of Heliodorus forthwith begged of Onias, that he would call upon the most High to grant him his life, who was ready to give up the ghost.",赫略多洛的同僚便急忙恳请敖尼雅哀求至高者,使这奄奄待毙的人重获生命。 +"Was supposed to take this opportunity to bid farewell to the director, is also the main Jianguomen transfer it.",本来是要借此机会送别主任的,可正主还在建国门换乘呢。 +The Chinese knot is the Chinese tradition jubilation knot.,中国结是中国传统的喜庆结。 +Objective: To study the effects and the mechanisms of rosiglitazone an ovaries of ruts with hyperinsulinemia.,目的:探讨罗格列酮对高胰岛素血症大鼠卵巢的影响及作用机制。 +"Beijing CBD planning in the region , we turn Beijing into today's urban construction pot distillery.",在北京CBD规划的区域内,我们把北京二锅头酒厂建设成了今天的现代城。 +"We have no way to escape of it, sonner or later we have to face it so why we do not face it now?",我们无法逃避死亡,或早或晚我们必须面对,那么我们为什么不能现在就面对它呢? +"It was hard to find doctors at the brand-new, American-funded hospital in Fallujah who were prepared to talk about the problem.",在法鲁贾内一所崭新的美资医院里很难找到愿意提及这个问题的医生。 +"""Sister, "" said she, giving it to her again, ""you see that I have not kept your measure long.",“嫂子,”她说,又把称交给了她,“你看我没有占用你的称太长时间吧。 +Objective:To observe the effect of cimetidine on acute gastric mucosal lesion(AGML) of newborns.,目的:观察西咪替丁预防新生儿急性胃粘膜病变(AGML)的效果。 +After you have been working continuously in your trade for at least 6 months full-time you will be able to register for a Workplace Assessment.,在申请人全日 制(每周不少于38小时)工作6个月后,可以注册在职评估。 +"The rudiments of microneedle actuator have been developed, which is mainly made of SU 8 photoresist, and its 3D construction is fabricated by multistep exposal and electroforming metal.",利用SU - 8光刻胶为主要材料,采用多级曝光和电铸金属实现3D结构的工艺技术,研制出了微针执行器的雏形器件。 +"As the knowledge economy approches, dramatic changes occur in people's attitude of consumption. They pay more attention to the quality and services provided.",知识经济的到来,人们的消费观念也在发生着急剧变化,人们越来越注重消费的质量和服务。 +The influence of the campaign is abundantly clear today.,如今来看这场运动的影响力十分明显。 +The rain was drumming on the tin roof.,雨落在铁皮屋顶上发出滴滴答答的声响。 +"The computer age grew out of a confluence of discoveries on many fronts, including the first computer microprocessor, created in 1971.",多个前沿领域的发现共同催生了计算机时代,其中包括1971年造出的第一块计算机微处理器。 +"Sony said it is taking a two-pronged strategy of selling mass-market models that are more affordable and higher-end large-screen televisions, packed with more features.",索尼表示,正在采取双管齐下的销售策略:一方面要面向大众市场销售更能负担得起的机型,另一方面销售有更多功能的高端大屏幕电视机。 +Science doesn’t always find an answer to all questions and that’s exactly why we still love to watch movies like “Lord of the Rings’ and read ‘Harry Potter’ numerous times.,科学无法解释每一样东西。 这因如此我们才会看《指环王》这样的电影,不厌其烦地阅读《哈利波特》。 +"We specialize in the development , production, sale and service for sanitary wares and engage in developing new and brand water saved & environmental.",我们是一家专业从事陶瓷卫生洁具及其相关配套产品的研发、生产、销售、服务为一体的大型企业。 +"This is Bai Yitong, a 19-year old college graduate.",这个女孩子叫白一彤,是一名普通大学生。 +"In American, there are the best research universities such as Harvard, Yale, Princeton, Columbia and MIT in the east, as well as Stanford and Berkeley on the west coast.",美国最好的科研型大学有位于东部的哈佛,耶鲁,普林斯顿,哥伦比亚,和麻省理工大学,位于西海岸的斯坦福大学和伯克利大学。 +"Along the East 3rd Ring, between the Jingguang Center and the Kerry Center.",位于三环路的京广中心和嘉里中心之间。 +Today's 2-2 draw away to rock-bottom Reggina saw Juventus lose second place to Milan.,尤文在被雷吉纳2-2逼平后,已经将第二的位置拱手让给了米兰。 +"The vote in the member states' anti-dumping committee was an embarrassment for Baroness Ashton, the trade commissioner, who had advocated extended duties.",这对主张扩大关税的贸易委员男爵夫人艾什顿来说,成员国这次在反倾销委员会上的投票拒绝,无疑是相当尴尬的。 +"In February 2009, Ms. Domesek wore one of the group's creations to a New York Fashion Week show, where a woman stopped her backstage to ask about her jewelry.",2009年2月,德梅萨克戴了她们这群人的一件作品参加纽约时装周秀,一名女子在后台拦住她问她的首饰的来历。 +"It was Cheryl, who apologized for being late.",是Cheryl,她抱歉又来晚了。 +"Therefore, the TV dramas writers and the educators should make joint efforts to guide the youth to watch these TV dramas in a proper way to eliminate their negative effects.",因此,作为电视剧创作者和教育工作者,应共同努力引导青少年正确看待戏说历史题材电视剧,消除其不良影响。 +"Yixing Deen Label Co. , Ltd. Is specialized in the production of decals for containers, automobile, special sign, and outdoor or purposes.",宜兴市德恩标贴有限公司是一家专业生产各种类型集装箱标志及汽车车身标志、专业标志、户外标志的专业公司。 +"Comparing with traditional IFOG, it has the advantages of simple structure, stability, small volume and low cost. The operation principle and method for signal detection are theoretically analyzed.",同传统集成型光纤陀螺(IFOG)相比,它具有结构简单、性能稳定、损耗小、体积小、成本低的特点。 +"The antitank SPG-9 “Kopyo” (“Spear”) grenade machine is not an automatic but recoilless gun. It consists of a trunk with a lock, a tripod stand and an electric mechanism which serves for firing.","这种反坦克SPG-0“Kopyo""飞弹机是非自动无后座力炮,包含一个带锁箱,一个三脚架和一个开火用的电气机械装置。" +Wines from all the C?te de Beaune area can substitute their local appellation with this regional type of appellation.,所有来自波恩山坡地区的葡萄酒都可以用他们的地域等级替代他们的当地等级。 +Then came a period of reflection and inner-struggle as Herbert set out to write Peary's biography and reluctantly disprove his hero's claim to be the first man to the North Pole.,后来,赫伯特着手撰写皮里传记并且很不情愿反驳皮里宣称自己是到达北极第一人的说法, 此时他经历了一段时间的反思与内心斗争。 +"The most advanced devotees say that He Himself has become all this - the twenty-four cosmic principles, the universe, and all living beings.",最高级的奉献者说他自己成为了所有一切——二十四条宇宙法则,宇宙和所有的生命。 +A word or phrase is missing in each of the sentences below. Four answer choices are given below each sentence. Select the best answer to complete the sentence.,指示: 每题含有一个空格,请就试题所提供的四个选项,选出一个最适合题意的字或词。 +"They contain capsaicin, the chemical that gives them their distinctive taste and which boosts your resting metabolic rate by 25 per cent.",它们富含辣椒素,这种化学物质能带给你独特的口感,并能让你在休息时提高25%的新陈代谢水平。 +"You'll live, that's what you'll do, and you'll start to feel stronger in who you are as a man or as a woman because you act on your convictions.",你该持续生活,这就是你该做的事。 你会认为自己心坎开始强大起来,不论你是男是女,因为你忠于你的信念。 +Until I succeed to advancing the great route…,在伟大航路上,我们甘苦与共! +"Beyond logistics and customer relationships, some of the new web entrepreneurs are focused on creating their own products.",除了物流和客户关系而外,有些新的网络企业家还注重开发自己的产品。 +An online slide show of Ley's presentation is available on the Global Forum's Web site.,"简·利讲话的在线幻灯片载于""全球论坛""网页。" +"Tests showed that many had suffered massive injuries, suggesting they were victims of a violent raid.",鉴定结果显示,很多人死时身负重伤,这表明他们可能死于一场暴力事件。 +"Conclusion:Both captopril sustained-release tablets and valsartan are effective, and the combining use of the two drugs is effective on refractory hypertension in uremia patients.",结论:缬沙坦、卡托普利缓释片是治疗高血压的有效药物,二者联合应用是治疗尿毒症顽固性高血压的较好方法。 +"In general use Comorin language, the official language is Comorin, French and Arabian language.",通用科摩罗语,官方语言为科摩罗语、法语和阿拉伯语。 +Later in his narrative he wrote these sentences “I tell myself I can handle it .Compared to what others have been through I’m fortunate”.,后来卡拉汉在他的叙述中写到“我告诉自己一定可以挺过去的,跟别人的遭遇相比,我已经算是幸运的了”。 +"Price starts at $699, a drop of $100 from its predecessor's starting asking price.",这款平板电脑起价699美元,比其上一代产品的起始价位降了100美元。 +"Juan Antonio Samaranch, presiding over his first Olympic Games after succeeding Lord killanin, presented the gold medal to Xu, saying it was ""a big day in china's 5,000 year history"".",胡安・安东尼奥・萨马兰奇自从接任基拉宁勋爵(lordkillanin)的国际奥委会主席职位后首次主持奥运动会,他把金牌颁给许海峰,并说这是“中国5000年历史中的大喜日子”。 +SAH management concluded this would first require a process of 'benchmarking'.,SAH管理总结,这个是基准评价的第一个需要的过程。 +Select bulky yarn when knitting a sweater.,当选择膨体纱编织毛衣。 +He bit[9] the man in the foot sharply.,他就狠狠地朝他脚上咬了一口。 +"But Nadab and Abihu died before their father did, and they had no sons; so Eleazar and Ithamar served as the priests.",拿答,亚比户死在他们父亲之先,没有留下儿子。 故此,以利亚撒,以他玛供祭司的职分。 +With a glory in His bosom that transfigures you and me;,在祂心怀满有荣光,使我们改变像祂。 +"Our Chef and his team spent a lot of effort on food and beverage, and the performance was also elaborated to entertain every guest to our festival.",我们的厨师长和他的团队在餐饮方面花了很多精力,而表演项目的安排也经过精心准备,我们啤酒节的每个部分都会让人尽兴。 +"Nevertheless, the recycling non-ferrous metal industry in China still confronts prominent contradictions and issues.",当前,我国再生有色金属产业发展仍然面临突出的矛盾和问题。 +Citizens were encouraged to stay at home and watch the spectacular on television.,他们鼓励市名待在家里面,通过电视收看庆典。 +"With the interest of the wealthy in 17th century, landscape paintings the romantic notion of the Arcadian ideal was sought in garden design.",随着17世纪的富裕,风景画的田园理想浪漫的概念在园林设计要求的兴趣。 +"PC board ban and wet cement appearance and acid, alkali touch information appearance.",PC板禁令和湿水泥外表和酸,碱性资料外表触摸。 +"To avoid any delay in the review of an application or submission, your payment must be received by FDA on or before the time the submission is received by FDA.",为了避免任何延误,在申请审查或提交时,你的付款必须汇到FDA或之前的时间提交到FDA。 +"By keeping away from the frills that inventors keep adding, and opting for a more modest, 500 to 1,500 litre collecting pot, costs could be cut to around $50.",通过取消发明家不断添加的不必要的装置,并选用更小的500-1500升的集水罐,成本可能削减到50美元。 +"The initial Dialogue offering uses three interviews from the CCTV series. The language is authentic and is spoken at a rapid pace, with false starts and overlapping utterances from the speakers.",对话是一个课程的补充,它使用最初的采访播出中国中央电视台(CCTV)与公众利益为基础,以集中听力练习的题目的国际专家。 +"Dials the eyelash is the minor matter in a moment, actually fully explains him to her attention 100% centralisms .",拨走睫毛不过是弹指之间的小事,却充分说明他对她的注意力100%集中。 +"Nello kissed the dog, closed the door quickly, went out of the house, and was gone.",尼洛亲吻了狗,很快地关上门,跑出那栋房子走了。 +"Due your due diligence, check out all of the claims, use independent professionals every step of the way, and think very carefully before you jump.",在您投资之前,通过独立的专业人士,谨慎彻查每一个细节。 +"In reply to the question of 'where do you think you will be in twenty years', he replied carefully, ""It depends on how much hard work I put in"".",在被记者问到,“在二十年后,你认为你会在哪儿?”李准基很小心的回答说,“这将取决于我投入了多少的努力。” +"But Van Gogh declined 13 the offer, stating that it was the final temptation he must reject if he was to faithfully serve his community of poor miners.",他说如果他是诚心诚意为社区的贫穷矿工服务,他就必须拒绝这种最后的诱惑。 +"Red could stand it no longer: He shouted out, ""I am the ruler of all of you- I am blood- life's blood!",红色再也难不住性子,他阔声而道:“我是你们全部的主宰——我是鲜血——鲜血亦是生命! +Nomination for 20th international adhesive label competition in international association of label manufacturers (FINAT).,获得能参与第20届国际胶粘剂的标签制造商(FINAT)国际协会标签竞争的提名。 +"When Apple first released the iPhone, it lacked capabilities to link up securely with corporate e-mail systems.",当苹果公司刚刚发布iPhone时,其并不具备与公司邮件系统安全连接的功能。 +I promise I don't ever do not www. qqzhi. com deceive you.,丶我保证以后再也不要不骗你了。 +The Research on River Health Estimation and Drinking Water Safety in Tonglu Fenshui River;,河流健康评价与修复是当前河流管理领域的研究热点。 +"It differs from C. dispar in the lower jaw, shorter neck vertebrae, and straighter ischium ending in a small ""foot"" among other features.",这个新种与全异弯龙的差别在下颌、较短的 颈椎、较直的 坐骨与小型末端。 +"In case of emergency, allowing up to 10% of short-term overload.",在应急情况下,最多允许短暂超载10%。 +"She imagined him going into his office, closing the door, perhaps picking up the picture of her that stood on his cluttered desk.",她估计他进了办公室,关上了门,也许还顺手拿起了放在他那堆满东西的桌子上她的照片。 +"In the tail section of the airliner, it divided into two glowing crescents which then joined together again and left the plane almost noiselessly. "" The ball lightning left two holes in the plane.""",在客机的机尾部分,它裂为两个新月形发光体,随之又合并到一起,然后近乎无声无息地离开了飞机。 +Israel is giving science a more central role by re-establishing the ministry of science and technology and appointing a new science minister.,以色列重建科学技术部并任命了一位新的科学部长,让科学具有了一个重要的角色。 +"Like the childhood BB shot in my leg and the roundhouse blow to my jaw, their attacks hurt.",就像小时候腿上中了BB气枪打出的那颗子弹,下巴挨了那记大抡拳,他们的抨击使我感到了疼。 +"Modi had been invited by Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff to attend the event, along with leaders of Russia, South Africa and China who will be in Brazil in mid-July for the BRICS summit.",莫迪已经被巴西总统迪尔玛·罗塞夫邀请出席这一赛事,和他一道受邀请的还有将于7月中旬在巴西参加金砖国家峰会的俄罗斯、南非和中国等国家的领导人。 +"And here is a nice, similar relax. And they are in line with the direction that he is going.",你看他游得不错,臀部放松,臀部与游动的方向成一条直线。 +"From the sampled data of system input and output, the corresponding frequency spectra are obtained using discrete Fourier transform.",对系统的输入、输出采样数据进行离散付里叶变换,可以得到相应的频谱。 利用维纳——何甫方程求出脉冲传递函数。 +"Analysts say local investors are encouraged by China's willingness to deploy huge amounts of capital toward spending on infrastructure, health care and education to spur faster economic growth.",分析师表示,中国政府为刺激经济增长愿意投入巨资进行基建以及改革医疗及教育系统,中国本土投资者因此深受鼓舞。 +What kind of snacks should we have?,要什么下酒菜呢? +"Even if you are moving to a brand-new home, there are bound to be some annoying factors about your new home and your new location.",即使你搬到了崭新的房子里,新房子和新的定居点肯定会有一些恼人的地方。 +Taking the amylaceous waste liquid as the main carbon source the author used the cross experiment and the shaking bottle fermentation to screen the shiitake liquid fermentation medium.,作者以淀粉废液为主要碳源,运用正交试验,采用摇瓶发酵筛选香菇液体发酵培养基。 +"Azithromycin, Azithromycin and Artesunate combined treatment group could become fairly better adoption for clinic treatment.",阿奇霉素、阿奇霉素与青蒿琥酯配伍联用有望成为临床上治疗弓形虫病的较佳侯选用药。 +"That day in the evening, the sexual civilization of an insolent is broken member and hijack Suo Fei by accident.",那天晚上,一个张狂的性文明断成员和误劫持索菲。 +"By experiments, the results show that the max relative forecasting error of new model is 3.08 %, more below than old model's 8.42%.",实验结果显示,这种预测模型在现有实验数据环境中最大相对误差为3.08%,远低于原交乘趋向模型的8.42%。 +"It turns out that crows aren’t just surviving with human beings, they’re actually really thriving.",乌鸦不但学会了在人类的生态系统里求得生存,还“鸦丁兴旺”呢! +The address from Lars Nelle’s notebook led them down one of the many rues.,佬司的日记上的地址带领着他们到很多的路径之一。 +I am examinee how to talk without the person?,我就是考生,怎么没有人说话啊? +"And can according to consumer need supply possess pro and con irrigation, Pro and con washes well, Irrigates test wait for functional device.",并可根据客户需要提供具有正反注水、正反洗井、注水测试等功能的装置。 +"The advantaged condition of moisture, heat and dynamic are direct factor which cause this process. Cumulonimbus generate frequently in this area, this bring flood-resulting rainstorm.",有利的水汽条件、热力条件和动力条件是这次致洪暴雨产生的直接因子; +I enjoy chatting with my net-friends.,我喜欢与网友聊天! +"Moreover, they demonstrate that research in the visual arts can result in important findings about the visual system.",不止如此,它们还表明对视觉艺术的研究能导致有关视觉系统的重要发现。 +METHODS The formulation and preparation technique were selected by orthogonal method. The quality standard was established. The dissolution and stability were studied.,方法:用正交实验设计方法对处方工艺进行筛选与优化制成甲磺酸酚妥拉明分散片,并建立质量标准,进行溶出度、稳定性考察。 +"At last, some suggestions were put forward, such as development new wire and high additive value wire and research fine grain welding material.",为此建议今后应加大力度开发品种、增加高附加值线材产品及进行超细晶钢配套焊接材料的研究。 +"But from the start, he was considered a long-term project in need of improved technique defensively and tenacity on the boards.",但在挑选的当初,诺瓦克被认为需要经过长期的比较系统的教授去改善他自己的防守技巧和身体素质。 +China's criminal law has set clear demarcations between crime and non-crime.,刑法 对青少年的犯罪和刑事责任,有专门的规定。 +"If you make that change on its own, it will fail to compile; the three combinators know how to take in Strings but not how to produce Expr objects from what's parsed.",如果让它自行更改,编译将会失败;这三个组合子知道如何获取 String,但不知道如何根据解析的内容生成 Expr 对象。 +"Callison (China) is a joint venture of international architecture firm Callison and one of the leading Beijing based architecture and design firms HAYA Architects, founded on Sept, 2010 in Beijing.",凯里森(中国)是由世界知名建筑事务所凯里森与北京行业翘楚环洋世纪国际建筑顾问有限公司于2010年9月在北京合资建立的。 +Timothy Coetzee is the Chief Research Officer for the National Multiple Sclerosis Society.,蒂莫西库切是国家多发性硬化症协会的首席研究官。 +"Endymion, published in 1818, was a poem based on the Greek myth of Endymion and the moon goddess.",1818年,济慈出版了长诗<安狄米恩>,该诗以希腊神话为素材,记述了牧人安狄米恩赫月光女神的故。 +The breeze blows softly. The butterfly spreads her wings cravenly . The sky is high and the land is broad: how to fly. She is puzzling.,风轻轻地吹呀、翅膀怯生生地张开了。天高地阔,该怎么飞呢?她有些迟惑。 +"In round six he had outplayed the Bulgarian grandmaster Ivan Radulov with white, reaching the position shown below.",第六轮比赛,他持白对阵保加利亚的特级大师伊万*拉杜洛夫,如下图所示,奈杰尔已经胜利在望。 +Such talk in this period of market is normal and without real concern .,皮西奥利说,“这种没有根据的联系在现在的转会期是很寻常的。” +The influences of liquated zincing and cold-drawing on the mechanical properties of high strength dual phase steel wires have been investigated.,本文研究了热镀锌及镀后冷拔对高强度双相钢钢丝力学性能的影响。 +That's a beautiful... have you seen it?,那儿很美,你见过没? +"Roughly speaking, dynamical systems consist of differential dynamical system, topological dynamical system, infinite dimensional dynamical system, complex dynamical system and ergodic theory etc.",今天的动力系统大致可分为微分动力系统、拓扑动力系统、无穷维动力系统、复动力系统、遍历论等方向。 +"Before starting the machine back check condenser is clean, to avoid bad heat.",开机前须检查机台背面冷凝器是否干净,以免散热不良。 +Terminator 2: Judgment Day is the 1991 sequel to the original Terminator film released by TriStar Pictures.,终结者2:审判日是三星影业于1991年出品的,是原终结者电影的续集。 +"After the cop has shouted 'Pedestrians' for the tenth time, Gallagher approaches him and says, 'Is it not about time ye let the Catholics across?'",当交警第十次大声叫道“让行人过”时,静安和尚走近交警然后念道,“阿弥陀佛,该我老衲过马路了吧?” +The racer lashed the horse across the back with a whip.,赛马手用鞭子抽打着马背。 +"Full-text is divided into seven parts, namely introduction, body chapters, conclusion and appendix.",全文共分七部分,分别为导论、正文四章、结论和附录。 +"Beautiful ballad by One Less Reason…includes love scenes from favorite action movies such as Spartacus Blood and Sand, 300, and Highlander.",美丽的民谣…一少的原因包括从最喜爱的动作电影,��斯巴达克斯血与沙,300,和汉兰达爱情戏。 +"The software can provide stunning surround sound, heavy bass effect, create the perfect environment different from the sound field, gain the effect was very obvious.",该软件可以提供令人叹为观止的环绕音效、重低音效果,完美营造出不同环境的声场,增益效果非常明显。 +"There comes a time when all of us, no matter who we are, heed the call to the battlefield.",这样的时候终将到来,我们所有的人,不管我们是谁,都能留意到战场号角的召唤。 +"Confronting the rapid deterioration of the environment, we must reconsider the basic situation of our country.",面对生态环境的快速恶化,必须对基本国情进行再认识。 +"Silently, the elegant weapon descended, its auburn blade slicing cleanly through its mark, spilling the rubicund treasure of the man's blood onto the dark ground.",无声无息,一道完美的刀光劈过,赤色的锋刃干净利落地切断目标,男人鲜红的鲜血洒在了黑土地上。 +"Growing up in eastern Ontario, Canada, young Katie played sports, ran for student council, pledged a sorority.",年轻的时候,她一直住在加拿大的安大略省东部。 那时的她积极参加运动,为学生会四处奔波,而且还在女学生联谊会里工作。 +"Right now usable chemistry divides lacquer agent or heat eliminate paint, complete the surface lacquer goes up afresh after rub-up.",此时可用化学除漆剂或加热除去油漆,彻底把表面擦净后重新上漆。 +"Brian Bridges, an expert on East Asian politics at Hong Kong's Lingnan University, told AOL News that the leaked cables showed ""the evident Chinese frustration with North Korea.""",香港岭南大学研究东亚政治得一位专家,告诉AOL新闻说:解密电报显示“对朝鲜中国有明显得失败感。” +Impediments that the Agile Team Lead cannot resolve for the team are escalated to the Project Manager.,敏捷团队负责人不能解决的问题会升级到项目经理那里。 +"Based on the analysis of the friction forces encountered by micro-cable or micro-duct to be blown in, the practicability of the utilization of old cable ducts with resident cable is illustrated.",根据用气送技术安装新设微光缆或微管道时的摩擦力分析,说明了再利用已占用管道的可行性。 +"From late Qing Dynasty before Anti-Japanese War, the pattern of rice supply changed just Hunan, Jiangxi and Anhui were still the rice suppliers.",清末至抗战前,我国稻米供需格局发生了变动,清代前期的粮源地中仅剩下湖南、江西和安徽三省。 +This is an important formulation.,这一推想很重要。 +"With the expansion of irrigation and extrapolation of large-scaled water-saving irrigation, soil salinization has triggered some new problems and shown a new trend in Xinjiang.",随着灌溉扩展和大规模节水灌溉的实施,新疆的土壤盐演化表现了新的问题和趋势。 +This is a core of a educational view of Liu Guozheng's Chinese.,这是刘国正语文教育观的核心。 +And the study group was ranging from official only to official and civilian jointly.,在研究群体上从先前的以官方为主,发展到官民共同研究。 +"When asked about his impression of the PRONAL product, Zhang used a few key words to elaborate: unique design, quality assurance, after-sales improvement, affordable.",当被问到他对PRONAL产品的印象时,张总用几个关键词来进行了阐述:设计独特,质量保证,售后完善,物美价廉。 +We all sympathized with the husband who was bereaved of his beloved wife.,我们都很同情那位失去了爱妻的丈夫。 +Updatable cursors (through JDBC),可更新的游标(通过 JDBC) +I’m a lucky traveler.,我是一个幸运的旅行者。 +"He had extra-marital affairs, is a smokers, drink 8 to 10 cups a day of the martini.",他有婚外情,是一个老烟枪,天天喝8到10杯的马丁尼。 +"He wanted to test his theory, but without damaging Vasari's mural, which is also a masterpiece, when it seemed that the search had reached a dead end, Seracini spoke at a physics conference.",塞拉奇尼在一个物理学会议上发言时说,他想验证自己的推理,但又不能毁坏瓦萨里的壁画,因为那同样是杰作。研究似乎陷入了死胡同。 +Objective To explore the effect of uvula remaining for uvulopalatopharyngoplasty (UPPP).,目的探讨悬雍垂保留在悬雍垂腭咽成形术(UPPP)中的作用。 +"All mammals I've watched, except human beings, have a very easy time with the value of power dynamics.",除了人类,我观察过的所有哺乳动物都能很容易地确定关系中的权力分配。 +Norfolk Island.,诺福克岛。 +"Here you sit today, each of you a tremendous energy vessel brimming, overflowing with experience in this consciousness of opposites .",今天,在这里,你们每一个都乘坐着一艘巨大的能量之船,满溢着在这对立的意识界里的经验。 +"Morgan Stanley's recent study found that a portfolio of 17 equal-weightedstocks, ranging from Union Pacific Corp. and Colgate-Palmolive to Dow ChemicalCo.",摩根士丹利最近的研究发现,将一个含有联合太平洋公司、 高露洁和陶氏化学在内的17个等权重的股票的一揽子组合同标普500和标准普尔金属采矿业指数(Standard & Poor Metals and mining Index) 相结合。 +The philosophers have only interpreted the world in various ways. The point however is to change it.,哲学家们只是用不同的方式解释世界,可问题在于改变世界。 +people around a tablePeople always look for the next big thing that will change our industry.,人们围桌而坐人们总是期待将改变我们行业的下一件大事。 +B: Well. I thought I’d look at some ski boots.,"嗯,我想看看滑雪靴。" +"The decolorization bacteria group, possessed the decolorizing ability to dyes, has been isolated from waste water of printing and dyeing.",从印染厂废水池的污泥中筛选到对染料有脱色作用的脱色菌群。 +This is generally a good indication that it is time to take the test off the todo list and make it a required test.,这通常是一个好的指示,这时可以将测试从 todo 列表取出并使它成为必需的测试。 +"Users had been automatically redirected to Google's uncensored Hong Kong site, but the company stopped that last week after China warned the move could mean losing its licence.",用户们已自动转入谷歌香港区不受审查的网页,但是,中国警告这一举动将意味着被取消牌照,公司在上周停止了这一做法。 +These blood clots typically occurred within two to six months after enoxaparin was discontinued.,这些血块通常发生后二至六个月内,依诺肝素是停产。 +"This is practical on personal sites, where the designer can carefully monitor site updates and make sure that link text is the only text that is ever bolded.","一些设计者说,仅仅设置成粗体就能使链接变得明显,在个人网站上我们使用过这个方法,在这种网站上,设计者可以控制网站更新,确保链接上的文字已用粗体标出。" +Objective To develop a method for the determination of prednisolone acetate in the compound prednisolone acetate nasal drops.,目的建立复方醋酸泼尼松龙滴鼻液中醋酸泼尼松龙含量测定的简便方法。 +The protocol and international information-sharing should be tested and harmonized during the forthcoming and subsequent influenza seasons.,在即将来临的和之后的流感季节中,应对该方案和国际信息共享工作进行检验和协调。 +"First, Mr. Stone Lee our sales manager, will make a few remarks.",首先由我们的销售经理斯通·李发表谈话。 +"The friend says her:The self-will, the child personality, behaves but real!",朋友说她:任性,小孩子性格,为人却很实在! +"Certainly this and at that time political environment relevant, whether you knew peerless welled an emperor think so, you still put attach to want so write, could say you next annual again come.",当然这和当时的政治环境有关, Ugg,如果你明知道皇帝想这样,你还拼着要那样写,只能说你明年再来吧。 +Usually these equations can be solved using the method of perturbation approximation in quantum mechanics.,通常利用量子力学的时间微扰法可求得这类方程一次近似解的黄金定律。 +A kind of dual fuel paraffin removal truck is developed to reduce paraffin removal cost and make full use of wellsite associated gas.,为了降低清蜡作业成本和充分利用井场伴生气,研制出一种双燃料清蜡车。 +Many of them knew of young families who had left the country altogether to settle abroad rather than put an only child through the rigours of their own system.,许多年轻的家庭移居海外,不愿让他们唯一的孩子经历自己国家严酷的体制教育。 +"Anthony Best Dynamics has developed a family of computer-controlled robotic in-vehicle test products tailored specifically for vehicle dynamics, steering system and braking system testing. ABD.",公司研发了一系列计算机控制的机器人化的车内测试产品,专门用来做车辆动态,转向系统和制动系统的测试。 +Among the many difficult features of Alzheimer's is that doctors can never really say with certainty which patients who show signs of memory loss will go on to develop the neurodegenerative disorder.,在老年痴呆症让人感到棘手的众多特性中,最麻烦的一点是医生永远没法明确地断定哪些出现记忆力衰退的患者会继续发展成为这种神经退行性疾病。 +"To compare with the result of the tail fin, it validated the accuracy and effectiveness of the surface panel method in computing the unsteady motion.",通过与尾鳍运动的计算结果进行定性的比较,验证了面元法在计算非定常运动的正确性和有效性。 +"Beijing believes that due to ping refinancing scheme triggered investors panic selling, stock price drop to drag down the financial sector, and China Petroleum weight Unit continued to plummet.",北京首放认为,由于中国平安的再融资方案引发投资者恐慌性抛售,股价跌停拖累金融板块以及中国石油等权重股继续暴跌。 +"Acapulco, which caters mainly to domestic tourists, has virtually emptied thanks to frequent shootings in the heart of the hotel zone.",主要招待国内游客的阿卡普尔科,现在因为旅馆区中心地带频繁发生的枪击事件,几乎无人光顾。 +Applying biotechnology was an important means in improving strawberry varieties and contriving new germ plasm.,应用生物技术是草莓品种改良和种质创新的重要手段。 +The optimum technical conditions to reduce Li2O under vacuum were gained.,研究得到氧化锂真空还原的最佳工艺条件。 +Mutton chops taste so good.,羊排非常好吃。 +Those that contain common elements are colored green.,那些包含公共元素的被染成绿色。 +"Her efforts to stem, thoughtful and considerate.",她努力肯干,懂事体贴。 +Buba: Yes. It goes up too high.,布巴:是的。它升得太高了。 +"OrganisersOrganizers said more than 2000 businesses and 2,000,000 people took part.",组织者说当时有2000多家企业和200多万人参加。 +Being light and rustproof is an important reason for the wide use of aluminium as a building material.,铝广泛用作建筑材料的重要原因是它的重量轻,可防锈。 +The earthquake damage to water supply and sewerage pipelines is studied.,对地下结构的主要形式之一城市给排水管道的震害进行了研究。 +"Why not? Well, they can't get data, there wasn't a stock market.","为什么呢,因为作者无法得到数据,两国没有股票市场" +"Like the beginning words of Anna Karenina written by Tolstoi: “ The happy families are alike between each other, but each unfortunate family all has its respective misfortune.",像托翁《安娜•卡列妮娜》开篇语:“幸福的家庭都是相似的,不幸的家庭有着各自的不幸”。 +"Now, bullets and bloodshed seem to be more common than posters and protest chants.",如今,子弹和鲜血看起来比海报跟抗议战歌看起来还要普遍。 +She stammered a few supplicating words.,她吞吞吐吐说了一些求情的话。 +Organize project site visits and provide logistics support.,安排项目点督导活动,提供后勤支持。 +"""West Boast Tours Unauthorized biography"" in all servers, is the net passes the telecommunication double thread server.",《大话西游外传》里的所有服务器,都是网通电信双线服务器。 +The need for non-repudiation arises because of malicious senders.,对不可抵赖性的需求因恶意发送方而引起。 +Anycast is a routing technique where a single IP address maps to multiple physical servers.,Anycast 是一个IP地址映射多个物理主机的路由技术。 +Then you can drop these balls into boiling water and cook them for about 8 minutes until they float.,那么将这些小圆球倒进开水里面吧,煮八分钟后,汤圆浮在锅里就熟了。 +It should be one of the first tools employed when starting any Six Sigma or process improvement project.,它应该是启动任意一个六西格玛项目或者过程改进项目的最早的工具之一。 +"Previous studies have shown approximately 54% of acute conjunctivitis was bacterial, but antibiotics were prescribed in 80-95% of cases.",以往的研究表明,约54%的急性结膜炎是细菌性的,但在80-95%的情况下,病人给予了抗生素治疗。 +We believe that common development is an important way to redressing global development imbalances and achieving sustainable development.,我们应该把促进共同发展作为解决全球发展不平衡和实现可持续发展的重要途径。 +The findings suggest that even a half-hour walk at a quick speed every day could lower the risk of cognitive impairment.,结果表明,每天快速行走半个小时也可以降低认知障碍的风险。 +"And while getting tips on how to teach the language from Tzu Chi, many local teachers are also learning about moral education, which they hope to incorporate in their classes.",其中许多老师在向慈济学习、如何教导华语的过程中,也同时学习了它的品德教育,希望融入于他们的教学中。 +The morphological features of embryonic and larval developmental in Oplegnathus fasciatus were described to determine the developmental process.,通过对条石鲷胚胎发育和仔鱼发育形态的观察,确定了条石鲷早期发育的进程。 +The shares of both government-chartered companies had tumbled on Monday amid concerns over the accounting rule and worries that the worst of the mortgage crisis was yet to come.,由于对会计准则的忧虑和担心次贷危机最差时刻的来临,这两家政府特许经营的公司周一突然下跌。 +The garage gave the car a thorough going-over.,修车厂对这辆汽车进行了彻底检修。 +Embossed holograms are most common hologram products and can be easily mass produced by embossing.,浮雕全息图是最常见的全息产品,可轻松大规模生产的压花。 +A numberof vegan algae-derived supplements are available that fulfill the need for longchain omega-3 fatty acids.,有一些衍生自藻类的纯素补充剂,以满足长链欧米茄-3脂肪酸的需要。 +It was time of great changes in the world and some people wanted to draw China into the debate in the world about the right and wrongs of the cold war and its related issues.,当时世界进入重大变革,一些人想将中国拖入围绕冷战的是是非非而进行的争论中。 +Someone must arbitrate between them.,得有一个人在他们当中进行仲裁。 +"Gentlemen, ""said the constable, ""I have brought back your man-not without risk and danger. """,“先生们,”警察说道,“我冒了很大风险,把你们的逃犯捉拿归案了。” +Objective To investigate the mechanism of the action of glucocorticoid induced leucine zipper in inflammatory reaction.,目的探讨糖皮质激素诱导的亮氨酸拉链蛋白在炎症反应过程中的作用机制。 +"While exporting Phosphate rock in huge volume, China imports great sum of Phosphate fertilizer.",我国在大量出口磷矿的同时,却从国外大量进口磷肥。 +"Every year, there are many setting foot on the land beneath the Southern Cross. They arrive bearing diverse states of mind and body, a myriad of dreams and assorted outlooks.",这是一部关于澳洲打工度假的纪录片,每年有许多人,在不同的状态,怀抱着不同的想像,带着不同的心情踏上这片在南十字星下的大陆。 +Machine wash them in cold water in a meshzipper bag and drape them over a hanger to air dry.,装进拉链网孔袋用洗衣机冷水洗,然后挂在衣架上风干。 +"Talking about myself, I work in London, I live out in Kent, in the countryside so I really notice how different the pace is from out in the countryside.",就我而言,我在伦敦工作,但我住在肯特郡的乡村,所以我能够真切地认识到城市与乡村生活节奏有多么的不同。 +The requirements for different types of glass-to-metal seals to metal and glass were discussed.,不同类型的玻璃-金属封接对金属材料及玻璃的要求将被讨论。 +"Of course, it’s much, much easier to work with mice than either chimps or people. So researchers introduced genetic changes into the mouse FOXP2.",因为在老鼠身上进行实验要比在黑猩猩或是人身上容易得多,所以研究者们在老鼠身上植入了人的FOXP2基因。 +"Be direct and honest and accurate about your background, Whitehouse advises.",怀特豪斯的建议是,涉及自己背景时,要坦白、诚实并准确。 +"To take this into consideration, this exhibition aims at exploring the possibility of presenting the value of art works and the importance of exhuming the academic value of art.",本次展览基于此种思考,旨在从学术的角度去探寻艺术品价值的呈现可能,发掘出艺术的自身学术价值的重要性。 +"Solvent for adhesives, nitro spray-paints, lacquers, inks, paint removers, cosmetic etc.",用作粘合剂、硝基喷漆、清漆、油墨、脱漆剂、化妆品等的溶剂。 +"ASSOCION reserves the right (but shall have no obligation) to pre-screen, review, flag, filter, modify, refuse or remove any or all Content from any Service.",ASSOCION 保留从任何服务中筛选、审阅、标明、过滤、修订、拒绝或删除任何或所有内容的权利 (但无义务这样做)。 +The results show that the disordered and ordered clay rocks are respectively formed by intermediate and acidic pyroclasts in the sedimentary basins.,物源分析表明,无序间层粘土岩主要由中性火山碎屑(岩)在原地蚀变、转化而成,而有序间层粘土岩则是由酸性岩蚀变而成。 +Our Special English program was written by Katherine Clarke and produced by Lawan Davis.,我们特别英语节目是书面的凯瑟琳克拉克和戴维斯蜡丸生产。 +I'm wiser than to believe what you call money talks.,我才不至于蠢到相信你所介绍的金钱论呢(你说的金钱万能呢)。 +"Beijing's jaw-dropping opening and closing ceremonies eclipsed any Olympic show before it, veteran commentators said.",经验丰富的评论人员指出,北京奥运会令人惊叹不已的开幕式和闭幕式让之前所有的奥运仪式都黯淡无关。 +"Lack of strategic vision and entrepreneurial spirit, the Taiping occupation of Nanjing, is a major victory in their rebellion, but also a turning point in their defeat.",由于缺乏战略眼光和进取精神,太平军的占领南京,既是他们造反的重大胜利,又是他们走向失败的转折点。 +It is mainly extracted by ethanol extract of the finished product obtained Absolute Virginia.,本品主要通过乙醇萃取成品的弗吉尼亚浸膏制得净油。 +The climatic cycles of the glacial period in Europe over the past 2.5 million years have accelerated this erosion process.,在���去的250万年里欧洲的冰河时期气候循环加速了这个侵蚀的过程。 +"But recently, civil liberties groups had threatened to take the county to court if it did not remove them.",但近来,公民自由组织曾威胁要采取县法院,如果不删除它们。 +"Scientists require expensive ships and tools that, despite their sophistication, produce relatively low-resolution readings of whale life.",尽管科学家们经验丰富,仍然需要昂贵的船只和工具帮助他们对鲸鱼的生活做出相对来说不够清楚的解读。 +Too much causes diarrhea and too little causes reflux heartburn.,过多会引起腹泻和太少造成返流的胃灼热。 +"The first chapter outlines the child care literature to introduce the basic characteristics of early childhood literature, the principles of aesthetic education, appreciation of the characteristics;",第一章幼儿文学的概述,介绍幼儿文学基本特征、审美教育原则、鉴赏的特点; +"That no doubt helped persuade PG&E, which has sent executives to Israel to inspect the project, to supersize its contract.",PG&E已派高管到以色列考察此项目,以期扩展合同。 +"1368 – In a coronation ceremony, Zhu Yuanzhang ascends to the throne of China as the Hongwu Emperor, initiating Ming Dynasty rule over China that would last for three centuries.",1368年的今天,朱元璋登基,成为中国洪武皇帝,开始了长达三个世纪的明朝统治。 +All the enemy guns were sitenced.,敌人的炮都被打哑了。 +The shape of the bar copper segment of the current lead is transformed from the straight bar type to solenoid type to saving the space that means fully increasing the heat passage in the limit space.,将电流引线的铜棒段由直棒型改为螺线管型,以节省空间,在有限的空间里面,尽量增长传热路径。 +My mom's face was emotionless.,我妈妈脸上一丝表情也没有。 +This paper describes the design and implementation of a user-level communication protocol based on zero copy.,介绍了一种基于零拷贝思想的用户级通信协议的设计与实现。 +"Red, the Chinese traditional joyful color, also represents the spirits that innumerous revolutionary martyrs laid down their lives on the bloodshed battlefield to build up a new country;",红色是中国传统喜庆之色,代表了无数革命先烈为建立新中国浴血奋战的献身精神; +The country's name is Facebook.,这个国家的名字就是脸谱。 +"Security investment fund in China has developed for just years, but it develops quickly and makes great progress in amounts, scale, innovation and achievements.",我国证券投资基金历史较短,但发展迅猛,无论是数量、规模,还是品种创新、业绩表现都迈上了一个新台阶。 +Why? Because they have strong bonds.,为什么,因为他们都是强键。 +"The optimized conditions were that the sample was extracted by ultrasonic acetonitrile, cleaned up by Florisil-phase extraction(SPE). HPLC with DAD detector was used for determination.",该方法经优化后的条件为:样品经乙腈超声提取,弗罗里硅土柱净化,DAD二极管阵列检测器,经高效液相色谱测定。 +Nat: What! Oh no! We've been burglarized. Let's go upstairs and check.,约特:甚麽,哎哟!有人入屋行窃。我们上二楼看看吧。 +He ate all three cans of dog food with an awe-inspiring singleness of purpose.,那狗专心致志地把3听狗食全吃光了。 +Mr. Rushworth has made it since he succeeded to the estate.,拉什沃思先生继承了这份房地产以后,把路修好了。 +"As they jogged into the turn that would take them past the corner, he became even more apprehensive than usual.",在他们慢跑到弯处要经过转角时,他变得比平常更加忧虑不安。 +Ezekiel has given us some of the most remarkable prophecies ever to be fulfilled in exact detail.,以西结带给我们一些非常重要的预言,而且还钜细靡遗地完全应验。 +But it is very common to ignore using it or use it irrelevantly because of all kinds of reasons.,但是,由于各种因素的影响,中小学的教育研究活动中存在着严重忽视甚至错误使用文献资料的现象。 +"Published on 9/25/2011 under Cool Gift Ideas - by Nora Vega -53, 406 viewsThis Bathrobe Batman ($80.08) won't turn you into an instant superhero, but it will make you feel pretty darn great.",这件蝙蝠侠浴袍 ($80.08) 不会让你变成超级英雄,但会让你感觉非常舒服。 +"When we turned the boat about, the signal began to bleep again constantly.",当我们把船调头的时候,信号器又不停地发出哔哔声。 +"In this process, it has massive existences unsure factors, and would be changed; the risk from it frequently affects the engineering Project's implementation.",在该过程中,不确定因素大量存在,并不断变化,由此产生的风险常常影响工程项目的顺利实施。 +"As shown by the results, both selfing seed set and restoring ability of F_3 plants showed continuous variation.",结果表明,F_3植株的自交结实率和恢复力都呈连续性变异; +"Jn. 6:54 He who eats My flesh and drinks My blood has eternal life, and I will raise him up in the last day.",约六54 吃我肉喝我血的人,就有永远的生命,在末日我要叫他复活。 +As soon as they've stolen enough technology ?,一旦他们偷到足够的技术就开始? +The newly created kernel thread has PID 1 and shares all per-process kernel data structures with process 0.,新创建的内核线程的PID为1,并与0进程共享所有每进程内核数据结构。 +"In soft RT systems, missed deadlines can have adverse effects -- such as a GUI not displaying all results of a stream it's monitoring -- but don't constitute a system failure.",而对于软 RT 系统,超出时限可能会有些不利影响 —— 比如 GUI 不能显示其监控流的所有结果 —— 但是不会导致系统失败。 +This is my second time speaking at the International Forumon Asia-Middle East Studies as the President of UACA.,我这是第二次以美国亚洲文化学院院长身份在亚洲----中东高层学术论坛上发言。 +"Sebastian Coates has been granted a prelininary work permit to allow him to complete his move to Liverpool today, it is understood.",塞巴斯蒂安科次已经获得一份预劳工证,从而能让他在今天完成到利物浦的转会,这个决定还是比较能让人接受的。 +"The focus this year in China is to strike a proper balance between fast growth, adjusting economic structure and managing inflation.",为此,中国政府坚持把转变发展方式、调整结构放在重要位置,改变中国经济发展的不平衡、不协调和不可持续的问题。 +You have to file away for hours to get this metal smooth.,你要想你这块金属光滑,必须用锉刀不停地锉上几小时。 +"RESULTS Adding polar organic solvent in inner phase improved the loading efficiency of tranilast in microspheres, meanwhile reduce microsphere diameter greatly.",结果内相中加入一定比例的极性溶剂可提高曲尼司特的包封率,微球粒径相应减小。 +"Believe that ""change the fate of knowledge"", using their knowledge to create their own lives, which is the supreme goal of the 26 plans.",相信“知识改变命运”,用自己的知识,创造自己的生活,这也是二六计划的最高目标。 +"Despite the hardships of the post-war years and the Depression, the people of Atlanta continued to develop the area, both economically and socially .",尽管冷战和大萧条时期的艰难困苦,亚特兰大的人民仍坚持在经济和社会各个方面发展这个地区。 +"Plants like duckweeds float on the surface of still and slow-moving waters, while those with roots and flexible stems can stand in swift-flowing streams.",像浮萍这样的植物在静止和缓慢移动的水域漂浮,而那些长着根和易曲的茎的植物却可以在湍急的水流中生长。 +At the moment I am fine at Sevilla but I have to think about myself and consider the teams that are interested in me.,现在我在塞维利亚过得很好,但是我必须要考虑一下我自己和那些对我感兴趣的球队。 +What did Adriano say to me after the goal?,在我进球后阿德里亚诺对我说了些什么? +"A client can request persistent objects from the server, and the server sends them as a graph of detached objects.",一个客户端可以向服务器请求持久化对象,然后服务器以分离对象图的方式将它们返回。 +"Lonely Valentine's Day , Who can accompany me ?",孤独的请秂节,谁螚陪莪过? +"Robert Pollin, a professor at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst, who co-wrote another study, questions the job target touted by the Obama campaign, saying it would cost much more.",马萨诸塞大学Amherst分校教授罗伯特·泡林(Robert Pollin)对奥巴马在竞选中宣扬的绿色就业岗位目标提出了质疑,称这些岗位要达到奥巴马所设定的目标量需要花费多得多的金钱。 +"British prime minister Gordon Brown made this very error last week during Prime Minster’s Questions, a weekly session where members of Parliament can question the prime minister.",上周,英国首相戈登布朗在每周一次的回答国会议员的会议上就犯了这样的错误。 +"So while HTML5 is a little early for broad desktop support, newer mobile devices have already converged on HTML5 as a pretty consistent platform across the market.",虽然HTML5离得到广泛的桌面支持还有一段距离,但是市场上最新的移动设备已经趋于认同HTML5将会是高度一致性的平台。 +"A few days after the announcement, an elated Mikael Ohlsson, IKEA's boss, rushed to India.",声明后的几天,得意洋洋的迈克尔-欧胜,宜家家居的老板,冲向了印度。 +"The crime of kidnapping, including the constituent elements of the objective elements, object elements, the main elements and the subjective elements of four parts.",绑架罪的构成要件包括客观要件、客体要���、主体要件和主观要件四部分。 +The main reason lies in the inherent appearances of international law and its new development tendencies.,究其原因,一方面由于国际法自身的固有特征。 +"The higher authority leadership tolerates to the subordinate is wrong, tolerates the subordinate which ability is insufficient is fearful.",上级领导对部属纵容是错误的,纵容能力不足的部属更是可怕的。 +"Plus, knowing how to get what you want will make you more savvy and better prepared if the techniques are used on you.",除此之外,知道怎么得到想要的可以让你更加机智,当别人对你施技时,也可以让你准备更充分。 +The meta-cognition of the reason on question-asking of the pupils increased with grade.,小学儿童的提问元认知随年龄的增长而提高。 +Don't ask her advice about clothes; she's a real square!,别去向她请教衣服方面的事,她是个老古板! +"If we use exponentiation to encrypt or decrypt , the adversary can use logarithm to attack .",如果我们运用求幂运算来加密和解密,对手就可以运用对数进行攻击。 +"Conclusion Erythroleukemia is an extremely disease in children, which is characterized by high malignancy and very poor prognosis.",结论 红白血病属儿童时 期罕见病,恶性度高,预后极差; +The second function of platelets is to provide a surface that promotes blood clotting.,血小板的第二种功能是为血液凝固提供活性表面。 +"Only Jiang maintained speechless. When the train was approaching Dalian, the teacher, Mr Li had a talk with Jiang before the restroom and said, ""Jiang Hao, do you still think that study is useless?""",火车快到大连时,带队的一位姓李的老师把姜浩叫到开水间,对他说:“姜浩,你还认为读书没有用吗?” +A tunneling accelerometer is fabricated and characterized based on the extension of the silicon-glass anodic-bonding and deep etching releasing process provided by Peking University.,提出了一种基于北京大学硅玻璃键合深刻蚀释放工艺的扩展工艺,用来加工微型隧道加速度计。 +"Therefor, CNC technologies are introduced into the devices for manufacture keys, and a special CNC system for key tooth milling machine is developed.",为此,本文将数控技术运用到钥匙加工设备的制造中,开发研制了钥匙铣齿机专用数控系统。 +"The ease in test writing extends to bad tests, as well as good tests.",测试编写代码越来越趋向于进行坏的测试和好的测试。 +Li Hua has many prose works which are relevant with history.,唐代文宗李华的散文作品中,涉及历史的文章较多。 +"There are, however, also widely-held misconceptions that cloud computing brings serious risks to business information.",有,但是,也广泛持有的错误的,云计算带来了严重风险的业务信息。 +Any classical / first estrus - and King zero distance contact!,曲曲经典/首首动情-与天王零距离接触! +"Bone alkaline phosphatase (BAP), a traditional marker of bone turnover, was also measured in selected cases.",还测定了在选定的情况下,传统的骨代谢标志物,骨碱性磷酸酶(BAP)。 +"""Everybody lie down!"" shouts the gang leader, putting a pistol to the head of a guard.",“全都趴下!” 团伙头目大喊,用手枪指着一名警卫的头。 +"Bourdieu answered the three related questions by means of Field, Capital, Habitus and their relations in an original fashion.",布迪厄用场域、资本、惯习以及它们之间的关系创造性地回答了这三个相互联系的问题。 +"Influenza viruses constantly undergo genetic changes and require vaccines that match the circulating influenza strains to be effective, so seasonal influenza vaccines have to be modified annually.",流感病毒不断发生基因变化并需要符合正在传播的流感毒株的疫苗以便产生作用,所以每年必须调整季节性流感疫苗。 +"“What looks cool and what's real don't always line up,” Hurt says, “but generally we can find a compromise.",“好看与真实经常会发生矛盾,”赫特说,“但通常我们会选择一个折中方案。” +"But I am not going to have a hooded man or woman teach my children, or push their way into the bank ahead of me, or drive my taxi or bus, and there will never be a law that says I have to.",但我不会让一个穿着帽衫装的男人或女人来教育我的小孩,或者让他们大摇大摆地进入我面前的这座银行,或者让我坐他们开的巴士或出租车。 而这些都是没有法律约束的。 +Butterflies over Flowers sets the desired load and expression is a romantic have been inherited ethos.,蝶恋花套所期望承载和表达的,是浪漫行者们一直承袭的精神气质。 +The large expenditures on their admissions offices that bring sneers from Hacker and Dreifus have promoted diversity in ways unimagined fifty years ago.,招生处的巨额花销遭到了哈克和德雷伊夫斯的嘲笑��它在50年前就以难以想象的方式实现了多样化。 +"If the Shanghai Copyright Office determines there is copyright infringement, can it impose any fine or penalty against the infringer?",当发现版权侵权后,上海版权局能否对侵权者罚款? +"For instance, people already on blood thinners or someone who has suffered a head injury would be at risk for serious complications from the anti-clotting drug.",例如,如果对正在接受血液稀释治疗的病人或有头部外伤的病人使用抗血栓药物将有可能使其发生严重并发症。 +"The son was having a good meal at home, while the parents were working in the fields.",儿子在家吃好饭而父母却在田里辛劳奋作。 +"He gestured at the interface, slightly irritated, and said “Where is the damn reply button??”.",他指着这个界面,有点恼怒,说“那个该死的回复按钮在哪??” +"Once an Integrated Security Mode has been defined for one TM1 Contributor application, that same Integrated Security Mode should be used for all TM1 Contributor Applications.",为一个 TM1 Contributor 应用程序定义了集成安全性模式之后,即可为所有 TM1 Contributor 应用程序使用相同的集成安全性模式。 +"Engendering of electrical signal related to plant sensitivity, physiological state and stimulus' factor.",电信号的产生与植物的敏感性、植物的生理状态及刺激因子有关。 +"Wang Jingjing says, No, we can't give him that name.",王晶晶说:“我们不能给他起那个名字。” +"Metallic coatings, eg. Zinc electrical plating surface: Anti-Corrosion layer.",金螺丝属表层、和表面, 如电镀锌金属表面的防腐层。 +Physicians also recommend prescription doses of anti-inflammatory agents such as Naprosyn and ibuprofen to reduce Alzheimer's-related inflammation.,医生也认为接处方开出的剂量服用诸如莱普生和布洛芬之类的抗炎药 , 可以减少老年痴呆症引发的炎症 。 +The sheepdog rounded up all the sheep.,牧羊犬把所有的羊赶拢在一起。 +"The momentum, however, did not stay. C compilers became faster and got nice built-in editors and debuggers .",然而时曰不久,C编译器变得更快,并具有优秀的内置编辑器和调试器。 +"From the perspective of cultivating professional personnel of mining engineering who can meet the 21th century demands, reform has been made in geology teaching.",从面向21世纪采矿工程专业人才培养出发,对地质教学进行了改革尝试。 +It contains over 700 mp3s of bands that performed in 2007 for a whopping total of 3.1 gigs of audio. Change the year in the subdomain to get the 2006 and 2005 downloads.,他们提供了容量达3.1GB且超过700首mp3下载,他们都是无数乐队于2007年在SXSW音乐会上演奏的曲目。 +"The program is not new, N years ago we all read, CCTV may be a new tree is to spend it.",这个节目不算新颖,N年前大家都看过,央视可能是想老树开新花吧。 +I think that is as a result of their incomprehension of Chinese culture and I'm supposed to tell them how China looks like as an exchange student who comes from China.,等问题,我觉得那是因为他们对中国不了解,作为中国交流学生的我,很大方地对他们的问题做出回应并向他们介绍我的祖国。 +"I'm a 21 years old massagist from NY, and when I come back after work, tiered from standing all day long, I just turn on my laptop, and suddenly, it's 2 am.",我是21岁,来自纽约按摩师,当我回来后的工作,从整天站在分层,我打开我的笔记本电脑,突然,它是凌晨2点。 +"Meanwhile, a Hitachi prototype used a camera sensor to allow users to control the TV by gesturing.",同时,日立推出了利用图像传感器让使用者用手势控制的电视原型。 +"Yet, unlike its neighbour, the emirate pursues modernising and tolerant social policies, especially via its first lady, Sheikha Mozah.",而与沙特不同的是,以第一夫人谢哈·莫扎为突出代表的卡塔尔追寻现代化与包容的社会政体。 +"In green development period, the element that urge breast falls in the joint action of hormone of etc of estrogen, progestational hormone, can spur mammary gland growth;",在青春发育期,催乳素在雌激素、孕激素及其他激素的共同作用下,能促使乳腺发育; +"There are famous Cunjin Bridge, Cunjin Bridge Park, Ancient ferry, Ancient Spring, Ancient River Temple and five major chamber relic;",有闻名遐迩的寸金桥和寸金桥公园;有古渡口、古井泉、古河庙和五大会馆的遗址古迹; +"G:Hello,this is Mr.Lister in room 3406.",旅客:你好,我是3406房间的Lister先生。 +The news was bruited through the town.,消息已传遍全城。 +Some interesting results are obtained as follows; The distribution of the local spectral densities closely related to the deep states in forbidden band is similar for point and pair defects.,讨论得到的结果是:与点缺陷和缺陷对的深缺陷态对���性相匹配的部分态密度的分布是相似的; +"Presents two calculating method of total cooling capacity and sensible cooling capacity by a theoretical analysis, namely the efficiency method and the condition transformation method.",通过理论分析提出了风机盘管全冷量和显冷量的两种计算方法:效率法和工况转换法。 +"Landslides happen when large amounts of rock, mud and other loose materials are suddenly uprooted and sent sliding down a slope.",大量的泥、石及其他堆积松散的物质突然坍塌,顺着山坡倾滑下来就形成了山崩。 +Vergil: : Is that what you think? Foolish girl.,维吉尔:你就是那样想的?傻姑娘。 。 +"A generic term that does not distinction between microprocessor, microcontroller, and digital signal processor.",一个对于微处理器、微控制器他数字信号处器无差别的通用术语。 +I saw a pair of Grey-headed lapwings searching their foods in the paddy rice field.,我看见灰头麦鸡的雌雄在水田里找吃儿。 +"As a group, they are atomized.",作为一个群体,他们是分散的。 +"On the Web, we currently need to accommodate a factor of 100 in screen area between handhelds and workstations and a factor of 1,000 in bandwidth between modems and T-3 connections.",在网络上,我们现在适应在调制解调器和T-3 连接之间的带宽在手提和工作站和一个1,000 的因素之间的荧屏区域的一个100 的因素。 +"Previous negotiations led Washington to offer 800, 000 acres of federal land in a swap but state officials rejected it as ""trash land"" not worth nearly as much as their ""prime, in-park real estate"".",此前的商讨迫使华盛顿方面从联邦用地中划出80万英亩作为交换,但州政府拒绝这种以“廉价土地”交换其“核心高附加值地块”的做法。 +"Dedham, Massachusetts; February 27, 2007: The worldwide market for servo drives is expected to grow at a compounded annual growth rate (CAGR) of 4.6% over the next five years.",麻省Dedham市,2月27日:根据ARC咨询集团一份新的研究报告显示,在未来的五年里,全球伺服驱动市场预计将以4.6%的综合年增长率的速度增长。 +"They are the same type granitoid. Their lithogenesis was related to the lithospheric extension after the Indosinian Orogenesis, and formed from partial melting of the crust material.",因此本文认为,黄沙坪花岗岩体与千里山、骑田岭等岩体属于同一类型,岩石成因可能与印支造山运动后的岩石圈伸展有关,形成于地壳物质的部分熔融; +"By investigating the current development situations of Wuhan forest parts, the author analyzes the problems it exits and puts forward some corresponding strategies.",本文以武汉森林公园为,调查武汉森林公园的旅游开状,和分析其旅游开发中的问题,如何和城郊型森林公园的旅游开发的发展对策。 +Do what you can now or you might not be able to do them all.,去做你现在能做的,否则你可能永远也不会开始了。 +"The utility model relates to an electronic firecracker, which comprises a power interface, a voltage-boosting module, a high-voltage drive module, and a high-voltage current discharge module.",电子鞭炮,包括电源接口、电压提升模块、高压驱动模块、高压电流放电模块。 +"With her white hairy legs poking out from her frilly pink top and rear end peeking out from a saggy pair of bikini bottoms, Angel looks an unlikely Hollywood starlet.",当她白茸茸的脚从粉红花边小可爱伸出,小屁屁在一件松垮垮的比基尼泳裤下若隐若现之际,安琪儿望之不像好莱坞小明星。 +I will no longer be bound to the Time Trap. I have found the time-management strategy that is perfect for me,"我已经不用整天抱着‘时间陷阱’寻找答案了,因为我已经发现了适合自己的时间管理策略。" +"In this paper, operational principle of CWDM linear sidebands filtering demodulation was elaborated and, experimental verification was made.",本文阐述了CWDM边带特性解调方案工作原理,并对其可行性进行实验验证。 +The people behind Spider-Man 3 should be ashamed.,后面的人应该为蜘蛛侠3。 +"Then I received a call from BII, to be honest, I doubted it at first because it was located far from my home.",老实说,刚开始我是抱着怀疑态度的,因为它离我生活的城市太远了,我不相信他们可以通过电话或者是邮件对我有所了解。 +There is ice cream unlimited value 25 Yuan Jian Chang Xiang and white children 1 tickets!,还有冰淇淋无限畅享和价值25元白马涧儿童门票1张! +"Through death into life everlasting He passed, and we follow Him there;",经过死亡方能得生命,祂已前行,我们随趋; +"It was a challenge for us to create something new and different, taking inspiration from classical melodies.",对我们来说,创造一种全新的音乐,从古典乐曲中获得灵感,这是一件非常有挑战性的事。 +"As in the case of other AHPLA executive language programs, your French course may be conveniently held in your workplace.",与其它阿普拉管理人员语言项目一样,您的法语课程可以方便地在您的工作场所进行。 +The overthrust belt at the south edge of Santanghu basin is the main exploration target.,南缘逆掩推覆带是三塘湖盆地油气勘探的主攻区带之一。 +They move around the forests - you see them one day and the next day you go back to talk to them and they are not there.,他们在森林中四处流动 - 某一天你在某个地方看到他们,但第二天当你回到那个地方想与他们交谈时,他们已没有了踪影。 +"Responding to the clamor, Foxconn has raised salaries steeply twice in the last five days.",为了回应种种质疑的声音,富士康在过去五天两次大幅上调工人薪水。 +"Humorous languages of the comperes depends on the context. Whether abiding by or breaching such pragmatic principles as cooperation and civility, comperes can produce humor.",节目主持人幽默语言的产生需要语境的诱导。在遵守或违背合作原则、礼貌原则等语用原则的情况下都可能产生幽默。 +Air traffic controllers are threatening to come out on/go on strike.,空中交通管制员威胁要举行罢工. +"She attributes her success to hard work, luck and immense support from her family.",她认为自己成功全赖勤奋、幸运及家人的大力支持。 +What have I done to deserve such severe chastisement?,我做了什么以致该受如此严重的惩戒? +Criticism is growing of an investor who until recently seemed to excel regardless of which way the market zagged.,人们对不久前无论市场状况如何急转直下似乎都能一枝独秀的投资人鲍尔森发出了越来越多的批评。 +"Memory stakes a trail in a roadless land as a Saami, or Lapp, herder heads for his reindeer herd 30 miles(48 kilometers) from Lovozero.",来自洛沃泽罗放牧者的驯鹿群驰骋了30英里(48公里),在没有路的地方留下了一串像萨米语或者拉普语式样的印记。 +I wish everyone achieves great goals this year!,那就在这里,我旺吉祥祝大家事业有成学业进步! +Objective To study the effect of Breviscapine on peripheral neuropathy in type 2 diabetes mellitus rats.,目的观察灯盏花素对2型糖尿病大鼠周围神经病变的防治作用。 +The rich are not always contented .,富有的人总是不知足。 +It has been analysed that liquid flow pattern and liquid crosswise eddy diffusion influence on efficiency of bubble tray. The method which would raise efficiency of large tray has been proposed.,本文分析了液相流动形态及液相横向扩散对鼓泡型塔板板效率的影响。 +Buba: I like to play with my brother.,布巴:我喜欢和我的弟弟一起玩。 +Parallel intervals of a third or sixth are frequent.,常见的有三度平行音程或六度平行音程。 +"According to the network security company Blue Coat Systems Inc. , malvertising is the current computer hijacking technique of choice for organized crime.",根据网络安全公司蓝色外套系统公司,正如大家所知道的那样是当前计算机劫持技术选择的有组织犯罪。 +"As shown in Figure 8 beneath the text selection, the tabbed view PartPane is attempting to create an instance of the view associated with the J2EE Hierarchy tab, a class named J2EEView.",如图 8 所示,在选择的文本下方,选项卡视图 PartPane 正在尝试创建与 J2EE Hierarchy 选项卡相关联的视图的一个实例,类的名字为 J2EEView 。 +"While the western facilities were more automated, energy efficient, and more ecologically sound in terms of worker conditions and production of waste materials.",而西蔡的生产设施自动化程度较高,节能高效,工人劳保设施更健全,生产原料耗用也低。 +"The company was founded in 2001 by a small processing plants to develop into a hand-rubbed workshop, monkeys workshop, finished the regular repair shop Jeans medium-sized processing enterprises.",本公司成立于2001年,由一个小型加工厂发展成为拥有手擦车间, 马骝车间,成品修补车间的中型正规牛仔服装后加工企业。 +"Reason underlying the similarity is that there is acquisition mechanism in human mind, which can internalize the grammar rules.",追根溯源,这种相似性存在的主要原因是人脑天生具有内化语法规则的习得机制。 +"As a person born under the sign of Cancer, I am home-loving and wish for a peaceful family life.",我是巨蟹座的,天生恋家,希望稳稳当当过日子。 +SDMIS is analysed and designed according to the specified requirements and features of heat-treatment shop.,由于以热处理车间为模型,系统是针对热处理车间的特点进行分析和设计的。 +The president of Ivory Coast is staying in a hotel suite.,科特迪瓦总统住在一间酒店套房里。 +Expos don't normally make money.,世博会一般不赚钱。 +"To minimize energy, the surfactants shield their tails from water by adsorbing at the air–water interfaces or, when in solution, aggregating into micelles.",为了降低能量,这些表面活性剂通过吸附在气液分界面上从而把它们的尾巴保护起来不碰到水,如果在溶液里的话,则凝聚成胶束。 +"When he mustered them at Bezek, the people of Israel were three hundred thousand, and the men of Judah thirty thousand.",扫罗在比色数点他们:以色列人有三十万,犹大人有三万。 +"The other side is New Jersey,",河对岸就是新泽西, +We will earnestly study and act on the spirit of the fifth plenary session of the 17th CPC Central Committee and create a sound external environment for a good start of the 12th Five-Year Plan.,我们将认真学习贯彻党的十七届五中全会精神,为“十二五”规划开好局、起好步营造良好的外部环境。 +The solemn bullet-ridden war remains tell of the sad history of the Sino-Japanese War.,弹痕累累的战争遗迹,悲壮而凝重,向人们讲述中日甲午海战的悲壮历史。 +"According to Mr. Koroma, equipment AT the university was inadequATe and the university could not afford to replace it.",根据科罗马先生说,大学里的设施不全,而且学校没有能力更换它们。 +"I knew I would never be a rocket scientist, but I love driving cars, being of service and feeling like I have done a full day's work and done it well.",我知道,我永远不可能成为一个火箭专家,可我喜欢开车,为他人服务,感受自己完成了一整天的工作,并做得很好。 +Li Ping is looking after her mother.,李萍正在照顾她的母亲。 +"Black jacket, black skirt, white blouse, bobbed brown hair perfectly sleek; very Jackie O, this Jackie.",黑色的夹克,黑色的裙子,白色的衬衣,剪短的褐色头发十分光滑;非常的杰姬·欧(Jackie O,肯尼迪夫人Jacqueline Onassis的昵称),这个杰姬。 +"In the last chapter, we propose a secure E-mail system that uses chaos-based cryptography.",最后,提出并实现了一种应用了混沌密码的安全电子邮件系统。 +"So-called ""People's reps"" are mocked ""rubber stamps"".",所谓人大代表是一个像皮图章。 +DS-1 catalyst for energy-saving steam conversion of natural gas was prepared by using potash as carbon-resistant additive and adding rare earth oxide.,采用钾盐作为抗炭助剂,并添加稀土氧化物,制备了节能型天然气蒸汽转化催化剂DS 1。 +"Clean sand by blade away, finally from rotating impeller into sand discharge groove, complete sand cleaning effect.",干净的砂石由叶片带走,最后砂石从旋转的叶轮倒入出料槽,完成砂石的清洗作用。 +"Among them, the symmetric five benzene ring thiadiazole ester compounds have rather high melting points, the clearing temperatures are more than 360 ℃.",其中,对称型五环酯类噻二唑弯曲型分子的熔点都较高,清亮点均超过360 ℃; +"Before beginning the troubleshooting process, there are some diagnostic questions you should ask to determine whether there any obvious causes of a problem.",在开始排除故障之前,应该提出一些诊断问题,从而判断问题是否是由某些明显的原因造成的。 +The Hengyun electron will start the scientific and technological domain new field of electron together together with friends from all walks of life.,恒运电子将与各界朋友一起,共同开创电子科技领域新天地。 +Innovation Works invests in DianDian because they create something more than just cloning.,创新工场投资点点是因为他们创造的东西远多于克隆。 +Market forces played an increasingly important role in trade in the factors of production.,生产要素市场化程度稳步提高。 +He spent seven days in the wind and snow.,他又冷又饿地在风雪中过了七天。 +The masseur is talking about some basic knowledge of sole massage to the guest.,按摩师给客人讲述有关足底按摩的一些基本常识。 +Specific change was not found on the CT and MRI of cranium. Conclusion Initial symptoms of neurosyphilis have various patterns of manifestation .,结论神经梅毒的诊断应结合临床表现、实验室及影像学检查综合分析,争取早期诊断、早期治疗以改善预后。 +"This paper analyzes the ring detection, DTMF codec and power line carrier and the realization of the principle of the program.",本文分析了振铃检测、DTMF编解码和电力线载波的原理及实现方案。 +"QiLe visited tzu chi Ming, but doubt is good chi Ming sent her to collect intelligence, more doubt QiLe body hidden eavesdropping device, QiLe was very sad, but willing to naked to prove himself.",祁乐探访志明,但志明却怀疑是日俊派她来收取情报,更怀疑祁乐身上藏有偷听器,祁乐非常伤心,更指愿意脱光衣服来证明自己。 +"""I see a lot of trouble, "" Botezatu warns.",博泰扎图警告道:“我看到很多麻烦。” +"We've lost a lot of our best teachers, health professionals, engineers, scientists, accountants and other skilled workers as they moved abroad to seek greener pastures.",我们已经失去了很多我们最好的老师,卫生专业人员,工程师,科学家,会计师及其他熟练工人,他们移居国外寻求择木而栖。 +"'They were like brothers, ' says Allman.",‘他们就像兄弟一样,’阿尔曼说。 +"I am sorry. We only offer one-way change. We're not licensed for a full exchange. But if you go to the bank just next to our hotel, they will do it for you.",对不起,我们这只提供单项交换,我们没有完成的交换授权,但是如果你去银行仅次于我们的酒店,他们会为您代劳。 +"A quarter of a century after its first grilling, burgernomics is still far from perfect, but if adjusted for GDP per person it becomes tastier.",“汉堡包”已经烤了1/4世纪,仍然不够完美,但如果根据人均GDP做出调整,将会更可口。 +"There are processes that go from my nervous system, from my brain and spinal cord out to the tips of my fingers that allow me to move muscles there, or down to your toes.","神经系统中的有些突起可以,从大脑和脊髓一直延伸到,手指指端,以使我这里的肌肉能够运动,神经甚至会一直延伸到你的脚趾" +"Jogging, sure -- lots of women jogged.",慢跑,是啊——许多女人进行慢跑锻炼。 +"Meanwhile, Greater China funds reported their first outflows in five months (US$188mn) whereas redemptions from Hong Kong country funds exploded to US$28mn from US$0.3mn the week before.",同时,“大中国基金”也报告了他们五个月内首次流出了1.88亿美金。 “香港基金”也赎回了0.28亿。 +"As a junior, Shieh started stringing racquets to pay for court time and soon found himself staring at an ever-expanding pool of string scraps swelling near his feet.",Shieh 从上中学时开始通过编织网球拍来赚取上网球课的费用。 很快,他发现自己脚边产生一个越累越大的球拍绳废料池。 +"Gordon Orr is a director in the Shanghai office of McKinsey &Co. and advises Chinese and multinational clients on a range of strategic, operational, and organizational issues.",戈登.奥尔(Gordon Orr)是麦肯锡上海分公司的董事,他在一系列的战略、运营和组织问题上为中国和跨国企业客户提供咨询服务。 +Why do people do that around the time of Dragon Boat Festival?,为什么人们在端午节期间都会这么做? +"Similarly, my sons are seeing fingerprints of the future in what they see, read and hear about today.",同样,现在我的儿子们也通过他们所看到、读到和听到的东西,看到了未来的发展轨迹。 +"With deals for Aquilani and Hamsik impossible, and Stankovic also unlikely due to fan protests, Alonso had emerged as Juve's new first choice signing.",阿奎拉尼和哈姆西克的加盟似乎是不可能的,而斯坦科维奇又遭到了球迷们的强烈反对,因此阿隆索被尤文认定为第一选择。 +Buba: : Sh! They're sleeping in the barn.,布巴:嘘!他们在谷仓里睡觉。 。 +"Then taken the example as the DZ futures company, the article evaluated the risk management capability.",接着,以DZ期货公司为例,对其风险管理能力进行了评价。 +The photographic observations of snout position must be qualified.,对冰川鼻位置的照片观测必须量化。 +"Results Compared with the control group, the SAS and SDS scores were significantly decreased on post-nursing in the observation group (P < 0. 05 ) ;",观察组患者护理后生活质量各维度得分及总健康得分均明显高于对照组(P〈0.05); +The soldiers are here for a NATO exercise.,士兵到这里参加北大西洋公约组织的操演。 +"Acts 2:29 Men, brothers, I can say to you plainly concerning the patriarch David that he both deceased and was buried, and his tomb is among us until this day.",徒二29 诸位,弟兄们,先祖大卫的事,我可以明明地对你们说,他死了,也葬了,并且他的坟墓直到今日还在我们这里。 +It's mainly used to fully or partially open water –flowing orifice of hydraulic construction to adjust the upstream and downstream water level and flow.,主要用于全部或部分开启水工建筑物过水孔口的大小,起到调节上下游水位和流量的作用。 +Such wood will give the smoked fish good color and taste.,这种木料可以使熏鱼的颜色更好看,而且味道更香。 +Remember that you have asked for feedback.,要记得是你自己寻求反馈的。 +Passenger transportation of metropolitan regions is the important part of metropolitan regions transportation and one of the important symbols of realizing an overall well-off society.,都市圈旅客运输是都市圈交通运输业的重要组成部分,是全面实现小康社会的重要标志之一。 +Point your toes toward the wall after you leave the wall or block.,在登壁或跳发后,脚趾应指向身后池壁。 +No art can be grafted with success on another art.,���有哪种艺术能成功地嫁接到另一种艺术上。 +"It's a very new situation, it's about 100 feet, 75 feet off the ground, this is the worst case in the air.",真的是非常危险的形势,距离地面有100英尺,75英尺,这是空中最糟糕的情况。 +"A method of object-oriented graphics-aided simulation modeling is presented, which simplifies complex simulation modeling.",提出了面向对象的图形辅助仿真建模方法,简化了复杂的仿真建模过程。 +Is the red apple sweeter than the green one?,是红色的平棼比绿色的平棼苦吗? +"Preparation and applications of non-Newtonian fluids distribute widely in the chemical, food, petroleum, pharmaceutics and so on.",非牛顿流体的制备和应用广泛存在于化工、食品、石油、医药等工业部门。 +Observation is the basis of geoscientific research.,地球科学是以观测为基础的科学。 +"The first time I saw the Shinkansen in Japan, I was shocked.",第一次在日本看到新干线时,我深感震撼。 +"ANA estimates that if half its passengers went to the bathroom before boarding, it could reduce its carbon dioxide emissions by 4.2 tons a month, said company spokeswoman Megumi Tezuka.",全日空公司的发言人手冢惠美说,据估算,如果有一半的乘客在登机前如厕排空,那么飞机每月可减少4.2吨的二氧化碳排放量。 +The on- off of the first diffraction order of the grating is 87:1. The sample shows good switch ability.,制得的光栅其第一衍射级次的开关比为87:1,显示了较好的开关能力。 +But a phobia can occur in adulthood.,但是恐惧也会发生于成年时期。 +Oftel has rejected a suggestion that the network of BT Group plc should be separated from its retail business.,Oftel拒绝了一份认为英国电信集团的网络部分应与其零售业务分离的提议。 +Surely it is not asking very much to wish that my personal conduct be intelligible to me!,我希望能弄清楚自己的个人品行,相信这个要求并不为过! +"In the future, The Liaoning sports industry development will have to set up the sports industry management idea ---""all the people fitness, the development and the change, the capital management"";",辽宁体育产业今后的发展,必须树立“全民健身的、发展和变化的、资本经营的”体育产业经营观念; +"The instrument has been widely used in oil-gathering station and combination station, crude oil connection station and single well metering of Changqing oil field and gets better results.",该仪表在长庆油田集油站和联合站、原油交接点以及单井计量中得到广泛应用,取得了较好的效果。 +"These horizontal ambitions, coupled with the fears aroused by the speed of technological change, inevitably frays the bond of trust among companies.",这些横向的野心,加上技术变化的速度引起的恐惧,不可避免地降低了公司之间的信任。 +"It's Postman Pat, the world's most famous big nosed Postman, and he was on your humble Spectrum not once, not twice, but at least three times back in the day.",这是世界上最有名的大鼻子邮差邮差帕特,他是不能登大雅之堂的频谱上一次,两次,但早在一天至少三次。 +Mac Adam says she was once shocked by a bride-to-be who asked whether she could include her bank-account number.,亚当说,有一次一位准新娘问到是否应该把她的银行账号也写进请柬,这让她很是惊讶。 +"You can write this sentence in your notebook that the representative of Haiti in China, and all the other Haitian people, strongly oppose this kind of discrimination and alienation.",你可以把这句话写在你的笔记本里——海地驻华代表,以及其他海地人民,都强烈反对这样的歧视和离间。 +"The claims report covered the survey week for the government's closely watched August unemployment report and analysts said it implied payroll losses could exceed July's 131,000 decline.","初请失业金人数报告涵盖了8月非农就业状况调查周,分析师表示这意味着8月就业人数降幅恐超过7月的13.1万人." +"Hirsch browsed the clash of odor, taste and eating behaviors while watching TV at activity tater chip expense.",赫尔希博士通过测算土豆片的摄入量,对看电视时嗅觉、味觉和进食行为的影响进行了探讨。 +In assumption 3 a new operation is introduced and the evolution equations of internal variables are denned in the point set of time.,在假设3中通过引入一种新的运算,把内变量演化方程定义在时间的点集上。 +The operator is responsible for zoning for which he can receive support from institutions such as the TüV or the factory inspectorate.,经营者负责的分区,他可以接受,如摩托罗拉,或由工厂督察机构的支持。 +"At other times groups encourage social loafing, resulting in a drop in our productivity—sometimes by as much as 50%, perhaps more.",而在另一些时候,群体却鼓励磨洋工,导致生产效率以50%甚至更大的比例下降。 +The Israel Antiquities Authority said the earring appeared to have been made using a technique similar to that depicted in portraits from Roman-era Egypt.,以色列文物管理局说,耳环似乎采用来自罗马时代埃及的画像中所描述的类似技术制成。 +You can also find on my manuscript a tune written in simplified musical notes; that was the tune that came out naturally from the happiness I felt.,您会在我的手稿上看到我所写的一个以简谱记下的曲调,那就是由我所感受的快乐而自然地流露出来的曲调。 +"Conclusion In treatment group to improve the symptoms and signs, such as the ability to day-to-day life is better than the control group, embedding acupoint therapy for lu MBAr disc is very effective.",治疗组改善症状体征、日常工作生活能力等优于对照组。结论穴位埋线疗法是治疗腰椎间盘突出很有效的治疗方法。 +All the person computer and electronic facilities must be off. please make sure your hand-hold is properly place.,所有个人电脑及电子设备必须处于关闭状态。 请确认您的手提物品是否已妥善安放。 +"Otherwise, yesterday's friend will become today's enemy, as yesterday's flower will become today's dust.",昨日之友或为今日之敌,譬如昨日之花已于今日零落。 +"In the chapter Autobiography, we can find on the spirit track that leads him form the default of Confucianism to the Taoist worldview.",通过其中《自叙》,可以找出儒家立场的破绽怎样导向道教世界观的心灵轨迹。 +"In Ezhou City is a big window, if there are products to the provinces and cities, and the sales, then we can cooperate on.",在鄂州市是一大窗口,如果有产品想在本省市和全国销售的话,我们可以合作一下。 +The research on theory and practice of Chinese school—based curriculum development is in the first stage.,语文校本课程开发在理论与实践两个层面上的探讨都处于起步阶段。 +The less time you spend watching television could be spend on creating more content.,在看电视上花越少的时间就能在博客上花多点时间写博文了。 +"XPS is the new expert, guzzling down your existing ICC profiles but then ""improving"" on the ""inflexible workflow"" of a technology the printing industry has worked on for more than 15 years.",射线光电子能谱是新的专家,耗油降低您现有的国际刑事法院的概况,只是“改善”的“灵活的工作流程”的技术印刷业已经工作超过15年。 +"China--The Twenty-Four Solar Terms, knowledge of time and practices developed in China through observation of the sun's annual motion.",中国:二十四节气,中国人通过观察太阳周年运动而形成的时间知识体系极其实践。 +Heston learned how to paint and sculpt so that he could realistically imitate the artist's actions.,赫斯顿学会了绘画和雕刻,以便他能真实的模仿这位艺术家的行为。 +"In January, Zhan Shaoyun, a member of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, proposed a questionnaire about campus violence.",今年1月,政协委员詹绍芸拟写了一份关于校园暴力的调查问卷。 +"Web-search engines such as Google and Yahoo use a sophisticated algorithm to match and rank Web pages to search terms, but they still use this standard search technique.",Google 和 Yahoo 等 Web 搜索引擎使用复杂的算法来对 Web 页面进行匹配和排名,以搜索词汇,但他们使用的仍然是这种标准的搜索技术。 +My position on this problem is (that) we can not risk our capital on a dubious business.,我对这问题的态度是,我们不能冒险把资金抽在一项无把握的业务上。 +"New memory protection technology is named amount to to defend according to carrying out ( DEP ) , it can prevent code move on illegal memory address.",新的内存保护技术被命名为数据执行防护( DEP ),它可以防止代码在非法的内存地址上运行。 +Humans degenerated from 10 feet to almost half this size over time.,而人类则从10英尺退化到几乎原有尺寸的一半。 +"Time for a beer, and I narrowly avoid entering a crazy music festival aimed at teenagers before finding a terrific US theme bar called Eudora Station.",该喝一杯啤酒了,在找到一家极好的名为“尤多拉车站”的美国主题酒吧前,我几乎要进到一处以青少年为主的疯狂的音乐节里面。 +"It was the present of summer, to many of us living in Shanghai at that time, and we didn't care whether the soda water was in a mug or a glass bowl.",那个时候的我们从不在意手中的汽水到底是放在杯子里还是玻璃小碗。 +A long-standing belief is that cancer cells constantly develop and are held in check by a healthy immune2) system.,"一种传统的说法是, 癌细胞在人体内不断繁殖, 但受到健康免疫系统的控制。" +"Democratic participating, civil autonomy, voluntary organizations gradually become the trend of the development of urban community.",民主参与、自我管理、组织民间化正逐渐成为社区非营利组织发展的趋势。 +"In the signing of the contract or agreement, the seal and the special contract have the same legal effect.",在合同、协议的签订中,公章和合同专用章具有同等法律效力。 +Should an internist evaluate each patient before ambulatory surgery?,每个门诊手术病人都要进行内科医师评估吗? +Objective: To explore intramuscular neurovascular distribution of forearm extensors and evaluate whether muscles of forearm can be divided into several functional units for transplantation.,目的:观察前臂伸肌内神经血管解剖分布,探讨前臂肌是否可被分割为若干个功能单位,以提供新的功能性骨骼肌游离移植供区。 +"David Williams a spokesman for Ladbrokes said: ""It's an incredibly rare thing to happen.",博彩公司的发言人大卫? 威廉姆斯说:“这种事发生的几率太小了。 +"“My interest in the culture was really sparked by the movie ‘Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, ’ to be honest, ” said Melvoin, who has studied Chinese since high school.",从高中就开始研究中国的Melvoin说:“我对中国文化的兴趣源起来自电影《卧虎藏龙》,很难想像这部电影是他们文化的真实写照。” +"WHY, asks a Democrat leading a training session for fellow activists, doesn’t “Yes we can” work as a slogan any more? “Because we haven’t,” a jaded participant responds.",一个领导活动分子培训课的民主党问道:”为什’YES WE CAN’这个标语不再起作用了’”.一个被培训得疲惫不堪的参与者回答说”因为我们还没让它发挥作用. +"Remember to brush the inside and chewing surfaces of your teeth, as well as your tongue.",切记牙齿的内侧和咬合面都要刷到,舌苔也要刷哦。 +To much wealth is very frequently the occasion of poverty. (No. 38),太多的财富通常会在贫穷的场合下流露出来。 +"It also has a quality that helps soy cheese products physically resemble dairy products, and it adds protein content to the cheese.",它还拥有一个高质量的,有助于大豆奶酪产品身体类似乳制品,并增加了蛋白质含量的奶酪。 +"Government policy concentrated on heavy industries that were badly damaged, such as steel, chemicals, and transportation equipment.",政府政策侧重于遭受重创的重工业,如钢铁、化工以及交通设备。 +These jumbos were painted black and white by keepers for a parade at Bangkok's Ayutthaya elephant camp to mark the birth of a panda at a local zoo.,在曼谷大城大象训练营的一次游行中,这些大家伙们被涂成黑白两色来庆祝当地动物园中一只熊猫的生日。 +"Right? Now, unfortunatly, I myself just do not fall behind that idea, and I'll tell you why.","不错,但是恐怕我自己,不同意这种观点,我来告诉你为什么。" +Wealthy owners of large gardens put up hothouses .,大果园的富翁建立了温室。 +"And mind you, keep a lookout for Injun Joe, because he said he was going to drop into town and spy around once more for a chance to get his revenge.",提醒你注意印第安- 乔的动静,他说过要溜回城里打探虚实以便伺机报复。 +TAPE IN jacks and REC OUT jacks offer easy connection of tape decks for playback and recording.,TAPE IN和REC OUT插孔为播放与录音的磁带卡座插孔提供方便的连接。 +"Alternatively, a large number of sun-tracking flat mirrors can direct sunlight to the top of a so-called ""power tower"".",或者,也可以用数量很多的追踪阳光的平面镜,将阳光折射聚集到所谓的“太阳能塔(power tower)”的顶部。 +Another issue before the commission is the question of geographical indication and the relationship of Codex to other international agreements covering this concept.,食典委面前的另一事项是地理标志的问题以及食品法典与涉及该概念的其它国际协定之间的关系。 +"There's been no shortage of outrage in Congress about CEOs and their corporate jets, but members of Congress know something about luxury travel, too.",美国国会里不乏对企业老板及他们私人专机的愤怒,不过,一些国会议员也学会了这种奢侈的旅行方式。 +"No plot, bno features. Many are stereotyped !",没有剧情,没有特色,大多都是公式化。 +"""And not go fleeing from the room in fright!",“而且即使害怕也不许从这个房间跑出去。” +"The main stock index has dropped 290 points since Friday, when news started to spread.",自上周五这一传言在市场上扩散开来以后,上证指数已经下跌了290点。 +Thus a new project must be advanced by the railway research department that how to operate the reception and departure of train safely in improper conditions.,这就给铁路科研部门提出了一个新的课题—如何在非正常情况下进行安全可靠的接发列车作业。 +Hunting rock paintings which have different styles and abundant contents re-presented the hunting scenes in the primitive society vividly.,风格不同、内容丰富的狩猎岩画生动地再现了原始社会盛行狩猎文化时期精彩的狩猎场面。 +Conclusions The findings suggest that the increased plasma ET-1 level may have effect on HPA axis in bipolar depressive patients.,结论抑郁症患者血浆ET-1水平升高可能与部分(双相)抑郁患者HPA轴功能亢进有关。 +"Over the intervening years, we have witnessed the term advanced aseptic processing come into ever wider use.",事隔数年之后,我们发现术语“高级无菌工艺”得到了广泛的使用。 +"They are good sources of protein, vitamins and are also high in unsaturated fats.",它们蛋白质,维他命含量极高,也富含较高不饱和脂肪。 +Foreign large and medium-sized enterprises have been widely using budget management and obtained the good achievement.,国外的大中型企业已普遍采用预算管理并取得了一定的成效。 +"It's an important objective to get as many supporters as possible, but timeliness is also an important imperative.",尽量争取各国的支持是一个重要目标,但抓住时机也是非常必要的。 +"Speaking at the family home, Major's father Adrian described his grief over his son's death.",梅杰的父亲艾德里安(Adrian)在家中谈及了他对儿子遇难的悲痛心情。 +Could we go by car instead of by train?,我们能不能坐汽车,而不坐火车去呢? +The metering separator has a metering chamber and float to record the quantities of liquids.,计量分离器有一个计量室和浮子,用来记录液体的数量。 +The sense of history and culture is revealed by the crystal chandelier on the ceiling and the elaborate floral leaves portray the classic beauty.,天顶的水晶灯似乎正无声地诉说着历史与文化感,繁复的花叶透射着古典的美; +"Now the technology is in the stage of industrialization , the main field of that is clean coal generation and coal chemical.",目前该技术已经进入工业化发展阶段,主要应用于清洁煤发电和煤化工领域。 +It is my duty to pronounce judgement against that corrupted leader.,我有责任提出反对那个堕落的领导人的意见。 +"By using a novel prototype drug, researchers have discovered more about the mechanisms underlying female sexual arousal, according to findings published today in the British Journal of Pharmacology.",根据刊登在今日出版的《英国药理学杂志》上的报告,研究者通过使用一种新型药剂,发现了更多女性潜在的性兴奋机制。 +lowVolumeEndPoint (cost: 3 cents per request; response time: 20 milliseconds per check; 1000 > checks per batch > 1),lowVolumeEndPoint(成本:每请求一次 3 分;响应时间:每检查一次 20 毫秒;1000 > 每批检查数量 > 1) +Mother would call at night from New York about a missile crisis in nearby Cuba.,妈妈晚上从纽约打电话告诉我附近的古巴发生了导弹危机。 +Let's go over the draft once again.,我们把这篇稿子再过一遍。 +The Shansi-Suiyuan Daily made very great progress following the conference of secretaries of prefectural Party committees last June.,《晋绥日报》在去年六月的地委书记会议以后,有很大进步。 +The play will tour other theatres in Australia in July.,这部剧在七月将在澳大利亚的其他剧场巡演。 +"Q. What did Esme, Rosalie, and Alice's wedding dresses look like?",埃斯梅、罗莎莉和爱丽丝的婚纱是什么样子的呢? +"As a soly owned Italian company, Taige Industry (Shanghai) Co. , Ltd. is fully engaged in bringing the most advanced tanning machinery and technology to China.",泰格实业(上海)有限公司是一家意大利独资企业,致力于将世界最领先的意大利皮革机械和技术带到中国。 +The civil wars in Sudan clearly show that the religious tensions that brought about the Crusades nearly a thousand years ago have not dispated.,苏丹的内战清楚地表明,近千年前的十字军东侵所造成的宗教紧张状态至今尚未消除。 +But a woman who had been suffering from a hemorrhage for twelve years came up behind him and touched the edge of his cloak.,一个十二年来苦难于出血症的女人, 来到他背后, 摸着他的衣边。 +"Through Lefevere""s ""Three Factors"" theories, this thesis is also to contrastively analyze and explain the discrepancies between the two complete versions of Hongloumeng.",本文还将利用勒菲弗尔的“三因素”理论对《红楼梦》的两个全译本进行对比分析。 +Just think there are too many emulational things now . i am used to it already now . what we want is just happy time .,想想现在山寨版的东西实在是太多了,已经习惯了。大家图的只是个开心而已。 +The text has carried on detailed analysis to Pharmacokinetics and neuropharmacology of Ganfukang dropping pill .,本文对治疗病毒性肝炎的新药肝复康滴丸进行了药代动力学以及血清药理学研究。 +"What do you mean, Shifu?",您这话什么意思啊, 师傅?。 +Postscript: I enclose the photograph my sister and I took on the way to school.,又及:随信附上一张我与妹妹上学路上拍的照片。 +"When Added Additive, PEC, strength, the ratio of the thermal expansion and fluidity etc, of bond would be effected, through testing, strength and toughness of bond will proved with adding alloy.",在低温陶瓷结合剂中添加适量金属或合金粉,就会对结合剂的耐火度、 流动性、 热膨胀系数、 强度等性能产生影响。通过试验分析,合金粉的加入能改善结合剂的强度及韧性。 +"The built-in 3.5 inch disk driver or USB joint, it can directly read the design patterns of TAJAMA and BARUDAN.",内置3.5英寸磁盘驱动器或USB接口,可直接读取田岛、百灵达格式的制版花样。 +"Incoming particles also interfere with satellite electronics. Many communications satellites, such as Anik E1 and E2 in 1994 and Telstar 401 in 1997, have been compromised or lost in this way.",入射的粒子还会干扰人造卫星的电子设备,许多通讯卫星,如1994年的安尼克E1号和E2号卫星以及1997年的泰斯达401号卫星,都是因此受损或报废的。 +"Mixed with soil, leaves, and grass clippings, the rotting food quickly stops smelling.",用土壤、树叶和除下来的杂草混合,这些正在腐烂的东西的味道会立即消失。 +It is by far the best app I’ve found for keeping track of all my travel itineraries.,这是迄今为止我在所有记录旅行线路的应用中认为是最好的软件。 +"A trembling hand was laid on Gerard's shoulder. It made him start violently, strung up as he was.",一只颤抖的手搁在杰勒德肩上,由于他十分紧张,不禁使他猛地一跳。 +"Barcelona: 21, 031, 192","巴塞罗那: 21,031,192" +More than 90 percent of pasture species are the perennial plants and have very stable niche in the forest of Liaoning east mountainous area.,辽东山地林下牧草90%以上种类为多年生植物,有着比较牢固的生境生态位。 +Will the C-TPAT importer bear sole responsibility for the security processes and facility of a C-TPAT foreign manufacturer.,C-TPAT进口商是否独立承担C-TPAT国外制造商的安全过程和工厂的责任?。 +It is proved that the newly defined indices can better reflect the variation of the storm track in this study.,通过比较分析, 证明了新定义的指数更能反映风暴轴实际的变动特征。 +"Tissue, Total Protein, Human Tumor, Neuroma.",组织, 总蛋白, 人肿瘤, 神经瘤。 +"By analyzing, it is considered that effect of tire pressure on tire wear is very small, a nd setting of wheel camber has primary effect on tire wear, which is verified by tests.",经过分析认为,轮胎气压对于轮胎磨损的影响是相当小的,而在轮胎磨损中起主导作用的是轮胎外倾角参数的设置,并且通过试验对此进行了验证。 +""" Love means giving up-yielding my preferences, comfort, goals, security, money, energy, or time for the benefit of someone else.",,爱意谓放弃,为别人的好处放弃自己的喜好、舒适、目标、安全感、钱财、精力或时间。 +"These data have been extracted from the Research Report ""Evaluation of Velvet Antler, Stage 2 – Comparative Composition"", Invermay Agricultural Centre, Mosgiel, New Zealand.",这些资料乃节录自位于纽西兰Mosgiel的Invermay 农业研究中心( Invermay Agricultural Centre)所提的「鹿角评估,第2阶段– 比较成份」研究报告。 +The effects of different cooling manners on the structure and properties of aluminum-lithium alloy 1420 ingot as after homogenization treatment were investigated.,研究了1420铝锂合金均匀化热处理后不同的冷却方式对铸锭组织和性能的影响。 +Mean: The sum of all variables divided by the number of variables.,样本均值:所有变量的总和除以变量的数量。 +The keratin matrix and the keratin whiskers are extracted from natural keratin fiber.,所述的角蛋白基质和角蛋白晶须均 是从天然角蛋白纤维中提取得到。 +"Straw pulp normally gives more serious sticking problems on the press rolls and more frequent web breaks at the wet end of paper machine than wood pulp, thus causing poor runnability in paper making.",麦草浆在纸机抄造过程中,通常存在比木浆严重得多的粘辊、断头现象,人们常把这些现象归咎于麦草浆湿纸强度低和粘附力高。 +"Edgar Linton, after an inquisitive stare, collected sufficient wit to recognize her.",埃德加·林惇好奇地直瞪她,总算不傻,把她认出来了。 +The fraction mixed acids are shown to be the main surface-active substances for the emulsification of crudes by aqueous alkali and the fraction non-acids can only promote and enhanc…,有机酸是引起各原油碱水乳化的活性物质,非酸含氧化合物本身无碱水乳化活性,但对有机酸的乳化活性有协同作用。 +The excitation spectrum is gapless in superfluid phase whereas there is a gap in the Mott insulator phase. The critical velocities which are nonzero are relation of the different spin component.,超流体存在一个与自旋分量相关的非零的临界速度,流体的速度超过这个临界速度将破坏超流相。 +Excessive or prolonged bleeding after dental extractions,拔牙后持续大量出血; +"CM provides some tools to manage users and user groups, but in certain cases, these tool are not sufficient.",CM 提供了一些工具来管理用户和用户组,但是在某些情况下,这些工具还不够。 +"Notice that multiple jobs are in the RUNNING status and as each job completes, a QUEUED job is moved to the job spool device queue and executed.",注意,有多个作业处于 RUNNING 状态;每当一个作业完成时,一个 QUEUED 作业就转移到作业假脱机设备队列中并执行。 +"For example, when Paul Rabar first started out, people who wanted to invest with him would ask how he traded.",当保罗·拉巴开始交易时,投资给他的人喜欢问他是如何交易的。 +Awschalom's diamond quantum memory could also be useful for building large quantum networks.,Awschalom的钻石量子存储也可用于建立大型量子网络。 +"""No matter what the federal court of appeals argues,"" he says, ""whoever loses there is going to seek United States Supreme Court review.""",他说:“不管联邦上诉法庭裁决结果怎么样,打输官司的一方一定会上诉到高等法院复审。” +Whang recreates masterpieces of Korean literati art;,黄氏把韩国的经典文人艺术重新塑造。 +How to make learning and memory of the model possess conditionality;,如何使模型的学习与记忆具有条件性; +"Some of China's feistier journals, despite being state-owned, have criticised Shanghai's decision.",中国一些敢言的杂志,尽管是国有的,仍批评了上海的决定。 +"When you view a YouTube video with a great soundtrack, you often see comments from YouTube users asking about the name of the song and where they can download it.",当你在youtube的某个视频上听到一个很棒的声带时,你常常会在下面的回复里看到youtube的用户询问这首歌的名字以及它们可以在哪里下载。 +The paper discussed the measurement for wavefront of large aperture optical system with synthesizing wavefront method.,本文采用了子孔径波面的合成方法实现大口径光学系统波面的检测。 +"Over the last ten years, sales of our five main products have undergone quite important changes.",过去十年,我们五个主打产品的销售情况变动很大。 +'s monthly traffic now stands at 21 million unique visitors a month; just before last November's presidential election it was 54 million.,时报网站NYT.com的月流量目前为每月2100万独立访问者;去年11月大选之前它的流量曾达到5400万。 +Program this operator to extract the account ID from each XML document and to include the full contents of each XML document in the result set.,对这个操作符进行配置,使之从每个 XML 文档提取账户 ID,并将每个 XML 文档的完整内容 包括在结果集中。 +"There is a different color for the live, neutral and earth wires.",有电电线、无电电线和地线的颜色都不一样。 +So stop being so nice to me. I'm not attracted to you.,林嘉欣:“所以,你别对我太好,我没什么感觉。” +You later discovered that lsof shows the file descriptor of a process and the associated file name.,在随后的内容中,您看到了 lsof 可以显示进程的文件描述符和相关的文件名。 +"The present authors find that cultural mistranslation can somehow be attributed to conflicts in, or inadequate knowledge about, cultural schema.",借鉴图式理论对翻译理解过程所做的分析表明,文化误译与译者文化图式缺省、文化图式冲突关系极大。 +"Six Capital's mission is to become a Centre of Excellence for Financial Trading in Asia, imparting world-class financial trading skills to young, fresh graduates in emerging markets.",六达资本的任务是成为亚洲顶尖的交易中心,传授世界一流的外汇交易技巧给投身于正蓬勃发展的市场中的年轻毕业生。 +"Between pruning, spraying, and picking, there was more work than a single man should be able to handle.",除了修理枝叶、喷洒雾剂和采摘之外,一个人还要掌握很多很多。 +"By comparing tumor tissue to normal tissue, they pinpointed 10 mutated genes in the cancerous tissue apparently involved in triggering AML.",通过将癌变组织与正常组织进行比较,科学家在癌变组织中发现了10组与急性淋巴细胞白血病明显相关的、发生突变的基因。 +"Ideally, i'd get the data and the code for the scraper but i can run the scraper myself as well.",理想情况下,我会得到的数据和刮刀,但我的代码可以运行刮板自己是很好。 +Recent economic data in the 15-nation Eurozone has been grim and many European countries have been calling for this latest drop.,15国欧元区最近出台的经济数据都相当黯淡。很多欧洲国家都呼吁采取最近做出的降息行动。 +Oracle and NetApp agreed to seek to have the lawsuits dismissed without prejudice,甲骨文和网泰信息存储公司同意毫无偏见地撤销这起诉讼案。 +"By 2007, governments had agreed to transform the network of bilateral deals into a much more practicable common pot of money.","至2007年,亚洲各政府同意将双边协议体系转变成更具操作性的共同资金库." +This past September the New York Times launched this customized New York Times Reader application (click here to download and use it for free),去年九月纽约时报发布了这个定制的纽约时报阅读器程序(点击这里免费下载和使用) +"The load sensors include connectors, such as jacks, for releasably receiving a complementary plug of a cable.",载荷传感器包括用于可释放地接收电缆的互补插头的连接器,例如插口。 +"In view of the fact that the demand of jet fuel exceeds its supply in Chi- na, it is suggested that greater amount of jet fuel should be produced in domestic refineries from imported crude oils.",本文从国内喷气燃料供需矛盾紧张的状况出发,提出了解决这一矛盾的途径之一,即积极采用进口原油生产喷气燃料,这是完全可行的。 +"We form one heart , weave one dream.",我们组成一颗心,织成一个梦。 +Geometry analysis and design procedure of complex pantograph structures are studied with joint coordinates as variables and parabolic shell is taken as an example.,以抛物面壳为例,介绍了用节点坐标为未知量分析复杂剪式铰结构几何问题的方法和几何设计的步骤。 +"Dejuyuan folk-style Guesthouse whichlocates at NO. 43 West Street in Pingyao town, consistsofshops, yards, and attics, is the oldest yards in the ancient town.",德居源客栈位于平遥古城西大街43号,由铺面、庭院及阁楼组成,是古城最古老的院落之一。 +"Since transport is equally easy in all directions in the isotropic plain, each central place providing the first order goods (the lowest order goods) will have a circular market area of the same size.",在均质平原上,由于在所有方向的运输费都相等,所以会一个提供一级货物(最低级货物)的中地,都会有相同大小的圆形市场范围。 +The Cosmic Dance is a playful book that takes a broad view of the subject of science and religious aspiration.,宇宙舞会是选科学的学科和宗教愿望的宏观瞻顾的一本顽皮的书。 +"'Usually, it's the other way around: A chef will develop a hobby for sculpting and start doing it with food.",他说,一般来说是反过来的:厨师逐渐对雕刻感兴趣,然后开始跟食物相结合; +"Especially for high pressure ratio turbochargers, the results are even more satisfactor…",所以,双列叶栅扩压器更适用于高压比增压器。 +"The scrolls have provided information on ancient Jewish religious practice, history of the area and its relationship with Rome, what some consider templates for Christian religious practice and more.",这些卷轴内展示了大量的古代犹太宗教仪式,该地区历史及其和罗马的关系,甚至含有基督教仪式的模版。 +"And Edom, and Moab, and the children of Ammon.",给厄东、摩阿布和阿孟子民; +"Since the effect of system errors, it is hard to find exactitude formula to express relation between the CRT display to laser display .",由于系统误差和其他影响,很难找到现有CRT制式和激光显示可以实际应用的关系式。 +"In a bid to tackle the problem, Microsoft last year launched an unconventional campaign in China that caused a black screen to be displayed every hour for users of pirated Windows XP.","为了应对这一问题,微软去年在中国展开了一场非同寻常的战役,用户在使用盗版Windows XP系统时每小时都将出现一次黑屏." +It is vital for guaranteeing the product quality and developing the capacity of straightener farthest to change roll quickly.,快速换辊对于保证产品质量、最大限度的发挥矫直机能力至关重要。 +Sexual assaults have been quite prevalent in the inter-ethnic conflicts since the Second World War.,在二战以后频繁的族际冲突中,一族男性集体地对另一族女性进行性侵犯的现象是普遍存在的。 +"The national standard of luminous efficiency is 60%, but YOUGOT gets to 86.6%.",灯具效率的国家标准为60%,而YOUGOT 光槽系统的光效达到了86.6%。 +"He has won the praise of former Bush administration economists such as Glenn Hubbard, the former head of the council of economic advisers.",沃尔克曾得到过布什政府主要经济学家的赞扬,比如格伦·哈伯格——他是经济咨询委员会的前任主席。 +"They moved into an upscale house in a gated community, but all these material gains had not brought them happiness.",他们搬到了高档的门禁社区,但是这些物质财富的增加并没有给他们带来快乐。 +"""We should think of each host and its parasites as a superorganism with the respective genomes yoked into a chimera of sorts, "" he wrote in Science in 2000.",他在2000年发表了他的观点:“我们应该将每一个宿主和他的寄生物看作是一种超个体,将他们各自的基因组结合而成的一类嵌合体”。 +The results showed that the cold-resistant of diapause larva is stronger than non-diapause at initial stages of exposure cold.,这表明,在低温暴露初期滞育幼虫的抗寒能力比非滞育幼虫的强; +"The name Ashtanga Yoga itself links the practice to a philosophical, inner and meditative tradition.",取名为八支瑜伽即是将哲学,内在及传统的***冥想操练均连结… +Objective To compare the quality of life(QOL)in depressed outpatients with anti-depressant before and after treatment.,目的研究门诊抑郁症患者的生命质量(QOL)及其抗抑郁治疗后生命质量的疗效。 +"The answer is definitely ""yes"", although it is a difficult task.",回答当然是肯定的,尽管它是一项困难的工作。 +And we have cooking parties where we all like have meals together and it's just nice.,我们还有烹饪派对,我们一起吃饭,很好。 +"Laura Sweeney, a Justice Department spokeswoman, said the department is committed to transparency, and that redactions are made by experienced lawyers.",美司法部发言人劳拉·斯维尼(Laura Sweeney)称,司法部一直致力于政务公开工作,因此所有的报告删减工作均由富有经验的律师负责。 +"My Britney, we should get married ah? To wish you and Xinlang Guan, the United States and the United States sweet, sweet sweet honey ah.",我的小甜甜,要结婚了啊?祝愿你和新郎官,甜甜美美,甜甜蜜蜜啊。 +"After all, if you donot resist the apparently inevitable, you will never know how inevitable theinevitable was.",毕竟,如果你不抵制滚滚而来的必然性,就就永远不会知道必然性是如何的不可避免。 +Yet the shooting rampage apparently was not the only crime committed at the Lingling courthouse in recent years.,可见,在零陵法院,枪击事件显然不仅仅是一个犯罪行为。 +"It took a long time to reach that decision, and then, after all this period of nothing happening, I was suddenly commissioned to write four Dr Whos and the next five Hitchhikers all at once.",作出这个决定花了很久,结果到这时候,在这么久什么都没有发生的时间以后,我一下子要同时完成4集Dr Who还有漫游指南的后面5集。 +"Miss Puff is designed to have 104 episodes, the highest number ever made by a video site in China.",初定为104集,成为中国视频行业目前最长的自制剧集。 +"It often suffered from parasitoses, stomatitis, catching cold and then suffered pneumonia, so it was difficult to be reared by hand.",易患寄生虫、口腔炎、感冒并继发肺炎等疾病,人工饲养难度较大。 +"Anger is a bear, but if you pay attention, you'll hear it roaring useful instructions about how you should steer your future.",愤怒是一只熊,但是如果你注意的话,你将会听见它正吼出如何把握未来的指令。 +The output project will be generated with the user-defined name specified in the source model.,输出项目将会以原模型中指定的用户设定名称生成。 +"In the West, if a student slogs his guts out and does well, he is merely reaping what is expected of him.",在西方,如果一名学生努力不懈而取得优异成绩,那只是他应得的回报。 +"The study focused on recreational screen time because it’s the easiest to curtail, Dr. Stamatakis said.",Stamatakis医生说,这项研究聚焦在屏幕前的闲暇时间,因为这是最容易控制的。 +"In this context, fast food in Jianhu County also had rapid development.",在此背景下,建湖的快餐业也有了迅猛的发展。 +"When Obi-Wan Kenobi was seeking out information about the planet Kamino, he turned to the Jedi Archives.",当欧比万·克奴比为寻找卡密诺星的线索而愁眉不展时,他来到绝地档案室寻找帮助。 +I keep a spare tyre in the back of the car.,我把备用轮胎放在车后面。 +"Business covers the maritime provinces of mainland and many countries as Turkey, Malaysia etc.",客户遍及国内的沿海各省和土耳其、马来西亚等国家。 +"With the case study of Longchuan Village of jixi, Anhui Province, how to protect ancient villages and how to combine the protection and tourism are analyzed and discussed in this paper.",通过龙川村的案例,对如何进行古村落的保护,如何把保护与旅游结合起来进行了分析探讨。 +"Under both types of losses, The water-soluble inorganic phosphorus was the main loss form of dissolved phosphorus, of which the average occupies 67.54%.",两种流失方式下水溶性无机磷是水溶态磷素的主要流失形态,所占比例平均值为67.54%。 +"Molly : Right. Did you know the biggest Victory in World Cup History was in 1982 - Hungary VS El Salvador, 10 goals to 1?",莫莉:对了,你知不知道在1982年世界杯的一次比分相差最悬殊的比赛?在那次比赛中,匈牙利队10:1击败了萨尔瓦多队。 +"Julia: Her single ""Un-Break My Heart"" released in 1997 rocketed Braxton to superstardom.",朱莉娅:她1997年发布了单曲《弥合我的心》,名气迅速提升,成为一个超级明星。 +We suggest you use gcc 3.3.x for all the building processes of coLinux (kernel image and the user space tools) since it is proven to deliver the most stable binaries.,我们建议您在构建 coLinux 的所有过程中 (内核映像和用户空间工具)都使用 gcc 3.3.x,因为已经证明它能够生成最稳定的 二进制程序。 +Role-based permission lookup process,基于角色权限查找过程 +"We look up at the stars and can't help but think of space travel, or Spanish explorers, or Abraham.",我们抬头仰望星空,有了游历太空的想法,想起了西班牙航海家,或亚伯拉罕·林肯。 +"Thes. 5:2 For you yourselves know perfectly well that like a thief in the night, so the day of the Lord comes.",帖前五2 因为你们自己明确晓得,主的日子来到,好像夜间的贼一样。 +"At that time, she was grey-haired with wrinkles all over her face, while he still remained the same young face when the snowslide happened twenty years ago, so she deeply felt the power of time.",那个时候,她已经两鬓飞霜,皱纹满布,而他还是雪崩时二十年前的青春容颜。 她深深地感觉到时光的力量。 +"""Although we've gotten better, we still argue every single time we get in the car, "" says Ms. Floyd, 41-years-old, a corporate trainer who lives in Kennesaw, Ga.",“虽然我们的关系已经好多了,但每次坐进车里还是会争吵,”41岁的弗洛伊德说。 她是一位企业 培训师,居住在佐治亚州的肯尼索市。 +"The advertisement of your furniture in the thirty-eighth issue of Bisiness Weekly in 2004 appeals to us,and we would love to have full details of your offer.",贵公司刊登在《商务周刊》2004年第38期上的家具广告引起了我方的兴趣,去噢们想了解贵公司全面详细的报价。 +"As the metal is poured, the foam vaporizes, and the metal takes its place.",当金属浇入时,泡沫材料蒸发,金属取代其位置。 +"When you don’t feel like working, it’s easy to tackle everything half-heartedly, doing the bare minimum to scrape by.",当你没有心情工作的时候,很容易就三心二意地处理事情,只是草草了事。 +"The paper gives a solution to education and research of enterprise synthesis automation on the basis of intelligence-base, enterprise dynamic model, status feedback and disturbance event feedback.",给出了基于知识库、企业动态模型以及状态、扰动事件反馈的企业综合自动化教学、科研实验平台方案。 +Prove with elementary method that the curve described by an isochronous pendulum and the fastest falling curve are cycloids.,用初等方法证明等时摆的摆锤所描成的曲线和最速降落曲线都是旋轮线; +Tom has as many picture books as Mike.,汤姆和迈克有同样多的图画书。 +"There is no translation for this word and perhaps it is just a noise such as a man might make, involuntarily, feeling the nail go through his hands and into the wood.",这个词儿是没法翻译的,也许不过是一声叫喊,就象一个人觉得钉子穿过他的双手,钉进木头时不由自主地发出的声音。 +Someone in this forum has granted me with such an award simply because I took him from behind on the other day.,本论坛有人赠我此奖项,仅仅是因为多日前我从背后“要”了他。 +"Provide efficient and cost-effective installation solutions. Ensure on time installation, testing and commissioning of Repower wind energy equipment;",提供高效、低成本的最佳安装方案,确保风力发电设备的安装、测试和如期投运; +"With the ages becoming younger of the basalts, their alkali, the fractional degree of LREE/ HREE and incompatible elements enrichment increased.",随着时代变新,玄武岩碱性逐渐增强,轻、重稀土元素分离程度及不相容元素富集程度也逐渐增强。 +The effects of isothermal temperature and holding time on microstructure evolution and forming of AZ91D magnesium alloy in semi-solid state were studied.,研究了等温热处理温度和保温时间等工艺参数对AZ91D镁合金半固态组织演变和成形性的影响。 +Has it proved by experience or just you guess?,你都知道我在背后发功。 +"When you begin to realize all of the wonderful benefits Magic has provided you, you learn to become at ease with the mundane situations that can occur in any given moment.",当你开始意识到万智牌向你提供的一切好处,你就会去学会平静看待那些随时能发生的平常事。 +Results: All the 46 cases of pituitary apoplexy suffered from a sudden hemorrhage or infarction of pituitary macroadenomas.,结果:46例均为垂体大腺瘤基础上并发出血和(或)坏死。 +"DiskCryptor - fully open solution to encrypt all partitions, including system. The program is a replacement for proprietary DriveCrypt Plus pack and PGP WDE.",这是一个免费、开源的磁盘加密软件。它可以加密整个硬盘,包括系统分区、闪存驱动器实时加密不会影响性能。 +Vermiculite is the best plantlet substrate .,移栽采用蛭石作为苗床基质。 +Damper gain Use this slider to set the strength of all damping effects sent to the device.,阻尼调节使用这个滑片来设置所有设备的减震效果。 +"The middle class had been shafted in the eighties, and Bush had been crippled by signing a gas-tax increase.",中产阶级在80年代受到了不公平的对待,而且老布什因为签署了增加汽油税的法案而遭遇了很多抨击。 +How do you expect me to fall in love with someone who speaks like a book all the time?,你怎么能指望我去钟情于一个专爱咬文嚼字的书呆子呢? +"The city and the people here, "" Sammer explains, ""have wasted no time in making it possible for me to feel at home.",这座城市和这里的人民,让我无时无刻地感觉到就像呆在家一样。 +"If temperature of the equipment exceeds 400℃, it is recommendable to use aluminum silicate for the inner layer and refractory glass wool for the outer layer, also staggering their seams.",当所需保温的设备温度超过400℃时,建议内层用一定厚度的硅酸铝,外层用耐高温玻璃棉,两层之间的接缝也应错开。 +"A:June, I'm sorry to be late, my kid was sick and I had to take her to the hospital.",A:朱恩,对不起我迟到了,我的小孩儿病了,我得送她去医院。 +"I said, what you typed on the list. I will be known as one .",她说会。我说,哪你打字就行了,一会又叫我。 +"However, the movie serves more as a romance story than that of a tragedy.",然而,这部电影更多的是作为一部爱情片而非悲剧片。 +"I was eh, I was really intimidated until she told me that every time they were in bed together, when he was on his way in, so / expect, he used to go, ""*!""",我当时确实有点怵,生怕不能满足她。 直到后来,她告诉我说每次他们上床,当他准备直捣黄龙的时候他就会高喊:挺住!! +Two seasons ago Arsenal topped the table at this juncture and appeared reasonably well-equipped.,两个赛季前的同一关头,阿森纳领跑积分榜,而且甚是兵强马壮。 +"There are lots of Kehun in the later one, which shows the characteristics of the beauty of vulgar that embodies in the respects of role, language, content, action, etc.",戏曲作品按照是否适于演出可大致分为案头本和舞台本,而舞台脚本中包含大量插科打诨,其以俗为美的整体风格特色具体体现在脚色、语言、内容、动作等几个方面。 +"The Seven Dwarves live deep within a female-free-zone of the Enchanted Forest, but they cannot resist the innocent charms of Snow White when she enters their world.",七个小矮人住在魔法森林深处,那里没有女人寓居,但当白雪公主离开了他们的世界,他们还是无法顺从她那天真无邪的魅力。 +Through the establishment of a sound quality system to produce quality products that meet or exceed the quality of both countries and Buban (Ministry of Chemical Industry) standards.,通过建立完善的质量体系、生产出优质产品,质量均达到或超过国家及部颁(化工部)标准。 +"Then her feet started sticking to the ground, almost literally.",后来她的脚开始像粘在地上一样,难于移动。 +Hand over the treasure! We're gettin' real sore.,快把财宝交出来,不然我们会痛扁你!“” +"Bryant shot 48.7 percent from the field in those games and has made 43 consecutive foul shots, proving he still can shoot.",科比的命中率高达48.7%,并连续命中43次罚球,这些宣布科比依然可以投篮。 +"Max Hotel Livorno is strategically located just few minutes from the railway station, opposite the Sport and Exhibition Centre, and only 2 kilometers from the highway A12.",利沃诺在战略上最大的酒店距火车站仅几分钟从高速公路A12中,对面是体育和展览中心,只有2公里。 +"Lei Siyu, who graduated from the Dalian University of Technology in the spring with a degree in software engineering, beat the gauntlet.",今年春天毕业于大连理工大学软件工程专业的雷思雨,决心要背水一战。 +"The former makes use of DEA method to evaluate the relative efficient level of any given project from itself and others, and then turns the results into individual fuzzy preference relations.",前者利用数据包括分析(DEA)方法从自身和其它决策者的角度评价了各投资方案的相对效率水平,然后将评价结果转化为各决策者的模糊偏好关系。 +"Many basic indices remain grim. Africans’ lifespan is still declining, owing largely to the scourge of AIDS, 60% of whose worldwide victims are African.",不少的基础指数仍然严酷:非洲人的寿命还在持续下降,苦难的根源大部分来自艾滋病,全球60%的受害者是非洲人;世行最近的报告提醒要关注非洲形势高涨的 可持续性:该报告注意到大部分的高速增长都是受到撒南非洲国家原油高收入的推动。 +"DeLily is founded with philosophy of Delicacy, Excellence & Innovation . We make good use of tempered glass, stainless steel & aluminium to bring our customers visual pleasure and living convenience.",德丽公司本着“ 精美、优质、创新”的产品理念,巧妙运用“钢化玻璃”,“不锈钢”和“铝合金”等为顾客带来视觉的享受和生活的便利。 +"Last week, the UK Guardian newspaper reported that security researchers had discovered a log of locations being locally cached on an iPhone 4, from a report posted at O'Reilly.",英国 卫报上周报, O'Reilly上一则新闻报道有安全研究员在iPhone4的本地缓存中查到一组位置信息。 +"In one of Libya's biggest cities, al-Zawiya, 50km west of the capital Tripoli, witnesses said many people were killed when government forces attempted to re-capture the city.",在首都的黎波里西部50公里处的利比亚最大的城市之一扎维亚,目击者说,政府军试图重新控制该城市的过程造成了许多人死亡。 +"To curb the rise of crime rates, all criminal acts, whether serious or minor, must be punished.",因此,为着抑制罪案的泛滥,无论大小轻重罪犯都需要严刑峻法加以制裁。 +You will receive your own Astrology & Human Design charts that will indicate your own particular love nature and what is correct for you.,你会收到你自己的个人星象图和人类图,这二张图会指出你个人特有的爱的本性,也指出什麽样的爱对你是对的。 +Striking at it produces clear and melodious sounds.,敲击它就会发出清脆悦耳的声音来。 +"The force is heavily oriented towards mobile short and theater range systems, with only eight facilities supporting ICBMs.",二炮部队当中只有8个单位具备了发射洲际弹道导弹的能力,是一个重点趋向战区级短程机动的作战系统。 +"The energy levels calculated with the TNP, DNP and DND basis sets can play important roles in analyzing light absorption and photoemission experiments.",采用TNP,DNP和DND这三种基组所得的能级和态密度可用于分析光吸收,光电子发射等实验数据。 +And workover processing research on water-bearing gas well and equipment protection technique are presented in detail in this paper.,对每一项技术目前研究水平、重点技术内容以及实际应用效果等作了较详尽的说明。 +Shoot down all the pesky alien spaceships as you try to stop them from abducting all the c…,击落所有讨厌的外星人的太空船,你正试图阻止他们劫持的所有。 +"If filtering and/or calculations are required, consider using IBM Cognos BI reports as the data source.",如果需要过滤和/或计算,那么要考虑使用 IBM Cognos BI 报告作为数据源。 +"But when Americans and Europeans press Mr Harper at the G20 meeting to accept a tax on banks to curb their riskiness, he has reason to retort that Canadian-style regulation does the job better.",不过,如果美国和欧洲在G20峰会上给哈伯施压,让他接受对银行开征一种新税来降低它们的风险时,他有理由辩解说加拿大模式的管理更有效。 +I've recommended a preemptive Exocet Missile attack against his airforce.,我曾经提议过发起先发制人的飞鱼飞弹攻击他的空军。 +"Spend some time on the inside panels, for water and Shen-hole chamfering or removal of sharp edges.",花些时间对内部的板、水道和沉孔进行倒角或清除锋利的边。 +"On Thursday, the 53-year-old CEO got a chance to relish in some good news: the launch of the Windows 7 operating system.",周四,这位53岁的首席执行长终于有了享受一下好消息的机会:Windows 7操作系统的推出。 +"Engineers build huge storm pipes or sewers to carry the storm water away, but these cause another problem.",工程师们建造了巨大的雨水管或下水道来把暴雨雨水排出去,但是这些设施会引起另一个问题。 +"Running through the cold weather can help shake those winter blues, improve your energy level, and guarantee that you'll be in better shape once bathing suit season rolls around.",在冷天里跑跑步能有助于减少那些冬季忧郁,增加活力,并且让你在泳装季节到来时能展示出更好的身材。下面来跟着这些妙招一起冬季跑步吧。 +Objective To determine the optimum water-extracting technology of Mailuoning injection.,目的确定脉络宁注射液最佳水提工艺。 +"Under the WTO' s dispute settlement system, the two countries will have 60 days to try to resolve the dispute through consultations.",在世贸组织���决争端框架下,两国将可在六十天的时间内进行磋商以消除争端。 +"China is a very big manufacture country, SME in machine of category is the basis of manufacturing enterprises.",中国是制造业大国,其中机械加工类的中小企业是制造业企业的基础。 +"Up to this point in time, the U.S. has shown no flexibility on this point.","到目前为止,美国在这点上的态度丝毫看不出有任何弹性." +Numerical result also shows a good agreement with experimental datas with suitable selection of friction coefficient.,计算结果也表明,适当选择粘性系数可以得到与实验值较为一致的数值结果。 +"Then, on Thursday morning, a huge column of smoke appeared on the city’s horizons. The war was finally coming to Benghazi.",星期四的早上,当大股的浓烟出现在城市的视野中时,班加西之战终于来临了。 +College teachers should be open- minded enough to face this problem and develop student's ability of rational thinking so as to avoid bad impact of short messages.,高校教师反以开放的心态面对这一问题,培养学生理性思维的能力,以避免玩笑短信的不良影响。 +"I think that the author uses the term ""sign"" because most of the time you can actually do an exegesis of these signs narratives and they have some kind of symbolic meaning.","我认为作者用“神迹“这个词“,是因为通常情况下,你可以对这些神迹的叙述进行注解,它们是可以有一些象征意义的。" +"There is an open-air market every 1st weekend of the month, and lots of concerts and different theatre plays every week.",每月的第一个周末都会有露天集市,每周您都可以欣赏到许多音乐会和不同的戏剧表演。 +We have to delay your order until the revised one reached the minimum volume we have established.,只无你方把现无订货量删至我们所确定的最低数量,我们才能供货。 +The weightiness of Computer English.,《计算机专业英语》的重要性。 +"Since the new era, the vicissitude of journalism theory has focused on the keywords employed in the language-practice which people are pondering, discussing and narrating .",新时期以来新闻理论的变迁集中表现于人们对新闻学关键词的思辨、讨论和表述等语言实践中。 +It was proved that the proposed method could be used for sensitive and accurate determination of trace level carbaryl and carbofuran in water samples in 5 minutes.,实验证明,该方法灵敏度高,准确度高,5分钟即可完成一次样品的分析,适合于水样中痕量甲萘威和呋喃丹的快速测定。 +"The main electric, hydraulic and pneumatic components used in Hongli products from the famous parts of overseas suppliers, so that they can assure the working stability, quality of Hongli products.",“宏力”产品其主要配套电器、液压、气动元件均采用进口名牌产品,以确保“宏力”产品工作稳定可靠、品质一流。 +"The avatar stretches, catlike, extending to its full height, dwarfing Josh.",他的阿凡达伸展着,像猫一样,可以看出他的整个身高,这让杰克矮了不少。 +A Pentagon report this year on China’s military forces said baldly that the country was developing tactics to achieve “electromagnetic dominance” early in a conflict.,本年五角大楼关于中国军力的一份报告承认中国正在制定策略,以在冲突中尽快获得“电子优势”。 +"A:There's a""Beware of dog!""sign on your door.",你家的门上有一个牌子写着“当心恶犬!” +Why were they so attached to those doors?,为什么他们如此热衷于那些门呢? +"Which is why we have to round things up now. So, final questions, please.",这就是为什么我们现在要结束会议了。好,最后一个问题。 +The resin injection hole is set at the centre of the mold and overflow hole on the conners.,注胶孔设在阳模的对称中心,溢胶孔设在阳模的四个角上。 +"The distressed wife came down, and threw herself at his feet, all in tears, with her hair about her shoulders.",不幸的老婆下来了,跪倒在他的脚旁,满是泪水,头发披散到肩上。 +As long as websites react smartly when informed that they are hosting material that infringes somebody else's copyright – and take it down right away – they have not normally been held liable.,网站在被告知其托管内容侵犯了某人的版权后,只要迅速做出回应,立即撤除相关内容,那么,网站一般无须承担责任。 +"However, another factor that could throw a wrench into a couple's plans for an 11/11/11 baby is if they conceive twins, says Hill.",然而,希尔说,另一个因素也可能会使想要一个11年11月11日出生的宝宝的夫妇们计划有变,那就是如果他们怀上了双胞胎。 +Allow test area to dry completely (at last 12 hours) and observe any color change.,允许测试区完全地烘干(最后12 个小时)并且观察任一颜色变动。 +"When you've woken them up from their slumber, chew your food loudly, and talk about things of no particular importance.",当你已经把他们从睡眠中吵醒,就大声地咀嚼,谈点没什么要紧的事情。 +And if a man is too evil—on the massacre-of-millions scale—then such jolly familiarity apparently becomes bad taste.,而如果一个人太过邪恶,以至于要对数百万人的被屠杀负上责任,那这类“亲切”的戏称便明显不合适了。 +"The nasty camp, which includes most of the right-wing press and much of the country, wants to punish rioters severely.",主张严惩罪犯的一派包括大部分右翼媒体和大多的农村人口,他们希望严厉制裁暴乱者。 +"Remember that these two planets will be meeting two more times later this year, so you have time.",要记得他们在本年度内还会相逢两次,所以你还有时间。 +Now let's look at the energetics graphically now.,现在我们来看看热力学。 +S. It expanded the government's ability to investigate and keep tabs on suspected terrorists.,这一计划扩大了美国政府的调查权并有权对可以犯罪嫌疑人进行监视。 +Deserves the travail of a worthier pen.,值得更好的大手笔苦费心机; +Alexandria became one of the most recent districts in the region to place suspended students from grades 6 to 12 in a centralized building where they get a full day of counseling and classes.,亚历山大市该学年成了其所在地区最早将从6年级到12年级的停学学生集中在一个教学楼内接受一整天的辅导课程的城市之一。 +"After Tang Dynasty, many kinds of novels type appears one after another, their dazzling ray has covered the ancient novel, and subtly affected the ancient novel's development.",而唐以后,多种小说类型相继出现,它们耀眼的光芒又掩盖了古小说,并潜移默化地影响着古小说的发展,不知不觉中已经改变了古小说发展的方向。 +"The utility model has the advantages of simple structure, convenient use, energy saving, etc. and can burn the raffinate in the steel bottle.",本实用新型具有结构简单、使用方便、节能、能燃烧钢瓶内残液等优点。 +The booth offers us the convenience to make a call.,德律风亭给我们打德律风提供了方便。 +Semantic Presupposition and Semantic Entailment are two closely related concepts. To discriminate them will be helpful to understand and use the natural language.,语义预设和语义蕴涵是两个密切相关的概念,对二者进行鉴别,有助于准确地理解和使用自然语言。 +"One interesting measure of fetchmail's success is the sheer size of the project beta list, fetchmail-friends.",这个项目庞大的公测名单(我称之为“fetchmail之友”)成为衡量fetchmail成功的重要标准。 +Alec Baldwin and Steve Martin will share hostingduties。,《我为喜剧狂》男主角亚历克·鲍德温和著名演员史蒂夫·马丁将共同登台主持。 +"One day a lady came to me dressed in a very rich sari . She told me: ""Mother, I want to share in your work.""",一天又一位穿着华丽的沙丽(印度的服饰)的女士来对我说:“修女,我想要分享你的工作。” +This is a series of brief reference books for laypeople designed to be read in units of one or two pages.,这是一个简单的参考书籍一系列旨在教友在单位或读一两页。 +"In a sense, these views did not give objective and fair assessment to the poetics of Liu Bannong.",从某种意义上说,这些观点并没有给刘半农的诗论以客观、公正的评价。 +How worthy it is of the Gods!,忝为神祇是多麽的价值非凡! +"According to the linear ocean wave theory, three-dimensional ocean wave are generated and analyzed with multi-aspects.",根据研究线性海浪理论、海浪谱反演海浪数据的线性叠加法,反演出三维海浪场数据并进行多角度分析。 +"What he leaves after his death to his eldest daughter is an old-style watch, the only valuable thing of his belongings.",他临终前给女儿留下的唯一宝贵财产是一只老式手表。 +Former professional soccer player Josep Guardiola who currently is FC Barcelona's coach caught the worldwide attention of the media for winning the Champion League.,前著名球星,当今巴萨俱乐部主教练何塞普•瓜迪奥拉,在率队取得冠军杯后,他吸引了全世界媒体的目光。 +The nutrient utilization charactor of pine and oak and the suitability of the mixed stand at the site are discussed based on nutrient cycling.,本文并从营养元素生物循环方面,分析了混交林生态系统油松和栓皮栎营养元素利用特点及营造油松栓皮栎混交林的适宜性。 +The dimmed houselights brought a hush of anticipation; dimmed headlights; we like dimmed lights when we have dinner.,暗下去了的观众席灯光带来了平静的期待;暗淡的前灯;我们喜欢在吃晚餐时有暗一些的灯光。 +"Therefore, we can say ""double Evidence Act"" is also a product of the times, as he himself said: ""This 'double Evidence Act' but in today before it may.",因此,可以说“二重证据法”也是时代的产物,正如他本人所说:“此‘二重证据法’惟在今日始得为之。” +"As an important component of human-capital, Chief Executive Officer (CEO) results from the continuous improvement of CGS in western countries.",首席执行官(CEO)作为人力资本的重要组成部分,它的出现正是西方公司治理结构不断完善的结果。 +"Women at high risk for preeclampsia should be seen in early pregnancy to assess blood pressure, establish accurate pregnancy dating, and perform baseline laboratory tests.",先兆子痫高风险的妇女早孕时就应评估血压,建立准确的产检时间,进行基本的实验室检查。 +"As compared with conventional cartography, it enable decrease effectively sampling hits on the basis of assuring map precision, therefore it able to lessen a great deal of outdoor labor.",与传统制图方法相比,它能在保证制图精度的前提下有效减少采样数目,从而大大减少了外业调查的工作量。 +It records a scene in real time using 360-degree photography and immersive video – allowing for recording of every direction at the same time.,运用360度摄影技术和身临其境的视频实时拍摄场景,可同时对每个方向进行记录。 +What does man gain in worship?,在敬拜中,人会得著什麽? +This paper is the first part of the topic in which the defect of the 3-d rotation method for solving gyroeigenvalue problems is presented.,作为本专题的第一部分,本文探讨三维旋转法本身存在的问题。 +"Be honest, do you, at least in your mind sometimes, judge those of us who choose public school?",坦白的说,至少你有时候会想的,你有没有去评价我们当中去公立学校的人? +The scanning technique is usually used to create 3-D images of children with cleft lip(12) and palate(13) before and after surgery.,这项扫描技术通常用于为兔唇或者腭裂儿童做手术前后三维制图。 +Hong Kong's surrogacy law seems strict in the light of the atmosphere of the time.,本港在有关代母产子的规定,与时代氛围比较,显得相当严苛。 +"Meanwhile, with its ""anti-system"" factors in its contents, it ever played a positive part in the political campaign of pre-modern times in Japan.",同时以其内涵的“反体制性”因素在日本近代前夜的政治运动中发挥了一定的积极作用。 +"It is proposed that to achieve better waterflooding effect, the pressure differentials of waterflooding and production shall be controlled and formation protection shall be focused on and emphasized.",为达到较好的注水开发效果,建议控制注水压差和采油压差,同时要重视和强调注水过程中的储集层保护。 +"“It just makes business sense, ” said Ms. DeVoe, who founded “Full-Figured Fashion Week” last year to press mainstream retailers to embrace bigger sizes.",在去年成功举办了各种形体服装展示的时尚周活动,来说服主流服装零售商开展大号服装销售业务。 +Guy who'd cheat on his wife would cheat at cards.,不敦朴妻子的家伙玩牌也耍赖。 +This practice is intended to provide standard require¬; ments for apparatus common to many test methods used in connection with cement and standardized procedures for its use.,本规程旨在提供许多试验方法共用的、与水泥相关的仪器的标准要求及其使用程序。 +"Thence they are ingested into the cell, where they disable another protein, SNAP-25, the role of which is to help release a chemical messenger called acetylcholine.",然后这种毒素被吞入细胞内部,进而让另外一个叫SNAP-25的蛋白失活,SNAP-25的作用是帮助一种叫乙酰胆碱的化学信使的释放。 +"It revealed high levels of genetic diversity in two clam species. The average similarity were 0.6051 in R. philippinarum and 0.6882 in R. variegate, and only 0.2968 between two populations.",两种蛤仔都显示了较高的群体遗传多样性, 菲律宾蛤仔群体内遗传相似度为0.6051, 杂色蛤仔为0.6882, 群体间的平均遗传相似度只有0.2968。 +The QS regulation applies to finished devices intended to be commercially distributed for human use unless there is an approved exemption in effect.,除非获得有效的豁免批准,QS法规适用于以销售为目的的人用医疗器械制成品。 +"Mr. A Gan has his own perseverance, keeping on running without of any reason, JUST RUNS.",阿甘有自己的坚持,他不断地跑步,JUST RUNS。 他跑步不为任何理由。 +"We don't have to jump through all kinds of spiritual""hoops"".",我们也不必跳过所有精神上的圈环。 +"Given the risk-averse culture of the health systems of the rich world, Mr Gates suggests that some great advances could emerge as leapfrogging innovations in the poor world.",盖兹先生认为,既然富裕国家的医疗系统文化排斥任何太积进革新的风险,贫穷国家可以利用���些重大的技术突破,当作飞越性的医疗革新。 +Single garaging plus off street parking and a sleep out.,它附带一个车库和街边停车位和一个外宿区。 +"Shaji, a wild plant in Neimenggu, was utilized to make wine. Both way of extraction and fermentation are used in production.",采用内蒙古沙棘果,用浸泡与发酵相结合法生产沙棘酒。 +FAT HABIT #12: Putting serving dishes on the table,习惯12:将盛取餐碟放在桌子上 +"Numerical results agree with the experiment observations that the thinner the bean, the more significant the scale effects.",计算结果与实验观测一致,即随着梁厚度的减小,其尺度效应增强。 +There is clear difference in gender of the learning adaptability among MHJMSS with girls' better performance.,蒙汉初中生不同性别之间学习适应性差异显著,女生的学习适应情况显著好于男生。 +"The dwelling is orientated, behind the old factory wall, parallel to but separate from the passage leading to the central area.",住宅朝东,坐落于老厂房的后面,平行于通向中心的小路,但又与其相隔一定距离。 +"Andy is a Major Donor, Charter Bequest Society member , and Foundation Benefactor. He is recipient of the Distinguished Service Award and the Citation for Meritorious Service award.",安迪是位钜额捐献人、赠协会创会会员和扶轮基金永久基金捐献人。他为扶轮基金会特优服务奖和扶轮基金会有功服务奖的受奖人。 +Blood pressure variability(BPV) contains the important message of autonomic nervous system in cardiovascular regulation. BPV has been regarded as an independent index reflecting cardiovascular action.,血压变异性( BPV)蕴含了自主神经系统对心血管调节的重要信息,已被作为有别于血压的一项独立的反映心血管活动的指标。 +"Here's a sweet yet sugar-free snack that tastes good and is good for your kids, too.",水果干口感香甜、不含糖分,孩子们都爱吃,还有益健康。 +"He says hand tools like tilling forks, shovels and thatching rakes require more work than a rotary tiller, but they work well and cost less.",他认为像耕作叉、铲子和茅草耙子一样的手动工具比耕作机需求更多的工作量,但工作的更好,花费的更少。 +"When James Bond villain Dr No displayed Goya's portrait of the Duke of Wellington in his lair, he launched the myth of masterpieces being ""stolen to order"" for criminal masterminds.",在007系列影片中,当詹姆士·邦德的对手诺博士在密室里展示西班牙画家戈雅的肖像画《惠灵顿公爵》时,他已经为犯罪策划者们开创了“专门偷盗”名画这一虚构的故事情节。 +We’ve forgotten how to relax.,我们早已忘记怎样放松。 +"Resulting from the sinistral displacement of the NE-trending fault, there is a pull-apart basin in the Feng Zhou area.",由于北东向断层的左行走滑,在丰州一带生成拉分盆地。 +"Joyce obeyed the modern narrative principle of neutrality and detachment during his early period of writing. However in Finnegans Wake , Joyce created a loquacious narrator.",在创作的早期,乔伊斯遵循的是中立、冷漠的现代叙述原则,但到了《芬尼根的守灵》 ,乔伊斯使叙述成了叙述者的快乐言说。 +"Where the MOFTEC does not accept the pricing commitments, it shall state the reason to the relevant export business operators.",外经贸部不接受价格承诺的,应当向有关出口经营者说明理由。 +Leaving the burn open to the air is the quickest way to heal it up.,治疗烧伤的最佳办法是任其敞露于空气之中。 +But the bishop is reaching out to perpetrators as well as to victims.,但是这个主教在伸向受害者的同时也伸向了暴乱者。 +Yossi Benayoun today vowed to try and win the Europa League for the injured Fernando Torres.,贝纳永今天呼吁队友们为了托雷斯赢下本赛季的欧联杯。 +Compiler developers should provide an implementation of this interface to support dynamic compilation.,编译器开发人员应提供这个介面的实作,以便支援动态编译。 +TheFMEA program is based on research lab testing as well as field testing andglobal experience with equipment service at customer mills.,该FMFA程序是基于实验室的测试,现场测试以及全球在客户造纸厂设备服务的经验。 +Gas escaped with a hissing noise from the broken pipe.,煤气从破管道中嘶嘶泄出。 +"Firstly, we have discussed DMI as a means of adaptation shapes and is shaped by the contextual correlates.",首先我们讨论了刻意曲解是怎么通过语境的影响来作为一种顺应手段。 +"Before Cyndi hit it big as a solo artist, she recorded an LP in 1980 with the group Blue Angel.",在她成为著名的独唱歌手前,她与“蓝色天使”组合于1980年录制了一张唱片。 +"Based on the software test criteria in the architecture framework and IEEE standards, this work defines the fundamental structure view and behavior view for software testing management.",本研究參考架构框架之概念及IEEE等相关软体测试标准定义,订出软体测试管理的主要结构观点及行为观点。 +"Objectives: To determine the effects of cardiomyopeptidin on L-type calcium channels, sodium channels and potassium channels in ventricular myocytes of guinea pigs and rats.",目的观察灯盏花素对大鼠全脑缺血再灌注后海马神经元L型钙通道平均开放概率和开放时间的影响。 +"The street musician is keeping alive a culture which has almost disappeared in our busy, organised, and regulated lives: the sound of music when you least expect it .",有一种文化已经在我们繁忙、有序、的生活中渐隐,那就是音乐之声,而街头演奏家仍使它保持活力。 +"Wu sneer at the day, said ShaoYang life is in our own hands, he is an offer to iron out the party to help his young tiger antidote mutually tell.",吴霸天冷笑,说邵扬的性命既在自己手上,他就开出条件,要铁彪助自己脱身方把解药相告。 +The self-tuning time-domain replication control technique and the target spectrum collecting method used in the testing system are elaborated.,着重阐述该系统所采用的自校正时域复现控制技术以及该控制方法所使用的目标谱的采集方法,并进行分析; +"In Japan, where Triumph introduces a unique bra annually to mirror society, people tend to remain single, or get married at an older age. (Metro)",日本人现在倾向于维持单身或晚婚;黛安芬每年都会推出一款独特的胸罩来反应社会现象。 +"Inflation spiked in the first week of February to a two-year high of 6.7%, due in part to bottlenecks caused by the country's lousy transport network.",通货膨胀二月第一周被制止达到二年最高峰6.7%,是因为国家大量运输网络所引起的困难。 +I’m presenting a draft of the chapter at a cyberlaw colloquium at American University – Washington School of Law organized by Michael Carroll.,眼下我正在起草一份演讲稿,用以参加由迈克.卡罗尔主持的,在美国大学华盛顿法学院举行的网络法学术会议。 +"Her misty light blue eyes followed them as, one by one, each young man stopped briefly and placed his own warm hand over the cold pale hand in the casket.",她一直用蓝色的迷蒙泪眼注视着他们。那三个青年挨个在棺材旁边短暂停留,用温暖的手摸了摸棺材里米勒先生冰冷而苍白的手。 +Conclusion The hemisection can get satisfactory effect to repair the first mandibular molar with distal tooth reservated by selecting suitable tooth.,结论采用半切术技术保留下颌第一磨牙远中根的修复可获得满意效果。 +Objective To study the clinical significance of changes of serum levels of IL-10 in patients with cerebral thrombosis.,目的:测定急性脑血栓形成患者血清白细胞介素- 10 (IL - 10 )的水平,探讨其临床意义。 +"Sunlight reflecting off the water gives these caves their blue hue, making them popular for boating and diving.",由海水反射的阳光,使这些洞穴带有了蓝色的色调,因划船和潜水而使它们受人欢迎。 +Click on a quiz link your mate’ s posted.,点击进入朋友转发的一个测试连接。 +"However, supply is harder to find as forest quality declines and the share to the collector remains low.",但是,由于森林质量下降供应变得越发困难,采集者的收益变低。 +The database manager determines which locks to escalate by looking through the lock list for the application and finding the table with the most row locks.,数据库管理器通过查看应用程序的锁列表并查找行锁最多的表,来决定对哪些锁进行升级。 +"The erosion protection project, the wave resistance project and the control and diversion project in which soft materials are used can control bank collapse.",采用柔性材料的防冲工程、防浪工程及控导工程可控制塌岸。 +But it is not difficult to go beyond what has been discussed in art history.,然而,要往超出这些艺术史的讨论之外了说也不难。 +"Their manager, Pep Guardiola, will watch this week's Champions League games featuring Chelsea, Manchester United, Real Madrid and Inter Milan with interest but not fear.",他们的主教练瓜多现在可以放心地观看本周欧冠切尔西,曼联,黄马以及国米的比赛了,丝毫不觉恐惧。 +This work is full of angry complaints to the fascists.,这个作品中,充满了对法西斯的愤怒控诉。 +"Though there is complaint from fans of Leslie Cheung that he won't present for this festival, Ah Mui feels that Hong Kong films are highly respected there, she agreed that she would be present.",虽然今次电影节闹出张国荣歌迷投诉哥哥缺席事件,但阿梅见大会重视香港电影,早已答应出席,而两部电影的要角亦拉队支持。 +"Of course the purist, timeless and functional design approach of our products is masculine but if women like it - there's nothing better than that.",诚然我们产品的纯粹性,永久性和功能性设计更具男性特质,但是对女性消费者而言也是非常适用的。 +According to the Beijing Municipal Traffic Management Bureau live monitoring shows that there have been some sections of the current congestion.,据北京市公安局公安交通管理局实况监测显示,目前部分路段已经出现拥堵。 +Homes and some streets are still being cleared of bombs.,住宅和一些街道被炸弹毁得空无一人。 +"In 1898, Mark Twain, at the time living in Vienna with his wife, Olivia Langdon Clemens (Livy), and daughters Susy, Clara and Jean, finally unburdened himself of Laura Wright’s impact on him.",1898年,他和妻子奥利维亚·兰登·克莱门斯(莉薇)以及三个女儿苏茜、克莱拉和珍在维也纳居住期间,马克·吐温终于从劳拉·莱特带来的心灵冲击中摆脱出来。 +Nowadays the easiest and most effective way to fight with senility is to eat royal jelly: 1-2 spoonfuls with cold boiled water every morning.,现今最简单、最行之有效的抗衰老方法是服用蜂王浆:每天早晨用凉开水送服1-2汤匙即可。 +"It's one of the only compounds, there's only I think three, where the density actually goes down when it freezes.",它是我见过的,唯一一个,在降温时密度下降的化合物。 +Methods: The content and composition of tocopherol was determined by HPLC.,方法: 采用HPLC法测定生育酚的含量与组成。 +"The robots would communicate with each other, passing data through the swarm and back to a command center as a single unified message.",机器人之间将相互沟通,并可以群体传递数据,为指挥中心提供一体化信息。 +"As a cushion in the shoes of the records, has several hundred years of history.",作为鞋内垫物的记载,已有几百年的历史。 +The ability to metabolize MTT of CNE 2Z cells decreased.,CNE 2Z细胞代谢MTT的能力下降,显示明显的毒性反应。 +Objective To evaluate the effect of transcatheter arterial chemoembolization (TACE) and delayed surgery for infant hepatoblastoma.,目的评价经动脉栓塞化疗(TACE)结合延迟手术治疗婴儿巨大肝母细胞瘤的效果。 +Serhiy Davydych is a commissioner representing Mr. Yanukovych at Precinct Number 8 in Kyiv.,代表亚努科维奇的塞尔赫里。达维迪奇是基辅第八选区的委员。 +"Sponges on damp for a full-coverage, flawless matte finish.",以海绵湿用缔造出全面无瑕的哑光效果。 +Mutations in genes governing cell growth and death can affect the anatomy of a region of cortex.,管理细胞生长和死亡的基因突变可以影响大脑皮质区的解剖学特征。 +I sincerely hope to get your support and criticism.,热切希望得到各位老师的支持和批评指正。 +"The chemical utilization of carbon dioxide in inorganic chemical, organic chemical and polymer materials, and its development prospect, were reviewed.",笔者从化学利用的角度,论述了二氧化碳在无机化工、有机化工、高分子材料方面的资源利用和发展前景。 +Precisely because the offices in the East Wing deal largely with social or logistical matters it was a good place for an unobserved meeting.,正因为东翼的办公室大部分是用来办理社会性或后勤性事务的,所以它是一个避人耳目的开会的好地方。 +"Upstairs, the floorplan positions apartments along a single-loaded corridor, allowing natural daylight to come through a series of punctured windows.",在楼上的布局中,公寓沿单边排列,从而使日光能够透过一系列穿孔玻璃照射进来。 +"State Councilor Liu Yandong, also Member of the Political Bureau of CPC Central Committee, visited Beijing-Tianjin Inter-City Railway on June 25th and 26th.",6月25日、26日,中共中央政治局委员、国务委员刘延东考察京津城际铁路。 +A number of intersex conditions can be traced to hormonal causes.,大量中间性的病例可以追溯到激素的致病原因。 +The small child clumsily Broke my vase to pieces.,这小孩子笨拙地把我的花瓶摔碎。 +And I'll stop saying die too soon.,我不会再提死太早。 +He was chagrined at his failure.,他为自己的失败而感到懊恼。 +"Beforethe development of sulfone drug therapy in the 1940s, treatment for leprosy wassupportive only.",在氨苯砜(麻风病治疗首选药物)问世之前,只能采取帮助病人支撑疗法。 +"Please submit this application form with your senior middle school learning certificate & transcript, one reference letter and the nine-year compulsory education diploma.",申请材料清单:该申请表、高中在读证明及成绩单、一封老师推荐信、初中毕业证。 +The size of the objective scope of res judicata is closely related to the theories of new or old subject matter of litigation.,既判力客观范围的大小与新旧诉讼标的理论有密切联系。 +"According to a Lehman document reviewed by The Wall Street Journal, Lehman 'marked' some European securities backed by real-estate loans at 97.9% of par value, or nearly 98 cents on the dollar.",据《华尔街日报》了解到的文件内容,雷曼兄弟对部分欧洲房地产贷款相关证券的估价高达面值的97.9%。 +"Walk in the trees, the flowers picked along and I do not know what to.",散步于林阳讲下,随脚揪上讲旁的花草,而不知所去。 +RAE 2008 Results:Research in the Graduate School of Education is ranked as fifth best in the UK.,跟据2008英国大学研究排名,教育学院的科研质量跻身全英第五。 +"In addition, Taiyuan golden ideas long-term supply of various procedures mahjong machine, monitoring and scanning equipment, want to win come on as soon as possible, the total for you!",另外,太原金点子长期供应各种程序麻将机、监控扫描设备等,想赢钱就赶快来吧,总有适合你的! +"Based on the precipitation patterns with antiserum to C882, the 13 isolates were found to be serologically identical.",沉淀反应模式表明,以C882为代表的13株细菌的热稳定抗原具有同一性。 +"All kids must do this together with parents, and be careful of slippy environement.",小朋友必须要有家长陪同进行, 小心唔好跣脚, 大人要扶实佢哋 ! +The trials we endure can and should introduce us to our strengths.,我们所忍受的这些试炼能够且理该引发我们的力量。 +"Despite Wigan enjoying plenty of possession and territory without posing any serious threat to Petr Cech's goal, Chelsea scored the second goal that sealed their title win 13 minutes before half-time.",虽然维根享有地域和其他方面的优势,却没有对切尔西构成威胁,切尔西还是在半场开始后的第13分钟进了第二个球,奠定了此次比赛的基础。 +"In view of the seriousness of this problem, effective measures should be taken before thingsget worse.",考虑到问题的严重性,在事态进一步恶化之前,必须采取有效的措施。 煀。 +"We've had good cooperation with following interior& exterior decoration companies like: architectural design institute, real estate company, landscape& gardens design company and furniture company.",合作过单位有室内外装饰公司,建筑设计院,房地产公司,景观园林设计公司及家具公司等。 +"A good quality patchouli oil should be rich, sweet herbaceous, aromatic spicy with earthy, root-like undertones.",质量好的广藿香精油应该有一种浑厚的,带有草本甜味及辛辣味的芳香,底调泥土气息浓厚。 +"The impeller distributes balanced air-fuel mixture to each cylinder, which has realized long lasting stable idling.",这个叶轮能平均地将油气混合气分配到每个气缸,以此保持长时间稳定的怠速。 +"If I had wanted to go, then I would have. It's true there was a contract, but what sense would there have been in keeping an unhappy Buffon?",如果我想离开,那么谁也拦不住我。我和尤文图斯的确有一份合同,但是靠合同来留住一个不开心的布冯有何意义? +Instead they focused on plundering Rome.,相反,他们只是想掠夺罗马。 +The visitors beat at the door until her answered.,来访者“咚咚咚”地敲着门,直到他应门时才停。 +"""Jade Rabbit"" is a homonym for her and the result of a linguistic error made in literary transpositions.",“玉兔”是她的谐音,也是语言文学换位出了错误的结果。 +"To the half-tribe of Manasseh Moses had given land in Bashan, and to the other half of the tribe Joshua gave land on the west side of the Jordan with their brothers.",玛拿西那半支派,摩西早已在巴珊分给他们地业。 +"While in the States she married a guy after a whirlwind romance, not knowing that he was about to inherit some southern plantations.",她到美国后经历了一段暴风骤雨般的爱情,随后结了婚,但她并不知道丈夫将要继承一些南方的植物园。 +The overhaul of its risk-control system didn't address the danger of a back-office employee finding a way to fake trades.,瑞银对其风险控制体系的全面检查未能防止后台员工找出伪造交易的办法。 +"The next Sunday, I flew home again for a couple of days.",接着的一个星期天,我又飞回家待了两三天。 +The holiday - makers chartered a boat to go fishing .,度假者租了一只船去捕鱼。 +"Text classification is build up by the text preprocessing, feature thesaurus creation, the text classifier, and testing of text classification results.",文本分类由文本预处理,特征词库的建立、文本分类器、文本分类结果测试这几个部分组成。 +Another game of little significance although new Portsmouth boss Alain Perrin believes his team need one more point to be safe following their drubbing of arch-rivals Southampton last weekend.,上一轮大胜宿敌南安普敦队后,普次茅斯队新任主教练佩林认为,该队现在至少还需要再拿一分才能确保保级。 然而除这层意义之外,本轮��队之间的比赛实际上看点很少。 +"Samson chanted, aping an England soccer song that bemoans the country's lack of recent success at the sport it created.",调子模仿的是一首英国足球歌曲,这首歌哀叹英国身为足球诞生国,最近却鲜有胜绩。 +"Practitioners often think that having courage means they can forge ahead with a plan, regardless of the consequences.",人们通常都会想拥有勇气意味着他们可以根据计划不断前进,而不管这样做的后果。 +Stereo crosstalk: -70 dB.,立体声串音:-70分贝。 +"Certainties disappear What do we do for our dream to survive? How do we keep all our passions alive, As we used to do?",我们已走到了尽头到底该怎么做才能继续那往昔的梦想又该如何保持我们追求梦想的热情?。 +"At present, the county has 5 large-scale enterprises, with annual processed material throughput around 6,000,000 tons, and annual cement throughput around 10,000,000 tons.",目前我县共有规模以上企业5家,年熟料生产能力600万吨左右,年水泥生产能力1000万吨左右。 +"On the morning of June 21, the PSACFLS grandly held the 2010 Primary Graduation Ceremony and the school leaders, the sixth grade teachers and all the graduating students participated in this event.",对于六年级毕业生来说,这个阶段是他们小学最难忘的日子,他们对母校、同学、老师的眷念之情溢于言表。 +And say ye, Save us, O God of our salvation, and gather us together, and deliver us from the heathen, that we may give thanks to thy holy name, and glory in thy praise.,16:35 要说,拯救我们的神阿,求你救我们,聚集我们,使我们脱离外邦,我们好称赞你的圣名,以赞美你为夸胜。 +"The work will be performed at Lockheed Martin's Moorestown, NJ facility.",该工作将在洛克希德·马丁的新泽西摩尔镇工厂进行。 +"A treeless, sparsely inhabited region of northern Canada northwest of Hudson Bay and east of the Mackenzie River basin.",一片位于加拿大北部,哈得孙湾西北部和马更些河谷东部的树木不生,无人居住的地带。 +I admire what the Pandora team is doing.,我很钦佩潘多拉团队正在做的事情。 +"So, should we put restrictor plates on all cars?",那么,我们或许应该把每辆车都装上节流板? +"And if they sometimes seem consumed with rage at anyone who challenges their actions, well, that's how hacks always respond when called on their hackery.",如果说有时他们似乎对任何质疑他们行为的人充满愤怒,呃,那是奴仆被人指责奴颜婢膝时的通常反应。 +"It is indicated that correct selection of the rated voltage and insulation level is of great importance to safe, fault-free operation of the high-voltage shunt capacitor in the power network.",并指出正确选择额定电压和绝缘水平对高压并联电容器在电网中安全、无故障运行的重要性。 +The grating control method given in this paper is an important development for control theory of electro-graving machine.,本文采用的光栅控制法是对电子雕刻机控制理论的重要发展。 +Objective: To study the diagnosis and surgical treatment of congenital bronchogenic cyst of lung.,目的:探讨先天性支气管肺囊肿的诊断和外科治疗。 +"A curtain on a window, when that thin layer is drawn down, you can easily put the other family into a distance of a ten thousand li.",只要挂上一个窗帘,只要拉过那薄薄一层,便把别人家隔离在千万里以外了。 +The form of flood water utilization is not the same in different historic periods.,如何避害趋利有效利用好洪水资源一直是人类探索的课题。 +"Since Middle Miocene, neotectonic activities over Qinghai Lake area can be divided into 5 periods, and the formation and evolution of the Qinghai Lake can be divided into 9 stages.",中中新世以来的新构造活动可分为5个阶段,青海湖形成演化过程可大致分为9期。 +"During the time I worked with Oxfam, the weather was so bad and that made me feel even more uncomfortable.",在与乐施会的合作过程中,刚巧当时香港的天气也很坏,这令我对气候变化的影响感到更加不安。 +Feed and Discharge Conveyors can be supplied by NERAK or the Customer.,入货、卸货运输机可以由NERAK厂家提供,也可以由顾客自己提供。 +"They could picture her: a full lipstick smile, ample curves, perfect skin, part Hedy Lamarr and part the sweetheart left at home.",士兵们在脑中勾绘着她的样子:她有撅着嘴唇的笑容,丰满的身材和完美的皮肤,长得既像海蒂·拉玛,又像家乡那亲爱的恋人。 +"The results show that modifying mass parameters of crank have different effects on the cylinder block, especially the arrangement of counterweight.",研究结果表明,改变曲轴的质量特性参数对机体的干扰力有不同程度的影响,其质心位置对惯性力平衡有较大的影响。 +"The spirit of ""quality first, service first"" 24-hour all-day visit to provide you with services for the pursuit of health and a better life, you send sincere and warm.",本着“品质第一、服务至上”的理念24小时全天侯为您提供上门服务,为追求健康与美好生活的您送去真诚与温暖。 +The teacher asked us to hand in our exercise books tomorrow.,老师要我们明天交作业本。 +We welcome your feedback on the International Pack 1.0 and suggestions for 2.0 at vsintlpk@microsoft.com.,我们欢迎您通过vsintlpk@microsoft.com 发送您对国际语言包1.0的反馈意见以及对2.0版本的建议。 +This proved to be very convenient as I was switching rockers and frames.,在我转动调节杆即可改变装置时,发现这真是非常便利。 +"If you want to time your running and walking intervals, you can use a watch or other device that beeps to signal when you need to switch.",如果你想对跑步和步行的间隔计时的话,你可以用一个手表或者其他能够发出哔哔声信号的设备当你需要转换的时候。 +"As a woman CEO, Rafferty is used to going events and being one of just a few women in the room.",作为一名女CEO,她已经习性了在出席活动时成为少数几位女性代表之一。 +Using the maximum value of the system general energy as the control conditions and using proportional system parameter impulse perturbation to control chaos are studied.,研究了采用系统广义能量的最大值作为起控条件,实施正比例系统参数微扰,脉冲控制混沌的方法。 +砰的一声,门关上了。,The door banged shut. +This candy ring lets all guests participate in the ring revelry and have a treat at the same time.,这款来自美国的钻戒喜糖会令所有的客人欣喜若狂,与新人们一起陶醉在这甜蜜时光中。 +Then there are those pushing computers into schools. We're told that multimedia will make schoolwork easy and fun.,我们被告知,将计算机推介给学校,多媒体将会使教学变得简单和富有生趣。 +I was told that all the rooms in your hotel had been booked up last week. I wonder whether any reservations have been canceled now.,听说贵宾馆所有房间交易会期间就都订满了,但不知现在是否有取消的房间。 +"The last pitch one had seen in this kind of condition was… well, probably ours, for a couple of weeks in the 2005-06 season, before the drains got sorted out.",你们能想起上次见到这种样子的场地是在哪儿吗? ……呃,事实上,可能是我们自己的场地,在05-06赛季里曾有过那么几星期时间,由于排水系统的问题成了泥地。 +"Truly child centered education-learning through concept-driven inquiry explored through transdisciplinary themes, children construct meaning centered on core concepts.",真正以儿童为中心,运用探究的形式开展跨领域的主题研究课程。 +"For objects we can see, like baseballs, physics follows rules.",对于对象,我们可以看到,像棒球,物理如下规则。 +"I think that because we're not longer a literary culture... it isn't the word that speaks, you have to perform the word a bit, you have to demonstrate it, you have to appear, you have to be the book.",我认为这是由于我们的文化不再以文学为主了。。。 文字并不能代替你说话,所以你得替你的文字做出一点表演,你必须得证明这本书的存在,你得露面,你必须成为这本书本身。 +"However, the problem of low exercise rate appearing during its developing process has severely hindered its further development.",然而在其发展过程中出现了履约率低的突出问题,严重阻碍了它的进一步发展。 +"Even though dentists say they are safe, they still leak mercury into the body.",虽然牙医说它们很安全,但它们还漏汞进身体。 +An embarrassment to the selfish fucked -up brats that you've spawned to replace yourself.,生一堆自私的混蛋小孩儿烦死自己,不过是难看罢了。 +"Sure, there are a million reasons why this might sound like a bad idea in regards to long term debt.",当然,有无数的理由来相信这相应的长期的债务听上去像是一个糟透的主意。 +You simply evaluate the sum of the circles’ radii and the distance between them.,你可以简单比较两球的半径之和与它们圆心距离进行比较,如果它们的之和大于距离,那么球将发生碰撞。 +"And if we work with Muslim communities, we must understand that Islamic law, known as Sharia, prohibits the acceptance or payment of interest fees on loans.","而且,在小额借贷流行之前,他们就有了小额贷款的想法.如果我们在穆斯林社会中工作,那我们必须了解伊斯兰法律--即通常所说的教法,是禁止收取和支付贷款的利息费用的." +Three squads constitute a platoon.,三个班组成一个排。 +"Just like Juexin in Ba Jin's novel, Family, it shouldered a heavy burden: there could be no more escapades .",就像巴金《家》里的觉新,肩上担子不轻,再也不��像过去那样闹腾。 +"Let nature work: the adaptation palettes of The Qiaoyuan Park, Tianjin",把活留给自然去干:“适应的调色板”,天津桥园公园 +"The Nursing Care in Newborn Rescue was awarded the 2005 Bronze Award of the National Biotechnology and Medical Care Quality, and the Symbol of National Quality.",新生儿外接护理荣获2005国家生技医疗品质铜奖暨国家品质标章。 +"If a process wants to know which keys it can view, it can get that information by reading /proc/keys.",如果一个进程希望了解它可以查看哪些密钥,它可以通过读取 /proc/keys 获得这些信息。 +The company is studying sites in central China.,该公司正在华中地区选址。 +This time I avoided the mixture of tomato and melted cheese that seems to guarantee all pizza toppings taste the same whatever else you add.,这次,我刻意没用西红柿和融化的芝士,因为它们让所有的匹萨表面吃起来都是一个味儿,不管你再加什么料进去。 +An ultra low insertion loss GaAs MMIC RF SPDT switch based on full-ion-implantation technology is reported.,报道了利用离子注入技术研制出一种用于手机的超低插损砷化镓单片射频单刀双掷开关。 +Objective: To review the development of tissue culture on Rehmannia glutinosa .,前言: 目的:全面了解地黄组织培养方面取得的成果。 +"Speaking to reporters Friday in Beijing, Liu Guijin says the Sudanese government could do more to ""show its sincerity.""",刘贵今星期五在北京对记者说,苏丹政府可以做出更大努力,以“展示诚意”。 +Request template XSD: defines the possible formats of a request template.,请求模板 XSD:定义请求模板可能的格式。 +"The longer you participate in your chosen sport, and the more advanced you become, the more opportunities you will have to learn about your dog's working qualities.",你参与所选择的竞技运动时间越长,你的等级就会越高,你也就越有机会去了解你的犬的工作禀性。 +"I would hope to persuade them to seek some alternative forms of, you know, self-improvement.",我希望劝说他们采用其它提升自己的方式。 +Goomba - Novice climber who thinks he knows it all.,Goomba - 自以为知道一切的攀登新手。 +We are pleased to announce that the Court in Milan has issued a judgment rejecting all Mr Berlusconi's claims and requiring him to make a payment for costs to The Economist.,我们很高兴的看到,米兰法庭驳回了贝氏的全部指控,并要求他为经济学人的损失买单。 +"""He did not know"", as such, does not concern anything factual.",本身并没有跟任何事实有关。 +This essay clarifies the special significance of glass materials in the extention and restoration of ancient buildings through the analysis of the transmission and reflection of glass.,文章通过对玻璃的透 射性和反射性在古建扩建和修 复中的分析,阐明了玻璃材质 在这一领域的特殊意义。 +"The competition among smugglers is fierce, and he didn't want to discuss his business in front of the others.",走私者间的竞争十分激烈,他不想在别人面前讨论他的生意。 +"If lack of certainty is our common challenge, than warding off uncertainty is our common quest.",如果缺乏确定性是共同的努力挑战,那么,避开不确定就是我们共同的追求。 +"What from these characterless, dull, Chinese stars who are too busy looking expressionless, and assuming Japanese manga-style poses?",从这些平凡又无趣的中国明星身上能看到的就是他们忙着面无表情地摆出日本漫画中的姿势? +She doesn't want to take her new boy-friend home in case her parents don't approve (of him).,她不愿把新男朋友带回家, 怕父母看不中(他)。 +"In June 2009, the official end of the recession, that number was down to 59.4. As of June 2011, two years into the alleged recovery, the number was: 58.2.",2009年6月,即经济不景气正式结束时,这个数字下降到59.4%,所谓经济复苏两年后,这个数字是58.2%。 +"Hence Bangkok, where mild-mannered dentist Stu (Ed Helms), hunky schoolteacher Phil (Bradley Cooper), and eccentric misfit Alan (Zach Galifianakis) end up after reuniting for Stu's wedding.","因此在曼谷,举止温和的牙医斯图(Ed 赫尔姆斯),好色的学校老师菲尔(布拉德利·库珀),和古怪的与环境格格不入的艾伦(加克 加利费安纳斯基)在斯图婚礼上重聚之后,结束了这一切。" +"Overall, the chances of being infected with XDR-TB are even lower than with ordinary TB because cases of XDR-TB are still very rare.",总的来说,由于广泛耐药结核病例仍然极为少见,感染广泛耐药结核的机会比普通结核甚至更低。 +"Ellen DeGeneres says on her talk show (airing Nov. 11), ""He broke up with you on the phone? That's not right.""",11月11号,艾伦·德杰尼勒斯在自己的谈话节目里采访泰勒·斯维夫特:“难道他仅仅通过电话向你提出��分手?那样不太好吧。” +"But as the amount of data stored on the card expands, concerns about privacy are growing.",但因卡片中要储存大量信息,人们对个人隐私是否会泄露的担忧不断增加。 +"JiangWu day, Yin in rebellion, Yin for Yang who killed the king.",讲武那天,尹相谋反了,尹相要求阳明君杀死王。 +It is an active influence not only to limited liability company but also to the economic development of our country that consummating transfer of shares system.,完善股权转让制度对有限责任公司乃至于我国经济的发展都将产生积极的影响。 +"Second, they must have a way to agree on their interdependencies; for example, they must be able to agree on names of components, function calls, and parameters.",第二,他们必须采用一种方案以对他们的相互依赖关系达成一致;例如他们必须对组件,函数调用以及参数等的命名保持一致。 +"In short, 1971 marked the beginning of a new era.",总之,1971年标志着一个新的时代的开端。 +"Since I was so young, my mother told me my father was on a farm.",因为我还那么小,我母亲(假装)告诉我父亲在一个农场。 +"In 2002, won the ""Tiantian Cup"" the first Folk Instrument Inter - communication Competition in senior high school lute group.",2002年,获“天天杯”首届民族乐器观摩赛高中组琵琶第一名; +Details on how to do this are outside the scope of this article.,有关如何实现这一点的详细信息超出了本文的范围。 +China's entering the process of gobal financial services trade liberalization has accelerated its domestic financial liberalization.,内容提要 中国参与的金融服务贸易自由化为国内金融自由化的提速提供了显著的驱动力。 +"The father nodded his head approvingly andsaid to his son:"" your body's endurance is training out and It is important ofyour mature.""",父亲赞许地点点头,说道:“你身体的承受能力练出来了,更多的是因为你心理成熟的缘故啊!” +"Erian, an outspoken reformist on the brotherhood's guidance council, is at pains to sketch out the limits of his organisation's political ambitions.",埃利安是兄弟会训导委员会里一位坦率的改革主义者。 +"Really it did, just at this time there is a chance, I'm going to give it a try, so I decided to resign, please support.",真得该改行了,刚好此时有个机会,我打算试试看,所以我决定辞职,请您支持。 +He opened the door and stepped on a banana skin and fell down.,他打开门,踩了个香蕉皮,摔了个跟头。 +"And its morphology and size are various. The conjunctions between the pinealocytes are synapses, and among the parenchyma cells there are also desmosomes and gap junction.",在松果体细胞之间有突触连接,此外,松果体细胞之间还存在桥粒连接和缝隙连接; +"Before you begin, you need to have an environment in which you can work. CakePHP has reasonably minimal server requirements",开始之前,需要具备一个工作环境。 +"Bethune, then nearly 50 years old, came to China from Vancouver with Joan Fletcher, a nurse, as a two-person medical team.",白求恩以近50岁的年龄,和护士琼·莱彻组成两人医疗小分队,从温哥华不远万里来到中国。 +Sometimes you get information straight from the horse's mouth.,有时候,你得到的信息,从马的嘴直。 +Easier said than done. Police reform has been on the agenda of every administration in modern Mexican history.,"但说易做难.墨西哥现代史上,每任政府都试图改革警政,亦曾多次革除为毒品集团效力的警察,但迄今为止,许多警察会老实告诉你,他们对要与毒贩对抗怕得要命." +"Psychologist: Well either that Mrs. Seaver, or he's a highly artistic imbecile .",教授:很有可能,夫人,要么他是一个白痴艺术家。 +"However referring to character depiction, Chi Li is more skillful at depicting female characters , and He Dun portrays self-employed labourers with higher proficiency.",而在诸多的人物当中,池莉更擅长于对女性形象的描写,何顿则在对个体户的刻画上得心应手。 +The results showed: (1) The performance of Cherry Valley ducks was improved when enzyme preparation was added .,结果表明:(1)日粮中添加杂粕酶可以改善樱桃谷肉鸭的生产性能。 +Objective To observe the safety and feasibility of autologous peripheral blood stem cell (PBSC) transplantation by intracoronory infusion in patients with acute myocardial infarction (AMI).,目的观察经皮经腔冠状动脉内移植自体外周血干细胞(PBSC)治疗急性心肌梗死(AMI)的可行性与安全性。 +One can only conjecture.,人们只能猜测。 +"The nature of modern capitalistic pathology is the system over-expansion and colonized ""life-world"", which is caused by the intrusion of system media.",现代资本主义病理学的实质是体系过度膨胀发展,体系媒介对生活世界的入侵造成���“生活世界殖民化”。 +"Till now, its branches in China has increased by 1065.",到目前为止,麦当劳中国的开店总数达1065家。 +A fervid art collector fastens industrially fortified carcass to Kite's virtual shoulder strap.,有一个收藏家特别热心,他把一套强化的工业骨头架捆绑在凯特的虚拟肩挎带上。 +"The Legend of Obama was growing by leaps and bounds. Indeed, the Plan was going exactly as everyone had hoped.",奥巴马的传奇突飞猛进的变化。的确,这个计划正在朝大家所预期方向发展。 +Two Friends and a Bear One day two young men are walking in a big forest.,两个朋友和熊有一天,两个青年男子走在一个大森林。 +"The South is a racist background and Puritanism dominated the region, Puritanism and racial entangled ideas together to form the United States is extraordinary status of the South.",南方又是一个具有种族主义背景和清教思想占统治地位的区域,清教主义和种族主义思想纠缠在一起,形成了美国南方颇为奇特的地位。 +在中国有广泛读者的《南方周末》上刊登一则漫画社论,画中的内容是一名公安局代表面带微笑地说:“请登记您的真实姓名,住址...,"An editorial cartoon in China's widely-read Southern Weekend newspaper showed a representative of the public security bureau smiling as he says, ""please register with your legal name, address ..." +It represents a person's last opportunity to seek forgiveness from other people before Yom Kippur begins.,这一天是赎罪日开始之前,向人寻求宽恕赦免的最后机会。 +Horses get fat and lazy if they are not exercised.,马不训练就会增膘、变懒。 +"If slogging through worksheets dampens one’s desire to read or think, surely that wouldn’t be worth an incremental improvement in skills.",如果在作业本上苦干会让学生不愿阅读或思考的话,技能的一点点提高当然显得不 太值得。 +"A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds, adored by little statesmen and philosophers and divines.",愚蠢的一致性是人类思想里的妖怪,被那些小政客,哲学家和传教者所尊崇。 +"For instance, you don't need to add cases where the found href is null — something that shouldn't happen with a well-formed document but sometimes does.",比如,在发现的 href 为空的地方不需要添加链接 — 格式良好的文档不应该出现这种情况,但是有时候确实会出现。 +"That's why I love to play them, and especially at Goodison Park where the atmosphere is magnificent.",这是为什么我愿意和他们比赛的原因,尤其是古迪逊花园的气氛非同一般。 +"It was raining heavily. Jane felt cold, so she got close to her mother.",雨下得很大。简感到冷,所以紧靠着母亲。 +"With the continuing increase in chip scale and design gates, verification has become the main bottleneck in chip development.",芯片规模不断增加、设计门数不断增长,验证已成为芯片开发的主要瓶颈。 +"""What! "" Lord Bao roared angrily, ""how dare you call me stupid? I will fine each of you one coin as punishment. """,“什么!什么!”包公生气地说,“你们竟敢说我糊涂!我要罚你们一人一个铜钱。” +"The collection includes an Eaux de Toilette in three sizes, a body lotion as well as a cuff bracelet containing a solid perfume that will come out in May.",这个套装包括一支三种不同毫升的淡香水、一瓶身体乳液和一个含有香水膏的开口镯——这款香镯将于明年5 月推出。 +The base is provided with a containing slot.,该基座上开设有一容置槽。 +"The Métis were compelled to move further west, but not without a fight. (The Métis and the federal government were on an inevitable collision course.",梅蒂斯人被迫向西,但并非没有抵抗。(梅蒂斯人不可避免地要与联邦政府进行抗争。 +"The detection model of ""M1-duck AIV antiserum-HRP tagged rabbit IgG to duck"" to duck serum was not seen before, and the study will have significance for the serologic detection and monitoring of duck.",同时“M1-鸭AIV抗血清-HRP标记兔抗鸭抗体”检测鸭抗血清的方式在国内外尚未见报道,这将对鸭AIV血清学的检测和监测具有重要的意义。 +"The winners of this probably meaningless test? Dohop and Bing, both of which placed me on that Cathay flight for $448, to be booked directly through Cathay’s site.",这次测试的赢家是Dohop 和Bing,两者都显示了那一趟国泰航空的班机,价格为448美元,可在国泰航空网站直接预订。 +"But now, twenty years later, multiprocessing has returned to these same personal computer systems through symmetric multiprocessing.",但是到了二十年后的现在,多处理利用对称多处理技术又回到了个人计算机系统中。 +"During the RocTrip it was really inspiring to climb with so many motivated, well-established climbers from all over; China, USA, France, Australia, New Zealand, Spain, Turkey, and more.",在Roctrip活动期间,能和来自那么多国家的顶级运动员一起攀岩真是让人振奋;中国、美国、法国、澳大利亚、新西兰、西班牙、土耳其等等等等。 +This version is now integrated feature-rich e-transactions.,本版本现已集成富易交易功能。 +"The free bird cries, ""o my love, let us fly to wood"".",自由的鸟说:“啊,我爱,让我们飞到林中去吧”。 +Recommendations corkage 1 hours after the hangover.,建议开瓶后醒酒1个小时。 +The terms can be used synonymously and refer to the actual UNIX shell the user is running.,这两个术语可以作为同义词使用,并且指的是用户正在运行的实际 UNIX shell。 +He told me how recorded his song in a local radio studio. He was obsessed with the fact that this song was somehow going to achieve great things.,他告诉我怎样在一个当地的录音室里面录制他的歌,他痴迷地认为,他的歌能取的伟大的成就。 +The separation technique between Zr and Hf was the key of the UV grade HfO2 production.,锆铪分离是制备紫外级氧化铪的关键。 +"Contemporary with Griffith among the producers and directors of popular silent films was Mack Sennett, whose slapstick comedies employed techniques developed by Griffith.",与格里菲斯同时的著名默片制片人和导演还有M.塞纳特。塞纳特在拍摄打闹式的喜剧片时借用了格里菲斯的技巧。 +"That could explain why, according to data tracker DataQuick, California home sales fell nearly 12% month-over-month in August.",数据追踪商DataQuick认为,这可以解释加州8月份的住房销售量为何较上月下降了近12%。 +The garden is 30 metres long and 20 metres wide.,这花园长三十米, 宽二十米。 +He is tired of being a nameless singer.,他厌烦当个默默无名的歌手。 +"Believe ea woman or an epitaph, or any other thing that's false, before you trust in critics.",与其相信批评家,不如相信女人、墓志铭、甚至任何一种骗人的东西好了。 羇。 +A big problem for banks is putting a value on the mortgage-related securities that they hold.,银行的一个大问题是将其价值投资于其所持有的抵押证券。 +"But a few is due to the relationship is disorder, sexually transmitted disease causing tubal phlogistic caused tubal nowhere;",还有少部分是由于性关系的紊乱,性病传播引起输卵管炎而导致输卵管不通; +Don't hang about. We might be late.,别磨磨蹭蹭的,我们可能会迟到的。 +A common issue of speech transmission through packetized networks is to consider the discarded packets as a result of overload.,在分组网络中传输语音时,因为存在流量超载的情况,所以需要考虑其引发的分组丢失对生成语音质量的影响。 +"Good morning! my dear Teachers and Students, My name is Chen Min. I am a graduate of Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts. and major in Environmental Art Design.",早上好!我亲爱的老师和同学们,我的名字是陈分钟。我是广州美术学院毕业。在环境艺术设计专业。 +In Scandinavia the staggering toll of African wildlife Tintin kills—especially a rhinoceros he reduces to blackened chunks with dynamite—has prompted additional angst.,在斯堪的纳维亚,丁丁杀死的非洲野生动物的数字大得惊人---尤其是他用炸药将一头犀牛炸得粉身碎骨--都引发了更多的焦虑。 +"The ""One network and two learning"" mode of teaching is the crystallization of the education reform and innovation on open education of Hubei TV&R university.",“一网双学”教学模式是湖北电大开放教育改革和创新的结晶。 +You are as likely to be greeted by a crime scene as a warm welcome.,等着你的可能是一个犯罪现场,同样可能的是温暖的迎候。 +"So although CERT still scrambles its team of crack counterhackers in response to large-scale assaults, most of its funding (about half of it from the DOD) now goes to research.",因此,虽然CERT仍旧勉力整合反骇客团队以应付大规模攻击,但大部分的资金(约有一半来自国防部)现在都用于研究上。 +So is our commemoration today. Well-organized exhibitions as this will acquaint more people with the unpredictable Doctor and his inspiring stories.,今天,我们在这里纪念白求恩,让更多的人了解并记住他,也是推动两国人民加深友谊的坚实一步。 +Yes—in the sense there were many disputes about the nature of Jesus.,是的,就关于耶稣的本性有很多争论来说的确有。 +These two classes are self-explanatory.,这两个类是自解释的。 +"Tell people loss of wild people to prison and no talkfest, his record you just want to back to Japan before chef cooking craft, and qiu Chen meal Luan school calendar.",失野把大家带去大牢告诉大家并没有什么恳谈会,自己只是想在回日本之前录下各位厨师炒菜的手艺,并且和栾学堂历秋辰吃顿饭。 。 +"That bridge is gray, the above creeping with some green vines, tall willow tree over the stone bridge, as if a naughty boy, barefoot standing in the water, grinning watching the water.",那桥是灰色的,上面匍匐着一些绿色藤萝,有棵高高的柳树越过石桥,仿佛一个淘气的少年,赤脚站在水里,笑嘻嘻地看着流水。 +"For professional sports clubs, most of th em mainly rely on, except tickets fee, their development of intangible assets the transfer of players and the selling of TV rights as their receipts.",职业体育俱乐部经营过 程中,其主要收入除了门票之外,一般集中于俱乐部无形资产的开发收入、运动员的转会收 入和出售电视转播权的收入。 +Audience: We are repudiating our family system. Our family system is ancient.,听众:我们在批评我们的家庭体系。我们的家庭体系是古老的。 +"One countermeasure that therefore has to be in place, he was quoted as saying, must be ""to make sure that the banks have sufficient capital"".",必须有对策出台,他说,必须“保证银行有足够的资本金”。 +"In multi pass hot bar rolling, there are many complicated influences which may affect the final dimensional precision and mechanical properties.",棒材热连轧生产过程中,影响产品最终尺寸精度和性能的因素较多。 +"His view on posteriori necessary proposition is logically unreasonable either, for he bases his discussion on a special language system and comes to a conclusion that is exceeds the language system.",他对后验必然命题的论证立足于某一语言系统,但得出了超越该语言系统的结论,这在逻辑上也是不合理的。 +"Exhibitor:Ah, welcome to London, Dr. Wang. We've done quite a lot of business with your company in the past, I believe.",展出者:啊,王博士,欢迎你来到伦敦。据我所知,我们过去和贵公司有过很多商业交往。 +"Media websites, for instance, want to be able to attribute comments and limit spam.",例如,媒体网站希望能够归整评论并限制垃圾邮件。 +"JESS LOWENBERG-DeBOER: ""Closing the bags is something that, if you see it, you will understand it very quickly.""",如果你看了封闭袋子的过程,你很快就能理解。 +Improving machinability of engineering ceramic materials via microstructural design is the key to resolving the problem of difficult machining of ceramic materials.,通过陶瓷自身显微结构设计来增强陶瓷材料的可加工性是解决陶瓷难加工问题的关键。 +"This share in the Dutch East India Company is dated September 9, 1606, which was issued 3 weeks before what had been the oldest known share in the corporation.",这是荷兰东印度公司1606年9月9日发行的一张股票,比之前认定的最早股票早了3个星期。 +"Although Conrad approves of the positive aspect of seeking for the moral ideal , he points out the potential dangers in over-idealization of moral quest.",康拉德肯定了道德追求对人生的积极意义,也指出了理想化的道德追求中所潜在的危险。 +"After over 50 years of research and development, MBTI has become the most famous in today's global character and authority of the test.",经过了长达50多年的研究和发展,MBTI已经成为了当今全球最为著名和权威的性格测试。 +"If you see clearly thus, you will see the adamantine and indestructible body of the Tathagata just as you see things reflected in a mirror (13).",如果你很清楚地看这些,你就可以很清楚的看到如来的金刚不坏之体就象你在镜子之中看到的反映。 +"His theory of Trio-Transformations in Spirit refers both three forms and three stages in cultural evolution. During discriminative negation he produced the idea of ""superman.""",他的“精神三变” ,既是文化的三个形态,又是文化进化的三个阶段,并在辩证否定中催生出“超人”。 +These murders are yet another example of ISIL's contempt for human life and its efforts to sow discord and division among the Iraqi people.,这些凶手是伊斯兰国蔑视生命以及努力在伊拉克人民中间制造不和与分歧的又一案例。 +Then he made faces and jumped like a monkey.,接着他做鬼脸并象猴子一样地跳。 +Driverless cars will initially coexist with human-driven cars.,无人驾驶汽车最初会与人类驾驶的汽车共存。 +Remote sensing technology in tourism planning and design will become a major trend of tourism development.,因而遥感技术在旅游规划中的运用将是旅游业发展的必然趋势。 +I enjoy using it and think that there is incredible potential for location to be a platform for the development of incredible new services.,我享受使用它的过程,而且认为它的潜力无限,位置服务将成为一个平台,基于这个平台将不断涌现出新的服务应用。 +"Import: settlement of accounts payable, negotiation and collection of documentary bills drown on foreign investment enterprises.",进口:三资企业进口结算、押汇和托收业务��� +"While on trial for murder, Yao said he killed the woman, 26-year-old Zhang Miao, because she looked like a peasant and he feared she would hound him for compensation.",庭审时,药家鑫称他之所以杀死26岁的被害人张妙,是因为对方看起来像个农民,他怕对方要求赔偿。 +The construction of the 1318km-long Beijing-Shanghai high-speed railway started this morning in Beijing. Premier Wen Jiabao attended the groundbreaking ceremony for the RMB220.9 billion project.,总投资为2209亿的京沪高速铁路18日上午全线开工,温家宝总理出席了开工典礼。 +Local families learned how they could benefit financially from teaming up with neighbors and regularly patrolling a section of the forest.,当地家庭了解到他们如何通过与邻居的合作和定期在部分林区巡逻得到经济益处。 +"This zone is home to species eaten by fish that humans eat, such as tuna and salmon.",这块地带居住着的物种同时也是人类食用鱼类的食物,例如金枪鱼和三文鱼。 +He looks down at his side and realizes a shard of glass from the coffee pot has been pushed deep into his abdomen.,他往下一看,发现咖啡壶的一块碎玻璃已经深深刺进他的腹部。 +"How can I get them to stop self- medicating with antibiotics for stuff like a bad cold?Also, I believe some doctors prescribe unnecessary antibiotics to get people like my siblings off their back.",我怎样才能让他们不再一有点小病诸如伤风之类的就依赖于抗生素呢?我也相信一些医生为了使像我弟弟妹妹那样的病人摆脱病痛而开些不必要的抗生素药物。 +"In contrast, Washington has distributed $69 billion of its $787 billion in stimulus funds to states and localities, which have spent $14 billion.",而美国仅将7,870亿美元刺激资金中的690亿投放到各个州和地方政府,其中支出的仅有140亿。 +Buy in bulk stuff you'll never be able to use or consume before the sell-by-date.,买一些你从来都不会用到的东西或者在提前预售的时候购买。 +There's a crack in everything. That's how the light gets in.,万物皆有裂痕,那是光照进的地方。 +"But on behalf of squatters and labor unions, Superbarrio leads protest rallies, files petitions and challenges court decisions.",超级街区代表租房者和公会举行示威机会、情愿和反对法院判决的活动。 +Enterprises with foreign investment shall adopt the double entry accounting method.,第十二条外商投资企业采用借贷复式记帐法。 +"At the site of Binhe Road Station across the Qiantang River, it was already a sight of busy construction.",在钱塘江对岸,滨和路站的建设工地上,已是一片繁忙景象。 +Kuang is said to have rejoined the Communist party and entered the insurance business.,况丽据说重新入党,干起了保险行当。 +"In addition, the Fayette State Park office contains a weekly park manager's report detailing activities at the site.",此外,费耶特州立公园办公室还拥有由公园主管者每周完成的一份旅游地详细活动的报告。 +"To open Terminal Services Configuration, click Start , click Control Panel, double-click Administrative Tools, and then double-click Terminal Services Configuration.",组策略将替代那些由终端服务配置工具设置的配置。 +"These streams comprise standard vehicles, such as cars, buses and trucks, as well as non-standard vehicles such as bicycles, motorcycles and other refitted vehicles.",除了标准型车辆如各种出租车、私车、公交车和卡车外,还有非标准车辆如自行车、摩托车及其他改装车等。 +"And then when I took my Russian class last year, I really liked it",而且我去年上俄语课时,我非常喜欢, +Law is only for Fames and Famous.,法律是无法解决所有问题的。 +"Sheng Heng Heat Insulation Material Co. , Ltd. lies in Dacheng county of Hebei province, where can be called the hometown of the heat insulation materials in China .",大城县晟恒保温建材有限公司位于我国的保温材料基地—— 河北省大城县。 +"That thou turnest thy spirit against God, and lettest such words go out of thy mouth?",使你的灵反对神,也任你的口发这言语。 +And women are happy to see stay-at-home husbands building closer relationships with their children.,妻子们很乐意看到居家丈夫和孩子们建立起更为亲密的关系。 +"By use of directional and folded blasting, a fifteen-storeyed and polygonal building with frame-shear wall was demolished.",十五层多边形框剪大楼采用定向折叠爆破方案拆除。 +"There were eight mythological beings, four women and four men, who are the ancestors of all the Maya people.",玛雅历史上有八位神灵,四男四女,被奠为全体玛雅人的祖先。 +Doug and Susan continue talking.,道格和苏珊继续聊天。 +Did you use to take school buses to school?,你们过去常坐校车去上学吗? +It can be used for orientation in which category is your chipset or graphic card .,您可以使用这张列表找到您的晶片或显示卡的定位。 +"Since the late 1970s, the National Center for Health Statistics / WHO growth reference has been in use to chart children's growth.",自70年代后期以来,国家卫生统计中心/世卫组织参照基准一直用于绘制儿童生长图表。 +"In line with the above-mentioned principled position, China participated in a constructive manner the consultations on the relevant resolutions of the UN Security Council.",本着上述原则立场,中方以建设性的态度参加了安理会有关决议的磋商。 +"Ahh, another refreshing case of imagery and typography combined into one cohesive, readable, memorable logo.",还有一种新鲜的设计,将意象与美术体应刷结合在一起组成联系密切,可读性高,记忆深刻的商标。 +"Four: My head was full of the wonderful things that I could do in my life, as I looked, unseeing, at the sea.",我视而不见地望着大海,脑袋里全是我想像的、我这一辈子可能干的美妙的事儿。 +Maybe I could have loved you better. Maybe you should have loved me more. Maybe our hearts were just next in line. Maybe everything breaks sometime.,也许我可以更好的爱你。也许你可以更好的爱我。也许我们只是彼此的备胎。也许某一刻一切都被打碎。 +This review concentrates on the biological effect of high glucose on Schwann cell.,本文就近年来高糖环境对体外培养雪旺细胞影响的相关研究作一综述。 +"Since 2002, he has been conducting regular yoga workshops - each lasting several weeks - in Germany, Holland, Belgium and France.",自2002年以来,他一直进行定期的瑜伽工作坊- 每次长达几个星期- 在德国,荷兰,比利时和法国。 +"As part of rolling machines AC varial frequency transmission system, GTOs max capacity can reach to 20MVA, and for IGBT, to 8.",作为轧机的交流变频传动系统的GTO其最大容量达到20MVA,IGBT变频传动系统其最大容量达到8。 +There will be difficult days ahead. But I am absolutely confident we will succeed.,今后的日子会遇到艰险,但是我绝对相信我们将获得成功。 +Be aware that the prenup won't have any affect on what support Tiger will have to pay to support the children.,要注意,伍兹要为孩子支付多少抚养费的问题,是不受婚前协议约束的。 +"As cities stretch to accommodate the world’s skyrocketing population, loyal Inhabitat followers are surely familiar with skyscrapers and other vertical solutions to cope with urban densification.",当城市在努力接纳世界上迅速增长的人口的时侯,loyal Inhabitat 的追随者一定对高楼大厦以及其他应对城市人口膨胀的的理论很熟悉。 +Sticking out of the clod is a shoe.,从土块里还伸出来一只鞋。 +There can be no such thing.,并不存在那样的东西。 +The present invention can also be used in trimming.,本发明可用于装饰装璜领域。 +Maybe You forgot over 100 peoples dead in 2005 in Japan in the railway trafic accident.,也许你忘记了,日本2005年的铁路事故导致超过100人丧生。 +"The digestive tract was full of the black-brown or copper-green substance, The intestinal mucosa was swelled and flush, and the submucosa showed modified, necrosis and exfoliation;",肠道充满铜绿色或黑褐色内容物,肠粘膜肿胀潮红,粘膜上皮变性,坏死,脱落; +"In reefs, the structure is big lumps of calcium carbonate on which things grow and around which they graze and hunt.",对于珊瑚礁而言,结构就是大块的碳酸钙礁石,一切都发生在礁石之上或周围。 +"Sampling the wild osmunda cinnamomea at Wangqing county mountainous area of Jilin Province, the pull, compression, impact, stress relaxation and creep tests on the samples were done respectively.",选用吉林省汪清县山区野生薇菜为研究对象,对野生薇菜茎进行拉伸、压缩、弯曲、冲击、应力松驰、蠕变试验。 +"Inside the QuickTemplate subclass, you'll override methods to format and style things like category listings and cross-references the way you want.",在 QuickTemplate 子类的内部,通过覆盖这些方法,可以随心所欲地格式化和样式化类别列表和交叉引用等。 +I thanked Bob.,我感谢鲍勃。 +"The author discusses their classification, traits and value, and concludes that they are precious heritage of mankind, and proposes a plan for applying for ""World Memory Heritage"".",深入分析傣族贝叶典籍的分类、特征和价值,可以发现它是一份珍贵的世界遗产,可作为“世界记忆遗产”进行申报。 +"Hypervisor Paging occurs (hpi and hpit) on bxaix86, as memory is given back to bxaix85.",由于要把内存还给 bxaix85,在 bxaix86 上发生 Hypervisor 分页(hpi 和 hpit)。 +Renounce any involvement with evil. Ask the Lord to cleanse you with His Blood (1 John 1:9).,宣布放弃参与邪恶的事物,请求主用他的宝血洗净你(约一1:9。 +"A new book from Taschen titled Man Meets Woman, features simple green and pink pictograms by Beijing-born, Berlin-based designer Yang Liu that examine modern gender roles.",来自“塔森出版社”的一本名为《男人遇上女人》的新书,以简单的绿色和粉色的象形图来表征现代生活中的性别角色,由出生北京成长在柏林的设计家Yang Liu设计,这成为本书的一大特色。 +You’re always interrupting me!,你老打断我的话!(抱怨) +They X- rayed my arm to see if it was broken.,他们给我的手臂拍了X光片,以确定是否骨折。 +"To introduce regional national autonomy in the southwest, we should begin in eastern Xikang, for conditions there are ripe for this.",今天我们在西南实行民族区域自治,首先开步走的应是康东,因为各种条件比较具备。 +Each student will be tested on their level of English proficiency and then placed within the appropriate (1-6) level class.,每个学员根据英语能力测试的结果会被编排到1-6 级班级里接受训练。 +Next year's Rio+20 meeting must put science-based innovation at the heart of the development agenda.,明年的Rio+20会议必须将以科学为基础的创新放到发展议程的核心之上。 +"In Jesus' grace-filled view the world does have two groups: sinners who admit their sins, and sinners who don't.",在耶稣满有恩典的世界观中,这世上确实有两类人:认罪的人和不认罪的人。 +The bellboy will show you your room.,服务员会带你去你的房间。 +I am a person who loves but also afraid of love &still worry about their love.,我是一个对爱情又爱又怕的人,爱上了他们却还要担心的多馀人。 +"It makes sense to record text only in name and price-quote, so the event handler uses the state.",只有记入 name 和 price-quote 中的文本才有意义,因此事件处理器使用状态。 +"Result:After treatment the motor function of upper and lower limbs and hands, ambulation and ADL of< 3months group and 3-6months group were improved(P<0.05).",结果:康复治疗介入时间<3个月组和3—6个月组的患者上下肢及手的运动功能、步行能力和ADL均有显著提高(P<0.05); +"Generally speaking, kernels with high thousand kernel weight , high test weight, round or oval shape and hard texture might produce high flour yield.",一般而言,籽粒大、容重高、圆形或椭圆形且籽粒硬的小麦出粉率高。 +The Texas-based rail operator makes most of its money from carrying freight.,这家位于得克萨斯州的铁路运营商此前的盈利主要来自货物运输。 +No acute haemorrhage or hemosiderin deposit is seen.,无急性出血或者是含铁血黄素沉积。 +"Since there is not an international convention governing parallel import, each country relies only on its own laws and trade policies.",由于至今尚没有统辖平行进口的国际公约,各国仅依其国内立法及贸易政策来处理版权商品的平行进口问题。 +"He's been a smuggler, a gun runner, a dope peddler.",他做过走私贩、偷运军火、贩卖毒品。 +Compares the current expression and child nodes to another expression to determine whether they are equal.,将目前的运算式和子节点与其他运算式比较,判断它们是否相等。 +"We are the largest frozen foods, ice cream, tea-based drinks, margarine and seasoning product manufacturer, and is the second largest cleaning, skin clea ing and hair care product manufacturer.",我们是全球最大的冷冻食品、冰淇淋、茶饮料、人造奶油和调味品生产商,也是全球第二大的洗涤、洁肤和护发产品生产商。 +Plase attach label to parcel .,请给包裹打上标签。 +"Seldom swerving or straggling or swaying or skewing, the smug slug shambled on.",很少掉队或突然转向或摇摆或倾斜,踌躇满志的蛞蝓蹒跚了。 +"In 2006, 25-year-old Jason DaSilva was on vacation at the beach with family when, suddenly, he fell down.",2006年,25岁的杰森•达希尔瓦在海边度假时突然摔倒,无法站起身来。 +Crema & Aroma's special properties are guaranteed by a selection of the best African coffee and precious Arabica coffees from Central America and Brazil.,Crema & Aroma是由精心挑选的上等非洲咖啡和来自美洲与巴西的珍贵咖啡所制成。 +You must make the tug line fast on the bitts .,你必须要把拖缆牢固地挽在缆桩上。 +"In apes the hyoid attaches to a large pouch called an air sac, that makes sounds bigger and deeper.",猿的舌骨依附于一个很大的喉囔,科学家称之为气囊,它可以让声音更大、更深沉。 +"All departments that maintain or access the same information use the same service, making any data and processing redundancies transparent to users.",所有维护或访问相同信息的部门使用相同服务,任何数据和冗余处理对用户来说都是透明的。 +"It's time to run through another descent exercise, an instructor tells them over an intercom.",现在开始进行一次降落练习,指导员通过对讲机告诉他们。 +"The paper thinks that the aims of the combination of industry-teaching-research(ITR)is a system which is composed of initial aim, main body aim and protective aim.",产学研结合的目标是由初始目标、主体目标和保障性目标所构成的一个目标体系。 +"Gough, a former soldier who did his first naked walk in 2004, said he would certainly consider doing this kind of stunt again.",高夫是一名退役军人,在二○○四年完成第一次裸体步行,他说他肯定还会尝试这种惊人之举。 +Internationalization is a design approach which anticipates the adaptation of a product to multiple different geographic regions and cultures.,国际化是一种设计方法,要求必须提前预料到产品需要适应不同的地理区域和文化。 +"And a second is like it, 'You shall love your neighbor as yourself.",其次也相仿,就是要爱人如己。 +"Instead rename the new binary to netscape.bin andreplace the old binary, which is /usr/local/netscape/netscape.",将新的二进制文件重命名为 netscape.bin 并替换旧的二进制文件 /usr/local/netscape/netscape。 +"This design contains three parts including rainfall analysis and prediction subsystem, generation of early warning subsystem and maintenance and management subsystem.",本设计由水雨情分析预报子系统、预警信息生成子系统以及维护及管理子系统三部分构成。 +"In 2009, its third year of operation, CCRIF successfully placed more than $320 million of coverage in the international reinsurance and capital markets.",2009年,即其运作后的第三年,该基金成功将3.2亿美元保险费投入国际再保险市场和资本市场。 +"We are Phoenix Stones Jewelry Company. We sell crystals, stones, jewelries and their value-added products on the Internet.",我们是凤凰网上珠宝玉石公司,我们主要业务是在网上销售水晶、玉石及其加工制品。 +"Results Taking point Yamen as an example, simulated acupuncture intelligence animation showed the anatomic structure of a point clearly and needle-insertion layers and accidents visually.",结果以哑门穴为例,虚拟针刺智能动画清楚地显示了腧穴的解剖结构,直观地表达了进针层次和进针意外。 +"In 1988, New Orleans Hornets and Miami Heat joined the NBA. 1990 Orlando Magic and Minnesota Timberwolves joined the NBA.",1988年,新奥尔良黄蜂队和迈阿密热火队加入NBA。1990年奥兰多魔术队和明尼苏达森林狼队加入NBA。 +There's nothing that suggests it's bad form to mix open source and non-open source software.,因为没有东西表明混合开源和非开源软件是一种糟糕的做法。 +"Temple period, pilgrims, merchants gathered, the Vatican sound in the clouds sink and become one big landscape.",庙会期间,香客、商贾齐聚, 梵音响于云壑,成为一大景观。 +"In order to achieve both of them in publishing, a complete and whole plan should be made so that the concerned units can produce quality spiritual products and can also sell well in market.",要想在出版书报刊中实现两种效益的结合,需在全局上做出整体规划;有关部门既能生产优质的精神产品,又能实现精神产品的市场运作; +"Nate, okay, fair enough.",奈特,好,很合理。 +"For minimal queries, valid search terms consist of at least two characters, and they cannot contain punctuation marks only.",对于最小查询,有效的搜索词汇至少由两个字符组成,而且它们不能只包含标点符号。 +The afternoon students visited the Disaster Prevention Education Room.,本班下午班学生前往鼎金防灾宣导教室参观… +Bushido is a name in common usage since the late 19th century which is used to describe a uniquely Japanese code of conduct adhered to by samurai since time immemorial.,武士道是自从19世纪晚期以来常用的名字,来形容从远古以来日本武士坚持的独特行为准则。 +Eulerian-Eulerian two fluid model was applied to investigate effect of draft-tube structure on(gas-)liquid flow in airlift loop reactor.,使用欧拉-欧拉两流体模型研究了导流筒结构对气升式环流反应器内气液两相流动的影响。 +"The aim of the Berlin government and four federal states, which are sustaining Opel with bridging finance, is to save as many German jobs and production sites as possible.",德国政府和四个联邦州目前正在为欧宝提供过桥贷款,它们的目的是在德国境内挽救尽可能多的工作岗位和工厂。 +"Starting from the north, the wind blows to east and then west. On upper air, there is an airflow keeping spurting. Who makes the wind blow?",风由北方兴起,向东再转往西吹。在高空,更有持续的喷射气流在那儿活动,是谁在促使风的吹拂呢?。 +"He is married with three children and once gave a multimillion dollar endowment to his alma mater, Pittsburgh's Carnegie Mellon University, which renamed its business school in his honour.",他已婚,有三个孩子,一旦给了数百���美元的捐赠母校,匹兹堡的卡内基梅隆大学,他改名为履行其商学院。 +"When talks about its word ideal condition US, simple and beautiful supple graceful, the vigorous grand beauty all counts.",在谈到其词的意境美时,把清丽柔婉、雄浑壮阔之美悉数数来。 +"Although visible without aid, the above image of M31 is a digital mosaic of 20 frames taken with a small telescope.",虽然不需设备就能看到她,上面的M31确是一个20帧数字镶嵌图,来自一小型望远镜。 +"There had been hints that the old lady wanted to die alone , sparing her family an episode that perhaps they wer not equipped to handle.",有迹象表明,这位老太太想孤独离开人世,不让她的家人看到他们或许无力面对的人生插曲。 +"Life-expectancy in Greenland is lower than it is in China, in part because of alcoholism and suicide.",格陵兰的人均预期寿命要低于中国,部分原因是酗酒和自杀问题严重。 +"When the people gathered together on one of the great trial days, they never knew whether they would see a bloody killing or a happy ending.",当人们齐聚在审判日那天,他们不知道他们看到的将会是一次血淋淋的杀戮又或者是一个幸福的结局。 +Polymorphonuclear leukocyte(PMN) plays an important role in excessive and uncontrolled inflammatory response for acute lung injury(ALI) patients.,急性肺损伤时,中性粒细胞是造成过度性、失控性炎症反应的主要因素。 +"The Namib is a cool, coastal desert that roughly translates to ""an area where there is nothing"" in the Nama language.",纳米布是一片凉爽的海岸荒漠,在那马语里的大概意思为“不毛之地”。 +"If you read a book on HTML, it is likely to advise that all of your tags should be placed inside the element on the page.",当您阅读 HTML 书籍时,它很可能建议您将 标记放在页面的 元素内部。 +"Well, says here that you're an alien from outer space known as a Saiyan?",那么,这里写着你是个叫赛亚人的外星人是吧? +"That's a vintage black-and-white photo of Nora and Ginger's grandfather, but the computer can't find any faces in it.",这是一张老式的黑白照片,照片中的是诺拉和巾格的(外)祖父,电脑(由于色彩的原因)无法在这张照片当中找到任何一张脸。 +The transmittance of smoke signal at high temperature and the bonding and technical properties of the adhesive were tested.,测试了该胶粘剂试样在高温状态下产生的烟雾信号的透过率以及常温粘接强度和工艺性能。 +"Executives view data as a corporate asset that is as valuable as people, equipment, and cash.",决策层把数据看得和员工、设备、现金一样重要,都是企业的宝贵财富。 +"They say his wounds are consistent with a homicide, but aren't saying how he was killed.",他们说他的伤口看起来像是某杀人者所为,但是没有说明他是如何被杀。 +Dora had never received such a gift; she had no finery except her wedding ring.,多拉从未收到过这样的礼物;除了结婚戒指外,她没有别的饰物。 +In 1990 he came out of semiretirement to help manage a sweeping corporate overhaul that successfully averted11 the job losses that subsequently hit many other high-tech companies.,1990年,他当时处于半退休状态,在公司进行大改组以适应新形势时,他出山帮忙,成功地使“惠普”避开了此后其他许多高科技公司所遭遇的大裁员的厄运。 +"As we have said in the past, we have no plans to introduce a Blu-ray drive for the Xbox 360.",就像我们从前说过的,我们还没有给Xbox 360引入蓝光的计划。 +The casual blending of Zen and Art becomes the supreme state for art and life pursued in Chinese classical aesthetics.,禅境与艺境的自由交融是中国古典美学所追求的至高审美体验,更是一种至高无上的人生境界。 +Workers use a blower to remove snow from the tarmac of Zurich airport in Kloten after the region was hit by strong snow falls December 17 2010.,工人使用吹气球去除从苏黎世机场停机坪上的雪在Kloten后,该地区被强降雪,2010年12月17日击中。 +"Oh no, not me, I'm a man of repute.",不,我不要,我可是个正派人。 +"For the gamer enrolled sucessfully, you will be notified individually.",入围队伍将会收到个别通知有关比赛安排。 +The ancients saw the vehicle between God and people. We now know that dreams lead us deep within ourselves.,古人看到了神和人之间表达思想的桥梁,而我们现在则感知到梦境会引领我们走向深处。 +"And it's called divide and conquer for the obvious reason. I'm going to divide it up into sub-problems with the hope that those sub-problems get easier. It's going to be easier to conquer if you like, and then I'm going to merge them back. Now, in the binary search case, in some sense, this is a little bit trivial.","因此被称为分治的原因就这么简单,将一个问题分解成一���子问题,并希望这些子问题解决起来比较方便,正如你希望的,求解的过程也会变得简单,下面就是把结果合并起来,现在,在二分搜索的例子里,从某些方面来说,这有点微不足道。" +"However, 16S rRNA-based phylogenetic trees are increasingly leading to advances in medicine, primarily in two ways.",不过基于16S rRNA序列的分类树却对医学的贡献越来越大,主要体现在两个方面。 +"If instead we had a positive ion, a cation, what we would have to do is subtract 1.",如果我们有一个带正电的离子,一个正离子,那我们就需要再减去一个。 +"Rayleigh-Benard convection is one of typical models for studying the stability, nonlinear dynamics of convection and the mechanism of forming turbulent flow.",对流是研究非平衡对流的稳定性、非线性动力学特性及湍流形成机理的典型模型之一。 +"It is indeed in so far as the discourse of the master reigns, that the S2 is divided.",就主人的真理论述统治一切而已,这个生命主题的第二意符是分裂的。 +"The software for the green software, installation and unloading 100 percent no residue.",本软件为绿色软件,安装卸载100%无残留。 +"To stand between two religions, from one of which you have not as yet emerged, and another into which you have not yet entered, is intolerable; and twilight is pleasing only to bat-like souls.",处于两种信仰中,一种还没有走出,一种还没有进入,这是叫人受不了的,这样的黄昏只能使象蝙蝠似的人喜悦。 +亻尔的生活需要重新来一次。,You need to come to life once. +"DBY Only see this which I have found: that God made man upright, but they have sought out many devices.",恢复本看哪,我所找到的只有一件,就是神将人造得正直,但他们却寻出许多巧计。 +"Jinhua Shuaida Tools Co. , Ltd is a original & professional manufactory.",金华市帅达工具厂,是一家新型的专业生产防护工具的工厂。 +Seaman was marking his 1000th senior appearance but he probably hadn't made a better save in his illustrious career.,希曼有着1000场的出场记录,但是这也许是他光辉的职业生涯中最让人惊叹的扑救了。 +"Install a CO detector to alert you of the presence of the deadly, odorless, colorless gas.",安装一氧化碳检测器来警告是否存在这种致命的、无色无味的气体。 +"The natural spruce-fir mixed stand is one of the main forest types in China, and also has large proportion in the civil and national consuming.",天然云冷杉针阔混交林是我国的主要森林类型之一,在国民用材中占有相当大的比重。 +Companies ignore this background at their peril.,西方企业忽略了这一背景,给自己埋下了后患。 +Magnus kept to himself seeing no visitors avoiding even his family.,曼克奈斯独来独往,不见客人,连家里人也避尔不见。 +"If you must use iodophor, follow the instructions on the label and rinse well.",如果你必须使用碘消灵,一定要按照商品的使用方法和剂量。 +"If you've installed the SDK starter package, then you already have this component preinstalled.",如果你已经安装了SDK初始包,那么你已经有了这些工具组件。 +"In 2010 Octomaker. after millions of women in the city was named the "" most popular eye care products "". MA IDO.",2010年10月,在继获百万都市女性评选为“最受迎接眼部护理产品”后,MA IDO。 +"To decide the effects with simple component, the bract of Cornus chinense Wanger was the best medicine part.",单纯以此组分确定功效,川鄂山茱萸以总苞片入药最佳; +"Of or relating to bile, the bile ducts, or the gallbladder.",胆汁经总胆管流入十二指肠,并在胆囊贮存。 +A New Communication Platform For A New Web.,一个为新型网络而生的新型交流平台。 +"Leapfrog development of Fujian is the necessary requirements of national development in overall situation, to satisfy demand.",福建跨越发展是顾全全国发展大局、适应区域经济竞争以及满足人们日益增长需求的的必然要求。 +"The algae is extremely green, taking out all the green stored all the year around.",水藻真绿,把终年贮藏的绿色全拿出来了。 +"Their testing requirements typically depend on their chemistry, size, specific use, and whether the cells are primary or secondary.",其测试要求一般取决于其化学特性、规格、用途,以及是原电池还是蓄电池。 +"Endless wonder over rocks, ants, clouds, and warm cookies.",无止尽的感叹于石头,蚂蚁,云,还有饼乾。 +"At present, the total civilian shipbuilding industry share of the economy has more than 80%, of which 40% of non-ship industry.",目前,中船重工经济总量中民品份额已经超过80%,其中,非船产业达到40%。 +"Boris Diaw had 18 points, five rebounds and nine assists.",Boris Diaw得到18分5个篮板外加9个助攻。 +The stresses in salt rock surrounding a cavern are lower than those in the virgin ground and with distribution as hydrostatical pressure surrounding a pumping well.,盐岩洞室周边附近区域内围岩的应力较低,其分布呈现出抽水井附近的水压力特征。 +"MAP30 (momordica anti-HIV protein of 30kDa) , a plant protein isolated from the seeds of the Momordica charantia, is one of the ribosome-inactivating proteins (RIPs).",是从葫芦科萦一门阵医大学俘士学位今仑文植物苦瓜种子中纯化的一种单链核糖体失活蛋白。 +It’s natural to wonder if more than just firms are being eclipsed: whether a freewheeling era is being superseded by a “Beijing consensus” of state-managed finance.,人们自然担心是否只有西方企业黯然失色:国有金融业的“北京共识”是否代替了金融自由的时代。 +"She cornered me once about the move to Texas, but before she could get into the sinful parts, someone interrupted the conversation.",有一次,她又质问我搬去德克萨斯的事,但她还没说到罪恶的部分,就有人打断了我们的谈话。 +I caught the thief flagrante delicto.,我当场抓住了小偷。 +"Channel management domain of the main bearer channels, including the building, channel management, channel management operations of the three major functions.",渠道管理功能域主要承载包括渠道建设、渠道管理、渠道运营三大方面的管理功能。 +Data is loaded into the KVp digital to analog converter on A4 and A8.,这个数据会被载入A4和A8区的数模转换器。 +Guzheng is a traditional Chinese musical instrument.,古筝是中国传统弹拨乐器之一。 +But it is also true of lesser-known scribblers.,一些鲜为人知的三流 作家也是如此。 +"Reeves declined to say which, or how many, other banks could face cases filed by the IRS, but he confirmed the entities being investigated were foreign-based like UBS.","他没有谈及哪些银行以及多少家银行会接到IRS申请发出的传票,但他证实,被调查的是与瑞银类似的外资银行." +"In the stage of collaborative implementation, they should co-teach and allocate dedicated time for discussion and reflection; 4.",在合作实行阶段双方应订定固定讨论反省时间并尽量实施协同教学; +Apple had not actively pursued any specific sites or developers that assist people in jailbreaking.,Mark Janke,经营着一家“黑掉那台电话”(Hack That Phone)的越狱论坛,他说:苹果并没有主动地追踪任何网站或这些帮助他人进行越狱的开发者。 +"Mr. Howell, 26, a native of Sugar City, Idaho, went home at night bragging about all the""amazing things"" he had worked on, his wife of five years, Elizabeth, said.",生长在爱达荷州盐城的豪威尔26岁,晚上回家便夸夸其谈工作上那些“奇妙的事情”,结婚5年的妻子伊利莎白说道。 +"In addition, you can ask landscaping expert advice to get more good advice about buying and using landscape stone.",此外,你可以向景观美化专家咨询以得到更多有关购买和使用景观石的好建议。 +"XML documents consist of data values and ""tags"" (markup) that describe the data, for example, 123-456-7890.",XML 文档由数据值和描述数据的 “标记(markup)” 组成,比如,123-456-7890。 +The workers chipped fish head off.,剖鱼工人把鱼头都斩掉。 +"The economy is in trouble today because of, pardon the pun, false profits.",当前的经济正处于困境之中,不好笑,是因为虚假的利润。 +"Used for long distances, these unicycles are specially made to cover distances.",用于长的距离,这些独轮车是专门用于长距离行驶。 +The tide began to turn for the anti-regime forces on Saturday.,舆论从周六这天开始转向反政府一方。 +The nose of the plane dipped as we came in to land.,当我们开始着陆时,飞机略略低下了机头。 +"As part of its involvement in the QVT standardization, IBM has developed a prototype model transformation toolkit, MTF, which is now available from alphaWorks (see Resources).",作为参与QVT标准的一部分,IBM已经开发了一个模型转换工具包的原型,称为MTF,现在可以从alphaWorks获得(见 资源)。 +"At the same time, a resource index table is established at the central node to overcome the defect of centralized resource discovery over-rely on the central server of the original grid system.",同时,在中心节点建立一个资源的索引表,这样就克服了原来网格系统集中式资源发现过于依赖中心服务器的缺点。 +The Navy requires the helicopters to have controls for two pilots but be capable of single-pilot operation.,海军要求直升机必须由两名飞行员控制,且由单一飞行员操作。 +I believe this is because I never loved him.,我相信这是因为我从来没有爱过他。 +The results show that 7.27% of prison police have mental health problems.,结果显示,至少7 2 7%的监狱警察存在心理健康问题。 +Is it that since the last food?,上次吃奶是什么时间? +My mother used to say he was a brilliant guy but a social failure.,我母亲总是说,他是个有才气的人,不过是个社会生活中的失败分子。 +"Illus Goggles are standard equipment for alpine journeys, but how can you keep them from breaking in your pack?",护目镜是高山攀登的标配装备,怎样装在背包里才不会被压碎呢? +"Lines 11, 12, and 13 define the parameters of the problem.",第 11、12 和 13 行定义了这个问题的参数。 +You’re a musician.I didn’t know that.,这下我明白了,原来你是个音乐家。 +"This paper present the theory and peculiarity of I2C Bus , it is introduces the merit of that I2C technique used in the hardware design.",本文阐述I2C总线的工作原理与特点,介绍了在硬件系统设计中使用I2C总线技术的优点。 +A design of the safety network switch in mine is introduced.,介绍了一种矿用本安型网络交换机的设计。 +In Part 2 of this article we will discuss four additional scenarios.,在本文的第 2 部分中,我们将讨论另外四种场景。 +Jamie Carragher is convinced Luis Suarez is a Liverpool legend-in-the-making after he produced another mesmeric display in the 5-2 triumph over Fulham.,卡球霸同志相信,苏亚雷斯在球队5-2战胜农场主的完美发挥证明,他正走在成为利物浦传奇的路上。 +"It also fits into McDonald's larger corporate practice of catering to local tastes, such as a fondue-style burger in France or a pita-wrapped ""McArabia"" sandwich in the Middle East.",同时,这也是为了响应麦当劳公司一项更大的战略——“本地化战略”,比如:麦当劳在法国推出了“干酪堡”,在中东地区推出“McArabia”圆面皮三明治。 +The principle of preparation of low- ash coal by de ashing with acid &alkali and the recycling of lite red liquid of acid &alkali after de ashing as well as the reusage are demonstrated.,论述了酸碱脱灰制备超低灰煤的原理及脱灰后酸、碱滤液的回收与循环使用的方法。 +Learn how to solder stained glass joints in this free video series that will teach you all about creating stained-glass sun catchers.,了解如何在这个自由焊接视频系列,将教你所有有关创建彩绘玻璃彩绘玻璃阳光捕手接头。 +"In simple words, we need to draw simple animated still images like cat moving, bee flying, fish cartoons.",简单地说,我们需要借助简单的动画像猫静止图像移动,蜜蜂的飞行,鱼卡通片。 +"On the occasion of the spring season, we BBT-11 will sum up the past quarter's work and elect the production stars of our inventory team for each month .",大家好!值此春暖花开的季节,我们BBT-11将过去一个季度的工作情况予以总结,选出了我们盘点小组各个月份的生产之星。 +"Frank:I know, but I promise I won’t be sleepy tomorrow.",弗兰克:我知道,但是我保证明天不犯困。 +"The epidemic characteristics of differentiated thyroid cancer(DTC)are changing, thyrotropin(TSH)suppressive therapy is also improving in recent years.",分化型甲状腺癌(DTC)流行特征在变化,促甲状腺素(TSH)抑制疗法也在改进。 +"They missed out on fourth spot to Tottenham last time around and Silva, in his debut season for City, believes securing a top-four finish this time around would be a good season.",在上赛季的英超第四名之争中,曼城输给了托特纳姆热刺。 在为曼城踢球的第一个赛季里,席尔瓦相信保住联赛四强的位置能够带来一个成功的赛季。 +"Reading books, in a non-ideal school, is often set for homework—a certain number of pages must be read and marked off on a book mark by the following day.",而在非理想的学校里,阅读经常作为家庭作业——要读完指定的页数并且第二天在书签上标识。 +"For instance, the option string ab: indicates that the calling program knows two options: -a and -b, and that the next word after -b is a supplemental argument. Here's how the code looks",例如,选项字符串 ab: 表示调用程序已知两个选项:-a 和 -b,-b 后的下一个单词是补充参数。 +"Streaks of faint light were rising, heralding a new day.",几道淡淡的晨曦正在升起,预示新的一天的来临。 +"The results show that Huangcaoba faults latest activities for the holocene early, and fault was dominated by stick slip.",结果表明黄草坝断层最新活动时代为全新世早期,且活动方式以粘滑为主。 +"It has issue in soothing the liver it is the strongly fragrant to solve, and rising Yang, etc. used in the cold and fevers and chills alternate, the chest coerces bloated pain, etc.",具有发表和里,疏肝解郁,升阳等功效,用于感冒发热,寒热往来,胸胁胀痛等。 +But he says rematches are required to properly test it against the known bacteria.,但他又认为应再次比较真菌与已知脱硫菌的脱硫效果。 +"People pray and recite Om Mani Pahdme Hum, which means Amen the Thunderbolt in the Dark Void.",人们祈祷、吟诵人祈告、吟诵“唵、嘛、呢、叭、咪、吽”,那意思是“遵从暗黑虚空中的卍”。 +"Spheric cavity expansion, static piling in subsoils and its application have been studied in this paper.",本文主要研究土体内球形空穴扩张问题,静压挤土桩沉桩机理以及它们在工程中的应用。 +"There was no question that Montie Stein had, through clever fraud, stolen better than a hundred thousand dollars.",蒙泰·斯坦通过精心策划的骗局盗取了10余万美元,这点是毋庸置疑的。 +"""The summer holidays are over, "" said Tom. ""Back to the salt mines. """,“暑假结束了,”汤姆说,“又要啃书本了。” +"Kumar said. ""A lot of these retailers use the catalog to tell people what they have: it's things they've curated and picked.""",库玛说,“很多网店用商品目录告诉顾客他们有什么,目录里的商品都是精挑细选过的。” +"Yes, a small ailment is a blessing, and I think I need to drink some herbal soup now.",是的,小病是福,我想,我该喝凉茶了。 +"That summer, I started formally training for the marathon.",那年夏天,我开始为马拉松进行正规训练了。 +"From Guan Hanqing work in the marriage custom contents set out, the creations mindset of a miscellaneous playwright of analysis.",从关汉卿作品中婚姻习俗内容出发,剖析元杂剧作家的创作心态。 +"""Wait a little, O Dermot"", said Guaire, ""till I strip off my shirt for the Culdee.",“等一下,哦,德莫特,”瓜伊雷说道,“等我把衬衣脱下来给这个卡尔蒂。” +"But being a dwarf bentgrass strain, T-1 produces less volume of clippings than some other bents.",但是作为一个极矮生的匍匐翦股颖品种,T-1产生的草屑也比其他品种要少。 +"Founded Satya Capital, a $150 million private equity firm committed solely to investing in African companies.",以私人1.5亿美元的股份创建了萨蒂亚资本公司,一个设在非洲的投资公司。 +Consider what God has done: Who can straighten what he has made crooked?,你要察看神的作为,因神使为曲的,谁能变为直呢? +The major findings of this study are: 1) The generic structure of abstracts from the four sub-corpora show much consistence.,通过研究发现: 1)在结构方面,来自两个学科两个写作群体的英文摘要呈现较大的一致性。 +"Locating in the hinterland of the Central Plains, Tangyin has been a joint of highways, expressways and railways.",汤阴地处中原腹地,自古就是南北交通要冲。 +"You've checked in at all your usual haunts, explored some new ones, added some others, and scored at least one week atop the Leaderboard.",你已经在所有常去的地方登记过,发现了一些新地方,添加了一些新地点,每周还能登上积分排行榜。 +He vouchsafed to me certain family secrets.,他让我知道了某些家庭秘密。 +"Call the guidance counselor or school psychologist, go to your minister or talk to your doctor for advice.",给指导顾问或者学校心理咨询师打电话,去寻求辅导或听取医生的建议。 +"They gradually came to be seen as being specific treatments for specific diseases, or ""magic bullets"", and their psychoactive effects were forgotten.",人们逐渐意识到特殊疾病就要特殊对待,或者像”魔弹论“【1】那样,期间的心理作用是可以被忽略的。 +"There may be health benefits to switching to cotton, too, but that's a tougher call.",而使用棉作为原料,也许对女性健康更有益,但这还有待证明。 +"If a manager finds stocks for which the market is overestimating risks or underestimating a company's ability to grow, he or she will outperform the market.",假如一个基金经理发现了一些股票,这些股票的风险被市场高股了,而其潜在的增长能力被市场低估了,这个基金经理将能战胜市场。 +"Through determining its ground biomass, it is confirmed that Weeping Alkaligrass as a fine species for mowing grassland is possessed of grazing resistance.",通过对它地上生物量的测定,证实碱茅草不仅具有耐牧性,也是一种较好的刈草场种类。 +"Everything that sprouts on the earth, praise and exalt him for ever.",地上的生物,请赞美上主,歌颂称扬他,直到永远! +"'Take this lantern, ' said Sikes, looking into the room. 'You see the stairs afore you?'",“拿上这盏灯,”赛克斯朝屋子里望了望说,“看见你面前的楼梯没有?” +"The four boys who carried banners marched solemnly to the dais8, followed slowly by the elderly men, the last of whom proudly carried thelighted candle.",四名举旗的男生神情庄重地走到讲台边,慢慢地跟在后面的是那些上年纪的男人。最后一名神气十足地举起点亮的蜡烛。 +"If you gave her a two-piecebathing suit, she knew exactly when to take it off and that doing so would wipeLiz Taylor off all the magazine covers.",如果她这么做,伊丽莎白·泰勒想都别想登上任何杂志的封面。 +"In Zimbabwe, see herds of elephants in Hwange National Park with the Africa Adventure Company.",在津巴布韦,随非洲探险公司观看万基国家公园里的成群大象。 +"8pm: We have kick-off! Rooney to Welbeck, and all the way back to De Gea, whose first touch is an assured boot down the park.",开球时间:我们首先发球,鲁尼传给维尔贝克,然后一路回传到德赫亚,德赫亚的第一脚长传稳稳的落到了中场。 +"The number and type of the fire extinguishers are arranged according to Fire Control Plan, and Service Card attached to every extinguisher.",灭火器的数量和类型根据防火控制图进行布置,每个灭火器附有定期的检查卡。 +"Psychometic properties analysis showed that the scale achieved good to excellent levels of internal consistency , content, construct, and criterion-related validity.",信效度研究表明,该量表的同质信度、内容效度、结构效度和效标效度都达到了心理测量学的要求。 +Other headmasters were kidnapped at the same time and their bodies found soon after.,除了尤玛阿以外,其他不愿关闭学校的校长也在同时间被绑架。 +"Dozens of college women I interviewed for this story assumed that they very well might be the ones working while their husbands stayed at home, either looking for work or minding the children.",为了撰写本文,我曾采访过数十名女大学生,她们都认为,未来很可能是自己外出工作,丈夫呆在家里,要么在找工作,要么在照看孩子。 +"The day before I turned off, I talked to the guy behind the idea, Dan Rollman, who is also the founder of the Universal Record Data Base, the online competitor to Guinness World Records.","在断网断电的前一天,我和活动的倡议者丹·罗尔曼进行了一次交谈。 罗尔曼也是世界纪录数据库的创建者,该数据库是吉尼斯世界纪录的在线竞争对手。" +You should see him in the dugout when we take him out of the game.,你该看他在我们把他换下来在休息区的模样。 +Congratulations! By the end of this week you’ll have reached the end of the first trimester.,恭喜哦! 到这周结束的时候,你也撑到了怀孕前期的末尾。 +"Afterwards, the matrix is introduced to store the history data, and how to compute the matriculate probabilities is described.",然后提出了用矩阵的形式来存储历史数据,并给出了录取概率的计算方法; +Salary: 2000 bonus year-end bonus seniority wage salary commission.,工资:2000底薪+提成+奖金+年终奖+工龄工资。 +"“A BMW has more software than the space shuttle,” says Manfred Broy, a professor of information technology at TUM.",“比起航天飞机,一辆宝马车所需的软件要更多,”慕尼黑工大的信息学教授曼弗雷德·布洛伊如是说。 +Did you know that if you spend time at social network websites like Facebook you might be a narcissist?,如果你把大量的时间花在类似于facebook的社区网站上,你是否想过自己可能是个自恋者? +There are a lot of new autumn suits on sale in the shop.,这个商店里有许多新上市的秋装在出售。 +He stripped for a bath.,他脱衣洗浴。 +"The test rocket incorporates most of the core components of the Ares I, but will not actually be used for missions in the future.",这枚测试火箭整合了战神一号的大部分核心组件,但在未来它还不会执行正式任务。 +"The lights bump off in sequence. The guard exits, footsteps echoing away. Darkness now.",灯一盏接一盏的灭掉,守卫走了,脚步声慢慢地消失。 +"Beyond Iraq, a redoubled effort to build a viable Palestinian government that can eventually reach a settlement with Israel would undercut another source of anti-Americanism and Islamic radicalism.",在伊拉克以外,我们要加倍努力地去建立一个能站得住脚跟的巴勒斯坦政府。 如果它最终能与以色列达成协议,将会对反美主义和伊斯兰极端主义釜底抽薪。 +"In order to realize miniaturization of absolute optical encoder with the character of greater accuracy and more reliability, a new coding mode and structure of reading head are investigated.",为了实现高精度、高可靠性绝对式光电编码器的小型化,对编码器的编码方式和读数头的结构等进行了研究。 +The difference is their profit; that's how they make money.,"这其中的利差就是银行的利润,他们就是这样赚钱的" +The government also wants to develop medium-sized firms with very high-tech products that form the basis of future devices.,政府还希望可以发展以高科技产品为主打的中型企业,为未来的高端设备提供技术基础。 +Many of the ideas are easy improvements on existing ways of drying grain.,许多点子都是对原有的晒粮作简单的改进。 +To investigate the association between schizophrenia and the polymorphism of armadillo repeat gene deletion in velocardiofacial syndrome (ARVCF).,探讨腭心面综合征中缺失的犰狳重复基因( ARVCF)的基因多态性与精神分裂症的关系。 +Wun now look more positive and are willing to communicate with others.,他儿子告诉我,至少温老太的反应看来很正面,现在亦很乐意与他人沟通。 +Detroit is merely trying to regain its swagger after a 39-43 season.,底特律只是想让战绩不像39胜43负这样的垃圾战绩。 +"Our God, the Source of all that is good and worthwhile, we lift up to you our reconstruction project.",良善之源、配得我们称颂的上帝阿,我们将教堂改建计画交讬给祢。 +"Rosemary: You bend over with your head towards the floor, then you put your lips to the far side of the glass and you try to drink it like that.",你的头弯下去朝着地,你的嘴唇方在杯子远的那一边,你试着这样喝水。 +"We go to New Orleans today, a harbor city in the south of America – with colorfulness.",今天去新奥尔良了,一个南方的海港城市,它给我的感觉是,五彩斑斓! +"County health officials opened an investigation Feb. 11 after attendees of an Internet conference reported symptoms mostly consisting of fever, chills, malaise and coughing.",参加一个互联网会议的人员报告疑似发热、发冷、不适、咳嗽等症状后,洛郡健康官员于2月11日开始了该项调查。 +"Marx himself, as we shall see, was a critic of rigid dogma, military terror, political suppression and arbitrary state power.",马克思本人,正如我们将要看到的,是一位教条主义、军事恐怖、政治高压和滥用国家权力的批评家。 +"It has personnel who are his buddies, those in favour, lots of eating, drinking, et cetera.","这个政府充斥了彼得的心腹和同党,吃吃喝喝,不务正业,诸如此类的事宜" +"Unless you come earlier, you won't meet him.",你最好早点来,否则你就遇不到他。 +"Increased wear of hard disks, leading to an increased failure rate.",提高了硬盘磨损,导致了故障率增加。 +"Mary So for Mary to go around X and go back to point X is 92 minutes, rounded-off numbers.","所以,再回到点,需要92分钟,大约的数字。" +"And even if Snape pretended it hadn't been his, Slughorn would have recognized his writing at once.",即使斯内普不承认那本书是他的,斯拉格霍恩也会一眼认出他的笔迹。 +Upgrading the key points of civil news is the emphasis of the development of party newspapers.,提升民生新闻着力点是目前各级党报发展改进的重点。 +"Some common linearization techniques, such as feedback, feed-forward and pre-distortion, have been introduced and predistortion has been especially described.",接着介绍了常用的功率放大器的线性化技术,例如预失真和前馈技术,重点介绍了预失真技术。 +The winning concept was designed to solve a problem that all diabetes patients (including this author) are familiar with: carrying around a number of disparate diabetes devices.,这款胜出的原型就是设计用来解决所有糖尿病人常碰到的问题:糖尿病患者必须随身携带各类不同的糖尿病设备。 +"To make yours look larger, blend darker shadow colors in the crease and lighter, shimmery ones on the brow bone.",让你的眼睛看起来更大,在眼窝处打上较深的眼影颜色,在眉骨处则打上微微闪光的颜色。 +Police found a small drop of saliva on the victim's shirt--too small a sample to test in 1991.,警方在受害人的衬衣上发现了一小滴唾液——在1991年,这个样本太小无法检验。 +"In 1952, one obstacle disappeared when the leaders of the AFL and the CIO, William Green and Philip Murray, both died.",1952年,劳联和产联的领导人威廉-格林和菲利普-莫雷先后去世,两派之间的一个障碍也就随之消失。 +"Their singing is a vivid reminder that God is the divine creator, who declared all that He created to be ""good, "" and He has blessed me with a new day.",它们的歌声就是一个鲜活的提醒者:上帝是神的创造者,他宣布了要把一切都创建“好”,还赐予我新的一天。 +"《The Classic of Tea》 and 《The Sequel to the Classic of Tea》 are what tea lovers should not miss, as they are considered to be encyclopedia of the Chinese tea culture.",《茶经》、《续茶经》被誉为中国茶文化百科全书,是爱茶人士必读书目。 +Note 1: Mean-Time-To-Repair (MTTR) is defined as the average time taken from receiving customer fault report by ComNet telecom (HK) staff to restoring service to customers.,注1:平均故障排除时间:信通电话(香港)员工收到客户报告后,一般在两天内修复服务。 +"This error message may appear when, for some unknown reason, the ROM image on the phone is corrupt. Download the whole RUU and try again.",这个错误信息意味着由于未知的错误您的ROM镜像无法在手机上读取运行。请下载全部RUU程序并再尝试。 +The committee traversed his proposal.,委员会反对他的提议。 +"In nineteen ninety-nine, Professor Weinberger put the recordings online.",1999年,温伯格教授把这些录音放到了网上。 +"In clustered environments, probes are installed on all nodes, and each probe is configured as though that node is the primary node.",在集群环境中,探测器安装在所有节点上,每个探测器的配置方式都与主节点相同。 +"If the gross of the carbon, nitrogen and oxygen is low enough, the cermets have no magnetism.",碳、氮、氧总含量较低时,金属陶瓷合金没有磁性。 +"The wage share in total income fell to 39.7 percent in 2007 from 52.8 percent a decade earlier, according to Louis Kuijs, a World Bank economist in Beijing.","世行驻北京经济学家高路易(Louis Kuijs)称,2007年工资在总收入中的份额降至39.7%,低于十年前52.8%的比例." +The door opened inward into the room.,门是朝房间里面开的。 +"In the beginning of July, there will be only 18 flights per weekend on either side.",在七月份开始时,每个周末每边的只有18次航班。 +Gibbs energy derived substrate is conducive to the increase of the substrate coating process for wetting the surface.,推导出底材吉布斯能的增加有利于涂料在底材表面的润湿过程的进行。 +"From Pierre Chainier, Loire Valley. Dry, zesty and oozing gooseberry fruit on the nose. Citrus lime flavours on the palate are balanced nicely with refreshing acidity.",此款酒散发出充足的醋栗香气。入口后能品出柑橘类水果和青柠味,和酸度形成良好的平衡。 +The present study is to analyze the association between HLA-DQA1 gene polymorphism and familial myasthenia gravis in North China.,本研究旨在探讨中国北方地区HLA-DQA1基因多态性与家族性重症肌无力发病的相关关系。 +"In people with diabetes, abnormally high levels of sugar remain in the bloodstream instead of entering the body’s cells, where it would be converted into energy.",患有糖尿病的人,血液中糖分异常高,却无法进入体细胞,糖分只有在体细胞内才能转化为能量。 +"What really mattered, shesaid, was the feeling of peace and pride that she and the girls felt thatmorning, with their decorations around the field, and a Pena coaching, just asit was a decade ago.",她说,真正重要的,是她和女孩们在这个早上所感受到的和睦与自豪之情,伴随着她们在赛场周围所做的装饰、佩纳式的教练手法,恰如十年之前。 +"Now the small make up for everybody on a lesson, let more people know what is the four King Kong?",现在小编就为大家上一课,让更多的新人了解何为四大金刚? +"Our technical advice, information and statements—given verbally, in writing or in the form of test results—is offered for your guidance without warranty.",公司提供的产品技术说明不论是口头、书面或实验报告形式都是对用户的指导,而非保证。 +"The lathe is mainly used for machining shaft, plate, sets and other has turned the workpiece surface, and machinery factory is engaged in the most widely used kind of machine tool.",车床主要用于加工轴、盘、套和其他具有回转表面的工件,是机械制造和修配工厂中使用最广的一类机床加工。 +"Over half of the super-rich live in America, Japan and Germany, but China passed Britain to take fourth place for the first time.",一半以上的超级富豪住在美国,日本和德国,而中国则首次超过英国位列第四。 +"In this paper, both the general pattern and specific features of the change of heat condition during the low Si ironmaking at Hangzhou Works's B.",本文分析了杭钢高炉冶炼低硅生铁时热状态变化的普遍规律与个别特征。前者(1)软熔带高度下降; +"With the development of telecommunication, high-speed facsimile terminals using Recommendation V. 34 are wildly adopted in many fields.",随着通信技术的发展,采用V.34建议的高速传真机已大量使用。 +So much of what you do appears to be a satiric jab at contemporary consumer culture.,所以很多东西,你似乎是一个消费文化在当代的讽刺山。 +One of the main reasons is that we didn't establish the Principle of Directness and Verbalism.,主要原因之一就是没有确立直接言词原则。 +"Previously, the CPSC remained a federal watchdog group with little power other than toy recall implementation.",之前,消费者产品安全委员会有一个联邦监察小组,除了实行玩具召回之外没有其它权力。 +The first chapter studies the statements in Pre-Qin of the impact of social circumstance on human nature.,第一章致力于追寻先秦时人有关社会环境对人性作用的论述。 +Projectiles became more important because cannons could now fire balls over hundreds or yards.,抛射体变得更加重要,因为人们已能用大炮把炮弹射到几百码的距离之外。 +Solution made of salt and lemon also slough off dead skin cells.,由盐和柠檬汁制成的溶液可以除去死皮。 +It's time for thought leaders to move beyond post-its and embrace a more advanced form of creativity.,此时此刻,思想领袖除了将创意发布出来,还应采取更为先进的创造方法。 +But he said he is sure that in the long run America will overcome all these challenges and remain the most dynamic and productive economy in the world.,但是他说,从长远看,美国将会克服所有这些挑战,并将维持世界上最有活力和最有生产力的经济地位。 +"Towards the end of the examination, the aliens either implant a small, round seemingly metallic object in the abductee's ear, nose, or sinus cavity, or remove such an object.",有助于年底的考试,外星人也植入了一个小的,表面是圆的金属物体在被绑架者的耳朵,鼻子,腔静脉窦,移除这样一个物体。 +"Humour can be used for patching up differences, apologizing, saying ""no"", criticizing, getting the other fellow to do what you want without his losing face.",幽默可以用来消除隔阂、致以歉意,有礼拒绝,诚恳批评,让别人按照你的意愿行事而又不丢面子。 +"Faced with the prospect of unknown amounts of equity hitting the market, possibly within days, the Shanghai composite index has had a few wobbles .",面对数量未知的新股可能在近日涌入市场的前景,上证综指出现了一些波动。 +I felt myself sucked out by a superhuman force. There were several explosions.,好像有股超人般的力量把我吸出了机舱,耳边响起几声巨响,我全身像触电一样抖得厉害,这使我感到麻木。 +"For its high energy, steady working voltage and large current, the silver-Zinc cell was widely used in the field of missiles, satellites and so on in the past decades.",由于锌银电池具有比能量高、工作电压稳定、可大电流放电等优点,几十年来,在导弹、卫星等众多领域得到了广泛应用。 +"“There are things that we can do better, ” Beckman said.",“有一些事情我们能够做得更好,”贝克曼说。 +"Sports can lead to many-faceted changes of RBCM. Such as the ability of antioxidation, function of transport, energy metabolism etc.",运动对红细胞膜的影响是多方面的,如膜的变形性、抗氧化能力、转运功能及能量代谢等。 +"If you set the partition type correctly to ""FD"", your RAID volume will be auto-started at boot time.","如果您将分区类型正确设置为 ""FD"",您的 RAID 卷就会在引导时自动启动。" +"The sweet perfume is memorable, as is the sudden lavish display in summer of coppery pink, loosely double flowers on arching, thorny, reddish stems.",它的花香特别,棕粉红色的花朵在夏季突然绽放,重瓣花朵蓬松松占上弯曲、多刺、稍带红色的枝条。 +"Moderation is considered the equivalent of about three cups of coffee, but of course it depends on the individual’s body mass and ability to process the substance.",所谓的适量等同于三杯咖啡的量,但是,当然这也取决于个人的体重以及消化能力。 +"Over the years the AMADA , Komatsu, Murata, LVD, Baylor imported equipment such as the die has extensive experience in the production.",多年来对AMADA 、小松、村田、LVD、贝勒等进口设备的模具有丰富的制作经验。 +The Indian skirt that I wore on my wedding day is framed and we wanted that to go on the living room wall and provide a focal point for the room.,我们将我在婚礼上所穿的印度裙镶在框内,希望将它置放在客厅之中,为客厅营造一个焦点。 +The precipitating conditions of ferric phytate together with the influence of colorimetric condition were examined.,试验了影响沉淀和显色反应的因素,从而确定了相应的最佳条件。 +"Based on the above thoughts, this paper designs the hardware of the alarm system, including sensor module, power module, acoustic response module and the central processing unit module.",本文根据以上的设计思想,设计了该防盗系统的主要硬件模块,包括传感器组模块、电源模块、警情响应模块和中央处理单元模块。 +You can also force it to be used by adding the CSS !important qualification (explained in section 6.4.2 of the specification).,也可以通过添加 CSS ! important 限定语句(在此规范的 6.4.2 节介绍)强制其使用。 +LdB: What would you do if you weren't doing music?,如果你不在做音乐你会选择做什么?。 +"However, as a result of the work load relations, the higher authority supervises is often unable to carry on as necessary, thus it lacks the rapid reaction ability.",项目组内部的互相监督正可以弥补上级监督的这种缺点,它可以随时进行,具有灵敏的反映能力。 +"In 1987, the Vocational Senior High School for the Handicapped was added on to the school.",1987年又在全国聋校率先创建了职业高中。 +"The diverse trends of steel architecture's development in contemporary times are discussed in the last chapter, which also foresees the huge potential of steel architecture.",本文的最后一章论及了钢构建筑在当代的一些多元化发展趋向,这也预示了钢构建筑巨大的发展潜力。 +The process will take around 30-45 minutes; all the while the applications on the LPAR will continue to function as normal.,迁移过程将需要 30-45 分钟,在此过程中,LPAR 上的应用程序将继续正常工作。 +"Oil vein swarm is found in the Triassic Yangchang Formation, central Ordos basin. It consists of numerous veins in a variety of shapes, comparatively short and filled with bitumen.",石油脉群发育在鄂尔多斯盆地中部靖安油田南二区三亚系延长统主力储层里,由大量密集、相对短小的规则或不规则脉体组成。 +"All boats on the canal, going north or south, must all pass through here.",这运河上的船只不论是南下还是北上, 都要经过这东关古渡。 +"First, bind the edit box in which users type stock tickers to the element in the request document that contains stock ticker data.",首先,将用户在其中键入证券报价机的编辑框绑定到包含证券报价机数据的请求文档中的元素。 +"The persistence of suffering from sub-health condition would affect our health, as well as family and working lives. Even worse, it could increase the risk of chronic diseases infection.",若身体持续出现「亚健康」症状,便会导致个人健康、家庭及工作受到莫大的影响,严重时更会增加患上各种慢性疾病的机会。 +The CERN Axion Solar Telescope in Geneva aims to detect axions from the sun's super-hot core.,欧洲粒子物理研究所位于日内瓦,该所的“太阳轴子望远镜”的目标是:发现来自太阳超高温核心的轴子。 +"If an application for cancellation is made, the company should use this form to notify the Registrar of Companies forthwith .",如有成员或债权人申请取消该项决议,公司须随即以本表格通知公司注册处处长。 +"And, because banks would not be appropriating so much of people's labor and wealth, the economy as a whole would grow much faster.",而且,由于银行将不会被占用如此多的 大众劳力和财富,整个经济将增长更快。 +An edible film which instantly dissolves in the hot water was developed on the base of soy protein isolate and carboxy methyl cellulose was added as the intensifier and glycerol as the plasticizer.,以大豆分离蛋白作为该膜的基材,添加羧甲基纤维素钠作为增强剂,甘油作为增塑剂,研制了一种可迅速溶于热水的可食薄膜。 +Article 39 The diplomatic personnel stationed abroad shall enjoy paid annual leave and tenure leave as prescribed by the state.,第三十九条驻外外交人员享受国家规定的带薪年休假和任期假。 +Heathenish motion is an anti-imperialist patriotic motion.,非基督教运动是一场反帝爱国运动。 +He waylaid her on her way home and demand ed her wages.,他在她回家的路上伏击了她,让她把工资交出来。 +To undertake other tasks assigned by the provincial government.,承办省政府交办的其他事项。 +I've never given much thought to how I would die- but dying in the plgenius of someone I love seems like henosternduring theivehy way to go.,我从前从未过多研商过我另日会如何死去,但死在我爱的人怀里倒是一个不错的拔取。 +Models of Theological Education in History. The Theological Encyclopedia: six departments of a seminary.,神学教育历史模式。神学百科﹕神学院里六系。 +"This is the first of its kind, "" archaeologist Mohammed Abdel Maksud, who heads the mission, said on Tuesday.",这类浮雕还是第一次发现。” 负责此次发掘任务的考古学家穆罕默德·阿卜杜勒·马克苏德本周二表示。 +"Totally, this study results can be useful for increasing the theory applying of resource-based theory and providing more innovation thinking for products.",整体而言,本研究成果有助于提升资源基础模式的学理应用,亦可提供更周延的产品创新思维。 +Eagleton's view of tragedy thirdly illustrates in his description of the tragic emotion.,伊格尔顿的悲剧观还表现在他对悲剧效果的阐述上。 +Related departments will also abolish the ultra vires to clear out the charges.,相关部门还将清理取消越权出台的收费。 +"With more than 800 appearances for his only club and approaching 150 goals, his appetite has yet to be sated.",在为曼联出场超过800场,进球接近150粒之后,他依然对胜利充满渴望。 +"In this paper, ICCPprotocol and its service functionality are briefly described.",本文简要介绍ICCP规约及其功能。 +"A style in which a man's last few strands of hair are combed across the top of his head, thus resembling a bar-code pattern.",男子将头上仅存的几绺头发横梳过来盖在头顶上,其形状像是条形码。 +"The paper outlines the backgrounds and aims, building, management and major policies of EPZ in Bangladesh, and gives a summary of the enlightenment and lessons which can be drawn from the EPZ.",本文阐述了孟加拉国出口加工区的设区背景和目的,建设状况、管理体制和主要政策,总结了孟加拉国出口加工区建设的经验和教训。 +That’s why it is always advisable to not loose it in the first place.,这就是为什么把它放在首位是明智的。 +"In this small town rock day, her body was tired, just for fun in a hot bath, and then fell asleep.",在这不大的小城里晃荡一天,她的身体本已累极,只渴盼痛痛快快地洗个热水澡,然后倒头大睡。 +"He arrived in time to see an arm passed through a hole made by a blow from a fist, through the grating and the glass. The arm seized a loaf of bread and carried it off.",他赶来正好看见一只手从铁丝网和玻璃上被拳头打破的一个洞里伸进来,把一块面包抓走了。 +The concepts of Wen (literary) and Zhi (qualitative) were derived from classical Chinese theories inHumanity and Writing.,文质之论起源于中国古典的人论、文论,作为翻译理论贯穿于整个佛经翻译过程。 +Earthquakes along the west coastal range of the Americas are still very active.,美洲西海岸地震带的地震活动仍很活跃。 +"This act got the great support from all walks of life, and the reconstruction of Baolin Temple progressed very smoothly, which has carried forward the spirit of the ancient temple.",此举得到八方鼎力支持,使宝林寺的得以顺利重建并发扬光大。 +Maria: I've never raised fish before. Are there any fish that are easy to raise?,玛利亚: 我没养过鱼。有没有比较好养的鱼啊? +"Leonardo, like many other artists of his era, may have been relying on a document to guide him.",与跟他同时代的画家一样,达•芬奇在创作上帝肖像时也可能参照了某些历史文献资料。 +The couple's lawyer said they had already seen a judge to formalize the split and agreed financial terms.,据萨科奇夫妇的律师介绍,萨科奇与塞西莉亚已在法官的见证下办理完离婚手续,并就财产分割问题达成了协议。 +The dynamic impedance of a single pile embedded in homogeneous viscoelastic soil deposits is obtained by using the dynamic Winkler model.,采用动力文克尔地基模型模拟均质粘弹性土层,推导出了均质土中单桩动阻抗; +The simulation results show that the output tracking of a class of vertical motion with known or unknown parameters can be achieved.,仿真研究表明该方法能够实现纵列式无人直升机对一类参数已知或未知的垂直运动的稳定跟踪。 +One of the suggestions helped the doctors with a diagnosis.,有一条建议真的帮助医生作出了诊断。 +And his ugly face is suspicious and brutal-looking.,他的面相看上去有点可疑,而且有点凶残。 +"Long story short, set of upscaling software algorithms with the added algorithm of analyzing and splitting the image into two frames.",长话短说,对提高层次的分析和分裂成两帧图像的补充算法的软件算法集。 +"Caption Detection and Enhancement Choosing reasonable features according to the particularity of caption, and combining the redundant information of multiple video frame to detect and enhance caption.",基于视频的字幕检测和增强根据字幕的特殊性选择合理的特征,并利用视频中多帧间的冗余信息实现字幕的检测和增强。 +"Therefore, and approach to the detection of power quality disturbance using short duration Lipschitz exponent is presented.",为此提出用短时李氏指数检测电能质量扰动的方法。 +"Also in 2002 a new teaching building of 6481 square meters, and hardening, greening and beautifying the campus.",2002年又新建了一幢6481平方米的教学大楼,并硬化、绿化、美化了校园。 +By understanding your camera’s controls you will understand what effect they will have on your compositions.,了解如何控制相机相机,你才会了解它们会对你的创作产生怎样的效果。 +"In Guatemala, Shah said, the corporation provided enough incentive for local farmers to change their practices to meet Wal-Mart standards, thus creating a better market for their produce.",沙阿说,在危地马拉,该公司提供充分的奖励促使当地农民改变他们的做法,以达到沃尔玛的标准,并以此为他们的产品创造一个更好的市场。 +The method using black-white stripe to encode in single ring absolute encoder has made a breakthrough in the conventional encoding principle.,它突破了传统的光栅编码原理,使用了一种新颖独特的黑白条纹编码方式进行角度测量; +"He is the vanguard of the avantgarde who, on the back line is a waste.",他是打前锋前卫出身的,放在后卫线上是一种浪费。 +"A significant amount of that money would go to nuclear facilities at Los Alamos, N. M. , and Oak Ridge, Tenn. , a critical issue with Alexander and Corker.",把这些钱会去大量在洛斯阿拉莫斯国家实验室,纳米,和橡树岭,��纳西州,一个关键问题亚历山大和考克的核设施。 +GM said it expects its cash-burn rate to improve in the fourth quarter.,通用汽车称,消耗现金速度第四季度会有所改善。 +"Lymphopenia induced by cytotoxic chemotherapy, or pathologies such as HIV infection, can significantly weaken immune function;",因为细胞毒性治疗造成淋巴球数目减少,或是HIV感染,会使免疫反应显著变弱; +"Cristian Brocchi is aware of this, but points out that there is still a long way to go.",克里斯蒂安·布罗基很清楚这一点,但他指出还有很长的路要走。 +The result of running C's main method might surprise you -- it'll issue a ClassCastException!,运行 C 的 main 方法的结果可能会让您吃惊 ― 它将发出一个 ClassCastException ! +"Chuck was cut short because of the writers' strike last season, but gets right back to spy games on Monday with the second-season premiere.",因为上一季赶上编剧罢工,所以《超市特工》被缩减了,但是得到了第二季的预定,在周一晚正式回归。 +How else to explain the popularity of paeans to bourgeois vulgarity like Housewives of New Jersey?,否则怎么解释比如新泽西州的家庭主妇这种对资产阶级庸俗的赞歌大受欢迎呢? +I sympathize with the staff.,我同情治疗团队。 +The Dogan family could also request F.B.I. action.,多根家也可以要求F.B.I.行动。 +"In other words, only the ""power of context-oriented criticism"" is the root of cultural studies.",换句话说,只有“语境化的权力批判”才是文化研究之根本。 +There I saw a lot of old furniture on the block.,我看见那儿有许多旧家俱在拍卖。 +"With gradual completion of the split share structure reform, listed companies in China will enter a full circulation time, the market for corporate control will be further improved.",随着股权分置改革的逐渐完成,我国上市公司将进入全流通时代,控制权市场也将进一步得以完善。 +"The phenophase, vegetative growth , fruiting characteristics and disease resistance of the wild watermelon in Jianghan plain was observed.",将新疆野生西瓜引种到江汉平原地区,观察其植株特征、生长发育、开花结果习性、抗病性等特征特性。 +"I held my bouquet in one hand, Cognac on his leash in the other, but I needed to hold the basket as well.",我一手抱着一束花,另一只手牵着拴科格纳克的皮带,可我还得拿着篮子。 +"The quake, which ran about 10 miles deep, hit at 4:27 p.m. (7:27 p.m. ET) Saturday, about 25 miles from Eureka.",地震发生在周六下午4:27(东部时间下午7:27)距离尤里卡城约25英里的地方,震源距地面约10英里。 +"Thereupon the boy starts laughing at changing , becoming that angulus oris that the girl is fond of to be concerned about a dirty trick , be cynical or humorous.",于是男孩开始改变,变成女孩喜欢的那种嘴角挂着坏坏的笑,玩世不恭或者幽默。 +"This paper puts forwards Yanji City's developing goal, probes its regional orientation, and further probes how to establish The Yanji Urban Economy Cooperation Zone.",文章提出了延吉市发展目标、研究了城市区域定位,初步探讨了建立延吉城市经济协作区问题。 +Therefore I enjoy so much seeing a flying flower stops on a real flower; at the same time I tried my best to catch the moment.,我总是会蹑手蹑脚地慢慢靠近停在小花儿上的蝶儿,试著用相机捕捉这朵会飞舞的花。 +"Empowered Fireball renamed to Empower Fire, reduced to 3 ranks, now increases damage by 5/10/15% of spell power and now affects Frostfire Bolt.",强化火球术更名为强化火焰,3点点满。现在同样作用于冰火球术,增加相当于法术强度5/10/15%的伤害。 +Study on bacteriology of intertidal organisms in Zhoushan Port.,舟山港潮间带生物体内的细菌学研究。 +"China's underground facility program is ""by its very nature inherently strategic and secretive, "" said Ian Easton, a researcher at the Project 2049 Institute.",2049项目研究所研究员莱恩伊斯顿说:“中国的地下设施计划其本质固有着战略和隐秘。 +"Fiction Monthly's creation met the reader's requirements at that time, gained widespread popularity by the readers and had a great influence on improving reader's literacy.",《小说月报》的创刊适应当时读者的需求,受到读者欢迎,对于提高读者文学素养产生了很大影响。 +We have seen 300 cases of severely malnourished children like Barwaco and Mohamed in just a few months.,仅仅几个月,我们看到了300例像巴娃可和默罕默德这样的严重营养不良儿童的例子。 +This article explores the high laid-off rate and credit rish in current real-estate and its solution.,主要就房地产业面临的空置率及房地产信贷风险展开探讨,并对此提出笔者的解决对策。 +"This book is available without charge in a hyperlinked PDF format. If you already own a different comprehensive textbook, consult the instructor about its suitability for this course.",本书超连结PDF 格式可免费取得。假若你已有不同版本的教科书请向你的授课者谘询它的适用性。 +Digital and analog systems need an interpreter in order to understand each other. and that's where the modem (short for Modulator DEModulator) comes.,数字系统与模拟系统之间需要有一个转换器,以便使两种系统相互理解。调制解调器的作用就在于此。 +It kind of was a wake up call in Germany because they were watching with amusement the subprime crisis in the United States and here it was causing losses to the German Government.,"这次危机震醒了德国,当初德国还把,美国次贷危机当笑话看,德国政府付出了沉重的代价" +There was obvious scattering for the test results of dynamic fracture toughness under high loading rates.,断裂韧度数值在高加载速率下呈现出明显的离散性。 +"The version of the 3GPP R6 in 2004 improving the billing function, definition of an independent powerful billing system.",2004年的3GPP R6版本对该计费功能进一步完善,定义了一个独立的功能强大的计费体系。 +"Here's Duan Yongping, founder of Guangdong-based BBK Electrics Corporation, who forked out more than 620 thousand U.S. dollars in 2006 to grab a bite with Buffett.",下面是2006年,广东步步高电子公司创始人段永平支付超过62万美元跟巴菲特共进午餐。 +But a new report says lone male bears are more dangerous than the females.,但一项新的报告说,熊是孤独的男性比女性更危险。 +"In the noughties, sound-wise that meant grime and dubstep primarily (plus offshoots and edge cases like bassline and funky).",就音乐来说,十年里硬核连续体的主力军是grime与dubstep,外加bassline和funky等分支和边缘流派。 +"With its high-speed rail network, now the longest in the world, the Chinese are providing efficient intercity links into downtowns.",除了建设高速铁路网络(现时里程已是世界最长)以外,中国还提供了连接城市中心区的高效城际线路。 +"We sit for long hours in front of a computer, glued to our chairs or stuck to our phones.",我们数小时地安坐在电脑面前,粘在椅子上不动窝,或者长时间拿着话筒打电话。 +The loud noise woke me up.,那个大的声响(吵杂声) 把我吵醒了。 +China has no new claims of territory since 3000bc. OK?!,自从公元前3000年以来,中国就没有宣称过新的领土,好吧?! +KP : I was not aware of that. He doesn't seem to be as big.,帕弗里克:不太清楚,他看起来好像没那么高大。 +General Manager Brian Cashman said that Pettitte was flying back to New York on Sunday night and was confident he would be ready to start Saturday's game against the Tampa Bay Rays.,总经理现金男说,小派将在周日晚上飞回纽约,并对他在周六出战坦帕湾光芒的比赛中出场很有信心。 +"It is wise to keep in mind that since 30% of the cost of a product is encompassed by transportation, using the correct transport mode is a critical strategic decision.",我们始终要记住:产品成本的 30% 来源于运输,选择正确的运输方式是的战略决策一非常关键。 +"Compare their skin dry, comparable to yellow, there are pores, nose are black, some liquid foundation can be out of oil, Tuozhuang, not natural.",自己皮肤比拟单调,比拟黄,有毛孔,鼻头有黑头,可用过一些粉底液会出油,脱妆,不自然。 +Fuqiang Coal Mine adopts mining full height actual process by adding the length of single prop once has made obvious economic and social benefit.,富强煤矿在回采工作面推广使用单体支柱加长一次采全高回采工艺,取得了明显的经济和社会经济效益。 +"Of course, you could run the pwd command every time you need to check the current working directory, but there's a better way.",当然,每当您想检查当前工作目录时,您都可以运行 pwd 命令,但还有更好的方法。 +"In his nice new robe, he must have looked like a baby monk.",穿着新僧袍,他看起来挺像个小小僧人。 +"In this paper are given the exact solutions of displacement of a homogeneous, isotropic, elastic half-space surface of arbitrary Poisson's ratio under a vertical and a horizontal harmonic point load.",本文首次给出了匀质各向同性弹性半空间表面在竖向及水平谐和集中力作用下的位移精确解,它适用于任何介质泊松比值。 +"The Ascendant being aspected to the Black Moon is a factor of depth, and as such it influences the whole astrological chart.",当上升点与莉莉丝构成相位时,将会为整个星盘带来深刻的影响。 +The application makes better use of stylesheets and generates a more sophisticated stylesheet.,应用程序更好地运用样式表,并生成更复杂的样式表。 +"In 1852, during the Gold Rush, California levied a punitive “foreign miners’ tax” aimed at the Chinese diggers; whites paid nothing.",1852年,在淘金热期间,加州征收一项惩罚性的“外国矿工税”,其目标是中国矿工。 而白人不用付。 +"TSU’TEY finishes with a bloodcurdling war-cry, and the entire CLAN responds, their shouts echoing across the forest.",苏泰用一个震撼人心的呐喊结束了翻译。 整个部族的人回应着,他们的呐喊声在森林中回荡。 +"Plovdiv, as with the rest of Bulgaria, has been conquered many times and the architecture bears witness to each change.",普罗夫迪夫像保加利亚其它地方一样,很多次被人征服过,城里的建筑正是每一次改朝换代的见证。 +"""Our model falls right on top of the WMAP data; they are in remarkably good agreement,"" says Hooper.",Hooper说:“我们的模型在WMAP的数据下是对的,它们出乎意料地非常一致。” +"In addition, the winner-takes-all system often leads candidates to desperate tactics such as negative advertising to tear down their opponents rather than promoting their own virtues.",此外,也正因为美国总统选举这种赢家说了算的机制,促使候选人在竞选时不惜采用诋毁对手的方式来相互攻击。 +Hardware acceleration.,硬件加速。 +"Mobile License Plate Recognition (LPR) is an important part of Intelligent Transportation System, and is also an attractive research in image-processing and pattern recognition areas in recent years.",汽车牌照识别(LPR)系统是智能交通管理系统的重要组成部分,也是图像处理和模式识别领域的热门研究课题。 +"Instead, the extraordinary relationships are asking us to give without expecting anything in return. This is what gives rise to a virtuous cycle of reciprocity.",相反的,良好的人际关系就会要求我们不求回报的付出,这回引起一个高尚的互惠互利的云焕。 +"All of this, of course, will have the side effect of enriching Apple; Apple’s shrewd that way.",当然,所有这些都对苹果的财富积累具有副作用,但这正是苹果的精明之处。 +"Shakyamuni, who represents wisdom of humankind, inherited traditional religion of ancient India.",释迦牟尼佛,他是代表了人类的智慧,他可以说继承了古印度传统的宗教。 +DuPont set out in 2003 to develop a biofuel that actually can match the high-energy output of gasoline.,2003年,杜邦开始研发与汽油能量相当的生物燃料。 +Present use of fossil molecules to reconstruct paleoclimate and ancient human activities has become an important part of molecular stratigraphical research.,应用生物标志化合物恢复古气候、古人类活动的探索已成为分子地层学研究的重要内容。 +We regret to tell you that the said article is not avaiable owing to the rush of orders.,很遗憾地告知,由于定单接踵而至,所以商品无货供应。 +The first two natural frequencies and the relevant modal functions are obtained numerically and the contributions of the transporting velocity and the torsional spring coefficient are discussed.,讨论了固有频率与模态函数、轴向速度及弹簧弹性系数的关系。 +Heather: In what way?,石楠:在哪些方面? +"All I want to stress is that my discovery of her was a fatal consequence of that ""princedom by the sea"" in my tortured past.","我想强调的是,我对她的发现,乃是在扭曲的过去里建筑的那座海边王国的致命后果。" +The newspapers were so tightly jammed in the letterbox that he could hardly get them out.,报纸紧紧地塞在信箱里,他几乎无法把它们取出。 +I can't wait to see you again.,我迫不及待地想要再次见到你。 +Linked Data started as a very informal Design Issues note that I put in; it was a grassroots movement from very early on.,关联数据社区倾向于使用部分语义网技术,不过他们肯定会使用SPARQL。 关联数据源于我的一份非常不规范的设计问题笔记,从一开始就是一场草根运动。 +"ESET NOD32 Antivirus offers superior, comprehensive protection, the fastest scanning throughput, and the least performance impact of any solution.",服务器操作系统杀毒提供优良的,全面的保护,扫描速度最快的吞吐量,并至少表现的影响,任何解决办法。 +"Psychological counseling for students is still weak in China and waits to be enhanced, said Zhong Binglin, President of the Beijing Normal University.",北京师范大学校长钟秉林表示中国对学生的心理咨询工作仍然很薄弱,需要加强工作。 +"To company of pharmacy of collect family name, this is a surging forward with great momentum, far-reaching revolution.",摆在它们面前的是一座硕大无朋的金矿。 对于罗氏制药公司来说,这是一场波澜壮阔、影响深远的革命。 +It has become the standard reply to every question or comment. It clings like lint to our conversations.,它成为了任何一个问题或话语的标准式回答。就像是毛衣上毛球一样附着在我们的谈话当中。 +"This paper points out that the higher education should be diversified, lifelong, popular and beneficial so it's necessary for colleges to carry out Towards the sel…",运作高等教育自学考试是高等院校适应高等教育多样化的应然趋向、终身化的必然诉求、大众化的自然选项、效益化的定然需要。 +"Sun Kala: There is a risk of Weibo getting shut down, and there is also a risk of people abandoning it. (Today 09:20)",孙卡拉被叫停风险还是有的,被公众抛弃的风险也是有的。(今天09:20) +The article is devoted to the analysis of changes in political consciousness and transformation of political identity as well as the political regional identity in post-Soviet Russian history.,本文从俄联邦现代政治史的视域,对后苏联时代俄罗斯政治意识与政治身份的转变进行分析,探讨苏联解体后俄罗斯社会区域政见一致性问题。 +"Using the “Picture, Plan and Promote” strategy creates an initial boost of energy and motivation among family members that can launch the home team forward in September.",使用“描绘蓝图、计划并推广”的战略在家庭成员之间创造精力和动机的原动力,这可以让全家人的动力一直保持到九月。 +"Last season, Inter conceded two goals from set-pieces and tomorrow we'll have Pirlo who can hit a free-kick in his own particular way.",上赛季,国际在定位球上丢了两个球,明天我们有皮尔洛,他可以展示他独特的任意球踢法。 +"They are extensively used for such articles in international trade, and insurance companies can have no occasion to refuse indemnification on such grounds.",国际贸易中广泛使用硬纸板箱包装这类商品,保险公司根本不可能以这个为理由来拒绝赔偿。 +"Make promises sparingly , and keep them faithfully, no matter what it costs.",少作承诺,并保证它们的信誉。一旦作出承诺,无论付出多大代价都要履行。 +"The traffic in Zongshan is so convenient, while the prices & rent there are freakingly high.",中山区交通超级方便,但物价房租吓吓叫; +"Asphaltenes are known to exist in crude oils as a colloidal suspension, but which had not been well characterized in the laboratory until recently.",我们知道,沥青质在原油中是以胶体悬浮液的形式存在的,但直到最近才在试验室中进行很好地描述。 +Psychologists mention the sense of entitlement felt by those who attain political standing that blinds them to the consequences of their actions.,心理学家们提到了一种权贵人士的“优越感,”正是这种感觉让他们蒙了心、迷了眼,看不清自己行为的后果。 +"If we think sickly thoughts, we will probably be ill.",如果我们整天有病态的思想,我们就会变得病怏怏; +"When you're a mom, it's easy to become so absorbed in the logistics of taking care of your kids – what Leo refers to as the ""mom stuff"" - that you forget to relax and have fun.",当你是个母亲的时候,很容易就陷入一种照顾你孩子的逻辑,这就是里昂所指的“妈妈的毛病”,你会忘了放松,娱乐。 +LA 18 Evening New is the only Los Angeles TV station to bring you live coverage of this…,洛城18台是南加洲电视台唯一现场采访,和您一起见证历史的一刻。 +"The other three children became the property of the Hutt, and he kept them in his town house in Mos Eisley.",另外三个孩子变成了赫特人的财产,被关进赫特人在莫斯埃斯利的城内住宅。 +"And its nutty , oxidized flavors resemble those of Chinese Shaoxing rice wine, a flavor bond that spans continents.",此外,它内含的坚果和被氧化后的味道正像中国绍兴米酒——跨越大洲的美味结合。 +Very-high-speed digital subscriber line(VDSL) is the fastest access technology of the xDSL family.,甚高速数字用户线(VDSL)是数字用户线(DSL)家族中速率最高的接入方式。 +"NAICU is trying to provide a more complete picture than U. S News, and the new format doesn't gloss over unpleasant details.",NAICU正在努力提供一个要比《美国新闻》更为完整的画面,而新的方式不会掩盖那些不愉快的细节。 +"""I drove one from 1970, "" he adds. ""It's kind of ironic that my grandfather, my father and myself are Ford guys at heart but we sell Chryslers.",“我自打1970年就开着一辆野马,”他说道:“虽然我们祖孙三代以卖克莱斯勒为业,颇为讽刺的是我们在心底里却都是福特的车迷。 +"Coated with ELI (Eco Light Inside), an eco-friendly material developed by the designer, which creates a realistic, glowing effect when the lights go out.",包覆于ELI (生态轻内) ,环保材料开发的设计师,创造了一个现实的,光辉的影响时,灯光熄灭。 +The journalist only said that it was someone told him backdoor but refused to reveal the identity of his information.,那位记者只说是有人向他秘密透露,但他拒绝透露消息提供者��身份。 +"Then a molding method has invented after entering the feudal society, namely the extrusion of the whole shape objects by filling the clay into the mold.",进入封建社会后,又发明了模制法,即将陶泥填入模中,脱出器物的全形。 +Italian Vito Mannone and young Pole Wojciech Szczesny are likely to remain in north London with one of the duo likely to be loaned out for the rest of the season.,意大利人维托·曼诺内和年轻的波兰人沃伊切赫·斯琴什尼似乎会留在北伦敦,他们两人中的一人有可能会在余下的赛季中被租借出去。 +Software scouted for variations in the image under each spectral band.,软件会侦测出每张图像在每个光谱波段下不同的变化。 +"Some weeds in an old weedy lot are latecomers , and a few of these latecomers are prairie members;",在杂草丛生的陈年地块上,有一些杂草是后来者,而它们中有些又是大草原的成员。 +"In the first year, the yuan rose just 3.5%, and over a three-year period, gained a total of about 21%.",第一 年,人民币仅升值3.5%;在三年的时间里,累计升值约21%。 +"In searching of the reason, some people consider the culture must answer for the defeat, so as to the anti-ancient thought rise.",在反思败因时,部分人士把责任归咎于传统文化,从而引发了反古思潮。 +"Dreams don't work that way, but when you get used to being safe and warm…",梦是不会如人愿的,但当你习惯于安全,温暖时… +"In the thesis, author tries to collect the official titlenames in ""the Secret History of Mongols"" and systematically study them.",因此,本文试图从《蒙古秘史》中筛选出官号名称,对官号名词的渊源、内容形式、官号官衔等进行了归纳和总结。 +"Then, we have built some ICP at the technological information, and developed the ICP system which is used by the technology information website to collect, arrange, manage and issue the contents.",据此,我们还针对科技信息类内容服务网站进行了实例化工作,开发出适合科技信息网的集内容采集、编排、集成管理、发布为一体的内容服务网站解决方案。 +I’ll just give you the one that influenced me to choose the word duck for podictionary.,这次挑选了其中给我留下深刻印象的一段,并打算挑选文章里出现过的duck作为今天podictionary的每日一词。 +Would you remind me softly? Though I'm too impulsive; don't want to lose you even more!,你能不能温柔提醒我虽然心太急更害怕错过你! +This quality was continually breaking through his punctilious manner in the shape of restlessness .,这个特点不断地以坐立不安的形式突破他那拘谨的举止而流露出来。 +Controlling environment pollution by biotechnology has the advantages of low cost and no secondary pollution.,应用生物技术治理环境污染,具有费用低、不产生二次污染的优点。 +We study the stability and the well-posedness of the problem for determining solution by analyzing the topological property of these equations.,通过分析这类方程组的拓扑学性质,来研究它们的稳定性以及各种定解问题的适定性。 +"The lining is easy to form, high in production efficiency, no damage to volute, and high in wear resistance. The pump has replaceable front and back pump cover for lowering maintenance cost.",本发明较已有技术衬里简单,节省能源,生产效率高,而且不会损坏泵壳,耐磨性能好,前后泵盖可单独更换,可降低用户维修成本。 +This process can make it more washable and better hand-touching .,这样可以增加耐洗度,有更好的手感。 +"Lots of things like: your job, your health, your family, the air you breathe, the roof over your head, your mind, your vision.",其实有好多,比如说你有工作,健康,家人,有空气可以呼吸,有房子可以遮挡风雨,有活跃的思想,明亮的眼睛。 +"There were once a brother and sister who loved each other dearly; their mother was dead, and their father had married again a woman who was most unkind and cruel to them.",从前有一对兄妹他们非常的相亲相爱;他们的妈妈去世了,他们的父亲又娶了一个女人,这个女人非常不友善并且残忍的对待他们。 +I’ve become more aware of intonation and pronunciation.,我变得越来越注重语调和发音。 +"As the temperatures heat up due to global warming, new bacteria and viruses will emerge upon the scenes that will destroy a body faster than it can be saved.",当温度因全球变暖而升温时,新的病毒和细菌将登上舞台以快于康复的速度来将身体摧毁。 +It means he is keeping himself and his family safe and he is destroying the families of other people.,这意味着他在保全他自己和他家人的安全,毁掉其他人的家庭。 +"As a girl, she often ran away from home.",少女时期,穆瑞尔就经常离家出走。 +"Oh Cup-bearer, set my glass afire with the light of wine!",斟酒的侍者,让美酒的光辉尽情地在我杯中燃烧吧! +Hardware testing proves that the hardware system designed by this thesis can work properly and the system provides the basic platform for the upper application software.,硬件测试证明,本文设计的硬件系统能够正常工作,为上层的应用软件提供了基本平台。 +English major:you explicate simile and metaphor in the parachute instructions.,英文系学生︰阐述降落伞说明书里的明喻和隐喻。 +"That stretch distorts the illumination of the screen's phosphor pixels, which emit the light that viewers see.",角度的拉大会影响萤光幕磷光体像素发光以供使用者观赏的亮度。 +"Ambitious, policy-minded economists such as Lord Layard are no longer satisfied with raising the rate of employment.",野心勃勃的,有政治头脑的经济学家们,如莱亚德勋爵已不再满足于提升就业率。 +"Li, the worker at the Guangzhou station, said she earns about 1, 500 yuan a month in a hotel in the east coast city of Ningbo, south of Shanghai.",在广州火车站的李北勇说,她在东部沿海城市宁波(位于上海南面)的一家宾馆工作,每个月工资1500元。 +"Western learning includes Western Europe's modern science, technology, ideology and culture, which, in content, can be divided into spiritual civilization and material civilization.",西学是东方人对西方文化的统称,包括西欧近代科学技术和思想文化。 在内容上可分为“形上”之精神文化和“形下”之物质文明; +Former FIFA technical director Osieck was also Franz Beckenbauer's assistant when Germany lifted the 1990 FIFA World Cup and won the 2007 AFC Champions League as coach of Japan's Urawa Red Diamonds.,前国际足联技术指导奥希耶克是德国赢得1990年世界杯时弗朗茨贝肯鲍尔的助手,也作为浦和红宝石队教练赢得了2007年的亚冠联赛冠军。 +"It won't stop with this sell-off: Once the precedent of selling off public assets to fill so-called ""budget holes"" is set, what will happen when the next "" budget hole"" is discovered?",不阻止倾销的后果:一旦抛售公共财产来填补所谓的“开支漏洞”的先例一开,当下一个“经济漏洞”被发现的时候将会发生什么呢? +"Ideas clearly, good interpersonal skills, language skills and self-study ability to adapt, organization and management ability.",思路清楚,具有良好的人际交往能力、语言表达能力、自学适应能力、组织及管理能力。 +"The energy aberration of crystal monochromator in the case of continuous X-ray spectrum, for instance EXAFS, has been discussed.",本文讨论了在连续X射线谱的情况下,例如EXAFS谱时,晶体单色器的能量色差。 +The essay analyzes in detail the problems of higher vocational education in Henan and puts forward some countermeasures.,本文对河南省高等职业教育中存在的问题进行了细致分析,并在此基础上提出了一些对策。 +"London dominates the expensive property league, the poll found.",调查发现,伦敦占据着英国最贵的房产圈。 +In 2001 the company cooperated with New Zealand's WAIKATO so that it made a great stride with regard to the technology of automatic milking system.,2001年我公司和新西兰WAIKATO公司合作,使公司的挤奶系统自动化技术向前迈进了一大步。 +"But keeping in mind that the netbook is primarily used to surf the Internet, those dangers are possibly multiplied many-fold, especially if there is no anti-virus software installed in the machine.",尤其需要提高警惕的是,上网本的主要用途是网上冲浪,因此其遭遇危险的可能性加倍,尤其是如果上网本没有安装反病毒软件的话。 +"The Red Bridge Gallery is located in an old western style villa in the western suburb of Shanghai, China.",红桥画廊座落于上海西郊的一座老洋房内。 +"Since 1980 U.S. government spending per K-12 student increased by 73 percent, which is 20 percent faster than the rest of the economy.",自1980年,政府在每个K-12学生上的花费增长了73%,比经济方面的投入增长多了20%。 +"Due to restrictions on land-valley, the development of a distinctive feature of valley development of the city.",由于受到河谷地型的限制,其发展带有鲜明的河谷型城市的发展特征。 +Black-painted surfaces that receive the sun's heat become hotter than surfaces of any othercolourcolor.,在吸收太阳的热能时,黑色的表面比其他任何颜色都变得更热。 +"The city’s designers may have had their plans, but it is the deep streak of pragmatism or, better, expediency that runs through so much of life here that drives things.",这座城市的设计者或许有他们自己的计划,但实际呈现出来得是实用主义的深深烙印,或者稍好点,可以说这是贯穿并驱动这里大部分生活的一种权宜之计。 +"I sprung effortlessly from the ground up to the wooden rafter and grabbed the shaggy haired man by his head then began to snap it, once to the right, then to the left.",我毫不费力地弹跳而起,站到了木椽上,抓住那个男人的脑袋抽打,一次打到了左侧,另一次击中右侧。 +S machine with electronic timing and synchronization control technologies have become the trend of glass industry's development.,因此采用电子配时、同步传动等技术的行列式制瓶机,已逐渐成为制瓶行业机电一体化的发展趋势。 +"We give our emotions away in our eye movements, dilated pupils, biting or pressing together our lips, wrinkling our noses, breathing heavily, swallowing, blinking and facial asymmetry.",我们的眼球运动,放大的瞳孔,咬嘴唇咬或抿嘴唇,弄皱鼻子,大口喘气,吞咽食物,眨眼和挤眉弄眼,都会流露出我们的情感。 +"We maintain that both sides should pursue an equitable, reasonable and jointly acceptable resolution through friendly consultation on an equal footing.",我们主张通过平等友好协商,寻求公平合理、双方都能接受的解决方案。 +Love of mankind would be fatal to me.,对人类的爱于我是致命的。 +The monotonous walk up and down the gravelled pathway suited Alicia's humour.,单调地在砾石路上往来蹀躞,正适合艾丽西亚的心情。 +The specialized inspector re-inspects products after processing.,加工完成后由专门检验员进行再次检验。 +The composition of fatty acids in the coriander seed oil was analy…,对所得的芫荽籽油中脂肪酸组成进行了分析。 +Workers at Honda Lock demanded a 70 percent raise from their $132-a-month wage.,本田汽车中国制锁厂的工人要求其工资在每月132美元的基础上提高70%。 他们没有独立的工会。 +"To facilitate teachers apply knowledge and skills to help students enhance their self-understanding, self-esteem and motivations in learning.",提升教师应用相关的专业知识及技巧,以帮助学生增强自我了解、自尊感及学习动机。 +"Instead she was arrested, charged with “obstructing public business,” and sentenced to one year in jail.",这反而使她被逮捕,罪名是“妨害公务罪”,她被判入狱劳教一年。 +To establish a relatively stable training base is an important pledge for the successful progress of the educational practice.,建立相对稳定的实习基地是教育实习得以顺利进行的重要保证。 +"Fairly good aeromagnetic anomalies lie in these targets, and hence these targets deserve much attention in further ore-prospecting work.",这些靶区中均有找矿意义较好的航磁异常,应是今后找矿工作的重点。 +Initial Sync: Decide if you want to keep existing Contacts on your phone or replace them all with contacts synced from Google.,初始同步:如果决定要保留在您的电话联系或替换现有的与谷歌同步接触他们。 +"Purrfect ! I teach you nothing more today. Neow, listen.",非常好!我今天没有什么可以再教你的了。 +Language and culture are closely related to each other. Appropriate cultural introduction can cultivate students' cross-culture awareness and enhance their ability of trans-culture communication.,在大学英语教学中适时适当的文化导入可以培养学生的跨文化意识,提高其跨文化交际能力。 +"Despite the slow-down, the trade continues.",尽管贸易放缓,但它仍在继续。 +"On the bases of Non-Fourier and Non-Fick effects, coupled equations of high intense and rapid heat and mass transfer are founded and made numerical simulation.",在考虑非傅立叶效应和非斐克效应的基础上,对所建立的高强度快速传热传质的耦合方程进行了对流边界条件的数值模拟。 +Certainly also has some labor insurance things.,当然还有一些劳保用品。 +"""Markets are focused on the global recovery, but they seem to be looking for clues in the wrong places,"" said T.J. Marta, strategist and founder of Marta on the Markets.","""市场把焦点放在全球经济复苏上,但他们要寻找线索似乎找错地方了,""Marta on the Markets分析师T.J. Marta指出." +For the kingdom is the LORD's: and he is the governor among the nations.,因为国权是耶和华的。 他是管理万国的。 +"In a visual environment, the characters of transformative head surface were parametrically drown out and a standard geometrical model of head was established based on the spring mass system.",在虚拟环境中,对人体头部变形曲面提取特征并参数化,建立基于弹簧质点系统的标准几何模型; +"Can the electronic eye which is made by the ultrasonic sensor when tell it to hit the barrier, the cerebrum helps it along with it to change the direction.",由超声波传感器制成的电子眼能够告诉它何时会撞到障碍,大脑随之帮助它改变方向。 +"Cadmium apparently inhibited growth of newborn baby, it also had effects on some indexes of biochemistry and behavior.",在哺乳期,镉对仔鼠的生长发育及行为等具有广泛的影响。 +"Why give a warrior a long bow, and a dwarf human-sized chainmail?",这就是为什么要给战士一把长弓、矮人一件人形大小的链甲了? +Fixed black screen deadlock when skipping doppelganger cinematic.,修正跳过过场动画时导致的黑屏问题。 +"Study abroad students are well supervised. Programs usually have offices in host countries, many with 24-hour hotlines. Host families are chosen carefully to meet specific students' needs.",留学生会得到很好的照顾。各个项目在其主办国都设有办公室,大多数都有24小时的热线电话。寄宿家庭也经过精心挑选,能满足留学生各种各样的需求。 +This paper develops a practical approach for the se(omitted)(omitted)e managers and discusses expatriate-training.,本文针对跨国公司外派经理的选择问题,给出了一种实用的决策分析方法; +"Shanghai Packaging Materials Co. , Ltd. Energy Storage Founded in 2005, in the new economic system, the fast-growing, with a strength of the joint venture to raise funds.",上海储能包装材料有限公司成立于2005年,是在新的经济体制下,快速成长,具有实力的集资联营企业。 +The soup needs salt.,这汤不够咸。 +"In the struggle for existence, Darwin said, ""Favorable variations would tend to be preserved and unfavorable ones to be destroyed (5).""",达尔文说,在生存斗争中,“受人喜欢的变种往往会被保留下来,讨人厌的变种会被淘汰。 +"We warmly welcome domestic and international customers and our company to carry out comprehensive, multi-level long-term cooperation.",我们热情地欢迎国内外客户与我公司开展全方位的、多层次的长期合作。 +"Result : Peak torque value of the flexors at two angular velocities decreased 5.75% and 14.43%, but there was no significant difference between the patients and normal subjects (P>0.05).",结果: 两种测试速度下,患者腰屈肌峰力矩值与正常人相比分别降低5.75%和14.43%,但无显著差异(P>0.05); +"This feature makes this approach more durable, and its long lasting influence in the field of orthodontics is increasingly apparent.",此功用使这一办法更耐用,而且其长期耐久的影响力范畴中的 正畸越来越分明。 +"Some parameters, such as the inlet air humidity and temperature, the regeneration temperature, the air mass flow rate, which may affect the performance of the desiccant wheels, were also analyzed.",实验研究发现在相同工况下,氯化锂转轮的显热效率、潜热效率均高于硅胶转轮。运行参数中再生温度、处理空气进口湿度对转轮除湿性能影响比较大。 +"As a result, development of multi-functional portable testing instrument for marine hydraulic oil has become a top priority.",由此,研制船舶液压油多功能便携检测仪器已经成为当务之急。 +"They found that the therapy, when done minutes after patients' skin was exposed to an allergen (either pollen or dust mites), appeared to soothe subjective feelings of itchiness.",将患者的皮肤暴露于变应原(花粉或尘螨)然后施以针灸数分钟后,患者的主观发痒感觉减轻了。 +"So Ereira is assisting, and seeking funding for the project, which will be completed next summer.",所以埃若拉只是协助,负责为将于明年夏天完工的项目筹集资金。 +All of them are willing to carry passengers - for the right price.,所有的冥河船夫都愿意运送顾客,但前提是得有一个好价钱。 +"After adapting to certain sublethal environmental stress, bacteria often exhibit enhanced tolerance to such stress, and are also cross protected against heterogeneous stresses.",在非致死的环境压力下适应过的菌体,往往会具有更高的耐受性,甚至产生交叉保护作用的情形。 +"But the Wizards, like many teams, are waiting to see where Artest winds up before pulling the trigger on any deals of their own.",但是奇才队和许多其他球队一样,都想等着看阿泰最终在何处落脚,在此之前,不想触动本队的任何交易。 +We showed that innovation can come up from the bottom.,我们展示的是自下而上的创新力。 +"This releases gas into the low-pressure chamber, exerting an opposing force on the diaphragm.",这就把气体放进了低压腔,对隔膜施加了一个反方向的力。 +"When a radio telescope is built that is capable of such a long-range search, astronomers might be able to detect planets in other solar systems through their AKR beams.",无线电望远镜的发明使更远范围的研究变成可能,宇航员有可能通过他们的AKR的电波探测到在别的太阳系的星球。 +A man has also taken legal action after he was left seriously ill from breathing in fumes from the decomposing algae.,一名男子由于吸入海藻分解所散发出来的臭气而身患重病,他为此还进行了法律诉讼。 +"As the mankind moves into the 21st century, the economic an'd trade relations between China an'd Italy also face new oppo'rtunities.",在人类即将跨入二十一世纪的时候,中意两国经贸关系的发展也面临着新的契机。 +"Investors should sell the Singapore dollar against a basket of major currencies consisting of the greenback, euro, New Zealand’s dollar and yen in a ratio of 56:28:11:5, Chia wrote.",投资者应卖出新加坡元,一篮子买进美元、欧元、纽西兰元与日圆,比例为56:28:11:5 ,Chia写道。 +"Now that I've got the Jikes code on my machine, I need to create a CVS log file for StatCVS to chew on.",现在机器上已经有了 Jikes 代码,需要创建一个 CVS 日志文件供 StatCVS 处理。 +"The mechanical property of bacterial cellulose membrane is highly brittle, so we added natural rubber, vulcanized rubber and propylene glycol to observe the changes in elongation of fiber membranes.",由发酵液所培养出的细菌纤维膜为脆的机械性质,于是基本物理测试中我们添加了天然橡胶、硫化橡胶、丙二醇来探讨其中纤维膜的伸长量变化。 +"The first commercialization of catalytic distillation technology is for synthesis of MTBE, a gasoline octane improver.",催化蒸馏技术的首次工业化是为了合成MTBE,一种汽油辛烷值改进剂。 +"If you think that's gonna stop him from hitting her on earth, it's not at all.",你以为这样说,他就不会饿狼扑食吗?没用的。 +"By analyzing the factors that influence the evolvement of the Ming-style Round-backed Armchair, the article summarizes the characteristics of the round-backed armchair among different periods.",本文以时间为顺序,畅述了家具发展的历史背景,并揭示出社会,经济,文化等诸多因素对圈椅发展的影响,从而分析圈椅的发展历程,总结了各时期的圈椅的特点。 +A mother-to-be was one of the victims. She had no alternative option but to go to hospital for a Caesarian section.,有一位准妈妈患了甲流。她没有办法就去医院剖腹产了。 +"Article 36 The results of regular assessment are divided into four grades, namely, excellent, competent, basically competent, and not competent.",第三十六条定期考核的结果分为优秀、称职、基本称职和不称职四个等次。 +The analytical Data showed that in the T-grain with double structure there really existed the difference in iodide-rich and iodide-poor phases.,分析数据表明在双重结构乳剂颗粒中确实存在着富碘相和贫碘相的差别。 +We went to Unionville again. This place is so beautiful with lots of scene for sketching.,我们又来到Unionville,这个有二百年历史的小镇风景很美,是写生的好地方。 +"The paper divided the development into 3 stages, pre-job training, beginning of job training and on-job training.",以终生教育理论为基础,确定了本文的关于教师发展阶段的划分为职前、入职、在职三个阶段。 +Must be affirmed by the congregation of his calling and ministry gifts.,会众必须印证他的呼召与事奉的恩赐。 +"Round tree crown, tall and straight big branch, direction for small branches extend varies, branch closely grow, nice looking tree form;",树冠呈圆球形,大枝挺拔,小枝伸展方向不一,树枝相当紧密,树形丰满美观。 +Thee facts permit no other explanation.,事实不容 许有其它的解释。 +"Yang Jia's death sentence, to be honest, didn't surprise anybody.",杨佳被判了死刑,说实话对此没有人感觉到惊讶。 +This will provide a basis for the increase of the large bearing of the disk cutter and reduction of vibration and noise of the tunneler during operation.,这将为刀盘大轴承寿命的提高、掘进机工作时振动及噪声的降低,提供可靠的理论依据。 +"The physicochemical property, biomechanical property, and toxicity of the chitosanencapsulated porus CPP bioceramic were analyzed.",对壳聚糖膜包裹的多孔CPP生物陶瓷的理化性质、毒性、生物力学进行检测。 +I happened to know about him.,我碰巧了解他的情况。 +"In years' past, many have returned home flush with cash from their distant adventures, and set out after the holiday with new migrants in tow.",过去这些年,很多人每年从遥远的外地带着打工挣来的大把钞票回家,年后又和新的打工者一起出发。 +The line went out and out and out but it was slowing now and he was making the fish earn each inch of it.,钓索朝外溜着,溜着,溜着,不过这时越来越慢了,他正在让鱼每拖走一英寸都得付出代价。 +"Generally, war is repugnant, but peace is welcome.While peace is the ultimate goal of all of our undertaking in this world, war has been inevitable in the course of human civilization.",一般而言,战争令人憎恶而和平受人欢迎,虽然和平是人类世界上一切作为的最终目标,但战争在人类文明的过程中,始终无法避免。 +"The Ottomans were well trained in hand-to-hand combat and are adept at boarding, as is a contingent of British marines.",相对来讲,奥斯曼海军非常善��登船肉搏,而英国海军则很少这么做。 +Steam explosion pulping process was used in producing aspen high yield pulps .,采用汽蒸爆破法制杨木高得率浆。 +All this information is passed in parameter form from the bootloader to the kernel.,所有这些信息都以参数形式从引导装载程序传递到内核。 +His cricketing life has just begun; let him live it.,他的板球生涯才刚刚开始,他会打出精彩的。 +"Article 135 A people's court trying a case in which the ordinary procedure is followed, shall conclude the case within six months after docketing the case.",第一百三十五条人民法院适用普通程序审理的案件,应当在立案之日起六个月内审结。 +"The crew tried replacing one device, an air/water separator, and then a filter, but nothing seemed to bring the toilet back to full operation.",工作人员尝试自己修理,他们先更换了气/水分离器,又换了过滤器,但是无济于事。 +"You are to bring into the ark two of all living creatures, male and female, to keep them alive with you.",凡有血肉的活物,每样两个,一公一母,你要带进方舟,好在你那里保全生命。 +"Recent calculational methods for architectural engineering common ly adopt ""statistics method""and ""formula method"", from which some problems of calculational accuracy and efficiency have arisen.",目前建筑工程的工程量计算基本上采取的是“统筹法”和“公式法”,这两种方法对工程的概算、预算的精确度及工作效率都产生了那样或这样的问题。 +"In order to adapt the need for the digitized project, we conducted the research on the temperature digital control.",为了适应公司未来数字化工程的需要,实现对温度控制数字化,研制了此项目。 +The new edition of the post with the award activity began!,新一期的发帖子拿奖品的活动开始啦! +据美国调查机构Prince &Assoc。在2007年对身家3000万美元以上的富人所做调查,50%的受访已粬扌性承认自己曾出轨。,According to a 2007 study of people worth 30 million or more by Prince &Assoc. 50% of of the male survey respondents who were married said they'd had affairs. +Some amino acid residues in the active center of mono-oxygenases were pointed out to be the main factors to the hydroxylation.,系统阐述了羟化反应机理,并指出加氧酶活性中心少数氨基酸残基是影响羟化反应的关键因素。 +"Manufacturers make decisions relative to styles, assortments , assembly processes, and costs.",制造业者作出与风格、分类相关的决定,集会程序和费用。 +"If found, we will deprive of rights of HL membership.",若被发现,我们将取消其HL会籍。 +They tell us little about where the revolution we're currently living through is heading.,他们只告诉我们正在经历的变革的一小部分,只是一个标题。 +"“We’re going to have to hire more people, more equipment, ” Mr. Feinstein said.",“我们打算雇佣更多的人,添加更多设备”,费先生说。 +Conclusion:Decoction Zhigancao arrhythmia room early treatment of coronary artery disease (Yin Deficiency Syndrome) effect certainly is an effective means of treatment of arrhythmia.,结论:炙甘草汤加味治疗冠心病心律失常室早(气阴两虚证)疗效肯定,是一种治疗心律失常的有效方法。 +"Based on the experiment achievement of shoot apex grafting in economic trees in the last 20 years, the key field for the future research has been pointed out.",根据经济林木试管茎尖嫁接近20年来的研究成果,提出了今后的重点研究领域。 +"State-owned companies that monopolize their industries, like those in tobacco, telecommunications and oil production, are quite profitable.",中国国有企业依靠着对如烟草、电信、石油等工业的垄断,获得的丰厚的利润。 +Thus oil depletion could mean that pollution and greenhouse gases rise yet further when coal-to-liquid based transport fuels are used as substitutes.,因此,石油的损耗不足意味着煤矿提炼的液体燃料将成为替代品,也就意味着污染和温室气体会进一步上升。 +A suprapubic transurethral cystotomy apparatus and method of forming a surgical opening therewith.,经尿道耻骨上膀胱造瘘术器械和通过该器械形成外科手术开口的方法。 +South America and Africa had the biggest net annual decrease over the past decade—at 4m and 3.4m hectares respectively.,南美洲和非洲的森林在过去十年内净损失面积最大,分别为每年4万公顷和3.4万公顷。 +"Use GIFT or other export modes to print questions and answers in a category. Hint, clever use of word processor macros , using search and replace, can tidy up a GIFT file for printing.",使用GIFT或其他汇出模式来印出类别中的试题及答案,提示聪明的使用文字处理器巨集,使用搜寻及取代,可以将GIFT档案整理的较好列印。 +It was the arctic winter of private equity last year. There was just nothing going on because of risk-aversion and the inability to access capital.,"去年是私募股权的寒冬.由于风险厌恶情绪高涨且无法取得资金,使并购活动归于寂静.因此今年情况肯定会较佳." +Acupuncture is an unproven modality of treatment;,针炙是未经证实的治疗方法。 +"I used to hear it in a restaurant, just never thought its name so vulgar.",过去我常在西餐厅里听到它,只是没想到它的名字会这样俗。 +"It was a period not only to adjust and rebuild the post-war international order, but also there were dramatic changes in China's domestic situation.",苏联在这一时期对华政策的发展演变对当时及之后的世界和中国都产生了深远的影响。 +"While in the parameter optimization, the combination of quasi-Newton algorithm and the golden section algorithm can achieve higher classification accuracy and lower time complexity.",在参数优化时,采用拟牛顿法和黄金分割法的组合方案可以同时取得较高的分类准确度和较低的时间复杂度。 +Or we could just look at the radial probability distribution itself and see how many nodes there are.,"或者我们可以直接,看径向概率分布图,本身看看里面有几个节点。" +The new method of wastewater treatment-Biofilm-electrode Process has been developed abroad recently. It is very effective in the denitrification of nitrate-polluted groundwater and water supplies.,生物膜电极法是近年来发展起来的一项新型废水处理技术,在处理低浓度硝酸盐氮污染的地下水和饮用水等方面具有良好的效果。 +"See Zhang Jiansheng, The Fundamental Theories of Modern Administrative Law . Beijing: Law Press, 15(2008).",章剑生:《现代行政法基本理论》,法律出版社2008年版,第15页。 +"There are four chapters in this thesis, disserting as following:Chapter one: the problem of"" Deification"" and"" Way"" on the study of Luxun.",全文共分为四章,分别从以下几个方面展开论述:第一章:鲁迅研究的“圣化”与“道路”问题。 +"Deposit amount agreed upon by the parties, but the subject of the contract shall not exceed the amount of 20%.",定金的数额由当事人约定,但不得超过主合同标的额的百分之二十。 +"Unique material of hydrophilicity polyurethane, exclusive of emulsion, contains vitamin E.",独特的亲水性聚氨酯材质,不含乳胶,含维他命E。 +"Just as the ancient Chinese philosophical book The Art of War concludes, if you know yourself and your enemy, youll never lose a battle.",就像中国古代著名的兵书《孙子兵法》总结的那样,知己知彼,百战不殆。 +"Escape on the road, the three brothers took the meter bandits nest, find a place for.",逃亡路上,三兄弟计夺山匪窝,寻得容身之处。 +"To all the members of Congress, the elected officials, faith and law enforcement, labor, business leaders and immigration advocates who are here today - thank you for your presence.",今天到场的全体国会议员、民选官员、以及宗教界和执法部门、劳工、企业等各界领导人和移民维权人士- 谢谢你们光临。 +"But those that think that have probably been watching too many Wong Kar-Wai movies, as this image could not be farther from the truth.",但是会这么想的人很可能是看了太多的王家卫电影,因为那些镜头贴近现实生活。 +"The master will inform you, ' I answered; 'but you are acquainted with the Earnshaws' violent dispositions, and Mrs Linton caps them all.",“主人会告诉你,”我回答,“可你是熟悉恩萧家的暴躁脾气的,而林惇夫人更是超群出众。 +"But the Obama administration, as explained by Brimmer, has a different view.",但是布里默解释说,奥巴马政府持不同观点。 +"Generally, when the Ma number is low, the hydrodynamic noise is mainly radiated by vibrating elastic structures excited by wall-pressure fluctuations beneath turbulent boundary layers(TBL).",文章综述湍流边界层脉动压力的频率—波数谱模型、湍流脉动压力测量方法以及弹性结构受湍流脉动压力激励的外部区域场计算的研究进展。 +Shelvey admits he has had words of comfort from the likes of Jamie Carragher to help him in his period of rehabilitation.,小谢坦承他已经收到卡拉格等人的安慰,以帮助其度过康复期。 +In order to help you understand the article . I'll give you some concepts. thay are very necessary.,为了辅助大家对这篇文章的理解,不至于从一开始就不明白,我在这里先给大家解释一下几个概念。 +"Hence, we cannot trace back to the origin of Tao and can't study its destination.",也因此,我们不能追朔道的起源,也无法探究道的最终流向。 +Few works has been mentioned for soot formation derived from lump-coal combustion in stoker-fired boiler.,研究层燃炉煤燃烧的碳黑形成机理,对减少污染物排放和提高燃烧效率有重要意义。 +"Mostof their knowledge, however, has been gleaned from movies.",当然,他们的很多认识来源于电影。 +The combination of fixed interest rates and an option to prepay helps to shield borrowers from interest-rate risks.,固定利率和提前还款期权相结合有助于保护借款人免于利率风险。 +"Top talent earns an average of $155, 000.",顶尖人才的收入平均达到15.5万美元。 +The piling results obtained by big swing-jet grouting and directional jet grouting are analyzed and compared. The possibility of big swing-jet grouting technology is discussed in the paper.,分析比较了大摆喷工艺与旋喷工艺的成桩效果,论述了大摆喷工艺的可行性。 +"Furthermore, prior to earthquakes, lake -water can amplify the abnormal features of crustal deformation, long-period motion and earth gas, it is one of the methods in sho…",另外在短临预报巾湖泊也是震前地壳形变、长周期波动和地下冒气的前兆放大点。 +You've done a lot of drama and action and were even up for James Bond. Do you prefer that to comedy?,你演过许多剧情片、动作片,甚至使邦德的候选人。你是否更喜欢拍喜剧呢? +"Type 2 diabetes is a scourge in the Valley. Since Type 2 diabetics can be asymptomatic for years, many don’t buy medicine; as time passes, they become severely ill, often losing sight or a limb.",该地二型糖尿病也是一个痛苦,因为该病延续多年,很多人都买不起药,随着时间推移,他们病情加重,通常失明或者跛足。 +Both of you have to learn how to set boundaries in the relationship.,你们双方都得要学会如何在关系中设定界限。 +The only bright side I can see is that currently the whole country is mobilized for the Olympics.,我想到的一个乐观的方面是目前全部国度都被AO运发动了起来, 福彩3d。 +"If standing on the point of view of the entire mining field, mining field equity referred to each stakeholder's enjoyed equities inside the mining field.",矿区权益是指企业取得的已探明可采矿区的开采权利和未探明矿区的可开采权利。 +"Look from the angle of legal ideology, scale principle is one of expressional forms of justice.",从法律思想的角度看,比例原则是正义的表现形式之一。 +PersonalDataStripper is a tool to export data from a database anonymizing the privacy related one in the process by applying a set of rules.,是个从数据库中到处数据的工具,并通过使用一系列规则隐藏操作过程中相关用户信息。 +"A digital-controlled measuring instrument for hearing, which is based on a single-chip microcomputer and highly integrated device, is introduced in this paper.",本文提出了一种以单片机和高性能芯片为核心研制的全数控听觉测试仪。 +"I have seen big steamers going by on the Ganges, at the time hardly noticing their passing.",我看过大汽船在恒河上走,当时几乎没有留意到它们在经过。 +"Steel pipe flaw testing principium is briefly described, pipe flaw testing signal is analyzed , the design and simulation of signal processing circuit are discussed in detail.",介绍了钢管管缝检测原理,对管缝检测信号进行了分析模拟,对信号处理电路的计算机仿真设计及参数选择进行了较详细探讨。 +Japanese artist Kenji Yanobe created the aluminum-covered robot on the theme of survival following a nuclear war.,这个铝质机器人由日本艺术家矢延宪司打造,旨在强调核战争中的生存问题。 +Gratitude is a fruit of geat cultivation; you do not find it among gross people.,感激是深厚教养的产物;你在粗鄙的人身上不会发现它。 +ZFS combines the concepts of a logical volume manager with a very feature rich and massively scalable file system.,ZFS 将逻辑卷管理器的概念与功能丰富的和可大规模扩展的文件系统结合起来。 +"If you would like to reproduce an article and graphics for your personal use, please e-mail newsbureau@worldbank.org.",如果你想为个人用途复制一份文章或图片,请通过电子邮件与newsbureau@worldbank.org联系。 +"Outdoor enthusiasts have discovered the comfort, warmth and support of the compression-fit base layers athletes have long relied on to keep them performing at their peak.",活动员不断以来都依靠紧身亵服来使他们坚持最佳活动形态,户外喜好者也发觉这种亵服温馨温煦,支持才能好。 +"""The sun impacts collagen production in the skin, and without collagen, skin won't naturally maintain that plump, moist, youthful, wrinkle-free look,"" says Antell.",安泰尔说,“阳光影响皮肤中胶原的生成,而没有胶原,皮肤就不能自然地维持其丰满、湿润、年轻、光滑的样子。” +The ceremony started as the chimes of midnight struck.,子夜钟声响起的时候,仪式开始了。 +"And with good cause: Today, Grafton informs us, only one-third of all undergraduates major in the arts and sciences, and less than one-third of them in the humanities.",格拉夫顿��诉我们,今天所有大学在校生中只有三分之一主修艺术和社会科学,而其中更只有不到三分之一主修人文科学。 +"To upgrade Non-coal mine safety system from traditional safety information management to the intellectualized decision of safety information, it needs to integrate massive safety knowledge.",非煤矿山安全生产系统要从传统的安全信息管理转变为智能化信息处理,需要集成大量安全知识。 +Output has not yet regained its pre-recession peak. And the feeble recovery is petering out.,产值仍未重新回到衰退前的峰值,本已乏力的复苏正在消失殆尽。 +"When he moved to the temple from a devoutly Buddhist family in 1981, Yongxin learned to add kung fu moves to his meditation.",释永信出身于一个虔诚的佛教家庭,他于1981年在少林寺出家后学会了将武术与坐禅合二为一。 +We stuffed our ankles with contraband until anyone seeing us might have imagined an outbreak of elephantiasis.,我们直塞得脚脖子鼓鼓囊囊,旁人见了我们这群人的样子,或许要疑心正在爆发象皮病呢。 +"It is certain times of the modulus of compressibility of soil, and it can be used in the calculational method of composite foundation deformation.",采用土的模量的某一倍数表征复合模量的方法,计算参数容易确定,使用方便,计算结果符合工程实际。 +"Advice on ability to drive safely should be cautious, as the impact of immobilisation appears to be more subtle and wide ranging than previously thought.",制动的效应似乎比我们之前想象的更加灵敏和广泛,因而对于安全驾驶能力的认可应当是谨慎的。 +The use of the base in the drawing of hydraulic component CAD is also discussed in the Paper.,同时,讨论了该库在液压元件CAD参数化绘图中的应用。 +"They're seen by an angry public as criminals, bailed-out bonus babies or wealth -hoarding tax-avoiders who have rigged the system in their favor.",在愤怒的公众眼中,他们是罪犯,是接受救助却仍拿着丰厚奖金的家伙,是囤积财富的逃税者,他们操纵体制以利自己。 +Objective To explore the effect of inhalation-intravenous general anesthesia combined with cervical plexus block in the thyroid surgery.,目的对比气管内全麻合并颈丛阻滞和单纯气管内全麻应用于甲状腺手术的麻醉效果。 +"Legendary and Huayi executives will control the film development and approval committees ""completely, "" Lau said.",传奇公司和华谊公司的经理将完全控制电影开发与批准委员会,刘说。 +"Perspectiving the surface of Chinese contemporary female literature works, we can find Nuwa mythological archetype hides in the deep structure of them.",透视中国当代女性文学的文本表层,可以发现在许多文本深处隐含着女娲神话原型。 +Chu Zhong directly is sprayed the saliva of full face on pushing away a big gate among the packs.,楚仲一推开大包间的门就直接被喷了满脸的口水。 +Before using this website please read the following terms carefully.,使用本网站前请您仔细阅读以下条款。 +"The green Onions, stir-fry.",下入葱花,炒匀即可。 +"The risks of readmission for hemorrhage, stroke, and embolism were also lower for bioprosthetic valve recipients, the report indicates.",报告指出,置入生物瓣的患者因为出血、中风、栓塞而再次入院的风险也较低。 +"In regularly, the multiple sites of the damage can be identified by measuring one of the higher levels.",有时仅对其中某一高阶信号进行分析,就可以准确的识别出梁结构的多处损伤位置。 +"Each time, the sword and scabbard came back to me, drawn to the place of their making.",每次, 剑和剑鞘都被送了回来,回到它们被制造的地方。 +This starts the ISA Lite collector in console mode and records the answers given exactly as typed.,这会在控制台模式下启动 ISA Lite 收集器并记录与输入完全一致的答案。 +"Is he going to make you feel worthy, special and happy.",他将让你感觉是可尊敬的,特别的和快乐的吗? +"The mass principle in news activities under the market economy should include new connotation, and should persist in the unification between mass principle and Party spirit principle.",市场经济条件下新闻活动的群众性原则应有新的内涵,并坚持群众性原则与党性原则的统一。 +He would not stoop to do anything dishonorable.,他不会屈尊去做任何不名誉的事情。 +"The results proved that, the effects by use of yellow sticky trap to trapping Aleurocanthus spiniferus and Empoasca vitis Gothe are highly visible, and the impact of the nymphae is indirect.",试验结果证明,利用黄板诱杀茶黑刺粉虱和假眼小绿叶蝉成虫效果明显,并能间接控制其幼虫数量。 +"ADHD was the diagnosis for approximately 50% of the group, with most other diagnoses being adjustment disorder, depressive disorder, oppositional defiant disorder, and anxiety disorder.",约50%有ADHD诊断,其他诊断包括适应障碍、忧郁、对立性反抗疾患以及焦虑。 +He didn`t even ask me if I had any diseases. He doesn`t want to be eaten by bedbugs.,对方甚至不问我有什么疾病,只是不想被床虱咬。 +"Even so, the anti-homework movement has been reignited in recent months by the documentary “Race to Nowhere, ” about burned-out students caught in a pressure-cooker educational system.",尽管如此,最近一部名为《徒劳的竞争》(Race to Nowhere)的纪录片将减负运动重新点燃,这部片子讲的是在高压教育体系下苦苦挣扎的孩子们。 +"At a store at Shouhang Supermarket in Chaoyang district, a China Daily reporter found one toothpaste product for children that contained the chemical.",在朝阳一家首航超市内,《中国日报》记者发现一款儿童牙膏含有三氯生。 +"In 1995, she pulled the League from a ""national convention"" drafting a new constitution.",1995年,正值新宪法制定之际,她把民盟从“国民会议”中拉了出来。 +The Aussies are justifiably proud of the largest coral reef on earth – the Great Barrier Reef.,澳大利亚最有理由自豪的地球上最大的珊瑚礁 - 大堡礁。 +"This paper brings forward framework of S&T innovation-oriented knowledge services supporting architecture, and analyzes the function of its subsystems.",文章提出了面向科技创新的知识服务支撑体系总体框架,并分析了各子系统的功能。 +"A cat may look at a king, and sometimes a historian can challenge an economist.",俗话说“猫也有权晋见国王”,那么有时历史学家挑战经济学家也无不可。 +Refer to the Read_me_first.doc file located in the download file.,请查阅位于 下载文件的 Read_me_first.doc 文件。 +"Because of its monochromatic, it becomes more wearable.",因为属于单色系,所以更耐看。 +A whole implementation framework of code selection which is support of SIMD has been advanced.,提出了一套完整的支持SIMD指令的代码选择技术的实现框架。 +"A thin slice would be sufficient, since you need only a few micrograms of DNA.",很小的一片就足够了,因为后面的试验只需要几微克DNA。 +"When we place our order with you in April, we were assured that the desks would be sent to us within four weeks.",四月份我们签署单时,商定四周后办公桌一定送到我们公司。 +"If I had a beaker sitting on the table here and it contained a million blue double stranded DNA molecules and a million red double stranded DNA molecules and I heated it up and added a little base, I'd soon have four million individual strands just floating around in the solution because I've broken up this hydrogen bonding and the DNA molecules fall apart.","假如我这里有一个烧杯 里面,盛有一百万条蓝色DNA双链和,一百万条红色DNA双链,然后我稍微加热一下烧杯,并且加一些碱,很快我就有了四百万条DNA单链,漂浮在溶液里,因为我已经使得氢键断裂,DNA双链也随之打开" +"Originally built for gas exploration, and then abandoned, the site had recently been taken over by a multi-national research team intent on drilling deeper into the earth's crust than ever before.",原本是天然气勘探,后来被放弃的建筑,最近被一个多国研究小组接管。 他们意图鉆探地壳到比以往都更深的地方。 +"Porduct: The rubber goods made by Hangzhou Bili are widely applied in many industries, such as car industry, electric apparatus, machine, agriculture, kitchenware and so on.",主营产品: 公司生产的橡胶、塑料及五金制品适用于汽车、电器、机械、农业、厨房用具等行业。 +Nobody likes waiting.,没人喜欢等待。 +"Arthur Miller has since been called one of the 20th century's three great American dramatists, along with Eugene O'Neill and Tennessee Williams.",从此,阿瑟·米勒就与尤金·奥尼尔和田纳西·威廉姆斯一道,被称作是20世纪美国戏剧界三位最优秀的戏剧家。 +To hope one's children will have a bright future is all parents' hope. However this desire is so strong that it become a heavy burden to the parents and children.,“望子成龙”、“望女成凤”是所有父母的期冀,然而这份愿望过于执著变成了一种枷锁和负担,沉重地压在父母和孩子的身上。 +"Conclusions RFO effectively obliterates the whole length of the great saphenous vein and is of less trauma, faster recovery, and less scars.",结论RFO闭合大隐静脉具有创伤小、恢复快、腿部少留瘢痕等优点,是一种可部分替代传统大隐静脉高位结扎剥脱术的有效方法。 +"During those years, I didn't know how to have a relationship with myself because my relationship was with the bottle.",在那些年里,我完全不知道如何与自己建立关系,和我有联系的只是酒瓶子。 +Controlled node controller for air filtration system based on IEEE802.15.4 standard.,基于IEEE802.15.4标准的��于空气过滤系统的受控节点控制器。 +"A nautical term for the anchor line, typically made of chain or nylon line or a combination of both.",锚的缆绳的航海术语,通常由铁链或尼龙绳或两者共同制成。 +"If there were a perfect encryption technique, I'm sure there would be many legal barriers to its use.",如果有一种理想的加密技术,将会有很多法律障碍来限制它的使用。 +"So in the spring season, we also again the reclamation we ""a mu 3 distribute land"", hoping to sow the seeds of we love, produces our favorite fruit!",所以在这个春播的季节,我们也再次开垦我们的那“一亩三分地”,希望能播种我们喜爱的种子,结出我们喜爱的果实! +"Based on the analysis of eroded red soil deterioration processes, research on evaluation index sys- tem of red soil deterioration is carried out.",以长汀县河田红壤严重侵蚀退化地为研究区,通过野外调查和室内分析,探讨了不同生态恢复措施对红壤侵蚀退化地土壤养分的影响。 +"With OTO FORTUNE CARD, you can enjoy all the VIP service provided by our OTO FORTUNE.",拥有沃德财富卡,您就可以享受到沃德财富提供的各项贵宾服务。 +Can you work this puzzle out?,你能解这个迷吗? +On your personal fleck page you'll find all your flecked pages and the pages others shared with you.,在你的个人标记页面上,你会找到你所有标记的网页以及别人与你分享的网页。 +"During rush hour, a bus comes by about every 10 minutes over a 2-hour time span.",在高峰时间,两个小时内每 10 分钟就有一辆巴士经过。 +"Later, Meiwes killed Brandes, froze his body parts and ate them over the next 10 months.",后来Meiwes杀了Brandes,把他的肢体冻在冰箱里用了10个月的时间吃掉。 +Chen Duxiu was a rather controversial leader in the history of the CPC.,陈独秀是中共历史上颇有争议的领袖人物。 +The wind had died away by dusk.,黄昏时分成,风停了。 +The auther worked out a pinching theorem of compact pesudoumbilical submanifolds with parallel mean curvature vector in a locally symmetric conformally flat Riemannian manifolds.,研究局部对称共形平坦黎曼流形中具平行平均曲率向量的紧致伪脐子流形,得到了这类子流形模长平方的一个拼挤定理。 +"“Across the country, state educational standards virtually ignore our civil rights history, ” concludes the report, which is to be released on Wednesday.",报告里这样总结道:“走遍全国我们发现,州政府制定的教育方针确确实实忽略了民权历史。” +"Further, each of the side members and end cross members preferably has a section of a roller path and section of a ring gear attached to them while being transported and assembled.",此外,在进行运送和装配时每一个所述侧梁构件和所述端部横梁构件最好具有连到它们的滚柱道部分和环形齿轮部分。 +But these young Afghan faculty members came to Purdue to get Masters degrees so they can go back and teach in the universities they come from.,这些年轻的阿富汗教师到普渡大学攻读硕士学位,学成后将回到他们各自的大学里教书。 +"Sabina Guzzanti, one of Italy's most biting political satirists, made the remarks before a cheering crowd of thousands gathered at Rome's Piazza Navona in July.",意大利最犀利的政治讽刺作家之一Sabina Guzzanti今年7月在罗马那佛纳广场向数以千计人群发表了该讲话。 +The SQL Server data was stored on an EMC Clariion CX3-80 SAN with 165 (146 GB/15 krpm) spindles.,SQL Server的数据是存储在一个拥有165个硬盘插槽的EMC Clariion CX3-80 SAN中(数据吞吐能力可以达到146GB/15 krpm)。 +"Parents told inspectors that under the current system they needed to ""fight for the rights"" of their children.",家长们告诉检查人员,在当前的体制下,他们需要为自己的孩子的权利而战。 +ROY NEEDS to limit his comments to the media to on-field performance. Rafa clearly still misses us and feels bitter about what happened. He has a point.,老霍应该把他的言论内容局限在场上的表现就好。贝贝很明显还想念着我们。而当他看到这一切发生时难免会感觉苦涩。他有他的道理的。 +The core symptom of histrionic personality disorder is attracting other's attention.,表演型人格障碍的核心症状是寻求关注。 +"Decisions are based on both private and public information, but as access to information becomes easier, the opportunity to gain a competitive advantage from that data diminishes.",人们做出决策往往是以个人和公共信息为基础的,但是如果更便捷得到信息渠道的话,那么从资料中得到有竞争力信息的机会就减小了。 +"""I heard of a process how to follow to achieve immortality. Let's try it, "" she said to him.",“我知道方法如何去实行成仙之道﹐让我们去追寻吧﹐”她对他说。 +"Charlie gave me an awkward, one-armed hug when I stumbled my way off the plane.",我跌跌绊绊地从飞机上下来以后,查理笨拙地用单手拥抱了我一下。 +"As professionals on furniture design, we must re-understand the connotation of modem furniture design, re-examine our design ideas carefully, explore the new design theories and methods unceasingly.",作为进行家具设计的行业人员,我们要重新理解现代家具设计的内涵,重新审视我们的设计思路,不断探索出新的设计理论和方法。 +"As long as inter-bank transfer fee must be received, but I found a tool with a free cross-bank transfer network approach.",只要是跨行转账肯定要收手续费,不过我找到了一个用网络工具免费跨行转账的办法。 +"In the multitudinous drawing types, the Chinese fine drawings is one of the earliest mature drawing types.",中国传统工笔画,是中国最早成熟的画种之一,至唐宋更有许多绘画名家和经典画作。 +"Ayman Najafi, 24, and Charlotte Lewis, 25, were accused of kissing on the lips and drinking alcohol after a fellow diner reported them to the authorities.",24岁的纳杰菲和及25岁的刘易斯日前被其他客人举报在餐厅接吻和喝酒。 +"This objective has not tried to make Chinese ink painting career, in a dramatic change in the Five Dynasties.",这在客观上使唐人未尽的水墨山水画事业,在五代发生了戏剧性的变化。 +"Perhaps it was not fair to expect him to feel how very much he was her inferior in talent, and all the elegancies of mind.",要他赶到他在天赋方面远远不及她,在精神境界的优雅方面两人不可相提并论,也许这并不公平。 +"Clearly, solar power is a big part of the Solar Decathlon homes, but all of the homes used energy-efficiency extensively, including high levels of insulation, LED lighting, and efficient appliances.",显然,太阳能发电是太阳能十项全能家园的重要组成部分,但家中所有的能源使用效率,包括高水平的保温,LED照明广泛,高效设备。 +Conclusion: Routine massaging therapy combined with acupuncture is so effective in the prevention of capsule contracture of silica gel prosthesis after breast swelling operation.,结论:针灸配合手法按摩预防硅胶囊假体隆乳术后包膜挛缩具有较好的疗效。 +"An index of national real-estate prices during October, published this week, marked a second straight monthly drop, though prices did edge up in Zhuhai.",本周发布的一项指数显示10月份全国房价连续第二个月下降,不过珠海房价小幅上涨。 +"The view of integrity of heaven and man in which the soul, the flesh and the world are all in aesthetic one means an alert to people in this age of consumption.",特别是对肉身操持的彰显,对偏颇于纲常精神的前现代社会有纠正意义。灵、肉、物审美一体的天人观也警示着消费时代。 +"If you need to shave as well, then only use exfoliator to un-shaved areas.",如果你需要刮胡子,用去角质产品时需要避开刮胡区域。 +"If the government relaunches its program to sell off more of its stake in companies, domestic share prices will probably decline or at least remain flat.",如果政府再次抛售国家对公司持有的股份,本国股票价格将会下跌,或至少是持平。 +"Analyzed the different plasma density, position, thickness, and field intensity influence to the beam-wave interactions in plasma Cerenkov maser. Finally, the curves and dispersion relationships a…",重点分析了等离子体密度、厚度,外加磁场对等离子体切伦可夫脉塞注-波互作用的影响,并计算了各参量变化时的波增长率以及色散关系。 +"Finally, he raised his gun. The guns of the location of bullet-polished, hard and looks like the round ball.",那支枪放子弹的位置被磨光,看起来像坚硬和圆圆的小球。 +"Round bar tensile tests of LF2, LF21, LD5, LD10 aluminum alloys have been carried out in this investigation.",本文对LF2、LF21、LD5和LD10四种铝合金圆棒单轴拉伸时的形变和断裂过程进行了研究。 +Fascism has succeeded in destroying this conservative force … People still have to work for money and have to live on money incomes.,法西斯主义成功的摧毁了这一保守力量……然而,人们人需要努力工作挣钱来生活。 +"China's Li Hongquan inspired much happiness among the home fans in race one, as he was the third sailor to anchor home.",中国队的李鸿泉在第一轮比赛中第三个冲线,受到了家乡粉丝的热烈欢迎。 +"Overseas demand for Chinese vehicles has been growing, especially for light weight trucks. Domestically produced luxury vehicles are gradually replacing certain imported ones.",中国汽车的海外需求正在日益增长,尤其是轻型载重车,而本土生产的高端车也在逐渐取代部分进口。 +"His wife, Marge, made sandwiches and coffee and kept me talking about growing up in New York.",他的妻子玛吉做三明治,煮咖啡,一面要我讲从小怎么在纽约长大的。 +"How will we find the motivation to seek solutions, act proactively and defend our interests?",我们又怎么找到寻求解决方式、主动出击并捍卫我们的兴趣的动机呢? +This paper proposes a noise reduction method to DCSK communications system using weighted least square support vector machine (WLS-SVM).,本文提出了基于加权最小二乘支撑矢量机(WLS-SVM)学习算法的一种DCSK混沌通信系统降噪方法。 +Hemodynamically stable patients with AF can be converted to sinus rhythm with large doses of oral agents or with intravenous agents.,血液动力学稳定的房颤患者可以通过口服或静脉注射大量药剂恢复窦性心律。 +A fish kept nib bling at my bait.,一条鱼不断地在轻轻咬我的鱼饵。 +"They've been established over years, so they can't change in a snap.",因为习惯的养成已行之有年,无法瞬间被改变。 +Our products are manufactured with the high-frequency inversion welding power supply which is controlled by constant current regulation and constant voltage.,百仕得扣式电池点焊机是采用恒流恒压控制的高频逆变式焊接电源。 +Low porosity and high heterogeneity in carbonate reservoir result in heavy difficulty of saturation computation. An important cause is filtrate-invaded problem.,碳酸盐岩储层由于其孔隙度低、非均质性强等原因,使得饱和度定量计算存在许多困难,其中一个主要原因是泥浆侵入的问题。 +"And if the woman will not be willing to follow thee, then thou shalt be clear from this my oath: only bring not my son thither again.",倘若女子不肯跟你来,我使你起的誓就与你无干了,只是不可带我的儿子回那里去。 +They executed difficult movements and jumps to impress the audience.,他们做出各种高难度的动作和跳跃来吸引观众们。 +"Other facilities such as beauty salon, KTV, fitness club, tennis court and a spacious car-park will accommodate your every need with efficient services for your stay in Shanghai.",宾馆的商务中心,美容美发厅,KTV,健身房,网球场,大型停车场等其他设施,助您的上海之行得心应手,事半功倍。 +"To create a grouping set at another slice of the cube model, create a new grouping set that includes, at a minimum, the level key attributes of each level in the new slice.",要在多维数据集模型的另一个切片上创建分组集,应该创建一个新的分组集,其中至少要包含新切片中每一级的级键属性。 +House poole-a blue plate on white with a grey tressure.,白色底,灰色的围边,中间为一个蓝色的餐盘。 +"Miners Juan Aguilar and Carlos Mamani were among the first to arrive for the Mass Sunday, held in a white tent set up at the entrance to the San Jose copper and gold mine.",安吉拉和卡洛斯是其中率先到达该活动的两名矿工,在该金铜矿的入口处搭起了白色的帐篷。 +"Messages have new ideas, new ideas have irrigation, boasting a new breakthrough, a new situation Taigang!",留言有新思想,灌水有新思路,吹牛有新突破,抬杠有新局面! +"In children, the lumbar spine and total body (excluding the cranium, if possible) are the preferred sites for DXA testing.",对儿童进行DXA 测定时,腰椎和全身(可能的话,不包括颅)是首选的检测点。 +"Life a knot in the beginning, the mo to sink inside.",人生交结在终始,莫以开沉中路分。 +"To which our smarty-pants body might well reply: Tell me something Ididn’t already know, Einstein.",我们那些自作聪明的人很可能会说:告诉我一些我不知道的,爱因斯坦。 +The prediction was made after satellite studies by the European Space Agency and the US National Aeronautics and Space Administration.,欧洲空间局和美国航空航天局对卫星传回的资料进行分析后,作出了上述结论。 +"Shantou is one of the earliest open special economic zones of China, with a high degree of outward orientation in economy.",汕头是中国最早开放的经济特区之一,经济外向度高。 +Meteoroids are small objects moving through the solar system that are attracted to the Earth by its gravitational pull.,流星是被地球引力吸引过来的小型太阳系天体。 +"Base Distinguished Name = o=ibm,c=us","基本专有名称 = o=ibm,c=us" +"All boxes are marked as usual, but please number them consecutively from No. 11.",所有箱子唛头照常,但请从第11箱起连续编号。 +"The dendritic morphology of electrodeposition was obtained during electrolyzing zinc in the quasi two-dimensional electrochemical cell, if the concentration of the electrolyte was higher.",从近二维的硫酸锌薄层电解液的电解沉积锌中,发现了在电解液浓度较高时,得到枝晶形态的沉积物。 +An anomalous phenomenon in relativistic nucleus-nucleus collision is introduced. The relevant experimental results are discussed as well.,本文介绍了相对论性核-核作用中的一种反常现象,讨论了有关的各种实验结果。 +"In the medium radial horizontal well and large tilt well, the mechaniCal characters of BHA is under large de formation with small strain.",在中半径水平井和大斜度共中,井底钻县组合( BHA)的力学特征属于大变形小应变性质。 +Effect of the High Consistency Amino Acids on Human Renal Tubular Epithelial Cells;,在夏季采食量下降时,提高日粮中氨基酸浓度有意义吗? +From the financial analysis aspect the dissertation presents financial performance Post-Evaluation method of toll bridge.,从财务分析的角度,提出了收费桥梁的财务效益后评价方法。 +"On his theories about sublimity, Kant especially stressed the value of subject, laid particular emphasis on publicizing the power of subjective reason and awakening the inner moral spirits.",在美的特质论中,康德确立了审美的无利害、无概念的普遍性、无目的的合目的性和无概念的必然性,从而奠定了主体性美学思想的基础。 +"The tidal flap wall base of Haihe River ebb gate is made up of Argillaceous Slime and thus, has low bearing capacity. This directly poses a sinking problem for construction foundation.",海河防潮闸挡潮墙墙基为夹淤泥质粘土,承载力低,直接作为建筑物地基存在震陷问题。 +The PC continuous box girder with transverse long cantilevers is widely applied in urban bridge due to reducing abutment size and its number and increasing clearance under the bridge.,预应力混凝土横向大悬臂连续箱梁桥由于其可以减少墩台数目或减小墩台尺寸、节省工程量,增加桥下净空,所以在城市桥梁中得到广泛应用。 +"Kerry stem the years, the rise of textual criticism of the school.",到了干嘉年间,考据之学兴起。 +I wondered whyIhad had noideaof some unyielding life sprouting overthefallen petals.,我诧异,为什么竟没有发现在落英的背后,这萌动的不屈的生命呢?。 +"Inthis paper, the function, operating principle, cooling effect and benefit of the prop in evaporative cooling system of natural circulation type reheating furnace are discussed as well.",本文还论述了盲肠管式T型支撑在加热炉汽化冷却自然循环中的作用、运行原理、冷却效果及其效益。 +"She touched his arm, and he noticed that her hands were still dusty from the corn meal that she had sprinkled around the old man.",她碰了碰里昂的手臂,里昂注意到,她之前在老人遗体周围撒玉米面,现在双手仍沾着粉末。 +Objective To inquire the treatment effect of liquor extraction from astragalus membranaceus for external application on diabetic foot ulcers and system treatment.,目的了解糖尿病足部溃疡全身综合治疗的同时结合溃疡局部外敷黄芪提取液的临床效果。 +"Five brothers and made a song in memory of their grandfather to Yu's achievements and character, talk to the heads of the miserable feeling sad.",五兄弟就作了一首歌来追念他们的祖父禹的功绩和品德,倾诉目下的凄凉悲哀之情。 +"Only the deep foot-prints, still silently staring at earth vicissitudes.",唯有那深深的脚印,还默默的注视着人间沧桑。 +"For instance, the feeling of fear can create fight or flight, just as guilt can create withdrawal or aggression.",例如,恐惧的感觉会创造出“打斗”或者“远走高飞”。又例如“内疚”会创造“抽离”和“侵略”。 +Mike: You need to think of an ending. These pictures are so good.,迈克: 你需要考虑一下收尾, 这些画面好极了。 +"The short-term incentive includes base salary and annual risk of income, frequently using the model of annual salary system. And we also take some research on the payment system based on performance.",短期激励主要包括基薪和年度风险收入,一般采用年薪制的模式,并对高管绩效薪酬体系进行研究; +"Professor: All right, so Voytek says, and here, he disagrees with Julie. Julie says we can't put a number on human life for the purpose of a cost-benefit analysis.",教授:好的,Voytek不同意Julie的想法,Julie说,我们不能用数值来衡量生命,来做一个成本效益分析。 +"Through all his life, this guy was really hard-working, brave, smart and justice, he fought against the fate. However, he had been persecuted by gangland and beaten to death!",这个人一生勤劳、勇敢、机敏、正义,与命运抗争了一生,最后,被黑社会迫害、殴打致死! +Alice ! Wake up ! What a long sleep you had !,爱丽丝!醒醒!你这一觉睡得可真长啊! +"Few years, Suzie Wong Beijing has become the club all the recommended five-star hotels, Suzie Wong consistently uphold the humble business management is also widely praised by outsiders.",几年间,苏西黄已成为北京所有五星级酒店推荐的俱乐部,苏西黄秉承的一贯谦虚的经营之道也同样受到外界的广泛好评。 +"The automobile engine idle speed system and the drive circuit of DC motor were designed based on 80C196KC microprocessor, extend ROM, I/O and communication port.",设计以80C196KC单片机为核心的汽车发动机怠速控制系统,扩展片外存储器和I/O口,增加了通信电路,设计直流电机的驱动电路。 +"Numerous variations of gender symbols have been developed in the context of ""LGBT"" (lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender) culture since the 1990s.",1990年代以来,在“LGBT”(女拉、男基、双性和变性)的文化大背景下,众多性别符号的变体演化了出来。 +"The ATP levels are rapidly used up during exercise, particularly in short, intense bursts of anaerobic activity.",在运动当中,ATP的水平消耗非常快速,特别是短促、高强度爆发的无氧运动。 +The damage to the painting was the work of vandal.,毁坏这幅画的事是恣意破坏公物的… +Specific item of graduation reply should conduct according to the Engineering Master Degree-Awarding Rules of Qingdao University of Science and Technology.,论文答辩的具体事项可参照《青岛科技大学工程硕士学位授予工作细则》规定进行。 +What is the most difficult experience of your childhood?,你童年时最艰苦的经历是什么? +"Installed in 1993, this railroad-car-size unit gives scientists a permanent place to observe the creatures that live on the reef and how each plays a part in the ecosystem.",这个和火车车厢差不多大的工作站为科学家们观察生活在大堡礁的生物以及它们在生态系统中所起的作用提供了稳定的场所。 +"Mocha is also a type of 'chocolatey' coffee bean (from Mocha in Yemen), whence may come the association with chocolate and the development of the chocolate-espresso drink.",摩卡也是一种“巧克力色”的咖啡豆(来自也门的摩卡),这让人产生了在咖啡混入巧克力的联想,并且发展出巧克力浓缩咖啡饮料。 +"He is not stupid, just lazy.",他倒不笨,只是懒。 +Collection of large objects starts from the roots also and searches for reachable objects. Non-reachable large objects will be collected.,大对象的收集也是从根开始查找可到达对象,那些不可到达的大对象就可回收。 +"Whatever happened, the survivors ""must have returned to bury [the dead] with that careful treatment that we see today, "" Haak said.",无论发生了什么,幸存者“肯定回去过,然后像我们今天看到的那样小心地埋好了死者。”哈克说到。 +"""The mantra I've been telling my clients is: gridlock, stalemate, shutdown,"" says Stan Collender, a budget analyst who works for Qorvis Communications.","Qorvis Communications预算分析师Stan Collender称,""我一直跟客户说的关键字就是:僵局、僵持和关闭.""" +"Bonzi you'd better work hard. According to his talent, and he is with Rockets, he should get a deal with some China company?",棒子,你最好好好努力。以他的天赋,还有他是火箭队员,他应该也能从什么中国公司那里得到合约吧? +Students' elaborative faculty has not been well developed.,学生的思维能力并没有得到很好的开发。 +Economists say that improving finks between south and southeast Asia is long overdue.,经济学家表示南亚和东南亚之间早就应该增进联系了。 +"The nomination fight began with the Iowa caucuses, which I could pass up because Senator Tom Harkin of Iowa was running and was sure to win his home state.",提名竞争始于爱荷华州的总统竞选预备会议,这个我可以不参加,因为爱荷华州的汤姆.哈金参议员也参选了,而且肯定会在自己的老家获胜。 +"Introducing a new type of universal aluminium melting furnace. This article described the general construction, construction character and using performance of the furnace.",介绍一种新型通用熔铝炉。详细描述了该炉的组成、结构特点及使用性能。 +"In order to maintain and carry forward the 'Spicy Lady' character, the store in 2007, has registered the 'Spicy Lady' trademark.",为了保持和发扬“辣妹子”的特色,该店在2007年注册了“辣妹子”商标。 +"The sharp national economic development has propelled the course of urbanization and motorization, in addition the construction of roads cannot catch up with the abrupt increase of vehicle amounts.",随着我国经济的迅速发展,加快了城市化、汽车化的进程,道路资源增长却严重滞后。 +The simulation results show that the results are much better than traditional periodogram method.,仿真结果表明用现代谱分析法得到的结果远远好于周期图法。 +"I do not know since when, rises in the east of the curved moonlight.",不知从何时起,东方升起了一弯残月。 +"The phenomenon has been described, and the application and prospects for titanium woods, irons and putters have been discussed.",论述了钛合金材料在高尔夫球具中,尤其是木头、铁头和推杆头球具中的运用,并讨论了钛材在高尔夫市场中的前景。 +Am I dreaming or is it all real?,难道我在作梦?抑或这全是真实的?。 +Reading in the poor light taxes the eyes.,在微弱的光线下读书会加重眼睛的负担。 +The A40B series of precision current shunts come standard with a report of traceable calibration including data.,一系列的A40B精密电流分流器的标准配备的报告可追踪校准包括数据。 +"We may not be handing you Instagram-worthy gifts, but the vast majority of parents are already going above and beyond to make sure our children don't bother you during the flight.",我们可能没送给你能拍照传朋友圈的小礼物,但大多数家长们已经做了极大的努力来保证孩子们不会在旅途中打扰你,他们表现得足够好了。 +He was also attracted by the French symbolist poetry.,他还热衷于法国象征主义诗歌。 +"Expect these tools to mature over the next several years as demand continues to increase, and also to see GRC features incorporated into existing security devices.",未来几年,随着市场需求不断增长,这些工具会逐渐成熟起来。届时也能看到现有的安全设备集成了GRC功能。 +"Is good with other type surface active agent intermiscibility, also can manifest its stable pearly luster effect and dewater the recuperation function.",与其它类型的表面活性剂相溶性好,且能体现其稳定的珠光效果及增稠调理功能。 +"Momo knew his dad sometimes watch the program, so he said without thinking he want to play.",墨墨以前也知道爸爸有时看棋,这次就说起来他也想学。 +"Along with the diversification of consumer demand, the value of the segmentation of the market, right brand packaging design requirements are increasingly strict and meticulous together.",随着消费需求的多样化、商品市场的细分化,对品牌包装设计的要求也越来越严格和细致起来。 +"With 162M internet users across China, it is second only to the US (211M internet users) and is becoming a huge adopter of technology.",中国拥有1.62亿互联网用户,是仅次于美国 (2.11亿互联网用户)的第二大用户群体,并且正在成为一个新技术的庞大使用群体。 +The experimental fixture was excited by a small impulse at the top of the block and by a shaker on the basement.,实验装置可由刚性质量块上的小的脉冲激励或由激振器在底座上激励。 +What changed everything was the fact we were playing 10 v 11 when we should not have been.,如果说有什么能改变一切的话,那就是我们从未以10人应战11人过。 +A high degree of variability is present in the retail segment due to the changing fashion scene and the short season windows. Product lines multiply with the introduction of new segments every season.,高档产品目前在零售领域开始流行,由于不断变化的时尚界以及短暂的流行期,多样的产品和每个季度的流行元素就汇聚其中。 +"Besides, the colour alteration of conodonts and its significance in exploring oil and gas is als…",本文还讨论了该区牙形刺颜色变化对油气勘探的意义。 +"This produces a current in a surrounding coil, according to the researchers, led by aerospace engineering professor Richard James.",这样,周围的线圈中会有电流产生,据航空航天工程学教授理查德▪詹姆斯率领的研究小组的研究人员说。 +"Any whiff of visible western practical support for Lubna Hussein for example, would have robbed her campaign of most of its credibility.",任何一丝西方实质支持的味道,就像鲁巴娜·侯赛因事件那样,都将让她的运动的可信度大大降低。 +And the basic principal has synthesized and the self-repair pottery surface appearance was discussed.,并对合成的基本原理和形成自修复陶瓷层的组织形貌进行了分析研究。 +"Second, suck and put of good wet.",甐第二,吸、放湿性好。 +"No matter the ending is perfect or not, you ca ot disa ear from my world.",我的世界不允课后答案许你的消失,不管结局是否完美。 +"In this paper, the existence part of the Orlicz Minkowski problem for polytopes is demonstrated.",从数学角度如何解释其存在性是一个有趣的问题。 +"Most of the houses in the suburbs are one or two stories tall, with private yards, gardens and garages.",郊区大部分住房都有一两层高,有私人庭院、花园和车房。 +"Alloying strengthening for Fe—based alloys had been investigated, which prepared by metal powder injection moulding technology(MIM)and sintered under a strong reduction H_2 atmosphere.",研究金属粉末注射成形(MIM)铁基合金在强还原性氢气氛烧结条件下的合金化强化效果。 +"And it is wary of the free movement of labour, fearing that, in many professions, pushier and better-educated Kenyans will come and snatch plum jobs.",人才的自由流动也是它担心的问题。坦桑尼亚人担心:在许多职业领域,好工作都会被更积极的又受过较好教育的肯尼亚人抢去。 +It was concluded that media dilution method should be taken for an accurate result of microbiological test for Sangao Tea.,三高茶的微生物限度检查应采用培养基稀释法测定才能得到准确的结果。 +Conclusion The internal combined modality therapy associated with PE treatment are major methods for the treatment of ferment corn flour poisoning.,结论在内科综合抢救治疗基础上及时配合PE治疗,是减少酵米面中毒病死率的重要措施。 +"Walk along with this Hutong (north), about 200 meters ahead, there is a gate of second-hand market (Image 4).",进胡同,一直向前(向北)走200米左右,到达丁字路口,是一个旧货市场的大门。 +"Lazio will be hoping to make it four wins on the trot , when they host Atalanta at the Stadio Olimpico this weekend.",拉齐奥现在已经把目标转向了周末前来挑战的亚特兰大身上。 +"Nerve agent into the body, the rapid destruction of BU have chest tightness, reduce pupil wish of the vague and drooling.",神经性毒剂进入人体后,迅速破坏神经卜产生胸闷、 瞳孔缩小、祝力模糊、流口水。 +"Bernanke has been popping in to introduce himself. The Fed chief is also scheduling more meetings with lawmakers, armed with handouts explaining how the Fed's balance sheet works.",他目前还在安排与国会议员进行更多的会面,并向议员们分发解释美联储资产负债表运作情况的宣传单。 +Once the words sound turn and unexpectedly and quite fascinating get up.,话音一转,竟又千娇百媚起来。 +"And the consequences of failure are already on mounting display: According to the U.S. National Drug Intelligence Center, Mexican drug cartels have established operations in 195 American cities.",而失败带来的后果也已经陈列在册:据美国国家毒品情报中心报告,墨西哥贩毒集团已在美国195个城市里设立了分支机构。 +"The system had changed from 4-3-3 to a type of 4-2-3-1, with Messi shunted out wide.",阵型也已经从4-3-3变成一种4-2-3-1,让梅西拉向边路。 +Time lapse quickly and Lady Spidery was already sixteen years old. She was very beautiful and charming.,一晃,蛛儿到了十六岁了,已经成了个婀娜多姿的少女,长的十分漂亮,楚楚动人。 +"Vet Inquiry: Vet inquiry should including owner's complaint, clinical symptoms, diagnosis and treatment in medical history, etc.",兽医问诊包括主诉、临床症状、病史调查、诊治情况等。 +The title of the king of Wales was Princips Wallie in Latin which got translated as “Prince of Wales” in English.,这位威尔士国王的头衔写成拉丁语是Princips Wallie,译成英语便成了“威尔士亲王”(Prince of Wales)。 +"If you earnestly adore yourself you'll have a real significance of self-appreciation, which will provide you reassurance.",只要你认真地欣赏自己,你就会拥有一个真正的自我。 +However people do die at diffferent times so thats why everyone isn't dead at 75.,以是,许多人会在差别时间死去,而非每人都在七十五岁过世。 +He's clever but won't succeed because he lacks drive.,他虽然聪明, 但不会成功, 因为他缺乏进取心。 +The guidance function that ideological and moral quality can give to knowledge and ability is the basis on which the proletariat determines its educational policy.,思想道德素质对知识、能力的导向功能是无产阶级确立教育方针的依据。 +"Evil means stupidity, darkness or being heavy-hearted ;",“罪恶”意思是愚蠢、黑暗或是沈重的; +How VU script code affects HTTP connections,VU 脚本如何影响 HTTP 连接 +The advice -- to choose your location deliberately -- applys to everyone.,其中的建议——慎重地选择你的位置——对所有人适用。 +He possesses an extensive knowledge of banking.,他具有广博的银行业务知识。 +She’s calling you ‘bitch’!,她居然叫你‘婊子’! +Zhoushan consists of the archipelago. The research on the carrying-out of LAUS has the prototypical significance for the whole country.,舟山属于群岛海域城市,考察其如何贯彻《海域法》具有典型意义。 +"Last October, British Prime Minister Gordon Brown announced plans to cut the British force from 4, 100 to 2, 500 this spring, with an indication that further cuts could follow.",去年10月,英国首相布朗宣布今年春季把英国军队从4100人减到2500人,并且表示可能进一步进行削减。 +Wood and Harrison have exhibited their work extensively internationally.,伍德与哈里逊的作品曾在国际间广泛展出。 +"Think commonly, the time taking drug that fights chlorpromazine thing does not need anteprandial or the regulation after the meal, should with daily restMorpheusThe rule closes suitably.",一般认为,抗精神病药物的服药时间不需要饭前或饭后的规定,应与日常的休息睡眠规律相配合。 +"A common XML-based data model called NIEM core that provides data components for describing universal objects such as people, locations, activities, and organizations",一个基于 XML 的公共数据模型(称为 NIEM 核心),提供描述人员、地址、活动和组织等通用对象的数据组件。 +Waiting tables can be a red grind.,在餐桌旁侍人的工作很难受。 +"The professional services industry, in good faith for the vast number of visitors Chengdu friends to provide special fares to Lilongwe.",专业的行业服务,真诚的为广大旅客朋友提供成都到利隆圭特价机票。 +"At the western outskirts of Benghazi today, as many residents who had fled returned home, a celebrating group of young men had set a dog astride a donkey.“That’s",今天,在班加西西部,许多曾逃离此地的居民再次返回家中,一些正在庆祝的年轻人把一条狗骑在一头毛驴上。 +"A positive approach is essential because it mobilizes our spiritual resources, generates enthusiasm, and brings more joy and love into our world.",积极乐观的态度是至关重要的,因为它可以启动我们的灵性源头,产生热情,并给我们的世界带来更多的喜悦和爱。 +"""The Western markets are changing, it is a console-driven market but I think MMOs (massively multiplayer online) games are the next wave,"" said Atul Bagga, an analyst at research firm ThinkEquity.","市场研究机构ThinkEquity公司分析师Atul Bagga表示,""西方市场正在发生变化,尽管这是一个游戏机推动的市场,但我认为大型多人战略类网游(MMOS)将引领下一轮浪潮.""" +Sometime it even lasts until a lifelong dream comes true.,有时,这甚至会持续到毕生的美梦成真之时。 +"The east strains mothers do thing, a man carries, and he sincerely to sensitive show. I'm sorry.",东株把母亲所做的事情,都一人背负了,他真诚地向敏秀抱歉。 +"The study of in vivo pharmacokinetics on dogs showed that the relative bioavailabilities of nicotinic acid and lovastatin in tablets self-made were 105.9% and 105.6%, respectively.",家犬体内药物动力学研究表明,自制缓释片中烟酸对市售产品的相对生物利用度为105.9%; +The consumption process must go beyond just matching available resources with task demands.,消耗过程必须正好使可用资源与任务需求一一对应。 +Allow me to show you our showroom.,请允许我带你去看看展览室吧。 +"The Boyzone singer Stephen Gately has died at the age of just 33, a message on the band's tour website said today.",今天“男孩地带”(Boyzone)网站上的消息称,该乐队成员斯蒂芬·盖特利(Stephen Gately)死亡,年仅33岁。 +"In order to improve much coke quality in Baotou, multi-coal blend and small ratio study has been done based on coal quality.",为进一步改进包钢焦炭综合质量,在严把入厂煤质量关的前提下,进行了多煤种、小配比配煤方法的研究; +An effort by Arkansas schools notify parents when students are overweight.,阿肯色州的学校将学生肥胖情况通报家长的计划。 +"Second, they would give real protection to individual freedoms and provide guarantees for a pluralist political system.",第二,他们将为个人自由提供真正的保护,并为多党制政体提供保障。 +"Rapid heartbeat met you, but could not you feel bad, dream of you time to slide too quickly, with you next life waiting for?",遇到你心跳加快,不见你心情变坏,梦见你时间溜得太快,拥有你是下辈子的等待? +"Lift is lost on the wing where the aileron is raised, but it increases on the side where the lowered aileron increases the camber of the wing.",副翼扬起的时候机翼的胜利就会减小,但是副翼降下的一边会增加机翼的弯曲度。 +This is the only file that the user of the bank teller application can see in the browser's address bar.,这是银行出纳员应用程序的用户在浏览器的地址栏中能够看到的惟一文件。 +She put a black mamba in his camper.,她在他住的活动屋里放了条黑曼巴。 +"Of course, not a single member of Congress wanted to sacrifice their child for the war in Irag. And who could blame them?",当然,没有任何一个国会议员愿意为了伊拉克战争牺牲他们的孩子,而谁又能责怪他们呢? +And she is telling you all of the things that she did that day.,她正在跟你描述这一天都做了什么事。 +How does the physicalist explain things like that?,物理主义者又如何解释这种事呢 +All five quintiles imagined the top quintile to possess about 60 percent of the nation's wealth.,五等分的所有阶层都认为五等分顶层占有大约 60% 的国家财富。 +Give me that gentle push to help me cross the line.,请轻轻地推我一把,帮助我穿过终点。 +"Objective: To investigate the significance of EGF in the in-vitro maturation, fertilization, and pre-implantation development of the immature oocytes.",目的:了解EGF 对未成熟卵母细胞体外成熟、受精及胚胎发展的影响。 +"The number and shape of pinnatifid -lobes of leaflets, morphology of involucral bracts, and color of flowers are shown to be the most useful characters for separating Taiwanese species.",本研究显示,小叶的羽状裂瓣数目的形状、緫苞片的形态、以及花的颜色,提供台湾产种类相当重要之分类依据。 +Power-equipment is major energy -consuming facility of oil-gas gathering and delivering system. Its efficiency has a vital effect on the comprehensive efficiency of the whole system.,动力设备是集输系统的主要能耗设备,其运行效率对集输系统综合效率有至关重要的影响。 +"What is more annoying is that the satisfactory crops seemed not to grow at all, though he carried a hoe to field every day and worked hard. How upset the man is!",更令他心烦的是,他天天扛着锄头去田里累死累活,但是不解人意的庄稼,似乎一点也没有长高,真让人着急。 +"Shaquille O'Neal on whether he had visited the Parthenon during his visit to Greece: ""I can't really remember the names of the clubs that we went to.""",当被问到在希腊时是去了帕特农神庙,奥尼尔回答:“我实在记不住去过的那些酒吧的名字。” +"Southeast Asia's biologically diverse coral reefs will disappear by the end of this century and wipe out coastal economies if climate change isn't addressed, conservation group WWF said in a report.",环保组织世界自然基金会在一份报告中说,如果全球气候变化得不到解决,本世纪末东南亚地区生物多样性的珊瑚礁将彻底消失,沿海经济也将彻底摧毁。 +"Hiss cough is dry, producing no phlegm.",他是干咳,没有痰。 罾。 +"If we fail to make that case effectively, we will weaken already tenuous democratic forces and embolden those in Iraq who seek to foment chaos and instability.",如果我们不能有效地做到这点,我们将削弱本来就已软弱的民主力量,并给那些企图制造混乱和动荡的伊拉克人壮胆。 +"Guys! Please realize that we lost the game because of JVG's coaching style. Nomatter how good the players are, JVG just can't beat Phil Jackson.",伙计们,请你们意识到我们输球是因为范甘迪的执教风格,无论有多么好的球员,范甘迪都不能打败杰克逊。 +"The process designer needs to specify this identifier, and then communicate it to the portal administrator who assigns it as a unique name to the task page definition.",流程设计人员需要指定该标识符,然后将它传递给门户管理员,门户管理员将其作为唯一名称分配到任务页定义中。 +"Also killed was Wu Hongying, the kindergarten owner and a teacher.",同样丧生的还有幼儿园园长吴红英以及另外一名教师。 +"This is a mechanism applicable to any use case that seems to be significantly more complex than what you generally deem ""Complex"" (see Table 2).",这种机理能够适用于任何用例,这些用例要比实际上还要复杂许多(见于表 2)。 +Make a new song Encourage students to make a new song using other animals or adjectives.,从齐唱到自己进行原创歌曲,发挥学生学习的主动性。 +"The purpose of this paper is to examine the complex of nostalgia of a novel, ""Long Mourn Over the Past"".",本文从怀旧与时间、怀旧心理、女性化的怀旧、真假怀旧以及怀旧的幻灭几个方面,对《长恨歌》进行了考察、分析。 +The unifying layer will be built using existing data source capabilities.,统一层将使用现有的数据源能力进行创建。 +"But where could these recollections be coming from? Surely the Masters had expunged all true memories. Breetai shook his head within the huge helmet, mystified and troubled.",但这些记忆来自何方?当然,机器人统治者已经抹去了一切真实记忆。布里泰迷惑而烦躁的在他巨大的头盔里摇着头。 +Integrate the systems. Pay the winning vendors a bonus for early completion.,整合各个系统,奖励提前完成的开发商。 +"Such as, 3D-ceramic technology, double-speed drive technology, as well as high-definition digital power amplifier technology upgrades have access to a number of national patents.",诸如,3D微晶技术、双倍速高清驱动技术以及数字功放技术的升级等都获得了多项国家专利。 +"Borrow the wise people, perfect myself. Learn the best and be the best you can be.",借人之智,完善自己。学最好的别人,做最好的自己。 +The extraction of contour lines from Grid DEM is a primary function in computer-aided cartography ad GIS.,从规则高程格网中自动提取等高线是地理信息系统以及计算机制图的基本功能。 +These results suggest that the prokaryotic expressed AGT protein is an effective immunogen for the preparation of anti-AGT antiserum .,以上结果提示,利用大肠杆菌融合表达的AGT蛋白可有效刺激家兔产生AGT抗体。 +"For an export commodity, if for 3 years running its quality has been found to be indisputably 100 percent up-to- standard ex-factory and during inspection by a commodity inspection agency;",连续三年出厂合格率及商检机构检验合格率百分之百,并且没有质量异议的出口商品; +The two-page fact sheet aims to ease concerns among investors that the government's pledge may not survive a potential court challenge or changes by a future Congress.,这份长达两页的情况说明书意在消除投资者的担忧情绪,市场担心政府上述承诺或许无法通过可能的法庭考验,或未来遭国会改动。 +"If that is true, Livingston foresees in the next 10 years that probably more emphasis will be placed on conventional industrial engineering.",如果真是这样的话,利温斯顿预言在未来的10年有可能重点放在如何使工业工程更便利上。 +"Or, she might explore the concepts of certain artistic genres, such as fiction, comedy, tragedy, poetry, and the like.",或者,她也可能探索关于某些艺术体裁的概念,如小说、喜剧、悲剧、诗,如此等等。 +"Raising the construction of object, deciding the worth, analyzing the characters, forming the image are all conducted under the controlling of the feeling.",对客体对象的结构的提出,对象价值的判断、性状特征的分析、心理视象的形成,都是在情感的包孕中完成的。 +"Researchers collected wild dragonfly larvae, and placed them in tanks with fish or insect predators. The larvae could see and smell their hunters—but were kept safe by underwater cages.",研究者将野生蜻蜓幼虫放进装有鱼类或昆虫类捕食者的容器中,具体的安放位置是在水下的笼子里,这里有绝对的安全保障,但同时幼虫们也能够看见并嗅到它们的天敌。 +"Elizabeth Glaser was a beautiful, intelligent woman, the wife of Paul Michael Glaser, who had starred in the successful TV series Starsky and Hutch.",伊丽莎白.格拉泽是一个美丽聪明的女子,是保罗.迈克尔.格拉泽的妻子,她丈夫曾在大获成功的电视连续剧《警界双雄》中出任主角。 +"Chapter five, complementary interviews and proposals on the positive influence of community learning activities to community attachment.",第五章,社区学习活动促进社区归属感的后续考察与建议。 +"Along with society economical develop so fast, Shunde Shunli Red wood CO. , LTD personnel are solidarity, hold opportunity, rise to the challenge.",随着社会经济的快速发展,佛山市顺德区北滘镇顺利恒木制品厂的员工团结奋斗,开拓进取,把握机遇, 迎接新的挑战。 +"This is your willpower, motivation and courage.",这是你的意志力、动力和勇气。 +Can Airbags Save the World?,安全气囊拯救世界? +"The present paper is an attempt to discuss the causes producing the pre-competitive emotional pressure in WuShu Routine contest, and accordingly propose some methods for adjustment.",本文通过分析武术套路运动员赛前情绪压力产生的原因,提出了针对性赛前调控办法,并进行了分析。 +"Here we were are in Tropical Islands, a leisure complex near Krausnick, a village 70 kilometres south of Berlin on the site of a former Soviet airbase.",我们现在正在热带岛屿上的一个小村子里,这里距离前苏联空军基地只有70公里。 +"All I felt was a deep, endlessly sad sense of not belonging.",没有归属感------那是一种深深的,无穷无尽的哀伤侵袭着我。 +"The remembrance of our ancestors is the foundation of Confucianism and Buddhism, which is the source of harmony in society and peace in the world.",但是儒与佛都建立在这个基础上,这样才能真正做到社会和睦、四海一家、天下太平。 +"Our brains are just not wired to understand the difference between 500, 000 to 1 and 50 million to 1.",但我们的大脑并没有古怪到能了解五十万分之一和五千万分之一的差别是什么。 +The use of refinery gas has a number of technical and operability advantages over direct combustion of coal or coke for radiant process heating.,同直接燃烧煤或焦碳进行辐射加热相比,用炼厂气进行加热具有技术上和适用性上的双重优势。 +"Another relapse in global equity markets could also have an effect on industrial metals prices, which have shown strong correlation to the S&P500.",第二,如果全球股市再次下滑,也可能影响到工业金属价格,因为此类价格与标准普尔500指数间存在强有力的相关关系。 +"Second, you could shred the data to map to relational tables that roughly represent the structure of the XML data.",第二种方法是 分割数据以映射到一些关系表,这些表粗略地表示 XML 数据的结构。 +Zhangand colleagues found that the prevalence of dementia in China is similar to that in developed countries.,张和同事发现中国痴呆的流行情况和发达国家的很相似。 +The Greeks then introduced the dogs to the Romans who prized the breed for its ferocious strength and used Neapolitan Mastiffs as guard dogs and fighters in their gladiator rings.,它们大概公元前300年被带到希腊,再由希腊人介绍给罗马人,它们凶猛的性格和无穷的力量与罗马人一拍即合,被作为角斗场中的守护犬战斗。 +"The horizontal bed is the foundation member which supports the headstock, tailstock, and carriage.",卧式床身是基础构件,用来支承床头箱、尾座和拖板。 +Dancers perform for male patrons at a nightclub in Baghdad.,舞女们在巴格达的一间俱乐部为男性顾客们表演。 +"""I knew there were a lot of rumours earlier in the season about other clubs being interested, but I always made my feelings clear when I was asked about the future, "" said Crouch.",我知道在赛季初有很多传言,有一些俱乐部对我有兴趣,但是当我被问到自己的将来时,我已经表达的很清楚的。 +"My parents left me when I was very young to work at the US Embassy in Australia, and I was in Hong Kong on my own. I spent my childhood in a Pekingese Opera School and a Martial Arts School.",爸爸和妈妈在我很小的时候就离开我,到澳洲的美国领事馆做事,把我一个人留在香港,我就在一间教京剧和武术的学校渡过我的童年。 +"Kashi region was the ancient Uygur traffic, economic and cultural center, as well as the East-West civilization exchanges crossroads.",喀什地区是维吾尔族古老的交通、经济和文化中心,是东西方文明交流的十字路口。 +"Brigitte Bardot once wanted to buy the rights to “A Perfect Day for Bananafish, ” and he said that it was uplifting news.",碧姬·巴铎曾经想购买《香蕉鱼的好日子》的改编权,他说这是令人振奋的消息。 +"Methods 24 fresh lung cancer specimens were detected by FISH with the centromeric probes of chromosome 8,11,12 and 17.",方法用8、11、12和17号染色体的着丝粒探针与24例肺癌标本的间期细胞进行杂交检测。 +"Now, we must come together to end this war successfully.",如今,我们必须一起成功地结束这场战争了。 +IiiThe mounts of total soluble sugars. sucrose and starch in leaves were less than that in stem apices.,叶片中可溶性总糖、蔗糖和淀粉含量始终低于茎尖。 +"Using the TEM to observe the micro shape of coiled carbon whiskers, and analyze their structure by electron diffraction, it can be informed that its structure is hexagonal crystal.",用透射电镜(TEM)观察螺旋形碳晶须的微观形貌,并作选区电子衍射,分析其结构,可知螺旋形碳晶须的结构为六方晶体。 +Dario: I agree. I love to listen to some English songs when I am studying.,达利奥:我同意。我喜欢在学习的时候听一些英文歌曲。 +"Jobs do not learn, dead money not spend it!",别学乔布斯,人死了钱没花了! +"In this section, we highlight some of the options available.",在这一节中,我们将重点介绍一些可用的选项。 +"LiuBi ShangRang base to a phone call, HanZhenXiu handsome inform himself under his proposal, all the confidential funds to compassion institutions.",刘弼尚让基俊给韩振秀打电话,通知他本人承受他的提议,把机密资金全部捐给慈悲机构。 +"Police have found jalam was lying, this is to prepare her in custody, not next jalam had to offer to and da wei alone to talk.",警察查出了雅兰说的是假话,这下可要准备拘留她了,无法下雅兰只好提议要和达伟单独谈谈。 +"We will work hard to transform the economic development pattern, restructure the economy and set out on a path of balanced and sustainable development.",中国将继续致力于转变经济发展方式,调整经济结构,走出一条均衡和可持续的发展道路。 +Koichi Wakata conducted the test-flight in front of the cameras this month as part of zero-gravity experiments submitted by members of the public.,本月,在公众的要求下,若田光一在镜头前进行了失重实验中的飞行试验。 +"Eat less meat, fat duck, chicken, river fish;",少食猪肉、肥鸭、肉鸡、河鱼; +"Macau, on the southeast coast of China, consists of the Macau peninsula and the two offshore islands of Taipa and Coloane in the Pearl River Delta.",位于中国东南沿海的澳门是由澳门半岛和两个位于珠江三角州的凼仔岛和路环岛组成的。 +"The U. S. Embassy in Paris is a compact complex on Avenue Gabriel, just north of the Champs-Elysées.",巴黎的美国大使馆设在一幢综合楼内,它位于香榭丽舍大街北面的一条大道上。 +"Cangzhou jujube also known as the Watkins jujube, its high sugar content than 18 percent in other regions, nutrient-rich, rich ABCP, and other vitamins, medicine called ""vitamin pills.""",沧州红枣又称金丝小枣,其含糖比其它地区高18%,营养丰富,富含ABCP等多种维生素,医学上称之为“维生素丸”。 +"The film sneaks up on the audience, slowly building emotional investment.",电影对观众潜移默化,慢慢地形成了情感投资。 +"The corner of the mariposa rushed, murphy is ""Samson section chief""?",那墙角里黑乎乎的,莫非是“孙科长”?。 +"Cardiomyopathies may be idiopathic or secondary to an underlying definable systemic disorder, especially in a young population.",在年轻的族群中,有许多的先天性代谢异常疾病会造成心肌病变。 +Enzymatic interesterification in non-aqueous phase has been widely used for improving the quality of oil and fats.,非水相中的酶促酯交换反应广泛应用于油脂的改性。 +"What BYD is practicing is this low-cost method, which uses the low-cost ability to promote low-price products to change the pricing standard of current products.",并用低成本的能力推出低价产品以改变现有产品定价标准。 +"For example, a bouncing ball tends to have a lot of ease in and out when at the top of its bounce.",例如,一个弹跳的球在它跳到顶部时趋向于缓入和缓出。 +Robert Pattinson has revealed that he wants to talk to Daniel Radcliffe about dealing with fame.,《暮光之城》中吸血鬼男主角的扮演者罗伯特·帕丁森表示,他想要向《哈利·波特》的男一号丹尼尔·雷德克里夫讨教经验,求教他怎么处理成名后的烦恼。 +They have their language lessons early in the morning and you must have noticed how gleefully they learn them.,它们的语言课一大早就开始了,并且你一定也看到了它们是多么热情地攻读自己的功课! +The capital of New Brunswick is …,纽宾士域省的首府是…… +The present status of Global Value Chain (GVC) is a magnified semi- hierarchical cluster value chain.,全球价值链的现状是一个“放大”了的准等级型集群价值链。 +"The mascot in the 21st Summer Olympic Games in Montreal, Canada, in 1976 is Amik. It is the emblem of the beaver in Canadian Indians.",1976年加拿大蒙特利尔第21届夏季奥运会吉祥物阿米克,阿米克是加拿大印地安人语“海狸”的意思。 +"The invention relates to a sponge transportation packing method, pressing the single sponge cushion from both sides to the center, forming into rectangular shape after fixation.",本发明公开了一种海绵运输的包装方法,其是将单片的海绵垫体 从两边分别向中间卷压成型,固定后会接近形成矩形体。 +"Speaking more definitely, collective interest is an ideal social state which realizes Pareto efficiency in resource allocation and treats people equally at interest distribution.",具体来说就是在资源配置方面实现了帕累托效率而在利益分配上则做到了平等待人的社会状态类型。 +"For vortex-induced vibration of two cylinders in 2-D cases, the amplitude and frequency with two-degree-of-freedom are larger than that of the single-degree-of-freedom.",对涡振情况,下游圆柱双自由度振动的振幅峰值及出现峰值的频率比都大于单自由度。 +"Methods The experimental model, in which two pieces of non-absorbable suture were fixed parallelly on shelves of graduated rule, was made.",方法将两根非吸收缝线平行固定于刻度直尺框架上,制成实验模型。 +The Vietnam war was a significant failure in American diplomatic history.,越南战争是美国外交史上的一次大失败。 +"But I'm confident that based upon what we see going on in the North, and all the contingencies that we need to be prepared for, we're prepared to react to those, us and the alliance.",但是我有信心,根据我们所观察到的北韩动静,以及我们为所有意外状况而做的准备,我们以及我们的盟邦已经对应付任何情况做好准备。 +"Just as the movie ""Seven"" Spencer said at the end of that phrase, ""Hemingway said: this world being so beautiful, it is worth people's struggle for it.",正象影片《七宗罪》结束时斯班瑟说的那句话“海明威说:这个世界如此美好,值得人们为它奋斗。 +The vibration produced during rotation of bearings with micro-motion wear damage is analyzed by using Fourier transform.,用傅里叶快速变换对已有微动磨损的轴承运转时产生的振动进行了分析。 +"He Kaipeng China when be filled with financing the first round, in endless and dark channel, fumbled time of a year, gift our dream with life.",和凯鹏华盈第一轮融资的时候,在漫长而黑暗的隧道中,摸索了一年的时间,赋予我们的梦想以生命。 +On return from the Pole a festive party will be arranged in Khatanga.,当然,在哈坦加会举行极地归来晚会。 +"If the price of oil comes down, more people will buy it.",如果油价不跌,就会有较多的人买油。 +"Indeed, far from being rebels, the oath-takers are listening to their teachers.",事实上,这些宣誓者远非反叛分子,而是听取了老师的意见。 +Method The cholesterol level on erythrocyte membrane and the index of erythrocyte deformability were measured by methods of chemically modified electrode and percolation respectively.,方法利用核孔滤膜法测量红细胞变形指数,使用化学修饰电极测量红细胞膜胆固醇。 +"Ice age data show that back in the 1970s and 1980s, old ice drifting into the Beaufort Sea would generally survive the summer melt season.",冰川时期的数据表明,早在20世纪70年代和80年代,老海冰一旦流入波弗特海,一般就能安然渡过当年夏天的冰融季节。 +A mathematical model of equiaxed grains movement and macro-segregation has been built to analyze the fluid flow and species distribution during the metal solidification.,建立了自由等轴晶移动对宏观偏析影响的数学模型,对铸锭凝固过程中的对流和溶质分布进行了数值模拟。 +Live debugging mode does not work on encrypted virtual machines.,现场调试工作模式不加密的虚拟机。 +Gastric electro-mechanical activity (GEMA) is foundation to complete its normal functions.,胃的电机械活动是胃完成其正常生理功能的基础。 +"With increasing application of immunosuppressor, broad-spectrum antibiotics, organ transplantation and invasive manipulation, the incidence of invasive fungal disease is rising.",随着免疫抑制剂、广谱抗菌素、器官移植和侵袭性操作应用的增加,侵袭性真菌病的发生率也相应地增加。 +"A model that may be facing this problem is the Honda Civic and its hybrid version, which are among the most-wanted vehicles.",可能要面对这些问题的车型是本田Civic和它的混合动力版,也在消费者最想要的车型名单中。 +Mogolian are really good at dancing and singing.,蒙古族人真是能歌善舞啊。 +"Doesn't score, but contributes to every goal in a 4-1 win - the first time Liverpool have conceded so many at Anfield since 1969.",该役切尔西4-1战胜对手,德罗巴没有进球,但对本队的四粒进球都有贡献。 而这也是安菲尔德球场自1969年以来所遭遇的最大比分失利。 +"For someone just starting out with the IBM Cognos 8 SDK, all of this information can be overwhelming and finding a place to get started can be difficult.",对于刚开始接触 IBM Cognos 8 SDK 的人来说,这样巨大的信息量会令人感到无从选择,并且很难从中找到合适的起点。 +The results indicate that the structure and quality of the extrudate are affected significantly by the material property.,结果表明,原料特性对脱脂花生粉挤压组织化产品的质量和结构有明显影响。 +The main reason of extended stall margin was that about 75% axial chord of the tip flow field has been improved.,②第一套方案对离心叶轮大叶片75%左右轴向弦长前尖部流场的改善是失速裕度提高的主要原因; +I always remember the blossom of that unknown tree.,愿每一个人心中都有美丽的花树。 +"At this time, we moved from the five offices in ZhongChuDaSha to an independent school house owned by the local Education Department.",这时,我们从中础大厦的五间办公室里搬了出来,驻进了当地教育局所属的一所独立学校的大楼里。 +"This article points out from ""tradition Jingxue of falling off"" to the of ""lately philosophic creation"" from the standpoint of the academic development, the thought grain that may contain.",首段为引言,尝试就学术发展的观点,指出从传统经学衰颓到建立新哲学之间,可能有的思想脉络。 +These conclusions provide theoretical basis and practical references for design optimization and construction control of such kind of deep pit.,所得出的结论为嵌岩基坑支护结构设计优化和施工控制提供了理论依据和实践参考。 +WS-Security with SymmetricBinding encrypting all request/response message bodies (direct),使用 SymmetricBinding 加密所有的请求/响应消息体的 WS-Security (direct) +Objective To explore the nursing and the therapeutic effects of continual lumbar puncture (LP) in preterm infants with severe intraventricular hemorrhage (IVH).,目的探讨连续腰椎穿刺治疗早产儿脑室内出血(IVH)的护理要点及治疗效果。 +"""There's an inherent lack of cooperation and real equality,"" Marc Schiller, CEO of Electric Artists and co-founder of the Wooster Collective, said at the ""Voices in Their Heads"" panel Monday.",“这之中总是缺少一种本质上的合作以及真正的平等,”马克希勒,“电子艺术家”的首席执行官兼伍斯特集团的合夥创建人,在礼拜一的“他们脑袋里的声音”座谈会上如是说。 +"Gently add the water and knead to soft dough, cover with damp cloth for 30 minutes.",徐徐加入水搓揉成柔软粉团,盖上湿布,静待30分钟。 +Almost all of the valuable handicraft articles are there.,几乎所有有价值的工艺品都集中在哪儿。 +Frank: Over there.,弗兰克:在那边。 +"For strengthening, try side leg lifts.",肌肉锻炼方面——可以试试侧抬腿。 +"In 1931, between Einstein and Tagore , there was an argument on this question.",1931年爱因斯坦与泰戈尔曾经就这个问题进行过一场争论。 +"Shui Liao, was away for a long talk about Fangkun soldiers from the armpit out a knife and ran into the street to rob a restaurant kitchen, hand - held north Double Door flight.",谁料,被夺了长刀的方昆兵竟又从腋下抽出一把短刀,并跑进路边一家餐馆抢了把菜刀,手持双刀朝北门外逃。 +The researchers are now testing DRACO against more viruses in mice and beginning to get promising results.,研究人员现在正在进行DRACO对更多老鼠病毒的测试,并开始得到很有前景的结果。 +"According to Chinese media, pupils from the countryside made up 62% of those sitting national college entrance exams last year, but only 17% of those entering the elite Tsinghua University.",根据中国媒体报道,去年参加高考的农村学生比例占62%,但仅有17%进入清华大学。 +No Jaina can clean the toilets – some sudra has to do that work.,同样耆那教徒也不能清洗厕所 - 这些工作还是要由首陀罗来做。 +Before long Mr. Bennet is persuaded by his wife to pay a formal call at Netherfield Park.,但不久,班纳特先生终于被妻子说服, 正式到尼日斐花园去 拜访。 +"It might also have a link with rel=""service.edit"", which would provide an EditURI.","它可能还有一个链接 rel=""service.edit"" ,提供一个 EditURI。" +Kirk said he will head to Honolulu to meet with APEC trade ministers before President Obama and other leaders arrive.,柯克说,他将在奥巴马总统和其他领导人抵达前,去火奴鲁鲁会见亚太经合组织各成员的贸易部长。 +"But at the same time, also call her emulative psychology, she wants that she must exceed them.",可同时,也唤起她不服输的心理,她想一定要超过她们。 +"Somali man tries to comfort his son, who aches to go outside and play.",一名索马里难民在劝解他渴望到外面玩耍的儿子。 +Or do you want to include both full words and stems in the index?,或者您是否在索引中同时包括完整的单词 和词干? +Have you eaten lunch yet?,你吃了饭吗? +"This aerial view shows lower Manhattan, New York City, in 1928.",这是1928年纽约曼哈顿下城的航拍图。 +"This backup mirror applies to hover , quality and cheap , welcomed to order .",此倒车镜适用于长城哈弗,质优价廉,欢迎订购。 +"Strains of Bacillus spp. were isolated from 7 soil samples using repeated plate streaking, and 4 strains of them had rivalry ability to Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cucumerinum.",从不同环境中采集7份土壤样品用于芽孢杆菌的分离纯化,通过多次平板划线分离纯化得到30个菌落形态不同的菌株。 +"Obama and Lee also agreed to push for progress on a stalled free trade deal, which analysts say could increase their bilateral trade by about $20bn.",奥巴马和李明博也同意推动一项被搁置的自由贸易取得进展,有分析人士称这可能给韩美双边贸易额增加约200亿美元的收入。 +"Hot peppers raise your metabolism, but the real benefit of food with a little zing is that it slows your eating, says James Hill, PhD, past president of the American Society for Nutrition.",辣椒可以帮你加快新陈代谢,但真正的好处在于它可以帮你减慢进食的速度,美国营养学会前主席詹姆斯·希尔博士如是说。 +"David Vitter of vexation is the ideal and the reality of the contradiction and conflict, from the broad masses of youth chorus.",维特的烦恼主要是理想与现实的矛盾与冲突,引起了广大青年的共鸣。 +"The other team didn't arrive, so our team won by default .",由于对方球队未到,我队以其弃权而获胜。 +The world is a treasure house where the unique cultural achievement created by people of all countries are displayed.,世界是一座丰富多彩的艺术殿堂,各国人民创造的独特文化都是这座殿堂里的瑰宝。 +The project design of tannery wastewater treatment and adjustment process result by adjustment coagulation precipitation biological contact oxidation process are introduced.,介绍了采用调节—混凝沉淀—生物接触氧化工艺处理制革生产废水工程的设计调试运行结果。 +I was totally psyched when I met this guy who definitely was on the A-list.,这个男人简直太酷了。当我遇见他时,竟完全不能自已。 +"Not only have international royalty, Hollywood stars and heads of state come to Lake Louise to relax, but increasingly the rest of the world is discovering its simple charms as well.",不只是国际上的王公贵族,好莱坞影星及国家元首来此休闲,现在更多的人们也了解了她的自然之美。 +"Our secret is that we use the power of effervescent, carbonating cleaning solutions that are so effective that we only need to use a small amount of moisture to achieve miraculous clean carpets.",我们运用发泡的二氧化碳清洗剂,它是如此的有效,以至于我们只用少量的水分就可以达到不可思议的清洗效果。 +"The hotel boasts 435 guest rooms, all designed in contemporary style, in order to meet guests' needs.",酒店拥有435间(套)舒适的客房及套房,���致时尚, 温馨惬意,满足宾客对高品质服务的追求。 +"Compared with the traditional methods, the proposed method achieves greater robustness and better accurateness.",与传统算法相比,论文提出的方法在音频定位的鲁棒性和精度方面得到较大的提高。 +The Great Pyrenees is a dog of medium substance whose coat deceives those who do not feel the bone and muscle.,大庇里牛厮山犬的骨骼和肌肉是中等的,但披毛可去欺骗敌人,让对方感觉不出来实际的体型。 +"S. , Saul struggles to adjust to the private sector.",回到美国,撒乌耳努力调整到私人部门。 +"The drug doge was reduced and stopped gradually after 3-6 months, which could be prolonged for haplotype grafter .",临床若无移植物抗宿主病出现,3~6个月逐渐减量至停药,单倍型移植者适当延长。 +"Editors are directly involved in decisions about story presentation, writing or choosing headlines, captions, photos, and illustrations.",编辑直接参与对报道形式的决策,撰写或选择新闻标题、图片文字说明、照片、插图等等。 +"Furthermore, other W3C recommendations in the XML family use namespaces to distinguish what they define.",而且,XML 系列的其它 W3C 建议书使用名称空间来辨别它们定义的内容。 +Free to do nothing but watch and listen and dream.,只是兀自四处看看,静静倾听,偶尔做做梦。 +"In fact, according to Jandali, she secreted off from Wisconsin to liberal San Francisco to sort out the birth and adoption without letting either him or her parents know.",根据詹达利所说,乔安娜悄悄地离开了威斯康星,去了较为自由的旧金山来准备分娩和安排收养,她没有让男友或双方的任何一位父母知道。 +No significant association were found between wedge shaped defect position and tooth brushing or erosion factors in the group.,结论楔状缺损的发生除刷牙及酸蚀因素外还与力或力累积有关; +"On Mar. 18th, 2004: A new building of Guanghua School of Management, PKU lay a foundation.",2004年3月18日,北京大学光华管理学院举行新大楼(二号楼)奠基典礼。 +"Two boys, one of them with a bongo drum, get on and the big boy, with the drum, starts beating on it as soon as the train starts up, and the little boy goes into what passes for a native dance.",有两个男孩,其中一个拿着一只小手鼓,上了车。大点的男孩在列车起步时开始击打手鼓,小点的男孩就开始跳通常认为是土著舞的舞蹈。 +"The varieties of anthocyanins from the red pigments extraction were determined by HPLC-MS, and the factors effecting the stability of red pigments was investigated in the pomace of mulberry Dashi.",采用HPLC-MS定性分析了果桑“大十”果渣红色素提取纯化产物中的花色苷种类,并研究了影响其稳定性的因素。 +A general finite element ANSYS of power module is used to calculate wave load against semi-submersible platform. The way of its analysis and calculation processing is also shown in the paper.,文章利用大型通用有限元软件ANSYS的动力模块程序对半潜式平台所受的波流载荷进行了计算,并介绍了分析的方法和过程。 +"The greater part of the people were serfs or ""villains, "" farm-hands who were as much a part of the soil upon which they lived as the cows and sheep whose 3)stables they shared.",在这里,大部分人都是农奴或庄稼汉。 这些人和牛羊同住于牛栏羊圈,自身也和牛羊一样,变成了依附土地的一部分。 +The excellent conditions of multiple-functional tanning agent-MTA used in the retanning of the soft cattlehiole upper leather have been studied by the official test.,本研究通过正交优化试验确定了MTA用于牛软鞋面革复鞣的最佳工艺条件,并配合其它鞣剂在制革厂进行了扩大试验和生产性中试实验。 +"'When we opened up the container, it was like a murder scene ─ red wine everywhere, ' he said from his home in McLaren Vale, Australia. 'But it did smell very good.'",他在澳大利亚麦嘉伦谷(McLaren Vale)的家中说,我们打开集装箱的时候,那情形就像谋杀现场,到处都是葡萄酒,不过闻起来真是不错。 +"Savin is a shrub located in North China, which has a important function for protecting environment.",砂地柏是中国西北干旱沙区的一种重要灌木,对该区生态环境保护具有重要作用。 +"While you can't control how others will react to your embarrassing moment, you can control how you will react.",你碰到尴尬事虽然无法控制别人的反应,但你可以控制自己的反应。 +"ZJS can provide customs clearance and tax drawback service for the shipment import& export, as well as advance payment of duty of taxes, THC, and tax refund.",宅急送可以为您提供货物进出口的海关清关、口杂费、税代垫、口退税服务。 +"You wish that David Silva got a RED for ""head butting"" Poldi just so Germany could play against 10 men.",当席尔瓦用头撞波尔蒂的时候你真希望他被红牌罚下,这样德国打10人会有些希望。 +"Summary of Background Data. Dyspnea and dysphagia are complications of posterior O-C fusion with malalignment, and may be prolonged or occasionally serious.",背景资料摘要:呼吸困难及吞咽困难是椎体排列不齐的枕颈融合术后的并发症,这些症状可能会持续,偶尔还会很严重。 +It consists of one or more security servers and one or more agents.,它由一个或多个安全服务器和一个或多个代理组成。 +"Bauxite in Guixian, Guangxi is a large gibbsite-type bauxite deposit that was found in China for the first time.",广西贵县铝土矿是中国大陆新近发现的第一个大型三水铝石铝土矿。 +"Kitakyushu eco-town is the first and the most typical venous industry based eco-industrial parks in Japan, so it is essential to China to learn from its successful experiences.",北九州生态园是日本国第一个、也是最典型的静脉产业园,其成功经验可为我国开展同类园区建设提供有效的借鉴。 +"New Line wanted Peter Jackson to start the film with a prologue done by Cate Blanchett, something that Jackson didn't want to do.",新线公司想让彼得·杰克逊在影片开始时加一段开场白,让凯特·布兰切特说,杰克逊反对。 +"(Applause.) And on a personal note I want to acknowledge a wonderful and former chief of protocol, Charlotte Shultz.",(掌声) 我个人还想要提一下工作出色的前首席礼宾官夏洛特∙舒尔茨(Charlotte Shultz)。 +Here again it will be the local talent tier creating products to serve customers in the local product market tier.,这将再次为印度本土人才市场创造为本土消费者市场提供产品和服务的机会。 +Assuming that the price elasticity of demand for US exports equals to -3 and the price elasticity of demand for US imports equals -2.,假定对美国出口的需求价格弹性等于-3,而对英国出口品需求价格弹性是-2。 +"And since consumers do not think about power consumption when choosing a phone or laptop, manufacturers tended to stick with copper wire.",而且由于消费者在选购电话或笔记本电脑时,并不会考虑能耗因素,因此制造商往往坚持使用铜线。 +"LCW's Design Center is an in-house technical assistance office which provides support to the real estate, family asset-building, and community organizing teams.",劳伦斯社区工作公司设计中心是一个内部的技术协助办事处,主要向房地产、家庭资产建设和社区组织提供支持。 +Each female has dozens of dwarf male zombie worms living inside a gelatinous tube that surrounds her body.,每个雌性蠕虫身体周围的胶状管中生活着几十条个头较小的雄性蠕虫。 +"You feel that it has become a part of your house like someone who's moved into your house, and your house is changed then.",你能感觉到它已经成为你房屋的一部分,就像有人搬入你的住处,然后你的屋子就发生了些变化。 +It would make sense. so Rogers must turn into leveling in regards to the money.,这就能体会了,本来罗杰斯一定是想在钱的题目上拉平来。 +"In Jiaxing power system some of automation systems and devices, such as SCADA, EMS, DTS, DMS, MIS and so on, has been equipped, and others are being installed.",含高压主网和中低压配网的地区级嘉兴电网,装备和正在装备SCADA、EMS、DTS、DMS、MIS等多种自动化装置和系统。 +The story happened at the waiting room of a railway station.,故事发生在一个车站的候车厅。 +"There is kindness to be found everywhere. Now that mangy people stretched out their hands for the aid , we can the conquest of difficulties.",人间处处有真情,因为有四面八方的支援,我们才能战胜这次灾难。 +Financial securities experiment is an important course for students of economic management.,金融证券实验是经济管理类学生的重要必修课。 +"Zixi into a room, wow, many people Oh, the summer there are so many people, we really too incredible.",一进自习室,哇,好多人哦,暑假还有这么多的人,真是令我们太不可思议了。 +"Winter pruning for mulberry cultivation has been adopted in Fuling district, Chongqing city.",重庆市涪陵区的桑树养成收获方式一直沿用冬伐。 +"Before the Anti-Japenese War, the commercial transportation system was mainly adopted.",抗日战争爆发之前,国统区的食盐运输主要采用商运制; +I was always tired.,我总是感到疲倦。 +"The system of the invention has simple structure and rapid construction, can effectively prevent the empty drum, crack, and water seepage of the wall surface, and has fireproof function.",本发明的优点是结构简单、施工快捷,可有效防止墙面空鼓、开 裂、渗水、具有阻火功能。 +Pre-earthquake life events obviously correlated to PTSD symptoms.,生活事件与PTSD症状反应总分有显著相关; +"After vehemently arguing, he discovered his basic illogicality and had to eat humble pie before his associates.",经过激烈争辩,他发现自己根本是自相矛盾的,只好在同事面前认错。 +"In time all her clothes were worn out, and she never had anything to eat except a piece of bread.",渐渐地她的衣服全破掉了。除了一片面包外她没有其它东西可吃。 +"If Gillian would like to make a comeback, then I am afraid that is indeed ""silly very naive, "" the.",若阿娇想东山再起,那恐怕真是“很傻很天真”了。 +"And in delivery, is needed immediately converted to use the operating table, not moving mothers, but also effectively improve the utilization of hospital space.",并可在生产进行中,是需要而立即转换为手术台使用,不用移动产妇,更可有效提高医院 之空间使用率。 +"My thinking about ""bad"" sex vastly differs from most of these points of view.",我这里关于“坏的”性行为与上面这些观点有着巨大的差别。 +"Objective Increasing the liquid diaphanous , it contains Scutellaria Baicalin.",目的:提高含有黄岑制剂的口服液的澄明度。 +"Beijing hao's YangManLi dare not say, pressed by, also not meaning said!",郝京妮追问下,杨曼莉不敢说,也不好意义说! ! +"I shall ever try to keep all untruths out from my thoughts, knowing that thou art (you are) that truth which has kindled the light of reason in my mind.",我将会永远从我的思想中摒除谬误,因为我知道是你的真理在我头脑中燃起了理智之火。 +"There’s a history of thinkers who preferred standing desks, including Thomas Jefferson, Winston Churchill, and Ernest Hemingway",历史上有些思想家喜欢站着工作,包括托马斯·杰斐逊(Thomas Jefferson),温斯顿点丘吉尔(Winston Churchill)以及欧内斯特·海明威(Ernest Hemingway) +"However, since I work on a computer all the time, I will concede easily that an e-reader is preferable to a computer screen, especially one designed to mimic an actual book.",无论如何,由于我整日在电脑前工作,我容易认为电子阅读器比电脑屏幕更可取,尤其是那些模仿真实书本设计的电子阅读器。 +Burning Question: How Do I Future-Proof My Digital Media?,焦点问题:如何长期保存我的数字媒体? +He just wants to meet you in person and go over your responsibilities in the office.,他只是要在办公室里亲自接见你,并重述你的职掌。 +You can lightheartedly select the stuff in which you're interested and make your donation in return for them!,朋友们可以较轻松的选择你们感兴趣的物品,捐出善款购买它们。 +Note: The three cards thus chosen by David Icke have been fulfilled and in the exact order as depicted.,注:三张牌从而选择了由大卫Icke已完成和在描绘的准确顺序。 +"The event was complete with flowers, cake and a toy car that has a ""just married"" sign.",婚礼当天,鲜花有了,蛋糕有了,甚至还有一辆玩具婚车,上面还标了“新婚”字样。 +"In a quiet moment, identify a major challenge in your life, and think of all you’ve done to overcome it.",静静地想一想,在你的生活中最主要的困难是什么,想想你为了克服它所做的一切。 +"Lihen Just as Spring Grass, more lines farther still life.",离恨恰如春草,更行更远还生。 +Dragon and Lion Dance is becoming the main content of college national traditional sport and campus culture.,龙狮运动已成为当前高校民族传统体育建设和校园文化建设的重要内容。 +When a girl sees older girls or her mom fussing over her hair and spending an inordinate amount of time on her appearance she will believe that is the correct way to behave for a woman.,当一个女孩看到她们的姐姐或者妈妈对头发和外型倾注非常多的时间时,她们就会相信这是正确的。 +"Neil Armstrong, left, displays a plaque that will later be attached to a landing leg of the lunar module descent stage and will be left on the moon by the Apollo 11 astronauts.",Neil Armstrong, 左,展示一张牌匾,此牌匾随后将附在登月舱下降阶段的着陆支架上,并且将被阿波罗11号的宇航员留在月球上。 +"After technical discussion with the CTP team, we discovered that there were fields that were created but not populated or kept up to date.",在与 CTP 团队进行技术讨论之后,我们发现有些字段虽然已经创建,但是没有进行填充或保持最新。 +Our reporter spoke to the trio aboard the space station about the ups-and-downs of life 350 kilometers above the Earth.,这三位在空间站工作的宇航员介绍了他们在离地球350公里的高空生活的欢乐与不便。 +These clients all joined in the QQ groups created by the group. The group will sent the latest video information to its members and attract them to purchase the videos.,"他们全都加进集团所创建的QQ群中, 集团经常通过群邮箱向里面的成员发布最新的视频信息, 吸引他们购买." +"But let's look beyond Chen Yunlin individually, and examine matters from a higher perspective. Sixty years of history and reality have led us to today.",跳开陈云林个人,拉高放大来看,今日两岸关系的「历史与现实」,更是交汇在一甲子以来更宏观的一个大历史座标点上。 +"Mike Harrison is a 26 year old freelance graphic designer and illustrator, currently residing in London.",Mike Harrison是一位26岁的自由职业美术设计师和插画师,目前居住在伦敦。 +"China's real estate market seems to have become common knowledge. on the existence of the real estate ""bubble"" and real estate financial risks caused controversy.",中国房地产市场似乎已成为众矢之的,关于房地产是否存在“泡沫”以及房地产金融风险的争论甚嚣尘上。 +"In my experience, if someone can run a network or a server, they have the aptitude to handle programming.",以我的经验,如果某人可以操作、运行网络或服务器,就有学习编程的资质。 +The variations of main gas volume fractions with initial oxygen volume fraction during pulverized coal reburning were investigated using a one-dimensional flame furnace.,在一维炉上对煤粉再燃过程中烟气内主要气体体积分数随再燃区初始氧体积分数的变化规律进行了研究。 +"Contractual fund is a kind of trust relationship, which gives the Trustee much freedom to manage the fund property, it may bring on the moral hazard.",契约型基金本质上是一种信托关系,它赋予受托人充分的自由度和信托资产的控制权,容易产生道德风险。 +"Then, as artificial neural network is better in constructing financial prewarning model than other linear and regression models, a new financial prewarning model based on B-P model was constructed.",然后,利用人工神经网络在建立财务预警模型方面优于其他线性和回归模型的特点,基于B-P模型构建了一个新的混合财务预警模型。 +"And when last we gathered here, there were strong indications that the sharp contraction of the global economy of late 2008 and early 2009 had ended.",当去年我们在这里相聚的时候,有强烈迹象表明,2008 年底到2009 年初世界经济的剧烈收缩已经结束。 +"So, how are you preventing the higher level players from assisting or griefing in the low level areas?",所以,你们如何防止高等级的玩家来低等级的区域屠杀或者带小号? +Nxt let's welcome Mr. --------- will ask 1 question according to the prepared speech.,现在请------针对指定主题演讲向一号选手提问。 +We launched the first man-made satellite in 1970.,我们在1970年发射了第一颗人造卫星。 +Part Three:the analysis of research subjects about JEA articles.,第三部分,对JEA论文研究主题的分析。 +"To overcome the difficulty caused by the overlapping of cells in the image auto-anglicizing, the touching cells need to be separated into single ones.",为克服在细胞图像自动判读过程中细胞重叠造成的图像分析的困难,需要将交叠在一起的细胞群分离为单个细胞。 +"Results Laparoscopic findings included diverticulum (19), intestinal duplication (1), jejunal hemangioma (1) and intestinal polyp (1).",结果19例为梅克尔憩室,回肠重复畸形、回肠息肉、空肠血管瘤各1例。 +"For beta-lactoglobulin, a cow's milk allergen that is resistant to pepsin cleavage, bile acids enhanced its proteolysis by pancreatic proteases even after incubation under gastric conditions.",如beta-乳球蛋白是牛乳中的一种抗原蛋白,不易被胃蛋白酶分解,即使在胃内环境中胆汁酸也可以增强胰蛋白酶对它的分解作用。 +"Our country present surrenders system is stipulated in 97 criminal law, that was the punishment combined with the leniency of which the farmal and specifical of basic policies.",我国现行的自首制度是在九七刑法中规定的,是惩办与宽大相结合的基本刑事政策的具体化、法律化。 +"You can turn the big somersault, I build the big stage to you.",你能翻多大跟斗,我就给你搭多大的舞台。 +"Thin-wall cast-in-situ tubular pile is a new type of high quality pile, which has been applied in soft ground treatment.",大直径现浇混凝土薄壁筒桩为高速公路软弱地基处理中的一种新型高效优质桩。 +"The country drew closer together in the immediate aftermath of the attacks. Even New Yorkers, generally known for their brusqueness, were a little gentler with one another in those first days.",美国在遭遇“911”袭击后不久变得更为团结,甚至以粗鲁闻名的纽约人在最初的日子里待人接物也变得温柔起来。 +"Confidence starts with understanding who you are, what you do well, and doing it better than anyone else.",自信心开始于你的自我认知,并知道做什么事情可以比任何人都做得好! +The paper tries to describe a new method for studying Wang Chong'spsychological thoughts.,本��试图寻求一种新的研究模式,来探索王充的心理学思想。 +It is the base to observe and study the interaction between Shige and poetry writing perspective from a microscopic point of view to have an accurate understand on poetry writing and poetic theory.,从微观的角度具体透视诗格和诗歌创作的互动是准确认识诗歌创作和诗学理论发展的基础。 +"Wide applicability, also can be used as ship collision avoidance device.",适用性广,也可作为船舶防撞装置。 +"However, with a little tact, grace, and charm, you can help others understand the joys you find in a minimalist lifestyle—and perhaps even inspire them to join you on your journey!",然而,运用一些小小的机智、得体的语言和魅力,你可以帮助他人理解你在极简生活方式中发现的快乐——或许甚至可以启发他们加入到你的旅程中来! +"System error code 1011 means ""The configuration registry key could not be opened.""",系统错误代码1011的意思是“配置注册表项无法打开。 +The tuitions are bound to increase if teachers are paid more.,如果教师得到更多工资,学费必定会上涨。 +"Previously, the most expensive charity item ever sold on eBay was a Harley-Davidson motorcycle autographed by celebrities that Jay Leno offered in 2005 for tsunami relief. It brought $800,100.",在此之前,最昂贵的一次慈善筹款是在为了印尼海啸而举办的一次活动中,当时一部杰伊雷诺在2005年亲笔签名的哈雷摩托车被拍到了80万美元。 +"The preferred method for organizing jewelry, tie clips, and so on, is to place them in a custom drawer with inserts.",一般用来放置珠宝,领带夹等等的办法是把他们放到特制格子抽屉里。 +"While Papanoida is featured fairly passively in his live-action incarnation, the character has an opportunity for a more active role in The Clone Wars.",虽然帕帕诺依达在他的真人版本里表现得相当被动,但这个人物在《克隆人战争》里有机会成为一个有更为积极的角色。 +"Among the specific findings: Low Arctic fish species such as pollack have benefited from rising ocean temperatures, which is why their populations have increased.",一些具体的研究结论:受益于海水温度上升,低北极鱼类如鳕鱼的种群数增加。 +"""The highest sample of our study was actually within the range that Ms. Brockovich detected in Hinkley, California in a highly polluted area, "" added Naidenko.",铬含量最高的样本,其实就来自电影女主人公曾经探测过的加州辛克里一个高污染地区。 +"Article 68 The pledgee shall be entitled to collect the fruits derived from the pledged property. If otherwise provided for in the pledge contract, the provisions there shall apply.",第六十八条质权人有权收取质物所生的孳息。质押合同另有约定的,按照约定。 +"But in an application server environment, message receipt is typically performed via a message-driven bean (MDB).",但在应用服务器环境中,消息接收通常是通过消息驱动 Bean(Message-driven Bean,MDB)执行的。 +"They also help you think more positively, because Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids work as natural antidepressants.",而且它们还能助您变得更加乐观,因为Ω-3和Ω-6脂肪酸都有天然抗抑郁的作用。 +"When you invoke this decorator, you wrap it around any instance.",调用这个修饰符时,需要将它封装在任意实例内部。 +"In neighbouring Angola, advance notification of two new polio cases was received, which will bring the total number of cases in Angola in 2007 to 8.",在邻国安哥拉,已收到两例新脊髓灰质炎病例的提前通报,将使安哥拉2007年的病例总数达到8例。 +Trees are our good friends.,树是我们的好朋友。 +The proposed algorithm adapted the Weighted Multiple Modulus Algorithm (WMMA) to adjust the modulus of weight vectors.,采用加权多模算法来调整权向量迭代过程中的模值。 +"Unto thee it was shewed, that thou mightest know that the LORD he is God; there is none else beside him.",这是显给你看,要使你知道,惟有耶和华他是神,除他以外,再无别神。 +"In comparison with eleven-a-side-soccer, more goals in one game definitely induce entertainment.",五人制足球进球多,又增添了比赛的娱乐性。 +"Next, debated the effect of EDC implementing BPR. Finally discussed the mistake for implementing BPR and provided the resolved approach.",最后分析了塔指经发公司企业再造实施的误区并提出了解决办法。 +Rich Delano is founder of Bamboo Textiles.,里奇·德拉诺是竹制纺织品公司的创办者,他自称是第一个用竹子织布的人。 +"The modification time of the version of spam. py used to create spam. pyc is recorded in spam. pyc, and the . pyc file is ignored if these don't match.",文件 spam.py 的修改时间将被记录在 spam.pyc 当中,如果当前的修改时间和记录的时间不一致,那么 spam.pyc 就会被���略掉。 +"In the case of the tag, it may contain either character data or a sub-element or a sub-element -- or any combination of each of these.",就 标记而言,它既可以包含字符数据, 也可以包含一个 子元素 或一个 子元素 ― 或这几个的任意组合。 +Buy online with our e-shopping.,在线购买我们的网上购物。 +"I will need a home page layout design with 4-7 sub-page layouts, site logo and other related site components.",我需要一个4-7次的页面布局,网站标志和其他相关网站主页布局设计的组件。 +Are you a sheep or a Wolf?,你是一只羊或狼? +This is one of the subtle changes in the regulation and control is also reflected in the art.,这是在规例中的微妙变化和控制,也有一个反映在艺术。 +"Didi about mother and brother to the ground of the hotel to drink afternoon tea, di mother asked to ShangHeng is how, admitted to ShangHeng impression is not good.",迪迪约母亲及弟弟到地特的酒店饮下午茶,迪母问地特尚恒的为人怎样,坦言对尚恒没好印象。 +"In the long run, however, Yang said he believes the freedom of literary expression on the Internet will spur even further liberalization in the Chinese publishing industry.",不过,长期而言,杨说他相信网络上文学表达的自由将刺激中国出版界更多的自由。 +Joan: No way! That's my car!,琼:没门!那可是我的车! +"In order to make its yield equal current market rates, the bond should trade at its present value.",为了使其产量相等的当前市场价格,应在其现值贸易。 +"The paper introduces cause of forming mineral pressure with impacting and forcasting way of the pressure, and gives the countermeasures of preventing.",介绍了冲击矿压发生的机理、预测冲击矿压的方法,给出了防治冲击矿压的措施。 +"Our experimental evidence indicates that subjects do vote instrumentally , bur instrumental voting may lot fully explain voter turnouts in some real elections.",实验结果显示他们确实会因此而投票,但投票工具论无法完全解释某些现实选举中的投票率。 +"Tono: I'd like to say about Teamwork. No matter who you are in the production, all of us working together. I couldn't play alone by myself without the team.",我想说一下关于团队精神,这拍摄的过程中我们一起工作,如果没有这个团队的话,我自己也是不能够演绎的。 +Conclusion The species and faunal distribution in Shandong province of China are revealed which provides the basis for chigger borne diseases prevention.,结论 基本摸清了山东省主要地区恙螨的种类区系分布 ,为深入开展恙虫病防治研究提供了依据。 +Objective:To explore the effects of MICM detection on diagnosis and treatment of acute promyelocytic leukemia (APL).,目的:探讨MICM检测对急性早幼粒细胞白血病(APL)诊断和治疗的影响。 +"The Global Times, a popular Chinese newspaper that focuses on nationalist concerns, laid down the harder-line view of U.S. intentions on Thursday.","环球时报,一个受欢迎的中文报纸,很看重在民族主义者关注的焦点,奠定强硬派的观点周四美国的意图。" +"It seems that however the machine of popular media wishes to use, glorify, or portray Godard, he will not go with the flow.",无论大众媒体多么想利用戈达尔,给他唱赞歌,他就是不领情。 +"At this point, the amounts of the two reactants (acid and alkali) are said tobe chemically equivalent.",这状况下,两个反应物(酸和碱)在化学上等当量。 +"Light: under in-direct daylight or equivalent lumination for example, under 40W daylight lamp.",应在非直接自然日光或同等照明灯(如40W 日光灯)下。 +The chameleon on the mirror is a completely open system.,镜子上的变色龙是一个完全开放的系统。 +"On the right, we have the traditional Republicans.",右派里有传统的共和党,而更右还有茶党。 +New simulations now suggest such moon-on-moon violence could explain a long-standing puzzle about the moon's two-faced nature.,最新的模拟表明,这些月亮们之间的“家庭暴力”可以解释一个长期以来让人困惑不已的难题。 +"Shanghai Zhendong Mould Co. ltd is a company who specialized on mould design and manufacture. The main business scope is: mould design, mould manufacture and other hardware parts machining.",上海震东模具有限公司是一家专业的锻压模具制造企业,主营锻压模具设计制造、各类机械零件加工。 +"All ready and I am a Sufi , she is very beautiful I have seen comparative sounding sister.",一切准备就绪,我和苏非一组,她很漂亮是我见过比较漂亮的姐姐。 +"Just as Acheson did in his time, we must meet this challenge by acting boldly, wisely, hopefully, and in concert with other nations.",正如艾奇逊在他那个时代所做的那样,我们必须勇敢、明智、充满希望地与其他国家一道迎接这一挑战。 +"The incidence of the disease is due to individual susceptibility, and the intestinal flora induced mucosal immune interactions.",该病的发生是由于个体易感性、肠道菌群和粘膜免疫相互作用所致。 +"Good afternoon dear teachers, It's a fine day toady and I am very pleased to meet you here , well , first I'll make a simple self-introduction .",今天真是个好天气,非常高兴能在这里和您们见面,首先我将做一个简单的自我介绍。 +"The top Chinese bank executive gets such non-cash benefits as a car, driver, medical insurance, food and housing.",例如,中国的银行高管有专车、司机、医保、住房等非现金福利。 +A semi-empirical correlating and predicting system for activity coefficients is proposed.,提出一种半经验的关联-预测活度系数的系统。 +That kills me that people still think Gene Hackman is a girl because of his name.,因为吉恩·海克曼的名字人们还是而把他当成女人,这真让我觉得好笑。 +"The latest statistics show that out, the road is within 155 Fijian phenomenon.",最新梳理统计显示,全市范围内的155条马路有重名现象。 +"If two of these recessives meet in an individual, their version of the trait will be expressed.",如果一个个体存在二个隐性基因,那么隐性基因的特征就会呈现出来。 +"In chapter 2, it makes a deep analysis on the basis of imputation, in order to seek for the reason why the actors of joint dangerous shall bear the liability.",第二部分对共同危险行为的归责基础作了深入地分析,寻求由共同危险行为人承担连带赔偿责任的根据和理由。 +"China cannot avoid its looming ageing problem, but these lower fertility estimates suggest its impact could be greater than officials have bargained for.",中国无法避免老龄化出现,但是这些较低的生育力的估计所带来的影响会比官方宣称的更大。 +"I use the same scale and weigh in the nude, so I feel like my readings are accurate.",我使用相同的磅秤,同样是裸体称,所以我觉得读数应该是准确的。 +"Our world is full of news that could turn us allpessimists, and teenagers are experts at ruminating over the world's injustices.",我们的世界充满使我们变成悲观主义者的信息,而且青少年擅长沉思世界的不公平。 +"The using of simulation software before actual molding can avoide the possible hidden defects, so the product development cycle is shortened, the money is saved, the product quality is improved.",在实际成型之前用模拟软件排除可能隐患,可缩短产品开发周期、节约资金,提高产品质量。 +"So women may find their body is saying yes, even though their mind may be saying no – and that can be upsetting.",所以女性们也许会发现她们的身体说是,即使她们的头脑却在说不——这非常让人沮丧。 +Two models piece of agaragar largest throughput screen and colony form screen were founded.,初步建立了形态观察法和琼脂块大通量法两种初筛模型。 +BPRS total score was significantly decreased after treatment(P<0.01).,治疗后BPRS总分较治疗前明显降低(P<0.01)。 +Sharing of electrons.,是共用电子。 +Defense in depth can also be used to solve the problem of protecting cryptographic authentication information (usually called a key) from people who break into your machine.,深度防御也可以用于解决保护密码认证信息(通常称为密钥)以防止别人入侵您的机器的问题。 +Her name is Han Seon-young.,她的名字叫韩素英。 +"Adopt a uniform integrated business case as their official evaluation and regulatory structure, in concert with the state Public Utility Commissions.","采取一项统一综合性的商业案例作为其官方评价和监管的构成, 符合国家公共设施委员会。" +"Steep, be cruel, dye 4 steps to dye, have this government post of "" dye people "".",渍、暴、染4个步骤染色,并设“染人”这一官职。 +"Knowledge-oriented education and Intelligence oriented education are essentially different educational ways, which share dissimilarities as well as commonalities.",“知”性教育与“智”性教育在本质上是两种不同的教育方式,二者既有区别又有联系。 +"How much does DB Netz, its network subsidiary, favour DB's freight, local and long-distance subsidiaries?",检查DB的路网子公司DB Netz在多大程度上优待DB的运费,本地的运费和长途附加费来实现。 +"Reading is my habit, it helps me to find pleasure in life, Reading a good book is like a conversation with a good teacher and helpful friend.",读书是我的习惯,可以在平凡的生活中,找到令自己高兴的东西,读一本好书仿佛是同一位良师益友在对话。对装帧美的书会产生强烈地拥有的欲望。 +"Beijing is to the upper left, while the smaller city of Tianjin to the right - with an estimated seven million population - is a major trade centre",北京在左上方,较小规模的天津市在右侧。 天津人口估计有七百万,是一个主要的贸易中心。 +All leaves vine shoots and unripe or diseased grapes are also eliminated at this stage.,葡萄叶片,葡萄茎,和所有未成熟或害病的葡萄在这个阶段已完全去处。 +"But, some products, like some soft drinks, make it to every village in the world.",但是,一些新产品,像一些软饮料却能够达及世界的每一个村庄。 +"If the congressional vote shows similar results, then Ms Fernández's wing of the Peronist party should retake the lower house and increase its Senate majority as well.",如果国会选举结果的情形与此类似的话,那么她的羽翼庇隆党则可以重新执掌众议院并且成为参议院多数党。 +Researchers suspected the rat had a toxic defense system because of the skunk-like coloration on it's hindquarters.,研究人员之前一直以为这种老鼠有毒是因为它们像臭鼬一样在臀部有一个腺体。 +The group gapes in awe at a full- masted wooden ship perched in the highest branches of one of the tall trees.,当这群人看到一只挂在一棵很高的树的最高树枝上的帆船后,他们感到恐惧和震惊。 +"China will surely achieve progress, the present retrogression is only a temporary phenomenon.",中国的进步是一定的, 倒退只是暂时的现象。 +The Queensland Police Service is strongly advising sight-seers to stay away from the Brisbane River and other flood affected areas.,昆士兰警方强烈建议sight-seers远离布里斯班河和其他洪水受灾地区。 +"Lastly, the writer puts forward Countermeasures and suggestions on how to ensure the future exploitation of the Ethnic Minority's Sports Items Resources in Zhaotong City.",对面向需求保障的昭通市少数民族体育项目资源未来的开发,提出对策与建议。 +"Wen-J, I notice some of our listeners have English names.",是阿,我们当中有些听友,有英文名字。 +"Faced with a market in which even the relatively well-heeled find it tough to buy decent housing, Beijing residents seem likely to do a little roaring of their own.",在北京这样一个即使是相对富裕的人也很难买套像样的房子的地方,北京居民看起来可能要独自怒吼了。 +"RESULTS:88 pairs of drugs were incompatible considering stability, and 20 pairs were incompatible considering safety.",结果:从稳定性考虑,有88对药物存在配伍禁忌; 从安全性考虑,有20对药物存在配伍禁忌。 +The dog fell down dead.,那条狗倒下去死了。 +"And Jeuz, and Shachia, and Mirma. These were his sons, heads of the fathers.",耶乌斯,沙迦,米玛。他这些儿子都是族长。 +"The wealth gap between Jack Ma and Wang Jianlin, president of Dalian Wanda Group, has narrowed, according to 21st Century Business Herald, after Wang's cinema line started trading on Jan 22.",据21世纪经济报道,随着万达院线1月22日挂牌上市,马云与王健林的财富差距已十分接近。 +Mr. . Putter ate his with jam. Tabby ate hers with cream cheese.,普特先生边吃他的松饼边吃果酱,塔比边吃它的松饼边吃奶油干酪。 +The title emulsion has been synthesized by use of semi-continuous pre-emulsifying core-shell emulsion polymerization process. Factors that influence the emulsion properties are studied.,采用半连续预乳化核壳乳液聚合工艺合成了有机硅改性共聚乳液,研究了影响乳液性能的几种因素。 +"The research discovered that industrial benefit data and present situation joyful inspiration, but with its may dig the potential and the development opportunities compares the disparity to be big;",研究发现,产业效益数据和现状令人欢欣鼓舞,但与其可挖潜力和发展空间相比差距较大; +"At the beginning of 60 years, laser radar whose primary function is to measure distance appeared.",60年代初,以测距为主要功能的激光雷达出现了。 +The thermal interface material includes gap filling fluid and metal particle dispersed in the fluid and capable of reacting with air.,一种热介面材料,包括填隙流体及分散于其中的可与空气反应的金属微 粒。 +"Angry, and tearing down the house.",一怒之下,拆了房子。 +"If you go on in this way, you'll be the death of me.",你要是这样继续下去,你会把我气死的。 +The whole sales westernize of the Chinese contemporary art has become overwhelmed with the economic expansion overturn both in system and speed.,中国当代艺术的全盘西化随着经济领域在制度和速度上的颠覆性扩张已经成为不可阻挡的潮流与现状。 +This article mainly reviews different cell death modes induced by SDT and the possible mechanism.,文章主要对SDT导致肿瘤细胞的死亡方式及可能的作用机制进行综述。 +"Ranging from 1 to 3 feet (30 to 90 centimeters) long, remoras use suckers on the tops of their heads to attach to large fish and whales and feast on their hosts' leftovers.",鲫鱼长度在1到3英尺(30到90厘米)长,他们利���头部的吸盘抓住大型鱼类和鲸鱼身体并且吃掉宿主的残羹剩饭。 +Mock-up vaccines contain an active ingredient for an influenza virus that has not circulated recently in human populations and thus mimics the novelty of a pandemic virus.,模拟疫苗含有一种近期内未在人群中传播的流感病毒的活性成分,由此模仿大流行性病毒的新颖性。 +"Actually, shen heart of acquaintances is shen hearts former boyfriend little * *.",其实沈心托的“熟人”就是沈心的前男友小**。 +"In Britain, Chris Huhne, the Environment Secretary, insisted that the Government would examine closely any lessons to be learnt from the Japanese experience.",英国气候变化大臣克里斯-胡尼坚称,政府将从日本核危机中吸取教训,密切监视本国核电安全。 +"After that, she would like to establish relationships with schools to teach children about animal care. Currently, BHAEEC has only built long-term relationships with some international schools.",然后,她准备和学校建立联系,教授孩子们动物保护的理念。BHAEEC目前只和一些国际学校建立了长期的合作关系。 +"This includes the name and exact date of the days, and all events in that period.",其中包括这些天的名称和确切日期,以及那段时期内的所有活动。 +"It has been calculated that between 1, 2 to 1, 7 million tons of oil have spilled into the delta during the past 50 years.",计算显示,在过去的50年里,在这个三角区共有约120万到170万吨油泄漏。 +"Ryoo Kihl-jae, a Dean at Kyungnam University of North Korean Studies in Seoul, says the protests are useful for the North's propaganda.",Ryoo Kihl-jae是位于首尔的庆南(Kyungnam)大学北韩问题研究所的负责人。 他说,韩国最近的这些抗议对北韩的政治宣传来说可以说是大有用武之地。 +"If they go to spend money, they ask themselves whether that money directly leads them to one of their goals.",如果他们准备花钱,他们会问问自己这些花费是否能直接促进他们的目标之一。 +"They are, again, like water running through ditches and channels in old villages, which passes by hurriedly.",民谣,又像古村落沟圳中流动的水,匆匆挥手路过; +Andprobably that's the reason why there are so many chinese suddenly showup on TL and post immature words.,可能就是因为这个贴很多中国玩家突然出现在TL上然后发很幼稚的言语。 +"And, I’m sorry, if you are older than 30 and your feelings get hurt by strangers commenting on the thigh sizes of 14-year-olds in a magazine, you need to toughen up.",对不起,如果你超过30岁,还会因为陌生人对杂志上14岁少女身材的评论而受伤,你应该变得坚强点。 +Which of us that knows something about physics doesnot know this?,我们当中懂得一些物理知识的人有谁不知道这个呢?。 +I'm designed to kill. -I don't care.,我是个天生杀人狂。 -我不管。 +"With the pollution and shortage of water resource being serious day by day, water resource has already become the restriction factor of the power industry.",随着水资源短缺和水污染情况的日益严重,水已成为火力发电行业发展的制约因素。 +"The results showed that a rapid and sensitive RT-PCR detection system of PVX, PVY and PLRV was established, which could provide an effective way to detect three main virus.",建立了快速灵敏的PVX,PVY 和PLRV 检测方法,为三种马铃薯主要病毒的检测提供了有效手段。 +He offered the museum a generous discount: $100 to $150 per photograph.,他给了博物馆一个很慷慨的折扣价:每幅 100 到 150 美金。 +"Methods Retrospective analysis confirmed by surgery and pathology of peripheral neurilemmoma in 37 cases, Their performance ultrasound to sum up, Misdiagnosed disease and its differential diagnosis.",方法回顾性分析经手术病理证实的外周神经鞘瘤37例,对其声像图表现进行总结,并与其易误诊病变进行鉴别诊断。 +The effect of dimethyl sulphoxide(DMSO)on micelle conformation of hexadecyltrimethylammonium bromide(CTAB)was studied by means of surface tension and negative staining TEM measurements.,通过表面张力法和负染色电镜法分别从两个方面研究了二甲基亚砜( DMSO)对十六烷基三甲基溴化铵( CTAB)胶束形成的影响。 +"Many of them had previously denied the Holocaust, and none of them had ever denounced Holocaust denial.",他们中有许多人曾不承认[纳粹对犹太人的]大屠杀,也没有人谴责否认大屠杀的言论。 +"Moving on, we celebrated the Princeton Graduation class yesterday.","说起来,昨天我们举行了,普林斯顿大学的毕业典礼。" +"For improving teachers' knowledge and skills, teacher's professional development evaluation requirement is decided according to their career development stage ladder.",教师专业发展评鑑系以改善教师本身的专业知能为出发点,故其功能的彰显视各个不同的教师生涯阶段而定。 +"""I thought that [Portegies Zwart's] model was oversimplistic, because he did not take into account the effects of spiral arms, "" which can fling stars far and wide with their gravity.",他说:“我认为波特吉斯·兹瓦特的模拟过于简单,因为他没有将旋臂的影响考虑在内,旋臂会将具有自身重力的恒星抛至很广的范围。” +It set up a trial area within which all these positive results can be applied and displayed.,建立了导视牌示的试验区,将研究成果在北京动物园进行展示应用。 +"Ingredients: Chinese yam, carrot, asparagus, Mongolian mushrooms.",主料:山药,胡萝卜,芦笋,口磨。 +"There were some twelve to fifteen different widths of railroads in the Northern states alone by the 1850s, and you could go into one town on a gauge, i don't know, three feet wide but on the other side of town it would come out four feet wide.","在五十年代,单就北方州的铁道,就有十二到十五种不同的轨距,你可能在一条三英尺宽的铁道上进镇,但在另一边出镇时,它变成四英尺宽了" +So any serious alternative has to offer a significant advantage and at the same time make adoption a total breeze.,所以任何有力的替代品必须有一个显着的优势,而且同时应给用户一个全新的感受。 +The unprecedented 11.8 per cent drop in the volume of global trade in goods in 2009 hit this export-led region extremely hard.,2009年全球商品贸易前所未有地下滑了11.8%,严重打击了这个出口主导型地区。 +"Recently, some seriously awesome research by John Haltiwanger, Ron Jarmin, and Javier Miranda has concluded that the greatest number of new jobs are created by startups.",约翰霍尔蒂万格,罗恩加敏,哈维尔米兰达最近的一个严肃惊人的研究数据表明创业产生了最多的工作机会。 +The remainder of Savicevic's time at Milan would be frustrating both for the player and for fans.,此后在米兰的那些日子,对球员和球迷而言都有些郁闷。 +"In the case of joint holders the vote of the senior who tenders a vote , whether in person or by proxy , shall be accepted to the exclusion of the votes of the other joint holders ;",如果是联合联东,排列第一的联合股东所投的票,不论是亲自或由人代理,应被接受而排除其他联合股东的投票; +Please don't show up at 10:30 or 11:00 and start asking questions.,"请不要在10点半或者11点0,开始提问。" +The paper discusses about the two types of the worldly folk tales contained in the novel of Shuihuzhuan-sending the false letter and Jiangliuer.,《水浒传》情节中包含两个世界性民间故事类型——“传假信”和“江流儿”。 +"Moods can have complex effects on conformity, but there's some evidence that we're more likely to conform when we're in a good mood than a bad mood (Tong et al., 2007).",情绪在从众心理上有复杂的影响,有证据显示当我们心情好时更可能随大流,比我们心情坏时。 +Could you write a short passage about it and about how often you do them?,请写一篇小段文介绍你的活动和活动频率。 +Pups grow inside their mother for about 63 days before they are born.,狼宝宝在妈妈肚子里待上63天,就来到了这个世上。 +Objective To study a semi-automatic segmentation framework for liver complex lesion in CT images.,目的:研究一种半自动的适用于CT图像中肝脏病变区域比较复杂的图像分割方法。 +But dentists found there are more people with bruxism in Ireland.,但牙医们发现在爱尔兰,磨牙症患者数目更多。 +The nature of philosophy is to seek the truth.,哲学的本性即在于追求真理。 +"Bill and Lucy , you can join Group 2.",比儿和露西,你们可以参加第2组。 +"When Sarah Palin was first announced as John McCain’s running mate in 2008, there were many who noted the politician’s similarity to comedian Tina Fey.",2008年莎拉·帕林刚开始被提名为麦肯恩的竞选搭档时,就有很多人注意到此人长得像喜剧演员蒂娜·菲。 +"More than 3years working experience for NDT in steel structure factory, especially for offshore oil, petroleum, and ship building.",3年以上钢结构生产企业无损探伤工作经验;具有海油、石油,造船等行业的工作经历佳。 +"Yin nine appeared in the place where the team darts stationed in that pick up to his master left him to the group, let him go after the team leader of the survey darts number.",阴九出现在镖队驻扎过的地方,在那捡到他主人给他留下的批令,让他去调查镖队后商队的底细。 +"In the fourth quarter of 2009, TRX posted a loss of $800, 000 and revenue fell 15.8% to $13.8 million.",2009年的第四季度,TRX公布亏损80万美元,收入下降了15.8%跌至1380万美元。 +"In order not to impact the former, taxing online businesses must be handled cautiously.",为了不影响前者,网上贸易的征税必须慎重处理。 +"As Elton entered the 90s, he changed his own self-destructive behavior and focused on a career of music and humanitarian efforts.",进入90年代,他纠正了自己的一些自虐行为并将精力放在了音乐事业和人道主义事业。 +Objective To establish a standard program of the dose delivery for every individual patient and to study the criterion of quality assurance in intensity modulated radiotherapy (IMRT).,目的建立个体化调强适形放射治疗(IMRT)计划剂量验证的标准方法,探索调强剂量质量保证实施规范。 +The quality status of producing lube base oils with Minas crude oil was summarized. And its vista for use were looked forward to.,总结了生产米纳斯润滑油基础油的质量状况,并展望了其使用前景。 +"Conclusion Whole midwifing combined with PCEA was a safe and effective analgesic method for labor analgesia, which is worth popularizing.",结论全程助产联合硬膜外麻醉自控镇痛分娩是一种安全有效的分娩镇痛方法,值得推广。 +Mary Celeste was launched in Nova Scotia in 1860.,玛丽•赛勒斯特号于1860年在新斯科舍启航。 +The agency said it was investigating at least one incident involving Chantix and a violent death.,调查机构声称,它正在调查的案件中,至少有一起是涉及服用Chantix而导致暴力死亡的。 +We often sing lullabies to our children that we ourselves may sleep.,我们经常给孩子哼小夜曲,不知不觉我们也跟着睡着了。 +"In the past couple weeks, Brooker, who co-manages several value-based funds, bought the stocks of building products companies and construction aggregate firms.",作为多家价值型基金的联席经理,布鲁克在过去的几周当中购买了多家建材产品生产商和建筑集团的股票。 +An alloying element that is used in stainless steel to deter corrosion.,不锈钢中的一种合金元素,具有抗腐蚀特性。 +I have to hand in my term paper before 5:00 p. m. today.,我必须今天下午5点前交学期论文。 +"There is a little church, too, on the Rue Amélie. It looks as though it were made especially for the President of the Republic and his private family.",标致旅馆就在这条街上,还有一座小教堂,活像是专为共和国总统和他一家人建造的。 +"Attention: Prevent contacting the allergic source Cooperating use: You'd better use it with relaxing allergy & shining face mask, fading red blood thread repair cream or anti- allergy repair cream.",注意事项:防止接触过敏源 配合使用:配合舒敏焕颜面贴膜、抗敏修复霜或褪红血丝修复霜使用,镇静安抚效果更好。 +"They launch the aircraft, which allows them to monitor their suspect's movements through a video feed on an iPad-like tablet and, ultimately, to apprehend him.",随后,他们放飞了飞行器,依靠一个类似iPad的平板,显示出影像,用以监控嫌犯的动向,并最终将其抓获。 +By June we had already baled one cutting of hay and gotten it safely into the barn.,到六月份我们已经砍了一堆干草,打成捆并且安全放置进谷仓里了。 +Intelligent guys at University of Washington are developing virtual display on contact lenses.,华盛顿大学的高智商分子正在研究隐形眼睛上虚拟成像。 +Click the Inputting data radio button to see options for editing the data.,点击 Inputting data 单选按钮以查看选项编辑数据。 +This is a true story based on the story of the first blind person who climbed the Mt. Everest.,这是部根据真人真事改编的电影,描述第一位登上世界第一高峰的盲人的故事。 +"In the Post Li Dynasty( 1428-1787), the feudal society in Vietnam was getting declined from its prosperous age.",后黎朝(1428—1787年)是越南封建社会从繁荣走向衰落的时期。 +The first chapter mainly deals with the forming of the four-character sentence of the Book of Songs from the bronze chime point of view.,本文第一章首先从周代乐悬编钟的角度探讨了《诗经》四言诗体的形成问题。 +"Vegetable farmers in Beijing's suburbs, using the ""Fire Room"", ""cellar"" and other equipment, in the winter planting chive, cucumber and other fresh vegetables, get sold on the market.",北京郊区的菜农,利用“火室”、“地窖”等设备,在冬季栽培韭黄、黄瓜等新鲜蔬菜,拿到市场上出卖。 +This mass of sensually charged femininity will attract male visitors eager to contribute their economic stimulus.,女性的魅惑力会让男人们迫不及待地为疲软的经济做出他们的贡献。 +"The land of mulberry fields, tea plantations, orchards, nurseries of young plants, forest land, reed land, natural and man-made grassland and other lan are not included in cultivated land.",但不包括属于专业性桑园、茶园、果园、果木苗圃、林地、芦苇地、天然或人工草地面积。 +Company E and Company V work out a FTP Scripting based solution.,公司和V公司采用了基于FTP脚本的方案。 +With JSR-107 nearing completion we expect that this will help JSR-347 to define itself.,JSR-107已接近尾声,我们希望这对JSR-347的定义有所帮助。 +Because of Mary Kay both of my children will graduate without any school debt.,因为玫琳凯,我的两个孩子大学毕业的时候不会有任何的学费欠款。 +The writer thinks the retention of title can be used in chattel and real estate.,笔者认为所有权保留买卖既适用于动产也适用于不动产。 +"The campaign in Lesotho will use extensive community mobilization and education, with ""people's committees"" established at local, district and national levels.",莱索托开展的运动将采取广泛的社区调动和教育,在地方、地区和国家级建立“人民委员会”。 +"For instance, you can take a boat trip to Changdao to visit the island.",例如,你可以坐船去长岛观光岛屿。 +"'It follows the decision by Myer yesterday to have Australian fashion designer Gorman exit the eight stores it was stocked in, ' the statement read.",声明说,”这是梅尔昨天的决定之后做出的另一决定;在昨天的决定中,澳大利亚时装设计师戈曼退出为梅尔八家商店供货的行列。 +"Discretion power of the judge already includes in the procedural law discretion, also includes in the substantive law discretion.",法官自由裁量权既包括程序法上的裁量权,也包括实体法上的裁量权。 +Generalized coherent states and exact solutions of parameter q non-harmonic oscillator;,采用赝角动量的方法研究了非谐振子定态薛定谔方程的严格解 。 +The pre-adsorbed water also has great influence on the methane storage on wet carbon.,预先吸附的水量(即水炭比)对湿活性炭存储甲烷的量有重要的影响。 +"They have been selected not only for their internal beauty and for being characteristically Rumanian, but also because they form a distinct addition to the literature of the Folk Tales of the world.",之所以被选入本书,不仅是因为它们具有内在美,具有鲜明的罗马尼亚特点,而且是因为它们为世界传说与神话文学宝库增添了无限的生机。 +The Image segmentation algorithm of standard fuzzy C-means is improved. The paper proposes a new image segmentation algorithm in T2-weighted Magnetic Resonance Images.,针对标准模糊C均值图像分割算法进行了改进,提出了一种针对T2加权腰椎间盘突出症核磁共振图像分割的新算法。 +"No module port provided (optional), able to use patch panel tubular dust cover, beautiful in matching.",不配备模块端口(可选择),可以使用配线架空口防尘盖板,配合美观; +"There are no ground reference stations in South America, so even though GPS users there can receive WAAS, the signal has not been corrected and thus would not improve the accuracy of their unit.",南美没有相关的地面站,所以即使GPS用户能够接收WAAS,信号也是没有经过修正的,也就不能提高定位精度。 +On the number of zeros it gives us a grip.,能帮我们把零点的数量紧抓。 +"Decorative Series: mobile holder, strap upper mark.",装饰系列:手机座、吊饰鞋面商标。 +"Using a glossary model, you can define the name, abbreviation, alternative abbreviation, type (prime or class), if it can be used as a modifier, status, and abstract or description for terms.",通过使用术语表模型,可以定义词汇的名称、缩写、替换的缩写、类型(基本单词或类单词)、它是否可以作为修饰词、状态以及摘要或描述。 +"This paper has studied the relationship between the a-mount and schedule of carbon addition, carbon variety, melting rate, melting characteristic and melt structure.",本文研究了保护渣熔化速度、熔融特性和熔融结构与渣中配炭量、配炭种类和配炭方式的关系。 +"To overcome the limiting autogenous chondrocyte populations available in cartilage repair, various methods have been developed to maximize chondrogenesis of hMSCs in vitro.",为了克服软骨修复 时自体软骨细胞的数量限制,许多研究致力于发展体外大量化间叶干细胞软骨生成的方 法。 +"Brief though it has been, humanity's time on the globe reveals a rich tapestry of science, industry, religion, and art.",虽然短暂,地球上有人以来的时期展开了一幅丰富多彩的科学、工业、宗教和艺术的绣帷。 +L-thiazolidine-4-carboxylic acid and L-Propyl thiazolidine-4-earboxylate were prepared by L-cysteine under the microwave irradiation at conventional pressure.,在微波常压条件下,以L-半胱酸为原料合成了L-噻唑烷-4-甲酸及其正丙酯,讨论了微波功率、催化剂用量和反应时间等因素对产率的影响。 +This paper has mainly introduced when using arch tube-plate and screw smoke-tube to reform the DZ-type horizontal packaged boiler. Good results of saving on energy has been got.,文章介绍了采用拱形管板和螺纹烟管技术对DZ卧式快装锅炉加以改造,取得良好节能效果。 +"The Planck teams are busy now removing this foreground fog, a meticulous process akin to identifying and removing all the hay in a haystack to reveal the needle within.",普朗克小组正忙于移除这道挡在前头浓雾,这是个小心翼翼的过程,类似于在一个干草堆中鉴别并移除干草以发现一根针。 +But most people arrange ghost weddings out of duty to their deceased relative to ensure a peaceful afterlife.,但是大多数安排冥婚的人出于对他们死去亲属的责任,为了确保他们有一个安宁的来世。 +"It was the fourth consecutive last-place finish for LaGuardia, a congested airport in the borough of Queens which is plagued by delays but hopes to burnish its image with new high-profile restaurants.",这是拉瓜地亚机场连续第四次在本项排名中垫底。 这座拥挤的机场位于纽约皇后区,航班经常延误,但它希望凭借众多品牌餐厅的进驻,打造机场新形象。 +"This article is characterized by the standardization, utilization and workability of the purchasing management.",本文的特点在于强调采购管理的规范性、实用性和可操作性。 +"Accordingly, we hope that the parties can continue this flexibility and sincerity, which is a must for continuation of the peace-talk process.",所以我们也希望有关各方能够继续表现出灵活和诚意,使会谈进程继续下去。 +"He insists that he is doing a service to the men who don't want to hire streetwalkers, and to his middle-class, ambitious and frostily pragmatic college friends.",他认为他只是在给那些不想玩街上下等货的款爷们和他的那些并不富裕的、现实的同学们提供一种双赢的服务。 +Icb-tuam does not interact directly with the provisioned VMs.,Icb-tuam 不会与所分配的 VM 进行直接交互。 +The main technique performances as well as key points of design and construct for LPW at home has been given.,给出了正在建造的我国低速增压风洞的主要技术性能及设计和建造中的技术关键。 +The findings were published today in the Journal of Neuroscience.,这个发现刊登在今天的《神经学杂志》上。 +I told him it was my bedroom.,我告诉他这是我的卧室。 +"The overloaded and unwieldy sled forged ahead, Buck and his mates struggling frantically under the rain of blows. A hundred yards ahead the path turned and sloped steeply into the main street.",因超载而行动不灵活的雪橇朝前猛进,巴克及他的伙伴们在雨点般的抽打下疯狂地挣扎着,路在一百码前拐了个弯,呈陡坡通到大街上。 +"Though I had had been living in boarding kindergarten since young, I had always been taken good care of by others.",虽然从很小的时候起就住在全托的幼儿园里,我的生活起居其实还是一直都受到了他人的照料。 +"We need more data and much deeper data, "" Lehnert said.""",我们需要更多和更深入的数据,”Lehert说。 +It can be extremely difficult to hit an overhead on a low floater .,因为球较低的漂浮要想打高压是很困难的。 +Ignore the yellow jigsaw icons for now — these are the default icons provided in the SDK and will be replaced by proper icons in future versions.,忽视黄色拼图的图标,现在-这些都是默认图标提供了在S DK中,并会取代适当的图示,在未来的版本。 +"All-color LED digital tube and all-color outdoor display screen are now used in the motion advertisement, gradually taking the place of neon light.",全彩 LED 数码管,全彩户外显示屏,正在逐步替代霓虹灯,运用于动态广告牌上。 +"Are you going to kill the fatted calf for the prodigal son, Jack?",杰克,浪子回家,你准备宰杀那头小。 +A shaft sunk inside a tunnel is called a winze.,暗井是地道内的下沉竖井。 +"However, by carefully managing the design, we have defined the steps such that those likely to be overridden do not contain any actions for their default behavior.",然而,如果对设计进行细心地管理,根据我们对步骤的定义,那些可能会被覆盖的步骤应该不会包含任何缺省的行为。 +"Resonance light scattering (RLS) is a new method for determination and study on large biological molecular, and can be measured with comment spectro-flourometer.",共振光散射技术是一项在普通荧光分光光度计上可实现分析领域中应用的新技术。 +The laparoscopic herniorrhaphy is a clinical procedure that repairing the net by applying the little abdominal incision under laparoscopy.,腹腔镜疝修补术是通过腹壁小切口在腹腔镜下用疝修补网片完成的手术。 +Liverpool meet the Portuguese outfit in the last 16 after overcoming Sparta Prague 1-0 over two legs.,利物浦在两回合比赛中以1-0淘汰斯巴达布拉格之后,将在16强对阵这支葡萄牙劲旅。 +First my blood is treated to make a concentrated solution of platelets in plasma.,首先血液经离心后得到血小板浓缩物。 +Route N13 ambient building repositioned so troops no longer become stuck when exiting.,N13号公路地图中民用建筑被重新放置,因此步兵不会在离开时被卡住。 +I have found that this system worked for my Chinese Crested hairless dog.,我发现以上的所有措施对我的冠毛犬真的很有用。 +He was a Non-Commissioned Officer Pilot.,他是一个非委托干事试点。 +Hyypiä: I believe in us and that we will qualify for the Champions League. That is our great goal.,我相信我们会打入欧冠,这是一个伟大的目标。 +Man: I've tried everything ( hic ) I can think of.,我们必须要做些我们能做的。治打嗝有什么不同的药。 +"For example, if you want to have three clusters, you would randomly select three rows of data from the data set.",比如,如果想要有三个群集,那么就可以从数据集中随意选择三行数据。 +"However the Late Carboniferous anomaly never completely closed, so unless the team assigned some Special Forces soldiers to guard it, more Giant Spiders could potentially come through .",但是石炭纪后期的易界口并没有完全闭合,所以除非特种部队在此驻守,否则还可能还有其它大蜘蛛穿过易界口。 +The flag was emblazoned with the family ARMS on it.,这面旗上绣有家族纹章。 +"Yushengtang and lotus leaf tea analogy ferocious rebound, and in particular the effect of thin-yu relatively Olympic song is the best.",御生堂和荷叶茶反弹的比拟凶猛,而尤瘦瑜奥歌的效果相对而言是最好的。 +"The image on this Mirror Wang Ziqiao Playing Wind Pipe to Fascinate phoenix tells us the story of the crown prince of Emperor Xuan of Zhou Dynasty, Wang Ziqiao, playing windpipe to fascinate phoenix.",这枚王子乔吹笙引凤镜,铜镜上的图案表现得是周宣王的太子王子乔吹奏笙箫引来凤凰的故事。 +Check the operating condition of electric draw stem and electricity parts. Check the electric hydraulic parts and pipe joints.,定期检查电动推杆及电气部分的运行情况, 电液部分的运行情况及管接头处是否有泄漏现象。 +"The site is slick and the images are wonderful and include paintings by Botticelli, Van Gogh and Cezanne.",该网站是光滑,图像是美好和包括波提切利,凡高和塞尚的作品。 +"Playing dragon, also known as the dragon dance or dragon dance.",耍龙灯,也称舞龙灯或龙舞。 +Two physicists used string-tumbling experiments and mathematical models to create a step-by-step recipe for knot formation and determined which factors cause the knottiest knots.,有两名物理学家进行了“绳子弄乱”的实验和并建立起数学模型,获得了绳子是如何打结的逐一各个步骤,并且确定了是哪些因素会引起最为”复杂“的绳子结。 +"The child Xiexie's Etiology is diversity. Among them, the chronic diarrhea because of spleen deficiency is the most difficult to cure.",小儿泄泻病因众多,其中较难治疗者,以脾虚久泻最为突出。 +McCartney believes banning smartphone use while driving would help to solve the problem.,麦卡特尼认为,禁止驾驶时使用智能手机将有助于解决这个问题。 +They may also feel they have a right to the jobs and the perks their opponents enjoyed.,他们也可能感觉他们有工作的权利和他们的对手所享受到的特权。 +"Britain's police service not merely supervises the whole legal system, the procedure is clear, the status is high, the duty is bright, and operation has high efficiency in order.",英国警务监督不仅法制全、程序清、地位高、职责明,而且运作有序,效率高。 +"Avery, Philippines NEVER asked a single cent from China. So tell your communist party leaders to keep your money and use it to pay your 50 cent posts.",菲律宾人从来没向要中国一分一文。还是叫你们领导人把钱留给五毛吧。 +"The problem: Some runners swing their arms side-to-side, which makes you more likely to slouch and not breathe as efficiently.",问题: 一些跑步者侧向摆臂,这样您更可能含胸和呼吸不畅。 +"Cultural attache Jerome spends his last holidays as a bachelor at Lake Annecy where he meets Aurora, an Italian writer and old friend.",文化参赞员杰洛米是一名单身汉,他之前在阿讷西湖边度假时认识了老朋友奥罗拉,她成了一名意大利作家。 +I remember especially the frayed carpeting and broken pews in the National Cathedral.,我特别记得其国家大教堂中那磨损的地毯和坏掉的长椅。 +Dan Perjovschi makes drawings on the Arrow Factory glass facade.,丹。皮乔奥维奇用马克笔在箭厂空间的玻璃门上画一些素描。 +"From 1932 to 1945, Changchun was the capital of the Japanese puppet state of Manchukuo and this historical palace is where China's last emperor Puyi lived.",从1932年到1945年,长春是日本满洲国的首都,其具有历史意义的宫殿是中国最后一个皇帝溥仪所居之所。 +"Johnson said the case reminded him of an outbreak in the 1980s, which was caused by chopped garlic packed in oil.",约翰逊说, 这起案例让他想起了在二十世纪八十年代,一次装在油中的碎蒜引发的肉毒菌爆发事件。 +The crackdown extends to what the Olympic Stasi call “advertising on the human body”.,镇压已经延伸到被奥运史塔西(Stasi,即秘密警察——译者注)称为“人体广告”的领域。 +Blinking is an often overlooked yet simple way to keep your eyes fresh and being able to focus longer.,眨眼法是一种经常被忽视但操作简便的眼操,能够让眼睛有神、更专注。 +"Apart from just protesting to the U.S. government and taking necessary steps, why don't we put sanctions on these troublemakers?",除了向美国政府提出抗议和采取必要的措施之外,为什麽不可以对这些‘肇事者’进行制裁呢? +"Land is the palimpsest of human needs, desires, meaning, greed, and fears.",土地是人类的需求、欲望、意义、贪婪及恐惧的重写本。 +Hydrophobia will occur and get head even it the coldest weather.,即使在最冷的天气里也会发生并加剧。 +He or she will be able to tell you what employers are looking for and what options you have.,他/她将能告诉你雇主在寻求什么样的人才,以及你有哪些选择。 +"""We aimed to go for a lower common denominator,"" Lees said.",“我们目的在于降低共同特性”里兹说。 +"The finding corroborates an influential new view of early human origins advanced by Bernard Chapais, a primatologist at the University of Montreal, in his book “Primeval Kinship” (2008).",这项发现支持了最近很有影响力的、由蒙特利尔大学的灵长类学家Bernard Chapais在《原人亲属关系》(2008)中提出的关于早期人类起源的观点。 +"CHARLES POWELL, Thatcher's Foreign Affairs Advisor, 1983-1991: The Falklands saved her.",查尔斯。鲍威尔(CHARLES POWELL),撒切尔的外交事务顾问,1983-1991年:福克兰群岛拯救了她。 +Step One: Review some names of classical storybooks.,第一步:复习一些经典故事书的名字。 +"Please believe that ""Hua Chuang"" will create more value for you. Welcome to contact us. We will give you the best service.",请相信“华创“将会给您创造更多的价值,欢迎联系我们,我们将会给您一流的服务。 +American fertility doctor Panayiotis Zavos said he had cloned 14 embryos and successfully transferred 11 of them.,美国生殖科医生帕诺什·扎沃斯表示,他已经克隆了14个胚胎并成功地移植了其中的11个。 +"The house, which comprises three timber-clad blocks, is positioned on the side of Mount Moiwa – a forested mountain overlooking Hokkadio Prefecture's capital city.",住宅由三个木质覆层的体块构成,矗立在藻岩山一侧,藻岩山——俯瞰着北海道首府的观光胜地,林幽树茂,山色秀丽。 +The liquidator in performing the aforesaid duties shall have the power to act on behalf of the company in all litigation matters;,清算人执行前项职务,有代表公司为诉讼上或诉讼外一切行为之权。 +"Gentlemen for twelve turn, 0.1 million strong reward.",策勋十二转,赏赐百千强。 +China's S-I financial transformation mechanism in 1979-1990. The mechanism in this stage is identical with that in developing model in large degree.,1990年我国储蓄—投资转化的金融机制。 这一阶段的我国储蓄—投资转化金融机制与拓展模型中储蓄—投资转化机制是大致吻合的。 +"Don't rely on someone too much. Because of reliance, there's expectation which causes disappointment. Bear this in mind.",不要太依赖一个人,因为依赖,所以期望,因为期望,所以失望, 广州塔门票,切记。 +"He has not been promoted for 20 years, he must be in a rut.",他二十年未获升级,一定感到单调枯燥。 +After his death she sailed to the West Indies.,在他死后,她前往西印度群岛 +The class may be an internal education course or an external course or conference.,这些课程可能是内部培训课程或者是外部课程或者是会议。 +"I said, Anyone can buy it at a low price and they all love to eat it.",我说:无论何等人都可以用贱价买它来吃;都喜欢吃它。 +Birthday party is located in a place where charactizing a fine spring.,生日宴会设在一个鸟语花香的地方。 +"But that is just what they should do, for the spread of Chinese capital should bring benefits to its recipients, and the world as a whole.",但这却是他们需要做承受的,因为中资的传播使得接受者们广泛受益,使世界连为一体。 +"Last month there was an uproar over hosting Sandcastle, a closed-source tool, on the open source site CodePlex.",上一个月,在 Sandcastle的托管问题上出现一些吵闹,这是源于这样的一个闭源工具,却放在开源网站CodePlex上。 +PKG provides complete installation services to ensure that your system operates according to your specifications.,PKG提供完整的安装服务,以确保体系统能够满足您的要求,高效运��。 +"London-based HSBC has sunk roots deeper into China than most foreign financial firms, and it was one of the first to incorporate subsidiaries here.",总部位于伦敦的汇丰在中国比大多数外资金融公司更为根深蒂固,它是第一批在中国组建分公司的外资银行。 +"He carries the eggs in his pouch until they hatch, then releases fully formed, miniature seahorses into the water.",他带的蛋在他的育蛋袋,直到他们孵化,然后将其释放完全形成,微型海马入水中。 +Whether the community is visional is based on whether the peoples' interests are realized.,共同体是否具有虚幻性是以现实的人们的利益是否实现为基本价值尺度。 +"The report also says that Saif al-Islam Gaddafi ""duped"" his academic supervisors by receiving extensive outside help in preparing his PhD thesis.",报告还显示,赛义夫•伊斯兰•卡扎菲“骗过”他的学术导师,在准备博士论文期间获得了外界的广泛帮助。 +"The reaction mechanism and the latest research status of displacement fluorination of aromatics are summarized, and the development trends are forecasted also.",综述了芳香族置换氟化的反应机理与最新研究状况,并展望了其未来发展前景。 +The behavior of droplet of steam-water separator with corrugated plate is simulated by founding a two-phase and three-flow-field numerical model considering to the reentrainment.,通过建立一个考虑二次携带现象的两相三流场数学模型,对波形板的液滴行为进行了数值模拟。 +"As a result, the synthetic productivity is raised from 29% to 41.5%.",通过上述改进,合成产率由原来的29%提高到了41.5%。 +When the plane just feel that the United States than imagined then high-rises.,刚下飞机时觉得美国不如想象中的那么高楼林立。 +Will not feel small particularly difficult to swing a cat?,会不会觉得小的连转个身都特别困难? +"I know I'm not good-looking, I am shy with strangers, and I even have no girlfriend.",我长相不算出众,遇见生人就害羞,甚至都没有女朋友,所以我无望进入面试了。 +"To activate YSlow, right-click its icon in the status bar, then click Autorun.",要激活 YSlow,在状态栏右键单击其图标,然后单击 Autorun。 +"Nevertheless, an impersonal game losses its core value.",然而,一个非人性化的游戏失去了它的真正价值。 +The aniline in waste water was satisfactorily treated by CTS_modified porcelain clay.,研究了瓷土及CTS改性瓷土吸附水中苯胺的两种新方法。 +"Also, the more kids played, the more likelythey were to have pain: reports of pain doubled for each additional hour ofgame play.",而且,玩了越久,还可能会更痛,研究报告显示玩游戏时间每增加一小时,疼痛感就会增加一倍。 +"The polypropylene fiber can effectively control the length, width and number of the drying shrinkage crack of early-age concrete.",聚丙烯纤维可有效控制混凝土早期干缩裂缝的长度、宽度和数量。 +A section of Laney's book maps out the human brain and explains how neurotransmitters follow different dominant paths in the nervous systems of Introverts and Extroverts.,Laney 的书中有个章节对人的大脑进行了分析,并解释了神经元是如何在内向者和外向者的神经系统中跟随不同的控制通路进行传递。 +An investigation was made on the main noise source-the gearbox of the underwater vehicle to reduce the noise and improve its capability of goal-detecting under the water.,为了降低某水下航行装置的辐射噪声,增强其探测目标的能力,对该装置的重要噪声源——传动齿轮箱进行了减振降噪的试验研究。 +Microcalorimetry measurements are used to determine various energy relationships.,微热量测量用来决定各种能量关系。 +"""The White House ... was noticeably silent about finance"" in announcing Obama's plans for Copenhagen, said Kim Carstensen, head of the WWF environmental group's global climate initiative.",世界自然基金会全球气候行动项目负责人Kim Carstensen在谈到美国的减排计划时说:“白宫……明显在资金问题上保持沉默。” +"Since 2002, more than 100 instructors have been trained by Yutao Yoga Studio, and over 50 have been certified by the Yoga Alliance.",自2002 年,余涛瑜伽工作室培养了上百位瑜伽教练,其中有超过五十位获得国际瑜伽最权威机构“ 瑜伽联盟” 的教练资格。 +The web site is the official and centralized resource for Visual Studio extensions.,这个站点是Visual Studio扩展的官方和集中资源所在。 +The importance of carefulness cannot be emphasized too much.,仔细的重要性再怎么强调都不为过。 +The only ‘abnormal’ characteristic of BIID sufferers is the compelling urge to amputate or paralyze their limbs.,BIID患者唯一的特征一种强迫性的冲动使他们截肢或者麻痹他们的躯体。 +And to give it a name I propose to call it a categorical obligation in order to distinguish it from the purely prudential obligation involved in pre moral contractual relationships.,"绝对义务,以区别于,纯粹谨慎的义务,它包含在,前道德合同关系中,尼采说道,我无法偿还债务是。" +"As the sun spread its shimmering cloak, a golden ray alit in the pup’s blue eyes. He opened his mouth and smiled up at Aaron.",太阳张开它闪闪发光的斗篷,金色的光线在小狗崽的蓝眼睛里点燃,它张开嘴朝艾伦笑。 +"However, many ended up being abused in foster homes, state-run orphanages and religious institutions.",然而,许多儿童的结局却令人唏嘘,他们在被寄养家庭、国营孤儿院或宗教机构惨遭虐待。 +That is the difference between British English and American English. C-E-N-T-E-R is the American English way while C-E-N-T-R-E is the British way.,哦.我明白你的意思了.这是美式英语和英式英语的不同拼写.center是美国人的写法.而centre是英式拼法. +"The magazine short stories seemed intent on glorifying the MR. Butlers, the sordid dollar-chasers.",杂志上的短篇小说似乎只想一味吹捧勃特勒先生那号卑鄙的孜孜为利的人们。 +"This thesis analyses the soft and hard constraints conditions of the course scheduling problems, and, quantifying the soft constraints, as well as establishing a corresponding mathematical model.",分析了排课问题的软硬约束条件,量化了软约束条件。建立了相应的数学模型。 +"This never costs anything to speak of, unless you plant more than enough.",种子实在不值多少钱,除非你种得比需要量更多。 +"As the war debt lightened, the economy of the country developed quickly.",由于战争负债减轻,这个国家的经济很快发展起来。 +What is revealed by the report affords a feasible approach to a balanced development of the national poor regions such as Wenshan Prefecture.,这一思想为文山州等贫困地区社会的均衡发展提供了一条可行的思路。 +Why meet the Coulomb's law?,为什么符合库仑定律? +To setting-up the system of Satellite Remote Sensin monitoring for oil spilled and bring it into the plan of information highway are necessary.,溢油污染严重威胁海洋环境,建立常规化的卫星遥感监测系统并纳入信息高速公路计划是非常必要的。 +"In my experience you don't often have a shortage of developers: you'll have a shortage of stories to work on, or a shortage of QAs to test the code when you think you're done with a story.",以我的经验,你不会经常短缺开发人员,但会短缺有待展开的story,或者当story被认为已经完成时短缺QAs去测试代码。 +"A mail-order business, selling back issues of men's magazines, put him deep in debt, and his wife left him, taking the children.",一桩销售男性杂志过刊的邮购生意让他债台高筑,妻子也离他而去,并带走了孩子们。 +"The over 5,000 km Agni-V missile, in turn, will be tested for the third time later this year.",射程超过5000公里的烈火5导弹今年底将进行第三次试射。 +"Municipality Bureau of Education bureau chief will be even will ascend show, safety in the school works whatever value all not for lead.",市教育局局长蒋会平在会上表示,学校安全工作无论怎么重视都不为过。 +"A Buddhist monk recovers a robe from debris after flood waters receded in Ayutthaya, Thailand.",泰国—艾尤塔雅: 洪水退却后,一名僧人正从残骸中拣出一块僧袍。 +"""Don't count on it. "" answered the fellow in the ceil, "" I'm the groom.",“别指望这样,”那人在房里回答道: “我就是新郎。” +"About Milan and the rumours involving him, Pippo concluded: 'It is quite normal, last season Sheva was subject of speculations in the papers.",在谈到了米兰和围绕着他的留言的时候,皮波说:“这很正常,上个赛季舍瓦是那些媒体观察家的话题。 +"These advances have led to greater flexibility in systems development, which presents both opportunities and challenges to systems architects, designers, and developers.",这些发展已经导致了在系统开发方面的更大的灵活性,这对系统构架师、设计师和开发者既带来了机遇,也带来了挑战。 +Geneticists have by now identified a set of genes that regulate the SCN and thus the circadian rhythm among mammals.,遗传学家们目前确定了一系列基因,这些基因能够调节SCN和哺乳动物的昼夜节律。 +Instant heating device can automatically activate the shoe glue at the rear section of drying oven.,配备瞬间加热装置,可使后段烘箱自动活化胶化。 +"According to a few "" old water and electricity "" introduce, now the quality of galosh and photograph comparing was to call a discount greatly before.",据一些“老水电”介绍,现在套鞋的质量与以前相比是大大打了折扣。 +"The Illinois senator has made ""change"" his campaign slogan and says he will not be beholden to special interests like Big Oil and the large pharmaceutical companies.",这位伊利诺斯州参议员以“改变”作为竞选口号,并且还曾公开表示自己并不欠大型石油公司和制药企业的人情。 +Also the scan sampling method was used to observe main behavior types and time pattern.,同时,采取扫描取样法,观测蒙古野驴的主要行为种类及其时间分配。 +"They are surrounded by the heavenly host, composed of angel musicians and saints, some of whose names appear engraved on their respective haloes; others are identifiable by their attributes.",环绕他们的是一群天兵,由天使音乐家和圣徒组成,有些人的名字刻在自己的光环上,另一些人则可以通过特征辨认出来。 +"Like a hypervisor, a separation (or partitioning) kernel securely isolates environments for upper-level guests.",与虚拟机监控程序类似,分离(或分区)内核安全地隔离上级来宾的环境。 +"With no options, produce three-column output.",如果不附带选项,程序会生成三列输出。 +I feel so blessed.,我感觉很幸福。 +"The absorptive capability can promote a firm to acquire new knowledge, integrate the new knowledge with internal knowledge and create the new knowledge and technology.",内部吸收能力是企业有效获得知识,并将其与企业内部知识进行整合,高效地创造新知识和新技术的重要保障。 +"GamesThatGive is a new company that creates casual video games (Solitaire, Sudoku, etc.) where you earn donations for your favorite charity, for free, just by playing.","GamesThatGive是一家制作休闲视频游戏(Solitaire, Sudoku,etc.) 的新公司,用户仅通过玩游戏就可以为他们支持的慈善机构筹款,没有任何花费。" +ZNF could promote the degeneration and necrosis of chorion and decidua cells.,自拟方能加速光镜下蜕膜和绒毛的变性、坏死。 +"Kissing encourages saliva to wash food from the teeth and lowers the level of the acid that causes decay, preventing plaque build-up.",接吻促进唾液分泌,清洗残留在牙齿上的食物并降低酸性,避免蛀蚀,防止生成齿菌斑。 +"For example, one expects and engineer designing an automobile or an architect designing a skyscraper to design a high-quality product.",例如,一个人期望工程师绘制(设计)汽车或建筑师构思(设计)一栋摩天大厦,能设计出高品质的产品。 +"FLATOW: Mm-hmm. So you would try to find a solution if they've lost their medication, and they're not taking their medication.",嗯,你尝试找到解决办法,如果他们的药服用完了就不会再去买药了。 +The establishment and adjustment of law system in Miao territory is one of the most important part of Qing's law building enterprise on frontiers.,对苗疆的法律问题调整是清朝民族法制建设中最有特色的部分之一。 +"If I say I love you , could you be too happy to say a word but only to gaze at me with happy tears in your eyes ?",如果我说我爱你,你可不可能太过开心,以致于无法说出只言片语,只是用含着幸福的泪的双眼幸福地看着我? +The renewed focus on Greece's woes also spilled into the currency markets. The euro sank to $1.3360 from $1.3480 before recovering somewhat during New York trading.,希腊问题重受关注也波及到货币市场。纽约市场欧元兑美元由1.3480降至1.3360,而后略有回升。 +"However, if you pick out one entry or one posting that really expresses how you feel or what you’re grappling with at that moment, that’s fine.",然而。 如果你能挑选出真正反映了你的感受和你在与什么东西斗争的某篇博文,或者某篇帖子,那就很好。 +"Bondtech Latex is a polymeric latex additive specially formulated for use as bonding agent, primer and water resistant sealer.",邦特乳胶增黏剂是经过特别配制的聚合乳胶附加剂,可作为黏结剂、底层剂及抗潮湿封填剂。 +"And all bare him witness, and wondered at the gracious words which proceeded out of his mouth.",众人都称赞他,并希奇他口中所出的恩言。 +"Guo WW, Deng XX, 1998. Somatic hybrid plantlets regeneration between Citrus and its wild relative, Murraya paniculata via protoplast electrofusion .",郭文武,邓秀新,史永忠,1998。柑橘细胞电融合参数选择与种间体细胞杂种植株再生。 +"In addition, social entrepreneurs are as exposed to the vagaries of the market as any other business, and that means the greatest danger is under-capitalization.",此外,社会企业家和其他商业一样也受到市场变化的影响,这就意味着最大的危险是资本不足。 +From the dog nearby with the head that ascend for a small 1st of slower speed crest…,从狗的身边以更慢的速度顶起一个小一号的脑袋… +What interesting places have you been to in your city?,你去过你所在的城市的哪些有趣的地方? +These symptoms may be caused by swelling of the liver.,下述症状可由肝脏胀大引起。 +"It said slowly: ""Today, the grass can be really tender, I sharpen like to eat, while the owner was not at home, I eat more points, and so the owner came back, I helped him to land.""",它慢慢地说:“今天的草可真嫩,我越吃越喜欢吃,趁主人没在家,我多吃点,等主人回来,我帮他一起去耕地。 +"CLEAN BATHROOM TILE: If you have tile on your bathroom floor and use lots of spray hair products, then you have sticky floors like I do.",清洗浴室瓷砖:如果你在你的浴室地板上装有瓷砖,使用许多发胶产品后,你的地板就变得粘乎乎的,象我的一样。 +The findings were presented November 29th at the annual meeting of the Radiological Society of North America in,这些检查结果公布在了今年11月29日于芝加哥举行的北美放射学协会年会上。 其中的一些发现也许可以让我们别那么自大。 +Angelina Jolie and Jennifer Aniston were the highest paid actresses during a similar period one year earlier。,在上一次同一时间段的统计中,安吉莉娜•茱丽和珍妮弗•安妮斯顿分列女星收入榜前两位。 +"SLAX does a good job of selecting a useful software collection for office- or home-oriented users, largely by eliminating the redundancy in larger distributions.",SLAX 很好地选择了一组面向公办和家庭用户的软件,这很大程度上是通过 消除更大的发行版本中的冗余而实现的。 +"Communication Infrastructure (IP-PBX's, MS-LCS, Desktop Phones)","通信基础设施 (IP-PBX的产品, MS-LCS, 桌面电话)" +ObjectiveTo observe the clinical efficacy of acupuncture therapy with the method that regulated and tonified Ren and Du meridians for patients who suffered uroclepsia after stroke.,研究目的观察针刺调补任督法治疗脑卒中后尿失禁的临床疗效。 +Objective To evaluate the clinical effect and the value of dual - chamber pacemaker in the peri- operation nursing.,目的评价双腔心脏起搏器围手术期护理的临床疗效及价值。 +"Based on its special excellent performance and advantage, vibratory piling machine has steadily become the focal point to be studied and developed in the world .",振动沉桩机凭借其独特的性能和优势,已逐渐成为了各国研究和发展的重点。 +A new study shows that men who drink more than two cups of tea a day have trimmer waistlines than men who drink coffee or nothing at all. But the same doesn't hold true for women.,一项新的研究显示,一天多喝两杯茶的男性比喝咖啡或者什么都不喝的男性腰围小。但是同样的结论在女性中不成立。 +"Gillard also planned to lead a national debate on republic after the reign of Queen Elizabeth II, 84, ends.",吉拉德还计划在84岁的女王退位后举行有关共和制的全国大讨论。 +Congratulations on your success.,欣闻成功,谨致祝贺。 +"Gabriel: Well, I entered the Essence magazine contest because I just wanted the world to see how much love I have for Jasmine.",加布里埃尔:嗯,我参加《本质》杂志的比赛是因为我想让全世界都见证我对贾斯敏爱得有多深。 +"has a host of videos by top gurus like Eckhart Tolle, Byron Katie and others. Just search for these names in Youtube.com to get their free videos.",听精神导师的演讲:听精神导师的演讲既可放松又可得到启发,Youtube.com上有大量的顶级精神导师如艾克哈特·托尔(Eckhart Tolle)、拜伦‧凯蒂(Byron Katie)和其他人的视频,在Youtube.com上搜索他们的名字,免费观看他们的视频。 +Jesus said the Father has entrusted all judgment to the Son.,耶稣说,父将审判的事情全交于子。 +I have some wonderful ideas!,我有妙极建议! +"As you'll see I picked One dark color, one middle-valued color and one bright color.",就像你看见的,我采用了一个深色,一个中间调子的颜色和一个淡色。 +I'd run home and play dead. The next day I would call all the newspapers and make sure they wrote about me in all the dead columns.,我就跑回家去装死。 第二天我会给全部的报纸都打电话,保证他们在死讯里都写我的消息。 +"One thing that often leads people to move is the desire for better climate, more attractive scenery, more agreeable living.",导致人们迁居的原因往往是向往宜人的气候,迷人的景色和惬意的生活。 +Most poets and poem theorists have no awareness of poetic nature and construction of language.,尤其是在语言文字的诗性挖掘与建构方面,诗人与诗歌理论家大都缺乏自觉的意识。 +"When you look in the mirror, people, can you believe the best about yourimmolation?",各位,当您照镜子时,您能够相疑自祭阅最好吗? +Results The clinical efficacy of the experimental group(95.00%) was significantly better than the control group(70.00%);,结果实验组的临床疗效(95.00%)明显优于对照组(70.00%); +"In history the Huihunationality, the ancestors of modern Yugur, took wolf as their totem out of deeply fearing of it.",裕固族的先民回鹘人有以狼为图腾的习俗,其产生背景是出于对狼深深的恐惧。 +"With case histories, this paper discusses the karst development and its hydrodynamic characteristics at the plateau type and the mountain type gorges.",本文结合工程实例,探讨了高原型和山地型峡谷的岩溶发育及其水动力特征,指出岩溶水系的展布均具不均一性。 +"Fig chutney, mango chutney, apple chutney, pear chutney.",小料无花果酱,芒果酱,苹果酱,生梨酱。 +A person armed only with a knife may decide that a bear prowling the forest is a tolerable danger—trying to kill the bear is riskier than lying low and hoping the bear never attacks.,手里只有一把小刀的人会选择忍受让一头熊在森林里徘徊的危险——因为杀死熊要比躺在地上,祈祷他不要袭击自己更加危险。 +"The software can provide the effective basis and auxiliary way for the calculation of energy consumption, the calculation of vehicle speed and time, the analysis of traction power-supply system.",该软件可以为城市轨道交通的能耗计算、列车运行速度、时分计算以及牵引供电系统分析等提供有效的依据和辅助手段。 +"Death by scaphism was painful, humiliating, and protracted.",受船刑而死给受刑人带来的是无尽的痛苦和羞辱. +An international syndicate will be responsible for building the dam.,该大坝将由某国际财团负责建造。 +Extremely careful observation of the heavens led to a very sophisticated measurements of time and a great awareness of the movement of stars through the sky;,对天象及其详细的观测产生了非常复杂的时间测量方法和对天空中星辰运动的深刻认识; +"Based on global monitoring of flu strains, virologists try to predict which haemagglutinin and neuraminidase will dominate during the next flu season.",根据对流感病毒株的全球监测,病毒学家试图预测哪些血凝素和神经氨酸酶将在下一个流感季占优势。 +You could only see his head and we were really lucky that we even saw him as he was only there for like 2-3 seconds and then dissapeared.,你只能看到他的头,我们很幸运,我们甚至认为他是唯一有像2-3秒,然后消失了。 +"Straight back and fur ruffled means I am agitated or mad, watch out.",直背及皮毛怨艾手段,我很激动,或疯狂,当心了。 +Javier Solana and Christopher Patten indicated that the EU attaches importance to developing relations with China and will continue to work for the resolution of relevant issues.,索拉纳和彭定康表示,欧盟重视发展对华关系,将就解决有关问题继续努力。 +The administration also proposes a batch of tax increases on higher-income earners.,政府还提出了一系列针对高收入者的增税措施。 +"The shopkeeper looked up the credit card, discover that man under the name of only $12. Wait until Monday to the man, he told each other.",店主查了查信用卡,发现那男人名下仅有12美元。等到礼拜一那男人来时,他把情况告诉了对方。 +"HPV16 L1 VLPs are usually expressed in yeast, insect cell or prokaryotic systems and need the costly purification procedure.",目前,HPV16 L1疫苗主要在酵母菌、昆虫细胞和原核表达系统中表达和纯化,但其昂贵的生产工艺阻碍其广泛应用。 +"I had thought a fierce fight was inevitable. However, much to my astonishment, Master Miao left when he heard the baby's cry.",我只道一场恶斗一定是难免的了,那知道孩子这麽一哭,苗大侠居然立刻就走。 +"A novel method, fluorophotometry, was used to determine Vitamin A in galactosyl ceramide liposomes.",用荧光法测定了半乳糖神经酰胺脂质体制剂中维生素A的含量。 +"To throw or toss something, such as a ball, horseshoe, or bale.",抛,扔,投:投或抛出某物,如球、马蹄铁或大包。 +"But starting this year, the program also is requiring all newly constructed buildings to provide energy and water bills for the first five years of operation as a condition for certification.",但从今年起,这个项目还要求所有新建的建筑提供投入使用后头五年的能源和水费清单,作为取得认证的条件。 +The essential norm of two special elementary operators is discussed in this paper.,本文讨论了两个特殊的初等算子的本性范数。 +Plant Sterol and stanol esterified currently applied in foods that can produce lowering of the serum cholesterol level.,含有植物酯化甾醇或甾烷醇的食物能够使血清胆固醇水平降低。 +"Conclusion Small incision total joint replacement surgery a small amount of blood loss, less trauma to patients, treatment with the traditional no significant difference between the standard incision.",结论 应用小切口全关节置换术术中出血量小,对患者创伤较小,治疗效果与传统标准切口手术无明显差异。 +"But with the recent upgrading of its Google Suggest facility, it appears to be trying to requisition our pre-thoughts, too.",但最近升级的谷歌建议(Google Suggest)功能显示,谷歌似乎也正试图征用我们的预先想法。 +"JOANN PARKS: ""It is just a lot of things that have got to go.",帕克斯:“有一堆东西需要带走。 +"This year, more starfish also washed ashore.",今年,甚至有很多海星也被冲上了岸。 +"By 2008, all the neighborhood committees and 80% of the township administrations will have developed sites and facilities prescribed in the ""Citizens Health Project"".",到2008年,所有街道居委会和80%的乡镇建有“全民健身工程”场地设施。 +"The beautiful sound acoustical engineering devotes to the architectural acoustics space design, and provides the acoustic material and the installment construction Specialized company.",玉音声学工程致力于建筑声学空间设计,并提供声学材料和安装施工的专业公司。 +我原本对青蜂小子印象不错,因为我们有许多共同点。,I was prepared to like this Green Hornet kid. We have a lot in common. +"Our world today is undergoing major development, major changes and major adjustments. To pursue peace, development and cooperation is the irresistible trend of our time.",当今世界正处在大发展大变革大调整时期,求和平、谋发展、促合作已经成为不可阻挡的时代潮流。 +"Early in the 1980s, an interest in the Women's Movement clearly shaped some of the subject matter and social and moral outlook of McEwan's fiction.",上世纪八十年代初以来,女性主义运动不仅影响了麦克尤恩作品的主题,同时也影响了他对社会的看法和对道德的见解。 +Eat the rainbow.,按“彩虹食谱”搭配着吃。 +I hold it to your heart!,由我来占据你的整颗心! +The nucleation transformation in tetragonal ZrO_2 has been observed for the first time and compared with stress-induced transformation.,本实验证实了氧化锆中存在成核相变。文中对成核相变以及由应力诱导的相变作了比较。 +"At the same time shows the characteristic, han cooking steaks, fry, fry, inline skate, both, solid burn, and other treasures of the cuisine culture.",同时又展示了汉族烹调的特色,扒、炸、炒、熘、烧等兼备,实乃中华菜系文化的瑰宝。 +"According to room USES, area, internal personnel quantity determine appropriate volume, according to table 3.1 new choice.",根据房间用途、面积、内部人员数量确定合适新风量,按表3.1进行选择。 +Analysts think that Microsoft will push up the release date to later this year to help spur PC sales around the holiday season.,分析家认为,微软会将发布时间提早到今年晚些时候来在假期激活PC销售。 +"In Anxi, a verdant county in Fujian where some of Shenzhen’s stolen boys are thought to have been sold, people focus more on the pain of the families without sons.",在安溪,福建一个绿树葱葱的农村,一些从深圳被拐来的男孩似乎就是卖到了这里。 在这儿,人们更关注那些没有儿子的家庭的痛苦。 +"My soul was shocked. Due to the roses, the ugly, humble and plain earth smiles with amazing beauty.",我的灵魂悚然一惊,丑陋的泥土,卑微的泥土,朴素的泥土,因为玫瑰,露出了惊艳一笑。 +"He added that he would consider extending the current farm bill only as a ""fail-safe option.""",他还说,在他看来,延长目前的农业法案是唯一的“万全之选。” +The performance of oral history is a kind of three-dimensional social memorization.,口述史的操演是一种“立体的”社会记忆。 +"A conference is a gathering of important people who singly can do nothing, but together can decide that nothing can be done.",会议 者,是独个儿就干不了什么事的重要人物们的 集会,经聚首一堂后,却又能够作出“无法可施”的决定。 +And was smart to put a cufflink secretly in east field within days of pocket.,并且曾聪明让向东把一个袖扣偷偷的放在田在天的兜内。 +"Data transferred between Amazon SimpleDB and other Amazon Web Services is free of charge (i.e., $0.00 per GB).",Amazon SimpleDB和其他Amazon Web服务之间的数据传输免费(即$0.00每GB)。 +"We all know that we need some reproving messages, and thus we have a church manual.",我们都知道我们需要一些责备的信息,因而我们有了一本教会手册。 +"With 196m customers in Europe and Latin America, Telefónica is now the fifth-largest telecoms company in the world and the leading firm in Europe supplying both fixed and mobile services.",如今,Telefónica公司在欧洲和南美拥有1.96亿用户,在全球电信行业中排名第五,成为欧洲固定兼移动通讯业的领头企业。 +The photocurable composition can be cured using rapid prototyping techniques to form three-dimensional articles which can be used in various aerospace and investment casting applications.,该可光固化组合物可以采用快速原型技术来固化以形成三维制 品,其可用于各种航空航天和熔模铸造应用。 +"The utility model discloses a multi-layer-hourglass picture, comprising an hourglasses drawing frame and the hourglasses containing sand. The picture frame is made from metal, plastic and timber;",本实用新型公开了一种多层次沙漏画,它是沙漏画画框 和包含沙的沙漏组成。 +"She finishes a statement about tax cuts, then reaches over to grab a bottle of water.",在陈述完一个有关减税的话题后,她伸手抓起了一瓶水。 +It is very difficult to encounter a fellow villager in this big city.,繁华的大都市,能碰上乡人真不容易。 +"""I'm interested in metallic flavours andminerality,"" he says.",他说:“我对金属和矿物质的味道非常感兴趣。 +"Biotechnique supplies scientific means for the new crops variety breeding in high yield, high resist and so on.",生物技术为培育高产、高抗、多抗、优良的农作物新品种提供了科学的手段。 +"Twice in the middle of the story, Irving stopped to ask Twain if he had already heard the joke.",在说故事的中场,尔文有两次停下来问吐温是否已经听过这个笑话。 +"The “Picture, Plan and Promote” strategy can be a powerful way to bring family members together in a way that benefits everyone.",“描绘蓝图、计划并推广”的战略可以是一个让家人聚到一起并让每个人都受益的有利方法。 +"I can, what about American RMP?",可以发送美国RMP吗? +"Banks, energy companies and chipmakers were the biggest decliners. Some analysts said the drop after Wall Street's best week in the past two months shows the market is likely to remain range-bound.","银行,能源和晶片类股跌幅居前.部分分析师称,股市在上周录得两个月来最大单周涨幅后回落显示市场可能将陷于区间内." +"The StartDate is of the form ""yyyy-mm-dd"", and if the tag is omitted, defaults to the current date.",StartDate 采用“yyyy-mm-dd”格式,如果省略此标记,其缺省值为当前日期。 +Their powers of destruction were unbelievable in their childhood. No pair of slippers or socks was exempted from their teeth. Even the new table I bought from IKEA now has one leg missing.,他们小时候的破坏力真的很强,拖鞋、袜子没有一双没惨遭他们毒嘴的,连IKEA买的新桌子也快缺了一只脚。 +"In this paper, the injected water flow rate was calculated, compared and analyzed according to the data and curves collected throughout one uninterrupted heat of No.",蒸发冷却器出口烟气温度的控制是通过控制喷入蒸发冷却器中的水流量来实现的。 +"Agrobacterium A genus of soil bacteria, the species A. tumefaciens being the causative agent of CROWN GALL, a type of tumor in plants.",土壤中存在的一种农杆菌,可以感染双子叶植物的受伤组织诱发一种植物的肿瘤-冠瘿瘤。 +"China has come far since the trials in Shunde and Zhucheng, but the state has always controlled the itinerary.",从十多年前顺德和诸城的改制探索起,中国经济一路走来。 这一路上,政府始终掌控着经济进程。 +This discount only applied to the Midwest stores.,这个折扣只应用在中西部商店。 +Poor area in western China is the key and difficult area of practicing Anti-poverty strategy in poor area of countries in China.,西部贫困地区是中国农村贫困地区反贫战略的重点和难点地区。 +"The study of the low-rent housing offering system includes its background and its significance, major policies, procedures and evaluation of results, etc.",对中国廉租住房供给制度现状的研究包涵了该制度产生的背景及其意义、主要政策、实施过程及结果评价等。 +"In the first experiment looking at classification of barks into different situations, the software correctly classified the barks in 43 per cent of cases.",在首次进行狗叫辨识实验时,软件的成功率达到了43%。 +"The IKEA Centres currently project plot is located at Changsha City, Hunan Province, which is a mixed use project with shopping center, Ikea creative office and Ikea apartment .",宜家购物中心中国目前在建项目位于长沙,该项目是集荟聚中心、宜家创意办公楼和宜家公寓于一体的综合体项目。 +"Recently, however, Opus Dei had found itself threatened by a force infinitely more powerful than the media… an unexpected foe from which Aringarosa could not possibly hide.",近来,天主事工会发现自己被一种比媒体威力更大的力量威胁着。 阿林加洛沙躲都躲不开这突然冒出来的敌人。 +"First of all, Groupon's sales staff tries to cultivate deals that suit the audience in each city.",首先,给每个城市的用户,团扣网的销售人员致力找出合适的货源。 +"Assessing tenders for large scale computer equipment and computer-based systems, selecting the supplier and managing the introduction of the system.",为大型电脑设备及电脑系统作投标评估,为该系统选择供货商及介绍有关系统。 +This colony was photographed 1.5 miles (2.4 kilometers) below the ocean's surface on the East Pacific Rise near the Galápagos Islands.,这一集群的照片摄于邻近加拉帕戈斯群岛的东太平洋海隆处的海面下1.5英里(2.4公里)处。 +"With so much ground still to make up, team principal Stefano Domenicali was just as keen as Montezemolo for Ferrari to keep up the good work.",还有许多地方需要提升,车队经理多梅尼卡利清楚地知道蒙特泽莫罗的意图,将继续让法拉利达到更好的水平。 +The problems and principles are listed while designing exercises in physics teaching under the new standard of curricula .,本文主要论述在新课程标准下物理教学中练习设计应该注意的问题和原则。 +"Best wishes for the Year of Ox! Good health, fortune, and happiness!",祝贺诸位牛年大吉!身体健康,财源广进,幸福安康! +The suggestions to produce butadiene at domestic were given.,对国内丁二烯生产提出了建议。 +The deficiencies in current methods of cylinder design are studied and a new method for CAD software development-Computer-Aided-Design with varible structure is presented.,本文分析了目前液压缸设计方法的不足,提出了一种开发CAD软件的新方法——计算机辅助变结构设计方法。 +"Banks are likely to make up for those lost fees by increasing the interest rates they charge on loans, Mr. Poulos added.",普罗斯补充说,银行很可能会上调贷款利息来弥补收费上的损失。 +"And in reality, talents with secondary or much better ability could be qualified with pillar roles with proper training and cultivation.",在普通的工作中,中等或偏上的人才是可以胜任的。 培养得当可以成为栋梁之才。 +"Through analysis of the non-fair treatment suffered by small enterprises and individual industrial and commercial households and its impact, the author proposes some p.",文章通过分析小型企业和个体工商业户在增值税中遭受的非公平待遇及产生的影响,提出改革增值税的建议和措施。 +"With a look to the past, the work may help society better prepare for climate change in the future by informing public policy decisions about water management and other resources.",以史为鉴,这项工作或许可以通过促进将涉及水资源管理及其它资源的政策决定告知公众,从而帮助整个社会对未来的气候变化进行更好的准备。 +"So far, most of the work has focused on how pathogenic bugs influence the brain by releasing toxins or stimulating the immune system, Cryan says.",迄今为止,大部分研究工作都集中在致病菌是如何通过释放毒素或者刺激免疫系统的方式影响大脑的。 +It's their encouraging spirit that makes us learn we are no longer afraid of falling down as long as we keep it as something priceless in mind.,这是他们的精神鼓励,使我们了解我们不再害怕掉下来的,只要我们保持它作为东西无价铭记。 +"EU Transport Commissioner Jacques Barrot said the rules announced today (Wednesday) would allow passengers to bring on planes a limited amount of shampoo, perfume and other liquids.",欧盟交通专员巴罗特说,今天(星期三) 宣布的条例将允许旅客携带有限的洗发水、香水和其它液体。 +The charging standard for record-filing fee shall be separately enacted and published by the General Administration of Customs jointly with other state authorities concerned.,备案费的收取标准由海关总署会同国家有关部门另行制定并予以公布。 +"But for four-legged critters, it’s the footpads that ultimately support the animal’s weight.",但对于四条腿的树蛙,是脚垫最终支撑它的体重。 +The element with the constraint's stereotype applied to it is used as the OCL context during the evaluation of the constraint.,使用约束的原型应用的元素,被用于 OCL 上下文,在约束评估时。 +"A few minutes would pass and then I would hear mother's voice say, "" Son, come and sit on my knee.""",过了一会儿,我听到妈妈喊:“儿子,坐到我的膝盖上来。” +"Through to the mechanism natural view's denial and surmounting, the modern science technology will achieve a more magnificent achievement.",通过对机械论自然观的否定与超越,现代科学技术将会取得更为辉煌的成就。 +True or False: A lag screw and a hex head machine bolt of the same diameter will take the same size masonary anchor?,是非题:拉力螺钉和相同直径的机用螺栓是否取自相同的砖石锚栓? +"The discrete triangle grid may describe the complex geologic structure, but its ray tracing efficiency is quite low due to its including of many triangles.",离散的三角网格可以描述复杂的地质构造,但是由于包含大量三角形,使得射线追踪效率比较低。 +"Joan commented that it was a better play than usual, and I agreed.",琼评论说,这场比赛比以往打得好,我表示赞同。 +""" I asked him what exactly he meant, which he replied, ""I was told my flight number is 823, but none of these darn planes have numbers on them.",我问他到底是什么意思,他回答说:“他们告诉我,我的飞机是823号,不过没有那些该死的飞机上有号码。” +"There are two choices for the circuit network: to evolve to LMSD or not, the detailed analysis is given in the article.",核心网电路域有两种路线可以选择,本文对每一种路线需要考虑的问题进行了分析。 +"It is invested with the credit of ""China (Shenzhen) Public-training Center for Technician""and ""China Vocational Education Demonstration Center""by the Ministry of Labor and Social Security PRC in 2006.",2006年被中国劳动保障部授予 “中国(深圳高技能人才公共实训中心”“ 中国职业展示中心(深圳)”。 +"Eclecticism is the use of doctrines, methods, or styles from various sources.",折衷主义是原理,方法或各种消息来源的使用。 +I flew up to Chaffee as soon as I could to meet with General Drummond.,等这边的事一搞定,我立刻飞到查菲堡去见德拉蒙德准将。 +"""Right before this visit, there was bilateral military exercise in Turkey where Chinese jets were involved in flying over Pakistani and Iranian airspace,"" said Yetkin.",“正好在此次访问之前,中国战斗机穿过巴基斯坦和伊朗领空,参加了在土耳其的双边军事演习,”耶特金说。 +The time of mechanical ventilation and vasopressors used in CIT group was shorter than those in CT group (P<0.05).,经典治疗联合免疫调理治疗组患者机械通气和使用升压药的时间较经典治疗组明显缩短(P<0.05); +A single-instance application differs from a normal application in that only one instance of the application can be running at a time.,单一执行个体应用程式与正常应用程式不同的地方是,它一次只能执行一个应用程式执行个体。 +"DB2 pureXML provides the ability to store, update, delete, query, and index well-formed XML.",DB2 pureXML 可以存储、更新、删除、查询和索引格式良好的 XML。 +"Every day, millions of man hours are spent playing Angry Birds. Could this fiendishly silly game really become bigger than Mickey Mouse? Paul Kendall finds out",每天,成千上万的人把时间花在愤怒的小鸟上。难道这个恶魔似地愚蠢的游戏真能变得比米老鼠更有影响力吗?保罗·肯德尔发现了其中的秘密。 +He said he was also looking at possible evidence that pro-Gaddafi security forces had been given medication such as Viagra to enhance their sex drive.,他说他还发现有合理的证据显示支持卡扎菲的武装部队已经派发了类似于“伟哥”的药物以增强他们的性驱动力。 +"According to the U.N. Environment Program the world's oceans contain 46,000 pieces of plastic per square mile.",根据联合国环境署报道,这个世界的海洋每平方英里就包含四万六千个塑料碎片。 +Mantega has been in charge of the Finance Ministry since 2006 and is responsible for keeping the Brazilian growth miracle going.,曼特加从2006年起担任巴西财长,巴西经济能在这些年来一直保持奇迹般地增长,曼特加功不可没。 +How many people abstained? Not allowed to abstain: let's try it again. Alpha in this case? No abstentions here.,"多少人弃权了,不带弃权的,再举一次,多少人选α,不能弃权" +A new developing direction of seeker conformal phased array antenna is given.,研究了导引头天线新的发展方向-导引头共形相控阵天线。 +"The Piano Forest logo may look like a simple text logo with trees above it, but if you take another look you will see that the trees actually represent keys on a piano.",钢琴之森的LOGO看起来只是简单的文字上面放上几棵树,但是再瞧一眼,你会发现这些树代表了钢琴上的琴键。 +The study of gender-related differences in language is one of the most important research subjects of sociolinguistics.,性别语言差异是社会语言学所关注的主要课题之一。 +Wonderful dishes A plate of cold noodles can be used in many dishes.,《丰盛的配菜》一盘凉面竟有如此丰盛的配菜! +""" Ji said, ""It is very irresponsible to the country and the nation.",纪烈武说,“那是对这个国家对这个民族不负责任。” +Many Capricorns fear that poverty will set in the moment they stop toiling.,很多摩羯人害怕一旦停止工作就会遭遇贫困。 +"In this paper, a two-way conduction mechanism in doped polyacetylene is proposed.",提出了一种掺杂聚乙炔的双向导电机理。 +Report on the Structure Model Test under Static Load for the Intersection of No. 1 Cross Duct of Xidan Metro Station;,本文介绍北京地铁西单车站一号施工横通道,与正洞导坑交接处开口段结构静载模型试验情况。 +"This Perhaps Guancha sergeants understand inside story me mother: ""Auntie Do angry we formality, you son back say colleagues find he play.""",这次也许官差捕头了解了内情,对我母亲说:“阿姨你别生气,我们是走过场,你儿子回来就说同事找他玩。” +The life they have shared with you is changing forever.,他们曾和你分享的人生也将就此改变。 +ROCKFON's stone wool ceiling products also are made with up to 42 percent recycled material.,洛克风石棉制品多达百分之四十二是由可回收材料制成的。 +"Thirdly, the interviewee must demonstrate his aptitude and skills for the job and his knowledge about eh job-related areas.",第三,受访者必须证明自己的能力及工作技能和他对嗯工作知识有关的领域。 +"Controls on liquidity make much more sense for hedge funds than they do for private equity, for instance; the reverse could be argued for leverage limits.",举例而言,控制流动性,对于对冲基金而言很有意义,但是对于私募基金则意义不大;控制杠杆率则恰好相反,对于私募的管理很有效,而对于对冲基金则效果不彰。 +"Fosun will contribute $100 million to the fund through its wholly owned subsidiary, Shanghai Fosun High Technology (Group) Co., and will be responsible for making the investment decisions.",复星集团将通过其全资子公司──上海复星高科技(集团)有限公司向该基金注入1亿美元的资金,并负责基金的投资决策。 +"In school we learn about the atrocities slaves endured on Southern plantations, and the sorrow they faced when a husband was separated from a wife, or a mother from a child.",在学校里,我们学习了在南方种植园的奴隶制度的暴行,学习了当一个丈夫要离开妻子或者妈妈离开孩子的时候他们的伤心。 +What do you think about TV hosts like Lou Dobbs talking about running for president?,对于像卢.道布斯这样的电视主持人去参选总统你是怎么看的? +"“We used to talk about how cellphones killed the sitcom because no one ever goes to anyone’s house anymore, ” said Abraham Higginbotham, a writer on the show.",“人们常常说手机害死了的情景喜剧,因为有了手机,你根本不用到别人家里去,”这部剧的一位编剧亚伯拉罕·希金博特姆表示。 +"Strong in the back and weak in the brain is what it takes, they say.",他们认为留在这里的全是四肢发达头脑简单的人。 +"In the semi-finals, Wang Jiao face of the veteran Japanese Kyoko Hamada mouth.",半决赛中,王娇面对日本老将浜口京子。 +The 31-meter long boat is made with traditional craftwork following the exact shape and size of the medium sized boat of Zheng He's fleet 600 years ago.,这艘木帆船长31米,完全按600年前郑和下西洋船队的中型船的外形、大小,采用传统造船工艺建造。 +"The moon, by the way , is called a satellite because it goes round our earth as well as round the sun.",顺便说一下,月亮被称为卫星,是因为它围绕着我们地地球盍同时围绕太阳运转。 +Executives of Xinhua did not respond to questions sent last week bye-mail asking about their decision to lease the sign at 2 Times Square.,新华社的执行官并没有对上星期的关于租用时报广场广告牌的邮件做出回应。 +"A former art-computer science double-major at Stanford University, Hwang is also now Google's Webmaster.",黄正穆毕业于美国斯坦福大学,拥有艺术和计算机科学双学位,现在他同时还是谷歌的网站管理员。 +Agricultural potassium nitrate and ammonium chloride are produced by double decomposition from potassium chloride and ammonium nitrate.,用氯化钾与硝酸铵为原料,采用复分解法生产农用硝酸钾与氯化铵。 +"I often rode with the protection of the adults, and maybe I've learned what true ""excitement"" was from riding bumper cars.",小时候我都是在大人的保护下坐碰碰车,也许是从碰碰车那里第一次体会到了什么叫刺激。 +"Since the source document is the log file, no information is lost in the transformation, and it is trivial to re-create exactly the original format from the XML.",因为源文档是日志文件,在转换中无信息丢失,而从 XML 重新创建原始格式的文档非常繁琐。 +He favoured animals; she vegetation.,他爱动物,她却爱植物。 +"""Not worn out,"" cried the recruit, "" Why, if I step on a dime I can feel if it's head or tails.""",“没穿破,”新兵叫道:“为什么? 如果我踩到一个一角硬币,我可以知道踩着的那面是公还是字。” +"Common acidic agents in chemical burns include sulfuric acid found in car batteries, sulfurous acid found in bleach, and hydrochloric acid used in swimming pools.",引起化学烧伤的常见酸性物质包括存在于汽车电池内的硫酸,漂白剂中的亚硫酸,以及用于游泳池净化的盐酸。 +"In one corner they found a closet that promised mystery, but the promise was a fraud—there was nothing in it.",他们很快发现墙角处有个壁橱,好像里面有点看头,可结��是一无所有。 +The inner packing there is a little bit of flower design is best on our market.,内包装上带一点花卉图案,这样最适合我们的市场需要。 +A group of women told the researchers that all their lives they had washed their food containers every 3 or 4 days.,一群妇女告诉研究者们,以前她们三四天清洗一次装食物的瓶瓶罐罐,但如今,他们发现每两天就得洗一回。 +"As a dynamic equipment in the PWR units, the reliability of the pumps is key to the security of whole nuclear power station.",作为压水堆核电机组中的水力能动设备,泵类产品的可靠性对整个核电站的安全起着及其关键的作用。 +"The projection starts off at Planck scale lengths at the Universe’s event horizon, but its projection becomes blurry in our local space-time.",宇宙视界的投射发生于普朗克尺度,所以在我们所在的时空尺度上,这一投射发生了模糊。 +This would see America and Russia each cut their arsenals to 500 warheads each and the other states reduce their inventories proportionately.,届时,美国和俄罗斯将减少各自战略核弹头数量至500枚,其他国家将按比例地减少其库存。 +"Even with his injured pinkie , Bryant is still as ruthless as ever as his lock-down defense and clutch shooting at the Olympics displayed.",即使他的小手指有伤在身,科比还是回像以往一样冻结对方的箭头人物,然后在进攻端射死对手,就像在奥运会上展现的一样。 +It requires companies to obtain parental consent before collecting any personal information about a child under the age of 13.,该法要求公司在搜集任何年龄低于13岁儿童的个人信息前要征得其父母的许可。 +"The wine displays balance of sweetness, peppery and spices enhanced with vanillin oak flavours to create a long, smooth and fine savoury finish.",显示出甜香,胡椒和辛辣感构成的平衡并由香草项目的香味所衬托,制造出悠长,顺华和舒适的结尾。 +"Area area 131 square kilometer, its intertill ground accumulates 8044 hectare .",区域面积131平方公里, 其中耕地面积8044公顷。 +"The CW's ""Gossip Girl"" reportedly will welcome the return of Michelle Trachtenberg's Georgina Sparks , while the possibility to produce the series' spin-off has been discussed.",据息CW台的《八卦天后》将会迎来蜜雪儿·崔倩柏格饰演的乔治娜的回归。同时传来还有《八卦天后》将开拍附属连续剧的的消息。 +"The results are as follows:1. The structure unit of rice phytolith is rods and particles of nanometers, which made the rice special characters.",纳米尺度的硅棒和硅球是构成水稻植硅石的结构单元,赋予水稻独特的纳米性状。 +One confusing aspect of nested if-else clauses is the difficulty of organizing their logic correctly.,被筑巢的如果条目的一个缠扰不清的方面是困难 正确地组织他们的逻辑。 +"Saad Eddin spent the next three years in jail, emerging disabled because of inadequate medical care for a nerve inflammation.",萨迪接下来的三年是在监狱里度过的,因为他的神经炎症在监狱里不能得到良好的医治,他出狱时,身体已经残疾。 +So let me now develop this interpretation of the moralization of guilt.,"罪责教化,根据我在这所建议的诠释。" +Polypropylene is the second resin in the family of polyolefin composed of long chain saturated hydrocarbons.,聚丙烯是含有长链饱和烃的聚烯烃系列中第二个树脂。 +"Plauger's advice tells you how to make money, without ascribing any grave moral failings to people who choose to do otherwise.",Plauger 的建议告诉您如何赚钱,而没有将任何严重道德缺陷归咎于选择不这样做的人。 +"Food is art not just if it looks good but if it makes you aware of richer meanings, beyond the simple fact of filling you up.",如果食物不只是看起来很好看,而且让你在充饥之余意识到更丰富的含义,食物就是艺术。 +"For the regional tectonic stability, several methods were used to investigate the geology and topography, determine absolute age, monitor present activity and microseismicity of the project region.",对区域构造稳定性采用了地质地貌调查及绝对年龄测定、现今活动状况长期监测及坝区微地震监测等方法; +"Still the flood in the room continued to rise, until the spectators were standing up to their girdles in water.",屋内流水继续上涨,直到水上涨到她们腰带的部位。 +"In this paper, we study a new kind of evolutionary algorithm for global optimization over continuous spaces, a revision of Differential Evolution based on piecewise two-dimensional search.",本文研究了一种求解连续变量空间全局优化的进化算法,基于分片二维搜索的修正微分进化算法。 +"Likewise, a psychosocial approach focuses on external factors that might contribute to the expression of certain genes.",社会心理学的研究方法也关注��能影响某些基因表达的外部因素。 +"In addition, the analytical solutions of the mirror parameter and the 1D object′s pose are also provided.",此外,文中方法还能够给出镜面参数的解析表示以及一维标定物相对于视球中心的位置。 +"“I fell in love with the people of Haiti on my first trip, ” Kramer shares.",克雷默说,“当我第一次去海地时,我就对这里的人很衷情。 +"He glanced at the screen, typed “vitesse au sol” into The French king, and held it up for me to see the Chinese: “Groundspeed.”",他扫了一眼,将“vitesse au sol”输入了法语王,然后将它递给我看中文:“地速。” +Cellino wants to bring Mirante to Sardinia on-loan for the second-half of the season and has already spoken with Juve counterpart Giovanni Cobolli Gigli about the subject.,切利诺想在下半赛季以租借的方式将米兰特带到萨丁尼亚,他已经和尤文的主席吉利就此事进行了会谈。 +"However, such post-mortem analysis can often be difficult and time-consuming because hypotheses must be deduced, then tested.",但是,这种故障后分析往往很困难,而且很耗费时间,因为必须做出推测,然后进行测试。 +The bugaboo this time is black holes.,这次扮演毁灭世界的妖魔鬼怪的是黑洞。 +"Seven people died in a cave-in at the wildcat gold mine in southern Venezuela, a senior member of the local emergency services told Reuters on August 24.",当地突发事件服务处的高级官员8月24日向路透社透露,在委内瑞拉南部已有7人死于这些盲目挖掘的金矿隧道塌方中。 +Croton oil (10% of concentration) was administered by gastric tube.,经胃管向胃内注入10 %巴豆油。 +"The frustration of making films in a country with ""cultural over-cleanliness"" has led an internationally acclaimed Chinese director to lash out at its censors, a state news site has reported.",据一国家新闻网站报道,由于中国电影的“绝对纯净化”对电影拍摄的钳制,一位在国际上享有赞誉的中国导演对其电影审查机制进行了一番猛烈抨击。 +UNHCR Spokesman Ron Redmond says displaced families began returning to Mosul a little more than a week ago.,联合国难民事务高级专员罗瑞德蒙德声称和一周之前相比越来越多的流亡家庭开始返回摩苏尔。 +"Several commonly used programs in UNIX rely on the terminfo database for these attributes as well as many others, including the vi and emacs editors as well as the curses and man programs.",UNIX 中的几个常用程序都依赖 terminfo 数据库提供这些属性以及许多其他内容,其中包括 vi 和 emacs 编辑器以及 curses 和 man 程序。 +"If you are a beginner, this book will help you understand the basics of exposure and help you take your camera off full automatic mode.",如果你是个初学者,本书能帮助你了解曝光的基本知识,让你脱离使用自动模式的状态。 +This paper covers the natural spreading of guava .,本文论述了番石榴的自然传播方式。 +"Suspect: Day, this issues me but miserable.",嫌疑人:天哪,这下我可惨了。 +The experimental results showed that the inverted pendulum servo system was robustness based on disturbance observer (DOB).,实验结果表明,采用干扰观测器的倒立摆伺服系统具有较强的鲁棒性。 +"Dawkins’ opponents: “Sorry, Dick, but ‘improbable’ doesn’t mean ‘impossible.’",但是道金斯的反对者说:“不好意思,小道,但是‘不大可能’并不意味着‘完全不可能’。 +Accessories of precision grinding machine wire cut edm edm measurer . precision parts of plastic mold pressing die jig and machinery& tungsten steel mold… processing and manufacturing.,精密磨床、线切割、放电加工、量测等配件制造。精密塑胶模、冲模、治具、机械零件、钨钢模具之加工制造。 +"Just enter your email address, and L3 takes care of the rest!",仅仅进入你的电子邮件位址,而且 L3 照顾其余者! +"Muchof the infrastructure of Beirut, the capital city, was destroyed in thefighting, its city streets lined with countless scarred and hollowedbuildings.",首都城市贝鲁特的大部分基础设施在战斗中被摧毁,城市街道排列着无数伤痕累累,成为空洞的建筑。 +"In January, during a state visit to Washington by President Hu Jintao, leaders worked hard to dispel the rancor that had been slowly building.Soon after, Vice President Joseph R.",今年一月份,在胡锦涛主席对华盛顿进行国事访问期间,双方领导人都在努力驱散一直在慢慢积累的敌意。 +Tens of thousands of Muslim pilgrims move around the Kaaba (center) inside the Grand Mosque in Mecca Saudi Arabia on November 3 2011.,成千上万的穆斯林朝圣者的天房(中心)在2011年11月3日,沙特阿拉伯麦加大清真寺内走动。 +Timing failures: A temporal property of the system is violated.,时序故障:系统的时序特性并扰乱。 +"much of the rebound in global demand is thanks to the public purse, from the officially induced investment surge in China to stimulus-prompted spending in America.",全球需求量的反弹要感谢(错译)公众投资,这包括中国政府引导的投资浪潮和美国靠刺激驱动的消费需求。 +"On that side the lane was open, and about two hundred paces further on, ran into a street of which it was the affluent.",这边的胡同是通的,而且,在相隔二百来步的地方,便接上另一条街。 +"United have ""shared all the medical records with Manchester City and are comfortable with the actions taken by medical staff at each step of his many attempts at rehabilitation"".",曼联甚至与曼城分享了哈格所有的治疗记录, 并对队医们成功帮助他恢复感到欣慰。 +"Don't use bad words.""","别说脏话""" +"The former is seen most frequently in northern china while more of the later can be found in the south, especiallly in Suzhou, Wuxi and Nanjing.",前者多见于北方,后者则多见于南方,尤以苏州,无锡和南京三地为盛。 +A: I see. I’m sure to pass your messages to Mr. Black.,明白了,我一定把您的留言传达给Black先生。 +"By using the standard response spectrum specified in the current seismic design code for building as target, a computer program-ASEW is compiled.",按此想法编制了计算机程序——ASEW,产生了与我国现行工业与民用建筑抗震设计规范的标准反应谱相对应的人工地震渡。 +"The third section testifies the activities of the non-nuclear members, laying stress on their lives.",第二节对望社核心成员的文学活动进行了考论,生平与作品并重; +"The Wu Kingdom set its capital in Zhenjiang, which developed the culture and calligraphy of Zhenjiang.",尤其是三国东吴早期定都镇江,促进了镇江文化、书法的发展。 +"When I started working in China in 1989, no one had refrigerators.",1989年我在中国刚工作的时候,没人有电冰箱。 +"Thechapter six concretely introduces the programming methods about knowledge base, fuzzy conference, user interface and neural network.",第六章介绍专家系统的知识库、推理机、用户界面以及神经网络的具体实现方法; +"In Wuhan, thousands of kilograms of yellow bean rice are dyed red, and transformed into ""red beans"" after drying in the sun, according to xinhuanet. com.",据新华网报道,在武汉,数千公斤黄色的豇豆米被染成红色,阳光下摇身一变成”红豆”。 +"That day, Hall summoned police to a park, saying she had given birth to a stillborn child, Hart said.",哈特说,当天,霍尔在一个公园里告诉警方说她生下了一个死婴。 +"Jaycee Chan, 32, and his Taiwanese movie star friend Kai Ko, 23, were both detained by police after more than 3.5ounces of marijuana were found at Jaycee's home.",警方在房祖名的家中搜出了超过3.5盎司的大麻,随后逮捕了32岁的房祖名,他的朋友23岁的台湾影星柯震东也与他一起被捕。 +"And if you hurt yourself, billions more cells spring up to repair broken blood vessels and make new skin, muscle or even bone.",一旦受伤,超过十亿数量的细胞就会冒出来,修复受损的血管,生成新的皮肤、肌肉乃至骨骼。 +Study Design. This study is a reliability analysis of coronal Cobb angle measurements in adolescent idiopathic scoliosis obtained by multiple observers.,研究设计:对大量先天性青少年脊柱侧凸患者的冠状柯布角测量的可靠性分析。 +"Buffett’s gift may be investing, but his revolutionary move was to create the world’s largest one-man conglomerate and make it work almost perfectly.",巴菲特具有投资天才,但他的革新举动是创立了世界最大的个人联合大企业,并使他运行的非常完美。 +"What is matter with master cup?Federer had lost, Nadal had lost too!",大师杯怎么了?费德勒输了,纳达尔输了,看不懂了! +"The company's main products are: dry hands, Hair dryer, Zaoye, hairdryer extinguishers, rolls planes, Penxiang machine, beauty in the mirror, and other high-end hotel supplies.",本公司的主要产品有:干手器、干发器、皂液器、吹风筒、卷纸架、喷香机、美容镜等中高档酒店用品。 +The printer has left out two lines from this paragraph.,印刷工人把这一段漏了两行。 +"In the 70 warlike period with 80 time and planned economy period, kampuchea economy deficit of income and expenses of shortage of backward, goods and materials, finance.",在70和80年代的战争时期和计划经济时期,柬埔寨经济落后、物资短缺、财政收支赤字。 +"A swathe of European companies—think of Spain’s Santander or Italy’s Banca Intesa—have used the currency’s strength to buy companies in Britain, the United States and Latin America relatively cheaply.",有几家欧洲企业,比如西班牙桑坦德银行和意大利联合商业银行,利用欧元强势来收购英国、美国和拉丁美洲相对便宜的企业。 +"But we are also realists, as are Canadians.",但是我们也很现实,和加拿大人一样。 +"In the research of competition among various transport modes, it is a relatively mature approach that Logit equation analyze contribution rate of passenger flow (the market share ).",在竞争研究在各种各样的交通方式中的,它是一种相对地成熟方法对数成败比率等式分析乘客流程(市场份额)的贡献率。 +"It is the economic, cultural and transport center.",它是经济,文化和交通中心。 +Next step is to choose what objects you want to generate DDL for (see Figure 24).,接下来的步骤是选择要为什么对象生成 DDL(如图 24 所示)。 +Scotts Miracle-Gro and its affiliated companies retain all rights regarding their Marks.,美乐棵和它的附属公司保有在商标上的所有权利。 +"Barcarolle for Piano and Strings, Op. 60 (Schytte, Ludvig). Parts. Piano, 2 Violins, Viola, Violoncello, Double Bass. Romantic.",巴萨罗尔钢琴与弦乐,Op.60(Schytte,路易)。 零件。 钢琴,小提琴2,中提琴,大提琴,低音提琴。 浪漫。 +"If inquire officials of the Ministry of Public Health what is the basis for the Ministry to determine the ""acceptable daily intake"" (ADI) of glyphosate""?",如果向卫生部官员询问,卫生部规定草甘膦“可接受的每日摄取量”(ADI)国家标准的依据是什么? +Bruno yelled into the air: 'You will not hurt anything I hold dear.,这时候,布鲁诺冲着空气大声喊道,“你们伤害不了我紧紧护持的任何东西。 +What a pity Bertram Austin's on the line just now.,实在遗憾,伯特伦·奥斯汀现在正打电话呢。 +"The paper use the Dalian Commodity Exchange historical data of soja futhures, bean cake futhures and bean oil spot price to validate the decision model.",并利用大连商品交易所的大豆期货合约、豆粕期货合约及豆油现货数据,对基于资金限制的多品种期货套期保值决策模型进行了实证分析。 +"Especially, EPG system and EPG increment services have changed people's life in some respects.",其中, EPG 系统与EPG 增值业务,已经在某种程度上改变了人们生活的方式。 +"As he crossed the river, he had such a good time in the water that he forgot about the time.",在过河的时, 伊在河里玩水, 玩甲煞把时间未记得去。 +Here's a period when the body's been functioning and goes like this.,这是身体一直在运作的阶段。 +"Over the last four years, the number of Turkish girls in secondary school has increased, from 42% in 2001-02 to 51% in 2005-06.",过去四年来,土耳其中学女童的数量从2001-02年的42%增加到2005-06年的51%。 +"Those wise people use this to rule a country, a family, a platoon, a farm; to help a man, to cure a disease and to ease all problems, it is always invincible, reliable and successful;",明白人使这道理,治国治家治兵治田治人治病治理万事,无所不知不至不通不利不成不胜; +"That can help investors know the company's state and the possible time for resumption of trading, it said.",这将帮助投资者了解上市公司的情况以及可能复牌的时间。 +The settlement method of grinding process comprehensive automation system is designed according to characteristic of grinding process technics and control.,根据磨矿过程工艺及控制特点,最后给出了磨矿过程综合自动化系统的实现。 +Let service identification be consumer-driven,使服务标识由使用者驱动 +"All of fire control products have passed tests and got related certificates, which are appraised by the Quality Control Center of the Ministry of Public Security.",消防产品全部获得公安部消防产品合格评定中心颁布的型式认可证书; +"In one of the kingdom's remote villages, there was a priest who had magical power.",在该王国一个偏远的山村里,有一个有魔力的牧师。 +"In order to do this, it fuses with the host cell membrane, appropriating its components to form its own envelope.",要令包膜形成,核壳先要与宿主细胞膜融合,然后拨出自己的部分成分来组成包膜。 +"But London harbours, you know, Shepherd's Bush, places like that.",但是,伦敦拥有,比如牧羊人的丛林,诸如此类的地方。 +"The fierce cooling must be a recent spurt, Page says, because otherwise the star would have to have started out ""unbelievably hot.",这种猛烈的冷却一定是近期的爆发,Page说,因为否则该星球将会是难以置信的热。 +Let me pluck away that piece of thread from your skirt.,让我把那根线头从你的裙子上拉掉。 +"I know that the Arahat Buddhas of the past, putting away all lust, ill will, sloth, pride, and doubt; knowing all those mental faults which make men weak;",我知道过去的阿罗汉,去除了所有的欲望,恶意,懒惰,骄傲,狐疑,知道所有使人变得虚弱的精神错误; +"History remembers many examples of second-movers. Microsoft, Procter & Gamble, Amazon.com, Canon Inc., JVC and Heinz.",历史见证了无数后行者取得成功的例子,如微软、宝洁、亚马逊、佳能、JVC和亨氏。 +So additional improvement apparently stems from the better handling of lobified data.,所以附加的性能提升显然源自对大对象化数据更好的处理。 +The pure acoustic backing is a collation of instrumental lushness performed by Scotland and Irelands finest traditional musicians.,康尼的歌声加上苏格兰和爱尔兰最优秀的传统音乐家的器乐演奏带给听者这一纯粹、丰富的听觉圣餐。 +Texturized vegetable protein (TVP),组织化植物蛋白(TVP) +The main reasons for these problems are: college students are of out-of-date ideas and don't put focus on developing their own thoughts;,造成这些问题主要原因是:大学生观念陈旧,不注重培养自身的思想修养; +"In other words, with hard work any obstacle can be overcome.",换句话说,只要努力工作任何障碍都可以被克服。 +"In recent years, the increasing severe problem in agriculture, rural and peasant(A. R. P) has become the biggest "" bottleneck "" restraint of Chinese modernization process.",近年来,愈益严峻的“三农”问题已成为我国现代化进程整体推进的最大“瓶颈”约束。 +Objective:To study the cellular and humoral immunoresponse of BALB/C mice to inactivated SARS vaccines prepared with 3 different adjuvants in early stage.,目的:研究含不同佐剂的SARS灭活疫苗免疫小鼠后,小鼠的早期细胞免疫和体液免疫反应。 +"If that happens, don't make a hasty decision.",如果是那样,不要冒然决定。 +This phenomenon results from the anxiety and helplessness caused by the competitive examinsations as well as people' s limitations in understanding of the society and nature.,这种现象的生成,既是科场激烈竞争所引发的焦虑与无奈的结果,也是明人对社会、自然整体认知局限的自白。 +One of the bizarre consequences of this model was that the usual way to make more money was to become a manager.,1] 这种模式的奇怪结果之一就是:要想赚更多钱通常只能当经理人。 +Enactment and revision of articles.,一三章程之订定及修改。 +Peter Hessler reports feeling the same instant animosity toward foreign visitors to Fuling in River Town.,何伟在《消失中的江城》在也有对那些来涪陵的外国人表达过类似的憎恶感。 +Isobaric analyses can be quickly performed.,等压线分析可以很快地完成。 +"In micro-vision measurement system, applying the illuminating quality assessment system, the best illuminating condition was got.",在自主研制的微视觉测量系统中,应用照明质量评价系统进行评价,得到了最佳的照明条件。 +"Especially when our efforts don't go as planned, it can be useful to recognize that fact--and appreciate the irony in our situation.",特别是,当我们的努力没有让事情按照所计划的那样发展,认识到事实总会是有益处的 – 并且体会到在我们处境中的讽刺意味。 +The sieving method is the essential method for determination of grain size distribution of macrogrits.,磨料粗磨粒粒度组成检测的基本方法为筛分法。 +This review focuses on the role and state-of-the-art advancements of costimulatory signals in ITP.,在ITP发病机制中的作用及其研究进展作一综述。 +The property industry has also benefited from wealthy gay visitors â mostly from Europe â who buy second homes in sunny South Africa.,就连房地产业也从富裕的同性恋游客那得到了好处。 他们在南非买下第二套房子,这些大部分是欧洲人。 +What Kind of Red Wine Is the Best for Making Sangria?,什么样的红葡萄酒适合制作桑格利亚汽酒? +"Uh, we just wanted to ask you a few questions, Mrs. Binder, if we could.",嗯,我们想问几个问题,宾德夫人,如果可以的话。 +Allen said a prototype of an early warning system for California earthquakes should be completed in about three years.,艾伦说加利福尼亚地震预警系统的模型将用三年左右的时间来完成。 +"An SOA team, however, should not fear that compliance will be compromised by using a less-known product or framework.",但是,一个 SOA 团队不应该害怕使用一种不知名的产品或者框架,将会损害一致性。 +Lorian remembered his footwork. The attack would come to his left.,洛里安依然记得他的步法,杜库应该会先攻击他的左侧。 +A layer of completely even caking agents thin films is formed on the sur-face of filling material by adopting a kind of special mixed technology.,采用一种特殊的混制工艺,使填料表面形成一层完整的均匀的粘结剂薄膜。 +Two Abu Sayyaf members killed in that raid were on the FBI’s “10 Most Wanted” terrorist list.,在这次袭击中被击毙的两名阿布萨耶夫组织成员名列美国联邦调查局通缉的10名恐怖分子首犯名单。 +My mother has sent me a registered letter. I guess she has something important to tell me.,我妈给我收了一启登记疑,我念她有甚么尾要的工做要讲。 +"People try everything:money, sex, career, marriage, divorce, alchohol, rock and roll and even drugs, but most of us only want one thing---happiness.",人们尝试各种事物:金钱,性爱,事业,婚姻,离婚,摇滚甚至毒品,但我们中的大多数人只想要一种东西---快乐。 +"Based on these, the author of the present study has tried to do something according to the norms so as to let the entrance of Jin Yong's novels into the history of classic literature.",本文为图透视并澄清金庸小说论争中的雅俗和经典之争的等若干理论问题,以此为金庸小说进入经典文学史做点规范的工作。 +The Jiangnan terrain is a famous gold mineralization belt in China.,江南古陆金矿床长期以来被认为是一种广义层控金矿床。 +But it seems to me that there are too many outside factors that aren't being accounted for to make a causal link with Facebook in this case.,但是这个事件中存在太多的外部因素无法说明Facebook与此有直接的因果联系。 +"The mechanism of the lower NO, CO emissions of the premixed superadiabatic combustion in porous media, in comparison with the free flame, was experimentally studied.",通过实验探讨了多孔介质内燃气和空气预混合超绝热燃烧降低NO、CO排放的机理。 +"Along the south facade there were exterior corridors featuring pre-fabricated cement handrails, which is also used on neighboring residential buildings.",沿南立面外廊设有预制的水泥栏杆,这也常见于周边的住宅楼。 +The Desert Raider is an Israeli-designed fast attack vehicle.,沙漠袭击者是一种以色列设计的快速攻击车。 +Liverpool were forced to play the second-half against Pompey with 10 men after Javier Mascherano was sent off just before the interval.,在上半场快要结束,马斯切拉诺被罚下,利物浦被迫下半场以10人应战。 +"It cut a small mouth, neat, no dregs.",切割口小,整齐,无掉渣现象。 +"Fox example, the number 4671363 is more easily remembered if it is chunked as 467,13,63.",例如,要记住4671363这个数字,如果把它再分成三块467,13,63,就更容易记住了。 +"First of all it was the focus of lengthy haggling between EU leaders, and one grumpy failed summit, before a compromise text was grudgingly agreed.",首先是欧盟各国领导人的漫长的讨价还价,经过了一个十分失败的峰会,才最终勉强达成了这样一份妥协性协议。 +"But, I never imagined she would sacrifice her lovely hair for the sake of my son!",但是我从来没想到过她会因为我儿子的缘故剪掉自己的头发。 +We also should do a detailed work in the earlier stage to ensure the concrete precedence of the construction in the process of the library automatization and networking construction.,在图书馆自动化网络化建设过程中,应该把前期准备工作做细做好,并保证建设具有超前性。 +Then the Lord shut him in.,耶和华就把他关在方舟里头。 +RESULTS It was very clean when rinsing the apparatus and with no blind area to uneven parts and articular ones. Monitoring result of pyrogen was negative through rinsing the syringe by ultrasound.,结果超声清洗器械,对凹凸部和关节处全方位清洗无盲区,洁净度高,经超声清洗的注射器监测结果阴性。 +"Under Criminal Law of the PRC, punishments are divided into principal punishment and supplementary punishments.",按照《中华人民共和国刑法》,刑罚分为主刑和附加刑。 +Mr. Bailey came out of his hiding spot.,贝利先生从躲藏的地方出来了。 +"THROUGH the lens of the Muslim Brotherhood’s slick Arabic-language website, the referendum on the future of South Sudan looks rather different from its portrayal elsewhere.",通过穆斯林协会阿拉伯语网站的镜头,对南苏丹未来的公民投票和其他地方描述的有很大的区别。 +"In the institutionalized school life, usually, students are ""the aphasia"", whose words are light, student culture also reduces as the edge culture on campus.",在制度化的学校生活中,学生往往是“失语”者、“言轻”者,学生文化则陷入边缘文化的处境。 +Can I leave batteries in the charger?,充电器需要数分钟检测电池满否。 +"An NTC official had earlier told Reuters news agency that Col Gaddafi would be buried in a ""simple"" ceremony with ""sheikhs attending"" on Tuesday.",一位全国过渡委员会的官员告诉路透社,卡扎菲上校将于周四在有“部落尊长参加”的一次“简单”仪式中被下葬。 +Managers lose it when they are no longer questioned in their decisions.,当管理者不再怀疑自己的决定时,他们就失去了它。 +A real-time holographic interferometer specially designed for measuring liquid diffusion coefficients was described.,介绍了一种测定液相扩散系数的实时激光全息干涉系统。 +The road to Hemmet's compound is a single dirt track passing between high mud walls and orchards.,前往Hemmet营地的路是一条单车道土路,路两旁有高高的土墙和一些果园。 +"The high-purity concentration technology is further applied to form micro molecule groups with high nutrient content, which are easy to be absorbed and utilized by the crops.",进一步采用高纯浓缩技术,使其形成小分子营养团,养分含量高,易被作物吸收利用。 +"Because of this, we were able to easily use the script and re-create the hierarchy.",由于这一点,我们就能够轻松使用脚本并重新创建层级结构。 +"If plant blood coagulates, element and blood type photograph match, can produce following results: Subsidence of a swelling, antitoxic , obtain ideal weight and defer consenescence to wait.",如果植物血凝素与血型相匹配,就会产生如下效果:消肿、抗毒素、获得理想体重以及延缓衰老等。 +The suppression of the interference and noise in OTHR is studied in detail.,详细探讨了OTHR中干扰和噪声的抑制。 +"Main equipments of CSP line of ZG, features of CSP line. Problems existed in design, important principles considered. What advantages should be taken in CSP line of ZG.",本文论述珠钢CSP线的主要设备和特点,设计中曾出现的问题,考虑问题的原则及CSP线应发挥的优势。 +The change trends of the average pressure in each station are more consistent. Relative humidity of the new station is slightly higher than that of the old station.,平均本站气压新旧站日变化趋势较一致。相对湿度新站较旧站略偏高; +"Rom. 16:15 Greet Philologus and Julia, Nereus and his sister, and Olympas, and all the saints with them.",罗十六15 问非罗罗古和犹利亚,尼利亚和他姊妹,同阿林巴,并与他们同在的众圣徒安。 +"Results In the cases of thrombosis in artificial blood vessels, 11 blood vessels with stenosis, 7 with remarkable stenosis and 10 with obstruction.",结果人工血管内血栓形成后,管腔狭窄者11条,管腔显著狭窄者7条,管腔闭塞者10条。 +These witnesses are usually subjected to mock cross-examinations so that they will not be unduly flustered and give possibly erroneous testimony.,这些证人通常会参加模拟质证,以免到时紧张过度并在作证时出错。 +"In May, the government acknowledged that the $23-billion Three Gorges project has caused a slew of environmental, geologic and economic problems.",五月,政府承认230亿元的三峡工程以造成了大量的环境、地质和经济问题。 +Many were paid for attending Merck “advisory board” meetings to discuss the shots.,许多人出席默克公司“咨询委员会”会议讨论疫苗接种而得到了费用。 +"Up to half get carsick at some time, and the condition peaks between ages2 and12, says the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.",据联邦疾病预防与控制中心称,一半以上的儿童在某个时段,尤其在2到12岁之间的某个时段,容易晕车。 +The greenery and the colors of nature inspire everyone.,是绿树与自然的颜色赋予每个人灵感。 +Requirements of the post-conversion infix expression in brackets should not be unnecessary.,要求转换后的中缀表达式中不应出现不必要的括号。 +The day started when I received an early wake-up call and headed over to the airport.,今天开始于一个叫早电话,然后我便奔赴机场。 +You here - I set the price of goods you ?,你到这儿来——给我的货订价钱吗? +"The achievement, if put into large-scale production, is expected to ease ""oil addiction"" all over the world.",该成果付诸生产领域后,将有望让世界头疼的”石油依赖症”得到缓解。 +"Thermal stress in meteoroids by aerodynamic heating is calculated for the ideal case of an isotropic, homogeneous, elastic sphere being heated at the surface with a constant heat transfer coefficient.",对在一个各向同性、均匀的弹性球的具有恒定的热传导系数的球面上进行加热这一理想情况下,计算了陨星由于空气动力学加热而产生的热应力。 +"That’s because accidentally swallowing Dead Sea salt water would cause the larynx to inflate, resulting in immediate choking and suffocation.",那是因为如果不小心吞了死海的盐水,会使喉咙膨胀,立即窒息。 +Who art thou that judgest another man's servant? to his own master he standeth or falleth.,你是谁,竟论断别人的仆人呢。 他或站住,或跌倒,自有他的主人在。 +Conclusion Surgery was the main method for the treatment of hepatic hydatid bile-duct fistula.,结论手术治疗是肝包虫破入胆道的主要治疗方法。 +Who can I go away together?,有谁,可以陪人一异少逝? +The cylindrical steel booths block 30 to 40 decibels of noise. U.,这种圆筒状钢制电话亭可以隔绝 30 至 40 分贝的噪音。 +"The manager's attempt to swap Shaun Wright-Phillips plus cash for Jermain Defoe had been vetoed by the Chelsea hierarchy, as was a proposed loan deal for Aston Villa striker Milan Baros.",JOSE想要以小赖特加钱来换取Jermain Defoe的举动被俱乐部否决,企图租借阿斯顿维拉的前锋Milan Baros也未得到俱乐部支持。 +The dollar has come under pressure as investors cautiously returned to risker assets after Europe laid out a basic framework to tackle its debt crisis last week.,"美元承压,因上周欧洲达成解决债务危机框架协议之后,投资者谨慎地重返风险资产." +"But other industries are affected too--Sony's turning off the servers that run its very popular Final Fantasy MMO, and a number of other key online services it offers to its global gaming userbase.",但其他产业也受到了影响——索尼正在关闭运行着其非常流行的《最终幻想》MMO 游戏的服务器,而且它为全球游戏用户提供的许多其他关键在线服务也都关闭了。 +"Take Him at His word and seek first the Kingdom of Heaven, and all else will be added on.",靠着他的话语来信靠他并且要先寻求天堂的国,其他所有的就都要加给你。 +"A1C Between 5.7 and 6.4% as a Marker for Identifying Pre-Diabetes, Insulin Sensitivity and Secretion, and Cardiovascular Risk Factors.",A1C处于5.7%-6.4%之间可作为鉴定糖尿病前期、胰岛素敏感性与分泌以及心血管危险因素的标志物。 +"A real construction friend, his wife is unable to bear the lives of lonely, there was a red plum tree. Finally, be like birds flying in different directions.",某个做房建工程的朋友,其妻耐不住天各一方的寂寞,红杏出墙,最终劳燕分飞。 +Even the fulminations of the anti-Polish right in Germany and the anti-German right in Poland failed to ignite wider national resentments.,即使德国的反波兰和波兰的反德国右翼分子大声鼓噪,也无法令两国之间的仇恨重燃。 +This District has developed a sea-land-air-rail three-dimensional traffic network. There are Baoan International Airport and Dachan Bay Port;,区内海陆空轨立体交通网络发达,拥有宝安国际机场、大铲湾港; +"Thus, the table feature class takes the DOM element class named org.odftoolkit.odfdom.dom.element.table.TableTableElement as the class member.",因此,表格特性类以 DOM 元素类 org.odftoolkit.odfdom.dom.element.table.TableTableElement 作为类成员。 +Objective:The groups of Matrine for injection are analysed and its used effect is studied.,目的:对注射用苦参碱的药物组成进行分析并研究其临床应用的效果。 +"Accordingly, the concept of inclined equidistant curved surface and its corresponding formulae are proposed. Its practical application has verified the reliability of the method introduced.",并描绘出制造相关的几何模型,提出了斜等距曲面的概念及相关公式,并介绍它们在制造混流泵叶轮中的应用,最后用实例验证所述方法的可靠性。 +"From the countryman, the intellectual, the gentleman three aspects study the authority ubiquitous fact.",从乡人、知识分子、官人三方面来研究权力无处不在的事实。 +"Air bubble wrap , could be made into different colors , thicknesses , sizes according to customers'requirements;",本款气泡膜卷料,可根据客户要求制做不同颜色,不同厚度,不同大小; +ELECTRONIC MAIL MESSAGE- The term 'electronic mail message' means a message sent to a unique electronic mail address.,电子邮件讯息——“电子邮件讯息”这一术语指的是发往一个唯一邮件地址的信息。 +"""You do not reply to my question,"" replied the inspector impatiently.",“你还没回答我的问题呢。” 巡查员不耐烦地说道。 +F. for field service personnel have the right to full power to deal with all technical problems occurring in the field.,供方现场服务人员有权全权处理现场出现的一切技术问题。 +Lindesay had a photo of himself in that very spot but noticed that in his the tower was missing.,林赛在这个同样地方有一张自己的照片,但是值得注意的是炮楼没有了。 +Black boys mother: Hush up! You see what you ve done? Arent you ashamed? Young people are impressionable!,黑人男孩的母亲:安静点!瞧瞧你们干了什么?你们不觉得丢人吗?年轻人就是敏感! +Being noticeably different from the competition can help you attract customers and close sales.,在竞争中显著的与众不同可以帮你更好地吸引顾客,做成生意。 +"Aesthetics criticism is the closest style to the original meaning of literary criticism, and it is the most creative one.",美学批评是最切近文学批评本义,最有创造性的批评。 +How have you grown from your early experiences of teaching?,你受否从你早期的教学经验中成长了吗? +The sediment incipience in homogenous turbulence generated by oscillating grids is studied in this paper.,采用振动格栅产生的各向同性均匀湍流研究了泥沙的起动。 +Katanga's notoriously rough-and-tumble mining sector enjoyed a heady boom in recent years as commodity prices soared and foreigners rushed in to exploit its copper deposits.,加丹加省的采矿业杂乱得出名。近年随着大宗商品价格飙升,外国人蜂拥而至开采这里的铜矿,该行业出现了醉人的繁荣。 +Lin Ping said that Thailand is trying to adjust and improve tourism reception capacity.,林萍称,泰国正努力调整和提高旅游接待能力。 +Brown had been finding similar objects in the Kuiper Belt — the massive band of comet-like bodies that circles the solar system — for years.,布朗多年来在柯伊伯带发现了类似的星体------巨大的柯伊伯带充满了似彗星并绕太阳系运行的天体。 +"For such cases, implement any ""sub-processes"" as microflows, if possible.",对于这种情况,如果可能,将所有的“子流程”均实现为微流。 +"O. Guldberg, decided that this problem of circular movement was worth investigating.",一位挪威的生物学家哥尔柏格认为绕圈运动的问题确实值得调查研究。 +"If there isn't an augmentation of the food supply, you're going to see some problems.",假如不增加食品援助,很多问题将会出现。 +She stamped up the stairs in anger.,她生气地噔噔走到楼上去了。 +"As World War I drew to a close in 1918, millions of American veterans returned home to the promise of a cash bonus — compensation for their overseas service.",在1918年第一次世界大战结束之际,几百万美国兵回到家乡,政府许诺为他们在海外服役的行为发放现金补偿。 +The paper points out that enhancing economic supervision and examination and realizing project result auditing are the key measures for improving the work.,加强经济监审,实行项目效益审计,是实现危机矿山接替资源找矿战略成功的重要措施。 +But the effect of apply manganese fertilizer only isn't obvious.,单独喷施锰肥效果不佳; +The long-span cable-stayed cable-arch steel structure is a new kind of long-span spacial structure. This structure system is a combination with cable-stayed structure and cable-arch structure.,大跨斜拉索拱钢结构是一种新型的大跨空间结构,从结构形式上说,大跨斜拉索拱钢结构是斜拉结构和索拱结构的组合,既具有两者的某些特性又与两者有很大的区别。 +"The concept and function of plastic part flow chart, and depicting method of flow chart for some basic geometrical objects are introduced respectively.",介绍了塑料零件流程图的概念、作用及一些基本几何体流程图的绘制方法。 +"Small fry. Try these ambitious copies of entire towns, such as the historic Austrian town recreated in Guangdong and the one of Manhattan proposed in Tianjin.",试试这些雄心勃勃的整个城镇的山寨,如奥地利历史小镇在广东被山寨了,曼哈顿在天津被创意了。 +"Uncool IR imaging technology, because of its low cost and high credibility, has attracted more and more attention.",非制冷红外成像技术由于其成本低可考性好而倍受关注。 +"In some ways South Carolina was unique, especially in terms of the role played by black voters.",从某些方面来讲,南卡罗来纳州有些特殊,特别是黑人选民在投票中所起到的作用很特殊:奥巴马的优势很大一部分是因为黑人选民,黑人选民的选票占了他所有得票数的将近一半。 +"Withdraw term: According to the production and business operation demand, Party B applies to Foreign Exchange Control Bureau for withdraw money by related documents or Expensesplan.",提款方式:乙方根据生产经营需要,凭单据或用款计划向外汇管理局申请提款。 +Now using a spoon scoop out the pulp right down to the white pith. Scoop the pulp into a bowl as we will need to reserve 1/2 cup of the orange juice.,用勺子将果肉都挖出至白色果皮,将果肉放在碗里备用,我们将用它榨出半杯的橙汁。 +"If you’re sick of living life as a human punching bag, make some positive changes that will last a lifetime.",如果你厌倦了将生活作为一个人的出气筒,那么做出一些积极的改变,(而这改变)将会持续一生。 +"They but just wanted deed, Luo Yan's voice then spread, cold sky of the body later on blocked in 2 people's in front.",然则他们刚想有动作,罗颜的声音便传来,随后冷天的身体挡在两人的面前。 +Libels and insulting songs to be punished by death.,以文字诽谤或以歌曲侮辱他人的,处死刑。 +Draining glass melt by water quench has become a key technology to cold repair .,水淬法放玻璃水已成为冷修放水的关键技术。 +"NOTE: After the e-form template is published to the server (described in the next step), this URL value contains a full URL.",注意:在电子表单模板发布到服务器(下一步将进行描述)之后,该 URL 值包含一个完整的 URL。 +The rate of metal evaporation increases with increase of temperature under vacuum.,在一定的真空度下,金属的蒸发速率随着温度的升高而增大。 +"He puts on his glasses, removes his brochures and begins his sales talk, showing the woman pictures and describing each product.",他戴上眼镜,拿出产品介绍小册子,开始推销,给那位妇人看图片,详细介绍每一个产品。 +"In addition, through the grid, physicians can access analytical tools that help them with early cancer detection and diagnosis.",另外,通过格网,医师能够访问分析工具,这些工具可以通过提供早期癌症检测和诊断来协助医师。 +The now empty red tray gets released from the robot pick up position and is re-sent back to the adept robot to be refilled with parts.,现在是空的红色托盘从机器人拿起位置被释放,并重新送回善于机器人与部分进行重新充装。 +Precise leveling is needed in the period of engineering construction and operation.,在工程建设和运营期,均需要进行精密水准测量。 +"We also find that LBT based method is especially fit to images with more details, such as satellite images.",这种新方法特别适合对遥感图像等细节丰富的图像的压缩。 +"There are, however, no container managed transaction services provided by the Web container, but applications can programmatically utilize either local transactions or bean-managed transactions (BMT).",然而,Web 容器不提供容器管理事务服务,但是应用程序可以通过程序来利用本地事务或 bean 管理的事务(BMT)。 +"Ms. MacLean, 59, executed that plan and went on to help startNetwork Equipment Technologies, which went public in 1987.",现年59岁的麦柯林女士不但实现了她的计划,并且后来还帮助创立了网络设备技术公司,这家公司于1987年上市。 +"With the material of propionic acid and isobutyl alcohol, the synthesis of isobutyl propionate by using solid Mo-Ni Catalyst to replace common vitriol is studied.",以丙酸和异丁醇为原料,以改性钼镍粉取代以往常用的硫酸作催化剂,进行了丙酸异丁酯的合成研究。 +Determine the migration strategy for your application code.,为应用程序代码确定迁移策略。 +"Now Yeeyan is going to output filtered recommendations to mini-blogs, such as twitter.",现在译言计划在微博客上发布经筛选的被推荐文章,比如在twitter发布。 +"But it should also be given new authorities, including the ability to investigate suspected nuclear weapons-related activities even when no nuclear materials are present.",但也应当授予它新的权力,包括即使在没有当场发现核材料的情况下也能调查与核武器相关的嫌疑活动。 +"DP and TRIP steels were respectively obtained from the same steel after different heat treatment, and some mechanical properties of the two steels were compared.",对同一种钢板进行不同热处理分别制成具有相同铁素体含量的双相钢(DP钢)和相变诱发塑性变形钢(TRIP钢),并对其部分力学性能进行对比。 +"Many, perhaps most, people have experienced a sudden rush of emotion on hearing a particular piece of music;",许多人,或许是大多数人,曾经历过一听到某首特别的乐曲而突然迸发情感; +Wash the duck and place in the pot with water over it.,鸭清洗乾净, 置锅内, 水盖过鸭。 +"Bird, keep in mind, easily beat out Magic for rookie-of-the-year honors.",记住,伯德轻易地打破了魔术师在新秀赛季所获得的荣誉。 +The centre of literature always kept consistent with the centre of economics and it has the identity with the centre of culture.,在中国文学史上,文学中心与经济中心始终保持一致,与政治中心有合有分,与文化中心有同一性。 +"Hemp feather is determinate by two or more than two alleles. Only these two or above two alleles is of concurrence, then hemp feather displays possibly.",麻羽是由两个或两个以上的等位基因决定的,只有同时存在这两个或两个以上的等位基因,才可能表现出麻羽来; +Lily and Lucy are neck and neck in Chinese.,莉丽和露西在汉语上不分上下。 +"He says if about 1,000 people signed the document, it would be much larger than the number who signed a dissent criticizing the Obama administration's policy on Syria.",他表示,如果有近千人签署了这份文件,那么该数量比批判奥巴马有关叙利亚政策的一项异议所签署的数量还多。 +How to pay wages during shutdown and shutout of an enterprise?,企业停工、停业期间工资如何支付? +"Objective: The peripheral insulin resistance, which can lead to hyperinsulinemia and impaired glucose tolerance, is a significant pathogenesis of Type 2 diabetes.",目的:外周组织胰岛素抵抗可引起高胰岛素血症和糖耐量异常,是2型糖尿病主要发病机理之一。 +It works like the AquaStar purifier but has a rechargeable battery.,其工作原理与水之星净化器相似,但使用的是可充电电池。 +Conclusion The more effective CHM-I clone with high purity could be expressed by procaryotic expression system.,结论原核表达系统可有效克隆较高纯度的CHM-I基因。 +"Last week the site unveiled YouTube Town Hall, a kind of virtual debate platform that presents select members of Congress squaring off on issues that range from education to the War in Afghanistan.",上周,YouTube公开了“YouTube市政厅”——虚拟辩论平台。 此平台将展示出国会议员们唇枪舌战的现场,辩论内容近通教育问题,远达阿富汗战争,无所不包。 +THIS is not the place to commemorate the trials and privations endured by the immigrant Mormons before they came to their final haven.,这里不打算追述摩门教徒们最后定居以前在移民历程中所遭受的苦难情况。 +This chilling novel of ambition and sexual obsession goes behind the mask of an apple-pie beauty to probe the sinister manipulations of a mesmerizing femme fatale.,这种野心低温新颖性痴迷去探索一个迷人性感尤物的恶意操纵背后的苹果馅饼美容面具。 +Pit. A depression resulting from the removal of foreign material rolled into the surface during manufacture.,凹坑。将制造过程中扎入金属表面的杂质除去后留下的凹陷除。 +Birdseye held nearly 300 patents.,伯宰拥有近300个专利权。 +"16-bit Windows had various limitations that made sense in the days of machines with 1MB RAM and floppy disks, but are thoroughly anachronistic on modern machines.",在计算机还只有1MB内存和软驱的年代,16位Windows的诸多限制还是有一定意义的,但是对今天的电脑来说,则是彻彻底底的历史遗留问题了。 +The brutality of the thrust gave her the sense of dizziness that follows on a physical blow.,这句尖刻蛮横的讥讽使她感到肉体上受到了迎头痛击似的一阵眩晕。 +"I’ve prepared a one-page discussion guide for book groups, as well as a guide tailored for church groups, prayer circles, spirituality book groups, and the like.",我已经为阅读小组准备了一页的议题指南,同样我还为教会小组、祷告小组、宗教图书阅读人群以及类似团体特别定制了另外一份。 +Proper use of JNI can speed the process of service-enabling these components and allow you to derive the maximum advantage from existing investments.,正确使用 JNI 可以加速将这些组件转变为服务的过程,并允许您从现有投资中获得最大优势。 +"Due to its high solubility property, safe production process and environment friendly characteristics, the ethyl ester of soybean oil would be applied in printing ink manufacture.",其优异的溶解性能,安全的生产工艺和环保特性,表明大豆油脂肪酸乙酯在油墨中的应用潜力。 +Good to put west to his trump.,迫西手出将牌,这很好。 +Busuu offers full courses in 12 languages. The app is free but to unlock most of the features and course materials you have to invest $17 a month.,(博树)提供12门语言的所有课程。这款应用可以免费下载,但是要体验完整版的功能和课程资源,你需要付费才能解锁,费用是一个月17美元。 +Most people consider almond honey too bitter to eat so the bees get to keep it for themselves.,大多数人认为杏树蜜太苦以至于不能吃所以蜜蜂保存它们给他们自己。 +He craved the teacher's pardon.,他恳求老师原谅他。 +Poetic novels are an important part of Wang Meng's works as well as the contemporary evolution of modem Chinese poetic novels.,诗情小说构成了王蒙小说创作的重要组成部分,是现代中国诗化小说的当代发展和衍化形态。 +"Let me try it again, here we go .","我再试试,好了" +I believe applying ITIL V3 to the SOA governance problem settles this debate once and for all—there is only one SOA.,我相信将ITIL V3应用于SOA治理问题上将会一劳永逸的解决这个争端——只有一种SOA。 +A spokesman for the university said the cause of death was unclear.,该大学的发言人说死因未明。 +This strange-sounding food was named after a part of northern England where it was first created.,这种名字奇怪的食物以它在英格兰北部的一处起源之地命名。 +"New York, New York, achieved the highest and only double-digit ADR increase, rising 11.6 percent to US$204.68.",唯一的平均每日房价(ADR)双位数增幅出现在纽约,同比上升11.6%,达204.68美元,也是唯一一个出现两位数增幅的地区。 +"As the characterization of Nuo opera, Nuo mask also vividly and intensively reflects the original worship consciousness, religious consciousness and folklore.",面具作为傩戏艺术的表征,它还形象地凝聚着傩文化所体现的原始崇拜意识、宗教意识和民俗意识。 +"Trying to describe how the five planets in the night sky followed seemingly irregular paths, Ptolemy hit upon an idea he called epicycles.",当设法解释夜空中的五颗行星为何好象沿着不规则的轨道运行时,托勒密脑海中闪现���一个观念,他称之为“本轮”。 +"Dingee and several other soldiers were on garbage detail, digging six foot by six foot holes in the ground, when a group of soldiers headed out on patrol came by.",有一次,迪丹吉和其他数名士兵,正在地上挖一个6英尺见方的垃圾坑时,一组执行巡逻任务的士兵从他们旁边经过。 路过的士兵询问挖坑的人,你们的家乡在那里。 +"And in separate research, a team of biologists reported conclusively this month that the causative agent of the most deadly plague, the Black Death, was the bacterium known as Yersinia pestis.",在另外一项研究中,一组生物学家本月已得出结论,导致欧洲致命瘟疫,即黑死病的病原体就是耶森氏鼠疫杆菌(Yersinia pestis)。 +Douglas Laycock is a professor of constitutional law at the University of Virginia School of Law in Charlottesville.,道格拉斯莱科克是一部宪制性法律在弗吉尼亚大学法学院夏洛茨维尔学院教授。 +Version numbers start at 1 and are incremented each time the method is changed as a result of an edit-and-copy operation.,版本号从 1 开始,每当方法由于编辑并复制操作而更改时,该版本号递增。 +"JANITOR: Oh, yeah, right. There was a break-in, few months back, inside job.",动物园清洁工:哦,对了,几个月前有一起闯入事件,内贼干的。 +All the Earth changes up until the passage by Earth and for months after could be blamed on Elenin!,直到过境甚至持续到数个月以后所有的地球变化都可以怪罪到Elenin上。 +"The connotation and culture of idiom must be exactly understood and conveyed in translation. Therefore, how to understand and translate idioms becomes difficult.",翻译成语时需要全面考查,理清渊源,深刻理解其文化内涵,得其意而不忘其形,灵活处理,以达准确进行语言转换、文化交流之目的。 +"Lucy:Wow, lane view is really fantastic, some Beijing style courtyard houses should have more than 100 years history.",露西:胡同的风景真美啊!很多北京特色的四合院,应该有上百年的历史了吧。 +"This study indicates that lemon eucalyptus may be propagated via tissue culture, a technique useful for rapid propagation of selected clones.",本研究结果表明,可以用组织培养技术,快速繁殖经过选优的柠檬桉优良无性系。 +"Mama, for her part, made fun of their unhappy marriages, of their desperate attempts to stay beautiful through cosmetic surgeries and stupid creams.",就妈妈而言,妈妈嘲笑她们不幸的婚姻,嘲笑她们不顾一切地妄图留住美丽,又是整容,又是抹恼人的面霜。 +"If you're a birder, you want to keep a list of sightings when you bird watch.",如果你是一个拱,你要保持一份踪迹当你鸟观赏。 +Fairyland is home to the seven Weather Fairies!,仙界是七位气象仙子的家! +Self-control and self-discipline should start with the body. That is much easier.,自控和自律要求从身体开始,这样会容易很多。 +"To help spur female animals into estrus, stimulate follicle development in functional ovaries of female animals and induce multiple ovulation.",具有促卵泡素和促黄体素活性。用于雌性动物催情和促进卵泡发育; +"The local artists used anything from AK47s to handguns, mortars to grenade launchers in an art form that has been widely exhibited around the world.",当地的艺术家用AK47手枪,迫击炮到手榴弹作成艺术品,到世界各地展览。 +"Being chased by a wolf the little sheep flees into a temple. the wolf says to the little sheep: ""If you don't come out quickly, the priest will seize you and send you to God.""",一只小羊被狼追赶,逃进了一个神庙里。 狼对小羊说,如不赶快出来,祭司会抓住你,把你献给神。 +"So, let’s make sure all the losers clamoring for help don’t drown out the potential winners who could lift us out of this.",因此,我们得确保所有失败者的乞援喧嚷声,不会淹没能使我们脱离苦海的潜在赢家。 +"You can also specify that there must be a relationship to an instance of another business model, perhaps the owning organization in charge of the hardware.",您还可以指定这些属性必须与另一个业务模型的实例存在一定的关系,比如负责这个硬件的所属公司。 +The neatly wrapped bills were found in a plastic shopping bag in a toilet for disabled people in the city hall of Sakado in the Tokyo suburbs.,这些包装整齐的款单被装在一个塑料购物袋内,放在东京郊外坂户市市政大厦的一个残疾人公厕。 +Xiao Shenyang always keeps the audiences laughing.,小沈阳总能让观众们笑个没完。 +"As game theorists say, he saw relations with other nations as non-zero-sum;",博弈论者认为:所罗门王视他与其他国家的关系为非零和博弈; +"Conclusion CT perfusion technique can sensitively reveal the cerebral hemodynamic impairments in patients with severe carotid stenooclusive diseases, and therefore valuable for clinical application.",结论CT灌注技术可以敏感地发现颈动脉狭窄患者脑血液动力学的异常变化,具有较高的临床应用价值。 +"Good heavens, originally female is the general so beauteous?",天哪,原来女将军这么美的? +"Jiaxing Xicheng Electric Appliance Co. , Ltd is a specialized company which focuses in the researching, producing and selling of integrated ceiling, bathroom heater and ventilator.",浙江嘉兴市西城电器有限公司,是一家集成吊顶、浴霸、换气扇等产品的研发、生产、销售、服务于一体的专业企业。 +The music developed a new concept for Mongol stringed instrument.,这首乐曲为马头琴多声部组合开拓了新的思路。 +Some are made of Chinese little leaf box wood with scent sprayed on.,不全是。有些是用喷上香味的中国的小黄杨木做的。 +"The roots of Acanthopanax senticosus was extracted by ethanol, water, cool alkali, hot alkali and acid in turn, and the products of ASC-1, ASH-1, ASA-1 were studied.",刺五加的根采用乙醇、 沸水、冷碱、热碱、酸提方法依次进行了提取,对提取得到的多糖组分ASC-1、ASH-1、ASA-1分别进行了初步的性质研究。 +"When that happened, he put the book down.",一出现这种情况,他就会放下书本。 +History records the name of royal bastard but cannot tell us the origin of wheat.,历史记载了不少私生龙子龙孙的大名,却不能告诉我们小麦的起源。 +"The text commends a sort of practical way with lathe producing side arc mould plate, and analyses its precision.",推荐一种实用的在车床上加工圆弧形板件的方法,并对其精度进行了分析。 +"In this paper, some dominative processes and newly-found approaches of flue gas desulfurization were reviewed at home and abroad in recent years.",总结了近年来国内外应用的几种主要脱硫工艺和正在研究开发的新脱硫工艺。 +Based on practices of similar projects the analysis on post-cast band is carried out and the quality control key points from design phase to construction phase for supervisors are presented.,结合施工监理经验对后浇带的质量控制进行浅要分析,总结了设计阶段和施工阶段监理对后浇带质量控制要点。 +Invoking remote services using JSR 172 JAX-RPC,使用 JSR 172 JAX-RPC 调用远程服务 +Financial Secretary Donald Tsang Yam-kuen said yesterday he was confident his last Budget would be passed with Democratic Party members' support.,财政司司长曾荫权表示有信心他最后一份预算案在民主党支持下可获通过。 +The blood level of sPLA2 and hs-CRP in the patients with eccentricity plaque is higher than endocentric plaque.,偏心性斑块血清分泌型磷脂酶A2、高敏C反应蛋白水平较向心性斑块高。 +"A driver, com.ibm.etools.egl.resources.sample.EGLResourcesBatchDriver, for starting Eclipse in batch mode.",一个驱动程序, com.ibm.etools.egl.resources.sample.EGLResourcesBatchDriver, 以批处理的模式启动Eclipse。 +The membranes prepared by the method can be widely applied to special separation industry.,本发明所制备的膜可广泛应用于特种分离行业。 +"Christopher Lloyd was a good, brave and high-minded man with a sharp wit and an extraordinary talent and energy for communicating his real passion, which was the garden he made at Dixter.",克里斯托弗·劳埃德是一个良好、勇敢和明智的人,他尖锐机智,才能非凡,善于沟通,富于激情,全都倾注在大分水岭的园艺上。 +"Earlier this year, a U. S. National Institutes of Health study found that cellphone use can speed up brain activity, but it is unknown whether that has any dangerous health effects.",今年早些时,美国国家健康研究院发现,手机的使用可以加快大脑活动,但是这是否会造成健康危害尚未可知。 +"Developing countries outside sub-Saharan Africa tend to receive much lower numbers of donated condoms per man, with an average below one condom per man per year.31",那些非洲发展中国家每名男人需要接受捐赠的避孕套数量越来越少,平均每年每名男人不超过一个。 +"To further enhance the country's air-suction seeder performance, the paper on the air-suction Precision planter for a large number of pilot studies.",为进一步提高我国气吸式播种机性能,本文对气吸式精量播种机进行了大量的试验研究。 +"Although I have to observe the day, but still do not know when, who have all been blooming bud, bring the white Ilex.",虽然我每天都注意观察,但还是不知何时,那些花苞已经全部绽放,带来满树的雪白。 +"Taking into consideration the quantity you have ordered, we'll allow you a 5% commission.",考虑到你们的定货量大,我们给你们5%的佣金。 +The scene is but one memorable view within Chile's Vicente Perez Rosales National Park.,该景点是智利文森裴瑞罗沙露斯国家公园中的一个令人难忘的景���。 +"Which is why we're weathering the late afternoon heat in his Volvo, motoring to Coney Island.",这就是为什么我们坐在他的沃尔沃上驶往康尼岛以体验傍晚的交通热潮。 +Then you'll see the ATM on the north side of the road.,然后你就能在路的北侧看到自动取款机了。 +The roads were so bad that they didn't go out after dark.,路太不好走,他们天黑以后不出去。 +"A little bleeding is common during the first few days following surgery, and you may continue to feel some stuffiness for several weeks.",术后头几天有一点出血是常见的,你会在术后几周内都感到有鼻塞的症状。 +It is an important technology to extract accurate information of titleblocks and items in drawing and to import them into PDM database automatically.,如何自动准确地提取图纸标题栏、明细表信息并将之保存到PDM数据库是一项关键技术。 +Objective To evaluate the efficacy and safety of biapenem versus meropenem in the treatment of bacterial pneumonia and urinary tract infections.,目的评价比阿培南治疗细菌性肺炎和尿路感染的疗效和安全性。 +I just wanted to let you know how much fun it was to learn ocarina !,我只是想告诉你学陶笛是多么有意思! +"So it's certainly at least linear in the length of the list. For each starting point, what do I do?","它至少是线性的计算列表的长度,每次到了循环开始的点?" +It will be a recovery from a low point. The International Monetary Fund in its annual report on the U.S. economy said the recession seemed to be ending but cautioned recovery would be slow.,"国际货币基金会在其年度报告中指出,美国经济产出大幅回落的时期""似乎接近尾声"",但复苏步伐可能是缓慢而渐近的,因疲弱的就业和房产市场存在很强的不确定性." +"Fewer animals will die during warmers winters, but greater numbers will die during hotter summers.",冬天越温暖,动物的死亡量就会越少,但是夏天越热,动物的死亡量就会增加。 +"However, in all countries, young males constitute both the majority of perpetrators and victims of homicide.",然而,男性青少年在所有国家中,既是实施杀人的主体,同时也是杀人受害者。 +"""Fie! ""said he. ""How naughty a boy Cupid is!",他说:“嗨,这个阿穆尔真是一个顽皮的孩子! +I am going to try something.,有件事,我要去试试。 +The view point of the dissertation:The development of the early comedic films is a growing process with the modernization of the comic sense of people .,论文的观点是:中国早期喜剧电影是逐步发展成熟的,并且是和喜剧观念的现代化同步进行的。 +I never thought much of the axillae – or armpits – before becoming a doctor.,我从来没对腋窝(或胳肢窝)想得很多,直到成为一名医生。 +It was a comfort to Elizabeth to consider that Jane could not have been wearied by long expectations.,伊丽莎白感到快慰的是,总算没有让吉英等得心焦。 +"""The image of my client is in danger, "" a studio lawyer complained to the Swiss newspaper Bote. ""This is clearly a reference to the film and fictional character of Harry Potter.",“我客户的形象在受到伤害”,其律师对瑞士报纸抱怨说,“这明显是对哈利波特电影和小说中人物的抄袭。 +"For example, the mother of a 23-year-old Tianjin native Zhao Haoran insisted that her son should not marry someone with cold hands, alleging that such a woman may give birth to unhealthy babies.",例如,一个23岁的天津本地人赵浩然的母亲坚持认为,她的儿子不应娶手寒的人,声称这样的女人可能生下不健康的婴儿。 +"Rather, check the label for such ingredients as sugar, salt, flavor enhancers, artificial colorants and sweeteners, GMO's and other chemical junk.",反而应该检查成分标签,如糖,盐,调味剂,人工色素和甜味剂,转基因生物的和其他化学垃圾。 +"The first full university course for landscape architecture was installed in 1929 at Berlin Agricultural College, which in 1934 was incorporated into the Berlin University.",第一个完整的风景园林高校课程最早于1929年在柏林农业学院(柏林农业学院1934年并入了柏林大学)设立。 +The chairman of the company claims to have worked his way up from delivery boy.,公司董事长声称他是从一名送货童逐步提上去的。 。 +"A stag, one summer's day, came to a pool to quench his thirst.",夏季里有一天,一只公鹿来到池边喝水。 +"Aimming at the requirements of avionics system in future, a new high-speed Fibre Channel switched network based on Token-Routing technology is researched.",针对未来航电系统需求,研究一种新型的以“信令寻径式交换技术”为核心的高速光纤传输交换网络。 +Belgian drawn steel wire producer Bekaert Group plans to implement a significant expansion of its activities in European and Asian markets.,比利时拉钢丝生产商贝卡���特集团计划实施在欧洲和亚洲市场的一个显着扩大其活动。 +"Said Gerald testily, shooting a sharp look at her.",杰拉尔德暴躁地说,狠狠地瞪了她一眼。 +"Retail prices for Hainsworth's woolen coffins range from $960 to $1,290, a bit more than the $800 average cost for a standard wooden coffin in Britain.",零售价格海恩斯沃思的羊毛棺木范围从960元至1,290元,有点超过800元的标准在英国木棺的平均成本。 +Peter has been out of touch with Alice for a long time.,彼得跟艾莉丝已经很有没有联络了。 +"You may put cash, ID cards, passports, tickets, etc. in a poke fitted with zippers, and fasten it around your waist!",出差时做一个狭长的带子,装上拉链,将财物围在腰间系牢! +The results of the thyroid scanning and protein-bound-iodine show that you have hyperthyroidism .,根据甲状腺扫描和蛋白结合碘检查结果说明你得了甲状腺机能亢进病。 +"Let me make a remark about questions, which is--today's mostly business.",让我对问题做一个评论,目前最主要的事情是什么。 +"I dreamt about her and her quondam boyfriend were together again. And that, She was more than happy from me…",我发梦梦见她又跟以前的男朋友一起了,而且还是比她跟我在一起的时候还要开心… +You can also see the straightening out of his four-seam fastball.,同样的你可以将他的四缝线快速球排除不看。 +"In addition, it is possible to mutate the virus and adapt it to the relevant type of cancer.",另外,它还有可能让这种病毒发生突变,从而适应相关类型的癌症。 +"Hold on a minute Chinese bloggers, let me explain.",先别忙着反驳,我的中国同仁们,让我先解释一下。 +"Having been boiled at high temperature, the sugar juice was thrown in the air against a piece of glass. When it floated down the glass, it seemed like a 5-meter-long ""waterfall.""",经过高温熬制后,白糖汁被摔向空中,晶莹剔透的糖丝犹如天女散花般纷纷洒落,形成长达5米的“瀑布”。 +"I do solemnly, sincerely and truly declare that all the information given herein is true.",本人谨郑重至诚据实声明∶此申请书所载各项均属真实。 +"To make the three-dimensional scenes pop out visually from the paper, as they are usually in monochrome, engravers must exert their imagination.",为了使通常是单色的剪纸突显三维效果,雕刻者必须发挥他们的想象力。 +"Lt has advantages of both V—belt and flat—belt, soft and tough, taut and efficient.",产品特点:橡胶多楔带兼有V带和平带二者优点,既有平带的柔软、强韧的特点,又有V带紧凑、高效等有点。 +"About 80 injured people, including women and children, were brought to the civil hospital in Khuzdar, a spokesman for the Balochistan government said.",这位发言人称,大约80名伤者,包括妇女和儿童,被送往胡兹达尔地方医院。 +Would Keats have written love notes on Fanny's wall?,济慈是否还会在范妮的墙上写下爱的留言? +"a lot of work for you.The house is big,too.You're fifty now.You need to be more careful.",你要干许多的事,房子也太大了。 你都50岁了,你需要更多的照顾。 +There is little asymptomatic shedding in people with genital herpes due to HSV-1 (and therefore not much risk of transmitting herpes to their partners).,感染HSV-1型生殖器疱疹的病人很少会有无症状排毒的现象(因此传染给他们伴侣的风险就不会很高)。 +"Those complaints are part of a rising wave of criticism of China's human rights record, both at home and abroad, as it prepares for the Aug. 8 start of the Olympics.",这些抱怨只是在筹备8月8日奥运会开幕筹备过程中一浪高过一浪的对中国国内外人☆权记★录批评之声的一部分。 +There was no difference in intial baseline between the experimental group and the control group.,实验组和控制组各参数的基线值无差异。 +The rated nonlinearity is better than 0.025 percent of the range in rated temperature scope.,在规定的工作温度范围内,额定的非线性度高于全量程的0.025%。 +"Do not say that you do not like the dish, or that it does not agree with you, unless the hostess urges you to take it.",不要说你不喜欢吃那道菜,或那道菜不合你的口味,除非女主人非劝你吃不可。 +KAREN: I could have Suzy stay at my place.,凯伦:苏丝可以待在我家。 +"Throughout the day, a light mist of water sprays over them.",每天,一个全天工作的喷水器一直在为蔬菜喷水。 +Let the meat cook slowly.,让肉慢慢地癊。 +Median survival for patients treated with fluorouracil plus folinic acid was 23.0 months and for patients treated with gemcitabine was 23.6 months.,接受氟尿嘧啶联合亚叶酸方案治疗或是吉西他滨方案治疗患者的中位生存期分别为23.0个月及23.6个月。 +"Yes, to get away from the lab someone might sit there but it’s mostly empty.",不错��有人为了逃离实验室会在那坐一会儿,但多数时候那里空无一人。 +"Alternatively, this column could contain the person and subject, or some other combination of data elements and text.",或者,这个列也可以包含人名和主题,或其他某种数据元素和文本的组合。 +One of the most characteristic symptoms of DS with stenosis is leg pain that shifts from side to side.,疼痛能在两下肢间转移是由退行性椎体滑移引起的椎管狭窄的一个最典型的症状。 +"Schools in low-light days left foot Return Journey may be the night was deep, I'm still on the way back.",天微光便离开学校踏上归程,可夜已深,我还在归途上。 +"Finally, taxpayer's tax right is a kind of social right.",最后,纳税人税权是一种社会权。 +"Now therefore, O LORD our God, save us from his hand, that all the kingdoms of the earth may know that thou art the LORD, even thou only.",耶和华我们的神阿,现在求你救我们脱离亚述王的手,使天下万国都知道惟有你是耶和华。 +"After that she has turned over the paper and added: ""Warmth. Humour.",这之后她把纸反过来追加上:热情、幽默、善良、有理想。 +I am going to send one of our technicians to your house to see if he can fix it.,我会先派一名维修工到你家来检查看他能否维修。 +"This author basically is saying, you don't need these different practices because you already, perhaps in your baptism,have experienced death and resurrection.",作者在说,你们不需要其他修行,因为你们已经,通过洗礼,经历了死亡和复活。 +"We spend a third of our lives asleep, and it's clear that without it our brains don't function as well, yet little is known about exactly why we do it.","我 们每天都要花掉三分之一的时间去睡觉,而且很确定,如果不睡觉,我们的大脑就不能正常工作.但是很少人知道我们为什么会这样. 更不知道其中的机理." +The shearing strength of back covered porous brick masonry is slightly lower than the Standard level. A coefficient of 0.9 can be multiplied to ensure the safety of structures.,盲孔多孔砖砌体的通缝抗剪强度略低于规范计算值,为保证结构安全,建议设计时乘以系数0.9; +Tetracyclines macrolides and quinolones are the effective antibiotics in the treatment of these diseases.,四环素类、大环内酯类、喹诺酮类抗生素是治疗解脲支原体感染的主要有效药物。 +"Engineering Department – Design documentation, nuclear engineering standards.",工程部-设计文件的编制和核工程标准。 +"The thesis is according to the Knowledge Classification Theory and Learning strategies, and design the presenting tactics of the Chinese web-based curriculum content of junior middle school.",本文依据知识分类和学习策略等心理学理论,对基于网络环境的初中语文教学内容呈现策略进行了系统设计研究。 +Objective To identify the relationship of gene polymorphism at code 54 of exon 1 with serum protein level of mannose-binding lectin(MBL).,目的了解汉族儿童甘露聚糖结合凝集素(MBL)第一外显子54密码子的基因多态性以及与血清MBL蛋白水平的关系。 +"Through simplification of stator′s voltage equation, a method for observing the flux of rator is obtained.",通过对定子电压方程做有条件的简化,得到一种转子磁通观测算法。 +"In period of the May Fourth Movement, Zhou Zuoren is Fu's teacher of European literary history.",在“五四”时期,周作人是傅斯年的欧洲文学史老师。 +"""There is a problem … with people who mistake the street for a striptease, "" archpriest Chaplin wrote, adding that women who dressed provocatively would not find decent husbands.",「有一个问题…就是人们误把街头当成是脱衣舞秀场,」察普林大祭司写道,强调打扮火辣的妇女不会找到优质的老公。 +"BSA estimated that 78% of the PC software installed in China last year was pirated, down from 82% in 2006.",据BSA估计,去年中国安装的个人电脑软件有78%是盗版的,与2006年的82%相比有所下降。 +Theuniversity setting is the best incubator that exists for the inception and sharing of ideas.,大学是思想涌现和交流的孵化器。 +"Full of electricity, controller battery to control the storage battery were not overcharge.",蓄电池充满电后,控制器要控制蓄电池不被过充。 +Intermitted for the World War I.,由于第一次世界大战。 +She knocked up an acquaintance with a few people in this neighbourhood.,她偶然与住在这个居民区的几个人相识。 +"Humanistic education, with its completeness and comprehensiveness, finds itself helpful to the improvement of capacity for career and productiveness of potential work force.",职业人文教育是高等职业院校人文教育的重心。 +"The first floor also connects to the dining room and the reading room on the second floor, through the gap of the frame from the south side.",一层还通过南边框架间的缝隙连接到二层餐厅和书房,二层的天花板结构的间隙布置高窗,用以通风和照明。 +The variation finite element method(FEM) using the pseudo-potential function was presented for the simulation of transonic rotational flows.,本文运用赝势函数变分有限元方法数值模拟了绕翼型的跨音速有旋流动。 +Constructor getConstructor(Class[] params) -- Gets the public constructor using the specified parameter types,Constructor getConstructor(Class[] params) -- 获得使用特殊的参数类型的公共构造函数 +"If the queue subsides, and then backs up again, the server will still be there.",如果队列减少,那么会有后续任务加入,这个服务器仍然运行。 +"This would be a retrofit – adding CCS to an existing plant – not a new build like Kingsnorth, and as such it should be cheaper and would cut, not add to emissions.",这是一个即将改造增添CCS设备的电站,与新建设的金斯诺斯电站完全不同,因此它的花费应当相对便宜,便于削减开支,而且不会增添排放物。 +"Rescuers are searching for 27 other people who were believed to have been buried by landslides in Wuzhou and Yulin cities, local official Wang Hai said, according to the Xinhua report.",救援者正在搜救另外的27人,这些人可能已被梧州和榆林市的山体滑坡所掩埋,当地的官员王海(Wang Hai ) 说,根据新华社报道。 +"Their spending on security for CEO William R. Klesse last year totaled just $239 for a home-alarm monitoring service, a perquisite recently extended to all Valero workers.",他们去年用于首席执行长威廉•R•克莱西(William R. Klesse)的保安支出也就是花费区区239美元装了个家庭报警监控装置;而这项补贴政策今年已惠及了公司所有员工。 +"He convinced the jury that a combination of drugs and hallucinogens took over his client's mind, and in such a drug-induced, mindless state, the client was not responsible for his actions.",他说服了陪审团,证明一系列的毒品和致幻剂使得他的客户丧失了正常的思考能力,所以在这种服用毒品以后无意识的状态下,他的客户不能对他的行为负责。 +"You wouldn't use a hammer to cut a two-by-four, but we often attempt to use money to achieve things for which it wasn't designed.",我们不会用锤子来切割木板,但我们却经常试图用金钱来做一些它用途之外的事情。 +"A prosperous and powerful countries need to accumulate wealth, but the accumulation of wealth depends on what?",一个国家繁荣富强需要财富的积累,但是财富的积累要靠什么呢? +We can't form our children on our own concepts; we must take them and love them as God gives them to us. ------Goethe.,我们不能依据自己的观念来训练孩子;我们必须把他们当成上帝的赏赐,接纳他们,爱护他们。------哥德。 +"Can be used to measure air temperatures such as ambient, walk-in coolers or freezers and air conditioning vents.",可用于测量诸如环境、走入式冷库、冻库和排风口的空气温度。 +"You are probably ambitious and competitive, liking to be number one.",你可能有抱负和好强的,总想得第一。 +The residual dynamics and leaching dynamics of atrazine in corn field were studied by HPLC.,利用HPL C法对土壤中莠去津的残留动态、淋溶动态进行了研究。 +"One, should observe the conscience of the bottom line, do honest person, to be honest, do good thing, only in this way, can live magnanimous, enrich, self-esteem.",人,应当严守良知底线,做老实人,说老实话,办老实事,只有这样,才能活得坦荡、充实、自尊。 +Kerosene works great for lubricating them!,煤油伟大工程的润滑他们! +Conclusion: Natural spell law students more than traditional cognitive rule IPA.,结论:自然拼读法比传统国际音标更符合小学生认知规律。 +They built the structure that they themselves or others can start using to solve problems in different application areas.,他们建立的结构可以被他们自己或者其他人用来开始解决不同应用领域的实际问题。 +A single method can no longer produce reliable estimates across every step in the process.,单一的评估方法不可能在过程的每一步产生可靠的评估结果。 +"Some people enjoyed donating money more than keeping it to themselves. The finding, by both sets of researchers, might surprise economists.",相对于自己保管钱有些人更乐于捐钱。这两者的结合研究结果让经济学家感到很吃惊。 +Wi-Fi hotspots and other local devices can be equipped with local processing and storage.,Wi-Fi 热点和其他本地设备可配有本地处理和存储。 +The activity of acid resistant bacteria and alkali resistant bacteria is higher than that of original SRB. The distributing of corrosion products and the surface of carbons…,耐酸菌对碳钢的腐蚀,腐蚀产物以菌落形式聚集在一起,其基体表面有明显的大小不同的点蚀斑。 +But five minutes into the half Kabba sliced an easy opportunity wide after Shittu had nodded on another long throw.,不过下半场开始五分钟后,希图顶赢了另一次的界外球,可惜卡巴面对轻松的进球机会却踢空了。 +"By the way, once you do go to another search engine, Firefox stays with it until you change again.",顺便说一句,一旦选择其他的搜索引擎,火狐会一直记住,知道你再次把它换成其他的。 +"If the text is already in normalized form NFD or NFKD, then you can set this attribute to off to improve performance.",如果文本已经采用了规范形式 NFD 或 NFKD,那么可以关闭这个属性以便改进性能。 +"As the shuttle program is aging, as the space program is aging, trying to think about what the new direction for space exploration [is] going to be.",随着航天飞机计划逐渐老化,太空计划聊无新意,人们正在努力思考太空探索的新方向。 +"Jim Collins: Well, this is probably, when we finish up, writing at this time, Morton and I have been working very hard on pulling it all together.",吉姆柯林斯:当我们结束之后,我和莫顿都下了很大功夫把书稿整合起来。 +"In a half-tone, it is those areas having tonal values of 0%-30%.",在半色调图片内,光部是0%到30%网点的部份。 +"Having been given a piece of meat, the homeless dog walked away.",得到一块肉后,那条流浪狗走开了。 +What happened after Mr Wu changed his bad habits?,吴先生改了他的坏习惯后发生了什么事?。 +This wall was built of paving-stones.,这墙是铺路石砌成的。 +"Consciously you may not consider the burden of success, but subconsciously you know it exists, and so you avoid progress. You procrastinate.",人们也许不会有意识的考虑成功带来的重担,但是潜意识里会知道它是存在的,所以会逃避,即拖延时间。 +"Drag-select the page. (Specifically, while holding down the mouse button, drag the mouse pointer downwards from any point in the browser's content region to the bottom of the browser's content region.",扯拽选择页。 (具体地, 当持续鼠标键时, 扯拽鼠标向下从任何点在浏览器的美满的区域对浏览器的美满的区域的底部。 +Even a phrase like “Chinese people” had to be changed to “some people.” Mr.,即使是像“中国人”这样的句子都要改成“有的人”。 +"Volvo's goal is to sell 200, 000 cars in China by 2015, more than six times the 30, 000 it sold there last year.",沃尔沃的目标是到2015年在华销售20万辆车,是去年所售3万辆的六倍多。 +"Conversely, some European firms have half or more of their employees fluent in a second language. (CET-4, 1999.6",相反,在一些欧洲公司里,有一半甚至一半以上的员工能流利使用第二语言。 +Why don't you say until now?,现在才说,早干嘛来着。 +"Therefore judge nothing before the time, until the Lord comes, who will both bring to light the hidden things of darkness and reveal the counsels of the hearts.",所以, 时候未到, 甚麽都不要论断, 只等主来, 他要照出暗中的隐情, 显明人心的意念。 +"But that meant I would be poor unless I married a rich wife, so he decided I should marry Bertha Mason, the daughter of his wealthy friend Jonas Mason.",但这就意味着如果不娶个阔老婆,我就很穷,于是他决定我应该和伯莎·梅森结婚,她是他的富朋友乔那森·梅森的女儿。 +"""Breast cancer is so common that mutations that recur at a 5 percent frequency level still involve many thousands of women, "" he says.",乳腺癌发生率很高,因此哪怕只是5%的突变率仍然会影响成千上万的女性患者。 +"Although majority areas of our country already realize the sowing mechanization, the quality of the present seeders can't satisfy the request of high production.",尽管我国大部分地区早已实现播种机械化,但目前的播种机质量还不能满足高产的要求。 +"I have no idea where they came out with that date,"" a congressional source told FoxNews.com. ""NASA would have advised us ahead of time if there were any agreement along those lines.",一名美国国会议员说,我根本不知道他们怎么得出的这个日期,如果NASA同意了这个计划,至少应该提前知会我们。 +"Conclusion Nimodipine can inhibit insulin, C P secretion and enhence level of glucose, and decrease exercise endurance.",结论尼莫地平可抑制胰岛素、C肽分泌,使血糖升高而降低运动耐力。 +"The overall death toll attributable to counterfeit medicines, like the scale of the business, is unknown but the costs to public health are huge.",与经销规模一样,假冒药品造成的总死亡率不得而知,但公共卫生方面的代价很大。 +"""This is both a capacity issue and a systems issue, and it should be addressed by changes in the system, "" said Rhodes.",这既是一个容量问题,也是一个系统问题。 并且在系统内,通过改革,这些问题应该解决。 +King Albert II of Belgium is expected to visit China this year and expects his visit to be successful.,比利时国王阿尔贝二世期待年内访华,并期待访问取得成功。 +"Dessert menu, sir.",这是甜点单,先生。 +"Yes, more and more tourists come here for sightseeing.",是的,来北京观光的人越来越多。 +The movie heads the list of Oscar nominations.,这部影片在奥斯卡提名影片中名列首位。 +"However, the taut string theory may cause unacceptable errors in many applications by ignoring the cable sag and bending stiffness. The main work of this thesis includes: 1.",但弦理论没有考虑拉索的垂度和抗弯刚度,在很多实际应用中将带来不可接受的误差。 +"Jeanine: I'm actually gonna use the same color I used on her eye, on her cheek.",我其实准备在她的脸颊涂其眼影的颜色。 +"Known in Japan as tancho (red peak), the red-crowned is the second rarest crane species, after the whooping crane, with a world population of fewer than 2, 500 birds.",丹顶鹤是世上第二罕见的鹤,仅次于美洲鹤,目前全球幸存数量低于2500只。 +"The archipelago of Fernando de Noronha, Brazil is considered a wildlife sanctuary, but today, even in this isolated archipelago dolphins are victims of the bcl post habits of consumption.",该费尔南多-迪诺罗尼亚,巴西群岛被认为是一个野生动物保护区,而今天,即使在这个偏僻的群岛海豚是消磨的坏习惯的受害者。 +Also keep in mind that good falconers do not necessarily equate to successful raptor propagators.,同时请记住,一个好的鹰猎者并不一定要等于一个成功的猛禽繁殖者。 +The Obama campaign said that Biden was selected as a running mate for many reasons but prominently cited the Delaware senator’s expertise and record on foreign policy.,奥巴马阵营表示,选定拜登为竞选搭档的原因很多,但最重要的一点是这位特拉华州联邦参议员在外交政策方面的经验和政绩。 +This would be Federer’s first year without a major title since 2002.,这可能会成为费德勒自2002以来第一个无缘拿杯之年。 +"One Sunday afternoon some time after this they were sailing the summer seas in their dream yacht , and reclining in lazy luxury under the awning of the after-deck.",这件事过后不久的一天周日下午,当时他们正乘着梦中的游艇在夏日的海面上扬帆远航,斜倚在后甲板的天篷底下俯懒地享受。 +"Study 2 was an 8-week, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled flexible dose study in children and adolescents who had been treated with a psychostimulant for 4 weeks with an inadequate response.",研究二是8周,随机,双盲,安慰剂控制的儿童和青少年灵活的剂量研究谁已治疗4周时使用精神兴奋剂和不充分的反应。 +One oven will be supplied for each group of 4 astronauts.,每4位宇航员的一个小组供应一个烤箱(炉)。 +"In fact, Jim was awarded a Colden Globe for his dramatic portrayal.",实际上,因为金的戏剧形象,他曾获过金球奖。 +"The show ""Decade""from DENNIS in this China International Fashion Week is a comprehensive displayof its whole series of products, it's also a review of its ten years history.",丹妮斯DENNIS在本届中国国际时装周上的一场“十年”,可以说即是全系产品的展示,更是对于自己的十年的一个回顾。 +"For a cyclic code, it is difficult to find the set of it's covering polynomials. We have not had a systematic method to find it.",给定一个循环码,求取它的覆盖多项式集合目前尚无系统的方法。 +Or perhaps it is you.,而也许是你吧瑟丽琳… +"Jiangyin zhuda machinery co. , ltd mill roll factory is specialized in development, design and manufacture of high quality forged rolls in china.",江阴祝达机械有限公司轧辊分厂专业从事各类锻钢轧辊的开发、设计和生产。 +"She is going to spend the summer holiday in Tsingtao, where she has some relatives.",她准备到青岛过暑假,那儿她有一些亲属。 +"Once the Empire was defeated at Endor, Lando returned to civilian life, resigning his commission in the Alliance military.",帝国在恩多战役中败退后,兰多辞去他在同盟军中的职务,回归平民生活。 +The TMB shall circulate the notifications made pursuant to this Article to all Members for their information.,TMB应将根据本条作出的通知散发所有成员供其参考。 +This horse is a fast traveller.,这匹马是一匹走得快的马。 +"I self-monitor and watch out for early changes in my mood and thinking, to try to pre-empt the worst of an episode.",对自我思想和心境的早期改变,我处处留心并控制好它们,试图将最坏的事情遏制在萌芽状态。 +"Our guesthouse, a small family-style apartment building, is also available to you if you decide to move out of the hotel.",讨厌假日葡萄酒店,完全也可以搬到公司的招待所赴��,我们的招待所是一。 +"In the thirteenth century, Emperor Kublai Khan created the first Grand Lama, who was to preside over all the other lamas as might a pope over his bishops.",在十三世纪,忽必烈创立了第一个大喇嘛,他被用来间接统治其他的喇嘛,就象教皇和他的主教们之间的主从关系。 +It was good to get a victory going into the derby next weekend.,在下周德比之前拿下一场胜利的赶脚是不错的。 +The researches about this kind of members mainly focus stress analysis and in-plane inelastic stability.,研究内容主要是此类构件的应力分析和平面内的弹塑性稳定。 +But it’s not enough to simply pay attention to everything – such a deluge of sensation can quickly get confusing. (Kierkegaard referred to this mental state as “drowning in possibility”.,当然光是把注意力分散到所有东西上是不够的,这样放纵思维可能还会迅速带来迷惑( 祁克果(Kierkegaard)把这种精神状态比为“溺在可能性中”。 +"Targeting special symbol there is method to analyses them , and the English and figures in Chinese are classified and corresponding analyzing algorithm is given;",针闭于特殊符号给出了特殊符号剖析的方式,针闭于汉语外的英文和数字也入行了开类,并给出了相当的剖析算法; +Do you understand the feeling of missing someone? It is just like that you will spend a long hard time to turn the ice-cold water you have drunk into tears.,你知道思念一个人的滋味吗,就像喝了一大杯冰水,然后用很长很长的时间流成热泪。 +"Aside from the breakneck depletion of the reserve fund, however, there is a potential problem looming for Russia's government.",然而,除了储备金以惊人的速度减少外,俄政府还有一迫在眉睫的潜在问题。 +"The Mosaic Sabbath is expressly said to have been ""given"" (Exod. 16:29) by Yahweh to the people of Israel to be a sign of the covenant relationship between Yahweh and his covenant people.",摩西律法的安息日是耶和华“赐给”以色列子民的(出16:29),作为耶和华和祂圣约子民间圣约关系的记号。 +"According to the Center for Public Integrity, between 1986 and 1993 the Koch family gave eleven million dollars to the institute.",据公共廉正中心调查,在1986和1993年间,科赫家族为该研究所提供了一千一百万美元的资金。 +"Payments under the protected investment business scheme are limited to a maximum of £85,000.00 per customer.",该计划将给予每位客户最高上限为85,000英镑的赔偿。 +"Conclusion The complete resection of tumor, swallowing function reconstruction, phonatory function preservation and the prevention and treatment of complications were the key of operation success.",结论最大程度切除肿瘤及其所侵及的组织,尽可能地使患者保留良好的吞咽和发声功能,并防止各类并发症的发生是手术成功的关键。 +He pursued earthliness but refused ogling snobishness and kept aloof from literary event on his own.,他追求通俗,却拒绝媚俗,主动疏离“文学事件”; +Do You See the Dead Bird?,看见那只死鸟了吗? +Perhaps the lesson here is that Google needs to start doing more state media sponsorships in China?,也许google该有所启发,他们是否也要开始尝试成为中国官方媒体的赞助商? +We took him in the act of stealing.,我们在他进行偷窃时将其捉住。 +"Embossed stripe sheets, the page made from high-quality plastics will protect the important files and materials properly.",凤尾纹片材,优质塑料内面,可使重要文件于资料得到妥善保护。 +"It is proved that this system provides a powerful reliable and network central control ability, and a high efficiency and flexibility of ACE in network development.",经过测试,该系统具有很强的可靠性和网络集中管理能力,展现出ACE在网络开发上的高效性和灵活性。 +He had imagined her as utterly bereft and friendless .,他原猜想她是孤苦伶仃没有朋友的。 +"They also are making it possible to build optical atomic clocks, expected to be as much as 100 times more accurate than today's best time-keeping systems.",它们还使光学原子钟的建立成为了可能,预计比当今最好的计时系统还要精确100倍。 +"""Our results provide evidence that bone marrow functional activation can be governed on a systemic level by endocrine factors that are released by certain instigating tumors, "" conclude the authors.",作者们认为:“我们的研究结果显示骨髓功能活化在全身水平上可能受控于某些肿瘤细胞释放的内分泌因子。” +"""For Homo sapiens, this is the earliest for us, for modern humans, "" he said.",“对于我们现代人来说,智人无疑是我们的鼻祖,”他说。 +The sports law is expected to be law which concerns people's health and protects people's rights.,体育法是关注人民健康的法,是保障人权的法。 +The TV people came to videotape the market!,电视台的人来鲜货市场录制节目来哩。 +"The distribution, breeding habits and seasonal fluctuation of the various mosquito larvae were studied at eight breeding places in the Mountain Resort from 1985 to 1995.",1985年和1995年先后在承德避暑山庄内选择8个具有代表性的蚊幼虫孳生地进行了蚊种类的分布及季节消长的研究。 +For Men: Remember that penalty points are not fair and do not work.,男人:仅记扣分不但不公平也无效。 +"Wole Soyinka, a playwright of Nigeria, became the first African writer who won the Noble Prize in Literature for his deep nationalism and modernism.",尼日利亚剧作家渥莱·索因卡以其深刻的本土性、现代性征服了挑剔的诺贝尔奖评奖委员会,成为荣获诺贝尔文学奖的第一位非洲作家。 +"Data from the National Physique Survey 2000 with adults aged 20-59 (151,656 samples) were used with curve fitting to find out the peak ages for changes in major indices and their change rate.",取2000年全国国民体质监测20-59岁成年人(计151,656个样本)相关指标数据,用曲线拟合的方法,找出主要指标变化的峰值年龄和指标变化的速率。 +Pressure sensitive hot-melt adhesives feature optimum adhesive properties. can be removed without pain and do not leave any residue on the skin.,压敏热熔胶具备了最优的粘合性能, 应用后去除时无疼痛现象,而且不会有残余成分余留在肌肤上造成皮肤过敏。 +"Since last week, the police have interviewed members of the polygamist sect looking for evidence that girls younger than 16 were forced into marriages with older men.",自上周起,警方已经询问了一夫多妻组织的成员,希望能从中获得16岁以下女孩被迫与年老男子成婚的证据。 +The ministry said it was the first time that Chinese jets have breached its airspace since 1999 and that the two Chinese jets quickly turned around.,(台湾)国防部称这是自1999年以来中国喷气式战斗机第一次穿越台湾空域,之后飞机迅速回返。 +"It is understood that reputation Pointe developers Ka Lane construction companies, the penthouse was to be used for rental, the monthly rent 40 million.",据了解,誉皇居发展商嘉里建设公司,原准备将这个复式单位用于出租,每月租金40万港元。 +"So if you're looking for political change, that's somehow initiated by ASEAN, I think we can forget that.",因此,如果你希望能找到似乎是东盟提议的政治变革,我认为我们不必枉费心机。 +Conclusions:Differin gel used in combination with dalacin T is more effective compared with dalacin T alone in the treatment of acne vulgaris.,结论:达芙文联合特丽仙治疗中至重度寻常痤疮的疗效比单用特丽仙的效果好。 +A small wood burning stove could be added to provide CO2 neutral heating.,一个小小的烧柴的火炉可以给室内提供适中温度所需的二氧化碳。 +"It was childish nonsense - the chimerae of frazzled ganglia, or the unadvertised side effect of an anti-psychotic drug - but over the course of the summer, John and the Pilgrims became friends.",这是幼稚不可理喻的——由疲惫的神经中枢产生的幻想,或者是精神抑制药物未被声明的副作用——但是在这个夏天里,约翰和朝圣者成为了朋友。 +"Sina forecast third-quarter revenue, excluding the recognition of $4.7 million in deferred revenue, to reach $123 million-$126 million, up 19%-22% from an adjusted $103.6 million a year earlier.",新浪预计第三季度收入,不包括470万的预收账款,会达到1.23亿-1.26亿美元,比去年增长19%-22%。 +"The team named them GOUNDRY, after a local village.",小组把这种不同的蚊子以一个当地村庄命名,叫做“GOUNDRY”。 +In what the sages said;,在贤哲所说的话里; +"He took his time now, finally waddling out of the store.",这时他倒不慌不忙起来,最后摇摇晃晃地出了商店。 +"There is a large mountain range, Maxwell Montes, reaching 12km above the surroundings in Ishtar Terra, while Aphrodite Terra has a vast system of valleys spanning thousands of kilometres.",有一个大的山脉,麦克斯韦蒙特斯,达到以上的伊师塔地周围12公里,而阿佛罗狄忒兵马俑已经扩展到数千公里的山谷庞大体系。 +Athlete on the superelevation diving platform which or specially makes after the very high cliff takes off and completes the air manoeuvre to enter the water.,运动员从很高的悬崖上或特制的超高跳台上起跳并完成空中动作后入水。 +"However, the tears of history has not eroded the Pierians' optimism and intelligence.",但是,历史的斑斑泪痕没有消磨比爱利亚人的乐观和智慧。 +It is delightful to feast upon the screaming souls that were destroyed in my future.,宴飨那些已在我的未来被毁灭的,尖叫的灵魂是何等的惬意。 +"However, this get-rich-quick dream might not come easy, as a project of this magnitude requires large improvements in accommodations for tourists, roads and other infrastructure.",但是,这个「马上就能赚大钱」的美梦,并不容易实现。如此庞大的计划,需要配合住宿、道路和其他基础设施大幅度的改善才行。 +The dressing of oxidized ore of zinc and lead in Lanping has been a tickler for a long time.,兰坪氧化铅锌矿的选矿长久以来是选矿界的难题。 +Someone has annexed my pencil.,某人随意拿走了我的铅笔。 +"Brief IntroductionTianjin Yi-cheng Vehicle Industry Co. , Ltd is a professional manufacturing company specializing in electric bicycle chainwheel and crank.",企业简介天津奕诚车业有限公司 是专业制造兴工牌电动车链轮曲柄的知名企业,年产量1000万套,产品与名优企业配套。 +"Extensible HTML (XHTML) has many advantages, but its disadvantages are equally notable.",可扩展 HTML (XHTML) 具有许多优势,但是其缺点也很明显。 +"High construction traffic through vertical linkages , more storeys, elevators, water pumps and other investment greater.",超高建筑的交通方式是垂直联系的,层数越多,电梯、水泵等投资越大。 +"During the festival, ending time to all buses to Qipanshang will be postponed. In the meantime, some through buses will open free of charges.",在冰雪节期间,通往棋盘山的公交车将延长收车时间,同时开通免费直通车。 +"Men are like Blenders …You need One, but you're not quite sure why.",男人就象搅拌器-你需要他们,但不确定为什么需要他们! +"Admittedly, but the footgear rank liters of alternate colonel dime, basic wheel less than he played the ambition.",固然军衔升了一档,但陪都的上校多如牛毛,基本轮不到他发挥志向。 +It helps you understand who they are and why they love what they do so much better.,这会让你更加了解他们,更懂得为什么他们如此热爱自己正在做的事。 +Proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) of transferred SMG was studied by immunohistochemistry.,免疫组组织化学法检测增殖细胞核抗原(PCNA)的表达。 +"Keep going back, leafing through your diary.",通过浏览日记回顾过去。 +We'll get you back somehow. I promise.,我们总会有办法让你回来,我保证。 +"The nitrogen budget of tilapia is affected by the quality of protein, energy content and nutrition equilibrium of feed. It is key issue to improve feed quality to reduce aquacultural pollution.",饲料蛋白源的质量、含能量以及营养平衡状况直接影响鱼的氮代谢,提高饲料质量是从源头控制养殖污染的关键。 +"Pleading for leniency before Chief Magistrate Tong Man, defence counsel Kevin Tang said Sze was only 21 when he committed the crime and was ignorant of the law.",辩方律师请求总裁判官从宽处理,辩方律师说史犯罪时只有21岁,不懂法律。 +"The Rushan gold deposit, which is located in the Jiaodong Peninsula, is Currently the largest lode type gold deposit in china in terms of gold resources in single lode.",胶东乳山金矿是我国单脉金储量最大的矿床,金的成矿具有多期多阶段的特点。 +"Often the word is associated with the last day of October, which we in the US refer to as Halloween, a shortened form of All Hallows' Eve.",通常这个字被用在10月的最后一天,也就是美国人所过的万圣节,为「众圣之夜」之意。 +"At the same time, we separate all these audience into three classes: the masses audience, the professional audience and the political audience according as societal role.",同时,本文根据社会角色将“十七年”间的读者分为大众型读者、专业型读者、权力型读者。 +"So, in this article I am going to concentrate on the business-level, technology-agnostic analysis classes, and leave alone almost all technology issues until we discuss design.",因此,在这一步,我将会侧重于业务方面的,与技术无关的分析类。 在讨论设计的时候再讨论涉及技术的部分。 +"MARIA: Paulo! Joana! What a surprise! Are you here for English, too?",保罗! 琼娜! 真没有料到! 您们也来上英文课吗?。 +"Compared with the traditional western theory of temperament, the minor-yang (shao-yang) in yin-yang personality theory is similar to sanguine temperament;",阴阳五行的人格分类与西方传统气质类型学说相比,多血质相似于少阳型; +"Children songs and idioms, together with the children loved the clever animation, children's story in the warm, pleasant children learn songs.",将儿童歌曲和成语故事,巧妙配以孩子喜闻乐见的动画形式,让孩子在亲切的故事情节中,学会动听的儿童歌谣。 +"But on the eve of inauguration, Jiang sent someone to notice Li that they would wore military uniform both.",谁知典礼前夕,蒋介石又叫人通知李宗仁,两人都穿军装。 +Arent you Mr. Smith from the U.S.?,您是从美国来的史密斯先生吧?。 +"Dragons were assembled on the two partners find longhua challenge, instead of being dragon beast and longhua lessons.",龙霸集结了两个伙伴找到龙华挑战,反而被火龙兽和龙华教训了一番。 +A kind of collectivity package which is realized automatically in high efficiency.,是实现无人化高效率的集体包装。 +"However, the questions that we should rethink are the loss of realism tradition and the lack of epic in rural narrative creativity in late 20th century.",然而,20世纪末乡村叙事创作中现实主义传统的失落和史诗性的缺乏也是值得反思的问题。 +"W. connor exultation, think that really can be a great evil these heart time to eradicate.",马戎大喜,认为真正可以将这些心腹大患铲除的时机到了。 +"WASHINGTON, March 19 (Xinhua) -- The United States Saturday launched the first Tomahawk missile attacks against the Libyan air defense from warships deployed in the Mediterranean, the Pentagon said.",华盛顿,三月19日(新华社)——五角大楼宣布,周六部署在地中海的美国军舰向利比亚防空设施发射了第一枚“战斧”巡航导弹。 +"When you memorize these encouraging words, then you can turn them into a prayer when you are feeling discouraged.",记住这五个词,当你觉得泄气的时候,你可以把它们变成你的祷告。 +Method: Protein expression levels were analyzed by immunohistochemical analysis from 12 chordomas and 51 other tumors from 17 assorted solid tissue tumor types using multitumored tissue microarray.,方法:对12例脊索瘤和包含17种其他肿瘤(共51个样本)的多肿瘤组织阵列切片进行免疫组化法的蛋白表达以及相关分析。 +"“A core concept in Scientology is: ‘Something isn’t true unless you find it true in your own life, ’ ” she told me.",“山达基的一个核心观念就是:没有什么事是真实的,除非你在自己的生活中发现它是真实的,”她告诉我。 +Q: You said that the Chinese people support the Chinese Government's anti-war stand.,问:你说中国人民支持中国政府的反战立场,你是根据什么做此判断? +"One evening over their own bottle of wine, Reclari and colleagues decided to tackle the physics of this oenological routine.",一天晚上在他们自己喝葡萄酒的时候,莱克拉里和他的同事们决定看看酿酒过程中的物理学。 +"And bubonic plague, spread by rat fleas, is normally preceded by the death of hordes of rats (only then do the fleas opt for humans). Yet no one in 1348 recorded this.",黑死病由鼠蚤传播,在此之前通常都有大批的老鼠死亡(只有在这时跳蚤才选择人类作宿主),但在1348年没有人记录下这些。 +"When the Hawks took the Celtics to Game Seven last season, that was massive considering everyone expected the Green Machine to steamroll the hapless Hawks.",而就在上个赛季的季后赛首轮,当所有人都预测凯子会蹂虐倒了大霉的老鹰时,鹰队却把凯子拉入了抢七大战。 +It also includes providing more support for young researchers and upgrading technologies in small and medium enterprises.,这还包括为青年科研人员提供更多的支持,并升级中小企业的技术。 +Esteban was a pimp and a friend of Bill's mother.,艾斯特邦是个淫媒,也是他母亲的朋友。 +"One gene, called clusterin, helps to protect the brain from exessive inflammation caused by infections and other illnesses.",一种称为凝聚素(clusterin)的基因有助于保护大脑免受感染及其他疾病引起的过度炎症。 +Here is a further report on the latest development as a reference for study.,本期对此后的事态发展再作一追踪报道,供研究参考。 +"If you are a runner, run. If you are a bell, ring.",如果你是奔跑者,那就跑吧。如果你是铃铛,那就响吧。 +Otherwise what would there be to forgive?Forgiveness is about pardoning things that are essentially inexcusable.,否则何谈原谅?原谅就是宽恕本身没有道理的事情。 +Tariff rate and customs value applied on the day when the customs issues the payment of duties is applicable to imported articles.,进境物品,适用海关填发税款缴款书之日实施的税率和完税价格。 +That's great! Let's go. K:Can I bring Sam with me?B:OK.,那太好了!让我们去。我能带萨姆和我吗? B:好的。 +"Copy-book maxims, sentiments, etc.",陈腐的格言、观点等。 +"Moreover, this circuit can also be adaptive matched with ultrasonic treatment head in different frequency bands.",而且,对于不同频率段的超声手持治疗头,该电路也能自适应匹配使用。 +"Square, MobilePay and Venmo are three companies pioneering mobile payments in what's expected to be a large and fast-growing market.",MobilePay和 Venmo等三家公司在这个被看好的广阔且发展迅速的移动支付市场中居前三位。 +Therefore you can adjust the gain on the first and it will control the gain on all the others.,因此,你可以调节主低音的音量,它��控制所有其他低音的增益。 +Wheat head blight (Fusarium graminearum Schw. ) was one of the most important diseases of wheat in the world and was difficult to control.,小麦赤霉病是一种世界性的植物病害,防治好不容易。 +The connection sessions confuse the replies. Try to prevent user from submitting same reply twice. Synchronisation between user and server is not maintain in valid form.,答复的连接会话混淆。尝试,以防止用户提交两次同样的答复。现时的用户和服务器之间的同步是不能维持有效的形式。 +"Recently, the big head-turning deals have been in the auto industry.",最近,汽车行业进行了一些重量级的交易。 +"Origin: Europe, USA, Asia, at seller's option.",出产地:欧洲,美国,亚洲, 卖方可选择。 +"In 2004 it was estimated that more than 67 million motorcycles were registered in the country, and approximately 25% of all road traffic deaths were among motorcyclists and their passengers.",据估计,2004年该国登记了6700多万辆摩托车,并且约有25%的道路交通死亡发生在摩托车手及其乘客中。 +"Like a great ocean embracing hundreds of rivers, it is not only a land-and-water transportation hub for the whole nation but also a cultural confluence of the East and the West, the old and the new.",她是东西交汇、南北贯通的一个水陆大码头,也是中西、新旧文化的大熔炉,所谓“海纳百川”是也。 +"Dear friends, it is through the tremendous endeavours of the veterans participated the Great Patriotic War, Fascism is vanquished and freedom was brought to millions of people.",亲爱的朋友们,正是参加伟大卫国战争老战士们的巨大努力,法西斯最终被消灭,成百万的人们重获自由。 +"""Secret Service was leery about the idea, but they got over it and the president thought it was cool,"" explained Cann.","凯恩说""安保特工虽然对此十分警惕,但还是允许了,而且总统还觉得这事儿挺酷。" +A necessary that and sufficient condition for the existence of a nondeterministic state feedback controller that achieves a prescribed behavior. that is presented.,在给定闭环系统行为规范的条件下得到并证明了非确定性状态反馈控制器存在的充分必要条件。 +"As part of the partnership, Oxfam urged SNEHA to continue to work against gender discrimination, including domestic violence.",作为夥伴,乐施会推动SNEHA继续对抗性别歧视,包括家庭暴力问题。 +See! Hua Luogeng returned to the motherland abandoning the rich and honored foreign country life.,看!华罗庚舍弃外国的富贵生活,回到祖国; +Axisymmetric problem: The state vector equation of transversely isotropic axisymmetric space piezoelectric media is established in a cylindrical coordinate system.,层状压电材料的空间轴对称问题:在柱坐标下,建立了横观各向同性压电材料空间轴对称问题的状态变量方程。 +"Based on the writing class, this course aims to further enlarge students' German writing knowledge and improve their written communicative ability.",在原德语写作课的基础上进一步拓宽深化学生的德语写作知识和提高学生的书面交际能力。 +What better company to get into the social network game than MTV?,还有什么更有实力的公司对社会网络游戏比音乐电视更感兴趣? +The test results indicate that all the technical indices have met the requirements for high class products specified in the building materials industry standard《Concrete Tiles》.,结果表明,各项技术指标均达到建材行业标准《混凝土瓦》优等品的要求。 +"She was one of the last great stars of Hollywood's Golden Age, known both on and off the screen for her irreverence and independence.",她是好莱坞黄金时代巨星中仅存的几位中的一个,台前幕后都以不屈和独立闻名。 +"Enlightened by the previous studies on metaphor, this thesis conducts a cognitive study on the conceptual metaphors in English and Chinese business news which is attracting more and more attention.",而从认知上对财经类语篇中的隐喻进行的研究才真正揭示出其机制和作用。受已有研究的启发,本文对英汉财经新闻中的隐喻进行了认知研究。 +"Sc. and Ph. D. degrees in Pharmacology at Kyoto University, Japan, in 1986 and 1989 respectively.",分别于1986年及1989年获日本京都大学药学硕士、博士学位。 +But Hemingway prevents readers form accepting that position by taking them through every moment of Santiago's three days and nights at vast sea.,但是海明威通过描述圣地亚哥在茫茫大海上三天三夜的每一秒钟阻止读者去接受仅仅从物质的判断。 +"ConclusionsMRI examination can clearly display the level and scope of focus of PVL, and the differences in MRI features between premature and mature children.",结论MRI可清晰显示脑瘫患儿PVL的MRI特点、病变程度、范围以及早产儿与足月儿PVL的不同之处。 +"Moreover, the surveillance rate of pathogen and toxicosis were lower and there was no early-warning ability in public health emergency.",对病原生物和中毒的检测能力较低;对各类突发公共卫生事件没有预警能力。 +"Notice that the stiffest tree is most easily cracked, while the bamboo or willow survives by bending with the wind.",要知道,笔直的树是最易崩裂的,而竹子或柳树却能经得起风的肆虐。 +Body weight was recorded in pre and post-trial. The effects of diet supplementation of different urea levels on goat growth performance and partial blood biochemical parameters were analyzed.,在正试期开始和试验期结束分别称四组羊的体重,分析其饲喂不同比例尿素后的主要生产性能和部分血液生化指标的影响。 +"During the Spring and Autumn Period, there lived an emperor named Wei, who had three sons.",春秋时期,卫王有三个儿子,小儿子整天欺负百姓。 +"When this happens, I know that I have found the required number of bytes in the multi-byte integer format.",这时,我就知道找到了在多字节整数格式中需要的字节数。 +Several clock synchronization algorithms are also discussed to satisfy different precisions of clock synchronization.,同时探讨了多种时钟同步算法以保证不同要求的时钟同步精度。 +Support the consultant to conduct the market search as to different functions.,帮助职业寻访顾问根据不同的功能进行市场范围的搜寻。 +"But just days before his death, King Hussein changed the dynastic succession by naming Abdullah, then only 37, his heir.",而就在他去世前几天,侯赛因国王突然废黜哈桑王储而命名37岁的阿卜杜拉为他的继承人。 +With Xinhua News Agency: The International Monetary Fund has made quite optimistic forecasts of the world economy and China’s economy this year and the next year.,新华社记者:总理您好。 国际货币基金组织不久前对今明两年世界经济和中国经济的发展都作出了比较乐观的预测,但是不少经济学家却认为世界经济和中国经济的发展都存在二次探底的风险,甚至认为这种风险不可避免。 +Extraction of new domain-specific terms is one of the important topics in Chinese natural language processing.,新术语的提取是中文信息处理领域的一个重要研究课题。 +"Eugen Langen had designed a railway in Dresden, although it was more of a funicular railway.",欧根兰根设计了一个悬挂在德累斯顿的铁路,虽然它是一个登山铁路更多。 +"The slow learners will quickly be labeled as such with insulting terms such as dummy, stupid, dimwitted and moron by other children.",而这些学习能力比较弱的孩子们也会很快被其他的孩子冠以例如哑巴、愚蠢、傻子、低能等辱骂性的词语。 +Do you know how to seve this new-type machine?,一句不能作:“你知道怎使用台新型的器?” 如要表此。 +"I am self-seeking, these and many other behaviors and attitudes are all against God's laws. Yet when I sin, I can go to God and be forgiven because I believe in Jesus as the sacrifice for my sins.",我知道我因为每天的罪行而成为罪人:我爱人不如爱己、我希望别人是恶的而非善的,我所寻求的、我的行为与态度都违背上帝的律法。 +"People are living in a fast-pace city, they are under great pressure, they need to hind the real themselves for the purpose of better survivor.",人们生活在快节奏的城市,他们面临很大的压力,需要隐藏真实的自己,以便更好地生存。 +Objective: To assess the incidence of occlusion-free survival of multiple plastic biliary stents and the rate of premature occlusion if left in longer than 6 months.,目的:评价多个塑料胆道支架的非阻塞率以及放置超过6个月支架的早期支架堵塞率。 +This paper Studies and analyzes on data fusion for Ultrasonic adhesive detecting by D-S theory of evidence. The result shows that the fusion method is feasible.,采用D-S证据理论,提出了利用声激励和超声探头检测金属与非金属粘接状态的融合方法,并进行了验证分析。实验证明,提出的方法是可行的。 +"During this serious period, the superior asked the inferior a series of questions about the supermarket.",正在这段严重光内,上级问了下级一连串相关超等市场的标题。 +"In terms of disciplinary control of lawyers, it appears that supervision and discipline were in the hands of the judiciary bureaucracy, rather than in the hands of the bar association.",这一时期的律师惩戒事宜几乎完全被司法机构所垄断, 律师公会被排除在外。 +Part 4 we use two indicators as coverage and subsidy depended index to testify the achievement of the reform.,第四部分是从覆盖面和补贴依赖指数两个指标对鄞州农信社改革的绩效进行系统的评价。 +"Certainly, the value of conventional breeding should not be overlooked.",毫无疑问,传统育种不应该��忽略。 +"Automatic supervision and control of the oil tanks in united stations comes true, oil and gas production as well as oil collecting system can be…",本文提出原油储罐动态油量在线、实时计量的方法,对油田联合站油量的盘库工作具有十分重要的实用价值。 +The Grimsvotn volcano lies beneath the ice of the uninhabited Vatnajokull glacier in south-east Iceland. The latest eruption is its most powerful eruption in 100 years.,格里姆火山位于冰岛的东南部,无人居住的瓦特纳冰川下。上次爆发差不多是他100年中最厉害的一次。 +"Not only it is formed as an economic development model, but it is also a part of the mechanisms of cooperation for the ""Greater Mekong Sub-region Economic Cooperation(GMS).""",它不仅是一个经济发展模式,也是大湄公河次区域经济合作的运行方式。 +Let time to my deep love man.,愿韶光善待我深爱之人。 +"For more information on testing in XP, see eXtreme Programming: Deceptively simple innovation.",关于在 XP 中进行测试的更多信息,请参阅 eXtreme Programming: Deceptively simple innovation。 +And what does talking ever do you know?,你知道,说来说去有什么好处呢? +Upgrade the DB2 9.7 instance to DB2 9.8 non-pureScale instance: db2iupgrade,将 DB2 9.7 实例升级为 DB2 9.8 非 pureScale 实例: db2iupgrade +"The average absorption coefficient of the composite structures made by partt board and wooden fiberboard can increase up to 0.868, 0.862 from 0.409, 0.306.",而通过几个参数的适当搭配,槽孔板与木丝板复合结构的平均吸声系数分别由0.409,0.306最高可提高到0.868,0.862。 +Zinc calcine contains a small amount of refractory zinc ferrite that can be reduced by reduction roasting.,锌焙砂含有少量难溶的铁酸锌,通过还原焙烧可以降低铁酸锌含量。 +"In fact, a standard X.509 certificate contains much more identity information and includes, among other things, the DN of the CA that issued the certificate.",事实上,标准 X.509 证书包含更多的标识信息,其中包括颁发证书的证书颁发机构的 DN。 +Fed is expected to accept mortgage-backed securities prepayments Service will improve services and housing to prevent the holders of common foreclosure situation happened capacity.,美联储预计,接受抵押贷款服务预付款支持证券将提高服务机构与住房持有人共同预防止赎情况发生的能力。 +"We think it\'s vitally important to raise awareness amongst cancer patients, fertility specialists, oncologists and hematologists.",我们认为,这必须引起癌症患者、生殖专家、肿瘤学家和血液学家重视,因为这极其重要。 +"In the paper, effects of mutual coupling on the ultra-low side-lobe arrays are investigated with the Eigen-driven analysis method.",采用本征激励方法,对超低旁瓣阵列天线中互耦效应的影响进行了研究。 +"Oh, listen to that echo. What a great place to record a song. Maybe I'll come back here some day and record one of my own songs.",听那回音。真是个录制歌曲的好地方。也许哪天我会到这里,录制一首我自己的歌。 +We are insulating our houses against the frosts and using drip irrigation.,我们在为房屋增加隔热层以抵抗霜冻,并在使用滴流灌溉。 +The pregnancy section of the prescription drug label would also reveal if there was a pregnancy exposure registry for the drug. Such registries keep records of reported side effects.,处方药上关于孕妇注意事项的描述还会说明是否有该药的暴露方面的注册信息,这样的注册信息中会记录已经报告的不良反应。 +"We think he tried to help her, tried to blow air into her mouth, pumping and puffing.",我们觉得他大概也试着去救过她,往她嘴里吹气,给她按压心脏什么的。 +"I like with other young people, because everyone together learn to sing and dance, so it is very interesting.",我喜欢和其他年轻人一样,因为大家一起学唱歌和跳舞,所以它很有趣。 +"Look, we’re pushy Americans.",看,我们是有冲劲儿的美国人。 +No longer is there any excuse to waste media budgets intended for the rural sector.,不再有任何借口浪费拟为农村部门预算的一半。 +I mean literally that she pushes the search for perfection too far that her merits are in themselves overstrained .,我的确切意思是,她对完美的要求提得太高,这么一来,她就过分渲染了她自己的优点。 +Tracking companies are often staffed by math gurus with expertise in quantitative analysis.,追踪公司的员工多为精通定量分析的数学专家。 +Why are you so mad at Tom and Jim?,你为什么这么生汤姆和吉姆的气? +Many myths originated in ancient Greek and spred to other countries.,许多神话故事源于希腊,然后传播到其他国家。 +Overall satisfactions toward the service quality of mortgages between suppliers and demanders are significantly different.,供需双方对���贷服务品质之整体满意度有显著差异。 +"The winner of 2011, which will be decided by the best-of-seven Korea Series in late October, will represent Korea at the Asia Series 2011.",韩国职棒2011年度例行赛事预计进行至九月中,预定十月底会产生年度冠军,并代表韩国来台参加2011年亚洲职棒大赛。 +"In over recent two years, with the development of tourism industry in southeast Chongqing, the commercial exploitation of Ocean Festival Lantern is necessary.",近两年多来,随着渝东南旅游事业的发展,海洋花灯的商业开发已势在必行。 +"Good moring, Jinjiang Hotel.",早上好,锦江饭店。 +"Just like your stomach, even your mind is hungry. But it never lets you know, because you keep it busy thinking about your dream lover, favorite star and many such absurd things.",而你的大脑也像你的胃,是会感到饥饿的,但它却从不让你知道,因为你让它一直想着你的梦中情人、你最喜爱的明星和许多诸如此类的荒唐事。 +Manipulation of these SPPs is at the heart of the astonishing optical properties of metamaterials.,这些许可证是在操纵惊人的超材料光学性质的核心。 +"12-9. For this reason there is no risk to the customer in the practice, adopted by banks, of printing the customer's name on his cheques.",某些银行已采用把储户姓名印在支票上的作法。由于上述原因,这种做法于储户毫无风险。 +"City Planning Board in granting small plots of residential development planning programmes, education facilities should be disaggregated to the specific projects, land area;",市规划局在批出成片开发住宅小区规划方案时,应分列教育设施配套的具体项目、用地面积; +"For example, in the exporting of African horticultural products, the agents and Dutch flower auctions are in a position to dictate to producers.",例如,在非洲出口的园艺产品,代理人和荷兰花卉拍卖有能力支配生产者。 +"In this paper, we study the complexity of transitive continuous semi-flow on compact metric space.",本文对度量空间上拓扑传递的连续半流,研究了其敏感依赖性及周期点集的拓扑性质。 +"Results There are more than 660 species of medicinal plants in Longli regions, 23 of which are new medicinal resources in GuiZhou province and 3 of which are endemic medicinal plants.",结果龙里县现有药用植物660种,其中23种为贵州药用新资源、3种为贵州特有药用植物。 +A lot of people thought that was funny - or an awfully narrow parsing of a commonly understood word.,很多人认为是有趣的- 通常理解的单词非常窄的解析。 +Your article's too long -- please cut it down to 1000 words.,你的文章太长--请把它删减到1000字。 +"Molecularly targeted nanocarriers deliver the cytolytic peptide melittin specifically to tumor cells in mice, reducing tumor growth.",分子靶向纳米载体提供小鼠的肿瘤细胞的靶向细胞毒性蜂毒肽,抑制肿瘤的生长。 +"Under the same pulsation intensity, the flooding throughout for the organic phase as the continuous phase is more than that for the aqueous phase as the continuous phase.",在相同的脉冲强度下,该体系水相连续时液泛通量较小,有机相连续时液泛通量较大。 +"""If he gets that position he will be at the party's centre and able to pick and choose his minions, "" says Martin.",“如果真能升任该职位,他就站到了劳动党的中央,能够提拔自己的亲信”,马丁说。 +"Makati was noted for his long-running feud with the Prophets of the Dark Side, especially the Supreme Prophet of the Dark Side, Kadann.",马卡蒂因其同黑暗面预言会长期不睦而闻名,他与黑暗面首席预言者卡丹特别不合。 +"Her innocence of politics makes her decide things irrespective of, or beyond, any of the beautiful causes that always alter or replace each other in the long history of this ancient country.",漫长的历史流经古老的国家,对政治的钝感使葡萄做决定时不管任何此消彼长的漂亮由头,或者说从不过心。 +Chinese international Dong Fangzhou has signed a new contract with the Reds until 2010 and is now eligible to play for United.,中国国家队成员董方卓与曼联签下了一份到2010年截至的新合约,现在他可以为曼联比赛了。 +Labeling the feeling helps both the yeller and the receiver calm down and get a bit of perspective.,把这些感觉加上标签有利于大声叫喊者和听者冷静下来并且变得有一点点期望。 +How aften do you clean your house?,你多久清洗一次屋子? +"Mr. Ma likened the industry to a medical “disaster zone, ” with frequent accidents.",马副部长把美容业比作医疗事故频发的“重灾区”。 +"STEVEN C. BANKES, STEVEN W. POPPER and ROBERT J. LEMPERT and straddle the worlds of science and policymaking.",班克斯、波柏和蓝柏特横跨科学与政策制定的世界。 +"But I believe that Edmund Burke said it best, he simply said, “Our patience will achieve more than our force.”",但我觉得埃德蒙伯克(18世纪的政治家)说的最棒,他简单地概括为“耐心比力量更有力。” +For many years now Peoria Jazzband has also given a great number of gospel concerts together with choirs in churches all over Sweden and several other countries.,多年以来,佩奥利雅爵士乐队还同教堂唱诗班一起于瑞典各地及其他国家举行了超过一百场的福音音乐会。 +"Investors are recognizing social networking as the next major wave of Internet companies, he says. (He also notes that one no longer rings the NYSE bell, one pushes a button that makes a bell sound.",他表示,投资者正把社交网络公司看作新一波重量级弄潮儿(他还提到,现在纽交所开市钟不用真的去“敲响”了,而是按下一个按钮让开市钟自动发声。 +"The show also paid tribute to millions of migrant workers who are not able to return home for the holiday, following the country's worst winter weather in half a century.",晚会还向数以百万计因半个世纪来最恶劣严冬天气而无法回家过年的农民工表达敬意。 +"Trainers take race horses onto the track for morning exercise at Saratoga Race Course in Saratoga Springs, N. Y.",纽约萨拉托加温泉市的萨拉托加赛马场,训练者们骑着赛马去赛道上晨练。 +How many kinds of equipment are there in this well site?,这个井场有多少种设立建设?。 +"AS9100, Nadcap, Aerospace customer experience with emphasis on specification interpretation, NDT and lot control from receiving of raw materials to shipment of finished goods.",有接触过AS9100, NADCAP和航空客户,侧重规范理解,NDT以及批次管理,从原材料进料到成品发运。 +"""Both the hits and the tail are doing well, "" says Jeff Bewkes, the head of Time Warner, an American media giant.",美国传媒巨头时代华纳总裁兼首席运营官杰夫-比克斯说,“两头做的不错”。 +Peter produced two reasons for opening hostilities.,彼得为展开敌对行为制造了两个理由。 +"Twenty-four hours after the quake hit, they were losing hope and only rage was left.",在地震过去了24小时以后,他们正逐渐失去希望,变得愤怒。 +Former Chelsea star Gianfranco Zola has this week been named an ambassador for the United Nations' children's charity UNICEF .,切尔西前有名球星佐拉本周成为联合国儿童慈善基金会的大使。 +"YiMing left asha township was announced to the villagers to RouZi brought to the city to the law, at the same time order usman to properly handle the aftermath.",伊明离开阿莎乡时向村民宣布,要将肉孜带到巴城进行法律制裁,同时责令乌斯曼妥善处理善后事宜。 +"A torquer is an important component for a dynamically-tuned gy-ro, especially as it is used in rate-strap-down system.",在动力调谐陀螺仪中,特别是用于速率捷联系统中的陀螺仪,力矩器是一关键元件。 +"While she was looking at the place where it had been, it suddenly appeared again.",她看着猫坐过的地方,猫又突然出现了。 +"For wisdom opened the mouth of the dumb, and made the tongues of infants eloquent.",因为,智慧开了哑巴的口,使婴儿的舌伶俐善言。 +"A tipping point seems to have been reached, at which AI-based automation threatens to supplant the brain-power of large swathes of middle-income employees.",人类世界似乎到达了一个临界点,人工智能化的自动化威胁到了大批提供着脑力劳动的中产阶级职员,后者将会被替代。 +The heat shriveled up the plant's leaves.,炎热的天气下,叶子都枯萎了。 +"The gun bends horizontally at a mid-gun 60-degree hinge, and a digital camera and laser sights are attached to the barrel.",拐弯枪”可以在枪身中部水平折叠60度,枪管处装有数码相机和激光瞄准器。 +Small tube out of stock of short - term price trends in Latin America may still be up.,短期内小管缺货价格拉涨的趋势仍有可能。 +"Forbes magazine's annual list shows there are now 1,210 billionaires around the world - that is 199 more than last year.",福布斯杂志年度排名显示,今年全世界共有1,210名亿万富翁,比去年增加了199名。 +"Mladic, who is accused of directing the 1995 Srebrenica massacre of some 8,000 Muslim men, was the last of the major figures accused of war crimes in the 1992-95 Yugoslav wars to evade capture.",他是被诉在1992年到1995年波黑战争期间犯下战争罪的人当中,最后一位逃脱抓捕的主要人物。 +"The nature reserve, which is part of the Regional Natural Park of Corsica, occupies the Scandola peninsula, an impressive, porphyritic rock mass.",这个自然保护区是科西嘉地区自然公园的一部分,位于斯康多拉半岛,属斑岩地貌的多石地带。 +The late Dr. Joseph Needham of Cambridge University enjoyed a high prestige in the Chinese academic circles.,贵校已故的李约瑟博士在中国学术界享有��高的声名。 +"GAP is a complicated system. It interpreted the important effect of the theory about source-sink, chemical regulation and many other subjects on improving quality and yield of Chinese crude drugs.",GAP是一个复杂的系统,本文论述了源库理论、化学调控及其它多学科领域对中药材产量和质量提高方面的重要意义; +"Zhan Shu, Chinese ambassador at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs' Department of African Affairs, told Devex that his country is becoming more sensitive to issues on labor practices of Chinese firms.",中国外交部非洲司大使舒展告诉Devex,他的祖国对中国企业的劳动行为问题已经越发敏感。 +Dr Schmid calculates that a DC grid of the sort he envisages would allow wind to supply at least 30% of the power needed in Europe.,史密德 博士估计,他设想的这种直流电缆能够使风能满足全欧洲至少30%的用电需求。 +"Competitive during a sacred truce to facilitate the freedom of movement of citizens, city intergovernmental never been stopped short of the war brought peace, which was generally welcomed.",竞技会期间实行神圣休战,以便于公民自由往来,为城邦间绵延不绝的战争带来短暂的和平,因而受到普遍欢迎。 +So worried were they about the risk of being wiped out in a bankruptcy or a state rescue that they suddenly started to demand that banks hold much more capital against their assets.,出于对破产或国家救市可能让自己血本无归这种风险的担忧,他们突然就要求银行要持有远高于现在的资本资产比。 +"In Mumbai’s Chor Bazaar, hundreds of vendors sell everything from chandeliers to tea sets to old clocks to vintage phones. Photograph by Michael Rubenstein",在孟买的Chor集市,数百名小贩几乎无所不售,从枝形烛台到茶具,再从旧时钟到老式电话。 +Then Jack saw an amazing sight. It was a beautiful hen laying what seemed to be golden eggs!,这时杰克看到了惊喜的一幕,一只漂亮了母鸡卧在一颗金蛋上! +"The TEMPLATE keyword, new in IBM i 6.1, informs the RPG compiler that this file will be used for field definition only, thus no IO operations are required or allowed for this file.",IBM i 6.1 中新引入的 TEMPLATE 关键字通知 RPG 编译器:这个文件仅用于字段定义,不需要、也不允许为该文件进行 IO 操作。 +"What one with ambition dreamed of must be bird's nest, shark fin. How could them dream of only peanut like me good for nothing.",有雄心壮志的人,梦到的一定是燕涎、鱼翅,哪能像我这样没出息的人只梦到花生米呢? +"Unfortunately, as my typing speed increased, everything else went out the window.",然而令人遗憾的是,当我的打字速度提高后,一切语法规则也都跑掉了。 +"As for Scientific American , we've got a series of articles planned that will explore the cutting edge of chemistry and nanotechnology.",至于我们《科学美国人》,我们为此准备了一系列的文章来探索化学和纳米科技前沿。 +""" Love story"" is a love song, listen to this song, I to cheap love had a more profound experience.",“廉价的爱情”是一首伤感的情歌,听完这首歌时,我对廉价的爱情有了更深刻的体会。 +CONCLUSION Acute hepatitis E is sporadic in army personnel and serious attention should be paid to its prevention.,结论部队人群普遍存在散发性戊肝,应重视其预防。 +METHOD:The clinical data and management of 8 subjects with sunstroke were retrospectively analysed.,方法:报告并分析8例日射病患者的临床表现、治疗和抢救措施。 +"This paper gives a brief introduction of different types of paper sheet formation analyzer, their basic principles and typical applications.",本文简要介绍了不同匀度分析仪的测量原理、方法和典型应用。 +"By letting users search and interact with user profiles regardless of whether they are ""contacts"" or not, Google Apps has become slightly more like a corporate social network.",通过让用户搜索并与用户互动(不管用户是否在你的通信录上),谷歌企业应用套件现在变得更像是一个企业社交网络。 +"The performance of this network is critical, because it is used to communicate locking and caching information across the cluster.",这个子网的性能很关键,因为它用于跨集群通信锁定和缓存信息。 +"Independent study is the learning method advocated by the new teaching-goal-arrangement, it fully embodies people oriented thoughts, it effectively ensures the implementation of lifelong learning.",自主性学习是新课标提倡的学习方式,充分体现了“以人为本”的思想,是贯彻“终身学习”的有力保障。 +"The strong straight rachitis has the waist backache, when the rest aggravates, may be accompanied by the talalgia, the pinkeye;",强直性脊柱炎有腰背痛,休息时加重,可伴有足跟痛、红眼; +"In this paper, the concept, characteristics, classification and tools of waterway transport are introduced firstly, and then the cost structure of waterway transport is mainly analyzed.",文中首先介绍了水路运输的概念、特点、分类和工具,然后重点对水路运输成本结构进行了分析。 +Practice English when you go shopping .,购物时练英语。 +"Attributing to the influences of the traditional Chinese aesthetics and painting theories, the traditional fine brush painting also reflects characteristics of free style paintings.",同时,受其哲学思想的影响,唐甄的文学思想和散文风格也表现出鲜明的思想者的特色。 +"We drink chrysanthemum wine, and eat cakes.",我们喝着菊花酒,吃着点心。 +Cocaine is a crystalline tropane alkaloid that is obtained from the leaves of the coca plant.,可卡因是一种结晶状的莨菪生物碱,是从古柯叶中提取得来的。 +"We therefore tried to improve morning care by means of the following strategies: 1. Enhance the capacity of the nursing staff to evaluate patients using Orem's theory, 2.",因此研拟此改善方案:1。提升护士评估能力并运用欧伦护理系统理论适时提供护理措施; +"In a more serious moment, Jim, Manu, and I agreed that for our own safety, we couldn’t say anything about Anton.",在一个更为严肃的时候,Jim、Manu和我一致同意为了我们自身安全,不能提起关于Anton的任何事。 +Initially officials were going to play the Austrian anthem but then realised that Australia and Austria were not the same country.,最初,官员们打算播放奥地利国歌,后来意识到,澳大利亚和奥地利是两个不同的国家。 +We are also working to increase transparency and reduce the risk of miscalculation or miscues between our militaries.,我们还努力增加透明度,降低两国军队之间发生误判与失误的风险。 +These biologic cues should influence scaffold implanted mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) or bone marrow stromal cells (BMSC) to form the necessary tissue for site specific facial reconstruction.,这些生物刺激信号可影响植入支架内的间充质干细胞(MSC)或骨髓基质细胞(BMSC) ,从而形成面部重建所需的组织。 +Calculation carried out by MM2 energy minimization shows that compound with more hydrophobic chains in a spacer of limited length is difficult to be synthesized.,MM2能量最小法计算结果显示,在有限长连接基团中引入较多疏水链的化合物不易合成。 +Objective: To investigate the mechanism of neurological protective effect of the Naoningkang granula on brain tissues of rats with intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH).,目的:研究遵清热解毒法制成的脑宁康颗粒对脑出血大鼠脑组织的神经保护作用机制。 +"A year ago, at a get-together of a dozen girlfriends from college, I saw my old friend, Therese Gibson.",一年前,在十二位女大学生举行的一次聚会上,我看到了我的老朋友,特里萨·吉布森。 +Chaotic key stream generators are of importance in re-entry telemeter data encryption systems.,混沌密钥序列的实现对遥测数据加密系统有着极其重要的意义。 +"But it's the hand that sets off the ring, isn't it, my dear Mr. Archer?",不过戒指是靠手来衬托的,对吧,亲爱的阿切尔先生? +"Background:Imbalance of cell proliferation and apoptosis leads to the development of cancers, and may directly in-fluence the biological behaviors of the carcinomas.",背景:细胞增殖和凋亡失衡将导致肿瘤的发生,并直接影响肿瘤的生物学行为。 +I'll tell our manager about it and ask him to contact you.,我会将有关情况告诉我们的经理并且请他和您联系。 +"Zheng has argued that China needs to exploit Washington's unpopularity by projecting its own ""soft power,"" or cultural and political appeal.",郑必坚认为中国需要利用华盛顿的不得人心,投射它自己的“软实力”。 +The 43-page note is loaded with great charts and data about a potential Brexit.,这份43页的报告中列举了大量关于潜在英脱的图表和数据。 +"The yen fell against other currencies, with the euro up nearly 1 percent at 114.95 yen.","日圆兑其他货币下滑,欧元/日圆EURJPY=EBS升约1%,报115.10日圆." +"Boiler feed pump is one of the most important device of the ethylene equipment. As the development of the market, the capacity of the former device cannot meet the production requirements.",锅炉给水泵是乙烯装置的重点设备之一,随着市场的不断发展,各乙烯厂都在增容改造,原有的设备能力已不能满足生产需求。 +"This new international system, Hormats said, poses both tremendous opportunities and significant new challenges for the United States.",他说,这种新的国际体系既为美国提供了巨大的机会,又向美国提出了重大的新挑战。 +"The potency and incredible fragrancing power of Angelica Root Essential Oil make it a great investment, even though it is one of the pricier oils.",尽管是价格高昂的精油之一,��当归精油不可思议的芳香力量值得你倾囊相购。 +"To integrate close shot photography measurement technology of the computer science, this will possess widely foreground and application space.",与计算机技术结合的近景摄影测量技术,有着广阔的前景及应用空间。 +"Bottom line: The triple whammy of high fuel prices, an end to government incentives and local restrictions on new car buying will cast a chill over China's auto sales for the next 1-2 years.",一句话: 燃料价格的高企、政府刺激举措的终止、限制购买新车的举措将在未来1-2年为中国的汽车销售投下阴影。 +"This level of exposure resulted in fewer live fetuses, increase in resorption sites, and skeletal abnormalities in the fetuses.",在高剂量注射时还可导致胚胎成活率下降、药物吸受部位增多、胎儿骨格畸形。 +He told himself that there was here a real asset (valeur).,他告诉他自己,有一个真正的「大利基」。 +"Abstr: Business combination as a corporate profit-maximizing behavior of a market, which is bound to make the tax system different economic decisions.",文章摘要: 企业合并作为企业追求利益最大化的一种市场行为,必然会对所处税制做出不同经济决策。 +"He that blesseth his friend with a loud voice, rising early in the morning, it shall be counted a curse to him.",清晨起来,大声给朋友祝福的,就算是咒诅他。 +Results show that after 66.1% of the landfalls the TCs tend to accelerate in their forward motion.,计算结果统计表明:登陆广东的热带气旋中,有66.1%的个例在登陆时移速加快。 +"Though the Medici bank’s experience was not much better, its partners felt that shouldering such risks was necessary to get other business.",事实上梅第奇银行这方面的境遇也好不了多少,她的那些合伙人肩头承担的风险之大让他们常常感到有必要换个行当做做。 +"Sandra returned to her department store job, and she and Mark were able to enjoy a period without heavy financial pressures.",桑德拉又回到原来的百货商店工作,她和丈夫马克一起也从沉重的经济负担中缓过劲儿来。 +The Chinese side is willing to deepen the cooperation with Ukraine in all fields and push bilateral ties forward.,中方愿与乌方深化各领域合作,推动两国关系不断向前发展。 +"Stephen Hester, the chief executive of Royal Bank of Scotland Group PLC, will become the latest top U. K. bank executive to turn down a bonus for 2009, a person familiar with the matter said.",据一位知情人士透露,苏格兰皇家银行集团(Royal Bank of Scotland Group)首席执行长赫斯特(Stephen Hester)将成为最新一个放弃2009年奖金的英资银行高管。 +"A city of southeast China on the southeast coast of China on Kowloon Peninsula opposite Hong Kong Island. Population, 799,123.",中国东南一城市,位于中国东南沿岸、香港岛对面的九龙半岛上。人口799,123。 +Method The cytotoxicity of NK was measured by MTT assay and the express of CD antigen on lymphocytes examined by FACS.,方法采用MTT法进行NK细胞的细胞毒试验和用流式细胞仪测定淋巴细胞CD抗原表达。 +No wonder many of the old overseas Chinese' English is not that good.,难怪许多在国外生活了半辈子的老侨,其英语程度还属初级。 +And what about the environmental impact of disposables production and use?,一次性用品的生产和使用会对环境造成什么样的冲击? +"He is alleged not only to have known about Paulson’s undisclosed short position, but also to have misled ACA into believing that Paulson & Co had ploughed around $200m into the equity of the CDO.",对他的指控包括,不仅事前已经得知保尔森的秘密做空行为,而且还曾误导ACA公司,令后者相信Paulson &Co已经对CDO注入了大约两亿美元股份。 +She was torn between staying at home to watch the TV play serial and going to the cinema with him.,连续剧,又想和他一起去看电影,一时觉得分身无术。 +"And fourth, EHRs and EHR networks should be designed so that they can limit disclosures to relevant health information.",第四,电子健康记录和网络应设计成只公布相关的健康资讯。 +Average is of two kinds: General Average and Particular Average.,海损有两种:一种是共同海损,另一种是单独海损。 +"A sales contract is to transmit them, we have counter-signed the contract.",兹随函退回销售合同一份,该合同我们已经会签。 +A transporter would send you from one place to another place very quickly.,运输车会非常迅速地把你从一个地方送到另一个地方。 +"No matter how you like it, shaken or stirred, in order for the drink to be a Martini it must be served in the iconic glass.",不管你偏爱摇晃调法还是搅拌调法,想制成一杯名副其实的马提尼,就一定要用名副其实的马提尼式酒杯来盛放。 +"Most vehicles are sold with open differentials, which do not offer any additional traction off-road.",大部分市场上的差速器都是开式差速器,不能在越野时提供额外的附着力。 +"I, however, am supposed to be “particularly allergic to male Explorers”.",但我应该属那种对“探索者类型男性特别反感”的类型。 +"Migrant workers in cities often end up with undesirable and low-paid jobs, such as housekeeping and street cleaning.",农民工在城市往往只能干一些不尽人意的低收入工作,比如保姆或是道路清洁工。 +Beacuse you don't know how long it will take.,别等待,因为你不知道会等多久。 +The Story of Chocolate is essentially a layman's introduction to the subject.,这个故事其实是外行人士对巧克力的介绍。 +"In this example (see Figure 1), a customer sends a request for a loan; the request gets processed, and the customer finds out whether the loan was approved.",在这个示例(请参见 图 1)中,客户发出一个贷款请求;请求得到处理,然后客户弄清楚贷款是否得到了批准。 +Large exportable surplus of U. S. and Egyptian cotton to remain a burden on world prices.,美国和埃及的巨大出口供应量将给全球长绒棉价格带来持久的压力。 +Feinberg said on Bloomberg Television on Dec. 31 that it is too early to project how much of the fund will be needed to pay individuals and businesses.,12月31日,费恩博格接受了彭博电视台的采访,表示现在预计需要支付给个人和企业多少赔偿金为时过早。 +The author introduces in details the composition and working principle of the wiper circuit on sedan XIALI 7100 with physical pictures.,结合实物图片,详细介绍刮水器电路的组成及工作原理。 +"ChenJiaLin questioning Ann in yong, put forward a parties mutually beneficial conditions, Ann in yong can withstand his proposal?",陈嘉林约谈安在勇,提出一个双方互利的条件,安在勇会承受他的提议吗? +"Firstly, the traditional whit ening method was analyzed and its essence of spatial decorrelation was pointed out.",首先对传统的预白化方法进行了分析,指出其本质就是空间去相关; +We've received thousands of letters of protest.,我们已收到数以千计的抗议信。 +"Amid salvos , colored flags, magnesium light and the deafening sound of drums and gongs, dignified guests on the rostrum laid the cornerstone for the Center.",在震天锣鼓与礼炮声中,在猎猎彩旗和频频闪光灯中,主席台上贵宾共同为博格华纳中国技术中心铲土奠基。 +"Just like I should, I'll getcha good.",就象我要是你的,我会成功得到你的。 +The first 2.0 release includes the full source code tree and a bootable CD image.,最初的 2.0发布包括了完整的源代码树和一个可启动CD镜像。 +"The electric auxiliary system usually consists of condenser motor loads, and the starting of inductor motors can cause the problem of bus voltage fluctuations.",厂用电系统中一般带有集中电动机负荷,异步电动机启动会引起母线电压严重的波动。 +"Crude steel production in China, the world’s biggest maker, surged 13 percent last month to 50.7 million tons, the National Bureau of Statistics also said today in Beijing.",北京国家统计局今日称,中国,这个世界第一大钢铁出口国上月粗钢产量猛增13%,达5070万吨。 +"The benchmark Nikkei .N225 fell 27.51 points to 13,237.89, down for a 12th day and its longest losing run since a 15-day period in 1954.","日经指数 .N225收盘小跌27.51点,至13,237.89,连跌12天,为1954年连跌15天以来的最长纪录.东证股价指数 .TOPX微跌0.01%,至1,297.88." +The dry coarse SJP got is 0.42%.,粗多糖干品的得率为冻煮刺参重的0.42%。 +"Tell me, Don. How come you're from Spain but you can't speak Spanish very well?",莎莉:告诉我, 唐。为什么你是个西班牙人但西班牙语却说得不怎么好? +"It is usually muscle relaxants, hot sitz baths and prostate massage that is advised to sufferers to get rid of the symptoms.",对于患者来说,一般摆脱症状的方法有肌肉松弛剂,热水坐浴和前列腺按摩。 +"The ginkgo leaf flavonoids had good anti-oxidation, which was a natural and effective antioxidant.",银杏叶黄酮具有良好的抗氧化作用,是一种天然有效的抗氧化剂。 +The effects of longitudinal and transverse stiffeners on quasi-static crushing of stiffened square tubes are studied with the nonlinear finite element method.,本文用非线性有限元方法研究了准静态条件下纵向和横向加强筋对加筋方形管压溃破坏的影响。 +"Fiber optic jumper, light, light power meter.",光纤跳线、光源、光功率计。 +Imported. overview Light wash with slight distressing throughout.,进口。 概述轻洗各地略有痛心。 +two napoleons; they may prove of service.,两个拿破仑大有用处呢。 +"Bohemia is a historical region in central Europe, occupying the western two-thirds of the traditional Czech Lands. It is located in the contemporary Czech Republic with its capital in Prague.",波希米亚是中欧古地,从前占据了捷克西部领土三分之二的面积,现位于捷克共和国(首都布拉格)境内。 +"you can answer ""It's likean extreme form of perfidiousness,"" thus increasing your prolixityexponentially.",你可以回答 “它是背叛的极端形式”,这样可以使你词语增加冗长的潜力。 +By use of ANSYS software the dynamic responses of Jack-up platforms under different ice force model are calculated.,应用ANSYS软件系统计算不同冰力模型下自升式平台的动力响应。 +"Persistent insomnia causes disease in the end, what does?",失眠病久治不愈的原因到底有哪些呢? +Stinky : But I have food.,臭蛋:我带吃的来了。 +"Trees, he says, are also a source of natural medicines, no small advantage in an area where modern health care is scarce and expensive.",他认为树木也是天然的药物来源。 在健康护理资源稀少并且昂贵的地区,这的确有着不小的作用。 +Some antimony alloys have the rare quality of expanding on solidifying; these are used for castings and for type metal.,部分锑合金物质在结合后可表现出良好的品质,并被用于铸造业和铅字合金工业。 +"On July 23, 1969, as Apollo 11 hurtled back towards Earth, there was a problem -- a problem only a kid could solve.",——1969年7月23日,当阿波罗11号赶回地球时,发生了一件只有孩子才能解决的问题。 +"Based on a survey involving 273 farming households in Zhoukou, Henan Province, the farmers' cognizance and evaluation on genetically modified cotton were analyzed.",根据河南周口市273户棉农对转基因抗虫棉的认知评价调查对采用转基因抗虫棉行为发生逆转的原因进行分析。 +"Today, I am ending one journey to begin another.",今天,我将结束一段旅程,而开始另一段。 +"In Shishan, the site of Oxfam Hong Kong's first rehabilitation project, on pig-raising.",狮山村是乐施会的第一个灾后恢复生计项目的所在地,重点是养猪。 +"If it wasn’t indelibly marked on your grocery list, control your instincts and move on quickly.",除非它不可磨灭地存在于您的购物清单上,否则就控制您的冲动,赶紧去买下一件物品。 +Contemporaneous volcanic activity is represented by basic to intermediate lava and tuff .,同时期的火山活动性是由中性熔岩与凝灰岩呈基性而体现出来的。 +"On the basis of the hydrological and water quality characteristics of Tongbotang river, a one-dimension-dynamic mathematical model of water quantity and quality was deduced.",本文在研究通波塘水文特征和水质特征的基础上,推导出通用性较好的一维动态水量水质数学模型。 +Think through all of that.,这些都需要好好想清楚。 +The meanings of a polysemous word are in the structure of different tiers.,一个词的各个意义,是层积状,并不处在同一层面上。 +How was it after the master of the mansion was put into prison?,那豪宅的主人下狱之后,状况如何? +"Zhangweixin across the South River and the Shandong Province Qingyun Xian, Wudi County, adjacent.",南隔漳卫新河与山东省庆云县、无棣县相邻。 +"SAMIA ABDUL-KADIR: ""It helps me because sometimes when we're doing it in class, I don't hear the teacher very much and I don't understand, but online is better.",阿卜杜勒-卡迪尔:“在线课程对我有帮助。 因为有时在课堂上,我听不清,也听不懂老师说的。 但在线课程就好得多。” +"The sulfer distribution ratio between slag and melt is10 to 20, and dephosphorization is close to the equilibrium;",冶金效果好,渣钢间硫的分配比达到10~20; 脱磷反应接近平衡; +"Thirdly, the paper analyses the influential factors of commodity housing price change in Chengdu.",然后针对影响成都市商品住宅价格的具体因素进行实证分析; +"Hello, Gao Shan. This is my sister, Nancy.",你好,高山。这是我的妹妹。 +The Red Sox lost another game.,红袜子队又输了一场比赛。 +One of the most common warnings you'll hear is about the risk.,以最常听到的警告之一就是风险。 +Winch:three second tranche 2 speed.,卷扬机:三位二档2速。 +Fine division algorithm based on double structure unit pattern plate is applied in the fine division of the target image.,在对此目标图像进行细化时,采用了基于双结构单元模板的细化算法; +"All this is still true, but the future of U.S. power is hotly debated.",所有这些优势依旧存在,美国权力的未来如何却在激烈争辩中。 +"If you take a holistic look of this program, I’m certain you could have told me what it did even before you knew what any of its statements really did.",如果你从整体上来看这个程序,我很确定即便你不了解每一条单独语句的作用,你也能告诉我这个程序是干什么的。 +Objectives To evaluation the therapeutic effects and mechanism of Shengmai injection on patients with acute myocardial infarction (AMI) and diabetes.,目的探讨参麦注射液对糖尿病合并急性心肌梗死(AMI)患者血流变学改变的疗效及作用机制。 +"AR- IGARCH - M model is applied to Shanghai and Shenzhen stock indexes, The empirical study demonstrates the model can successfully simulate the volatility of financial market in China.",并且在此基础上,将AR- IGARCH - M模型应用于上海综指和深圳成指,结果表明该模型能有效拟合我国深沪两股市的波动性。 +"Methods: Choise the 3~6 years old children from outpatient of lead prevention and some kindergarten to test their blood lead and question investigation, then statistics and analysis on the results.",方法:对铅防门诊和部分幼儿园的市区3~6岁学前儿童抽样检测血铅,并进行问卷调查与统计分析。 +"Wine cellars keep wine at the ideal temperature and humidity and prevent any major fluctuations, which can ruin the wine. This allows the wine to age properly.",因为酒窖能为酒的储藏提供恒温恒湿的理想环境,避免温度和湿度的变动可能对酒造成的致命伤害,让红酒在适当的条件下成熟。 +"Wan Ming Pine color lock cicadas, clear on down through the trees planted.",万山松色锁蝉呜,日透林阴上下清。 +"It is proved via the verification calculation that the HOH result from NGFM is consistent with that from the fine mesh difference method, but with much less computation time.",经验算,NGFM下高阶谐波计算取得与细网差分法下一致的结果,但计算时间大大缩短。 +How come you never hear father-in-law jokes?,为什么从来不会听到讲岳父的笑话? +"Texting even while your child is telling you about his or her day at school, and realizing later that you can't remember the details of what your son or daughter has said to you.",即使在你的孩子和你说他或她在学校的一天时,还要收发短信,之后才会意识到,你将孩子谈话内容的细节全部忘掉。 +"For ra non-service invention-creation, the right to apply for a patent belongs to the inventor or creator.",非职务发明创造,申请专利的权利属于发明人或者设计人; +Jindal said some countries were dumping extensively in India.,金达尔说,一些国家在印度大量倾销。 +Zhou Zuoren s prose in remarking on books possesses an obivious characteristic of dialogue.,书话体散文是周作人追寻已久的生命文体,是他心中真正自由的个性散文。 +"The lion attacking him was Robert Di Silva, the fiery District Attorney for the County of New York, representative of The People.",向他发起攻击的狮子是罗伯特·迪·西尔瓦。这位纽约县②的地区检察官,虽然身为公众的代表,脾气却向来暴躁。 +Which I don't approve of at all. -Sure you don't.,对此我是一点也不支持- 当然… +"'None of that came up, ' Mr. DeVos said. 'It was all policy and directional. It was a very positive forum. '",德福斯说,所有的问题都是关于政策及指导性的。他认为本次论坛非常具有积极意义。 +"By making use of numerical simulation and experiment methods, we studied the shielded structure of steel fiber reinforced concrete (SFRC) with tightly arrayed corundum spheres.",本文采用数值模拟与实验相结合的方法,对加入密排刚玉球层的钢纤维增强混凝土遮弹结构进行了较系统的分析研究。 +There are two approaches to addressing this cache staleness,解决缓存过时问题有两种方法 +The UCI shall award a trophy to the winner of the World Challenge Cup competition.,国际自由车总会会颁发奖杯与世界挑战杯的获胜者。 +"As any visitor to a safari park will tell you, it's not wise to hang around when driving through the monkey enclosure — the little thieves will strip your car bare, given half the chance.",每一个去过野生动物园的人都知道,当你开车经过猴群的时候,千万不要逗留,这些顽皮的家伙很可能会让你的汽车面目全非。 +"In this paper, the 3-regular simple planar graphs with diameter 3 are completely characterized, and by discussion of the subgraph and girth all of 11 non-isomorphic graphs are obtained.",通过对子图和围长的研究,完全刻画了直径为3的3-正则简单平面图,获得了这类图仅有的11个非同构图。 +"As the Tribune gained more and more power, Greeley became more interested in politics.",随着纽约论坛报影响力的不断增加,格里利对政治的兴趣也与日俱增。 +"The intruders fled after a plane flew overhead and Sunderland climbed onto his deck with a gun to ward them off , said Charlie Nobles, executive director of the association.",航行协会的执行董事查理•诺伯尔斯说,就在那时一架飞机从头顶飞过,桑德兰爬到甲板上用枪对着他们,于是那些入侵者就逃走了。 +Take a walk through the park on Central Avenue.,步行穿过中心大道的公园。 +"In this strategy, all currents of the main winding and levitated windings are squarewave currents.",主绕组电流和悬浮绕组电流均采用方波控制。 +The winner gets the opportunity to go to Parsons — as a student.,获胜者可以得到去帕森斯求学的机会。 +The research released on Friday was sent to the Fish and Wildlife Service.,该项于上周五公布的研究已提交至美国鱼类及野生动物保护局。 +"The ""Iron Dome"" radar system belongs to the Multi-Mission Radar (MMR) family, designed and manufactured by ELTA for Weapon Location and Air Defense missions.",“铁屋”雷达系统属于多任务雷达(MMR)家族,由ELTA公司设计和制造,用于武器定位和防空任务。 +A major hospital group in the UK has banned visitors from sitting on patients' beds in hospital in an attempt to curb the spread of the superbug MRSA.,英国一家大医院集团已经颁布了禁止探病者坐在病人床边的规定,目的在于希望可以遏制具有很强破坏力的耐甲氧西林的金黄色葡萄球菌(MRSA)的传染。 +"Research on extended end-plate connection with end-plate stiffer under cyclic load by test, discuss the effect of stiffer on the capability of the connection.",对有端板加劲肋的外伸端板连接节点进行了循环荷载作用下试验研究,分析加劲肋对外伸端板连接节点性能的影响。 +"Finally, calculating example of SSPA-720 are given.",最后给出了用该方法计算的SSPA-720例子。 +He is not aware of another electric propulsion system designed for CubeSats.,他并不熟悉另一项为立方体卫星设计的电力推进系统。 +The overall team met and discussed each pain or success point.,整个团队开会并讨论每一个痛处或成功点。 +"Methods The diagnosing results of gray-scale ultrasound, color Doppler ultrasound and contrast-enhanced ultrasound in 17 case of FNH were compared and analyzed.",方法对17例FNH的灰阶超声、彩色多普勒超声、超声造影诊断情况进行分析比较。 +"But one time in New York, an accident occurred on the subway; the train didn't come at all. Sonia and I were forced to take a taxi.",但在纽约,有一次地铁出了故障,左等右等车不来,我和索妮娅赶忙上来找出租车。 +The author briefs on development conditions of double-deck coaches at home and abroad.,概述了国内外双层客车发展状况,指出双层客车是当今世界客运发展的趋势; +"And how can it be otherwise, when the range of knowledge is so vast that the expert himself is an ignoramus as soon as he strays away from his own specialty?",可是,不这样,又有什么别的法子呢?知识的范围如此广博,一旦越出其专业范围,专家也会变成一无所知。 +From there I wandered.,从那我开始逛起来。 +The result indicated that it is feasible to explain the dust explosion mechanism by heat explosion theory.,用热爆炸理论来解释粉尘爆炸机理是可行的。 +The two Viking landers tested small amounts of Martian soil for signs of life.,为了寻找生命的迹象,海盗号的两个着陆器对火星的少量土壤进行了研究。 +"Less than a year ago, he was hailed for helping avert financial disaster by snapping up teetering mortgage giant Countrywide and rescuing investment bank Merrill Lynch.",不到一年前,他还因收购了摇摇欲坠的抵押贷款巨头Countrywide和救助了投资银行美林(Merrill Lynch),从而避免了金融灾难而备受称赞。 +"Like everyday, I am thinking of you with love on your birthday.",像每天一样,我在你的生日,带着爱意,想念着你。 +"Before this regulation took effect, many people’s priorities would have been mortgage first, credit card second; now, many borrowers have reversed the order.",在这个条例产生效果以前,许多人还贷顺序是抵押贷款第一,信用卡第二。 现在,许多借款人已经调转了这个顺序。 +The drain's blocked and smells disgustingly of rotten fish.,下水道堵了,有股恶心的臭鱼味。 +"To assess how far software engineering has come in the past twenty years, we need specific points of comparison.",为了估计在过去二十年中软件工程已经发展到什么程度,我们需要特殊的比较点。 +"The incidence of uneasy and difficult intubation were 1.02% and 0.91%, respectively. The total incidence of intubation failure was 0.102%.",在唇腭裂小儿,气管插管操作较困难和困难的发生率分别为1.02%和0.91%,气管插管失败的总发生率为0.102%。 +"This can cause blood clots to form. If a clot breaks loose, it can travel to and obstruct a brain artery, causing a stroke.",如果一个血凝块从心脏上掉了下来,它就会顺着血流进入体循环,如果卡在了脑动脉就可能导致中风。 +The principle of laser detecting technology was introduced while detecting toe and camber angle of wheels during rear suspension subpackage process of M6.,阐述了马自达M6轿车后悬架分装过程中, 对其车轮的外倾和前束进行激光检测的原��及应用。 +"Meanwhile, because of the influence of typhoon, solifluction and landslide also make the serious menace to our safety of lives and wealth.",随着台风的影响,泥石流和山体崩塌都给我们的生命和财产的安全带来了严重的威胁。 +All you have to do is to press the button on the lock.,你只要揿一下锁上的按钮就行。 +"Furthermore, the reaction condition of the selective removal of acetyl group in the presence of caffeoyl group was optimized.",发现不同的底物结构上的差异可能造成选择性脱除乙酰基保护反应活性的差异。 +"Next, it's multi-columns requirements where we want the ""middle7/8"" button to receive 7/8 of possible extra horizontal pixels.",接下来是多列需求,我们希望 “middle7/8” 按钮获得 7/8 的额外 水平像素空间。 +"“Nokia in a sense is a victim of its own success, ” said Jyrki Ali-Yrkko, an economist at the private Research Institute of the Finnish Economy.","从某种程度上说,诺基亚是自我成功的受害者." +A case study of the application of the generalized composite foundation theory to highway engineering was discussed.,通过一个工程实例介绍了广义复合地基理论在高速公路工程中的应用。 +"Article 4 If a treaty involves changes to national territory, it shall be processed in accordance with Article 4 of the Constitution.",第4条 条约内容如涉及领土之变更,应依宪法第四条规定办理。 +"ConclusionThe digital auditory activation combined with touching has short therapeutic course and high efficacy, so it is a good therapeutic method for infants with cerebral dysfunction.",结论数码听觉刺激结合抚触法疗程短,疗效高,是治疗婴幼儿脑功能障碍的一种较理想的治疗方法。 +"In principle of first-in-first-out, expand the whole queue.",按先进先出原则,对队列中的像素进行膨胀运算。 +"This kind of late barrier because ply differ, tension is lesser, often need more attack shoot ability to dissection, harmful response is so bigger.",此类后发障由于厚度不一、张力较小,常需较多击射才能切开,所以不良反应较大。 +These issues have negative impact on the formation of interaction between the efficiency of the knowledge flow of nanoscience and technology and its major functions.,这些问题影响了纳米科技知识流动效率和行为主体间的互动关系的形成。 +"Believe that even our consciousness is also subject to a complex system dominated by non-linear dynamics, has become the contemporary science and research, the most exciting task.",认为甚至我们的意识也是受复杂系统非线性动力学所支配,已成为当代科学和研究中最激动人心的课题。 +"And now, we have a draft cowardly budget, the first step in our cowardly budgeting process.",如今我们还有个窝窝囊囊的预算草案,这是窝囊预算程序的第一步。 +"A new method for recovering 1,2-dichloropropane from waste liquor in propylene oxide production was developed.",介绍了从环氧丙烷生产废液中回收1,2-二氯丙烷的新方法。 +"The same thing happened when Sir Tim Berners-Lee created the worldwide web, the information network that runs on the internet, without seeking to patent or control the technology.",当Sir Tim Berners-Lee创建万维网时,同样的事情发生了。 Sir Tim Berners-Lee没有申请专利或试图对万维网进行控制,而让信息网络自由运行在网络上。 +There was a sport that came out of there.,它是源于印度的一项运动。 +"On Sunday, at least 100 armed men attacked the capital of Equateur province Mbandaka, killing three UN staff.",周日,至少100名武装分子袭击了赤道省首府姆班达卡(Mbandaka),杀害了3名联合国工作人员。 +"All of the retailers declined to be interviewed, as did Le Creuset.",同勒克鲁塞公司一样,所有的零售商都拒绝接受采访。 +"Although Freud had denied the allegations of ""Jewish science"" throughout his lifetime, he did admit that the methodology and content of psychoanalysis were inspired by the Jewish thinking.",佛洛 伊德一生抵制「犹太科学」的指控,然而佛洛伊德也承认,精神分析学的方法论 及内容深受犹太思想启发。 +"Lucy, have you seen the ship before?",露西,你见过这艘船吗? +"In the next section, we'll see why attaching a time bomb to a short stick on the end of your experimental submarine isn't always such a great idea.",在下一章中,我们将看到为什么在试验核潜艇的上加上定时炸弹并不总是好主意。 +"A general office shall have a director and, when necessary, deputy directors.",办公厅、公室设主任,在必要的时候可以设副主任。 +What the thesis studies is about the development technology of the three Degree-of-freedom platform for the flight simulator and its servo controlling system.,本文研究的是某型战机飞行模拟器三自由度运动平台的研制开发技术。 +The thermal control system is a important component of the portable life support system. It's function is to keep the astronaut at thermal comfortable state.,热控系统是便携式生保系统的一个重要组成部分,其功能是维持航天员的热舒适性状态。 +U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said the world body will do all it can to make sure the second-round vote is carried out in a credible and secure manner.,联合国秘书长潘基文说,联合国将尽全力确保决选投票能在可信和安全的环境下举行。 +"It's an entire city of John Dillingers, feeling guiltless for stealing from the banks.",全城的人都和约翰·迪灵格斯(译注:美国著名大盗)一样,对从盗窃银行资产无动于衷。 +"Golden Mirror, Bronze Mirror, Gray Mirror, Blue Mirror, Green Mirror, Pink Mirror, Black Mirror.",我公司可生产金,茶,灰,绿,蓝,粉,黑等颜色镜子。 +"Over half of the women who developed postpartum thyroiditis in the present study remained hypothyroid at one year following delivery, "" Dr.""",本研究中患产后甲状腺炎的妇女中,有一半在产后一年甲状腺功能仍减退”。 +"Besides shopping and seeing films, I like being repaired fingers and massaged better. I also like doing Yoga at home.",除了购物和看电影,更喜欢让人修甲和按摩。还喜欢在家里做瑜珈。 +"If the Claimant fails to pay the Registration Fee, the Chambers shall not proceed with the arbitration.",申请人没有缴纳受理费的,商会不应继续仲裁程序。 +"The proper temperature was between 18~29℃, and the photosynthesis would be restrained when the temperature exceeded 30℃.",温度在18~ 2 9℃时,新几内亚凤仙的光合作用速率达到最高,温度超过30℃ ,光合作用受到抑制; +"There-fore, it's necessary to establish this principle in the Civil Procedure Law of China.",为此,在我国民事诉讼法中确立该原则是很有必要性的。 +"The creatures swim by contracting a ring of muscles to collapse their umbrella-like bodies and expel water. As the fluid is forced backward, the jellies are thrust forward.",水母依靠肌肉群收缩,其伞状身体会收紧,并将体内的水排出,通过水流的反作用力,推动身体向前运动。 +This was a natural leaf that was dipped into a copper based paint and then into 24KT White Gold.,是用一片天然的树叶浸到铜做基料的漆中,然后在浸入24K白金中制作成的。 +"I took that whole entire time to escape. I got all the men that I had seen the day before and when I gave a signal, we charged at the Moabites.",我马不停蹄地跑着,向我的人马发出信号,我们正式向摩押人宣战。 +Shares of Yahoo closed up 3.31 percent at $16.55 on the Nasdaq on Tuesday.,雅虎股价周二在Nasdaq市场收高3.31%报16.55美元.(完) +The courses were organized into a more formal program of 15 courses in 2006 that allowed students to elect a minor in child and adolescent mental health studies.,2006年,我们把课程安排得更正式,总共有15门课程。这样以来,学生可以把儿童和青少年心理健康研究选作为辅修专业。 +"Name of recipient, the chief recipient who is expected to read and respond the message. see ""Phil"" and ""Ajian"" in the samples",收件人名字,希望阅读并对信息作出回应的主要收件人,就像菲利浦和阿健。 +One or more logical volumes may currently be in use.,一个或多个逻辑卷册也许正在使用。 +It is to provide a basis for calculating quantity of economic water use and regulating water from agricutural use to industrial use under the circumstance of water shortage.,为水源短缺情况下的经济用水和由农业用水向工业用水调配水量提供了计算依据。 +"Cover page Winning Items of 2011 Rules and Regulations Prizes, Seminar, Advisors & Committee Application Form.",封面第11届优胜作品参赛规则奖项, 研讨会,顾问及筹委会参赛表格。 +A pressure disturbance cannot drive the energy release profile uniformly to the anti-node region to result in a sustained longitudinal wave.,压力扰动不可能驱使能量释放分布图移至波腹区域以产生持续的纵向波。 +Examples of column under uniaxial and biaxial bending demonstrate that the model can give a reasonable and feasible description of member restoring behavior under the above conditions.,单柱在单弯和双弯条件下的算例表明,杆内时模型在描述杆单向弯曲和双向弯曲本构特性方面是合理、可行的。 +"Return the beef, add seasoning and sour cream.",牛柳条回镬,调味及拌入酸忌廉。 +In the absence of an outdoor aerial this telescopic aerial will give a good picture if the transmitter signal is sufficiently strong.,在无室外天线时,若发射机的信号很强,这种拉杆天线可产生清晰的图像。 +"Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki 29, sternly criticized the central Salahuddin province, autonomous demands, said the Arab Baath Socialist Party attempted to the province as a ""refuge.""",��拉克总理努里·马利基29日严词批评中部萨拉赫丁省的自治诉求,称阿拉伯复兴社会党企图把这一省份当成“避难所”。 +"All of us should stop for a moment and think, ""Why do these fake Buddhist experts, self-proclaimed scholars, and college professors say that the Shurangama Sutra is false?""",我们各位应该想一想,这一些个冒充佛学专家,或者一些个自命为学者的,或者是某一个大学里头的教授,为什么他们要倡议说这个《楞严经》是假的? +Whatever… I need to learn a craft first.,反正是… 怎么样我也得先学门手艺后再出来。 +"As Maes put it, mobile phones currently don't have easy access to all of the relevant information we need on a daily basis.",正如Maes所述,移动电话目前并不能帮助我们方便获取日常生活中所需要的相关信息。 +"Failures in parsing are failures in tree building, and a successful parse gives you a data structure that is much more efficient than a DOM representation of XML.",解析的失败就是构建树的失败,成功的解析给出一个比以 DOM 表示的 XML 文档资料有效得多的数据结构。 +The error-checking process fails for the first instance of this type of check.,错误检查过程第一个实例执行时就失败。 +Antonio where Mexican forces under Santa Anna besieged and massacred American rebels who were fighting to make Texas independent of Mexico.,桑塔安娜时期的墨西哥军队在桑河包围并屠杀为德克萨斯州独立于墨西哥而战的美国叛乱者的军事行动。 +"General spatial frame of towns presents a ""T shaped"" pattern, and it became more and more salient. Fuchun River and Fenshui River are two development axes of it.",以中心城区为核心,富春江、分水江为发展轴线的“T”字形城镇空间格局日益明显; +"So Rose-Red said, ""I will run home and find someone to help you.""",于是,红玫瑰说:“我现在跑回家,找个人来帮忙。” +"The FDA warns doctors ""not to prescribe Paxil in women who are in the first three months of pregnancy or are planning pregnancy, unless other treatment options are not appropriate"".",美国食品和药物管理局警告医生“不要让怀孕头三个月或正在计划怀的孕妇女服用帕罗西汀,除非没有其他恰当的治疗方案” 。 +So this is scales things and there's the fish.,所以有鱼鳞的都是鱼。 +The flow regime of two-phase flow is straightly and physically charaterized by the size of gas bubbles relating to pipe diameter and the distribution of gas bubbles.,两相流流型分类的直观物理几何意义在于气泡空间尺度(相对于流道水力学当量直径)及其分布。 +"Today we tell about film actress Mae West. She was also a writer, producer and businesswoman.",今天,我们向你介绍一位电影女演员,她叫梅.韦斯特,她同时还是一位作家、制片人和商人。 +The teacher might suddenly address individual students at random.,老师可能随意突然地与个别学生谈话。 +"As another microblogger said, the Chinese people just need to “live on strong”",正如一位微博用户所说,中国老百姓只能“坚挺”的生活下去。 +This drama is the art of harbor star dream of senior high school students story TV show.,该电视剧是怀有明星梦的艺术高中的学生们的故事的电视剧。 +"Alternatively, you can be one of the speakers.",或者,你可以是其中一个演讲者。 +Learn how to make bodies and barbells from multiple balloons in this free balloon video.,了解如何从多个气球在这个自由气球视频机构和杠铃。 +"The Third Plenary Session of The sixteenth Central Committee clearly developed people-oriented, comprehensive, coordinated and sustainable development of scientific development concept.",党的十六届三中全会明确提出了以人为本,全面、协调、可持续发展的科学发展观。 +"Variations in the depth, speed, rhythm and timing of your pelvicthrusts can dramatically enhance the experience for both of you.",生殖器插入的深度、速度、节奏、时间的掌握对提高双方的性体验至关重要。 +NEW YORK (Reuters) - U.S. stocks are poised to repeat their advance this week as investors bet that the economic recovery is gaining strength and company outlooks are turning rosier.,"路透纽约9月13日电--美股本周料将继续此前升势,因投资者认定经济正在加速复苏且公司前景转好." +"However, the symptom of tooth model fracture exists when hard material, such as polyether rubber, is used as impression material.",但当印模为硬质材料如聚醚橡胶印模等,存在牙体折断现象。 +"Reports say the protesters were confronted by dozens of police officers, who fired tear gas to break up the mob.",报道称,几十名警察向抗议者施放了催泪弹。 +Herein we report a case of cardiac tamponade secondary to perforation of the superior vena cava by a central venous catheter in an obstetric patient.,我们在此报告一位产科病患进行中央静脉导管术,因上腔静脉穿刺破裂导致心包膜填塞。 +It is an approach to sizing and configuring an entire database system.,它还是调整和配置整个数据库系统的一种方法。 +This company has no use for people who dont' know English.,不懂英文的人在这个公司是吃不开的。 +Objective:To obtain the clone of intercellular adhesion molecule-1 (ICAM-1) gene from rat myocardium.,目的克隆大鼠心肌组织中细胞间粘附分子-1(ICAM-1)基因。 +In the end I got seventy marks.,最后我收了七十马克。 +The Holland international has been the subject of transfer speculation this summer but his focus has always remained on proving his worth to the new gaffer.,人们一直推测荷兰人在今年夏天可能会转会离开,但是他一直致力于如何提高自己在老头子手下的价值。 +"That's because the sugars in formula and breast milk will sit on his teeth all night and can lead to a condition known as baby-bottle tooth decay, or bottle rot.",因为配方奶和乳汁中的糖分会停留在牙齿上,持续一整夜,这会导致“幼儿严重蛀牙”的情况。 +"Another popular type of towel fabric is jacquard, which has a reversible design woven in.",还有一种做浴巾很受欢迎的布料是织成正反面图案颜色相反的提花布。 +"The Earth was made by the collision of billions of planetesimals, chunks of rock and ice much like today's asteroids and comets.",地球是由像现在的行星和彗星一样大块的岩石和冰块组成的数十亿的小行星碰撞而形成的。 +"Starbuck is a coffee retailer, they open coffee shops all over China, especially in large cities.",星巴克是咖啡零售商,他们在中国各地,特别是一些大城市开店。 +"NET system architecture, and describes the interrupt principle. In order to install the interrupt service routine, we present the way to modify the kernel and the OAL.",NET的系统结构,并详细阐述其中断原理,介绍如何修改内核和硬件抽象层安装中断服务例程。 +People sometimes plant shrubs or trees to shade their vegetables.,人们有时种植灌木或树木为蔬菜遮荫。 +Growth and Development of Turtle(Trinyx S…,中华鳖的生长发育; +"Therefore, I believe the future for UK-China cooperation is very promising. Both sides can develop and grow their economies together.",因此,我认为中英合作的前景非常好,双方可共同实现经济增长和发展。 +"As the exact domain of attraction is hard to be achieved, it is always estimated by means of invariant ellipsoid.",考虑到吸引域的确切值较难获得,于是采用椭圆不变集来估计系统的吸引域。 +"Thomas Pontes thought his children, 12, 14 and 16, shrugged off tales of his grandfather, an immigrant farmhand who worked his way up from living in a barn to owning a home.",罗德岛普罗维登斯的托马斯•彭特(Thomas Pontes)以为自己16岁、14岁和12岁的孩子对于祖父的故事并不感兴趣。 +The analysis indicates that the intertube coupling causes the energy gaps to decrease for the electrons in the rope are less conf…,目前尚未见有类似的报道,我们分析认为这是由于管束存在管间相互作用,电子的束缚度减小,改变了原来的能带结构,导致能隙减小。 +Spain stepped it up a gear after halftime and Xabi Alonso came close with a fierce shot from the edge of the area that flashed past the post.,半场之后,西班牙加大马力,阿隆索从边线接近一记强力射门,球从球门前快速飘过。 +Prof. HUANG Wen-xi gained excellent research achievements with creativity in both structural engineering and geotechnical engineering.,黄文熙先生在结构工程和岩土工程方面都有创新性的研究成果。 +"Polchinski has famously declared that the existence of magnetic monopoles is ""one of the safest bets that one can make about physics not yet seen.",Polchinski有一个著名的论断,即磁单极子的存在是“一个人能将现今物理理论改头换面的最保险的赌注之一”。 +"Work experiences as quality engineer, manufacturing engineer in motor factory or application engineering in automatic controlling company is preferred.",有在电机制造工厂任职质量工程师,工艺工程师或者自控公司任职应用工程师者优先考虑。 +"As to trimmed surfaces, we make use of scanline method in parametric space to calculate the trimmed region efficiently.",同时,参数域上的扫描线判断法能快速正确地识别曲面上的裁剪区域。 +He would sell it to them and quit his job working for Virgin. Only one problem: there are more than 700 platforms at London Underground's 268 stations.,但有一个问题:伦敦地铁的268个车站有700多个月台出口。 +"Piotrowski urges you to ""compose articles that highlight your expertise and submit them to websites, blogs, and publications that can benefit from your know-how.""",Piotrowski极力推荐你应该要“撰写一些可以突出你的��业技能的文章,并发布在网站、博客上、或发表在那些能够从你的专业知识中获益的出版物上。” +"The first finger is used in finger and toe counting and then the second is used, until to the twentieth. It always is me as dominator who counts.",第一根指头用完就完了,换第二根指头,这样以此类推,直到二十根指头用完,主导者始终是那个我在计算。 +The striking feature of this work is the grand literature conception and the profound meticulous case analyses. It reveals that we should acquire all-round and multi-dimensional prerspe…,该书具有的鲜明特点是大文学观念和探幽发微的个案剖析,它给我们提供的启示是:文学研究应有全方位、多维的视角。 +But the dream didn't seem to end there.,但是这个梦似乎并没有就此结束。 +"You can get so much knowledge from workshops and teacher trainings, whether or not you want to be a teacher.",无论你是否立志成为瑜伽教师,你都可以从工作坊和教师培训中学到许许多多。 +A general calculating program designed for optimum reduction rules for existing bar section leveller with minicomputer is introduced in the article.,本文是为了用微机控制现有型钢矫正机最佳压下规程而设计的通用计算程序。 +Then you can examine the different use models available through UCM.,接下来你能可以检查一下从整个UCM中得到的不同可用模型间的区别。 +"As a result, suggestions for composing the environmental interpretation system of Yunnan Ethnic Minorities, Village are proposed.",在此基础上,提出了构建云南民族村环境解译系统的建议。 +Others hold the opposite idea that it's very difficult to balance the relationship between the media art and the traditional teaching of Chinese reading courses.,反对者认为影视艺术与传统语文阅读教学的关系较难处理,容易失之偏颇; +The nonlinear oil film forces based on both steady and unsteady oil film model are coupled to the system with help of local function.,非线性油膜力则通过相应的位置矩阵耦合到系统的运动方程中去。 +"Career is a"" great game"", in the long time, flighty and impetuous, eager for quick success and instant benefit always is taboo.",职场生涯是一盘“很大的棋”,在长达数十年的时间里,心浮气躁、急功近利永远是大忌。 +The inventory can also identify critical software elements that must be reengineered to achieve the project goals.,此目录还可以标识必须进行再工程来实现项目目标的关键软件元素。 +"Will the pillow week, feet long and travel. like, .",茶香凝聚于枕周尺余,清馨醇和,久而不散。 +"Some of the reasons are due to the misuse of statistics and poor study design, but what Ioannidis and others now looking at this problem also point to are the social and political factors.","其中部分原因在于,统计数据的错误使用和蹩脚的试验设计。" +Conclusion The effect is satisfying with heparin sodium cream in the treatment of asteatotic eczema and neurodermatitis.,结论肝素钠乳膏治疗干性湿疹和神经性皮炎的疗效满意。 +Extensive subperiosteal costal cartilage resection and perichondrial sheath detachment from the sternum may not be necessary for optimal repair.,最佳的修补并不需要广泛地骨膜下肋软骨切除,及将肋骨膜鞘从胸骨分离。 +Study the Advantage of Backwardness in the North Jiangsu Province and Find Ways to Carry It into Effect;,分析了西部地区信息资源建设的后发优势和后发劣势,探讨了加速西部信息资源建设的途径。 +Advice of enterprise name pre-approval (1 Xerox) issued by the administration department for industry & commerce;,工商行政管理部门出具的企业名称预先核准通知书(复印件1份); +"If Teacher Szeto were alive today, I am sure he would be very pleased and proud to know that his students still remember and love him as he had loved them.",如果司徒老师还在世,知道他的学生们仍然怀念他和爱戴他,如同他爱他的学生那样,他定会倍感欣慰和骄傲。 +"The Spanish coach is pleased at the start Ryan Babel, Lucas Leiva and Sebastian Leto have made on Merseyside but is convinced there's much more to come.",西班牙人对于瑞恩·巴贝尔、卢卡斯·莱瓦和塞巴斯蒂安·列托的起步非常满意,他相信,他们的未来一片光明。 +"Apart from climate change and humidity, elevation also appears to play a critical role in the lifespan of glaciers, which are large persistent bodies of ice.",冰川是巨大的长期存在的冰体,除了气候和湿度变化以外,海拔对冰川的寿命也起了关键性的作用。 +This artical involves trying to study and provide a diagnosing and setting method for customers to set a horizontal thresher correctly.,本文试图对卧式打叶机诊断方法进行探讨,提供一种对卧式打叶机的诊断方法.以便于企业对卧式打叶机的调整。 +The article has futher quotes from users of SOA who consider they have examples of successful SOA in a variety of areas including military and healthcare.,这篇文章还援引了SOA用户的一些案例,他们觉得自己在很多领域中都是成功的SOA榜样,包括军事与医疗。 +Buyer accept vessel over 25 years of age.,过25年船龄的船只。 +During Qing Emperor QianLong's reign it was reconstructed again in 1751. This time the roof was tiled only in azure colored tiles.,在1751年清朝乾隆年间又再次重修了。这次屋顶全部只用蓝色的釉砖。 +Attention should also be paid to the relationship between different objects.,在构图中还要注意画面中物与物之间要相互照应,互相联系。 +"I knew that H. G. Wells (along with authors such as Jules Verne) was a sci-fi pioneer with 1890s novels such as The Time Machine and The War of the Worlds, but I had never heard of the 1901 Moon.",我知道H·G·威尔斯(以及作家比如儒勒·凡尔纳)是19世纪90年代科幻小说的领头人物,他的《时间机器》和《星级战争》都是极有名的佳作,但我之前并未听说过他于1901年写就的这本《最早登上月球的人》。 +"Result: For the 66 suicide deaths reported, the rate of male versus female is 2.67:1. The curve of age shows two pinnacles.",结果:自杀已遂的66例人口中,男女比为2.67:1。 自杀死亡年龄分布曲线呈双峰,男性自杀死亡高峰期滞后于女性。 +Lease Term is (years) (months). Party A shall hand over the rooms to Party B on and take them back on .,租赁期共年零月,出租方从年月日起将出租办公室交付承租方使用,至年月日收回。 +"Zhang Yuzhe is credited by the Minor Planet Center for the discovery of 3789 Zhongguo under the name ""Y. C. Chang"". The asteroid 2051 Chang is named after him.",国际小行星中心将3789“中国号”小行星的发现归功于张钰哲,将2051号小行星命名为“张钰哲星”。 +The sensibility of skewness to variation of sedimentary environment is finite.,偏度对研究区沉积环境差异的敏感性是有限的。 +I bought two expensive dictionaries here half and hour ago.,半小时以前我在这里买了两本很贵的辞典。 +To edit the init-params in each WAR file (using FileUploader as the example),要在每个 WAR 文件中编辑 init-params(以 FileUploader 为例),请执行以下操作 +"As the U.S. struggles to manage its efforts to influence opinion about Al Qaeda abroad, Al Qaeda on the Arabian Peninsula has produced its first English-language propaganda magazine.",美国正在努力影响海外对基地组织的舆论,而阿拉伯半岛上的基地组织也发布了第一本英语宣传杂志。 +"During the Three Kingdoms period, pottery was advanced in Silla. The pottery was fired using a deoxidizing flame, which caused the distinctive blue grey celadon color.",在三国时期,陶器在新罗王朝得到了改进,通过使用脱氧火焰灼烧陶器可使之呈现与众不同的灰绿色。 +"Pre-teen, Teen, Young adult, Middle age, and Matron are the five fragrance ages of woman.",孩提之年、豆蔻年华、花信年华、韶华中年和富贵晚年是女子… +Detailed theoretical investigation on the extraordinary transmission in the sub-wavelength holes array is presented.,实验工作分为两个部分:一、研究不同周期长度的孔阵列透射情况。 +"Due to the non-measurability of the system states, the suboptimal algorithm is applied to ensure the existence of the high-order sliding mode and make the system asymptotically stable.",由于系统状态的不可测性,利用次最优算法保证滑模的存在,使系统渐近稳定。 +"To study safety and pharmacodynamics of Compound Burn Spray, in which main solvent is ethyl acetate.",研究以乙醇乙酯为主要溶媒的复方中药烧伤喷雾剂的安全性和药效学。 +I adviced him to make hay while the sun shone.,我劝他抓紧时机。 +"To support both modes, I have abstracted resources and files from the XM core engine.",为了同时支持两种方式,我抽象了 XM 核心引擎中的资源和文件。 +This is a necessary GWT convention.,这是一个必需的 GWT 约定。 +The art of film never records the real world in a completely realistic way. It is an optional reflection of people's image and a partial expression of people's perspective.,电影艺术从来都不能完全真实的记录现实世界,它是人印象的选择映射,观念的局部表达。 +Their Generals continually publicly boast about future plans to invade America and subjugate us under Chinese rule.,他们的将军不断公开吹嘘未来的战斗机入侵美国并要用中国人的规则来征服我们。 +"The staff of Renhe, taking the quality as the guideline while carrying out their tasks, continuously provide more satisfactory servings to our clients.",以人为本、强化管理、以精为念、立足市场。人和全体员工围绕质量方针来开展各自的工作。 +"This event is significant for solving basic problems concerning the Cambrian biogeographic provinces, the geotectonic nature of the northern margin of the North China platform and mineral prospecting.",清河镇动物群将会对我国寒武纪动物群,生物地理区及华北地台北缘大地构造性质等一系列基础地质及找矿问题,产生新的认识和深远的影响。 +Threc calculating methods of dividing into liquid stratum of cyclohexane (1)-2-propanol(2)-water (3) ternary system liquid-liquid equilibrium have been introduced.,本文对环已烷(1)—异丙醇(2)—水(3)三元部分互溶体系液液平衡实测数据,用三种方法进行了分层计算。 +"In this finite model, the nonlinear stress - strain relationship of soil, the soil - nail interaction and the staged construction are all taken into consideration.",在分析中,考虑土的非线性应力-应变关系、土钉与土体的相互作用,以及分步施工过程。 +Constitutive activation of the pathway involving these two genes appears to be a major contributor to the development of uveal melanoma. (Funded by the National Institutes of Health and others. ).,包含这两个基因的信号通路的组成性激活,可能是导致葡萄膜黑色素瘤的主要因素。 +"They were primed for tool use, even though it would be another two million years or so before our ancestors began to fashion the first stone blades, choppers and axes.",他们已经会使用工具,虽然我们的祖先还要再过大约200万年才开始制作最早的石刀、石斧等等。 +The first one is used to deal with fracture strength of 3D braided CMC with weak interface and large braided angle by a semi-experiential method;,界面失效模型用半经验方法处理弱界面和大角度的断裂强度问题; +The analysis of the cutting pattern of membrane structures is one of the key techniques in the membrane structure design.,膜结构的裁剪分析是膜结构设计中的一个关键技术之一。 +"""One of things we worry about is mega cities could produce, at some point, a mega disaster, "" he said.",“我们最担心的事情是大城市有可能,在某个时刻,发生特大的灾难,”他说。 +"Any of several birds known for their chattering call, as of the genera Saxicola or Icteria.",鸣禽以啁啾声著名的鸟类,如石?鸟属或巨?鸟属。 +"And she said to the attendant, cranberry, and I said, Dr. Pepper, and she said, vodka.",于是她对乘务员说,蔓越莓,我说,胡椒先生,她说,伏特加。 +He lived the rest of his life in a quiet and remote village.,他下半生一直生活在一个幽僻的小山村里。 +The writer sum up the rule about simple diagram memory method of thermodynamical state function relation formulas and the three rules of realizing and drawing phase diagram of binary system.,作者通过多年的物理化学教学实践,总结出热力学函数关系式的简图记忆法规律及识别和绘制二元体系相图的三条规则。 +Horses on the bus sing. Neigh! Neigh! Neigh!,马在公共汽车上唱歌。嘞!嘞!嘞! +"A few days later Edouard received a call from Profitendieu, Bernard's foster father.",几天以后,爱德华接待了伯纳德的养父普罗菲恩迪先生的来访。 +"He made friends with the literators in Jinling and Wudong, in order to smooth the cultural communication, which had great influences at that time.",与金陵、吴中等文化圈中的名人雅士多有往来,促进文化交流,在当时有着重要影响。 +"At present, the mobile network has entered the era of 3G; wireless networks provide higher bandwidth for mobile data value-added services to provide a technical feasibility.",目前,移动网络已经步入3G时代,无线网络所提供的更高的带宽为移动数据增值业务提供了技术上的可行性。 +Music from the next room obtruded upon his thoughts.,隔壁的音乐声打扰了他的思绪。 +Are local health department expenditures related to racial disparities in mortality?,地方卫生部门支出与种族死亡率悬殊有关吗? +"Instead it was a cosmetic exercise, rebranding public-service ""standards"" as ponderously enforceable ""entitlements"".",然而却弄成了一场装门面的活动,公共服务笨拙的改头换面成了强制性权利。 +When selecting books I tend to pick one topic of design and get several books on that one topic and then mix in a few books on other topics.,在选书的时候我倾向于挑选设计的一个主题和几本其他的同主题的书,然后再混合一点其他主题的书。 +"""It's hard to put your finger on what causes such things, "" says Michael, but he insists it had nothing to do with the boys, who responded by assuming true big-brother roles.",迈克尔说:“很难说清是因为什么。” 但他坚持说这与孩子们无关。 这件事发生后,大男孩们就主动承担起了大哥哥的责任。 +"Whether or not neurons hae a long and healthy life is, apart from other factors, determined by the presence of neurotrophic factors.",除其它因素��外,通过神经营养的因子存在与否决定神经元是否具有长久及健康的生命。 +Normally I'd type ifconfig en0 at the command prompt to check my network card's TCP/IP settings.,一般情况下我将在命令提示中输入 ifconfig en0 以检查网卡的 TCP/IP 设置。 +"Mixed emotions are behind most patterns of self-sabotage, and they certainly limit the level of enjoyment and success one can experience in life.",大多数形式的自我阻挠后面都有混杂的情绪,一个人在生命中能经历的成功和喜悦当然也会因此受限。 +Grinding your heart to an iron one is far more difficult than decorating your appearance. its difference is like that between crystal and glass.,磨砺内心比油饰外表要难得多,犹如水晶与玻璃的区别。 +"Then when Damin's boat reaches the right place in the river, he pushes them into the river.",然后,当大民的船达到河适合的位置,他就会把鸬鹚赶到河里去。 +"This invention discloses a mixture of cobra venom with Chinese herb extracts and its applications. , of which the weight portion is 0.004-0.006 and 3-6 respectively.",本发明公开了一种眼镜蛇毒与中草药提取物的混合物以及应用,组 分和重量份数为:眼镜蛇毒0.004~0.006份,中草药提取物3~6份。 +"A new method for estimating fish natural mortality coefficient(M), based on the extended survivors method, using a catch-at-age data and an abundant index(catch per unit effort, CPUE) was proposed.",基于扩展残存资源量法,提出一种根据分年龄组渔获量以及资源量指数(单位捕捞努力量渔获量,CPUE)求算鱼类的自然死亡系数(M)的新方法。 +"There are articles about whether Liberal Democrat members of the coalition government have been ignored, or snubbed, or over-ruled.",有些文章谈到联合政府中的自由民主党成员对此已经采取或忽视,或冷漠,或过分关注的态度。 +"Sets, operates and maintains flexographic printing machines.",调校、操作及保养柔性版印刷机。 +That'll cost you a little extra.,你得付点额外的费用。 +"Palletized banded by steel straps, packed into 20 feet full container load.",紧密推码后用钢带捆扎装如20尺柜集装箱。 +"The characteristics of gradation, diversity and synthesis of knowledge demand in agricultural machine industry are firstly declared.",首先阐述了农机行业中知识需求的层次性、多样性和综合性等特点。 +Var. nitidum Rehd. And also inspected the preparation of rhamnose by hydrolyzes kaempferitrin.,同时考察了水解山柰苷和芦丁制备鼠李糖的工艺。 +"Great Generals win campaigns, but it is the Unknown Soldier who wins the war.",大将军赢得战役,但真正立功,赢总体战的乃是无名战士。 +Bayesian estimation of parameters and index of reliability from two-parameter exponential distribution under time curtailed test were given.,对于失效时间遵从指数分布,本文提出了定时截尾样本下可靠性抽样检验方案的统计方法。 +"The grandest of these ideals is an unfolding American promise that everyone belongs, that everyone deserves a chance that no insignificant person was ever born.",这些理想中最伟大的是正在慢慢实现的美国的承诺,这就是:每个人都有自身的价值,每个人都有成功的机会,每个人天生都会有所作为的。 +"The company - which is based in Santa Clara, California - rejected the case brought against it yesterday by New York attorney general Andrew Cuomo and said it would fight the claims in court.",英特尔公司总部位于加利福利亚的圣克拉拉(Santa Clara),该公司驳回了昨天由纽约首席检察官安德鲁·库莫(Andrew Cuomo)针对其提起的诉讼,并称将在法庭上反对这种指控。 +We learn a language in order to communicate.,我们学习一种语言是为了交流思想。 +Sitting on a log in front of the slab-sided shack that was their sleeping quarters were four of the five convicts Scarlett had apportioned to Johnnie 's mill.,还有一所石头房子,是睡觉的地方,房前有一根大木头,上面坐着四个犯人,这就是思嘉派给约翰尼的五个犯人之中的四个。 +Maybe the nerve implantation is better than the neurorrhaphy for reinnervating a long term denervated muscle.,作者认为长期失神经肌肉,神经种植再神经化效果可能较神经吻合效果好。 +You are welcomed to visit it whenever you are interested in it.,如果您感兴趣的话,随时欢迎您点击访问。 +"In 732, Charles Martel gave his soldiers estates known as fiefs as a reward for their service.",公元732年,法兰克地区的一个叫查尔斯马特尔的统治者向他的下属分封采邑,感谢他们所提供的服务。 +Learn from the mistakes of others. You won't live long enough to make all of them yourself.,从别人的错误中学习,因为你自己不能活那么久来犯所有错误。 +"But before you permit yourself a dry British chuckle at the news, we came fourth from bottom – apparently, we’re simply not as funny as we think we are.",但是在你看到这一消息想发出几声英国式干笑之前,请注意英国人的幽默感排名倒数第四。 显然,英国人根本不像自己所想的那么幽默。 +"The quantity of heat and the fresh water resources condition are superior in Tai Lake rice area, the techniques of raising rice seedlings could be innovated adjusting measures to local conditions.",太湖稻区热量与淡水资源条件优越,可以因地制宜的对育秧技术进行创新。 +Said to have an ancient hunters in the Peak grazing tiger and blue.,相传古时有一猎人曾在此山顶牧虎而故名。 +"Then, the yoga group was asked to engage in the meditative practice for 60 minutes, while the non-yoga group simply read.",然后,瑜珈组入定沉思60分钟,同时非瑜珈组则仅仅是阅读。 +"Tuition fees, as the student protests suggest, are politically explosive.",其中,是否应该收取学费,正如所引发的学生抗议浪潮所显示的那样,具有政治爆炸力。 +"And he landed on Paris, 27 minutes ago.",他从巴黎飞过来了27分钟前降落了。 +Distinct times and imbalance of word-building characterize the adverbial suffixes in Du Fu's poems.,杜甫诗中的副词词尾具有鲜明的时代性和构词能力的不平衡性。 +"With her vision of the moderate and temperate enjoyment of nature's beauty, the Lady is sketching this new seventeenth-century ideal of married chastity: the ideal of the temperate, moderate indulgence in sexual pleasure, of course, within the sanctified confines of marriage.","对于自然物资合理适度,享用的先见之明,她是在为新17世纪描绘一个,婚姻贞节的理想,有关,性生活中适当放纵的理想,当然,那是在有神圣婚姻制约前提下的。" +The shaft of hydraulic semi-rotary motor needs to be driven smoothly at a superlow speed for testing its starting friction characteristic.,测试摆动式液压马达起动摩擦特性需要对其转子轴施加平稳、超低速驱动。 +The OSDL's Linux Kernel Scalable Test Platform (STP) provides a framework where developers can test kernel patches against an online performance and scalability suite.,OSDL 的 Linux Kernel Scalable Test Platform(STP) 提供了一个框架,开发者可以通过它使用一个在线的性能和可扩展性套件来 测试内核补丁。 +"Chapter 3 introduces the national government, local governments, colleges and the social publics join hands in relieving college students during wartime.",第三章主要介绍了国民政府、各地方政府、各高校及社会各界种种力量联合起来共同对战时高校学生进行救济。 +"Clojure is dynamically typed — the specific types of objects do not need to be declared, or known, at compile time.",Clojure 是动态类型 — 在编译时,无需声明或了解特定类型的对象。 +"""If we were around in the Mesozoic, "" he said, ""there would be people who were pterosaur specialists in just the way we have ornithologists"" today.",“如果我们在中生代,”他说,“就像今天有鸟类专家一样,会有人专门研究翼龙。” +"Computer room: Adopt computer design, arrange Mai shelf, put yard, make speed more quickly, the materials are saved even more, many operators all have a skilled professional technique function.",电脑房:采用电脑设计,排唛架、放码,令速度更快、用料更省。多名操作员皆是有熟练的专业技术职能。 +"On the basis of HMO theory, this article introduces a basic solution method to calculate wave function of degenerate energy level for conjugated molecules, and some examples were given in it.",本文利用基础解系方法,用HMO法确定共轭分子简并能级波函数, 并给出了几个典型实例。 +"The desorption condition of chromatography is studied, the resolution and the theoretical stage number are calculated.",实验研究了层析的洗脱条件,计算了层析柱的分离度及理论塔板数。 +"The number of U. S. military deaths in Iraq peaked in May with 126 troops killed, then declined to 21 deaths in December - the second lowest monthly total of the war.",驻伊美军的死亡人数在五月达到顶点,有126 名军人阵亡,随后在十二月下降到21 人死亡,为伊战期间美军死亡人数第二少的月份。 +"In these days of heightened concern over cross-platform support, language specifications are viewed as essential.",如今跨平台日益受到关注,语言规范被视为要件。 +"More importantly, because you buy online ads by the impression, you can buy as much or as little of that audience as you desire.",更重要的是,因为你在网上买广告的这样的印象,你可以买多可少的,照你所要的观众。 +"Lingering in the bars of amber light, enjoying seem never resting melodious music, I savor a glass of mature mellow made from the fruity grape leavening.",留恋于酒吧的琥珀色的灯光下,欣赏著悠扬而彷佛永远不���停歇的音乐,品一杯葡萄不美观味发酵后陈酿的醇喷香。 +"In order to eliminate the influence of time-distance relationship on seismic synthetic records, we suggest using time-scanning method to replace manual-shifting method.",为了消除合成地震记录的时深关系影响,建议采用时间扫描法代替手工移动法。 +But the US wanted a 50-50 split.,但美国希望费用平分。 +"So, people who met in the lobby with legislators were called ""lobbyists.""",因此,在民众接待厅会见议员的人士被称之为说客(lobbyists)。 +Those gains and losses that contemporary Chinese acquired in the process of their observing and understanding Japan and Japanese culture claim certain right uses for reference.,当时人在观察和认识日本、日本文化上的长短得失为今天提供了借鉴之处。 +"I am a 35-year-old female who desperately needs advice. My husband is 54 years old, and we have been together 14 years and married for eight.",我是一名35岁急需你建议的女性,我的丈夫54岁了,我们在一起已经14年,结婚也8年了。 +Paolo Di Canio is set to end his footballing career at the age of 38 after Lazio failed to offer him a contract extension.,由于拉齐奥没有提供新合同,保罗。迪卡尼奥正准备在38岁高龄结束自己的球员生涯。 +I'm afraid I've goofed it up.,我怕我把事情搞糟了。 +"McCain said he is open to a variety of possible solutions to the home finance crisis in the U.S., adding that he would not allow what he called political dogma to override common sense.",麦凯恩说,面对美国的房屋贷款危机,他愿意考虑多种解决方案。 麦凯恩还表示,他决不允许把他所说的政治信条置于常识之上。 +"That all startswith the design, however there isn't muchroom left for smartphone design to take massive leaps forward: they're already all metal and glass, all touchscreens and high-definitioncameras.",这一切都从设计开始,然而没有太多的空间让智能手机设计取得巨大的飞跃:手机已经都是金属和玻璃,都配备了触摸屏和高清摄像头。 +"“These are social animals,” said Janice D. Wagner, a professor of pathology there. “We think they are happier that way.”",那里的一位病理学教授詹尼斯·D·瓦格纳(Janice D. Wagner)说:“他们是社会化的动物,我们认为这样做它们会感觉更幸福一些。” +"According to news reports, Nauru, a country known for exporting phosphate harvested from bird droppings, bartered its recognition of Abkhazia for $50 million in Russian financial aid.",据报道,以出口从鸟粪中收获的磷酸盐而闻名的岛国瑙鲁,用它对阿布哈兹独立的承认换取50元万的俄罗斯金融援助。 +CONCLUSION: The test supplied scientific mechanism of using SMA to prevent further crack of teeth in clinic.,结论:为临床选用镍钛记忆合金骑缝钉固定隐裂牙,防止其进一步扩展提供了科学依据。 +"To improve the efficiency of SAT solver, a new method using observability don't cares is presented.",为了提高可满足性求解器的效率,提出了一种利用电路可观无关性的方法。 +"North of Yangtze River, east to Shanghai, south of Wuxi Taihu Lake . convenient Location and beautiful environment. the expressway network extending in all directions.",地理位置优越,环境优美。北靠长江,东临上海,南连无锡太湖。高速公路网四通八达。 +Aggregated data structure level (Figure 5) works with summarized instances of the same type within the same owner chain.,聚合数据结构级别(如图 5 所示)针对相同所有者链内相同类型的实例汇总。 +The teacher yelled at us for goofing around in class.,老师对我们大吼大叫只是要在班上耍人取乐罢了。 +Compare the login screen's Cancel button in its default state (Figure 4) to its mouse-over state (Figure 5).,您可以比较登录屏幕中 Cancel按钮在默认状态(图 4)和 mouse-over 状态(图 5)下的不同。 +B:On May 25th at four o'clock.That's Saturday afternoon.,5月25日4点,那是星期六下午。 +"The closer the light source, the softer the light. The farther the source, the harder the light.",相反的,光源越远,光线越硬。 +"""This biological clock has a very powerful effect on us, "" says Professor Jim Horne, director of Loughborough University's sleep research centre.",拉夫堡大学睡眠研究中心主任吉姆·霍恩教授说:“人体生物钟对我们的影响非常强大。 +"Zhou Tao's essays are full of life consciousness which is expressed in his praise and belief in life, the eulogy to rare species in border areas, and the admiration for outstanding figures.",周涛的散文充满昂扬充沛的生命意识,这种生命意识表现在对生命的信仰和礼赞,对边隆珍奇物种的颂扬,对气概非凡的杰出人物的赞赏几个方面。 +This extra level of indirection can get in the way when you're trying to profile or otherwise precisely control JVM invocation arguments.,这种更高级别的间接性会在您尝试分析或精细控制 JVM 调用参数时造成困难。 +"In years gone by, many children were afflicted with polio, measles, mumps, Rubella, influenza, small pox, diphtheria, whooping cough and others.",在过去的岁月中,许多儿童患有小儿麻痹症,麻疹,腮腺炎,风疹,流感,天花,白喉,百日咳和其他疾病。 +"He brings home CNY50, 000 a year and has used the new wealth to remodel his house and take his father and other relatives to Beijing for sightseeing.",他每年为家里挣五万元,他用这些钱装修了房子,把父亲和其他亲戚带到北京观光。 +Thank you to those who reviewed this article.,感谢那些对本文进行审校的人员。 +The diner had only one short-order cook who could make anything on the menu.,菜单上有很多菜可供选择,但他们还是更喜欢自助餐。 +"Do something pro-active, quick thinking, can withstand greater pressure, with team spirit.",做事积极主动、思维敏捷、能承受较大工作压力,具有团队合作精神。 +"The server allocates resources for the connections upon receipt of the SYN, then under a flood of SYN packets, eventually runs out and is unable to service new requests.",服务器在接收 SYN 报文之前,要为连接分配资源,但是在大量产生 SYN 报文的情况下,最终会耗尽自己的资源,从而无法处理新的请求。 +"Drain thoroughly, pat dry with a clean white tea towel, wrap the chicken in the tea towel and let rest 15-20 minutes so the towel absorbs as much liquid as possible.",洗净后,用茶巾拍干,将整只鸡用茶巾包裹起来闲置15-20分钟这样可以将鸡表面的水分尽可能的吸干。 +OBAMA: You'll hear the determination in the voice of a young field organizer who's working his way through college and wants to make sure every child has that same opportunity.,奥巴马:你会听到一位半工半读的年轻人现场活动组织者声音中的坚定,想要让每一个孩子都和他有一样的机会。 +"Reuters and IHT compete with Dow Jones &Co., parent of The Wall Street Journal.",路透和《国际先驱论坛报》是《华尔街日报》(Wall Street Journal)母公司道琼斯公司(Dow Jones &Co.)的竞争对手。 +Where’s the laser material?,激光辅材在哪里? +"It fits within the design, implementation and deployment phases.",设计、实现和部署阶段它非常适合。 +"It is regarded as the primordial sound of the Universe, the eternal vibration of existence and is naturally heard in deep states of meditation called 'Samadhi.",它被认为是宇宙的,永恒的存在振动原始自然的声音,是一种叫做冥想深州听到'三昧。'。 +"At present, our factory have already formed several dozen kinds of products in the fields of computer floss and knitting thread.",目前,本厂已在电脑绣花线,针织线领域内形成了数十种规格的产品。 +The working principle and output speciality of the intake pressure sensor are introduced here. Its fault particularity and vacuum degree affection is described.,介绍进气压力传感器的工作原理,阐明它的输出特性,指出它产生故障的特殊性以及歧管真空度对它的特殊影响。 +"A retired prison guard ate his 25,000th Big Mac on Tuesday, 39 years to the day after eating his first nine.",周二在九个汉堡之后,一名退休狱警吃下了自己的第2万5千个巨无霸,也正是39年前的这一天他开始了自己的巨无霸之旅。 +"There's loads of nice clubs, places to go for drinks.",那里有很多好的俱乐部和喝东西的地方。 +"For enhancing the stature of NTU as a research-intensive university through innovative technologies, Prof Yeo Kiat Seng is presented the Nanyang Alumni Achievement Award.",杨杰圣教授凭他深具开创性的技术开发成果,协助巩固了南洋理工大学在科研领域的权威与声望,为此获颁南洋校友成就奖。 +Scientists could “adopt” middle school classes and present their own research.,科学家可以“走进”中学课堂,介绍他们的科研活动。 +"""She was popular, captain of the swim team, class president, "" Wood says. ""I thought that this was going to destroy all of that for her.""",“她很受欢迎,是游泳队的队长,也是班主席”Wood说“我想这会毁了她的一切”。 +"Ferrand: Listen, its very simple. Well stop and begin shooting again when you find me a cat who knows how to act!",听着这非常简略,我们停下来当你找到一只知道怎么演戏的猫再重新拍。 +"To construct long-term development system of community rectification, we need to solve the fellow problems: improving the legislation of justice institutes form people, finance and material.",构建我国社区矫正制度发展的长效机制目前必须要解决的问题是:完善社区矫正立法、统一刑罚执行权、加快非政府组织的培育、加强对司法所人、财、物的保障。 +US will never apologize. That is fixed.,一定是我打开的方式不对… +"Diversion of the channels and cofferdams shall be used to minimize potential disturbance to water bodies, to limit adverse impact on water quality at downstream and to contain sediments.",应把水道或围堰改道,以减少对水体可能造成的扰动,以尽量避免对下游的水质造成不良影响及挖到沉积物。 +"When you to the beautiful sky, no cover, open yourself.",当你向美丽天空,毫无遮掩,敞开你自己时。 +"A tea party with Barack Obama, Vladimir Putin or Queen Elizabeth II –well, sort of.",与巴拉克·奥巴马、弗拉基米尔·普京或者是伊丽莎白二世女王共聚茶会—嗯,类似茶会。 +"Actors, weapons and props marked with reflective dots move around the stage while the camera grid tracks only the dots.",演员 武器和道具上都用有反射的点来标记 当他们移动时 摄像机网格只跟拍点的移动. +Note: The maximum number of candidates one can nominate is two. There should be a seconder.,注:每人最多可提名兩位候选人。必须有和议人。 +"There Rende Then, if there is energy to be able to go to scholarship, learning knowledge.",有仁德之后,如果还有精力就可以去做学问,学知识。 +"Tonight, Anna, the foreign teacher from Baise University, is going to share her first Chinese new year in China with us! Come and join us! Have fun!",今晚来自百色学院的外教,将与我们共同分享她在中国过的第一个中国新年所带给她的有趣见闻! +"Instead of being powered by the sun, then, some young sharks seem to run on fossil fuel.",其实,并非太阳光威幼鲨提供存活的能量,而是矿物燃料-沼气。 +"If you push him too far, he might turn you into a charcoal briquette.",如果你把他惹毛的话,他可能会把你变成炭团。 +"Descendants live outside San Francisco in Cortina and Colusa, Calif.",其传人居住在加州旧金山郊外。 +"As its name suggests, it is shaped like a horse’s head.",它之所以被这样命名,是因为它的形状跟马头很相似。 +Complexity of social security of public surroundings makes it much difficult that police department enforces the law.,社会治安环境的复杂性为公安部门的执法行动带来了很大困难。 +"Care should be taken to avoid touching or splashing the rim of the well with conjugate. Do not ""blow -out "" from microplates.",小心避免触碰有共轭物的检测孔边缘或使其中内容物溢出。不要向微板“吹气”。 +Will the joint area with dense hooped reinforcement enhance the bearing capacity of the frame column?,节点区箍筋加密是否有利于框架柱承载能力的提高? +Chester would try to make his way through a narrow sliding door find himself stuck halfway and then look at me with total and quite genuine puzzlement.,切斯特会使劲挤进一个很窄的拉门,半身卡在了那里,然后用毫不掺假的迷茫眼神看着我。 +"P2: Yes, go along this road for about 100 meters until you come to the traffic light. turn right that's 5th avenue and Parcesun street is the second on the left.",好的,沿着这条路走大约100米就到了第一个红绿灯处,向右转是第五大道,Parcesun 街就是左边第二条街,好了吗? +"It'll say is this really what you ate, and if you ate it, then you say yes I ate this, and then it adds to the electronic log.","系统会问这是否确实是你吃的,如果确实是 就选择是,你的选择会被记入电子日志" +"Ric Deverell, commodities analyst at Credit Suisse, said in a recent report he expected iron ore prices to rebound as steel production “should resume growth towards the end of the September quarter”.",瑞信(Credit Suisse)大宗商品分析师瑞克•戴佛瑞尔(Ric Deverell)在最近的一份报告中表示,他预期铁矿石价格将出现反弹,因为钢铁产量“应该在第三季度接近尾声时恢复增长”。 +"Coming to GTB with a background in design and advertising, Kelvin contributed to GTB earlier this Fall by designing public service announcements and promotional materials for all to enjoy.",他的专业背景是广告设计,去年秋天开始为点废成绿服务,主要负责设计公益宣传片和宣传资料,以供大家欣赏阅读。 +How many drugstores do there is in Mei Zhou City Da Pu County Hu Liao Town? How many clinics do have?,梅州市大埔县湖寮镇有多少个药店?有多少个诊所? +"The planet, HR 8799e, is a gas giant rather like Jupiter, but about 10 times as massive — similar to the other three planets in the system, which Marois discovered in 2008.",这颗编号为HR 8799e的行星是一颗与木星相似的气态巨星,但其质量约是木星的10倍,这一点与该星系中由Marois于2008年发现的其它三颗行星相似。 +"'I know this is very hard to understand to people outside Finland who are not familiar with the sauna habit, ' Arvela said.",Arvela说:“我知道对于那些生活在芬兰境外、不熟悉桑拿浴习惯的人来说,很难理解这种情况。” +He plans to travel to Haiti next week to evaluate the fault zone and try to determine what happened during the quake.,下星期,他打算到海地去评估断层区,并尽力确认地震中发生的事。 +Objective; To examine the correlation between A-type personality and time management disposition of normal college Students.,目的:探讨高师生A型人格与时间管理倾向的关系。 +"In an interview at the Frankfurt Motor Show, Ford finance chief Lewis Booth said that Ford had ruled out keeping loss-making Volvo Cars.","福特财务长Lewis Booth在法兰克福车展上接受采访时表示,福特已经排除了继续保留沃尔沃品牌的可能性." +This paper dissects a new viewpoint posed in recent years and puts forward a different opinion about the issue.,本文深入剖析了近年出现的一种新观点,提出自己关于这个问题的不同认识。 +The geologic phenomenon in Songshan have six kinds of characteristics.,嵩山地质现象具有六大突出特点。 +"Among those routing arithmetic in DTN, the Ferry Routing is a single-copy routing, which has low delivery probability, high delay and litter network traffics.",其中,摆渡路由是一种单拷贝的路由算法,其报文投递率比较低,传递延迟比较大,网络开销也很小。 +Objective: To study the expression of activated epi- dermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) and transcription factor E2F (E2F) in Condyloma Accuminata(CA)patients.,目的检测活化型表皮生长因子受体(EGFR)和转录调节因子E2F在尖锐湿疣中的表达。 +"Fortunately for the tourists, almost everyone on the island speaks English. Maltese take pride in their politesse and will often ask if you think they're nice.",幸运的是,岛上几乎每个人都能讲英语,而马耳他人则对其彬彬有礼的举止引以为豪,常会问你他们是否够友善。 +"Mrs. Stark, you handle this however you see fit.",斯达克夫人,您看怎么合适就怎么处理吧。 +"Whoever comes to Me and hears My Words, and does them, I will show you to whom he is like. He is like a man who built a house and dug deep and laid the foundation on a rock;",凡到我这里来,听见我的话就去行的,我要告诉你们他像什麽人:他像一个人盖房子,深深的挖地,把根基安在磐石上; +"Responsible for rural areas, agriculture, water resources, and afforestation.",负责农村、农业、水务、园林绿化方面工作。 +"If your dream was to be a Chinese herb doctor, would you come to China to study Chinese medicine?",如果你想成为一名中医,你是否会选择到中国学医?。 +Obama and Russion President Dmitri Medvedev greet each other. The two leaders released a statement promising to work on a new deal to cut nuclear warheads .,奥巴马与俄国总统梅德韦杰夫互致问候。两位领导人发表一项声明,承诺一起工作以达成一项关于削减核弹头的新协议。 +"New anti-dumping cases, another form of protection, rose 15 percent last year, the bank says, and agricultural subsidies are increasing.",世行说,反倾销作为另一种形式的保护措施,去年的案例增加了15%;农业补贴也在增加。 +It's so young It totters when she licks it with her tongue.,那么幼小她用舌头舔它都会使它站不稳。 +"He adds that while their model can stipulate the requirements of each type of lightning, data collection during storms is too slow for the model to act in any predictive way.",等人的模型可以保证满足不同类型闪电的要求时,从风暴中收集数据的速度将会太 +Bruce Lee created Jeet Kune Do to be as effective as possible.,李小龙创建截拳道要尽可能有效。 +我愿意和你做交易。,I like to swap with you. +It can make mine resource exploiture and diggings development make for persistence development healthiness road.,使矿产资源开发和矿区发展走可持续发展的健康之路。 +"In particular, Xylo-oligosaccharides, with its distinctive characteristics and better function than other Oligosaccharides, is right under spotlight.",低聚木糖的特性及功能性比其他低聚糖优越,倍受人们关注。 +The report concludes that overfishing is a greater threat to the area than pollution or any other human activity.,报告的结论说,过度捕捞对这一海区的威胁大于污染和其它任何一种人类活动的威胁。 +"Xining Airport is located at Caojiapu of Gaozhai Township, Huzhu County, 29km to the east of Xining City.",西甯机场位于西甯市以东29公里的互助县高寨乡曹家堡。 +The greatest change of the 20th century health care is the change of human disease spectrum—the original dominant infectious disease gradually being replaced by chronic and non-communicable diseases.,20世纪卫生保健状况最大的变化就是人类疾病谱的改变——原来占主导地位的传染病逐渐被慢性非传染性疾病所取代。 +How do XA and non-XA drivers differ in distributed transactions?,XA驱动和非XA驱动在分布式事务中的区别是什么? +This paper is presented how to implement the simulation for visual effect by VTR.,其中,视觉效果模拟是一个重要方面。 +Add the has_many :document association to the newly generated /app/models/subject.rb file.,添加 has_many :document 关联到新生成的 /app/models/subject.rb 文件中。 +We want to educate people about the warning signs of mental illness.,我们想教育人们了解精神疾病的警告标志。 +"Don't worry, Agnes.",嗨,不必担心,艾格妮丝! +The only thing clone of Mr. Wolfs and Mr. Wolfs of themselves have in common is their genetic sequence.,沃夫先生的克隆产物(对话人中的宠物名字)和生物体本身唯一的共同点在于基因序列。 +"The commission's suggested solution is appoint itself as fire warden, firefighter and prosecutor.",委员会建议的解决方案是自任消防管理员,救火队员和检察官。 +Nothing can compensate for the loss of one's health.,一个人健康的丧失是无法补偿的。 +The definition file defines the following series of actions,这个定义文件定义了下述系列操作 +"Nearly 50% of all Sheraton guests use the Link@Sheraton during their stay – that is more than eat breakfast, use the gym or go to the bar.",高达50%的喜来登宾客在入住期间都会使用“相聚喜来登” ,超过了在这里吃早餐、使用健身房或者去酒吧的人数。 +"Combine gin, chatreuse and 2 dashes of BOLS Orange Bitters in a shaker half-filled with ice. Strain into a very chilled cocktail glass. Garnish with a cherry.",混合金酒,沙特勒兹和2滴波士橘子苦酒入盛有半杯冰块的摇壶,滤入冰过的鸡尾酒杯,饰以樱桃。 +The economic benefits of wheat Production can be efficiently increased by applying fertilizer at the desired arte according to the model.,依据施肥模式实现量化施肥,可以有效地提高小麦生产的经济效益。 +"The ECFR study is not yet published, but a press notice sets out three areas of concern. I quote.",欧洲国际关系理事会的研究论文还未发表,但是有媒体注意到涉及的三方面忧虑。例举如下。 +Methods 30 nurses of emergency department in a hospital of Guangzhou were investigated by using the nursing job stressor inventory.,方法采用问卷调查法对广州市某三甲医院急诊室护士的职业压力来源进行探讨。 +"Foams are cushiony material formed by the creation of gas bubbles in a base material such as natural rubber, synthetic rubber or other elastomeric materials.",它们是由气泡在一种基本材料如天然橡胶、合成橡胶或其它弹性材料中的产生而形成的软垫材料。 +Come on. Failure teaches success (Failure is the mother of success). Don't lose heart. I'm sure you'll succeed.,别如许。掉败是胜利之母。不要悲观。本人置信你必然会胜利的。 +The students are congregated in the auditorium.,学生在礼堂集合。 +He does not want to kill the stray dogs. He offers a different solution,他并不想杀死流浪狗。 +"Like the gorilla experiment, only about half the students notice that they were actually talking to a different person. Another failure of attention.",就像刚才的大猩猩实验一样,只有大约一半的人确实注意到了和他们说话的人换了,而其他人则根本没有发觉。 +"In this paper, will introduce how to design a FLASH file-system which will settle the most of problems in FLASH storage.",本文介绍了一种FLASH文件系统的实现过程,满足了机顶盒开发中的一般应用。 +SEPTEMBER 11 — The “New Forum” is founded in East Berlin by critics of the GDR; Hungary opens its border with Austria with a ceremonial cut of barbed wire.,9月11日 — 东德批评人士在东柏林创立“新论坛”(“New Forum”)。 匈牙利举行剪铁丝网仪式,开放了与奥地利的边界。 +"On Mothering Sunday, the servants, who generally lived with their employers, were encouraged to return home and honor their mothers.","在省亲节那一天, 通常与雇主住在一起的仆人了, 被劝说回家和他们的母亲团聚。" +"Extra large, extra wide, non-slip rubber covered press plate will handle the big guys.",超大,超宽,防滑橡胶盖压板将处理的大傢伙。 +"""The recent weakness is much worse than the long-term trend, "" said JP Morgan economist Frank F.X.",摩根大通JP Morgan 经济学者弗兰克F.X. 刚 Frank F.X. Gong说,“最近的滑落比起长期的发展趋势是非常严重的。” +"Especially from the establishment of new China, the 24-style, 48-style and 88-style Taijiquan have been found, which enhanced the function of improving people's health.",尤其是在新中国成立以后,又整理出了24式、48式和88式太极拳,为太极拳健身功效的发挥起到了很大的推动作用。 +Tiger Woods stared golfing when he was only ten months old.,当泰戈伍兹只有十个月的时候,他就开始打高尔夫球了。 +As the cohesive force of emulsified asphalt in the mixture in initial stage is generally lower so that people always worry about the occurrence of raveling after compaction.,由于乳化沥青在冷再生混合料成型初期提供的粘结力较低,使人们担心会发生松散破坏。 +This is only a rough idea; I'll go into top particulars later on.,这只是初步想法,以后我将详加说明。 +"Schlink, who is also a lecturer in law, writes with an alert sense for moral ambiguities, yet he also makes an impassioned stand in defence of the redemptive power of love. Philip Oltermann",施林克——同时也是一个法律讲师——抱着对道德多义性的警戒感写作了此书,同时也对爱的救赎力作出了慷慨激昂的辩护。 +Peter therefore was kept in prison: but prayer was made without ceasing of the church unto God for him.,于是彼得被囚在监里。 教会却为他切切的祷告神。 +"English Curriculum Standards points out clearly that students should master four basic language skills-listening, speaking, reading and writing.",《高中英语新课程标准》明确指出学生应掌握语言的四项基本技能——听、说、读、写。 +"The traditional upper limit of magnetic induction density B parallel to target surface in rectangular planar magnetron sputtering target has been increased by analyzing, designing and experimenting.",通过理论分析、实际设计和实验,对矩形平面磁控溅射靶表面水平磁感应强度B的传统取值上限进行了拓展。 +The Appeal Court rejected the appeal on a technicality.,上诉法院驳回了就技术细节问题的上诉。 +"Since 1952, Fudan University has trained a total of 74 academicians, second only to Beijing University, Qinghua University, ahead of fourth place in the ranking of colleges and universities.",自1952年以来,复旦大学共培养了74名院士,仅次于北京大学、清华大学,遥遥领先于排名第四位的高校。 +I will absolutely make the most of every minute of each day !,我一要最大限度地利用每一天的每一分钟! +"Oh, it's over here. A big one. Walk-in type.",喔,在这里。一个大的。人进得去的那种。 +"Despite this hint of water, however, these rocks still contained significant amounts of olivine and pyroxene.",不过,尽管有水的迹象,这里的岩石仍然含有大量的橄榄石与辉石。 +Could you describe the general atmosphere of MIT?,你能描述一下麻省理工学院的总体氛围吗? +The only line of defense we have so far is to sensitise farmers on how to control spread of the disease.,Asea 说:“我们迄今拥有的唯一防线是让农民注意如何控制这种疾病的传播。 +"Based on the study of deep-seated tectonic blocks, a litho-logic column from upper mantle to crust-mantle transition zone bas be…",在深源构造岩块的研究基础上建立了壳幔过渡带至上地幔段的岩性地层柱,对上地幔可能存在的地质作用类型进行了探讨。 +Conclusion Application of shower cream and warm water spray can improve the effect of perineal care for female patients with indwelling urinary catheter.,结论沐浴露联合温水擦洗会阴法可有效提高女性留置尿管患者会阴护理的效果。 +"But the occidental advocate duality, in their opinion, ideal life and true life may be self-existent. This mode of life possess intensitying transcendental consciousness.",西方人崇尚二元化,理想生活与现实生活可以独立存在,并行不悖,有强烈的超越意识。 +"The future China ownership law should abolish the institution on the right to contract land for management, and construct the institution on the use right to the farm land.",我国未来的物权法应当在承认农村土地集体所有的基础上,取消土地承包经营权的制度设计,构建农地使用权制度。 +"You must understand, Sanders, that the problems that can suddenly appear and darken your existence, can only worsen, and you will have neither the power, nor the energy, to confront them.",你一定了解,散沙,那个能突然出现而且弄暗你的存在问题,只能使更坏,而且你将会既没有力量 , 也没有能源, 面对他们。 +"Using Semi-Analytical Method of FEM to computer three-dimensional infilling wave shape system, this article constructs a counterforce matrix.",用半解析单元法分析了厚圆板基础与弹性地基的三维动力相互作用,提出了一种新的半解析位移函数。 +Did not you hear him complain of the rheumatism ?,你没听他说有风湿病吗? +"Naming of communication endpoints: In ORPC protocols, some message representation of an ORPC endpoint is needed to communicate object references across the network.",通信端点的命名:在 ORPC 协议中,需要 ORPC 端点的一些消息表示法以便通过网络传达对象引用。 +Wang said he has great hopes that the policy will undermine that increase.,王称,他极大的希望些政策将阻止其增长。 +I always get up until 8am.,我总是到8点钟才起床。 +Interested in putting people to work?,对帮别人找工作有兴趣? +"I sit on the river bank, sad and alone.",我独自坐在河岸,充满忧伤。 +"You can read the selected checkbox index values from the request object String[] values = request.getParameterValues(""hdchkDelete"");.","可以从 request 对象中读取所选的选择框的索引值 String[] values = request.getParameterValues(""hdchkDelete"");。" +Bring forward a security data transmission approach in WAN-based environment on the background ofa WWW-based distributed information system.,文中在一种基于WWW的分布式信息系统的背景下,提出一种在广域网(WAN)的环境中安全传输数据的解决方案。 +The state feedback law stabilizing non-causal discrete singular system is given.,首先给出了镇定非因果广义系统的状态反馈律。 +Urothelial cell becoming antigen-presenting cell (APC) may be one important finding for the mechanisms of BCG resisting bladder cancer.,膀胱粘膜上皮细胞成为抗原递呈细胞,可能是BCG抗膀胱癌重要作用机理之一。 +"It might be harder to diagnose skin cancer in these populations because the growths often appear in atypical locations such as palms, soles of the feet, toenails and fingernails.",这可能造成这些人的皮肤癌难以诊断,因为他们的皮肤癌经常生长在非典型的地方,如手掌,在脚底,脚趾甲和手指甲。 +"EuroSibEnergo and China Yangtze, whose output more than doubled in the first nine months, plan to add 10, 000 megawatts of capacity in Russia, Deripaska’s company said yesterday.",前9个月产量翻了一倍多的俄能源和长江电力,计划在俄罗斯增加1000亿瓦的电容,•德里帕斯卡的公司昨日表示。 +Let me find a teacher for you.,那我带你找师傅去。 +"Margaret Atwood is a contemporary famous poet, novelist and literary critic of Canada, known as the ""Queen of Canadian literature.""",玛格丽特·阿特伍德是加拿大当代著名的诗人、小说家和文学评论家,被誉为“加拿大文学女王”。 +"The court has a $310 million annual budget and more than 1,100 employees from 82 countries.",它拥有3.1亿美元的年度预算,超过1100名来自82个国家的雇员。 +Mongolians are better at communing with nature than with each other.,相比人与人之间的相互交流,蒙古人更擅长与自然谈心。 +"His military thought not only serves as a theoretical guide for military practice, but also as a reference for today's strategy of peace oriented by the construction of a harmonious world.",高拱的军事思想不仅为其军事实践提供了思想理论指南,而且对我国现今实施的以构建和谐世界为价值取向的和平军事战略也有着一定的借鉴意义。 +The document-node() test without any parameter selects document nodes.,无参数的 document-node() 测试可选择文档节点。 +Admiral Mullen said the exercises were both small and long-scheduled.,马伦说这些演习的规模都不大,而且是早就计划好的。 +"A program to help do JinGuXi zhaoyang issues, jade the more relevant tasks in a book writing all let her follow;",昭阳计划协助打理金家细务,小玉更将有关任务全写在书卷上让她追随; +"Likewise, the men learned not to request medical treatment until a condition was serious enough to draw attention to it.",同样的,这两人也学会了除非病情严重到明显需要治疗,否则不要去要求医疗服务。 +"Other housing developments include an “English village”, an “Italian village” and “Dream City”, all meant to lure back investors and professional Kurds.",其它房屋开发项目包括一个”英语村”,一个”意大利村”和”梦幻城”,都是为了将投资者和库尔德专业人士吸引回来。 +Timesheets will allow you to easily monitor the daily work of your employees by enabling them to record their timesheets;,工时表通过员工记录的工时表轻松管理监控他们的日常工作; +"Of circumstances rather than the state of the world itself, the easier it'll beto change your perspective.",的环境而非世界形态本身,那么你就越会容易改变自己的观点。 +"Baiyun District charming beautiful natural scenery, historical and cultural heritage.",白云区自然风景优美迷人,历史文化古迹众多。 +"Urethane acrylate resin was synthesized by reaction of polyester glycol with MDI, then terminated with β hydroxyl ethylene acrylate. The properties of the …",饶秋华,晏欣,宋玉苏,邓淑珍,氨酯丙烯酸酯树脂与氯化聚乙烯的共混。 +"On May 17th he appeared on “Saturday Night Live” to claim that “I have the courage, the wisdom, the experience and, most importantly, the oldness necessary.",5月17号,在<<周六夜现场>>做节目时,他声称:“我拥有所必需的胆识,智慧,经验,更重要的是,我的岁数够大。” +(President George W.) Bush hasn't cared at all about what the dollar is worth because he is so provincial.,Lipton说,“布什根本不会在意��元值多少,因为他是井底之蛙。 +China's auto industry is searching for its own distinctive look as Western rivals begin to encroach on its fast-growing turf.,就在西方竞争对手开始蚕食中国快速增长的汽车市场时,中国汽车产业正在寻找自己的独特“外观”。 +"There have been concerns voiced that USB is intrinsically a more jittery interface than regular S/PDIF, so we tried our best to hear any differences between the various options.",有相关的说法说USB是比S/PDIF包含更多的时基抖动的接口,于是我们尽量想听出这不同方式之间的区别。 +Eat up your vegetables.,把你的青菜吃光。 +Japanese is not going to be taught this term.,本学期不准备开设日语课。 +"You have two impediments,"" Modernization - not only do we need a START treaty, we need to modernize our nuclear force, the weapons that are left to make sure they continue to be a deterrent.",目前有两个障碍。 第一是现代化,我们不仅仅需要一个新的削减战略武器条约,我们还需要使我们的核力量现代化,留下依然能够起到威摄作用的武器。 +Gongyang-studies is an academic school to research on and to expound cardinal principles of righteousness of The Spring and Autumn Annals.,公羊学是研究阐述《春秋》大义的一个学术流派。 +""" At another point, (he teacher tries to get him to open up. ""Why don't you just tell me?",在另一个时刻,这位老师试图让歹徒敞开他的思想“你难道不能跟我说说吗? +"Manny Pacquiao, the fighter who convinced De La Hoya to retire by beating him senseless this past December, is beyond a star in his native Philippines.",去年12月,帕奎奥打得霍亚没有还手之力,这坚定了霍亚退休的决心。 +"one microblogger wrote on Sina Weibo, one of the more popular sites, which had hundreds of such postings.",一位博友在中国最受欢迎的网站新浪微博上写道。这个网站有数百条这样的帖子。 +"In the second road, he tried to prove the nonexistence of an independent state.",第二条进路是否定了国家作为一种独立于法的存在。 +"I like english because I think it is very important. I , m a monitor in class and make excellent grades during the study at school .",我喜欢英语,因为我觉得英语很重要。我在小学里是班长,学习成绩优秀,(在小学毕业考试中还取得了全段第一的好成绩。) +"When we return, we'll get Wang Lee Hom to share his thoughts on the Asian pop scenes up and coming stars. Stay with us.",下节回来我跟力宏要来交流一下他对于亚洲流行音乐走向的看法。 +"In the separation of PTA oxidation residue, pure water was used as the extractant, and extracted solution was exchanged and absorbed by ionic exchanged resin of styrene.",用脱离子水作萃取剂 ,萃取液经苯乙烯阳离子交换树脂交换吸附后所得的催化剂溶液可回用于PTA氧化装置。 +"With adopting means of probability and statistics, the representative testing result of the beam random jittering is analyzed by dualistic statistics.",运用概率和统计的方法对有代表性的光束随机抖动测试结果进行了二元统计分析。 +"Kyson celebrated his first birthday ten days after he was found, and Harmon was invited.",10天后奇森过了他人生中第一个生日。 +They say that Mt . Panaeryu is today's central Siberian plateau and Cheonhae is today's Lake Baikal.,他们说的波奈留山就是现在的西伯利亚高原中部,天海就是现在的贝加尔湖。 +"Ferguson has criticised the Old Trafford crowd for their blase attitude this season, but he praised them yesterday.",弗格森爵士本赛季谴责老特拉福德的球迷们贪于享受,但是他昨天赞扬了球迷。 +"Methods To make resultful execution of good nosogenetic observation, mental nurse and dietetical nurse and by well sanitizing, secluding and syndrome defending.",方法通过有效的心理护理、 饮食护理,并做好消毒隔离、病情观察、预防并发症等各项护理措施。 +"The structural form selection in highrise buildings is a very complex decision-making question, which contains a great deal of incertitude and uncertainty informations.",高层建筑结构选型是一个非常复杂的决策问题,包含大量不确定性及不确知信息。 +"Firstly, it makes a brief introduction and definition of the establishing conditions and nature of the abettors.",首先,对教唆犯的成立条件及性质进行了简要概述和界定; +"She laughed and said, ""Henry used to say we are living our life doing our 'gotta to do's', and that life is to short for gotta to do's!",她笑着说:“享利过去常说我们过自己的日子,做‘总得做的事情’,那种生活是‘总得做的事情’的简称!” +"The word ""eye"" not only means our visual organ but also implies our ability to perceive, to comprehend and to experience the world.",眼睛这个词在这里并不仅仅代表着我们的视觉器官,而是���涵着我们对世界的全部的感觉、认识和体验的能力。 +"After the time of Abimelech a man of Issachar, Tola son of Puah, the son of Dodo, rose to save Israel.",亚比米勒以后,有以萨迦人朵多的孙子,普瓦的儿子陀拉兴起,拯救以色列人。 +The silicon carbon layer is exposed to a dopant.,将硅碳层暴露给掺 杂物。 +"Details, Ben Wang connection of the China Radio International in the Americas Reporters in Xin Yi.",详细情况,本网连线了中国国际广播电台驻美洲记者于昕怡。 +"Also, with 7 meeting rooms and 800 square metres of meeting and function space the Cavan Hotel is the smart choice for board meeting or large group event.",我们的 7 间会议室及多功能会议中心无疑是召开董事会议或举行大型团体活动的理想选择。 +The Young Amelia was first at the rendezvous.,这次的约会还是少女阿梅丽号最先到达。 +Ecological crisis as well as some global questions results from misunderstanding and wrong practices of the anthropocentrism.,当今的生态危机以及一些全球性问题的产生是未能正确认识和践行人类中心主义的结果; +The silicic acid gelatin and the formation of Si hydroxy group on the materials' surface had an important effect on nucleation and amount of HCA.,材料表面的硅酸凝胶层及其硅羟基团的形成对碳酸羟基磷灰石(HCA)微晶的成核有重要作用。 +"The N800 has a really neat feature, a little pop-out camera.",N800 有一项十分简洁的功能:一架小型的弹出式照相机。 +"Since the early part of the 20th century, many Haredi and other Orthodox Jews have worn black fedoras and continue to this day.",由于初期的20世纪,许多Haredi和其他东正教犹太人穿黑色的帽子,并继续到今天。 +"But when they in their trouble did turn unto the LORD God of Israel, and sought him, he was found of them.",但他们在急难的时候归向耶和华以色列的神,寻求他,他就被他们寻见。 +"Any frequency can't have an energy, you have to -- you don't have a continuum of frequencies that are of a certain energy, it's actually punctuated into these packets that are called photons.",任何频率不能有个能量, 你必须要-对某一个能量上, 你不会有连续的频率,光子实际上分立的存在。 +EXAMPLE:The police arrested several men who were printing bogus money in a small warehouse outside the capital.,警察逮捕了一些在城外的小仓库里印制假钞的人。 +One example is Jay Rosen's blog for New York University (see link at 11.39am) and another is Alexis Madrigal's blog on the Atlantic.,其中一个案例是纽约大学Jay Rosen的博客(参见上午11点39分的链接),另一个则是在大西洋杂志上Alexis Madrigal的博客。 +The expanded perspective of holistic as considering the whole person and the whole situation allows us to apply holistic as an adjective to anything.,扩展的整体观念考虑到了整体的人和我们所处的各种环境,允许我们用“整体的”来形容任何事物。 +"An equities trader working for a small firm in Miami Beach, Fla.",他在佛罗里达州迈阿密海岸为一家小型企业做产权交易。 +"Authors state theoretically key design points and construction methods of the sticking steel board method adopted in bridge strengthening projects, and analyze this method with a spandrel arch bridge.",介绍福州尤溪洲闽江大桥空腹式刚架拱主要施工方案和技术要点,提供了预应力钢筋砼空腹式刚架拱的施工方法,可供施工同类桥梁借鉴。 +"Only eight countries in the world are richer than Russia and still not democratic, namely Singapore and seven small oil states.",世界上只有八个比俄罗斯富有而仍未实行民主的国家,即新加坡和七个石油生产小国。 +Investigators were trying to determine the cause of radiological contamination inside the nuclear facility's containment building on Saturday afternoon.,周六下午,调查人员正努力调查发生在安全厂房内核设施的放射性污染的原因。 +We studied pressure distribution on flap and the effect of the angle difference between the upper and the lower flap on it.,本文通过模型试验研究了拍门上的压力分布和角差对二阶段工作拍门压力分布的影响。 +It tasted like sweet natural spring water which made me realize most of the Uni in HK is low quality.,那味道就象甜美自然的春天之水,让我意识到香港的大部分海胆品质不高。 +Imagine how good it would have been if hadn't had that pork chop sandwich!,想像一下如果没有吃那个猪排三明治结果会有多好! +"Laba is a harvest year with eight fresh food and fruits boiled, usually for the sweet porridge.",腊八粥是用八种当年收获的新鲜粮食和瓜 果煮成,一般都为甜味粥。 +Two and half years ago the club launched its first suit.,两年半以前,这个俱乐部提出了首次诉讼。 +"The potential benefits of new seeds, drip-feed irrigation and farm credit are vast.",即便缺乏新的种子品种和高档的滴灌,投资对农民还是应该有所帮助。 +"The problem with Ginnie Maes now is that yields have fallen to about 4%, which will make it tough for investors to generate decent returns barring further rate declines.",吉地美公司现在的问题是收益率已经下降到约4 % ,这将使它很难为投资者创造体面的回报率,来防止进一步下跌。 +encouraging environmental innovation to bring new fuel-efficiency technologies into the marketplace;,鼓励环境创新,将新型节能技术引进市场; +"In Sweet Dreams For Sydney by Jean Wiley, Sydney the squirrel wears a pair of goggles to get rid of her nightmare, a trick she's taught by her father.",在由简。 薇丽写的《悉妮美梦》里,小松鼠悉妮为了摆脱噩梦,听从了她爸爸教给她的主意,睡觉时戴着一副护目镜。 +"But the sunshine policy, which Mr. Kim's successor, President Roh Moo-hyun, also followed, failed to prevent North Korea from developing and testing a nuclear weapon.",但是,后来金大钟的继任者卢武铉总统继续推行的阳光政策,并未能阻止北韩发展和试验核武器。 +"The navigator we have created will display Ecore models, but what about other types of EMF models?",我们所创建的导航器将显示 Ecore 模型,但是其他类型的 EMF 模型怎么办? +There are 205 species of wild pteridophytes in Quzhou. They belong to 36 families and 71 genera.,调查统计结果表明,浙江省衢州市共有野生蕨类植物205种,隶属于36科71属。 +"In three cohorts from Finland and Canada, single nucleotide polymorphism–tagged haplotypes associated with high serum immunoglobulin E or asthma.",在来自芬兰和加拿大的三个队列中,单核苷酸多态性标记的单倍型与高血清免疫球蛋白或者哮喘相关联。 +"Unless it is otherwise provided for, the principal shall not issue any hardcopy letter of assisted investigation and the delegate shall return to the principal such letter it receives.",除另有规定外,委托方不得发纸质协查函,受托方收到纸质协查函应予退回。 +"She shows the pictures of the farmers in the Northeast one by one before all the readers, and sings a dirge for their sick soul.",向读者展示了一幅幅东北农民众生图,并为他们病态的灵魂唱着挽歌。 +"Licensing principles in mind descending to the memory of elimination, that is what entertainment who have the big?",记牌的原则是从大到小以排除法记忆,也就是娱乐者都出了哪些大牌? +Aerosmith singer Steven Tyler has ended speculation that he is leaving the band by joining guitarist Joe Perry on stage in New York's Irving Plaza.,史密斯飞船乐队歌手史蒂芬·泰勒与歌手乔·佩里在纽约的欧文广场共同登台演出,结束了关于他要离队的猜想。 +Enter data into the e-form.,将数据输入电子表单。 +"Based on the Triple Helix thesis starting from the concept of Triple Helix Interface Organization(THIO), it presents structural forms and actual features of THIO.",本文以创新三螺旋理论为基础,从三螺旋接口组织的概念出发,首先对接口组织的结构形式和实际特征进行了阐述。 +"At higher temperatures, the cellulose can be effectively liquefied, while the lignin and hemicellulose tend to be repolymerized to form an insoluble residue.",在较高温度下,纤维素可有效液化,木质素和半纤维素易发生再聚合形成不溶残渣; +The ability to initiate or operate independently.,有守业能耐,并能独立地从业。 +"We possess on elite team who graduated from the Center lnstitute of Fine Arts, Guangzhou lnstitute of Fine Arts and JingDeZhen Ceramic lnstitute.",我们拥有一支来自于国内外知名设计师,雕塑艺术家和中央美院,广州美 院,景德镇陶瓷学院等专业院校精英分子组成的专业团队。 +"MILANELLO - At Milanello on Sunday, two-goal hero Jon Dahl Tomasson, talked to the journalists.",米拉内洛—周日在米拉内洛,梅开二度的托马森接受了记者的采访。 +The indicated temperature of radiometer need corrections for actual sky thermal radiance and for true surface emissivities.,辐射表的指示温度必须对实际大空热辐射与表面比辐射率做校正。 +"If we were bent on fighting on interior lines for the sake of convenience, we would fall into the enemy's deadly trap.",如果我们只想在内线作战要舒服一些,就中了敌人的毒计。 +Objective:Study on the Ultrasonic Extraction of Shikonin by ultrasonic method.,目的:建立烧伤膏中左旋紫草素的质量控制方法。 +"Then in order to provide possible solution, the thesis analysis the architecture of CORBA and suggests the integration of the technology of TMN and CORBA.",然后为了解决上述问题,分析了CORBA 体系结构,提出了把CORBA 和TMN 技术相结合,共同提供电信业务和网络管理的综合环境。 +Picture of mask found at a new Greco-Roman tomb site in Egypt's Bahariya Oasis.,被抢救的这一新发现,也来自埃及的巴哈利亚绿洲,有2000年历史的石膏面具反映了当时的希腊-罗马式的丧葬风格。 +"Maternal and intrauterine infections are notably common, so one question is that if schizophrenia is infectious in origin, why aren't more offspring born with schizophrenia?",母婴感染是非常常见的,所以人们很容易提出这样的质疑:假如感染是精神分裂症的病因,为什么没有更多的新生儿成为患者呢? +Callee: I'd rather not give out my number. What number are you trying to reach?,我不想给出我的号码,你想打的号码是多少? +Bamboo is slim enough to be made into phonograph needles yet strong enough to be used in bridge construction.,竹子细到可以用作留声机唱针,坚固到可以用于桥梁建筑。 +Conductor Jeffrey Douma considers the social element key to his group.,合唱团指挥道玛认为,社交因素至关重要。 +Building logistics bases at station freight terminal would be effective in tenors of location and time.,在车站码头货运物流基地的建设,可有效地开启的时间和地点。 +The agency already employs open source technologies to address multi-level security on government machines through SELinux.,国家安全局已经运用开源技术为使用SELinux系统的政府计算机处理多级安全问题。 +"That is why it is easier for engineers, because they had all this knowledge built up since first year of college.",这就是为什么对工程师来讲这更为容易,因为他们在从大学第一年开始就在积累这些知识。 +"As agreed, we are enclosing our draft at 30days for acceptance by your bankers.",根据商定,我们附上一张由你方承兑的30天定期票据。 +"Apart from hybrids, Ford and General Motors showed their all-electric vehicles, the Fusion EV and the Ampera.",除了混合动力车,福特和通用还分别展示了他们的纯电动车型Fusion EV和Ampera。 +"The recertification audit, including implementation of all agreed corrective actions, must be completed by 31.03.2010 .",换证审核包括所有被认可的纠正措施的实施必须在2010年3月31日前完成。 +Anhui flower drum song is a popular Han folk singing and dancing art in middle reaches of Huai River.,安徽花鼓灯是流行于淮河中游的汉族民间歌舞艺术。 +"With an All-Star and Defensive Player of the Year manning the center position in Hakeem Olajuwon, they were as close to this edition of the Magic as any team in history.",拥有全明星及最佳防守队员奥拉朱旺,他们就像这支魔术的历史版。 +It makes me sick to think people died without closure or proper acknowledgment whereas Holocaust deniers in Europe can go to prison.,一想到那些人没被圈禁或连一个像样的承认都没有做就死了,然而在欧洲犹太人大屠杀的否认者却被关进了监狱,我就恶心! +"A decade later, a coy Monroe stands smiling on a Grand Central subway platform as a man to her left stares in bug-eyed disbelief.",十年之后,腼腆的梦露站在中央地铁站的月台上微笑时,此时她左边的一位男士则目瞪口呆地怀疑地盯着她。 +I can't back out now but I rue the day that I let myself get involved with this project .,现在我不能打退堂鼓了,但我后悔自己参与了这个项目。 +"Effective publishing demands tightly choreographed collaboration among editorial groups and design groups working against ever-present, urgent deadlines.",高效的出版要求编辑队伍和设计组人员长期严格设计合作,在紧迫的截稿时间前完成工作。 +"It may come as a shock to husbands fond of accusing their wives of frittering the family finances on shoes and handbags, but a study has found that women are in fact better at budgeting than men.",一项研究发现,女性在花钱方面其实比男性更有计划,这可能会让那些总爱抱怨妻子爱买鞋买包的丈夫们感到吃惊。 +A Baidu spokesman declined to provide further details on the visit.,百度发言人拒绝提供此次视察的进一步详情。 +IVS (International Valuation Standards) and USPAP (Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice have enlightenment significance to the scheme and the orientation of China's own standards.,《国际评估准则》和美国《专业评估执业统一准则》对我国评估准则的制定思路、规划、总体定位等具有十分重要的借鉴意义。 +Who’s that nasty old woman?,那个令人讨厌的老婆子是谁? +"Along with global Internet popularization, network advertisements have developed vigorously and obtained status contending with traditional media advertisements.",随着互联网在全球范围内的普及,网络广告蓬勃发展,取得了与传统媒体广告相抗衡的地位。 +The chicken was overdone. It was as tough as leather. I'd like a discount.,这鸡肉太老,咬起来像啃皮革。我要打个折扣。 +"Jarvis agreed, saying more women in Hollywood - from Diane Keaton to Demi Moore - have been embracing their sexy side.",贾维斯对此表示同意,并提及更多好莱坞女演员,从黛安基顿到黛米摩尔都是这么表现她们性感一面的。 +"Los Angeles, 1992, Frank Perkins made an attempt on the world flagpole-sitting record.",1992年,洛杉矶,弗兰克·帕金斯决心打破坐旗杆的世界记录。 +"The patients came round rapidly and may be early pulled pipe out , so benefiting for their recovery of respiratory function.",病人苏醒快,拔管早,安全有效利于重症肌无力病人术后呼吸功能的恢复。 +There was also a difference between men and women –men generally promoted themselves by written posts on their Facebook page while women tended to carefully select the pictures in their profile.,男性与女性之间也有差别:男性常通过在Facebook个人主页上发表新帖来展示自己,而女性倾向于细心挑选个人资料照片。 +"Unfortunately, too many of our citizens have lost faith that our biggest institutions -– our corporations, our media, and, yes, our government –- still reflect these same values.",遗憾的是,太多的美国人失去了对企业、对媒体、对政府的信念。 +It is exceedingly difficult for Occidentals to enter sympathetically into such a scheme of education as that of the Chinese.,西方人很难去同情中国这样的教育模式,其各种弊病不容忽视,但有一个特点却始终吸引人们的注意力——勤奋才有回报。 +"Oysters: Oysters contain high levels of zinc, which reportedly increased the production of testosterone.",牡蛎:牡蛎内含高浓度的锌,据报道,锌能增强睾酮的产生。 +"Held on the Intrepid for the second time in a row, Jeffrey Fashion Cares brought a clutch of fashion-world regulars farther west than most of them had probably been since fashion week.",举办了第二次无畏的一排,杰弗里时尚关怀带来了离合器的时尚世界的常客向西比大多数其中,大概是因为时装周。 +"Jia Ling most worried about is because there is no treatment, Xiao Bao has been facing off drugs, if the delay in the condition may lead to uremia.",最让贾铃担心的是,因为没有治疗费,小宝已经面临断药,如果病情延误,可能会引发尿毒症。 +"The article discusses the operation method and effect of the pre-reading, while-reading and post-reading teaching model in the light of schema theory.",本文运用图式理论的观点探讨了英语三环节阅读教学模式的操作方法和效果。 +"Any shade of gray, grizzle , blue or blue merle with or without white markings or in reverse.",任何深度的灰色、灰白色、兰色或芸石色,带有或不带白色斑纹。 +"Tip: Google loves fresh content. The more you update your blog, the better.",提示:Google喜欢不停更新的内容,你的博客更新的越多,效果越好。 +Google appears to be rejecting the idea that Google+ is meant to take Facebook head on.,谷歌表示不接受各方猜测,即google+的出现是为了颠覆facebook的龙头老大地位。 +Try to describe the manipulation of the scalp acupunture.,试述头针的操作方法。 +"Material production, discourse production and spiritual production act on each other and make beauty and beauty sense create synchronously and develop concomitantly.",物质生产、话语生产、精神生产交互作用使得美和美感同步生成,相伴发展。 +This is a cash check.,你这是一张现金支票。 +I’m going to talk with Xuande myself.,"瑜曰:""吾自去和他说话。" +It is a great honor to become homecoming queen-or king .,成为返校王后或国王是一个巨大的荣誉。 +"It require us to strive to be the first, pursue the truth, call for a democratic atmosphere of the society and a relaxing environment and an incentive mechanism.",它要求我们要有敢为人先的胆魄和勇气,要有求真务实的科学精神,它也需要全社会具有民主的氛围、宽松的环境和激励的机制。 +"And if we stop moving forward, we sink in the water, like sharks.",像鲨鱼一样,假如有一天没力气向前冲了,我们就会沉入水中。 +Thermistors are semiconductor devices whose resistance varies with temperature .,热敏电阻是一种半导体元件,它的电阻随温度而变化。 +Those making the idle talk are all old fogies.,说闲话的人都是些老脑筋。 +"To do this, you can do a 2000m as quickly as possible (exertion time for 2000m between 6 and 10 minutes).",按照这种方案,你可以 以尽可能地快的速度跑一个2000米 (2000米的出力维持时间在6到10分钟之间)。 +"Break the chains of your thought, and you break the chains of your body, too...",打破了思想的枷锁,也就同时打破了身体的枷锁…… +They had known him as an amiable beekeeper .,他们只知道他是个和蔼可亲的养蜂人。 +Perjured testimony is an obvious and flagrant affront to the basic concepts of judicial proceedings.,作伪证是明显和公然违背司法程序的基本概念。 +Twitter will help you find unexpired coupons for domain names as well as thousands of other products.,Twitter将会为你找到还可到期的域名优惠码以及成千上万的其它产品。 +"The genetic change, known as a partial tandem duplication, is located in a gene called MLL (for mixed-lineage leukemia).",该基因改变,即所谓的部分串联复制,位于MLL(混合血系白血病)基因上。 +The architect is a good communicator,架构师是一位很好的沟通者 +"NEYTIRI frowns, puzzled, and LOWERS her bow slowly. The woodsprite WHIRLS away into the gloom.","奈提莉皱了一下眉,非常疑惑,并且缓缓放下了弓.树精灵旋转着飘进了树丛." +"The bleeding and clotting times were determined Results: The swelling of uterus and the proliferation of granuloma tissue were controled, the bleeding and clotting times were shortened ( P <0 05).",对小鼠断尾测定出血凝血时间。结果:妇炎消冲剂可明显抑制子宫肿胀和肉芽增生,缩短出血凝血时间(P< 0 0 5 )。 +Konjac Glucomannan (KGM) was mixed with Xanthan Gum (XG) to prepare membrane. The membrane from denatured KGM showed better tensile strength and water-resistance than that from KGM.,将魔芋葡甘聚糖与黄原胶共混后成膜、与未改性膜相比,共混后的膜显示了较好的强度和抗水性。 +The content of gypsum dihydrate in various partical size fractions and the size distribution of impurities of phosphogypsum was ascertain by carrying on a series of mineral composition test analysis.,通过对远安磷石膏的粒度分析及矿物组成分析,确定了各粒级中二水石膏含量以及杂质的分布情况。 +He'd been chased off of a riverboat in Louisiana and watched a teammate kicked out of a Las Vegas casino.,他曾在路易斯安那的一个轮渡赌船上被追赶,还看见一个同伴被拉斯维加斯的赌场轰了出去。 +What Hardys Wessex world means today should be one part of Dardy s history of effect and utterances.,哈代的威塞克斯世界对于今天的我们意味着什么,是其接受效应史中不可或缺的内容。 +"Answer 10: The general plan of Minhang District in under revision, the new general plan includes the new station and the new airport.",答:闵行区的总体规划正在修编,新的总体规划将包括新车站与新机场。 +"Flying mood, happy, good luck to father's day!",心情放飞,快乐相随,祝父亲节好运! +"If you pass our reserve interview, you can join any YVA volunteers' activity without any interview in the future.",不仅如此,青协还会定期为储备库志愿者们提供一些福利活动。 +"In the ensuing years, sam worked for his brother as foreman, subeditor, and feature writer .",随后的几年里,塞姆在哥哥手下当过工头,助理编辑和特写记者。 +"It's the truth. The sooner you guys get that through your head, the easier this will all be.",这是事实。 你们早点知道的话, 到时候也比较容易接受。 +We've created a beautiful new house from an old ruin.,我们把旧破屋重建成一栋美丽的新房子。 +"Why will you die, thou and thy people by the sword, and by famine, and by the pestilence, as the Lord hath spoken against the nation that will not serve the king of Babylon?",为什么你和你的人民宁愿死于刀剑、饥馑和瘟疫,如同上主对不愿服事巴比伦王的民族所警告的呢? +"Howard Gardner, who is the American psychologist, proposed the theory of Multiple Intelligence in 1983 which challenges the traditional intelligent theory.",美国心理学家霍华德•加德纳于1983年提出了多元智能理论,是对传统的智能理论挑战。 +"China launched its first manned mission, Shenzhou 5, in 2003, becoming only the third country after Russia and the United States to launch a man into space.",在2003年,中国发射了神舟五号,开始了第一次载人任务。成为继俄罗斯和美国后的第三个运人进入太空的国家。 +I'm considering buying a house.,我想买套房子。 +"But the pioneering spirit of ""Heng Feng"" people did not stop the pace of progress, but also keep a summary of technical experience for our customers of create better produces.",但开拓进取的“恒沣”人并没有停止前进的脚步,也在不断的总结技术经验,为客户创造更好的产品。 +"Health: Omni-drug-resistant, contagious tuberculosis infects children in Mexico City, spreads to Texas, Guatemala, Brazil.",健康:抗药性强,且极易传播的结核病在墨西哥城的儿童中出现,随即扩散至德克萨斯、危地马拉和巴西。 +"First of all, there is a practice of postures, called ""riding-type horse. "" The position and posture when you are riding the same.",首先,有一个练功的姿势,叫“骑马式马步”。这个姿势与你骑马时的姿势一样的。 +"In any case, the service consumer and service provider need to agree on a common format that they both understand, and they both need to develop code that builds and interprets that format properly.",无论何种情况,服务使用者和服务提供者需要就双方都能理解的共同格式达成一致,而且双方都需要开发代码以正确地构建和解释该格式。 +He is more wise than brave.,他是有勇无谋。 +"Sometimes I really tired, too sleepy, and I do not know what they are doing, achieve nothing, and on such a shell in order to feed it?",有时我真的厌倦了,也困乏了,我不知道自己在做什么,一无所成的,就这样为了养活一个躯壳吗? +"Conclusions VISER is an effective and non traumatic diagnostic methods for ED, and it might be of certain value in the differential diagnosis between arterial and venous ED.",结论VIS ER是一种有效的无创性诊断ED的方法,对动脉性及静脉性ED的鉴别亦有一定价值。 +Dozens have been rounded up or put under surveillance in order to prevent them from responding to anonymous internet-circulated calls for an Arab-style “jasmine revolution” in China.,许多异见人士被带走或是被监察,防止他们响应网上匿名流传的“阿拉伯式革命”。 +We can have the pattern and color made to order.,底布花样颜色可定做。 +"But at least he’s not Kim Jr., now heralded as the “brilliant comrade” in Pyongyang propaganda.",但至少他不像金正云,没有被朝鲜宣传成“英明同志”。 +But he a raid tonight on that shantytown where Mrs. Kennedy got into trouble this afternoon.,但是他今晚率众攻击今天下午肯尼迪夫人惹上麻烦的那个贫民区。 +Part two reviews Searle's contribution to Indirect Speech Acts and part three is Grice's theory of Conversational Implicature.,第二部分综述了舍而对间接言语行为的贡献,第三部分是格赖斯的会话含义理论。 +"During the summit, the two sides signed the ""basic principles of US-Soviet relations, "" documents confirming the ""peaceful coexistence"", ""relaxation"" as the guiding principles of bilateral relations.",这次首脑会晤期间,双方签署了“美苏关系基本原则”文件,确认以“和平共处”、“缓和”作为两国关系的指导原则。 +"However, after listening to his performance of contemporary works, I changed my mind at the last minute and decided to do a few Brouwer studies.",然而在听了他演奏的现代曲目以后,我在最后改变了我的决定,我决定弹一些布劳威尔的练习曲。 +Fire Dragons now require 2 slots in a transport.,现在点火龙要求一个传送的2个槽。 +Nazi leader George Bush Senior and his cabal have finally contacted a White Dragon representative seeking some way to preserve their assets after the US corporate bankruptcy.,纳粹的领导者老乔治布什和他的阴谋家们最终接触了一位白龙会的代表人,追求某些方法在美国政府的法人破产之后来维持他们的资产。 +The results showed that:(1)the heat-resistant temperature of PBX with large TATB particles was higher than that with small TATB particles;,结果表明,(1)使用大颗粒TATB的PBX,其耐热温度高于使用小颗粒TATB的PBX耐热温度; +Conclusion REBT combining with Mizollen medication has better therapeutic effect than single Mizollen medication for patients with climacteric itching.,结论合理情绪治疗法联合皿治林治疗更年期皮肤瘙痒症,有较好的治疗作用。 +"But just as Chinas demand for oil is surging, the pumps on the Da Qing oil field are starting to splutter .",但是就在中国石油需要增长的时候,大庆的油泵工作出现了杂乱声。 +Blog del Narco is a website that deals exclusively with news related to drug violence in Mexico.,毒品博客(Blog del Narco) 是一个网站,专门处理墨西哥与毒品暴力有关的新闻。 +I bet he'll spend all his money in a few days because the money is burning a hole in his pocket.,我敢说, 不出数天他便会把钱花光, 因为他是个留不住钱的人。 +Smart house tech is about to go a step beyond your average energy-efficiency monitoring systems.,智能房屋技术将超越一般的能源利用率控制系统。 +It is $15 for a 12-ounce bag and 20 calories for an eight-ounce cup.,其12盎司一包的成品售价15美元,8盎司一杯的冲泡量中只含20大卡的热量。 +There is a large amount of calcification material which is not perfectly explained in atherosclerotic plaques.,动脉粥样硬化斑块中存在大量的钙化物质,目前尚无圆满的解释。 +"Much of Oman is desert, but the coast of the Arabian Sea in the Dhofar region represents a startling difference in climate.",阿曼的大部分是沙漠,但在阿拉伯海沿岸佐法尔的气候却明显不同。 +"Some students will need help paying higher tuition, and should get it. But the system must not be starved of funds any longer.",我们几乎每天都能听到社会迫切需要更多专上教育人才的呼吁,但我们却没有想办法去筹措培养这些人才的资金。 +Child gave him the piece of yellow gold .,于是星子便将那块黄色的金子给��他。 +The CDOM content was high during abundant rainfall.,多雨期间雨水中CDOM的相对含量高。 +"Tyler believed strongly in the rights of the states. As a congressman and a senator, he had voted against every attempt to give more power to the federal government.",泰勒是一位坚定地信奉各州权利的人,在他还是国会众议员和参议员时,他就投票反对任何试图加强联邦政府权力的法案。 +"I love it, too, And then I even dropped tears.",我也喜欢这个场面.我甚至流下了眼泪. +"In 2007, a court found him guilty of falsifying company records, a ruling that he is appealing.",2007年,法院裁定他伪造公司账目而有罪,他对这一裁决还在上诉。 +"At the meeting, Production Technology Department, Electrical and Mechanical Management Department were on the Yungang mine safety quality standardization work of the comment;",会上,生产技术部、机电管理处负责人分别对云冈矿井下安全质量标准化工作进行了点评; +As for less obvious health decisions (What kind of screenings should I get?,对于一些不太明显的健康决定(我该接受哪种医疗筛查? +"The moral threat was doubtless furthest from the minds of those celebrating the reunification of Jerusalem, and the return of Judaism's holiest sites, 40 years ago next month.",无疑,对于那些在40年前的6月份庆祝耶鲁撒冷再统一及犹太教圣地回归的人而言,道德威胁是他们最后想到的事情。 +The IRS said it would be enough for the individual to repay the back taxes.,美国国税局说它会足够的个人偿还上税。 +"And, behold, your eyes see, and the eyes of my brother Benjamin, that it is my mouth that speaketh unto you.",况且你们的眼和我兄弟便雅悯的眼,都看见是我亲口对你们说话。 +"In the presence of an alkali, 4 reacted with formalin(with a formaldehyde concentration of 37%) to give N-hydroxymethyl product(5).",化合物4在碱存在下与甲醛水溶液(37%)反应生成N-羟甲基化的产物。 +"If the consultation fails to reach a settlement, any party may submit disputes to Hangzhou Arbitration Commission for arbitration.",如协商不成,任何一方可将此争议提交杭州仲裁委员会进行仲裁。 +"Thank You for your kind words, and if the poem gave only one person comfort it was worth the pain of writing it. Xx.",谢谢诸位的美言,哪怕这首诗只给一个人带去了慰藉,也算没白写,没白痛苦一回。 +Your goal shouldn't be to simply go through the motions to produce a plan; it should be to produce a realistic plan against which you can manage your project successfully.,您的目的不应该只是不花气力产生一个计划;它应该一个实际可行的计划,您可以根据它来成功管理您的项目。 +Watch as a seasoned professional demonstrates how to install the top of a Polaris 180 Pool Cleaner in this free online video about home pool maintenance.,作为一个经验丰富的专业观看演示如何安装在这个自由对家庭池维护在线视频的一顶北极星180水池清洗。 +Fuzzy system lacks self-study ability and its membership functions and fuzzy rule are chosen by experts subjectively;,研究过程中发现模糊系统缺乏自学习能力,隶属度函数和模糊规则的选取带有一定的主观性且依赖于专家; +Osmond asked in the tone of impartial curiosity.,奥斯蒙德发问,口气装得不偏不倚,难以理解似的。 +It is illegal for white and black to play chess together. And whites who tried to play football in a team with black members were prosecuted.,白人和黑人一块下棋是非法的,试图在有黑人的球员的球队踢足球的白人会受到指控。 +"Nute Gunray delighted in toying with Bibble, taunting him about the dire state of the Naboo populace.",纽特·冈雷以玩弄比布尔为乐,用纳布人民的悲惨命运来嘲弄他。 +Do you have any two bedroom apartments available?,你们有没有两房的公寓可出租? +"The 7.9-magnitude quake reduced much of Tokyo to rubble, and as refugees tried to leave, firestorms swept through the city.",那场7.9级地震几乎将东京夷为平地。 难民们试图逃离,而大火席卷全城。 +"In Robinson Crusoe, Defore traces the growth of Robinson from a naive and artless youth into a shrewd and hardened man, tempered by numerous trials in his event full life.",在这部小说中,笛福描写了鲁宾逊整个成长经历,从一个天真无邪的少年到一个精明而饱经沧桑的成年,受到了无数次坎坷的磨练。 +"Chemical shift of binding energy of electron(E_b)of Al, Si and O was also observed.",观察到铝、硅、氧的电子结合能化学位移。 +"Golden Bear award is the highest honor in the Berlin International Film Festival. the Golden Lion prize, the Palmed'Or and it were the symbol of three highest honor in movie festival.",金熊奖是柏林国际电影节的最高荣誉,与金狮奖、金棕榈奖并称为电影节三大最高荣誉象征。 +"Contrast his images of joyous or demonic assent with the images of catastrophe, of descent, of collapse in Eliot, ""London Bridge is falling down.""","对比他关于喜悦或着迷的描写,这些都是和灾难,对衰退的描写,或者艾略特描写的崩塌“伦敦桥在倒塌“,相一致的“" +Into Small Workroom 4 came Rachel.,就在这时,蕾切尔走进了四号小工作室。 +"From the establishment and development of capital markets around the world, the quality of accounting information on capital market efficiency has a certain influence.",从世界各国资本市场的建立与发展来看,会计信息质量的高低对资本市场的运行效率有一定的影响力。 +"At last, the father couldn't bear it, so mush so that he drove out his son on purpose to make him know the hardship of earning money.",父亲终于忍不住了,将儿子逐出家门,要他去尝尝挣钱的苦头。 +The photo was released Thursday by the regime's state-run news media.,这张照片由朝鲜中央媒体于周四发布。 +"The new Toyota TF109 is launched with an innovative movie trailer-style film, while McLaren take the wraps off the MP4-24 at their Woking base.",丰田车队以一个创新的电影预告片风格的短片展示了新的丰田TF109赛车。 而迈凯轮则在他们的Woking基地发布了他们的新车MP4-24。 +The results are useful for operation of stationary gas turbine and for aero-derivative gas turbine using low quality fuel.,所得结果,对地面燃气轮机的运行和改烧劣质燃油的陆用航机有重要参考价值。 +"Its advantages are simple structure, low cost and high equalizing coefficient up to 97%.",该方法使并联支路结线简单,结构简化,制造安装方便,节约成本,而均流系数可达97%。 +"Objective To grasp the current situation of drinking water, toilets amelioration, and excreta disposal, to know the status of sewage treatment in the rural areas of Dongkou County.",目的掌握洞口县农村饮用水、改厕和粪便处理现状,了解农村垃圾污水治理情况。 +The incidence angle must be smaller than the aperture of AOTF.,入射光的光束角必须小于AOTF的角孔径要求; +That pace is far faster than its average pace after the government depegged the yuan from the dollar more than a year ago.,这个速度远远快于一年多前政府让人民币不再紧盯美元以来人民币的平均升值速度。 +"When you don’t want to “say it with flowers” and want to give a Valentine’s Day food gift, how can you indulge when you’re dieting without going overboard? You can be what I call a “smart splurger”.",当你不想“捧着花说我爱你”,而想送出一份情人节的食物礼品,怎样才能敞开怀大吃又有所节制呢? +"After i get home, i tried to eat it , it was nice. my niece was 12 years old, she is great.",我下班回到家,试着尝了下还真不错,小侄女只有十二岁能这样已经很棒了。 +"Lucas says: “You can invest savings in cattle, although if the animal dies, you’ve lost your money.",卢卡斯说:“你可以把存款投资于牲畜,若果动物死了,你就损失了钱。 +"Krasheninnikov Volcano boasts two stunning, snowcapped summit cones. Located on the Pacific shore of Russia’s Kamchatka Peninsula, it last erupted some 400 years ago.",克拉舍宁尼科夫火山位于俄罗斯堪察加半岛的太平洋海岸,拥有两座令人惊叹的白雪覆盖的锥形山峰,它的最后一次喷发在约400年以前。 +Research has shown that light or low-tar cigarettes are just as deadly as their full-flavored brethren.,"研究显示,""清淡""或""低焦油""香烟与全味正常香烟有着同样的致命危害。" +Please submit your application form in quadruplicate.,请交申请表一式四份。 +"In view of the fact that students make slow progress in artsport learning, the authors investigated artsport teaching in Wuhan University of Technology and Henan University.",针对高校体育舞蹈教学中,学生学习进步慢的状况,对武汉理工大学、河南大学等高校进行了问卷调查。 +This will bring the polarity to balance so that the missing feminine octave can be re-anchored on Earth in preparation for her ascension.,这将带来极性的平衡,让遗失的女性八度音阶能在地球上重新被锚定,而为她的提升做准备。 +"Lotus Expeditor follows JSR-172: J2ME Web services specification to provide Web services support, but also provides features beyond the JSR-172 specification.",Lotus Expeditor 按照 JSR-172(J2ME Web 服务规范)来提供 Web 服务支持,同时提供 JSR-172 规范以外的特性。 +"Compared genes up- and down-stream IL- between Tetraodon nigroviridi, Fugu rubripes and human, a high degree of conservation of synteny was found.",基因定位比较显示,IL-基因在黑青斑河豚、红鳍东方豚以及人类中具有保守的共线性。 +The relevance of recent addiction brain science,脑科学关于瘾症的最近研究 +The time was not long when Martin ceased patronizing the Japanese restaurants.,不久以后马丁就停止上日本料理了。 +A study on the deployment reliability of a large satellite antenna with hoop-truss was presented in this paper and the key point was on the movement reliability of the deployment mechanism.,针对某周边桁架式大型星载天线进行了展开可靠性研究,重点在于展开机构的运动可靠性。 +The database instance must be located on a server that also has appropriate disk space.,数据库实例必须位于拥有合适硬盘空间的服务器上。 +"At night, the night view of wuzhen is very beautiful, light up a lot of lights.",到了晚上,乌镇的夜景很美,亮起了很多盏灯。 +Chinese President Hu Jintao and his Iraqi counterpart Jalal Talabani exchanged congratulatory messages Monday to hail the golden jubilee of establishment of diplomatic ties.,国家主席胡锦涛25日与伊拉克总统塔拉巴尼互致贺电,热烈祝贺两国建交50周年。 +"This alternative would have to operate as any other insurer, on the basis of the premiums it collects.",这个选项如同其他的保险公司一样,依靠它收取的保费生存。 +"Word to the wise, these cookies have a great deal of sugar- about 14g for a serving of 3 small cookies so enjoy in moderation.",不必多说,这种饼含大量的糖---几乎三小片饼干就有14克糖,所以要适量地吃。 +Design Branch of Meishan Rolling Stock Factory;,铁道部眉山车辆工厂设计处; +"Brazil nuts are high in selenium, a mineral needed to produce thyroid hormones, making them a good choice for those with low thyroid function.",巴西坚果硒含量高,一种矿物质会产生甲状腺荷尔蒙,对于甲状腺功能差的人是一种好的选择。 +"They were: Tony, Lenny, Abby, Clair, Tom, Wilson, Greeny and Daniel.",他们是:托尼,莱尼,艾比,克莱尔,汤姆威尔逊,绿和丹尼尔。 +Now tuck the pelvis under and press forward from the hips until you feel a stretch along the front of the hip and thigh.,骨盆前倾,向前压髋,直至髋部至大腿的前部产生拉胀感。 +"John Calvin's Geneva, 16th century: And Sarah Palin's Wasilla, 21st century.",约翰加尔文的日内瓦,16世纪:佩林的瓦西拉,21世纪。 +Guests may turn channels shifting one by one without stop at beginning entrance of the rooms.,客人进房打开电视,只会不停的翻转频道,不会观看。 +The effect of different concentrations of penicillin on the culture and preservation of three commonly used sea microalgae is studied in this paper.,本文采用青霉素处理三种常用海洋微藻,研究不同青霉素浓度对处理藻类的培养与保存的影响。 +"We didn't find that explanation 16 , so we told him that we would 17 use his photos.",我们不认为他的解释能够取信于人,于是我们跟他说不会再用他拍的照片了。 +"Because of the rising of income, the gross profit rate climbed up to 86.3 per cent.",受惠于高毛利的服务收入上升,目前毛利率升至86.3%。 +"In Iraq, it operates in two fields in the semi-autonomous region of Kurdistan including the Taq Taq field, where it is sitting on 42.5 million barrels of proven and probable reserves.",在伊拉克,该公司在半 自治的库尔德斯坦地区经营两座油田,包括已探明储量4250 万桶的塔克塔克油 田。 +"In the eyes of the British and American scholars, evidence disclosure is the key guarantee for the fairness and effectiveness of the litigant adversary criminal proceeding.",在英美学者看来,证据开示制度已成为对抗式审判程序得以公正、有效运行的关键保障之一。 +"Surprisingly little study has been done on large, loopy networks like the ones in the brain—probably in part because it is easier to think about brains as tidy assembly lines than as dynamic networks.",目前,对于这方面的研究还很少,也许大脑里面就是一个难以捕捉的动态网络。 +"When the top-level subsystems of your model are mature and stable, you can separate them to enable parallel development and to improve the speed with which the model opens.",在您的模型的顶级子系统变得成熟和稳定之后,您将可以将其分解为支持并行开发的部分,并提高模型打开的速度。 +Effect of water quality improvement for source water from Meiliang Bay in Lake Taihu through the use of Eco-concrete was studied.,扬水曝气器是水源水质改善设备,应用于湖泊水库水源地,抑制藻类生长,控制底泥污染物释放,取得了良好的效果。 +"The man who followed slipped on a smooth boulder, nearly fell, but recovered himself with a violent effort, at the same time uttering a sharp exclamation of pain .",跟在后面的那个在一块光滑的圆石头上滑了一下,差一点摔倒,但是,他猛力一挣,站稳了,同时痛苦地尖叫了一声。 +"The turning point in my decision-making came one morning when I woke up from a particularly vivid dream, one of those epic sagas depicting a long personal story in very realistic detail.",让我下定决心的那个时刻出现在一个早晨,我从一个特别鲜活的梦中醒来。 +AIM: To observe the effects of baicalin on the chemotaxis of monocytes THP-1 cells.,目的:观察黄芩苷对单核细胞THP-1 趋化功能的影响。 +"If you can form this habit, you will be a very successful English learner! You will not only speak good English, but also become a fantastic test-taker!",如果你养成这样的习惯,你就是一名非常成功的英语学习者! 你不但能够讲好英语,考起试来也会游刃自如! +"Prepared milk, containing 5% or more but less than 10% by weight of cocoa calculated on a totally defatted basis, not containing added sugar or other sweetening matter.",调制奶水,含可可重量(以完全脱脂可可为基础计算)在5%或以上但低于10%者,未加糖或未含其它甜味料者。 +"I’d love to see agencies, measurement vendors, and publishers overcome the collective industry inertia that seems to resist abolishing the pageview.",我很想看到机构,度量供应商和网络出版商克服似乎抵制取消PV的集体行业惰性。 +"I plant a vertical hand mixer egg rate, high efficiency, low maintenance cost, small footprint, etc. , equipment, Europe, America and other countries!",我厂生产的立式打蛋机出蛋率高、效率高,维修费用低、占地小等,设备远销欧美等国家! +Geremi. Ineffectual again. Surely he will move on in the summer.,格雷米。又一次表现得无能为力。他肯定会在夏天离开。 +Contact with its sap can bring on blisters in the sun due to phototoxic chemicals.,因其光毒性化学物质,接触其汁液后会导致在阳光下起疱。 +"Less common is bowel obstruction , which may develop due to adhesions or scar tissue from the surgery.",较常见的是肠梗阻,而可能演变由于粘连或瘢痕,从手术。 +"The Puritans are strict teetotallers, and some even disapprove of smoking and dancing.",清教徒是绝对戒酒者,有的甚至连吸烟、跳舞都要反对。 +"Above, a miner with a knife approaches an unlucky, ribbon-bedecked beast in Oruro.",上图,在奥鲁罗一名矿工握刀走进一只挂满丝带不幸运的牲畜。 +Some 197 people were punished for spreading rumors about stock market fluctuations and the Tianjin explosions on social media in April 2015.,2015年8月,约197人因在社交媒体上散布关于股市浮动和天津塘沽爆炸的谣言被惩罚。 +Each carton weight must be NOT exceeded 50 lbs. This is the industry & safety standard.,每箱的重量必须控制在50磅以内,这是工业和安全标准。 +"Water circulating pump is an important part for heating control and adjustment, whose running plays a decision role in heating network.",集中供热系统中,循环水泵是热工控制和调节的重要对象,它的运行工况对热网的水力工况起着决定性的作用。 +"Two US stock market presents the retaliatory bounce, thus gathered A market human spirit, today the Shanghai Composite Index large opens 14.38 points high, by 1786.20 point opening prices.",二美股出现报复性的反弹,从而聚集了A股市场的人气,今日上证指数大幅高开14.38点,以1786.20点开盘。 +Objective To study the effect of clenbuterol on limb bud cells of embryo of rats.,目的探讨盐酸克伦特罗对大鼠胚胎肢芽细胞的影响。 +"China's national audit office said recently that local-government debt in the country has reached 10.7 trillion yuan ($1.7 trillion), or 27% of China's 2010 gross domestic product.",中国国家审计署前不久说,中国地方政府债务已达到人民币10.7万亿元(合1.7万亿美元),相当于中国2010年GDP的27%。 +"Stepping carefully to the anchor position, I made a straight fall.",在两位同伴之后,轮到我向下攀爬了。 一步步小心的走到锚点,我顺着直线降了下去。 +"This paper gives a method of computer aided digitization for map plate-making, introducing its working process and advantages.",本文主要介绍一种采用微机进行地图数字化处理并进行地图制版的方法,阐述了其优越性。 +"By the Jin Dynasty, Zhu Dawson monks here, though full of public Health argued, Lotus Koutu to attract ""thousands Block, "" but those few letters.",到了晋代,高僧竺道生在此说法,虽然生公满腹经纶,口吐莲花,吸引“千人座”,但信者寥寥。 +"The study, which found that just over half of cot deaths occurred when a child was sleeping with a parent, has sparked concern from some quarters that it demonises the parental bed.",这项研究发现,刚刚超过一半的婴儿猝死的发生时,孩子与家长一起睡,已经引起了各界的关怀,它妖魔化的父母床。 +Halonen explained how Finland's parliament works and its cooperation with parliaments of other European Union member states.,哈洛宁介绍了芬议会运作及与欧盟其他成员国议会的合作情况。 +"Then give the definition of CRFs, model structure, the definition of potential function, parameter estimation, training methods and calculation methods.",而后给出了条件随机场的定义、模型结构、势函数的定义、参数估计、训练方法和计算方法等。 +But China's price-sensitive mass market produces thin profit margins compared with many other countries.,不过与很多其他国家相比,中国对价格敏感的大众消费市场利润较薄。 +Conclusion: MRI is an important imaging method for early diagnosis and follow-up study of knee joint contusion.,结论:MRI是早期诊断和定期随访膝关节骨挫伤的重要影像学方法。 +"If you have large File Cabinets, you may want to create a view for each binder.",如果文件柜较大,则可以为每个活页夹创建一个视图。 +Create new solution configuration check box.,建立新专案组态] 核取方块。 +"Small cell carcinomas usually do not show large prominent nucleoli, whereas melanomas often do, accompanied by occasional intranuclear pseudoinclusions.",小细胞癌常无明显的大核仁(而恶性黑色素瘤常有),偶尔伴有核内假包涵体。 +Objective: To extract the polysaccharides of Curcuma zedoaria Rosc (PCZ) and study its bioactivities.,目的:从莪术饮片中分离多糖,并研究其生物学活性。 +"Olney says that his honey came from suppliers in Montana, North Dakota and Alberta.",Olney说他的蜂蜜供给源来自蒙大拿州、北达科塔州和亚伯达(译注:加拿大西部的一个省)。 +Participates in the human who extorts with the hygiene education profession concerning.,参与勒索的人跟文教卫生行业有关。 +"Mr. Case, 52, and his wife Jean Case, 50, said they signed the pledge because they hoped it would help philanthropists learn from each other.",52岁的凯斯及其50岁的妻子吉恩•凯斯(Jean Case)说,他们之所以签署誓言书,是因为他们希望这样有助于慈善家们相互 学习。 +Responsible governments can be voted out if elected representatives fail to please a majority of the people who elected them.,负责任的政府,可以投出去,如果选出的代表不能取悦大多数的人选出他们。 +Coating of powder and get high round…,完成粉末的包衣获得成品真球度极高; +Adios amigos!,再见,朋友! +It may be we shall touch the Happy Isles;,也许我们会抵达那极乐的岛屿。 +These projects are expensive.,这些项目价格不菲。 +"And when He speaks I need to move - even if that means moving into territory that is the spiritual equivalent of a bright, spiky hairdo that very few people can pull off.",当他说我需要搬进——即使那意味进驻到与很少有人可以实现的明亮的、大针似的发型的精神等效的领域。 +"Alcée Laballière wrote to his wife, Clarisse, that night. It was a loving letter, full of tender solicitude.",当晚,阿尔西·拉巴利克在写给妻子克拉莉莎的信中说,这是一封充满柔情与牵挂的情书。 +"In chapter 3, the experimental equipment for thermal shock response and the experimental setting designed by author are introduced;",论文第三章介绍了热冲击响应的实验设备、自行设计的实验装置; +It astonishes me that no one has thought of this before.,以前谁也没想到这一点,使我感到惊讶。 +Module five – Always seem a tiny bit stoned,第五课——看上去总是有些神志恍惚 +Developing circular economy not only changes mode of economy gain but also makes for sustainable development.,发展循环经济要求转变经济增长模式,走可持续发展之路。 +"Honestly, though, the starry-eyed Open Source non-business model is just about a thing of the past.",说实话,尽管过分乐观的非商业的开源模式仅仅是过去。 +We can jump and we can run. So we're having lots of fun.,我们能跳,我们能跑。因此我们正有许多开心。 +U. S. military officials have said they are responding by training counterintelligence agents to track down sleeper agents within the Afghan security forces.,美军官员表明他们已经训练反间谍组织来追捕阿富汗部队中的潜伏间谍来应对塔利班的袭击。 +"Later the Master explained: ""As well ask a knife to cut itself or a tooth to bite itself as ask that God to reveal himself"".",然后,大师解释道:“让上帝现身,就如要一把刀割断它自己,或者要一颗牙齿咬下自己一样。” +"The two neighboring states' vying for Apple's millions has caused some slight political upheaval, as well.",邻州之间的你争我夺也造成了一些轻微的政治动荡。 +President York Chan attended the Vice-Governor of Sandong Province of China.,陈玉驹主席出席一个欢迎山东省孙守璞副省长的宴会。 +"And as branches of palm trees, they stood round about him, and all the sons of Aaron in their glory.",亚郎的众子孙,盛装华服,如棕榈树的枝条环绕着他。 +Make sure you have confident body language.,确保你具有自信的肢体语言。 +EurasiaNet: The report asserts that Turkmenistan is not in compliance with the Aarhus Convention.,该报告声称,土库曼斯坦不符合奥胡斯公约。 +The sponsor stressed that this exhibition showed Chinese gold manufacture techniques have reached a complicated level and the unique characters of gold in investment-and-collection field.,举办者强调,目的是显示我国在黄金珠宝制作领域已经达到先进水准,同时展示黄金在投资收藏领域的独特风采。 +"In this study, covariance and multiple correlation analysis were used to study the relationships between type traits and functional herd life(FHL) of Holsteins.",本研究对荷斯坦奶牛体型性状与功能寿命做了协方差和多元相关分析。 +"By default, the command cache holds up to twenty commands that were run during the current interactive CLP session.",默认情况下,命令缓存最多存放当前交互 CLP 会话过程中运行的二十个命令。 +"A wide range of State services, such as the HSE, educational bodies and non-governmental agencies, were consulted.",报告广泛咨询了卫生事务局、教育机构等政府部门以及非政府机构的意见。 +"Especially given the schisms within the regime, we don't know who will have—or grab—the power to use them.",特别因为其政权内部的分裂,我们不知道谁会掌握或抢夺原子弹的使用权。 (如果是革命卫队掌握原子弹,事情就麻烦了。) +Tony Wendice: Am I?,托尼·温德斯:我?。 +The surface material can be made by stainless steel plate or anti-corrosion surface-spraying plate;,外形材质具有不锈钢板和防腐蚀表面喷涂板两种材质可选; +You're a commando in the depths of mid-east desert territory.,你是一个突击队在深处的中东部的沙漠地区。 +"Shanghai born author Geling Yan poses with her novel 'The Lost Daughter of Happiness' during an interview in Hong Kong March 7, 2008.",上海出生的作家严歌苓在香港接受采访时,与其小说《扶桑》合照。 +"Although Realism had ever held a dominating position in the world of fine arts, the understanding of this concept was quite different.",写实手法曾一度在中国美术界一统天下,但人们对于“写实”的认识却不尽相同。 +"Elderflowers, redcurrants, cherries and strawberries are also in season.",接骨木花,红浆果,梅子和草莓也都正应季。 +"Special amorites "", at least in their respective platform on sun yat-sen advocated write: ""the public"" tenet.",专门利人”,至少也要在各自的党纲上写入孙中山先生倡导的:“天下为公”的宗旨。 +"For them, Chinese characters are formed with many strokes that appear incredibly intricate.",在他们看来,汉字的笔划令人难以置信的错综复杂。 +The statutization movement of evidence in American and the special position of the Federal Rule of Evidence is reviewed and introduced in Chapter two.,本文的第二部分对美国证据规则的法典化运动进行了回顾和介绍,并对《美国联邦证据规则》的特殊地位进行了讨论。 +"The principle of the bubbler was briefly described , the arrangement and the effect of the bubblers were illustrated in detail , some matters requiring attention were also proposed .",介绍了鼓泡器的使用原理及我公司鼓泡器在窑炉中的布置,阐述了鼓泡器在实际生产中应用效果和注意事项。 +We have done that by establishing democracy in the Middle East. Diplomatic missions are beginning and Iraq is again a member of the community of nations.,(另外)他们还有一套定义完备的法律体系,一套定义完备且明白晓畅的立法制度以及业已成熟的安保系统”他说,为使民主制度在中东立足,我们做了这些事;外交代表团正在启动,伊拉克将再一次成为各国社会的一员。 +And no country shoulders a heavier burden when conflict and misunderstanding drive nations apart.,当冲突与误解造成国家间的不合时,美国肩负着比任何国家都更沉重的负担。 +No one understands me.,没有人能谅解我。 +"Measure their management level and the competitiveness of their. However, in the current, the research of tender offer process is still confined to how to determine the offer.",但目前投标报价流程的研究大多还停留在报价如何确定的基础上,无法满足建筑企业期望得到具有竞争力的报价的需要; +We work in the dark and serve the lights.,我们耕耘于黑暗,服务于光明。 +"In mid-1997, the Transport Advisory Committee completed a review on PLB policy with particular regard to the role, regulation and control of green and red minibuses.",一九九七年中,交通谘询委员会完成检讨公共小型巴士政策, 特别是有关绿色和红色小巴的角色和规管问题。 +"So the young tailor stepped forward boldly and said: ""The princess has silver and gold hair on her head, and those are the two colours.""",于是,小裁缝大胆地走过去说:“公主头上的头发是金色和银色的,就是这两种颜色。�� 公主一听这话,惊得面如土色,险些昏厥过去。 +"""I come here to buy the mooncakes because I like playing the game, "" said an excited Kiki Au, a seven-year-old primary school student.",一位名为奇奇‧欧(音译)的七岁小学生兴高采烈地说:「我来这里买月饼是因为我喜欢玩此游戏。」 +"And for many an autumn he would put his pomegranates on silvery trays outside of his dwelling, and upon the trays he would place signs upon which he himself had written, ""Take one for aught.""",有好几个秋天,他总是把石榴盛在他的住宅外边儿的几个银盘里,盘上还放了一块他亲手写的招牌:“务请取用一个。 +"On a fixed schedule, various types of reviews are planned and executed for the collection of initiatives across the group of portfolios.",在固定的一览表上,要针对跨项目组合组的计划集合进行各种类型的评审的计划与执行。 +"Conclusion Electron-nasopharyngolaryngoscopy is suitable for the diagnosis of adenoid hypertrophy in children due to its direct-view, accuracy, and safety.",结论电子鼻咽喉镜检查适合于小儿,该法直观、准确、安全,是判断小儿腺样体肥大最有效、最直观的检查方法。 +"It is feasible to inaugurate a civil servant system of guaranteeing stimulation, apply Pygmalion, encourage innovation, carry out flexible management and blaze the potential of public human resources.",为此,要以激励保障为主线创新公务员制度,善用皮格马利翁效应,鼓励创新,采用柔性管理,并要设法激发公共人力资源的潜能。 +"There are similar public funds, in addition to the current bank interest, nor any of the investment.",有类似的公共资金,除了现有的银行利息,也没有任何投资。 +This circuit realized the functions of floating capacitor and grounded capacitor in switched-capacitor converter with fewer components.,该电路只用较少的元件就可以实现开关电容变换器中的浮地和接地电容。 +Haptitis B virus(HBV) Intrauterine infection Hepatitis B vaccin;,乙型肝炎病毒;宫内感染;乙肝疫苗; +Moderate amount of pericardial effusion is noted.,中等量心包积液。 +"Under the OSSS contract, Harris provided operations, maintenance and support services to the Air Force Satellite Control Network and Global Positioning System ground networks.",根据这份OSSS合同,哈里斯公司为美国空军卫星控制网络和GPS地面网络提供了运行、维护和支持服务。 +"In addition to poaching, Asia's rapid economic development - including road and dam construction - has eroded tiger habitat.",除了非法狩猎之外,亚洲经济的快速发展——包括道路和大坝的筑建——也侵蚀了老虎的栖息地。 +"He made Patrasche draw the heavy cart which was full of things such as pots and buckets, while he himself walked beside the cart idly smoking his black pipe.",他让帕特拉斯基拖着载满锅、桶之类东西的重拖车,而他自己则悠哉地走在拖车旁,抽着他的黑色烟斗。 +"This is how software with billions of lines of code have been written for complex systems like the Airbus 380 or the F-22, the most advanced fighter plane in the world.",那些为复杂系统(如空客380或F-22,后者是世界上最高级的战斗机)服务、拥有数十亿行代码的软件就是这样被编写出来的。 +"Experts at FAO are forecasting just that, and going so far as to say that in time - probably as soon as 2011 - this West African country will even export its surplus rice output.",粮农组织专家预测,只是,和甚至于说,在时间-也许只要2011年-这个西非国家,甚至出口剩余水稻产量。一种双管齐下的战略为基础的关于加强生产和销售高质量的种子的背后是预测?奇迹?。 +But other analysts highlight the food riots in Mozambique that killed 12 people last month and claim that spiralling prices could promote further political turmoil.,但是其他的经济学家强调了上个月莫桑比克的食物危机引发了12人死亡,并声称价格的螺旋运动很可能促使未来政治混乱。 +The Ni thin film thermistor was therefore obtained as temperature sensor with higher resistance-temperature performance by readjusting relevant technological parameters.,通过调整实验的工艺参数,最终得到电阻温度性能较好的镍薄膜温度传感器。 +"The three boys on the subway platform circled in, gathering the nerve to talk.",在站台上,三个男孩围过来,鼓起勇气准备说话。 +"Among them, ""32 cases of varicocele ligation on the analysis of male infertility, "" The Best Paper Award.",其中《32例精索静脉曲张结扎术对男性不育症的分析》获得优秀论文奖。 +The model lays a basis for indepth research in the field of more complex cognitive activities.,该模型为深入研究比较复杂的认知活动奠定了基础。 +"The paper also spoke to Foxconn's general manager of China operations, James Lee, who defended the company's working conditions and continued to attack Sun's credibility.",该报还采访了富士康公司中国区业务的总经理李金明,他对公司工作条件进行了辩解,并继续抨击孙丹勇的信誉。 +Could you ask her to excuse me from gym today because I have a sore ankle?,你能说因为我的踝骨疼痛,请她今天准我假不去做体操吗? +"I can not litter , I can tell my friends not to do it.",我不会乱丢垃圾,我能告诉我的朋友也不要那样做。 +"They also write, “We were not involved in this incident, or in any other incident of this nature.",他们同时还写道,“我们并未牵涉到这个事件或者其它类似事件之中。” +I think that says ii all.,我认为他的话说明了一切。 +"A total of 182 countries were implementing the DOTS strategy during 2003, two more countries than in 2002.",2003年期间共有182个国家正在实施直接督导下的短程化疗战略,比2002年多两个国家。 +The small pay increase that the workers have just received is only a sop to Cerberus.,工人得到的少量的增加薪水只不过是一点点息事宁人的甜头。 +"In the Seinfeld episode, Elaine got JFK’s golf clubs for $20,000, twice as much as she had been given permission to bid.",在《宋飞传》的情节中, 伊莱恩用两万美元买下了JFK的高尔夫俱乐部,超出她被允许出价的两倍。 +"Hagrid: See the thing is, Harry, there are some wizards, like the Malfoy family, who think they%27re better than others because they%27re what people call pure blood.",海格:“哈利,事情是这样的,有些魔法师像马尔福一家一样,认为自己比别人更优秀,因为他们就是人们所说的‘纯血’。” +"The ways to develop the market of higher education are popularization of higher education, lifelong education, diversification of main projects to be invested, and internationalization.",培育高等教育市场的方法有:高等教育的大众化、终身化、投资主体多元化、国际化。 +"Of course, considering that many people have to work 40 hours or more a week, it does not leave much time for the ""life"" component unfortunately.",诚然很多人每周要工作40小时甚至以上,确实没有剩下多少时间去生活。 +冰见热就化。,Ice melts with heat. +Some people think that the new Millennium is the opportunity while others think it is danger. What do you think about it and what do you expect to happen in the new Millennium.,许多人对新千年很乐观,认为这是一个机会让我们的世界发生一些变化,你是否同意这种说法,你希望看到世界有何变化? +"In the case of this beer poll, the expected frequency under the null hypothesis is the following",在这个啤酒欢迎度民意测验的示例中,在虚假设条件下的期望频率如下 +"He was savagely satirised in the South Park animation Whale Whores for being media-hungry, and a long-standing row with Greenpeace has resulted in the two organisations not talking to each other.",在动画片《南方公园—鲸鱼娼妓》(译者注:英语里娼妓和战争两词的音形都近)里他被野蛮地讽刺疯狂追求曝光率,还有他长期同“绿色和平”组织争吵使得两个组织之间从不说话。 +F_(15) peel thrust (system) at the southern side of the Xinjiangrift belt is a dominant ore-controlling factor of deposit No. 50.,信江裂陷带南侧的F_(15)剥离断层(系统)控制了50矿床的矿质来源、矿质沉淀及矿体定位。 +They are arranged in order of increasing difficulty.,它们是按先易后难的顺序排列的。 +The client may entrust any savings office to transact deposit collections in different places by presenting his own credentials and the deposit certificate (passbook).,客户可凭本人身份证件和存单(折)向储蓄机构委托办理异地托收。 +He also bet on football games.,他还在橄榄球赛上下注。 +The school worships and believes in Confucius theory.,崇奉孔子学说的学派。 +The kernel version used in writing this article is 2.6.20.,在编写本文时使用的内核版本是 2.6.20。 +"After all, in a nation where each group is intent on securing its interests, who is most suitable to rule if not the richest and most lavish man around?",毕竟,在这个国家里,各个党派各个团体都在追逐自己的利益,如果不让最有钱,最铺张的人来当领袖,还有谁更能胜任呢? +"Due to his dyspnea , he was sent to our hospital for help.",因为他的呼吸困难,他被送入本医院急救。 +One important part of the LFS system is the large number of source files available as tar balls.,LFS 系统的一个重要部件是,可以作为 tar ball 得到的大量源文件。 +"Finally, the long-term programme on the Qinshan nuclear power engineering is simplydiscribed, too.",最后对秦山工程的远期规划也作了简单介绍。 +"The objective of ""double control""on both the bridge configuration and cable tension can be achieved by the control system given in the paper.",采用该系统可以对斜拉桥的线形和索力实施较为有效的双控。 +"Interior has a cool design of the genre called ""minimalist"" cool where are come from?",室内设计中有个酷毙了的流派叫“极简主义”,酷是哪里来的? +Objective To search a kind of ideal seeded cell of bone tissue engineering.,目的为骨组织工程寻找一种理想的种子细胞。 +"The Earth's axis points toward Polaris, the North Star, near the center of the concentric trails.",地轴指向北极星,在这一圈同心圆中心附近。 +After churning transfer the ice cream into some Tupperware. Place it the freezer until it sets.,搅拌之后把冰激凌盛到保鲜盒中,然后放进冰箱,直至完全成型。 +"Melody quickly checked, and yes, there were three buttonholes hidden along the hem line. It was a punishment dress.",米洛蒂查看了一下,发现在褶线中还藏着三个钮扣孔——这是一件惩罚装。 +"There were two outstanding characteristics of his literary theory, which are openness, utilitarianism and practicality .",曾国藩文学理论体系有其显著的近代特征:功利性、开放性和实践性。 +Steel truss gallery of Shaoxing World Trade Center 22~24 floors is lifted by integral hoisting technology.,绍兴世贸中心22~24层之间连廊为钢结构桁架体系,安装时采用整体吊装提升技术。 +We also found our way around some crazy food markets where fish were being gutted still alive on the street.,一路上,我们还路过了一些“疯狂的”的菜市场,在那里鱼什么居然是活杀的。 +"STEVEN: ""If you like suspense, don't miss ‘Murder at Midnight.",史蒂文:“ 如果你喜欢悬念, 就不要错过《午夜凶杀》。 +"Mechanisms of resistance, such as behavioral change, physiological modification or metabolic detoxification, decrease the effective dose available at the target site.",行为改变、生理学上的变化或代谢解毒等抗性机制能够降低毒物到达靶标的有效剂量。 +Objective To observe the treatment effects of the combination of the repositioning splint(RS) and the anterior midline point stop(AMPS) on acute anterior disk displacement without reduction(AADDwR).,目的观察再定位夹板与中切点阻断器联合应用于急性不可复性盘前移位治疗的效果。 +"In physics, we could observe the microcosmos and approach the delicate realm after we open atoms or other particles with high energy.",物理学需要极强极高的能量,才能轰开原子等等进入微观的领域和接近微妙的世界。 +The Meego technical steering group have announced a new policy for dealing with the increasing backlog of vendor-contributed kernel patches relevant to MeeGo waiting to be added upstream.,前不久,MeeGo的技术指导小组宣布了解决供应商提供的内核处理积压不断增加的有关新的政策。 +"School TV/Principle: I get tingles too. Estelle, the envelope, please.",校长:我也很激动,艾斯黛尔,请把信封给我。 +"Therefore, expressed the hope that these AIDS-infected persons can be brave to face the reality out of fear.",所以,希望天津这些艾滋病感染者也能勇敢面对现实走出恐惧。 +"In fact,they did copy one letter at a time.",真的是一个字母一个字母地抄。 +"Granted, I've only mentioned baboons and starlings, but there you've got a mammalian representative and an avian one.",虽然我只是提到了狒狒和八哥,但是它们是哺乳动物和禽类的代表。 +"Worse, Miller and Mackey described a prison rife with awkward tension, lovers' quarrels, and public displays of affection.",更糟的是,米勒和麦基描述的监狱充满紧张不安、情侣间争吵以及公开示爱。 +"This tendency needs to be closely watched, because programmers have been known to insert dialog boxes into the code even after the user-interface specification has been agreed upon.",因为程序员甚至在用户界面规范已经达成一致的情况下,还在代码中插入对话框。 +"The scale and scope of this plan is right, and the time for action is now.",这项方案的规模的覆盖度都是适宜的,并且现在就应该行动。 +AS. NET: What has been your most memorable photo shoot and why?,你认为你所拍的最有纪念意义的照片是哪张? +The total hip arthroplasty (THA) which is widely used in the field of surgical osteoplasty is an efficacious method of curing hip diseases and recuperating the walking function of patients.,人工髋关节置换是在外科骨整形领域广泛应用的一种治疗髋关节病变,恢复病人行走功能的有效方法。 +"Tubular motors are used to drive shutter mechanisms and curtain machines, which are convenient in the daily life.",管状电机是卷帘机和窗帘机的驱动设备.在日常生活中的应用日益增多。 +It dissolves existing post inflammatory scars and also fills in depressed scarring.,它能溶解已有的炎症后的疤痕,填充凹陷瘢痕。 +"His wife refused to open the door for him. As a result, he stayed outside the whole night.",他的妻子拒绝给他开门,结果,他在外面整整呆了一宿。 +"And Lei Lei is however in the job the appreciation that got a leader with his actual strength, her rising the economic actual strength that lets she and Luo Yonghao becomes send great disparity more.",而雷蕾却在工作中凭着自己的实力得到了领导的赏识,她的晋升让她和罗永浩的经济实力变得愈发悬殊。 +She begged Donald to help her find Henchard.,她请求唐纳德帮她找到亨查德。 +"1547 – Henry VIII dies. His nine year old son, Edward VI becomes King, and the first Protestant ruler of England.",1547年的今天,亨利八世逝世,他九岁的儿子爱德华四世成为国王,他是英格兰首位新教统治者。 +"But we many never know if it's really what motivates guys like Hollywood stud Ashton Kutcher, 33, who's married to Hollywood diva Demi Moore, 48.",但是,我们许多人不愿知道它是否真的喜欢好莱坞的动机是什么阿什顿库奇螺柱,33,谁娶了好莱坞天后黛咪摩尔,48人。 +"No, not all the things which you call bad which happen to you are of your own choosing.",不对,并非所有发生在你身上你称为坏的事,全是你自己的选择。 +Her bewitching smile prevented me from passing into the Great Beyond.,她迷人的微笑阻止我进入伟大的超越。 +Objective To investigate the clinical value of anterior chamber maintainer in small incision extracapsular cataract extraction.,目的探讨小切口白内障手术中前房维持器的临床价值。 +"Your high-tech gadgets need to be cleaned from time to time, as they will last longer and provide you more enjoyment.",你的高科技产品需要经常被清理,所以它们的寿命会比较久并且可以提供你更好的服务。 +"People should learn to cooperate with the opposite equally for mutual profit, win-win and common development. Such is great wisdom.",人们应当学会与对立面平等合作、互利共赢、共同发展才是大智慧。 +"In the prefaces of his books, he offers $2.56 to the first person who reports each defect to him.",在书的前言中,他提出给指出书中每一处错误的第一人$2.56以表示感谢。 +This place is absolutely heaving.,这就是冰城的凛冬奇景。 +"All around the city of Salisbury, as far as twenty- two miles to the west, and six miles south, down to the coast, farmers raise sheep.",索尔兹伯里的 四周,西去二十二英里之远,往南六英里,一直到海边,那里的农民都养羊。 +It was said that there were seven academies in Jiangxi during the Tang Dynasty.,以往讲江西于唐代有书院七所,现在看来还有两所。 +Our company is one of the earliest producers of Soy Isoflavones and Ginkyo Biloba P. E. in China.,我司是国内最早从事生产大豆异黄酮和银杏叶提取物的厂家之一。 +Then the in calculating model is built and the principle of re-magnetization is provided.,在此基础上建立了计算模型并给出二次充磁的原理。 +On the economic outlook Hafner said fears of a double dip recession were well founded.,至于经济形势展望,Hafner说对二次经济衰退(double dip recession)的恐慌心理已经形成。 +People are becoming more and more conscious of the unity of human values and regard ancient monuments as a common heritage.,人类越来越察觉到人的价值的一致性,并且体认到古老古迹是共有的资产。 +Game 9 - Regicide Fortress (all civilizations are allowed and civilizations can be different). Making dock is NOT allowed .,堡垒弑君(所有民族均允许选择,且可不同。 不准起船坞。) +"Cai Yuanpei, a forerunner of the May 4th Movement, called for replacing autocratic monarchy with humanism and religious authority with science and knowledge.",“五四”时期的蔡元培,还提出过要“以人道主义去君权之专制,以科学知识去神权之迷信”的主张。 +"But if the decay continues and breaks through the surface of the enamel, the damage is permanent.",但是如果龋坏继续进行穿过表面的牙釉质,将会形成永久性损害。 +"Most Admired Woman, for the 7th year in a row, is Secretary of State-designate Hillary Clinton.","获国务卿提名的希拉里则连续第7年当选年度美国""最受仰慕""女性人物。" +"Labour-intensive industries prefer people in their late teens and early 20s, but they have gone.",劳动力密集的工业愿意要接近20岁和刚过20岁的年轻人,但是他们都已经打工去了。 +Objective: The plasma cyclic nucleotides contents of aged rats and the regulatory action of Ginseng and Huangqi (Astragalus membranaceus) were studied.,目的:观察老年大鼠血浆环核苷酸的变化及人参,黄芪的调节作用。 +Border issues are pending since 1962 and it will take years together to solve it.,边界问题自1962年起就悬那儿,而且会要许多年来解决它。 +She rose from being a nobody to become a superstar.,她从无名小���一跃成为超级明星。 +The recommended fertilization information management system is established by using the ActiveX development of geographic information system and soil survey data.,利用嵌入式地理信息系统开发技术,结合各种土壤信息数据,建立测土施肥信息管理系统。 +"Li was cruising around the Hebei University campus when he struck two roller-skating students with his Volkswagen sedan, killing one of them.",他当时开着一辆德国大众(Volkswagen)轿车在河北大学闲逛,撞倒了两个正在滑旱冰的学生,导致其中一人死亡。 +"As Lehman Bros. showed, there are good reasons to avoid letting failed banks go bankrupt.",正如雷曼兄弟的事件所显示的,让失败的银行免于倒闭是有充分理由的。 +"When cold in the morning I in lane, faced each other that clear thin wife to smile was saying: ""early! """"",当寒冷早晨我在巷子里,对门那位清癯的太太笑着说:“早!” +"Honest friendship is health, whose preciousness will not felt until lost.",真挚的友谊犹如健康,不到失却时,无法体味其珍贵.。 +According to the technicnos standard (norm rules of oper) the erection (shooting testing )work is now getting on .,安设(校准、考试)事业正在根据技术圭表(典范榜样、操作规程)实行。 +"""Thats a world record, for any horse, anywhere, "" said Calder spokeswoman Michele Blanco.",考尔德马场发言人布兰科指出:“这个价格创下了新的世界纪录。” +"During the summer, McCain mocked Obama as a political celebrity and elitist, criticized his shifting positions and made fun of his penchant for huge rallies and high-flying rhetoric.",今年夏天,麦凯恩讥讽奥巴马为政治明星和精英分子,抨击他立场不坚定,还取笑他喜欢搞大型集会和唱高调。 +"According to the concept of sagittal spinal balance, the alternating curves of cervical and lumbar lordosis and thoracic and sacral kyphosis enable the head to be positioned over the trunk and pelvis.",根据矢状面上脊柱平衡的理念,颈椎和腰椎的前凸,胸椎和骶椎的后凸构成的交替曲线使头能够定位与躯体和骨盆的上方。 +"While it""s true that the big things matter, the little things do too.""",大事儿要紧这没错,但小事儿同样也是的。 +"During summer, the green leaves provided shade protecting me from the harsh3 sunlight but allowing enough light in to make it pleasant.",到了夏天,绿绿的槐叶繁盛地挤在窗前,为我滤过刺眼的阳光,留下令人欢欣的光明。 +He's still taking Basic Fitness.,他还在上体能基础课,营养课还没碰过呢。 +"As beneficiaries of a culture of religious tolerance, they are especially well placed to explain its merits to co- religionists in Islam's heartland.",作为宗教宽容文化的受益者,他们正是阐释在穆斯林中心地区确保宗教共存共荣存在诸多益处的合适人选。 +It charts the fascinating and often dramatic ways in which the capital has transformed from Bronze Age settlement to modern-day metropolis.,它描绘出了美妙绝伦的景色并且把首都从铜器时代建筑发展到现代大都市以戏剧性的方式表现了出来。 +My mother was so proud of me that she bought me a little ankle bracelet that jingled when I walked.,我的母亲我是如此的骄傲,她给我买了一个小脚踝手镯叮当作响,当我走了。 +ECB President Jean-Claude Trichet said Thursday that officials had not discussed buying euro zone government debt.,"周四,欧洲央行总裁特里谢表示,央行官员没有讨论购买欧元区公债.另外,委员奎登接受比利时报章访问时表示,欧元区不会解散,且市场对诸如西班牙和葡萄牙等国可能步希腊后尘的说法纯粹是猜测.[ID:nCN1048875]" +Eric Ryan and Adam Lowry were having dinner with their new investors.,艾瑞克·赖安和亚当·洛瑞刚才在和他们的新投资人共进晚餐。 +Myocardial apoptosis index was detected with in situ end labeling.,检测大鼠心肌细胞凋亡指数应用原位末端标记法。 +"This summer, Ms Chen launched a hostile takeover for Hong Kong-listed China Oriental Group, which controls a mid-sized steel mill in Hebei province.",今年夏天,陈宁宁对香港上市的中国东方集团(China Oriental Group)发起了敌意收购。 +"Moreover, the fall of the tong tian ta symbolizes the fact that human beings would never transcend their insanity and illusion; they can just degenerate and .",通天塔的倒塌象征着人类永远走不出自己的疯狂和梦幻 ,既无法得救 ,也不能毁灭 ,而只有退化和失误 ,体现了作者对人类命运的沉重的忧思。 +Shandong Longkou brown coal has been oxidized and depolymerized with nitric acid under mild conditions.,对龙口褐煤进行了硝酸氧化分解的实验研究,考察了影响丙酮可溶酸产率的主要因素。 +BMW’s third-quarter net profit soared to 874 million euros ($1.2 billion) from 78 million euros in the same period a year ago.,宝马公司第三季度净利润增加到8.74亿欧元(约合12亿美元),高于去年同期的7800万欧元。 +Chapter four mainly describes the activity of the incense societal organization in the daily life in the village.,第四章主要是描述香社组织与村落日常生活的活动。 +"Analysts in China cautioned against reading too much into Obama's comments, saying his words were as much aimed at a domestic audience as trying to put pressure on Beijing.","中国的分析师提醒称不应过度解读奥巴马的言论,他们表示,奥巴马的讲话主要是针对美国国内听众,并试图向北京施压." +I'll save you. I will do what I dream.,我来救你们。 看我敢梦敢为。 +Fernando took his girl friend to meet his aunt in Mexico. His aunt was very glad to meet them. She asked them to take her place as their home.,在墨西哥,费尔南多带着他的女朋友去见他的姑姑。他姑姑见到他们非常高兴。她让他们把她的家就当成是自己的家。 +"Mingguang is my hometown, which is an adorable place.",明光是我的家乡那是个可爱的地方。 +"If a promotion is one of your goals for the next year, are you ...",如果获得晋升是你这一年的目标,你会尽全力去实现它吗? +"The theatre may almost be said to be the only national amusement, and the Chinese have for theatricals a passion like that of the Englishman for athletics, or the 1)Spaniard for bull-fights.",戏剧几乎可以说是他们惟一的全民娱乐方式,中国人之热衷于看戏,就如同英国人喜爱运动、西班牙人喜爱斗牛一样。 +The names Ida and Dactyl are based on characters in Greek mythology.,爱达和载克太的名字来自希腊神话人物。 +"This change might manifest itself as an epiphany at some point during the project, or it might seep in as a gradual change.",这种更改可能在项目开发的过程中的某个时候突然出现,也有可能成为一点一点渐进的改变。 +The first approach projects organizational artifacts and processes onto the framework meta-structure.,第一种方法将组织工件和过程映射到框架元结构上。 +"But continuous, healthy development of economic of the whole country is to request economic in every district-balanced development.",而整个国家经济的持续、健康发展要求区域经济的协调发展。 +"Electrophilic, especially enantioselective electrophilic fluorinating agents were developed quickly in recent years, and there were important aspects of fluorination researches and applications.",亲电氟化试剂,尤其是对映选择性亲电氟化剂近年来发展较快,成为氟化研究和应用的重要领域。 +"In order to supervise the government, maintain its dominant order, ensure the national machine can work well, the feudal dynasties in the ancient times of China established the supervising system.",中国古代封建王朝为监察政府官员,维护统治秩序,保证国家机器正常运转而设立了监察制度。 +He also called for increased capacity in gas pipelines between Russia and Europe.,他还呼吁加强俄欧天然气管道的输送能力。 +"To prepare to install PSGML in the Windows version of Emacs, first create a directory for it (mine is site-lisp) and unpack the .gz file into it, retaining directory information.",要准备在 Emacs Windows 版中安装 PSGML,首先要为 PSGML 创建一个目录(我的是 site-lisp)并且将 .gz 文件解压缩到该目录下,保留目录信息。 +"Last February a coalition of more than two-dozen environmental groups published a study called ""Reefs at Risk, Revisited.""",去年二月一比公布的一项研究双十几个环保团体联合政府的所谓“危机,再探暗礁。” +"A website that is pampered, frequently changed as necessary, based on your site stats report, will perform like some of the best horses I worked with in my youth.",一个被广泛关注和依据网站统计数据并按照需要频繁改变的网站就像年少时跟自己一起工作的最爱的某匹马。 +It has been posited that if all the Oreos produced since Thuesen's purchase could be stacked atop one another they would reach the moon four times.,奥利奥,如今每年销售量数十亿,人们设想,如果把所有自瑟森购买后生产出来的奥利奥饼干层层叠加,那将是月球与地球之间距离的四倍。 +"The question will of course be rhetorical, since Bo, whose raison d’être is to be furry and sweet, has significantly fewer performance expectations than his master.",这个问题肯定是不会得到回答的,因为波的存在就是要变得毛茸茸的,变得可爱,人们对它的作为期望要比他的主人少的多。 +All this could make Pakistan an area where China could expand its cooperation with the West -- so far dominated by economic ties -- into foreign policy.,上述种种因素将可能使巴基斯坦成为中国与西方扩大合作--从迄今的经济挂帅拓展到外交领域--的舞台。 +"The new concept includes body-colored door handles , panorama sun-roof, LED headlamps, and big 20-inch alloys.",的新概念包括身体色门把手,全景阳光屋顶,LED前大灯,大20-英寸的合金。 +I know an entrepreneur who has his way of identifying and using talented people.,我认识一个企业家,他识人、用人的方法很有意思。 +"Semiconductor junctions have a ""reverse breakdown voltage"" at which a reverse-biased junction begins to conduct.",当反向偏置形成时,半导体的连接点会有反向击穿电压。 +This is what I have to commentate for you today.,这就是今天我要要跟你们评述的。 +A preacher stood declaiming in the town centre.,传教士市镇慷慨词。 +"Well, you can buy him a pet iguana then.",那么你可以买只宠物鬣蜥蜴给他。 +I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvellous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well.,我要称谢你,因我受造,奇妙可畏。 你的作为奇妙,这是我心深知道的。 +There are snow mountains just like those in canada the great gorge in america the primeval forest in colorado and the glamourous ponds in huangshi park.,这里有似加拿大的雪山,怀俄明州的峡谷,科罗拉多的原始森林,黄石公园的钙华彩池。 +Hardness up to about HRC 93.,硬度高达约人权委员会93。 +The effects of friction moment and additional moment on the stability of rolls for the first time was considered and the optimum offset model for the four high mills was set up.,首次考虑摩擦弯矩和附加弯矩对辊系稳定性的影响,建立了四辊轧机辊系最佳偏移距模型。 +2010-03-16 Members of the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) see no need of changing the official oil output quota as they predict stable crude prices throughout this year.,2010年03月16日 欧佩克成员国预计,今年国际原油价格将保持稳定,因此没有必要改变产量配额。 +"To manage clients, select the 'Clients' tab from the main-window",点击主窗口中的'Clients'选项卡来管理客户端 +"Its land right of private ownership form included land which could be inherited, garden and grave field, temple land.",唐代土地私有权的形态包括永业田、园宅墓田、寺院土地。 +他跳将前去,他的剑高高在举。,"He springs forward, his sword aloft." +"After her brothers and father were killed, Baida began to work with some of her cousins; they were also fighters and even more radical Islamists than her brothers.",在她父亲和兄弟死后,拜妲开始与她的一些堂(表)亲并肩作战;他们也是战士,甚至是比她的兄弟更为激进的伊斯兰教主义者。 +"Read his first article is in the textbook text called ""Baicao garden to the shamisen book"", prose collection ""chaohuaxishi"" in an article.",读到他第一次的文章,却是在课本里,课文叫《从百草园到三味书》,也是散文集《朝花夕拾》中的一篇。 +Hovering between the People-oriented and Democracy by Ren Tong rose sharply in the content and the structure.,任桐著《徘徊于民本与民主之间》一书,在内容和结构上,新意迭出,卓见纷呈。 +"The nation's poverty rate jumped to 15.1 percent in 2010, the Cenus Bureau announced last month, as the total number of Americans in poverty grew to 46.2 million.",人口调查局上个月宣布,因为美国贫困人口的数量增长至46200000,国家的贫困率在2010年已升至15.1%。 +"Soldiers were expected to be able travel thirty kilometers per day, in full pack.",士兵一天可以行进30千米,在全副装备的情况下。 +Perhaps we could persuade you and Professor Barrett to give us your critical comments on our publication as compared to Waley's.,也许我们可以请贵刊与巴若教授就我们出版的论语给予我们宝贵的意见。 +It turned to be water-inert and hydrophilic after aluminum pigment modified which have validate by the gassing stability experiments.,发气实验验证了铝粉颜料经硅烷偶联剂处理后,其在水性涂料中的稳定性比未经处理的铝粉颜料有明显提高。 +"That last name may come as a surprise, but Musk has made peace with his mutineers.",最后这个名字可能让大家吃了一惊,不过马思科已经和反叛他的人和谐相处了。 +It can be imported into other products (e.g. StockTwits) where you really want to know more about the person giving you advice.,他的结果可以导入到其它产品如StockTwits,让你了解更多关于给你提意见的人(的背景[译者注])。 +"The survey by Mercer Human Resource Consulting ranked 143 cities around the world, measuring the comparative cost of more than 200 areas such as housing, transportation and food.",这项由默瑟人力资源顾问公司组织的调查对全世界的143个城市进行了排名,调查的内容涉及到200多个领域,例如住房、交通和食品。 +"Then when you're done you print the page, and we have a special instruction for that in just a moment, and then you'll have what you need for the concept sheets.","当你完成的时候,请把这页打印出来,我们马上会对此做出详细说明,这样你就得到了写观点报告需要的材料" +"It really has one swimming pool, but it's just slightly bigger that a fishpond .",到那儿一看,游泳池倒是有,只是还没俺家的大嘞。 +"All told, First Union acquired some 80 banks and financial services companies in 15 years.",第一联合公司在15年里总共收购了大约80家银行和金融服务公司。 +"Which bus goes to a small vegetable garden, watched silently stop, then put the cigarette butts on the side of the road, annoying feeling helpless.",哪路公车是开往小菜园,默默地看着站牌,然后把烟头扔在公路边,心情很烦很无奈。 +There exist some contradictory conclusions between the old Quantum Theory and Quantum Mechanics in explaining the atomic structure.,旧量子论与量子力学在解释原子结构时存在着某些不同的结论。 +"The top electrode 15 itself can be used to constitute a bit line, or a separate bit line can be provided.",上电极15自身可以用来 构成位线,或者可以设置独立的位线。 +"Many years later, he could still see the terrible scene of the air crash in his mind’s eye.",许多年以后,他仍能回想起飞机失事时的惨景。 +"Objectives To solve the problems in serological typing and other gene typing and to establish a direct, accurate HLA-DPB1, DRB gene typing.",目的为了克服血清学以及其他基因定型方法存在的操作复杂、分辨力低的问题,采用一种直接、准确的HLA-DPB1、DRB的基因定型方法。 +"BP (BP, news, msgs), for example, shows a decline in ROIC from 14%, on average, over the past five years to 10% in the most recent year.",例如BP,它的ROIC从14%的5年平均水平降低到最近的10%。 +"Don’t lie to me, said Luana.",“不要骗我”,露阿娜说。 +"An excellent televised documentary is telling a real story, and story can open up the existence and development of televised documentary.",一部优秀的电视纪录片就是讲述一个真实的故事,故事性为纪录片的生存和发展拓宽了道路。 +The pain was identical with what she had complained of.,该痛和她以前诉过的疼痛一样。 +"Following interviews with more than 200 married lesbians, Moran concluded that there is “great potential for heterosexual women to experience a first same-sex attraction well into adulthood.”",根据对200多个已婚的同性恋女性的采访,莫兰认为,那些与异性有关联的女性,在成年之后体验一次同性的魅力的可能性更大。 +This means that to them the purchase price is but one cost element among sever-al others and that the total cost does not accrue until the goods have been sold to the next customer.,这就是说,对他们来说买价只不过是诸多成本因素中的一个因素,直到货物售予下一个客户之前,总的费用不能增加。 +"So I take 2 plus 3 b steps to go through this loop OK. So if b is 300, it takes 902 steps.","好,如果b是300的话就是902步,如果b是3000那就有9002步。" +Screening tests are available that detect BRCA mutations.,筛查试验可有效的检测BRCA突变。 +Her sallow skin was drawn tightly across the bones of her face.,她那蜡黄的皮肤紧紧地包着脸上的骨头。 +Part III studies the legal nature and the content of right of trade name.,第三部分研究商业名称权的性质与内容。 +Chang is a master of Chinese painting world influence.,张大千是具有世界影响的中国画大师。 +"Michael Reimer is with Safety Solutions, a company that created the rubble piles.",迈克尔·赖默尔来自安全方案公司,此次军演的紧急现场正是由该公司堆造。 +PackageMaker allows for execution of pre-install and post-install actions using shell script or Perl script.,PackageMaker 允许在安装前后执行用 shell 或 Perl 脚本编写的操作。 +"In1907, shellac was commonly used to insulate the innards of earlyelectronics—think radios and telephones.",1907年,虫漆已被广泛用于早期电子产品的内部元件绝缘,例如半导体和电话。 +"If governance is to be an enabler of agility, it cannot be a burden in day-to-day operations. To satisfy this, there must be non-burdensome and consistent ways to collect data across the organization.",良好管治要成就敏捷,就不可以成为日常运作的负累,要做到这点,需要一些统一而不繁累的方法在组织里收集数据。 +"He isolated the major components of air, disproved the phlogiston theory by determining the role of oxygen in combustion, and organized the classification of compounds.",他分离出空气中的主要成分,证明了氧气在燃烧中所起的作用从而否定了燃素理论,并把化合物进行了分类。 +The machine controlled by micro-computer controller can work in high accuracy;,采用微电脑电路控制、精确度高; +The 55 Pterocarya stenoptere provenances collected from its whole distribution were tested.,于枫杨全分布区内收集的55个种源为试材进行苗期试验。 +The Internet? Bah!,互联网?呸! +"Application estate is registered, the applicant can entrust others representative. Handle application by agent, answer to submit the proxy of classics notarization to the mechanism that register.",申请房地产登记, 申请人可以委托他人代理。由代理人办理申请的,应向登记机关提交经公证的委托书。 +"The show's daring, its social message, its innovative use of dance, are still impressive — for both a West Side Story veteran and a virgin.",这部音乐剧所勇于传达的社会信息、对舞蹈的创造性运用,对于那些熟稔于心抑或是初次赏析的“西区故事”观众来说,都仍然会是印象深刻的。 +I hope you wll never do wrong.,我愿你将永远不犯错误。 +"All of the listed companies audit fee determinants are size of auditee, audit units, and accounting firms.",全体上市公司之审计公费决定因素为客户规模、审计单位数及事务所; +The surface-active microsphere can be used as an electrophoretic agent or a thermosensitive phase-transfer material.,该表面活性微球,可 以用作电泳素,也可以用作热敏相转移材料。 +"Use some paper towels or news paper, fold into long strips with the width slightly smaller than your cake pan.",用几张吸水的厚纸(厨房用纸、报纸等),折成比蛋糕模稍窄的长条。 +Each ruleset specifies a list of patterns that the input must match.,每个规则集指定输入必须匹配的模式列表。 +"The preventive measure have been put forward, by analysing the reason of roadster accident in inclined alley conveyance.",通过对煤矿井下斜巷运输跑车事故原因的分析,提出预防措施。 +This error indicates that the test controller was not able to collect performance counter results from all the computers in the specified sample rate for the load test.,这个错误表示测试控制器无法以负载测试的指定取样率,从所有电脑收集效能计数器结果。 +Office blocks modeled on termite nests and buildings that can resist climate change have been the focus at a conference by some of Australias most influential designers in Melbourne .,澳大利亚一些最有影响的设计师在墨尔本的一个会议上着重讨论了以白蚁巢穴为模型的办公楼群,以及能够抵御气候变化的建筑物。 +Vitamin C as catalyst was first used in the synthesis of isoamyl lactate from lactic acid and isoamyl alcohol.,首次利用维生素C催化乳酸和异戊醇合成了乳酸异戊酯。 +"With that , my heart sank . I knew that I could never be happy with a man who couldn't even give me an answer straight away .",听到这话,我的心往下沉了。我明白和这样一个都不能直接给我答案的人一起生活不会让我幸福。 +The sixth part provided some policed suggestion and measure for the economic sustainable development of Huangling county.,黄陵县域经济可持续发展的政策建议与措施; +He was swung for murder.,他因犯谋杀罪而被处绞刑。 +Often tucked away in a small town south of the yangtse river the lane like a maiden of ancient times hidden away in a secluded boudoir is reluctant to make its appearance in public.,这种巷,常在江南的小城市中,有如古代的少女,躲在僻静的深闺,轻易不肯抛头露面。 +"I have a dream that one day I can lie in the lavenders looking at the blue sky. I love lavenders , so I love PROVENCE.",我很懒,没有什么远大的梦想。只希望有一天可以看到普罗旺斯的美。 +"The spectrum characteristics of the simulated ship stem wave are analyzed using AR auto-correlation spectrum estimation method, and the source property of the stem wave is summarized.",采用AR模型自相关谱估计法研究了模拟产生的船舶尾流信号的谱特征,分析和总结了尾流信号的源特性。 +Similar to Gadamer's approach there is a free-play or creative act between the author and the reader with the reader supplying the gaps in understanding generated by the text.,与伽达默尔的观点类似,作者与读者的互动或创造行为使读者在由文本引发的理解过程中自己填充缺失的部分。 +The museum has everything from romantic and touching letters to different gifts given to lovers like teddy bears and photos.,格鲁比希奇说:“从浪漫感人的情书到送给情人的各种礼物,像泰迪熊和照片等,这些东西博物馆中应有尽有。 +"Mr Lai, head of Hong Kong and China research for CIMB Securities, had been covering a little known Chinese TV maker called Skyworth Digital Holdings.",担任联昌国际证券(CIMB Securities)香港及中国研究主管的赖穆煦,之前一直在关注鲜为人知的中国电视机制造商创维数码控股(Skyworth Digital Holdings)。 +"Whether Myint Aung or Min Aung Hlaing—both are in their 50s—succeeds Than Shwe to the top slot, both are considered loyal.",无论敏昂或敏昂莱,都是在50多岁,普遍认为是丹瑞忠诚的继承者。 +Only a few live trees were left after the fire.,火灾之后只剩下几棵树还活着。三者均可表示“活着的”,区别如下。 +"Recent research finds that chimps tend to fall into the same gender-specific roles as human children do, even without any gender-specific tools. Karen Hopkin reports",最新研究发现,即使没有任何关于性别区分的特定工具,小黑猩猩也会像人类小孩子一样,扮演具有性别特征的角色。 +"Finally, notice the series of arguments NULL,'$alert',NULL,0,0,0,0, where","最后,注意参数序列 NULL,'$alert',NULL,0,0,0,0,其中" +Trade in service is the business of service transactions across national boundaries.,服务贸易是指跨越国界进行服务品交易的商业活动。 +This formation is dominated by a set of sandstone-mudstone dark clastic rock series which belongs to marginal marine deposit at the end of the gondwana carboniferous-permian glacier period.,该组主要为一套砂岩-泥岩的暗色碎屑岩系,属冈瓦纳石炭-二叠纪冰川末期的边缘海沉积。 +OPER: List the number of operators that the standard hours listed represents.,操作工数量:列出标准工时所需操作工数量。 +"The orientation dependence of the tensile and stress rupture behavior of a directionally-solidified superalloy, DZ5, has been studied.",本文研究了定向凝固镍基高温合金DZ5的高温瞬拉及持久断裂特性之晶体取向关系。 +The young man absconded with his friend's wife.,这个年轻人拐骗他朋友的妻子潜逃了。 +"Its ice, being lighter than water, will be forced upward until it breaks off, forming very large icebergs.",冰川的冰,因为比水轻,所以被迫向上浮,直到它破裂,形成巨大的冰山。 +"The approach is based on combining the concept of non-linear internal model control, strong acid equivalent(SAE) and self-adaptive mechanism.",该方案结合了非线性内模控制、自适应机制和强酸当量(SAE)的概念。 +"Xinjiang fruits delicious because it day and night temperature difference big, so all the fruit is sweet.",新疆的水果好吃的原因,是因为日夜温差很大,所以所有的水果都很甜。 +John Carter Cash with his grandmother Maybelle Carter's Gibson L-5 guitar.,约翰卡特现金和他的祖母梅贝尔卡特的吉布森L型5吉他。 +"The giant-eyed nocturnal primates, found across a belt of countries around Indonesia, are highly prized for their supposed medicinal and spiritual properties.",它具有一双硕大的眼睛,属夜间活动的灵长类动物,往往出没在印尼周围一带的国家,人们信以为它具有珍贵的药用价值甚至精神上的某些功能。 +"When we are old, they, quality cup of tea and listen to an oldies the years, we will cherish love, cherish the affection and friendship, treasure every dawn and dusk.",等我们老的时候,品一杯香茗,聆听一曲岁月的老歌,我们会更加珍惜爱,珍惜亲情与友情,珍惜每一个黎明与黄昏。 +""" A few years ago, a Danish member of Parliament claimed that ""Chinese yellow monkeys should be dead.",几年前,一位丹麦议员声称“中国黄猴子应该去死”。 +"He reported 100% survivorship of the C-stem at 7-year follow-up, with aseptic loosening as the endpoint.",以无菌性松动为随访终点,7年随访时C型柄无一例失败。 +Having an education from a reputable and accredited school will carry you a long way toward achieving your goals and gaining recognition.,在一个声誉好并广受好评的学校接受过教育的话,你更有可能实现自己的目标并获得认可。 +"In order to improve the urban ecological landscape, the governments pay more attention to treating rivers.",为改善城市景观生态环境,国内各城市都开始重视对城中河的整治。 +"It is also used during vaccine production, both to inactivate certain organisms and toxins and to help maintain a sterile production line.",它也用于疫苗生产过程,包括灭活特定的生物和毒素及协助保持生产线的无菌状态。 +"Good-hearted The disposition is amiable Likes the micro-organism Inthis unreal network, hoped can make the sincere friend!",心地善良。性格随和。喜欢小动物。在这个虚幻的网络中,希望能交到真诚的朋友! +One of the reasons is that the powerful tend to believe those who try to make their way up the ladder through flattery.,其中最重的一个原因就是那些有权的人往往会相信那些借助花言巧语、阿谀奉迎向上爬的人。 +"Okay, my turn. Here's my present for you.",恩,那该换我了。这是我给你的礼物。 +"In four years' time, BBC Online's content will cover most of the national curriculum, from the age of five through to GCSEs.",四年之后,英国广播公司网上内容将覆盖大部分国家开设的课程,从5岁到普通教育证书的考试。 +The IRS investigated hundreds of edp crimes every year.,美国国内收���局每年都要调查数以百计的电脑犯罪。 +“It leaves sadness / It leaves a taste / A bitter one. ”songwriting in many years — and I hardly want to listen to anything else.,我想这是一张了不起的专辑——绝对是多年来最具说服力和原创性的政治性音乐作品——而此刻我几乎没法去听任何其它东西。 +"Secondly, the chemical structures of the roving and bulk yarn of glass fiber were studied, and their morphological structures were observed.",其次,研究了玻璃纤维无捻粗纱和膨体纱的化学结构,并观察了它们的形态结构。 +"If you were to follow the procedure, which the Greeks did not, of primogenitor,that is, of giving the whole plot to the eldest son, but what happens to the others?","你们也许会采用传统做法,但是古希腊人不会,他们会将耕地全部分给长子,但是其他人怎么过活呢" +But his story didn't hold water after three differnet witnesses testified in court that they had seen him running from the scene of the crime.,但是他的谎言是站不住脚的,有三个证人在法庭上证明看到他从案发现场逃离。 +The importance of recognizing correctly the properties of soft clay to improve the mucky soft soil ground effectively is verified.,从而论证了正确认识软粘土的上述固有属性对有效加固淤泥类软土地基的重要性。 +"Since then the games have been held in different cities once every four years except in 1916, 1940 and 1944.",从此以后,该运动会每四年都要在不同的城市举行(除1916年、1940年以及1944年外)。 +"They’ll not study hard any more, with rich parents to depend on.",有了父母可依赖,他们就不再努力学习了。 +"Objective To study the anti-proliferation effects induced by 2,3-dioxoindoline on SH-SY5Y cells.",目的研究2,3-吲哚醌对人神经母细胞瘤SH-SY5Y细胞增殖的影响。 +Daren: I'm terrible in the kitchen! Why don't we watch one of your old movies?,我做菜最不拿手了!我们看部你的老电影怎么样? +"The surprising decision comes as the 40-year-old pricing system for iron ore, based on annual prices and lengthy negotiations, crumbles.",这一出人意料的决定出炉之际,正值运行40 年之久的铁矿石定价体系(通过漫长的谈判达成年度合约价)分崩离析。 +"There are three points of view on the application of natural science method to the field of social science, that is, ""Theory of unification"", ""Theory of detachment""and ""Theory of syncretism"".",自然科学方法在社会科学领域中的应用问题,历来存在三种不同观点,即“统一论”、“独立论”和“融合论”。 +"The next day, Michael's blood pressure plummeted to 60/40.",第二天,迈克尔的血压降到了60/40。 +"It is important not to confuse the Source and Destination with the ""service client/requester"" and ""service server/provider"".",需要强调的是,不应将RMS、RMD和客户端/请求者、服务端/响应者混为一谈。 +"The medium material, sealing soil in low contents of heavy metal and enlarged stipe strain were key to measure of approaching to lower contents of heavy metals in fruit body.",选择重金属低污染的培养料、覆土土壤和粗柄型菌株是实现姬松茸子实体重金属低富集的关键措施。 +Your organization should arrange and reserve a display area for the mobile ERC.,申请机构须安排及预留展览场地以供流动环境资源中心车辆使用。 +A study concluded that men actually feel worse about their own bodies after looking at pictures of sexy female models in magazines.,一项研究得出的结论表明,男人在杂志上看到性感女模特的照片后,实际上会对自己的身体感到更为不满。 +Grammy Awards are presented annually by the National Academy of Recording Arts and Sciences of the United States for outstanding achievements in the music industry.,格莱美奖是美国国家录音与科学学会主办的年度大型音乐评奖活动,以表彰当年在音乐界做出最杰出成就的个人。 +Go to the web and check them out if you haven't already.,如果你还没在网上听过他们的节目,就赶紧去搜吧! +"The study, published in the online edition of the journal Brain, showed that after one year of musical training, children performed better in a memory test than those who did not take music classes.",这项研究结果在《大脑》杂志的网站上发表,研究发现,上过一年音乐课的儿童在一项记忆力测试中的表现比没有上过音乐课的儿童好。 +What is sleep apnoea?,什么是睡眠呼吸暂停? +The amendment also includes a mechanism to extend the period of in-service support until the end of life expectancy of the C-130J fleet.,修改部分还包括一个机制,用以延长期服务支持直到C - 130J飞机机队预期寿命结束。 +"As the human basic culture behavior, the TV documentary is one kind of strong on - the -spot report function television carrier.",中文摘要作为人类基本的文化行为,电视纪录片是一种纪实功能很强的电视载体。 +"Coretha, a soft-spoken girl, acknowledged the punishment was humiliating(9) but said it got her attention. ""I won't talk back, "" she said quietly, hanging her head.",声音柔和的克里莎认为这种惩罚让她感到羞辱,但却的确能让自己注意。“我不会再顶嘴了”她低着头轻声说。 +And he invited Philip to get in and sit beside him.,于是请腓利上车,与他同坐。 +Trev: Wrong.,崔佛:错。 +"PA: Facetiously, I could say that if you're a superstar you probably shouldn't fly a glider plane. Because it's not only about you;",说起来有点搞笑,我可以这么比喻一下:如果你是一个明星科学家,那么你就不应该进行滑行机这种危险的运动。 +"Guinea's president is calling for calm following an overnight attack on his home in a suburb of the capital, Conakry.",几内亚总统呼吁民众保持冷静,在他的家庭在首都科纳克里郊区过夜攻击 。 +Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) is usually reserved for difficult-to-treat depression patients who are not suitable for or have failed to respond to antidepressant medications.,电休克治疗(ECT)通常是不适合或对抗抑郁药物治疗无效的难治性抑郁患者的保留治疗方法。 +The main reason for this was because Rennenkampf still considered the German I Corps under Francois to be a threat.,不过,连内肯普如此谨慎的最主要原因还是来自德军第一军的威胁。 +It has already been highlighted on Good Morning America and other television shows & is a delicacy offered at many South Americans and Brazilian cafeterias round the country.,《早安美国》以及其他电视节目都已经做过古布阿苏的相关报导,也是在美国许多南美和巴西餐厅里供应的美味料理。 +"Two duplications should be submitted, one for Administration, the other for applicant.",本申请书一式两份,一份主管机关留存,一份交申请人。 +Brodie says she invented it for herself and successfully pitched the job to the high-end magazine publisher in 2005.,她表示,这个头衔是为自己创造的,并在2005年被这家高档杂志出版商采用。 +"To realize the goal, the thesis employs multiple computing centers and one voting centers managing the entire voting procedure. And It also provides fair voting and counting stages.",为了实现这个目标,本文利用多个计算中心和一个投票管理中心来共同协作管理整个投票流程,同时也提供了公平的投票计票平台。 +"Oil and other fossil fuels would have to fill the gap, he said.",他说,石油和其他化石燃料将填补这个需求空缺。 +"World beef, pork and poultry exports were estimated at 17.7 million metric tons in 2004, an increase of 5 percent over the previous year, Dr. Le Gall says.",Le Gall博士说,2004年,全世界的牛肉、猪肉和禽肉出口总量估计为1770万吨,比上一年增加了5%。 +Elvin: Crazy is too kind. Insane is more like it. Nuts! Wacko! Psycho !,艾文: 疯这个字还太仁慈。说是丧心病狂还差不多。神经病!怪胎!心理变态! +"In most agricultural research stations, it is the labourers that do the crossing.",在大多数农业研究站中,进行作物杂交工作的正是农业劳动者。 +Citizen-funded elections could come in a number of forms.,公民资助的选举形式多样。 +"When his evil neighbor heard of this, he was even angrier than before.",当坏心的邻居听到这个消息时,比上一次还要气愤。 +"Determined to be the cause of the door, the work is a journey of burglary of a door. - Pasteur.",立志是事业的大门,工作是登门入室的的旅途。——巴斯德。 +"Dress appropriately. Jeans, shorts, short skirts, sandals, T-shirts, etc. , do not help make a good impression.",穿着要恰当,牛仔裤、短装、无袖衫、凉鞋、T恤等等无助于给评委留下好的印象。 +""" In this way, in 2006, "" Yan Ran Angel Fund ""set up, and paid only three people.",就这样,2006年“嫣然天使基金”创办,而拿工资的人只有三个人。 +Constraints can give you speed and momentum.,约束能给你速度和动力。 +"DO wear structured pieces on your upper half, such as fitted jackets and shirts with seaming details.",穿着剪裁得当的上衣,比如合身的夹克衫,衣辙处理精细衬衫。 +Researchers at the National Institutes of Health gave six professional jazz pianists a few days to memorize a never-before-seen tune.,国家卫生研究所 (NIH)的研究人员让6名职业爵士钢琴手在几天时间内记忆一段从未见过的音乐。 +This article introduces the feasibility test of laser-driven debris.,文章介绍了激光驱动微小碎片技术的可行性研究试验。 +"YBS's 3 top experts, 5 part—time professors and 2 special advisors, with a staff of nearly 60.",公司现有顶级策划师3名,兼职教授5名,特别顾问、博士2名,员工近60名,业务遍布全球。 +How should society at large look upon the twilight romance between widows and widowers?,全社会该如何看待鳏寡老人的黄昏之恋?。 +"107 】 good activists rehabilitation, good thinkers, good help others who's music, good people, good at yue, good of pursuers into tourists.",好运动者健,好思考者智,好助人者乐,好读书者博,好旅游者悦,好追求者成。 +"Greater Bamboo Lemur Found only in a small area of southeastern Madagascar, the greater bamboo lemur eats not only bamboo shoots — despite the cyanide found in the plant.",大竹狐猴。 发现,只有在一个小地区的东南部马达加斯加,更大的竹狐猴不仅吃竹笋-尽管氰化物发现的植物。 +"Dystonia, a painful movement disorder, is another.",另外一种是被称为肌张力障碍的带疼痛感的运动障碍。 +We'd also lead the world in the development of these new wireless technologies and create a boatload of jobs in the process.,我们将在这些新无线技术研发方面走在世界前列,并在此过程中创造出最多的工作机会。 +"The credit system, as a kind of teaching management system, its implementation gives challenges the university traditional student's working management system.",学分制作为一种教学管理制度,它的实行给高校传统的学生工作管理体制带来了挑战。 +"The simulation and experimental results illustrate advantages of the inverter:fixed switching frequency, high output-voltage performance, and strong nonlinear load adaptability, etc.",仿真和实验结果证实了该逆变器具有开关频率固定,输出电压波形质量好,非线性负载适应能力强等优点。 +"Often he was cold, tired and hungry, but the thought of the object in the shop window sustained him.",他经常是饥寒交迫,疲惫不堪,但是一想到商店橱窗�的那样东西,他就又有劲儿坚持下去了。 +"Last month, when Kazakhstan threatened to limit wheat exports, some wheat prices soared by 25%.",上个月,当哈萨克斯坦威胁说要限制小麦出口时,部分小麦价格狂涨了25%。 +"Main courses are: basic theory of directing, basic training on acting, directorial concepts, directing scenes, TV & Film directing, etc.",导演系主要课程包括:导演基础理论、表演基础训练、导演构思、导演片段教学、影视导演基础等。 +"Institute of Plant Protection, Shantung Academy of Agriculture;",山东省农业科学院植物保护研究所; +The application of assistant and main ramp exploitation systems in SanShanDao Gold Mine are introduced.,介绍了辅助斜坡道开拓与主斜坡道开拓系统在三山岛金矿的应用情况。 +The symptoms are similar to the feline panleukopenia. CPV is one of the most infectious diseases in our country.,症状与猫泛白细胞减少症相似,是危害我国养犬业最为严重的传染病之一。 +How to control its cost and expenses has been the target-seeking focal point of electric enterprises at present.,如何将其成本费用控制在最低,是目前电力企业共同探寻的工作重点。 +"Soon after this outlet, the other branches at Times Walk KL and Melaka has set up FREE internet surfing facility, and thus making Wings a wireless outlet for all customers.",在公主城店开始后,我们的其他分店也很快的有了免费上网的服务,让回音石成为更多年轻人及专业人士可以休息或办公的好去处。 +"The brain nervous cells were sieged and swallowed, cerebellum Purkinje cells were turbid, and the Nissl bodies cannot be seen as well.",大脑神经细胞出现卫星化和噬神经现象,小脑浦肯野氏细胞肿胀,尼氏小体不清; +A computer is like that. You're not things only you are also persons.,"电脑就像那样,你不仅是东西,你是人,而电脑只是一个东西;" +Sterling plunged to €1.05 at one stage on Thursday following yet another dismal set of economic data.,随着另一组令人忧郁的经济数据的产生,周四时一度猛跌到1.05欧元。 +"Shanghai Angel Charity Foundation, to expand the Medical Program and health service program for disabled children in Shanghai, China.",上海市安济医疗救助基金会,为中国上海的残疾儿童提供医药和健康服务项目。 +"Shopping is NOT a sport. And no, we are never going to think of it that.",星期六是要运动滴,这就象月晴圆缺潮起潮落一样有规律的,由我们去吧。 +"The average affluent Chinese lives in a city, with an automobile and a closet full of shoes.",中国的富人大都居住在城市里,有一辆汽车和满满一柜的鞋子。 +"Enthralling: The photo introduces us to the couple as they sit in bed, both reading magazines.",迷人:这张照片中,芭比和肯夫妇坐在床上,都在看杂志。 +"The judge in Milan issued the indictment Tuesday, and said the trial is scheduled to begin April 6.",这位米兰的法官星期二发出起诉令,并说,审判计划于4月6日开始。 +Do you speak English?,你会说英语吗? +"I used to be a son of farmers, and I am and will be forever!",因为我是农家的孩子,以前是,现在是,将来还是。 永远都是。 +Bryant's request or if this new information will have any impact on that decision.,很难预料巴斯对科比要求做何反映,或者这新的视频新闻会对转会的决定有什么影响。 +I usually eat two tablespoons a day.,我通常一天吃两汤匙。 +But higher raw-material prices present firms with a problem.,但现在原材料价格的升高成为了企业的一个新问题。 +Either electrons or protons in the jet could interact with light photons or matter to create the extremely high-energy gamma rays.,在射流中,不管是电子还是质子都可以跟可见光子或者物质相互作用,产生极高能量的伽马射线。 +"So I decided to go to an undergraduate, a smaller undergraduate school",我曾决定去一个比较小的大学上大学, +"This might require some maintenance, but when we find permanent answers to our problems instead of quick fixes, we spend less time worrying about them and free up a lot of wasted energy.",当然我们需要付出时间和精力才能找到根源和解决方法,但当我们找到一个长久之计而非权宜之计时,我们的忧虑就少了,还节省出很多精力。 +Our goal is to become the domestic industry pioneer in quality and service and an outstanding figure in international market. Your visit and guidance are sincerely welcome .,我们诚挚地欢迎国内外友人到我厂参观、访问、指导,我们将以更新颖的产品和更完善的服务,与您携手打造新宇的未来! +"Economists say the nation's growth rate will probably slow in the short run as business and industry cope with power shortages, damaged transportation facilities, and other problems.",经济学家说,由于工商业必须应对电力短缺和交通设施遭到破坏等问题,日本的经济增长在短期内可能会放缓。 +"There are a large number of micro factors affect intra-firm trade, and relevant research literatures is also around.",影响内部贸易的微观因素有很多,而相关的研究文献也比比皆是。 +"It beautifully depicts the benefit of being nice to someone for no personal gain and then encouraging them to ""pay it forward"" to another party.",这部电影完美地阐述了善待他人而不计个人得失的种种益处,鼓励人们“将爱传出去”。 +"One of washing cloth is unstained white fibre, the other is color fiber.",水洗的衣物一是未经染色的白色织物,另一种是可以进行水洗的有颜色织物。 +"The present invention relates to a method for making starch encapsulated ingredients where a mixture of starch, water, acid and ingredient for encapsulation is prepared.",本发明涉及用于制造淀粉胶囊包封的成分的方法,其中制备淀 粉、水、酸和用于胶囊包封的成分的混合物。 +The man's good intentions were further dashed when his relative was brought out to see the horse.,这名病人后来被抬出病房看马,给这名男子的好意更泼上了一盆冷水。 +"Throught asking and testing, the author makes a investigation into reason for the division of the learning of ""factoring"" of junior students.",通过问卷和测试,对初中生“因式分解”学习成绩分化原因进行了调查。 +What should you take note of when frying curry spices?,炒花蟹时,需要注意些什麽? +"“Thank God,” she says,and begins to cry.",感谢上帝。” 她说完后就开始哭了起来。 +This domain represents the processing layer for topical information.,这个领域代表主题信息的处理层。 +"That would see Malia and Sasha live out their teenage years in the White House, complete with exams, puberty and first boyfriends.",这段时间将见证玛利亚和萨沙在白宫度过她们的青少年时期,伴随着考试、青春期和初恋。 +This paper establishes its theoretical basis based on the analysis of present senior schoolteachers'cooperation accomplishment under the background of new curriculum reform.,本研究立足课程变革背景下教师合作的研究现状进行分析,确立了本研究的理论基础。 +The ObjectName(s) can be queried via AdminClient by a formatted query string.,ObjectName 可以通过 AdminClient,以格式化的查询串进行查询。 +AIM: To analyze the protective effects of compound Jigucao (CJGC) capsule against carbon tetrachloride (CCl4) and D-Galactosamine (D-Gal)-induced acute chemical liver injury in mice.,目的:分析复方鸡骨草胶囊对四氯化碳、D-半乳糖胺所致小鼠急性化学性肝损伤的保护作用。 +"Nice talking to you Trueman. Trueman:You too, you too. Men:We must go now.",很高兴和聊天,楚门。我也是。 我们现在必须得走了。 +"Mr Shipman went on the offensive and to block a lot of pressure on the other side, then opened the score.",接着薛明的进攻和拦网给了对方很大的压力,接比分拉开。 +In this paper the application of ceramics in prosthodontics and the methods to improve the strength of ceramics were introduced. We hope it would promote the prevalence of ceramics in prosthodontics.,本文从材料学角度介绍了不同类型的陶瓷在牙科修复中的应用以及提高陶瓷材料强度的方法,提高牙科修复体的质量,促进全瓷修复体的运用与普及。 +The entire issue of Genii dedicated to Bob and his work from 2004 is also included.,天才的整个问题致力鲍伯和他的工作从2004年也包括。 +"When moving should keep a move to ""tire god. "" home a pregnant women, try not to move.",搬家时要严防动到「胎神」。家中妇女有身孕时,尽量不要搬家。 +"Of course, you must adjust the path to the binaries to suit your configuration.",当然,您必须调整二进制文件的路径以适合您的配置。 +"We’re kind of like Wile E. Coyote plotting a batch of schemes to capture the road runner, only we’re trying to catch an entire flock.",这样说来,我们有点像E计划里,设置一大批计划来捉获行路者的狼,只不过我们视图捕捉的是一整群人。 +Application of Anther Culture Techniques in Breeding of Malting Barley New Variety. A new barley variety DanErhas been successfully bred and is expanded 300000 ha.,应用花粉培养技术选育啤酒大麦新品种,已成功地选育出啤酒大麦新品种单二,并在大面积推广应用了300000公顷。 +"With the deep development of the movement, their inner contradictions and differences were so obvious that they were divided because of their divergence and conviction of positions, views and ideas.",但随着该运动的深入发展,其主导者由于各自的主张、观点和思想的差异,使得他们内在的矛盾与分歧日趋明显,并最终由于信仰的不同而分裂。 +"However it is not very accurate for Mr. WU to say that Ce Fu Yuan Gui cites the Tang True Records, Unofficial Histories and Novels.",但吴先生关于《册府元龟》引用了唐代历朝实录、杂史、小说的说法却不够准确。 +This approach can be called holistic consequentialism or world utilitarianism .,这种方法可以说是全面的结果主义或世界功利主义 。 +The light bounces off the structures so that the scales appear to us as a shimmering green.,光从这种结构上反射回来,在我们看来,鳞片就是发着微光的绿色。 +"Seidman recommends a mix of hot water and cool hydrogen peroxide in the ear, or covering your finger with a damp washcloth and gently cleaning the outer ear.",塞德曼建议用热水和凉的过氧化氢混合清洗一下耳朵,或用湿布或毛巾覆盖手指轻轻清洗外耳。 +"You eat them ice cold, spitting the big black seeds at your brother.",吃着冰镇的西瓜,然后将黑黑的瓜子朝你兄弟身上吐去。 +China - Yellow River (Huanghe); Egypt - River Nile; India - River Ganges; Mesopotamia - River Tigris and River Euphrates.,中国- 黄河; 埃及- 尼罗河; 印度- 恒河; 米索不达米亚- 底格拉斯河&幼发拉底河。 +So the design and management of the whole school should depend on a concept enroll goal students and stabilize students who are studying in the school.,因此,整个的学校设计和经营都要依靠和围绕如何“招得进来”目标学生与“稳得下来”在读学生(简称“稳生”)来展开。 +We will also explore the concept of creolization in its non-linguistic senses.,我们也会探究克理奥尔化在非语言方面的概念。 +This paper introduced the research way and the achievements made by the Robotics Research Center of Yanshan University on the basic theory of the parallel robot during the past 18 years.,本文介绍了燕山大学机器人研究中心18年来在并联机器人机构学基础理论上的研究道路和研究成绩。 +Local collectors are willing to pay the 100 percent duty to secure fine and rare vintages.,亚洲当地威士忌藏家愿意支付100%的关税来收藏稀有的精品威士忌。 +"The Tibetan barley, the wheat, the beef, the wool, the mutton, the milk, the goats wool, the wool, the green fodder and so on are the superiority products.",其中的优质青稞、油菜籽和无公害蔬菜、牦牛、藏系绵羊和绒山羊是明显的优势产品。 +An IUD is a form of contraception in which the device itself is fitted inside a woman’s body and actually works to block contact between sperm and eggs ..,IUD是避孕的一种方式:在IUD中,该用具会自行契合在女子体内,并有效阻挡精子与卵子的结合... +"Conclusion IL-6/-597G/A polymorphism was not associated with susceptibility to CHD, but IL-6-572C/G polymorphism may be a possible genetic susceptibility factor for CHD in Chinese Hans population.",结论IL-6基因-597G/A多态性可能与中国汉族人群CHD发病易感性无关,而-572C/G多态性可能是该人群CHD发病的易感基因之一,其可能通过对组织IL-6水平的影响及与血脂的协同作用参与CHD的发生。 +"He was not only loyal to his love, but also fought against feudalism;",他既有着对“情”的痴迷,��有着对封建礼教的抗争; +"A measuring technique of initial state for the rocket based on linear CCD is introduced in this paper, which has multi-channel linear CCD as its sensor.",介绍了一种使用多通道高速线阵列CCD传感器来测量标有单螺旋线标志的火箭初始弹姿的系统方法。 +"When flowering have rain, the sky had the most brilliant mood, the warmth of MengYi.",当花季有雨,天空中就有了最灿烂的心情,最温情的梦呓。 +What was known was that he consistently avoided the word 'not' and all its synonyms.,大家都知道的是,他总是避免“不”这个字以及其同义词。 +"Energy is one, but so are trade and Russian investments.",能源是一方面,贸易与俄罗斯投资也是。 +"Getting outside funding is also a problem for many entrepreneurs because lenders and investors want a say in how the business is run. ""Often, the new capital has strings attached, "" Thomae explains.",对许多企业家来说,使用外部融资还有一个问题,那就是贷款者和投资者都会企图干涉公司的运作。 +"Oaksford M. , &Chater, N. (Eds) (1998). Rational Models of Cognition. Oxford University Press.",《认知的理性模型》。牛津大学出版社。 +"There are several techniques for data analysis that are in common use today: query and reporting, multidimensional analysis, and data mining.",目前,有几种常用的数据分析技术:查询和报表制作、多维分析以及数据挖掘。 +I get a lot of the “Would you recommend this one or that one” questions as well as plenty of requests to rank my favorites.,我在被问了很多次类似“你建议这款还是那款”的问题后,按照各种需求排列了一些中意的机型。 +"This can also be toggled with the ""View->Show Statusbar"" command.",这也可以通过“查看->显示参考线”命令进行切换。 +"The volcano's slopes are held by structural components meant to evoke trees – each ""trunk"" sprouts three or four supporting ""branches"".",“火山”的坡形结构由树形结构组件所制成,每个组件像树干一样都有三四个支撑的树枝组成。 +Syler said most people supported her but she received some criticism that she was playing God.,她说大部分人支持她的决定,但她也受到了一些人的批评,这些人认为她在戏弄上帝。 +AASA is governed by an elected Governing Board and Executive Committee. Additional opportunities for leadership involvement include appointed Advisory Committees.,全美学校管理者联合会的管理机构为选举产生的董事会、执行委员会及指定顾问委员会。 +Electroencephalogram(EEG) and transcranial Doppler(TCD) recordings were carried out in 25 children with migraine during ictal and interictal period.,本文对25例儿童偏头痛患者进行发作期和间歇期脑电图及经颅多普勒检查。 +"Hermetically sealed, very high speed, logic gate optocoupler.",密封,非常高的速度,逻辑门光耦合器。 +Refer to our sample menu suggestions to get ideas about incorporating enough protein and other nutrients into your vegetarian diet. You can also look at vegetarian cookbooks or websites for more ideas,听取我们样单上的建议,找出使你的饮食中获取足够的蛋白质和其它营养物质的方法,你还可以参考下素食者食谱或者去一些网站寻找更多的方法 +The user accesses settings from the View Menu in your application.,用户通过程序中的视图菜单进入设置选项。 +We could deduce that the stable conformations of the compounds.,提出了这类化合物的稳定构象。 +The leptospira Pomona was main serogroup(type) and pig and cattle were principal carrier and spreader of leptospira in the epidemic areas of Huaibei plain and Jianghuai hilly area.,淮北平原、江淮丘陵流行区感染的主要血清群(型)是波摩那群(型),猪、牛是主要的带菌动物和传染源; +There is often a strong desire to remove the architect from a project once the architecture has stabilized in order to use this precious resource on other projects.,一旦一个项目的软件构架稳定下来,人们总是希望架构师离开这个项目,将这一珍贵的资源用于其他的项目。 +The suspects confessed that these goods were loaded in Hong Kong and were planned to be delivered to the coastal area of Guangdong in order to be sold there illegally.,据涉案人员交待,该批走私物品是在香港装载,准备运往广东沿海非法销售牟利的。 +Want to know if the motel has a pool for the kids?,想知道某家汽车旅馆里是否有儿童泳池吗? +"Pugs are so inbred that although there are 10,000 in Britain, their DNA could come from just 50.",巴哥犬的近亲繁殖如此之严重,以至于英国虽然有10,000只,它们的DNA可能仅来自50只。 +"The use of landscape architecture formed signs, organic tissue space planning contour lines, road through the green landscape and architectural form processing interface rhythm and rhythm.",利用景观区的建筑形成标志,有机组织规划区空间轮廓线,道路景观通过绿化以及建筑界面处理形成韵律与节奏。 +"When I was working on Chaos, the young rebels of the Dynamical Systems Collective in Santa Cruz would try to explain Claude Shannon's invention of information theory to me.",当我在创作《混沌》的时候,圣克鲁兹动力系统集团(Dynamical Systems Collective)的年轻人曾试着给我解释克劳德·香农(Claude Shannon)发明的信息理论。 +"By having a field that rolled out of the stadium to fully bask in sunlight, the Cardinals could have a retractable roof and natural grass.",通过将体育场内的一片草坪卷起来放置到阳光充足区域的方式,红雀队就即可以拥有可伸缩的屋顶,又能拥有自然草坪了。 +I must try some of that pudding.,我一定得尝尝那布丁。 +"The teddy bear I make is my toy. They have their own character. I believe though they are with similar basic features, they show marked individuality. They represent warmth, happiness and friendship.",亲手造的熊仔是我的玩具,他们各有性格,我相信虽然他们都是差不多有基本的五官,但每个也可以塑造出不同的个性。 +"Simple and generous use of hand-made people feel close to nature, is a financial Fanza things, then it is necessary to introduce their own simple and agile.",简洁大方,利用手写体给人感觉亲近自然,金融是个烦杂的东西,那么介绍自己就要简洁利索。 +"Up to now, most westerners, including those oriental educated in the west, always think the knowledge of Laozi as mystifying and worthless nonsense.",演变到了今天,大多数的西方人,包括受西方教育的东方人,总有人认为老子的这一套是瞎掰,是故弄玄虚,没有什么可以用的东西。 +"Optical fiber current transducers (OCTs) are new-style sensors based on the optical fiber sensing techniques, photoelectric techniques, nonlinear optics and signal processing techniques.",光纤电流传感器是一种集光纤传感技术、光电技术、非线性光学及信号处理技术等多个学科的理论和应用于一体的新型传感器。 +The conventional meteorological data from 1960~2006 are used to analyze the haze characteristic and the forming reason in Mengzi.,应用云南蒙自气象观测站1960~2006年的常规观测资料,分析了蒙自霾天气的气候特征和形成原因。 +Study on physical teaching in the middle and primary schools of Yimeng mountain rural regions;,以沂蒙山区为典型区域 ,分析了鲁中南山区生态系统的脆弱性及其形成原因。 +"The part-time Professional MBA program offers participants to master the core ""Business Fundamentals"" while ensuring a maximum flexibility to foster their indivi…",兼职专业MBA课程为学员提供掌握核心“业务基础”,同时确保最大限度的灵活性,以促进在“专业化”模块本身的需要和抱负。 +JPM is formidable in global investment banking and private banking. But there are yawning gaps.,摩根大通在全球投资银行业和私人银行业的地位难以企及,但也有远逊于对手的地方。 +I really want to be a student guide for the Amercan friends. I'd like to show them around our school and visit Changsha.,假如你叫吴闻,想应聘学校的学生导游,今年暑假陪同即将来校访问的美国朋友参观长沙,要求你用英语写一篇短文推荐自己。 +"The VRD is mainly comprised of E mail, live online reference service in real time, information resources learning center.",图书馆虚拟参考咨询系统主要包括:电子邮件咨询、实时在线咨询、学习资源中心等功能和栏目。 +That weight is nothing here in the States. Every time I go to WalMart I see someone at that weight.,他那体重在咱美国还真不算啥。每次我去沃尔玛的时候都能看到那么胖的人。 +"Years later, when I was, I think, 14, I started to go to the graphic design university and I gained so much interest when doing ""my own thing"".",几年后,好像是在我14岁的那年,我开始去平面设计大学上学,我在那做“我自己的事”时获得了大量的乐趣。 +The figure that Mr. Brown used was derived from that of 21 years ago when China’s total grain production capacity was 26.7 million.,他的数字是根据 21 年前,中国粮食生产总量为 2.67 亿吨这一情况推算 出来的。 +"Developers are sure to recognize many of the special guests and hosts leading the discussion in the Jam, including Tim Berners-Lee, MIT professor and inventor of the World Wide Web.",开发者肯定会认识Jam(即兴交流会)中的许多特殊嘉宾和引导讨论的主持人,其中就有麻省理工学院教授并且是万维网的发明者Tim Berners-Lee。 +"The next day, he made the journey back--another 30 hours.",第二天,他再返回 -又是30小时。 +"Also sincerely wish maranon travel Friend, happiness, health, Happiness Forever With You! ! ! ! !",同时也衷心祝愿��尼翁旅行的朋友,幸福,健康,快乐永远伴随您!!!!! +Longbaoshan rare earth deposit is a symbiotic deposit of rare earth ores and gold ores. Quartz veins and silicified breccia veins are its major vein types;,龙宝山稀土矿为稀土、金共生矿,矿脉类型主要为石英脉和硅化角砾岩; +"When you talked about your spirit being lulled to sleep in motherhood, I felt like you were talking to me.",当你讲到你的灵魂好像沉睡了一样,我觉得你就是在说我一样。 +The beginning of the expected drawdown of U. S. troops in Afghanistan follows a steady decline in American public support for a war that has gone on for nearly 10 years.,而美军在阿富汗的预期开始缩编为一个遵循已经持续近10年在美国公众对战争的支持不断下降。 +A theme is deep and shows a far-reaching.,主题深刻、立意深远。 +"Eugene O'Neill, in his masterpiece Long Day's Journey into Night, penetratingly presents to the reader an image of a love-hate family.",在《进入黑夜的漫长旅程》一剧中,尤金·奥尼尔深刻地向读者展示了一幅爱恨交织的家庭画卷。 +"This paper discussed in detail the design and application experience of the axial blower control, including anti surge control, anti chocked flow control and charge control ect.",本文详细论述了轴流风机控制的设计和应用经验,其中包括反喘振控制,反阻塞控制以及负荷控制等。 +"First day and 15 during the Lunar New Year, more solemn ceremony of worship have become more devout, the use of relatively stress-is mainly used Macassar Ebony ground into powder made of sandalwood.",每逢农历初一和十五,仪式更庄重,礼拜也更显虔诚,所用的香也比较讲究,主要是用檀木磨成细粉做成的檀香。 +"He snaps it across his knee, as a man breaks the dry wood of a fagot, and casts it into the fire.",从地狱制作的剑鞘中,耶稣将撒但能力的恐怖之剑抽出,在他膝上折断,如同人折断干柴一般。 +Commerce Ministry officials say that they are following a broader trend in the Chinese government of greater responsiveness to the public.,商务部的官员说,他们的做法与中国政府就加强与公众沟通力度的大方向是一致的。 +The properties of alkane surfactant with carboxyl were studied in order to prepare ultrafine flake zinc powders.,以制备超细鳞片状锌粉为目的,对羧酸烃类表面活性剂进行了研究。 +"We also offer physiological and neurological probes, e. g. , calcium indicators and membrane potential probes.",我们提供生理和神经探针,特别是钙离子指示剂和膜电位探针。 +Burk was found shot on the side of the road about 5 miles from campus Tuesday night.,Burg于周二晚上在距学校大约5英里的路边被发现中弹。 +"Courage was mine, and I had mystery, Wisdom was mine, and I had mastery: To miss the march of this retreating world Into vain citadels that are not walled.","勇敢是我与生俱来的神秘,智慧是我熟稔于心的能力:,因为错过撤退的行军队列,没能和他们一起进入空虚的没有围墙的大本营。" +"And a word on the team tactics: ""It's up to the coach to decide, but we are capable of playing a number of formations, not just 4-4-2 . It also depends on the team we are playing"".",他用一句话带过了球队的战略:“这是教练所能决定的,但除了442,我们也能够踢一些其他的阵型。 +"With respect to the issue of free sample , after confirmed…to provide IQC Sample for…",是翻译吗 答案:关于这个问题的免费样品、确定后,我们就可以与相关部门保证为… +"""Unlike any other college, Sarah Lawrence requires individual, biweekly student-faculty meetings, as part of every seminar (approximately 94% of our classes), "" she says via e-mail.",我们萨拉•劳伦斯学院不像其他学院,我们学院要求师生两周一次的单独会面,并将其作为研讨班(约占全部班级的94%)的一部分。 +It emphasizes how procedural fairness as perceived by boundary spanners in these alliances influences cooperation outcomes.,强调了由联盟中的边界企业所感知的程序公平性怎样影响合作的产出。 +Congo and Burundi have not yet taken sides.,刚果(金)和布隆迪尚未选定站在哪一边。 +"You're going to make every kid in the world ask me, 'Hey can you do a finger-walking handstand?",到了片场,做我在健身房做的事后,我一向都知道——没什么能让你为实拍做好准备。 +I can't get these screws out; they've rusted in.,我无法取出这些螺丝, 它们都锈住了。 +I'm the first academician in our family.,我是我们家第一个大学生。 +"Over the years, the group has made stoves using mud, bricks, sheet metal, clay, ceramics and old oil drums.",多年来,组织使用泥、砖、金属片、粘土、陶瓷和老油桶来制作炉灶。 +"What's more, when baffle plate takes the place of bilateral louver, air-conditioning energy efficiency decreases 19.6%.",另外将两侧的百叶换做挡板后,空调能效比下降19.6%。 +"Before and after the operation (1992-1996) of Daya Bay Nuclear Power Station, the apoptosis in amphibian animal cells were oberserved and compared in this paper.",本文对大亚湾核电站运转前后(1992~1996)其附近地区两栖类动物的细胞凋亡进行了观察和比较。 +"The levels of serum GH were dose_dependently increased with the LHRH_A contents in diet, but had no significant difference with the control.",血清生长激素含量亦有所升高,但与对照组相比没有显著差异; +"Experimental results that the use of DWT-based features can improve the abundance estimation over 23% in terms of root mean error, as compared with original signals.",实验结果表明,良好的光谱特征能够较大地提高遥感混合像元的分解精度,比原始波段分解的精度提高约23%。 +"Rank is calculated through several parameters. Creator of Tweefind, luca Filigheddu, lists them",排名(Rank)通过多个参数计算出来,Tweefind 的创建者 luca Filigheddu 列举如下 +"In February 1979, Islamic hardlinersrose up against the shah's police state, kidnapping 52Americans at the U. S. embassy in Tehran and ushering the return of AyatollahRuhollah Khomeini.",1979年2月,伊斯兰强硬派起来反抗伊朗国王统治下的极权国家,在位于德黑兰的美国大使馆绑架了52名美国人并迎接霍梅尼回归。 +All about us is noise.,我们的一切只是噪音。 +It is not irritable or resentful;,也不会急躁和恨怨; +"I have meat, plus two, desperately do, in addition to the production of captain, most people don't recognize me energetic.",我从小生得肉,加上前两条,拼死拼活干,除了生产队长之外,大多数人都不承认我干劲大。 +"Famed physicist Richard Feynman once said, ""Anyone who has been in a thunderstorm has enjoyed it, or has been frightened by it, or at least has had some emotion.""",著名的物理学家理查德费曼曾经说过,“任何谁在雷雨已享有它,或已被吓坏了,或者至少已取得了一些情绪。 +"The glow was enough to read by , once my eyes adjusted to it .",只要我的眼睛适应,那数光线足够用来照明阅读。 +"Though he was forced to change his religion,he would not recant.",虽然强迫他改变宗教信仰,但他绝不改变。 +Our graduates know that it is by God's grace and your unstinting support that they have made it to the next phase of their life and ministry.,我们的毕业生心里明白,他们是因为上帝的恩典和你们无怨无悔的支持,才能成功的完成这一个阶段,而进入下一个阶段的人生与事奉。 +Professor Dirac is a free man in the true sense of the word.,狄拉克教授是真正意义上的自由人。 +"Prices of Argentina's credit-default swaps, a gauge of credit risk, rose to their highest-ever level.",阿根廷的信贷风险的一种度量信用违约互换的价格(这是信贷风险的一种度量)上升到史无前例的高度。 +Cuticula Kui especially also ran away in an instant.,转瞬之间小皮奎特也“逃”了出去。 +and I guess it's the future now.,我想这就是我的未来了。 +And the Fourth Hokage is the one who saved the village from the nine-tailed fox.,而四代火影就是从九尾手中拯救村子的人。 +"In the thesis, it introduced the basic situation of the companies mentioned above, described the whole course of the merging and the integration situation of the management after merging.",本文介绍了上述并购几方的基本情况,描述了并购的全过程以及并购后企业的经营整合情况。 +"Because of her authoritarian air, she sometimes appears to be rather like a headmistress dealing sternly with rowdy students.",因为她的强硬作风,她有时表现的象一位校长在对付不听话的学生。 +"Thus, they need the best tools and the fewest barriers to progress.",因此,他们需要最好的工具以及最少的工作障碍。 +Keats's odes have been popular ever since their appearance.,约翰·济慈的颂诗诞生以来一直广为传颂,经久不衰。 +"For practical application, a balance method of surplus strength is proposed for selection design of rolling bearings which are non-symmetrically arranged and supported at two points.",本文从实际应用出发,提出“裕度平衡法”用于双支点非对称布置的滚动轴承选择设计。 +The stoppage followed a spat between China and Japan last month over islands whose ownership is disputed.,这次突然中断与上月双方在钓鱼岛归属问题上发生口角有关. +Will you pick “Sweetness” or “The Gollywhopper?” “The Hammer” or “Stretch?”,“甜心”和“高叫者”,还有“榔头”和“吊死鬼”,你会选哪个呢? +"Let's say I have a love of persons, and that's why I give money to OXFAM, which feeds starving people in Africa for instance, in underdeveloped countries.",例如我有对人的爱,这就是我为什么给牛津救济委员会捐钱,让他们不发达国家的难民送去食物,例如非洲。 +"Unemployment, like the sword of Damocles , was always accompanying the workers.",失业犹如达摩克里斯剑,随时都在威胁着工人。 +"In this paper, 37 varieties and 37 characters of Chinese cymbidium are studied by means of numerical taxonomic methods.",运用计算机对中国兰花37个品种和37个形态特征性状进行了数量分类研究。 +"He Ning had many works, but the works that came down from him was limited, and few researchers concern about him.",和凝平生著述颇丰,然留下来的作品甚少,未能引起研究者的充分关注。 +"Sending provocative images over mobile phones is all the rage among teenagers in many countries, but it can sometimes go wrong.",在许多国家,青少年之间流行使用手机互传大胆图片,不过传多了,还是会有出错的时候。 +"June 2, 2005 — Norman and Malini Mahamarakkalage Patabendi pose for photographs.",2005年6月2日5 — 诺尔曼和玛丽尼.马哈玛拉卡来基.帕塔本迪夫妇摆着姿势准备照相。 +Before embarking on the full project known as 'Spice' - Stratospheric particle injection for climate engineering - the team will conduct feasibility tests with a miniature version of the technology.,在正式实施这项名叫“香料”——向平流层注入物质的气候工程——的完整计划前,小组将用一个微缩模型进行一个可行性测试。 +Crises bring out the best and worst in us. We'll see a lot of both.,经济危机给我们带来好的一面,也带来坏的一面,这是一把双刃剑。 +"About three-quarters of the teens said their parents had talked to them about sex and relationships, but only 49 percent said their parents had talked to them about contraception.",将近四分之三的青少年称父母曾与他们谈论过性和男女关系,但是只有百分之四十九称父母于他们谈论过避孕措施。 +This inequality of conditions sufficed to assure some advantage to Jean Valjean in that mysterious duel which was on the point of beginning between the two situations and the two men.,所处情况的不同使得这一秘密的即将开始的两种地位和两个人之间的决斗将对冉阿让有利。 +"We will have to express x and y in terms of -- Well, I should and z optionally if there is one, in terms of a single parameters.","我们应该把x,y表示出来-,如果有第三个分量的话,还应该把z加上,即应该用一个参数把x,y,表示出来。" +"It is an on-going program and it used to be run by EUCOM [European Command] before our command was stood up, "" he said.",它是一个持续的计划,在我们之前,是由EUCOM【欧洲司令部】运行此计划”他说。 +Be sure you don't watch the clubhead go back. Swing the clubhead at a spot every time.,千万小心上振杆时不要盯着看杆头。每次挥杆都在地上找一点瞄准此点打。 +This is valid to both pre- and post-treatment data.,包括处理前和处理后的数据都是如此。 +Conclusions 81.8% of patients' GTV defined on the preoperative CT is able to cover GTV-T and GTV-N completely and cover 18.2% incompletely.,结论81.8%的患者GTV可以完全包括原发肿瘤和局部转移的淋巴结,18.2 %的患者GTV未能完全包括原发肿瘤和局部转移的淋巴结。 +The trigger is activated whenever there is an insert operation on the table.,只要存在对表的插入操作,就会激活触发器。 +Teacher may not loiter downtown in ice cream parlors.,老师不可以在镇上的冰果室里闲晃。 +"For example, you might want to have a variable number of buttons appear on a Web page, depending on options selected by users.",例如,您可能想要根据用户选择的选项,在网页上显示数目可变的按钮。 +"The sun, which had hidden all day, now came in all its splendors.",那个整天躲在云层的太阳,现在又光芒四射地露面了。 +"Unless they're lucky enough to have size 40 feet, the girls face four weeks of either squashing their feet into shoes that are too small, or trying not to fall out of shoes that are too big.",除非他们足够幸运有40码的脚,否则他们要不然就要忍受着鞋子或大或小不舒服的感觉。 +"First footballers were told to tuck in their shirts, then to cut out swearing, and now comes their greatest challenge: to stop spitting.",先是被要求把球衫塞到球裤里,然后又被禁止在场上咒骂,现在足球运动员迎来了更大的挑战:不许吐口水。 +The vendor shall supply 2 electric motor engine/reciprocating compressor units to fulfill the injection capability .,供货商应为本项目提供2套电动机驱动的往复式压缩机组。 +"When we get goose bumps, our body hairs stand up. Then the hairs hold air close to our skin like a thick blanket.",当我们起鸡皮疙瘩时,毛发会竖起,这样体毛之间的空气空就如同厚厚的毛毯般紧贴在我们的肌肤上形成一种保护层。 +"Mobile phone users who send 10 texts a day type out the equivalent of the epic novel War and Peace every five and a half years, new research has found.",英国一项新的研究发现,手机用户每天发送10条短信,那么每五年半,他所输出的短信字数就相当于一部史诗小说《战争与和平》。 +Specific property of fumarase for immobilized cells was compared with that of free cells.,同时比较了固定化细胞与游离细胞的富马酸酶特性。 +Now the canine must have a cigarette before going to sleep.,现在,这条狗睡觉前必须要抽一根烟。 +"Ruian Zhengdong Industrial Control Equipment Co. , Ltd is a scientific and technological private company which combines electric equipment with packaging equipment as a whole.",瑞安市正东工控设备有限公司是一家集开发、生产、销售工控电器与包装设备为一体的科技型民营企业。 +"Actually, the ""Jiangxi"" name in jiangxi poetry association by no means refers to the geographic name, but is refers to person…",因此,江西诗派是指以黄庭坚为宗主的一个诗歌流派。 +This colorimeter reading is red.,该色度计的其中一项读数是红色。 +"The language, custom and appearance of the Jie-Hu is the same as the West-Ru like Kangju people. It is believed that the ratio of the West-Hu was large in the Jie-Hus of Late Zhao.",羯胡的语言、风俗及状貌与康居等西域胡相同,西域胡在后赵羯胡之中所占的比例是很可信的。 +A day later people downstairs again reflected identified only know the sewers are cotton yarn.,一天后楼下的人再一次反映,查出才知道是下水道中有棉纱造成的。 +"Especially design for normal hair. Only for professional use. Classic formulation with aloe, vitamins protects hair on perm process. The perm hair is healthy, natural wavy and elastic.",针对正常发质而研制,供专业发廊使用的烫发水,经典配方中添加芦荟、维生素等,使头发在烫发过程中得到保护。用后头发健康卷曲自然,弹性极好。 +"Despite its modern airport, finding a flight to Dachangshan island is not easy.",尽管是一座现代化的机场,但是想找到一个去大长山岛的航班却着实不容易。 +"If your conscience is clear that you have done no harm to anybody in your pursuit of wealth, then a fortune in your hands may be a blessing to the society.",如果你能问心无愧的追逐金钱,不至于伤害别人,那么,你手中的财富将造福于社会。 +"So armed with brooms, dustpans, towels and wet wipes we began to work on MAPLUS'S third goal that we had not planned to included in this field trip, Community Service.",准备好扫帚、簸箕、抹布及湿巾后,我们开始简枫社团的第三个目标工作,“社区服务”,虽然这个目标并不在我们原本的校外活动计划中。 +"""I'm checking with the lab now, "" said a nurse.",“我再和化验室联系一下”一位护士回答道。 +"And you have to imagine him after the commune,after the slaughter and the buildings are still burning,or at least smoldering, that he comes to Paris.","你可以想象,在巴黎公社后,在大屠杀之后,房屋仍在燃烧,或至少是在冒烟,这时候他来到了巴黎" +In 2002 Liu broke Renaldo Nehemiah's 24-year-old world junior record for the 110m hurdles.,2002年,刘翔打破尘封24年之久的110米栏世界青年纪录。 +"An unresting hand, a free computer access and a stupid brain -no end to these type of articles.",一只闲不住的手、一台能上网的计算机和一个愚蠢的大脑——无休止的“加工”出此类文章。 +Discuss the method and technique about integrated multiple levels data fusion based on the characteristics of multi-sources Remote Sensing information fusion classification.,结合多源遥感信息融合分类的特点,在多级数据融合方法集成技术的基础上,初步形成一个对多源遥感信息融合分类的技术框架。 +"The picture was taken by one of her closest friends, actor and photographer Roddy McDowall.",这张照片在她的一位密友手中,即演员摄影师罗迪麦克·多沃尔(Roddy McDowall)。 +"It is shown that the upper structures, with good ductility, are destroyed far before the lower structures.",试验研究和理论分析表明:大平台上部结构先于下部屈服而破坏,上部结构具有良好的位移延性。 +"Secondly, pointing the outstanding characteristics of Picture-book through the comparison of Picture-book, cartoon, comics, illustration and portrait.",其次,通过绘本与漫画、连环画、插图、绣像的比较突出绘本所具有的特性。 +"When Perrier UK was looking to increase its sales in the early 1970's, it faced a sceptical public. Many questioned why anyone would buy water when you could get it free from the tap.",19世纪70年代早期,它面对的是满是怀疑的顾客,许多人不解:谁都可以免费从水管里得到的水,会有人买它嘛? +Southwest Airlines is inspecting 79 Boeing 737 aircraft after a hole blew out in one of their planes on Friday.,周五,在他们的一架飞机空中出现裂口后,,西南航空检查了它拥有的79架波音737飞机。 +"Her son, give me a chance. ? You can refuse me how many times you do not really know?",小琳子,给我次机会不行吗?你都拒绝我多少次了你难道真的不知晓吗? +The difference between professional and nonprofessional results in sewing often depends on proper pressing technique and the pressing equipment available.,专业与非专业缝制服装获得的效果,取决于恰当的熨烫技术及熨烫工具的运用。 +Nor does he take any responsibility for the fierce partisanship and political divisiveness that took root in his administration.,任内期间,对激烈的党派之争和政府内部的政治分歧也不承担任何责任。 +"If this page was contained in that folder, it would create a circular reference to itself through the Multi-page portlet.",如果这个页面在同一个文件夹中,那么它就会通过多页面 Portlet 产生循环引用。 +Super animation began in 2009 with the animation section for Tokushima indissoluble bond.,始于2009年的超级 动漫节让德岛与 动漫结下了不解之缘。 +"I want to thank my partner in this journey, a man who campaigned from his heart, and spoke for the men and women he grew up.",我要感谢我的竞选夥伴。他发自内心地投入竞选,他的声音代表了那些在他成长的斯克兰顿街生活的人们的声音。 +Welcome back for another chance to play geographical detective!,欢迎来玩儿地理大侦探活动! +People cannot bear to leave because of the fresh air and rocky mountains.,清新的空气,崔嵬的高山,让人不忍离去。 +Jinlong is arrested and detained in the police station.,金龙被拘捕,并扣押在警局里。 +"You have learned how to analyze and tune the problem query from the perspective of statistics, predicates, and indexes.",您已经了解如何从统计数据、谓词和索引这几方面来分析和调优问题查询。 +"I am bound, you are bound, to everyone on this planet by a trail of six people.",我是一跳,你是一跳,在这个星球上的每个人有一个六个人的踪迹。 +"A ship named "", "" The increase of passenger ships in the West Bank of Russia in the Republic of Uzbekistan Volga sank.",一艘名为“布加尔”号的客轮当天在俄罗斯鞑靼斯坦共和国境内伏尔加河沉没。 +"Katherine and Joseph Jackson proudly display their 'variations on brown' interior design at home in Gary, Indiana while the brothers show off their numerous framed discs","凯瑟琳(Katherine)和约瑟夫·杰克逊(Joseph Jackson)在印第安纳州盖瑞市 (Gary Indiana) 骄傲地展示家中被称为 ""褐色变调"" 的室内装修。" +She teaches us English.,她教本人们英语。 +Outgoing President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva's environmental legacy is hardly unblemished.,即将离职的总统路易斯·伊纳西奥·卢拉·达席尔瓦的环境遗产也是有污点的。 +Most of these acts caused casualties.,这些行为多数导致了伤亡事故的发生。 +"The good properties ceramics, in which, the fly-ash alts as main raw materials, hasbeen fabricated in the low sintering temperature.",本文采用粉煤灰为主要原料,在较低的烧成温度下研制了性能优良的粉煤灰陶瓷墙地砖。 +"The yield of ""Yun-da 120"" treatment was slightly higher than control, but value decreased.",云大120处理的产量略高于对照,但其产值低于对照的产值。 +"In a world of satellite communications and fiber optics, real-time journalism is routine; but now we journalists had added the expertise of the audience.",在一个卫星通讯发达、布满光纤网络的世界里, 即时新闻已经是很常见的了,不过现在,我们的新闻工作者们已经在其中加入了观众所特有的知识内容。 +"A flood victim collects bricks from abandoned buildings where her family found shelter in Pakistan's Muzaffargarh district on September 4, 2010.",洪水受害者收集废弃的建筑物,她的家人找到9月4日在巴基斯坦的穆扎法尔格尔区住房,2010年砖。 +Southern Medical University combined with Hong Kong Polytechnic University undertook first education project of specialized nurse graduate course class which entrusted by National Health Ministry.,广东省卫生厅委托南方医科大学和香港理工大学联合承办首批专科护士研究生课程班的教育项目。 +"Two incisions divide the building, which sits prominently on a relatively level hill, guide guests to a small entrance niche and offer a view of the introverted courtyard to the north.",这栋建筑被两个切口分开,切口显著的坐落在平缓的小山坡上,引导客人进入狭小的壁龛式的入口,可以一窥建筑北侧的封闭庭院。 +"Last year, the National Consumer Agency (NCA) published draft guidelines for fitness centres.",去年,全国消费者署(NCA)发布了健身中心指导纲要草案。 +"A similar study should be done in women before pregnancy, Schecter said.",因此会对孕前妇女做一个这种类似的测试,阿德诺博士说。 +"If you want to keep the weight down, switch to a meat-free diet, scientists said.",科学家说,希望体重持续减轻,就改吃无肉饮食。 +"""These are multiple wake-up calls stirring us to levels of more aggressive vigilance, "" said Richard Lawless, the Pentagon's top Asia official at the time of the attacks.",“这些都是多叫醒电话搅拌,我们的水平更进取警惕,说: ”理查德劳勒斯,五角大楼的高级官员,亚洲在当时的攻击。 +But recent studies show that there were some links between the dark age and the mycenaean age and many important changes occurred in greece society in the dark age.,但是,新近的研究表明:“黑暗时代”不仅存在著与迈锡尼文明的联系,而且是古希腊历史上发生重大变革的时期。 +"You could ask the same questions about your product, service, lesson plan, speech, or charitable cause.",对于你的产品、服务、课程计划、演讲或者慈善事业,失业应该问同样的问题。 +"Connecting bolts are arranged in the plugging conical points, and an anti-rotation key and an outer six-square sleeve which can realize the linkage are arranged on the screw bolt.",封堵内置有连接螺栓,螺栓上设有防转键及实现连动的外六方套。 +"The water-cooled roof is the key equipment of ladle furnace, and also is the main point of proper running and clean steel production.",水冷炉盖是钢包精炼炉的核心设备,也是整个钢包炉正常运行和纯净钢生产的关键所在。 +A novel polyoxyalkylene amine with high reaction activity used in sprayed polyurea elastomer was synthesized by the reaction of amino- crotonic acid ester.,采用氨基丁酸酯法合成了可用于喷涂聚脲弹性体的高活性端氨基聚醚。 +Introduce:Film is adapted from homonymic teleplay.,简介:影片改编自同名电视剧。 +"On the other hand, the biggest fast food chains such as McDonald's and KFC are glorying in Slovakia.",另一方面,快餐连锁店,如麦当劳、肯德基等,则在斯国发扬光大。 +Aristotle calls this kind of knowledge this kind of practical judgment Phronimos he calls it by the term phronimos that I have on the blackboard.,"亚里士多德称这种知识,这种实际判断力,他称之为,像我在黑板上所写的。" +"Dennis tore the card into a dozen pieces, flung them across the room, then fell back on the bed and stared at the ceiling for a half hour. Trying to calm himself.",丹尼斯把贺卡撕个粉碎,撒得房间里到处都是,然后倒在床上,盯着天花板盯了半个小时,努力让自己平息下来。 +The tree carries fruit throughout the year and the fruit tend to have a very pungent odour when ripening (also known as the cheese fruit or vomit fruit).,该树一年四季都结果,果实在未成熟时有一股刺鼻的臭味,因此也被称为乳酪果或臭果。 +Your Dad must be a thief because he stole the stars and put them in your eyes.,你爸爸一定是一个贼!他偷了星星放在你眼内呢。 +"Likewise, in a plane we can command a good view of fields, buildings, mountains and even plains of clouds.",同样,在我们可以命令一个良好的视野领域,建筑,山和云连平原。 +"In fact, for this group of children, the average age of reported first sexual experience was 12.77 years old.",实际上,这些已经尝过禁果的孩子,他们的初次性体验的平均年龄据报道为12.77岁。 +Secretary Gates and other U. S. officials have repeatedly called on Pakistan to shift more of its military from the Indian border to areas where militant influence is growing in its west and north.,国防部长盖茨和其他美国官员曾多次要求巴基斯坦从印度边境抽出更多兵力,派往西部和北部塔利班武装势力增长的地区。 +One of the most common operating problems in activated sludge wastewater treatment plants is incidence of scum and foaming.,在城市污水处理厂活性污泥法工艺的运行中,生物泡沫与浮渣(简称生物浮沫)和活性污泥膨胀一样.是困扰运行管理的重要问题。 +"Because we cannot accept the truth of transience, we suffer.’ ~Shunryu Suzuki",我们无法接受瞬息万变这一真理,因此我们为之痛苦。 +"You then act as a ""liquidator"" and get a percentage of the entire sales.",然后,您作为一个“清盘”,并获得一定比例的整个销售。 +"The concern is that if we do not re-start lending in this country, our recovery will be choked off before it even begins.",所要担心的是,如果我们不在美国重启放贷,那么美国的复兴甚至会在其开始复兴前窒息。 +"Those who make believe to be dumb, and look as if they never could move, come creeping to his window with their stories and with trays crowded with bright toys.",那些大家以为是哑的人,那些看去像是永远不会走路的人,都带了他们的故事,捧了满装着���颜六色的玩具的盘子,匍匐的来到他的窗前。 +There are no Indosinides in the Southeast Yunnan-South Guizhou.,滇东南—黔南无印支褶皱。 +"The System consisted of four-level network systems, viz. the Ministry of Railways Administration, subadministration, station and depot level network systems.",工程设计分为铁道部、铁路局、原铁路分局、站段四级网络系统。 +"The lower end of external terminal filum set in position, approximating to the dorsal surface of the 1st and 2nd coccygeal vertebral bodies.",外终丝止点基本在尾1~尾2椎体间; 脊髓长与身长之比逐月下降。 +"But, you know, to me there's a lot of detail in organic chemistry.","但是,对我来说有机化学中有很多细节内容" +"The consortium's software platform being announced today could be an example of the kind of technology we'll be seeing a lot more of, soon.",而今天公布的该软件平台就是其中的一个高科技范例,不久的将来我们还将看到更多的此类产品。 +"It strives to compel government accountability, and to assure that officeholders continue to play by the rules of the game.",它致力于向政府问责,确保官员一直遵守游戏规则。 +"The other day, I wrote about the danger of the sunk-cost fallacy.",我曾经写到过沉没成本谬论的危险性。 +"Knowledge begins with practice, and theoretical knowledge is acquired through practice and must then return to practice.",认识从实践始,经过实践得到了理论的认识,还须再回到实践去。 +The miniature motor and the tapered sharpener body are connected through a big and a small gears.,微型电动机与锥形刀体之间通过大小齿轮连接。 +"Following this ardent love for of Aisan culture, Denise went to Japan after graduating college . She began to study Nihon Buyo. She stayed in Japan for nearly ten years.",出于对东方文化的热爱,丹妮丝在大学毕业后来到日本,学习日本舞踊。在那一呆就是十年。 +"Through joint efforts of both sides, great advances have been made in bilateral trade and economic cooperation, which has become an important part of Sino-U. S. relations.",经过双方的长期努力,中美经贸关系取得了很大的发展,已成为两国关系的重要组成部分。 +"But critics have been skeptical of these carbon-capture claims, which haven't yet been convincingly demonstrated, says Carnegie Institution for Science climate scientist Ken Caldeira.",但一些评论者对这种尚未得到有力证实的有关碳捕捉的言论表示怀疑。 +HTI ccid drivers added to setup.,HTI赛迪司机加入设置。 +"One part is gathered near Huaxi and Baizhang pond, while the other part locate in the north-east Pan'an county surround eighteen whirlpools in the middle of Zhejiang and down flying waterfall.",一部分是依托花溪,百杖潭而形成的农家乐中心;另一部则位于磐安东北部,依托浙中十八涡,水下孔风景区形成的农家乐聚集中心。 +"My family is used to his tics, but most kids think it's weird, so they tease him.",我们家的人对此已经习惯了,但是别的孩子觉得很奇怪,常常会嘲笑他。 +"When the round item was removed, doctors discovered the battery and kept Kaiden for observation.",当医生们把一园园的物件取出来后才发现是电池。 +"And while this crisis has shown us the risks that come with change, that risk is overwhelmed by opportunity.",虽然这场危机显示出变化带来的风险,但是机会远于风险。 +The crux of the matter is that no phone was defect-free.,问题的症结是,没有手机是无缺陷。 +Publicly recognizing someone's performance with details of what they did and expressing gratitude for a job well done.,公开表彰某人的业绩,详细介绍他们的工作,对出色完成的工作表示感激。 +Patient temperature prior to starting the EMS cooling protocol was 35.8oC and was 34.4oC upon arrival at the ED.,病人在接受紧急医疗服务降温方案前的温度是35.8度,而在急诊科时已为34.4度。 +People have shipped dead rats.,有人就寄来过死老鼠。 +"Must find out that human, greatly not we is two domestics, follow him to work out to slip away street each day, until watch that pretended.",一定要找出那个人,大不了咱们出两个家丁,天天跟着他出去溜街,直到见到那人为止。 +So why Banyan?,那么为什么选榕树呢? +Compose yourself as best as you can. Tell her that you clearly need to get home and ask her to wait outside while you clean up (spare her from looking at your puke).,尽最大可能让自己平静下来,然后告诉她你确实需要回家并请她在餐厅外面等你——不要让她看到你呕吐时的糗样。 +Term limits involve restricting the number of years an officeholder or lawmaker may serve in a particular office. There is a term limit for the U.,任期限制包括限制官员或立法者在某一特定办公室担任职务的年限。 +"On most missions one or two astronauts would walk in space, carrying clumpy instruments in huge gloved hands, to tinker with the craft. Their logs were eloquently mundane",多数飞行任务中都有1、2位宇航员进行太空行走,双手戴着巨大的手套扛着沉重的仪器修补飞船。 +"""Whoever has been in the right or wrong, the whole thing has been a political mess, so let's just get them home, "" said Ray Cooper, uncle of Adam Sperry, a marine.",也是一名海军的亚当。斯佩里的叔叔雷。库伯说:”无论谁对谁错,整个事件是政治乱局,所以就让他们回家吧。 +A young man holds algae-filled water from a lake in east China's Anhui Province on June 22.,6月22日,中国东部省份安徽省,一位年轻男子手中捧着满是绿藻的湖水。 +Stems and inflorescences with indumentum not as above; leaves not or only slightly rugulose.,茎和花序具毛被不如上;叶并非或只稍微皱。 +The measurement and analysis of the use of the WHO and UNAIDS recommend ways of thinking based on the component method to the province as a unit sub-group on the status of HIV infection estimates.,本次测算和分析采用了世界卫生组织和联合国艾滋病规划署推荐的方法,基于组分法的思路,以省为单位分人群对艾滋病感染状况进行测算。 +"MDA is also developing andconstructing a Test Bed that will allow it to conduct rigorous EKVtests at angles, speeds, and conditions that closely resembleoperational scenarios.",还将完善并建设一座用于测试EKV性能的测试台,用于具体研究角度、速度及其他任何接近实战的可能状况。 +"But the Democratic battle between Clinton and Obama is expected to continue indefinitely, with the next major test coming in the Pennsylvania primary on April 22.",但是民主党内克林顿和奥巴马之间的竞争估计还要无限期延续下去。 下一场重要决战将是4月22号在宾西法尼亚州的初选。 +All the politicians have their own ideas but we would be in favour of putting cells inside stadiums so that anyone who commits a crime can immediately be locked up.,所有政客都有自己的看法,但我们倾向于在体育场内设置监狱房,任何犯罪的人我们都要立即把他关起来。 +Occurs when the types in the type provider that implements this interface change.,当实作这个介面之型别提供者中的型别变更时发生。 +"Much of the new gas is coming from what were once called ""unconventional"" sources, such as the gas shales of Texas, Utah and Wyoming.",很多新的天然气来自于那些以前被称为非常规资源的地方,例如犹他州,怀俄明州和德州的页岩气。 +"At higher magnification, vasculitis with arterial wall necrosis is seen. Note the fragmented remai of neutrophilic nuclei (karyorrhexis).",高倍镜下,脉管炎患者动脉壁坏死,可见嗜中性粒细胞核碎片(核碎裂)。 +"Although all the teachers often hear Li introduced China to do I still not sure, but I will continue to focus on the beauty of this boy I like.",虽然常听到李众老师的介绍,但我对中国大陆的事都还不太清楚,只不过我会继续关注这个令我喜欢的美少年。 +"Good thank you for the incense make love, but only the on the incense.",巧善多谢金香让爱,无奈肃恭只对金香一往情深。 +All of this is implied in Nietzsche's argument.,尼采的论点中包含了所有这些。 +"Four-pole with double distance, non-librations, speed can be adjusted unlimited.",柱 双行程升降、无振动,进出速度无级调节。 +Objective To study the tooth wedge-shaped defects and related factors in aged people.,目的探讨老年人牙体楔状缺损患病情况及相关因素。 +"Wherever possible, costume designer Ngila Dickson followed J. R. R. Tolkien's descriptions of the characters' clothing to the very letter.",无论什么地方,服装设计师吉拉·迪克森都尽可能的按照托尔金原著中对角色服装的描述进行设计。 +They fall in love on seeing each other .,雅雅说过很喜欢看。 +I have a pile of notebooks which are “Not For Sale”.,我的“非卖品”是一摞笔记本。 +"Without reason, my eye crystalline lens tear, unconscious, the drop dribbles down.",玲珑转,玲珑转,我眼睛珠泪,不知不觉,滴滴流下来。 +Liaises with various recruitment channels and develops recruitment plans;,联系各招聘渠道和劳务部门制定招生宣传方案; +Let's talk to the nurse now. Question Pauline Liu until you can't.,现在跟护士聊聊。问刘护士,直到没话可问。 +Another feature of her novels is to inquire the modern Chinese's maltreated and maltreating complex and relating personality trait.,叩探现代中国人的受虐、施虐情结及与此相连的人格特征,是铁准小说关于人性回归问题的另一主要美学特色和成就; +Hey! Come over here.,欸, 你快来! +"Some experts, for example, have suggested that swarms of nanorobots could be sent into the body to seek out and destroy cancer cells.",例如,某些专家���议,可以将成群的纳米机器人送入体内寻找和消灭癌细胞。 +"Going into the debate at Hofstra University in Hempstead, New York. a new national poll by CBS News and the New York Times shows Barack Obama with a commanding 53-39 percent lead over John McCain.",辩论将在星期三晚上在纽约州亨普斯特德的霍夫斯特拉大学举行。 根据哥伦比亚广播公司新闻节目和纽约时报共同进行的最新民调显示,奥巴马以百分之五十三的强大支持率胜过麦凯恩的百分之三十九的支持率。 +"Barringer, Felicity. ""Interior Official and Federal Biologists Clash on Danger to Bird. "" New York Times, 5 December, 2004.",Felicity,〈内政部官员与联邦生物学家在鸟类所面临威胁问题上的冲突〉见《纽约时报》, 5 December, 2004。 +SUTENT may help slow down this process.,索坦可以帮助延缓这个过程。 +It is a common phenomenon for both the folk sects and the secret societies to be set up in virtue of myth.,有关创教和起会的历史神话是我国民间教派和帮会共同的现象。 +"At numerous points in the dialogues Plato's characters refer to the story of Atlantis as "" genuine history"" and it being within ""the realm of fact.",柏拉图对话集人物的众多要点都是谈及到亚特兰蒂斯的故事是“真实的历史”,存在于“真实的领土”里面。 +The disgusted gesture with which Jastrow turns his page surprises an uncertain laugh from the rapt audience.,杰斯特罗翻讲稿的那种满怀厌恶的手势,意想不到地使凝神细听的听众犹疑不定地笑了起来。 +"The result indicates that the seismic response can be effectively reduced by adjusting the mass, stiffness and position of sub-structure.",结果表明,通过高速子结构的质量、刚度及位置,可以有效地衰减结构的地震反应。 +"Biosensors based on screen-printing electrode, ISFET, pressure-sensitive and light-sensitive elements can be fabricated by thick film and thin fil…",用各种厚薄膜技术可以制造以丝网印刷电极、离子敏场效应晶体管、压敏和光敏元件为基础的生物传感器。 +"I didn't have good goslings, either.",也没有好的小鹅。 +"On how to implement the spirit of the conference to promote the building of enterprise culture, Cao Ming requirements: First, we must unify their thinking with goals.",就如何贯彻好这次会议精神、推进企业文化建设,曹晨明要求:一要统一思想明目标。 +The pressure taps are arranged as the nodes of Gauss numerical integration to improve the accuracy of integral.,为提高数值积分精度,测压孔位置按高斯求积节点布置。 +"John, the bargain shopper, spent a little time at Target after the Australian Open.",最会讨价还价的顾客,澳网后花了一点时间在他的目标货品上。 +"Many higher critics chose to ignore what Jesus taught about the Bible, and to let their imaginations run riot .",很多批判主义者无视耶稣关于圣经的教导,任由自己的想象力自由发挥。 +"Kangkang, what's your home like?",康康,你的家什么样? +The team found that the electrons can be transferred from photo-excited lead selenide (PbSe) crystals to an adjacent electronic conductor made of titanium dioxide.,该小组发现电子可以从光敏的硒化铅晶体传导到相连的二氧化钛电导体。 +"Although he was usually placed in the controversial whirlpool, from my own point of view , his novels were a living specimen of literature in recent twenty years.",虽然他常常处于争议的漩涡,但我个人认为,其小说已经成为近二十年当代文学“活”的标本。 +"In the 18th century, the Bhutanese occupied the kingdom of Cooch Behar to the south.",18世纪,不丹占领了Cooch Behar王国南部。 +They would tell me there weren't cripples on staff and that their customers didn't want to see a guy in a wheelchair fixing a car.,他们会告诉我那里没有员工是残疾人的,而且顾客也不希望看到一个坐轮椅的人来帮他们修车。 +The results indicated that effective precipitation increased 30% about by artificial precipitation operation for Yanhu district in 2001.,通过计算得出2001年人工增雨作业为盐湖区增加了30%左右的有效降水。 +"B: It's just a showmance, Cicely is just dating Anthony just to make Edgar jealous.",那不过是荧幕恋情而已,西塞莉跟安东尼约会就是为了让埃德加嫉妒。 +"Let us pledge sonorous , with unremitting efforts to work together to build a better future college!",让我们用铿锵的誓言,用不懈的努力,共同打造学院更加美好的明天! +"Results The diagnostic accuracy of MRI for PC and BPH was 73.1% and 80%, respectively.",结果MRI对前列腺癌和前列腺增生的诊断准确率分别为73.1%、80 %。 +This method should be extendible to prepare composite particles of other materials.,该研究为制备其它材料的核壳粒子提供了新方法。 +The fulcrum of the axis of anxiety has shifted to China.,担忧的焦点已经转移到中国。 +A strong melee unit capable of teleportation through the warp. Can also Phase Shift.,能够透过次元进行传送的强大近战单位。也能使用相位转移。 +"German police arrested 17 people in European soccer's biggest betting scandal, targeting leagues in 9 countries, local media reported.",据当地媒体报道,德国警方日前抓获了17名涉嫌参与操纵足球比赛的赌球人员,涉赌范围覆盖9国联赛,被称为欧洲足坛史上最大赌球丑闻。 +"Theoretically, Class-E power amplifier with 100% drain efficiency operates in a switched mode and has wide application potentials.",E类功率放大器是一种开关模式的功率放大器,理论上可以达到100%的漏极效率,具有广泛的应用前景。 +The discovery comes on the heels of a recent attempt to predict when the first habitable Earth-like planet would be found.,这个发现紧随着最近的对首个宜居星球发现时间的预测而来。 +I took it in early AM and you can still see the morning dews on the leaves.,我在清晨拍它,你仍然可以看到叶片上的晨露。 +"The real James Webb has a full head of hair and a vigorous look to him, like he could drop you to the floor with one chop of his meaty hand.",而真的詹姆斯·韦伯看上去精力充沛,一头浓发,大手一挥就能把人扇到在地。 +"With the automatic NC glass engraver machine, develop an open architecture NC system based on PMAC, which includes two modules of hardware design and software design.",以自动数控玻璃雕刻机为例,开发一种基于PMAC的开放式数控系统,该控制系统包括硬件设计和软件设计两大模块。 +The Low modulus material of model is urethane rubber.,模型材料是低弹模的聚氨酯橡胶。 +"“I wish I could tell you that our recommendations system was reliable, but it’s not perfect, ” said Reed Hastings, Netflix’s chief executive.",“我希望我们的推荐系统是可靠的,然而它并不完全可靠。” Netflix的首席执行官里德哈斯丁说。 +"If your kernel source is not clean and you do not have a back-up directory available, you can uninstall the kernel-source package then reinstall it.",如果您的内核源代码已经经过了修改,而且没有可用的备份目录,那么可以将内核源代码程序包缷载,然后再重新安装。 +"Through discussion, we have found a multi-tier architecture based on J2EE and MVC pattern which provides a good mechanism for a telescopic, flexible and easy maintaining business system.",通过讨论可以发现:基于J2EE和MVC模式的多层体系结构为搭建具有可伸缩性、灵活性、易维护性的商务系统提供了良好的机制。 +These rooms are Lucy's and Lily's.,表示露希和莉莉各有一个房间。 +"Our company production and operation of sending and receiving the following series of products: hot-melt adhesive (Glue stick, colloidal particles), glue gun.",我公司生产经营如下系列接发产品:热熔胶(胶棒、胶粒),胶枪。 +"Today's world, a lot of places left already sprinkler and farm cattle, leaving even plangent machine times.",今天的世界,许多地方早已离别了水车和耕牛,甚至正在离别轰鸣的机器时代。 +The accuracies of latent heat flux (LHF) and sensible heat flux (SHF) in South China Sea (SCS) are needed to check firstly because of the poor quality of datasets.,但目前较常用的几套潜热通量和感热通量资料在南海海域的质量状况如何并不十分清楚。 +Riots soon erupted as crowds attempted to impede police arrests outside the Stonewall Inn on Christopher Street in Greenwich Village.,在纽约市格林尼治村克里斯托弗大街的石墙酒吧外,当人群试图阻止警察的逮捕时,暴乱进一步爆发。 +Surgical resection is crucial for prolonging survival time and improving life quality in patients with hilar cholangiocarcinoma.,切除性治疗是延长肝门部胆管癌患者生存期,改善生活质量的关键。 +"One of the most outstanding is the Fengxian Temple, Longmen Grottoes stone base.",其中最为杰出的是龙门石窟奉先寺石刻群。 +"""Maybe there was some speculative discussion. Perhaps the defence ministry simply got its signals wrong, "" he said.",他称:“可能有试探性的讨论,巴基斯坦的国防部长可能只是得到错误的信号。” +"I do not like the feel of the sword in one hand at all… but it two hands with the grip spaced far apart, it feels VERY powerfull.",我不喜欢只在一只手中感觉一把刀…而是喜欢两只手隔开很远来握住,这样感觉起来非常有力。 +The reaction mechanism of dolomite limestone and water glass was discussed.,还探讨了白云质石灰岩—水玻璃灌浆材料的反应机理。 +No blame to Almunia on that one.,这个球不能怪阿穆尼亚。 +"I've learned something about myself -- when I'm working at my computer, I like to eat.",最近我突然发现一件事情——那就是当我在电脑前工作的时候,我总想吃东西。 +The weather forecast says the maximum temperature will reach to 38 ℃ today.,气候预告说明天的最低温度将估计到达摄氏38度。 +"At the time of its construction, it was the third-largest infrastructure project ever undertaken in Africa, after the Aswan Dam in Egypt and the Volta Dam in Ghana.",在当时,这条铁路是非洲有史以来第三大基础设施工程,紧次于埃及阿斯旺大坝及加纳沃尔特水库。 +Surgery for untethering these structures may prevent late deterioration.,手术解除脊髓拴系能够阻止病情进一步恶化。 +"Caesarian section, if it is medically indicated and justified, is covered by the Package.",产科套餐是否包括剖腹生产服务? +"And if we want to use more advanced Web services protocols, our only option is to drop down into non-WSDL mode and create the SOAP headers in our own script, which is tedious and error prone.",如果希望使用更先进的 Web 服务协议,惟一的选择就是深入研究非 WSDL 模式,用自己的脚本创建 SOAP 头文件,但这样做非常乏味而且容易出错。 +Whereas the complex reaction between phenolic substances in P. quinquefolius and metal ions during processing might result in dark green skin of P. quinquefolius.,青支则可能是由于西洋参中所含酚苷类物质在加工过程中与金属离子络合而导致颜色变绿。 +"With the rapid development of MEMS, being the first choice photoresist for the fabrication of high-aspect-ratio structure, SU-8 photoresist has been widely applied to the research field of MEMS.",随着微机电系统(MEMS)的迅速发展,SU-8光刻胶作为制作高深宽比结构的首选胶,已经被广泛地应用于MEMS研究领域。 +"In the early nineteen thirties, Langston Hughes traveled to Cuba and Haiti. He later traveled across the southern United States, doing poetry readings and trying to sell his books.",在二十世纪三十年代初,兰斯顿。休斯到古巴和海地旅行,后来,他横穿整个美国南部,他一边朗诵他的诗歌,一边推销他的书。 +But could Microsoft turn the data it has collected against you?,但是微软会不会用这些信息做对你不益的事情? +The average amount of sunshine for January was only 43 hours - less than an hour and a half a day.,一月份的平均日照时间只有43小时,一天不到一个半小时。 +Knowledge workers of different entry time perform a significant difference on OCB.,的知识型员工组织公民行为履行差异性显著。 +"The priest was obviously Portuguese or Spanish, and, though his flowing robe was orange, there was no mistaking the rosary and crucifix at his belt, or the cold hostility on his face.",这个天主教白人神甫很明显是葡萄牙人,要么西班牙人,错不了,腰带上围着天主教的念珠串和十字架,飘逸的长袍虽然是漂亮的橘黄色,但是掩不住脸上的冰冷敌意。 +CNSA is committed to achieving and promoting excellence in cancer care through the professional contributions of nurses. Today we have almost 900 members throughout Australia.,国家行政学院致力于实现和促进,通过护士的专业护理在癌症的卓越贡献。 +"In the article, the author tried to explain the duality in Chaucer's religious opinion, through an analysis on the religious subject in The Canterbury Tales.",本文通过分析《坎特伯雷故事》中的宗教主题,试图阐明乔叟宗教观中的两重性。 +The media at the time however made no serious attempt to cover the NUM's economic arguments until after the strike had ended.,然而,新闻媒体在罢工期间没有试图严肃报道全国矿工工会在经济方面的论点,直到罢工结束后这些报道才出现。 +"Following that, the leaders of China, South Korea and Japan are scheduled to hold a summit in South Korea on May 29th and 30th.",此后,中日韩三国计划于5月29日到30日在韩国召开一次领导人峰会。 +"They tend to monopolize conversations, belittle those they consider inferior, insist on having the best of everything and become angry or impatient if they don't get special treatment.",他们倾向于垄断谈话,贬低他们认为不如自己的人,坚持自己什么事都要优先,如果没有受到特殊对待就会感到愤怒或不耐烦。 +The bloody Palestinian-Israeli conflict has lasted for half a century.,巴以流血冲突已经持续半个多世纪了。 +Evelyn Warburton rode to her 100th birthday party earlier this month in a motorcycle sidecar.,艾芙琳.渥伯顿在本月初搭乘一辆连结在摩托车旁的边车前往她的百岁生日庆生派对。 +"If you have to compare chinese tech , compare it with US, Russia and Japan.",如果要比中国科技,那也得与美国、俄罗斯和日本比较。 +More testimonials and interviews with World Food Moscow's exhibitors in 2008 can be found on the event website.,更多来自莫斯科国际食品展参展企业的观点及言论,您可以登录展会网站查询。 +"By comparison, 12 clones of long-fibre, 4 of medium-fibre and 4 clones suitable for poor site condition were selected.",选出了长纤维型造纸材优良无性系12个、中纤维型造纸材优良无性系4个、适合立地条件较差的造纸材优良无性系4个。 +"Huatang Golf Manor as a purely North American-style villas, each of a villa-style entrance hall outside the gallery are designed so that the feeling of home even more warm and comfortable.",华堂高尔夫庄园作为纯粹北美风格别墅,每一栋别墅的进门处都有门厅式外廊设计,让回家的感觉更加温馨舒适。 +"Open the photo in the day, Moon Geun Young cake in hand, wearing a yellow sweater, a pair of cute.",在当天公开的照片中,文根英手里拿着蛋糕,穿着黄色毛衫,一副可爱的样子。 +"All the films have the same indirect transition bandgap, but those with one time dip have no indirect transition.",除浸渍一次的膜不存在间接跃迁外,所有的膜具有相同的间接跃迁禁带宽。 +The test result shows that it is viable to measure and analyze automobile exhaust with the Vmas.,结果表明,该系统用于汽车排放的测试分析是有效可行的; +"The esophageal metallic stent was placed under the guidance of X-ray, and the clinical effectiveness as well as complications were closely observed during follow-up after stenting.",在X线引导下置入食管金属支架,术后密切随访观察临床疗效和并发症。 +"The iron-coiling subsystem is used to validate the functions in this DSMS such as real time and continous query, multi-query, real time stream inspecting and stream filtering.",并且以卷绕系统为例验证了节能变压器数据流管理系统的实时、连续查询功能、多查询功能、实时的流量监测功能以及数据流过滤等功能。 +Objective Sand butylamine alcoholic solution union Vitamin K1 atomization inspiration treatment capillarity bronchitis curative effect.,目的观察沙丁胺醇溶液联合维生素K1氧雾化吸入治疗毛细支气管炎的疗效。 +"And if we can hold onto that spirit today, I know that our generation will answer its call as ably as earlier ones did before us.",如果我们今天继续弘扬这一精神,我知道我们这一代人将会像前几代人那样以非凡的能力响应这一召唤。 +"As the typical forms of the figures, metaphor and metonymy play an important role in the formation of the meaning.",隐喻和换喻作为修辞的典型形式,在意义的形成过程中发挥着重要作用。 +"The user can then imagine his or her own interface; for instance, by making an ""L"" shape with the non-dominant hand the user creates an imaginary plane in which the interface will exist.",使用者可即时“开启”他或她自己的界面。 例如,通过手势做出一个“L”的形状,这个动作创造了一个存在的二维空间表面。 +The speaker's opening remarks were humorous.,演讲者的开场白很幽默。 +"""Three zero"" services are useful exploration and innovation for quality services of libraries in the digital enviroment.",“三零”服务是在数字化服务环境下对图书馆优质服务的有益探索与创新。 +"Based on the connotation of sport education, this paper brings forth the Gymnastics primary coachs Sport education characteristics and intelligence structure of the new period.",阐述了体操教练员智能结构的构成,并对体操教练员智能结构的优化提出了见解。 +"Housing sleek and stylish rooms with a contemporary décor, each comes equipped with ultramodern facilities, including 32-inch (81 cm) flat-screen TVs and free Wi-Fi internet access.",时尚且极具格调的客房拥有当代装潢,每间客房均设有超现代化的设施,包括32英寸平面电视和免费的无线网络连接。 +"That information can in turn help people insulate themselves from potential disturbances during sleep — by wearing earplugs, for example, or requesting a room far away from the ice machine in a hotel.",这个敏感性信息将能够反过来帮助人们在睡眠期间,使自己与潜在的噪音干扰隔离开来——比如,可以通过戴耳塞,或者住宾馆时要求住的房间远离吵人的制冰机。 +The hen clucked when calling her chickens.,母鸡唤小鸡时,发出咯咯的叫声。 收藏。 +"Methods:Two kinds of pile nuclear crown prosthesis were made and the break of pile nuclear and root canal, the fall off of the pile and cervical margin were compared.",方法分别制作两种桩核冠修复体比较其桩核折断、根管折断、桩松动脱落、颈缘等情况。 +The story begins more than a year ago with the Federal Reserve.,这个故事开始于一年以前联邦储备局。 +Haystack is a step forward for activists working in repressive environments.,对那些在压制的环境下工作的活动家们来说,“草垛”向前 跨出了一步。 +the last sweetness into heavy wine.,最后的甘甜压进浓酒。 +"Calcium 600:Provides an additional 600 mg of bone-strengthening calcium which is vital during pregnancy, especially during the third trimester when fetal bones begin to calcify.",钙600:提供额外的600毫克加强骨的钙,这是在怀孕期间是至关重要的,尤其是在孕晚期,胎儿骨骼开始钙化。 +I lie awake; I have become like a bird alone on a roof.,我儆醒不睡。 我像房顶上孤单的麻雀。 +"On Friday, U.S. stocks overcame early losses after the nonfarm payrolls report to end higher as investors bet that the larger trend was for labor market improvement.","美国股市周五收涨,扳回盘初在非农就业报告公布后的失地,因投资者押注就业市场的更大趋势是改善." +"Along with shopping for sippy cups and strollers, expectant parents may want to consider another task for their to-do list: honing their marriage skills.",随着购物是为了买奶瓶和折叠式婴儿车,准父母可能会为了他们的任务清单想要考虑另外的任务;磨练他们的婚姻技能。 +"The present invention provides a cervical and lumbar traction bed, belonging to the technical field of…",本发明提供了一种颈腰椎牵引床,属于医疗器械技术领域。 +"However, a trade of either Thomas or Haywood is entirely possible.",然而,交易托马斯或者海伍德也是完全可能的。 +"The jaw, hyoid and gill arches.",内脏裂缝颌,舌骨与鳃弓。 +"In addition, the thesis analyses in depth about jade hat button and stove button, and dose textual research the semicircle button of Qianyu tomb which had been jade hat button in Yuan dynasty.",本文还通过对玉帽顶与玉炉顶的考辨,认为白玉半圆形纽即为元代玉帽顶。 +Each of these has vastly differents balance sheet and income account characteristics.,它们当中的每个都有不同的资产负债表和收入表。 +"My father was always looking for a shortcut to fame and fortunes----schemes, scams, even radio-show contests.",我父亲成天在寻觅成名成家、发财致富的捷径---- 搞阴谋诡计,欺诈诓骗,甚至在广播节目有奖竞猜上押宝。 +Every now and then my father visits me in Xi'an.,我父亲是时常来西安看我。 +"Sojka, 34, an insurance agent from Lörrach, southwestern Germany, had given plenty of consideration to this step.",34岁的索伊卡是德国西南部勒拉赫市的一名保险代理人。 为这个修改已做了相当充分的考虑。 +"The Pro-Comp plan offered bonuses to teachers who raised student achievement on standardized tests, chose to work in the neediest schools, and received good evaluations.",这一项目为使学生提高标准测试成绩的教师、选择去师资力量缺乏的学校去的教师、和获得好评的教师提供奖金。 +"For the software to pass the security check properly, it MUST first cause the processor to undergo a Power-On Reset.",为了可以正确通过验证,首先要使处理器进行一次上电复位。 +"According to the characteristics of REE, the materials source made up the Mesozoic intrusions in the south Fujian are resulted from the continental crust.",从稀土元素特征来看,闽南中生代侵入岩物质来源,应来自陆壳,其中上部陆壳占有较大比例。 +The planning layout can't be put into effect until it is approved and sealed by the Planning and Construction Department.,企业平面布置图审核应包含建设各项经济指标,规划建设图审核还须包括沿街建筑施工图、立面设计及色调搭配。 +The inhibitive effect of prodigiosin on multiplication of cancer cells was related to the inhibiting of DNA replication in S stage and regulating of cell cycle.,研究表明灵菌红素抑制细胞的增殖,与抑制S期细胞的DNA复制及调控细胞的增殖周期相关。 同时,细胞凋亡的产生与实验药物呈正相关。 +"That is, when its many wheels, gears and rods aren’t getting jammed.",而它运行时,那麽多的轮子、齿轮和杆从来没碰撞过。 +"Business-to-business blogs are a great medium to further engage prospects, let them hear what you think, and see your personality.",B2B博客对于更一步约见可能的潜在客户是一个很好的中介物,让可能的潜在客户听到你的想法、了解你的个性。 +Researchers say it is thought that a small waist-to-hip ratio is equated in the mind with good health and high fertility.,研究发现,小的腰臀比例往往给人一种身体健康和生育能力强的印象。 +D. (1) Any person desiring to take advantage of the priority of a previous filing shall be required to make a declaration indicating the date of such filing and the country in which it was made.,任何人希望利用以前提出的一项申请的优先权的,需要作出声明, 说明提出该申请的日期和受理该申请的国家。 +Collect this periodically during peak and off-peak hours.,在高峰和非高峰期定期收集这些信息。 +Daisaku Ikeda. He is an amazing Buddhist thinker. I have studied Buddhism and I really like the philosophy and the thinking behind it. I try to follow it myself.,池田大作。他是个卓越的佛学家。我修习佛学,非常喜欢其中的哲理及其蕴含的思想。我试着身体力行。 +I recently spoke to a friend who had a huge fight with her boyfriend because he met an ex for lunch.,我最近刚刚跟一个朋友聊过天,她跟男友大吵了一架,因为他跟前女友吃中饭。 +"Addax has operations in Gabon, where Sinopec has been involved in oil exploration, as well as in Nigeria and Cameroon.",埃达克斯在加蓬、尼日利亚和喀麦隆有业务,中石化在加蓬只涉足石油勘探。 +"Cambridge hopes that more people are concerned about China, with the development of looking at China, so the friendly Sino-British exchange of envoys.",希望更多的剑桥人关注中国,用发展的眼光看中国,做中英交流的友好使者。 +"A weak-stemmed plant that derives its support from climbing, twining, or creeping along a surface.",藤本植物,蔓藤:一种茎杆弱小的植物,依靠沿表面爬升、缠绕或蔓生来获取依附。 +"Serious-looking businessmen and women sit reading their newspapers or dozing in a corner; hardly anybody talks, since to do so would be considered quite offensive.",神情严肃的商业男女坐着读他们的报纸,或在角落里打盹,几乎没人交谈,因为这样做将会被认为是相当无礼的。 +"L- Isoleucine is a neutral, genetically coded amino acid that is isomeric with leucine. It is essential in human nutrition.",异亮氨酸是一种中性必需氨基酸,是亮氨酸的同分异构体。 +CX: He's more realistic and political.,残雪:他更现实,更政治。 +He was shivering with cold.,冻得他哆嗦开了。 +"First , you'll need a non-digital watch in working condition and a sunny day.",首先,你需要一个正常工作的机械表,天气必须是晴天。 +"Glazed red chemies, raisins, dried apricots and lotus seeds, cooked in water with sugar.",蜜饯车厘子、提子乾、杏甫肉及莲子,放糖水内煮熟。 +William Makepeace Thackeray's literary reputation is largely established upon one book.,威廉·萨克雷的文学声誉主要建立在一本书上,即他的长篇小说《名利场》。 +The eyes are dull.,目光全都是呆滞的。 +"When student Heather Larson of Northern State University in South Dakota wrote her speech“Stemming the Tide,”she used a series of startling statements to draw her audience instantlysintosher message.",南达科他州北部州立大学的希瑟·拉森在撰写她的演讲词“逆流而行”时,运用了一系列的惊人之语,迅速地把她的听众吸引了过来。 +"Rod Braga : Making sure that we don't have any intrusion by, by animals or people that are not supposed to be here.",罗得。布莱格 : 一定要确保不受不该在此活动的动物或人的侵扰。 +"Well, I want two 1G DDR2 Kingstons. How much are they?",我买俩1G的金士顿二代的。多少钱? +"When LinPin such as the water come in time saw ailey, her panic over will fall to the ground, glass products such as pendency head up teacup fragments, Ellie didn n't recognize she went away.",当林品如端水进来的时分看到了艾莉,她惊慌之余将水杯摔了地上,品如垂下头拾茶杯碎片,艾莉没认出她就走了。 +"Still waters run deep"" is used to say that someone who is quiet may have very strong feelings or a lot of knowledge.""",“静水流深”这个谚语用来指生性安静的人也许有着强烈的情感或丰富的知识。 +"When the cheese started to cool and congeal, which took a good 30 minutes, all I did was stick it back on the stove, stirring until runny.",奶酪开始冷却、 凝结,用了整整30分钟,在这期间,我所做的就是把它再放回炉子上,搅拌直至奶酪开始流淌。 +Even simply dressed monks need to dress up or down for practical reasons - for ceremonies and other purposes.,即使是衣着简朴的和尚,也需要根据实际情况——典礼或其他目的——穿着得体。 +I can't wait to get you home and pump your love mound .,直想带你回家,跟你的爱巢好好搞一把。 +What seemed sweet and sad immediately turns shabby and tawdry.,当时的甜蜜和伤心立马变得卑鄙和恶俗起来。 +"And based on how soon they began to laugh, that told me what kind of audience I had.",然后根据他们发笑的迅速程度,来判断我所遇到的听众类型。 +"Another participant, Brian Chik Kuong-U (FIN Year 2) thinks that the workshop is very novel and helpful for him to enhance creativity.",另一位参加者植光宇(财务学二年级)则认为工作坊很特别,而且有助他激发创意。 +We´ve got a forty-minute drive into the city.,我们还要靠 四十分钟 车到城 去。 +Three nuns died and visited St. Peter at the pearly gates. St. Peter said he would admit them if they each answer one question.,三位修女死后在天堂之门遇到了圣彼得。圣彼得说如果她们每人回答出一个问题就放她们进天堂。 +"According to the cloned gene cluster, people can use genetical technology to obtain the genetical strains which can produce more potent and non-toxical avermectins and its derivatives.",这使得人们可利用基因工程技术来构建工程菌,增加有效组分的产出和生产新型的阿维菌素。 +Go to the dentist and clean your gums when you have time.,牙医那边把牙花子好好清理一下。 +"Based on the analysis of social syndrome, from the following aspects, such as social constitution, social evalution, precaution and social security system, to make a diagnosis of syndrome of elites.",在社会病理分析的基础上,从社会结构、社会评价体系、预防与保障机制诸方面为“精英症候群”会诊。 +"These elements may not be quite as radioactive as plutonium, but if ingested or inhaled, they also pose a risk of causing cancer.",这些元素虽然没有钚的放射性那么高,但如果被吞食或吸入,一样会增加患上癌症的几率。 +"MR. NIKZAD: He always says, ""Mr. O'Neill is a secret agent. """"",他总是说: 「欧尼尔先生是个密探。 +"However, Werder Bremen's sporting director Klaus Allofs quickly dismissed talk of an imminent move to the Santiago Bernabeu, hinting that the offer was too low.",但是,云达不莱梅的体育主管阿洛夫很快就否认了这一说法,并且暗示皇家马德里为厄齐尔的出价太低。 +"For those of us who want to know if we have defective trust-o-meters, the evidence is blessedly obvious: Our relationships and life situations don't work.",对于我们当中希望知道自己的信任度表有没有出问题的人们来说,幸运地是证据显而易见:我们的关系、生活处境出现了问题。 +This place is occupied by the commander of the cruiser.,这个地方由巡洋舰指挥官占用。 +The limited factors of the north-distribution are colder absolute minumum temperature in winter in inland and not enough active accumulated temperature in seashore.,分布北界的限制因子,在内陆为冬季绝对低温过低,在海滨为夏季活动积温不足。 +The government wants restructuring and some worry the air traffic controllers could respond with work slowdowns that would delay flights.,政府希望重组航空业,因而部分人担心空中交管员会降低航空速度,甚至拒绝航班降落。 +"It won't be sold for its practicality, but rather as a work of art, says Medvedik.",它将不会以实用性的方式出售, 而会是以一个艺术作品的方式, 麦徳沃鄂迪克说 。 +The morning light envelops the eastern sitting area at the front of the house and creates a perfect setting for the first coffee of the morning.,晨光笼罩房前的东部休息区,创造完美的环境供人享用清晨第一杯咖啡。 +"However, the study stopped short of saying what that new age should be, saying further studies ""are needed to demonstrate the relative clinical effectiveness of screening at different ages.",不过,研究并没有说新的年龄应当是多少,只是说:为了提高不同年龄段筛查的相对有效性,还需要进一步的研究。 +Article 58 People's governments at all levels and the relevant departments shall establish target responsibility system for promotion of employment.,第五十八条各级人民政府和有关部门应当建立促进就业的目标责任制度。 +So for a multi-function integrated with high-performance features of the full three-dimensional defense studies to become one of the development direction of network security.,因此对于集多种功能为一体、具有高性能的全面立体防御系统的研究成为网络安全的发展方向之一。 +The temperature coefficient of modulus of elasticity of sensing element material result in temperature effect on rated output of strain gauge load cell.,应变式负荷传感器额定输出温度影响是由于弹性体弹性模量的温度系数引起的。 +A Salomon trader tried to evade rules limiting the firm’sparticipation in auctions of U.S. Treasury bonds by submitting bids in thenames of the company’s customers without the customers’ knowledge.,所罗门公司的一个交易员尝试逃避公司投标美国国债的规定限制,在公司客户不知情的情况下,以客户的名义参与美国国债的投标。 +Objective To investigate the relationship between university students' vocational personality types and their values.,目的考察大学生职业人格类型与价值观之间的整体相关关系。 +Claude Makelele has scored his first ever Chelsea goal to give Chelsea the win we all wanted on the day the Barclays Premiership trophy was handed over.,克劳德-马克莱莱破天荒地打进了加盟切尔西后首粒进球,这样蓝军在举起英超联赛冠军奖杯的当天取得了众人期待的胜利。 +"She dared not speak, at the cost of her brothers' lives.",她不敢说话,那是要以哥哥们的生命做代价的! +"UPDATE: BetaNews has an interview with the controversial story's source, privacy advocate Christopher Soghoian.",科技网站BetaNews采访了这个争议故事的新闻来源——主张保护隐私权的博客人克里斯托弗•索菲安。 +"The combined wealth of the world's billionaires soared a staggering 50%, from $2.4 trillion to $3.6 trillion.",全球身价上十亿美元的富豪总财富飙升了50%,从2.4万亿美元增至 3.6万亿美元。 +"I thanked him, and went to town.",我谢过他,便去了镇上。 +"Prasad, a trade professor at Cornell University and a former IMF economist, said the G20 had recognized the depth of the public debt morass and the consequent risk of global instability.","Prasad是康奈尔大学的贸易学教授,曾担任国际货币基金组织(IMF)经济学家.他表示,G20已认识到公共债务问题的严重程度,及其可能造成全球动荡的风险." +"A past formed by Coconut oil, Psoralea crolyforlia, Black cumin and Barberry roots works very well for treating vitiligo.",由椰子油,补骨脂,黑茴香和伏牛花根做成的药水可以治疗白癜风。 +Life Philosophy Of Wenzi takes good care of the three aspects exactly. Wenzi's thought takes on the ultimate solicitude about the subsistence of human being.,而《文子》的生命哲学要旨正是表现了对这三个生命存在层面的真诚呵护,呈现了对人类生存的终极关怀。 +It is the primary task for the distance educationists to get rid of the students' difficulty mentality and help them to maintain a sound and healthy learning mood.,如何消除这一畏难情绪,保持良好的学习状态和健康心理,是远程教育管理者的首要任务,而要解决这一任务的关键是要强化心理疏导,提升他们的学习信心。 +Facebook shows every sign of being ready to take the plunge – putting it alongside many other media and internet companies that believe they can’t afford to stay out.,所有迹象都显示,Facebook已经准备往下跳,站在其他许多相信承受不起不进来的后果的媒体和互联网公司旁边。 +"Without experience, you have no basis for any prediction.",由于经验的缺乏,你的预言就缺乏根基。 +Acu-puncture in combination of oral taking of Thiamazole and Euthyrox were adopted for the acupuncture and medication group.,针药组给予针刺结合口服西药甲巯咪唑和优甲乐治疗,针刺穴取睛明、承泣、丝竹空等; +"It was as if she, still, felt the burning. 5 She would keep that memory, as it taught her to be nice to others.",仿佛依然感到心急火燎的疼痛。她会继续的回忆,因为这能告诉她要善待别人。 +"When developing price spread program trading strategy, we bring up seven algorithms and split them into four parts to compare each other. We come up with the following conclusions:1.",在发展选择权价差策略之交易程式中,我们针对价差策略依部位数和履约价间格的不同,分别提出七种演算法,共分为四类相互比较之。 +"When the size of the file system is decreased, the LV on which the file system resides is also decreased.",当文件系统的大小减少时,该文件系统所处的 LV 的大小也会减少。 +"When it comes to understanding our macroeconomic predicament, we often seem to be missing the point.",也就是说,当整体经济窘况开始显现的时候,在关键因素的寻找上我们似乎还竟是茫然。 +Conclusion NX showed a protective effects on lung injury from IIR.,结论纳洛酮对肠缺血再灌流时肺损伤有明显的保护作用。 +Examine the amount of cash in your portfolio.,数数你的投资组合中有多少现金。 +"Unique moistening formula, keeps the skin in a moisturized , relaxed state.",独特润泽配方,皮肤不会感到干躁紧绷; +"One of the dead man's friends said, ""The rooster tried to get away from the ring several times, but the owner pushed it into the ring repeatedly.""",死者的一个朋友说:”这只公鸡好几次都试图从斗鸡场中出来,但是主人一直把它推回去。 +"Yunbo: I'll have a gin and tonic, please.",云波:我想喝点杜松子酒加苏打水。 +Sociologists and anthropologists have been debating this topic for over half a century.,早在半个多世纪以前社会学家与人类学家就对这个话题展开了争论。 +A democracy demands a citizenry as informed as possible about the costs and benefits of society's ultimate punishment.,民主社会要求她的公民尽可能的,了解国家对于最终惩罚的成本和好处。 +If you do not believed that the Dragon Warrior can stop him.,如果你不相信神龙武士可以阻止他的话。 +"The isolated property implies that any observer will either see all of the changes in the transaction, or none.",这一隔离属性意味着任何观察者将会要么见到事务中的所有变更,要么一个也见不到。 +"Its boss, Kim Jong Il , claims his latest rocket launched a satellite that is now warbling back patriotic songs from space.",朝鲜领袖金正日宣称其最新的火箭已将一颗卫星送入了太空,如今它正对着地球轻吟爱国歌曲; +This criticism comes after remarks recently made by CNN commentator Jack Cafferty.,这个批评源于CNN评论员杰克·卡弗蒂最近的评论。 +"True love is like ghosts, which everybody talks about and few have seen .",真爱如鬼魅, 人人都在谈,却很少人看过。 +The Ultimate Drive is currently only available in North America.,目前,该“至尊版驾车”软件只应用于北美。 +Predecessors have affirmed through both theoretics and practices that the vehicle moving loads would lead to more deformations and stresses for bridge structures than the equivalent static loads.,前人已经从理论和实践上证实了,在移动车辆荷载作用下,桥梁结构将产生比相同静荷载作用下更大的变形和应力。 +"The light represents opening up to the kindness, forgiveness, joy and abundance that is truly the mark of divinity.",光明代表着向仁慈,宽恕,喜悦和富足这些真正的神圣标志敞开心扉。 +"Photovoltaic (pv) glass processing, supporting BIPV nip glue, hollow components processing;",光伏配套玻璃深加工、BIPV夹胶、中空组件加工; +"Zhao Yaozu pretending to care about, please cloud elder sister to accompany him a drink, drunk with cloud elder sister, elder sister took his cloud.",赵耀祖假装关心,请云姐陪他喝酒,灌醉了云姐,趁机霸占了云姐。 +"He then addressed a crowd at Cape Town by raising his arm and clenching his fist-the power salute which the world is now so accustomed to-and cried ‘Amandla, Amandla.",接着他向开普敦的人群扬臂致意,紧握拳头——这个充满力量的敬礼现在已为全世界所熟知——并大声呼喊“政权,政权!” +But any celebration now appears premature.,但现在就庆祝似乎为时过早。 +"Guangdong Zhongyue Electronic Co. , Ltd. is a high-tech enterprise engaged in the research, development, manufacture, and sales of circuit board engravers.",广东中月电子有限公司是专业研发、制造、销售线路板雕刻机的高新技术企业。 +"The costing consciousness, estimated from quality and quantity, should be(emphasized) during the development.",体育发展过程中应有成本意识,应从质和量两个方面进行判断。 +"""We are just beginning to understand biological networks and how they relate to disease, "" Dr Inouye said.",“我们只是刚刚开始理解生物学网络和他们如何与疾病相关联,” Inouye博士说。 +"Once they establish residency, they can eat you out of house and home.",他们一旦安家落户,能吃得你倾家荡产。 +"Cultural Arts Center in Langfang City, mainly by the natural circulation Park, Dream Lake Park, Art Park, Water Park puzzle, wisdom and well-known scenic spots composed of five calligraphy Avenue.",廊坊市文化艺术中心主要由自然循环公园、梦幻湖公园、艺术公园、益智水上乐园、智慧名言及书法大道五个景区组成。 +"Upon notification by the people's court, the relevant units and individuals shall be under the obligation of preserving the site and assisting the inspection.",有关单位和个人根据人民法院的通知,有义务保护现场,协助勘验工作。 +"Now, largely through captive breeding and reintroduction efforts, they have seen dramatic recoveries in their populations.",Hoffmann说,“而现在,通过人工繁殖和放归自然,它们的数量出现了戏剧性的恢复。” +"Now Woolsey was subjected to a black-suit squeeze, and declarer did not err in the play.",现在,乌尔希陷于黑花色的紧逼之下,庄家在这种打法上不会犯错误。 +"""If it dumped its dollars, China would bring the United States to its knees, but might also bring itself to its ankles,"" Nye wrote.",奈写到:“如果中国抛售美债,可能会让美国屈膝,但也可能对自身不利。 +"Chief Cabinet Secretary Nobutaka Machimura was speaking to reporters in response to demands lodged by an opposition lawmaker for an inquiry into ""frequent reports of UFO sightings.""",这是日本内阁官房长官町村信孝在针对反对党议员请求对“发现不明飞行物的频繁报告”进行调查一事做出回应时告诉记者的话。 +"""I'm always in a hurry, "" says a smartly-dressed man in a white sedan, before zipping away with his burger.",一个穿着简洁驾驶着一辆白色轿车的男子在撕开汉堡包准备进食前说“我总是匆匆忙忙的”。 +The electron density is much lower at night in the polar cap areas.,夜间进入极盖区后,电子密度则很低。 +"Having calculated six forms of the deflectors, the concerned formulas and data are given. The relationship and difference between ihe two kinds of deflectors are analysed.",计算了六种实用的多极静偏器,给出了有关公式和数据,分析了两种多极静偏器之间的联系和区别。 +"Comparing with the old methods , the new one is more operative and simple, which can determine the returns to scale of DMU as the relative efficiency is got.",与以前的判定方法相比,文中的方法计算量较小,在得出决策单元相对效率的同时,���可以判断决策单元的规模收益情况,具有较强的适用性、操作性和应用性。 +Seaweed and tofu soup! Mmmmm yum!,海带豆腐汤!啊啊啊啊太好吃了! +"When a weapon made with a DU tip strikes a solid object like the side of a tank, it goes straight through it, then erupts in a burning cloud of vapor.",以贫铀为尖顶的武器打击诸如坦克侧面的固体物体时,它直接穿透,随后在灼热的蒸汽云中爆裂。 +Tony's dad: It's the Sydney Opera House. It's like a huge sailing boat with water on three sides.,托尼的爸爸:这是悉尼歌剧院,它像一艘巨大的三面环水的帆船。 +Jane was born with a silver spoon in her mouth.,珍是嘴里叼着银调羹出生的。 +What baffles me is why I never thought of doing this before?,郁闷的是,怎么我以前就没有想到要这样做呢? +"There are no spiritual tunes. If I played a song for you without the words, you'd have no way of knowing if it were a ""Christian"" song.","也没有所谓""属灵""旋律,因为如果我弹奏一首没有歌词的曲子,你根本无从知道它是否为圣诗。" +He chucked up his job.,他把工作辞掉了。 +"Wang Dan, at the local Dongbei University, spends around 1, 000 yuan (US$120) every month, with over half going on dating.",东北大学学生王丹每月花销1000月左右,其中有一半多用于谈恋爱。 +H ere is just a small selection of some of the famous jewellers in London and around the world.,八少昊只是一小部分选择在伦敦著名珠宝商和世界各地。 +A prosthetic device for interposition in a space left by one or more excised vertebral posterior structures.,一种用于插入由一个或多个切除的脊椎后部结构形成的间隙中的假体装 置。 +"Robert Huth's 82nd minute half-volley was only a consolation for Germany, completing the scoring in a 4-1 defeat to Italy.",胡特在第82分钟的进球只能为德国挽回一点面子,因为德国被意大利4:1击败。 +"“I suppose we couldn’t see it, ” I said. “We’re trying to discover the roots of the Morrisroe family and any clue might help.”",“我想我们看不到它了,”我说,“我们想追寻莫里斯家族的根和任何能帮到忙的线索。” +"Snow in the jing an temple, LaoZheng thought it was XingShuYuan came over, screaming have ambush here, dont come here.",雪儿进到了静安寺,老郑以为是邢书媛过来了,大叫着这里有埋伏,不要过来。 +"Last year, I found a white kitten in the Xuanwu Park and named it Beibei.",去年,我在宣武艺园里看到一只纯白色的小猫,给它取名叫贝贝。 +The layout features a 4-passenger design with customizable storage space.,设计是4座设计,带有一定的存储空间。 +Different views toward this issue and varieties of text-books have different description of its procedure lead to great confusion among the history teachers.,对于这一问题史学界存在不同的观点,高中历史教材不同版本对其叙述也不一,历史教师在教学实践中存在不同程度的困惑。 +Relocated households and farmer workers!,拆迁户和农民工! +"Later period of New Stone Age got jade axe, jade shovel and jade weapon, which had certain use value.",新石器时代晚期就有玉斧、玉铲、玉兵器等,已有一定的实用价值。 +MACD-Histogram gives a buy signal when it ticks up from its second bottom.,MACD柱从第二个底部反弹时提供了买入信号。 +"As a result, nearly every ounce of gold ever mined is still with us, which means gold's real price is hard to alter thanks to a great deal of gold stock in existence relative to new discoveries.",因此,历史上开采的几乎每一盎司黄金都未曾缺失,也就是说,黄金的真实价格很难改变,这要感激相对于新开采的金矿来说,现有黄金的储量极为庞大。 +"Raw tuna is a key ingredient in traditional dishes such as sushi and sashimi, and the bluefin variety - called ""hon-maguro"" in Japan - is particularly prized.",日本的传统菜肴寿司和生鱼片的主要材料就是金枪鱼,被日本称作黑鲔的蓝鳍金枪鱼在其传统佳肴中尤其推崇。 +"EPON technology high network security, expansion of convenient, easy to maintain, but also save construction costs, possible future transition to GPON system network.",EPON技术很高的网络安全性、扩容方便、维护方便,又节约建设成本,未来可过渡到GPON系统组网。 +"Most robberies took place at bank counters and involved notes demanding money and threats of weapons, the statistics showed.",数据显示,绝大多数劫案发生在银行柜台,劫匪常用的办法是递纸条以及持枪抢劫。 +"This technique demands an experienced surgeon, however. The successful results imply that closed femoral nailing is a safe and effective method for closed femoral shaft fractures.",由治疗的结果我们认为以闭锁式骨髓内钉治疗闭锁性股骨干骨折是一种相当安全有效的治疗方式。 +"It is important to predict interior sound field in the domain of noise control, sound field analysis, etc.",腔体内部声场预测在噪声控制、声场分析等领域有重要应用。 +"I prefer the thicker 5/8 stuff, as it remains a bit more rigid than the thinner walled tubing.",我喜欢厚5 / 8的东西,因为它仍然是一个多一点比瘦管刚性壁。 +A re-survey method based on the 1∶ 500 topographic maps requires a lot of money and time.,在现有1∶500地形图基础上,若采用重测的方法需要耗费大量的资金和时间。 +I also love to travel with my wife and with other friends.,我也愿同爱妻、挚友结伴而行。 +The improved attack tree was used to describe WEB attack. The results show that the methodology is effective.,应用改进后的攻击树描述了一个WEB攻击,结果表明该形式化方法具有很好的实用性和有效性。 +"The keel for this new giant was laid in September 2009, and it is expected to move from drydock to water in July 2013.",对于这个新的巨人安放龙骨2009年9月,它预计在7月提出从2013年至干船坞水。 +"The state picks up most of the tab, as pensioners, the biggest pill-poppers, pay nothing.",领养老金的人他们是药品的最大消耗者,但是医疗费用全部由国家买单。 +Nick:I rarely share my travel plans with you. Why don't you say something more pleasant?,我难得跟妳分享我的计画,妳也说点好听的。 +"This week, I've been going round the country delivering our New Earth Deal school presentation for the Council of Europe on climate change and the negotiation process.",这个星期我一直在全国各地的学校奔走,为欧洲委员会传达我们关于气候变化和谈判进程的“新地球协议”。 +And unemployment is down to 5.1%.,而且失业率下降到了5.1%。 +"So, you know what factories are, and want to run the QOTD with configurable quote server, do you?No problems, here is an example.",那么,您已经知道了什么是工厂了,接下来想要通过一个可配置的谚语服务器来运行 QOTD 了,是吧? +"In addition, it purchases natural gas, crude oil, condensate, and NGL volumes for resale.",此外,该公司采购转售天然气,原油,凝析油和液化天然气量。 +"Individuals with this genetic propensity may have to avoid many social drinking situations if they wish to curb their own alcohol intake, Larsen said.",拉森称拥有基因倾向性的个体,如果想抑制自己的贪杯行为,还真得尽量避免跟酒鬼同饮。 +"Jane Austen: As if the writing of women did not display the greatest powers of mind, knowledge of human nature, the liveliest effusions of wit and humour and the best-chosen language imaginable?",就好像女性写作不足以呈现思想的伟大、人情的冷暖、诙谐睿智的生动笔墨以及酣畅到位的语言表达? +"Yet, we often act in a way that favors comfort over fulfillment.",然而,我们行事却常常偏爱安逸而非完成任务的满足。 +"A key one is NATO creep on its western border, especially in the form of a planned US antimissile shield in Poland and the Czech Republic (which prompted the Kaliningrad response).",关键的一个理由在于北约蹑手蹑脚来到它的西部边界,特别是以美国计划在波兰和捷克共和国部署反导弹系统的形式。 +"Conclution:T he gout grain has the function to reduce pain and tumescence, and to lower the blood uric acid.",结论:痛风颗粒具有消肿止痛,降低血尿酸的作用。 +I have a few old scores to settle with him.,我有一些老帐要和他算清楚。 +"The top is colored with silver stain, and the bottom treated with thionine.",图中上面的切片经过银黄着色,下面的切片则用硫堇加以处理。 +"He was there and he asked most kindly after you, as did his sisters, and said they hoped nothing would keep you from the barbecue tomorrow.","他在,并且像他的几个妹妹那样十分亲切地问候了你,还说希望不会有什么事拖住你不去参加明天的大野宴呢。 我当然向他们保证绝不会的,""他机灵地说。" +The timing is controlled by the camshaft which is synchronized to the crankshaft by a chain or belt.,凸轮轴通过皮带链接与机轴保持同步,准确控制了可燃气体的进出时间。 +"More than 17,700 workers earned income doing post-tsunami clean-up activities in Sri Lanka, and 9,000 transitional shelters were built, benefiting over 50,000 people.",n 斯里兰卡有17700多人通过参加海啸后的清理工作获得收入,已建成的临时住所有9000个,使5万多人受益。 +Methods: Fibroblasts from human skin and hypertrophic scar were primary cultured and subcultured.,方法:人皮肤及瘢痕成纤维细胞原代、代培养。 +"When the disc is in the open position, the seal major axis is greater then the disc diameter and they do not touch.",阀盘处于打开位置时,密封件长轴大于阀盘直径, 且相互不接触。 +"But as my discourse had increased his abhorrence of the whole species, so he found it gave him a disturbance in his mind to which he was wholly a stranger before.",但是,因为我的谈话更增加它对整个“野胡”一族的厌恶,它倒觉得自己心神不宁起来,这种情况是它以前从来都不曾碰到过的。 +SuperCap namely FaradCap is the capacitor whose capacity can be ranked by Farad.,超级电容又称法拉电容,是指其容量为法拉级的电容。 +"Last year, friends say, he was roughed up several times while gathering evidence from petitioners who had come to Beijing to press their grievances to the central government.",朋友们说,当他收集在地方上遭受了委屈而到中央政府控诉的上访者的事例时数次遭遇暴力对待。 +"REPAIR, the most professional, trustworthy construction maintenance integrated supplier around you.",瑞湃REPAIR,您身边最专业的、可信赖的建筑维修集成供应商。 +Results: The volatile oil-contents in Folium Rhododendri Daurici from different habitats differ widely and Oleum Rhododendri Daurici is one of the main active ingredients of Xiaokechuan capsules.,结果:不同产地的满山红中挥发油含量差别较大,满山红油是消咳喘胶囊中的主要活性成分之一。 +"""This dress represents the quintessential magic of childhood in the most beloved film of the 20th century,"" said Jon Baddeley, group head of Bonhams' collectors department.",在这部20世纪最受欢迎的电影中,这条裙子代表了孩童时期的魔力精华。 +We could not conjecture the fact from what he said.,我们从他的话中还推测不出真实情况。 +"The craft's four-person crew unloaded almost six tons of groceries, spare parts and air onto the orbiting international laboratory.",四名机组人员向绕地飞行的国际空间站卸下了近6吨食品、备件和空气。 +The ear canal also named middle ear splays out at the external position.,耳道亦称中耳,内小外大呈喇叭状。 +"Shanghai has adopted a one-dog policy, limiting homes to one canine each as it tries to curb the growing popularity of man's best friend in China's leading metropolis.",上海采取“一狗政策”,即限制每个家庭只能养一只狗,以限制人类最好的朋友——宠物狗在中国首要大都市中的数量增长。 +"""I've been in a lot of relationships that were exciting but unhealthy, very Sid-and-Nancy-esque, "" Fergie admitted to the August issue of Marie Claire.",“我有很多次恋爱,是令人兴奋但不健康的,非常希德和南希式的,”菲姬向《嘉人》八月刊承认。 +God is our refuge – a place in which to hide.,神是我们的避难所,换言之,神容让我们藏身在他里面。 +"Ephraim, as I saw Tyrus, is planted in a pleasant place: but Ephraim shall bring forth his children to the murderer.",我看以法莲如推罗栽于美地。以法莲却要将自己的儿女带出来,交与行杀戮的人。 +Vic was the first member of the F4 to release a solo album.,威克是第一个成员的F4类推出个人专辑。 +"Also, drop-downs and fly-outs can make navigation on mobile devices very difficult, so be sure your mobile stylesheets takes into account this situation.",同时出式菜单和下拉可能使得导航在移动设备上非常难用,所以要确保你的移动样式表处理了这种情况。 +He put a suggestion box by the door and patiently weeded out such attempts at humour as More Fuk-Boox Pleeze and Escape in 10 EZ Lesions. He got sold of the things the prisoners seemed serious about.,他先在门边放了个意见箱,很有耐性地筛选掉纯粹开玩笑的提议,例如 请多买些黄色书刊 或 请订购《逃亡的十堂课》 ,然后整理出囚犯似乎认真需要的书籍。 +"Brandishing Kalashnikovs and bloodstained baseball caps, these were Libya's revolutionaries.",挥舞AK47和血染棒球帽是利比亚革命者的形象。 +You can also lightly mist a natural basket and use a vegetable scrub brush or toothbrush to remove accumulated dirt and dust.,你也可以用喷雾或丝瓜茎或者牙刷擦去篮子上的积灰。 +He will also join fellow former A-League players Adam Kwasnik (on loan) and Brendon Santalab at the Chengdu Sports Centre.,同他一起效力于该队(主场为成都体育中心)的还有前澳超球员亚当克瓦斯尼克(租借)和布兰登桑特拉布。 +"The method replaces expensive AD exchange IC by double integral analog circuit, not only assuring measure accuracy, but also meeting the low cost demand.",提出了由双积分模拟电路替代价格昂贵的AD转换芯片,在保证测量精度的同时达到降低成本的要求。 +At last the paper predicts a plural situation of global architectural education and a probable system in China as a result of the break of Beaux-Arts.,前瞻布萨解体后世界建筑教育体系多元震荡局面及中国可能的体系或状态。 +"It is in the use of material things that a man finds full life for his body, develops his mind, and unfolds his soul.",正是在对物质的使过程用中,人为他的肉体、思想发���、情操的陶冶找寻到了完整的生命意义。 +"While she was dying of cancer, his ex-wife’s utmost curse was to forbid Erica from ever giving him a coveted pot roast recipe.",海勒的前妻患了癌症去世前,对他最大的诅咒就是要求埃里克不要把海勒一直垂涎欲滴的陶罐熏肉的菜谱告诉他。 +"Experts: Tamiflu, Relenza work on swine flu but only sickest may get it",专家意见:达菲、瑞乐沙可以治疗猪流感,但是只有病重的患者才应该用 +"Yes, I know you’re all underpaid.",是的,我知道你挣的很少。 +Improved through-put with mobile clients by avoiding unnecessary TCP communications.,通过避免不必要的 TCP 通信,提高移动客户机的吞吐量。 +"Shengyang Plywood hass passed ""China Top Brand"" this year.",今年胜阳牌胶合板又荣获“中国名牌产品称号 。 +Vector processor based on VIM architecture is a cost effective solution in science computing and media processing etc domains.,基于VIM体系结构的向量微处理器可为科学计算、多媒体处理等领域提供性能高、功耗低、性价比高的解决方案。 +He always goofs off。,他总是糊里糊涂。 +Pulmonary hypertension was once thought to be a rare condition and only managed in specialized centers.,肺动脉高压过去被认为是一种罕见病并且只能在专门的医学中心得到诊断和治疗。 +"Make it a habit of trading contact information with everyone you meet, then touching base every so often.",试着与你遇见的每一个人去交换信息,并且时不时地保持着联系,并且养成习惯。 +Det. Aberline God help us.,艾伯林侦探“上帝会帮助我们。” +"Mr Yu says: ""If you look at a city such as Beijing, there's an international event every day, so English eakers are clearly in great demand.""",俞敏洪说:“你看看像北京这样的城市,每天都会举行一次国际活动,显然非常需要会说英语的人才。 +"It kind of depends. Probably like 4 hours a day, 5 hours a day, I'm not sure.",视情况而定。大概每天4,5个小时,我也不太确定。 +"The building was barricaded, and walled, as it were, from top to bottom.",它从上到下关得紧紧的,象砌了一堵墙似的。 +Some are self-imposed and come from my own ignoranceof realities.,而另一些则是自我强加的,来源于对自身现实的无知。 +Objective:To investigate the surgical methods and results of enlarged translabyrinthine approach in the removal of large acoustic neuromas.,目的:探讨通过扩大的迷路进路切除大听神经瘤的方法和效果。 +"One Dutch professor I had dismissed another Italian one, saying, “All the Italians care about are pasta and mamma.",我的一个荷兰教授解雇了一个意大利人,他是这么说的,“所有的意大利人都只关心意大利面和妈妈。” +One is happy if she can encounter someone she can expose her heart to.,一生中能遇着一个可以无话不谈的朋友是幸福的。 +There you have it: An essential list to help you move up in the world and stake your claim in business.,这样你就会明白:必要因素的清单,可以让你在世界不断攀升,在事业上划分你自己的领土。 +"No matter what happens, no metter how much your life changes, one thing is certain:It's always Now.",不论发生任何事,不论你的人生如何改变,有件事是不变的:你面对的永远是当下。 +"However, there have been instances in which hepatitis B has been spread to babies when they have received food pre-chewed by an infected person.",但是如果在嘴里咀嚼食物,然后将咀嚼后的食物喂给婴儿,婴儿有可能会被感染。 +that means each admissions officer has to comb through hundreds of them in a few short months.,那就意味着每个录取官在短短的几个月内要细细梳理数以百计的申请。 +It is indicated by the simulation data of SUV full vehicle that the handling stability of this vehicle type is fine and that the medium plane method is simple and efficient.,某SUV车型的整车操稳性仿真结果表明,该车型操稳性良好,提出的中性面法是一种简单、有效的新方法。 +Thus in the depth of the valence electron theory of solid solution the mechanical behavior of the alloy elements in martensite was shown.,从而在固溶态价电子理论的深度揭示了合金元素在马氏体中的力学行为。 +"The remainder channels into so-called blue-water sources—rivers, lakes, wetlands and aquifers—that people can tap directly.",剩余的部分流入所谓的深海,河流水源,湖泊,沼泽和地下蓄水层—人们能直接探取。 +"I have no idea what Dallas will look like. Here's what's intriguing: They were by far the West's best in the playoffs, and they have plenty of young talent in the pipeline.",我不知道小牛明年会怎样,但有个耐人寻味的事实是:他们是迄今为止西区季后赛表现最好的球队,而且他们有很多有天赋的球员。 +Two screws triggered SEMG responses and were replaced.,两颗螺钉触发了SEMG反应并取出。 +We designed Dragon Age: Origins with the goal of creating of a world with weight and history.,在设计《 龙腾世纪:起源》的同时,我们试图创造一个有其历史渊源和真实世界。 +"All of these challenges affect America’s security and prosperity, and they all threaten global stability and progress.",上述所有挑战都影响着美国的安全和繁荣,它们也都威胁着全球的稳定和进步。 +"So based on their first few games, the gamblers subsequent behavior, strategy and ultimately their wins and losses, was consistently predictable.",因此根据赌博者们的头几次玩法,赌博者们随后的行为、策略以及最终的输赢都是可以预测的。 +"Together with Amazon, we built a book shelf sample showing the potential for bringing the richness of hardware accelerated canvas into an interactive e-commerce experience.",与Amazon一起,我们一起构建了一个书架例子来展示了把硬件加速canvas的丰富性带到交互式的电子商务体验中来的潜在可能性。 +"In the old days, criminals were beat with pillow cases full of door knobs.",在过去,罪犯都会被用装满门把的枕头套揍。 +I think it was really nice this year that the BBC helped commission the Loaf and Death film and put it on primetime BBC.,我想今年是非常好的一年,BBC帮助委托制作《面包房生死对决》并且将其放在了BBC黄金档播出。 +One of the most common reasons for dryness is simply the normal aging process.,引起干眼症的原因很多,其中最普遍的一个是正常的年龄增长。 +"This method was used on the Maogang River Bridge construction, resulting in a final deflection differing by 2cm from the design value.",泖港大桥应用此法进行控制,其最终挠度与设计值仅差2厘米。 +"Au ores are generally enriched in the edges of abovementioned plates, intermediate-acid intrusive complex related to ore-forming resulted from anatectic granite magma.",金矿床多数产在主剪切带中,与成矿有关的中酸性侵入杂岩体多为深熔花岗岩浆产物,容矿构造往往为韧性剪切带或脆性构造破碎带内的片理化带。 +"""I'm used to it, "" he said. ""I guess once you're past 35, 36, it happens. I'll take my time as always.",“我早已习惯了”他说道“我猜一旦过了35岁或者36岁,这事就会发生,这次我仍然要好好思考一番。” +"He also embroidered roses on a pair of leather motorcycle chaps, for a bride having a drive-through biker wedding in Vegas on Halloween.",他还绣上了一双皮摩托车章玫瑰,对于一个有新娘驾车通过骑车人在拉斯维加斯举行婚礼万圣节。 +The test result shows that load running-in can quicken the running-in speed and reduce the running-in time.,测试结果表明合理的负载磨合能够加快磨合速度并提高磨合质量。 +My visit to Indonesia is a journey for deeper understanding and friendship. It is also aimed at planning for the future and enhancing our cooperation.,我这次访问印尼,既是加深了解、增进友谊之旅,也 是规划未来、深化合作之旅。 +"Instead, the Middle Kingdom of today is a realist power, concerned with regime survival, territorial integrity, and protecting access to resources and markets.",相反,中土王国如今是一个现实主义大国,关注政权维系、领土完整,以及保护其获得资源和市场的通道。 +The 1-3 structure order composite piezoelectric material with fine structure can be used in high frequency medical ultrasound imaging technique.,具有微细结构的1-3型有序复合压电材料可用于高频医疗 超声成像技术。 +"The author thinks, our country should start the synchronization"" both there and in the grand strategy.""",笔者以为,当今我国应该同步展开“既攘外又安内”的大谋略。 +Some experts are calling for more attention on the traditional character typeface especially Kaishu and the Woodblockprint typeface.,有识之士呼吁应重视传统字体,尤其楷书书法及雕版印刷字体。 +"There was a well known saying in ancient Rome, ""Every slave is an enemy we harbor.""",古罗马有一句著名的俗谚“每一名奴隶都是我们收养的敌人”。 +"The second one is the case study. In this section, the author choose some typical region such as Yangzhou, Chuzhou, Bozhou, Sizhou to give a in-depth analysis.",分论为个案研究,文章选择淮南东路地区富有代表性的扬州、滁州、亳州、泗州四个地区进行个案分析。 +"The Guardian content API includes not only articles but videos, galleries and other content.",卫报内容API不仅包括文章,还包括视频、图片及其他内容。 +But Murray has made a habit of immediately recovering breaks during the fortnight in Melbourne and he did so once again.,但穆雷在墨尔本的这两周比赛中养成了迅速恢复破坏力的习惯,并且他再次做到了。 +He introduces each episode while a team of experts travel the globe to delve deeper into various innovations.,在每一集中,霍金都会进行简要的介绍,随后一组相关领域的专家组成的小组将飞赴世界各地更加深入地为观众讲解这些最先进的科学进展。 +"A wolf was almost dead because of hunger. A house-dog saw him, and asked, ""Friend, your irregular life will soon ruin you. Why don't you work steadily as I do, and get your food regularly?""",一只狼快要饿死了,一只狗看见后问他:“你现在无规律的生活一定会毁掉你,为什么不像我一样稳定地干活并有规律地获得食物呢?。 +"These are the families of the Simeonites, twenty and two thousand and two hundred.",这就是西缅的各族,共有二万二千二百名。 +"At present, the following four foods are available for consumption: brownies, chocolate ice cream, cola, and pineapple cheesecake.",现在有 4 种食品可以选择:巧克力松糕、巧克力冰激凌、可乐和菠萝芝士蛋糕。 +"Truck successfully entered the garrison brigade warehouse, only have been defending team surrounded by Lin Wu Yang and puma had to detonate a bomb.",卡车成功进入了卫戍大队的仓库,不料却已被卫戍大队包围起来,林午阳和彪子只好引爆了炸弹。 +The overlapped area is shown in yellow with black slant lines.,交叠区域用黄色带黑色斜线来显示。 +"Nevirapine — the cheaper of the two drugs — was found to be less effective in patients with existing TB, with higher HIV loads in their blood than those on efavirenz.",奈韦拉平比依法韦伦更廉价,科学家发现它对已经患有结核病的患者的效果更低,服用奈韦拉平的患者血液中的艾滋病病毒载量比服用依法韦伦的患者更高。 +I passed my time in idleness.,我的时间闲混过去了。 +The passenger ship was two hours late.,客船误点两小时。 +Jon: Liz thinks I should put you on low-calorie cat food.,乔恩:莉芝说我应该给你买点低热量的猫粮。 +It could be that government spending is a weak lever to counter economic cycles.,这或许是因为政府支出是对抗经济周期的一根无力杠杆。 +Ann: Do you know who is Sister Feny?,你知道谁是凤姐吗? +Conclusion:Supersound extraction is the better method.,结论:超声提取是较好的提取方法。 +Music Express is an annual event organised by the NTU Chinese Society Singing Group.,《飞乐时空》是一项一年一度由南大中文学会所主办的国际词曲创作比赛。 +"The sequence of reduction and fixation of ankle fractures was firstly posterior malleolus, then medial malleolus and lateral malleolus, and inferior tibiofibular syndesmosis lastly.",骨折复位固定顺序为后踝、内踝、外踝和下胫腓联合。 +"It entails isolating carbon dioxide wherever it is produced in large quantities, such as the smokestacks of coal-fired power plants, compressing it and pumping it underground.",这一技术要求在产生大量二氧化碳排放的地方,如一家燃煤电厂的烟囱,将二氧化碳隔离、压缩,然后抽到地下。 +"Exposed a weekly ""Y actor HIV Supremacy"" for a number of articles note, triggering a round of lively guessing game.",某周刊曝出“Y男星艾滋疑云”,作注若干条,引发了一轮热烈的猜谜游戏。 +"Nowadays, the island has put an end to the history of ""no water, no electricity and no voice"".",如今,小岛甩掉了“无水、无电、无声”的“三无”帽子。 +"His voice broke my thoughts, rich and throaty and sensual, the first voice that had spoken to me all weekend.",他的声音打断了我的思忖,这是整整一周以来我听到的第一声问候,他的声音醇厚,略带点嘶哑的性感。 +"All works shall be original and innovative works created after 2005, and shall not win any prize in any other contest;",所有参赛作品应为2005年之后创作的原创新作品,并未在其他任何的比赛中获奖; +"Each year, an ant nest sends out winged, young queens on mating flights. Hundreds of them may fly out of a single nest in the soil.",每年,每一个蚁巢都会送出带翅膀的、年轻的蚁后进行交配飞行。上百个这样的蚁后有可能从土中的同一个蚁巢飞出。 +"From founding to nowadays, the ""Introduction of Dialectics of Nature"" has shown great vitality for its implication of the spirit of innovation.",“自然辩证法概论”从其创立到今天,之所以表现出强大的生命力,就在于其蕴涵的创新精神。 +Being able to add pre- and post-processing across multiple servlets enabled the addition of powerful functionality across application components.,在多个 servlet 中加入预处理和后期处理技术会使得在应用程序组件中能够加入强大的功能。 +"It has high value of practical engineering application with the advantages of simple circuit design, high sensitivity and wide frequency range.",电路设计简炼,灵敏度高,频率范围宽,具有较高的工程应用价值。 +"In 1999, the Association des Maires de France ordered a national survey to find the new model for the bust of Marianne, the allegorical symbol of the French Republic.",在1999年,法国协会市长下令,为找到新的玛丽安的模特儿——法兰西共和国的寓意象征——展开的全国性调查。 +"Suzie King, 56, a counsellor from Cambridge, has been celibate for six years and runs the dating website Platonic Partners",Suzie King(苏姗.金),56岁,剑桥大学的顾问,无性已经六年,现经营一家交友网站Platonic Partners(柏拉图交友网) +The important parts of the thesis are the design of hydraulic feeds system and PLC control system.,本文设计的重点在于进给系统液压缸的设计和PLC控制系统的设计。 +"t1 Yeah, and so, when I plug in t1, I get the point where I am at time t1.",当然,当我代入,可以得到t1时刻的点。 +We would be well served by more reliable warnings of solar and geomagnetic storms.,更可靠的太阳风暴和地磁暴预警,对我们会有所助益。 +I love the anticipation of climbing the hill…. just that clicking noise as your car slowly moves its way up the hill.,我喜欢过山车开始时慢慢往上爬的那个充满期待的感觉,特别是当它发出的那个喀喀声响时。 +Dr Nakatani also participated actively in many international health initiatives.,Nakatani 博士还积极参与了许多国际卫生行动。 +The second problem of strategy in guerrilla warfare is its co-ordination with regular warfare.,这样,游击战的战略作用就有两方面:一是辅助正规战,一是把自己也变为正规战。 +Objects of sheerest beauty they have been called .,它们被叫做美丽的最薄的物质。 +"It's all right, Mother, I promise. You will never forgive yourself if you if you miss this experience.",没事的,妈妈。我保证。如果你错失这次良机会追悔莫及的。 +"Donors should fund the facilities needed to improve the conditions for research, as well as funding individual studies, says Berit Olsson.",Berit Olsson说,捐助者在资助个人研究的同时也应该资助需要改善科研环境的机构。 +"It has instead become a game-changing hit -- selling over 5 million units and owning, as of the last quarter of 2010, over 72 percent of the country's rapidly expanding smartphone market.",然而,它却取得了一场改变令整个行业面貌为之一换的巨大成功----销量超过5百万台,到2010年最后一个季度为止,占据了该国急速增长的智能手机市场超过72%的份额。 +"The research demonstrates that modular design based on CAN bus, as well as programmable I / O interface, which bring favorable openness and exchangeability to the system.",研究结果表明:基于CAN总线的模块化设计,实现可编程I/O接口,系统具有良好的开放性和互换性。 +"Of children under HIV care, 33% were aged 0–4 years; 25%, 5–9 years; 25%, 10–14 years; and 17%, 15–19 years.",在接受艾滋病护理的儿童中,0-4岁的占33%,5-9岁的占25%,10-14岁的占25%,15-19岁的占17%。 +That's for Earth-like planets orbiting sun-like stars.,这个计划针对类似地球的绕着“太阳”转的行星。 +Objective To investigate the value of 3-dimensional (3D) reconstruction with 8-slice spiral CT in the diagnosis of middle and late stages of colonic neoplasm.,目的探讨8层螺旋CT三维重建在中晚期结直肠癌诊断中的应用价值。 +The theoretical analysis and experimental results show that the proposed method is well-balanced in dealing with the contradiction between data privacy preserving and efficient query processing.,理论分析和实验结果表明,该方法可实现非可信数据库服务器的外包,并能较好地平衡数据查询性能和隐私保护之间的矛盾。 +"After the statutory-required assurance of effectiveness of ICFR of public companies by CEO and CFO, the costs of compliance have increased drastically.",随着上市公司财务报告的内部控制必须由首席执行官、首席财务官来保证其有效性的规定出台以来,相关的合规成本也是水涨船高。 +After the mouse click by the lower right button to select the direction of the dishes asked dash of the tilting to the direction of rolling for the dash.,鼠标点选开始后,按右下角的方向键选择托蛋蛋的盘子的倾斜方向来让蛋蛋滚动。 +"When older generations need to be collected, there is a major collection that is often much slower because it involves all living objects.",当需要对较老的一代进行垃圾收集时,会有一次较大的收集,因为涉及到所有存活对象,所以这次收集通常比较慢。 +"""In fact, President Obama's so upset that he changed his slogan from, 'Yes we can' to 'oh no you don't!'"" --Jay Leno",“事实上,奥巴马总统非常不满,以致他改变了他的口号,从原来的<是的,我们可以>改为<噢,你们不可以!>” -杰 +"The animals were the subjects of celebrations, rituals, and art.",这些动物是庆祝、��式和艺术的主题。 +Shirley: It's hard to believe that you like it.,雪莉: 真难以相信你会喜欢。 +Approporiate parameters are very crucial to support vector machines (SVM) learning results and generalization ability.,支持向量机(SVM)的参数取值决定了其学习性能和泛化能力。 +"To welcome the first day of Tzu Chi's 43rd year, volunteers in 13 countries, 62 locations worked together to display the beauty of religion.",为了开启43周年的第一天,全球13个国家、62个点的慈济人,一起展现宗教之美。 +"Static, dynamic characteristics and stability of the innovated governor meet national standards, and its reliability is also greatly improved.",改造后的调速系统静特性、动特性、稳定性等特性参数均满足或优于国标要求,可靠性也有很大提高。 +"So using interpretation technique ofsatellite thermal anomaly, we can quickly catch thermal infrared anomaly signal in largescale ahead of earthquake.",因此应用卫星热红外异常判别技术,可以在宏观尺度上,快速捕获震前热红外异常信息。 +"When you are done, click the Create Button. Now when you enter Play Mode, you will see your character go limp as a ragdoll.",当你完成以后,点击创建按钮,然后进入播放模式,你就会看到你的角色想一个布娃娃一样动了。 +"Yeah. -We don't know how to do that, though. But we did meet up with a successful restaurateur , I love her name - Donatella Arpaia…",是。-我们不知道如何那样做,当然。但我们遇到一名成功的餐馆老板,我喜欢她的名字–多娜蒂拉•阿帕亚… +"At present, Guangxi oil paintings on the natural resourses'usage are showing an unprecedented level, while on the usage of humane are getting shrinking and even to the edge of dying out.",时下,广西油画对自然资源的利用表现出前所未有的强势,而对人文资源的利用正处于集体萎缩的状态,甚至到了失语的边缘。 +Please wait outside consulting room.,请在诊室外候诊。 +There are anastomoses among vertebral and occipital arteries and the pharyngeal branch of ascending pharyngeal artery.,椎动脉与枕动脉和咽升动脉的咽支,颅内的脑动脉之间也存在着吻合。 +The main abrasion factors of drill holes for filling are analyzed and AHP quantitative method is adopted for Jinchuan Company's case.,分析了充填钻孔的主要磨损因素,引入层次定量化分析方法,对金川公司充填钻孔磨损因素进行了定量化分析。 +A non-steady model of propellant droplet evaporation in inert gas has been developed. The model equations have been solved by numerical method with full implicit central scheme.,针对推进剂液滴在惰性气体中的蒸发过程建立了非定常物理模型,并应用全隐差分格式离散模型方程进行数值求解。 +"In this paper, non axisymmetric buckling of finite elastic cylindrical shell, which is impacted on the end by axial step loads, is discussed with the aid of the stress wave propagating and reflecting.",本文讨论弹性有限长圆柱壳端部受冲击载荷作用,在轴向应力波传播和反射过程中的非对称动态屈曲问题。通过建立和求解扰动方程得到了动态屈曲的分叉条件,临界载荷和屈曲模态。 +"When standing the top of the mountain, looking down the market and all under control: The game is over!",站在高山之颠俯看市场,一切尽在掌握。游戏结束了! +Objective To investigate the immunofluorescent and immunoblotting features of paraneoplastic pemphigus(PNP).,目的研究副肿瘤性天疱疮患者的免疫学特点。 +Many fear boredom – even the faintest whiff of boredom sends them right back to the game.,很多人害怕无聊——即使最微弱的无聊感也会让他们立刻回到那个游戏中。 +"Private-equity firm Ripplewood Holdings, which led a $1.6 billion buyout of Reader's Digest in 2007, will give up its stake, the company said.",私募股权公司Ripplewood Holdings于2007年主导了以16亿美元收购《读者文摘》的行动,该公司称将放弃其股权。 +The thickness of madeline's letter proved deceptive .,梅德琳的厚信原来是骗人的。 +"In some people's opinion, since the Center Government has clearly put hospitals in the tertiary industry, their reform should be market-oriented.",有人认为中央已明确提出医院属于第三产业,因此,医院改革就应实行市场化取向。 +Here is your ideal home.,这您是你理想的家。 +This makes them incomparable with the data gathered by UIS and other global bodies. [4],这让它们与UIS以及其他全球机构收集的数据无法兼容。 +"Unemployed and short on cash, Jerry Leonhardt pulled into a recycling center in Los Angeles, his white Chevy pickup packed with used cardboard boxes salvaged from behind supermarkets and mini-malls.",杰里·伦哈特因为失业而缺钱。他给洛杉矶县的一个废品回收站收集废品。他的白色雪佛兰皮卡装满了他从超市和小���购物商场收来的旧的硬纸板盒。 +Ano ther hallmark of the Bernanke style is straightforwardness – something that confuses the market almost as much as the more cryptic remarks of Mr Greenspan.,伯南克风格的另一个特点是坦率。这点对市场造成的迷惑,几乎与格林斯潘更为晦涩的措辞相当。 +Raisiny: Having the taste of raisins from ultra-ripe or overripe grapes. Can be pleasant in small doses in some wines.,葡萄干(味)的:从超熟或过熟的葡萄里得到的葡萄干的味道。在一些葡萄酒中少量的葡萄干味是令人愉快的。 +"I love Orlando and I love the people here, I have a beautiful home here. my son in Orlando, I want to watch him grow up here.",我爱奥兰多, 我爱这里的人,我在这里有美丽的家。 我儿子在奥兰多,我希望能在这里看着他长大。 +"But in my prosperity, someone never lost his and her memory and call me to sing the K. We drunk, and we felt merriness .",但是,在我国的繁荣,有人从未失去了和她的记忆,并打电话给我唱光我们喝醉了,我们觉得愉快。 +The key is dissemination of information about how innovation happens.,广为传播如何实现创新的信息也是关键。 +Helmer says problems caused by climate change will not go away and must be addressed.,海默尔还说,气候变化带来的问题不会减少,这必须着手解决。 +"I am, as you may have noticed, an Apple geek.",我,可能你已经注意到了,是苹果公司的一个怪胎。 +Objective: To investigate the effects of bone marrow stem cell mobilization on grafted vein bridge prognosis and intima proliferation of anastomosis.,目的:研究骨髓干细胞动员对移植静脉桥近期通畅率及吻合口内膜增生的影响。 +"The city will not wait for the Supreme Court ruling, which could take as long as a year, Mr. Ebrard added.",他补充说,墨西哥城不会等最高院的裁判,因为那可能会耗上一整年的时间。 +"Mutexes are necessary tools for threaded programs, but they can't do everything.",互斥对象是线程程序必需的工具,但它们并非万能的。 +"Like Wang, who was born in Texas, most players on the U. S. national and junior teams are children of Chinese immigrants, according to USA Table Tennis.",据美国乒乓球协会(USA Table Tennis)提供的资料,美国国家队和美国国家少年队的大多数球员都像出生在得克萨斯(Texas)的蒂莫西·王那样是中国移民的后代。 +"Just as he had done at Bethel, Josiah removed and defiled all the shrines at the high places that the kings of Israel had built in the towns of Samaria that had provoked the Lord to anger.",从前以色列诸王在撒玛利亚的城邑建筑丘坛的殿,惹动耶和华的怒气,现在约西亚都废去了,就如他在伯特利所行的一般。 +"We want to buy Coconut Shell, Coconut Chip, Plastik, Iron, Salt Water Fish, Agriculture Coconut Shell Products.",我们要采购椰子贝壳,椰子薄片,铁,盐水鱼,农业椰子壳产品。 +There is an integrated system of witchery and ghost world in Luxun's works.,鲁迅作品中的巫鬼世界是一个完整的系统。 +Most ecological type of phytoplankton in the survey area is tropic or warm oceanic species.,调查区浮游植物生态类型大多为热带和暖海外洋性种。 +"Shanghai wishdoor electric Co. , LTD. Was established in 1995, specializing in the production of high marks, broken small circuit breaker leakage circuit breaker etc series products.",上海希门电气有限公司成立于1995年,专业生产高分断小型断路器,漏电断路器等系列产品。 +"Suddenly, the device started to emit an accelerating beeping noise. Wells fidgeted.",突然,装置发出越来越急促的哔哔声,威尔士慌了。 +"The biggest problem is that the stimulus package, though vast, could mean that the funds he had anticipated using for healthcare and education might have to be cut back.",尽管一揽子刺激计划覆盖面广,但是这计划也意味着他所期待用于医保和教育的资金必将缩减,这正是最大的问题所在。 +This is Glamis Castle. It is often remembered for being the residence of King Macbeth and Queen Elizabeth in her childhood.,这座城堡之所以名闻遐迩,却是因为曾经的两位主人人——苏格兰国王麦克白与幼年时的伊丽莎白女王。 +"Affected by the low income and the local fluorines toxicosis, the fuel forest will play an important role in the energy structure of Pu'an County for a long time in the future.",受经济发展水千和地方性氟中毒的影响,今后相当长的时间内薪炭林在普安县农村能源结构中将占据重要地位。 +The horse gave a loud neigh.,马大声发出一声嘶鸣。 +"Geography Information Subsystem passed function test, non-function test. This explained this system satisfied the request of client.",系统通过功能性测试,非功能性测试满足了当时与客户进行调研时预定的目标。 +"Legend has it that a slave standing next to him would hold a golden laurel above his head and whisper into his ear, ""Remember you are mortal.""",传说,仪式还包括一名奴隶给指挥官戴上金色桂冠,并在其耳边细语道:“记住你只是一个终归要死的凡人。” +"Mr. Gbagbo is refusing to step down, despite intense pressure from African and Western countries that have recognized his rival, Alassane Ouattara, as the winner of last month's presidential election.",虽然巴博受到来自非洲和西方国家的强大压力,但他拒绝下台。 非洲和西方国家已承认巴博的对手瓦塔拉是上个月总统选举的获胜者。 +"Frozen power lines hang with Mount Krivan (2494 m) in the background on December 5, 2010 near Liptovksy Mikulas in Slovakia.",2010年12月5号在斯洛伐克附近的Liptovksy Mikulas,被冻结的电线像挂在了Krivan 山成为了背景一部分。 +Photos show the Mr. Amado Benoit (Right 4) taking the medal and pictured with hotel management staffs.,图为上海虹桥美爵酒店总经理阿莫多先生(右4)与酒店管理层手持奖章合影留念。 +"Interestingly, a third of these highly active users only signed up for Twitter this year. About 72.5% of all of Twitter's users only signed up this year.",有趣的是,这些异常活跃的用户中有三分之一是在今年注册的,Twitter所有用户中今年注册的人约占72.5%。 +Conclusion Pterygium transplantation is a easy-taking surgery method which has litle injury.,结论翼状胬肉转移术创伤小,易操作。 +Under the condition that the error terms are i. i. d. the asymptotic behaviors of the conditional solution and unconditional solution of CARR model are investigated in this paper.,在误差项独立同分布的条件下,本文讨论了条件自回归极差模型条件解和无条件解的渐近性质。 +The scale of marketing networks and service systems of Roland have taken shape in Mainland China.,罗兰的营销网络、服务体系在中国大陆已初具规模,在各大中城市设立了专卖店。 +All the animals are gathered in the forest. There is going to be a dance contest to pick the king.,一天森林里所有的动物都聚集在一起。他们想通过一场跳舞比赛来挑选‘森林之王’。 +"His noodles permits pure handsome, Wen Run is like jade, time smile eyebrow eye profoundly of, is the all the warmest flavor.",他面容清俊,温润如玉,笑起来的时候眉眼透出的,都是极温暖的味道。 +How can I know?,我怎么会知道呢? +Experience in CMT and control cost advantage.,在CMT 和控制费用好处的经验。 +Some other reasons prevented the Parliament of Xinjiang Province from giving full play to its function of representative system.,新疆省议会远没有发挥它代议制的功能,也有其多方面的原因。 +A plan of using electrostatic precipitator to achieve air purification is proposed to solve the problem of filtration of tobacco air conditioning system.,本文针对烟厂通风空调系统过滤难的问题,提出采用静电集尘器方案实现空气净化。 +She didn't know why but she listened to him after all-- he was Gandhi.,"她不明白为什么但还是听了他的话-,因为他是甘地。" +Cutover is a process of upgrading a products or rather software from release to release.,转换是将产品或更确切地说是将软件从一个版本升级到另一个版本的过程。 +"Drilling and learning by rote were replaced by the German method of lecturing , in which the professor's own research was presented in class.",德国式的讲演教育方式取代了死记硬背的训练学习方法,课堂上教授可以讲解自己的研究内容。 +"A line from a Chinese poem reads, ""A mountain, when viewed in face, may looklike a range; when viewed from the side, it may look like a peak.""",中国有古诗说,“横看成岭侧成峰”,说的是看一座山,从不同侧面会有不同印象。 +"January 24,1924: Petrograd, formerly Saint Petersburg, Russia, is renamed Leningrad.",1924年1月24日: 苏联的圣彼得堡改名为列宁格勒。 +"This study emphasized on processes of TNTP development. The whole development history could be separated into 3 stages- planning stage, implement stage which included 3 phases, and TNTP stage.",本研究以内湖科技园区发展过程为研究对象,分为规划时期、内湖第六期重划区(轻工业)时期、内湖科技园区时期等三个阶段。 +There are Rightists in every city and they want to topple us.,每一个城市都有一些右派,这些右派是要打倒我们的。 +"This might seem weird to you, but the last one is actually the fastest operation.",也许这看起来很奇怪,但事实上最后一条的运行速度是最快的。 +This exercise is thought to help increase inter-hemispheric communication.,这个运动是为了加强他们两脑半球的交流。 +"Below the ceiling, the functional aspects of a dining space are fabricated with warm woods and relaminated bamboo amplifying the striping affect already at play throughout the space.",天花板下,晚餐空间用暖木和经层压的竹板构成,以放大其条状效果,使得建筑的景观浑然一体,赏心悦目。 +"I would like to talk about each section, Bob. I wonder, have you really read it?",我愿意跟你讨论任意一段,鲍勃,你真的读过吗? +"""We are really in a much more difficult stage of the recovery right now,"" Michala Marcussen, head of global economics at Societe Generale, said at a briefing with Reuters journalists.","""我们确实来到了复苏中较为困难的阶段,""法国兴业的全球经济部门主管Michala Marcussen在与路透的简报会中称." +"As the sin offering is, so is the trespass offering: there is one law for them: the priest that maketh atonement therewith shall have it.",赎罪祭怎样,赎愆祭也是怎样,两个祭是一个条例。献赎愆祭赎罪的祭司要得这祭物。 +Then he went to where the sewerage began and sawed an opening.,接着他来到排水系统开始的地方, 锯开了一个口子。 +"Now, add the ghost of the Maracanazo.",现在,再加上马拉卡纳之耻。 +"In this eye, diabetes has caused tiny hemorrhages in the retina and yellowish deposits of blood fats (lipids).",图上这只眼睛中,糖尿病已经引发视网膜微量的出血,以及黄色血脂的沉积。 +The service quality of the general affairs office in the project for the disposition of documents and records had 24 indicators.,壹、本研究之总务处服务品质指标,在文书及档案处理项目共发展出24项指标。 +What do you think he will do with the old computer?,你觉得他会如何处理那台旧电脑? +Why don't you just say it.,敷衍了事太傻了,你为什么就不说出来? +There was a little market selling incense and prayer mats outside.,那里有一个小市场在卖熏香以及拜佛的席子。 +The kinetic study indicates that these structures are more kinetically reachable.,动力学研究显示这些结构是动力学更容易达到的。 +"Despite its downtown location, the Rialto Movie Theater, a local institution for five decades, must make big changes or close its doors forever.",144尽管已成立50余年的当地机构Rialto剧院地处闹市,它必须采取重大变革,否则就将面临永久停业。 +"We both had vicious tempers and our relationship was orchestrated by the sound of yells, banging doors and slammed-down phones. For several years we didn't speak at all.",我母亲和我吵了很多年,我们的脾气都不怎么好,我们的关系就在不断的相互咆哮,摔门,摔电话中度过,好几年,我们彼此都没说话。 +A friend who comes to help in times of need is a true friend.,一个在患难中拔刀相助的朋友,是位真实的朋友。 +"But you see, people will only judge you by your looks, or your clothes, and you are judging yourself by the same false standars.",不过你也清楚,人们只是看你的长相,你的穿着来评判你。你也在用同样虚假的标准来评判着自己。 +These results may have meaningful implications for improving the performance of GCM to simulate the climate in East Asia.,此结果对改进气候模式对东亚气候模拟能力有重要意义。 +"Many consumers also fail to realize that the same drug can pop up in multiple, and ery different, OTC products.",很多消费者没有意识到,同一种药物会出现多种完全不同的非处方药成分。 +"After victory over Empoli yesterday, Blasi said: ""I am a player on-loan, but my will is to stay in Florence.""",在昨天与恩波利的比赛取得胜利后,布拉西说道:“我是被租借而来的,但我希望能够一直呆在这里。” +A:Do you use dental floss every day?,你每天都用牙线吗? +"As we all know, almost eight out of ten high school students are near-sighted .",我们都知道,几乎十个中学生中就有八个是近视眼。 +"Pearls , precious stones and metals , imitation jewellery , and coins.",珍珠、宝石、贵金属及其制品;仿首饰;铸币。 +"The paper completes the work such as image preprocessing, image browsing, image acquisition and conservation, database of the wireless-endoscope image-work-station etc.",论文进行了无线内窥镜的影像工作站的图像预处理、图像浏览、图像捕捉与保存、数据库的建立等工作。 +The micro-encapsulated fish-liver oil was prepared and embed with microporous starch as supporter and zein as wall layer and oleic acid as plasticizer.,以微孔淀粉为载体,玉米醇溶蛋白为壁材,油酸为增塑剂,制备鱼肝油微粉。 +"In 1998, ETSI publicized TETRA protocal, which is a standard of digital trunked radio communication system.",TETRA协议是欧洲电信标准协会(ETSI)1998年公布的一种数字集群通信系统标准。 +"H. -S. person is always best to use less colored, eat hot food, a small kitchen!",火盛之人则最好往常少用五色,吃火辣食物,少进厨房! +"In the research of criminal law, the topic of joint crime is a controversial one.",在刑法研究领域,共同犯罪永远是个经久不衰的话题。 +"WHEN people took to the streets of Tunis, France offered to help President Zine el-Abidine Ben Ali’s security forces.",当人们走上突尼斯街头时,法国为总统扎因 阿比丁 本 阿里的安全部队提供了协助。 +"Although shareholders are lured by such short-term savings, there is little evidence to show that mergers and acquisitions actually add long-term value to company performance.",虽然股东都经不起这种短期节约开支的诱惑,可是没有证据剖明并购现实橄滠晋升公司持久的业绩。 +"The design of the drugs packing must be paid attention to the foundation of its external appearance beautification, even to pay attention to the safety?usefulness?health of the drugs packing.",药品包装的设计在注重其外观美化的基础上,更要注重药品包装的安全性、有效性、卫生性,及使用说明文字的清晰、醒目、到位。 +"Think of a closure as a code block that you can use as an argument, with special scoping rules.",闭包可被视作一个遵循特别作用域规则且可以用作参数的代码块。 +"But Paul Sullivan, a National Defense University professor who has spent years in Egypt, says it is huge, probably accounting for 10% to 15% of Egypt's $210 billion economy.",但保罗沙利文一国防大学教授谁花了几年在埃及说,它是巨大的,可能是10%至15埃及二千一百点零零亿美元%的经济核算。 +The working principle of multi - depth deepsea microplankton sampler is introduced. The control system is composed of portable input device and main controller.,介绍了多深度深海浮游微生物浓缩取样器的工作原理,确定了由便携式输入装置和主控制器构成的控制系统结构。 +"Believe Him to be the Son of God, born of a Virgin, living sinlessly, laboring peerlessly.",相信他是上帝的儿子,由一个处女所生,他清白地生活,却承受着无与伦比的痛苦。 +"In this paper, we explain the concept of electronic lock and search for its history in brief.",本文给出电子锁的概念,探讨了电子锁的发展简史。 +Variable speed mill head.,变速铣头。 +Objective: To study the genetic characteristics and genetic variation of the nonstructural protein NSP4 of Human rotavirus strains.,目的:初步了解重症腹泻轮状病毒株NSP4基因特征及变异情况。 +Frank Perman says phone calls to the dead aren’t that uncommon.,"弗兰克·珀曼说,给死去的人打电话并不算稀奇。" +You don't want--you know that you'd like to take money away from yourself in the high-outcome years and give it to yourself in the low-income years.,"你不想...你知道,你想在高收入的年份中,拿出一点钱,给你自己低收入的年份" +"But, we still have problems in RAD 6. For example, some error messages show up in the JSP fragment files.",但 RAD 6 仍然有些问题。 例如,在 JSP 片段文件中就出现了一些错误消息。 +Separate the benzene layer with a separatory funnel.,用分液漏斗分出苯层。 +The mechanical drafting staff must be possessed with the ability of applying the expression methods comprehensively.,机械类制图人员必须具备综合应用表达方法的能力。 +"These may include information asymmetries, the presence of negative or positive externalities, transaction costs, price discrimination and others.",这些可能包括信息不对称,负或正外部性存在,交易成本,价格歧视以及其它。 +Cultural relics that are found mixed with commodities purchased shall be sorted out and handed over to the cultural relics department in good time.,炼铜、造纸和废品收购等部门,不要把文物当废品处理,应当配合文物部门进行拣选。 +Thimbles: an aid to efficient hand sewing.,顶针 :有助于提高手缝效率。 +"""UNHCR is encouraged by the safe arrival and return of the first U.N. convoy of supplies to this dangerous region of Pakistan where curfews and general insecurity hamper relief efforts,"" Redmond said.",Redmond称,第一批进入该地区运送补给品的联合国车队已安全返回,这对难民署是一大鼓舞,因安全问题常令当地的救援工作受到阻碍。 +"The Muthas' son Sidaarrth, now 26 years old, was married in a dazzling display in Macau last year.",穆萨匹俦的儿子斯达尔斯今年26岁,他上年在澳门举行了极其奢华的结婚仪式。 +"The first pull-down resistance unit supplies a ground voltage to a first node, thereby determining an initial pull-down code.",所述第一下拉电阻单元向第一节 点提供地电压,由此确定初始下拉码。 +"Switchingdisciplines canbe a tonic, but complete withdrawal fromthefray must be avoided if you are to make progress.",转行可能会让你振作起来,但如果你希望取得成绩,就必须避免完全退出竞争。 +But the idea of 'farm labourers first' is yet to emerge as a priority for any political party or scientific community.,但是“农业劳动者优���”的观念尚未成为任何政党或者科学界的优先事项。 +"In forecasting and control work, we also propose to put the stress on the explosive period of the young larva of the serious infectious generation in (1)and(2)regions (first and second sub-regions)",研究认为四川稻区稻纵卷叶螟测报和防治的重点应放在重发区(一区和二区的1、2亚区)的主害代上。 +The play may begin at any momet.,游戏随时准备开始。 +This organization allows for very efficient rollout of data along dimension lines.,这种组织便于沿着维线非常有效地 rollout 数据。 +"The principle of DSP chip TMS320LF2407 is introduced, and a multi-joint servo controller based on CAN bus is presented.",介绍了DSP芯片TMS320LF2407的原理,开发了基于CAN总线的多关节伺服控制器。 +"Choosing suitable scouring enzyme, the combined cold pad-batch in low alkali and enzyme-H_2O_2 steaming process were practiced.",选择合适的煮练酶进行了低碱冷堆-酶氧汽蒸的工艺实践。 +You can imagine that there are many requirements that a device like this has to meet in order for it to be a good artificial hip and we'll talk about those and how the design of these has changed over the years and what we can expect in the future.,"你可以想象,这种装置对技术要求极高,这样它才能成为,一个好的人工髋关节,我们会讲到这些,以及这些年来这项技术的设计有哪些改进,在未来会有怎样的创新" +"If you cannot travel, seek out people with whom you disagree, and read a newspaper belonging to a party that is not yours.",我发现,这大大有助于消弥井蛙之见。如果你无法远行,那就找—些与你意见相左的人,读一读不属于你们党派的报纸。 +This little beautiful looking Marbled Cone snail can be as deadly as any other animal on this list.,这只有着漂亮大理石外壳的锥形蜗牛,像这里提到的动物一样,也是致命的。 +She seems to have inexhaustible energy.; She's a live wire.,她仿佛有使不完的劲。 +Standard & Poor's projects slightly higher revenue growth -- 23% in 2011 and 19% in 2012 -- and an improvement in operating margins in 2012 after a dip in 2011.,标准普尔对它回报增长的预期稍高——2011年为23%,2012年为19%——而在2011年的下降之后,2012年的营业毛利会有改进。 +"Donors must put their money on the table, and give WFP maximum flexibility – with a minimum of earmarking – to target the most urgent needs.",捐助国必须把钱搁到桌上来,给予世界粮食计划署最大的灵活性-尽量减少指定用途-以针对最急迫的需求。 +"Normally, a DOM implementation must verify the correctness of operations and throw an exception if an application passes the wrong parameters or performs an illegal operation.",一般情况下,DOM 实现必须检验操作的正确性,并在应用程序传递错误参数或者执行非法操作时抛出异常。 +It's been labeled as the Folk Craft Exhibition Hall of Canton with various handicraft articles on display.,它现在被辟为广东省民间工艺馆,陈列着各种工艺品。 +Departments concerned may establish venture investment funds in the new and high technology industries development zones for the development of new and high technology products with greater risks.,有关部门可在高新技术产业开发区建立风险投资基金,用于风险较大的高新技术产品开发。 +"Modern paternity right, with modern characteristics, is wholly different from the paternity right in the history.",现代身份权完全区别于历史上的身份权,具有现代的特质。 +"'China is expected to acknowledge responsibility as a superpower, abide by international standards and play a more active and cooperative role toward regional and global issues, ' it added.",白皮书还说,中国应承担作为超级大国的责任,遵守国际准则,在地区和国际问题上发挥更积极合作的作用。 +"Jealous of his famous sibling, Sigerson teams up with a Scotland Yard detective (Feldman) to solve a case that Sherlock is apparently unable to crack.",格森嫉妒弟弟的名声,于是和苏格兰警察厅的警探(Feldman饰)搭伙,解决了一个夏洛克俨然无法解决的案子。 +"Physiological mature of bud is the base of grafting, and semi- lignify is considered as the index of walnut grafting at growing stage.",植物芽的生理成熟是对植物嫁接的基础,核桃生长期嫁接均采用半木质化为指标。 +A well - stocked first-aid kit can help you respond effectively to common injuries and emergencies.,一个好急救箱能帮你对普通损伤和紧急情况作出有效反应。 +"The project has been started by Red Hat, but they do not want to own the project, inviting other companies to join forces with them in creating an open cloud management solution.",该项目最初由 红帽(Red Hat)启动,但是他们希望放开该项目的所有权,所以邀请其他公司共同建立一个开放的云管理解决方案。 +Everday is not enough.,每一天都不够… +I doubt any scientist could have said that.,她说,“我怀疑任何科学家都会那么说。” +"People love for the child achieve unparalleled degree, close enough, not enough love, children born days began to embrace to embrace.",人们对孩子的爱达到了无与伦比的程度,亲不够,爱不够,孩子出生几天就开始抱来抱去。 +"The north Qinling is a complicated structural zone, forming an imbricated thrust napped structure overturning northward.",北秦岭为一复杂构造带,形成向北反转的叠瓦状逆冲推覆构造。 +"The domestic LCD enterprises can occupy more market share only after solving the problems of market, quality of products, R&D and management of enterprise.",国内LCD企业在解决了市场开发、产品质量、科研开发和企业管理等方面的问题后,应能占据更大的市场份额。 +"More sinisterly, the happiness view of the world has tendencies that are inherently anti-democratic.",从更阴暗的角度看,这个世界的幸福观具有内在的反民主倾向。 +"After hearing concerns of Ms. Navarro and others, WTO officials agreed to give members more say in drafting the report.",在听取了纳瓦罗和其他人的担忧后,WTO官员们同意在报告起草方面给予各成员国和地区更多话语权。 +"The pluckiest daibiaotuan are not deterred. They can be seen parked on the roadside opposite NATO, taking pictures of its flagpoles across six lanes of traffic.",他们把车停在北约总部对面的街道,在6个街区外拍北约旗杆。 +"Called low-carbon economy in the global context, China's real estate industry faces enormous challenges.",在全球呼吁低碳经济的背景下,我国的房地产行业面临着巨大的挑战。 +"Science and technology, health and other social undertakings, to promote co-ordination, social order and stability, and the people live and work in peace.",科技、卫生等社会事业协调推进,社会治安秩序稳定,人民安居乐业。 +The information provided by me in this application form for employment is true and correct. A false statement or dishonest answer to any question is sufficient for immediate termination.,本人在此申请书中所填写之一切资料均属实及正确,如有任何砌词诈报者,自愿接受立即解雇之处分,并无异议。 +"If there is any major disappointment, it is that local works paled in comparison with international productions.",如果说有什么很大遗憾,就是本地节目在国际作品中,相形见绌。 +"When we design this plan,we should look far ahead into the future.",在构思这个计划时我们应展望遥远的未来。 +"Seminal plasma zinc(Zn), copper(Cu), iron(Fe), manganese(Mn) and nickel(Ni) in 17 infertile and 21 fertile men were measured by atomic absorption spectrophotometry.",采用原子吸收分光光度法,测定17例不育及21例已育男子精浆锌、铜、铁、锰和镍含量。 +"In recent years, China has contributed to over 10% of the world economic growth, over 12% to international trade.",近年来,中国对世界经济增长的贡献率超过10%,对国际贸易增长的贡献率超过12%。 +"Gaishi Group , a joint-venture with investment in Canada , Japan and China , specializes in the processing , production , export and trade of edible mushrooms , wild herbs and agricultural products .",盖世集团是以食用菌、山野菜及其它农产品的加工、生产、出口和贸易为主的加、日、中三方投资企业。 +"At such a time that we are in pursuit of personality, we have been involved in the sea of new visual even we have no time to understand when there are too many art works to see.",在今天这样一个追求个性张扬,艺术语言趋于多元化的时代,人们每时每刻都为不断涌现的艺术作品而目不暇接,我们甚至还来不及理解就己被卷入了这个新视觉的海洋。 +"Kimmitt recognized the U.S. economy was going through a difficult time, and said the risks were still to the downside.","基米特承认,美国经济在经历困难时期.他表示,经济面临的风险仍偏向下档." +Streams of gas leaving the nebula are funneled by a strong magnetic field.,贯穿过星云的强大磁场,正迫使大量的气体飞离星云。 +These concepts and insights are within the context of governance for the exercise of portfolio management as an organizational process.,这些概念和观察处于针对作为组织过程的项目组合管理实行的治理环境中。 +This year is the first time TCCGW award the scholarship to its member's children. There are 15 award-winning students from different schools who awarded the TCCGW Scholarship.,大华府台湾商会今年也首度颁发优秀学生奖学金,以鼓励青年台商子弟努力向学,共有十五位来自不同学校学生获奖。 +"From Simla to Kashmir and a houseboat on the lakes, with curry-scented curtains and a wind-up gramophone.",从西姆拉到喀什米尔,一路上我们看到了湖上的船屋,拥有咖喱香味的窗帘以及上发条的留声机。 +"Endless ruin has overtaken the enemy, you have uprooted their cities; even the memory of them has perished .",敌国被灭尽,永远荒废;他们的城市你拔毁其根;他们令人怀念的遗迹也都灭没。 +"Tom Cruise and Katie Holms didn't take any cash for pictures of baby Suri in Vanity Fair, and Nicole Kidman recently declared she won't be doing any deal for photos of her daughter, Sunday Rose.",汤姆和凯特没有为他们的宝宝苏在各种杂志的照片收取任何费用。基德曼最近宣布,她不会拿她的女儿罗斯的照片做任何交易。 +"Based on above views, the transformation and character of the mechanism, institutional arrangement and organization structure of transborder economic cooperation have been discussed.",在此基础上,从区域和企业两个层次讨论了跨边界次区域经济合作的动因机制、制度安排和组织结构的演化过程及其特征。 +"I am currently the only authorized supplier of Zibo Alibaba - Letter Network Technology Co. , Ltd. Zibo days, Gemstar International Express Co. , Ltd. Zibo number of units such as legal counsel.",我现任阿里巴巴淄博唯一授权商-淄博天信网络科技有限公司、淄博骏升国际快递有限公司等多家单位法律顾问。 +We don't exclude the possibility of acquisitions if it strengthens our competitiveness.,我们不排除收购的可能性,只要这能加强我们的竞争力。 +"Temin, the crisis management executive, sees many such executives.",危机管理主管泰敏便曾经遇到过不少这样的高管。 +How to check failures of eletric-controlled system?,怎样检查电控系统故障?。 +Helen Keller lived in the USA.,海伦凯勒生活在美国。 +"Then discussed the structure of this imaging laser radar for airborne survey, and its ranging performance under shot-noise limited.",讨论了将该种雷达应用于机载探测时的系统总体结构和在散粒噪声受限时的测距性能。 +"The analysis of music compositions by Andong He in Anti-Japanese War mainly concentrated in the second, third and four chapters.",对何安东抗战时期音乐的分析研究主要集中在第二、三、四章。 +Are you from Xiamen?,你是厦门人吗? +This insures that all contacts involving the actor will use cone friction.,这确保所有接触包含的行为将使用锥形摩擦力。 +"On being introduced to someone, a British person often shakes hands.",当被介绍给别人时,英国人通常握手为礼。 +"The shipboard structures of general watercrafts, which are connected by common ribbings, are usually either single or double hull.",普通的船舶一般为单壳或双层壳,它们之间用普通肋骨连接。 +Mason yells at Jack for mishandling Elizabeth Nash.,梅森大声责怪杰克没有处理好伊丽莎白这个事件。 +ChapterThree are from the sincere feelings personality and flexible sentiment these three aspects to dig elegant the delight of prose.,第三章从感情的真挚、人格的高雅和灵动的情韵三大方面去挖掘苏雪林散文的情致美。 +"My whole being will exclaim, 'Who is like you, O Lord ? You rescue the poor from those too strong for them, the poor and needy from those who rob them.'",我的骨头都要说,耶和华阿,谁能象你救护困苦人,脱离那比他强壮的,救护困苦穷乏人,脱离那抢夺他的。 +"With additional copper from the new open pit mine, copper output would surpass current zinc production of 80,000-85,000 tonnes per year. (Reporting by James Regan; editing by Balazs Koranyi)","根据MMG目前的方针,Golden Grove在2010年从地下精矿中可望生产3.2万吨的铜.这再加上新露天开采的矿场所开采的铜,铜产出将超过目前的锌矿年产量8-8.5万吨.(完)" +"Underneath the piazza there would be an underground area for teenagers, such as facilities for skateboarding, graffiti and hip-hopping.",广场地下将设有年青人设施,包括滑板场、涂鸦墙及摇摆舞音乐表演场地。 +The soil aggregates stability is one of the important factors to analyze soil structure.,土壤团聚体稳定性是评价土壤结构和土壤物理形状的重要指标。 +Say no more !,别说,我全懂了! +"Responsible for the operation of system, central control room of the hotel's fire safety situation to conduct a comprehensive monitoring, timely report to the superior all kinds of information.",负责中控室各系统的操作,对酒店的安全消防情况进行全面的监控,及时的向上级报告各种信息。 +Young and old alike can be seen in parks enjoying this healthy outdoor recreation.,我们可以看见老老少少在公园里享受这个健康的户外娱乐。 +The City is now nervously awaiting the US reaction to the situation in Dubai.,迪拜市现在正焦急地等待着美国对迪拜状况的反应。 +"These are diseases that people with normal immune systems can also get, but with HIV they occur at a much higher rate.",这些疾病也可能发生在免疫���统正常的人身上,但HIV感染者的患病几率要高得多。 +"High-grade military university campus culture is an important indicator of a high level, is to cultivate high-quality basic guarantee for college students.",高品位的军工校园文化是高水平大学的重要标志,是培育高素质大学生的基本保证。 +Best evidence in evidence based medicine is the tacit knowledge in itself and farther evidence based medicine can be explained as a dissipative structure.,阐述了循证医学的理论核心——最佳证据实质是一种默会知识,并指出应当把最佳证据视为一种默会知识,循证医学就会形成一种耗散结构。 +"I'm out of numbers here, so now I can blindly write down the rest of these numbers.","这儿再没有数字了,所以我可以直接,将剩下的这些数字写下来。" +"He accepts entirely, or the laws force him to accept entirely, the covenant that every citizen has with the laws that binds them to absolute obedience.","他全盘接受,或说法律迫使他全盘接受,每位公民,与法律的约定,使他们束缚于绝对服从中。" +"In the meantime, Odom's shift to reserve status was not necessarily permanent.",与此同时,喇嘛在这个赛季不一定就是以第六人的身份出赛。 +"Now, we have every reason to be hopeful about what people can accomplish when they leverage communication networks and connection technologies to achieve progress.",我们完全有理由满怀希望:当人们充分利用信息网络和通讯技术时,他们将能取得巨大进步。 +Our Gross Domestic Product attained robust double-digit growth in the first half of the year.,上半年本地生产总值录得双位数字的强劲增长。 +May 26 is a four-star day if you are interviewing for a job.,如果你在找工作面试的话,5月26日将是个四星的日子。 +"After taking out almost $6,000 in loans to pay employment agency fees to work in Singapore, Ali was soon laid off when the economy soured and shipyard work dried up.","阿里贷款向劳工中介机构付了近6,000美元的中介费才在新加坡找了份工作,但随着经济恶化,造船业工作越来越难少,他很快就被炒了鱿鱼。" +"We are filthy rags, lower than dirt.",我们都是比灰尘还要渺小的东西。 +And haply may forget.,或许我早已遗忘。 +President-elect Barack Obama said he believes aid for the auto industry is needed but that it should be provided as part of a long-term plan — not simply as a blank check.,美国当选总统巴拉克?奥巴马说他相信对汽车行业的救助是必须的,但应以长期计划形式提供救助——而不仅仅是以空白支票的形式。 +He had a cold and his nose was bunged up …,我鼻子堵住了,一定是着凉了。 +It began in 1970 at Texas A and M University.,它在一九七零年始于德克萨斯州农工大学。 +"Above, a standard digital camera captured a particularly active and colorful auroral corona that occurred last week above Alberta, Canada.",上周于加拿大的亚伯大,透过标准数位相机记录到这张多彩多姿的冕型极光。 +"Through summarizing, analyzing and researching into the practice and experience, the paper shows some implication on how to make a new industrialization path for developing regions.",本文通过总结、分析、研究新余市发展循环经济的实践与经验,对于欠发达地区如何走新型工业化道路有一定的借鉴意义。 +"It's also making sure that the information available about you online is visible, available, and relevant - to where you are in your career and where you want to go next.",专业品牌也保证了你提供的在线信息是与你的职业生涯以及未来发展计划相关的。 +"Grad students are just the age, and just the sort of people, to start software startups.",大学生正处于合适的年纪,并且也正是软件业合适的创业人选。 +Drillers have combined old technologies into new methods of extracting this natural gas from the previously untapped soft rock layer a mile or more beneath the surface.,在原有的钻井技术中加入新方法后,天然气可以从离地表一英里甚至更深的未曾开发的柔软岩层中被开采出来。 +"OEM was a popular and effective production mode in the international market, but it was still rare in the biological pharmacy enterprises.",OEM是在国际市场十分流行并行之有效的生产方式,但在生物制药企业中还不多见。 +These facts compel us to act along with our friends and allies.,这些事实迫使我们与我们的友邦和盟国共同行动。 +"Start with the old-fashioned ones -- badminton, shuffleboard, horseshoes, Wiffle ball, or bocce.",从老一点的活动来看,有羽毛球、推圆盘、扔马蹄铁、魔球(威浮球)或者室外的滚球。 +"Since returning, he has worn his Masai clothes while going about his business in his home town of Almondsbury, near Bristol, UK.",自从回来后,他总喜欢在他的老家——靠近英国布里斯托尔附近的���尔蒙斯博瑞,穿着马塞族的衣服从事他的商业活动。 +Conclusion. Factors that increased the risk of FPSC included obesity and older age.,结论:FPSC危险性增加的因素包括肥胖、年老。 +"Take very poor care of yourself. Drink a lot of alcohol, eat a lot of fatty foods, and get very little exercise.",别考虑你自己的身体。尽情的畅饮烈酒吧,多吃甜美的高脂肪食品,还有尽量少运动。 +"Acorn International, is mainly engaged in product development, production, marketing planning, product and retail business, industry and trade integration of large-scale technology companies.",橡果国际,主要从事产品研发、生产、营销策划、商品零售等业务的大型技工贸一体化企业。 +He was asked for the boiling point of water in Fahrenheit.,他被问到水的沸点是华氏多少度。 +Objective To study the characteristics of nocturnal sleep architecture in narcoleptic patients.,目的了解发作性睡病患者夜间睡眠结构特点。 +"It can be intimidating, but you've got to trust that it's very rich in technical expertise So, how do you balance those two words?","它可能很吓人,但是你要相信,它的技术知识非常丰富,那么,你如何平衡这两个词呢?" +"Collectively, they are very likely to become the fourth-biggest holders of official reserves after China, Japan and Russia in 2-3 years.",作为一个整体,海合会极有可能在2-3年内成为仅次于中、日、俄的世界第四大官方储备持有者。 +They could even work on the environmental problems affecting the billion-plus permanent residents.,他们甚至可能对数以亿计当地居民的环境问题产生影响。 +Our club represents the beneficiary to thank the above-mentioned contributors from the bottom of their hearts.,本会仅代表各位受益人,向上述各位善长衷心致谢! +"The Netherlands stunned Italy 3-0 in their European Championship opener Monday, leaving the World Cup champions fighting to avoid elimination from the first round.",星期一,荷兰队在其欧洲杯首战中,3比0击败意大利,令世人瞠目。此战过后,世界杯冠军得主意大利队需为欧洲杯首轮不被淘汰而战了。 +"With static registration, the switch-load file will look like",使用静态注册,开关加载文件将类似于 +"In one paper he called this kind of intelligence without centrality ""intelligence without reason, "" a delicious yet subtle pun.",在一篇论文里他把此类没有中枢的智能称为“非理智能”,趣味盎然却又含义微妙,一语双关。 +"In 1982, China proposed the guidelines of Planned Economy Supplemented by Market Regulation, when marke economy entered the life of the Chinese.",1982年中国提出“计划经济为主、市场调节为辅”的方针,市场经济开始进入中国人的生活。 +"Finally, the outermost part of a star's atmosphere is the corona, which if super-hot might be linked with convection in the outer layers.",最后,恒星大气的最外层部分是日冕,这是一个由于外层对流导致的超热区域。 +"It smoothes the photometric image of surface by some existing method in digital image processing, then gets an approach es to original surface by the photometric stereo technology.",该算法直接平滑曲面在平行光照射下的图像,然后通过光度立体技术反求出光顺后的曲面。 +"Inside, it is roomy and comfortable with a combination of leather upholstery, wood trim and chrome accents that convey a sense of luxury one expects in pricier cars.",车内宽敞舒适,内饰结合了真皮、木纹和镀铬件,营造出一种豪华车才有的氛围。 +"First of all, keep in mind that it's generally in your best interest to forgive people. Choosing to carry a grudge forever keeps you from ever repairing the relationship.",首先,要谨记宽恕他人就等于善待自己。 如果你对某人怀恨在心那你永远也不能改善你们的关系。 +"A chartered relief mission from Taipei, led by a Burmese-born Buddhist monk, was among the first to land in Yangon, Myanmar's main city.",一架从台北起飞的救援包机抵达了缅甸主要城市仰光,此批援助由一位缅裔僧侣发起,这也是最早抵达缅甸的国外援助之一。 +The Sour Fox or the Sour Grapes?,是葡萄酸,还是狐狸“酸”?。 +A global and local two-level cooperation scheduling (TCS) algorithm is presented.,提出一种全局及局部两级协同调度算法。 +Contant practice will make you overcome difficulties.,持久的练习会使你克服所有困难。 +But they are the exception rather than the rule.,但这样的机构是例外而非常态。 +"We can either go to the one next to my house or the one in Tien Mou Park. By the way, do you have any spare skates?",我们到我家隔壁或天母公园的溜冰场都可以。对了,你有多少溜冰鞋? +"Four xi said with a smile, spirit thousand unreal is his mother-in-law is the lich king, as long as she commanded, no demon dare disturb the world again.",四喜笑着说,灵千幻是他的丈母娘更是妖王,只要她一声令下,没有妖再敢扰乱人间。 +"Using diameter matrix and MDOD seems efficient and reliable, which is proved by examples.",应用算例表明,采用轴径特征矩阵的离散搜索算法MDOD可靠、高效。 +"In a break from its usual task ofsearching for distant cosmic explosions, NASA's Swift satelliteacquired the highest-resolution view of a neighboring spiral galaxyever attained in the ultraviolet.",在中断了通常的搜索远距离宇宙爆炸任务后,NASA的Swift人造卫星获得了邻近螺旋星系的紫外线高质量图像。 +The data was divided into4- frame by system and fixed length was adopted to set up communication protocol.,系统将数据分为4中帧,采用固定长度制定通信协议。 +"He proposed that the whole world should be viewed as an object with ""human"" as the starting point.",费尔巴哈直接确认了感性世界的真实性和真理性,并主张从“人”出发看待整个世界的对象性本质。 +Bring fishing equipment and rain gear to stay fed and dry.,带上渔具和雨具。 +He is the man who fixed the world's series back in 1919 .,他就是一九一九年那年非法操纵世界棒球联赛的那个人。 +The versatile cloth top can be opened partially to act as a sunroof while the car is moving without risk of it blowing off.,这一多用途的布制车顶可在车辆行驶中部分打开,以抵御阳光却不会被风吹跑。 +"With zooming, the map allows information to be examined more closely, rather than regroups data for a smaller area.",地图通过缩放允许信息能更加紧密地被验证,而不需要为了较小的区域重组。 +"“Tranexamic acid safely reduced the risk of death, ” says Roberts.",罗伯茨说:“氨甲环酸安全地降低了死亡风险。 +The two main factors that influenced women's treatment choices were her doctor's advice and the possibility for a complete cure.,影响女性患者作出治疗决定的主要因素有两个:一是患者的主治医生的建议,另一个是完全治愈的可能性。 +"For example, studies have been done on windbreaks in parts of West Africa.",例如,研究小组已经完成对西非部分地区防风林的研究。 +"Life to escape all over the world, the sky have the far ends of the earth, only shien infinite period.",一生桃李遍天下,天边海角有尽处,唯有师恩无穷期。 +"because we're prolonging basically a train wreck,",因为我们把烂摊子拉长了, +"The case of Hangzhou, 151 kilometers away from Hangzhou.",属杭州市,距杭州市区151公里。 +Those lines are bad. They are representative of our biases and our nervous need to push the conversation.,这些 话术都不好,它们代表了我们的偏见以及我们的紧张不安,需要去强推对话。 +"As part of their ""So Hot Summer"" programming, Disney Channel in the US is asking viewers to vote for the film that they want to see on Sunday nights.",当他们的 “ 如此热夏天 ” 的部份规画,在美国的狄斯耐频道正在要求观众投给电影他们想要在星期日夜晚看。 +"Or, it may be that my neighbours may look over the wall and say, 'How finely your garden flourishes! 'This is vanity.",这是骄傲,或许我也巴望邻居会从篱笆边探过头来,说:「睢! +Quality-oriented education must face all-level students and must aim at all-round development of students.,素质教育要面向全体学生,使学生都得到全面发展。 +"Many Chinese Internet users preferred the search engine Baidu out of patriotism, and the government even redirected traffic from Google to Baidu, according to Mr.",据利维说,出于爱国,许多中国的互联网用户会选择百度搜索引擎,政府甚至将前往谷歌的流量重新导向百度。 +Objective To evaluate MR diagnosis and differential diagnosis of suprasellar diseases.,目的分析探讨鞍上病变的MR诊断和鉴别诊断。 +"By using coherent analysis, we can define the noise source.",利用功率谱分析噪声信号的特性,利用相干性确定噪声源。 +"Forty years after the birth of PARC, have workplaces gotten any better at fostering that sort of brilliance?",在帕洛阿尔托研究中心诞生40周年后,工作场所得到任何有更好的条件分类的光芒? +I would like to return…maybe some day I will play again in Boca or Newells.,我真想回去…或许有一天我会重新投奔博卡或者纽尔维斯的。 +The main factors controlling the reservoir quality are diagenesis and depositional facies.,控制储层发育的主要因素是成岩作用和沉积相、沉积微相。 +Conway also has an “overweight” allocation for Russian stocks and a “neutral” position for India and Brazil.,康威也将俄罗斯股票分在“加码”位置,而印度与巴西则在“中立”位置。 +"That could create conditions for more pragmatic deals between Israel and Hamas, negotiated with Egyptian assistance.",这可能为以色列与哈马斯在埃及的协助下谈判达成更多务实的协议创造条件。 +That bag packing of the drug are!,那个化妆包里装的都是毒品! +Mashable world. Identifying yourself as the social media expert or the tech geek blogger is about as differentiated as brands of rice.,辨识你自己为一个社会媒体专家或者是科技博客博主就像区分大米的品牌。 +You know that indestructible black box that is used on airplanes?Why don't they make whole plane out of that stuff?,你知道那用在飞机上的“不会被摧毁”的黑匣子吗?为什么他们不把整架飞机都造成那种材料呢? +"Breads were made with bran and grass roots found in the field for us to eat, one each.",找来些糠、草籽之类做成的饽饽,每人吃一个。 +Whether can the financial agitation with this feral the force with which sth breaks out affect shipping industry of China and international shipping can be affected?,这场来势凶猛的金融风潮是否会波及中国的船舶工业及国际航运是否会受到影响? +"Chinese ancient literary theory hasn't been destroyed in the great era's vicissitude, but participated in and penetrated in the Chinese modern literary theory.",中国古代文论在大时代的变迁下并非是整体毁灭,而是依照其特有的方式参与和渗透到现当代文论中来。 +But Sergio has only one percent the metal content of our Sun.,但是“赛吉奥”的金属含量只有太阳的百分之一。 +"He has seven aro total to sell, but (needing fast money) would be willing to give her only the two aro she can afford.",他共有七阿罗待售,可是他因为需要很快拿到钱他愿意只卖她买得起的两阿罗地。 +"This big game is divided the functional group, the extra-curricular group.",本次大赛分专业组、业余组。 +This disease is referable to microbes.,这个病是由细菌引起的。 +"Besides that, in 1927, Russian linguist, Mr. N. A. Nerskij, also came to Tfuea village and Tapangu village in Alishan collecting Tsou language and mythology.",俄国语言学家聂甫斯基也于1927年深入阿里山特富野、达邦二社蒐录邹语与神话。 +"Maped --- the world's most famous students and manufacturers of office supplies, Maped Compass is the world leader in manufacturing and France's largest rubber producers.",作品补充说明:马培德---世界上最知名的学生和办公用品制造商之一,马培德是制造圆规的世界领导者和法国最大的橡皮生产商。 +"I am thinking of calling it a ""pistil handle"" because it looks like the inside parts of a flower.",我想到的是称之为“ 雌蕊处理”,因为它像花内部分外观。 +"An isthmus is defined as a narrow, ribbon-shaped communication between two root canals that contains pulp tissues.",根管管间峡区是同一牙根内、两根管间,含有牙髓或牙髓生成组织的一种狭窄带状结构。 +"Chirp chirp, magnolia facing the door weaving.",唧唧唧唧,木兰对着门在织布。 +More than 100 miners and a team of geologists working there refused to go to work after about 10 bears were spotted in nearby areas.,据悉,仍有10头熊在矿区逗留,上百名矿工和一支地质考察队不敢外出工作。 +"Solve the two problems in a certain extent, the reasonable air distribution is an important aspect.",而要较好地解决这两个问题,合理的气流组织是一个重要方面。 +"For costumers outside of the CIS, this is the only valid product currently available and Eagle Dynamics is not supporting any other versions at this time.",对于消费者以外的独联体国家,这是唯一有效的产品目前已经上市,鹰动力学是不支持任何其他版本在这个时候。 +"The Saudi king Abdullah gave Cheney the most expensive present on the list, which is required to make public under US law -- a 55,000-dollar, 18-karat white gold, ruby and diamond jewelry set.",沙特阿拉伯国王阿卜杜拉送给副总统切尼的一套18克拉的白金、红宝石和钻石首饰是“收礼清单”中最名贵的礼物,按照美国法律规定,这套价值5.5万美元的礼品得上交政府。 +"""At the end of the expedition we were losing three nautical miles a night ... it was quite a major factor,"" she told a news conference in Ottawa.",在渥太华的一场新闻发布会上,她说:“在考察的后期,我们一晚上就会被冰流冲出去三海里……这也是一个主要因素。” +"'We see people with oral cancer who have no other risk factors than the use of alcohol-containing mouthwash, so what we've done in this study is review all the evidence that's out there,' he said.",他说:“我们发现口腔癌患者正是使用了含有酒精的漱口水,而并未涉及其它风险因素,所以在这项研究中,我们深入分析了现有的全部病例。” +"Don't argue with a idiot, other people may probably difficult to find the difference between you two people.",不要与白痴争吵,人们或许会分不出你们的区别。 +"Within the packaging industry, flexographic print represents more than 50% in North America and 35% in Europe.",内部包装业,柔印打印代表百分之五十以上,在北美和35 %,在欧洲。 +"Thanks to the broken lanterns, thanks to the closed windows, their all radiance, all life, all sound, all movement ceased.",由于路灯已全被破坏,窗子也都闭上,这儿已没有任何光、任何生命、任何人声、任何活动。 +"Ingredients: juniper, grapefruit, thyme, cypress, bergamot, gold fruit oil, jojoba oil.",主要成份:杜松、葡萄柚、百里香、丝柏、佛手柑、金果木油、荷荷巴油。 +"Physically, this animal resembles a large, red fox more than its wolf relatives.",不过实际上,比其它的狼族亲戚,它长的更像一只大的红毛狐狸。 +"Playing starters at garbage time , he was told.",让先发球员一直到垃圾时间还在打,他被这样说。 +"Thousands of anti-corporate protesters marched Saturday from New York City's Financial District to Times Square in a show of force that resulted in 74 arrests, authorities said.",局说,数千名反对大公司的示威者周六从纽约城的金融区游行到时报广场展示实力,导致74人被捕。 +Chapter 2 is about the basic concept of the graph and parameters or the complex networks.,第二章,介绍了图的基本概念以及复杂网络的一些基本参数。 +Well there are interesting evolutionary reasons that we'll talk about in the class for that.,"之后我们会讲到,这背后非常有趣的革命性的原因" +"There is ""a roughly 15% chance"" the future will be as bad as this or worse, the FDIC said.",联邦存款保险公司说,未来的经济有大约15%的机会象这么糟糕,甚至会更差。 +"Many new diffraction peaks appeared in XRD, which imply that new graphite intercalation compounds are formed after intercalation.",XRD分析表明,经过溴插层的热解炭出现了新的不完整的衍射峰,意味着形成了插层化合物。 +"Most international operators will also fly this version, eventually pushing total F-35 production to more than 4,000 aircraft.",大多数的国际合作伙伴也将使用这种型号,最终将把F-35的总产量推高到超过4,000架。 +"The third part, Grieg Piano lyrics by national feature of playing and teaching in the second creation of the embodiment.",第三部分,格里格钢琴抒情小品中民族性特征在演奏与教学二度创作中的体现。 +Each completed a 124-item food questionnaire in 1995 and 1996.,他们每人在1995年和1996年完成了124项食品问卷。 +AIM:To observe the correlation of the 17 exon gene polymorphism of insulin receptor gene and the Chinese cerebral infarction and primary hypertension.,目的:观察胰岛素受体基因第17外显子基因多态性与中国人脑梗死和原发性高血压的相关性。 +"Self -fertile, but bears larger fruit, with cross-pollination.",自我肥沃,但熊果较大,交叉授粉。 +"BP was eventually included in the legal dispute, since TNK-BP now owns the oil field in question.",因秋明英国石油公司现在拥有上述油田的所有权,英国石油最终也被卷入了这场法律纠纷之中。 +"When we are silent no more, you say we are brainwashed-xenophobic.",当我们不再沉默而呛声,你们又说我们洗脑排外; +Conclusion The endocannabinoid system took part in the regulation of the gastrointestinal motility.,结论:内源性大麻素系统参与大鼠胃肠运动的调节。 +The dark slaves started to panic and started so much trouble at once that many people didn't have time to notice the cracks that were turning into gaping holes.,黑暗奴才们开始恐慌,开始立即制造麻烦去转移开人们的注意力(裂缝正在演变成大洞)。 +"How are you?I have just received your fax, and knew you have a Xiaosen L-426 printer to transfer, I am very interested in it, please send the picture of this machine to me, thank you.",您好,刚才收到您的传真,知道您那里有台小森L-426印刷机器要转让,我很感兴趣,请您把这台机器的图片传给我看看,谢谢。 +We are trying to study the way how to improve the quality of this work and change the situation of the control organization which is not well formed;,试图探讨如何提高工业企业统计信息管理工作的素质,改变机构不健全,报表多而乱,人员少,技术水平低和“封闭式”统计的状况。 +"Among non-drinkers, 46 percent had an early virologic response;",在非饮酒者,有百分之46的早期病毒学反应; +Data collected from 6 runoff plots with different types of vegetation indicated that: 1) The annual flow at barren land slope was 11.37% more than that at the other 5 forested land slops;,根据6种不同植被径观测流场资料分析发现:1荒山的坡面年产流量比5种有林地的坡面年产流量要大11.37% ; +High Purity Ceramic Fiber Spun Bulk was processed by the spun work on the melt mixture of the Silicon Dioxide and the Aluminum. ;,◎含锆陶瓷纤维甩丝棉是通过电熔氧化��、二氧化硅、氧化锆混合料,甩丝成纤工艺生产而成; +It appears more likely that the strength expected on Tuesday will prove less impressive and the currencies should turn down during late trading and decline for several days.,看来周二预期的强势将不令人印象深刻且货币将于晚盘交易反转向且跌势会持续几天。 +"But it warns sonographers could be distracted, and miss vital signs of problems in the developing baby.",但是相关人士警告说,超声波检验师可能会分心,因而就会忽略一些非常重要的信息,这些信息对正在成长的宝宝来说,如没被及时发现,所造成的伤害是不可估量的。 +"A person familiar with the matter identified the 31-year-old man as Mr. Adoboli, who described his home country as Ghana on a photo-sharing webpage that appears to belong to him.",一位知情人士说这名31岁的男子就是阿杜伯利。 在一个看似属于阿杜伯利的照片共享网页上,阿杜伯利说自己来自加纳。 +Bertrand Meyer introduced the concept of Design by Contract.,Bertrand Meyer介绍了契约式设计的概念。 +"At maturity, we shall pay to the negotiating bank as instructed by T/T for documents which are in compliance with credit terms and conditions. Telex charges are for account of beneficiary.",单证严酷符合,到期日,我即将用电汇体例偿付贵行,此电报费由受益人承当。 +Thermodynamic analysis on cobalt removal by potassium permanganate oxidization in leaching solution by sulfuric acid of zinc residue containing cobalt in zinc hydrometallurgy;,根据硫酸钠熔炼法处理废合金所得钴渣组成特点 ,通过氧化焙烧、酸分解、水解除杂、沉钴和煅烧等工序制取氧化钴。 +That line of thinking is only part of the problem.,思想路线只是这个问题的一部分。 +Think of the list of names as metadata that you use to customize a template.,请把名称列表想像成用来定制模板的元数据。 +"Guangzhou Daily: smile angel foundation affiliated to the Red Cross, Jocie Guo after the incident, fund contributions affected?",广州日报:嫣然天使基金挂靠在红十字会下,郭美美事件后,基金的捐款受到影响吗? +"Dostoevsky's work, often seen as the culmination of realism, aims not to rise above reality, but to portray it in all its complexity and difficulty.",陀斯妥耶夫斯基的工作,常常被看作是现实主义的高潮,其目的不超越现实,但把它的复杂性和难度。 +"Philosophy makes you question everything, mull it over and come to your own conclusions.",哲学使你对一切发问,仔细考虑过后,得出你自己的结论。 +It features a primary check valve utilizing a rubber disc seating against a mating rubber part to ensure tight closing.,其特点在于第一止回阀采用一个橡胶阀瓣密合在相配的橡胶部件上,确保紧密的关闭。 +"“Most people think they remembered things better in their youth than they actually did, ” she says.",她说:“大多数人都认为,他们年轻时的记忆力比现在更好。” +Week of Magic: ell cost halved during attles.,魔法周:所有魔法费魔减半。 +"Practice makes perfect for the Botswanan Southern Masked Weaver, shown above weaving a complex nest of out grass.",博茨瓦纳南部的黑脸织布鸟也能熟能生巧,上图显示的是它们用草编织了一个复杂的鸟巢。 +"Philosophers have, of late years, considered chiefly the tendency of affections, and have given little attention to the relation which they stand in to the cause which excites them.",近年来,哲学家们主要考虑的是情感的倾向性,很少关注情感产生的原因。 +"The forecasters, on Wall Street and elsewhere, are not blind to economic change; they just tend to underestimate its severity.",这些华尔街或是别地的预测者们,并非无视经济的变化,他们只是习惯于低估其严重性。 +Beautiful sight views are displayed and different styles are unified as a whole.,演绎美伦美唤的视觉旋律。风格统一很好的融合在一起。 +"In conclusion, current accounting standards of intangible assets only recognise a small part which can be valued under transaction-based accounting.",目前的会计标准仅对很小一部分来自交易并可以定价的无形资产予以确认。 +Resistance is measured in Ohm.,电阻是欧姆来度量的。 +They had already spoken threats against those who said that Jesus was the Christ (John 9:22).,他们早已威胁国那些口称耶稣是基督的人了(约翰福音9:22)。 +"Any of various chiefly North American freshwater food fishes of the genus Coregonus, having a generally white or silvery color.",白鲑一种鲑鱼属,主要是北美淡水食用鱼,通常具有白色或银色的色泽。 +"But there are also plenty of success stories, he says.",但纽曼也表示“富二代”中尚有不少成功范例。 +"In this fiercely competitive market, Shanxi Science and Technology Publishing House (SSTP), a small publishing house, also has such problems like a large inventory, and structure irrationality.",在竞争激烈的图书市场中,山西科学技术出版社作为一个竞争力不强的小型出版社,库存远远大于其发货量,存在着出书结构不合理的问题。 +The Deserter drops out and stops contributing.,“逃兵”退出或者停止做贡献。 +"Chapter IV, the Legislative election system.",第四章,立法院选举制度。 +"It seemed shallow enough, and holding the cut hawser in both hands for a last security, I let myself drop softly overboard.",海水似乎很浅,但我还是割了一段帆索以防万一,然后双手握紧帆索,轻轻翻过船舷滑了下去。 +"In the past, Brazil's production of ARV (antiretroviral) drugs has helped to bring down prices of ARVs globally. We hope this will happen again.",在过去,巴西的抗逆转录病毒药物的生产曾帮助把这个药物带到了全世界。我希望这样的情形会再次发生。 +"Now concerning virgins I have no commandment of the Lord: yet I give my judgment, as one that hath obtained mercy of the Lord to be faithful.",论到童身的人,我没有主的命令,但我既蒙主怜恤能作忠心的人,就把自己的意见告诉你们。 +The paper analyzes principles for steam cleaning of boiler tubes with additional oxygen.,本文概述了加氧吹管的机理及特点。 +This is a startling development following months of arguments and just two days before the UN Security Council was due to visit Abyei.,经过几个月的争执之后,距离联合国安理会访问阿卜耶伊还有两天的时间,事态的这种进展确实令人震惊。 +Some observers figure Obama wanted to keep Summers close enough to the executive office that he would not wander off on any tangents of his own.,"一些观察家指出,奥巴马希望将萨默斯安排在最近旁的管理办公室,减少他""跑题""的机会." +A few horses to save heroes have mobilized.,几路人马为救赵英雄纷纷出动。 +1915 - World War I: Italy declares war on Austria-Hungary.,1915年的今天, 意大利在一战期间向奥匈帝国宣战。 +"XMS will probably not be provided on as many platforms, so you need to use MQI to get the widest possible range of languages and platforms.",XMS 可能不会提供如此多的平台版本,所以用户需要使用 MQI 获得最广泛的各种语言和平台的支持。 +If you are playing as the Japanese you have to start the war before 1942 - otherwise you are doomed to fail.,如果你正在玩如日本人, 你必须让战争在1942年以前开始- 否则你被命中注定失败。 +But new research suggests that the frustrating balancing act Wong describes can actually be more effective than finding a sweet spot somewhere on the spectrum and sticking to it.,新的研究表明,Wong所描述的让人纠结的如何平衡的矛盾其实并非那么棘手,有比一成不变守株待兔更有效的方法。 +"As soon as you receive a pink slip, or if you know it's coming, ask what benefits terminated employees are eligible for.",一旦你收到了解雇通知书或者你知道马上要被解雇了,就问问你能够得到什么样的解雇福利。 +It was very uncomfortable lying on the hospital bed with my legs suspended in the air.,躺在病床上,双腿吊挂的滋味可真不好受。 +"The characteristics of the evaluable participants were similar in the 2 groups, and not different from the initial enrollees overall.",这2组的评估参与者特征相似,从整体上看与初始参与者并没有不同。 +"The Georgian government has decided to keep its 35-member team at the Olympics in the ""best interest of the country"", but Salukvadze admitted she was not sure if she would be taking part in the final.",格鲁吉亚政府决定让他们的35人的代表团留在奥运会,为了“国家的最大利益”。但萨鲁克娃承认她不确定她是否能参加决赛。 +Too many people mix the notion of being a shareholder in a startup and having an operating role.,太多的人将“作为持股人”和“拥有一个执行角色”的概念弄混。 +He said both had been tested at checkpoints to ensure that they met government specifications.,他说两种包都已在安检点测试过以确保它们符合政府标准。 +It can sell high.,这能以高价出卖。 +The anti-collision algorithm is the key technology of RFID system.,防碰撞算法是RFID系统中的关键技术。 +I used a mop to sop up the spilled water.,我用拖把把泼出的水擦干。 +"Well-designed marble dome light, clever arrangements of crystal ornaments, always showing of exquisite and creative.",精心设计的云石顶灯、巧妙安排的水晶饰物,处处展示着精致与创意。 +Tufted perennial with strong creeping stolons;,本种为多年生,簇生性,具强壮匍匐茎; +"ObjectiveTo identify G. pentaphyllum (Thunb. ) Makion in Pharmacognosy, and to provide the scientific evidence for identification and application.",目的对平易近族药绞股蓝进行系统的生药学剖断���为其分辩供给科学依据。 +All the person who away from work place will be punished severely.,任何擅离职守的人都要受到严惩。 +"While a good revenue start boosts your morale, a weak earning day slows you down. So I turn it off and now check revenue earned once a day only.",有个很酷的FireFox扩展,可以每隔15分钟检查一次你的Adsense收入,良好的收入固然可以鼓舞你的士气,但还是把这个功能关闭吧,一天检查一次收入即可,这将会让你的内心更加瓶颈更有利于集中精力撰写日志。 +This new works by China's leading avantgarde painter and calligrapher exemplify the artist's continuing exploration of calligraphic mark-making.,中国著名先锋派画家和书法家的最新作品是艺术家不断探索书法创作的最好例证。 +I have a pet dog named Lucky. It has white and soft furs with two small ears and a long tail.,我有一个名叫幸运的宠物狗,它有白色的柔软的毛皮和两个小耳朵和一条长尾巴。 +Effective preservatives. Use in waterborne or formaldehyde sensitive system. Non-solvent and formaldehyde free. Prevent the products from decompounding by microorganism.,高效、广谱、 环保型防腐杀菌剂,适用于水性、甲醛敏感体系。本品不含有机溶剂和甲醛,防止水性产品在液态时被微生物破坏。 +Muo Kasina is a researcher with the Kenya Agricultural Research Institute. He is working with others to fight the disease.,Muo Kasina是肯尼亚农业研究所研究员,他正与其他同事努力对付这种疾病。 +"When Na-Naphthalene solution, O2 and N2 plasma were used to the hydrophilic modification of the PTFE micropore membrane, the binder would have adhesive power to the membrane in varying degrees.",采用钠萘溶液、N2和O2等离子体处理后,聚四氟乙烯微孔薄膜亲水性增强,聚酰亚胺胶黏剂都可以获得不同程度的粘接能力。 +The radio station will say anything to get them niggers off.,广播会动用所有传媒的力量把黑人赶走。 +"Hometown accent on ears deeply Xu tone, hometown, I back.",故乡的乡音就在耳边响起,深深地嘘口气,故乡,我回来了。 +"However, everyone has a clear awareness that it is an unsustainable increase in such high investment, high pollution but low profit.",而朝野上下都清楚,这种高投入高污染低利润的增长模式,是难以持续的。 +"In a statement, the Family Research Council said the study confirms what the group has long advocated about the negative consequences of casual sex.",家庭研究委员会在一份声明中说,这项研究证实了该群体长期以来所声称的随便的性关系会带来消极后果。 +"According to the bank for international settlements in 2004, for every triennial global survey, Hong Kong foreign exchange market turnover in world ranking sixth.",根据国际结算银行在2004 年进行的每三年一度全球调查,香港外汇市场的成交额在世界排行第六位。 +The feedback realization problem of non-interacting control is studied for nonlinear singular systems.,研究非线性奇异系统的非交互控制的反馈实现问题。 +Kasper and Nowak also cast doubts on Adu's mental and physical readiness for a team as big as United.,加斯普和诺瓦克也质疑阿杜是否做好了精神和身体上的准备来加入一支像曼联这样的球队。 +It can be eaten raw but seems somewhat flavorless that way.,可以吃生的但是那样没那么美味。 +Amplification products were analyzed by agarose gel electrophoresis.,扩增产物通过琼脂糖凝胶电泳检测和分析。 +Lumping me in with everyone else to hear the news?,把我跟其他人混为一谈一起听这个消息? +"First you need to input a mobile access code, a unique keyword that you can obtain from your profile in Moodle.",首先您要输入一段移动访问代码,这是一段惟一的关键字,可用来获取您在 Moodle 中的配置文件。 +"Therefore in short, the use of plastic bottles for infants as well as during pregnancy is probably a risk not worth taking until we learn more about BPA and its potential health risks.",因此,总之,在我们还没了解到更多的关于双酚A的信息以及它的潜在风险之前,最好不要给婴儿和孕妇使用塑料瓶。 +"Like a soft breeze blowing over dry land, the ring resonated faintly but distinctly, touching the bottom of my heart.",那一声微小的铃声,好似一阵微风细雨吹拂过干裂的大地,一丝又一丝余音,绕着心房打转。 +"Under its new name, Pacnet, the company will go to market with a new brand.",名为亚太环通的新公司将以全新品牌进军市场。 +"Before I get to talking with Cobra, I just wanted to remind everyone that we have just gone through Summer solstice period where Jupiter was conjunct with the moon.",在开始与柯博拉开始讨论之前,我想提醒大家,我们刚刚通过了夏至,其间木星结合月亮。 +The relation between terminal voltage and terminal current is called a terminal characteristic.,输出 端 口 电流间的关系称为外特征。 +Cancelable Visualize progress dialog,可取消可视化进程的对话框 +We will replicate this behavior in the history stack we build.,我们将在自己创建的历史堆栈中再现这种行为。 +The banking regulatory bureau shall finish the preliminary examination work and submit the materials to the CBRC within 20 working days.,银监局应于20个工作日内完成初审工作并将材料转交中国银行业监督管理委员会。 +"Business Management Simulated Sandbox was introduced into the medical services, which had effectively improved the comprehensive quality of hospital adminis…",文章通过实践研究,在医疗行业中引入了企业管理模拟沙盘,有效提高了医院管理人员的综合素质。 +If only you would listen to meand attend to the claims of conscience!,但愿你能听听我的话,不要违背自己的良心! +"Po: Wait, wait… It's just plain old noodle soup? You don't add some kind of special sauce or something?",阿宝:等等…只是普通的面条老汤?你没有加什么特别的作料? +"The Chinese have a fixed phrase ""cold leftovers"".",中文中有个固定短语叫“残羹冷炙”。 +Experts says that a glass of 500ml of bubble tea a day far exceed the allowable limit of trans fats for any person. It will lead to heart and blood vessel diseases.,专家指出:每天一杯500毫升珍珠奶茶中反式脂肪酸含量已超出正常人承受极限,饮用者易患心血管疾病。 +Mr. Lin said China was returning to something good from the past that had been neglected.,林文罗认为,中国是在回归一度遭到忽视的优良历史传统。 +Was that loud enough so people could hear it? Did people hear that?,"同学们都听清楚了吗,都听懂了吗" +"A kite snowboarder takes a fall at the southern German Feldberg mountain on November 27, 2010.",2010年11月27号,一个风筝滑雪板在德国南部费尔德伯格山滑到。 +"Nantang autumn lotus, lotus heads;",采莲南塘秋,莲花过人头; +Veidt had told them that the orbs could only remain clustered for a short time once they reached the outer edge of the planet's envelope;,维特之前告诉他们,一旦到达星球的大气层外缘,圆球只能保持短时间的聚集; +The clock tower looks spectacular at night when the four clock faces are illuminated.,在晚上当四个钟面都会被灯光照亮的时候,钟楼看起来很壮观。 +"Among other artistic treasures, the temple contains a statue of the legendary hero.",庙中的艺术珍品中,最为珍贵的是这位传奇英雄的塑像。 +This is a presumption of all the poets we'll be reading.,这对我们要读到的诗人有种冒犯的意味。 +"Remember that its emphasis on guilt enables it to ensure its continuity by making the future like the past, and thus avoiding the present.",请记住小我为了确保自身的续存,不惜强调罪咎的存在,并把未来变得像过去一样,藉此逃避现在。 +"Based on this, through the computation and the comparison, a kind of two climbing-arm robot adsorption system is designed.",在此基础上,通过计算和比较,设计出一种通用双动力臂爬壁机器人吸附系统。 +"I can read the alphabet, but I don't speak more than a few words: I only worked in Greece a few weeks, though my children went to school there for a while, and they speak modern Greek.",我能阅读希腊字母,但是我无法读出词汇:我只在希腊工作过几个星期,尽管我的孩子在那里上过一段学,他们说的是现代希腊语。 +But I remember trying to save up every bit of money I could so that I could buy just one more character to play with.,不过我记得我省下每一分我能省下的钱好去多买哪怕一个角色人偶好让我玩。 +"In 2001, Pat Gelsinger, then the chief technology officer of Intel, made a striking prediction about the future of microchips.",2001年,当时任英特尔首席技术官的Pat Gelsinger对微芯片的未来做了一个惊人的预测。 +I know before the cards are even turned over.,我已经在翻牌前知道它们是什么了。 +If you listen to Lothar, you will get the impression he had never lost one single match in his career.,要是听洛塔尔的,你会以为他在自己的职业生涯中一场比赛都没输过。 +"In 2002 and 2003, when the major market indices were bottoming, mutual fund outflows were at their peaks.",在2002年和2003年,当主要的市场指数达到最低时,共同基金的流出也到了一个顶峰。 +"When Lily was born, we gave Emma a baby doll so she wouldn't feel left out.",当丽丽出生时,我们给艾玛一个小布娃娃,这样她就不会觉得被忽视了。 +Creeper plants belong to Grape family. They are climber plants that are perennial lignification big lianas. There are about 15 species of creeper plants in the world.,爬山虎属植物属于系葡萄科系多年生木质大藤本攀缘植物,全世界约有15种。 +A courtyard-like hotel must be quite unique.,住在这庭院式的宾馆,你肯定会感觉到别有情趣。 +"Synopsis: Michael Myers, the physical embodiment of evil, stalks his sister Laurie through the ages, dispatching babysitters, boyfriends, and anyone else in his way.",麦克·迈尔斯,恶魔的实际化身,跟踪了他的姐姐劳瑞很长一段时间,并在途中遣开了保姆、男性朋友以及所有的其他人。 +Horticultural sciences concentrate on the scientific principles related to the cultivation of garden and ornamental plants. including fruits. vegetables. flowers. and landscape and nursery crops.,园艺科学专业研究观赏植物及相关植物的种植相关的科学原理。 +"The agenda of his cultural remedy thus incorporates a variety of paradoxes, warps and decoys and is pessimistic and incomplete.",他的文化疗救宏图,也由此掺杂了种种悖谬、乖离和陷阱,因而是消极的和不彻底的。 +"After a few days of investigation, officials from the Daxing district education commission confirmed on Saturday afternoon that the video was genuine, according to Beijing Youth Daily.",经过几天的调查后,大兴区教育委员会的官员在周六下午证实,该视频是真实的,北京青年报道说。 +"Many users said Beacon was an invasion of privacy, faulting Facebook for automatically enrolling members (BusinessWeek.com, 11/30/07), rather than letting them opt in.",很多用户说灯塔计划侵犯了隐私权,指责Facebook自动吸纳会员(BusinessWeek.com 11/30/07),没有给用户选择的权利。 +"Wavelet transform is a good analytical method both in the time and the frequency domains, especially applicable for non-stationary signal processing.",小波分析是一种在时域和频域均具有良好局域性的分析方法,尤其适用于非平稳信号的处理。 +"Indeed, none of the various definitions of "" paraphilia"" meets even the most basic standard of objectivity.",的确,各种各样的“性副态”的定义没有任何一个恰好达到客观的基本标准。 +"Reduction method is just one of basic methods of system theory study, not the only way.",同时也提示还原法仅是系统论研究的基础方法之一,而非唯一方法。 +"Their bonuses, share options, perks, high pay and less work creed etc must be given up.",必须放弃他们的奖金、股权、福利、高待遇。 +Korea anarchists activities in the China holds certain historical position in the South Korean independence movement history and left a unique print in the modern Sina-Korea relations history.,韩国无政府主义者在中国境内的活动,在韩国独立运动史上,占有一定的历史地位,在近代中韩关系史上写下了独特的一笔。 +A fleet of diesel locomotives hauling coal shakes the farm houses and apartment buildings that hug the plant's outer walls.,运煤的内燃机车拉着长长车箱摇晃着附近的农宅和商业住宅。 +I like working with colors and typography. I enjoy it.,我喜欢处理色彩和字体。我很享受。 +Listing 10. JSON data from detailB5-fragment.html,清单 10. detailB5-fragment.html 中的 JSON 数据 +Now 'anti-realism and realism' debate has been the core of contentions about social constructionism Psychology.,“反实在论”与“实在论”之争是当前有关社会建构主义心理学争论的核心。 +He could not go out to war as a sachem .,首领的身份是不能够参加战争的。 +There are always flowers for those who want to see them.,这是所有展品中,我认为最容易实现的了,也很有爱。 +"Along with educational reform move forward, a lot of problems in basic education show suddenly.",随着教改的推进,基础教育中的许多问题突显出来。 +"After about 8 months' study, I suddenly found myself to be able to speak out in English.",我大概总共学了8个月,突然有一天我发现我会讲英语了。 +"In the Republican Party response, Representative Mike Pence of Indiana said lawmakers should extend former President George W. Bush's tax cuts for private citizens, which Democrats oppose.",作为对奥巴马讲话的回应,印第安纳州共和党众议员彭斯表示,议员们应当延长前总统小布什推行的给个人减税的政策。 民主党反对这么做。 +"The other 51 replica shards are also moved to the second container so that you have balance, and, for each shard, its primary and replica are in separate containers.",另外 51 个复制碎片也移动到第二个容器以便平衡,对于每个碎片,它的主碎片和复制碎片都位于不同的容器中。 +Alright. Now debugging is a learned skill.,好,发展到现在调试是一门。 +The prescription for beauty-induced myopia isn't obvious.,治疗由美貌引诱所导致的目光短浅的药方功效并不明显。 +"""A lot of companies are back to the profit levels that existed back in the 2007 peak, "" says Brad Thompson, fund manager at Frost Investment Advisors in San Antonio.",圣安东尼奥佛罗斯特投资顾问公司(Frost Investment Advisors)的基金经理布拉德·汤普森说:“很多企业的赢利情况都恢复到了2007年的顶峰时期。” +"AM: It was found that…Well, with the Seagate, everything is done… frequencies are used to actually put you on a molecular level into a different state.",它被发现…好,关于这个海上星门,一切都被做好了…频率是用来把你放在分子的层次上,从而能进入另一个不同的国家。 +Methods: The loaded swimming time of mice is determined to research the anti-fatigue effect of Yangxinkaiyu tablets;,方法:采用小鼠负重游泳时间测定方法,研究养心开郁片的抗疲劳作用; +"Tannins in tea can block absorption of iron, but vitamin C enhances iron absorption, as do fermented soy foods, such as miso, and the lactic acid in yogurt and sauerkraut.",茶中的丹宁酸会阻碍铁的吸收,但是维生素C有助于铁的吸收。发酵的豆制品,例如味噌、酸奶、泡菜中的乳酸也都有助于铁的吸收。 +"Pirate fishing is out of control, depriving some the most world's most vulnerable communities of food and leading to ecological catastrophe, a three-year investigation has found.",一项为期三年的调查发现,掠夺式捕捞已失控,使世界上最脆弱的生物群落失去食物,导致生态灾难。 +The author concentrate an introduction to the classical research that Das Kapitalmakes on market economy on the main aspects from the following respects.,作者从三个方面,提纲挈领地介绍了《资本论》对市场经济的经典研究。 +"Portia: Then, Shylock must be merciful; he must have mercy on Antonio.",鲍西亚:那么,夏洛克可得大发慈悲才是;他可得宽恕安东尼奥呀。 +"A real-time algorithm, called reduced-basis method (RBM), was applied to solve the forward problem herein.",在正问题求解中采用了一种实时算法-缩减基法。 +Carrying out this transformation is your job as a leader.,完成这一转换就是你这个领导者的工作。 +I live in Dashiqiao.,我住在大石桥。 +"If you’ve looked at your workspace and said to yourself “I need to work surrounded by all this mess, ” my reply is: rubbish!",如果你看了自己的工作环境,然后对自己说“我在工作时需要这些乱七八糟的东西围绕着我”,那么我的回答是:你是个垃圾! +"""You saved my life,"" said the man.",“您救过我的命。” 那人说。 +"Perhaps, even if be everlasting oath, even if the clock back to passage of, arrive but burger in memory of the first, the deep unrepentant.",也许,哪怕是天荒地老的誓言,哪怕时光倒转回到沧海桑田,也抵不过烙在记忆深处,那执迷不悟的初见。 +"""We have some appetite-boosting shots of food-making, but how to create dishes is only one aspect of food culture, "" Chen says.",“如今有许多令人食欲大增的美食节目,但如何做菜只是我们饮食文化中的一方面。” 陈晓卿说。 +The Elliptic Curve Cryptosystem (ECC) provides the highest strength-per-bit for security.,椭圆曲线公钥密码体制(ECC)具有最高的位安全强度。 +"To activate helper genes, chemical tags called acetyl groups must first loosen tightly wrapped DNA.",为了激活这些辅助基因,那些被称为乙酰群的化学物质必须首先释放出那些紧紧被包裹住的脱氧核糖核酸。 +But an evil spirit from the LORD came upon Saul as he was sitting in his house with his spear in his hand. While David was playing the harp,从耶和华那里来的恶魔又降在扫罗身上(扫罗手里拿枪坐在屋里),大卫就用手弹琴。 +"The corpus value of GUOYU in ancient grammar study lies in three aspects. First, it may be utilized as basic materials for reconstructing the grammar system of ancient Chinese.",从三个方面论述《国语》在历史语法研究中的语料价值:可用作构拟上古汉语语法系统的基本材料; +Industry Council and Bank Association has set up connection with related industry organizations and bank organs of observer states of Shanghai Cooperation Organization.,实业理事会和银行联合会已与上海合作组织观察员国相关实业组织和银行机构建立了联系。 +"Tea can speedily absorded and oxidated in humans' bodies, and then to produce the high concentration alkalescence metabolin thus being able to counteract the acid base metabolin in blood betimes.",茶水能在体内迅速被吸收和氧化,产生浓度较高的碱性代谢产物,从而能及时中和血液中的酸性代谢产物。 +"At the 2003 FIFA Women's World Cup, Ghana also did not make it past the first round but did record their first-ever win, a 2-1 triumph over Australia.",2003年FIFA女足世界杯上,加纳队小组同样未能出线,但是她们夺取了历史上的第一场世界杯胜利,2-1击败澳大利亚队。 +"Some American students from Florida are bringing the business a bee key been of beekeeping to follows farmers in the communite a community in Ghana, the .",一些来自佛罗里达的学生���在将养蜂业向戛纳地区的农民引进。 +It took dominion everywhere.,它君临四界。 +"Some dynamic constitutive properties of concrete are studied on the basis of elasto viscoplastic laws, and a nonlinear rate dependent model is established in this paper.",研究了混凝土的弹粘塑性动态本构关系,提出一个应变率相关的非线性混凝土模型。 +"For a project example, to hang steel net between the external wall and under the beam and plaster on the construction surface, at the same time put expansive agent into the cement mortar and ect.",在混凝土梁的加固方法中,钢筋网加固混凝土梁不论从所使用材料性能与原结构的相似性,还是从加固的耐久性和方法的方便性等方面来讲,均是一种有效的新型加固方法。 +ObjectiveTo optimize the ultrasonic extraction technology of flavonoids from Ramulus Mori.,目的优选超声提取法从桑枝中提取总黄酮的工艺条件。 +"The sure way to nirvana or salvation lies in the noble eightfold path, as propounded by the Buddha.",这个通往涅磐或拯救的确定的方法存在于尊贵的八正道,正如佛所提出的。 +"The growing ""made in China"" and the mature and reliable ""made in Germany"" products are a perfect match, and we can join hands to explore the third market.",正在成长的“中国制造”与成熟可靠的“德国制造”有机结合,完全可以实现“珠联璧合”,还可以携手开拓第三方市场。 +"We investigated the extent of, and the main contributing factors to, expiry of medicines in medicine supply outlets in Kampala and Entebbe, Uganda.",调查了乌干达坎帕拉和恩德培的售药点的药品过期的严重程度以及主要原因。 +"The archesporial cells differentiated from single archesporium , the meiosis of microspore mother cells were continuous type and tetrads were tetrahedral.",小孢子母细胞减数分裂为连续型,形成的四分体为四面体型排列; +An ideal alternative to intercourse is to have a night where you and you lover take turns manually pleasing yourselves.,性行为的另一个理想方式是花一晚上时间和你的爱人轮流用手让对方快乐。 +The generation method of efficient dynamic adaptive mesh is proposed.,建立了高效的动念自适应网格生成方法。 +"Exorcising opera in western Hunan derived from Han nationality, and evolved from exorcising sacrifice, to exorcising ceremony, to exorcising dance and to exorcising opera.",湘西傩堂戏源于中原汉族的傩堂戏,曾经历了傩祭傩仪傩舞傩戏的演变历程。 +"Projects will be overseen by the Dean of IT, Tom Hintz and Professor Eng Chew, and staffed by a cross-disciplinary team of UTS researchers and Data Agility's principal consultants.",项目将监督由院长,汤姆欣茨和教授英文咀嚼,并配备一名跨学科团队众信的研究和数据的敏捷性的主要顾问。 +"They run to greet him, shake his hand, and reminisce about the good times they had while getting rich at the expense of the people.",他们跑过去迎接他,同他握手 和他一起追忆牺牲他人利益而得到的富有美好的时光。 +"I'm so afraid, Mr Mayor. Renaud, with all his hardboiled appearance, it is a jealous, sensitive man.",我很害怕,市长先生,雷诺虽然外表强硬,却是个妒嫉、敏感的人。 +She winked at me.,她向我眨了眨眼。 +"A bit brittle, like the silky look like silk, smells a little sour taste, but also a bit salty taste carefully.",有点脆,看起来像绸子一样丝滑,闻起来有点酸酸的味道,仔细尝尝还有点咸。 +"The rapid ascent of Facebook has no company more worried than Google, which sees the social networking giant as a threat on multiple fronts.",看在眼里,急在心上,对Facebook迅速崛起的担忧之甚,没有一家公司比得上谷歌,后者将这一社交网络的巨头视为多个前沿阵地的威胁。 +"Naturally, any type of drug use can only compound the risk.",当然,任何类型的药物使用只能增加这个风险。 +A pattern of single and double niches is hollowed out of the walls.,墙上掏空形成单、双龛的模式。 +Niobium in the low alloy steel was determined by spectrophotometry.,用分光光度法可以测定低合金钢中的铌。 +"It means to find out the maladies of the higher school teachers'management, ascertain the reason and seek the way out so as to benefit the present reform of the higher school teachers'management.",力图找出高校师资管理的弊病,探悉其原因,寻求解决途径,以期对我国现阶段高校师资管理改革有所裨益。 +"But how tough is it to access a directory on the Web, or even keep a list of the 1,000 biggest cities in America along with their area codes?",但是访问网络上的目录,或者创建一个美国1 000个大城市的区号列表又有何难呢? +"The alloy has many advantages including good casting behavior, high hardness, good machinability and proper strength.",该合金具有硬度高、机加工性能��、强度适当、铸造性能好等优点。 +Xinhua News: 31 MHLW announced the production of beef from the Fukushima Prefecture detected radioactive material beyond the standard value.,新华社快讯:日本厚生劳动省31日宣布,从福岛县生产的牛肉内查出超出标准值的放射性物质。 +"Much recent press in the optics community has been devoted to metamaterials, which, with their potential for negative refraction, may enable lenses with exotic optical properties.",众多的光学组织最近的刊物中都著重在材料上,一些具负数折射率的材料,可以使得透镜具有奇特的光学性质。 +Ancient archives' writing theory was mature on the Wei Jin Southern and Northern Dynasties in China.,魏晋南北朝时期是中国古代公文写作的理论成熟阶段。 +"If you have specific variables that need to be 32-bits on both platforms, define the type to be int.",如果有些变量在这两个平台上都需要是 32 位的,请将其类型定义为 int。 +All of the four mussels contain 17 kinds of AA.,这四种淡水蚌外套膜均含有17种氨基酸。 +"This price distortion also affects China's own economy, by encouraging large-scale investment in export manufacturing, and discouraging investment in the domestic consumer market.",这种价格扭曲通过鼓励投资大量流向出口制造业,而阻碍向国内消费市场的投资,这同样会影响中国自己的经济。 +"This book is a rare edition, though there are several pages missing.",这部书虽然有缺页,但毕竟是珍本。 +Insert the view component in the same manner as you did for the Start window.,采用与 Start 窗口相同的方式插入视图组件。 +Method Combine the investigation of Epidemiological with the hydrography data.,方法采用流行病学调查结果与水文地质资料相结合的方法。 +"Iodine resources exist widely in ocean, minerals and oil or gas field brine, and have an enormous reserves.",碘资源广泛存在于海洋水体,岩石矿藏和油气田卤水中,且储量巨大。 +Omrah embodies all that is best from the West of Australia; a pioneering spirit built from youthful enthusiasm and a lot of character.,澳墨拉的葡萄酒表现出所有西澳的优点,并且融入了年青人的创新精神和鲜明的个性特点。 +"Reaction of ketones with sodium diselenide and sodium hydrogen selenide under the catalysis of n-BuNH2 gave a moderate yield of diselenides in a ""one-pot"" fashion.",前言: 在正丁胺的催化下,酮与硒氢化钠、二硒化钠乙醇溶液通过“一锅”法反应得到了中等产率的二硒醚。 +"Lin Pingzhi tell, you can talk with him back to songshan, and sword spectrum back to you.",林平之告诉德诺可以跟他回嵩山,并把剑谱背给大家听。 +"She flew to the mountain, the mountain chickadee heard her voice, said: ""little nightingale, you sing really nice ah! """"",她飞到了高山上,山上的小山雀听见了她的歌声,说。 +The gas-masked SS men on duty inside give the Commandant a momentary remembrance of his service in the last war.,看见戴着防毒面具在屋内值勤的党卫军,司令官一时回想起上次大战时他当兵的情形。 +"Add a clean, modern design and some descriptive storytelling, and you're well on your way to landing at least an interview — if not a whole new gig.",附以清晰而现代的设计和一些言之有物的故事,你就能很顺利地得到至少面试一次的机会,甚至迈进一个新的篇章。 +Imagine a magazine that claimed to rank all of the year's music releases in descending order of “quality.,设想一家杂志声称它将全年发布的所有音乐根据“质量”好坏按照降序排行。 +"But in doing that, the spark dies. Never, ever make that compromise.",然而,这样做,美好的生活就被磨灭了,从来就没有折中的办法。 +They turned a blind eye to the use of violence.,他们对使用暴力熟视无睹。 +"The bearer said to the pot, ""Did you notice thatthere were flowers only on your side of your path, but noton the other pot's side?""",挑夫对这个罐子说:“你注意到那些野花只长在你这一边的路上了吗? 那是因为我早就知道你这个缺陷,而我利用了这点。 +"Crystals of this type, having only one optic axis, are called uniaxial crystals.",这种只有一根光轴的晶体称为单轴晶体。 +Retarder domestic passenger car market is expected to enter the stage to accelerate the long-term.,国内客车缓速器市场有望进入加速成长期阶段。 +"Based on this project, the possibilities and feasibilities of monitoring national land use by RS are explained in this paper.",因此,专门设立了“全国土地利用动态遥感监测体系建设研究”项目。 +"If you decide to stop using Rogaine, you'll lose the hair you've regrown within a few months. Then your original pattern of hair loss will start again.",如果你决定停止使用落建,你已经重新长出的头发将在几个月内脱落。接着,你原本停止的���发又将开始。 +"For the first few seconds, there is a terrible din. The bird kicks and claws and thrashes. Then it suddenly goes very quiet.",刚开始的几秒钟,传来恐怖的嘈杂声,鸟儿又踢又抓又打的,然后突然间却静下来了。 +D. degree by Chiba University of Japan in 1997.,1997年获日本国千叶大学理学博士。 +I should tell everyone that we think it is a bit irresponsible to do that.,我应当告诉所有的人,我们认为这样做有些不负责任。 +"At first, most of its offshore investments were in the financial sector but more recently the fund has invested in natural resource-related companies and dabbled in real estate.",最初,大多数中国的海外投资对象是财政机构。但最近,这些资金用来投资自然资源的相关企业,偶尔涉及到房地产。 +I have a pain in the lower abdomen.,我在怀孕的这个时候,也是经常会感到下腹疼痛的。 +Reversing the brain drain could take time.,扭转这种人才流失的局面需要时间。 +"You can remove that breadcrumb link, inside that latest-news widget, inside your blog's index page, without ever having to repeat any of the intermediate HTML code.",就拿导航链接(breadcrumb link)来说,你不用再写额外的HTML代码,就可以最新新闻Widget和博客首页中的导航链接移除掉。 +"""There are some frogs that you have to simulate rain for or they won't come out and breed,"" Wiese said.",威斯说:“有些青蛙必须为它们模拟下雨的环境,否则它们不会进行繁殖; +Comprehension is an analyzing process of knowledge of language and non-linguistic knowledge.,理解是对语言知识和语言外知识进行分析的过程。 +To learn seeing as I understand it is almost what the un-philosophical way of speaking calls a strong will.,"学习观察,像我理解的,就是,非哲学的方法来讲话,得到的坚强的意志。" +Bonnie gives birth to Annie (Shuya) Wang;,女儿王姝雅出生; +"Small excellent heart had an idea, to a satisfying for his heart DingBan, results in the warehouse was just hao tian hit.",小优心生一计,要心怡替自己顶班,结果在仓库恰好被浩天撞到。 +The auto-stop test of emergency generator F. W. High-temp.,应急发电机淡水高温停车试验。 +"""In the immediate term we may be diminishing tumor burden, but the long term effect is to have a much nastier tumor than there was to begin with, "" Quaranta said.",“短期内我们也许减少肿瘤负担,但长期影响则是有比开始更具威胁的肿瘤”Quaranta 认为。 +We assume that XYZ Insurance Company has many brokers registered to it.,我们假设 XYZ 保险公司有许多已注册的代理人。 +"Based on the key matches diagram of system, made use of 20-SIM imitation software to construction model and imitation for a byroad of six free degree rotation stand.",基于系统键合图模型,利用20-SIM仿真软件,对六自由度转台的一个支路进行了建模与仿真。 +"In order to implement comprehensive agricultural law enforcement, the agricultural law enforcement system should be improved as soon as possible.",甘肃少数民族地区农业执法现状比较落后,应尽快完善农业执法体系建设,实行农业综合执法。 +"Over time, however, the fish started to chose the correct door more often than by chance alone.",然而,随着时间的推移,鱼选择正确的门越来越多次。 +"Hydrochlorothiazide can aggravate kidney dysfunction, and is used with caution in patients with kidney disease.",氢氯噻嗪可加重肾功能不良,因此,肾病病人使用时应格外小心。 +"If the number of data rows per page is to be limited, a limit must be specified.",如果要限制一页显示的数据行数,则请指定限制值。 +"To the chagrin of his family, the plot was discovered and he was expelled, though the incident was covered up for more than a decade.",然而令其家族感到愤怒的是,事情最终败露,他被学校除名,尽管事后该事件被成功地掩盖了10多年。 +Adopting a constant tension pay-off with air pressure damp for each bobbin to ensure the product quality.,每盘均为气压阻尼恒张力放线,产品质量得以可靠保证。 +The boat-shaped SkyPark is its most democratic gawking spot;,船形的SkyPark是大部分旅客会选择的景点; +Neuroscience shed light on the parallels and differences between electronic and human brains.,神经科学点明了电信号与人脑之间的异同之处. +"We appreciate the support and encouragement of the old and new customers', and very please to welcome domestic and foreign customers to visit foundry and negotiate business.",公司诚谢新老客户的一贯支持和鼓励,竭诚欢迎中外客商来厂参观考察并洽谈业务。 +"Here you can see two workers who, between them, have just finished cutting three cart - loads of golden brown macaroni stalks.",在这里,你可以看到两个劳动者, 他们俩协力割下了三车金黄色的通心面秸。 +Whether na?ve tilapia or infected tilapia IgM immunized rabbit could be secondary antibody.,且不论有无感染链球菌之鱼血清抗体,均可免疫兔子做为二级抗体。 +"The cedar will lighten, while the bronze will develop a dark brown patina and the weathering steel will further rust.",雪松将更明亮,而青铜将形成一种深棕色的铜锈,而耐候钢会逐渐生锈。 +God hates hypocrisy.,神憎厌虚伪。 +"An iron-enriched diet is not necessarily good for all children, American researchers found.",美国一项研究发现,富含铁剂的食谱并非适合每一个孩子。 +Can I open a specific entry in a dojo accordion?,我可以打开一个道场手风琴的特定条目? +"The Spotlight feature, which you activate by scrolling to the left of your first home screen, lets you search for contacts, songs, apps, email, etc.",你可以在主界面上将屏幕滚动到左边来激活焦点搜索功能。 你可以用这个功能来搜索联系人,歌曲,应用,电子邮件等等。 +"Denmark’s largest-ever traffic safety campaign, Traffic Safety at Eye Level, has arrived in Svendborg.",丹麦有史以来最大的交通安全培训活动——“交通安全迫在眉睫”在斯温伯格举办。 +The top photo is a street-level shot that shows a lone figure on the ground in the midst of buildings damaged by the quake and a resulting fire.,上面的图片是一幅街景,图中只有一个人孤零零地走在被地震及其引发的大火损毁的建筑之间。 +"It is such a great era with the arrival of the background, post-modernist social impact in the West, but also inevitable in the Chinese society, and there were dramatic and wide-ranging implications.",正是随着这种大时代背景的到来,后现代主义在西方社会的影响,也不可避免的出现在中国社会中,并且发生了剧烈而广泛的影响。 +"Backpackers, by their very nature, are going to be more likelytobe risk-takers and they are not just doing it for the week, theyaredoing it for the whole year, Dillon said.",迪伦指出:“由于其天性使然,那些背包客通常更富于冒险精神,而且他们此类行为所持续的时间往往并非一个星期而是一整年。” +"There are estimates for landed costs, payments of goods through draft, letters of credit insurance, and re-delivery of cargo if there is more than one port of destination.",还要对装运费、商品付款、信用证保险,在多于一个目的地的货品的再发货等行为进行评估。 +"In fact, many of the techniques kids instinctively use to make friends on the playground work for ages 4 thru 104.",事实上,小孩在运动场上惯用的交友技巧普遍适用于4岁-104岁的人。 +"The research tests the students'subjective well-being of college students by the Index of Well-being, mainly studies the effects of demographic factors on college students'subjective well-being.",然后采用幸福感指数量表对大学生主观幸福感进行问卷调查,探讨不同性别、年级、专业、生源地及父母受教育程度等人口统计学因素对大学生主观幸福感的影响。 +"Core frameworks (like Struts), utilities like logging packages (like log4j), and even exception hierarchies usually have high afferent coupling.",核心框架(如 Strut)、登录包(如 log4j)之类的实用工具以及异常层次结构通常具有高传入耦合。 +"But even doubling the current federal infrastructure expenditure, a vast increase, would represent only 8 percent of a $750 billion package.",但是即便两倍目前的联邦基建支出,算是厉害了,也只是7500亿的8%。 +"Anti-virus computer once infected, light will influence the computer work normally, heavy then eliminate disk data, make whole computer system crash.",防病毒电脑一旦感染病毒,轻则影响电脑的正常工作,重则消除磁盘数据,使整个电脑系统崩溃。 +The cluster analysis indicated there was certain association between the genetic structure of wild soybean accessions and geographic distribution.,聚类结果显示野生大豆天然种群组成结构与地理分布存在一定的相关性。 +"Only in 1982 to explore the West South 36.5 meters, see Xunma 106 horse.",仅一九八二年发掘的西面南端36.5米,就见殉马106匹。 +M: I see you are not the kind of person who like to party 24-7!,Duh! 我悃成这样,你看我是个喜欢整天整夜party的人吗? +"In 1993, shortly after the fall of the Soviet Union, the U. S. and the Russian Federation signed a landmark arms-control accord.",1993年,苏联解体后不久,美国与俄罗斯联邦签署了划时代的军备控制协议。 +"Bala, who lives in the southern Philippines, Zamboanga del Norte article in remote rural New Dan Gan City, grew up poor locksmith family.",巴拉文家住菲律宾南部北三宝颜偏远乡镇新丹甘市,出身贫穷锁匠家庭。 +"We have already lived in peking for seven years, and what IF we are requested to return to Yenan in the eighth?",我们已经在北京住了七年,��八年又请我们回延安怎么办? +"Although there are a lot of scientists involved in the project, Lyson and Manning have not yet allowed experts outside the project to assess the mummified dinosaur.",尽管有很多科学家参与了这个项目, Lyson和曼宁尚未允许外专家项目评估木乃伊的恐龙。 +Time called Grove 'a brilliant mind on the front line of a revolution' who had changed the face of the world.,《时代》杂志称葛洛夫是“站在革命前沿的天才”,认为他改变了世界的面貌。 +"I bet you just love that Mr. Darcy and your 2)sentimental heart just beats wildly at the thought that he and, well, you know whatever her name is, are truly honestly going to 3)end up together.",我敢说你一定爱上了那位达西先生,你善感的心灵一想起他就狂跳不已,还有,那个你知道叫什么名字的,最终和他真诚地走到了一起。 +"Now, go to study, read a book. (students read and repeat )",做读书动作叫学生齐读齐做。 +I was just leering.,这就是天意! +It will cause the external motive force that alters the system. There are pressures of peripheral economic development and of the regional lower-level economy mainly.,造成系统变更的外部动力,主要有区域经济水平较低的压力、周边经济发展的压力和来自上级的压力; +"Don't, Angel, be so anxious about a mere child of the soil!' said his mother.",“安琪尔,不要这样为一个乡下土孩子着急!” 他的母亲说。 +If there is any doubt about product compatibility with equipment during shipment and storage,l 如果在产品运输和储存过程中,对该防腐剂和设备的兼容性有怀疑,可以咨询防腐剂生产厂商,供应链质量部。 +"Certain natures cannot love on the one hand without hating on the other. Mother Thenardier loved her two daughters passionately , which caused her to hate the stranger.",某些人不能只爱一面而不恨其他一面。德纳第婆子酷爱她自己的两个女儿,因而也厌恶那外来的孩子。 +"His first phone call was to the ferry system’s safety director, who was new on the job, but who gave Nalder the name and location of his predecessor.",他首先打电话给轮渡系统的安全主管。 这位主管刚刚上任,但他提供了前任政府官员的姓名和地址。 +"In India, executives said 95 percent of their layoffs were men; in France men accounted for 71 percent of job losses.",在印度,行政部门说他们解雇的95%的员工是男性;在法国,男性占到失业人数的71%。 +"Also, the valves must be individually packaged with each carton label stating : Bleach ball valve, size, material, and manufacturer.",此外,这些阀门必须单独包装,每个纸箱标签标明:漂白剂球阀,通径,材料,和制造商。 +They clubbed him to death with their rifles.,他们用枪托将他打死。 +The majority of men can be close and communicate; they want to get married and have kids.,不过,大多数男性还是喜欢亲密关系和沟通的,他们渴望婚姻,想要孩子。 +The principle of sequence stratigraphy can be used in lacustrine deposit.,层序地层学原理可以应用于湖相沉积。 +"The most original taste of meat could be kept, and meat-like aroma could be produced, when the enzyme was used to hydrolyze the meat protein.",用酶法水解肉蛋白使其保持了大部分的肉的原鲜味,可以产生逼真的肉香味; +The penetration depth of weld metal can be increased by selecting correct gas-assisting blowing in laser welding.,激光焊接时正确选择侧吹工艺可以增大焊缝熔深。 +"Generally speaking, the time you spend with family or on genuinely career-building projects will pass muster -- but the extra three emails you can answer at 11 p.m. will fail.",一般说来,你和家人在一起或者你真正给自己做职业规划的时间是合格的、有意义的,但是你在半夜11点回的三封邮件,这个时间就不那么值得了。 +"And so, we really have tried to create a process that's streamlined, that enables small teams -- if you look at World of Goo, for example: 2D Boy, two guys, 10, 000 dollars.",因此我们真的已在尝试去创建一个有效率的程序,适合小的开发团队--如果你玩World of Goo(译者注:粘土世界):2D BOY工作室,两个工作人员,一万美元。 +But it has the essential ingredients for Noel the baker-- an oven and a long wooden table to knead his dough.,但对面包师Noel来说,这里具备了基本的条件:一个烤炉和一个可以揉面的木制长桌。 +Turner maintained a life long fascination with the frailty of man when subjected to the power and immensity of nature.,透纳一生都痴迷于一个主题:人类面对大自然时总显得如此渺小。 +Another version: hundreds of millions years ago here was a sea and an active underwater volcano that could produce not only steam but water-insoluble minerals as well.,另一种说法是:在成千上万年以前,这里是一片海洋,海底的火山活动频繁,这不仅可以产生蒸汽而且还有非水溶性矿物质等。 +"It is merry when friends meet. 4. She had spent a sleepless night, and rising early, has stood, wrapped up, at her window, with the cool air blowing on her face, to watch the dawn.",她度过了一个不眠之夜,而且(连接词没有相对应的前一部分, 也没必要)。她早早起来,裹的严严的站在窗前,伴着迎面而来的冷风看天亮。 +"Lightning Imaged by 1, 500-Pound Camera",一千五百磅的照相机拍摄的闪电图像 +"Sheng Zhai, the treasurer of the Malaysian-kay said, the rent can not be too high, otherwise the old things sell your customers can not accept, we sad.",月盛斋的马国琦掌柜说,租金不能太高,否则东西卖贵了老顾客接受不了,我们伤心。 +Sophie Neveu was one of DCPJ's biggest mistakes.,奈芙是中央司法警察局最大的错误之一。 +Some people believe that students should be given one long vacation each year. Others believe that students should have several short vacations throughout the year.,有些人认为学生每年应该有一个长假,另外有些人认为学生应该有几个短假,你支持哪个观点? +You may eat fruit salad for the 1st serving and chopped /sliced fruit for the 2nd serving.,第一份您可以会吃水果沙拉,第二份你可以会吃切块或者切片的水果。 +Pavlyuchenko revealed he was yet to discuss the move with Spurs boss Juande Ramos.,帕夫柳琴科提到他还没有和热刺主帅拉莫斯讨论这桩转会。 +"Gradually, perhaps several years to autumn already go to, The feeling of like also gradually disappear, I can't help but also want to ask, Love is the ignorance of things?",年月渐去,或许数秋已去, 喜欢的感觉也渐渐消失, 我不禁也想问, 恋爱就是这种淡薄的东西? +"Run ""/usr/bin/uname -n"" and check if the host name is correct for the system.",运行“/usr/bin/uname –n”,并检查主机名称对系统来说是否正确。 +The needle finally killed him.,注射毒针最终害死了他。 +"In two years, C-37's work has led to 20 indictments and criminal complaints.",在两年的时间里,C-37的工作已经导致20宗起诉和刑事诉讼案件。 +"Tit. 2:14 Who gave Himself for us that He might redeem us from all lawlessness and purify to Himself a particular people as His unique possession, zealous of good works.",多二14他为我们舍了自己,要赎我们脱离一切的不法,并洁净我们,归他自己成为独特的子民,作他特有的产业,热心行善。 +"The party's moral carriage was history itself, and anyone who threw himself in its path not only would but also should be trodden over.",党的道德就是历史的道德,任何阻挡在党的前进道路上的人都该被践踏。 +Later I discovered that when you push against a wall you contract the muscles that lie just below where your ribs begin to splay.,后来我发现,当你推墙时,你就收缩了你肋骨开始伸展的下方的肌肉。我将这一区域称为。 +Don't be afraid to bite off nore than you can chew.,不要怕去尝试你以前不敢啃的骨头。 +In the on position the mid frequencies will be cut and the high and low frequencies will be boosted.,当开启该开关(ON),中段频率将被削减,低段和高端频率将被提升。 +"Then they passed over well-known spots, where the little one had often played, and through beautiful gardens full of lovely flowers.",他们摘下了几朵美丽的花,但也带走了几朵被人瞧不起的金凤花和野生的三色堇花。 +The anti-Jewish pogroms in Czarist Russia were but the tip of the iceberg which revealed the inherent rottenness of the regime which was soon to disappear in the storm of revolution.,沙皇俄国时代对犹太人的屠杀,正是这种冰山顶上的一角,它所揭示的正是这一政权本身已经完全腐烂,结果,很快它就在革命的风暴中无影无踪。 +"Asian clients can be tight-fisted , though – as anyone will testify who has sat through tortuous negotiations only for advisers to be switched at the eleventh hour.",但亚洲客户也会相当吝啬——任何经历了艰苦谈判、在最后一刻却看到交易顾问被换掉的人都会证实这一点。 +"In this article, it aims at facilitating the openness of the researches on the Western missionaries in Guangxi through the openness of Image Studies in Comparative literature.",本文旨在以比较文学形象学的开放性促成西方来桂传教士研究之开放。 +"The structure view itself can take on multiple appearances, some more useful than others, but generally the options involve some helpful nested indentation and/or icons.",结构视图本身可以有多种外观,有一些很有用,但选项通常都涉及一些有帮助的嵌套缩排和/或图标。 +"Chelsea must rouse themselves to keep some pressure on United by winning at the Emirates Stadium tomorrow, when Ashley Cole could return to his former club.",切尔西必须��作起来,团结一致赢下做客酋长的比赛,那时阿什利。科尔也将重返老东家。 +The fourth chapter design a pricing model based on China's MBS's prepayment risk.,本文第四章设计出基于提前偿付风险的中国MBS定价模型。 +"Because of the impact and evolution of this trend and phenomenon, a ""World Religion "" may appear in the next century, amalgamating the major religions of today's world.",正因为这种趋势和现象的冲击、演变,下世纪也许会出现一个“世界教”,统合目前世界上的大宗教派系。 +"Those children, Osama included, grew up in the shadow of a court society.",这些孩子,包括奥萨马,在宫廷社会的影子下长大。 +Honda Nighthawk luggage rack.,行李架本田夜鹰。 +In malignant or deeper lesions the mucosal wave not only decreased but also the vibration of vocal cords was affected.,而声带深层病变,多数恶性病变,其声带振动和粘膜波动可减弱或消失; +"After the style sheet is loaded and transformation is performed, the node re-parses the result into a message tree.",加载了样式表并执行转换之后,节点要将结果重新解析为消息树。 +"But The Extra Crispy Chicken, Colonel's Crispy Strips, HBBQ Wings, Boneless HBBQ Wings, Fiery Buffalo Wings, and more have partially hydrogenated soybean oil listed in the ingredients.",但额外的酥鸡,大校的脆条, hbbq翅膀,去骨hbbq翅膀,火热的水牛翅膀,和更多有部分氢化大豆油中所列的成分。 +"It does this by painting a global window of a specified color and then removing it, causing all subsequent windows to repaint.",它通过绘画的全球窗口指定的颜色,然后删除它,导致所有后续窗口重画。 +But the warhammer gold lessons of the crisis have not been lost on many other EU countries that have yet to join.,但是金融危机的教训使得尚待加入的国家也不敢轻易言弃。 +"Even in the short run, such a policy could help to generate renewed al Qaeda growth, especially in the peculiar local conditions of Yemen.",即使是短期来看,也会帮助基地组织重获生机,尤其在也门某些地区的特定条件下。 +"Again, this content can be stored in one central location for employees to access as needed.",同样,该内容也可被存储在一个中央位置,以供员工在需要时访问。 +Coyote took his eyes off and put them through the hole.,于是狐狸又把眼镜卸了下来,抛到了洞外。 +The sweet and sour fish is particularly good tonight. Would you like to try?,糖醋鱼是今晚特别推荐,您是否试试? +"Just as we said you should never choose a strictly dominated strategy, you're probably never going to choose a weakly dominated strategy either, but it's a little more subtle.","我们说过,不要采用严格劣势策略,你也不应该采用弱劣势策略,不过这个更严密一些罢了" +Be everybody think Luotian de child all have ability oneself go to school?,是大家认为罗田的孩子都有能力自己上学? +"Reasonable to each big media reported the news headlines, injury passes the brain KongYuanQing received Ann in yong calls supplications assisted, they meet again.",合理各大媒体以头条报导这则新闻时,伤透脑筋的孔元庆接到安在勇来电恳求辅佐,两人相约见面。 +"In Britain, 70% of smokers say that they would like to stop smoking, and of these smokers, 83% have tried more than once to give it up.",在英国,有70%的吸烟者说他们愿意戒烟。同时,这些吸烟者当中,有83%的人已不止一次地试过把烟戒掉。 +"It will come to an end only by the radical ""liquidation"" of all ""exploiting classes"" and their ""sycophants, "" the wretched peoples who betray their class comrades.",最终的结果只能是所有“剥削阶级”及其“寄生虫”,即那些背叛其阶级同志的可怜虫们的彻底“灭亡”。 +"A warmer global climate melts the ice caps, raising sea levels.",全球气候变暖冰帽融化,海平面上升。 +"This would lessen the number of technologies and amount of code you have to write, providing a better overall experience for both the developer and the user.",这将减少需要使用的技术种类和您必须编写的代码量,从而为开发人员和用户提供更好的整体体验。 +"It would mean that I would go through another 12 years of school,",学医就意味着我将在学校再待12年, +The visitor duration on each page is more than 90 seconds.,游客在每页上的驻留时间超过90秒。 +Two new species of Tilia from Shandong.,标题 山东椴属二新种。 +Five women from the neighboring shamba arrived and took up the death chant.,邻近的石堡来了五个女人,开始吟唱死亡圣歌。 +The special design guarantees two shafts realize good concentricity . Heat medium and vacuum system all adapt reliable machinery seal or rotating joint made from USA.,特别设计的工装,充分体现了两支轴的良好同心,热媒及真空系统均采用可靠的美国技术的��转接头。 +"The survey, carried out by loyalty card company Nectar and the telecommuncations firm Talk Talk. also came up with the talkers of the towns, or rather the regions.",这项由Nectar会员卡公司和Talk Talk电信公司发起的调查,同时吸引了来自不同城市,甚至不同地域的参与者。 +Straighten up your desk Rearranging pencils may not be a form of procrastination after all.,在你的再安排铅笔的书桌上面弄直不可能是毕竟一种延迟的形式。 +"Abolitionists have had more luck, at least temporarily, by arguing that lethal injection, the form of execution most widely adopted, is excruciatingly painful.",至少在目前,在另一方面废除死刑者运气更好。他们争辩说毒剂注射这种最广泛使用的行刑方式是极度痛苦的。 +"Stylist︰I want to cut off your sideburns, trim the sides and back, and make the top a bit spiky.",发型师︰我想剪掉您的鬓脚,修剪一下两侧和后面的头发,然后把头顶剪成稍微尖尖的形状。 +Aircraft engine Nacelle flexible ducts.,飞机发动机短舱挠性管道。 +"When compared with the NS group and the Ranitidine group, the ulcerative index and the inflammatory cells in the QFWT groups were significantly lowered;",七方胃痛胶囊组的再生粘膜的新生血管数明显高于雷尼替丁组和生理盐水组,固有层炎症细胞浸润数明显低于雷尼替丁组和生理盐水组; +"When exposed in air, stainless steels passivate naturally (due to the presence of chromium).",当暴露在空气中时,不锈钢就自动钝化。 +"At present, those receiving training in the Military and Political College are mainly cadres at army and divisional levels, while cadres at regimental level account for only 20 per cent.",现在军政大学训练的基本上是军师干部,团的干部只占百分之二十。 +Hogsheads of ale and claret were set abroach in the streets to celebrate the victory.,大桶大桶地淡色啤酒和红葡萄酒被流到街上,以庆贺胜利。 +Should fragrance be applied to clothes?,香水可以喷洒在布料上面吗? +It became a target for the revolutionaries after the king dismissed the popular minister Necker - they feared a military clampdown was on the cards and that the National Assembly would be shut down.,当国王将受人爱戴的大臣内克尔解职后,它便成为了革命者的一个标靶——后者担心可能会出现军事镇压,国民议会遭到关闭。 +The United Nations and an international coalition of advertising agencies today launched a global marketing campaign for the climate change treaty to be ratified in Copenhagen later this year.,联合国和某国际广告代理联盟组织今天联合推出了一项全球性推广运动,以宣传今年晚些时候将在哥本哈根达成的全球气候变化协议。 +"The studies did not find, for example, that smoke-free tobacco products were strongly correlated with high blood pressure, a risk factor for heart disease.",比如说,高血压是导致心脏疾病的主要因素,而研究并没有发现无烟烟草制品与高血压有紧密的关联。 +Parents who entrust their children to this school are bound to expect that the children shall be educated and prepared for the practical work of life in a way that takes due account of this movement.,把孩子托付给华德福学校的父母应该明白,孩子所接受的教育必是为他们进入工业化社会做准备的。 +"You can't get the model right on paper the first time, as you can when building a bridge, for example.",你不能第一次就得到正确的模型,例如,就像你在造一座桥时。 +The multiple testing issue should be discussed although it was mentioned that two out the three polymorphisms are in close LD with each other.,我做了三个位点基因多态的病例对照研究,现审稿人提了两个统计问题想请大家帮忙,谢谢! +"Against the leaden sky, the granite stones, standing in the pouring rain, exuded a profound sense of melancholy.",灰蒙蒙的天空下,花岗岩作成的墓碑,挺立在倾盆大雨中,弥漫着深深的幽怨。 +Back in the spring the vice-principal had called her the day Brendan was caught fighting with the kids who'd kicked him up against the lockers.,春天的时候,副校长在丹和把他锁进储物柜还拳打脚踢的孩子们打架被抓后,叫来了她。 +"By linking the DC relay contactor with power electronic device, the DC hybrid switch apparatus without switching arcing was designed and accomplished.",采用直流开关电器与电力电子器件相结合方式,设计并实现了能够实现无弧通断的直流混合开关电器。 +Now drape it around the front of my hands.,好,把它衣服挂在我的手上。 +Polysaccharide vaccines have been available to prevent the disease for over 30 years.,多糖疫苗已经问世30多年,用以预防这一疾病。 +He worked hard and was soon promoted.,他工作努力,很快就获得提升。 +"Spreading wastewater over fields, and allowing it to leach back through the soil into local waterways, turns out to be a reasonable way to purify it.",将废水浇灌到田里,这些水经过土壤的过滤后又重新流回当地的水系,这已经被证明是非常合理的污水净化方法。 +"It is not intended here to argue legally with such opinion but from the information and decided cases, HY cannot satisfy the requirement of an implied term for the reasons set out in the coming page.",虽然我们不打算以法律争论康业大律师的意见,但是从大量的资料和判例,康业的解释并不能满足隐含条款成立的条件。 +"Race is a social reality, Duster observes, and he warns that science itself is a social institution susceptible to essentialist perceptions of race.",达斯特认为种族是个社会现实,他并提出警告,科学本身就是一种社会制度,容易受到种族基本认知的影响。 +"Main business including: product sales, weak construction and so on.",主营业务包括:产品销售、 弱电工程建设等方面。 +Don't let life slip through your figers by living in the past or in the future.,不要因生活在过去或将来而让生命从你的指尖滑过 +"The firm hired RBC Capital Markets, the investment banking arm of Royal Bank of Canada, to look for suitors.",公司委托加拿大皇家银行分支机构皇家银行资本市场部负责找寻买家。 +Or they uttered haughty comments.,或者他们还态度傲慢地评论一番。 +"The car broke down halfway, we were very anxious.",半道儿上汽车竟然抛锚了,我们急坏了。 +In that year commodity prices were ris in g much faster and Asia ’s economies were wound much tighter.,在2008年,物价上涨更加迅速,亚洲各经济体政策更紧。 +Several experiments were carried out to test the permeability with different saturation of Methane Hydrate in the porous medium which was substituted by BZ-01 or BZ-02 glass beads.,用BZ-01、BZ-02玻璃砂模拟多孔介质进行了渗透率测量实验,测试了不同甲烷水合物饱和度下多孔介质渗透率的变化情况。 +"Eerie sameness has been around for a while, but the problem has become more pronounced in the last few decades.",这种奇怪的相似已经存在了一段时间了,不过这个问题在几十年内变得更加明显了。 +The only advertisement on the rink's fence was a green banner whose white characters reminded Overpopulation is our nation's most pressing problem.,场上围墙的唯一广告是一面绿旗﹐旗上的白色标语提醒大家﹕人口问题是中国面临的最严重问题。 +He was a dentist who had an office in the building—his teeth were capped with silver.,他在罗雷莱有办公室,是个牙医,他的牙都包着银色的外壳。 +The primary goal of this research is to study the influences of different pile-tip soils on the bearing characters of bored piles.,通过模型试验研究不同桩端土对承压钻孔灌注桩承载特性的影响。 +"Normally, we think the panda is very tender animal, but actually it's a bear, not a cat.",通常,我们认为熊猫是非常温和的动物,但事实上它属于熊类,而非猫类。 +"More than 670,000 international students attended an American college or university last year.",去年有超过670,000留学生进入美国大学或高校学习。 +"The oddish design of the new product worried its producers, but customers seemed to like its originality, and sales were good.",新产品的古怪设计让生产商感到担心,但客户似乎喜欢它的创意,销售很好。 +"Supporting the bill was good election-year politics in Florida, but it undermined whatever chance I might have if I won a second term to lift the embargo in return for positive changes within Cuba.",支持这项法令就佛罗里达来说,是一个很好的选举年政治策略,但如果我第二次赢得大选,它会损害任何我可能得到的取消古巴禁运的机会,而取消禁运可以让古巴发生很多积极的变化。 +Wide attention is paid to electronic load scale attached to crane hook to insure safe crane operation.,为保证起重机的使用安全,钩头动态电子秤受到了工矿企业与港口码头的普遍重视。 +Let's turn to hedge funds and other market operators who earn their returns by arbitraging short-term market swings.,现在转向对冲基金和其他通过短期市场变动进行套利的市场操作者。 +Help other drivers to see you. Wear light or brightly colored clothing.,穿发光的或颜色鲜艳的骑行服,这样可以帮助别的司机看到你。 +"Some of modern art, it confuses me and I'm kind of like, you know, ""What's the point?""",有些现代艺术让我很迷惑,我就想说“它的意义在哪儿?” +"Compared the Taihu Lake and Three Gorges reservoir from social economy and physical geography, evaluated the possibility of nonpoint source pollution (NPS pollution) in Three Gorges reservoir.",从社会经济、自然地理等角度对比太湖流域与三峡库区的状况,探讨三峡水库在正式建成后库区非点源污染发生的可能性。 +The amount payable upon the happening of a claim event as defined in an insurance contract.,指保险合约所订出现申索事件时应付的款项。 +Near death survivors of TTX-poisoning recall being paralyzed and unable to protest when others mistakenly declared them dead!,TTX中毒幸存者回忆起那种精神麻痹不能自我保护的状态。甚至其他人错误的宣布他已经死亡! +"Even with respect to sales activity, each month we continue to see a handful of neighbourhoods reporting increases compared to a year ago.",因此我们对销售业绩相当乐观;并且,与去年同期相比较,我们每个月都会看到,邻近区域的业务有所增长的报告。 +"Its educational principles are: to create a safe environment, to learn how to study, to let students participate, to facilitate students' learning desire and the fusion of cognition with emotion.",其教育原则是创设安全的学习环境、学会学习、学生参与教学、促进学生的学习欲望和情知交融。 +Have you run into any trouble in the Customs?,你们在海关遇到了麻烦没有? +He can't put his ideas over clearly enough.,他不能够把自己的想法说得十分清楚。 +Chitosan hydrogel was synthesized in acetic acid solution with chitosan using glutaraldehyde as crosslinker.,以壳聚糖为原料,用戊二醛作为交联剂,在醋酸溶液中合成壳聚糖水凝胶。 +"Content of catechin , epi- catechin and anthocyanins except condensated anthocyanins were decreased during aging phase, the new anthocyanins could be indentified after aging one year.",在陈酿过程中,儿茶素、表儿茶素和花色苷(聚合类花色苷除外)呈下降趋势;陈酿一年后,有新的聚合花色苷出现。 +"Irecollect, am recollecting the beauty which at that time you as soonas flickers.",我回忆,回忆着那时你一瞬的美丽。 +"The paper put forward proposals, such as establishing social market-oriented operation mechanism;",并且,有针对性地提出,面向市场建立社会化运行机制; +"The first settlement was known as Yerba Buena, and the name was changed to San Francisco after control of the town passed to the United States in 1846.",第一个殖平易近点被称为耶尔巴布埃那,1846年美国节制该城市后更名旧金山。 +"Steve Penny, the president of USA Gymnastics, said: “USA Gymnastics has always believed this issue needed to be addressed by the F.I.G. and I.O.C.",美国体操联合会的主席Steve Penny说道:“美国体操联合会认为F.I.G.和国际奥委会必须对这个问题发表声明。 +"The decision could give the U.S. government and Chicago-based Boeing Co. legal ammunition to contest future funding for Airbus, a unit of European Aeronautic Defence &Space Co.",这一裁定可能让美国政府和总部位于芝加哥的波音公司(Boeing Co.)有了法律依据,可以对空客将来的融资提出质疑。 空客为欧洲航空防务航天公司(European Aeronautic Defence &Space Co.)的旗下子公司。 +ADAMTS13 activity has been measured over 1000patients of TTP and hemolysis uremia syndrome (HUS) since 1997.,1997年以来国外已有逾千例TTP 溶血性尿毒症综合征(HUS)患者作了ADAMTS13活性测定。 +This is my personal experience about the ten thousand buddhas repentance. Hope that it could be helpful to your cultivation.,这是个人在拜万佛寳忏中的一个经历,希望能对大家的修行有所帮助。 +She moonlights as a waitress to pay her tuition.,她靠兼职做女侍应生来支付学费。 +"If the perturbations had been continuously generated over time, the power spectrum would not be so harmoniously ordered.",倘若密度微扰参差错落地发生,功率谱看起来便不会如此和谐有序了。 +"Rejoice and be glad, because great is your reward in heaven, for in the same way they persecuted the prophets who were before you. --Matthew 5:12",应当欢喜快乐,因为你们在天堂的赏赐将是极好的。在你们之前的先知们也遭受着人们同样的迫害。——马太福音5章12节。 +It is the trend to use the concealed pipes to increase the utilization area and make the toilets more aesthetic.,为增加卫生间的可利用面积,提高卫生间的美观程度,近几年,卫生间各种水平管道暗敷逐步代替明管。 +Swollen; distended. Used of a body part or organ.,以肿胀为标志的,肿的。用于身体部位或器官。 +Kitchen God and Dong Hai switch souls and Kitchen God has no choice but to remain in Wan Fu Lou using Dong Hai's identity.,灶神与东海调换元神,只好以东海身份在万福楼掌厨。 +You should stand on the right side. Leave the left side for someone in rush.,应靠右侧闸幄,为有急事的人空出左侧通道。 +"The U.S. government-funded research also offers the prospect of a 'miracle pill' which staves off the menopause, allowing women to wait longer to have a child.",这项由美国政府资助的研究还向世人提供了这样一个前景,服用'奇��丸'能推迟绝经期,让女性有更长的生育期。 +We are advancing along the socialist road.,人们反沿灭社会从义道路前进。 +"""There is no longer any way of hiding, "" sighed Onofre, a 70-year-old cattle rancher who moved to the region in the 1970s seeking his fortune and admits to having destroyed huge tracts of rainforest.",“躲到哪儿去都没用,”奥诺弗雷叹了一口气。他今年已经年届70,农场里有大片的牛群。他是20世纪70年代来这里碰运气的。他承认自己已经毁了成片成片的热带雨林。 +"The invention discloses a lentiviral vector for expressing the glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor and applications thereof, which belong to the field of medical biotechnology.",本发明公开了一种表达胶质源性神经营养因子的慢病毒载体及其用途,属于医 学生物技术领域。 +"But Janusz Laskowski, a Pole now living in London, recalls how, as an 11-year-old-boy, one of the Russian executioners had been billeted at his mother's house.",但是,现生活在伦敦的波兰人Janusz Laskowski,回忆道,当他还是一个11岁的小男孩时,一名俄罗斯刽子手一直被安置在他母亲的家中。 +"The company has rich experience in product design, proofing cycle short, strict quality control and quality production.",公司具有丰富的产品设计经验, 打样周期短,严格的质量控制和高质量的生产。 +Conclusions It is a good way to make PFM bridge restoration for anterior tooth space.,结论运用烤瓷联冠作前牙漂移复位后的固定夹板,不失为一种有效的方法。 +"As in these other articles, the application we will develop here maintains a list of contacts (address book entries) specific to the logged-in user.",与其它文章相似,我们将在这里开发的应用程序维护着特定于登录用户的联系人(通讯簿条目)列表。 +"The head of the senate finance committee, Jean Arthuis, last week said the huge costs were a result of poor management and an excessively ambitious programme.",法国参议院财政委员会主席让·阿尔蒂(Jean Arthuis)上周表示,巨额开销是由混乱无序的管理和过度铺张造成的。 +The text is written from right to left in Leonardo's trademark mirror-writing and has yet to be deciphered.,正文从右向左写,是达·芬奇特有的书写格式。内容有待于破解。 +"If your looks characteristic isn't manifest, choosing the spectacle frame is thin, whether your face characteristic is emphatic, choose then that the spectacle frame is thicker.",如果你的相貌特征不明显,选择镜框细的,如果你的面部特征突出,则选择镜框较粗的。 +It is shown that the numerical simulations can be considered as an important method in the study of Wound Balli…,本文的工作说明,数值方法可以作为研究创伤力学的重要手段,有着广阔的应用前景。 +"But Dr. Lee and his team searched the woods and the river bank, and even dragged the river. They found 56 bone chips, 2,660 hairs, a nail with pink nail polish, and a tooth.",但是李博士和他的工作小组搜寻了森林与河岸,甚至在河中捞物,他们找到了56 个骨头碎片,2,660 根头发,一片有粉红色指甲油的指甲,及一颗牙齿。 +"The function of government is unique and irreplaceable in high-skill talents cultivation, so the role of government should be highly played to meet the status quo.",政府作用的唯一性和不可替代性,决定了在高技能人才培养中的要大力挖掘政府角色的资源,以应现状。 +They used only natural pigments to dye the wool.,他们只用自然颜料染毛织品。 +Services are free. The site gives information about the programme and the products and services offered.,该网站介绍了该项目计划的情况及所提供的产品和服务内容。 +"However, is sprinkler water cuckoo land to the stomach, the body started coming out of the next three water: the water head first car tail dripping, and pretty soon the ground is a big stand.",可是,正在洒水车咕咕地往肚子里喝水时,车身下三处开始往外冒水:先是车尾巴的喷水头滴水,不一会儿地面已是一大摊。 +"Even so, heuristics work in a broad range of situations.",尽管如此,启发法在多种情况下都行之有效。 +The highest are the wise and the lowest are the stupid.,上智下愚。 +A risk analysis model of human resources in enterprises based on fuzzy partial orders is developed to deal with the issue of HR risk and its analysis in this essay.,文章从企业 人力资源 风险及 风险 决策的目的与意义出发,建立了基于 模糊偏序关系的企业 人力资源 风险评估与 决策 模型。 +""" Through the first bomb will be detonated at the main into the air, then let his happen, ""the second explosion"" of anti-enemy.",首先通过第一级引爆将炸弹主体送入空中,然后在让与其发生“第二次爆炸”来杀伤敌人。 +My son allied himself with the people of the White lotus.,我的儿子成天和白莲教的人厮混在一起。 +The party emblem represents the unity and solidarity of the Chinese people.,党徽代表中国人民团结统一。 +"In the framework for the trends of thought in modern Chinese enlightening literature, to ""save the nation"" or to ""found the state"" is the seemingly ever-existing but abandoned ""God"".",在中国现代启蒙主义文学思潮框架中,救国、立国是一个似乎永远“在场”而又被抛弃的“上帝” ,“立人”才是其思想建构的逻辑基点。 +An official at the Chinese Academy of Sciences says that the main purpose of exposing the three researchers was to help them to correct their mistakes.,一位中国科学院的官员表示,把这三位研究者曝光主要是帮助他们改正错误。 +"During one of these breaks, every 24 hours, it was tested optically and compared to the control lens.",在其中的一个符号,每24小时,这是光学测试和比较,以控制镜头。 +The proposed method was successfully applied to the determination of flunarizine hydrochloride in capsules.,该方法已用于盐酸氟桂利嗪胶囊中盐酸氟桂利嗪的含量测定。 +The fear slowly spewed out of his body.,他感到心头一阵恐惧。 +The intelligent liquid level monitoring system had advantages of simple arithmetic as well as no additional equipments and easy in realization of projects.,该智能液位监控系统采用的监控策略具有算法简单、不需要增加额外设备和易于工程实现的优点。 +"With the rapid development of sports sciences, the role of the theory of assessment in teaching practice has become more and more important.",在篮球普修课中,传统的教学往往只把体育教学的结果作为评价的主要对象。 +"The Argentina striker has started for the Reds in three cup finals, winning two - in the FIFA Club World Cup and UEFA Champions League.",这位阿根廷前锋已经为曼联出战过三场杯赛决赛,拿下了欧冠和世俱杯两个冠军。 +The common example is when company has a hierarchal reporting structure whereby one member of staff reports to another.,常见的例子是,公司有一个层级汇报结构,其中一个员工向另一个汇报。自联接可以是外联接或内联接( 查看更多)。 +"I see these speakers as durable, jack of all trades devices that I can use for very small one man gigs, enhancing tv sound, or hooking up to radios and other devices.",我认为耐用,各行各业这些扬声器插孔的设备,我可以用非常小的一个人音乐会,提高电视的声音,或挂接收音机和其他设备。 +He also told colleagues at America's top military hospital that non-Muslims were infidels condemned to hell who should be set on fire.,他告诉美国最高军事医院的同事,那些非穆斯林都是被打入地狱的异教徒,应该被烈火灼烧。 +WebSEAL can front-end any Web application server or Web server in an enterprise e-business infrastructure.,在企业电子商务基础结构中,WebSEAL 可以作为任何 Web 应用服务器或 Web 服务器的前端系统。 +The art theatre has produced several plays this year.,这家艺术剧院今年上演了几个戏。 +"The British coastline, indented with innumerable inlets, is over two thousand miles in circumference, without including Ireland.",大不列颠的海岸线犬牙交错,有着无数的海湾,周围长达两千余英里,还不包括爱尔兰在内。 +CONCLUSION OEC transplantation is effective and safe in treating the neurological function of patients with OPCA.,结论:嗅鞘细胞移植能迅速改善橄榄体桥脑小脑萎缩患者的神经功能,且应用安全。 +Mitigates risk by improving test results for more-accurate characterization.,通过优化测试结果以获得更精确的油藏描述,从而降低风险。 +"If you must take a taxi, be sure the driver puts down the flag on the meter when you get in. Be sure there is nothing on the meter before he throws the flag.",如果你非得坐出租车,在上车时必须确定司机把计价器上的旗形牌 放 倒了,确定在他 放 倒旗形牌以前计价表上没有数字。 +Other remains suggest they lived alongside predators including sabre-toothed cats.,发现的其他遗骸化石显示,他们与l包括剑齿虎在内的食肉动物共同生活在同一时期。 +Neo-classical furniture adds the space with Old Shanghai atmosphere of luxury and prosperity. Guests can enjoy the delicious food among Old Shanghai's in 1930s here.,新古典主义家具为空间增添了老上海的奢华与繁荣氛围,令宾客在感受30年代老上海的独特风情中品味美食。 +"Within a couple of hours, all Tehran had heard about the incident, and although the streetfighting carried on for weeks, everyone somehow knew it was all over.",在几个小时之内,所有的德黑兰人都听到了这件事儿,尽管街头巷战还要持续了几周的时间,但每个人似乎都知道这一切都已结束了。 +"Hey, how don't so not grow an eye can't watch the Jiao son that this is the canal transport ruler of province?",嘿,怎么这么不长眼啊看不见这是漕运总督的轿子啊? +I hang my bicycle on a hook from the ceiling.,我把脚踏车吊在天花板的挂钩上。 +"In this step across the threshold of Creation, the Spark Within ignites- becoming now the Eternal Flame of Liquid Light- soothing, constant, and forever now embodied.",在此跨越创造的门阶,去点燃内在的星火——它正在成为流晶光之不灭火焰-抚慰着,恒常且永远地表达着。 +"After the acute initial infection ends, most of these viruses enter a dormant state and remain in the host for the rest of its life.",在感染初期结束后,大多数病毒进入了静止期,一直潜伏在宿主体内。 +"It introduces background of ""new city-ism""and theoretical system, and discusses action of it to development and planning of city through analyzing practical conditions of China.",介绍了“新城市主义”提出的背景和理论体系,通过分析中国实情,讨论了“新城市主义”对中国城市规划和发展起到的积极作用。 +"The structure is compact , and the water pump covers small area. It accord with the need of the coalface.",该喷雾泵结构紧凑,占地面积小,符合采煤工作面的要求。 +"The often-happened breakdowns of mining hoists are classified, their cause are analyzed, and the prevention measures are put foreward.",针对提升机容易发生的过卷事故进行分类,分析了事故原因,提出了防护与改进措施。 +We should formulate a long-term international food cooperation strategy and ensure food security for all.,应该制定长远的国际粮食合作战略,实现全球粮食安全。 +Objective To examine the effect of combination of pravastatin and vitamin E on arterial endothelium-dependent relaxation in rabbits with atherosclerosis.,目的研究普伐他丁与维生素E联合应用对家兔动脉粥样硬化动脉内皮依赖舒张反应的影响。 +"Grass-roots democracy, especially women participation in politics is growing a hot issue in the political science research areas in recent years.",基层民主政治、尤其是妇女参政议政是近年来政治学研究领域兴起的一个热点问题。 +"While I was thus delaying, a gush of steady wind, as long as a heavy sigh, poured direct out of the quarter of the morning.",正当我为此而耽搁时,一股持续的风从晨光的住所倾注而出扑面而来,像是一声长久的沉重叹息。 +"On top of that, both my fridge and my bank account are empty.",最主要的是,我的冰箱和银行帐号都空了。 +"America, for all its talk, had little to offer the world on climate change this week: domestic legislation is stuck in the Senate and will struggle to pass unless Mr Obama gets behind it.",尽管说得天花乱坠,美国在全球气候变暖上仍难以有所作为,国内相关的法律在议会面临重重困难,没有奥巴马的插手,这些法律根本难以通过。 +"Currently, the large passenger coach station space organizational model lacks mature experience, and cannot draw on the experience of foreign corresponding design.",现阶段我国大型公路客运站空间组织模式既缺乏国内比较成熟的经验,也没有国外相应的经验可以借鉴。 +"But, Greenpeace grumbles, it is not sufficiently “precautionary” in other areas.",但是“绿色和平组织”抱怨,诺基亚在其它领域“充分采取预防性措施”做得不够。 +"However, Michael Polanyi issued a challenge to the premise and provided some new idea of debate between psychology and logic.",波兰尼挑战了这一前提,为心理和逻辑之辩开出了全新的局面。 +"If either the height of the fibular head and the lateral joint space is positive, the sensitivity is increased to 87%.",如果外侧关节间隙宽度为阳性和腓骨头高为阳性,则敏感度可达87%。 +"When the localization pack manager encounters this situation, it can use the string operations to combine the separate parts into a whole result string.",当本地化包管理器遇到这种情况时,它可以使用字符串运算将各独立部分组合成完整的结果字符串。 +"Lawyer Kang, Bachelor degree in Law, was graduated from the East China Institute of Political and Law, .",康锦兰律师,毕业于华东政法学院,法律本科。 +My silly list of to-do items is shown in Listing 7.,有点傻里傻气的 to-do 列表如 清单 7 所示。 +"They were from the Western Meat Company. I sold those thirty head of three-year-old steers. Got nearly my own price, too.",我把那三十头三岁的菜牛卖给他们,差不多是我要的价格。 +"Sorry , they are not answering .",对不起,电话没人接。 +"The very slothfulness of the mind is a wastage of energy, as is the laziness of the body.",正是心灵的懈怠造成了能量的浪费,如同身体的懈怠一样。 +Doc Love is a talk show host and entertainment speaker who coaches men in his seminars.,爱情博���是一个脱口秀主持人和娱乐表演演讲人,他在他的研讨会上指导男人们。 +"At first sight, the character of gangster rabbit appeared funny.",乍一看,流氓兔的性格似乎滑稽。 +"I have had a front row seat to his candidacy, and I have seen his strength and determination, his grace and his grit.",对他的候选人资格我有最直观的感受,我见到他的力量与决心,他的优雅风度与勇气。 +If you think that Americans have an image of what we stand for in the world and of what we do.,"如果你认为美国人知道,自己在世界上象征了什么,知道自己在做什么。" +"So, of course, I showed them the University of Wisconsin Web site. I think it intrigued them a little bit.",我主要是想帮自己母校的篮球队,所以就给他们看威斯康星大学的网站,我觉得激起了他们一些兴趣。 +"“The marketing no longer needs to suggest ‘buyer beware, ’ ” said John Taylor, director of product marketing at A.M.D.",“市场不再需要建议买方责任”,AMD产品市场主管John Taylor说。 +Nuclear energy expansion has won unequivocal support from President Obama and rare bipartisan backing from legislators.,扩大发展核能得到了奥巴马总统明确的支持,两党国会议员也对此显示出少见的一致支持。 +"Growing resistant cultivars is the most-effective, economic and environmentally sound approach to control stripe rust.",培育抗病品种是防治小麦条锈病最为经济、安全和有效的方法。 +Pingyao Beef and Immemorial Pies are the most famous snacks in Pingyao.,平遥牛肉和太古饼是平遥最有名的小吃。 +Speak to Aaron and his sons and to all the Israelites and say to them: 'This is what the Lord has commanded,你晓谕亚伦和他儿子并以色列众人说 +"There are none of the $87, 000 handmade rugs or $5, 000 wastepaper baskets of Wall Street lore.",办公室里没有价值87000美元的地毯,或者5000美元的废纸篓。 +"""All right, George, "" Matilda said, setting steaming bowls on the table.",“好吧,乔治,”马蒂尔达一面把热气腾腾的碗放在桌子上,一面说。 +"Patrick received a bachelor of science degree in electrical engineering from Brown, but later returned to Hong Kong to seek employment.",帕特里克获得布朗大学电子工程学学士学位,后来回香港谋职。 +"First of all, XYplorer is a portable file manager.",首先,资源管理器一个手提文件管理器。 +From beyond the drooping cloth came the murmuring night-sounds of the dozen or so scullions bedded nearby.,从垂着的布帘那边,传来的喃喃的梦话声,这附近,大概有十二个左右的低下仆人的床铺。 +Those nerves spilled over into a recent debate hosted by the Center for the Study of Islam and Democracy in Washington.,这些神经蔓延到最近的争论由该中心举办的伊斯兰教与民主在华盛顿的研究。 +"Asia will likely take a major hit ahead as the world's economies decelerate, said Stephen Jen, global head of currency research at Morgan Stanley in London.","摩根士丹利外汇研究全球主管Stephen Jen表示,随着世界经济减速,亚洲经济很可能将首先遭受重创." +The box is not too heavy to carry.,这箱子不太重,搬得动。 +"And working women too, and unemployed bastards, CNN journalists, and disgruntled students and angry wives, and everyone else with a grudge, a bean to spill and a story to tell.",以及劳动妇女,和失业的可怜虫,CNN记者,不满的学生和愤怒的妻子,以及其他任何有恩怨,洩露秘密,并有故事要讲的人们。 +"Israel would, after all, find it hard if not impossible to winkle out every last rocket and martyr.",如果,以色列最后不能找出并消灭所有的火箭弹和殉教者,它就会知难而退。 +The effect of the types and content of toughening agents on the mechanical properties and flame-resistance of HIPS blending materials were studied.,并比较了增韧剂种类和用量对HIPS共混材料阻燃性能和力学性能的影响。 +"Skull and Muzzle Top of skull should be flat, showing no prominence at nuchal crest (the top of the occiput).",脑 袋和口吻:头顶显得平坦,后脑不突出(后枕骨处)。 +"In the new period of history, to further deepen and carry forward Yimeng spirit, we should know and master the inner nature of Yimeng spirit from the angle of keeping pace with times.",在新的历史时期,进一步深化和弘扬沂蒙精神,需要从与时俱进的视角,认识把握沂蒙精神的内在本质。 +ASL majors master this visual and physical form of communication for the deaf.,美国手语专业的学生精通耳聪的人各种视觉及身体交流。 +"Yuan Y, Li Q, Yu RH. Observation on early development of artificially induced androgenesis in Chlamys farreri. Journal of Fishery Sciences of China, 2003(05)",袁媛,李琪,于瑞海。人工诱导栉孔扇贝雄核发育早期的荧光显微镜观察。中国水产科学,2003(05) +"Objective: To report the clinical, pathologic and molecular genetic features of a Chinese family with familial amyloidotic polyneuropathy (FAP) in Beijing area.",目的:报道一个家族性淀粉样变性多神经病家族的临床特点、病理改变和基因检测结果。 +"With more than a thousand externally visible symbols in the C library and nearly three thousand more local ones, this idea could save a noticeable amount of time.",C 程序库中有一千多个外部可见的符号,有大约三千多个本地符号,因此这种 方法可以节省非常多的时间。 +Scale Down Expectations.,降低期望值。 +"Please rate the follow attribute of house, 1 is most un-important and 5 is most important. Total rating should not exceed 10.",若总分最高为10分,请你为以下房子的各个因素评分,1分为最不重要,5分为最重要。 +"Unwilling to settle for just any job, she said, she would rather bide her time.",她不愿随便找个职业了事,因此她告诉记者,自己宁愿静等时机的出现。 +An AAUP official said the group never received a response. It has intervened in his case.,美国大学教授协会表示,他们没有接到任何回应,并已经介入这个案子。 +"Betty: I think you've done really well. Learning a foreigh language requires a certain effort, however easy it is.",贝蒂:我觉得你做的真的很好了。学习一门外语需要一定的努力,不管它多么容易。 +As a set of sports disposer.,作为一集体育处置者。 +This is also the time to train your pup in toilet-training.,这一时期也是进行幼犬排泄训练的好机会。 +"Studying hard, and the young momentum, Li Jia-yao keeping possession for practitioners establish a firm conviction.",勤奋好学,加上初生牛犊的劲头,李家耀对于从业养獒树立起了坚定的信念。 +We will strictly investigate and prosecute all cases of land use that contravene laws and regulations.,对各类土地违法违规案件都要严肃查处。 +"Based on the improved techniques of polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, the seed gliadin of the different types of onion varieties was carried out.",利用改进的不连续聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳技术,分析了洋葱不同类型品种的种子醇溶蛋白。 +"If you can capture the child's interest as soon as they first set eyes on the book, then half the battle is won.",当他们第一次定睛在一本书上的时候,如果你能捕捉到他们的兴趣,那么就成功一半了。 +The jury's utilization is the main characteristic of England criminal trial.,陪审制的运用是英国刑事审判的主要特征。 +Article 117 A stock exchange shall deposit its risk fund into a special account of its opening bank and may not unlawfully misuse it.,第一百一十七条证券交易所应当将收存的风险基金存入开户银行专门账户,不得擅自使用。 +Please key in the 16 digits printed on the anti-forgery label to check the product's authenticity.,防伪标签上印有16位防伪编码,请输入该编码验证产品真伪! +"In the future, the benefits of these ""fit"" genes might be extended to the general population through gene therapy—the use of pharmaceuticals to change the DNA structure of a living person.",在未来,这些“适应”基因将通过基因疗法推广到普通大众——通过使用药品改变活人的DNA结构。 +But Mr. Lavrov added that broader cooperation on Afghanistan depended on an improvement in Russia-NATO ties which was strained by Russia's military action in Georgia last August.,但是拉夫罗夫补充说,与阿富汗更广泛的合作取决于俄罗斯与北约之间关系的改进,由于去年八月份俄罗斯在格鲁吉亚采取军事行动,双方关系曾一度紧张。 +The article argues the application of shifted projection in statics that is how to solve the moment offeree by shifted projection of descriptive geometry.,论述了投影变换法在静力学中的一个应用即如何应用投影变换法来图解力矩。 +"So, I think that kind of thing. You should read that poem : Student: I like the line where it's if you can be in a crowd but not lose the common touch -that's my favorite line Mr. Carl Icahn: That's right. If you can walk in a crowd and still not lose the--if you can walk with kings and not lose the common touch.","所以为这些事情你应该读读那首诗,学生:我喜欢这句,如果你跟村夫交谈而不变谦虚之,态,亦或与王侯散步而不露谄媚之颜,那是我最喜欢的一句,卡尔·伊坎先生:对,是的,如果你可以和农夫交谈而,不变--亦或与王侯散步,而不露谄媚之颜。" +"'take me away as quickly as you can, 'he said. the car moved off into the darkness and the rain.",“带我脱离这儿,越快越好,”他说。汽车驶入夜晚和雨幕中。 +"When the fish was three feet, not like today bean taste sweet.",当年此会鱼三尺,不似今朝豆味香。 +"""Right now it's just a few attacks, most aren't well publicised and a lot can go undetected, "" says Kassidy Clark of the Delft University of Technology in the Netherlands.",荷兰Delft理工大学生的克拉克提醒说:“现在只出现了少数网络攻击事件,大多数网络攻击都很隐蔽,没有被发现。 +The meanings and goals of virtual instrument based on Qin's model were introduced.,介绍了基于秦氏模型的虚拟仪器研究的意义; +"The negligence of the delicate balance of your body and soul, the harmful habits such as smoking, excessive drinking and burning mid-night oil will catch up with you someday.",对你的身体和心灵的微妙平衡疏忽,如吸烟,过量饮酒和燃烧午夜石油的有害习惯会追上你的一天。 +"The expression of Nkx-6.2 were low in both pregnant 16 days and neogenesis, 20-day-old was higher than another two groups;",孕16天、20日龄低碘与正常大鼠表达水平差别有统计学意义,新生期低碘与正常大鼠表达水平差别无统计学意义。 +My cousin reviles any sort of tea with added flavors.,我的表哥痛骂各种调味茶。 +"Conclusion:MRI, as an auxiliary method, is effective in the diagnosis of benign tumors and tumor-like lesions of bone.",结论:磁共振是骨良性肿瘤与肿瘤样病变的有效辅助诊断方法。 +"Full-text is divided into four parts:The first part is the introduction, the momentum of the current academic term on the classification, semantic features of other issues were reviewed.",全文共分四个部分:第一部分是引言,对目前学界关于动量词的分类、语义特征研究等问题进行了综述。 +"If someone criticizes the color of your clothing, will you change the color of it?",如果有人批评你的衣服颜色,你之后会改变你的衣著颜色吗? +The whole firmware flash process takes around 6 minutes. This video will show you how to do it. Continue to read for full instructions.,刷机整个时间大约是6分钟。这个视频演示了刷机的过程。请阅读完整说明。 +"Tailstock. Compared to the headstock, it seems simple. The back seat has nothing special. The vent-pipe told me: this is a motor bike.",车尾。相对车头。车尾显得简洁许多。后座没任何特别之处。倒是排气管告诉了我。这真的是一台机车。 +Profound discussing of atomization mechanism on the oiler is done by using the plasma body theory combining the actual working conditions of oiler beam in high voltage field.,针对梁板电极电晕放电特性,结合静电涂油机在高压下的实际工作情况,应用等离子体理论对静电涂油机荷电雾化机理进行了深层探讨。 +"She was tall and beautiful, with long hair.",她又高又漂亮,还有一头长发。 +"Under the US President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief programme, the couple are working on projects such as HIV/AIDS prevention, care and support, and with orphans and vulnerable children.",在美国总统紧急的爱滋援助计画下,这两位极力为爱滋防治、照顾、援助,以及为孤儿和弱势孩子做努力。 +Butit would also require regulatory changes that the Federal Communications Commission has yet to show an appetite for.,但是这有待于联邦通讯委员会对此有所祈求,需要FCC对此变化予以认证。 +"There is also a quote by Odd Ivar Ruud, the last trapper to live in the hut in Hornsund in the Seventies, and whose name is carved on a wooden board above its door.",告示牌上还有引自奥德 伊瓦尔 路德说过的话,他是一位最后的捕猎者,于七十年代居住在豪恩森的小屋里,现在小屋门上有一块木板刻着他的名字。 +"At 270 square miles, it's small compared to sprawling parks such as Yellowstone, the world's first national park.",它只有270平方英里,比起世界第一所国家公园黄石公园那样的庞杂的公园来,显得很小巧。 +Do you worry endlessly and even stays up till your kid get home from a night out with friends?,孩子晚上和朋友们出去玩,你是否会担心不断,甚至熬夜等到孩子回家? +"This vegetable basket, made of bamboo has apertures to allow for water drainage. The bottom is woven of three stems of bamboo in hexagonal patterns increasing its sturdiness.",菜篮是竹子编成,编成有孔以沥水,篮底有三根竹子,整成六角形,增加底部的承压力,台湾民间农家使用,本件文物底部略有破坏。 +"We offer competitive compensation, attractive benefit package and training opportunities to the right candidate.",我们给合格的应征者提供有竞争力的新酬和优厚的待遇,以及培训机会。 +A new study finds that the average preschool-age child is exposed to double the recommended amount.,一项新的研究发现入学前儿童的平均屏幕时间为推荐时间的两倍。 +"Thee sample with a seven point talent, ambition of flying smoke;",百样才情随逝水,七分壮志化飞烟; ; +"In order to preserve these invaluable treasures, the eco-tourism which is characterized by the experience of Bali culture was put into practice and maintained until today.",为保存这些宝���财产,以体验巴厘岛文化特色的生态旅行快速抬头并盛行至今。 +"Fourthly, make great efforts to build the family-school-society""the Trinity""guarantee system of moral education on the whole.",四是力求整体上构建家庭、学校、社会“三位一体”的德育保障体系。 +He seems to be looking for a man of straw to belabor.,他看来在找一个假想的敌人来加以痛打。 +textContent(value) -- Adds character data content to current element (String or primitive).,textContent(value) - 将字符数据内容添加到当前元素( String 或基本类型)。 +"The comparator circuit may develop offsets, causing it to trigger early or late.",比较器电路也许会出现偏移量,导致触发时机的提前或是延迟。 +"Metternich responded by forging an alliance among those three monarchies to create a ""balance of power"" against France.",梅特涅当年通过联合这三个君主国家,以形成一个与法兰西拥有“均势”的联盟。 +"In this paper, taking test-bed for automotive transmission shaft as an ex-ample, the principle of fuzzy controller design and related computer programming are described in detail;",本文以汽车传动轴试验台为例,详细地阐述丁模糊控制器的没计原理及计算机软件设计方法; +"Conclusion: The study indicates that the shorter single support time during the gait cycle in patients is responsible for the abnormal walking velocity , awful gait and decreased ability of walking.",结论:在自然行走过程中,偏瘫患者双下肢的单支撑期和摆动期的明显缩短是导致患者步行周期延长,步态异常,步速减慢,步行能力下降的根本原因。 +The plaster will have to be made good before you paint it.,要先重新抹好灰泥再刷浆。 +"""We are also meeting with the leaders of many of the Arab nations of the region to encourage them to take genuine steps toward normalization, "" he said.",米切尔说:“我们还与这个地区许多阿拉伯国家的领导人举行了会晤,鼓励他们为关系正常化真诚地采取步骤。 +"It was what they hungered for, and what she delivered as president.",这就是当时他们所期盼的,也是她作为一个总统所传达出来的。 +"An important feature is that no personal judgments need be made, culminating in all analysts using this method coming to the same conclusion on the same day.",其国一介显著特征是完全不需要人为的主观判断,所有应用些法的分析者最终会得到相同的结论。 +"There is some more nudity in advertisement, magazine and movies pointing to a general trend towards liberated attitude and values.",广告,杂志和电影中裸体像越来越多,使人们的思维方式和价值观越来越开放。 +"If the original XSD has elementFormDefault=""unqualified"", your XSD may not have the correct namespaces for elements.","如果原始 XSD 包含 elementFormDefault=""unqualified"",您的 XSD 可能不会包含元素的正确命名空间。" +Diagnostic horizon and diagnostic characteristics of system classification are determined according to the attribution of Baijiang soil in Heilongjiang Province.,根据黑龙江省白浆土的属性,确定系统分类的诊断层与诊断特征。 +She quit in 2005 when her six-digit income was overtaken by his seven-digit one.,2005年当她六位数的收入被丈夫七位数的收入赶超后,她便退出了职场。 +"After back to the monastery, most people were busy setting up offerings and decoration for Losar.",回到庙里,各拉章都在忙着陈列供品和明天有访客来的摆设。 +"In that day their burden will be lifted from your shoulders, their yoke from your neck; the yoke will be broken because you have grown so fat.",到那日,亚述王的重担必离开你的肩头,他的轭必离开你的颈项。那轭也必因肥壮的缘故撑断。(或作因膏油的缘故毁坏) +We need people who are educated to a high level; we need people who can understand the intensely complex calculations that underlie so much of our current science.,我们需要高素质的教育人才;我们需要那些可以理解用来解释当今科学的复杂算式的人才。 +So far over 8000 defects have been fixed by open source developers looking at the Scan results.,到目前为止,开源的开发者通过查询Scan上的结果,已经修复了超过8000个的缺陷。 +The strike in the North Waziristan region also hit a house nearby.,对北瓦齐里斯坦的袭击还击中了附近的一所房屋。 +The percentage of eighth-graders who have had an alcoholic drink went from 24 percent to 20 percent this year.,喝过酒的8年级的学生比率从24%降到20%。 +Then use that string to call the Simpsons class to search the episodes.,然后使用该字符串调用 Simpsons 类来搜索剧集。 +"A new technology of synthesis of 1,3,5 trimethylbenzene from xylene has been studied, and the mechanism of alkylation is discussed.",研究了以混合二甲苯为原料,采用液相烷基化法合成均三甲���的新工艺。 +Sex together with City has requestearuingly sometimes been extremely successful into opening men's eyes to the privhingzheimerwouls disease world of women.,《愿望都市》仍旧非常乐成地让男士们看清了女性们的小我世界。 +"But Japan has always been a one-dimensional economic power and, to regain global clout, it needs a return to real world-leading growth.",但是日本已经成为了一个一维的经济力量,如果想要重获全球的地位,它需重新获得领先世界的增长。 +They wanted to continue to fight. They spoke of guerrilla war against the Yankees.,许多士兵对此感到痛苦,他们想继续战斗,他们说,可以用游击战与北方佬对抗。 +"By using Gini-coefficient and five-share method to measure, the tendency of our citizen's richness and poorness appears enlarging step by step during the changing process in our country.",用基尼系数和五等份法来衡量,我国转轨进程中的居民贫富差距呈逐步扩大趋势。 +And then he concludes that because God exists God must be perfect God cannot deceive us.,"之后他得出一个结论,因为上帝的存在所以上帝必须是完美的,他不会欺骗我们。" +"In the process of copper electrolysis by the traditional method, good stating sheet product is a major premise and basis for producing copper cathode of high quality.",在传统法铜电解工艺中,种板系统生产出好的始极片是生产高品质阴极铜的重要前提和基础。 +Article 21 Taxpayers selling goods or taxable services shall issue special VAT invoices to the purchasers. Sale -s amounts and output tax shall be separately indicated in the special VAT invoices.,第二十一条纳税人销售货物或者应税劳务,应当向购买方开具增值税专用发票,并在增值税专用发票上分别注明销售额和销项税额。 +Objective To analyze and investigate distribution characteristics of pneumoconiosis among coal miners in China and its dyna mic trends from 1960 to 1996.,目的 分析和探讨我国1960~1996 年煤矿工尘肺发病的分布特点与动态变化趋势。 +"As Jung once said, we all have complexes;",正如容格曾说,我们都有情结; +A new evolution equation of growth of spherical voids in viscoplastic medium un-der dynamic tensile loading is presented in this paper.,提出了一个新的粘塑性介质中球形孔洞在高加载率作用下的演化方程。 +"Lily waited until Petunia was near enough to have a clear view, then held out her palm. The flower sat there, opening and closing its petals like some bizarre many-lipped oyster.",莉莉等佩妮走近可以看清了,就把手摊开来,花瓣在她手心里不停地一开一合,就像某种古怪的、多层的牡蛎。 +Living a normal life in India after having been a Devadasi prostitute is extremely extremely hard because they're seen as damaged goods.,在印度,对神之女奴来说,过正常的生活非常非常困难 因为她们被视为已破损的货物。 +"At a bush madrasa, an irritable teacher with a stick beats children struggling to learn Islamic verses drawn with charcoal on flat sections of tree bark.",在灌木丛中的一所宗教学校里,焦急的老师拿棍子敲打着孩子们,让他们努力学习伊斯兰教的经文,那些经文已经用木炭写在了树皮的平滑处。 +"Synergy was observed in all four cell-lines at multiple drug concentrations, resulting in a 50% reduction of cell growth, the investigators report.",研究人员报告,在不同药物浓度时,所有四个细胞株均观察到协同效应,细胞生长抑制50%。 +China is the world\\\\\\\'s largest oilseed and vegetable oil importer as rising incomes push up domestic demand and output falls because of urbanization and planting of competing crops.,城市化和竞争农作物的种植使国内对油籽和植物油需求大增而作物产量减少,中国已是世界最大的油籽和植物油的进口国了。 +I removed the two SDRAM chips in there and replaced them with the same kind of chips as in the A330.,我取消了在那里的两个SDRAM芯片,取而代之的是芯片的A330飞机在他们的同类。 +"If you break it apart, you are just going to have to do it in different places.",弗雷姆说:“如果你把它拆散了,那只不过是在其他地方做同样的事情。 +"However, drug stability was enhanced greatly after granulating drug-L-HPC and drug-pregelatine starch mixture with water.",在与预胶化淀粉、低取代羟丙基纤维素的混合粉末用水制成粒子后稳定性显著提高; +That depends on how you tackle the problem.,那取决于你如何处理这个问题。 +It turns out that clusters of these genes — sometimes called modules — tend to keep working together over the course of millions of years.,结果发现这样的基因组合,有时也被叫做模块,在百万年来的历程里倾向于一直聚在一块儿做事。 +The point at which people realize their gender is a matter that's still being debated by researchers.,��究人员对人们在哪一点上会觉得性别认同是一个问题仍在争论不休。 +Cool the brownies before cutting into squares.,最后等布朗尼冷却后就可切成方块了。 +"It is an artistic process about the beauty which has exact essencestandard, and can not be understood subjectively, and at the same time is open and producing unceasingly.",意境最初生成于创作构思,而后凝结于文本,再生成于接受,是一个既有确定的质的规定性、不能主观任意解读同时又具有开放性和不断生成性的美的艺术过程。 +"In addition, architectural drawing, building drawing and joint detail are made in this paper as well.",此外进行了建筑图、施工图、节点详图的绘制。 +"Last Friday, that rate was raised for the sixth time this year, to an all-time high.",上周五准备金利率在本年度第六次提升,达到历史最高点。 +"As a matter of fact, the pursuit for sustainable development in China is consistent with recommended emission reductions and has contributed substantially to GHG reductions.",事实上,中国为实现可持续发展所做的努力与所建议的减排目标是一致的,并为减少排放温室气体作出了显著的贡献。 +"If the sex tapes rumors are true, they will only harshen a rough divorce case.",如果谣言是真的,这二人要面临一场离婚恶战了。 +The present invention is used in the synthesis of capped polyether to raise the reaction selectivity and polyether capping rate effectively.,本发明用于封端聚醚的合成,能有效提高反应选择性和聚醚封端率。 +Dida's mistake could have influenced his performance but I believe it was just a one-off.,迪达的错误本来是应该影响到他的表现的,但是我相信这是下不为例。 +"Nonacademic reasons include facilities and services, student finds recreation, commodation, and so on.",非学术原因包括设施和服务、学生基金、娱乐休闲及住宿等。 +This paper introduced DAO design pattern in detail by an internet shopping system. At last the paper implemented the DAO design pattern with OJB.,本文通过一个具体的网上购物系统详细介绍了DAO设计模式的组成以及如何利用OJB来实现DAO设计模式。 +So does this signal a new coming-out on the global stage for the Indian-born Pandit?,那么,这意味着出生于印度的潘伟迪要在全球舞台上打造一个全新的自我形象? +So it is proposed in the paper a dynamic equivalence method based on coherent generators identification for system reducing.,因而采用基于相关发电机识别的动态 等值 法对电力系统进行化简以克服上述问题。 +Bush is a baseball guy; he understands extra innings.,布什是个棒球男,他熟悉加时赛。 +"His periods of reserve were not constitutional, but the result of moods.",他那段有所保留的日子也并非天生,而是心情的原因。 +"Statistical analysis showed that there was significant difference in disease indexes between resistant cultivars Shaan 1155,2059 and susceptible ones Simian 2, Jimian 11 (P<0.05).",抗病品种陕1155、陕2059与感病品种泗棉2号、冀棉11号之间,经统计分析表明,病情指数差异显著(p<0.05)。 +just cultural aspects of each different country are some topics you would discuss in Anthropology.,人类学会探讨的一些话题就是各个不同国家文化方面的话题。 +"If you believed in real business cycle theory, the Fed's policies should have had no real effect at all.",如果你相信这个“真实商业周期理论”,那么,美联储的政策,就应该一点实际效果都没有。 +These provide scientific basis for the medicine to treat ma…,为临床该药治疗“男性不育少精症”提供了科学依据。 +Fighting between the two sides almost began when a Free State man was killed by a pro-slavery man.,当一个自由州党人被支持奴隶制者杀害之后,两边的战斗几乎打响。 +"The valve is welded in fine steel, having the features of peculiar structure, non-obstruction, reliable and flexible operation.",鄂式闸门采用优质碳钢焊接成形,结构独特,运行灵活可靠,无卡阻现象。 +We waited for the tide to float the boat off the sandbank.,我们等待潮涨,让潮水把船浮起离开沙滩。 收藏。 +And all people share these values if they're given a chance to.,"所有人一同分享这些价值观,如果他们有机会的话。" +"Striated : A hard object contacts a softer object and moves back and forth (for example, pry marks on a window frame). The tool mark is a series of parallel lines.",压痕:一个坚硬物体与一个较软物体接触,无来回运动(例如一个锤子在门框上留下的痕迹 +"""Wake up, Sweetie, "" says another doctor, sitting in a chair under the paper tent with Corina. ""Everything is going fine.",和科瑞娜在一起坐在纸帷幕下面的椅子上的另一个医生说:醒来吧,亲爱的,所有的事情都在变好。 +Valves are tested per ANSI B16.34 and meet CL IV leakage for metal seats and bubble-tight for resilient seats.,阀门按照美国国家标准化组织ANSI B16.34标准进行测试,金属阀座和弹性阀座气泡阀座符合CL IV四级泄漏标准。 +"Based on the analysis and optimization of the different genetic operations, a new adaptive genetic algorithm is presented, which is effective for both local search and global search.",通过对不同遗传操作的分析和改进,提出了一种能有效进行局部搜索和全局搜索的自适应遗传算法。 +Thank you for the warm reception of Haidian Boarding School.,感谢海淀寄读学校的热情接待。 +He had probably been a prince of the house of Judah (v. 3). He was good looking and intelligent.,他出生于犹大支派的一个贵胄家庭(3节),不单长得英俊不凡,而且还才智聪敏。 +The Italian champions have held a long-term interest in the French duo and are keen to bring them to Turin.,意大利冠军已经对法国二重唱产生了长期兴趣并且很想把他们带回到都灵。 +"It is up to the host blogger to decide whether the comments should be made public or only for the reference of the host blogger to eliminate possible problems caused by too much criticism, I suppose.",评论是公开显示,还是仅供博主参考,建议让博主自由设置,以消除否定评价过多可能产生的问题。 +Train of people with professional skill of agricultural university needs testbooks of application. This paper discussed directive methods and education characteristic of testbooks built.,高等农业专科人才的培养需要适于培养方向的教材。本文从明确教材建设的指导方法,突出教育特色几方面对此进行了论述。 +"We will scrutinize our programs and terminate or restructure those that are outdated, duplicative, ineffective, or wasteful.",我们将审议我们的方案,并终止或重组那些过时的、重复的、无效的或浪费的方案。 +He stood in the porch and watched the laggard hurry towards the scrappy field where sharp voices were in strife.,他站在门廊里,望着这个落伍者匆匆忙忙地奔向角逐场,那里是一片尖锐的争吵声。 +Example Vue script for accessing arguments,访问参数的示例 Vue 脚本 +"This muggy equatorial odyssey finally ended at lunchtime on 17 August, when the Russian naval frigate, the Ladny, came alongside.",这次近赤道闷热漫长的旅程终于在8月17日午餐时刻戛然而止,当时俄罗斯海军Ladny号护卫舰正与它并驾齐驱。 +She divided the money among her three children.,她把钱分给了她的三个孩女。 +"Tension over Greece, meanwhile, is likely to stand in stark contrast to how investors feel about another big event in the coming week -- Wednesday's meeting of Fed policymakers on interest rates.","希腊的紧张情势,将与投资者对美联储下周三政策会议的感想形成鲜明对比." +"In his bid to cling to power, former President Laurent Gbagbo unleashed unconscionable violence on his people and brought Ivory Coast to the brink of civil war.",前总统洛朗巴博在这场坚守权利的赌博中,在他的人民身上施加着过度的暴力并把科特迪瓦带到了内战的边缘。 +The daily overage temperature at the productive stage had a significantly positive correlation with chalky groin rate soc chalkiness degree.,结实期的日平均温度与稻米垩白率、垩白度呈显著的线性正相关。 +That is one likely reason why researchers previously missed the impact of circadian rhythm on all genes.,这是一个可能的原因,研究人员以前错过的影响生物节律的所有基因。 +The recovery percentage of coal resources concerns not only the economical utilization of resources but also the environment protection of the coal mining areas.,煤炭矿井回采率的高低,不仅关系到资源的节约利用,还关系到矿区环境保护问题。 +"In 1950, Chee Kwon married Sau Chun Wong, a high school teacher, in Honolulu.",1950年,陈志昆与一名中学教师黄寿珍在檀香山结婚。 +"""Considered in isolation, these perchlorate concentrations in formula are not concerning for child health, "" Sathyanarayana wrote in an e-mail to ABC News.",“孤立的考虑,配方奶中高氯酸盐的浓度不会影响儿童健康,”Sathyanarayana在写给ABC新闻的邮件中这样写道。 +There are some latent worry on the duty. Identifying obligation subjects and envisaging realistic problems is the need of justice on nomocracy era and the inevitable choice of preventing this case.,该事件的归责背后潜伏着诸多隐忧,厘清责任承担主体并正视现已揭示出的现实问题,既是法治时代对正义价值的呼唤,也是预防今后此类事件再次发生的当然选择。 +"Evazan had perfected his mind transfer device, and planned to use it to transfer Ponda Baba's consciousness into the Andoan Senator's body.",埃瓦赞完善了他的思想传输设备,计划用它把庞达·巴巴的意识传输进那位安多议员的身体。 +Our car gained the main street.,我们的车子开到大马路上。 +"""Zac Goldsmith, a Conservative committee member, said policymakers must recognise ""that with the stroke of a pen, they can make a good investment bad"".",扎克。哥尔斯密,一位保守委员会的成员说,决策者必须认识到“只要大笔一挥,就可以把一项良好的投资搞臭”。 +"According to the players' agent, Didier Frenay, there has been a significant amount of interest from both England and Germany with some reports even suggesting Manchester United are chasing him.",球员经纪人Didier Frenay透露有不少来自英伦和德国的关注,甚至连曼联也在追逐穆丁。 +The intergranular cracking in relieved-stress annealing samples is not obvious.,去应力退火试样上发现了平行轧面的深沟,且沿晶开裂不明显。 +"Through ""bringing"" and ""Japanization"" in Japanese culture, this paper tries to look for the reasons for successful modernization and rapid development in Japanese economy.",从日本文化中“拿来的”与“日本化”两个特征可以看出日本近代化成功和现代经济腾飞的原因; +Taxis are also readily available for a Faro car hire and can take you from the airport to your hotel.,出租车也随时可为法鲁租车,可以采取从机场到酒店你。 +His tracks were very jazz based and I couldn't do that sort of thing.,他的音轨非常有爵士乐的味道,我做不了那些。 +I had a streak of good luck .,我前一阵子运气超好。 +"The army of Israel was on the outskirts of Jericho, and as Joshua gazed on the city, he saw someone with a drawn sword. It was an angel who came as a spokesman for the Lord.",那时,以色列大军正集结在耶利哥城的外围,当约书亚眺望耶利哥城时,见到一个手中执剑的人,那是主差派来的使者。 +"And the one who cheer you up, when you are lonely.",一个当你孤单时,鼓励你的人。 +他从河里已叉中五条鱼了。,He has speared 5 fishes from the river. +"The four senior students clearly set out their requirements in the post and even attached photos, causing quite a stir among students, with some potential graduates expressing the same ambition.","她们将各自的要求""明码""标明,并附上各人的生活照,希望在毕业前找到""另一半""。 这个""团挂帖""在学生中引起强烈反响,不少毕业班的女生也都纷纷表示有相同的意向。" +"What happens when we die, do you believe?",如果我们死了,会发生什么? 你相信吗? +The brown long-eared bat has enormous ears that stretch three-fourths the length of its entire body.,这种褐色的长耳蝙蝠有两只大大的耳朵,大概有它整个身体的四分之三长。 +"Not long ago people from Wokai came to visit my family, they also gave us valuable suggestions on how to manage the sales.",前不久“我开”公司的客人到我家做客,还给我提出了经营销路方面的宝贵意见。 +"On every formal visit a child ought to be of the party, by way of provision for discourse.",每逢正式探亲访友,为了提供谈话的资料,人们该带上孩子一同前往。 +Now teleshopping is starting in Europe.,现在电视购物在欧洲兴起。 +The natural gas in Jurassic reservoirs is sourced from the underlain upper Triassic source rock in the upper part of Xujiahe formation.,侏罗系储层中天然气来源于下伏上三叠统须家河组上部源岩; +The Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has blamed what he called the enemies of his country for the sharp falls in its currency the rial.,伊朗总统马哈茂德·艾哈迈迪内贾德就该国货币里亚尔急剧贬值谴责所谓的国家公敌。 +It is also intended to provide a method of screening a phospholipase D having an ability to synthesize an acylglycerophospholipid having glycol group.,本发 明还提供筛选磷脂酶D的方法,该磷脂酶D具有合成有二醇基的酰基 甘油磷脂的能力。 +BLUSH】She blushed as red as a rose with shame.,她羞愧得脸像玫瑰一样红。 +"This article inquired into stars knowledge of the fishing and hunting nationality in the north from astronomy, natural worship, myth legend and other aspects.",本文从天文学、自然崇拜和神话传说等层面探讨北方渔猎民族的星辰知识。 +"They had confided in each other as far as possible, but this had not extended much further than their names.",他们互相倾诉衷情,尽量使对方了解自己,而这一切从来没有远离各自的身世。 +"If the application has set a timeout for several seconds, it exits in a given amount of time, unlocks the application, then asks you to return later to finish your transaction.",如果应用程序将超时设置为数秒钟,则会在给定时间内退出,取消锁定应用程序,然后要求您稍后返回以完成事务。 +The RT20 powertrain is a liquid hydrogen fueled twin-turbo V6. This will provide the power and the noise that driving enthusiasts want and need.,RT20搭载了独一无二的氢燃料双涡轮增压的V6动力系统,这将为那些狂热的爱好者们提供他们渴望的追求的动力和声音快感。 +It is regarded as the second nature created by mankind. The author collected and reviewed volumes of literature on Chinese classical art and architecture.,笔者大量搜集有关中国古典园林、中国传统文化方面的资料,采用了文献研究法、比较研究法、实例研究法对中国古典园林的山水之美进行研究。 +They had endured endless waiting— punctuated by salvos of Covenant plasma and laser fire.,他们忍受了无穷无尽的等待——不时被圣约人的等离子和激光火炮打击。 +"It was then she found her next teacher, Xiuli Wang, a former Chinese speed skater who guides her to this day.",就在那时她找到了她的下一位老师,王秀丽,这位前中国速度滑冰运动员一直执教她至今。 +This alogrithm makes the ful use of RGA 's advantages of real genetic alogrithm thereby obtaining the optimal solution or accurate solution as quickly as possible.,该算法充分利用了实数遗传算法的全局搜索能力和鲁棒性强等优点,从而能较快地得到最优解或准最优解。 +Even with the 6k handout…we all know that handout is not a long-term solution.,给大家六千就是一个很短期的解决方法 – 长期呢? +"It is ""lookism"": the formation of one's opinion of another based entirely on their superficial attributes and aesthetically pleasing idiosyncrasies.",这就是“外表歧视”:完全根据一个人的外在特征和美丑特性来对他人作出判断。 +"Oversight, which includes identifying the best value-for-money approaches, has been assigned to an independent Expert Review Group, which was established in September of this year.",今年9月成立了一个独立专家审查小组,负责进行监督,包括确认可实现最大资金效益的方法。 +"By the method of whole digging sampling, the ecological characteristics of roots of Artemisa arenaria were studied in different types sands land in arid desert area.",用全挖取样法研究了干旱荒漠区不同类型沙地上沙蒿种群的根系生态特征。 +I'm awfully sorry about the delay.,对此次迟误,我感到很似的抱歉。 +"The researchers, led by neuroscientist Charlotte Stagg, asked volunteers to learn a sequence of finger motions.",在神经系统科学家夏洛特·斯塔德的带领下,研究人员们要求志愿者们学习一串手指动作。 +"In the model high-tech design application process will be sound, light, electricity, water, skillfully combining multimedia, etc. , so many vivid works of doubling active and fun colors.",在模型设计制作过程中应用高新技术,将声、光、电、水、多媒体等进行巧妙地结合,令作品倍增许多生动活跃、令人神往的色彩。 +"The relentless rise of Chinese emissions is often cited as a reason why small-scale unilateral efforts, or even large-scale ones in small countries like Britain, are pointless.",中国的排放量持续上升往往被用来说明,为什么在像英国这样的小国家,小规模单方面的努力乃至大规模的努力都毫无意义。 +"Si tong prince refused water white hairs, who put the pail fell down, dont want to give in to him.",思桐世子拒绝了白毛鬼的水,把桶里的谁倒了,不想屈服于他。 +Flemming is enraged by this slur.,在北京这样的诋毁是不允许的。 +"Though the mountain is high , we can always ascend to its top one day .",无论山再高,我们总有一天可以征服。 +As such the visa laws and supporting policies that we direct and implement for American and Chinese travelers are the foundation for these government-to-government and people-to-people exchanges.,就这点而论,我们针对美中两国逻湫者所执行的签证法律及相关政策是政府间和人民间交流的基础。 +"In this era of tall buildings, there are numerous things that have already replaced the fan to spend those ""worthless"" and friendship, a Road, the gap between cold cast in our mutual estrangement.",在这个高楼林立的年代,林林总总的花繁事物早已替代了那些“毫无价值”的友谊,一道道冷漠铸成的鸿沟疏远了我们彼此。 +Get regular trims to promote hair growth and remove unhealthy split ends.,定期的修剪可以促进头发的生长和去除不健康的分岔的发梢。 +"MIT, which assisted similar efforts by British and Danish governments, runs an entrepreneurship development program for educators from around the world.",麻省理工学院支持英国和丹麦政府作出同样的努力,为来自全世界的教育工作者开设企业发展课程。 +"His first ""political"" act, in 1975, was to shoot the mayor of Jaffna at point-blank range for betraying the Tamil cause, as he believed.",他的“政治”处女作完成于1975年,当时普氏近距离射杀了贾夫纳市的市长,因其背叛他所信仰的泰米尔人(解放)事业。 +"Your Majesty, if the rays of the moon can warm a person, the sight of water can satisfy his thirst.",国王发怒说。陛下,要是月亮的光线能给人温暖,那看看水也能解渴。 +Thus we prepared our mid-day meal-but you can be sure we were not prepared for the sandy seasoning we got in our cooking.,由是乎我们准备起我们的午餐,但可以料定的是,我们并没有在烹调时要用炒来调味的。 +"Over the past several weeks, she had grown increasingly restless.",在过去的几周里,她越来越六神无主。 +Prom committee thing?,跳舞会的事?。 +"So far, you've only seen the and controls, but XForms provides a wide range of form controls.",到目前为止,我们只用到了 控件,但是 XForms 还提供了很多其他的表单控件。 +The study can be used for reference to the design of the pneumatic conveyer and to the t…,为今后物科风送设备的设计和对现有设备进行技术改造提供了参考。 +"In this paper, some familiar ways were reviewed and a few of new measures for a type of gear-making machine tool were drawn, which will be new thinking for rebuilding of other machine tools.",讨论了一些常见的方法并针对某一具体型号的铣齿机提出了新的改造措施,为机床改造提供新思路。 +I have received a signal. Now what?,我收到了一个信号,然后该怎么做? +There may not be Web sites devoted to purloined pictures — there are such sites for music or videos — but many people have a cavalier attitude toward using cameras to obtain copyrighted material.,也许网上没有专门提供盗版图片的网站,但提供盗版音乐和盗版视频的网站还是有的,这间接反映出人们对用相机拍摄受版权保护的材料还是抱着一副随便的态度。 +"Looked for a small restaurant and sat down, hungry for a day in the stomach growling.",找了个小饭馆坐了下来,饿了一天的肚子咕咕叫。 +The workers demanded the same wage and the same treatment! There must be no discrimination.,"工人们要求相同的工资,相同的待遇,不应该有任何歧视。" +OBJECTIVE:To investigate the effects of current intensity and drug concentration on iontophoresis of procaine hydrochloride.,目的:考察盐酸普鲁卡因的离子导入与电流强度、药物浓度的关系。 +"Honor motivation, but a know China already lose energy and not against China will not be the truth, oneself again, feeling helpless he told.",荣知华动机,但一已失去能量不能对付华,自己又不能将真相告知玥,感无助。 +"The application of carbomer in bioadhesive drug delivery system, controlled release system, gels for external use and suspensions are reviewed.",综述了卡波姆在生物黏附释药系统、缓控释释药系统、外用凝胶剂及混悬剂中应用的研究进展。 +The location of the tanks is announced presumably by radio to the other destroyers and they cover the tanks with a hail of high-explosive and shrapnel shells.,坦克的位置很可能已经通过无线电通知了其他驱逐舰,后者向坦克倾泻高爆弹和破片弹。 +JSON support: (Used in the advanced example) jersey-json.jar,JSON 支持:(在高级样例中使用)jersey-json.jar +"By using risk - adjusted revenue, the author examines the 42 open-end equity funds and analyses their performances with the help of fund operation theory and relevant security prices.",运用风险调整收益方法,对我国42只股票型开放式基金的业绩进行了检验,同时还结合基金的操作理念及证券市场行情对其业绩进行了分析。 +"The day before yesterday, Zhang Jizhong and the new"" journey to the west"" cast debut in Yunnan satellite launches, the play is scheduled for January 30th next year in the Yunnan four TV broadcast.",前日,张纪中携新版《西游记》剧组亮相云南卫视推介会,该剧定于明年1月30日在云南等四家卫视播出。 +Take this medicine three times a day and drink more hot water.,这些药,你要每天吃三次,并且记住要多喝热开水。 +"""I had to join the revolution because we didn't have any hope here, "" says Fasi.",“我要参加革命,因为这里我们看不到任何希望”,Fasi说道。 +"He lives in the other hyphenated town in North Carolina (Fuquay-Varina, pop. 39,042), and his name is Roger E. Sanders.","他生活在北卡罗来纳州另一个规划的城市(Fuquay-Varina,人口 39,042),他的名字叫 Roger E. Sanders。" +"The deficit totaled $351.4 billion for the first six months of the year, down slightly from $358.4 billion in the same period in 2007.","今年前六个月美国贸易逆差总计为3,514亿美元,略低于上年同期的3,584亿美元." +Failing to honor these restrictions can lead to intermittent deadlock within the application or the JVM as a whole.,未重视这些限制会造成应用程序或 JVM 中出现间断性死锁。 +"""The ELAM fascists attacked him, "" an eyewitness told the Sunday Mail.",“伊拉姆法西斯的攻击他,”一名目击者告诉周日邮。 +In case of partly or total contradictory directives in this indicated standards the relevant equipment meets minimum one of the a. m. standards.,如果在上文指明的标准中存在部分或完全矛盾的指示,则相关设备依据的是上述标准中要求最起码的一种。 +"Abstract: Zheng He was a native of Kunyang, Jinning County in Yunnan.",提要: 郑和是云南晋宁县昆阳人。 +"Different acid-soaking condition, neutralizer and sentimental condition has been studied for their effect of the productivity in phytic acid's process.",本文研究了不同酸浸条件、 中和剂和沉淀条件对植酸生产得率的影响。 +"Nickel is widely applied in electroplating and the synthetic diamond manufacturing, which causes a great deal of pollution.",金属镍在电镀以及人造金刚石生产中有着广泛的应用,但会产生大量的污染。 +Depending on the high-quality services and the perfect technology. Promise has won a good reputation and reliablity.,公司凭借优质的服务、成熟的技术,在行业中取得了良好的品牌及信誉。 +"In short, everything that the boy loved no longer exists------except in the man's memory of it.",总之,所有男孩曾经喜欢的一切都不复存在,只有那还留在记忆深处的美好回忆。 +"The Lugu Lake, seems illusion because of the beautiful scenery, and more refined because of its antiquity.",泸沽湖美丽的景色就如梦幻中的一样。年代的久远使得它变更加完美。 +You can lose some atoms and still be the very same steering wheel.,"失去了一些原子,方向盘还是那个方向盘。" +The comments in XMLString.hpp require the caller of replicate and other similar functions to release the memory returned.,在 XMLString.hpp 中的注释要求调用 replicate 和其他类似的函数以释放返回的内存。 +"One worker who worked at the mine from 1977 to 1982, told the BBC that when he started working at Rossing in Namibia, ""Nobody had a mask there, nobody, at the mine… they never offered them a mask.""",虽然很多资料都证明开采铀的矿工因为放射而患癌症死去,但是至今还没有人能把这家公司送上法庭。为这家公司工作的一个劳工告诉BBC,他从1977年到1982年一直在这家公司工作。 +"The numerical results of two examples demonstrate the effectiveness and accuracy of this algorithm, the results of quadratic elements are more accurate than those of linear elements.",数值算例证明瞭该算法的有效性和精确性。二次元计算结果比线性元计算结果更精确。 +This paper describes the approximate resistance-temperature formula of standard resistors by Tchebysheff polynomial.,本文介绍了由切比雪夫多项式逼近的标准电阻温度公式。 +The RBF network possesses the advantages of Kohonen and regression networks. A test was performed to prove the effectiveness of RBF to complement the incomplete spatial information.,利用径向基人工神经网络(RBF)同时具有自组织神经网络和回归网络的优点,可以对缺失数据进行预测。 +"Processed and bottled foods are particularly acidic because of federal rules requiring high acidity as a preservative , Dr. Koufman says.",考夫曼博士指出,加工食品和罐头食品的酸性尤其强,因为政府规定防腐剂必须是高酸性的。 +His hands were begrimed with dust.,他的手沾满了灰尘。 +The detective soon raveled out the truth.,困难很快就会得以解决。 +"On iSeries in particular, disk RAID and mirroring can be used by Linux partitions without needing any processor cycles from the Linux processor allocation -- i5/OS helps transparently.",尤其是在 iSeries 上,Linux 分区可以使用磁盘 RAID 和镜像,而不需要占用 Linux 处理器的任何处理器周期 —— i5/OS 可以帮助实现透明性。 +They crossed the river using small boats.,他们用小船渡江。 +Gets or sets the default succeeded callback function for the service.,取得或设定服务的预设成功回呼函式。 +North American grass with slender brushy panicles;,北美 黍 属禾草圆锥花序毛刷状; +We're not going to work for slave wages.,我们不会为那些奴隶级别工资的工作而做。 +"Five minutes’ drive brought us to the shady inn on Aphrodite beach. On quiet beaches such as this one, away from the neon lights of resorts, green turtles live and lay their eggs.",五分钟的车程后,我们来到了阿芙罗狄蒂(Aphrodite)海滩上的一家小旅馆,类似阿芙罗狄蒂这样的海滩,少了霓虹灯的喧嚣,多了一份宁静,绿海龟在这里繁衍生息。 +"Various prebiotics that promote growth of prebiotics and inhibit the growth of pernicious bacteria are added, such as corn oligosaccharides, cottonseed oligosaccharides, isomaltooligosaccharide, etc.",添加玉米低聚糖、大豆低聚糖、棉籽低聚糖、异麦芽低聚糖等促进益生菌生长繁殖的,抑制有害菌生长的益生元。 +Results showed that the chest diameter and body weight of pen feeding Xinjiang Brown Cattle were increased with the increase of their month age.,结果表明:舍饲新疆褐牛犊牛随着月龄的增加,相对于其他几个性状,更趋向于胸围和体重的快速增长; +"In the commotion, a 51-year-old Pakistaniman collapsed about 800 metres from the station and died despite efforts bymedics to save him.",在混乱中,一名51岁的巴基斯坦男子在距离火车站800米的地方倒下并死去,尽管急救人员对他展开了救援。 +The king of pop Michael Jackson!,杰克逊的!不同道勿进! +"If the liver fails in regulating the circulation of qi, there will appear the stagnation of qi, which will check metabolism to bring about phlegm retention.",人体津液的代谢,痰饮的产生不仅与脾、肺、肾关系密切,同时亦与肝脏的疏泄功能直接相关。 +The obvious problem with this approach is that the trade-weighted dollar mixes together changes in the dollar's value with changes in the value of foreign currencies.,这种看法有根有据显而易见的漏洞,那就是美元的贸易加权价值既反映了美元价值的波动,也反映了其他货币价值的波动。 +"A staged, goal-oriented, purposeful activity in which speakers engage as member of our culture.",语体是指我们社会里各种通过语言表达的有层次,有目标的社交活动。 +"Worldwide, police officers bring an impulse to help others to their work and a willingness to make personal sacrifices, even risking their own well-being.",在世界各地,警务人员带着助人为乐的动机和愿意作出个人牺牲的精神——甚至甘冒自身安危——走上工作岗位。 +"On Saturday, he dominated Juarez in every conceivable way for 10 rounds with a brilliant boxing exhibition.",周六晚,约翰展示了优秀的拳击天赋,穷尽各种方法控制了苏亚雷兹10个回合。 +These results highlight the value of high-throughput quantitative measurements with single-cell resolution in understanding how biological systems operate.,并高度肯定了以单细胞级别进行高通量基因定量对研究生物系统如何运作的价值。 +"He will turn the hearts of the fathers to their children, and the hearts of the children to their fathers; or else I will come and strike the land with a curse.",他必使父亲的心转向儿女,儿女的心转向父亲,免得我来咒诅遍地。 +My name is Anais Lee. I love animals and books. Creativity and food is my life. I watch movies when I am sad.,我是李星瑶,我爱动物和书,创作和吃是我的生活,悲伤的时候就看电影。 +"Most people feel that if they saved $10 this week on groceries due to their tedious coupon clipping, they deserve a reward.",很多人觉得,要是自己这礼拜凭着无聊的优惠券剪摘在杂货店省了10美元,就得有所回报。 +The tomato vines had blackened and the red globes had burst .,番茄藤已变黑,颗颗鲜红的番茄裂纹绽开。 +What food has profit to protecting vision?,哪些食物对保护视力有好处呢? +NPV is an approach used in capital budgeting where the present value of cash inflows is subtracted by the present value of cash outflows.,NPV是一种用于资本预算的方法,在预算中要从现金流入的现值中减去现金流出的现值。 +The progress of nuclear power in china has been delayed for the lack of the design and manufacturing technology.,核电站核岛中关键设备之一核主泵的设计制造技术在我国尚属空白,严重制约了我国核电的发展。 +"While the Nami stole one of the prototypes, the Rebels and Zaarin left empty-handed.",纳米人成功盗取了其中一架试作型,而叛军和扎林则落得两手空空。 +Another indicator of overexertion is muscle soreness that doesn't go away after a couple days.,运动过度的另一个指标是肌肉酸痛持续数天不消失。 +"With a per enemy powder (1.5% methyl 1605 mix 3% between powder) 2 ~ 4 kilograms mixed basal or mud powder, sugar cane with the latter use.",每亩用甲敌粉(1.5%甲基1605混3%敌百虫粉剂)2~4公斤混基肥或泥粉,随甘蔗下种时用。 +"Jeroen van der Veer, Shell’s chief executive, is guiding the company toward more ventures in alternative fuels.",壳牌石油公司的首席执行官杰若恩·范德伟(Jeroen van der Veer)正在领导公司开辟更多的替代燃料项目。 +"With an on-site restaurant and bar, a 24-hour fitness center, and an extensive library, The Pelham Hotel offers a variety of ways to unwind.",有了一家餐厅和酒吧,一个24小时健身中心,一个广泛的图书馆,佩勒姆酒店提供了各种各样的方式来放松。 +You'll love the stark black dial and cool gunmetal grey accents.,你一定会喜欢的严峻黑色表盘和冷静青铜色灰色的口音。 +Tooth & Gum Cleanser has a taste toddlers love.,自然浆果的甘旨口感,让宝宝爱上刷牙。 +This is being signed in order to enable the Poible Buyer to aly for financing of the purchase price.,签署本意向书之目的是为了能够便于潜���买方就购买价格筹措资金。 +Its provenance is closely related to the nomadic culture of the Mongolian plateau.,它的起源与发展与蒙古高原游牧文化有着密切联系。 +Contrition cannot define a political order.,悔罪并不能决定政治秩序。 +"In the earring and necklace sets, sapphires are combined with the refreshing, transparent green shades of peridots and the mysterious, deep purple hues of amethysts, highlighting its gorgeous style.",当中的黄金项鍊以蓝宝石挂帅, 搭配翠绿橄榄石、 紫水晶或红碧, 并铺镶灿亮闪烁的钻石, 突显华美之态; +"With all that said, manufacturers are confident that consumers will come along for the 3-D ride sooner or later.",综上所述,制造商们确信消费者跟随3D风潮是迟早的事。 +"In Hopei, for example, militia were organized by professors and teachers of North China.",例如在河北省,由华北的教授和教师们发起组织了民军。 +"Based on delayed recharge macroscopic mechanism of rainfall infiltrating, this paper proposes a simple and reliable mathematical method to build up the relation of delayed recharge rate with time.",本文从降雨入渗滞后补给的宏观机理出发,提出了一种简单而又可靠的数学方法来建立滞后补给量随时间变化的函数表达式。 +"According to them introduced that stand chair's behind, between two steel frames warded off 6 small regions, might park the wheelchair.",据他们介绍,一层看台坐椅的后面,两个钢架之间辟出了6个小区域,可以停放轮椅。 +"MengFei for Chen, hin son to see each other often, decorate hin son into the group when her assistant.",孟菲为让陈超、欣儿经常见面,布置欣儿进组里当她助理。 +"The village of Hengjiang in China is home to a manganese smelter that, according to the 1, 800 people who live there, releases vast amounts of lead into the air and water.",这是最近的金融时报刊登的消息,中国的横江村有一个锰冶炼厂,根据当地1800余名居民讲,这个冶炼厂向空气和水中排放了大量的铅。 +A simple and direct algorithm to convert the psycho-acoustic model from the frequency domain to wavelet domain is presented to perform the Discrete Wavelet Packet Transform.,提出一个简单直接的将频域心理听觉模型转换到小波域,进行小波包滤波器分解音频编码的新方法。 +This drill can bore through rock.,这台钻机能钻透岩石。 +"The results of this research divides life into style into four parts: fashion, actives, leadership, staying at home.",研究结果发现,在生活型态上,可分为年轻流行集群、外向活动集群、意见领袖集群、居家生活型; +"BHP upped its final dividend to 45 cents, which takes it total dividend to 87 cents.",必和必拓把年终派息提高到45美分,全年总计派息87美分。 +"Don't push for an interview on the spot, but rather explain that you want to let them know of your interest, drop off your resume, and complete an application while you're there if possible.",这个时候不要急着想得到面试,而是解释为你只是想让他们知道你对他们招聘的职位有兴趣,放下你的简历,然后有可能的话填完一份申请表就离开吧。 +Other countries are considering tabling similar resolutions.,而其他国家则考虑将相仿决议列入议程。 +What were the processes and techniques of this counterrevolution against privilege?,这场反特权的革命的步骤和方法如何呢?。 +"But the good news is, you don't have to replace him because, going forward in such fast-changing times, the next CEO will probably need a different set of skills.",你根本不必取代他,因为时代变化如此迅速,下一任首席执行官很可能需要具备截然不同的才干。 +"The cold wind blowing, snowflakes fly past aftertaste.",冷风吹,雪花飞,往事不堪回味。 +"But to the new hundred stores, has the question to sue.",而对新百商店,有问题就起诉。 +"While I am pleased the New Zealand Go ernment alerted Chinese officials straight away, I'm disappointed that they chose not to go public.",在我为新西兰政府直接向中国官员发出警告感到高兴同时,我对他们没有选择向公众告之感到失望。 +"He was the most dissolute prodigal in the city, yet a young monk in this temple 20 years ago, who had once been a favourite with the Viharasvamin (Buddhist abbot).",他是城中最风流的浪子。20年前却是庙里的小沙弥,极得方丈宠爱。 +"He stands beside us, and He never retreats.",主从不退缩,主与我们同在。 +In the early 1960s a highwaybuilt through the city cut it off from the heart of nearby downtown.,在1960年代早期,一条穿过城市的高速公路将其与附近商业区的核心地段隔离开。 +Improves organizations' understanding of their data.,改善组织对数据的理解。 +"Dealing with inductively-defined data sets, however, makes finding the sub-problem considerably easier.",不过,使用 归纳定义的(inductively-defined)数据集 可以令子问题的获得更为简单。 +The unit is very compact and space-efficient with a small 19 mm diameter body .,该单位是非常紧凑和有效利用空间的一个小19毫米直径的机构。 +Objective: To study the effects of benazepril(ACEI) on renal functional reserve(RFR) of patients with essential hypertension (EH).,目的:研究血管紧张素转化酶抑制剂(ACEI)苯那普利对原发性高血压(EH)患者肾功能储备(RFR)的影响。 +"Lily arrives at the museum to interview Terry Charman Lily: Hello, I'm Lily. Welcome to ""On the Town"" from BBC Learning English.",我是孙辰。今天的城市掠影节目我们要向大家介绍的是英国著名的战争博物馆。 +"Routers in larger OSPF networks tend to originate a great lot of LSAs within a short period of time, thus causing periodical network resource exhaustion by LSA refreshments.",在较大型的OSPF网络中,OSPF路由器常会在短时间内生成大量的LSA,以致会因LSA的刷新而引起网络资源的周期性耗竭。 +The site is also holy to the Jews who refer to the site as The Temple Mount.,阿克萨清真寺是以色列第三处圣地,同时该处对犹太人也是如同圣殿山般圣神。 +She ran up the steps and tried the door.,她跑上门阶,试着推了推门。 +"Ace laughed . She was in a sarcastic mood thinking she was Lauren Bacall . That was all right , just so she kept funny .",埃斯笑了。她现在是挖苦人的心情,把自己当作罗林?巴考尔。这样很好,只要她能保持玩笑的心态。 +The way of making Nang is the same as to make the roast cakes.,馕的一般做法跟汉族烤烧饼很相似,是新疆人日常生活必备的食品。 +"We found a water running valley, got down from there quickly and got out of the mountain.",寻得一条山间的流水涧,迅速下降,走出大山。 +Perhaps Thailand’s longer-term prospects are not so bad.,也许从长计议泰国的前景并非那么糟糕。 +"Under a cherry tree I found a robin's egg, broken, but not shattered.",樱花树下,知更鸟蛋,已有裂纹,尚未粉碎。 +Huangchenggen Relics Parklocates in the center of Beijingis a strip-shaped park taking on several roles.,皇城根遗址公园位于市中心,是集多重功能为一体的带状公园。 +"That made me so angry, "" the official quoted her as telling investigators and admitting the allegations.",这让我太生气了, ”警官引用了她对调查人员供述和承认的原话。 +A traditional reunion dinner normally must have jiaozi. Some families which pay more attention to tradition also have niangao (New Year cake made of glutinous rice flour) on this occasion.,传统上说,一般的必须得有饺子,有的家讲究点的还得有年糕啊什么的。 +There were only a few pockets of Alliance resistance forces left.,那里只有一些小规模的联盟抵抗力量仍在苟延残喘。 +"Phenethyl alcohol derivatives are compounds having antifungal activity. In order to study the compounds'physiologic activity, o-methoxyphenethyl alcohol was Synthesized.",苯乙醇类化合物具有较强的抗真菌活性,为研究这类化合物的生理活性,我们合成了邻甲氧基苯乙醇。 +Surface mount LED lamp. Super bright green. Lens type green diffused.,表面贴装LED灯。超级明亮的绿色。透镜型绿色扩散。 +"In a recent study, people in their sixties felt sadder than people in their twenties did after viewing an emotionally distressing scene from a movie.",最近的一则研究指出,六十岁的观众看完电影里的悲伤桥段后,比他们二十岁看时更容易多愁善感。 +Courfeyrac invited him to breakfast at the Cafe Voltaire on the following morning.,第二天,古费拉克邀他到伏尔泰咖啡馆吃午饭。 +The disappear that is consumer speak out from a sense of justice assist also need true gold silver to maintain run.,为消费者仗义执言的消协也需要真金白银来维持运作。 +We spend too much time strategizing with little to no execution.,我们花太多时间在策略拟定上,却很少或几乎没有执行。 +"Since she owns nothing, a kajira can give nothing but her body, mind, and service to her Master when an occasion calls for gifts.",当主人需要奴时,奴只能用自己的身体、思想和服务来孝敬主人,因为奴别无他物。 +"Close to find Yu Xiaoji salsa, she was to refuse him, thought in Yu Xiaoji home to see his mother.",关莎莎去找余小奇,她本来是去拒绝他的,没想到在余小奇家里看见他妈妈。 +Article 15 The enterprise income tax and local income tax are calculated annually and advance payment shall be made quarterly.,第十五条缴纳企业所得税和地方所得税,按年计算,分季预缴。 +"CF: My parents for always supporting me right from the beginning, Dupelle my mechanic and KONA who have been with me my whole World Cup career.",感谢从一开始就全力支持我的父母;感谢始终伴随我征战世界杯赛场的KONA品牌以及我的机械师杜佩尔。 +"If meet you, must the pendency gold dress change into the mud, I why want to be contented with this is suddenly now of ray of light?",如果遇见你,必须要垂下金衣化为泥土,我为何要满足于这乍现的光芒? +"Other potential routes include local thrombophlebitis, or by way of infected emboli.",其他的传染通路包括局部血栓性静脉炎,或者感染性栓塞。 +"During the feast, it was believed ghosts hung around the tables of food.",在宴会期间,人们相信阴魂在满桌的佳肴旁游荡。 +"The static grace yuko notify every time she saw, LiHuiLin endeavouring to public speaking of she never married, her heart would be very sad.",侑京通知静恩,每次她看见李慧琳若无其事的向公众说起她从没结过婚,她的心里都会很难过。 +"What's worse, at that moment, for the problem of the contract with his Agency Corproration, he can not release any ablums, so he turned to be an emcee.",然而此时的罗志祥受经纪公司合约限制,不能发行新专辑。只能向主持行业发展。 +In this exhibition artists present the metaphorical aftermath that traditional and personal allegories have left for 21st century man.,在本次展览中,艺术家呈现了寓言式的后遗症,是传统和个人的寓言留给21世纪的。 +"The Jack o' Lantern is made by placing a candle inside a hollowed-out pumpkin, which is carved tolook like a face.",Jack o'Lantern是用雕刻成脸型,中间挖空,再插上蜡烛的南瓜做成的。 +"The project, covering a remarkable 668 million Chinese, provided access to effective TB control services in 16 provinces.",项目向中国16省提供有效结核病控制服务,共覆盖6.68亿人,在抗击结核病这一仍是中国一大公共卫生问题方面取得了显著进展。 +"Since her son was killed last year in Iraq, Sheehan, a common mother from California, has become an anti-war icon in the United States.",希恩的儿子去年4月在伊拉克阵亡。 此后,这位来自加利福尼亚州的普通母亲成了美国著名的反战人士。 +"The oft-quoted line became an anthem for Didi, as it went head-to-head with Uber in losing billions of dollars subsidising riders and drivers in a bid for market share.",随着滴滴与优步短兵相接,为争夺市场份额不惜亏损数十亿美元补贴乘客和司机,这句经常被引用的话变成了滴滴的凯歌。 +And a pond that was outside his house turned completely black because he used it so often to wash his brushes.,他经常到屋外的小池塘洗毛笔,结果池里的水都变黑了。 +"However, experts are not able to give specific recommendations various aspects, so we must learn to guide their own health.",然而专家是无法就各个方面给出具体建议,所以我们自己必须学会指导自己的养生。 +"Last spring, Gasol was single-covered and held to 14.7 points a game by the physical Kendrick Perkins. Now Perkins guards Bynum with Garnett on Gasol.",上次总决赛的时候,枷锁一人独挡内线,在身体健壮的帕金斯防守下,他场均只得14.7分。而如今帕金斯防守的是拜纳姆,由加内特来防守枷锁。 +My name is Bessy. Hello!,我的名字是贝西。嗨! +"With double functional groups as cross-linking agent, such as divinylbenzene, polymer hardness increased greatly, but at the same time, mechanic properties declined some extent.",添加双官能团单体二乙烯基苯作为交联剂时,聚合物硬度值大大增加,但同时脆性增加,力学性能有所下降。 +She took the money and eyed me nastily .,她拿了钱,还很凶地瞧了我一眼。 +Chapter Two analyses the reason why the translator shows subjectivity in translation process from the psychological and functionalist approaches' perspectives.,第二部分从心理学和目的性行为理论角度分析译者在翻译过程中为什么会不可避免地发挥主体性作用。 +Is it necessary to reason about the good life in order to decide what is just and what rights people have?,是否有必要找到美好生活的原因,以决定什么是正义,什么是人民的权利? +"Because Web-based news sites tend to offer readers many choices, writers should avoid delayed or anecdotal leads that don’t quickly indicate what a story is about.",正因为以互联网为基础的新闻网站给读者多重选择,所以,作者应该避免使用那些不能迅速说明新闻内容的滞后引语或轶闻式引语。 +"But for those who want to reclaim production to U.S. shores, it's a plus.",但对于那些想把生产业务迁回美国的企业来说,这却是件好事。 +"When people hear that making a home air-tight improves the energy efficiency, many often wonder about air quality.",当人们听到,市民在家气密提高能源效率,很多时候不知道对空气质素。 +"One possible answer is “nothing”: maybe one of these days we’ll wake up and find that the markets are shunning America, just as they’re shunning Greece.",一���可能的答案就是“一点区别都没有”:也许有一天我们一觉醒来,发现市场也在躲避美国,与躲避希腊如出一辙。 +"Inteins are internal segment peptides existing in precursor proteins, which could be excised from a precursor protein by self-cleavage.",蛋白质内含肽是存在于前体蛋白质中的一段多肽链,靠自我剪切的方式从前体蛋白中释放出来。 +One possibility is that a population of bacteria has remained in the rocks ever since they were formed at the surface 111m million years ago.,一种可能是1.11亿年前的地表的一些细菌形成后,随着地壳的运动就留在了岩石里; +"Pages can be version-enabled, so every time the state of a page is changed (page is simply viewed, its components state is changed, etc.), it is stored with an incremented version number.",页面可以启用版本,因此每当页面状态发生改变(查看页面、修改其组件状态等)时,将连同一个递增的版本编号进行保存。 +But what if it's hard to tell whether the noise came from the grass or the trees?,但要是他很难判断者声音来是草丛还是来自树叶呢? +"In 2004 Junichiro Koizumi, the prime minister, did so when a group of Chinese activists landed on one of the islands (he simply had them deported).",2004年,首相小泉纯一郎也就如此处理了中国积极分子登陆其中某岛的事件(他仅仅将他们驱逐出境)。 +"Sometimes magpies fly around, singing happily. Chinese people believe that the song singing by magpies means good luck. It probably stands for the friendship between the two countries.",有时候,喜鹊会唱着婉转的歌飞过,而中国人相信喜鹊的歌声是吉祥的象征。这也许象征着中日两国的友谊天长地久。 +"The coal pulverizing system equipped with ball mills is a nonlinear, long delay, and closed coupling multivariable system, its automatic control being a research hot spot all along.",钢球磨煤机制粉系统是一个非线性、大滞后、强耦合的多变量系统,其自动控制一直是热控领域的研究热点。 +"Through analyzing the cultural context, we can find the cultural rationality of Machiavellian culture.",对这种环境的分析,可以找到权谋文化赖以存在的文化合理性。 +"Carefully selection of supplementary examinations, and diagnostic cavum aboinal puncture should be selected if necessary.",慎重选择辅助检查,对疑有腹内伤者首选腹腔穿刺。 +Too much summer sun can also leave your hair feeling brittle and frizzy - a bit like going at it with a hot blow dryer for too long.,夏天太多的太阳会使你的头发易碎,卷曲-有一点像经历了很长时间的热的吹风机。 +Erhai is a permanent oxygen containing lake.,洱海是一永久性含氧湖泊。 +"Baoma company's products with a stable quality, punctual delivery cycle, In domestic, sales to more than twenty provinces and cities , also exported to Europe and the United States high-end market.",公司产品凭借着稳定的质量,准时的供货周期,行销全国二十几个省市,并出口欧美高端市场。 +Selah. God shall send forth his mercy and his truth.,也必向我发出慈爱和诚实。 +Polymer micro-balls were prepared by solvent-changing self-organization. PS and PS-bPI were prepared into two kinds of micro-balls with different surface structures.,采用溶剂置换自组装方法使用聚苯乙烯和聚苯乙烯-嵌段-异戊二烯制备了两种表面结构不同的聚合物微球粒子。 +"And to cut down on the chance of touts , festival organisers had stipulated that only the people named on the ballot would be allowed entry to the reading.",而且为了避免有人哄抬票价,图书节的组织者还规定只有那些参与投票的人才能参加图书节。 +The S&P added 4.7 points to 1076.19.,标准普尔500指数收盘涨4.7点,至1076.18点。 +"Gil says her boss wanted to promote her to an accounting job, but she lacked the schooling necessary to perform even elementary bookkeeping tasks.",吉尔说,老板打算提拔她从事会计工作,但她却没有接受过必要的学校教育来完成哪怕是最基本的记帐任务。 +Amy is her father's favourite.,埃米是她父亲的娇女。 +"According to legend, the Warring States period, with that for Yan, Zhao is to wage war.",相传,战国时期,这一带为燕、赵交兵之地。 +Many farms were equipped with water-saving irrigating systems in the past ten years.,过去的十年里,许多农田配备了节水灌溉设施。 +"Jackdaws Play by aware of their situation, because no one likes Jackdaws Play by the voices and feather color, Jackdaws Play by the very lonely, but it can fly only alive reasons.",寒鸦知道自己的处境,因为没有人喜欢寒鸦的声音和羽毛的颜色,寒鸦很孤独,但还能飞翔是它唯一活着的理由。 +"Next came the community of grass and tree, that of the grass and populus mixed community was the lowest.",桐树林群落(草乔)次之,而混合草��—黄杨群落(草灌)为最低。 +Woods and his wife refused to talk with police investigating the crash and hired a criminal defense attorney.,伍兹及其妻子拒绝和调查车祸的警官谈话,他们雇佣了一名刑事辩护律师。 +"Deby and Gaddafi have also worked together on saving the rapidly shrinking Lake Chad, and exploring how the African Union can become more involved in conflict-resolution.",两国还在拯救迅速缩小的乍得湖以及如何使非洲联盟更为深入的在解决冲突方面发挥作用这两个方面有过密切合作。 +"That compares to a profit of 135.5 billion yuan in 2007, the National Council for Social Security Fund said in its audited annual report published in the official China Securities Journal on May 6.",根据5月6日发行的官方的中国证券报,全国社保基金理事会在其经审计的年报中表示,2007年盈利1355亿元。 +These are in line with ancient Egypt and its neighboring countries characteristics.,这些都符合古埃及及其周边国家的特点。 +"The titration was carried out by the external indicator method and the automatic dead-stop titration method, respectively.",结果:外指示剂法和自动永停滴定仪法与药典规定方法的实验结果完全一致。 +Will you play football with me?,你和我一起踢足球好吗? +"Chinese indigenous system analogous with the Russian S-300 series, the HQ-9 has had a long gestation but is now being deployed in some numbers.",红旗-9型是一种类似于俄罗斯S-300系列的中国国产系统,经历了长期的研制,现在已经有一定数量入役。 +"Consider modifying the LISTEN_TIMEOUT variable to achieve faster tonal entry times, or lengthen the timeout variable to acquire tone patterns with more widely spaced events.",考虑修改 LISTEN_TIMEOUT 变量以更快地达到音调输入次数,或延长超时变量以采集间隔更长的事件的音调模式。 +"At first, from the waterfalls and number of dead trees, I could hardly crawl along;",起初,瀑布飞流、枯木横道,我几乎是寸步难行; +"Among the things the foundation wants schoolchildren to know are what to do if someone is choking, bleeding seriously, or unconscious.",基金会希望学童知道的还有如果有人噎到、严重出血或失去意识要怎麽办。 +"Finally, they tested the approach in mice with an ovarian cancer cell line known to be resistant to taxane-based drugs such as docetaxel.",最后,他们检测了对紫衫烷为基础的药物如紫杉萜抵抗的卵巢癌细胞系的小鼠。 +I only used arnica for the first few days.,不过我只在最初的几天使用山金车酊。 +"When a notice is issued to a Party, by the other Parry or the Engineer, a copy shall be sent to the Engineer or the other Party, as the case may be.",当另一方或工程师向一方发出通知时,应向工程师或另一方送交一份复印件(视情况而定)。 +"At this point, I recommend that you save a copy of the unmodified CAM template.",此时,我建议您保存未修改的 CAM 模板的一个副本。 +It may even be parameterized to allow the specification of context-independent interaction patterns.,它甚至可以被参数化以用来描述上下文独立的交互模式。 +"Bridge the front is a pair of contacts, comprehending the position to the help very meaningfully.",桥前是双触,对于帮助理解位置很有意义。 +He teased a child unmercifully.,他无情地撮弄一个孩子。 +The purpose of this thesis is analyzing the causes of the rise of the commercial activities at the Lu-Ze areas while Ming Dynasty by Location Theory.,文章旨在用区位论中的区位因素分析法来分析明代潞泽地区商贸活动兴起的原因。 +"'You and I can be our own lexicographers now,' says Barbara Wallraff, the longtime language columnist for The Atlantic magazine.",《大西洋月刊》(The Atlantic)杂志资深语言专栏作家沃拉夫(Barbara Wallraff)说,你和我现在都可以成为自己的字典编纂者了。 +Methods Questionnaires on 99 obstetric workers in four general hospitals.,方法对四家综合医院99名产科医护人员采用问卷调查。 +"Dunhuang also produces apricots, jujube and other fruit products which make great gifts to take back home.",当然,李广杏、鸣山大枣、敦煌锁阳等特产回去送朋友则是不错的选择。 +"Go face them and fight them, be savage again.",勇敢走向前去面对它们,和他们战斗!重归原始和野蛮! +"Faults : Slight deviation of the angle of the shoulder articulation. Feet slightly toeing in or out, pasterns a little soft.",缺点:肩部连接的角度有略微偏差,脚尖轻微向内或向外,骹骨(腿的下部)略微软。 +People engaged in revolutionary cultural work are the commanders at various levels on this cultural front.,而革命的文化工作者,就是这个文化战线上的各级指挥员。 +"""CFA Sail"" elite club is established by a group of caring people, who are willing to help CFA candidates solve encountered problems.",“CFA之帆”精英俱乐部是由一群有爱心、有梦想的CFA们组成,旨在帮助广大考友解决备考过程中遇到的各类疑难问题。 +The system can be used to prevent electric energy stealing and protect the electric devices.,该系统具有防窃电和电力设施防盗、防破坏等功能。 +France ceded Alsace - Lorraine to Germany in 1871.,1871年法国把阿尔萨斯― 洛林地区割让给了德国。 +Among these is an experimental vaccine against malaria that one of us (Garçon) helped to develop as head of GlaxoSmithKline Biologicals's vaccine adjuvant center.,其中有一种正在实验阶段的抗疟疾疫苗,是由作者当中的加康领导葛兰素史克药厂的疫苗佐剂中心所研发。 +"The toy chain has more than 800 Toys R Us and Babies R Us stores nationwide, with 23 Toys R Us and 14 Babies R Us stores in New Jersey.",该玩具连锁店已超过800玩具反斗城和婴儿玩具反斗城店全国有23和14玩具反斗城婴儿玩具反斗城在新泽西州的商店。 +"He feeds on a variety of things; fish, shellfish, molluscs and other starfish and, like his close relatives, he doesn'tcare whether they're alive or dead!",他们以很多动物为食,如鱼,牡蛎,软体动物或者是其他的海星,就像他的近亲们一样他们不需要精心的呵护,无论他们生或死! +The establishment of novelistic everyday life narrative position brings reversion of value position and gives identification with the thinking logic and value orientation of everyday life.,小说日常生活叙事立场的确立带来了价值立场的逆转,对日常生活的思维逻辑与价值取向给予了认同。 +"An exchange I attribute to a close friend, Richard Morley, inventor of the Programmable Logic Controller. See http://www.barn.org/",一个从 I 属性到亲密朋友的交换,Richard Morley,可编程逻辑控制器的发明者。 +The organization trust of state-owned enterprises was significantly higher than that of foreign-funded enterprises.,第六,国有企业的组织信任显著地高于外资企业。 +"The phenomenon of despising physics experiment goes against law of physics, which has made bad result on physics teaching in middle schools today.",轻视物理实验教学的现象违反了物理学规律,已对当前中学物理教学带来了极其恶劣的后果。 +"Outside of the laboratory, of course, money and power has more to do with who leads organisations like corporations or nations.",当然,在实验室之外,金钱和权力与那些统治公司或者国家的人有更多相关。 +"The invention has the advantages of excellent chemical resistance, strong water resistance and good hydrophilicity, and can meet the requirements for aqueous coding.",本发明具有优异的耐化学性,耐水性,亲水性能好,能够满足了水性打码的要求。 +"The National Industrial Recovery Act of 1933 (N. I. R. A. ) was issued to create purchasing power, which would help industry recover and stimulate employment.",1933年全国产业复兴法案的颁布是为了增加购买力以促进工业复兴并刺激就业。 +"Severus contradicted. ""He just a boy who knows nothing. His life around by muggles, he just care about dinner dessert and the beautiful girls in the class . Even a civet know more curses than him.""",西弗勒斯反驳,“他只是一个毫无技巧的男孩,生活被麻瓜们包围,脑子里只在乎餐后甜点与班上的漂亮女孩,他懂的咒语不比一只狸猫多多少。” +Both the qualitative analysis and the quantitative computation of the stability by the finite element method were used to estimate the stability of Xiyang slope.,对边坡稳定性进行定性评价和有限元法验算,进而判断西阳边坡的稳定性。 +"So, he's banging away over somebody's head at the guy on the other side, but you see this guy in front of you has just been knocked down.","所以他正在忙着砸对面某人的脑袋,但你看见你前面的人被击倒了" +"Being extra careful, I ran my hand over his haunch and found a golf ball sized lump.",正在格外小心,我然我的手,他腋发现一个高尔夫球大小的肿块。 +"In the experiment, 6 form-quality indexes were examined, and 4 storage periods, brittle fruit period, brittle-soft, soft, and rotted, were determined.",通过对枣保鲜贮藏6个形质数量性状指标的研究,划定了鲜枣贮藏要经过脆果期、脆果软化期、软果期、腐烂果期4 个时期。 +"I always have a sumptuous breakfast, including rolls of bread, pieces of toast, fresh milk, yogurt and fruit.",我早餐总是吃得很丰盛,包含几个面包、几片土司、鲜奶、优格和水果。 +"Based on the resolution from a Rotary Peace Forum in Africa, the Board approved the appointment of a Reach Out to Africa Resource Group for this year.",在非洲举行的扶轮和平论坛会中﹐理事会通过在今年进行支援救助非洲计划。 +"In going into the experience of the molesters, or the abusive parents or spouses or warmongers in one's ancestry, one will begin to understand how they felt and why they caused what they caused.",在进入一个人祖先中的骚扰者、辱骂的父母或配偶、或好战者的经历之中,你将开始理解他们如何感受以及为何他们导致了所导致的事物。 +"The night was bitterly cold, yet a crowd of at least two thousand people came to see the play.",至少有两千人冒着春夜的刺骨严寒前来观看演出。 +The young right-back has impressed for the Portuguese giants and his list of admirers appears to be growing.,这位年轻的右边后卫在葡萄牙巨人已有出色表现,他的追逐者的队伍越来越壮大。 +"It has also prepared and estimated nitrogen trichloride standard specimen, and its method has high precision and accuracy such estimation is practically valuable.",制备与测定了三氯化氮标准样品,方法有较高的正确度和精密度,具有实用的价值。 +They believed that the earth's climate alternated between periods of extreme cold and warm.,他们认为气候在极冷与温暖中交替。 +Christianity is based on one book - the bible. Any challenge or questioning of the book incur passionate objections from believers.,基督教以圣经为本,任何挑战或质疑这本书的人,都会招致信徒的强烈反对。 +Her waist is delicate as snowflakes in wind; her head is bright while her brow is yellow as goose.,纤腰之楚楚兮,回风舞雪;珠翠之辉辉兮,满额鹅黄。 +"Wentworth Miller is set to guest star on the season premiere of “Law &Order: SVU, ” reports TV Guide magazine.",据TV Guide杂志报道温特沃什·米勒将在下一季《法律与秩序:SVU》的首映集中客串演出。 +That's how dire the environment has become.,环境现在变得如此恶劣 +Today's show condensed the thousand-year tradition and history of Chinese Kungfu. It is a piece of valuable cultural legacy that deserves preservation and promotion.,今天的演出浓缩了中国功夫的千年传统和历史。它是很有价值的文化遗产,值得保护和发扬。 +"At last, a type of extensometer calibration technique for deformation sensor is proposed.",最后,建立了一套专门针对变形传感器的多功能标定器具和标定方法。 +I'm a lamb. I'm your daughter.,我是一只小绵羊。我是你的女儿。 +Nodes in object names are generally constructed left-to-right and generic-to-specific.,对象名称中的节点通常从左到右和从一般到特定地进行构造。 +Find out what types of starters are available in lawn mowers in this free video.,找出什么类型的起动器在草坪割草机可在此免费视频。 +The significance of the research of the photochemistry in solid ice phase was described and the present work about the photodegradation of organic pollutants in solid ice phase was reviewed.,论述了固态冰相中有机污染物的研究意义,对国内外有关固态冰相中有机污染物光化学降解的研究进行了综述。 +"Perhaps the best-known argument for this view is found the unabridged edition of an otherwise excellent book, The Sovereignty of God, by A. W. Pink.",也许对于这个观点最广为人知的论据就是一本在其他方面都很卓越的A.W.品柯的《神的主权》一书的未删节版本。 +"On a trip to Moscow in 1923 or 1924, however, he obtained stocks of Drosophila melanogaster that had been imported to the USSR by HJ Muller and altered the taxonomic course of his research.",在前往莫斯科在1923年或1924年,然而,他获得的股票果蝇了苏联进口的黄建忠穆勒和改变了分类过程中他的研究。 +"Travelers usually bring dried meat, tsamba , and tea for foods.",旅行者通常带来干缩的牛奶、糌粑与茶作为食物。 +"Data warehouse, data mining technology have growed up with the data contained in the information system becoming bigger and bigger.",数据仓库、数据挖掘技术正是在这种行业数据海量积累,客户数据分析需求增长的情况下应运而生的。 +Objective To study the inhibitory effects of the extracts of Periplaneta americana on the growth of Porphyromonas gingivalis in vitro.,目的 研究美洲大蠊提取物对体外培养的牙龈卟啉单胞菌的抗菌活性。 +PEPFAR has financed three-fourths of the one million male circumcisions for HIV prevention around the world since 2007.,自2007年以来,总统防治艾滋病紧急救援计划为全球一百万男性切除包皮的手术提供了四分之三的资助,有助于预防艾滋病病毒的传播。 +"These interconnections can also be seen in another exhibition at the Cluny which displays about 60 works, mainly religious, from Slovakia.",这种互相的联系在克吕尼馆的另一场展览中也能看到,该展览约有作品六十余件,多是斯洛伐克的宗教器物。 +It was yet another reminder that problems for big financial firms continue to get worse even when they are wrapped in the forgiving arms of the state.,而这只不过是再一次敲响了金融企业继续恶化的警钟- ��便是当这些公司被政府宽容地收于自己臂腕之下的情况下。 +"The state shall give tax preference to the citizens, legal persons or other bodies that make donations to non-state schools and commend them.",国家对向民办学校捐赠财产的公民、法人或者其他组织按照有关规定给予税收优惠,并予以表彰。 +"So you should plan a brief schedule everyday before working, especially on some main things which you hope to finish.",所以每天的工作,开始前应先拟定概略的时间表,其中特别注意希望完成的数件主要工作。 +"Results With the increase of diameter and height, the sensitivity, specificity, Youden index and crude agreement of CTVE increased.",结果 随着模拟病变直径、高度的增加,CTVE技术的敏感度、特异度、约登指数和粗一致性均升高。 +The database introspect command shows the metadata related to the database schema.,database introspect 命令显示了与数据库模式相关的元数据。 +"The emperor of Russia Peter I was given the appellation ""the Great"".",俄皇彼得一世被加上了“大帝”的称号。 +"Under the menu, you will often find a toolbar - a bar of icons or options that allow you to perform specific operations within the program.",在菜单下面你会经常看到一工具栏---里边含有按钮或选项,以供执行具体操作。 +Some westerners have alleged that China only conducts economic reform and discards political reform. It is not valid both theoretically and practically.,西方一些人妄言,中国只搞经济改革,不进行政治改革,这在理论上不成立,也不符合事实。 +"Through analysis, we can see there is a deep original relation of irrationalism between Plato's philosophy and Freud's theory.",从中我们可以看出弗洛伊德的学说与柏拉图的哲学思想在非理性主义本质上存在着深厚的渊源关系。 +While a number of stirred-tank designs involving either internal or external recirculation of the reaction mixture have evolved in recent years.,同时,最近几年开发了一系列使反应混合物进行内循环或外循环的搅拌槽式装置。 +"Electrically activities; . When should adjust pulling the area is pulling the machine to loosen the screw, casters activities.",活动脚轮;当要调节拉网机拉网的面积时先要松开活动脚轮,螺丝。 +"Ray's YiHeng officially opened in schools, decorate LeiGang, under present congratulations to the mayor LeiGang courageously unceasingly.",雷家武馆正式开幕,在乙恒布置下市长呈现恭贺雷刚,令雷刚奋不已。 +I know that you're going to do a great job on this part. You are brilliant.,相信你一定会很好地掌握这个句型。你可棒了! +"Prior to this appointment, Kockan was the general manager of ParkRoyal on Beach Road in Singapore, another Pan Pacific Hotel Group property.",在此任命之前,柯恳于泛太平洋酒店集团旗下另一知名酒店品牌——新加坡滨海宾乐雅酒店任总经理一职。 +不管是出于需要,还是出于兴趣爱好,人们重返学校是为了一个共同的目标----提高自己。,"Out of necessity or out of interest, people go back to school for the common goal to improve themselves." +"Sedimentary thickness isoline graph, litho facies paleogeography graph and paleocurrent rose graph were plotted.",编制了沉积厚度等值线图及岩相古地理图; +The density of cells was measured by the method of pycnometer.,采用比重瓶法测定细胞密度。 +Currently be participating in a 12-month period of approved post-completion OPT;,目前正处于学业完成后的12个月 OPT期间; +"The fund investment strategy report points out that the recent long period of the remainder of the closed-end fund discount further, half of the fund at a discount of 30%.",的基金投资策略报告指出,近期长剩余期限的封闭式基金折价进一步加深,半数基金折价在30%以上。 +Kirilov must therefore kill himself to become god.,因此基里洛夫必须自杀而成为神明。 +Cooperates with Finance Department to assist the customer with financing and accounts receivable conrol;,与财务部合作,帮助客户进行融资及应收账款的控制; +"Under stimulation of antigens four groups of them could differentiate to become plasma cells showing the same colors of fluorescence as their original lymphocytes, and these are B calls.",其中四种在抗原的刺激下,可分别分化为与它们荧光颜色相同的浆细胞,它们是B细胞。 +"""Why, man alive, I can't do it! "" he heard Tighe exclaim one day.",“哎呀!我可不能做这件事!”有一天他听到泰伊大声喊道。 +DHH: We've spent a lot of time making sure that migrating from Rails 1.2.x to 2.0 wouldn't be too painful.,DHH:我们已经花费了很长时间来保证从Rails1.2.x到2.0版本的迁移不会过于痛苦。 +"Secondly, this text explains further Nakajima's three important discussion of East Asia, China-centric Belief and China-threat theory.",��次,本文进一步阐述中嶋在东亚,中华思想与中国威胁论三项重要论述。 +"Some venture capitalists, hungry for growth and troubled by weak returns, have moved toward smaller investments, hoping to catch the next Facebook in its infancy.",一些风险投资家渴望股票增长,受困于小回报率,开始投向相对小的公司,希望能够碰上下个Facebook初期。 +"Flowers 2-6 from upper cauline leaf axils, semi-nutant.",花2-6朵,生于上部茎生叶腋内,半下垂; +"Under simulated drought stress conditions, some physiological indices for Caucasian clover(Trifolium ambiguum Bieb.",在模拟干旱条件下测定了高加索三叶草、白三叶和红三叶幼苗期的抗旱生理指标。 +Looking at the sitting room tea table pyramiding cigarette and settle in smoke in the air.,看着客厅茶几上堆砌的烟头和消散在空气中的烟雾。 +The propeller blade is powered by a diesel engine.,螺旋桨叶由柴油发动机驱动。 +"According to Dai Dudu, the three began work on the painting in 2006, completing it 10 months later.",戴都都介绍说,他们是从2006年开始创作这幅画,前后历时10个月。 +"I mean, you see one big central node right in the middle of that line that you mentioned and then a whole bunch of other nodes that have re-tweeted that same tweet.",我是说,你看,你提及终端中间的一个大中心节点,然后所有其它的节点都转发那条相同的博文。 +"In 2004, the new high school biology curriculum reform to test firstly in Guangdong, Hainan, Shandong, Ningxia, four provinces (regions).",2004年,高中生物新课改首先在广东,海南,山东,宁夏四个省(区)进行试验。 +"Krishnamurti: If all thoughts were to cease, the thinker would not be there. Therefore, the thoughts produce the thinker.",克:如果所有的思想停止,思想者就不存在了。因此思想创造了思想者。 +Abstract: The automatic control system of the cubic synthetic diamond press is developed in the paper aiming at the complex craftwork characteristic.,摘要: 本文针对六面顶金刚石压机的复杂工艺流程特点,设计研发了一套六面顶金刚石压机计算机自动控制系统。 +Objectives: The aim of the study was to compare the occurrence of worsening or development of TAO in patients who were treated with radioiodine or antithyroid drugs.,目标:本研究旨在比较患者给予不同治疗手段-碘化疗或抗甲状腺药后,TAO的发生和恶化情况。 +"In fact, it was far more dangerous, with ever-growing stockpiles merely reflecting complex tit-for-tat advances.",事实上,它的危险性要大得多,不断增加的核库存反映的只是复杂的、日益加剧的针锋相对。 +"These folks admit to feeling grateful and sad, joyous and angry, optimistic and defeated, all at the same time; yet only half of their emotions are acceptable in the public eye.",重病患者的心情五味杂陈,她们既感激又悲伤、既欢喜又愤怒、既乐观又挫败;可是这许多感受当中,大约只有半数会在公众面前表露出来。 +"I tapped into two things, however, with this last bit of arm-flapping.",但,随着这最后一次双臂的拍打,我发现有两件事对我有所启发。 +"In Yan Xishans platform to rule Shanxi, there is public owership of land, distribution according to work, and new economic policy, etc.",阎锡山在治晋、统晋的纲领中有:土地村公有、按劳分配和新经济政策等内容。 +"Whether it was while out sailing or to a formal dinner at the White House, Einstein went without socks everywhere.",无论是划船还是白宫的正式晚宴,爱因斯坦都是光脚穿鞋子。 +"Moir, or her editors, or both, misjudged the speed and breadth of the real-time web and social media in their power to highlight and pressurise at speed and with force.",或许是莫伊尔,或许是她的编辑,或者两者都是,错误地判断了实时网络传播信息的速度和规模,也低估了社会媒体在曝光新闻及快速施加压力方面的力量。 +"Need to dip in the wet clean soft cloth to clean the surface of ruler body with a little purified water sometimes, then dry or wait to dry naturally in it with the clean soft cloth;",有时需用少许纯净水蘸湿的干净软布擦净尺身表面,然后再用干净的软布擦干或待其自然晾干; +Meanwhile establishes and consummates each kind of control system.,与此同时建立和完善各种管理制度。 +"Against a broad basket of their currencies, the yuan has already risen this year; against the euro it has strengthened by 17%.",今年,人民币已经准备好上浮,去对抗他们的一篮子流通计划,;对于欧洲汇率,人民币也已经加强上浮了17%。 +"Chinese New Year, also known as Lunar New Year, is celebrated throughout the world in late January or early February. Here's how to celebrate.",中国新年,也称为农历新年,是在一月底或二月初时世界各地人们欢庆的节日。这里是庆祝的方式。 +"Results There was no significant difference in effect of analgesia between two groups (P>0.05), but with less digestion adverse reactions in tested group.",结果治疗组与对照组止痛的疗效比较无显著性差异(P>0.05),但治疗组较对照组胃肠道反应小。 +Days of round-the-clock rescue let Duo Jin Yan lost 10.,十多天没日没夜的救援让陈岩瘦了10多斤。 +"A sleepy Kristoff and Sven travel alone through the dark woods. All of a sudden, the King and Queen race by with the girls, leaving the wake of ice.",昏昏欲睡的克里斯托弗和斯文孤独地在黑暗的树林中穿行。冷不防地,国王和王后带着女孩们从他们旁边冲过,留下一道冰的痕迹。 +"""He does have a very high level of some psychopathic traits, "" Maden said.",“他确实具具有很多心理变态狂的性格特征,”马登说。 +"This allows users to see how far away their contacts are, introducing a whole new dimension to mobile communication.",这一功能使得用户可以看到他们的联系人现在离他们有多远,这给移动通信带来了全新的体验。 +"In February, U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon created a 21-member High-Level Advisory Group on Climate Change Financing to analyze financial resources that could help meet the $100 billion goal.",今年2月,联合国秘书长潘基文(Ban Ki-moon)设立了一个由21名成员组成的高级别气候变化融资咨询小组(High-Level Advisory Group on Climate Change Financing),以分析财务资源,帮助达到集资1000亿美元的目标。 +We all live on the desk.,我们都住在桌子上。 +"Americans were politicized by the 2010 mine tragedy, but horrific deaths of miners and corrupt Coal bosses are ubiquitous in China.",在美国,2010年的矿难已经被政治化,而在中国,矿工的伤亡和煤老板的腐败则更是时有发生。 +"Our worried Enterprise Architect noticed that such Service-Orientation permeated REST practice: there were ""REST APIs"" to Web sites, or ""Web services"" with a small 's'.",这位担忧的企业架构师注意到面向服务的环境中充满这样的REST实践:Web站点有“REST API”,或者有着小's'的“Web服务”。 +Our expert hospitality division will manage and operate assets including resort-type holdings as necessary for Chinese buyers so there is no hassle or headaches in ownership.,我们有专业的团队负责管理和运营您的资产,即使身处海外的买家也完全不必有后顾之忧。 +"Illegal loggers cut a fallen Iron Wood tree(Intsia palembanica) also known as ""Merbau"", near the 22000ha palm oil plantation ofthe Sinarmas Group.",2008年9月5日,金光集团2.2万公顷棕榈油种植园附近,非法伐木工正在锯一棵被放倒的铁木。 铁木学名Intsia palembanica,也被称之为“Merbau”。 +"Results There were transfusion environmental pollution, bad ventilates, unsuitable method, inefficacy disinfection or pollution and impure disinfectant.",结果输液环境污染、通风不良、方法不当、消毒效果不佳或消毒剂存在污染、制剂不纯普遍存在。 +"D - Fish is an old experienced player in Lakers, key man of the Lakers 3 streak champions, this ""big heart"" Killer is a treasure of the Lakers.",老鱼贵为湖人的三朝元老,三届总总冠军的功臣,这位大心脏杀手可谓是湖人阵中的一宝。 +This article explains what the plug-in writer or database administrator should test before deploying the customized security plug-ins to the DB2 system.,本文阐述了将定制的安全性插件部署到 DB2 系统前,插件编写人员或数据库管理人员应该测试的内容。 +But no new contributions are permitted if the account holder becomes non-resident.,但如果账户持有者为非加拿大居民,则不允许为储蓄账户供款。 +There were 2 cases (0.1%) of post-operative tracheotomy because of larynx edema.,术后因喉头水肿而行气管切开2例(0.1%)。 +"I also want to clear, marriage is one thing, and then at love again have a sensation, five years, also vanished after work, you turn on the television see long series, life together is like this.",我也想清楚了,婚姻根本就是那么一回事,再恋爱得轰动,三五年之后,也就烟消云散,下班后大家扭开电视一齐看长篇连续剧,人生是这样的。 +"Based on the potentiality that the creation of the internet provides gender equality, this paper reveals that in a society of patriarchy, this novelty still leaves the women discourse muffed.",网络的出现为两性的平等提供了潜力,但在父权制的社会里,这一新事物仍使女性处于“话语权”被消音的状况中。 +"A person who believed in an eight-hour working day was, they said, an enemy to his country, a traitor, an anarchist.",他们说,谁要是信奉八小时工作日,他就是国家的敌人,一个叛国者,无政府主义者。 +"If you find yourself unable to fall asleep, get up and go into another room.",如果你发现自��无法入眠,那就从床上起来,到另一个房间里去。 +"Marta in cooperation with German soldiers sent to the team, the attack at the airport with his generals waiting to board, as Mr Li and belov protection, Mr Rove escaped.",玛尔塔在德军派来的行动小组的配合下,在机场袭击了即将登机的扎罗夫将军,由于奥莉加和别洛夫的保护,扎罗夫逃过一劫。 +EIR is for the use of picking empty containers and sending the loaded containers to CY.,设备交接单用于领取空箱和将已装货的集装箱放到堆场。 +"All of the LGPL dependencies have been removed from Hudson, with the exception of XOM, an XML processing library.",Hudson已经移除了所有的LGPL依赖,除了 XOM——XML处理库。 +Nature is filled with all kinds of sounds.,大自然的雨声,风声,鸟叫虫鸣。 +"So it doubles back on itself, twists around, and begins to look like the heart as we know it.",于是在它加倍地在自身上生长,扭成一团,开始长的像我们所知道的心脏。 +"And Abner and his men went all that night through the Arabah. They crossed the Jordan, and marching the whole morning, they came to Mahanaim.",押尼珥和跟随他的人整夜经过亚拉巴,过约但河,走过毕伦,到了玛哈念。 +We would like to redesign the look and feeling of the show to a more upbeat HGTV style format that will be tailored to a less gritty and urban look and be more sophisticated and elegant intro.,我们要重新设计的外观和感觉的表演更乐观的居家频道风格的格式,将针对一少坚韧不拔和城市外观和更精致典雅的介绍。 +These have been skilfully integrated with the requirements of Conductive Education to provide access to a broad and balanced curriculum.,这些都与引导式教育的要求有机结合在一起,旨在发展出一套全面平衡的课程。 +"It is shown that the presented method of identification features high precision, fast experimental data handling and on-line process identification, and is superior in engineering application.",从辨识的结果来看,这种辨识方法具有精度高、处理实验数据迅速、能进行在线辨识等特点,能够较好地满足工程应用的要求。 +"On the domestic front, say his advisers, Mr Sarkozy intends to use the five-year mandate in three phases.",关于国内的阵地,他的顾问表示,萨尔科齐先生打算把五年任期分为三个阶段。 +"Service management system will be applied to enterprises, and to make enterprise management and computer technology combine to increase the enterprise's internal norms and job efficiency.",将勤务管理系统应用于企业之中,使企业管理与计算机技术相结合,增加企业的内部工作规范和效率。 +"It is so delightfully cold, said the Snow Man that it makes my whole body crackle.",天真冷啊,雪人开心地说,我的身体都在咯吱响呢。 +The buildings are in a large area. This area is the university campus.,这些建筑分布在很大区域内,这一区域就是大学校园。 +"For example, if a result row is larger than 32K bytes and the setting for rqrioblk is also at 32K (the default), each row will take two blocks to return.",例如,如果返回的行大于 32K 字节,并且 rqrioblk 也设置在 32K 字节(默认情况) ,那么每一行将分两个块返回。 +"And even then, they were an add-on pack distributed separately.",即使如此,它们也是作为一个附加包单独分发的。 +"Now if you cry aloud to wake a few of the lighter sleepers, making those unfortunate few suffer the agony of irrevocable death, do you think you are doing them a good turn?",现在你大嚷起来,惊起了较为清醒的几个人,使这不幸的少数者来受无可挽救的临终的苦楚,你倒以为对得起他们么? +However if the spoke hole flanges are not centered between the locknuts of the hub the tension between the left and right flanges will vary.,但是,如果孔法兰发言中都没有防松螺母的枢纽为中心,左友之间的法兰紧张会有所不同。 +"Edward Jenner, a British physician, abandoned the quest for a cure and conquered the disease by finding a way to prevent it.",英国医生爱德华· 詹纳放弃寻找特效药, 而是通过找到一种预防天花的办法征服了这一疾病。 +I looked a bit stiff while they were so lively.,他们都那样活泼, 显得我太板了。 +"Just as a famous saying, many people step in your life, but only true friends leave footprints.",就像一句明言所说,很多人走进你的生命,却只有真正的朋友才能留下脚印。 +"This has great positive significance to understand the current status, the development and location in contemporary Chinese painting of urban ink-portrait painting.",这对于了解当下都市水墨人物画的现状、发展以及它在当代中国画坛中的位置都有积极的意义。 +"In recent years, grain production of Wenshan prefecture is developing rapidly, and have achieved some success in the meantime, the situation is still pressing.",近十余年来,文山州粮食生产发展很快,取得了可喜的成就,但形势仍很严峻。 +"You'll hear more detail, and the differences between production qualities of recordings are more readily apparent.",你将听到很多细节,并更能辨认和辨别灌音的品德。 +Please select another audio codec or choose AC3 audio streams for all ripped titles.,请选择其他的音效编解码器,或是为所有撷取的标题选择 AC3 音效串流。 +"For Web-based e-mail like Gmail or Yahoo Mail, you can use SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) encryption.",对那些像Gmail和雅虎邮的Web邮箱的用户,可以使用SSL加密(加密套接字协议层)。 +"Based on the construction, discussion is made on the causes of formation of highway unevenness, and given the preventions in embankment and subgrade settlement.",从施工的角度阐述了道路不平整的形成原因,并从路堤填筑前原地面处理、路堤填料的要求、路基填土压实、路面基层施工等方面分析了预防措施。 +"Hair should be a yellow zinc deficiency, may have a calcium supplement.",头发发黄应该是缺锌,有可能是钙补过了。 +The anti-friction mechanism of sulfurized layer were studied in the paper through physics modeling and AES analysis.,本文通过物理建模和俄歇分析的方法研究了渗硫层的减摩机理。 +"Among the cases of 25 normal stained. 14 strong stained, 6 scattering points dystained, there were 35 slight chronic inflammations and 10 normals.",正常着色者25例,深染者14例与散在小点状着色不良者6例中病理结果为轻度慢性炎症35例,未见明显异常者10例。 +"I'd ride more merry-go-rounds, I'd pick more flowers.",我会多骑几次旋转木马,我会采更多的花朵。 +"The first author ""tags"" Ibid.",使用相同的参考第一作者。 +"Those who huddled pitifully together on the left were the old, the infirm, the ill and the very young.",在左边那些可怜地挤作一团的人都是些老弱病幼者。 +Comparison between the multi-effect batch distillation columns and the ordinary ones shows that the annual profit obtained by using the former is far more than that of the latter.,对多罐分批精馏塔和常规分批精馏塔进行比较的结果显示:采用多罐分批精馏塔分离产品可获得的年利润远高于采用常规分批精馏塔。 +"The youngest billionaire prize this year goes to Albert von Thurn und Taxis of Germany, who is 25 and listed as having 2.1 billion dollars.",本年度最年轻的亿万富豪是来自德国的阿尔伯特•冯•托恩和塔克西斯。 今年25岁的他以21亿美元的身价跻身该榜。 +Tube-riding is a leisurely way to have fun; it is nothing more than sitting in a big rubber inner tube and being pulled down river by a boat.,漂流则是一种有趣的休闲运动,人们只要坐在一个很大的橡胶内胎里,由一艘船拖着下水。 +"Braid is a platform at heart, requiring you to move through different worlds, collecting items and dodging enemies;",《时空幻境》本质上是一款横版过关游戏,你需要在不同的世界中穿行、收集道具并躲避敌人; +"Aside from binding the packaged application more to the platform on which it is to run than does OSGi, the dependency models in the two systems are different.",除了如同OSGi那样将打包的应用更多的绑定于平台之上,两个系统的依赖模型是不同的。 +"The couple and their daughter, Suri, recently moved into the 10,000-square-foot home with seven bedrooms and 10 bathrooms, which they purchased last year.",阿汤夫妇和小女儿苏芮近日入住他们去年在比弗利山庄购置的一套豪宅,这套豪宅面积达1万平方英尺(相当于900多平米),共有七个卧室和十个洗手间。 +"As it turns out, her neighbor across the street, with a similar house number, the same number of rooms to be cleaned and a house key hidden in a similar spot outside, had hired a cleaning service.",结果发现,她街对面的邻居和她的房子房号相似,有相同数目的房间需要清洁,而两家的房钥匙都藏在房子外面同一个地方,是对面的邻居雇用的清洁工服务。 +The Canadian star cut his hand and ear open during shooting and suffered eye problems after drops were applied following a fight scene with co-star Jamie Bell.,拍摄期间这个加拿大演员割破了自己的手和耳朵,并且在与合作演员杰米·贝尔拍摄一场打斗戏后所需的坠落镜头时受了眼伤。 +And it also offers the design of the corresponding PLC procedure and part of the PC interface design.,并给出相应的PLC程序及部分上位机界面设计。 +Long-lasting insecticide impregnated nets (LLINs) are the preferred form of ITNs for public health distribution programmes.,在公共卫生供应规划中,最好应提供经长效杀虫剂处理过的蚊帐。 +"It is an expression of the individual's humility, submissiveness and adoration toward the Holy Ones.",这是一种个��对自己心中的圣人的谦卑,顺从和敬仰的表达。 +"Explanation Similar in size to other large, bright spiral galaxies, IC 342 is a mere 7 million light-years distant in the long-necked, northern constellation Camelopardalis.",IC 342 和其他大型明亮的螺旋星系的大小相当,这个在北方天穹细长的鹿豹座中的星系离我们只有7 百万光年。 +"A city of southeast Spain southwest of Alicante. An ancient Roman colony, it was held by the Moors from the 8th to the 13th century. Population, 144,600.",西班牙东南部城市,位于阿利坎特西南,古时曾是罗马人的殖民地,自8世纪到13世纪为摩尔人所占据。人口144,600。 +The front end edge portion 4 is formed by inwardly pressing and deforming the front end portion of the pipe body 2.,前端边缘部分四是由内心冲压变形的管身前端部分2。 +Cheerz Company subordinates to 'Junior Achievement Organization Student Company' (a kind of course).,茄子公司隶属于“青年成就组织学生公司”(一种课程)。 +"I’m writing to inquire about information in relevance with accommodation, fee charges and specific qualifications required of candidates to your university.",我写信是想问一下有关在贵校的住宿、收费以及申请贵校所需具备的具体条件的。 +"So please, no false equivalences. The campaign against Social Security privatization was energetic and no doubt rude, but did not involve intimidation and disruption.",所以,请不要错误地将所有事都等同起来。反对社会保障私有化的活动是充满活动的,很可能是粗鲁的,但并不涉及胁迫和破坏。 +"Just like a true Kiwi I love eating a big dinner with steak, chips and a cold beer.",我就像一只真正的几维鸟,喜欢丰盛的晚餐,品尝牛排、薯条和凉爽的啤酒。 +Each magazine carries three full length stories as well as cartoons and color pictures of your favorite film stars.,每本杂志都会为你呈现三个故事全本、卡通图片以及你最喜爱的影星的彩色照片。 +"The point isto show your partner what you love, so that he or she can experience it as you do (or closeenough).",这么做,是向你的爱人展示你的爱好,这样他/她也可以和你一起经历(或者近距离感受)。 +"A large, differentiated satellite — with a core composed of silicates and iron, and a lighter mantle made of water ice — would be a good choice.",拥有硅酸盐金属核心与冰质幔层的大量已分化小行星是最佳选择。 +The hen is hatching chickens.,母鸡正在孵小鸡。 +"Objective To investigate the clinical efficacy of traction, acupuncture and massotherapy as a composite treatment for cervical spondylopathy of cervical curvature change and the imaging changes.",目的观察牵引、针刺、推拿综合治疗颈曲改变的颈椎病的影像学变化与临床疗效。 +"For example, WS-ReliableMessaging and WS-Transaction have both been available for several years, but there has never been any formal testing done where both are used together.",例如,WS-ReliableMessaging 和 WS-Transaction 已使用多年,但是将二者一起使用时,从未执行过任何正式测试。 +The following screen shows all of the columns in the user table.,下屏显示了用户表中的所有列。 +"How many of you want to significantly increase your exposure to Japan and Italy, particularly today with the ECB stepping in as a buyer of last resort for Italian debt?",有多少人想要大幅度提高介入日本和意大利市场的程度? 特别是考虑到现在欧洲央行(ECB)已开始把购买意大利国债作为最后一招。 +This thesis primarily described the study on the chemical constituents of Berberis sargentiana Schneid and Brucea javanica L.,本论文工作主要包括两个部分:贵州中草药三颗针化学成分研究和鸦胆子化学成分研究。 +"He remembers that the sky was the bluest and clearest he’d seen in a long time, a condition pilots call “severe clear.”",他记得那天的天空格外的清澈湛蓝,是飞行员所说的“高度清晰”状态,詹姆斯面对天空凝望了许久。 +"Results Using vitrectomy and non-magnetic intraocular foreign b odiy extraction, foreign bodies were extracted in 32 of the 34 eyes in one time, t he rate was 94.12%.",结果应用玻璃体切除术联合眼内非磁性异物摘出术中的3 1例(3 4眼)中,3 2眼为一次手术成功摘出,成功率为94.12 %。 +Fabregas: I hope Wenger leaves before me Cesc Fabregas has insisted that his future at Arsenal does not depend on Arsene Wenger's.,塞斯克。法布雷加斯坚持认为他在阿森纳的未来并不取决于阿尔塞纳。温格。 +The new code of conduct lays down ground rules for management-union relations.,新赌管理彰惩潍劳资关系确定了基本的原则。 +"He races upfield, and just before smacking the ball into the net, tears off his shirt in a wild celebration.",他冲向前场,在将球射进球门前疯狂地扯下了自己的球衣。 +"Objective To observe the kindling model of Sprague Dawley (SD) rats induced by injection of different doses of picrotoxin (PTX) intraperitoneally, and to evaluate the effect of the drug on the model.",目的:观察不同剂量印防已毒(PTX)致SD鼠慢性点燃癫痫模型及药物对该模型的影响。 +"Directness in request has two meanings: unambiguity and coerciveness, which contributes to clear communication but threatens face, hence hurting the relations between speakers and hearers.",“直接”在请求中有两层含义: 清楚明了和强求。直截了当可明确表达请求但却不礼貌,可能伤害双方关系。 +"And the people of Israel began to write in the instruments, and public records, The first year under Simon the high priest, the great captain and prince of the Jews.",民众于是在文书及契约上,开始写:犹太人的大司祭、大元帅、领袖息孟元年。 +"As worries grow about credit bubbles and overinvestment, no one knows quite how hard the government may need to step on the brakes.",当人们日益担忧信用泡沫和过度投资时,没人确切知道政府采取措施刹住车会有多么艰难。 +He was welcomed by fans at Pudong International Airport on Thursday night.,周四晚抵达浦东国际机场的时候,米帅就受到了粉丝的热情欢迎。 +"Cleaning the greasy dirt on metallic materials instead of organic substances, such as gasoline, kerosene and trichloroethylene, etc.",代替汽油、柴油和三氯乙烯等有机物清洗金属材质,也可用于清洗玻璃、陶瓷、塑料和厨房设施。 +I have nothing in common with Jane.,莪啝简毫无共同之处。 +Rom. 4:21 And being fully persuaded that what He had promised He was able also to do.,罗四21 且满心确信,神所应许的,他也必能作成; +"The J-20 is likely five years from deployment. Its radar-evading ability is unknown, and probably no match for the operational US F-22 stealth fighter.",歼-20可能在五年后部署,它的隐身能力尚不清楚,可能无法达到美国F-22隐形战机的水平。 +The MS performs mobility management procedures to provide the network with the actual selected cell.,移动台通过执行移动管理规程向网络侧提供精确的小区。 +Drug companies have been working on a male pill or injection to inhibit sperm production and give couples a greater choice of family planning methods.,据路透社4月28日报道,世界众多制药公司一直致力于研发一种能够抑制精子生成的男性激素类避孕药片或注射针剂,希望这能给那些实施计划生育的家庭更大的选择空间。 +"Moreover, Pyrex allows more seamless mixing of C-level variables and Python-level variables (objects) within the same code than does an extension written directly in C.",而且,与直接用 C 编写扩展相比,Pyrex 允许在同一代码中更无缝地混合 C 级别的变量和 Python 级别的变量(对象)。 +"Today, my throat is really swollen so I can only drink liquid.",今天我喉咙肿了,只能吃流食。 +"These regulations have become the basic law on franchising including such regulations as information exposure, waiting period, franchise relations and argument-solving.",该《条例》为特许经营的基本法律,其主要内容包括信息披露制度、等待期制度、规制特许关系的制度、争端解决机制。 +Studies show that the application of adsorption refrigeration system to cold storage in fishing vessels is practical and has a bright prospect.,研究表明:吸附式制冷系统在中小型渔船冷藏库中的应用是可行的,且前景非常广阔。 +A common problem for keeping Business Objects in sync is that different backend systems use different keys to represent the same objects.,保持业务对象同步的一个常见的问题就是不同的后端系统使用不同的关键字表示同一对象。 +"Bowing is some kind of quantitative change, while repentance is a qualitative change.",可以说拜是一个量变的过程,而忏是一个质变的过程。 +Some applied experiences on domestication field of high speed gear pair with special structure for large scale refrigerator are recommended.,介绍了一种结构特殊的大型冷冻机高速齿轮副国产化方面的一些实用经验。 +Deng Qiulan is a quiet woman of stubborn dedication. Her fellow Tzu Chi volunteers credit her energy and devotion to her escape from an unhappy marriage.,邓秋兰是个不多话但意志坚定的女性,她的慈济夥伴赞赏她的活力和投入,她也藉由慈济走出一段不愉快的婚姻。 +The results indicated that the two species had same sex ratio(1∶1) during the spawning season.,结果表明:银鲳和灰鲳在繁殖季节性比为1∶1; +"The positive cells mainly distributed in spinous layers, especially in koilacytes.",阳性细胞主要分布于棘细胞层。 +Stir the sauce to prevent it lumping .,把沙司搅拌一下以免结块。 +The comparison between measured and calculated values generally shows the same trend and the downgoing resistance of plunger increases with flow rate in both cases.,结果表明,现场测试值与计算值总体趋势相同,柱塞的下行阻力都随流量的增加而增大,现场测试值与公式计算值基本相符。 +We refer special cartons of 30cm*60cm with two or three dozen to each carton because it’s convenient and easy to handle.,我们更货向于用30cm*60cm的特殊纸盒,每个盒子里装2-3打,因为这样的包装方便,容易销售。 +"Most artifacts have no colored mana symbols in their mana costs, and are therefore colorless .",由于神器咒语的魔法力费用中不包含有色魔法力,因此它们是无色。 +"Ternary optical coder , decoder and ternary logical calculus belong to key components of ternary optical computer, and they are the base of implementing other components of the optical computer.",三值光编码、解码器和三值逻辑运算器是三值光计算机关键部件,是实现三值光计算机其它部件的基础。 +The Arendelle castle gates shutting.,阿伦戴尔的城堡的大门关上了。 +"The red color is due to oxides of iron, magnesium, and aluminum, which in some such soils form a hard crust (LATERITE) at he soil surface.",其红颜色是由于含有的铁、镁、铝的氧化物。它们在这种土壤的表面形成了一种坚硬的外壳。 +"Zaju of Yuan, legends of Ming and Qing and traditional European operas all belong to literary drama, while local operas are performing drama.",元杂剧、明清传奇和欧洲传统戏剧都是文学的戏剧,地方戏是表演的戏剧。 +"Liu Yunshan, Zhou Yongkang, He Guoqiang and Wang Gang have been appointed deputy secretaries-general of the congress at the first meeting of the presidium on Sunday, Li added.",李东生还补充道,星期日召开的主席团第一次会议指定刘云山、周永康、贺国强和王刚为副秘书长。 +"This thesis based on the existence network of CTT Chongqing, studied how to deploy and implement the IMS-based IPTV service.",然后对网络的发展趋势、IMS体系架构和基于IMS体系架构的IPTV业务提供进行了研究。 +"""It could be one of ours. Why not?"" Carla Peralta, a Water Dog breeder in the southern Algarve region, told the popular 24 Horas daily.",位于葡萄牙南部阿尔加维地区的水犬饲养人卡拉?佩拉尔塔在接受《24小时》日报的采访时说:“没准我们的狗能被选中呢,何乐而不为?” +"Perry dated Roberts after her appearance on the show. His verdict: ""She does leave toothpaste all over the sink and she's always wanting to borrow money"".",佩里在罗伯茨客串《老友记》之后和她约会过。他评价说:“她总是把牙膏弄得满水槽都是,还总想借钱。” +It makes relationship—and a sense of significance—difficult to maintain.,它形成了关系——和一种意义感——很难维持。 +"His bones were stored together with those of one of his disciples, Vincenzo Viviani, and those of an anonymous woman.",存放伽利略尸骨的地方同时还存有伽利略的一个名叫Vincenzo Viviani的学生的尸骨,和一个不知名的女人的尸骨。 +I had a dream last night about snowing. I guess it will snow soon. hope i can keep warm this winter.,昨天晚上梦见下雪了,可能现实中也快下雪了吧。希望这个冬季不要冻坏。 +"The loose part impact positions are located by analyzing signals from accelerometers mounted on the reactor vessel with signal pre processing, time frequency transforms, and neural networks.",通过对安装在反应堆压力壳上的多个加速度传感器的信号进行采集,并经过信号预处理、时频变换、神经网络计算等过程,实现对核电站松动件碰撞位置的定位。 +"Based on the theory of electromagnetic inductance, the high frequency, low frequency and intelligent monitors were described, including a series of JX monitors and CMOS monitors for books .",以电磁感应原理为基础,介绍了高频、低频监测仪,包括JX系列图书监测仪、CMOS图书监测仪和智能监测仪。 +"The standard PC-compatible floppy disk controller (NEC 765) only has a one-byte buffer, so it uses this mode.",PC兼容的标准磁盘控制器(NEC 765)仅有一个字节的缓冲区,因此它采用这个模式。 +"It constructs a two-dimensional block matrix to preprocess the received data vector, and then estimates the direction of weak signals.",首先构造二维阻塞矩阵对阵列接收数据进行预处理,抑制掉已知方位强干扰,再进行弱信号的谱估计。 +The spread uniformity of the dopant in the film surface will vary with the doping time.,又掺杂剂在膜表面分布均匀程度与掺杂时间有关。 +Seong says she was really surprised that many South Koreans diet.,晟说,她真的很惊讶,许多南韩国饮食。 +"My pliantive figure, makes a key for the veil of night.",我节俭自己的背影,为夜幕配一把钥匙。 +"Traditional fabrics are combined specially to create tremendously contemporary and seductive figures. Crepes, tulles , satins, organzine and gazar.",传统面料,绉纱、薄纱、绸缎、经丝、闪光金属片等材质的混合运用惊人地营造出时代感和难以阻挡的魅力。 +"It is behind superior ramus of pubis, some persons dont have it.",在耻骨上支的后面,有的人缺如。 +"Since the financial crisis first hit in August 2007, markets — and the financial industry — have gone through a series of swoons, each more dizzying than the last.",自从2007年8月,这场金融危机爆发以来,市场——以及金融业——经历了一系列打击,一次比一次严重。 +"As a coach , he is not in the same street with his predecessor.",作为一名教练,他远不能与他的前任相比。 +I find it disturbing the way the west now seeks to distract from its appalling crimes by pointing strenuously at China as if the west and its continued slash and burn globally were innocent.,我发现西方世界为了转移自己犯下令人发指罪行的视线而赤裸裸的指责中国这种行为真是令人讨厌啊,好像你们在全球不间断的屠戮和烧杀掠抢是无辜的一样!! +Electrostatic assist: A device using electrostatic force to assist ink transfer on gravure presses.,静电辅助器:在照相凹版式印刷机上用静电辅助油墨转移的一项装置。 +"Today, sponsorship by millionaires and corporations explains why free-market thinktanks outnumber and outspend the thinktanks arguing for public services and the distribution of wealth.",今天,百万富翁和公司的资助科研解释为什么鼓吹自由市场的智库在数量上和使用的经费上都压倒鼓吹公共服务和财富分配之类观点的智库。 +"TH: I did attend a design school, the Kyushu Sangyou Daigaku in the arts division.",我报考了九州产业大学艺术学院属下的设计学院。 +The popularity of pop music stars fades rapidly as new music styles replace old ones.,随著音乐风格的汰旧换新,流行歌手的受欢迎程度也快速地消退。 +"The bird answered, ""Last year when I was singing in the daytime, a bird cather heard my voice and caught me in his net.""",鸟儿答道“去年我在白天唱歌的时候,一个抓鸟的人听到了我的声音,用网把我兜住了。 +"So-called ""white fish"" which migrate relatively longer distances, will suffer the most.",一种被称为“白鱼”的长途迁徙鱼类将受害最深。 +Are you Mr. Coleman of GuangHui Tiger Club?,你是广汇男篮的科尔曼吗? +"Therefore he wrote the book and disseminated his thought. ""Tao"" was his philosophy central content. Lao Tzo imitated to move, moreover lived very much for a long time.",是老子整个哲学的核心内容,老子法道而行,安身立命于动荡的时代。 +"Once, monks, in this very Rajagaha, Suppabuddha the leper was the son of a rich money-lender .",比丘们,曾经就在此王舍城内,苏巴菩达乃一富有的放贷人之子。 +"While missing you, I would always think of every drop in the river of the past, for only your existence in my mind can fully define the happiness of missing you.",想你的时候,总是了勾起过去的点滴,因为有你存在我的记忆,才能给想你写一个幸福的概念。 +"Now, a unique new weapon in the war against cyber-criminals has been launched by forensic computing experts in the United Kingdom.",现在,英国的法证电脑专家开发出一种专门用来抵制网络犯罪的新式“武器”。 +I'm more confident now than I've ever been before.,我一生中从未有过这么足的信心。 +"Nuns throw flowers during a procession in a Holy Week procession in Cordoba, Spain, Sunday, April 4, 2010.",修女们扔在了一个在科尔多瓦,西班牙,星期日,2010年4月4日圣周游行,游行的花朵。 +"""To the Marquis of Carabas, "" answered the reapers, all speaking at once.",“这是卡拉巴斯侯爵的,”这些割麦人都马上答道。 +The introduction is to review literatures about Tao Shu.,绪言是关于陶澍研究情况的综述。 +"The user from the keyboard a 1-9999 between number, the program will judge this number is a few digits, and to determine the number of reported number is.",用户从键盘输入一个1-9999之间的数,程序将判断这个数是几位数,并判断这个数是否回文数。 +The straight line may pass through the center of the dust cover of each acoustic driver.,所述直线可以经过每个声学驱动器的防尘罩的中心。 +I am a Senior 3 student. I often quarrel with my mother over whether I can watch TV after school.,假如你是一名高三学生,经常为看电视的事跟妈妈闹意见,今天你跟妈妈达成一致。 +"To construct the recombinant prokaryotic expression vector containing the ESAT-6 gene of Mycobacterium boris, purification, expression the fusion protein identified.",构建牛结核分枝杆菌ESAT-6基因的原核表达载体,诱导表达、纯化并初步鉴定该蛋白。 +Bessler said emergency search and rescue missions and relief operations are ongoing.,贝��勒说,紧急搜索、救援和救灾行动正在展开。 +Gas pressure from gas dissolved in the magma also exerts force on the surrounding rock. It cracks the rocks above the magma and then moves into the crack.,而溶解在岩浆的气体亦会对周边的岩石施加压力,令这些岩石破裂,这些气体从而渗入岩缝内。 +Chinese businesses are ready for economic and technological cooperation with Afghanistan in various ways and at various levels.,中方企业界愿同阿方开展多渠道、多层次的经济技术合作。 +"It is therefore logical to conceive of ways to use them for productive purposes, much as the Bible exhorts its readers to beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks.",因此,设想为提高生产率而使用它们仅仅只是逻辑上的,这非常像圣经告诫读者要化干戈为玉帛。 +"The burying-ground is merely a huge waste of hummocky earth, like a derelict building-lot.",整个坟墓就是个巨大的半圆形的土丘,像一个被抛弃的建筑地基一样。 +"Recent test firings of the missiles were successful, and a battalion is now deployed around Moscow.",导弹的最近测试发射是成功的,而且一个导弹营在莫斯科周围部署。 +The particle size was changed least after lyophilization when 15% trehalose was used as cryoprotectant.,以15%海藻糖做冻干保护剂的脂质体冻干前后粒径变化最小。 +He noted from the report that the transformation was a six-step process.,他在报告中指出,这个转换经历了一个六阶段。 +"And erection height, levelness, uprightness and anchor radius of the tray should also comply with the design and specifications.",电缆桥架的安装高度、水平度、垂直度及电缆桥架的转弯半径,应符合设计及规范要求。 +"After the aviation college, the combat forces washs practice hammering, exercise and earthquake relief rebirth, whether students or military instructor has made from the flesh of the soul to nirvana.",经过陆航学院的洗练、作战部队的锤击、军演和抗震救灾的重生,无论学员还是教官都取得了从肉体到灵魂的涅盘。 +"I produced the grate material standard with air using an independent air chamber, put the ash valve, and the user can burn their coal, use of materials matching the transmission chain.",我公司 生产的炉排用料标准,配风采用独立风室、活门放灰,并且用户可按自己的燃烧煤种、使用方式选配传动链的材料。 +"The Transferors own the Equity Interest free and clear of encumbrances of any kind, other than the security interest pursuant to the Pledge Agreement.",转让人所持有的股权上没有任何权利负担,《质押协议》项下的担保权益除外。 +"They monitored the progress of the FedEx package every step of the way, but were somewhat surprised when Lee rang them only 3 hours after delivery to say he'd love to work with them.",他们监视着快件发送过程中的每一个步骤,但是最后还是有能让大家感到几分惊喜地事情发生:快件送到之后不到三个小时,李就打来电话说他愿意加入。 +The design idea and the index system of the performance appraisal system for employees have been adopted by JZ airport and have brought out expected effects.,本论文对普通员工绩效考核体系的构建思想以及所建立的绩效考核指标体系在JZ机场的考核中得到了运用,取得了预期效果。 +"For example, if we detect a number of suspicious login attempts for a given account, we will require a CAPTCHA, and we may even temporarily suspend access to the account.",例如,如果我们检测到某个账户可疑到已被试着登录很多次,,那我们将要求CAPTCHA,甚至可能暂停访问该账户。 +"If you really want to learn, start thinking for yourself.",如果你真想去学习点什么,那么开始独立思考吧。 +Scientists are also meeting in Denmark this week to produce advice for authorities on how to manage populations of Atlantic porbeagle sharks.,科学家们本周还将在丹麦召开会议,制定有关当局如何管理大西洋鼠鲨规模的建议。 +"Now I have to tell you a small, long, long time ago, the tiger has one pair of cousins Kingdom. They each had a special capabilities.",下面我来给大家讲一个小话,很久很久以前,在老虎王国有一对兄妹,他们各自身怀特殊的能力。 +They are giving up on studying because they want an ‘easy route to money’ by becoming a footballer’s wife or an instant star on Britain’s Got Talent or The X Factor.,女生们逐渐放弃学习,因为她们想通过嫁给足球明星而“轻松致富”、或者通过《英国达人秀》或《英国偶像》一夜成名。 +"Fang Qiniang very interesting, that is in the hands of the shuttle box vote was jumping crane avoid flash;",方七娘感到非常有趣,即以手中梭盒投之,被白鹤闪跳避过; +There are several ways of turning sunshine directly into electricity.,有几种方法可以把阳��直接转换成电。 +"You can use the rich editing functionality provided by the Page Designer, the Properties view, and the Palette view to refine the layout and appearance of the page.",你可使用由Page Designer所提供的丰富的编辑函数,特性窗口,和调色板窗口,去精练页面的排版和外观。 +Methods Total alkaloids in Nitraria was extracted by acid-base and the content of total alkaloids was determined by the acidic dye colorimetry.,方法采用酸碱提取法提取总碱,以硫酸阿托品为对照品,酸性染料比色法测定白刺总生物碱的含量。 +"In some other stores, the owners even provide fake purchase receipts.",在其它的一些网店,店主甚至会提供假的购物小票。 +China says it is also prepared to buy up to $7.9 billion of Spanish government debt at a time of heightened fears over the future of the euro currency.,说,中国还准备在买涨超过欧元的货币未来担忧加剧的时间,至79亿美元债务的西班牙政府。 +"Does not damage the material, especially adapted to be used alongside skirting board.",滚压时不伤地板,特别适合于滚压地脚线。 +"In France, Germany, Japan and Sweden, water supplies, highways, airports and even postal services are increasingly run by the private sector.",在法国、德国、日本和瑞典,饮水供应、高速公路、飞机场以及邮政服务都渐渐地由私人部门运营。 +"In this course, three facets of optimal control will be introduced-principal of optimal control, Pontryagin's minimum principle, and dynamic programming.",在此课程中,主要将介绍最佳控制之基本原理与法则,以及使用极小原理,和动态规划法做最佳化计算。 +Carol: Ten minutes on the other hand. Then we'll do some wind sprints and try to take a few shots.,卡罗:换另一只手练习十分钟。然后我们就来做一些折返跑以及试着投几球。 +"What this text touches upon, explore under the true principle the documentary film is in the content and formal innovative route.",本文所论及的,是在真实的原则下探索纪录片在内容与形式上的创新途径。 +A primary study on character weighting.,文章题目 浅论性状加权。 +The commission rate shall be set in accordance with the principle of the commission scale making an inverse ratio to the sale price.,收取佣金的比例按照同拍卖成交价成反比的原则确定。 +Oooooo I only say it cos I care.,噢噢噢噢噢,会唠叨你是因为我关心。 +The theoretical predictions are compared with triaxial drained and undrained compression test results of a marine soft soil; it is shown that the model is reasonable.,将理论预测与某海洋软土三轴排水与不排水剪切试验结果比较,显示了该模型的合理性。 +In return Beijing did little to further liberalize its markets to foreign trade or address its corruption-ridden banking system.,作为回应,中国拒绝为外国贸易进一步开放其市场,也没有整顿其腐败的银行系统。 +"Second, we must carefully select school cadres, including teachers. This is essential.",其次,还要选好办学校的干部,包括教师, 这个很重要。 +They opened their pillows and consumed the corn husk filling.,他们打开枕头,吃掉里面填充的谷壳。 +He gives a firm but unexaggerated salute in the middle of the restaurant.,他在餐馆里做了一个坚定的海军敬礼。 +Establishing corruption reporting channels and protection for whistleblowers.,建立贪污举报渠道并保护举报人 +She was dragooned into attending the party.,她是被迫参加聚会的。 +"In particular, we see the establishment of Canaan Home Project.",特别要说的是我们看到了迦南家的建立。 +"Based on the form of the theory of people""s personalities in Marx""s philosophy, the article studies its sources and the path of development.",文章首先对马克思哲学中人的个性理论进行定位。从马克思哲学中人的个性理论形成入手,追究其来源和发展的轨迹。 +Fisher wrote that it was “always economically possible to stop or prevent such a depression simply by reflating the price level up to the average level at which outstanding debts were contracted.”,费雪写道,“只需靠再次通货膨胀来终止或防止这样一个衰退---把价格抬高到未偿债务合同签订时的平均水平,从经济学上来说这是可行的。” +Simply because there is no reason that it should work well.,原因就是不存在该“市场”运行良好的理由。 +"The important of highly efficent employee are more obviously, enterprises rely on the talent level is getting higher and higher, the human resources of the enterprise have become more prominent.",特别是随着知识经济的到来,人才对企业发展的推动作用日益明显,企业对人才的依赖程度也越来越高,人才资源对企业的重要性更加突出。 +"Objective To analyze the prognostic factors for patients with acute-on-chronic liver failure, and to bulid a scoring system for assessment of the prognosis of liver failure.",目的对影响乙型慢加急性肝衰竭预后的单因素进行分析,探讨影响慢加急性肝衰竭患者预后的危险因素。 +"It also inspired a tribute song and a Facebook page, ""Princess Beatrice's ridiculous Royal Wedding hat.""",还有由它激发创作的赞歌和一个Facebook网页,名叫”碧翠丝公主滑稽的皇家婚礼帽”。 +"This is meant, the user can be together incommensurable before information assemble, be like economic achievement and sports achievement, trade pattern and population change.",这意味着,用户可以将以前不能比较的信息汇集在一起,如经济成就和体育成绩,贸易模式与人口变化。 +A set of experimental apparatus for forming natural gas hydrate (NGH) by spraying water into the reactor was presented. The experimental research on producing NGH with this apparatus was conducted.,采用雾流强化实验装置对天然气水合物的合成进行实验研究,发现该方法能增加气-水接触面积、强化传热传质以及加速水合物生成。 +Download a document to a local file system,将文档下载到本地文件系统 +There are loads of different methods for hacking which can be done with many exploits.,目前有很多入侵的方法,可以利用许多肉机实现。 +Libraries and bookstores are filled with how-to books on everything from gardening to writing to crafts.,图书馆和书店有许多各个方面的指导丛书,从园艺、写作到手工艺。 +"Seeing a flower picked by the others, the young girl would wrap the stick carefully with the clear handkerchief;",当看见一朵花儿被人摘走时,年幼的她会拿白手绢把受伤的花枝包好。 +"That used to be a simple device, working like a radio-frequency identification tag when it passes under a gantry on a toll road, but it is also getting smarter.",以往这个车载单元只是一个简单的装置,当车辆通过收费公路入口处时,这个装置就起到了一个无线电频率身份识别标签的作用,但这个装置也开始实现智能化了。 +The alveoli are where the crucial gas exchange takes place.,肺泡是空气相互交换的地方。 +"In order to reject the zero sequence and negative sequence disturbance due to unbalanced load, a solution using two-stage four-leg matrix converter based on carrier modulation strategy was proposed.",为了抑制不平衡负载中的零、负序扰动,提出一种基于载波调制的双级四脚矩阵变换器解决方案;为了提高功率变换系统的综合性能,提出一种基于最优马尔可夫链的随机载波四脚矩阵变换器调制策略。 +"The forth part introduces the important points of the vocal such as the breathing, the enunciation and the tone;",第四部分从气息和共鸣、咬字吐字技巧以及音色音量等方面对作品的演唱要点进行了探索; +"As SDL is besoming perfect, the need for an integrated environment for SDL is urgent.",随着SDL的日趋完善,对SDL集成环境的需求更加迫切。 +This expansion of the private word go approach is the bottom of his heart ignominious yield to the detriment of others regional fruit.,这种私字膨胀而越雷池的做法,是心灵深处不光彩区域结出的有损他人的果子。 +B:Don't hit me please.It's Tom who let me do it.,别打我。 是汤姆让我这么做的。 +"For example, China has made great strides in recent years in eliminating the highly discriminatory dual-pricing system that forced foreigners to pay more than Chinese for goods and services.",此外,十条当中的很多内容已经过时了,比如:最近几年,在取消老外购物或是接受服务时付的钱比中国人多这一极不平等的双重价格体系方面中国已经迈出了极大的步伐; +"But the hormonal flux of pregnancy can create a host of skin issues, such as melasma (dark discolored splotches on the face), which should fade after delivery.",但是这些荷尔蒙的不稳定性同样也会引发很多其他的皮肤问题,比如说脸上颜色很深的色斑,但是这些在生完宝宝之后就会逐渐淡化。 +"Oh, my son grow up!",啊呀,我的儿子长大了! +"Under such background, we can say while covering the deficit we can not only use the national debt but also the seigniorage and foreign exchange reserve.",在这样的背景下,本文提出在弥补赤字时不仅可以使用国债,而且还可以使用铸币税和外汇储备来作为弥补赤字的工具。 +"He mentioned the coincidence to his boss, and she said, ""You mean Chris Tallady, who works here?""",他向自己的老板提到了这个巧合的事,老板说道:“你说的是在我们这里工作的克莉丝·泰拉迪吗?” +"In addition, the club designates one special area for isolation of sick pets in case of emergency, which will effectively stop the contagion source of diseases.",严格执行外带病菌防范措施,对所收入的寄养宠物进行严格的健康状况审核,配备专门区域作为病��隔离紧急预案,有效的杜绝了疾病的传染源。 +"Cars were cloaked, inches thick, in the orange dust and yachts on the harbor, usually gleaming white, had a dull yellowy sheen.",汽车被几英寸后的橘黄色的回程覆盖,平日亮白发光的海港上的游艇上也有已成暗淡的黄色。 +Methods Expression of ICE and apoptotic rate in 52 cases of RCC and 14 cases of normal tissue were detected by immunohistochemistry and flow-cytometry and cytoimmunofluoresense.,方法 用免疫组化及流式细胞技术,测定52例肾癌和14例癌旁正常肾组织ICE的表达及细胞凋亡率。 +"It's supposed to be just for me, never to be shown to anyone, but I know masters Aurem and Potestas (dig those names!",我假定它只是给我一个人看的,永远不会被其他任何人看到,但是我知道奥芮姆大师和珀泰斯塔斯(注意那些名字!) +"'I didn't know the details of the contract,' he says.",“我根本就不知道合同的细节。”兰普提说。 +"Its ""gold reserve"" is now definitely a hoard, something to be saved for the last emergency, the only reality in a barbaric chaos.",此时,这个国家的“黄金储备”无疑成为囤积——用于最后的紧急状态,成为混乱战争中的唯一靠得住的东西。 +"Now they spend a lot of time monitoring streams of data--tweets, status updates, headlines--from services like Facebook and Twitter, as well as from blogs and news outlets.",现在,他们花了很多时间来监测数据流--鸣叫,状态更新,标题--来自facebook 和Twitter,也有的来自博客和新闻媒体。 +"And six screening methods in vivo were included, such as topical application bioassay, leaf dipping method, eggs dipping method, immersion of the insect body, injection method and spraying method;",其中活体筛选方法主要包括:点滴法、浸叶法、浸卵法、浸虫法、注射法和喷雾法; +"China is outpacing the Western world in terms of both electric battery manufacturing and deployment, due to a straight-forward policy and an enormous demand for technology.",得益于政策支持以及对技术的巨大需求,不论是电动车电池的生产还是安装,中国都将超过西方国家。 +"This paper introduces the contents and measures of supermarket-like service of university library, analyzes on the advantages of self-service, and advances some opinions on the library service.",介绍了大学图书馆超市化服务的内容和举措,分析了自助服务的优势,提出了图书馆服务的一些见解。 +Click on the Upload button (this action will upload rad-builder.hpi into the plug-ins folder which is inside Hudson's home folder).,点击 Upload 按钮(该操作将会向 Hudson 主文件夹中的插件文件夹上传 rad-builder.hpi)。 +"Sacks takes his office and sits down in front of a theatre-sized screen. He straps on a visor, and headset.",萨克泡了他要喝的咖啡,接着坐在了一面剧院尺寸的银幕前,绑上眼罩,带上双耳式耳机。 +"When Jack's little master rotary switch, Jack remembered the password: it three times to the left, turn right half circle.",当杰克的小主人转动开关时,杰克记住了暗码:向左转三圈,再向右转一圈半。 +"These delineations are derived out of the special process of ""Magnification"" and each controlling minor aspect is discussed in the book.",这个描述将衍生出扩大的特殊观点,以及每一个小相位将在此书中被讨论。 +Can you tell us about club activities at Stanford?,能告诉我们一些关于斯坦福大学俱乐部活动的事吗? +"Honesty is badly needed for love. You don""t hope that your another half is a big bragger! How can a love full of mutual deception last forever?""",对爱情,必须一百倍的诚实,你也不想你的另一半是个“大话精”吧!时常互相欺骗的感情又怎能天长地久呢? +So the CD34+ cells can participate in myogenesis through the fusion phenomenon.,所以CD34+细胞可通过融合现象参与心肌细胞生成。 +Britain's public sector borrowing is predicted to hit a record 175 billion pounds this year due to the recession and extensive state life-support measures.,"英国公部门借款今年料将触及1,750亿英镑的历史新高,因经济衰退且政府大量推出拯救经济措施." +Objective The effect of magnesium lactate as a cardioprotective agent on platelet aggregation induced by acute myocardial ischemia and reperfusion injury was investigated in anaesthetized rats.,目的观察乳酸镁对心肌缺血-再灌注损伤过程中血小板聚集的影响,探讨乳酸镁心肌保护作用的机理。 +Ghandour relented and gave the ball to Lee who plans to donate it to the Korea Football Association and have it put on permanent display.,甘多尔被说服了,他把足球给了李云焕。李云焕准备将这只足球捐献给南韩足协,并将其永久地展出。 +"Moore pleaded guilty to cashing the $10,000 check.",后来摩尔对自己兑换10 000美元支票的罪行供认不讳。 +Dying in your prime: 35- to 69-year-olds who die from tobacco.,死在你的素数:35 - 69岁的孩子谁烟草死亡。 +So why not license these games to smaller publishers?,那为什么不把这些游戏交给小发行商呢? +There were those too who built the wall nearest their own homes (v. 10).,有些人修建城墙的那一部分,就是在自己房屋的旁边(10节)。 +"Please look up, and you will find on the top exists a cave. It is at this place where the Grand Canyon was found in 1974 when the peasant digging well for anti-drought.",洞口请大家抬起头来,我们的上方有一个洞口,这个地方就是1974年抗旱打井时发现大峡谷的地方。 +Most psychotherapists agree that at the root of perfectionism is a fragile sense of self-worth.,数精神疗法医生同意完美主义的根源是脆弱的自我价值感。 +"To help reduce stress, but maintain a classroom of well-prepared students, we will select lead-off speakers by alternating between two distinct groups in each class.",为了减轻压力,但又让教室里的学生都维持在准备充分的状况,我们每堂课都从挑选不同的组作开场的介绍。 +"Unless you can eliminate human patriotic heart, the world will never be peace.",除非你能消除人类爱国的心,否则世界永远不会太平。——肖伯纳。 +"""You agree with me?"" Mr. Letterblair resumed, after a waiting silence.",莱特布赖先生沉默地等了一会儿又问道:“你同意我的意见吗?” +This paper the application of the ASIC microcontroller SH58216' a subsystem UART in the Electronic Dictionary system is introduced.,文中介绍8位专用单片机SH58216的异步串行接口(UART)在电子辞典系统开发中的实际应用。 +"Methods:A total 46 cases of patients match the inclusion and exclusion Standard, divided according to whether bone graft to ORIF with graft group(A group) and OPIF without graft group(B group).",方法:收集符合纳入及排除标准的46例患者,按是否植骨分为切开复位内固定加植骨(A组)和切开复位内固定不植骨组(B组)。 +"After a series of transactions, including multiple withdraws, officials then traced $3.3 million in weapons, explosives and cash transfers ""to the enemy, "" the source said.",该人士表示,经过一系列的来回,包括多重反复,官员们追查到了转移给“敌人”的3.3万美元武器,爆炸物和现金。 +they cannot understand you because you're speaking a different language because you're in a foreign city.,但是他们并不理解你在说什么,因为你在异国他乡,说着他们听不懂的语言。 +"Several economists said the spike in U.S. exports in April could prompt revisions higher of gross domestic product growth in the second quarter, interrupting a trend of lowered expectations.","数位经济学家表示,4月美国出口增长可能扶助上修第二季GDP成长预估,令下修预期的趋势中断." +"Ok, we can argue about these things, and we can agree to disagree, but where he completely blew it was, I suspect, on the one topic are where he was absolutely certain he could not be wrong.",好吧,在这个议题上,你可以同意我,也可以跟我吵。 但在另一个观点上Friedman是彻彻底底地败了。 +It will be a significant topic for the development of nanoindentation tests to find solutions to these problems.,寻找解决这些问题的方法,是纳米压痕试验未来发展中的重要课题。 +Wow! ! ! Water Blowing is so exciting! ! !,哗!!! 吹水真系令人非常兴奋!!! +I can't write with this pencil stub.,我无法用这根铅笔头写字。 +"It provides us with a large arsenal of vector graphic types such as Line, Ellipse, Path and oth.",它提供了一个大型军火库的载体,我们如线,椭圆,路径和其他图形类型。 +"ibm-slapdPtaSubtree: This must-contain, multi-valued attribute points to the sub-tree in the local directory for which Tivoli Directory Server will perform pass-through authentication.",ibm-slapdPtaSubtree:这个必须包含的多值属性指向本地目录中的子树,Tivoli Directory Server 将对该子树执行直通身份验证。 +"It is a high standard exhibition. In order to promote art education, a model painting on the spot three times is performed as to meet the result of this Exhibition.",此展属国际性之画展,为加强推展美术教育并让民众有更深一层的认识,特别安排八场导赏及四场示范教学,以配合展出之效果。 +This week’s resolution is to Beware of drift .,这一周的目标是 当心随波逐流。 +"So she accompanied him Ai Pi, listing the procession, the couple received in the years of suffering the same fate!",于是,她陪着他挨批、挂牌游行,夫妻二人在苦难的岁月里接受了相同的命运! +"The truth is that in a complex world where information is no longer a scarce commodity, the role of the journalist has become more important than ever.",实际上,在这个资讯已不再是稀有商品的世界,��闻工作者的角色变得比以往任何时候都更重要。 +We are building a large site with all social network site features. The development will be in ASP . Net.,我们正在建设一个与所有社会网络网站设有大型网站。的发展将在ASP。净。 +"According to the development characteristics of regional caprocks , great efforts have been made to analyse the effect of it on oil and gas accumulation and preservation in different aspects.",根据区域性盖层的发育特征,从不同侧面对其在油气聚集与保存中所起的作用进行了深入分析,认为区域性盖层通常是阻止游离相油气逸散的良好区域物性屏障; +Long-term investigations indicate that increased processing temperature and prolonged processing time can result in a dramatic increase in the amount of HAAs.,长期研究表明,随着加工温度的升高和加工时间的延长,杂环胺含量显著上升; +"Nay,' said the servant, `don't be hard on the bonny lass, Mrs Dean.",“别,”那女仆说,“丁太太,对这个漂亮的小姑娘别这么凶吧。 +"Until then, high oil prices should ensure Chavez maintains local control, despite his willingness to consistently overplay his political hand.",届时,高油价应该可以确保查韦斯控制局面,尽管他并不愿意一直夸大他的政治手段。 +"The last time the teams met in the FA Cup was at Stamford Bridge in 1997 when Liverpool went in 2-0 up at half-time, and lost for the first time in over 30 years when leading by two.",两队最后一次在足总杯中交手要追溯到1997年,当时利物浦上半场2-0领先,却30年来首次在两球领先情况下输掉比赛。 +"The theory was a perfect fit for RAND, an organization that continually sought to impose objective reality on an irrational world.",此理论对于兰德这个总在试图从纷乱的世界中榨取客观现实的机构来说再有用不过了。 +"The culinary éminence grise behind this successful concept is the chef and cookbook author, Bruce Cost.",这个成功理念背后的烹饪高手是大厨和菜谱制作者Bruce Cost。 +"In the rural areas, we have introduced the free 9-year compulsory education. We have exempted the textbook fees and expenditures for living on campus for rural poor students.",此外,我们在农村实行了免费的9年义务制教育,并且对贫困地区和贫困家庭的孩子,免除了书本费和住宿费。 +"Many years later, Downey told a debriefer that he felt no bitterness toward the man who sent him on the mission: “I felt for him.",多年以后,唐尼向听取他汇报的人员表示,他对派遣他参加此项任务的人并没有心存怨怼:“我能理解他。 +"Not only Company Act or Business Mergers and Acquisitions Law, but also the new Insolvency Bill, which was promulgated by Judicial Yuan on January 2007, is discussed and investigated in this thesis.",研究范围不仅包括现行公司法、企业并购法之规定,并将司法院于二○○七年一月公布之「债务清理法草案」中重整相关规定一并纳入本文探讨范围。 +Analysis key index of Longyan wholesale and retail industry progress will help to clear the direction of farther development and take exact measures.,对十年龙岩批发零售业发展的主要经济指标进行分析,有助于明确进一步发展的方向和采取正确措施。 +8Again he stooped down and wrote on the ground.,于是又弯着腰用指头在地上画字。 +"The queen grabbed hold of Princess Shireen and pulled her back, her knights reached for their swords, and Patchface reeled away in alarm, lost his footing, and plopped down on his arse in a snowdrift.",王后抓住希琳公主把她往后拉,她的骑士们伸手握住剑柄,弄臣警觉地想跑开,却失去平衡,一屁股摔坐在雪堆上。 +"So these ecological thinkings belong to the case studies, but it lacks an overall view at the macro level.",但尚属单个人物的生态思想研究,缺少整体视角的观照与宏观层面的把握。 +"During the Depression, mass unemployment meant it was not the time to experiment with cutting edge designs so skirts remained reassuringly long and subtly feminine.",经济大萧条时期,大规模的失业意味着缩短裙长的设计是不合时宜的,所以裙子理所当然地保持着长长的,女性化的风格。 +Joe starts with the classical example of the Starbucks DSL (13:41) and explains why Ruby is so well suited to write DSLs and where its ingredients came from (24:10).,Joe是以星巴克DSL这个经典实例开头的(13:41),然后对Ruby为什么适合写DSLs,以 及它的“配料”都是从哪得到的进行了详细的阐述(24:10)。 +It is a wonderful conversation with profound.,是一次很好的很有深度的谈话。 +"BOJ Governor Masaaki Shirakawa also said banks are more willing to lend as Japan's economy picks up, while firms are finding it easier to raise funds in the corporate bond market.",日本央行行长白川方明(Masaaki Shirakawa)也说,随着日本经济出现起色,银行业更愿意放贷,而企业也发现在公司债券市场上筹资正变得更为容易。 +"Another set of altered images had hardly any detail and just gave a “holistic” view, such as the overall shape of the house and doors and windows.",比如说,其中一组图像细节明显,比如屋顶上的木瓦,而另一组图像几乎没有什么细节,只是给出一个“整体”的图形,比如屋子整个的形状以及门窗。 +Objective:to establish the quality control method of caffeic acid in Lianpu shuangqing tablet.,目的用高效液相色谱法测定蒲公英颗粒中咖啡酸的含量。 +"At last, to review the first discussion to the sixth discussion, explaining the original of Neijing and simple discuss the value of Yunqi south and north politics.",最后对初到六探进行了回顾,对《内经》原文进行了释译,对运气南北政的价值意义进行了简议。 +Scooby Doo and his friends in a hot spring where they vacation.,史酷比和他的朋友们在一个又温泉的地方度假。 +"If you think about desalinating water, it takes energy.",如果你要将盐水淡化,则浪费能量; +The utility model relates to a dropping-mercury electrode device used in polarograph and the name is the dropping-mercury electrode device.,本实用新型是一种在极谱仪上使用的滴汞电极装置,名称为滴汞电极装 置。 +"S. COM has worldwide offices, including America, Italy, India, France, Germany and Canada.",集团在世界各地设有办事处,包括美国、意大利、印度、法国、德国、加拿大等。 +A:Hey! Your baby sister is quite a cutie.,A:嘿! 你小妹长得蛮可爱(漂亮)的。 +"By the end of 1995, China has set up 1329 special-education schools for blind, deaf and mentally disabled children.",到1995年底,中国已经建立了1329所为盲、聋和弱智儿童开办的特教学校。 好评(2) +"Texas' longest-serving governor moved into his temporary home in the fall of 2007, leaving the white columned, two-story governor's mansion so it could undergo repairs.",这位在任时间最长的州长是在2007年的秋天搬进临时住所的,这样一来,那座有着白色柱子,二层楼的州府就能得到修葺。 +"In new-economy epoch, intellectual capital is becoming the most rare resource for the development of economy and society.",在新经济时代,智力资本成为经济与社会发展最为稀缺的资源。 +"Turning off the TouchPad is not necessary, but it reduces the problem of identifying nongesture-related mouse events from the swipes and pinches.",不一定需要关闭 TouchPad,但是它将减少从点击和按压中识别与非手势相关的鼠标事件。 +To be an international first-class harbor city is the aim of Shanghai's development and construction.,国际一流港口城市,是上海城市建设的目标。 +"The results show that, son preference can be inferred from the reproductive behaviors for couples in virilocal marriage but not for those for couples in uxorilocal marriage.",研究发现 ,嫁娶婚姻的生育行为有明显的男孩偏好倾向 ,而招赘婚姻的生育行为则不存在性别偏好 ; +"This article introduces a method to measure the relative dielectric constant of liquid dielectrics in physical experiments, with a special capacitor made by ourself.",通过自制的专用电容器,采用电容测量仪测电容的方法,在物理实验中开设液体电介质的相对介电常数的测量实验。 +"On his land, Onyango built a hut, but it wasn't like the traditional huts nearby.",在他的地方,Onyango 建造了小屋,但并不像周围传统的房子一样。 +You promised not to tell but you have done so .,你曾保证过不泄露机密,可是你却把它泄露了出去。 +"Mother smiled, said the children, sleep fast, I do not storm! - Scatter his mother’s third lie.",母亲笑笑,说,孩子,快睡吧,我不困! +"According to the faults of common stainless steel chemical polishing agent, a formulation of green chemical polishing agent for stainless steel with high performance was studied.",针对常规不锈钢化学抛光剂的缺点,研制出了一种高性能环保不锈钢化学抛光剂配方。 +"4 while he himself went a day's journey into the desert. He came to a broom tree, sat down under it and prayed that he might die.",自己在旷野走了一日的路程,来到一棵罗腾树下(罗腾,小树名,松类。 +My name is zhaolei. I'm 28 years old. I'm 1.70 meters tall. I come…,我很高兴有机会在这里介绍自己,我的名字是赵磊,今年28岁,身高170公分,… +"If you've seen ""Reservoir Dogs"" or ""Kill Bill, "" you know his soundtracks pull unforgivingly from the depths of obscurity.",如果你已经看过《落水狗》或者是《杀死比尔》的话,你就会知道他的电影的背景音乐来自于晦涩朦胧的幽谷,让人不可捉摸。 +The ss command single steps an instruction and returns control to KDB.,ss 命令单步执行指令然后将控制返回给 KDB。 +"Besides, the SMS hardly incurs communication overheads according to the results of the experiments in this thesis.",最后,从本论文的实验结果可知,我们的机制在终端机间之通讯上只导致了些微的额外负担。 +"I and you tangled up handsome will fly, leap this bustling place forever to follow, when the autumn wind, the autumn leaf will be completed piles, can accompany you to wither together also regretless.",我和你缠缠绵绵翩翩飞,飞跃这红尘永相随,等到秋风尽,秋叶落成堆,能陪你一起枯萎也无悔。 +"Ironically, K321 is more forgiving of artifacts from compressed recording than are most over-$100 earphones, without any diminishing returns when recordings are full-strength audio.",具有讽刺意味的是,比起那些价格超过100美元的耳机/塞,K321能更好地掩饰压缩音乐的数码味,不过回放高质量音频文件的时候它也不会丢失任何信息。 +That is what happened in the world oil market.,世界石油市场就发生着这样的事情。 +"The RDP and modeling for runner of turbine based on VM, 3D flow numerical simulation inside runner, and optimization design of the blade of runner based on VPD are discussed detailedly in this paper.",并详细讨论了基于VM的水轮机叶轮研制流程、基于VM的叶轮建模、叶轮内部的三维流场数值仿真和基于VPD的叶片优化设计。 +"The PE teacher stood in the middle of the playground, surrounded by a group of students.",那位体育老师站在操场中间,被一群学生围着。(过去分词作伴随状语) +Government-dominated institutional change is the main method of China's marketing reform.,政府主导的制度变迁是中国市场化改革的主要方式。 +"Godard also said JP Morgan, which caters for the super rich with $25 million and above, was hoping to find a suitable target in the consolidation wave that is shaking up the industry.","他还表示,在目前的行业整合大潮中,摩根大通希望能够找到一个合适的并购目标." +This is because toxicologists know that the link is likely.,那是因为毒理学家知道关联很可能存在。 +"That's a serious amount of money, but it's the health benefits that are even more stunning.",这是相当大数目的一笔钱,但更为引人注目的是对于健康的好处。 +Ex-President Nixon visited the White House to pay his respects to President Reagan.,前总统尼克森到白宫向雷根总统致意。 +Some typical fabrication methods are shown in Fig. 11-36.,若干种典型的组装方法如图11-36? 所示。 +"There were many formulas for diseases, such as leprosy, rheumatism, chronic diarrhea, chronic dysentery, and chronic cough that are refractory to be cured even today.",医简中有许多治疗疑难病症的方药,如治疗麻风病、风湿病、久泄、久痢、久咳,这些疾病即使在今天仍然是疑难病。 +Conclusions Age and hypertension are independent risk factors for ischemic WML in the eldely.,结论 年龄和高血压是脑白质损害的危险因素; +"Results After intra-internal iliac arterial chemotherapy, the tumor volume in 78.7% patients decreased and symptoms in 91.3% patients improved.",结果经髂内动脉灌注化疗后,肿块消退有效率为78.7% ,临床症状缓解率为91.3 %。 +"More recently I have embraced my Notepad-wielding destiny and joined the ranks of those who prefer to ""do it by hand.""",最近我拥抱了使用写字板的命运并加入了那些“手工制作”的队伍。 +"Can their conspiracy work?Can Yue Hua stand up again and become an 'iron lady', who is physically yet not mentally disabled?",月华能否成为一个重新站起来,残而不废的女强人,与明轩的夫妻关系又有一个什麽结局? +Remember before you hit me that I have teeth that could easily crush the bones of your hand.,在你打我之前请紧记,我其实拥有可以咬碎你手骨我尖锐牙齿。 +"Senior military officers fear he is second-guessing and undermining Gen McChrystal, whom he has met only twice.",高级军官们担心,他正在秋后算账,暗中对付他只见过两次的麦克克里斯托将军。 +She's a long-jumper.,她是一名跳远运动员。 +"Foster arrived from Stoke City in July 2005, and spent his first two seasons as a United player on loan at Watford, where his excellent form led to an international debut in February 2007.",福斯特2005年7月从斯托克加盟曼联,之后在沃特福德度过了2个赛季的租借生涯。在那里他2007年2月入选国家队。 +Onion routing is used for anonymous communication over a public network. Its anonymous connections are bidirectional and near real-time.,洋葱路由技术在公网上提供双向、实时的匿名通信,其面向连接和严格的源路由方式导致效率低、扩展性差。 +It is almost inconceivable that the two might mate with each other.,几乎难以想象鱼干女与食草男会和对方约会。 +We are trying to integrate this criminal into society.,我们正设法使这���罪犯融为社会中的一分子。 +"Only about 5,000 years ago the first legend Licorne that it will be taught in the language and downs Sunrise emperor.",传说大约五千年前第一只独角兽出现,并将文字传授于伏曦皇帝。 +"The effects of solution, aging treatment and rare earth Y on the microstructure, electrical conductivity, tensile strength of C194 alloy were studied.",研究了不同的固溶温度和稀土Y添加量对C194 合金的微观组织、导电性、 抗拉强度等的影响。 +"Literati flower-and-bird painting got preliminary development and gradually started to change from""painting on the shape""to""painting on the ideogram"".",文人花鸟画得到了初步的发展,并逐步由“以形写形”开始向“以意写形”转变。 +Study on the application of hydraulic powered spray-planting-turf in protection slope of water conservancy project;,研究液压喷播和喷混植生技术在高速公路边坡绿化中的应用 ,并对其水土保持效果进行分析评价。 +"Interchangable lens cameras (like digital SLRs) make you look more attractive than your basic point and shoot cameras, and those in turn make you look better than your camera phone.",可换镜头的相机(如数码单反)能让您拍出比那些傻瓜相机更好的相片,而后者又比您的拍照手机效果略强。 +"Earlier Monday, authorities arrested 32 people and cleared out an Occupy encampment. Eureka police Sgt.",周一早晨,当局逮捕了32人并且清除了“占领”运动的营地。 +"Many famous gymnasts including Li Xiaopeng, Chen Yibing and Cheng Fei have been invited.",李小鹏、陈一冰、程菲等著名体操运动员都收到了婚礼邀请。 +DFL was probably one of components of metabolic syndrome.,脂肪肝是代谢综合征的一个组成部分。 +"It has over 20 weapons, a strategic skills system, crazy vehicles and countless user-generated maps.",游戏里包含了超过20种武器,一个战斗技能系统,牛X的载具和数不清的玩家自制地图。 +"And those she disdains, such as Secretary of State Dean Rusk, tended to languish.",而那些她鄙视的,则并不受重视,比如国务卿迪安•腊斯克。 +The study didn't look at the reasons behind suicide attempts and only included drug-related suicide attempts that resulted in an ER visit.,研究没有探究自杀企图背后的原因,只包括因与毒品有关自杀企图而进行急诊的出诊次数。 +"Radiologically, it is characterized by close approximation and contact of adjacent spinous processes, resultant enlargement, flattening and reactive sclerosis of apposing interspinous surfaces.",放射学表现为邻近的棘突极度接近,反应性肥大,并列的棘突间表面变扁及反应性硬化。 +The control received the anticipative effect through the test of metric pump flux.,通过计量泵流量测试,达到了预期的控制效果。 +"They have seen vanity and lying divination, saying, The LORD saith: and the LORD hath not sent them: and they have made others to hope that they would confirm the word.",这些人所见的是虚假,是谎诈的占卜。 他们说是耶和华说的,其实耶和华并没有差遣他们,他们倒使人指望那话必然立定。 +More than one-third of the world's wireless calls are made on networks owned by Tellabs' customers.,全世界超过三分之一的无线电话网络供应商是泰乐公司的客户。 +"He currently works as a digital tutor in the Visual Arts Degree at WITT, New Plymouth, New Zealand.",现担任新西兰新普利茅斯新西兰国立西方理工学院的视觉艺术学位的数码教师,研究兴趣是图画系统。 +"Strengthen the quality of food and drug safety supervision, and properly dispose of ""problem milk powder"" and other public safety incidents.",强化食品药品质量安全监管,妥善处置“问题奶粉”等公共安全事件。 +Hesitate to take down the request should not be applied down penalties.,犹豫期内要求退定金的,不应适用定金罚则。 +Methods 120 5-year old children were included in this study.,方法应用菌斑染色片对12 0名5岁幼儿进行乳牙菌斑检查。 +"Can you guess what happens when you acquire the thing – money, fame, “love”, amazing writing skills – that you’ve wanted for so long?",你能猜测当你得到你渴望已久的金钱、名声、爱以及令人惊奇的写作技巧时会发生什么吗? +Libyan officials said seven people including two babies were killed in the attack on a building in the Souk al-Juma district on Saturday night.,利比亚官员表示,在周六晚上对朱马巿场区住宅区的袭击中,包括两名婴儿在内的7人遇难。 +"Cloisonne , calligraphy and paintings . Nobody will go back home empty-handed.",景泰蓝、字画等。外国朋友没有不满意而归的。 +The textile industry chain has formed along the railways in Shaanxi province.,陕西铁路沿线形成关中纺织产业链; +"Two common uses of static fields are to keep a count of the number of objects that have been instantiated, or to store a value that must be shared among all instances.",静态栏位有两个常见的作用,分别是计算已具现化的物件数,或储存必须在所有执行个体间共用的值。 +A higher proportion than ever of these paragons want to make their homes in the United States.,这些人中想在美国定居的比例为历年之最。 +"The third stage is mainly for the pleasure of fishing facing a pool of green water, one casts aside all anxieties and worries and enjoys a good rest, both mental and physical.",第三阶段主要是的趣,面对一池碧水,将忧心烦恼全都抛在一边,使自己的身心得到充分休息。 +I've bought two cakes you can have either.,我买了两块蛋糕你要哪块都行。 +The following is a snippet of the view DXL code,下面是视图 DXL 代码的一个片段 +This was taken from article an in Radio Times on the 28/7/97.,这篇文章是从97年7月28号的Radio Times看来的。 +"Now when Solomon had made an end of praying, the fire came down from heaven, and consumed the burnt offering and the sacrifices;",所罗门祈祷已毕,就有火从天上降下来,烧尽燔祭和别的祭。 +It can increase class information input and activate students association thinking.,还能有效增加课堂信息输入量,活跃学生的联想思维。 +In consequence of the embarrassed state of business and the currency,作为商贸和金融窘况的后果 +"""If I find forty-five there,"" he said, ""I will not destroy it.",他说:“我在那里若见有四十五个,也不毁灭那城。” +They craved a better life in this world and the next.,他们渴望有更好的生活在这个世界上,第二天。 +"On your second question, I think you're too pessimistic. We should be optimistic about it.",关于你的第二个问题,我认为你太悲观了,我们还是应持乐观态度。 +The road wound down the mountain.,公路蜿蜒地绕到山下。 +"Some examples of these occurrences are the distance from the earth to the sun, the distance from the ground while riding a Ferris wheel, and the time of day that the sun rises.",这些事件的某些例子,有从地球到这太阳的距离、乘坐摩天轮时的到地面距离及太阳升起的每日时间。 +Expanding the Spectrum of Malignant Progression in Solitary Fibrous Tumors: A Study of 8 Cases With a Discrete Anaplastic Component-Is This Dedifferentiated SFT?,拓宽对孤立性纤维肿瘤恶变的认识:散在伴有未分化成分的8个病例的研究——是去分化SFT? +It look as though it's covered with bright red paint.,烤熟的鸭子看上云像涂了一层明亮的红漆。 +Materials of the Rosaceae plants in Anhui Province.,标题 安徽省蔷薇科植物资料。 +"Huo Siyan: Huo Siyan is suitable for long hair blowing in the sea with a sling, very feminine, very natural.",霍思燕的长卷发很适合搭配吊带在海边吹风,非常有女人味,又很自然。 +Crucible process: Technique for producing cast or tool steel.,坩埚法: 生产优质钢或工具钢的工艺。 +This is a patented single column machine for drilling or for tapping.,这是一台获得专利的单柱机,可以用来钻孔或攻丝。 +"Car companies have let customers make emblems for cars and create their own ads for certain models, as General Motors did with the Chevy Tahoe in 2006. GM Vice-Chairman Bob Lutz has blogged.",通用副主席鲍勃卢茨在博客中如此写道:汽车厂商都想使消费者为他们的汽车做广告,比如说通用和雪佛莱2006年就是如此。 +What can you tell us about your days with the Unabomber?,能谈谈你和尤那邦摩恐怖分呆的那段日子么? +"In Chuzhou there was a minor official everyone called Fang 3, because he was his parents' third son.",在滁州,有一个小官吏,每个人都叫他方三,因为他是父母的第三个儿子。 +"The ""conclusion"" sum up the interaction between novel and opera, sum up the value of The Qing Dynasty Liao Zhai Drama .",最后《结语》部分总结了小说与戏曲之间的相互影响,归纳了清代聊斋戏在中国戏曲史上的地位、影响及其研究的价值意义。 +"Foreign exchange market: the basic rate, the cross exchange rates, a view of the market, including bid-to-date, the time-trend (Chart), K-line analysis (Figure).",外汇 行情:基本汇率,交叉汇率,期汇市场,包括最新报价、分时走势(图)、K线分析(图)等 。 +"Maybe I am a slow walker, but I never backward…",一定要健康证啊…没有哦…也不高兴办呀… +"The surface structure of scales, above lateral line, below lateral live and in lateral line, of the Oreochromis aureus were observed using scanning electron microscope.",运用扫描电镜技术对蓝罗非鱼侧线上鳞、侧线下鳞和侧线鳞进行了形态结构的观察。 +"While Bentley may be most famous for his snowflake studies, he was an equal-opportunity weather-lover and conducted experiments with raindrops as well.",本特利不仅在雪花研究方面首屈一指,他���同样为气象爱好者,对雨滴也进行了大量实验。 +And 15 differential expression genes were discovered each in hippocampi and cerebral cortex.,结果发现海马和大脑皮质中各有15个差异表达基因。 +An integrity test is an artificial situation engineered by IAB to look like a situation a police officer might encounter any day on patrol.,诚信测试是一个由内勤局模拟的人为情境,看起来很像警察在日常巡逻时会遇到的情景。 +"By the same token, client authentication may take place if an appropriate keystore is available and the server requests it.",同理,如果合适的密钥库是可用的并且服务器请求它,那么可能发生客户端认证。 +"They should also inform their customers direct of the need for pre - cautionary measures e. g. on monthly statements, and display alert messages prominently on their transactional websites.",金管局亦指出银行应直接通知客户需要采取预防措施例如在月结单印上有关提示,并在交易网站的当眼地方显示提示信息。 +"First before the opposite side musculus digastricus the abdomen, the tongue bone and outside the breastbone tongue bone muscle skips;",前界为对侧二腹肌前腹、舌骨及胸骨舌骨肌外侧缘; +The text of the Dao De Jing that appeared with his commentary was widely considered as the best copy of this work until the discovery of the Mawangdui texts in 1973.,由于《道德经》的原文逸散已久,王弼的《道德经注》曾是本书的唯一留传,直到 1973年中国政府在 马王堆发现《道德经》的原文为止。 +"In addition to having very little overhead, FDDI is a mature and widely supported backbone technology.",除开销非常小外,fddi是一种成熟的和得到广泛支持的主干网技术。 +Article 42. The amount of the anti-dumping duty shall not exceed the margin of dumping established in a final determination.,第四十二条反倾销税税额不超过终裁决定确定的倾销幅度。? +We’ll go over the basic principles of minimalist design.,我们将为你介绍极简设计的基本准则。 +As the volume of our trade with China is constantly increasing, we have this day opened a new branch in Bejing.,随着公司与中国贸易不断增长,我们于本日在北京新开设一分公司。 +Don't tell me what so-and-so thinks. Tell me what you think.,请你替 我把这篇文章过过目,并把你的看法告诉 我? +In judokas and wrestlers there often occur special wounds of auricle induced by exercise.,在柔道和摔跤专项运动中,常发生一种特殊的耳廓运动性损伤。 +Tai Chi class will be held on next Sunday (April 27) at 2pm at the Mandarin Sunday school classroom. Please wear shoes with flat sole.,太极拳将在下星期日(四月二十七日)下午两点在国语主日学课室举行。请穿平底鞋。 +Comments on hugely popular Twitter-like microblogging site Weibo offer a window on popular sentiment.,相关民意体现在类似推特的新浪微博上。 +"New Year should be a time of banked-up fires, the scent of flowers and wine, good talk, good memories and loyalties renewed.",新年是这样柔美的年华:炉火熊熊,花儿芳香,醇酒飘香,殷殷祝福,柔美回想,恩爱日新。 +"Feeding morphological characters of several species of typical freshwater predatory fishes were studied by means of general dissection, micro dissection and tissue sections.",运用大体解剖法、显微解剖法、组织切片法等方法研究了几种典型淡水肉食性鱼类的摄食形态学特征。 +Mr. Guterstam said about 7 out of 10 participants experienced the sensation of having a third hand.,Gusterstam先生说,10名实验对象中有7位感觉到了第三只手的存在。 +Arsène Wenger has urged his squad to stay united as they seek to answer their critics this season.,温格正竭力制造团退凝聚力,以对应这一季来临的舆论和批评。 +Tens of thousands of troops backed by ships and helicopters have been deployed on rescue and relief missions.,对船舶和直升机的支援下,数以万计的部队已经部署在抢险救灾任务。 +"The P2 was a test prototype of sorts, and proved successful, but it never became the true series-starter for the more familiar R-series line.",P2勉强称得上是测试原型并取得了成功,但是并没有成为更为人知的R系列家族的真正初始型号。 +"Wang Hui: Nice to meet you, too.",王辉: 认识你我也很高兴。 +Chapter Three is the study on the content of purely obtaining civil law benefits.,第四章是对纯获民事法律利益在立法所需要解决的一些问题。 +"Yet for all the new agreements, stringent protection of foreigners’ intellectual property is at odds with China’s development strategy.",然而,所有新达成的协议,严格保护外国人知识产权与中国发展战略之间是存在差异的。 +Brazil's Amazon rainforest is teeming with life — an estimated 30 per cent of the planet's animal and plant species — that could yield raw materials for new medicines.,巴西亚马逊雨林充满了各种生命,它们占据了全球动物和植物物种的30%,这些物种能够生产新药的原料。 +"When I heard about that new war crime trials on the ex-leader of Cambodia's Khmer Rouge, I question why UN has not done the same against Chiang Kai-shek when he was alive.",当我听到对红色高棉的前领导人进行的战争罪行的起诉的时候,我就纳闷为什么不在常凯申活着的时候也对他进行这样的起诉呢? +Composite grating is a product made of the grating with the span bearing capacity and checked plate with the sealed surface.,复合钢格板是由具有一定横跨承载能力的钢格板及密封表面的花纹板构成一种产品。 +"Most of the victims were buried by mudslides or swept away by raging rivers, the deputy interior minister, Ernesto Zelayandia, said.",内阁代表Ernesto Zelayandia表示 ,大部分是死者被泥石流掩埋或者被急流冲走。 +"The state of the U.S. collection industry, with $17.5 billion in annual revenue, provides a window into the economic downturn and how consumers are faring.",年收入规模达175亿美元的美国债务催收行业的状况给人们提供了一个观察经济下滑走势和消费者状况的窗口。 +"But he says to help matters, the government is offering financial inducements to persuade squatters to leave.",不过他表示,为了促使那些占用房产的人迅速搬离,伊拉克政府向他们提供资金补助。 +Drawing on electronic records of seaweed from Australia's Virtual Herbarium Wernberg and colleagues looked at how seaweed communities comprising up to 300 species had changed over time.,根据澳大利亚虚拟标本馆的电子文件,Wernberg和其同事研究海藻群落的300多种类是如何随着时间的变化而变化的。 +Duct tape can cure the common wart.,管音带能治疗通常的疣。 +"In a changing world, we soar high with wings of innovation.",在更替交换的时空里,长怀一份创新求变的心。 +A new process of silane crosslinkalble agents for crosslinked PK was introduced. The process for producingsilane crosslinkable agents for crosslinked PK was simple and it has high efficiency.,介绍了一种生产硅烷交联聚乙烯电缆绝缘料的新工艺,此工艺生产的材料具有良好的综合性能。 +"The ground surface metrological elements such as atmospheric temperature and pressure, relative humidity abruptly changed in the earlier period and the later period of the sand-dust storm.",沙尘暴发生前后期温度、气压、相对湿度等气象要素有显著性突变。 +"Results Six cases were diagnosed correctly as NPC, while 13(68%) cases were misdiagnosed as others, including as chordoma and as sphenoid sinus malignant tumor.",结果19例病例中,仅6例病人考虑为鼻咽癌,另13例误诊为脊索瘤和蝶窦恶性肿瘤,误诊率达68.4%。 +"Want, in narrow space, collected so much electromagnetism "" emissive field "" , cannot be afraid of?",想一想,在狭小的空间里,聚集了那么多电磁“发射场”,难道不可怕吗? +"Women's bodies also tend to have less water than men's, which means the same amount of alcohol will yield an even higher BAC.",女性体内的含水量往往低于男性,这就意味着同样多的饮酒量会使女性的BAC更高。 +"Once the new system was issued, there are so many discussions over this section of asset in accounting field. The paper discusses the keys to some question…",本文从实务操作的角度,就资产减值在实务中存在的问题展开讨论。 +Origin of magnesium in ground water and its relationship with human health are discussed on the basis of achievements in the national key scientific and technological difficulties to be tackled.,利用国家科技攻关的成果,并根据国内外的研究现状,论证了地下水中镁元素的形成及其与人群健康的关系。 +"Here are 35 chants/songs about the team, most of which you will hear at Old Trafford during a season.",这里有35首曼联的 队歌或者颂歌 ,大部分经常飘荡在老特拉福德的上空。 +Objective To introduce the progress on new pharmaceutical technology of coenzyme Q10 in recentely years.,目的介绍辅酶Q10 制剂新技术研究最新进展。 +The wizard produces an XHTML/XForms file (the display XForms) using the data from the IRS 1120 e-File XML message.,该向导使用来自 IRS 1120 e-File XML 消息的数据产生一个 XHTML/XForms 文件(显示 XForms)。 +"Professor Marianne Elvander, the institute's head of disease control and epidemiology, told the BBC News website that they appeared to have been hit by some kind of blunt instrument.",疾病控制和流行病学研究所负责人 Marianne Elvander 教授告诉BBC新闻网说,那些鸟看上去像被某种钝器所伤。 +"I'll lash the two oars together across the stern and that will slow him in the night, "" he said.""",我来把这两支桨交叉绑在船梢,这样在夜里能使它慢下来,“他说。” +Tougher still remains the task of projecting this staff as capable of sustaining a long run.,要让人相信目前洋基的投手阵容可以维持整季成功仍然是件困难的工作。 +Objective To study the distribution of methamphetamine(MAP) and its metabolite amphetamine(AP) in guinea pigs tissues.,目的研究甲基苯丙胺(MAP)及其代谢产物苯丙胺(AP)在急性中毒豚鼠体内的含量分布。 +"Plagiarism: using the ideas, data, or language of another without specific or proper acknowledgement.",剽窃:指凡使用他人思想、 数据或者话语而没有明确或适当说明者。 +"Simon Wardell, director of the energy markets group at Global Insight Ltd in London, sees broad agreement between OPEC and consuming countries that around $75 is about right for oil.",位于伦敦的Global Insight有限公司负责能源市场组的Simon Wardell预计,在OPEC与一些消费国之间达成广泛协议,即大约75美元左右的石油权。 +The growth and enzymatic resistance to oxidative stress were studied in low temperature of 10~12℃.,研究了在相对低温(10~12℃)的条件下,青萍生长和保护酶活性的变化。 +"At last but not least , It is my best friend huang rui's mother, May be the destiny have given her a lot of trial. but I still hope that the rest of her life will be clam and secure.",最后是睿睿的妈妈,也许命运已经给她很多考验但是我仍热希望她能够平淡、平安、平静的度过以后的岁月。 +"Many of his classmates thought that Tom, who believe in""money for money's sake"", had sold out to commercialism.",汤姆相信“为钱而挣钱”,他的许多老同学都认为他的把自己卖给了营利主义。 +"In fact , my brother is a Highway Patrolman and I understand that you hear excuses all the time. but this one is real.",实际上,我哥哥是一个高速公路巡警,我也明白你一直在听我的解释。但是这是真的啊。 +"You'll find some great tutorials about the language, current and past versions of the language, and forums where you can ask questions or request features.",您将发现许多关于该语言的出色教程、该语言的当前版本和过去版本,以及您可咨询问题或索取特性的论坛。 +Hogg's Chinese adopted son Nie Guangtao said in his remarks that Hogg devoted the best time of his life to the Chinese people and the Chinese people would always remember him.,何克的中国养子聂广涛在讲话中动情地说,何克将一生最美好的时光奉献给了中国人民,对此中国人民始终铭记在心。 +"Betfair Group Ltd. surged 17 percent to 1, 523 pence on its first day of trading after the British Internet gaming site raised 221 million pounds ($347million) in its initial public offering.",英国网络博彩企业必发集团(Betfair Group)上市首日,股价上涨17%,至1523便士,该集团在首次公开募股中筹集资金达2.21亿英镑(约合3.27亿美元)。 +Please send us the representative samples.,请寄来有代表性的样品。 +The plan was quickly shelved when it became clear that getting the imported food to the people who needed it would take almost as long as growing the food locally.,当人们清楚的意识到,把进口粮食送到需要的人手里和直接在当地种得粮食所耗费的时间几乎一样长,这项计划就束之高阁了。 +"In formulating this approach we have consulted widely with our Asia-Pacific partners, and these are discussions that I look forward to continuing during my upcoming trip and the months ahead.",在确定这种做法的过程中,我们与亚太伙伴进行了广泛的磋商,我还期待在我即将进行的访问中及今后几个月中继续就此进行讨论。 +"For many Chinese, these have long been things that only crazy foreigners do.",在很多中国人看来,只有疯狂的老外才会干这些事情找乐。 +I still think our team will win. Davis is great at rebounding and Johnson is the best forward.,我还是觉得我们这队会赢。戴维斯很会抢篮板球,强森又是最棒的前锋。 +"B:He has a phone,but I don't know his number offhand.Thank you for all your trouble.",他家有电话,但是我现在不知道他的号码,对不起,给你添麻烦。 +"Europa could not resist this feeling and eagerly jumped on the back of the ox while calling out to her friends, but the others were scared.",那种无形的诱惑让欧罗巴难以抗拒,她欣喜地跳上牛背,并呼唤同伴一起上来,但是它们没有人敢像欧罗巴一样骑上牛背。 +"The high temperature wearing was due to the fatigue delamination of the oxide, the lump wear debris were revealed on the precision cast steel, and the bar wear debris on H13 steel.",高温磨损机理为氧化物疲劳剥落磨损,精铸热锻模具钢磨损磨屑为厚大块状,而H13钢磨损磨屑以条状为主。 +"The one who don't have any contribution are those who do nothing for fearing of lose, or encounter difficulties in the midway.",最无丝毫贡献者是不干,怕��败而不敢干,或半途遇着困难便不愿干。 +"Time rushing by in haste, I hope I could keep purity in soul, I hope I could find heart a peaceful creek, I hope I could set free my mind to spacious sky.",在匆匆游走的岁月里,带着一颗澄净如初的心灵,让灵魂憩息于宁静淡泊的家园,让思想飞扬在旷袤高远的天空。 +Boat drift in the picturesque Lijiang River;,泛舟漂游在如诗如画的漓江上; +"He says that ""Most of us are far more people-oriented than product-focused.""",他说道:“我们大都是面向人员而非面向产品的。” +"Walt Disney, the biggest economic force in town, refused to advertise inside.",奥兰多最大的经济力量迪斯尼也拒绝在球馆里做广告。 +or we go hikes or we just go camping.,我们还去徒步旅行,或者宿营。 +Why was he going to Arras?,他为什么去阿拉斯? +"The container, content and footer divs are also styled with the appropriate background images.",容器,内容和页脚的div也要使用适当的背景图片和风格设置。 +Results of a number of international product patents and major scientific and technological awards.,多项产品成果获得国际技术专利和重大科技奖。 +"The Scriptures of the people, not only by reading a word, no words will be read by.",会念经的人,不但会念有字的经,也会念无字的经。 +"Coca-Cola's ""dominant position in the carbonated beverage market could be transferred to the fruit juice market, "" Mr.",可口可乐的“主导地位的碳酸饮料市场将转移到果汁市场, ”姚先生说。 +In this study we have developed an environmental-friendly process to make the low-cost and high strength biodegradable plastics that are either for plate-molded or blow-film types of products.,本研究乃以生化反应性挤压机技术来生产价格低廉之高强度生物分解性塑胶。 +"Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has issued a second approvable letter for bazedoxifene, a selective estrogen receptor modulator, for the prevention of postmenopausal osteoporosis.",苯卓昔芬是一种选择性雌激素受体调节剂,为预防绝经后骨质疏松症药物。 +Machiavelli isn’t necessarily defending or recommending this behavior; he’s just reporting the facts.,马基雅弗利并不一定是在推崇这些做法,或者为之辩解;他只是实话实说。 +"And if that makes Donald Trump proud, then what does that say for him?",如果那样能让钱普感到自豪,这说明了他什么样的为人? +Bei Jing X. T. W. Y. Investment & Consnltant Co.,北京香塘伟业投资管理有限责任公司。 +"Finally, the DISP column indicates the number of times the process was dispatched during the interval that the PTT tool collected statistics.",最后,DISP 栏指明了在 PTT 工具收集统计数据的时间间隔内进程被调度的次数。 +"It is necessary to further study the function of APNs in view of the effect of other receptors, action complication and limited research techniques.",鉴于昆虫体内受体的多样性、复杂性及当前研究手段的局限性,对APN功能的全面了解还有赖于研究方法的改进和提高而逐步深入。 +"Since 1989, Shenyang Research Institute of Applied Ecology of the Academy of Science and other four institutes have carried out studies focusing on the prevention of soil loss in this area.",中科院沈阳应用生态所等五个单位,从1989年起,在该地区开展了以防治水土流失为重点的研究工作。 +Spacious homes erupted in flames.,宽敞的家中喷出了火焰。 +Do not want the life so rough. !,不想玍命就这麽悳粗糙。! +"And if you're willing to hold PepsiCo's stock for something like the three years that will pass before the D.R. Horton note matures, you stand a very good chance of seeing your capital appreciate.",如果你打算持有百事公司的股票3年左右的时间,那它的收益率将会超过D.R.Horton的票据到期收益,你现在可是有个很不错的机会让你的投资升值。 +"Last but not least, if this person just blurts out that he or she likes you, then this person LIKES YOU!!",最后,如果这个人不假思索便脱口而出说他或她喜欢你,那么这个人肯定喜欢你!! +Would you please go stand upon that board?,你愿意去站在那块板上吗? +Truphone Local Anywhere delivers this all-in-one solution by providing the first fully-integrated multi-country mobile service for personal users and business professionals.,Truphone的 Local Anywhere就是为个人用户和商务人士提供这种无处不在的集所有功能于一身的解决方案。 +"For over a century, the Bund has been a symbol of Shanghai, to the ""World Architecture Expo"" is known.",百余年来,外滩就一直是上海的象征,向以“万国建筑博览”而着称。 +"Electricity and coal prices due to high electricity prices is a stalemate at this time to the injection of electric rates, coal prices will require the voice of prices higher.",电企和煤企因电煤价格正���持不下,在这个时候给电企注资,煤企要求涨价的呼声就会更高了。 +"And, are Chinese readers still reading Celan when they read your translations?",另外,当中国读者阅读你所翻译的策兰时,他们还是在阅读策兰吗? +"The main measuring system employs a scheme in which wedge prism, step phase shift, and pyramidal prism are used to eliminate the effects of optical feedback and optical rotation.",主测量系统中选用楔形镜、阶梯移相、角锥校镜来消除回光与旋光影响的方案。 +An optional parameter that specifies that the J2EE subdirectory in the service.jar should be treated as a free-form project.,一个可选参数,它指明应该将 service.jar 中的 J2EE 子目录看作自由格式的项目。 +Eg: Now let them to perform their skillful aria respectively.,例句:现在,就请她们分别演唱自己的拿手唱段。 +The fabric includes one lining layer of natural fiber and one facing layer of radiation resisting fiber yarn connected by natural fiber retaining loop in between.,按照本发明提供的技术方案,织物的里面利用天然纤维纱经过围编而成;正面由防辐射纤维纱经围编而成,在里面与正面之间利用天然纤维纱集圈连 接。 +"My grandfather sat in the car and a cable, yiwu is two people to go to school together.",外公坐在车里和朵索、义乌二人一同上学。 +And blue spurt of a lighted match,擦亮的火柴开一朵蓝花 +"Unless you measure carefully, you don't know the true average access time or throughput of your disk subsystems.",除非您仔细检查,否则您无法知道磁盘子系统实际的平均存取时间或吞吐量。 +We must try to make missiles as good as Israels. In the meanwhile we can buy some from Israel.,我们必须努力造出跟以色列导弹一样先进的导弹。 +"This paper explains the space text through the generation of space, thus to make a further understanding of Feng Jizhong s planning thoughts.",以空间生成为主线对该空间文本进行了解读,并藉此理解冯纪忠先生的规划设计思想。 +This paper studies the design and development of a PC based NC system for parallel Kinematic Machine(PKM).,研究了基于PC机的并联机床数控系统的设计和开发。 +"The third part, several questions our Service-Government must solve in its construction, and several relationship, which our Service-Government's construction must clarify.",第四部分具体论述从哪些方面、采取哪些措施、怎样来构建我国的服务型政府。 +Detailed inspections of the site have been carried out and have been extensively recorded photographically.,规划地区已经作了详尽的的实地检视﹐也详细照相作记录。 +It is called the Starr Wave Motor.,它就是斯塔尔的波浪能发电机。 +Cephalid Coliseum deals 1 damage to you.,鱆人竞技场对你造成1点伤害。 +"MeiXianZu tell black dragon hill brothers said left two people can look at the mountain, other following him down the mountain.",梅显祖告诉黑龙山的兄弟们说留下两个人看山,其他的跟着自己下山。 +Added an option to use a monospaced font.,增加了一个选择,使用等宽字体。 +"If we don't know exactly where we want to go, how can we po ibly design a good strategy for getting there?",如果你不知道自己要完成的是什么,你又怎么能定制出一份完美的执行计划? +"Apparently, the intoxicating atmosphere of the autopsy room has paralyzed the jury’s senses, rendering the judges incapable of making unbiased decisions.",显然,解剖室般冰冷残酷的氛围麻痹了评委们理性的神经,让他们无从作出客观公允的评判。 +The Illegal Immigration and Immigrant Responsibility Act Of1996.,克林顿总统己签署1996 年非法移民改革法案。 +Author The Multi-Center Cooperative Clinical Study Group for Zelmac in China;,作者替加色罗多中心研究协作组;刘新光; +Tony:Do you want to play the new computer game (that) I just bought? It's really exciting.,东尼:你想玩我刚买的那部新电脑游戏吗?它实在很刺激。 +"Townsend said: ""We took advantage of the club tour of Asia continue to pay attention to and support the work of United Nations Children's Fund.""",唐森德说:“我们俱乐部利用此次亚洲之旅继续关注和支持联合国儿童基金会的工作。 +Fast determination of active ingredients in compound antipyretic analgesic tablets by micellar electrokinetic capillary chromatography.,复方解热镇痛药的毛细管胶束电动色谱快速分析。 +"Maybe teachers ignore the basic scientific research and teaching work, because they are attracted by money.",由于教师向钱看,就有可能忽视基础科研和教学工作。 +Oblique position or rotational DSA was obtained in the cerebral angiography cases.,对脑血管造影加摄斜位或行旋转DSA。 +Hong Kong joined in May 1991.,香港在一九九一年五月加入该议会。 +"Semiology, A Railway Station for Two, Analysis.",符号学;《两个人的车站》;分析。 +"We spent 7 years on the NJ-Hudson tunnel, we will cost more time on it! ! ! !",建新泽西的哈德逊隧道我们已经花了7 年,而且我们还打算花上更多时间!!!! +"The Sichuan team says that the giant panda represents the peace and harmony of the Olympic spirit, but is that what a panda really portrays?",四川省的工作组说,大熊猫代表着和平、和谐的奥运精神,但熊猫所表现的真是这种精神吗? +A lingering drought has pushed this already arid region to a water crisis.,持续旱情使得本就干旱的该地区面临一场水危机。 +Apple sidra is the only soft drink which uses exclusively fresh apple without any artifical flavor.,苹果西打全部采用新鲜苹果制成,不含化学色素的清凉饮料。 +"Health plans are forcing patients to pay a larger share of costs, so those who do not need a device urgently are slow to buy them, says Matthew Dodds of Citigroup.",目前的健康计划正欲迫使病人们支付巨额医疗费用,因此那些并不急需使用仪器进行治疗的病人就没有很强烈的购买欲。 +The scanning wires and the data wires are arranged on the substrate and divide the substrate into a plurality of pixel areas.,扫描配线与数据配线配置于基板上,且这些扫描 配线与这些数据配线将基板划分成多个像素区域。 +"Should it rain next week, the farmers would have a good harvest.",倘若下周下雨,农民就会有好收成。 +"It's considered one of the best science fiction novellas ever written, and you can thank the writer for all those elements of paranoia and tension that made the film great.",它被认为是存世的最出色的短篇科幻小说之一。 你或许该感谢作者所运用的所有妄想症与紧张气氛的元素,这让影片看上去棒极了。 +"In fact, there's a default network that actually ramps up its activity levels during rest compared with when we're outwardly engaged.",事实上,大脑中有一个“默认网络”,与我们表面上忙碌的状态相比,这个网络能在我们休息的时侯保持大脑的活动水平。 +"This year we celebrate the 10th anniversary of the President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR), a powerful bipartisan effort to turn the tide on this epidemic.",今年是我们庆祝“总统防治艾滋病紧急救援计划” 10周年,这项强有力的两党合作旨在扭转艾滋病的流行趋势。 +The FOXO1 protein may be a down-regulator of cell proliferation and promoter of apoptosis. FOXO1 gene may become an effective target for the gene therapy of breast cancer.,该蛋白可能是一种细胞增殖的负性调节因子,同时亦是一种细胞凋亡促进因子,FOXO1基因有可能成为乳腺浸润性导管癌基因治疗的有效靶点。 +JEFF: Well. . . I know a great restaurant right in town.,杰夫: 呃?? 我知道城里有家挺棒的餐馆。 +We suggest that combine light pipe with scattering effect can provide a way for innovative design.,我们利用散射与导光管结合,在设计上走出新道路来。 +"Adolf Hitler's so-called heroics during World War I are today exposed as Nazi propaganda after it was revealed comrades called him a ""rear area pig"", the Guardian of London reported.",据英国《卫报》报道,纳粹头目希特勒曾大力宣扬自己在一战期间如何“骁勇善战”,但最新研究发现,这只不过是纳粹为了宣传而编造出的谎言——他曾被前线的战友戏称为“后方猪”。 +"In a deadpan first-person narrative that rarely shows any signs of self-reflection or deep emotional response, Gulliver narrates the adventures that befall him on these travels.",透过极少的主观情感及自我省思的第一人称口吻,格列佛客观地叙述了旅游时历经的种种冒险。 +These results indicated that IRD is an important factor affecting the safety performance for lithium-ion battery pack.,失效原因是内阻值不同所导致的该单电池发生的过充电现象。 +"Of course, I'd also like us to find ways out of this cyclicality, but our relationship is mature and stable enough to weather our differences, ' he said.",当然,我还希望我们能够找到方法走出这种周期性。 我们的关系足够成熟和稳定以经得起我们的分歧。 +"Planning is the big “gotcha” for lots of people — we might have a big general plan, but when it comes time to sit down and actually do something, we have no idea what to do.",计划是很多人的“痛脚”——我们也许有个笼统的框架,但到了该坐下来做些什么的时候,我们却不晓得该干什么。 +"In 2003 Sahakian and Robbins found that 60 rested, healthy male volunteers did better on a few neuropsychological measures, such as recall of numerical sequences, but results were unchanged on others.",2003年萨哈金和罗宾斯发现,当60名健康且充份休息的男性受试者服用药物后,在几项神经心理测验中表现较佳,例如回想一串数字,但在其他测试中则无差别。 +"Secondly, influence of surface polish and glycol additive on pressurized water dielectric is studied.",其次,进行了抛光电极表面和添加乙二醇对加压水介质击穿影响的研究。 +"In 1998, WHO, UNICEF, UNDP and the World Bank jointly launched the public-private partnership for roll back malaria (RBM) in hope of reduce the global malaria be half up to the year of 2010.",1998年世界卫生组织、联合国儿童基金会、联合国开发计划署和世界银行联合发起遏制疟疾公私合作计划(RBM),目标是到2010年使全球疟疾减少一半。 +"Past all forget, smoke and wide. Selflessness.",如烟往事俱忘却,心底无私天地宽。 +"News sites tend to become blocked or unblocked around major news events, according to frequent reports.",新闻站点在大事件之际经常会被禁掉或者是解禁,根据frequent reports. +"The chalets resounded with stories of contracts rapidly signed, roads speedily built and young engineers designing brilliant cars and software programs.",整个屋子里都流传着中国传奇,合同迅速的签订,道路迅速的铺设,年轻工程师设计出了多么绚丽的汽车和软件程序。 +"Unfairly beaten by Rooney, who he outscored despite spending a month at the African Cup Of Nations.",可以毫无悬念的击败鲁尼,因为他曾经有一个月不在切尔西在为国家队踢非洲杯的比赛。 +"It might be a well flavoured stock, a little Soy or Fish Sauce or even just water.",即使是一点点油或者鱼露或者水也会让食物很香。 +like the recent wedding of William and Kate.,例如最近的威廉和凯特的婚礼。 +"Since leaving office, Mr Blair is reputed to have earned upwards of £20 million from public speaking engagements and as an adviser to foreign governments.",布莱尔在离任之后依靠公共演讲以及担任外国政府顾问已赚得超过两千万英镑,并因此名声大噪。 +The Jinsha River running through Sichuan and Yunnan and its tributaries surging through the Yi areas in northern and northeastern Yunnan are enormous sources of water power.,金沙江四川、云南等地贯穿及其支流的《易传》在涌动北部和东北地区云南是巨大的水源力量。 +"The procedure for adding Fedora packages is similar to that for CentOS packages, except that you must download the RPMs to be added because they are not in the yum cache repository.",添加 Fedora 包的步骤类似于添加 CentOS 包的步骤,只不过必须要下载要添加的这些 RPM,因为它们不在 yum 缓存存储库内。 +"“This is a definite impact of global warming,” says the director of the Indian Meteorological Department. “Warming started around 1970 but the real impact has been felt only in the last 10 years.",印度气象部主任说:“这种情况当然是气候变暖造成的,全球气温从1970年前后就开始升高,但人们能够感觉出来却是最近10年来的事情。” +"And now, the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service is considering proposals to try to re-establish more populations in other areas - including in Missouri.",而现在,美国鱼类和野生生物服务协会正在考虑尝试在其它地区重新建立更多的种群,密苏里等地即在考虑范围之内。 +Xijun was a princess of the Western Han Dynasty.,细君是西汉王朝的一位公主。 +"Neither the theory nor the practice can break through the two separate circles of cities and countryside, which causes serious stagnancy in the construction of the rural social welfare system.",改革的实践和理论都未能突破城市和农村两个独立的圈子,这造成了农村社会保障制度建设严重滞后的状况。 +"Lots of people work to live – and frankly speaking, without these people, the rich could not get richer.",许多人为了生活而工作,然而坦率的说,如果没有这些人,富人不会变的更富有。 +"The DSP-based excitation controller adopts many advanced technologies, such as alternating current sampling, digital pulse and FFT etc.",文中提出的这种基于DSP的励磁控制器采用了许多先进技术,如交流采样、数字脉冲、FFT等。 +"And if that rock is supporting a lot of other rocks, those drops of water can cause an avalanche.",而如果这块石头正支持着其它石头,那些水滴就能够让石头如雪崩般的滑落。 +The churchwarden had certainly played a decisive part.,毫无疑问,这位理财神甫是起了决定性作用的。 +"In Australia, health authorities confirmed on Thursday that a 57-year-old woman in a hospital in Queensland state for the deadly Ebola virus.",澳大利亚卫生当局星期三证实, 一位 57 岁的妇女正在昆士兰州一家医院接受致命的爱博 拉病毒评估。 +"As the feed stream flows through the choke, the resulting J-T expansion and cooling causes some gas and most of the water vapor to liquefy.",当原料气流过节流件时,产生焦耳-汤姆逊膨胀及降温,使部分气体和大部分水蒸汽液化。 +"Jobs said of him: ""The difference Jony has made, not only at Apple but in the world, is huge.",谈到他,乔布斯说:“乔尼(即乔纳森•艾伍)不仅对公司而且对世界的贡献和影响都是巨大的,他不仅仅是一名设计师。 +"Finally, from a demonstration, it is proved that the two consistency checkouts are reasonable, the study production is significant to the theory and application of the AHP.",最后对一个算例进行了实证,表明本文提出和建立的两种检验是合理可行的,研究成果对进一步完善关于AHP标度的理论与应用有重要意义。 +"He is working in a club as a bartender, and he is so surprised that the bars here open at 9pm. In Barcelona, people are just trying to decide where to go for dinner at 9pm.",他现在在一家酒吧做调酒师,他说这里的酒吧9点就开门了,在巴塞隆纳9点钟连晚饭还没有吃。 +"A(H1N1) flu is ten times more dangerous to children than seasonal flu, a large-scale study in Argentina has found.",阿根廷的一项大规模研究发现,甲型H1N1流感对儿童的危险性是季节流感的十倍。 +Their structures and some of the stereochemistry were elucidated by means of various modern spectroscopic techniques and chemical methods.,运用多种现代波谱技术结合化学手段,确定了它们的化学结构和部分立体构型。 +"If you fear ups in front of the rock, life will never be only for dead.",如果惧怕前面跌宕的山岩,生命就永远只能是死水一潭。 +"Above the mouth, the two dark capsules that appear to be eyes actually contain the fish's olfactory organs, or the equivalent of nostrils.",上面的嘴,似乎是眼睛的两个黑胶囊实际上包含了鱼的嗅觉器官或相等的鼻孔。 +"Further, it is shown that the difference between the inner warp and outer warp can't be ignored in predicting the elastic property of 2.5-D woven composites.",在2.5维机织复合材料弹性模量预测中,表层与内部经纱的差异不可忽略。 +Viewers need to wear a special pair of glasses to watch the content.,不过观众需要佩戴一副眼镜来观看节目。 +"According to the planning of State Grid Corporation, Shandong power grid will accept 4000MW from northwest power grid through the Ningxia-Shandong DC lines in 2010.",按照国家电网公司规划,2010年山东电网将通过宁东直流接受来自西北电网约4000MW的电力。 +Ms. Ho also sits on the board of the holding company through which Mr. Ho controls his casino operation SJM Holdings.,何超琼还在何鸿燊借以掌控澳门博彩控股有限公司的控股公司董事会任职。 +Objective To investigate the operative indication and reasonable therapeutic methods of frontal lobe contusion.,目的探讨额叶脑挫裂伤合理的治疗方法及手术指征。 +"Bonus Feats: The epic cleric gains a bonus feat at levels 23, 26, 29 (every 3 levels).",奖励专长:传奇牧师在23级,26级,29级将得到奖励专长。 +But you may not know where comes this funniest of fibs .,可是你或许不知道这个最有趣的谎言是从何而来的。 +"Obviously, we have to confront to these things although they are ugly and complicated.",很显然,我们还是不能逃避这些尽管事实是丑陋的和复杂的。 +The paper includes five chapters.,本文主文分为五章。 +A new method is presented for direct synthesis of hexacoordinate silicon complexes from serpentine ore residue after extracting magnesium by atmospheric distillation.,以蛇纹石提镁残渣为原料,采用常压蒸馏法直接合成了六配位有机硅化物。 +"Method: The guinea pigs were sensitized with a 10% albumin solution, and two weeks later a further 1% of this solution was atomized and inhaled to induce asthma.",方法:用10 %卵白蛋白液给豚鼠致敏,两周后再用1%该溶液雾化吸入以诱发豚鼠哮喘,测定豚鼠血液SOD、NO和ET等指标。 +"Last week, Shanghai Daily ran an article quoting a water official saying that the dam’s planners had failed to properly gauge the dam’s environmental impact.",上周,上海日报刊登的一篇文章引用了一个水力官方的发言说三峡的规划者未曾适当的预估三峡对环境的影响。 +A blade is one of the most important and vast scale components in aero-engines and the development of aero-engines depends on the development of material and fabrication process.,叶片是航空发动机中量大面广的一类重要零件,航空发动机叶片的发展依赖于材料和制造工艺的发展。 +"Stalker might suit him better, the younger male … though One Eye was larger and fiercer, and it was One Eye who took Sly whenever she went into heat.",Stalker可能更适合他,年轻的男性…尽管独眼更加高大凶猛,不管什么时候Sly发情,都是独眼在上她。 +Click the Versions tab toward the upper-left corner of the Beanstalk console's Application Details section and you should see your first release.,单击 Beanstalk 控制台的 Application Details 区域左上角的 Versions 选项卡,您应该能看到您的第一个版本。 +Notice in a dry cleaner's window:Anyone leaving their garments here for more than 30days will be dispointed of.,干洗店窗上的告示:任何将衣服放在此处超过30天儿未取这将被处理掉。 +"My former teacher ended up launching a whole new career for himself as a coach, and we moved on to college basketball together.",我的前任老师于是开辟了新的职业生涯——当教练,随后我们一同挺进了大学篮球赛场。 +His own journals told him what he had once possessed and it became his obsession to regain that power.,他的日记令他为之着魔,但最终成为他恢复力量的困扰。 +"Introduce:The dragon city July, if the heat like filariasis is hot.",简介:七月的龙州,如流火般热辣。 +The duty crime preliminary investigation refers to a litigation activity that identitfies the conditions on file by investigating the clues within the jurisdiction of the People's Procuratorate.,职务犯罪初查,是人民检察院对管辖范围内的线索进行调查,以判明是否符合立案条件的诉讼活动。 +Rice grows in warm and wet places. The leaves are narrow and long.,谷生长在温暖湿润的地区。它的叶子又窄又长。 +"Jesus answered, ""You are right in saying I am a king. In fact, for this reason I was born, and for this I came into the world, to testify to the truth. Everyone on the side of truth listens to me.""",耶稣回答说、你说我是王.我为此而生、也为此来到世间、特为给真理作见证.凡属真理的人、就听我的话。 +"Higher quality steels have been required since train speeded-up, resulting in some problems such as the quality and type of ferroalloys.",火车提速后,对钢材质量提出了更高的要求,从而引发了铁合金的质量和品种问题。 +The formation mechanisms of microcracks in graphite foams were investigated by varying the preoxidation temperature of the precursor mesophase pitch.,通过对萘系中间相沥青进行预氧化处理,研究族组成变化对石墨化泡沫炭微结构的影响机制。 +Go and makan together lah!,一起去吃吧! +Handler Wayne Davis carries Rufus the Hawk onto Centre Court at Wimbledon June 29 as he patrols the grounds to scare away pigeons.,处理程序进行韦恩戴维斯6月29日在温布尔登中心球场上鲁弗斯的鹰,他巡逻的理由吓走鸽子。 +"However, she has not ruled out the possibility that previous characters may appear in flashbacks.",但是,她并没有否认前部角色会出现在闪回中。 +Check out the GMF newsgroups to learn about the intricacies of GMF. (Selecting this will launch your default Usenet news reader application and open eclipse.modeling.gmf.),查阅 GMF 新闻组 以了解错综复杂的 GMF(选择此链接将启动默认的 Usenet 新闻阅读器应用程序并打开 eclipse.modeling.gmf)。 +OCX to right sent to the serial port data acquisition and processing.,OCX来对发送到串口的数据进行采集处理。 +"With the enlargement of the cultivation scale, the kinds of turtle's disease become more and more, which results in lots of economic losses.",随着养殖规模的扩大,龟鳖动物的疾病日益增多,许多养殖场遭受了巨大的经济损失。 +"On the Edit menu, point to New , and then click DWORD value.","在 编辑 菜单, 指向 新建 , 然后单击 DWORD 值。" +Vendor shall obtain Purchaser's approval for start of welding.,卖方在焊接前应先获得买方批准。 +"In fact research shows that newbie exercisers have an increased need for protein, because the body has yet to become adept at conserving and recycling it.",实际上,研究结果表明,新兵选手对于蛋白质的需求是递增的,因为身体还未处于收发自如的状态。 +An experiment of removing spikelets in different locations was conducted on winter wheat at crop varieties exhibition center in Henan province in 1997-1998.,1998年在河南省农作物品种展览中心以中大穗小麦品种温麦6号为材料,设计了去除不同穗位小穗的试验。 +The INT () function returns the integer part of the value.,函数返回数值的整数部分。 +It has jumped more in a year in the Tiobe index than any of the other major languages.,一年中,它在 Tiobe 索引中,比任何其他主要语言出现得都多。 +"At a minimum, this metadata can be free-form text; but specific reference data such as URLs or artifact names/IDs would be more useful.",这些元数据可以是任意形式的文本;但是 URL 或工件名称/ID 等引用数据更有意义。 +"Yours affectionately, ie used at the end of a letter to a close relative or friend.",你亲爱的(用于给至亲好友的书信末尾)。 +Spectral decomposition as a new technology of seismic interpretation has been adopted in more and more applications in reservoir prediction.,谱分解技术作为一项新颖的地震解释技术,在储层预测等方面得到越来越多的应用。 +Wet potential vorticity had a great contribution to the stronger baroclinicity of the southwest vortex.,湿位涡对西南涡的斜压性加大有重要的贡献。 +But pollen germination rates of H11 H29 H46 H50were highest on the medium when the combination of ingredients was arranged as stated above.,所测的H11、H29、H46、H50四个基因型蜡梅花粉在上述培养基成分浓度组合中萌发率最高。 +The samba is a unique Brazilian music and a dance form that was begun by the poor Afro-Brazilians.,桑巴是巴西一种独特的音乐和舞蹈形式,是由非洲裔的巴西穷人们创造出来的。 +"If all this makes it sound like Neville is caught between fond reminiscences and plotting his future, think again.",如果这听起来像是内维尔在怀旧和憧憬未来,再想想吧。 +The wonder of Fengxian Temple lies in its huge Lushena statue in the central place; it is indeed a wonderful artistic work.,奉先寺的不平凡,在于中间那尊巨大的卢舍那雕像,实在是一件精美绝伦的艺术杰作。 +"Mind that sharp knife, it could have your fingers off!",小心那把快刀,它会一下子割掉你的手指。 +"Tends to be preoccupied with food, diet, or eating. 062.",倾向于过分关注食物、体重,或饮食。 +Older mothers are frequently discussed in the media.,媒体经常会讨论高龄产妇问题。 +"The unlikely three-square-kilometre site was the Oberwiesenfeld, formerly used for Royal Bavarian Army exercises and later converted into an airport.",这个美轮美奂的场馆位于Oberwiesenfeld,占地3平方千米,它之前是皇家巴伐利亚军队出操的场所,后来又改建成了机场。 +"All XSLT processors, including 1.0 processors, are required to support Forwards Compatibility (FC), which is where the version number on the stylesheet is higher than the version of the processor.",所有 XSLT 处理程序,包括 1.0 处理程序都必须支持向前兼容(FC),即样式表的版本号高于当前处理程序版本。 +President Adar was having an affair with whom prior to the Cylon attack on Caprica?,在赛昂人袭击卡布里卡之前,阿达尔总统与谁有暧昧关系? +"Microprocessors were invented by - Ted Hoff, along with a handful of visionary colleagues working at a young Silicon Valley start-up called Intel.",微处理器的发明者是Ted Hoff和他在英特尔的同事。 当时的英特尔是硅谷一家年轻的新兴企业。 +"As Seeger explains it, the folk singer and activist had his financial aid rescinded after his sophomore year because he got too interested in left-wing politics and let his grades slip.",根据 Seeger自己的解释,这位民歌手和政治活动家在大二时被取消了金融救助,因为他对左翼政治感兴趣,并且学分也下滑。 +"Thee report calls for the establishment of a national network to record and find missing people, and recommends that aid centers arrange specialist personnel to look for missing persons.",这一调查呼吁建立一个全国性的网络来记录和发现失踪人口,并建议援助中心安排专业人员寻找失踪人口。 。 +Maybe Jack Nicholson and Kanye are onto something.,也许杰克尼克尔森和坎耶遇到了什么事情。 +"I followed her gaze to see Edward, smiling crookedly, staring at me from an empty table across the cafeteria from where he usually sat.",追随着她的目光,我看见了爱德华。 他嘴角弯弯地笑着,正盯着我看。 他现在坐着的那张空桌子,与他通常坐的位置分别处在自助餐厅的两头。 +How was you date?,你的约会怎么样? +"But all directional variograms have good spatial structures in their range, and all their theoretical models are the Gauss models with nugget effect.",但在变程内具有显著的空间结构性特点,其各个方向上变异函数的理论模型均为具有块金效应的高斯模型。 +"Thinking about this a bit more, the restaurant owner should NOT BE FORCED to serve Vietnamese, Pilipinos, Japanese, and dogs.",再细想一下,餐馆店主也不该被强迫接待越南人,菲律宾人,日本人还有狗。 +"The waste gas containing toluene, benzene or xylene (TBX) for shoemaking industry is commonly treated with activated carbon absorption.",制鞋业产生的含甲苯、苯和二甲苯废气的治理大多采用活性炭吸附法。 +"He transformed an unpopulated marshland on the river Neva into a majestic city of stone and marble, today inscribed on UNESCO%26Otilde; s World Heritage List.",他将涅瓦河上没人居住的沼泽地变成了一座由石料和大理石构成的庄重的城市,如今,这座城市已经记载到联合国教科文组织的世界遗产目录里。 +How does Caliban compare with Montaigne's Cannibals?,凯列班和蒙田笔下的食人族相比又如何? +"This method can not only be used to draw shear force diagram quickly, but also to determine the shear sign automatically, and to verify the reaction force of multi-span beam.",该方法不但能快速绘制剪力图,而且自动确定剪力符号,兼可对多跨梁的支座反力进行校核。 +"For years, patrons have been able to access library services from home and in the library building.",近年来,用户们已经可以从家里到图书馆全方位地获得图书馆的服务。 +"It’s true that nobody has any good idea of how to test string theory, but who’s to say someone won’t wake up tomorrow morning and think of one?",确实,怎样检验弦理论,现在没有什么好主意,但是谁又能说某人明早醒来时不会想出一个好主意呢? +"In London 57 percent said the same, and 52 percent of people from Bristol and 51 percent of Mancunians agreed.",的伦敦人、52%的布里斯托尔人和51%的曼彻斯特人也这么说。 +AIM: To construct plasmid vector of RNA interference specific for matrix metalloproteinases (MMP)-9 and observe the silencing effect on gene expression of MMP-9 in macrophage of mice.,目的:构建基质金属蛋白酶9靶向的RNA干扰质粒载体,观察其对小鼠巨噬细胞基质金属蛋白酶9基因表达的沉默作用。 +His voice shook with emotion as he described the accident.,他在描述那宗惨剧时激动得声音颤抖。 +"I was eating breakfast with one hand, petting my cat, Cow, with the other, and reading the back of the 1)cereal box, when—“YOUCH!”","我当时正一手吃早餐,一手爱抚着我的猫“牛牛”,同时在看燕麦片盒子背面的信息。" +"They were snapped by amateur photographer Bill Mcintosh, who couldn't believe his eyes.",照片的拍摄者、业余摄影师比尔尔麦金托什简直不敢相信自己的眼睛。 +"When inspecting in Folk music in Lantsang Basin of Three Parallel Rivers'Region , I began to exposure to Wa Ki Ki of Li su clan in Weixi county , and have a strong interest in it .",在进行三江并流民族民间音乐的澜沧江部分的考察中,本人开始接触维西傈僳族的《瓦器器》并产生了浓厚的兴趣。 +"Our company owns the brand such as:TLR, Happy Sunday.",公司拥有的品牌:天路人、快乐星期天。 +"And so, under the supervision of April Nowell, also at the University of Victoria, she devised an ambitious masters project.",于是,在同一大学的阿普里尔•诺维尔(April Nowell)教授督导下,梵佩金格尔策划了一个雄心勃勃的硕士项目。 +"In a televised world as in a pre-print era, it’s the stage management that counts.",在这个电视化的世界,不等印刷文字出来就家喻户晓的时代,舞台安排说了算。 +"Recently, the Beijing police had moved into the service station Che Kwun Capital Airport's T3 terminal.",最近,北京警方就把车管服务站搬进了首都机场的T3航站楼。 +"If you use natural colorants to make the face paint, you are also exposing your child to lead.",如果你用天然着色剂来制脸部涂脸,亦然。 +"His coffin-sized room costs less than $20 a night and the trip nets him $400-1,300, if nothing goes wrong.",他棺材盒大小的房间一晚上的花费还不到20美元,而整个旅程的净利润如果没有意外的话,则有400到1300美元。 +The second question is whether it ca fantintic try to be chargedinserted F joint?,第二个题目就是能否可能带电插拔F接头? +"In the industry at the best price and quality of service, service in the field of casting products accessories.",在同行业中以最优惠的价格和优质的服务,服务于压铸产品配件的领域。 +Objective To investigate the value of color Doppler ultrasound in the diagnosis and differential diagnosis of spermatic cord lesions.,目的探讨彩色多普勒超声在精索病变诊断与鉴别诊断中的价值。 +"The center also will offer solution quotations, CAD drawings and panel designs.",中心也将提供解决方案报价单、电脑辅助设计绘图及展板设计。 +TEST PO's must arrive 2 weeks prior to the corresponding prepack or flow orders.,你大写不用那么多 测试邮政署必须到达2个星期前到相应的预包装或流订单。 +"DanSi LAN and the mold counsel and the seurat, to his mother and to endure for mother celebrate birthday cake, and buy birthday to two people seurat counsel and had to agree to try again after work.",丹丝兰和亚多模耐烦相劝亚修拉,要他对妈妈忍受并且为妈妈庆贺华诞买华诞蛋糕,亚修拉听了两人相劝,只好同意下班后再去试试。 +"The posture when they are asleep is special, sometimes they sleep when they are standing.",犀牛睡觉的姿势很特殊,它们有时卧倒,也有时站着入睡。 +I saw a note this morningfrom Mr. Letterblair to Mamma saying that he wasgoing to Washington tomorrow for the big patent casethat he was to argue before the Supreme Court.,今天早上我见到莱特布赖给妈妈的一封便函,说明天他因为一件专利大案要去华盛顿,他要到最高法院去辩论。 +A: Which of the two drivers was at fault in the car crash?,在这次撞车事故中,两位驾驶员中是哪一位犯了规? +The scores of SSI were highly correlated with scores in trait anxiety and hopefulness .,自杀意向量表得分与特��焦虑、绝望高度相关。 +"I hope we can find a political compromise, but the American military power we've put in in the last year has enormously turned things around politically, economically and militarily.",我希望能找到一个政治折衷方案,但是我们过去一年投入的美国军事力量已经使政治、经济和军事局面产生了巨大的转变。 +"Anyway, he knows, we will keep a place open for a few months seeing as after his marriage Kakà has freed up a non-European Union place.",无论如何,他知道我们将会在几个月时间里保留一个位置,因为卡卡结婚后就腾出了一个非欧盟球员的名额。 +"Our last stop was the International Antarctic Center in Christchurch, America’s launching station for our operations in Antarctica.",我们的最后一站是位于克赖斯特彻奇的国际南极研究中心,这里也是美国开展在南极的作业的出发站。 +"The rapid development of techniques such as software, hardware, AI, neural net-works etc. result in various kinds of Intelligent Systems.",软件、硬件、人工智能、神经网络等技术的迅速发展导致各种智能系统的出现。 +The Lakers can only hope to be so fortunate with the point guard they'll face next week: Oklahoma City's Russell Westbrook.,湖人只能希望他们足够幸运,能控制住下周需要面对的雷霆球员威斯布鲁克。 +"Hanlu one before, a winter formal. Get up early bursts of cold reminder of the well into the winter ready.",寒露一过,就正式入冬了。早起的阵阵寒意提醒人们该做好进冬的准备了。 +"In this paper, both molecule biology method for detecting LSV and prokaryotic expression were studied for quarantine and antibody making, respectively.",分子生物学检测方法灵敏度高,有很高的实际应用价值。 +"Harley also has a video on its site showing how ""even small women can pick up a bike of 550 pounds if it topples over.",哈雷公司还把一段视频放在官网,证明“瘦小女性也能扶起一辆550磅(250公斤)重的摩托车”。 +"Idealistic state includes: the specialty of reasonable authority of teachers', inscape and style;",应然状态包括:合理教师权威的特点、构成要素及类型; +"The purpose of this paper is to establish a microanalysis method of marine sulfated polysaccharide drug 911 in biological sample—rabbit serum, and to afford prophase study in demic pharmacokinetics.",本论文旨在建立生物样品兔血清中海洋硫酸多糖类药物911的微量分析方法,并用于药物动力学研究。 +Computer design has also allowed a sophisticated use of perspective so that the work appears well-proportioned when viewed from an observation tower.,电脑设计中使用了精密的透视算法,所以这些图案从观景台上看比例恰当。 +"The design ideas, theory of humidity measure, system composing and application of the homemade dry-wet bulb hygronom in EBP industrial experiments are described in this paper.",介绍了自制湿度仪的设计思想、测湿原理、 系统构成和在电子束辐照烟气脱硫脱硝工业试验装置中的应用情况。 +"I am the Li Jia continuous rain, I am born in the Chinese Tianjin.",我是李佳霖,我出生在中国天津。 +"Cantonses is still a means of communication, while pu-tonghua will become a popular speech.",粤方言将仍是一种交际语,但也要推广普通话。 +"At Christ's return to earth, he will establish a millennial kingdom.",当基督重返尘世时,他将建立一个千年王国。 +"He was said to have been remarkably unclever, but prone to miraculous levitation, and intense ecstatic visions that left him gaping.",据说,他的身体已经明显地不灵活了,但却容易发生奇迹般的悬浮,这种极度梦幻的感觉让他目瞪口呆。 +Long-range dependence exists in many natural phenomena and process. The fractional ARIMA model can betterly reflect this kind of property.,长程关联存在于许多的自然现象和过程中,分数ARIMA模型很好地反映了这种特性。 +"Ah Beng : I am a Proud, coz my son is in Medical College.",阿笨对他的朋友说:“我很骄傲,我的儿子进了医院研究院了。” +"A scalar subquery is an embedded query that returns a single row that contains a single column -- essentially, a single value, which is known as a scalar.",标量子查询是一种嵌入式查询,返回包含单个列的单个行,本质上就是单个值,该值称为标量。 +It's a systematic attempt to strengthen our competitive ability.,这是为增强我们的竞争能力所做的有步骤的尝试。 +"The omnipresent prime colors of red, yellow and white combined with the conflict between black and white as well as the contortion of human bodies, give the picture a dangerous tension.",无处不在的红色以及黄、蓝等原色,加之黑白的冲突,以及人体的扭曲,使得作品看起来充满了危险的张力。 +They won public opinion over a long period of time. But it took 24 years for the campaign to be successful.,在很长的一段时间里,这些反对者都拥有着民众的支持,但整场运动却是花费了24年的时间才取得最终的胜利。 +The speaker intruded a thin smile into his seriousness.,演说人严肃的脸上掠过一丝笑影。 +Write them deep down within your heart.,把它们深深的写在你的心里。 +Applications in production have proved their meeting requirements of testing on line.,应用结果表明,它们可以满足在线检测合型力的要求。 +The objective of this design is to incept and convert the object's infrared radiation distribution into video signal to be displayed in real time after being post-processed.,本设计研究的目的就是完成对目标物体的红外热辐射分布的摄取,并且将其转化为视频信号经图像后处理后馈送给显示设备进行实时显示。 +Anther protein components under 30℃are differed from those under 25℃.,而花药可溶性蛋白质含量高于造温(25℃)下; +It also conducted satellite remote sensing and field survey to efficiently monitor and stay informed of the opium poppy cultivation situations in North Myanmar .,连续三年开展遥感监测和实地踏查,有效监控和准确掌握缅北罂粟种植情况。 +"Any-one can catch your eye , but it takes someone special to catch your heart.",任何人都可能吸引我们的眼球,但是只有那个特别的人才能够吸引我们的心灵。 +We went to the park and nowhere else.,我们到公园里去了,其他什么地方也没去。 +Image matching is the key stage for Digital Terrain Model(DTM) automatical aquisition using with digital images.,利用数字影像自动提取数字地形模型(DTM)的关键是影像匹配。 +"And the bridegroom tarrying, they all slumbered and slept.",因为新郎迟延,她们都打盹睡著了。 +"While there it may be common wisdom that it is difficult for older people to learn new skills — e.g., “you can’t teach an old dog new tricks” — that appears to be a misconception.",虽然人们普遍认为对于老人来说新技能的学习会比较困难,例如“你不能教会一条老狗新把戏”——但这看起来是个误解。 +A purchase order supposedly verified in writing and attested to by the buyer's bank as a financial commitment of the bank.,此购买指令被假设示以书面方式审核及被买方银行同意它是银行的一种财务上的承担。 +"Also, Neptune rules your house of true love, and Neptune's been retrograde since the end of May.",同样,海王星主宰你的真爱宫,海王星从五月底就开始逆行。 +"Indeed, a room like “Sexy &Hot” was created on July 10th – with over 8, 000 visitors so far – and remains unremoved.",事实上,一个七月十号创建的命名为“性感热辣 ”的聊天室,到现在为止已经超过8000登陆人次,到现在还在。 +"'We originally wanted to move in this direction, but the sudden change in the circumstances means that we need to move faster, ' he said.",柳传志说,我们本来就希望朝着这个方向努力,但环境的突然变化意味着我们需要加快步伐。 +"Read the details in Scott’s article, which also offers a brief analysis of BlogSvc.net’s code.",若需了解详细内容,请阅读 Scott的文章,该文章还对BlogSvc.net的代码进行了简要分析。 +Each user using Secure RPC with DES authentication is supposed to have a pair of public and secret keys.,每个通过 DES 身份验证使用安全 RPC 的用户都必须拥有一对公钥和机密密钥。 +"Vaporization: The user can withdraw liquid phase through an external vaporizer , thereby converting the liquid to gaseous product. This is the preferred method for high flow requirements.",蒸发:用户可以通过一个外蒸发器来提取液相,从而把液体转变为气体产品。对于要求高流速的情况,这是首选的方法。 +Multiple-access interference(MAI) and beat noise(BN) in coherent time-spreading optical code-division multiple access(OCDMA) system are analyzed according to aperiodic cross-correlation function.,从码字的非周期互相关函数出发,分析异步相干扩时光码分多址(OCDMA)系统的多址干扰(MAI)和差拍噪声(BN)。 +Seasoned observers like to think that Mourinho's every utterance is calculated for effect.,老练的观察者倾向于认为,穆里尼奥说的每一番话都别有用心。 +It is further expounded by the Iraq War that obtaining the space superiority is the base of implementing Network Center War.,进一步从伊拉克战争,说明取得太空优势是实现网络中心战的基础。 +"Mr Yang’s office may have gone, but online forums now catalogue the country’s bureaucratic disasters, even if they rarely name the guilty parties.",杨建昌的办公室没有了,网络论坛上对官僚的诟病从未停歇,虽然没有或无法出现涉及官员的名字。 +"Analysis on core samples in Hualbei & Huainan Coalfield, Anhui Province shows poor sorting and high contents of clay minerals for the bottom aquifers of thick Cenozoic system.",两淮煤田新生界松散层底部含水层分选性差、粘拉含量高。 +"Delegates will also be escorted on a site tour around Gallagher Group's extensive manufacturing, electronics and warehousing facilities.",代表们还将护送上加拉格尔集团广泛制造电子产品和仓储设施的站点参观中。 +"If you have not hired contractors yet, wait until June.",如果你还没雇用建筑承包商,不妨等到六月再雇。 +"""Most of these problems are unnecessary and appear due to poor policy decisions, "" Winterbottom and Wilkins concluded.",大多数问题都是不应该出现的。 +"Henry J. Kaiser maintained that ""you can imagine your future, "" and he believed that a great part of his business success was due to positive use of daydreams.","亨利·J·凯泽坚持说:""你能想象你的未来。"" 他相信他的大部分商业成功是由于幻想的作用。" +"The influences of beam current, signal current, equivalent temperature of beam, target capacitor and velocity of scanning on the self-sharpening effect have been analyzed.",分析了束电流、信号电流、束等效温度、靶面电容、扫描速度等因素在自变尖效应中所起的作用。 +The issue of like product in MFN plays a key role in defining MFN treatment.,最惠国待遇中的相似产品问题对于确定最惠国待遇具有基础性的作用。 +The poem in the air and the earth.,诗在空中地上都有无限之感。 +Infection of a total hip replacement (THR) is a challenging problem for the surgeon and has a great effect on the well being ofthe patient.,全髋关节置换(THR)所发生的感染对术者来说是非常棘手的问题,并且对患者的健康造成了很大的影响。 +The second option is to define a business item template and associate several different business items with it.,第二个选项是,定义一个业务项模板,并使几个不同的业务项与之关联。 +"Lk. 13:28 There will be weeping and gnashing of teeth there when you see Abraham and Isaac and Jacob and all the prophets in the kingdom of God, but you being cast outside.",路十三28 你们要看见亚伯拉罕、以撒、雅各、和众申言者都在神的国里,你们却被扔在外面,在那里必要哀哭切齿了。 +"After dinner, I took a cup of juice and sat on the sofa in the dining room, staring at the lawns lying outside the window.","下午吃过饭后, 倒了一杯果汁坐在厅里, 望着落地玻璃外的草地发呆." +They forget to mention the astrological reasoning that led to the observation that the human head is the heavens in microcosm.,他们忘了提到,是占星学的推理能力,使我们观察到人脑是天庭的小宇宙。 +I tailored activities to maintain the interest of high-level students without intimidating less skilled English speakers.,我修改了一些活动来保持高层次学生的兴趣,同时也不影响到其他稍微差一点的学生。 +"When I see what you know, what you have read, and seen, and thought, I feel what a nothing I am!",我一看见你懂得那样多,读得那样多,阅历那样广,思想那样深刻,我就感到自己一无所知了! +Then I heard it——the sound of a fire engine. It was music to my ears.,紧接着我就听到了消防车的声音,在那一刻对我来说,那就是圣曲。 +You must be single-minded. Drive for the one thing on which you have decided.,你必须一心一意,一门心思地朝你所决定的事情前进。 +And I get to see my wireframes woven together with clever code and great graphic design into a website with fantastic user experience…,我也总能看到我的线框与聪明代码、伟大的图形设计一起结合成一个有着梦幻般用户体验的网站... +"The crystallinity of the composite decreased with the increase of the ultrafine ground calcium carbonate, the melting point of the composite had little change.",复合材料的结晶度随超细重质碳酸钙填充量的增加而有所降低,但复合材料的熔点变化不大。 +Dr Kirk: Most of the B cells that are responsive to allografts are T cell dependent;,大部分产生同种异体移植免疫反应的B细胞是T细胞依赖的; +The starch granules distribution in Wanmai 38 was closer than that in Yangmai 9.,扬麦9号饼形和近球形淀粉粒较多,胚乳结构疏松。 +Bull: What a day!,牛: 多糟的一天啊! +Steam billowed and wheels screeched as the train crawled to a stop. Edward scanned every window looking for Ingrid’s glowing hair and smile.,当火车喷着蒸汽,车轮发出刺耳的尖叫声徐徐驶进车站的时候,爱德华怀着激动的心情翘首向每一扇车窗里张望着,期待着能再见到英格里德那长长的秀发和迷人的微笑。 +Where more than one metal chelating group is used the metal chelating groups may be the same or different.,如果有一个以上的金属螯合组用于金属螯合组可以在相同或不同的。 +An old Republican well into his 70s telephoned an even older Democrat last week in Washington.,上周的华盛顿,共和党和民主党的两名元老在互通的电话里依然不依不饶。 +"The fights over financial regulation and health care reform don't blaze new ground in this battle, even though the outcome will determine profits and costs for a decade.",在个体成本和外部成本的这场战役中,金融监管和医疗改革方面的战斗并没有开辟什么新局面,尽管最后的结果会决定以后十年的利润和成本。 +"Indeed, all the earth is Mine, but you shall be to Me a kingdom of priests and a holy nation.' These are the words that you shall speak to the children of Israel.""","因为全地球都是我的,你们要归我作祭司的国度,为圣洁的国家’,这些话你要告诉犹太人“" +Very good. Look here. What is this big country?,非常正确。请看这儿。这个大国是哪一个国家? +"Agricultural research, which usually receives less than one per cent of public money, should also be better funded, says Dar, as it plays a crucial role in improving crop yields and farmers' income.",由于农业研究在改善作物产量和提高农民收入方面有重要作用,它也应该被更好地资助,它通常获得的资助还不到公共预算的1%,。 Dar说。 +"Despite his sorrow and the lingering effects of his wounds, Cenarius emerged from the Dream not long after the Great Sundering, for he could feel the land cry out for healing.",尽管很悲痛而且伤口还没有痊愈,塞纳留斯在大灾变后不久就离开了翡翠梦境,他能感到大地急切需要治疗。 +"From an SCA perspective, it allows developers to leverage the BPEL language for implementing process-oriented services.",从SCA的角度看,它是的开发者可以使用BPEL语言去实现面向流程的服务; +"Hainan to the fuel tax is as follows: diesel for the implementation of road maintenance fees, tolls, Bridge, transportation management fees charged by the four-way fee - in - one, 300 yuan per month.",海南对燃油税的征收方法是:对于柴油车实行养路费、过路费、过桥费、运输管理费四费合一收取的方式,每月300元。 +The TKE (Turbulent Kinetic Energy) closure scheme with 112 order precision and the method of reducing vertical layers are used to decrease computing amount.,采用具有112阶精度的TKE闭合方案以及适当减少垂直网格层数,使计算量大大减少。 +"Note meaning: tile size not completely equal to the actual size, wearing different methods and the results were also measured or followed for everyone.",注意:平铺尺寸不完全等同于实际穿着尺寸,测量方法不同,结果亦略有出入。因每个人的身材比例和穿衣习惯不一样,卖家也不能做出准确的判断! +The other surviving members of the clan are pushing 80 or well beyond it.,其他健在的家族成员要么年近八旬,要么已是耄耋之年。 +Old goat likes to write love letters to test the approach.,老色鬼喜欢用写情书的办法作试探。 +"On one of my visits to North Luangwa, I came across Sunday Justice, who was then working as a safari guide.",在一次访问北卢安瓜的时候,我偶然碰到了萨蒂•贾斯蒂斯,那时他在当游猎向导。 +"Growth in the narrow M1 measure, including physical money and demand deposits, surged to 24.8% in June from 18.7% in May, suggesting a large volume of liquid funds.",狭义货币供应量M1,包括流通中现金和活期储蓄存款,相比5月18.7%的增速,6月M1加速至24.8%,显示金融系统充斥了大量的流动资金。 +Proposed oil and gas leasing in Alaska's Bristol Bay will be canceled out of concern for protecting sensitive areas of the Outer Continental Shelf from environmental dangers.,"阿拉斯加州布里斯托湾的石油天然气租赁提案将被取消,出于保护外大陆架敏感区域环境免受破坏的顾虑." +Cam: Would it help if we precooked it in the microwave?,卡姆:如果我们先用微波炉把肉加热,会不会有帮助? +The problems mentioned in this paper are universal in this trade and I whish it will be of conference value for the construction of the channels in iron&steel industry.,文中提到的问题在企业中带有普遍性,希望本文对钢铁行业的渠道建设具有参考价值。 +"Prof. Min Yuanguang , Shanghai JIaotong University, China.",郑远光, 上海交通大学, 中国。 +"Israel's priests, whose specialty was teaching and interpreting God's law (see Leviticus 10:10-11;",以色列的祭司专职教导和解释神的律法(参利未记10:10-11; +This form of vitamin B helps sustain the syncopation of movement between the heart and the veins and capillaries .,这种维生素B帮助维持心脏和静脉及毛细血管之间的流程切分。 +但也有一些人警告说,如果他们无法适应不断变化的市场,这些书摊终会“饿死”。,"But some warn that if they cannot adapt to the changing market they will ""die of hunger""." +Complete free market competition and the related balanced labor force price are nothing but theoretical abstract.,完全的自由市场竞争以及与此相联系的劳动力均衡价格只不过是理论意义上的抽象。 +"Uplift pile is applied fewˉer, in general industrial factory building foundation.",而在一般的工业厂房基础中,抗拔桩应用较少。 +"This two deer model is not new but very friendly. And the image is so vivid, it just like two real deer are talking in front of you.",两只鹿的造型算不上新颖但很亲切,耳鬓厮磨的栩栩如生,出神入化,就像眼前真的有两只小鹿在说悄悄话,活灵活现。 +"Instead, I stand here looking at a mountain that has been torn asunder by some extraordinary force. The sight, I must confess, is incomprehensible. Yet what I see before me cannot be denied.",我站在这里,远眺山的那头,看见了被非同寻常的力量撕裂的山岳。那景观,我必须承认,太让人难以置信了。但是,我所见的确确实实。 +"A rare color image, taken by a 16 mm movie camera aboard a B-29 dubbed The Great Artiste, shows the first atomic weapon exploding over Hiroshima on August 6, 1945.",这张罕见的彩色照片是那艘绰号伟大艺人(The Great Artiste)的B-29上一架16毫米电影摄像机拍下的,显示1945年8月6日广岛上空原子武器首爆的情形。 +You actually thought you could learn to do a full split in one night?,你真的以为你用一个晚上就能学会大劈叉吗?。 +"Moreover, proponents of the Fed Model often fail to remember that a relative valuation approach is a spread position.",此外,美联储模型的支持人常常忘记,一个相对估值方法是一个价差部位。 +Copper(II) Formate Tetrahydrate;,甲酸铜(II)四水; +"In time of interrogation, he just repeated one sentence ""For your information, I don't even have a car.""",在被审问的时候,他总是重复者同一句话:“你要知道,我连汽车都没有。” +Olympic silver medalist Li Nina led a Chinese sweep in the freestyle skiing women's aerials despite high winds and falling snow.,尽管比赛现场风大并下起了大雪,但由奥运亚军李尼娜为领头羊的中国女队还是包揽了自由式滑雪的前四名。 +That’s probably why investors around the globe are flocking to farmland as the new growth industry.,这也很可能是为什么全球投资者都对农田趋之若鹜——这是新的增长产业。 +"Introduce:Collect type comfortable humanness is carefree know a lot, hapless to everything thing all is resign oneself to adversity.",简介:罗式适为人乐天知命,对一切倒霉事均是逆来顺受。 +"While on vacation in Guatemala in 1999, hairstylist Mona Purdy noticed children had no shoes.",一九九九年, 发型师蒙娜?普尔蒂在瓜地马拉度假时,注意到那里的孩童没有鞋子穿。 +"But, in real work the author discovers, in much officinal the issue that small sweet bolus puts in cent dosage difficulty.",但是,在实际工作中笔者发现,大部分中成药小蜜丸都存在分剂量困难的问题。 +We are sitting comfortably and reaching for the start button here at London's Science Museum where 40 years of computer game history is laid out before our very joysticks .,现在,我们正舒适地坐在伦敦科技博物馆里,面对着操纵杆前40年的电脑游戏史,找寻着开始的按钮。 +"Cross-connections between different knowledge are spontaneous, and inter-disciplinary studies are encouraged.",不同知识之间的交叉连接是自发的,并且跨学科研究是受鼓励的。 +"Exprimental results show that the charger is able to auto-adjust control structure parameters, and can diagnose self-fault and use easyly in the field.",样机试验表明,该充电器具有自动调整控制结构参数及故障自诊断等良好性能,便于现场应用。 +"RESULTS: The extraction rates was affected by extract solvent, extract times, Coccus- solvent ratio and extract temperature.",结果:乙醇浓度、提取次数、料液比和提取温度影响胭脂虫红酸提取效率。 +The new textbooks are composed mainly of colloquial American English.,新教材,主要由地道的美式英语听说课构成。 +"The Irish playwright cut a gaunt, Giacometti-like figure when walking along the Seine in his adoptedParisthat, with the passing years, grew too busy for his liking.",在巴黎塞纳河河畔漫步的时候,这个爱尔兰剧作家创作出一个瘦削的吉亚科梅蒂式人物形象,这个人物形象就伴着岁月悠长广受欢迎。 +Dylon:Did you enjoy your time in the university?,迪克:你喜欢在大学的这段生活吗? +"For the safety, the lavatories have to be closed prior to landing. Please refrain from using it until the plane lands and comes to a complete stop.",为了安全,我们在着陆前关闭了卫生间。请等到飞机完全停稳后再使用。 +Editor's Note - Benefits of Coffee,编者的话-咖啡的好处 +Perhaps you’d just like to absorb some challenging modern literature in order to gain insight into the modern human condition.,也许你只是想学习一些具有挑战性的现代文学知识,来进一步深入了解当代人的生活现状。 +"The article is long, but extremely insightful, so I highly recommend you actually read it after reading this post. However, here's my summary of Tog's opinions on the iPhone for you",原文很长,但是相当有见地,因此我强力推荐各位在读完这篇摘要后去读一下原文。 +"The national debt is more than $10 trillion, and in 2009 the federal budget is projected to run as much as a $1 trillion deficit, having taken into account the cost of recent bail - outs.",国家负债超过10兆亿,2009年联邦预算计划负担1兆美元的赤字,而这已经把近期救市计划的支出计算在内了。 +"Flying in the wind of black fine plait skirt, on his way to school echoed bicycle bell, blood flow to the same memory of heart, forget that stubborn young love?",在风中翻飞的黑色细褶裙,上学途中回荡的脚踏车铃声,流着相反记忆血液的心,怎能遗忘当年顽强的少年爱情? +"However, the device had a fatal flaw: its heavy fuel consumption meant flight times were limited to just 21 seconds - too short for any practical use.",然而,这个装置有一项致命缺陷:由于消耗燃料过多,飞行时间仅为21秒,根本不能投入实际用途。 +"A most well known example is the anti-vulgarity campaign. After the campaign, the Internet is still full of vulgar content, but a number of critical websites and bloggers have disappeared.",比如数月前刮起的那场声势浩大的“整顿互联网低俗之风”运动,运动过后中国的互联网依旧低俗,但是一些言辞尖锐的网站和博客却在运动中倒下。 +The vibration and noise of prototype under no-load and rated load were calculated by methods of analysis and simulation.,用解析和仿真分别计算了样机在空载和额定负载下的电磁振动与噪声; +Always put yourself in other's shoes . If you feel that it hurts you it probably hurts the other person too.,要常常换位思考。如果芙蓉姐姐以为寻秦记件事伤害城市猎人,动车也有可能会伤害别阿修罗城之瞳。 +"Jin appeared to be addressing employees of China Life, one of the country's largest insurance companies.",他的讲座似乎是为中国最大的保险公司中国人寿员工培训而开。 +Jadon is getting stronger… What do you think? Do you think that he can become a football player someday?,凯杰越来越强壮了…你觉得他将来可以参加橄榄球队吗?。 +"Wang admits he does not ""have all the answers"" on how the consortium will work.",王韧承认他并没有关于这个联盟如何运作的全部答案。 +Studies on the development of male and female gametophytes in Sinojakia xylocarpa.,标题 秤锤树雌、雄配子体发育的研究。 +"As the saying goes, ""Knowledge is power.""",俗云:“知识就是力量。” +Finally an introduction is given to the function of the lightning arresters.,对避雷器工作原理和避雷方法作了分析介绍。 +MUMBAI — The newest andmost exclusive residential tower for this city’s superrich is a cantileveredsheath of steel and glass soaring 27 floors into the sky.,孟买——这座城市里有一座为超级富豪修建的最新潮最奢华的大厦。 这是一座由钢和玻璃组成的悬臂式建筑,高高的27层楼直耸云天。 +"Now in his mid-70s, Mr Brunson is still going strong.",尽管牌技仍然出众,但70有余的布朗森到底已经廉颇老矣。 +The main products of Hui Yang World Musical Instrument Factory are: Accustic Guitar. Electric Guitar. Acoustic Bass . Electric Bass. Classical Guitar . Mandolin.,世界乐器琴弦厂主要产品有:木吉它、电吉它、木贝司、电贝司、古典民谣吉它、曼陀铃、斑鸠、优格利利等各种工厂专用琴弦线和音阶线。 +The cleaner production is a necessary choice of the coal chemistry enterprise.,清洁生产是煤化工企业发展壮大的必然选择。 +I went to the Daming Lake.,我去了大明湖。 +Also check the seal on your fuel cap is airtight.,同时,加完油后,检查一下油箱盖是否拧紧了。 +e The charge on the electron is minus e.,电子所带电荷应为。 +Schools are being urged to go back to 'chalk and talk' teaching that was once widespread in Britain – in order to reproduce the success the traditional methods now have in China.,为了重现当年英国普遍使用的传统教学方法的辉煌成果,英国教育部部长鼓励学校返璞归真,回归目前在中国广为应用的板书授课教学方法。 +"Justs moment, please. Yes, you can have a seat.",请稍等,有的,有一个空位。 +Scales on steel pipe surface can be removed by the rust-remover formulated with waste chlorhydric acid pickling solution in closed-loop circulation.,利用盐酸酸洗度液配制的闭路循环除锈剂能清除钢管表面氧化铁皮。 +"The Briton, 22, came through 3-6 6-4 6-4 6-2 in three hours and one minute.",这位22岁的���国人,3小时1分钟的比赛中,比分为3-6,6-4,6-4,6-2。 +Nature chose not to enter the dance of non- unity .,大自然选择不再进入到「无统一」的舞蹈中。 +You have to pay $50 admission.,你须付50美元入场费。 +"Facts have proved, and will continue to prove, that China's development will bring about more opportunities for the economic development in the Asia-Pacific region and the world at large.",事实已经并将继续证明,中国的发展将为亚太地区乃至全球经济的发展带来更多的机遇。 +"Chromosomes of six fabaceous species from Baoxing County, Sichuan Province.",四川宝兴地区九种豆科植物的染色体。 +It is a complementary and perfect on the reservoir description.,这是对油藏描述技术和应用领域的完善与补充。 +so it's like a very big change.,因为这意味着一个巨大的变化。 +dwDesiredAccess is the requested access for the semaphore object.,dwDesiredAccess 是针对该信号量对象所请求的访问权。 +"This should be on top of any global value derived from, for example, keeping forests pristine to sequester carbon and mitigate climate change.",这项研究应该超越诸如保存森林用于固碳和缓解气候变化等价值。 +The frigate fired a warning shot across the privateer's bows to make her heave to.,快速战舰向私掠船的船首上空发炮警告,命令她停航。 +Miguel also indicated that MonoDevelop 1.1 will have support for the debugger.,Miguel也表示MonoDevelop 1.1将支持这个调试器。 +"Objective 30 cases of TMJ ankylosis with OSAS, unilateral ankylosis in 18, bilateral ankylosis in 9 and all with micrognathia.",目的30例TMJ强直伴阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停综合征(OSAS)患者,单侧TMJ强直18例,双侧强直9例,TMJ强直术后3例。 +"For additional kid appeal, the group attached one of the bubble blowers used in diagnostic tests to the base and added a clicking noise that many autistic kids find soothing.",应其他孩子的诉求,研究团队还在底座上增设了一个诊断测试中用到的泡泡吹管,平添出一种能令许多自闭症儿童找到安慰的敲击噪音。 +Fundamental principle and related key problems for the application of finite element method into structural optimal improvement design are expatiated and analyzed.,阐述和分析了应用有限元方法进行结构优化改进设计的基本原理和所涉及的关键问题。 +"In this system, there is no signal line connection, only the power supply to the motherboard power connector.",在这个系统中,没有任何信号线的连接,只有电源到主板的电源连接。 +"When I was working in a place called Tulle, which is down here--t-u-l-l-e, not Tours, but Tulle-- I knew vaguely that there had been a massacre there in June sixth, 1944, and a lot of people had been hung.","我在一个叫蒂勒的地方工作的时候,在这里t-u-l-l-e,不是图尔是蒂勒,我大概记得,在1944年六月六号那里有个大屠杀,很多人被吊死了" +"I grabbed my phone and double checked the number…yup, exactly as she noticed…162…contacts.",我抓起手机并再次确认了一遍…一点没错,就是她说的….162个…联系人。 +Today the region is one of the safest in Afghanistan mostly free of the poppy fields that dominate other regions.,目前哈扎拉贾特是阿富汗最安全的地区,不像其地区大面积地种植着罂粟。 +"The home that contained so many memories, photographs and other keepsakes.",这个家里有许多记忆、照片和其他纪念品。 +"Preface-what-it-is-2 Although Christian in statement, the Course deals with universal spiritual themes.",虽然本课程采用基督宗教的术语,所瞩目的却是普遍的灵修课题。 +"Finally, the optimal solution to the mixed-model assembly line balancing problem was defined by two optimization objectives.",最后,综合两个优化目标确定混合装配线平衡问题的最优解。 +Spanish press reported the signing of 15-year-old Jesus Joaquin Fernandez from Cadiz.,西班牙报纸报道利物浦签下卡迪斯的15岁小将费尔南德斯。 +"Wu Ken, Chinese Ambassador to Switzerland, accompanied Foreign Minister Yang during the visit.",中国驻瑞士大使吴恳等陪同访问。 +Functions :Improving the moving ability of lower limbs.,功能:增强上下肢的活动能力改善关节的灵活性。 +The method of fan flowrate is tested by static pressure difference is put forward according to the characteristic of series BD counter rotating fan.,根据BD系列对旋式主通风机的结构特点和风流流动特征,提出了静压差法测试风机风量的方法; +"Straight line parallel to the corners of the mouth, and a radian.",直线平行的嘴角,挫出了一个弧度。 +"Yanshan Xinsheng Metal Materials Co. , Ltd. has always been adhering to the ""quality, reputation, service"" business philosophy to welcome friends all over th.",盐山县鑫盛金属材料有限公司一贯秉承“品质、信誉、服务”的经营理念,欢迎世界各地朋友来厂参观。 +"The results showed that the mixed cinnamon soil formed by the weathering of carbonate, feldspar and quartz was the most superior soil condition.",结果表明:由碳酸盐和第四系长英母质共同风化形成的混成褐土是肥城桃生长的最优地质背景岩土条件。 +Article 37 The State encourages the service institutions for small and medium-sized enterprises to hold exhibitions and fairs for their products and to conduct information consultancy activities.,第三十七条 国家鼓励中小企业服务机构举办中小企业产品展览展销和信息咨询活动。 +"If I could have only one supplement for me and my children, this would be it. Does everything from strengthen immunes to building bones and teeth.",如果我只能选择一个营养补充品给孩子的话,这个产品就会是Carlson,在增强免疫促进骨骼和牙齿的生长相当好。 +AIX 7 will include support for exporting a virtual or physical fibre-channel adapters to a WPAR in the same manner as storage devices.,AIX 7 将支持按照与存储设备相同的方式向 WPAR 导出 Fibre-Channel 适配器。 +"Touching the touching control faceplate, the pen body inputs information into the electronic equipment, which can take the pen body in momentarily.",笔身是用以接触该电子装置的触控面板,以输入资讯予该电子装置,其中该笔身可被暂时收纳于该电子装置中。 +The mixed method of boundary element and fractal finite element is adopted to solve the cracked structure-acoustic coupling problems.,应用分配形有限元和边界元相结合的方法于含裂纹的结构声相互作用问题。 +"Three major ways of MEDLINE searching are the medical subject headings(MeSH)search, text word search and Boolean calculation search.",MEDLINE的三种主要检索方式是医学主题词检索、自由词检索和布尔逻辑方式检索。 +At the same time the author put forward an energy saving and optimization model of a multicell water chiller and do some experiments.,同时提出一种多单元式冷水机组节能优化运行模式并进行了试验。 +Thanks very much. And good-bye.,非常感谢。拜拜。 +"In the end, they voted that irrigation work should come first.",最后,他们表决认为灌溉是当前急务。 +"Fibroma of the much nerve that send a gender is disease of heredity of a kind of dominance, its are main the feature is skin chunk Brown pigment is ad cool -headed , be mingled with has black spot.",多发性神经纤维瘤是一种显性遗传疾病,其主要特征是皮肤大块褐色色素沉着,夹杂有黑色斑点。 +"So far as prayer related to astrology is concerned, the Supreme Court has already considered the issue and ruled that astrology is science.",法官指出:“迄今为止,由于与占星学相关的祈祷,高等法院已考虑并裁定占星术是科学。 +"Those can then be used as the destination point for calls made to a home, office or mobile phone - like the 0700 ""follow me"" numbers used in the UK.",对于拨打到家庭、办公室、手机的电话,这些号码将用作转接号,就像英国的“跟我走”0700转接号码。 +"The road was really flat. However, the judges' eyes hidden in the dark were fixing closely on every girl from the countries around the world.",公园的道路是那么平坦,但躲在暗处的裁判们的一双双眼睛却在紧盯着参加竞走的来自世界各个国家的每一位姑娘。 +"""We definitely have more than 400, "" said Vitalis Chadenga, director of conservation. ""But it's true we're facing an upsurge in the poaching of rhinos.",“我们绝对还拥有400多头犀牛,”环保主任维塔利斯·查登嘉(Vitalis Chadenga)说,“但是,我们的确面临着偷猎犀牛的热潮。 +Using the mathematical model of filtration process analyses the production capacity of the continuous revolving drum vacual filter and the filtration efficiency.,应用过滤过程数学模型分析了连续转鼓式真空过滤机的生产能力机理,对过滤效率进行了分析。 +"And many spread their garments in the way: and others cut down branches off the trees, and strawed them in the way.",有许多人,把衣服铺在路上,也有人把田间的树枝砍下来,铺在路上。 +"There are a lot of researches about Wang Fuzhi which are done by experts and scholars for a long-term, and his thoughts have been understood comprehensively and profoundly.",长期以来,很多专家、学者对王夫之进行了大量的研究,对他的思想也有了全面、深刻的了解。 +"If it is non-taking delivery, carrier will have drawing right and carrying back right to the cargo.",无人提货时,承运人可以处分留置的货物,可以将货物提存或回运。 +"Results:DHS was the most stable, next one was AO angle steel plate, the Maxwell goose head nail was the worst.",结果:DHS最稳定,承载量大,其次是AO角钢板,麦氏鹅头钉最差。 +Li Lei happened to see Paul's mark on the report of a chemistry experiment.,李雷偶然看到了保罗化学实验报告单上的分数。 +"Finally, the further study in the implicit cognition may consider the unconsciousness dimension, and empirical research as the foundation to study the athlete personality characteristic.",进一步假设内隐认知的深入研究有可能从无意识维度、实证性为基础对运动员人格特征进行研究。 +"While you may think that the caffeine burst from coffee or tea will help perk you up throughout the day, the effects of the caffeine are temporary and wear off in about 30 minutes.",你可能会认为咖啡和茶里面含有的咖啡因会帮助你在一整天的工作中振奋精神,但是咖啡因所产生的效果是暂时的并且在大约三十分钟之内就会消耗掉。 +"If the holder prompt payment, payment shall be required to show others the bill in payment, the holder shall pay bills for immediate delivery to the party.",如持票人提示付款,应向被要求付款之人展示汇票,在获得付款后,持票人须将汇票立即交付给该付款的当事人。 +"Some think that recent, well-grounded data suggesting the Earth's average temperature is rising are explained by natural variations in solar radiation, and that this trend may be coming to an end.",有人认为,最近那些表明地球平均温度正在上升的有充分依据的数据可以用太阳辐射的正常变化来解释,而且这一趋势可能行将结束。 +"With the expansion of distance education, it has become an urgent issue to set up a convenient and effective aid-answer system based on network education.",随着远程教育的蓬勃发展,建立一个方便、有效的教学辅导答疑系统成为了远程教学中亟待解决的问题。 +Pulp condense before H. C. whet syrup.,高浓磨浆前的浆料浓缩。 +"The city's many attractions include the Eiffel Tower, Notre-Dame de Paris, the Louvre, the Panthéon, Pompidou Centre, and the Paris Opera, as well as boulevards, public parks, and gardens.",城内的许多景点包括埃菲尔铁塔、巴黎圣母院、卢浮宫博物馆、先贤祠、篷皮杜中心、巴黎歌剧院,以及一些林阴大道、公园和花园。 +North Korea said it would cut off a military hotline with the south during the exercises.,北朝鲜说在军事演习期间将会中断一项与南方的军方联系。 +The findings are based on black box data taken from vehicles.,这些结论是根据车辆上的黑匣子数据得出的。 +"Among them, with intermediate grade and college education of more than 50 people.",其中,具有中级职称及大专以上学历的50多人。 +"""I had to expand my job search to include potential jobs and industries I would otherwise have never considered, "" says Tyler Fenelon, a 2010 graduate of UCLA's Anderson School of Management (No. 17).",来自排名第17的加州大学洛杉矶分校安德森商学院的2010届毕业生泰勒·费尼伦称:“我被迫扩大求职范围,其中包括一些以前我从未考虑过的行业。” +We will be using Rackspace Cloudsites for hosting.,更详细的规格将有机会通过总理。 +"The US should begin to work with these countries not only on this matter, but also on the elections that Burma military junta has promised for 2010.",美国开始同这些国家合作的议题不应该仅仅局限于这一问题,它们还应该在缅甸军政府许诺的 2010年选举这一事务上开展合作。 +"A bath tub can serve as a private sanctuary in which some couples dissect their day, share their dreams, or seduce one another.",一个浴缸可以成为夫妻间体味生活,分享梦想,或者诱惑对方的私密圣地。 +Over to you: what strange behaviour have you spotted in queues and do you ever queue-jump or challenge queue-jumpers?,最后该你了:想一想,你留意过排队时人们奇怪的行为吗? 你曾经去插队或者和插队者较量过没有呢? +There are two soybean varieties such as Kenfeng15 and Kenfeng16 were used in the two-year field trials.,试验以垦丰15和垦丰16两个大豆品种为材料,设行间覆膜和不覆膜两个处理。 +"He does not suffer from the Indian politician's curse of short-term, reactive decision-making.",他不会带有心胸狭隘的历史观,也不会遭受印度政治家们特有短视、情绪化决策所带来灾难的折磨。 +You can copy the /etc/hosts file that you have just created to a floppy disk or CD-ROM (if you have a writeable CD-ROM drive) and copy that file to the /etc directory of each computer in your LAN.,你可以将 /etc/hosts 文件拷贝到软盘或光盘(如果你拥有一个光盘刻录机)上,然后再从软盘或光盘上拷贝到待配置计算机的 /etc 目录下。 +"It can provide complete square wave in the transformer, which can provide a simple self-driving method for synchronous rectifier.",同时变压器上是完整的方波,可以给同步整流提供简单有效的自驱动方案。 +"Unlike relational databases, BigTable tables do not have fixed schema and are typically denormalized.",不像关系数据库那样,BigTable 表没有固定的模式且通常是非规范化(denormalized)的。 +"Data flows between components as business objects, an extension of service data objects (SDO), which is another open specification.",数据作为业务对象(服务数据对象 (SDO) 的扩展,它是另一个开放规范)在组件之间流动。 +So what's the bonding order for c 2?,它的键序是多少?》 +Mayor Koch once offered a historical example to hammer home a point about mispronounced words. A new President is delivering a stirring inaugural address.,葛市长有一次举了一个历史上的事例,最能说明发音失误的后果。 +A frequency measuring system which is designed in accordance with the working principle of a vibrating-wire sensor is mainly composed with a portable frequency measuring device and a PC.,根据振弦式传感器工作原理而设计的测频系统主要由手持式测频仪和PC计算机组成。 +"A recent poll found that one in ten young adults admitted to feeling lonely, insecure, depressed, or unwanted on Valentine’s Day.",一项最近的调查发现10%的年轻人承认在情人节会感到孤独、无安全感、沮丧或空闲。 +"Ivy belongs to Araliaceae evergreen vine shrubs, green leaves of the maple leaf as red as a cute little goldfish tail.",常春藤属于五加科常绿藤本灌木,翠绿的叶子就像火红的枫叶一样,是可爱的小金鱼的尾巴。 +"Bess had the clothes on her back, and the rest of her worldly possessions in a battered suitcase.",碧丝则是一身穿着好衣裳,今生今世其它值钱的东西也尽在一只破皮… +"Individual pursuit is a contest of speed, tactics and nerve with cyclists racing both each other and the clock.",个人追逐赛是一种速度、战略和勇气的比赛,车手们不但要相互比赛,也要与时间比赛。 +"Last month Mexican troops arrested Alfredo Beltrán, a big shot in the Sinaloa cartel, one of Mexico's biggest drug gangs. But this may create a power vacuum leading to even more violence.",上个月墨西哥军队逮捕了墨西哥最大犯罪组织席纳洛阿·卡特尔的关键人物Alfredo Beltrán,黑社会权力出现空缺状态,也许会制造出更多的暴力事件。 +Clear away distractions and interruptions so you’re not always switching your attention between things.,清除了分心和干扰,你就不用总是在不同的事物间切换自己的注意力。 +Sparks emitted from small boxes and red lamps flashed on and off angrily.,小黑盒子里迸出火花,红色灯泡发怒似的忽明忽暗。 +"River secretary-general "" July 1 "" the creed sex file that serious talk is a Marxism.",江总书记“ 七一” 重要讲话是马克思主义的纲领性文件。 +"My baby has been eating Abbott's formula, stool has been normal, once a day.",我的孩子一直吃雅培的奶粉,大便一直很正常,一天一次。 +A slight increase has been observed in the value for relative changing of the vapor pressure and capillary constant of the ROS when conducting replicate measurements during several (from 1 to 5) days.,轻微的增量对相对改变ROS的汽压和血丝常数被观察了按价值,当举办复制测量在数期间时(从1到5)几天。 +This behavior is the typically lack of training performance and made others ill-flavored .,此种行为是典型的缺乏修养的表现,令人反感。 +The warehouse keeper checks up the quantity in the slings according to the numbered tally tickets.,内理根据记有数量的理货小票检查关内数量。 +"Cain was the firstborn son of Adam and Eve. He was banished, with a mark, from the land of his parents because he killed his brother in a jealous rage.",该隐是亚当和夏娃的第一个儿子,他背负着一个记号,禁止他生存在他父母的土地上,因为他由于妒火杀害了他的弟弟。 +A total of 646 patients died during the study follow-up.,总计有646名患者在研究跟进中死亡。 +"But there's more to it: It's Mercedes' latest exercise in aerodynamics, and with a coefficient of drag of just . 19, it's the German automaker's slipperiest silhouette yet.",但它并没有这么简单:这是梅赛德斯在空气动力学领域的最新尝试,其阻力系数仅有.19,是梅赛德斯车体轮廓最流畅的一款汽车。 +"In this article, you will see how reports and analytics information can be derived based on the data provided by the instrumentation.",在本文中,您将看到如何能够基于检测所提供的数据来派生报告和分析信息。 +"The paraffin wax is mainly mixed by the straight-chain paraffin, with long-term stability performance of physical and chemistry characters.",石蜡主要由直链烷烃混合而成,物理和化学性能长期稳定; +The causes of temporary hypocalcemia after thyroidectomy are still not well understood.,甲状腺手术后引起暂时性的低血钙症的原因尚未完全的明瞭。 +Israel wants Hamas to stop militants from firing rockets into its territory and the smuggling of weapons into the seaside enclave.,而以色列要哈马斯制止激进分子向以色列领土发射火箭弹,制止激进分子把武器偷运进加沙这块临海飞地。 +Herdsmen are rigging up a Mongolian yurt as a new domicile.,牧民们正在新的居住地搭建蒙古包。 。 +"Traniello bought a cellphone to keep in touch with Matt, who 'calls me whenever he's stranded, ' she says;",特伦尼罗女士买了部手机与麦特保持联系,她说,“只要他感觉束手无策的时候,就会打电话给我。” +Mr. Goyal got the idea for Zomato while working at a consulting firm three years ago.,戈亚尔三年前在一家咨询公司工作期间,获得了Zomato的想法。 +Conclusions The QOL of Tibetan patients with generalized tonic clonic epilepsy are poor.,结论藏族全面性强直阵挛性癫癎患者的生活质量差; +Article 15. The immunity from jurisdiction of diplomatic agents and of persons enjoying immunity under Article 20 may be waived through explicit expression by the Government of the sending State.,第十五条外交代表和第二十条规定享有豁免的人员的管辖豁免可以由派遣国政府明确表示放弃。 +"An occasional siren wailed, and a faint whistle could occasionally be heard from a Metro-North train emerging from the Park Avenue tunnel.",偶尔有汽笛声响起,还有从公园大街地下隧道传出的微弱的地铁鸣笛。 +You flatter yourself that you are a scholar and intellectual. So you despise fisherman and scholar of other sects . It is wrong!,自恃是读书人、是知识分子,瞧不起渔夫、看不起其它学派的人,这是不对的。 +"I think there are few people know about the celebration named Zozobra, aren't there?",所以,我想台湾或许没几个人知道这项庆典吧! +it's like a time-out.,其实类似“休息时间。 +"That left British Celts, Romanized British Celts, and Anglo-Saxons fighting each other and among themselves for control.",留下英国的凯尔特人,罗马化的英国凯尔特人和盎格鲁撒克逊人互相争斗,和内部之间为了统治权的斗争。 +I care a lot more about my children than I do about my friends and I care more about my friends than I care about strangers.,"我对我孩子的关心要多于,我对我朋友的关心,我对朋友的关心要多于对陌生人的关心。" +"""Whether he has a gun or not really doesn't matter, "" said Ratner.",他到底有无持有枪械都不重要。 +The sections on visa application and shopping in the supermarket are a great addition as they are essential for the planning stages and the consequent daily living in a foreign country.,这本书信息量大、语言实用,关于申请签证、超市购物等内容是你在准备阶段以及在异国生活时必说的英语。 +"Managers want to hear from employees who are concerned with improving business, says Gayle Lantz, an organizational development consultant and executive coach.",企业发展顾问和执行教练Gayle Lantz说,管理者们愿意听听那些关心企业提升的员工的看法。 +The Research on Business Management DSS of Anhui Construction Engineering Group;,安徽丰原集团技术研究中心,研发助理工程师。 +"Therefore, I can carry on to the end, doing things in which I am uninterested to the end. It concerns my future.",因此,我要把不感兴趣的事做到底,这关系到我的未来。 +"Who can buy even a second with money? There are still many other things that cannot be bought with money: health, life, happiness, friendship, love and so on.",谁能买甚至第二个钱吗?仍有许多其他事情无法用金钱:购买健康、生命、快乐、友谊、爱情等等。 +Battery-solution proportional throttle well control system not only can be used in well killing but also can be used in wellhead pressure control of underbalanced drilling.,电液比例节流井控系统不仅可用于一般钻井溢流压井,也可用于欠平衡钻井井口回压控制。 +Jobs' charisma and negotiating power were crucial to the launch of iTunes in 2009 and the then-unprecedented sale of songs rather than albums on the Web.,乔布斯的个人魅力和谈判技巧,对苹果2003年推出iTune,以及此后歌曲在线热销都起到了关键作用。 +"Physical expression will be limited and stiff, with few arm and hand movements. Hand, arm and leg movements are toward their own body as the liar tries to take up less space.",肢体语言很拘束,僵硬,手臂和手不怎么动。手、手臂和腿的移动都靠向自己的身体,因为撒谎者设法占据更少的空间。 +Objective To study the incidence of cytokeratin reactivity in native nonepithelial cells of lymph nodes(LNs) in order to show speciality of detection for micrometastasis based on cytokeratin staining.,目的研究细胞角蛋白在淋巴结非上皮细胞中的表达,以阐明用角蛋白染色检测微转移的特异性。 +"Given the large number of agencies and initiatives working to improve health, not all of the major recent achievements can be directly attributed to WHO.",鉴��大量机构和行动都在致力于增进健康,因此不可将所有重大的新成就都直接归功于世卫组织。 +"Camping Gear Tent for shade, Picnic rug to sit on, Knife, First-Aid kit, Garbage bags.",帐篷,防潮垫,遮阳布,小音箱,垃圾袋,刀具等。 +Does she not reel like a drunken woman?,她是否如醉客一般地摇晃呢? +"In this paper, contact endurance limit diagram of 45 normalizing gear is obtained from contact fatigue teste on 8 pairs of CATT gears. It is worthy reference for a calculation of gear design.",本文通过八对圆弧齿线圆柱齿轮的运转接触疲劳试验,得到了45钢正火齿轮的接触疲劳极限应力框图,可供圆弧齿线圆柱齿轮传动的接触强度计算参考使用。 +Finally they provide a complete roadmap for building a model-driven MEBA platform.,最后他们祭出了建立模型驱动MEBA平台完整的路线图。 +"Third, Puritans exegeted Scripture in order to apply it, and as application was the focus of their concern so it was the area of their special strength, as will appear.",第三,清教徒解释《圣经》的目的是要应用经训,因为,应用《圣经》是他们所关注的核心,也是他们特殊的强项。我们马上会发现这一点。 +"Most of them are home to major universities, and even people who live in Disney's back yard still like to crack open a book and imagine their own Magic Kingdom from time to time.",这些城市大部分是著名大学的所在地,就连居住在迪斯尼后院的人们也喜欢有时打开一本书,想象一下自己的魔幻王国。 +"The Israeli Defence Forces (IDF) said it had ""targeted"" seven militants in a gun battle.",以色列国防军(IDF)称他们已经锁定了7个军事目标,准备予以炮击。 +"Jamie and SaiLin attack favoured, jamie indignation pulling Jackie home.",杰米和赛琳发作争持,杰米愤慨地拉着杰姬回家。 +Nerd alert: Your Starfleet Combadge-shaped coffee table is inadequate without this paean to TOS.,奇客们注意了:没有了这部原装系列书,你那星际迷航徽章形状的咖啡桌还不够给力! +"Lester: FastTrek is starting from scratch, so we don't have the expertise to compete.",雷斯特: 青云科技才刚要起步,所以没有足以和人一较长短的专才。 +"The carry cot textile set includes carry cot lining, a Wind Cover, and a mattress.",提篮纺织品套件包孕,婴儿床衬里,一个风罩和一个床垫。 +The effect of pretension.,预张力的影响。 +"See the ready and pity for her, the incense flush kindness heart.",见到肃恭对她怜惜,金香心中泛起亲切感。 +"Look up contact information for MIT students, faculty and staff via the campus directory and contact them via e-mail or phone in-app;",查询通讯信息。 方便获取MIT学生和教职工的通讯信息,通过e-mail或我们的应用程序进行联系。 +"Now imagine the company as a boat. Sometimes when a project doesn't go well, you have drilled a hole in the boat, which is not a problem in itself as we encourage people to take risks.",公司就好比一艘船,有时项目进展不顺利时,就相当于在船上钻了孔,就它本身而言并不算一个问题,因为我们鼓励人们冒险。 +Each person explained it in their own way.,每个人都各有各的说辞。 +"Conclusions The central visual functions of preterm infants are close to full-term infants at the age of 6 to 8 months, excepting the weaker rod function.",结论 早产儿出生6~8个月时中心视觉基本接近同年龄足月儿,但视杆细胞功能较弱; +Irving Berlin's song for the Easter holiday captures another American tradition.,欧文·伯林为复活节创作的歌曲抓住了另一个美国传统。 +Analytical method was adopted for the determination of infant formula protein digestibility in vitro .,采用体外模拟的方法测定了婴儿奶粉中蛋白质的消化率。 +"The moderate dark reddish brown reflects the best state of moderate degree of ferment sauce, color, flavor, taste, state and effective nutrition component are all ready.",适度酱色也反映出发酵酱醅成熟程度达最佳状态,色香味体和有效营养成分全备。 +"At nine pm the announcement went out over the hotel PA system: “All Journalists, there will be a trip planned to Baab al-Aziziya after dinner. Please gather in the lobby.”",晚上9点,我下榻的酒店广播宣布:"所有记者请注意,晚饭后将去阿齐齐亚访问。 +Doing justice and protecting it is our responsibility.,匡扶正义是我们的职责。 +I learn Japanese by watching Japanese movies.,我藉著看日本电影学日文。 +The best example is Bertrand Russell’s work.,最好的例证就是伯特兰·罗素的作品了。 +The result of simulation and application in the assembly workshop shows that the algorithm is practical and effective.,最后通过在某汽车制造厂中的应用,验证小生境遗传算法在解决混流装配线生产排序问题中的有效性。 +Once you’ve read the information on the page you have to enter your password a captcha code and then confirm that you want to delete your account.,当你需要阅读网页的信息时,你必须输入法密码、验证码,然后确认页面上你想要删除的信息。 +"Sue cut decides on the heritage be leave it the appropriate cable, scale and warned him later dont forget to take medicine, will let him in a coma.",苏切决定在遗产上被朵索留适当的一些,萨雷告诫他以后不要忘记吃药,会让他昏迷。 +It's actually out of place now.,现在读已经不合时宜了。 +Terms of Appointment: Successful candidates will be employed on non-civil service contract terms per Quality Review basis.,聘用条款: 获录用者将会按非公务员合约条件,按每次质素评核需要而聘用。 +In order to search for the effective method of health education on chronic disease for primary prevention in middle-age people.,为在中青年中开展慢性病一级预防工作,寻求健康教育的有效方法。 +"Last month the United manager told the Observer: ""I've got owners who have never caused me any bother.",上个月弗格森告诉观察家:“我和俱乐部的老板合作很愉快,他们从来没有给我打来麻烦。 +"Contemporary Dubai is all of these things: wind towers and opulent hotels, cars James Bond would envy and courtyards for unhurried conversation.",现代的迪拜是如此的林林总总:风塔,豪华酒店,使詹姆斯邦德都要垂涎的汽车,还有可以在其中从容谈话的庭院。 +Her screams brought the police.,她的惨叫声招来了警察。 +He thanked Xiao Ming and said Xiao Ming's English was very good.,小明非常高兴以致于笑着从梦中醒来。 +"Then the March Hare and the Hatter turned to the Dormouse. 'Wake up, Dormouse! 'they shouted loudly in its ears. 'Tell us a story. '",然后三月兔和制帽人转向睡鼠。“醒醒,睡鼠!”他们冲着它的耳朵喊起来。“给我们讲个故事。” +"In step 11, select the Arguments tab and change -Dcom.ibm.pvc.webcontainer.port=0 to 8777 (see figure 6).",在步骤 11 中,选择 Arguments 附签并将 -Dcom.ibm.pvc.webcontainer.port=0 更改为 -Dcom.ibm.pvc.webcontainer.port=8777(参见图 6)。 +"Fagilyu Mukhametzyanov, 49, had been wrongly declared deceased by doctors but died for real after hearing mourners saying prayers for her soul to be taken up to heaven in Kazan, Russia.",在俄罗斯卡赞姆,49岁的法吉尔义•木珂寒梅兹亚诺娃被医生误认为已经死亡。 在听到追悼者们祝愿她的灵魂升上天堂的祷告词之后,她真的被吓死了。 +"Two organizations, Ashoka's Changemakers and Global Water Challenge, organized the worldwide search.",阿育王(Ashoka)的 Changemakers计划与全球应对水问题促进会组织了这次全球搜索。 +The hurricane spans more than 180 miles (300 kilometers) from east to west in this image.,图片中显示,飓风从东向西距离至少300公里。 +"The Yellow River is the birthplace of the Chinese nation, the Yangtze River witnessed the history of chinese. The great motherland, I am proud of you!",黄河孕育了华夏民族,长江见证了炎黄历史。伟大的祖国,我为你自豪! +"In this paper, we present an iterative method for determining whether all roots of characteristic polynomial are on the left half-plane.",本文提出一种确定特征多项式的全部根是否位于左半平面的迭代法。 +"As a graduate student major in art and orientated in oil painting in the Art College of Sichuan University, I researched on my process, which consisted of eight phases:1.",本文主要对本人,即四川大学艺术学院美术学专业油画方向研究生程平的毕业创作过程进行了个人案例研究。 +"""The really unique thing about our advertising is what we call social context,"" Kendall says.",“我们广告真正独特的是我们叫做社会环境的东西,”Kendall说。 +"Yes, it’s easy to copy and past a URL, but if your URL is particularly long and doesn’t reflect the content of the page it may put someone off from doing the link.",复制粘贴一个链接是很容易的事,但如URL地址特别长且不能反映出文章内容的话,人们也不会选择链接过来。 +Pacification Guards were a kind of local counter-revolutionary armed force.,靖卫团是一种反革命的地方武装。 +City Bus operates the largest open-top double deckers fleet and share the largest sector of the market.,城巴拥有全港最大双层开蓬巴士车队,一直雄据巿场。 +"Cuddling in the soft sofa, I watch the dazzling screen.",偎在沙发的软窝中,厮守着一片令人眼花缭乱的屏幕。 +"In the state of the power, the resistance of the electric heaters, fuse silk in good condition is normal also, judgement is the thermostat failure.",在断电状态下,测得电热器的电阻丝完好,熔断器也正常,判断是温控器失灵。 +The paper discussed the low limit of the conductivity and analyzed the inner-impedance of inductive potential and stated the methods of impedance conversion…,对感应电势内阻抗进行了解析;提出阻抗转换、解决传输电缆分布电容和稳定信号的基准点、降低共模干扰产生的一些解决方法。 +"Standard input, or source files to assemble.",标准输入或汇编源文件。 +"Conclusions Human cord blood mononuclear cells could be served as a better source of DC, which can promote the capacity of initiating T cell-dependent anti neuroblastoma tumor immune responses.",结论人脐血单核细胞体外经细胞因子诱导分化培养,可生成大量的DC。DC体外可促进T细胞对神经母细胞瘤细胞的杀伤效应。 +"Comrade the Meng Qinggong calligraphy, wields the pen clearly smooth, vigorous reserved and refined, the atmosphere boundless.",孟庆功同志的书法,运笔圆润流畅、浑厚蕴藉、大气磅礴。 +Vignetting refers to the lightening or darkening of the edges of an image.,虚光照是指增亮或是调暗图片的边缘。 +We're building a risk and fraud function.,我们也创造了防风险和防诈骗功能。 +"In recent years, many important scientific papers in China are submitted for publication overseas in international journals indexed by SCI.",近年来,许多报道国内优秀科研成果的论文首先投向国外,特别是被美国科学引文索引(SCI)收录的高水平国际期刊。 +"Laotse asked again, ""So what did you do before that?""",老子又问:「那你在修习礼法之前,又是怎么修的呢?」 +"At the same time, the most important tasks in the political and social construction were anti-colonial national liberation and democratic progress to lay foundation for social development.",与此同时,二战后中东的政治和社会建构中最主要的任务就是反殖民民族解放和实现民主进步,为社会发展奠定基础。 +"It is decided to develop high-tech industries in Hong Kong, and the Cyberport project has been started up.",香港决心发展高科技产业,数码港正在建设中。 +"South Florida woman got a shock when she opened a recent cell phone bill: she owed $201,000.",一位南福罗里达州女性收到近期话费账单时震惊了:她欠电信公司20万零1千美元。 +Part-time and sessional work is common.,兼职和定期工作是很常见的。 +050-CompleteRetrieval.tspec -- This step emulates a human claiming and completing the retrieval task.,050-CompleteRetrieval.tspec——此步骤模拟人的行为来声明和完成检索任务。 +I want to express the major effect together with the cheongsam I wear today .,我想把主要影响与今天穿的旗袍相提并论. +"Bill fell and hurt himself, but he was game enough to get up and try again.",比尔跌倒摔伤了,但他勇敢地爬起来再做努力。 +The in-form Spaniard leapfrogged Patrik Berger in taking his league tally to 29 and counting.,正在状态的西班牙人超过了帕特里克·博格,把自己的联赛进球数增加到了29个。 +"Abandoning time person, time also gives him up. -- Shakespeare.",放弃时间的人,时间也放弃他。——莎士比亚。 +I don't have that much money on me just now.,现在我身边没那么多钱。 +Adventure Island on the price issue!,关于冒险岛物价问题! +Notice that the directories I reference here are all top-level directories that contain a hierarchy like com/elharo/foo/bar or nu/xom/util.,请注意这里所说的顶级目录是指所有包含包的层次结构的顶级目录,包括 com/elharo/foo/bar 或 nu/xom/util 的层次结构。 +How to identify transacting intent effectively in energy management contracting is challenging both to business activities and academic research.,如何有效识别合同能源管理的交易意图是产生于实践中的问题,但也对理论研究提出了挑战。 +The darkening labor market picture underscored the sense of urgency President-elect Barack Obama and lawmakers feel about enacting a huge economic stimulus plan.,"劳工市场不断恶化,凸显出美国当选总统奥巴马和国会推出庞大经济激励方案的迫切性." +"Ordinary heavy oil reservoirs on complex fault block feature in small fault block, irregular oil-water contact, heavy heterogeneity, high crude oil viscosity and low displacement efficiency etc.",普通稠油复杂断块油藏具有断块小、油水界面参差不齐、储层非均质性严重、原油黏度高、驱油效率低等油藏地质特点。 +"The independent report quoted a witness as saying the scene, a soldier towards the village, opened fire on the chest Hiroyuki, Hiroyuki fell to the ground in this village, died on the spot.",这份独立报告援引一名现场目击者的话说,一名士兵朝村本博之的胸口开枪,村本博之随即倒地,当场死亡。 +"In this paper, some typical structures of freight car buffers used in some countries are described, and the causes of box crack for MX-1 buffer analyzed.",本文介绍了各国所用货车缓冲器的几种典型结构,并对我国MX—1型缓冲器箱体裂纹原因进行分析。 +"Grind these knives , they are blunt.",把这些刀磨一磨,他们已经钝了。 +Mary received a parrot as a gift.,玛丽收到一份礼物,是一只鹦鹉。 +Squeeze the water out of the sweater. Put the cloth into the net bag then dehydrate in the wash machine.,将洗后羊绒衫内的水挤出,放入网兜在洗衣机的脱水筒中脱水。 +They have not yet relinquished the childish need for an authoritative father.,他们还没有消除儿童对一个权威性的父亲的需要。 +It's this hardcore group that has accounted for the largest part of the load on our platform over the last 6 weeks.,在过去的6个月中,我们平台负载的最大部门被中坚用户所占用。 +He stripped them off the mattress and carried Willie down to the living room.,"他把被单从垫子上扯了下来,抱着威利来到了客厅。" +The shape's pendulum toward table bit of general solemnization ward puts and nuptial site the control of the atmosphere most bear on .,长方形会场:最普遍的酒店宴会厅的形状,桌位摆放自由度吧高,宾客的主次分别不明显。 。 +"Excess standing damages the bladder and kidney meridians, which can cause fatigue and low backaches.",站在过剩 膀胱和肾脏损害经络,这可能会导致疲劳和低背痛。 +Conclusion The established dot blot technique is practicable and economical.,结论 建立的斑点杂交技术 经济 简便,切实可行。 +"The collaboration includes tailor-made training course, product and system development and consultancy services.",合作范围包括度身订造的培训课程、产品系统开发和顾问服务等。 +"In a recent interview with The New York Times, Mr. Paul, the two-time libertarian presidential candidate, referred to his son’s campaign as “our race.”",作为两届自由意志主义总统候选人的保罗父亲,最近在接受纽约时报的采访中,称呼儿子的竞选为“我们的竞赛”。 +Are you annoyed with recruiting the appropriate talents?,还在为招聘不到合适的人才犯难吗?。 +"In fact, they will love these academic experiences if we allow the normal neurochemistry of learning to take over.",事实上,他们会爱上学习,只要我们能让脑化学过程在学习中起作用。 +I am looking for the Wow factor.,我想要的是轰动的因素。 +"They like to find us quite irretrievably bad, and to leave us quite unattractively good.",她们最爱做的,就是找到一个无药可救的坏男人,然后把他变成令人乏味的好男人。 +Sui Jiangguo's solo exhibition in Today Art Museum will display his representative works and also his new created works. This will be a brand-new exhibition with many elements and many possibilities.,此次展览,展出的不仅有隋建国早年的代表作,也有其近年新作,融合多种元素,将给观众呈现一个崭新的、同时具有多种可能性的视觉空间。 +I was sitting in a limousine with tinted windows — just me and the driver — watching the guests file into the church.,婚礼那天,我才又一次见到他。我坐在豪华轿车里,只有我和司机。 +We realized that the very nature of most salesmen is to oversell and never do quite what they say they will.,我们意识到,大多数推销员的特点是,要过多地销售,而从不要只推销到他们报的数额。 +Objective: 1. To study the clinical significance of changes of serum levels of vascular endothelial growth factor(VEGF) and nitric oxide(NO) in patients of coronary heart disease(CHD).,目的:1、探讨冠状动脉粥样硬化性心脏病(CHD)患者血清血管内皮生长因子(VEGF)及一氧化氮(NO)的含量变化; +"Surprisingly, the volunteers were able to distinguish these melodies (Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1015291108).","非常意外地,自愿者们能够分辨出这些旋律(Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1015291108)。" +Remember when she brought up that thing about the three of us?,记得她提过我们三个人那回事么? +"Amongst the blessings of the nether springs, the joyous days of harvest are a special season of excessive favour.",收成喜乐的日子是蒙主恩宠的特殊日子。 +"Chapter5: mainly argue how to relocate victim's pardon in Chinese criminal law from the angle of ""should be"".",第五章:主要是从应然的角度,论述了在我国刑法中应怎样对被害人宽恕进行重新定位。 +"I guess that makes me valedictorian of my own special class, I did the best of everyone who failed.",我想这大概使我有资格代表我这一类学生发言,在所有的失败者中,我做得最好。 +Field directors: refers to persons who are employed by construction enterprises to preside over the worksite affairs and construction management of the works contracted.,一○ 工地主任:系指受聘于营造业,担任其所承揽工程之工地事务及施工管理之人员。 +"The A3000 series cameras also feature Canon's Optical Image Stabilization technology, which helps to dramatically reduce or eliminate blurring caused by minute motions caused by the user.",其中A3000系列相机还采用了光学防抖技术,能够很好地防止出现由拍摄者手抖而引起的照片模糊现象。 +"We dedicated to China, has died.",为我们中国鞠躬尽瘁, 死而后已。 +The paper has a study on length influence to large diameter friction piles by 5 groups contrastive load test in 5 test sites and obtained some useful conclusions.,该文通过5个场地的5组对比桩的试验资料的分析,探讨了桩长对大直径摩擦桩承载性状的影响,获得了一些有益的结。 +1962 - The United Nations General Assembly elects U Thant of Burma as the new UN Secretary-General.,962年的今天,联合国集体大会选举缅甸的吴丹成为新一届联合国秘书长(第三任)。 +"Hate vehicles, that kind of feeling dizzy, has been in the mind.",讨厌车辆,那种晕乎乎的感觉,一直记忆犹新。 +The formation of Outsourcing Network is a gradually evolution process. The Evolution of Outsourcing Network is realized through the co-act by enterprise's social capital and structural hole.,资源外包网络的形成并非一蹴而就,而是一个渐进演化的过程,且在很大程度上是在企业社会资本的推动和结构孔的拉动共同作用下实现的。 +"At first place, we drank Soju again and again.",在第一摊的时候,我们不断的喝著烧酒。 +She's snivelling after crying.,大哭之后她一直在啜泣。 +Leslie:Squogre. The sneaky foot soldiers of the DarkMaster.,松鼠怪。黑暗魔王鬼鬼祟祟的小兵。 +"Scientists discovered that at least some of the whales were closely related, with ages ranging in age from a few months to 64 years.",科学家发现,至少有些鲸豚有血缘上的关系,年龄介于几个月到64岁之间。 +Field evaporation potential in sprinkler irrigation field was greatly lower than that in surface irrigation field.,喷灌条件下农田蒸发能力明显低于地面灌溉。 +"Sitting on the beach, like close your eyes kissed the taste of the sea.",坐在沙滩上,喜欢闭起双眼吻着海水的味道。 +"She said that when she was “truly incapacitated, ” her doctor still wanted her to postpone surgery.",她说自己已经“真正丧失了行动力”,但就算这样,她的医生依然希望她能延迟手术。 +The results achieved are extended to elastic work-hardening of materials under the assumption of a piecewise linear yield surface.,同时又把结果推广到线性强化材料的情形。 +"Another brigade, based in Baida, has been named after slain Al Jazeera Arabic cameraman Ali Hassan al-Jaber.",另一支部队以拜达为根据地,以半岛电视台殉职的摄影师艾尔哈桑贾比尔(Ali Hassan al-Jaber)命名。 +"In cryptography, we also need to discuss modular logarithm.",在密码学中,我们也需要讨论模对数。 +"The price we pay for cheap food may be already too high: Mad Cow Disease (BSE) in cattle, salmonella in chicken and eggs, and wisteria in dairy products.",为了廉价食物我们付出代价已经太高了:牛肉中的疯牛病,鸡肉和鸡蛋中的沙门氏菌,奶制品中的利斯特杆菌。 +I will be leaving immediately from DFW for New York.,我将立即从达拉斯动身前往纽约。 +Traces of blood were found in the bathroom.,在浴室里发现一点血。 +Artan was a Somali refugee who came to the U. S. with his family in 2014.,阿尔坦是一名索马里难民,他于2014年跟家人一起来到美国。 +Trade Ministry official Hideyuki Wakutsu said Japan and Vietnam will set up a joint venture to mine rare earths in the Southeast Asian country.,经济产业官员和久津秀幸说,日本和越南将在东南亚国家建立开采稀土的合资企业。 +"Prose as performance art, an important category, it is the human heart, the soul meditation reflection best form.",散文作为表现艺术的一个重要品类,它无疑是人类省视内心、观照心灵的最佳形式。 +"Pressure, low pressure, I have pure gas.",压强,低的压强下我只有纯气体。 +That was always the end.,不过他通常是在最后才表明态度。 +"Hence, the material choice of screen superheater, the bursting analysis and precaution are influenced directly.",这直接影响了屏式过热器设计材料的选和对爆管原因的正确分析及有效预防。 +"This paper introduces the architecture, composition, function and feature of three-tier model based finical management system which is fit for a finance corporation.",本文主要介绍我们开发的基于三层模型的面向金融行业的财务信息管理系统的结构、组成、功能及其特点等。 +"Although the bill is unlikely to become law, the Senate debate has kept a public focus on the currency issue as the two countries remain at odds over China's control of the yuan.",尽管该法案不太可能最终成为法律,但在中美两国仍在人民币汇率问题上意见相左之际,参议院的辩论��人民币汇率问题备受公众瞩目。 +An approach of single face tracking based on Color-Directional Gradient Angular Histogram is proposed.,提出基于颜色—梯度方向角直方图的单人脸跟踪方法。 +During the last decade a variety of methods has been devised and adopted for balancing flexible shafts .,近十年来对于挠性轴转子的平衡提出了并采用了多种方法。 +"Recent reports imply that the economy may be coming out of its swoon and that job losses, which have topped 6 million since the recession began in December 2007, may be moderating.","近期的报告显示,美国经济或许正在逐步苏醒,而就业减少势头目前可能在趋于缓和.自2007年12月衰退开始以来,累计减少的就业超过600万." +Suicidal or homicidal urges.,有自杀或者行凶的冲动。 +Peyton : Yeah. Me and half the team.,对,我,还有一大半篮球队的人。 +There is a possibility that some construction-related companies’ shares rise just like back in 1995 when we had the Kobe earthquake.,也有可能像1995年坂神大地震一样,建筑公司的股票会大涨。 +It is those undigested protein molecules that cross over into your systemic circulation that cause all the tummy upset many Americans are complaining about. It's a vicious cycle.,正是这些未消化的蛋白质分子进入你的体循环,引起了很多美国人抱怨的胃不适。这是一个恶性循环。 +"In this paper, the morphological characteristics of the Hawaiian beet webworm were described, and habit as well as the life history were observed.",描述了甜菜白带野螟幼虫的外部形态、寄主范围、成幼虫习性以及生活史。 +"I have experience of playing against English teams in the UEFA Cup and Champions League, against Arsenal and Everton.",我在欧联杯和欧冠上分别有对阵过枪手和太妃糖的经验。 +"CSKA Moscow winger Milos Krasic has issued Juventus with another come and get me plea, as both clubs appear no closer to agreeing a fee.",莫斯科中央陆军边锋米洛斯。克拉西奇恳请尤文图斯再次做出努力将他买下,因为两家俱乐部现在仍然无法在转会费问题上达成一致。 +It is to run through study of Marxism theory to rectify in Yanan.,延安整风是贯穿着对马克思主义理论的学习和研究。 +He stressed that Iranian officials will continue to honor a nuclear non-proliferation treaty.,他强调,伊朗官员将继续遵守核不扩散条约的规定。 +A new dynamic load balancing method based on Recently-Loaded List is given to improve processor utilization.,采用静态与动态相结合的负载平衡策略和任务预分配策略,提高了处理机的利用率。 +Categories and forming mechanism of crystalline particulate and dendrites toughened metallic glass matrix composites are reviewed.,综述了晶态颗粒、枝晶增韧非晶基复合材料的种类与形成机理。 +"Durant Tianjin is the third leg of trip to China, jordan shoes, Tianjin has attracted more than 1,600 fans came to the scene.",天津是2011杜兰特中国之行的第三站,吸引了超过1600名天津球迷来到现场。 +"By using the Annotation toolbar (as of Version 8.1.1), you can also identify test module boundaries during the recording process.",通过使用 Annotation 工具栏(8.1.1 版本中所发布),您还可以在记录过程中识别测试模块界限。 +"When she wakes up, she becomes lovesick and pines for her love.",当她醒来后,心害相思,日渐憔悴。 +"Any packaging, which shows signs of reduced strength as compared with the approved design type shall no longer be used or shall be so reconditioned, that it is able to withstand the design type tests.",当容器显示出的强度与批准的设计型号比较有下降的迹象时,不得再使用,或必须予以整修使之能够通过设计型号试验。 +The fabrication process of a compact planar waveguide etched-grating(EDG) demultiplexer based on silicon-on-insulator(SOI) is studied.,研究了基于绝缘材料上的硅(SOI)材料的平面波导刻蚀光栅分波器的主要制作工艺。 +PM: I think they have a very busy and weightier agenda.,我认为他们有一个非常繁重的议程。 +"In millimeter wave band and sub-millimeter wave band, it has characters of low loss, high power handling, low dispersion and single mode transmission medium.",在毫米波和亚毫米波频段,它具有低损耗,高功率容量,低色散和单模传输的特性。 +"We enjoy a strong relationship with many quality Appalachian Hardwood sawmills , which guarantees a consistent product that meets our customers' grade and species requirements.",我们和阿巴拉契亚地区的众多锯木厂都有长期的合作关系,广泛的产地来源能够保证板材的品种和级别非常齐全。 +"In the histological studies, the thoracic ganglion mass of Scylla serrata is fused from the sub esophageal ganglion, the thoracic ganglion and the abdominal ganglion.",锯缘青蟹胸神经团由食道下神经节、胸神经节和腹神经节高度愈合而成。 +"Since the time of Freud, and earlier throughout history, it has been assumed that dreams responded to life events.",早在弗洛伊德时代,甚至更早,人们就开始将梦与现实生活联系在一起。 +CPO output may grow by 5%.,毛棕榈油产量可能增长5%。 +The contrast between the two supposedly compatible regimes appears bleakest as a visitor approaches the handsome bridge on China’s far-eastern border with North Korea.,游客站在中朝边界这座漂亮的桥上放眼望去,这种两个体制相近的国家所呈现出来的对比显得格外的凄凉。 +"Salacious B. Crumb was an intricately detailed puppet controlled by Tim Rose, the same puppeteer who worked Admiral Ackbar.",萨拉舍斯·B·克拉姆是一个精细复杂的木偶,由蒂姆·罗斯控制,他同时也是阿克巴上将的木偶操控者。 +"But rather than listening to me tell you why it's so great, wy don't you try it out yourself?",当然,除了听我一直在这说为什么它是如此如此的好之外,为什么不自己尝试一下呢? +Is such a state realisable?,这种状态可能实现么? +"Hitting the woodwork 10 times obviously does not help, but we have to start converting chances.",已经准确的命中门框10次显然一点屁用都没(恰巴眼?我村笑了。译者吐槽),但我们必须把射门转化为进球啊! +"Because it's words, it becomes a heart sound of the tone, I hope this opens the mind, to achieve something big cause!",因为一席话,就成了心音之音,但愿这心灵的开启,成就一番伟业! +Objective:The goal discussion neurosis faculty hospital development art behavior treatment is restored to health the function to the schizophrenia patient.,目的:探讨精神病专科医院开展艺术行为治疗对精神分裂症患者的康复作用。 +"Google's army of thousands of highly educated engineers, sales and marketing executives, developed advanced software and sophisticated algorithms for its search engine and advertising initiatives.",谷歌拥有一支数千名的高素质工程师和市场销售主管队伍,这支队伍为其搜索引擎和广告计划开发出了高级软件和精密算法。 +"If a continuous flea infestation is observed after using Capstar, see your veterinarian.",如果连续使用后的痕迹被跳蚤Capstar观察,看到您的兽医。 +"As part of this deal, Exxon will invest more than US$2 billion to support Rosneft in the exploitation of oil reserves in the Kara Sea, which is part of the Arctic Ocean north of Siberia.",作为这份协议的一部分,埃克森公司将会投入超过二十亿美元资金来支持俄罗斯石油公司在喀拉海域进行石油勘探。 Kara海是西伯利亚北部的北冰洋的一部分。 +"Familiar with the memories of that period, it shares with the indescribable smell, drift back now.",那段熟悉的回忆,就随着这股无可名状的气味,飘回到现在。 +Cyclopentyl Methyl Ether;,环戊基甲醚; +"For these people , payday loans may be quick and easy, but they are also seriously expensive.",对这些人来说,罚则贷款可快速而容易的,但它们也是昂贵的认真。 +"Next a marsh, it would seem, and now mere earth.",邻近一片沼泽,它看上去也曾像根圆木,如今则仅是泥土。 +The results of the model are preliminarily compared with TRMM products.,并将模拟的结果与热带测雨卫星TRMM的产品进行了初步的比较。 +Results:Bacteria were found in two strains of non-lungphilic Legionella.,结果:检测出非嗜肺的两株军团菌属的细菌。 +"If you work with smile, it will show you that you love your job and you are responsible for your work.",工作岗位上保持微笑,说明热爱本职工作,乐于克尽职守。 +Objective To establish a method for the quantitative analysis of dehydroandrograpolide succinate in potassium dehydroandrograpolide succinate injection by HPLC.,目的建立高效液相色谱法(HPLC法)并测定穿琥宁注射液中脱水穿心莲内酯琥珀酸半酯的含量。 +This article was originally written by Wang Hsi-chih and was rewritten by Fon Chen-su of Tan Dynasty.,此篇文章原作是晋朝的王羲之,此为唐朝的冯承素的临摹。 +"If you had on-line known is called the head the net friend, please act according to him to issue your related information briefly to brief his situation to yours schoolmate.",假如你在网上认识了一位叫首的网友,请根据他发给你的有关信息向你的同学简要介绍一下他的情况。 +Sulfone shell The large clams from time to time will be able to create a large pearls!,砜壳这个大蛤蜊能够每隔一段时间就会制造出一个大珍珠! +"QuYuan's misery consciousness dates back to his previous era, which is closely related to the reality of the Chu State .",屈原忧患意识源于其前代社会各阶层所表现的忧患意识,它的生成与楚国社会现实紧密相关,主要表现为忧国、忧民、忧己等。 +The government sharply raised interest rates this year but it failed to bolster the currency.,政府今年大幅度提高了利率, 但是未能加强货币。 +"NASA's plucky Voyager 2 spacecraft has hit a long-haul operations milestone today (June 28) -- operating continuously for 12, 000 days.",NASA勇往无畏的旅行者2号探测器今天在慢慢征途上迎来一个里程碑——6月28日是它连续工作12000天的纪念日。 +This is level one.,这是第一个层次。 +"Although distortion caused by the optimal parity assignment (OPA) steganography is very small, it is not secure enough due to the existence of some peculiar colors.",在以调色板图像为载体的密写方法中,最佳奇偶分配(OPA)是一种失真小,因而隐蔽性较好的方法。 +Please make clear that he should never act so impolitely again.,说明明白白地告诉他,他的举止不可以再这麽无礼。 +"When I asked if she could confirm the identity of the sender, she abruptly discontinued our correspondence.",当我问能否确认发电子邮件人的身份时,她突然中断了我们之间的联系。 +Quick Click Access: The patent-pending Quick-Click technology allows you to create a custom access code.,快点解锁 :正在申请专利过程中的快点技术让你可以创建习惯使用码。 +This server is your primary DNS server location.,该服务器是您的主 DNS 服务器位置。 +The petitioners also need to show the U. S. International Trade Commission that the paper imports caused material injury to the U. S. market or threaten to.,申诉者还需要向美国国际贸易委员会证明,这些纸张的进口给美国市场造成或可能造成实质性损害。 +"Blessing of ho also said not over, always happy thing always can't finish the music, beautiful mood beautiful forever, always happy days is not over, I wish you a happy birthday, happy every day.",祝福的话儿总也说不完,快乐的事儿总也乐不完,美丽的心情永远美不完,幸福的日子总也过不完,祝你生日快乐,幸福天天。 +"Hotels subsidiary facilities complete, leisure centre with sauna, beauty salons, dance halls, KTV rooms, tennis, table tennis, pool, gym, chess and card rooms and other facilities.",宾馆附属设施配套齐全,康乐中心设有桑拿、美容美发、歌舞厅、KTV包房、网球、乒乓球、台球、健身房、棋牌室等设施。 +"I only messed with you before you bowled, I didn't say anything while you were throwing the ball.",我没有说任何不讲理的话。 就是因为你跟我捣乱,所以我才没有打中球。 +"In light of the strong data, market participants continue to revise their 2007 GDP growth upwards, and consensus is now 2.48%.",受益于强劲数据,市场参与各方继续调高对GDP增速的预期,现在一致的结果是2.48%。 +"My name is Charles Nesson, professor of Law at Harvard.",尼森, 是哈佛法学院的一名教授。 +"You might think people are watching and judging your every move, but in all honesty, they probably care less than you think. So you shouldn't care either.",你也许认为,你的一举一动都被人看在眼里、被指指点点,但其实他们没有你想的那么在意,所以你也用不着在意。 +"Results Fasting plasma leptin levels are 2~3 times in fe- male than in male, the difference is significantly (P<0.001).",结果空腹血浆瘦素水平性别差异显著(P<0.001),女性是男性的(2~3)倍; +"Because the working relationship, you can give me the time is less, so sometimes really feel very sorry, but as long as you free after a short letter can be prickling i aggrieved heart, you know?",因为工作的关系,你能给我的时间是少之又少,所以有时候真的觉得很难过,但只要你忙完后的一条短信就可以安抚我委屈的心了,你知道吗? +"Don't worry, we specialize in providing our customers a relaxed, pressure-free shopping environment.",别担心,我们致力于给顾客提供一种放松的,没有压力的购物环境。 +So popular are TED events that applicants for the all-inclusive passes are turned away in droves.,TED 举办的活动热门到成群申请全包式大会通行证的人皆不得其门而入。 +"Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire.",教育灌满一桶水,而是点燃一团生命的火焰。 +"That's because milk is high in antioxidants, vitamins B2 and B12, as well as protein and calcium.",这是因为牛奶富含抗氧化剂,维生素B2和B12,以及蛋白质和钙。 +The four sharp points snugly nestled under the chin and sternum were designed to allow the victim just enough range of motion with his mouth to murmer a confession.,这个尖叉的四个尖角紧贴着这下颚和胸骨,而其长度设计的仅够受害者轻微的张嘴招供。 +Version 11.1 of Unicenter Network and Systems Management earned Evaluation Assurance Level 2 certification.,Unicenter网络和系统管理软件11.1版本获得了评估保障2级认证(EAL2)。 +Those visitors feel fear and pain inside the bus and can't shout for help.,那些旅客真的怕和痛苦在旅游巴士里,不能叫人帮忙。 +Last year California spent $350m on textbooks and can no longer afford it.,去年,加利福尼亚州在教材上投入三亿五千万美元,而今年再也承受不了资金负担。 +"Based on BP algorithm and SPDS algorithm, a short-term traffic flow forecasting model of nodes in urban road network is put forward.",本文应用BP学习算法及进行误差校正的SPDS算法,建立了基于BP网络的城市道路网节点短时段交通量预测模型。 +"The reason this is important is because if the bed gets stained or ripped, you will lose the 10-year warranty and will lose the 30/60/90 day trial period.",这一点之所以重要是因为:如果床垫褪色了或是裂开了,你就会失去那十年的保质单,还会失去三十天、六十天、九十天的试用期。 +"The curling iron is shaped like a night stick, spring loaded and they’re commonly made from tourmaline, metal or titanium.",卷发棒的外型像是一根警棒,是弹簧式的,一般是由电气石、金属或钛等材料制作成的。 +"Many lithologic sandstone reservoirs have been discovered in BH region, Jianghan Basin, and for which the lithology prediction should be used.",江汉盆地BH地区已发现多个砂岩岩性油藏,需要开展岩性预测工作。 +Whang's description of diseases and how they come to be is also very interesting.,旺先生描述的疾病,以及它们如何来可也十分有趣。 +Objective:To explore the combined treatment rigimen of gonococcal prostatitis.,目的:探讨淋菌性前列腺炎的治疗方法。 +Longxi pool of Chinese culture will become the focus of one of the county.,陇西将成为凝聚中华文化的重点县之一。 +"And I just want to point out here in terms of things that you're responsible for, you should know that the most probable radius for a 1 s hydrogen atom is equal a nought.","在这里,我想要指出的是,你们要知道氢原子1s轨道,最可能距离等于a0" +"Any dispute or claim arising out of or in connection with this Agreement shall be adjudicated in Santa Clara County , California .",由本协议产生或与本协议有关的任何争议或权利要求,都应在加利福尼亚州圣克拉拉城裁决。 +After she has shared three or four problems he becomes extremely frustrated and confused trying logically to relate these problems.,哪知她谈了三、四个问题后,他就会因为把这些问题的逻辑性牵连在一起,而感到极度的挫折与迷惑。 +A method concerning the selective alkylation of phenolic group in berbamine by means of dialkyl oxalate was reported.,本文探讨了小檗胺酚羟基烷基化方法并提出了草酸酯作为选择性烷基化反应的试剂。 +"And your esophagus naturally constricts around anything inside it, so even though there is a thin protective gas layer, the esophagus will manage to make contact with the liquid nitrogen.",而且食道会压缩里面的任何东西,因此即便有稀薄的气垫保护,液氮还是与食道发生了亲密接触。 +This part mainly explores the decision-making of the major high-tech enterprises in tax planning.,这一部分主要是对高新技术企业税收筹划决策进行探讨。 +"The convenience sample was 187 older adults living in a continuing care retirement community (CCRC) in Baltimore, Maryland.",有187名生活在连续护理社区里的老年人构成的方便样本。 +President Hu Jintao has invited President Obama to visit China at a mutually convenient time and we look forward to his early visit.,胡主席也已邀请奥巴马总统在双方方便的时候访华,我们期待着他早日成行。 +"The frequency and intensity of urban heat island in commercial landscape, industrial landscape, residential landscape and forest landscape were studied through fixed point measurements.",通过定点观测的方法对商业区、工业区、社区和森林公园的热岛发生频率及其强度进行了研究。 +Let us admire these beautiful images taken by the skillful photographers.,让我们一同欣赏这些漂亮的充满技巧性的照片吧。 +"Objective To detect the levels of C-reactive protein(CRP) and prealbumin(PA), and to evaluate their clinical significance in the diagnosis of patients with general surgical infection.",①目的评价血清C-反应蛋白(CRP)与前清蛋白(PA)在普外感染病人中的变化及其意义。 +"Unless there is a Depression-like scenario, Mr. Birinyi said, stocks are ready to start ratcheting upward, although the gains could be slow and volatile.",伯英伊说,除非出现大萧条时的那种情形,否则股票会开始向上,只不过涨幅可能比较缓慢或曲折。 +Give your file the name of index.php and click Finish.,将文件命名为 index.php 并单击 Finish。 +"If the database isn't suspect, then DBCC CHECKDB with a REPAIR option might be a secondary option but this will often result in loss of data.","如果数据库没有被置疑,那么带REPAIR选项的DBCC CHECKDB可能是第二选择,但是这通常会导致数据损失." +"Oh, yeah, you bet. Kevin, you can sit in the control room. Let me know what you think of the song. Come this way.",噢,是的,当然。凯文,你可以坐在控制室。让我知道你对歌的看法。这边来。 +ESB 在服务请求者和提供者之间提供松耦合,允许用一个服务实现来替换另一个,而且不会对该服务的消费者造成影响。,"Providing loose-coupling between service requestors and providers, the ESB allows for substitution of one service implementation with another, with no effect to the consumers of that service." +I am sure there are poor white people living in New Orleans.,我敢肯定有贫穷的白人住在新奥尔兰。 +The authors ruled out displacement of people from within the parks and high levels of population as the reason for this growth.,这组作者排除了从保护区内部迁移出居民和高人口密度导致这种增长的可能性。 +The clinical course is fatally fulminant with diffuse invasion and early metastasis.,在其临床进程则是快速且致命的,具有扩散性侵犯及早期转移现象。 +Let's start with the easiest task: the process.bnd file.,让我们从最容易的任务开始:process.bnd 文件。 +"According to the differences of the essence and operation of the power, the kinds of death-penalty execution are in varied forms.",正是由于权力的本质及其运作模式的差异,死刑的执行方式才会呈现多种样态。 +Brea Thompson a student at Washington State University in 2005 shows her credit card. A new law will make it harder for banks to give credit cards to people under 21.,年华盛顿洲立大学学生贝瑞阿• 汤普逊出示她的信用卡,新法律将使银行很难给21 岁以下人群提供信用卡。 +The local people fenced the land to preempt it against other claimants.,当地人把地围了起来,以获得排斥他人购买该地的优先购买权。 +"“While we are on the lookout for exaggeration, we must bear in mind that the snarling dog the child is telling about was a lot larger to his small form than it was to ours, ” adds Asbell.",阿斯贝尔又补充说:“当我们在警惕着孩子有没有夸大其词的时候,也要记着孩子口中诉说的那只咆哮的狗对于孩子弱小的身躯来说要比对于我们的身体显得大得多。 +"To face the difficulty of long-distance love, could you deal with the unpredictable change with patience?",面对艰辛的异地恋,你是否沉得住气应对诸多莫须有的变故? +"The legislative announced in the ward and jade yun to dating, all the staff smile.",立基在病房内宣布与玉娟拍拖,众医护人员都会心微笑。 +Return to management-oriented from fair in theory that focus on purely technology is inevitable trend of theory and practice development.,从强调理论公平的纯粹技术层面回归成本管理导向,是成本动因理论发展的必然趋势。 +"Those crates are bolted to the floor and locked for safety, "" explains Ramirez.""",这些木笼子和地板隔开并且上了锁确保安全。 +"Immoderately adhering to a belief, fashion, or course of action; extreme.",偏激的过度地执着于一个信念、时尚或行动; +"I changed my name in every country, and when I got to London, I thought I was safe.",每到一个国家我就更名改姓,到了伦敦,我觉得安全了。 +I wanted to glide and spin and fly like the did.,我想地滑,空翻像他们一样自由自在。 +"I need to take Adie to Aydindril and study the prophecies with her before I know for sure what to do with the stone, and what to do about the boxes.",我得先把Adie带到艾丁吉尔一起研究预言书,希望能弄明白解决这石头和奥登魔盒问题的可靠方法。 +"With the coal production coal-tar oil substitution partial petroleum and the petroleum substitute, will be the trend in the future society development inevitable, the tar market prospect favors.",用煤生产煤焦油取代部分石油及石油替代品,是未来社会发展的必然趋势,焦油市场前景看好。 +It is for sth else usually.,而通常是求些别的东西。 +Backup the original engine.tld file if you wish to.,如果您愿意,请备份 engine.tld 文件。 +"Given the constant changes going on, it is necessary to have easily updatable output in a variety of formats to properly communicate information.",假定变化是持续的,为了准确地交流信息需要有多种形式的易更新的输出。 +Conclusion Anti-SEA IgY with high specificity and sensitivity has been obtained and purified.,结论 制备的抗SEA鸡卵黄抗体的特异性和敏感性均较高。 +"Of these deaths, an estimated 7.3 million were due to coronary heart disease and 6.2 million were due to stroke.",在这些死亡中,估计有730万死于冠心病,620万死于中风。 +"'Well, if she doesn't pay the toll, your mistress's niece can't pass through the gate, 'replied the gatekeeper.",“好吧,如果你的女主人的侄女不付过路��,她就不能从路卡通过,”守卡人回答。 +Objective To study the alteration in the glycoprotein combined with BS-1 on the mucosal surface of the oviduct after chlamydial trachomatis (CT) infection.,目的研究沙眼衣原体感染后输卵管与植物凝集素BS-1结合的糖蛋白的变化。 +"Furthermore, the Chinese usually prefer to read the temperature in centigrade, while the Americans prefer Fahrenheit.",而且,中国人通常喜欢使用摄氏温度表示温度,而美国人则喜欢用华氏温度表示。 +"Meanwhile, lost in their oblivion, conservatives will continue to bemoan the ruination of the country by homosexual marriage, abortion, and ""the liberal media.""",与此同时,在毁灭中迷失理智,保守党将会因为这个国家被同性恋婚姻、堕胎和“自由媒体”毁坏而悲叹。” +"Then based on partial suffix tree, presents a new parallel algorithm of suffix tree, which can construction large suffix tree in memory and more perfect to very large sequences.",在部分后缀树的基础上提出了后缀树的并行算法,解决了后缀树在应用上的内存瓶颈问题,因此更适合大规模的序列分析。 +The domestic wastewater advanced treatment with soilless cultivated bracketplant chlorophytum was studied.,利用吊兰无土栽培系统对二级处理后的生活污水进行深度处理。 +"One thing that hasn't changed since ancient times, though, is Greek hospitality. Ancient Greeks believed that a stranger might be a god in disguise.","但有一件事自古至今仍未改变,那就是希腊人的好客.古希腊人相信,陌生人可能是神的化身,所以他们总会善待陌生人。" +"Northeast is low-angle slope, develop constructive potamic-lake delta, The delta from headstream to lake, extend very long, sediment complex and Microfacies multiplicity.",三角洲从物源到湖泊区,延伸距离远,沉积复杂、微相多样。 +This water has an extremely acid flavor .,这水有一股强烈的酸味。 +"College students are a special group of people, they are the pillar of country and shouldering hopes of our people.",大学生是一个特殊的群体,他们被认为是国家的栋梁和民族的希望。 +"Hello, Mr. Dog. A A radish, a big radish. It's too heavy. I can't pull it out.",兔:你好,狗先生。一个萝卜,一个大萝卜。它太重了。我拔不出来。 嵰。 +"Sitting in the quiet night, the young girl dreamt to get the Cupid's Arrow.",静静地坐在夜色中,这个女孩憧憬着被丘比特之箭射中。 +"Afterward, I write on the blank paper softly : this is solitude, being silent to sing silently.",然后,我在一页空白的纸上,轻轻的写道:这孤独,正寂寂地歌唱。 +"Across the river in Vientiane, the Lao capital, the Mekong River Commission's Joint Committee was preparing for a highly anticipated meeting on the Lao dam proposal.",河对面的万象,老挝首都,湄公河委员会的联合委员会正在起草一项关于老挝大坝会议的建议备受瞩目。 +"This dish ancient legend, to the national liberation, Shandong, Jiangsu, Shanghai and other places there are still a number of senior restaurant supply, after liberation, long-term disruption.",此菜历代相传,至全国解放前,山东、江苏、上海等地一些高级菜馆仍有供应,解放以后,长期中断。 +Results Neonate patients usually present complete upper gastrointestinal obstruction because most of them were complicated with duodenal atresia.,结果新生儿环状胰腺均表现为高位完全性肠梗阻症状,多合并十二指肠膜状闭锁; +St John's WortHypericum perforatum- St John's Wort can ease distressing menopausal symptoms. (1) It is widely used in mild depression and anxiety and is also effective in nervous tension.,圣约翰麦汁贯叶连翘-圣约翰麦汁,可以缓解痛心更年期症状。( 1 )这是广泛使用在轻度抑郁和焦虑,又是有效的神经紧张起来。 +"Houfu, located in Wula Street town, is a typical house in which Manchu officials in northeastern China ever lived, reflecting the characteristics of privately owned Manchu houses.",乌拉街镇的“后府”,是典型的东北地区官宦旗人住宅,是北方满族居住文化的缩影。 +"When orders are not regularly enforced nor used to train the soldiers, they will not be obedient.",平时不认真贯彻命令、不教育士卒,士卒就会养成不服从的习惯; +"Of course, women who focus on style over substance eventually find what they want:a devilishly handsome man who is oh-so-smooth and sophisticated.",当然,那些关注外表超过一切的女人终究会找到她们想要的:一个超级帅哥, 知冷知热,世故有礼。 +Does your repository specify the mimetype for content?,存储库是否为内容规定 mimetype? +"Guangzhou Guojun Garment Co. , LTD is a enterprise, is the dress by relevant state departments approved registration of enterprise.",广州市国俊服装有限公司是一家服装的企业,是经国家相关部门批���注册的企业。 +"In the spring after the doors are opened, they nest in the field.",到第二年春天当门打开时,它们在田地里垒起了窝。 +Adrian: You've had a makeover haven't you?,阿德里恩: 你有精心打扮过哦,没有吗? +"Japper's meteorological agency warned that a tsuni ami as high as 20feet (6 meters) could strike the coast near Miyagi prefecture, closest to the epicenter.",日本气象局发出警报说一股20英尺(6米)高的海啸可能袭击离震中最近的宫城周围的海岸,想知道本地。 +Go OVER the bridge. Walk past the big Tower Free- fall Ride and the roller coaster will be on your left.,沿着这条路走,然后向左拐。穿过桥,走过自由落体乘车塔,过山车就在你的左边。 +"The fellow was allergic, it turned out, to so many different comestibles that, after all his paid sick days and vacation were used up, he ""ultimately was moved to a role where he didn't touch food.""",原来这位大厨对许多食物过敏,于是在用完了所有带薪病假和假期之后,他“终于找了一份不需要跟食物打交道的工作。” +"In the future, though, says Castonguay, Google “will probably have to introduce a connectivity manager on the device so that its interaction with the mobile network is as efficient as possible.",然而在未来,卡斯顿圭说,谷歌“可能要在设备上引进连接管理器,以便设备与移动网络的互动更加有效。” +"It needs to be a generic component that is not sensitive to the exact type of IDoc being received, and it is implemented using the passthrough mode described above.",它应该是一个通用组件,对正在被接收的 IDoc 的确切类型不敏感,且它是使用上述传送模式实现的。 +The human spirit of non history is shown in:the tendency of subjective idealism and volitionism;,非历史的人文精神表现在:主观唯心主义和唯意志论的倾向; +Thou lovest evil more than good; and lying rather than to speak righteousness. Selah.,你爱恶胜似爱善,又爱说谎,不爱说公义。 +"Near the closing bell, in contrast with the aspirin-popping of recent months, a couple of traders shot wads of paper into a wastebasket.",快收盘时,许多交易员轻松地将废纸团投进废纸蒌,这与近几个月来一到收盘大家就头痛的景象形成对比。 +For the next four years; do haudio-videoe this little video chevery with her every few days; and do email her when you haudio-videoe an opportunity.,在你的大学四年,有空时你必定要每每跟妹妹视频聊聊天,写写电子邮件。 +Autonomic request flow manager (ARFM) provides flow control for incoming workload.,自动请求流管理器 (ARFM) 提供对传入工作负载的流控制。 +Michael mopped up quickly with his napkin.,迈克尔迅速用餐巾将其揩干。 +In the qualifying for the World Open I drew Ken Doherty and it was a close match with Ken eventually winning 3-2. I feel like things are now getting better though.,世界公开赛资格赛我对阵达赫迪,我们俩打得十分接近我在决胜局2-3输给了达赫迪,但最近这几个星期我对新球杆适应多了。 +Senate Minority Leader Republican Mitch McConnell says both parties will work together in an effort to stop further financial turmoil.,参议院少数党共和党领袖麦康奈尔说,两党将共同努力,阻止金融市场出现更多的动荡。 +the full story of Swarnlata here.,关于Swarnlata完整的故事点击 here. +It is widely used in channel control surveying to define the coordinates of unknown points by ranging intersection for setting free-station of total station.,利用全站仪自由设站测边交会确定待定点的坐标,在航道控制测量工作中得到较好的应用。 +"Yes, on the 1st and all month long, your thoughts, feelings, communications and experiences are delectably to the point. You don't waste time on trifles, and you don't get bogged down in negativity.",好的,在十月一日以及整个月份,你的思想,感觉,交流和经历都愉快至极,你不会在小事上浪费时间,并且不会深陷消极的泥潭。 +"Before the talks, Wen hosted a welcome ceremony for Putin.",会晤前,温家宝为普京举行欢迎仪式。 +"Enter new century, belt of economy of annulus Bohai Sea will become China belt of apophysis of the 3rd old economy, become the new growth area that has development vigor and competition ability most.",进入新世纪,环渤海经济带将成为中国第三大经济隆起带,成为最具有发展活力和竞争力的新的增长区域。 +This was one of those games. They outplayed us tonight.,今天就是这样一天,他们今晚打败了我们。 +"Part 4: In this part, I mainly discuss the contribution of the overseas Chinese to Russia and China, involving economy, technology, and culture , etc.",第四部分:主要论述华侨对侨居国俄罗斯和对祖籍国中国以及对两国之间经济、技术、文化等方面的贡献。 +"Provisionally designated P4, it completes an orbit of Pluto in about 31 days. Presently Pluto's smallest and dimmest known moon, P4 is estimated to be 13 to 34 kilometers across.",这颗暂定编号为“P4”的卫星环绕冥王星一圈大约需要31天,是目前冥王星已知卫星中最小且最暗的一颗,估计直径在13到34千米之间。 +"Our commitment is to bring to you all the best that we can, all the time. We sincerely look forward to working with you for both of us making greater acheivements.",创造价值、共享价值是我们不断前进的源动力,我们真诚期待与您携手合作,共创辉煌! +"Bosom plump, waist is fine, coxal fleshy.",胸部丰满、腰细、臀部肥厚。 +"Still, there is an Asian feel and influence in my designs.",虽然如此,在我的设计中还是有一些亚洲的感觉和影响。 +"The test bed can satisfy the test requirements of canned motor pumps and controlled leakage shaft sealing type pumps, respectively.",本试验台能分别满足屏蔽主泵和轴封主泵试验。 +"About 3500 people are living in the City of the Sun – the world biggest religious eco-settlement, based in the Siberian boreal forest.",世界最大的宗教生态定居地——太阳城,位于西伯利亚泰加林中,拥有大约3500位居民。 +"Uncertainty over the international outlook has increasedrecently, though a global double-dip recession appears“unlikely, ” Governor Kim told reporters after leaving borrowingcosts unchanged.",国际经济前景愈发不可捉摸,虽然出现二次衰退的“可能不大”,央行行长金仲秀在保持借贷成本不变后告诉记者。 +"There is probably no such thing as a lasting peace, any more than a garden will ever cease to need weeding and watering.",世间也许不会有永久的和平, 正如所有的花园都需要不停地去除莠草和勤加灌溉。 +It is better to travel along some open space to avoid wild animals.,沿着空旷开阔的路线行走,能更有效防备野生动物。 +"He went to the window and looked down into Dearborn Street, the world of traffic below holding his attention.",他走到窗口,俯瞰下面的第尔蓬街,那车马往来的世界就吸住了他的注意。 +"But demand for grain is growing even faster. The council reckons it will reach 1,680m tonnes this year. In three of the past four years, demand has exceeded supply.",但是别忘了需求也很大,国际谷物协会预计今年的需求就会达到十六亿八千万吨,在过去的4年有三年是供不应求。 +It serves as a sun base to leave skin tone looking even and sharp by efficiently intercepting ultra violet rays for everyday life when it is without outdoor activities.,均匀而鲜明地调理肤质的美白清透隔离霜…; 可以在无野外活动的日常生活中轻松而简便得隔离紫外线。 +"A river rising in northeast New Mexico and flowing about 1,223 km (760 mi) generally southeast to the Canadian River in eastern Oklahoma.",发源于新墨西东北的河流,全长约为1,223公里(760英里),总体向东南在俄克拉荷马东部注入加拿大河。 +"'I can't stand it, ' she adds, when the why-bother pessimists take charge.",我无法忍受让那些不愿花心思费力气的悲观主义者执掌大权。 +I hoped hang gliding would deliver the unencumbered essence of flight.,我希望悬挂式滑翔能给我带来无拘无束的纯粹飞行体验。 +"Yuan Hao a good hearted, unexpectedly will be such a result, quickly discouraged, Xiao Chongwu pushed him aside.",袁浩一片好心,想不到竟然会是这么一个结果,急忙劝阻,萧崇武把他推到一边。 +"""I think a man in my position must know how it all happens,"" the president said after a five-hour flight on a giant TU160 strategic bomber to test-fire a cruise missile over northern Russia.",普京乘坐庞大的图-160战略轰炸机在俄罗斯北部地区试射了一枚巡航导弹,整个飞行过程历时5小时。 之后,普京说:“我想,作为俄罗斯总统,我必须了解整个过程。” +"When one knows thee , then aline there is none , then no doors is shut .",一旦认识你,这世上就再也没有陌生人,也没有了紧闭的门户)——。 +"The big banyan overgrow of my day of day of a block limb, hang below brawny and strong limb full each golden orange.",一棵遮天蔽日的大榕树长满了枝干,粗壮有力的枝干下面挂满了一个个金灿灿的橘子。 +"From the recipient's perspective: When receiving a message, how is the identity of the sender and the content of the message authenticated?",从接收方的角度来看:在接收消息时,发送方的身份和消息的内容是如何得到验证的呢? +"The FDA Bureau of Biologics begins regulating Blood resources. It assumed this responsibility from the National Institutes of Health, Division of Biologics Standards.",食品及药物管理局生物制剂局开始调整血液资源。它假设这项任务来自国家卫生研究院生物制剂部。 +The three partners are currently co-producing a number of different China-themed films that are based on historical events but will hopefully appeal to both Western and Eastern audiences.,这三家合作伙伴目前正在联合制作多部不同中国主题的电影。 影片以历史事件为基础,但有望同时受到东西方观众的欢迎。 +The researchers reported their results recently in The Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.,研究人员把他们的成果发表在了最近的《国家科学院学报》上。 +"I like salty herring. I bought some in Safeway, but it was sweet.",我喜欢咸鲱鱼,我在西夫韦买一些,但是它却是甜的。 +"October 2010 - As of the evening of 25 October, the Ministry of Health of the Government of Haiti has reported 3 342 confirmed cases including 259 fatalities.",2010年10月26日 - 截至10月25日傍晚,海地政府卫生部报告了3342起确诊病例,包括259例死亡。 +"While congressional offices were busy studying the report, an official from the rating firm Standard & Poor's quietly called to ask for details of the underlying projections.",就在国会各办公室忙着研究这份报告的时候,评级机构标准普尔公司(Standard &Poor's)的一位负责人悄悄打来电话,询问报告的细节。 +"He doesn't have any doubt in the back of his mind, that is created when a player switches racquets.",他对此深信不疑,这是职业选手在选择拍子时就会产生的念头。 +"Butnow, in the day of the ""information retrieval system, "" such a reverence is not being placed onthe reding, and then saving, of books.",但是现在,在这个“信息检索系统”的时代,读书和藏书已不能获得这种尊重。 +"Without a support from a comprehensive and high-efficient educating investment system for farmers, farmer-training would be water without a source, or a tree without roots.",本研究系统阐述了农民培训资金来源的历史、现状及存在的问题,提出了拓展农民培训资金来源的对策建议。 +The back-calculated results are further used to predict the settlement versus time curves under the embankment centerline which matches those measured iii the field fairly well.,运用这一结果,预测路堤中线下地基固结沉降历时曲线与实测沉降曲线很好吻合。 +"We have strong support from people like Jack Kemp, Phil Gramm, and Steve Forbes signed up.",我们有肯普、格拉姆和福布斯等加入共和党的人的坚定支持。 +"Suu Kyi's party won a landslide majority in the 1990 election, the result of which was not honored by the junta.",昂山素季曾以压倒性优势赢得了1990年选举,这一结果为军政府不能接受。 +"Similarly, the Milky Way deforms a satellite galaxy or star cluster by pulling harder on one side of the stellar system than on the other.",同样的,银河系对恒星系统两侧施力大小不同,卫星星系或星团便开始变形。 +"So, it is very hard to the requirements of, have to undergo a high temperature and high pressure, explosion, vibration without damage, its soundness cans be imagined.",所以,对它的要求很苛刻,必须经受得起高温、高压、爆炸、震动而不损坏,其牢固性可想而知。 +"Not only will we see the world in a different light, but we will truly start to realize the potential for this form of energy to both empower ourselves and those around us.",不仅如此,而且我们才真正开始认识到我们自己和周遭人事物的潜力。 +"After 12 months, the untreated plastic hadn’t decomposed at all.",12个月后,科学家们发现,未处理的塑料完全没有分解。 +The over-half rule in our country's representing institutes indicates the wide and true participation in our democracy and improvement needed.,我国表决议案一律由代表机关全体成员的过半数通过,这是我国民主的广泛性和真实性的具体表现,但又存在着值得改进之处。 +Assign security and rights to each node in the dimension hierarchy...,为维度层次结构中的各个节点指定安全性和权限…… +"As the saying goes, ""Practice makes perfect. "" When we learn English, we should read more, speak more, listen to English from time to time and writing every day.",有句谚语说:“熟能生巧”。学英语的时候,我们应该要多读、多说、多听、多写。 +"On a rainy night on Friday, and facing an audience of 35,000 at a Hangzhou sports stadium, Ma delivered his farewell speech.",上周五晚,面对杭州体育场的三万五千名阿里员工,马云冒雨发表了告别演说。 +Battune Sinister - Marks a royal descent that is barred by illegitimacy from succession to the throne.,被包围的凶物-标志着被他人策反而掉去继承权的王室后裔。 +"To restore the image under the Clonezilla Live shell, you must log on as root, as in Listing 1; this gives you full access to Clonezilla.",要在 Clonezilla Live shell 下恢复映像,必须以根用户身份登录;随后可以完全地访问 Clonezilla。 +"Chinese are very hardworking. They do notwant to waste anything, specially the land. There is no reason Chinawill not be No1 again in the future.",中国人非常勤劳。他们不想浪费任何东西,特别是土地。所以中国没有理由不再次成为未来的世界第一。 +"This travel proves even if I don't write anything, my friends will not look on me suffer from hunger.",这次旅行就给我证明:即使我不再写一个字,朋友们也不肯让我冻馁。 +SOX9 is a downstream gene of SRY and plays pivot roles.,SOX9可能是SRY的一个下游基因,起着承前启后的作用。 +Literally every tree on the street was covered with light effects or christmas decoration.,街道上的每棵树都被五光十色的彩灯以及圣诞饰品装饰着。 +"Therefore, the architecture foundindustrialized solutions such as metal structures and steel frame walls.",因此,采用了诸如金属结构和钢架墙等工业化解决办法。 +Lisitng 1 shows a basic page with a couple of styles (just to pretty it up a little).,清单 1 展示了带有几种样式(只是为了使页面好看些)的基础页面。 +"Through the framework of the three traditions of international thought identified by Martin Wight--Realism, Rantionalism and Revolutionism, this thesis aims at finding answers to this question.",本文借用英国学派代表人物马丁·怀特的三分法,将国际关系思想分为现实主义、理性主义、革命主义三种传统,并详细分析了三种传统的理论立场。 +It's the best way to stay in shape.,我爱跳舞,这便是保持身材最好的方法。 +"Be sure to express appreciation for a job even half-done , because the illness undermines a person's confidence, initiative, patience, and memory.",确定对每一次努力表示感激,即使只是做了一半。因为疾病破坏了人的自信,主动性,耐心和记忆。 +"Return of love,more blest may be the view;",看到爱的归来,是他们心中最大的企盼; +A close- up lens is ideal for taking close- up picture.,镜用来拍特写照片最理想。 +"The present invention concerns a reactive carrier that forms no by-products during melt injection of polymer into articles such as sheets, films, fibers and containers.",本发明涉及一种活性载体,该活性载体在将聚合物熔融注射成物件如 板、膜、纤维和容器的过程中不形成副产物。 +Soil vapor extraction (SVE) is a cost-effective in-situ soil remediation technology being used widely abroad for removing volatile organic compounds (VOCs) from soil in the unsaturated zone.,土壤蒸气抽排是一种当前国外广泛应用的土壤现场修复技术,它能经济高效地去除非饱和带土壤中的挥发性有机污染物。 +The proposal proposed by the President was sailed through.,总统的议案顺利地通过了。 +You are evil! You know what? You do have a talent. We should start a special bakery for heartborken people.,你真的很坏! 知道不?你真的很有天赋啊.我们应该为那些心碎的人开一个特别的烘焙店. +"Toxicity tastes toxicity originally extremely low , milk does not resist , there is no deliver irregular , cancerogenic , inherit toxicity and immune toxicity.",毒性本品毒性极低,并无奶抗、无致畸性、致癌性、遗传毒性和免疫毒性。 +"In his compositions, he covers a broad spectrum style-wise, from experimental electronica to accessible pop songs or contemporary Jazz.",在他的音乐作品广泛且风格明快,从实验性电子音乐到平易近人的流行乐或现代爵士乐。 +"It appears to involve more primitive aspects of the brain, activating deep structures that may block pain at a spinal level -- similar to how opioid analgesics work.",这似乎涉及到大脑更原始的问题,激活深层结构可能会阻止在脊椎级的疼痛- 与阿司匹林片类镇痛药的作用相似。 +"She left right before Broken Social Scene played, and they brought out the chick from Metric and oh my God it felt very South by Southwest-y.",她正好在崩世光景演出之前离开了,而当她和公制乐队一同出现在台上时,我感觉这太有西南偏南电影节的范儿了! +"Apparently, during the climax of the movie when astronaut Dave Bowman confronts his own death and undergoes a transformation into a mysterious celestial being, “Robert” started yelling.",现场的观众看到,在影片达到高潮,就是宇航员大卫面对自己的死亡和经历升天的转变的时候,“罗伯特”叫了起来。 +They have a low-post guy in Garnett.,他们有一个低位球星加内特。 +"Advanced G-20 economies will aim to halve deficits by 2013 and start to stabilize their debt-to-output ratios by 2016, the group said in a statement yesterday after a meeting in Toronto.",G20中的发达国家将在2013年削减一半赤字,到2013年稳定负债率。 +"Reinforce the quality control of contractor and project agent, strengthen the carryout of constrictive management.",加强对项目代理的开发,强化协调,有效治理与总包商的关系。 +"Mainly such aspects as the markedness, the relation of figure and ground, the conceptual iconicity, the semantic prototype and its change, and the mental space of negation are dealt with.",文中重点论述和分析了否定现象的标记性,图与底的关系,距离相似性,语义原型和语义范畴的变化以及否定概念的心理空间等诸方面。 +"The high-steep anticline belt belonged to barrier parallel fold is greatly variant in vertical, forming many types of traps and being of various gas-water distribution laws.",高陡背斜带属隔挡式平行褶皱,纵向变异很大,形成多种圈闭类型,具有不同的气、水分布规律。 +"The other norm is ""the second generation of stars"", do you know ?",还有个名词叫“星二代”,你知道吗? +Kleptomania is the disease in which a person has great difficulty resisting the impulse to steal something.,盗窃癖是指有人很难抵制偷东西的冲动的一种疾病。 +"Millions of humans affected by Alzheimer's disease, other species don't get Alzheimer's disease.","上百万人受阿尔茨海默氏症的侵扰,其它物种并不会得这种病" +"One important aim of President Hu's visit is to guide China-Canada economic and trade cooperation towards a larger scale, a wider range and a higher level.",胡锦涛主席此访把推动中加经贸合作向更大规模、更宽领域、更高水平发展作为一个重要目标。 +"Yak as the closest animal to Tibetan , the yak is always considered as auspicious sacred animal, the Tibetans apparatus for sacrifice in the past, are mostly engraved with scriptures.",作为藏族人最亲近的动物,牦牛遗址以来都被认为是吉祥神圣的动物,过去的藏族人献祭用的器具,就多为刻有经文的牦牛骨。 +"When guinea-worm disease is eradicated, this will be the first disease kicked out of its human host, not by a powerful vaccine, but by health education and behaviour change.",当几内亚线虫病得以消灭之时,将是不用强有力的疫苗,而是利用健康教育和行为改变从人类宿主中剔除出去的首个疾病。 +"Cancergrams: CT09 Breast Cancer: Diagnosis, Treatment, Pre-Clinical Biology.",CT09乳腺癌:诊断,治疗,临床前生物学。 +"Using classes with specific HTML tags To create tag-class styles to use with a specific HTML element, begin by planning a scheme of tags and their related style variations.",对特定的 HTML 标记使用类 要想创建应用于特定 HTML 元素的标记类样式,首先要计划标记方案以及相关的样式变体。 +"The coffins of the eight peacekeeping police officers draped in Chinese national flags are laid at the Babaoshan Revolutionary Cemetery in Beijing, China, Jan. 20, 2010.",2010年1月20日,覆盖着中国国旗的八名维和警官灵柩置放于北京八宝山革命公墓。北京将于周三早上举行向他们的告别仪式。 +"I gave her some roses on Valentine's Day. In return, she gave me a box of chocolates.",情人节的时候我送她一些玫瑰。她给我一盒巧克力回报我。 +Do you believe the Nanyang region was closely related to Cantonese pop songs in the 1950s?,1950年代,南洋地区与粤语流行曲的关系密切,你相信吗? +Our theatrical company will rehearse and stage a small theatre drama.,我们剧社将排演一出小剧场话剧。 +Using righteousness to restrict profit is the essential theoretical principle of confucius' righteousness and profit .,以义制利,是孔子义利观的基本思想原则。 +Maybe you should drink a bottle of water before making a decision about your stock portfolio.,也许在你对股票投资组合做出决定前,你应该喝一瓶水。 +Oh no! I think you're sentence got cut off!,啊哟,好像你的句子被切断了! +"China previously named the space lab ""Tiangong"" meaning heavenly palace, and the spacecraft to transport astronauts was named ""Shenzhou"", divine vessel.",中国以前命名的太空实验室“天工”的含义天宫,并运送宇航员的飞船被命名为“神舟”,神圣的船只。 +Because the Godliness strengthened by spiritual exercise has benefits for tomorrow as well as today!,因为操练灵性有助于我们敬虔,而敬虔对今生和来生都有益处! +"Police freed three other women and detained Li, who is married and has one child.",警方释放了剩下的三名妇女,并扣押了李浩,此人已婚,并育有一子。 +"The revival of the systems of the six states was an attempt at negating the political history and culture of Qin, among which the revival of the Chu system demands special attention.",六国制度的复兴是对秦国政治历史和文化进行否定的尝试,其中楚制的复兴尤其值得注意。 +What if for a while thou art called to stand still; yet this is but to renew thy strength for some greater advance in due time.,神吩咐你站立一会儿,只是要你添增新的力量,以备在适当的时候奔向更远的前程。 +"Gold deep water to dialogue still big grace laid hands on him, but they were kill claudius shot Bai Dayi.",金深水依然不忍对白大怡下手,但革老一枪就杀死了白大怡。 +Tianjin jingu future broking co. ltd.,天津金谷期货经纪有限公司。 +"In the short term, some technical improvements can be made, such as increasing evaluation of science popularisation projects and using feedback to guide ensuing activities.",短期内,中国科协能完成一些技术改革,比如增加科学普及项目的评估以及利用反馈信息来指导后续工作。 +"The results show that the higher the shot strength, the smaller the mean grain sizes in surface and the thicker the deformation layers;",结果表明,TC4钛合金经高能喷丸处理后, 材料表面形成一定厚度的细化晶粒组织,且喷丸强度越高,表层平均晶粒尺寸越细、 形变层越深; +"What that is,is I actually went around and studied ten different seminaries and divinity schools around the country, all Protestant seminaries,but very different.","那本书是,我去访问,并研究了全国10所不同的神学院,和神学学校,都是新教神学院,但彼此非常不同。" +"Before the study, teachers, coaches and administrators all resisted the later start.",研究开展之前,老师、辅导员及校方管理人员一致反对延迟开课。 +"Shanghai entertainment investment management corporation. Shanghai empire international business entertainment leisure clubs welcome your joining group, which has many home entertainment club.",上海圣翰御都国际商务娱乐投资管理有限公司。上海国际商务娱乐休闲会所欢迎您的加入,旗下设有多家娱乐会所。 +He failed in the exam, which has made him aware of the importance of reviewing his lessons regularly.,他这次考试失败使他意识到定期复习功课是多么重要。 +Only in Seoul – the one game in which he did not find the net – did Owen encounter serious opposition.,欧文只在首尔的比赛中遭遇了像样点的防守;这也是他唯一一场没有进球的比赛。 +Thank you for being with us today.,感谢你们今天与我们在一起。 +"The purchases of Bear and WaMu extended its investment-banking clout and branch network (by over 2,000 outlets) but also brought with them piles of duff assets.",对贝尔斯登和华互的收购提升了小摩在投行业的影响力,拓展了服务网络(增加了近2000个服务点),但也带来了成堆的无用资产。 +I've seen it in teachers in a near-bankrupt school district who vowed to keep teaching without pay.,在一个濒临破产的学区的教师们不收分文、坚持执教的誓言中,我看到了它。 +"Based on the theories of tissue optics and artificial neural network, a novel method of mea- suring thermophysical parameters was brought forward.",基于组织光学和人工神经网络理论,提出了一种全新的确定生物体热物性参数的方法。 +"In the light of this first review, the Committee draws up the so-called short list - ie the list of candidates selected for more thorough consideration.",鉴于这种情况第一次审查,委员会提请了所谓的短名单-即候选人名单中选出更深入地审议。 +Small streams (and their adjacent floodplains) of the Araguari River extend like fingers throughout the landscape.,阿拉瓜里河的支流(以及它们邻近的冲积平原)像触手一样在这幅风景画中四处伸展。 +"When generating an internal ROM in an Altera FPGA, the memory contents can be specified in a Memory Initialization File (. mif).",当在Altera FPGA中产生一个内部ROM时,记忆体内容能够在记忆体初始化档(.mif)中得到说明。 +Yup – they're all just darling until the day when you walk into your kitchen to find that one has gnawed through your window screen to make himself a snack of your tortillas.,是啊,它们是很可爱,但是直到有一天,当你走进厨房,发现一只松鼠为了吃玉米饼咬坏了你的窗户的时候,你就不会这么想了。 +The KMD-7 pack is presented in a heavy duty foam lined plastic case.,在KMD的7折,提出了重型泡沫内衬塑料案件。 +"The recent geologic data show that it is the Archeozoic high-grade metamorphic terrain formed by the supracrustal rock-TTG rock series, that is different with the southern Longgang landmass.",新近调查资料表明 ,它是由表壳岩 -TTG岩系组成的一太古宙高级变质地体 ,并有别于南侧之龙岗陆块。 +"It is necessary to improve the level of the inter-disciplinary teamwork, since the intellectual disability are living in a complicated circumstances.",由于智力残疾人生活在一个广泛的复杂系统中,要有效提高对智力残疾者的服务,需要各学科间的团队合作。 +Soapy walked eastward.,小王向东走去。 +"The underwater giant: The river, shown with a 3D scan using false colour, flows along the bed of the Black Sea.",水下巨人:使用假彩色三维扫描方法显示出,这条河流沿着黑海床流动。 +"In the article, the structure and classification of nanotubes are described. The studies on the char- acterisitics of nanotubes in recent years are reviewed to investigate them further and deeply.",叙述了纳米碳管的结构和分类,对近年来纳米碳管性能的研究进行了综述,以便对纳米碳管进一步深入地研究。 +"IN late February, US President Barrack Obama nominated Gary Locke as the US secretary of commerce.",2月底,美国总统巴拉克-奥巴马任命骆家辉为美国商务部长。 +"An industry liaison asked the school to expand then, he says, to make sure there were enough U.S. engineers to fill vacant slots from rapidly-aging Baby Boomers.",他说,当时,一个专门负责石油行业对外联系的单位找到他们,希望扩大石油工程系的规模,以确保美国能有充足的工程师来填补婴儿潮一代迅速老龄化所产生的职位空缺。 +"As to its obtain employment foreground is about to see particular research way, nevertheless generally speaking obtain employment range is wider still.",至于其就业前景就要看具体的研究方向,不过一般来说就业面还是比较广的。 +"We saw that this past spring, when the European fiscal crisis posed a serious challenge to the markets and to business confidence, dampening investment and the rate of growth here.",我在过去的这个春季看到的就是这种情况,欧洲金融危险给市场和企业信心带来了严峻的挑战,使对我国的投资的减少,增长率下降。 +"A one-dimensional static mathematical model, KTH Blast Furnace Simulation and Prediction Model, has been developed.",开发了自料线至风口的一维静态高炉数模——KTH高炉模拟和预报模型。 +Thousands of residents calmly fled Monday from the mesa-top town that's home to the Los Alamos nuclear laboratory ahead of an approaching wildfire. (Jane Phillips/The New Mexican via Associated Press),数以千计的当地居民平静的离开他们位于洛斯▪阿拉莫斯核实验室周边的家园,他们的居住地为山坡顶部城镇,刚好处于大火前进的方向。 +We bought this house at a much higher price than others just for its convenience.,我们买下这栋房子花的钱比其他房屋要贵很多,就是图个方便。 +The construction administration department of the State Council shall be responsible for the administration of the qualifications of foreign–invested construction enterprises.,国务院建设行政主管部门负责外商投资建筑业企业资质的管理工作。 +"The marshal seal collected by Zhucheng Cultural Centre had been mistaken for a thing left by Li Quan, the marshal of the peasant army, and it became one of the first-class national relics.",诸城文化馆征集到的一方元帅监军印被误定为农民军李全的遗物,成为国家一级文物,这是不符合史实的。 +Teams of Project Mayhem guys render fat all day.,大混乱计划的各个小队总是在不停的提炼脂肪。 +"The second benefit: During the contemplation, you’ve gone some way towards recapturing the force of your emotions, your patterns, and the circumstances that led up to it.",好处二:在冥想中,你可以找到这样一条通路,使你重获力量去掌控你的情感,你的行为模式乃至那个成就了现在的你的整体环境。 +"Cowhide docker glove, lined on palm and fingers, cowhide.",牛皮手套。背面和袖子为棉布。 +"In particular, the paper discusses the method and advantage by height compression method to determine the functional relationship between the elementary angle and the height of horizontal element.",本文特别阐述了采用高度压缩法确定双翼翻土防漏耕犁的元线角度变化规律的方法和优点。 +"The mean patient age was 56.1 years, and the mean time of diabetes duration to date was approximately 6 years.",根据统计数据,这些患者的平均年龄是56.1岁,患有糖尿病的平均年限是6年左右。 +"Under modern enterprise system, the property relationship character makes the eminent domain and administration that Party organization has lose in the non-public enterprises.",在现代企业制度下,在非公企业中,产权关系的性质使党组织失去了在公有制企业中对经济资源的支配权和行政处置权。 +This soup is too bland for me.,这道汤对我来说太淡了。 +"Afte traveling many miles this way , the tired Scot would return home to find friends laughing at the joke .",在往返奔波后,这个精疲力竭的苏格兰人回到家里,发现朋友们正在为这个恶作剧哈哈大笑。 +"Presuming a control management institute M, the dynamic stabilization model of Non-equity Strategic Alliance under conditions of complete information and incomplete information is established.",提出了稳定过程中的管理协调控制机构M的假设,分别建立了在完全信息和不完全信息条件下的非股权战略联盟相对稳定模型。 +"Keigo is a complicated form of the language which involves different conjugations of regular nouns and verbs, or different words entirely.",敬语是一种复杂的语言形式,包括规则名词和动词的各种变化,或者是完全不同的单词。 +Membrane structure and macroporous forming were researched with SEM micrographs and phase change analysis.,结合膜断面的电镜照片,从相态变化的角度分析了膜结构及影响大孔膜形成的机理。 +The fourth chapter of the book for other predicate.,第四章《尚书·周书》的其它谓语句。 +"When people walk to the theater, greeneries appear and performers quietly float above lights and stars.",民众信步走上剧院时,树海在眼前展开,表演者在静静的灯海与星空中飞扬。 +"Feedforward neural networks of FEL control strategy was designed, using ADALINE neural networks, normalized LMS, plus characteristics of sinusoidal function.",利用ADALINE神经网络、归一化LMS算法、结合正弦函数的特点,设计FEL控制策略中的前馈神经网络。 +for out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh.,因为心里所充满的,口里就说出来。 +There isn ta general accepted method to calculate the effect of air on the condensation heat transfer coefficient so far.,空气量对蒸汽凝结放热系数影响的计算,目前还没有一个人们普遍公认的计算方法。 +"London, Department of Transportation said drivers can have through the Internet, mail, telephone calls or send text messages, as well as in the designated filling stations and garages pay.",伦敦交通局称,司机可以们可以通过上网、邮寄、拨电话或发简讯,以及在指定的油站和修车场付费。 +After continue to wait until the user input of user input Ctrl-D.,之后,继续等待用户输入直至用户输入Ctrl-D。 +"um, in one language and then go to another language you have to talk on the level of a child.",再转换到另一门陌生的语言将是十分困难的,他的表达可能变得像儿童一样磕磕巴巴。 +Arthas: Congratulate me?,阿尔塞斯:祝贺我? +We have to grind the coke into powder.,我们把这个焦炭磨成粉。 +"Calling July ""a harrowing month"" for relief workers, the secretary-general said that there were 36 attacks on aid operations and nine staff members were killed.","安南说,对救援工作人员来说,7月份是""一个惨痛的月份""。 他说,救援行动遭到36次袭击,9名救援人员丧生。" +That was someone from church asking if they could interview the children.,刚刚是教堂的人问他们能不能走访我们的孩子。 +The dose should be proper and releasing dosage form should be used with the degree which can relieve superficies.,不可过用耗伤正气,用量宜小,宜用轻宣之剂,以能透邪为度。 +"It just takes on a new face, a new name.",它只是换了一副新面孔,一个新的名字。 +"Owing to the teaching goal, it is different from the general undergraduate courses, with unique characteristics of teacher's college.",由于培养目标、学生实际情况与一般本科院校不同,师专现代汉语课程的教学有自己的特点。 +"As Vikan notifies Self that the buyer has touched down, the hotel clerk informs Self that a man was asking questions about him.",Vikan告知赛尔夫买家已经抵达了本市,旅店接待人员也告知赛尔夫有一个男人在打听有关他的信息。 +"Members of the New York Philharmonic brought the North Korean audience to their feet from the first few notes, when they played the communist state's anthem.",纽约爱乐乐团的乐师们开始演奏北韩国歌的时候,现场的观众起立致敬。 +"Film Red Cliff, Colgate, Voaltine, Manmanzou, Microsoft, Agenda, Intel etc.",电影赤壁,高露洁,阿华田,慢慢走,微软,安捷达,英特尔等。 +"Added to which, Mr Shirakawa described the measures as ""quantitative easing in broad terms"".",并且,白川先生描述了措施比如宽敞条件下量化宽松政策。 +"Meanwhile, money-losing papers like Hearst Corp's Seattle-Post Intelligencer and San Francisco Chronicle, may shut down.",与此同时,赫斯特出版集团(Hearst Corp)旗下的《西雅图邮报》和《旧金山纪事报》因亏损而面临倒闭风险; +"When I flirtatiously asked him what his favorite drink was, he said Sex on the Beach and asked if I'd heard of it.",我故作轻浮地问他最爱喝什么,他说“性爱沙滩”,并问我听说过没有。 +One of the things we talk about is like developing a code of ethics,我们经常谈论的就是要制定一套行为准则, +I enjoyed the ribbed sensation!,我喜欢有环纹的感觉! +"Both Maria and Martin drank the sour new wine on empty stomachs, and it went swiftly to their heads.",玛利亚和马丁都是空肚子喝着新酿的酒,酒力立即进了脑袋。 +"Barring any further economic developments after Brexit, e-tailers in the UK should focus on removing friction for cross-border shoppers.",脱欧之后不包括任何进一步的经济发展,英国电子零售商应该集中与消除跨国购物者的隔阂。 +The blare of the car horn alerted the members of the Story family who realized 17-year-old Ben's Toyota was no longer parked in the driveway of their home in Larkspur near Denver.,汽车喇叭的嘟嘟声惊动了Story一家,他们意识到17岁Ben的丰田车不再停在他们家的车道上了。 Story一家住在丹佛附近的拉克斯博(Larkspur)。 +The milestone is even more remarkable given Apple’s single-digit share of the computer market.,更具有意义的里程碑数据是电脑市场上的市场占有率。 +"A shore bird (Aphriza virgata) of the Pacific coast of North and South America, having dark, spotted plumage and a black tail with a broad white base.",一种生长于北美洲和南美洲的太平洋沿岸的海岸鸟(滨浪鹬) ,有黑色、斑点的羽毛,尾部呈黑色,基部很宽。 +In brief this essay states and comments the economic contribution of Nobel Prize owners James J. Heckman and Daniel L.,本文介绍并简要评论了诺奖得主赫克曼和麦克法登的经济学贡献。 +"It studies the evolutional, ontogenetic and physiological mechanism of behavior , experience and mind of human or animals.",它是研究人类或动物的行为、经验和心理活动的进化、发育和生理机制的一门科学。 +"Methods 696 community residents over 35 years old were selected by random cluster sampling, questionnaire, physical examination and blood glucose examination.",方法采用整群随机抽样的方法抽取696名35岁以上社区居民,开展问卷调查并进行体格检查及血糖检查。 +Better to be a lonely woman all your life than to marry a man whom you have never loved.,纵使孑然一身,也比嫁一个你根本不爱的男人强。 +Conclusion Mean of operation and character of tumour are closely related to facial nerve injury.,结论手术方式、肿瘤性质与面神经损伤密切相关。 +The concentrations of 7 metal elements in the human hair from 17 Chinese nations were determined by analyzing the inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometer (ICP-AES).,利用等离子体发射光谱分析法对我国17个民族人发中7种金属元素进行了测定。 +"Practical example: 3 disks, each 80GB in size can be used in a 240GB RAID 0 configuration.",实例:3块硬盘,每块容量大小是80GB,RAID0配置可以作为240GB使用。 +The method was uesd in a instrument developed by the authors. It shows that the method is availa…,提出了这种方法能用在所有检测纱线不匀的仪器上,经作者在研制的仪器上实验,表明是可行的。 +The next page will define latency.,下页将定义延迟。 +"The list included simple ambitions like taking his three-year-old grandson to Villa Park and also playing golf at The K Club, in Ireland.",遗愿清单包括很多简单的愿望,比如带三岁的孙子到别墅公园去玩;到爱尔兰的K俱乐部打高尔夫。 +But the training of the rabbinical schools would have unfitted him for his work.,可是拉比学校的训练,反而会使他难以胜任自己的工作。 +Rachel Dagan had been up all night when she entered the flower shop and asked for a bridal bouquet.,当雷切尔·达冈走进鲜花店去买一个婚礼花环时,她已经是一夜没合眼了。 +But that didn't stop a sea lion from joining schoolchildren on a walk-a-thon.,这阻止不了一只海狮和学校孩子们一起进行徒步行走募捐活动。 +Descriptive statistics indicated that all personality types were found among Chinese fresh undergraduates except ENFJ students.,描述性统计结果显示,本研究的大一新生中存在着除ENFJ类型之外的其它所有个性类型。 +Most Disciplines no longer require a Focus skill.,副职的技能没有焦点技能了。 +I remember ihm saying he is a doctor.,我记得他说过他是一名医生。 +"Now that's a tricky word for us because later in the semester we're going to be reading about something called the New Historicism, and the New Historicism actually has nothing to do with what Gadamer is ; objecting to in this form of historicism; so we will return to the New Historicism in that context.","这个词对我们来说比较具有迷惑性,因为这学期我们还会读到,新历史主义,新历史主义,与伽达默尔所反对的历史主义,没有任何关系;,那个时候我们再来讨论新历史主义。" +They saw a victim from a two-truck collision. Both arms and both legs were broken.,他们看见了两辆卡车相撞的受害者。他的双臂和双腿都被压断。 +The degradation products of glucosinolates exhibited a positive role in anti-cancer as well as a negative role in anti-nutrient.,硫苷降解产物既有抗癌的积极作用又有抗营养化的消极作用。 +The foreign guests were motored from the airfield to the hotel.,汽车把外宾从机场送到旅馆。 +Objective: To research the extracting technology for Tuibai decoction.,目的: 研究退白汤的提取工艺。 +But at least the victim in that case survived.,不过至少这桩案件的受害者幸免于难。 +"Ruth and Orpah were very sad to hear that Naomi wanted to go back to Israel, but they did not try to stop her.",听到内奥米要回以色列,鲁思和俄珥巴非常难过,但她们没有阻止她。 +"The meetings for Project Mayhem have moved to bigger basements because each committee-Arson, Assault, Mischief, and Misinformation-gets bigger as more guys graduate out of fight club.",大混乱行动的例会早就换到更大的地下室召开了。 越来越多的人从搏击俱乐部毕业,加入到纵火小组、突击小组、恶作剧小组、假消息小组之类。 +Deep source gas is a new field of oil and gas prospecting in the future and it might achieve a larger break-through till the end of this century or the beginning of next one.,深源气是今后油气勘探的新领域,有可能在本世纪末或下世纪初取得较大突破。 +"Of course, there are different ways that you can go about doing so, from SEO/SEM to co-registration, word of mouth to e-mail marketing, etc.","当然了,你可以从搜索引擎优化到共同注册,从口口相传到电子邮件营销等不同的方法来达成目的。" +"Most of my protein comes from tofu, although I do eat beans and soy protein such as fake ground beef or soy burgers.",我的大部分蛋白质来自豆腐,尽管我的确吃黄豆和酱油比如绞碎的牛肉或者酱油汉堡。 +"The China Development Bank agreed on Monday a $1.2 billion loan facility for the $2 billion Karara iron ore project in west Australia, which is being developed by Australia's Gindalbie Metals Ltd (","中国国家开发银行周一同意为澳洲西部的20亿美元的Karara铁矿石项目提供12亿美元贷款,该项目由澳洲Gindalbie Metals(GBG.AX: 行情)和中国鞍钢(000898.SZ: 行情)共同开发." +"But before he smoked cigarettes made by manufacturers -- when he was very young and very poor, with glowing eyes -- he smoked Prince Albert tobacco in cigarettes he rolled himself.",但是在他开始抽机制卷烟之前——那时他很年轻、也很穷,但眼睛炯炯有神——他抽的是用阿尔伯特亲王牌烟丝自己手工卷制的香烟。 +Because of cunts like me?,因为我这样的贱货? +"A combination of proven acceptable ranges does not constitute a design space. However, proven acceptable ranges based on univariate experimentation can provide some knowledge about the process.",证明的可接受范围之组合并不构成设计空间。然而,基于单变量实验的可接受范围可以提高些工艺方面相关知识。 +I worry lest Hugin should fall in flight.,然而我不担心思想会否自空中陨落。 +"At around 8 a. m. , police and firefighters congregated about a half-mile away from Namie in the parking lot of a wedding banquet hall, the staging point for the search.",大约早上8点,警察和消防员就聚集在离浪江半英里的一个婚礼宴会礼堂的停车场里,筹划接下来的搜索工作。 +"""After four hours of sitting, the body starts to send harmful signals, "" Ekblom-Bak said.",即使对那些经常锻炼的人来说,长时间坐着也有害。 +"Based on the principle of microfilter, gate-type cell sorter chip was designed, which can separate the white blood cells from the rat peripheral blood.",基于微过滤原理设计的闸式细胞分离芯片,可实现老鼠外周血中白细胞与红细胞的分离。 +"Thirdly, his reference sources are researched such as the history books, others' works and interviews with the relative people.",进而以文本为依据探讨左思既从史书方志、前人诗赋作品,以及寻访人物等广泛的资料来源。 +Lifespring and Werner Erhard's Est were already tweaking their seminars for corporate clients.,人生春天以及华纳哈德的俄斯特都已经在设法提供面向公司客户的培训班。 +"The booking would be seen as the according for fill the B/L, so the shipper will be required to fill the booking according the booking requirement.",托运单将作为结制提单的依据 请托运人按运输条款惯例及有关责任要求正确填写; +"Mr Melitz is a pioneer of the ""new, new trade theory"", which succeeds the ""new"" trade theory propounded by Mr Krugman almost 30 years ago.",Melitz先生是“新新贸易理论”——作为克鲁格曼先生在将近30年前提出的“新”贸易理论的下一代理论模型——的研究先锋。 +"It's as though I had been converted to a new religion, as though I were making an annual novena every night to Our Lady of Solace.",我仿佛皈依了一种新的宗教,仿佛每天夜里都向圣母玛丽亚做一次一年一度、连续九夭的祈祷。 +At the top of the list is a lack of eye contact.,“缺乏眼神交流”在这个列表中高居榜首。 +"A friend of the pair intervened, only to be whacked on the head with a pair of iron tongs.",她们的一个朋友试图劝阻,结果却被一对铁钳击中了头部。 +"Tea with fitness, treatment and other drug treatment, also has self-cultivation, cultivation of sentiment and other effects.",茶有健身、治病等药物疗效,还具有修身养性、陶冶情操等功效。 +"Jackson: I don't want to hear any more of your stories, Mr.",我才不想听你的故事,“当我小时侯”先生。 +"Despite the criticism, there is little doubt that Hazare has resonated with the public.",尽管存在这样的批评,几乎毫无疑问,哈扎尔与公众产生了共鸣。 +"Usually, in the morning, barefoot, the boy followed the cow into the meadow, disappeared beyond John's view, and did not return until dusk.",通常,在早上,小男孩光着脚,赶着母牛来到草地,然后消失在约翰的视线里,直到傍晚才再次出现。 +This thesis presents a study on the non-silicon based MEMS optical switch and variable optical attenuator.,本硕士论文对基于非硅基微加工技术的光开关及可调光衰减器的设计制作与分析进行了研究。 +The reduced strength coefficient in the failure planes is determined.,确定临界失效面强度折减系数的取值大小; +MTK 2.0 added support for the following new syntaxes which were introduced in SQL Server 2005,MTK 2.0 增加了 SQL Server 2005 中新引入的语法的支持 +"He tipped the waiter a quarter, and spent fifty cents for a package of Egyptian cigarettes.",他给了传者一个两毛五的硬币,又花了五毛钱买了一包埃及香烟。 +"Shanghai Quanhong Printing Machinery Co, . Ltd. located in No. 89 Qiancao Road, Jiading district, Shanghai, a superior geographical position.",上海泉泓印刷器材有限公司座落于上海嘉定区徐行前曹公路89号,地理位置优越。 +"If you start thinking of the strategies to spread your muta when a Nighthawk is going Tassadar on you, it sounds like it could be fun.",如果你开始考虑当夜鹰靠近你的飞龙时就分开它们的策略,那就会很有趣了。 +"And the language of this book is a combination of classic Chinese and spoken Chinese of Yuan Dynasty, so it contains lots of common sayings and official usage.",《元典章》中保留了非常丰富的元代语言资料,它的语言是元代白话文和文言文的混合体,其中包含有大量的俗语词和公文用语。 +To set the time frame artificially is not only unreasonable but also impractical.,人为地规定谈判时限,不仅缺乏合理性,而且也不现实。 +"Xu had collect person's common eye, lovely things to each other, they are also fondle admiringly.",许是收藏人共同的眼光,对彼此心爱的物件,他俩也都爱不释手。 +"Before you know it, your children will go off to college.",在你明白它之前,你的孩子们将考上大学。 +Or your strength?,还是更注重优点? +"This is not only in the good"" air bath"", also accepted the hardy training, the body gradually adapt to the cold stimulation, for the upcoming winter ready.",这不但是在进行好的“空气浴”,还接受了耐寒训练,使身体逐渐适应寒冷的刺激,为即将到来的寒冬做好充分的准备。 +They found telltale fingerprints of salts that form only in the presence of water in narrow channels cut into cliff walls throughout the planet's equatorial region.,在火星赤道区域崖壁上的狭窄深沟里,科学家发现了最能说明问题的盐迹,而盐需要水才能存在。 +The grand piano takes up too much room.,那架大钢琴占用太大的空间。 +"Pau Gasol scored 20 points and Josh Powell added 17 for the Lakers, who overcame the absence of Lamar Odom to snap a three-game road losing streak.",保罗加索尔拿下20分,乔什-鲍威尔为湖人拿到17分,成功填补了拉玛尔因为被禁赛而留下的坑,同时也终止了客场三连败。 +"Section 1 statistics the number of He Ning's Ci and investigates the origin of ""Hong Ye Gao"".",其中,第一节整理统计和凝词作的数量并考察《红叶稿》之名的来由; +When a bridge dissipates force it spreads it out over a wider area. Transference involves moving force from a weak area to a stronger area.,当一个桥梁的分散力被分散到宽阔的区域时,转换力就把力量从较弱区域转移到强势地区。 +Don't always assume that photographs should be taken from eye level. Investigate all possible viewpoints and be prepared to get up high or down low to make your image.,不要总是从视平线的高度拍摄照片,了解并尝试所有可能的角度,并准备站到高处或低处拍照,这也适用于远景。 +"This code is shared between all projects, and we try to keep it as small as necessary.",这些代码为所有项目共享,我们尽量保持它越小越好。 +American judicial examination system was created from carrying on the tradition of British judicial common law and from the practice of searching the political system of restriction by divided power.,美国司法审查制是在继承英国普通法的司法传统和探索实行分权制衡政体的实践中形成的。 +"Vassal knights who owe service to the County of Edessa and the Principality of Antioch, equipped with lance, axe and wearing mail armour.",埃德萨骑士是为国家效命沙场的封邑贵族,装备骑枪、战斧和重型链甲。 +By Nick Teale Arsène Wenger is still pondering which goalkeeper will he his No 1 for the forthcoming season.,温格依然在思考谁会是新赛季首发门将的问题。 +"Last year, nCipher recorded revenues of about 24 million pounds.",去年,nCipher公司实现税收约2400万英镑。 +"The children in the PSA, ranging in age from 6 to 9, were filmed at Sha Tin Junior School in Hong Kong. They all come from different parts of the globe, making this a truly international cast.",这部公益广告片是在香港沙田小学由6到9岁的儿童参加拍摄的,他们来自世界各地,使得这部短片拥有真正的国际演员阵容。 +"Yesterday, Sony also announced that it would integrate Skype into its Xperia X1 phone.",昨天,索尼公司宣布,他们也将把网络电话放在X1手机上。 +You CAN see the difference between the two.,你可以看到这两个之间的不同。 +"In a moment, we are going to see his fishing terrace.",一会儿我们就要去他的钓台看看。 +The optimum lime-additive amounts and checkout criteria can be decided from swelling and shrinkage characteristics and strength of expansive soils improved with lime.,石灰改良膨胀土掺灰比和检验标准可以从膨胀性能和强度两个方面确定。 +"Facing the 21st, the central govemment makes a significant strategic decision on exploiting west China.",面向21世纪,中央作出了西部大开发的重大决策。 +"When the trade associations controlled the economic development of Jingdezhen, the porcelain industry was not only at its best, but also at its decline.",行帮全面控制景德镇瓷业经济发展的时候,既是景德镇瓷业经济的繁盛时期,也是景德镇传统瓷业经济注定要走向衰落之时。 +"Farmers in Riodeva cleared stones from their almond orchards for generations, never dreaming they were tossing aside dinosaur bones -- and laying a trail for one of Spain's greatest fossil finds.",西班牙里奥德瓦的果农们世代为杏园清理石子,可他们做梦都没有想到自己在不断丢弃恐龙遗骨,并为发现西班牙最伟大的化石之一提供了线索。 +"And during the time of culture, the polymer degrades away.",在培养过程中,高分子降解消失。 +"Further, the validator will shoulder the burden of throwing errors for invalid dates and numerics.",更进一步说,验证器将承担为非法的日期和数字抛出错误的工作。 +Andy Warhol's success was a reflection of his intention in aesthetic driven by less-is-more simplicity.,就以安迪渥荷来说,他的成功就在于具体表现了“简单就是美”的意向。 +"Occurs when any worksheet is double-clicked, before the default double-click action.",在按两下任何工作表时 (在预设的按两下动作前) 发生。 +Kobe Bryant. I like NBA best .He is the best player.,科比布莱恩特。我最喜欢的就是NBA。他是最出色的球员。 +And now it’s on screen.,现在应经搬上荧屏。 +"Based on complex ray theory, the Gaussian beams emitted by complex source points are employed to simulate the far-field pattern of antennas. In this paper.",根据复射线理论,利用复源点高斯波束场来模拟天线的远场方向图。 +"Homes with spare bedrooms may be forced to accept roomers, and farms will have more than enough ready hands to help with any harvest.",有多余床位的家庭会被迫接待住宿者,农夫会有过剩的劳动力帮助收割工作。 +Mr. Tsvangirai said President Robert Mugabe and Zanu PF had done everything they could to discredit the poll.,茨万吉拉伊说,穆加贝总统和津巴布韦非洲民族联盟-爱国阵线无所不用其极地败坏这次选举。 +"If the Earth's magnetic pole reversal caused by biological extinction, it is not difficult to explain why from time to time, so that the periodic destruction of the Earth civilization.",假如地球磁极逆转而造成生物大量灭尽,那就不难表明为何每隔一段时间,使地球文明周期性的毁灭。 +"Lieberman-Warner, as it's known, calls for cutting carbon from most sources to 2005 levels by 2012 and then 70% below 2005 levels by 2050.",正如大家所知的那样,利伯曼—华纳提案(Lieberman-Warner)要求到2012年将碳排放量控制在2005年的水平,到2050年碳排放量降至2005年的70%。 +"However, it is limited in that it only moves in one dimension, while your hand could move up, down, sideways , etc.",然而,它会受限制因为它只能在一定范围内移动,虽然你的手可以上升、下降、斜向一边等等。 +"In this paper, taking Dongshanling as the example, safety control processes and methods for the landslide control of coastal areas are discussed and analyzed.",以东山岭为例就沿海地区滑坡治理过程中的安全控制过程及方法进行分析探讨。 +Method: Patients were treated with acupuncture and massage combined a place where ail with distance dialectically.,方法:采用患野与远端辨证取穴相结合,运用针刺配合推拿��行治疗。 +"Second, we show you a new way of figure out the shadow price in link, according to which we improve REM arithmetic based on implicit price feedback.",给出了新的求解链路影子价格的方法并且依此改进基于隐式价格反馈的REM算法。 +Mother Duck sat on her eggs for a long time.,鸭妈妈坐在她的鸭蛋上很长时间。 +"North Korean rides his bicycle past a propaganda poster on a street in Kaesong, just over the border from South Korea.",在与南朝鲜的边界这边,在开城的一条街上,一个北朝鲜人骑着自行车路过一个宣传海报。 +"Griffiths says the potential to grow the Gapyear brand on a global scale has, until now, been limited only by resources and knowledge to build a worldwide brand.",Griffiths表示,到目前为止,Gapyear全球范围的品牌增长潜力巨大,而打造全球品牌的所需资源和知识是唯一制约条件。 +"Lingual appliance includes lingual bracket and special ""mushroom shape"" arch wire.",舌侧矫治器由舌侧托槽和其特殊的“蘑菇形”弓丝组成。 +"Wide Range of Dimensional Units: Use best-suited units to fit your work: Decimal Feet, Feet-Inches, Decimal Yards.",广泛的维单位:使用最适合的单位,以适合您的工作:十进制脚,脚英寸,十进制码。 +"The catalyst used is one three-metal system including palladium chloride, ferric chloride and the chloride of one first main group element.",所用的催化剂是由氯化钯和三氯化铁加上第一主族元素的氯化物中的一种组成三金属体系。 +The panel said it saw no reason to alter the rule that only foods or ingredients that have altered characteristics or contain detectable novel DNA be required to display a GM label.,专家组说没有必要改变贴标签办法,只有食品或原料改变了特性或含有可以检测到的特异DNA的时候才需要贴转基因标签。 +"While the chimpanzees in Bullinger’s experiment clearly understood how to collaborate, they likely viewed their partners as social tools, means to reach their own goals, the authors write.",作者们写道,虽然在布林格的实验中黑猩猩清楚地明白如何合作,但它们更倾向于将自己的伙伴视为社会工具,能达到其目标的工具。 +"And long there he lay, an image of the splendour of the Kings of Men in glory undimmed before the breaking of the world.",他就安睡在那儿,身为人类国王的卓越光荣形象,在世界毁灭之前都不会消散。 +"Mom, I need some pennies for our fund-raiser at school.",妈妈,我需要拿点儿钱给学校的募捐者。 +we've reported on other research by Bailenson here,我们已经报告了白朗松的研究here +"But they also like bitching about each other, as well. Bordering countries, especially, have complex caricatures of each other, even when an outsider might think they’re more or less the same.","但是他们同时也喜欢相互鄙视,尤其是邻国之间,彼此会画些漫画讽刺对方,局外人会觉得他们其实是半斤八两。" +This model involves government domination of spending on medical care that involves extensive government regulation and rationing of access to medical care.,这个标准给予了政府对于医疗系统花费的控制权,比如出台大量的政府限令以及对于对于医疗保障准入率的掌控。 +Saitama and Kanagawa Prefecture hourly observations were 0.079 and 0.073 micro-micro-West West have suffered slightly.,埼玉县和神奈川县的观测值分别是每小时0.079微西弗和0.073微西弗,都出现了小幅上升。 +The ground gave way shortly after 6:30 p. m. at the intersection of El Portal and Via Verdi.,埃尒波特尒(注:美国地名)和威尒第大街十字口处的地面在早上6:30之后不久垮塌。 +For all of these dimensions you should strive for increasing your endurance and your strength.,对于这些不同的范畴你需要努力提高你的耐力和体力。 +The procreation conception had changed since the Chinese economic reform.,改革开放以来的生育观念已悄然生变。 +This thesis is trying to analyze the influence on translation for the cultural differences between east and west from the point of transcultural communication.,本文从跨文化交际的角度,论述了东西方文化的差异对翻译的影响。 +"Self cannot get Mahone out of prison, but he has him sign for his personal effects to get the device out of holding.",赛尔夫不能将马宏从拘留所弄出来,于是他让马宏签了字,将复制器拿了出来。 +"After that, the article looks at the combination of officials and merchants in terms of the historical origins; the foundation of culture, thought, economy, and the cause of institutions etc.",进而从历史渊源、文化基础、思想基础、经济基础及制度诱因等方面分析了官商结合的原因。 +"In the special geologic, topographic and hydrologic conditions, digging holes for piles by manpower is a fast and economic method.",在特定的地质、地形及水文条件下��梁桩基采用人工挖孔,是一种既快速又经济的成孔方法。 +"“Last year, President Obama made clear his intent to lead the United States back to the multilateral table, and that intent was defined as the era of engagement,” Brimmer told reporters.",布里默向新闻记者表示:“去年,奥巴马总统明确表明将带领美国重返多边机制的意图,而这项意图已被定义为‘接触的时代’(the era of engagement)。” +Jubelag and two other colleagues were part of the original convoy on their way to cover the candidacy filing.,当受害人车队在前往为他们的候选人办理竞选登记的途中遭受攻击时,记者朱贝拉格和另两名同事也一同随行。 +Outer suburb districts transaction volume increases and the application of secondary brokers Housing comparatively low prices to some extent also fold down the second - hand housing transactions.,远郊区县交易量的上升以及二手经纪适用房相对低廉的房价在一定程度上也拉低了二手房交易均价。 +Objective:To evaluate the influence of icariin on tyrosinase activity and melanogenesis of human epidermal melanocytes.,目的:观察中药单体淫羊藿苷对体外培养的正常黑素细胞黑素合成和酪氨酸酶活性的影响。 +"In his opinion, the six classics were holy person's mind reflections.",在他看来,六经乃圣人的“写心之书”。 +He adds that a key part of the program will be creating the institutional architecture to fight illegal trade and traffic.,他补充说,该方案的一个关键组成部分是建立一个旨在打击非法贸易和贩运的制度结构。 +"Similarly, many older Windows installers will do horrific things (at best, simply refusing to install) if a disk has more than 2GB of free space.",类似地,如果磁盘具有超过 2GB 的空闲空间,那么很多更老的 Windows 安装程序会产生一些恐怖的后果(最好的情况是仅仅拒绝安装)。 +"A leader believes that failures present the opportunity for self-improvement, and that performance on the next go-round will only be enhanced through the lessons previously learned.",一个领导者相信失败代表他有了改进的机会,并且由于前一次失败学习到的经验,下一次的表现会大有长进。 +Lutz said developments around Europe's debt crisis over the next few days could determine the market direction as top EU officials talk about a possible debt restructuring for Greece.,"Lutz表示,未来几天欧洲债务危机的形势可能将决定市场走向,因欧盟主要官员谈及希腊可能进行债务重组." +"The Greek churches, even to this day, resist sensationalist presentations of the suffering of Jesus.",希腊教会们直到今天仍然反对煽情的展现耶稣所受的折磨。 +"Know the successful truth on the horse, what should do next is hilltop of race to control, each mountain peak of the big hill that makes those fireweed fascicular grows our small grass.",知道马上成功之理了,下一步要做的就是抢占山头,让那些杂草丛生的大山的每一个山峰都长出我们的小草。 +"Starting with the India-Pakistan crisis in 1971, the White House public relations machinery avoided few opportunities to cut me down to size.",从1971年印巴危机开始,白宫负责公共关系的机构总是利用机会来贬低我的重要性。 +It is the Observer pattern on top of the base web services infrastructure that gives DEBA its callback capability.,在基本 Web 服务结构之上采用观察者模式,就为 DEBA 带来了回调能力。 +"Education is the foundation for everyone, if we neglect this basic issue, we will be ""renouncing the essential while pursuing the trivia, ignoring what is near and seeking what is far away.""",教育是人的根本,若把这根本问题忽略了,那就叫舍本逐末,舍近求远。 +Cats are often diagnosed with diabetes because the owner notices the cat has weak rear legs or it is walking on its hocks .,猫经常被诊断出糖尿病因为主人看到爱猫后肢无力,或者用跗关节走路(跖行)。 +The stolen car was finally returned to his original owner.,这辆被盗的汽车最终物归原主了。 +Referee who officiates the match inside the court.,赛场内的比赛裁判员。 +"Conclusion The air purification device can effectively eliminate the typical chemical and biological pollutants in tunnels, and the field-test showed that the air quality is guaranteed.",结论研制的空气净化装置可对坑道内典型的化学污染物及大肠杆菌代表的微生物进行有效地去除或杀灭,现场试用结果表明可有效保证坑道空气质量。 +"With the advanced genetic technology and thermochemical liquefaction process, bio-oil fuel production from micro algae is an effective approach to solve the energy crisis in future.",通过热解等方法,可将藻类细胞转化为非常好的可再生生物能源,这是解决能源危机的一个有效途径。 +"Also became the school music teaching popularity in today computer music, the modernized equipment, the brand-new teaching idea did not have the interchangeability in the school music education.",在今天电脑音乐也成为了学校的音乐教学的热门,现代化的设备、全新的教学理念在学校的音乐教育中具有不可替代性。 +"The underlying issue of suffrage in Hong Kong is becoming more divisive as the tenure of Donald Tsang Yam-kuen, the current chief executive, draws to a close.",由于现任行政长官曾荫权的任期接近尾声,香港选举权的根本问题变得更加分化。 +"During the worst storms, when the thunder clapped, the lightning flashed and the wind tore off not only leaves but even whole branches, Ole pleaded with Trufa: “Hang on, Trufa!",在最恶劣的暴风雨里,雷鸣电闪,狂风不仅刮落树叶,甚至刮断整根树枝,奥立央求着特鲁法:“坚持,特鲁法! +"1st, blood swallow raw material does.",血燕原料干品。 +"You've edited, validated, and previewed your article or tutorial.",您已经完成了文章或教程的编辑、验证和预览。 +The content of impurities in powdered samples is different and is much higher than that in gelled sample.,结果表明,粉末状的黄胞胶杂质含量各不相同,但都远高于胶状的黄胞胶; +Now Meno-Life brings the most effective herbal ingredients together to provide around-the-clock natural menopause management.,现在米诺与生活带来了最有效的草药成分共同提供约24小时的自然绝经管理。 +Medical training is an excellent example of delayed gratification.,学医就是一个迟迟无法领略成功喜悦的很好的例子。 +"And every time I swim the butterfly-stroke, I splash water about so much, it disturbs everyone.",每次我游蝶泳,因为划水过于激烈使水溅起,以致妨碍到了身边的人。 +School counselors know how to listen and help.,学校辅导员知道如何去倾听和帮助。 +"High Accuracy , Erosion and wear resistance Strong anti-tremor, free of maintenance, long service life No electric sparks, safe and trustiness, convenient installation.",精度高,耐腐蚀及磨损;抗震性强,免维护,使用寿命长;不起电火花,安全可靠,安装方便。 +"The dunes and beaches of CanoaQuebrada are a two-and-half-hour drive southeast of Fortaleza, the capital of Ceará state in northeastern Brazil.",卡诺阿克布拉达距离巴西东北部阿拉州首府福塔雷萨的东南部有两个半小时的车程,它以沙丘和沙滩闻名。 +The application will be deployed on both the instances but will be running only in the new instance.,该应用程序将部署到这两个实例中,但它仅在新实例中运行。 +"Three key technologies, CPK, SPC and PPM, for evaluating quality and reliability of IC chips were studied.",对CPK、SPC和PPM三项评价IC芯片质量和可靠性的关键技术进行了研究。 +"More often that not, Chris will take you up on one or two of your ideas, or the offer may prompt him to come up with something different entirely.",更多的时候,克里斯会采纳你一两条主意,或者这些给他的提议会促使他想到一些完全不同的事情。 +An electric nose is utilized to build a standard model curve of the raw milk mixed with the plant liquid powder;,利用电子鼻建立标准掺植脂末原奶 的模型曲线; +And that’s really the biggest problem with seeing work as menial labor.,把工作视为一种下等劳动是一个很严重的问题。 +He looked to his brother for help.,他希望得到他兄弟的帮助。 +"Some 15,000 jobs went last year and a similar amount may go this year, reducing BT’s employee base to 100,000 direct staff and 32,000 contractors.",去年1.5万人丢掉了工作,今年的数额也应当差不多,将BT的员工总数减为10万直属员工和3.2万合约员工。 +The modern management and pleasant work environment offer you the opportunity to develop world-class products as well as to help your knowledge in this field at the top level.,公司采用科学管理,工作环境宽松,让您有机会开发出具有国际先进水平的软件产品,同时使您的专业知识始终处于当今本领域的国际水平。 +Each moment seems split in two; melancholy for what was left behind and the excitement of entering a new land.,每一刻似乎都分裂成两部分:留下的是忧郁以及进入新地带的兴奋。 +"Not only had he been loving poems about flowers, searching for flowers, enjoying the sight of flowers, reciting poems about flowers, but also regarding flowers as living and emotional things.",他不仅爱花、寻花、赏花、吟花 ,把花作为客观之物和描写对象 ,更把花视为生命之物和有情之物。他把花视为知音 ,与花共悲哀同欢乐 ; +i I've computed the value if I include i.,"如果我包括了,我已经计算过总价值。" +"The 2007 versions of these products were slightly longer (apparently mostly attributed to longer tobacco rods), and had slightly higher packing density, but slightly lower moisture content.",2007年版的产品略长(显然主要因为烟杆较长)填充密度较高,不过,水分含量略低。 +"A series of technical and control methods have been adopted to reduce the increase rate of power consumption and maximum load every year, such as the adoption of multiply electricity$…",实施配网降损一个百分点工程,建立集中抄收系统等一系列技术与管理措施,使油田用电增长率和最高负荷增长率逐年下降。 +Trends in the north and south has been completely irreversible.,北并南的趋势已经完全不可逆转了。 +Don't be scared of the high-flown language of economists and cabinet ministers .,不要被经济学家和内阁大臣们的高谈阔论所吓倒。 +"Jophiel, inclined to help us see and maintain beauty in life, is the Patron Angel of artists and helps them in every step towards the completion of their work.",约菲尔帮助我们看见并维持生活中的美,祂是艺术家的守护天使,帮祝他们一步一步完成作品。 +"Through analyzing molding process of the circular plug crust, determined injection mold structure with double core-pulling.",通过对圆形插头壳体的工艺分析,确定了双抽芯的模具结构。 +"The height, concentration and transport velocity of the high concentration layer near bottom are derived, so the sand transport rate in this layer can be calculated, and the formula is given.",本文研究给出了底部高浓度含沙水体层高度,含沙量和运移速度,以及其波流共同作用下的单宽输沙率的计算公式。 +Why did they steal so much money anyway? It was almost 50 million yuan.,他们究竟为什么从金库里偷那么多钱?将近五千万呢。 +Objective To improve the method of abdominal transplantation of hepatocytes.,目的研究改进肝细胞腹腔移植的方法。 +Metadata is helpful because it allows users to specify conditions that any retrieved document must meet.,元数据非常有用,因为它允许用户指定所有已检索文档必须满足的条件。 +This history textbooks distorting history exculpatory deserves severe condemnation .,这样的历史教科书歪曲历史开脱罪责理应受到严厉谴责。 +It will be replaced by a comedy about mothers and their daughters-in-law.,该剧将替换为一部关于母亲与其非亲生女儿的喜剧片。 +The solution of Legendre equation has been introduced in the condition of natural limit and the emphasis is put on the inference to the coefficient of the Legendre function.,介绍勒让德方程在自然边界条件下的解,重点推导了勒让德函数的系数。 +"Private and state-owned Chinese companies are making a big push to help so-called ""minnows"" get up and running as Beijing seeks to reduce its reliance on global miners Rio Tinto Ltd (","中国的民营和国有企业现正全力扶助所谓的""小鱼""成长茁壮,以便降低该国在铁矿石供应方面对于两大矿业巨头--必和必拓(BHP.AX: 行情) (BLT.L: 行情)和力拓(RIO.L: 行情) (RIO.L: 行情)的高度依赖." +"""President Obama is in Russia. And we know this because Sarah Palin says she can see him from her house. "" – David Letterman.",奥巴马在俄罗斯访问,我们获悉这个消息是因为佩林从家里看到了他。 +"Change over quickly, within 3 ti 8 seconds. Application of two machines can realize non-speed reduction changeover.",换单快。换单时间3.8秒。两机并用可实现不降速立即换单。 +"In the event of a default at least one would probably “break the buck” (ie, fail to give the principal back to investors), threatening “a broader run on money funds”, Mr Zames said.",如果发生赖账,至少会有一家基金也会不将本金还给投资者,这样就会威胁到很多投资者要撤离基金了。 +"Bodyweight exercises, a brisk walk, or yoga can be a great way to get your body moving and put yourself in a different state.",体重演习,快速步行,或瑜伽都是好方法,移动你的身体,使自己处于不同的状态。 +"Zhou people revived their dynasty in Qingyang, Qin people built up their foundation in Tianshui, so Gansu is a very important birthplace of Chinese nation and Chinese culture.",周人崛起于庆阳,秦人肇基于天水,是中华民族和华夏文化的重要发祥地。 +"He put the tip of the blade into gus's shirt and then made an arc with his arm, as though cutting a circle .",他把尖刀伸进格斯的衬衫,随手用胳膊划了个弧圈,仿佛要圆圆地剐下一块肉来。 +The notion that Obama's prize is undeserved is absurd and an insult to every American.,那种认为奥巴马不应该获奖的人是荒谬的,并且是对每一个美国人的侮辱。 +All Coloplast boxes will now have the same look so it will be easier to see all our products are from the same company.,因此,所有康乐保包装盒最近将要使用同样的外观,这将可以使您更轻松地看到我们所有的产品都来自同一家公司。 +"Specific time can not take care to also uncover the cuticular cell that just grows, return reaction of inflammation of can exciting local generation, block up cut cicatrizations.",个别时候会不小心把刚刚长出的表皮细胞也揭掉了,还会刺激局部产生炎症反应,阻碍伤口愈合。 +What should price-conscious guests do?,对价格很在意的顾客该怎么做呢? +"Deterministic numerical models of the soil unsaturated zone can be widely applied to the fields of agronomy, environment, engineering etc.",土壤非饱和带确定性数值模型在农业、环境、工程等领域有着广泛的应用。 +"Fast for 20 years. 20 years, the case will not fail? You say it is long ago, as long as a case of murder, life-long effective.",都20年了,案件不会失效吗?你说的那是老早以前,杀人案件只要一立案,终生有效。 +"He clambered up by grasping the vines that circled about the tree, using the nodes of the trunk for his footholds .",他抓住缠绕在树上的藤蔓;踩着树干上的疤疖攀了上去。 +"The atmosphere of this natural setting can help us to awaken our inner feelings, and inspire us to seek a proper relationship between ourselves and the natural environment.",此一自然环境的气氛可以帮助我们唤醒我们内在的感情,激发我们寻找我们与自然环境之间理想的关系。 +"Finally, you get the ciphered message ""Jgnnq yqtnf!"" in hello.enc.",最后,会在 hello.enc 中得到加密的消息 “Jgnnq yqtnf!” +The text introduced the searching of information and data that can be used on water treatment scientific research on the Internet and cooperative study based on Internet.,针对水处理科研工作者,介绍了因特网上水处理科研相关信息资源的检索及网上合作研究,使因特网能够更好地服务于科研工。 +"The 12-month rate of growth in industrial production also dropped to only 3.8% in the first two months of 2009, and retail-sales growth slowed to 15%.",在今年头两个月里,工业生产全年增长率也下跌到仅有3.8%,而零售增长则放缓到15%。 +Conclusion:Lactose-free diet is useful and effective for infantile viral enteritis.,目的:探讨去乳糖饮食配合常规疗法治疗婴幼儿病毒性腹泻的疗效。 +He also said the United States would hand off command of the coalition as soon as practical.,他还表示,一俟实际情况许可,美国就将移交联盟的指挥权。 +He lives in an old apartment in the city suburb.,他住在城市市区的一栋陈公寓大楼里。 +"“I understand the requirement for safety, ” said Dale Moss, the chief executive of OpenSkies, the Paris-based, all-business-class subsidiary of British Airways.",“我明白对安全性的需求,”英国航空的子公司,总部在巴黎的OpenSkies的首席执行官说,“但航程中止的条款造成的损失水平实在是太高了”,无论是对航空公司还是乘客。 +House geckos are the best foot soldiers to counter their attack.,壁虎是反击它们进攻的最好步兵。 +Someone has to walk the dog.,得有入带狗出去遛遛。 +"Their experts are often called to testify before Congress, and their published works are often cited by others to support their own positions.",这些研究机构的专家经常受邀出席国会听证会,他们发表的著作文章也常被引为支持某一立场观点的论据。 +Because Chen style small frame is only passed down to its own families and is very strict.,陈式小架由于仅在家族内传授,且师承严格,至今鲜为人知。 +MHF is a viral haemorrhagic fever and a severe and highly fatal disease caused by a virus from the same family as the one that causes Ebola haemorrhagic fever.,它是病毒性出血热,是来自与引起埃博拉出血热的病毒同科的一种病毒引起的严重高致命性疾病。 +"There is much to work out, but it looks as if great things are possible.",有许多可研究处,而看上去这些人也可能会发生重大的事件。 +"Is necessary to outline the implementation of human resources planning as the core, strengthen labor and wage management, and raise efficiency increase.",要以人力资源规划纲要的实施为核心,加强劳动工资管理,实现提效增收。 +"Although a balanced diet is important, there are other factors which contribute to a healthy life. People in some cultures do not eat a balanced diet, but use limited food sources.",虽然均衡饮食很重要而且是至力于健康生活的关键,人们经常在某种文化的熏焘下而没有合理饮食,并经常控制食量。 +"Compared with binary mono-stable flip-flops, ternarymono-stable flip-flops have robust function and can be widely applied into design practice.",与二值单稳态触发器相比,它们具有更强的功能并能在实用设计中获得更广泛的应用。 +"Thus far, that has caused the court to split 4-4 on decisions regarding illegal immigration, the sovereignty of Native American tribal courts and more.",到目前为止,这造成最高院在非法移民、原住民部落法院主权等更多问题上处于4对4的局面。 +The utility model relates to a water-saving bag for the drip irrigation of dry land.,本实用新型涉及一种旱地滴灌节水包。 +"I like Mrs. Carnise, but truthfully, I don't think too much of her husband.",我喜欢卡尼斯太太,不过,老实说我认为她先生不怎么样。 +"It was considered that the NDVI change classification method could work well in efficiently uncovering the trend of macroscale vegetation change, and avoiding the effect of random noise in data.",NDVI指数变化分级方法是揭示大尺度区域植被宏观变化趋势的有效方法,可有效避免数据噪声对NDVI指数的影响。 +The Kuwaiti interior ministry threatened a 100 dinar ($356) fine or one month imprisonment for anyone caught eating in public or encouraging others to do so before dusk.,科威特内政大臣威胁对那些被抓住在公共场合进食或鼓励别人如此做的,要罚款100第纳尔(合356美元)或者一个月监禁。 +You can tune the DE-Light Gateway's performance by using environment variables and options with the drpcadmin and drpcgwy commands.,您可以通过使用环境变量及 drpcadmin 和 drpcgwy 命令的选项来调整 DE-Light 网关的性能。 +"The most exciting innovation of all is the External Connection Engine, which is how we define ‘the internet.",最让人兴奋的创新是对外的连接引擎,也就是我们对于“因特网”的定义。 +"After you have configured the paths to the databases, you must populate the index database with information from the Demo NAB.",为数据库配置了路径后,必须使用来自 Demo NAB 的信息填充索引数据库。 +The Velociraptor is a perfect kind of hard to advise a user who wants to get excellent performance and very good storage capacity.,该伶是一种完美的形式,向辛勤用户谁想要获得优良的性能和很好的存储容量。 +What Is The Maximum Claimable Amount?,什么是最高可申请发还的金额? +"From our reasech, we notice the ownership structure has great impact on dividends policy of listed companies. The dividend payout ratio is lower in state-owned-enterprise than non-SOEs.",分析发现,上市公司的股权结构与公司的分红政策制定有着密切关系,国有控股的上市公司分配比例明显低于非国有控股上司公司。 +You can come back to sanity and goodness and bring that sanity into your life.,你可以回复健康和美好,并把这种健康带到你的生活中。 +The antibacterial effects of polymorphonuclear neutrophils (PMNs) might be mediated by phagosomes or neutrophil extracellular traps.,中性粒细胞可以通过吞噬杀菌,也可以通过产生胞外菌阱杀菌。 +Configuring SSL to filter on the distinguished name in a certificate provides an effective form of authentication.,将 SSL 配置为根据证书中的专有名称进行筛选,这样可以提供一种有效的身份验证方式。 +"A Chinese government survey of 1, 600 companies shows the growing use of Africa as an industrial base.",中国政府的一项针对1600家公司的调查显示,非洲逐渐被作为工业基地。 +Gorham disease is a so-called massive idiopathic osteolysis or vanishing bone disorder.,氏 病是一所谓大量自发溶骨性疾病或消失的骨疾病。 +OPAL can prolong the bloom period of Chrysanthemum.,OPAL的施用能延长小菊开花的花期。 +"Legal English is a special register of English. It has the distinctive features which distinguish from the literary language, and other practical styles.",法律英语是英语的一个特殊语域,具有区别于文学语言和其他实用文体的显著特点。 +A quote to create the banners and delivering the print ready - hi DPI artwork ready to send to the printer.,创建一个引用,并提供打印横幅准备 - 喜新闻部作品准备好发送到打印机。 +Brothers Meng Xianchen and Meng Xianyou were trapped underground while working at an illegal mine in Beijing's Fangshan District late at night on August 18.,孟祥臣和孟祥友(音译)兄弟俩于8月18日深夜,在北京房山区一非法矿井工作时受困井下。 +"A month later, the team had its solution: milling the pigment particles much smaller, so they would stay suspended in liquid.",一个月后,这个团队有了解决方法:碾磨颜料颗粒再小点,那麽他们可以维持悬浮在液体中。 +"So here's a game, I've got the players, that's the candidates.","现在这是个博弈,有了参与人了,就是候选人" +"And, he argues, both technological and scientific progress are driven by humans looking for a means to an end they have already defined.",同时,他认为技术和科学的进程,在人们寻找一种到达他们早已定义的终点的方法时而被驱动。 +You need a chip in the ball for example.,例如在球踢出的一瞬,你需要这种帮助。 +The English love affair with the garden has been a lasting and fruitful one and their fanatical fondness for gardens and gardening has long been firmly rooted within the national psyche.,英国人热爱园艺,历史久远,成果斐然。长久以来,对于花园和园艺的痴迷牢固地根植在他们的民族情怀中。 +"I know you have been busy these days, but Ido hope you can make it, my family and Ilook forward to the pleasure of your company.",我懂患上你这段很忙,但我真的但愿你能来,咱们全家都在期待着你的惠临。 +"This was high-tech at the turn of the century, ""like a Silicon Valley company would be today, "" notes Galison.",这是(20)世纪之初属于高科技,“像今天的硅谷公司,”加里森着重提到。 +"From the press release ""one of our worst APIs has become one of our best, overnight"".",就像发布新闻中所描述的“一夜之间,我们一个最差的API变成了最好的”。 +Aim To investigate the effect of Dicranostiga Leptodu (Maxim) Fedde (DLF) on experimental liver injury induced by Calmette Guerin bacillus vaccine (BCG) and Lipopolysaccharide (LPS) in mice.,目的探讨秃疮花提取物(DLF)对卡介苗(BCG)和脂多糖(LPS)诱导的小鼠免疫性肝损伤的影响。 +But you said that people from a tourist group were found infected with the atypical pneumonia after visiting Beijing. I found it hardly convincing.,但你说一个旅游团到北京之后就感染了非典型性肺炎,我个人认为这有些难以令人置信。 +Astragalus membranaceus seedlings strengthened their adaptability to the adverse environments characterized by nutrient stress by increasing the amino acid content in their bodies.,黄芪幼苗通过提高体内游离氨基酸含量以增强对营养胁迫逆境的适应能力。 +This can reduce the possibility of chrome chicken-wire cracking and poor runout details.,有助于减少鸡皮裂纹的可能性并减少过渡段不细腻的可能性。 +"Late January saw the biggest full moon of 2010 rising in the east with a bright sidekick: Bright, red Mars appeared just to the left of the supersize moon.",1月底,2010年度最大满月在深红明亮的火星陪伴下出现在天上。 +"Past, present and future of studies on ore forming fossil hydrothermal systems and hydrothermal uranium deposits have been reviewed.",介绍了成矿古水热系统与热液铀矿床研究的历史与现状。 +But fooling around with these network underpinnings may strike some people as intimidating.,但是,因为周围的嘲笑声,这种网络支持还是可能会吓到人。 +"But although humans are prone to mistake-making, robots aren't.",虽然人类做事容易出差错,但是机器人就不然了。 +"A student comes to a young professor's office hours. She glances down the hall, closes his door, kneels pleadingly.",一个学生跑到年轻教授的办公室好长时间。她看着大厅,关上门,祈求的跪下了。 +The late 20th century has brought remarkable advance: the United Nations reckons that between 1980 and 1995 the worldwide rate of illiteracy among people aged over 15 fell from 31% to 23%.,20世纪末期见证了教育非凡的进步, 美国的统计数字表明,1980到1995世界范围内的15岁以上人口的文盲率从31%跌落到了23%。 +"This thesis discusses the selection and cultivation of leading industry in mountain rural areas, taking Qingshui Town as an example.",本文以门头沟区清水镇乡村为例,研究北京山区乡村主导产业的选择与培育问题。 +Look after your customers.,悉心对待你的顾客。 +It absolutely amazes me how many people over-react to receiving email SPAM.,它甚感诧异多少人反应过度收到电子邮件垃圾邮件。 +We tried to apply the dual-tree complex wavelet packet transform in seismic signal analysis.,尝试性地将一种双树复小波包变换方法应用于地震信号分析中。 +"For Liu, lanky with a buzz cut and thick black glasses, it was love at first bite when he tried Camembert, a creamy and often pungent cheese.",刘洋高高瘦瘦、戴一副黑色厚眼镜。 对他来说,第一次品尝滑腻而又刺激的卡门培尔奶酪时,就爱上它了。 +"The hybridization matching technique of green case egg breeded by the duck, is a breeding seed selection technique of poultry high quality species.",鸭产青壳蛋杂交配套技术,是一种家禽优质品种的繁殖选育技术。 +Subversion is also relatively simple to deploy and maintain.,Subversion 的布署和维持相对还是比较简单的。 +"Global variables are never allocated to registers. Global variables can be changed by assigning them indirectly using a pointer, or by a function call.",全局变量不会被分配在寄存器上,修改全局变量需要通过指针或者调用函数的方式间接进行。 +"A peristalsis dispenser control system had been proposed which based on AT89C51 as a core controller, through setting related parameters to implement the controlling of the step motor.",通过设置相关参数对步进电动机进行控制,提出了以AT89C51单片机为核心控制器的蠕动式点胶机的控制系统。 +"Elusive even when staring straight at it, the aurora follows no discernible schedule.",极光不遵从可识别的规程,即使直盯着它也难以捉摸。 +"You will see the following cell level naming binding echo -- but this time, it is a CORBA type.",您将看到下面的单元级名称绑定回显,但这一次,它是 CORBA 类型的。 +"But today, hearing the bugle from the barracks nearby",而今,听到隔壁军营的号声 +"Hooker grabbed the Chinese soldier's knife and stabbed the other soldier, who was still holding him under his arms, killing him.",胡克抓住了中国士兵的刀,刺向另一名仍然用胳膊架着他的中国士兵,杀害了他。 +Objective To investigate the influence of early rehabilitation nursing on the prognosis of extremities function of paralytic after hematoma evacuation.,目的探讨早期康复护理对脑卒中瘫痪病人行血肿清除术后肢体功能预后的影响。 +"Other clubs are monitoring Dacourt's situation, possibly even Barcelona, but the chance to play at Highbury would be an enticing one for the 31-year-old.",也有其他俱乐部可能对达科特有意,甚至包括巴塞罗那,但是为海布里效力的机会对于这位31岁的球员来说是很有吸引力的。 +"According to public Jujan bamboo slips in the Han Dynasty, there existed a bad one's post.",从已经公布的居延汉简中看,汉代屯戍吏卒的“私去署”、“不在署”现象非常严重。 +"May I present Mr. Stanley Young, Assistantan t Manager of General Electric?",请允许我介绍一下通用电器公司副经理斯坦利·杨先生。 +Previous research had shown that gingers were more resistant to the effects of local anaesthesia than people with other hair colours.,先前的研究表明,在实施局部麻醉时,红棕色或黄棕色头发的人比其他颜色头发的人更有抗药作用。 +"Is true, is evil, the United States, or ugly?",是真,是恶,是美,还是丑? +I even went to France to research it because they have a Jesuit archive there and they have a photo archive of old black-and-white photos from that time period.,我甚至去了法国,因为他们那里有一个耶稣会档案馆,保存着那段时期的旧黑白照片。 +"Firstly, they divided the country into shires, with shire courts and shire reeves, or sheriffs, responsible for administering law.",首先,他们把国度区分为郡,郡庭和郡官、或行政司长官卖力执。 +"In order to soft-land on the moon more safely and precisely, a method for detecting and recognizing the hazards based on the Elevation Map(DM) in the last descending phase is proposed.",为实现着月末段的自主障碍物识别,提高月球自主软着陆精确度和安全性,提出了一种基于高程图数据的危险区扫描识别方法。 +"Characters of symmetry groups is a powerful maths instrument, it is very significative to study and bring forward its simple computation method.",对称群特征标是有力的数学工具,研究并提出其简单计算方法是很有意义的。 +"The birds move constantly, slowly rotating from the cold outside rings to the warm, wind-free center.",这些雄帝企鹅不断地移动着,从寒冷的外圈慢慢地转动到温暖无风的中心部位。 +"The shape of its heart with Ju-yin, from time that the great grief peace!",其形化,其心与之俱然,可不谓大哀乎! +News content even the British Army during World War I soldiers in the trenches against the build Chaplin-style mustache.,剪报内容甚至包括英国陆军在第一次世界大战期间禁止军人在战壕内蓄卓别林式小胡子。 +"In case the director neither attends nor entrusts others to attend the meeting, he will be regarded as abstention.",如届时未出席祟不委托他人出席,则作为弃权。 +"The first of those points—about the size of the data to be rendered versus the size of the original, untransformed data—bears a little extra consideration.",上述第一点 — 对比要呈现的数据的大小和原始的、未转换的数据的大小 — 需要额外说一下。 +Please tick in the box if the product meets the requirement.,如产品附合要求,请剔取方格。 +"S: Hi BenJi, welcome to our show.",S:你好,石磊,欢迎来到我们的节目。 +The collapse region of brittle metal foams is wide and even.,脆性泡沫金属有比较长而平缓的屈服平台区。 +"So, It is the basic and premises for a coal mining corporation work safety to improve the region team safety quality standard…",所以,搞好区队安全质量标准化工作是煤矿企业安全生产的基础和前提。 +Will such firms be able to make a meaningful impact on the Australia-China relationship?,这类公司能否对中澳关系产生重要影响? +The developer made extensive use of the interactive debugger during the development and testing of the message flow.,开发人员在消息流的开发和测试期间大量使用了交互调试程序。 +"At the request of mayor, he made a speech on the square.",应市长的要求,他在广场上作了演讲。 +This village in the Hooghly District preserved during the last century the idyllic simplicity of the rural areas of Bengal.,这是位于孟加拉胡格利河地区的村庄,上个世纪仍然保存着田园诗般的纯朴乡村风味。 +"He's going to walk and stand here-- and he shouldn't do that, as you see.","他要爬上并站在这里-,他不应该这么做的。" +"But during the second Chechen War, he switched sides, commanding a unit connected to Russian military intelligence.",但是在第二次车臣战争中,他转变立场,指挥了一个同俄罗斯军事情报局有关的单位。 +"Tonno, Fagioli e Cipolle Mixed Beans Salad, Finely Sliced Red Onion , Raw Tuna.",芸豆金枪鱼色拉,红洋葱丝,冰鲜金枪鱼薄片。 +I was so upset about myself that l felt like crying…,对于自己我如此苦恼,以致我觉得只想哭… +Some poor children could not go to school.,有些穷孩子上不起学。 +"NET 2.0 controls, including master pages, login control, wizard, themes, and data controls such as GridView.",ASP.NET 2.0控件,包括主版页、登录控件、向导、主题和GridView等这样的数据控件。 +"Our English teacher was male, very humorous, often to join us, and we joke, we all like him. …",我的英语老师男的。很幽默很风趣我们都喜欢他。 求用英语利… +"Carrizo claimed to have an Italian great grandfather, which would have allowed him to be registered as a non-EU player.",小卡声称有一个意大利曾祖父,这本可以让小卡注册成为非欧盟球员。 +"A person from whom one is descended, especially if more remote than a grandparent; a forebear.",祖先: 祖宗繁衍后代的人,特别是远于祖父辈; +Add thawed blueberries in and puree.,加入退冰后的蓝莓打成泥状。 +"'It (the Protocol) has protected the stratospheric ozone layer from much higher levels of depletion by phasing out production and consumption of ozone depleting substances,' said the report.",报告称,“通过逐步废止臭氧消耗物质的生产和消费,它(《议定书》)保护了平流层臭氧层,使其免于更大程度的耗竭。” +"System through the dot-matrix liquid crystal display data as the carrier, with a human face of the operation and handsome pages effect.",系统通过点阵式液晶为载体显示数据,所以具有人性化的操作和美观的页面效果。 +Article 34 A husband may not apply for a divorce when his wife is pregnant or within one year after the birth of a child or within six months after pregnancy suspension.,第三十四条女方在怀孕期间、分娩后一年内或中止妊娠后六个月内,男方不得提出离婚。 +"I'm an avid reader, and I absolutelylove to cook and bake.",我热衷读书,我还喜欢做饭和烤蛋糕。 +"Based on the analysis of the hardware structure and application functions, a VOS in embedded electric-power RTU is designed by encapsulating layer of RTOS and drivers.",从硬件结构分析及应用层功能分析这两方面入手,通过时RTOS、驱动程序等的封装,实现了嵌入式用电监控终端的VOS设计。 +"Objective: To investigate the relationship of pre-S1,6 modes of HBV and HBV-DNA, and determine the clinical significance and diagnostic value of pre-S1 combining with the change of ALT.",目的探讨乙肝前S1抗原和“乙肝六项”、HBV-DNA的关系并结合ALT的变化确定前S1抗原的临床意义和诊断价值。 +"We do not guarantee, monitor, endorse or make any other statement on the correction, suitability, convenience and lawfulness of the content.",我们不对这些内容的正确性,合理性,有益性,合法性进行保证,监控,支持或作任何声明。 +"Acipenser sinensis can say is-body, are indeed rare fish unique to the economy, in its distribution area for the most ancient on the object to the fishing industry.",可以说中华鲟浑身是宝,确属难得的特有经济鱼类,在分布区其自古就为最要的渔业对象。 +"Mamby 60 years old, but he is not ready to retire.",拳击冠军孟比已经60岁了,但他并不想退休。 +The studies on the effects of Azotobacter N16 culture liquid in different culture period on its growth indicate that upper liquid and serums can accelerate the growth of N16.,研究了固氮菌N16不同生长阶段培养液的离心上清液和破碎菌体匀浆对菌株自身生长的影响。 +Soup or salad?,要不要汤或沙拉? +"Yeah, I mean a lot of the authorized dealers and wholesalers have pretty much been cleaned out of everything that was stacked up in their warehouses.",是的,有很多授权经销商,和商都几乎被清仓,仓库以前堆积的存货都被清掉。 +"William could have refused this training, but he eventually decided, like with other comrades accept the task.",威廉本来可以拒绝这次训练,但是他最终还是决定与其他战友一样接受任务。 +"After years hard work and operation, Fond has build a high quality engineers team. To achieve a perfection, we expanding our specialty skill, using new technology, and all for the clients benefit.",经过数年的艰苦创业,方德装饰已拥有一只高素质的专业技术人才队伍,我们将秉承追求完美的一贯风格,在专业领域不断拓展新的空间,运用现代科技的手段,给客户最大的利益保证。 +The creation belongs to own wisdom property rights.,创造属于自己的智慧财产。 +"He stepped off the escalator as it reached the next floor, and there, before his eyes, was a most amazing sight--tables and chairs and lamps and sofas, and rows and rows of beds.",他沿着电梯拾阶而上,等到了下一阶电梯上,眼前突然一亮:桌子、椅子、台灯、沙发以及一排排的床。 +"We send you herewith a cheque, value90have deduct the usual trade discount of2.",依贸易惯例,扣除2□折扣后,奉上面额为90英镑支票一张。 +This is the third in a series of Mayo studies testing the potential of measles to kill cancer.,这是梅约诊所进行麻疹病毒治疗肿瘤的一系列临床试验中的第三个。 +"And so, just for one instant, I captured the supreme happiness, the highest and most refined emotion to which human beings can attain.",就这样,只有短短的一瞬间,我获得了极乐感觉,这是人类所能得到的最高级、最精致的情感。 +The individual breccia can be used to indicate the direction of displacement of fault walls and the mode of occurrence of the fault surface.,利用单个角砾即可指示断层两盘位移方向和断层面产状。 +The dynamic linker then gets to do all the fun work.,然后动态链接器开始进行所有有趣的工作。 +Is there something I need to do to be sure my child care program is able to accept vouchers?,是有一些,我需要做,以确保我的孩子护理程序是可以接受凭单? +"The methods of study mainly have the cultural heritage method, questionnaire survey, the method of inquisition.",研究方法主要有文献法、问卷调查法、测验调查法。 +"""Shiftiness"" could also be the result of being nervous, angry, distracted or sad.",紧张、生气、分神或者悲伤的表现都可能被误读为是在“耍诡计”。 +They also plan to study one thousand children in a rural area. The aim is to see what effect pesticides used on nearby farms might have on the children's health.,他们还计划对农村地区的1000名儿童进行研究,目的是研究在农场周围使用农药对儿童健康可能会有什么影响。 +"E. G. Y. P. T. — Everything's Great, You Pretty Thing.",埃及—在你美丽的神采中,一切都很伟大。 +"Accept that for now you do have an eating disorder, but remind yourself it is only temporary.",接受现在你确实有进食障碍,但是提醒自己这只是暂时的。 +"Therefore, as they say, ""Education is the best provision for old age.""",因此,有人这样说:『教育是防老的最佳本钱。』 +He has reconsidered his decision.,他又重新考虑了他的决定。 +"A full CD of software is included, again based on kernel 2.4.26 and KDE 3.2.2.",包含了一整张 CD 的软件,也是基于 2.4.26 内核 和 KDE 3.2.2。 +"Outside the venue, meanwhile, protesters chanted, ""Flaming water from our tap, we don't want this racking crap.""",会场外同时有抗议者们喊道:“净从我们的水龙头里骗水,我们才不需要这种坑人的压裂。” +"Tapping into the advantage of its flagship nickel metal hydride battery, eneloop, the Japanese electronics manufacturer, Sanyo, has brought to consumers the rather interesting Eneloop Lamp.",到其旗舰产品镍金属氢化物电池,创业优势攻,日本电子产品制造商,三洋,为消费者带来了相当有趣的创业灯。 +Taoism focuses on nature and Confucianism focuses on nurture.,道教关注于自然以及人性,儒家则关注于培养。 +"There are three videos, each illustrating how the same basic build order can lead to three very distinct counters to Stingrays .",这里有三个视频,每一个说明了同一个基本建造序列是如何引出三种非常不同的抵抗黄鱼战术的。 +"The food will be samosas,chicken curry and rice,and naan bread.",食品将是五香三角菜饺,咖喱鸡肉饭和印度飞饼。 +"The French historian Fernand Braudel revolutionized his field by focusing his research on daily activities, such ad food consumption, in order to understand early historical periods.",Similarly法国历史学家费尔·布劳岱对历史界进行了一场革命,他把历史研究的重点放在日常活动,比如食品的消费上,以理解较早的历史时期。 +"Xinhua News: According to Egyptian media reports, Vice-President Suleiman, Egypt 6, representatives of dialogue with the opposition to resolve the country's current political crisis.",新华网快讯:据埃及媒体报道,埃及副总统苏莱曼6日与反对派代表举行对话,以期解决该国当前的政治危机。 +"On the other hand, the paper tested the conclusion with cointegration analysis, Granger causality test and impulse response model.",另一方���,本文利用江西省相关数据,运用协整分析、葛兰杰因果检验和脉冲反应模型对这一结论进行实证检验。 +"When we first walked into the house, I noticed the wonderful pen - and - ink drawings that adorned the walls in all the rooms of the house.",我们刚刚走进那座房子的时候,我注意到房子里所有房间的墙上都挂着非常美丽的水墨画。 +Rubinstein was selling an illusion—the promise of eternal youth.,赫莲娜一直在出售一种梦幻——承诺年轻永远。 +"SETTING:Neurological Department of Peking Hospital and Neurological Department of the 301 Hospital of Chinese PLA, and ect.",单位:北京医院的神经内科和解放军第三○一医院的神经内科。 +Some people have a natural ability with words: They came out of the womb talking!,有些人有语言天分,自出娘胎便会说话! +The study also identified the first known transgender squid: Ancistrocheirus lesueurii.,研究还第一次发现了鱿鱼中也有“变态”。 +"Even after they saw a photo of Rihanna’s bloodied, bruised face, which had raced across the Internet, they still defended Mr. Brown.",甚至在看到网上流传的蕾哈娜鼻青脸肿的照片后,两个女生仍然为克里斯辩护。 +This paper discusses detection of weak coherent frequency signal buried in both pickup and broadband noise using the double lock-in method.,为此,本文试图探究在宽带噪声和干扰同时存在的情况下,采用双锁定放大器来提取深埋于干扰和宽带噪声中的微弱信号的方法。 +Critics now say the banks have an edge because they have had early control of the new clearinghouses’ risk committees.,批评者现在认为,银行具有优势,因为他们在早期就控制了清算所的风险管理委员会。 +"It uses a special air distribution plate, which pushes the materials move forward, never leading the loss of materials.",采用特殊气流分布板,既推动物料向前运动,又不致漏失物料。 +Belt weighers are used in power plants to measure coal and control power generation costs.,发电厂通过皮带秤对原煤进行计量,以控制发电成本。 +"You consult STO for answers and all they can tell us is that we can't ""skip out of school"".",当咨询“为他人服务”的外星人时,他们告诉我们的所有答案就是我们不能“逃学”。 +The size of cysticerci was highly variable at different parts or even in the same part of the same host.,同一宿主不同部位甚至同一宿主同一部位囊尾蚴处于不同的发育阶段。 +The data recorded about actual interruptions supports the view that the so-called “work-day” is made up largely of frustration time.,记录了实际干扰情况的数据支持这样的观点,即所谓的“工作日”大部分是由无奈时间来构成的。 +It is now a question in the midst of all of this of situating what desire means.,现在所有的的问题,最迫切的是要定位,欲望是什麽意思。 +"The term change management (CM) refers to the processes and tools an organization or project uses to plan, execute, and track changes to a software system.",术语 变更管理(CM)涉及到一个组织或项目用来计划、执行和跟踪一个软件系统变更的过程和工具。 +"Just 29% of Americans say that news organizations generally get the facts straight, while 63% say that news stories are often inaccurate.",报告显示,有63%的受访者认为美国新闻机构的报道经常不准确,只有29%的人认为报道符合事实。 +"When the single chain plate wears out, it only needs to repair or replace the broken one, with further reduction of manufacturing equipment cost.",同时,如单体链板出现磨损时,不必整体 更换整个链条,只需对损坏的链板进行维修或替换即可,可进一步降低生产 设备成本。 +"Furthermore we keep in good relationship with Offshore Oil Engineering Co. , Ltd. and Yan Tai Salvage, also supply professional after-sale services for a long time.",并且与海洋石油工程股份有限公司、烟台打捞局长期保持良好的合作关系,并一直提供着专业的售后服务,在客户中建立了良好的声誉。 +"Apart from the diamonds and oil for which Angola is famous, Angola also has many other mineral deposits such as gold, copper, lead and uranium.",除了钻石和石油以外,安哥拉还盛产其它多种矿物,如黄金、铜、 铅以及 铀。 +"In the process of dedifferentiation. the activity of Polyphenol oxidase, Ascorbic acid oxidase, and Peroxidase increases in the explants and calluses and so does the content of soluble protein.",随着脱分化的过程,外植体及其愈伤组织中的多酚氧化酶、抗坏血酸氧化酶和过氧化物酶的活性以及可溶性蛋白质的含量都逐渐升高。 +"“Even though I’m struggling to find my place in the American pro-climbing scene, ” he says, “I conquer that feeling of dissatisfaction all the time.",“虽然我一直在努力寻找自己在美国职业攀岩��的位置,”他说,“我已经克服了那种时时刻刻都感觉不满的情绪。 +"Microsoft has completed trials of the Whereabouts Clock, a Harry Potter-style tracking device that can monitor the movements of family members via their mobile phones.",近日,微软公司推出一款类似《哈利·波特》“魔法钟”的“定位钟”,并已完成测试,通过追踪家庭成员手机信号,实现对其行踪的实时监控。 +WSDM will evolve as the specifications it depends on become OASIS and W3C standards.,WSDM 将会随着它所依赖的规范成为 OASIS 和 W3C 标准而得到发展。 +"According to unofficial statistics in major international competitions, winning numerous awards from the beginning of the age group of piano is about 5 ~ 15 years of age.",据非正式统计在重大国际比赛中获奖者开始学琴的年龄是5~15岁左右。 +"Committed to this culture of Jina and expansion, and its integration into the opening of each brand and innovation, the interpretation of the brand personality.",矢志于这种文化的集纳与张扬,并将其融入每一种品牌产品的开拓与创新中,演绎品牌个性。 +"Be in Shanghai, the wushu bound that Chen Zhen notices place disintegrate, each establish school, be like in a state of disunity.",在上海,陈真注意到当地的武术界四分五裂,各立门派,就好象一盘散沙。 +And imported drugs Ginaton considerable effect.,与进口药金纳多疗效相当。 +"According to Jupiter media Metrix data released in November 2000 showed that in the past year, has tripled the family broadband access.",根据Jupiter媒体Metrix于2000年11月发布的数据表明,在过去一年中,拥有宽带接入的家庭翻了三番。 +After this a bell man will help the guest move luggage to the reception area.,结算后,门僮会帮客人把行李拿到前台。 +"In the foundation's first appearance at the Marine Corps Marathon as ""Team Travis,"" Looney was a teary-eyed guest speaker.",在同年海军陆战队的马拉松比赛上,这个基金会初次亮相,它组织了一个名为“特拉维斯小组”的队伍参赛。 当时,鲁尼是一个嘉宾,他在致辞的时候热泪盈眶。 +Dr. Love said she and Dr. Domar decided to write the book because many people seemed to have lost sight of what it meant to be healthy.,拉芙博士告诉记者,因为感觉现在很多人越来越不清楚健康的概念,于是她决定和杜马共同撰写这本书。 +Watch and enjoy this full video of Chang'e3's descent onto the lunar surface.,观看和享受这段嫦娥3号降落到月球表面的完整视频。 +"I clearly remember sitting at the dinner table, yelling ""PLEASE STOP!",被引入到我们家庭生活中,我清楚地记得有一次我坐在餐桌旁对妈妈喊“请住手!” +The first clinical uses of whole-genome sequencing show just how challenging it can be.,全基因组测序的第一次临床实验只证明了它的挑战性。 +"Response spectrum of inputting on the direction of blasting and space combinations were studied, using multi-dimensional portfolio space response spectrum for blast resistant design more secure.",本文还对爆破反应谱的输入方向和空间组合进行了研究,提出了采用空间多方向组合输入反应谱进行抗爆设计更安全的结论; +"China will play a big part, writes Maryann Bird , who met OPL's manager for the country.",玛丽安•贝德 遇到了该项目在中国的经理,她在本文中指出,中国将扮演重要的角色。 +Student: Mary's conception.,学生:玛利亚的怀孕。 +It's full of blink-and-you'll-miss-it details.,剧中满是“眨眼就会错过的”细节。 +The hotel was perched precariously on a steep hillside.,旅馆危险地坐落在陡峭的山坡上。 +These however are only my low priority to do list.,然而,这些特性在我的工作列表中是属于优先级较低的。 +"""Mirwais, "" replied Karzai, adding, ""which means 'The Light of the House.'""",“Mirvais, ”卡尔扎伊补充道, “意思是“房屋里的灯光。 +"The cigar smokes were rising up, the cognac got everyone high.",雪茄的烟雾缭绕,干邑是每个人飘飘然。 +"Maximum combustion efficiency for fuels with various octane numbers appears in the region of high EGR ratio and high mixture concentration, closing to the boundary of knocking.",不同辛烷值燃料最高燃烧效率出现在高比例EGR率、混合气较浓、靠近爆震燃烧边界的区域。 +She is always so disagreeable when we ask her to help.,我护罚份顾莓该逢双抚晶们请她帮忙时,她总是那么不友好。 +The organobentonite from natural sodium bentonite has been prepared using benzyldimethylstearylammonium chloride(1827) as organic surfactant through ion-exchange reaction.,选择天然钠基膨润土为原料,用季铵盐十八烷基二甲基苄基氯化铵(1827)将其制成有机膨润土。 +"Since network security in the cloud is not under your control, the case can be made for host-based security: protecting each instance with its own firewall and IDS/IPS.",既然网络安全已经不在你的掌控之下,你可以通过主机托管安全措施进行补救,对每个设备都设定独立的防火墙或IDS/IPS。 +"It is feted by the consumption of mooncakes, the roundness of the sweet pastry symbolising the union of family members.",人们庆祝的方式是吃月饼,这种甜点圆圆的形状象征着家人团聚。 +"If one wishes to ascend and return to Source of All, one then releases all thought-form inherent in your creation and embraces the thought-form of Source of All and exits this creation altogether.",如果你希望**并回归到万有之源,那么你就必须解除你们造物所固有的所有思想形态,并融入万有之源的思想形态,以全部离开这个造物。 +"For thatwe owe them much gratitude, and thank Iran from the depth of ourheart,"" he said。",对此我们非常感激,我们从心底感谢伊朗政府。 +Have you reserved any seats?,你们预定座位了吗? +"Next, in command 4, the double quotation marks do interpret the variable, so the result is the string ls.",在第 4 行代码中,双引号会解释此变量,所以结果是字符串 ls。 +"Today I went to the store and bought some books, including ""the science fiction"", buy him because I like to see most popular science books.",翻译:今天我来到了书店,买了一些书,其中有《科幻小说》,买他是因为我最喜欢看科普读物了。 +"Strangers are greeted with a wave and warm-hearted smile, and hosts take pride in pampering their guests with hearty meals and soft beds.",到这里的人们见到的总是挥手致意和亲切的微笑,而主人们也总是以丰盛的美食和舒适的床铺招待他们的客人。 +"Russian newspaper recently said the Chinese spring festival is no longer in taste with the development of urbanization, the Chinese wish to restore the old customs.",一家俄罗斯报社近日说城市化令中国年味不再,中国人希望回复过年时的古老习俗。 +He ran his eyes down the page and found his name at last.,他的眼睛顺着这一页往下看,终于找到了他的名字。 +CBA is a mature method to analyze the efficiency of regulation in foreign countries. This article introduces the practices and effects of CBA.,CBA法是国外采用的一种较为成熟的对规制绩效进行评估的方法。 +"He brought the coffee steaming hot, and it smelled like real coffee.",他拿上来一杯热气腾腾的咖啡,气味香纯。 +The second part is the justice and the gender question of the Chinese cadre selecting policy .,第二部分是中国干部选拔政策与性别公正问题。 +"Well show a there is no way to continue living here, they decided to move, the night before he left, grace show my music box ShangXi to heng yu.",恩秀一家没有办法在这里继续生活下去了,他们决定搬家,临走前的夜晚,恩秀把音乐盒托尚熙交给亨宇。 +Barack Obama won the global primary with 65% of the total.,巴拉克•奥巴马(Barack Obama)以65%的票数获得了民主党海外部全球初选的胜利。 +"In the second part, it presents our current pre-school art education which is lacking play-spirit.",第二章、目前幼儿艺术教育实践中游戏精神的缺失; +"Luke has the idea that this family is living in Galilee and, because of a census,the family is required to go to Bethlehem, which is in Judea.",而路加福音里则是生活在加利利,后来因为人口普查,去了伯利恒,也就在犹太。 +"The creation of a ""mass society"" is often accompanied by adjustment difficulties, and the national suicide rate—14 per 100, 000—is high by international standards.",一个“大众化社会”的出现往往伴随着困难的调整,和按国际标准万分之1.4的国家自杀率。 +When Messi signed his contract extension last year he was offered a salary of about 10.5m euros per season after taxes.,据悉,去年梅西续签合同时,巴萨为阿根廷天才开出的年薪高达税后1050万欧元。 +Nothing byt the first step to something better.,无非是获得更好的事物的第一步而已。 +Please indicate that the L/C is negotiable in our country.,请注明信用证在我国可以讧付。 +Figure 3 Spatial reconstruction of evolutions of the average daily summer precipitation over the Sichuan-Chongqing Basin at quasi-33-day oscillation.,盆地夏季降水的准33天周期典型循环,主要体现了盆地降水南北反向异常与东西反向异常的交替演变过程。 +"New York City, (which was)founded in 1653, is an old city.",1653年建成的纽约市是座古老的城市。 +The six square call-outs in the diagram provide a count of the number of concurrent bulk loading jobs.,图表中的 6 个矩形调出提供并发批量加载作业的数量的一个计数。 +Year-over-year increase in gross profit of approximately 34% - 39%.,毛利同比增长34% - 39% +"You could plot this on a 'burn-up chart', showing the cumulative business value delivered over time.",你可以把它画在“燃尽图”上,显示随着时间的推移所累计实现的业务价值。 +Slide past the latest Apple doodad and turn the page on Elizabeth Arden's latest offering.,浏览完苹果计算机最新推出的的廉价品,翻阅到伊丽莎白雅顿推出的免费提供品。 +"Will leave a little rust, you simply stainless steel cock.",铁公鸡还会留点锈,你简直就是不锈钢公鸡。 +A spring rills down by the gorge.,泉水潺潺地流下山峡。 +"Second order elliptic variational inequalities were considered , and a kind of nonoverlapping domain decomposition method with two subdomains was proposed .",考虑二阶椭圆变分不等式,提出了两子域情形的非重叠区域分解,得到了算法的收敛性和几何收敛速。 +"But the place crying out for a vaccine is sub-Saharan Africa, where two-thirds of the world's HIV-infected people live, and two-thirds of new infections are happening.",但是急切需要疫苗的地方是撒哈拉以南的非洲地区,世界上三分之二的艾滋病感染者住在那里,三分之二的新感染也发生在那里。 +"Academy Director Frank McParland becomes Director of Academy and Player Development, with the additional responsibility of overseeing all reserve team matters.",青训学院总监弗兰克-麦克帕兰德(Frank McParland)将任职青训学员及球员发展总监。 除了青训事务之外,他也将负责管理预备队的有关事宜。 +Several of the songs of Valmiki Pratibha were set to tunes originally severely classic in mode; some of the tunes were composed by my brother Jyotirindra; a few were adapted from European sources.,《瓦尔米基的天才》里面的几首诗词是配在严肃的古典调子上的,有些调子是我哥哥乔迪楞德拉作的;有些是以欧洲的调子改编的。 +"Corpus luteum rupture is a common gynecological acute abdomen is one, good hair in the 14 to 30-year-old young women.",黄体破裂是妇科常见的急腹症之一,好发于14~30岁的年轻女性。 +"Father has put well-done carrot and egg into two plates respectively, then coffee boiling the coffee bean out has been poured into the cup.",父亲将煮好的胡萝卜和鸡蛋分别放进了两个盘子里,然后将咖啡豆煮出的咖啡倒进了杯子。 +Objective To research on the efficacy of the fumigate instrument in high mosquito environment of Beiwan.,目的通过熏蒸器杀虫实验,研究在北湾蚊虫高密度地区室内快速杀灭蚊虫的方法。 +"The hieroglyphs of Egypt and Crete were mostly pictures, although each one stood for a word-sound.",埃及和克里特的象形文字大部分是图画,而每一幅图代表一个字音。 +"The hireling fleeth, because he is an hireling, and careth not for the sheep.",雇工逃走,因为他是雇工,并不顾念羊。 +"Results VEGFR-3 was expressed in both lymphatic vessel endothelial and vessel endothelial cytoplasm, but LYVE-1 only in lymphatic vessel endothelial cytoplasm.",结果VEGFR-3非特异地表达于微血管和淋巴管内皮细胞浆,而LYVE-1仅特异地表达于淋巴管内皮细胞浆中。 +"Lilac lucky teapot was marked ¥36.90 each one, but actually sold ¥66.00 each one.",销售丁香吉祥茶壶,价签标示每套36.90元,实际结算价每套66元。 +"Even Christians want to be “servant-leaders, ” not just plain servants.",甚至基督徒都想当“仆人式领导”,而不想仅仅当个仆人。 +"A semilattice can be defined as a universal algebra, and it can also be defined as a partial ordered set.",一个半格可以定义为一个泛代数,也可以定义为一个偏序集。 +"There has been a lot of discussion on modularity, which shows the dualism of modular production network.",理论界对模块化的研究百家争鸣,表明模块化及模块化生产网络存在丰富的二重属性。 +"Note that unlike xmlns, every namespace used must be declared and referred to by its prefix throughout the rest of the schema; use of fully-qualified assertions not supported.",注意,与 xmlns 不同,使用的每个命名空间都必须通过其前缀进行声明,并在架构的其余部分通过前缀引用;不支持使用完全限定的断言。 +He chuckles as he reminisces about the superhuman effort that had been required to physically transform this space into a respectable-looking place of business.,他笑呵呵地回忆当时是如何投入超人的精力把这个地方改造成体面的餐馆。 +"Elissa says she'd love to meet the right man, but it will happen when it happens. Meanwhile, life is good - and she has to get back to work.",艾丽莎说她也想遇到对的人,不过这一切都要看缘分。在这个过程中,生活也还是很美好的——她也要回去工作了。 +Select Run an application and ensure that org.eclipse.ui.ide.workbench is selected (Figure 7).,选择Run an application 并确保org.eclipse.ui.ide.workbench是选定的(图7)。 +A new method was explored to synthesize biodiesel in a internal circulation reactor with a liquid catalyst which could be re-used.,在高效的内循环反应器上,采用可循环使用的液体催化剂合成生物柴油,对反应条件进行了研究。 +I'll try my best to study math during the summer holidays.,我会努力在暑假期间好好学数学的。 +"The paper raises a qualitative and quantitative combined conceptual design method, which is based on multi-stage rhombus thought model.",论文率先提出一种基于多级菱形思维模型的复杂产品定性定量相结合的概念设计方法。 +"A less drastic option, proposed by the White House, would limit how much high-end income earners can deduct for their charitable contributions.",白宫还提出了一项较为温和的选择, 为那些高端收入人群因为慈善捐赠所能减免的税收设置上限。 +"The Pali commentaries support this point by tracing the word nibbana to its verbal root, which means ""unbinding.""",巴利论藏追溯其动词的词根为“解脱”(unbinding),也支持这个观点。 +"Eph 1:6 To the praise of the glory of His grace, with which He graced us in the Beloved;",弗一6使祂恩典的荣耀得著称赞,这恩典是祂在那蒙爱者里面所恩赐我们的; +And the Egyptian carny made up of 15 people will also show their local music and traditional dances.,埃及15人演艺团也将前来展示当地特色音乐和传统舞蹈。 +"Problem-based teaching encourages students to experience in person, to suppose , and to solve questions through group cooperation, by designing the problem-centred teaching situation.",问题教学正是创设以问题为中心的教学情境,鼓励学生亲身体验,大胆假设,通过小组合作寻求问题解决的过程。 +"Relay Actuation Time—This is the time from the application of relay coil voltage to the closure of the contacts, including contact bounce time.",继电器触动时间——从继电器线圈被施加电压到触点关闭的时间,包括触点弹跳时间。 +Some patients were complicated with alimentary tract and neurologic manifestations.,除此外,白塞病尚可累及消化道和神经系统等。 +"With bright nickel strike plating before pulse non-cyanide silver plating, brighter and finer silver coatings with stronger anti-tarnish property and corrosion resistance can be obtained.",光亮镍打底后再脉冲无氰镀银,可获得更加光亮、结晶细致的镀银层,且抗变色性能及耐蚀性均增强。 +Conclusion:The efficacy of FDC and assembled drugs in treating new smear-positive pulmonary tuberculosis were similar.,结论:国产FDC和板式组合药对初治涂阳肺结核的治疗效果相同。 +The official corruption discontented the people.,官员腐败令人民不满。 +"In This paper, an antibonding paint is briefly introduced.",本文简要介绍了一种抗粘涂料。 +"When a group or a nation thinks about another group or nation, there doesn’t seem to be much natural sympathy, natural mimicry or a natural desire for attachment.",在一个群体或一个国家看待另一个群体或国家时,他们似乎没表现出什么天生的同感,模仿或者是相互喜爱的渴望。 +Singaporeans and dogs strictly prohibited!,新加坡人与狗不得入内! +Chapter 1 begins with a summary on dendrimer and its applications in biomedicine especially PAMAM dendrimers.,第一章对树枝形分子及其在生物医学中的应用进行了概述,尤其是对PAMAM树枝形分子。 +The association of single the SNPs and intramuscular fat (IMF) content were analyzed using F2 resource population of Landrace and Lantang pigs.,结合长蓝参考家系F2代资源群体的IMF性状测定值和该群体的多态情况,分析了两基因的遗传变异与IMF含量的关系。 +"The type transform theory is extended to the analysis of geared linkages, so that any geared linkage can be decomposed into a series of single link and extended double bar Assur Group.",从而解决了 齿轮 连杆机构分析过程中高级杆组求解难的问题,为 齿轮 连杆机构的通用运动分析奠定了基础。 +"ZnS has been recognized as a promising material for use in many fields such as ultraviolet (UV) detectors, short-wavelength light-emitting diode (LED), laser diode (LD), and solar cells, etc.",在紫外光探测器、短波长发光二极管、激光器二极管、太阳能电池等领域有着广泛的应用前景。 +"His work included the University of Cambridge Museum, the Ullens Center for Contemporary Art, Singapore Art Museum and many other Art Center collection.",他的作品包括剑桥大学博物馆,当代艺术,新加坡艺术博物馆和许多其他尤伦斯艺术中心收藏中心。 +It focuses on the classification of HCMs and analyzes the character of HCMs in international agreements.,本部分集中讨论了母国措施的分类,并详细分析了母国措施的特征。 +"Jerome Lynch of the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, is the chief researcher on a project intended to help design the next generation of monitoring systems for bridges.",密歇根大学安阿伯分校���杰洛米•林奇是负责设计下一代桥梁监测系统项目的首席研究院。 +"Slub count, slub length and slub space are slub parameter of slubby yarn, different slub parameter directly influence style of knitting fabric.",竹节纱的竹节参数包括竹节粗度、竹节长度和竹节间距,其不同组合直接影响针织物的风格。 +He seemed to regard his scarf as a good luck charm.,他似乎把他的围巾看做好运气的护身符。 +"Celtics spokesman Jeff Twiss said Garnett was traveling Friday, and his right knee strain was expected to be examined by Dr. Brian McKeon on Saturday.",在和犹他爵士队的比赛伤了右膝之后,凯尔特人前锋凯文加内特回到波士顿,接受队医的检查。 +"A choice of two chassis tunings is available, the Cup which is 36kg lighter and sportier , or the standard, which sacrifices less in the way of comfort.",选择两个底盘调音可,这是美洲杯的36公斤重量更轻,运动,或标准,牺牲较少的道路上的舒适度。 +"For test method, near-field test is first optional.",近场测量是现代天线测量的首选方法。 +The chemotaxis characteristics revealed in this paper would be helpful for the design of effective prophylactic strategies for P. olivaceus' culture.,本文所揭示的河流弧菌趋化特性将对养殖牙鲆疾病防治提供有价值的参考。 +"There is a potential track that Hurricane Dean could take which could hit Mexico in the Bay of Campeche , but it seems to be tracking a little north of that.",飓风迪安的移动路径可能经过并袭击墨西哥的坎佩切海湾,但它的实际路径似乎略微偏北。 +"Just wishing someone good luck – with ""I press the thumbs for you,"" the German version of crossing your fingers – improved volunteers' success at a task that required manual dexterity.",仅仅是祝你好运,说一句“我为你拇指相摁”-一种德国交叉双手的表达方式--使得志愿者在一项要求灵活性的任务中表现出色。 +"Then when you graduate, this period of living with a group will turn into a sweet memory reaching deep into your after life.",那么,当你毕业的时候,这段集体生活就会变成一段美好的回忆深深地影响你今后的生活。 +"Transmission, distribution, or storage of any information, data or material in violation of United States or state regulation or law, or by the common law, is prohibited.",输电,配电,或储存的任何资料,数据或材料,违反了美国的国家或规例或法律,或由共同的规定,是禁止的。 +"As a large number of public spaces are being created not only by communal stakeholders, it is time to study this co-production, and to discuss what impact it has on our cities and their inhabitants.",由于大量的公共空间不单单由公共利益方所开发,所以对这中合作开发的形式,及其给我们的城市和居民带来的影响进行研究。 +"The online games industry as a whole -- its architectures, best practices, methodologies, and operations -- could benefit from more information sharing.",在线游戏业整体上(包括其架构、最佳实践、方法和运营)都能从更多的信息共享受益。 +"If an epic, cross-country odyssey isn’t for you, try a week visiting St Petersburg and Moscow, with the cosy Red Arrow overnight service, one of Russia’s essential journeys, between them.",如果不喜欢这种旅行,可以到圣彼得堡和莫斯科去。 没有坐过连接两城的Red Arrow 过夜火车不要说你去过俄罗斯。 +Are you sure you won't miss tea cakes and chorley cakes?,你确信你不会怀念茶点跟小甜饼吗? +Make Your Foods Easy to Make- I’ve discovered that most people eat junk food because it’s just so darn convenient.,学会制作简单的食品—我发现许多人喜欢吃剩菜剩饭,因为吃起来很方便。 +The high-altitude plane was and still is a remarkable bird.,该高空飞机过去是现在仍然是一种了不起的飞机。 +"Of the overall mandatory target, an average of 130 g/km must be achieved from improved engine technology and the rest through biofuels and more efficient gears, tyres and air-conditioning.",为达到这项强制性指标,平均每公里130克的排放量必须通过改进的发动机技术实现,其余排放量可以通过使用生物燃料、采用效率更高的排挡、车胎以及提高空调性能来实现。 +The thesis of the Western Jin period performances involving Feast of Song poetry dating to do research.,本论文对西晋时期涉及宴集表演活动的歌诗做断代研究。 +"""The results, I confess, were somewhat surprising,"" said John Dugan, the Comptroller of the Currency, who oversaw the study and spoke on a panel with fellow regulators.","美国通货监理官John Dugan称:""我承认结果有些出乎意料."" Dugan监督了这项房市调查,并同其他监管者一道进行了讨论." +"The company is situated at the Nanchang gulf town, the area 55 Chinese acres, has prospect superiority which the good environment government foundation and the enterprise develop continually.",公司地处南昌水湾镇,占地面积55亩,具有良好的环境治理基础及企业持续发展的前景优势。 +"In the model, herding behavior is able to lead investors to over-react to the information, and the market presents excess volatility;",模型中,羊群行为会造成投资者对信息过度反应,从而使市场表现为过度波动; +"Only when complying with these rules, can informal house property be managed according to different situations.",在此基础之上,根据不同的情形对现有的“小产权房”进行处理。 +Objective Using numerical simulation to obtain the parameters in the procedure of drug penetration through skin stratum corneum(SC) to provide help for the researchers in pharmaceutics theoretically.,目的从数值模拟的角度研究药物渗透皮肤角质层的过程,为实际的药物工作者提供理论上的指导和帮助。 +"Changxing Life-form Shoal in Jiannan Gas Field belongs to crack reservoir. Because of complex physiognomy and imbalance yield, conventional method of reservoir reclaim has the faulty effect.",建南气田长兴生物滩油层属裂缝油层,由于地貌复杂和生产情况不平衡,常规的储层改造方法效果不理想。 +"group has called for a total ban on work colleagues kissing one another in the office, claiming a peck on the cheek is a form of 'terrorism'.",一个德国的礼仪团体呼吁全面禁止办公室里同事间互相亲吻,他们声称亲脸蛋是一种“恐怖主义”行为。 +It is necessary to make interculture comunication today when international contacts are more and more frequent.,在国际交往日趋频繁的今天,跨文化交际已成为一种现实需要。 +The transnational of universities and the academic ideal: incentives and co-operations of international education market;,大学跨国化与学术理想:国际教育市场的竞争与合作; +Chinese traditional thinking and the spirit of constant strife is the soul of Wushu and the Chinese nation.,中国传统思维方式和自强不息的精神,是中华民族之魂,是武术之魂。 +The future road-map of ERMA includes the integration with open source ESP engine Esper.,ERMA的未来路线图包括与开源ESP引擎 Esper的集成。 +"There is not a single business anywhere in the world that has not felt China's impact, either as a low-cost supplier, or more threateningly, as a formidable competitor.",不论是廉价供应商还是可畏的竞争对手,在全世界任何地区,没有哪个行业不曾感受到中国带来的冲击。 +The crystals are incredibly sparkly and may be cubic zirconia.,难以置信的闪闪发光的晶体,可能是立方氧化锆。 +"Brown Bears in Mist, Russia In early morning mist that rolls in from the coast, two brown bears tussle like teenagers.",清晨,雾从海岸边涌来,两只棕熊像十来岁的孩子般嬉闹。 +"Hedge funds, although they view the dollar as having bottomed, they do not like to be aggressively long dollar in this sharply rising oil market.","尽管对冲(避险)基金认为美元已经触底,但在油价急剧上扬的情况下,他们不太愿意大举做多美元." +"This article analyzes two kinds of bicycle types, means the foldaway frame and the common frame.",本文总共分析二种车型,分为一般式车架及摺叠式车架两大类。 +"But given a header with only the lengths , how are we to reconstruct the binary codes you ask?",不过,只有给出代码长度的注释头,我们又如何将其转化成想要的二进制代码呢? +Finally the availability of model and algorithms is pawed by classification of some documents in china periodical document database.,以中国期刊网全文数据库部分文档数据为例验证了该方法的有效性。 +"Methods: the authors use fluorescent microscope, flow cytometry and MTT assay to identify the tumor-killing capacity of 5/35 chimeric oncolytic adenovirus.",使用荧光显微镜观察,流式细胞仪检测,病毒产量测定和MTT等一系列实验方法对5/35嵌合型溶瘤腺病毒的杀伤能力进行测定。 +"The development of modern payments industry is mainly reflected in the creation and ever-increasing use of non-cash payment instruments, which will have the effect that saves the use of cash.",现代支付产业的发展主要表现为各种非现金支付工具的使用和普及及其对现金使用的替代作用。 +I identified that bird tentatively as Sakhalin on the basis of it having a rather green rump and tail and it also having rather raspberry-pink legs.,我实验性地辨识这只鸟为库页岛柳莺,是根据它还算绿的腰部和尾羽,而且它也有悬勾子般粉红色的脚。 +"""No matter what tricks she does, she has to face the result of divorce."" She said scornfully.",她轻蔑地说:“不管她玩什么把戏,她还是要面对离婚的结局的。” +So did a lot of other pro-life Democrats in the state.,宾夕法尼亚州其他很多反堕胎的民主党人也���如此。 +"And after drinking wine body, so the lack of vitamin supplements, eat fruit just next to also won't produce a hangover.",而喝酒后体内缺乏维他命,所以吃水果正好补充,隔天也不会产生宿醉。 +Sift the milk to remove the milk skin.,用细筛过滤牛奶上的奶皮。 +All progressive dies except those that utilize outboard lifters should use french notches on at least one side of stock (operator side of die) unless otherwise specified by the Project Manager.,除非项目经理指明其它的方式, 除了使用外侧浮升外的连续模必须在条料的一侧使用暗槽。 +"""We have closed the gap and there could be surprises to come in this race, "" Chiellini declared on Sky Sport Italia.",“我们缩小了与榜首的差距,最后很可能会发生奇迹。”切里尼对意大利天空体育说。 +Most of the groundwater in mountain area is transferred to ground surface as the runoff in Xinjiang.,本文分析了新疆地下水的转化规律,特别是平原区地下水的补给关系。 +"The medium mechanism is the specific bank-company relationship, soft budget constraint, monopolistic market structure and the imperfect financial supervision system.",中观生成机理是由于我国特殊的银企关系、预算软约束、垄断性的市场结构和存在缺陷的金融监管制度; +"As Gandhi saw it, Western political philosophy obediently validated the world of industrial capitalism.",正如甘地所见,西方政治哲学顺从地证实了工业资本主义世界。 +"Hester had been set to receive an award of around GBP 1.6 million ($2.5 million), this person said.",此人说,赫斯特本应获得约160万英镑(合250万美元)的奖金。 +"Therefore, applications of the electroporation transdermal drug delivery technology in clinical has great potential and good prospect.",因此将电致孔经皮给药技术应用于临床,具有巨大的潜力与良好的应用前景。 +Solzhenitsyn studied physics and mathematics at Rostov University before becoming a Soviet army officer after Hitler's invasion in 1941.,1941年希特勒入侵苏联促使其成为军官之前,索尔仁尼琴在罗斯托夫大学研究物理和数学。 +"For example, on July 6, shares of Chevron (CVX, news, msgs) closed at $67.56.",比方说,6月6日,雪佛龙 Chevron股票的收市价是67.56美元。 +"This is a smooth, strongly built highway.",这条公路坚实平整。 +"Today, we, all the Chinese, will live in infamy.",今天,我们,所有中国人,都活在耻辱之中。 +Get caught rolling around in your roommate’s bed wearing women’s underwear (if you’re a guy).,(如果你是个男的)让你的室友看到你穿着女性内衣在他的床上打滚。 +Coach Doc Rivers gave a firm vote of confidence to Kendrick Perkins remaining the starting center this season.,教练里维斯坚持给帕金斯信心,继续让他担任这个赛季的先发中锋。 +It is designed as an Ocarina.,它被设计为一个陶笛。 +"And, really, had any one told Pencroft and Neb that a ship of 300 tons was waiting for them in Shark Gulf or at Port Balloon, they would not even have made a gesture of surprise.",的确,即使有人告诉潘克洛夫和纳布,有一只三百吨重的大船在鲨鱼湾或气球港等着他们,他们也丝毫不会感到奇怪的。 +"Typically, the majority of a company's cash inflows are from customers, lenders (such as banks or bondholders) and investors who purchase company equity from the company.",通常,一家公司的大部分现金流入来自客户、贷款人(比如银行或债券持有人)和购买该公司股票的投资者。 +"As a final catch all to build good credit, you might consider credit monitoring.",为了最终建立良好信誉,你也许会考虑信用度监视。 +"Eating is an important part of training. The goal is to become not just big, but also strong.",饮食是训练中的重要部分。目的不仅仅是为了体型变大,而且是为了变得强壮。 +There are two rows of Simon poplars growing neatly on either side of the street.,道路的两侧整整齐齐地长着两排小叶杨。 +"To spur growth, the politicians look to the Bank of Japan rather than in the mirror, or at the deadening regulations and protectionism that hold back the economy.",为了刺激经济增长,政客们将目光投向了日行,或是投向了阻碍日本经济发展的那些冷冰冰的法规和贸易保护主义,而非他们自身。 +"When it comes to balancing the value of litigation, it could be only of a window show if judicial reform turns to ignore this deficiency.",就诉讼价值取向上的整体而言,若漠视这一缺陷,审判制度改革的后果只能是扬汤止沸。 +Elia would certainly rectify that and it is understood that Liverpool are keen to tie up a deal quickly in a bid to maintain momentum from the last-gasp weekend win over Bolton.,埃利亚当然是能改变这一局面的人选。据了解利物浦渴望能尽快完成这笔交易以维持球队在上周最后绝杀博尔顿所表现出来的良好势头。 +"Women’s progress has not been achieved at the expense of men because more men are attending two- and four-year academic institutions than ever before, said Hill.",希尔说,女生人数增加并没有导致男生人数减少,因为在两年制和四年制高等院校就读的男生人数也超过了历史水平。 +"Although the unencapsulated PC12 cells could also improve the rotational behavior, the symptom improvement lasted only two months. In addition, several of the grafts developed into mortal tumor.",裸PC12细胞移植组大鼠的旋转行为改善仅持续了2个月,且部分大鼠颅内有致死性肿瘤形成。 +"You can do that with your hands, your mind, your intellectual abilities.",你可以用你的手,你的脑,你的智力来救人。 +This is my fourth visit to your country.,这是我第四次访问英国。 +Evolve DW data schema to accept new data elements.,演进 DW 数据设计以接受新数据元素。 +Methods Retrospective analysis of 15 cases from which had been autopsied caused by trauma and relevance with medical treatment in from 2006 to 2008.,方法回顾性分析2006~2008年间与医疗有关的15例外伤致死已做尸解的病例资料。 +Reporter Pete Demetriou from KNX Newsradio in Los Angeles also spoke to another man who has lived in the area for twenty-six years.,洛杉矶KNX新闻电台记者皮特还采访了另一位在这里居住了26年的男子。 +"On the whole, the strategy of foreignization adopted by Cyril Birch who is keen to bring the target readers to appreciate the beauty of the classical Chinese dramatic literature proves successful.",整体而言,白之教授主要采取了异化的翻译策略,将目的语读者带到原作前,来领略这一中国古典戏曲文学的美,这一策略被证明是成功的。 +"On the one hand, to create scale, the grade scenic spots, at different levels to meet the needs of tourists.",一方面创建上规模、上档次景区,满足不同层次游客的需求。 +"Besides the clear hairs on ears and around face, all other parts are low resolution, as poor as zhou's tiger.",除了耳朵和面部周围清晰的虎毛外,所有其它部分与周的老虎一样模糊。 +"Finally, the feature of metaphors to narrate directly enables them to obtain their meaning from the usual sense of the words used instead of the superficial metaphorical semantic conflicts.",隐喻直陈性使隐喻意义不再依赖于隐喻表面包含的语义冲突,而完全依赖于语词的通常含义。 +He learns that a man's size is often measured by the size of the thing it takes to get his goat…that the conquest of petty irritations is vital to success.,他知道,一个人的大小往往是通过他对恼怒的承受力来衡量的,他知道征服琐碎的烦恼是成功的关键。 +The size of the deep throat directly determine the width dimension of the board processing size (namely lathe bed length direction along the process of sheet sizes).,喉深的大小直接决定加工板材的宽度尺寸大小(即沿床身长度方向加工的板材尺寸)。 +"For each one, you see the character representation for the phoneme along with an example of a word showing you what that phoneme sounds like.",对于每个音素,您都会看到该音素的字符表示以及一个显示该音素的发音的示例词。 +"His car started off,and a ball of black smoke streamed behind him.",他的车开走了,留下了一团黑烟。 +"As a member of Hani people, the author has the immediate experience on listening ""Haba"" and undertakes the responsibility to safeguard and inherit the traditional culture of Hani groups.",笔者作为哈尼人,从小有近距离聆听“哈巴”的经历,肩负着保护和继承哈尼族传统文化的责任和义务。 +Patty has a mysterious admirer that would send her 100 roses through some very florist to her working studio every week. There is also a love card placed on the flowers.,侯佩岑身旁最近出现一位神秘追求者,每周固定请花店送100朵玫瑰花到摄影棚,上面还挂著一张示爱卡片。 +"Depp went on to star in several of his films including Ed Wood (1994), Sleepy Hollow (1999), Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (2005) and the Corpse Bride (2006).",而后,戴普又出演了他的多部影片,包括《艾德伍德》(1994)、《断头谷》(1999)、《查理和他的巧克力工厂》(2005)和《僵尸新娘》(2006)。 +He was particularly concerned that she would not be tough enough in pressing China to open its markets to US financial institutions.,舒莫尤其担心,施瓦布在要求中国向美国金融机构开放市场的问题上,态度不够坚决。 +"And if living in the lower celestial and Brahma realms, their heads are always turned towards the higher planes of those worlds.",虽然他们还在低层的天神界以及梵天界,从那时起,就会转生较高级的天神界以及梵天界。 +"Liu Wenkai there is no way, go looking for the jade beads received sister, jade beads are reluctant to sorry Ye Hong.",刘文凯没有办法,去找了玉珠收留妹妹,玉珠却不愿对不起叶虹。 +"In addition, it allows you to have dynamic schemas because of its interlinked object-oriented perspective, in contrast to SQL's strictly relational perspective.",此外,它允许拥有动态模式,因为它拥有互相链接的面向对象的透视图,与严格的 SQL 关系透视图形成对照。 +"A novel model of fuzzy clustering, i. e. an allied fuzzy c-means (AFCM) model is proposed based on the combination of advantages of fuzzy c-means (FCM) and possibilistic c-means (PCM) clustering.",提出一种新的结合了模糊c-均值聚类(FCM)算法和可能性c-均值聚类(PCM)算法优点的联合模糊c-均值聚类(AFCM)算法。 +"Reporter early yesterday took a stroll park West Lake, the wax plum You joss-stick came into nostrils since then, West Lake the side eyeful was an Ao to sign a wax plum flower with just budding head.",记者昨早漫步西湖公园,腊梅幽香扑鼻而来,西湖畔满眼是傲立枝头含苞待放的腊梅花。 +Why is traditional Chinese ink landscape painting in the late Tang Dynasty?,为什么中国传统的水墨山水画出现在晚唐? +Premium EVA midsole offers responsive cushioning.,优良的EVA中底提供灵敏的缓震; +"Is there not a next generation at the studio who could continue after you and your partner, Isao Takahata?",在工作室里有接替您和您的搭档高畑勋下一代制作者么? +"The combination regimen with HCPT is safe and effective for advanced colorectal cancer, it's worthy of further clinical trail.",结论HCPT联合方案治疗晚期大肠癌安全有效,值得临床进一步观察研究。 +Fully furnished two bedroom apartment with great views over the city from the North facing balcony.,充分地用装备的两卧室的公寓有在城市的巨大看法从朝北的阳台。 +Johan Djourou will come in at centre back.,朱鲁将出任中后卫。 +"This thesis does the introduction to SNMP at first, SNMP history, command and struction of message, and operation principle.",本文首先对SNMP做简单介绍,说明SNMP历史,命令和报文格式,以及工作原理。 +"With the indelible example of danger set by Moe's murder, Aak became an even more vocal champion of the Military Creation Act than Moe was.",由于有莫被谋杀的危险先例,阿克对《建军法案》的拥护态度,比莫更为坚定。 +And I can rewrite this in vector form as the gradient dot product the amount by which the position vector has changed.,"可以把这些用向量形式重新写下来,就是梯度向量和位置改变量的点积。" +This is just a pattern to avoid the definition of several strips.,这只是一种用于避免定义某些三角形带的模式。 +Last week your correspondent spoke to Sir Paul about his plan for the centre: to create one of the world's preeminent biomedical research centres.,上周《经济学人》的记者,在和保罗先生交谈时,提及他对该中心的计划,即创造一个世界一流的生物医疗研究中心。 +To become an excellent soccer referee requires painstaking effort as well.,要想成为一名优秀的足球裁判同样需要下苦工夫。 +"Tools and technologies can help to realize this approach, and make it practical and efficient to apply.",工具和技术能够帮助实现这个方法,并使这个方法更具实践性和高效的被应用。 +"The problem of error control should be sufficiently considered for the image transmission coding in underwater acoustic telemetry, because data are prone to errors over underwater acoustic channels.",提出了一种高误比特率传输条件下的图像编码方法,它适用于水声信道的图像传输。 +Courteney and David announced on Monday that they had agreed to try a “trial separation” several months ago.,柯特妮-考克斯与大卫-阿奎特在礼拜一发布声明,正式承认两人已经于几个月前分手。 +Objective To develop Schwann cells (SC) culture systems for three-dimensional modeling under regular gravity and simulated microgravity.,目的探讨普通重力和模拟微重力条件下构建许旺细胞三维培养体系的方法。 +"Mr. Shen and his colleagues decided to test the new rules almost immediately, applying to find out how tolls from the expressway to Beijing's airport were being spent.",沈岿和他的同事们在这些法规刚一生效就决定测试一下其有效性。 他们申请了解北京机场高速公路收取的过路费是如何支出的。 +We would rather involve thousands of regular folks in ministry than have a perfect church run by a few elites.,们宁可有几千位平凡人参与事工,胜过一个只由几位精英经营的完美教会。 +"If people are asked to estimate the number of jellybeans in a jar, their average estimate is usually quite close to the truth;",如果让人们去猜测罐中的软糖数,通常情况下平均数最接近事实; +"The automobile sound, may dispose the visor curtain or the transparent rain curtain, all-weather uses.",汽车音响,陕西电动旅游观光车可配置遮阳帘或者透明雨帘,全天侯使用。 +"At this time AMan calls, and summer beauty and letter interface, three rounds go shopping resolution.",此时阿满来电话,和夏美及信介回合,三人决议一同去逛街买东西。 +""" and 250-1 for ""Let's get ready to rumble"" and ""Life is like a box of chocolates,"" said bookmakers Paddy Power.",、“生活像一盒巧克力”,赔率均为250赔1。 +"Today’s families may include both the biological mother and father or a single parent or guardian, grandparents or other extended family, same-gender parents, or foster parents.",今天的家庭可能包括亲生父母,或者是单亲或监护人,以及祖父母或其他延伸的家庭成员,甚至是同性父母或者养父母。 +"The paper narrates a series of questions about the application of the safe-control form in substation switch changing operation, it is best means for substation operation controlling safety.",阐述了变电站倒闸操作安全控制表在实际操作中的应用,它是变电站运行人员保障安全的有力手段。 +Soil salination is one of the major abiotic-stress that influences agricultural production and environment.,土壤盐渍化是影响农业生产和生态环境的主要非生物逆境之一。 +The cloud gives all its gold to the departing sun and greet the rising moon with only a pale smile .,云彩把它所有的黄金都给了西沉的太阳,却仅仅用一丝苍白的微笑问候升起的月亮。 +How to separate the boiled cod fish for making Bacalao; learn more about traditional Spanish food in this free cooking video.,如何区分作出Bacalao煮鳕鱼,学会在这个自由烹饪影片对传统西班牙菜多。 +The paper presents the variation process of the fingerling stocking model and its effects on the fish production and economic benefits since Cixi city developed the fish ponds along the coast.,本文阐述了慈溪市开发海涂鱼塘以来鱼种放养模式的变化过程及其对鱼产量和经济效益的影响。 +"But I think it's also related to the lap time. I didn't do a great lap and I had to try again, to be safe inside the top ten.",但那是我认为这也关系到圈速,我没有做到完美的一圈而我需要再尝试一次,能安全的进入前十。 +"Leading role is did play doctors, teachers, a senior police officer, blood businessman role, such as hemorrhagic track wide excellent actress ZhuYeNaFeng.",担任主演的是曾扮演过医生、热血教师、资深警官、血性生意人等角色,戏路很宽的实力派演员竹野内丰。 +Almost no one here talks about the war on drugs.,这里几乎没有人谈论这场关于毒品的战争。 +"This part has combined Lanzhou Minbai and vigours 28 replacement of assets case, analysed enterprise adopt the method adapting to circumstances to control profit.",本部分结合了兰州民百和活力28资产置换的案例,分析了企业采用变通的方法操纵利润的行为。 +A tree that looks at God allday.,树啊,你整日仰望上帝。 +This magazine is published and distributed by Fuping Pottery Art Village. Dr. I-chi Hsu is the editor.,本刊由富平陶艺村出版发行。许以祺先生担任主编。 +"This system has combined the trade characteristic of medicines sale according to the real business procedure of the regional agent of medicines, can well meet users' demand of using .",该系统按照药品区域代理商的实际业务流程,结合了药品销售的行业特点,能很好的满足用户的使用需求。 +"My rainy season has disappeared with the passing of time , and your figure has also gone dim in my mind . Everything gones dim, the rainy season and you …",我的雨季随着时间的流逝而消失,你的身影也在我的记忆中消失的淡淡的,淡淡的雨季,淡淡的你。 +The hydration rate equations are obtained.,由此得出了水合速率方程。 +"A severe drought in Southwest China has cracked a runway at Kunming Wujiaba International Airport, Xinhua reported Wednesday.",据新华社17日报道,受我国西南部严重干旱影响,昆明巫家坝国际机场的一条跑道日前出现断裂。 +REGENCY 's wood burning is far cleaner than that of other conventional fireplace.,REGENCY 燃木暖炉的燃烧洁净程度远高于其他常规壁炉。 +Methods Fresh milk method together with traditional lyophilization method and common milk powder method were applied to preserve 86 strains of gonococci.,方法用鲜奶法、普通奶粉法和冷冻真空干燥法三种方法同时保存86株淋球菌。 +"Sulfamine-substituted benzodihydopyran, preparation method, use as medicine or diagnostic reagent and medicine containing same.",氨磺酰-取代的苯并二氢吡喃,其制法,作为药物或诊断剂的应用及含有它的药物。 +It is 1919 and the heavyweight champion of the world is a giant named Jess Willard.,1919年,当时的世界重量级拳王是一个叫杰斯·威拉德的大力士。 +"The cancericidal effect of the new hematoporphyrin photosensitizer PSD-007. prepared in our laboratory, irradiated with light in different wave lengths, was evaluated in vitro.",本文应用国产的血卟啉光敏剂(PSD-007)加不同波段的光辐照,比较了不同波段的光敏反应对癌细胞的杀伤作用。 +The following electronic files are available for use.,下列电子图档可供使用。 +"Unfortunately, the more time that passes, the less you'll remember.",问题是时间过得愈久,记得的内容就愈少。 +"Tips of rock wet by chemicals, I break off secrets (come away in my hands), revealing lost bodies hidden deeper and nearer, distant like childhood.",石端给化学物濡染,我把奥秘解开(让我双手带走),展露出遗忘了的躯壳,既深且近,久远如童年。 +"Cashews and macadamia nuts are higher in fat than protein content, but can also be useful to the ascending biology nonetheless.",腰果和夏威夷果脂肪含量比蛋白质含量要高,但对提升生物体也有用。 +"a file called debian-binary indicating the debian package version (it should contain only the text ""2.0"")",名为 debian-binary 的文件表示 debian 包版本(它只能包含文本 “2.0”) +Their free and bustling activities display fully the self-confidence and pride of a new generation of Chinese peasants.,其冲闯自如、 龙腾虎跃的气概,充分显示出中国新一代农民已成为大地主人的自信与豪迈。 +"Besides, the net can provide resources which are short for both teachers and students.",网络提供教师与学生日常教学中欠缺的资源; +"Myra Lester: Well, what am I going to do instead?.",玛拉·莱斯特:好吧,那麽我去干吗呢?。 +The effects of electroless nickel plating on the particles morphology and the electrochemical properties of low-Co hydrogen storage alloy were investigated.,研究了化学镀镍对低钴贮氢合金粉末颗粒形态和电化学性能的影响。 +"Just maintaining the data is difficult: each time new scientific knowledge is incorporated into one data source, others linked to it must be reintegrated , one by one.",光是资料维护工作就很困难:每次某个资料来源加入了科学新知,其他连到该资料来源的地方就得逐一重新整合。 +"In a separate announcement, the Fed said it will sponsor 45-second ads before movie previews telling consumers to use credit cards wisely.","在另一份声明中,美联储宣布将赞助一个45秒的电影贴片广告,告诉公众如何明智地使用信用卡." +Our goal is to provide embroiderers with high quality products at competitive prices.,我们的目标是以有竞争力的价格向绣绣爱好者提供高品质的产品。 +"Given all these advantages, as we wrote beforetheelection, Kenya had an opportunity to""set an example"" toAfricaandhold free and fair elections.",尽管有这么多优势,正像我们在裑偾八吹?肯尼亚有机会给非洲“树立一个榜样”,举行一场自由和公平的裑?。 +"In general, they had much more mature processes for inspection and review.",概括来说,他们在检查和评价方面有更为成熟的过程。 +The geochemist attempts to understand the chemical processes that modify the earth .,地球化学家尝试了解改变地球的化学过程。 +This picture shows one shipload of British soldiers reaching safety at Dover after being evacuated from Dunkirk and shows just how tightly packed the rescue ships were.,这张照片显示载满英国士兵的船只从敦刻尔克撤退后安全抵达多佛。可以看出船内拥挤不堪。 +"Additional metadata, or data about the node, can be added by a module.",可以通过模块添加其他元数据或关于节点的数据。 +This system can achieve the parcel post information checking and verification by means of a medium vocabulary speaker independent continuous speech technology.,该系统利用中大词汇量非特定人连续语音识别技术实时实现了邮包信息的语音校核。 +Participating in sports and other physical activities can help promote good self-esteem and a positive body image.,参加体育和其它运动有助于提升自尊,培养正面的身体意象。 +Objective To explore the mental health status of medical staffs among different nationality in Mulao ethnicity area.,目的调查仫佬族地区不同民族医务人员心理健康状况。 +"But if progress is defined by pursuing a vision of a desirable future, then the Japanese never progressed.",但如果进步定义为对理想未来这一愿景的追求的话,那么日本从来没有进步过。 +Are your words that day a kind of confession?,山东馆的孔子像为何是国字脸? +"So bodybuilding gave me the confidence, movies gave me the money, and public service and being a governor gave me a purpose larger than myself.",因此,那些梦想总引导着我不断向前——健美运动给了我信心,电影给了我财富,而公共服务以及当州长给了我更大的决心。 (编译:曈曈) +"The determination of LPO in rats' blood plasma, brains and liver was done by colorimetric method using production of 5,5'-Dithiobis-p-nitrobenzoic acid.",对衰老模型小鼠血浆、脑匀浆、肝匀浆LPO水平的测定采用硫代巴比妥酸反应产物比色法。 +"If a debutante was permitted to make her ""coming out"" appearance at an Almack's ball, her dancing partners were chosen for her by one of the Ladies of the committee.",如果一个参与者被允许在舞会中露面,她的舞伴将由委员会的另外一位女士为她选出。 +"Their most common result is a 2-0 win, occurring in 17% of league games this season.",切尔西最常出现的比分是2-0的胜利,本赛季17%的比赛是这个结局。 +Here's the man! He's the one in the middle there. Jeff Peckman is his name.,就是这个人。就是中间那个人。他的名字叫杰夫•佩克曼。 +The process of3003-H16aluminium alloy sheet for lid is studied.,研究了防盗盖用3003-H16铝合金板带材的生产工艺。 +This kind of guard shield holds the leading position in the world.,这类护罩在世界占有领先地位。 +"For centuries, traditional Chinese physicians have used extracts from leaves of the maidenhair tree, Ginkgo biloba , to treat asthma, bronchitis, and brain disorders.",几个世纪以来,传统的中医师一直将铁线蕨和银杏叶等植物的提取物应用于治疗哮喘、支气管炎和大脑功能障碍等疾病。 +"For many years, teacher, you have served silently as a ladder, sending countless seekers to the summit of success.",老师,多少年来,你默默地当着人梯,把一批批求索者送上了成功的山顶! +"After all, what may seem clear in the moment might appear to be simple ranting a few weeks later.",毕竟,此时此刻记下了很清晰的思路可能几周后就看着像是胡言乱语了。 +"In short, Christmas is strictly a Roman Catholic word.",总之,“圣诞”严格意义下是罗马天主教中的字。 +"The Visualization Toolkit (VTK) is a powerful open source software system for 3-D computer graphics, image processing, and visualization.",Visualization Toolkit (VTK) 是一个功能强大的开放源码软件,可以用来进行 3-D 计算机绘图、图像处理和可视化操作。 +A soft spleen can be palpated in about three fourths of the patients .,四分之三的患者可触及脾脏,其质地柔软。 +Reaching the 2nd body and achieving an oobe would require Monroe to go through certain stages.,门罗进入第二身体、并获得脱体经验要通过若干个阶段。 +Cheng Rushan after know Tang Li accept Tang Zheng quotation very happy and said to build a new brand as soon as possible.,程如山在知道唐力接受了唐正的报价后很高兴并且说着要尽快建立一个新的品牌。 。 +"The medical school in Washington, D. C. , has been given two years to meet the standards.",这所位于华盛顿市的医学院已经被限定在两年内必须达到认证标准。 +"These patients were performed microsurgical resection of tumor via retrosigmoidal approach, direct electric stimulus and monitoring the facial nerve EMG during operation.",采用经乙状窦后入路显微外科手术切除肿瘤,术中施行面肌肌电图监测和直接电刺激。 +I hope you will find some comfort in the memory that your father was a wonderful man.,令尊是位了不起的人,我希望这种回忆,能带给你一些慰藉。 +"Of all patients treated, 237 patients (87.8%) had successful embolization (>95% occlusion of the dome).",所有患者中,有237名患者成功栓塞(>95%的瘤体栓塞)。 +"Hong Kong's melodrama movies has influenced considerably on other types of Hong Kong film, for example gangster film, comedy film, while somewhat on love film of mainland China.",香港文艺片不仅对香港本土的其他类型的电影(如黑帮片、喜剧片)产生了明显的影响,也对中国内地的爱情文艺片产生了一定的影响。 +The applicability of the fitting models is analyzed. The method for using bicubic splines or bicubic sur-face function to carry on the smoothing junction for two fitted subregions is presented.,对各种常用拟合模型的适用性进行了分析,幷提出了用双三次样条函数或者双三次曲面函数对拟合后的两个小区进行平滑连接,给出了相应的算法和精度评定标准。 +From the ENan span in the past.,当下从恶男跨下钻了过去。 +"Secondary HDD (physical disk 2) with Red Hat Linux installed; the root partition is on the third partition of this hard drive, /dev/hdb3 (hd1,2 in GRUB terms).","从 HDD(物理磁盘 2)上安装了 Red Hat Linux;root 分区位于这个硬盘驱动器的第三个分区,即 /dev/hdb3(在 GRUB 术语中是 hd1,3)。" +The region sustainable development system is a huge complex system and is obviously of self-organization and non-linearity. So it is localized obviously to research it with normal linear method.,区域可持续发展系统是复杂的巨系统,具有明显的自组织性和非线性特征,因���用一般的线性方法去研究它具有很大的局限性。 +"In addition, some individuals appear to metabolise gluten poorly with high levels of opioid protein fragments appearing in their urine.",此外,一些人似乎代谢面筋的能力差,尿液中有高水平阿片蛋白质。 +"Fate destined each other, youth Festivals, empty dream.",宿命注定了彼此,青春的祭奠,空梦的吟唱。 +"Yeah. All right, so the answer was it's linear which is absolutely right.","答案就是线性的,原因我们接下来就要讲到。" +The model between aboveground biomass and DBH is fine because of its high significance.,地上生物量与胸径关系模型的相关性都达到极显著。 +Newt Gingrich had said it all in one phrase; they were doing it because we can.,纽特·金里奇曾用一句话就概括了——这样做是因为,“我们能做到”。 +Figure 4 shows the n-tier application.,图4展示了n级结构。 +"This also affected some dolphin and whale lineages, which were bred in large tanks and imported from the Pleiades to earth after the ice shields broke creating your oceans.",这也影响了一些海豚和鲸鱼血统,它们是在大培养皿里被培育出来的,并由天狼星在冰天毁坏后播种到地球上。 +"The sum of path number 2 and path number 3 get me to the same place, so the energy change by going through this time path, this intermediate point here back all the way to final state should be the same the red path.","而经过路径2和3可以3,到达同样的末态,因此经过路径,2和3带来的能量的变化,与路径1带来的,能量变化相同。" +"A new leather fatliquor product was synthesized by amidation, esterification and neutralization of cotton oil.",以棉油为基本原料,经酰胺化、 酯化、 中和, 合成出一种新的皮革加脂剂产品。 +"Static analysis tools also can help to find resource leaks, such as failures to deallocate memory or release resources, by identifying potential source code.",通过识别潜在的源代码,静态分析工具还能帮助发现资源泄漏,比如无法释放内存或资源。 +A flat-topped beam can be achieved by a suitable choice of the transform order for the Cosine-Gaussian beams with the modulation parameter.,对给定调制参数的余弦-高斯光束,通过适当选取分数傅里叶变化阶数可以获得平顶的光强分布。 +Sethi: Do you mean to tell me he would turn the slaves against me? I've been his father!,塞提:你说他会利用奴隶背叛我?我可是他的父亲! +"She also starred in television series ""Lurk"" in 2008.",此外,她还在2008年的《潜伏》中担纲主演。 +Copy off everything positive from the first list on to a new piece of paper; take a look at that list.,把第一张单子里所有的积极因素都抄写到另一张新的纸上,并看一下。 +"Salinger's in which the voice is not secure, as the young Seymour fidgets first with one tone and then with another — by turns earnest, anxious, playful and sarcastic.",年轻的西摩不安地变换着一种又一种语调——起初认真诚挚,随后转为躁动不安,接下来变得轻松俏皮,最后又挖苦讽刺起来。 +"Furthermore, the compound 4–modified carbon paste electrode (4–CPE) displays good electrocatalytic activity for the reduction of nitrite.",电化学研究表明,化合物4的本体修饰碳糊电极对亚硝酸根的还原具有良好的电催化活性。 +"With this update we’re going to be supporting hardware accelerated, multi-core enhanced full screen video playback and you’ll be able to view any H.264 encoded video including MP4 and MOV.",我们将会支持硬件加速、多核增强型全屏视频回放,并将让你能够观看任何H.264编码的视频,包括 MP4和MOV。 +"How beautiful the long mild twilight, which, like a silver clasp, unites today with yesterday!",这漫长柔和的夏日黎明也是如此美丽,它就像一个银扣,将今天与昨天紧紧地联在一起! +The Zurich airport is also less than three hours away from any ofthese towns by train.,苏黎世飞机场离开这些城市也不过只不足3个小时的火车车程。 +The mostwell known schools following this approach areMontessori and Waldorf andthey have been doing it for a long time.,最知名的遵循这个方法的学校是蒙特塞利和伍尔道夫,他们这样做已经很长时间了。 +"The renminbi rose 21 percent against the dollar during those three years, including a one-time jump of 2 percent when the policy was announced in July 2005.",包括2005年六月政策声明一次性升值2%在内,过去三年里人民币对美元升值21%。 +But the same code died horribly when someone introduced a 68030 machine with main memory starting at 0x8000000.,但是当将相同的代码移植到一台主存地址从 0x8000000 开始的 68030 机器上时,这些代码就会死掉。 +Nautical A motorboat designed so that the prow and much of the hull lift out of the water and skim the surface at high speeds.,水上滑行艇:一种���动船,设计使船头及船身很大一部分露出水面,船可以高速滑过水平面。 +Seldom noted in the union-controlled discussion of trade on Capitol Hill is that the jobs of large numbers of American workers depend on imports from China.,国会中工会节制的商业会商很少提到的是,良多美国工人的工作要依托从中国的进口。 +"In the TUNA group, mild hematuria was found in all patients. Urinary retention developed in 4 patients, and urethral catheterization was needed from 2 to 14 days (mean 7.0).",在经尿道摄护腺针刺烧灼术这一组,这6位病患后都有轻微的血尿,其中4 位有尿滞流而需留置道尿管2至14天,平均7天。 +"Conclusion: M-CSF level is a sensitive index to reflect the acute inflammation process, which is useful for the diagnosis, treatment and prognostic judgement of ACS.",结论:M- CSF是反映炎症过程的敏感指标,检测M- CSF有助于临床医生判断ACS急性炎症过程是否结束,对ACS的诊断、治疗和预后具有重要的临床价值。 +Chelsea responded with a Drogba free-kick that was deflected wide and Kalou saw a six-yard box chance disappear as he failed to shoot quickly.,切尔西反击, 德罗巴的任意球打偏了, 而卡劳没等抓住在小禁区的机会, 他没能迅速地出脚射门。 +Floor-to-ceiling glass panels are strategically positioned on the ground and second floors to provide safety for young children while allowing views through all of the principle living spaces.,落地玻璃面板固定在地面层和第二层为幼儿提供安全的视野,同时允许欣赏所有居住空间的要素。 +"So, that cute little dog was actually pulling your leg as he said both: ""I want Taco Bell"" and ""I love Taco Bell.",所以,当那只可爱的小狗拉着你的腿,它实际上在说“我要塔可钟”和“我爱塔可钟”。 +"Up to today, please count the number of the ""red flower"" you have got. If the number is over 20, inform us please.",请您统计一下, 截至今天,您已获得了多少个小红花?如果您获得小红花的数目超过了20个,请您告知我们。 +ASTRONOMERS are a curious bunch. Some like to name things.,天文学家们是一群奇妙之人,有些喜欢冠以星球名字,有些则喜欢用数字和字母来标识。 +"Obviously this example is somewhat contrived, but it helps you explore the challenges of creating an NHRT application and in particular sharing data between NHRTs and other thread types.",显然,这个示例有些刻意,但它能帮助您了解创建一个 NHRT 应用程序的挑战,尤其是在 NHRT 和其他线程类型间共享数据时。 +"A: That's too bad, but I do hope you will give our request your special consideration.",那太槽了,我真心实意地希望你对我们的要求给予特别的考虑。 +"Does Aardman ever feel threatened by other studios, such as the very popular Pixar studio in America?",阿德曼是否曾因其他工作室而感到威胁,例如非常受欢迎的美国工作室皮克斯? +"'It's just a show for the leaders, you know, ' Mr. Hu said, adding that the calisthenics are so mind-numbing that he'd rather be studying physics.",他说,这只是给领导们装样子而已,他还说广播体操太乏味了,他宁愿学物理。 +Is element still in where again now really?,素还真现在又在何处? +"Our culture, politics, society and commerce being sloshed into a large melting pot of humanity.",我们的文化、政治、社会和商业都被放入一个人性的大熔炉里。 +"On this basis, further pointing out the comprehensive movements of Erhuaci are different in cross-strait, and becoming far away from each other whether synchronic or diachronic.",在此基础上,论文进一步提出儿化词在海峡两岸综合走势不同,不论从历时层面还是共时层面都渐行渐远。 +The craft does not have enough fuel on board to do another flyby.,飞船现在没有足够的燃料去完成另一次飞掠。 +"The results show that: (1) in the material award condition, 7-year-old subjects tend to tell lies.",结果发现:(1)在物质奖励条件下,7岁组儿童更容易发生说谎行为。 +"Up to 20, 000 tonnes of coal a week is dug at the site and the bulk of it goes to the Aberthaw power station, near Cardiff.",每周矿井出产高达20000吨的煤,并散装运到Cardiff附近的Aberthaw电站。 +The primary reason for the decision to adopt a distributed computing approach to managing LHC data was money.,作出采用分布式计算的方式来管理LHC数据的首要考虑还是金钱。 +If there is an intrauterine device to consider an intrauterine device remove.,如有避孕环可以考虑把避孕环取出。 +Mr. Chen and Mr. Shi began smoking Nanjings until we were wreathed in smoke.,老陈和老石开始抽”南京“烟,直到我们身边云雾缭绕。 +Panic only subsided when the government stepped in to backstop the industry.,恐慌只有在政府介入担保整个行业时才能平息。 +英国陆军在塞拉利昂的一支巡逻队犹豫是否该攻击一些不到15岁的儿童兵 而沦为这些RUF儿童兵的俘虏之后才正式认识到了这个问题。,"The British Army only recognized the problem after one of its patrols was captured by child RUF soldiers in Sierra Leone, having been hesitant to attack the under-15-year-olds." +A sarcosine standard curve is generated to quantify sarcosine in the samples.,肌氨酸标准曲线可以用来定量样品中的肌氨酸。 +"Objective To study the preventive and therapeutic effect to rats with experimental hepatic by acupuncturing Zusanli acupoint, and probe into the mechanism.",目的研究针刺足三里穴对实验大鼠肝纤维化的防治作用,并探讨其可能的机制。 +"Of course, you could as easily argue that in playing the press a twelve-year-old girl learned something much more valuable—that effort can trump ability and that conventions are made to be challenged.",当然,你也可以说女孩们从全场紧逼中学到了更重要的东西---努力可以战胜能力,也可以战胜那些本就该被挑战的成规。 +"The picker further opens, cleans and blends fibers through a system of rollers and forced air.",清棉机通过罗拉系统及压缩空气的作用进一步对棉纤维实施开松、除杂与混合。 +Windbreaks not only protect land and crops from the wind. Surplus trees can be cut down and used to provide wood.,防护林不仅能来保护耕地和农作物免受风的侵蚀,另外,多余的树枝可以砍下来并能提供木材。 +"We report a case of blunt pancreatic trauma. A 24-year-old man was sent to the emergency department after being assaulted. He presented with transient hypotension, nausea and epigastralgia.",我们报告了一例胰脏钝挫伤,一位二十四岁男性被人殴打后送至急诊,初期的表现是暂时性的低血压、恶心及上腹痛。 +And it is quite curious that one should have imagined inscribing number of times.,耐人寻味的是,我们本来应该想像到,将配种的次数铭记下来。 +"At the same time, the GCC leadership team considered constructing its own building and joining a mainline denomination.",同时,教会同工会在考虑两件事:盖礼拜堂与参加美国的主流教会。 +"With the beginning of this year-round opening to the world of China's banking sector, foreign banks have begun to conduct RMB business.",随着近年来我国金融体制改革的进一步深入及银行业全面向世界开放,外资银行开始全面开展人民币业务。 +"Family Harmony, pictures and bamboo, peony, butterflies, birds.",家和万事兴,图有竹,牡丹,蝴蝶,鸟。 +A new method for determination of cephalexin based on the color reaction between cephalexin and ninhydrin has been developed.,基于头孢氨苄所含伯氨基在酸性条件下可与茚三酮发生显色反应,从而建立流动注射分光光度法测定头孢氨苄的新方法。 +"“We tend to go through pendulum swings, ” said Joel Seligman, the president of the University of Rochester, a longtime Wall Street observer.",“我们往往如钟摆一般,前后摇摆,”长期关注华尔街的罗彻斯特大学校长乔尔·塞利格曼(Joel Seligman)说。 +The end of protein metabolism is uric which is not good for arthritis bursitis and osteoarthritis.,的蛋白质新陈代谢的末端不有益于关节炎滑囊炎和骨关节炎尿。 +"During the training period, we never felt any difficulties of training materials, guidance, instructions, lodging and fooding.",在培训期间,无论是培训材料、后勤信息还是食宿安排,都让我们感到便捷和舒适。 +Savor the food.,要品尝食物,不能狼吞虎咽。 +Sister Mary Loquacious has been a devout Satanist since birth.,玛丽•贫嘴修女从出生起就是撒旦虔诚的信徒。 +She so vehemently wished to find a response to her own ardour that she closed her eyes to all that did not too readily show itself.,她如此强烈地希望她自己的热情得到报答,以致她干脆对那表现不突出的一切视而不见。 +The instrument makes use of xenon lamp as excitation light and combines with fiber-optical sensing and CCD technology to implement rapid determination of imidacloprid.,该仪器采用氙灯作为激发光源,结合光纤传感和CCD技术,实现了对吡虫啉杀虫剂的快速测定。 +Viggo Mortensen purchased Arwen's horse after production and gave it to Liv Tyler's riding double.,拍摄结束后,维果·莫特森买下了亚雯的马,送给了丽芙·泰勒的骑马替身。 +Basic computer skills take--at the very longest-a couple of months to learn.,掌握基本的计算机技能最长也只要一两个月时间。 +"The FanOut properties view allows for the configuration of the two firing modes, as shown in Figure 1.",扇出属性视图提供两种触发模式的配置,如图 1 所示。 +Do you have more later ticket?,有没有晚一点儿的机票? +"Dani Rodrik, a Harvard economist, calculates that manufacturing employment in India and other developing nations has already peaked, a phenomenon he calls premature deindustrialization.",哈佛大学经济学家丹尼·罗德里克(Dani Rodrik)的计算表示,印度和其他发展中国家的制造业就业已经达到了顶峰,他称这种现象为“过早去工业化”。 +"The church bells ring very,very slowly,all over the place, because there is--the heir to the French throne is dead.","在各地,教堂的钟声非常缓慢地响起,因为王位的继承人去世" +The Okinawan business will crash if the military leaves there.,如果军队离开那里,冲绳的经济会崩溃。 +"In fungi, besides enzymes of biotechnological utility and other products including biocontrol agents, the metabolites of pharmaceutical utility are of great interest for counteracting common ailments.",在真菌研究中,除了酶的生物技术实用工具和其它产品,包括生物防治剂、代谢产物的医药效用在抵制常见病上引起人们的极大兴趣。 +The accuracy of MRI in assessing cervical invasion was 92.31%.,MRI判断子宫内膜癌浸润宫颈的准确率为92.31%。 +"But he had never come close to winning an MVP before this season — he was third in voting last year, his highest finish.",但是,在本赛季之前,他还没有赢得过“最有价值球员”称号,其最好记录是在上赛季的投票中位列第三名。 +"Therefore, the menu item has submenus, each of which represents a specific stack frame.",因此,该菜单项具有子菜单,每个子菜单表示一个特定堆栈帧。 +"Panitan said Abhisit may be with the ""Red Shirts"" and ""Yellow Shirts"" of the leaders of the negotiations, but the details of the talks in the next 2 to 3 days to determine.",帕尼坦表示,总理阿披实可能会与“红衫军”和“黄衫军”的领导人亲自谈判,但会谈的细节要在未来2到3天内才能确定。 +"And in the end, two rats chopped off his tongue and killed him.",结果,两只老鼠把他的舌头割下来,要了他的命。 +"Here we review the efficacy and safety of levetiracetam monotherapy in treating several types of epilepsy, including newly diagnosed epilepsy, partial epilepsy, generalized epilepsy, etc.",本文就该药物单一治疗各类癫癎(新诊断癫癎、部分性发作、全面性发作及手术后癫癎等)的疗效和耐受性研究做介绍。 +Do you think he would demean himself by accepting a bribe?,你以为他会接受贿赂辱没自己吗?。 +I'll give them your regards.,我会向他们转达你的问候。 +"They that are effectually called do in this life partake of justification, adoption, and sanctification, and several benefits which in this life do either accompany or flow from them.",蒙了有效恩召的人,的确在今生领受称义,儿女名分,成圣,以及其他在今生与之俱来或随之而来的福分。 +"The footwall, the lower stand canal, the central disc, the upper stand canal, the top wall and the separator compose a framework.",下盘、下支架管、中盘、上支架管、上盘、隔板组 成骨架。 +"“Sweet-mouthed” American politicians, lamented Global Times, an English-language Chinese newspaper, “stab you in the back when you are not looking.",中国《环球时报》英文版悲叹道,“口蜜腹剑的”美国政客“在他不注意时在背后捅了他一刀。” +Edward Cullen stood at the desk in front of me. I recognized again that tousled bronze hair.,我认出了他凌乱的红发。 +Samak ran a radio campaign against pro-democracy student activists in the mid-1970s and supported a bloody crackdown on them in October 1976 which led to a coup.,上世纪70年代中期,为反对亲民主学生活跃分子,萨玛发起了一场广播运动,并支持对这些学生于1976年10月进行的血腥镇压,这场镇压最终引发了政变。 +"As for the schedule , everyone has their own method , mostly like to write down the details about today's matter.",对于计划,每个人有每个人的方式,我最喜欢的是把一天要做的所有事情都全写下来。 +"They see and hear about corruption and extortion in the world around them and see via the medium of television injustice in the court and in daily life --- not just in the US, but worldwide.",他们通过电视上播放的执法不公和日常生活的不公正待遇看到了听到了他们身边以及全世界的腐败和巧取豪夺。 +"Open only to Beginners, after 4-5 Beginner classes, students enter the competition, the best dancer gets the prize. The classes focus on Hip-pop, Jazz, and Modern Dances.",仅限初学者参加。报名者将参加现代舞课程培训(4-5节课),然后进行比赛,评出优胜者。 +"Some measures are used in the body shop such as layout, field bus communication, Radio frequency identification technology, Andon system in order to lower the cycle time.",车间工艺布局上实施紧凑高效的工艺物流设计,地板线、车身线、调整线操作高度降到零平面,优化物流和操作人员的沟通条件。 +Conclusions This study is the first successful application of human oocyte cryopreservation in China and this method can increase the survival rate of freezing oocytes.,结论人卵母细胞慢冻快融低温贮藏方法能够提高人卵母细胞冻存后的存活率。 +我对检查鬣狗的私处从来没有什么兴趣,但根据别处听来的说法,雌性鬣狗也有一个很像雄性生殖器的部位,使得交配活动变得颇为微妙。,"I have never had the pleasure of examining the private parts of a hyena, but from what I’m told, the females have something that so resembles a penis it makes mating downright tricky." +"For the short range missile adopting open-loop control flies along the forecast line-of-sight(LOS), the forecast precision determines the missile hit precision.",近程导弹采用预测瞄准线开环控制,瞄准线的预测精度直接决定导弹的命中精度。 +"Liquor culture is composed of material part, spirit-material integration part and spirit part.",酒文化由物的部分、心物结合部分、心的部分所构成。 +"Rural per capita net income reached 4,761 yuan and urban per capita disposable income came to 15,781 yuan, rising by 8% and 8.4% in real terms respectively.",全年农村居民人均纯收入和城镇居民人均可支配收入分别达到4761元和15781元,实际增长8.0%和8.4%。 +"As soon as anger and hatred arise in our minds, harsh, abusive words will come from our mouths.",我们心中的瞋,就是瞋恨。有了瞋心一起,我们就恶口。 +It is concluded LPS can promote myosin-specific autoimmune responses and the autoimmune myocarditis induced by T. cruzi antigen.,结论LPS能够促进心肌肌球蛋白特异的自身免疫反应及锥虫抗原诱导的自身免疫性心肌炎。 +"We have the right format of restaurants to open within transportation hubs and residential neighborhoods, but we also see a great opportunity to open drive-thru restaurants in china.",我们选择在交通中心和住宅区附近开设餐厅,并且规模适中,同时我们也看到在中国开设得来速汽车餐厅(drive-thru)有着巨大的机遇。 +What is of the greatest value for decision-making is a related plot of the reliability function.,什么是具有极大价值的决策是一个阴谋有关的可靠性功能。 +"In this time of crisis, the Chinese intellectuals shoulder the responsibility of survival and salvation.",在此危难时刻,中国知识分子肩负起救亡图存的重任。 +"Although the FAA could always change its mind, the ultralight designation means riders won't need a pilot's license. But don't expect to see commuters rushing to work by air instead of land.",虽然美国联邦航空管理局(FAA)可能改变主意,但是“超轻”代表驾驶者不需要获得飞行员执照。 +"Within hours of arriving, Ochkhuu had pitched his ger—the nomad's traditional round dwelling—on a small, fenced plot of bare ground he'd rented on the outskirts of the city.",在抵达后几小时内,奥奇古在城市郊区里租借的一块圈地里,搭好了自家的蒙古包——许多游牧民都住在这种圆形的房子里。 +"I still shiver and block it out when the memory arises: I tended to use whatever was available at the age of 16; in my case, my little sister's ken doll was just the right size.",每当我记起这件事的时候都会怕得浑身颤抖:在我16岁的时候,我开始使用一切随手可拿到的东西;在我的故事里,我小妹妹的玩具肯尺寸大小正好合适。 +MC can affect the thermal degradation and promote the charring of PMMA.,MC能影响PMMA的热降解过程并促进其成炭; +"What makes them special is that they actually did it; what’s more, they did it on bicycles.",她们的特别之处是她们确实做到了;而且,她们是骑着自行车做到的。 +Could the advantages of slightly more elaborate differentiation of an already wide range of fixed-interest products really be so large?,对业已广泛的固定利率产品进行再细致些的区分,优势真有那么大吗?。 +To shield is to protect or to cover the joint of the rim halves.,防护就是保护或盖住轮圈分开的连接。 +"Rab-effector: A protein that binds to a GTP-activated Rab, then performs a downstream function in fusion.",饶-效应的蛋白质结合的GTP激活饶,然后在下游进行融合功能:。 +"And to make matters worse, government has grown too large and too bold. It routinely tramples on our property and our liberties.",而更加糟糕的是,政府的规模已经变得过于庞大,并且行为太不检点。它无数次地践踏我们的财产和自由,那已经变成了常规。 +"Objective To look for the neurological evidence of the referred pain of the chronic prostatitis and the relationship between the pain of the chronic prostatitis, bladder, and pelvic floor.",结论前列腺牵涉疼痛是神经介导的,它与膀胱有著相似的体表牵涉痛范围。 +"During the time when Chinese intellectuals were experiencing reforms, the leaders of KaiMing bookshop established the post awareness and humanism of modern intellectuals.",处于知识分子转型时期,开明书店一班人确立了现代型知识分子的岗位意识和人间情怀。 +"Microwave energy is a clean energy, and microwave sintering of magnetite concentrates is a new subject by microwave heating effect.",微波能是一种清洁型的新型能源,利用微波的热效应进行磁铁精矿微波烧结是一项全新的课题。 +"The third part analyzes the value of creating a quality school, and feasibility studies developed under the current environment, the necessity and feasibility of high-quality schools.",第三部分分析了创建优质学校的价值,对在当前环境下发展优质学校的必要性和可行性加以论述。 +"It's with a heavy heart that I say that, "" said Lidnsay Sakamoto.""",说这一点的时候,我的心情非常沉重。 +"G. Wilson Knight, Emeritus Professor at the University of Leeds, has had a long and prolific career as a critic .",奈特是里兹大学名誉教授,作为一个评论家,资历颇深。 +"Let me see…um, Gone With the Wind. It is on at six cinemas on Saturday night.",让我看一看……嗯,在放《 乱世佳人》。周六晚上有六家电影院在放。 +AHEC leads opportunities to utilize the beauty of hardwoods for their aesthetic and structural properties.,美国阔叶木外销委员会藉此比赛机会,利用美丽的硬木资源,展现硬木的美感和结构。 +"So basically we're saying yes, we can go from point a to point c without ever going through point b.","所以我们说的是我们可以从,a点不经过b点而到达c点。" +"We use super memory light AMR format, so you can literally record thousands of hours of calls on today's modern memory cards.",我们使用超级记忆体小巧的AMR格式,所以您可以真正的在今天的现代内存卡上记录数千小时的来电。 +"As for network structure, this paper got the best Polynomial-region-wide and the layout and size structure of network by the design of different arrangements and the simulation of software;",针对网点结构,本文通过不同的排列方式进行设计与软件模拟,得到了最佳的全区域式多项式排列布局以及网点大小结构; +The co-integration equation proved the prominent influence and lower contribution of logistics fixed capital investment on economic growth.,结果表明,物流发展与经济增长之间存在唯一的协整关系,两者之间存在长期稳定的均衡关系。 +Friction is an important factor to affect the super low speed property of continuous rotary electro hydraulic servomotor applied to simulator.,摩擦特性是影响仿真转台用连续回转电液伺服马达超低速性能的重要因素。 +"This paper takes a view on its historical background, and tries to appraise the aim and nature of ""Liberty and Equality"", and the famous proposition of ""Sovereignty of the People"".",本文即从它的历史背景出发,对其“自由与平等”的目标、性质以及“主权在民”的重要思想进行了浅显的评析。 +"""You can use it with gloves on,"" Moeller said. ""So it can be used in hazardous environments where capacitive would be unsuitable.""",你可以带着手套使用,所以它可以在不适合使用电容性界面触屏的危险环境下使用。 +Hand in hand classmates sing themselves hoarse.,同学们手牵手嘶哑地歌唱。 +A good example is where a part of the composite application contains an intensive calculation that can be run in parallel to reduce the overall processing time.,一个好的例子就是组合应用中包含密集型计算的部分可以被并行运行,这会减少整体处理时间。 +The results indicate extracts of Phellinus baumii can delay the senescence of PC12 induced by NaN3.,研究结果表明鲍姆木层孔菌正丁醇萃取物可以有效延缓叠氮钠引起PC12细胞衰老。 +"Tim. 5:14 I will therefore that younger widows marry, bear children, keep house, give no opportunity to the opposer for reproach;",提前五14 所以我愿意年轻的寡妇嫁人,生育儿女,治理家务,不给敌对者有辱骂的机会; +"I think you're lying, Sophia. I think you do know Henry and Cori James.",我认为你在撒谎,索菲娅。我觉得你认识亨利和科妮·詹姆斯。 +"The answer for many undergraduates, we have concluded, is not much.",我们的答案是,对很多大学本科生来说,学的不多。 +They all supported the dockers of that country in their strike.,破坏码头工人罢工的暴徒给成批地屠杀了。 +Cars are swapped between heats so the racers have to prove themselves in a variety of vehicles in order to win.,赛车将在激烈的比赛中交换,所以车手必须在多种车种中证明自己,以争取胜利。 +This enhancement supports advanced scalability and performance for systems with a large number of VGs and applies to all VG types.,对于那些具有大量 VG 的系统来说,这种增强可以支持高级的可扩展性和性能,并且适用于所有的 VG 类型。 +"Column, Liang Fang, canopies boards are painted figures-watercolor painting, hanging doors carved with the amount of Kowloon ""Gong Bao House"" Hengbian.",柱、梁枋、檐板均绘人物山水彩画,门额悬雕有九龙的“宫保府”横匾。 +What are you sighing about?,你为什么唉声叹气? +"He could still hear the Morse on the telegraph, and background noise did not disturb him as much as it did people with normal hearing.",电报机里的摩尔斯电码他还能听得见。背景噪音对正常人会造成干扰,对他却没什么影响。 +A prominent and useful class of algorithm is hierarchical agglomerative clustering(HAC)which iteratively agglomerates the closest pare until all data points belong to one cluster.,层次凝聚算法是一个非常有用的聚类算法,它在迭代地凝聚每次接近对直到所有的数据都属于同一个簇。 +"It features 3 Touch Sensitive Buttons for easy operation, and 4 icons that automatically illuminate on the screen for Body Fat, Hydration, Muscle and Bone measurements.",没有更多的攻来激活的规模。 它具有3触摸感应按键,便于操作和4图标自动为体内脂肪,水化,肌肉,骨骼测量屏幕照亮。 +VCL can work on Hybrid cloud model.,VCL 可以处理混合云模型。 +"Top Arab leaders are meeting in Kuwait to discuss rebuilding Gaza and what to do about a stalled 2002 Arab peace initiative with Israel. The meeting, however, takes place amid deep divisions.",阿拉伯国家领导人正在科威特举行会议,讨论重建加沙的问题以及如何处理处于停滞中的2002年阿拉伯与以色列的和平倡议。 +"Therefore, we must strengthen the humanity education of science and engineering college conscientiously through various channels and method with the guidance of Scientific develop ideas.",因此,理工科院校要以科学发展观为指导,通过各种途径和方法切实加强理工科院校的人文素质教育。 +"Directors had steadily grown frustrated with Mr. Apotheker as he had been unable to make H-P's quarterly numbers for three quarters, people familiar with the matter said.",知情人士说,由于李艾科担任CEO时惠普三个季度的业绩都达不到预期,董事会对他越来越不满。 +"Introduce:Liu Meili, innocent, have a dream struggle model the girl.",简介:刘美丽,一个天真、有梦想的奋斗型女孩。 +"I'm sure some finance person will lambast me for this, which would only further depress me.",我相信,财务人员看到这段话会揍我,这只会让我更沮丧。 +Or maybe you want a friend to join the gym with you. So that you can exercise together.,又或者,你希望找一个朋友跟你一起去健身,这样你们俩就可以一块锻炼了。 +"When its alliance with Britain ended in 1979, Malta proclaimed its neutral status.",1979年与英国的联盟结束后,马尔他宣告中立地位。 +"The Chicago-based company reports a $413 million net loss for 2010, on $713 million in revenue.",2010年,这家总部位于芝加哥的公司营业收入为7.13亿美元,净损失为4.13亿美元。 +Objective To discuss the clinical effect of fixed appliance technology on permanent dentition replantation in mixed dentition period.,目的探讨固定矫治技术应用于替牙期恒牙再植术后固定的临床效果。 +That gives them a way of modeling how organs changed as worms turned into fish.,这使得研究人员有办法模拟出在蠕虫演化成鱼类时肌体组织是如何变化的。 +"So, you take a sentence like -This is a classic line from Groucho Marx: ""I once shot an elephant in my pajamas.","举例来说,这是《格劳乔·马克斯》的经典台词,""我曾在我的睡衣里射杀了一头大象" +In the process failures and misfortune are inevitable. But I believe that the good man is known in bad weather!,在这个过程中,挫折和失败是难免的,但是,我坚信“惊涛骇浪,方显英雄本色!” +"There is a line between unit tests and functional tests, but you have to decide where the line is.",单元测试与功能测试中之间有一个界限,但界限的具体位置要由您来确定。 +"Edwyn: yup, as u said. Chn is a developing country. Don't unconscientiously support ur county but ignore the truth…",我说:是啊,正如你说的,中国是一个发展中国家。不要违心地支持你的国家而忽视事实的真相… +"The paper systematically analyzed the biological properties of winter jujube and the environmental factors in its flower-drop and fruit-drop, found the causes and put forward the controlling measures.",本文针对冬枣生产中发生的落花落果问题,从冬枣树的生物学特性和环境条件两个方面做了系统的分析,找出了冬枣落花落果严重的原因,并提出了相应的防治对策。 +"In this article, the authors extend it to Liouville equation, it is shown that the Liouville theorem obtained here coincide with those appearing in the standard Liouville theorem.",在这里把它推广到刘维方程,得���了同正则形式下一致的刘维定理。 +"N-methylhydroxylamine and its HCl salts have been extensively used in the synthesis of pharmaceutical and pesticide intermediate, and the reprocessing of nuclear waste etc.",甲基羟胺及其盐酸盐广泛应用于医药和农药中间体的合成,以及核废料处理与回收等领域。 +"The statutes of some states provide protection , and a tort claim, to third parties for injuries arising out of the intoxication of the tortfeasor ;",一些州的法律规定,因侵权行为人醉酒而对第三人造成损害的,第三人有权获得法律保护并提出侵权赔偿请求。 +"While creating a diagram, there are three options available: class diagram, IE diagram ,and IDEF1X diagram.",当创建一个图时,可以有三种选择:类图 、IE图和 IDEF1X 图。 +Widen one's field of vision.,开眼界, 拓宽视野。 +There were six cases of psoas muscle abscess with various degree of sepsis from January 1999 to June 2000. There was no significant risk factor to induce psoas muscle abscess except old age.,在1999年一月至2000年六月间,共有六个病人因腰肌脓痬合并不同程度败血症被送到台大医院,其中除了病患年龄较大外并无明显的危险因数。 +The problem is that the baby-boom generation didn't get the news and didn't change their rules of money.,但问题是婴儿潮世代的人们没有更新这样的资讯,也没有改变他们的金前规则。 +"Finally, the effect of chain structure and solid state of chlorinated polyethylene on chlorosulfonation was discussed.",还讨论了氯化聚乙烯的链结构和固态结构对氯磺化反应的影响。 +"In the U.S., for example, the Federal Reserve seems to be hunkering down for an extended period of slow growth.",比方说在美国,美联储看来是放低身段准备应对长期的缓慢增长。 +"The iconicity of politeness in the mental representation is discussed, which can be examined from cognitive context iconicity, pragmatic distance iconicity and scalar quantity iconicity.",从认知语境象似性、语用距离象似性与等级数量象似性等三方面来考察礼貌在心理表征上的象似性。 +"But in a less open, less connected world, it is possible to get by without putting much stock in sensemaking.",但是在一个较封闭的失去联系的世界里,没有进行意会的话,也是可以获得这种感觉的。 +"Most of the other deputies were allied with the regime, but a looser party system made them more difficult to control.",其他议会代表中的大部分是与当局联盟的,但是松散的一党制体系使他们更难对议会投票加以掌控。 +The return value of any function is the result of the last expression in that clause (in our examples there is only one line).,任何函数的返回值都是子句(在我们的示例中只有一行)中最后一个表达式的结果。 +"Even at Yale, home of overachievers, he stands out.",即便在耶鲁这个才子辈出的地方,他也表现得很突出。 +"As a most important sector of Kingold Education, Guangdong Kingold Business Management School offers both degree programs as well as various non-degree training courses.",广东侨鑫工商管理专修学院作为侨鑫教育的重要组成部分之一,在向社会提供学历教育的同时,还推出各种层次的非学历培训课程。 +This is the telescope's theoretical ability to collect light compared to your fully dilated eye.,这是理论上望远镜与眼睛相比收集光的能力。 +"Angel slid forward the massive oak bar which secured the door, and coming in to where she sat over the hearth, pressed her cheeks between his hands from behind.",安琪尔用又大又重的橡木门栓把门拴好,然后走到苔丝坐的壁炉跟前,从后面用双手捂住苔丝的眼睛。 +"Chinese citizens concept of life changed dramatically around the Xin Hai Revolution, which was caused by both interior and exterior factors.",辛亥革命前后中国城市市民生活观念出现急剧的变化。 +"Results The rate of phlebitis of the treatment group was 8.3%, while the control group was 52%(P<0.005).",结果试验组静脉炎发生率为8.3%,较对照组静脉炎发生率52.0%低,差异有显著性(P<0.005)。 +Can self make electricity chromate treatment ?,电镀铬自己能做么? +"Proverbs 3:5 says, Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding.",《箴言》第3章:第5节显示,“你要专心仰赖耶和华,不可依靠自己的聪明。” +"Many economists say the government trade-in programs have had some success, but getting Chinese to feel comfortable spending will take a lot more work.",很多经济学家说中国在贸易计划中确实取得了成功,但是要让中国人感觉舒服还有很长的路要走。 +All I know is that the people of Rennes love their church.,我所知道的是,里奈的居民热爱他们的教堂。 +"According to their physical meanings in GP model, the BJT parameters are obtained first by measuring the volt and current in specified status, and then by processing the data.",各参数根据其在GP模型中的物理意义,测得特定工作状态下的电流、电压值,经计算处理而得到。 +"Euro by bank transfer of RMB working preparation, VAT refund filing, management.",日常银行欧元转帐人民币工作准备, 出口退税,税票等相关工作的管理。 +"In recent years, China's nonferrous metal products in the export process, often encounter the technical barriers to trade foreign Settings.",近些年来,在我国有色金属产品的出口过程中,时常碰到国外设置的技术贸易壁垒。 +A comparison is made between the effluent pollution load between OHMP clean bleaching and traditional CEH bleaching.,比较了纸浆OHMP清洁漂白和传统CEH漂白废水的污染负荷。 +My heart gave a violent bound.,我的心猛跳了一下。 +The statistical data show that the liquidity level of an overgrowth company differs from that of a slow-growth company according to the Higgins Model and the Rappaport Model.,数据分析表明,按希金斯模型和拉巴波特模型两种标准划分的增长过快和增长缓慢两种类型公司的流动性水平存在差异。 +"I will buy firecracker, bought after, I cant wait ripped the plastic bags pack firecrackers, but I see many kinds of firecrackers also true ChongTianBao, bombers and: down, parachutes.",我就去买鞭炮,买好之后,我迫不及待的撕开了装鞭炮的胶袋,不过我看到鞭炮的种类也真不少:冲天炮、轰炸机、地老鼠、降落伞。 +"On Earth's surface, iron comes in three flavors, standard crystalline forms known to scientists as body-centered cubic, face-centered cubic and hexagonal close-packed .",在地球的表面,铁以三种形式存在,就像身体一样科学家熟知的标准水晶线形态-空间立方体,平面立方体和紧贴一起的六边形。 +One of the most famous bike makers in the world is Taiwan's own Giant.,世上最有名的自行车制造商之一便是台湾自产的捷安特。 +And finally they could not hold their traders report the same kind of income other people reported so they threw out the sound accounting and went to the folly accounting.,"最后,他们无法像其他人那样,报告相同数目的收入,因此他们,抛弃了健全的会计制度,而转向了愚蠢的会计制度。" +The adolescents in Dr De Neve's study were asked to grade themselves from very satisfied to very dissatisfied.,德•内弗博士在研究中要求青少年在“非常满意”到“非常不满”之间对自己作出评价。 +"If in the water long surrounded by mountains will grow a lot of moss, just like a pair of Wang Shan beauty, and this mountain is a good mountain worthy of praise.",若是在有水气长期包围,山上会生长出不少青苔,俨然一副旺山美景之相,而这样的山才是值得推崇的好山。 +Related data entities are clustered into a related set based upon the shared shard key and this unit is referred to as an atomic unit.,相关的数据实体会被集群到相关的集合上(根据共享的分片键),这种单元被称为原子单元。 +They classified deixis into the category of exophora and anaphora in- to endophora.,他们把指示归入外指的范畴,将回指归入内指。 +But Mittavinda still had not learned his lesson.,可弥达维德仍然没有吸取教训。 +"Without foot pedal or hand brake lever, the EPB system can reduce foot injuries in frontal impact accidents and add more design flexibility for the passenger compartment.",无驻煞车踏板或手拉柄,降低撞击时驾驶脚部伤害与增加车室空间运用。 +Systems with a large number of processors may find it advantageous to recompile against the NUMA user-land API's added in RHEL4.,在拥有大量处理器的系统中,可能会发现借助 RHEL4 中所增加的 NUMA 用户空间 API 进行重新编译会有好处。 +"Sing the whole song of the people against the indomitable spirit of struggle, in which the second movement unique, depicting the scene of the aggressors to death.",全曲歌颂了人民不屈不挠的反抗斗争精神,其中第二乐章独具特色,描绘的是侵略者走向死亡的情景。 +Conclusions Hydrosalpinx is associated with poor IVF-ET outcomes. Laparoscopic management for hydrosalpinx prior to IVF-ET improves the pregnancy rate of IVF-ET.,结论输卵管积水降低IVF-ET的妊娠率,妊娠结局不良,腹腔镜下处理输卵管积水后再行IVF-ET提高妊娠率,获得良好的妊娠结局。 +"He drives like a maniac back home and writes a first draft overnight, and the producer takes it to one of the studios.","作家从座位上跳起来说.他超级兴奋地开车回家了整个晚上他都在写第一稿,然后制片人把稿子带到一间工作室." +"""There's quite a bit of truth in it, "" Julian Murton, member of the International Permafrost Association, told Reuters.",“这里面有相当多的真理,”国际冻土协会委员朱利安默顿告诉路透社记者。 +The Safir (Ambassador) rocket was successfully launched.,萨菲火箭发射成功。 +"If not compliant, inform internal or international purchasing dept to do further response.",或采购外协处理;符合的通知国际采购或采购外协。 +The results revealed that the timing of pigmentation of compound eyes and adult emergence were delayed by treatment of KK-42 before 36th hours after pupation.,试验结果表明:KK-42在蛹龄36小时之前处理有推迟复眼着色和羽化的作用,而且以复眼着色延迟更明显。 +"Joining is free, no credit card required, and maintaining Goozex account is free without month fees.",加入是免费的,没有信用卡需要,维护Goozex帐户是没有月费免费。 +Lu Ni is eating some biscuits.,噜尼正在吃饼干。 +Existing within this ripple of non-time will be the focused conscious attention of the Creator.,“无时间”的涟波之内存在着造物主聚焦的有意识关注。 +They've just leap- frogged ahead of us by a good margin.,他们已经大步向前,把我们远远甩在后面了。 +"As the name suggests, it is a lightweight protocol for accessing directory services, specifically X. 500-based directory services.",正如其名字所示,它是一个用来访问目录服务,特别是基于X.500的目录服务的轻量级协议。 +"The company occupies more than 2500 square meters, existing staff 200 people, including 8 engineers and 15 senior technicians.",公司占地2500多平方米,现有员工200多人, 其中工程师8人,高级技工15人。 +The temperature had great effect to the triodes performance and made the quiescent operation point in circuitry unstable.,温度对三极管的性能影响较大,使得电路中的静态工作点出现不稳定现象。 +Our investment mantra is to ignite raging infernos with a single match.,我们的投资理念是,仅仅用一根火柴点燃地狱般的火海。 +"Finland does not rank tops in any category, but does get strong marks for its students reading skills.",荷兰在其他方面也不拔尖,唯独在学生的阅读技能上获得了高分。 +"I know, it's weird and almost pathetic behavior, but you will have to keep your eye on this midget-minded person because your co-worker seems to want to get ahead at your expense.",我懂得,这种行为很莫名其妙也很可怜,但是你需要注意这种小心眼的人因为他想以你为价钱快速窜红。 +"In order to strengthen the integrity of the book, especially the translation of the foreword and Hou Guidance also added recently.",为了加强本书的完整性,特将侯老师翻译的前言和导读也加了近来。 +"Data model extensibility for new data types, and support for system and user defined metadata.",针对新数据类型的数据模型扩展性,支持系统和用户所定义的元数据。 +Amiri said he suffered extreme mental and physical torture at the hands of U. S. interrogators.,阿米里称,他遭受了美国审问人员极端的精神及肉体折磨; +The study involved 48 healthy adults between 18 and 39 years of age.,年龄分布在18至39岁的48位健康成年人参与了这次研究,参与者们通过NEO人格调查修订表被预先筛选出来。 +"North Korea has gone from completely denying that it was enriching uranium just three months ago to admitting processing, says our correspondent.",我报的评论员指出,朝鲜三个月前还矢口否认其铀浓缩计划。 +"With or without treaty change, the euro zone is being forced to centralise powers.",条约改变与否,欧元区都被迫将权利集中。 +Objective To provide references for promoting Chinese scientific research capabilities in bio-pharmaceutical products.,目的为提高我国医药生物产品研发能力提供参考。 +"I had no problem finding it, took the fast train from airport and then the MTR until the last stop.",没遇到什么麻烦就找到了这儿,从机场出来坐上快速列车,然后转地铁,到最后一站下。 +Years of fighting have left the area in ruins .,多年的战事已经使得这个地区满目疮痍。 +"As the concentration of the chitosan increased, the gel temperature, gel strength and bioadhesive force of the bases were also increased correspondingly.",说明随着壳聚糖浓度增高,泊洛沙姆液体栓剂基质的胶凝温度、胶凝强度和生物黏附力均逐渐升高。 +"A spin-off movie may be released in conjunction with Chinese New Year, and government websites predict that the all-important civil servant interviews next year will feature questions about the show.",电影版《爸爸去哪儿》也有望在新年之际上映。 据政府网站预计,就连明年重要的公务员考试也可能会触及到这档节目秀。 +What is the name of the world governing body of softball?,垒球的世界性管理机构的名称是什么? +"It is better to choose toothpastes exclusively meant for children, but even these caution that they are not meant for children below five years.",虽然牙膏看上去是无害的,但是却会对儿童���健康造成影响。 +Objective To evaluate the role of cathepsin D(CD) in the development and metastasis of gastric carcinoma.,目的探讨组织蛋白酶D(CD)在胃癌发生和转移中的作用。 +The resulting design capitalizes on the length of the corridors transforming the space into an ideal location to showcase clothing and fashion accessories.,设计抓住这两条长长的走廊,尽显其能,使之变成别具时尚品味的展示空间,展示时尚衣服和装饰品。 +Market Neutral - Securities Hedging: Invests equally in long and short equity portfolios generally in the same sectors of the market.,市场中性-证券对冲: 股票投资组合入股同样长,短,一般在市场相同的部门。 +"Billy: Hello sir, how can I help you?",比利:你好先生,我能帮您做点儿什么? +The dynamic game tree method is a more formalized quantitative analysis approach for actors of strategic interaction game in political transformation between the government and the opposition.,更为形式化定量的动态博弈树方法可以对政治转型中的行为者——政府与反对派策略互动展开分析。 +"This thesis reported the molecular designing, synthesis and mesomorphism of a series of new Schiff-base rod-like liquid crystals and two series of triphenylene discotic liquid crystals.",本文报道了一系列新的席夫碱棒状液晶和两系列苯并菲盘状液晶化合物的合成。 +Ten percent of those questioned said they needed to be contactable at all times because of work.,有百分之十的受访者表示工作原因需要随时手机畅通。 +This holiday season will see the debut of a serious competitor to America's Global Positioning System (GPS) - the navigational aid used by everyone from car drivers to back-country skiers.,这个假日将会看见美国的全球定位系统(GPS)- 从汽车司机到内地滑雪的人任何人使用的定位导航工具 的重要竞争者的初次登场。 +"Deprecated.This stage describes a service which is still active, but won't be for much longer.",已弃用。 此阶段描述仍然处于活动状态但不会再存在很长时间的服务。 +Objective:To investigate the effect of purine nucleotides on pain threshold and acute withdrawal symptoms in morphine dependent rats.,目的:探讨嘌呤核苷酸对吗啡依赖大鼠痛阈及急性戒断症状的影响。 +You can say many things about Dalai Lama.,对达赖喇嘛你可以有很多评价。 +She studied arts & film in New York and later on obtained an EMBA at Hong Kong City University.,她曾留学美国纽约学习美术及电影制作,其后取得香港城市大学行政人员工商管理硕士EMBA学位。 +"had a major impact on the control of malaria, Chagas disease, visceral leishmaniasis and other tropical diseases.",对控制疟疾、南美锥虫病、内脏利什曼病和其它热带疾病产生了重大、积极的影响。 +Jesse:We're going to look so cool for the girls.,杰西:在那些女生眼里,我们一定酷毙了。 +They like to see lazy cricket all day munching crunchies.,印度人天性懒惰闲散,喜欢整天边嚼着东西边看板球比赛。 +We are happy to work with the FIA and everyone involved in F1 racing.,我们非常高兴能够与FIA和每一个参与F1赛车的人在一起工作。 +It has more lycopene than any other fruits and veggies.,它比任何一种蔬菜或者水果含更多的番茄红素。 +"Mrs. Salinas had been a manager of corporate marketing and media relations at an oil and gas company in Houston, where she lives.",萨利娜家住在休斯顿,她曾经是当地一家石油公司的经销部经理兼新闻联络人。 +The design and fabrication of a PDMS membrane based electromagnetic micropump for Biomedical microfluidic handling system are reported.,介绍了一种用于生物医学微流体控制系统的电磁驱动PDMS薄膜微泵。 +A programming practice in which television shows am scheduled at the same time on 5 consecutive weekdays. Stations often strip syndicated programs.,一种节目编排方法。将电视节目拆开,分成连续5天播出。电视台通常将联合制作的节目拆开播出。 +Kingdom consists of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.,联合王国由大不列颠和北爱尔兰组成。 +"A series model experiments on the relationship among the quantity of the charge, the depth of cover water and the depth of the charge under the surface of the sludge are carried out.",用模型实验研究了药量、水深和药包埋深之间的相互关系,给出了泥面爆炸的药量公式,揭示了覆盖水深和药包埋深与爆坑形状的关系。 +"True, the United States has supplied military and economic assistance in generous quantities to some of the governments and did save Kuwait's ruling Sabah family from Iraqi takeover in 1991.",事实上,美国对一些政府慷慨地提供过军队和经济支持。 例如美国解救了伊拉克1991年接管的科威特政府。 +Jack: It kills me when young untalented guys win only because they are handsome.,杰克:那���年轻没才华的家伙就是凭外表英俊才能获奖的,这真让人讨厌。 +Look at those two ugly old ladies…or are they men?,你看那两个丑婆婆……或者是伯伯? +"Outputs optimally interface to true balanced, pseudo-balanced or unbalanced loads.",产品优选地连接配齐平衡, 冒充平衡或失衡的装载。 +"Koch Industries and a Mexican company established KoSa as a joint venture in 1998 to buy the Hoechst AG unit that produced polyester staples, which are used in making textiles.",1998年,为购买生产用于纺织的涤纶原料的德国赫斯特公司( Hoechst AG )科赫公司和一家墨西哥公司合资成立科莎公司。 +"Having chosen family television programs and women's magazines, the toothpaste marketer, for instance.",例如,如果选择家庭电视栏目以及妇女杂志,牙膏营销人士。 +"As is known, the strength of made-in-China products consists in the cost advantage. Nevertheless, what determines the competitiveness in more developed areas is the brand advantage.",众所周知,中国制造产品的竞争优势主要来自其成本优势,但是经济越发达,居民收入水平越高,决定竞争力的将是品牌优势。 +A snail can sleep for 3 years.,蜗牛一觉可以睡3年! +"""It is a car that stores hydrogen on board, and, mixing the hydrogen and atmospheric oxygen in the fuel cell stack, creates electricity,"" said Mittleman.",这种汽车可以将氢储存在车上,然后将氢和大气中的氧气在电池箱中混合,产生电力。 +This is an innovation for traditional printing of woodcut.,这本身就是对传统木刻版画的创新。 +But I would say the advice of your predecessors is very important.,"但我觉得,学长学姐们的建议还是很重要的" +"Calvin: He has amazing chops, I think. I haven't seen anyone play with such artistry in a long time.",我认为他很有天赋。很久没有看过那么有艺术天赋的人了。 +A general procedure has been developed for analyzing the hypocenter location capability of a regional seismic network.,本文提出了分析区域地震台网地震定位能力的一种通用方法。 +Simply submit the original source file when you submit your article or tutorial draft; the screen capture will be resized as needed.,在提交文章或教程的底稿时,只需提交原始文件 ;编辑团队将根据需要重新设置屏幕截图的大小。 +"Once the mid-game comes, expect constant, fierce resistance from the AI.",一旦游戏中来,期望不断从人工智能的激烈抵抗。 +Karez is a great underground water project which has very much high Humane Value.,坎儿井作为一项地下水利工程,具有高的人文价值。 +The conditions of crosslinking porcine pancreas lipase to cellulose membrane carrier by means of benzoquinone were studied.,研究了对苯醌活化法在纤维素滤纸膜载体上固定化猪胰脂肪酶的最佳条件。 +"It gave specific powers to three branches of government, dividing authority among them.",这项计划赋予政府的三个分支特定的权力,即建立起三权分立的制度。 +"At the same time, NHP-QOL was used to study the quality of life of the patients.",同时采用诺丁汉健康量表(NHP QOL)了解患者的生活质量。 +Supply issues will continue in China due to a diversion of land use away from crops as a result of industrialisation.,"中国的供应问题仍将持续,因随着工业化,原本用于种植作物的土地分散作他用." +"Although necessary for our body, cholesterol is the bad guy of heart disease, a tiny Bluto Blotto that clogs arteries.",虽然胆固醇为身体所必需,但它是心脏病的元凶,是堵塞动脉的微小“布鲁托”。 +Yeah. I made three f*ckin thousand dollars that year.,是啊,有一年我才赚了他妈的三千多块钱,差点儿饿死。 +"Malaya . Sgt. YASUO FUJII. a war cameraman, is huddled in a trench. waiting to film the Japanese 6th Army Cross the Slim River on its was south to Kuala Lumpur.",马来亚。中士金康夫,一个战地摄影员多在一个沟遭中,等着拍摄日军第六师璜过石林河道基隆波的画面。 +Economic data released out of the US was relatively mixed.,美国经济数据相对良莠不齐。 +Being single for twelve years was one of the best experiences of my life. It taught me self-reliance. It taught me self-confidence. It taught me an immense amount about who I was.,12年的独身生活对我来说是最好的一段人生经历,它让我学会了自我依靠,学会了自信,学会了怎样认识自己,怎样与自己为伴,怎样保持身心愉快。 +The gasification level of sinus has no effect on the inspection of the maxillary sinus via ENLWD by using every endoscope we selected In the experiment.,窦腔的气化程度对三种角度鼻内镜经鼻腔外侧壁切开入路下的最大视野影响轻微。 +A novel method for extraction of inosinic acid in smoked Katsuwonus pelamis based on water was developed.,建立了一种基于纯水提取的新型烟熏鲣鱼中肌苷��提取方法。 +"In the early morning hours the day Cantalupo was to give his remarks, a victory speech of sorts, he had a heart attack and died in the room next to Skinner's.",在当天早上时分,坎塔卢坡在准备发表了整改成功的演讲时,因心脏病突发在斯金纳隔壁房间辞世。 +The electro-acoustic characteristics of the miniature broadband and wide-beam longitudinal transducer are simulated by the ANSYS software.,利用ANSYS有限元软件模拟了小型宽带宽波束纵向水声换能器的电声特性。 +The tragedy is that no one is listening.,但面临的悲剧却是,没有人在听。 +"Why don't I go to criticize others, you this garbage garbage back to your mother's a heavy reincarnation reprinted from company, please keep this tag to know.",我为什么不去骂别人,你这个垃垃回你母亲肚里重投胎一转载自百分网,请保留此标记次就知道了。 +"He even uses his feet to reload the weapon, placing the bullets between his toes and feeding them into the pistol.(See photo)",他甚至能够用脚趾头夹住一颗颗子弹,把它们装进手枪。 +The results revealed that xerogel derived from the nitrate-citrate exhibit auto_combustion behavior once ignited in air at room temperature.,研究表明,由金属的硝酸盐和柠檬酸形成的干凝胶具有自燃烧的特性。 +"If an enterprise uses well the function of finance, it will get strong existing ability and self-developing ability.",财务管理作用发挥得好,企业可获得较大的资产增值,企业有较强的财务生存能力和自我发展能力; +"Though some anthropologists and ethnologists often discuss the two terms ethnic group and ethnicity, they are not sure about the exact meanings of them.",虽然我国人类学、民族学界对族群和族群性这两个术语讨论颇多,但仍有些不明确的地方。 +"When people build up debt and monthly payments, they become slaves to their job.",当人们有了债务开始分期付款的时候,他们就成为了工作的奴隶。 +"Everyone in the know in the discussion of the color of ferrous hydroxide, I found in teaching: purity of ferrous oxide is white.",在知道中大家都在讨论氢氧化亚铁的颜色问题,我在教学中发现:纯氢氧化亚铁是白色的。 +"Also, it will need to bring in technology-based industries, which requires less number of unskilled workers, said Mr. Lam Duy Tin, Deputy Director of the department.",另外,他还将引进高新技术产业,这些产业将需要很少的非技术员工,副主任兰都亭这样说。 +This watch features a scratch-resistant sapphire crystal and precise Swiss quartz movement.,这只表具有不易磨损蓝宝石水晶和精确的瑞士石英机芯。 +"""It says: 'If you can, call me', ""the former bus driver said later during the week, as he displayed the fruitwith a name and phone number scrawled on it on television.",之前担任过公交车司机的马杜罗上周说道:“芒果上写着‘如果你可以的话,打电话给我’,”并且在电视上展示了这个写有名字和电话号码的水果。 +"The person who's here now hasn't been around 10 years, 20 years, what have you.","现在坐在这里的人,活了还没有10年,20年。" +Tongji Hospital; Tongji Medical College; Huazhong University of Science and Technology; Wuhan 430030; Hubei Province; China;,华中科技大学同济医学院附属同济医院综合内科; +"I look at you. I don't see an intelligent, confident man. I see a 6)cocky , scared shitless kid.",看着你,我没看到一个聪明、自信的男孩,我看到一个被吓傻了的狂妄的孩子。 +"The advertising installation is composed of top cover, back box, and removable type frame.",一种可移动的香水花轿造型广告装置,它由顶盖、背箱、活动式框架三大 部分组成。 +Hufu was a single tax item among many taxes and not a general term for all household taxes.,户赋是诸多赋税中的一个单独税目,而非一户内各项赋税的总称。 +"While someradical feminists agreed with the group's arguments, many went wild atbeing told they were ""counter-revolutionaries"", undermining the fightfor women's liberation by sleeping with men.",尽管有一些激进的女性主义者赞同她们的理论,但大多数人从中得知和男人上床“有违革命意志”,而且对女性解放运动不利,她们都几乎要抓狂了。 +"Fan-in and Fan-out scenarios are supported through new primitives for splitting one message into multiple parts, or aggregating several messages into one.",扇入 (Fan-in) 和扇出 (Fan-out) 场景通过新的元素受到支持,这些元素将单个消息拆分为多个部分,或者将多个消息聚合为一个消息。 +The distance from PX to Earth is around 43.8 million miles.,行星X到地球的距离大约是4380万英里。 +"Was it possible that the reefs of the Phoenix Islands, like their mythical namesake, were rising from the ashes of a terrible warming?",难道说凤凰群岛的珊瑚礁真的像神话传���中的不死鸟那样,能从海水暖化的灰烬中涅磐重生吗? +"From a certain aspect, more valid Chinese capital market may reduce the YIG's WACC and raise its competitive ability.",从某种意义上说,趋向更为有效的中国资本市场将可能会降低伊利股份的加权资本成本,从而提高其竞争能力。 +A scheme is proposed for the qualitative analysis of phases in the components of copper sludge when entrainment appears in cuprammonia wash for final purification.,提出一种对精炼铜洗带液时铜泥中组份进行定性物相分析的方案。 +Medieval armor certainly looks heavy. And now researchers have demonstrated how the protection might have unwittingly put its wearers at a heavy disadvantage on the battlefield.,我们都知道,中世纪盔甲的重量一般都不轻。最近,研究人员针对这些金属甲胄做了一些演示,指出中世纪重甲在战场上可能会给士兵们带来难以察觉的负面作用。 +"An Yu (see photo), a 3rd-year college student from Tonghua, Jilin, has come up with an unusual idea to pay off his family's debts - putting himself up for rent as a boyfriend, local media reported.",据当地媒体报道,吉林通化市一名大三学生安宇(见图)为了赚钱为家里还债,想了一个奇特的点子,刊登“男友出租”的广告将自己出租,他称会用自己独特的方法让对方开心、感动或者幸福。 +He turned the sea into dry land; They went through the river on foot. There we will rejoice in Him.,他将海变成乾地, 众民步行过河; 我们在那里因他欢喜。 +The results show that the interrelation of molecular recovery ability and intermolecular force in the fibre is basic factor which affect above-mentioned fibre properties.,结果表明:纤维大分子链卷曲收缩能力和分子间作用力的相互关系是影响纤维上述性能的根本因素。 +"So I love the game. And I used to trade baseball cards but,",所以我热爱运动。我过去常交易棒球卡,但是, +"Coming up in today's show, the team of 52 Taiwanese volunteers, and their Japanese counterparts, spend the day drilling for the upcoming aid distributions in the tsunami-hit northeast of the country.",一行52位台湾志工与日本当地志工,花上一天的时间演练,即将在日本地震与海啸重灾区的发放事宜; +"Now I'm high-tech , too.",现在我也很高科技了。 +Place non-essential links at bottom of page,将不重要的链接放置在页面底部 +So where do you work?,你在哪里工作呢? +EXAMPLE: A skillful janitor can clean windows perfectly with just a bucket of hot soapy water and a squeegee.,一个熟练的保洁员只需一桶热肥皂水和一把橡皮刷就能把窗户打扫得干干净净。 +The sergeant suggested reducing the rations by secretly using a smaller cup to parcel out the rice.,那位副官想出了一计:偷偷地用一个小勺子来量米,这样便可以减少分量,节省粮食。 +"My mission objective in life is showing people that dolls, when pushed beyond the boundaries of their traditional aesthetic, can be fine art.",我的任务是把娃娃展示给世人看,当我的作品打破了他们传统的审美界限时,才算得上是纯粹的艺术。 +For structural reliability analysis calculation. Rackwitz and Fiessler Method has to employ iteration.,用一次二阶矩法分析结构可靠度需要反复迭代求解。 +That proved costlier for the public in the long run.,这些证明了长久运营方面昂贵的花销。 +"""May the Force be with him, "" Obi-Wan said.",“愿原力与他同在。”欧比万说。 +Must each objective have a measurable target? Or can an organization have an objective without a measurable target?,每个目标都必须有可测量的指标吗?或者组织可以有未设测量指标的目标? +"Last time I played with a can , an electric spark ignited the liquid part and I lost my eyebrows.",上一次我与一位可以扮演一个电火花点燃液体的一部分,我失去了我的眉毛。 +"But so am I, Arthur. So we're sure to agree.",阿瑟,我也是这样的,因此我们俩肯定意趣相投。 +"But ever since they quit paying theirs and walked away from their homes, they've discovered that giving up on the American dream has its benefits.",不过,打从他们不再缴纳月供、搬离自己的房子之后,却发现放弃美国梦也自有其好处。 +Objective:To observe the effects of Folium Eucommiae decoction(FED) on anti-oxidation function of hybrid broilers.,目的:观察杜仲叶水煎液对肉杂鸡抗氧化功能的影响。 +I imagined venting 6 my anger at one person in particular and helping 7 him to realize just how vulnerable he truly was.,我幻想将愤怒发向一个人,并帮助他认识到他是多么脆弱。 +"Perheps we'd better of not looking at all. Not delving , not yearning.",也许我们最好全然不要考虑、不要钻研、不要向往。 +"I love so many of the photos I took from this adventure, but this one for whatever reason ...",我喜爱很多从这次冒险中所摄取的照片,但是下面的一张,不管什么原因... +The rotary cylinder method was adopted in the viscosity measurements. The results showed the modifier decreased the viscosity of ladle slag remarkably.,旋转柱体法粘度测试结果表明,调质剂能有效降低精炼处理后钢包顶渣的粘度。 +"Other editing options, including bullets and quotes, are also included.",还有一些其他的编辑选项,例如段前的圆点和引用。 +"Thanks to the increased awareness of celiac disease and gluten intolerance, there are more gluten free foods available than ever before.",由于人们对腹腔疾病和无谷蛋白过敏现象的关注,市场上有比以往更多的无谷蛋白食品。 +U. S. and South Korean military officials say they have detected a failed ballistic missile launch in North Korea near the northwestern city of Kusong.,美国与韩国军方官员说,他们探测到朝鲜在西北部龟城进行了一次失败的弹道导弹发射。 +The contents of fatty acids in Panax roots and the various Ginseng processing products were determined by GC.,应用GC法分析测定了人参属植物及人参不同加工品种的脂肪酸含量。 +"The lebbeck trees are tall deciduous trees, reaching 15 metres in height, widely grown in hong kong for shade and ornament.",大叶合欢为高大落叶乔木,可高达15米,在香港可用作遮荫及观赏用。 +"They value them in part because they want to draw more attention to themselves, from more valuable people.",他们看重这些得分,一定程度上是因为他们想引起自身以及更多有身份之人的注意。 +At this moment our stocks are full and we cannot present a full order.,此刻我们的库存已满,所以我们不能给贵司下全额订单。 +We all know why the concept of cloud computing excites us.,我们都知道为何云计算概念让我们兴奋。 +"The third one is Dingling, the tomb of Emperor Wanli (1573-1620) and his two empresses.",第三是定陵,为万历皇帝和他的两个皇后的墓地。 +"Two different types of calibration curves were prepared, one was the solvent calibration curves (SC)and another was the tomato sauce matrix calibration curves (TMC).",制备两种不同的校准曲线,即溶剂标准曲线(SC)和番茄酱基质标准曲线(TMC)。 +A survey has shown that 96.7% of Surrey University graduates are in jobs or further study 6 months after graduating.,一项调查显示萨里大学96.7%的学生在毕业后的6 个月内都走上了工作岗位,或者继续学业的深造。 +Do not sell country to an un-trustable guy like China.,不要把国家卖给像中国这样不可信任的家伙。 +There is no doubt in my mind that the GNOME release cycle was created for marketing reasons.,我没有怀疑GNOME的发报周期是为市埸原因制定的。 +If you're chronicficwisl of they worried (or sleep deprived)! your is specificwisl of they pumping out stress hormones non-stop.,若是不停妙想天开、悬念这悬念那的话,你的身会意不停地分泌压力荷尔蒙。 +"Set your throttle circuit so that you get minimum vapor flow at idle , and maximum vapor flow at full power without blowing the pressure relief valve.",设置您的油门电路,使您得到最低的汽流在閒置,和最高的汽流在最大马力,不会弹开压力保护阀。 +"Furthermore, the effects of creep, shrinkage and temperature of core concrete are investigated.",此外,还对核心混凝土的徐变,收缩及温度影响作了分析。 +"It focused on the manager's relationship with chief scout and director of youth development, Frank Arnesen, and on the January transfer window when no new players were brought in.",专访的焦点是穆帅与总球探及青年军发展总监弗兰克.阿内森的关系,以及在一月转会窗重开时球队并没有收购任何球员。 +"Regina is the LGPL Rexx implementation used in writing and testing the examples in this article, and for most people will be the best choice for an environment to install.",Regina是本文编写和测试例子时所用的 LGPL Rexx 实现,并且,对大多数人来说,它是安装环境的最好选择。 +"Each Stamp has a multiple fields as well as an entry for Details, History, and Graphic.",每个集邮册拥有多个字段以及一个用于详细资料,历史记录和图形的项目。 +"With dimming on, the twin connections between Screens 1 and Screen 3 are much darker.",调暗之后,屏幕1和屏幕3之间的连接变得暗了很多。 +He has collected several porcelain pillows.,收藏的瓷枕有好几件。 +I could make this out of polymer.,可以用聚合物来做。 +"Gunther was always patient with me. Slow. He'd wait for me to orgasm, like he was holding a car door open for me, and then he'd finish quickly and silently.",冈瑟对我总是很有耐心,他会慢慢地等我进入高潮,就好像他会一直拉着门等我进入车内,他结束得很快,静静地小心翼翼地离开你的身体。 +England moved the ball far quicker than Croatia and confidence flooded through them after a vibrant start.,英格兰整体传接球的速度远甚于克罗地亚,特别是球队在取得梦幻开局后,更是信心爆棚。 +Once you start running it is technically illegal to stop.,一旦开始奔牛,从技术角度来说,是无法停下脚步的。 +"They do not even need to provide incentives - but they must remove disincentives, and end the DRDO monopoly.",政府甚至没必要提供激励措施,但是一定要消灭不利经济发展的因素,并且终结国防研究与开发组织的垄断地位。 +The author through summarizes in gymnastics teaching's experiment and the research: The student non-intelligence factor and the quality of teaching have the close relation.,作者通过在体操教学中的实验与研究总结出:学生非智力因素和教学质量有密切关系。 +"The human resource management has entered China for more than 20 years, but cannot make use of availably in state-owned business enterprise.",人力资源管理进入中国已经20多年,但是在国有企业中没能有效地运用。 +"What's more, you might realize that they can speak volumes about the things that men do that annoy the heck out of them.",此外,或许你还会发现她们能头头是道地说出她们最烦汉子的各类工作。 +"From hence we went to other islands, and at last, having touched at several trading towns of the continent, we landed at Bussorah, from whence I proceeded to Bagdad.",从这里我们去了另外的岛,最后,还到达了几个大陆的贸易城,我们在巴索拉登陆,从那里我回到了巴格达。 +"Different flowering dates and bolling positions had a significant effect on the individual boll weight, boll period and fiber quality of cotton.",棉花的不同开花期和结铃部位对铃重、铃期和纤维品质有显著影响。 +Dave : Of course he will win. It's a slam dunk . I can't believe the Lakers were trailing by 10 points in the third quarter.,戴夫:他当然会赢了。这只是三只手捏田螺。我才不相信湖人会在第三阶段落后个10分呢。 +"Applying e-nose's detection of hazardous gas, this paper investigates the hardware design of e-nose system, selection and optimization of sensor arrays and differentiating capability.",本论文以电子鼻有害气体检测为应用背景,主要研究了电子鼻系统的硬件设计,传感器阵列的选型和优化以及识别能力。 +"My present girl friend is the best, while your mom is the worst.",你看看,我现在这个女朋友,心地非常好,而你妈妈是最坏的。 +"Construction projects in the design of the different budget or stage of construction, the basis of the preparation, and the role that is different.",建筑工程概预算在不同的设计或施工阶段, 其编制的依据, 与其所起的作用都是不同的。 +"In this paper, a new interpolating scheme for getting data on rectangular grid from latitude-longitude grid is investigated.",本文提出了一种把经纬度网格点上的气象要素值转化到正方形网格点上的多项式插值方案。 +"In addition, with the increment of cell pressure, the increment rate of strength reduced.",而且随着围压的增大,加筋试样的强度增加率会降低。 +"Lifegate breathing is a jargon in Taijiquan. It is an exercise of body manoeuvres, not a real breathing.",命门呼吸是太极拳内行的用语,并不代表真的呼吸,而是代表身法的运动。 +"In the battle, allied French and Sardinian troops defeated the Austrian army. Around six thousand men were killed and more than thirty thousand were wounded.",在那次战役中,法国和撒丁尼亚盟军抵抗奥地利军队,约有六千人阵亡并有三万多人受伤。 +"If any supplement is necessitated for the trading mode of paper gold, that will be bear operation mechanism.",如果说银行纸黄金交易模式还需要什么补充,那应该是空头操作机制。 +我们从那里出来,接着又去了一家酒吧,但是,当我要买一轮酒的时候,我感觉到那种熟悉的黑圆圈出现在我的视线范围了,我的脑袋也开始乱转了。,"From there, we move on to a bar, but as I am buying a round of drinks, I feel the familiar dark circles appearing in the periphery of my vision, and my head starts to swim." +"'I was driving on a road trip through Nevada across to Arizona when I took in the Hoover Dam as a tourist,' said Jamey, who has been photographing the Bridge since March 2009.",詹姆从2009年3月起一直在为大桥照相,他在介绍时说,“我最初是作为一个旅游者驾车穿过内华达到亚利桑那拍摄胡佛大坝的。 我在大坝公路上行进时毫无准备地撞见了大桥工地,它立刻抓住了我的想象力。” +"In this paper, the effect of technical parameters of brush plating of neutral high-speed iron on the coating's properties is discussed by means of the orthogonal test.",本文采用正交试验法探讨了中性高速铁刷镀工艺参数对镀层性能的影响。 +For the divisions of Reuben there were great searchings of heart.,在吕便的溪水旁有心中设大谋的。 +"Results In the TURP group, the main causes of non improvement included bladder outlet obstruction(84.9%), weak contractility of the detrusor (30 4%), and detrusor instability (DI) (18 2%).",结果尿道前列腺电切术组术后改善不良的主要原因依次为膀胱出口再梗阻(84 9% )、逼尿肌收缩无力(3 0 4% )和逼尿肌不稳定(DI) (18 2 % )。 +"Results The overall performance of CHS centers in Fuzhou was satisfied, however there was significant difference between the best and the worst.",结果福州市社区卫生服务中心的整体水平较好,但优劣中心的差距较大。 +Jim decided to follow in his father's footsteps and become a doctor.,吉姆决定继承父业,当一名医生。 +"Admissions are selective and the decision is based on official school transcripts, records, testing and other evaluative procedures.",µ 招生是有选择性和决定是基于官方学校成绩单、记录、测试和其他评价程序。 +"Such theory has stood the test in the reality of law, and played an important role in the development of German legal thoughts beyond criminal law.",这种三分法在法律现实中经受了考验,而且对刑法以外的德国法律思想的发展也起到了重要作用。 +"At last, the existing problems in the research were pointed out, the trend of further development of permanent magnet type of retarder in automobile was predicted.",分析了永磁式缓速器研究过程中存在的问题,并针对问题提出了未来研究重点和发展趋势。 +"Once inside the cell, if the RNA computer finds tracers of a virus or cancer it could release the appropriate drugs to kill just that one cell.",RNA计算机一旦进入某一细胞内部,如果发现病毒或癌症的踪迹,它就可以释放相应药物来仅仅杀死这一个细胞。 +One participant said he made 12 cuts and took down a five inch sugar maple.,一名与会者表示,他并削减了12英寸取下五糖枫树。 +China is ready to join hands with the Kyrgyz Republic to renew efforts in promoting the long-term good-neighborly and friendly cooperation.,中方愿与吉方一道继续致力于中吉长期睦邻友好合作。 +"In a rebuttal, presidential candidate Michele Bachmann called the proposal “a political speech” and she accused Obama of being “politically paralyzed.”",在驳辩中,总统候选人Michele Bachmann称该提案根本是一场政治演讲,她指责奥巴马政治无能。 +Objective To investigate the protection of aspirin against ototoxicity of aminoglycosides in a clinical trial.,目的观察阿司匹林对庆大霉素耳毒性的预防作用。 +We do not just need more.,我们需要的并不只是“更多”。 +"The vast majority of those killed died in the shooting rampage at a youth camp on the island of Utoeya, while the others were killed in the bomb blast in the capital, Oslo.",与此同时,为其中一个死难者举行的葬礼也在星期五举行。 大部分死难者在乌托亚岛青少年夏令营遇难,其他人死于首都奥斯陆的爆炸袭击。 +"On one night raid , Luftwaffe bombs civilian areas of London; a mistake which is to become a crucial turning point in the Battle.",一个晚上德国空军突袭伦敦的平民区的炸弹,这个错误现在成为一个重要的转折点。 +"The reaction products of bornyl magnesium chloride with diphenyl ketone are diphenyl bornyl carbinol, diphenyl carbinol and its corresponding oxidation product, bornylene.",冰片基氯化镁与二苯酮的反应产物是二苯基冰片基甲醇、二苯基甲醇和它的氧化产物冰片烯。 +The TPS-59(V) system is a phased-array tactical radar designed to provide long-range surveillance for the Tactical Air Operations Center (TAOC-85 or TYQ-23(V)).,TPS-59(V)系统是一个相控阵战术雷达,设计用来为战术空中作战中心(TAOC-85或者TYQ-23(V))提供远程监视。 +In ten seconds he had blurred through ninety miles per hour.,十秒钟内,他达到了时速九十英里。 +So you can now spin off the application chain in to a delock version of what you've already had.,"因此,你现在可以脱离应用程序链,将其改变成为你已经拥有的解锁版本。" +"The CC1800, like the JZ4732 and other SoCs alike, has several boot modes implemented in the internal ROM.",类似的JZ4732和其他系统芯片CC1800,一样的,有几个内部ROM中启动实施的模式。 +"The queen might attend the party dressed as lady catherine de bourgh. a proud and domineering woman, she is keen to marry her daughter off to mr darcy.",而英女王则会装扮成小说中有财有势的凯瑟林夫人,她非常想让自己的女儿嫁给达西。 +What's the etiology and pathogenesis of obesity?What's the rules for point selection?,肥胖的病因病机及取穴原则是什么? +These few words and sentences are translated using GETTEXT.,这几个词或句子要用GETTEXT进行翻译。 +"With the variation of the ratio of petroleum coke to coal char, the inflexion varies because of the different reactivity between petroleum coke and coal char.",随石油焦掺入比变化而改变的拐点主要源于石油焦与煤焦的反应性之间差异。 +"Brazil’s Atlantic Forest, or Mata Atlântica, is home to 29 critically endangered vertebrates, and holds the world’s highest concentration of tree species per acre.",这是巴西的大西洋森林或称马塔亚特兰迪卡(Mata Atlântica),它不仅是29种极度濒危脊椎动物的家园,而且每英亩树种密度在世界上也首屈一指。 +"The sexual distinction method of young frog was presented in this paper. The fixation of young frog, draw of gonads, procession of making alices and sexual distinction were described in details.",针对刚变态的中国林蛙幼蛙雌雄不易鉴定的问题,本研究找出了幼蛙的固定、生殖腺的剖取、性腺组织切片的制作过程及性别鉴定方法。 +"The electromagnetic parameter of power transmission include: power frequency electrical field, power frequency magnetic field, radio inference (RI) and audible noise (AN).",输电线路的电磁环境参数主要包括工频电场、工频磁场、无线电干扰和可听噪声四个方面。 +The Odule Sabot's Confession describes the conflict and hatred between the master carpenter—Sabot and the priest.,《西奥迪勒·萨博的忏悔》描述了木匠萨博和牧师之间的恩怨与矛盾。 +Some banks also have significantly beefed up their provisions against loan losses.,部分银行还大幅提高了对冲贷款损失的拨备水平。 +Calamity and prisperity are the touchstones of integrity.,不幸与荣幸都是朴重的试金石。 +This happens when the back of the lens capsule — the part of the lens that wasn't removed during surgery and that now supports the lens implant — becomes cloudy and impairs your vision.,它的发生是由于晶状体囊的后部——在手术当中为了用于支撑人工晶体而未被摘除的晶状体部分——变得浑浊,从而损害您的视力。 +"Wendy Hill, professor of psychology at Lafayette College, Pennsylvania began the research to find out why the mundane physical activity of rubbing lips can elicit such a gratifying emotional response.",宾夕法尼亚拉斐特学院的温蒂.黑尔教授开始研究,为什么像摩擦嘴唇这样普通的身体动作可以引起如此令人满足的情感反应。 +True. It is folded up when Indo-Australian Plate collides with Eurasian Plate.,正确。 当印度-澳洲板块与欧亚板块发生碰撞, 摺曲运动形成了喜玛拉雅山。 +"X, Tarantella, and other technologies promised much the same opportunities for remote operation that VNC gives.",Tarantella 和其他技术承诺提供与 VNC 提供的几乎相同的远程操作技术,但是它们的编程比较困难。 +"Meanwhile, the queen's son escaped by sneaking away through the sewers. In the countryside he eventually raised a large army and surrounded the city.",其间,王后之子偷偷从下水道逃走,后来在乡村地区召集大军,包围了贝拿勒斯城。 +"If the system ever reboots, then /data will automatically be mounted.",如果系统被重新引导,/data 将自动装载。 +"Hello, boys and girls. My name is Richel White. I have a big family. There are four people including my father, mother, one brother and myself.",大家好,我叫雷切尔。怀特,我们家有四口人,包括我的父亲、母亲、一个哥哥和我。 +"If a ruler can truly practise these five things, then the people in the neighbouring kingdoms will look up to him as a parent.",信能行此五者,则邻国之民仰之若父母矣。 +"You are listening to landslide expert Scott Burns, a geologist at Portland State University. He's talking about landslides.",斯科特·伯恩斯:(山体滑坡)就好比棒球比赛中的三振出局,一般先要有座相对陡峭的山坡,此为第一击。 +"And for those of you at the very end of the alphabet, 1-190 we have a special room for you, 1-190, so everybody has some elbow room.",而你在字母表的末尾,我们给准备了一个特别的房间,因此,每个人都有些活动空间。 +I'll clear these dishes away; then we'll be able to work at the table.,我来把这些盘碟收走,这样我们就可以在桌上工作了。 +The importance of neutering cannot be overstated.,绝育的重要性怎么强调都不过分。 +Terms of Appointment: Successful candidates will be appointed on 12-month non-civil service contract terms.,聘用条款: 获聘用的申请人将按非公务员合约条款受聘,为期十二个月。 +SMASH! Red turns back. Tommy's Coke has slipped from his hand and shattered on the floor. The kid's gone white as a sheet.,砰!瑞德转身,汤米的可乐从手中滑出掉在地上碎了,那孩子的脸色如同白纸。 +"B. What's wrong, Kristie? Having problems on the computer again?",怎么啦,克莉丝蒂?计算机又有问题啦? +"Of course these instruments are usually controlled by those who administrate the minion training program, but they don’t have to be.",当然这些工具通常掌握在那些奴才培训班的管理者手中,当然也并不一定是那样。 +"I would prepare letters or video presentations for my kids for important events in their lives – graduations, 21st birthday parties, weddings.",我将准备信件或者视频给我的孩子,为他们预祝生活中的重要时刻,例如毕业,21岁的生日,结婚典礼。 +"We have mentioned that these refugees will flow south to Africa, but they will likewise move east, trying to work around any closed borders that block their way.",我们提到过这些男闽江向南涌向非洲,但是也会向东移动,试图解决掉任何阻挡他们的关闭着的边界。 +"""I'm spending a lot of time hanging out with them, going to the park, really enjoying myself, "" he said.",我会花很多时间和他们出去逛,去公园,我真的觉得得很享受。 +Emerson admits he's frustrated by the lack of minutes he's been handed by AC Milan coach Carlo Ancelotti.,埃莫森承认AC米兰主教练给他上场的时间太少让他感到很沮丧。 +The false Benbu Anhui regime is that the day army intrudes into the false province regime who builds after Anhui.,蚌埠伪安徽省政权是日军侵入安徽之后建立的。 +Objective To investigate occupational hazard status on a small scale quartz powder processing services and the measures of management.,目的探讨小型石英粉加工行业的职业病危害状况和治理经验。 +"Be silent, O all flesh, before the LORD: for he is raised up out of his holy habitation.",凡有血气的,都当在耶和华面前静默无声。 因为他兴起,从圣所出来了。 +"In addition to showing the structure of a pattern, you can also show its behavior.",除了可以显示一个模式的结构之外,您还可以显示它的行为。 +"“Once” was shot for next to nothing in 17 days, doesn't even give names to its characters, is mostly music with not a lot of dialog, and is magical from beginning to end.",《曾经》的导演拍片子的时候无欲无求,17天内完成任务,甚至都角色的名字都没取。 +"Plate filter generally doesn' t have built - in cleaning function, cleaning of material inside the filter can be achieved only after the material is made into slurry and re - filtered.",板框式压滤机一般都不具备机内清洗功能,如果要求对机内物料进行清洗则必须再次化浆后.进行二次过滤才能做到; +The experiment shows that this method can correctly describe the oil and water seepage characteristic of Yushulin Oil Field.,实验证明,该方法能够正确描述榆树林油田油水渗流特征。 +Hope to see Paramore again someday!,希望可以再见到他们的演出! +Read-write access to different information sources - in particular when coordinating a logical unit of work - is constrained by the vendor-specific support.,不同信息源的读写访问(特别在对逻辑工作单元进行协调时)将受到供应商特定的支持的约束。 +I´m Geroge Dunford and I´ve written about Edinburgh for Lonley Planet.,我是乔治丹弗,我已为孤单星球写爱丁堡的文章。 +"Data from this service is provided in NAD83 latitude/longitude coordinates (EPSG code 4269), which is incompatible with your requirement of using Spherical Mercator projection.",来自该服务的数据的格式是 NAD83 纬度/经度坐标(EPSG 代码 4269),而这与使用 Spherical Mercator 投影的要求是不兼容的。 +Station WDS mode enables packet forwarding at layer 2 level.,站波模式使包转发在第2层的水平。 +"However, in a civil case, unlike in a criminal case, invoking the Fifth Amendment can be held against you by a judge or jury.",不过,与刑事案件审理不同的是,在民事案件审理中援引第五修正案将使法官或陪审团对被告不利。 +The videos focus on the the idea that people in the developing world should be assisted to open and manage bank accounts by the banking sector.,视频的焦点集中于发展中世界中的人们应在银行部门的协助下开立和管理银行账户。 +Can guests enter this hotel's discotheque without paying a cover charge ?,酒店的客人可以不用付服务费进入迪斯可舞厅吗? +The last two variables are bound to the edit boxes.,最后两个变量绑定到编辑框。 +It translates as going from being able to watch television to being able to walk at a normal pace or going from being able to walk slowly to being able to ride a bike.,我们可以解释为病人能够从收看电视节目到以常速行走,或能够从慢步行走到能骑自行车。 +One student described barricading himself in a classroom there with other students and hearing dozens of gunshots nearby .,一名学生描述说,当他听到了数十声枪响,他和他的同学在附近教室里藏身。 +"Such as Dai epics, old sayings and various legends.",韩佳:比如有傣族的史诗啊、 谚语啊、民��传说等等。 +He heared an explosion and he phoned the police.,他听到了爆炸声并且给警察打了电话。 +In India lower caste people the ability always low because they have no chance and no confidence.,在印度,种姓低的人能力永远低,就是因为他们空无机会,更空无信心。 +You used to laugh when I said I fell in love with you the moment we met but I did.,当我说第一眼见到你我就爱上了你,你总是会哈哈笑,但我的确是这样。 +"Sports drinks with protein are often pricey, and most runners don't burn much protein for fuel while running unless they've burned through their glycogen (stored glucose) stores are depleted.",蛋白质运动饮料通常十分昂贵,另外,大多数运动员在运动过程中并不会将蛋白质作为能量而大量燃烧,除非他们的糖原(储存的葡萄糖)储备已被彻底消耗殆尽。 +"But where carmine is probably good for you, I don't think casein is.",但是,在胭脂可能是对你有好处,我不认为是酪蛋白。 +"Plus, each house is highly energy efficient with ample insulation, an on-demand solar hot water heater and a catchment system that recycles rainwater to flush the toilet and wash clothes.",另外,每一所住宅都有充足的能源与高效保温。一个随时运转的太阳能热水器,和一个集水系统来回收雨水用来冲洗卫生间或是洗衣服。 +Results show that the thermal stabilities of the brucite-like layers and the inserted anion pillars in the salicylate pillared hydrotalcite are largely improved due to the guest-host interaction.,结果表明,有机阴离子插入水滑石层间,由于主客体相互作用,可使水滑石层的脱羟基温度和有机阴离子的燃烧分解温度得到较大幅度的提高。 +This one is too old. I want a sheep that will live a long time.,这一只太老了。我想要一只能活得长的羊。 +You donat wish much. You just wish the moon. …with parsley!,你的请求恳求确实不多,不过是想要地下的月亮……还有地上的欧芹! +"Many of the 3, 000 freshmen ran to one of two public phones to call their parents and friends.",他们中的大多数人跑到唯一的一部公用电话前给自己的父母及朋友打电话。 +Capacitor commutated converter Compensation degree of series capacitor Commutation;,电容换相换流器; 串联补偿度; 换相; +The semi-empirical formulas for condensation heat transfer coefficient calculation were developed under different basic flow patterns.,给出了相应流型下冷凝换热系数半经验计算式。 +"'If you're an auto maker and want any chance in surviving, you really have to go global and become bigger, ' Mr. Wang said in an interview.",汪大总在接受采访时说,如果你是一家汽车生产商,想抓住任何生存的机会,你就真的必须走向世界、扩大规模。 +Assisting countries to control avian influenza in animal populations.,协助各国在动物群中控制禽流感。 +"After the fuel runs out and the craft reaches its apogee, it will essentially become a glider, sliding back toward the vast desert to touch down on the runway at Spaceport America.",待燃油耗尽且飞船达到其远地点后,飞船将化身滑翔机,瞄准广阔的沙漠滑行返航,最后在航天港跑道着陆。 +Most problems in PHP applications relate to taking user-supplied data and doing something with it without first validating or sanitizing it.,PHP 应用程序中的大多数问题与使用用户提供的数据有关,在使用它和对它执行操作前未曾预先验证和消毒。 +Daily average concentration of various pollutants also has a close correlation with ground wind velocity.,各种污染物日平均浓度值与地面风速相关也非常好。 +"California, Oregon and Nevada all have unemployment rates greater than 11%, among the highest in the nation.",加利弗尼亚州、俄勒冈州和内华达州失业率都超过11%,居于美国前列。 +"Secondly, Labuleng- monastery's main buildings, such as college buildings, halls for worshipping Buddha , living-buddha's houses, monks'apartment, possess their special layout rules.",其二,拉卜楞寺的主要建筑类型,如学院建筑、佛殿建筑、囊欠、僧舍都有其独特的设计规律。 +Objective To further explore the significance of serum antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies(ANCA)in renal dis-eases.,目的进一步探讨血清中的抗中性粒细胞胞浆抗体(ANCA)检测在肾脏疾病患者中的诊断意义。 +Deloitte resigned as Longtop’s auditor earlier this year after discovering alleged accounting improprieties at the company.,在发现东南融通存在会计不正当行为后,德勤于今年早些时候辞去该公司审计人职务。 +"Put it is the vague guiding ideology, rough legislation contend and the judicial explanation violated legal principal of our law in force that lead to some theory conflicts and judicial problems.",但是,由于我国现行立法指导思想模糊不清、立法内容粗疏和原则���司法解释有违法理,结果导致了诸多理论冲突和司法实践难题。 +"L: A flash in the pan is something that starts out really well, but lasts for only a very short amount of time.",哦,就是昙花一现! 你是说,你希望这个新投手不要在开始的时候表现很出色,但很快就默默无闻了。 +"He fostered a new generation of clever young hawks, led by Richard Perle and Paul Wolfowitz.",他培养了以理查德·佩里和保罗沃尔福威茨为首的新一代聪明年轻的“鹰派”人物。 +"Keep appropriate movements during the administration of the plaster for 1-2 hours per day, either in the method of walking, fast-pace walking, jogging, etc. according to the personal body situation.",贴膏药期间应进行适当的活动,每日1-2小时,根据个人体质选择散步、快步、漫步跑等运动形式。 +"Philomela King Pandion of Athens had two daughters, Procne and Philomela .",雅典国王潘底翁有两个女儿,普鲁丝妮和菲勒美拉。 +There was no more war until the thirty-fifth year of Asa's reign.,从这时直到亚撒三十五年,都没有争战的事。 +"Within another Mahayana Buddhist tradition, skandha states are used as a measure to determine how advanced a yogi is.",在大乘佛法的另外一个传统里,他们用五蕴的不同层次,来衡量一位瑜珈修行者的进度。 +"He also said that Franklin's early critique of their theoretical work caused them to rethink things, helping to set them on the right path.",他还说,弗兰克林早期对他们的理论工作的评论促使他们重新思考,有助于他们走上正确的道路。 +"In this paper, customs, land and love, er-ren-zhuan such as customs of the various aspects of human geography to re-start with a general north-east of the concept of drama in rural subjects.",本文从民风、黑土地情缘、二人转等人文地理各方面的风土人情入手重新概括东北农村题材电视剧的概念。 +"Most of us wash our heads at least every day or two, so why neglect your second head, or as you may refer to it, your laptop computer.",更多的人至少1-2天会洗一次头,因此为什么忽视你的第二个大脑(或者你可以这么称忽它,你的电脑)。 +Fair competition throughout the game to supervise staff and notarized.,赛的公正员对比赛全程进行监督和公证。 +"""'I don't want to be a vice president who is not part of the major decisions you make,'"" Biden said he told Obama.",“我不愿成为一个无法参与你作出的重大决定的副总统。” 拜登表示自己对奥巴马如是说。 +"Their relations with India is lose-lose for India, win-win for China.",他们的关系对印度是双输,对中国是双赢。 +It has large hoofs that act like snowshoes in sand.,它的蹄很大,在沙中行走时,宛如雪鞋。 +The advent of the Siamese first issue in 1883 witnessed the gradual reclaiming of HER Sovereign postal system and by 1886 foreign postage stamp usages virtually disappeared after she joined the UPU.,1883年暹罗发行第一套 邮票,标志着其邮政体制独立,外国邮票在暹罗的使用也随着其于1886年加入万国邮政联盟(UPU)而成为明日黄花。 +Even a devoted driving enthusiast like former General Motors vice chairman Bob Lutz concedes that driverless cars are the way of the future.,就连像通用汽车公司前副总裁鲍勃•鲁茨这样铁杆的驾驶发烧友都坦承,无人驾驶汽车是未来的发展方向。 +"The region ceased to be a major power house since its inclusion in the Persian Empire of the Achaemenids, apparently as two satrapies , Babylonia in the south and Athura (from Assyria) in the north.",该地区自从被兼并到阿契美尼德王朝的波斯帝国后,显然是被看作两个管辖地,巴比伦在南方,阿胡拉(来自叙利亚)在北方。 +I have not completed any application process for study at or expelled from other universities.,本人在华未曾完成申请就学学程或遭退学。 +The WHO Model List of Essential Medicines is an evidence-based resource that can be used by countries as a guide to develop their own national essential medicines list.,《世卫组织基本药物标准清单》是一种基于证据的资源,各国可将其作为指南,编制本国的国家基本药物清单。 +Objective To evaluate the diagnostic value of MR urography(MRU) in the diagnosis of renal tuberculosis.,目的探讨磁共振尿路成像(MRU)在肾结核诊断中的价值。 +"There are also various kinds of small bamboo baskets, tea boxes, vases, bamboo screen drawings, hanging vases, mats and a host of other products.",也有各种小竹篮、茶盒、花瓶、竹屏画,挂瓶、竹席和许多其它产品。 +A brand-new jib-bridge luffing system of crane is brought out based on analysis of the limitation to handle containers of the portal crane.,在分析门座起重机用于集装箱装卸作业的局限性的基础上,提出一种新型的起重机变幅系统。 +"The thesis analyzed the action of the tenon on the resistance of the slippage of the retaining wall, and the reinforced scheme aiming at the slippage of the retaining wall was proposed roughtly.",推导挡土墙浸水情况下的滑动稳定系数的变化公式,分析凸榫对挡土墙抗滑移的作用。 +"Sam was sure that the wallet must have been found by one of the villagers, but it was not returned to him. Sam.",确信那个钱包是被某个村民检到了,但是却不见有人来送还给他。 +"As with the demo program, virtual products do not accept returns or in the negative feedback.",程序跟演示一样,虚拟产品不接受退换货或是中差评。 +"On execution of any commands thereafter, we should get the message from the server ""421 Timeout (60 seconds): closing connection.""",在其后执行任何命令时,我们都会从服务器收到消息 “421 Timeout (60 seconds): closing connection.” +"In fact, approximately one-third of the area belonging to forest companies in Brazil, Aracruz included, is covered and preserved solely with native vegetation.",事实上,大约有三分之一的所属公司在巴西的森林面积的三分之一,阿拉克鲁斯包括覆盖和保存完全与天然植被。 +"A great bed, better pillow textures and form, and comfortable sheets would surely help in changing your sleeping – and waking – patterns.",床、枕头、床单被单都要舒舒服服的,这些小物什可以帮助你更好地养成早睡早起的习惯。 +"The next blow to the Solo family would be the loss of the youngest son, Anakin, who had led a daring Jedi mission into the heart of enemy operations.",索洛一家经受的第二次打击是小儿子阿纳金的死,他率领绝地小队深入敌后,执行一项英勇的任务。 +"Like some days you might say something stupid, and that’s the part of you that’s still ten.",你也许还会说一些傻话,那是还停留在十岁的你干的。 +"Tests show that the NIC can process high-speed network application, and in some cases it can handle line-speed traffic.",系统测试结果表明,网卡能处理高速的网络应用,在一些情况下甚至达到线速。 +"Compared to other lighting sources, low-voltage lamps save energy by operating at 30 volts or less.",与其他光源比较, 低压灯节省能量,一般在30伏特上运行或更少。 +"The postcode of Xinhua District, Pingdingshan City, Henan Province, China is 467000.",中国大陆 河南省平顶山市新华区 的邮政编码是 467000 。 +"After the fall of the Berlin Wall, he cofounded the European Bank of Reconstruction and Development that helped rebuild the former East bloc.",柏林墙倒塌后,他创立了“欧洲重建与发展银行”,帮助重建之前的东德。 +The licensee shall take all practicable steps to prevent such a message from being received by any subscriber.,持牌人须采取一切切实可行的步骤,以防止该讯息被任何用户接收。 +"This route, placed at the top of the routing table, matches all requests ending with the .xml suffix and sets them up to use the XML output type. That's not all it does though",这个路由放置在路由表的顶端,匹配所有以 .xml 后缀结尾的请求,并设置这些请求以使用 XML 输出类型。 +Namchok won the Mercedes-Benz Tour Order of Merit title last year following two victories.,继两次夺冠后,奈彻库在去年的梅塞德斯-奔驰巡回赛上摘得冠军。 +"First, to clean and dry surface, no oil slicks , no dust.",先清洁并干燥工件表面,确定无油污、无灰尘; +"Father'day and mother's day, I felt it's likes commerce festa .",父亲节母亲节,我觉得只是一个很商业的节日。 +"I didn't want see that movie about Mozart, but my roommate twisted my arm. I'm glad he did —— it was a great show.","他说:""我本来不想去看那个有关莫扎特的电影的。可是,我同房间的同学硬逼着要我去。不过,看了电影后我倒很高兴,因为那个电影太好了。""" +"A weekly one-on-one session with the child may bring him/her out of the shell, thus allowing the discovery of the fears that afflict him/her.",一星期一次和孩子的一对一训练可以使他(或她)脱去他的防御,这样让那些使他(或她)害怕恐惧的情感释放出来。 +"But before you head to the medicine cabinet, consider this.",但是,在你前往药柜之前,考虑这一点。 +"Because of the high input resistance and low offset current, the electrometer voltmeter has minimal effect on the circuit being measured.",由于具有高输入电阻和低偏置电流,静电计电压表对被测电路的影响极小。 +"And why not? Playing dress up, asking for candy and getting it, staying out a bit late and carving pumpkins--it's all the stuff kids love.",当然了,在这天孩子们可穿着奇装异服,可索取并获得糖果,可在外逗留久一点,可以玩刻南瓜,这些都是他们喜欢做的事。 +"But Kidder will not be CEO of the new entity, which will be called Chrysler Group LLC .",但是基德尔不会总裁的新的实体,这将是所谓的克莱斯勒集团有限责任公司。 +"Ma Zhongjun, chief executive of Ciwen Media, which produced last year's television adaptation of ""The Journey of Flower, "" summed up the business logic: ""You are spending money to buy safety.",去年将《花千骨》改编成电视剧的慈文传媒首席执行官马中骏对其中的商业逻辑进行了总结:“你在花钱买可以稳赚的东西。 +"Hello Kitty is a private boudoir pink girls dream of paradise, a 3-room HDB flats so much Katie's house to let you experience the daily life of Hello Kitty.",凯蒂猫私密闺房是女生们梦寐以求的粉红天堂,有三房式组屋那么大的凯蒂之家让你体验凯蒂猫的日常生活。 +"This was the first time I had ever seen a bowhead, and I would have never expected to see one ashore with people running atop it, across its length.",我估计我这一生再也不愿看到一只这么美的鲸被人们拖上海岸,然后割断头颅。 +The satisfaction degree of patients has been improved from 92.7% to 98.3%.,结果护士的主动服务意识加强;病人的满意度从92.7%上升为98.3%。 +"In two weeks, we visited Chengdu, Xiling Snow Mountains, Huanglong Valley, Jiuzhaigou, Songpan (Snow Treasure Summit), Mt Emei and the Leshan Giant Buddha.",两星期内,我们游历了成都、西岭雪山、黄龙沟、九寨沟、松潘(雪宝顶)、峨嵋山及乐山大佛。 +"See Tian Erlin hate asada, Mrs Asada to maintain his, asada let wu manager to find the cook.",浅田见到田二林很讨厌,浅田夫人极力维护他,浅田让吴店长重新寻找厨师。 +"Any input into the system has to be in compliance the National List of Allowed Synthetic and Prohibited Non-Synthetic Substances, which is a part of the Final Rule (§205.600-§205.607).",所有投入的生产资料必须符合“全美允许使用的合成物质以及禁止使用的天然物质列表”,该列表是NOP标准的组成部分(见第§205.600-§205.607条款)。 +"As one fellow told us, ""You're going over a hill, and you still have vertical ‘G's' from going up.",其中一位会员跟我们讲道:“当车子翻过一座‘小山’时,你向上运动的时候仍能感到垂直重力加速度的作用。 +Professor Ellwood is a 2006 fellow of the Rothermere America Institute at Oxford University.,埃尔伍德教授是牛津大学罗瑟米尔美国研究所(Rothermere American Institute)2006年研究员之一。 +Currently over 70% of China's economic growth is fuel by the oil from the Middle East. The future of China's development is at stake if we still refuse to reach out and take actions.,目前,中国70%以上的经济增长依赖于中东石油贸易,如果我们对海盗问题依然坐视不管,中国的前途和命运将受到重创。 +"""I shall get a nice box of Faber's drawing pencils; I really need them, "" said Amy decidedly .",“我要买一盒精致的费伯氏画笔。我真的很需要,”艾美干脆地说。 +I'm sorry I have enough on my plate right now. I can't help you today.,真不好意思我实在忙得脱不开身,今天就不能帮你了。 +"Having already had experience in marketing cotton piece goods similar to your own, we are familiar with customers' needs and are confident we could develop a worthwhile market for you in Canada.",我公司在经销与你方产品相似的棉织品方面已有多年经验,对买家的需求十分熟悉,确信能够为你公司在加拿大开辟良好市场。 +"For while the U.S. may not be contributing materially to economic growth, cocky newcomers to the global party say they can take it from here.",因为尽管美国可能无法给经济增长作出重大贡献,但全球派对狂傲的新人会说他们可以承担一切。 +"However, for the non-specialist user, the juxtaposition of so many different forms of data in one small space can be an information overload.",但是,对于非专业用户,如此多不同形式的数据在一个小空间中的并列可能是信息过载的。 +Economic evaluation shows that the input-output ratio of nitrogen foam flooding is 1:5.,经济评价表明,采用氮气泡沫调驱方案,其投入产出比为1:5。 +"This hybrid pump and ankle boot is this season's hottest rage. Details include a faux leather exterior, open-cut accents, a peep toe front, and a polished ankle buckle strap closure.",裹脚踝短靴使今年最流行的款式细节有人造皮革脚面有裸露鱼头嘴等设计脚踝处有光滑的皮带扣在侧面非常的优雅大方。 +"To determine of the polysaccharide from Reishi mush room, the polysaccharide was extracted by phenol - sulphoacid method. The results showed that the polysaccharide content was 2.18%.",为了测定灵芝多糖的含量,采用苯酚-浓硫酸法提取多糖,测定灵芝多糖含量为2.18%。 +"Two of her family members reported similar, though less severe, symptoms in subsequent weeks.",据报告,在接下来的几周中,她的两个家人有过同样的症状,但没有那���剧烈。 +"Gongsun Long paid a visit to Mou, prince of the State of Wei, and asked him to solve his bewilderment.",公孙龙有一天到魏公子牟的家去,请公子牟帮忙解开他心中的疑虑。 +"AP missiles, Mirage fighters hung, neatly parked all kinds of tanks and military vehicles - ordinary people here may think that they strayed into restricted military zones.",据新华社电悬挂着导弹的幻影战斗机,整齐停放的各式坦克、军车——普通人到这里也许会以为自己误闯军事禁区。 +The psychology ability keeping competition is unable to be sifted out.,保持比赛的心态才力不会被镌汰。 +Every sport has its nonsense awards that are regarded as reverently as if Moses carried them down from Mt. Sinai.,每项运动都有这样一些没有意义的奖项,就像摩西把它们从西奈山带走一样(来自圣经)。 +This paper presents an approach of rotor position estimation for switched reluctance motor based on support vector machine (SVM).,针对这一问题,提出了基于支持向量机的开关磁阻电机转子位置估计新方法。 +"What's on the table, long the concern of homemakers, hungry breadwinners, and fussy kids, has surfaced as a heated topic for public discourse.",该吃些什么——长期困扰着忙碌的妇女们、饥乏的养家人和挑剔的小孩们的大问题,已经成为公共舆论的热门话题。 +I deliberately chosen not to include those because I wanted to show you that nuclear plants have containments and reactor or power conversion systems which typically steam turbines.,"我特意选择不将那些总结,因为我想要给你们展示核电站,已经包含了,还有反应堆或者能量转化,系统,那是典型的蒸汽轮机。" +"If this book were a weblog, it would feature digg-able entry after digg-able entry.",如果这本书写成博客,会别具特色——有价值的链接一个接一个。 +We have no choice but to go out and face the big outside world.,我们除了出去面对那个外面的大世界别无选择。 +This flexible feature allows the screw conveyor auger and tube to bend around equipment or facility obstructions that would prevent the use of solid core or u-trough conveyor types.,这一灵活的功能允许螺旋输送机灵活地与生产设配配合使用。 +"This paper generally introduces a method of computer-generated pen-and-ink illustration of trees, and its several advantages and application domain;",首先对使用计算机生成树木笔绘图形的方法进行了综合介绍,并分析了它具有的优点,及适用的研究对象。 +"One minute later, Garriott begins a second countdown, this time to signal the end of the thruster burn.",一分钟后,加略特重新开始倒数,这次是推进器燃烧解体的信号。 +"Well, I say nothing, "" the 29-year-old told La Gazzetta dello Sport.",这位29岁的球员告诉米兰体育报。 +"His present's pleasure is behaves righteously , every day practices in the home to destroy person's method.",他现在的乐趣就是见义勇为,每天在家练习打坏人的方法。 +"The main reason of the grain crisis was caused by the grain output deduce in KMT rule area, the increase of production and sale cost, inflation and adventure hoarding and cornering.",粮食危机的出现原因主要是由于国统区粮食产量的大量减产、生产成本和销售成本的增加、通货膨胀和投机者囤积居奇所致。 +"The old woman said, ""My child, what have you done?""",老太婆说:「我的孩子,瞧你都干了些甚么! +"There are, however, means by which this benefit can be unwittingly defeated, thereby increasing startup time and memory consumption.",不过,有一些方法会无意中让这种好处失效,从而增加了启动时间和内存消耗。 +"If necessary, the ship could be configured into a hospital ship, a light helicopter carrier, or a transport ship.",如果必需,船能被配置成一艘医院船,一艘轻直升飞机母舰或一艘运输船。 +"Apple expects that ""the community Ping continues to grow.""",苹果预计,“平安社区继续成长。” +Aligned carbon nanotubes (ACN) are widely studied all over the world due to its unique structure and excellent properties.,定向纳米碳管由于其独特的结构和优良性能,受到越来越多的关注。 +Special design for DIY and professional use. Easy to grip or release tool by pressing rotational switch forward or reverse.,其特殊设计适于DIY及专业用途。抓住其外壳并利用电钻工具正转钮即可转易地夹紧钻夹头;反转钮即可转易地脱钻夹头。 +"To solve the above problem, parallel out-of-core solving method is used.",针对上述问题,该文采用了核外并行求解方法; +The Korean War ended inconclusively. But the debates it generated foreshadowed issues that tore the country apart a decade later.,朝鲜战争在无结论的状态下结束了。但是在这之后他使一个国家分裂了数十年。 +"Mumbai-based tour operator has launched ""divorce tourism"" packages, designed to get spouses who have fallen out of love to bury the hatchet, the Hindustan Times reported.",据《印度时报》报道,为了帮助挽救那些濒临瓦解的婚姻,印度孟买一家旅游公司日前推出了一种名叫“离婚游”的产品。 +"CAV could propagate in chickens' thymus, liver, bone marrow. The titer of CAV in thymus is higher than liver and bone marrow.",病毒能够在雏鸡胸腺、肝脏和骨髓内繁殖,其中胸腺内病毒增殖最快,病毒滴度最高,肝脏其次,骨髓最低。 +Polypyrrole film was electropolymerized on bare glass carbon electrode.,在裸玻碳电极上用恒电位法聚合吡咯。 +"So, since already this Xiang, the summer Yan and father also checks for a while. What about mother?",那么,既然已经这祥了,夏彦和父亲也检查一下吧。母亲呢? +All observed results support the previous magnetic reconnection model.,这些观测结果支持日浪的磁重联模型。 +"The effects of the salvinorin A were remarkably strong, consistent and fast-acting, peaking about two minutes after inhalation, and nearly disappearing by 20 minutes.",salvinorin A的作用效果非常强烈,稳定,且快速,大约吸入两分钟后达到顶峰,20分钟后基本失效。 +"The rocks and crust from the smaller moon would have spread over and around the bigger moon without creating a crater, as a faster crash would have done.",但低速撞击的结果和高速撞击的效果一样,小月亮上原有的尘与土蔓延开来萦绕在大月亮表面,撞击并不产生坑洞。 +"Taking into account the current managing electricity , machine maintenance and other factors, the cost for handling waste collection 8 yuan per ton freight.",考虑到目前的错峰用电、机器维修等因素,废浆处理费用为每吨8元加运费。 +"Earlier, the talks opened with calls for action to avoid rising damage from floods, droughts, heatwaves and rising sea levels.",前段时间也就是会议前期,其主要议题是避免因洪水,干旱,热浪以及不断上升的海平面而导致的日益增加的各种灾害。 +Higher number of live connections allows more browsers to keep the connection alive and hence improves response times of the requests.,活动连接的数量越大,允许继续处于活动状态的浏览器就越多,从而增加了响应请求的次数。 +"You can choose to search all images, photosets, or certain tags.",你可以选择搜索所有的图片、图片集或者特点的标签。 +"He says with the FDA's approval of Botox to prevent migraines, there is now a new option ""to reduce the days and hours spent in pain as a result of this condition.""",他表示由于FDA已经证实保妥适可以预防偏头痛,所以现在又有一个新方法可以减少「因为偏头痛而感到痛苦的日子和光阴」。 +I see them. I taste them. So forth and so on.,"我可以看到它们,尝尝它们的味道,等等" +Some argue that these figures are not as worrying as they seem.,一些人主张,这些图并不像他们看起来那么令人担忧。 +"Later with further assistance from IMC, a brick wall church building was constructed. The building was dedicated in the year 1997 by Eld. Chen Hern Tao.",之后,透过印度宣教小组的支援,我们盖造了一所以砖块为墙壁的会堂,新会堂在1997年由陈恒道长老主持献堂礼。 +"After the presentation, we all trickled in the dining hall for lunch.",介绍会结束之后,我们都在食堂里吃午饭。 +We shall live as the Kikuyu were meant to live.,我们要按照吉库尤人本应该生活的方式,去生活。 +"The machine is especially designed for the screwing of large-sized or irregular bottles, boasts high conformity; size change can be easily done, easy maintenance.",本机特别针对大规格瓶子、不规则瓶子的旋盖,合格率高,变换包装规格只需简单调节即可,操作简便,维护容易。 +It has a 62 cubic inch displacement.,它有62立方英寸排水量。 +"When speaking to your child, strengthen the intonation of key words, use modulation in tone and regularly repeat some simple words.",在谈话或讲故事中,可以用加强语调的字眼、使用抑扬顿挫的方式以及不断重复一些简单的字。 +Is it possible to imagine a man near a brazier who is not warm?,我们能想象一个人站在烈火旁而不感到热吗? +"And the wood white acquaintance, due to network, has been nearly five years. First, he worked in Tai'an, then returned home to Shandong to Feicheng, with a better.",与木白的相识,缘于网络,已近五年。初识时,他在泰安工作,之后回到家乡山东肥城,有了一份更好的。 +"“We never got the chance to prove ourselves, but we sure were ready, ” Funk says. “I was dying to go.",“我们从未得到机会证明自己,但我们确实准备好了,”Funk说:“空间飞行曾令我朝思暮想。 +"St. Peter replied, ""Well, I’ve added up all the hours for which you billed your clients, and by my calculation you must be about 174 years old!",圣彼得回答到:“这个嘛,我加了下你寄给客户账单上的收费时间,如果我没算错的话,你应该有174岁高寿了! +"The motor cortex, cerebellum and corpus callosum (which connects the brain’s two sides) are all bigger in musicians than in nonmusicians.",音乐家大脑中的运动皮层、小脑和胼胝体(连接两个大脑半球的部分)都比非音乐家大。 +"Wind Lynn, the pen name of Nicholas Lin, was born in 1946 and graduated from Michigan State University.",林文俊,笔名文林。一九四六年生,政大毕业。密西根州立大学教育硕士。 +"For instance, it is yet to be determined how many of the some 2 million people currently in U.S. prisons are innocent, Scheck said.",比如,查明美国现在两百万囚犯当中到底有多少人是无辜的,Scheck说。 +"Thirty concurrent clients ran on a smaller front-end server, and submitted transactions to a federated server on a separate machine.",个并发客户机在一个较小的前端服务器上运行,并将事务提交给在另一台机器上的联邦服务器。 +"Trough the test, some filtration curves under the different technological conditions are obtained; and the resistance of filter cakes and filter medium are calculated.",通过试验,获取了不同工艺条件下的过滤曲线,并求得了滤饼比阻和工作介质阻力。 +"Listen to grandma said they first every day is to eat steamed bread or rice gruel, the conditional people still eat it.",听奶奶说,她们小时候每天都是吃馒头或是白米粥,这还是有条件的人们才吃的。 +It will not superheat the floor.,不会使地面过热。 +"As it told that RCCA which was normed reasonably, was beneficial to the rural cooperation, and it combined organically with the rural cooperation, should be the best choice for the SNRC today.",历史经验告诉我们,“商资归农”在合理规范的前提下有助于农村合作;“商资归农”与农村合作的有机结合,应该是我们今天社会主义新农村建设中最值得思考和关注的现实选择。 +Without guilt he enjoys his own accomplishments. Without envy he enjoys the accomplishments of others.,他能问心无愧地欣赏自己的成就,也能不带妒忌地欣赏他人的成就。 +You have to use the Aston Martin.,你也得开开阿斯顿·马丁。 +She went into the garden to pull a few onions for dinner.,她去园子里拔了几个洋葱准备做饭。 +"'The global economy is still recovering,' Ms. Hu said. 'Sure, there is some volatility but it won't double dip.",胡晓炼说,全球经济还在复苏,当然有一定的波动性,复苏过程将会比较缓慢和曲折。 +There are plenty of things you can do for Valentines Day.,你可以做许多事去度过你的情人节。 +Hundreds of sharks have been slaughtered daily off the coast of Ecuador after a ban on the sale of fins was lifted last week.,自上周厄瓜多尔解除出售鲨鱼鳍的禁令以来,其沿海每天都有上百条鲨鱼被捕杀。 +Sabah and Nasser said that the friendly exchanges between both peoples go back to ancient times and the two countries are friends that treat each other sincerely.,萨巴赫和纳赛尔说,科中人民的友好交往源远流长,两国是真诚相待的朋友。 +He catalogued this thought in his head like an entry in a capsule to be viewed at another time.,他把这个想法记在了脑子里,就像是一条以后再看的要点。 +"Jacketed wire, very flexible and initially used for vacuum cleaners but now used on many different types of products.",这是一种小外径的电镀线,很柔软,最初是用于真空吸尘器,但现在在许多不同产品中使用。 +"With his good strength and good lateral speed, West can often keep in front of guards attempting to drive, or at least re-route them off the play.",以他良好的实力和良好的横向移动速度,西方往往可以很好的为球队带来贡献。 +US foreign policy towards the Third World in the Kennedy-Johnson period served US global containment strategy and the policy goal of containing China.,肯尼迪-约翰逊时期对第三世界的外交政策完全服务于美国全球遏制战略和遏制中国的政策目标。 +Weight of Product: 26kg.,产品重量:26千克。 +The context constituting the lexical meaning is the typical context which can be used to determine the accurate meaning.,辞例所构成的语境是一种特殊的上下文语境,利用辞例可以准确训释某些文言词语。 +"S. study suggests that the drugs may also increase risk of infection with C. difficile, a bacterium that can cause severe diarrhea.",美国的另一个研究表明,质子泵抑制剂可能会增加艰难梭菌感染的危险,艰难梭菌是一种能引起严重腹泻的细菌。 +We are currently investigating whether using a customized B-Tree algorithm can make it possible to search with the help of wild cards and to store index documents more compactly.,我们目前正在研究使用定制的 B-Tree 算法进行带有通配符的搜索并且更加紧凑地存储索引文档是否可行。 +These results provide a basis for the quarantine of L. oryzophilus in stored rice grain.,这些结果为开展稻谷中稻水象甲的检疫提供了依据。 +The city government is looking for ways to decentralize.,市政府正在寻求分权的方法。 +"On the basis of analyzing its water system landscape situation, some suggestions for the water system resumption and protection have been put forward.",通过分析燕园村水系景观现状,提出恢复、保护其水系的设计方案。 +"In a completely smooth glass with no dust molecules in it, champagne would be completely still.",把它置于完全没有任何灰尘的光滑的玻璃中,香槟就不会有什么动静。 +"Part Three introduces the achievements after the establishment of mottoes in these three famous universities, aiming at the illustration, from the practical aspect, of their historical functions.",对知名教会大学在校训确立后的办学效绩进行介绍,试图从实践层面说明校训的历史作用。 +The industrial Revolution refers to the mechanisation of industry and the consequent changes in social and economic organization in Britain in the late 18th and early 19th centuries.,工业革命指的是18世纪末、19世纪初英国工业的机械化,以及因此而导致的社会结构和经济结构的变化。 +"He says of his experience, ""My mind is like a volcano exploding with bubbles and each bubble contains a million other bubbles, and then another million bubbles of unstoppable creative ideas.",他如此谈论自己的经历:“我的思维好像拥有泡沫的火山爆发,每个泡沫都包含上百万个其他泡沫,然后,涌现上百万不可阻挡的创意。” +Canguilhem rejected the idea that there were normal or abnormal states of health.,Canguilhem否决了有正常和不正常的健康状态。 +"This style of aluminum louver has a durable finish that is available in white, brown and black and is ideal for residential construction and use as part of a roof venting system.",这种铝制百叶窗有一个持久涂层,可选白色,棕色和黑色,是住宅建筑作为屋顶通风系统一部分的理想选择。 +We have three lessons in the morning .,上午我们有三节课。 +"Any initiator or employee shall have legal paten, scientific research achievement or know-how technology;",发起人或从业人员有合法拥有的专利、科研成果或专有技术; +"With his music and persona both marked by a flawed honesty, Kanye's man-myth dichotomy is at once modern and truly classic.",伴随着他的音乐和人格都被有缺陷的诚实所标示,Kanye的人神二元论是一次现代意义上的和真正意义上的经典。 +Google's location-based map systems also allow the search company to know where people are in real time through the use of smartphones and other GPS-enabled devices.,谷歌基于定位的地图系统也让搜索公司通过智能手机和其它GPS功能的设备掌握了解人们的实时位置。 +"In 2009, even if the encountered the world financial crisis, market growth remains the 28.8% of bamboo fiber.",2009年,即便遭遇到了世界金融危机,天竹纤维仍然保持了28.8%的市场增长速度。 +He was overset by seeing her.,看到她时,他感到心烦意乱。 +Progress in the study of rotifer resting eggs is reviewed.,综述了近年来国内外对轮虫休眠卵的研究概况。 +Refined decoration garden villa Huxing average area of 42 square meters to 78 square meters.,精装修花园洋房户型平均面积在42平方米到78平方米左右。 +"Through the practice and the study on the ZheGu-Mountain tunnel, having set up the highway-tunnel's construction geology prediction system systematically.",通过鹧鸪山隧道施工地质预报实践与研究,初步建立了公路隧道施工地质预报系统。 +The Bianconeri are said to be very close to signing the Real Zaragoza defender and the first player likely to be forced to step aside is Boumsong.,据说斑马军团离正式签下皇家萨拉戈萨后卫不远了,他的到来也意味着这位中卫第一人选将把布姆松挤向替补席。 +"Since moving to the United States, my need for self-expression has grown, and my curiosity about how others address their identity in what is a fairly open society has increased.",移居到了美国之后,我的自我表达力也逐渐增加,而且特别对美国人在一个较为开放的社会形态中怎样表现自我的方式而产生好奇。 +"Explosions at a Japanese quake-stricken nuclear plant have led to radiation levels that can affect human health, a senior Japanese official has said.",“在日本震区一核电站的爆炸导致可危害人体健康的辐射产生” 一名日本高级官员如是说。 +"Other Scenic Spots: Zigong Salt History Museum and China Color Lantern Museum, together with the Dinosaur Museum, are the most characteristic museums in Zigong.",自贡盐业博物馆,中国彩灯博物馆和恐龙��物馆,是自贡最有代表性的三个景点。 +In this paper we obtain some fixed point theorems of nonexpansive mappings definited on star-shape set.,本文给出了定义在星形集上的单值(集值)非扩张映象的几个不动点定理。 +One reason men can drop weight just by ignoring the Buffalo wings for a few weeks is because they have more lean body mass.,男人仅仅需要节食几周体重就能明显下降的原因是:他们身体里的肌肉含量较大。 +The mission was designed to test the potential for astronauts to escape without a space craft in an emergency.,这个任务最初是用来测试宇航员紧急情况下不使用航天器来逃生这一潜能的。 +Let me direct that question to the manager.,让我曲接问司理好了。 +"Take Jinhaihu as the center, the surroundings peaks and ridges folds the green jade, wild plant unrefined resin, cloud shadow wave light, beautiful scene like picture.",以金海湖为中心,周围峰峦叠翠,野卉生香,云影波光,美景如画。 +"Berlusconi has insisted that his relationship with Letizia is a private matter, but Dario Franceschini, leader of the opposition Democratic Party, called on him to respond to questions.",贝卢斯科尼坚持认为他和莱蒂奇亚的关系是私事,但是反对党领导人达里奥·弗兰切斯基尼要求他对这些质疑作出回应。 +"Not surprisingly, the system is symmetric and comprehensive.",系统是对称和全面的,这不足为奇。 +Unto the pure all things are pure: but unto them that are defiled and unbelieving is nothing pure; but even their mind and conscience is defiled.,在洁净的人,凡物都洁净。在污秽不信的人,什么都不洁净。连心地和天良,也都污秽了。 +"From Service-Oriented Architecture: Concepts, Technology, and Design by Thomas Erl.",摘自Thomas Erl编写的《面向服务的架构:概念、技术和设计》。 +"Do what can do right now, carding complex things.",能办的事情马上办,复杂的事情梳理办; +"But as a country develops and becomes middle-income, these links break down and the elderly increasingly look to other sources to provide for the old age.",但是,随着一个国家的发展并成为中等收入国家之后,这种联系就崩溃了,老年人越来越多地依靠其它资源来养老。 +He felt reasonably sure that her vanity would not allow her free reign to public utterances.,他很有理由相信,她的虚荣心决不会让她放纵到公开宣扬的程度。 +"Nah, let's have something else. I think the other dishes must be quite good as well, right, boss?",不要了吧,换换口味好了。我认为其他菜也一定不错哦。是吧,老板?。 +RBBB was the main type of continuously existing of the new arrhythmia.,RBBB是持续存在的新发心律失常的主要类型。 +"Before she dies, ks wants to affect people from all over the world with her art.",在去世前,她希望能够通过自己的艺术作品感动世界上每个角落的人。 +Each sculptural planter is made-to-order with handmade glass and lead-free solder and comes with everything you need but the plants.,每个艺术花盆都是定制的。 它们由手工制作的玻璃和无铅焊料接合而成,交付使用时,万事俱备,只欠花卉。 +Get a walk-through of the factory in Halo 3 with expert tips and advice on video games in this free Xbox 360 instructional video.,获取步行通过与专家提示厂最后一战3视频游戏和建议,在此免费的Xbox 360视频教学。 +SRT (S&P) comprises a group of distinctive international professionals and our aim is to translate our clients' vision into reality.,城设(综合)是由一支卓越的国际专业设计师组成。 +"Attribute data blocks of wave impedance, porosity, channel integration, reflection and slice are formed by using application softwares.",并利用应用软件,形成了波阻抗、孔隙度、道积分、反射强度、峰值振幅、反射频率、相干切片等属性数据体。 +How do you unambiguously specify that you want a method info of an specific explicit interface implementation?,你怎样才能明确指出你想要特定的明了的接口应用的方法信息呢? +"The methods about despecking of MCE image contain: nonlinear wavelet shrinkage techniques, nonlinear wavelet diffusion method, biased motion-adaptive temporal filtering method.",已有的MCE图像降噪方法包括非线性小波变换滤波方法,非线性小波扩散滤波方法,有偏的二维最小均方滤波方法等。 +"Psychotherapy may be a suitable alternative to antidepressants for some women with mild-to-moderate depression, the report indicates.",对于轻度或中度抑郁的孕妇,心理疗法可能会比较适合。报道表明。 +The residual gravity anomaly was mainly produced by rolling basement of the basin and the regional gravity anomaly by the Moho rolling.,推断引起剩余重力异常的主要原因是盆地基底的起伏,引起区域重力异常的主要原因是莫霍面起伏。 +"Built a metabolic network of S. cerevisiae, and made the metabolic flux analysis with the ability of fermentation of different yeasts and effect on pressed yeast during fermentation.",构建了啤酒酵母的代谢网络,通过代谢网络对不同酵母的发酵性能和压力对酵母发酵的影响进行了代谢通量分析。 +President Rafael Correa had to be rescued by the military after being tear-gassed and held for several hours in a hospital by police angry about plans to cut their bonuses.,当时,一些警察对削减他们奖金的计划不满,施放催泪弹,并将总统拉斐尔·科雷亚(Rafael Correa)带到一家医院将其拘留,后来军方实施了营救行动。 +"Results:daidzein( DD )can completely inhibit action potential of the isolated sciatic nerve in toads, but less than 1% hydrochloride procaine.",大豆苷元对家兔角膜具有一定的表面麻醉作用,其表面麻醉效果较1%的普鲁卡因更弱。 +"Meanwhile, the right-wing media are replaying their greatest hits. In the 1990s, Mr.",在此同时,右派媒体也已开始重演它们的最大噱头。 +"In fact, he'd just sat on his cell phone' redial button on his way home",实际上,他只是在回家的路上,坐到了他的电话回拨键。 +JULIA GILLARD: Well we've been investing in the skills and capacities of the Australian people. We've been investing in infrastructure.,这方面,我们一直在投入技术和能力,这来自于澳洲人民。我们一直在投资基础建设。 +The U. S. phaseout of lead in gasoline was completed in 1996; similar bans are being implemented worldwide.,1996年美国完成了含铅汽油的逐步淘汰,世界各地也正在实施类似的禁令。 +The book contains much new information.,这本书有很多的新信息。 +"Particularly in the beginning of this century, a series of domestic and foreign famous business fraud and audit failure cases make accounting firms' audit risk management become more exigent.",本世纪初以来,国内外一系列重大企业财务造假丑闻和审计失败案例的接连发生,更使得会计师事务所进行审计风险管理变得更加迫切。 +"Meanwhile, officials in France said they know the location of a French yacht hijacked Saturday by pirates off the northeast coast of Somalia.",另外,法国官员说,他们知道海盗星期六在索马里东北海域劫持的法国游艇的地点。 +"Their diet contains a lot of fat in the form of potato crisps, potato chips, butter, cream and chocolate.",他们的食物有炸土豆片,炸土豆条,黄油,奶酪和巧克力,这些都含有大量的脂肪。 +"Article 112. A stock exchange shall deposit in a special bank account the trading guarantee fund and risk?bearing fund it has collected, and unauthorized use of these funds is not allowed.",第一百一十二条证券交易所应当将收存的交易保证金、风险基金存入开户银行专门帐户,不得擅自使用。 +Learn skateboard tricks step-by-step with tips from a skateboarding instructor in this free video on extreme sports.,学习滑板技巧的分步提示在这个自由视频从滑板极限运动教练。 +Customizable alarms or pop-ups guarantees an early warning for the operator/user.,可定制的警报或弹出窗口,保证第一时间给操作员或用户提供警报。 +"The company already became the collection white liquor specialized production, sales, the service, the management coordinated process Stock enterprise, is Renhuai one of three big star enterprises.",公司现已成为集白酒专业生产、销售、服务、管理一条龙的股份企业,是仁怀市三大明星企业之一。 +True love dares to confront.,敢当面质问,才是真爱。 +"Citigroup could create a ""bank within a bank"" to contain its worst-performing assets to try to protect the rest of the operation and allow a revival in lending.",花旗集团可以创造出一个“银行中的银行”,装入其业绩最差的资产,试图来保护其它业务,并允许复兴贷款业务。 +"Five package sizes were designed to accommodate common serving sizes of entrees, salads, soups, and dessert items. Several fresh fruits, bread, and condiments will be provided in bulk packages.",几种新鲜水果、面包和调味品用散装的形式包装。 +"Superiority means others have to bend their knees, and cater to the wishes of the dominant nation.",优越性就意味着别人都要卑躬屈膝,都要来迎合这优越国家的意愿。 +"Instead of ensnaring animals, the fishermen now spend their days trying to entice tourists into paying for excursions to see crocodiles and swim with turtles.",与其继续捕杀动物,现在渔夫们整天努力招揽观光客参加付费的鳄鱼探险之旅以及与海龟一起游泳。 +"The main production of cotton and chemical fiber extension 10-50 Tongsha specifications and gray cloth, products are sold throughout the country.",主要生产全棉和化纤10-50支筒纱和各种规格坯布,产品销往全国各地。 +"""Stability helps a lot as you can't build a team in one year. "" observed Vieira.",“稳定性是很重要的,你不可能用一年来建设一个球队”维耶拉感慨地说。 +"It's the heart, afraid of breading.",害怕跌碎的心永远学不会跳舞。 +"Introducing the uniquely Boolean concept of complementation into an additive identity, we find an interesting effect.",介绍了独特的逻辑概念的互补成添加剂的特性,我们发现一个有趣的结果。 +Others would try and change the standards and try to get women to like male models with beer bellies.,有的则会继续挑战社会中的各种标准,努力让女人们喜欢上那些小肚子外露的时装男模。 +"This paper firstly introduces a design of calculations for fourdrinier machine based on VB, including production capacity, speed and so on.",本文就长网纸机在产能、车速、纸及纸板产量部分进行初步探讨,首次使用VB 平台对此部分计算进行程序设计。 +"For all people, I'm just a dispensable role.",对于所有人来说,我只是一个可有可无的角色。 +"Although the picture is still and complanate, it can contain red maple, misty rain which making our hearts insurgent.",虽然画面是静止的,平面的,却可以容纳丹枫秋色。烟雨蒙蒙,最可以让人心潮澎湃! ! +3:The newspapers say there’s a lot of monkey business going on at City Hall these days with officials getting money under the table from people who want the contract to build the new airport.,他说:报界揭露了市府近来发生的欺诈勾当,官员暗中从那些想承包新机场建筑工程的人手里收受贿赂。 +I wish him all the best in his career and I will say this once again - Rene has everything that a young player should have.,我希望在他的职业生涯一路顺风,我可以再说一遍,勒尼已经拥有年轻球员所拥有的素质。 +"The design of the figures in the relief adopted Western notions of anatomy and display accurate proportions, realistic expressions and lively gestures.",这些作品中的人物造型吸收了西方雕塑的解剖学的长处,比例适度,形态生动,表情刻画细致传神。 +"The median time to progression - the primary end point - was significantly longer (9.8 months) among those on the combination, compared to those on docetaxel alone (7.0 months).",中位进展时间—首要观察终点—与所有单用多西他赛方案(7.0 月)相比联合方案组的中位进展时间(9.8 月)明显延长。 +They all offer a much lower interest rate than Greece's current 15%-25% cost of borrowing in financial markets.,所有这些选择方案都提供了比希腊目前在金融市场借贷成本低得多的利率。 希腊目前的借贷成本为15%-25%。 +"The losses increase quadratically with the misalignment amounts when they are small, depending on the focusing parameter of the GRIN lens.",理论分析和数值计算结果表明,损耗与装配误差在小范围内近似呈平方递增关系,增幅与透镜聚焦参数有关。 +Within the Haikou city plan Xinbu Island is expected top become a major hub for international tourism with a recreational resort with subtropical scenery.,结合城市总体规划,新埠岛将建设成为具有亚热带滨海风光的国际化旅游休闲海岛新市镇。 +The results also showed that the grain yield was significantly positively correlated with the dry matter and nutrient accumulation at heading and maturing stages.,结果也表明,齐穗期和成熟期的干物质及养分积累与产量呈极显著正相关。 +Remove the distributor and ignition wires.,拆下分电盘盖和电线。 +"Conclusion The vasoconstrictive action of steroid leads to femoral head artery spasmodic contraction, tissue ischemia and osteonecrosis.",结论由于激素的缩血管作用,家兔股骨头动脉痉挛收缩,组织缺血,导致骨缺血坏死。 +"""I arrived with my mother because the local authorities were adamant that a young English girl could not live on her own in the bush without a European escort,"" she says.",“我和我的母亲一起到达的,因为当地官员坚决认为一个年轻的英国女孩没有一个欧洲同伴的话,是不能在丛林里独立生活的。” 她说。 +The paper introduces the composition and operating situation of natural stratified water storage air conditioning in Nanning Wharton International Hotel and does economic analysis.,介绍南宁沃顿国际大酒店的自然分层的水蓄冷空调的构成及运行情况,并进行了经济性分析。 +"If the mirror is tilted, the light's entry and exit angle will be exactly the same.",如果镜子是倾斜的,则光线的入射角和反射角是完全相同的。 +"Jesus, Enlightener of my mind!",耶稣,我内心的喜乐。 +This organization could be called the dominant organization of the service model.,该组织可以叫做服务模型的 控制性组织。 +"You can, with minimal folding and swearing, create: wallets, purses, small bags, belt, hats, and apparently, entire outfits made from rolls upon rolls of the multi-colored adhesive.",你可以做出:皮夹、钱包、小包包、带子、帽子,或者用一层层的彩色胶布做出全套设备。 +"That is 100,000 opportunities a minute to win loyal readers and generate revenue -- for free.",这相当于每分钟免费获得10万个获得忠诚读者并带来收入的机会。 +"The flap raises within one second, but it could open more quickly.",油箱盖在不到1秒的时间内打开,但它其实可以更快。 +CouchDB does not come with an auto-increment or sequence feature.,CouchDB 没有自动递增或序列特性。 +"Even during economic downturns, the100 Best are constantly for talent . Looking at the past decade, our top 25 each year have averaged job growth of 14.",即使在经济衰退时期,100家最佳公司也在不断求贤纳才。回首过去十年,每年前25家公司的平均就业增长率为14。这儿教你给自己争取一个机会。 +"There was rain-storm at mid-night that day, I left that orphanage alone, running to the street, hunger and chills were all followed the pattern of raid.",那天夜里下着暴雨,我独自离开了那所孤儿院,跑到了街上,饥饿和寒冷全都袭来。 +"""And then we realized he's a professional climber and he is checking to see if there are any cracks after the earthquake here, "" Saxon said.",后来我们意识到他是专业的攀爬人员,正在检查地震有没有造成纪念塔出现裂缝。 +"If you are calling for an appointment, press 1. If your are calling from IBM, press 2.",如果你想安排一个约会,请按1。 +"For auld lang syne, my friend.",为了美好的昔日,我的朋友。 +"Confession time, until a few years ago I was an emotional packrat.",实话实说,我曾今也是一个情绪积累者,不过那已经是几年以前的事了。 +"Lovers of modern art will also enjoy taking in the Lasapalatsi ""Glass Palace"" media center.","现代艺术的爱好者也会乐于一游拉撒宫里""玻璃宫""的媒体中心。" +"Methods Transfluthrin was applied directly to Aedes aegypti and Musca domestica by methods of feeding, daubing and sprayer.",方法通过喂食、涂敷、喷雾等方法,对埃及伊蚊、家蝇等进行直接测试。 +"If you have a mental health concern, take one of our interactive quizzes today, and then find a mental health professional to help.",如果你有心理健康问题,参与我们今天的互动答题,然后向一位心理健康专家寻求帮助吧。 +Woodlice attack living plants and gnaw at the stems.,木虱会侵害活体植物并啃咬它们的茎。 +"When they awoke it was quite dark, and poor little Grethel was afraid;",当他们醒来时已经非常黑了,可怜的小格雷特非常害怕; +This thesis has a discussion on the transport of real-time data based on a new network architecture named Service Unit Network Architecture(SUNA).,本文论述了基于服务元网络体系结构的实时数据传输的处理。 +"However I am also to have no option, the person doesn't make me I not prisoner.",不过我也是逼不得已,人不犯我我不犯人。 +"The hundreds of people camped on the levee were those who had no biraderi outside the flooded area, or who couldn’t afford to make the journey to them.",那些驻扎在堤坝上的人都是在灾区以外的地方没有biraderi,或是无法负担旅行的人。 +"Methods: The endotoxemia model was made by injection with endotoxin of escherichia coli. Some in-dices were observed including the model temperature change, the LPS level and the TNF-α content.",方法用大肠杆菌内毒素静脉注射制备家兔内毒素血症模型,观察利胆排毒口服液对模型动物体温变化的影响; +"I suggest low-standard, consumer is easy to accept.",我建议中低档的吧,消费者比较容易接受。 +Reducing discharge interval and increasing electric field intensity could increase the hardness and depth of nitriding layer markedly.,在本工艺条件下,适当减小放电间隙,增大电场强度,可以明显提高渗层的硬度和深度。 +"Thermoregulated air flows into the air treatment, passing through the above mentioned elements before to enter into the test chamber.",在进入试验箱前,热调节空气流入气体调节单元路,通过上面提到的各个环节。 +"Due to the characteristic of technical impracticability, it is hard to calculate the cost of remedying contaminated soil and groundwater.",土壤及地下水污染整治作业有技术不可行之特性,因此整治费用有难以估计之问题。 +"In today's Western society, the inequality has been revealed of freedom for good deeds and freedom for evil deeds.",在当今西方社会,不平等已经被披露为求善的自由和求恶的自由。 +"Born in 1981 in Taipei, Wu Chi-Tsung belongs to the youngest generation of Taiwanese artists.",吴季璁1981年生于台北,是台湾最年轻一代的艺术家。 +"Solid amine adsorbents have the advantages of high selectivity, low causticity, and easy regeneration, and therefore they have potential applications in reducing emission of CO2.",固态有机胺二氧化碳吸附剂具有高选择性、低腐蚀性、易再生等特点,有着减少二氧化碳排放的潜在应用前景。 +Now eyes are lighting up.,现在所有的眼镜都亮起来了。 +"He introduced an entirely new idea which cut the Gordian knot that had held up the Ricci-flow approach – -bearing on the central question of ""collapsing"" in Riemannian geometry.",他引进了一个完全崭新的观点支撑起了瑞奇流方法——其与黎曼几何中”塌陷“的中心问题有着密切的联系。 这使得解决整个问题变得如同快刀斩乱麻一样简单。 +"Sofitel, with resorts in Tahiti, Moorea and Bora Bora, has been quick to point out that its staff can serve as wedding translators.",索菲特在塔希提岛,莫雷阿岛和波拉波拉度假村,已被迅速指出其工作人员可以作为婚礼的翻译人员。 +Does the literal meaning of a particular word or phrase apply here?,某个单词或短语的原义在此合适吗? +Objective To analyze the reason of necrosis for pedunculated skin flaps repaired after floor of the mouth defect repair.,目的对11例口底缺损后皮瓣修复坏死原因进行分析。 +No one explains why governments should seek to amplify their own failures.,没有人解释为什么各国政府要扩大自己的种种错误。 +Jim made toast in the toaster.,吉姆用烤面包机烤土司。 +"A lengthened lorry bin is arranged on the lorry chassis with a long wheel base, and three rows of seats are arranged in the lorry bin.",在长轴距汽车底盘上。安置一加长车仓,车仓内设置三排座。 +"Confucian outlook of war is philosophically based on his thought of ""benevolence"", which consists of two aspects: ""to love others"" and ""to restore proprieties"" (of the Zhou Dynasty).",孔子的战争观与其仁学思想密切相关,孔子仁学思想的内涵,主要包括两个方面:“爱人”之仁和“复礼”之仁。 +This area content possible ill-flavored feeling;,此区内容可能令人反感; +"They collected 64,000 pieces of plastic, all of which were picked by hand from the nets and recorded.",他们收集到了64000件朔料物品,每一件塑料物品均是研究者从网中用手拣出,并做下记录。 +Sometimes not standing by your man is pretty bad-ass too.,所以说有时候和丈夫唱对台戏也是很犀利的。 +Results:The total effective rates of primary dysmenorrhea disease in treatment and control group wre 94.29% and 84.00% respectively with obvious difference between them (P<0.05).,结果:临床疗效:治疗组与对照组总有效率分别为94.29%、84.00%,两组疗效比较,有显著性差异(P<0.05)。 +"Like dynamic checkboxes, radio buttons with dynamically selected elements can add a lot of sophistication to your Web pages, and with Struts, they're also easy to create.",像动态复选框一样,带有动态选择元素的单选按钮可以给 Web 页面添加许多麻烦,而使用 Struts,也可以很容易地创建它们。 +Her dress stood me in £380.,给她买连衣裙花了我380英镑。 +"Want to have friends, first one.",想要有朋友,先要够朋友。 +"They urged expanding expertise in the field of health technologies, in particular medical devices, and requested WHO to take specific actions to support Member States.",它们敦促扩大卫生技术(尤其是医疗装置)领域内的专门技术,并要求世卫组织采取具体行动支持各会员国。 +The inner case (56) is formed into a bag shape with a deformable film sheet and encloses a colorant.,内壳(56)利用可变形薄膜片形成为袋 状并封入着色剂。 +"They go on, ""The 'shoot to kill policy' is only used by Zambian government Game Scouts in self defense.""",他们继续道,“‘格杀勿论’政策只被赞比亚政府的狩猎巡防队用于自卫。 +China has occasionally attempted sexual entrapment to target senior British political figures.,中国还偶尔会尝试针对英国高级政治人物进行性诱捕。 +"To completely replace radio, the cost of owning the device and accompanying bandwidth contract must be in reach of the average consumer.",如果要彻底的代替广播,拥有终端的价钱以及能拿下频带宽度合同的价格需要能让平均顾客可以负担。 +"The only task you had to do is walk from A to B to C to D, four pre-described positions in a green room and a blue room.",这里面你唯一要完成的任务就是从A点走到B点再走到C点再走到D点。这四个预先设定好的点分布在一间绿屋子和一间蓝屋子里。 +"Hate home, elderly people who look and talk, Fana good!",讨厌老家,那些老人的眼光和议论, 好烦啊! +"To cite some examples, strengthening Party leadership is interpreted as the Party's monopolizing and interfering in everything.",比如说,加强党的领导,变成了党去包办一切、干预一切; +All countries that have defaulted since the mid-1970shad their grade cut to junk by ratings agencies at least a year beforehand.,自20 世纪70 年代以来,所有违约国家至少在违约之前的一年,信用评级就被评级机构调到了垃圾的级别。 +Its fur is almost waterproof and softer than alpaca .,它们的毛几乎不透水而且比羊驼毛更柔软。 +"With both the U.S. and Chinese governments supporting these agreements, we are freeing our researchers to offer their best ideas and encouraging innovative thinking.",美中两国政府都支持这一协议,这将促使我们的研究人员放心地提出他们最佳想法,并鼓励创新型思维。 +"Most likely, on your server, you will have fixed buffers.",极有可能,在你的服务器上,你有固定的缓冲区。 +"Company covers an area of two million square meters, the office and living area and production area in two parts.",公司占地面积两万余平方米,分办公生活区和生产区两部分。 +"Behind it is the Hall of complete Harmony, where emperors rehearsed rites and ceremonies.",再后面是中和殿,是皇帝举行朝会和庆典之地; +"In the exploration and reform process of the enzyme engineering experiments, we should establishe comprehensive experiment according to different majors.",在酶工程实验课程教学探究和改革过程当中,应根据不同的专业设置不同的综合性实验。 +"""They are 100 percent still good friends, "" a source tells PEOPLE of the High School Musical sweethearts, who first began dating in 2006.",相关人士告诉粉丝们,他们“仍然是无比亲密的朋友。” 两人于2006年第一次约会。 +"China's loose environmental regulations enable the industry to make PVC at very competitive costs, while developed countries enforce higher standards for pollution control and energy consumption.",中国的环境法规较为宽松,因而PVC生产成本极富竞争力,而发达国家的污染控制与能源消耗标准较高。 +Hoffman remains the largest shareholder after the IPO.,霍夫曼在IPO之后仍然是最大的股东。 +The on-camera single flash creates sharp shadows on the subject and background so many facial details and contours are unfortunately lost.,相机内置的单一闪光灯在病人和背景上制造出尖锐的阴影,许多面部细节和轮廓不幸地丢失了。 +Foreign Minister Yang spoke highly of the work of Margaret Chan and indicated the central government will actively support her re-election.,杨外长高度评价陈冯富珍的工作,表示中央政府将积极支持她竞选连任。 +"How could you possibly have known about that little restaurant at the back of that alley before you arrived, or that friendly local who invited who into his house to hear him play thesanturi?",你不到那里的话,你怎么可能知道那个巷子后面的那个小餐馆呢? 或者说,你怎么可能预料到友好的当地人会邀请你到他家去听他演奏扬琴? +"It would vastly improve the reliability, availability and efficiency of the electric system.",这样的电网会极大的提高电力系统的可靠性,可用性,以及效率。 +"Small loop of gender, improvement, adjust the blood pressure, detoxify that discharge poison, alleviate secrete, help is digested absorb, Shui Yisheng improves Morpheus quality, raise the action;",性、改良微轮回、调度血压、排毒解毒、减缓便泌、协助消化接收、水宜生进步睡眠质量、养颜美容等感化; +"Even so, any renewed expansion of Fed holdings with new MBS will face opposition within the central bank.","即便如此,美联储任何增购MBS的行为,都将面临其自身内部的阻力." +"However, there are a few lecturers that I really admire in UTAR.",无论如何,也有好几个讲师是我很钦佩的。 +"Are the 256GB flash drives that I just received, real Kingston or generic drives?",是256GB的闪存驱动器,我刚刚收到,真正金斯敦或通用驱动器? +"Ju, commonly known as the Lunar September, the chrysanthemum festival organized by the General Assembly, the Fashion Shangju people to attend the meeting.",农历九月俗称菊月,节日举办菊花大会,倾城的人潮赴会赏菊。 +"Highly accurate, durable and reliable gauge set which suitable for being used in Kansai Special 1508 Machine.",标准、耐用、可靠,适用于关西1508裤头车用的裤头车针位。 +"If we have refunds agreements, you will be responsible for the return shipping charges. The balance will be refunded back to you after we receive the items. Exa.",如果达成退货退款协议,本公司会收取货品退回运费。我们在收到退回货物后,会退回款项。 +"Lowering the minimum age would enable more young students to become volunteers, said Gao Zhengrong, a five-star volunteer.",五星级义工高正荣表示,降低年龄限制将使更多的年轻学生加入到志愿者的行列中来。 +Half of them say they have enough money for food and clothes but struggle to buy durable goods.,他们中半数人说有足够的钱购买食品和衣服,而在买耐用商品时就显得拮据了。 +This and other humanitarian mapping are being coordinated using the OSM Tasking Manager.,这个 和 其他人道救援组织利用 开放街图任务分配管理员协调彼此的画地图行动。 +"The owner understand, of course, if the guest who has accustomed to this kind of meals refuses to drink, it shows he is unsatistied;",当然,主人明白,久经“酒” 场的客人,拒酒说明他没喝好,到了来者不拒时,才是微醺的开始。 +Articles published in military region's Journals were up to 24. 3 % in 1994 from 3. 605% in 1983 due to the improvement of the journals of the military regions.,由于的年来军区级医学子刊物质量有所提高,其在全军医学刊物中论文收录量也呈上升趋势,已由1983年3.605%上升到1994年的24.3%。 +"And then of course there was that Scorpions song—“follow the Moskva, down to Gorky Park, listening to the wind, of chaaaaange, ” etc.",并且,蝎子乐队的歌中也唱到——“沿行莫斯科,一路去往高尔基公园,听着风吟,改变。” 等等这类。 +"A few days ago, the Irtysh River, Furukawa uran part of the upper and middle reaches of the tributaries have been drying up.",日前,额尔齐斯河、乌伦古河中上游的部分支流已经断流。 +"Fabian, bishop of the city of Rome, to all the bishops of the East, and to the whole body of the faithful, greeting in the Lord.",法比安,罗马城的主教,写信给所有在东方的主教们,已经忠信的整个基督的身体,在主里问候你们。 +"Methods: To select 836 students from secondary schools in Jiangxi province and evaluate them with Multiple Happiness Questionnaire , analyze data with SPSS 11.5 soft ware.",方法:抽取江西省836名中学生作为研究对象,采用《综合幸福问卷》进行调查,使用SPSS 11.5软件进行统计分析。 +"The postcode of Yiyuan County, Zibo City, Shandong Province, China is 256100.",中国大陆 山东省淄博市沂源县 的邮政编码是 256100 。 +"The bravest of men have the least of a brutal, bullying insolence, and in the very time of danger are found the most serene and free. -Shaftsbury.",真正的勇敢是冷静的沉着。最勇敢的人最少粗野和无礼;身临其境,会表现得格外镇定自如。——沙夫茨伯里。 +"This defragmentation option will use fewer resources, but free space consolidation will not be as thorough.",该碎片整理选项将使用较少资源,但可用空间整合并不彻底。 +"Lincoln's proposals, as outlined by committee staff, are the most aggressive on the table, according to McPartland, and that could make it less likely for them to survive to the final legislation.","在McPartland看来,在目前所讨论的提案中,林肯的提案最为激进大胆,因此要战胜挑战,最终冲刺到立法阶段的可能性也就更小." +The degree of satisfaction of domestic tourists in Wuxi city is ordinary which still has enough space for improvement.,无锡市国内旅游者的满意度一般,仍有很大提升的空间。 +Hand-woven and machine-woven carpets are chromium with artificial dye.,手纺和机纺地毯都是用人造铬染料着色。 +"On a brilliant summer's morning in 1945, Kaz Tanaka looked up into the sky over Hiroshima and saw the beginning of the end of her world.",1945年夏天, 一个阳光灿烂的早晨,田中和子抬头向广岛上空望去,看见了预示她的世界快要结束的前兆。 +Just plain fist-fighting and kicks that the casts delivered with such thrill and finesse that I am certain would blow your breath away.,这里有的仅是单纯扎实的拳脚功夫,但这些演员的精湛演出却足以令你屏息凝神。 +"Organelles are suspended within it, supported by the filamentous networks of the cytoskeleton.",在这,细胞器被停赛的丝状网络支持细胞骨架的。 +"Currently, the main production methods of chloroprene rubber include acetylene process and butadiene-based.",目前,氯丁橡胶的生产方法主要有乙炔法和丁二烯法。 +"What are you going to do with that vase, Penny?",你打算如何处置那花瓶,彭妮? +"This company monopolizes mounting decoration of light steel frame, the ceiling compartmented, metal aluminum sheet.",本公司专营装璜工程装饰用之轻钢架,天花板隔间,金属铝板。 +"This novel finding by a team of scientists in Sweden and Spain is published in the online, open access journal PLoS Biology.",这项新奇的发现来自于瑞典和西班牙的科学家团队,并被出版在线上开放性杂志公共科学图 .. +"Finally, the Conclusion and References sections summarize the content of the article, and provide some links to further material.",最后,结束语和参考文献部分概述了本文的内容并提供了指向更多材料的一些链接。 +Very soon it will be difficult to get a hotel room in Beijing!,很快在北京就将很难订到房间了。 +"Life expectancy of work part can be increased by 3 to 4 times. The new system can offer end user excellent cost effectiveness in human labour, electricity. material and maintenance, etc.",该设备的研制成功可使易磨损工作部件的使用寿命提高3~4倍,可从人力、物力、电力等方面大大降低工业成本及辅助作业成本,降低劳动强度,提高生产效率。 +"We were in the fix-and-finesse stage, with small changes dominating the team's effort.",我们在修改和精化产品的阶段,团队的工作主要是针对一些小的更改。 +But this added inner paper package will cost packing charge that will be paid by you.,不过如果增加内包装会产生包装盒的费用。 +E. Team-working and result-oriented.,团队合作和良好的结果导向精神。 +"The U.S. Navy conducted media tours Friday of its U.S.S. Chafee Aegis Destroyer, docked in South Korea as part of an annual joint military drill with the South's forces.",美国海军的宙斯盾级驱逐舰正在韩国港口准备参加和韩国举行的年度联合军事演习。 +You might find yourself remembering a sperm whale and a bowl of petunias…,你也许会想起一只抹香鲸和一盆牵牛花。 +"Whether food or clothing, bonsai flowers, gift fruits and vegetables, health food products, household appliances, and residents of various famous brand recognition.",无论是食品还是服装、盆景鲜花、礼品果菜、保健食品、家用电器,居民对各类知名品牌越来越认可。 +The text on the side panel will be dealt with later.,侧板上的文字将在稍后的时间里处理。 +The wedding ceremony was beginning and the emcee's expression_r and blessing made us feel deeply touched.,婚礼开始。 婚礼正式举行, 司仪的一番深情的祝福让我们感动的稀里哗啦的。 +"Characters : It is a low foam, highly efficient and all purposed washing powder.",特性 : 适于中低污织物的洗涤,高效低泡,机洗手洗均宜。 +"And we simply asked the question, if one species needs 800, another 500, is there a smaller set of genes that might comprise a minimal operating system?",我们提出疑问,如果一个物种需要800个基因,另一种只需要500个基因,是否可以用更少的基因组成一个微小的可运作生命系统? +"In this paper, we study the computer detection technique and present a pornographic picture detection technology based on the feature vector of picture.",本文对计算机识别敏感图像技术进行了研究,提出了一种基于特征向量的敏感图像识别技术。 +"For lots of ordinary people with injuries all over their bodies, friendship is the panacea of healing wounds and re-energizing.",对于满身伤痕 的 俗世凡人,友谊是抚平伤痕和重新注入动力 的仙丹良药。 +"""If you buy the FTSE, you are not buying the UK economy, "" said chief investment officer Gary Dugan.",首席投资官加里。杜根表示,“如果你买下富时,你并非买下了英国的经济。 +For instance the spire of the tower during such winds can be deflected by one meter but special mechanisms to absorb the vibrations that keep the tower in position.,例如,塔尖在强风中会有2米的摆幅,但是特殊的机制可以吸收这种震动,使塔保持原位。 +And yet I apprehend the world in a perception that seems to concern the immanence of the I see myself seeing myself.,可是我理解这个世界,是以一种感觉,这种感觉似乎关心到我看到我自己看到我自己这个命题的内在性。 +The technological flow of hot-filled chrysanthemum beverage in PET bottles is briefly introduced. The process control measures and requirements for its quality are described in detail.,简介了PET热灌装菊花茶饮料的工艺流程,详细说明了PET热灌装菊花茶饮料品质的过程控制措施和管理要求; +"""Our fields are under maintenance, and we're still waiting for security, "" Abdeljalil Mayouf, information manager at AGOCO told Reuters.",阿拉伯海湾石油公司信息主管Abdeljalil Mayouf告诉路透社的记者说,“我们的油田正在修复,我们仍然在期待安全。 +"What he does in west Africa and in Rwanda, he explains, is help with basic questions of government.",他解释道在西非和卢旺达他所作的工作是协助解决政府的基本问题。 +Results indicated that the vortex behaviour was quite different at the same roll angle between static and dynamic conditions.,结果表明:在相同滚转角下,静态和动态情况下旋涡特性有相当大的差别; +"Here's one that's actually lots of people do think is persuasive We must respect all moral beliefs, therefore moral relativism is true.","这一个是很多人都认为具有说服力的论点,我们必须尊重所有的道德信条,所以道德相对主义是真实的。" +"In short, the subjects didn't demonstrate the classic brain-based signs of addiction.",总结来说,这个实验没有检验到关于上瘾的大脑基本反应。 +"He had one child, who is, of course, with his ex-wife .",他有一个孩子,当然,是和前妻所生。 +Water wheel is a big wheel with blades around the rim .,水轮车轮子很大,轮缘周围装有叶片。 +"Cyber language was popular among Chinese netizens, who created English words to reflect novel phenomenon in society.",网络语言在创造英语单词的中国网民间流行,反映了社会中的新现象。 +"In the program, nor shall mean amulung herself julep small trick to share with you all along.",在节目中,阿穆隆也绝不小气地把自己的去黑头小绝招跟大家一块儿分享。 +I must know his voucher .,我必须认识他的保证人。 +World Cup is the highest level dance competition hosted by China with the authority of the WDC.,WDC国标舞世界杯是由世界舞蹈总会授权中国地区举办最高级别赛事。 +"“Big sucks the traffic out of small,” Milner says.“In theory you can have a few very successful individuals controlling hundreds of millions of people.",“大网站将小网站的流量都吃掉了,”,米尔纳说道,“从理论上说,你可以通过一些十分成功的人士来控制几亿人。 +"Golfer Pak Se Ri returned home to her native South Korea as a hero on Tuesday. Her four victories on the LPGA Tour surprised her friends, family, sponsors and even herself.",星期二,韩国高尔夫球手朴世莉如英雄般凯旋归国,她在职业女子高尔夫球巡回赛上夺得4项冠军不仅使她的亲朋及赞助商吃惊,连她本人都觉得惊奇。 +"Look at the space around and behind your subject and make sure nothing overpowers it in colour, shape or size.",看看你的主题物周围、后面,保证没有什么物体在颜色、形状、尺寸上能够强的过主题物。 +"Since your brain stops commanding your body to breathe, you die from suffocation.",既然大脑停止了对身体呼吸的指挥,你将会窒息死。 +"Defining vulnerability at small spatial scales can be difficult, especially in developing countries where long-term data and statistics are often lacking.",在狭小的空间尺度内定义脆弱性是困难的,特别是对发展中国家来说,长期数据和统计数据总是缺乏。 +Debby:I am tired of riding there. We should take on some new challenges.,去过那麽多次早就腻了,我们应该接受一下新的挑战。 +Ray Nakazato: This is still being determined.,这个还没有决定。 +"However, it is a must to abide by a series of rules when acquiring and proposing evidence as authenticating and cross-examining it so that the evidence can be properly used.",而证据的获取、提出、质证、认证等又须遵循一系列准则,因为只有这样才能确保证据被合理运用,否则,同样会影响司法的效用。 +"Where adequate data are available from municipal water authorities, it need not be generated by the manufacturer.",在充分的资料可以从市政水利局得到的情况,无需有制造商产生这些数据。 +"Place all ingredients in the pot, add heat.",把所有材料放进瓦锅,置于炉上加热。 +Compare them with their alternatives and get a thorough grasp of the pros and cons of each.,将它们与其替代技术加以比较,彻底掌握各种技术的优点与不足。 +Kiah looked out of the window at the dark sky.,他看见了月亮。 在黑色的天幕下月亮显得冰冷冷皎洁。 +"The Golden Company marches toward Volantis as we speak, there to await the coming of our queen out of the east.",黄金团在我们谈话期间正在向沃兰提斯进军,在那里等着我们从东边出现的女王。 +"This option is available when ODS and ODA are shell sharing, and when the source-target combination can be processed using the ODA change management functionality.",这个选项在 ODS 和 ODA 共享 shell 并且源-目标组合可以使用 ODA 的 Change Management 功能处理时可用。 +Didn't I tell ou what water is like?,难道我没有告诉你们水是什么样的么? +"Recall that I omitted the SQD section in Figure 7 that described searching for the CustomerProfile, but now we need the profile and the Customer object, too.",前面我们在图7里省略了描述查找CustomerProfile的序列图部分,但现在我们也需要这个概况以及Customer对象。 +The guideline of tin (tungsten) deposit exploration in Yunnan province has been a subject of long-standing debate and different views are still remained.,云南地质界对锡(钨)地质找矿及与科研有关的地质问题,存在不同见解。 +Mr. Hartlaub: Thank you so much.,哈特劳布:非常感谢。 +"Instead it would ""fuzz"" the singer's voice to disguise the fact they are off key.",因为这个系统会“修饰”歌唱者的歌声,这样观众就听不出他们跑调了。 +"Mina Harker, the other female heroine in Dracula, is bitten but survives.",《德古拉》中的另一位女主人公米娜·哈克(Mina Harker),被咬伤但幸存了下来。 +"In response to critics, Fuzhou University denied having a policy asking students to participate in ""relationship registration"".",福州大学对评论做出回应,否认推行让学生参加”恋爱登记”的政策。 +The main formation causes of storm current are convergence of tidal current and special topography and the strength of storm current depends mainly on the released disordered potential energy.,对滦河口近海激流的形成进行了讨论,认为潮流的辐合和特殊的地形是激流形成的主要原因,而激流的大小则主要取决于无序位能的释放量。 +"A Chinese term for cricket fighting, qiu xing, roughly translates as 'autumn enjoyment,' and the ancient Chinese character for autumn is a pictogram of a cricket.",有个形容斗蟋蟀的中文词叫“秋兴”,按大意译成英文就是“autumn enjoyment”(秋天的娱乐),而在古代汉字中,“秋”这个字正是蟋蟀的象形。 +The invention discloses an indoor large-tree-shaped air flower water culture machine. A trunk branching module 1 is arranged at the top end of a trunk module 9;,一种室内大树形空中水培花器,在主干模块9的顶端,安装主干分杈模块1。 +Every man will be a king!,每个人都是王国之主! +"Methods The changes of cellular im-munologlcal indices were dynamically observed in35severely burned patients in1,2,3. post-burn weeks and were compared to those in10healthy blood donators.",方法动态观察35例严重烧伤患者伤后1、2、3周各细胞免疫指标的变化,并与10例健康献血员作对照分析。 +"Most of the threshold, refractory period, and latency recorded from the dorsal column side were higher than those in the dorsolateral funiculus .",背索刺激的阈强度、不应期和逆向反应潜伏期等参数多高于背外侧索的有关参数。 +"The paper also introduced the main biological characteristics, biological significance of the allotetraploids and triploids.",本文介绍四倍体、三倍体鱼的生物学特性、生物学意义和产生的影响。 +"Multiple printed panel for electronic components, and method for constructing bumps, soldering frames, spaces and similiar on said multiple printed panel.",用于电子元件特别是声学表面波元件的多路应用以及在多路应用上构造针脚焊点,焊接架,隔片等的方法。 +"The result shows that strategic asset allocation factor accounts for 79.75% in the whole fund yield, therefore, strategic asset allocation factor is the most important to the performance of fund;",通过实证表明:战略性资产配置因素在基金业绩贡献率中达到79.75%,由此可见大类资产配置对基金绩效起着关键性的作用; +There were some ducks on the pool.,池上有一些鸭子。 +The basic reasons are that the belongingness of commercial exploitation right of sports stars isn't clear and definite and management mechanism is imperfect.,认为,其根本原因是体育明星运动员的商业开发权归属不清,管理机制不完善。 +"The main contents include: the production of magic props, magic training, training of a magician, magic students, face changing, Sichuan Opera face changing, and so on.",主要内容包括:魔术道具制作、魔术培训、魔术师培训、魔术招生、变脸、川剧变脸等内容,欢迎社会各界人士使用我中心的魔术道具和来我魔术学校学习。 +"No matter how many hours of my life I may spend reliving it, I know there is no way to prepare for the next time - no intelligent response to a gun.",我可能花我生命中多少时间来重温它也没有关系,我知道没有途径为第二次做准备——对于一把枪没有聪明的反应。 +Not all zero-empathy people are cruel.,但是,这并不意味着所有“零同情心”的人就尽数残忍。 +"How did Liu Bang, the pioneer of the Han Dynasty, approach the peak of his life step by step?",刘邦,这位大汉王朝的开创者,是如何一步步走向他人生的巅峰? +Welcome to the World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King Friends and Family Alpha.,欢迎来到魔兽世界:巫妖王之怒内部测试版。 +The chief source of livelihood of lesser dignitaries was petty office and graft.,较小头头的主要生活来源,是占据一个小职位,收点贿赂。 +Jeff: The development of Chinese clubs will inevitably bring up a passel of professional athletes.,杰夫: 中国的俱乐部发展,必然要造就一批职业运动员。 +Interestingly only 4% of cohabiting couples last ten years or more.,有趣的是,只有4%的同居者能够维持十年或更长的时间。 +Democritus did not have access to modern electronic apparatus.,德谟克立特没有使用电子仪器的可能。 +In May 2008 the country lifted a 13-year ban on killing elephants after several years of population growth.,在2008年5月,经过大象数量几年的增长,该国解除了长达13年的大象禁杀令。 +"Yoshida found in the recent inspection sick, but the power in the East did not disclose the grounds of personal privacy by disease name and the amount of radiation.",吉田在近期的检查中发现患病,但东电方面以个人隐私为由并未公布病名及受辐射量。 +Old female roles in Chinese operas are often played by male actors.,彩旦 一般都由男性演员来饰演。 +"According to the problems in dyes production, the role of cupric ion in coupling-cupric complexation was discussed, and the chelated forms of formazan reactive dyes were introduced.",并结合生产和应用中的实际问题,对偶合-铜络一步完成中铜盐的作用、甲铜络合物的啮合形式及其性能等研究成果进行了介绍。 +"Rebecca moods soar on the toilet, the mobile phone on the table.",瑞贝卡心情大好起身上厕所,将手机放在了桌边。 +This paper mainly studies yaw angle estimation and attitude control of Tracking and Data Relay Satellite(TDRS).,本文主要研究了中继卫星的偏航角估计和姿态控制问题。 +And that's what I want to share with you today -- the top five regrets of the dying.,今天我想跟你们分享的是---, 排前五位的临终遗憾。 +Objective: To study the effect of brainwave synchronizer in treatment of non-organic insomnia.,目的:脑波同步化治疗非器质性失眠症临床疗效分析。 +"Outside everything is still.Shadows fall among the trees,shaped like pieces of a puzzle.",屋外一切如旧。 树影朦胧,如同一个迷。 +"This can cause us to lose patience and actually avoid teammates, since we just want to be left alone!",但是,如果我们只是想一个人单干不被打扰的话,就会使得自己失去耐性,甚至失去队友。 +Testing fee need to be cost.,测试费需要的费用。 +"As it was getting dark, the Japanese army party beginning.",随着天色渐暗,日本军部的舞会开端了。 +North Koreans would never have done this to South Koreans or Japanese nationals whom they are holding ! ! great be Hindustan ! !,朝鲜绝对不会这样对待被他们关押的韩国人或日本人!!伟大的印度斯坦!! +Objective To explore the angiographic appearances of the hemodynamic change of spinal dural arteriovenous fistulae (SDAVF).,目的探讨硬脊膜动静脉瘘血液动力学改变的血管造影表现。 +"In the reconstruction process of social order at the beginning stage of Qing Dynasty, the descendants of the Ming Dynasty are political dissident force of consequence.",在清初社会秩序的重建过程中,明遗民是一个举足轻重的政治异己力量。 +Chinese leaders must be relieved by America's announcement on July 3rd that George Bush will attend the opening ceremony of the Olympics.,中国政府必定为美国在7月3日的声明松了口气,上面称乔治布什将参加奥运会的开幕式。 +The ultimate strength of doubler plate reinforced Y-joints subjected to tension loading in studied.,研究了鞍型板加强的Y型管节点在轴向拉力的作用下的极限强度。 +"Houselord: Glad to meet you. This way, please.",房东:很高兴见到你。请走这边。 +"Not only is spam a nuisance and sometimes criminally deceptive, it's got a carbon footprint.",垃圾邮件不但烦人,时而涉及犯罪诈欺,还会留下碳足迹。 +"A dream in her city to paint, draw a landscape people, that year's snow fall, buried layer tower, like the moon, who can know the true and false?",梦一场她在城下作画,描一副山水人家,那一年的雪落纷纷下,葬了千层塔,似镜中月华,谁能知真假? +"I lay near the others, listening to them, and found what they said silly and pointless.",我躺在别人旁边,听着他们聊天,发现他们所说的话既愚蠢又没意义。 +Study on isolation methods of actinomycetes of artificial forest litter.,人工林凋落物中放线菌分离方法研究。 +"Brushless DC motor controller is connected with PC by RS-232, then meets the information net based on J2EE through the WEB, it realizes connection between information net and control net.",无刷直流电动机通过RS-232电路与PC机相连,由WEB组件接入基于J2EE的信息网络中,实现控制网络与信息网络的无缝连接。 +"To make your changes available to your team, select Check-in and Deliver described in the subsequent section.",为了让您所在的团队知道您做的变动,在接下来的部分中选择 Check-in and Deliver。 +"This paper reveals the original context of Bacons golden saying ""Knowledge is power, "" and accordingly poses a new interpretation, which is ""Knowledge is faculty.",先揭示出“知识就是力量”这句培根名言的出典语境,并依此语境又把它解读为“知识就是能力”。 +"The child was completely unlike her older siblings that way — and once she hit school age, Mom felt powerless to control the problem.",这个孩子在这方面完全不象她的兄弟姐妹 - 等她到了上学的年纪,母亲立即感到对这个问题的无能为力。 +"in_word_set: This routine uses hash() to determine whether a particular string belongs to the user-supplied list, using one string comparison in the most common case.",in_word_set:该例程使用 hash() 确定某个字符串是否属于用户提供的列表,大多数情况下只使用一个字符串比较。 +"After the reforms, the industrial adjustment makes the employment structure more reasonable, so the contradiction of the un-balance situation is lessening.",改革后,产业结构调整使就业结构偏差得到一定的矫正,劳动力供求结构失衡的矛盾有所缓和。 +"At the core of me, I'm a one-on-one player. I'd do that in my sleep.",而我的核心就是一对一,我甚至在睡觉时也那么做。 +Natural carbon dioxide gas pool is a kind of subsurface resources.,天然二氧化碳气藏是一种地下资源。 +"The result of proposed modeling method indicates that it can highly improve the robustness, versatility and…",研究结果表明使用本方法可大大提高热误差补偿模型的鲁棒性、通用性和精度。 +"Hence, global coordinated cuts of interest rates may happen soon. Printing money may become the most important source of funds for recapitalizing the financial system.",因此,全球协同减息不久就会发生。印钞票成为调整金融系统资本最好的资金来源。 +"Actually, rescreens the play not to be short in the domestic history, initial rescreens the object many are the Japanese drama.",其实,翻拍剧在国内历史并不短,最初的翻拍对象多是日剧。 +"I helped him at the Jie sore throats, a lot of suppuration release, the occasion will be cured Jie sore, is a very simple operation.",开刀时我帮他把疖疮割开,把里面的化脓一放,蒋先生的疖疮便治好了,是个很简单的手术。 +"This became a problem in the 1950s and '60s, when Europe's great colonial powers, battered and exhausted by World War II, began relinquishing their imperial holdings in Africa and Asia.",1950年代及60年代,原有的做法遇到了问题,欧洲老牌殖民帝国在二战中分崩离析、精疲力尽,开始放弃他们对非洲及亚洲殖民地的宗主权。 +I have a console model with a 25-inch picture tube.,我有一台25英寸映像管的落地式电视机。 +"Kaulder: We don't destroy witches anymore, incarcerate them, taken the most powerful witches that walked the Earth and put them in one place.",考尔德:我们不再摧毁巫师,而是监禁他们,我们把这些强大的巫师从现实生活中带走囚禁在一个地方。 +"And it shows that in order to obtain an accurate result for footings with embedment ratio greater than 0.3, it is unnecessary to adopt a dense grid in computation.",分析表明,对于埋深比大于0.3的埋置基础,不必需要过密的节点网就能得到具有一定精度的结果。 +Women are regularly eaten by crocodiles while fetching dirty water.,妇女们取的水是脏的并且还经常有人取水的时候让鳄鱼吃掉。 +"Guild introduction: former hero fecundity, hoping to regain once territories, such great task, will have less brothers to join us.",公会简介:昔日的英雄重出江湖,希望收复曾经的领地,如此重大的任务,岂能少得了弟兄们的加入。 +"Actually speaking, I don't like over exaggerated bloodiness and violence very much.",老实说,我不太喜欢过于夸张的血腥和暴力,更喜欢他那些在强烈光。 +"This paper established an analytical frame from imperfect competition, scale economics and H-O trade theory, and derived a gravity equation from homogeneous products and differentiated products.",基于不完全竞争、规模经济和H-O贸易理论,建立了一个分析框架,从同质产品行业和差异化产品行业两个角度,分别推导了行业贸易引力方程。 +"Limited by the HTTP protocol and Web Browsers'function, the traditional B/S Mode systems are defective in hu-man interface and capability.",传统的B/S开发框架受HTTP协议及浏览器功能的限制,开发的程序在界面、功能上存在着一定的不足。 +Tower House will deliver a very new living environment filled with diverse features to the client.,瞭望塔住宅中元素丰富,为业主创造了一个崭新的居住环境。 +There's an awful lot of history packed into this corner of the world -- and maybe some of the deepest ethnic and religious animosities anywhere in the world.,在世界的这一角,有着极多的历史。 有一些可能是这个世界上最深的民族与宗教仇恨。 +Then we will track down Grievous and destroy him. This war must end!,我们会追踪格里菲斯然后摧毁他。这场战争必须结束! +"Ann will be looking for a new inspection report issued by the inspection section, demonstrate that Ann will receive all programs, it was reported by the media.",安必得找了检查科的人出具了新的检验报告,证明安必得所有程序都合格,各媒体也相继做了报道。 。 +"The company accountant will probably allow the cost of water, tea and coffee out of the company's petty cash.",公司的会计应该从公司的零用现金中准备出水、茶和咖啡的费用。 +The postulation is confirmed by the results of repeated mass impact on a fully clamped circular plate.,集中质量反复撞击固支铝合金圆板的试验结果证实了理论的预报。 +The recalled tree toppers are 10 inch tall vinyl angels with LED lighted wings.,召回的商品是一个放置在圣诞树顶端、高10英寸的天使,天使的翅膀可发光。 +"In the author's opinion, a proper attitude is to ensure the integrity of the law's justice and agility.",本文认为,完善我国公司设立瑕疵法律规制体系,可采取疏而不漏的立法原则,充分体现法律公正性与灵活性统一。 +"Finally, we compared the entire Zhangye with Ganzhou City in ECC, and put forward the corresponding recommendations for achieving sustainable…",最后,把张掖市甘州区与整个张掖市进行了比较分析,提出了实现区域协调、和谐和可持续发展的相应建议。 +The KM-3 is a small diaphragm end address condenser microphone.,知识管理- 3是一个小振膜电容式麦克风结束地址。 +But even doing that would mean a dip in form compared to the first six matches of the season.,不过即使想要达到那个指标,按照这个赛季的前六轮来看曼联已经处在了下风。 +Educational and cultural exchanges can serve as an important bridge between China and Nebraska.,教育文化交流是中国与内布拉斯加州联系的重要桥梁。 +The position of Web Services in our roadmap is shown below (Figure 34.1).,在我们的路标中,Web 服务的位置如下图所示(图34.1)。 +"Then, in mid-2009, Obama named him ambassador to South Africa.",然后在2009年年中,奥巴马任命他为驻南非大使。 +"The national language of Singapore is Malay for historical reasons, and it is used in the national anthem.",由于历史原因新加坡的国语是马来语,它用于国歌。 +Describe a time when a client faced a complex problem. How did you tap into their multi-functional units to effectively create the solution? What was the outcome?,当客户面临一个复杂的问题,您怎样进入他们的多职能部门的公司,提供有效的解 决方案?结果如何? +"While this is not typical, you should be aware of such potential problems at the kernel level.",尽管这种情况并不常见,但您应该注意内核级别的这类潜在问题。 +Under all circumstances foreign experts shall bear all the expenses for room and board on their way to China .,在任何情况下,外国专家来华途中的食宿等费用都由其本人负担。 +The design fully consider the first regular cycle of centrifugal pumps oil conditions and the use of the design requirements of the pump design the structure.,本设计充实思量了常一线油船回离心油泵的设计条件和使用要求,对泵的结构进行设计。 +我们让孩子超负荷运转,他们在寻求解脱的途径.......,"We overload kids these days, and they look for ways to survive. . . ." +This combination helps reduce the risks associated with systems exercising multifactor authentication solutions using the same underlying security mechanism.,这种技术组合可以降低使用相同底层安全机制实现多因素身份验证解决方案的风险。 +"He had graduated first in his class from law school, and since the killings he had become a partner at Rosenberg’s law firm, moving into his father’s old office.",他以班上头名从法律学校毕业,凶案发生后,他已经成为罗森博格法律事务所的合伙人,并搬进了他父亲原来的办公室。 +The fly ash before and after electrostatic precipitator(ESP) of coal water slurry (CWS) boiler was studied by using a seven-stage cascade impactor.,采用冲击式尘粒分级仪对水煤浆锅炉电除尘器前后的细灰粒径分布进行研究。 +THE aim of education or culture is merely the development of good taste in knowledge and good form in conduct.,教育和文化的目标,只在于发展智识上的鉴别力和良好的行为。 +"Gabriel held it longer this time. 'How soft it is, even in winter, not rough at all!",盖伯瑞尔这一次握得时间长一些。 “多么柔软呵,即便在冬天也一点不粗糙!” +"A network namespace is used, and barebones read-write contents are created.",这里使用一个网络名称空间,并创建基本的读写内容。 +"High-temperature heat pump dual-use machine, high temperature heat pump with three machines.",高温热泵两用机,高温热泵三用机等。 +The steady exchange rate of Renminbi and the rate of economic growth will benefit the stability of stock market in Shanghai and Shenzhen.,稳定的人民币汇率和经济增长率,有利于沪深股市保持基本稳定。 +"For now, Nel suggests including these vegetables as part of a healthy diet.",现在,内尔建议,包括这些蔬菜的一个组成部分,健康的饮食习惯。 +"The invention provides usages of a Cherokee rose root extract which is used for preparing a drug or food for treating hepatitis, protecting liver from being damaged or improving hepatic function.",本发明提供了一种金樱根提取物作为制备肝炎治疗、肝损伤保护或肝功 能改善的药物或食品的用途。 +Malak's former Masters were well aware of this impetuousness during his days at the training academy on Dantooine.,马拉克以前的师父们在他在丹图音训练学院的时候就十分清楚他的冲动。 +"The results show that P. farinalis has 3 generations per year in the Chishui area, and the old larva overwinter in a tunnel made of tea leaves and silk.",结果表明,紫斑谷螟在赤水地区一年发生3代,以老熟幼虫在吐丝连缀茶叶形成的隧道内越冬。 +I'm sorry we can't help you. That's your chicken .,很抱歉我们帮不了你,那是你自己的事。 +He does not possess wealth that allows it to possess him.,任由财富摆布自己的人,不算拥有财富。 +These cells are of no use to the patient and are associated with many reactions during and after transfusion.,这些细胞对受血者来说是毫无用处的,而且还与许多输血期间和输血后的(不良)反应有关。 +"As the music finally ends and silence falls, a feeling of satisfaction sweeps over me, satisfaction that after dogged persistence and long practice I have finally accomplished it.",当这段音乐最终结束,四周回归沉寂时,一种满足感拂过我的身心。 通过顽强的坚持和不懈的联系,我最终得到了这种满足。 +Zawahiri's Web session did not go well.,扎瓦希里的网络会议举行得不太成功。 +"For people prone to a sun allergy, doctors suggest taking cortisone or antihistamines, which are also hay-fever remedies.",对于那些容易光过敏的人,医生建议他们携带考的松或抗组胺药,这些药也可以治疗花粉过敏。 +the air is precious to the red man for all things share the same breath.the,空气对于印第安人是珍贵的,因为万物生灵都同此呼吸。 +"It is shown that while the chain extending reaction time is increased, the demulsifying effect of the products increases at first and then decreases a certain period later.",研究表明:随着扩链反应时间的增加,产物相对分子质量随之增大,但是破乳效果随反应时间的增加呈先增大后减少的趋势。 +Learn new words and add quality to your speech. It also helps to improve your written communication as well.,学习新的词汇,丰富你的言语,这也有助于提高你的书面交流能力。 +Followings were the suggesting measures: (1) establish education and training system for no-land farmers to integrate various educational resources and form more stronger comprehensive ability;,一是建立失土农民教育培训体系,整合各种教育培训资源,形成整体合力; +"Studio Classroom is distributed and broadcast in Mainland China, the U. S. Canada, Europe, Australia and New Zealand.",目前「空中英语教室」亦于中国大陆、美、加、欧洲、澳、纽等地发行并播送。 +The best of them can be found in Tao Yuanming's Elegiac Poems .,陶渊明的《挽歌诗》堪称此类作品的千古绝唱。 +"With the basic completion of transformation of rural power grid, the level of modernization has been in an unprecedented increase.",随着农网改造的基本结束,农村电网的现代化水平也得到了前所未有的提高。 +Someone needs to be around to feed passwords to any software needing encryption keys.,旁边需要一个人来为需要加密密钥的任何软件提供密码。 +"In the socialist market economy, an authoritative and standard social creditability system that covers all the enterprises must be established.",社会主义市场经济条件下,应建立和完善具有权威性、规范性、涵盖全部企业的社会诚信体系; +"But the more he looked, the more he realized that the light was coming from the wrong place.",但是细看之下,他发现那个光源并不在他期望的地方。 +It educated a lot of new talents for Guangdong and Guangxi.,为两广培养了许多新式人才。 +"But if someone gave you a horse as a present, would you look at its teeth?",不过如果有人送你一匹马作为礼物,你会不会检查它的牙齿呢? +"First thing to order: Moqueca de peixe, a fish (and sometimes shrimp) stew made with tomatoes and coconut milk.",第一道要点的菜是炖鱼,就是将鱼(有时还有虾)和番茄以及椰子汁一起炖。 +An arms ban is a prescript imposed by one or more States to forbid arms sales from its internal to other countries. It is an idiographic embodiment of arms embargo.,军售禁令,即一国或多国集团禁止其内部向他国出售军事物资及相关技术的规定,它是武器禁运的具体表现形式。 +"Foreign retail enterprises to invest in China will have a positive impact on the Chinese economy, but we should also understand it is nessary curb the negative impact of China's economic.",外资零售企业在华投资对中国经济具有积极影响,但我们也要认识到遏制外资零售业对华经济负面影响的必要性与迫切性。 +The results of numerical simulation demonstrate that the controller can track the given trajectory primely .,仿真实验表明,所设计的鲁棒控制器能很好地跟踪给定轨迹。 +"Considering the non-linear magnetic force, the dynamic behaviors of 4he EMBR system is investigated.",研究在非线性电磁力作用下的磁浮轴承—转子系统的动态分岔特性。 +That was one-third of the official price then for industrial land from the government.,相当于当时政府提供工业用地的官方价格的1/3。 +"All the designated hospitals have reached the Olympic standard in terms of organizations, working procedure, bilingual signs, ""green passages"", barrier-free facilities and stimulants management.",目前,所有奥运定点医院在组织机构、工作流程、双语标识、绿色通道、无障碍设施、以及兴奋剂管理等方面均达到了奥运规范标准。 +This work provides effective processing methods for ship imaging when the airborne radar works in SAR mode.,该文提供了机载雷达SAR模式工作时对舰船成像的有效处理方法。 +"Once your dowels are cut to size, spread a thin layer of glue in all the dowel holes and along the edges of the mating boards.",做好圆榫后,在要对接的两边和榫孔内都涂上薄薄一层胶水。 +The cheng family is honoured to the fourth generation successor cjay came back from the United States.,程氏家族第四代继承人程远从美国回来了。 +"It was the high price fetched by Nortel's patents that opened the eyes of Motorola's directors, people briefed on the matter said.",是北电通过专利换到的大笔财富启发了摩托罗拉的高层,人们这么认为。 +"They also served as teaching aids for Knief during his tenure at the University of New Mexico, and served to illustrate his books.",在新墨西哥大学任教期间,柯尼弗还将它们当作教辅工具,作为教科书的插图。 +"Manufacturers think that the user may not used simultaneously, there is no set interlocking function.",可能厂家认为用户不会同时使用,就没有设置互锁功能。 +"As the chart below demonstrates, when the U.S. Dollar draws near 2.0 standard deviations from its long-term average, its correction is sharp and the correlation risk to energy stocks is acute.",如下图所示,当美元从长期平均数逐渐接近2.0标准差时,便会开始大幅回调,而能源股的相关风险便会加重。 +"The Happy and Imperishable neither has trouble Himself, nor does He bring trouble to others.",那有福而不灭的既自己没有困扰,也不带给他人困扰。 +"As the information map of the technical time, the search engine has already escalated to the optimization stage.",搜索引擎作为科技时代的信息地图,已逐步升级到搜索引擎优化的阶段。 +The result is what we call invasive breast cancer.,结果是导致我们称为“侵袭式乳癌”的疾病。 +"Let the wicked fall into their own nets, while I pass by in safety.",愿恶人落在自己的网里,我却得以逃脱。 +ANCESTOR S TALE by Richard Dawkins One of the most brilliant scientists of our age gives us his definitive work: a synthesis of his comprehensive vision of life.,理查德·道金斯所著《祖先的故事》我们这个时代最优秀的科学家之一向我们展示了他权威性的研究:他对生命的全面的综合性的考察。 +"""It's like we think we are all Clark Kent [Superman's disguise as an office clerk], "" Papi says.",“这就像我们认为自己都是克拉克•肯特一样(超人伪装成的办公室职员),”派彼说。 +It's not funny any more. You're making a fool out of yourself.,这一点也不好笑了。 右脑王英语学习机你是在自出洋相。 +"But what went ye out for to see? A man clothed in soft raiment? behold, they that wear soft [clothing] are in kings' houses.",你们出去,到底是要看什么,要看穿细软衣服的人麽,那穿细软衣服的人,是在王宫里。 +The photo shows the model in a pigeon-toed pose and covering her modesty with her hands.,照片中的布吕尼双腿呈内八字姿势,双手遮住了羞处。 +"Guangxi Nanning City entertaining and amazing intelligent Ltd. is a set production, sales, services in a medium-sized enterprises.",广西南宁市百变智能有限公司是一家集生产、销售、服务于一体的中型企业。 +"""But it took us seven hours to crawl our way up, "" said Chen.",陈晨说:“我们却花了七个小时的时间,缓慢地向上攀爬。” +"""My very best wishes to the people of China, particularly the sportsmen and sportswomen , for the success of the Olympics, "" he said.",我致以中国人民最良好的祝愿,尤其参加奥运会的所有运动员,在奥运会中取得胜利。 +Table 4 shows the productivity of the inspectors: the mean was three defects found per person-hour of time invested in the inspection process.,表格4显示了审查员的效率:意思是在审查过程中每个人时可以找到三个缺陷。 +"As we rode through the canyons, through the devilish cold.",当我骑马穿过峡谷,穿过恶魔般残酷的严寒。 +"AFWay is a web-based system for purchasing commercial information technology products, company officials said.",公司官员说,AFWay是一个基于Web的采购信息技术产品的商业系统。 +The singer's high notes jarred on my nerves.,女歌唱家的高音让我神经受不了。 +"And the lyrics are frequently recite in English, German and Latin.",歌词也经常被用英文、德文和拉丁文吟诵。 +Objective To explore relationship between telomerase and canceration of colorectal adenoma.,目的探讨端粒酶与大肠腺瘤恶变的关系。 +When the candle was only half an inch high it flickered out and the room became dark.,蜡烛只有半英寸长时,烛光忽闪忽闪地熄灭了,于是房间一片漆黑。 +Check sites like BettyCrocker.com for coupons of a variety of name brand products (see link in Resources).,诸如 BettyCrocker.com 的网站上有各种名牌产品的优惠券提供(详见参考连接)。 +"If you applied to b-school for fall 2011, you should have received the admissions committee’s decision by now.",如果你申请了2011年秋季学期的商学院。 你现在应该知道了是否已经被招生委员会录取了。 +Love is a motor vehicleefully designed lie.,爱情是一个细心策画的浮名。 +"""It could tell you how to enjoy the wine, where it came from, everything you'd hear from a sommelier , "" Barontini said. ""You could even have music. """,「它能告诉你这瓶酒的享用方式、产地,所有你能够从斟酒侍者那儿听到的东西,」巴隆提尼说。「你甚至可以听音乐。」 +He aimed at the bird and missed.,他瞄准那只鸟取没有打中。 +You ask me something about Lu Xun and his works since you began to study Chinese literature. Now let me tell you something about him.,魏明的美国朋友作文地带开始学习中国文学,来信询问鲁迅其人及作品。 +That is good news for farmers and even better for farms because less nitrogen-rich manure pours out to poison fields and pollute rivers.,这对农民来说是个好消息,对农场来说更是好消息,因为可以少用些损伤田地、污染河流的富氮肥料。 +"Even when findings do show links between alcohol use and self-esteem, they are mixed and inconclusive.",即使饮酒与自尊之间显现关联时,这些发现也是混合与非决定性的。 +"I learn best by experimenting, so to understand the Eclipse platform (and the aspects discussed in the previous two sections) better, I wrote a plug-in.",我通过试验取得的学习效果最好,因此,为了更好地理解 Eclipse 平台(和前两节中讨论到的方面),我编写了一个插件。 +"The post-combustion space and the once-combustion gas mixture to form vortex combustion, so that Gas can combust more.",二次风切向送入炉膛,在二次燃烧空间形成旋转,与一次燃烧产生的煤气混合形成旋涡燃烧,使煤气燃烧更充分。 +"Over in Germany, where it had been popular before the war, Coke had just celebrated a triumphant return under the slogan: ""Coca-Cola 1st Wieder Da!"" (Coca-Cola Is Back!).",而在德国,战争前它一直受欢迎的,可口可乐刚刚用一句口号庆祝了它的胜利回归:「Coca-Cola 1st Wieder Da! (可口可乐又回来了!)」 +Soil evaporation and moisture and heat transport are important constitutes of energy and water balance of soil surface.,土壤蒸发与水热传输是地表能量与水分平衡的重要组成部分。 +"Sorry, folks, the paper isn't free. And the Iraq war isn't over, at least not yet.",《纽约时报》的一位网络评论员的反驳则更加诙谐幽默:“不好意思,各位,报纸并不免费,伊战也未结束,至少现在还没有。” +"A new point of view was proposed, i. e. the complex under study is one of the members in is…",提出了该杂岩体是一个层序不全多次侵入的岛弧蛇绿岩套中一员的新观点。 +"He voted in the Gombe neighborhood of Kinshasa, one of the few parts of the country with nicely paved roads.",他在毗邻金沙萨的贡贝进行投票,贡贝是全国少数几个道路铺设良好的地区之一。 +"On 17 July 2002, Wooden Chopsticks Coordinating Group held the 7th executive committee meeting in Dalian. The meeting discussed the measures to strengthen self-discipline rules.",2002年7月17日,木制卫生筷子协调组在大连召开了第七届常务理事会,研究加强行业自律的措施。 +This addition to the Series 712 subminiature connectors is ideally suited for industrial and commercial applications used in harsh environments.,再加上712系列微型连接器,很适合使用于艰苦环境中的工业和商业设备。 +按照吸引本科生到乔治·梅森大学来求学的情况来看,这是我们最吸引人的专业之一。,This is one of the most attractive majors we have in terms of drawing undergraduates to George Mason. +"For example, as shown in FIG. 8A, an oxide layer 810 optionally is patterned on a silicon substrate 820.",例如,如图8A所示,氧化层810选择性地在硅衬底820上形成图案。 +"Planning Manager is required for world leading company producting measuring hand tools , Only experience candidates in planning are requested to send their resume.",世界著名的工量具有限公司招聘计划经理一名,要求:三年以上机械制造业计划经理工作经验。 +"Must know that on season Landry takes the second round ""foremost person in the field Xiu"", obtained the contract also far not many west this year's munificence .",要知道,上赛季的兰德里作为第二轮的“状元秀”,得到了合同也远没有多西今年的优厚。 +He and Andreessen quietly changed out 29 of Skype's 30 top managers.,他和安德里森不动声色地把Skype的30名高层管理人员换掉了29名。 +The offtake lost from the decline of traditional photography -- silver's main source of demand -- has not been replaced by evolving new uses such as photovoltaic cells in solar panels.,白银主要需求来源--传统影像的减少所产生的空缺尚未被太阳能面板光电管等新应用所填补. +"Includes ""two regulation"" of the origin of the concept of defining the nature of its analysis.",内容包括“两规”的由来、概念的界定及其性质的剖析。 +Tzu Chi volunteers plan to cooperate with Haitian government to help repair dilapidated schools in the country.,慈济志工计画与海地政府合作,要帮助倒塌的学校维修。 +A:Are you conservative or open-minded?,你思想保守,还是开放? +"For this reason, the research content of periodical management librarians will make great changes.",因此,有关期刊管理人员素质要求研究的内容将发生重要变化。 +"There are many examples where the issue of science and transparency come up: When mad cow disease first broke out, the first sensible guess from scientists was that it could not spread to humans;",有很多例子可以反应科学及其透明度的问题:当疯牛病刚开始爆发时,科学家们合理推断它不会传染给人类; +"Sincerity , quality and reputation are our service aim .",诚实、品质、信益是我们的服务宗旨。 +"Kingdom of Serbs, Croats, and Slovenes.",塞尔维亚-克罗的亚-斯洛凡尼亚王国… +"Besides, this system can be used to test users' level of auscultation.",此外,系统还可以对用户的心音听诊能力进行测试。 +Talk to someone. Drink water. Eat fruits and vegetables.,和别人聊聊天,或者喝点水、吃点果蔬。 +"For the side grounds, you are to fill them with variety of alleys, private, to give a full shade, some of them, wheresoever the sun be.",至于那园中两侧的隙地,应该在其中多设各种的巷路,要幽静,并且其中的一部分要能遮蔽阳光,无论阳光是从那一方面来。 +"Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: When you say a word, you have already heard a definition for it.",古儒吉: 当你讲一个词的时候,你已经听到一个定义了。 +Mark Mardell at the UN has more on the speech by President Obama.,Mark Mardell在联合国报道关于奥巴马总统讲话的更多内容。 +"JE is a neglected disease of poor countries, with few scientists working on it, says Basu.",Basu说乙脑是穷国的被忽视疾病,很少有科学家研究这种疾病。 +By the end of Tertiary time the area have evolved an outcrop pattern not unlike the present.,到第三系时期晚期,这片区域已经演变成为现在不同的一种露头模式。 +The ageing boomers will also keep radiographers and other people in diagnostic imaging busy as they will need more tests to keep them on their feet.,而由于更多的老年人对医疗测试的需求,临床医学影像方面的从业者将迎来一个繁忙的09年。 +How to use two pole-pair slot-number phase graph to design two-layer pole-changing windings with far pole ratio(72 slots 4/32 poles is taken as example)is described.,以72槽4/32极绕组为例,详细介绍了如何利用双极对槽号相位图设计双层远极比变极绕组的方法。 +"Not too much, unfortunately. I arrived just before you did, and besides the speech that Constable Hillers gives to all the mercenaries here, I've yet to really investigate anything.",没多少,很不幸,我只比你早了一点点到这里,除了治安官赫勒给这里所有的雇佣军作了一次演讲外,我还什么都没开始调查。 +"Compared with the maize diet, the barley diet decreased serum cholesterol(P<0.05)and triglyceride content (P<0.01) in broiler.",结果表明,与玉米日粮比较,大麦日粮可降低鸡血液胆固醇(P<0.05)和甘油三酯(P<0.01)含量; +Men'sleather shoe with welt would look durable and lady's shoes with welt would increase the additional value.,女士皮鞋用沿条的组合底才会使鞋子更高档! +"The initial stage of the reconstructing the nation, the masses were stimulated land reform in Pingjiang County, what followed three kinds:1. Making many kinds of forms to publicize 2.",建国初期平江县土改的群众发动具体表现在三个方面:一是运用多种形式进行宣传发动; +"PAGE analysis showed that new peroxidase isoenzyme was synthesized in the tomato leaves after systematically infected with TMV, and a main band was the enzyme protein.",同工酶分析表明,番茄感染TMV后叶片产生了新的过氧化物酶同工酶带,对比叶片胞外蛋白的PAGE图谱表明,一组主要蛋白带具过氧化物酶活力。 +"Tanigawa called Haozu of the spiritual, with the words, now is the ""dedication.""",谷川所谓豪族具有的精神,用现在的话来说就是“奉献精神”。 +"The writer investigated the music instruments of them: a set of naos(cymbal), three pieces together, and one stone chime.",笔者应邀对该墓葬中出土的乐器———编铙(一套三件)及一件石磬进行了考察及测音,并作了初步的分析。 +"The blemishes on both the U.S. dollar and the euro should continue to boost the commodity-sensitive Australian dollar, Mann said.","对美元和欧元不利的因素会继续提振对商品价格敏感的澳元,Mann称." +Shakespear's plays are seen by people every year.,每年有数百万人看莎士比亚的戏剧。 +Dad: What's wrong?,爸爸:怎么啦? +"Abstract : Having gone through a succession of doubts and criticisms, even subversion and deconstruction, Fu Lei's translation works finally became classics.",摘要 傅雷翻译作品并非一帆风顺地成为翻译经典,而是经历了一次又一次的质疑和批评,甚至颠覆和解构; +An impurity-plasmon model is presented to describe the superconducting process of some doped semiconductors.,本文提出了一个“杂质-等离振子模型”,描述掺杂半导体的超导过程。 +"But there are penalties, as well as benefits, to staying at university.",但不利之处是得继续呆在学校。 +"Lower production also means less demand for palladium and platinum, used in the production of catalytic converters.",生产降低,意味着对钯和铂的需求将减少,这两种金属主要用于生产汽车的催化转换器。 +"The CDC said the median age of those sickened is 77, and most ill people are over 60 years old.",CDC表示,患者的平均年龄为77岁,大部分病患的年纪都在60岁以上。 +The discovery comes just over a fortnight after the body of a stowaway was found in the landing gear recess of a BA plane arriving at Heathrow from Cape Town.,两周前,英国航空公司一架从开普敦飞往希思罗机场的航班起落架隐蔽处也曾发现一具偷渡者尸体。 +"Furthermore, piping and valve technology for grape mash transfer and equipment for mash treatment with conveyors, bin inverters, heat exchangers and rotary impulsers.",接下去是,输送葡萄浆的管道和阀门技术,以及包含输送带、料斗翻倒装置、热交换器和旋转脉冲发生器在内的葡萄浆处理设备。 +"The alarm clock is only my body, not wake the sleeping heart.",闹钟叫起的只是我的躯壳,叫不醒沉睡的心。 +"According to requirement of the project design and tests, EPS board is finally chosen as the thermal insulation material for the eternal exposed surface of Three Gorges Project dam and powerhouse.",根据设计要求并结合三峡二期工程保温材料实际运用情况,通过一系列试验比选,最终选择聚苯板作为三峡工程三期大坝、厂房永久暴露面保温材料。 +"Having errors on your page will count against you and could cause your rank to fall significantly, even if many other of your on-page factors are good.",你页面上的错误会让你遭殃,使你的排名年夜幅下滑,即使你站点上的其他内容都很不错。 +"Objective:To analyse the pathogenic characteristics, diagnostic approach and principles of management in palatal adenogenous tumors.",目的:分析腭部腺源性肿瘤的病源特征、诊断方法和治疗原则。 +"Christmas Eve is the eve of Christmas Day, a widely celebrated festival commemorating the birth of Jesus of Nazareth.",平安夜是圣诞节的前一晚,是大家来庆祝圣主耶稣诞辰的节日。 +"The structure column comprises steel tubes, a studding piece, a connecting plate, a bolt and concrete.",该结构 柱包括钢管、缀件、连接板、螺栓、混凝土。 +"The third part compared the content difference of secondary metabolism of Tribulus terrestris L. from several typical producing areas such as Henan, Shanxi, Neimenggu, Taonan, Changchun.",其次,比较了河南、陕西、内蒙、新疆、吉林洮南、吉林长春等产区蒺藜次生代谢产物含量的差异。 +The system of judgment of the second instance as final.,两审终审的审级制度。 +"Biologists have found slime molds in Antarctica, in barren deserts, high in the canopies of jungles and even on the leaves of household plants.",生物学家在南极洲、贫瘠的沙漠、丛林的树冠、甚至家居植物的叶片上发现了黏菌。 +"There are some differences in waveforms, test voltage levels and technical specifications of ring wave generator circuits, which have regulated by several immunity test standardization documents.",不同标准的振铃波抗扰度试验信号波形定义、试验电压等级以及试验信号发生器技术指标等都存在一定的差异。 +"The development of the market of maintenance and technological reformation of machine tools, has become a new bright spot of our country's industrial economic growth.",我国的机床修理与技术改造市场逐渐发展,成为我国工业经济增长的新亮点。 +"A newspaper of the time reported that VanBuren was elected president, in its words: ""…by the hurrah boys, and those who knew just enough to shout hurrah for Jackson.""",当时的一家报纸在报道范布伦当选时这么写道:“… (范布伦)通过欢呼男孩以及那些知道为杰克逊欢呼就足以的人(成功当选总统)。” +That they lose their health to make money and then lose their money to restore their health .,为了赚钱,他们不顾健康,接着又花钱想恢复健康。 +"Flood and drought every year a huge economic losses, restricting the sustainable development of Chinese agriculture and the important obstacle to economic factors.",每年因水旱灾害造成的经济损失巨大,是制约中国农业和国民经济可持续发展的重要障碍因素。 +"However, the rename only applies to phone elements in the original document, and not to the new phone element that is added in the same update statement.",但是,重命名操作只应用于原文档中的 “phone” 元素,对于在同一个更新语句中添加的 “phone” 元素不起作用。 +The recent advances in asymmetric autocatalysis are reviewed in this article.,本文综述了近年来不对称自催化反应的新进展。 +"VISIBLY shrinks my naturally large pores. I should try leaving it on overnight, as some of the other.",收缩了我与生俱来大毛孔!我看别人写评论说是能敷着过夜,我也应该试试。 +"The function of criminal enforcement can be divided into categories of ought-to-be, legal and reality function.",刑事强制措施的功能可以分为应有功能、法定功能和实有功能。 +"These products are high solid alkyd resins in various forms, innovative waterborne alkyd emulsions, waterborne hydroxyfunctional acrylate and polyester resins.",这些产品包括各种高固含醇酸树脂、创新的水性醇酸树脂乳液、水性羟基功能型丙烯酸分散液以及水性聚酯树脂。 +"The Red Cross has issued an urgent appeal for donations, saying five million Zimbabweans, or one-half of the population, were facing food shortages.",红十字会曾经发出募捐紧急呼吁,他们说,有500万津巴布韦民众、也就是津巴布韦一半人口,面临食品短缺。 +Conclusions The posterior and inferior quadrant of the footplate may be the optimal drill area for the fenestra.,结论镫骨足板的后下象限可能为足板开窗的最佳位置。 +A:I wish I hadn't chosen this job.,我希望我没选过这项工作。 +"The Committee for the Confucius Memorial Ceremony hosted a press conference at the CCBA meeting room, to release the detail information of the ceremony, that will be host on September 24 in Chinatown.",「大纽约地区祭孔大典委员会」在中华公所举行记者会,公布有关九月廿四日在华埠举行祭孔典礼的详细资料。 +"Unlike older developments, The Minton provides not just the basic amenities but a much wider range that is set attractively within a cleverly designed landscape.",不同于以往项目,明顿不仅提供基本的便利设施,而且提供更宽范围的、在巧妙的景观设计之中具有吸引力的设施。 +The exchange of cards between two people who are meeting for the first time is a ritual that goes back as far as business itself.,两个初次见面的人相互交换商业名片的礼节,其历史几乎和商业一样久远。 +"“he triumphant underdog, ” Mr. Nichols says, nodding toward the wall.",他,一个成功的失败者”Mr. Nichols看着墙上的海报,点头说道 +"The mongols stills and equitable and outside looking at as yet, he the generation marquis that can be a strong body body Jian king, how the ability show at the outsider in front feeble?",这会儿蒙古人还在外面看着,他只能是身强体健的一代君王,怎能于外人面前示弱? +"In fact, to say the least, our daily work as a social lubricant, to blow dry your community, you know that your role has worn thin.",其实退一步讲,我们每天的工作就像是社会的润滑剂,到社会把你炸干的时候,你就知道,你的作用已经到头了。 +"The effect of different surfactants, oils and cosurfactants on microemulsion region was studied, and using dynamic light scattering method the particle size of microemulsions was measured.",研究不同的表面活性剂、油相和助表面活性剂等因素对微乳液区形成的影响;并利用动态光散射法测定微乳液的粒径。 +"Thirdly, we use experimental method to establish straightening model, doing bending experiment in precision equipment.",再次,采用实验法进行研究,在精密设备上进行���曲实验以反求校直模型。 +This study estimated the 1997-2007 Hollinger County land use in the value of ecosystem services.,本研究估算了和林格尔县1997—2007年的土地利用生态系统服务功能价值。 +An automatic dilatometer for radiation-induced polymerization hasbeen introduced.,本文介绍了一种辐射引发聚合自动记录膨胀计系统。 +"To develop a database management system at or above B2 level, we must audit the use of covert storage channels.",开发具有B2安全级及以上的数据库管理系统必须对存储隐通道进行审计。 +The remaking of the world order after World War II was bound be seen as one of historic achievements.,应该说,是二战结束后世界格局的重新洗牌铸成了杜氏的历史伟业。 +"Autumn nis a season of charming scenery, it is a harvest season. Ah! The fall, you really beautiful you!",秋天是一个景色迷人的季节,更是一个丰收的季节。啊!秋天,你真美呀! 缐。 +"Although you cannot control every event in your workplace, you can control your reactions to make them positive, constructive ones.",虽然你无法掌控工作中所有的大小事件,但你可以控制自己的反应,让它正向而具建设性。 +Relations between the Nationalist Party of Wang-Koo talks thus appear to be the most neutral calendar breakthrough.,国共两党的关系至此出现自汪辜会谈来最大的历中性突破。 +"The apostle Peter told us that in the last days scoffers would say of Jesus' return: ""Where is the promise of His coming?""",使徒彼得告诉我们,在末后的日子,好讥诮的人讲到主耶稣「再来」时会说:「主要降临的应许在哪里呢? +Researchers therefore tested whether discarded cigarette butts are harmful to a marine fish and a freshwater species.,研究者于是测试丢弃的菸蒂,看是否对海水鱼和淡水鱼有害。 +"Modified sweet potato starch flocculants were prepared with cationic etherizing agent and microwave technique, and used to treat the dyeing and printing wastewaters.",采用微波辐射技术,用阳离子醚化剂对红薯淀粉进行改性,制备了改性红薯淀粉絮凝剂,并用其处理印染废水。 +How many retreating Iraqi soldiers were buried alive by U. S. tanks with ploughs mounted on the front?,海湾战争时有多少后撤的伊拉克军人被美国的装有特制铁犁坦克活埋?。 +The most common trick was to film hobbits from farther away than the other characters.,最常用的手法就是从比拍摄其他人物更远的距离拍摄霍比人。 +The police HAS caught the murderer alive.,警方已将凶手缉拿归案。 +"The triangle, square, and sine waves are input to a multiplexer.",三角波、正弦波和矩形波输入一个多路器。 +The king felt very gleeful and rewarded the sage with 100 golden coins.,国王听后大喜,奖赏第二位智者100个金币。 +Risk monitoring is an important part of the sustainable development of forest ecological construction projects.,风险监测是林业生态工程建设项目可持续发展的重要内容。 +Listing 3. The FeedList class in rss_db.php,清单 3. rss_db.php 中的 FeedList 类 +"It can also polish the nonmetal materials such as glass, ceramics, stones, agates and jades and jewels, as well as heating elements and heat energy elements , etc.",还可研磨玻璃、陶瓷、石材、玛瑙及高级珠宝玉器等非金属材料,加热元件和热能元件。 +The quarterly magazine is a periodical published every three months.,季刊是每3个月出版一次的期刊。 +This paper makes general description of stabilization techniques used for air- borne radar antenna and detailed discussion of a simple stabilization technique in disturbance feedforward antenna.,对机载雷达的天线稳定技术作一般性介绍,重点对简易扰动前馈天线稳定技术作详细说明。 +This paper presents a simple and practical developing method for nonmetal curved surface aircraft parts.,提出了一种应用于飞机非金属曲面零件简便实用的展开方法。 +"Flavored butter: For additional flavor, consider mixing various ingredients such as cinnamon, fresh bananas, strawberries and peaches with your butter to use on your waffles .",风味黄油:若要添加口味,可以考虑将各种原料如肉桂、新鲜香蕉、草莓及桃和你的黄油混合在一起,以供制作华夫饼时使用。 +Please don't forget that the original color sky.,请别忘记兲空( 厡来) 旳颜色。 +This paper has studied the effect of a slow-moving vehicle on traffic flow in a two-lane two-way road.,本文对双向双车道上慢行车行驶对交通的影响进行了分析研究。 +Abnormal performance and doing odd to be treated differently.,不正常的表现和做怪相要区别对待。 +"The author tells us several sectional forms of Tai lake slope revetment dike, then compares the difference in quality, investment, pace and management.",通过对太湖大堤堤防工程科式护坡方案的选择,从质量、投资、进度、管理四个目标控制的角度,比较了相互的优缺点.。 +The moment Donghae stepped into her apartment he saw Jessica.,东海迈进公寓的那刻,他看到了Jessica。 +"He waved us over to the tea display and talked enthusiastically, in rapid Chinese, about his stock.",他招呼我们到茶叶柜旁边,热情地用汉语和我们交谈起来,语速很快地向我们讲解他的茶叶。 +"The formal definition of coevolution runs something like this: ""Coevolution is reciprocal evolutionary change in interacting species,"" says John Thompson in Interaction and Coevolution.",约翰•汤普森(4)在《互相影响和共同进化》一书中对“共同进化”做了一个正式定义:“共同进化是互相影响的物种间交互的进化演变。” +"The cities of the south shall be shut up, and none shall open them: Judah shall be carried away captive all of it, it shall be wholly carried away captive.",南方的城尽都关闭,无人开放。 犹大全被掳掠,且掳掠净尽。 +The electrode is driven by Elliptical Movement and its direction is controlled by two voltage phase difference.,为实现电火花电极的微米级步距,设计了椭圆微驱动电路,并能有效地控制电极的运动方向。 +The super priority visa service costs an additional 750 and can be paid for online or at the application centre.,超级优先签证服务的费用为750英镑,可以在线支付或者在签证申请中心支付。 +"If the country is vast and populace few, then isolate their strategic points. If the land is confined but the people numerous, then construct high mounds in order to attack them.",土地广阔而人口少的,就要控制它的枢纽要害,城市狭小而人口稠密的,就构筑土山攻城。 +Some of them bitter attacked their former friends.,他们中有些人恶毒地攻击他们过去的朋友。 +The game between Woodley Sports and Alsager Town in the Unibond first division was abandoned in the 77th minute Saturday after the referee noticed the bolt embedded in the field.,这场球赛的参赛双方分别为伍德利体育队和阿尔萨加镇队,比赛是在进行到第77分钟时被宣布终止的。 当时主裁判注意到了那支已经深深插入球场草坪中的弩箭。 +"I live in holes, I got a beak, I play games, squawk and squeak. Black and white, orange and blue, red and green, how 'bout you?",我生活在洞里,我有一个喙,我会玩游戏、嘎嘎叫和吱吱叫。黑色和白色,橙色和蓝色,红色和绿色,你呢? +"For this reason, the article primarily probes into the trends of the bio-treatments by analyzing the principles, the effects and the applications of the…",同时,通过分析生物修复技术各种方法的原理、作用及应用情况,对该技术的发展趋势进行了初步的探讨。 +"Every foreigner of inquiring mind becomes a part-time anthropologist, wondering and smiling at the new social rituals of his adoptive country.",所有老外都具有好奇心。这让他们成为业余的人类学者。他们以友好之心,想了解客居国家的新鲜社交礼节。 +Beijing BOE actual controller electronically controlled 3534.88 million shares held by company A shares were frozen.,京东方实际控制人北京电控所持有的公司3,534.88万股A股被冻结。 +The judgment theorem and discernibility matrix with respect to consistent ordered assignment set is obtained.,通过定义分配序区分矩阵给出求分配序约简的区分矩阵法。 +"Governments are currently gathered in Poznan, Poland, to reach agreement on how to address the major challenges that stem from global warming.",目前,各国政府正聚集在波兰的波兹南,为的是就处理全球变暖引起的主要难题达成共识。 +"To Dr. Bentley he said: 'If I have done the public any service, it is due to nothing but industry and patient thought.",他对本特利博士说:“如果我对社会有些贡献的话,那完全是由于勤奋和耐心的思考。” +"According to Wang Guowei, art is above utility and has its independent value and position.",在王国维看来,艺术是超功利的,具有其独立的价值和地位。 +"If you woke up this morning with more health than illness , you are more blessed than the million who won ' t survive the week.",假如你今晨苏醒比那些沉疴缠身的的人更健康,你就应备觉珍惜,因为你是本周沉疴夺走百万计无辜生命后的幸存。 +"If you don't succeed in this, then you will continue to pull that heavy wagon up the mountain and despite the fact that you are pulling it, it will somehow run over your foot.",如果你无法做到这一点,那么你就会像是往山顶上拉一辆沉重的货车,尽管你是在拉,但它却终将压到你的脚。 +"The mid 60's was all about ""peace and love"", embracing a sexual revolution and drug sub-culture.",六十年代中期到处是“和平与爱”,包括性解放和吸毒的小众文化。 +My experience is that stuff expands to fill the space available.But you can dream.,我的经验是东西会占满你家里的所有空间,但是我们依旧可以幻想一下。 +The natural frequencies of beam are calculated with finite element method in the cases of different crack width and different crack depth.,本文利用有限元法分别计算在不同的裂纹深度、不同的裂纹开口宽度的情况下梁的固有频率。 +Toy companies and pet-food firms alike have found that their brands can be tainted if their suppliers turn out shoddy goods.,玩具公司和宠物饲料公司都发现,如果供应商有问题,他们的品牌会遭到破坏。 +The basic process of tetrahedral octree spatial decomposition for using directly in finite element analysis is described.,然后在此基础上详细论述了正四面体八叉树法划分空间、直接生成四面体网络单元的基本过程。 +Visit the fully-equipped Health Center for a workout can used to refrsh yourself.,拥有现代化健身器材和设备的健康中心是您消除疲劳的最佳场所。 +"Flexibility: If the structure of the data is constantly changing on the backend, it becomes tedious and error-prone to recreate the data binding beans for each modification of the native data type.",灵活性:如果后端数据的结构经常变更,那么为固有数据类型的每个修改都重新创建数据绑定 bean 是冗长且容易出错的。 +And in return I'll spare yours…,作为回报 我也饶你一命… +"In different conditions, small nodules can be recognized to having one of three distributions, termed 1) perilymphatic;",在不同的案例中,多发小结节可呈以下三种分布:1、淋巴管周围型; +"But Oxford's Martin Brasier and Laura Cotton have now pushed back the ""amber window"" to 140 million years ago, during the heyday of the dinosaurs.",不过牛津的马丁·布莱泽和劳拉·柯顿将“窥视琥珀的窗户”推后到了1亿4千万年前。那正是恐龙的全盛时期。 +Du Mu (803-about 852) was a renowned poet of the late Tang Dynasty.,杜牧(803-约852),字牧之,唐代晚期的著名诗人。 +"Driver, do you go to Xidan?",司机,去西单吗?。 +"But they’re also temporary, and beatable.",但是,这些诱惑也是暂时性的、可以击败的。 +Preferable effect was achieved by using this method in Luojia&Kenxi area of Jiyang Depression.,该方法在济阳坳陷罗家一垦西地区取得了较好的效果。 +"David Fairclough says: ""He is a natural goalscorer - he has that knack of getting in positions and taking chances that you just can't teach.""",大卫-菲尔克劳夫说道:'他是一名天生的杀手,他可以从任何位置破门得分,同时他可以把握住你所不能把握住的进球机会。 +"Aside from the recession, it is important to ask what this once- admired mechanism costs to run.",除了衰退,询问一下这个曾备受称赞的机制的运作成本也很重要。 +And the appearance for Its part is not an inconsistent manifestation of this being.,表象学的部分现存内容之间也表现出不一致。 +"PATRICK DONAHOE: ""As a self-financing entity that depends on the sale of postage for its revenues, the Postal Service requires the ability to operate more as a business does.""",PATRICK DONAHOE:“作为一个自负盈亏,依赖邮资收入的实体,邮政服务需要能够更像企业一样来运作。” +You don't have to break your neck fixing this TV set: I really don't need it next week.,"他说:“你不必赶紧地修这个电视机,我下星期并不需要它。”" +"Phoenix's Boris Diaw knows Dallas center Diop from crossing paths in Senegal, Diop's native country where Diaw's father is from and now lives.",太阳的鲍里斯·迪奥知道小牛中锋迪奥普,因为他们两个的生活轨迹在塞内加尔有交叉。那里是迪奥普的祖国,也是迪奥父亲的老家和现在的住处。 +"All our products are well breathable with 1 00% human hair and imported thin net. You may not feel hot even when wearing them in summer and they have no side effect, either.",我们的产品全部选用百分百真人发丝、 进口超薄网底, 透气性 好, 夏天戴着也不热, 没有任何副作用; +"That is, how to carry the huge eyeglass into outer space and assemble it is becoming a research subject, what is called ""Hyde's problem"".",然而,大量的技术性问题也随之而来——怎样把这些巨大的望远镜镜片运上太空并在空中顺利组装成为一项主要研究课题,即“海德问题”。 +"Even though the country boasts the world's longest high-speed railways, a rapidly expanding highway network and growing numbers of flights, finding a ticket home is still a huge endeavor for many.",虽然中国拥有世界上最长的高速铁路线,也拥有高速增长的铁路网络和航班线路,但对大多数人来说春节买票回家仍然是一件很头痛的事。 +Cooked poultry is probably the best choice. Uncooked meat brings with it the same safety concerns as uncooked fish or eggs.,煮熟的禽肉可以说是最好的选择���但生肉的话,跟生鱼及生鸡蛋一样会带来安全隐患。 +You do want to pay attention to stock prices so that you don't overpay for good companies.,你确实需要关注股价,这样你才不会为一些好公司支付过多的价格。 +"Agamben, Giorgio. ""Security and Terror. "" Theory and Event 5, no. 4 (2002).",安全和恐怖主义〉《理论和事件》5期4卷(2002)。 +"Partly as a result of this , turnover doubled, and having outgrown another site Robertson bought a city-centre location for the group's headquarters.",部分的原因是因为这个,营业额翻倍了,并且超过了另一个Robertson在市中心所购买的集团总部位置的餐厅。 +"However, there are still some theoretical perplexities. Therefore, we should strengthen the conservation practice, sum up the experience and avoid the wrong ways.",在保护区建立的两年多以来,各项工作有序开展,但仍然存在不少理论上的疑惑,应加强实践,总结经验,避免走弯路。 +Developers can use forms created in LiveCycle Designer with Web services developed in WebSphere Studio to link form-filling activities with back-end transactions (such as data lookups).,开发者使用在 LiveCycle Designer 中创建的表单和 WebSphere Studio 开发的 Web 服务,连接填写表单活动和后端事务(如数据查找)。 +"With the introduction of sub-constraint and pattern range, evolution patterns in all conceptual layers can be discovered.",通过引入子约束和模式区间等概念,使算法能发现不同概念层上的变化模式。 +"And for secretaries of Party committee, we must notice their competence of leadership, character, motion and inter-personnel co-operation, etc.",在选拔支部书记时,应更加注重组织领导能力、乐观自信、人际交往与合作、应变能力等指标。 +"With hard details few and far between, panicked relatives gathered at Singapore's Changi airportwhile in Surabaya hundreds of Indonesians thronged the terminal.",随着线索越来越少,悲痛欲绝的亲属在新加坡樟宜机场聚集,而在泗水,数以百计的印尼人挤满了航站楼。 +Peter Madsen (left) and Kristian von Bengtson stand next to the spacecraft they developed.,彼得·马森(左)和克里斯蒂安·冯·本特森站在他们开发的航天飞船旁。 +A cone-shaped grinder-vein grid plate fixed with the main shaft is arranged under the grinding roller.,碾压辊下方设有与主轴固定的锥形磨纹式栅格板; +"""Socially engaged Buddhism"" tries to blend individual liberation with responsible social action in order to build an enlightened society.",“有社会责任感的佛教”希望将个人的自由与负责任的社会行为结合起来,以期建立一个开明的社会。 +The plume rising from the mountain reminds residents of yet another threat: eruption.,远处山顶上升起的烟羽似乎在提醒这里的居民不要忘记另一重威胁:火山喷发。 +Objective:To establish the quality inspection methods for Semen Canavaliae.,目的:建立刀豆的质量检查标准。 +"His famous account of the great war between the Greeks and the Persians seems almost a history of the world, because he used too much background.",他关于希腊和波斯之间伟大战争的著名记述似乎几乎是一部世界史,因为他使用了太大量的背景。 +"""The total production of Nordmann firs in Europe is about 30 million trees per year while the demand is 33 million to 35 million,"" Ostergaard said.",Ostergaard说:“全欧洲每年高加索冷杉的总产量约为3000万棵,而需求则在3300万至3500万棵之间。 +Zhang Yuanji(1867-1959) was an active educationalist in publishing and education area in China modern times.,张元济(1867-1959)是中国近代活跃在我国出版界、教育界的著名教育活动家。 +"Gourcuff's renewal: ""It was a strategic choice, a demonstration of faith.""",古尔库夫的新合同:“这是一个战略上的选择,一个确定的信心。 +"Multiplex tall slender, branches and leaves whirling and never easily lower leaves, as a supercilious person, I get the impression sometimes is all-powerful.",凤尾竹高大修长,枝叶婆娑,从不轻易低下树叶,像一个高傲的人,给我的感觉有时是不可一世。 +Tom pricks up his ears what his students said.,汤姆竖起耳朵听他同学所说的话。 +The 240-square-metre apartment is accessible via the lower level through a double-height entrance hall with a skylight.,这座公寓面积达240平方米,可从下层通过一个有天窗的两层高的入门大厅进入。 +The manuscript will go to press early next month.,原稿将于下月初付印。 +"In this paper, Yang wrote nine small appliances to enter the market in Jiangxi Province, set up a branch office in Nanchang designed a series of plans, systems and processes.",本文主要写九阳小家电为进入江西市场,在南昌开设分公司而设计旳─系列打算、制度和流程。 +"From the bibliography, the thesis is written in the general situation of Zhu Danxi's works and the background and origin, in the views which Zhu Danxi diagnosed and treated the phlegm syndrome.",本文从文献学角度,对朱丹溪的生平与著作、痰证的病因病机、痰证临床见证、痰瘀同病同治理论、痰证治疗具体方法等五个方面开展研究。 +It will have great theoretical meanings against a background of the amendments to the criminal procedure law and the legislation of evidence law.,在刑事诉讼法修改和证据法立法的大背景下,研究口供问题更具有重要的理论意义。 +"Cheng Xi thought for Tang Zheng, feel Tang Zheng in landscape now more at home than go TianWaiTian that some some wind and no rain.",程曦一想为着唐正着想,觉得唐正现在在山水还不如去天外天那更自在一些而且也没有一些风言风雨。 +The Guangdong Environmental Protection Bureau and the Hong Kong EPD have successfully developed an advanced numerical water quality model for the Pearl River Estuary region.,香港环保署与广东省环境保护局携手合作为珠江河口水域建成了一套先进的水质数值模型。 +"But Ms. Bustamante urged patience, and they eventually secured a mortgage with a good rate. The younger Ms. Santos moved into the studio in February.",鉴于Bustamante先生的不挠的耐心,银行最终提供了贷款,而且利率还相当不错,他的女儿Santos在二月份搬进了工作室。 +"There are four subjects about the systematization of urban open-space environment, the serial scene, the construct ecologically, the aesthetic facilities.",该文讨论了城市户外环境系统化、场景序列化、 硬 地生态化、设施艺术化等四个主要问题。 +"Parts of Wisconsin already had a foot of snow, and up to a foot was forecast Sunday in northeastern Minnesota, the National Weather Service said.",威斯康星州已经下了一英尺深的雪,国家气象局预报说,明尼苏达州东北部预报也有一英尺深的积雪。 +A common response is to answer in terms of what you are bad at or tend to overdo (but often trying to give it a positive spin by making it seem the flip-side of a strength!).,一个常见的回答是是说出你不擅长的地方或者有做的过分的倾向的地方(但是通常都会尝试通过将上述回答说的仿佛是一个优点的另一面来给出一个积极的映像。) +"It's like a slingshot -- the harder you pull, the more propulsion you generate.",如同一把弹弓,拉的越紧,射的越远。 +And the crisis at Fukushima has stirred memories of more than 30 years ago when a partial meltdown took place at the atomic power station at Three Mile Island in Pennsylvania.,与此同时,福岛核电站事故也搅动了美国人民关于30余年前宾夕法尼亚州三里岛核电站发生的部分融毁事故的回忆。 +"The various methods currently being used in burnup determination of nuclear fuels are studyed and reviewed, The mass spectrometry method of destructive testing is discussed emphatically.",研究和评论了目前使用在核燃料燃耗测定中的各种方法,并着重讨论了破坏性燃耗测定的质谱法。 +Jeff Bridges won the best actor Oscar for his role in the film Crazy Heart.,杰夫?布里奇斯因在电影《疯狂的心》中的上佳表现,摘得奥斯卡最佳男主角桂冠。 +"I take a wild guess, you two had a fling.",我作大胆的猜测,你们俩有一腿。 +"When aggregating a number of services to create a composite business service, the services need to share a context.",要集成一些服务来创建复杂的业务服务,这些服务需要共享上下文环境信息。 +AIM: To compare the effect of octreotide and gabexate in treating acute pancreatitis.,目的:比较奥曲肽与加贝酯对急性胰腺炎的疗效。 +"If you're a Bowl Pattern, you seek balance and harmony with your environment, perhaps to compensate for the polarity between the occupied and unoccupied halves of your charts.",如果你是一个碗型,你寻求与环境的平衡与和谐,也许,是为了补偿两个边缘之间的不平衡以及星图中空缺的对立半球。 +The problem arises when it means always giving into all our children’s demands - even if they are beyond our price range or not age-appropriate.,但如果总是孩子要什么就给什么,即使孩子提的要求已经超出了我们的经济能力范围或和孩子的年龄不相称也是如此,问题就产生了。 +"Quaquversal movie theatre is the structureconcrete building with particular sculpt, complicated structure and difficult construction technology.",穹幕影院是一种造型新颖独特,结构复杂,施工难度大的混凝土结构建筑物。 +"Once there is gentleness, then the other two can easily be taken care of.",有了温柔的话,其他两项就比较容易处理:不打人, 不争论。 +"Article 137 The right to the use of land for construction may be created by assignment, allocation or other means.",第一百三十七条设立建设用地使用权,可���采取出让或者划拨等方式。 +"A simple model for expressing effective thermal conductivity of carbon nanotubes composites was established, in consideration of the orientation distribution of carbon nanotubes.",考虑到碳纳米管的空间取向分布特征,建立了碳纳米管复合材料的有效热导率模型。 +"Even the French, who for decades ran the EU as equal partners with the Germans, are acquiring something of an inferiority complex.",就连几十年来一直在欧盟事务中作为平等伙伴的法国也在德国面前感觉到了自卑。 +"However, multiple VMs can have transactional concurrent access to the same objects, so you end up with something similar to an m:n model.",然而,多虚拟机之间可以写协同并发访问同一对象,所以实际上最终的效果和m:n模型类似。 +"In this paper, the author discusses property of glass fibre bar, installment method of gridding , construction principle and effect observation example of asphaltum road surface.",讨论了玻璃纤维格栅的性质、网格的安设方法、加筋沥青路面的施工原则及效果观测实例。 +"Rossi also commented on young goalkeeper Fernando Muslera, who has looked solid between the posts after moving from Uruguayan team Nacional last month.",罗西也谈到了年轻门将费尔南多穆斯莱拉,他在上个月从乌拉圭来这之后就被派上场固守球门。 +"Formed around 23 degrees Fahrenheit, these snowflakes look like small bits of white hair on your sleeve.",形成于大约华氏23度下,这些雪花看起来就像手腕上细小的毛发。 +"Objective To investigate the clinical feature, diagnosis and treatment of trallinatic gastric perforation.",目的探讨外伤性胃穿孔的临床特点与诊治。 +"Good fortune, it seems, plays a surprisingly large role in the Bill Clinton international restaurant sweepstakes.Mr.",运气似乎对所有克林顿去过的餐厅来说起了举足轻重的作用。 +Appropriately confronting people and events can be accomplished by promoting understanding through non-evaluative exploration.,通过对非评估性的探索提高理解就可以正确地对峙人、事。 +The short term effective resnlts of lumbo-leg pain were gained in 149 cases treated on the basis of biomechanics principles.,本文主要报告用这种疗法治疗149例腰腿痛,取得了较好的近期疗效。 +"MILAN – At the end of the clash against Real Madrid, Leonardo commented the performance of the squad: ""In the first half, we must be honest, Real Madrid was better.""",红黑军团主帅莱昂纳多在战平皇马之后说,自己满意球队的表现,并表示队员们比赛季初已经进步很多。 +"If the components LC we used have the same Q value as the one used in out, the transfer efficiency will be 84.6%, which achieves the desire of the design.",若使用和外接的电感电容相同Q值的元件时其转换效率为84.6%,达到了预期的设计要求。 +"But due to long-term service, the structure may appear all kinds of damages.",但在长期服役期间,结构可能产生各种损伤。 +"""It's the same as he did when I first came as an 18-year-old, "" Ronaldo said.",他还是像我十八岁那年刚来的时候一样的照顾我。 +This election now is about Barack Obama and whether he is qualified to be president.,现在选举的主题已经变成了奥巴马,以及他到底够不够格当总统了。 +The glare of the sand made his eyes ache: but he knew he mustn't shut them.,沙漠炫目的反光使他眼睛发痛,但他知道不能闭上眼睛。 +"The thesis takes Gejiu, Yun'nan Province, as case study about industrial heritage conservation and protection plan in current China, based on one year round field-research.",本文选取典型的传统工业基地云南省个旧市作为研究地点,主要围绕当地开展的一系列工业遗产规划和保护活动,进行了一年的田野调查。 +"The truth, as China's history of the tang dynasty empire, indeed invade koryo namely now north Korea.",事实也确实如此,作为中国历史上的唐帝国,的确入侵过高丽即现在的朝鲜。 +The United States' top military officer accused Pakistan of supporting attacks by the al-Qaida-linked Haqqani network.,美国最高军事官员指责巴基斯坦支持与基地组织有关联的“哈卡尼网络”的袭击。 +"In this paper, the pointwise convergence and divergence of a class of generalized Fourier series generated by piecewise linear spectral sequences are studied.",研究由分段线性谱序列生成的广义傅里叶级数的逐点敛散性。 +US boxing promoter Don King has showed interest in China's first Olympic boxing champion Zou Shiming (see photo).,为中国夺下奥运拳击第一金的邹市明(见图)表现出色,让美国著名拳击经纪人唐金颇为动心。 +"As the change of education style from the elite to the public in ordinary universities, the present education idea and model are not suit to the development of universities.",随着普通高校由过去的精英教育��大众化教育的转化,现有的教育理念和教育模式已不能完全适合当前高校的发展。 +Secured $20 million for a fund to help individuals with disabilities purchase technology needed to telework (work from home).,提供2000万美元,建立一项帮助残疾人购置在家上班所需技术手段的基金; +"I have to study hard so that my mother assured, I don't want a stepmother.",我要好好的读书让妈妈放心,我不想要后妈。 +Objective To communicate the experience of unrelated-donor peripheral blood stem cell transplantation(URD-PBSCT) for acute lymphoblastic leukemia(ALL) patient with multiple high disk factors.,目的交流伴多种高危因素的非血缘异基因外周血干细胞移植(URD-PBSCT)经验。 +"Susanne Schickl, 36, who donated the wedding dress she wore when she married a Japanese man in 1994, said: ""I liked the idea that I could give something away that awakened painful memories for me.""",现年36岁的苏珊·斯奇科尔捐赠了一件她在1994年嫁给一个日本人时穿的婚纱,一旁有这样的标注:“我喜欢这个主意——送走那些唤起我痛苦回忆的物品。” +FCV has the characteristic cup shaped structure of calicivirus.,该病毒具有典型的杯状病毒结构。 +"Palm tree such as date palm, queen palm, coconut, canary island palm, etc.",棕榈树如海枣树、槟榔树、椰树、加那利刺葵等等。 +"Based the above result, we get the symbol error rate of the UWB system with multi-antenna.",在此基础上,推广到多天线的情况,得到了基于该系统的误码率表达式。 +"Peak Masterpiece of Chinese Eight-Ball Table in China, luxurious appearance, excellent performance, located in the high-end market.",国内中式八球台的巅峰之作,豪华设计、卓越性能,定位于最高端市场。 +"As the United States grew, groups formed to address problems of newly arrived immigrant groups.",随着美国各州的发展,各种团体相继问世,以解决新抵达的移民群体面临的问题。 +"In this article, I supplied the password on the command line; in normal operations you would not do this.",在本文中,我在命令行上提供了密码;在一般操作中不会这么做。 +I can never finish a novel the length of War and Peace.,我永远看不完像《战争与和平》 篇幅那样长的小说。 +"In bone-marrow transplants, the donor's marrow cells may attack the recipient's tissues, often fatally.",骨髓移植时,捐赠者的骨髓细胞可能攻击接受者的组织,通常会致命。 +"I said, 'No, that's not true, Rich Dennis is a different kind of guy, I think he'll be looking for people who are a little bit different.",我说‘要这样写,丹尼斯是非一般的人,我想他在寻找非一般的人。’ +"As the new inheritor of Shatian literature, Wang Liang_he is chiefly noted for his poems;",作为沙田文学新传人的王良和,更多的是以诗歌为人所知,然而其小说亦有不俗的成绩。 +"According to statistics, nearly 90% of the country in the process of coal production accidents are caused because of ""three violations"".",据统计,全国煤矿生产过程中的伤亡事故近90%的是因“三违”造成的。 +"For the shower, again, if you keep it clean, you don’t need to use anything too harsh. Just a regular bathroom cleaner will work, if you’re cleaning it every 2-3 days.","关于沐浴喷头,如果你保持了它的清洁,比如每2-3天洗洗,它就不需要用什么特别的护理啦,普通的浴室清洗用品就会保持它的清洁.你只需要每次洗浴前或者洗浴的时候用水淋一下它,然后擦擦就可以了.只要几秒钟,你就可以保持你的喷头的干净." +We have a word for miscarriage. We should use it to explore the complicated issues around it.,我们已经有了“流产”这个词语,我们应运用它来探究那些萦绕其间的复杂问题。 +"Based on information from noble gas, noble gases in the atmosphere are originated from mantle degassing.",根据惰性气体提供的信息,地球大气圈中惰性气体主要由地幔脱气形成。 +"Even if it looks like a typical house, if you look closer you will see that it doesn’t have windows…and that’s the first unusual thing.",一眼看去似乎它与一般的房子没啥两样,但如果你走近去看,你会发现它没有窗子……这还只是第一件与众不同之处。 +The treating apparatus has microprocessor to control the pressure modules based on sensor signals and inflates and deflates the air bags according to the set program.,治疗枕装置由微处理器根据传感器信号控制压力模块,按设定程序对各气囊充或放气。 +In this Chapter the whole probability formula and renewal limit theorem are adopted to obtain the availability. At last we analyse a model in which the failure function is linear.,文中用全概率公式和更新极限定理等,给出了系统的可用度,最后对失效率是线性函数的模型进行了具体的可行性分析。 +"In some of the families, they found large chunks of missing DNA regions that followed that recessive rule.",在一些家庭中,研究者发现了遵循隐性突变规则的大块的DNA区域丢失。 +"The table was covered with a snowy white table-cloth, on which stood a splendid dinner service, and a steaming roast goose, stuffed with apples and dried plums.",桌上铺着雪白的台布,上面放着精致的瓷碟,还有填满梅子和苹果、冒着热气、香喷喷的烤鹅。 +The audience usually leaves this type of speech wondering why they just sat there for 20 minutes.,遇上这种演讲,听众也会不客气地离席而去,还会觉得自己傻坐这20分钟挺不靠谱的。 +The astronauts were waved off during the launch.,发射过程中,宇航员挥手告别。 +"GUANGZHOU - At least 18 people were killed and 155 injured in south China's Guangdong province as of Monday after hailstorms and strong winds rocked the region, flood control authorities said.",广州- 至少有18人死亡,155在中国南部的广东省周一冰雹和大风后受伤轰动地区,防洪当局说。 +MercatorNet: Faking It is a kind of antidote to the sexualising magazines. Who in particular is the report aimed at?,棱镜网英文版:《效颦》是针对性化杂志的一种解毒剂。这篇报告的特别对象是谁? +"Inlate 2000, Hua Yuan launched an effort to establish the Executive Club, which is composed of members who have successfully founded newcompanies or are holding senior managerial positions.",2000年底,华迂广发起了一项努力,建立了行政俱乐部,这是谁的成员组成已成功创立新公司或正在担任高级管理职位。 +Suppose you open talks with an important customer by making an aggressive first offer.,假设你以一个咄咄逼人的报价来展开与一位重要客户的谈判。 +But I believe that kindness is repaid with kindness.,但是我相信,好心一定会有好报。 +Repeat Step 1 and try to stir the noodles again to wash away the wax coating on the noodles before cooking it in a,重复第1步,并搅拌以洗去蜡涂层,最后换水煮面条。 +"China's broad M2 measure of money supply rose 28.46% in June from a year earlier, picking up from the rate of 25.74%YoY in May.",6月,中国广义货币供应量M2同比增长28.46%,比5月25.74%的增幅有所加速。 +"One evening in the morning, a young man.",一个黄昏的早晨,一位年青的白叟。 +"In order to show fine and natural scenery, shooting scene telefilms should adopt mediums in image and artistry, and made full use of the light, angle, color and frame adjustment.",电视风光片的拍摄要采用形象、艺术的手段,充分利用光线、角度、色彩、影调的作用,来表现景区优美的风光。 +"After they pay for their purchases, customers receive a smile and a warm ""thank you"" from the clerk.",当他们付钱之后,店员会给予顾客一个微笑和一句温暖的「谢谢」。 +But make no mistake: This system poses a direct threat to Google's AdWords and Microsoft's AdCenter.,但不要搞错了:该系统将对Google的AdWords和微软的AdCenter构成直接威胁。 +About half of its annual 70 are co-productions with mainland Chinese partners; the other half are independent Hong Kong productions.,年产70部电影中,一半是和大陆联合拍摄,另一半是香港独立制作。 +"Next, the fishing boats stopped sailing from the ports, then the hearth smoke faded away and only a sandy haze was left hanging in the air;",接着,渔船停止从港口启航,然后炉烟逐渐消逝,只剩下一层沙色的薄雾悬在空中; +"""It is a form of indirect bullying like gossip, that spreads quickly outside of the playground, "" said Nathalie Noret from the University of York in northern England, part of the research team.",参与研究的英格兰北部约克大学成员娜塔莉.诺略特表示,「这种间接霸淩的方式就像八卦一样,很快就可传遍学校操场以外的地方」。 +"However, Leach is also familiar with some of the more unusual pastimes of CEOs.",而且,Leach对CEO们更多不寻常的娱乐也非常熟悉。 +"It's when everyday objects become connected to the Internet - taking us beyond the Social Web where people talk to each other, into a Web where things talk to each other (and us) as well.",物联网指的是我们的日常物品都与互联网连接在一起,它超越了人们赖以交流的社会化网络,将我们带进了一个 物体 相互(以及同人)交流的网络。 +"The invention provides a battery thermoplastic film packager, mainly automatically coating the thermoplastic film tube of cylindrical battery and also other battery shapes.",本发明提供了一种电池热塑膜包装机,主要用于圆柱形电池的热塑膜管自动套装,也可用于其他形状的电池套装。 +Help illustrate your points with visual aids.,直观教具帮助阐明你的观点。 +"""What business is that?"" Kay asked in the most natural way.",“那是什么产业?”凯十分自然地问道。 +Thousands of stranded travelers faced a nervy battle to get home for Christmas as snow and ice caused chaos at European airports. (CARL DE SOUZA/AFP/Getty Images),上千的被滞留,欧洲机场一片混乱,人们面临着圣诞节后回家的难题。 +"It also defines the actions needed to upload, download, and delete documents.",该模型还定义了上载、下载和删除文档所需要的操作。 +The carcinoma of choroid plexus expressed CEA as well. Conclusion:Choroid plexus tumors arising in and occupying the CP angle are rare.,结论:发生于CP三角的脉络丛肿瘤较罕见,确诊有赖于病理检查。 +"Even as investors are reminded that the credit crunch is not yet history, the news on America's economy is mixed.",虽然投资者意识到次债危机还没成为历史,但美国的经济新闻是杂乱的。 +"At the news conference on Monday, the Beijing vice mayor, Chen Gang, said officials were emphasizing safety at Olympic sites.",在周一的新闻发布会上,北京市副市长陈刚发言说,政府官员时刻强调奥运会场馆建设的安全问题。 +"The station, once completed, will be China's first inland Antarctic research station.",一旦这个考察站竣工,将是中国地一个内陆南极考察站。 +"To abandon small-scale guerrilla warfare and ""concentrate every single rifle in the Red Army"", as advocated by the Li Li-san line, has long since been proved wrong.",立三路线主张废弃小的游击战争,“一枝枪也集中到红军中去”,早已证明是不对的了。 +"To read Human Rights Watch’s letter to Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, click here.",(阅读 人权观察致美国国务卿康多莉扎∙赖斯的信). +"Before 1953, latitude-longitude identification methods were used to tag hurricanes.",1953年以前,人们习惯以经纬度坐标识别来标志飓风的。 +A group of compound words of modern Chinese shows the similar network feature in their inner structure to this theory.,现代汉语的一组复合词群落的内部结构显现了与激活扩散模型相似的网络性特点。 +I always travel with a tennis racket and football shoes.,我旅行的时候总带着网球拍和足球鞋。 +"A severe economic slump would depress land sales, a vital source of funding for local governments, and make their debt load even more precarious.","经济若严重萎缩,将压制土地出让,而土地出让金是中国各地政府重要的资金来源.这种情况会让其债务负担更摇摇欲坠." +1797 - The Bank of England issues the first one-pound note.,1797年的今天,英格兰银行发行了首张一英镑的钞票。 +"There is mechanical energy, mgh comes out in the scoops, and what does he notice?",是有机械能,来自于勺子,他看到什么? +"Then, with a blare of trumpets and a banging of drums, the show began.",接着,随着刺耳的喇叭声和鼓的重击声,演出开始了。 +"You can mention that you'll be discrete about your raise, and also make the point that your raise should be evaluated on its own merits.",在要加薪时,你可能得提提你会对这事保密,或者要求上司公正评估自己提薪的价值。 +"Gluten n. A mixture of plant proteins occurring in cereal grains, chiefly corn and wheat, used as an adhesive and as a flour substitute.",从玉米、小麦和其他谷类中产生的植物蛋白混合物,用作粘剂和面粉替代物。 +"Since then, China's cash stockpile —fueled by imbalanced Sino-U.S. trade —has only grown.",自此以后,中国的现金储蓄(中美贸易不平衡助长了它)有增无减。 +"During the time with her, she always brings happiness to me, you can listen to her talking about everything!",在这个时间陪陪她,她总能带来幸福,对于我来说,你可以听听她谈论一切! +Objective To investigate the effects of ulinastatin on erythrocyte lipid peroxidation in patients undergoing open heart surgery.,目的:观察乌司他丁对心内直视手术患者红细胞脂质过氧化损伤的保护作用。 +Objective:To explore the related factors of target center bias in the course of radiotherapy for esophageal carcinoma.,目的探讨影响食管癌放疗过程中靶中心移位的相关因素。 +"In people, it's a very undesirable trait, pain being the body's warning system and all, but in cattle due for slaughter, it could be viewed instead as humane.",这种事情发生在人类身上是非常不利的,因为疼痛是人体的预警信号。 但是对于即将被宰杀的肉牛来说,这样做也许是人道的。 +"His sketch, dated in 1493 and discovered in the 19th century, shows a vertical flight machine. As in the drawing, the GEN H-4 has no tail.",达·芬奇创作于1493年的一幅直升飞机的素描于19世纪被发现。GEN H-4直升机与这幅素描中的直升机一样,也没有尾翼。 +"The study result has been really applied to Huainan mining group, and will give references to mining area with analogous conditions for prediction, prevention and control of methane.",研究成果对于类似条件突出矿井的保护层开采具有一定的指导意义和应用价值。 +"Finally, with the development of the international disability movement, some ideas and experience should also be selectively adopted in China's ""Law on the Protection of Disabled Persons"".",随着国际残疾人权利运动的发展,一些被国际社会认可的理念和经验也应当被我国的《残疾人保障法》有选择性的采纳。 +"Eating habits have to change to a much lower calorie intake, much lower body weight, and we would be fitter as a result because we would be able to do more physical activity.",要改变饮食习惯,以更低的卡路里摄取量,体重低得多,我们将作为一个结果,因为我们可以做更多的体力活动体力充沛。 +"The uniform-printed questionnaires were sent out, and in the uniform instruction, the subjects were required to independently finish the questionnaires, which were taken back on the spot.",发放统一印制的健康调查问卷,统一指导语,由被调查者独立完成,现场收回问卷。 +"As an engineering student, it was more exciting and satisfying when my radio received FM signals than when I got all the answers right in paper tests.",作为一名工程手艺专业的学生来说,与考试拿满分对比,自己脱手建造的收音机能收到调频旌旗灯号更令人兴奋和知足。 +Er Ya new- prove is a research method to read and revise Er Ya taking advantage of unearthed ancient writing material such as oracle bone and bronze inscriptions and some on.,“尔雅新证”是指利用甲骨文、金文等出土古文字材料来校读《尔雅》的一种研究方法。 +"Tang fragrant flower want to restaurants to lee guess management, li hands to consider, guess also agreed to take the first one pot shop, admit proposed several conditions guess all promised down.",唐香花想把饭馆交给李猜猜经营,李小手要考虑一下,猜猜也同意接下天下第一锅的店铺,李有才提出的几个条件猜猜都答应下来。 +Method Consulting related data recordation and using tent taping cage to trap flies.,方法查阅有关资料记载并采用天幕式诱蝇笼诱捕法诱捕。 +Higher animals are evolved from lower animals.,动物 是由低等动物进化而来的。 +"Sprayable Energy's website recommends that users apply the spray in places where they normally spritz perfume, such as the neck or wrists, but warns users not to exceed 20 sprays a day.",能量喷雾网站还建议使用者把咖啡喷雾喷在普通香水的作用位置,比如脖子和手腕,但警告使用者一天喷雾不要超过20次以上。 +"Wool felt, wool processing is made of the length, quality, the higher the density, quality wool finer the higher the price.",羊毛毡,是用长短羊毛加工制成的,质量、密度越高,毛质越细价格也就越高。 +"Ziyun fell into deep thinking, so did Mother, and so did Father.",紫云陷入了沉思,母亲陷入了沉思,父亲陷入了沉思。 +"With hydroxyl group terminated PDMS on both side as feedstock, adding several kinds of fillers and adjuvants, the room-temperature vulcanized silicone rubber coatings are prepared.",以二羟基聚二甲基硅氧烷(PDMS)为基体,加入不同填料和助剂,制备了室温硫化硅橡胶涂层。 +The euro-zone slowdown may last longer than the commission's forecast of a 2010 pickup.,欧盟委员会预计欧元区经济会在2010年重拾升势,但经济放缓的实际持续时间可能会长于这一预期。 +Ghost of a mother- thinnest fantasy of a mother- methinks she might yet have thrown a pitying glance towards her son!,在我看来,一个母亲的幽灵——一个母亲的最淡漠的幻影——也会对她儿子投以怜悯的目光吧! +"In Chinese civilization, and in voluminous books are the most widely foreign translation and reading a book should be the tao-te.",在中华文明浩如烟海的书籍中,在国外被最为广为翻译和阅读的一本书要算是《道德经》。 +"Investigation and analysis, which involves assessing key quality attribute requirements vis-a-vis architectural approaches.",调查和分析,涉及评估相对于架构方法的关键质量属性需求。 +"There is a striking difference among the numbers of sportsmen from sports schools, experimental schools, traditional schools in colleges and universities, but not in professional teams.",体校、试点学校、传统学校向高校运动队输送人才数量有显著性差异,而向专业队输送运动员的数量差别不大; +Arsenal chief on any number of occasions when one of his players infringed the laws of the game.,阿仙奴领袖系任何一个场合中,当队入面既球员违反比赛规则时会讲既一句话。 +"You know, but when I had it in the streets in the vicinity of residential areas to roam over it for hours.",要知道,当年我可是曾在那一带的街道,居民区徜徉过好几个小时呢。 +"For delta- front slump turbidite fans, applying waveform analysis and inversion based on the stratigraphical dip modeling to predict the distribution of the promising sand bodies;",采用波形分析、倾角建模反演等技术进行定区带、定砂体的洼陷带浊积砂体预测技术系列; +Conclusion All-trans retinoic acid can inhibit the cultured infant HLEC proliferation in vitro and may become an ideal agent in preventing the infant posterior capsule opacification.,结论 全反式维甲酸能有效地抑制体外培养的婴幼儿晶体上皮细胞的增殖,有可能成为预防婴幼儿晶体后囊膜混浊的理想药物。 +The hydrogen production from hyacinth inoculated with preheated anaerobic active sludge by fermentation was studied.,采用加热预处理的厌氧活性污泥为接种物,对凤眼莲进行发酵产氢研究。 +"This method is especially suitable for 2(1/2)-axis NC machine tool path control system, because of easy calculation and excellent dynamic accuracy.",这种方法计算简便,动态精度较高,特别适用于2(1/2)座标的 数控 机床轨迹 控制。 +"The press will automatically switch over to cooling when the heating cycle is completed by means of a solenoid valve, which opens up the water flow when the heating time has elapsed.",这样当热压过程结束后压机会通过打开螺旋水阀自动切换到冷却程序。 +"Allow to float Ping at the moment although the reassurance done not necessarily triumph, in the mind but join stand in no panic of to alarm to, cool way:""Two elder generations have to this Mo do?""",任飘萍此刻虽没有必胜的把握,心里却并不畏惧,淡然道:“两位前辈一定要这麽做吗?” +"In the UPDC-cued task, chronic nicotine did not affect the acquisition of fear conditioning, short term extinction and long term extinction;",在UPDC范式中,慢性尼古丁处理对条件化恐惧反应的获得、长时程恐惧消退记忆及短时程恐惧消退记忆均无影响; +An object of this invention is to provide a cationic pullulan aminoalkyl ether and a method for the preparation thereof.,本发明的目的是提供带有阳离子的普鲁兰氨基烃基醚及其制备方法。 +Jess McMullin did a great job illustrating the different levels of design competency in his design maturity continuum (PDF).,Jess McMullin 在他的《design maturity continuum》中对设计能力的不同层次有出色的描绘。 +"Having become friends over the years, the guard asked him, ""Charlie, I've seen you walk out of here every night for twenty years. I know you've been stealing something.",他们做了好多年的朋友,警卫问他说,“查理,我看见你每天晚上从这里出去,有二十年了,我知道你一直在偷东西,现在你也退休了,告诉我吧,你到底偷了什么,我快被这件事搞疯了。” +Every summer my dad enjoys a banana split .,每年夏天,我爸爸都会享用一客香蕉船。 +It's never amusing to be looked upon as a sort of Jonah.,它从不可笑地会被看作是约拿。 +"No doubt, one writes differently to one’s friends than to one’s parents, who always fear the worst when one is away.",毫无疑问的是,给朋友和父母的卡片,书写的内容不能一样,因为当你不在身边的时候,父母老是往最坏的方面想。 +"Compounds in the tea called flavonoids stop blood platelets from forming clots, much like aspirin does.",茶中含有的黄酮醇能阻止血小板凝结,就像阿司匹林起的作用一样。 +This paper gave some remarks to the design and operational parameters of billet continuous caster mould.,本文对连铸小方坯结晶器的设计和操作参数作了一些说明。 +"Floors in the CLASSEN Style World range have a finely textured structure and are recommended for private residential use, featuring utilisation class 31/3.",克拉森简约系列产品表面有丝织纹理,推荐用在家用场合,使用等级为31/3级。 +"So that's why we pick up the slack. And we wrote a story and there was big media firestorm in the city, "" says Toomer.""",所以我们要报道这个事情,结果在纽约市掀起了巨大的媒体风暴。 +"These areas deal with emotions, and one of them, in particular, is known to respond to drugs that cause feelings of euphoria.",这些区域与人们的情感相关,特别其中的一个区域据悉会对引发极度兴奋感的毒品产生反应。 +"Indeed, an economic downturn tests an controversy that has been the bedrock of legal, employer-sponsored migration: Americans won't or can't do decisive jobs.",不错,经济低迷考验了这样一种说法:某些工作是美国人不愿做或是做不了的。这种观点奠定了雇主帮助申请工作签证的、合法移民项目的基础。 +"Pen sprang up with very bright eyes, and a flushed face.",潘一跃而起,眼睛水汪汪的,满脸通红。 +"Spadix armpit is unripe, much more ramose, show panicle pattern, main shaft and ramose on have small bud of back-to-back tubal shape total bud and crateriform piece;",肉穗花序腋生,多分枝,呈圆锥花序式,主轴和分枝���有紧接的管状总苞和漏斗状的小苞片; +"Anti-Catholic venom was part of the typical American school day, along with Bible readings.",反天主教言论成了当时典型美国人每日必修的一课,圣经阅读倒反而退居其次了。 +"Different trends of thought in the concept of surge of emotion, the child art education has been the development of skills in a certain impact.",在不同观念思潮的澎湃涌动下,幼儿美术教育技能的发展受到了一定的影响。 +Bidoof: Now whats going on?,大牙狸:现在发生什么事了? +The state trajectory of the resulting explicit MPC systems starting from any state in its state partitions is always infinite time-feasible.,算法收敛时设计得到的显式模型预测控制系统在其所有的状态分区上都是无限时间可行的。 +"Werewolves can be easily distinguished from regular wolves by several small distinguishing characteristics, such as the pupils of the eyes, the snout shape, and the tufted tail.",狼人和普通狼很容易区分,他们有细微的特征,如瞳孔,猪鼻,和尾巴。 +I authorize the University of Bedfordshire to provide to ICB and the China Agricultural University copies of any of my transcripts and disciplinary records.,本人授权英国贝德福德大学向中国农业大学及国际学院提供本人的所有成绩和奖惩记录。 +It`s a shame to see you go. We`ve been neighbors a long time.,你要走了.这真遗憾.我们是多年的邻居了. +Speak a new tongue.,说一种新语言。 +A large polarization magnitude is responsible for the strength of interaction while proper polarization rate and dielectric loss are necessary for the stability of interactions among particles.,大的极化强度确保相互作用强度,合适的极化速率和介电损耗以保证颗粒相互作用的相对稳定性。 +"Silverman describes the Swiss private collector as a very rich man who has promised to buy him ""lunch and dinner and caviar for the rest of my life if it ever does get sold.",西尔弗曼说那位瑞士私人收藏家非常富有,他还向西尔弗曼承诺,如果《午餐,晚餐和鱼子酱》会拍卖的话,他将帮忙买下。 +"One of the first village residents sent this letter praising the total privacy inside the village, saying ""all alone, no light, hard to breathe"".",该村首批居民中的一位前辈发来这封信,称赞村内所能享受到的完全隐私,他说:“独自一人、没有光线、难以呼吸”。 现在,他的所有信息都非常安全。 +"6Such is the generation of those who seek him, who seek your face, O God of Jacob. Selah",这是寻求耶和华的族类,是寻求你面的雅各(细拉)。 +This is when personal temptations tend to appear...,这是因为会有一些个人诱惑出现。 +The dog was called off when it started to bark at the stranger.,那条狗刚向陌生人吠叫时, 就被唤开了。 +"The Denver Nuggets keep coming back for a larger haul, pushing to get another 2010 first-round pick – injured, but promising rookie Damion James(notes) – into the trade package, a league source said.",掘金正在不择手段地要大捞一笔,据一个联盟内部消息源透露,他们要强制性地将另一个2010首轮秀——受伤但前景大好的新秀达米安·詹姆斯——一并打包交易。 +"He asks if you can join him for dinner, but you decline.",他问你能不能与他一起吃个晚饭,但你推辞了。 +"Nonetheless, nearly all foreign analysts believe that the announced defense budget does not represent the totality of Chinese defense-related spending.",尽管如此,几乎所有的外国分析家都认为公开的国防预算不能代表中国在军事方面的全部支出。 +Morgan Stanley has selected a broad field of candidates to conduct due diligence on CICC to improve the chances of getting a sufficiently attractive binding offer in the coming months.,摩根士丹利选择了多家机构展开对中金公司的尽职调查,以便能有更多机会在未来几个月获得一个足够诱人的约束性报价。 +"You can use content controls to prevent users from editing protected sections of the document or template, and you can also bind content controls to a data source.",您可以使用内容控制项以避免使用者编辑文件或范本中被保护的区段,也可以将内容控制项系结至资料来源。 +Being free of guilt does not mean that suffering and pain was not caused.,坦然地面对自己的愧疚感并不意味困扰和痛苦就不会发生。 +It acts as a natural cleanser due to the presence of saponin and one can apply the fresh gel on the hairs which is derived from the leaves of aloe Vera.,由于它含有皂角苷,因此可作为天然清洁剂,可将取自芦荟叶的新鲜凝胶涂抹在头发上。 +I suppose that's because there is not so much guessing and uncertainty.,我想这是因为没有太多的猜测和不确定因素的原故吧。 +"In every normal day, in every flustered distracted moment.",在每一个平常的日子里��在每一个心慌意乱的瞬间。 +"Of course, the Wang Niansun study the Mo Zi has some shortcomings also exist, for example, the system is not enough in some places the lack of use cases, such explanations thin.",当然,王念孙对《墨子》的研究也存在少许不足之处,比如说不够系统,有的地方缺乏用例,解说单薄等。 +"Because a 21-year-old Oregon Man Josh Seater was caught on a security camera urinating into a Portland reservoir, Portland officials is sending 8 million gallons of water down the drain.",据美联社20日报道,现年21岁的美国俄勒冈州男子乔斯亚•西亚特在向波特兰市一个水库撒尿时,刚好被摄像机拍下,随即波特兰官员将水库里800万加仑(3万吨)的水全部抽空。 +The RMI house's supplemental solar-powered water heater provides back-up in case the water heated by the panels on the roof isn't hot enough.,此外,马绍尔房子的补充太阳能热水器提供的备份,以防水中的屋顶板加热不够热。 +The amount of mortgage-backed securities issued skyrocketed beginning in late 2003.,从2003年底开始,房产抵押贷款证券的发行量急剧上升。 +"Wei Shusheng is a famous educator, he was known as a banner of quality education.",魏书生是我国著名的教育家,他被称为我国素质教育的一面旗帜。 +"This is a common problem commonly existing in many kinds of industry such as leather industry, textile industry, papermaking industry and ship-building industry etc.",这是一种普遍存在于许多产业的问题,如皮革业,纸业以及造船业等。 +Thousands of panda lovers turned out to greet the newest residents at a panda breeding facility in southwest China.,数千名熊猫爱好者涌向中国西南地区的熊猫繁育基地来迎接基地的新居民。 +"Find a home : If you’re about to put something down on your countertop, or table, or desk, or toss it on your couch or bed, think about this: is that where it belongs?",找到位子。 如果你要把某个东西放在你的台面、桌子、办公桌上,或沙发与床上,先想一下:这是这个东西的专属位子吗? +"Then, a few shovel-fulls later, he quieted down completely.",然而,几锹土下去之后,驴子平静了下来。 +"A massive failure of major suppliers could cause havoc for all major automakers manufacturing in North America, including Ford, Toyota Motor Corp (","由于美国供应链环环相扣,主要供应商若大规模倒闭,可能给北美所有大型汽车制造商的生产造成混乱,包括福特、丰田(7203.T: 行情)和本田(7267.T: 行情)." +"However, I suggested before they sell themselves short, they try to experience technology-related internships to see what a real life engineer does on a day-to day basis.",但我建议,在低估自己之前,她们应该尽量从事一些与技术相关的实习工作,了解工程师们每天的真实生活。 +I'm so happy t. o see you again…,又见到你我太兴奋。了… +"Applying the system to 630 artillery Serv. Control System, we have achieved expected results.",该系统在630火炮随动系统中应用后,达到了预期效果。 +"""Do you have coin?""I ask Kou cloud.",“你有硬币吗?”我问寇云。 +A micro-computer controlled turbulence data acquisition and processing system has been developed for the Program on Atmosphere-Land Surface Processes in Heihe River Basin(HEIFE).,本文介绍了HEIFE近地层观测中应用的大气湍流数据的采集和处理系统。 +"But so long as China maintains its current exchange-rate policy, it is, ironically, helping keep the dollar dominant.",这将导致其现有储备的未来损失。但令人啼笑皆非的是,只要中国保持目前的汇率政策,这有助于维持美元的主导地位。 +"A posteriori probability analysis method was proposed based on a parallel optimization algorithm, and applied to quantitative analysis of matched inversion results.",构造了一种基于并行优化算法的后验概率分析算法,用于对匹配场反演结果进行定量的概率分析。 +"As the chart below shows, Sprint had the best download bandwidth in four of the eight cities and was highly competitive in the other four.",正如下表所示,Sprint在8个城市中的4个拥有最好的下载带宽,在其余4个城市里也具有很强的竞争力。 +The expression of P63 in breast invasive ductal carcinoma was weak and 8 cases (8. 3%) showed rare neoplastic cells positive staining.,P63在乳腺浸润性导管癌中有8例(8。3%)呈现少量的肿瘤细胞阳性,并且主要表达于低分化的乳腺癌中。 +"From the first day of the lunar year, people pay New Year calls on relatives and friends, which is an important custom for the Spring Festival.",从初一开始,人们要走亲戚、看朋友,互相拜年。拜年,是春节的重要习俗。拜年时,大家都要说一些祝愿幸福、健康的吉祥话。 +The letters are collected from postboxes. They are then taken to the sorting office.,信从邮箱��取出,然后被送到分拣处。 +"According to the feature of rainfall reports in northeast China, the rainfall element database was developed independently in Shenyang Meterological Center and put into operation.",沈阳区域气象中心根据东北区域雨量报告的特点,自主开发了雨量要素库并投入业务使用。 +"For non-Christians, your lack of faith actually is an even greater faith than Christianity.",对于非基督徒来说,你选择不相信基督教,其实比选择相信还需要更大的信心。 +"According to the related rules, theree is a right of management in foreign trade after our entrance into WTO.",我国加入WTO后,按照世界贸易组织的相关规定,企业有了外贸经营权。 +Everything from concept to first sketch to getting it modeled and animated into the game to creating special effects to giving it a voice or sound.,从最初的概念到*图到建模到动画化到加入特效到回应音效,这些我都想知道。 +MEF offers a set of discovery approaches for your application to locate and load available extensions.,MEF 为你的应用提供了一套发现方法来定位和加载可用的扩展。 +This is just before he decides to cope with the disappearance of his wife by sitting at the bottom of a dry well for hours at a time.,(这发生在书中主人公一次坐在一个枯井里,几个小时的思考他老婆的失踪)。 +"In this paper, an experiment about multi-standard video signal conversion is presented.",介绍了多制式数字视频信号转换电路的实验设计。 +"American photographer Donald Miralle, Jr takes first prize in the Sports Action Stories category with this photo showing the Ironman World Championships, Hawaii 2009",美国摄影师小唐纳德·米拉列凭这幅夏威夷2009年铁人世锦赛图片赢得体育动作故事组别一等奖。 +PBE can introduce special concerns regarding model structures.,PBE 可以引入关于模型结构的特殊关注。 +"From ancient times, it has been teeming with poets, painters, Confucian scholars and government officials.",自古以来,它一直盛产诗人,画家,儒家学者和政府官员。 +The Spaces section describes the DBSpaces that currently exist.,Space 区域描述当前存在的 DBSpaces。 +ConclusionHarvest time is the crucial factor for Portulaca oleracea on the content of polysaccharides.,结论采收期是影响马齿苋中多糖含量的重要因素。 +"Khamees is one of Gaddafi's sons, and al-Jalil says that each son controls a unit of Libya's military.",哈米斯是卡扎菲的一个儿子,而前司法大臣贾利勒称,每个儿子控制了利比亚军事的一个单元。 +"This is a very novel and special design, artistic and full of creativity. The design pursued a kind of modern style , it's an applied and creative space.",这是一个非常新颖别致的室内装饰设计,别致风雅、创意无穷。它追求了一种现代潮流的风格流线,是个既实用又有创意的个性空间。 +Who is there but takes pity on this poor motherless little girl.,有谁不怜悯这个失去母亲的可怜小小姑娘。 +The effect of mineral on conversion of coal and sulfur with different forms in Yima during pyrolysis and hydropyrolysis in a fixed bed reactor was studied.,在加压固定床上研究了矿物质对义马煤热解和加氢热解产物分布规律以及不同形态硫转化的影响。 +"The brick relief as Han Dynasty time unique time product, had close contacting with at that time the social history's special background.",画像砖作为汉代独特的时代产物,与当时社会历史的特殊背景具有密切的联系。 +"He looked so funny, we all roared with laughter.",他看上去那么滑稽,我们都哈哈大笑。 +"The capsule included medical, sleeping, landing, storage and surface modules with a total interior space of only 550 cubic meters.",机舱容积只有五百五十立方米,要有医疗,睡眠,着陆,储藏,和表面模块等模拟功能和设备。 +"Porritt, who has two children, intends to persuade environmental pressure groups to make population a focus of campaigning.",普罗特他自己有两个孩子,他打算说服环境压力团体把人口问题作为竞选的一个主要问题。 +Thirty security personnel are released safely in the South Waziristan region of Pakistan.,在巴基斯坦的南瓦齐里斯坦有三十位安全人员获释。 +Heidegger's special contribution to the theory of modernity lay in that he subverted modern western metaphysics thoroughly and traced back to the question of being.,海德格尔对现代性理论的特殊贡献在于他对西方现代形而上学的彻底颠覆和对“存在”问题的追根溯源。 +"But age after 30 years old, the animalistic protein starts to drop, this drop is different from person to person.",但是年龄到了30岁以后,动物性的蛋白就开始要下降,这个下降因人而异。 +Gerakan Youth condemns the act of sending death threats as it is a dangerous act which threatens the safety of individuals.,���青团对此严厉谴责有关的死亡恐吓行为,威胁人身安危的举动。 +It was suggested that the dielectric property research of magnetic water should be paid more attention.,指出在磁化水的介电性能研究方面存在的不足,并对其今后的研究方向作了预测。 +How to get a jump-start: Get to know established midwives and doulas in your area and ask if you can witness a birth or postpartum counseling session to see if the field's for you.,如何开始工作:必须熟知你圈子内的接生员和助产师,并询问他们你是否可以在旁观看生产过程或参与产后咨询工作,以此来考虑这份工作是否适合你。 +Duality also makes the choice of forum a complicated question.,双轨制也使法院的选择成为一个复杂的问题。 +"Moreover, it is a chance to see a real large production of an indoor concert, and the ever changing images of Mui Tzai, young people definitely would not let go this opportunity.",加上可以有机会看到香港大制作的室内演唱会和梅姐引以为豪的百变造型,年轻人一定也不舍得放弃这样机会的。 +Agreement may be achievable only by formulas so vague as to invite later disavow al or disagreement.,只有采用非常含糊的提法,才有可能达成协议,而这些提法往往因其含糊而引起后来的否认或分歧。 +Corporations' earnings are accumulated separately from its paid-in equity capital.,股份有限公司的盈利是在其缴入的业权资本之个单独累积的。 +"It's an active process, and just as you would if you put on tinted glasses, you can guess how the editors' leaning shapes your perception.",这是一个积极活动的过程,就像你,如果你戴上了有色眼镜时,就可能想象到编辑是怎样对你观点倾向进行塑造的。 +"Of course, and the family no such need, and do you have to use chopsticks to eat at home?",当然,和家里人就没这个必要了,难道你在家吃饭也要用公筷? +The British retailer Tesco has opened dozens of its Fresh &Easy grocery stores in the U.S.: all the lanes are self-checkout.,英国零售商特意购(Tesco)已经在美国设立了几十个Fresh&Easy食品商店:所有的结账通道都是自助式的。 +"Since 1979, the China Center has worked to strengthen the bridge of understanding, friendship, exchange, and cooperation between U. S. and Chinese people and cultures.",自一九七九年以来,中国中心努力建设美中两国文化和人民之间的理解、友谊和合作之桥。 +"It might have been eight o'clock in the evening. As he was not acquainted with the streets, he recommenced his walk at random.",当时应已是晚上八点钟了,因为他不认识街道,他只得信步走去。 +"From my previous article, recall that ""$1"" is the first command line argument -- in this case, ""sed-3.02.ebuild"".","""$1"" 是第一个命令行自变量 -- 在这里,是 ""sed-3.02.ebuild""。" +"Dadar was once a centre for textile industries, before the strikes in the early 1980s brought with it disaster for the industry.",达德拉曾经是纺织工业中心,之前80年代的一次罢工给该行业带了灾难性的创伤。 +"Federal revenue plunged after George W. Bush cut taxes and rose after hikes under both his father, George H.W. Bush, and Bill Clinton.",乔治·不什在继他的父亲乔治H.W.布什和比尔·克林顿两位总统后同样实行减税而这使得联邦的税收突然的下降。 +"The clonal selection algorithm arises from an immune optimization algorithm, which is proposed based on the clonal selection theory of immunology.",克隆选择算法是基于免疫学中的克隆选择学说而产生的一种免疫优化算法。 +Results:The preparation time of Group A was shorter than that of group B(P<0.05)O.,结果:A组平均单根管预备时间较B组短,两组差异有统计学意义(P<0.05); +"factory should contain the templates shipped with Maypole, which we don't need to modify.",factory 将放置 Maypole 附带的模板,这些我们不需要修改。 +"For those at the bottom, mum’s assistance may be the only thing that allows them to father the next generation.",对于那些处于最底层的倭黑猩猩来说,只有母亲能帮他们当上父亲,培育下一代。 +Just over 500 sea turtles and 64 dolphins have also been found dead.,也只发现了500来只海龟和64头海豚死亡。 +"The story from the early autumn a weather good let people want to crime at noon, half past autumn began a sunny afternoon end.",故事从初秋的一个天气好得让人想立功的晌午开端,仲秋的一个阴沉的下午完毕。 +"Even so, the new rules apparently will not help extricate Zhang, known for movies such as ""Red Sorghum, "" ""Raise the Red Lantern, "" and ""Hero, "" from his current troubles.",即便如此,全新的法律也无法帮助张艺谋摆脱困境,张艺谋以拍摄的电影“红高粱”,“大红灯笼高高挂”“英雄”而为人熟知。 +"The troop surge, and new tactics of holding areas after insurgents were expelled, brought a measure of calm to parts of Baghdad and other areas of Iraq.",增兵行动以及在驱逐暴乱分子后继续坚守的新策略,在某种程度上使巴格达某些市区和伊拉克其他一些地区恢复了平静。 +"In an airfare war, all airlines may cut their prices to the same level, but the one that advertises the fare reduction first usually gets the lion's share oof the business.",在航空业大战中,所有航空公司都可能将价格降至同一水平,但是最先作降价广告的公司通常能占有市场的最大份额。 +"Unique sports car features a powerful 8-cylinder engine, weights less than 1200 kg (2645 lbs), and has a top speed of 300 km/h (185 mph).",这款独一无二的跑车的特色在于强大的八缸发动机,车身重量少于1200千克(2654磅),最高时速达300公里/小时(185英里/xiao) +Okay. That's it for today.,好了,今天到此为止。 +"In the absence of locally grown food in Sudan's Darfur region, for the supply of refined grain hungry people is very important.",在缺乏本地种植的粮食的苏丹达尔富尔地区,成品粮对于供给饥饿人群很重要。 +"Getting back to the Internet Addiction Test, there’s surprisingly few psychometric validity studies conducted on this test.",再回到网络成瘾测验,奇怪的是很少的有效的心理测量被用到这个测试中来。 +"""Climate change is a global phenomenon and a long-term phenomenon, "" Dr. Easterling explains.",“气候的改变是全球现象,也是长期现象” Easterling博士解释道。 +"Said the Master, ""And of what use is action that proceeds from an unenlightened heart""?",大师反问:“那么,如果这个行为是出自一颗无知的心呢?” +"Interesting picture from Child's heart, the bright color painted China a colorful world, with the dragon, the Buddha, and Fortune.",孩子具有童趣的画面和鲜明的色彩将他们心目中的中国描绘得五彩缤纷。龙和菩萨、“福”字以及其他。 +Mr. Li did not check in until yesterday.,李先生直到昨天才签到。 +That’s why the AHA is taking the position that no form of nicotine-containing tobacco is safe.,这就是为什么美国健康协会认为,任何一种含有尼古丁的烟草都是不健康的原因。 +"Tell me, is Colonel Gerard here?",喂,热拉尔团长在这儿吗? +"This sterilizer can be used in hospitals, dispensaries and scientific research units to boil and sterilize small instruments, vessels and appliances.",电热定时煮沸消毒器适合医院、诊疗所、卫生院和科研等单位对小型器械、器皿与用具进行煮沸消毒之用。 +"The Cordón Caulle geothermal area is the largest active geothermal area in the southern Andes, says the Global Volcanism Program.",科登·考列地热区是南美安第斯山区活动着的最大地热区,全球火山计划小组说。 +"They all ate rather hurriedly and then after a hasty chorus of ""Happy Birthday"" and much gulping of cake, the party broke up.",他们匆匆吃完菜,草草地合唱了一段“祝你生日快乐”,狼吞虎咽地吃掉蛋糕,然后就宴终席散了。 +The experiment indicates that the model is reasonable and its implementation is reliable. It effectively supports the application of the migrating workflow in the wireless environment.,实验表明,无线迁移工作流环境中程序按需移动模型合理,运行可靠,有效支持迁移工作流在无线环境中的应用。 +"For two years Rappaport and her five siblings had been at the center of a custody battle between her mother, with whom she shares a name, and her father.",那两年来,与母亲同名的Rappaport和她五个兄弟姊妹一直是父母监护权之战的重心。 +"Today marks one full year since astronomers discovered the planet Neptune—one Neptunian year, that is.",今天是天文学家发现海王星一周年——海王年。 +"Quite simply, money is a representation of energy or work--both of which have been around since our primordial beginnings.",很简单,因为它代表着能量或者说工作——这二者在我们人类蛮荒之初就已存在。 +"Methods: Using the medicines such as nerve growth factor, Shexiang injection, Danshen injection, and Vitamin B1, B12 to cure after got the acupoints by dialectical.",方法:应用神经生长因子、麝香注射液、丹参注射液、维生素B1、维生素B12等药物,进行辨证取穴治疗。 +"The rest pay an annual tax for this outside garment of all, become indispensable summer and winter, which would buy a village of Indian wigwams , but now helps to keep them poor as long as they live.",极大多数人若要身外有所荫蔽,得每年付出一笔租金,在夏天冬天,荫蔽是少不得的,可是这祖金,本已足够他买下一个印第安人的尖屋的,现在却害得他在世上活多久也就贫困多久了。 +We have five English classes every week.,我们每周有五节英语课。 +"I piped up, ""That's the Pathetique” and Miller looked over at me and said, ""That's terrific, kid.""",“这是《悲怆》,”米勒转过头来看着我说:“太棒了! 孩子。” +"The government plans to spend 2.8 trillion renminbi ($438 billion) in the next five years improving the system, at least half of which is likely to come from borrowing.",政府计划在接下来的5年间花费2.8万亿人民币投资铁路,这部分资金中一半都是借款。 +"Many reasons lie behind the transmutation of scholar morals, of which the most important one is the rapid development of commodity economy during Qianlong Period.",士风嬗变的形成有许多原因,其中最主要的原因是乾隆时期商品经济的迅速发展。 +"But distribution, printing and back-office operations are easier to consolidate without blurring brands—which is why the Post and the Daily News are exploring such possibilities.",但是物流,印刷和后勤部门更容易融合在一起即使有着不同的品牌,这些正是邮报和新闻日报在寻求的某种可能性。 +"And Rabshakeh said unto them, Speak ye now to Hezekiah, Thus saith the great king, the king of Assyria, What confidence is this wherein thou trustest?",拉伯沙基说,你们去告诉希西家说,亚述大王如此说,你所倚靠的有什么可仗赖的呢。 +"Under the background, Electronic Portfolio Assessment as a new evaluation method comes into the view of information technology teachers.",反在那类背景上,电女档案袋评价那类旧亡的评价方式走入了信做技巧教生的视家。 +"The author argues that establishment of villagers' self- help organizations is a complex social engineering, and is a necessary condition for effective community forest management.",村民自助组织是开展集体行动、管理森林资源的一项必要的社会工程。作者认为建立村民自助组织是一项复杂的社会工程。 +"Mankind is represented by the Three Kings, who are paying homage to the Messiah.",三王代表着人类,正向救世主表示敬意。 +"For every single act that is senselessly destructive, there are thousands more small, quite acts of love, kindness and compassion.",相对每一个无谓的破坏行为而言,都有更多数以千计更为微小的、包含着爱、友善和同情的举动静静地上演着。 +"She was immediately carted off to be sold for two snowmobiles and a year's supply of food, and ended up leaning against a wall being gnawed by stray dogs.",一经发现,她就被那位牧民立即运去卖掉,换回两辆摩托雪橇以及一年的食物,而她则靠在某处的一堵墙上,忍受着野狗的咬啃。 +"The researchers found huge variability between global populations along measures of motivation, self-perception, reasoning, heritability of IQ and even visual perception.",研究者们发现世界各地的人在动机、自我感知、推理、智商遗传,甚至视觉感知方面存在着极大的差异。 +"Punch a hole in the middle of the paper cover where the hole of the spool is. Now your hole should run through the paper, spool, and cardboard without any obstructions.",在纸片棉线轴洞的位置打个洞,这个洞贯穿了纸片、棉线轴和硬纸板,洞内没有其他遮挡物。 +"Guangzhou existing residential hall in the New World garden villas, the Asian Garden and a few scattered throughout the city for rental property, high-grade, the other is not available for rental.",目前,广州现有的豪宅除了二沙岛的新世界花园别墅、金亚花园及散布于市内各处的少数高档物业可供出租外,其他可供出租的并不多。 +Youquanzi oilfield is a shallow low production reservoir with low permeability and low pressure.,油泉子油田是一个浅层低渗、低压的低产油藏。 +"The doctor had to keep them naked and then smeared thick lithospermi oil over their bodied, which was the best way we used in burn treatment.",医生只好将他们全身赤裸,抹上厚厚的紫草油,这是当时我们这儿治烧伤最好 的办法。 +"GRUB 2 is the default boot loader in Ubuntu 9.10, and it's an option in most other major Linux distributions.",GRUB 2 是 Ubuntu 9.10 中的默认引导加载程序,也是其他许多主流 Linux 发行版的默认引导加载程序。 +"It was also indicated, plant flower initiation need more phosphorus, and while the phosphatase activity was enhanced. The activity of phosphatase was significantly related wi…",柑桔成花需要大量的磷素营养,相应磷酸酯酶的活性也增加; +"Dolls,small cars, catching lobsters,they were my unforgettable memories that you gave me.when i was in primary school, you never brought me an unbrella because you wanted me to be tougher.",是你让我的儿童时代充满美好回忆,娃娃,汽车,捕捉龙虾和螃蟹。 在小学,每次下雨学校门口都看不到你来为我送伞,你说这会让你学会坚强。 +Say you're with a friend and you go to a bar.,假设你在一个朋友一起上酒吧喝一杯。 +Air France confirmed last night that the name on the boarding pass corresponded to the name of one person thought to have been on the aircraft when it crashed.,法国航空公司昨晚证实,登机牌上的名字与飞机坠毁时机上某人员的名字相符。 +"In 1976, this very organization adopted an international convention, and all the signatories to that convention agreed to return stole cultural objects to the country of origin.",教科文组织早在1976年就通过一项公约,那就是各个成员国达成共识,要把从别的国家抢来的文物归还给原来的国家。 +You mentioned van Gogh as being an influence when you were younger.,你提到在你小的时候梵高就开始影响着你。 +Q4: You find what is the problem?,您发现这样解决的问题在哪里? +The Portugese hold a deep appreciation and respect for their history and many festivals have been around for centuries.,葡萄牙举行深为赞赏和尊重他们的历史和许多节日已出现数个世纪。 +"China's local governments, which ran up huge debts during the record-breaking lending spree of the past year, are now feeling the pinch as authorities in Beijing tighten credit.",随着中央政府有关部门收紧信贷,在去年创纪录的信贷狂潮中积累了巨额债务的中国地方政府,现在已经感受到了寒意。 +"Measures in train to make it easier for farmers to settle in cities with their families will also accelerate the development of an urban-based service economy, boosting consumption.","一系列针对农民工在打工城市安置家人的便利措施,也会推动以城市为基础的服务业发展,同时刺激消费." +Objective:To study the in-vitro inhibitory of limax polysaccharide on hepatitis B virus.,目的:研究蛞蝓多糖体外抗乙型肝炎病毒的作用。 +A member of a sect of ancient Greek philosophers.,犬儒是古代希腊哲学学派之一。 +Theologians offer strange rationalizations for such absurdities.,神学家居然也能为这种荒谬的事编出奇怪的解释. +"An emergency session of the 15-member United Nations Security Council (including the United States, Russia and China) on Monday unanimously condemned the nuclear test.",星期一,由15 个成员国组成的联合国安理会举行紧急会议,一致谴责北韩的核子试验。 +"Case C: uses the money to hire Bob to sit at home and watch Family Feud reruns, which Bob does not enjoy quite as much as Mork and Mindy.",案例C:用这笔钱雇佣鲍勃呆在家里看《家庭问答》节目重播,而鲍勃并不喜欢看这个节目,他更喜欢看《默克与明蒂》。 +"How you define ""self-image""?",你如何定义“自我形象“? +Layered Process Audits (LPA) are a system of audits performed by multiple levels of management. Key process characteristics are audited frequently to verify process conformance .,逐层过程审核(LPA)是由多个管理层进行的系统审核。对关键过程特性进行频繁的审核以验证过程符合性。 +"The red, green and blue digital color values of a digital image, from a flatbed scanner, were related with optical densities, and their standard deviations were composed into graininess .",该方法建立了数字影像中红、绿、蓝色值与印片三色光学密度的关系,由三色数值标准偏差的平方加权组合形成颗粒性评价值。 +"To enable the trace, check the checkbox on the right hand side and click the OK button.",要启用跟踪,选中右手边的复选框并单击 OK 按钮。 +"Beauty, find thyself in love, not in the flattery of thy.",啊,美呀,在爱中找你我自己吧,不要到你镜子的谄谀赴寻找。 +"A building within a building, One open to the sun, the other to life.",建筑中的建筑,一面迎向阳光,一面向生命展开。 +"It's actually… it's a very good question. That's human for you though — you comfort us, and we dismember you!",事实上…这是个非常好的问题。人类对你们来说就是这样–你安慰了我们,然后我们就肢解你们! +Objective To determine the polysaccharides in Bauhinia Champloni(Benth.,目的测定梅花入骨丹多糖含量。 +Eye Rays (Su): Each of a beholder's ten eye rays resembles a spell cast by a 13th level caster.,眼球射线(超自然):眼魔的十道眼球射线,每一道都相当于施法者等级13的同名法术效果。 +Concretion found in New Zeland. Concretion found in the steppe of Kazakhstan.,这种聚集在新西兰被发现,在哈萨克斯坦的大草原上也有发现。 +"If the bigger-name players stay beyond the end of the month the team will be strong, it will keep the fans happy and give the club an excellent chance of going back up at the first attempt.",如果更大的名玩家月份结束后留。球队将强大的,它让球迷高兴,并给俱乐部一个极好的机会,在第一次尝试备份。 +"There may be better beaches for body surfing, but this was on the very high end of swimming and wading spots.",冲浪的话可能会有更好的海滩,但是这个海滩是游泳和涉水行走的绝佳地点。 +"HD video camera may HDV191: Digital ""Camera:"" Camera: Standard Financial the product is brand new.",爵士HDV191高清数码摄像机:数码相机:相机:标准库存产品 - 产品是全新的。 +"But all too often, a relationship becomes a battleground where each partner becomes well schooled in the art of inflicting pain on the other.",不过一切太频繁,一段关系成为一个战场,在每一方在对别人造成伤害的艺术中成为好的学校。 +"People with IGT or IFG are at high risk of progressing to type 2 diabetes, although this is not inevitable.",糖耐量受损患者或空腹血糖受损患者面临发展为二型糖尿病的高度风险,虽然这并非不可避免。 +"""If only the key fits! "" he thought. ""Certainly there are valuable things in the chest. """,如果钥匙合适,他想,铁箱里一定有值钱的东西。 +"Because the identification procedure is carried out in the natural state of oil films, the results obtained are close to the true values.",由于是在油膜的正常工作状态下识别其参数,所得结果更加接近于真实情况。 +My name is Tin-Tin and I have studied Swedish in Taipei at Enspyre Academy.,为什麽瑞典话?我曾经在台北的安石学院学习瑞典话。 +"The detector's control system design under the steady-state flight is achieved, at the same time the classic PD control law is improved to be more simple and effective;",完成了探测器稳态飞行阶段控制系统设计,对经典的PD控制律进行了简单有效的改进; +"The garden has smart and elegant surroundings of trees, flowers and rockeries which allow you to relax and enjoy the outdoor environment.",庭院花园小巧别致,假山花草相映成趣,是沐浴阳光、放松心情的好地方。 +"You and I cannot paint a woman in a field of grass like Andrew Wyeth can, but we can paint our woman in our own grassy field.",你、我都不能像安德鲁•魏斯那样给草坪中的女子画画,但是在我们的草地上我们可以为我们的女子画画。 +Your daughter will come back to you. This is just a phase she's going through.,你女儿会回到你身边的。这不过是她正在经历的一个阶段而已。 +Hair: A 10-pound hairball was found in the belly of an 18 year old woman in New England.,美国东北部新英格兰地区一名18岁女孩肚子里竟然有10磅重的头发! +He had an amusing excuse for executing the executive.,"对于处决决策人,他有一个可笑的理由." +He's a fantastic player and is certainly one that our defence has to look out for.,他是个梦幻般的球员,而且的确是我们防守时必定要照顾的一个。 +It shows hot pl escaping into space as a fiery prominence breaks free from magnetic confinement a hundred thousand kilometers above the Sun.,它呈现了一个狂暴的日珥挣脱磁场的束缚冲到数十万公里高空时,炽热电浆脱离太阳进入太空的情景。 +"Gasoline vapour is very explosive, wipe up spilled gasoline at once, and put cloths outside to dry. Never Bring an open flame near gasoline!",汽油蒸气是易爆物质。应立即拭去溅出的汽油,并用棉布把表面擦干。禁止明火靠近汽油。 +Applicants must have a reasonable command of the English language and a good record of conduct.,申请人须具有一定英语能力且品学优良。 +"In my memory, no one of the classic works such as"" three lives"" Haizi"" will be the"" peak"" on"" Ma in the book, neither to"" dry overdraft reservoir"" as a fixed priority principle related words.",在我的记忆中,没有一本经典作品如《三命通会》《渊海子评》《神峰通考》等书中,根本没有烟台信息港所谓要以“干透支藏”作为定格的优先原则相关论述文字。 +Unreinforced toughened high performance polyamide resin. PPA resin.,无加强增韧高性能聚酰胺树脂。 +"And some fear that, without strongercompetition, energy firms would use dynamic tariffs to raise prices, not just to even outdemand.",时一些人也担心到,没有强有力的竞争,能源公司只是利用动态电价来变向涨价而并非平衡需求。 +"With the help of observed data, this paper analyses the distribution of temperature gradient in Local areas and discusses the effect on observation horizontal angles.",本文结合实测试验资料,分析了局部区域内温度梯度分布特点和变化规律,讨论了它们对水平角观测的影响。 +The Al alloy foam with high specific strength studied in the past few years has polygonal pores and high porosity.,以往研究的泡沫纯铝及高比强铝合金,其固态孔结构都是多边形孔高孔隙率。 +How to save those students depends on the extent to which they violate the law and whether they have reached the legal age.,对有罪错学生采用何种教育挽救方式,取决于他们违法行为的严重程度和是否达到法定责任年龄。 +"And even though I've read The Worst Case Scenario Handbook, I'm still confused as to whether you are supposed to defend yourself by hitting them in the snout or the eye.",虽然我读过《绝境求生》,却依然相当困惑,我们是否该击中鲨鱼的鼻子或眼睛进行自卫呢? +"Blow and all, I was the first afoot again; for Hands had got involved with the dead body.",尽管如此,我还是先站了起来,因为汉兹被尸体缠住了。 +"Epilepsy responds to treatment about 70% of the time, yet about three fourths of affected people in developing countries do not get the treatment they need.",针对癫痫病的治疗70%会产生效果。 但是,在发展中国家,约有四分之三的受影响人群不能得到所需的治疗。 +In 1992 Perot tried to organize a third party at the national level.,1992年,佩罗特试图组建一个国家级别的第三政党。 +if he is identified as having committed a crime by the victim or by an eyewitness;,被害人或者在场亲眼看见的人指认他犯罪的; +"I love literature, poems and English.",本人爱好文学,诗词,英语。 +"However, while you could bind mount /dev/shm to /tmp and be done with it, your /dev/shm contains some directories that you don't want to appear in /tmp.",然而,虽然您可以在 /tmp 绑定安装 /dev/shm 就完成了,但您的 /dev/shm 还包含一些您不想在 /tmp 出现的目录。 +"In fact, the company B &Q is relatively good, the transferor 's withdrawal may also be adjusted with the B &Q have some internal business relationship.",其实百安居这个公司是比较不错的,转让方此次退出,可能也与百安居内部业务调整有一定的关系。 +Set deadlines for tasks and see who delivers the best quality product/ service within the stipulated time.,设置任务的最终期限,看看谁能够在规定时间内提交最好质量的产品/服务。 +"Comparative study of gonadal development of male diploid and triploid oyster, Crassostrea gigas was made by means of flow cytometry (FCM).",FCM法是一种研究性腺发育的快速、准确、简便的方法。 +"Metallic catalysts are highly active, but they're difficult to remove once the reaction is done, leaving small impurities that can nonetheless interfere with a chip's performance.",金属催化剂是高活性的,但一旦它们发生了反应就很难分离出去,留下微小的杂质可能影响芯片的性能。 +"To solve the problem, a novel design scheme of DPU is proposed, which uses the low power consumption controller AT91RM9200 as CPU for the DPU to construct a new single-board DPU.",针对这些缺点,提出了一种新的分布式处理单元的设计方案,方案采用了目前流行的低功耗控制器AT91RM9200作为分布式处理单元的CPU,从而构建了一款新型的单板分布式处理单元。 +Objective: Study on relation between mechanism of analgesic action of extraction of natrix tigrina lateralis by alcohol and monoamine neural transmitter in hypothalamus.,目的:研讨虎斑游蛇醇提物镇痛作用机理与下丘脑单胺类神经递质含量变化的关系。 +The effects of kinds and dosage of carbon black on bending destroyed durability and dynamic properties of NR and S-SBR vulcanizates were discussed.,探讨炭黑种类及用量对天然橡胶(NR)和溶聚丁苯橡胶(S-SBR)硫化胶的耐屈挠破坏性及动态力学性能的影响。 +PLM concepts requires significant expansion of data management scope in the organization.,PLM这个概念非常注重数据管理在组织内的可扩展性。 +"My ""real"" father's visitation request was denied that day;",那天我的“亲”爸爸没有达到要求。 +"The WHO surgical safety checklist, developed under the leadership of Dr Gawande, identifies a set of surgical safety standards that can be applied in all countries and health settings.",现在,在Gawande 博士领导下制定的世卫组织手术安全核对表确定了一整套手术安全标准,可适用于世界各国及其卫生机构。 +Many employees seem to think their bosses have no desire to improve.,很多员工觉得,自己的老板根本就是在原地打转。 +The familial per capita average agrarian area and the workforce affected the farmer to adopt the vegetable technology in plastic shelter too.,农民的家庭人均耕地面积、户均劳动力也影响农民采用大棚蔬菜技术。 +"Fuda group has maintained rapid development in recent years, Guangxi become one of the fastest-growing enterprises.",福达集团近几年来一直保持高速发展,成为广西成长最快的企业之一。 +"For updates, virtual appliances often provide ""automatic update"" capabilities.",对于更新,虚拟设备经常提供“自动更新”功能。 +"The trick then works automatically, no matter which sequence of folds the audience chooses.",不管观众选择怎样的折叠序列,戏法之后就自动变出来了。 +""" One writer said: ""I don't support racism, but this black ghost really makes people angry, the appearance of a little black who has made good.",但是这个黑鬼的确让人讨厌,纯粹小黑人得志的样子哦”。 +Collect achievements to let your feeding machine reach new levels.,收集成就让你到达新的水平堆取料机。 +"Because of its separate structure between microprocessor bus and DMA bus, the recorder achieves higher data transfer rate.",由于采用分离的微处理器总线和DMA总线结构,因此实现较高的数据存储速率。 +"Cai Yuanpei and Jang Menglin who were teacher-student and from the same hometown, had similar backgrounds in culture and education.",蔡元培与蒋梦麟是师徒、同乡,具有相近的文化和教育背景,均在中国现代教育史上产生了重要影响。 +He dropped into a chair and sat looking stolidly at the floor.,半夜了,他还坐在摇椅里摇着,盯着地板发呆。 +"The driving forces of their poetic creativity came from their self-denial, their self-denunciation of their bodies and their roles as women.",她们的创作动力来自对女性的自我否定和对其肉体的嘲讽。 +"Through the experiment, it is proved that the test-bed has some advantages such as high reliability, high precision, high-degree automatization and easy to use.",通过实际使用,证明该试验台具有工作可靠、精度及自动化程度高、操作简单等优点。 +"I was in the broadcasting station, tried my best to answer the broadcasters' curiosity with yeeyeewoowoo.",我在电台里,咿咿呜呜的努力回答主持人的好奇。 +This way to the cessation of dukkha is an easy way. It is difficult because we do not really know. Therefore we have doubt and lack of confidence.,这条灭苦之道是一条简易之道,它之所以会困难是因为我们没有真正了解,才会有疑惑而没信心。 +"In the study, 1,002 patients were randomized to a single dose of 1 g of ertapenem or 2 grams of cefotetan infused over a 30-minute period within 60 minutes before elective colorectal surgery.",在此研究中,1002名病人在进行择期手术之前随机输注1克剂量的厄他培南或2克剂量的头孢替坦,输注在60分钟之内完成,大约有30分钟的输注时长。 +"The chemicals are the synthetic5 creations of man's inventive mind, having no counterparts in nature.",化学制品则是人类有发明力的头脑的合成物,在自然界本无的东西。 +"Just then the colonel heard a low hum, barely detectable, like the whine of a small insect.",就在这时陆军上校听到一种难以觉察的低鸣声,就像小昆虫发出来的呜呜声。 +"Years ago, one muffin was 150 to 170 calories, 5 grams of fat and about the size of a racquetball.",过去,一块松饼的卡路里大约在150~170左右,5克脂肪,大小和墙手球差不多。 +"Modern voltage references are constructed using the energy - band - gap voltage of integrated transistors, buried zener diodes, and junction field - effect transistors.",现代电压基准建立于使用集成晶体管和带状能隙基准、掩埋齐纳二极体和结场效应晶体管。 +I can't believe I failed so horribly.,我不能相信我竟会失败得这么惨。 +You decide to take one of these Gopherite home with you to earth.,然后,你决定带一个‘高菲尔特人’回地球。 +"Results:The tumors showed as a thickness or bulky mass of the local supraglottic structure with irregular margin, homogeneous attenuation and slight enhancement.",结果:肿瘤呈局部软组织增厚或团块状肿块,形态不规则,密度较均匀,增强后轻度强化; +"Designers should integrate vicinal practice with the design of Distribution Automation System, and create a optimum project during the system design.",在配网自动化设计实施时,需结合本地实际情况设计自己的最优方案。 +"As of 2005, only half of the population used DEC salt and only a third of the shops carried it.",在2005年,只有一半的人可以食用到含DEC的盐,只有三分之一的商店还在销售含DEC的盐。 +This snake is more than three meters long.,这条蛇足有三米多长。 +Adult sheep ear skin cells were cultured and passaged.,对成年绵羊耳部皮肤细胞进行培养传代。 +"Not only is C the language of operating systems, it is the precursor and inspiration for almost all of the most popular high-level languages available today.",不仅是操作系统的语言,也是其它几乎所有今天最流行的高级语言的先驱和灵感来源。 +Integration of shape and color in works becomes flawless day by day. Author's exploration to shape and controlling on color both reach a super-perfect status.,作品中形和色的结合日臻完美,对形的探索、对色彩的掌握都达到了近乎超自然完美的地步。 +"As human brains evolved, they created culture, which permitted the birth of a true Lamarckian system of inherited acquisitions.",随着人脑的演化,他们创造出了文化,文化又允许遗传所得的真正的拉马克系统诞生。 +Nuha : Where are you?,努哈:你在哪里? +"Yixing ""Haihua"" will make great efforts to make our contribution to the coal preparation industries and environment protection industries in the world.",宜兴“海华”愿为全世界的���煤及环保事业贡献一份微薄的力量! +"Where necessary, WHO requests more detailed information and then decides on the appropriate action to be taken.",必要时,世卫组织要求提供更详细的信息,然后就需要采取的适当行动作出决定。 +"Today they can only be found in a few isloated patches of mountain forest in Tibet, Yunnan, and Guangxi.",如今在广西只剩两个地方仍有冠斑犀鸟出现,西大明山就是其中之一。 +"Additionally, the Burmese Army is also operating offensives in Karen and Shan States.",此外,缅甸政府军也在克伦邦和掸邦发动了军事攻势。 +"Range of its distinct plated film lens, absorptance is amounted to 50% , do not glance, visual effect is good, adornment sex is strong.",其独特的镀膜镜面,吸光率达50%,不反光,视觉效果好,装饰性强。 +"For the use of oxygen cylinders on board, passengers need to specify the required oxygen flow.",如需使用机上氧气瓶,还需注明旅客所需氧气的流量。 +"Still have, the provider that the requirement pays treasure helps your attune read piece trade record, undertake two-way it is OK to check.",还有,要求支付宝的提供商帮你调阅出交易纪录,进行双向核对就可以了。 +"The geomagnetic localization based on the ICCP algorithm can be used to bind the position errors inherent in Inertial Navigation System(INS), which increases with time.",基于ICCP算法的地磁匹配定位可以用于限制惯导系统随时间增长的位置误差。 +"I rested my feet on a double-decker bus ride for a while, but I made sure to hop off at the Tate Modern, an art museum that was once a power station.",我在双层巴士上歇了一下脚,但是不忘在泰特现代美术馆下车,这座美术馆过去曾经是个发电厂。 +"""Because they are Muslim they have been accused of carrying out what the government calls 'terrorist activities', as well as being linked to various organisations like al-Qaeda, "" he said.",因为他们是穆斯林,(所以)他们被指控进行了政府所谓的'恐怖活动' ,并有与各种组织又联系,比如基地组织,”他说。 +"Only now, with supercomputers available to help with the calculations, is it possible to explore those ideas completely.",只有如今这个有超级计算机辅佐计算的年代,科学家才能全面探索这些想法。 +A modified transformation is rapidly reapplied in order to generate solution artifacts that reflect a change to the implementation architecture.,为了生成能够将变更反映到实现架构的解决方案工件,就要迅速地重新应用被修改的转换。 +"""All right, then, "" Mr. Summers said. ""Harry, you got their tickets back?""",“那么,好了,”夏莫斯先生说。“哈里,你把他们的票都取回来了吗?” +"Now it has a king named John I, and the current population is 222.",现在它的国王叫做乔治一世,拥有居民222人。 +"The place is guarded still, even though it’s a closed-down prison.",即使是一座已经弃用的监狱,那里还是守卫森严。 +"The rest will be electric cars running on full or partial battery power -- or some new, yet-to-be-perfected technology.",其余的将使用全电或者部分电和电池驱动,或者运用一些更新的完善的技术。 +"An agaric health beverage, which solves the problem of containing toxin, destroying nutrition component, taste is not good during agaric edible period.",一种木耳保健饮料,解决了木耳食用过程中含有毒素、破坏营养 成分、口感不佳等问题。 +"No, yours is a specially-built model. Drive carefully, though. It takes time to run in a new car.",你的车子是特别样式的车子,仍是悠着点儿开比拟好,熟习一部车子是需求时间的。 +Mary: Did you see Conchita after the dancing contest?,玛丽﹕舞蹈比赛之后,你有没有见过康奇塔? +It compensates for the temperature characteristics of the resistor and the threshold voltage VTH in such a way that the reference current has small temperature dependence.,主要利用电阻的温度系数与阈值电压VTH温度系数相同的特性实现温度补偿原理。 +"A series of perovskite oxides are synthesized by means of blend deposition using the nitrate of A and B as the raw materials, and ammonia or sodium carbonate as sedimentation .",本文以A,B的硝酸盐为原料,以氨水或碳酸钠为沉淀剂,利用混合沉淀的方法合成了系列钙钛矿型氧化物。 +Film maker Vicky and her beloved seed necklace.,电影制作人维姬和她心爱的种子项链。 +"All they would know how to grow is coca,” he says.",他们所了解的一切就是如何种植古柯,” 他说。 +"The survey shows: the students have good political quality and judgement, but some students join the Party with some utility motive.",调查表明,多数国防生具有较好的思想政治素质和政治鉴别力,但少数国防生入党动机带有一定的功利色彩; +Precious experiences are provided for future similar mensuration.,为今后类似测试提供了宝贵的经验。 +The most famous alumni from Columbia Law that I know of is Paul Robeson.,我知道的哥伦比亚法学院最有名的校友是保罗•罗伯逊。 +"This is why people are always very difficult to walk after the old knees are always bent, it does already overtaxed.",这就是为什么人老后走路总是非常艰难,膝盖总是弯曲的,它确实已经不堪重负了。 +"As a newly-raised industry, the software industry is a typical representative of the knowledge industry and also an industry consisting of numerous small-to-medium enterprises.",软件产业是新兴的重要产业,既是知识型经济行业的典型代表,又是中小企业众多的行业。 +"Zhao Guoman, head of Suzhou Tonghui New Material Technology Co. Ltd. , showed his interest in the supporting projects for G6 production line of Hefei BOE.",赵国满是苏州通惠新型材料科技有限公司(网上只查到惠通)的负责人,他对京东方六代线的配套项目很感兴趣。 +"The site was founded by the Swedish file-sharing advocacy group Piratbyran (""The Piracy Bureau"") in 2003, but has been run independently since 2004.",瑞典一家鼓吹文件共享团体Piratbyran(盗版署)于2003年成立这家网站,但是网站于2004年脱离组织独立运营。 +"Over a couple of days, the volunteers had unlearned many of the social conventions that normally govern their life, and reached a new consensus that permitted them to be naked in each other's company.",经过几天的实验,志愿者们已摈弃了许多曾主导他们生活的社会习俗并达到了一个新的共识,即允许在对方面前赤身裸体。 +"As we are stopped at the traffic lights, more beggars came to our window.",每当我们停在红绿灯前,就会有很多要饭的孩子跑到我们的车两旁。 +The Senate shall have the sole power to try all impeachments.,所有弹劾案,只有参议院有权审问。 +"We are just carrying out orders, please understand and cooperate.",我们这是奉令而行,请你理解和配合。 +Li—F rich rare-element mineralized granites are formed with liquid segregation in its upper part and fractional crystallization in its lower part 3.,②稀有元素锂、氟花岗岩可能的分异是上部液态分离,下部分离结晶; +Be certain to listen to your teachers attentively in class.,老师是个宝,课堂要听好; +Residual current is analysed from ADCP data observed in cruises along the section from Xuejiadao at its south end to Tuandao at its north across the Jiaozhou Bay mouth.,以走航ADCP(声学多普勒海流剖面仪)在胶州湾外湾口——南起薛家岛北至团岛,对春、秋两季的大、小潮连续一日观测资料,进行垂直断面余流分析。 +"Do you think that because I am poor, obscure, plain and little that I am soulless and heartless?",难道就是因为我一贫如洗,长相平庸,个子瘦小就没有灵魂,无情无义吗? +I may be close to a liberalist and a cultural feminist.,我可能很接近于一个自由主义者和一个文化女性主义者。 +"Pendulum is a unlinear, coupling, variable and natural unsteadiness system.",倒立摆系统是非线性、耦合、变量和自然不稳定的系统。 +"""We can do without railways, ""people say, as if motorcars and planes have made the railways unnecessary.",“我们可以没有铁路,”人们这样说到,机动车和飞机已经使铁路不在那么的重要了。 +"After you factor in those fees, then compare features and device costs before you purchase.",在你考虑了这些费用后,再在购买前对比设备的性价比。 +This paper introduces a new method to measure the intensity distribution of single seam diffraction by replacing the silicon photocell and light activated diode with light activated triode.,利用光敏三极管代替硅光电池和光敏二极管来测试单缝和双缝衍射的光强分布。 +Question: Many teachers here in Germany think that Ashtanga yoga has to be very rigorous.,问:这里的许多教师来自德国认为阿斯汤加瑜伽要求非常严格。 +"In this article, the author analyze the different, the difficulty and the focal point of harmonize from investigative current situation of two planning, and more then reveal focal problem.",文章从当前两规协调研究现状入手,分析两规的异同点及其协调的难点和重点,在此基础上,进一步揭示两规协调宏观和微观层面上存在的重点问题。 +Objective To introduce surgical treatment of partial common atrioventricular canal under extracorporeal circulation with heart-beating in children.,目的:介绍体外循环心脏不停跳小儿部分性房室共同通道手术治疗经验。 +"First, the history of Cantabile , like landscape painting - Fairview Nanchong.",首先,历史如歌,如山水画-锦绣南充。 +I'm preparing a speech for the meeting on Saturday.,我正为周六的会准备讲演稿。 +"Now, I know this sounds kind of dumb.",现在,我知��这听起来有点荒谬。 +Poet Elizabeth Alexander presents at the 2010 National Book Festival.,诗人伊丽莎白亚历山大提出了在2010年全国图书节。 +"A logarithm mathematical model is used to analyze 702 CVN impact test data and by means of regression, a general equation is obtained for bridge steel and welding seams.",对702个CVN冲击试验数据应用对数数学分析模型进行回归,得到桥梁钢和焊缝的通用计算表达式。 +Significant positive correlation coefficient was found between drought resistance and root dry weight.,结果表明:幼苗的抗旱性与根干重呈显著正相关。 +"Four million Nepalese work in India. And a long, porous border, shared religious traditions and a common history under the British Empire have bound the two.",目前有400万尼泊尔人在印度打工,而漫长且互相渗透的边界、相同的宗教传统和同样受英帝国殖民的历史将两者紧紧地拴在一起。 +The Earth Leakage Circuit-Breaker had been an effective electronic component for preventing electric shock from breakage.,目前,漏电开关已成为防止人身触电和漏电火警事故的一个有效的电器元件。 +"Among many measurement technique of aspheric surface, Grating measurement technique with contact sensor has attained higher precision and been applicable to many cases.",在诸多非球面测量方案中,接触式光栅测量技术能够达到相对较高测量精度并具有广泛的适用范围。 +"Ling qian magic use mana help nine sister forced out of the old pill poison, again to nine younger sister said she was her favorite daughter, if you have any concern, be sure to tell her.",灵千幻用法力帮九妹逼出了增老丸的毒,又对九妹说她是她最疼爱的女儿,如果有什么心事,一定要告诉她。 +Moola bandha is therefore an important tool in the treatment of physical diseases of the lower abdomen e. g. digestive ailments and sexual disorders.,正因如此,会阴收束是治疗下腹部生理疾病的重要手段。比如,消化系统疾病及性功能障碍等。 +This allows n-tier relationships to be easily captured in the model.,这使得模型中的n层关系可以很容易的被捕获。 +MethodsTo establish the experiment system by orthogonal experimental design and adopt fluorometry to determine the content of berberine hydrochloride.,方法通过正交实验法确立试验体系,采用荧光分析法测定盐酸小檗碱含量。 +"In order to keep the security and reliability, worm and worm gear speed reducer is used to realize adaptive balance of the chair automatically and self-locking.",与此同时,利用自动调节座椅水平。 蜗轮蜗杆减速器自锁等方法,保证了轮椅在上下楼梯、越障时的安全性和可靠性。 +"For large projects, it is likely that a large workspace will be needed for collaboration purposes.",对于大型项目,为了协作的目的,可能需要一个较大的工作空间。 +I'll send you to gallows .,我会送你上绞架,断头台的。 +"The peasants' load, result of social division and cooperation of labor, is an objective historical phenomenon along side with the progress of the society.",农民负担是人类历史进程中客观存在的社会现象,是社会分工与合作过程中,农民与其他社会群体交换劳动成果所伴生的一种利益失衡的结果。 +"Fruit pear-shaped, fur, yellow, neatly.",果实梨形,黄白皮,皮毛好,整齐。 +"It was poor because he had started running for the Senate not long after he began his term in the House of Representatives, so he wasn’t there to vote much.",他的投票记录很糟糕,因为他当上众议员之后不久就开始竞选参议员,因而他在众议院里根本没投过几票。 +"Xiu-fang admitted to prevent source talk in terms of money, the auspicious asked whether concise know about Taiwans property.",秀芳承认想用钱阻止信源乱说话,其祥问及简洁是否知道台湾物业的事。 +"If youd asked me before the party if I wanted there to be a chain reaction of disasters that led to Luke breaking his arm, I probably wouldve said no.",如果你在派对举办之前问我是否希望发生一系列灾难的连锁反应,导致Luke摔伤了胳膊,我很可能会说不。 +The sputum conversion rate after treated for 3 months did not significantly change with prolongs treatment.,两组患者其3月末痰菌阴转率与5月末、8月末比,均无明显变化。 +"Moreover, whatever government results, it could take 36 months for oil production to reach its full pre-February level again, energy consultant Wood MacKenzie estimates.",此外,据Wood MacKenzie估计,无论谁执政,都可能需要36个月的时间才能使石油生产完全恢复到2月份以前的水平。 +lat: The latitude field name to use as a ValueSource for the FunctionQuery.,lat:在 FunctionQuery 中用作 ValueSource 的纬度字段名。 +"Following the screening of a well-made documentary about Shackleton – which I did attend – and lunch, we sailed gently into the Bay of Isles.",看着屏幕上制作精良的有关谢克雷顿的纪录片——我确实观摩了此片(译者注:谢克雷顿是20世纪初期著名的英国南极探险家。) 在午餐时分,我们缓缓驶入群岛海湾(Bay of Isles)。 +"Nashawn:I'm sorry, I didn't… What you say?",纳肖恩:对不起,我不……你说什么? +But Kumano cautioned the figures may be a one-off fluctuation and it is still too early to see if the change is lasting.,但是熊野提醒道,这些数据可能只是昙花一现的波动,要想知道这一变化是否会持久还为时尚早。 +"It includes the details like to which supplier, requested by, the item requested, item price, quantity, tax, mod of travel.",它包含如下细节:供货方,购买人,购买物品,物品单价,数量,税赋,以及运输方式。 +"He seeks genuine autonomy within the borders of China, and in accordance with the Chinese Constitution.",他根据中国的宪法寻求在中国疆界之内名符其实的自治。 +"Attempts to tackle the current A(H1N1) outbreak have benefited from years of research investment and preparedness exercises across the world, say the authors.",这组作者说,应对目前的甲型H1N1流感暴发的举措得益于多年的研究投入以及全世界的预防演习。 +"After Stephens saved the match points, the crowd gave her a huge round of applause and a few people jumped out of their seats. Azarenka got a tepid applause after clinching the match.",Stephens每救一个赛点,现场观众就给她如潮的掌声,还有一些观众从座位上跳了起来,而阿扎伦卡在拿下比赛之后,他们只是不太热情地鼓鼓掌。 +Extensive discussions followed with the structural engineers to see if the Hemcrete cassette system could be adapted for the roof construction.,接着与结构工程师进行广泛讨论,看看Hemcrete盒子系统是否适用于屋面构造。 +The Daily Mail says Clichy's future with Arsenal is in doubt as fears grow that the defender will not sign a new contract.,每日邮报称克里希在阿森纳的未来成疑,担心这名防守球员不签下一份新合同。 +"In this paper, an objective analysis of the current Baotou City Damao Banner balanced development of compulsory education in the status quo, in view of the problems that exist.",本文客观地分析了当前包头市达茂旗义务教育均衡化发展的现状,针对存在的问题。 +Similar projects are also being carried out near Fort Lauderdale in Florida and close to Brest on the west coast of France—a stretch of coastline that is notoriously dangerous for oil tankers.,类似的工作在佛罗里达州的劳德尔堡和法国西海岸的布雷斯特附近展开,其中布雷斯特因贮有大量油罐其危险性相当骇人。 +"The basic theory, technique character, installation arrangment and its engineering application of the adhesion type of sensors are described.",对附着式大力传感器的工作原理、技术特征、安装布置及其工程应用等进行了阐述。 +I believe we have a good mixture of experienced players and young players but we will play young players that is for sure.,我相信我们有一个很好的混搭,有经验球员与年轻球员,但是我们将肯定让年轻球员上场。 +"Big sister xie little more want to dish the beauty salon, her husband liu yi expressed support.",大姐谢小多想盘下美容院,丈夫刘毅表示支持。 。 +"You have to be careful not to replace every text node that matches the pattern, so test whether it's the first text node in that parent.",您需要注意的是,不要通过替换每个与模式相匹配的文本节点来测试它是否是该父元素中的第一个文本节点。 +"Part three mainly analyzed media structure and marketing mode of ""Woman Newspaper of Today"".",第三部分重点分析了《今日女报》的媒体结构和营销模式。 +It is proposed that this mechanical model can be used in the sea ice numerical simulation and the calculation of ice ridge parameter for the reliability design of off shore structure.,以上工作可用于渤海海冰数值模拟以及近海工程设计中的冰脊参数计算。 +"Cuba, meanwhile, has developed closer relations with partner countries, as part of the EU-like ALBA economic and political organisation, and in agreements with the Mercosur trade area.",古巴目前已经与很多国家达成了合作伙伴关系,建立了类似欧盟的政治经济组织--拉丁美洲贸易同盟 (ALBA)。 同时还和南美共同市场国家(Mercosur)贸易区达成协议。 +"Direct contact with infected poultry, or surfaces and objects contaminated by their faeces, is presently considered the main route of human infection.",目前,据认为,与受感染家禽,或受此类家禽粪便污染的表面或物体的直接接触是人类感染的主要途径。 +"Obviously, people in addressing is. individually looking for the best self-representation.",显然﹐人们在称谓中都在各自找寻着自我表现的最佳感觉。 +"When a Central Tourbillon is returned to OMEGA for servicing, it will be placed in the hands of the original watchmaker.",当中央陀欧米茄返回到提供服务,它将被放置在手中,原来的钟表匠。 +According to The Royal Horticultural Society only one nursery in Britain was thought to supply the rare species.,据皇室园艺社团说,英国只有一个花圃提供稀少物种的。 +He was also impressed by the fact that Mortensen continued acting even if so seriously injured.,让杰克逊更加感动的是莫特森忍住疼痛,继续拍摄。 +"Accounts for the length in the high school language textbook novel to be bigger, thus the novel teaching holds the extremely important status in the high school language teaching.",在高中语文课本中小说所占篇幅较大,因而小说教学在高中语文教学中占有十分的重要地位。 +"In the High Performance Boards program at IMD business school, we examine the tension between the two roles with board members from companies around the world.",瑞士国际管理发展学院的高绩效懂事项目中,我们通过来自世界上一些公司的董事会成员,检验了这两个任务之间是否是此消彼长的紧张关系。 +The results suggested that PREGS had a selective enhancing effect on PKA activity in the prlimbic cortex and the hippocampus but not in the striatum.,结果表明PREGS的可显著增强前额叶皮层和海马突触小体的PKA活性,而在纹状体则没有观察到这种作用。 +At the start he immediately relaxed and began racing with notable composure.,起初他从著名的镇静立刻放松了并且开始赛跑。 +Wing struts: now the wing struts are more little and they are in aluminium-alloy drops.,永Struts的:现在永安Struts的是更小,他们是在铝的合金下降。 +I am above the average in the order of merit.,根据成绩排列顺序,我算中上。 +"At present, there are some problems existing in the management of coal resource plan in practice and legislation. So it is necessary to perfect the management system during the coal law revising.",当前,我国煤炭资源规划管理在立法上和现实中都存在一些问题,亟待在《煤炭法》修订时予以健全和完善。 +"An intricate style of traceried vaulting, common in late English Gothic, in which ribs arch out like a fan.",一种复杂的拱顶建筑风格,流行于英国哥特式末期,其拱棱发散似扇形。 +"As a result, Li says that she has become almost dependent on her phone.",所以李菡薇说她现在已经几乎完全依赖她的手机了。 +Objective To contrast the clinical effects of wavefront aberration-guided excimer laser in situ keratomileusis (LASIK) with conventional LASIK in the treatment of myopia.,目的比较波像差引导的准分子激光原位角膜磨镶术(LASIK)与常规LASIK治疗近视眼的临床疗效。 +That doesn't help businesses faced with the margin-bruising prospect of paying more for raw materials while customers expect discounts in a still-weak economy.,"商品价格上涨对于企业非常不利,它们面临的处境是,一方面要为原材料付出更多的费用,同时在经济仍然疲弱之际,客户要求其提供折扣.这将挤压企业的利润率." +"For example, one cannot use identity columns or timestamps for the partitioning column, but the partitioning column has to be part of the primary key.",例如,我们无法针对分区的列使用标识列或者时间戳,而分区列需要是主键的组成部分。 +"When Haruki Murakami's maiden work Hear the Wind Sing was first published, its description of elapse of time immediately aroused a wide interest.",村上春树的处女作《且听风吟》发表伊始就以其鲜明的、对于时光流逝的独特阐释而备受瞩目。 +"As a developing country, China will continue to concentrate on development.",中国仍然是一个发展中国家,必须继续聚精会神搞建设,一心一意谋发展。 +"Zen Buddhism and poetry were both prosperous in Tang Dynasty; in that time, they integrated and then fired up the sparkle of aesthetics.",大显于唐朝,「诗歌」也大盛于唐朝,禅学与诗学交会于一时,进而又激发出「美学」的火花。 +This cloth won't bear washing.,这种布搁不住洗。 +"Thousands of practice into the remit sea, only to find inside is empty.",力行进入汇海的夹万,却发现内里空无一物。 +He invited financial institutions and law offices to set up branches in Hunan so as to provide financial and legal services for mutual exchange and cooperation.,同时,欢迎澳大利亚的金融机构、律师事务所来湘设立分支机构,为双方的交流合作提供金融、法律服务。 +"With the function, either a non-closed contour or a closed contour can be quickly traced out from every point on it.",由于回追功能,无论非闭合等值线还是闭合等值线,都能够从区域内任一等值点开始,快速追踪出该等值线。 +This paper introduces the requirements for sound testing environment by the national standards for engine noise testing and proposes the targets for the construction of engine noise laboratories.,本文介绍了国家标准中内燃机噪声测试对声学测试环境的要求,提出了内燃机噪声实验室建设的指标。 +三年前他在一家银行里当职员。,Three years ago he clerked in a bank. +"On the basis of sample experiment and practice, the principle of removing impurities was investigated, for the purpose of improving capillarity.",并在小样试验研究与实践的基础上,针对提高毛效控讨了杂质去除的原理; +"So the next time you see someone messy and unorganized, it doesn’t mean they’re dirty at all….",所以下次你再看到某些人杂乱无章的话,并不意味着他们很肮脏…… +"A section 529 plan is the ideal tool to accomplish not only your own financial freedom, but your child’s as well.",529号理财计划 正是实现你和孩子们财务自由的理想手段。 +"This is fate. Come, strike now!",这就是命运,来吧,动手吧! +Israeli Prime Minister's Office says international forces will replace Israelis' Navy position of Lebanon's airports and seaports .,以总理公署表示,国际部队将接替以海军在黎机场和海港的岗位。 +"' It was very hard on her seeing the people who were killed and injured, "" says Maguid, Kamel's mother.""",可以让她(祖母)看到人民被杀害与伤害是很困难的。」Kamel 的母亲,Maguid说道。 +"However, the language is more than capable for developing graphical desktop applications as well.",但是,这种语言还可以用于开发图形化桌面应用程序。 +"After he put them all out, he took the child's father and mother and the disciples who were with him, and went in where the child was.",耶稣把他们都撵出去,就带着孩子的父母,和跟随的人进了孩子所在的地方。 +Clashes and mass arrests were reported on university campuses of those supporting Mousavi.,据报道,在支持穆萨维的大学校园发生了冲突,很多人被捕。 +The last line in main adds a final linefeed to the output.,main 的最后一行在输出中加入了一个换行。 +Minister: Let us confess our sins to God and ask for his forgiveness.,牧者﹕让我们向神告明我们所犯的罪。 +Eduardo has given his account of the terrible events at Birmingham City on Saturday.,伯眳翰,周六,爱德瓦多遭遇了这次可怕的事件。 +"In this paper, we develop a DEA model based on accepted cases set and propose a classification method with piece wise linear separating hyperplane as its boundary.",引入数据包络分析方法,提出了一种基于贷款可接受案例集的dea型信用评估模型和分类边界为分段线性分离超平面的分类方法。 +"But at home and abroad for Cheng Fenyang's study was a blank at present, so it is much necessary for us to study him and his works.",可是目前国内外对于郑奋扬的研究还是个空白,所以非常有必要对郑奋扬及其著作进行探讨。 +"He also systematically analysed the second—order infinite—gain multi—feedback bandpass filter, and derived a set of formula to calculate the parameters of RC elements.",本文对所用的二阶无限增益多端反馈带通滤波器,作了系统地分析。提出了计算RC元件数值的简化实用设计公式,论述了公式的适用范围。 +Many organizations work in a geographically distributed development environment.,有许多的公司都是在地理分散式的开发环境下工作的。 +"I saw places that I never thought I'd see in person, biked an ancient city wall, seen snake on a stick, appeared in countless Chinese tourists' photos… it was all good.",我看到了许多我从未想过亲眼目睹的地方,在古城墙上骑车,看到棍子上的蛇,出现在无数中国游客的照片里……一切都很好。 +It should be disabled.,它应该是禁用的。 +"Nothing new, as long as Hooke's Law holds.",没什么新内容,只要胡克定律可适用。 +"Volume was low, with about 7.83 billion shares traded on the New York Stock Exchange, the American Stock Exchange and Nasdaq, below last year's daily average of 8.47 billion.","今日成交清淡,纽约证交所、美国证交所和Nasdaq市场的总成交量为约78.3亿股,低于去年日成交均值84.7亿股." +Luke used the Kaiburr's healing power to mend Leia's grievous wounds.,卢克使用了凯布尔水晶的治愈功能治好了莱娅的伤口。 +"But ""Qin Jizi"" whether was Zhou King the female?",至于「秦姬子」是否即周王室宗女? +"When death puts out our flame, the snuff will tell, if we were wax, or tallow by the smell.",当死神扑灭我们的生命之焰时,凭气息即能分辨我们是蜂蜡还是牛脂。 +Many battles had been won or lost by both sides.,双方在很多场战争中都有输、赢。 +Lesson 1. Develop transformations only when the semantic connections between the model elements are well understood.,经验 1. 仅在充分理解了模型单元之间的语��连接后才进行转换的开发。 +"The construction of permanent buildings, structures and other installations shall be banned on land granted for temporary use.",禁止在批准临时使用的土地上建设永久性建筑物、构筑物和其他设施。 +Zero current transition (ZCT) topology of the single switch three phase boost power factor correction (PFC) rectifier is proposed.,提出了一种零电流开关结构的单开关管的三相升压功率因数校正整流器。 +"If it's not on the list, I'm not sure, but I'd be glad to check for you. May I have your room number?",如果征订目录上没有,我就不能保证了,但是我可以给您差一下。告诉我您的房间号码好吗? +"Some years later , when we meet agian, can we still remember the 903?",多少年后,当我们重逢时,我们还能不能想起现在的903? +"Han Shihou very angry, white Mary didnt listen to him.",韩世厚很生气,白玛丽根本不听他的。 +"Correlation of nitrotyrosine and glutathione peroxidase with age, sex, body mass index, blood pressure, glycometabolism and lipometabolism was analyzed.",分析硝化酪氨酸及谷胱甘肽过氧化物酶与年龄、性别、体质量指数、血压、糖代谢、脂代谢等指标的相关性。 +"In the article, New York claimed a 34 percent hit rate, while LA listed a 31 percent hit rate last year.",文件中提到,纽约声称命中率到达到百分之三十四,而洛杉矶则列举了去年百分之31的命中率。 +"And, most of all, we have young people just brimming with promise and ready to help us succeed.",而且更重要的是,我们拥有充满希望并已准备好让我们成功的年轻人们。 +Long-term treatment with PUVA is associated with increased risks of cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma and malignant melanoma.,长期PUVA治疗与皮肤鳞状细胞癌和恶性黑色素瘤发病风险有相关性。 +Sounds of artillery explosions had been heard in the distance.,远处仍在传来隆隆的炮声。 +"The audience burst into laughter, except for the actor, who could do nothing but squeeze out a bitter smile. But this disaster did not end.",观众席爆发一阵哄笑声,当然这个演员没有笑,只能若无其事的挤着一个苦涩的假笑,但是灾难还在继续。 +"According to the survey, vegetables and fruit increased in price the most - by 56 per cent and 47 per cent, respectively.",通过调查发现,蔬菜类和水果类的价格上升幅度最大,分别上升了56%和47%。 +"Exceptions include family cases involving the welfare of a child, cases where publication of proceedings might prejudice a pending jury trial and those where reporting restrictions apply.",例外情形包括涉及儿童福利的家庭案例、诉讼过程的发布使得待定的陪审团审判会产生偏见的案例以及适用报道限制的案例。 +"The user requests the shipping and then, later on, responds to a request from the shipper to process the completed schedule.",用户请求得到传递,并且在稍后会响应来自传递者的请求以处理完成之后的日程安排。 +"Sales of football-related products at Nike, the world’s largest sportswear-maker, increased by 39% in the three months to the end of May, before the tournament in South Africa even began.",甚至在南非世界杯开幕之前,截止到五月末的连续三个月中,世界上最大的体育产品制造商耐克的和足球相关产品的销 售额就增长了39%。 +China's exchange rate has appreciated by more than 25 percent over the past six years and Beijing intends for it to appreciate steadily by 5-6 percent annually.,人民币兑美元汇率在过去6年的累计涨幅已经超过25%,北京打算将汇率每年升值稳定在5—6%。 +"His predicament is a common one here: He fled the country in 1990, as the civil war began, and returned after the fall of the Taliban, only to find a stranger occupying his home.",他的尴尬经历是这里常事:1990年内战开始时他逃往国外,塔利班失败之后又返回家乡,但他发现自己的住所已经被一名外国人占据。 +Holidays that they leave the sick to die and the dead to moulder?,假期,而把病的放到死,死的放到腐烂? +You stormed out of the room.,你气冲冲的离开的房间。 +"The Chinese believe that aches and pains are the result of a blockage in vital energy, or qi (pronounced ""chee"").",中国人相信身体的疼痛是生命力或是气(念气)被堵住的结果。 +"These are the four kinds of life devoted to pleasure which are entirely conducive to disenchantment, to dispassion , to cessation, to tranquillity, to realization, to enlightenment, to Nibbana.",这是四种能完全导向清醒、安定、止息、寂静、内明、正觉和涅槃的愉悦生命。 +"For a full discussion of the authority levels, refer to the DB2 UDB documentation (see Resources).",关于授权级别的详细讨论请参阅 DB2 UDB 文当(参见 参考资料)。 +"The amyloid-beta work ""offers a potential mechanism that is not related to intraocular pressure, but what actually triggers retinal cell death is still not well understood, "" McKinnon said.",淀粉“导致的潜在性机理与眼内压无关,但是什么引起视网膜坏死仍不得而知。 +Some people like cartoon movies like Finding Nemo.,有些人喜欢像《寻找尼莫》那样的卡通电影。 +And that provides a solid foundation for the legitimacy of the existence of universal values.,为普遍价值存在的合法性提供了坚实的基础。 +The nectary belongs to starch nectary and the starch is complex grain.,鹅掌柴花蜜腺为淀粉型蜜腺,淀粉粒为许多微小颗粒聚集成的复粒。 +Japanese officials say the raids on Joyu's group are part of their ongoing surveillance of organizations that authorities believe may pose a threat to society.,日本官员说,当局一直监视它认为可能威胁社会的组织,对“光之轮”的突查行动是这种监视活动的组成部份。 +Forlan currently plays for Athletico Madrid after being transferred there in June 2007.,2007年6月被交易后,弗兰直到现在一直在马德里竞技队踢球。 +"There are circuit breaker handcart, voltage transformer handcart, voltage transformer arrester handcart, all transformers handcart, isolation and earthing trolley hand trolley.",手车有断路器手车、电压互感器手车、电压互感器避雷器手车、所有变压器手车、隔离手车及接地手车七种。 +Sodium citrate; Trisodium citrate dihydrate;,柠檬酸钠二水合物; +"Once a food is accepted, parents should use “food bridges, ” finding similarly colored or flavored foods to expand the variety of foods a child will eat.",一旦食品被接受,家长应运用“食品桥梁” ,找到接近颜色或口味的食品,扩大儿童会吃的食品的种类。 +Phoebe is unique to China a kind of precious wood.,楠木是我国特有的一种珍贵木材。 +Typical of the QRS -including three linked to the volatility.,典型的QRS 复合波包括三个相连的波动。 +"In addition to Monday's announcement of PHP support, version 6.1 of the IDE contains a number of new features including",除了周一宣布的PHP支持,Netbeans 6.1还涵盖了大量新特性,列举如下 +"It is highly recommended to regularly back up both the server log files, as they contain all the information required for auditing and tracing of authentication events.",强烈建议定期备份这两个服务器日志文件,因为它们包含审计和跟踪身份验证事件所需的所有信息。 +Tom (little owner's name): This isn't a good way to have a meal.,汤姆(小主人的名字):这么吃饭可不好。 +A rising intonation means you are not sure. You need the other person to confirm that you are correct before you say or do anything else.,升调指不确定。你需要其他人确认在你说或做某事之前是正确的。 +"Now they make up a Web site host house applications in free space, and sent a second domain name, while he was still prepared to apply the top-level domain - the case.",现在自己做好了一个网站,在主机屋申请的免费空间,并且送了一个二级域名,而自己申请的顶级域名还在备-案中。 +Which is something coming from a man who was once gored 16 times by an elephant.,这个曾经16次被大象用牙刺伤的男人说道。 +"Therefore the reusability, maintainability and terseness are all important in the system.",因此,系统的复用性、可维护性、简洁性在开发中变得尤为重要。 +This invention relates to a method for using water-coke slurry as fuel of steam injection boiler for heat-exploiting dense petroleum.,本发明涉及一种用于稠油注蒸汽热力开采的利用水焦浆作为稠油 热采注汽锅炉燃料的工艺方法。 +Methods 308 cases with perianal and perirectal abscess were treated by incision drainage and thread drawing therapy.,方法对30 8例肛管直肠周围脓肿患者行一期切开引流加挂线术治疗。 +"More salubrious were inns, much larger establishments, which might offer food, stabling for horses, and a variety of dining and meeting rooms.",更让人觉得身心愉快的地方是那些建得更宽大的酒馆,在那里可以提供食物、马厩和各种类型的餐厅及会议室。 +The handrail scales with the steps.,扶手随阶梯逐级升高。 +"biotechnology utilizes bacteria, yeasts, fungi, algae, plant cells or cultured mammalian cells as constituents of industrial processes.",生物技术应用鸟细菌,酵母,真菌,藻藻,植物细胞或培植滴动物细胞等东东作为工业生产方法滴要素。 +"Initially, you might think that sounds great -- a whole relationship based on sex and romance -- but honeymoons always end.",开始的时候,你或者感觉良好,一个基于性爱和浪漫的两性关系,但是蜜月终归要结束。 +Objective To study pure red cell aplasia(PRCA) of complication after ABO- incompatible allogeneic stem cell transplantation.,目的探讨异基因造血干细胞移植后纯红细胞再生障碍性贫血(PRCA)的发生机制。 +"As soon as they left the house, the young man slipped into their bedroom to look for the snakeskin , but he couldn't find it.",他们刚一离开,年轻人就马上去了他们的卧室找那张蛇皮,但是没有找到。 +Please continue to pray for Brother Pou .,六、请继续为在治療中的鲍弟兄祷告。 +So it's a very efficient way of securing energy.,因此这是一个高效的保存能量的方法 +"However, it's in less developed countries that rotavirus causes the worst problems.",然而,在欠发达国家轮状病毒能引起严重问题。 +"The client receives a representation in which all references are resolved within the same representation, and the client does not need to make another server request to resolve any references.",客户端接收到一个表现,其中所有引用都会在同一个表现中解析,而客户端不需要再发出新的服务器请求就可以解析所有引用。 +"If you know the exact position at which the first character of the file owner begins, you can use -c option to display the first character of the file owner.",如果您知道文件属主信息开始的第一个字符的确切位置,可以使用 -c 选项来显示文件属主的第一个字符。 +"She was a boss, a coach, a mentor, and above all a friend. Patience, organization, class, self-esteem, friendship;",她是一位老板娘,是一位教练,是一位导师,最重要的是,她是一位朋友。 +Get your other single friends together and have a raucous fun night out.,集合所有光棍朋友一起度过这个华丽喧闹的夜晚吧。 +"Also, they like to believe that it is possible to see or maybe even interact with loved ones they have lost.",而且,他们希望能与死去的亲人相见甚至是保持联系。 这些都是信鬼魂的重要原因。 +"Jim, Bob, Lucy and Linda lost their way in the forest and the four of them didn't eat anything for a whole day.",吉姆、鲍勃、露西和琳达在森林中迷了路,4个人一整天都没吃到东西。 +"Zhangye district, situated in the middle-reaches of the Heihe river basin, plays a principal part in the economy of whole basin and is the biggest user of water.",位于黑河流域中游的张掖市是整个流域经济的主体,也是流域内用水量最大的地区。 +I`ve had good responses from the Beijing Times` help-wanted ads.,以前我们曾在(京华时报)上刊登招聘广告.反应不错. +"Nyima Haibei state governor and the Qilian county party committee secretary of the county, the county's research.",海北州尼玛州长及祁连县县委书记、县长到公司调研工作。 +"If tied together in a bunch, they would provide repeated patterns of multiple dots.",如果将这些针状物捆在一起,那么就可以重复制作纹身的点。 +Prevents coronary disease.,预防心管疾病。 +There is a proverb about Rota farmers: the farmer of Rota touches each tomato plant at least forty times a day.,说起罗塔的农民,有句谚语是这样说的: 罗塔农民每天至少要触摸每一株番茄四十次。 +"One day, this group of wildebeests came to the riverside and they seemed to be fully aware of the danger.",这天,角马们来到一处适于饮水的河边,它们似乎对这些可怕的危险了如指掌。 +Many more Chinese fishing boats have been spotted this year in tuna-teeming waters off the islands.,今年有许多中国渔船在群岛附近的盛产金枪鱼水域出现。 +"The narrow way: difficulty, trouble, affliction, distress because we have changed our thinking and decided to follow Jesus which is contrary to the way of the World.",窄路意味着:困难、艰难、苦难和压力。这是因为我们心意更新,决定跟随耶稣,与这个世界格格不入。 +Around half of all MND patients die within three years of being diagnosed.,过半的运动神经元疾病患者都在确诊后的3年内死去。 +"We are educated on how to be a popular workers. The youth lost their interests in poems and ideals. Instead, the job fair of IBM and P&G was crowded.",我们被教育成一个讨人喜欢的工作者,年轻人对诗歌、理想失去了兴趣,IBM与宝洁公司招聘会上人头攒动。 +"Though wickedness be sweet in his mouth, though he hide it under his tongue;",他口内虽以恶为甘甜,藏在舌头底下。 +The fully recrystallization temperature and the on-set overheated temperature have also been obtained.,得出了完全再结晶温度和开始过烧温度。 +HLP file format is used in the early help of the operating system file system.,HLP 文件格式是早期的操作系统所使用的帮助文件系统。 +"However, two glaciers advanced suddenly from 1992 to 1993.",但1992-1993年两条山谷冰川突然前进。 +OSRAM is committed to provide consumers with quality products and services.,欧司朗致力于为消费者提供优质的产品及服务。 +I arrived in Penang in Malaysia this morning with my family.,今天早上我与我的家人到达马来西亚槟城。 +I would like to wish you a joyous new year and express my hope for your happiness and good future.,愿一切最美好的祝福都能用这张贺卡表达!试试,让它们成为我们永恒友谊的新的纪念。 +"The factor of safety of the geomembrane against the mobilized tensile stresses of Laogang MSW landfill of Shanghai is 2.9, is safe for the liners system.",上海老港垃圾填埋场四期衬垫系统工程的土工膜抵抗拉伸应力的安全系数为2.9,为安全。 +"In this paper, the liquid precipitation method is introduced, which includes direct precipitation, co-precipitation and homogeneous precipitation.",介绍了液相沉淀法的三种方法:直接沉淀法、共沉淀法和均匀沉淀法。 +"The generalized Chebyshev filters are based on the all-coupled model. The coupling matrix, which can be physically realized, should be extracted.",基于一种全耦合的等效电路模型,用提取物理上可实现的耦合矩阵来应用于器件设计。 +"The wreckage of old Lion's Arch was slowly turned into a refuge for pirates, smugglers, and other independent vessels.",旧狮子拱门的残骸慢慢地变成了海盗们,走私船和其他自由船只的避难所。 +This Duplicant sucks up way more than their fair share of Oxygen. Air Consumption Rate: +100.0 g/s.,这个复制人呼吸着过多的氧气,超出了本应公平的份额。空气消耗率+100 克/秒。 +Article 42 The Foundation shall have a full-time secretary-general who is specializing in law. The secretary-general shall handle the Foundation's business under the direction of the board director.,第42条 (秘书长之设置及职权)基金会置秘书长一人,专任,应具有法学专门学识,承董事长之命处理会务。 +It advances a new horizontal shaft coiling technology for narrow band sheet. The article contrasts different instances of technique and improves schemes.,并对新、旧生产工艺进行了功能、技术比较,在此基础上提出旧生产线产品规格延伸,工艺设备改造方案。 +Effect of hydropower on release of phosphorus is strongest.,湖泊水动力对沉积物释磷影响最强烈。 +"For example, if you wanted to copy some files and directories to another directory on your local machine, you'd run something like the code shown in Listing 2.",例如,如果您希望在本地计算机中将一些文件和目录复制到另一个目录,您可以运行与 清单 2 中所示类似的代码。 +"In Seoul, Clinton did not refrain from harsh words, restating the U. S. position on North Korea.",但在汉城,希拉里在重申美的对朝立场时却措辞严厉。 +"By following a specific incremental path to develop these competencies, an organization can evolve into one that is more organized, systematic, and mature.",通过根据具体的增量的路径来开发这些能力,组织可以演进为一个更加有组织的、有系统的,且更成熟的组织。 +"She is member in Contemporary Ceramic Society (H. K. ), the chairman of Hong Kong Ceramics Society, an honorable member of the Society of Ceramic Arts.",现为香港当代陶艺协会员、香港陶艺学会主席、香港陶瓷研艺协会荣誉会员。 +My onlayy choice is to keep waiting for you and face more heartbreaks in the future.,我唯一的选择是一直等你并且面对更多心碎。 +"Look at how most have Christmas merchandise out now, but they ordered it nine months ago.","他说:""大多数零售商采用不同的商业经营策略,你看,有多少零售商推出了圣诞商品,可要知道早在九个月之前他们已经下好了订单。""" +"Ignoring the chair offered him, Chu Teh stood squarely before this youth more than ten years his junior and in a level voice told him who he was, what he had done in the past.",朱德不理睬递过来的椅子,端端正正地站在这个比他年轻十几岁的年轻人面前,用平稳的语调讲述了自己的身份经历。 +But all A. gambiae mosquitoes begin their lives outdoors—as larvae living in pools of stagnant water.,但是所有的疟蚊都是在户外出生,因为蚊子幼虫都在死水水塘里长大。 +Citigroup's capital levels remain above regulatory minimums but have fallen below the company's internal target of 7.5%.,花旗集团的资本水平虽然仍在监管部门规定的底线上方,但已经达不到7.5%的内部目标。 +I filed the change about the address with the post office. But you know what a crap shoot that can be.,我已经正式通知邮局我的通信地址变了,但是你知道这个和投骰子一样不靠谱。 +"Video, signal processing, image storing, encoding and decoding techniques are used for time-share analog switching and splicing of multi-channel video signals.",本发明采用视频技术、信号处理技术、图象存贮技术及编解码技术等对多路视频信号作时分模拟切换与拼接。 +The terrain slopes gently.,地势平缓。 +"The semiconductor, or ""chip,"" was first added to a calculator in 1967, to a toy in 1978, and to a toaster in 1983.",半导体,或者说“芯片”,在1967年首次应用到计算器,1978年应用于玩具,1983年应用于烤箱。 +Join the army?,参军入伍? +"Wuzhen, is gradually grown into a world tourism brand.",乌镇,正逐渐成长为一个世界的旅游品牌。 +"The proposed system adopts the design of the light power spring OTDR test, which makes system monitoring real-time.",系统采用光功率触发OT DR测试的设计方案,实现真正意义上的实时监测。 +"To prepare the USB firmware under the free license (GPL or Artistic), able to compile with the SDCC C compiler",筹备在自由许可(GPL或Artistic)下发布的USB固件,以便能用SDCC C 编译器编译。 +"His was an act of desperation that, true to Tunisians' moderate self-image, harmed no one else.",他的这一举动实为绝望之举,却是突尼斯人平和的自我形象里的一个真实写照,他的行为没有伤害任何人。 +"With the total number of mobile-phone subscribers estimated to be 45 million, Internet connections via mobile phone likely will continue to outpace those on broadband.",鉴于手机订户总数估计达到4500万,手机联网人数的增幅很可能会继续超过宽带上网人数。 +It is very important to improve the precision strike capability of longrange strike system in order to meet the needs of modern warfare.,为了适应现代战争的需要,提高远程打击系统的精确打击能力至关重要。 +The first outline of the spending review will be written up.,首先将写好粗线条的预算评审。 +"Videotage initiated Experimental Intermedia -New Media Art Leadership Programme, participated artists included Alice Jim, Travis Kong, Connie Choi, Ellen Pau, Chan Pik Yu, etc.",录映太奇开展“实验性跨媒体— 新媒体领导力”计划,参与者包括鲍蔼伦等。 +"""No, I'm sorry. This ticket is non-refundable. "" (",对不起,这张机票是不可退票回款的。 +"The Quran speaks affectionately of Christian monks, saying their eyes brim with tears at the recognition of God's truth.",古兰经娓娓动人地提到,那些基督教僧侣说他们在这里看到上帝的真实之后眼角洋溢泪花。 +"Pallets are much like painters pallets or wheels of threads from which one weaves one's molecular structure, grid work, energy field and instruments.",颜料就象画家用的调色板和纺线,从中你可以编织自己的分子结构、晶格层、能量场和乐器。 +The scientific name is porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome.,病毒的学名是猪生殖与呼吸障碍综合症。 +"But some Chinese scientists disagree with the citation, particularly its exclusive focus on Tu.",但是,一些中国科学家不同意这个嘉奖的措辞,尤其是只提屠呦呦一人。 +What can we do today for a greener tomorrow?,为了创造明天的绿色家园,我们现在能做些什么呢? +"For the first time, small, short-lived spicules have been clocked jetting million-degree plasma into the corona.",人们第一次发现小而短寿的针状体将上百万度的等离子体喷射到日冕层; +The cereals should be stacked when drying up.,谷物应在彻底干透后再堆起。 +"If you receive a word and you are not sure whether it came from God, self or the enemy, first search the Scripture to see what the Bible has to say about it.",如果你接收到一个字,而你不确定是否来自于神、自己或是敌人,首先去找经文看看圣经在这字面上说了什麽。 +"Dexamethasone sodium phosphate adrenocorticotropic hormone medicines, has anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic, anti-rheumatism, immunosuppressive effects.",地塞米松磷酸钠为肾上腺皮质激素类药,具有抗炎、抗过敏、抗风湿、免疫抑制作用。 +"After I was weaken up, I found qualm in a lot of novels was false;",我身体虚弱以后,才发现很多小说里描写的晕眩是虚假的; +"Dr LEE Jong-wook, Director-General of the World Health Organization, died this morning following a short illness.",世界卫生组织总干事李钟郁博士继短暂发病之后于今晨去世。 +The results suggested that the optimum content of function monomer HEA was 1%.,结果表明:在乳液聚合体系中,功能单体HEA含量为1%最佳; +The lens of the eye accommodate to distance.,眼球晶状体能根据距离进行调节。 +And expulsion cavities (holes blown out due to steam build-up) were found in many of the 2nd & 3rd nodes beneath the seed-heads.,和驱逐凹处(孔被吹出由于蒸汽积聚)被发现在许多的种子头下的第二和第三茎节。 +"It won the title of the ""National Advanced Medical Unit"" and other honors as well.",医院还荣获“全国卫生系统先进集体”等荣誉称号。 +"He wished the successful passage of Pizhou national acceptance, in the tourism industry trend-setter in Subei.",他预祝邳州能够顺利通过国家级验收,在旅游业上领跑苏北。 +"Once the velocities of compression and shear waves are obtained from dipole acoustic-array logging data, the elastic moduli can be determined.",由阵列偶极子声波测��得到的纵波、横波速度信息可以计算出岩石弹性模量参数。 +"As noted, there are some overlaps in the various attributes across several retail classes.",注意有几个零售种类交叉的不同属性的一些交迭。 +Application and Corre-lation by actual examples indicate that the proposed new method is effective and correct.,通过实例的应用和对比表明,提供的新方法是适用的有效的。 +Seventh Military Hospital of China; Zhu Yuncai Zhongnan University of Economics and Law; Public Management School; Zhu Zhan;,解放军第七医院; 中南财经政法大学公共管理学院; +"After a night of pondering, hide Wen Ying Su Lan agree with Su Yan, but requires Su Yan never annoy Wen Ying in the future.",经过一夜的思量,苏岚同意和苏岩一起隐瞒文英,但是要求苏岩今后再也不要惹文英生气。 +"In our country, from Subordinated Debt of Commercial Bank Approach in 2004 to the end of 2007, there are 20 banks have issued 38 subordinated debentures.",我国自从2004年发布《商业银行次级债券发行管理办法》至2007年底,已经发布了共计20家银行发行了38笔次次级债券。 +"Provide a crate or a cozy bed, and make it taboo for your family to pester the dog while he’s in it.",给狗狗一个箱子或舒服的小窝,当狗狗休息的时候,确保家庭成员绝不去打扰它。 +You can determine the state transitions available for this application.,您可以确定这个应用程序可用的状态转换。 +"Today, air entrainment is recommended for nearly all concretes, principally to improve resistance to freezing when exposed to water and deicing chemicals.",如今,引气几乎在所有的混凝土中使用,用以提高暴露水中混凝土的抗冻性和抗化学腐蚀性。 +"Next, add to each instance as many menu items as needed and configure them all with tooltips, command names, and whatever else you want to add, such as keyboard shortcuts and links to help topics.",然后,为每个菜单添加菜单项,并配置每个菜单项的的工具提示,命令名(command name)和其它所需的内容,例如快捷键和帮助主题的链接。 +"RESULTS:There sults were corresponded with the foreign reports. The effective dose of inhalation was related to the dosage form, active ingredient properties and the receiving liquid kings.",结果:测定结果与国外文献一致,吸入剂有效部位药物量与剂型、品种及接受液种类有关。 +Objective Prepare the acid-base detergent of SHMADZU CL8000 fully automatic biochemical analyzer.,目的配制岛津CL8000全自动生化分析仪酸、碱清洗剂。 +"According to the personality theory or the revised personality theory, that's because I've got the same personality.",根据人格理论,或修正的人格理论,那是因为我具有相同的人格。 +"On the base of considering anti-jamming of system, designs the software and hardware, workouts inspecting programs of PC, realizes self-correcting of chromatically warp in printing.",在考虑到系统的抗干扰基础上,设计了系统的软硬件,编制了上位机监控程序,基本实现了印票机印票过程的套色偏差的自动纠正。 +We also found out that there are voters who were previously voted in Lanang are eligible to vote in this by-election.,我们还发现,有些之前在兰南投票的选民,这次竟然可以在诗巫选区投票。 +"French winger Pires is keen to earn a two-year extension at Arsenal, but The Gunners have only proposed a 12-month deal.",法国边锋皮雷斯希望延长2年在兵工厂的合同,但是枪手只给12个月的合同。 +It's an ad for the Embarcadero…,是一则关于安巴卡地罗的广告 … +"Finally, it is pointed out that the Xintan landslip is not all the result of the effect of gravity and the effect of the regional tectonic activity cannot be ruled out.",最后指出这次滑坡的形式可能不完全是重力作用的结果,不能排除区域构造活动的影响。 +"The reality is that infrastructure software products, such as J2EE application servers, have not yet reached the maturity level of multi-user operating systems.",事实是,基础设施软件产品(如 J2EE 应用服务器)尚未达到多用户操作系统的成熟水平。 +"Jacobs: Stephanie, while we have had great feedback on the mini-movie advertising campaign, our research suggests that we are still missing key 1)demographics.",雅各布斯:史蒂芬妮,迷你电影的广告策划得到了良好的反馈,但与此同时,我们的研究也表明我们仍然没找对关键人群。 +By using a wide-ranging framework Dr Strenger thinks he has pinpointed the cause.,通过这一涉及多个领域、涵盖面很广的研究,斯特兰博士认为他已经发现了导致该现象的原因。 +Braga's draw ensured all three Portuguese teams gave the crisis-hit country a much-needed psychological boost as it seeks financial assistance from the European Union.,布拉加的平局确保三支葡超球队给处于危机中的国家打了一针强心剂,葡萄牙正在向欧盟祈求财政支持。 +"What if after creating the CD you want to add another application, say Evolution e-mail client, into this custom CD?",如果创建 CD 后,想要将另一个应用程序(如 Evolution e-mail client)添加到定制 CD 中可以么? +High power microwave (HPM) is one among the new power beam weapons and much progress has been made in many countries lately.,高功率微波武器是近几年许多国家竞相研制的新型能束武器之一。 +"Tell him what?You know, um… nothing happened. The woman's OK, right?",告诉他什么? 你知道, 嗯… 什么也没发生, 这女人没事, 对吗?。 +The strict real-world tests show that the error rate for such a VDD is less than 1%.,经过严格的实地测试表明,这种傻瓜机的错误率小于1%。 +You see the distinction.,你们看到区别了吗。 +"Guido and I had a simple nice lunch. I made chicken, carrots, spinach and mashed potato.",罗罗和我的简餐(中饭)。我做了鸡肉,胡萝卜,菠菜和土豆泥。 +Peter was putting the Christmas paper around the necklace and tying the green ribbon just as carefully as he had done for Jean Grace ten days earlier.,皮特重新用圣诞礼品包装纸包好项链,小心的系好绿色丝带,就好像早在十天前他为珍。 +"Transgenic insect resistant cotton line ""310"" showed strong physiological advantage of""source"".",转基因抗虫棉品系“310”在棉铃发育过程中,表现了较强的“源”生理优势。 +"In order to make the blind expediently visit all kinds of green lands and enjoy the beautiful landscape, the blind road design in the gardens was researched.",为了使盲人也能方便地游览各种绿地,更好地享受园林景观,对园林中的盲道设计进行了研究。 +"For years, many members opposed any climate-control measures, noting that George and Martha Washington certainly never flipped on an air-conditioning switch.",多年来,许多成员反对任何控制气候的方式,他们说乔治和玛莎·华盛顿当然从未打开过任何空调开关。 +Methods 70psychiatric nurses were evaluated and analyzed by psychosomatization pressure scale and symptom checklist90(SCL90).,方法采用心身压力测式量表、症状自评量表对70名精神科护士进行评定分析。 +Objective To prepare Compound Miconazole nitrate Cream and establish a method for quality control of the cream.,目的研制复方硝酸咪康唑乳膏,并制定合适的定量分析方法。 +Drug companies' efforts to influence doctors are pervasive. An article in the journal last year said about 90 percent of the industry's roughly $21 billion annual marketing budget is spent on doctors.,药物公司的行为对医生的影响是普遍深入的,在去年的一篇杂志摘要中说到约有90%企业每年对花费在医生上的销售预算总计约达210亿美元。 +In the field job the visual angle of researcher is easy to be affected by the prejudice with first impression.,在田野工作中,研究者的视角很容易被先入为主的偏见所影响。 +"This is a very beautiful place - the mountains, clean rivers and good people.",这是一个非常美丽的地方- 大山,清洁河流和善良的人民。 +Overcharge protection and temperature-compensation characteristics of VRLA battery used for communication system were studied.,对通信系统中阀控密封铅酸(VRLA)蓄电池的过充电保护与温度补偿特性进行了模拟实验研究。 +"Confucius grew up in poverty, and was constantly urged by his mother to be diligent in his studies so he could escape a poor life and raise his status in society.",孔子自幼在贫困中长大。他的母亲时常鞭策他勤奋学习,希望他将来不再受穷,并在社会上出人头地。 +"Young students can communicate with your trusted teachers, about your interests, famous works finished and to be finished, for suggestions and instructions that will help you make a good list.",青年学生不妨找自己信赖的师长作一些必读书目方面的交谈,交谈中要把自己的兴趣、欠缺和已读过的名著告诉师长,以求获得有的放矢的指导。 +"Multidetector-row CT angiography has the potential to be cost-effective for evaluating patients with intermittent claudication, according to researchers from the Netherlands and the U. S.",根据荷兰和美国的研究,在检查间歇性跛行方面,多排螺旋CT血管造影具有更好的性价比。 +Agnus: See what just a small fraction at my research has yielded?,看到我的实验的一小部分吗? 看! +"Despite their great initial attack, a wise commander will avoid leaving them in melee, as they are extremely vulnerable in prolonged close-combat.",抛开他们最初的进攻不提,一个明智的指挥官是不会让这些短于近身肉搏的士兵长陷敌军之中的。 +Acrylate copolymer latex of core-shell structure with rich fluorine in shell was prepared using SDS and OP-10 as emulsifier.,以十二烷基硫酸钠和OP-10为混合乳化剂,制备了壳层富含氟的核壳结构丙烯酸酯共聚物胶乳。 +"The morning call the Chinese Embassy in Nepal reporter Embassy, Consular Section of the Embassy, an official said the embassy was, by various means to contact with Nepal.",记者上午致电中国驻尼泊尔使馆,使馆领事部的一名官员称,使馆正在通过各种途径跟尼泊尔方面联系。 +About a third of the foods now marketed to children wouldn't make the grade.,市场上大约三分之一儿童食品不符合该标准。 +The broker will get 5% if he finds a purchaser.,找到一个买家,经纪人就能提成5%。 +This paper discusses the advantages of two phase method consisting of amorphous liquid phase and main phase with composition very close to nominal 2:14:1 phase.,探讨了使用非晶态液相和接近2:14:1成分的主相的双相合金工艺制造烧结钕铁硼稀土永磁材料的优越性。 +"This mining technology combined the fully mechanized mining with orthodox working face, and it layoutted irregular form and double unit face, adopted the rotational adjustment mining.",该开采技术在工作面巷道布置上采用机采与普采混合,不规则刀形形状和对拉工作面布置,回采工艺采用了旋转调采等新技术。 +"Through the comparison of two methods, their respective advantages and disadvantages are made clear. It also gives scientific accordance for the enterprise to choose fixable cost system.",通过对两者的比较,使其各自的优缺点更为明晰,为企业选择合理的成本控制体系提供了科学的依据。 +"They told me, somewhat defensively, that the kingdom was moving at its own pace, glacial as that seemed to outsiders.",她们告诉我,多少有点保守,但是这个国家确实在以自己的步调进步,就像冰川的运动不被外人察觉那样。 +Experiment results show that there is a considerable improvement of the performance by using this DSC framework based on gray code.,仿真结果显示,基于格雷码的分布式信源编码在性能上有了较大的提升。 +"The control equipment is composed of several parts: main computer, four Coke-Oven vehicle controllers.",系统由位于主控室内的主控计算机和安装在各个焦炉机械上的焦车子站组成。 +There must be some reasons why it has maintained its lifeblood since 1788 when it was ratified.,该部宪法自1788年颁行,能保持其自身活力被延用至今,其中自然有其道理和原因。 +He says he thinks Obama was overhyped and that Americans are generally too emotional about their leaders.,他说他认为,奥巴马口号喊得过头了,美国民众对他们的总统也太易感情用事。 +"And when the king was come to Tyre, three men were sent from the ancients to plead the cause before him.",当国王来到提洛时,长老院便派遣三人到君王跟前伸诉。 +"After the test of time, look for the perfect dress incense to honor the original commitment, and on this basis, establish a good brand image!",经过时间的考验,寻香礼服完美的兑现了当初的承诺,并以此为基础,树立了良好的品牌形象! +Measure the track displacement from the original position after certain running time of LV train.,测量(磁悬浮列车)运行一段时间之后的轨道偏离原建位置的位移。 +""" It is thus argued that government must intervene to prevent the formation of monopolies or, once formed, to control them.",因此有人主张政府必须防止垄断的形成,或者一旦形成,必须要控制它。 +"If they have a URI, they must be presented in the form you see in Listing 1: the absolute URI reference enclosed in angle brackets.",如果它们有 URI,那么它们必须表示为您在 清单 1 中看到的形式:用尖括号将绝对 URI 引用括起来。 +That morning Natasha had told him that she had broken off her engagement to Bolkonsky.,这天早上娜塔莎告诉他,她已经拒绝博尔孔斯基了。 +"Tissue, Total Protein, Human Adult Normal, Gallbladder.",组织, 总蛋白, 成年正常人, 胆囊。 +"East wait for your wait outside much wisdom dad out to him, explain at the intellectual father notice, we separate pasture plants to demand your help.",东株守在外面等多智爸爸出来的时分解释给他,多智爸爸通知东株赶快分开牧场,我们不需求你的协助。 +Objective To study the protective effects and mechanisms of meloxicam on neurodegeneration induced by chronic aluminum overload in rats.,目的:观察美洛昔康对慢性铝过负荷致大鼠神经元退变的保护作用及其机制。 +This mashup will not work without some re-engineering.,不经过某些修改,这种 mashup 将不能工作。 +Objective To evaluate the value of double real-time gray-scale contrast-enhanced ultrasonography (DRGEU) in the diagnosis and differential diagnosis of portal vein tumor thrombosis (PVTT).,目的评价灰阶超声造影对门静脉瘤栓(PVTT)的诊断与鉴别诊断价值。 +"“BPA acts as a weak estrogen, which can spur the growth of cancerous cells,” says Hugh Taylor, M.D., professor of obstetrics, gynecology and reproductive sciences at Yale University Medical Center.",耶鲁大学医药中心妇产与生育学教授休.泰勒医学博士指出,”双酚A好比就是弱雌激素,它能刺激癌细胞的生长。 +"It is important to remember that accurate arm and focus, low-energy, few pulses and small capsulotomy can prevent complications effectively.",准确瞄准和聚焦、低能量、射击次数少、后囊膜小切孔可有效防止其并发症。 +OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the in vivo genotoxicity of drinking and source water in Fuzhou.,目的:探讨福州市生活饮用水及其水源水的体内遗传毒性。 +"Apart from discussions at the macro policy and industry levels, business leaders also offered remedies to corporate governance.",除在宏观策略和行业层面的讨论,商业领军者还给出企业管理方面的补救措施。 +"Wherever mistakes have been discovered in the work of eliminating counter-revolutionaries, steps have been or are being taken to correct them.",在肃反工作中,凡是已经发现了的错误,我们都已经采取了或者正在采取纠正的步骤。 +This paper presents a new description of the equivalent static wind loads (ESWLs) on long-span roof structures based on the load-response-correlation approach.,基于荷载响应相关法提出了一种计算大跨屋盖结构等效静力风荷载的新方法。 +"The human biggest worry, is the memory too is good, if anything may forget.",人最大的烦恼,就是记性太好,如果什么都可以忘掉。 +Compare the different kinds of transportation you could use. Tell which method of travel you would choose.,对比不同的交通工具,谈一谈你会选择哪一种。 +Taking over the mantle of captain and penalty taker he has performed admirably in both roles.,接过队长和点球操刀手披风的他很好的扮演了这两种角色。 +"In 1956, more than 400 TCM doctors applied to join the polyclinic and health center in village.",1956年,四百多名中草医纷纷要求参加联合诊所及乡村卫生所、站等。 +"Cadence Design Systems is the world's largest supplier of electronic design technologies, methodology services, and design services.",在电子设计技术、方法学服务以及设计服务方面,该公司是世界上最大的供应商。 +The consultations will help develop instructions to immigration officers on which economic immigration applications are eligible for processing.,本次咨询将帮助移民部制定新的移民官指令,以限定哪些人有资格申请联邦技术移民。 +The new material from China reveals that the early diversification of eomeropids with cockroach-like body was well underway by the Middle Jurassic.,新的化石表明美蝎蛉的早期分异在中侏罗世就已存在。 +Cutaneous lymphoma is a heterogeneous lymphoproliferative entity that primarily occurs in skin.,皮肤淋巴瘤是指原发于皮肤的具明显异质性的淋巴增殖性疾病。 +The hub or repeater simply repeats an incoming signal on all ports and also sends the jam signal to all ports if there’s a collision.,简单来说,中继器将正常情况下收到的信号,和数据碰撞时产生的拥塞信号重复发送到所有的端口。 +"Monday's readings were the weakest since the surveys were launched in 2004 and 2005. The weakness was broad-based, with production, new orders and employment all falling sharply.","周一公布的数据创下两项指数自2004年与2005年设立以来的最低值,且产出、新订单和就业等全面急剧下降." +"This article describe synthetic technology, production, market demands to 3, 3' -dichlorobenzidine and it's prospect of development.",介绍了3,3’—二氯联苯胺合成工艺、生产情况、市场需求及发展前景。 +"The English translation of ""Metro"" will be published by Metropolitan, a division of Macmillan.",英译本的“麦德龙”将被大都会出版社出版,是麦克米伦出版社的一个分社。 +"Water Drop:Hello, Mr Wind. Nice to meet you again.",水滴:你好,风先生。很高兴再次见到你。 +This black macaque is found only in northwestern parts of Indonesia mostly on the island of Sulawesi — also known as Celebes .,这黑色短尾猿的发现只有印度尼西亚的西北部地区存在,主要在苏拉威西岛-也被称为西里伯斯岛。 +I hope not. May I ask to what these questions tend?,我希望不会, 是否可以允许我请教你一声,你问我这些话用意何在? +"Please state ""Application for Assistant Clerk"" with return address on the envelope.",请在信封面上注明「申请助理文员职位」及回邮地址。 +"It's completely unnecessary because, if they had continued the syncopation set up by the fifth note of the melody, the flow of this phrase would have naturally formed a seven-beat cycle.",这真的完全没有必要,如果他们把主旋律第五个音的切分延续下去的话,这一句就自然形成了七拍的循环了。 +I don't get how people can be so flippant in the face of natural disasters.,在面对自然危害的时候,身边怎么会有这样的人如此轻率妄为。 +"Your phone already has since June buy zongzi function, reservation zongzi dial 110, 119 and delivery if any queries please contact with this center, url: three dubya point not pit you pit who points!?",您的手机从6月起已具买粽子功能,预订粽子拨110,送货119,如有疑问请与本中心联系,网址:三达不溜点不坑你坑谁点抗么! +So often doctors are trained to be up on the pedestal and be separate to their patients but I've also been the woman in stirrups at the gynaecologist's office.,医生们接受培训,在看病人时要正襟危坐,不要触摸病人。但我也是在妇科诊所里搅起轩然大波的一名女性妇科医生。 +The football fan often fans his fan.,(那个足球迷常扇扇子)。 +"There were four Tremaynes of East Texas: her uncle Chester, her aunt Helen, and her cousins, Colter and Melissa.",特勒蒙在德克萨斯东部,那里有四个亲戚:柴斯特姨夫,海伦姨妈,和表兄妹,考特,梅丽飒。 +Susan:I think she has a stomachache.He's a good father.,Susan:我想她可能是肚子疼。 他是个好父亲。 +Too often though I found myself wondering whether the piece of whimsical artless charm I was watching had any point at all.,虽然一而再,再而三,我还是疑惑自己注视这件怪异而拙劣的护身符是否真有意义。 +"The result shows that the strength feature of knee joint, back and waist muscle can be evaluated based on the parameters of relative moment of various joints, acceleration time and angle of moment.",结果表明,古典式摔跤运动员膝关节、腰背和肘关节力量特征,可用各关节作功时的相对峰力矩、加速时间和峰力矩角度的参数大小评价; +"All of them can grow bigger than most kitchens can handle, some stretching over 2 feet long and weighing more than 50 pounds.",这些西瓜都能长到个头大的让你头疼应该怎么摆弄的地步。 有的西瓜能长到2英尺长,重达50磅。 +Her eyes are always weeping for the loss of her beauty.,因为美貌不在,她的眼里总是黯然神伤。 +"Each year the demand for paper and paperboard continues to grow, while natural resources become scarce.",每年对于纸张和硬纸板的需求不断增长,然而自然资源却越来越匮乏。 +"The best way to compete with cheaper labor sources is for employers to provide a positive work environment which insures lower turnover, higher morale and superior productivity.",面对廉价劳工排山倒海而来的压力,企业主必须改变体质,改善工作环境,以降低离职率,提升士气及良率。 +"The key of layering productivity evaluation a multiplayer producing well is to measure its performance parameters, which is a mature technique of production logging.",多层合采井产能评价的关键是测量分层动态参数,而对于生产测井来说这已是较为成熟的技术。 +"Because of the response characteristic of the command, a left-to-right iterative process is proposed to estimate the parameters in turn.",提取命令参数时根据命令响应函数的特性,设计了从左往右、依次迭代提取的方法。 +"If it fails, we'll have to tighten our belts and turn the forces around.",如果失败,我们必须勒紧裤带,把这股潮流顶回去。 +"Speaking of which, why don't we have lunch in the cafeteria together?",说到这,我们一块去自助餐厅吃午饭怎样? +"Since stoma size, stoma density of Artemisia argyi were lower and its epidermis hair density was more, epidermis hair was longer, its drought-resistant characteristics was stronger.",艾蒿的表皮毛长、浓密,气孔密度较低、气孔较小,抗旱性较强; +"Since its discovery, rapamycin has allowed the successful transplantation of organs into millions of patients (Image credit: Wikipedia)",自从发现它以来,纳巴霉素广泛应用于各种器官移植中。 +"Then said the king's servants that ministered unto him, Let there be fair young virgins sought for the king",于是王的侍臣对王说,不如为王寻梢美貌的处女。 +He is a wily old fox.,他是个老谋深算的老狐狸。 +"The government controls more than 90 percent Cuba's economy, paying an average state salary of US$19.50 (euro12.50)",政府控制着古巴90%的经济,月平均工资19.50美元(约人民币135元。 +"It is no longer possible to model interconnects as lumped capacitors or simple delay lines, as could be done on slower designs.",我们再也不能如同处理低速设计一般,视互连为集总电容或简单的延迟线。 +Over time the ongoing exposure to toxins in the water and air will make the crystalline biology ill.,随着时间的过去,持续暴露在水中或空气中的毒素里将会让晶态生物体病倒。 +Daniel: I like Ronaldo the most.,我最喜欢罗纳尔多。 +"Hello, please keep the fuel receipt. Bye!",���好,请收好油单,再见! +"She did not finish, for by this time she was bending down and pushing the sweeping-brush under the bed.",她没有把话说完,因为这时她正弯下腰去,拿著扫把在床底下弄拨。 +It was a terrible low budget movie, but to me, it represented the perfect life.,那是部糟糕的低成本电影,然而对我而言,它表现了完美的人生。 +"During the late period of the Jin Dynasty, the renaissance of Confucianism depended on the awakening of the Confucians.",金元之际北部中国的儒学的复兴,是金代后期士人群体思想自觉的产物。 +The researchers discovered that selectively killing off one or two of the responding cell types didn't affect how well a cancer-resistant mouse fended off the disease.,研究人员发现,选择性杀死一到两种免疫应答细胞不会对小鼠抵抗癌症产生不良影响。 +The supplier will provide all the required documentation for the preparation of the PQ protocol. He will guarantee the operating integrity of his machine.,供应商需要提供所有PQ 要求的文件,这将确保其提供机器操作的完整性。 +"For managing the E-mail system availably , the enterprise demand establishing a set of management strategies completely.",为了有效地进行电子邮件系统的管理,企业需要制定一套全面的管理策略。 +"She was born in Independence, Kans., the daughter of a Depression-era surgeon and a nurse who always shunned debt.",她出生于堪萨斯州的独立城,是美国萧条时期一位四处躲债的外科医生和护士的女儿。 +All the literary works is a kind of appeal.,“全部文艺作品都是呼吁”。 +The beauty of Hangzhou is more than words can describe.,杭州景色之美是说言所不能描述的。 +"At present, Global Production Network (GPN) has become one of the new figures of the globalization tide.",当前,逐渐形成和完善的全球制造网络已经成为全球化浪潮中最为显著的一个特征。 +We take your right to privacy seriously and want you to feel confortable using our web site.,我们尊重您的隐私权,并真诚希望您能愉快的使用我们的网站。 +"Other ingredients commonly used to thicken soups and broths include rice, flour and grains.",其它用来使羹汤或高汤变浓的配料通常包括米,面粉和谷物。 +Keep a full stand of seedlings by sowing cotton production has always been the most critical period and tasks.,播种保苗历来是棉花生产最为关键的时期与任务。 +This inverse hand-blownglass candle holder uses a unique negative space design to suspend a candle seemingly in mid air.,它运用人工吹制玻璃的工艺打造了这款负空间设计的烛台,使它上面的蜡烛看上去悬空一般。 +"Thelink has been demonstrated in human as well as animal research, which shows that chronic self-administration of certain substancessuch as amphetamine can alter the extent of discounting.",这种关联已经在人类和动物研究中被证实。 它显示慢性对特定的物质比如安非他命的自我监控,会改变折现的程度。 +"On the post - war streets, every five or ten paces immaculately dressed office clerks would be squatting by little burners, deep-frying rock - hard yellow biscuits.",在战后的香港,街上每隔五步十步便蹲着个衣冠济楚的洋行职员模样的人,在小风炉上炸一种铁硬的小黄饼。 +Noriega appealed against extradition to France where he was convicted in absentia on money laundering charges.,他曾因洗钱罪在法国被缺席审判。 +"At one point, the business had attempted to implement an EDI purchasing solution, but the cost of initial deployment as well as the required infrastructure proved prohibitive.",商家试图实现 EDI 购买解决方案,但初始部署的成本和必要的基础结构证实是不可行的的。 +"However, to achieve nationwide victory they have to cross the Yangtze.",但是,敢于胜利,就要过长江。 +"If interested, please electricity;",有意请电; +Methods: A retrospective review of the clinical outcomes and pathology of 27 patients who underwent extracapsular dissection for parotid gland neoplasms.,方法:对接受腮腺肿瘤囊外切除术的二十七名患者的临床和病理结果进行回顾性的综述研究。 +The pro gnosis for weak acid injury to the upper digestive tract is good although large amounts can still cause ulcerative injury to the mucosa.,较大量的弱酸吞食仍会导致胃及食道之粘膜溃疡性伤害,出现临床症状,不过其预后仍然良好,不像强碱或强碱那样会造成非常严重之腐蚀性伤害。 +However recently the specification of gasoline limits the C9 aromatics to the gasoline pool and the price of para – xylene is low.,但近年来汽油规范要求严格,且对二甲苯价格低迷,可考虑C9芳香烃其他用途。 +"On the issue of climate change , the clinton foundation has a program for large cities to work together to buy energy - saving products.",在气候改变的主题上,克林顿基金会有一个大城市联合起来购买节约能源的产品计划。 +He invited her to lie down unclothed set a timer and while stroking her proceeded to narrate in tender detail the beauty he saw the colors that went from coral to deep rose to pearlescent pink.,他要她脱掉衣服躺下来,按上时钟,抚摸已开始,他就轻声细语地向她讲述自己看到的美的东西,从珊瑚色到深玫瑰色,再到艳丽的粉色。 +"Durable, water-resistant zippers will keep moisture out for added protection.",耐用,防水拉链,保持水分,增加保护。 +The TextField object has four attributes.,TextField 对象有 4 个属性。 +Analysis of pipelines in transient mode; Safety evaluations of complex Fluid-Structure systems under accidental situations.,适合结构、流体系统在高速瞬态载荷作用下的非线性动力分析。 +"Among other damage, it tore a layer of soil and sand off a site beside the Bay of Skaill, revealing the remains of a Stone Age village, the most complete in Northern Europe.",除了造成破坏之外,它还掀掉了斯凯尔湾附近地表的一层沙土,让石器时代一个村落暴露在外,成为整个北欧保存最完整的遗址。 +There has been a long-running debate over whether the animal was a jackal or wolf.,关于此种动物是豺是狼存在一个长期的争议。 +"On AIX machines running GPFS, you can give an NSD name to",在运行 GPFS 的 AIX 计算机上,可以指定一个 NSD 名称给 +"Results Compared with control group, both of the left and right lobes' hemoperfusion decreased at every time point after electrical injury(P<0.05);",结果与对照组同时相比较,实验组高压电烧伤后各时相肝脏左、右外叶血液灌流值均低于对照组(P<0.05); +"""Oh, Jackie, I am terribly sorry about it. "" Candy looked so worried and was almost crying!",“噢,杰克。我真的非常的抱歉。”小唐看起来很担心,快哭了。 +Prescribed medication is the next step if dietary modifications and vitamin B6 therapy with doxylamine are ineffective.,如果饮食疗法与联合应用维生素B6和抗敏安无效,下一步就需要开处方药。 +No use of black hat software. You must build links manually at 1-5 per day and spread them over required days.,没有黑帽子软件的使用。你必须手动在建立联系,每天1-5和遍布所需天。 +Q. Do you have a favorite gadget?,你有没有一个最喜爱的小玩艺? +Nice big TV and comfortable beds makes a great place to stay after a busy day exploring HCMC.,漂亮的大电视和舒适的床位使它成为一个在HCMC忙碌探测一天的好去处。 +"Deep within that dark maze where no man or woman had ever survived the Minotaur's savagery, Theseus killed the monster, then followed the gold thread to freedom.",在阿谁黑暗的迷宫深处,从来没有任何人能从弥诺陶洛斯的血口下生还,而忒修斯不只杀死了怪物,还在金线团的指引下走出了迷宫博得了自由。 +"All the crushed cars had voids 3 feet high next to them, except for the cars that had columns fall directly across them.",所有被压垮的车辆旁边都有一个3英尺高的空间,除非有圆柱子直接横着砸穿这些车辆。 +"If you have not changed the server preferences from the default, your application, MyFirstTest will be published to the test environment automatically as shown in Figure 11",如果您未修改默认的服务器首选项,那么您的应用程序 MyFirstTest 将会被自动地发布到测试环境中,如 图 11所示 +The imperialist states maintain enormous armies and gigantic navies which are used for oppressing and exploiting the people in distant lands.,帝国主义国家维持了庞大的陆海军,用以压迫和剥削远地的人民。 +"In Section VII, ""Soul"" and ""Heart"" argue.",在第六节里,灵魂和心争吵。 +"For the better integrated circuit, larger and multi-level layered wafers are needed with the accuracy of microscopic line width.",为了得到更好的集成电路,就需要精微线规精确的多平层的晶片。 +"In implementation stage, the main topic is large-scale sports event's competition management, information management and logistic management.",在实施阶段,主要研究大型体育赛事的竞争管理、信息管理、后勤管理。 +The local newspaper is full of sob stuff about lost dogs and missing children.,全是刊载关于丢失的狗和失踪孩子的伤感故事。 +This paper deals with the ultraviolet absorbent used in yellowing-resistant finishing for silks and its combination application with resin to the finishing in one-bath chemical process.,文中介绍了采用常用紫外线吸收剂处理及其与树脂化学加工同浴处理的研究及效果。 +When experts exhibit their superior performance in public their behavior looks so effortless and natural that we are tempted to attribute it to special talents.,专家在当众展示他们高超技艺时显得那么轻松自如,以至于让我们趋于将这归因于���特殊天赋。 +Animal rights activists in Mexico have demanded an official investigation into alleged cases of animal torture by street gangs carrying out initiation rituals.,墨西哥动物权利保护积极分子要求官方对团伙帮会举行创始仪式虐杀动物的案件进行调查。 +He has been doing voice-over for years.,他做了好几年的电影旁白工作。 +John C. Tibbetts is an associate professor of theater and film at the University of Kansas.,约翰C贝兹是一个戏剧和电影在美国堪萨斯大学的副教授。 +I expect to see my uncle.,我期望见到我的舅舅。 +"The utility model discloses a cast iron machine chain transmission device which comprises a drive wheel, a driven wheel and a chain belt.",本实用新型公开了一种铸铁机链传动装置,它包括主动轮、从动轮和链带。 +"Inspiration, is due to the strong labor for reward.",灵感,是由于顽强的劳动而获得的奖赏。——列宾。 +Heavy metals and other contaminants in water can be removed by allowing bacteria to absorb them in large lagoons or beds.,在大型污水池或污泥床中,可以通过细菌体吸附除去重金属和其它水中的污染物。 +"The model you've seen isn't final, so in that sense it is a nifty consequence of looking at data-mined art.",你们看到的那模型还只是半成品,所以就某种意义上讲,这就是搞数据挖掘的下场。 +"Yolanda: What do you care, dork?",尤莲妲︰笨蛋,你会在乎吗? +"Barbara Fredrickson is Kenan distinguished professor of psychology, University of North Carolina .",芭芭拉弗雷德里克松是北卡罗莱纳大学凯南杰出的心理学教授,。 +I can't stress strongly enough that a performance advocate needs to be involved in your application's architecture and design phase.,我特别强调在您的应用程序架构和设计阶段考虑性能。 +"The allochthon consists of the Presinian, Sinian and Cambrian system. The autochthon comprises the Devonian and Carboniferous system.",推覆构造的外来系统为前震旦系、震旦系和寒武系,原地系统为泥盆系和石炭系。 +"Xiao Zhiwei is an associate professor in the History Department at California State University, San Marcos.",萧知纬,现任加州州立大学圣马科斯分校历史系副教授。 +The cost for a national organization to advertise in a print magazine would be roughly the same as placing an ad on the internet24 hours a day for six months.,那让一个国家的组织在一本版杂志中广告花费会概略地一天 24 小时相同于放一个广告在英特网上六个月。 +Two character naming experiments were conducted to investigated the pre-lexical route in the phonological processing of Chinese phonograms.,本文利用两个行为实验研究了汉语形声字语音加工的前词汇通路。 +"They simulated seeker to accept infrared radiation, detect and recognize targets, and track target from background and countermeasures.",它们模拟了导引头接收目标红外辐射、从背景和干扰中检测识别目标并进行跟踪的过程。 +You can specify optimization slices that define specific regions of the cube that are most often queried.,可以指定优化切片,切片定义多维数据集中最常被查询的特定部分。 +"Since 1998 Alwaleed has invested $127 million in 100, 00 acres (40, 470 hectares) of land in the Nile River delta Tushka agricultural project (also known as Toshka).","从1998年起,阿尔瓦利德先后在面积10万英亩(约40,470公顷)的图什卡农业项目上投入1.27亿美元。" +"While these people call their philosophy existentialism, actually they should call it accidentalism.",而这些人称他们的哲学为存在主义,他们应称之为偶然主义。 +The two cars met head-on.,这两辆汽车迎面相撞。 +"Oh, you are talking shadow boxing.",噢,你是说打拳。 +"Absrtact: Defocused images caused by equipment environmental and artificial factors, are greatly restricted in application to areas such as astronomy, transportation, medical, etc.",摘 要: 由于设备环境、人为因素等诸多原因造成的散焦退化图像,在天文、交通、医疗等众多领域的实际应用效果受到较大程度的影响。 +"Under the assumption of time-delay during data transmission, we give the sufficient condition of agents achieving consensus stability using approach of linear matrix inequalities.",在假设数据传输存在时延的情况下,主要利用线性矩阵不等式的方法,给出了群体达到一致性的充分条件。 +"In nonlinear regression model with structural change, it is a standard assumption that the random errors of two phases both have constant variances.",对于具有结构变化的非线性回归模型,两阶段的随机误差同时具有方差齐性是一个基本假设,但是该假设未必正确。 +This is Yokogawa's largest project in Africa.,这是横河在非洲最大的项目。 +Every ass likes to hear himself bray.,每头驴子都爱听自己嘶叫;马不知脸长。 +Yet that is one tack James Woolsey is trying in order to reduce his country’s dependence on imported oil.,而这是詹姆斯·伍尔西(James Woolsey)为了减少本国对进口石油的依赖,正在尝试的一个行动方针。 +Then it brought forward the method of emulating wind turbine by DC motor to solve the prime motor issue for the study of wind power generating system in lab.,为解决实验室环境中模拟风电现场进行风力发电研究的原动机问题,提出改造直流电动机模拟风力机的方案; +Woodward mixers provide high homogeneity at very low resistance.,伍德沃德混频器提供高的同质性非常低的阻力。 +"BK7/K9 is a borosilicate crown optical glass with high homogeneity, low bubble and inclusion content.",K9玻璃是硼硅酸盐光学玻璃材料的一种,纯度高、气泡少、杂质低。 +It is amazing to drive past fields which seem to go on forever or whole hills covered with neat rows of grapevines.,驱车行进在无边无际的旷野,山峦被有条有理的葡萄藤覆盖,真是太神奇了。 +"Naturalists are creating ""devil's islands, "" cancer-free areas in Tasmania where healthy devils can live and breed.",自然主义者们正在创建“恶魔岛”,健康的“恶魔”们可以在塔斯马尼亚的非癌症区里生存喂养。 +"Dormitory culture is one of the most important parts of campus culture. The dormitory can not only offers us a studying and living room, but also create a place for our potential exertion.",寝室文化是校园文化的一个重要部分,寝室不仅给我们提供了一个学习生活的空间,更给我们创造了一个发挥自己潜能的地方。 +He has two great interests in life: music and painting.,他一生有两大爱好: 音乐和绘画。 +"Our institute has over 400 engineering technicians in more than 10 professions, 2 state-recognized design masters, over 100 registered engineers of all kinds.",本院现拥有10多个专业的工程技术人员400多人,全国设计大师2人,各类注册工程师100余人。 +"In 1934, Fard mysteriously disappeared and the apostle, now called Elijah Muhammad, took command of the Nation of Islam.",1934年,法德神秘地消失。 于是,他的信徒,现在改名为伊莱贾·穆罕默德,掌控了“伊斯兰民族”。 +It is as if we are against those who make uncommon sacrifices because they enjoy doing something.,我们反对那些做出了不同寻常的牺牲的人们,似乎是因为他们能从工作中得到享受。 +"It was a night of music, fireworks, and ethnic controversy.",这是一个弥漫着音乐、焰火和种族争议的周末之夜。 +"The weeklong event, sponsored by the Automobile Club of America, featured 66 exhibitors displaying 31 newfangled autos and a variety of accessories to pimp the ride.",这次为时一周的活动由美国汽车俱乐部赞助,各有特色的66个参展商展示31部新奇的汽车和品种多样的配件吸引顾客乘车。 +UX is the consequences of these attributes plus the situation in which the product is used.,用户体验就是这些产品在被使用的时候的属性叠加的结果。 +"For sore throats associated with a cold or flu, combine 1/4 cup cider vinegar and 1/4 cup honey and take 1 tablespoon every four hours.",如喉痛伴随感冒或者流感,可将四分之一杯的苹果醋混合四分之一杯的蜂蜜,每四小时服用一大汤匙。 +"But all the Hebrew families were spared, for when the LORD saw the blood on their door, He passed over their homes, just as He promised.",但是,每个以色列人家都安全无事,因为当神看到门上的血,正象他应许的,神就越过他们的家。 +"In order to gain ideal spatial distribution of fuel vapor, the swirl ratio should be decreased with increasing number of nozzle hole.",为了获得理想的燃油蒸气空间分布,涡流比的匹配值应随着喷孔数的增加而逐渐减小; +"Under the Constitution, labour is every citizen's rights and ligations of persons with disabilities are no exception, the state also protect the abour rights of the disabled.",根据我国宪法规定,劳动是每一个公民的权利和义务,残疾人也不例外,国家同样保障残疾人的劳动就业权利。 +"Take the survey along if possible. Certain systems can be tested only underway. This is also the best way to check the status of sails, running rigging, etc.",如果可能的话,把验船师也带上。某些系统只能在航行工作时才能被检验。这也是检查帆船和操纵装置状况的最佳方法。 +"Meanwhile, the cost to insure $10 million in BP bonds for a year rose by $10,600 to $36,800, after climbing as high as $39,500, according to data provider Markit.","与此同时,数据提供商Markit 提供数据显示,1,000亿美元英国石油公司债券的一年期保险成本增加10,600美元,至36,800美元,并曾一度攀升至39,500美元。" +"Beijing hao's sleep, still unaware ZhangBeiYan introduced work is good, if I had just unemployment, can think first worked in Shanghai!",郝京妮浑然不知,还觉的假如张北雁引见的工作不错,本人又刚刚失业,能够思索先在上海工作! +"Instead, it relies on atomic operations on a shared memory location and a couple of OS primitives like ""sleep"" and ""wakeup"".",相反,它依赖于原子操作在一个共享的内存位置和一对夫妇的操作系统原语的“睡眠”和“唤醒”。 +This Mycenaean dagger is over 3000 years old.,这把迈锡尼匕首已有3000多年的历史。 +"So, let's play with the dog and kill the time.",那让咱们来逗逗狗消磨时间吧。 +"And the extension units at both ends of the sliding contact surface Guide to seal well, absolutely rigid Coarse prevent the entry of foreign matter sliding surface damage Guide.",大拖板与滑动导轨接触的两端面要密封好,绝对防止硬质颗粒状的异物进入滑动面损伤导轨。 +"In a boiling water reactor like those at Fukushima, the same water that cools the reactor core also boils and drives the turbine to generate power.",在像福岛核电厂的沸水反应堆中,冷却反应堆芯的水还拿来煮沸,以此推动涡轮机旋转从而产生电量。 +NO. 2:But has the last word been said ? Is all hope to be lost ? Is the defeat final No!,但是难道败局以定,胜利已经无望?不,不能这样说! +"They say it is foolish enough to jump, but it is madness to have to pay for it.",他们说去跳就已经够蠢了,而还要付饯却是疯狂的行为。 +Experts will meet in the Thai capital of Bangkok to discuss why rice's annual production growth rate dropped to 1.1% in 1990s from 2.3% in 1980s.,专家们将聚集在泰国首都曼谷,共同探讨为何稻米产量的年增率从一九八0年代的百分之二点三降至一九九0年代的百分之一点一。 +Tod ay we feel greatly honored toh ave a chance to be with Prof. Tony Jackson.,今天我们很荣幸地能和托尼·杰克逊教授欢聚一堂。 +"The man is holding a present for her, and when she opens it she will be the kindest, luckiest person in the world.",男人拿着一份给她的礼物,等她一打开礼物,她就会成为这个世界上最棒的,最幸运的人。 +"Carole a grandma-of-four, and great-gran-of-two, has always been artistic and has been in the baking business for over 30 years.",卡萝尔已有四个孙儿,两个曾孙,她一直很有艺术天分,在烘焙这一行已经做了30多年。 +The researchers used the gold standard for such nature- nurture studies:twins.,研究人员采用了进行这种先天――后天研究的金牌标准:孪生孩子。 +"The results were as follows: for the over-consolidated soils, coefficient of the secondary consolidation increased with load;",结果表明:对超固结土,次压缩系数随荷载增大而增大; +"Indeed, since the 1960s, national elections have become increasingly candidate-centered.",自1960年代以来,联邦选举日益成为以候选人为中心的竞选。 +"That would likely satisfy auditors, if their suspicions were unaroused otherwise.",如果其他地方也没有引起怀疑,这些做法可能会让审计机构满意而归。 +"Therefore, we hypothesized that apoptosis is a significant mechanism of injury to duct epithelium .",因此,我们推测细胞凋亡是胆管上皮细胞损伤一个重要机制。 +We wandered down the block and sat down to rest on a windowsill. Zhu lit a cigarette.,我们在街区里散步,累了就在窗台上坐着休息一会儿。 +The enactment of the Law on the Protection of the Rights and Interests of Women and many other laws were made on the basis of motions put forward by women and with their participation.,《妇女权益保障法》等一些法律的制定就是在女代表的提议和 参与下实现的。 +"And then as I was approaching, the lady pops her head up. Then I was like, 'Oh my God. Someone is in the pit. '",当我靠近的时候,这位女士把她的头伸了出来,然后我就说,‘天啊,有人在轨道坑里面。’ +The man merely looked at him in irritation and motioned him to remain silent.,那个人只是不耐烦地看着他,并且示意他不要做声。 +The aging of A/Rs can help prevent losses on future sales from delinquent accounts.,分龄法有助于防止逾期未收账款销售的损失。 +President Luiz Ignacio Lula da Silva's government recently participated in talks with Iran on its nuclear program.,巴西总统卢拉(Luiz Ignacio Lula da Silva) 政府最近参加了与伊朗核计划有关的会谈。 +"In recent years, mergers have created powerhouses such as Anheuser-Busch InBev and SABMiller.",近年来,合并产生了像百威英博和南非米勒酿酒公司这样的实力巨头。 +I heard episiotomies aren’t routine anymore. Is that true?,我听说会阴侧切不再是例行手术,是真的吗? +"Moreover, these irregular variations in the tilt of Mars over intervals longer than 10million years appear inherently unpredictable.",而且火星倾斜度在1000多万年时间间隔中发生的这些不规则变化似乎生��就是不可预测的。 +From this graph you can see that the power efficiency between the tuned conservative governor and the userspace governor running cpuspeed is very similar.,图 8 显示,调优的 conservative 调控器和运行 cpuspeed 的 userspace 调控器的能效非常相似。 +Jin Fan Captain: I am at anchor in Tokyo Bay to shelter the wind. May I use our transmitter to send messages?,“金帆”船长: 我在东京湾处避风,我可以用发信机发送信息吗? +"Suddenly, Denise takes off after them.",突然,丹妮丝追着她们跑了起来。 +"That he who lets go of what is done for what should be done learns his ruin rather than his preservation.""","放弃已完成,之应该完成事务的人,体认到的是自我毁灭而非延续“" +"Election anxiety is a real thing. Lots of people have become uncomfortably stressed-out by the long, contentious campaign.",大选焦虑确实存在。很多美国人由于长时间的争来辩去的竞选活动而感到“压力山大”。 +"""The consummation of the merger transaction between Dynegy and Blackstone is contingent upon the concurrent closing of the Blackstone and NRG Energy transaction, "" Blackstone said in a news release.",百仕通集团在新闻发布会上表示,“戴纳基电力公司和百仕通集团并购的结束,要视百仕通和NRG能源电力的交易节点而定。” +"This article lists some scholars who interpret Zhang Zai's philosophy well-known at the beginning, but just Mou, Zong-San's interpretation is correct, that is the last conclusion.",本文发端即列举几位当代诠释张子哲学的知名学者,論其精妙与不足之处,总结以牟宗三先生的诠解乃最符合张载原意者。 +"Until now, we still don't have an efficient auxiliary tool directed against to hearing handicap to improve the inconvenience on communication.",至今,针 对听障人士仍无一个有效的辅具来改善沟通上的不便。 +I can buy insurance for myself this year and I can stop and if I--there's nothing gained-- or next year I would just have to pay it again.,"这一年也许我会买这种保险,但是如果觉得划不来了,我可以停买,或者在下一年续买" +"Thus if the government would want to promote the development of this industry, it had better pay attention to its unique characteristic.",因此政府部门对于此产业的辅导,宜注意其独有的特色; +Keep yourself in a good mood or frame of mind as much as possible.,让你自己保持一个好心情或者尽量去装裱你的思想。 +"After sidetracking, reaming to slim-hole can remove formed polluted zone, decrease invasion depth of drilling fluid and reduce reservoir damage.",侧钻后对小井眼进行扩孔,可以去掉钻井过程中形成的污染带,降低钻井液侵入油层的深度,减少对油层的损害。 +"Angiography demonstrated that the internal mammary artery, lateral thoracic artery and subscapular artery were the main hemorrhagic arteries.",强阳性出血动脉以胸廓内动脉、胸外侧动脉及肩胛下动脉的出现概率最高。 +It was a Sunday in the afternoon and there wasn't a cloud in the sky.,那是一个星期天的下午,天空万里无云。 +"Also, earlier in the week, Germany rejected the idea of allowing the EFSF (European Financial Stabilization Facility) to buy peripheral nations' bonds in secondary markets.",上周初,德国则否决了允许欧洲金融稳定基金在二级市场购买外围国家债券的提议。 +We will provide you with all required high def digital photography.,我们将提供一切必要的高清晰度数码摄影你。 +That President Obama stand-down any covert offensive targeting of ET spacecraft;,总统奥巴马解封任何秘密ET的飞船进攻目标; +"It has also emerged that as recently as the weekend, British ministers did not know whether the three bidders were planning to save or scrap the UK plants at Ellesmere Port and Luton.",只近在周末,就有消息说英国的大臣们还不清楚三家投标人是打算保留还是肢解埃尔斯米尔港和卢顿的英国分厂。 +Form a lattice in a crisscross pattern with the strips.,把这些长条上下交错编成像竹篮的格子。 +"Leading the procession: a small girl strewing blossoms along the road, so the bride's path through life will always be happy and laden with flowers.",队伍最前面的小女孩沿路撒花,预示新娘的人生也会一路幸福、鲜花遍地。 +Never forget that the whole reason a client has hired you is because they don't have the time or skillset to do something themselves.,永远不要忘记,客户雇佣你是因为他们没有时间和技能自己处理一些事情。 +The PZT (Lead Zirconate titanate) chip sensitive element researched in this paper is one of the infrared-sensitive elements.,本文主要研究的PZT(锆钛酸铅)晶片敏感元就是红外敏感元的一种。 +He was speaking on the sidelines of the annual meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) that opened here Thursday.,美国科学促进会周四在波斯顿招开年度会议,诺尔在会议中的观众席上发表这项发现。 +"OK, so -- Let's do an example that will just summarize what we did yesterday, and then we will move on to interesting observations about these things.","我们来计算一个例子,总结我们昨天学到的,然后我们继续学一点关于这些有趣的东西。" +Economical and practical housing has been built since 1998 in Zhuzhou City.,株洲市从1998年起开始建设经济适用住房。 +But now society is less cohesive: austerity is seen as the result not of defeating foreign tyranny in a just war but of bankers' reckless greed;,但是,现在的社会并没有紧紧联系在一起:紧缩看起来并不仅仅是在战争中反对外来侵略的结果,而是银行家不顾后果的贪婪; +If you weigh in too much you may become discouraged.,倘若过于频繁地测体重,就会让自己心灰意冷。 +Never frown,even when you are sad,because you never know who is falling in love with your smile.,纵然伤心,也不要愁眉不展,因为你不知道是谁会爱上你的笑容。 +I know Sun Wu wrote the Art of War.,我知道孙武写了《孙子兵法》。 +The aspects and behaviors of the friction existing on the interface of the billet and die during the process of aluminium alloy extrusion were studied.,对挤压铝合金时锭坯与工模具接触面上摩擦的性质和行为进行了研究。 +He ended the article with a prover.,他用一句谚语作为文章的结尾。 +Hyperbola from Four Points.,由四点作双曲线。 +They're targeting elephants and the bigger ungulates.,他们是冲着大象和其他大型的有蹄类动物而来。 +Daniel C Esty is Hillhouse professor of environmental law and policy at Yale University and chairman of Esty Environmental Partners.,丹尼尔•C•艾斯缇,耶鲁大学环境法律与政策“希尔豪斯”教授,“艾斯缇环境伙伴”主席。 +It was interpreted and testified that the moving velocity of the lead point tracked by gun-target line has a limited value in the case of arbitrarily high velocity of approaching target;,证明并解释了当临近飞行目标的速度任意增大时,火炮武器线所跟踪的提前点的移动速度存在极限值; +The formal beauty is generated by the symbolic feeling configuration and implies the aesthetic pleasure with the image and the affectivity.,经由符号化的情感构形而生成的形式美蕴含了审美愉悦感,具有形象性与情感性的美感共性。 +Our experiments indicate that electromyographic signals precede the acoustic signal by about 0.05-0.06 seconds.,实验结果显示语音声波发生于构音肌电讯号产出后0.05-0.06秒。 +Blocking worker threads and poor service deployment and distribution can significantly degrade the performance of an overall middleware infrastructure.,阻塞工作线程和不当的服务部署与分配可能会极大地降低中间件基础设施的总体性能。 +"At the same time, it could be mixed together with acid pesticides without adverse effect.",硅丰环拌种剂也可与酸性杀虫剂混用,不会降低其药效。 +"Before use is not obvious in place whether decoloring phenomenon, trial in not decoloring, damage, and other conditions can be used below general bedding face.",使用前先在不明显地方试用是否有脱色现象,在不脱色、损伤等情况下方可大面识使用。 +"Essentially, constructability means getting people, who contribute to a project, to work as a team.",实质上,可施工性意味着让参加某个项目的所有人员要作为一个团给来工作。 +The experimental results of analogue circuit show that type-S negative resistance can be obtained by using two like polarity transistors with various circuit connections.,模拟电路实验证明用两个同极性的晶体管以多种电路接法都能获得具有S型负阻特性的两端器件。 +Tokyo could still choose to do little. But it shouldn’t expect America to fill any defense gap.,日本可以选择什么都不做,却不能企望美国来缩小其防御差距。 +All these things point to the right direction.,所有这些都朝着正确方向在发展。 +"The drought, which has lasted for five months, has brought water levels in the middle part of the Yangtze to a near-record low.",已经延续长达5个月的大旱使长江中游地区的水位下降到接近历史最低点。 +"With the practice of the market economy in our socialist country, and the subsequent reform in the job allocation system, the students' sense of job-hunting has greatly changed.",在社会主义市场经济条件下,随着毕业生就业制度的改革,大学生的择业观发生了较大变化。 +"His discography includes over 75 albums, including more than 15 Grammy award winners.",他发行出版过75张专辑,为他带来了超过15座“格莱美”音乐奖。 +"This voltage sensitive module promotes consistent, accurate flow while offering rapid depressurization.",这个电压敏感的模块促进一致的,精确的流量,同时提供快速降压。 +"In accordance with the theoretical viewpoints of feminism, the current passage offers a re-interpretation of the fate for women in a patriarchal society.",依据女性主义的理论观点,本文对男权社会下的女性命运进行了重新解读。 +Mao linsheng was appointed member of the Standing Committee of CPC Zhejiang Provincial Committee. (2010.01.21),任命茅临生为中共浙江省委常委。(2010.01.21) +"""Bring the fashion, healthy cold-storage food for Chinese consumers""is our mission.",公司的使命:“为中国消费者带来时尚、健康的冷藏食品”! +"""This data predates any other genetic data on dogs in the New World by 7800 years, "" says team member Cecil Lewis Jr., a geneticist at the University of Oklahoma.",“这一数据比任何关于美洲犬的数据早7800年,”研究组成员、俄克拉何马州大学的遗传学家小瑟西尔.刘易斯说。 +"Then Google offered word-processing, spreadsheets, slide-making and other ""office""-type services over the network.",然后,谷歌在网络上提供的文字处理,电子表格,幻灯片制作和其他“办公”类型的服务。 +"All the CSGO skins are for personal use, not for sell, please DO NOT trade with me, not even deceive me.",我所有的CSGO饰品都是自用的,请不要和我交易,更别想来骗我。 +"Just now I held a example may prove my attitude to hers, that is, if I love her, I must like her leer;",我们还可以用一种相当直接的方式观察到,是否一个“汝”现在是在一个回顾的态度中还是一个预期的态度中; +Human Rights Watch found that the government's failure to tackle local-level corruption violates Nigeria’s obligation to provide basic health and education services to its citizens.,人权观察发现,政府未能解决基层腐败,违反了尼日利亚向本国公民提供基本医疗和教育服务的义务。 +"Mr Meng is from Shanghai, but he has spent three years in Australia completing a masters degree in information technology at Central Queensland University (CQU).",小孟来自上海,但已在澳大利亚度过三年时光,在中昆士兰大学(CQU)获得了信息科技硕士学位。 +"At 7 a.m. ET, MBA Purchase Applications will be released.",早上7点钟,MBA购置申请标将会被发布。 +"For a similar utility, check out previously mentioned DeskAngel, or take a look at our 10 top ways to trick out your desktop. Thanks, Phoshi!","类似的工具,参看previously mentioned DeskAngel,或者看一下我们的10 top ways to trick out your desktop.Thanks, Phoshi!" +"They found Shatsky Rise is made up of layers of hardened lava, with individual lava flows up to 75 feet thick (23 meters).",他们发现沙莰基隆起是由很多层硬化的熔岩所组成,其中个别熔岩流的厚度竟达75英尺(23米)。 +"Consider keeping a small notebook with you and quickly jot down unknown words as you come across them, for checking later.",考虑随身携带一个小笔记本,在你遇到生词时快速记下,以便以后查询。 +"The findings show that, in course of serrated chip forming, the deforming material went through the both deforming stages of the plastic shear deformation and the local shear slip.",研究结果表明,在锯齿形切屑的形成过程中,变形材料经历了塑性剪切变形和集中剪切滑移两个变形过程。 +The characteristics and geographical subdivision of genus Carex L. in Gansu and its relationship with Carex of Qinghai Plateau.,标题 甘肃苔草属植物的地理分布、区系特点及其与青海高原苔草植物的关系。 +"There are no significant difference in gender, smoking and drinking habit of patient between K and KWD group.",在比较这两组病人当中,性别、吸烟与喝酒的习惯,并没有统计学上的差异。 +Close your computer so you can get up without destroying thousands of dollars of technology.,"合上你的电脑 这样你站起来不会,弄坏这个价值数千美元的高科技产品" +"But strange coincidence regarded as the ""natural economy ""Pollini west people that Cook describe in the works of the captain go on bater trade.",而在一下研究波利尼西的有关章节中,我们将看到他们的经济法律制度与“自然经济”有很大的出入。 +But it is the case that they're dominated once we delete the dominated strategies: once we delete 67 and above.,"但一旦我们剔除了原劣势策略,即选择67及大于67的数之后,他们才是劣势策略" +"Three others, including two children, also were rescued from the same building in Ercis 20 hours after the quake struck.",在埃尔吉希县另外3个人,包括2个小孩,在震后20小时在同一幢房屋里被救出。 +"Rather, he says, the most likely explanation is a phenomenon known as epistasis, where genes can interact so as to greatly multiply an effect.",戈德曼还说,当然可能性最大的解释是有一种被称为“上位性”的现象,在这种现象中基因可以发生���大增加某种效应的相互作用。 +The time and space phase pattern of STAT3 protein was consistent with that of cell apoptosis.,STAT3蛋白高表达与神经元凋亡两者的部位和时间段基本一致。 +Specific tariffs are levied as a fixed charge for each unit of a good imported.,从量税是按进口商品每单位征收一个固定的税额。 +"Felipe, at age 7, knows that if a clay ball is rolled into a sausage, it still contains the same amount of clay (conservation of substance).",费利佩7 岁时知道,如果将一个泥球卷成香肠状,其泥土量不变(物质守恒)。 +"""It's very wise for him to say nothing,"" Telhami said. ""You don't want to be defined by the immediate crisis when you can't do much anyway to influence what is going on the ground.""",“他什麽都不说是很明智的,既然现在你不能做任何改变现状的事情,那就不要轻易被圈定立场,”Telhami说。 +Do you need to influence them to convert your blockers to supporters?,你是否需要影响他们,把挡道的人变成支持者? +His hearing problems didn't stop him from composing7.,耳疾的问题并未使贝多芬停止创作。 +"With the gloomy prospect of returning to work after the Spring Festival, many people could suffer post-holiday syndrome, experts said.",想到长假之后,又要回到朝九晚五的上班生活,假期的最后一天也就成了“假后综合症”的高发期。 +The piedmont alluvial fans widespread on the east side of Xishan and the south side of Beishan.,北京西山东麓和北山南麓广泛分布着山麓洪积扇地形。 +"But in the main America, along with many other countries, will probably have to rely on its fiscal stimulus for longer than it would like.",但大体而言,美国,以及许多其他国家,都要继续依靠其经济刺激政策,尽管主观上他们可能不大愿意。 +"Our company is specialized in manufacture pumps, integrating scientific research, production and marketing.",江苏赛力制泵是集科研、生产、销售于一体的专业生产厂家。 +Correlation and path analysis of 10 agronomic characters were studied with 10 cultivars of sponge gourd( Luffa acutangula Roxb. ),对有棱丝瓜1 0个品种的1 0个主要农艺性状进行了相关及通径分析。 +"Collected here are recent images from northeastern Japan, 14 days after it was rocked by disaster on a historic scale. [46 photos]",这里收集的是来自日本东北部的最新图片,摄于这次历史性灾难发生的14天后。 +"After the seizure is often accompanied by digestive dysfunction headache, nausea, vomiting and not eating.",癫痫后头痛常伴有消化功能障碍,恶心、呕吐而不能进食。 +"The birth of Spring and Autumn Annals marked the formation of a style of compiling history, that is, historiography of annalistic style.",《春秋》的问世标志着中国至迟在这一时期形成了一门关于史书编纂的专门学问:编年体史学。 +The IR motion sensors range is from 2.5 to 15 cm above the sensor. Any movement outside this range will not be detected.,IR运动传感器的探测范围为传感器上方2.5至15厘米之间。 无法探测任何超出此范围的运动。 +Don't set your car's air conditioner or heater to recirculated air. Selecting the outside air adoption on your dashboard ambition reduce the number of pollutants you're looping inside the automobile.,不要用汽车空调或加热器去循环空气, louboutin,将操控仪表板选至外部空气会降低内部循环时产生的污染物, abercrombie。 +"This paper reveals, there are two basic life patterns in the novels of Ming and Qing: the moral life, and the temperamental life.",明清小说有两种基本的生命类型:一德性生命,一气性生命。 +People will feed on the attitudes of those leading the initiatives.,人们将受到引领者的态度的鼓舞。 +"Life, he realized, was much like a song.",他认识到,生命,更多的如一支曲。 +"The dewatering rates of same kind material are different at the initial, but turn to uniform at last.",在脱水初始阶段,同种材料的各重复间脱水率不同,而在后期则渐趋一致。 +"In those poor times, many schoolmates couldn't even bring with them a somewhat decent take-out lunch to school, so did my classmate sitting next to me.",在那个贫困的年代里,很多同学往往连带个象样的便当到学校上课的能力都没有, 我邻座的同学就是如此。 +"For specialties not federally funded, grants may be offered at the metropolitan level.",联邦政府没有资助的特别项目,或许在市一级的项目中能得到资助。 +"A system for testing the performances of MRPC by cosmic rays has been established, and the MRPCs constructed by us have been measured too.",研制出了一种MRPC;建立了基于宇宙线望远镜系统的MRPC性能测试实验平台; +Moreover hiram's fleet which carried gold from ophir brought a great many almug trees and precious stones.,希兰的船队从俄斐运了金子来,又从俄斐运了许多檀香木和宝石来。 +The triode steps up voltage .,三极管能升高电压。 +"William Leiss, the representative of the Western Ecological Marxism, regards the human control of nature and alienated consumption as the root of contemporary capitalist ecological crisis.",西方生态学马克思主义的代表威廉。莱斯把控制自然的观念和异化消费看作是当代资本主义生态危机发生的根源。 +"Regarding the Shandong Luneng near future murkiness , Cheng Yaodong will use ""the trough time"" this word to make the illustration for the match.",对于山东鲁能近期的低迷,成耀东用“低谷期”这个词为对手作了注解。 +You are less likely to do high frequency component damage with that limiter set to 'on'.,你不太可能与设置'为'的限制器高频部件损坏。 +A WPAR can also use a rset already defined for another WPAR.,一个 WPAR 可以使用已经与另一个 WPAR 相关联的资源集。 +And this is something-- This is supposed to express some deep insight into the nature and uniqueness of death.,"而这就能表达-,关于死亡的本质和独特性的,深层次的洞察。" +"The Buckminster project consists of frameworks and tools for automating build, assemble, and deploy development processes in complex or distributed component-based development.",Buckminster 项目由一些框架和工具组成,用于在复杂环境或基于分布式组件的环境中自动构建、组装和部署开发过程。 +The chief handicrafts of this country are pottery and wood carving.,这个国家的主要手工艺是制陶和木雕。 +"Similar benefits can be derived from vinegar, which is used as part of this simple but tasty recipe.",姜也有同样的功效,它是一种简单又美味的处方。 +"After the second world war, huge conglomerates were forbidden and replaced by the keiretsu, a network of individual companies working together. Cross-shareholdings remained routine.",二战后,大型企业集团被禁,转而由企业联盟替代,这是一个私营公司合作网。交叉持股依然是惯例。 +It encompasses all stated modalities of diagnosis and treatment including drugs and surgery if no safe alternative exists.,它包含所有定期的健康检查和药物及没有更好办法下的手术治疗。 +"The British Proclamation of 1763, the War of 1812, geological barriers and the lack of modern-day transportation all provided resistance against westward migration.",英国1763年公告、1812年战争、地理阻隔和现代交通的缺少都对向西迁移产生了阻碍。 +"In this summer of the long goodbye, this last summer of their childhood, your children need your help to let go... and to hang on.",在这个充满了绵长的告别的盛夏,这个属于他们童年的最后一个暑假,你的孩子需要你的帮助放手、飞翔。 +"Meanwhile Wenger, who is in South Africa commentating for French TV, is expecting an improvement from his home country.",与此同时,替法国电视台做解说的温格也期待他的祖国能有一个提高。 +He reviews and rehearses his material.,他不断的复习和演练手中的材料。 +"It's as if Milton were paralyzed, almost, at this moment in his choice between these various alternatives.",弥尔顿似乎被麻痹了,在他在几个可行性中作出选择的时候。 +"Chinese financial institutions issued 548.5 billion yuan ($85.9 billion) in new yuan loans in August, up from 493 billion yuan in July and above economists' expectations of 500 billion yuan.","8月份,中国金融机构新增人民币贷款5,485亿元(合859亿美元),较7月份的人民币4,930亿元有所增加,高于经济学家预测的人民币5,000亿元。" +Methods A small patch of skin close under the nevus was designed as glossa-like flap to repair the defect with the method.,方法在睑缘色素痣附近设计一舌形皮瓣,采用转移推进法修复缺损。 +"The Defense Minister Anatoliy Hrytsenko said the armed forces would follow the orders of the commander-in-chief, which is Ukrain's President.",国防部长安托里。海琴科说军队将会服从最高领导人也就是乌克兰总统的命令。 +To a non-horseracing lover like me I would feel that Uncle Bill's horse commentating days were a miracle in the Hong Kong broadcasting industry.,对于我这个非马迷而言,也感受到骠叔的论马手法是香港广播界的一大奇迹。 +"In a word, to prepare perfect micro-arc oxidation film, interreaction of various factors must been taken into account.",综上所述,欲制备理想的微弧氧化膜就必须综合考虑各种因素的相互作用。 +"Pseudo-classes classify elements on characteristics other than their name, attributes or content;",伪类除了可以在名称,属性,内容上划分元素,还可以通过特性来划分元素; +I thought it was unique to have a pair of gray eyes.,我戴美瞳是想有一双灰色的眼睛。 +"During a piano and staccato repetition of the theme, the strings and flutes rush up, bringing the music to the briefest of halts.",当音乐以弱音和断奏重复主题时,弦乐和长笛响起,将音乐带入一个极短的中断。 +"What they're hopefully not going to do is allow Rupert to make any more ego-driven but dilutive acquisitions, such as that of Dow Jones and its flagship the Wall Street Journal.",但愿他们不会继续任由默多克自以为是地进行任何冲减市值的收购。 例如他对道琼斯公司(Dow Jones)和其旗舰报纸《华尔街日报》(Wall Street Journal)的收购。 +This is a tremendously powerful feature that DBAs trying to adhere to stringent service-level agreements (SLAs) are bound to want to try out.,这是一个非常强大的特性,那些竭尽全力遵从严格的服务水平协议(SLA)的 DBA 们都准备试一试这个特性。 +"Wei Mercure means delicate and timeless style, comfortable user-friendly options, this is the respect for those who strive to live the typical lifestyle.",玮美居意味着精致与永恒的时尚、舒适的人性化的选择,这正是崇尚生活的人士力求的典型生活方式。 +"Many countries end up in a “gray zone, ” with semi-functioning governments and powerful oligarchies.",很多国家最终沦为“灰色地带”——半运作状态的政府和强权的寡头政治。 +"Results: Telomerase activity was positive in 72% (23/32) of gastric cancer samples, 71% (25/35) of gastritis tissues, and of 5 out of 8 biopsies of intestinal metaplasia .",结果:72%(23/32)胃癌组织,71%(25/35)胃炎组织端粒酶呈阳性。肠上皮化生端粒酶呈阳性率为5/8。 +"Hilkiah, one of my chief priests was looking around the rubble and he found a scroll.",希尔克雅(Hilkiah)是我的大祭司,那天他在碎石中找到一份卷轴。 +"And things go downhill from there. Before you know it, she has a Sophie's choice to make involving her two trapped children and a concrete slab.",很快,像苏菲一样,她必须做出选择,因为她的2个孩子被压在了预制板下面。 +"In six months, this is what we did: we put a new laboratory in place (actually that took two months); trained staff; refurbished a hospital and turned it into an MDR-TB hospital.",6个月中我们做了以下的工作:设立了一个新实验室(实际上花了两个月),培训了工作人员,改造了一个医院,把它变成了一个耐多药结核病医院。 +"Once there was a mother who adored and spoiled her son. When he was little, he would sometimes fight or steal, but she would defend him, saying, ""He's still young and doesn't understand anything.""",有位十分宠爱儿子的母亲,儿子小时偶尔打架偷东西,她都护短,说:“孩子还小,不懂事! +"According to the results of HRP, Xiaguan point afferent neurons come from the trigeminal ganglion and the mesencephalic nucleus of trigeminal nerve.",根据HRP逆行追踪结果,发现分布于下关穴区的传入神经元位于三叉神经节和三叉神经中脑核; +"No two threads will be able to execute methods against those objects at the same time (on a per-object basis, obviously).",不会存在两个线程同时调用该对象的方法的情况(显然是以对象为基础的)。 +That he happens to reside in the welterweight division makes him all the more dangerous and much more intriguing.,以是这使正在处于次中量级的他看起来更加的伤害而且越发秘密。 +The eco-tourism is the tourist action of protection natural environment and maintenance local people living double responsibility.,生态旅游是一种保护自然环境和维系当地人民生活双重责任的旅游活动形式。 +Tunneling (RFC 2893):It allows you to encapsulate one packet head into the other and one protocol will communicate with others through the encapsulation in the other protocol.,隧道技术(RFC 2893): 是指将一种协议报头封装在另一种协议报头中,这样,一种协议就可以通过另一种协议的封装进行通信。 +"XOM.N) also weighed on the blue-chip Dow as June oil futures prices slid nearly 3 percent on flu worries. Chevron fell 1.8 percent to $65.41, and Exxon lost 0.7 percent to $66.13.","雪佛龙(CVX.N: 行情)和艾克森美孚(XOM.N: 行情)拖累道指表现,因忧虑猪流感,美国原油期货收低约3%.雪佛龙跌1.8%,报65.41美元,艾克森美孚跌0.7%,报66.13美元." +"The most common bacteria were nonfermenters, especially P. aeruginosa and S. maltophilia (25. 84% and 10. 27% respectively).",病原菌分布以铜绿假单胞菌(25。84%)和嗜麦芽窄食单胞菌(10。27%)等非发酵菌多见。 +"Fifthly, a BP artificial neural net used for health diagnoses of cable-suspended structures of pipelines is established by the tool box in the MATLAB6.5.",运用MATLAB6.5 工具箱,基于整体模式识别方法,建立了用于管道悬索跨越工程健康诊断的BP 人工神经网络。 +"For example, the compounds are capable of modulating Aurora kinase thereby influencing the process of cell cycle and cell proliferation to treat cancer and cancer-related diseases.",例如,所述化合物能够调节极光激酶,因此影响细胞循 环和细胞增殖过程,用以治疗癌症和与癌症相关的疾病。 +"After careful period would not need to change in time the oil, but if after careful period has not finished then change between persevered through a high-lever quality oil, the engine is very good.",谨慎期过后本来是不需要及时更换机油的,但如果过了谨慎期还没有完成磨合期之间就更换一次高质量的机油,对发动机是非常有好处的。 +Identifying miracles attributable to Monsignor Quinn will be among the tasks before the new diocesan committee.,教会将在新的教区委员会成立之前完成对奎因相关奇迹的核实。 +"Don't keep your finger ""cocked"" in mid-air and ready to click. Allow it to lay gently over the mouse button.",不要让你的手指一直竖起在半空中及准备按键的时候。让它轻轻地触动鼠标按键。(要注意文明,不要老是竖中指) +"When the news got round that a comedy show would be presented at our local cinema by the P. and U. Bird Seed Company, we all rushed to see it.",当“皮尤”鸟食公司将在我们当地影院演出喜剧节目的消息传开后,我们都赶紧跑去观看。 +"Sure, you need to give me 1000 deposit for each mountain bike and you will get a full refund when you return it.",好的,每辆车你需要付1000卢比的押金,押金退车是全额返还。 +"Demand purposefully sees traditional photography as a transcriber of the real world, and thus casts doubt on the objects he re-creates.",托马斯代米德有意地把传统摄影方法看作是一种真实世界的信息转换器,以此将他的人造对象带入疑惑状态。 +Even above the fumes from the pressed grapes he could smell that she had been drinking.,皮尔斯即使透过榨过的葡萄的味道也能闻得出来,她喝多了。 +"However, the antecedent community administration system in China is not perfect in respects to the functions, relations and suchlike.",然而,我国现行的社区行政管理体制却很不完善,条块分割、职能错位、关系不顺的现象十分严重。 +We probably don't find any forms of the Cassava plant ever in the U.S.,"在美国很可能永远都找不到,任何形式的有这么高含量的。" +Peter Renton: The official word from the platforms is that you should not invest more than 10 percent of your net worth.,彼得·伦顿:P2P平台的官方回答是,P2P借贷上投资不应超过个人净资产的10%。 +"But, the oxygen has taken two electrons from the sulfur.",但是,氧从硫那里得到了2个电子。 +The key to prevent such phenomena is to dissolve these exclusive or hostile theist elements in religions and to base their doctrines on a universal humanist idea.,因此,为了防止这种现象,各个宗教应该消解那种排外仇他的神本主义倾向,而将教义建立在普遍性人本主义的基础上。 +Today we'll make patient rounds with the pulmonary team.,今天,我们和呼吸内科的医生一起查房。 +Domestic storage of the vegetables at ambient temperature and in a domestic refrigerator showed no significant difference with only minor loss of glucosinolate levels over 7 days.,室温储存的蔬菜和在冰箱中储存七天后的蔬菜相比,硫代葡萄糖酸盐的含量没有明显不同,但后者的含量稍低。 +The study found the spillover effect of WLC on employees' well-being and moderating effect of social support.,本文除了厘清「工作-休閒冲突」对员工幸福感的扩散效果,并发现「社会支持」的调节效果。 +Our work mainly focus on the improvements of reverse recovery charge and gate charge which impact much on high speed switching and high efficiency performance of a VDMOSFET.,本项目主要针对影响器件开关速率和高效性能的反向恢复电荷、栅电荷进行优化和改进。 +"A story in the December issue of the trade magazine Security Management describes how Batista organized relatives' response to a kidnapping in Mexico, even cooking the family meals at times.",12月出版的行业杂志《安全管理》中有一篇巴蒂斯塔的专访,讲述了他在墨西哥如何发动人质的亲友一起来解决一起绑架案,他甚至会不时送去人质家属烹制的饭菜。 +"Typically, I store the output files on this central server in a tree structure with a separate directory for each queue manager.",通常情况下,我将输出文件存储在这个中央服务器上,使用树形结构,为每个队列管理器使用一个独立的目录。 +"Less than two hours later, Kubitz was almost back to non-nal.",不到两个小时,库比兹几乎已恢复正常。 +The pressures were already immense when David B. Kellermann was promoted to the top financial position at the mortgage giant Freddie Mac last September. Then they got even worse.,去年9月,大卫·凯勒曼被提拔到按揭贷款巨头房贷美的高级财务职位时,公司所面临的压力已经十分巨大,随后情况还进一步恶化了。 +"Analytics Specialists are involved in the entire project life-cycle from project proposal, planning, execution to delivery and implementation.",分析师将参与到项目的整个周期,包括从项目方案设计,规划,执行,到实施 的所有环节。 +"People often quit jobs, take new jobs, or drop out of the labor force to retrain themselves.",人们常常辞职,接受新工作,或者退出劳动力大军以接受再培训。 +"Gross domestic product is up, but the inflation-adjusted income of the median family is probably lower than it was in 2000.",GDP增长了,但是排除通货膨胀因素的中产阶级家庭净收入可能比2000年还要低。 +I think that having a forced voter turnout would only force an uninformed vote.,我认为,强制选民投票的结果是不知情的投票。 +Objective To sum up the surgical of effects and feasibility for the simultaneous surgical treatment of prostatic hyperplasia and inguinal hernia.,目的总结前列腺增生并发腹股沟疝同期手术的效果及可行性。 +Refugees’ goats have sometimes been known to attract hyenas that try to chew through the huts.,人们都知道,难民养的山羊有时会吸引鬣狗,它们穿过棚屋撕咬山羊。 +Schmidt explained why to NEWSWEEK's Fareed Zakaria in an exclusive interview. Excerpts,施密特在新闻周刊的记者Fareed Zakaria所做的专访中解释了这一决定。 +"In their loan application document, they provided an e-mail address.",在他们的贷款申请文件中,他们提供了电子邮件地址。 +Their home evolved when he bug a cool room for his bakery business in a hill he had created.,他们的家发展了当他在山丘中为他的面包房生意建造了一个冷房。 +The first was with the Deputy Minister of Health Wang Longde to the other two are accompanied by secretary of the investigation.,第一次是同卫生部副部长王陇德前往,后两次是随同书记调研。 +"During the Spring and Autumn Period, Duke Fuchai of Wu led a huge army against the state of Jin.",春秋时代,吴王夫差想做几个小国的霸王,率领三万军队向晋军挑战。 +Break the eggs into the large bowl. Add the milk and butter. Beat with the whisk until the mixture is bubbly on top.,将鸡蛋打入大碗,加入牛奶和黄油,搅拌,直至混合物上层起泡。 +"However, the subject of state-owned enterprises is closely related with government policies and many other factors. So it is difficult to make a final inspection and evaluation.",但是,国有企业公司治理是个比较大的领域,而且与政府政策等许多因素密切相关,因此不能对该方案做出一个最终的检验和评价。 +"The star was David Weinberger, a brilliant 26-year-old PhD student in philosophy, who submitted some jokes out of the blue and won instant praise from Woody.",其中的明星人员是大卫温伯格,一个很有前途的26岁的哲学博士研究生,他总在不经意间讲出一些笑话,见到伍迪后立即得到了伍迪的好评。 +The present invention discloses one kind of taxane injection.,本发明公开了一种紫杉烷类的注射药制剂。 +"We think of lukewarm water, hope to get in it.",我们惦记着温水,希望快进去呢。 +"Therefore, to expand the content management solution to AutoCAD content is an interesting move.",因此,将内容管理延伸到AutoCAD文件是一个非常有趣的进步。 +"That was to let profitability outweigh passion: ""My passion has been to build an enduring company where people were motivated to make great products.",那就是让盈利超越了激情:“我的激情是为了打造一个不朽的公司,其员工都被激发去制造伟大的产品。 +"Based on the resource dependence theory, the cooperation mechanism of VO be- come clear.",从资源依赖理论出发,对虚拟组织协同机理进行分析。 +"All the tip can be creative, sunflower only towards the sun blossom, but don't forget I is that of the sun.",卉凡则提示可中,向日葵只朝着太阳绽放,要可中别忘了本人就是那太阳。 +"Blessed are you, O land whose king is of noble birth and whose princes eat at a proper time- for strength and not for drunkenness.",邦国阿,你的王若是贵胄之子,你的群臣按时吃喝,为要捕力,不为酒醉,你就有福了。 +"Ship-recycling industry has been called the ""smoke-free metallurgy"", turning waste into wealth, recycling of resources, for the disposal of old retired ships providing a good way.",拆船业被称为“无烟冶金工业”,变废为宝,对资源进行循环再利用,为老旧船舶的退役提供了一条良好的途径。 +Earthquake nucleation with strike slip fault was analyzed by means of the variational boundary integral method and slip weakening friction law.,利用边界单元法和滑移弱化摩擦本构关系分析了平移断层上地震的产生。 +"High yielders &carry trades came under pressure, as the market wanted nothing to do with the extra risk in this uncertainty environment.",多产者和利差交易者面临巨大市场压力,因为市场在抵制一切与不确定的环境有关联的风险因素。 +"Attention was paid to nuances of life, mood, and reading, and the experience of oneself was intensified and widened by virtue of this act of writing.",注意力集中于生活的细微末节、心情、跟阅读。凭藉这个写作的活动,自我的经验被强调跟扩展。 +"Criticize later – Or some part of your mind may feel threatened and shut up and withdraw. Just let ideas flow out, don´t try to censor yourself or worry about how silly the ideas may be.","你可能觉得大脑部分思维迟钝,闭塞,总也打不开思路.这时只需任思维自流,不必刻意评判自己和担心你的想法可能有多么的愚蠢." +"Fifty years later, during the Japanese occupation, it was universally known as ""Huo Shao Island.""",从清代跨日治五十年,民间莫不称之「火烧岛」。 +I told him there's this girl in Seattle with the same tattoo—you two have to get together and have leg and arm sex.,我当时就跟他说,西雅图有个姑娘也纹着这种纹身——你们俩个真应该成为一对,你可以用自己的大腿和她的胳膊大干一场。 +"Snippets are little fragments of code that perform small tasks, such as running a regular expression on some input, connecting to the database, and querying the database.",片段 是完成小任务(比如在一些输入中运行常规表达式、连接到数据库和查询数据库)的小部分代码。 +"The principle, applications, recent state and advances of four guidance modes for laser-guided missiles are described.",本文叙述了激光制导导弹四种制导方式的原理、应用、现状及发展趋势。 +Experimental results show a new type of high-effect LiBr absorption chiller has certain advantage.,实验结果表明,这种新型溴化锂吸收式制冷机具有一定的市场优势。 +Alvaro Arbeloa has questioned his former club Liverpool's title credentials after selling Xabi Alonso to Real Madrid this summer.,阿贝罗阿已经被问到这个夏天阿隆索被卖到皇家马德里后,他以前的老东家是否还有获得英超冠军的资格。 +Each kind of model considered the variety of the stiffness of soil base or base-isolated layer.,在各类模型中考虑了不同的隔震层参数或者地基土参数变化的影响。 +"The pace of human development has been enormously accelerated since the Revolution of Industry, this revolution has brought us both merits and demerits .",自从工业革命以来,人类发展的步伐大大加快,这场革命给我们带来了优点和缺点。 +"I think we were all pretty tired and burned-out at that time, too.",不过我觉得我们在那个时候也都非常非常累,基本都精疲力尽、人困马乏了。 +"Conclusion The diagnosis mainly depends on the clinical manifestation, urine test, B-ultrasonography, intravenous urography (IVU) and CT examination.",结论肾损伤诊断主要依靠临床表现、尿液检查及B超、大剂量造影剂静脉尿路造影及CT检验等。 +"What is more, he emphasized the syncretism from the ontological sense.",他更多地是从本体论的意义上强调心理合一。 +"First up for Shenoy and company are optogenetic tests on mice, rats and eventually monkeys, to better understand how different regions of the brain interact.",首先,谢诺伊和他的研究团队需要在老鼠身上进行光遗传学测试,最终需要在猴子身上进行测试,以便更好地理解不同的大脑区域如何相互作用。 +"Responsible for education, health, population and family planning, archives, women and children work, contact Municipal Women's Federation, the Red Cross.",负责教育、卫生、人口和计划生育、档案、妇女儿童方面工作。联系市妇联、红十字会。 +"However, the next King of Prussia, Frederick William I, to whom the amber room belonged, decided not to keep it.",然而,下一位普鲁士国王,腓特烈。威廉一世,这个琥珀屋的主人却决定不要它了。 +The gene frequency of CX3CR1-249 is higher in Uigur ethnic origin than in Han IDUs.,静脉吸毒者中CX3CR1-249基因频率存在明显的种族差异,维吾尔族高于汉族。 +The editorial in today's paper took aim at the president's poor performance.,今天报纸上的社论茅头指向总统贫乏的表现。 +"Shanghai Volkswagen Skoda Octavia was recently awarded ""Car of 2008"" by the Society of Automotive Engineering of China.",日前,在由中国汽车工程学会主办的“年度车2008” 评选活动中,上海大众斯柯达明锐获得“年度车2008”桂冠。 +"When he falls asleep, his dreams are prompted by this person and he has a nightmare where he sees her as a ghost trying to get in through the window.",当他睡着了的时候,这个人让他噩梦不断,在梦里她成了一个女鬼正试图从窗户里钻进来。 +"As she was thrown forward, the cake went right through the windscreen.",他住前一冲,���糕从挡风玻璃飞了出去。 +"As TechCrunch columnist MG Siegler wrote recently, the Kindle Fire is just the latest example of people focusing less on technical specifications and more on the user experience.",科技博客TechCrunch的专栏作家MG•西格勒最近写道,Kindle Fire的成功再次说明了消费者不再那么苛求技术规格,而是越来越关注用户体验。 +"A low-alcohol malt aloe lactic acid drink was developed by co-fermation of microzyme and lactobacillus to malt, aloe, and lactic acid.",以芦荟、牛奶、 麦芽为原料,采用酵母菌和乳酸菌共同发酵研制成含低醇的麦芽芦荟乳酸饮料。 +"An epicyclic gear system (34) is attached to the output shaft (33) of the motor, to produce an output of reduced rotational speed.",行星齿轮系统(34)与马达的输出轴(33)相连,以产生转速降低的输出。 +"Electrotherapy Shangjuxu, Zusanli, Quchi can increase content of IL-4 in tissue of colon mucosa of UC rats in different levels.",电针“上巨虚”、“足三里”、“曲池”穴使UC大鼠结肠组织IL-4含量有不同程度的升高; +AHMADINEJAD (through translator): Our first question is who is the world again that you speak of? You mean Mr. Netanygoodness meu?,内:我们的第一个问题是谁是你再次提及的世界?你的意思是内塔尼亚胡? +Perhaps by and by I may observe that private balls are much pleasanter than public ones.,待一忽儿我或许会谈到私人舞会比公共场所的跳舞会来得她; +"I received more gifts after return home. Dear uncles, aunties, grannies, I love you all!",回家后,收到公公婆婆、爷爷嫲嫲、姨妈姑姐、叔叔舅舅的礼物,谢谢你们的爱。 +The electronic and ionic polarizing process were researched by the perturbation theory of quantum mechanics.,利用量子力学的微扰理论研究电子和离子极化过程。 +Educators indicate that this is very good ratio.,教育界人士指出这是个很好的比例。 +"It is given that general principles, in a sense of minimally counting directed trees, are proposed to select a root vertex of the directed tree.",本文在有向村计数最小的意义上,讨论选择有向树树根节点的一般原理,所得结果可用于优化线性网络拓扑分析算法的工程设计。 +"Speaking to Arsenal. com, Gazidis outlined how things work with the Club's new owner.",加齐迪斯强调了这家俱乐部新老板如何参与俱乐部事务。 +Hit her father forty whacks.,砍了爸爸四十下。 +"For example, the Reiser File System, available by default on SLES8, is known for its high performance with small files.",例如,SLES8 上默认使用的 Reiser 文件系统以高性能地处理小文件而闻名。 +Italy coach Marcello Lippi has given Juventus striker Amauri hope of a call up for World Cup 2010.,译文意大利国家队主教练里皮召唤阿毛里加入意大利国家队出征2010年世界杯。 +The block to wealth is in your own mind. Destroy that block now by getting on good mental terms with everyone.,妨碍你致富的是你自己心中的负面想法。现在,通过在心理上做到荣辱不惊来干掉那种想法。 +Allis published two major studies.,相继发表了两个重要的研究。 +Thanks a lot . How about the phrases of SIII ?,真是非常感谢你的努力,谢谢。 +"The 23-year-old ewe, recognised by the Guinness Book of Records, died peacefully on her farm at Lake Bolac, 57 miles west of Melbourne, after a short illness.",23岁的母羊Lucky曾荣登吉尼斯记录,患病后不久在距墨尔本西面57英里的Lake Bolac的农场里安然离世。 +"As soon as scientists figured out smarter ways to uncover the wee ones’ abilities, they began finding infants’ skills are more than they’re cracked up to be.",科学家们一找到更加高明的方法来发现这些小宝贝们的各种能力,就发现其实宝宝们会的东西比人们夸赞的还要多。 +This unique approach to the treatment of enterotoxigenic diarrhea works by interrupting the diarrhea-causing chain of events that occur when bacterial toxins enter the intestinal tract.,这种独特的肠毒性腹泻治疗途径通过干扰当细菌性毒素进入肠道时所发生的腹泻链式反应起作用。 +"Window above the fence is made of iron, the middle set with a face of grim skull indicate it is from a ghost house.",窗子上面的栏栅也是用铁做的,中间镶有一个面目狰狞的骷髅头示意着这是一个鬼宅。 +"His water dungeon was a government fabrication, the museum now points out.",他的水牢是政府伪造的,现在的博物馆也说明了这一点。 +"DOUG JOHNSON: Edward Hopper was born in eighteen eighty-two in Nyack, a small town in New York state.",道格约翰逊:爱德华霍珀出生于一八八二年在恩亚克,在纽约州的一个小镇。 +"Based on the theory of the ideal angle transmission ratio, control algorithm about front-wheel corner for SBW system is designed, And we conducted simulation test.",试验结果表明目标前轮���角控制算法对改善汽车的转向特性有很大的帮助。 +"In narratology, ""narrative context"" is used to clarify the complicated relations between relater and story in the narrative text.",在叙事学中,叙事情境主要用来阐明叙事文本中叙述者与故事之间的种种复杂关系。 +In the works of those physicians who make use of the psycho-analytic method of treatment a great many dreams have been recorded and interpreted in accordance with my directions.,医学界运用心理分析法进行治疗的学者们,依照本书的指引在其著作中记录、解释梦。 +But she just rolls her eyes8 and asks me when I’m going to worrying so much.,而她只是翻了翻白眼儿,问我什么时候才能不操这么多心。 +Yimeng spirit is the important resource of motivating the construction of socialist advanced culture of Linyi.,沂蒙精神是推动临沂社会主义先进文化建设的重要资源。 +"Coleen McLoughlin, 20, the girlfriend of Wayne Rooney, led the charge, buying Gucci shoes and a Dolce and Gabbana shirt from Monika Scholz, the most expensive boutique in the German spa town.",韦恩·鲁尼的20岁女友科琳·麦考琳成为此购物大军的表率,她在这个德国温泉城市最昂贵的莫尼卡·肖尔茨时装店买了一双Gucci鞋和一件Dolce &Gabbana衬衣。 +"Then, it is easy to see that how to bridge the young and old lies in their attitudes towards the generation gap.",然后, 它容易看那怎么跨接年轻和老谎言在他们的对于代沟的态度。 +"For years, Guangdong officials have talked about the need to upgrade the local economy and shift away from reliance on low-wage labor.",几年前广东省官方即讨论过地区产业升级以及转变低劳动成本的依赖。 +"Results were the same as found in previous studies, the CSC was influenced by the time duration between cue and stimulus and the probability of the cues.",同时,实验结果证明了线索-刺激相容性效应仍然遵循适时性的特征,受到线索呈现时距的影响,并随线索客观有效概率的增加而增强。 +Would you rather that I didn't speak to you about Roy?,你真不想听我讲罗依的情况,是吗? +"Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh in his speech to convey the country's hard-line signal, the relationship between India and Pakistan in the past he has been holding relatively moderate stance.",印度总理辛格在致全国讲演中传达出强硬的信号,过去他在印巴关系上一直持相对温和的立场。 +"ObjectiveTo identify Acacia catechu(Linn. f. )Willd. systemically in pharmacognosy, and provide the scientific evidence for identification and application.",目的对多民族常用的植物药儿茶进行生药学鉴定,为其鉴别及应用提供科学依据。 +Incidence of pneumonia was significantly increased with the use of MPSS medication.,使用甲基强的松龙显著提高肺炎的发病率。 +"Blog, Wiki, Podcasting and Learning Chinese Language.",博客,维基,网播与中文教学。 +"This paper discusses firstly adaptive algorithms of LMS and VLMS1, being used widely in treating the problem of echo cancellation for full-duplex transmission in ISDN digital subscriber's loop.",本文针对ISDN数字用户环路二线全双工的回波抵消传输方式,首先探讨了LMS、VLMS1自适应算法,并在此基础上提出改进的VLMS2算法。 +His slip resulted in a broken leg.,他滑了一跤,摔断了一条腿。 +Objective: To observe the efficacy of MEBO in treating Staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome.,目的:了解湿润烧伤膏(MEBO)治疗葡萄球菌性烫伤样皮肤综合征皮损的疗效。 +"Aww, thanks.",嗯 谢谢。 +Conventional sequence stratigraphy interpreting methods are only using convention seismic and well -logging data.,传统的层序地层学解释方法只是仅仅使用了常规的地震剖面和测井曲线。 +"In 2006, Welldone Screen Printing established a new factory in the same area for silkscreen printing and LCM backlight sheets manufacturing.",2006年运通扩建新厂房于同区工业园增加合格万级无尘车间制作丝印部品及背光源贴片。 +"Hoops around a tube within a donut, is there an easier way to describe this magnificent piece?",圈圈套圈圈,五个呼啦圈! 还有更简单的说法来描述这个华丽的大家伙吗? +Medial inferior genicular artery and inferior patellar branch of the descending genicular arterial articular branch merge and accede to prepatellar ring on inferior medial to patella.,于髌骨内下方参与形成髌周动脉环的膝降动脉关节支的髌下支或膝下内动脉干长、位置恒定。 +It has the same cycles as the Australian dollar and this means it should also decline into late trading on Thursday or Friday when an intermediate low is due.,它与澳币具有相同的趋势,这意味著它也将走低至周四晚盘或周五完成中期低点。 +"You can let it go to voicemail and you can let your chat window blink for a bit.You can switch off your mobile, too.",你让其留语音信箱,也让你的来电显示一直闪烁,你还可以关机。 +I suggest we postpone the discussion of the price till Monday.,我建议我们把有关价格的讨论推忱锝星期一。 +On each deep breath switch between focussing on your thumb and the 10-20 feet object in front of you.,在每次注视面前的拇指与10-20英尺远的物体之间转换时,都进行一次深呼吸。 +Lets see how long it takes Putin to bankrupt Russia again. Those who don't learn from history are destine to repeat it.,让我们看看普京花多少时间让俄罗斯再次破产。那些不吸取历史教训的人们将会重蹈覆辙。 +"The second danger also works through productivity, but arises from the role played by debt in this cycle.",第二个危险也是通过生产率发挥作用,但它源自于债务在这一周期中所发挥的作用。 +After-class physical activities are activities students take part in after class in individual or collective form to promote body and mind development.,课外体育活动是学生利用课余时间,采取个人或集体的形式,通过自身的身体练习,使身心得到发展的活动。 +"The protesters and the government have very different accounts of what's happening in Deraa, but both sides agree that violence is continuing and that buildings and cars have been set alight.",抗议者与政府对德拉发生的事情报道有所不同,但是双方都赞同,暴力仍在继续,建筑和车辆仍在被纵火。 +"At the bank counter, the clerk checked each note carefully to see if the money was real. It made the old lady out of patience.",在银行柜台,银行职员认真检查了每一张钞票,汗蒸房价格看是否有假。 +"Not that the valleys, Not that foothills.",不去那冷寞的幽谷,不去那凄清的山麓。 +"If the time harmonic source is assumed to be constant voltage, the summed pulse propagation is the impulse response along the line.",若各频率成份之电源为定电压,则所得时域脉波即脉冲电压源在传输线上之脉冲响应。 +"Backward to a certain man named Adam, whom the cherubim bounced from the orchard, could Perkins, the remorseful, trace his descent.",追溯一个名叫亚当的男人,那个被从果园驱逐出来的智天使,懊悔的珀金斯能步上他的后步。 +Director Roland Emmerich has nearly destroyed the world three times already.,导演罗兰•埃默里奇(Roland Emmerich)近乎摧毁整个世界已经三次之多。 +This will give the beer a head when you pour it… .,这啤酒倒的时候会起泡沫。 +"The great mystery titled background, dramatically depicted in the JiangHuCheng surge strategy, jealousy and pure love.",这一大谜题为背景,戏剧性地描绘出江户城中涌动的策略,嫉妒和纯爱。 +"At a time when U. S. Vice president Dick Cheney was still being shuttled around to undisclosed locations, skyscrapers suddenly seemed like the most disclosed locations.",曾经有一度,当美国副总统迪克。切尼仍旧被不停地周转护送到隐蔽地点时,摩天大楼似乎突然间成了最暴露的地点。 +"However, a less skilled sorceress could use a different method to silence a singing mermaid.",但是,一个技术拙劣的女巫会用另外一种方法来使小美人鱼沉默。 +Distribution of trace elements and Tiobacillus ferrooxidans in acid mine drainage and relationship between them in Jiguanshan ore district are investigated in this paper.,以鸡冠山矿山为例分析酸矿水中主要微量元素和氧化亚铁硫杆菌的分布特征及相互关系。 +We'll inform (advise) you when back to the center line.,该你归到中间线时,尔们将通知你。 +"When we came to Canada and started a family, that was the best time of my life.",当我来到加拿大,生儿育女组织家庭时,那是我人生的最好时光。 +"From Guantao Formation to the Second Member of Shahejie Formation, alluvial fan, fan delta, loch beach barrier and fluvial facies were deposited in northern slope belt of eastern Chenjiazhuang Uplift.",研究表明,陈家庄凸起东段北斜坡带沙二段—馆陶组主要发育冲积扇、扇三角洲、滨浅湖滩坝以及河流相沉积。 +"Researchers have long argued over whether the moon contains water on its surface — frozen in shadowy craters, for instance.",研究者们长期以来都在争执月球表面是否有水——比如朦胧的环形山中冻结的水分。 +The pack bored in and Kwutegcaught the throat of the lean male in his teeth.,狼群靠近过来,库泰格一口咬住公狼的喉咙。 +"The name, from the Greek, serves as a fitting description of the most obvious symptoms: great (megal-) extremity (akron) — usually leading to enlargement of the hands, feet and face.",以下词源于希腊,非常(megal),极其(akron) 适合描述很明显的症状,该病症通常会扩大到手,脚,及脸部。 +"These variables are always loaded from the config file. If a particular section is loaded, then the global variables and the variables from that section are also loaded.",如果载入某个特定的节块(译注:节块变量为局部变量)变量,那么全局变量也会随着节块变量同时被载入。 +This is the most challengeable response to the secular tide.,这是面对世俗大潮的最具挑战性的回应。 +But that’s a different issue that has already been heavily debated.,但那是另一个已经激烈辩论过的问题了。 一些通知会比另一些重要。 +"As with the last several Apollo missions, all crewmembers and their operational support teams should receive as much terrestrial field training on real geologic problems as possible.",和最后几次阿波罗任务相同,所有组员与后援团队都必须尽可能针对实际地质问题在地球上接受实地训练。 +"Do bear in mind, though, that many stomach upsets are largely preventable by following good personal hygiene practice and taking care of what you eat and drink.",请谨记,好的个人卫生习惯加小心饮食能在很大程度上让你避免肠胃不适。 羇。 +It'll take considerable time to sort out the marks of talc powder in the holds. The best way is to sort them out ashore.,在舱里对滑石粉进行分标志将花相当多的时间,最好的办法是在岸上进行分标志。 +"Add a text node to the ""author"" element and set its value to ""Steve Muench"", as in Listing 8.","向 ""author"" 元素添加一个文本节点,并将其值设为 ""Steve Muench"",如 清单 8 中所示。" +Litai Fuel System Treatment is specially formulated for use in petrol and diesel engines in cars and light vans. Including vehicles with turbos and catalytic converters.,立泰燃油系统清洗剂是全新科技、独特配方产品。适用于汽油、柴油燃料的轿车、货车发动机,包括配置涡轮增压的发动机和催化净化器的车辆。 +"Though all of the above-discussed frameworks implement the same JAX-RS specification, the design and architecture of these various frameworks are very different.",尽管本文讨论的每个框架都实现相同的 JAX-RS 规范,但这些框架的设计和架构的差别非常大。 +"So, you didn't know at the beginning, you knew you were enrolled in the trial, they gave you a shot, you didn't know whether you were part of the real group that got the test vaccine or the placebo group that got the control; turned out that Bonnie was part of the control group.","一开始你可能不清楚全过程,你只知道你参与了一项试验,他们给你打了一针,你不知道你是属于接种了,试验疫苗的真实试验组,还是属于被注射了安慰剂的空白对照组,结果显示,邦妮属于对照组" +"Expansion cards based on ISA or PCI Bus are widely used to realize the data acquisition of the human pulse signal, but there are some drawbacks in the reliability, stability and so on.",目前中医脉象信号采集系统是以ISA或PCI总线的扩展卡形式实现采集功能,在可靠性、扩展性等方面尚有不足。 +"Adopt opaque materials, convenient for using, many colors for choice. ITEM NO SIZ…",办公夹 OFFICE FILE 采用不透明材料、便于使用,多种颜色可供选择。 +But theliaison officers who worked with him agreed he was the best.,但跟他合作过的联系人警官都说他是最优秀的。 +2A: Sorry I’m late.,对不起,我来晚了。 +"On the other hand, if I am too easy on him, if there are no consequences for his misbehavior, then he may be tempted to cheat on me again.",另一方面,如果对他太宽容了,对他的越轨行为没有应有的后果,他有会试图再哄我。 +"The rddl:resource elements are links to the namespace's supporting documents, and the body is in XHTML which usually allows for natural display even by user agents that don't understand XLink.",resource 元素是到该名称空间支持文档的链接,主体部分放在 XHTML 中,即便用户代理不支持 XLink 也仍然能够自然地显示。 +Yo: baby i love too.,宝贝嗨皮啵斯得… +Pictures for each class will be distributed to the teachers this week for editing the final draft of the yearbook.,各班老师会有一张班级照﹐ 以方便老师用来编排校刊。 +The paper studied the relationship between DBP - linstead of formaldehyde and beer colliid stability during beer production.,在啤酒生产中使用甲醛替代产品DBP-1代替甲醛,研究其对啤酒的非生物稳定性的影响。 +"Soft shoulder ballet, Jiujitsu!",柔美的肩上芭蕾、柔术! +There is no network established between the province and the county units.,省厅到县级节点尚未建立网络连接。 +"While blending solid slab and hollow slab into customers' daily life, decorating and wrapping to meet various customers' needs, Z point makes flameless painting much more close to our daily life.",产品设计风格独特、种类齐全、做工精细,将实心板与空心板融入到顾客的生活当中,并将画面做喷饰和包边处理,以满足客户不同层次的需求,令无框画更贴近我们的生活。 +This routine initially converts the group name syntax to an internal format and human readable group name to the name service representation.,这个例程首先把组名语法转换为内部形式,把人可读的组名转换为名称服务表示。 +How to measure phase difference quickly is a main research topic on scientific research in production.,如何快速准确地测量出相位差也是生产科研中重要的研究课题。 +"And I brought you into the land of the fruited field, To eat its fruit and its goodness.",我领你们进入肥美之地,使你们得吃其中的果子和美物; +File comment: Steve as you can see i used some fiberglass sheeting to make the transition from the intake lip to the ducting.,文件评论:史蒂夫,因为你可以看到我用了一些玻璃纤维布,使过渡到进水口唇向管道。 +"During this period, each household must be put on a fir tree and the tree, the leaves between the Department of full silk flower that flowers such as Jin, Spring in the world.",这期间,家家户户都要摆上一棵枞树和可树,树叶间系满绢花,表示繁花如锦,春满人间。 +Retained in the Book of Poetry are some poems that decry the improprieties of the ruling class or boldly depict love between men and women.,《诗经》中保留了一些斥责统治黑暗、大胆表现男女爱情的诗歌。 +The garden party is put off because of the contrary weather.,由于天气不好,园游会延期了。 +It's common sense to dress more warmly when it gets cold.,天冷了要穿得暖一点儿, 这是常识。 +"And it is also because high energy prices, while hurting consumers, boost government revenues thanks to the remnants of North Sea oil and gas production.",还有一个原因是能源的高价格,虽然会伤害到消费者的利益,但是却有助于政府的收入,这要感谢北海残存的原油和天然气产量。 +But God has an answer to our shame. He has garments that cover our nakedness.,然而神已赐下遮羞的方法,祂为我们预备了衣物来遮盖我们赤祼的身体。 +Song lyrics printed inside your new CD so you can sing along without feeling stupid.,新买的CD盘上印有歌词, 这样你可以随歌而唱而不感到傻乎乎的… +The veterans had the support of many Washingtonians.,老兵们得到很多华盛顿人支持。 +They claimed that they are players from different countries IRL and are here to help small nations regain their lost territory.,该势力自称其成员来自不同 国家并致力于帮助小国恢复 其原有领土。 +"After all, outside of sappy Disney movies involving comically deformed elephants, what other animal parent takes the time to give each of its newborn members its own permanent moniker?",毕竟,除了在迪士尼电影里有滑稽可爱造型的大象,哪里还有别的动物家长给自己的新出生的孩子一一地起昵称呢? +You could feel a strong power at the first glance of this work. It's dancing and flying in a bold and primitive way.,此作品,初一看去,一股强劲的力量扑人眉宇,浑厚苍莽,舞动飞扬; +"The first, covering the time from late Cretaceous toPaleogene, is called the Himalayan Movement.",第一亚旋回末期的造山运动称为喜山运动。 +"On the one hand, it may open the doors to managing physically debilitating diseases, personality disorders or even conditions such as depression.",一方面,它将打开治疗躯体衰竭性疾病,人格障碍甚至抑郁等症状的大门。 +Infant cognition has been something studied for a very long time.,婴儿认知已经得到了多年的研究 +"Also, don't underestimate India, they are quickly developing. China and India are perhaps two of the world's greatest Economic Superpowers. In that, we are brother nations.",还有,不要低估印度,他们也迅速发展。或许中国和印度是第二世界的最巨大的经济超级大国。所以,我们是兄弟。(巴基斯坦哥们) +"O'Neal's memorable reminder to the Lakers was that they needed to remember to ""feed the big dog. "" If you really think about it, skinny dogs need to be fed even more.",奥尼尔最值得纪念的就是让湖人队员记得要喂他这只大狗,如果你认真想想,皮包瘦骨的狗更需要去喂多些呢。 +This magazine is full of lap flaps!,这杂志里尽是插页! +"There are as many different definitions of ""standard"" as there are standards bodies (and there are a lot of standards bodies), but ISO is generally accepted as the most authoritative.",关于“标准”以及标准体有很多不同的定义(存在很多标准体),但一般认为 ISO 是最具权威性的。 +"Tropical and sub-tropical areas will be hardest hit - those countries already suffering from food insecurity"".""",热带和亚热带地区的情况将是最严峻的,那些国家现在已经面临着食品短缺。 +"Through tracing the change of the stress on the horizontal and slantwise paths, the influence and scopes of the excavation effect on the inside stress field of the slope are put forward.",在成坡坡脚���近,指向坡体外的剪应力显著增加。通过对水平和倾斜路径的应力追踪,提出了开挖效应对边坡内部应力场的影响程度和范围。 +Rinaldi admired the job which had been done on the knee and observed that Henry acted like a married man.,雷那蒂称赞亨利在战争失败时所做的工作。 他还说亨利的举止行动象个已婚的人。 +"Formerly Zi Gong asked Confucius, saying, ""Master, are you a Sage?""",昔者子贡、问于孔子曰:‘夫子圣矣乎?’ +"Even humiliated, the flesh is my only certainty. I can live only on it.",即使它被羞辱过,但血肉仍然是我唯一的必然,我只能依赖它。 +"As a legal system with Chinese characteristic, rehabilitation-through-labour exerts positive effect in maintaining stability and solidarity of the society.",劳动教养是一项具有中国特色的法律制度,它在维护社会安定团结方面发挥了积极作用。 +"Though many methods have been proposed to treat trichiasis and distichiasis, few has been proved to be satisfying. Follicle excision directly under microscope has been used by a few practioners.",以睫毛毛囊切除术在手术显微镜下,用尖刀或显微剪刀直接切除毛囊,达到治疗倒睫或双倒睫的效果。 +or you can get a membership.,或者你可以成为会员。 +The ocean is made of water but more importantly it’s salt water.,大洋是水组成的,更重要是都是咸水。 +This Dragon Eye contact lens is a full sclera covering contact lens that has a neon green and dark green outside that looks like the scales of a dragon or a lizard.,“龙眼”隐形镜片是一款完全覆盖巩膜的镜片,带着霓虹绿和暗绿的边框,看起来像是恐龙或是蜥蜴的鳞片。 +"A cocktail made with vodka or GIN, sweetened lime juice, and sometimes effervescent water and garnished with a slice of lime.",伏特加杜松子鸡尾酒一种由伏特加和杜松子酒制成的鸡尾酒,加入柠檬汁使之甜些,并且有时加入苏打水并饰以一片柠檬。 +Kleinfeld points out that Milgram's claim for the six-degrees of separation could be an academic myth.,克兰菲尔德指出,米尔格兰姆对于六度空间分隔理论的宣称是一个学术神话。 +"One such set of tools are the robots, spiders, and Web crawlers that aggregate information for Internet and intranet search engines.",这种工具有 robot、spider 和 为 Internet 和 Intranet 搜索引擎搜集信息的 Web 爬行榜。 +He missed the first bus this morning because his alarm clock .,他今天早晨错过了头班车,因为他的闹钟没响。 +"Together, they perform this service elegantly and efficiently with few lines of code.",两者用很少几行代码优雅而高效地执行这一服务。 +"She is the right general kind of creature – very clearly a primate, as we are.",她恰好无法分类,但非常明显——她属于灵长目,与我们一样。 +"To gather popular morale, wealth, successful vertical industry!",有人气才能聚士气、财气,垂成功业! +"Hence, the upper section of Sha-4 source rock should be as an important target for petroleum exploration in future here.",因此,沙四上烃源岩应成为今后油气勘探的一个重要方向。 +"Hunan Non-ferrous Chenzhou Fluorine Chemistry Co. , Ltd. makes full use of low-grade fluorine ore.",湖南有色郴州氟化学有限公司对低品位萤石矿利用项目; +"This article presents an improved method to determine the anhydrous chromic chloride content with alkaline process. This method is easy to perform, and does not cause any harmful gas.",提出一种碱溶法测定无水三氯化铬的方法,该方法简便易行,不产生有害气体。 +All medical devices shipped to Brazil are checked by Brazilian Customs against the ANVISA medical database for registration requirements and only then are allowed to enter Brazil.,所有运至巴西的医疗器械将由巴西海关根据ANVISA的注册要求医疗数据库进行检查,只有经过检查才允许进入巴西。 +"Some small groups of computer scientists are doing AGI research, however.",一些小团体的计算机科学家正在做综合研究,但是。 +Have an open mind and learn to embrace the corporate culture.,拥有一颗开放的心,学会接受不同的企业文化。 +"BEGINNING with receding hairlines, every second man suffers from hair loss to some degree, and it has always been suspected that hereditary factors are important in causing hair loss.",秃头刚开始的征兆就是发线向后移。每两个男人中就有一个会有不同程度的秃头现象。人们一直怀疑遗传因素是否在导致秃头方面有重要影响。 +The Misrata Military Council also reported the death of Gadhafi's son Mutasim Gadhafi.,米苏拉塔军事委员会还公布了卡扎菲的儿子穆塔西姆•卡扎菲(Mutasim Gadhafi)的死讯。 +"Article 68 Where a seed quality inspection authority issues false inspection certificates, it shall bear joint and several liability with the seed producers or sellers;",第六十八条种子质量检验机构出具虚假检验证明的,与种子生产者、销售者承担连带责任; +The compilation of the query on the remote server and fetching of enough data to fill the ATQ buffer on all legs of the UNION will proceed in parallel.,查询在远程服务器上的编译,以及取足够的数据来填充 UNION 所有分支上的 ATQ 缓冲区,这两个过程是并行进行的。 +"He has taken from her all right in property, even to the wages she earns.",男人被夺了妇女的全部财产权,甚至包括支配她挣得的工资的权利。 +"Rebecca and Ms. Yuan, Hui, Deputy Director of Investment Center of Zhejiang Commerce.",李彦女士与浙江省商务厅投资促进中心副主任袁晖女士。 +"Ltd. The scaling corrosion inhibitor JC-463 used in this system causes less environmental pollution and has many functions such as and -scaling, corrosion inhibiting and dispersing.",该系统选用的JC-463型阻垢缓蚀剂对环境污染小,具有阻垢、缓蚀、分散等多种作用; +I've forgotten nearly everything that I mugged up for the. last exams.,以前考试时强记的东西我现在已忘得差不多了。 +"Lopez won the silver, and Mihai Covaliu of Romania took the bronze.",洛佩获得银牌,罗马尼亚科瓦柳获得铜牌。 +This paper summarizes comprehensively about energy saving works of Dayao Copper Mines during 1990 to 1997year.,本文对我矿1990~1997年的节能工作作了全面总结。 +"The light heat insulating mortar is produced by mixing diatomite 10-50 wt%, perlite 15-35 wt%, cement 10-25 wt%, silica gel powder 5-15 wt% and flyash 10-50 wt%.",本发明公开了一种轻质保温隔热砂浆,其特征在于它是由10―50%(重量)的硅藻土、15-35%(重量)的珍珠岩、10―25%(重量)的水泥、5―15%(重量)的硅胶粉和10―50%(重量)的粉煤灰混合而成。 +It freezes for about 30-50 seconds when the changes occur and it gets frustrating for the gamer to keep their chosen font and language intact.,它冻结约30-50秒时发生的变化令人沮丧,它得到了玩家保持自己选择的字体和语言完整。 +AF examination associates with fundus colorized photography and FFA can be mutually complemented in observing the images of CSC .,AF检查结合眼底彩色照相、FFA检查,可以对CSC 的影像观察起到相互补充的作用。 +The mean number of alleles per microsatellite locus (1.89) in BC population was considerably lower than that (2.44) in RBC population.,平均每个微卫星位点在红鳙群体和普通鳙鱼群体中检测到的平均有效等位基因数分别为2.44和1.89。 +What we are going to do today is learn how to use the thinking skill of compare and contrast.,我们今天要做的史学会使用比较和对比的思考技巧。 +"So for the Chen-finding guide the work started last year, because he is running for the project, the coaching staff He also assigned to the two pilots .",于是为张振找引导员的工作从去年就开始了,由于他从事的是长跑项目,教练组还特别给他配了两个引导员。 +Bajiazui reservoir was constructed in loess plateau. The sediment has been silted up in the reservoir seriously.,巴家嘴水库建于黄土高原,水库泥沙淤积严重。 +"But if they actually do something, the code will require finite time to execute.",但如果它们有实际的事可做,这个代码将需要有限次地执行。 +"Companies as the quality of life , a perfect quality assurance system.",公司把质量当作生命,建立了完善的质量保证体系。 +"But I am only one wounded warrior, and there are almost 44,000 just like me from the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan alone.",但我只不过是一名受伤的士兵而已,单单在伊拉克和阿富汗战争中像我一样负伤的士兵就几乎有44000名。 +That movie was really a tearjerker.,这部电影真是让人黯然泪下。 +Those with a VBO Diploma can then go on to the senior secondary vocation education (MBO).,那些获得VBO毕业证书的学生可以继续接受高级职业教育(MBO)。 +The first chapter describes the development of villager's autonomy in our country and the concept of village affairs and related elements and the four phases of the system development process.,第一章从村民自治在我国的源起谈起,介绍了村务公开制度的概念及相关构成要素和村务公开制度的四个阶段的发展历程。 +"Hong Kong's democracy movement crested in 2003, when SARS, a steep economic downturn, and a controversial security law galvanized massive street protests.",香港的民主运动在2003年达到高潮,当时非典、经济低迷以及有争议的安全法刺激了大规模的街头示威。 +This division of work mimics the division of work between the analyst and the developer in typical application development.,这种工作的划分模仿了典型应用程序开发中分析人员与开发人员之间的分工。 +"The population of Lijiang Prefecture is over 1 million involving 21 nationalities, for example, the Naxi, Yi, Lisu, Pumi,etc..",丽江地区的人口超过100万,有21个民族,包括纳西族,彝族,傈僳族,普米族等。 +"For ease of use, the organization can consider organizing and maintaining a summary of the documentation to collate the environmental policy;",为便于使用,组织可考虑编制并保持一份文档概要,用于:辑录环境方针; +"The first 30 minutes, Chongqing Lifan also in line with a right is also a cross to the edge of the restricted area, Wang Kai left to plug the leak Zhang, however, put the anti-aircraft artillery shot!",第30分钟,重庆力帆又在右路一次配合,同样是横传到禁区边缘,王锴漏给左路插上的张礼,不过射门放了高炮! +"""We were very frustrated,"" said Chapman, a forward for her high school team of Des Moines.",曾任戴斯莫尼斯中学校队前锋的查普曼说:“这让我们感到很失落。” +"Target, on the other hand, wants to appeal to consumers with more cash.",相反,塔吉特则试图以更多的现金优惠来吸引消费者。 +"Jerusha went without comment, but with two parallel lines on her brow .",杰鲁莎默默地去了,额上平添了两道皱纹。 +"All the staff warmly invite all Chinese and Foreign customers for the business investigate , talking over business. We wish to make brilliant future with you together.",公司全体员工欢迎中外客商前来商务考察、洽谈指导,我们愿与您携手共进、共创未来。 +Seed number per pod was parabolic correlated to dry matter accumulation at beginning-flower stage and net dry matter accumulation from turning green to beginning-flower stage.,每角粒数与初花期干物质积累量与返青至初花阶段干物质净增量呈抛物线型关系。 +"""You park somewhere in the fog, and this fog is not entirely natural and it's a chemical fog."" ""Of course it's not.",你在雾中停车,这雾不完全是自然形成的,它是化学烟雾。 +Even in the darkest days -- during the war -- I never stopped believing in you.,即使是在最黑暗的时刻,在内战时,我也未曾停止信任你。 +"Players define their online persona through the customization of their vehicles, and the acquisition of property, clothing and all the accoutrements of a luxurious car-based lifestyle.",玩家通过界定他们的车辆定制的线上角色,以及物业收购,所有的服装和装备了豪华轿车为基础的生活方式。 +The removal of infected materials also restricts the spread of Armillaria in established orchards.,把所有受感染的东西消除掉,也是在已建立的种子园中限制密环菌传播的办法。 +"Maker for securities under $1, 0.25% of securities notional value rebate.",以下股票, 摆单返还所交易股票价值的0.25%。 +The relationship between productive tiller percentage (PTP) and biomass accumulation was studied using a simulation approach. The TIL and RGR models were used in the analyses.,应用两个水稻茎数动态模型(TIL和RGR模型) ,分析了成穗率与群体干物质积累动态的关系。 +It's a olutely impo ible. I really can't accept the idea.,这完全不可能。我实在不能接受这个主意。 +"If I see red flags, I become very skeptical about the opportunity.",如果我看到了红旗,就会非常怀疑这个机会。 +The computational fluid dynamics was adopted to simulate the internal flow of mixed-flow pumping systems with three suction box design schemes.,采用计算流体力学方法,对三个不同的进水流道设计方案所组成的立式混流泵装置进行了内流数值模拟。 +"However it wouldn’t be fair to say that these are ‘weak areas of ABAP’, because we are not using the language for what it was meant for.",然而,要说这是“ABAP的缺点”也不太公平,因为我们并没有按照它设计的目的来使用它。 +"Something utterly real and magnificent had happened in the world and they were close enough to know it, and be assured of it, and be gripped by its power.",他们因为接近而足以知道,世界上的的确确发生了一些宏伟壮丽的事,他们全身心的相信,并且且被它的力量感召。 +"Outdoor special optical strengthened glass, high penetration rate, low light loss.",户外专用光学强化玻璃,高穿透率,低光损。 +"Facing a similar crisis in 2008, then-U. S. Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson talked about the need for a bazooka, a weapon large enough to scare markets into submission.",2008年面对相似困境的时候,时任美国财政部长亨利·保尔森(Henry Paulson)曾谈到需要一个“火箭炮”这样的大型武器,才能将市场制服。 +"To prevent this, even adult dogs are continuously re-trained using mock sessions where both live and dead bedbugs are employed.",为了防止此类事情的发生,成年狗会继续受训。用活的臭虫和死的臭虫进行嘲笑教育。 +It is discussed that a method of testing layered water absorbing capacity of water injector by flowmeter directly based on the problems in testing input profile by radioisotope.,该文针对放射性同位素测吸水剖面存在的问题,探讨了用流量计直接测试注水井层段吸水量的方法。 +Do you know where I can find a good shop for Chinese tea?,A 你知道我在哪里可以找到卖中国茶的好商店吗? +Description: Located in the west campus next to the Romance River.,说明:位于校园西区、相思江沿岸。因紧挨相思江而名。 +"But even with the loud noise they made, it did not get everyone's attention.",但是由于大家吵吵闹闹,铃声并不能引起每个人的注意。 +"Through introduction of the clean project of some hospital's clean surgery section, the construction, function and implementing mode of its air conditioning control system were expounded.",介绍了某医院手术部净化工程,详细阐述了其空调控制系统的结构、功能及实现方式。 +"The financial crisis engulfs the entire world, the investment market is filled with sufferers, ""the stock god"" Buffett is also unable to escape by luck.",金融危机席卷全球,投资市场哀鸿遍野,“股神”巴菲特亦无法幸免。 +What Yoga Poses Stretch the Hip Flexors?,什么瑜伽姿势伸展髋屈肌?。 +"The system integrated the latest communication technology, data transmission , and implement the application of the new technology in the field of electric power anti-stealing.",本系统结合了通讯技术,数据传输、处理技术及上位机软件技术实现了新型技术在防窃电领域的应用。 +He delights in browing through antique stores.,他喜爱逛古董店随意观看商品。 +Join this grand experiment early.,快啲嚟加入呢盛大嘅实验! +"After women picked the new cotton, they rolled out the seeds with thin and long iron spindles, weaved cotton yarn and then dyed and plaited.",妇女们采摘新棉后,就能用细长铁轴轧出棉籽,纺织棉纱,又染色织布。 +Trading costs are reviewed through pre-trade and post trade analysis of bid-offer spreads on bonds.,交易成本通过对债券的报价和成交价差即交易前和交易后的价差分析进行评审。 +He will set up a team to develop and propose service to the customer (flat operation).,他将建立起一支用于平台式运营的客户服务团队。 +Now he is in the bigtime.,现在他是大牌啦。 +"Our company fallows the developing ideas, considers the clients' demand as our duty, and insist on the management policy that ""man-oriented, quality-first, faith-base"".",公司秉承求实创新的发展理念,以客户需求为己任、坚持以人为中心、以质量为根本、以信誉为基础的经营方针,踏踏实实,稳健发展。 +"There are chicks, ducks, pigs, dogs and cows on his farm.",在他的农场里有鸡、鸭、猪、狗和奶牛。 +"In our example, we will cache fragments of the contents (such as images and JSPs) by the Edge component (typically installed on the front-line Web servers).",在我们的例子中,将使用 Edge 组件(通常安装在前线的 Web 服务器上)缓存内容(如图片和 JSP 页面)的片段。 +Mycorrhiza is one of the new technologies applied on ecological restoration of coal mine areas. Spore density is one of the standards to scale mycorrhizal ecology.,菌根是目前应用于煤矿区生态治理的一种新技术,菌根孢子密度是衡量菌根生态适应性的标准之一。 +"Methods The left atrial, left superior pulmonary veins were mapped in the sinus rhythm.",方法:窦性心律下,标测左心房和左上肺静脉的电位。 +"""He doesn't have a gambling problem"" James Jordan said. ""What he does have is a competition problem. He was born with that.",乔丹说,“他拥有的是一颗充满竞争的心,这是他与生俱来的。 +But the limited disclosure of the unlisted Chinese company and the military roots of its founder have continued to fuel suspicion it is closely tied to the Chinese government.,但这家非上市公司披露信息的有限性和创始人的军人出身仍不断引发人们对该公司与中国政府关系密切的猜测。 +"But the young Fisherman answered it nought, so great was the power of his love.",但年轻的渔夫却并不理睬,他心里爱的力量是如此强大。 +"“You're kidding, right?” said John in a condescending tone.",“你在开玩笑吧?”约翰以一种居高临下的口气说。 +"PHP — Because some attacks described do not work against the latest version, PHP 5.3.1 was used.",PHP — 因为所描述的一些攻击对最新的版本无效,所以使用 PHP 5.3.1。 +"Specially designed for children with dry, sensitive and compromised skin, this lightly foaming soap-free formula also contains glycerin to hydrate and protect.",这是一款专门为儿童干性,敏感性的皮肤设计的浴液产品,无皂低沫配方更含有甘油成分以保持幼嫩肌肤水润。 +"In 1972, Saladino founded the full-service design firm Saladino Group Inc. , whose work includes private residences, palaces, residential towers, and gardens.",1972年,萨拉迪诺成立了提供全面服务的设计公司萨拉迪诺集团,他们的工作包括私人住宅,宫殿,住宅大楼,和花园。 +"The utility model discloses a sampling clamp comprising clamp arms, a supporting rack and a limit stop and more two nip.",本实用新型公开了一种取样夹钳,其包括有钳臂、支承架和限位挡块, 其还包括有两个以上个钳口。 +"3b Look at the pictures, Imagine you are the people in the pictures.",看图画,假想你就是画中的人 +"The study found that about 36 percent of black survey participants were obese, while 28.5 percent of Hispanics and 24.5 percent of whites were.",调查发现,36%的黑人受访者存在肥胖问题,这一比例在西班牙人和白人中分别为28.5%和24.5%。 +"Laoxu thinks so, also so do.",老许这么想,也这么做。 +"""If I were going to build a team today, he would be my number one pick without a doubt, "" Riley said.",如果我今天要再建一次球队,我将毫无疑问的选择莫宁成为这支球队的一员。 +"Canadian and US cities are strongly represented at the top of the eco-city ranking, both for this region and globally.",加拿大和美国城市都派代表出席了强烈的生态城市排名的顶部,都对本地区和全球。 +"Writing a component, such as a user-interface widget, using RCC may well involve some clever script work with the SVG representation of your abstract markup.",使用 RCC 编写组件,比如用户界面部件,很可能涉及到一些巧妙的脚本使用抽象标记的 SVG 表示。 +"Wenlou Village is an outbreak of AIDS in Shangcai County, one of the earliest villages.",文楼村是上蔡县艾滋病暴发最早的村庄之一。 +Call her by your ex-girlfriend’s name. Often.,你经常叫她时会叫到你前任女友的名字。 +"I remember every time when I came back after work, he always yelping likes cry seems complaining ""do not leave me along never ever! "" But now……",还记得每次下班回来,好奇总是哭一斑的狼嚎,好像在埋怨我说:永远也别再把我自己留下啦!但是,现在… +And we collectively realized that a valued endorsement from APA would add credibility to the 'Healthy Minds' episodes.,而我们达成共识的是,来自美国心理协会的价值认可会增加“健康心智”节目的可信度。 +"More troubling, however, was the fact that the Hellcat had ripped off her mask;",然而更麻烦的是,地狱猫曾抓掉了她的面罩; +"So the weekly editorial meeting at the Onion, a spoof newspaper based in New York, is intense. One writer clutches a human skull.",于是,洋葱新闻(Onion,纽约一家以讽刺现实为主的周报)的每周例会显得热闹非凡。 +"Thee image, originally posted online without a poppy two years ago, was manipulated using computer trickery to add the Remembrance symbol onto the left lapel of the Prime Minister's navy blue suit.",两年前传到网上的照片上本是没有罂粟花的。 但经过电脑修图后,纪念国殇日的象征、一朵罂粟花出现在了卡梅伦海军蓝西服上衣的左侧翻领上。 +"The explosion toppled several homes nearby, the spokesman said.",附近部分居民房屋被震垮,发言人说。 +The development of the automatic medicine allocation and transportation system which is developed to improve the service and working efficiency in the modernize large hospitals are introduced.,当今现代化大医院要在楼内建设轨道自走送药系统,免去病人排队取药过程。 +Give the opinions and suggestions to the brokers and sellers on the net shop to facilitating the on-line transactions by fallowing the research conclusion.,根据研究结论对网络卖家和为网络中间商提供相应的意见和建议,促成网上交易的顺利进行。 +Mother had drilled it into me not to talk to strangers.,母亲大人反复向我灌输思想,坚决不要和陌生人说话。 +"And then secondly, UCLA was one and the only program that focus primarily on",其次,UCLA的这个项目是唯一一个主要关注 +Twenty-six participants were given Aesop’s advert for hard work and another 26 were given Kafka’s more pessimistic tale.,其中二十六个参与者就像伊索寓言中所写一样辛勤工作,而另外二十六个则是像卡夫卡故事更加的悲观。 +"As applied teaching research, the paper focuses on the practice of history teaching in senior high school in countryside.",作为运用型的教学研究,本文把关注点集中在农村地区的高中历史教学实践。 +"Or, more correctly, it will not fire until TRIGINT milliseconds have elapsed, and TRIGINT defaults to 999,999,999, which is about 278 hours.","或者,确切说来,触发器在 TRIGINT 毫秒数流逝之前不会触发,TRIGINT 的默认值为 999,999,999,即 278 小时。" +"If you can’t beat ‘em … It is still relatively easy at this point to be dismissive of games in general, and games aimed at social change in particular.",你是否能击败他们……,相对于一般游戏来说,这还是容易的,而对于旨在社会变革的游戏就特别不容易了。 +Any further increase or decrease in plane of the X-ray beam could not identify the fracture.,但假如在进一步地加大或减少成角,骨折就难以区别了。 +"The Seattle World's fair, called the Century 21 Exposition, used an aerospace aesthetic to fuel America's determination to win the Space Race against the Soviet Union.",西雅图名为“21世界展览会”的世博会使用了宇宙空间的审美观来鉴定了美国在对苏联的空间竞赛获胜的决心。 +"Conclusion:The method is simple, rapid and of high sensitivity, and applied for the method of the determination of trace amounts cadmium in Traditional Chinese Medicine preparation of Pule'an Tablet.",结论:该方法简单快速,灵敏度高,可作为中药制剂普乐安片中微量镉的测定方法。 +"I'll have your girl and you won't have any.""","我有女人 你将一无所有""" +"Philippines : high psychological test you trapped in a house fire, you will choose what kind of escape route ?",高菲心理测试题:你被困一个失火的屋子里,你会选择什么样的逃生路线? +Support for parallel (multi-process) execution.,支持并行(多进程)执行。 +” and Daniel is all “Remember that bracelet you GAVE me?,最后丹尼尔说,“记得你们给我的手镯吗? +The Defect record would have a set of state changes.,这个缺陷记录将有一个状态变更的设置。 +"Moreover, the centre's training and expertise will be transferred to other regions only if scientists, farmers and agro-processors from across the country participate in the programme.",此外,只有在该国科学家、农民和农业加工者参与到该项目的情况下,这个中心的培训和专家技能才能转移到其他地区。 +Put the bandage around your wounded finger.,在受伤的手指上缠上绷带。 +These experiments set the basis for unraveling the molecular requirements for T cell migration and T cell-tumor cell interactions.,这些实验为解答T细胞迁移及与肿瘤细胞相互作用的分子条件提供了基础。 +"Fourth, countries must establish technology innovation centres, preferably within or near their universities, to nurture synergy between education, research and innovation.",第四,各国必须建立技术创新中心,最好建立在它们的大学之内或者附近,从而在教育、研究和创新之间培育协同优势。 +"She lived in Yunnan Province for two years from 2001-2003, researching Moso education and tourism near Lugu Lake.",从2001年到2003年她在云南省考察了摩梭人的教育情况及泸沽湖的旅游业。 +"And are built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ himself being the chief corner [stone];",并且被建造在使徒和先知的根基上,有基督耶稣自己为房角石。 +Much of the railway is at altitudes with thin air.,铁道大部分位在空气稀薄的高海拔。 +Even the midrange is good!,甚至中音也相当好。 +Contractors have also been encouraged to implement a Site Safety Cycle to increase the safety awareness of workers and to maintain good housekeeping and tidiness on construction sites.,当局亦鼓励承建商实施“工地安全循环”,藉此提高工人的安全意识,使建筑工地得以妥善管理和保持整洁。 +"Through development of many years, TFT-LCD technology has very mature already.",经过多年的发展,TFT-LCD技术已经相当成熟。 +This hierarchical reduction approach extends the simple classified attributes reduction to attributes selection and attributes reduction.,该算法使分层递阶约简算法从简单的属性分层处理拓展至属性选择和属性压缩处理。 +The classroom environment,I feel,is the only one in which most people feel comfortable applying all their energies to the all-important task of acquiring knowledge.,我认为大多数人只有在教室里才能把全部精力放在获取知识这件十分重要的工作上。 +"Acts27:8 And coasting along it with difficulty, we came to a certain place called Fair Havens, near which was the city of Lasea.",徒二七8我们沿岸航行,好不容易来到一个地方名叫佳澳,离那里不远,有拉西亚城。 +Backstairs should avoid to follow toilet appearance on;,厨房门应避免跟厕所门面对面; +"Anti-addiction, a so large players (there are about large operators) rather hated the system since it introduced the day, followed by a variety of ""anti-indulgence"" approach.",防沉迷,一个让广大玩家(大概还有广大运营商)颇为深恶痛绝的系统,自从它出台的那天起,随之而来的是种种“反沉迷”的方法。 +Can you imagine what the food festival will be like?,你能想象美食节会是什么样的吗? +"Mass is usually followed by a reception with family and friends, and tradition calls for the birthday girl to be dressed in full-length pastels and frills.",弥撒之后通常是家人和朋友的款待,��统要求过生日的姑娘穿上粉色带褶皱的全长裙子。 +"Then analyse the principle from concret cranny, leakage, denudation, washing, abrasion, air erosion and so on, which offering according to build scientific and reasonable index system.",然后从混凝土裂缝、渗漏、剥蚀、冲刷、磨损、气蚀等方面分析水闸老化病害机理,为建立科学合理的指标体系提供可靠的依据。 +"The condition of achieving the squeezing states of magnons in ferromagnet was found, after the mean value of the spin fluctuation calculated.",通过计算自旋涨落的平均值得到了产生压缩态的周期性条件; +People did not accept atonal music at that time.,那时,人们还不接受无调性音乐。 +"We all got equal rights regardless of race, color, or nationality.",我们这儿不论种族、肤色、国籍,一律平等。 +"At Halden, half of all guards are female, which its governor believes reduces tension and encourages good behavior.",在哈尔登,有一半狱警是女性,监狱长官认为这可以缓和紧张局势,鼓励良好行为。 +"Because of fabricant 's original foresight and systemic thought, last year's hotel management system, made solely by students of grade 2 , has been used in some five-star hotels of Zhuhai already.",而去年全部由大二同学做成的酒店管理系统,以他们独到的眼光,全面系统的思考,使得这个系统已经开始应用于珠海的一些五星级酒店。 +"First, it analyzes the three methods of calculating gross premium that are used nowadays, and shows their shortage.",这一章首先评析了现有的三种总保费精算方法,指出存在的不足。 +The poor chap's gone doolally.,这可怜的小伙子疯了。 +"Rolando Bianchi needs to start firing sooner rather than later, but the signs are actually looking good for the Lazio frontline.",比安奇需要进球,越早越好。这笔签约肯定有助于提升拉齐奥的锋线。 +"The Franco-era building, Spain's tallest skyscraper when it opened in 1953, had become a symbol of the Spanish real estate market's collapse in 2008.",这栋佛朗哥时代的建筑物于1953年开业,当时是西班牙最高的摩天大楼,2008年时,它成了西班牙房地产市场崩溃的象征。 +"Most hedge funds do not regularly liquidate their entire portfolio, so they report unrealized gains to their investors and to the public.",大多数对冲基金不定期地清理他们整个投资组合,所以,他们会向投资者和对公众报告未实现收益 。 +"The side effect of tribendimidine was mild and transient, and the drug had no adverse effect on blood picture, liver or renal functions and ECG.",三苯双脒的不良反应发生率低而轻,对血象、肝肾功能和心电图无明显影响。 +"Zwingli insisted that the biblical text taught that the Lord's Supper was a sign, and that to make it something more violated the nature of the sacrament.",慈运理坚持,圣经经文教导主的晚餐只是一个记号(sign),要赋予它更多的意义,就侵犯了圣礼的本质。 +But scientists at the University of Florida have bred a new type of grapefruit that should enable people on meds to enjoy the fruit without the drug interaction.,佛罗里达大学的科学家培育了新品种葡萄柚,它可以让人们尽情的享受葡萄柚,远离葡萄柚汁药物相互作用的困扰。 +We ask all this in Jesus' name. Amen.,以上一切,都是奉耶稣的名求,阿们。 +"Since late November, a debate on whether to remove the term from China's science popularisation law has spread from websites and newspapers to television.","从去年11月末,关于是否应该从《中国科普法》中废除 ""伪科学"",在网络、报纸和电视上都展开了激烈的争论。" +Perhaps the meaning may be made clearer through the following explanation as to the way men sometimes become criminals.,以下讨论到人之所以犯罪的原因,也许可以让我的意思更明白些。 +"In this sense, the internal demographic fragmentation of capitalists is mirrored in the spatial variation for private economic activities.",在这个意义上,资本所有者的内部个人特征差异与民营经济活动的地方差异形成对照。 +"Administrative port (for example, 5550)",管理端口(例如,5550) +The basic principle of RTC technique and the problems exposed in its application in hot-rolling ultra-thin sheet project are introduced as well as the improving measures.,介绍了RTC技术的基本原理及在唐钢超薄热带项目的应用过程中发现的问题以及改进的方法。 +"Crude for February delivery was at $91.53 a barrel in electronic trading on the New York Mercantile Exchange, down 2 cents, at 11 a.m. Singapore time.",新加坡时间11时,在纽约商品交易所的电子交易中,二月份的原油价格下降两美分,每桶为91.53美元。 +"Instead, have people e-mail or fax their resume to your office.",相反,让人们通过电子邮件或者传真把简历发到你的办公室。 +"If you can repair it, put it in a bag and take it to be sewn tomorrow (or do it yourself).",如果可以修补,装进袋子,第二天把它拿去修补店(或是你自己修补)。 +"Conclusion ASG released from the atrial myocardial cells seem to be a whole releasing pattern, which is together released with granular limiting membrane.",结论心房颗粒从心房肌细胞的释放,可能存在一种连同颗粒界膜一起排出的整体释放形式。 +There are many research stations on the earth in which outer space is studied. The problem with looking into space from the earth is that there is a lot of dust in the earth's air.,在地球上有许多研究太空的研究站。在地球上观察太空所存在的问题就是地球上的空气里含有许多灰尘。 +"In school we dream is the key middle school, a prestigious university, well paid job.",我们在学校里的梦想是重点中学,名牌大学,高薪工作。 +Your boasting is not appropriate. Do you not know that a little yeast 5 leavens all the dough?,你们自夸实在不当;你们岂不知道少许的酵母,能使整个面团发酵吗? +"A telecine machine copies the film digitally from the reels. Sound and picture should be very good, but due to the equipment involved and cost telecines are fairly uncommon.",使用电视电影机从胶片直接数字拷贝,其图像和声音品质应该很好。 +"Both bacteria may originate from the seeds, sprouts may develop from the use of warm water about 37 degrees.",病菌既可能来源于种子,也可能源于用于培养芽苗的约37度的温水。 +Objective To estabish a method of microware dissolution and ICP-AES for determianation of Indium and compounds in workplace air.,目的建立工作场所空气中铟及其化合物的电感耦合等离子体发射光谱法(ICP-AES)测定方法。 +"Just then a light flashed up at the end of the streets, a pine branch suspended from a cross-beam of iron was outlined against the white sky of the twilight.",恰好在那条街的尽头,燃起了一盏灯,在半明半暗的暮色中,显出一根松枝,悬在一条曲铁上。 +"3, It's a funny thing about coming home. Looks the same, smells the same, feels the same. You'll realize what's changed is you.",回家是一件令我感到新奇的事情,周遭一切看起来依旧,闻起来依旧,感觉起来也依旧。你才意识到,其实真正发生改变的,是你自己。 +"As funding terms become shorter, banks are forced to roll over greater amounts of debt each day, making the entire financial system riskier.",由于借贷时间变短了,银行每天被迫转滚的债务数额也变大,使整个金融系统的风险增高。 +You can also go to websites like P2pu.org to discuss the courses.,同时你也可以登陆P2pu.org网站,与其他网友讨论课程,交流心得。 +"Lee Powell, the Associated Press with AP News Minute.",以上是美联社鲍威·李为您报道的AP 一分钟新闻节目。 +The animated youngster's eyes light up and she beams as she tells Santa that she hopes to find a scooter underneath her Christmas tree.,小女孩的眼睛一下子亮了起来,她笑盈盈地告诉圣诞老人她希望能在圣诞树下找到一个滑板车。 +"Zonisamide treatment improved all main Parkinson disease symptoms in these patients, including tremor and other disabling dyskinesias.",唑尼沙胺的治疗改善了患者的主要帕金森病症状,包括震颤和其它运动障碍。 +Full radius hob on tooth tip is one of the effective measures by increasing gear tooth bending strength.,应用齿顶整圆弧滚刀是提高齿轮弯曲疲劳强度的有效措施之一。 +"It is shown that the design is effective, and can satisfy all requirements of communication subsystem of semiautonomous robot soccer system.",实验证明,它可以满足半自主机器人足球系统对通讯子系统的设计要求。 +Raquel Welch's sexy roles and fashion sense helped her become an international sex symbol during the 1960s and 70s.,拉奎尔·韦尔奇的性感角色和时尚品味帮助她成为六七十年代的国际性感象征。 +"The old sheep, the sheep find the point, in order to prevent the other end of the lion died of starvation, they quickly changed it back.",羊群觉得老羊说得有理,为了不让另一头狮子饿死,它们赶紧把它换回来。 +"A group of school pupils in Alabama is suing the local education authority for running a ""polite state"" in which officers are allegedly using ""chemical weapons"" to enforce discipline.","美国阿拉巴马州一间学校的学生们起诉当地教育部门,在美国这样一个高度文明的国家里,校内警务人员竟然使用""化学武器""执行纪律管理。" +Anglerfish This deep-sea fish takes monogamy to a bizarre new level.,琵琶鱼生活在深海中的琵琶鱼有十分奇特的一夫一妻制。 +They also brought in senior Coverdable management consultant Keith Edmonds to work on the team's managerial skills and improve communication within the team.,他们还从著名的���佛戴尔公司聘请了资深管理顾问凯斯·埃德蒙来知道团队的管理技能,改进团队内的相互交流。 +Most feedstuffs and forages in Guangxi were poor in zinc.,广西大多数饲料、牧草缺锌。 +Objective:to study the anatomic basis of digital dorsal vein as intravenous infusion route and its clinical application.,目的:探讨指背静脉作为静脉输注途径的解剖学基础及临床应用价值。 +He brought us Christophe Dugarry without realising there was this incredible talent in the same side.,他为我们带来了克里斯托夫-杜加里,却忽略了一个难以置信的天才。 +"Loropetalum chinense var. rubrum Yieh were originally grown near Dawei Nountain of Liuyang City, Hunan province.",红檵木是檵木的变种,原产于湖南省浏阳大围山一带。 +Therefore area array CCD is adopted for the non-contact measurement of the diameter of the abrading section of the drill pipe.,鉴于此,采用面阵CCD对钻杆受磨损部位的直径进行非接触式测量。 +"Several Chinese industries, such as mining, steel, education,telecommunications and the internet, are both capital-hungry and politicallysensitive.",中国有几个行业,如采矿、钢铁、教育、通讯和互联网,都是既资金匮乏又政治敏感的。 +Families graze on cholesterol-sodden take-aways and microwaved ready-meals.,家家户户都在吃富含胆固醇的外卖和微波热化的现成食品。 +"View of the current selection of forecasting models in order to minimize the fitting error, a method of selecting forecast model was put forward based on minimum error of forecast.",针对目前以拟合精度作为模型选择标准的方法,提出了以预测值的置信区间最小为标准选择预测模型的方法。 +"NBC borrowed it for a short-lived dating show in 2002, “Meet My Folks, ” in which suitors were interrogated by the parents of the date-seeking contestant.",NBC在2002年的一个短命的约会节目“拜见亲戚大人”中借用了这个创意,其中参赛者被约会另一方的父母反复审问。 +The last time I sent a letter to Denise was two weeks ago.,还是两周之前,我写过信给Denise.(所以,打那时起到现在我就没有寄一封信给我的朋友了。) +He forgives only those who repent.,上帝只宽恕那些能忏悔的人。 +Tickets sold are non-fundable and non-exchangeable.,演出票售出后概不退换。 +Performance artist Marni Kotak (holding doll) gave birth to her child at the Microscope Gallery in Brooklyn as part of an art project.,表演艺术家Marni Kotak(持玩偶者)在布鲁克林的“显微镜”画廊生下一婴作为她艺术作品的一部分。 +"Like fresh winds blowing out of this lychee campus, like eagles spreading their wings, you aspire towards the azure sky higher and above.",象新鲜吹向摆脱这种荔枝校园,像鹰的翅膀传播,你都渴望更高的湛蓝的天空及以上。 +That depends on how much sleep you get but dreams leave fragile memories. They fade quickly.,"这要取决于你一晚睡多长时间,梦境会留下一些若有若无的记忆,而且很快会淡忘。" +"The compress instrument takes a plurality of heat storage capsules as cold (hot) sources, being arranged in coats;",所述敷具采用多个蓄热囊作为冷(热)源,置于外套中; +"Mahatma Gandhi is also known in India as ""bapu"" or father.",马哈特马·甘地在印度被人称作“父亲”。 +"But if not, he will defraud him of his money, and he shall get him for an enemy without cause.",假使不能,就诈取债主的钱,无故与债主成了仇人。 +"When they heard the good news, the students burst into spontaneous cheers.",当学生们听到这个好消息,不禁发出欢呼声。 +"The reason for that is basically physics of how heat is transported between particles in fluid, or actually any medium.","原因是这不过是一个物理规律,描述了流体或者其他介质中粒子的热量传递。" +"Multinodular and specific glioneuronal element was typical in pathological examination, seizure could be controlled by operation.",病理上特异性胶质神经元和多发结节为其特点;外科手术治疗,癫痫控制良好。 +"If you close your eyes and listen, you can hear it all working.",如果你闭上眼睛聆听,你能听到一切都在运转的声音。 +Why don’t you show me how Grandma did it?,为什么不给我示范一下奶奶是怎么弄的呢? +Apply Color Overlay; I am using the same pink color.,应用颜色覆盖:我用的是相同的粉红色。 +"These witnesses are constructed by using local orthogonal observables, and therefore can be easily measured by means of local measurements and classical communications.",它们是以局域正交可观测量的形式给出的,因而自动提供了利用局域测量和经典通信来探测纠缠的方法。 +"Vibration modes are classified into three types: radial translational and torsional mode, axial translational and rotational mode, and planet mode.",将斜齿行星齿轮系统的振���划分为三类:径向平移扭摆振动模式、轴向平移扭转振动模式和行星轮振动模式。 +"The final article in this three-part series covers other ways of cross-referencing data, including joining tables.",三篇文章组成的系列中的最后一篇文章,将会讨论交替引用数据的其他方式,包括交接表格 。 +"As the auto industry and financial markets begin to stabilize, the President says the government's emergency interventions are now winding down.",由于汽车工业和金融市场渐趋稳定,总统称现在政府的紧急干预会逐渐放缓。 +"James took turns guarding every position 1 through 5, guarding Celtics center Jermaine O’Neal and Garnett on one end of the floor while running the Heat’s offense on the other.",詹姆斯不断地去防守从1号位到5号位所有位置的球员,在球场的一端防守凯尔特人的中锋杰梅因-奥尼尔和加内特,而又跑到球场另一端参与热火队的进攻。 +"Here are some tools to help you live more Zen, to fully enjoy the present moment.",这里有一些方法帮助你生活得更富禅意,充分享受当下的时刻。 +Objective To evaluate the role of cordectomy to treat early glottic squamous cell carcinoma.,目的探讨声带切除术治疗早期声门型喉癌的临床疗效。 +"If you can approximate the volume and perhaps the intensity of your running workouts, you should be able to maintain your conditioning.",如果你能接近你跑步单元的强度和 训练量,你就能保持你跑步的能力。 +"In a culturally advanced country, everyone has to contribute to the progress of his motherland.",在一个高度文明的国家里,每个人都应该为国家的发展作出自己的贡献。 +"If you return data from those columns, keep them; if not, then eliminate them.",如果要从这些列返回数据,则保留该列;反之则消除该列。 +"The bank manages “common funds for common purposes”, as its president likes to say.",就像世行行长喜欢讲的,该行管理着“用于共同目的的共同基金”。 +"And just like in the decimal system, 0 as many zeros on the left that you want.",就像在十进制中,任意放置。 +"The systems will be installed in more then 1800 of the RNLA\'s vehicles, including tanks, armoured vehicles and others.",这些系统将被安装在超过1800辆地面车辆上,其中包括坦克、装甲战车以及其他车辆。 +"And then maybe I raise the temperature to whatever, room temperature, maybe 20 degrees hotter than room temperature. And I again say OK, now how much heat do I need to raise this thing's temperature by 1 degree?","我可能把温度升到,比如室温,或者比室温高20度之类,然后我再说,好,现在要把这个东西的温度,升高一度需要多少热量?" +Some people search their whole lives for this and never found it-- others don't even think it exists.,有些人毕其一生寻找这种爱,但永远也没找到,还有些人甚至认为它不存在。 +"So far, 13 oil-covered birds have been recovered, according to the Queensland government.",目前为止,13只受石油污染的鸟类已经被找到,根据昆士兰政府。 +"Carrie Gracie: I think the things I like it about are: I enjoy writing, meeting people, hearing stories, and thinking about what is important about the story and retelling the story for audience.",卡里·格雷西: 我想这个工作吸引我的地方是:我喜欢写作,喜欢与人见面,听人讲故事,然后思考故事的意义,再把它告诉听众。 +"This paper introduces the emending process, basic thoughts and close to international standards of GB/T1029—1993《Test procedures for three-phase synchronous machines》.",本文对GB/T10 2 9— 1993《三相同步电机试验方法》的修订过程、修订的基本考虑、新标准与国际标准接轨等进行说明。 +"Through the use of sound-collection plates, the sound of water is heard, the circulation of water understood.",透过集音盘,水声被听见了,水的循环被理解了,污水处理厂的内涵与日常的生活经验在此相遇。 +"Theologically, I can see that God is all powerful and that we are small and insignificant .",就宗教来说,我感觉到上帝是多么全能,而我们是这么的渺小和软弱。 +"Hong Kong has its own logo, namely regional flag and regional emblem, while Hong Kong also with the Chinese mainland have other social morphology and economic model.",香港拥有自己的标志,也就是区旗和区徽,同时香港也拥有与中国内地有别的社会形态和经济模式。 +"When he reached Russia, however, the hapless Alexis learnt that his pardon was conditional on his revealing his “accomplices”.",而当他回到俄国时,倒霉的亚历克西斯才知道彼得大帝原谅他是有条件的,他需交待“共犯”。 +"The tail risk is getting bigger every day, said JP Morgan analyst Michael Jansen, who expects gold in euro- and sterling-terms to perform well.",摩根大通(JP Morgan)分析师詹森(Michael Jansen)说,发生极端事件的可能与日俱增。 他预计欧元和英镑计价的金价将表现良好。 +"In addition to slowing down the invader, the heat helps the immune system recruit more troops for a counter-attack. That finding appears in the Journal of Leukocyte Biology. [Thomas A.",除了减缓病原体的入侵,高温可以帮助免疫系统召集更多的部队做出抵抗。 +Lunan mining company adopted inter-hole millisecond order detonation technology for blasting tests and tested blasting vibration situation by special seismograph in field.,鲁南矿业公司采用孔间微差顺序起爆技术爆破,并采用专用测震仪现场测试了爆破震动情况。 +Methods We randomly assigned 2287 patients with stable coronary disease to PCI plus optimal medical therapy or to optimal medical therapy alone.,方法:我们随机分配2287例稳定性冠心病患者接受PCI加优化药物治疗或者单用优化药物治疗。 +You can put two guns in there and just…,这是部门政策,你可以放两支枪然后… +Bach's Inventions were composed as practice pieces for technique and each Invention teaches you specific techniques.,巴赫谱写的众多创意曲都能作为锤炼技巧的教学曲目,并且每部创意曲都传授了特定的技巧。 +"Traditional resource sharing systems, such as MOSIX, expect to lay on top of a fast and static communication channel, and cannot function on top of a volatile and slow wireless links.",传统的资源共享系统,比如MOSIX,期望建立在快速和静止的通信信道之上,并且不能在不稳定和慢速的无线链路下工作。 +"These days, Chinese house swifts mostly nest in the roofs of buildings, but rock crevices like these were their original home, long before houses were invented.",如今,中国的家燕多数将巢穴建在建筑物的屋顶,但其实在房屋被发明出来之前,这样的岩缝才是他们原本安家的地方。 +Artificial scarcity is the natural goal of the profit-seeking.,人为的稀缺性是追逐利润的天然目标。 +"To save the mainland from chaos, the Chromospheres Bobor inherited the mystical ancient-science and black magic of Human.",为了拯救大陆从混乱,色博博尔继承古老神秘学和黑魔术的人。 +"The press of their day was highly opinionated, partisan, and filled with vicious personal attacks.",当时的新闻媒体观点性很强,党派色彩很浓,充斥着激烈的人身攻击。 +"At stake are billions of dollars of Chinese government spending on personal computers and application devices, communication products, office equipment, software and energy-efficient products.",所涉及的将是中国政府用于采购个人电脑及应用设备、通信产品、办公设备、软件、能效产品的数十亿美元资金。 +"Country Report: Latvia, with Country Profile.",国家报告:拉脱维亚》附《国家简况》。 +"Totem culture is a very complicated cultural phenomenon which originated in primitive time. Totem notion, totem taboo and totem art are the main elements which constituted totem culture.",图腾文化是一种产生于原始时代的十分奇特复杂的文化现象,图腾观念、图腾禁忌及图腾艺术等构成图腾文化的主要元素。 +"He was a success in many different kinds of music-popular, country, religious, and rhythm-and-blues.",他在流行音乐、乡村音乐、宗教音乐以及节奏布鲁斯音乐等多种不同的音乐方面都有建树。 +"Finally, open My Computer, you can see the mobile hard disk drive.",最后打开我的电脑,就能看到移动硬盘的盘符了。 +"After a lot of research with colleagues, he has now proposed a new method for simulating sub-surface scattering.",经过大量的研究,与同事,他已经提出了一个新方法模拟亚表面散射。 +The kinetics of extracting the soluble solid contents from black tea leaves in super-comminuted tea powder was studied.,本文研究了红茶叶和超微茶粉可溶性固形物含量的萃取动力学过程。 +Here's a good example of a minor from the second movement of Beethoven's Third Symphony.,"这有一个小调的好例子,来自贝多芬第三交响乐的第二乐章" +Gianluca Zambrotta: this morning he was subjected to a resonance control which evidenced a healing to his right calf. The footballer will continue in his differentiated work programme.,赞布罗塔:检查了他的右小腿的恢复情况,但他仍然被安排单独训练。 +"Then open the document you are composing in Outlook (such as an email or meeting invitation), and paste (CTRL-V) the selected items.",然后打开将组合在 Outlook 中的文档(比如电子邮件或会议邀请),并粘贴(CTRL-V)所选择的条目。 +The reservoir physical characterization in sloping delta front excelled that of mesa delta front.,三角洲坡型前缘的物性特征优于三角洲台型前缘。 +Danny Drinkwater was involved in an eight-goal thriller as Barnsley lost 5-3 to Cardiff in the Championship.,丹尼。喝水参加了巴恩斯利5-3战胜加迪夫的进球大战。 +We'll have to upend the cupboard to get it through the door.,我们得把碗橱倒过来才能抬过这门。 +Or the time she told Dad that she loved the lawn-mower he gave her for her birthday.,还有一次她告诉我父亲她非常喜欢他送的生日礼物-割草机。 +"Currently, Hibernate Shards Framework does not support cross-shared object graphs.",目前,Hibernate Shards Framework 不支持交叉共享对象图。 +One of the most famous examples of kudos is in the Iliad when Agamemnon takes the maiden Briseis from the soldier Achilles as a gift of honor- kudos earned from his glory in battle.,关于荣誉,一个最为著名的例子是在《伊利亚特》中,阿伽门农将布里塞伊斯从阿喀琉斯的军队中带回本阵,因为战场上的这一表现,他赢得了荣誉。 +"On February 10, 2007, in front of the old historic State Capitol building in Springfield, Ill. , Obama announced that he would seek the 2008 Democratic nomination for President.",2007年2月10日,在伊利诺斯斯普林菲尔德古老的市政大厅前,奥巴马宣布自己角逐2008年民主党总统候选人提名。 +A group was formed and King was made president.,成立了一个小组,金被选为主席。 +Xinjiang is a typical arid and semi - arid inland.,同时,新疆是典型的干旱半干旱内陆区。 +"""Anti-stealth will bring into question all stealth designs,"" it says, hinting that the US may already have airborne radars able to spot stealth aircraft.",《航空周刊》还说,“反隐形技术将使所有隐身设计产生问题。” 它暗示着美国可能已经具有了能够发现隐形飞机的机载雷达。 +"Hydroxyl-Terminated polyurethane prepolymer is the mainly component of A, B is made of Isocyanate -Terminated polyurethane prepolymer and other curing agents.",该胶以端异氰酸酯基聚氨酯预聚体为A组分,以端羟基聚氨酯预聚体和其它固化剂为B组分。 +"A knife; Begonia a the knife came, no one can humiliate you, you need not frightened.",一刀;海棠一刀来了,没有人可以欺负你,你不用害怕。 +The performance of each portion of the triangle will in turn determine the relative strain on the rest of the structure. The simplest interaction of the structure is as follows,各个部分的表现将决定了结构其它部分的相对压力。 +Your four-year-old daughter is too young for kindergarten.,你四岁大的女儿未够年龄进读幼稚园。 +"Mr. Obama was also unwilling to engage directly with Pyongyang, insisting instead that the North denuclearize before starting talks.",奥巴马也不愿直接与平壤接触,坚持要在朝鲜无核化之后再进行谈判。 +"Please design a gene cloning in silico process for its homologous genes from other plants (such as maize, rice).",请设计一个硅晶基因克隆实验,从其他植物(如玉米,水稻)找出它的同种异体基因。 +"The cross of Fuqiang Road and Shazui Road, Futian District, Shenzhen.",深圳市福田区福强路与沙嘴路交叉口。 +"I had my suspicions about the milkshake, and so I took a sample and I rushed it down to the lab.",我怀疑奶昔有问题,于是我取了一份样品,跑到实验室化验。 +The outer coat is straight and harsh to the touch.,外层披毛直、触觉为粗硬。 +"Henceforth, the baby (named Tango) and his two fathers form a jolly threesome frolicking together in Central Park’s penguin house where they are observed daily by hordes of city school children.",坦戈和它的两个爸爸组成相亲相爱的三口之家,在中央公园的企鹅园里欢快的嬉戏玩耍,而这里每天都会有学童参观。 +In promoting the improvement of statistics and statistical methods generally.,在促进统计和统计方法一般改善。 +"Women of the future are likely to be slightly shorter and plumper, have healthier hearts and longer reproductive windows.",未来的女性和现在相比可能会矮一些,但更加丰满,她们的心脏将更健康,生育期也将更长。 +This paper design a military intelligence analysis system and give specific algorithm description and research limitation of the algorithm.,本文设计了一个军事情报分析系统,给出了具体的算法描述,并对算法的局限性进行了深入的探讨。 +"ShadowBuffSize - Numeric Button, from 512 to 10240, defining the shadow buffer size.",阴影缓存大小-数字按钮,从512到1024,定义阴影缓存的尺寸。 +"It is, of course, particularly hard for your partner because drinking is an essential part of his work.",当然戒酒对于你的伴侣来说很难,因为喝酒已经是他工作里很重要的一部分。 +"In reality, this is caused by the effects that Bova is promoting blood circulation and removing stasis.",这是因为宝物酒能有效活化血液和疏通血管,并使血液中乙醇转化为乙酸的比率大幅度提高所致。 +The world’s most contaminated river runs through west Java in Indonesia.,这条流过西爪哇岛的河是世界上污染最严重的河流。 +"He says if it was in fact short range missiles North Korea launched, it is probably part of a routine drill.",他说,如果北韩真的发射了短程导弹,那可能只是常规演习的一部分。 +"Romina's career has taken her to Spain, where she won the Superliga title with Levante in 2005.",罗曼娜的在西班牙开始了她的职业生涯,在那里她和莱万特队一起获得了2005赛季的联赛冠军。 +Energy-expense with Coal reduction & Shaft Furnace DRI below BF …,煤基法竖炉直接还原铁能耗低于 高炉炼铁。 +"Frankly, I think you are more like a precious gem in a jewelry store.",坦率地说,我觉得你更像 珠宝店里的一块贵重的宝石。 +"For a start, governments could begin by banning all cigarette and tobacco advertising and should then conduct antismoking advertising campaigns of their own.",作为禁烟的第一步,政府首先应该禁止一切香烟及烟草广告,然后发起反对吸烟的宣传运动。 +"Whoever goes there, disappears. It is unreachable by words, or mind. You may call it God, or Parabrahman, or Supreme Reality, but these are names given by the mind.",谁个到达都会消逝。它决非文字或心智可及。你可以称之为上帝、梵天、或至上真如,但这些不过是头脑的名相。 +"This is the class where you look cool, a bit sleepy from too many late nights and wearing a T-shirt with some ironic comment such as ""Been there, done that and yes, this IS the T-shirt"".",这门课是让你在课堂上扮酷的——带着一丝熬夜太多的困劲儿,穿着一件T 恤衫,上面印着“去过那儿,干过那事儿,对,这就是那件T 恤衫”,或诸如此类带有讥讽意味的俏皮话。 +"If you have been a UNIX systems administrator for a while, you are probably familiar with the ifconfig command as a means of bringing up and taking down network interfaces.",如果您作为 UNIX 系统管理员已经有一段时间了,可能很熟悉用 ifconfig 命令启动和关闭网络接口。 +Teacher management is the central work among secondary school management. The core of teacher management lies in inspiring teachers.,教师管理是中学学校管理的中心工作,教师管理的核心是教师激励。 +"Ken & Daria Dolan, popular personal finance experts, going to show you how to save big bucks on your health care costs.",倍受欢迎的个人理财专家,将教您如何在看病的账单上省出一大笔钱。 +"If your spine is merely out of alignment, manipulation by a chiropractor may help ease your pain. This may also ease your muscle strain.",如果是你的脊椎不够挺直,那按摩师精妙的手法会缓解你的疼痛,按摩还可能让你的肌肉不再紧张。 +How erlotinib exhibits its antineoplastic activity in vivo needs to be further elucidated.,厄洛替尼在体内是如何发挥抗肿瘤活性的机制需要进一步阐释。 +"They demand state-of-the-art capabilities, such as telecommuting, teleconferencing, and electronic mail, in order to work efficiently and effectively.",他们要求自己工作的地方具备最新的科学技术设施,例如远程办公、远程会议和电子邮件,这样他们工作会更有效果,也更有效率。 +The procession was led by two young girls riding beautiful Andalusian horses.,演员队列由两位骑着漂亮的安达卢西亚马的少女引导。 +White Eye Wolf: Are you lost?,白眼狼:你迷路了? +"In the adjustment and repair of the mechanical beam-balance, it's very difficult to repair three edges of knife feed & off line.",在杠杆式机械天平调修中,三刀吃离线的调修难度很大。 +The style of this clothes designer is of classic beauty and fresh elegance.,古色古香,清雅素淡,是这个服装设计师的设计风格。 收藏。 +"Row level sampling reads all data pages but considers only a percentage of the rows on each page, and therefore only a subset of the corresponding XDA pages.",行级的抽样读取所有数据页,但是只考虑每页上一定百分比的行,因此只包含相应 XDA 页面中的一部分。 +"Well, I just won't do it. -Bollocks to you!",哼,我就是不干-去你的吧! +"A introduction of the PLA military band' s performance on the China's National Day such as its content, characteristic, preparation, arrangement, equipment choice and music creation.",介绍解放军军乐团在国庆阅兵游行仪式上的演出内容、特点、组织准备、设备选择以及音乐创作特点。 +"Today the subway when arriving to the next station, PETN - when, the subway very slowly in the running, usually very quickly drops.",今天乘坐地铁的时候,到达太安到下一站怡景的时候,地铁很慢很慢地在行驶,平时都非常快滴。 +地下城和恶龙、幽灵和地精或者国王和王后,这些词会让你想到些什么呢?,"What do you think of when you hear dungeons and dragons, ghost and goblins or kings and queens?" +Hey. We need 4 horses and 2 ponies.,嗨。我们需要4匹马和2匹矮种马。 +"The Message Broker tree would contain only a few control fields, such as the IDoc name and a hexBinary field containing the IDoc.",Message Broker 树只包含几个控制字段,比如 IDoc name 和一个包含这个 IDoc 的 hexBinary 字段。 +"Because of the quality of guess, it is probable.",由于具有推测性,故结论是或然性的。 +"Behold me, look at me, thou, my son Tuthmosis.",注视我,看着我,你,我的儿子图特摩斯。 +"For example, with the ""Enroll in Seminar"" use case, if the system does not respond when the student indicates they want to enroll in a seminar, the student would soon become discouraged and walk away.",例如,在“参加研习班”用例中,如果系统在学生表明他们希望参加研习班时没有做出响应,学生就会很沮丧地离开。 +Objective To explore the effects and central mechanisms of oxymatrine(OMT) on injury induced by focal cerebral ischemia reperfusion in rats.,目的:探讨氧化苦参碱(OMT)对大鼠局灶性脑缺血再灌注损伤的作用及其中枢机制。 +"So bold men, who are tempted by every chance, have quite frequently, as we are assured, opened the holes excavated by the black man, and tried to rob the devil.",有些胆大的汉子,要钱不要命,据说他们曾不止一次,并且有凭有据,确实重行挖开那黑人所挖的洞,发了些魔鬼财。 +"But the researchers discovered that if they grew the fungus in a fermenter or on a liquid diet, the production of the toxins fell precipitously.",但是,研究者们发现,如果他们在发酵池中或者液体培养液中种植这种真菌的话,这种真菌所产生的毒素会大量下降。 +"Long ere the thunder of the great Slide had ceased to roar among the mountains, the mortal agony had been endured, and the victims were at peace.",过了很久,大滑坡的雷声才才慢慢的消逝在大山中,世间的痛苦也随之而去,遇难者现在平静了。 +Setting priorities without allocating sufficient resources to achieve them tells everyone that you weren't serious about the priorities in the first place.,只设定优先级,不调拨充分的资源,无异于告诉所有员工,企业并不把这些任务放在头等重要的位置。 +"Of the 14.9 million unemployed, more than 2.2 million are 55 or older.",在1490万的失业队伍中,有22万多人超过了55岁。 +"On a bare stage with a couple of heavily annotated books, Mr Sands is like an eager pupil in a natty suit, charismatic yet nervous.",光秃秃的舞台上只有两三本书,书上有大量的注解,詹德斯象一名热切的小学生,穿着整齐的西装、充满魅力,但也紧张不安。 +"Schriever's new way of thinking began in 1953, when he was still a colonel.",早在1953年,施里弗还只是个上校的时候,他就有此想法。 +"These 8- immortal sculpture style apartments and villas are offered as leisure place for tourists by hotel operation, and part of them for sale.",园内的八仙雕塑公寓、别墅主要以宾馆经营方式为游客提供休闲场所,部分可对外出售。 +"""If she stay there [in one place], I'd never have a chance, because she plays so hard and so aggressive, "" Zheng said.",“如果她[在一个位置上]不移动的话,我很难抓住机会,因为她的打法凶狠,进攻性极强,” 郑洁说。 +The struggle in Bose Uprising and Youjiang Revolutionary Base Area needed the army and the people's firm ideals and beliefs.,百色起义和右江革命根据地的斗争需要军民坚定的理想信念。 +So business education was an important part of Huizhou merchants'family education.,因而,商业教育成为明清徽商家庭教育的一项重要内容。 +迪阿蒙说:“心理犬在病人与其他人中间起到缓冲器的作用,以便使病人可以进行一些以前无法进行的活动,如购物。”,"“The dog acts as a buffer between her and others so that she can do her shopping or engage in other activities in a way that she couldn't before,” Diamond said." +"Associated Press Christchurch, New Zealand February 28 Xinhua today people killed in earthquake in New Zealand, a 5-month-old boy held a funeral.",美联社新西兰克赖斯特彻奇2月28日电 今天人们为新西兰地震中死亡的一名5个月大的男婴举行了葬礼。 +MY:I do. Do people have to kill each other to give them a heightened sense of life?,玛拉:我这么认为。难道人们只有互相残杀才能获得更强烈的生命意识吗? +"Weng Li, spokesman for the China Film Group Corp, said ""its theme is positive, healthy and inspirational.""","中影集团新闻发言人翁立表示,影片""主题积极健康,具有励志倾向""。" +"ART provides care for de-cayed teeth, which is non -threatening, low cost, and can prevent extractions in most cas-es.",ART治疗龋齿,安全无创伤,成本低并且防止大量牙拔除。 +"The origin of traditional culture, the reality of being bullied, the temptation of the conflict of exotic culture, the pain of life feelings have composed the fate sad melody of these ""Edge p.""",传统文化的血脉、国家落后挨打的现实、异域文化的诱惑冲击交织着生命情感的痛苦,谱写出了这些“边缘人”和“零余者”的命运悲歌。 +"Even H1N1, or swine flu, for all the uproar, almost always resolves in a few days with no treatment.",即便是喧嚣一时的甲型H1N1流感几乎也能在几天内自行退去,而无需任何治疗。 +"The structure facilitates the flow of information upstream, downstream and across all business activities.",组织结构为信息的上传,下达和所有业务活动间的信息流动提供便利。 +"Different picket-fence window causes the different signal sample length, which will bring different results for DFT .",截断窗口长度决定了信号样本长度,不同的样本长度会影响DFT 的结果。 +Detectives believe the head-dress was taken from the La Mina archaeological site in the Jequetepeque valley in north Peru in 1988 when a tomb was looted and its contents put on the black market.,英国警方相信,该头饰是于1988年在秘鲁北部塔皮克山谷的拉米纳考古发掘点失窃的。当时那里的一座古代陵墓被盗墓者洗劫一空,其中的大批文物后来均流入黑市。 +Harry doesn’t do a lot of especially interesting things in Deathly Hallows.,哈利在《死亡圣器》里并没有太多出彩的戏份。 +"Thirdly, it shows limitations of his educational theory, pointing out that the road of saving the nation through developing education inevitably had no way out in modern China.",第三,指出“教育国论”及实用主义杜威思想的局限性和缺陷,说明它在当时中国社会走向破产的历史必然性。 +Don't run away with the idea that I am unsociable; I just haven't time to go out much.,不要轻信我不爱同人交往的说法;我只不过是没有时间经常外出而已。 +"I thank the support of the Chinese entrepreneurs Morning News, for the Shenyang public support, we are ready to hold such future regular game.",感谢华商晨报的支持,感谢沈阳市民的支持,我们准备今后定期举行这样的比赛。 +"This month, I'll add another implementation to that benchmark, one that uses AtomicLong to update the PRNG state.",本月,我将向该基准添加其他实现,使用 AtomicLong 更新 PRNG 状态的实现。 +"In one recent instance where designers won out at Hyundai, the new Sonata has a thin line of chrome that stretches from the headlights along the hood and top of both doors to the back window.",在最近一个现代设计师胜出的例子中,新款索纳塔有一条细细的铬合金线,从车头灯沿着引擎罩和两个车门的顶部一直延伸到车后窗。 +How long was it since Samuel had anointed David?,撒母耳膏立大卫到大卫作王,历经了多少个年头? +"Syria's president on Monday issued a decree banning smoking in public places, joining an anti-smoking trend already under way in other Arab countries.",叙利亚总统12日签发一项法令,禁止在公共场所吸烟,加入其他阿拉伯国家已在禁烟的趋势。 +"The American Welding Society has long enjoyed a cooperative relationship with CMES, with each group bringing exhibitors from its own country to the other's exhibitions.",美国焊接学会长期以来珍视与中国机械工程学会的合作关系,每一方都组织自己国家的展商参加另一方的展览会。 +"Oh, and an Herm s Kelly.",哦,还有一款爱马仕的凯莉包。 +Local athletes will have the opportunity to compete with overseas race walkers and vie for the prizes of both the International and Local Races in their respective category.,本地参赛者将可与国际竞步好手较量,并有机会同时竞逐其他组别国际赛及本地赛的奖项。 +"Divide the dough into 3 even portions, each about 150 grams.",将面团分割成3等份,每份大约是150克。 +"I've got an oral report tomorrow and two reports due next week, and there's this mock exam next month.",明天有一个口头报告,而下星期有两份报告到期,此外下个月有模拟考。 +"However, as far as I know, no vendors implement the above scheme; they assume the presence of switches instead.",但据我所知,没有商家实施了上述方案:他们改为采用交换机。 +"Take another little piece of my heart now, baby, (break a…)",现在就拿走我的另一片心。 +"The disc harbours the Sun and most of the galaxy's other stars, as well as the beautiful spiral arms.",主盘包含着太阳及星系里其他大部分的恒星,当然还有美丽的旋臂。 +"Our door is always open, and with these things in the bag, you might get us to open our wallet too.",我们的大门总是打开的,有了这些稳操胜券的筹码,你也可以让我们打开钱包了。 +"In multiuser tests, the combined impact of aforementioned performance improvements in is much more visible than the single user benchmark tests.",在多用户测试的环境下,上面提到过的 版本中的性能改进的合并效应,要比单用户基准测试明显的多。 +"The supply price is relied on the cost for the emission reduction, the its differential coefficient of the cost , the capital value, and the planned emission reduction in the life cycle.",其大小取决于其国内减排成本、减排成本的变化情况、卖出减排量时资金的价值、以及国家在卖出减排量寿期内计划投产的减排能力。 +He then decided to go to the supermarket and buy a 10Kg tomato crate.,后来他决定去超市看看,用10块钱买了10公斤西红柿。 +"Tapeworms attach to the human intestinal tract, acting as a parasite that siphons off nutrients from the food you eat.",绦虫附着在人体肠道内,作为一种寄生虫从你吃的食物中吸取营养物质。 +"The pattern turning a little bit it once, appearing another floriculture again.",将它稍微转一下,又会出现另一种花的图案。 +It is now our time to reciprocate. Let us all support the Rotarians in Japan by contributing to the Rotary Japan Disaster Recovery Fund.,他补充说 现在是我们回报的时候 让我们一起支持在日本的扶轮社员并响应扶轮社日本灾难复建基金。 +"Perhaps, we are the gear which works.",也许,我们是工作上的排档。 +"So a business use case should describe what the business does -- namely, its interactions with its environment -- to deliver value to its stakeholders.",所以,业务用例应该描述业务做了什么(也就是同其外部环境进行了那些互操作),从而将价值传送给其涉众。 +"The twenty-first century is a time of culture shock, enterprises culture build the core competitiveness with a power of culture, to become sustainable development drive of enterprises.",二十一世纪是一个文化冲击的时代,企业文化以文化的力量构筑企业核心竞争力,成为促进企业持久发展的内驱力。 +"A typital problem is caused by the ragged edges of the holes, or by dirt on the tape.",一个常见的问题是由孔的边缘不整齐或者纸带不干净所引起的。 +"Besides, the corresponding evaluation standards are also proposed, with which the biodegradabilities of 10 kinds of PASP have been obtained.",并用该方法对10种聚天门冬氨酸类物质的生物降解性进行了合理评价。 +"Conclusion On MRI, fibrous dysplasia of long bone had no unique sign or character signal, which depended on the pathologic elements of the lesion.",结论长骨骨纤维结构不良的MRI表现并无特征性,信号特点取决于组织结构。 +"Miller was leading Murkowski by fewer than 2,000 votes, with as many as 16,000 absentee ballots left to be counted.",米勒领先于穆考斯基的票数不超过2千,与此同时,还有多达1万6千张的缺席选票还有待清点。 +"Dr. Peter PIOT, Executive Director of UNAIDS, officiated the first anniversary of the Red Ribbon Centre and put up the Mission Statement.",联合国爱滋病规划署执行总监毕比达博士访港,并为红丝带中心使命牌匾作揭幕仪式。 +"Woman drunk after, will want to men, but usually only one, is abandoned her the bad man.",女人酒醉之后,会想男人,但往往只有一个,就是抛弃了她的那个坏男人。 +"For dealing with the serious impact generating easily by sudden reversal, an improved structure of water hydraulic directional valve was developed.",针对纯水换向阀在突然切换时易产生严重冲击的问题,提出一种改进的纯水换向阀优化结构。 +"The skis also provide additional advantages on snowy or powdered terrain, particularly during horizontal strafing maneuvers.",在积雪或粉尘地形上,尤其在水平扫射时,这些滑板更能提供额外的优势。 +"The journal Nature Methods recently announced their method of the year, and it is: induced pluripotency.",《自然方法》最近公布了“年度方法”:诱导多潜能。 +The first direct evidence has been found linking smoking to epigenetic changes in genes that help fight cancer.,科学家首次发现了吸烟与抗癌基因表观变化存在关联的直接证据。 +Conclusions—These data demonstrate that blocking of B1R can diminish brain infarction and edema formation in mice and may open new avenues for acute stroke treatment in humans.,结论——借此可以表明阻断小鼠体内B1R可以减少脑梗塞的面积和脑水肿的形成,也为人类急性卒中的治疗开辟新的途径。 +The house has double parlors flanking the foyer and this is one of them.,门厅旁边有两个客厅,这就是其中一个。 +"Considering the lengthy history and cultural significance, we should consider reviving the redwood furniture as a duty entrusted by the time.",红木家具根植于中国,复兴发扬光大,正是时代赋予我们这代人的共同责任。 +"Here, nonbank credit has always been part of the fabric of business, rooted in a system of pooling friends-and-family money around the mahjong tables.",信任的缺失有双方各自的原因。 在温州,非银行信贷一直就是企业生命链条上的一环,它来自于将亲戚朋友们打麻将的钱聚在一起。 +"When his father died,the prince acceded to the position of head of state.",父王去世后,王子继承了国家元首的职位。 +"Tall stoneware jars served as ninth-century shipping containers; each could hold more than a hundred nested bowls that might originally have been padded with rice straw, a sort of organic bubble wrap.",高的石器罐子在9世纪被用作集装箱,每个罐子可装入100多个重叠的碗,也许起初稻草也被当做有机气泡垫包装纸塞在缝隙中。 +They brushed through the crowded street.,他们挤过拥挤的街道。 +He played us a piece by Chopin.,他给我们演奏了萧邦的一首乐曲。 +"He was still breathing, and when a member of the gallery pointed that out, Spitzka and another physician re-examined Kemmler.",当旁观席上一位证人(a member of the gallery)指出他还在呼吸时,Spitzka和另一名法医重新检查凯姆勒。 +"In recent years, the issue of female ejaculation has become a source of controversy among feminists, sexologists, and the general public.",近些年来,女性射液的事儿已经成为女权主义者、性学家和普通大众争议的话料。 +"In a surprising number of real-life cases, some minor or not-so-minor problems that contribute to a bigger problem can go undetected for a long time.",在大多数实际情况下,可能导致更大问题的一些小问题或者较大的问题,可能潜伏很久都不会被发现。 +"A lot of users have reported the little ball starts sticking and this happened to me today, I could scroll down or sideways but not up.",被很多用户提到的小球粘住的情况今天也发生在我身上了,我可以移动到下方,两侧但是不能向上。 +"Also, hang windchimes in the room which emit more positive energy.",另外,在室内可以挂些金属风铃之类的东西,它可以发射更多的有益的能量。 +"After all, Inga tucks the memory of MOMA’s address out of her conscious awareness most of the time too.",而印加在大部分时间里也是把关于现代艺术博物馆的地址信息藏在她的意识里不管的。 +The second chapter introduces the status of the nation-separation movements in the east of Indonesia archipelago in order to bring in related discuss in the following chapters.,第二章介绍印尼群岛东部民族动乱和分离运动的现状,以便导入后面各章对相关问题的讨论。 +The invention relates to the wet-chemical treatment of the surfaces (5) of material (6).,本发明涉及对于材料6的表面5所进行的湿化学处理。 +Only a few claim to be an atheist who generally can be sure they are atheists .,只有少数声称自己是无神论者的人,一般可以肯定他们是无神论者。 +Kenny Dalglish today put on record his support for the appointment of Roy Hodgson as Liverpool manager.,肯尼-达格利什今天表示了对新掌门霍奇森的支持。 +The sponsored resolution also called on countries that have not signed the 1970 Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty to do so.,这项决议还吁请尚未签署1970年《不扩散核武器条约》的国家加入该条约。 +Greenwald 31 a media and communications consultant in Washington DC.,她是华盛顿特区的一位传媒和公关顾问。 +"The researchers looked at some 791,200 bathtub- and shower-related injuries in children aged 18 and younger treated in emergency departments.",研究者查看了约791200例接受过急诊治疗的18岁及以下的孩子与浴缸和淋浴相关的受伤案件。 +The spatial and time distribution of sewage which discharged into the Yangtze River is closely related to industrial development level and their changes yearly of the provinces along the river.,长江入江污水量的时空分布与沿江各省市产业发展水平及年际变化有密切关系; +"NO04, Don't forget the return address!",不要忘记回邮地址! +"That apart, his contribution to Liverpool's season has been lousy. There are some people inside Anfield who speak scornfully of his attitude.",除此以外,本赛季他对利物浦的贡献少之又少。在安菲尔德内部,有人对他的态度颇有微辞。 +"July recently changed from the team MBC to SKT1 and we ask him which team he prefer he says that he likes both teams of course, but that it will have to be SKT1.",小胖最近从MBC转会带SKT1,当被问到更喜欢哪支队时,他的答案是两支都喜欢,但是SKT1更多一些。 +"What's Heard: ""This can come off sounding like you're passing judgment on effort, "" says Anderson.",听起来: “这可能听起来像你在使劲儿做评判。” +The NTNU Museum of Natural History and Archaeology is hosting a documentary photography exhibition about Daming.,挪威科技大学自然历史与考古博物馆主办此次大明宫纪实摄影图片展。 +"The patients having childbearing history aged from 25-56, 70 of whom had dysmenorrhea, 83 had menstrual disorders or profuse menstruation.",患者年龄25-56岁,均为��生育妇女,其中有痛经者占70例,月经紊乱或月经增多83例。 +That is what freedom of speech is all about.,而这是言论自由的实质所在。 +Better-educated retirees get higher objective and subjective social support and are good at using the support than retirees of lower education. (3).,从文化程度上看,高文化程度的退休人员在客观支持、主观支持及支持利用度上高于低文化程度的退休人员。 +"A city of central Texas south of Fort Worth. It is a processing and manufacturing center. Population, 46,109.",美国德克萨斯州中部一城市,位于沃思堡以南,为加工制造业中心。人口46,109。 +"For young people, it's part of creating an individual identity in the world.",对年轻人来说,这是他们在世上创建个人身份时必做的一件事。 +Undulator rms phase error is expressed as function of the magnet peak field distribution. It can be used as the objective function for practical undulator performance optimization.,给出了波荡器位相误差的函数式,可由磁场峰值分布直接计算波荡器位相均方根误差。 +This brings up the Mission Selection screen for the adjutant’s next mission briefing.,这会带来“任务选择”页面,来听取下一个任务的简报。 +Objective To investigate the effect of vibration expectorater on expectoration of patients with pulmonary infection and sum up the nursing highlights.,目的探讨振动排痰机在肺部感染患者排痰中的作用及总结护理要点。 +Everybody should be careful while going out.,每个人出门都应多加小心。 +"In 1998, the agency launched the ""hope"" Mars probe's main engine valves had abnormal situation.",1998年,该机构发射的“希望”号火星探测器的主引擎阀门就曾出现异常情况。 +Macao service supplier of airport management services shall be governed by the relevant regulations and rules of the Mainland if it is an associated enterprise of an airline company.,提供机场管理服务的澳门服务提供者如果是航空公司的关联企业,还应适用内地有关法规、规章。 +"Parametric/predictive modeling software enables users to assess what is known about a project and to model or simulate what is unknown based on extensive and meaningful, real-world comparative data.",参数化的/预言性的建模软件使得用户能够评估一个已知的项目,并且建模或者仿真一个基于大量有意义的真实世界数据的未知的项目。 +"A mountaintop is a great place to see the stars, but to clearly see God requires a change of heart.",山顶是一个观星的绝佳之处,但要清楚地看见上帝,则需要一颗改变的心。 +"The Aryans, who outnumbered the Poseidon's 3 to 1, dared not attack Poseida lest they have the crystalline energy that powered the nation shut off.",雅利安人和波塞顿人的人数是1比3 ,不敢攻击波塞顿人,以免他们使用 水晶力量而关闭全国电源 。 +Mature male Dai Zhuo mounts the ring that has big grain jadeite ring surface to appear in public on public place or cocktail party.,甚至有成熟男性戴着镶有大粒翡翠戒面的戒指在公共场所或酒会上抛头露面。 +"In my opinion, the Awesome Bar is FF3's best new feature, and the kind of thing that makes you wonder how you got along without it once you get used to it.",在我看来,可怕酒吧是ff3最好的新功能,和种的东西,让你不知道你如何相处没有它,一旦你习惯它。 +The Laser Interferometer Space Antenna (LISA) is a joint mission between NASA and the European Space Agency scheduled for launch in 2025.,激光干涉太空探测器(LISA)是一个NASA与欧洲太空署的联合任务。计划于2025年发射。 +"Existing original land, sea and air military clothing fabrics (including shirts, outer and lining) mass shot, high capacity partner priorities.",现有原海、陆、空军队服装布料(含衬衫,外及面料)海量出手,吞吐量大的合作方优先考虑。 +"The article introduces the methods of ancient books protection from these aspects: collection environment, mothproof approach, repairing the damaged ancient books.",该文从古籍收藏环境、虫防蛀、籍修复等方面详细介绍了古往今来古籍保护的方法。 +"Turning a goal into a habit means really focusing on it, intensely, for at least a month, to the exclusion of all else. The more you can focus on it, the more it’ll be on autopilot.",把目标变成习惯意味着绝对地全神贯注,排除一切干扰,你越是集中精力,你就越能够水到渠成。 +Doctor: See you later.,大夫:待会儿见。 +Consequently any stop motion must be sited in such a way as to allow sufficient time for any stop to occur before the broken end reaches the headstock .,另一个问题是,停车装置应安装在这样的位置,它能提供充分的时间,使断头在停车之前不会卷入经轴。 +"With the simulative washing test on different rain intensity, the effects of rain intensity on the loss of soil potassium in loess area were preliminarily studied.",通过不同雨强人工模拟冲刷试验,初步分析了雨强对黄土区土壤钾素径流的影响。 +"Once detained, these individuals were handcuffed, blindfolded and thrown onto the floor of the perpetrator's car.",一旦被扣押,这些人被扣上手铐、蒙上眼罩然后扔到犯罪实施者的车上。 +"And after a spring audience exodus, network viewership compared with last fall is down as much as 10percent by one measurement.",在春季观众流失后,一项测评显示秋季收视率相比于去年同期下降了10%。 +"The disk body is coupled with wheel through bolt, which is easy for installation.",盘体与车轮通过螺栓联结,更换安装方便; +"If you ask him for a loan, he'll come through.",如果你向他贷款,他会满足你的要求的。 +Can you help me E-mail?,你能教我用一下电子邮件吗? +"You actually see this near the top of your handout, the allusion from the Faerie Queene.",事实上你们可以在自己讲义的上方看到,那源自《仙后》的暗喻。 +He justified himself for his conduct.,他为自己的行为辩护。 +"A new world, material without being real, where poor ghosts, breathing dreams like air, drifted fortuitously about .",这是一个没有真实的物的新世界,在那里可怜的鬼魂们四处随风飘荡,他们像呼吸空气那样吮吸着梦幻。 +Adoption of this pattern is a point-in-time decision depending on whether near or medium-term advantages justify the necessary investment.,这种模式的采用是一个即时的决策,这个决策依赖于近期或中期的利益来证明是否值得进行必要的投入。 +"More advice from Martin Yate, one of America's leading advocates for working professionals, can be found on his Web site at www. knockemdead. com.",想要从马丁。亚特, 美国专业人士咨询专家之一, 那么可以去他的网站。 +"Louis Vuitton luggage was a huge hit in the start of his career, and gave him enough business for the need to relocate, and he did so to the town of Asnieres in 1860.",路易威登的行李是在他的职业生涯开始了巨大成功,并给了他的需要迁移足够的业务,他这样做是1860 年的阿涅尔镇。 +"The ingredient has been found to have a particular affinity, or affect, for those symptoms.",研究发现,某些成份与这些症状联系紧密,或者说对其有影响。 +How much does it cost for a shaved ice with two toppings?,加两种配料的刨冰要多少钱?。 +At present they do not regulate safety culture but they're attempting to move into that area.,"现在,他们没有管理安全文化,但是他们希望能进入到那个领域去。" +And open our eyes to the glory of that grace which enables us in His likeness also to live that we may pray for the transgressors .,并使我们看见你恩典的荣耀,使我们得与他相似并能为罪人代求。 +Minimum quality for UW-Madison Graduate School admission : Overall average in B range.,最低质量为威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校的研究生院录取 :总平均在B范围内。 +"His most famous leading lady, Mrs Patrick Campbell, was captured lying in bed.",萧作品中最有名的女主角当属Patrick Campbell夫人,有张照片是她躺在床上。 +The friend who is a helper is to be reckoned as good-hearted on four grounds: he protects you when you are taken unawares;,有四种人,他们是善良的朋友:乐于助人的人、不论在顺境或逆境都能保持稳定的人、提出忠告的人、有同情心的人。 +"The bed can take the form of a couch, extra bedroom, or chunk of the floor depending on what your host can offer.",这张床可以是沙发,次卧,地板床等,这就看房东可以给你提供什么了。 +"Nanling jewelry company Career Park is a career base for enterpriser supported by government policy and facility facing to Shenzhen, Hong Kong and Paynyu and overseas enterprises.",南岭珠宝企业创业园是一个拥有政策扶持、金融支持、配套服务等综合优势,面向深、港、禺三地及国外珠宝企业打造的全方位的创业基地! +Cats can help rid the home of pests.,猫则能帮忙清除屋里的害虫。 +"In 2003, the Shenzhou V manned flight mission was a greet success, but astronaut Yang Liwei said that he didn't see the Great Wall in the outer space, which has caused a huge stir in China.",2003年中国的神舟五号载人飞船发射成功,航天员杨利伟亲口说他在太空没有看到长城,这件事情在中国社会上引起了不小的轰动。 +"They expected the frustration. But they didn’t expect to have the psychological effects, to be lonely, to be panicked, the anxiety, literally heart palpitations.",他们料想会沮丧的,但是没想到的是有来自心理的影响,变得孤独,惊慌失措,焦虑,心悸。 +And our determination must not waver.,我们的决心绝不能动摇。 +"Similarly, 67% of rural respondents were confident they would receive some care from their children, compared to 34% of urban respondents.",同样,有67%的农村被调查者相信他们的子女多少会照看他们,而只有34%的城市被调查者有这种信心。 +"Compared with SPAD readings, the normalized redness intensity (NRI), with a high rvalue of 0.541-0.780 with conventional N parameters, could better express the N status of rice.",红光标准化值与叶绿素仪SPAD读数相比能更好地表征水稻幼穗期的氮素营养状况, 与常规测试指标的相关系数介于0.541~0.780之间。 +"As expected on Monday morning, Toro Rosso announced that 19-year-old Spanish rookie Jaime Alguersuari will replace Sebastien Bourdais ""as from this weekend's Hungarian grand prix"".",正如周一上午预测的那样,小红牛宣布19岁的西班牙新秀阿古雅舒雅里会代替波尔代斯参加本周的匈牙利大奖赛。 +Not forming part of the insurance regulation.,并非保险条例的一部分。 +Some problems such as long delay and multi-beams exist in the design of on-board route switching system.,在星载路由交换系统设计过程中,存在长时延、多波束等问题。 +Most commercial pigs are crosses or hybrids.,大多数商业化养殖的猪都是杂交种。 +"In terms of engine performance, JAC autos are second only to those made by Honda. This has been a major cause contributing to their popularity with many Brazilian consumers.",江淮汽车的发动机性能仅次于本田汽车,这也成为很多当地消费者认可江淮产品的重要原因。 +Result:Normal values of skeletal morphology of TMJ were obtained. No difference was found between left and right TMJs in skeletal morphology parameters(P> 0.05 ).,结果反映TMJ骨性形态的各参数测量值左右侧TMJ之间无显著性差异(P>0.05),将左右侧测量结果合并得出各参数的参考值; +"Applications : Medical, aviation, oceanic industries, petrochemical engineering, military, autocar, power plant and so on .",应用领域: 医疗、航空、海洋工业、石油化工、军工、汽车、发电厂、电站等。 +"The band width of network has reached Gbit, with the development of fiber network, and it will reach 10 Gbit even more.",随着光纤网络的发展,网络的带宽己达到了吉比特,在今后几年很快就要达到10吉比特甚至数十吉比特。 +"By keeping the PSNR in a predefined quality range, while tuning the watermark strength parameter, we make the scheme adaptive to the colour image.",本水印方案对彩色图像的自适应是通过把PSN艮值保持在一定的品质范围之内,同时调整水印强度参数来达到的。 +"Money on repairs and improvements to the purchase you will make in the kitchen, concocting yummy in the search mode items.",钱维修及改善工程的采购你会在厨房,炮制美味在搜索模式的项目。 +The topics being explored embrace some of the most pressing issues in public health today.,会议探讨的主题包括当今公共卫生领域中一些最紧迫的问题。 +"Welding and gas welding should abide by the rules, flame job should be done under watching;",电焊、气焊要严格执行操作制度,明火作业应有专人看守; +"Design the signal adjust circuit for sensor, and the power amplification circuit for the hydraulic pressure system of test platform and the controller of magnetorheological dampers.",设计出传感器输入输出信号调理电路和试验台架液压激振系统、磁流变阻尼器控制器的功率放大电路。 +"Alex was 35 and slowing down, so when I came in I think people accepted the fact that Alex's time was up.",阿历克斯当时35了,速度没那么快了。所以当我进一队的时候人们认为阿历克斯要挂靴了。 +High-confidence software is working on new edge-cutting tools and method to improve the safety of computer software.,高可信软件的研究致力于使用前沿的技术和工具来提高计算机软件的安全性。 +"Today, our country's higher education are experiencing great changes from outstanding figure education stage to popular education.",当前,我国高等教育正经历着从精英教育向大众化教育转化的深刻变革。 +WO_(3) electrochromic films were prepared on ITO glass substrates by the sol-gel method.,采用溶胶-凝胶法,在氧化铟锡(ITO)玻璃基质上制备氧化钨电致变色薄膜。 +"In recent years, the company relies on strong technical and processing capacity, honest business attitude, brand influence growing, mature sales network.",近年该公司依托强大的技术和加工能力,诚信的经营态度,品牌影响力不断扩大,销售网络趋于成熟。 +"Crete and Egypt began in ancient Egypt from the pre-dynasty period, about 4000 BC.",克里特岛和埃及的来往始于古埃及前王朝时期,约公元前4000年。 +Another is that people use music to regulate their mood: I want to get hyper for a night out so I put on some dance music.,另一个是人们利用音乐来调节情绪:我想要一晚上兴奋,所以我放一些舞曲。 +"We will provide you with artwork files for 3 Detail Aids (files will be in CS5, is this an issue?)",我们将为您提供图片文件,你3详细艾滋病(文件将被CS5的,这是一个问题?) +"Firstly, he conducted easily. After 2,000 somersaults were done, his speed slowed down.",开始,他轻松自如,翻过2,000个以后,他的速度便慢了下来。 +"When an ordinary reel of tear tape was used in YB55 wrapper, it was braked by fastening the clamping screw manually, which resulted in frequent machine stop for reel change and long downtime.",YB55透明纸小包机使用拉带小卷筒时,通过人工旋紧螺纹夹紧卷筒,而且更换拉带次数频繁,停机时间长。 +"On this day, people will eat Double Ninth Gao (or Cake).",在这一天,人们会吃重九高(或蛋糕)。 +The new minister of justic Dan Dinglam( Chen Dingnan) said that he defiance shown by the once infamous investigation bureau makes him feel powerless to carry out any reform.,新任耶法务部长陈定南讲调查局内面一寡郎挑工欲乎伊歹办代志,无照体制进行,乎伊欲整顿起来拢感觉无力。 +HD 2010 Beijing Auto Show Geely car mod…,高清2010北京车展走进后台吉利车模后台聊… +"Washington — Three years ago, Hollywood actor and film producer Brad Pitt decided to help rebuild a low-income New Orleans neighborhood devastated by Hurricane Katrina in 2005.",美国国务部国际信息局(IIP)《美国参考》Karin Rives从华盛顿报道,三年前,好莱坞演员兼制片人布拉德‧皮特(Brad Pitt)决定帮助重建新奥尔良在2005年被卡特里娜飓风(Hurricane Katrina)摧毁的一个低收入社区。 +For months the city staggered from near-default to near-default.,几个月过后,纽约市仍在接近违约的边缘徘徊。 +The actors were really hamming it up to amuse the audience.,这些演员为博观众一粲,表演得实在太过火了。 +"Add a CSS2 "":after"" pseudo-class on the container element .",在容器元素上添加一个 CSS2 “:after” 伪类。 +Today I found another pen as well as a fork and a knife!,首先恭喜我吧,又让我找到了一只笔和一副刀叉! +"Acknowledging the importance of Asian markets, the program was expanded to Hong Kong in the fall of 2009, with an inaugural class of 37 returnees.",认识到亚洲市场的重要性,该计划在2009年秋拓展到香港,37名回归人参加了就职典礼。 +"All these cuts add up, needless to say, for a federal budget already straining to the tune of trillion-dollar-plus annual deficits.",为了弥补上万亿美元的年度赤字,美国联邦预算已经捉襟见肘,而所有这些减免加在一起,不用说更令联邦预算雪上加霜。 +"S. soldiers in Iraq also must contend with air that's laden with heavy metals and lung-ravaging particles, researchers reported March 30 at the spring meeting of the American Chemical Society.",3月30日召开的美国化学社会会议上有研究者提到,伊拉克的空气中充满了重金属和可能伤害肺部的颗粒。 +"Chinese have been shocked by the scandal which emerged after a ""call-for-help"" letter was posted on the Internet earlier this month by more than 400 parents in Henan province.",本月初,400多名来自河南的父母在互联网上发布求救帖,揭发了这起黑砖厂事件,中国民众大为震惊。 +"That makes China's yuan one of the most undervalued currencies in our Big Mac index, which is based on the idea of purchasing-power parity.",按照以购买力平价指标为基础的巨无霸指数来看,人民币被低估了不少。 +Always open presents on Christmas Eve or leave plate of cookies out for the big guy?,你总会在圣诞前夜打开礼物或者给他准备一大盘饼干吧? +"The Shenzhou 7 launch is to take place between Sept. 25 and 30 from the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Centre in northwestern Gansu province, the official Xinhua News Agency reported Saturday.",新华社周六报道,神州7号将于9月25日至9月30之间择日发射,发射地点定于甘肃省西北部的酒泉卫星发射中心。 +"Zahi Hawass, head of the council and director of the expedition, said the team had found 24 mummies in niches along the walls of the chamber and on shelves along one wall.",委员会的领导者和考古队的负责人札西·哈瓦斯称,他的团队在沿着墓室墙壁的壁龛中和一侧墙壁的架子上仔细搜寻,已经发现了24具木乃伊。 +Modified Prepared Gancao Decoction was applied in treating45cases of viral myocarditis.,观察炙甘草汤加味治疗病毒性心肌炎的疗效。 +Various factors of production contribute to the realization of value and they should be given corresponding reward.,各种生产要素对价值实现都作了贡献,应分得相应的报酬。 +"The paper is supported by one of the technical basis projects of General Equipment Department of L. A. M with the name ""Technical Reasearch on Interactive Online Information Service"".",本论文得到总装备部“交互式在线信息服务技术研究���这一技术基础项目的支持。 +"Drone strikes kill, maim and traumatize too many civilians, U. S. study says.",无人机袭击杀死、致残和伤害了好多平民,美国研究说。 +This paper presents an apparatus which can measure the relative displacement of the laser speckles on a processed double exposure film.,在激光散斑计量技术中,散斑条纹间隔的计量是重要的一环。 +"Other Ingredients: sorbitol, stearic acid, colloidal silicon dioxide, modified cellulose gum and magnesium stearate.",其它成份: 山梨糖醇、硬脂酸、胶质二氧化硅、修改过的纤维素胶和镁硬脂酸盐。 +Results The concentration of zwitterionic detergent CHAPS and reductant was decisive for obtaining good resolution of 2-DE pattern.,结果:两性离子去污剂CHAPS 及还原剂的浓度是影响双向电泳图谱分辨力的重要因素; +"The trigger PCB consists of two parts, first (upper half of the schematic) the trigger and constant-current LED drive and second (lower half) the PWM motor current controller.",触发电路板由两部分组成,第一(上半部分示意图)的触发和恒定电流LED驱动器和第二届(下半部分)的PWM电动机电流控制器。 +"P. A. Cohen' s early conception of history of China was influenced by the polarized opposite theory of ""tradition verse modernity"".",柯文早期的中国史观曾受“传统与现代性”两极对立理论的影响。 +"Underscoring that point, as the administration formally released the president's veto threat, lawmakers started the lengthy process of considering more than 400 amendments to the CR.",重点要强调的是,在政府正式公布了总统的否决威胁后,立法者就开始打算修改400多处CR的冗长程序。 +Influencial factors leading to poor handle and colour fastness of pigment printed fabric were investigated.,针对涂料印花织物手感较差、牢度较低等问题的影响因素进行了研究。 +Jim looked about the room curiously.,杰姆好奇地向房里四下张望。 +"ESW 20/250 is a screened straight cable connector made of silicone rubber for cable connection to switchgear and transformers up to 24kV with bushings according to EN50180, EN50181 and DIN47636.",VDI20/250是一种由硅橡胶制成的屏蔽式直通型可分离连接器,用于电缆连接到24kV级及以下电气系统的开关柜和变压器(开关柜和变压器应配有满足EN50180,EN50181和DIN47636标准的套管)。 +A book is more like the score of a piece of music than it is like a painting.,与其说一本书像一幅油画,不如说一本书更像一首乐曲的总谱。 +Art vi of the Constitution makes it of binding effect on the States 'any thing in the Constitution or laws of any State to the Contrary notwithstanding. ',任一州立法、行政和司法官员均须根据宪法第六条第三款‘拥护本宪法’所发地誓愿行事。 +"For the people of Sweden, the painting is a dear friend.",对于瑞典人民来说,这幅画是一位亲爱的朋友。 +"There's a very hearty breakfast included… if sausage and eggs every day get too heavy for you, the staff will happily serve you yogurt and cereal.",还有免费的热腾腾的早餐。但是如果每天都是香肠和鸡蛋,那也太超过了。 +WTO is a rule-oriented international organization that successfully promoted a global free trade frame.,WTO作为一个以法律规则为基础构建的国际组织,成功地推动了全球范围内的贸易自由化。 +BUT SEE THE DOC IF... your nails have all developed a strange downward curve like a parrot's beak.This is “clubbing” – it's rare but can be a sign of lung or gut problems.,但如果有以下现象就要去看医生了……你的指甲都出现了一条奇怪的向下的弧线,就像鹦鹉的嘴,这是“鼓捶指”——虽然很罕见,但却可能是肺部或肠子有问题的讯号。 +Their baby's due date was May 20 and Alballat started having contractions around 10 p.m. that night.,今年的5月20日是他们第一个孩子的预产期,但在当晚10点左右阿巴拉特才开始出现要生产的迹象。 +"When the Ambassador of Escalopia returned home, his wife got a shock. He looked pale and his clothes were in a frightful state.",当艾斯罗比亚国的大使回到家吃午饭时,把他的夫人吓了一跳。他面色苍白,衣服也搞得不成样子。 +Select rec in the Type field.,在 Type 字段选择 rec。 +"Using ISO tank containers via intermodal as a mode of transportation instead of OTR can also help save 20 – 30% in transportation costs, depending on distance and volume of freight.",使用ISO 罐式集装箱进行多式联运运输较槽罐车能节约20-30% 的成本依据具体的运输距离及货量等。 +"GAPP's documents on media reform make clear that reforms are intended to buttress state control, not undermine it.",新闻出版总署颁布的相关文件明确指出,新闻出版体制改革旨在巩固而非削弱国家对媒体的管控。 +"Lymphocytes, lymph nodes and the spleen are some parts of the immune system.",淋巴细胞、淋巴结和脾脏都是机体免疫系统的组成部分。 +The Interface tab now matches Figure 16. Save the changes.,现在 Interface 选项卡如图 16 所示。 保存更改。 +"In 2004 graduated from the Central Academy of Fine Arts Painting Department, received Bachelor of Arts degree.",2004年毕业于中央美术学院国画系,获硕士学位。 +Hives erupted all over her face and hands.,她脸上和手上突然全发出了荨麻疹。 +We would like to know the number of rows and number of columns.,我们想要知道向量的行数和列数。 +"In 1640, under Philip IV, the centralist policy of the Count-Duke of Olivares provoked wars in Portugal and Catalonia.",1640年,在菲利普四世(Philip IV)的统治下,奥里维瑞斯伯爵(Count-Duke of Olivares)的集中政策引发了葡萄牙和加泰罗尼亚的战争。 +"As specific physiologic triggers have not been clearly identified, it is difficult to identify those patients who may be at risk for vasovagal syncope.",因为 血管迷走神经性晕厥的特殊生理机制尚未明了,因此,很难鉴别可能存在 血管迷走神经性晕厥的患者。 +Innovation of Party construction work and ideological and political work in universities guided by scientific development concept;,新形势下加强党建和思想政治工作是高等院校一项经常性的重要任务。 +"A Frenchman who lost all his limbs in an electrical accident successfully swam across the Channel, a challenge he had been preparing for two years.",因电击事故而失去四肢的一位法国男子成功游过英吉利海峡。 为了完成这项挑战,他已付出了两年的艰辛努力。 +"The recent years elevate temperature day after day to the Fei Ming attention, although the attention are not many but no longer ""are after all orphaned certainly""(Li Jianwu).",近些年对废名的关注日渐升温,虽然远谈不上门庭若市,但毕竟已不再“孤绝”(李健吾语)。 +"Constantly recreating itself, East Berlin in particular has become a magnet for travellers from all over the world.",东柏林,在世界各地的旅行者眼中已成为一块巨大的磁铁。 +"Not surprisingly, Germany resists this solution because it implies a gradual transfer of wealth from the core economies to the periphery, a ""transfer union"" from rich to poorer states.",果不其然,德国反对这种方案,因为这意味着财富会逐渐从中心国家向周边国家转移,形成从富有国向穷国的转移联盟。 +"Xinhua Middle School is a beautiful school, it is far from the city center, at the foot of the hill.",新华中学是一个美丽的学校 ,它远离市中心,在小山脚下 。 +The neurological indication is of a cerebellar abnormality with no sign of peripheral neuropathy.,神经病学上的表现是小脑异常,没有出现周围神经系统病变的症状。 +Compact cracks in guide pieces caused by ordinary hydraulic forming press have been analyzed. Countermeasure to avoid cracks has been proposed for improving the qualification rate in mass production.,在普通液压式粉末成形机上压制成形同步器齿毂压坯的过程中,对压坯常见的裂缝进行了剖析,并提出了避免裂缝的措施,以提高其批产合格率。 +By making self-introduction.,通过自我介绍。 +"The existing solutions use hash-based flow sampling algorithm, which assumes that the uniform random hash functions are available.",现有解决方案使用基于哈希流抽样算法,其基本假设是存在均匀随机哈希函数。 +"Sample candidates cover serum, discharge and dried whole blood spots, and consequently, the testing target expands to pro-viral DNA integrated in the host genome.",检测的样本包括血清、分泌物及全血制备的干血斑等多种类型,检测的靶点也会涉及到细胞基因组中整合的病毒DNA的应用。 +"The Shenzhou VIII spacecraft joined onto the Tiangong-1 experimental module at 1737 GMT, silently coupling more than 343 kilometres (213 miles) above the Earth's surface, the Xinhua news agency said.",新华社报道,神舟八号飞船于国际标准时间17时37分,在距地表343公里(213英里)处,安静地与天宫一号实现会和。 +AIM: To assess the effect of percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) on the cardiac contractive function and remodeling of the left ventricle of myocardial infarction patients over a 3-month period.,目的:评价心肌梗死并左心功能不全患者经皮冠状动脉介入(PCI)治疗对左心收缩功能和左心室重构的影响。 +"The money flew down the street, onto sidewalks and under parked cars.",这些钱被风吹得到处都是,包括街道、人行道还有停着的车底下。 +"For different combustors, the suitable spary angle can play a role in decreasing the flame radiation.",对于不同的燃烧室,选取恰当的喷雾锥角,可以起到减少燃气辐射的作用。 +Objective:To review the surgical experience of cystectomy in the treatment of mediastino-bronchial cyst.,目的:总结纵隔支气管囊肿行囊肿切除术的治疗经验和体会。 +David Copperfield did his magic with such an incredible skill that people threw doubt upon the saying that seeing is believing.,大卫(科波菲尔变魔术的技巧让人难以置信,以至于使人不由得怀疑起眼见为实的说法来。 +Even the sun and the moon look dim and inactive.,就连日月也灰灰暗暗地,看起来没有一点生气。 +"Assist Heifer China Sichuan & Chongqing Regional Office on project planning, monitoring and evaluation using the participatory approach;",定期地进行项目访问和指导,并向小母牛中国办川渝项目主任报告项目进展情况; +"So, it's a language that goes deep in his upbringing.",所以英语在他的成长过程中的影响也很大。 +It means you never get de-focused by the crowd.,这意味着你永远不会在人群中迷失。 +"Re-active are a UK based studio who specialise in integrating interactive video, broadcast, design and commercial making.",重新活跃的一个英国的工作室在整合谁交互式视频,广播,专业设计和商业决策。 +This article carries on some ponders on this aspect.,本文就这方面进行一些思考。 +"But it will have to be a new English, still in full communion with its ancestral home but altered to suit its new African surroundings.",但是它必须要作为一种新英语,始终与它的母国保持密切联系但同时发生变化来适应非洲土壤。 +Objective: To strengthen the management of hand hygiene of accompanying people of artificial-liver patient to enhance hand hygiene quality and protect patients and the accompanying people themselves.,目的:加强人工肝治疗病人的陪护人员手卫生管理,提高手卫生质量,以保障病患及自身安全。 +"Most allelochemicals in continuous and alternate cropping soils are the same as those in the root exudates, decomposed root stubs and aqueous extracts from plant shoots of soybean.",重迎茬土壤中的化感物质种类多与大豆根系分泌物、根茬腐解产物、地上部水浸物中的化感物质相同。 +"Cutting taxes, widening access to health care and reducing harmful greenhouse-gas emissions have more frequently been talked about by Sens. McCain and Obama.",减税、扩大医疗福利覆盖范围、减少温室气体排放,这些问题频频出现在麦凯恩和奥巴马的竞选演说中。 +The connection between the cross and the Spirit is inconceivably close and full of meaning. The Spirit brought Christ to the cross and enabled Him to die there.,圣灵与十架之间有密不可分的紧密关系,圣灵引导耶稣上十架,赐祂力量在那儿受苦至死。 +"However, the inflation story will stick around.",然而,通胀预期将始终悬于项上。 +Our Managing Director will host a reception dinner in your honour tomorrow evening.,明晚我们总经理将为您举办一个欢迎晚宴。 +To discuss the utilization of natural gas chemical industry and of LNG cold energy technique.,介绍了我国天然气资源、开发、利用情况,重点讨论了天然气化工利用和冷能利用。 +"Only George IV, who became king in 1820, and Edward VII, who reigned from 1901, were kings-in-waiting for longer, spending 58 and 59 years respectively as heirs to the throne.",英国历史上比目前查尔斯王储“待岗” 时间还要长的两位君主是1820年继位的乔治四世和1901年继位的爱德华七世,他们分别等待了58年和59年之久。 +I can't stand to think of that cute little kid going along on that - that crazy expedition!,我不能忍受哪怕想一想那么可爱的孩子去那么疯狂的探险。 +"When the hero commands the world, time is brilliant platinum, a blinding diamond.",叱咤风云的时候,时间是白金,是钻石,灿烂耀眼,光芒四射。 +"Both images were made with infrared and visible light, a combination that increases the contrast between muddy water and land.",上下两幅图都使用了红外线和可见光拍摄,这种结合方法可以突出泥泞的水面和陆地的对比。 +"Approximately 60 percent of the flights are from civilian sources and 40 percent are military, Elton added.",艾尔顿补充说,将近60%的飞机是民航机,40%是军用飞机。 +"The discerning beauty Yan, who used to be the boss of the company, scolded Li Yuanxiang for damaging the goods, and made a claim to the home office and made a scene with the manager.",挑剔的美燕曾经是丽云的雇主,她责骂丽云损坏了东西,向家政公司索赔并且和经理李元香大闹了一场。 +"Dumbledore patted Harry's hand, and Harry looked up at the old man and smiled; he could not help himself. How could he remain angry with Dumbledore now?",邓布利多拍拍哈利的手,哈利抬头看着老人,脸上露出了笑容。他忍不祝现在他还怎么能生邓布利多的气呢? +Fredericksburg was founded by German settlers when the area was still open prairie.,弗雷德里克斯堡是由德国定居时,还���开阔的草原地区。 +The concept and model of fuze virtual test system are presented on the basis of a detailed study of the virtual test technology combining the characteristics of electromechanical fuzes .,在对虚拟试验技术进行详细介绍的基础上,针对机电引信的特点,提出了引信虚拟试验系统概念及模型。 +"Unsolicited advice is almost always unwelcome, especially from a mother-in-law.",不请自来的忠告,几乎都不受人欢迎特别是来自丈母娘的。 +"If the interest suggests ""an odd obsession, "" Schultze says, you've probably gone too far. Case in point: Schultze once interviewed someone whose passion was to persuade American society to eat dog.",如果兴趣爱好暗示应聘者“一种奇怪的迷恋”,舒尔茨说,你很有可能写得过份了,举个例子:舒尔茨有一次面试了一个人,他热衷于劝说美国人吃狗肉。 +"It may be some time before I return to my native land, but I shall always follow the fortunes of the British race and empire with profound interest.",我可能要过一段时间才会重返故土,但我将一如既往地关注大不列颠民族和王国的命运。 +A series of polymer fluorocarbon films for use as a waterproof breathable fabrics were deposited onto PET fabrics by RF sputtering.,通过磁控溅射在PET织物上沉积用于新型防水透湿织物的氟碳高分子膜。 +"These derivatives contracts, no matter how over-the-counter they are, are legally binding and guided by the universally-applied International Swaps and Derivatives Association Master Agreements.",这些衍生品合约,无论是哪种类型的场外交易,都具有法律约束力,并且受到普遍采用的国际掉期及衍生工具协会(International Swaps and Derivatives Association)主协议的约束。 +"While your inexperience may be atypical in the nineties, it is not abnormal.",你在这方面的缺乏经验在90年代也许算不上典型,却也并非不正常。 +"He hurried to turn it off, but it was too late.",他匆忙去关收音机,但是已经来不及了。 +I tailor-make music according to the person.,我因人而异地谱写音乐。 +"We also have a lot of speeches today with BOC's Carney, RBA's Stevens, ECB's Mersch, Stark, Tumpel-Gugerell, Axel Weber, Fed's Bullard and BOE's Adam Posen today.",我们也将关注加拿大央行的卡尼、澳洲联储的史蒂文斯、欧洲央行的梅尔施斯塔克、汤普古格罗、韦伯、美联储的布拉德以及英国央行的亚当波森今天的公开讲话。 +Two seemingly unrelated incidents that took place recently appeared equally ironical upon closer scrutiny.,前些时日发生的两件事貌似风马不接,实在仔细想来却呈现出同样的吊诡。 +"On the possibility of a movie sequel, Yoshizumi said that they're already having thoughts about things they'd like to do if they were to make another Vesperia movie.",关于电影的可能性,总经理提到他们已经有这个想法去做这个电影。 +She seemed somehow to have consumed four glasses of pernod to the tune of several hundred frances.,不知怎的,她好像喝下了四杯波诺得,价值。 +"Silver Sands and Piggs Peak reopened almost immediately, while African Palace took a more cautious stance.",西尔弗桑茨和皮格斯皮克几乎立即重新开放,而非洲宫采取了更为谨慎的立场。 +"Due to the inherent complexity of data quality work, some organizations opt to out-source such work to third-party service providers.",由于数据质量工作固有的复杂性,一些组织选择将这些工作外包给第三方服务提供商。 +"Non-Protestants (and a lot of Protestants, too) see this as resulting in an over-population of Heaven, by a lot of people who probably don't really belong there.",非新教徒(和大量的新教徒,太) ,认为这是导致在人口过多的天堂,很多人也许真的不属于那里。 +A Car Visor Receipt Holder – Wrap a few rubber bands around your car’s driver-side sun visor.,汽车遮阳板收条支架 - 在汽车驾驶员一侧的遮阳板上缠绕几个橡皮筋。 +"Theoretically, their heir’s theory of meteorology can explain the meteor.",从理论上讲,他们的继承人的气象理论能解释这种大气现象。 +"The study looked at both married and common-law couples, and did not take into account individual stress factors like infidelity.",这项研究调查了已婚和普通法夫妻(即未举行结婚仪式,但法律承认其夫妻关系的婚姻——注),但是并未考虑诸如婚外恋这类个人应激因素。 +An Indian commuter makes his way to work amid dense fog in New Delhi on Jan. 2.,1月2日,一个印度人在新德里一片浓雾中骑车去上班。 +The 47-year-old president is the son of a black Kenyan father and a white American mother. He grew up in Hawaii and Indonesia.,奥巴马现年47岁,他的父亲是一位肯尼亚黑人,母亲是一位美国白人。奥巴马在夏威夷和印度尼西亚长大。 +Basic conception and definition of circularly polarized wave and antenna are presented.,论述了圆极化波和天线的基本概念和定义; +"In this paper, a review is made on monolithic compatibility of silicon with other semiconductors, insulators and conductors, and on its applications.",本文评述了硅材料与其它半导体、绝缘物和导体的单片兼容技术及应用。 +"Despite croft's lecture, they began to walk with their heads down, looking at their feet .",尽管克洛夫特才教训过一顿,他们的脑袋还是渐渐低下去,眼睛也只望着脚下了。 +"""These are truly striking results"" ASCO president Dr. George Sledge said.",乔治斯莱奇,美国临床肿瘤学研究会主席说:“这些结果确实显示肿瘤在萎缩。” +Myocardial I-R injury was quantitive analysed by ultrasound tissue characterization.,超声组织定征定量分析缺血再灌注损伤心肌。 +"Taiwan's education authority has extended the period mainland students are allowed to remain on the island for study from four months to a year, local media reported Wednesday.",据本地媒体报道,台湾教育部当局已经在星期三把大陆学生在台的逗留期限从四个月延长至一年。 +"""Well,"" said Caderousse, ""why, what a lie he told!",“咦,”卡德鲁斯说,“看,他多会撒谎! +You think we're all color-blind?,你以为我们都是色盲呀? +"For this is the will of God, your sanctification, for you to abstain from fornication, 4 each one of you to know how to possess his vessel in sanctification and honor.",神的旨意就是要你们成为圣洁,远避淫行;4 要你们各人晓得怎样用圣洁、尊贵守著自己的身体。 +High volume problems.,高容量的问题。 +The largest of the large high-precision bearings and wheel bearings bearing production base has been gradually put into operation;,全国最大的特大型轴承和转盘轴承高精密轴承生产基地已经陆续投产; +"So the research I am going to share with you-- some of it is taken using the brain scans, other is self-evaluation.","我卢和大家讨论的各种研究-,有些使用大脑扫描,其他是自我评估。" +The polarity in which the first loudspeaker is coupled to the first-order crossover network is an inverse of the polarity in which the second loudspeaker is coupled to the crossover network.,第一扬声 器与一阶分频网络耦合的极性是第二扬声器与分频网络耦合的极性的 反相。 +"The Terakoya education offered basic knowledge of reading, writing and computation, characterized by randomicity and freedom.",寺子屋教育主要是教授读书、写字和算术等内容,其开设具有任意性和自由性。 +"“It’s regulating a transaction between two businesses, ” Noski said.",修正案规定两企业间的交易。 +"This year, however, high-intensity interval training (HITT) has been gaining ground.",不过在今年,高强度间歇训练法(HITT)越来越受人们欢迎。 +There's an irony.,这真是讽刺。 +"But although I found it easy to learn this subject, I did not feel that I wished to devote my whole life to it.",虽然于我而言学起数学来十分简单,但是我仍然不认为我应该在之后的人生之中献身于此。 +The value of this shared metadata platform is that metadata artifacts can be easily shared between the tools and is kept consistent.,这个共享的元数据平台的价值在于,可以在工具之间轻松地共享元数据工件,并使工件保持一致。 +OBJECTIVE: To investigate histopathological characteristics of pterygium and analyze the multipotent stem cell effects on the onset of pterygium.,目的:观察翼状胬肉组织病理学特征,探讨多能干细胞在翼状胬肉发生过程中的作用。 +"And then , in 2007 , I went to the No. 4 Middle school of Cili with the grades just 1 point to the No. 1 Middle school of Cili .",后来,在2007年,我以差慈利一中分数线一分的中考成绩来到了慈利四中。 +"Literary circles didn't face the fact that folk songs saved the poems written by literators again and again, and they haven't recognized that the music nature is the main line of the poetry.",学界并没有正视民歌一次次地对文人诗的挽救,并没有看清音乐性才是诗歌一以贯之的红线。 +I am a bit in the dark what exactly the difference between -fpic and -fPIC is. It seems that -fPIC works always while -fpic produces smaller object files.,这两个参数的不同在于,下面这个是总会执行,上面小写的只提供更小的对象文件编译。 +Oulanya Company is in a position to produce various color glass wool products according to special requirement of the customers.,根据用户的特殊需地,欧兰亚公司可以制作多种色彩的玻璃棉。 +"The longer a time being together, the more attention should be paid on kiss for couples and lovers.",在一起生活的时间愈长,彼此对视的时间就会愈短,这没有什么。 +"《People and People: Chinese Modern and Contemporary Art Collections of GDMA》, Guangdong Museum of Art(GDMA), Guangzhou, China;",参加《人与人:广东美术馆中国现当代美术藏品专题展(当代部分)》广东美术馆广州,中国; +"Mr. Lundgren even made the rounds in New York in early September, explaining what the country did in the early 1990s.",Lundgren财长甚至在9月初造访纽约,解释他们国家在20世纪90年代初的做法。 +"Zhai Tiantian, a 26-year-old student charged with making terroristic threats in New Jersey, left the JFK airport for Beijing on Aug 10.",26岁的中国留学生翟田田,此前在美国新泽西州被指控为制造恐怖威胁罪,8月10日他自纽约肯尼迪国际机场抵达北京。 +That's what will drive usage of the mobile internet and enable personalisation of the experience.,这就是将带动使用移动互联网, 使个性化的体验。 +"The head mice were Brown, Gray and White.",的 老鼠有布朗、葛雷和怀特。 +"The Americas was the second most liquid region globally, but also saw the most pronounced decline in transaction volume, down 86 percent to $1.0 billion.",虽然美洲是酒店交易次频繁的地区,但是它的交易额明显下降了86%,只有10亿美元。 +He has never smelled a flower.,他从来没闻过一朵花。 +The students of grade 3 and 4 will take the required courses according to the last class grouping and the other courses according to course-selection system.,高三、 高四年级学生开学后按上学期的分班情况正常上大课,其余科目将按照选课进行走班制。 +"Realizing that he is in grave danger, Darius once again loses his nerve. He turns and runs.",大流士发现自己命在旦夕,于是再度临阵退缩,他转身逃跑了。 +The wig is tied in a ponytail in the back.,伊莎贝尔穿着一件毛衣、头发扎成了一根辫子。 +"This Decree shall apply to Mayotte, the Overseas Territories of New Caledonia, French Polynesia, Wallis and Futuna and the French Southern and Antarctic Territories.",该法令适用于马约特岛,海外领土新喀里多尼亚,法属波利尼西亚,瓦利斯群岛和富图和法国南部和南极的领土。 +Will pest-resistant genes in crops spread to surrounding vegetation and create super weeds that require more toxic chemicals to eradicate?,作物中抵抗害虫的基因会不会传播给周围的植物,从而长出需要更毒的农药才能根除的超级杂草? +"Bottom embossing roller adopt Felt Roller, Wool Roller, Rubber Roller(can 1 kind among them).",压花底辊采用毛布辊、羊毛辊、胶辊(可选其中一种)。 +"On the other hand, the service might have problems connecting to the queue manager or accessing its initiation queue.",另一方面,此服务可能拥有连接到队列管理器或访问其发起队列的相关问题。 +"When thinking of you, I like the warm sunshine of early spring pool body, no loneliness loneliness, only miss you look forward to appear in the next moment, for me the most beautiful smile.",想你的时候,秋夜恍若初春的暖阳朗照全身,没有孤独让寂寞侵袭,只有思念期盼你出现在下一刻,为我绽放最美的笑语。 +"They gave everyone fabric paints in bright, beautiful colors and asked the kids to paint something that would make the quilt beautiful.",他们把鲜艳的、 色彩各异的颜料发给每个孩子,让孩子在这个被子上画点什么东西把它弄好看。 +"A household survey in the district before construction started showed that 90 percent of respondents in the district were unsatisfied with the quality of their water, Gnanaselvam said.",格纳纳谢尔范说,打井工程开始前该区进行的一项家庭调查显示,90%的被调查对象对当地的水质表示不满意。 +"But, foreign educational institutes and enterprises that want to run a school in China will face not only high threshold but also detailed and complicated procedures due to specialties of education.",不过,由于教育事业的特殊性,外国教育机构和企业在华办学,不仅门槛高,而且手续繁杂。 +"Three more are on the ballot but are not actively campaigning. They include former U. S. House speaker Newt Gingrich, former Utah governor Jon Huntsman and the frontrunner, Mitt Romney.",其他三名参选人目前没有积极竞选,他们包括美国前众议院议长纽特。金里奇、前犹他州州长洪博培和处于领先地位的罗姆尼。 +"After Haiti’s elected president, Jean-Bertrand Aristide, was overthrown by Lieutenant General Raoul Cedras and his allies in 1991, Haitian sympathizers of Aristide had begun to flee the island.",1991年,海地当选总统让-贝尔特朗.阿里斯蒂德被拉乌尔.塞德拉斯中将及其同党赶下台后,支持阿里斯蒂德的海地人开始逃离这个岛国。 +Paris is France in miniature.,巴黎是法国的缩影。 +"If the emulsified liquid is made from heavy benzol solvent instead of kerosene as a membrane solvent, its stability is very poor in transference process.",用重苯溶剂油代替煤油作膜溶剂,制成的乳状���,在迁移过程中稳定性很差。 +"This local, as opposed to large-scale, approach is based on the tenet that in order for the African environment to be protected, ordinary Africans must have the primary stake in its preservation.",与全局方案完全的不同是局部解决方案以保护非洲环境为原则,在实施保护时普通的非洲居民必须享有最基本的利益。 +Have you finished the work already? You are very speedy.,你已经完成工作了吗?你的速度真快。 +"Based on the software development of VMI(Vendor Managed Inventory) model, the integrated modeling method of XUML(extended UML) and ACME, and its application in framework were researched.",以供应商管理库存(VMI) 模型的软件开发为背景,研究扩展UML(XUML)与ACME的集成建模方法及其在构架设计中的应用问题。 +Hardware system includes SPCE061A of 16-bit MCU and DM9000. Data acquisition and equipments control are completed through A/D and I/O of SPCE061A.,系统硬件以16位微处理器SPCE061A和网络接口芯片DM9000为核心,利用微处理器内置的A/D通道及I/O端口完成模拟数据采集和外围设备控制。 +"In China, it is the best choice to adopt administrative detention, punishment against freedom or commonwealth labor instead of criminal fine, if there are no other good ideas.",在我国,罚金刑易科行政拘留、自由刑或者公益劳动是其中最切实可行的方法。 +But how much does it cost to develop an uninhabited island to a tourism one?,但是把一座无人小岛开发成旅游娱乐用岛,需要多少钱? +"Clerk: Hello, Mr. Tanaka. I am wondering if you will ever imagine of conversing the unemployed Renminbi hand into Japan yen in a while?",职员:您好,田中男士,不清楚您是否考虑到以后要把没有用完的人民币兑换成日元呢? +"Lily: OK, we can meet at the gate of central park. The gymnasium is near the park.",好的,我们可以在中心公园门口碰面,那个健身房离公园不远。 +Objective:To investigate the effect of polygeline on the hypovolemic shock.,目的:研究聚明胶肽应用于低血容量休克的扩容效果。 +The photos had been already been rated by 40 women as of about equal attractiveness.,其实,已有40名女士认为这些照片的枪眼程度都一样。 +Research suggests that ‘Duh’ would have been one of the first words spoken by humans.,研究表明,“Duh”可能是人类最早使用的单词之一。 +Better change the shoe than pinch the foot.,宁可换鞋,勿使挤脚。 +Read more books than you did in 2008.,读更多的书,超过2008年所读过的。 +Many people feel that there’s an ethical responsibility to protect them.,许多人觉得保护他们只是出于一种道德上的责任。 +"""You have to make sure the keywords are on the page, "" Cutts says.",我们希望看到他的公司在一本杂志工作,“卡茨回忆说。” +"until winter, she finally went to Haiti to see him.",到了冬天,女神终于忍不住跑到了地府看望海地士。 +"The quick printer adopt the motor drive, gas drive. The words in the ribbon are clear and clean.",快速打印机采用电机驱动、气源驱动、色带字迹清晰、卫生干净。 +The study found that women who were randomly assigned to follow a low-fat diet ate significantly less fat over the next eight years.,研究发现那些随机抽取安排服从低脂肪饮食的女性在紧跟着的八年脂肪摄入量明显减少。 +In the future it will be important to measure how efficiently a computer is per watt and per gram of equivalent CO2 production.,未来衡量一台计算机的每瓦效能和相当于每克二氧化碳的排量会非常重要。 +This is the realm of business modeling.,这就是业务建模的领域。 +"Gglauconite, as a special indicative-facies mineral, has interested geologists for some time.",海绿石作为一种特殊的指相矿物,长期以来受到地质学家的重视与研究。 +"A few years ago, I felt like I was stuck in a rut, so I decided to follow in the footsteps of the great American philosopher, Morgan Spurlock, and try something new for 30 days.",几年前,我感觉自己陷入生活乏味无趣的惯性之中,于是决定追随伟大的美国哲学家摩根·斯普尔洛克的脚步, 尝试坚持30天,做一些新的事情。 +"Epoxy Heavy Coating, with handwheel. Fig. 5307",涂盖多层环氧树脂,附手轮。 +Lovitt will now spend his life in prison for killing a night manager in a pool hall.,现在,据控杀害一名游泳池夜班经理的洛维特没有被处决,而是在监狱度其余生。 +"Lubbock's nickname is the ""Hub City"" which derives from being the economic, education, and health care hub of a multi-county region commonly called the South Plains .",拉伯克的昵称是“中心城市”源自是经济,教育和卫生保健中心的一个多县域称为南平原 。 +Objective To analyze the clinical effect of The application of the parenteral alimentation for curing the neurosurgery severe cases in early days.,目的探讨早期肠外营养对神经外科重症病人治疗中的临床效果。 +Ithas only severing stops from here.,从这儿畴昔唯有几站路。 +"How much energy are you going to get out, and how far are you going to be able to drive a car with this expansion, let's say, so that's the problem.","你能获得多少能量,利用这次膨胀,你可以把你的车开出多远,比如说这就是问题所在。" +The effect of multi-pulse ignition parameter on the spark-assisted homogenous charge compression ignition(HCCI) combustion was investigated in an internal EGR gasoline engine.,并在一台内部废气再循环(EGR)的汽油机上研究了多脉冲点火参数对火花助燃均质充量压缩着火(HCCI)燃烧过程的影响。 +"Death's Reach is a Dungeons & Dragons adventure for characters of 21st to 23rd level. You need the Player's Handbook, Monster Manual, and the Dungeons Master's Guide to play.",死亡岬是一场适用于21级到23级角色们的龙与地下城冒险,你需要一本玩家手册、一本怪物图鑑和一本地下城主指南来进行游戏。 +"When traveling, a government official carried his own bedroll on his back.",政府官员外出,要自己背行李。 +"In the bathroom she found only a book on the Greek alphabet, one on Islamic architecture, and Volume Ed-Fu of the Encyclopedia Britannica, Eleventh Edition, in an inexpensive cloth binding.",她在浴室里发现一本有关希腊字母的书和一本关于伊斯兰建筑的书,还有就是大英百科全书第十五版的Ed到Fu卷,用的是普通装帧。 +"Smaller protests, many of them over rising prices, have already taken place in countries like Morocco, Egypt, Algeria and Jordan.",较小型的抗议活动,主要是针对攀升的物价,已经在摩洛哥、埃及、阿尔及利亚及约旦。 +"In business, lightweight development lets you finish on time and react to your customers, saving you time and money.",在业务领域,轻量级开发让您可以按时完工,积极响应客户,从而节省时间和金钱。 +"Certification, following review by a third party, confirms that Zink's system meets the requirements of the internationally recognized ISO 14001 Environmental Management System.",认证后,由第三方的审查,确认,锌化的系统符合国际认可的ISO 14001环境管理体系的要求。 +"Calculation results agrees resonably with in situ measurement, and indicate geonet is an effective method to alleviate bridge approach settlement.",有限元计算结果与实测结果均表明,土工网对减缓桥头差异沉降有明显效果。 +"Attackers like to play tricks with PATH, IFS, and other environment variables to cause trouble.",攻击者喜欢玩弄 PATH、IFS 以及其他环境变量的技巧来制造麻烦。 +The owners are able to collect possible use of public funds by forcing them to lease the IRD invoicing .,能收上来的都是房主被拿公款租房的人逼着来税务局开发票的。 +"In the bar the barber bargained for a jar of jam, then got over the barrier of barrels.",在酒吧里理发师为一罐果酱讲了价然后越过桶作的屏障。 +Lord Brittan was a Member of the European Commission from 1989 to 1999 and for much of the time served as Vice President.,里昂·布列坦爵士于1989年至1999年期间任欧洲委员会委员,长期担任该委员会的副主席一职。 +"In this paper, extraction of flavone by methanol from sweet carambola leaves was studied by single factor test and orthogonal design test.",利用甲醇浸提、单因素试验和正交试验探讨了从甜杨桃叶中提取黄酮的最佳工艺条件。 +It offers air-conditioned soundproofed guest rooms with satellite TV and Wi-Fi internet.,酒店客房带免费无线网络。 房间设有空调、卫星电视和茶水、咖啡。 +"Since their first meetings in London and later Moscow, Obama and Medvedev have agreed on the urgent need to reduce U.S. and Russian nuclear arms stockpiles.",奥巴马和梅德韦杰夫先后在伦敦和莫斯科举行的最初会谈中,就削减美俄核武器储备的紧迫需要达成了共识。 +"By dialing the right number, you may be able to select a play, golf lesson or lecture in physics, from a pretaped library in a remote city, for showing on your home screen.",只要拨对了号码,你就可以在家里电视机上选看到有远方城市一座图书馆发出的预先录制的一出戏、一堂打高尔夫球的讲课,或者一次物理学演讲。 +"The first arrived at the mourning hall and an in- hwan has been accompanied Choi Jung Sun-hee's Wake true, but malicious people to speculate or to be afraid of interest.",而第一时间赶到安在焕灵堂和一直陪着郑善熙守灵的崔真实,却被人恶意揣测为怕要不回利息。 +"Gupta assumes leadership of the INQ engineering team, with responsibility for the company's technology direction and product development.",古普塔承担领导INQ的工程团队,负责公司的技术方向和产品开发。 +"When I say the season has felt aimless, I don’t necessarily mean it as a criticism.",我在上面提到的这季漫无目的并没有批评的意思。 +"During metamorphism and sillimanite formation the original rock changes its chemical composition and, the process is an open system, which deviates from being isochemical.",夕线石化过程中岩石组分发生了改造,相关变质作用已经明显偏离等化学过程,基本上属于开放体系。 +"Iraqis set up mortar positions south of the city and piled sandbags around government buildings and other strategic locations, in evident anticipation of a battle to come.",伊拉克在南部布置了敢死队,环绕政府大楼和其他战略设施周围也堆积了沙袋,很显然对即将来临的交火有了准备。 +"Green environmental protection, can the noble eco-development and promotion of the community to add new selling points;",绿色环保,能为高尚生态小区的开发和推广增加新的卖点; +We take the liberty to day of sending you samples of wheat.,"今天,我们冒昧送去小麦样品。" +"This paper first introduces the research background and research meaning. Then it reviews theories and articles related to cash management, ERP management, real-time control and etc.",本文首先介绍了选题的背景和意义,回顾了资金管理、ERP管理、实时监控等基本理论和相关文献。 +"Shock waves create energetic subatomic particles called cosmic rays, which can tear apart biomolecules and damage DNA beyond repair.",冲击波创造出一种叫做宇宙射线的高能亚原子微粒,这东西会撕裂生物分子并对DNA造成无法修复的损伤。 +"He dispersed concubines and servants, “timely” died of grief before the proclamation arrived.",他遣散姬妾仆从,在圣旨到来之前,就非常“及时”地郁郁而死了。 +Josh had an accident and spilled water all over his work.,乔希不小心把作品上洒得都是水。 +"Its non-material cultural heritages are various in kinds, diverse in forms and abundant in contents, which is rare around the world.",非物质文化遗产其种类之繁多、形式之多样、内容之丰富,在世界也是少有的。 +"Nevertheless, I’d also cut the capital gains tax for any profit-making venture start-up from 15 percent to 1 percent.",然而,我还会将盈利的风险投资创业公司的资本收益税从15%减少到1%。 +"My baby is now 37 weeks, but I do not know if it is male or female?",我的孩子现在已经37周了,但是我还不知道是男是女呢? +Foufopoulos and his colleagues studied the extinction rates for 35 reptile species on 87 islands in the northeast Mediterranean Sea.,Foufopoulos和他的同事研究了35种爬行动物的87个在东北部地中海岛屿的物种灭绝率。 +"The aesthetic system of Schopenhauer is based upon the idealistic philosophy of voluntarism, meaning that all phenomena of beauty are the presentational forms of the objective nature of Ideas.",叔本华的美学体系直接建立在他的唯意志论的唯心主义的哲学之上。认为一切美的现象都是理念的客体本质的表象形态。 +"Doing so reduces the serialization overhead, the network bandwidth requirements, and disk requirements for replication.",这样做会减少复制的序列化的开销、网络带宽要求和磁盘要求。 +A cheetah uses the light of a full moon to scan the Namibian savannah for prey.,月亮图片集。印度豹利用月亮的光线去寻找纳米比亚大草原为了捕捉猎物。 +"Meanwhile, as the main ingredient is wood, wood and wood residue, wood texture and the same can be nails, drilling, grinding, sawing, planing, paint, easy to distort, cracking.",同时,由于该产品主要成分是木、碎木和渣木,质感与实木一样,能够钉、钻、磨、锯、刨、漆,不易变形、龟裂。 +"The perceptions of female workers is less than male employees in the training and pro -motion factors, but the perceptions of female workers is more than male employees in the external satisfactions;",女性员工在企业培训和晋升方面的感受程度要低于男性员工,但在外在满意度方面女性员工比男性员工感受程度要高; +Correspondents say the deployment will be the first of its kind for a country that has traditionally followed a doctrine of non-interference in other nations' affairs.,通讯员称这是这个历来遵循不干涉他国内政的国家首次进行这样的部署。 +These properties are used while instantiating an object that exposes a JNDI interface named Context.,在实例化公开名为 Context 的 JNDI 接口的对象时,会使用这些属性。 +Conclusions Oxalate crystal deposition in the tubular lumen results from hyperoxaluria;,结论高草酸尿可致肾小管间质草酸盐结晶沉着; +This study proposes a model of computer-aided form development based on the concept of shape grammars.,本文以咖啡杯设计为例,提出一套以文法概念为基础的电脑辅助造形设计的方法。 +"In this paper, Hu Haichang's differential equation and its boundary conditions for plates with three generalized displacements are employed and the method of weighted residuals is used.",本文采用胡海昌关于具有三个广义位移平板的微分方程及边界条件,用加权残数法求解。 +We even tried to embed sound clips of a cheering crowd that were delivered to all online colleagues every time we logged into our intranet.,甚至可以尝试嵌入欢呼人群的声音剪辑,每次登录内部网时该声音将传递给所有在线的同时。 +"So that's really... a lot of people come here for that,",所以,那真是……很多人来这里买那些东西, +"Conclusion The overexpression of VEGF-C and VEGFR-3 in rectum adenocarcinoma may promote the hyperplasia and dilation of lymphatics, and the lymphatic metastasis of the cancer cells.",结论VEGF-C和VEGFR-3在人直肠腺癌中的过表达,可能与淋巴管增生和扩张,促进癌细胞的淋巴转移有关。 +"The first of these phases is that of grammar, invented by the Greeks and carried on unchanged by the French.",第一阶段为语法研究,由希腊人首创,被法国人完全承袭下来。 +"I love English original fi]ms best. In the past, whenever we wanted to watch movies, we would have to go to the cinemas.",我最喜欢看英文原版电影。 +The APF also controls parachute rigger and packer standards in Australia.,APF同时制定澳大利亚的降落伞装配和包装标准。 +"In addition to mapping guest to physical memory, isolation is provided such that other guests (or the hypervisor) are precluded from accessing it.",除了将客户机映射到物理内存外,新的架构还提供隔离机制,以便预先阻止其他客户机(或管理程序)访问该内存。 +"If the program fails in these requirements, it will be in a state of disorder and confusion. The only way to correct this is to rewrite the program.",果弌个程序不能满足葰要菂需求,咜就会处于混乱无序菂状态中。唯弌菂黜路就湜重写这个程序。 +He hath caused the arrows of his quiver to enter into my reins.,他把箭袋中的箭射入我的肺腑。 +"Its businesses are gone . The factories, hotels and palaces are all gone too.",它的商业没了,工厂、旅馆和宫殿也全没有了。 +"Even the buildings are not immune; around the country 3,200 courthouses are “physically eroded” and “functionally deficient”, says the National Centre for State Courts.",甚至办公大楼都难免遭殃,全国法庭中心说,在全国有大约3200个法院受到腐蚀和功能缺陷的影响。 +Benitez has always expressed an interest in securing another role with a top-flight club in England and is waiting to see what opportunities become available over the summer.,贝尼特斯曾屡次表达过他希望在英格兰的一流球会获得一个职位的愿望,他正等待着夏天有可能到来的机会。 +But a tightwad doesn't like being a tightwad.,但是极其抠门的人不喜欢成为吝啬鬼。 +This blistering gangster story follows the fortunes of ex-hit man Wo as he settles down with his wife and new baby in Macau.,这个故事讲的是关于一个退隐的杀手的故事,他和老婆孩子刚刚在澳门定居。 +Bacteriology of Necrotizing Fasciitis: A Review of 58 Cases.,坏死性肌膜炎之细菌学:58个病案的分析。 +The problem is especially severe for asexual organisms such as the Amazon molly – an effect known as Muller's rachet.,对于某些无性生殖动物这个问题尤其严重,比如亚马逊帆鱼——一种被成为穆勒的棘齿的现象。 +"HD026C Basic model includes draw at specified speed, burst, tear, peel.",HD026C基本型包括定速拉伸、顶破、撕裂、剥离四项功能。 +These formulas are valid for oscillations with small as well as large amplitude.,这些公式既适用于小振幅又适用于大振幅情况。 +"At that time, taxes and levies were as many as the hairs on an ox.",那时, 苛捐杂税多如牛毛。 +The second part analyses the deep reasons to that phenomenon.,第二部分分析了宋女再嫁普遍的深层原因。 +"He was a civil rights leader, and an athlete and an actor.",他是民权运动的领导者,同时也是一名运动员和演员。 +"And the fields of peace have been silent, because of the fierce anger of the Lord.",宁静的草场,因上主的怒焰,已成一片荒凉。 +The silence was succeeded by the striking of a clock.,时钟鸣响声打破了寂静。 +"The upshot, as ever: Apple’s Mac types are elegantly effective; Microsoft’s PC folks are bumbling plodders.",广告巩固了苹果的形象:苹果的Mac的购买者雅致而富有活力,用微软电脑的人则是一群装模作样的工作狂。 +A single miscalculation from a Ferrari driver leading a convoy of sports car connoisseurs left a trail of twisted Italian and German metal trailing across this motorway in Japan.,一位带领跑车内行车手的法拉利领队,由于一个小失误,在日本的高速公路上留下了扭曲的意大利碎片和德国的废铜烂铁��� +A micro-rotating machinery such as hard disk drive (HDD) requires high efficiency and robust dynamics in high operating speed.,高速的微小型旋转机械(如硬盘驱动器)对动态性能有非常高的要求。 +Rio and BHP last year gave Chinese mills the option of buying on spot or the 2009/10 benchmark equivalent set with Japanese and South Korean steelmakers.,"去年力拓与必和必拓给予中国钢厂买进现货或依照2009/10年合约价的选择,今年则可能较不具弹性,而坚持以现货价完全取代年度合约定价." +"He warned that any broad policy guidelines to level out deficits and surpluses, might endanger the ""normal"" functioning of the global economy.",他警告道任何广泛的平衡赤字和盈余的政策方针都可能让全球经济的正常运作处于危险之中。 +"But if you lose strength, your life will be gone for good.",但是,如果你没有了气劲,你的生命将永久地终结。 +"The preseason lists and rankings are just to garner talk and publicity, which I suppose is good.",季前名单以及排名只是公开出来给大家的谈资,我想这是好的。 +It's no surprise that some expats have taken a missionary zeal to helping others cast a ballot.,难怪有些旅居国外的人以传教士般的热情来帮助其他人投票。 +"In study area, the igneous rocks consist of intrusive and volcanic rocks. the intrusive rock in this area are called Tanggula mountain Rock which is part of Tanggula magmatic belt.",研究区内岩浆岩包括侵入岩与火山岩两部分,研究区内的侵入岩可统称为唐古拉山岩体,属区域上唐古拉岩浆岩带的组成部分。 +The intersection area of the Xianshuihe fault and Longmenshan fault has a special tectonic nature.,鲜水河断裂与龙门山断裂交会区具有特殊的构造性质。 +"In the case of CPP modified with D-fructose, water contact angle decreased with increase of D-fructose concentration to a minimus and increased again.",在D-果糖改性CPP膜的体系中,实验结果显示随着D-果糖初始浓度的增加,改性膜的表面水接触角先下降后略微增加; +"Babies who use many gestures to communicate when they are 14 months-old have much larger vocabularies when they start school than those who don't, US researchers said .",美国研究人员称,如果宝宝在14个月大时会用很多动作进行交流,那么到了上学的时候他们掌握的词汇会比不喜欢用动作交流的宝宝多。 +"Between them, Elizabeth and the Cecils handled Parliament carefully and tactfully and Parliament was now very strong and influential.",女王和塞西尔父子对议会的控制既机智娴熟又不失分寸,所以当时,内阁非常强大,颇具影响力。 +"But before the User-Supplied Identifier can be used for discovery, it must be normalized.",但是,在将用户提供的标识符用于发现之前,首先必须将其规范化。 +"Speaking, reading and writing provide chances for the application and practice of grammatical competence and are under the guidance of the latter.",听、说、读、写,语法能力的关系是相互的,前者以后者为指导,而后者则有赖于前者方能得到实践培养。 +The present invention relates to a microwave oven with coffee maker which can respectively control heating mode and heat-insulating mode.,本发明涉及具备咖啡机的微波炉,特别是具备能够分别控制加 热模式和保温模式的具备咖啡机的微波炉。 +Silting from a variety of human activities including dredging and boating.,是一些列各种各样的人类活动,包括挖沙和驾船泛舟。 +"For example, the main index of the Shanghai stock market has surged more than 80% this year, while Indonesian stocks are up 57%.",例如今年以来上海沪指猛增80%,印尼股市的市值增幅也达到57%。 +This method is also apply to L-P (line -polygon) graphic-cutting effect.,这种方法也使用于线面关系的处理。 +But that still leaves a load of pollution: China this year surpassed the U.S. as the world's largest emitter of greenhouse gases behind global warming.,但那仍然遗留下一大堆的污染问题,中国在今年已赶超世界第一“温室气体”排放大国,美国。 温室气体乃全球变暖的成因之一。 +"Watercolorist are working to achieve the ""Chinese Watercolor"" and make unremitting efforts, and wished Mr. Luo Zonghai's watercolor art of exploration to achieve more fruitful results!",水彩画家们正在为实现“中国水彩画”而不懈努力,祝愿罗宗海先生的水彩艺术探索取得更丰硕的成果! +ScienceDaily (Feb. 1 2010) — We have all been guilty of a transgression at one time or another. That's because we're not perfect.,每日科学(2010年2月1日)- 每个人都曾因这样或那样的过失而感到内疚,因为我们不完美,在伤害别人之后,在背信弃义之后,我们渴望能被宽恕。 +Rural tourism is a new industry that developed at 70s of last century.,乡村旅游是上个世纪70年代发��起来的新型产业。 +"It has been proved experimentally that this system can be used for remotely real-time monitor of assemble line racks, cables and industry frequency interference of communication circuit.",实验表明,此系统能对通信线路中的配线架、电缆、工频干扰情况进行远程实时的监测。 +"The Three Gorges Project is the largest hydropower project in the world today for its huge construction quantities, complicated structures, high quality requirement and long construction period.",长江三峡水利枢纽是当今世界最大水电工程,工程量大,结构复杂,质量要求高,施工期长。 +"But this bristles with difficulties. To begin with, how did Jesus contrive to get Himself born in Bethlehem?",但是这种情况太难以办到了:首先,耶稣怎样才能设法让自己出生在伯利恒? +"Thee artist and engineer are both creators. One creates using paint, rhymes and music. the other uses mathematical modelling and physics as too for creation.",艺术家和工程师都是创造者。一种是用颜料、韵律和音乐来创造。另一种是用数学模型和物理学原理,但同样是创造。 。 +Ms. Glickman is adamant: She wants a school that she thinks will be challenging but less pressured.,格利克曼的态度很坚决:她要上一所自己认为有足够挑战性但压力没那么大的学校。 +Analysis the problem of the QAY25 all terrain crane and the factors which affect the problem;,分析某厂QAY25全地面汽车起重机油气悬挂系统的主要问题和影响因素; +"Clean-up is no-throw: The collection phase will likely be called from a destructor, so it must never throw an exception under any circumstance.",无抛出的清理:收集的阶段通常都是从析构函数调用的,所以在任何情况下都必须不会抛出异常。 +This article analyzes the reforms of country governance in period of 20s and 30s with the example of Ding Xian in Hebei province.,本文以河北定县为例,论述了民国时期乡村治理方式的变革。 +"The bombings also killed 21 other people, including children, and the fury it aroused has been widely believed to have helped kick-start the insurgency in western Iraq.",“爆炸还打死另外21人,其中包括儿童,并愤怒激起了已被广泛认为是帮助启动叛乱活动在伊拉克西部”。 +"Okay . all right . all right , buckle up your safety belts , kids.",佩带所提供的安全带,并确保扣紧。 +At least until they get lost in the woods searching for the elusive “Sun Circle” or get hungry for lunch.,然而等到他们为了寻找那狡猾的“太阳圈”在森林里迷了路的时候,肚子饿了想吃中饭的时候,他们可能就不那么想了。 +"Due to over exploitation of underground brine water in many years, many underground brine funnels have been formed in south coast of Laizhou Bay.",由于多年来大量开采地下卤水,莱州湾南岸已经形成多个地下卤水降落漏斗。 +Biography: Lothar Stein studied mechanical engineering at the University of Kaiserslautern;,凯撒斯劳滕大学机械工程专业; +"For a long time, data from experiments of auditory-visual modality effect is inconsistent, and its theoretical explanations also are controversial.",长期以来,对视听通道效应的实验结果的发现是不一致的,理论解释上也存在着诸多争议。 +"In view of protected entireness, the protection status of Ailuropoda melanoleuca, Alligator sinensis and Elephas maximus is better, but the one of Orchidaceae and Cycas is worse.",从保护的全面性来看,大熊猫、扬子鳄和亚洲象的保护现状较好,而兰科和苏铁类的保护现状较差。 +"When air containing dust passes through the filter, the initial resistance of the filter material rises along with the increase of filter dust.",当含尘空气通过过滤器时,滤料 的初始阻力随滤尘增加而逐步上升。 +Never walk behind a horse in case it kicks out (at you).,千万不要走在马后, 它会踢你的。 +"The above programmes are prepared by the NQA Engineer, reviewed and approved by the QA Manager.",以上计划由核质量保证计划(NQA)工程师编制,并由质量保证经理(QA)审查和批准。 +"The queen bewailed this day and night, saying: ""I am like a field on which nothing grows.",王后为了这事,日夜哭泣伤心,说:“我是一块什么也不长的土地。” +His sketches at the time showed a credit-card-sized player with a rectangular screen and a central menu button to scroll through a selection of music tracks – very similar to the iPod.,他当时的设计草图表明,这个信用卡大小的播放器带有矩形显示屏和中心控制键,转动这个键可以选择音轨,而这些都与现在的iPod极其相似。 +Adidas 1: An embedded chip adjusts shoe's cushioning to the person's weight and running style.,—阿迪达斯1:嵌入式芯片根据用户的体重和跑步方式调整减震。 +"""Gold is somewhat of a safe haven, but it's only a safe haven when you are worried about inflationary pressures,"" he said.","""黄金是一种避险资产,但仅在投资者担忧通胀压力时才是,""他称." +"In my opinion, movement is the hallmark of our breed – the correct action is distinctive – and once viewed is, I believe, never forgotten!",我认为,运动能力是边牧的突出特征—正确的运动是关键---并且一见如故,无法忘怀。 +"General comments: very good, very spent, it is moved.",总评:很好,很时效,很感动。 +"We don't like to be highly concentrated into any particular funding source, "" he says, adding that ""community banks have proven to be very long-term-minded partners, and we like that stability.",我们不喜欢资金都来源高度集中的特定渠道。 事实证明,社区银行可以成为我们长期心仪的合作伙伴,而且我们希望能够一直保持下去。 +"If you want to skin your customers , you should leave some skin for them . Do not skin all their skin and let them grow new skin , so you can keep on skinning their skin.",如果你要剥客户的皮,你应当给他们留点皮,别剥光,让它长新皮,这样你下次还可以继续剥他们的皮。 +"Leos like to be the centre of attention all times, and are prone to draw attention to themselves.",狮子座在任何时候都喜欢成为众人瞩目的中心人物,而且往往很容易就能吸引他人的注意。 +Yeah. I've broken both my heels.,伤过。我两个脚跟都摔断过。 +"Into old age acne and acne blackhead, whitehead acne we call block-type acne, acne-type blockade is comparable in clinical cure is difficult to cure.",粉刺分为白头粉刺与黑头粉刺,白头粉刺我们将其称之为封锁型粉刺,封锁型粉刺在临床上治愈是比拟难治愈的。 +"We see that, above all, in how the recent debate has been obscured by two opposite and absolutist ends.",我们看到这一点,尤其看到最近发生的辩论如何因两个极端对立的观点坠入迷雾。 +"Conclusion The patients with cancer pain have complicated psychosomatic, it is necessary for nurses to know the cancer pain, its reply pattern and the effects completely.",结论在护理癌症病人时,护士更应关注伴有疼痛的癌症病人,除了及时、准确地执行药物治疗外,应重视心理因素对病人的作用。 +"This project is for people who know what they're doing and can guarantee, not for those who blindly do monthly work and still wants to get paid for effort without top10 result.",这个项目的人谁知道他们在做什么,可以保证不盲目地为那些谁做每月的工作,仍然要付出的努力没有获得前十名的结果。 +"These souls experience a welcome, gladdening rest and relief from the burdens, struggles and pains of their earthly lives.",这些灵魂脱离了世上的争战与痛苦,体验了欢迎与享受安息。 +"“It’s a top priority for the State Department and the U.S. government to do all we can to ensure maximum access to information over the Internet and to assure minimum success by censors,” Shiner said.","夏纳表示:""国务院和美国政府的一个首要目标是,竭尽全力保障因特网得到最充份的利用,最大限度地防止审查者得逞。""" +They criticized a proposal for industrialized nations to pay developing countries ten bil lion dollars a year over three years.,他们批评发达国家在三年中每年给发展中国家提供100 亿美元的方案。 +A few traditional bird hunters still make their living from bird hunting in Assam,阿萨姆仍有少数传统的捕鸟者以猎鸟为生。 +Application software quality is therefore a multi-technology challenge with many quality problems occurring at the interface between technologies.,因此,应用软件是一个多技术产物,并面临了在技术交界面上的产生的诸多协调性问题。 +"And there was a panic in the camp, in the field, and among all the people. The garrison and even the raiders trembled, the earth quaked, and it became a very great panic.",于是在营中、在田野、在众民内都有战兢,防兵和掠兵也都战兢,地也震动,战兢之势甚大。 +"Toothache, tonsil inflammation, sore tongue, eyes red ear, otitis media, plus … … Combined hemorrhoids blood in the stool, disturbance was a brain heart trouble, a few days after all how?",牙痛,扁桃体发炎,口舌生疮,目红耳赤,中耳炎,加上……加上痔疮便血,扰得阿加头晕脑胀心里烦,这几天到底怎么啦? +"In some instances, components may be co-located on the same physical server.",在某些场合下,组件可能同时位于同一个物理服务器。 +"The Obamas are loyal, as well, to the thin-crusted pies at Italian Fiesta Pizzeria in Hyde Park.",同时,奥巴马一家还是意大利嘉年华餐厅的薄皮馅饼的忠实顾客,这家店位于海德公园。 +This allows you to take data from two different source fields and merge them into a single target field.,这允许您从两个不同的源字段获取数据并将它们合并到一个目标字段中。 +E(subscript η) of the blend tend to decrease with the increases of shear rate and the content of ethylene- propylene elastomer in the masterbatch.,粘流活化能随剪切速率的增大和母料中乙丙弹性体含量的增加均呈逐渐减小的趋势。 +The best way to make money online is to develop effective ways to build an audience.,网上赚钱的最好方法就是开发有效的手段去建立读者群。 +The SYN cookie feature recognizes this condition and starts using an elegant method that preserves space in the queue (see the Resources section for full details).,SYN cookie 特性可以识别出这种情况,并使用一种优雅的方法保留队列中的空间(细节参见 参考资料 一节)。 +"'For me personally, the good shots uplift me and the bad shots don't get to me that much.",他说他自己打出好球时会欢欣鼓舞,但坏球却不会对他有太大影响。 +"Suddenly, the re was a loud noise from the hall.",突然,厅里传来了一声很响的动静。 +"A young machine hand, attracted by her looks, made bold to jest with her.",一位年轻的机工, 被她的美貌所吸引, 壮着胆子跟她开玩笑。 +"The idea of traditional natural put son priority, for son to buy a new home, once again become the focus, Chang Mei and her husband liang whilst accidentally broke three brother-in-law van affair.",传统的观念自然将儿子放在重点,为给儿子买新房成家,再次成为焦点,常梅和丈夫梁守业偶然撞破了三妹夫陈宇飞的婚外情。 +"From the data of sensory analysis, the wine of cumaric acid adding group exhibits the greatest overall acceptance and then gallic acid adding group.",感官品评结果显示: 添加香豆酸组之酒液整体接受度 为最佳, 其次为没食子酸组。 +Brian Wansink directs the Cornell University Food and Brand Lab and is the author of the book Mindless Eating: Why We Eat More Than We Think.,Cornell大学食品与商标研究室带头人,“Mindless Eating”的作者Brian Wansink:我们为什么总是吃的比想象的多? +"Then he started walking towards and white house, which was half-hidden by trees a little way from the road. (L. 33)",然后他朝一座白颜色的旧房子走去,那白房子离大路不远,半隐半现在一片树丛后。 +"In order to earn money, he put on sports jacket dance jazz music on the street.",彼特放弃了学业。为了挣钱,他穿上运动茄克衫在街上跳爵士乐舞。 +"With Didier Drogba, Frank Lampard and Wayne Bridge unsettled , the number of departures could reach double figures.",德罗巴、兰帕德和布里奇都不安分。这样最终的离队人数可能达到两位数。 +"Most notable is the oval-button shell, which is the older style, combined with the smaller and newer mainboard which normally comes with a round-buttoned shell.",最值得注意的是椭圆形按钮的外壳,这是老式的,再加上较小和较新的主板通常与轮壳钮扣来。 +Oklahoma Governor Mary Fallin deployed the state National Guard and extra police to assist with rescue operations.,俄克拉荷马州州长玛丽·法琳(MaryFallin)部署州国民警卫队和更多警力协助救援行动。 +A zone of the earth's mantle that lies beneath the lithosphere and consists of several hundred kilometers of deformable rock.,软流圈地球中地幔的一个区域,在岩石圈之下,包括几百公里可变形的岩石。 +"After that, click the Reload button and Synaptic will download the latest package information from the Universe.",之后,点击Reload按钮,新立得会自动下载Universe仓库里最新版本的软件包信息。 +"Otherwise, if the current state does not match the recorded state, run the command specified.",否则,如果当前状态不匹配已记录的状态,则运行指定的命令。 +"Basic knowledge of commercial law "", as its name implies, is to write a smart business person should know the legal knowledge.""",基本商业法律知识」,顾名思义,就是写一个精明从商人士应该知道的法律常识。 +"In the course of looking for places to go for the week I saw that the China Culture Centre (CCC) had a 7-day group tour to Yunnan Province, including two days in Shangri-La.",在寻找这周的目的地的过程中,我看到中国文化中心(CCC)有去云南省的一周旅程,其中两天是在香格里拉。 +Asymmetric organocatalysis has become one of the most active and attractive branch in asymmetric catalysis since the beginning of this century.,自本世纪初,不对称有机催化已经逐渐成为不对称催化领域中一个新的、最具活力的领域。 +"McCain formally accepted the nomination Thursday on the final day of the party's national convention in St. Paul, Minnesota.",麦凯恩星期四在明尼苏达州圣保罗市举行的共和党代表大会的最后一天正式接受共和党的提名。 +"I think a train is safer, and it isn't slow, and we can see beautiful scenery outside the windows! (",我觉得���车更安全,并且它也不慢,我们还可以透过窗户看外边的美景。 +"The Republicans and the galley-slaves,--they form but one nose and one handkerchief.",共和党和苦役犯,就象鼻子和手绢是一伙。 +How! Argot!,怎么! 黑话! +Objective To study the relationship between small low-density lipoprotein particles and the TaqlB polymorphism of cholesteryl ester transfer protein in coronary heart disease.,探讨小密低密度脂蛋白和胆固醇酯转运蛋白在冠心病发病中的作用及两者之间的关系。 +"The number affected is thought to be only a handful out of eery thousand patients, but no one knows how long the risk continues.",尽管每一千人仅有很小的一部分受累,但是没有人知道这种危险会持续多久。 +It is very important for mechanism-phase scanning phased array radar to effective distribute energy and time in elevation.,仰角扫描能量有效分配对机相扫体制相控阵雷达的设计十分重要。 +Think of it as a user-specified onLoad attribute invocation.,可把它视为特定于用户的 onload 属性调用。 +Individual point sources for the dust can be discerned.,可以分辨出单个的尘土点源。 +When did the role of “sibling” become so complex?,从什么时候起“兄弟姐妹“的角色变得如此复杂了? +Worried about the reaction your little one is going to have the first time you try to use a Rest Room ?,肯定很担心,因为要带着你的坐便垫第一次试着去洗手间! +"Teacher:Find Australia on the map for me, Johny.",老师:约翰尼,在地图上给我找出澳大利亚在什么地方。 +To have four players reach the final is an incredible achievement and I look forward to working with them when they return to Melwood after their holidays.,四个球员出现在世界杯决赛场上是个了不起的成就,我期待着当他们度假回来后和他们一起打拼。 +"Police in Hebei have closed 214 stores of entertainment involving drugs, gambling and sex sales, xinhuanet.com reported. The operation started in mid-June.",据新华网报道,河北省公安机关从6月中旬开始到现在,共取缔214家不良娱乐服务场所。 +"Moreover, the company's latest results still are expected to look strong: Analysts forecast earnings of $1.47 a share for the August quarter, up from $1.20 a year earlier.",此外,预计该公司的最新收益看起来仍会较强劲:分析人士预测8月份的一个季度每股收益为1.47美元,较去年同期的1.20美元有所上升。 +The model is satisfactory. An independent sample of 1994 - 1995 is tested.,拟合效果较理想,用1994~1995年的独立资料检验,预测结果与实况较为接近。 +"So, more speculatively, will the idea of generating solar power in north Africa and transmitting it to Europe.",所以理论上北非太阳能发的电传输到欧洲的想法越来越有可能。 +"Will you still be sending me a Valentine, birthday greetings, bottle of wine?",你仍然还会送我情人节礼物, 生日问候, 和葡萄酒吗?。 +"The Fuhrer had a soft spot for Schalke, who, funnily enough, were German champions six times between 1933 and 1945.",在他的“支持”下,沙尔克在1933-1945年里六次赢得德国联赛冠军。 +"This new approach gives researchers a precise view of the process in action, as well as insights on general trends in how histone proteins and their marks affect transcription.",这一新的方法使研究者能够实时地、精确地观察该过程,有助于他们深刻把握组蛋白及其标志影响转录的具体过程的总趋势。 +I should never really understand Iago unless I played his part.,除非我扮演伊阿古,否则我永远不会真正了解这个角色。 +Love is encouraging signs.,爱是激励的指示牌。 +"In view of the similarities between data clustering analysis and optimization questions, this paper deals with data clustering analysis by using simulation anneal algorithms.",本文针对数据聚类分析和最优化问题的相似点,用模拟退火算法进行聚类分析。 +"The process route can reduce the instability of production state which is caused by strain degradation, and to lay a foundation of the next step on rejuvenation and good breeding species.",该工艺路线可以减少因菌种退化原因造成的生产状态不稳定,同时为下一步菌种复壮及优良品种选育工作建立了基础。 +"However, , we can't simply attribute its powerfulness and prosperity to its lucky escape fromthe destruction of the two world wars.",然而,我们不能简单把它的强大与繁荣归功于其幸运的避开了两次世界大战带来的破坏。 。 +Chinese officials are deeply concerned that the global economic downturn could spur protectionist moves in the U.S. and elsewhere that could further damage China's trade-dependent economy.,中国的官员非常担心全球经融危机会促使美国及其它地区会推进贸易保护政策,并且会进一步危害中国以对外贸易为主的经济。 +"The article also introduces measures of improving the performance appraisal system such as departmental budgets, information system and accounting system of the performance, etc.",同时结合实证分析提出了公共支出改革、权责发生制会计制度以及绩效信息系统等完善绩效评价体系的配套措施。 +"Move the body weight toward the toes, off the heels, then press the toes into the ground.",将体重前移到脚趾,后移至脚跟,然后将脚趾用力压向地面。 +"The widen glass cup is easier for wine pouring in and out, like the beauty curve line, which makes the decanter an art.",加宽的瓶口便于葡萄酒的引入与斟出,有若圣女身躯般美妙的曲线让醒酒变得如此具有艺术气息。 +"When the shear line vapour band is broad, and the Plateau shear line is stable.",在切变线水汽带范围变宽时,高原切变线稳定; +"In other words, if the commander and staff fail to analyze the plan thoroughly, the unit can go off half - cocked and quickly stumble.",换句话说,如果指挥官和他的参谋们没有能够对计划进行全面的分析,部队执行起来就不会顺畅并很快出现错误。 +"In order to explain life, we have to appeal to something more than just atoms.","要解释生命,我们必须诉诸原子以外的其他东西" +Catalog Cache: catalogcache_sz = maxappls * 4,编目缓存: catalogcache_sz = maxappls * 4 +We should start the installation according to the instruction and operation manual.,咱们应该按照仿单以及操作手册来开动这个装配。 +China is a civilisation pretending to be a nation-state.,中国是一个伪装成民族国家的文明。 +"Page of website of setting government portal is prevented distort function and restore a function, avoid ill will to distort page;",设置政府门户网站页面防篡改功能及恢复功能,避免恶意篡改页面; +"Rugby, he said, perfectly fit his desire for a bruising fight and an exhausting workout.",他说,英式橄榄球完全符合他对鼻青脸肿的对抗和操到筋疲力竭的欲望需求。 +A historical textual reserach on medicinal plants of Dioscoreaceae in Zhejiang Province.,文章题目 浙江省薯蓣科药用植物的历史考证。 +And he has backed Eriksson after claims senior players were losing faith in the Swede.,并且他极力支持艾里克松,之前有声称老资格球员 不再 信任瑞典人。 +Bronco was such a character that he would never cease hoping and struggling and responded to all challenges.,布兰柯是这样一个人,他永远不会停止希望和奋斗,他能接受所有的挑战。 +Objective To study the relationship of the styloid process and to supply the basic surgical anatomy in theparapharyngeal infratemporal region surgery.,目的研究茎突毗邻关系,为咽旁颞下区手术提供外科解剖基础。 +"You figure that most of those boxes are being eaten by somebody or another, there's some waste that you might calculate in, but there--error gets introduced there trying to estimate that, so you get a number on that.","你的计算中大部分食品,都被人们吃了,浪费的那些也要计算进来,但其中的误差,也要估算出来,最后得出一个数字" +All participating dogs must be at least 5 months old and in good health. No admission for puppies under 5 months old or bitches in season.,凡参加比赛之狗只必须体健及年满五个月以上,未满五个月之幼犬及怀春雌犬恕不招待。 +Americans in Beijin may not know you speak English. They may be embarrassed if they can't speak your language.,如果他们不会讲你的语言,他们可能觉得不好意思。 +' Jenny asks when she rejoins the group.,珍妮问她重新加入本集团。 +The potential damage from such an exploit depends on the script that is executed.,这类擅用攻击的潜在损害程度取决于指令码所执行的内容。 +"This method has achieved great success in Fengshuba basin, and raised the qualified rate of forecasting runoff yield from 85.1% of antecedent scheme to 91.7% and overcame…",该法应用于广东枫树坝流域,使产流预报方案的合格率从原来的85.1%提高到91.7%,并克服了原方案在汛初和久旱后预报洪水的产流量远远偏大的问题。 +"Within this range of stresses, the material will return to its original dimensions once the load, hence, the nominal stress, has been removed.",在这个应力范围内,当载荷,公称应力消除之后,材料会恢复原始尺寸。 +This is more understandable if you view time as holographic rather than linear;,如果你以全像式(而非线性)的角度看待时间,这一点会更易于了解; +"In the second part, a test program to help improve modeling of SCBF systems is described, including the design of a nearly full-size, two-story SCBF test specimen.",在文章的第二部分描述了一个帮助轴心抗拉构件改进建模的实验程序。 这部分包括一个接近实际大小的两层轴心抗拉构件的实验范例。 +"If of Dryden's fire the blaze is brighter, of Pope's the heat is more regular and constant.",若喻之以火,德莱顿火焰更亮,蒲柏则热量更稳定更持久。 +"Former Lakers teammate Shaquille O'Neal's case for Bryant: ""The thing about Kobe is that, over the course of my career, I have never played with anyone who was as fierce as he is.",前湖人队员大鲨鱼奥尼尔这样说科比:“在我职业生涯中,科比打球是最凶猛的,其他队友的特点都和他不同。 +"Then the Lord said to him, ""Know for certain that your descendants will be strangers in a country not their own, and they will be enslaved and mistreated four hundred years.",耶和华对亚伯兰说:“你要的确知道,你的后裔必寄居别人的地,又服事那地的人;那地的人要苦待他们四百年。 +"Sometimes, when the nights are closing early.",有时,当夜幕早早降临的时候。 +How marvelous were my fancied adventures as I sat on a hard park bench pretending to be immersed in a trembling book.,当我坐在公园硬梆梆的长凳上,假装陶醉在一本颤抖的书中,我幻想的冒险是多么妙不可言。 +But why still can't I give a qualified smile?,可是为什么我还是不能好好得笑出来呢… +Candice : I am. He's a tennis pro. He may even get to Wimbeldon next year.,坎迪斯: 当然啰。他是个专业的网球好手,他明年甚至可以去温布尔登了。 +This is evidenced by his recent investment in a new $7 million ark.,这一点体现在他近期对一艘700万美元方舟的投资。 +Don't list everything you have ever undertaken - only include information which is relevant to the job(s) you are applying for.,不要列单陈述所有你曾做过的工作- 仅仅给出与你申请职位相关的信息即可。 +We are very grateful for your kind invitation to stay at your homes for the next week.,我们非常感谢你们好意邀请他们在未来的一个星期中住在你们家里。 +"The traditional engineering animation is realized by building the model in 3D modeling software, and then by rendering to get serial frames to form a steam-media file.",传统的工程动画都是以现有的三维软件为平台进行建模、获得渲染帧序列后,用流媒体文件来实现动画。 +The high-temperature resistivity of the samples was measured by electric pole; meanwhile the influence of Ca content and sintering atmospheres on resistivity was investigated.,用电极法测量样品的电阻率,同时分析钙含量及烧结气氛对不同温度下电阻率的影响。 +Please refer to our financial summary documents contained within this visa application package for further information.,详情请参照我们在签证申请材料中的经济担保文件。 +"When GM soy was fed to female rats, most of their babies died within three weeks-compared to a 10% death rate among the control group fed natural soy.",当用基因大豆喂雌性大鼠,它们大多数的婴儿在三个星期内死亡,与用天然大豆喂食的大鼠作比较的话,它的死亡率就有10%的高。 +Go along the Lianhua North road and turn left at the second crossing.,沿着莲花北路走到第二个十字路口左转。 +"Only if we grasp the absoluteness and relativity of the productivity standards, could we insist with scientific development views.",只有正确的把握生产力标准的绝对性与相对性,才能坚持科学的发展观。 +Elementals Classification and performance of scramjet for cruise missiles are reviewed in this paper.,本文综述了飞航式导弹所用超音速燃烧冲压发动机的基本原理、分类及其特点。 +Turbulence in the airline industry last year led to a sharp rise in short-term tactical marketing over long-term brand building.,去年航空业发生的一些动荡导致短期战术性行销一度狂热,高于长期品牌塑造的策划。 +"It is found that, by restricting numbers of retransmission, low transmission delay and cell loss rate can be obtained.",结果表明,利用RS码强的纠错能力,通过有限次的重传就可获得低的信元丢失率和传输时延。 +"Long-term use of diamond abrasive, you are a wise choice!",用远大钻石磨具,是您明智的选择! +"The student nurse's instincts and training kicked in, and she made sure the woman sat down, while Cross sprinted to the athletic office for an armful of first-aid kits.",这激发了一个受训护士的本能。 她让这个女人坐好,然后飞快的跑向运动系的办公室去拿了一堆急救装备。 +"“About labor conditions and human rights violations, [the allegations] must be fact-based,” he said.",“关于劳动条件和侵犯人权,[指控]必须以事实为依据,”他说。 +"In the highly competitive China automotive market, dealers are finding it increasingly difficult to achieve profitability from new-vehicle sales.",在竞争日益激烈的中国汽车市场上,经销商发现,通过新车销售实现盈利变得愈发困难。 +"Subtracting the commissions Yahoo pays to its advertising partners, revenue was $1.325 billion, up 3%.",减去支付给广告厂商的佣金,雅虎的收益是13.25亿美元,增长3%。 +Objective To review retrospectively the clinical experience in treatment of discrete subaortic stenosis(DSAS).,目的回顾性总结分析局限性主动脉瓣下狭窄外科治疗的临床经验。 +"For graphics on U.S. home prices in November, see link.reuters.com/rus75h","(参考美国11月房价图表,请点击 link.reuters.com/rus75h)(完)" +"The lamellae are almost parallel to one another and when sometimes perpendicular to the axis of the pearl result in a ""pseudo- chatoyancy "" effect.",这些薄片之间几乎相互平行,不时垂直珠子的轴导致变彩假象。 +"In the future, 25 percent to 30 percent of new urban construction may be for this sector and will probably have a knock-on effect by improving affordability for middle income earners.",将来,25%——30%的城市新建住房将会用于低收入者,提高中等收入者的支付能力将会带来一系列连锁反应。 +He suffers from tracheitis.,他是个“气管炎”。 +"I vas a sailorman pefore you vas borned, and I knot and reef and splice ven you play mit topstrings and fly kites.",你出生之前我就在做水手了,你还在玩翻绳游戏,放风筝的时候我就已经会打结、收帆、捻接绳子了。 +"This is your desk. Telephone, PC, in-tray.",这是你的办公桌,电话,电脑,公文篮。 +"Gayle will return SuoYi snacks to mother conaniah chicken, is the view that the check, will not anger plumes of swimming nan feng pushed down swimming pool.",格利将母亲回赠索宜的点心交给楠凤,被阿帕查看到,阿帕查怒火冲天,将不会游泳的楠凤推下游泳池。 +"'Well, I bought an expensive woman's electronic hair dryer for my mother's birthday that is unopened and well over the Customs limits, and I'm afraid they'll confiscate it.",贵妇人:是这么回事。这次出国,俺给俺妈买了一件生日礼物,是一件挺好的吹发机。由于还没打开过,也就超出了海关的限制。 +"If eye can hear, it can hear the song of light and shadow.",如果眼睛能听的话,就能听到光和影的歌。 +Teach and enforce supplier to implement Autoliv's procedures.,培训并推动供应商执行奥托立夫标准。 +Q: It is reported that Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda may visit China soon. Please confirm.,问:据报道,日本首相野田佳彦可能于近期访华,请证实。 +"If he had taken my advice, he might not have made such a bad mistake.",(事实是:他没有听我的建议)要是他听进了我的劝告就不会犯这么严重的错误了。 +"The conciliation statement shall be signed by the judge and the court clerk, sealed by the people's court, and served on both parties.",调解书由审判人员、书记员署名,加盖人民法院印章,送达双方当事人。 +The results indicated that diversity index of agronomic characters varied from 2.000 ~2.064.,结果表明,四川小麦地方品种农艺性状的多样性指数差异不大,为2.000~2.064。 +"When you are eating take-away snacks in a street market, you can say various things.",当你在马路市场吃外卖快餐时,你可以谈到很多东西。 +"Then, a new analytical potential energy function of diatomic molecule is proposed based on the ECM and applied to some electronic ground states and excited states of diatomic molecules.",在创立能量自洽法的基础上提出了一种新的双原子分子解析势能函数—ECM势,并将其运用到一些双原子分子的电子基态和激发态。 +"At the same time, on the virtual world, there is a place called SCG .",与此同时,在虚拟的世界中,有一块叫SCG 的圣地。 +"On returning to his dormitory, Liubei immediately copied this "" secret tips to become popular"" to the first page of his notebook with much care.",回到寝室,刘备立即把这个《受人欢迎的秘方》,毕恭毕敬地抄写在笔记本的扉页上。 +Conclusion:HBO supplementary therapy had satisfied effect on patients′ recovery in the treatment of severe traumatic brain injury.,结论:应用高压氧辅助治疗,对于颅脑外伤术后患者的愈后康复有满意效果。 +"After the 12th World Women's Basketball Championship in 1994, China women's basketball results decline.",自1994年第十二届世界女篮锦标赛之后,中国女篮成绩下滑。 +The working principle and theoretical calculation model of magneto-rheological (MR) damper are analyzed.,摘 要 分析了磁流变阻尼器的工作原理和理论计算模型。 +"1977 - The Apple II, the first practical personal computer, goes on sale.",1977年的今天,首台实用的个人电脑“苹果II”开始销售。 +"She soon learned to think with respect of her own little attic at Mansfield Park, in _that_ house reckoned too small for anybody's comfort.",她在曼斯菲尔德庄园住的那间阁楼,本是人人嫌小不愿住的地方,现在想起来倒觉得蛮阔气了。 +He is neither reading nor writing.,他现在是既没有读也没有写。 +"Like proceed(..), this hides the details of other context available at the join point, of any other less-precedent advice, and of the underlying join point itself.",与 proceed(..) 类似,它隐藏了连接点中其他上下文、其他低优先级通知和底层连接本身的细节。 +Determining the strategy how to use hovering depth charge to intercept torpedos is one of the main problems in defend torpedo warfare.,水面舰艇如何使用悬浮式深弹拦截线导+声自导鱼雷是舰艇防御鱼雷的重要问题之一。 +Its informative and insightful content can remove blocks to cross-cultural understanding and bridge Eastern and estern communication.,其信息丰富、见解精辟的内容可以消除跨文化的理解的障碍,并搭建东西方交流的桥梁。 +"The most common senesce of choosing sanitary napkin consist of reliable manufacture , reliable shop , reliable reputation and the buyer 's experience .",可靠的厂家,可靠的商店,良好的口碑,自己的切身经验,仍然是选购卫生巾最基本的常识。 +Every day I recited bodhi three hundred sentences.,日诵菩提三百句,闲看贝叶两三篇。 +The amount of the water surface evaporation was approximately 3.35 times that of the saturated soil evaporation.,5干热河谷典型的干热气候致使自由水面蒸发量是饱和土壤蒸发量3.35倍。 +The stories in this book are: The Young King: A young shepherd is taken to the palace to be crowned king.,王尔德一贯的思想是唯美,而《少年国王》正是这种思想下的产物。 +"That, combined with sandbags and dikes, spared the metropolitan area of Fargo, North Dakota, from serious flooding.",同时在沙包及堤坝的配合下,法戈市等城市避免了严重洪水的侵袭。 +"The program is already popular, Google says, and thousands of users sign up for it each day.",谷歌说,这个程序已经很流行了,每天有成千上万名用户注册使用该技术。 +The speeder is armed with antipersonnel blasters and a main anti-vehicle gun.,这种飞行艇配备反单兵爆能枪和一门反装甲主炮。 +It used data from 11 developing countries to make projections for e-waste levels.,它使用了来自11个发展中国家的数据从而对电子垃圾的水平做出预测。 +"Although this approach usually works, it is error-prone, especially as the number of parameters increases.",尽管该方法通常是有效的,但易出错,尤其是随着参数的增加。 +"According to the primary study, the age belongs to the medium phase of Taosi culture.",经初步研究,其年代为陶寺文化中期。 +They march in the new advance towards the building of socialism in our country.,他们在迈向我国的社会主义的新的征程中,阔步前进。 +Thank for your share.,先收下来,感谢分享! +"Its results show that with decreasing the relative width of under-matching weld metal, the tensile strength of welding joint increase.",结果表明:随低强焊缝金属相对宽度变小,接头抗拉强度增大; +Don't burn your candle at both ends by feeling you have abundant reserves of energy.,不要因为觉得自己精力充沛就过分地劳累。 +"There is a dominant presence of walls in the garden, yet they take on a quality of transparency, punctuated byopenings and our interpretations of the idea of amoongate.",花园中墙体起到了主导性的作用,墙体上的开口隔断和打开空间,是基于我们对于月洞门的理解。 +"While many took advantage of this belief, others genuinely, in the name of science, attempted to make gold out of less valuable and duller elements.",许多人在利用这种观点,而其他一些人,真诚地、以科学的名义试图由价值较低的以及较惰性的元素中提炼出金。 +The time-temperature-transformation(TTT) curve is characterized by its C-shape with a nose temperature of 300℃.,该转变的时间-温度-转变量(TTT)曲线呈C形,鼻子温度为300℃。 +"It is thought they also can remain in a dormant state for years, or even centuries until favorable conditions occur, and then they hatch.",一种观点认为,它们也能保持很多年,甚至数个世纪的休眠状态,直至有利的条件再次出现它们才孵化。 +"OK, so as much as Mobius strips and Klein-bottles are exciting and really cool, well, we can't use them in this class because we can't define flux through them.","与Mobius带相比较,克莱因瓶同样地有趣和巧妙,我们不能使用它,因为我们不能通过它们来定义通量。" +"Tech-dexterous teenagers are probably no better wired to ace computer games than the rest of us; they've just spent more time practicing with their gadgets, says Marois.",对科技产品头脑敏捷的十几岁的青少年在玩电脑游戏上的天赋不会比我们其余人更多:他们仅仅是花了更多时间,Marois说。 +"Translate the following sentence into Chinese, 'With designer T-shirts and jeans in the hefty three figures, there are men for whom staying au courant is worth the investment.",���些为了保持走在流行潮头的人认为值得投资那些昂贵的名设计师设计的T恤和牛仔服。 +The Look of a Geisha ? The most famous geishas were considered to be the supermodels of their time.,探访一位艺伎——最著名的艺伎被认为最能成为当今的超级模特。 +"Her face is thin and worn, and she has coarse, red hands, all pricked by the needle, for she is a seamstress.",她那瘦削的脸上布满了倦意,一双粗糙发红的手上到处是针眼,因为她是一个裁缝。 +"The vodka, cranberry, and Dr. Pepper are like that.",伏特加,蔓越莓和胡椒先生就是这样。 +"GC/MS was used to detect the components, and the flavor components produced by the aroma producing yeast(CF610) was identified.",采用气相色谱和质谱联用(GC/MS),检测了从酸浆中分离出的一株产香酵母(CF610)单独发酵黄浆水所产的香气成分。 +"That led them through the deep, as an horse in the wilderness, that they should not stumble?",带领他们经过深处,如马行走旷野,使他们不至绊跌的,在那里呢。 +This father has a wonderful little boy. He was very happy.,这个爹有个很棒的小男孩,他很幸福。 。 +"And then, in playing that role, we must not be a coloniser, we must be a real invester.",还有,我们可不能扮演殖民者的身份,我们要做一个真正的投资方。 +"Unexpectedly, when viewing the photos the psychopaths experienced significant activity in the insular cortex, which is involved in emotion and self-awareness.",出人意料的是,当精神病患者浏览那些照片时,他们大脑中负责情绪与自我意识的岛叶皮层异常活跃。 +Non Vergin Polyester Filament Yarn;,涤纶长丝纱; +"To show one's sincerity on this issue a few years ahead of that deadline is the way a friend treats another friend, "" Wen said.",他说到:“在这个问题上,能在最后期限的前几年表示出诚意,才是待友之道。” +Dashan: Excuse me. Did you find a green wool scarf?,大山:对不起,您这儿拾到一条绿色毛围巾吗? +"Big, shiny romantic comedy projects still come thudding onto her doorstep on a daily basis, but nearly all of them elicit an automatic no.",很多浪漫喜剧还是主动找上门来邀约她,但是几乎所有题材都没什么突破。 +The registered capital shall be the paid-in capital.,注册资本应当是实缴资本。 +Sectra’s voice crypto for tactical radio protects radio communications between vehicles and troops in the field from eavesdropping.,Sectra的战术无线电语音加密技术可以保护野外车辆和部队之间的无线电通讯不被窃听。 +Objective: To observe the influence of Yiqi Gushen dialysate (YGD)on serum complement activity of patients recieving maintenance blood dialysis.,目的:观察益气固肾透析液对维持性血液透析患者血清补体功能的影响。 +The system can be applied with good intra- and interobserver agreement.,该系统可应用于组间与组内观察者的一致度评价。 +Watermelon juice drinks will be developed.,西瓜汁饮品开发。 +We learned that the current owner’s great-great-grandfather peacefully acquired the land from a local Indian tribe that taught him how to properly cultivate peaches.,农场主的曾祖父从当地一个印第安人的部落手中买下了这座蜜桃场。 印第安人还教会了曾祖父怎样正确的培育桃子。 +They partake of beauty to varying degrees.,它们美的程度不一样 +"The first part is the introduction, which concerns the delimitation of studied object, the study value, a review of the achieved and a prospect of the future.",第一部分是综述部分,包括研究对象的界定,研究意义和价值的分析,已经取得的成果的回顾,以及研究前景的展望。 +He grumbled out his reasons from disliking the arrangement.,他嘟囔着说出了他不喜欢这个安排的理由。 +He does not think the country can continue to rely on export-led growth for both geopolitical and economic reasons.,他认为,出于地缘政治和经济两方面的原因,中国不能继续依靠出口拉动经济增长。 +Before bunkering I had duly notified in writing the bunker supplier of my owners and charterers requirement regarding correct sampling methods.,加油前,我已正式地以书面形式通知加油方我船船东及租船人有关正确取样方法的要求。 +"it doesn’t change the underlying reality that there has to be a strategy for putting together all the people, processes and tools that the cloud supports...",它不能改变底层现实,也就是必须有一个能将云所支持的人员、流程和工具整合到一起的战略…… +"His efforts have progressed further than many other attempts to deploy new medical technologies in the developing world, but he still faces the hurdle of finding funding to commercialize the chip.",相比于其他在发展中国家推行医疗技术的努力,西娅取得了进一步的成果,但要把产品商业化,他仍然面临着资���困难。 +"Ken Livingstone, Labour mayor from 2000 to 2008, championed bus travel, which is now at its highest in London in 50 years: there were 60% more passengers in 2010-11 than in 2000-01.",2000至2008年间,来自工党的伦敦市市长肯•利文斯通提倡乘公交出行。目前乘公交的人数达到了伦敦50年来的最高峰:2010-11年间的公交乘客相比2000-01年间增加了60%。 +Amperometric immunosensor can detect and identify biological molecules by detecting its output current signal.,安培型免疫传感器通过检测其产生的电流信号,可实现生物分子信息的检测与识别。 +"For the complicated implicit limit state equation, a new algorithm was presented to analyze the reliability sensitivity.",针对复杂隐式极限状态方程,提出了一种新的可靠性敏度分析方法。 +"Only land reclamation and ecological rehabilitation are precedent, initiative, corresponding and effective, China can ensure the sustainable development of …",我国应当采取超前、主动、协调、高效的土地复垦与生态重建工程,保证工矿区社会经济的可持续发展。 +His wits sharpened even he's older.,他年纪更老了,然而他的头脑变得更加敏锐了。 +"Our country is the large agricultural nation, the national public security condition improvement is decided to a great extent by the national countryside public security conditions improve.",我国是个农业大国,国家治安状况的改善在很大程度上取决于全国农村的治安状况改善。 +"Six months after his father gave him his first cigarette, the overweight boy was smoking two packs a day and threw violent tantrums if his addiction was not satisfied.",阿尔迪的父亲让他抽第一支烟六个月后,这个男孩每天抽两包烟,如果烟瘾得不到满足,他还会大发脾气。 +One billiard ball impinged on another.,咱们打一局台球吧。 +The 24-year-old was strongly linked with a move to Merseyside earlier this year.,今年早些时候这位24岁的球员就和红军传起了绯闻。 +"To offer cheaper food, they will need to bypass the middle men, deal directly with farmers and build logistics chains.",提供便宜的食品,他们需要抛开中间商,直接和农民交易并建立物流链。 +"You'll probably need binoculars and a good sky chart to see faint Uranus, the 7th planet outward from the sun.",否则只有带上双筒望远镜,一个非常精准的星空图才能找到这个太阳系中排行第七的行星。 +"Another is his and beautylabs failed marriage responsibility, blame it all on Ning baby, so just think of kidnapping for ransom Ning baby.",再有就是他把自己和曼芳失败的婚姻的责任全都归罪于宁娃,所以才想到绑架宁娃,勒索赎金。 +Prominent among these regulatory components are the anti-inflammatory cytokines and specific cytokine inhibitors.,里头最重要的管理成分是抗发炎的细胞激素与特定激素抑制物。 +"It provides the sense of safety and control, reflects a person's value, and offers a person the sense of continuity and eternity.",它提供个人安全感和控制感,反映个人的价值观,并给予人连续性与永恒感。 +"Hadhe monitored his air supply better, he could have made a slow, safeascent to the surface by following the bottom contours and swam rightup to the beach.",如果他更好的掌握好用气量,他就可以缓慢的、更安全的沿着水底的轮廓上升出水,并直接游回岸边。 +The Guinness World Records taught me to believe in the accessibility of the improbable.,《吉尼斯世界纪录》使我相信所谓的“不可能”是可以实现的。 +"Second, the reform and opening-up of language teaching in secondary schools before Lu Xun's works and reading selected briefings and analysis.",第二、改革开放以前中学语文教材鲁迅作品选录及其读解情况介绍和分析。 +Standard Management of Company Projects - If all projects are broken down into OSGi components they are easily reused.,公司项目的标准化管理——如果所有的项目都分解成OSGi组件,那么它们就可以很容易重用。 +The invention discloses an ice medlar wine brewed by taking medlar fruits as raw materials and a brewing method thereof.,本发明公开了以枸杞果为原料酿制的冰杞酒及其制作方法。 +The oil tube thread jointer used to conduct coating with the compound lubricant when connect the jointers.,以前在油井管螺纹接头连接时,要进行涂覆复合润滑脂。 +"When the strategy to create a foundation for market liberalisation failed, answers were sought elsewhere.",当创造自由市场基础的战略失败后,就要另寻他法了。 +Another advantage is that in the event of liquidation preferred shareholders are paid off before the common shareholder (but still after debt holders).,优先股持有者的另一个优势是,在公司清算的情况下,享有优先于普通股股东的索赔权(但仍然在债权人之后)。 +"We spent around seven hours in the park, and if we could, and if it wasn't getting dark, we would have stayed another seven hours!",我们在公园里待了大约七个小时,并且如果我们可以,如果天没有黑下来,我们一定会再待七个小时! +But there is little kicking or noise.,但它们几乎没有踢踹或噪声。 +I thought he was terrific tonight alongside Laurent Koscielny and I can only see him getting better and better when he gets used to the Premier League.,我觉得他和科斯切尔尼的搭档表现得不错,我觉得他在适应了英超联赛后只可能表现得更好。 +"As an android super-hero, Astro Boy is with a variety of special powers, including ability to translate every foreign language;",作为一个男性超级英雄,铁臂阿童木的是各种各样的特殊权力,包括能力,把每一个外国语言; +"Since the combination of RMB exchange rate in 1994, China's foreign trade has been developing rapidly.",1994年人民币汇率并轨以来,我国对外贸易发展迅速。 +"When the mixture begins to boil, the milk will separate into curds and whey . When this has happened, remove it from the heat.",开始沸腾时,牛奶将会分离成凝乳和乳浆,这种情形发生时就关火起锅。 +Petroleum hydrocarbons and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in surface sediments in Xiamen Harbour and Yuandang Lake;,对厦门西港表层沉积物中有机氯农药和多氯联苯的含量与分布进行调查研究。 +The self-shrinkage of concrete with higher water to binder ratio is negligible.,高水胶比混凝土的自收缩可以忽略不计。 +"Some six per cent of the 10,500 broadband users questioned in the survey admitted spending on average more than 10 hours a week online social networking, the equivalent of 24 days a year.",在10500名受访宽带用户中,约6%的人称他们平均每周用于网络社交的时间超过十个小时,相当于一年中有24天花在这上面。 +Extremely low temperatures kill the fat cells without affecting skin or muscles.,"它采用一种名为""冷冻溶脂术""的方法定位、冷冻和分解脂肪细胞,同时不伤害皮肤和肌肉。" +It would be most unwise to minimize the dangers of this course of action.,不认真对待这次行动过程中的危险是极不明智的。 +Some modal natural frequencies and damping coefficients of a structure are derived by means of in-sita testing displacement records and the time domain identification technique.,本文根据原型振动实测的位移记录,应用时间域识别法,求得了结构的前几阶模态的固有频率和阻尼比。 +"But So, who intersperses feng shui terms with the rapid-fire jargon of a broker, is bullish on banking, shipping, tourism and trade stocks due to their association with ""water.""",但苏民峰用一连串的风水术语解释说,牛年银行业、航运业、旅游业等利好,因为这些行业跟“水”有关。 +"To test the equipment and procedure, the VLE datas of system CO2+ethanol at 333K and 413K were measured. The results show a good agreement between measured datas and literature datas.",测定了CO2+乙醇系统在333K和413K时的高压气液相平衡数据,与文献值比较相当一致,验证了实验方法的可靠性。 +The advertisement sparked a storm of complaints from sexual assault workers and women's groups after it was posted on billboards across the country.,据悉,该“过火”广告已经澳大利亚全国进行了铺天盖地的广告式“侵略”,这激起了工作者以及妇女组织的愤怒。 +"Our university allots so much money on the delegation program that hope students can learn something, grownup for the delegation and share our experience with other students.",学校拨这麽的金额在国际交流的计划上是希望学生能从参访的过程中有所收获且有所成长,并将所学分享给他人。 +The persistent running and test accuracy of the system are ensured by the re-liability meas…,系统的可靠性措施保证了系统的持续运转和测试精度。 +His kindness to felons does not seem to have hurt him;,他对重罪犯的仁慈看起来并没有影响他的人气; +"Unbridled urban development is destroying Kashmir's precious wetlands and government apathy is to blame, writes Athar Parvaiz from northern India.",毫无节制的城市发展正在摧毁克什米尔宝贵的湿地,政府对此漠不关心,难辞其咎。 +"By roasting the fish vertically with the open side facing the fire, the oil seeps into the ashes, leaving salted, seasoned fish meat.",摊平的鱼里面对着火烤,鱼油渗出来滴到火上,进了盐的鱼肉则风味十足。 +"At high altitude you have jet streams, and the wind velocity is not the same at all altitudes.",在高海拔处会有高速气流,风速在不同的海拔处,并不相同。 +"I think I would say yes, but there is a limit to the extend to which we can take that paternalism.","我觉得我会说是的,但我们采用这种家长式作风的,扩展是有限度的。" +"The field of neuropsychopharmacology involves the evaluation of the effects of natural and synthetic compounds upon the brain, mind, and human behavior.",神经心理药学领域牵涉到自然和合成化合物在脑、心智、人类行为上的评估。 +"People think that the earliest Chinese characters are Oracle Bone Inscriptions, Inscriptions on the Bronze Objects and so on.",最早的汉字人们都说是甲骨文、金文……甚至是陶文。 +"Referring to the status of urban land use in Shijiazhuang city, Part Six proposes the measures for enhancing the urban land-use efficiency.",第六部分针对石家庄城市土地利用现状,提出提高城市土地利用效率的建议。 +Let them see things go out the door and how you organize what’s left.,让他们知道哪些东西运出了屋子,而你又是如何处理屋里剩下的东西的。 +"It shouldn't be hard to do this, but it's a nightmare to get there, and it's one of those chasms between overprolific geeks and everybody else struggled to use the Net that should really be closed.",要做这些应该并不难,但是要真正实现它又是一个噩梦。 极富创造力的geeks与一般普通的人对网络的使用的巨大差异应该被消除。 +"The Changle sapphire in Shandong Province is characteristic of rich reserves, large grain, high grade and good crystal shape.",山东昌乐蓝宝石具有储量丰富、颗粒大、品位高、结晶好的特点。 +"In addition, the dogs are taught impeccable manners and obedience. The slightest sign of aggression can put a once-promising detector dog out of the running.",另外,这些狗学习了毫无瑕疵的礼仪,并对主人绝对服从。哪怕是一点攻击性表示,都可能使曾经大有前途的侦查犬失去资格。 +Consistent use of eddy current and ultrasonic inspection techniques on every roll after completed of the grinding process.,除此之外,在每支轧辊完成研磨后,必须使用涡电流探伤和超声波探伤去检测轧辊。 +"Take El Valle, a hillside slum on the edge of Caracas, for example.",以埃尔巴耶为例,这是加拉加斯郊区一个位于半山腰上的贫民窟。 +But many experts say there is still more to learn about the most effective ways to identify and recognize excellent teachers.,但是许多专家表示,仍要继续研究最有效的方法来定义和认识优秀教师。 +"In short, you can mediate just about any type of destination in the service integration bus.",简而言之,您可以调解在服务集成中的关于任意类型的目标文件。 +The identical pipeline structure lets compiler optimizations targeted for POWER4 to work equally well on POWER5 processor-based systems.,相同的管道结构使得为 POWER4 所生成的处理器代码可以同样好地应用于基于 POWER5 处理器的系统。 +There were localized pleural thickening adhesion and strip-like low density lesion between mass and thickened chest wall.,局限性胸膜肥厚粘连,无胸水及钙化征象,肿块与增厚的胸壁之间有条状低密度影。 +Oink: Try the aptly-named Oink to reduce the memory usage of your Rails application.,Oink:尝试恰当命名的 Oink 以减少 Rails 应用程序的内存使用。 +"Although the move was intended to protect Russia's own food supplies, it was widely condemned for contributing to this year's run-up in wheat prices.",尽管这项举措本来是为了保护俄罗斯自己的食品供应,但却遭到国际社会的普遍谴责,认为这项禁令是造成今年小麦价格猛增的一个原因。 +"Half of all people cannot smell it, about 15 percent find it woody or floral, and the rest think it smells like stale urine.",一半的人讨厌这种味道,15%的人认为它的味道类似于木头或花,其余的人觉得它闻起来像放久的尿。 +This technology allows scientists to correlate changes in blood flow in specific brain areas to particular behaviors or mental operations.,这项技术让科学家把特定大脑区域的血液流向同特定的行为或心理活动联系到一起。 +He is very unhappy because the nurse used a sphygmomanometer to test his blood pressure.,护士用血压计给他测血压,他很不高兴。 +figure out what you are very good at doing--delegate or outsource the rest.,下确定的评论最擅长干的是什么――将其他事委派或中包给外作。 +I have taken classes and enjoyed them very much. It is often hard for me to slow up and this gentle and slow discipline really helps. Terri Jo Lorz.,我上了课,而且觉得很好。对我这种经常很难慢下来的人而言,这种温和、缓慢的课程确实有帮助。 +"Shortly afterwards a bird catcher came and stood under the tree, and laid his lime-twigs for the Dove, which sat in the branches.",不久之后一个捕鸟人来到树下,向坐在树枝间的鸽子张开了罗网。 +The bank records its fee and passes on the purchase information to the credit card company.,当零售商开始交易时,门店时点销售系统将记录销售额并将其信息传递给门店的开户银行,银行记录交易产生的费用,并将购买信息传输给信用卡公司。 +We will also consider whether mankind has the power and the will to effect the changes needed to make the earth a safer home for future generations.,我们也会探讨一下,到底人类有没有意愿和能力,力 挽狂澜,令下一代可以在地球上安 稳地生活下去。 +"For now, the find solves the mystery of dark streaks that appear and disappear seasonally, called recurring slope lineae.",目前,这一发现解释了为什么火星表面总会季节性出现或消失深色线纹,这种线段的学名叫做“季节性斜坡纹线”。 +"As port and city influence and restrict mutually, modern port city need to construct a harmonious port-city relationship and promote an integral construction.",港城关系是相互影响、相互制约的,建设和谐的港城关系、促进港城一体化建设是现代化港口城市发展的内在要求。 +"If you think vegetables taste bland, that's probably because you're eating them out of season. It's springtime, and that means the following veggies are in peak season, overflowing with flavor.",如果你觉得蔬菜总是淡而无味,那很可能是因为你总是吃不合时令的蔬菜。 +"Sightings of the rust-colored bugs, about the size of an apple seed, have surged in New York and around the nation in recent years.",这种铁锈色,苹果核大小的虫子近几年横扫纽约乃至整个美国。 +Conclusion The anterior cingulated cortex may participate in the pathophysiology of psychogenic ED.,结论前扣带回参与了心理性ED的病理生理过程; +"During the same period, non-motor rates have continued to dive significantly, with yearly rate reductions of 5-20%, depending on the line of business.",在这期间,非车险的费率持续大幅走低,根据险种的不同,每年的降费幅度达5-20%不等。 +"However, there are a few circumstances where one could defend bidirectional mapping, like for very simple CRUD applications.",然而,在某些特定环境中,有人可能会为双向映射辩解,比如:非常简单的CRUD应用程序。 +"Our white skin, our fierce eyes?",我们的皮肤苍白,眼神残忍? +Objective:To observe and research the influence of the medicinal plaster for defending and moistening on Jimpy mice earflap microcirculation and rabbit mesenterium microcirculation.,前言: 目的:研究观察润燥护鼻乳膏对小鼠耳廓和家兔肠系膜微循环的影响。 +Tom's increase in importance did not lead him to do bombastic speeches at the party.,汤姆的荣升并未导致他在聚会上夸夸其谈。 +"These include Einsteinium (Es), named after Albert Einstein;",比如鑀(以爱因斯坦命名)、铹(以E。 +Transport geography on the web is a project developed by a group of transport geographers to promote access to transport geography information.,运输地理学网站是一个运输地理学者们为促进运输地理学信息的广泛传播而成立的工程。 +Sewage sludge composting and land application is the most economical way to treat and dispose the sewage sludge among the three techniques.,随着经济实力与技术水平提高,焚烧法可以适用于个别特殊地点。 +"They quickly spread throughout the Arab world and became successful places where chess was played, gossip was exchanged, and singing, dancing and music were enjoyed.",随后,咖啡馆迅速遍布阿拉伯地区,顾客盈门。 它成了人们下棋、闲聊、欣赏歌舞和音乐的地方。 +"He says reporting on the mailed form and through follow-up enumerators often mislabeled the gender of spouses, which skewed the numbers.",他还说,邮寄的表格和普查员经常弄错配偶的性别,这使得数字有偏差。 +"A global business means global travel -- not just exhausting business trips across time zones, but having to relocate for work.",全球商业意味着全球旅行----不仅是令人衰竭的跨时区的商业旅行,也有对工作的重新定位。 +You and I could colloquize to great advantage.,你我可会谈一下,大有益处。 +We all stooped down to pick them when a handful of cheese threw out.,一把奶酪撒出来,一片群众整齐的弯身捡拾。 +"Yellow peril gets widest propaganda in American naturalism literature, which is in line with social Darwinism prevalent at that time;",黄祸论滥觞于美国自然主义文学之中,与当时流行的社会达尔文主义同出一源; +Superfast recovery rectifier. Max recurrent peak reverse voltage 300V. Max average forward rectified current 8.0 A.,超快恢复整流。最大峰值反向电压为300V复发。最大平均正向整流电流8.0答。 +"""Deep love""is the inside story that Pan Yue creates, and is his most outstanding artistic characteristic too.",“情深”是潘岳创作的底里,也是作品 最突出的艺术特征。 +"Therefore, it is possible to sequester CO2 in this biogas field and produce methane at the same time.",所以,在生物气田利用产甲烷菌进行CO2地质固定并且产生新的���烷具有可能性。 +"Abstr: To explore the integration mode of early diagnosis and treatment for colorectal cancer in Haining, and provide reference for the prevention and control of cancer.",文章摘要: 探索海宁市结直肠癌早诊早治筛查一体化模式,为癌症防控工作提供参考依据。 +Texas constitutes one-twelfth of the continental landmass of the United States.,德克萨斯州占美国大陆面积的十二分之一。 +The grouting pressure formed by cement type suspensoid is greater than that by high molecular chemical slurry.,水泥类悬浊液浆液形成的灌浆压力大于高分子化学浆液形成的灌浆压力; +"People are not satisfied with toom h, is vanity.",人之所以不知足,就是有着太多的虚荣心。 +"Urban gas supply, water supply, sewage, garden afforestation, environment protection.",城市煤气,供水排水,园林绿化,环境保护。 +"Within the rich world, the growing transatlantic growth divide has helped buoy the dollar versus the euro: it is up by more than 5% from its lows in November.",富裕国家之间,大西洋两岸国家之间的发展分化有助于美元兑欧元的升值:汇率从11月份的低值上升了5%以上。 +"The pan-European FTSEurofirst 300 .FTEU3 index of top shares ended 0.4 percent lower at 1,140.23 points.","泛欧绩优股指标FTSEurofirst 300指数 .FTEU3收低0.4%,报1,140.23点." +It is found that political power has dominated the process of media discourse production;,分析发现,政治权力是《人民日报》农民工话语生产的强势主导力量; +"This is a good thing and, though you can do all this by yourself if you are an experienced programmer, it might be a good idea for beginners to anticipate the idea of the game components in XNA.",这是好东西,并且即使你是一个老道的程序员可以自己完成这些工作,这对初学者来说仍然是一个好的想法,在XNA中去预测游戏的思路。 +"Indicators of mensuration include: The flower diameter, evaporation, water quantity, water balance, the rate of fresh weight change in the storage period of Dianthus Caryophyllus.",测定的指标包括:香石竹贮藏期间的花径、蒸发量、吸水量、水分平衡以及鲜重变化率等。 +"According to the optimum seeking method, and linking up the port base project to be decide com, Application of the math theory to engineering practice is indicated in this paper.",根据系统工程数学方法,建立适用于软土地基方案选择的模型,并结合某港口工程的软土地基处理方案的实例,说明系统工程理论的应用。 +CONCLUSIONS:The established method is suitable for the determination of tinidazole and phenol red in rat small intestine fluid.,结论:所建立的方法适用大鼠小肠液中替硝唑和酚红的测定。 +I gave him a gold watch in appreciation of his dedication to the company.,我给了他一只金表,以感念他对公司的贡献。 +Application of analgesics is limited by its addiction and side effects.,镇痛剂由于本身的成瘾性及毒副反应,在一定程度上限制了使用。 +"The personal details page moves from the rear of the passport to the second page, and will remain laminated, but with a new transparent coating that contains a number of holograms.",个人信息页从护照的后面移到了第二页,并将保持层压,但是带有一层新的透明涂层,涂层包含有一定数量的全息图。 +"This thesis discussed Dynamic Balancing Hot-Press Machine acceptance criteria related process quality, precision design and error compensation, to ensure that products meet quality requirements.",本课题围绕动平衡热压专机验收标准来对机床工序质量、精度设计和误差补偿进行研究,确保产品质量满足要求。 +"And the Aristotelian view held for a long time, but eventually it started to crumble in the light of more data.","而亚里士多德的观点在很长时间里得到了认同,但最终还是崩溃了,在越来越多的数据面前。" +"Touchable panels are one of the most basic user interaction devices for embedded devices -- keypads, sensors, and roller wheels also are included in many different devices for various purposes.",可触摸板是用于嵌入式设备的最基本的用户交互设备之一 ― 小键盘、传感器和滚动轮也包含在许多不同设备中以用于不同的用途。 +Lonagyatai has a long history.,琅玡台有着悠久的历史。 +"In Sierra Leone, 1, 033 women die for every 100, 000 live births, one of the world's highest ratesof maternal mortality.",在萨拉利昂,平均每出生10万个新生儿,便有1033位母亲因之死去----这个星球上最高的产妇死亡率。 +"The primary concern was that a worldwide recession might just be inevitable, despite a coordinated bank rescue plan being discussed in places like Brussels, where European leaders are meeting.",人们最主要的担心是一场世界性的经济衰退可能是不可避免的,尽管欧盟领导人正在布鲁塞尔等地开会,协调银行的救援计划。 +Method Animal models of tolerance and dependence to flurazepam were established.,方法建立大鼠对氟西泮抗痫耐受性和依赖性的模型。 +"I kill'd a sea fowl or two, something like a brand goose, and brought them home, but was not very forward to eat them; so I ate some more of the turtle's eggs, which were very good.",打死了一两只像黑雁那样的海鸟带回家,可又不想吃鸟肉,就又煮了几个鳖蛋吃,味道挺不错。 +"If it's a squeeze to slip the cardboard inside, fold it a bit. Don't worry, it will flatten out and will still be supportive.",如果放入时有点紧可以将它稍微折弯一点,放心它还会展开的,不会影响支持效果。 +In terms of literary creation everyone has experienced directly or indirectly drawing on masters of present or past times.,在创作世界里,谁都经过吸收他人所长、间接或直接师事时人与前贤的阶段。 +"Join a walking club in your community or online, try exercises like yoga and biking, and do exercises that will help you keep muscle tone and balance well into your senior years.",在你的社区或者网上参加一个步行俱乐部,尝试练瑜伽和自行车并且练习,这会帮助你的肌肉很好的保持张力和平衡,直到你晚年。 +"Connected with the high-frequency horn driver is a smooth and wide frequency response 1 ""Hou tube (1.75"" voice coil diaphragm) neodymium magnet compression driver high frequency precision.",与号角连接的高频驱动单元是一个频响平滑宽广的1“侯管(1.75”音圈振膜)的钕磁钢精密高频压缩驱动器。 +The effective refractive index can be defined by using the complex transmission coefficient.,利用通过一维光子晶体复透射系数可定义光子晶体的等效折射率。 +"He went out and came back with a small, sandy-haired man wearing a shabby, brown dressing-gown.",他走出去,一会和一个矮小的、头发有些黄中带红、穿着一件旧的褐色睡袍的人回来。 +Blanchard:French aeronaut who was the first to cross the English Channel by balloon (1785). He invented and demonstrated a parachute the same year.,布朗夏尔:法国气球驾驶员,是第一个 乘气球 飞越英吉利海峡的人(1785年)。 +"Those who suffered vivisection, including women made pregnant by the doctors, were called “lumber”.",那些被活体解剖的人甚至包括孕妇。 这些人被叫做“原木”,这表示他们并未被当做人来对待。 +"You don't need to bring bedding with you, you can rent this from UWIC for a small charge for the year, the package will include a pillow, duvet , sheets, duvet and pillow covers.",学生不需要自带床上用品,他们可以从学校租借床上用品,其中包括:枕头,羽绒被,被单,和枕套。 +Donald and I both had the advantage of having rich dads who introduced us to the world of money.,Donald和我共有的优势就是有个富爸爸,把我们领进财富的世界。 +"A small number of patients because of sexual relations for a long period of confusion, leading to repeated infection.",少数病人因为性关系长期混乱,导致反复感染。 +"According to the experimental and calculation results, the enthalpies of formation of the ions and some bond energies have been evaluated.",结合实验和理论计算结果,估算了离子的标准生成焓和键解离能。 +"If there is an afterlife, I must turn into men, to marry a woman like me.",果如有来世,我一定要转成男人,来娶我这样的女人。 +"In accordance with the related regulations, the holidays holiday all citizens, if confronted Saturday, Sunday, shall BuJia during working days.",根据有关规定,全体公民放假的假日,如果适逢星期六、星期日,应当在工作日补假。 +The cruelty of war make us pay more attention to life dignity value and have the international humanitarianism law developed.,战争的残酷性使得人们更为关注生命尊严的价值,国际人道主义法亦随之得以发展。 +In order to feed billions of people on Earth today –and the billions more expected by 2050 –we need a second Green Revolution. That’s according to Dr.,目前全球有数十亿人口,预计到2050年还会增加几十亿,为了满足如此巨大的粮食需求,我们必须发起第二次“绿色革命”。 +"Assists in menu planning as directed, and utilises sales analysis and menu engineering techniques accordingly.",协助使用销售分析和菜单设计技巧,协助菜单设计。 +"A number of other items in TRaX are important, but they are not as commonly used as those shown here, and there isn't room here to list them all.",TRaX 中还有一些其它有用的功能,但是它们不象此处所示的功能那样常用,而且,本文也没有足够篇幅将它们全部列出。 +Other data sources may have APIs that are nonstandard and/or proprietary.,还有一些的数据源也可能有自己的一些特有的API或者是一些非标准的API。 +"Why not one kind of cable, or just a couple?",为什么不能只用一种或两种线缆? +Some say send the pet to initiate the pull and the fight. Some contend that it's best if the Hunter initiate the fight with a sting or concussive shot.,有些说让宠物去直接开怪,有些主张猎人用钉刺或者震荡射击开怪更好。 +"With the ups and downs of the police in the hands of a sledgehammer, a gaming machines have been turned into debris.",随着民警手中大锤的起落,一台台赌博机相继化为碎屑。 +"That was my first taste at acting, but at the time I didn't realize that's what I was doing.",那是我的表演上的处女秀,但当时我没意识到我就是在表演。 +"This means that if yacc would have to read two tokens before it knew which action to take, it would be unable to parse this grammar.",这就意味着,如果 yacc 在知道采取哪个动作之前,必须读取两个标记,那么它将无法解析该语法。 +"My father is a product manages in C. M. PIPE FITTING MFG. CO. , LTD.",家父在崇德管件五金有限公司担任生产部经理一职。 +"Averaged over 20 years, methane traps around 72 times more heat than CO2.",按20年的平均数字,甲烷产生的热量比二氧化碳多72倍。 +"France, which holds the rotating presidency of the European Union, called a meeting of EU heads of government on August 25,2008 to discuss the Georgian crisis.",2008年8月25日,欧盟轮值主席国法国召集欧盟各国首脑会晤,就格鲁吉亚危机展开讨论。 +"If it's going to be kept indoors, then you've got to get two.",如果想把喵关在室内,那就必须养两只。 。 +It was the first human case reported in that country in nearly a year.,这是越南近一年来报告的首例人感染禽流感病例。 +"A 196-carat rough white stone (see photo) was found by Gem Diamonds at the company's mine in Lesotho, a small kingdom in South Africa, the Daily Mail of London reported.",据英国《每日邮报》报道,伦敦钻石公司Gem Diamonds在南非小王国莱索托的钻矿,新发现一粒196克拉的白钻原石(见图)。 +"Cross-dressing shows only individuals' aesthetic preferences, they say, and it is normal for an open society to have cross-dressers.",支持者说:变装只是反映出个人的审美嗜好,一个开放的社会中有变装者存在,是很正常的。 +Objective The level of ACA was tested in cases with repeating abortion and dead embryo and in later pregnancy to explore their relationship on antibody.,目的探讨反复流产、宫内死胎、孕中、晚期孕妇与抗磷脂自身抗体的关系。 +"Embedded contingent capital provides a means to address many of the problems related to moral hazard and market discipline, with less complexity.",内嵌或有资本金为解决与道德风险及市场自律相关的许多问题提供了一种方法,且复杂性也大大降低。 +"However, here, I want to say a light digression.",我还想说一点题外话可以吗。 +"Falling within the Detroit metropolitan area, Pontiac is a former manufacturing city whose the economic base eroded along with the decline of the U.S. auto industry.",随着底特律大城市的下跌,Pontiac是一个老牌工业城市,经济基础已经长时间侵蚀。 +"I'm talking about the muscles of your character, the ones I call your bounce-back muscles.",这是人格的力量,也就是我所说的“性格自愈力”。 +"Second, make up the index system and size-up measure and size up the Forest ecology environment value of periphery mountainous land of Guanzhong further by the way of combined quantity and quality.",其次,在森林价值理论研究的基础上,构建了森林价值研究的指标体系以及估算方法,并以关中周边山地为对象,运用定量与定性相结合的方法,对关中周边山地森林生态环境价值进行了价值估算。 +Do you take my meaning?,你明白我的意思了吗? +"All the research show that XAN-ND is a new, effective and fast-effective preparation and it has good effect in protection and treatment of unstable angina.",表明心安宁滴鼻剂对不稳定性心绞痛具有良好的防治作用,是一新的有效的中药速效制剂。 +where its permit for Chinese-foreign cooperation in running the school is revoked; or,被吊销中外合作办学许可证的; +"Then, after comparison of three popular file transfer mode, NMFS(Net Meeting Files Share)system is designed. Files share in NMFS refers the control of limits of authority in file share algorithm.",本文在研究网络会议各种组织形式的基础上,对比分析了当前流行的文件传输模式,设计了适用于网络会议的NMFS文件共享传输系统。 +"If the number is larger than 0, the file name will not exceed the given number of lines.",如果所给的整数值大于 0,则档案名称的长度将不会超过该整数值的列数。 +"In order to overcome such a problem, we propose and implement a new algorithm.",在小波零树编码算法的基础上给出了一种采用变扫描的图像压缩��法。 +Denise : What's he doing with Amanda?,狄妮丝︰他跟阿曼达在一起干嘛? +Grams of fat and calories?,脂肪和卡路里 +"And when the merchants saw him coming, they began to whisper to each other, and one of them came forth to meet him, and called him by name, and said to him, `What hast thou to sell?",商人们看到他走来,都交头接耳、窃窃私语起来,其中一个走上前来迎他,喊着他的名字问他说:“你有什么要卖的吗?” +"""You will not find any discussion about this in the Pakistani discourse, "" says Abbas.",在巴基斯坦的论述中你不会看到什么这方面的讨论。 +"Asian Development Bank released that the population of middle class in China topped 0.8 billion, heading the list of Asian countries.",亚洲开发银行发布报告称,中国的中产阶层人数超8亿,在所有亚洲国家中居首位。 +Walk east to find lodgings.,往东走找个住处。 +Thank you for your support. This couse is just full.,谢谢支持,是期观鸟班已额满。 +"The national geomorphical interpretation with 1:1000000 remote sensing images is an enormous project, in which the digitalization of the terrestrial geomorphology is the new and key task.",采用卫星遥感图像解译编制全国1:100万地貌图是一项复杂的科学工程,其中陆地数字地貌遥感解译又是新的重要工作。 +Emma kept ③looking over her shoulder nervously as if she didn't wanted to be recognized.,一位目击者告诉《镜报》说:“艾玛不住紧张地③回头看, 好像不想被认出来的样子。” +BFGF has clear away effect and a definite anti-mutagenicity.,且清除效应提示显示出一定的抗诱变性。 +Where was my next red ball?,我的下一枚红球在哪里? +Of or relating to or connected with spiritualism .,唯心论的,涉及唯心论的,或和唯心论有关的。 +"Constant Speed, a ballet inspired by the theory of relativity, is being performed onstage in London.",“恒速”,一幕灵感来自相对论的芭蕾舞剧,正在伦敦登台表演。 +Researches indicate that only the elastic scale model could simulate aircraft's vibration in high speed tunnel accurately.,研究表明,只有弹性比例模型才能准确地模拟高速风洞中飞机的振颤特性。 +"FOR c It's going to say FOR c, which was my name for the character in that string.","那么循环要去做什么呢?循环要去说,也就是字符串中字符的名字。" +She and her husband John de Menil came to Houston after WWII and her father put her husband in charge of Schlumberger's overseas operations.,梅尼勒夫人是斯伦贝谢石油服务公司创办人的女儿。第二次世界大战后她和她丈夫来美国休士顿管理斯伦贝谢海外业务。 +"Although they are highly potent and specific in their physiological function, most of them are usually not therapeutically active by oral administration.",肽类药物虽然具有生理功能上的高效性和专一性,但如果采用口服给药,它们大多数没有治疗活性; +"In 2004, Yuanyang successfully developed the stepless speed regulation limitation device for soft startup, which has acquired many national invention patents.",2004年公司研制的“机电液混合式软启动无级调速装置”获多项发明专利。 +Objective To determine the use of the posterior compact cotrel-dubousset (CCD) system in the treatment of cranio-cervical junction (CCJ) diseases.,目的探讨后路CCD系统在颅颈交界区疾病治疗中的应用。 +"Bobby and her friends started a dolphin zuma adventure, travel to submarine to rescue her mom- -shai lai the queen of the kingdom.",芭比和她的朋友开始海豚祖玛冒险,旅游潜艇救援她的妈妈——毛茶赖王国的女王。 +"Xin an rationalism is an important branch of Zhuxi's Philosophy, to spread in Huizhou (named Xin an far back in history) for the most part.",新安理学是朱子学的重要分支之一,主要由徽州籍理学家为主干组成。 +"""It's a little hard to go back on a TV show that has 'mechanical difficulties' every time you're supposed to speak, "" says Council on Foreign Relations Russia analyst Stephen Sestanovich.",俄罗斯外交关系理事会分析师Stephen Sestanovich说道:“回到电视节目上有点小小的困难,每当人们认为你要说话的时候,就会有点机械性的困难。” +"In Chapter 2, we discuss the initial boundary problem of a porous equation in half space.",第二章,我们讨论半空间上的渗流方程组的初边值问题。 +"Collected here are photographs of the Hajj in Mecca, Saudi Arabia, as well as images of preparations for the Hajj and Eid al-Adha in many other parts of the Muslim world.",这里收集了一些前来沙特阿拉伯的麦加朝圣的一些图片,以及一些来自穆斯林世界其他大部分地区的人们为麦加朝圣和宰牲节做准备的图片。 +So it made the folding carton be the easiest process and convenient for the operation on folding box gluer.,从而保证纸盒在自动糊盒机上��型过程最简单且方便糊盒机自动操作。 +The guaranteed cost control problem for NCS was translated to a robust guaranteed cost control problem for an uncertainty discrete system with time delay based on the above model.,在此模型的基础上,将网络控制系统的保性能控制问题转化为研究时滞的不确定离散系统的鲁棒保性能控制问题。 +Who is that man ? yellow man ? russian.,这次那臭小子是谁啊?黄种人?俄国人。 +"On October 24, 2009, Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao met respectively with New Zealand's Prime Minister John Key and Myanmar's Prime Minister Thein Sein in Hua Hin, Thailand.",2009年10月24日,国务院总理温家宝在泰国华欣分别会见了新西兰总理约翰·基和缅甸总理登盛。 +"An important aspect of production of fibre-reinforced composites is the emission of gases, both during raw material production and in the building phase.",纤维增强复合材料生产的一个重要方面是它在原材料生产中以及建造阶段有较少的气体排放。 +"Some experts have noted that the most coveted goods, such as mobile phones and flat-screen TVs, are more easily portable than looted goods were in past riots.",有专家指出,劫掠者最青睐的是手机和平板电视等商品,这些东西比过去暴乱中被劫的物品更容易携带。 +"Researchers picked Somerville, a city of 77,500, because it has a large population of minority children in low-income families.",研究者选定了萨默维尔,拥有77500人的一座城市,因为这里的低收入家庭中有大量的未成年儿童。 +"Las Vegas bills itself as ""the wedding capital of the world, "" but late-night revelers who decide they want to tie the knot now must wait until morning.",拉斯维加斯素有“世界结婚之城”的雅称,但如今想在夜里结婚的午夜狂欢者们恐怕得等到第二天早上了。 +"Of course, I also prepared my own pumpkin and invited my friend Liu ( How Liu&I got to know each other) to come with me, with the hope that our team would win the pumpkin carving competition.",当然,我也提前准备好了自己的南瓜,还专门邀请了小刘同学来当我的队友( 我和小刘同学是怎么相识的),希望到时一起刻出的南瓜灯可以获胜。 +The analytical method has been established for the determination of residual carbendazim in the concentrated apple juice by reversed phase high performance liquid chromatography.,建立了测定浓缩苹果汁中多菌灵残留量的高效液相色谱法。 +"JetBlue says that JetBlue.com, is its lowest-cost channel, and accounted for about 77% of its sales in 2008.",捷蓝航空表示,其网站JetBlue.com是成本最低的分销渠道,占了2008年销售额的77%。 +Conclusion The mutation of S850N maybe one cause of clinical phenotype of the family with piebaldism.,结论S850N可能是引起该家系临床表型的原因。 +"""My eyes well with tears at the thought of the work they are doing, "" Kazuya Aoki, a safety official at Japan's Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency, told Reuters.",“一想到他们正在做的工作,我的眼睛就充满泪水” Kazuya Aoki,一位日本核电和工业安全机构的安全官员告诉路透社记者。 +"For all that says the word, the woman that dotes on with oneself gets married, be opposite namely for the man, remain a worth while and excited issue.",话虽然如此说,跟自己钟爱的女人结婚,就是对男人来说,仍然是一件值得激动的事情。 +The formula of stress wave function at wave source is derived based on the impact dynamics and wave spread theory. The decay model of the stress wave spread is determined.,运用冲击动力学理论和应力波传播理论,推导出波源处的应力波波形函数,确定了应力波传播的衰减方式。 +"The input of the TOP-HAT transformation is the square value of the magnitude of the detected voltage, which ensures the sensitive of the method.",该方法将被检测电压幅值的平方值作为TOP-HAT变换的输入,因而具有较高的检测灵敏性。 +THE MAKING OF A NATION answers questions about American history.,“建国史话”回答了许多关于美国历史的问题。 +Than unswept stone besmear'd with sluttish time.,胜过被邋遢时光涂脏的石板。 +"Major production ""gull card"" series of sub-head rotary table , such as machine tools and accessories.",主要生产“海鸥牌”系列分度头和回转工作台等机床附件产品。 +Maybe they couldn't find you a bandage?,也许他们会找不到创口贴给你? +"But those who have survived may be in a stronger position34 now. They have better land rights, medical services, education and political representation35.",但是幸存下来的那些部族,地位可能比过去稳固,现在他们享有较优越的土地权、医疗服务、教育和参政权。 +"To despise cheating ShangHeng act, if think didi know she turns out to be the most important proposal according to the draft to read the dialogue, will be very sad.",地特不屑尚恒的欺骗所为,认为迪迪若知道她最重视的求婚竟是照稿读的对白,一定会很伤心。 +"It is too difficult to simulate the connections between multiple neurons in silicon, Markram said.",马克莱姆说,在硅芯片上模拟多个神经元之间的连结实在是太难了。 +"Still have in cafe plum boudoir honey opens Xuan, randy crazy male large kitchen quite melon, plain day of division of coffee of little fresh pork is entered.",咖啡馆中还有李啦的闺蜜启萱,好色痴男大厨颇瓜,小鲜肉咖啡师朴日进。 +"When it comes to building your business, there are 4 words that should be echoing in your mind throughout the day; they are Do it Fucking Now.",谈到拓展业务,你的心里应该时刻回响这几个字,就是‘该死的现在就动手吧。’ +"Thero, under the background of the development of an electronic commerce system, the modeling process of electronic commerce system and key techniques based on UML are described in detail.",对UML的建模原理作了系统的介绍,然后以电子商务系统的开发为背景,详细的阐述了基于UML的电子商务系统建模过程和关键技术。 +"At this point in time, since there are still those who can recite the mantra from memory, those malevolent beings haven't made their appearance yet.",现在因为有人会念〈楞严咒〉,妖魔鬼怪就不敢公然出现于世。 +"Histone acetylation and de-acetylation can change the structure of chromatin, involving in gene expression regulation and nuclear reprogramming.",组蛋白乙酰化和去乙酰化可以改变染色质的结构,参与基因的表达调控和重编程。 +This level is great for teaching how to count money.,这一等级对于训练如何数钱大有帮助。 +"What this grim, ungainly, gaunt, and ominous bird of yore.",这只狰狞丑陋可怕不吉不祥的古鸟何出此言。 +"After Qing Dynasty unified Xinjiang, military control was long carried out.",清朝统一新疆之后,在当地长期实行军府管理制。 +"If you don't, this will be like trying to cut down a redwood tree with a herring (your skills being the herring).",如果您不知道怎样做,那么这就像是企图用鲱鱼来砍倒红杉树(而您的技能就是那条鲱鱼)。 +Can I power-down the network but keep SG pkgs up?,如何能够在保持SG 套装软件运行的同时关闭网络电源?。 +"Photo and caption by Fred Wang This photo was taken in Zhenyuan, Guizhou Province, China this summer.",今年夏季我在中国贵州省的镇远县拍摄了这张照片。 +"Spake is in demand for charity functions, has written a hook to go with the series, and is now on leave from Aeroflot, working for the BBC on ideas for new shows.",人们要求斯佩克参与慈善事业,他还写了一本与系列片相配套的书。目前他向俄罗斯航空公司请了假,为英国广播公司计划拍摄的新节目工作。 +But a small observation led Prof. Assia to think about a method that could make the procedure accessible to eye surgeons without the long and involved training.,但一项小型的调查使Assia教授想起一种方法可以使该手术被每位眼科医生所掌握,而不需要长期的相关训练。 +"By the end of the middle century, our country will achieve the level of middle developed-country and complete the course of modernization.",到本世纪中叶,我国要达到中等发达国家水平,并且基本实现现代化。 +"For thosewith negative smears, dapsone and rifampin for one year is the standard of carein the United States.",如果是阴性,服用氨苯砜与利福平1年是标准疗法。 +"In era of knowledge-driven economy, people can be very convenient to obtain all kinds of information. But information overload, rubbish of information and haze of information appear out one by one.",知识经济时代,人们可以很方便的获取各类信息,然而信息超载、信息垃圾、信息霾害、信息焦虑等等问题一一呈现出来。 +"There are mountains, c. stone, stone wind, small stone forest, stone turtle baby back, and so the natural landscape;",山上有龙角石、风动石、小石林、石龟驮崽等自然景观; +"Having established itself, at great expense, as the financier of last resort, the government will no longer blithely accept banks' assurances that they are safe, Mr. Garten said.",已经不惜重金使自己成为最后贷款人的联邦政府再也不会愉悦地接受各家银行的保证(它们是安全的),加滕教授说。 +I want to use the slide.,我想要玩溜滑梯。 +Please pass me a cube of sugar.,请递给我一块方糖。 +"In this paper, the basic principle of the horizontal platform using ESG is shown, and the errors when the platform was used for the measurement of gravity are discussed in detail.",本文介绍了静电陀螺水平平合的工作原理;对于海洋重力测量进行了较详细的误差分杆; +When does our college have spring vacation this year?,我们学校今年什么时候放春假? +The system consists of remote video surveillance monitoring center and background control center which conducts data transmission between remote port and background platform through 3G network.,该系统由远端视频监控和后台监控中心两大部分组成,通过3G网络进行远端与后台间的数据传输。 +"As this country lumbers into the Year of the Ox, a frisson of anxiety is rippling through a generation of Chinese who had grown up thinking that economic prosperity was guaranteed them.",随着中国慢慢步入牛年,在那些支撑着中国经济发展的关键性群体中,焦虑的情绪逐渐蔓延开来。 +Liu Tao: He's an English boy.,刘涛:他是一个英国男孩。 +"Finally, one practical bridge, the Puhe River Shangxiao Bridge in Shenyang, is investigated when under single truck travelling along its span.",最后结合工程实例,分析了沈阳蒲河尚小桥在几种单车影响因素作用下的车桥耦合振动响应。 +"A condor caught the little kangaroo. 4, Son shot at the condor.",一只秃鹫过来抓住了小袋鼠。 儿子向秃鹫射去。 +"The great art of giving consists in this: the gift should cost very little and yet be greatly coveted, so that it may be the more highly appreciated.",给予的伟大艺术涵盖这:礼物价廉但却令人大大的欣羡,因此它可以被更高度的欣赏。 +"I can only say, wow!",我只想说:哇噻! +I have to be able to distinguish between all the signs I use in any communicative sequence.,"我们能清楚辨明所有符合,特别是在我们和彼此交流的时候。" +Families light a candle for each day of the Kwanzaa holiday.,宽扎节的每一天里,各个傢庭都要点燃一只蜡烛。 +"NET in this chapter, you'll be ready to explore the timesaving shortcuts of the data binding model in Chapter 16 and Chapter 17.",NET基础在,您将准备探索第16章和17章里的节约时间快捷的数据绑定模型。 +Diseases of the soul are more dangerous than those of the body. M. T Cicero. Ancient Roman orator and statesman.,心灵上的疾病比身体上的疾病更危险。——古罗马演说家、政治家西塞罗.M.T。 +"Fruitarian eating is the lightest of all diets and gives us our ""lightest"" body, and we become most sensitive on fruit.",食用水果是所有日常食物中最易消化的。 常吃水果让我们拥有轻盈的身躯,并对我们的情绪有很大影响。 +"I’m clear that in every area of my life I want to experience: communion, affluence, sexiness and creative freedom .",我本身就非常清楚对于生活的方方面面,我究竟要得到些什么,他们分别是: 交流,富足,性感还有个性的自由。 +"Mulan with grandfather and father came home, she know lu mothers death, grief.",木兰带着爷爷和父亲回家,这时她知道吕母去世的消息,悲痛欲绝。 +"They illustrate what to prioritize, and how to clarify your vision by comparing the relative worth and value of each activity.",它们举例说明了怎样区分优先次序,怎样通过比较每个事件的相对价值来弄清事实。 +"Minority peoples in Sichuan live mainly in Ganzi Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, Aba Tibetan and Qiang Autonomous Prefecture and Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture.",四川省的少数民族主要分布在甘孜藏族自治州、阿坝藏族羌族自治州和凉山彝族自治州。 +He also called on the West Darfur no-fly zone to establish a Libyan-style.,他呼吁西方在达尔富尔也建立一个利比亚式的禁飞区。 +The balloons are like shiny ornaments of the celestials. The whole sky is gemmed with iridescent balloon-nacreous.,绚丽的气球像色彩斑斓的宝石镶嵌在天宇之上,每一颗都记述着一个迷人的故事。 +"Beam me up. There's no intelligent life down here, said the Spacemen in their spiffy suits.",骄傲的宇航员认为这�根本就没有智慧生物,让我们来证明他们是错误的吧! +It is poorly done and it is hard to move the cat.,这游戏制作贼差,连猫都移动不了。 +"In the void or dissolved marriage, the property of the two parties acquired during the cohabitation, can get their own part.",被宣告为无效或被撤消的婚姻,当事人同居期间所得的财产如有证据,可以“各归各”。 +They bought a new minibus with the proceeds from the auction.,他们用拍卖得来的钱买了一辆新面包车。 +"On June 16, United announced that the owner of the Empire State Building awarded it a contract to refurbish and modernize the New York icon's 68 elevators.",6月16日,联合公司宣布帝国大厦业主与其签署了合同,去整修和现代化纽约象征的68部电梯。 +The data capture framework can also be used to develop intelligent rules for processing and forwarding the raw sensor data.,数据捕捉框架可用于为处理和转发原始传感器数据开发智能规则。 +"The ""Chinese Bridge"" competition is now a huge success. Launched in 2002, a hundred thousand students from more than seventy countries have competed.",诞生于2002年的“汉语桥”世界大学生中文比赛至今已经吸引了来自全世界70多个国家的上万名学生参赛,极大推动了中文普及并掀起了一股学习汉语的热潮。 +"The radiance of sunrise, like a strip of voluptuous red gauze headscarf, floated and drifted in indistinct outer space.",日出的光芒,像一条艳丽的红纱巾,在苍茫的宇宙间轻轻浮动。 +Centers of holes & slots in left side frame to be in line with the center and slots of the right side frame within . 015.,左侧框架孔和槽的中心必须和右侧框架孔和槽的中心成直线,误差不超过0.15。 +The cold and dampness of winter.,冬日的寒冷与潮湿。 +"Due to the few alloy addition and its low cost, this low-alloy wear-resistant steel has obvious economic and social benefit.",这种低合金耐磨钢的合金加入量较少,成本低廉,具有明显的经济与社会效益。 +"In addition, new brominated and chlorinated flame retardants are replacing the old ones, and their potential human effects are unknown.",另外,新的溴化阻燃剂和绿色阻燃剂正取代旧的阻燃剂,这些新的阻燃剂对人类的潜在影响还是未知数。 +The new models come with the Zune Pad which resembles the mouse-button and touchpad of the notebook.,新型号配备了Zune垫这类似于鼠标按钮和触摸屏的笔记本电脑。 +"Last year, the company bought a controlling stake in New Zealand's Synlait Milk.","去年,该公司获得新西兰Synlait Milk控股权." +"So I let down my guard, drop my defenses, down by my clothes.",我卸下警戒,丢下心防,退去衣裳。 +The small-signal stability analysis of fluid-flow congestion TCP model is discussed.,对基于流体流量的TCP拥塞模型进行小信号稳定性分析。 +"The prototype is just its return value, its name, and its arguments, if any.",原型就是他的返回值,它的名字,它的参数之类的。 +"So, let's focus on the outer shell electrons.",所以,让我们看一下外层电子。 +"Fight Alzheimer's Disease. According to Science Daily, continued learning can slow the physical process of Alzheimer's Disease. You'll be healthier longer.",有助于抵抗阿尔茨海默氏症。 根据科学日报报道,坚持学习能够减缓阿尔兹海默氏症的病发。你会获得更长久的健康。 +But that morning there was a rebirth. Those tender leaves never knew the winter nor the coming autumn; they were vulnerable and therefore innocent.,但是那天早上有着一种新生。那些嫩叶从不知道冬天或将要来临的秋天;它们敏感,因而纯真。 +"All patients taking clozapine are enrolled in a registry and monitored regularly, primarily to detect the development of neutropenia and agranulocytosis.",所有服用氯氮平的患者都被登记在册,首先进行了对中性粒细胞减少症和粒细胞缺乏症情况的常规监测。 +The petroliferous faults in the reservoir and high maturity of hydrocarbon and coal-bearing source rocks are the main factors for controlling the evaporative fractionation.,该含油气构造带的断裂系统和高成熟的油气及其煤系烃源岩是导致蒸发分馏作用的主控因素。 +We're out on a call right now. If you'd like to leave a message…,我们现在不在。如果你想留个口信儿的话… +Any attempt to bring them to justice prompts angry protests from Russia.,任何把他们推向正义审判的尝试都将激起俄罗斯的愤怒声讨。 +"But he added, taking initiative before the boss does is preferable.",但他补充说,如果员工可以主动实施显然比被动更为可取。 +My friend adores the life of the Canadian University with its happy freedom and its jolly companionships.,我朋友对加拿大大学的生活非常喜欢,认为那儿的生活自由自在,人际交往也非常愉快。 +"We persist in""Quality First, Reputation First""as our service purpose . We willing sincerely to create the future bright together, mutually benefic ial with our customers.",龙正公司禀承“以质量第一” “以信誉第一”为服务宗旨,愿真诚与各新老客户携手并肩、互利互惠、共创辉煌。 +They are made of a common plastic resin.,它们是用一种普通的塑料合成树脂做成的。 +Ammoniac nitrogen pollution is to bring about Jiang He laky water system one of main factors of eutrophication.,氨氮污染是导致江河湖泊水体富营养化的主要因素之一。 +This is done to prevent bias of QA reviewers toward the solution being proposed.,这样做是为了避免 QA 审核人员对建议的提案有所偏袒。 +Now we knew they would kill it 54. I told Hillary that Scalia would never be allowed to write the second opinion; he had been too candid in this one.,现在我们知道他们将以5票对4票禁止重新计票,我告诉希拉里,不能再允许斯卡利亚写下第二条意见了,因为他在给出第一条时太“公正”了。 +"The subject-oriented cultivation of educational-activity subject is made by educational value, and is also a fundamental channel of educational-value creation.",教育活动主体的主体性培养是教育价值创造的根本途径。 +Except as provided by the numbered rules general average shall be adjusted according to the lettered rules.,除数字规则已有规定者外,共同海损应按字母规则理算。 +"At another, a minibus lay crushed beneath the hulk of a jackknifed truck.",而在另一边,一辆微型车被撞碎,被压在车身已扭曲的卡车下面。 +"High speed, ultra-wideband and microwave matching PIN multi-throw switch is one of the important apparatus widely applied in communication, radar and electronic counter systems.",高速、超宽带微波PIN匹配多掷开关在通信、雷达及电子对抗系统中有着广泛应用的重要器件之一。 +"As the Occupy Wall Street protests, which began on Sept. 17, lurch into their third week, it is often the white shirts who lay hands on protesters or initiate arrests.",始于九月十七日的“占领华尔街”抗议行动已步入第三周,经常是由白衫警完成逮捕抗议者或是实施拘捕行动的职责。 +"So long as it involves another stimulating item to add to your repertoire, just about any sexual height can be attained, providing that it does not become habitual.",只要它在你的剧目中增加其它刺激的项目,在任何的性高度上可以得到的但绝不能是是习惯性的东西。 +Early childhood education; government financial investment; education fairness.,幼儿教育; 政府财政投入; 教育公平。 +"The dissertation is composed of three parts, which are the intelligent thermometer hardware design, software design and mathematical model of the thermocouple.",论文主要由智能测温仪表的硬件设计、软件设计和热电偶数学模型的建立三个部分组成。 +"Many suffer heart failure, trouble breathing, leg weakness and chronic pain.",许多患有心脏衰竭,呼吸困难,下肢无力和慢性疼痛。 +"The spotlight on tax havens at the London summit, which starts April 2, reflects increasing pressure on European and U.S. officials to crack down on evaders, amid the world-wide financial crisis.",在全球经济危机的背景下,4月2日召开的此次伦敦峰会将聚光灯对准了避税天堂,反映了欧洲和美国官员面临越来越大的压力来打击逃税者。 +"Janet said she was concerned by FBI reports that Koresh was sexually abusing children, most of them pre-teens, and that he might be planning a mass suicide.",珍妮特说,联邦调查局的报告声称,大卫有对儿童进行性侵犯,而那些儿童大多还不到十三岁,而且他有可能正计划集体自杀。 这让她感到担忧。 +But scientists know from in vitro fertilisation research that higher levels of glucose encourage the growth and development of male embryos while inhibiting female embryos.,但是,经由试管受精研究,科学家们知道,较高的葡萄糖水平会刺激男性胚胎的生产,而且会对女性胚胎的形成产生抑制作用。 +"Timken makes complex bearings that allow heavy equipment to turn smoothly, for instance the wheel mechanism of an airliner that spins rapidly at touchdown.",铁姆肯公司制造的精密轴承能使重型设备顺利运转,例如飞机着陆时高速旋转的齿轮装置。 +"In effect, in that middle part of the poem, Yeats collapses creation and destruction, suggesting that the same bestial energy flows through both of these acts.",事实上,在此诗中间部分,叶芝于创造与毁灭中徘徊,暗喻,此间也贯穿着兽性的力量。 +"He is always impatient in doing things, lacking reason.",他做事总是急不可耐,缺乏理性。 +"No, thanks. We always run home after the film, and the last one washes the dishes at home.",不,谢了。我们在瞅完电影后全部跑归家,谁最后到家谁便在家里洗碗。 +"A pleasant atmosphere is created by the indirect lighting design on the slanted ceiling, downlights along the pool surround, andcoved lighting that marks the entrance to the shower area.",倾斜天花板上的间接照明设施,沿泳池设置的射灯,以及指引淋浴入口的凹形灯创造了一个愉悦的氛围。 +The crisis could even make U.S. stocks the best-performing in the world for a while.,从世界范围讲,这次危机可能会使美国的股票在一段时间内有上佳表现。 +Objective The dentinal tubules were patent after cavity preparation in the treatment of caries.,目的龋病治疗预备窝洞后,牙本质小管口呈开放状态。 +Sometimes this can be ameliorated by asking the patient to urinate in a warm saline bath.,有时这可以减轻病人排尿要求在热情盐水洗澡。 +"In investigation, we should expand the source of intelligence, change means of investigation and increase the use of scientific and technological measures to effectively crack down on net- ga…",在侦查工作中应采取广辟情报来源、变更侦查方式和提高侦查工作中的科技含量等手段来有效打击网络赌博犯罪。 +"You then use the addition operator overload to combine the namespace with the local name, expressed as a string.",然后,您可以使用加法运算子多载来结合命名空间与本机名称 (以字串表示)。 +"If he had been taken into custody, what followed would have been the most complex and wrenching legal proceeding in American history.",如果他被抓,那么接下来要发生将可能是美国历史上最复杂最费劲的司法程序。 +He changed the blank practice of the elder philosophers.,他改变了前辈哲学家那种放空炮的做法。 +"She writes: 'I know some of them suck, but that's kinda the point cus I don't understand two sh**s of that particular language and thats why it sounds like gibberish to me.",她写道:“我知道其中一些语言模仿得乱七八糟,但这就是我要表达的点,因为有那么一些语言真他娘的听不懂! 这就是为什么听起来我在胡言乱语。” +"Similarly high-profile is Mish Shedlock, whose Global Economic Trend Analysis blog takes a reliably anti-Fed position.",同样具有高姿态的还有米什·夏德罗克,他的博客全球经济走势分析一直坚定的持反对美联储的立场。 +"The key to the whole thing is, they off-loaded all the weight from the pack into the actual pod unit.",整个过程的关键就是他们得摆脱所有来自背包内的重量。 +"First I give thanks to my God, through Jesus Christ, for you all, because your faith is spoken of in the whole world.",首先我应藉耶稣基督,为你们众人感谢我的天主,因为你们的信德为全世界所共知。 +"There were few apostasies in those days, and almost never because of doubting the message.",在那些年代里很少有背道的事,而且几乎没有因为怀疑本会信息而背道的。 +"Sometimes it takes a little bit of arbitrariness, but you've got to make the decision before you have all the data, and particularly when you are trying to change something.","有的时候需要一点独断专行,但你做决定之前,不会得到所有的数据,在你想要进行变革时尤其如此。" +"The theory reveals a contracting universe before the Big Bounce, with space-time geometry that otherwise was similar to that of our universe today.",该理论显示在大弹跳之前有一个收缩宇宙,其时空几何形状与我们现在的宇宙非常相似。 +"In the meantime, I believe that the U.S. is doing quite a bit of work in terms of raising fuel efficiency standards,",同时,我相信美国在提高燃料效率标准方面做了不少事, +"The Eurobarometer survey of 30 states in Europe suggests 82 per cent of people in the Republic feel happy ""all"" or ""most of the time"".",欧洲调查委员会调查了欧洲30个国家后显示爱尔兰82%的人“所有时间”或“大多数时间”感到幸福。 +"But it has not doused a storm of criticism of the Three Gorges dam upriver, including allegations that it contributed to the disaster.",不过雨水并没有浇灭对长江上游三峡大坝的猛烈批评之火——其中就有“三峡大坝导致旱灾”的提法。 +"As we engage in regulatory reform, we must be careful to ask the Warren Buffett question: Will we be seen to be naked when the tide goes out?",在我们进行监管改革时,我们必须认真地回答沃伦.巴菲特提出的问题:我们是否会在潮退时成为裸泳者? +The multirate parallel processing reduces the data quantity processed by one BP network and increases the speed of missing audio signal recovery.,采用多抽样率并行处理方式,减少了单个BP网络的数据处理量,提高了预测器恢复缺失的音频信号速度。 +We find writers of parables and epigrams and family letters who make no attempt to coordinate their thoughts into a rigid system.,这里有许多警喻、警语和家信的作家,他们写作时都是乘兴之所到,随后写去,并不讲究什么严格的系统。 +"Don't say ""Lessor"" and ""Lessee.""",不要用“出租人”和“承租人”。 +"The company mainly engaged in various kinds of carpets, handmade carpet processing, carpet weaving processing, and so on.",本公司主要生产经营各类地毯,手工地毯加工,机织地毯加工,等。 +"Finally, the bottom of the VADump -o output is a summary of the relative contributions to the working set from DLLs, heaps, and thread stacks",最后,在 VADump -o 输出的最下端总结了 DLL、堆和线程栈对工作集的相对贡献 +Inside you have one room with the bed in the middle a small side table and a small kitchen area and wardroom area at the back.,你有一个房间里的床上的一个小边桌,中部地区一个小厨房的面积和军官在后面。 +"The map shown in Figure 1 was generated using an EMC internal performance analysis tool that shows a ""heat map"" of the drive utilization at the Symmetrix back end.",图 1 显示的图是使用 EMC 内部性能分析工具生成的,这显示了 Symmetrix 后台中驱动器使用的“热图”。 +"Ride: Take Puli to Huisun Forest Farm, or to Tsaotun, Nantou Forest Farm of the passenger up, but very few flights.",搭车:搭埔里往惠荪林场,或草屯至林场的南投客运可达,但班次很少。 +The formula for moving mould casting passage assemble gap in the case of no steel leaking has been deduced by the viscosity fluid mechanics method.,本文应用粘性流体力学的方法推导了在钢不钻漏情况下移动式结晶器浇铸通道配合间隙公式。 +"“If he had been given medication and treatment, his illness would not have developed,” said Chen Guoqiang, the psychiatric hospital's chief doctor.",如果接受过治疗,吃过药,他的病就不会发展到这个地步; +"I: Have you obtained any certificate of technical qualifications or license? A: Yes, I have received an Engineer's Qualification Certificate and a driver's license.",你获得过技术资格证书或者执照吗? +"You have a recital today, why are you still in bed?",妳今天有演奏会耶!为什麽你还赖在床上? +"Conclusion The CHC had excellent biocompatibility, and was able to integrated with bone directly. The bonding strength between CHC and bone increased with time post implantation.",给论CHC生物相容性良好,能够与骨直接结合并逐渐整合为一体,界面结合力随时间延长逐渐升高。 +"What?! A script is not important –how am I going to make this programme word-perfect, without any mistakes? What will the audience think of me?",什么?台本不重要?那我怎么能保证这个节目的每句台词都没有错误,观众会怎么想! +It is the cultural implication of our enterprise and enterpriser that only continuously disavowing selfhood can win selfhood and market.,“不断否定自我,才能赢得自我,赢得市场”是我企业与企业家的文化内蕴。 +Other reactive trace gases such as nitrous oxide and methyl iodide also remain at elevated and aberrant levels.,其他活性示踪气体[4], 如一氧化二氮、碘甲烷也处于异常爬升的水平。 +All of the test within the documents should be conducted under standard atmospheric pressure.,本规格书中各项试验应在标准大气条件下进行。 +The article describes commercial progress and application of ABS/PBTalloy at abroad and discussed research work of ABS/PBT products in Kumho SunnyPlastics Co. Ltd. in Shanghai.,综述了国外有关ABS/PBT合金的商品化进展及其应用,并介绍了上海锦湖日丽塑料有限公司对于ABS/PBT合金系列产品的研制工作。 +"Welcome to the official website of Shaoguan Yisheng Properties Co. , Ltd.",欢迎光临韶关市逸升置业有限公司的官方网站。 +Anemia was more severe in patients with HCS at all ages (P<0.001).,HCS患者在各年龄段贫血都较严重(P<0.001)。 +I caught the cleaner in the act. She thought everyone in the office was out so she was rummaging through my bag.,清洁人员被我当场抓包。她以为大家都出去了,正在翻我包包耶。 +Object To obtain further knowledge of salivary mass through ultrasonography of 54 cases of salivary masses and comparison with pathology.,目的通过对54例涎腺肿块声像图的总结、分析及病理对照,进一步提高对涎腺肿块的认识和鉴别。 +Should I wait for you in this winter?,在这个冬天,我应该在等待您? +"Tsing , one of the species in the Ilex genus, has been used in China as diuretic and remedy for sore throat, weight loss and hypertension.",系冬青科冬青属植物苦丁茶的干燥叶,在我国南部民间作药用,具有减肥、降血压等功效。 +"Based on experiments simulating future atmospheric carbon dioxide levels, Lin and his colleagues estimate that China's harvests will decrease 14–23 per cent by 2050 due to climate change.",根据模拟未来大气中二氧化碳浓度的实验,林而达和他的同事们估算,到2050年气候变化将使中国的农作物歉收14%到23%。 +They get recycled.,它们被循环利用了 +"Bouquet: Intense aromas of cherry, typical of the dried grapes and of the cherry wood.",气味:拥有浓郁的樱桃,葡萄干及樱桃木的香味。 +John Geanakoplos and I had a meeting and we tried to divide up the subject matter of finance into two courses.,约翰·吉纳科普洛斯和我开了个会,我们将金融这一学科, 分为两门课。 +The result showed that the Sanderson correction improved the non-linearities and relation between K/S value and concentration.,结果表明桑德森修正在一定程度上对假设中的直线性进行了改进,使得K/S值与浓度之间的曲线关系直线化; +"Support long-term planning related to sustainability, expansion, and integration with education and research programs.",支持可持续发展,扩张,和一体化的教育和研究有关的长期规划。 +"Recently, however, interest in the site had skyrocketed, said the mayor, with online UFO websites, many in the US, advising people to seek shelter in Bugarach as the countdown to Armageddon commences.",“最近,这座法国小村庄又引起了大家的浓厚兴趣”,市长说,“是因为许多美国的UFO网站建议人们来这里寻找躲避圣战的避所。” +"Guide, but a set of the resurrection of the test.",导,而是一场置之死地而后生的考验。 +"Namibia has one of the highest HIV prevalence rates in the world, with an estimated 15.3% of the adult population affected.",纳米比亚是世界艾滋病毒流行率最高的国家之一,估计15.3%的成年人口遭受影响。 +"So far, housing secondary market started more than five months, through the secondary mortgage transactions very little room, in the financial lending business is a bit ""too highbrow"".",到目前为止,住房二级市场启动五个多月,通过抵押贷款成交的二手房廖廖无几,这在金融放贷业务中显得有点“ 曲高和寡”。 +For those who stay in the city rising rent only adds pressure.,对于那些留在城市中人们来说,房租上涨只会徒增压力。 +"From the viewpoint of independent investor, the article analyzed the value of Beiqi Foton Motor Co. , Ltd. in order to aid to make investment decisions.",本文从外部投资者的角度出发来分析北汽福田汽车股份有限公司的投资价值,以期达到辅助投资决策的目的。 +Stress is the main culprit of a low-energy day.,压力是低活力的主要致因。 +Gift of the Naaru now also removes 2 harmful magic effects from the friendly target.,纳鲁的礼物现在同时会移除友方目标的2个有害魔法效果。 +"The ninja’s stealth sends chills down your spine, and he leaves you wondering how he managed to accomplish his feat.",东洋武士的行踪诡异让你毛骨悚然,把你留在原地苦思冥想:他是如何完成的? +One's tongue is coated.,舌苔厚腻。 +The invention relates to a non-collapsing rubber life boat used for life rescue.,一种用于救命的不倒橡胶救生艇。 +Ball starred in Hollywood B-movies for nearly 20 years by the time she married Arnaz in 1940 (the two met on the set of the film 'Too Many Girls').,鲍尔在好莱坞滴小本钱影戏中担当主角快要20年,一直到1940年与阿纳兹完婚(两人于拍摄影戏《女人成群》时结识)。 +Listing 10. Elements in web.xml specifying JMS connection factory and queue,清单 10. web.xml 中指定 JMS 连接工厂和队列的元素 +"Intelligence material has the functions of discern, analyse, judge and action, and represents a development direction of advanced new material of 21th century.",智能材料具有识别、分析、判断、动作等功能,它代表着21世纪先进新材料发展的一个方向。 +It is when we are in this state that literary thought spring to mind: that silence is a ray of sunshine whilst the word is mist;,而正是此时,我们思如泉涌:沉默是一缕阳光,而言语则是一缕薄雾; +"There could be a lot more, for instance no negative numbers or no percentages over 15.",还有更多的限制,例如不出现负数或百分比不大于 15 的限制。 +"Very early one morning Pa strapped the bundle of furs on his shoulders, and started to walk to town.",清晨, 爸爸把这一大捆毛皮背在肩上, 向城镇出发了。 +"Heading straight south, an almost identical scene is happening in Yunnan thousands of miles away.",一直向南,几千公里外的云南,几乎是同样的情形。 +"For the industry as a whole, clouds are beginning to clear as bank after bank successfully taps the market.","对于整个银行业来,开始云开雾散,各家银行接连成功地市场上筹到所需资本." +May should bring her ball.,梅应该带球给她。 +"She's got some fool idea that she should retire too and do no housework, just amuse herself all day. Can you beat that?",他不知哪儿来的傻念头,说她也要退休,不做家务,整天寻乐呢。你说还有比这更邪门儿的事吗? +"She was saving pennies. Now, she had one dollar and eighty-seven cents.",她在一分一分在攒钱。现在,她已经有。 +Mrs Rodwell confesses to seeing risks in Hollywood doing Tintin.,Rodwell夫人承认好莱坞拍摄《丁丁历险记》有风险。 +Why didn’t humanity evolve way to shrug off romantic loss and easily renew the quest to find a suitable reproductive partner?,为什么我们总是选择去忍受这样的痛苦呢? 为什么人性不能演变成能够习惯洒脱的放手,然后从新来过,去寻找一个合适的伴侣呢? +"The introduction of tablet computers has particularly changed the equation for many families, and the survey found five-fold increase in the number who have access to them.",平板电脑的出现已经改变了许多家庭的育儿方式,调查显示,能够接触到平板电脑的儿童数量已经增长了四倍。 +The portable collector simply unzips onto the problem machine and then it is ready to run.,只需将便携收集器解压缩到问题计算机上就可以运行了。 +"On the day of the competition, Matthew entered too, but his chocolate egg was 15 times smaller than Milly and Mark's.",比赛那一天,米米也参加了,但它的巧克力蛋比米拉和���克的小15倍。 +"Bedroom: The bedroom is the most private domain, easy to use soft colors create a warm atmosphere. Pink, lemon yellow and so is ideal for Eurya.",卧室:卧室是最私人的领地,使用柔和的颜色容易营造温馨的气氛。粉红、柃檬黄等都非常适用。 +The positioning buoy is designed to localize the underwater frogman army.,定位浮标是为满足水下蛙人部队定位要求而设计的。 +“安了,安了,安了”房子的脉搏轻轻地跳动着。,"""Safe, safe, safe"" the pulse of the house beat softly." +"American officials believed that the compound, built in 2005, was designed for the specific purpose of hiding Bin Laden.",美国官员认为,这所始建于2005年的建筑就是为了藏匿本拉登而专门设计的。 +Recall from the discussion of Table 2 in the first article of this series that there are two ways of representing length bytes: single-byte length notation and multi-byte length notation.,回想一下在本系列的 第一篇文章 中对表 2 的讨论,有两种表示字节长度的方法:单字节表示法和多字节表示法。 +The blood flow of the left circumflex coronary artery was measured by a rotameter in 18 open-chest dogs.,开胸狗18只,用转子流速计连续测量冠状动脉左旋枝流量。 +First 2 passengers' booking must be in one PNR. The 3rd pax onward can be in separate PNR.,前2位旅客的预定须在同一记录编号内,以后客人的预定可以分开。 +"The simulation shows that the model reduces the effect of FD, improves the performance of TDOA estimation and decreases the computational load.",仿真结果显示:该模型消除了频差的影响,提高了时差测量精度和速度。 +At that time the perception was because of the unique nature of the activity and the acquisition of the patents that it simply wouldn't trigger a CFIUS review.,当时的理解是因为这件事的特殊性以及专利收购完全不需要CFIUS的任何审核。 +Again here we can see the OCZ agility easily beats the Seagate.,同样在这里我们可以看到OCZ的灵活性轻松击败了希捷。 +"The Cone fabrics are shipped by truck or train to Los Angeles, where denim brands cut and sew them to their designs.",Cone生产的布料由卡车或火车运往洛杉矶,牛仔品牌在那里将这些面料裁剪缝制成自己设计的样式。 +"One of my new acquaintances, who considerately reminded me that her name was Angela, had Biology II with me the next hour.",一个我新认识的同学,这个同学很体贴周到,怕我没记住,又告诉了我一遍她叫安吉拉,接下来的一节生物学(2)跟我同班。 +"According to Muslera's agent the player has already made up his mind on which club to join, but will not reveal who until the end of the week.",据穆斯雷拉的经纪人所说球员已经对加盟球队做好了选择,但这周末前不会透露具体情况。 +"PowerVM scales better, has dynamic logical partitioning, security/fault isolation, support for dedicated I/O dynamic processor sharing, and live partition mobility.",PowerVM 扩展性更好,具有动态的逻辑分区、安全性/故障隔离,支持专用 I/O 动态处理器共享,以及活动分区移动性。 +"In addition to developing the robotic samara into a toy, he said that the device could also have applications in satellite communications and 3D mapping.",除了能把机器翅果融合进入玩具,他说这个技术在三维测绘和卫星通讯中也可以应用。 +"There he was, with his brown hair and deep-blue eyes, that smile on his face.",是他,一头棕发,深蓝色的眼睛,还有脸上的笑容。 +The Sichuan Basin____three sides on high mountains.,四川盆地三面都是高山。 +"And these are pictures of people working:steelworkers, bankers, police, street vendors, ambulance drivers, doctors...Oh, this is my father.",这是工作中人们的照片:钢架工人,银行职员,警察,街头摊贩,救护车驾驶 医生… 噢,这是我父亲。 +"Pyran Derivatives is widespread in erigeron, And the treatment showed a strong stroke, And the regulation of blood pressure, the protection effect For ischemia-reperfusion injury.",吡喃酮类化合物在飞蓬属植物中广泛存并且显示了强的治疗脑中风及调节血压的作用,以及对缺血再灌注损伤的保护作用。 +"While the past days like rising smoke blown off by breeze and like thin fogs burned off by morning sun, what footprints have I left?",过去的日子如轻烟,被微风吹散了,如薄雾,被初阳蒸融了; 我留着些什么痕迹呢? +"Is to be good, long time no meet or long-separated friends can embrace each other.",十分要好的、长时间未见的朋友相见或长期分开时可以相互拥抱。 +The paper introduces the practice and experience of Bao Steel applying for National Quality Management Award.,本文介绍了宝钢积极参与全国质量奖的创奖活动的做法和体会。 +"Focus on the positive, Noll says.",要关心积极的方面,诺尔说。 +"Now the North is threatening to test one of its Taepodong-2 long-range missiles, which may have the capacity to hit Hawaii, Alaska or beyond.",如今朝鲜扬言测试大浦洞-2远程导弹,这种导弹也许有能力抵达夏威夷、阿拉斯加或者此外的地方。 +The article makes a comparison-style analysis on the design idea?design thought and design way of the mountain architecture which distinguishes with the ones of flat ground architecture.,山地建筑是我国地域性建筑的重要组成类型之一,本文针对其设计理论的研究现状进行较系统的梳理、总结与评述,并以此为基础对该课题研究作以展望。 +"Six Indian athletes - five women and one man - have been suspended after failing doping tests, officials say.",印度官员称,六名运动员(五女一男)因没有通过兴奋剂测试而被停赛。 +The usher asked him if he had reserved a seat.,钱可通神,一点也不假。所有的好座位都留给了大人物。 +By self-organised training the network builds up distinct output maps corresponding to stable and unstable flame state signals.,通过自组织训练,神经网络将得到对应于稳定和不稳定燃烧状态火焰信号的不同输出区域。 +"We hope all the 30,000 European businesses in China could gain huge profits.","我们都希望所有30,000个在中国的欧洲企业能够获得高额盈利。" +Single amplifiers are available in SOT-23 packages and duals in a 10 Ld MSOP package for applications where board space is critical.,单放大器提供SOT - 23封装,并在10引脚MSOP封装的应用电路板空间是至关重要的对偶。 +I broke up with my girlfriend and now I'm traveling around to make myself happy but I still feel depressed.,男说:“我刚刚和女朋友分手,现在打算四处走走散散心,但我仍然感觉很沮丧。” +Factory-assembled chassis shares the same tough characteristics and low center of gravity as the World Championship winning Inferno 777.,工厂组装底盘有着同样强硬的特点和低重心,作为世界锦标赛赢得地狱777。 +OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the curative effects and pharmacoeconics of 2 different dosage schemes for pediatric acute suppurative tonsillitis.,目的:评价2种给药方案治疗儿童急性化脓性扁桃体炎的疗效和经济性。 +A:I'm serious.The son was so spoilt that he started to beat his parents and sisters.,是真的。 这孩子娇生惯养,竟然打起父母和姐妹来。 +"I remember that Tess Wodehouse sat and stared without blinking, as if she realized a fundamental deception but could not unravel the trick.",我记得泰思? 伍德郝斯坐在那里,两眼一眨不眨,好似意识到一个大骗局,但没法揭穿谜底。 +"""I know you did, "" the woman replied, ""But I have to get the cat out first.",“我知道,”女人回答道,“但是我必须得先把猫引出来。” +"Disconcerted by these wild shouts, the disciples turned their attention from their teacher to Maeve. Jerked out of a deep tranquillity, they reacted in shock and frustration.",学员们被玛弗的叫喊搞昏了头脑,开始把注意力从导师身上转向玛弗,他们被玛弗从自己宁静平和的心境中硬拉出来,吃惊沮丧不已。 +"Irdeto, the proven expert in content security, provides comprehensive solutions for the protection of digital media in digital TV, IPTV and mobile environments.",爱迪德公司是内容安全保护领域的全球领先提供商,专为数字电视、IPTV和移动环境下的数字内容保护提供全方位的解决方案。 +"Therefore, the development and re-development of rural areas become the huge challenge of social scientists at home and abroad.",乡村地区的发展与再发展问题成为国内外社会科学界面临的世纪难题。 +Objective To evaluate the therapeutic role of temporary endocardiac pacing in paediatrics .,目的了解心腔心内膜临时起搏治疗在儿科的应用。 +"And even if China does democratize, there is absolutely no guarantee that this will make life easier for the United States, let alone prolong America's global hegemony.",即使中国实现了民主化,也不能保证美国人生活会变得更轻松,更不要说延续美国的全球霸权。 +"The current era is the Heisei era, which began in the Gregorian calendar year 1989.",目前的纪元是平成纪年,开始于西历的 1989 年。 +"The chunk prioritizer has a list of specs, as the selector, but also contains a number to indicate priority of each chunk that meet the criteria of the spec.",数据块优先排序器有一个规范列表,但也提供了一个编号来指示满足规范标准的每个数据块的优先级。 +"It quoted Huang Jianhua, an official with the nature reserve administration, as saying the location was chosen for its environmental, weather and geological conditions.",报道援引政府自然保护部门官员黄建华(音)的话说,这一选址综合考虑了当地的环境、气候和地理条件。 +"The results show that high content of impurity elements, segregation along grain boundaries and uneven grain size are main reasons for the surface damage of domestic tungsten targets.",结果显示,杂质元素的含量偏高和沿晶界的偏析以及不均匀的钨晶粒是造成国产钨靶表面损伤的主要原因。 +"We are interested in the effect of enabling F2PC on single-site transactions that do not, by themselves, require F2PC.",我们的兴趣在于启用 F2PC 对本身不需要 F2PC 的单站点事务的影响。 +If you choose to let them run free like marmots in the wild you'll soon find Paradise City filled with exotic cars for the taking.,如果你选择对它们置之不理,不久你就会发现天堂市满大街都是超乎寻常的车在游走了。 +"A glomus tumor (glomangioma) is a rare neoplasm, is a specialized arteriovenous anastomosis usually found in the skin of the extremities.",什麽是' 血管球瘤-小肿瘤动静脉分流引起的皮肤血管'?。 +"Formerly, almost every family kitchen with"" Kitchen God"" god.",旧时,差不多家家灶间都设有“灶王爷”神位。 +Don't waste your money on fancy cleaning kits for your chrome-plated carbon steel golf club heads.,不必浪费钱购买用来清洁你的镀铬碳钢高尔夫球棒头的精美清洁工具。 +Objective To study the expression of connexin genes and the effects of a variety of inducers on the expression changes of Cx and mutations of Cx coding sequences in human gastric cancer.,目的研究人胃癌基因组中Cx基因的表达、探讨诱导剂作用后Cx基因的表达变化及Cx43编码序列有无突变。 +Poly (lactic acid) (PLLA) and gelatin were successfully blended through solution casting method using dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) as a co-solvent.,以DMSO作为聚乳酸(PLLA)和明胶的共溶剂,采用浇铸法将PLLA与明胶混合在一起。 +This Call for EOIs is provided to Respondents contemplating expressing interest and is to be used as the basis for submission of any EOI.,意向书招标通告提供给有投标意向者,并作为提交意向书的依据。 +"If none exists, a configurable form-based challenge is issued to prompt for a valid user ID and password.",如果没有有效的用户凭证,则发出一个可配置的基于表单的询问,要求提供有效的用户 ID 和密码。 +He breathed a deep breath of humble admiration.,他找到钱包时松了一口气。 +"REUTERS: Premier Wen, the second question is on the economy. The Chinese economy is extremely strong, but some economists worry about disruptions in the future.",路透社:我想问一个关于中国经济情况的问题,中国经济目前形势是非常强劲的,但也有一些经济学家担心未来会有一些波动,那么你认为中国经济能不能实现软着陆? +I'll take it up with our overseas department and listen to what they've got to say about this.,我会把这个建议反映到我们的海外部,听 取一下他们的建议。 +You can't choose to split the damage between a player and a planeswalker.,不能选择把伤害分成分别对牌手和旅法师造成。 +Traveler:I want to buy two tickets for tonight's concert.,游客:我想买两张明晚音乐会的门票。 +"The meatball said shy: Repugnant, others took off clothes you not to know!",肉丸子害羞的说:讨厌,人家脱了衣服你就不认识啦! +"Gas prices were in the headlines, and Obama focused his economic comments on his plans to make America energy-independent.",汽油价格引人关注。 奥巴马在经济方面的言论主要是关于他让美国实现能源独立的计划。 +"According to tests and theoretical analysis, it is found that the distributing capacitors cause the inter-channel influence phenomenon.",根据试验和理论分析,这种现象是由多路模拟开关输出引脚上的分布电容引起的。 +"Based on the relative theories of biomathematics , a new approach to trend extrapolation of time series of ecological footprints is proposed in this paper.",应用数学生态学的有关理论与方法,结合生态足迹的概念,提出了一种生态足迹时间序列的新的趋势外推分析方法; +Objective To investigate changes of plasma platelet gran ul e membrane protein (GMP-140) in patients with non-Hodgkin s lymphoma(NHL) and its relation with clinical phases.,目的探讨非霍奇金氏淋巴瘤(NHL)血浆血小板颗粒膜糖蛋白(GMP- 140 )水平及与分期的关系。 +"I no longer feel the let-down, or milk-ejection reflex.",我不再有奶阵或感觉到喷乳反射了。 +当坦克靠近时,这群人就往后退缩。,The crowd drew back as the tank approached. +"If I lose, I am going to shrug my shoulders and laugh - also if I win.",如果我输了,我要去耸耸肩膀和欢笑同样的(问题库) ,如果我赢了。 +Have you ever seen a sales guy not fiddling with or talking on his Blackberry phone?,你看过哪位推销员没有摆弄他的黑莓手机或是没有通过黑莓手机讲话吗? +"And here's a theory,"" well, then, I'll begin to take it seriously as an explanation.","这里还有一套理论,好吧,这样的话我会认真考虑这种解释" +"If partially hydrogenated oil appears near the beginning of the list, the food contains more trans fat than if the ingredient is low on the list.",如果部分氢化油出现在配料表中,那么这份食物所含的反式脂肪肯定比配料表中显示的多。 +"The expensive way to implement the style guide is to cross-check it to the data set manually, but a more effective way might be to automate the checking.",实现样式控制的方法是手供对数据集进行交叉检查,但这代价比较大,还有一个更有效的方法是自动检查。 +"In Russo-jepanese War , Sino-jepanese defeating Russia wins the bourgeoisie led to the constitutional movement in china .",日俄战争中日胜俄败加速了中国的资产阶级立宪运动。 +"The tag specifies the name of the session bean, ProcessCustomerSessionBean.", 标记用于指定会话 bean ProcessCustomerSessionBean 的名称。 +"In fact, it is easy to find that ""knowledge"" played the center role in history of teaching theory.",事实上,考诸教学理论的形成史,可以看到“知识”作为原点在其中的主线存在。 +I'm going to use a simple e-commerce store application to help illustrate how the ASP. NET MVC Framework works.,我将用一个简单的网上商店应用程序来演示ASP.net MVC框架的工作原理。 +"The Spaniard said: ""Any move for Benayoun to join us from West Ham will not be linked with the Bellamy sale. We have made an offer which has been rejected.""",西班牙人说:“任何有关贝纳永从锤子加盟我们的消息都不会和贝拉米的转会产生联系。” +"Fifth, using the activity cycling method, this paper designs the control system of the international operation of the drilling company of our country.",第五,利用业务循环法对我国钻井公司国际化经营控制系统进行设计。 +The research result indicated that PCA was an effective approach to incipient fault detection and diagnosis of WSIs.,研究结果表明,PCA能有效地进行固体垃圾焚烧炉早期故障检测及诊断。 +The Artificial Passenger is a telematic device developed by IBM that interacts verbally to reduce the likelihood of a vehicle operator falling asleep at the controls.,人工乘客系统是由IBM公司开发的一种远程信息处理设备。他们发明出这种可同驾驶员聊天和拌嘴的车载电脑系统,以减少司机打瞌睡的可能性。 +"Most people don’t understand how empirical science is done, and so don’t understand why criticism by the WAPF’s Chris Masterjohn of The China Study is a misinterpretation of the evidence.",大部分人不知道真正的科学是怎样的,也因此不明白为什么WAPF的Chris Masterjohn对中国研究的批判是对证据的错误解读。 +Let us just imagine: you are in a train running fast through beautiful grassland that goes beyond your sight. The blue sky stands high and animal crowds are moving forward.,让我们来想象这样的场景:你们正在一辆穿越着无边无垠的草原而飞驰的火车上,蔚蓝的天空凛然耸立,动物们正成群结队地向前移动着。 +"Conclusion: The result is reliable, the bacterial endotoxins test for Shenfu injection by TAL is feasible.",结论:参附注射液选用特异性鲎试剂细菌内毒素检查法代替热原检查法是可行的。 +"Exalt ye the LORD our God, and worship at his footstool; for he is holy.",你们当尊崇耶和华我们的神,在他脚凳前下拜。 他本为圣。 +The correct understanding of the nature of modern martial arts is premise and basis for scientific understanding of modern martial arts.,正确的理解现代武术的技击本质,是科学地认识现代武术的前提和基础。 +"On the basis of the analysis, it is conceived that management of cadres with double duties and the developing trend of university administrators.",并在此分析基础上,进一步探讨“双肩挑”管理干部队伍的管理设想和我国高校管理干部队伍的发展趋势。 +"At the same time, relations between oil film thickness in EHL elliptical contact zone and bearing friction torque are discussed. A new bearing empirical friction torque expression is built.",同时对弹流油膜厚度与轴承摩擦力矩的关系进行了探讨,提出了新的摩擦力矩经验计算公式。 +"The result indicated that biological control, reforested measure. banishment and chemistry prevention all have effect on harmful rodents prevention and cure in evidence.",结果表明采取生物防治、营林生态措施、驱避剂防治与化学防治均获得了明显的效果。 +"They buried him, and all Israel mourned for him, as the Lord had said through his servant the prophet Ahijah.",以色列众人将他葬埋,为他哀哭,正如耶和华借他仆人先知亚希雅所说的话。 +His business crashed last year.,他的买卖去年倒闭了。 +"Young Pioneers of Class 4, Grade 6, won the name of Young Hero Pioneers of Jiangsu Province.",我校小学部六(4)中队获得江苏省英雄中队称号。 +"The other times, she said, unscrupulous salesmen promised her lower rates but simply charged her high fees.",据她讲,其它几次,有些恬不知耻的推销员许给她更低的贷款利率,但是要向她收取高一点的中介费。 +"Zhang Jie treats the marriage love from the perspective of looking up with pure and bright soul, and creats holy and pure love story.",张洁就是从仰视的角度用纯洁美好的心灵来看待婚姻爱情,创作了一个个美好圣洁的爱情故事。 +It improves the efficiency of the disciplinary construction through its special service.,通过特色服务提高为学科建设服务的效率; +"But for most of the 18 years since the Soviet Union's break-up, China has taken a back seat in the fierce competition between Russia and America for influence in this resource-rich region.",但是在苏联解体后的18年里,美俄为争夺在能源区的影响力展开了激烈的竞争,其间,中国一直处于次要地位。 +He bounded back home to tell his mother that the teacher praised him in class.,翻译他蹦蹦跳跳地跑回家,告诉他妈妈老师上课表扬他了。 +"Colonel Proctor and Mr Fogg, revolvers In hand, hastily quitted their prison, and rushed forward where the noise was most clamorous.",普洛克托上校和福克先生,拿着手枪,立即走出了决斗场,赶到前面发出更加激烈的枪声和喊声的车厢去了。 +"It is in need of a fresh water resources on the earth at a lot of places, some people can'teven drink up the clean fresh water.",在地球上的很多地方都缺少淡水资源,有些地方的人们甚至喝不上干净的淡水。 +"In 2007, according to the Census Bureau, the median income of American male workers was $45,113, less than the $45,879 (in 2007 money) that they earned back in 1978 (see chart 4).","根据美国人口普查局(the Census Bureau)调查,2007年美国男性工作者的中等收入为45,113美元,实质收入低于他们在1978年的收入,用2007年物价换算后相当于45,879美元(见图四)。" +"The model-based specification language was used in test specification, and formal description testing data and other testing information for TTF parts was defined with description language Z.",测试规范使用基于模型的规范语言,由描述语言Z定义TTF基本部件的形式描述测试数据和其它测试信息。 +"The images disguise parts of the street, giving the impression units are occupied, which otherwise would be riddled with boards and shutters.",这些图像用来伪装成街道的一部分,给人街道已被建筑物填满的视觉感受,否则这些地方只是用百叶窗和木板遮挡住。 +It is suggested that teachers adopt suitable methods of inquiry-based teaching in order to promote students' achievements.,教师可以考量学生的探究能力,采行合适的探究式教学法,以呈现最佳效果。 +"This product is mainly used to produce tires, plastic sheet, rigid plastic, and thick-walled rubber products, is a universal basic additives.",本品主要用于制造轮胎、胶板、硬质胶和厚壁橡胶制品,是一种通用的基本助剂。 +Far point: the farthest point at which an object can be seen distinctly by the eye.,视远点:眼睛能够看清楚物体的最远点。 +Toyota's Mr. Uchiyamada said the company believes full-electric battery cars 'will likely gain only a highly limited share' of the global auto market.,而丰田汽车和本田汽车管理人士对这项技术表示了怀疑。 丰田汽车的内山田武说,公司认为全电式汽车可能只会在全球汽车市场上获得非常有限的市场份额。 +The fishing company that owns Japan's whaling ships estimated that annual per capita consumption from its catch might amount to less than four slices of sashimi a year.,拥有日本捕鲸船的捕鲸公司估计,他们的年捕捞量所产生的人均鱼肉消费可能少于每年4片鲸鱼刺身。 +Heart failure tensd to occur more easily in rheumatic heart diseases than in congenital heart diseases.,风湿性心脏病(风心病)较先天性心脏病(先心病)易发生心衰; +But you can have Princess—the white horse from my collection. The one with the pink tail.,我给你我百宝箱里的公主——那匹长着粉红色尾巴的白马。 +"There is great need for this preaching of love. God sometimes allows bitterness to arise between Christians that they may view the terrible power of sin in their hearts, and shrink back at the sight.",传讲这类「爱」的讯息极为重要,上帝有时候允许基督徒之间有误会苦毒,好让他们明白「罪」的可怕权势,而从心中极力地规避它。 +I only need one volume to complete my set of Dickens's novels.,我那套狄更斯小说只差一卷就能配齐了。 +"Note that bidirectional text may not always be shown correctly, especially when selecting parts of text written right-to-left.",注意双向文字描绘可能不会每次都能正确显示,特别是在选取部分由右至左书写的文字时。 +"The word “unclutterer” didn’t exist in 2005, but today it is a regular part of my vocabulary.",“组建者”这个单词在2005年还未出现,但今天它成了我的一个常规词汇。 +Objective : To investigate the mental health state of chronic alcohol intoxication patients.,目的:了解我国慢性酒精中毒者的心理健康状况。 +He married late in life.,他结婚很晚。 +Andrew Walder's Theory of Neo-Traditionalism provided us a new paradigm to study China's factories and politics in the era of planned economy.,华尔德的“新传统主义”理论为研究中国单位制度建立了新的范式,奠定了研究计划时期中国大陆工厂与政治的基础。 +I hope to be a productive member of society until 70.,我希望在70岁前能成为社会中有所作为的一份子。 +Any activity engaged by anyone in the name of IESCO without authorization shall not be admitted.,因此,任何人员以“联合国国际生态安全合作组织”的名义从事活动,我组织概不承认。 +Your theory is not tenable at all.,你的理论一点也不能成立。 +"Analyzing from the economic indicators above, the tracking-sun type is much better than the non-tracking type when used in road illumination.",从经济指标的几个方面分析,跟踪式太阳能接收装置用于公路照明的经济性全面优于非跟踪式。 +RESULTS:In all the cases K-Fring were detected and K-Frings in cornea of two eyes hadobvious homogeneity.,结果:全组病例均检出阳性K-F环,双眼角膜K-F环呈明显的一致性。 +我们有那些信,你可以去摸摸它们。,We have those letters. You can go and touch them. +Trust me. Theyll love you.,相信我,他们会喜欢你的。 +"So, cognitive dissonance will lead you then to think that what you are giving it up for has some value and then you establish a liking for it.","这样认知失调就会让你想到,你为之付出代价的东西一定是有价值的,然后你就会喜欢上它。" +"In a statement, Cahoot said: ""As soon as we discovered it, we closed the site while we did testing and sorted out a solution.",他们发表了一份声明称:“我们发现问题后立刻关闭了系统,以便进行测试以及寻找对策。 但是,该漏洞不会造成用户的存款被他人提取。” +"This view simply can not be proved, at best, with some parts of the health habits, generally those who can not use running water before breakfast wash place.",这种观点根本无法得到证明,充其量与一些地方的卫生习惯有关,一般是那些早餐前无法用流动水洗手的地方。 +This gives the Iranian state an open invitation to mistreat and persecute followers of a religion which has a shared belief in the fundamental tenets of all the world's leading religions and prophets.,这让伊朗政府可以公开地虐待和迫害巴哈伊们——尽管该宗教与世界上所有主要宗教和先知们在基本教义上有共同的理念。 +Watch and Learn from the “Good Listener”: We all know one or two “Good Listeners”.,观察并且向好的倾听者学习:我们总归都知道一个或两个“好的倾听者”。 +"This machine adopts variable frequency drive to accurate control the roller speed, high precision steel roller to accurate control the temperature.",该机采用变频驱动,辊轮速度控制准确。高精度锻钢辊筒,温度控制准确。 +"For example, big power firms that now get carbon allowances free have been passing on their nominal cost to customers.",例如,现在免费获得排碳允许量的大发电厂一直在将账面的成本转嫁到消费者头上。 +"Earlier theories about cloud structure explained that temperature change was at the heart of cloud generation, that warming and cooling shifts were the key forces.",早期关于云结构的理论的解释如此描述:温度的改变是云朵产生的关键,冷暖转移是主体力量。 +People walking in autumn park St James's in London.,伦敦,圣杰姆斯公园母子俩在秋色中漫步。 +"You are artistic and like to fall in love, but you let your love pass by , by loving with your mind, not your heart.",你很有艺术天分,也很容易去爱上一个人,但当爱情来的时侯,你只是用你的〝感觉〞去爱,而并非用你的心去爱。 +Special Guest for this episode is Kent Cheng.,这一集的特别嘉宾是郑则士。 +"Beijing is China's ""essence"", more than 200 years of history.",京剧是中国的“国粹”,已有200年历史。 +"Ab initio molecular orbital method has been employed, in this paper, to study the mechanism of the hydrolysis of acetylcholine.",本文对乙酰胆碱水解反应历程进行了从头算分子轨道研究。 +Silence is healing.,宁静是疗养。 +YKP has a protective effect on peripheral blood T-lymphocyte subsets in rats with acute radiation-induced injury.,养阴抗毒散对急性放射损伤模型小鼠外周血T淋巴细胞亚群具有一定的保���作用。 +"The third, the animal husbandry listed companies is not strong; consciousness of tax debt;",③畜牧业上市公司非债务避税意识不强; +"Results:56 patients diagnosed as intraductal dilatation underwent intrathoracic perfusion therapy, 54 cases got healed, 2 cases operated, 2 suppurative mastitis patients got healed.",结果:乳管扩张症56例,行药物灌注治疗,54例症状消失,2例行手术治疗; 化脓性乳管炎2例,均治愈; +"She has now won this award more times than any other songwriter/artist, surpassing five-time winners Vince Gill and Alan Jackson.",而泰勒的六次获奖,也刷新了此前五次获奖的温斯·吉尔和阿兰·杰克逊。 +"Kur'talos was impressed by Jarod's dedication to duty, and put a group of battle-hardened soldiers at Jarod's command.",迦洛德的尽职尽责给库尔塔洛斯· 鸦冠留下很深的印象,他决定把一队身经百战的老兵交给迦洛德指挥。 +"City looked to have wrapped up a deal for Pacheco but that has now collapsed, with Liverpool wanting the highly-rated youngster to remain closer to Merseyside.",考文垂本已非常接近拿下帕切科,但最终还是功亏一篑。利物浦方面仍然希望将这位前途无量的新星留在默西塞德。 +SHAKIR:Certainly We have created man to be in distress.,我确已把人创造在苦难里。 +This is my personal angle of view in Xudong's artistic creation.,这是我解读旭东艺术创作的一种视角。 +"The Sun-Mercury conjunction at the Fixed Star Spica may denote public appeal, windfalls and gain, fortunate innovations and good news.",日水在恒星角宿的联手象征着公开呼吁、意外钱财与收获、幸运创新与好消息。 +My friend patted me on the shoulder.,我朋友拍拍我的肩膀。 +or quietly leaving a copy of the EU report or some other worrisome study at the gym's front desk.,或者悄悄地在体育馆前台留下一份欧盟或者其它让人忧心的研究的报告。 +"For this application, I don't want to display all 650 airlines.",对于这个应用程序,我不需要显示所有 650 家航空公司。 +"The teachers' team have the national secondary actors, intermediate title and national level 2 announcer more experts;",教师团队有国家二级演员、中级职称及国家二级播音员以上的专家; +"I know my children are going to encounter hardship, and I'm praying they won't be naive .",我知道我的孩子们会遇到困难,我祈祷他们不会因稚嫩而脆弱。 +Objective: This study was to investigate the effect of losartan on left ventricular remodeling in essential hypertensive.,目的 :探讨氯沙坦在治疗原发性高血压中对左心室重塑的预防和逆转的作用。 +You probably won’t begin to be taken seriously until you’ve been working in the real world in some capacity for at least five years (10 is better).,你也许一开始并不会认真对待,直至你已经在现实世界中在某些能力方面工作了起码5年(10年更佳)。 +"They live and earn money in Dongsheng, while they invest spare money for possible real estate appreciation in Ordos which is about 30kms away from Dongsheng.",他们在东胜居住和赚钱,而将空闲的资金投入离东胜大约30公里的鄂尔多斯可能升值的房产中。 +"Banks have significantly tightened lending, requiring bigger down-payments and raising mortgage rates.",各家银行已经大大收紧了贷款,要求提高首付,并提高了抵押贷款利率。 +"Outside the tipi, they rushed to a hidden spot and held a quick council.",他们急忙找了隐蔽的地方,召开紧急会议。 +His skills with the ball are incredible.,他的控球技术无以伦比。 +It’s a catalyst.,它是一道催化剂。 +"Mr. Halliday spoke with the Journal's Jason Chow about his new 2012 guide, the state of the Australian wine market, and how Australia can capitalize on the growing Chinese audience.",哈利迪与《华尔街日报》的记者Jason Chow谈到了他新出的2012年葡萄酒指南、澳大利亚葡萄酒市场的现状、以及澳大利亚如何开拓不断增长的中国葡萄酒市场。 +The variable-domain variation is a specific tool of handling unknown boundaries and suitable for designing airfoil shape.,变域变分是一种处理未知界面的独特工具,极适合于气动外形的设计求解。 +"This, essentially, brought about the collapse of Wachovia and Glitnir Bank in Iceland.",这基本上拖垮了美联银行和冰岛Glitnir银行。 +"Especially with the latest techniques in rendering, texture mapping, ray tracing and radiosity, you can make an object look just like it’s made of marble or rubber or whatever you wish.",尤其是运用最新的渲染、纹理贴图、光线追踪和光能传递技术,你可以使一个物体真像是大理石或者橡胶或者凡是你所想到的物体所制成的。 +The on-line oil filter of transformer on-load tap-changer is analyzed. Its effect in power transformer and transformation system and condition maintenance is introduced.,分析了变压器有载分接开关在线滤油装置,介绍了有载分接开关在线滤油在输变电系统中以及在状态检修中发挥的作用。 +"From a community-based cohort, 495 patients of European origin with type 2 diabetes and no history of pulmonary disease had baseline spirometry between 1993 and 1994.",在1993到1994年之间,来自以社区为基础之世代中的495位具有欧洲血统,并患有第2型糖尿病史且无肺部疾病史的患者,在实验一开始即进行肺量测定法。 +The technique of holding a ball and making a break is that a player uses his move to surpass his defender.,持球突破技术是持球队员在训练和比赛中利用快速突破的脚步动作和熟练的运球技术,来超越防守者的篮球进攻技术之一。 +Informative function is also called ideational function in the framework of functional grammar.,在功能语法的框架中,信息功能也被称为概念功能。 +"Firstly, we construct a multi-object decision model with optimization combined investment scheme, according to risk Vs income in many schemes practically.",首先依据多个投资方案的风险与收益并存的实际情况,建立了最佳投资组合方案的多目标决策模型。 +There was the true continuity.,这实实在在有一连串。 +"If the bottle falls down from the narrow railings, it can hurt others.",胶樽弃于窄窄的围栏上有可能堕下而伤及无辜。 +"The last time I wrote about this subject, The Atlantic’s own Clive Crook called me a “fiscal sado-conservative.”",我最后一次就此事发表评论时,《大西洋周刊》的Clive Crook称我为“财政保守主义者”。 +"Banks were the worst performing sector on the broader European market, but automotive and food and drug retailers ranked among some of the biggest drags.","在全线欧洲股市中,银行股是表现最差的板块,但个别汽车、食物和药物零售股也是跌幅较大的个股." +Lymphatics are occluded with fibrin.,淋巴管受纤维蛋白阻塞。 +"When she moved into the headquarters as director of damage control, I felt much better.",她进驻竞选总部并担任损害管制主任的时候,我感觉轻松多了。 +The World Peace Prize Awarding Council operates according to the core spirit of advancing peace and justice and inter-religious collaborations.,“世界和平奖评审委员会”的工作,一贯本着推进和平、平等、宗教间的合作为原则。 +Therefore the control law design methods based on suboptimal control method and optimal observer-control method with measurable states are presented and studied.,因此,提出并研究满足上述要求的基于输出反馈的次最优控制法与基于观测器的输出反馈最优控制法。 +"Yesterday about 432 million shares of companies in the Euro Stoxx 50 Index changed hands, compared with the daily average volume for the year of 1.38 billion, according to data compiled by Bloomberg.",据彭博社采集数据显示,昨天欧洲斯托克50指数各家企业的换手量约为4.32亿股,相比之下全年日均交易量为13.8亿股。 +"Starting from the features of power industry VSF, the paper discusses the latest VSF technology and its application at core business system of Shenzhen power supply bureau.",本文从电力行业容灾系统的特征入手,研究了最新容灾群集技术,并讨论了其在深圳供电局核心业务系统上的应用。 +"""I was like, 'Wow, Russia, I never thought of that, '"" she said.",“我当时的反应是,‘哇,俄罗斯,真没想到,’”她说。 +"I think that if we have to deepen our relationship with China, it should not only be a matter of relations betwwen businessmen, between diplomats betwwen civil servants, betwwen leaders.",我认为,欧盟想要深化与中国的关系,交流不仅仅应该停留在商业往来、外交官和政府领导方面,更应该注重人与人之间的交流。 +I traveled south along the coast.,我沿海岸线向南旅行。 +"Thirdly, we test whether there are differences in the degree of earnings management between Sample Two, sub-sample one, sub-sample two and Sample One.",再次,我们以执行旧会计准则的样本一作为参照,检验了执行新会计准则的样本二以及两个子样本在首次公丌发行前的盈余管理程度是否有差异。 +Dragon images that have been widely used in Chinese tradional art could be traced back to pre-historical period.,“龙”的形象产生由来已久,追溯上古时期已可见其雏形。 +"The president's proposed free-trade agreement with Colombia was blocked in the House of Representatives, after U.S. labor unions complained that Colombian workers' rights are often violated.",布什总统提出的美国与哥伦比亚之间的自由贸易协定没有在国会众议院获得通过,之前,美国的工会抱怨说,在哥伦比亚,工人的权益经常被剥夺。 +"While big-dollar investors were helpful at getting the company rolling, everyday Americans are much better at sticking with the company when times get tough.",虽然大额投资者有利于让公司正常运转起来,但是在行情不佳时,普通投资者才是渡过难关的最好支持。 +"As people imagine, the dragon can walk on land, swim in water, and fly in the clouds, with inexhaustible magical power.",在人们的想像中,龙能在地上行走,能在水中游弋,能在云中飞翔,充满了无穷的神力。 +"When a bird merely flies up to a branch to look around, the other birds don?t move.",当一只鸟只是为了张望而飞向高枝的时候,其它的鸟按兵不动。 +"Back in 2002 Yao was a shy, lanky 22 year old.",2002年时他还是一个害羞、瘦长的22岁年轻人。 +Excuse me. Falling into the pavement.,不好意思,差点跌进路面。 +My younger brother promised to get the band.,小哥许诺去请乐队。 +"Different depend on, no matter traditional advertisement pattern is to adopt what kind of method and approach, final it is to should pass the figure of a fossilization to show your originality come.",不同在于,传统的广告模式不管是通过什么样的手段和途径,最终是要通过一个固定化的形象来将你的创意表现出来。 +"A more closed relation was found between chronotropic index and stenosis in the right coronary artery (OR 26.21, p P<0.01).",相关性分析显示心脏变时指数阳性与右冠状动脉病变的相关性更好(OR 26.21,P<0.01)。 +China's iron manufacturing industry produced one hundred twenty-five thousand tons a year—an amount not equaled the West until the twentieth century.,中国的钢铁制造业年产量达到十二万五千吨——这与二十世纪西方国家的产量持平。 +"This is the official authority of the Mathworks provides learning materials, extracted from the CD-ROM full of data.",这是Mathworks公司提供的官方权威学习资料,从光盘中完整提取的数据资料。 +"As a pioneer of poetic films, ""Springtime In a Small Town"" directed by Fei Mustill shines with female consciousness.",作为开诗化电影先河的《小城之春》在今人看来,依然烛照着女性意识光辉。 +"Structural genomics, for example, aims to uncover the three-dimensional structure of every protein in Mtb.",例如,结构基因组学著眼于发现结核分枝杆菌的每一个蛋白的三维结构。 +"Now, in time, Tiamat and Apsu are disturbed by the din and the tumult of these younger gods.","但很快,Tiamat和Apsu就烦扰不已,为这些年轻神灵的嘈杂和喧哗。" +"""Hello, Kate! Who's that man, do you know him?"" I pointed to the bagger and said.",“你好,凯特!”我指着那个乞丐说道,“那个男人是谁?你认识他吗?” +IMAP is a mailbox protocol for reading and managing e-mail.,IMAP 是用于读取和管理电子邮件的邮箱协议。 +"Another effect was the disproportionate impact on young people, as employers cut back on recruitment – 17% of under-25s are out of work.",另一个后果就是由于雇主减少了招募人数,危机对年轻人的影响尤为严重——有17%的25岁以下年轻人处于失业状态。 +"For students majoring in art, theater and film, graduation is a festival event: They are showcasing their best work on campuses all over the country.",对于那些艺术、戏剧与电影专业的学生来说,毕业是一个重大的节日。 在全国的各所高校里,毕业生们正在展示着自己最好的作品。 +She dipped into literature while she worked in a library.,她在图书馆工作时曾涉猎过文学。 +"Basing on the data analysis, the interurban public passenger demand is forecasted under the designed demand method.",并利用设计的改进预测方法对新路网下城际公共交通客流量进行了预测。 +It is a good reference to the application of yttrium vanadate prisms.,这为钒酸钇棱镜在偏光器件中的应用提供了重要的参考价值。 +And what we do is we boil yam in a pot and then we put it into like what we call a pounder.,我们制作它时就是甘薯放锅里煮熟,然后把它放在一种捣具里。 +We should make little-used resources more productive.,我们应该充分利用闲置资源。 +"An unrelenting rise in the cost of raw materials -- largely driven by mounting demand from Asia -- is cutting corporate profits, hitting stocks and, in some cases, pushing up consumer prices.",材料成本的不断上涨正在减少企业利润、打击股价并在某些情况下拉高零售价格。亚洲不断增长的需求是推动原材料价格上涨的主要原因。 +Rate meters infer a readout from a continuous stream.,速率统量计是从连续不断的流注中推出指示数据。 +"Meanwhile, it is a complex problem for on-going creativity on composing technology and composer's pursuit for color, motive-force new effect and different style, especially from late romanticism.",尤其是从浪漫派后期以来,由于作曲技术的不断出新及作曲家对和声的色彩性、动力性、种种新颖效果、不同风格的追求。 +"As soon as Redfield started to read the paper, she was shocked.",Redfield开始阅读这些论文的时候,她感到震惊了。 +"Looking at this from another perspective, these WPARs are the training ground for new administrators to learn and practice their craft on.",从另一个角度看,这些 WPAR 是新管理员的培训基地,供他们通过动手实践进行学习和练习。 +A case study: Adapting Yummy Inc. process,学习案例: 调整 Yummy Inc. 过程 +"Mohammad Hossein Safar Harandi, Iran's culture minister, warned writers against publishing graphic de ions of relationships or sex, citing the system's ""religious, moral and national"" sensitivities.",伊朗反对出版任何对男女关系赤裸裸描述的图书,因为这是“宗教、道德和全国性”敏感问题。 +Ming says he has met19 some wonderful people at the hospital.,明称他在医院里结识了一些很优秀的人。 +"Tablet computers were the stars of this year's Consumer Electronics Show. The international gathering in Las Vegas, Nevada, is the world's biggest technology trade show.",平板电脑是在今年的消费电子展明星。这个国际会展在内华达州拉斯维加斯举行。它是世界上最大的科技贸易展。 +"Professor Ernest S. Kuh attacked this problem from a theoretical background of graph theory, optimization theory and other mathematical tools, and has obtained remarkable results.",葛守仁教授应用 图论、优化理论等数学工具,对集成电路的 布线进行了理论研究,并已经取得了可喜的成果。 +At the moment the company receives support from a business incubator - the Stavropol State Agrarian University.,目前,该公司得到了企业孵化器 - 斯塔夫罗波尔州立农业大学的支持。 +"In his Sermon on the Mount, Jesus uses two simple yet powerful images to describe our role in this world. We are called to be salt and light.",耶稣在登山宝训中,使用了两个简单却有力的形象来描述我们在世上扮演的角色, 呼召我们作盐和作光。 +"As strange as it may sound, Joe has just been promoted to manager.",听起来很怪,不过乔刚被提升为经理。 +"Show auspicious in north Korea to abolish the water-forces later very happy, began to accelerate the process of war.",秀吉在得知朝鲜准备废除水军一事后非常高兴,开始加快战争进程。 +What a wonderfull time to be together.,在一起的时光多很快乐。 +"In the first variant, the inventive part-coupling clamp is embodied in the form of a metal strip (1) provided with bent edges (2, 3) on both sides thereof.",这种夹紧器 有两种变体。第一种变体制成金属卡板(1)的形式,其两端各有通过折弯形成的 一端板(2,3)。 +"Schreiben: Workbook, finish ch. 2 (L-O) and write a paragraph about the members of your family (6 sentences).",写作:练习册,完成第2章(L-O)并写一段关于家庭成员的文章(6句话)。 +I hope our friends and people in Europe can understand that what China has done is very reasonable and what any dignified people would do.,我希望欧洲的朋友能够理解中方所采取的行动是完全合理的。 任何有尊严的人都会做出同样的反应。 +"The rings form, break apart, and reform, until the chemists introduce a compound that specifically binds with one size ring in particular, and removes it from the mix.",环状物形成,分切,重塑,直到形成一种类型的环状物能够特异性的与工作者加入的化合物相结合,然后将其从混合物中提取出来。 +"For those who want a primer on DMCA, Zittrain provides a nice synopsis in the first three minutes of the interview, if you want to skip ahead go to the 2:40 mark.",Zittrain在采访的前三分钟为那些想要了解DMCA新政策基本情况的人提供了一个很好的概述,如果你想跳过的话,请直接从2:40开始看。 +"South Africa supporter blows a VuvuzelaVuvuzelas - the horns used by football fans celebrating last year's World Cup - not only cause noise pollution but may also spread diseases, say experts.",呜呜祖拉---去年足球世界杯上球迷在庆祝时使用的一种喇叭---它不仅造成噪音污染,而且还可能传播疾病,专家们说。 +"All right. Now in any case, while we're on the subject of deconstruction in general and before we get into de Man, let me just say that there is one other way, if I may, not to criticize deconstruction.","好的,无论如何,既然我们正说到解构这个话题,在我们谈德曼之前,我想说,如果我可以的话,还有另一种方法来看待,不用批判解构主义。" +Next is misunderstanding the roles that they lever the procurator and belittle the judge wrongly.,角色认知上人为地抬高检察官贬低法官造成误解; +"You reap what you sow, and we've sown economic disaster by investing in China.",种瓜得瓜,在中国投资是我们种下的经济危机的祸种啊。 +The paper studied the extraction technology of water-soluble soybean polysaccharides(SSPS) and its effect on the stability of acid dairy beverages.,采用正交试验研究了从豆渣中提取大豆水溶性多糖的工艺,并探讨了其对酸性乳饮料的稳定作用。 +"Several days after I arrived, the 407th Air Service Squadron was formed, and I was a member.",几天后我被编入了407空中服务中队,这个部队是第十四航空队第十四空中服务大队的一部分。 +Mr. Lu is mainland China's second case of A/H1N1.,这名吕姓患者是中国大陆第二起甲型H1N1流感病例。 +Restaurant's vestibule is highly inspired by fashion design concept of pleating fabric.,前庭餐厅的前庭是非常鼓舞的打褶时装面料的设计概念。 +Where in the sprawl could I find the oddballs able to see through the glare and take advantage of the city’s unmatched energy?,在这杂乱无章之地,我在哪里才找得到一个奇人可以告诉我如何看透这耀眼俗艳,汲取这城市无与伦比的能量呢? +"History by yuanmingyuan garden, is, changchun park, WanChunYuan) composition adas spring park (.",历史上圆明园,是由圆明园、长春园、绮春园(万春园)组成。 +"Harry thought he recognized Luna's style: The effect, in such an enclosed space, was slightly overwhelming.",哈利觉得看到了卢娜的风格:在这样封闭的空间里,效果有一点强烈得受不了。 +"The bamboo stick raised upward, followed by another stab into the swordman's right eye.",那少女竹棒挑起,碧影微闪,已刺入他左眼之中。 +"Tucked within the Karakoram Range of the Himalaya near the Pakistan-China border, the spires of the Trango Group protrude from the icy landscape like shark's teeth.",川口塔峰群在巴基斯坦与中国边境的喀喇昆仑山脉中跌宕起伏,它们在冰雪覆盖的风景中突出的山尖犹如鲨鱼的牙齿一般。 +"In France, the first phase of neoclassicism is expressed in the ""Louis XVI style"", the second phase in the styles we call "" Directoire "" or ""Empire.",在法国,第一时期的新古典主义被称为“路易十六风格”,第二时期的风格我们称之为“执政内阁时代式”或“帝国式”。 +"A pino y boat was also found carrying turtles at the same time, can you accept it ?",与此同时,一个菲律宾船被发现装载着海龟,你能接受不? +"Priced at £4.69, the book has outsold both the Harry Potter series and the Da Vinci Code within weeks of its release on cyber bookshop Amazon. com.",该书售价为4.69英镑,在亚马逊网上书店推出几周内,销售量已超过热销书《哈里波特》系列和《达芬奇密码》。 +"As the media have breathlessly reported, China has just overtaken Japan as the world’s second largest economy, and bids fair to knock the United States from the top spot within 20 years.",正如媒体已经不遗余力所报道的那样,中国刚刚已经取代日本成为世界第二大经济体,并有望在二十年之内敲开美国世界第一的大门。 +We studied the production techniques of Cariea papaya fruit wine and analyzed the effects of different fermentation temperature and sugar content on wine quality.,以保山番木瓜为原料研究番木瓜酒加工技术,考察不同发酵温度、糖浓度对果酒质量的影响。 +"That's why Tian Li Feng, like a lot of Chinese young professionals, isn't particularly surprised by its success.",正因如此,田林峰(音译)与许多其他年轻的中国专业人士一样,对他在中国大受欢迎并不特别惊讶。 +"""We'd like to be able to intervene and potentially prevent autism in the future, "" she said.",她说:“我们非常希望在不久的将来可以干预并有效地预防自闭症的发生。” +"When you delete a list, you also delete list items, attachments, information about the items (sometimes known as metadata), and version history.",删除列表时,还会同时删除列表项、附件、有关项目的信息(也称元数据)和版本历史记录。 +Volunteers came from everywhere to help with the rescue efforts.,来自全国各地的自愿工作者来到纽约,帮助抢救工作。 +"""The joys of love are but a moment long, "" sang the troubadour, ""but the pain of love endures forever. "" This.",“爱的欢乐只是一瞬间”,乡遥歌手唱道,“但是爱的疼痛永远持续”。这几乎成了热门歌曲。 +"Also many people think that Anita Mui is ""Big Sister"", they would think I am difficult to take care.",而且在很多人的心目中,梅艳芳是一个“大姐大”,都觉得我这个人是很难伺候的那种。 +"We hope to build on the recent growth in U.S. exports, which has been key to America’s economic recovery –worldwide exports in 2010 grew by 17% and exports to China grew by 32%.",我们希望在美国最近的出口增长基础上继续提高,出口一直是美国经济复苏的关键——2010年[美国]对全球出口增长了17%,对中国的出口增长了近32%。 +The remains of fortresses in Kosovo and Moldova will receive funding.,科索沃(Kosovo)和摩尔多瓦的碉堡遗迹也将获得大使基金的资助,用于纪录老奥尔海伊(Orheiul Vechi)的摩尔多瓦遗迹。 +"At that time, the true Israel of God will live blamelessly before Him.",那时,上帝的真以色列人,将是完全无可指责。 +It has a great sense of story.,并且有厚重的故事性。 +The iatrogenic case was reported as a complication of iliac bone graft procurement.,另一位则是肠骨取骨术所引致的并发症。 +If you find that you are feeling truly horrid talk to your healthcare provider.,如果你发现自己感觉很恐怖的话,跟你的医疗服务提供者谈论下。 +This idea got an impassioned endorsement from an eminent group of global opinion leaders in Singapore on Sunday.,这个观点周日在新加坡得到全球著名舆论领袖的热烈赞同。 +"In this paper, the authors fully studied 2-period points of the Stenfan function st and gave all 2-period points. Main result of the research is shown by theorem 1.",对史迭芬映射的2-周期点进行全面的研究,并给出了它的所有2-周期点,主要结果是定理1。 +The sea center has Paul's body in cold storage as it finalizes funeral plans.,水族馆把保罗的尸体放进冷冻室里,因为它还在确定葬礼计划。 +"""Come here, "" he said, reaching out for me.",“到我这儿来,”他说,双手向我伸过来。 +"“Stop it,” Bessie said. “It was only a fleeting glance.",“闭嘴,”贝西说,“那不过是短暂的一瞥。 +"Therefore, the dagger became shorter and shorter. At first it can be holded, and then it can't be holded.",于是,这把匕首变得越来越短,开始手还能够绰绰有余地握住刀柄,后来刀柄都不好握了。 +"I volunteered for one of the boats, where I had, of course, no business.",我自告奋勇地上了其中的一个划子,当然,我并没有多少事可做。 +"Some universities, too, are hiring outside evaluators to reviewtranscripts or are opening offices in China with local staffmembers who can spot the application red flags that colleges aremissing.",一些大学也在雇佣校外人士审核成绩单,或在中国开设办公室,让中国的工作人员辨认学校可能忽略的问题。 +The alarm harmed the charming harmony of the ceremony.,警报声损害了典礼迷人的和谐. +"When finding a company is compared to choosing a blue chip, please keep in mind that love should be ranked ahead of money.",当找男女朋友被比作挑选绩优股的时候,请牢记:钱排在爱后面。 +An important duty of the strata corporation is the duty to obtain appropriate insurance.,公司的一个阶层的重要职责的责任是获得合适的保险。 +"With the software PHYLIP, we create a phylogenetic tree structure and compare the experimental results with traditional one.",利用PHYLIP软件对其进行构造进化树,并对其实验结果与传统方法得到的实验结果进行比较。 +"If at any point in time the standard cost materially differs from the actual cost, the Standard revision account should be used to adjust inventories to actual cost.",如果在任何时间点上标准成本不同于实际成本,那么应使用标准的修改账目按实际成本调节存货。 +CONCLUSION: RVG can obviously improve the satisfaction in root canal therapy.,结论:RVG能明显提高根管治疗术的满意率。 +Improvements to the display of flow port information on diagrams are available in the Rational Rhapsody 7.5.1 solution through the display options operation.,Rational Rhapsody V7.5.1 解决方案通过显示选项操作,来改进图表中流程图的显示方式。 +"We have 14K and 18K gold necklaces, chains and earrings.",我们有14k和18k的金项链、手链和耳环。 +"The South Korean singer-actor, whose real name is Jung Ji-hoon, began his two-year mandatory military service on Tuesday.",韩国歌手、演员Rain周二开始为期两年的强制服兵役。 +"Think about it: The long-run budget outlook has darkened, which means that some hard choices must be made.",可以这样想想:长期预算的前景已经变得惨淡,也就是说必须做出一些艰难的选择。 +Is your scalp dry?,你的头皮发干么? +The money box was forced open.,钱箱被强行打开。 +"What is ""imbuement""? For this, Classic writers have put forward systematic theory.",对于“灌输”是什么的问题,经典作家提出了系统理论。 +"Although limited to northwestern India and some other parts, it helped India become self-sufficient in food grain by 1974.",虽然这一措施仅限于印度西北部和一些其他地方,但它仍帮助印度在1974年实现了粮食自给。 +US FDA approved erlotinib tablets for treatment of locally advanced or metastatic Non Small-Cell Lung Cancer(NSCLC) after failure of at least one prior chemotherapy regimen in 2004.,2004年经FDA批准上市,用于一线化疗失败的局部晚期或转移性非小细胞肺癌的治疗。 +Former Employer: She freelanced with us for 3 years.,她为我们公司做了三年自由撰稿人。 +"Through the system analysis, it announced APM's character, elements enrichment degree and style of pollutant source of the two sampling sites in Liangxiang of Beijng.",通过对两个地点多组样品的系统分析,揭示了北京良乡两采样点的APM特征、元素富集程度以及两地污染源类型。 +"They are content to work at discovery, often teaching science at the college level, pleased to be relatively well-paid members of one of the least conspiratorial of professions.",他们满足于做发现工作,经常教授大学水平的科学知识,很乐意成为存有最少阴谋而又收入颇丰的从业人员。 +"They took him to orthopedists and neurologists, but his muscles were so atrophied ""there was almost nothing left in his legs, "" Nancy says.",他们带他去看了整形外科医师和神经科医师。 然而,南茜说,他的肌肉萎缩的太严重了,“腿上几乎什么都没有留下。” +"Hearing allegations of cruelty to animals in research settings, many are perplexed that anyone would deliberately harm an animal.",听说在实验场景中残忍的对待动物的宣传,许多人不禁感觉到迷惑,有人故意伤害动物。 +"In the short term, event-driven design and development allow quicker and easier customization.",短期内,事件驱动的设计和开发允许更加快速、容易的定制。 +"Six aircraft variants : Civilian Executive, ShortHaul airline, Search & Rescue CoastGuard, Medi-Vac, Police, Military Ground support attack machine (fictional).",六架飞机的变种:文职行政,短途航空公司,搜索和救援海岸警卫队,医疗疫苗,警察,军人地面攻击机的支持(虚构) 。 +It acquired Danish firms Clean Care and Hano at the start of the year followed by Weita in Switzerland in March .,该公司今年收购了丹麦之后, 清洁卫生和开始哈诺在瑞士赛德在3月 。 +"Negative consequences: The design has to have an observable, negative impact.",负面结果:设计必须有可以观察的、负面的效应。 +"Compared with type SA pump, the shaft of type SAP has more long using life because of its bareness parts protected by shaft sleeve.",与SA型泵相比,SAP型泵泵轴裸露部分均有轴套进行保护,延长了轴的使用寿命。 +The two presidents met in a closed-door session and then spoke to reporters before going to a working lunch.,两位总统举行了闭门会议,随后,在去吃工作餐之前向记者作了陈述。 +"Does research in a common fixed point theorem of fuzzy mappings in inequality conditions and the cut set is the nonempty closed bounded subsets of, while is complete metric space.",研究了在完备度量空间中一对模糊映象满足一些特定不等式条件,以及当其截集是中非空有界闭集时,该对模糊映象的公共不动点的存在性问题。 +"Drink plenty of liquids. Fluids help dilute uric acid in the blood and urine, so be sure get enough water and other fluids everyday.",饮足量的水。 液体可以帮助稀释血中和尿中的尿酸,所以保证每日水或其它液体的涉入量。 +One is almost tempted to add ; There is nothing about which men cannot feel snobbish .,几乎很想加上一句:没有什么东西不能引起人的势利感。 +"To flesh. "" But without love, marriage, parenthood, and how the suspect dogs?""",可是没有爱情的性、婚姻、生儿育女,与猪狗何疑? +"Although displays in each historical period the emphasis point is different however the military authority is the backing, the party power is the tool, the political power is a goal, is an invariable.",虽然在各个历史时期所表现的侧重点不同,然而军权是后盾、党权是工具、政权是目的,却是一个不变的规律。 +"His mind was besotted with fear,ignorance and superstition.",他的头脑被恐惧、愚昧和迷信所麻痹。 +"Besides computer screens, the biggest saboteur for an aspiring morning person is the weekend.",那些盼望着能迎接黎明的人,还是有希望的。 +The suspended sediment concentration at the center of the turbidity maximum zone and near the sand bar tends to increase because of the sediment addition from upstream.,因上游来沙量增加,在最大浑浊带中心和河口拦门沙处悬浮泥沙浓度趋于增加。 +"The crux of the experiment was to use two drugs in combination: an AKT (protein kinase B) inhibitor, and a BSO (buthionine sulfoximine), which reduces levels of glutathione.",实验的核心是两种药物联用:一种AKT(蛋白质激酶B)抑制剂,和一种BSO(丁硫氨酸亚砜胺),可以减少谷胱甘肽的水平。 +The shredding machine gathers fallen materials on the cutting surface and guides the materials to achieve the aim of reducing the probability of material leakage and material accumulation.,本发明通过将落料集中于受刀面及将物料导流,以达到减少漏料与积料的机率。 +"Cross section of myocardium of DM rat showed that the thick collagenous fibers connected with each other to form a network, they were arranged irregularly and distributed unevenly.",各组大鼠心肌横切面可见粗大胶原纤维相互连接成网状,排列紊乱,分布不匀。 +Have you eaten Mongolian hot-pot?,你吃过蒙古烧烤了吗? +"Asking is, in my opinion, the world's most powerful - and neglected - secret to success and happiness.",请求,在我看来,是世界上最有效的—而又最容易被忽视的—取得成功获得幸福的秘诀。 +This illusion has its origin as a chance observation.,这一幻视来自一次偶然的观察。 +"""Migrant labor Shortage"" has its profound social reasons.",“民工荒”有其深刻的社会原因。 +BLESSED is he who appreciates what it is to love Jesus and who despises himself for the sake of Jesus.,如果一个人知道什麽是爱耶稣,又为爱耶稣而轻视自己,他是有福的。 +"When Gideon realized that it was the angel of the LORD, he exclaimed, ""Ah, Sovereign LORD!","基甸见他是耶和华的使者,就说:""哀哉。" +"In Exp. 3, phosphorus uptakes from feedstuffs of broiler dissimilar small intestine were measured by everted gut sac.",用外翻肠囊法研究肉鸡小肠不同肠段对饲粮磷的吸收。 +"Therefore, to analyse the state of public security from the point of view of development, we can dispel our citizens' panic about the state of public security and work out effective ways to main…",因此,用发展的眼光分析社会治安状况,可有效地消除人们对社会治安状况的恐慌感和失望症并找出综合治理治安状况的有效方法。 +J-SOX was enacted as law when the Financial Instrument and Exchange Law was passed by Japan's Congress on 7 June 2006.,年6 月7 日,日本国会通过《金融工具与交易法》,将日本版萨班斯-奥克斯利法案(J-SOX)列入法律。 +"Think: training for a charity 5K with your three closest friends, or creating a ritual of morning juicing with roomies or your romantic partner.",试想:和你的三个最要好的朋友一起去为5千米的慈善长跑锻炼;或者开始例行在早晨和同伴们或者爱人一起榨果汁。 +Let me pull back for a second then.,我过会儿再讲解这里。 +Most Web applications maintain data in session to make them available throughout the application.,大多数 Web 应用程序都在会话中保持数据,使其在整个应用程序过程中可用。 +Sustained release is a kind of oral preparation which release slowly and unconstantly within the fixed mediums.,缓释制剂是口服药物在规定释放介质中,按要求缓慢地非恒速释放的一种制剂。 +"The announcement represented a concession to European leaders, who have already forced the U.S. hand on key elements of financial-rescue efforts taking shape around the world.",这一表态显示出对欧洲领导人的让步,他们已经迫使美国拱手交出了目前正在全球各地执行的金融救助计划的主要设计精髓。 +"I plant production rock wool carpet is divided into glass cloth felt, barbed wire seam blanket, rock wool board glass cloth blanket, rock wool barbed wire seam blanket.",我厂生产的岩棉毡分为玻璃布缝毡、铁丝网缝毡、岩棉板玻璃布缝毯、岩棉铁丝网缝毯。是理想的保温隔音材料。 +"DNF game simulator, easy language source code, is limited to study, do not used for commercial purposes, otherwise the consequence is proud.",说明:DNF游戏模拟器易语言源码,仅限于学习,请勿用于商业用途,否则后果自负。 +"How often do you run into a situation in life and think to yourself, “Nobody ever prepared me for this?”",生活中,你多久会出现这样的一种状态,并自思自忖:“从没有人为我准备好这事儿呢?” +I still do not people in the addict to get acquaintance with the studio together.,我依旧没有与画室中的人熟络起来。 +What advice could you give to the men out there not blessed with Michael Phelps' torso and George Clooney's face?,你能给那些没有迈克尔·菲尔普斯的身材和乔治·克鲁尼的长相的男士们一些建议? +"As soon as the Sultan awoke, he got up, ran to the queen, and eagerly told her of the new dream.",没多久,君王一觉醒来,就起身跑到王后的住处,热烈的告诉她新的梦境。 +Objective Experimental study on the changing pattern of the microvasculature and their hemodynamics in expanded skin at different expanding periods.,目的实验观察不同扩张时间皮肤微血管系及其血流动力学的变化规律。 +This paper studied the application of Fractional Brownian Motion (FBM) to terrain by Digital Elevation Map (DEM).,研究了分形布朗运动(FBM)模型在DEM数字高程地形地貌分析中的应用。 +"For sure, 2012 -- specifically December 20, 2012 -- is a key date for the Mayas, as it represents the end of the fourth of these millennial cycles which elders say is symbolized by water.",的确,2012年,具体地说是2012年12月20日是玛雅历法的一个关键日期,因为它代表着第四个千年周期的结束,长者称这��周期是以水为特征的。 +Note the dark red blood clot forming the hemopericardium. The hemopericardium can lead to tamponade.,注意暗红血凝块为心包积血,可致心包填塞。 +"Yes, whole house kits would be shipped to you're site.",没错儿,一整套家舍套装能运到府上。 +"No way, My Chinese isn't as good as you say.",不敢当,我的中文不至于你说的那么好。 +"Tasting notes: Appearance: More or less intense, straw yellow.",品尝记录:外观为比较强烈的禾杆黄色; +"TB patients seek care from a wide array of public, private, corporate and voluntary health-care providers.",结核患者向广泛的公立、私立、集体和自愿卫生保健提供者寻求诊断和治疗。 +"Bikes are an easy target for thieves, even if you lock them up the thief can just pick up the bike and walk away.",单车是贼子比较容易下手的目标,既是你把车锁起来,小偷也可以把整辆车拿走。 +"Sena feels burdened by the two of you, so just let her go.",世娜认为自己是你们俩人的负担,所以请你让世娜离开吧! +The Smile Angel Foundation has released a statement saying it will not be affected by the couple's divorce.,嫣然天使基金会发表声明称王菲李亚鹏夫妇的离婚不会影响到该基金会的正常运行。 +"The poor attitude of the French players was the cause of France's failure at Euro 2004 and Jacques Santini did not leave Tottenham for 'personal reasons', the former France and Spurs manager has said.",前法国和英超托特纳姆热刺队主教练桑蒂尼日前表示,法国队之所以会在2004年葡萄牙欧锦赛上卫冕失败,其原因完全是因为法国足协的不信任和球员们对他的恶劣态度。 +但是,开发人员通常需要为过程 设计要使用的、确切的 XML 方言。,"Often, though, developers need to design the exact XML dialect to use for a process." +"The start and duration of the burst access is controlled by ADSC , ADSP and ADV and chip select pins.",开始和持续时间的突发存取控制脂肪干细胞,腺病毒和芯片的ADSP和选择引脚。 +"In this article, go one step further and create a mining model dynamically in a parametrized stored procedure using the InfoSphere Warehouse Mining SQL API.",在本文中,我们还会更进一步,利用 InfoSphere Warehouse Mining SQL API 在参数化了的存储过程内动态创建一个挖掘模型。 +BCE: India - The Aryans invade the Indus Valley region.,印度——雅利安人入侵印度河流域地区。 +"Hundreds of New Yorkers bravely splashed into cold ocean waters to start the new year in early January, including one man who ended up in a hospital.",一月初,数百名纽约客勇敢地跳进冰冷的海水展开新的一年,其中一名男子最后被送进医院。 +"Yuan- perspicacious also disclosed that ""Shiyiwu"" period will actively promote the introduction of property tax, real estate tax is.",苑广睿还透露,“十一五”时期国家将积极推进开征物业税,也就是不动产税。 +"The fourth wave (after computing, communications, and sensing) is sense-making: helping us to deal with an overload of info.",将成为技术风潮的第四股力量,它将帮助我们处理信息过载。 +The nutritional differences of alfalfa meals processed by different methods were studied.,对不同加工方式的蓿蓿草粉的营养价值进行了研究。 +The research of optimization condition on determination of chromium content in dairy products by graphite furnace atom absorption spectrographic methods was mainly developed.,本文主要开展了石墨炉原子吸收光谱法测定乳品中铬含量优化条件的研究。 +"The production capability of Shanghai Shi'ai Fashion Co. , Ltd is increasing year by year through the company's continuous development and spirits of progress.",上海施爱服饰有限公司以其不断进取的精神不断发展,生产能力逐年提高。 +Methods The modern extracapsular cataract extraction and intraocular lens implantation were used.,方法采用现代白内障囊外摘出人工晶状体植入。 +"The Associated Press reported that the Cabinet vote was 24-0 in favor of the resolution, with one abstention.",据报道以色列内阁以24-0投票通过停火决议,有一人缺席。 +"CFD was used to simulate and analyze an actual big fruit cold store, and the reliability of the simulation was certificated with the experiments.",利用CFD技术对一实际大型水果冷藏库流场进行了数值模拟,并通过实验验证了模拟的可靠性。 +Wimbledon is theoldest 2)tournament in tennis history.,温布尔顿是网球历史中最古老的一项锦标赛。 +"Joe said to me, 'I hear you get it, ' and I became new-media employee number three.",然后我就成了新媒体小组中的第三名。 +"With an overheating economy and an expanding bubble in residential property, China began tightening its monetary policy in early 2010.",过热的经济和住宅房产不断膨胀的泡沫,使中国在2010年初开始收紧货币政策�� +"Later that evening, near the Moonglades of Cenarius…",之后的那天晚上,在塞纳留斯的月光林地里… +"To the applicants' surprise, in 2008 the Shenzhen municipal government allowed them to review the books.",令吴君亮他们吃惊的是,深圳市政府2008表示允许他们看政府的支出帐册。 +"The magnitude of the determinant of the matrix M, which is a volume or area or hypervolume .",矩阵M的行列式值的大小,为体积、面积或超体积。 +"Yang Fude, vice-president of Beijing Hui Long Guan Hospital, said China is the only country where suicides among women outnumber men.",北京回龙观医院的副院长杨福德说中国是唯一一个女性自杀人数超过男性的国家。 +Perhaps bag-scanning at airports might go the same way.,也许机场行李包裹扫描包也会全自动化。 +"Ultra-low volatile energy and reduce oil burning on evaporative emissions , reducing oil consumption .",超低挥发性能,降低机油蒸发燃烧对排放的影响,减少… +The flower kingdoms once held a form of light that would move and be displayed around our physical shape and form.,花卉王国曾经持有会移动的光的形体,被显现在我们物质形态和形体的周围。 +"Disallows and Empty handed gift status are sent to client with server message, when opening rules window.",当用户打开规则窗口时系统会以短消息形式告知禁用列表和空手天赋点。 +"We humans are a very, very death phobic species. We will do almost anything to avoid the pain that acts based on the thanatos instinct can bring.",我们人类史非常非常具有死亡恐惧的物种。我们可以做任何事情来避免死欲本能带给我们的痛苦。 +"So when we talk about formal charge, basically formal charge is the measure of the extent to which an individual atom within your molecule has either gained or lost an electron.","说到形式电荷,基本上形式电荷就是,单个原子在形成分子之后,是得到了电子还是失去了电子的一种量度。" +"Tech, meanwhile, has been the sector where forecasts are rising behind powerhouses such as Apple, whose stock hit an all-time high last week.","与此同时,在苹果(AAPL.O: 行情)等大型企业撑起大局的情况下,科技企业获利预估则在上升.苹果股价本周一举涨至纪录高位." +Methods Magnetic resonance tomographic angiography (MRTA) was performed in all 121 patients with hemifacial spasm and 30 controls without as.,方法本组包括12 1例面肌抽搐病人和30例正常对照者,均作了磁共振断层血管造影。 +The discordance between knowledge and being is my subject.,知识与生命实存之间的不合谐是我研究的主题。 +I resolved to encourage him.,我决定去鼓励他。 +"Merchants and bankers went to coffeehouses to do their business, as well as to drink coffee.",商人们和银行家们到那咖啡馆去,边喝咖啡边谈生意。 +"He hears the news of Harshire's betrayal from a colleague, Police chief Bakwerel.",他从同事那听说哈什尔的指控,同事就是巴克威尔警察长。 +"Full of militancy and revolutionary ardour, the people of all nationalities in the country are working hard for the realization of the four modernizations.",全国各族人民意气风发, 斗志昂扬, 为实现四个现代化而奋战。 +"And so that's the point, is that the ratio of moles in the gas and liquid phases is just given by the two segments of this on either side.","那就是问题的关键,是气相和液相中的,摩尔比,由这两边的,两部分给出。" +Invite ChengShi and FangJuan go to their shop.,邀请程实和方娟一起去他们的小店。 ! +The human skeleton consists of more than two hundred bones limit together by tough and relwithinively inelastic connective tissues called lighereasents.,人类骨骼有二百多块骨头组成,住些骨头石油坚韧而绝对缺乏弹性的,被称为韧带的结蒂组连在一起。 +"“My friends tell me I’m quite handsome, ” he said in confident English one recent evening, fingering his car keys as if they were a talisman.",“朋友们都说我挺帅的。” 接受采访的那个晚上,他一边把玩着他那护身符般的车钥匙,一边用自信的英语侃侃而谈。 +"Rather than try to understand how I was developing my psychic abilities, they found it much more believable that I had simply decided to rip people off.",相对于努力了解我怎样提高心灵感应能力,他们发现相信我只是想骗钱更容易些。 +"And if your application requires a continuous feed of location data from the client, the geolocation services allow for that, too, which opens up the possibilities even further.",如果您的应用程序需要客户端源源不断地提供位置数据,地理定位服务也支持该功能,这进一步开辟了可能性。 +"To study one unit repairable system with single repairman vacation, a kind of new maintenance and replacement model is proposed.",针对修理工带有单重休假的单部件可修系统,提出了一种��的维修更换模型。 +But every policy has its merits and demerits.,然而,任何政策都有得有失。 +"When a desktop farm like the one described here supports agents or front-line workers, it becomes easier for employees to move work among their desks.",使用类似于本文介绍的桌面场来支持代理或一线工人时,便于员工在办公桌之间移动办公。 +Comparetive chromosome studies wore carried out by means of short culture of lymphocytes from peripheral blood of 1 cow with simple salpingo obstruction and 5 cows with reproduction system problems.,采用乳牛外周血液淋巴细胞作短期培养,以空气干燥法制备染色体。对临床诊断为输卵管阻塞牛1例和生殖器官畸形牛5例进行细胞遗传学分析。 +"The will is strong, and feelings of the weak.",意志是坚强的,感情是脆弱的。 +"Streeter, Thomas. Selling the Air. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1996.",《出售天空》。芝加哥:芝加哥大学出版社,1996年版。 +"In order to fix this, you can use back referencing.",要修正这个问题,你可以用到回返引用。 +"To sum up, the rule of law can't be realized unless it is based on traditions, address all the issues in reality and traditions and can in its infancy, handle all the problems in society.",法治只有立足于传统才会根深叶茂,法治必须能以应对现实和传统中的问题才能有效建立,法治起步时必须妥善处理社会中的各种问题。 +Corruption is one of the focus problems in the world.,腐败是当代世界各国所面临的焦点问题之一。 +This article integrates both industry agnostic recommendations and best practices developed in a white paper written to aid a government agency through its SOA journey.,本文把白皮书中提出的建议和最佳实践整合在一起,帮助政府机构和各个行业顺利实现 SOA。 +Outcome of proximal humerus fractures treated by PHILOS plate internal fixation.,应用PHILOS内固定系统治疗肱骨近端骨折的疗效分析。 +Eco-Industrial Parks is a kind of important model to achieve the sustainable development.,生态工业园是实现可持续发展的一种重要模式。 +"In addition, the United States is engaging in the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade negotiations as a mechanism for improving linkages among many of the major Asia-Pacific economies.",除此,美国正在参与跨太平洋伙伴合作关系贸易谈判,并以此为机制改善许多主要亚太经济体之间的关系。 +Eagle's bid was reported Tuesday by Agence-France Presse.,法新社(Agence-France Presse)周二对Eagle的竞标进行了报道。 +"""If you want to make an easy job seem mighty hard, just keep putting off doing it. "" Olin Miller.",如果你想让一件容易的工作变得巨难做,那就一直把它往后推吧。(奥林·米勒) +"Hind paragraph format longer, said ""useless division roll"".",后段画幅较长,称“无用师卷”。 +"Then when you get older and think back, you'll enjoy it a second time.",当你年老回首往事时,便能再次享受你的一生。 +Creates advertising propaganda and sales manuals;,制作广告文宣和销售手册; +"The 1, 535-pound Atlantic Giant pumpkin seen in this photo took the top prize at the World Championship Pumpkin Weigh-Off contest in Half Moon Bay, Calif.",图中这个大西洋的巨型南瓜,在加州半月湾世界南瓜称重锦标赛中,凭借1535磅的重量勇夺桂冠。 来自加州塞特拉斯高地市的罗恩也因此获得了10210美金。 +"The process of hydration and hardening of the anhydrite, and the condition of practical use of the anhydrite products, arc studied by way of the thermodynamic calculation.",根据热力学计算与实验结果研究了硬石膏的水化硬化过程及其制品的使用条件。 +It contains templates and documentation for building applications and libraries for the iOS platform.,它包含用于为 iOS 平台构建应用程序和库的模板和文档。 +"What's clear is that the designer handbag, long a fashion staple for stylish women worldwide, has become a status symbol for upwardly mobile men in China.",在中国,长期以来主导女性时尚的名包,现在已经成为上层男士彰显其地位的象征,这种趋势已经越来越明显。 +"When China parked an oil rig in contested waters last year, Vietnam upped its official anti-China rhetoric.",去年,当中国在争议海域架设石油钻井平台时,越南官方抬高了其反华调门。 +"In less than a month, little Cosette, in that Thebaid of the Rue de Babylone, was not only one of the prettiest, but one of the ""best dressed"" women in Paris, which means a great deal more.",不到一个月,珂赛特在巴比伦街四周的荒凉地段里,已不只是巴黎最漂亮的女人之一,这样就已经很了不起了,而且还是“穿得最好的”女人之一,做到这点就更了不起了。 +It is said long ago there appeared a devil of plague in the Ruhe River.,据说,很久以前在汝河有瘟魔出现。 +"Based on the common shear resistance bolt and flat bolt, the D-shape was developed. The high pressure end cover sealing device connected with D- sha…",在一般抗剪螺栓和扁平螺栓基础上研究开发的D形螺栓连接高压密封装置能实现容器端盖的快开。 +I hoped he would be rich and kind and would come into our lives (and our not yet furnished apartment) and help us.,我希望他很富有,有朝一日能走进我们的生活(以及我们家徒四壁的公寓),并为我们提供帮助。 +The development of in vitro fertilization and embryo transfer (IVF-ET) offers great hope to infertility couples.,体外授精-胚胎移植(IVF-ET)技术的发展为广大不孕夫妇带来生育的希望。 +"Humble to the dust, and then bloom.",卑微到尘埃中,然后开出花来。 +"We are FELT dear ones, for the energies of the dragon realms are strong and many humans will FEEL us near.",我们是可以被感受的,亲爱的人们,因为龙界的能量是很强烈的,很多人会感受到我们的临近。 +"The natural gas was sent out into the sky and burnt out, which was not only a waste of resource, but also pollution to the environment.",天然气放空燃烧,不仅浪费了资源,也污染了环境。据中石油塔里木油田公司测算,每盏“天灯”每天燃烧天然气的价值接近一辆中档轿车。 +"Another 651,000 jobs disappeared from the American economy in February, the government reported Friday, as the unemployment rate soared to 8.1 percent - its highest level since 1983.",美国政府周五发布的报告显示,二月份美国又有65.1万个工作消失,失业率已飙升至8.1%,为1983年以来的最高水平。 +And we all have extremely limited resources with which to process this information.,而我们用来处理这些信息的资源极其有限。 +Would you like a pair of earphones?,你想要一副耳机吗? +I want to clear my debts as quickly as possible.,我想把我的债务尽快还清。 +She peeked over the top of her menu.,她从菜单上往外偷看。 +The laughter had disappeared from his face and eyes the moment his laughing voice ceased.,笑声一停,他眼角眉梢的笑容也顿时没了。 +"Practice proved its satisfactory performance, creating the conditions for fastening localization of low-level heat recovery in sulphuric acid pla…",实践证明该稀释器运行良好,为加快硫酸装置低温热回收的国产化创造了条件。 +This paper mainly deals with the research process of a fault detection system of the antenna system of satellite communication carried in plane.,本论文主要论述了机载卫星通信站天线分系统故障检测系统的研制过程。 +He continued his fence from the garden to the gate.,他把篱笆从花园扩展到大门口。 +"Strengthen and improve ideological and political education of university students, is the party and government attach great importance to and unswerving efforts for many years a basic project.",加强和改进大学生的思想政治教育,是党和政府多年来高度重视和常抓不懈的一项基础性工程。 +"Carr tries to find time for more of what he calls deep reading, but he says that many of his friends are also facing difficulties in fighting Internet-influenced attention deficit disorder.",卡尔试图找到他所谓的去深入阅读的时间,但是他说他的许多朋友在与互联网作斗争时也面临着困难——注意力紊乱多动症。 +He typed a four page memorandum to the admitting ER physician. He spoke with the admitting ER physician before he sent me to hospital.,当时,他给急救室的主治医师写了四页纸的备忘录,在送我去医院前也和急救室的主治医师进行了交谈。 +"His discovery of the electromagnetic spectrum led to the development of television, radio, microwaves, as well as aiding in the development of radio and infrared telescopes.",他发现的电磁特性最终导致电视、广播、微波炉的发明,并且也对无线电和红外望远镜的发明起到了重要作用。 +"The article ""an"" or ""a"", you use when you're talking about like either a general category of items or",冠词中,“an”或“a”,是当你谈论那些一般的或者可选择的条目时用的, +She took the class over and over until the instructor finally invited Slotnick to help her teach.,她一边又一遍地上她的课,直到最终教导员要她来帮她教学生。 +"My day started out early at the hospital, examining kiddies for my pediatrics rotation.",一大早我就到了医院,给小孩们做体格检查——我正在儿科轮转。 +"If that's his attitude, how can you say he sincerely wants the question settled.",他这样的态度,何尝有解决问题的诚意呢? +"“It's a marten, not a weasel,” the intruder reportedly replied, then punched the victim in the nose.",“这是一只貂,而不黄鼠狼,”入侵者满嘴官腔,然后他就猛击了受害人的鼻子。 +"Duties: dealing with personnel arrangements within Ministry of Information, coordinating the work of Ministry of Information, ensuring the normal operation of Ministry of Information.",职责:处理信息部内人事安排,协调信息部各项工作,保证信息部正常运作。 +Gal's member see jor dun eat vinegar…,女会员们看了别吃醋… +"The study of Marxist philosophy is the basic construction of ideology, one of the important tasks for the party and the government, and also one most urgent mission confronting the party as a whole.",陈云认为这是思想上的基本建设,是领导党和国家的重要任务之一,也是目前全党面临的最迫切的任务之一。 +We really should be inspired by the fact that the Kakapo is still with us.,我们真的应该为枭鹦依然与人类生活在一起而欢欣鼓舞。 +Obtained the relationship between birefringent photonic crystal band gap and incident light polarization;,得出了双折射型光子晶体的禁带同入射光的偏振关系; +Everyone praised her for her love of labour.,人人都夸她爱劳动。 +Tell self to need to strengthen.,告诉自己崾坚强。 +The Garden is oriented at the north-northeast.,花园是在北偏东北方向的。 +"Ross Cagan managed a team for the first time when he was in his thirties and an assistant professor at Washington University School of Medicine in St Louis, Missouri, in the US.",罗斯卡根在他三十多岁的时候,第一次当上了团队的管理者,成为了美国密苏里州圣路易斯华盛顿大学医学院的助理教授。 +"Even if, the state adopt homology frame of reference, differ states adoptive different standard.",即使是采用相同参照系的国家,不同国家所采用的标准也是不同的。 +"Ke Lu, however, was not just another anonymous face on an industrial production line.",然而,克鲁却并不只是生产线上又一位无名面孔。 +I think this card is for international.,我想这张卡是世界通用的。 +"His green eyes arrested mine, challenging... pleading?",他的绿眼睛盯住我的,好像在挑战……又或是恳求? +"Both CSS and XSL Formatting Objects (XSL-FO) assume that they're styling words in a row: chapters, paragraphs, sentences, and so on.",CSS 和 XSL 格式化对象(XSL-FO)都假设它们会把各种样式的文字安排在一行中,比如章节、段落和句子等等。 +He released an album of romantic ballads last year and has appeared in films by Wim Wenders and advertisements for Louis Vuitton and Pizza Hut.,去年他发行了一张浪漫情歌的专辑,他还曾在维姆·文德斯(Wim Wenders)执导的影片中出演,也为路易·维登和必胜客打过广告。 +"Moreover, lives in the different national people also often mutually massacres.",而且在不同的国家里的人民还不时互相残杀。 +"Silk protein, a natural humectant, holds in moisture.",丝蛋白,天然保湿,搁置水分。 +This report will contain detail data for product revenue in crosstab format.,这个报表将以交叉表格式显示详细的产品收益数据。 +Last point you made was -- had to do with pensions.,你提出的最后一点是必须要有养老金。 +"That causes them to continue to ""see"" a light for a moment after that light is turned off.",这使我们的眼睛得以在灯光被关断以后的一刹那间仍然继续“看得见”那个光。 +"A moat, walled ditch, or hedge sunk in the ground to serve as a fence without impairing the view or scenic appeal.",暗墙;隐篱用来作栅栏,但又不阻碍视线或景观的护城河,或由墙围住的沟或陷入地中的篱笆。 +Barcelona 3 Arsenal 1 (Barcelona win 4-3 on aggregate),巴塞罗那—阿森纳 3-1 (巴塞罗那总比分4-3晋级) +"It would drill below the surface, and look for signs of life on the planet.",它将在地表打孔,然后寻找这个星球上生命的迹象。 +"That's in addition to the $18.5 billion in funds that were earmarked by Congress back in 2007, of which $10.2 billion remains unspent.",此外,早在2007年,国会就已为此拨付了185亿美元,至今尚有102亿美元未投入使用。 +"All he does is to sit in the water with the other frogs, and croak.",他只配蹲在水潭里,和其他青蛙一起呱呱叫,怎么可能做人的好朋友呢? +Enhance management and supervisors' ability to properly handle grievances and apply appropriate procedures and problem-solving techniques.,提高管理人员和线长恰当处理申诉的能力,掌握适当的机制和解决问题的技巧。 +Aim: To probe into the clinical effects of bitongling capsule (BTL)on rheumatoid arthritis at active phase.,目的:探讨痹痛灵治疗活动期类风湿病的临床效果。 +"To further enhance the publicity and image of Nutrilite, Nutrilite Spokesperson Tian Liang was invited to attend the Nutrilite event and visit Kowloon Merchandising Centre in 2002.",为进一步建立健尔力的知名度及品牌形象,健尔力代言人田亮于2002年访港,出席健康动力晚会及参观九龙购货中心。 +The dynamic simulation results indicate that the smart skin studied in the paper is able to maintain a sufficient authority to control the tailless aircraft in a low-rate maneuvering.,仿真结果表明,所讨论的智能蒙皮对机动要求不大的无尾飞行器具有足够的控制能力。 +Slowly pour the cool oil into the cheesecloth covered bowl.,缓缓将冷却的油倒入盖有粗棉布的碗里。 +Rectus abdominis was supplied segmentally and overlapped by anterior branches of the 7th to 12th thoracic nerves and the first lumbar nerve.,腹直肌受第7~12胸神经前支和第1腰神经前支支配,呈节段性、重叠性分布。 +The bi-metal pocket tests have a magnifying lens for easy reading and a combination pocket sheath with adjustment wrench made with anti-microbial plastic.,便携式双金属温度计表盘是一个放大镜面便于清晰阅读温度读数。同时还有一个附带校准孔的且按照抗菌要求设计的口袋夹。 +Actually slide the sand exactly sit om a bamboo clappers facing down from the sand hill. hat is very exciting!,其实滑沙就是坐在竹板上从沙山上滑下来。那简直刺激极了! +"Sartre's view of freedom highly glorifies man's dynamic role, but denies the relativity of freedom.",萨特的自由观高扬了人的能动性,但否定了自由的相对性; +"All I can report is it is a size 10, he said jokingly.",我所能报告的是它的是一10号,他开玩笑地说。 +"Finally, Marsulex will install a new scrubber at Chemtrade’s sulfuric acid plant in Cairo, Ohio, to meet lower sulfur dioxide limits by July 2011.",最后,马苏莱将在俄亥俄州开罗市的硫酸厂安装上新的脱硫器,以在2011年7月前达到降低二氧化硫的目的。 +"Now when I thinking these , I wonderment a adult man endured such like insult and pressure need what how big courage!",如今每当我想起这些,我惊叹一个成年男子要经受住这种侮辱和压力得需要多么大的勇气啊! +The wet wood wouldn't kindle easily.,湿木头不容易烧着。 +"But these two goals can be pursued more sensitively, and at less political cost, than they have recently been.",但是可以在比目前的政治成本更低的基础上更加慎重地实现这两个目标。 +"Gabriele Quandt, Günther Quandt's grandson, responded to the study's conclusion by admitting his family had been ""wrong"" in trying to avoid confronting the truth about its Nazi past for so long.",冈瑟•科万特的孙子加布里埃莱•科万特对研究结果做出回应,承认其家族长期无视历史上的污点是“错误的”。 +The design and construction of reinforcement of deep mixing pile foundation shall be carried out by the foundation engineering company.,深层搅拌桩基础加固的设计与施工均由基础勘察工程公司施工。 +"Historical criticism,though,takes the Canon apart and says each individual document must be studied in its own right and for its own content.","然而,历史批评,把正典圣经拆开来看,认为每一个独立的文档必须只研究其本身,及其本身的内容。" +Washington settled outstanding issues with Britain through Jay's Treaty (1795) and with Spain through Pinckney's Treaty (1795).,华盛顿通过《杰伊条约》(1794)解决了与英国之间悬而未决的纠纷,通过《平克尼条约》(1795)确定了美国与西班牙殖民地的边境。 +"The ACLU said that the newly released government transcripts ""provide further evidence of brutal torture"" by the CIA.",美国公民自由联盟声称,新公开的政府记录“提供了更多中情局野蛮拷打在押人员的证据”。 +Scientists prove the same origin or common ancestor for Hans and Tibetans through comparative analysis on genetic Y chromosome.,科学家通过遗传Y染色体的对比分析,证实汉藏两民族同根同源,拥有共同祖先。 +"And that year they vexed and oppressed the children of Israel: eighteen years, all the children of Israel that were on the other side Jordan in the land of the Amorites, which is in Gilead.",从那年起,他们扰害欺压约旦河那边,住亚摩利人之基列地的以色列人,共有十八年。 +You have to hyphenate a word when dividing a word.,当你把一个单词分行时,你得写上一个连字符。 +"By taking Chinese herbal medicine, many patients can be exempted from uterine curettage.",很多患者通过服用中药能够免除手术刮宫治疗。 +The child unraveled grandma's knitting.,这个孩子弄散了奶奶的编织物。 +"Dry, academic, formal, lecture-style writing is usually the WORST formof learning content.",枯燥的、书卷气的、正式的、说教风格的文字经常是 最糟糕 的学习材料。 +They do not learn because they cannot or will not unlearn.,他们学不到什么东西,因为他们不能或不愿抛弃既有的知识。 +"""We help a tsunami of highly-educated, single women who are more demanding, and who prioritized their careers and who want to have a child before it is too late, "" Schou says.",休乌说:“我们帮助过一大批高学历的单身女性��这些人更想生孩子。她们把职业看得最重要,而在生育期结束前还想生个孩子。” +"One caution though, avoid planning a strict itinerary, you need to be flexible and able to change plans when travelling with children.",虽然需要谨慎,但也要避免制定一个严格的行程,你和孩子旅行时需要一个灵活的、可变的计划! +PROBLEMS: These contain more dentine to make them stronger so they are difficult to whiten.,问题:因为富含牙本质,所以犬牙也非常的坚固,但却也非常难以达到洁白光亮的效果。 +"A. Oh, I see. I'll try to do better next time.",噢,我明白了。下次我会尽力接得更好些。 +The stamp is an 1856 one-cent British Guiana .,邮票是1856年1美分的英国属圭亚那。 +The fourth chapter is to discuss the future development of CSPN in the view of the strategy and the action.,第四部分是从战略层面和具体行为两处探寻CSPN的未来发展。 +"The first two, New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson and New Hampshire Senator Judd Gregg, withdrew for personal reasons.",前两位人选新墨西哥州州长比尔∙理查森(Bill Richardson)和新罕布什尔州联邦参议员贾德∙格雷格(Judd Gregg)都因个人原因撤回提名。 +"o “Losing an industry or ceasing to manufacture a particular product, in this case stainless steel flatware, has indeed become a fairly frequent event.",o“失去一个产业或者停止生产某种特定的产品已经变成相当频繁的事情,比如说是不锈钢餐具。 +"If you tell them this shocking news, I believe that will put the cat among the pigeons.",如果你告诉他们这则可怕的新闻,我相信那将会闹得鸡飞狗跳。 +Widely and blindly introduced exotic plants has been the main threat to Yunnan province's industry of biology.,云南省生物多样性的最大危害也是在产业发展中高强度大规模地引种外来物种搞人工纯林。 +"""Pride, trust and recognition from the company are critical factors in happiness, "" says Pryce-Jones.",普莱斯-琼斯认为:“公司带给员工的自豪、信任和认可,是让员工感到快乐的关键因素。” +"For the first time ever, Russia is a conventional military underdog on both of its strategic flanks, in Europe and Asia.",俄罗斯在常规军力方面首次在其欧亚两个战略侧翼均处于劣势。 +"It's about time that everyone should have a canvas bag for shopping, for books, for travel, for whatever you need.",环保的即是时尚的。当您愉快地购物、上课、旅行和生活的时候,是该考虑为自己添置一个环保帆布袋了。 +"With a long statistial analysis, the best water temperature was found to promote RFL solution property.",本文根据长期实践,得出了最佳温度的设定方法。 +"I have cried, I want to pass seek you, but huge crowd boundless I have from where look?",我哭了,我想过去寻求你,可人海茫茫我有从何处找呢? +"""I am making something, "" said the old woman.",“我正在做活儿,”老太太说。 +"Studying its reason, the mainly one is no-reasonable teacher knowledge structure.",究其原因主要是不合理的教师知识结构所致。 +"You can apply TFP within almost any project context, whether or not the organization or project process dictates its use.",您可以在几乎任何项目环境中应用 TFP,不论组织或项目流程中是否指出要使用它。 +"Go, make yet more sure. Know and see the place where his foot is, and who has seen him there, for it is told me that he is very cunning.",请你们回去,再确实查明他的住处和行踪,是谁看见他在那里,因为我听见人说他甚狡猾。 +"Alexander the Great had Bucephalus, Napoleon had Marengo, the Duke of Wellington had Copenhagen.",亚历山大大帝有布赛佛勒斯(Bucephalus,亚历山大大帝的战马),拿破仑有马伦戈(Marengo,拿破仑的战马),威灵顿公爵有哥本哈根(Copenhagen,威灵顿公爵的战马)。 +"The change form problem to problem solving is not just in the title, but in the essence.",从应用题到解决问题,这绝不仅是名称上的变化。 +Objective: To explore the effect of concentrate and scattered managements in hospitalization on curative effect and course of detoxification for voluntary patients.,前言: 目的:探讨自愿戒毒者在戒毒过程中集中与分散封闭住院方式对疗效、疗程的影响。 +"She called this morning early enough for us to arrange for a substitute, and said that she wouldn`t be coming back, period.",她今天早晨很早就打来电话安排了替班,说她得一段时间都不会回来了。 +The least square optimization formula is used to fit the mode distribution to the space distribution data.,应用最小二乘法优化原理拟合高功率微波模式功率分布。 +Nine managers of the Xinjing coal mine were detained after they initially claimed that only five miners were missing. About 100 workers managed to escape the flood.,新井煤矿的九名经理起初���称只有五名矿工失踪,他们后来都被拘留.大约100名井下矿工在透水事故发生时得以逃脱。 +"One feature of that fragmentation is that the national, or federal, government shares power with the states.",权力分散的标志之一,便是全国或曰联邦政府同各州分享权力。 +"A European seashore plant (Eryngium maritimum) having prickly, fleshy, bluish leaves and heads of blue or purplish flowers.",一种(海滨刺芹) 的欧洲海岸植物,生有带刺有肉的蓝叶,开蓝色或紫色的花头。 +"Methods Thirteen patients, including one benign and 12 malignant cases, diagnosed as acute and chronic rectal obstruction underwent stent placement.",方法对12例恶性 肿瘤致直肠狭窄和1例良性狭窄导致的急慢性直肠梗阻实施了支架置入术。 +"Cor. 15:9 For I am the least of the apostles, who am not fit to be called an apostle, because I persecuted the church of God.",林前十五9 我原是使徒中最小的,不适于称为使徒,因为我逼迫过神的召会。 +"But some people don't develop unique dermal ridges on their fingers, and thus, do not have fingerprints.",但是有些人不会在他们的指头上生长出唯一的皮肤皱纹,因而,他们没有指纹。 +"Considering the actual need of hydro-structure design, one algorithm for drawing isoline map or nephogram is proposed in this paper.",结合水工结构设计的实际需要,为实现模型剖面分析结果的可视化,本文提出一种等值线或云图的生成算法。 +"Hydraulic turbines, storage pumps, and pump turbines - tendering documents - guidelines for technical specifications for pelton turbines.",水轮机蓄能泵和水泵涡轮。投标文件。水戽式水轮机的技术规范指南。 +Figure 1 illustrates an abstract buffer when stored with some data.,图 1 描述了一个存储了一些数据的抽象缓冲区。 +"Secondly, achieve the transformation from the emphasis on equipment import to the emphasis on initiative innovation.",其次,从引进设备技术为主向自主创新为主转移。 +Local fairs serve as places for sows to trade and boars to compete in semi-formal personal combat.,当地集市是母猪做买卖的地方,公猪则在此进行半正式的单人搏击赛。 +"Signal received in low-field pulsed NMR system has low signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) value, and the resolved result of NMR spectra is sensitive to system noise.",低场脉冲核磁共振系统接收到的信号信噪比低,解谱结果对系统噪声敏感。 +"Quite a few of our people didn't finish college, but we discourage dropping out. Para.",我们公司里确实有好些人没有读完大学,但我们不希望人们辍学。 +Our granddaughter's second-grade class was asked to write about their personal heroes.,我们的孙女儿读二年级,老师要求班上的同学写他们心目中的英雄。 +Shelby G-Town MD USA. A forester and a lawyer were in car accident and showed up at the pearly gates together.,一个林务官和一个律师都在车祸中死了,他们一起来到了天国之门。 +"RESULTS:"" Ghosts"" of endothelial cells and pericytes were seen in diabetes mellitus in 3 month and 6 month groups.",结果:在糖尿病3月和6月组,可见周细胞和内皮细胞鬼影; +"Executing employee share-holding system, make staffs not only have the right of distribution according to work but the right of capital increment distribution according to investment.",实行职工持股,使职工不仅有按劳分配获取劳动报酬的权利,还能获得资本增值所带来的利益。 +"The sun slowly through the clouds, revealing a long red and swollen face, like a shy little girl secretly looked at the earth.",太阳慢慢地透过云霞,露出了早已胀得通红的脸庞,像一个害羞的小姑娘偷偷地张望着大地。 +"A rowdy reception for the board could shake its resolve, forcing them to either take another look at the Nasdaq offer or push its new German partners to pony up some more dough.",如果股东们纷纷出言反对,董事会的决心可能会有所动摇,迫使他们重新审视纳斯达克的出价或敦促德国伙伴抬高些价码。 +"At present, The color of machinable feldspathetic porcelain that has been applying to clinic is the most similar to nature teeth.",目前已应用与临床的可加工长石瓷颜色与人体牙齿最为接近,可以再现自然牙齿的生动性。 +ABSTRACT Objective To search the related genes associated with early phase of experimental brain abscess and to explore the molecular mech …,目的研究脑组织对金黄色葡萄球菌的免疫反应及脑脓肿形成和发展过程中所涉及的分子机制。 +"""Is that a big, black eagle bird?"" I asked her.",“那是只大黑鹰吗?”我问她。 +"The yellow serofluid esterified fluid after the treatment such as precipitation and decoloration etc. was used directly in liquor blending, which could improve liquor quality and increase qual…",将经沉淀、脱色等酯化技术处理后的黄浆水酯化液��来直接勾兑白酒,可提高酒的质量和优质品率,并可大幅度降低生产成本。 +The drawback is that plug-in hybrids need a much larger and more costly battery pack.,这款汽车的缺陷在于需要使用一个庞大且非常昂贵的电池包。 +"Therefore, it is great meaning to research the influences of fault to water inrush in floor.",因此,研究断层在底板突水过程中的作用影响,意义重大。 +Objective To provide basis for rationally selecting non-curative operative procedures for patients with terminal stage gastric carcinoma.,目的为晚期胃癌合理选择非治愈性手术方式提供依据。 +"Then it analyzes how his educational theory and civil ideas formed in the process of his advocating ""civilization"".",分析了福泽瑜吉在提倡“文明开化”过程中其教育理念和文明思想形成的原因。 +A surfer waits for waves in the sea near Arpoador beach in Rio de Janeiro August 27 2010.,冲浪者等待在海滩附近Arpoador在里约热内芦2010年8月27日海上的波浪。 +"Also plain BPMN, used as a non-executable analysis language, is one of those separate languages.",同样,作为一个非执行的分析语言使用的普通BPMN,是那些单独的语言之一。 +John and Michael differ in their points of view as to the meaning of a yellow traffic light.,约翰跟麦可两人对于黄灯的含意看法是不一样的。 +"Within five minutes three squad cars, an Armed Response unit, and an ambulance showed up.","不出五分钟, 三辆警车, 一个特警小组, 和一辆消防车出现了." +The child has been renamed when he was two years of age. Is it possible that there is no his death book in Nether world because of this?,孩子两岁时曾改名字,请问阴曹地府会不会因为他改名而没有他的生死簿? +"In contrast, bronze medalists focus on how if they'd performed slightly worse, they wouldn't have won anything.",相反,铜牌得主们注意到的是如果自己表现稍微逊色一些,可能什么也得不到。 +"Changchun has outsanding priority and terms for tourism development as a national metropolis, provincial city and national firstly ratified excellent tourism city.",长春市作为全国特大城市、省会城市和全国首批旅游城市,具有发展都市旅游业得天独厚的优势和条件。 +Her maiden name is Li.,她娘家姓李。 +Methods: The effect of HBM was compared with Acyclovir on 86 eyes of 74 patients with HSK.,方法:以无环鸟苷治疗本病为对照组,对74例86眼单疱病毒性角膜炎进行了临床疗效对比观察。 +Mr Williams fears that the rule on alfalfa augurs further limits on GM crops.,威廉姆斯担心对苜蓿种植的管制预示着对转基因作物的进一步限制。 +The woman in front of him was eating roasted peanuts that smelled so good that he could barely contain his hunger.,他前面的那个女人在吃着烤花生,香味扑鼻,使他简直无法控制自己的辘辘饥肠。 +"The first Chapter introduces the life experience of Stravinsky, the characteristics of three stages in his music composition and the background and process in the composition of Violin Concerto in D.",第一章一般情况介绍中,简述斯特拉文斯基的个人生平经历、音乐创作的三个阶段特点及《D大调小提琴协奏曲》的创作背景及创作过程。 +"By making samyama on previous thought-waves, one obtains knowledge of one's past lives.",专念于以前的意识波动,可获得前生的知识。 +Constructs a new reference-object queue.,构建新的引用对象队列。 +My next goal is that I can stay on the beach getting sunbath .,我的下个目标是呆在海滩上享受日光浴。 +"Her sister told her :""You can put everything but water inside it"".",姐姐对她说:“不能装水就装别的东西吧。” +The simulation of physical vapor deposition by Monte Carlo method using a new physical model is presented in this paper.,运用蒙特卡罗方法,模拟了不同条件下的物理气相淀积薄膜生长过程。 +Ms. Hazime handed the young Marine his sandwich.,哈兹姆把三文治递给这位年轻的海军士兵。 +"Wright, R. , and J. Boggs. ""Learning Cell Biology as a Team: A Project-Based Approach to Upper-Division Cell Biology. "" Cell Biology Education 1 (2002): 145-53.",小组学习细胞生物学:对于大学高年级课程细胞生物学的基于专案的方法〉,《细胞生物学教育》1 (2002年): 第145-53页。 +How many cars do you have?,你有几辆车? +"While most of you might be more familiar with tuning memory subsystems, I hope this series illustrated the importance of CPU monitoring and tuning.",尽管大多数的读者可能对内存子系统的优化更加熟悉,但是我希望通过本系列文章说明 CPU 监视和优化的重要性。 +"Such an aspiration was inherited by the verses writers later, and ever since this had become a spiritual heritage.",这一意向为后代赋家所传承,成为辞赋言志的精神传统。 +This means that tweaks to your system initializations scripts will be required in order to get devfsd up and running at just the right time.,这就意味着为了使 devfsd 能在恰当的时间启动和运行,您必须修改系统初始化脚本。 +Construction of the XML message for both the request and reply is handled -- primarily by the construction of the appropriate meta-objects.,为请求和应答构造 XML 消息是有方法办得到的:主要是通过适当的元对象的构造。 +It does all this by creating files that can be used by XDoclet to create the local/remote interfaces.,MiddleGen 是通过创建 XDoclet 用来创建 local/remote 接口的文件来实现这种功能的。 +"There were 15 cases of rheumatic heart disease, 3 cases of left atrial myxoma and 1 case of subacute bacteria endocarditis.",包括15例风湿性心脏病、3例左心房黏液瘤和1例亚急性细菌性心内膜炎。 +"These include citrus zest, apricot and tangerine with hints of pawpaw, guava and tobacco.",会让人感觉到嘴里充满柑橘,杏仁,番木瓜,番石榴还有烟草的气息。 +Economists attribute the change to fewer working days and the ongoing economic uncertainty in the European region.,经济学家将此归因为工作日的减少和欧洲地区不确定的经济环境。 +"He largely achieved his macroeconomic goals and did well enough with his microeconomic policies, as far as they went.",布朗先生大体上实现了宏观经济目标并且通过微观经济政策达到了社会期望。 +"Jay and the roaring Lion, peace will come on Dove's gentle wing.",之后,目光敏锐的杰伊和咆哮的狮子,和平鸽会在温柔的展翅膀。 +"AID DELIVERY: Palestinians loaded a cart with blankets and mattresses they received from humanitarian organizations in the destroyed part of Jebaliya, northern Gaza strip, Thursday.",运送救济物资:周四在加沙地带北部城市贾巴利亚的被毁区域,巴勒斯坦人将毯子、床垫等救援物资放上马车。这些物资由人道主义组织提供。 +The An-Charng will continuously add to buy CNC automatic equipment to raise product quality and productivity in the future .,未来公司将不断添购CNC自动设备、以提高产品品质及作业效能。 +"The collapse in grain and oil prices, preceded by overinvestment in refineries over the past few years, badly hurt ethanol producers.",在过去几年对炼油厂的过度投资,使得玉米和石油价格的猛跌,这已严重的损害了乙醇的生产。 +These young braves who all those years ago went through many tests before they could take part in the coming of age ceremony are now all over seventy.,这些当年经过层层考验,才得以参加成年礼祭舞的少年勇士,如今都已是七十岁以上的老人家了。 +"The process produces code that downloads much faster, but is much more difficult for a programmer to read.",该过程生成下载较快、但是对编程人员来说比较难读的代码。 +"Adding urgency is the fact the “real” kilogram, stored in a safe in the International Bureau of Weights and Measures in Sèvres, near Paris, seems to be shedding weight relative to its official copies.",令人感到急迫的是,储藏在法国塞夫尔国际计量局保险柜中,用于标示“千克”的标准物原件相较于它的官方复制品来说,已经开始变的更轻。 +"Another great boost for the squad was the return of Spanish starlet Francisco Duran, who made his first appearance since November 2008 when he came on as a 73rd minute replacement for Chris Mavinga.",另一个令人振奋的消息是西班牙新星弗朗西斯科·杜兰伤愈回归,他受伤前最后一次代表球队出战还要追溯到2008年11月,本场比赛杜兰在第73分钟接替克里斯·马文佳出场。 +"Right, forgot to raise, Marmaduke was a dog.",对了,忘了提,马默杜克是只狗。 +"The Cyber Space includes enriched spiritual content of mankind rational, the levels of consist of means rational, value rational, rational of manipulate, rational of linkup etc.",赛博 空间包涵着丰富的人类理性的精神内涵,亦具有工具理性、操作理性、沟通理性和价值理性等层次。 +"In Ireland, which is struggling to emerge from a profound economic slump, Google bought a large Dublin office building from a government agency charged with cleaning up bad real-estate loans.",爱尔兰正在努力从一场全面的经济危机中复苏,而谷歌就从负责清理不良房地产贷款的政府部门买来了一幢很大的都柏林的行政办公大厦。 +"Cooking denatures protein, melts out fat and breaks down the fibrous tissue.",烹煮使蛋白质变性,熔化脂肪,而且分解纤维组织。 +"The most distinctive feature of the""Teana""series is the combination of engraved lines with Oriental charm and the unique rich colors in Western copper engraving works.",《天籁》系列最鲜明的艺术特征是那种东方韵味的铜版线刻与西洋铜版画作品特有的厚重的色调相结合。 +"Leisure is a historical field. In class society, leisure has class character.",休闲是一个历史范畴,在阶级社会里,休闲具有阶级性。 +"In harsh under the rule of the law of the jungle, survival is not easy.",在严酷的丛林法则的统辖下,生存是很不容易的。——沈石溪。 +"Niangs touched hand her bed along with stand of English Niang:""Is home everything all all right?""",十一娘摸了扶着她床沿站着的英娘:“家里一切都好吧? +"Yes, the Sona Pillow comes with a special pillowcase made for this pillow.",有,每个舒鼾枕都附带一个特制枕套,方便使用。 +"In another town, a school was turned into a warehouse and all the students moved to another building, which later collapsed -- but the school-turned-warehouse stood.",在另一个城市,一所学校被用作仓库,同时让所有的学生搬到另一座后来在地震中倒塌了的建筑里面-但本该是学校却成了仓库的建筑却完好无损。 +The three little monkeys grabbed the hat. Another circle was torn down.,三只小猴一起抢,草帽又掉下一圈。 +These UDFs are created at database creation time.,这些 UDF 是在数据库创建时创建的。 +"Two big standard systems progresses which as the weight society-The good faith and is fair, Needs the law to support.",作为衡量社会进步的两大规范系统-诚信和公正,需要法律来支撑。 +"Third-party products can provide additional functionality, such as a ""theme"" that enlarges fonts system-wide or one that provides high contrast between background and foreground.",第三方产品提供附加的功能,如放大全系统字体的“主题”,或者提供背景和前景之间高对比度的主题。 +"Welcome to New York, the Empire State. I am the 30th largest state and the 11th to ratify the constitution back in 1788.",欢迎您来到帝国之州纽约来。我是第30大州,在1788年第11名被批准建立。 +"This is where two great civilizations, Indian and Chinese, met--hence the name ""Indochina.""Many",这是两种伟大文明的碰撞,中国和印度,称之为“中印”。 +"Because of all this, it has typical meaning for non-normative action of rural commune-level government and protection for interests of peasants in Xinyang.",可以说,信阳县农村乡级政府行为失范和农民利益受损具有一定的典型意义。 +It therefore suffers the same scalability issues as the simple architecure using Web services security.,因此,它可提供与使用 Web 服务安全的简单体系结构相同的可伸缩性。 +The source data may exhibit validation errors or it may be in a less canonical form than what is required by the new tool.,源数据可能出现确认错误或者达不到新工具所要求的规范格式。 +"Besides this, gives several profession famous enterprises necessary, for example: Elegant company, numerous star companies, and so on.",目前给几家行业著名企业配套,如:雅迪公司,众星公司,本迪公司等等。 +"Should I decant? Generally, no - at least, not at first.",一般来说不需要,至少一开始不必换瓶。 +However there is some notable right skew.,但是有一个非常显著的右歪斜。 +"In certain cultural circles, the same totem means the common ancestor.",在一定的文化圈中,同一图腾信仰意味着同源共祖。 +Some feel that Russia brings tension to the region; others view Moscow as the trusted guarantor of peace.,是为地区带来紧张疑虑,或让三国信任合平保证,双边看法各有不同; +"The results showed that the shear strength and impact strength were superior to those of pure resin, and the hardness was mezzo.",结果表明,桐油改性酚醛树脂的剪切强度、冲击强度较未改性树脂大,硬度适中。 +"And the external enviroment mainly consist of economic development enviroment, financial operation enviroment and legal environment of credit.",其中,外部环境包括经济发展环境、金融运行环境和信用法制环境; +"Hearing-impaired children tend to have the personality ""self-will""at schools due to various reasons.",由于家庭教育或生理缺陷等原因,致使聋幼儿普遍存在“任性”这一人格特点。 +"Along with the widely use of the substations automation systems, the acceptance before delivery is getting more and more attention from the power unit.",近年来,由于变电站自动化系统在无人值守变电站中的应用越来越广泛,其出厂前验收工作也越来越受电力部门的重视。 +"Equally important, the powerful Senator Harry F. Byrd of Virginia did not want the federal government to have to pay interest on such a large bond issue.",另一同样关键的因素是,极有影响力的西弗吉尼亚州参议员哈里·伯德(Harry F. Byrd)不愿让联邦政府为如此大笔公债支付利息。 +Experimental results show a good consilience with the designed parameters.,投片试制结果与设计预期参数相符。 +"For acceptance testing, when properly implemented, use cases shorten the gap between the tester's conceptualization and the reality of user goals.",对于验收测试,当被适当地执行时,用例缩小了测试人员 概念化和用户目标现实之间的距离。 +Even the Chinese government concedes it isn't yet commercial.,甚至中国政府也承认尚未实现商业运营。 +"As a newlywed, she gave up corporate law and took a huge pay cut to open the Chicago office of Public Allies, part of former President Clinton's AmeriCorps.",结婚不久,她放下之前从事的公司法业务,转而开办了收入大不如前的芝加哥公众联盟办公室,这个办公室是美国义工团的一部分。 +"D setting up a long-term mechanism , in accordance with the law regulating.",建立一个长期机制,按照法律规范。 +"And there have been a couple of stunning relapses, including two women Stevens counseled who left the program, went back to the streets and were murdered.",有几个故态复萌的例子,包括贝卡·史蒂文森咨询过的两个女人,重新在街头混,被谋杀了。 +"However, there has been no special international convention governing the legal relations between the MTO and other parties concerned.",至今,国际上尚无统一的国际公约规范多式联运经营人与有关人之间的法律关系。 +SVG has many advantages over raster images.,相对于光栅图片来说,SVG具有很多优势。 +"At the same time, demerits exist in the industrial economic structure. Knowing the merits and demerits of Guil…",但同时 ,桂林市工业经济结构也存在着明显的缺陷。 +"There are abundant red tourism resources in China, but most of them are still not developed.",我国红色旅游资源十分丰富,但大部分还处于待开发阶段。 +Mousavi also raised his own rallying cry to supporters at a meeting with the families of post-election detainees.,穆萨维在和选后被拘抗议者家庭的会议中,对支持者发表讲话表示抗议。 +Slap-up lunches and colourful parades marked Thanksgiving Day in America.,丰盛的午餐、色彩缤纷的游行,标志着美国感恩节的到来。 +"But one hand washes the other, and it's always been that way. If he sets a good screen for me, I'll get open. If I knock down shots, he'll have more space.",但事情总是这样会有对立面,如果他们为我设置挡风屏那么我就有空位了,而如果我又把球投进去了,那么相应的他们也会有更多空间。 +"Note that BuddyNote Feature 1.0.0 now has a red mark, indicating it is disabled.",注意,BuddyNote Feature 1.0.0 现在有一个红叉,表示它已被禁用。 +"Methods Designed course included both practical tutoring and theoretical training modules such as professional ethics, etiquette, skills and humanities.",方法制定以职业道德、业务技能、职业礼仪及人文学科等几个模块的理论培训和实践代教相结合的课程设置; +But he sat in on a surgery performed by Fort Myers ophthalmologist Scott Geller and later allowed Geller to operate on his eye.,但是他坐在了手术的眼科医生迈尔斯堡斯科特盖勒,后来允许盖勒经营他的眼睛。 +He was lured to destruction.,他受诱惑而走向毁灭。 +"“Scientific tests such as non-invasive X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy have revealed many interesting features, but certainly no letters and numbers,” Vezzosi told Discovery News.",“例如非损伤性的 X 光荧光光谱之类的科学测试已经揭露了许多有趣的细节,但完全没有什么字母和数字,”Vezzosi 接受探索新闻采访时说。 +So it struck a jarring chord when federal agents raided Gibson’s factories in Nashville on August 24th.,因此8月24日,当联邦特工突击搜查位于纳什维尔的吉布森工厂时,真可谓是“一举激起千曲不合音”。 +"Review on all kinds of impingements the stock investors had experienced since 2000, the diving of the stock market after the 9. 11'terrorist attack was the most serious one.",纵观投资者2000年初以来经历的各种冲击,9月恐怖袭击后出现的股市暴跌堪称冲击之最。 +"Burt:Hello, I would like to place an order for the red swivel chair, item number XD5106.",伯特:妳好,我想要订购货号XD5106的红色旋转椅。 +"According to tradition, Islam's Prophet Mohammed received his first message to preach Islam while he was praying in the cave. (Hassan Ammar/AP)",根据传统习惯,当他在洞中祈祷时,伊斯兰的先知穆罕默德会接到他为伊斯兰祈祷的信息。 +She had been trying to teach herself piano for a year,她已经努力自学了一年的钢琴, +We analyse in retrospect 162 patients with cardiac carcinoma hospitalized during the period from 1996 to 2004 in the China–Japan union hospital and the first affiliated hospital of JILIN university.,本文对1996年1月-2004年1月期间在中日联谊医院及吉林大学第一附属医院收治的162例贲门癌病例进行回顾性分析。 +"Because the eraser contains the ferrous powder, clay powder after used also contains the ferrous powder, so the clay powder can be cleaned immediately by a magnet at the tail end of the eraser sleeve.",由于橡皮擦中含有铁粉,使用后的泥粉 中同样含有铁粉,用橡皮擦外套尾端的磁铁吸引,即可清除泥粉。 +Drag onto the page to add coaxial with outside conductor terminated on chassis.,拖到绘图页后,可以添加外部导体端接在机壳上的同轴电缆。 +"Once we understood a bit about what was required, we could begin to analyze how the solution should be delivered.",当我们对要求有了一点理解后,我们就可以开始分析如何提供解决方案。 +Type matching restrictions can be controlled with exclusion filters as well.,类型匹配的限制性也可以用排他的过滤器控制。 +"Medicine not only seeks to truth, but also seeks to beneficence.",医学不仅应当求真,而且应当求善。 +Nearly half of women using DMPA experienced high BMD loss in the hip or lower spine within two years of beginning the contraceptive.,在使用的女性中,有接近一半的人在开始避孕的前两年内遭受着高BMD(骨骼矿密度)损失。 +"The market leaders in this analysis are Northrop Grumman, BAE Systems, Raytheon, ITT, and Lockheed Martin.",在该领域占据领先市场地位的有诺斯罗普·格鲁曼、BAE系统、雷声、ITT以及洛克希德·马丁公司。 +Environmentalism is currently marketed as a luxury brand for guilty consumers.,如今,环境保护论,对那些有罪的消费者来说,成为了奢侈品。 +"After half a month of hard work, WangXiaoGong with the medical team of the comrades basically win over the plague, she also prepared to planned for the medical team of the comrades back to base areas.",经过半个月的努力,王小红带着医疗队的同志们基本上战胜了瘟疫,她也准备有计划地让医疗队的同志们回根据地。 +Use context menu to control the port.,使用右键选单来控制控制埠。 +Its long-term average annual accounts for 18.4 billion kWh and covers half of the needs of the Krasnoyarsk region in the electric energy.,克拉茨诺雅茨克水电站每年发电18,4亿千瓦时并且解决了克拉茨诺雅茨克地区一半的用电需求。 +"Part III mainly deals with the crime condition of ""securing illegitimate benefits for the entrusting person"".",文章第三部分围绕着斡旋受贿犯罪中的“为请托人谋取不正当利益”这一要件展开分析。 +Yesterday's and today's readings have been almost the same in order for us to think more about the work of the Spirit in re-producing the character of Christ in our lives.,昨天和今天选读的经文大致相同,为的是让我们更多思想圣灵的工作,如何使我们的生命长成基督的品格。 +"If antibiotics are taken after exposure to anthrax, there is a very high chance to prevent anthrax infection successfully.",若在接触炭疽菌后服食抗生素,防止患上炭疽病的机会相当高。 +"Test equipment are: high and low temperature tester, life tester, strength tester, two dimensional measuring instrument, and so on a variety of instruments.",检测设备有:高低温测试仪、寿命测试仪、力度测试仪、二次元测量仪等等多种仪器。 +"Besides being the most numerous royal family in Europe, it also is one of the most incestuous , especially in the Spanish Monarchy.",除了是欧洲人数最多的皇室之外,它也是姻亲关系最混乱的王室之一,尤其是在西班牙君主国中。 +"Reference counting is simple, but requires significant assistance from the compiler and imposes overhead on the mutator (the term for the user program, from the perspective of the garbage collector).",引用计数很简单,但是需要编译器的重要配合,并且增加了赋值 函数 (mutator)的开销(这个术语是针对用户程序的,是从垃圾收集器的角度来看的)。 +At necropsy the heart weight is usually well above average.,对称中心必须与质量中心重合。 +"Xiao Fang: Coach Chen, I want to ask you something.",小方:陈教练,正想问你呢。 +"SQL tuning is an iterative process to identify, tune, and improve the efficiency of high-load SQL statements.",SQL调整是一个反复的发现,调整,改进高负载SQL语句的过程。 +"Trying to recognize words in some written notes can be a little sketchy, but Evernote does a pretty decent job of finding key words through a simple search.",在手写的笔记中识别某个词语可能有点不完善,但是Evernote在通过简单的搜索寻找关键词方面表现出色。 +Whether TCM is scientific or not is a controversial topic which has been disputed in a long time in community.,中医学是否科学,是中医学界内外久盛不衰论战不休意见常常尖锐对立的话题。 +"Now, bring the energy down your body, through your feet and into the Earth Star Chakra beneath your feet.",现在,把能量带入到你的身体中,通过你的脚底,进入你脚底之下的地球之心脉轮。 +The threshold values of both the microphonic and action potential were raised 5—20 decibels.,微音器电位与听神经电位阈值均提高5—20分贝。 +"Now while it's very pleasant as is, it's much cooler if we press CTRL+I and invert it so it's that nice pink/purple on black.",现在这样很开心了,你按下CTRL+I将图片反置,会在黑色为底的背景上呈现漂亮的粉紫色,这样就更酷了! +Your concern and support the achievements of today Jinlong.,您的关注与支持,成就了金隆的今天。 +"Information on creating art content in external applications, importing it into Unreal Engine, and setting it up for use in the engine.",关于外部美术软件所创建的资源,将其导入到虚幻引擎,并将其设计成虚幻引擎能能用的资源的一些信息。 +"Mr Qin happens to be a former top aide of the city's party chief, Chen Liangyu, who is also a member of the ruling Politburo.",无独有偶,秦曾是上海市委书记兼中共中央政治局委员陈良宇的秘书。 +It was shown that hemp kernels had a great range of potential utilities and a prospect of development in foods and medical and health cares.,研究结果表明,火麻仁在食用、医疗保健等方面具有较大的应用潜力和开发前景。 +I took one look inside Little Jiang's house and was shocked to find that the only modern appliances he had were a small radio and a small gas stove. A light bulb hung from the ceiling.,我一看小姜的住处,吓了一跳,可以算得上现代化器具的只有一具小型收音机,和一个小型瓦斯炉,一个灯泡从屋顶上吊下来。 +Its generation was related to the subjective and objective conditions of Tang Dynasty.,它的产生与杜佑所在唐王朝的主客观条件密切相关。 +"On Monday, when the leader went on television with his Green Book in hand, his diatribe was incoherent but familiar.",周一,当卡扎菲手握绿皮书出现在电视中时,他的咒骂是支离破碎的,但又为人所熟悉。 +"The part of the cool that i regret most, is that I was delivering the mail with a sleigh !",最遗憾的是我现在没法儿像以前那样滑雪橇送邮件了。 +"As a continuation of our article Anti-Riot Police Vehicles, here is a look at the newest SWAT ""Riot Truck"".",作为我们防暴警用车辆一文的续集,在本文中,你有机会一睹特种装备与战术小队(SWAT)最新防暴车辆的风采。 +The paper analyzes the regulars and present problems of foreign literature data processing in the National Science and Technology Library.,分析了国家科技图书文献中心外文文献数据加工的规律、存在的问题。 +But how does that work in space?,但是在太空上面应该怎么办呢? +The improvement of a country's athletic level depends on selecting and cultivating a batch of competent athletic talents.,提高一个国家竞技的水平必须选拔和培养一批高水平的优秀竞技体育人材。 +I need a sharp pencil.,我需要一支尖的铅笔。 +"Legislation granting the president internet-killing powers is to be re-introduced soon to a Senate committee, the proposal's chief sponsor told Wired. com on Friday.",周五,立法授予总统关闭互联网的权力的提案在参议院重新提交,该提案的主要提交人告诉连线杂志。 +Results The interproximal gingival papillae adjacent to all transplanted teeth were normal or slightly hyperplastic.,结果自体移植牙牙靓无明显增生或退缩。 +Many of the numbers in the Bible have deeper prophetic or spiritual significance.,在圣经中出现的许多数字都有很深的预言性和属灵的意义 。 +"FCK-track tool cabinet tool cabinet in this series with dual drawer, 100% open, every drawer loading capacity 90kg.",FCK双轨工具柜本系列工具柜采用双轨式抽屉,可100%打开,每屉承重90kg。 +"But life happens, stuff comes up with sports, with student groups, with elements and the like.",但是生活还是要继续,诸如运动,社团,等等。 +"Rarely, a horse may eat so much straw that it causes a blockage in his digestive system, which results in colic, so watch him at first to make sure he's not gorging on it.",马或许会因为吃了过量的麦秆而消化道出现梗阻,从而引发腹痛,这种情况很少见,但是最好是首先观察你的马,确保它不会狼吞虎咽的狂吃麦秆。 +"Others seem doubtfully useful, although they are still in use in our handbooks .",其它的似乎有用也得存疑,虽然它们仍然在我们的手册中使用。 +"In the visual age of information exploration, a graphic character must be a brilliant descriptive form which can avoid being flooded by the information ocean.",在这个信息爆炸的视觉时代,一个图形文字要使自己不被信息的海洋所淹没,就必须成为更强有力的叙述形式。 +"B: Well, I'll do my best to give you a call within two days at the latest.",好吧! 我尽量最迟在两天内就回你电话。 +How would I know what amino acid that is?,我怎么知道这个氨基酸是什么呢 +Replays showed the ball had crossed the line.,慢镜回放显示球已经越过了球门线。 +It happened that there was in the yard a pile of timber which had been stacked there ten years earlier when a beech spinney was cleared.,碰巧,在庄园的场院里,有一堆十年前在清理一片榉树林时堆在那儿的木材,至今已经很合用了。 +YUANHONG's success on developing its national road transportation services was mainly due to its management capability by managing and controlling its transportation resources effectively.,源鸿物流的国内公路运输服务是通过运输资源的合理配置及有效掌控来实现的。 +"Under the water penetration stress conditions, the relative water content of the leaf, chlorophyll and the free water content of A.",在渗透胁迫下,四翅滨藜幼苗叶相对含水量、叶绿素含量、自由水含量等呈下降趋势; +The little boat canted over in the storm.,小船在暴风雨中倾覆了。 +"This method has many advantages, such as simple construction, short time for a project, effective quickly, high quality, invest saving and so on.",采用该施工法建坝,具有施工简单、工期短、见效快、质量高、投资省等优点,对我国水利事业建设的发展有现实意义。 +"Therefore, fusing K5 and peptides containing RGD can collaborate their anti-tumor effects.",因此,将K5与含RGD序列短肽融合,可协同它们的抗肿瘤作用。 +"So real people endorsing these sorts of things, that's right.","真人在代言这些产品,这很正确" +"On the other hand, researchers have from various angles tried various methods to evaluate and interpret it.",另一方面,研究者尝试运用多种方法和视角来评价、阐释鸳鸯蝴蝶派。 +What elective courses does the school offer? Can foreign students take the electives ?,人大附中有那些选修课?外国学生是否可以参加选修课的学习? +"While witnessing the advocacy of the Olympic Spirit by a nation with both ancient civilization and modern culture, it also unfolds the city’s future-oriented city's pursuit of the Olympic Ideal.",见证着一个拥有古老文明 和现代风范的民族对于奥林匹克精神的崇尚; 呈现着一个面向未来的都市对奥林匹克理想的诉求。 +The town lies within the control of a group of guerrillas.,那座城镇在一群游击队员控制之下。 +"While individuals create literature, each artist is shaped by the sum of his or her experiences.",艺术家创作文学,同时也被其自己的人生阅历所塑造。 +The desk calculator use a roll of paper.,这台台式计算机使用卷纸。 +"The package techniques of heat shrinking and pulling and stretching film for cold fresh meat and for meat products, respectively are development trends in meat industries.",其中冷鲜肉的真空热缩包装技术及肉制品的拉伸膜包装技术是肉品包装技术的发展趋势。 +Which tools can we use to help shift capital allocation patterns to clean industries?,什么样的工具可以帮助我们改变资本分配模式,将资本转向清洁产业? +"The company that recruits most US citizen translators, Columbus, Ohio-based Mission Essential Personnel, says it's difficult to meet the increased demand for linguists.",总部设在俄亥俄州哥伦布的翻译招募公司Mission Essential Personnel主要招聘美国民间译员。 该公司说,他们难以满足越来越多的招募更多翻译的需求。 +Shouldn ' t have done that . - Are you talking to me ?!,真不该那么做- 你是在和我说话?! +A cathode emits electrons to heat the grid and to collide with produced ionizable gas atoms to generate ions.,阴极发射出电子用 以加热栅极并和产生的可电离气体原子相碰撞来产生离子。 +"Being out in the yard, smelling freshly washed towels, and with the sun on my back, I was suddenly in my yard I grew up in—helping my grandmother hang out the clothes.",站在后院里,闻着刚洗好的毛巾散发出的清新气味,温暖的阳光照在我的后背上,突然间我仿佛又回到了童年记忆里的那个后院——在那里,我帮祖母晾衣服。 +"This product is applicable to be used in incubation experiments of microbial and bacteria in units such as medicine, biochemistry, food and scientific research etc.",本产品适用于医学、生化、食品及科研单位对微生物、细菌等方面的培养实验用。 +Edward Steinfeld's book Playing Our Game: Why China's Rise Doesn't Threaten the West offers a different perspective on China's rise.,爱德华•斯坦因费尔德的新书《入乡随俗:为什么中国崛起不会威胁到西方》就中国提出了不一样的视角。 +We said this is the tonic.,我们说这就是主音。 +"Her memories began to return in sporadic fragments in1985, following a car accident that threw her through the windshield of her car after hitting a tree.",她的记忆开始回到1985年的一些零散的碎片。接下来是一起车祸,这场车祸中她的车在撞到树上之后穿过前挡风玻璃将她掷了出���。 +"In addition, there is a series of carved ""curiosities"", each about 150-200cm high.",除此之外,还有一个“好奇”系列的雕刻作品,每件高约150至200厘米。 +"After this, many people went to her home to ask her painting charming grape, incrassate cereus… She became the local favorite watercolorist.",在这以后,许多人还上门向她求画,请她画诱人的葡萄、肥厚的仙人掌……她成了一位当地人喜欢的水彩画家。 +"There were no histrionics, no climbing through the stands to greet her family and friends. Instead, Li sat calmly on her chair and let it all sink in.",没有胜利后的表演,也没有翻过看台向家人和朋友致意,相反,李娜平静地深深坐进了椅子里。 +We've already had an unexpected rise in materials costs. The price isn't very flexible.,原料的价格已经突然上涨,所以这个价钱的弹性不大。 +"Her plan had always been to distract men from her lack of beauty with her hardworking efficiency, her independence, her ability to take care of herself - and, in turn, them.",曾经有女人告诉我,她男朋友说就喜欢她独立。如果有男人这样跟我说,我基本会在他说完的那一秒离开他。 +That young writer is brimming with literary talent.,那位年轻的作家颇富才情。 +"On April 21, 1998, senior federal financial regulators convened in a wood-paneled conference room at the Treasury to discuss Ms. Born’s proposal.",格林伯格和利维特说,1998年4月21日,联邦政府负责金融监管的高级官员曾在财政部用木板装饰的会议室中召开过一次会议,集中讨论伯恩的提议。 +The requirements of the new English curriculum for English teachers make it urgent to reform our pre-service English teacher education model.,新课程标准对英语教师提出的要求,使得我国目前的职前英语教师教育模式改革,成为当务之急。 +"The Bank of America, which received a $45bn taxpayer bail-out in late 2008, lost the Freemans' paperwork several times. Each time they had to go through the laborious appeal process again.",美国银行在2008年末的时候接受了450亿美元的纳税人救助,但却把弗里曼家的文书弄丢了好几次,每次都要走麻烦的上诉程序才能恢复。 +"However, few people have made the relevant analysis and study from the linguistic point of view.",当前,从语言角度分析其英译文的少之甚少。 +The police kept after the bandits until they finally trapped them in a cul-de-sac .,警方对匪徒们穷追不舍,最后终于在一个死胡同里将其捉获。 +Does anyone expect 'Sheed to play like the leader the Pistons need to beat Boston over a 7 games series?,有人会认为拉希德能象领袖那样带领活塞在7场的系列赛中打败凯子吗? +"After separation institution from enterprise, two economic subjects have been formed inside geological prospecting units and formed new economic system.",事企分离后,地勘单位内部将形成事业和企业两个经济主体,从而形成新的经济系统。 +Experimental studies on compound geomembrane during construction period are presented.,并介绍了在施工过程中对复合土工膜的一些试验研究。 +Time is a spindle so I must resolve its center.,时间是一个主轴,所以我必须解决其中心。 +"He is a small boy, walking with his father towards the grand entrances of Wrigley Field in Chicago.",那时他还是个小男孩,和他的父亲一起走向芝加哥Wrigley棒球场的入口大厅。 +It would seem that everyone would want to relish each cut of a piece of fruit as a different taste and morsel.,似乎每个人吃每一片水果片时,都愿意将它看作是不同的口味。 +"China will continue to follow the strategy of expanding domestic demand, with focus on improving the structure of demand and increasing consumer demand to drive economic growth.",中国将坚持实施扩大内需计谋,出力调整优化需求结构,增强消费需求拉动力。 +That's another five-letter word.,又是五个字母的字。 +HCV helicase is responsible for unwinding of RNA genome and play a key role in the replication of HCV genome.,解旋酶在HCV基因组复制中负责RNA的解链,在复制中起着关键的作用。 +Ali: Yes. But I want a baseball bat or mitt more.,是的,不过我更想得到一个棒球棒或者棒球手套。 +What body changes occur when the sperm whale dives?,巨头鲸潜入水中时,身体会发生什么变化? +"The Senate, which remained in session over the weekend because of the crisis, voted on a mainly procedural issue yesterday to end a Republican filibuster on the subject.",参议院在危机开始后一直处于分裂状态,他们昨天为了结束一位共和党议员的马拉松演说投票通过的一个程序议案。 +Kind hearts are more precious than coronets.,善良的心比王冠更宝贵。 +In the following six years commercial land prices in its six major cities increased threefold to three times higher than those in the United States at the time.,在接下来的六年的六个主要城市商业地产价格翻了三番,比美国的当时还要高三倍。 +"This paper introduces an active methodintesting supercomputer performance, andanalysesits solution procedure and application.",本文介绍一种有效的测试巨型机性能的方法,分析求解过程及其应用。 +The photo is one of the most famous from the 20th century -- a moment filled with such spontaneous euphoria it seemed to last forever.,这张照片是20世纪最著名的照片之一,它记录下了永久珍藏的狂欢之景。 +It always amazes me that the highways are not covered with the dead bodies of these grannies.,我总是对高速没有被这些老奶奶的尸体所覆盖而感到惊讶。 +"Eventually, around 1pm, the doctor called. She sounded harried, poor woman.",下午一点钟的时候,医生终于打来了电话,一个疲惫的可怜女人的声音。 +The only sound he heard was the hum of the machine.,他听到的唯一的声音就是那台机器的嗡嗡声。 +"Methods 64 patients received YJ for 6 months. And B ultrasonic examination, blood lipids, liver function, body mass, waistline were examined.",方法64例脂肪肝病例口服益肝降脂方水煎剂,疗程6个月,观察肝脏B超、血脂、肝功能及体重、腰围变化。 +This environment is used as an initial test bed for new releases of dependant software.,这一环境用作新版本的相关软件的最初测试基础。 +"You can explain to the waiter that he has made a mistake by using the ""I didn't"" pattern.",你想跟服务员解释,他弄错了。你就可以使用“I didn't”句型。 +"Despite the current trend to downsize engine offerings, BMW will reportedly push the envelope with a twin-turbocharged V10 for its next-generation M5.",尽管目前的趋势缩小发动机的产品,宝马将信封推报的双涡轮增压V10发动机的新一代M5型。 +So they come into the art club and Micky begins to paint. What is he painting? No one knows.,因此,他们来到了美术俱乐部,米奇开始画画。他正在画什么?没人知道。 +This article give a measure that selected electrical feedwater pump according to TRL working condition for great capacity air direct cooled ST sets.,针对大容量直接空冷机组按照规定选用电动给水泵所伴生的问题,提出了按TRL工况选用电动给水泵的方法。 +"The euro's breathtaking rise against the dollar has spurred European makers of cars, steel, aircraft, and more to shift production to the U.S.",欧元兑美元惊人的上升刺激了欧洲的汽车、钢铁、飞机等制造商将生产转移到美国。 +CIQ certificate of quality and weight issued at discharging port shall form the basis for final invoice.,卸货港检验检疫局出具的质量和重量证书将作为最终发票的依据。 +The first part primarily passes the background of Shangzao village.,第二部分考察上灶村村民自治的成长过程。 +"It seems then, that he has very carefully removed parts from the design, which is very clearly and harmoniously drawn, in order to create expectations.",这进一步显示,为了创造一种“期望”,西扎会很小心地将一些元素移除出他的设计,而这一步是一种非常清晰地、调和的“绘图”。 +"Liaoning, Beijing and Shanghai were the first three according to their strength manifestation and structural state of competitive sports.",在竞技体育内部潜力功能团评价中江西、广东、山东分列前三位; +The images above were taken with a point & shoot camera armed with a wide lens.,上面的图片,就是用装了水下广角的傻瓜相机拍的。 +"For popularizing The Water Margin, its writer put in the contents of loyalism and offering amnesty and enlistment to rebels.",《水浒传》为了自身的传播,写进了忠义思想及招安、投降的内容。 +"The wise builds no hopes for the future, entertains no regrets for the past.",智者不对未来寄望,不对过去抱憾。 +"My next installment will discuss what this vulnerability is, how to counter it, and why there's hope that this will become less of a problem in the future.",我的下一期文章将论述这个漏洞是什么样的,如何进行防范,以及为什么可以期望它未来将不再是问题。 +"Therefore, controlling a man being incorruption and not avarice must start from his inner heart.",因此廉或贪等欲念的控管,必须自个人内心做起才有效。 +"That would cast doubt on NRW's ability to meet its commitments under the debt-brake law, which gives Germany's regions until 2020 to slash their deficits to near zero.","债务刹车""法要求德国各州在2020年之前削减赤字至近零水准,而该州政府的借款计划令其兑现承诺的能力受到质疑." +"Maintain air-compressor, vacuum machine, chiller machine, 100K clean room air-con system in good condition all the time.",空压机,真空泵,冷水机,100K洁净室空调系统的日常保养和维修,确保其能稳定正常… +The valid period of the labor contract shall be fixed by the employer-unit and the employee through consultation.,劳动合同期限由用人单位和劳动者协商确定。 +There's a tree where the doves go to die,有一棵鸽子前来葬身的树 +"For the sake of these examples, we will use the database name ""RSS_AGG"" (see Listing 6).",为便于使用示例,我们将使用数据库名 “RSS_AGG”(参见清单 6)。 +"And their professor, George Ledin, has showed them how to penetrate even the best antivirus software.",他们的教授George Ledin也已经通过示范,指导他们怎样穿透即使是最好的反病毒软件。 +"When evidence of laboratory error remains unclear, a full-scaleOOS investigation should be conducted by the manufacturing firm to determinewhat caused the unexpected results.",如果化验室错误的证据不清楚,则需要由生产公司展开全面的OOS调查,以决定导致非预期结果的原因。 +So to take it from him is by definition theft.,拿走他的收入,毫无疑问就是盗窃。 +"It is loaded in the city which is famous and called as ""Toys & Craft City""—Chenghai, Guangdong Province.",工厂位于世界闻名,享有“玩具礼品城”之称的广东汕头澄海区。 +"In Hunan modern women writers who were influenced in Huxiang culture , Ding Ling, Bai Wei, Xie Bingying were very representative .",在深受湖湘文化影响的湖南现代女性作家中,丁玲、白薇、谢冰莹是很具代表性的三位。 +"A systematic investigation on pathogenic diversity of parasite in Pelteobagrus fulvidraco , a main economic fish from Dongting Lake Area was reported.",系统调查了洞庭湖区主要经济鱼类之一的黄颡鱼寄生虫病原多样性。 +"When I asked him what he likes to do outside of work, he laughed: ""This is my life.",当我问他工作之余喜欢什么,他大笑:“这就是我生活的全部。” +"Must be before India forcefully took control over Sikkim, even when Nehru promised that India would never use arms to seize control of Sikkim from Hands of Sikkimese Ruler.",肯定是生活在印度武力控制锡金之前,甚至可能生活在尼赫鲁承诺印度决不会用武力从锡金统治者手中夺走对锡金的控制之前。 +This article analyzes the method of bin-dividing seismic data processing in high resolution seismic exploration and evaluates the resolution of processed seismic data in YongXin area.,以永新工区高精度采集的地震资料为例,对高精度勘探的面元细分方法及细分处理资料的分辨率进行了评价。 +Objective To study the origin and progress of myelodysplastic syndrome with hypoplasia .,目的探讨低增生骨髓增生异常综合征的由来和发展。 +"People are forced out "".""",人都是逼出来的”。 +I noticed that this was part of a podcast series.,我注意到这只是播客系列的一部分。 +"It says researchers on the Thai-Cambodia border have found parasites that all resist to ardimiseny, a key ingredient to the most effective malaria treatments.",世界卫生组织说研究员们在泰国和柬埔寨边界发现了一种可以抵抗青蒿素的寄生虫,青蒿素是治疗疟疾最有效的成分。 +A vaccine against hepatitis B has been available since 1982.,自1982年以来,已有一种乙型肝炎疫苗可获得。 +"Methods Health inspection and supervision have been made to all food from Wenzhou air catering co. , ltd.",方法对温州航空食品实业公司的供机食品:正餐冷荤、正餐水果和点心面包,进行卫生监督检验。 +Parking near a volcanic material showroom.,停车场附近有个火山资料展示室。 +Canada banned the use of BPA in polycarbonate baby bottles in 2008 and some polycarbonate bottle manufacturers have voluntarily eliminated BPA from their products.,加拿大已经在2008年禁止了在聚碳酸脂婴儿奶瓶生产中使用双酚A,一些聚碳酸脂瓶生产厂已经自动停止了双酚A在产品中的使用。 +"The students carried homemade signs, boom boxes and foam fingers, and wore the university's red and white colors. Organizers called out chants on megaphones.",学生们携带着自制的标语,音箱,泡沫手指并挥舞着学校的红白旗。组织者通过麦克风高呼着标语。 +Either fully customize a current template or create from scratch - but must be CREATIVE and stand out from the rest!,要么完全自定义当前模板或从头建立- 但必须有创新精神和出类拔萃了! +"As a important component of water conservation forest ecosystem, understorey vegetation system plays a principal part of forest hydrological benefits.",林下植被—土壤作为水源林生态系统的重要组成部分,是发挥森林水文生态功能的主体之一。 +"Let me ask: if someone gives you yet another project to work on now, will you scream?",请让我再问一个问题:如果此时某人再丢给你一个企划,你是否会抓狂呢? +"But it was all a figment of fancy, a matter of surface.",但是,这都不过是种错觉,是种表面现象。 +"I do not believe vegetarianism is for everyone, but with a little dedication, knowledge of vegetarian recipes, you can make a step towards a diet that is better for you and for the environment.",我认为素食主义并不适合于每一个人,但是了解素食者的日常饮食可以让你对健康饮食有更进一步的了解,这不仅有利于自己也有利于环境。 +"Workplace, the importance of communication self-evident.",职场中,沟通的重要性不言而喻的。 +"On the one hand, they can give your wife gorgeous, gravity-defying boobs during the last trimester of her pregnancy.",一方面,他们能让你妻子在孕期的最后三个月中光鲜亮丽,双峰傲人。 +"When you a ign a job, explain clearly what you want done.",当你分配工作时,你要解释清楚你的要求。 +"Result Of 58 patients with severe craniocerebral injury suffering from DAI, 31 patients were successfully treated, 27 died.",结果58例弥漫性轴索损伤患者诊治正确,31例抢救成功,27例死亡。 +The flat situates in a building on Fangcao Street.,这栋房子在**街的一栋楼上。 +"Just as weak southern-tier economies need to free up their labour and product markets and boost competitiveness, so surplus countries like Germany need to promote spending at home.",就像南线弱小经济体需要解放他们的劳动力、实现商品市场的自由化及提升竞争力一样,德国这样的预算盈余国则需要提高国内消费需求。 +When is the baby's next feed?,这孩子下顿什麽时候喂?。 +Anti-monopoly law creates and maintains the competitive order through controlling monopoly and limiting competition. That is the value orientation of anti-monopoly law pursued all the time.,反垄断法通过规制垄断和限制竞争行为来调整竞争关系,从而创设和维护其认可的竞争秩序,这种特定的竞争秩序应当是反垄断法始终如一的价值取向。 +Machinist job is one of our country's biggest industries.,机械工业是我国最大的产业之一。 +The company distributed its profits among its workers.,该公司向职工们分发利润。 +"Three-phase SPWM dedicated chip SA8282's principle and characteristic is introduced in this paper, and also expounded the design plan for BSG inverted power supply based on BSG characteristic.",介绍了三相SPWM专用芯片SA8282原理及特点,并在此基础上针对BSG特点进行的逆变电源设计进行了叙说; +I'm looking for similar types of tv shows to watch does anyone have suggestions for me?,我在找一些像类似的电 视剧看。 有谁能给我一 些建议吗? +Some day I'll go to Beiing.,有一天我将去北京。 +"Mr. Baker stood there with his mouth open, but said nothing.",贝克先生站在那儿,张着嘴却一语未发。 +One of the only drawbacks to Apple's widly popular iPhone is its lack of support for video recording.,iPhone的缺点之一就是不支持录像功能。 +"Grandma stop flower flower, flower flower said with tears I can never make this evil was born.",奶奶阻止花花,花花流着泪说我决不能把这个坏种生下来。 +"First tof all, raw materials and manufactured components comprise the initial physical input in the entire manufacturing process.",首先,原材料和制成部件构成了整个生产流程最初步的保障。 +So the nutrition landscape and the physical activity landscape is changing and is sweeping way across the world.,"营养和人类日常活动的范畴已日渐改变,且该影响已经席卷全球" +Initial investigations indicated that the accident aboard the hunter-killer submarine involved a piece of air purification equipment in its forward section. It caused only superficial damage.,初始调查显示该攻击型潜艇事故包括一处空气净化系统,其首部受到轻微损害。 +Identified the main factor influencing urban rainfall-runoff pollution provides a scientific basis for urban rainfall-runoff pollution control and management.,识别影响城市降雨径流污染的主要因子是城市降雨径流污染治理和管理的前提和基础。 +"After college, I got married and I went to work I was working in an inner-city school in Cincinnati, Ohio.","大学毕业后,我结婚了,工作了,我在一个市区学校工作,学校位于俄亥俄州的辛辛那提市。" +"His accent, an inimitable polyglot growl, radiates a weariness that comes with being what he calls a “global nomad.”",他咆哮般的口音是通晓多种语言的人独有的特点,散发着一种被他称为“全球流浪者”所独具的疲惫感。 +Many home-buyers forget that the market value of a house is affected a great deal by its neighbours.,很多购房者忘了,房子的市场价值很大程度上受邻里房产的影响。 +"Water light a immediately, the watermark blows up to open.",水光一现,水印爆破开来。 +"Ming and Qing dynasties, when more than in this adopted Qingtong mountain tea buds, were ""her tea.""",明清时山民多在此采青桐芽制茶,名“女儿茶”。 +"Expedition Everest Challenge Highest Point Platform Karaoke Film , Please Watch Them On The Trip Were Found In The Many Beautiful Scenery, And Share Their Excitement And Happiness.",探险队挑战圣母峰最高点卡拉拍得平台,请观赏他们在旅途中所发现的许多美丽风景,并分享他们的兴奋与快乐。 +"Ndiaye works the sandy floodplain on the edge of the religious leader's 1,500 acre lot.His bucket-fed sandtrap cabbage farm yields a pretty pathetic crop.",Ndiaga的地是属于部落领袖的1500亩农场边缘的沙滩区,可想而知,他用木桶浇灌的沙地白菜农场会得到怎样可悲的收成。 +The word 'perfection' in v. 9 means to be made complete.,第9节译成「完全」的一词,意思是成为完整。 +"In the Zhuang's social, the phenomenon of preventing the Han's descendant which psychologically behave can be called Han-descendant complex was very prevalent.",在壮族社会里,假托汉人后裔(其心理表现即“汉裔情结”)的现象十分普遍。 +"On the occasions when they have pushed to shore an unconscious human being they have much more likely done it out of curiously or for sport, as in riding the bow waves of a ship.",当他们把不醒人世的落水者推到海岸上时他们可能更多的处于好奇心或者是为了运动,就象他们骑在船头的波浪一样。 +"Her image, when visible without veils of cobwebs and shadow, is both a thing of beauty and spidery horror.",在那层由蛛网和暗影编织的面纱之下,掩盖着她蜘蛛般优雅而骇人的美貌。 +They don't stock this option at your local Build-A-Bear store.,犯罪分子不会选择在你家当地的“制作一只熊”商店储存海洛因。 +"This is the great amphitheater which could seat 25,000 people. The road in front of the theater leads directly to the harbor of Aegean Sea.",这就是可容二万五千人的大剧场,剧场前的大街直通爱琴海港湾。 +"There is a lot of things to choose from, but less than 2 weeks. Don’t delay!",情人节该怎么过,选择的确很多,但还要不足二周情人节就要到了,不能再耽误了哦! +The different irrigation and pruning measures have great effects on the nectarine dehiscent fruit and the main reason of dehiscent is the growth unbalance caused by great variegation of the water.,不同灌溉方式与不同修剪措施等对不同品种裂果率的影响不同,水分的剧烈变化造成生长的不均衡是导致裂果的主要原因。 +A suitor is outside.,门口来了一位求婚者。 +The renowned novel The Sun Shines Upon River Sang Gan was spawned during the land reform in the rural area of northen China.,华北农村土地改革的风浪孕育了长篇名著《太阳照在桑干河上》。 +"'In addition, we have the European sovereign debt concern, which intensified in May amid concerns of contagion,' note the HSBC analysts.",汇 丰分析师写道,另外欧洲还出现了主权债务问题,在人们担心其将蔓延之际,欧洲主权债务危机在5月加剧。 +The first part:the reasons and representations of economic prosperity of Shaanxi towns and villages.,第一部分主要论述清代陕西市镇经济勃兴的原因及其表现。 +"But considering a bottom has eluded the U.S. stockmarket since the fall of 2008, there remains plenty of concern the recent spurt of gains could yet again be another false dawn.","但想想自2008年下挫以来,美国股市一直未见底,投资者心中仍很担心近期股市骤涨,可能又是一场幻像." +"Guys, if you're driving or sitting for long periods, remove your wallet or card holder from your back pocket.",假如你要长时间开车或要坐很久,记得把钱包和名片夹从裤子后面的口袋里拿出来。 +"The imaginary heroes of Daniel Defoe orof Wyss , as well as Selkirk and Raynal shipwrecked on Juan Fernandez and onthe archipelago of the Aucklands, were never in such absolute destitution.",就连但尼尔·笛福和魏斯的小说中想象的主人公以及在约翰斐南得群岛和奥克兰群岛航海遇难的赛尔寇克和雷纳,也决不象他们这样一无所有。 +"The crab shell is the main components of portunid wastes which produced during the processing of the portunid, includes the rich resource of chitin and calcium, has the high use value.",梭子蟹的加工产生了大量的下脚料,其中蟹壳是主要组成部分,含有丰富的甲壳素和钙资源,具有较高的利用价值。 +"In this paper, some experiences on design of hydraulic measuring, layout of station and the selection of equipments are introduced in detail. These can be used as reference for engineering.",文中较为详细地介绍了引黄工程水力量测设计、测站布置、仪器选型等方面的经验,可供其它工程参考。 +"If Hamas holds its fire, the military ""will weigh pulling out of Gaza at a time that befits us"", Olmert said.",如果哈马斯停火,以军会“寻求最有利于双方的时机撤出加沙”,Olmert说。 +"As the first part of this series of study, the data processing and the formula used to calculate the different components of the heat exchange at the sea urfac e were discussed. Based on the strongs…",本文作为该项研究的第一部分,讨论了所用的资料和计算公式,提出了在稳定温度层结条件下的交换系数的校正方法。 +"The Edward M. Kennedy Serve America Act will usher in a “new era of service,” said the president, who went on to call on Americans to volunteer in their communities.",奥巴马总统说,这项新法案将开启志愿服务的新时代。 总统还呼吁美国人为各自的社区提供义务服务。 +"There is only one good, knowledge, and one evil, ignorance.",世上只有一种善——知识;只有一种恶——无知。 +Conclusions It's practicable to use the jaw position of eliminating clicks as the treatment jaw position of repositioning splint.,结论以临床弹响消失位作为调位垫的治疗位是可行的。 +"There are three kinds of Chinese culture and psychology: First, like to name after distinctive features;",其所体现的汉民族文化心理有三种:一、喜欢以区别性特征来命名; +Smoking may damage the lens of the eye by leading to the formation of chemicals called free radicals.,吸烟的过程会产生一种叫做自由基的化学物质,从而损伤眼内的晶体。 +"And today, the new Chrysler 300 designed by Tom Gale is heavily influenced by the d'Elegance.",而最近,新款的由Tom Gale设计的克莱斯勒300也在很大程度上受到了d’elegance的影响。 +"On a less ethereal note, this is also the time to have a look at your finances - what you owe, what you're saving.",另一方面, 现在也可以看看的你财务, 你欠下的帐务和你赚到的。 +"It's enough to make your neurons misfire , then sizzle and smoke.",这个问题足以使你的神经元失火,然后发出咝咝声和冒烟。 +"The consignment service refers to the bonded warehouse, bonded warehouse specially store the consignment of imported spare parts for the maintenance of foreign products.",寄售维修保税仓库,是指专门存储为维修外国产品所进口寄售零配件的保税仓库。 +"It's win-win, with both the climate and the critters getting a boost.",这是一种气候和生物都受益的双赢方式。 +"Today, pakistani businessmen in the Taxkorgan Tajik Autonomous County can use the RMB to buy the necessary goods.",如今, 巴基斯坦商人在塔什库尔干塔吉克自治县可以使用人民币购买所需商品了。 +Too many decimal places in a number or too many data labels on a graph are examples.,比如,数字内小数点位数太多或图片上数据标签太多。 +In China artists accomplished both in painting and in poetry are not a few.,这方面在有素养的中国画家中是可以俯拾即有的。 +"As long as the government and individuals strive hard, there will certainly be a way out for the laid-off workers.",只要政府和个人都努力,就一定能为下岗工人找到出路。 +Asim replied It should be globular or spheroid or even elliptical with a small thread hole in each grain.,应该球形或椭圆形球体,甚至同一个小螺纹孔在每个粮食。 +"The Zetas say the N Andes region belongs to S America, though there is a fault line between them.",虽然它们之间存在着一条断层带,但齐塔人说北安第斯地区属于南美板块。 +"First, my hygienist presented me with a causal chain that was hard to dispute.",首先,我的牙医提出了一套无可辩驳的因果链。 +"Along with the Brothers Grimm, Hans Christian Andersen is recognized as a key figure in 19th-century romantic fiction.",汉斯·克里斯蒂安·安徒生与格林兄弟一起被视为十九世纪浪漫小说的主要人物。 +Athletes must have PR-minded and establish a good relationship in order to improve their own reputation and create a good public image.,同时,运动员要有公关意识,学会与其周围的各种内部、外部公众建立良好的关系,以提高自身的美誉度,塑造良好的公众形象。 +"Dengue is a complex disease, with its four serotypes.",登革热是一种复杂的疾病,有四种血清型。 +The essay analyzes the problem of blow-hole which is easily seen in the process of production and makes further discussion of the technology of improving lid casting.,前言: 对烘缸缸盖在铸造过程中易出现的皮下气孔问题进行了分析,并对缸盖浇注系统的工艺改进作了进一步探讨。 +To analyze the present use of different endoscopic of the pterygopalatine fossa;,分析各种径路翼腭窝区鼻内镜手术入路的优缺点; +This recipe will give a short overview about the different types of caching and how to use them.,本章将给一个简短的大概了解不同类型的缓存,以及如何使用它们。 +"""He came to make a formal invitation. We are still evaulating,"" Lobao told reporters, referring to a visit by the Iranian ambassador to Brazil he said took place two weeks ago.","""他前来发出正式邀请.我们仍在评估,""Lobao对记者表示,即他所说的伊朗驻巴西大使在两周前的一次拜访." +"But unless we take them seriously and adopt firm measures right now to prevent their spread, many people will fall prey to them and be led astray, with grave consequences.",但是如果我们不及时注意和采取坚定的措施加以制止,而任其自由泛滥,就会影响更多的人走上邪路,后果就可能非常严重。 +"And during a recent summer heatwave, flying foxes in subtropical Australia died in droves (Proceedings of the Royal Society B, vol 275, p 419).",在最近的夏季热浪侵袭中,澳大利亚亚热带地区的狐蝠大量死亡(《皇家学会学报B》卷275 页419)。 +The unavailability of a service group is based on this kind of situations that are associated with the front-end services of the service group.,服务组的不可用性正是基于这类场景,这与服务组的前端服务有关。 +"Late last year Chevron, Shell and Exxon agreed to spend $37 billion to develop the Gorgon field off Australia, another potentially huge source of gas.",去年晚一些的时候,雪佛龙,壳牌以及埃克森达成协议计划投资370美元来开发澳大利亚的Gorgon气田,这是另一个潜在的储量巨大的天然气源。 +Mubarak's resignation comes after 30 years in power and follows an uprising in Tunisia that ousted president Zine al-Abidine Ben Ali.,继突尼西亚起义将总统齐内·阿比丁· 本·阿里驱逐后,穆巴拉克结束卅年的掌权。 +This scoring will determine the targets of therapy for reduction of apolipoprotein B-containing lipoproteins.,其危险得分将决定应用何种治疗方法以降低包括血清载脂蛋白B在内的脂蛋白。 +That reflects the disyllablization level of Chinese being further enhanced in the late period of the Warring States.,这说明《荀子》所反映的战国末期汉语词汇复音化程度的加深和水平的提高。 +The first pigeon to make it back to London with the news that the invasion had been a success was awarded high military honors.,第一支把登陆成功的消息带回英国的信鸽被奖励最高部队荣誉。 +"You can model these constraints, conditions, and invariants independently using DITA specialization, probably by extending the concept topic type.",您可以使用 DITA 专门化分别为这些约束、条件和不变式建模,可能还要扩展 concept 主题类型。 +To refer to something in an experiment that proves one of two hypotheses and disproves the other.,这一词组来指在某一实验中证明两个假设之一正确和另一假设错误的东西。 +He rushed to the villa and found his mother at her supper.,他跑到了别墅,看见妈妈在吃晚餐,她只是说了句:“你玩得开心吗?” +"Because of the specific environment for car anti-collision, only moving target is detected, which decreases the difficulty for signal proc…",针对汽车防撞的使用环境,只对存在相对运动的目标进行检测,从而降低了信号处理的难度,提高了图像的刷新率。 +"Delegates to the democratic nominating convention voted forty-four times before agreeing on a candidate. They chose the governor of the state of Ohio, James Cox.",对民主提名大会的代表投票前,候选人同意四四倍。他们选择的俄亥俄州,詹姆斯考克斯州的州长。 +"After dissociating the effective signals, we can locate the vibration source according to the time difference that can be got by using the analysis of correlation-function.",当找到需要的信号后,通过相关函数分析自动获取多道信号的相对时差,进而求取振源的位置。 +"They can harm patients by failing to treat serious conditions, can provoke drug resistance and in some cases kill.",它们可对患者造成危害,对严重病症并无疗效,却可能产生耐药性,在某些情况下还有致命的危险。 +"According to one, sea-levels could rise by approximately 1.3 metres by 2100.",根据其中一个研究的结论,到2100年前,海平面可能上升约1.3米。 +The weapons columns give the total attack bonuses due to class and level and total damage bonuses (in parentheses).,武器列按职业和等级给出了总攻击加值和总伤害加值(在括号中)。 +China actively and constructively participated in all the previous UN Group of Governmental Experts (GGE) on the Register of Conventional Arms and made contribution to the development of the Register.,中方本着积极和建设性态度参加了历届联合国常规武器登记册政府专家组的工作,为登记册的发展做出了贡献。 +"In many ways, the document-oriented database does things the other way around.",在很多情况下,面向文档数据库采用相反的方法处理事情。 +AIM:To investigate whether insulin stimulates the translocation of GLUT1 and glucose uptake in canine myocardium.,前言: 目的:观察胰岛素能否刺激心肌葡萄糖转运子1(GL UT1) 移位和葡萄糖摄取。 +"Now that their opposition has helped drive gas prices to record levels, I ask them to reconsider their positions,"" he added.",既然他们的反对已把油价推上了创纪录的高度,所以我要求他们重新考虑自己的立场。 +"World Team Tennis held its 18th annual Smash Hits fundraising event on November 15, co-hosted by British pop singing star Elton John and US tennis legend Billy Jean King.",世界网球队11月15日举行的第18届年度筹款活动,流行的歌曲,共同主办的英国流行歌星埃尔顿约翰和美国网坛传奇人物比利简金。 +"From this day forward, Yuan Deyun only write some social science information in the online publication of Enlightenment, welcome criticism, advice.",从今而后,袁德云只编写一些社会科学启蒙资料在网上发表,欢迎批评、指教。 +"Bull sharks are known for their unpredictable and often aggressive behavior, so their presence in populated areas is a concern.",牛鲨以性情反复而且常有攻击行为而闻名,因此它们在居住区的出没让人担忧。 +With its NEMA4/P65 front panel it is resilient enough to resist the harsh conditions of any industrial environment.,以其NEMA4 / P65前面板是充满活力的,能够抵御恶劣的条件下的任何产业环境。 +"In zoology coating with pausing closely, come power, the trademark such as cloud of morning sun, clouds is most well-known.",生态涂料中以密顿、来威、朝日、霄云等品牌最为知名。 +Controversy over flexible exchange rates continues as American political leaders condemn Treasury Secretary Paul H. O'Neill for his refusal to seek a strong dollar.,随着美国政要们对财政部长保罗H。 奥尼尔拒绝强势美元的态度进行抨击,关于浮动汇率的争议也在不断持续。 +"16A forest is on fire outside the town of Novovoronezh, some 40 km (25 miles) south of the city of Voronezh, August 2, 2010. (REUTERS/Sergei Karpukhin)",2010年8月2日,沃罗涅什(Voronezh)市以南40公里处,一个名叫Novovoronezh小镇的外围,森林正在起火。 +"He, a tall thin, handsome boy, give me the white and the first impression is so clean and relaxed, shy quiet.",他,一个高高瘦瘦、帅气白皙的男孩,给我的第一印象是如此干净清爽,腼腆安静。 +This is the third time you fouled today.,这是你今天第三次越线掷球了。 +Clergy members who are concerned that their congregants know little about the essentials of their own faith will no doubt be appalled by some of these findings,神职人员如果担心自己的信徒对一些自己宗教的重要问题知道的不多的话,肯定会对以下的 +"Because the structure of Malan Loess is very special, it developed advanced vertically, using soil pillar in lab would break the natural structure of Malan Loess and influence the filter coefficient.",由于马兰黄土结构特殊,垂直节理发育。采用室内土柱实验会破坏马兰黄土的结构,影响渗透系数,仿真模拟性较差。 +The Pioneer-net consists of Pioneer-net card and Pioneer-net switch.,先锋网由自主研制的先锋网卡和先锋寻径式交换机组成。 +"This, of course, only applies to women who are actually looking to have children (or more children).",当然,这仅适用于想要孩子的女性(或要更多的孩子)。 +Resided there like an auspicious bell on the flying eave .,像一只祈福的铜铃叮铃铃地挂在飞檐。 +"A half-mile of it was as much as he could stand, and he weakened under the strain.",阿半英里它是尽可能他站,他的压力下受到削弱。 +"Houston is a fun city to live and play, Rent.com says.",提到休斯顿是适合居住和游玩的有趣的城市。 +US forces are also involved in a major offensive in the city of Diwaniyah against Shiite militia forces.,在迪瓦尼亚美军还向什叶派民兵发起了大规模进攻。 +He played prop forward and I never once saw him shy away from a challenge.,他当时打第一排边锋,我从未见他在挑战面前退缩过。 +"Even the feathers, such as pipped eggs.",连羽毛都吃,比如毛蛋。 +"And all will turn to silver glass. A light on the water, all souls pass.",一切变成晶莹一片,如水面上光线,一瞬间。 +"The legendary Italian singer has a penchant for ""Rigoletto, "" a masterpiece of Italian composer Giuseppe Verdi.",在歌剧界,里奥·努奇被视作一个传奇人物,他一直对威尔第笔下的“弄臣”情有独钟。 +The military government dissolved the country's parliament.,军政府解散了该国的议会。 +Part of the demand you hear from the back seat may be due to the fact that kids today are seeing more McDonald's and Burger King ads than ever before.,你听到身后孩子们要求吃快餐的请求或许就是因为当今儿童见到的麦当劳和汉堡王的广告比以往任何时候都多。 +"When the domain of interval valued fuzzy sets is discrete, a method of linear interpolation about it is provided, making it become continuous.",区间值模糊集论域为离散时,将其线性插值为连续,然后给出���域为离散情况下的模糊推理方法。 +Conclusions:The imbalance of TH1/TH2 might play animportant role in the development of asthma.,结论:TH1/TH2的失衡在哮喘发病机制中起着很重要的作用。 +"""Sellers are coming into the market in increasing numbers and we are also seeing significant levels of purchaser activity, "" he said.",来自塞尔扣克的英格兰联合评估机构的克里斯顿说,尽管只是处于下降“初期”,但归结为天气原因显然只是搭了一个“顺风车”,他还说,“越来越多的卖家将涌入市场,我们将看到交易活动的显著上升。” +If the dog's hackles are up if it gives a low decibel growl or if it engages in a predatory stalking posture then there is probably a danger in the environment.,如果狗颈部的毛都竖立起来,或是它用低分贝咆哮,或是呈掠夺、跟踪姿势,那么周围肯定存在不安全因素。 +Campylomma chinensis Schuh is a predatory mirid bug and is very common in Southern China.,中华微刺盲蝽是一种重要的捕食性天敌,在华南地区分布极为普遍。 +Really. Like if you want to do very well.,真的。如果你想学好。 +Infrared turbidimetric method was used to estimate the effect of platelet aggregation.,采用红外比浊法测定刺松藻多糖对血小板聚集的影响。 +"As Paik continues to strategically facilitate the environment and legacy through his found sculpture of an elephant, rugged in exteriors, coarsely engraved with brave battle scars.",白南准透过木象的雕塑、坚固的外表,那刻有英勇斗争遗留下来的伤疤,有策略地营造出一种环境气氛和历史性。 +"Petite Sirah is a different grape altogether, but it will probably be in the Syrah section and also is usually a good bet.",小希拉(Petite Sirah)则是一个完全不同的葡萄品种,但它可能会摆放在西拉酒一类里,这种酒也通常是一个不错的选择。 +"At the National Gallery exhibit, ""The Americans"" is divided into four parts. Each part shows a different side of American culture.",在国家艺术馆展中,《美国人》摄影集被分成四部分展出,每一部分都反映了美国不同的文化,每一部分都以一幅含有美国国旗的照片开始。 +Use your credit card for a shopping spree “because you're worth it”.,那就刷卡血拼一番,“ 毕竟你值得拥有”。 +AOL has closed its $315 million acquisition of The Huffington Post.,美国在线斥资3.15亿美元成功并购了《赫芬顿邮报》。 +"Kinetostatics analysis of parallel robots based on the theory of single opened chains, which can get the low dimensions kinetostatics equations, is stated in this paper.",为了获得低维数的动力学方程,从而方便进行求解,本文基于序单开链理论对并联机器人进行动态静力分析。 +Police and the Federal Aviation Administration said they began getting flooded with calls starting at 1:30 p.m. from people reporting a silvery object hovering high over Manhattan.,纽约警方和美国联邦航空局声称,他们从下午1:30开始不断接到当地人打来的电话,称一个银色闪光物体盘旋在曼哈顿的上空。 +The difference between a jogger and a runner is an entry blank.,慢跑者和跑步者的不同是一张报名表 +The greatest advantage in CNC machining comes from the unerring and rapid positioning movements possible.,CNC机床的最大优势来自无错的和快速的可能运动的控制。 +"Development of non-toxic gold electrolytes , such as those based on sulfite complexes rapidly increased in recent years.",而亚硫酸系的非氰化物镀金溶液,是近年来最令人注目的镀金技术。 +"However cool and informal a black windbreaker may look, it still represents a safe, formal choice.",黑风衣看来再酷、再不正式,还是代表一种安全而拘谨的选择。 +Good evening. I don't think we've met. May I introduce myself?My name is Wang Wei.,晚上好。我想我们素末谋面,我可以自我介绍吗?我叫王威。 +"According to Xinhua, more than 80, 000 students will participate in celebrations, waving flowers and flipping coloured cards to create massive slogans such as ""National Day"" and ""Long Live China"".",据新华社,8万多名学生将参加庆典,挥舞鲜花,扣击彩色卡片,创造出如“国庆节”和“中国万岁”的巨大标语。 +"Therefore, this thesis uses an experimental method— think-aloud method—to study translation process.",为此,本项研究采用有声思维实验方法来探究翻译过程。 +Where's Abbott Larkin? That's the question at the Stamford Hotel this morning…,阿伯特·拉金在哪儿?这是今晨斯坦福德宾馆的一个迷…… +This week witnessed an event that will have some animal lovers cheering: the arrival on the market of long-promised 'allergy-free' pet cats.,这周传来的消息让宠物爱好者欢欣鼓舞:“传说”中的防过敏症的宠物猫上市了。 +"As a success story of China's animation industry, cartoon ""Happy Goat and Big Big wolf"" is booming in the development of derivatives market.",动画片《喜羊羊与灰太狼》的衍生产品市场发展得红红火火,是我国动画产业衍生产品市场发展的一个成功案例。 +Yesterday we won 2-1 and I scored again after three matches!,昨天我们2-1赢了,三场比赛之后我又进球了! +This moment is also striking because Milton has lifted this entire scene of this interruption from somewhere else.,"这一刻给人印象深刻,也在于弥尔顿从别处完完整整地,将这段打断的场景借鉴而来。" +"In this paper, the accurate expression about the supplementary angle of gravity terrain correction at the joint of the circle and square domain was derived and presented.",本文给出了重力测量中地形改正的补角(园域和方域接口处)地改值的精确表达式。 +Some people without this would react totally different than he would.,没有这个毛病的人,会有完全不同的反应。 +"Not a single arrow I shot ever went anywhere useful, although I did nearly impale my centaur teacher a few times.",我射出的箭,没有一支到达任何有用的地方,尽管我确实有几次几乎刺穿我的半人半马老师。 +The quality and quantity of peripheral blood stem cells (PBSC) are considered as an essential factor for short term and long term hematopoietic reconstruction after PBSC autograft.,自体外周血造血干细胞(PBSC)移植后血液系统的重建与采集和保存的PBSC的质量和数量有密切关系。 +"Don't live in Cheyenne, Wyoming, Las Vegas and Billings, Montana where divorce is most prominent.",那最好别去怀俄明州的夏延市、拉斯维加斯或蒙大拿州的比林斯市生活,因为这几… +Next is my main work in this paper: An OFDMA system level simulation platform was designed and developed which mainly did performance analysis of resource allocation algorithms;,接下来是本文的主要工作:设计并实现了基于OFDMA系统的系统级仿真平台,用于分析各种资源分配算法的性能; +"Howard Johnson Plaza Ulanqab is the first 5- star international hotel in town, it's located in Economic Development Zone, distance from the city center only 20 minutes.",乌兰察布豪生大酒店是乌兰察布市豪华五星级国际品牌酒店。 酒店位于城市新兴经济开发区,距离市中心仅20分钟车程,交通便捷。 +"Choose the cone's diameter and center. If you want the roof to come to a sharper point, it should have an odd diameter.",选择圆锥的直径和中心。如果你想让屋顶收束到一个更锋利的顶点,它应该有一个奇数的直径。 +He gloated over his rival's failure…,他对敌手的失败幸灾乐祸。 +"Kim easily dealt with hiking along an open sewage ditch, spring with a car tire strapped to her back, floating for half an hour in frigid ocean waters and rolling commando?style in mud.",沿着露在地面的下水道沟徒步行走,背上绑着汽车轮胎全速奔跑,在冰冷刺骨的海水中漂流 半个小时,在泥浆中 像突击队队员那样摸爬滚打,这些金都都能应付自如。 +Medical Representatives How can a firm footing in the fierce competition?,医药代表如何才能在激烈竞争中站稳脚步? +"Eternal life bedrooms, more than ten meters, containing a desk, a stool, bed and voluminous book a heap.",永生卧室,十余米,内藏桌一、凳一、床一及汗牛充栋之书堆积。 +At last the codifiers completed the Civil CodeDraft of Qing Dynasty by transplanting the Civil Code of German and Meiji CivilCode of Japan.,清末立法者正是通过对德国和日本民法典的借鉴,最终完成了《大清民律草案》的编纂。 +I'm a night owl.,我是个熬夜的人。 +"But in a bizarre third-act twist, the Queer Eye team reveal themselves to be subterranean-dwelling 'crab people' hell-bent on taking over the world.",但后来“鄙视直男”节目主持人的身份暴露了:他们是居住在地下的“蟹族”,妄图接管世界。 +"As economic gravity takes over, they'll inevitably return to those benchmarks -- meaning stocks, bonds and commodities have a long way to fall.",随着经济“地心引力”发挥作用,这些资产的价格将不可避免地回归至基准水平,这意味着股票、债券和大宗商品的下跌之路很长。 +An American and his teenage daughter traveling with a Virginia-based spiritual group were also among those killed during the coordinated attacks.,在这次有组织的袭击中,维吉尼亚的宗教团体中的一名美国人和他十多岁的女儿也被杀害。 +Retrospective study the causes and treatments of delayed hemopneumothorax induced by thoracic trauma in 42 cases.,方法回顾性分析42例胸外伤迟发性血气胸患者的发生原因及诊治经过。 +"This does not work for all field types, including DATS.",这并不适用于所有字段类型,包括 DATS。 +Critics said Ma's comments showed a prevailing unhealthy attitude where people will sacrifice emotional feelings for materialistic gains.,评论家指出,马诺的言论揭示了当今盛行的不健康态度:人牺牲情感以换取物质利益。 +"Stainless steel product factory of Caitang town, Chaoan Country.",潮安县彩塘镇康尼特不锈钢制品厂。 +"It's not really predictable which one is best, which one will emerge as the leader just isn't clear at this point, "" Reif said.""",要预测哪一种方法是最好是很难的,目前还不清楚哪一种方法将脱颖而出。 +"According to the mission participants, China has undergone a significant transformation since the first 1987 ELA China mission.",依照代表团成员的看法,中国自从1987年第一个商务代表团访问后产生了重要的变革。 +"Flirting tests our guile, allows us to practice clever turns of phrase and cool, calculated indifference.",调情考验我们的急智,话分两说、甜言蜜语抑或假扮冷酷、漠不关心。 +Main properties of 500KV ultra-high voltage transformer oil were discussed.,对500kV超高压变压器油的几个主要性能进行了探讨。 +Eat more rice and good health but do not talk nonsense higher consciousness.,多吃大米身体好,少说废话觉悟高。 +Persist in your own style and never to be changed by anyone.,坚持自己的风格,不被谁谁谁所改变。 +"In this superb book, Rupert Wright meanders through ecology and politics, antiquity and the arts, as he seeks to elucidate one of the earth's greatest mysteries.",这是本一流的著作。鲁珀特•赖特对生态与政治、历史与艺术娓娓道来,对地球上最大的谜题之一进行阐释。 +No one’s dedication to the cause of protecting America is questioned.,任何专心致志地献身于保卫美国的人,其动机无容置疑。 +"In order to produce practical results, ideological and political education should abide by related regular patterns, emphasize emotional effects, have feet in reality, and carry out all-round action.",思想政治教育要取得实效,必须遵循相关规律,注重情感效应,立足实际,实行全方位联动。 +"When they said they had stopped providing the painkiller, the score rose to 64 - even though the opiate was still flowing.< o",尽管鸦片基止痛剂仍在通过静脉流入志愿者体内,假若科研人员谎称已经停止注射了止痛剂,他们疼痛评级又上升到 +"I'd heard a lot about this whole sex thing, from seeing it on TV to having it blamed for my young cousin getting pregnant, and I wanted to know what it was all about.",很小的时候,性方面的事我就已经听过不少了,这要归功于电视和我的年轻怀孕的表姐,但是我想知道所有这些究竟是怎会回事。 +"A phrasal verb refers to a verb combined with an adverb or a preposition, or sometimes both, to give a new meaning.",短语动词仅指那些意思有所改变的动词和副词或介词词组。 +"BEIJING -- China's booming stock markets are creating a new elite class of the superrich, giving the country more billionaires than any country in the world except the United States.",中国蓬勃的股市创造了新的超级富人精英阶层,该国的亿万富翁如今比除了美国之外的任何国家都要多。 +"Nahum chapter three begins with a most appropriate description of Nineveh. He calls it ""the bloody city"", for Nineveh was notorious for her cruelty and killings.",第三章一开始就讲到尼尼微是个「流人血的城」,因为其中充满残暴和杀害的事。 +Turn the sleeve head into the sleeve cap.,最后将袖山头翻折成袖山。 +"So for other people's disappointment, frustration, pain, unfavorable to gloat, but should be caring, understanding.",因此对别人的失意、挫折、伤痛,不宜幸灾乐祸,而应要有关怀、了解的心情。 +Bonfires of the downtrodden illuminated the horizon like morbid stars. Poor souls seeking any warmth they could muster.,远方隐现的篝火如残星般点缀着地平线,仿佛万物都在渴求着温暖。 +"But it is impossible crush raises, as despite all the broken glass left after the wound.",但不可能的爱恋道出了,就如不顾一切冲破玻璃后留下的伤口。 +A stochastic mathematical experiment is performed to discuss the application range of the approximate fitting method and its point-selection strategy.,通过随机数学试验的设计和运行,对近似拟合法的适用范围和选点策略进行探讨。 +"In the morning, we'll start our trip at Huangxing Road Walking Street, which is in the downtown area.",在上午,我们将在黄兴路步行街开始我们的旅途,那是在市区。 +CONCLUSION: The staining pattern of P16 was useful to differentiate CIN with chronic cervicitis with squamous metaplasia and cervical condyloma acuminatum.,结论:P16的着色可用于CIN与慢性宫颈炎伴腺体鳞化、尖锐湿疣之间的鉴别。 +"It turned out that the fish do not bite hook prison, they can always sputtered hooks.",原来那鱼儿咬勾并不牢,可随时吐掉鱼钩。 +"Clustering is a sub-area of data mining, which congregates similar data records in a group. So we put forward applying this technology into detecting approximately duplicate data records.",聚类是将相似度高的数据对象聚集到一个类中,于是我们提出将该技术用于近似重复记录的发现上。 +Now for the other big difference between the ZODB and a relational database: ZODB objects completely lack any schema specification.,下面讨论一下 ZODB 和关系数据库之间的其他主要区别:ZODB 对象完全缺乏任何模式规范。 +"Last week, my four-year-old daughter, Sally, was invited to a children's party.",上星期,有人邀请我四岁的女儿去参加一个儿童聚会。 +"He has scrapped his windup in favor of working exclusively from the stretch, enabling him to tame his often-erratic control by limiting his walks to one and his pitch count to 89.",小小郭精简了他的投球前挥臂准备动作,这对他独撑七局很有益处,同时也助他克服了时常抖来抖去的控球问题,将他的保送降低到了一次,并且总共只用了89 球。 +"“There is no way for patients who are committed for treatment to complain, appeal or prosecute, ” Ms. Huang’s report states.",对那些抱怨政府,向政府申诉或检举政府官员的人,除了对他们进行治疗,别无他法“。 这是黄在报告中的陈述。 +"Martin will be thrilled to be able to play in this postseason , so we should see him intense and battle-ready.",马丁对能够参加季后赛很兴奋,所以我们会看到一个充满激情和好战的他。 +"Bright, clean and tidy shopfront image with product and company introduction is really the pleasant selling place for brand name products.",明亮、整洁、整齐、有产品、有企业介绍,使人赏心悦目的店堂才是品牌产品销售的卖场。 +SLU is a university with a clearly defined role in society: to take responsibility for the development of learning and expertise in areas concerning biological resources and biological production.,该大学是一所有明确社会责任的大学,它承担与生物资源和生物生产领域相关的教学和专家经验的发展。 +"After all, animals like Moko are some of the nicest people we know.",毕竟,像莫克一样的动物不正是我们可爱的一份子吗? +"He built a fire and warmed himself by drinking quarts of hot water, and made camp on a rocky ledge in the same fashion he had the night before.",他生起一堆火,喝了几罐热水让身子暖了起来,然后,照着昨晚的样子在一块突岩上搭起了帐篷。 +CONCLUSION: ①Acute aerobic exercise can down-regulate the levels of plasma insulin and leptin in rats with diabetes.,结论:①一次性游泳运动可以降低糖尿病大鼠血胰岛素、血瘦素水平。 +"The QSAR model of proteasomal cleaving antigen protein is built in order to study the specificity of the proteasome cleaving antigen protein, and PLS method is used to solve the model.",本文建立了蛋白酶体裂解内源性抗原蛋白的QSAR模型来研究蛋白酶体对抗原蛋白裂解的特异性,并采用PLS方法求解模型。 +"Note that for this example, you will deploy the service provider and client on to the same application server.",请注意,对于此示例,我们将服务提供者和客户机部署到相同的应用服务器上。 +Sometimes the establishment and perfection of a system count more than single moral education.,有时制度的建全与完善比单纯的道德教育来得更直接更奏效. +"A few years later, he was impressed by a story: A Christian young woman whose parents had been killed by the Japanese during the war decided to minister to Japanese prisoners.",几年后,一个故事给他留下深深的印象:一个在战争中父母双亡的美国年轻女子决定到日本给那些囚犯传教。 +"That boy loves working on cars, Debbie Gullett smiled, glancing out the window of her home to see her son James tinkering with1 an Oldsmobile .",这孩子喜欢摆弄汽车,黛比·格莱特心中想道。看见窗外儿子詹姆斯正在修理一辆奥尔兹汽车,她不觉微微一笑。 +Just a side note: any parents or coaches of young b-ballers.,只是一点边缘提示:任何年轻球员的父母或教练们。 +Wellbore conditions did not allow the acquisition of a full suite of logging tools in the deeper sections of the hole and made the analysis of the lower intervals in the well inconclusive.,受井身条件限制,施工人员无法在钻孔较深区域内使用全套测井仪器,因此对油井低层段的分析不太可靠。 +Oakwood Gold Arch Residence has Guangzhou's highest serviced apartment occupancy and average rate.,金亚花园拥有广州服务式公寓中最高的入住率和平均月租。 +"The structures, operation principle of an AW type spin-cup automatic burning device and its application in rotary kiln of TiO 2 production have been described.",介绍了AW型转杯式自控燃烧装置的结构、工作原理及其在钛白转窑中的应用。 +"Well, our best offer for today is 20% off.",我们今天的最低价是打八折。 +Samuel Richardson: Pamela (1740),塞缪尔·理查森:潘蜜拉(1740) +Confluence is an inexorable historical trend.,合流是历史的必然。 +"This, coupled with underfunding in poor areas, has resulted in a shortage of good schools;",这个,再加上贫困地区缺乏资金,导致了好学校的短缺; +"Dot Matrix Display. 0.70"" Displays Dot Matrix"".",功能介绍: 点阵显示。 0.70“显示屏,点阵。 +"This system possesses good expandability, so it can be used as a sub-system of CIMS(Computer Integrated Manufacture System).",该系统具有良好的可扩展性,可作为流程工业过程计算机集成制造系统的一个子系统。 +"Stick to the road of sustainable development, economic and cultural development of my town, the overall guiding ideology.",坚持走可持续发展的道路是我镇经济文化发展的总体指导思想。 +"In that spirit, let me turn now to a brief discussion of the longer-run prospects for the U. S. economy and the role of economic policy in shaping those prospects.",在这个前提下,我现在将转向对美国长期的增长前景和经济政策在塑造这些前景上的作一个简要的探讨。 +"However, specific methods must be decided on and proper arrangement of time must be fixed in order to raise the revision efficiency.",不同类型的复习目的任务不同,复习的方法与策略也不一样,只有科学选择复习方法,合理安排复习时间,才能有效提高复习效率。 +What do you mean we walked around dressed like girls? We walked around in our own clothes they just happened to be dresses.,你说我们穿得像个女孩到处闲逛是什么意思?我们只是穿着自己的衣服闲逛,只不过碰巧是裙子… +But I feel it’s little inconvenient that you have to wet it up whenever you wanna wear it under the sun.,不过,我觉得,每次当您需要用它的时候,必须先把它弄湿,这有点不太方便。 +He scooped up some of the water and let it run through his fingers.,他掬起一些水,让它流过他的手指。 +Xiao Ming: swallow saliva can?,小明:吞口水可以么? +Loango National Park got that nickname from the resident hippopotamuses' habit of swimming in the ocean and body-surfing to and from feeding grounds.,栖息于此的荷马习惯在海里游泳,在摄食区间往返“冲浪”,故卢安果国家公园得此美誉。 +"Cradled by her former-supermodel mother and surrounded by bodyguards, the most famous baby in France made her first public appearance today.",法国“第一千金”今日首次在公开场合露面。她躺在前超模母亲的怀抱里,周围还有保镖护送。 +It is the government's responsibility that making social security system furtherly perfect to protect women's employment a…,国家有责任进一步完善社会保障制度以保障妇女的就业权利及全面发展的权利。 +Strapped above his ankle was a pistol in a black padded holster.,在高于他踝关节的位置上,绑着一只插在黑色皮套里的手枪。 +"The paper briefly reviews some finite difference methods of the turbulent boundary layer, their differences and characteristics, and some other related problems.",本文概述了紊流附面层几种差分解法,它们的差异与特点、以及有关问题。 +Now scientists are developing a lie detector that can tell if someone is telling the truth by monitoring the movement of their eyes.,人们常说,撒谎的人再狡猾眼神也会出卖他。 目前,科学家正在开发一种通过监控眼球运动来辨别谎言的仪器。 +"In his book""Frames of Mind: The Theory of Multiple Intelligences, ""Howard Gardner introduces some interesting new ideas about the human mind.",在《心智构架:多元智能理论》书中,霍华德·加德纳提出了一些有关人类心智有趣的新观念。 +"Come on , my children, Let's take photos with Donald Duck.",孩子们,快来呀,咱们和唐老鸭合张影吧! +You can take a taxi (20mins) the fee around 60 RMB;,您可以乘坐出租车大约60元; +"Now when a user submits a search, you can check for a cache-hit and immediately load the cached results.",现在当一个用户提交搜索时,您可以检查高速缓存命中情况,并立即加载缓存的结果。 +The physical & chemical indexes and anatomic structures of the sweet pepper growing in stover substrate were studied in this paper.,对甜椒幼苗在各种秸秆型育苗基质上的理化指标、解剖结构等进行了研究。 +Original designed handles on the tall wall cabinet bring out the best match to the entire style.,立柜上原创设计的特制拉手,与整体风格相得益彰。 +A calculate for many scientist pluses a special identity at the YN administration and established his position extra.,一个非常重要的科学家,加上在YN管理局特别的身份,更奠定了他的地位。 +CA-CTA blend membranes for low pressure reverse osmosis were prepared.,本文制备了适于低压���用的CTA—CA共混反渗透膜; +"No, I don't imagine I get any plans. Why do you ask?",不忙,我想我没什么安排。你问来干嘛? +"GEORGE III had been twenty-two when, in 1760, he succeeded to the throne, and to a remarkable degree he remained a man of simple tastes and few pretensions.",1760年继位时,乔治三世年方22,很大程度上依旧保持了之前淡泊素朴的作风。 +"If this is the case, then it follows that people like me, who NEED to make dolls, must have some major psychological issues as we literally try to construct our identities with the dolls we make.",如果真的是这样,那么像我这样必须要做娃娃的人,可能有一些比较大的心理问题,我们真的需要把自己的身份“构造”在娃娃身上。 +"Based on the character of the business of multi-national corporation, code of conduct sponsored by them must take some relation with the domestic law of the host countries.",跨国公司生产守则是经济全球化的产物,其核心是约束跨国公司的生产经营行为,从而承担社会责任。 +"Wang Kaitao, Ph D. , Shanghai Branch, Shenzhan Development Bank.",王凯涛,管理学博士,深圳发展银行上海分行。 +Our country enjoys ever growing international prestige and we have friends all over the world.,我们国家的国际威望日益增长,我们的朋友遍天下。 +"Now that you have the web page invoice looking good, you need to create a PDF version that can be printed.",现在,您的网页发票看起来很好,您需要创建可以打印的 PDF 版本。 +"We envisage that large scale projects might require additional methods; if so, they could reasonably be added to this class.",我们认为,大型项目可能还需要其他方法;如果是这样,完全可以将它们添加到此类中。 +"In 100 B. C. , the compilation of China's first dictionary was finished with explanation and ways of writing of 9000 characters contained.",公元100年中国第一部字典编纂完成,9000个字,提供释义并列举不同写法。 +"One mistake a lot of people make is being too nice, and too wishy-washy. They might say no but make it sound like they are wavering.",许多人难于拒绝的一个原因是他们(或许是在潜意识中)感觉自己的时间没有别人的珍贵。 +"In any organization or enterprise with a significant IT infrastructure, there are a number of required roles to be be staffed.",在任何具有大型 IT 基础设施的组织或企业中,有许多角色是必须安排的。 +"The company mainly deals in surfboard, water ski board and various kinds of water sport supplies and other sporting equipments.",公司主要生产经营冲浪板、滑水板及各类水上用品等运动器材。 +"Through friendship and detailed assistance, she commended Debra to the loving, wise, long-term care of God.",通过她的友谊和悉心的帮助,这位姊妹把底波拉交在神的慈爱、智慧、长久的照应下。 +"""The airplane almost becomes a living organism this way,"" Krein says.",“这样飞机几乎变成了一个有机体”Krein说。 +"For example, Rene could alter the project start time to better utilize project resources.",例如, Rene可以改变项目的开始时间以更好地利用资源。 +"A teenage girl acknowledged making about 1,000 fake 911 calls from her cell phone, laughing, taunting and saying, ""You can't catch me,"" police said Monday.",美国纽约州布法罗市的警方日前透露说,当地一个十几岁的女孩承认,她曾用自己的手机拨打了大约上千次911报警电话。她在电话�嘲笑接线员说:“你抓不到我。” +"The improvements of HBV marks, some indexes of clinical tests and clinical symptoms in GFK treated group were more remarkable than those in control group (P<0.05).",且硬肝复康组HBV标志改善率、化验指标和临床症状改善率均明显高于对照组(P<0.05)。 +"Laid-back Laos is a snap, he says, but re-entering China from Vietnam can be a hassle.",他说,懒散的老挝人轻而易举就能混过去,但从越南重新进入中国就麻烦了。 +"Which cake is nicer , the big one or the small one?",哪块蛋糕比较好吃,大块的还是小块的? +"Yeah, and when you drink a cup of corn oil it's just like eating fresh corn, right?",那么当你喝着玉米油,就感觉像是在吃新鲜玉米一样? +"The yield of nootkatone 2 was 70.6%, This synthetic method was a satisfactory way with simple synthetic route, convenient operation and low environment pollution.",该合成路线简单,后处理方便,环境污染小,总收率为70 .6 % ,是一个比较理想的合成方法。 +"Not only is this a futile attempt to stop the spread of the TSA leak, but it's also an ill-conceived idea on many different angles – the Streisand effect being only one of those angles.",这不仅是一个徒劳的尝试,阻止该协议泄漏扩散,但它也是一个思虑不周,在许多不同的角度 - 的史翠珊效应的只有这些角度之一。 +Lee Martin's first-half strike gave United's second string a third Reserve derby win of the season over Manchester City on Monday evening.,周一晚上李。马丁上半场的进球帮助曼联取得了预备队的德比两连胜。 +Specify the connector information for events and actions.,为事件和操作指定连接器信息。 +Fellow villagers then began to understand Xiliu. She loved her children by tempering them in sufferings.,这时乡亲们才明白,细柳让孩子在磨难中锻炼,才是真正爱孩子。 +Add two spoons of sugar.,再加两满杯淘好的生米。 +The freshest and highest-quality fish oils should not taste fishy.,最新鲜和最高品质的鱼油不应该尝起来有腥味。 +"You were a Beta right? You backed off the Beta, okay.","你选过β对吗?,哦,你改变主意了" +I would give a really big party and say good-bye.,个大日子,我将会大肆请客一番来与你们道别。 +"We see a new opportunity for peace here in the Holy Land and for freedom across the region, "" said Mr. Bush.",我们在这片神圣的土地上看到新的和平以及整个中东地区实现自由的契机。 +Upline: Meet your sponsors by viewing their contact information here.,上线:透过此功能显示你的上线联系资料,而与他们取得联系。 +"Tissue, Total Protein, Human Fetal Normal, Diaphragm.",组织, 总蛋白, 人正常胚胎,横膈。 +"The gorgeous autumn flowers, in the beds round the house, were slumbering till morning.",屋前花坛中浓艳的秋花已如梦乡直要到明天。 +"Well, I could put atom one here.",好,我可以在这里放一个原子。 +"It is my crime, father, punish me.",全是我的罪孽,父皇,请惩罚我吧。 +"The exercise group maintained improvements in almost all measures, including LDL and HDL cholesterol, oxygen consumption (VO2max), blood pressure and glucose.",继续锻炼的一组几乎所有指标继续改善,这些指标包括:低密度脂蛋白和高密度脂蛋白胆固醇、耗氧量(VO2max),血压及葡萄糖。 +This script is straight out of America's pioneering roots: the conquest of the frontier.,这个脚本体现了美国拓荒者的根本:先驱者的征服。 +A correct evaluation of General Catalogue will be helpful in the study of Ji Yun's practice and theory in the study of documentation.,该书集中地体现了他的文献学思想。正确评价《四库全书总目》,有助于研究纪昀的文献学理论与实践活动。 +"Within collaboration applications, access compound documents composed of different document parts by different authors.",在协作应用程序中,访问各个部分由不同的作者编写的复合文档。 +The process comprises dehydrating a diol in the presence of a catalyst comprising cerium oxide supported on a carrier.,该方法包含在催化剂的存在 下使二醇脱水,该催化剂包含负载于载体上的氧化铈。 +"By the end of the"" Forever's First Day"", we realize that what appeared to have been a sunshiny love song perhaps is in fact a bittersweet imagination of a deluded lover.",在《永远的第一天》结束前,我们会发觉这首看似欢乐的歌,也许实际上是对一个虚假爱人的甘苦想象。 +"She trotted toward home, but stopped at the top of the hill.",她咬这鞋子朝家的方向跑并停在了山顶上。 +"The company cited its agreement with the school district, which gives Absolute's staff “the ability to view and recover any files that are present” on the school's computers.",该公司引用了其与校区签订的合同,合同中赋予了绝对软件的职员对学校的电脑进行“查看和找回任何现存的文件的权利”。 +"Indonesian officials said they had discovered debris and bodies from AirAsia flight QZ8501, which had vanished previously, floating in shallow seas near the south-west coast of Borneo.",印尼官员表示,已经发现在婆罗洲西南海岸周边的浅海中,漂浮着消失的亚航QZ8501航班的残骸与尸体。 +"Medical treatment: hemodialyzer, heart and lung, ultrasonic cleaning machines and other medical equipment.",医疗:人造肾脏、肺、声波清洗机及各种医疗设备。 +I couldn't have got to the meeting on time-unless I had caught an earlier train.,我不可能及时赶到会场,除非我赶上了较早一班火车。 +"At the Athens Paralympic Game, he arrogates to oneself a three metals silver copper, has started the dawn luck storm in the world sports world.",在雅典残奥会上,他一人独揽三金一银一铜,在世界体坛掀起了“晓福风暴”。 +They have to go step by step.,他们必须脚踏实地,一步步来。 +"A city of northeast Texas north-northwest of Dallas . It is a trade and agricultural center. Population, 66,270.",位于美国得克萨斯东北部达拉斯西北偏北的一座城市,是贸易和农业中心。人口66,270。 +"The sickening thud the gracelet hit the cabinet then a tinkling sound the two gracelet hit each other mixed , which latter deep grained in my memory.",先是镯子碰撞柜子的窒闷声,���着便是两只镯子相互碰撞的清脆声。于是,那两种声音杂糅子一起,深深地刻进了记忆。 +"The directional light needs to look at the object you wish to light, and needs to be double-sided.",方向灯需要指向你想要照亮的物体,并且需要勾选双面。 +"Happiness, as Nietzsche could have told you, only became a policy goal after the Enlightenment – when the US constitution laid down the right to pursue happiness.",尼采也许会告诉你,幸福自启蒙运动后才变为了一项政治目标——当时的美国将追求幸福的权利写进了宪法。 +"Days earlier, an undersea volcano had torn open the rock of the ocean bottom, 425 feet below the surface.",几天前,海面下的一座火山把水面下425英尺深处的洋底岩石撕裂开来。 +The paper describes the structure of the friction spun yarn and explains its application characteristics. The quality indexes and possible quality control measures are also discussed.,本文描述了这种预混料的结构,介绍了其应用特点,指出了作为预混料的包缠纱的质量指标及可能的质量控制手段。 +The Comforter shows us that which He has received of our LORD Jesus.,圣灵保惠师将受于耶稣的一切,告诉了我们。 +"Taking the Three Gorges Reservoir area (TGR) as a case, research the coordinated development of urbanization and industrial structure is the keystone of the paper.",以三峡库区为案例,研究库区城镇化与产业结构协调发展状况是本文的核心内容。 +"Based on this, the author of this paper for layer construction technology of high-rise building structure transfer paper.",基于此,本文作者针对高层建筑结构转换层施工技术的进行阐述。 +"Baidu did not specify how much money it wants to have as compensation, but if the details are correct this might cost register.com a lot of money.",百度并没有明确提出打算要多少钱作为赔偿,但如果透露出的这些细节属实,那么这会让register.com掏上一大笔钱。 +"Securities in the East China Sea, the former Luoyang securities companies.",东海证券,原洛阳证券公司。 +But there was little to hear aside from the trilling hum of insects and frogs.,但是除了昆虫和青蛙发出颤巍巍的嗡嗡声之外什么都听不到。 +"His father used to climb with British mountaineer Chris Bonnington, and his grandfather, a yak traderwho toured the world with Everest's first summiteer, Sir Edmund Hillary.",他父亲经常和英国登山家克里斯·伯宁顿(Chris Bonnington)一起登山,而他的祖父是位牦牛商人,曾和登上珠穆朗玛峰的第一人埃德蒙·希拉里爵士周游世界。 +The company now publishes about 500 titles.,这个《孤独星球》旅行系列丛书,现在已经出版了大约500个主题。 +Governments might find it easier to devise a system of compulsory insurance to pay for old people's nursing care than to tussle with a grieving family over the sale of granny's most valuable bequest.,政府或许会发现,比起在是否卖掉祖母的最有价值的遗产的问题上与那些悲痛的家庭作斗争,设计一个强制保险系统则是一个更简单的方案。 +"Last Incan emperor of Peru (525-533). He was captured by the Spaniards, convicted of plotting against Pizarro, and executed by garrote despite his agreement to a vast ransom.",秘鲁印加帝国末代皇帝(525-533年),他被西班牙人囚禁,认定他密谋反对皮萨罗,即使他同意支付大笔赎金仍被绞刑处死。 +Our company is in deep trouble. We're out of money and have to pay back the bank a five-million loan by Tuesday.,我们的公司陷入了困境,我们没有钱,但是周二还要偿还银行五百万元的贷款。 +The boy coiled the rope down on the upper deck.,男孩在甲板把绳索绕成一盘。 +He has strong interests in audiology study.,他对听力学有浓厚兴趣。 +"Yes, even though your own mind created the dream world, you go along with whatever is happening, even if you’re being chopped into little pieces by Freddy Krueger.",是的,虽然梦是你自己的意识创造的,但是梦里发生的一切都让你感到真实经历过一样,即使是你正被Freddy Krueger剁成肉浆。 +Micro-increments provide an extremely short feedback loop that drives adaptive decisions within each iteration.,微增量提供了一个非常的 短反馈回路 ,从而在每个迭代中驱动适当的决定。 +Soldiers win battles and generals get the credit.,士兵打胜仗,将军得荣誉。 +"First off, both people have to sit off to the side of the display, which can cause leaning, slouching, and twisting to get into a position to both see and type.",首先,两个人都并非正对显示器,而是偏向显示器的边缘,在敲打键盘或观察显示器时,将会引起相互倚靠、懒散及扭头等情况的发生。 +"All along I was just thinking the police is, you know, just framing some poor guy.",一直以来我只是认为警察,你知道,只是给某��可怜的家伙捏造罪名。 +SIBAS16 traction control unit (TCU) is one of the key equipments of the microcomputer control system of Line 1 Metro Shanghai.,SIBAS-16牵引控制单元(TCU)是上海地铁一号线微机控制系统中的关键设备。 +His witticisms souped up the talks.,他的俏皮话使会谈的气氛活跃起来了。 +"The influence of PY (hexamethylene tetraminea and resorcinol) on reinforcement between NR and silica was investigated through swelling method, determination of physical properties and aging test.",采用平衡溶胀法、力学性能以及老化性能,表征PY对白炭黑补强天然胶的影响。 +Etzioni sees the experience at Harvard as an eye-opening one and says there's much about business schools that he'd like to change.,埃奇奥尼把他在哈佛的经历看作是很有启发性的,还说在商学院里他想要改变的地方还有很多。 +"From then on, spintronics, a new branch which studies, utilizes and control the electron transport of spin polarization, has become the hotspot of science community.",从此之后,自旋电子学-一门以研究、利用和控制自旋极化的电子输运过程为核心的新兴学科,成为了科学界研究的热点。 +"Now people have realized the importance of the role of father in child's development, but people still don't put it in their behavior.",虽然现在人们对父亲角色的重要性有所体验和了解,但仍没有付之于行动。 +Romance is likely if you can bring yourself to go out with friends.,若是出去与朋友聚会,可能会有烂漫遭遇。 +"Children who see adults doing so, they also get to the small magpies and magpie eggs.",小孩子们看到大人这样做,他们也来掏小鹊和鹊蛋。 +The development of the remote sensing technology provided a new method to estimate land surface evapotranspiration for the large areas.,遥感技术的发展为大面积的陆面水分蒸散估算提供了一种新的手段。 +"They demanded that the state serve their specific interests. Groups of consumers, investors, and students, in particular, also rejected collective sacrifices and opted for instant gratification.",他们要求国家为各自的具体利益服务,特别是消费者组织、投资商和学生们也拒绝作出集体牺牲,而要求得到立即满足。 +Being strict with them is for the sake of their independence development.,严格要求他们,是为了他们独立发展。 +"Don""t worry , this is not easy to discolor.""",放心吧,这个不容易褪色。 +"""They're successful entrepreneurs, "" says Milton Pedraza, CEO of the Luxury Institute, a New York City-based research firm.",来自一家位于纽约研究公司奢侈学院的首席执行官Milton Pedraza说:“他们是成功的创业者。 +Among the attenders there were a senior economist to whom I said it seemed that the Chinese could not make a good pot during a decade.,当时在座的还有一位老资格的经济学家,我对他说,看来中国人十年之内再也做不出一口好锅了。 +"We want to buy Furniture, Furniture Fittings and Fixtures, Readymade Garments, Food Products, Garments.",我们要采购家具,家具配件和固定物,成衣,食物产品,衣服。 +"On this basis and by using correspondent fatigue criteria, fatigue life prediction of steel box girder of bridge was discussed.",利用标准日应力谱数据和相关疲劳规范,研究了杨浦大桥钢箱梁的疲劳寿命等问题。 +"The civil service is expected shortly to be awarded a huge pay rise, which will be swiftly embraced, along with tougher performance standards, which will be studiously ignored.",公共服务部门正期待着一次即将到来的大规模加薪,加薪将很快被执行,但与此相适应的更为严格的业绩标准,将被有意忽视。 +"For an executive whose concern has been piqued by a provocative point of view, funding the study is a small matter.",获得被挑起兴趣的高管的研究资金是小事一桩。 +"This is required, because the hash value is the address of the object and you need to maintain this if you move the object.",这是必需的,因为散列值是对象的地址,并且如果您移动该对象,则需要维护它。 +"""This fat, "" Tyler says, ""it has a lot of salt so the more water, the better.""","“ 这些脂肪”泰勒说,“里面盐分很多,所以水越多越好.”" +It constructs an integrated inventory model including one supplier and one retailer.,建构包含一个供应商和一个零售商的整合库存模型。 +"It is pointed out that the research of green coating should be directed to the development of high solid coating, non-solvent coating, powder coating, radiation curable coating and water-base coating.",介绍了世界涂料发展的趋势,指出绿色涂料的研究方向应该向高固体份涂料、溶液无溶剂涂料、粉末涂料及辐射固化涂料和水性涂料发展。 +"Government and enterprise should both fulfill their responsibilities, extend their abilities and make full use of FDI to promote the economy""s sustainable development in our province.""",新形势下湖南外商直接投资面临新的机遇和挑战,政府和企业只有各尽其责、各施其能,才能够充分利用外商直接投资,促进我省经济的可持续发展。 +Why is the Pine Island Glacier melting so quickly?,为什么松岛冰川融化得这么快呢? +"On the other hand, the silts in 1D structures create channels for energy transmission.",而在一维的结构中,单缝为导模共振提供了能量传输的通道。 +The intrusion detection model based on the population artificial immune is composed of discrete elements among which are no direct interactions.,基于群体人工免疫的入侵检测模型主要由一些离散的元素组成,这些元素之间没有直接的交互。 +"Because of the special engineering quality of loess, it is particularly outstanding that the prevention and drainage technology of highway in loess area.",由于黄土的特殊工程性质,黄土地区公路防排水与水毁防治的重要性显得尤为突出。 +"The great composer and pianist Felix Mendelssohn (1809-1847) was a welcome guest at their court, where he would accompany the Queen and the Prince when they sang.",伟大的作曲家和钢琴师菲利克斯·门德尔松(1809-1847)是宫廷中的常客,女王和王子唱歌时,他在伴奏。 +"Balance SheetA summary of a company's financial condition at a given point in time. Contains information on assets, liabilities, net worth, etc.",资产负债表一定时期公司财务状况的总的反映,包括资产、债务、净值等信息。 +"CSS is one of those places where it can take a lot to do a little, or take a little to do a lot.",CSS 是一个可以事半功倍或事倍功半的地方之一。 +"However, that doesn't necessarily mean that embryos at an earlier stage contain no algae.",然而这同样也不意味着在这个阶段之前的胚胎就不包含水藻。 +"As I set there filling my pipe, I suddenly heard a shout of sheer joy come from the other side of the wall.",我从大路把车赶到他花园外边是为了给一辆公共汽车让路。我坐在车上装烟斗时忽然听见院墙里面传来一声欣喜欲狂的欢呼。 +Then looked upon the Slaver's gold.,他看看奴隶贩子的金子。 +"So their preventive use is typically for short-term situations, such as for family members of someone who has the flu.",因此,它们一般只具有短期的预防作用,如在某位家庭成员感染流感的情况下。 +I'm so happy that you allow my son-your husband-to visit me on Mother's Day.,我很高兴你允许你的丈夫也就是我的儿子在母亲节的时候来看望我。 +"Analysts at JPMorgan Chase said they expect the just 1.5 percent growth in the July-September quarter, a full percentage point lower than their previous forecast.",摩根大通的分析师说,他们预计在七月至九月季度仅增长1.5%,比其先前的预测低了整整一个百分点。 +"Bitter vegetables such as bitter gourd with a weak bactericidal effect, especially on the likes of animal nutrition conditions inhibit pathogenic bacteria.",苦瓜等苦味的蔬菜具有微弱的杀菌作用,尤其对喜欢动物性营养的条件致病菌具有抑制作用。 +"Like so many other grouchy early morning, pre-coffee utterances I make, this one was ludicrously off-key.",往常一大早牢骚满腹,喝咖啡前总发表意见,这次看来话是走了板儿了。 +"Time and energy in limited circumstances, may wish to try out, that is entrusted to professional organizations for commercial system to plan, it also may be a viable option.",在时间和精力有限的情况下,不妨尝试外包,即委托专业机构制来作商业计划书,这也不失为一种可行的选择。 +"Also, it defines a year as 52 or 53 weeks.",它也定义了一年是 52 或者 53 个星期。 +The influences of different loads and different distance away from the hole-edge on the stress field were explored.,另外,通过施加不同的荷载,对孔边的应力场以及距孔边不同距离时的应力场的影响进行了研究。 +"“This is something that’s definitely going to affect a lot of people, ” McNaughton predicted.",“肯定有很多人将受此影响”,诺顿预测。 +"Oh, yes, Mr. Chou. We've been looking forward to this.",啊,周先生,我们一直在等着您来。 织梦好,好织梦。 +"If you put the electrode in just the right place, then when the electrode gets turned on, it stimulates the pleasure center in the rat's brain and it gets a little burst of pleasure, a pretty intense burst of pleasure.","只要把电极放对地方,然后启动电极,刺激老鼠大脑的快乐中枢,老鼠感受到一股快感,一股很强烈的快感。" +"The influences of sodium alginate, crosslinking agent(NMBA), initiator(KPS), neutralization degree of AA and copolymerization temperature on absorbency and biodegradability of the resin were studied.",研究了海藻酸钠、引发剂(KPS)和交联剂(NMBA)用量、丙烯酸中和度、聚合反应温度等因素对树脂吸水率的影响以及树脂的生物降解性能。 +"Try working part of your day in ""off-hour"" times, to get more done with fewer people around.",以大时为双位区分您的农做时光,用更长的己做更少的事情。 +Growing up at a distance – geographical and emotional – from her chilly father meant Katherine Burdett always doubted his feelings for her. Until his final few days …,"在距离和情感上远离冷漠的父亲成长, 意味着Katherine Burdett常常怀疑父亲对她的感情, 直到他弥留的那几天……" +"In chapter 4, the effects of the nozzle construction and the operating parameters to the self excitation before the cavitations actions have been discussed.",第四章讨论空化发生前,喷嘴结构参数及运行参数对激振效果的影响,提出自激喷嘴的数值优化理论。 +The problem is how to test it scientifically.,问题是我们怎样科学地检验它。 +An airplane alighted on the airdrome.,一架飞机在机场着陆。 +"Oh, Hold on the strap, The subway stops suddenly sometimes.",拉住抓环, 地铁有时候会突然刹车。 +The other health problem in Borzoi(and any deep-chested dog)is the occurrence of bloat and torsion.,另一个有关于猎狼(和任何胸深的犬种)的健康问题是胃涨气和胃扭转。 +"For this reason, Haier has to offer high-quality products with a five year warranty to convince the people about the high quality standard of their products.",也正是出于此原因,海尔必须提供拥有五年保修期的高品质产品,让人们相信他们是品质上乘的。 +"Let's advocate trueness for everything, harden ourselves with diligence, lay a successful foundation for tomorrow's exploitation.",让我们凡事尚真,用勤奋和刻苦磨砺自己,为开拓明天的成功而奠基。 +Then the rightmost root is located by using Newton-Raphson's scheme or Halley's accelerating scheme.,然后,最右边的位置使用根牛顿迭代的计划或哈雷的加速方案。 +"'Asian art is changing contemporary culture, ' Mr. Torrigiani said.",托里贾尼说:亚洲艺术正在重构当代艺术的版图。 +"This sounds like a basic eco-home, right?",听起来像是一间基本环保屋,是吧? +"Let your teen know that you trust him or her. But, if the trust gets broken he or she may enjoy fewer freedoms until the trust is rebuilt.",要有信任,让你十几岁的孩子知道你信任他,但是如果他辜负了你的信任,他的自由就要减少,直到你可以重新信任他。 +"The enthymeme is a sort of syllogism, and the consideration of syllogisms of all kinds, without distinction, is the business of dialectic, either of dialectic as a whole or of one of its branches.",推理论证是一种三段论,正如每一种辩证法都或多或少地在运用三段论。 +Finding the star that twinkles in your heart? For you alone are capable of making your brightest dreams come true.,找到在你内心闪耀的那颗星吧??虽然你独自一人,但也有能力实现你最辉煌的梦想。 +Harry met her eyes with a mixture of defiance and shame. He remembered the words that had been engraved over the gateway to Nurmengard: For the Greater Good.,哈利又倔强又羞愧地迎视着她的目光,想起刻在纽蒙迦德大门上的那句话:为了更伟大的利益。 +The non-thermal inactivating bacteria for liquid food in pulsed electric field (PEF) is studied in this paper.,研究了高压脉冲电场(PEF)对液体食品的非热杀菌效果。 +Francine Prose’s characters seem to live under the banner of that famous Rilke line: “You must change your life.”,“你必须要改变你的命运。” 弗朗西尼 普罗斯笔下的人物似乎都活在这句著名的标语下。 +Scrape into the beans with a rubber spatula.,用橡皮刮刀把它们刮进豆子中。 +Objective To discuss the clinical manifestation and diagnostic value of CT in tuberculosis pleuritis (TP).,目的探讨结核性胸膜炎的CT表现特征和诊断价值。 +But the New York Daily News has now reported that Lysacek has moved in with the iconic fashion designer.,但《纽约每日新闻》报道说,雷萨切克已经搬去和王薇薇同住。 +"If you do not have these products, see the Resources section for links to trial downloads.",如果您还没有这些产品,请参见 参考资料 一节并下载试用产品。 +The supporting system of SBI should be effective and cooperative.,创建有效的校本培训支持系统。 +"Building a solution on a new technology stack is difficult, but building an entire company around said technology takes it to a new level entirely.",在一个新的技术栈上构建解决方案是很困难的,但是围绕着所述技术来构建整个公司则是要把它完全提升到一个新的层面上。 +Too many suffer from the signature injuries of today's wars: Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and Traumatic Brain Injury. And too few receive the screening and treatment they need.,大量人员忍受着现代��争典型创伤的折磨:创伤后压力心理障碍症和创伤性脑损伤。但他们很少能得到应得的检查和治疗。 +Meteorology is the study of the atmosphere and how processes in the atmosphere determine Earth's weather and climate.,气象学主要研究地球大气,即大气活动如何决定地球的天气和气候。 +"As the debate plays out, confusion reigns in the markets as to the future direction of policy.",随着论战逐渐展开,围绕政策未来走向的困惑开始在市场上盛行。 +"Determined to take revenge, she invited Fan and the other four women on a road trip and drove off a cliff on the way.",她决心采取报复行动,于是邀请范某和其他情妇开车旅行并在中途将车驶下悬崖。 +"Of the 956 workers who died in coal-mining accidents in the U.S. in 1891, for example, more than two-thirds perished in the Keystone State.",以1981年为例,那一年全美共有856名工人死于煤矿事故,仅宾州煤矿就占了三分之二还多。 +"To the government’s consternation, some Chinese have been wondering aloud whether the country’s repressive politics might be at least partly to blame.",使政府惊愕的是,一些中国人正大声质疑中国的镇压手段,认为这些手段也至少应当受到指责。 +"It's a complaint echoed by Lou Lumenick in the New York Post, who begins his review by writing, ""Oh, what a tangled web does Spider-Man 3 weave.",同样的责难也出现在纽约邮报卢·拉姆尼克的评论中,他在开篇就写:“哦,《蜘蛛侠3》编织的这张网那是相当乱哪! +In this style Quan Jin has changed the past and has made a positive contribution to the unusual.,在这文风的转变中权近作出了非同一般的积极贡献。 +"You know, it was the very first time that I left my hometown, my parents, my best friends, so I suffered a lot from the severe homesickness.",因为这是我有生以来第一次离开家乡、父母、好朋友,所以我特别想家。 +"They think you might be a cook. But you know what I think, Linguini ?",他们认为你可以当厨师可是你知道我是怎么想的吗? +"He is trying to introduce new tactics, and new faces, but a 4-3 defeat at Palermo at the weekend was followed by a shocking 1-0 home defeat in the San Siro on Wednesday.",他正在尝试引入新阵型和新面孔,但却在周末的联赛被巴勒莫4比3击败而且周中的欧冠也在主场令人惊讶的0比1落败。 +"When love beckons to you, follow him, Though his ways are hard and steep.",当爱呼唤你时,紧随它,虽然它的道路艰险崎岖。 +"It is probable that if Gaetano had related this previous to proposing the expedition, Franz would have hesitated, but now that they had started, he thought it would be cowardly to draw back.",要是盖太诺在提议去岛上行猎以前讲了这番话,弗兰兹在接受他的建议时大概会犹豫一下,但是他们现在已经出发了,他认为后退就是示弱。 +"In 1987, a team from the National Geographic Society drilled a hole through one of the limestone blocks sealing the chamber from above, and inserted a video camera.",1987年,国家地理协会的一组工作人员来在地下室封口的一块石灰石上钻孔,安装了一个录像机。 +"We're lucky to get a week of testing, total, let alone a week just for longevity testing.",别说单独用一周时间来进行存活期测试,总共能有一周的测试时间就不错了。 +"We are main in iron - on salver, tray , glass products and more than 400 kinds of products. There are 200 kinds of teppanyaki or so, and many super trays made by rosewood, oak.",主导产品以铁板烧、托盘、玻璃制品等400多个品种,就铁板烧产品种类就有近200余种,并推出了以红木、橡木等高档底托。 +The Word Procesor has finished searching the document.,字处理器已完成了对文档的搜索。 +"Hong Kong contemporary art is not just unfamiliar to outsiders, it is also a side show somewhat overlooked at home.",香港当代艺术尚未广为外人所知,考实于本地亦非热门的文化主流。 +This paper introduced the characteristic of aircraft pipeline refueling system and set up a one waiting line multiple-server queuing model.,介绍了飞机管道加油系统的特点,应用排队论建立了加油过程的单队多列排队模型。 +From that you can picture what an explosion of Chinese bloggers there was during 2003-2007.,由此一数字你可以看出从2003年到2007年中国博客的数量是呈现了何等惊人的增长。 +"Once those baby kissers get in office, they spend, spend, spend.",这些政客一旦当政,就大把大把地花钱,大肆挥霍。 +"This subject, research of blowout-forecasting and intelligent control, stems from the item ""Application Technology Research and Development of Sichuan Science and Technology Agency"".",本课题源于四川省科技厅应用技术研究与开发项目——“井喷预测及智能控制研究”。 +"This paper also gives the computational results about sound pressure distribution in the whole ship and the typical cabins, which can provide measures for acoustics design and noise control in FPSO.",数值计算了全船与典型舱室声压分布,为FPSO声学设计和噪声控制提供依据。 +Plan all their departments within one screen.,在一个界面内规划所有部门。 +"Ahead of his arrival, Mr. Biden and other U.S. officials sought to reassure China that Washington can right its fiscal ship.",拜登在抵达中国前曾和其他美国官员试图安抚中国说,华盛顿可以拨正美国的财政航船。 +Nina murmured an excuse and hurried away.,尼娜含糊地找了个借口就赶紧走开了。 +"The School of Management of Xi'an Jiaotong University (XJTU-SOM), founded in 1928 and then reorganized in 1984, is one of China's first management schools.",西安交通大学管理学院(XJTU-SOM)创建于1928年,并于1984年重组,是中国最早开展管理学教育的学院之一。 +"To reach that sales target, they said GM will most likely need to build another plant over the next few years.",他们说,为了达到这一销售目标,通用汽车很可能需要在今后几年内再建一座工厂。 +"Familiar with maintenance of machines, preferred for the rubber industry (calander, coating machine).",熟悉机器的维护,熟悉橡胶工业方面机器的维护者优先。 +"In this paper, the research advances of copper resistant mechanisms of bacteria are reviewed.",一些细菌,如丁香假单胞菌、大肠杆菌、肠球菌存在铜抗性机制。 +"Children nutrition policy had been developed into three stages, such as intersectional nutrition planning in early time, nutrition isolationism and strategic goals oriented nutrition activities.",儿童营养政策经历了早期跨部门营养计划、“营养孤立主义”和以战略目标为导向的营养行动三个时期。 +"But if Rube Goldberg machines and video poetry aren't quite your cup of tea, how about this.",但是如果你对鲁布·戈德堡机器或视频诗没兴趣看看这个怎样?。 +What do you see as the future use of psychedelics?,你怎么看迷幻药使用的前途? +"Love you very worthwhile, but it stopped!",爱伱很值得,祉罒该停叻! +"Nevertheless, Washington had to be persuaded to attend the convention and then to accept the presidency.",即使如此,华盛顿还是在劝说下才同意参加这次会议,经劝说才同意担任总统。 +There was nothing that could ease the anxiety of clients and trading partners worried about what would happen if their money got locked up in a failing company.,如果自己的钱与一家坠落中的公司绑定在一起,那么客户与交易伙伴们必然十分担心事态的发展,而此时也没有任何东西能够安抚他们的焦虑心情。 +These regulations are elastic.,这些规定是有弹性的。 +WSIF allows Web services to be invoked in two ways.,WSIF 允许 Web 服务以两种方式调用。 +Results The acute toxic test results show that the Shuerkang oral liquid hasn't toxic reaction for rats.,结果急性毒性实验结果表明,大剂量术尔康口服液对大鼠无毒性反应。 +I need to answer a phone call.,我得去回一个电话。 +A:Not so good as before.I can't eat much.,不如以前好.我吃不多. +The species responsible for this image a local monarch of the saguaro [ pictured ] of southern Arizona.,正是仙人掌界的主宰树形仙人掌,造成了人们的这种印象。图为南亚利桑那州的树形仙人掌。 +"The hortation and assist policy and its operation also have some problems, such as separating person and registered permanent residence, adopting, remarrying and so on.",奖扶政策及其实施中也存在一些问题,如人户分离问题、抱养子女问题、再婚家庭问题等。 +"Even after he was arrested, he was calm .",甚至在被捕后,他还是那样镇静自若。 +Andy: The boss is being unreasonable!,安迪:老板太不讲理了! +Objective To evaluate the surface anesthetic effect of compound lidocaine cream-coated laryngeal mask airway(LMA) in patients undergoing laparoscopic cholecystectomy(LC) and general anesthesia.,目的观察复方利多卡因在喉罩全麻腹腔镜胆囊切除术中抑制咽反射和术后咽喉痛的效果。 +"He says, ""Call on me in times of trouble. I will rescue you, and you will honor me.""",他说:「要在患难日求告我;我必搭救你,你也要荣耀我。」 +"The finals will eventually produce a ""journey"", ""best in the world"" with ""journey"" as ""the best in the world, "" the ad hoc special incentives.",此次总决赛将最终产生《征途》“天下第一”,拥有《征途》为“天下第一”特设的独特奖励。 +ClearQuest MultiSite enables the replication and synchronization of schema repositories and user databases across multiple locations.,ClearQuest MultiSite 可使跨多个地点的方案资料库和用户数据库可复制并保持同步。 +The marching units were allowed to break step after they had passed the reviewing stand.,游行队伍通过检阅台后就允许便步走了。 +"""SoI promised God not to express slang, cuss words and everything, "" said Duterte -- who recently questioned the existence of God -- adding that a ""promise to God is a promise to the Filipino people.",“所以我对上帝承诺说,所有以前那些俗语、粗话等等等等我再也不说了。” 被问及“上帝显灵”的时候杜特尔特如是说,并补充说“对上帝的承诺就是对菲律宾人民的承诺。” +"After more than ten years of development, Guangzhou real estate agency has developed into a sizable industry, but the theoretical research of real estate agency lags behind relatively.",经过十多年的发展,广州房地产中介代理业已颇具规模,有关中介代理的理论研究却相对滞后。 +"Despite all these virtues he did not have that personal magnetism, that animal force, so necessary for a leader of men, and he too was not expected to inherit the family business.",尽管有这些优点,他却缺少那种作为领袖的人必不可少的魅力和感人的活力,因此他也没有继承父业的希望。 +"The sight and sound of screamingtraders with fear in their eyes are enough to fill you with fright, whether you are conscious of it or not.",耳闻目睹眼中满是恐惧的交易员惨叫连连的情形足以让你饱受惊吓,不管你有没有意识到这一点。 +You offer him or her your presence.,你为他或她奉献你的存在。 +"His superior, a young woman summoned him and his colleagues to have a meeting.",他的上级,一个年轻姑娘召集他和他的同事开会。 +"The invention describes new chiral stationary phases containing a 4-amino-3,5-dinitrobenzoic unit modified with chiral groups and spacer groups.",本发明介绍了新的手性包含4 -氨基- 3 ,5 -硝基单位与手性团体和间隔团体修改固定相。 +Apply the same precautions against sloppy handling when refueling outdoor power equipment such as lawnmowers and outboard motors.,当给户外动力装置,如:割草机和舷外机,加油时也要给以同样的关注,以免失手。 +"These things make a careless eye in the past, she did not want to let the rich know too much.",这些事蒹葭打了个马虎眼就过去了,她不想让富贵知道得太多。 +The second N in CONGRATULATIONS had smudged.,“祝贺”的第二个字母N变污了。 +"Now she's got her friend's controlling shares in Lightfoot Industries - an inheritance that brings Nick, the family's prodigal and supremely attractive son, knocking at her door.",现在她做了莱特富特产业在她朋友的控股-继承带来尼克说,家庭的浪子和超级吸引力的儿子,她敲门。 +Every country has cops. Cops have authority.,每个国家都有警察,警察有权威。 +"Objective To investigate the adverse drug reaction (ADR) induced by antineoplastics, and provide bases for deep ADR monitoring.",目的了解抗肿瘤药物引起的不良反应,为深入开展药品不良反应监测工作提供依据。 +These results indicate that F_actin is in the nuclei and forms network structures in the nuclei of garlic cells.,对照实验结果进一步表明,F肌动蛋白存在于大蒜细胞核中并以F肌动蛋白纤束形成三维网络结构。 +"Do you see her?Don't commit tomfoolery, this how possibility?",你见到她?别胡闹了,这怎么可能? +"This part introduces the historical origin of the engendering of ""Dangchang"", ""Xianchang"" mostly and introduces the development clew of Buddha-nature in India and China Buddhism history briefly.",这一部分主要介绍“当常”、“现常”问题产生的历史渊源,简略说明印度和中国佛学史上佛性论问题的发展线索。 +"Lasting change was found in the part of the personality known as openness, which includes traits related to imagination, aesthetics, feelings, abstract ideas and broad-mindedness.",根据英语翻译公司发现,他们性格“开放”的那一部门发生了持续的变化,特称表现在包括想象力、美感、情感、抽象概念以及广阔的襟怀胸襟上。 +"It also creates a stochastic dynamic model about fluctuant risk preference in asset allocation, which extends the model of R.",并给出一个资产管理中关于波动风险偏好的随机动态模型,推广了R 。 +"A new timetable will be announced within the next few weeks for the project, which is already two years behind schedule.",一个新的进度表将在接下来的几周内公布,这个项目与预期进度相比已经落后两年时间。 +This paper reviews the recent progress of membrane materials and membrane-forming technologies in the pervaporation separation of organic solvent mixtures in the world.,本文综述了近年来国内外有机溶剂混合物渗透汽化分离膜材料及成膜技术的最新研究进展。 +We hit Florida's Redland region to pick up a pair of collectible cars (Mom wound up loaning them to the makers of Miami Vice).,我们还在佛罗里达的雷德兰区域找到了一对藏品汽车(妈妈兴奋���将其借给了迈阿密风云的制作人)。 +"And then, at the bottom, you would find, in the tiniest possible print, “in the hand of Edith Wilson.”",在文档底部,你能找到能打印出来的最小的字,“出自伊迪丝·威尔逊之手。” +Boot files.,引导文件。 +"From former U. S. President George H. W. Bush to the new Speaker of the House John Boehner, many people say men's tears may have a very different effect on women.",从美国前总统乔治·布什到众议院新发言人约翰·伯纳,许多人都认为男性的眼泪对于女性来说有着非常不同的意义和影响。 +"If you lead your life theright way, the karma will take care of itself. The dreams will come to you.",一个引领生活的人真诚的告诉我们他是如何帮助别人实现梦想的; +I think wiser heads will prevail and realize she cannot do it.,我认为有头脑的人将领悟到她赢不了﹐这些聪明人将压倒主战派。 +"One doesn""t have to look far to realize the direct correlation between smoking and cancer .",人们不用花费很大力气就能发现抽烟和癌症之间的直接联系。 +The effect of hydroxyethyl methylcellulose and other polymer dry powder modified EPS mortar has been studied.,研究羟乙基甲基纤维素等聚合物干粉改性EPS砂浆的效果; +"The separated ash is moved to washing facilities of the ashremoval system, and then into pulp tank which serves at the same time as hydroseal against excess pressure in the UTT-3000 retort.",分离出来的灰移往除尘系统的清洗装置,之后进入矿浆池,同时矿浆池也起到了液压密封的作用,用来防止UTT-3000干馏炉压力过大。 +May I use my credit card?,我能使用信誉卡吗? +Former Acting Mayor of Shijiazhuang Municipality Ai Wenli was elected as Mayor. (2009.01.20),原石家庄市代市长艾文礼当选为市长。 (2009.01.20) +"The exact location of the electrical filters will be determined during construction of the RF shield and coordinated with the architect, MRI equipment manufacturer, and electrical contractor.",滤波器的实际安装位置在土建阶段就必须由建筑方、MRI设备提供方以及供电系统承包方共同确定。 +"To improve the compatibility and mechanical properties of PET/PE, by reactive or non-reactive compatibilizers are introduced. The recent studies and applications of PET/PE blend are reviewed.",通过添加增容剂提高PET、 PE 相容性,提高PET/PE 共混物性能。综述了不同结构的共聚物通过非反应性和反应性增容的PET/PE共混合金的研究现状及应用前景。 +"The postal code of Sljeme, Zagreb, Zagreba ka, Croatia is 10000.",克罗地亚, 萨格勒布县 Zagreb Sljeme 的邮政编码是 10000 。 +"As parents tend to pass on genes that determine looks, this could result in handsome men becoming rather thin on the ground .",由于父母通常会将决定相貌的基因遗传给孩子,这可能会造成英俊的男人数量越来越稀少。 +他们偷偷塞进一名运动员冒名顶替参加比赛。,They rang in a player in the game under a false name. +Two new studies this spring from the United Kingdom suggest that obesity plus drinking measurably increases the risk of liver disease in men and women.,英国两项最新研究结果表明,肥胖和酗酒会极大增加人们患肝病的风险。 +"Although the Libyan government, a 7 high-level delegation has arrived in Cairo, but eventually failed to be allowed to attend the meeting.",虽然利比亚政府的一个7人高级代表团已抵达开罗,但最终未能被允许与会。 +"With his ti leaf lei and a boar’s tusk necklace, he looked like he’d stepped off the pages of National Geographic magazine.",戴著他的泰叶花和野猪牙项链,他看起就像是从《国家地理》上走下来的似的。 +"In this paper, we use integrate and fire model as the researching object to studying why and when suprathreshold stochastic resonance appears.",本文选取了一个经典的神经模型——积分发放模型作为研究对象,简要的分析了阈值上随机共振发生的机理和条件。 +The world-famous Bolshoi Theatre has reopened in Moscow following a costly six-year restoration project to recapture the magnificence of the venue in Tsarist times.,经过六年的巨资重建,莫斯科大彼得罗夫大剧院恢复沙俄时代的富丽堂皇,重新开张。 +China is going to assist Tanzania in building the agricultural demo center and anti-malaria demo center and discuss the cooperation with Tanzania in the production anti-malaria drugs.,中方准备在坦援建农业示范中心和抗疟示范中心,探讨与坦合作生产抗疟药品。 +"I'm interested in the temporal clause ""and now.""",我对这里用的现在时“此刻“很感兴趣“ +"Temperature difference from top to bottom in preheating zone of tunnel kiln is the biggest obstacle for rapid firing, energy saving.",隧道窑预热带内上下温差过大是实现快速烧成、节能降耗的最大障碍。 +She knelt in spirit to her uncle.,她的心灵跪倒在姨夫面前。 +"He was supposed to go back to Seattle and stay in a cast for six weeks, but after three weeks he showed up with the cast off, his leg black and blue, and went water-skiing again.",为此盖茨应该回到西雅图修养六周,然而三个星期后盖茨再次出现在艾伦面前,没了石膏,腿仍是青一块紫一块的,却又跑去滑水了。 +"After that I started to play on the streets when I was 3-4-5, everywhere, every second I had, I was just being busy with the ball, I loved it.",在这之后我3~5岁的时候开始踢街球,不论任何时间地点,只要可能我都会踢,我整日和球搅在一起,我爱足球。 +NPR's Michele Kelemen reports the UN's top human rights official is urging the international community to do much more to halt the violence against Syrian civilians.,据NPR新闻的米歇尔·凯莱门报道,联合国人权高级专员敦促国际社会采取更多措施,停止对叙利亚平民施加的暴力行为。 +Expounded the characteristic of the building cyclostyle base paper and produce the craft technique.,主要介绍了建筑模板原纸的特性及生产工艺技术。 +"It describes operation status about condensers of suction unit belonging to the first phase of thermal power plant, analyses causes of low vacuum, and proposes solution.",对中铝公司山西分公司热电分厂一期抽汽式机组凝汽器的运行现状作出说明,并针对真空低的原因作出分析,进而提出解决的办法。 +"By tradition, there are always seven Sworn Brothers of the Kingsguard.",依照传统,御林铁卫共有七名。 +"To the people of poor nations, we pledge to work alongside you to make your farms flourish and let clean waters flow;to nourish starved bodies and feed hungry minds.",对于贫困国家的人们,我们承诺将与你们一起工作,让你们的农场繁荣,让清洁的水源流淌,让饥寒交迫的身心得到滋养。 +Dynamic Graph Watermark (DGW) is one of the best dynamic software watermarks. The idea of DGW is encoding the watermark into topology graph in order to be immune to semantics preserving attack.,动态图软件水印技术是目前最好的动态软件水印技术之一,核心思想是将水印信息编码成拓扑图结构,从而使对拓扑图进行变换的保持语义攻击难以实现。 +Chapter three summarizes Gaogouli custom's influence on adjacent regions and later ages;,第三章总结了高句丽民俗对周边政权及后世的影响。 +"In addition, teachers should take different teaching and stratified teaching to them according to their psychological and learning characteristics.",根据学困生的心理及学习特点,实施区别教学与分层教学可取得较好的效果。 +"Sediment facies reveal the sediment environment of the interest interval, the origin and distribution rule of the reservoir.",沉积相揭示了目的层段的沉积环境、储集岩成因及其分布规律。 +Female workers in China are expected to enjoy longer maternity leave from work - before and after childbirth.,中国的女职工有可能会享受到更长的产假。 +Sandy gave this card to me yesterday.,桑迪昨天把这张贺卡给了我。 +The synthesis and application of the P-N intumescent flame retardant in the world in recent year have been summarized in this paper.,就近年来国内外P-N型膨胀阻燃剂的合成及应用进展情况作简要综述。 +Story after a Story: Any Bridge over Troubled Water?,故事后的故事:浑水处有桥吗?。 +"In this paper, based on the theories of optimal control and pole assignment, a design method for suboptimal robust regulators which have low sensitivity and good dynamical characteristics is proposed.",本文基于最优控制和极点配置理论,提出一种灵敏度低、动特性好的次最优鲁棒调节器设计法。 +"This year, the W.H.O. reports more than 1,200 cases of polio globally, more than half of these are in Nigeria.",世界卫生组织报告说,今年,全世界发生了1200多例小儿麻痹症,其中半数以上发生在尼日利亚。 +"This volume stands as the proof of this assertion, and we now turn to a survey of its contents.",该文集即是这种主张的证明,我们现在来看一下该文集的内容吧。 +"Then there is Inspire, the online magazine published by Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula and aimed at aspiring jihadists in the West.",还有《灵感》——由阿拉伯半岛基地组织发布的连线杂志,主要针对西方猖狂的圣战分子。 +I am waiting for your sweet tongue between my wet soft lips!,我在等你我之间湿软的嘴唇舌头甜! +"The boat was old, but almost everything in the town was old.",船只非常旧,不过几乎这镇上的每一样东西都很旧。 +"Wearing high-top tennis shoes may also help prevent ankle sprains if your shoes are laced snugly and if you also tape your ankle with a wide, nonelastic adhesive tape.",穿高帮网球鞋的时候鞋带绑得舒适,或者使用宽的、非弹性的粘性胶带绑住脚踝,也会有助于防止脚踝扭伤。 +"Sometimes, the athletes do not have a choice.",有时侯,运动员会没有一个选择。 +"Your parents can tell you whether something you've heard about sex is fact or fiction, and they can offer you advice about sex, but they're not mind readers.",你的父母可以告诉你一些有关性的真相,也可以在这方面给你建议,但他们没有读心术。 +"Still, crowds are impressed by the Raptor's raw power, acceleration, and thrust-vectoring capabilities.",即便如此,观众们还是会对猛禽的强大动力,加速能力,还有推力矢量能力留下深刻的印象。 +"We have over 20 years experience of manufacturing FIBCs and specializes in supplying food, chemical and pharmaceutical raw material and intermediate packaging .",我公司有20余年的生产经验历史,特别是在食品、化工、医药行业的包装应用。 +"Here at CSO , we don't need any convincing.",这里服务员,我们不需要任何说服力。 +AARs help us keep open a steady dialogue about learning and improvement.,AAR活动能够帮助我们在不断学习和持续改进方面保持开放式的对话。 +Objective To investigate the effects of Lieshu capsule on experimental benign prostate hyperplasia(BPH)as well as its anti-inflammatory and bacteriostatic actions.,目的研究列舒胶囊对前列腺增生的影响,评价其利尿、抗炎和抑菌作用。 +"Trains, fork-lifts, monorails , space ships; they've got all the features that will appeal to youngsters.",火车、堆高机、单轨铁路、太空船,这些东西最具吸引小孩子的特色。 +The parties can alsocall in experts and character witnesses.,原被告双方也能传唤专家和品德证人。 +It's a no-excuse environment.,这种环境下,没什么借口好找。 +Protesters who stormed the BBC's offices in London were forcibly removed by police on Monday.,周一,袭击BBC伦敦总部的抗议者们最终被警方强制驱散。 +"Snake venom, cytotoxin and plant poisonous protein such as ricin all have the defence function.",蛇毒、胞毒素及植物毒蛋白质,如蓖麻蛋白等,均具有防御功能。 +"Those neighborhood clinics — usually just a few examining rooms, a small pharmacy and a parking lot — are as ubiquitous here as police stations and firehouses in the United States.",这些社区诊所通常就是几间问诊室、一个小药房和一个停车场。它们随处可见,就像美国的警察局和消防站一样。 +"In his academic career of more than 80 years, he has been devoted to building the folk literature and art with Chinese characteristic all the time.",在长达80余年的学艺生涯中,他一直致力于建设具有中国特色的民间文艺学。 +"Preparation method of 2,3,4-trimethoxybenzoic acid is introduced, which was synthesized from 2,3,4-trihydroxybenzoic acid by methylation, hydrolysis, acidification and purification.",研究以焦性没食子酸衍生物2,3,4-三羟基苯甲酸为原料经过甲基化、水解、酸化和精制成2,3,4-三甲氧基苯甲酸。 +"Typically, C/C++ source files (usually with a .cpp/.cxx extension) can be built without depending on each other.",通常,C/C++ 源文件(通常带有 .cpp/.cxx 扩展名)不需以对方为基础即可编译。 +"In total treatment time, the four groups through the course of medication, found that puerarin drug treatment group than other groups.",在总治疗时间方面,通过对四组用药的疗程分析,发现葛根素用药组疗程长于其他各组。 +"Prof. Xie has lectured curriculums such as Philology of Pre-qin, Subject of Research on Pre-qin History for graduate students and the Introduction of Chinese History for undergraduates.",已开设的研究生课程有“先秦文献学”、“先秦史研究专题”等,以及本科生课程“中国历史导论”。 +"In addition, Efort was also awarded as ""the best-selling domestic robot brand ""by Chinese robot network in both 2014 and 2015.",2015年公司连续获得中国机器人网“最畅销国内机器人品牌”奖。 +"What you’re really saying is “yeah, I think you’re beautiful but you’d be more beautiful with a breast enhancement and some lypo”.",你想对她说的是“是的,你很漂亮但最好做个隆胸及抽脂手术就会更漂亮”。 +"I dreamt about the sea, the coconut trees, me lying in the back room reading, munching on hakuru nuggets, little sweet jolts of palm sugar.",我梦见过大海、椰树、我躺在里屋看书以及用力嚼着用少量棕榈糖制成的方糖时的情景。 +"Here is study English version piece that Buddha educate the forum, Welcome the domestic and international decreeing by destiny the person here exchanges!",这里是佛陀教育论坛的学习英文版块,欢迎国内外有缘人在此交流! +"Mr Tsipras also said he had the ""belief and the hope that… the possibility of 'Grexit' is in the past"".",齐普拉斯总理也表示他对这次安排怀有有“信心与希望……‘希腊退出欧元区’的可能性已成为过去。” +"Positrons and electrons annihilated each other, emitting gamma rays detected by Fermi's gamma-ray burst detector, researchers said.",正电子和电子会相互湮灭而发射出的伽玛射线,再由费米的爆发检测器所检测到,研究人员说。 +But it's also a work whose political agenda is as insistent as a street corner pamphleteer.,但是同时,这本小说在政治上的意义就像街角小册子一般重要。 +"Holstein Dairy Catties with or without S441 marker in middle lactation each 9 head were selected from 58 catties, which all had similar milk yied and parity .",从58头奶牛中挑选出泌乳量和胎次相近的、分别有无S441标记的泌乳中期荷斯坦奶牛各9头。 +"In addition to bathing, saunas would have been used for chores requiring highheat, such as curing meats, and practices requiring sterile environments, suchas preparing to bury the dead.",除了洗澡,桑拿蒸汽还有其他用途,如加工肉类、制造无菌环境,以及逝者的埋葬。 +But both the solariums and the tattooist were shut.,不外,日光浴室和纹身馆都关门了。 +The propagation behaviour on surface short fatigue cracks of TC2 titanium alloy-weld was investigated according to the experiment.,对TC2 钛合金焊缝金属疲劳表面短裂纹扩展行为进行了实验研究,表明裂纹的扩展过程是多裂纹系统的演化过程。 +The coat was well cut and well made.,这件大衣剪裁得好也做得好。 +"We saw Wang Cheng just now, so he can't have changed his hairstyle in such a short time.",我们刚刚见过王成,因此他不可能在这么短的时间内换发型。 +"Glass, rubber and stell plate have been used for wear-resistant bottom liner in this experiment.",用玻璃、橡胶及钢板三种材料作为管道防磨蚀腐衬实验。 +"""I think, "" she said, ""I should like Henry to hear what you have told me.""",“我想,”她说道,“我要让亨利听一听你对我讲的情况。” +Do not bug your boss.,不要激努你的老板。 +"To answer this question let us look in more detail at Lean, Six Sigma and the combination of both, Lean Sigma.",要回答上述问题,我们必须先回顾一下精益管理、六西格玛管理以及两者的结合——精益西格玛。 +Modifying text.c for command-line usefulness,修改 text.c 使命令行有用 +On the west will be the divisions of the camp of Ephraim under their standard. The leader of the people of Ephraim is Elishama son of Ammihud.,"在西边,按着军队是以法莲营的麾.亚米忽的儿子以利沙玛作为法莲人的首领." +There were hundreds of the old stone huts on the moor.,沼地上有成百上千的古老的石屋。 +"GMT, January 27, 2010 DGI 2010 - LONDON | VisionMap Ltd. today announced the commercial release of a Reconnaissance and Mapping System for Tactical UAVs (MIST).",VisionMap公司今天推出一种用于战术无人机的新型侦察绘图系统(MIST)。 +"In order to generate 3-dimensional stratum, a stratum data model of tri-prism based on borehole data is first presented, which is applicable to geological engineering and geotechnical engineering.",为了建立三维数字地层,采用钻孔信息构建三棱柱,以适合工程地质和岩土工程特点。 +"As you have already realized, electronic pocket translation machines have become very popular here in…",如您所知,口袋型电子 传 机如今在市场上已相当普遍。 +"But it is all for naught if you do nothave a deep, heartfelt belief in your topic.",但是如果您对自己的话题没有深刻的、发自内心深处的自信,那么一切将化为乌有。 +"Q: Leaders of North and South Sudan reportedly held talks in Addis Ababa, which produced positive outcomes. Both sides agreed to withdraw troops from the Abyei region before July 9.",问:据报道,苏丹北南双方领导人日前在亚的斯亚贝巴举行会谈并取得积极进展,双方同意在7月9日前将军队撤出阿布耶伊地区。 +“Cherish stone as if it were gold” is a common declaration among collectors who prize interesting stones.,“珍爱石头就好像它是黄金一样”在喜爱石头的藏家中是句流行语。 +"So, alas, would a more nuanced view on public-service reform, since much of the party never signed up to the Blairite agenda.",所以,诶,工党对公共服务改革的看法会不会变得更加深入细致呢,毕竟党内大部分人对布莱尔议案(公共服务改革计划)不感冒。 +"Based on the idea of visual interactive control, a novel drive and test system for Time-delay Integration (TDI) IRCCD is presented.",基于可视化交互式控制思想,本文提出了一种新的针对延时积分IRCCD的驱动与测试系统方案。 +"Possible, sometimes, a strong and vainglorious player may wish to give points, in order that his victory may be the more notable. But I do not think that even this is the true explanation.",有时,也许实力雄厚而又不乏虚荣的玩家为了胜局的格外眩目愿意让分,但我认���问题的症结并不在此。 +"Look, whatever happens, we're here for you, and we love you.",无论发生什么事,我们都跟你在一起,我们爱你。 +B: The left-hand side. It’s on a corner.,在左手边的拐角上。 +It would help if you begin to purify your mind by practising the 'Five Training Steps'.,倘若您开始实行‘五训练’净化心灵将有助于您成为明君。 +"The idiom, has mainly analyzed the Western Han Dynasty idiom mode of formation and the grammar structure, the grammar structure based on the joint type primarily.",关于成语,主要分析了西汉成语的形成方式和语法结构,在语法结构上以联合式为主。 +Valuable prerelease feedback from the client,从客户那里获得有价值的反馈 +"Chinese ivy is typical electronegative plant, in the environment that can grow in complete illumination, grow below warm and wet climate condition good, not cold-resistant.",常春藤是典型的阴性植物,能生长在全光照的环境中,在暖和湿润的气候条件下生长良好,不耐寒。 +Our seven-year-olds do not hear guns and do not have to run.,我们的七岁儿童不会听到枪声,也不必逃亡。 +All this may be part of the reason the Warriors havemanaged to retain similar field goal attempts and points per game for theirfour stars.,所有的这一切,或许就是勇士能够为其四个明星球员,在每场比赛中保持相似的出手次数以及分数的部分原因。 +The WPG-315 is housed in steel cases suitable for mounting in professional flight cases.,在大联大- 315是住在钢铁个案专业适合飞行病例激增。 +"Much more could be accomplished if all Bangladeshis could unite for the common purpose of helping the poorest people of this country,"" he said.",只要孟加拉人民团结起来,为了帮助这个国家的最贫困人民的共同目标,就可以取得更多的成就”。 +"If a affective legacy is wonderful enough to continuator, he would have a everlasting spring. Then we should show our sensation.",然而,如果一份情感的遗产,足以让继承它的人恒久地享有春天,那么,我们不更应该奉上自己的感动吗? +"When a nuclear accident occurs, to avoid the danger zone.",当核事故发生时,要避免进入危险区。 +"Prometheus drifts against the stars, nearing the surprisingly Earth-like Pandora.",普罗米修斯号向一颗星球飞去,接近了与地球惊人地相似的潘多拉。 +A method for computing the water departure based on the CAFEC(Climatically Appropriate for Existing Condition) precipitation is introduced.,介绍了一种以气候适宜降水量为基础的水分距平的计算方法。 +He also said Poland would contribute to promoting relations between China and the European Union.,斯方致力于推动欧盟和中国关系发展,也希望同中方就加强联合国作用等国际事务进一步开展磋商和合作。 +"Along with the State-owned Snterprises (SOEs )Market-exit, the government not only released the labor forces, but caused the problem of institutional employment-mobility.",与国有企业民营化相伴,政府实现了国有企业的就业释放,但也引发了制度性就业迁移问题。 +"A ""Kiliki"" tries to calm down a frightened boy during San Fermin Festival's ""Comparsa de gigantes y cabezudos"" (Parade of the giants and the big heads) in Pamplona, on July 8, 2011.",2011年7月8日,在潘普拉纳的圣佛明奔牛节“巨人和大头游行”期间,一个Kiliki表演者试图使一个受惊的男孩平静下来。 +He had major burns over the lower half of his body and was taken to a nearby county hospital.,小男孩下半身伤势严重,被送到附近的县医院抢救。 +To subject China-US relations to the interference of the US domestic elements will bring nothing but harm.,无谓地使中美关系受到美国内政因素的干扰,只能是有害无益。 +"Visual communication, perhaps even more so than verbal communication, is a nuanced language.",视觉传达,是一门很微妙的语言,甚至超过了文字语言。 +This new algorithm can detect and repair cycle slips after loss of lock within 3 seconds so as to avoid the effect of cycle slips on smooth pseudo distance of carrier phase.,检验证明该方法能够准确可靠地探测并修复失锁3秒以内的周跳,避免了周跳对载波相位平滑伪距的影响。 +"It causes learning issues and muscle weakness, but mostly it causes a sense of never being full or satisfied.",PWS会引发学习障碍和肌肉无力,而更常见的表现则是病人永远没有饱食感。 +Experimental results obtained on an IBM-PC speech processing system and a VAX-11/750 system are reported. It is shown that the performance of the distance proposed is good.,在一个IBM-PC机语音处理系统和一个VAX-11/750机语音处理系统上,做了大量孤立词识别实俭,证实了这种距离的可行性。 +"' Merci ', ' fab ' and even ' gracias ' were also listed as common phrases to use, as was 'much appreciated'.",fab以及gracias也是英国人常用的表达谢意的用语,much appreciated也是。 +"Formation damage can be minored by using CO2 foam fracturing fluid as it has low filtration, high flowback and good compatibility with formation fluids.",由于CO2泡沫压裂液具有滤失量低、返排能力强、与地层流体配伍性良好等优点,采用CO2泡沫压裂技术,可减小压裂液对地层的伤害。 +Come and kneel before Zod! Zod!,来跪在佐德面前吧! +"Strengthening semi-military management for navigation majors, it is a basic guarantee to fulfill education goal.",加强航海类专业半军事管理是实现航海类专业人才培养目标的基本保证。 +As an important index for measuring the women status-rights and life quality-reproductive health has been paid more attention to these years.,生育健康作为衡量妇女地位、权利以及生活质量的一个指标,越来越为人们所关注。 +"Ah Lord GOD! behold, thou hast made the heaven and the earth by thy great power and stretched out arm, and there is nothing too hard for thee",主耶和华阿,你曾用大能和伸出来的膀臂创造天地,在你没有难成的事。 +"Then, if at the end of a year crammed with work he has a litt1e spare leisure, his restless curiosity goes with him traveling up and down the vast territories of the United States.",于是,如果在充满工作的一年的岁尾年末尚有一点空闲时光,他的永不休止的好奇心会驱使他在美国的广阔版图上各处旅行。 +"""Today, I have the awesome responsibility of granting a presidential pardon to a pair of turkeys,"" Obama, standing with his two daughters in the White House Rose Garden, told a smiling audience.",赦免仪式在白宫玫瑰园举行。 奥巴马在两个女儿的陪伴下对面带微笑的观众们说:“今天,作为总统,我带着神圣的职责来赦免一对火鸡。 +"As well as scoring 3 goals at the last World Cup, Torres helped Spain to victory at Euro 2008 when scoring the winner in the final against Germany.",托雷斯在国家队的表现稳定而卓著,上届世界杯他独进3球,2008年欧锦赛决赛又是他攻破德国城池,力助西班牙登上欧洲之巅。 +Results 1. The actual compensated level(29.32%)in Midu was higher than average in China;,结果(1)实际补偿水平(29.32%)高于全国平均水平; +"On the eighth day, when it was time to circumcise him, he was named Jesus, the name the angel had given him before he had been conceived.",满了八天、就给孩子行割礼、与他起名叫耶稣、这就是没有成胎以前、天使所起的名。 +"With the effect of damping and longitudinal resonance concerned, an analyzing method for the dynamic stability of columnar structures is discussed and formulas for instability zone are derived.",本文推导了有阻尼与发生纵向共振时柱状结构的动力稳定计算公式。 +"I'm a freelance writer, you see. My boss is me.",我是个自由作家——你该明白了,我的老板——就是我。 +"Evacuee/refugee (2005) After Katrina, refugees became evacuees",撤离者/难民(2005)卡特琳娜飓风后,难民变成了撤离者。 +"Even if the grand majority of your clients to this point have not been in your target market, your portfolio should still focus on the types of work you want to land in the future.",即使你现在的大多数客户都不处于你的目标小众领域内,你的作品履历仍需将关注点放在那些你将来想要重点发展的作品类型。 +"The whole structure of the simulation and evaluation system is analyzed firstly, and then the request of recording data and key pre-processing are discussed.",首先分析了仿真与评估系统整体构成,然后讨论了数据录取的要求,以及数据预处理的关键环节。 +The author further establishes the tables giving multi-pivot formulas for 8~32 axle extra high capacity wagons.,作者进一步建立了8—32轴长大货物车的多导向公式表。 +Production and consumption of caprolactam at home and abroad are analyzed and forecast.,分析及预测了国内外己内酰胺的生产与消费; +Golems withstand even the harshest environments. This trait combined with their loyalty makes them excellent guardians for vaults and underground lairs.,傀儡们甚至能忍受最恶劣的环境。这一特性使得他们成为墓穴或地下城中忠诚而精干的卫士。 +It would be wrong to suggest that all people enjoyed the kind of lifestyle of Jane Austen's characters.,让所有的人按照简。奥斯丁书中人物的生活方式生活将是一个错误的决定。 +He halloed something to me as the train started.,火车起动的时候他朝着我喊了些什么,我却没能听见。 +0 of those spikes per second.,每秒钟40次尖峰脉冲。 +"To guarantee the overall effect and the rationality of the exhibition layout, the sponsors can make necessary adjustment to the exhibition stands.",为了保证展会布展的总体效果与合理性,主办单位可对展位进行必要的调整。 +The invention discloses a Leucosceptoside A and a preparation method and an application thereof.,本发明公开了一种米团花苷A及其制备方法与应用。 +Putin said he decided against any actions -- for now.,普京表示,目前他决定不采取任何行动。 +"Everyone a cup, I'll spring for it.",每人一杯,我来付账。 +"The film is thick, so cracking and peeling often occur after coating without ion assisted deposition on a vacuum-coating plant made in China.",由于膜层较厚,在国产无离子源的镀膜机上镀制时,经常出现膜裂现象。 +Baidu welcomes talents like you! So what kind of people we like?,百度欢迎你们这样的精英!,那么我们选材的标准是什么呢? +"Ten days ago, someone give Shi Guobao home placed a wreath.",十天前,有人给石国豹家门口放了花圈。 +"If you need to purchase a Chinese dictionary, please see the Academic Dean in the school office. Dictionaries are $14 each.",本校购买的一批中文字典已到达﹐ 凡有需要购买的家长﹐ 请到办公室与教务主任接洽。 每本字典十四元。 +"MingYu injury in order to escape ZhengHua attacks, thanks to jas shuttle MingYu driving home.",明瑜为了逃离正华的袭击而受伤,幸得资雅驾车接送明瑜回家。 +"When put the tube of washing hand tank into the special finestra of the urinal, the hand washing water can flow into the waste water automatically.",将洗手池的下水软管塞入本便池的专设孔,洗手后的污水即可直接流入污水箱内备存。 +The third part include the physics and chemistry of diagnostics.,本课程将介绍电浆诊断之物理与化学。 +"Accoording to the actual load-carrying capacity, this article has reseached how to reform balanced counterweight of the back Forklift, and has resolved these technical questions effectively.",本文研究了如何依照实际载重量进行叉车后部的平衡配重的改造方法,并有效地解决了这一问题。 +"General using masking adhesive tape, for metal, rubber, glass, porcelain, etc. More economy selection than 4317.",通用型遮蔽胶带,适用于金属,橡胶,玻璃,陶瓷等多种表面。比4317 更经济。 +The standard theory of bad moods is rooted in a psychological quirk known as ego depletion.,有关坏情绪的标准理论源于心理学上的“自我损耗”。 +Levie: Around calendar 2012-2013 we did make a number of new investments.,列维: 在2012年到2013年,我们的确做出了一批新的投资,用于国际扩张和组建现场销售团队等等。 +"It closed down 130.8 points to 5, 609.3.",最终报收于5609.3点,下跌130.8点。 +She hovered uncertainly near the front door.,她在前门口附近犹豫徬徨。 +"He was to remain active in the association, latterly as vice president, for the rest of his life.",他此后一生都活跃于协会中,后来还当上了副会长。 +"Chicken rice seed discovered the pond was preached is such girl na uzziah, the two greatest sincerity, communicate decease tokens.",鸡饭仔发现了池塘边被传是祸水的女孩娜乌,两人互生情愫,交流了定情信物。 +"Ada is going to use my inheritance for Richard, Richard was moved but are too late, Richard is out of the army.",艾达打算用自己继承遗产帮理查德还债,理查德很感动但是已经晚了,理查德被赶出军队。 +"China’s current five-year plan, from 2006 to 2010, already sets an efficiency target that the country may now be less likely to meet.",中国目前的五年计划(2006-2010)已经设定了一个能效目标,但现在看起来不太可能实现。 +"At the core of Slumdog Millionaire is the question: Have our lives already been written before us, or do we ultimately influence our destiny?",《贫民窟的百万富翁》的反映的核心问题是:我们的人生是否是前世注定的,或者我们能否最终影响自己的命运? +Polymeric multifunctional carboxylic acids as a kind of environmentally benign wet- strength agents were recognized. We got some delightful achievement on its research.,聚合性多官能羧酸(简称聚羧酸)作为环保型纸张湿强剂的研究已得到一定的重视,并取得了可喜的成绩。 +Prohibit removal and dismantling of covers to the ceiling or safety rails.,楼层屋盖上的盖板或防护栏杆不得随意挪动拆除。 +It reflects both the Washington Monument and the Lincoln Memorial.,华盛顿纪念碑和林肯纪念堂都倒影在反思池中。 +Says the Employment Non-Discrimination Act should be expanded to include sexual orientation and gender identity.,说应当扩展反就业歧视法使之包括性取向和性别身份。 +Objective To investigate the prognosis of penetration needling and kinesitherapy for treatment of peripheral facial neuritis and select acupuncture opportune moment.,目的:探讨针刺加运动患肌对周围性面神经炎的预后影响及针刺时机的选择。 +"LONDON (Reuters) - Greedy bankers are routinely blamed for the credit crisis but one British-based poll of -- well, financiers -- spreads the blame more widely.",路透伦敦6月30日电---贪婪的银行家通常被认为是信贷危机的始作俑者,但英国的一项调查显示,接受调查者把责任推到了更多的人身上。 +"To animate elements, right-click the appropriate animation item in the task pane and choose Effect Options.",要使某个对象有动画效果,在任务窗格中右键单击相应的动画项目,选择效果选项。 +She already had many dreams in her collectionAnd then she understood;she had always been a dream collector..,她已经有了许多梦想在她的收藏中。 于是她明白了;她已经成为了一个梦想收藏家。 +"This program has helped to extend high-yield and high-quality paddy rice species in the southeast coastal areas with high salt content, greatly improving regional rice yield per acre.",项目的实施拓宽了在含盐较高的东南沿海地区优质高产水稻种植品种,大幅度提高区域水稻单产。 +"Under pressure, women talk without thinking and men act without thinking.",在压力下,女人不假思索地说话,男人不假思索地行动。 +No reason to make a mosaic.,不会让一片花叶无端地。 +The bill will now have to be passed by the Upper House of parliament.,目前,这项法案还必须获得印度议会上院的通过。 +"The influences of thermal debinding temperature, time, different debinding methods and binder component on the carbon content of the brown parts have also been studied.",研究了热脱脂温度、时间、不同脱脂方式以及粘结剂组成对脱脂坯碳含量的影响。 +The man and woman are short and heigh .,这个男人,和这个女人都和瘦长。 +"That same old-fashioned car that I had seen earlier was parked up in the exact same spot, opposite the police station.",我之前看见的那辆老式轿车还停在原来的地方,也就是警察局对面。 +He had a cold and spoke with a slight snuffle.,他感冒了, 说话有点齉鼻儿。